Муниципальное автономное общеобразовательное учреждение «Образовательный комплекс «Лицей №3» Старооскольского городского округа 2017-2018гг. Контрольно-измерительные материалы для 2-11 классов (промежуточный контроль) Английский язык

Контрольно-измерительные материалы для 2-11 классов

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Муниципальное автономное общеобразовательное

учреждение «Образовательный комплекс «Лицей №3»

Старооскольского городского округа



материалы для 2-11 классов

(промежуточный контроль)

Английский язык

Промежуточный контроль по английскому языку

Пояснительная записка Промежуточный контроль по английскому языку для обучающихся 2-11 классов МАОУ

«Образовательный комплекс «Лицей №3» проводится на 2 неделе декабря.

Цель мониторинга - определить уровень языковой подготовки за I полугодие.

Время выполнения - 30-35 минут.

Тестирование осуществляется по двум вариантам.

Критерии оценивания: каждое правильно выполненное задание оценивается в один балл.

Структура: контрольная работа состоит из 2 частей: лексико-грамматический тест и

творческое задание по письму. Для составления контрольно-измерительных материалов

использовались следующие УМК:

2 класс:

- Вербицкая, М.В. Английский язык. 2 класс: учебник для учащихся общеобразовательных

учреждений: в 2ч.Ч.1/[М.В.Вербицкая, О.В.Оралова, Б. Эббс, Э. Уоррел, Э. Уорд]; под ред.

Проф. М.В.Вербицкой. – 2-е изд., дораб. – М.: Вентана-Граф: Pearson Education Limited, 2012.

– 80 с.: ил. – (Forward).

- Вербицкая, М.В. Английский язык: 2 класс: рабочая тетрадь для учащихся

общеобразовательных учреждений/ [М.В.Вербицкая, О.В.Оралова, Б. Эббс, Э. Уоррел, Э.

Уорд]; под ред. Проф. М.В.Вербицкой. – 2-е изд., дораб. – М.: Вентана-Граф: Pearson

Education Limited, 2011. – 104 с.: ил. –(Forward).

3 класс.

- Вербицкая, М.В. Английский язык: 3 класс: учебник для учащихся общеобразовательных

учреждений: в 2ч. Ч.1/[М.В.Вербицкая, О.В.Оралова, Б. Эббс, Э. Уоррел, Э. Уорд] ; под ред.

Проф. М.В.Вербицкой. – 2-е изд., дораб. – М.: Вентана-Граф: Pearson Education Limited, 2013.

– 96 с.: ил. – (Forward).

- Вербицкая, М.В. Английский язык: 3 класс: рабочая тетрадь для учащихся

общеобразовательных учреждений/ [М.В.Вербицкая, О.В.Оралова, Б. Эббс, Э. Уоррел, Э.

Уорд]; под ред. Проф. М.В.Вербицкой. – М.: Вентана-Граф: Pearson Education Limited, 2013.

– 104 с.: ил. –(Forward).

4 класс:

Английский язык: 4 класс: учебник для учащихся общеобразовательных учреждений : в 2 ч. /

[М.В. Вербицкая, О.В. Оралова, Б. Эббс, Э. Уорелл, Э. Уорд] ; под ред. проф. М.В.

Вербицкой.- 2-е изд., дораб.- М.: Вентана - Граф: Pearson Education Limited, 2011.-80 с.: ил.

- Вербицкая, М.В. Английский язык: 4 класс: рабочая тетрадь для учащихся

общеобразовательных учреждений/ [М.В.Вербицкая, О.В.Оралова, Б. Эббс, Э. Уоррел, Э.

Уорд]; под ред. Проф. М.В.Вербицкой. – М.: Вентана-Граф: Pearson Education Limited, 2013.

– 104 с.: ил. –(Forward).

5 класс:

- Английский язык: 5 класс: учебник для общеобразовательных учреждений: в 2ч. ч.1 / ч.2

[М.В.Вербицкая, Б. Эббс, Э. Уоррел и др.]; под ред. проф. М.В.Вербицкой. - М.: Вентана-

Граф: Pearson Education Limited, 2015. - 104с, - 104 с: ил. - (Forward).

- Английский язык: рабочая тетрадь для учащихся общеобразовательных учреждений/

[М.В.Вербицкая, И.П.Твердохлебова, Б. Эббс, Э. Уоррел, Э. Уорд]; под ред. проф.

М.В.Вербицкой. - М.: Вентана-Граф: Pearson Education Limited, 2015. - 104с: ил. -(Forward).

- Английский язык. 5 класс: учеб. для общеобразоват. организаций с прил. на электрон.

носителе / [В.П. Кузовлев, Н.М. Лапа, Костина И.П. и др.]. - 3-е изд. - М.: Просвещение,

2014. - 207 с.

6 класс:

- Английский язык: 6 класс: учебник для учащихся общеобразовательных организаций: в 2 ч.

/ (М.В.Вербицкая, М. Гаярделли, П. Редли и др.); под ред. М.В.Вербицкой. – М.: Вентана-

Граф: Pearson Education Limited, 2015. – 112 с.: ил. - (Forward)

- Английский язык: 6 класс: рабочая тетрадь для учащихся общеобразовательных

учреждений/ [М.В.Вербицкая, М. Гаярделли, П. Редли]. под ред. М.В.Вербицкой. – М.:

Вентана-Граф: Pearson Education Limited, 2015. (Forward).

- Английский язык: 6 класс: учеб. для общеобразоват. организаций с прил. на электрон.

Носителе / [В. П. Кузовлев, Н.П. Лапа, Э.Ш. Перегудова и др.]; Рос. акад. наук, Рос. акад.

образования, изд-во «Просвещение».- 2-е изд. – М.: Просвещение, 2014. – 191 с. : ил. –

(Академический школьный учебник). – ISBN 978-5-09-032464-9.

7 класс:

- Английский язык: 7 класс: учебник для учащихся общеобразовательных организаций: в 2 ч.

/ (М.В.Вербицкая, М. Гаярделли, П. Редли и др.); под ред. М.В.Вербицкой. – М.: Вентана-

Граф: Pearson Education Limited, 2016. – 104 с.: ил. - (Forward).

- Английский язык: 7 класс: рабочая тетрадь для учащихся общеобразовательных

учреждений/ [М.В.Вербицкая, М. Гаярделли, П. Редли]. под ред. М.В.Вербицкой. – М.:

Вентана-Граф: Pearson Education Limited, 2016. (Forward).

- Английский язык: учеб. для 7 кл. общеобразоват. организаций. / [В.П. Кузовлев, Н.М. Лапа,

Костина И.П. и др.]. - 7-е изд. - М.: Просвещение, 2014. - 319 с.

8 класс:

- Английский язык: 8 класс: учебник для учащихся общеобразовательных организаций:

(М.В.Вербицкая, М. Гаярделли, П. Редли и др.); под ред. М.В.Вербицкой. – М.: Вентана-

Граф: Pearson Education Limited, 2017. – 104 с.: ил. - (Forward).

- Английский язык: 8 класс: рабочая тетрадь для учащихся общеобразовательных

учреждений/ [М.В.Вербицкая, М. Гаярделли, П. Редли]. под ред. М.В.Вербицкой. – М.:

Вентана-Граф: Pearson Education Limited, 2017. (Forward).

- Английский язык: учеб. для 8 кл. общеобразоват. организаций. / [В.П. Кузовлев, Н.М. Лапа,

Костина И.П. и др.]. - 8-е изд. - М.: Просвещение, 2015. - 319 с.

9 класс:

- Английский язык: Английский с удовольствием/ Enjoy English: Учебник для 9 класса

общеобразовательных учреждений. М.З. Биболетова, Е.Е. Бабушис, О. И. Кларк –Обнинск:

Титул, 2012.- 240с.

- Английский язык: Английский с удовольствием/ Enjoy English: Рабочая тетрадь №2

контрольные работы к учебнику для 9 класса общеобразовательных учреждений. М.З.

Биболетова, Е.Е. Бабушис – Обнинск: Титул, 2012.- 63с.

- Сборник контрольно-измерительных материалов. Английский язык к УМК М.З.

Биболетовой и др. 9 класс/ Сост. Е.В. Сахаров.-2-е изд., перераб.-М.: ВАКО, 2014. - 64 с.

10 класс:

- Биболетова М.З., Бабушис Е.Е., Снежко Н.Д. Английский язык: Английский с

удовольствием/ Enjoy English: Учебник для 10 класса общеобразовательных учреждений.–

Обнинск: Титул, 2013.- 216с.

- Биболетова М.З., Бабушис Е.Е., Снежко Н.Д. Английский язык: Английский с

удовольствием/ Enjoy English: Рабочая тетрадь №1 к учебнику для 10 класса

общеобразовательных учреждений.– Обнинск: Титул, 2012.- 96с.

11 класс:

- Биболетова М.З., Бабушис Е.Е., Снежко Н.Д. Английский язык: Английский с

удовольствием/ Enjoy English: Учебник для 11 класса общеобразовательных учреждений.–

Обнинск: Титул, 2013.- 200с.

- Биболетова М.З., Бабушис Е.Е., Снежко Н.Д. Английский язык: Английский с

удовольствием/ Enjoy English: Рабочая тетрадь №1 к учебнику для 11 класса

общеобразовательных учреждений.– Обнинск: Титул, 2013.- 96с.

- Биболетова М.З., Бабушис Е.Е. Английский язык: Английский с удовольствием/ Enjoy

English: Рабочая тетрадь №2 «Контрольные работы» к учебнику для 11 класса

общеобразовательных учреждений.– Обнинск: Титул, 2013.- 72с.

Инструктаж по выполнению входного тестирования:

1. Задания выполняются на бланке с заданиями.

2. Ответы к заданиям выполняются в форме теста, например: 1. с.

3. Писать работу следует чётко и разборчиво, не допуская исправлений и помарок.

4. Перед началом работы следует указать имя и фамилию, класс на английском языке.

5. Пользоваться словарем не разрешается.


№ Название Автор-


1. Контрольно-измерительные материалы промежуточного контроля

для 2 класса (УМК Вербицкой М.В.)

Алистратова Н.Я.

2. Контрольно-измерительные материалы промежуточного контроля

для 3 класса (УМК Вербицкой М.В.)

Евдокимова И.В.

3. Контрольно-измерительные материалы промежуточного контроля

для 4 класса (УМК Вербицкой М.В.)

Евдокимова И.В.

4. Контрольно-измерительные материалы промежуточного контроля

для 5 класса (УМК Вербицкой М.В.)

Семенова Т.П.

5. Контрольно-измерительные материалы промежуточного контроля

для 5 «Г» класса (УМК Кузовлева В.П.)

Подкопаева А.Н.

6. Контрольно-измерительные материалы промежуточного контроля

для 6 класса (УМК Вербицкой М.В.)

Семенова Т.П.

7. Контрольно-измерительные материалы промежуточного контроля

для 6 «Г» класса (УМК Кузовлева В.П.)

Роньжина А.В.

8. Контрольно-измерительные материалы промежуточного контроля

для 7 класса (УМК Вербицкой М.В.)

Семенова Т.П.

9. Контрольно-измерительные материалы промежуточного контроля

для 7 «Г» класса (УМК Кузовлева В.П.)

Алистратова Н.Я.

10. Контрольно-измерительные материалы промежуточного контроля

для 8 класса (УМК Вербицкой М.В.)

Семенова Т.П.

11. Контрольно-измерительные материалы промежуточного контроля

для 8 «Г» класса (УМК Биболетовой М.З.)

Кисловская О.Г.

12. Контрольно-измерительные материалы промежуточного контроля

для 9 класса (УМК Биболетовой М.З.)

Семенова Т.П.

