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"tEhe -£aiur en ce ^Cmtrican


Publl.tii-4 Friday Morning, b,

UKO. S. MERRILL & CO., Proprietors,


Corner of KIHX and Appl.-ton .Streets


BUIISCltlPTlOH-atOO per year fa .JMMI; II aotlaadvanca.esao.

I'ua alrouleUon or tho Ltwr«m:« Amorl- oan la the largest or nuy oepar la Ik*

County, and more than JTOUB .TIMES that of any otber

Weakly Paper published In tbu oity.

MV li»Ui of Adv.rtt.lBg .ant upon application,

VOL. xvrn.—KO. G. 4IDq?EI AO?Slfis


*®hw 9oU9 American,

CVIE. EVENING (•eaday majui,)

I. Ui largest Dally la thr city, ud kufMr time. tk* eJra.lMtou of uj other.

oUBuCnirTIOMe— r» ADTABCR War T-ar. - ■ t« 001 Hli Moilll |1

w ii.n nui pud Ik ad* sane, es.


r«* * M n * i * * .■>

SIK.UI .'R,N riM. t »»(M»I I lb. IS>«t*T HUil WU.1 Onrtnaakl,

eastern Ma.laeaa.ni*. Koim toe BMM| in.prwee modernPrnees.end with <-oa.fari«a«!J<l(.,i.»,r<h

Hiwi.T iTYiil or rV»|,

sad wltb aar estenalre variety oi work, sis' .. able torarBish the B+.i Qeallty of Work, »«■_,« , ttoasly, aad at low prlee.. Orderi by ■>. promptly S 11*4.

GEO.S. MERRILL *C0., Proprietor i, SB* littX IT., LAWMMC*.

TO the Honorable tb. County Commiulonrr. Of the coanty of Esaex :—

The naderslgned respectfully represent tb.i a portioa of tba old road lead! a* from tb. Intersec- tion of Foster aad Union Streets, In ike ally ol ^•Tfaoa, L a .omtk-ea«arly direction to North Andover, baa, in eonaeqaenoe of Lb. taring ont

mediate vicinity by lb. afuex Company, become ^iySTH ,ft"-,fi* <*■«■'•■« o' tnepabllo; aad that lu location, frouint *Bgap>aally a aam- ber of new street* laid oat In conformity wltb the general plan of that part of tbe eltyi serlouely Impair., laitcad of enhancing, tbe Taloe or the lends BOW bordering upon if They, thererore, pray jour Honorable Hoard to discontinue >o MM! M ■*'■ *9* "• '■«• between Union maagaf1^' *••«- ■ w

They farther rrpneeat that t bey are tbe owner. of all tb. land on both ildei of tb. laid road, not

* *?L*!! 3 ^SawiSaB t OOMFAHT,

■ BHIMOW, Tree .are r. HOMO of MUSKH FOhTEK,

Conmontetattk of Afa**acktuett*. bsaBX, aa. Court of County Commluionera,

October t.rm, A. D.1.71. On tbe patttloa afore.ald, ordered, that Mid

petition.™ give notice to aU peraoB. andsorpori- tlon. bstaronal therein, that .aid OommlMloYcr. will am at tho BoetOh aad Maine Kallroad De- _**«**»»••»•* l*awr*su>*,iB aald ooaaty, oi MOM-

■* -loth day of Dwoeaeber nut, at 2 la o'clock P.M., by publishing aa AGH eopy ol aald peUtloB.and of tbli order thereon, In the Lewrrnee American and Andorer Advertiser, a

.«tbe said ninth day of December; end ale* by serving the City Clerk or Lawrence Wltb an aueated copy of .aid petition and thla order, thirty day* at lent, and by polling u atuated copy thereof In two public place* In

ad take a petlUo

i will


— .aid ninth Inaa aad place aald

11 prooesd to view the preml order In nlatloa to the prayer

a by law Ibey aaay be authorized ►v «-. A, A. ABBOTT, Cl.rk.

A true copv or petition aad order thereon, AUtu, A. A. AUBOTr, Clerk.

A true eopy—Atte.t, sttooll

' Kataie Iltihjamln W. Rine.. Notice I. hereby |i*en that tho aab.erlber ha.

benB duly appointee, adulnUtntrlx or tbe Batata of Batdaaala W. Uaaa, lite ofUwrenee.ln tbe county of Ka»e*,oj,er»tWe, daoeaaod, aad baa taken apon berteir that tra.t by rfilBf bonda, ai tbe laWdlreet*. Allpenoa. f demand, apoa the eatate of Mid dVeatad

xabltilt tbe .ama; and all per- * —m to

HMli are rrqalr.d ._ aoa. indebted to tald eitata are called upo.

Lawreaeo, Oat. IB, 18TJ, ol§B Admlalitratrlx.

OmmoHvxalth of Ma*»ac\uittu.

To tbe holra at law, next of kin, aad all other per- ■ ont Intereated lmheeitatcof JAMK8 DkA BY, lato of Lawrence, la Mid oonnty, mer- chant, dooaaaad, greet I of:

Wntfaaa, certain In.tmmenti, parportlne to be tb. laat will and teitament and two codicil, ol aald deoea*ed,ha»e been pre*anted to aald Conrt, for piobate.by Timothy Dea.y, who pray, that letter. teiUmenl.ry may be leaned to him, tbe eaecitar therein named.

Yo« are hereby oiled to appear at a Probate Ooart to bo holden at Lawraaaa, In .aid county of K.Mi,on tbe S.eoad Taaaday of Noteaiber neat, at nine o'clock In tbe forenoon, to .how oau.«, II any yoa bay., .aalnit the aame.

lad aald petitioner I. heraby directed to jrlr. publlo uotloe thereof, by pablUhiaj tbli oltatlou one* a week, for thro. aaoaeealTa week., In tbe

> day., at loaat, before .aid paaJtca Court.


TT imwa, UHip r . ujimil, nai|UUT, JBUIf VI add Court, tbU foartb day of October, in the year one tboaaaaa) eight hundred aad .eroaty.


lle.lrablr K«al E.tatr for SalelaUalem, N. II. A «oOa Farm aad aa excellent Graalte Qaarry. Tb. .abeatlben offer, at ptfrato aale. apoa

reaaOBBble term., ker Farm, iltuated la Balem, R.Bnaaar the Uepotof the Mauohriter A Law- raaaa atallroad. The yarm eontaln. .bout ataty

a or rood land .altably dl.loedlato tlllato, ', TbobaUdlnga

a With an I., rr-

__ load •» It ably dUlo pa.turr.orcb.rd and wood land, eawal.t of a good twe-ttary hoa-a « aeaUy built, of tb. bc.t material, aoa in ■ uior- ougb manner, with modern appllanae* lor con»e- alaaoa; a barn NiW feat; aad aoatt.ee bO«*a la good repair. Alao balldlaga ealHsle for the qna/ryiaa baalnaaa, .aeh .. blaokimlth .hop, esaao ahada, ate., all la good repair.

Dpon tbe praatlae. la aa aawaliont aad extern!re Urawlta <gaia*rv whleh ha. bcea very IDWMI- lally workaat far aaora (baa twenty year, by tb. late Eliphalet Oage, deoea.ad. Here I. a rom- pletely developed quarry wltb aa eadle.. .apply of .aperior graall* that alwaya lad. . ready MIC in »UT«rblir, Lawrence, and la all plar'. where Enlt. 1. aaed, or at the Depot, whle* I. bat

ee-foarth. of a mile dlataat, aad a good road. gThe dliunee to Lawrence la all wile., aod to HaT.rnJU el«bt. Kor referenoa aa taqnalrtyol

to, aaw '"graa<(. fronW of eltle.of Haver- 4»mai,ud many oUerplacaa lathi* tl-

laga thereon, aad a ufe aad proatabla baai- aaa. ipon tha prtaU*.*. For further laforma- lloa.inqulre of the ■ubeortber, on tba premiae*. or Of WHIT r.TK«MI£r.aIetnuen,Maa..,Qrol

• ISAAC THOM, aear aal.ai Depot. THKODOBHA OAOB.

■alem.Sapt.r.laTt. »f*



Director's Office, 27 Conrt street, Boston.


Aa.cta oyrr - - - 96*000,000.00

AH (As Profit* paid to Policy HoUert.

The low rate, and large dlrld.ad. of thl.old Company, together with aaaoUaat Baaaageaunt, ralrdeeJIaB.BdpromplBea.lnUe adJaattMat<i ioaaaa.Baakea It the beat Coaipaay la Now Etgland to laaara la, e.pt'Oially for Kndowm.nt Polial...

8- E. LAWEENCB, Agaat for Lawrence, Ua*erhtll, AndOTar, aad

wyJO MatbB.n.

Office, 379 Kasi'X Street, Lawrence.

I'KUUIf li 4 CLONNON, AaeUoaeera, Real Estate Agenta aad Appral.era, No. 3e) l Jtssei St.* Lawtrinr, Mass.

Alw.ya ready to gl.e their pertonai •errls. and •erlou. att.ntfon to a all lag Heal and 1-eraonal IiUtt at auction or otbarwUa, obtalalai Money aad letting tha ..aa. at fair rataa lor all ooac.r- ad.negoUallBg Mortgage, and looklnaapTltl,

a at rail rataa tor __ _Iortgage.and looklt.. .

Renting property and colleetlag Saata, eW,


C. K. 4 J. p. PUJJ3BTJKT,

OHINI8TB, (Saaoa.Mr. to VTabrta* Doitla a Oa,)

Maaafactnrer* oi

Cotton ft Woolen Machinery AMD

MACHIHB WOBK GENERAU.Y, Pulley., Qearlagaad abaftlag, Jaak Saraw..

prc^^Mpti'fau?."'- mmmmm Dealer, la Maaafaet.rer.' Bappllai.

Potter's Bufldlng, Cornet of Fnmk. •A. —a atui a. 1 .

H5T he IDtmetxcan.


Steam Dye House, 141 Lawrence ■«., near Hrldgr.

•Ilka. Thlbarta, Alpacas A all other Draaa Goods, Shawls, Sacques,

ato., Cleansed or Dyad.

Also, Carpets Cleansed in a Superior Manner.

(Joatleanea'a Clothe. Cleaasad ar DrM without ripping, to give eatlre

, satlafaetloa. Harlag all tho lataat improved machinery, aad

hooplas BOB. bat tho beet Dyer., we oaa do ear work tqaal to tho hart la lb. country, aad hope 'i bo farorad with a trial.

LAWBXSCK, Oet, IS, laTj, Till. 1. to certify that I have had work done la

the moat .atlafaetory manner by JOHM T, Titix. A Co. Can rioocnraend aald Company to ail thoie requiring aaytblnf in their line,for reatou- ablenee. of eharg.., proatptnoaa in aaeeatloa, and quality of work. lutv. L. L. WOOD.

LAWBMOB, OM, 14, IKK, Msaaxa. TKKK. ;—

I ha»e great pleanre ID teitlfylag to Ihe Ueace of yoar Oyalag aad Cleaning Old

' — Idea that «uch perfeatloa waa

LAwaaaoa, Oot. is, UK, Maaaaa. J.T. TSBM A Oo.:

l>aar Sir* .-The .loth, aad ftrntlll placed la oar hand, by u.. for cleaniinn aad oolorlag,

" Wo are

.bail ti plea.ure In .OMnaeadtag your work to oth era.

Hepeolfully, 7, W. BOWKIlt, J.O.BOWKMM.

Mia«K.. Taita:— I take pleaaar e la teat if f, ag to the exeal 1 eace

of yoar Dyolag aad Cl.an.lng ladle.' Dreaaaa aad Shawl.; alao, tb. .aperior manner la which Coat., Pant, and VMU have booa r.iaUh.d at yoar eatabll aliment.

Yoan.traly, S. F. BbTlLL.

Lawronoe, Oot. 17,1171,

A O X M T S. ■• F. aTNELL, 313 Eaaex street, Mra.BUJKNEI.- "' Maa.WIQOIM,Bro L. O. NO Hit [g. Meibuea. JOHN BROWH, North Aadawar. JOKL BAKMEB, Frye Villaga. tools




»SO pagti o/ ENTIRKLTNEWdnlhmmt, oVafeaoM, Mbttt*. ckantt, <te.

A complete collection for orannto and OI.OBIKO PUBLIC Woiaair. Tba Maale la of that practical ' raotar aad ■*■.■■! .laaplleity, eo popaUa la

of the AnTagaOrraaiKti oaa to awaS, aarfwB! be admired by aia.-fea/Al of OOT Choir, thfwagh- -it tha eoaatry,

Tha AMTHga Orraauo will bo foaad a flrat IN book for Sohoola aad Hoolatlaa. Aay aboriater of waohrr, who will «ead hla «d-

dreaa to tbe pabil.b.r. before HOT. IB. Ie7^, .hall be entitled to S elmle oopy, for examination, OS .aob tanaa a* aaDoot rail to glr. eatiafeoiloa.

Price »10 per do.. Blugl. oopla. Si. 4wfoollsb LJCB A BHKPAED, Pabli.her., BOOTOS, Ha.


Tuner far the mason 4% natnlln1


{formerly with Taylorfc Farley, Woreoat.r,} will attend to all order, for Tuning, Voicing or Ue- palrlag

CABINET ORGANS la Lawrence and ilclully. b

HIT Inn had experlcuc. la two Of the laraeat Faatorte. la tho eoaatrj.b* U enabled to war- rant all work that paa.ee through hla band..

F, O. addr... aad reeideaee, 1U«J Haver- lilll Hlreet, Lawrence, Ma... f aoaS


Wa bare received aa Inyoie. Of ClIAPSf AN A McJtglLL'l celebrated ExtrBOta aad Essenoes,- lb. .I.e.,—eon.l.tlng of £«aaoa, VanUtm, StrmwHriy, Pirn* Applt, Ratyltrry, Oingtr, OMeia, (,'*«fll.'eroerry. Sattafr**, e«., to which we aak tha attention of the trade.

The.e good, .re warranted to gl*e perfect aatl. faction, and .re aaed In tomr oi the beat hotel, la BoetOB aai tba vkaBttf.

EASTMAN A BUELL. Uwre.iea.Bept. aO. 1B7I. ISBt

Title paiHd of properly ualae. th. .am.b.p.r feat: no Money fave.Ud bat apoa th.mo.taa- doabtad Btaarlty, AU ba.ln... Utra.tad to a. will be BlUnded to promptly, and .11 will be hon-

baalaaa., prompt payment, oi aaah prooMd.,deal- lag la all nonor with the ..liar aad owner, at Lh< •uaa time looklna wellio Ihe trae Inlereat of th< »"••« that hi. tlileiare food, aad that he g.tt

I. entitled to— tha. .eourina aad oaaldaue of oar lallowa which la

wJll Wp MlMfc" »0ba.lBc..,aad ■t type of hoaorabla daallsg.

»~ m. laaiogabli, and aoaordlag to th. reepon.lblllty. Call apoa ua.

Ksal Estate Orooe, Essex St., No. 881.

for a p. r ma a eat laTottaiaat. lUad Baal Xaute aolama la Lawroaoe Saatlaal

aad Lawreaoa Dally Amerteaa. tmyll

k Splendid Farm for Bale. CoB.l.ling or ISO aar... well dhhto*. Call Sc-

ion, bay, keep. 10 head or cattle. Apple, Bear., oeit.iBute, .hagBarkt, crape., curranfi, etc,; 11 acre of ttrawberrlra, fi.ldln| rich la.ume. Haw OOttage hoaae. S large b.rna. Bltaatod • mllea from M.nebeater, N. H. Call nn or addr...

■apg7 Da. CHAB. A. GOLDUM1TH


Superintendent of Cemetery,

Residence 95 Tremont StrMt.


R. H7¥DDY. SOLICITOR Or PATENTS For Invention; Tnd« Marks or Dftij/m,

No. TS Btato St., opposite Kilby St., BOtTOK,

AJUrsa aataaalva practlaaof apwardii of thirty yean, oontiuue. to aooara Pateat. la th. United Bute, t also, la Oroat Britain, Fraace, and other toratga asaaHl.i Oaaoata, BjpeatSoatloaa. A.-

jjtra^^r """••" oftha elala..' of aay patoat oaa dollar. A..1 »n meat. re.

111 aaea..ity of a>nraey to Wi

* tared iareator..

"1 regard Mr. Eddy ft. aad .uooeaafal praotltloi had oslolat laUroosraa.

Beautiful Farm in Methuen, 7SBBT..|

A Dalloata Young; Lady Marries ax Old Trapper and Kills a Bear.

f Frojn tbe Wey.uwege (Whvaoaato) Tlmae.J Some few mooths atnoe, ''Uncle Mark

iMaa," as ba Is familiarly known, ■ saeeessfnl trapper of this vicinity, wooed end woo the g-unhtajr heart of a timid damsel. Though the trapper Is a man well along- In years, probably about sixty, J«hM a arnat; warm heart, that burasd WTO the Interne flra of "love's yoiinu dream'* for the young matdea of twenly summers. He won tbe fftrl's eonarnt, sad tba wedding was celebrated In the frontier style. A few of tbs trapper's friends prophesied that the marriage brooded no good to him; but latter events bsve proven a different state of affairs.

Uncle Ifarkman took his young Illy to bis little home on the banks of the placid Wolf, where he taught bar tha divers 'ports peculiar to his calling. He taught ber to fl.h until she was an adept. He taught ber to row a boat until sbt could 'null Ilka a man." He taught her to

shoot until she la a "dead shot." So far be has been happy. She has been all be soald ask for, and enuoursged wltb her fast progress, he has been lately tescblng ber the art of trapping. In this she has teently prawned his ambition wltb a

fsurel wreath, and filled his cup of joy to rlie brim. She has trapped a bear, and shot old Bruin dead In bis traded. It happened on Thursday morning, the 26ih

Tbe trap had been set for a bear on whst Is known as the "isltnd," near Wolf River bridge.

On Thursday morning. Alts, the trap- per's wife, or "sis." as he is wont to call her, started out, well armed, to look at the traps. Upon nesrlng one of them she heard a terrible slashing. A few areps brought her In view of the terror of our northern forest; old Bruin paused In bis work to view hit strange foe, and greeted ber with a howl of race; that bowl was bis last. Qoletly she drew the stock of tbe gun to ber shoulder, draw a sure bead on the most vital part ol the animal and fired. As tbe stooko akaaiwd away she saw that tba shot had strode, home- that bar trophy lay bleeding at her feet. After her work wss done, she had her husband and a young man help her carry home two hundred pounds of bear meat.


That excellent writer Robert Cham- bers, thns speaks of the month of Octo- ber In his " Book or Days: - " It li now yellow autumn, no longer divided from summer by the plumy sheaf and linger- ing flowers, but with features of Its own, marked with slow decay. Ther; Is a rich beetle red on its cheek, too beauti- ful to last long, and every wind that blows pales the crimson hue, or soatteis its beauty on the empty sir, for every- where around ns the leaves are falling. But through the openings autumn makes In the foliage, many new beauties are revealed—bits of landscape, which the close-woven leaves had shot out, of far- away spots, that look like a new coun- try, so strange do they appear when seen for the flrat time through the faded and torn curtains which have shaded summer. * * • • • • Turn wherever we may, we see the face of nature changing; nowhere does it now wear its summer-look, the very sound of the falling leaves eansea ns to feel thoughtful, and many a solemn pas- sago ol the Holy Bible passes through tho mind, telling us that the time will come when we also ■ball fade as a leaf the wind has taken away. 'And all thou bast shall fall down as the leaf falleth from the Tine.' That we sfaall soon be ' as oaks when they oast their loaves,' and at no other season of the year do these solemn truths strike ns ao forcibly as in the auttmu. Aa the fallen leaves career before ui—crumbling ruins of summers beautiful halls—we cannot help thinking of those who have per- ished—who have gone before ns, blown forward to the grave by the ley blasts of death. The scenery of spring awakens no snob emotions, there is no sign ol de- cay there, for all seems at If fresh, and springing Into life, after the long sleep of winter. • • • • * * Yet we know this maternal decay la nec- essary to produce the life and beauty of a coming spring, and It ia some solace to know, that tor evawy flower *«»»i rains and blows upon and buries, a hun- dred will rise np and occupy their places by the time summer returns again, for It Is her work to beautify decay."

e river, Mag between tha river aad tbe road, I eaoagh far hoaao parpo.ee. SBB.ppl. tree.. II ton. atBgUah^Mid itOB* waadow hay^-

""ha"? Mile trlety. Ml ■itoatlow (allccrron

MM Lowell. Oood bedBBBBBga In food MBdlUoa. well reared with .ton. wall^- A Mod Yam, aad oaly aoU baeamao tba owwar H going wast. Price Hioo, S3UU0 of whioh eaa lie an IndcBalta tine at an latoratt Of 7 aar cat.

* lfiet»,Oa.ortbeaBeetr"— aad Lawri.ee. 4 1-f I

troablairoa. ftnei-.. Lowell aai

Tnor Call apoa rxnitlCK aglLOBBOlf ,Li

or St tb. iiremlie..


TESTIMONIAL. ejoneor th. moateap loa.r. with Who* I hare

"~CUA8. MABOrJ.Commii.ion.r or Patent..' "I bar. ao ha.ltaUoa IB Mealing In TC« ton that

tbu aaaaat employ a a*aa aaora oomsatawa aa. ■ rttriworfag, and more capable of puttlnf. thai applknt] OB. la a fb rat to .aaa re for tbew an .art and favorable ooB.lderatlOB at tho Patent OSm,

EDMUKDBUKKB, Lat. Comwailloaer of Patent.-"

nil in amo.t a»erw saw. «»»»~»"™ ■"»-■ or greetWieitt aad abftltr oa hla Bart, Led. me to lll—iad AU, lar.Btor. to apply to him to pro- tnuTtMltpateatt, a. they may be aura oMunlsg th. Baott raUbfel attention be.towed oa th.Ir oa- •e*. and at vary re»aonabl• ebarge.. '

BWOB. Jan. 1.1171. JOBl TAQQABT."


AOHlNIDTBATniX. HAt.B. By vtrtas of a lloaa.a from tha Jadge of Probate

for (ha Ooaaty of Ka.ex, I .ball asll .1 I'abllc Aaettoo, OB tha premUee, OB Bgtarday, Mor.m bar 1Mb, law, at S o'aloek. P. M-, one of tho aaoat rala.tilelaUoflaBd.aowraoant, la the Cltr of Lawroaoe, .itu.U «a tb. Bonh-we.t joraer of Oarden andNewbury .treeU; MM lot l« oO xM

wlUitalhroo Mianto* walk from the Comion, City Hall. ~ Daok,aad Oasb, aw u. —£ikTi WEMTM[ ig.^

A. V.BUOBIK, AB.IIoaeer. LawraaM,0Bt.Sf,ls7S. »".

■laatoi lali. Peat OMae, Waahtagtoa, roMbtrtoa, aad Everett HUIa. lala gwalUVO. Terma |100a»tlmeof.a>e.

Publlo Instruction in Franco.

An Important circular from M. Jules Simon, the minister of public Instruction, explalnt the meaning of a passage In hit speech at the Sorbonne, whleh made a sensation at the time, and challenged much crltlotsm. While admitting that the study of tbe classical dead languages should continue as heretofore to be an India pen sable element of secondary edu- cation, be ibooked the old professors by averring tbat It would be possible by a better system to teach the dailies aa well as they are taught now In much less time, and to enable students to learn modern languages si well. The new system whleh the minister now develops is, thst whereat modern laugnsgee are learned to be spoken, the dead languages are learned to be read. Starting from these preml.es, he arrives at the con clution that the mode of teaching them respectively should be widely different he boldly propounds tbe doctrine that the Latin verses aod themes, by the painful achievement of which students were In the habit of getting prises, were a tad waste of time. He proposes utter- ly to abolish tbe Latin verses aod greatly to reduce tbe themes; Instead ol flounder- ing about for years In hopeless efforts by means of concordance, to make tolerably good Latin competition, which onoe the university honors gained Is never re- sorted to again, and Is wholly useless, he would have the student thoroughly Imbued with the best Latin authors, so thst he may read and enjoy tbem to the latest day of hit life; by intelligent teach- ing this result may be attained In far Ian time than wai devoted to tbe barren glory of wrlulng crabbed Unas tn motley Latin of all ages, the very beat of which could not fall to shook every elaerlo ear. Of bourse, so great a ichoolsitlc revolu- tion at thl* oaanot be effdoted without provoking much remonstrance, but emi- nent protestors wbo have taken the highest honors under the old system are altogether In favor of the reform. Prom- inent among these Is M. Saroy, of the Nineteenth Centurr, a orowjed student of tbe year of About aod Provost Para- do I.


IShe mCmmcafio LAWRENCE, FRIDAY. NOV. 1, *71

Hochefort's personal history Is one not exactly calculated to commend him to theretpectof decent people; at present ha occupies a quiet petition In a French prison. Only hit jailer and the govern- ment know where that prison Is. When he had got the Aanferas established. It brought blm a clear weekly profit of •i600. He bad hit wash stand furnished with pitcher, basin, tooth-brush box, soap box, all of solid silver. His walls were hung with pictures tor whleh he had paid a great deal, and which bore tbe names of the Immortal masters of painting. True, that at the sale they went Tor nothing, but Roebefort'a la not tbe only cabinet of pictures valued at a fortune by its collector, and sold^for a song by lu auctioneer; be lavished mon- ey on some < f the most extravagant women ol Part. Meanwhile his father languished In a gmret with no window but a tky-llght, allowed only one candle a wstk, and led—#i30 covered all the expense*, lodg-lnus, table?, lights, and fuel, for toe sordid boardlug-bouie situs- ted at 210 HUM do Faubourg St. Antolne. Boehelort never vl.lted his father, and never sent him money; there is some myiicry about tbe father's marital rela- tions. It Is certain that Henri Roche fort't mother was a paatry-oook, or a girl employed In a pastry shop, and forty odd yesrs since renowned for her beauty.

Tba Lovtr's Picture.


Wllbla a bower of roaee bright. Her Mif tha ratraet roso,

Sweat Margaret «*t a-draomtag eTreanu, Aa day draw near It. cloee.

Tb. dimples la bar reaadad cheek. Played hlda aad aaah. Iho while

Tha farmpttag lip. by happy laoaghta JaatparledlBaamlle.

for WM BSS thUber Iststt boar? And this tbelr UyaUag place *

Aad all Love'a beautlf* I nf I hon (hi* Wave mirrored IB ber faee,

The say btrde enrolled overhead, •' Yoar lovo>. I.ta-1. late I"

J.at M hie well ksown, ringing slap CBBM aobolaa tbroa.h tha gate.