13. Контрольно-измерительные материалы промежуточного контроля

для 9 «Г» класса (УМК Биболетовой М.З.)

Кисловская О.Г.

14. Контрольно-измерительные материалы промежуточного контроля

для 10 класса (УМК Биболетовой М.В.)

Чернявская И.Д.

15. Контрольно-измерительные материалы промежуточного контроля

для 11 класса (УМК Биболетовой М.В.)

Гробовенко С.В.



Intermediate Test


Form 2 ___

December ___, 20__

Вариант 1.

1) Распредели слова в соответствии со звуками:

Bee, run, hen, cake, sweet, bus, fly, seven, red, car

[a: ] - ______________________________ [e] - ________________________________

[ai] - _______________________________ [Λ] - ________________________________

[i:] - _______________________________ [ei]- ____________________

2) Поставь слова в правильном порядке, чтобы получились предложения. Запиши

полученные предложения и переведи.

1. name, is, Ann, My -


2. nine, is, She -


3. is, She, from England -


4. Alex name His is -


3) Соотнеси английские слова с их русским переводом:

an ice-cream


a rose

a car

a boy

a queen

a fish








4) Сосчитай и выбери правильный ответ

1) 2) 3)

three/eight ten\ five one\six

5.Расскажи о себе:

My name is ___________

I am ________________

I like _______________

Intermediate Test


Form 2 ___

December ___, 20__

Вариант 2.

1) Распредели слова в соответствии со звуками:

Like, he, fly, bed, she, Russia, bye, ten, car, bee, cake

[a:] - ______________________________ [e] - ________________________________

[ai] - _______________________________ [Λ] - ________________________________

[i:] - _______________________________ [ei]- ____________________

2) Поставь слова в правильном порядке, чтобы получились предложения. Запиши

полученные предложения и переведи.

1. My, is, Ben, name. -


2. He, ten, is -


3. is, He, from England -


4. Jill name Her is -


3) Соотнеси английские слова с их русским переводом: morning

a king

a van

a lamp

a girl

a man

a frog








4) Сосчитай и выбери правильный ответ

1) 2) 3)

two\ five seven\four five\nine

5.Опиши своего питомца:

I have got a ___________

It is ________________

It likes _______________

3 класс_Вербицкая


Вариант 1 Вариант 2

[a: ] - car

[e] -hen, seven, red

[ai] - fly

[Λ] - run , bus

[i:] – bee, sweet

[ei]- cake

[a: ] - car

[e] -bed, ten,

[ai] - like, bye, fly

[Λ] - Russia

[i:] – bee, he, she

[ei]- cake

My name is Ann.

She is nine.

She is from England.

His name is Alex.

My name is Ben.

He is ten.

He is from England.

Her name is Jill.

an ice-cream


a rose

a car

a boy

a queen

a fish









a king

a van

a lamp

a girl

a man

a frog








Three five one Two four five

Безотметочное оценивание

Intermediate Test


Form 3 ___

December ___, 20__

Вариант 1.

I.Вставьте am, is, are. 1) I ___ a pupil.

2) Cody ___ from Australia.

3) He ___ three years old.

4) They ___ good swimmers.

II. Подпиши названия геометрических фигур. Circle, triangle, square, rectangle

1. 2. 3. 4.

III. Напиши предложения, вставляя this or these:

___ (1)___ is Kate.

She lives in ___ (2) ___village.

___ (3) ____are Kate’s brothers.

___ (4)____ are Kate’s cats.

____ (5) ____ are her brother’s pets.

IV. Соотнесите вопросы и ответы.

1. Can you swim? a) I can dance.

2. Where is Canberra? b) Yes, I do.

3. What can you do? c) No, I can`t.

4. Do you like ice-cream? d) Canberra is in Australia.

V. Найди соответствие в фразах. Что ты можешь делать в такую погоду?

1) It`s snowing. a) We can’t swim today.

2) It is cold. b) We can fly a kite.

3) It`s windy. c) We can build a snowman.

4) It is sunny and hot d) We can’t play football

5) It is raining. e) We can swim in the river.

IV. Прочитай письмо от друга по переписке и напиши ответ.

Hello dear friend,

I am Paul. I am ten. I am from Great Britain. I like to play with my friends. We skate and ski in

winter. I have got a dog called Tom. Tom is funny. I help my mother. I go shopping. I buy cakes

and milk. And what about you?

Best wishes,



Thank you for your letter.

I am____________________

I like to __________________

I can______________________

I have got___________________


Best wishes,


Intermediate Test


Form 3 ___

December ___, 20__

Вариант 2.

I. Вставьте am, is, are.

1) Ben ___ from Britain.

2) I ___ a doctor.

3) She ___ four years old.

4) We ___ good swimmers.

II. Подпиши названия геометрических фигур. Circle, triangle, square, rectangle

1. 2. 3. 4.

III. Напиши предложения вставляя this or these

___ (1)___ is Tom.

He lives in ___ (2) ___town.

___ (3) ____are Nom’s sisters.

___ (4)_____ are Tom’s dogs.

___ (5) ____ are his brother’s pets.

IV. Соотнесите вопросы и ответы.

1) Can you sing? a) I can dance.

2) Where is London? b) Yes, I do.

3) What can you do? c) No, I can`t.

4) Do you like apples? d) London is in England.

V. Найди соответствие в фразах. Что ты можешь делать в такую погоду?

1) It`s snowing. a) We can’t play football.

2) It is hot and sunny. b) We can have a picnic.

3) It`s raining. c) We can build a snowman.

4) It`s windy. d) We can’t see the sun

5) It’s cloudy. e) We can fly a kite.

IV. Прочитай письмо от друга по переписке и напиши ответ.

Hello dear friend,

I am Alex. I am nine. I am from Great Britain. I like to play with my friends. We skate and ski in

winter. I have got a dog called Chappi. Chappi is funny. I help my mother. I go shopping. I buy

biscuits and tea. And what about you?

Best wishes,



Thank you for your letter.

I am____________________

I like to __________________

I can______________________

I have got___________________


Best wishes,


3 класс_Вербицкая


Вариант 1 Вариант 2


2. is




2. am










4. rectangle

1. This

2. This

3. These


5. These

1. This

2. This

3. These


5. These



















Критерии оценивания тестовой части (из 22 заданий)

«5» - 1-2 ошибки

«4» - 3-6 ошибки

«3» - 7-10 ошибок

«2» - 11 и более ошибок

Intermediate Test


Form 4 ___

December ___, 20__

Вариант 1. I. Вставьте was или were. 1. I ... a pupil ten years ago.

2. They ... at school yesterday.

3. His father ... a worker.

4. The girls ... at the theatre last week.

5. I ... at the zoo yesterday.

II. Чем обычно занимаются люди этих профессий?

1. Scientist a. catches criminals.

2. Detective b. designs cars.

3. Engineer c. teaches pupils at school.

4. Doctor d. works at the laboratory.

5. Teacher e. looks after sick people.

III. Допиши в каждое предложение глаголы в форме настоящего времени

like, be, catch, have got, be, be, help

1. I________ films about Sherlock Holmes.

2. He _______ a famous detective.

3. He ________criminals.

4. He _______a friend.

5. His friend __________Doctor Watson.

6. They ________strong and friendly.

7. They ________people.

IV. Соотнесите вопросы и ответы.

1) Can you sing? a) Beaches.

2) Where is Moscow? b) Yes, they do.

3) What is Sochi famous for ? c) No, I can`t.

4) Do wolves live in Russia? d) In Russia.

V. Впиши информацию о себе:

Identity Сard Name: ___________________________________

Age: ____________________________________

Birthday: _________________________________

Nationality: _______________________________

From: ___________________________________

Favourite Subject: __________________________

Colour: __________________________________

Hobby: ___________________________________

Intermediate Test


Form 4 ___

December___, 20__

Вариант 2. I. Вставьте was или were. 1. The boys ... at the stadium yesterday.

2. She ... a scientist.

3. My house ... very beautiful.

4. We ... in London last year.

5. Peter ... at school last month.

II. Чем обычно занимаются люди этих профессий? 1. Chef a. catches criminals.

2. Police b. flys planes.

3. Pilot c. delivers letters to people.

4. Doctor d. cooks food for people.

5. Postman e. looks after sick people.

III. Допиши в каждое предложение глаголы в форме настоящего времени

like, be, have got, be, catch, , be, help

1. My friend ________ books about Sherlock Holmes.

2. He _______ a famous detective.

3. He _______a friend.

4. His friend __________Doctor Watson.

5. They ________criminals.

6. Sherlock Holmes and Doctor Watson ________strong and friendly.

7. They ________people.

IV. Соотнесите вопросы и ответы.

1) Can you sing? a) Volcanoes

2) Where is London? b) Yes, they do.

3) What is Kamchatka famous for? c) No, I can`t.

4) Do bears live in Russia? d) London is in England

V.Впиши информацию о себе:

Identity Сard Name: ___________________________________

Age: ____________________________________

Birthday: _________________________________

Nationality: _______________________________

From: ___________________________________

Favourite Subject: __________________________

Colour: ___________________________________

Hobby: ___________________________________

4 класс_Вербицкая


Вариант 1

1. was

2. were

3. was

4. were

5. was

Вариант 2

1. were

2. was

3. was

4. were

5. was

1 1-d

1. 2-a

2. 3-b

3. 4-e

4. 5-c









4.has got



7. help



3. has got


5. catch


7. help









Критерии оценивания тестовой части (из 20 заданий)

«5» - 1-2 ошибки

«4» - 3-6ошибки

«3» - 7-10 ошибок

«2» - 11 и более ошибок

Intermediate Test


Form 5 _____

December_____, 20____

Вариант 1

Choose the right word: as sly as / as big as / as tall as

1. Gulliver was ___________ a mountain in Lilliput.

2. Gulliver’s handkerchief was __________ the King’s carpet.

3. My sister is ___________ a fox.

Составьте вопросительные предложения, используя слова. Make up sentences

using the words.

4. the / did / win / When / game / Paul / ? ______________________________________

5. his / story / Was / interesting / ? ___________________________________________

6. she / does / know / How many languages / ? _________________________________

Вставьте артикль «the» , где необходимо. Fill in the article “the” if necessary

The planets in the solar system all go round __7__ Sun.

There are 8 planets, but __8__ Earth is the only one with living things.

__9__Mercury is closer to __10__ Sun than __11__ Venus is.

It is too hot. Other planets which are further from the sun are too cold.

__12__Mars has icecaps and volcanoes, wind and clouds.

Выберите правильную форму глагола в скобках. Choose the right verb.

13. I can …. (see) a cat on the table.

a) see b) am seeing

14. Every year many people …. (visit) Moscow.

a) are visiting b) visit

15. We …. (have) a picnic now.

a) have b) are having

16. Sam and Ben … (go) to the park tomorrow.

a) will go b) shall go

17. …. I go out?

a) Can b) May

18. … she going to take a taxi?

a) Are b) Is

Выберите прилагательное или наречие. Choose: adjective or adverb?

19. They can run very (quick / quickly)._______________

20. This is a very (sad / sadly) story. ________________

21. Ann has very (beautiful / beautifully) hat. _______________

II. Read the text and get ready to fill in the form “ID”:

Dear friend,

I’m Mike Brown. I come from London. I was born in 2007. I have got a family. We

have got our own house. It is # 3 in Pine Street. I study at Marlow School. I’m a member of

a school football team. I hate losing the game. I’ve got a lot of friends. We like visiting new

places and taking photographs. Next summer we are going to France.

With love from GB,





3. AGE







Intermediate Test


Form 5 _____

December_____, 20____

Вариант 2

Choose the right word: as white as / as small as / as short as

1. Lilliputian horse was ___________ a mouse.

2. Lilliputians’ arms were __________mice’ tales.

3. My sister’s handkerchief is ___________ snow.

Составьте вопросительные предложения, используя слова. Make up sentences

using the words.