Me e*ufht tha gkwtoa. picture there, Aadabrtoed II la hi* heart;

taw, how tnaingseeeaad wwh ofartl

MISS H. B. FIELDING wt.beatoiBformherrBiBBM.of Lewrenoa aad vicinity that aha baa jaat raoeived alt ihe tat.it FALL SSd WUfTMK Btyias frost MOW Tork, and 1. sow ready to axooeto all order* for Daass MAKING ATHIBBOOMB.BSI •£■«•« Strast. Lewreaee. twrartloslsr atUBtloa paid to O0TTtH9 and WITTIITO LADlKA'maA CH1LDXIS-8 gain. JVtw BCflt* received ayary wool. Ladles' Suite Cut and Fit- ted for 91. Maohlae BttUblng aad Braiding donetoord.r. At|beral .bar. of patraaage *e- llolted, with tbank. tor peat f.Tor..

L.wreaee,iept,S,ll71. *»M

Original. Day* of Summer.

Days of inwmw, gosw thy glory t From lb. meadow, hill. Bd tree;

Faded Bow thr brlllleat beaatlea, Loat thy .harm. w. loved lo.ee.

Daya of n.nn, goao thy glory I Oeaethy Btres whh ahaarfal asag;

U one thy bulterdira aad laeeele, 11 ummlni merrily aloag.

Day. or nmmor, goaa thy gtory I Gone thy fragrani, bahay air I

O on. thy bad* MM.d by Hat .bower. lato hlawoMS sweat aad fair.

Daya ofeamimw, gone thy glory 1 PaUIng now thy wvtkarad I«vae;

Bat, ibouab aa| la tag .tow^Mlag, I BIS sat St oaa who grievee.

For I know IB bud* all .aaay, Walt* tha robin aad th. wraa;

Aad thy bad. art oaly *leepta|, By aadbyloarakeagaiB,

So, poor bean, If thou be .Ighlag O'er BOOM mournful .nrnmst'ii Mar, *

Know thy periibed bop*, will waken la th. gbid, Immortal ysar.

MAar I. Baaaov.

The last notes from Nlliaon-Rousesud Intimate that at the oonclutlon of ber present engadrements In Europe she will visit this country to give a aeries of fare- well lyric performances, and then retire to private life, making her permanent abode tn New York. That la the report. Who ever heard of a prime donna's vol- untarily retiring from tbe stage when in the flush of youth, health, and hunef They go until the publlo decline to pay tbem cash—never.

THE NKW BEDPOBD Mercury relates tbe following:—About two weeks ago Mr. George Lowden, a Scotchman, ar- rived la ibis country, at KAII River, and commenced his upward career like sn honest man, by finding work and enter* lng upon it with energy. After two and a half days' employment be foil sick, and a In fswdsyi his Illness proved fatal; bis funds having been exhausted, It fell to the city to bury him, which Just act tbe authorities were about to perform, when the Caledonian Club stepped In and took the duty off tbelr. hands. Purchasing a beautiful silver-mounted casket arranglog ell the details, and paying the expenses, tbey turned out Sunday, (50 strong, and followed their deceased Muntryman to hit Aaal resting-place. Not Otntent with tolng this one act of goodness, Mr. Dan- iel McCowan purchased four adjacent tola in the cemetery and presented them ID the society, in order that there may be s proper and suitable place In whleh to jury future comers from Scotland who nay he called away tuddeniy while here imong strangers.

"As TUB RESULT goat," says the New York Nation, "we have one mire proof of a fact which this campaign ha. abun- dantly proved by many Instance), that no matter how great a war govefcor you may be, or bow high-toned s Sertior, or how powerful an organ, It it mtnly as tbe governor and Senator and obgn 0f your party and not of yourself, tha you are really Influential. Mr. Curtli tp. example, aad Mr. Forney are notsbi«.-.. empllncationi of this truth, and 1 t

month every Bute In tbe Union wlll^ full of almllsr Illustrations.

^eeklv, '^It«TP» ^Brepi.ir»

SATURDAY, A largo body or Sloax Indian, an reported

00 tbe road to tbs Fort usury t.iiltm.nt, bui It It oot ret kaowa whether tbay an hostile or not. Tbs Bed Lake Chlppe**. era aasvatetsa of designs against the boeadary mnntastoa, bat ag tbs latter are wall saaaraed by American rroewitsaWwtWi.sSjrtVa^toBa.le.bed.

Tbe bens disease .till .pread. In Booth Boa- ton, Cbarle.to wn ana Cambridge I tba hone can are withdrawn, and travel sxeept oa foot, It out of the question- Ia Bottoa the MM* condition of thing* exist. Keaortt from all over the country .peak of tbe epidemic a* spreading.

The fnnday law It exciting much d lee a til on in Chicago, and tbe G^raaM Modems tha law as s relict of PnrlUnitm. As aa affect tn* temperance men held moating. In various parts of the city yesterday, aod declared their da- tonBlaatlon to maintain the Law at all hss- StWA

Oen. Howard has arrived st Ban Diego from Arisona, and report, panlog eleven days in the camp of lbs Aaache chief OoeUse. He hat .el.cied tha *oatbaast coraor of Arlina. flfty-fl vo mile, ma are. for the asw iseetvalMiB for 1000 Apache., with Cocbi.t at thair Ltalsr.

TbeUnystte, Ind., Courier MyS: "Since tha killing iron and cooler weather or ttie last tow dan, the Texas cattle fevtr, which has played tad havoc with many herds or cattle In Morgan sod adjacent connttaa, It rapidly abat- ing, sad Will doubt]ea» MOO entirely diaappaar.

Lala advice, from Bolls*, Honduras, .late that the Brltl.h troop, have nartaed the tebsl- lloa* Indian, who recently raided apon the white aettlementa, and killed forty of them In an encounter.

A Mrioot riot at reported st D.m.rara, West Indies, In which the CMIIM TOM against Ike nlsatsrs. Tha police had to bt called oat, aad urtecn cooliM were killed.

Prince Napoleon's protest sgalntl hla expul- sion from France I. to be pretented to tbs Na- tional Assembly.

Aa attempt wa. recently Mad* to anastl- aatsMr. HanJI.onaor the ehlsf JniUoM of Japan.

Gold 118.


A feaifel balloon aecidant, happened at Da- Kalb, IlllnoU, on Friday, L asrOOOBt bad* balloon ready to s.ceod, wbVn, bafon ba bad satsrad the ear It brake lootebod fled opward. A hanging rope caaght .roatd Ihe lag of a ■an named McCann.aad cabled baa ap to tha height of 100 tost, when la managed to get into th* basket, end wbae he balloon k ad reached tho dhttaeee of *» reel son tb* MoOnaa daiibenuiy Jumped o*t gad was

A detachment of Vrencb/ hotpiui Militant., oa tbelr way to tbe camp of ChaUni.by ml.take left tha train at tbe towoK Chaloas, which

occupied by tbe olmao.. Tbey were immediately arm*ted andlhelr side arm* wen taken from thMs. Orlof lbs Frenchmen, wbo bwtled a German bntlnel, was **ot tbe gaard hones for this day*. Th* other. were released and forwgded to lbs earn p at

OS tho corner of la Ntw York on

politicians tfar.w a the .Idswalk, aad

aad several wonnd- ivormrned the cblm- ita on seiplcloa.

At an O'Brien moei^ Rooaeveltand Water .11 Saturday night,Opp chimney on the peopk Tbemas Maafis was kthj

It is oot kaowa 1 nay, bat then are foar 1

Oa* UBOstaad la.urghts la Cabs atlacktd tbe town of Quit* on thekSdl last., sod burned Ally ho**., i tho lorsLntent troops encoun torod and rapulaod ihoUnanrgMu; .even of tho Isttsr sad three sLalatwt were killed. Peglllo Oostles killed thliotarfket laadsr, Na riaes, a former eoMpaalol of bk.

Tba annual report of th) United Btatet Tre, surer .how. that the net pcelpti tor lb* fiscal ysar ending Jane 30 nraoajted to f70O,M9, and the net expendltures total receipt* .mount to I balaaea of •106,399.04a.

A boy isven rears old named Martin Con- nolly, residing at Month B u< n, died from the

rtl»fl.,9T7 l»,lOS,l*9, Isivlng a

f brandy whleh h* '.Jury returned

one track to aaotb- and was struck by

effect, or a large quantity had drank recently, i s verdict to tbat effect.

Daniel McVarlaad wa.jillad OS the Bottoa aad Albany railroad at arootwr, OB 8*tar- day 1 he wss .tapping fro: er to avoid a freight trail apaaaonger tram.

A Saving, beak in aeWpkl*, Toon., ■upended wltb llaMHtts* : lng $179,000 ; th* beak has hitherto been onght oat of the aetott In tbat portion ot th eoaatry.

Report* from various pa ■ of tb* country Show no abatement of IhefeorM dlaea.e; tha effect on bailotes It belag pWceptibly fell.

By ao overflowing of theater Po IB Italy, a large SMOeat of property eas dMtroyed re- eenthr, sad a anmbor of parmai drowned.

Oold 1131 ■!.


Da Friday evsalsg the ofllctr. of Qraclaa Lodge P. A. A. M., alactad tor the eatalBg year, were butslled. Th* exerclats »bich took place at, lbs rooms In Stnaasrs block, were of s vary IsisrMrag ekanoter, sad being open to the public a large lumber of per torn availed OMBMIVM of tbe opportunity to

* them. The offlcars won IsHalled by H. W. Joseph fdaey Howe, I).I), tlran.' "

lodfB of Hu.achua.lt.. ndMutsr of the Grand

The gentleinee (gramg hi. nlte were It, W.Dtp. Senior Warden, loan Sawyer; R. W. Dtp. Junior Warden, John Haifa| R. w l>ep- Or. Troaenror, O. V. Talbot; B. W. D*p. Gr. Secretary, Dsrlns Pierce ; R. W. Dap. Or. Manhal, O. k. POM.

Tb* following an lb* n.mee of flag offi- cer. In.tailed- g. W. Borth, W. M; C. H:

Littlefleld, S. W.; H. N. Howe, 7. W; J. B Blmpeoo, treuurar; C H. Fventl. aaeratarv; B. B. Davla, 8. D,; F. Brodla, 1. D.j L. P. Cashmaa, ehealau, S M. Decker, Mttsbel- Ben. Stawaxd.W.J, Oosbyi Jun. Steward, PhlBoes Backiey; ortealtt. Prank Peeler 1 Tyler, John Uwri*.

TbosxsrelSM of lnsallsUoa wen opeaod with a awkvatesa by tt* choir, after which Prayer was offend by tie chaplain; Ihe Wor- ablpfal Mastsr wa. MM iastslM. The in- •tallationol Swlor an.l Junior Warden fol- lowed, after which the remainder of the offi- cer, were installed la a body- At the CBMI of tha exarcl.es the memberi eccom pealed by their ladles adjournod 10 tb* beaqael room, where an •xoslleat npatt was served, eonti.l- Ing of a variety of dl.be., which wa. followed bydesstt.

The newly In.uiUd Wonhlpfal Mastor 8. W.North presMed, supported oa the right and loft by ihe other cdBeers.

After .upper use Worsbipfnl Muter made a w remarks, aad called apon Oread Mastor

]. 8- Howe, far a speech 1 tbs grand mastsr ex-

pressed the Btoason ho fell at being present on tha occasion. He gave a brttTblttorr or Ore- elan lodgs, and referred with ploa.ura 10 it* floarlsaing condition.

Mr. Kbsa St wyer, the oldest mason preeeot, ws* next called SBOO, end referred briefly to his masonic recollection., aad to th* circum- stances connected with the formation of Ore- clan lodgs. •

Past Master N. P- H- Hslvlo, mads torn* very eloquent remark., tologIstle of the mason- ic iBBtttuiion. D.0- B. Darin* Pleres and Mr. J- 0. Parker la respoet* to aa Invitation, made •omenmark., the latter •xprOMlef bit plea- ■are at the ladle* belag present, at tbay wonld ■e* for tbsmaelvM that Masonry was not the terrfble thing they bstf |HIIIB,II|I sasaiesHll to be.

lev. L. P. Cu.hrasn spoke ntf Issllnglv of the noble pnrpeeet of the order, and of hit at- tachmwtto tbe innlmtlon. Masonry might not make bad man food, but It mads good men tamer. Be rale are nader inch oblige. Mow* to be good aa Mason*.

Pact Master Mmpeoa wss next called, and •poke briefly.

Dr. Bidder fa tb* course of a few remark. made by blm mid. Masonry is doing uors to fill op the bloody chaim we bear ao mach of, than all ihe Repobllcan or Democratic procet- sions ever can hops to accomplish- Tne In- fluence of masonry Is doing mach to promote good feeling In all section, or the eoaatry, aad 10 bud the union firmer than ever.

Bsmaiks appropriate to tbe occasion were made by W. M., 0. V. Talbot, [). O. li., Q. W. Foes, D. J, W., John Hatch, Past Master (J W. Waterhontr. Brother Jeme Gould, Ihe yonngatt Mason pretest, was ceiled apon tall what he knew about Masonry, and after apologising for the Infliction, red the follow* lag poem which ws* heartily applauded.

Ah, wall; 'H.done.-aoJyel I live Aad move aai be** ray belag;

I nelry think I've even tho wont,— Mr terror, aai ere naatag,

"Ti* done,—the great traotaaUoo'e dose," Aad trial and tribulation

Koll from my Mlad aad leave aaa IB


The grUuea aad lb. grsMSd pot* Have lea* the power to fright M*i

Tbe untamed goat may praaee and klca, H 1» gatBbola bet delight at*.

OB aaed net waeta yoa/ syMpathj,— aty heart aaada ao bagaUlagi

1'v* been "puttbroutb'> my "eonreeof.proola," ' aaa oat f reah aad .miltag I

Ah, me I what horror, filled My dreamt, In tbey a Maaen made mo;

How every night I look degieea That to ooarralatoaa laid ro. 1

UaUaoaght I .lood wNbla the Lodge, Tbe tortar. flrae wan Ugbted,

And, with aaah separata hair on end. I woke up,-eon affrighted t

Bat all that's paat.-wby looser dwell Oo aeane. eo far frum pUaalaf t

Why furth.r barrow ap yoar soaU With aHaorwa olend-ftMatogr

A awaetar and uiampbaat .trim Tha hand of memory play, oa,

For, brethren, by yoar 1MM I ataad A fraa.aaaeptad afaaoa.

Yoa may aak what I saw,-er.d 1 give yon toll

lint, for answer, woald .Imply rarer to my *y*,— Whan, npoaeloMlaapaaUoB, If anyiblnf "sreeB"

Ton dleeover theraln.-lll to qaert*. reply; Bat this I may My—ae roe pa., ureegh the Lodge,

Aad an taught by degree, yoar brotherly dallM, Voo'li fled all the tho n. intermingled with flower.

Aod be forcibly atreek by tbelr manifold toaatle.

BalaUaMtoMyJaotlBgi I'd sot have yea thigh Tbat Haaoari'a leaeea. bat move at to laoghtor;

Far dlffenot from tbat.tbr, deep aawa to our heart., Wa know that tho seed bean good frail *v*r eanr.

Nay, Sga gnw net from iblstlee, *or grapee apoa' thorse,

('Xwasa toegne dlvlo* .eld It, aad surely 'tie eo,) Then look through tbe world whan oar Ordw ha*

LtWanSCB TAX M KB *. BATTA.LIOM, Commander, Capt. Pecker.

UBAHT AND WTAaOX lil.Kt. CLUB. A. B. Kenny, Leader.

■ ALU., a. li„ ti»«l BATTAUON. I, A. Troy, Commander.

Boarw Ajroovaa .IHHIAID,

KWm. Honston, Leader. soava ASDOvnt vABMas.

tf.Jor DaahiMey. Oommaodar. HKTHt-Bs TAtmsaa.

K. H. BsMMa, Commaader. riAvoos or MLICB.


Col. U a.tlap, Commander, town11, Tonao MBB'. iHDSPBaDBkT TABSBK

CUB, LOW aix vgraaAN'a ct.tia. AWOOTBa VANBBa c w «

M.Jor Uarlaad, Oommand.r.

, aoirrcor raocaaairiN.

Tho roeu of pwMrieo from And over street, WMM follows: 1'srher, Famham, Blanchard, Sa- lem, Broadway, Lower), htortea, HaverhUl, Bread- way, Tremont, Franklin, llanrhlll, Haapafain, Concord, WhlU, RavarbiH, Jaakaott, Park, Tar- hea.Vnia, Pieapeet, Oeaal, Fnaklta, XaeeB,Jaak- son, htethueB, Hew wry. Garden, Union, Bommar, Rowbery, Osrdee, JaakMB, Bam mar, N.wbury, Bks, Bast llaverhill, Hav.rhlll aad Lawrsail, UMBM to the Common, where a oollatlOB WM aartad.

There waa a plentiful supply of food, and the arrangements for aerviiig It had'.been aaadewlth a view to enabling every one to satisfy the crav- ing* of sn appetite .harpaaed by tbe cold sight air and tbe long march. Tha collation consisted ofeheeee, eraokon, eowbe, all or which wen ■upplied la abundance.

Twii arncTAcu.

Never, we enppoee, ws* Lawreaeo In such a blase of light before. From Praepeet street to Tower Hill; from Andorer street to Hnllsvlllr., tbe friend* of the admla.tnUon Illuminated their dwelling., sad all around tha .peotecle waa oaa which tor brilliancy and beauty baa never been equalled In this ally. Added to the] light from the bouse., which shone In various hues, ming- ling red, green and pale yellow together, wn. the- blaio of nearly two thon.and torches, lighting np the city with almost noonday brilliancy. The procession sa It peaaed through tba atreeU. wind- ing and turning, appeared to the spectator* com- manding a view above it, like n huge nary Mr- pent dragging itself along, twisting and turning wltb erratic freqneany,

A bird', eye view ob Ulead from tho tower of tha Foot Office block re.BBlad a aaaga that may a ba witnessed la Otis Htyagsln. Th* enTect baandtol la th* rattan*; the ay. WM met at every turn wlih the brtlllani dlaplay, aad the effect wi greatly heightened by the tntr oduotlon lato tbe II- laminations of SmWewM colored On.

Of eoana an aaamlnatlon Of tha illumination. In detail revealed many pleasing effect, which passed naaotloed la a view of the Brian deeerlbed, aad

apeak of under lb* bud

The temple banded wag ago Baa reared It. dom. fall Mar tha .kiss; Fair to the eight i>f haeun eyes,

Defy lag all th* winds that blew.

la every dime aad .very aoae, AU SMB nay MO it* walls of light Reared to ihe aondee of tbe right,

WHh Ood'» o wa troth Its earner *tone I

Admitted toeash ha roof to dwell, I jaat within the threshold .tend, My worklag too*, wlthis my head,

Bat all naaeed to wl.M them well.

Bat M i gase on what t* do And mark the beauty ye ban wrought, aty nry heart glow* with the thought

That I may labor with yoa, too.

trod grant 1 nay, nor ever aba a Hy sswn ef labor till that day When oar Oraad blaster, pleased, .hall aay,

"Heat, falihrul oervaata. It* wall done." The .opper WM provided by Cro wall, and It

wat gotten ap In the *x«netrt style for which be It so well end favorably known.

Th* company separated at abont 13 o'clock, after aiming "Auld Lang Syne."

»'«!> ■ —


Tba Olty Ablaae wltb lllumlnatlona- - Tbe Ball Boiling aa Rapidly aa aver. Sight*, See no B and Bounds about Town.

Tbe grand Hapublloan demon a trail on o long looked for, aad tor which every preparation bad been ma.le.came off on Thursday evening. Owing to the raci ..r Onio being detnonatratlon. or a Bimllar character at Lynn, hlanrhe.Ier. N. II., and other cltlea from which delegattont wen ex. peeled the demoo.tratlon wait not ao largo in num> ben M It wonkt ctherwfM have been. It wss, however, a very Impoeuig one, aad the praeesaioa qnlla a long one, occupying about fifteen inlnuto. in paaaiflg a given nolni,

TboM hieing the amagiMMte In eharg* an to be highly commended for the promptitade dls- played, both as r*gard* tb. rorm.tlon and .tart of tbe procession j ther* waa ae naaaaaaaary delay, aelBdMktoBM tewhatwMwMt tobedeaa; tba programme had been earafaUy drawn np.reqalrlag only the raeeatlvo ability, for whleh those u.aally In charge of snob dimOMlratloaa la Ibis ally an Justly dtitlngntsbed, to carry It eat.

Agreeable to the plan announced, the v.rloua or- gaaiiatlon* formed aa follow*: The MvaJry oa AsBoabary atreet with tb* right raatlag aa Ka»i. The cavalry Included the ragolar Onat aad Wil- »B eaeapeay, under comnwad of Captain Merrill; Ihe milkman UDn.r.; tb* batcher tanner., aad the Lowell and Uncut cavalry.

Tbe Lewreaee battalion formed on llampahire .treat, right rMting on E.MX atrent; tha Uatfaaen aad North Andorer cunpanlc. oa Hethaon .treat, the right reeling on llainpahln streot; the Low- ell battalion and Andorer company lormed oa Broadway at'the aoutb .lie, the right re.bog on Andover .tnet, aad fell into the line when the praoMBlon In Ha March arrived at that point. Tba column began to move about half-past eight; up E.aea atreet to Broadway,along Broadway to Andover atreet, where tba Lowell and Andorer rorapanlM took ap the march.

oaosa or saoosasio*. UbJef Manhal.

Colonel Deal and Aids; Or. pongee, Col. Coon, . il. Abbott, W. A. itii.MIL

OBAKT AITD[WILSOa 0AVALB1. Capt. Goo. 8, Merrill, commander.


A. B. rlunthwlr-k, Commander. T>K*riT CAVALBT. — Commander. LOWBI I. 0AVAI41T.

Major Manuals, OMUaaaer, HAVXBSBLI, OOaaiT RAWD. Ruftia William. , Under.

"iT<'nr.a« CAVAUtV COMPaMV. Bmmon. Tweed, t lommandar, UWtlKIT, RBASS »AVO. I>, W. Oagood, leader.

OBOOBATlOSa AND ILLUnllXATTOIvn. Tba Broadway Hotel waa the lint house on the

route of tbe prooeaaloD that commanded general attention; It waa brilliantly Illuminated und dec- orated with bunting. On Ihe pleat, ante B group of nine young ladle*, four on each aide of one who occupied, thr. centra, representing Die god- doee of liberty. Tha whole (tornaad a beautiful tahl.au when revealed la the brilliant light of the red are which waa plentifully used at this place. Standing upon Die pla.aa was a gentleman with i«n. Ottering white hair and neecy whisker*, hi. head surmounted by the hi at or leal white hat, looking strangely Ilka th* asge Of Onappsqiia. Attached to the tall of tho white coat was (be card bearing the name of Ural. Brows, which n.- ually anooaapanlM tha sketch., of Na«t; en tba back of the ooat waa another card bearing tba legend " doing weat,"

BothsldMof Broadway wen beautifully Illu- minated,and at the house of Dr. Motdton a young lady representing tbe godde*. of liberty, « »* re— peatedly choerad. The lower floor of Ihe build- ing, need aa the « Liberal "Repobllcan head- qoartera, wa. brilliantly illuminated, and»tbo apartment, overhead looked all Ihe darker con. mated with the light beneath.

On Andover .treat the Illumination, were con- spleuous tor their beauty, and It was observed that at tha realdence of a wan known aupportor of Ureeley, aotae ladies appeared at the windows, waving flag, with tbe enlhu.la.m that distln- gul.hee tha an on snob occasion.. On Park itreot tbe effaet produced by the illumination* WM Tory line. Oa franklin .tract a daughter of Mr. J. K, cole, M tbe geddns of liberty, formed a vary. pretty spectacle. All Ihe way along th* route hen every honaa .earned .to be Illuminated,and the enthuelasm of tbe inmate, found it. manife.- tatlon in cheering the proceMlon aa it paaMd and waving handkeir hi eft.

WABD vtva

11M, on nan than one ooceeloe, bsea oompllminted tot Ita SBISSM la gattlag ap illamlBattoM; tbe re*- ideau of thai ward SMM te ban devoted theaa. Mine to making this element la Ibe pollllnal ean>- palgn, one tbat will ba ram em bar ad long aftar (Iraat and Wllaoa shall h*r* b*M laaugaraled In Ibe eftMS to wblab Ike people will sleet tbem aeal

tor ha in. firs WM baraed on ibe balcony

tba Pasta* bearding hoeee WM brllllanily UUmlnatad, aad the effect In thU largo bu IMiag WM Vary no.. Indeed, the en- tire .treat bars was lighted ap, Illuminating MB-

dlee. Chine** laBtsm*, aad varloas rolorsd Sn uniting to produce aa effect seldom witnessed. Aa tbe eolama moved along, eeeaaloeal rook.is abet from Ibe staawalk aad bant IBM *t*r* ovorbead. Theaa effects, addsd to tba lashing torches, the songs of the taaaara, aad tbs .hon u aad langbier Of tba apaeUton, produced eight aod sound enough to .routs the entbaalasM sren of tba friends of the sage, BOOM of whom, ws aadantand, could only With difficulty rsslrsiu ibeaaaelve. /men ehearlng M loudly as say Onat mm pna.Bt.

"Bow's that tor Ward Fin r" asked a eUinea of that ssetlaaof the ally M tha prooesetoa wound around lb. corner of Lowell .treat lato Morton street, aad tha daaoraUoae and illuminations met tba aye.

At Ihshouss of Thomas Aehworlh, oo this street, a hoy aad gtri—probably Uaele Sam and Col umb la —wan revealed, la a brilliant light, with the folds of the flagfalllBg .round thorn, forming a vary pretty .psetaale; tba bonss of Colonel Phllbrlck, oa Raverhlll street, WM brightly lighted aad beau Ufalty decorated.

WABP rocs.

At the aorusr of Uroadway and Bavarhlll s I rests, lhaboussor Maaen. BBBIOOB and Klatball pn- aaated a daullaa spectacle, some baanUtol affaats being prodaeed by Mlond firs, tin Traeaoni atroat there WM a gorgeou. dlaplay, The hoan or Mr. Albert Kmsrson wss oensplenoue h.n. The bouse of Mr. Byron Trnell, M tha corner or Hnverhlll and Franklla atreet., WM bsactlfuiiy lighted aod dee J rated.

Many bonsM along tbe roots her. won worthy of Moattoa, bat la the harry of paatlag It WM lm-

a.m*a, ih* partlBB owning batag M bually engaged la produelog tha el-

fsots, wbloh msds the oocsslon eo .useeMtol, aod Ib* reporter baring to depend MUrety tor Informa- tion oo bis awa kaowledgaof Ihe loeallUM. Tun siplsnstlOB aril I wrvs aKo for other toaalltto. when many hones* were well worthy of epaelat

otloe, bnt whleh sre paaisd ovsr for the reesoe* arsfjeaw,

wAan i II tn .v.