4. the / did / play / Where / game / Daniel / ? ________________________________

5. their / books / Were / interesting / ? _____________________________________

6. he / does / know / What languages / ? ___________________________________

Вставьте артикль «the» , где необходимо. Fill in the article “the” if necessary

The planets in the solar system all go round __7__ Sun.

There are 8 planets, but __8__ Earth is the only one with living things.

__9__ Venus is further from __10__ Sun than __11__ Mercury is.

It is too cold. Other planets which are closer to the sun are too hot.

__12__Moon is a natural satellite.

Выберите правильную форму глагола в скобках. Choose the right verb.

13. I can …. (play) with my cat.

a) play b) am playing

14. I …. (go) to school every day.

a) am going b) go

15. We …. (have) a English now.

a) have b) are having

16. Sue and Betty … (visit) their grandmother tomorrow.

a) will visit b) shall visit

17. …. I come in?

a) May b) Can

18. … we going to take a plane?

a) Are b) Is

Выберите прилагательное или наречие. Choose: adjective or adverb?

19. He can read very (quickly / quick)._______________

20. That was a very (sad / sadly) song. ________________

21. The sun is shining (bright / brightly). _______________

II. Read the text and get ready to fill in the form “ID”:

Dear friend,

I’m Ann Great. I come from Liverpool. I was born in 2008. I have got a family. We

live in a flat in Rose Street, house 3. I study at Maple School. I’m a member of a school

chess team. I hate losing the game. I’ve got a lot of friends. We like listening to music and

dancing. Next summer my family and I are going to Italy.

With love from GB,





3. AGE







5 класс_Вербицкая


Вариант 1

1. as tall as

2. as big as

3. as sly as

4. When did Paul win the game?

5. Was his story interesting?

6. How many languages does she know?

7. the

8. the

9. -

10. the

11. -

12. -

13. a)

14. b)

15. b)

16. a)

17. b)

18. b)

19. quickly

20. sad

21. beautiful

Вариант 2

1. as small as

2. as short as

3. as white as

4. Where did Daniel play the game?

5. Were their books interesting?

6. What languages does he know?

7. the

8. the

9. -

10. the

11. -

12. the

13. a)

14. b)

15. b)

16. a)

17. a)

18. a)

19. quickly

20. sad

21. brightly

Критерии оценивания тестовой части (из 21 задания)

«5» - 1-2 ошибки

«4» - 3-6 ошибки

«3» - 7-10 ошибок

«2» - 11 и более ошибок

Intermediate Test


Form 5 _____

December____, 20____

Вариант 1

Для каждого из приведённых слов выберите верный вариант перевода.

1 to ride a) плавать b) ездить


c) бегать

2 смотреть a) to watch b) to listen c) to read

3 to care a) проверять b) заботиться c) остерегаться

4 опасность a) a storm b) a danger c) a stranger

5 to follow a) следовать b) обмануть c) причинить вред

6 собирать мусор a) to pick up litter b) to do tricks c) to rake leaves

7 to sew soft toys a) смывать надписи b) шить мягкие


c) помогать


8 важный a) exciting b) boring c) important

Выберите подходящую форму для глагола в скобках.

9. Paul (to have) got a nice dog.

a) have b) has

10. My family and I (to do) a lot of things together

a) do b) does

11. I (to swim) in the river yesterday

a) swam b) swims

12. My brother and I (to play) hockey last month.

a) played b) are playing

13. We already (to help) Mr Elson

a) helped b) have helped

14. We (to rake) the leaves tomorrow

a) will rake b) are raking

Заполните пропуски в письме подходящими фразами:

Spare time, take photos, letter, literature, form, pick up litter, friend, school.

Dear __15___,

Thank you for your __16___. I also want to tell you about my ___17__. It is big and

beautiful. I am in the 5th

__18___. I like to study. My favourite subject is __19___. It is very

interesting and the teacher is nice. I like to spend my __20___ with my friends. We watch TV or

__21___ together. Also I help my mom in my spare time. I rake leaves or __22___. How do you

spend your spare time?

Best wishes,


Intermediate Test


Form 5 _____

December____, 20___

Вариант 2 Для каждого из приведённых слов выберите верный вариант перевода.

1 to swim a) плавать b) ездить верхом c) бегать

2 читать a) to watch b) to listen c) to read

3 to check a) проверять b) заботиться c) остерегаться

4 незнакомец a) a storm b) a danger c) a stranger

5 to hurt a) следовать b) обмануть c) причинить вред

6 показывать


a) to pick up litter b) to do tricks c) to rake leaves

7 to help elderly


a) смывать надписи b) шить мягкие


c) помогать


8 увлекательный a) exciting b) boring c) important

Выберите подходящую форму для глагола в скобках.

9. Sam (to have) got a nice cat.

a) have b) has

10. My friends and I (to do) a lot of things together

a) do b) does

11. I (to go) to the cinema yesterday

a) went b) goes

12. My father and I (to play) hockey last week.

a) played b) are playing

13. Tom and Ann already (to help) Mr Smith

a) helped b) have helped

14. We (to pick up) the litter tomorrow

a) will pick up b) picked up

Заполните пропуски в письме подходящими фразами:

Spare time, read exciting books, letter, technology, form, do the shopping, friend, school.

Dear __15___,

Thank you for your __16__. I also want to tell you about my __17___. It is big and beautiful.

I am in the 5th

__18___. I like to study. My favourite subject is __19___. It is very interesting and

the teacher is nice. I like to spend my __20___ with my friends. We watch TV or __21___

together. Also I help my mom in my spare time. I rake leaves or __22__. How do you spend your

spare time?

Best wishes,


5 класс_Кузовлев


Вариант 1

1. b)

2. a)

3. b)

4. b)

5. a)

6. a)

7. b)

8. c)

9. b)

10. a)

11. a)

12. a)

13. b)

14. a)

15. friend

16. letter

17. school

18. form

19. literature

20. spare time

21. take photos

22. pick up litter

Вариант 2

1. a)

2. c)

3. a)

4. c)

5. c)

6. b)

7. c)

8. a)

9. b)

10. a)

11. a)

12. a)

13. b)

14. a)

15. friend

16. letter

17. school

18. form

19. technology

20. spare time

21. read exciting books

22. do the shopping

Критерии оценивания тестовой части (из 22 заданий)

«5» - 1-2 ошибки

«4» - 3-6 ошибки

«3» - 7-10 ошибок

«2» - 11 и более ошибок

Intermediate Test


Form 6 __

December ___, 20__

Вариант 1.

I. Complete the sentences:

1. ____ you British? Yes, I ____.

2. Did ___ live in Russia 2 years ago? No, he _____.

3. ____ they friends? Yes, ____ were.

4. ____ we go to the park tomorrow? ____, we won’t.

Степени сравнения прилагательных.

5. Jane is … than Kate.

a) more older b) older c) oldest d) the older

6. She is … than her cousin.

a) more attractive b) most attractive c) very attractive d) many more attractive

7. In my opinion the tiger is ... animal of all.

a) more dangerous b) the dangerousest c) very dangerous d) the most dangerous

8. A mouse is … than a cat.

a) smaller b) the smaller c) more smaller d) the smallest

Притяжательный падеж имён существительных

9. These are … .

a) childrens books b) children’s books с) children’ books d) childrens’ books

10. … is in May.

a) My daughter’s birthday b) My daughter’ birthday с) My daughters birthday

d) My daughters’ birthdays

11. It is … .

a) my father’s car b) my fathers car с) my fathers’ car d) my father’ car

Видовременные формы глагола

12. _____ a good time last night?

A) Did you have B) Were you having C) Will you have D) Do you have

13. He _____ to school every day.

А)go B) goes C) went D) will go

14. They _____ a new flat a few months ago.

A) buy B) bought C) buys D) will buy

15. He … his mother now.

A) will help B) helps C) helped D) is helping

16. I know she _______ well.

A) danced B) dance C) dances D) will dance

There is / there are

17. … 3 plates and 4 forks on the table.

a) There is b) There are

18. … a desk and two chairs in my room.

a) There is b) There are

19. … an apple on the table.

a) There is b) There are

Предлоги места.

20. The bank is … the post office and the beauty salon.

a) between b) in c) on d) over

21. The gym is … my school .

a) next to b) on c) between d) above

22. My daughter’s birthday is … May.

a) on b) by c) in d) near


Read the e-mail letter from Mary Appleton. Start a chat discussions according to the information

below about unusual and exotic hobbies. (50-60 words)




2 years old,

2 metres long,

yellow and green skin,

milk, eggs, frogs, mice












Intermediate Test


Form 6 __

December ___, 20___

Вариант 2.

I. Complete the sentences:

1. ____ he British? Yes, he ____.

2. Did ___ live in Russia 2 years ago? No, she _____.

3. ____ you friends? Yes, ____ were.

4. ____ I go to the park tomorrow? ____, you won’t.

Степени сравнения прилагательных.

5. Kate is … than Kitty.

a) more smaller b) smaller c) smallest d) the smaller

6. She is … than her cousin.

a) most beautiful b) more beautiful c) very beautiful d) many more beautiful

7. In my opinion the python is ... animal of all.

a) more dangerous b) the most dangerous c) very dangerous d) the dangerousest

8. A mouse is … than a cat.

a) the smallest b) the smaller c) more smaller d) smaller

Притяжательный падеж имён существительных

9. These are … .

a) childrens books b) children’s books с) children’ books d) childrens’ books

10. … is in October.

a) My sister’s birthday b) My sister’ birthday с) My sisters birthday d) My sister s’ birthday

11. It is … .

a) my brother’ car b) my brothers car с) my brothers’ car d) my brother’s car

Видовременные формы глагола

12. _____ a good time last night?

A) Were they having B) Did they have C) Will they have D) Do they have

13. They _____ to school every day.

А) go B) went C) goes D) will go

14. They _____ a new car a few months ago.

A) will buy B) buys C) bought D) buy

15. She … her grandmother now.

A) will help B) is helping C) helped D) helps

16. All knows he _______ well.

A) sang B) sing C) sings D) will sing

There is / there are

17. … 6 plates and 6 forks in the cupboard.

a) There is b) There are

18. … 2 desks and two chairs in that room.

a) There is b) There are

19. … a lemon on the table.

a) There are b) There is

Предлоги места.

20. The office is … the bank and the fitness centre.

a) over b) between c) on d) in

21. The playground is … my yard.

a) between b) next to c) on d) above

22. My brother’s birthday is … August.

a) near b) by c) in d) on


Read the e-mail letter from Mary Appleton. Start a chat discussions according to the information

below about unusual and exotic hobbies. (50-60 words). Don’t forget to be polite and greet the

RAP readers.




10 months old,

28 kilos,

soft and fluffy (пушистый),

leaves of eucalyptus












6 класс_Вербицкая


Вариант 1

1. Are _ am

2. he _ didn’t

3. were _ they

4. Will _ No

5. b

6. a

7. d

8. a

9. b

10. a

11. a

12. a

13. b

14. b

15. d

16. c

17. b

18. a

19. a

20. a

21. a

22. c

Вариант 2

1. Is _ is

2. she _ didn’t

3. Were _ we

4. Will _ No

5. b

6. b

7. b

8. d

9. b

10. a

11. d

12. b

13. a

14. c

15. b

16. c

17. b

18. b

19. b

20. b

21. b

22. c

Критерии оценивания тестовой части (из 22 заданий)

«5» - 1-2 ошибки

«4» - 3-6 ошибки

«3» - 7-10 ошибок

«2» - 11 и более ошибок

Intermediate Test


Form 6 __

December ___, 20__

Вариант 1.