The inhabltanta of this ward di.llnguJened thmuaelvM oojnally wMh other., and tha llluml- natlona were on B Most egtonalvr scale. That portion of ilaverhlll atreet lying between Law- rence and Hampshire alnete WM very attractive- ly lighted. Dr. Htotve's raeldeocc wa. much ad- mired for the line effects created by the arraog- mant of th* decoratlonB and light*; also the Vousoof I> Nsson. On EoMl Mnet, tho stora of 'opps and Hall attracted much attention, also

tha store or tbe liver brother.; thatof Mr.Snslt was also beanUtolly decorated. Over tbe saloon

Of Mr. Draw, Mrs. Amaa, as the goddess of lib- erty, presented a very charming appearance, and added much to the effort of the aeons In this vl ■ slnlty. On Lawrence .treat, the bouse* of Dr. French and Mr. Itoaiilman, decorated With Chi- in-H.. lanterna, nnd otherwfn lllumlonted, won much admired; at Ihe bouM of tha latter a ml*. represented Columbia, wearing a ilrcM of tha .tan and stripes.


In describing ihe Illuminations we bar* esdrsv- omd to follow tba roato Of tba procession, bat we Bad It will ba ateeh easier to eon n a* oarsslrvs lo tba ward.; this will be the more nay as then ar* only two more to dispose of, allowing the fact that ws dispose of Two In this one,—no pun Intended On Hanrhlll Street tbe house oT Mr. W. F. Oft* waa attraedvaly daeorated, aad that gentleman aria Mlf added largely to tb* aobot by a brilliant display or dnworka as th* procession paaMd, Tbs bouse or Col. Sherman WM mnch admired.

On Jackson street, th* houss of Mr. J.C.Bosd- ly.Mr. (J. Clark and otbsrs wsrs abuse with Ilia mlaaUon., and aa tba prooesskm paaaad there wee a brilliant dlaplay af fireworks, Mr. Hoadley aad Mr. Clark each at landing persoas lly to 04* part er the display. At the houss of Col. BMI, the colors ef the Sixth Beats..at wen dlepl.yed, borne by ladle., endwersealBiedwIlhebaer*.

The houss of Mayer Davis pnaaaled a brill laat eight, belag surrounded by Chines* Ian Urn., A fins .11.plsynf fireworks w.a also mads here,

Oa Basra Mnet tba lllamlaatlena wm very line. The none of Byron TreeU a Co., H. M. Craas ft Co., T. W. Weald of tha Singer st wing machine •mporlnm, Portsr's block, and Major VUks'tal.o; tb* AMBNK AN ofllcs, la front of wbleb WM * revolvlBg globe 30 feet In clrtumfsrenoe, covered Wllhtbe national oolora, and bearing the name a aad portrait, of Onat Bad Wtlson, and the names Of th. Bute* which ban already dsolarsd thslr prefsrvnes for the oaadkUlcs, and beaeetb a sV|* transpsreacy with the words, " LCsep th* ball roll- ing." llstween Appleton aad Kawbary streets, the lllumiBSttOB. wan very be.uttfnl. The Men uf Meaen. Taylor ft Bollea were gaily decorated wlib baaehag, etaslded with aUnr Stan, and la the wiBdow a pesVtoMef liberty baariag lb* nstional Hag. Tba atoree of Meaan. BUapaoB ft Oswald, Mr. Lowi. Wall. Miss M. 8. Andsr son wen vary attraetrwiy deeoraled, and brightly Illuminated. Oaa of UM fines*, oaadle lllemluallon. in lbs city WM displayed la the houM of Mr. rjtrphen Colby: the light, were arranged In admirable order, and ware eo BUmtrona M to produce a mo.t brilliant aad plsaalag sffeol, Mlllng forth r.prsesloni of ad' mlrallon, Md attracting g.ner.l obserratlon.

Oo Hewbery fllnat Ibara wen aoau vary das II- lumlaalloB.. Tba house of Pr. K.nay waa coo- splcuous la tbb regard, as WM B!M ihst of Mr. Barrls, who.e daughter Oraeie sppearrd et one of

Indows ae Iho goddam of liberty. Before tbe procession raaehed Mr. Barrien home, by lb* burning ef a Chinese lantern a eoBflagratloa WM

almosi loaf liable. By Ihe pretence or mlad of Mn. Barrle, the BUM wbloh had eowmuntoslsd to tb* drapery of Ibe windows oren aattagaiSbed, Ihat lady .evenly burning OB* or bar baeda in the ef- fort. Mrs. Bradbury or N.wbaryport, a vlallor at Mr. Bsrrle's, WM alsosomswhst burned.

On Garden street, the honses or Capt. (leo. B. Merrill, Mr. B. MeEay aad Rev. Mr, Cu.hmsn wan brlltttBily Ulamtnated. Alao tb* house or Mr.McAlllslsr, whan snrothar npnaentalloaorthe goddess of liberty WM revealsd with boaatlfal sf- feot. The word. "Let well enoagh alone," .Ingu- larly appropriats, abooe eoasplouously ovsr the door. ThabenMofMr.ChaB. A. Brown, on Jaak- wa street, attraatod mnch attention.


Neil her lime nor labor had Boea .pared la this ward to show It* totaaM taellag ht favor of Ibe re- publican candidate*]. Prospect Bill Wee lighted a* It WM never lighted before. Among the assay houses worthy of apeslal mention that wen deeo- raled or lighted ap la aoate war Is this section, wan these af Oast. John H Balllaa, tbe bonee of Mn, Hall, which, tboogta ham brilliant lbs. some, nreeeassd perhaps the as sisal appeavahM of My on UM hill. Tba boeao of Mr. Baldwin Cooiidg. and that of Mr. Oeorgo W. BBSMII wen much admired, tbe latter bsiog oonsplauuas fjr gwrgsuasae**. The appssrsnes or Ibe house or Mr. W, A, Heaeell and tbe groaad* .arroaadlag it, auaited eapraaaluas of admlratloa from all. Neither labor nor aapeoM bed been spared la tba work of righting and deoo- rating, and the rs.uii wu a triumph of pyrolnbale art,

TUB coafOftAViona dssarvs apestal m.ailo*. Caaal BtreotwMa Una of light, aad Metbuen .treat waa aw is., brilliant. The deeoratlon* along the real* were lavish,


la th* window of the More ol Mr. T- W. lleald, of th* Hlng«r sewing aaachico, Ml** •Steventon r*pr*a*otlng lb* goddM* of liberty, lormed an attractive tpaoiaclc- ribs WM re- peatedly ebMred M th* procession passed. On Prospect Bill th* boose of Mr. 8. W. Wilder wss brilliantly illuminated, and the dscoratloos were of as attractive character; th* bunt, of Mason brothers On llaverbill atreet, BttiaMSd much stteatlOB, as did thai of Mr. Dockhsm ; th* boa.* of Mr. Frank liabln.on on Hsvsrhlll street wu mach admired; that of Mr. Ilsnry Barton on Bradford stretl, pre*enl*d e Use ap ptaranoei the house of Mr. 0*o. D. Cabot on Prospect Hill, WM beautifully decorated and attracted mnch aueotion; on Tremont ttreei the bouse of Mr. J.mos Ilyrom WM *0lasS with light, and the burning of colored firs pro- daeed S Has effort; on Hummer street lbs bouses of K. F. Boerdmia, John McKay aad J. L. Partridge wan very consplcsos*. The boats of Mr. Sibl.r on Nswbnrv street, was very attractively dccoialed; Mn. Biblay made all tba decoration, wltb her own bands, aod lb* effect tbey prodaeed when Illuminated WM very much admired. In Jackson Court tbe honses of Dr. Klddar, A. D. Blsnchsrd, A. P. Clark and C, F. Kirk attracted mnch notice; a bsaatlful transparency was stretched acroit the ooart, with lb* word* " Ood grant victory. Ther* wsrs Una lllamlnstlons st tha bouses or C. M. South sad Wm. More, on Nawbury street; a On* effect WM prodaeed by Miami natsd evergreen arches over the doorways) the houM* of A. J. Perkins si tbe corner of llarerhiii and Jackson *ts*cli, of N. V- Tun- baea sod 8, Thompson on lYewhory street, wen mnch admired for tba beauty of tbelr illu- mination.. Tb* store of Mr. O. Armstrong presented a Una appaaranM, over lbs door wat

representation or tbe goddess of liberty. Af tor th* march Col Baal aod bit officers

entertained tha officer* or ib* vhrltlac delega- tion* at th* BBMX HouMi then wen speeches, In which tb* cavalry wen highly complimented and s good Urn* wss pass*d.

ObarkM Crocker entertained a nomber of th* Tanner, st hi* re.ldence on Summer *trset.

Then were several goddesses or liberty on tbe corporation*, which blgbtenad lb* affect of th* Illumination., and added a rare beantr to he dlaplay. Waal ol space eornpelo ae lo ball here. To »P**k

oftha different muttoee aad emblems wonld require another artlels longer than this. Never In lb* histo- ry of the city bss political enlbaaleem found riprss. .Ion In such a gorgeous display, aad while II show* Ibal our oltlssn. an not wanting In resources for sui-h oooaaloai, It also furulihs. srldsnoe that toe Republican candidates, Or.nl aad Wilson, bavs a alroog hold lo ibe heart, oftha people.

»pm <mr OWN oen-eopowo'eM.


Kaw Yoa*, Oat, It, ItTL DBAB AMBBfctS:—Ha*, aay af yea been to

New York lately r aad If ao, did yoa go lo th* ap era? sad If so, bars yoa b.sid Lucca? If you ban. paned lo lbs night Kellogg was OB tba bills, IB my opinion you wen qntte as fortunate, for la hells Clara LoalMslag. BBygj betier thee ever, Horeoto. Is toiler, deeper, steadier OB Ihe low nntss, and eo melodloa.ly loaed down In tbe upper register that enola quits able lo trill wlib Ihe .kylerk and night logsle*. Then Kellogg I* so winning In maaaer, so artisilc In dress, ao graceful lu beariag, aad un- derstands ao thoroughly bow to pieeo herself M

rvi/ijK.rf with hsr sudlsaoe; and aftar thesnagne- llalog proesss bu been skillfully atuoded to,know* M beaailfully how to keep tba


Certain maaager. and eertaia .lagers ban rep- reeenlad Kellogg aa ovarbeariog and tiraanloal, but t never believed a word or It. Tbal Jealousy I. at tbe bottom or all such reports, I shouldn't bo afraid to stake my fortune. Con* to think of It, jealoaayle at thabottomof mostarrryihlngi bat It I. floih.ua lo reach a place whan each things don't hurt. In tb* comaeDoemsat of a career wom- an an very apt to ba eenaltlve, atora sensitive then aen.lbls, generally, and It's my opinion that It takae a good many hard knocks,.

to get the aneatal neb a *oodltlon that ibe ball* ogalaoderan auble lo make an laprasolea; bat

one. MUTBKM or TBB roBTHta., aad than', nothing mors lo fear la I hi. world. I reckon Kellogg he. owned (aeh a home for a loos ttSM. MUs Kellogg's (mlmate friends spesk of her as geaerofls, warm hearted, alwaya nady to ass In la any way possible the stok or .affering, sad •■• saadlagly domeatle la bsr habits, naoerslandlBg every hraooh of the sclsaca of cookery, aad panto. - larly skilled In cake maklag. Those exqaiettsjly ■haped lllils hand., aald to ba the sm si lest la Ihe eoantry, oaa bold sa Iron apoen aad bnt sugar, butisr aod *gg* logeth*r with tb* saost famoaa nei- •toars la tho world, [ hate liked Ksliogg bettor •vsrslnsel heard tbU of Ittr. 1 wouldn't ate. . hg for a woman who dktat know eontetklag abeat doaaeelte matters.

FasllB* LBOM (» •luemaly prap.sa.salag, aad r^^aaMeavrAMwhlahhMbeeatralaedtoihevery Itet awavMMnaal |M«MUaa. ■HVa.teo.is forlu- nsle in having a persoaaJlty lhat wins isnmedlal* ly. From lbs tlms of her first smiling sntrancou u Ul ah* 1 esvss tbe .tag* her man asr aai a plainly : "My Seer, ktod Meeds,! ahsll in toy nry best. I know that yon llfca BM, aad I tore yoa us ■wed." Metaphorically,

An TNBOW* HBMII.r aVBAlOMT ISTa TWB ABa* of her aedsSBM, aad every haaaaa belag to Ih* room foels M If LOOM WM hla or her own slBgia* bird, aad nobody alM bad the Uaat right loher; aad I am sara that every BIS wlihln flashing dl» toMa of aet siprsMivs eyes Is nulls certain that LOOM BOM eoessihiBg la him aha la MasttoBtry to

wilhioslng lofrom tb* depth of bar daarllitl* heart. There Is no OOBOCII sboat thkaontbe part oi

IM masculines; of eonns not. I foal jest tbs us wsy myself. I know the lovely song ureas ia

always partlr.ulsrly deelran. of pleasing me I M si Mssetsek, to* popular maaaayor, I. eatag

pitched Into briskly BOW by tba poblk. It aeaais that poor Mas, la a It ef .ympathy for hla onrworkad prime donnas, eeaeleeed to aai lb* head off this opsra, sod ids ul] off that, aad la va- rious aad divan ways to tread oa the corns of sen. aiUve New Yorksr.. He remodeled thefsvorit*air InTrovstors, -IH yu.lla . 1'ira," so borl.ontallsed th* bowlteblag melody, ihst aria aeelMM dlda't know what to make of II; aad when tbey lid at last an tba polai of this sad similar altoratlcna, their


It 1. said tbal Max fau promised "never to doM ao more."

SBbaastala, wbo ba* turned the needs of half N*w York, r.iorn*thle weak,aad will glvr soaeert. at Blalaway Halt on Tbaraday, Friday and Hatur day afUrnaeaa, I nenn't had time yet tor Baaen- *leln, bat Will try to tall yoa what ho tonka Ilk., and gin you seeae MM of hla power la wr neat.

aberidea Shook says that ba has discovered a gold mine In the pl.yot "Agnes,"-Aans* Ethel lathe title role. II Is Indsod having a wonderful ran, and folk* an foolish enough to rash to see It a oooond time. IlUabriahl, .asy.sootaty pi,y, well wrlltso and exceedingly dramaU. lu .pots. Miss Kthsl Is a vivacious, painstaking, talented little womaa, aod

■ AS rAIBI.T stAMIBD rna aOCCSIB aha Is sajoylng.

Al the Flfib A venae, as also at tbs Mn. Coo- way's Brooklyn Thsatrs, "Diamonds" aim osalis- ■ *, aad according to public opinion, la prsseaied at the laat wlih area mors tests aad magelaoseM than al iho drat. As te the •■perform ef the test ol tba Brooklyn BOOM ever Its mstrenelllae rival, ther. oeinot b. two opinions, Mn. Goaway aha. to hart a stronger stock company than any la Ibe metropolis, nallslBg the truth W.lleek has so tacr oegalj damonetretad, lhat a Smntnenl Of SSMlI stan an qalte (anal to ,

oaa manshiB eras in A VHUMMB oboes, Bsrdds herself aad ber Inleaied daughter, tba sest of Ibe Brooklyn Theatre embreoM web well huowo naasM as tboM of lone, Bars*, Walter Laaaog, Krsak Roche, Ollpp.ndsle, eta. .

ibe bnetoaM mMagemaai of tba Brooklya Tb.- am waa never batter than thla season, both the treasury and iha outside pa.allag proceee batag an- der th* able ■epervlsloa ot Sidney K. Seeali, well and rsvorsbly known to Brooklyn ibs.tr* goers for many year..




Prof, O. F, Krauae, pastor of th* Osrmaa Con- gngalloB preaihs 1 from |he l.i I: Act a |g ; II • "BeboM, beprayeth,"

Than Is nothing more beastlfal and holy In the llfoofaahrislua than prayer, n saves aad earth, Ood and mas, approach eaeb Other In prayer, aad tba relationship of the earthly pilgrim lo lb* Al- mighty Creator of all thing* lo tbe aeanei, wb*a Ibe soul of tha ehltd Is lifted np lo tbe Heavenly Father tn prayer! It I* tb* aaaMaloa of the aoal to llssvsn. The prsjlng chrlslisn has Heaven upon earth. Christ left na Bleeiample; He prayed tt table amoBf his disc I piss, nnd alone at night on Ibe moenlaln; aaahlgh prleatand M th. Mon of Ood; M iha vletoHou* Prise* of Light at the grave of Laserns snd ss s bleeding aacrlfic* on the aro*.. Trials, sorrows and care* laad to prayer. Faith aad childlike oonfldence nwalt with peUeaee (lod'a eaawar to prater, end ebrlstlaa siperlsno* leaehes tbal Ood bears and answer, prayer. Ooedly Mr- row lad Baal of Tense to Ood la prayer, tha Jews called apon tb* Lord la their lime of need, Hsvld pound out hl» eoul In prayer before sebovah, l»sn lei beads his kaeee baton hi. Ood ihre. tlsmes a day, and IIMar IB bar trouble, aald I "O, (led, thoa aeeat me." Prayer haa ban, la now, and will ever be a healing balsam to th* troubled eoul or ibe pen- ltent sinner Md tbe falthfgl believer. But Ii I* not oaly the iMgaaga of a brokaa heart and a aoatrll* aplrlt, It Is also the laaaaag* of a gralsfol, with thanks overflowing heart. Bless the Lord, O my seal, sad forget not nil bl. beneflt., la tbe thanks giving of Iha de-root Christian M well M lhat of David. Bat faith Is one of ihe aeeeaeary reqalrs- msott In prayer. Doubt and unbelief avail noth- ing before the Lord. Isaiah Mid of the Meab | "Me ■ball come lo hla MSelnsry lo pray,but ba .hall not prevail," Tba seel gropes la spiritual night »nd dartaaM, without faith aad without prayer. Pov- erty of faith aad lesleeee la prayer an the prsyail ■ lng evil* or thee* praaeut llatM, whose the mlad la much won engaged wlih Ihe peeelag thing, of tale world Ihsn With Ihe sterna! things of tb* world 10 eosss. What a mighty contrast Is then to tbe pray- er or Jeena, when he Mid: "Abba, lather, all Ullage an possible to Thee," efPanl, whoa he ley IB Ibe dust bsfora Iha Lord, of Martin Luiner, at the bedside of MeleaethoB, praying In strong faith for th. reoov.ry of hi. mend, and the MUllse*, In- different and falthlsss prayars of iha prM.nl day. Tba faithful Christian know, from eiperteno. that Uod not only ban but alao atvswera prayer, Tbe apootla Peelepoke from experience when heeibort- ed the Romano to MBtlone Itunnot la prayer, aed iheTbessslo.lana: Pray without eeeefag. Prayer, If f ipressed la werdeor la thought, la lean or In ells for help lo need, lu holy aaplrstioB. or In tbe gladsome melody of thsoksglring, la peeliint wringing of hand* or ia glorloe* pratoe, should be the seals laagaage of all. Prayer U tha laat aom- foit In the palM or death, and the song of pnlM In BMVSB.


Anvangtful lover writ**: It she wu In New Tork aad could be enticed on board a Bound ilearner, It would b* th* last of har. bat M It is, I mm! await lb* grinding mills of iho god., which, though moderate In their attiua do triturate with eaceeding mlnu'enes.

Tbe wifs of a Gtrmm daaclBg matter in LoBisrllla, lalsly drew tia.W In a lottery aid gave It w ber hnali.n i. Ha took II, want in Oermaoy snd esme betk with another wife. HI* Orst wifa bM divided tbe children with him and gone to Cinelnn*tl. He continues the dancing school at tb* old stand.

A prosperous merchant has for his motto: larly to bad, (arlr to rum, savor get light, and dvertlt* Tb* popular superstition tbat ovtrlurnlog

tbs Mil Is unlucky, originated tan picture of The Last Sapper," by Leonards ds Vlaci, la

which JUIIM I*carlot Is repiasenied U over- turning the aalt.

Tbe wile of Napoleon Bonspart* Davis, oI Rest HMIOBW, Mich., bad hsr husband emsitd lor aaiault and battery beeaoM h* took away from btrth* shot gno with whleb tae WM proposing to perforate blm; tbe " man of dss-

'ws* acqiitind when the facto became known.

USThe ^Cmericon. LAWKKNCK. FRIDAY. NOV. 1, '72

^«cKl8 'TCltxv l&vtviixtm


To* Horn. Was. r. Johnston, ea-tloverto/ or reawsrlvaala, died in lMUbnrgb, Pi., Friday **erraooa. Of dropsy, after an nines* of about tana months. Johnston waa a Democratic aoaaiMo for Congress from the 231 D'alricl, io the reveal contnt. but on account d failing stealth withdraw before election.

President Tblero bai received a dispatch from President Oraot, con [ram! at InK blm on ib« lueress of the Rep u til lea JS In the late eleo dOM. aa lit Ins; testimonial* of coondsnceof lb* people in hi* administration, and ibe rapid progress now being mada in republicanism In PfMC!.

St. Lims I* being scourged bj the smell-pox. Daring the put six weaki It baa steadily la- creeesd, tbe fint week the toul number of cases being tO, and the lut week IP7; there wore, durlag tola period, 737 cuea In all, with an av- erage of about 17 deatbi per week.

The Congressional Ktpnbllcan Committee bai ended Ita work for the campaign, and dis- charged all cleikt, and cloied doors, The com- mittee baa been one of themoit effective that ever tnttaged In tba conduct of a campaign.

A freight train oo tho Pitteburir, Cincinnati & Hi. Louia Kallroad ran off ttc track into Still water liivar. near (/dvlngtoa, Ohio, Sun- day, killlnit the brakeman and Irjnrlng the en - glneer and fireman.

Manchester, N, If., had a grand torchlight proceenon on Monday evanlng. Delegation! ware preacnt from various clllei ana panlcip.it- ed. There were some very One illuminations In tbe city.

Toe brickl»j«tk' itnkeln Chicago ha* virtu- ally ended; many of them have returned to work on the old term*, and places of othera have been filled with men from the country.

The women of Chicago are preparing a cru- ■ade egatoal crime; ibey begin tight hy en- drarorlnR io cloee tbe dram shops.

Thecharchor the Ba pi lit Society at Buck- Held, Me., waa burned on Sunday morning by an Incendtsry.

Tbe bone dlitemper la making alarming program throughout the country.

Nine or ten fatal caiea of hone dlieaie are reported In Boston.

Gold 118.


During a Republican mail meeting, held at Mewburg, N. Y., Saturday, two men were In- jured by ibe pramiture explosion of a cannon. William Wilson had hie faand blown off, and John 8. Wilson wu severely Injured about tbe Ner.li. Both will probably recover.

A Norwaik, Coon., deapaich state* that tbe board of selectmen of that town have admit- ted to the rlgbta of an elector Mr* Sarah M- T. Huntlngton, and the will vote for Presiden- tial electore. She It believed to be lie flret fe- male votcrtbui admitted.

The Poelmaiter (Jeneral'i report, now forth- romlDg, show* that the Increase of postal fa- cllltlea bai Increased the departmental ex- pensts during the 1a*t year by nearly M.a.VL- 1)00.

William Oleieer a young man twenty-two years old, wai committed to tbe tombs In Bos- ton on Monday night differing from delirium mtnens, and died during the night.

A friendly settlement of tbe ilillirtiltk-s be- twsan the Knvoy of tae Argentine Co n led ere - Kon at Brazil and the antboHties of tho tatter country is now anticipated.

(Jen. Cogg swell of Silent, and Cspt. Ueo- C. Mttrl of Lawrence, addressed a lleptibli- can meeting at Anliqaam on Tuesday evening.

Tbe achooncr Crown point of New burr port, hai arrived at Stonlugton, Conn., from Sun Domingo, with yellow lever oa lioerd.

The character or the debates In tba Spanish lortaa laada m the belli i of an early downfall ill the present ministry.

Tbe wile of Bonn Qroeley dltd early (bis morning.

(sold UlT-t.,


The government niticlale employed In tbe case, express great confidence of recovering lie snms stolen by Johnson, t'uo defaulting stamp clerk in Ibe Treasury Department, hy meana of suits soon to be instituted against the brokers wbom Johnson employed. The first prosecution wilr probably be against Samuel llarton, nephew ol Coinmndore Vanderbllt, and one of the commtasloaera of quarantine, who carried on heavy transactions for Johnson.

Steamship Missouri, Captain Curtis, which left New York, Oct. 17tb, for Havana and Nat- ■an, was burned off Abeoo. It Is reported thai over SO lives were lost. Ttc news was re- ceived by steamer Anna, Just arrived from Nassau. Only twelve persons are known to bo saved. Tne captain and crow are said to be tost.

A let*.I fr m fort flail states that a small party of Old ers surrounded a camp ol llanuck Indians recently, who had prevloualy killed a miner and seriously wounded two others, and were compelled to deliver up the murderers, who were iorwarded to Bol** to lie tried hy the els II authorities.

Tbo sale of about twenty American journals Is prohibited in tbe States ol ibe German em- pire Among mem are about six New York papers. The general can*e of their prohibition is having spoken dlireapectfully of German princes.

A little daughter ot Dr. Corey, reilding In Brooklme, fell trnm a third story window, and was killed on Tuesday; her grandfather ran for a physician, and on his return dropped dead from the ex< Itement earned by the accident.

Oregon proposes to dispense with grand ju- ries. There has been considerable dissatisfac- tion with tbis system of Indictment, «ipeciel)y throughout the West, but no effective substi- tute seems yet to have been devised.

Cholera has made Its appearance In Irtlind. One death has occurred at Wexlort. ft Is also repotted at Kongsberg, I'rusila, and In Hungary several i^aaea have apptaretl among tbe soldiery.

It Is said that atmj officers are dissatisfied with President Gram a dec arailcn ot a peace policy toward tbe Indians. Tho President in;vi ri.cii ■■» insists upon It.

A Mrs- McLesr was found dead in her l>cd at Keene, N. II, on Wednesday morning; her death waa caused by intemperance.

Certain members of tho Bagaoia ministry in Spala ere lo he Impeached.

incend srloi are bnsy burning barns in Hufra-

Oold 11-'1.'.


Two burglar*serving one nx, and the Other nine years sentence In tbo ttbotlo Island State prison, escaped yesterday. Ii effecting their escape ther noariy fcillc I ona officer and badly Injured ancttier; they made an attempt to lib- erate Dennehr, Ibe alleged murderer of George1

ft laror.

There Is no iir.etement ot tbe Hoods caused by the Inundation ol Ibe To. Over IIHHI men are at wntk night and day erectlnir barriers to arrest il..> progress of tbe fl.wd ; tliouianil* ot i ITVII' have been rendered homeltiH-".

aeorge W. Jenklae was hanged at WaMimg- IOH yestenlaT, lor the mnrder of his wife In May last. Hu chopped her to pie-ei with a hatrhet, whils stia lay in bed asleep.