Choose the correct answer.

Степени сравнения прилагательных.

1. Jane is … than Kate.

a) older b) more older c) oldest d) the older

2. She is … than her cousin.

a) more attractive b) most attractive c) very attractive d) many more attractive

3. In my opinion the tiger is ... animal of all.

a) more dangerous b) the dangerousest c) very dangerous d) the most dangerous

4. A mouse is … than a cat.

a) smaller b) the smaller c) more smaller d) the smallest

Притяжательный падеж имён существительных

5. These are … .

a) childrens books b) children’s books с) children’ books d) childrens’ books

6. … is in May.

a) My daughter’s birthday b) My daughter’ birthday с) My daughters birthday

d) My daughters’ birthday

7. It is … .

a) my father’s car b) my fathers car с) my fathers’ car d) my father’ car

Choose the right form

8. _____ a good time last night?

A) Did you have B) Were you having C) Will you have D) Do you have

9. He _____go to school every day.

А) go B) goes C) went D) will go

10 . I _____ a very good program tomorrow.

A) will watch B) watch C) watched D) watches

11. They _____ a new flat a few months ago.

A) buy B) bought C) buys D) will buy

12. The Flash’s concert _____ at the end of December.

A) is B) will be C) were D) be

13. He … his mother tomorrow.

A) will help B) helps C) helped D) help

14. I know she _______ well.

A) danced B) dance C) dances D) will dance

There is / there are

15. Look! … their telephone number in the letter.

a) There is b) There are

16. … 3 plates and 4 forks on the table.

a) There is b) There are

17. … a desk and two chairs in my room.

a) There is b) There are

18. … an apple on the table.

a) There is b) There are

Предлоги места.

19. The bank is … the post office and the beauty salon.

a) between b) in c) on d) behind

20. The gym is … my school .

a) next to b) on c) between d) above

21. My daughter’s birthday is … May.

a) on b) by c) in d) near

22. The kettle is boiling … the kitchen.

a) in b ) on c) next to d) behind


Read Natalie’s letter. Imagine that you are Natalie’s pen friend. Write her a letter with the

description of your house.

15 Coronation Road




Dear Nikita,

Thank you for your letter. You want to know about British houses. Well, here is a

description of my house.

I live in a flat in Bristol. My house is quite big. There are two floors. Downstairs there is a

hall, a living room, a dining room, a kitchen and a toilet. Upstairs there are three bedrooms and a

bathroom. My bedroom is next to the bathroom. I like my bedroom. It has got a big white wardrobe

opposite the door and there is a desk next to the wardrobe with my computer on it. There are some

bookshelves on the wall. The bed is in the corner of the room.

What type of house do you live? Could you tell me about your house?

Best wishes,


______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________







Intermediate Test


Form 6 ___

December ___, 201_

Вариант 2.

IV. Choose the correct answer.

Степени сравнения прилагательных.

1. Mark is … than Ann.

a) more older b) older c) oldest d) the older

2. The picture is … than that one.

a) more much attractive b) most attractive c) very attractive d) more attractive

3. I think the lion is ... animal of all.

a) more dangerous b) the dangerousest c) very dangerous d) the most dangerous

4. A cat is … than a mouse.

a) biger b) biggest c) bigger d) the big

Притяжательный падеж имён существительных

5. I am going to … .

a) the baker’s shop b) the bakers shop с) the baker’ shop d) the bakers’ shop

6. … is in June.

a) My mother’s birthday b) My mother’ birthday с) My mothers birthday

d) My mothers’ birthday

7. It is … .

a) my friend’s book b) my friends book с) my friends’ book car d) my friend book

Choose the right form

8. _____ your homework yesterday?

A) Did you do B) Were you do C) Will you do D) Do you do

9. Jane _____for a walk every day.

А) go B) goes C) went D) will go

10 . I _____ a good film next week.

A) will watch B) watch C) watched D) watches

11. They _____ a new car two months ago.

A) buy B) bought C) buys D) will buy

12. The Flash’s concert _____ at the end of May.

A) is B) will be C) were D) be

13. He … his parents tomorrow.

A) help B) helps C) helped D) will help

14. Alice … dancing.

A) doesn’t like B) don’t like C) not like D) doesn’t

There is / there are

15. … two cups on the table.

a) There is b) There are

16. … 8 spoons and 7 forks on the table.

a) There is b) There are

17. … a desk and two armchairs in my bedroom.

a) There is b) There are

18. … a garden near my house.

a) There is b) There are

Предлоги места.

19. The school is … the post office and the bank.

a) behind b) in c) on d) between

20. The kettle is boiling … the kitchen.

a) in b ) on c) next to d) behind

21. My father’s birthday is … May.

a) on b) by c) in d) near

22. The gym is … my house .

a) next to b) on c) between d) above


Read Natalie’s letter. Imagine that you are Natalie’s pen friend. Write her a letter with the

description of your house.

15 Coronation Road




Dear Nikita,

Thank you for your letter. You want to know about British houses. Well, here is a

description of my house.

I live in a flat in Bristol. My house is quite big. There are two floors. Downstairs there is a

hall, a living room, a dining room, a kitchen and a toilet. Upstairs there are three bedrooms and a

bathroom. My bedroom is next to the bathroom. I like my bedroom. It has got a big white wardrobe

opposite the door and there is a desk next to the wardrobe with my computer on it. There are some

bookshelves on the wall. The bed is in the corner of the room.

What type of house do you live? Could you tell me about your house?

Best wishes,


______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________







6 класс_Кузовлев


Вариант 1

1. a

2. а

3. d

4. a

5. b

6. a

7. a

8. a

9. b

10. a

11. b

12. b

13. a

14. с

15. a

16. b

17. a

18. a

19. a

20. a

21. c

22. a

Вариант 2

1. b

2. d

3. d

4. c

5. a

6. a

7. a

8. a

9. b

10. a

11. b

12. b

13. d

14. a

15. b

16. b

17. a

18. a

19. d

20. a

21. c

22. a

Критерии оценивания тестовой части (из 22 заданий)

«5» - 1-2 ошибки

«4» - 3-6 ошибки

«3» - 7-10 ошибок

«2» - 11 и более ошибок

Intermediate Test


Form 7 ___

December ___, 20___

Вариант 1.

I. Choose the correct answer.

Степени сравнения прилагательных.

1. I am 2 cm ... than you are.

a) tallest b) taller c) tallier d) more taller

2. That armchair is ... than the other one.

a) much comfortable b) many more comfortable c) very comfortable d) more comfortable

3. In my opinion the tiger is ... animal of all.

a) the dangerousest b) more dangerous c) very dangerous d) the most dangerous

4. My father is ... than my mother.

a) the oldest b) elder c) older d) more older

Придаточные предложения времени (Conditional 1, real)

5. If I ... free time, I’ll go in for sports.

a) have b) had had с) will have d) am having

6. If the temperature falls below 0 °C, water ... into ice.

a) turned b) turn с) will turn d) turns

7. If the weather ... tomorrow, we’ll go for a walk.

a) will be fine b) was fine с) is fine d) fine

Choose the right form

8. She _____just new boots.

А) has bought B) is buying C) bought D) buys

9. He _____ a football match on TV at 8 p.m. last night.

A) watch B) was watching C) watched D) have watched

10. We _____ a new house a month ago.

A) moved B) have been moving C) have moved D) are moving

11. Look! The girls _______ so well!

A) is dancing B) dance C) were dancing D) are dancing

12. We know she _______ well.

A) is singing B) sing C) sings D) will sing

Pronouns. Замените существительные и местоимения в скобках

13. Don't ask (Ann) questions.

a) me b) you c) him d) her

14. Tell (I) what has happened.

a) me b) it c) us d) them

15. We’ve found the keys. They were (the girl).

a) her b) theirs c) him d) hers

16. We must give (a cat and a dog) names.

a) her b)it c) us d) them

Притяжательный падеж имён существительных.

17. I'm going to spend the night at my aunt house.

a) my aunt' house b) my aunts' house c) my aunt's house d) my aunts house

18. These are children books.

a) children's books b) children' books c) childrens books d) childrens' books

19. My daughter birthday is in May.

a) daughter's birthday b) daughter' birthday c) daughters birthday d) daughters' birthday

20. What's the name this street?

a) the names' street b ) the names street c) the name's street d) the name of this street

The sentences with used to 21. I (eat) ice-cream a lot when I was a child. ______________________

22. There (be) a hotel near the airport. ______________________

23. He (fish) in the river in summer. ______________________


Read the posts and discuss them in groups. What’s the difference between national identity and

citizenship in the Russian Federation? Join the discussion

The RAP >>blog The RAP

Join the discussion What Nationality Are You? What’s Your Citizenship?

By Linda from


Scotland, the UK

Sunday 7 December, 16:17

Hi, everyone!

My name’s Linda. I’m from Scotland, the UK. I live in Edinburgh, it’s the

capital of Scotland.

Many people overseas think that “English” is the same as “British”. It is

not! People who are English are from the country of England, and it’s

only one of the four countries of the UK. All the UK citizens, whether

they live in Scotland, Wales, England or Northern Ireland, can be called

British. They all have British passports. As I am 13, I haven’t got a

passport yet, but I’m sure I’m British (my citizenship), and I’m Scottish

(my nationality). But I’m not English!

________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________











Intermediate Test


Form 7 ___

December ___, 20__

Вариант 2.

I. Choose the correct answer.

Степени сравнения прилагательных.

1. I am 1.5 cm ... than he is.

a) shorter b) more shorter c) shortier d) the shortest

2. This flat is ... than the other one.

a) much cosy b) more cosy c) cosier d) the cosiest

3. In my opinion the lion is ... animal of all.

a) the most dangerous b) the dangerousest c) very dangerous d) more dangerous

4. My sisters are ... than me.

a) elder b) older c) more older d) the oldest

Придаточные предложения времени (Conditional 1, real)

5. If he ... free time, he’ll go with you to the cinema.

a) have b) has c) will have d) am having

6. If the temperature goes above 25 °C, we ... in the river.

a) swam b) swims c) will swim d) swim

7. If the rain ... tomorrow, we’ll go for a walk.

a) will stop b) stops c) stop d) stopped

Choose the right form

8. They _____just a new flat.

А) has bought B) is buying C) bought D) have bought

9. I _____ a very good program on TV at 8 p.m. last night.

A) was reading B) read C) reads D) have read

10. We _____ a new house 2 months ago.

A) have moved B) have been moving C) moved D) are moving

11. Listen! The boy _______ so well!

A) are singing B) is singing C) sings D) sing

12. I know he _______ well.

A) are drawing B) is drawing C) draw D) draws

Pronouns. Замените существительные и местоимения в скобках

13. Don't ask (John) questions.

a) me b) you c) him d) her

14. Tell (they) what has happened.

a) me b) it c) us d) them

15. We’ve found the bag. It was (the boy)

a) his b) theirs c) him d) hers

16. We must give (a kitten and a puppy) names.

a) her b) it c) them d) us

Притяжательный падеж имён существительных.

17. I'm going to spend the night at my uncle house.

a) my uncle' house b) my uncles' house c) my uncle 's house d) my uncles house

18. These are men hats.

a) men's hats b) men's hat c) mens hats d) men' hats

19. My son birthday is in October.

a) son's birthday b) son' birthday c) sons birthday d) sons' birthday

20. What's the name this village?

a) the names' village b ) the name of this village c) the name's village d) the names village

The sentences with used to 21. He (not, live) in Moscow three years ago. ______________________

22. There (be) a market near my house. ______________________

23. They (not, play) lapta in winter. ______________________


Read the posts and discuss them in groups. What’s the difference between national identity and

citizenship in the Russian Federation? Join the discussion

The RAP >>blog The RAP

Join the discussion What Nationality Are You? What’s Your Citizenship?

By Linda from


Scotland, the UK

Sunday 7 December, 16:17

Hi, everyone!

My name’s Linda. I’m from Scotland, the UK. I live in Edinburgh, it’s the

capital of Scotland.

Many people overseas think that “English” is the same as “British”. It is

not! People who are English are from the country of England, and it’s

only one of the four countries of the UK. All the UK citizens, whether

they live in Scotland, Wales, England or Northern Ireland, can be called

British. They all have British passports. As I am 13, I haven’t got a

passport yet, but I’m sure I’m British (my citizenship), and I’m Scottish

(my nationality). But I’m not English!

________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________











7 класс_Вербицкая


Вариант 1

1. b

2. d

3. d

4. b

5. a

6. c

7. с

8. a

9. b

10. a

11. d

12. c

13. d

14. a

15. d

16. d

17. c

18. a

19. a

20. d

21. used to eat

22. used to be

23. used to fish

Вариант 2

1. a

2. c

3. a

4. a

5. b

6. c

7. b

8. d

9. a

10. c

11. b

12. d

13. c

14. d

15. a

16. c

17. c

18. a

19. a

20. b

21. did not / didn’t use to live

22. used to be

23. did not / didn’t use to play

Критерии оценивания тестовой части (из 23 заданий)

«5» - 1-2 ошибки

«4» - 3-7ошибки

«3» - 8-11 ошибок

«2» - 12 и более ошибок

Intermediate Test


Form 7 ___

December ___, 20_

Вариант 1.

1. Choose the correct word-form (Comparatives)

1). Clare dances … than Sue.

a) better b) well c) the best

2). Mark is as … as George.

а) taller b) tall c) the tallest.

3). Peter is … student in the class.

a) good b) the best c) the goodest.

4). This is … winter for 20 years.

a) the baddest b) the worst c) worse

5).Se runs … than anyone in the team.

a) faster b) more fast c) the fastest

2. Fill in the gaps with WHICH or WHO

1. I have got a friend … I am never bored with.

2. I have some secrets …I cannot share with my friends.

3. My friend is a person ... is always there for me.

4. Friendship is a feeling ...can last forever.

5. Friendship is like a song ...is made to sing.

3. Translate the words

1. charity a) передавать в дар

2. to donate b) внести свою лепту

3. to make donation c) благотворительность

4. to contribute to d) оказывать поддержку

5. to make a contribution e) добровольный помощник

6. a sale f) делать вклад

7. a volunteer g) распродажа

8. to support h) делать пожертвования

4. Open the brackets using Present Simple Passive.

1. Every fifth tree in the world … (use) to make paper.

a) are been used b) is been used c) is used

2. The wood … (cut) into small pieces.

a) are cut b) was cutting c) is cut

3. The wood chips ... (mix) with water to produce pulp.

a) are mixed b) mixed c) is mixing

4. Used paper … (take) from recycling centres.

a) are been taken b) is taken c) has taken

5. It ... (carry) to paper factories.

a) is carried b) is been carried c) had carried

5. You have got a letter from your friend Jack. He writes:

….I am a sporty person. I train for 20 hours every week. I organize my day properly and that’s why

I have time for my schoolwork. My instructor won’t let me train if I don’t get a good school report.

How do you organize your day? Do you have time for after-school activities?...

Write a letter to Jack (60-70 words). In your letter:

- answer his question

- don’t forget to be polite

Stary Oskol


10 December 2017

Dear Jack,

Thanks for your letter. I was glad to get your letter!






Best wishes,


Intermediate Test


Form 7 ___

December ___, 20___

Вариант II

1. Choose the correct word-form (Comparatives)

1. Pam is … than Liza.

a) hard b) harder c) the hardest

2. Mark is as … as Tom.

a) shorter b) short c) the shortest

3. Peter is … student in the class.

a) the baddest b) the worst c)worse

4. This is … summer for 20 years.

a) good b) the best c) the goodest

5. This task was … in my test.

a) difficulter b) the most difficult c) the difficultest

2. Fill in the gaps with WHICH or WHO

1. I’d like to make friends with Pete … has a wonderful sense of humour.

2. I really feel sorry for Ellen … is friendless and hasn’t got any pets, either.

3. Friendship is a thing … is easy to start but difficult to keep.

4. I can always rely on Jane … is one of my childhood friends.

5. It is easy to mix with people … are really friendly and sociable.

3. Translate the words3. Translate the words

1. to be involved a) делать пожертвования

2. a donation b) вклад

3. to make donation c) сбор денежных средств

4. a contribution d) нуждаться

5. to volunteer e) обеспечивать

6. to provide f) передача в дар

7. fundraising g) добровольно помогать

8. to need h) быть вовлеченным

4. Open the brackets using Present Simple Passive

1. The used paper … (mix) with the wood pulp.

a) is mixed b) mixed c) is mixing

2. Chemicals … (use) to make pulp white.

a) are been used b) is been used c) are used

3. The pulp … (dry) to form a huge of paper .

a) has dried b)are dried c) is dried

4. Large rolls of paper … (cut) into smaller one.

a) are cutting b) are cut c) is cut

5. Large rolls … (use) for newspapers.

a) are used b) is been used c) are been used

5. Write a letter to your foreign friend Robert (60-70 words) about your school.

In your letter: - write about your favourite subjects,

- your school activities,

- don’t forget to be polite

Stary Oskol


10 December 2017

Dear Robert,

Thanks for your letter. I was glad to get your letter!






Best wishes,


7 класс_Кузовлев


1 вариант 2 вариант


1. a

2. b

3. b

4. b

5. a


1. b

2. b

3. b

4. b

5. b


1. Who

2. Which

3. Who

4. Which

5. Which


1. Who

2. Which

3. Which

4. Who

5. Who


1. c

2. a

3. h

4. f

5. b

6. g

7. e

8. d


1. g

2. f

3. a

4. b

5. g

6. e

7. c

8. d


1. c

2. c

3 .a

4. b

5. a







Критерии оценивания (из 23 заданий)

«5» - 1-2 ошибки

«4» - 3-7ошибки

«3» - 8-11 ошибок

«2» - 12 и более ошибок

Intermediate Test


Form 8 ___

December ___, 20___

Вариант 1.

Закончите выражения. Use the correct verb do /make:

1.______ a decision

2.______ morning exercises

3.______ a mistake

4.______ a reservation

Match the words to make compound nouns:

5. school a activities

6. leisure b novel

7. crime c mate

Закончите предложения в Present Simple, Present Continuous, Past Simple or Past Continuous

8. I ... (to go) to the cinema at four o'clock yesterday. _____________________

9. She ... (to do) her homework when mother came home. _____________________

10. We ... (to go) to the concert the day before yesterday. _____________________

11. While Alice ... (to read), her brothers ... (to watch) TV. _______________/_________________

12. I want to go outside. It ... (to snow). _____________________

13. The boys ... (to play) football at 5 p.m. yesterday while Dan … (to study) Maths.


14. Sorry, we can’t help you, we … (to cook) the pie. _____________________

15. Listen! The girls ... (to play) the piano and their mum … (to sing) upstairs. __________/ _________

Choose the correct answer, mind your grammar.

16. When she phoned, they … the flowers.

a) were watering b) had watered c) was watering

17. It … all day long yesterday.

a) is raining b) rained c) was raining

18. I … never … this book.

a) has …watched b) have … watched c) was … watching

19. How many galleries … you … by Saturday?

a) were visiting b) had visited c) did … visit

Make adjectives ending with –ing; -ed using the words:

20. I always go red when I am … (embarrass).

21. I love winter — … (ski) is really exciting!

22. Why are you… (surprise) that he failed?

23. This song is really … (annoy).

Make up questions:

Echo questions

24. A: Harry had a trip last weekend. B: ..................?

a) Was he b) Is he c) Did he d) Does he

25. A: Mark is going to sing this Italian song. B: .....................?

a) Is he b) Isn't he c) Will he d) Won't he

Indirect questions

26. Why is she crying? Could you tell me .....................?

27. Do you know Mary well? I wonder if ..................... ?


There's an abstract from Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Marie_Curie Write a biography in 10-12 sentences using the main


Marie (Skłodowska) Curie

Born Maria Salomea Skłodowska

7 November 1867

Warsaw, Kingdom of Poland, then part

of Russian Empire

Citizenship Poland (by birth) / France (by


Spouse(s) Pierre Curie (1859–1906) m. 1895

Children Irène Joliot-Curie (1897–1956)

Ève Curie (1904–2007)

Education (Alma mater) University of Paris


Fields of Scientific career Physics, chemistry

Known for Radioactivity



Awards Nobel Prize in Physics (1903)

Davy Medal (1903)

Matteucci Medal (1904)

Elliott Cresson Medal (1909)

Albert Medal (1910)

Nobel Prize in Chemistry (1911)

Willard Gibbs Award (1921)

Died 4 July 1934 (aged 66), Passy, France

Cause of death Aplastic anemia from exposure to




She is the only person to win a Nobel Prize in two different


Intermediate Test


Form 8 ___

December ___, 20__

Вариант 2.

Закончите выражения. Use the correct verb do /make:

1.______ dinner

2.______ homework

3.______ new friends

4.______ karate

Match the words to make compound nouns:

5. high-protein a breakfast

6. pocket b diet

7. bed & c money

Закончите предложения в Present Simple, Present Continuous, Past Simple or Past Continuous

8. While my mother ... (to cook), I ... (to clean) the room yesterday. _____________/______________

9. He ... (to play) football at 5 p.m. yesterday. _____________________

10. I can’t go outside. It ... (to rain). _____________________

11. She ... (to have) her lunch at the office when the phone ... (to ring). _____________/_____________

12. They …(to learn) the poem when father ... (to come) back. _______________/________________

13. Look! The children ... (to play) football in the yard. _____________________

14. She ... (to see) that concert the day before yesterday. _____________________

15. Sorry, they can’t help you, they … (to do) the project. _____________________

Choose the correct answer, mind your grammar.

16. How many museums … you … by Sunday?

a) did … visit b) were visiting c) had visited

17. It … all day long yesterday.

a) snowing b) was snowing c) snowed d) snows

18. When he phoned, she … her flowers.

a) has watered b) had watered c) was watering

19. I … never … this book.

a) have …read b) has …read c) was … reading

Make adjectives ending with –ing; -ed using the words:

20. He was very …. (disappoint) when he failed his exams.

21. I don’t want to play this game. It’s … (bore).

22. They were …(terrify) when the lamp went out.

23. You must watch this film. It’s … (amaze).

Make up questions:

Echo questions

24. A: Carol had a cruise holiday last summer. B: ..................?

a) Was she b) Is she c) Did she d) Does she

25. A: Sue isn't going to watch this movie. B: .....................?

a) Is she b) Isn't she c) Will she d) Won't she

Indirect questions

26. Where is the museum? Could you tell me .....................?

27. Does Mary know him well? I wonder if ..................... ?


There's an abstract from Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


Write a biography in 10-12 sentences using the main information.

Wilhelm Röntgen

Born Wilhelm Conrad Röntgen

27 March 1845

Lennep, Rhine Province, German

Nationality German


(Alma mater)

ETH Zurich

University of Zurich

Known for Discovery of X-rays

Awards Matteucci Medal (1896)

Rumford Medal (1896)

Elliott Cresson Medal (1897)

Barnard Medal (1900)

Nobel Prize in Physics (1901)

Fields of Scientific



X-ray astronomy

Institutions University of Strassburg

University of Hohenheim

University of Giessen

University of Würzburg

University of Munich

Doctoral advisor August Kundt

Doctoral students Herman March

Abram Ioffe

Ernst Wagner

Rudolf Ladenburg

Other notable


Franz S. Exner

Died 10 February 1923 (aged 77)

Munich, Bavaria, Germany


8 класс_Вербицкая


Вариант 1

1. make a decision – принимать решение

2. do morning exercises — делать


3. make a mistake — сделать ошибку

4. do a reservation — зарезервировать

5. c)

6. a)

7. b)

8. was going

9. was doing

10. went

11. was reading / were watching

12. is snowing

13. were playing / was studying

14. are cooking

15. are playing / is singing

16. a)

17. c)

18. b)

19. b)

20. embarrassed

21. skiing

22. surprised

23. annoying

24. c)

25. a)

26. why she is crying?