An under;i .n nm- H prumlsed will) Mexico which shall ML-unt (evere puilibment In future ■ or ouir.mu roinn.llled slnn« lb'' T«XH liur


But a few day-., hardly man than

hours remain, before the Amerlcao peo- ple are to render their vercMct la another

quadrennial trial of patties and (irinclplei,

and decide by their ballot* Into who-o

band* aball be coaitnlttetl tor the corolng

four yean, the administration of the government of the nation. The campa'gn

has presented the moat extraordlnarr

aipecti, the atranjteat comblnatlona, the

moM ludlorous features, and now prom-

ises the nearest unanimity In result ot any In the history of tbe country. The end is

nigti. but tba decision baa been already foreshadowed, and over It bangs to-day,

DO shadow of doubt or uncertainty. Tbe

re-electlnn of Gen. Grant is as well as*

■tired as can eb« any event of the future, while the Indications of the pait fewdaya,

point to such a majority of states and

electoral votes as few candidates have received In the history of tho republic.

The Democratic party or the past, whjse record has been of continual oppo-

sition to all measures necessary for the

succestul prosecution of tbe war lu be-

half of union, whose votes were ever and

always against tho amendments securing

the great principles won through sacri-

fice and blood, whose platforms have

successively declared petslstcnt opposi- tion to all tbe Ideas and purposes of tbe

republlcau organization,—this party,

disheartened and discouraged by repeated

defeats, has suddenly furled its old

banners, sent its long time leaders to the rear, abandoned Its platform, and under

tbe leadership of one of Its bitterest oppo-

nents, attempted to seize and rally under

the standards of its great political antag-

onist and rival. In suddenness, the

conversion of these mllliou voters was

more than I'entacostal, but to the eyes of

the peoplo ot tbe country, presenting no

similar evidences of honesty or genuine-

ness; and the sudden Hurry succeeding so strange a transfotmatlon was but

momentary; th» honest sense and sound Judgment ot the American people

detected the Imposition, and from tbe

hour closing (he fortnight after tbe

Baltimore convention, the louuues of tbe new coalition have been steadily waning,

to be placed beyond hopo by the great

elections of three weeks ago. The American people have alroady

decided, and only await tbe coming

Tuesday to record their verdict against

tho attempt to transfer the administration

from the liandn of tne party by whom it

has been so faithfully and well maintained,

to those of the old Democratic organiza-

tion, even though stilling under new

standard*,with false mottoes and changed

lender-. The verdict to be rendered on

Tuesday will be emphasized with majori-

ties almost or quite unequnlled In tbe

annals of our country; whatever hopes

at one time attached to the party sup-

porting Mr. tireeley, the question is now

only how few states he will succeed lu securing. The column lor lien. Grant

promises to be even mure majestic than lour years ago, and with the unmistaka-

ble evidence in tho great strength of

Republican principles and popularity of

our leaders, of the stability of the public

mind, will e<ime fresh confidence at home

and abroad, and Insure four years of increased prosperity under the guirlsnce


Tbe Horn* Epidemic.

Tbe disease which baa been making sues ravage* among norses, to various part* of the country, continues t> spread ; tbe wet weather la very unfavorable,'and aggravates the suffer- ings of tbo aoimsln. All over the country the disease Is spreading, ta the great dttnmont of business. The death rate is Increasing alarm- ingly.

i-rum New York comes tiie news that many cases are resulting fatally. The reports from Boston are no snore encouraging, and fatal cases are Increasing.

Few honci are seen In our own streets, and the reports from the stables »*e unfavorable.

At tne liable* of Mr. Taylor on Jackson street, matters nmaln unchanged. All of Mr. Spauldlni'i horses are sick, and be refuses to allow any of them to banted. The hortaa of Mr. Portar continue much In tbe same condi- tion At tbe bora* railroad ttsblat some of the animals show signs of recovery, bnt trave will not be resumed on tba hone railroad be- fore next week. Messrs IHvla*rTey1or of the grist mill at the so nth Side, arc sanding their orders around in carts drawn by band, all their horses being elck. A hone belonging to Mr. Phillip Yeaton of tbo Pacific boerdiag house, died at Mr. Woodman's stable on Wednesday nlgbt. He was a valuable animal, once known at an excellent trotter, and has made his mile In 3.38. Oae of Mr. Bean'* horses Is very sick, and tbe remainder are not mnch improved. The streets have been quieter to-day then at any timeslDce tbe epidemic made its appearance.

Ni M LODOXOV GOODTEIM'I.SRB — Through tbe efforts of Mrs. J. C. Bowker, Vice Templar or Mass. and a few otben at the south ilde, a new lodge of Good Templars was Instituted MonC:,y evening, at the Mttbodiit cbepel. South Lawrence, where the members—awut arty—will hold meetings every Monday even- ing nntil i ley can procure a Inter ball. G. W. Sec , Uso. P. Hawkee, of It mun, waa loitl luting officer; he was uided by flitters Bowker and Perlry of Bast Boxfjrd, aad Brothers !Iale and Webb, and several other* from tbe lodges of tbl* city participated In the exercises. Tbo officers for tie ensuing quarter are as follows:

P. W. 0. T., Mrs. Jannle Starrett; W. C. T„ Mr. V. A. Foster; W. V. T., Miss M K. Kit- tridge; W. 8., Mr. II II. L'wls; W. A. S., Miss Annie Wallace; W. F S, Mr'G. A. Nel- son; W.T., Mrs. II. A. Wlggln; W. C, Mr. J. K. Cole; W. M„ Mr. J. L. Sioddard; W, D. M., Mlsi Fannie Kittredge; W. I. G., lira Llbbuy; W.O.G-.Mr. Henry Libbey: W. K W.Mrs. MM. Foster; W. L. S, Mist Kli/s Wallace.

With the above corps cf servsnie this lodge must prosper. Two names were proposed for Initiation, and others are waiting to come In. Let those fientlemen and ladies, young or old, who enjoy a pleasant company, literary exer- cises, and who wish well the cause of temper- ance and general improvement, who would raise tbe fallen, and keep often from falling, help and join in tbis movement- It pays well. Individuals and society.

Dr. Lorlng at the City Ball.

Tbe Interest our citlssm take In the progress !

of tbe political campaign, la manifested in tbe I Urge au Hence* that come together to listen to j tbe ipsakorsseni out by the Republican com- miitec, to present (be claims of tbe candidate* to the consideration of tbe people. The pres- ent campaign has been thus far somewhat ex- citing, and more than usual interest ha* been exhibited by the people to bear the opeakef* on both aides. This Is not surprising, Tbe President whom all men honored aa much for the wisdom that characterised hii civil career as for the bravery sad foreeigbt that made him so successful a l*ad*r of our armies, has been denounced as unworthy to fill the h gh office to which the people elected him. Tbe party which brought the country throng rebellion so peace; which emancipated the slave, and invested all men with equal right) before tbe law has been denounced aa corrupt; the party which In tbe uses of a terrible opposition, se- cured tba liberties of the people, and made cli- lianshlp acoottltntlonslrlgbt.has been charged with conspiracy against the people'* liberties. Consequently tbe people have been Interested

know what tbeae charges were based upon and how they won Id be met ■ Tbe result tbui far has been far from unsatisfactory to tbe great mass of BspnMtesne whose faith In their leaders remained nnshaken.

Tbe meeting at tbe city hall on Monday evening, and addressed by Dr. Lorlng, was well attended, the floor and galleries of the hall presenting a lively and animated appear- ance ; the galleries were reserved for ladiee, and although there was a large number of tbe fair sex present, they were pretty generally accompanied by gentlemen. Upon the plat- form were some of the members of the city government together with a number or promi- nent citlsene.

Dr. Losing wu Introduced by John C. Hoad- ley, i-'.-q , and delivered a very able address, occupying nearly two hours. He reviewed the blstdry or the formation of the "Dolly Tardeu" party, dwelt at some length on the causes that led to iu inception, reviewed thewoikofthe Republican party, the history or President Grant, and denied that he bad ever been un- true to a single principle, ilac* fa* cam* before the people, or the Republican party. The old charges of gift taking, nepotism, etc , which bare become ridiculous from n petition, were disposed of in a few words. Tbe lesson i rawn from the speech was that the country u safe la the hands of the Republican Party; the work of tbe past la the promise of the future; that President Grant bad been true to every priod pie of right aid justice; that under hie admin- istration tbe country had been blessed with prosperity ; that tbe equal rights of all were secured, and that the continuance of tbeae blessings could only be secured by perpetual log the power of the party nnder whose admin- istration they had been brought about. At tba close of the meeting Mr. lloadier called for three cheers for Dr, Lorlng, which were given with spirit.

The Grant and Wilson Glee Cla b sang sever- al pleees during the evening.


naroaa JUDOS aTRVstm.

< )ae drunk waa *>poeed of. 'I'tn.imi Connor «[>d Wna. HoOoy were ebargrd

wltb breaking and saterlni ibe Paraltnn atore of Mtsei*. Rill A Stanley, la Orgway Block, and steal- ing tberarresaa qaaniltyof Jewelry sud ether ar- tlcl*.,toihesmoimt<-r»2-3. MeOoyaeaaowlHttd ibe eftnse.saat both were held to taw Seperlor Court In fees).

HATOaDAT, Frank Camll and James Waleb were flaedeaeh

•S and eeata for drnokaoaeea. Ellea BolUbaa, pharged wlih tht same estate, was 1.1 off. gesso Staek waa asasnarlj dealt wltb. Mary O'Brien, td eaTeaee, an days II C. alary Kana, one sent and

MOXDAV, There wave elevaa persona la lae dock Ibis morn-

ing, tan of usem young men varylag la aapt from twenty to Iweuty-elfbt or thirty; the:eleventh prla-

waaawoaasp, probably Iffy ys of tbe defendants were eharged w 1 lb la the ease of one oqibem It being tbeaeeond offence ol tbe seme character.

The drunka were as follows: John Doyle, glapd com: Albert Clegg.do., John Daley, do.,Owen VeCeraslek, do.; William HoEvoy,t!od offence, «3 eatd oasts. Elisabeth St oast discharged.

A PaantnoLOOical. Kow.—Patrick RooSwy and William Maedoosld were together In a ram shop on Sunday, and had a dlaensalon on pbreaolofy. Haedonald felt Eooney'a bumps, and expressed lbs opinion thai be hadn't a good band. Roeaay wouldn't stand this at all, and be proceeded to dstnoaatraU that It bla head wasn't good his Beta were. Meodotiald, however, hadn't ate died " bumps" for ■ uhlaa;: he knew how to handle his lists aa welt as Itooeey, and betwem then they got np a very reepeeubie row, whleh ofnoer Carroll oomlua aposi Ibe scene,eery promptly stepped; %'l and ooete each.

AaSAULT.—James Burke and Bernard Corcoran were eharged wub an aaaanlt an John ICalley. The complainant eras not able to be preaeot, and tbe ease waa ooodooed to Tharaday Beat, both being held In f 200.

LABcanv.—John UeMaban waa charged with Ibe lareeay of a block of wood >alnrd at #10, the property of Hr. Sullivan. John pb-aded anltty to taking the wood, but said be did not Steal, f ft and

K or Cixt OaDiNAvcB —John Me- any ef ahilnt fouritwn, waa eharged I a pane of glaaa In tba window of ibe

Tin: UKION FIIKIUHT Kallroad, which skirts the wharves of Boston, connecting at one end wltb the Boston and Maine railroad, and tbe other with the Old Colony railroad was lueceilfully opened on Tuesday. The opening was accomplished without accident. It Is the intintion of the compeny to connect the road with ail the wharves Immediately. At the trial of the road mad* on Tuesday, tbe can were loaded with cotton at Central whsrf, and hauled around to the Buton and Maine railroad, to be dispatched to this city.

This is an important enterprise, and will greatly facilitate the business of transporta- tion from the wharves to the various ratlroals

Bring- out Bvory vote.

Since the organization ot the Repub- lican party, In every national election

Massachusetts lias led (be column of

republican majorities; this year tbo

great Key Stone and Empire Slates

threaten to contest with her tliin nroud position. Not that lier vote alVects the

result, b'i; for Its Influence hereafter, and as a rebuke to those who sought to

UWtbetr high positions and honored trusts, to lead astray her ions, tin- 78 000 of lftfis, ought to be rnftdwMt000next week;

It can be done, and moref by polling a

full vote. Will not every republican

make a little personal tlfort to secure so grand a result? Bring out every voter, swell the figures.—and keep Massncbu-

:■■<!'■ In tlic s ..a.

THK FIRST COTTOX FACTORIES.—The first Cotton Factory ID the United Sutea was atnrteil in Beverly, Muss., in 1788, and continued In operation abont twelve yearn. Hon. Joshua Herrick, ot Alfred, (whose father hail ;i« interest In the fac- tory] remembers it. distinctly, and tells some interealing reminiscences relaxing to its operations, niacbiuery, etc., which contracts widely with Unit in u-i; at the present day,

The first Cotton Factory pnt in opera- tion in tbis State (then District ol Maine) was tit Brunswick, in 1*1<>, under the ntispices of the late (iuv. Willinm King, of Bath, nnd other capftnlists ot tbis State nnd Boston. Colonel lierrick wits subsequently connected with this facto- ry ns its agent, nnd probably there nre but few, 11 any, now living who are lu possession of ao runny fuote rolntlng to the early hi-tory of tbe manufacture ot cotton In this country as hi*—Portland (Me.) Press.

The Col. Herrick. mentioned in this

item was uncle to Sheriff Herrick. ol

this county.


Mlt. KIUTOK:—Will you Inform your readers how Judge Harmon stands on tbe ten hour qaeaUoo, and If be will vote for a ten hour law If such questlon'cDines be- fore the Senate, If he Is elected. Yours on behalf ot the Ten Hour torn ,

llm.i in UowKii, Chairman.

We can ant borliatlvely state that Mr.

Harmon Is fully ot" the opinion that,—ex-

cept In ipeeUI emergencies or under unu-

sual circumstance *.—the Interests of labor

and capital demand no more than ten

hours labor per day, ami that he cordial-

ly tavorsa reduction to that extent. We

hardly think, however, lie should bo

asked tn pledge himself to favor the en-

actment of a particular law, the provis-

ions of which he has not yet seen or

examined, a" however strongly a man

may be in favor of a given principle,—

•OOb principle might be embodied in a

law wltb features so objuctlonablo In

some of Its details as to compel him to

vote against it, and In so dulng prove bla

honest attachment to the principle itself.

Tint NOMINATION, in this district, of

Nathan W. Harmon, Esq., oftbll city, a* candidate for the State senate, Is one of

those selections ooofertng credit upon

the party, and insuring in Ids election, an

able, honest, and inlluentlal member of

the upper brunch of the legislature. M r. Harmiui is <>ue of the loremost members

of the bnr In this nection, an early re-

publican, and from the start one of the

wheel horiM of the pat ty ; po^aessfng the

abundant conOdence ot this community,

a well readlawyir, good puilliiiiientarian

an.) able debater, he vtill prove a decided

acquisition to the Senate, and be sure to

bold an inllucnlial position In its counsels

the district wilt give liltn a handsome ma |»rlty over the "liberal'* nonentity oppos-

ing lilm.

(Jon. Ilanki did nut make tils appearance a the litealey meeting in ibis ottv.oa Wednosda; ovttilntt, us pruiniM'd—.im'ii'tvi.i.

(ien. Hanks wasn't "promised." either liy bfmaali or anybody else, tor Wednes- day nighl. His own Congressional Dis- trict lias ilie stronger claim upon his at- tention in thin canvass. Hut he trill •I'fulin this city >!■■■'imk- and givn hi* liAwrenoe rniisiltucntH his reasons tor his faith.—Bcntind, Oct. Iftf/i,

And again hu didn't come, What's

the mutter this time '.'

Gwr. Bwirr is LAWRRNCK.—it is nnt necessary to urge our ciliztms to go to

the city hall on Monday evening, to hear

this eloquent and sparkling speaker.

Our city committee were lortunatc In

securing this gentleman, and we pre-

dict nn enthusiasm to hear him une-

qualled by any former Hko occasion in tbis

city, nnd those who nro enabled to get

into the hall may count themselves lor-


OEM, SWIFT at the City Hall Monday

evening next.

Bobert, Oollyor.

The -■-■-■ ■ L«■ 1 lecture In the ehiireb oourse. by Uoh- •rt ('Oliver, Is near at hand. It la to be etven Fri- day evenleg. Nov. Sib. The ataasJefj will iheu be over, a pmtdeat eboaen for tbe nnl four yeari, and onr cllliena ought to be la a (nod mood to ■!■ down tn|etht>r and e< joy sneh afreet of reason and flow ofaool aa a leeiura t.y one of Ibe brightest and most merry-stded men ol our time. Be la a Brat class man, thinker, prrarhrr, leetnrer. lie eomea tor the Aral lime to our city. It Is dee to the min ami to uur I'atrrprUIng fellow altlssa* "bo have taken the responsibility of brlDe-log him hare, thai onr peoplr should give htm a largo hearing. All OUT thlnkiag, professional and cdoeated men and woman should pot olhsr tbloaa aalds to greet wltb tlii lr presence toe oemlng of ■ucli nun to onr ros- trum, Oiher clilee give him ibalr largest and heat auilluBDaa, Ours' should not be behind In Ibe rce ogDltlonof such talent aud character. While be !■ a great nun be la a man of the people, and Ibe pee pie should be prompt to appraolata his broad-mlnd' ed s) wpatby. We bespeak for bloi a beating and appreciation wuiiby of him aad our young and vigorous city.

IIAI.U'WKIM.—Last night waa Halloween; tbe annlveraarj of tbe wltebee, war looks, fairies, ere. In times ot anparatltloa ibis annlvaraary waa ob- served wltb CBHODS customs lu Scotland, and avan at tbe preaeot day It Is not allowed to pau unno- ticed.

We have no donbt maoy Scotch people here In this city have Joined In tbe amusements peculiar to this ennlverssrr,aad by observing lbs ■reeseuy conditions, endeavored to pry Into the nyaterlee of the fuinre which oaly on this nlgbt could be un- veiled.

A fsvorite amusement oa Halloween waa that of filling a tub with water, and thro wing lo a qaaatl- ty of applai; these had to be lek*B out with tbe mouth, a feat not verr easily accomplished, for on Ibe teeth coming In ooutsct wltb tbe apple, II would allp awuy, and bobbing np and down In theagltat ed water, defy all efforts to secure It, unices, by making a bold dive, and preeetng ll against the bottom of the tob to Insert the teeth.

Another favorlie smnsemeal area to suspend from the celling, by a string, a pteoe of wood, fastened ID

HU oentre and evenly Lsi lanced,an apple OB one end of the slick, and a lighted piece of eeodla OB tbe olber; tho stick was made to spin around, and all were obliged intake torus In catching tbe apple with their mouth aa It performed Its evolutions, Ol course Ibe candle waa more frequently caught in the mouth than tba apple, and tneoftener tbe candle the belter ibe amusement.

Hot It was in prying Into the fnlnre that tba occa- sion bad Ua greatest interest,

"slants lade' and leases' fates Are on tbat nlgbt decided,"

How earnestly the lads and lasses glssd at tbe Ore aa the nntlslxsled aide by aide, and what disap- pointment waa felt whan an explosion took place, and two nuts tbat had been homing lovingly to- gether. Win* a crace *as n blaa, flaw out In oppo- site directions,—the hopes of months wreaked In a single moment I

In what i lelieraant and with what bopaa the las- sss would repair to tbe neighboring kiln and wind the clue, eiptoilng to god their true love at tba end,—and frequently ibey did without any super- natural agency 1 With what beating hearts the girls would repsir to their rooms and eomb out their hair before thalr mirror, eating ao apple mean- while, and gating earnestly Into Ibe glsea to catch the refleetloo of a future husband I Hot alwaya disappointed, either, Ihoogh the fairies bad no band In II.

On that night, It waa eald, tfaet If a man or worn, an won Id go three times around the Tillage astride a broom they would be rewarded by a glimpse of his salanlc majesty. We are not aware that tbla was ever tested; there never waa much anaiety

isnlfesied for a sight of the individual alluded to. The belief waa general, however, thai the lalrles

d other supernatural beloga ware abroad that nlithl In force, and that a compliance with M

conditions commanded tbelr assistance la UfUag the veil shrouding ibe future. These cuiioma BOW

belong to the paat, and wltb all thalr superstitions associations, they ate not unpleasant to look baek upon, And many a Scottish mother can tell her children that tbe daya nf bar courtship began when

"Some merry, friendly, country folk. Together did convene.

To hum tht-ir aiia asd pa ibelr nocks. And baud thalr Halloween."

VIOLATION or Madden, a bog with breaking hoose of Alderman Payne, with a atone. John did not mean to bit the window; be threw tba stone at B pigeon; bis Honor a ed him S." and coats, and •aid he would have doubled It l( John had hit Ihe P*eess,


VAOKANTH.—Kste Banbory and Julia O'Brien found polity of vagrancy, were eaeh sentenced to four months at tbe house of correction,

. ASSAULTS.—Wl'tlam Oesrln and ■ Taylor were charged with an aaaanlt on Kdward Devilm It appeared tbat the parties hired a home at tbe amble Of Mr. Bresrater, to ao to Newbnrjport.and on returning toied lb* stable of Mr, Brewater eloeed, and they carried the horse to Mr. Poster's asking tbat It mlgbl be pal up there until marnlug. While there aoms words occurred between tbe de- fendants and D.fsltn, wbo Is an hoatlrr lo Iba sta- ble of Mr. Porter, and tbe latter waa aaaanlted, There was a lengthy essminatlon, whleh resulted la tbe dnendaats' being eaeb lined tn the sum ol gSO and coats, 01 siity days. Appealed. Majoi Brown for defendants.

WaotruDAT. There were vary few spectator* In court to day,

and tbe number or prisoners In the dock was small.

Davnas.—Richard afeeaev gl and coats; John Long, 2nd offence, 30 daya at the house of oorrec' tlon.

A VOWL s*aocaKOUio.—Andrew J. Ulee and James Connor ware arraigned on a complaint charging them wltb breaking and entering tbe barn of Asa U. Lacy, Nona Andover. and stealing there- ftomttbena; they plsadad go I It j, and were bald to tba Saperler court, eaeb In *jJd>.

LiQCOa He is AMCC—John Hoyt waa arraigned on a complalat preferred against him by a woman named Hary Blokey, charaleg him wltb keeping a liquor nuisance; he pleaded not guilty, and was defended by W. L.ThoatpeSn, Esq.; be was dis- charge! on payment of oosu.

TIIURIDAT. DBLRBB.—CnfiaaopberCeaiaevand another man

whoa name era withhold, weSeeharged wlih drunk- Caffaey was let ot, and tbe other was

lined |! and coats.

ACKAMT.—Arthur Oliver was ehargsd with va- grancy; found aullty and sentenced to tbe Honse of OorreoUon for thirty days.

o DiBuapERLT.—Horatio Q. Wllletl, an Individual, a description of wbom, and

the partleulara of whose arrest was given In Wednesday's dally, was arraigned on a charge of being Idle and dnerderly. Meat to the House of Cerreetlea for thirty daja.

whispered that he baj coarte to settle aa i wife In the west ago this destroyer rstfi being destitute af a ]

Bftv. You Hoard from el.■,.!■.■;,.

Ilie hurst :lliil Will i*e K(uw i id laial eawa mo increasing every where

I i> said that ihero is a wide rpread defer loo troiu Oreelej in Unaware.

Hinall pox is increasing rnplillv in Nui

I no I illnwlcg (,(Tlccrs ol Oood Will Lo<t,;e, I (I G. 1'.. have hern clerteJ lor the ensuing ■m«rter w.c,T.,J.C Bowker| W. V. I\, Sarah drover I W. II. C, W. J. Newron; W. C, I.. A. LaWMiti; W. F. »., Marston; W. 8., H, Clark; YY. H., V . Hulum; W. 1. U , Leclada L Carilert W.o. O , Isaac Per. Jlctou

I'lit! Ilapubllcaos now propose to with

draw their ticket in ticortfia, on the

ejTound that llit-y nimiol tafolg rofc; aii'I

tliia Is the Htate and election about which Democrats hid tie ' 90 nnd tell Hiram." h w-t- 1 J 1 >r 11 i...■ but thu tan Miat the nt'-

iirnps wi-nt unarmed thai prevented nnn-

i deroua encounters; »ne duly nt ihe 11a* j tioii is to SKI: ill..! its eiticans at lite S0111I1

tinvo ttitilr civil rights, even it" U hi- nec-

essary to put the whole S:ate of Georxla

under martial law. " I,"t ns shake hands

I over Ilie Moody niaem!"

JAUK- II. iji nth, of II.'- city, was

lentenced In flic Superior Court nn Thursday to pay a finr of tl.l antl costs

(or an aaaanlt i-omniltted on one Sophia

Haley, In Sn|ittimlier la«t. and nn a com-

plaint obarttlnx ,''"1 wl,n drunkenness, to pay H DiuMiI ajumi nosts, with ihnal-

ternailvo of '-"> days loiprleonnient; he

payed the tlnei.

I'IM. KtiLiiLii.AN DIWOMTHATIOK and torchlight procession In Boston on Werinilsdaj night was very iitccasafnl. There worn icn thousand man in tine besides thirty hamls and thirty drum corps. Gen. Lswrence Owlt* Iford, waa in ninii.l. Tbe city was lirilllantlr II* lumira.cd, and there was a generous display qf lie-.'..M!.-.. Lawrence was represented by about two hundred and iKiy men itmler com- mand of Cap 1. Decker.

IK BCKKHAM HKIRB— Tec bain ol Ben- n Buriiham, long ■ 11-■ i- of London, de td, nre ;u present employing strcnuuns ef- 1 for ihe recovery of fabiloni amounts of

]iro!"riv Hituntod in l.milon, gmsnia and Ire- land. They sent CharlS* Russell, En\ ,of Boi tun, an associati partner of Gen .Cogswell 01 Silem, to !..ITJIII,II to invetligatc the validity 01 the will, and on bin return he lirougbt an attest- ed copy ol the Instrument, together with other data that seem suirlclent to substantiate the claim, tteraral meetlngi bare >>een held In Doslon, and snaMiociation has Iwen formed lor tho prosecution ol tho work, with Benjamin F. Kurnbam, Rgq-, of Bottutt, 1'resident; Dr. (ioldsmitb ot Hethnon, Hacretary 1 and Henry A. Uurnham, Bsq*, of Gloucester, Treasurer. Tbe meetings hava been attended by sevetal hundred of lite representative) heirs, both from this vicinity and PUen trem olaine, Vermont and New flaropshiro, and if tbe opinions of tne most eminent legal advisers, lioll here and in Lunutio, are lo tic relied npon, tbe tti'overy of the property is only a matter ol time

Hi M.INI, M Ai 1 KHS'XIS last, at three o'cl'k, Auguttus Wilder, 01*) ot our olde*t and most respected citizens, passed from lbs scenes of ear.b. Only a few days previous to hti demlie, ho was apparently In a state oi health, bnt ikiin bad tat bis seal upon bis brow, and in a lew hours alter ha was no more. At tbe time of bis death he was sixty-one rears of age, and bad resided in Lawrence for twenty-five fears, having roino in lulanry. lie was a kind heart- id man. and lull of affection, loved and re- spected by ail who Knew bim. Ilo leaves three eons 10 mourn bin loss, t#o of wbom runido here, and the utber in Uhkugo. TJ tboie who dearlf loved bliu it Is a sore 1 ItUtion.


PL-TBAat, J.

The following persona have reoalsad sentence aa follows:—John Curregnn, for aaasult, two seare honse of correction; Frank Crowlaj, eighteen months ditto, fur breaking end catering; Lewis at Levies, sliteeu months ditto, for adultery; Jaaee WcCarty, elghtrsa months ditto, far assaalt.

tin atunday the entire day waa occupied by tbe trial ol Patrick Orlmeaef Oaergelowa, far break- ing and entering the storabonae of Heears. Hale of (iroveland. In July laat, end stealing therefrom a quantity of wool. Several witnesses teetlflsd to »eelng (Itlines in tbe vicinity of Ibe store bouse when the breeklng and entering was en id to have taken place. Defendant endeavored lo provs an alibi. Verutet, guilty. D, Saundera for defendant; lnaiiict Attorney Hherman for the oommoawealth.

On Tneeday morning Monte N'. Holllgsn waa placed on trial, charged with mslntalelnga llqno

TIIK Mimm: FAILUHK. -The estate of B. P. Moras, of Itetbnen, Involving liabilities to tba amount of fl^DOOon or thsreabonti, has com- menced Its coarte In bankruptcy; at a meet- ing of the creditors on Friday, (Japt. Wm.K. Hpaulding, treasurer of the Lswrence Savings Bank, of thi* city, and S. W. Hopkinson, E*q, of Bradford, were ihoseu atslgneee; tba large amount involved renders tba matter of more than general interest.

Taa BALKK CyVHTTK reports a painful ceee of elopement at Georgetown, and abandon- ment or a family of two children, aasjl two and five rear*, bg a lady who baa bitbmto borne ao nnblemthgd and irreproachable character, with a mat many years her senior In age, and connect*! by tbe ties ot consan- guinity. The lady those name Is withheld ont ot regard for net family, is very pretty, unassuming, moileat Ld voting, has been very littlo Into society, nnd"consequently made few acquaintance! outside>f the respectable neigh- borhood In which she resided, but we are In- formed that on her treet, none wen more welcome to a chair bj ibe fireside than she. Her naivette, cbannng powers of converta- tion, and general fntlllgence, eatabllsbed for her a hlgn place In the regards of her small circle or acqusintsncei

Of the man very Kite Is known except that reported to be ajmrnaifst, very rich, a

retnrnad Ca'lfornlin, Ld a person wbo ba< had B previous domtflc Infelicity, and It is

been obliged by tbe mity upon a divorced lining more than a year led from F.nrone, and

anent home, wai re- ceived Into tba famil* abd sympathy of the people In qnastlon, agl, being of a quiet dtipo' altlon and empiorlnr his lalsnre In an occa slonal literary effort ar his Ssa FranclsCa pa- per, and It is said wilting for a New York commercial Journal! series of articles In be< half of the Pacldc fl It., mats yery fsw per- sonal friends. Thesifew facts have appeared since tbe departure a tbe pair upon the morn Ing cf tbe 24 h inetlnp to which tree, racept to some of lbs man oiierying, nothing oc curred to excite su.piion He wai, as alleged , about 10 return 10 cjnornla, and tbe lady da- larmloed to east him iff by accompanying bim to Boston, promningio rgtnrn In tae Lut train but falling to do ao,» suipiciont ware aroused until the day foliosS>g, when, wonder being eapraseed at bar urn appearance, anarch *»« made which proreJ hat her cloibei, valuables, Ac, bad departed, leaving nothing out the crushing truth of nan's ingratitude, and wo man's infidelity.

Tbe man whose »me la Daniel Gllnes ha occupied the polities of Secretary of tbe State Board of Kdmailiisof California, and Is a man of acknowledged aieni, a'ahoUgh a hardened and Inaldnous villain He Is a native cf By. Held, and uncle of the lady wbom he Induced 10 elope with hkn.

A o 111 c <£>oseip.

Cotda are prevalent.

Stirring political times this week .

The horse diseate knows no a'laUmont.

The churches were thinly attended on Sun- day.

Very few horses were seen iu the streets on Sanoay.

Tbe Superior Court f* *tlll occupied with tbe trial of Hquor cases.

We have lost the boras car, and In Its place have got ibs bone cs'srrh.

Ths weather contutnea favorable for borass afB cted with the distemper.

The Superior Court was occupied on Tues- day In tbe trial of liquor case*.

Ths reason cf social hop*, quiet evening partis*, and public entertainments is now npon us.

The trees on the Common begin to look bare. Thsy am fait losing their glorious autumn dire*:.

A superior article ot coal is advertised by Mr. John J. Dotaad, at his wood and coil stand, Hill Street.

The land oeynpled try the Flltnt Chapel, an In that vicinity, will probably be built upon next seasoa.

lien. Tom Thumb and wits. Commodore Nutt and wife, will soon visit this city and give an entertainment

" Ale," said a lawyer In the Superior Conrt, " la good lor the blood, and good fortha bones." Where does he get his ale ?

It must certainly have hsso to tbe midst of such an epidemic a* tae present, when Richard offered bla kingdom for s boras.

The Whits Fund Lsctnree will commence tbe first wetk In December, and tbe course, a* usual, will consist of six lectures.

Ths Itepuhllceni of Haverhill werealdreeeed on Friday evening last by N. W Harmon, B.q. of this city, nominee lor senator from this dis- trict.

Oa Saturday none or tbe honee In tbe stable of Mr. Porter ware affected with the prenlltuK distemper, and on Sunday scarcely one was not affected.

The Sentinel has no words of praise for its Liberal Senatorial candidate; "Dsvla the Ll'. tie" (1 a pretty stiff dose even (or Qrseleyusd democratic atom ache.

Remember tbe Representative caucuses this evening. Let evety Ripnbllcan be present, and nse his Influence to secure the best possi- ble Representative ticket.

There Is no truth In tbe rumor tbat a meet- ing of washerwomen waa called for this even- ing, to take steps for guarding their Clothes horses against tbe prevailing epidemic.

One or the finest Illuminations of Thursday evening statin tbe store of Cross & Co., tbe windows of which displaced great ta>te and in- genuity, aud won universal commendation.

A lady tost a portion t fa new dress on Tues- day, on Essex Btreet, above Lawrence Street. It the gentlemen who pleksd It np will leave it at the AMBHICAN office he will confer a favor.

Toe Convention of tbe Republicans of Law- rancasad afethusn,to nominal* their candi- dates for Representatives to the Generst Conn, will be held st Hethuen 00 Saturday sv en Ing.

Tne meeting of the Tsmpersnce Reform Club at the City Hall on Sunday sight wsa a great

uccess. Notwithstanding- tba rain the floor of the house was filled; K) persons signed the pledge.

Qen.John L.Swift, the most entertaining, iloqoont 11 id spicy political orator in New England, has been secured by the Republican city committee to speak in ihe city ball on Monday evening.

The Maiiacbusatta Society for Ibe Preven- tion of Cruelty to Animals cannot prevent horses from suffering at present, bnt tba reter- iary surgeons are ntfne: their best effort* to 'arrest" the epidemic.

The Democrats and Liberal Republican* of Lawrence and Hethuen, will meet In Delegate Convention, at room Sin City Hall building, on Tuesday evening, to nominate representa- tives 10 Ihe general court.

Horatio O. Wlllet, when taken to tbe housj of correction yesterday, Insisted on wearing bis feminine bead*gear, and carrying his parasol. He was humored, and bis appearance on tba street caused aome excitement,

A horse employed Is drawing materials used tbe construction of Weiffst'a block, ilippid

and fell Into a heap of dry lime today, In front of tbe building. Horses seem to be sin- golarly unfortunate at present.

Ssveral member! of the Temperance Reform Club hate Joined tbe old temperance organlia- tions In this city; a man cannot fetter himself too securely to tbat which le for the beat Inter eat of himself, bis friends and society.

of fncade to respond to their invitations; tbe tickets have already a brisk sale, and a merry ta-tr will be ptesent.

Mr Lonli Well bas recently added to his fat slock of goods, which was far from being small, some excellent styles of boys' aid men's overcoats. He bss also added a Jewelry de- partment, that is sub trinket* as are necesta-y for gents u-e and adornment, including a va- riety of unique aleeva buttons Mr. Well la fully alive to thenecessitiei of the times.

"Tbe cara are not running today," said one gentleman to another, on Sunday.

"No," was tbe reply, '• bat the horses an " "The horses are! How do yon maks tbat

oat?" "They are running—at ths nose." ''Terr food for yon," wu the laughing rr.-

jojnder, "bnt bad for tbe hones, I should Judge."

An Irishman, who with an axs killsd s oog tbat wanted to bite him, was yesterday furious- ly Nt nnoa by the owner, who asked why he had killsd the animal; he stated tbe reason,— tbat Ibe dog had attacked bim. Thereupon the owner aaid tbat he ought to have defended him- self with tbe bamlle. "Oh, yes. Indeed," re- aaw4.be, "I would have done so had the dog attacked with bU tail."

The first < I' a series of social dancing parties to be given each alternate Monday during tbo winter season, took place at Saundera Hall on Monday evening. Some Arisen or twenty couples wai c preset11 ibe smile, which Wai ot an unusually cieetlent character, was fur- nished by Akeroyd & 8tewart*on'i orchestral laid. Dancing was kept up with spirit nntll a late hoar. T.ieae panws are under Ibe man agement of J. P. atornll, T. 8. Norton and A.



The report of the City Marshal for tbe quar- ter ending Sept. 30, 1872, Is as follows: — Whole number uf arrsats, ol0. No. of lodgers, BftTi Total, son. Tbe arrests were for the fol- lowing causes:—nrunkennati, t38| safe keep- ing, -'i; assanlt, Vi; larceny, 31; disturbance, 2*1 Idle and dliorderly, 17 j druuu.'Jl offense, 111; common drunk, 1-; arrested for offensea out of town, 0; violation of city ordinance,;; vagrant, 7; asiault on ofHcer, A; lewd and )as- c.vlous, l; maintaining a nuiiance, H; fast diivlng, 1\; snd lor other offences one or two eicb. Itecelved as witness and officers fees,

UKATH or Mas. GHBLXV— The death of Urs. Oreeley, which for the tait law days bad

been hourly expected, took place at the resi- dence of a friend at Chappaqns at four o'clock, Wednesday morning- Mr. Oreeley, who for several days and nights had hardly qaltisd her side, bad retired but a short time before, worn out with watching and lose of sleep,leaving ths sufferer in charge ot the youngest daugbUr.Ida wbo wsa the sole attendant at her motugr'a deathbed. For several ysare Mrs. Oreeley bad been a constant Invalid, bar late European tonr failing to produce any beneficial effect npon her health, She was a woman of lino Intellect, and was griatly beloved by those wbo knew her lor her many excellent qualities of head and bear!, tbo public, without exception, will aym. paihiei wltb Mr. Oreeley in bn bereavement.

A wallet containing a small sum of money wae piiki d up on Garden street, 00 Friday, by 11 toy natntd Ihomes Wilkinson, wbo carried It to ibe police station, whore theowtsr have it by proving property.

strenire lovktaar «euut made bla appear- ance In tbli city Wednesday ; he wai dressed se ordinary mortals, with tbe exception of his bead, which was surmounted by a lady's nobby bat, gaily trimmed with black velvet, cherry and green ribbon, with a red leather on one side, and a green one on the other 1 a cherry colored bow he wore ob hi* breast; he bad with bim in boxes and bundles, a lady '$ cblg- r on. a let of curls, a blue silk parasol, a red feather tied np in paper, a My '# hat somewhat crushed and soiled, a couple of scarfs much tbo worse for wear, besides a number of other articles. Ha bad io bis ears a pair of hear brasa earrings, an inch aids half la length, and half:m inch wide, witha green gists bead In tbe centre. He was arrested lot vagrancy; hie name 1a Horatio G. Wiibt j he sayi lie la Hn years old, and that be belongs In Springvale, Me , where be has a father and mother living; ha was arrested two years ago In this city, while In tbe set of sketching some of our pub- lic buildlngi, and on that occasion was sent tu tbe honat of correction lar three months; be la evidently luinne.

Messrs. William Mtuart A Co., agree with ui that they might bare placed on tbelr Dre house besides the motto, " we will dye for Grant aid Wilson,'' "we will silik to our colon," aa ttcy are not esbanacd of tbe latter.

T*o hoys, named John Curler and William I)ignan,wererefore tbe police court Wednesday for truancy ; thav promised 1 mure does attend- ance at school, and were liberated, officer Harris restoring Ibem to the arms of Alma Mater.

A young lady in passing another should not tarn around to see what ths olber wears, be- cause the other Ii engaged in doing tbe same thing; ttmskei thealinatlon embarrassing, and besides renders the wished tor examination Impossible.

It Ii a matter ot lurpr'ee bow soms letters do find tbelr way to tbelr destination. The fol- lowing was received at tbe house of correi lion In Ibis clry, to-dav:—"lawrenCe tnsas In Care ot Cben hertCk lor miss Jsney grove." Jeney got her Ut er.

Tbe weather on Sunday waa very unfavor- able for ibe borsei iffl ued with ibedl.temper*, aome of tboie having tbe disease in an aggra vated degree sufT.red Severely, snd It wai re- ally pltilul to hear tht poor animals coughing Ilka bnman beings.

Certain Individuals wbo said thsy were glad tbat the borse disease would not put Ibem to my inconvenience, undoubtedly thought differ ■niiy this morning. If one might judge from the rye laces made as ihty swallowed Ibelr cofTtfe without milk.

Large numbers of names are being added to the check Hue. Everyman wbo baa a right to rnt) should see tbat hii name la not omitted. Atl who have Ibe right of awtTrage should tee tbat no neglect of their own deprives them of the right of exercising it.

Election next Tuesday,'and let every voter personally kqow that his name la on tbe check list, and in tbe right watu. Don', real assured irom tbe fact that your name was there a year since, that It ii ail right now, bnt make It yonr business to examine tbe check lists.

Uur sporting men will be sorry 10 learn that "Prank Palmer," the wall known trot- ting hone of Mr. Spanlding, of tbla cay, is terloutly affcitid wltb tbe complaiat at prei dh an common among horses, and that his ;ondiilon sxcltci tbe graveat apprehensions

TUB IfoHAL condition of Lowell Inspires hops test the world ii growing better. Un riunday and Monday Here was not * single commitment to the poire station far drnok- enness, and on Tuesday only one cats, tbat of a woeaas—an old offender; only one cue or drunkenness In three Oars; It Is seldom tbat tbe same can be said ol Lawrence, even with its growing eemtment against drunkenness.

A Ksw DRITOOIIT AMONO I■*..—Mr. A. It Ollddsa, late with Choatc, under ihe Revere Hones, Boston, bae pa re baaed the stock snd natures t/H. J. Dcnbam.and will continue the drag basinets at that place. Mr. Glidden has tberepu'Btion of being a good apomecarv, and having 10 many personal friends In Law- rence, we predict a sucre.slul on.iotii cerear

for bim. The store is bciutc renovated and Sitioaal slock Introduced.

On tbe occaaion ot the Republican demon [ration in this city, the dye bouss of Messrs

Sharps B> Co. was Illuminated, and a tranipar ency waa exhibited bearing Ibe words "W< will dye for Grant and Wilson," which attract' ed much atteutlnn. They might atto have nld, "We will stick to onr rotors."

The equine epidemic has not gone so Tar as to attack borse pistols or Colt revolver!; are pleased to bear that tbe mul, spinners In tb« mills are totally free from In effects, suppose tbat« Is in keening with the stamsl fliese* of i''ii'«s 1 tat ibe prevailing bo<a)rae- nsas ihoaid be eonuoad to the horse.

Mr-Pstrlck Murphy, on returning thanks for bli sorainatlou aa representative, on Tues- day evening, faoetkiasly remarked that tt. only thins he feared la regard lo bis election waa a recount- Doubtless such oars will taken to have correct returns this ytir as to render each a proceeding unnecessary.

. At tbe meeting of the Board of Aldermen, on Tuesday evasieg, there was no business trao sacted beyotd corrssUag the check Hats, and drawing Jar*! for the Supreme Judicial Court, to be boldayat Saleaton me second Tuesday ol Novautrir. The following were drawn: Oeo. Lain*, Win. Marry, Wm. Snlltven and Win. Oil*.

The l/tier Carders of tbla city announce belrflr/annnai bait for Wednesday evening,

Nov. 67. emu are making arrangements for a moil asosable occasion, and ws are sure these popaf public servants wilt fli.d a wide eiro:e

C. Twiai.

It look* sa If there would be a genera1, ha ppy and IOCIB' gathering st ths bait to be given by the letter carriers of this city, on the evsnloii Of tbe 0 h Instant. A large number or iiekett bsve been sold, and It Is quits probable thai all tbe available space tf the hall will be re- quired on tbe occasion. Osgood It Parilow' band am arranging new music wltb especia1

reference to this event. Our eltliim duly ap- preciate tbe labors of these fatthlul servants, tbe letter carriers. '

While the globe In front of tbe Assent CAM

omoe, on Thursday evening, wss revolving, a couple of spectators were beard to exprea* op niona aa to the power that kept tt In motion Oae asked tbe other wbst In hit opinion earner

i the globe to revolve. Why don't you know It ll the hot air cense

by the gases; Ihe I a I Is set In motion and lh< bot air keeps It going."

Tba otber was sailsfled with the explanation. Science Is truly a mretery.

One of tbe finest spectacle* presented on the evening when the illuminations wars so gener- al In this city wai at ibe dress making roorn> of Mies Fielding, No. 291 Essex Street. To. wlndowi wars brfahtly illuminated, and galls festooned with blight colored paper sad mm iaiure flaia. A young girl, Hiss Sarab Weasr- bouse, appeared at tbe window aa ihe Goddee* 01 Liberty, bearing a fltg with the atotio, "Sue- ease attends tbe brave." presenting a scece alike creditable to Miss Fielding and charming to lbs beholder.

Tbe Pst.nl Right Oastte, a New York publi- cation, bas In the current number, sn article uevotsd i-> tbe Wbite Star line of ocean itaam- ert, and a model of the "Adriatic," probabU sne ol tbe finest itesmsblpi In the world. Hei total length Is 132 feet 6 lsebs*; breath, 41 feeti Jeptb, Zi feat. Her register is 4/150 eoni. roil line Is becoming a very popular one fb* oceao trave), ibe result doubt'ess of the carr triven l> baring nothing bnt first class vsavla. Messrs. J. & T. S. Murphy, 203 Osk Street, ere the sgents for tbe White Star lino in this city.

When pnblic opinion sets strongly against any exlitlng system it seldom flourishes long; public opinion now sets strongly sgainst tbe habit of drinking Intoxicating liquors, and It Is a bopefui itgn of moral progress. As men grasp tbe great truth that ther were not made Tor ihemssftvea alone, bnt for tbe general good, the evils that afflict society receive tees tolera- tion, snd there grows up an antagonism, to that form of evil especially, which, while injur- ing the pursuer of if, also injure* society against which It cannot successfully long.

Extensive preparatlnni are being made for tbe letter carriers' ball, which occurs on Wedoeedsy evening of next week. Osgood and Partlow'i band, of ten pieess, with Mr Frank Clark as promptor, will furnish tbo ns-

The arrangements are being mads for tbe occasion by Messrs. John WrKsy and E. H. Colby, both of wbom have hid sufficient expe- rience, to warrant a brilliant success on this,the first occasion of ibe loiter carriers coming be Ore the public as contributor! to the festivl nei that mark tbe winter season, snd invest with tbe genial warmth of loc'al enjoyment, tbe hours that are given to incb feitlva occa ■lone.

Mr John Medina ha* recently placed In tb< window of ble atore, next door toiba Post Ot flee, a wax figure of a lady elegantly dressed and having a wealth of hair tastefully arranged The figure is beanttfu'lr proportioned, and ex biblti the model of a very hesn'lfnl woman Two men ware contemplating It on Tburida evening, end one said to she otber:

"What d'ye think of that sow, Dsu f" "Be gorry I an' I'd rather have her iban my

ould woman, anyhow," replied I) in . "True fnr yon, Dan, en' that'sjuit what I'vr

been thinking mjeallf." life Jaataiwell that neither of the "ontd1

woman beard the remark*. To-day, the Lawrence Light Infantry, Cap-

tain Deary, b«<-e their annual excursion, target practice, and ball. The Company. beaded hy the i,awrence Cornet Fand, will re- ceive the honorary members at the Cl'y Hal' and will escort them to the ground select-d. Just balow ths gas hoses*. There tbe nine ■ports Will be Indulged in, shooting for prls*, act. Tbe prises for iba active menbere arsa Waliham watcb,and Smith ft Wesson revolver 1 for tbs honorary members, silvar ice pitcbei aod sliver celery dt»h. There will be a ball a1

City Hall, ID tbe evening, mnile being fnr nished by Akercyd & Stewert»on's qmdrill. band. Captain Dia-y has given conilderablt attention 10 tbla company, and we bare no doubt tbey will 11 ake a creditable turnout.

Mr. B. B. Dyer, tbs agent of Messrs. Morris & Ireland of Bustoo, safe manufscurera, wbo has been In this city for some lime, takei hi* departure on tbe last of the month. Doing his visit bera be bai made many friends, wbo will reel aome regret st bis departure. Ha bas taken orders lor morn Ibaa thirty of the excel- lent sales of Messrs. Morris & Ireland. success in thu direction has been aa mnch the result of hia energetic effort* aid constant at tent ton to the Inteteiti of tbe firm be repre- sents as to the excellence of tbs safes and the eetabllabed repetition of the manufacturers. Durlua- bis stay bars Mr.Dysr has deeply later sated himself In the Temperance Reform move ment, and bai been untiring In hia effort* to promole tbe welfare or tbe Club. On leaving ths city ha will carry wltb btm the beat wishes of the organlasilon, and the respect of the bail- nen community.

A young and very attractive appearing lady silled up Essex Street yeaiardar lu all the glory of "diagonal rep," richly trimmed with velvet trimmings; she was mad* Iba more con iplcnons hy an unusually large rotirwurr, which waa at once tbe snvr of bar lass fonanata Ha- ters, and ibe admiration of lbs male blpeda who stood in'tbe doorways and observed the lovely vision pass. Just aa she reached the coritr of Lawrence Street something gave way, and there dropped to the Mdewslk a most re- fpedablelooklBgfileof newspapers- The lady knew something had huppeaad \ abe blushed but did not look back. She quickened her rteps, evldentiy bent on msklng the nearest □ even Before her was s letter carrier, walk ing on un conscious of ths tsaapsstof pant up agony behind him. A light touch caused him to turn, and there, holding tba maai of papers, a tiny .who, grinning from ear to ear, aaid, with a sidelong glauc*st the lady, "Guess ysc lost yermall." The lady wheeled to tbe right, snd disappeared within lbs doprwsy of a friendly

EL'bwneii isihi. paper it is stated thai swine are sffectad with adlssase similar to tbst prevailing among horses. We ess It staled tbat In Ottawa, Canada, a disease Is prevailing

10 a great extent among ewlne, and tbe tymp- (001 are aimiler to those developed by tbs equine race. It n iikaly to affect tbe sains more seriously then the horse, ag with tba for mar's rooting propensities It I* dlffl nil to pre eervi that condition uf clean 11 nau 10 osceasa- tvii recovery. -S>s<e .

TUB CAMASON will be rloaed In this

city by a speech from {Jan. fiwlU. All should bear bias.



Noyes was born in Metbnen, Out. 2G,

1784. and at the age ol seven years re-

moved lo this town, where he has sinca

resided. In 1M12 he was married to

Hannah i'arnham, and they bad ten

children ol whom seven are now living.

His rather died in 1839, at tbe age of

snventy-six years, and hia paternal and

maternal grand-fathers both attained the

age of ninety years. Mr. Noyes is,

probably, the oldest man In town, and

although hia physical health is now re-

markably good for a man of his years,

hia mind has become much impaired

within the punt year. He resides at

present, with his son-in-law Mr. Daniel


Deborah Ingallswas born In Andover

May 20, 1791, and has always resided In

town. She was married, April '11. 1812,

to David Lee. Tbey bad two children.

Mr. Lee died, Oct. 81, 1817. She

again married Aug. 28, 1821, to Peter

Young, and tbey bad two children. Mr.

Young died Feb. 28, 1827. All of her

children are dead. She resides with her

son-in-law Mr. William StlekBtrr.

Darld I. (J. Hidden has been drawn

juror for the Supreme Judicial Court,

to be held at Salem, Nov. .".th.

The first lectare In the Andover course

will be delivered at tbe town hall, on Wednesday evening next, Nov. 6th. by

George McDonald. Subject, Bobert

Burns. It Is hoped the distinguished lec- turer will be greeted by a full bouse.

Tbe course of lectures of the V. A. K.

Club was auspiciously Inaugurated on Monday evenluii with a leoture by Col

Hussell H Oonwell, late Ruaeeil of the

iioston Traveller. Tbe suljeet of the

fcture waa Incidents of travels, with

their moral lessons, and although a dif-

ferent theme from the bill t. It pruvod none the le-s entertaining or Instructive.

The speaker has traveled extensively,

both In this country and In Europe, and tils observations and experience have fur*

nlahed him wltb a lanre fund of valuable

Information, which he ooinmualoatea In a

very liberal and felicitous manner. Now

he brings down the house with bis wtt

a- d humor, and now his audience listen

with tbe closest attention to avoid losing

a tingle sentence. Every one present

was nueh trratltled with tbe leutnrer, and

would be exceedingly pleased to hear

him again. The hall was pretty well

rilled, but ousht to have been packed to

its utmost capacity. Tickets can now be had for only om* dollar, which will entitle

the holder to five leatures or entertain, meets. It Is a good Investment.

The horse disease although somewhat

prevalent lo this town, baa not been as

severe aa in many other places, and no

caae is known to bare proved fatal.

Mr. Charles L. Carter of tbe Mansion

Homo, has fourteen horses all of whom

have been more or less affected. His

coaches, however, have continued to run

to the depot regularly. All the horses

io the stable of George H. Bean includ-

ing nine ot his own, and Are boarders,

have done no work for several daya, but

are now convalescent. Several in the

stables ol John Fray aud Henry Bum

have bad alight attacks, but .aome

them, most of the time, have been iu

working order. Tbo Valpey Brothers

have four sick, and John Cornell has

several, which within a day or two, have

exhibited signs of the disease. It

thought we have seen the worst and the

faithful animals will soon be enabled to

perform their wonted valuable service.

They wilt be more highly appreciated

than hitherto.