27. you know Mary well?

Вариант 2

1. make dinner — приготовить ужин

2. do homework — делать домашнюю


3. make new friends – завести новых друзей

4. do karate –заниматься каратэ

5. b)

6. c)

7. a)

8. was cooking / was cleaning

9. was playing

10. is raining

11. was having / rang

12. were learning / came

13. are playing

14. saw

15. are doing

16. c)

17. b)

18. c)

19. a)

20. disappointed

21. boring

22. terrified

23. amazing

24. c)

25. b)

26. where the museum is?

27. Mary knows him well?

Критерии оценивания (из 27 баллов)

«5» - 1-2 ошибки

«4» - 3-7 ошибок

«3» - 8-13 ошибок

«2» - 14 и более ошибок

Intermediate Test __________________________________________

Form 8 ___

December_____ 20___

Вариант 1

1. Fill in the gaps in the following sentences with an appropriate tag.

1). You are British, ___________?

2). You were born in England, ________?

3). You haven’t got any brother or sisters, ___________?

4). Your parents must be kind and friendly, __________?

5). Your play sports, ___________?

6). It is a tradition to play sports in your family, ___________?

7). You and your parents will go to Russia nest year, _________?

8). You don’t speak Russian, ______________?

9). Christmas is a more important holiday than Easter in your family, ___________?

10). The weather in this part of Britain isn’t always rainy, _______________?

2. Fill in the gaps in the following sentences with the correct form of the words from the boxes.

Must/needn’t Should/shouldn’t Ought to/oughtn’t to

1. Visitors from almost all countries _____________ get a visa to Russia.

2. For those on package tours visas ______________arranged the tour agencies.

3. All visitors to Russia ________________________fill in a customs declaration on arrival.

4. Every tourist _____________________ have a medical insurance.

5. If you go on a package holiday, you ______________________check a hotel accommodation


6. If you travel on your own, you _________________________ make an airline ticket reservation

in advance.

7. You _________________take a lot of luggage.

8. All passengers ________________ carry more than 20 kg luggage onto the plane.

3.Вставьте подходящий артикль в предложения.

1. During our unforgettable tour across ___ Europe we visited many countries: ___ France, ___

Belgium and ____ Netherlands in ___ Western Europe; ___ Spain and ___ Italy in ___Southern

Europe; ___ Poland and ___Belarus in ___ Eastern Europe.

2. The country I liked most of all was ___ amazing Italy. I got to know much about its history and

culture. During the numerous excursions, I learned that ___ Medieval Italy was a real center of art.

3. The capital city of ___ Italy is ___Rome. It is a city that is full of history. Walking in its streets

you can easily imagine ___ Rome of ancient times, because there are a lot of historical evidence of

those times.

4. Rome of today is a modern beautiful city with charming and hospitable inhabitants and a lot of

tourists that are eager to do the sightseeing and to visit ___ Vatican.

5. Next year I want to visit ____ South America and to ____ Buenos Aires in ____ Argentine.

4. Make up questions. 1. go abroad/ Do / on holidays/ you?


2. afford/ travelling abroad/your parents/Сan?


3. favourite/What/ holiday destination/your/ is?


4. always/ discuss/ Do/ on holidays/you/your parents/ where to go?


5. It is a tradition in Britain to write a “thank – you” letter.

Imagine you have been to a party at a British home. What would you write in your “thank-

you” letter? Choose the statements from the box below.

Thank you for the party. It is/was really great. It was so kind of you to pass your congratulations

on me. It was a good idea to invite us all. I met many friends and we had a great chat. Thank you

for your kind and generous wishes. It was hard exam/test and I was happy that you remembered

about it. Thank you for your care and support. And I wish all success and luck to you. Thanks







Your friend,


Intermediate Test


Form 8 ___ December_____ 20___

Вариант 2

1. Fill in the gaps in the following sentences with an appropriate tag.

1. In Britain people don’t congratulate each other on nation holidays, _______________?

2. Foreign visitors should note how loudly people around them are talking, ___________?

3. In Britain it isn’t considered bad manners to eat in the street, ____________________?

4. A small Russian souvenir will be fine if you are guest at a British home, ___________?

5. Religions holidays can become national ones in some countries, __________________?

6. It is not polite to stare at another person, ____________________________________?

7. Different people have different greeting habits, _______________________________?

8. Foreigners make friends slowly, __________________________________________?

9. National holidays and celebrations must unite people, __________________________?

10. It is a bad idea not to queue in line, _______________________________________?

2. Fill in the gaps in the following sentences with the correct form of the words from the boxes.

Should, must/mustn’t, was able to, could/couldn’t, will able to, ought to.

1. I think we ____________ go to Spain instead of Australia. It will be cheaper.

2. Last year I ___________________ visit England twice.

3. Do you know if we _____________ have visas to go to Caribbean?

4. We _______________ book the tickets. We will go on a package holidays.

5. Passengers __________________ carry more than once piece of hand luggage onto the plane.

6. You __________________ ask foreigners personal questions, because it is not polite.

7. I think you really__________________ apologize.

8. You look tired. You really ___________ have a holiday.

3. Вставьте подходящий артикль в предложения.

1. ___ Europe is bordered towards the north by ____ Arctic Ocean, towards ___ south by ___

Mediterranean Sea and ___ Black Sea, towards ___ west by ___ Atlantic Ocean and ___ east by

___ Asia.

2. The largest fresh water lake in ___ Europe is ___ Lake Ladoga in ___ north-western Russia.

3. We've booked a holiday for three weeks in ___ Canary Islands.

4. Located to _____ east of ___ Mariana Islands in ___ western Pacific Ocean, ___ Mariana

Trench is the deepest known area.

5. ___ Astrakhan is located on ___Caspian Sea.

4. Make up questions.

1. buy/ package holiday/ Do/ travel on your own/you/ usually?


2. What/holiday accommodation/ do/ prefer/you?


3. going on an excursions/ like/ organized group/with/ you/ Do?


4. favourite/What/ way of travelling / is/your?


5. It is a tradition in Britain to write a “thank – you” letter.

Imagine your British friend passed his/her congratulations to you on the occasion of the

successful results of an exam or test. What would you write in your “thank- you” letter?

Choose the statements from the box below.

Thank you for the party. It is/was really great. It was so kind of you to pass your congratulations

on me. It was a good idea to invite us all. I met many friends and we had a great chat. Thank you

for your kind and generous wishes. It was hard exam/test and I was happy that you remembered

about it. Thank you for your care and support. And I wish all success and luck to you. Thanks







Your friend,


8 класс_Кузовлев


1 вариант 2 вариант


1. aren’t you?

2. weren’t you?

3. have you?

4. mustn’t they

5. don’t you?

6. isn’t it?

7. won’t you?

8. do you?

9. didn’t you?

10. is it?



2.ought to

3. must

4. must

5. needn’t

6. should

7. needn’t

8. ought not to


1. -; -; the; -; -; -; -; -; -; -;

2. -; the;

3. -; -;

4. -;

5. the; -; -;


1. Do you abroad on holidays?

2. Can your parents afford travelling abroad?

3. What is your favourite holiday destination?

4. Do your parents always discuss with you

where to go on holidays?


1.do they?

2. shouldn’t they?

3. is it?

4. won’t you?

5. can’t they?

6. isn’t it?

7. haven’t they?

8. don’t they?

9. mustn’t they?

10. isn’t it?


1. Must

2. was able to

3. must

4. needn’t

5. must not

6. shouldn’t

7. ought to

8. should


1.-; the; the; the; the; the; the; the; the; -;

2.-; -; -;


4. the; the; -; the;

5. -; the;


1. Do you usually buy a package holiday or

travel on your own?

2. What holiday accommodation do you prefer?

3. Do you like going on excursions with an

organized group?

4. What is your favourite way of travelling?

Критерии оценивания (из 27 баллов)

«5» - 1-2 ошибки

«4» - 3-7 ошибок

«3» - 8-13 ошибок

«2» - 14 и более ошибок

Intermediate Test


Form 9 ___

December ___, 20___

Вариант 1.

Fill in "the" if necessary.

_1._ Virgin Islands is a British territory to _2._ east of _3.__Puerto Rico.

_4._ Himalayan range is home to the highest peaks, including _5.__ Mount Everest.

Use must/mustn’t, may, can/can’t, should/shouldn’t, need/needn’t.

6. I ________ believe that you failed your test!

7. You ___ drive too fast in the city.

Fill in the gaps with the reflexive pronouns.

8. The children did everything _____ without any help.

9. Bob blames _____ for what happened.

Fill in the gaps with the prepositions.

10. He was living in London ___ 1997 ___ 2000.

11. You are invited ___ my birthday ___ December 17. Don’t forget!

Complete the sentences using the right form of conditional sentences (real or unreal condition)

12. If we __(to plant) more new forests this year, we __(to save) wild animals.

13. If people__ (to do) more for space flight last century, they__(to find) another planet to live on.

14. He __ (to phone) you as soon as he __ (to be) free.

Use the verbs in Present Simple / Past Simple / Future Simple / Present Continuous / Past

Continuous / Present Perfect / Past Perfect / Present Perfect Continuous (Active Voice) / Present

Simple / Past Simple (Passive Voice).

15. My sister usually _________ (spend) a lot of money.

16. Columbus _______ (discover) America nearly 500 years ago.

17. When the children have dinner, they _______ (go) for a walk.

18. Listen! They ______ (play) the piano upstairs.

19. He _______ (learn) the poem when his mother came home.

20. Look! What beautiful flowers she ____ (buy)!

21. By the 1st of September all the children _____ (return) from the country. Now they’re at school.

22. I ______ (look) for this book for 2 hours already.

23. Rice ______ (eat) with sticks.

24. This book ______ (write) by him last year.

Put down the sentences in reported speech and do all changes.

25. The teacher said to me: “Hand this note to your parents, please.”

a) The teacher asked me to hand this note to my parents.

b) The teacher said me to hand that note to my parents.

c) The teacher asked me to hand that note to my parents.

26. He said to us: “Come here tomorrow”.

a) He asked us to come here the next day.

b) He asked us to come there the next day.

c) He asked us come there the next day.

Make up questions:

27. He left lyceum 5 years ago. (Yes / No-?) __________________________________________

28. The children have done the task. (Tag-?) ___________________________________________

II. Fill in this ENTRY CARD. ONLY Capital Letters should be used.

Imagine that you have got a visa for travelling to a foreign country on January 14, 2018. Your full

passport number is W-R 563412.

You are on Boeing 747-400, Pan American World Airways, Flight 789. You are staying with your

relatives, Anna and Michael Ivanovy, in Atlanta, Georgia. They live at 345 Maple Highway.








All passengers, except

US Citizens, complete

this form. Immigrants

and permanent

Resident Aliens


top four lines only.

* Foreign Visitors:

Give Address Where

You Can Be Located.

** To Be Completed

Only for Arrival in








1. Family Name 2.First Name 3. Middle Initial

/ /


4. Country of Citizenship

5. Passport data of the


6. * United States Address (Number, Street, City and


7. **

Airline and Flight No. or

Vessel of Arrival

8. **

Passengers Boarded at

9. Number, Street, City , Province (State) and Country of

Permanent Residence

10. Month, Day and Year of Birth











[Signature of

applicant (or legal


The signature must

completely be within

the frame!

11. City, Province (State) and

Country of Birth

12. Visa Issued at (If no Visa insert

ticket number)



13.Month, Day and

Year Visa Issued

Surrender this

copy when

leaving the United


Intermediate Test


Form 9 ___

December ___, 20___

Вариант 2.

Fill in "the" if necessary.

_1._ Lake Superior is the largest of _2._ Great Lakes.

_3._ Urals divide _4._ Asia and _5. _Europe.

Use must/mustn’t, may, can/can’t, should/shouldn’t, need/needn’t.

6. You ________ smoke so much. It's bad for your health!

7. I know he speaks five languages, but ________ he speak Arabic?

Task 5: Fill in the gaps with the reflexive pronouns.

8. Forget it! I’ll do it _____.

9. He talks to _____ all the time. It doesn’t mean he’s crazy.

Fill in the gaps with the prepositions.

10. He was training in the gym ___ 5 p.m. ___ 7 p.m.

11. As I know you are interested ___ English. The Olympiad is starting ___ 10 a.m.

Complete the sentences using the right form of conditional sentences (real or unreal condition)

12. We __ (help) you when we __ (be) free.

13. If I__ (be) you, I__(come) to school in time today.

14. If they __ (prepare) better for their exams, they __ (pass) them yesterday without any problem.

Use the verbs in Present Simple / Past Simple / Future Simple / Present Continuous / Past

Continuous / Present Perfect / Past Perfect / Present Perfect Continuous (Active Voice) / Present

Simple / Past Simple (Passive Voice).

15. My brother ___ usually ___ (not, spend) much time on his homework.

16. They ___ (meet) at the conference last week.

17. When the child has breakfast, he ______ (go) to the park.

18. Look! The boys ______ (play) football in the yard.

19. We _______ (cook) since 11 a.m. till 4 p.m.

20. Look! What a beautiful dress I_____ (buy)!

21. By the 1st of July all the students _____ (get) their diploma.

22. She ______ (wait) for her son for 15 minutes already.

23. Fish ______ (eat) with a fork and a knife.

24. America _____ (discover) by Columbus nearly 500 years ago.

Put down the sentences in reported speech and do all changes.

25. The teacher said to us: “Hand these notes to your parents, please.”

a) The teacher asked me to hand this note to my parents.

b) The teacher said me to hand that note to my parents.

c) The teacher asked me to hand that note to my parents.

26. She said to me: “Don’t go there tomorrow”.

a) She asked me not to go there the next day.

b) She said me not to go there the next day.

c) She asked to me not to go there the next day.

Make up questions:

27. He studied at lyceum last year. (Wh-?) _____________________________________________

28. The children have passed the exams well. (Or-?) ___________________________________

II. Fill in this ENTRY CARD. ONLY Capital Letters should be used.

Imagine that you have got a visa for traveling to a foreign country on December 12, 2017. Your full

passport number is M-H 734056.

You are on Airbus A310-300, British Airways World Cargo, Flight 987. You are staying with your

grandparents, Anastasia and Georg Sergeevy in Leeds, England. They live at 43 Lake Road.








All passengers, except

US Citizens, complete

this form. Immigrants

and permanent

Resident Aliens


top four lines only.

* Foreign Visitors:

Give Address Where

You Can Be Located.

** To Be Completed

Only for Arrival in








1. Family Name 2.First Name 3. Middle Initial

/ /


4. Country of Citizenship

5. Passport data of the


6. * United States Address (Number, Street, City and State)


Airline and Flight No. or

Vessel of Arrival


Passengers Boarded at

9. Number, Street, City , Province (State) and Country of

Permanent Residence

10. Month, Day and Year of Birth











[Signature of

applicant (or legal


The signature must

completely be within

the frame!

11. City, Province (State) and

Country of Birth

12. Visa Issued at (If no Visa insert

ticket number)



13.Month, Day and

Year Visa Issued

Surrender this

copy when

leaving the United


9 класс_Биболетова


Вариант 1

1. the

2. the

3. –

4. the

5. –

6. can’t

7. mustn’t

8. themselves

9. himself

10. from / to (till)

11. to / on

12. planted / would save

13. had done / would have done

14. will phone / is

15. spends

16. discovered

17. will go

18. are plying

19. was learning

20. has bought

21. had returned

22. have been looking

23. is eaten

24. was written

25. c)

26. d)

27. Did he leave the lyceum 5 years ago?

28. , haven’t they?

Вариант 2

1. –

2. the

3. The

4. –

5. –

6. shouldn’t

7. can

8. myself

9. himself

10. from / to (till)

11. in /at

12. will help / are

13. were / would come

14. had prepared / would have passed

15. doesn’t spend

16. met

17. will go

18. are playing

19. were cooking

20. have bought

21. had got

22. has been waiting

23. is eaten

24. was discovered

25. c)

26. a)

27. When did he study at lyceum?

28. Have the children or students passed the

exams well?

Критерии оценивания (из 27 баллов)

«5» - 1-2 ошибки

«4» - 3-7 ошибок

«3» - 8-13 ошибок

«2» - 14 и более ошибок

Intermediate Test


Form 9 ___

December ___, 20___

Вариант 1

I. Choose the right form of the verb to be.

1. (Was, were, is) Tom at home? - No, he is at work now.____________

2. We (were, is, am) at the shop last week.________________________

3. My brother (wasn't, aren't, isn't) a pupil. He is a student.___________

4. I (wasn't, am not, aren't) sad. I (am, am not, isn't) happy.___________

5. We (am, was, are) here at last.________________________________

II. Make up a sentence.

1. you/did/read/what/yesterday? ___________________________________________________

2. have/bought/what/they/today? ___________________________________________________

3. like/ice-cream/she/does? _______________________________________________________

4. don't/Nick/learn/Mike/school/at/and.______________________________________________

5. do/they/where/live? ___________________________________________________________

III. Use the verbs in the Past Simple or Present Perfect /Present Perfect Continuous.

1. He likes his quiet life. He ____________ ( never / leave) his village.

2. For two years Jason ______ (travel) all over the continent and at last settled in a little town in

South Africa.

3. I can’t imagine him sitting quietly at home in front of the TV. He ____________ (run)

somewhere since the day he was born.

4. When Chris was a little boy, he________________ (read) a lot about travelers, pirates and sea


IV. Put the article where necessary

1. ___ Europe is bordered towards the north by ____ Arctic Ocean, towards ___ south by ___

Mediterranean Sea and ___ Black Sea, towards ___ west by ___ Atlantic Ocean and ___ east by

___ Asia.

2. The largest fresh water lake in ___ Europe is ___ Lake Ladoga in ___ north-western Russia.

3. We've booked a holiday for three weeks in ___ Canary Islands.

4. In ___North of ___ Britain there are higher lands and mountains.

V. Write some sentences about your best friend (10-12 sentences).

I would like to tell you about______________________________________________________











Intermediate Test


Form 9D

December ___, 20___

Вариант 2

I. Choose the right form of the verb to be.

1. She (is, were, been) a good doctor._________________________

2. They (are, was, were) children some years ago._______________

3. (Are, were, been) they at school yesterday?___________________

4. Where (am, is, were) your bag?____________________________

5. What (am, is, are) he? - He is a driver._______________________

II. Make up a sentence.

1. brother/can/my/piano/play/the/well._______________________________________________

2. they/ did/to/ the/go/shop/yesterday?_______________________________________________

3. cooked/dinner/she/two/hours/ago.________________________________________________

4. have/I/never/to/London/been.____________________________________________________

5. he/yet/hasn't/cleaned/the/room.__________________________________________________

III. Use the verbs in the Past Simple or Present Perfect /Present Perfect Continuous. 1. The Browns _________________ (live) in Canada for three years and then moved to America.

2. The Browns _________________ (live) in America six month already.

3. I love travelling by air, but I _________________ (fly) for two years.

4. For many centuries travelers in Africa ______________(suffer) from unknown diseases but now

doctors can help in most case.

IV. Put the article where necessary

1. The longest river of the world is ___ Nile River.

2. There are two lighthouses near or in ___ Cape Horn.

3. The lowest lake of the world is ___ Dead Sea, the deepest lake is ___ Lake Baikal, the longest

lake is ___ Tanganyika.

4. During our unforgettable tour across ___ Europe we visited many countries: ___ France, ___

Belgium and ____ Netherlands in ___ Western Europe; ___ Spain and ___ Italy in ___Southern

Europe; ___ Poland and ___Belarus in ___ Eastern Europe.

V. Write some sentences about your best friend (10-12 sentences).

I would like to tell you about_________________________________________________________













9 класс_Кузовлев


Variant 1.


1. is




5. is


1. What did you read yesterday?

2. What have they bought today?

3. Does she like ice-cream?

4. Nick and Mike don’t learn at school.

5. Where do they live?


1 has never left

2. travelled

3.has been running



1-; the; the; the; the; the; the; the;-.

2. -; -; -.

3. the

4. the; -;

Variant 2.


1. is



4.am not/am



1. My brother can play the piano well.

2. Did they go to the shop yesterday?

3. She cooked dinner two hours ago.

4. I have never been to London.

5. He hasn't cleaned the room yet.


1. have been living

2. have lived

3. haven’t flown

4. have been suffering


1. The

2. -;

3. the; -; the;

4. -; -; -; the; -; -; -; -; -; -; -;

Критерии оценивания (из 28 баллов)

«5» - 1-2 ошибки

«4» - 3-7 ошибок

«3» - 8-13 ошибок

«2» - 14 и более ошибок

Intermediate Test


Form 10 ___

December ___, 20___

Вариант 1


Write the sentences using Present Perfect.

1. Я знаю Марка 10 лет.

2. Ты видел Мэри сегодня?

3. Он дважды бывал в Италии.

4. She / be / new / school / two months.

5. Ann / just / move / a new school.

Turn the following sentences into reported speech using the words in brackets.

6. "Give me all you money!" (mugger / demand)

7. "You mustn't go out late" (dad / forbid)

8. "That's great news! Let's have a party to celebrate." (students / suggest)

Use (I wish...) and write sentences expressing people's regrets.

9. Nick doesn't get good marks in PE but he wants to.

10. Max is a doctor but he wants to be a tennis champion.

11. Lisa is very sad because most of her friends have got new trainers and she hasn't.

12. I love sunny weather. I wish it (to be) warm and fine all the year round.

13. I wish I (to know) Spanish.

14. Хорошо бы у нас сейчас были каникулы.

15. Хорошо бы у меня были ответы на твои вопросы.

Match the two columns to make complete sentences. More than one combination is possible.

Translate these sentences into Russian.

16. If the concert didn't start on time, a) if we found good music to dance to.

17. If his songs were performed, b) if we invited a band to play at the party.

18. We could organize a party c) if I invited my friend to listen to music.

19. I would buy the tickets d) you wouldn't be able to find the seats.

20. We would surely have fun e) I would be surprised.

21. If you came late, f) if you asked me to.

22. My mother wouldn't mind g) he would become famous.

Choose the right answer.

23. We arrived at the airport .... to check in.

a) on time b) in time c) just in time

24. He came to the conference hall .... to listen to the first speaker.

a) on time b) just in time c) in time

25. Where are you going on holiday? - I hope I'll ... visit my grandparents on Lake Baikal.

a) can b) could c) be able to

26. My brother learnt to skate when he was three. Now he's seven and he ... skate more quickly than

anybody else in the family.

a) could b) can't c) can

27. Если бы я хорошо занимался, я не получил бы "2" за последнюю контрольную работу.

a) studied, would got b) had studied, would got c) had studied, wouldn't have got.