The Republicans of Bssox Bepresen-

tttive district, No. 4, comprising the

towns of Andover and North Andover,

will meet at Stevens Hall Is the latter

place, this (Friday) evening to nominate

a candidate lor Representative to the

General Court. It is conceded that ac-

cording to previous arrangements the

candidate of right belongs to North An-

dover, and It Is hoped the plan will be

scurried out in good faith. Let there be

a general attendance of Bepublloans at

the caucna, and In the selection of a can-

didate, let every one vote as his prefer-

ences dictate. It must, however, be un-

derstood tbat the majority rules, and the

wishes of all may not be gratified, bot

after the nomination Is made, it should

rfoeive the united support of tbe party.

Complaint Is sometimes made tbat cau-

cuses are packed. This charge usually

comes from absentees wbo do not take

ibe trouble of attending tbe primary

meetinga and consequently htve no

reason to complain of what is done. If

■■very one will pack bioiMli to the oaucus

ibere will be no mare complaints about


Tbe Urst session of the Shakesperian

class, baaght by Proleasor Hudson, met

tt the Rectory of Christ Church, on thi

evening of Tuesday, the 29lh tnat. Thtty

were a class of persons of snffioent cul-

ture to appreciate the Rev. gentleman1*

valuable criticism, and enjoy his quaint

and original humor. The next session

of this class will be held at the bouse of

the Ber. Mr. Johnson, on Elm street, on

tbe evening of Tuesday, tbe Sth of Nov.,

beginning at 7..ID p. if.

The Shawshin Engine Company of

P. ill;.ni Vale, held their annual ball at

tbe town hall, on Friday evening of

week. There were fifty or sixty couples

prcseut, and everything Is said to have

passed off in a very orderly, respectable

and enjoyable manner. Tbe music of

Akeroyd and Stowarteoh'a band, was en-

tirely satisfactory to the company.

George Foster sold at auction on Sat-

urday laat the •' Andrew Collins Place "

in Abbott Village, consisting of about

one acre of land with buildings, lor 1790,

Purchaser—Pntrick Burke.

Thanks to Jas. R. Murray for a copy

of" Pure Diamond*," splendidly bound In Turkey morocco.

William G. Means, Esq., has removed

to Boston with his family, to spend the winter. ...

Abont a dozen street lamps have been

erected In different localities abont this

villages by private subscription. The

residents of Central Street thus far, bear

off the palm in this matter.

Dr. Shepard, as will be seen by his

card, has taken tbe office on Esaex

Street recently occupied by Dr.Brsdford

and will attend upon patients, either

at his office or their residences. Dr.

Bradford made arrangements with Dr

Sbepard to take eare ot his practice, dur-

ing his absence, and the latter oomes

well, recommeaded.

T. Henry has a sale of a variety of

seiisonabta and fancy goods at hia auc-

tion rooms, to-morrow (Saturday) even- Id*.

Messrs. Townsend, Blodget dtCo., are

carrying on the laundry business at West

Amesbory. Mr. B, H. White Is their

agent for this town, tad will forward

and return articles promptly.

On Tliursduy, Messr*. liolt and Hig-

gius, In consttiueuce of the sickness of

their horses, procured a pair of oxen to

carry out their store good*. The team

attracted much attention.

The horses of H. p. Holt were taken

with the prevailing distemper on Thurs-

day, and bis butcher's carts did not make

their accustomed appearance.


The Iseiure on Wedaeadsv evening, delivered br Jtes.F. Mortis, uf Kail Boston, ws* Israel' aaweweV ed, notwithstanding, the Bostjn torcbllihl proeea- SIOB, and waa ssaelij tba kind of talk tbat oar psopla like to bear. Tba leeture waa fell of live- 1* Ueldenta and was well Illustrate! wltb aaeodotes whlcb served to keep evarvoaa awake, and to have ao latareet la tba subjsot. Mr. William Harrises prealdsd. Tba band played ai tbs opening and' close of ibe address. The Belt leetare will be oa WedBeadev eveelag, Nov. ]3tb, bp Bev. Jobs Hoft of Lawrence; bis subject wUl be about what he saw while on a trip to Europe.

The Ualoa OoBivetatloual Bandar School baa been presented, br a law friends, with severe! dossn of J. II. Murraj'i new Sunday aehool alog- Inf book, "Pars liiamonds." Perewae wlskteg ■oasesef Use abate tor ibelr ossw private nee, will And them Tor eels at tba atore of J. Morrison.

8TE1H UUNDBY. Lawrence aad Andover Agencies, The sabserlbrrs are now prepared to eaeoBte

all kind of work in ihe Laundry line, In superior style, at abort notice and at prices that defy oom- petition. Tbe proprletore hold tbesaselvaa re- sponsible for all goods tost or mislaid, whether marked or not. BatlafaMloa Marantsad la all oases. Price per dozen, Includfua three starched pleees,7B eeuts. For runner particulars Inquire of our agents, Kdward McKay. In Essex Btreet, Lawrence, snd B. 8. White, offloe at T. Usury's, Male Street, AudOfer,

A share of public patronage respectfully solic- ited.

TOWNBEKD, BLODQEIT *CO. West Aasaibray, MOT. 1, laTJ. i flaw N.B, all goods seat to oar L sea dry at oar

risk, and frtt if tsp**n. (Joods lau-ndrd for tbe Laundry If In too Konday or Tuesday alike Dry t.oods Store of E McKay, will be atteaded to with despatch.


Thlrteea Fall Bleed Cheater Whites. B, P. BOLT.

Andover. Wov.l,l*T*. tl


Bas takea Ihe omoe recently oieaafed by Dr. O. L. Hradferd.

Ma* hoars till * A, M., Iiol, and 7 to 9 P fet Aadover, NOT. 1, ISM, If

For Sale or To Let. The two story Dwelling; Bouse between the

South and Eptsoopal Church**. Th. ioeetloala but a abort distance irom . he depot and th* build; logs are eonvinlint and In gooe r. oslr.

Applvto (iklOIMlh KOBTBR,

Town Notloe. Thaunderslgaedwlllbelaa-asloa torbaalBres

11heir ufaee on Monday afi>moon next, Hov,4lh. JOHN tl *XINT, tMleetasea BUNJAMIN BllVNrtm.f of LKWIti tl. HOLT, ) ABdever.



iVSR, M ASH., Where rosy he fnnnd a eood assortment of Furni- ture, con-latin of ttllohen.Cttaosber, and Parlor Furniture, Matlr-s.ea, Beds, Bedding. Window Shades, A*, ac.

Metre*!*!, Lounges Sofas, and Parlor Beta made re order, or repaired nnd upholstered,

Desk*, Tables, andodd nieces raid- a* daalred. Curtalna trimmed and hung, Carpets laid, and General Jobbing door.

Hrooadhsnd feral ton- boaifit and sold. Goodr ot all kind-recelred and ao Id at Fubiio Auction Everything sold as low as can b" aC>rded warranted a* represented.

Agents for tba celebrated JONEi' PAPE SPRING llKU,best In market. Varton. kinds on hand.

N B. Mr. Woodman wilt render nay aiBtateace desired, la parcbuluf foods la Bostoa ar else-

Andover, Jan. 1, 187*.


Kespeetfully 11form* tba altfaeae af i aad vlolnlty that he baa opened aa oelee al Dra- per's Block, Main Street, where he la ready to aaawer all ealla la the line of hia prttfeeeioa.

Teeth extraeted. Andover, Oct. 2S, 1873. if


Btreet, would reeasstinllv invite iba attention of ber friends aad the pabiro generally, to the rail •nd Winter styles of Millinery sarefelly selected.

In ooaaseUoa has beesa added a choice stock ef Fancy Goods. W* shall endeavor U present t*» most reliable styles, and inuodaoe th* BovelUee of the season as fast aa thee appear. The Worsted Depart me n t la made a rpeolslty.

Mas. a. L. TAn.Br Mae. K. A. HABBOB.

Andevsr, Oct. t», IS7J. tf

A Splendid New Bouse for Sale in Andover.

jBfBBS. The beastlfal two-atarr rreach root ffZRL J/OI/o-r?. lust buili, near the depot, la for lyiMaale. Jt Is HiM, with an L ila is sad aBBsaaVhas eight flaishrd roeau. with aa oppor- tuBity of making four more la the auto. It has all tba ssoosra eonvraleaees,and lain every re- aptet aa attractive aad model reatdestae.

GstOI Andover,Oct. II, ]*;j. tl



The business oft h* late BertnoB Abbott hat baa passed inio the bands of tbs sabsorloers, thsy will continue to faralah


and other artistes eoaaeeted with the baslaeas, promptly and In tbe latest styles aad flul.h.

CoflUsaad Oaskaie flntahad Is oil, was, er oor ■ er*d with broadcloth.

Tbe attention of the trad* rsspcotfelly solid ted. ' Prices a* lew aad Satan as good aa Is to he foaad.

WOODMAN & CRAB TREK, MsaS North of Town Hall,

Aadover, Hasa , Oel.av IH:;.

Oommonweann of MaaaaeiiDaotta. Kaaaa.sa.

To th* iMlra atlaw, and olhsr. Interested la tba estate of MARrUA 1.. rUrlCH ABU, late ot Andover la said eooaty, widow, deceased, tesiata, ireetUet

Wberrax, Kdward Tajlor and George R Jew- ell. t*ie executors of th* last Will snd t*.t#m*nt of said deceased, have presented for allowtae* thaaeowBnt of their administration npon the es- tate of aaid deeeased,

Yoa are hereby oiled to appear at a Probst* Ooart, to be holdenat Kal-m, la aaid eoeaty ot Raaaa.oBihr klr tTareday of November neat, st alar, o'clock la the forenoon, to shew onus*. II any yoa have, wby the aam* should not be allowed.

And the aaid executors are ordered to eerve tiilr citation by publi.hlag th* same one* a week, In Ibe Lawrence Amorlean aad Aadover Adver- tiser, a aowsaa— wreks suc.oesslT. _, . _ days at least before a.Id Tuesday.

Witness, GeoTtfr V. Choaia, Kaqnlre, Jedge of said Court, this tenth day of Ootober.laUe year eighteen haadred and seventy.I wo.

eeU A. C. GOODKLL, Register.

taint* Aiteasaa llarsy. ~~ HeMee I* hereby given tbat tbe subscriber has

been duly appointed eaessstor of Ihe will of Arteesaa Hardy,

late of Andovsr, lu the eonaty of ■sees, yewsaea. deceased, testate, and baa takes npon blast*!r that least far giving bonds, as the law directs. All persons havlflg demands upon the estate of said deceased are required to exhibit the sease: aad all persons Indebted to said estate are eallee: u po a to mas * payment to

GEOBOE rOBTRR, RaeeT. Andover, Oet. II, IBM, oell

".^ «■•»■■»■■ HU sBuurtr janewT- • snaper prlatrd at l.awreno*, three tsively, the i«si psbllpallBB to be two i before s.id f/needay.

Oourse of Lectures. The V. A, M, CLVIl hare the pleasure to

announce to tba cltlsens of Andover and vicinity that they have secured BIX FIRST CLASS LIXOTURKRB, who will give oxeelleat eaier- islnmsnis the coming Winter at a Terr assail prlee, so that ALL will be ship to attend. Oet. tt, 'TH—Cm.. ROSSIM. m, COR WELL,

(late "Raeeeir of the 7W*cUsr,HBshjs«*>r- HaaoM ABD HsaoiNstB,

atavw, 11, •TB.-RSV. WU, II. CDDWORTD.- babject—Vr HILL ABH Dews.

DM. B, •7A.-VMA&, H. BKAIMAKD.-Bub- Jeet-WaTltTIBB.

Deo. «3, 'Ttf.-Mias KATK BTANTOH.-Ssb- Jeot—I*ovfl or GBBAT if as.

Jats. a, Tl.-Rsv, J. C. BTOCRBRIDGI.- Babjeet—ATHBBB.

Jew. aa, '73. -Miss JOBMSON. -SBUfT BsADntoa,

sarThr above Leetare* are very highly reseaa- mended by ibe pebble aad press, aad it Is hoped that Ihe Club will be fully .uataJnsd la tholr efforte to provide Ins trust'vr. aad emuaUgsater- tsinmcnts for tbe people.

Tickets rot the Coarse, (wltb Restrvsd Boats,) Si.oo. SlBgl*Tickets,aseaata.

Tickets (with ohetk* for ressrrsd seate) will h* for sale oa aad after SaUrday, Oat, I, ft, at the Btmreof WALTKK B. DOBALD, (formerly oeeu- pled by JosathaB Hwift.) saptir

Steamship Lines. PABIAOR seeared via. Anchor. National,

or White Ster Lines at lowest rate*, between Liverpool or Ulnsiow sad Boston or Raw York.

Drafts from U upwards; also, prepaid eertlfl- tloa to Raw York or Bostoa. Per lerther pat tleulars, apply to

WU. U ARLAND. Agont,

ARDOVBB, MASS. afayn.lSTt,

i.ii.w. For

ANDOVER LECTURE COURSE, Season of 1872-73.

TlOIMOAt BTX'a, Nov. S.-QCQ. MoDOH- ALD, of Mngtead—8 abject, KomiT Brass.


FB1DAT Bvi'u, Dec. ft. — BKT. GBO. BEP- WOH TU-Hubjeet, to bo announced.

MOIIDAT IvCo, Dtc. lU.-Pnur.W t-.NIl.BS. Behjeot, scxxxs IMOIO TBE HIGH A Li's.

TIM TO BB Aagooxcan.—Fear, J. w. CHUB. CBILL—StLhCT BKAMBOS.

CONCERT.-Tin* la be announced. Ticked, (ent llllng Ih* holders to tbc untinl.

throughout the coat**,) |].ro end gl.W, aeoordlng 10 lOCBtlOB.

Tickets of admission for the B ll*gj* *TMIBg, 00 MBU.

One-hslf of Ike sealer Bad part of tbe aide •MU «rtu not be reserrr.l i bat will b« open for an hour preyloui to tub (Uterltlnment to tbe hold- er-, of admit liou ticket*.

Tickets now for sale at VT. P. DRAPKK'B. Andover, Oct. It, IBS. ti

TIME GIVEN. I tef^f! to W ■*■' AIb*M ■* ■!"■:. ■ ■!■

■boll neither claim ur Of hi* W*ge* nor psy Ml debt, of hie ooattaotlog >ft«r loVd.tr. ' '

■at«t« Jeaaette M. Holt. Nolle, te hereby given that tbe snbserlber ha*

beam dalj appointed r-tecutor of the will of Jeoaatta M. Holt,

late of Andover, to tbe county of B*.ex, widow d.eeaaed, teetate, and bae taken upon him.rll that truat by giving bonde.utbe law dlreoie. All

Ot Mid and

periune having demand* upon the rstste

aT... to make pijmeal to

peraona indebted to aald eatate arerailed ODOB bake oitaiaat to

JOSEPH W. SMITH, BleeY Andover, Oet. IS, 1872.

iN".B"W" STOHB. Toe anbeorlber ha. taken the Store on MAIM

Street, {recently oooapted by Jonathan Swift.) where ha baa for aale Bret el... Canned and otbet FRUITS, C a ■ faction err, Lampl Uiap Plilnres, TOTS4 FAHOT GOODS, togetktr •Itb a great variety of other artlolea.

"- 'har* of pebB* patroaag* reepastf.il)


WILL I ATI V. STARK bear* to lafJTBi bis numeroai caitom. re Ml the petite generally that bo ha. rcodvad all the

Lateat Fall Styles in Millinery, BCUnUM


MILKS, Ac, Ac.

at prieaa that will be eara to merit a abaro ol pablle patronage.

Be baa. In accordance with many wl.hr*, addad to hi* ■took the

Worsted Department. Ineiudiag all Fanoy Ankle* for Worato*) Work.

A fall Una of Hosiery, Kid and

Fleeced Glores, Belts, Tiea,

Collars and Cuffs, Jatt reeatyad.

WILLIAM Y. STARK,- Opposite Post Office, Andover.

COAL. The Mbacrlbor baa a aapply of COAL of diff-

erent alaea and quality, which bo will furuuh OBtlOBMta at a reaeoaable prlea and ahort notice Order* mi b« laft aWOHH Q. CHANDLEB'S periodical (tore or at my rraldtuos.

JOBS CHANDLEB. Andover, Sept*, |67t.

TEKRKNCB HENRY, Msnnfkcturer of

CotBwo, Casatele, aad all kliada of Uran eiMfcoB. v

Abo, dealer la an kind* or For- te nitttre. Black Walnut, Chratnut Laid Plea Chamber Sou, eon-

Wttently OB hand. 0pbol*tering d Bapalrlag done in the Bsafest Banner, sad

., reasoasble prise.. Picture frame*. Csrtsla. Md Certain Plater** constantly on hand, and pat ap If desired.

Opposite Memorial Ball, Andover.

TBBBEKCB HENRY, Auctioneer and Oommiarion Merohunt, I. BOW pre pared to aell Seal Baaejaapr PeraoBBl Property at r*a*oaable term*



ofri IOE. The aabaorlbor woald ratpoatfBUy rive notice

to the ntliea* of Ando*er aad TlalalaT that he Uaa opaaed a new aad

PnahloBBble Hair DreulBB MOOBB

naiO*B« Baa»V* Hotel, X I.M Hy r ARK, Boat door •a Bart'* LiwMjr Stable, where lie will be bappa to receive aad atuad to the want* of ouatomera By atrlct attoatloo to baalnea*, aad by hllbfalai

OT Particular attention paid to Cnttlag Lmam and Children'* Hair.

P. S.-Tollet Shaataoa.a new wode of clraa*ln( the hair withoat iMp or water. Try It.

OaA)BOB H.OKBII.L. Aadorer, Jan. B, 11T2. tt

For Sale or to Let. Too Lead and BolkHu* M Poaraoa atraat,

roraiarly owned by HBBMOlf ABBOTT, .no known a. the "OryiUl Palaoe ■ property. The balldiag I* loo fact loag aad so wide, with oak frewe, a >d cellar ocder the whole. Therearetwo good well* BpOB the prrralir*, and a atreei ran- BlaK entirely around Iba ball*lug If not *old. a pornoa of ft will be let for atorlng good*. It woald make en escelleat ihoe or carriage ■MBfaatory. Apply to JOHN BAOAN, near IDiprenlie*.

1 1, Swot, So, law. H


M anufacto rer of Espress, Market, Batoher, Store, Farm

and Busineas Wagons. STiBpalrlaf la all Ita or

aarraatad a* roproaaatod, AadoTer, March 14. IN7I,


Artlolea dellTered when de*lred,

Aado.er June #.1171. li

a Ihop

frgrtablea. 're ot ejavao. II. V. BOLT.

Wanted to Hire, for two or three year*.


BSODTH ANIKJVKB. Addre** Box la7 Ut- leaae. *agM


The raeataora aad frteade of Kb*B Botton *(ea*n Br* engine MUfawS will dedteala the Boa new bonding which haa been rreeted tat their a*o, on Friday lb* eighth loat. The houaa Md company ■111 be formally iBapoetod la the afternoon, aad the awning will bo dorotad aad ■anoral aoeUbllliy.

LAHOKINU MKN OF LAWKKNCK.— rue following U a nut for you to crack who

are favorable lo Greelcy'g election, and

Is to be found In bin Jefft-rioovllle soeech of Sept. Md:—

1 waa, In the daya of alaTerr, an enemj of slavery, because 1 thouj(ht ulavery In onnalsrent with the rljthti, dlirnfty. and hiKheat well-beln(f of free labor. That MIGHT HAVE BUI A MbTAKK but It Wli, at any rnif, an earnect conviction. Ho when our great trouble came on. I was anxious jlnf of all for labor,—(hat the laboring class should be everywhere freemen."

We have no disposition to treat this latiBuatre hypecrltlcaliy; yet Mr. Oree

ley's theory of the anti-slavery move-

ment, ai here stated, falls unmeasura-

bly short of tbe hlghe*t reason. The la-

bor question Is one of political economy ; while that of 'reedom. as opposed to sla-

▼wy, Is primarily one ot original and In- alienable risible, bestowed by God on ev-

ery rational moral creature. If slavery

were economically more productive than freedom, it would be none the less a sin kgalnat God and man. When Mr. Gree-

ley says he might have been mistaken,

does he mean In bis opposition lo slavery

or In bis reason therefor? Further, does he mean to Intimate present doubu wheth-

er he was right In opposing slavery, or Is he modestly and cautiously speaking

so as not to O««IMI bid .otithern demo- cratic, supporters, who to-day are as real-

ly In favor of slavery *a tbey ever were?

This kind ot talk sounds strangely on the lips of " the old fashioned abolltlon-

Ut," as Mr Stunner calls Greeley; still futiht-r. If Mr. Greeley'■ drat anxiety

was that " tbe laboring classes should be verywhere freemen," how happens it

that, " when our great trouble came on,"

»• was willing to let ii*e southern states

s cede, provided tbey should deliberately molve to do so, and even want so far aa

to pledge himself •• to resist all coercive measures designed" to prevent such se-

oeselou? He knew then as he knows

now, that the perpetuation and extentlon

>f slavery furnished the grea t motive for

toe rebellion; and yet this " old fash-

ioned abolitionist" whose first anxiety

vas for •• labor," would have consented 'o secession, and. constqiently, to slav-

«ry, rather than fight to put down trea- son.

Fortunately for the slave, and fortu-

nately for the country, he was not then

'he oeoupsot of the presidential obalr.


DBABATtc.-Tba "Mlaale Potter" Iroope of dranailaia gars entertalLmen'a io rather ihla aa dleno«t at the town hall, oa Monday and Taoaday ivei.lrgt uf tbi. week.

" Kmooric.'—The horae dleeeae baa atade Ita appraraoea here la a mild form, no eaaea aa yat bailog reiulti d fatally. Qu'.te a number ot aaloa of oien are reported, for transportation perpoeea

OnavatiTiOR—The Beprasooutlra Oovenilon of the FiAb Btaei Dlatriat, oomprlelog the (owns Of Georgetown. Oroveland and Bosford, was held ai the town hall, Urargatown, oa Wodnoaday eeealog the *0th Intl., when Mr. Charlae Parley of Wait B.ifurd, wa* nomlBMod, nearly aaanl mou*ly,

A dutriet eoamlllea wa* eleoted aa follow*:- t-C.Day.Boiford; Solomon rfelsoB,Georgetown; B. P. Jewell, Ororelaad.

Tbe Deotoaratle Coaeenlion for the BOBIIBBUOB

ol a oandldaie for representative wlU be hold la MeobaaleHall, Ueorgetown,oa Satnrdar erealag. NOT. Id.

To* deluded la] lo war* of Qroaley aad ftrewa ore to hart a rally at the town hell, Georgetown, oi tba tlat laapBBa wbnoh Cbarlaa P. TboaiBoon, Kaq , of Qloeaeeur, aad Lieut. Bill of Cambridge, are • i peeled to spook,

ALMOST AN Bt-oraBBNT.-Huaior* of aa elop*- aaam here boaa quit* frequent during tba post week, hot OM of tbe partiee has returned, aod thaa apullad a Baa, seaeatloaal Item.

"■tcheaeit* The undrrilgned hereby Mtf* th«i Die) ha.r t,-,n "ppolntedaa A»-I«I r the -.(ale ot HKNRf C. BftBftBrT TBPIlk-N A. LOVKJOY. wl

Judged a* bankrupt" upon their HTBPHKN A. LOVKJOY, wbo ha'i

. -upon Ihel' OWB EI.KOBO.HOVKI,



Drawing School. Be

Monday kren

U. B. BOOD, Hapt. of School-. Lawraaea, Oot. II, 1-7:.

DlBBatlafled Democrata.

There I* a large class of honest Demo-

crats, of whom Obarles O'Conor Is an

extreme type, who find themselves In a

very embarrassing situation; tbey really believe In the formal record and histori-

cal principles of tbe Demoorattc party,

and are sufficiently honest to be true to their oonvkuions; they are not in tbe

market to be* bought or sold by tbe

manipulators ot political conventions;

of course, tbey repudiate and detest tbe

Greeley—democratic coalition, and will have nothing to do with It; they will not

sacrifice their manliness and self respect

as to vote for one who re whole political life Is a complete antithesis of tbelr prin-

ciples, and whose acceptance of bis pres-

ent position has no other basis than bis desire to be President.

They do oot belong to what tbe New

York World calls " tbe trading element

of tbe democratic party;" what will they

do? they must answer for themselves; some of them will vote for General

Qrant, not because they are republicans,

or believe lu bis policy, but because tbey regard this as the safest aod most expe-

dient course. Others will vote for Mr.

O'Conor; not expecting to elect him, but meaning thereby to record their protest

against what they view as the Infamous

bargain consummated at Baltimore; others will not vote at all on tbe presi-

dential ticket, being disgusted with Gree- ley, being too democratic to vote for Grant, and /egardlag a vote for Mr.

O'Conor aa practically useless; put these three classes together, and tbe democrat- ic vote tor tke coalition will be very much leas than tbe whole strength of the party.


There was a largo aModatws at ths meeting ol lbs ToaapeTBocB Ileiorm din, in the city

OB Sunday evening. Notwithstanding inol.meaey of the weather, the seats In

ths floor of tbe h*ll were almo.t entirely oc- cupied.

The meeting was called 10 order by Major Brawn, and Rav. L. L. Wood, chaplain of the Kerotm Ciab, Invoked the olr.no btetthri; on ibe Bxerdsss,

Major Brown made an address In which be spoke of the work of lbs clab, and lbs good It bad accomplished. Ha dwelt at some length and with great uroBstnajt on lbs evlla ot in- toxication, and urged renewed effort la tba tame oI Reform.

Goo. Boeseil Jackson made a brief addrew OD the arils Ot Intoxication.

B. B. Dyer, of Bo.too, spoke at some length oa tba DBoossiiy tor mooting tba avH sqaanly 'aeau foes, and ll4hL.Bg lt| be gave sons ia- ctdauts Irum hla eaparUnc, s .0 ting bow tor- il'tlaan evil intemperance is. He dsBonncwd bear ami eider, placing than In ths sams CB-agor/ a* mm. Lager beer, be said, was oaoet deetractire in Iw eiT.ci 0.1 ths banian eyatom, a fact medical men Dava dam on si rot eC.

Rev. 1, L. Wood WM trie Ust sneaker. He *a* r«ry earnest in bis Tomaik*, and eharai- (o, aad the wotk uf reform goiug oa ai one 1 f Mia moat gljriuM u> wn.ch a Baao or womsn cuutd givs tbelr itlorts.

Tbe m. eilug was a m. it SBecsaafBl one. At tbe clo*o ioa pledge WM drcniatod, and tlgbi) BIDS pertoBs added their names to tba roll of tnetnMr.bip.

the work of reform Is not confined to the clab, but la making rapid progress In other di- rections. The Father Hmbia-honored be tbe sama—total abeufleaos soelely, la dolBg a great work, and It adding largely to it* mem oership, I>s members express tbelr strong lympatbY with the work of the Reform dab, and take a deep Interest fa the caass, Tba next meetinu of the clab will be held la toe City Halloo Bandar avealag next- "Keep the ball rolling."