28. Если бы я встал пораньше, я бы успел на поезд.

a) get up, will catch b) have got up, would have caught c) had got up, would have caught

II. You have received a letter from your English-speaking pen-friend Jane who writes:

…Last weekend was my mom’s anniversary and we had a family gathering. We entertained more

than 25 people and lived on leftovers for 2 days after the event. What do you usually cook for

special occasions? How often do you entertain people in your family? Do you normally celebrate

your family holidays at home, or go to a café or to a club? Why?

Oh, before I forget, my middle brother won our school tennis tournament…

Write a letter to Jane.

In your letter

- answer her questions

- ask 3 questions about her middle brother

Write 100–140 words.

Remember the rules of letter writing.



























Intermediate Test


Form 10 ___

December ___, 20__

Вариант 2

Write the sentences using Present Perfect.

1. Он видел ее сегодня.

2. Я никогда не занимался спортом.

3. Я еще не написал сочинение.

4. She / already / make / lots of friends.

5. We / spend / much money / this week.

Turn the following sentences into reported speech using the words in brackets.

6. "Why don't you take a taxi?" (Mike / recommend)

7. "We are organizing a New Year party. Will you come?" (friends / invite)

8. "That's great news! Let's have a party to celebrate." (students /suggest)

Use (I wish...) and make sentences expressing people's regrets.

9. Ann can't play basketball but she'd like to be able to.

10. Nikita eats too much pasta and is rather plump. He'd like to weigh less.

11. Kate is at home doing housework and all her friends are outdoors, playing in the playground.

12. I wish I (not to have) to do my homework every day.

13. I wish I (to be) at Nick's party with you.

14. Хорошо бы у нас сейчас были каникулы.

15. Хорошо бы вас интересовал этот предмет.

Match the two columns to make complete sentences. More than one combination is possible.

Translate these sentences into Russian.

16. If the concert didn't start on time, a) if we found good music to dance to.

17. If his songs were performed, b) if we invited a band to play at the party.

18. We could organize a party c) if I invited my friend to listen to music.

19. I would buy the tickets d) you wouldn't be able to find the seats.

20. We would surely have fun e) I would be surprised.

21. If you came late, f) if you asked me to.

22. My mother wouldn't mind g) he would become famous.

Choose the right answer.

23. The evening train arrived.... - at 9.25 as usual.

a) in time b) just in time c) on time

24. He always comes to school ... . He is never late.

a) on time b) in time c) just in time

25. Marry was a very talented girl. She ... read when she was only four.

a) can b) could c)couldn't

26. Ann missed a lot of classes and ... pass the test yesterday. But the teacher has allowed her to

retake it next week.

a) couldn't b) could c) can't

27. Если бы я позвонил Ане, то узнал бы все новости.

a) called, would have learnt b) had called, would have learnt c) had called, would learnt

28. Если бы я встал пораньше, я бы успел на поезд.

a) get up, will catch b) have got up, would have caught c) had got up, would have caught

II. You have received a letter from your English-speaking pen-friend Nancy who writes:

… I know you had your birthday yesterday. Where and how did you celebrate it this year? What

presents did you get and which of them did you like most? How do you plan to share photos from

the party, if at all?

Oh, by the way, my elder sister has moved to New York …

Write a letter to Nancy.

In your letter

- answer her questions

- ask 3 questions about her sister’s new accommodation

Write 100–140 words.

Remember the rules of letter writing.



























10 класс_Биболетова


Вариант 1

1.I have known Mark for 10 years.

2. Have you seen Mary today?

3. He has been in Italy twice.

4. She has been at the new school for 2


5. Ann has just moved to a new school.

6. The mugger demanded that I should give

him all my money.

7. Dad forbade me to go out late.

8. The students suggested having a party to


9. I wish I had got good marks in PE.

10. I wish I were a tennis champion.

11. I wish I had new trainers.

12. I wish it were warm and fine all the year


13. I wish I knew Spanish.

14. I wish we had holidays now.

15. I wish I had answers to your questions.

16. e

17. g

18. a

19. f

20. b

21. d

22. c

23. c

24. c

25. c

26. c

27. c

28. c

Вариант 2

1.He has seen her today.

2. I have never done sport.

3. I haven't written a composition yet.

4. She has already made lots of friends.

5. We have spent a lot of money this week.

6. Mike recommended taking a taxi.

7. Our friends invited us to come to their New

Year party.

8. The students suggested having a party to


9. I wish I could play basketball.

10. I wish I didn't eat so much pasta/ I wish I

weighed less.

11. I wish I were outdoors/ I wish I were

playing outdoors with friends.

12. I wish I didn't have to do my homework.

13. I wish I were at Nick's party with you.

14. I wish we had holidays now.

15. I wish you were interested in this subject.

16. e

17. g

18. a

19. f

20. b

21. d

22. c

23. c

24. a

25. b

26. a

27. b

28. c

Критерии оценивания (из 28 баллов)

«5» - 1-2 ошибки

«4» - 3-7 ошибок

«3» - 8-13 ошибок

«2» - 14 и более ошибок

Intermediate Test


Form 11 ___

December ___, 20__

Вариант 1

I. Fill in "the" where necessary.

1. … London is the capital of … United Kingdom.

2 ... China is the world's largest country. ... Chinese language is one of the most difficult for

Europeans to learn.

3 ... Croatia lies on the northeast of Adriatic, it borders with ... Slovenia, Bosnia and Serbia.

4. They plan to visit several countries during their vacation in … Europe: … France, Italy,

… Netherlands, … Spain.

5. … Saint-Petersburg is considered to be the cultural capital of … Russian Federation.

6 ... New Zealand is a country in the Pacific Ocean southeast of ... Australia. About 10% of the

population are Maori people who lived there before Europeans came. The language they speak is

... Maori.

7. They prefer to spend … their holidays near … Lake Baikal rather than go to … Black Sea.

8. In January they plan a trip to … USA and … Canada.

Use the appropriate conditional forms.

9. I ___ (help) you yesterday with your exam paper if I had known the answer myself.

10. If I were sure what I really want, it ______ (be) a problem for me to choose a career.

11. If he ____ (be) more ambitious, he would try to sit the exam once more for a better result.

12. I wish I ____(have) a new guitar.

13. I wish I ____(know) all the answers to the exam questions, but I don't.

Fill in the gaps with the correct words.

Career choice

Making a career choice is one of the most difficult and most important decisions we will

ever make in our lives. It has to be made with much_____ (14) and deliberation. Moreover, career

choices cannot be made based on just a few criteria alone. Your job may carry great monetary

benefits and perks, but if you do not enjoy what you do then you are_____ (15) wasting a large part

of your life. At the same time, remember that money is also important for you need it to survive. So,

if a job is all____ (16) but no pay, things can get difficult.

Before you start choosing a perfect career, you need to know yourself first. But sometimes

all this self-analysis leads to ___(17) . We end up more____ (18) than we

were at the beginning. Then, the best way to deal with the dilemma is to think

about _______ (19) a career counselor.

A career development professional will use various tools to help you evaluate

your interests, personality, _______ (20) and values. He or she will then show you how all these

things, combined, play a role in choosing a career. You can also learn about

a career by interviewing people who are already in that profession.

14. a) think b) thought c) thinking d) thinkable

15. a) fool b) foolishly c) folly d) fooling

16. a) satisfaction b) satisfy c) satisfying d) satisfied

17. a) somewhere b) anywhere c) where d) nowhere

18. a) confusion b) confused c) confusing d) confusable

19. a) consulting b) consult c) consulted d) consultive

20. a) skillful b) skilled c) skills d) unskilled

II. You have received a letter from your English-speaking pen-friend Ben who writes:

Last summer my parents and I went hiking to the mountains. We spent the whole week together and

enjoyed it very much. How often do you take active holidays? Who do you think is the best company

for you? What extreme sports would you like to try, if any, and why?

Last month our English class got an interesting project. We wrote a paper about interesting events

in the past of our country …

Write Ben a letter.

In your letter

- answer his questions

- ask 3 questions about his project paper

Write 100 – 140 words.

Remember the rules of letter writing.

























Intermediate Test


Form 11 ___

December ___, 20___

Вариант 2

I. Fill in "the" where necessary.

1 ... United States of America is located in ... North America between ... Canada and ... Mexico.

2. The official language of the USA is ... English.

3. In summer lots of people prefer to go to … south.

4. … Caribbean are situated to … southeast of … USA.

5 ... Cyprus lies in the Mediterranean, 71 km south of ... Turkey.

6. Most people in Cyprus speak ...Greek and ... English.

7. ... United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland is made up of ... England, ... Wales, ...

Scotland and ... Northern Ireland. Its population is about 60,000,000 people.

8. … lake Baikal is the largest lake in the world.

Use the appropriate conditional forms.

9. If I ____ (know) the computer better, I would apply for a part-time job in the computer call


10. If I had more time, I _____ (enrol on) a Spanish course.

11. If you ____ (not/warn) me about change in the exam date, I would have missed it.

12. She's always very lucky with her exams. I wish I _____ (know) her secret.

13. If I ____ (have) your brains, I would cope with any exam task.

Fill in the gaps with the correct words.

Career choice

When school is over, young people need to make a choice of what they want to do further.

Our grandparents often say that life used to be safer and less_____(14) when they were young.

That may be true, but I think that our generation have more opportunities than they had. We have a

wider career choice and we can shape our life ______ (15) our inclinations and abilities. I'm sure

that there are no good or bad jobs but there are right and wrong ones for every particular person.

One and the same job could be very______(16) and enjoyable for one person and absolutely

inappropriate for another one. It's also natural that different people have different job_____ (17).

Some of us seek a prestigious job, some look______(18) a well-paid job, and some people want to

work freelance and don't care about money or______ (19) — they just want to be their own bosses

and plan their own days. Distance jobs are gaining popularity for the same reasons. You see that we

can choose not only the industry we want to devote_____(20) to, but the format of the job too.

14. a) complicated b) comfortable c) communicative d) competent

15. a) because of b) due to c) according to d) in spite of

16. a) refreshing b) retraining c) relaxing d) rewarding

17. a) preferences b) benefits c) opportunities d) responsibilities

18. a) at b) after c) for d) forward

19. a) salary b) payment c) costs d) prestige

20. a) ourselves b) yourselves c) us d) yours

II. You have received a letter from your English-speaking pen-friend Tom who writes:

… In our city we have an annual competition for teenagers who make their own short films. This

year I got the second prize for a film about my grandparents. Do you think it’s important to record

family history? Who do you think should do it? How can it be done best?

This month is my mom’s birthday and now I am thinking about a gift for her. I want it to be very


Write Tom a letter.

In your letter

- answer his questions

- ask 3 questions about his project paper

Write 100 – 140 words.

Remember the rules of letter writing.

























11 класс_Биболетова


Вариант 1

1. -,the

2. - , the

3. - , -

4. -, -, the, -

5. -, the

6. -, - , -

7. -, -, the

8. the, -

9. would have helped

10. wouldn`t be

11. were / was

12. had

13. knew

14. b) thought

15. b) foolishly

16. a) satisfaction

17. d) nowhere

18. b) confused

19. a) consulting

20. c) skills

Вариант 2

1. the, - , - , -

2. -

3. the

4. the, the, the

5. - , -

6. - , -

7. the, - , - , - , -

8. -

9. knew

10. would enrol on

11. hadn`t warned

12. knew

13. had

14. a) complicated

15. c) according to

16. d) rewarding

17. a) preferences

18. c) for

19. d) prestige

20. a) ourselves

Критерии оценивания тестовой части (из 32 заданий)

«5» - 1-3 ошибки

«4» - 4-9 ошибки

«3» - 10-15 ошибок

«2» - 16 и более ошибок