»*«■« Demooratlo Liberal Repreaentatlve


A convention of the Democrat* and Liberal Republican* of tbe Third Representative His Met, comprising tbe town or Mefhan and this elly, was held at the ward room In tbe City Hail, on Taoaday trening, ihe bmlneaa of the convention being to nominate three Represen- tative.*.

Klibu W. ColeorU of Lawrenco, was chosen Chairman, and J. O. Farker of Msthaen, Bee- letary.

A Committee on Credentials wai appointed, wbo reported all the delegate* present. A mo- tion to nominate tba eaadldahas of last year by acclamation was laid oa lbs table. A sBbee- qoent motion to ballot lor these representative* separately WM aecepiod.

On tbe first ballot Patrick Murphy of Law- rence WM nominated. Oa lie second, Joseph Sidney Howe of Metkaaa. On the third, Hor ace C. Bacon of Lawrenea. The nesalaees were iBformed, by a commit!** appointed for lb* purpose, ol the action of the delegate*, and brought Into tba convention. Bach expnisatd hi* thank* far "the renewed expression of con- fluence," and prom wad bis best effort* for the welfare of the party, If elected. Addresses were mad* by Major Frank Davis, J. O. Park- *r or Matunan, and Dr. Austin of Lawrence, after which ths oonvanUon adjoweed-

THB WOODCBOPPBBB paraded on Thursday evening, aod presented an ani-

mating spectacle. There was a very

good turn ont,over three hundred torches

being In line. Hon. J. M. Ashley spoke

at the ')lty Hall In tbe evening, on tbe Is- sues of tbe campaign. He was escorted

to and from bis bottl by tba woodchop*

Ths Dying Year.

tJtlll fall* tbe leaf on golden sheaf, Tba harveat nine no longer ahlne,

la ruddier brown their beam* go down, B». And ruddier tinge the far Ma-ltaa, And eaeh fair fading of tba day abow* plainer yel

Iba year'* decay.

Boon from the Wast, la angrier quilt, Ths ebarlou of tb* wind eball sweepi

Boon, dowa lb* abore, with hoarser roar, Bhall aound Ihe trumpet* of the deep,

Till auiumn'a vaature dlaappear, aod the dark •lorta-aload'a path be o****.

Then, while bar •>•* to leaden sklea Tba patient eoiib BO more *a*y ralaa,

K'aa tempasu' power In that drear hear Shake* not bar hope In gladder day*;

She deaeu thai epilog willeoraa aaew aod Seek her In fresh robe* of daw.

So, o'er our son! when thick elonda roll, Aad yoaib'a bright pageant* link la *h*d*;

When, preoaad with eara, wa woo deepen-, A* dream* wa eJoaaat clung to fad*

e lueb grsclon* thought or *prlng riae haps- ful to onr Imaglag.


Iu accordance with a notloe given lo your la*l leaae,a preilminarj laaoUog was held a* lb* Hlgb Bebool Hall for lha parpooe of organlclag a liter ary aasosisUou la oar village tbe senlng winter. Tba meeting Weaformally oalled lo order by Jacob Emoraoa.whe waa aiveted taataorary *fcalr**sa of IbeaaaoolatloQ, aod Dr.O) damlth waa afterward* aboaaa Baoratary, After dleeoaalaf Ike foaaUtilliy of orgulslag aad aaetalulag sawk a aootvtj, aad tba evtdeol advantage which muat BOOreaarlly aoeru* rrooi It, an afflileBt ex*eatl*a|ee*Bmlttso wa* el aa a to grra more eitoadod notloe of lb* now n e iloar. wbtab will ooaar oa aoai Monday avenli. g .1 iba aaaso plao* a* bsfcr*.

W* nope ik** all who teal aa latorcat lo the en- terprlaa, ano •epsclally the ladle*, will Bod It *oa- BBBXBSJI la SJBBWI ihi, nseatleg, aad give atrongth aod euppon to 1 be aadsriMlf g.

Tbe engine Baoham, blew OBI one of tbe cyl- inder head*, at Andover, while drawing tbe S O'ojpck train to this city Saiarday; tbn driving wheel was disconnected, and the train proceeded after a delay of about fllteen min- ute*.

School Vacation.!. Tba School Committee, deilriag to an

vaoatlon* of Ihe Public dehool* so aa 10 »..»* "!!.•?■*.•■'•■•• ,,d ,b* walfaroof all eaaeerM, -111 hold a meeting at the High School Uoa.e o. Monday Kvenlng.Nov.il,.t 7| o'clock, aad all parent* and teaefaara wbo woalo ilka to make aay •ugge.tlob. is relation to tb* school vacation* are Invited to bo present.

A tit. HOOD, Sept. of. Lawrence, Oot. 31,1H1.


Adlvideadof Pve Dollars per share will ho paid, on and alter FRIDAY, November 1Mb. IS7*. ^ •tockholder.ufr*eord at oloie of baiine**,Oct.

OeMISMtoaofBewBwMkwIllahM be ready for l(—t, nss the surrenoor of rorelpte for all

entidae, and aponareoetpt by the OWL- oaf, aad tbsir attoraay, a no a the book*

Oo th* occasion ol ike grand BspoMlcan damonsumtton In thl* city, the house of a Greater snpportar oa Union sireat WM illumi- nated. It was the hones or a gent emu wbo ha* three daughter* ell holding Republican viewi. In spite of their sire's protest, they illuminated. The father may dye lor Greeley, hot tbe girls are alive for Grant.

A commemorative service will be held at tbe Uolvsrullitcborch on Sunday next, in commemoration or the departure or ths year. The church will be decorated, and Iba serview Will be Of an Interesting character.

Ah bok's express wagon appaarel ID ear streets thl* morning, dtawa by a ball, lead ty1

a ring in tba no**. Cogg*wall's team passed np street drswa br several or bis employe*. Oas of our enterprising milk vaauxtr* cam* Into town drawn by oxen. Ta* dlsaass mm* to be at Its height at ths protest.

*»*!* ' I The member* of Lb* free Cnngregatlonal ehurch

and Society will oa aad after the Ird of N..vem bar, bold tbalr meeting* at 1'remont Hall. SU Com asoo *tr*et, over Bonn k Victor'* grain store Bar- Vtaaa aa aswl, M) 1-S SoeaoooB, B1 Ha tbe erMlng

VBu*inc»» QTlotice*. '

Mr*, Robert Cha'mtr*, Detroit, Ml*h„ baa used her Wheeler sad Wilson muhln* soaotMlly *lBe* 1104, doiag tba family aawlBg far nlae persoa*. aad gwaeral droa* mMlag, wltboBt My repalra or breaking* needle.

Dr. TOM* aaya: •• It U asan.iisry for ma to enom.rate the dtaaaae* for which tbe Vegellne ehoald be naad. I know or no dlaeaae wbi*h wUI BO* admit of Ha asa, with goodrenha. AlssoM U- Dumerabl* complaint* are eaaaad by potsetioe* te. erotlont la lb* blood, which can be entirely eg. pelled from Ik* *y*lem by the ate of the Vegetlae. Wboo tb* blood la portVsUy cleansed, tbe dtsaaae rapidly yield*; all pain* osasa; b.alihy aoUoa 1* promptly reetorad, aad lb* paiient 1* onrod.

Wa ar* apt, when looking BBOB aaoa* BOW dla- •OTory la the chemical world, and wltnaostng Its practical working*, to wonder how tbe world oaald pooalbly have so long auBVrrd from Its want wlih- oui bavlufdlicovared Ihe great dcaldtratum. rjueh mu*t bo the foaling whan wltBosMng the benefit* »*—rod by tba oaeaaloaal Bae of Smolander'a

rbloh 1* BOW the great reaver of all family phyilolsns of rspal* for ner toe* debility, alaeratloa of the kidney* and bladder, gravel, dlabotae, mala die* of tbe uiino genital organ* asd all eoaaplalata incidental 10 th* female re**.

'SBirlhe. 8TB''HENS -In Ihla eliy.Ooi.SO, a daughter u

" t. fc Mr*. Uaorga 6tephen*. MUKPHY-In Andover, Oct.*),,!. Krank Mur-

phy. IS (iijaoi, LA NO,-In Ike* Mty, 24lb Inat., a daughter to Mr.

A Mi*. GMrg* Lang.

/2X1 arnaiico.

ILAIR-OUIUBY.-In Havorblll. Oet. 30, at Willow I).i». the raaldeno* of Mr K Low* Bradley, br R-v. L. P. Cu*hman. Mr. Richard Bialr, of Hoblia, Ala., AO Ml** Ll**t* S , only daogbtor of Moo** B Qjlmbj, of sen rrsarUro, Cal, RKBB— HAMILTON— la thlselty, Oet.Mlh,

by tie* John Hogg, Mr. Colin Kerr to Miss Jane li a mi It on, both olLaw re Bae.

r A BBtlR I OR-ROWABTB.-Ia thl* city, Oet, 30. by Bee. U. B. Ptebrr, Mr. Robert W-rhert. a of Proetdea**, B. I„ end Mia* Ilaanab Bowarth of Lawreso*.

JA0K80K~KNOWt,B8-Ia Yananathport, Oet. Ifllb, b> Bee. j. W. Dodgo. Mr. WlUUm T Jaak- aon. of Andover and MU* H*ra ICdaagbiar of Capt. Allen B Koowlr.,of Yarmouihpori. CO8GB0VE— BLANCH A RD — la this ally,

Oet. SStk, 1 y OkM. A. Haidea,gawa P-OoogroT* and Mia* KlIsM. Ul.nohard.allol Lawreao*. MBBBILLV-FEtMBNOBrT In Stamford, Ol.,

Ool IT. William P Merrill, b>e.. of Cbarllon, 1 .wa, (formerly af Andover.) w Uiali'iiU., dangbti-r H Hon. 8. C. Pvaanden of aisailord. ATKB.-ln WlBobMter, Oot. tTin, Mr. Nathaa-

lel Ayer. formerly of Cbarlrttowa,aged StyMn, i month*. TATLOB— HAOOBTT -In Methaen, Oot. M. by

Uv.OH. Weaver. Mr OrT* B. Taylor and Mies PenM* M. Bagaett, boib of M-thu.a.

CRAVt.N-WUKlNr-ON -Oci.M by Itev.C- *. lUjrten Mr Bei]>miM Craven aad Ml*e Aanl* X WllkllMOB,

DKkK—GOOD WIN"-Oet. 10. by Iba aaasa, Mr. Jobi. A D-.u and Mlaa Uenrlatta Goodwin, all Of Lawrenea.

COORlON-eTANDBTtfO—la North Andover

LAPBAM-DB\H.-Ia ihla eUy, Oet, SIM, by Itev. A. !.. Houabie*. Mr. Prank W. Lapses* Bad MU* Jennie Q Dean, both of Lawreso*.

MBBBtLL-BlTTCrllHS-In thla ettv, Oet. toth. by Mo*. A. L. lloaehioa, Mr. Vreemaa H. Mer- rill aad Mr*. KM** J, Hutcblas, both of Uw- renea. No eard*.

5Pcaths>. I'l'TNSM. !■ rortamueib. UctWth, Bsrab Ueor-

■le, yonngaet daughter of George A, sad Ada Rea Putmsa, *g*d 1 yra, 1 mo, St dye. Our darling pas.

DOW.—At PlaMow. N.H„ Oct.,eo.Mra^Btlnaatb B. Dow, aged; hi yrs.Smoe; mother of John C, Dow, Baq, , OR A IIA M .-In this city, Oet. 30th, gill*, daughter

or Jama* and Margaret Graham, aged IS yra. Bba died lb* death of th* right***.*, r>pr**«A*g a

atrong oonfldenee la Jeaaa, a* her Batkter. TROW,—la Champlgny, Fraaee.Oet 10, Oeorae

W. Trow, *lde*taon of John P. aad father I** S, Trow, M y**r*. Th* pareat* of tke d*o*B**d were former ly of A n ■


AX BXTBAOBDiBAMT Instanoo of sod*

den death is reported In a London news-

paper : A young man who bad been

staying for hla health at Hastings, went

into the town ball out of sheer curiosity.

it (s supposed, to listen to the magiste-

rial Investigation of the police cases.

While there he became unaccountably

excited bj a charge of robbery against

two young men. Ha rushed home to

his dinner, snd quickly returned to hear

the remainder of the case. On re-enter-

ing tbe hall be became 111, went out

again and Into a chemist's shop oppo-

site, and had barely crossed the thresh-

hold before blood gushed from his

I month sod he fell a corps*.




Door* open at 1 aad *l T o'clock.


The (I rest Origtaal and Renowaad

Gea. Tom Thorns) aad Wife, (umnodorK flntt, aad

MI-aMiBBle Warrrn.


Three Years' Tour Around the World, Will appear la a variety ef

F'stwolnutlnn: Performanoe* I ABO

■*ACBHABL.B NHKTCIIBa. At aaoh Knurtalameai the Ladles win wear


H AONlriUENT DIAMONDI, ito Aa worn by them before th* Potentate* ef the

To agord all an opportunity of etorag aad wel oomtog to their native lead Iketo

World-Renowned Arttatw ADJBISslIOPl ONLY SB cstaTa.

OBILDBBB under 10 year*, ■ )S Caats. A few Proat Beats so ,%„,, CatMrMBBdor 1* to Proat Besto. H Cent*!

Ladl***BdOhlldreaara *OBsldarsl*ly advlaed to **fBi.u" »»M»»l"iloB7*k7flm7SVSMtb* arowd Bad cealetlBBot tut >'-veuawp.rformaDce,

Voting Lists. Notloe 1* h-reby given that the Voting ll.t* far

tbe several Ward* or the City of Lawrence, have been revised aod potted np.

All legal voter* of this City who with to vote at ie aoxt rleotloa, are respectfully requested lo

**e that their aame* are oorrecl, rogbtrrsd Bpon the l.nt of the Ward la which they bavo a right to vole la.

The Mayor and Aldermen will be In seaaton at th* Mayor and Aldermen'* room, City Halt, '—the purpose of adding name* io, and cor- recting lb* lists of voters, oa

TuBedav, October 221, Tataday, 90ta,

, Tbaradar, 1 3l*t, Saturday, November 3d, and Monday, it, from 7 1-2

to 9 o'clock P.M.; aad oa Tusidsy morning, Nov. Sib, from 7 to 8 o'clock, 4

Qao. E. Bowx, City Clerk. City of Law-ene*. >

Odt. 1 . 1871. \

Kfprcseitallve Convention.

toaCoav atlOBto be held a' the TOWN BALL. MBrilL'KN.ljNHAi'UKDAV KVKllNO.NnV M. st S o'clock, for the parpoee of nominal la* three Candidate* for Rtp. cntatlve* to th* next Oenrral Court

Th.:b*al*ofrepr-**aUllon will be oat delegate for the town aad esch ward, aad eao adriitloaal delegate ror each Slly votes or seniority ('action oast for Gen Ursat at the last eleotloa. Mdhaea "i—Law——

hree, M IX, A

JACOB BMBBBON, . . H.W..W . OwifchsBMSajflHB J. A.HBTOALr.Beo'y, rVeo*


Grand Exposition of Fall Goods.

New York Market in Lawrence, AT

BYRON TRUELL & C0'8, 249 a ass Essex st.

V.» „Mi,g M


FINE CHOICE GOODS. I»dl», Inttl, E.fll.b ■ Dd iMtal

SHAWLS ta hpleadld Blyl**, from sse.llam qaailty to the Baest maaafaetured, iMladlag th* eolebratod "Reveralblei Ottoman Shawl." th* SBOat styitab Bkawl la ta* market,

A Burg* assortment of the** K leg* at

Lyons Black & Fancy Silks. *WA rail line of Orap d*> France aad

Drnp do Ete In all the ittrntt Shuit*. the MOST FAHHIONAHLK DTBB* Goods over auplajrad la Lavrronoe. A large aasortmrat of


Colored Alpaca*,

Empress Cloths,


Satteeni, etc.

A fall ll a* of beaaufel

Black Alpacas A Brililanlines Iri .hole. Ml.otl.n tt WOOLBN8

for MM*. «nd Bo,.- MO, ta. ShlrtlnBa,

Pl.nn.l*. (to^io




or Drew Goods,

8havU, Domestics,


Gloves, &c,

•u or it,, tmtr QUALITY, .tu a. ~w .t«

VERY OHBA.I>, sad which «. ooaSd.bil, MHrt

Caaaot he ,\,u.ll.d I. ih, cilf.


is* 8 H A. W L



MINI* with SeSCldL MCMSKXCK ,. lb.

LstrrMe. trsds.


SIS Essex Street, - - - Liwrence.

Agents for the Essex Dye Mouse.


No. 305 Essex Street,

Corner of Lwrenc*,


■A* eelee.ed a Large A.wrlmeat of Llli* 0004IS 'or

Fall and Winter Trade.


•III lad MOVILTK* la ...ryCaarlaiM, at th.





'•The Wrong- Side of the Street!w

«appo. Aa axeMnaalloa often heard from _ stlloo. right side folk*. If they woald *lm take tbe troabl* lo *tep over and


Q7~AII gooM* watrnutte. to Bive aal- lafartloa.


GEN. J0HN~L. SWIFT, Wllladdrea. theR.peblleaoaor UflMNit




wbo are In



TheB*pflbtle*n*ofth* City of Lawreaee are invited to meet at th*


FRIDAY EVENIHG, NOV. 1st, at S ovioek,

to shoo*e delegates to tke Bopra**BUMv* COB- veatloa. Under the eall tbe delegation wUI be a' follows:_ Ward Ooa, 8; Ward Two, •; WaH Three, a; ward Toar, T; Ward Free, S; Ward


OKO. B. MBBBILL. Boeroury.


la Brown, Blur, Olive, Drab and Ski* Color*.

CAP*, oven COATS

la Black aad Bla*.

The Finest and Seat Fitting Coats la the elly.

SsBrlaspsoUoa will prove Ihe a***rUoa.


OBO. W. HILLS, No. 181 Bflgex St.. Lawrence.


WANTED, Good Warp Dressers,

Good pay aad eoaitant work,


Crockery, China, Glass Ware, Fancy Goods, &c.

Whea yen ooaa* to Lowell do not fall to visit th* Union Crooher> Co.'. Btore. *1 Menlmack Street, and **o tb* Bae ataortaint or

Crocfce- y. Chiae, HIIUB Ware. Tla aad Wo-wt" W»re*,HMBaiBB. Sraeket.

and Table Leaapa. Illrd Cages, Wax Flnwar HktB^a. Lilly BtaBsBa,Vaaea,Maieh Mnfea,

Parian l.t.ods. Table Catlevy. Roger's Bro's

Flriled Hpoon., Po.lis 'Zmt


beat a.aortmeni* te be loand la lb* eeBatry. -*- -t SOBS* of onr prior.. B**t Mag: _ __ a*. Tea ~-

coniiatlng of




SIOO ••*

Oar Crotkery 1* ol the b**t mikes, oar OWB Im- port at I.O. Oar Gallery the beet make la the eoaalry. Alt good* warranted a* represented. nad at ika lowest market pric**. Good* pa*h*fl to go aay dlitaa** with *af*ty.

Remember the Place and Number,


45 Merrimack St., leowoll, HUM.


33 & 35 Bedford Street, BOBTOIt, MAB8.

Horse Disease Don't Effect Bl KNIIAM'S PftlCCB.

I-ook at hi* large aad Mow Stock of

F-A-LL GOODS, at pit*** t h at sasnt be beal.

Mea's, Voutks'. aad Roys' Overcoats, From 13.10 to SI SS Dollar 1,

A Cbrg* aad »*w Iwat ef

Men's and Boys' Salts.

NEW ST06F0F PANTS, lath. Latest Stylo*.

Shirts and jDrawers* Very Cheap.

HATS fimd CAPS, la great variety, far all «•*•


(JLOVEB, FtBTlrltiS,


BURN HAM'S No. 108 Bases Street.

1* now teemlBg with Elegant and Ueetal Artlrle*. Ladles' Furnlahlng Cooda a .true- IALTT. JBT JK*SLRV, a rail llac jaet opened. VTe havejuat open.d oar ¥*U .took ..I

Alexandre Kid Gloves, In Colors and Black.


CARPETS. W* bavo jail opened a large Ho* of Bagtlth

Tapestry aad Body Brass*!*, S-FlyB, Tapestry tagralai, ate. We have always a oeeapltt* aaeonmeat of Lowell S-Ply, Katra Bapor aad Sapar Carpet*, floor Oil Clothe. Straw aad Coooa Matting*. Bags, Bassatks, Certain., Cur- tola Plxuro* of aB kind., Laee Ca.talaa, L*ea by


Oar Coo*, at Papalar Low Prtoee.

"Live aad let lire," i, 0-r motto.

LITTLE FLAGS for a Cent, at DTKB A co'd.


SMITH i* vow xt-gauo


No. 143 Baeex atreei, (dowa to wa,) aad Ko. 1ST, (op Iowa.)

BIMEMBSR to **ad the Cblldrea to SMITH'S for Slat* Pea- all*. We tell Sva for 1 cent.

REMEMBER that ws ssU a good Hoop Skirt for B otst*.


Bert 900-yard Spool Cotton, ) eaats. Ma. per paper, *fl*Bt*. Corset L

BYKim imjfcUd dt CO.,

NOB. 249 and 255 IWx Street, LAWBBKOB. I

INotlee to "Voter*. Persoa* aUlaUag a right t* Tain la tke eUy ef

Lawreaee, wboo* Barnes sri aot already oa the Toting Ll.t. can regHtor tfcflr ****** at tb* City Clark1* Ofloe aay day betteen tb* boar, or 10 and IS o'olock A. M. aad tladl o***oek r. M.— And tba as me* of *ppllaaati*o registered will be IBM before tba board of MA-or aad Aidant**, at their neat meeting, for apioval,

Applaaata most bring kheir tax bllte, aad aatarallsad BOTMB* tbalr ppera.

Th* Cllty Clerk I. .alhtrlied to rhange natnee from oa* ward to another when ao request d by parti** having a legal righ to vote therein. Aad all per.ont who wl.h o have their name* akaagB1,Brs requested tOBOtlfy tbe City Clerk Immediately, la order to bee tbelr aa**** printed «a tbe rlgfct votlag li it.

By order ol tb* Board of hldermca. UCO. B BOWS, City Clerk,

LawrcBO*. Sept. SS, ISM S ttf


Oa Friday, November I i, commeaelsg si 3 oolo«k,P. M .oatheprem v of a. 8. Ts'pray, Bee ,Beath L*wr*a*e, BB oweii Boad, we *l,*li aell to tb* highest bidder, li oath, the following pereoaal proper y :—

I Borrel Hare, a good drlAr. I pair of elegant btark. aid warklag Hones,

welahir* ab nt SIOO poun*elp*rle.-U> *«Bnd aim high, eomlB| Sine -ear. of age

reliaM. .Ingle or diihihle, ■


illt la LawrsBer.

Poor of Andover. Whitcomb. Baok.

Presi; lot of plank

,jt Concord Wagon. 1 Coaeard Patera Wagoe 1 Light Jack Baggy. 1 Perm Wagon. I Light Hone Cart, belli t IQood Horae Hake, built t 1 Pair Cart Wheel, aad Hi lttaBlrd. Lot of old I amber and nidi ...

aadehiBtflMi lot of Cider Hi rals, 1 Uegtboad par* Older Vis I atone Drag. 1 Pint Cla**MowlBgMark i*. nearly aew 3 Mew Coal Wheelbarrow. lCalfB ■- 1 UarroL. S Onad Stoa**. 1 Caltivater, aa-_ .

Kara,Chains, Grain Cradle, Farvalag Toot*.

" " Doable ■

e jvara in age, good a pair of

PlOl I clad

Lot of Batcher'* Tool., Bwol Tard*, Bl**k* sBtpai,#, LototOx Tokee.T

Ftir l'latfor ■ Scale*. Lot Ural a Pipe. Lot Bv* »M*yC*Ba. Lot of Good ■ Tory nloo Trevor** raaa<

Weigh*. All ol the above, a— ele* will be eold withoat reaervi verabcr Sth, at 2 o'oloch.

aevMeigh aid other aad nsaay other aril term, o* Friday, Mo

"8.8. VAlPtY, Drover. FBDBICBACLOBBOTf.AMt^ 1*011

City of Lawrenee,

la SOABD op ALnaaMBM. i October 1*. IB7S. j

Oaoxaan, That the Cftliea. ef the S**ar*l Ward* lathe City, qaallSed to vote as Iba tew divert*, be aeaned ta a-**a*bl*st tbalr r**pertlve Ward Room* on TCBUJAY THK FIFTH DAT OFtTOTBMBBB aeat, at S o'Moak la ths fore BOOB, thee aai War* to give is tbelr ballots for a Governor of lha Co*, mo a wealth, Llenteaaot Oov*raor,Co«aaUlor for Dl.trlst Number Plve, Herreta-y, Ty*ae»M*i aad Beeelvar General, Auditor of Aoeoaat*. Attorary tieaeral, one Henalor for th* Third B*e*x Die t Met, one Ooa Mr Commlettcaer, tbaaa B«pr***Btat|va* te ropre- aeat Bssaa DisUlat Mamker Three In the nest Gaaeral Oeart ef tbe Cowaoaweellb, aad OL*

Beproieatatlv* te repr-v.nt tb* Seventh Cos gree.loasl Dtstrtrt M the Csmmottwealth la the neat Coagra.* ef tke U.H.d Hlate*. Alt* for thirteen BlMtors of FrosUssiand Vloe Presidint of the UnlKdBtsaes, All lo be balloted Hi oa* ballot,

Th* pells to be eawa ot t oWook, A, M^ aad kept opea satll faaur o'elock, P. M., aad no laager

Alte.t; OIO.B.BOWB, llttthmweootl ClTr Ouag,



MERRIMAC MACHINE SHOP, **er xtevrbaa* I ro» FeBaery,


lea, Seeat*.


lor Ladtre', Men', or Children'* Haadkerchl.fi, that SMITH'S ta TBS FLAVK to gat thaa CHSAP.



that we are aelllag ale* Merl ao H esc for 10 Ms.


that w* keep Iba Largest end Beet Stock of Iml- UtlosBalrOoodalatkaalty. Price, all right,

KEBBMBBB, at boU .tore, yo* o*a get, at tba Lwt Frfas*, CottoB Cl«tas, Print., Glagbata*. Cotton rlea BOls, Wool FIsBBel*, Table Lia.n, Ora.he*, N.u- kia*. White ooed*. at*.

■tSKaaBB, JJJgF «k ,.. « „lt. ter ^ MOinn

REMBMHKR that wear.- saat W* hay large qaaatlues, aad can agord lo eaUCksap.


tf yoa are looking for Bets of JF.WF.l.U T.Kar Drop*, Breast Pies, bleeve Battoti*, Gent'. Shirt Studs, Cbalaa, or almo.t anything la the Jewelry line, to Visit


MS, doWB town, or 3S7, up town.


FortmoBBl** tbr 10 ets, IS eta, -■Oets, xsot*, |7 eta, SO «*, Si ets, aad ap.


yoa oaa get good Blaek Aipaea (or 34 ou a yard,


anlcallat either or onr Stone, and **ewhetw* ar* doiag la the way of LQ* I'tilVf.s,

148 ft 387 Essex St. Lawrence G. II. SHITU.

~ ^j^ DBafOKTsaat. DENTIST,

Has Removed roais

NEW OFFICE, MB Baeex street, > a Lawisaee.


eon.iaatly oa hand aad made to order.

'••'♦•-SUv.w, Velvet, Kelt aad Paris, from 33 rente lo gj.oo, as te qaallty.

SW*Call aad caaaMa* before parohuiag.

Al.o a fWl llae ol

Ladies1 PurniahinR Goods,




VOCAL; TABLETS -xeit- •***• Hon. or theglaad*. labrtoati tb* noatb and throat,ren

dor the mutole. ela.Me, ana Insrea.e the tolumi and qaallty ol Ik* vole*.

Bold by all Druggie!. at 2S rent.. *U*« D.HOWAHTH, Apothecary,


MISS LIZZIE K. HARRIMAN will receive Papll* la

Vocal Music, AT

la* • Baaadlera* Ulork, Lawreaee,

IHptAOBBTT'ri Piano Boom*,] ISS«|B14*

Wedneadav snd Satnrda* of each week




H,w sad FrMh, at


345 Common Street, Lawrence.


Dy.pepila. Sidney and Liver CuBsplalBi*. Try il*m ouc* and yoa will never ho withoat them. For aale t>y all .pote- arlr*. Ito per bos, Oao. C.UooowiH A Co., Agent*. 11 lm*0«t*.

Greea'a Pile Remedy 1* the «*(e.t BBd ami oFeelntl e«re for Pile* ever oSered to th* pab.l*. For aate bv all *poth- SOsrl**. '. , ■!.. [in t.jttie. tlKu.f IHHitiA'IN atX>, Ag-nt., i.(„,-,«,



QHEBTSUT COAL, tot BssaBaraer*—t large lot for aai* vary eboap.

Ofloe—BUI street* Lawraaee. imt loaitf

For Sale. A new t-story BOVHK, wltb Pr*B*h roof, con-

taining II room*, SM.bed With wain ut aad . h-et- nui, In the beet manaar. soil convenient In every reepeet. Sltaateo on High .treet, rroaUag tbe park, andobeortbaSaaetplas-caia tbeaily. of lead III (.

«lf d.-.lr" tey may i main

Lawrence, Oct. 10, 117*, *J t ABHBB B08MBB,

isr XJ Rax:. -Parseoa derlrtag tb* eerviaaa of a oorepauat

If ar**, pint* apply to Mas. A. M. WIHTBB, Mo. SO Bfiast Havoihlll at., I.awreao*. Iia**ep90

All hiada af

Campaign Flags at DT«B * I'O'H.

i-aohasetl*. IN BANKHUP1CY

DiMr'et ol Mi The under.lgard h. r. li/ glvaa at .

o- iuimeiil a* eeelgnr* ol the ratal* ul J tin, KGAN sad J*Mi.rS T KUAN, late aopsrtner,, asd Both ol fieri.', town. In ..1-1 diain*t,whu have been sdjuoged baukiupte oo their owe petlllOB. JAMBB W. O'MHlkM. AMIgaee,

Jaly 10,1S7I. ItVoelS 7 City kq„ Uharloelowa,

ROOM PAPERS, of every Grad* sad yasUty, st tb* Lowe.t Prices at


l«fi and «4S Essex St., Ltwienec.


Window Shades. Painted Goth, Hollaed*. Baalle* aad Paper

Shad**; al.o, lbs Bast and Moat Approved kind.




Account Boftk* ft «t«iu»ar7



or every de.rrlptlon mad* to ord*r at


Comer of Essex snd Pembcrton St.

A foil line of

Umbrellas As Walking Canes, Umbrellas snd Parasols Repaired.

Toya nod Peary Goods of every de- aerlBtloa.


tb*l crowd th*

Popular Store, 288 A 280 Essex atreet,

lav Bl,h, ...ii, h. CM,M ui ,,,,, m

^lad. how .«,, a,,^, aUrtah., th., at..

TAYLOK A BOLTON 0I.r >nh liuummcnts to tb* publlo b, will.. DBr UOODS

I'HKAPER man Elsewhere, tbst tkelr patron* Ueasselvei never think thev kava come to the '

WRONG SIDE. SBv-W* respsotfally Invite attention to oar

MagBlaeeat Bssonaaaat of

NEW DKESS GOODS IB all Ur leadlag thbrlea aad shades la

Irish, Lyons and Roubalx Poplins, Drab

de Dame, Drab de Ete, Drab de

France, D'ble Casbmerea, French

Merinos, Diagonal Reps,

Eploglines Velonrs,

Crepo de Monaaouil, Satines; also Pom-

padour Stripes,

suitable for FOIOBBIB*, comprising all t hr choicest tlau.vls:-



1'BVBaiAa BIAS*, Ac.

Black Alpacas and Brilliantinea from » ete. to $1.50 par yard, direct (roe.


W• offer SVKCIAL iBdaoenenU la

Cashmere & Paisley Shawls, la Long aad Stjisrae. B*ver*lble Striped Otto- ■aa Shawl*, Berlin aad Beoteb All Wool. A large consignment of Atarrffan Striped All Wool MBA WLS la choloe ooloelnga, asm selling at lo per oent. leas than Btanwfaetwr- er'e Prleea I

Ataoag tbeae are many Borgofas, Pries* from SI 7S to SI 00.

Black and Colorad Bilks (at oar ana) low ariee*.) ftiack Silks <roa, gl,ii| per yd.

■. czii':3. ,

Saving had over twenty year* practtcit

txperienei in the manufacture of Soapi,

tot offer our ".BeaoAV Wtuhina Soap" to

the public with great confidence. In the

manufacture of thit brand of Soap it has

been our great aim to product an article

tuperior to any in the market. We are

having a great demand for it, which it

good proof of it$ avpenor qualities.


189 HAQER'8. 1,9

Bow Opening,




coaslsllag of




V.>IVT|« all color*.

Jet Oraaasieaia.

Hats and Bonnets Trimmed aaB lalilasnsrd.


by far la ths city, aad tb*


Hats and Bonnets Trimmed at abort aoUoe, and BatlafaFtloa guaraateed.

M our nine; Goodii sonilaatly en haad,


ko-Call aad so* for your wives, and eomyar< prlea*.

Good* marked ta FMm PVoar**.

Doa'T FoaOST TUX I't.Ai s :

190 Essex Htreet, LAWKhKOB.

WANTBD. Tb* proprleter ot * hotel, nrsr this city, wliao*

> seanr* lb* s*rvle** of a gjod, reliable BAN, Ilk bla wife, to conduct, la a iboroagh maaaer,

tbe bailor** or the bou.e. The m*a I. waatad lo a**l*t IB Ibe geaeral rare of lb* aano aad hotel, ,nd the women to asaaess tbr dalles of boa**,

keeper. PermaBral em, I'-ywent to Ibe right parlte*. Moat *oate well reoommewrteel. Apply at

Imluell AMBBICAB OtBce,

FlAgs for the coming Campaign at DYKE'S.

Beautiful variety of FRENCH CLOAKS and OLOAKINCS. Preach Beaver*. A. traebaaa, Vel.eteaas, ate,

bT. R.-Mi:s. BOLTON inperlatead* this department. W. maoafactare all order* la a tboroBxh batlaes* like manner, gaaraatealng promptitude aad oorroetaeaa of taste.

Waterproof a la Navy Blue, Broaie, Grey aad Blaek, VHMAPMM THAN KVKlt.

Pelt Skip t« tl.TS aad sioo. Balmoral do. TS*.at*, *i.oo.

Kasmine oar .took ol

BLANKETS AND FLANNELS. onset* IB 10 1,11-4, If.i, from fit BO per pair

Prints 0 snd lOe, Gingham* II te Us, Grey Cotton., 1 yard Wide, from lOe per yd.

Uaeaa and Hoaarkeeplag (looda at WHOLESALE Prleeal

OtTft FAKCT DKPAaTKBHV bolag extended, will be fonnd replete wltb No*. eltie* toe nansrronl to mrntion.

A good pair of Colored Kid. at M per pair.

Cloth* for Mea*e aad Boys* wear.

Gant's, Ladle*' aad Cblldrea'*

Under Clothing tfe Hosiery Cheap. KSMtMBBlt THE ADDBRSSI


LATB •.«££;;.'■_'■••«■« T»VLOB.


344 Essex St.

A.W. 8TEAEN8 & CO. ar* opening

fine, Elegant & Cheap liooils la all rjeparin.nt«, well worth, ib. la-

■prcio. of ».(.)■ raiuiaff M*kla,


Wears oSVrlng BPBCIAL BABGAlMa I. ... SHAWL BJ^iMA\EiS&& '"

Good*. AUotho LargeM, Newest,

Moat Keiert aad Uealrable Blaek of

OHbBS MHIDN, •t Temptingly Low Prtee*.

Blankets. Flannels, **A*x»BM» W*rai Good, for tke approa*hlag

Oarpet. 4 House Funusliiag Goods lob.fo.nd. Kroaith.

B at KngliBh Body Brussolls down thro.,h th.





Aad Ih. mo.t Commoa g..llt|.n.

Li»ro. .,»«:„, JfJBHJSayaaa, «A«.

Ail ofwbiob ws are disposed to sell at


IB TTO^lld,!!l,Trf,P »<•"?»* that SMBP .taasx [>#, .r.l . Bholoe In each speoallv and

„,i '"" and artirable elyle*. nl sa low or low- Kite "'•'iL!IJ,,on,'r "> 0,,"' —'«*" o«- itemsBly aia h>uorsble trcatmtnt He,

Jaat apealag an unsrftat or



One Price Only.



FtaM Ol.fus«R Work. A. W. STKABHS fc 00. have opaaed the Flaeat

" " tbe LABOBBT A.aortment of Strict l> Pine Woolet •t displayed IB this elly, rmbrar- lag BB8T French, Lo&doa, We.l of Bm Booteh and American make* of Over Ooat- inge, Voatlnge. Ooatlngs and Panta- loonery, to whluh w* would Invite the attee- UOB ot OeaUenaen In Uwrcaoe and vicinity, ...tiring them that tbey will Snd tbe most nobby and Styll.h Ooods to .rice: from; nad w* are prepared (o mik* np Coat., Paats. Ve.1. and Wnole Salt* in the Mo.t Styll.h aad Finished Manner at mod*rBi*prle*a.



Lowr.i.t., Oev. ll.lsTi.

•»-The SINOKQ we. awarded Ibe P'ir-t Premium *t N. K. Pslr la lr7l, s* being Ibe BMST Fasxlly Bewlng Marhina; and also Ihe preoeat year the awards were Sllvar Medal*.

K.T.BOIVkLL. A ..'is., .-rets, y M. B. Pair.

The StNOBB wa* given U.r ftrtt Prtmtiim st N.H.Hi.te Fair, he 1.1 st Dover. It* HUPBBI- OB1TV over all other. BBS got It la the habit ot doing ao.

Sold for |.'i per womb, or for Cash, by

T. W. HKALD, AKent,

344 Esaex street, - - Banadsra Block.

AD klad* Msehlar* Hcpalred, Kxehangwl and to Lot.

Machine StlUhlng, Bteaiplng and Braiding tr order.

244 Essex Street, - - Lawrence,


The DAVIS Vertical Feed, Shuttle

SEWING MACHINE. The lArgeat, the Simplest, the Cheapest,

the Bert,

This Maehlne ha* last lasea the Hr* Prtes at the Lowell Pair, In (net I Iba* aever failed taking the lrat premium where'ereahlblledla eompe- tltlon with other m*chl«.-a.

It Blllob**, llema.ibee width* without bast. lagj rslla, Tucks Cora*, i Indi, Braid,, Krlnere RafBr*, guilts, Ksg.ot*, (lather* ends. ' the laata time withoat baatlag.

THE DAVIS, •alike other ****kla**,l eotorloty by boasting a quiet way na> earaeaagreat ntiutatlon on so eoaat of (te many saparlor and de.lrablr advan tagea over other msehlne*. Pleaao call and see them at the Agency

194. Essex street, Lawrenoe, At Dyer S. Hall A Co's Clothing Store

V laovl JOHN WABBCBTOM, Agent. N. M.- Machines Itauelrvd or KxOhBBged.


Millinery IFanoy Goods AT

WATTIB A f.il.JMrV*,

KM Essex Street, lawrctice, Mass.,

Three door* below .laek.on Si.


Alexandria Kids IB oa* and two bntioa* whleti we are selliag CHBAP.

MIBB HATTIK OHATBURH tar akarge of oar Mllilacvy Depaitmest, am will b* plcaeed lo see snf or ker old caMomer*.

earCall and F.xanilne our GMMJS.JB


Teacher of Pianoforte. ■esMeSMMeeaTI U«r**N at. laiVoll*

196 E8SJJX STREET. 196

Opening of a New Store.


M. 8. ANDERSON take* tkl* opportaalty to Inform her friend* aad tbe public lhat.hr ha. BBMOVBD from bar ol.l •lore, at lb* comer of Xssex aad Newbary Streets, lato the aew and spaeloas star* ta


Bo. IPO Bw*x'Btreet,wher«*hske*p*lB*to*k • llae of (Joodo HtunrptMtd by aay osuMlsk- toent In Ibe city.

LADIES* HATB J,, -'• ' ■ * Olp." There i, ao *1B

New Style or Fashion in Milliner,

'hat oaaaot b« rMRd at her Here. AilfcJagsei

Ribbons. Viewer*, Foathcw- ete„ at the IOWKST l hints.

The Children's Department urcsent* * rich as* oharmlag variety, la the

Ifsaey ©odds WEt Ih. .look I. antlrelr n.w. snd aflhrdi tb* as*. SBLaonoa la th. cuy,

196 Essex Strcpt. IKS



*ei?Aai,' Tb. naldsal. of thl. toaa wbo w.at,. oot.lo


Hen's, or Boys' Ololhlng, Reliably Msrle,

Fashlontilily Cat,

. Of Durable Fabrics.

At the Lowest Cost

rot OITT THIS aiiTtra,


Mas. O.e, Two At Three Doeh Sqiiarp.


l.ftomul.t.—all *l... and o.ll.rn,,.adprlr...t. th. I S'np.at 1. HoMOBKttb. I.'o.l.al,



Fall and Winter nothing. at 31 aad 'JA Heck Bqgare,


asKllllnaure railsfaetlon


Ori> ul II IIOVS' in rill I.MKN I

we have fall lini * of all lliea


OirMon's and Voulli'e Clothing I. v»ll il and .1)11-11, ul ei.r, deecrlptluu.

Our Furnishing Gooils are iu|ii?rlnr, and

our oha v* BwdBIBla,

W* Invite the publla to try u* at tha


'J* A 35 Dock Bqanrr, BOO Bosloa.




Cloth Boot ft Shoe Makers, have Bemoved lo 'ni*'**ayll*

188 Jackson Street, Lawrence.

BLANK BOOKS iade lo order In nay *bap*.


TO LET—NEEDHAM HALL. To a aultable part, thl. 1* s good opealeg. Per

partiealar*, apply to JOHN >TOOBK,Ul X..<i IT JAMBS IIYIlK.iOMsrglnHI StlOClS*





Business Notice. < I have taken a Store St

No. 8 Appleton atroet, - - Lawrence, ml to City Hell, for the pnrpoee ol meaufaetar. lag iIAHNKSBKM Of every kind,both Single aad Daeblc.and ihall oeethebe*lof *toek and pat In the beet of woi k; will try to please ell r~*~ Will give ana * Mil*

Shall keep a large aaiortmeat of

Trunks, Bags, Valise*. Shawl Straps and Trunk Straps.

Harm***** Repaired and Oiled. 0. 8. STXBBIN, Agent.

Lawrence, April IJ. 1B7X.

Never want to Exchange It



fprctal fioUtt*.


Clubs and Individual* .applied with Kookati, Cendlee.Bengola*,.tc.,eic, tor proce».loo. or meeting*. Torci.e*,CMae*eL*Blero. In every .lyle. Ping",

Traa.perencle*, ete., ete., lor the Campaign.


Sols Meaafeeterere of

Marshall's Patent Illuminating Candlestick,

or lllomlnaUon; Window*. The boot e?er made, Bend for Price List. aavl t"Pt

rtur jlpict'ltx.



■CHUCK'S niLHomc njUVi acBUcava nwoD TOJI 0. •CHUCK'S «»KDII»« ruxa.

ar« th« onl» medldae, tbat will Mr. PalMoaar, C°lS,'"lfi?.'''mrfM... tb.l will .lop . CO... will olwa OWMIOD. lb. death of th. patlt.k It !,,.«. m laa li»«. •■»• t>« *w**S "W blood. h.morrbafa follow., .ad. 1" fiol,olofjlw tb. aatloa of tb. Mr, oriaa. *a»* awaBSl "•

""HrM complalat ud flr.pap.la v* lb. MUM Of tWO tblrdioflh..OM».0l«°D.U«rll0.. «fl ;!;"trsipuibi« .iibd.uMffi.tt.aj;, lb. I.»ala^oMs3..aU'a "1 —

" oth.r

OVER 0JS0.000 SOU).

NEW IMPROVED REMINGTON belching of wind. ThaM W^f*»Cf2ilS .ate from a dlaordered condition of the "fossae* or a torpid liver. Per*on. ao affected, If they lake on? or two heavy cold., aid II'tb. soughin the*. ca.r. be •nedonly Mopped, the lung., llv.r and .tomacli clog, aad remain ion..dendinecyje,aad before the pi-lent la aware of hla aluaHH.tta langt are a amass of »ores, and aletr.ted, and death la the Inevitable re.nli,

Heheaek's Parmonic Syrnf Is aa •*-*«*<"»»* Whleb does not contain an, opium, nor an, thing

* -■* to sbsek a eoegh eoddaaly, ■ Boaweed Toals dla.olvr* the food,

ienltby circulation of the blood. el* are costive, akin -allow billons habit, Bebenek'e

S&B taedlelne. are prepared by D*. J.Jfj. ICtUSCS * BOV. Sortheaat wner « Blxth and Arab street., Philadelphia, P.nn. OBCvC, 0WUW1N fc CO.. «* Uamo-rr streM, Boston, John r. Henry, I CeUege place, Sew York Wholtaelo Agent..

Tor *al* by Draggle!* generally

* Tera, • latrt*







We claim ours BKST for tbe following

reasons, which we stand ready to PBOV-C

to all who will give us a call :—

"'".C.-Vi'n'ctufWJ'tt-.80 oorop.lcate-J that tD

v ..t in order, aa they hare 20 leea part*

than the aimplest machine in the mar-

ket, therefore JO leaa timea liable to. get

out of order.

Second—They are th- atilloat running-, havlaa, -IIH ailrrnt ftwrf.

Third—Tbuy kave the largett tales of

any Family Machine! In the world.

Fourth—They are the highest speeded.

Partla* adf/ertlaing other machines aa

higher apeeded, make a false statement.

Filth—They will do a larger range of

work than any otner machine.

Sixth—They will do heavier work than

any other Family Machine.

Seventh—They have the beat atitch and tension.

Eighth —They have the glaaa foot,

with which the natural eye ean aee to

guide the work, being much easier than with a steel one.

Ninth—They do not oil their work.

Tenth—They do not have holes to

thread in their shuttles, aa all other Lock tititch Macbinea do.

Eleventh—They will use UaU and

all kinds of threads and silks.


Partlaa In want of WHBKLKK ft WILSOM'H

-taohlaoi, are oantloued again.t pnrohaalog thai

of ageati who advertise to rail all machine., i

they make a ipeolalty of one, bat ore different onei to blind the public and eatch their prey, i

we (ell but one kind, and tbat I* lbs

...Htl.l. KKNUWNKO

Whoeler & Wilson

Having Bttej up the atore aft.., POKTIA'I

H LUCK, we will bu happy to ibuw our llaeblnea n all branobee of work.

We keep on haud a good -apply of the beit


Sewing Machine.

07*11 Worka like a Charm \UR

The Feed li one of tbe

Celebrated New Drop Feed,

the very latest and beat eonitraetad of any now In me, Tbe Presser Foot li regulated with

a Borew, so that ths preaanra oan be tightened Or loosened at pleasure, ao

eordlng lo the quality ol tbe good. to bo sewed.

It is the most noiseless,

It TUBS the easiest

It does the greatest variety of work

without change of needle, thread

or tension.

It has a slraight needle,

and makes the Lock Stitch.



lor the Whreler ft Wliaon kfaohlnee.

Open every Evening till 9 o'clock.

N.B.- Partlee having Wheeler ft Wllioa

Hacblaca will receive In.trnotlon In their a.efree

f charge; and we hope all will avail thesasclve* o. .Ml ep.ortnnlty.

II A V D E F- ,

No. 256 Essex St., Lawrence,


R E M E -Mi TB E :R. and Call at

BURNHAM'S Clothiui, Hat. Cap aad FaralsUas;

Uoools Store FOR THE NEXT THIRTY DAYS, a> we aras.ll CL08K OUT oar Spring and Summer


to make room tbr oar Fall Stock. ll.i. 11.00. Shirts BUS. Hat. A0. Shirts 1.00. ll.i* tft. Shirts :s. CoaU |1JL Shirts JO. OoaU 1.00. Braoaa to. CoIlarelBoxeilOo, aBoaeaiiae,

tBd other Qoodi at the SAME LOW PBICKS. A large stock of TRUSK8 ■? CAMI'KTBAOa

lei ling low. We also have all the JVsm Style* of Dlagowal

Coata oa hand. Youth's * ChUdrem'si OlothinK

for all agci, SBrBemember and call for the nest .10 day., aa

we have lone HAHUA INS to give yon.

BURNHAM'S, 103 Esaex Street.



Omee and Tard at WOHTllLnVr'a STOHS YABD,

WEST STREET, LAWRENCE. Loaky Hoof, made Tight at ahort nottss. -yasvl7-

Boots and Shoes.

ths latest Improved, moil ilmple, itroogeet, compact and durable machine, ever made to do ■awing. We sdvtao all who have not soon these Wotidirful Improved tfaeblnes, to sire them a thorough oaamiuaiiua ngsj mni.ue.ui'UwJlirBe, and wsnt ths HKST, we mould ho pleased to sends "Re>mtng-ton Empire" toyonrhomo

trial, with ■ competent person to leash yon to i It, Fret if Expenit, Bold oa the Jfosf

Librrat Ttrmn

$,1.00 dowi, and $£.00 per month until paid for.


]S"o. 143 Essex streets Agent for Lawrence and vicinity.


3:12 Waahlngton Street, .... Boston,

Broadway Savings Bank, BRBCHIN BLOCK,

Corner Essex Street and Broadway.

Depoilia placed on tntoreat ths first Day ol each month.

Internal allowed on all turn, of one dollar and upwarda.depoatted not Mat than one month be- fore tbe day 00 which dividend* are declared.

Tbe tmallr.t .am received oa deposit I. Its

Dividend, will Be made Of all the proBts which may have aeorned wltbln the prevloo* all months, alter deducting nace.i.ry expenses.

Interoit will not be paid on fractional parts of s

ornCKRB: rVMlileaf—JOMB PALLOS, ICaq.

Pice Pruidmt*, A. W. Steam*, Thomaa Beott, B. 0, Bason, Horrl* Knowles, Jsmes A. Treat, J. Rmaraon, Jr.

TT tnt u T .- r—J a m e ■ Pay o r.

John Smith. K. I,. Kunal., B. W. Knight. D. C.KIchardeon, ■ i 1 ■■■"■■ (Hover, Patrick Murphy, June* Payne, Daniel Hardy.


BOOTS AND SHOES Also, at all time*, a good aisortmeat of

RUBBER ftOODS. Women'a No-Heel Robbers,

not elsewhere to be found la the oil j. Their Good*, a* far as posilbls, are made tt

order, and received directly from the most reipoa ■Ible manufacturer..

ftaT-Thcy are SOLS Agent* of the


VOQLE GERMAN SLIPPER. StrHaving retained the aorvtee* of Ma. R. B.

SMITH, (a man of tweaty v-ar* esperience In ths mannfaotaro aid sals of Boots and Bhooi, they •ollclt and hops to merit a shars of the public

Peter Smith, J. W. Smith, Peter llollban, P. C. Kirk, D. M. Aver, A. J. French, C. K. Pillabury, P. U. Plll.bury

Saturday Kvi tiiii,--. from f\ I".-IIH only. JAMKH PAYMB, Treaiurer.

I 1 AT. in-... Jnne 14, l",'-'.

ft C. D. V. NOYES.

(formrrl* of Boiton,) has opened




CO.,re«|w^wii-.-BVii»B,»ntBJFfn»^eepatroas and ths public generally, tbat they may Still be foaad at the 0 Id St and

71 Essex Street, (189 New Number,)

men'*, Boy*'

way* be piei J islootoa stook of Men1* Mleae*', Yoath'i, Children-.

Something to go by—A rum shop. A Theatrical Prescription—A change

of scene. Ifyou wish to make an impression, fall

down in the mud. How to select a ioul—aak the umpire

of a hase*ball match. A sign in a Western city announcea Boots blacked inside." New Books.—- Ebeneuer Divorced,"

a sequel to " Ebb-Tide." A kangaroo Is a curious chap i when

It's wide awako It's leaping. Why !B a screw In tight like & acrew

in loose ?—Because It la tn-seoure.

A plala stew—a trip in an old-fash- ioned street railway car on a warm day.

Who smoked the first pipe ?—Prome- theus, when be stole the fire from heaven to light his clay.

Candles preceded clocks in measuring time; that is to say, oandles'-tlcks came before clocks'ticks.

How to dress beat*—a horse-whip is a good thing to dress beats with, especial- ly if they bo dead beats.

Some helpless sort or a person in Pitts- bnrg advertises for " one or two steady girls to help on pantaloons."

Men talk about the idle wind; but the wind is always busy, and, like a cheer- ful fanner, whistles at his work.

A tourist, who was asked in what part of Switzerland he felt the heat most, re- plied, " When I was going to Berne."

A Stevenson street man has such an intense dread of cholera morbus that he will not kiss a woman whose lips are not ripe.

" I hate to hear people talking behind one's back," as the robber said when the constable was chasing him and crying, "Stop thief!"

Two fatigued travellers, having to travel ten miles farther, comforted them- selves by tbe calculation that It was only five miles each.

A crusty old bachelor says that Adam's wife was called Eve because when she appeared man's day of happiness was drawing to a close.

In connection with Naeby's lectures it has been suggested that there are cir- cumstances under which Locke-jaw may be a pleasant thing.

"There, now,"cried little Bessie the other day, rummaging a drawer in the bu- reau, " grandpa has gone to heaven without his spectacles ! "

" How do you define ' black as your hat t " said a schoolmaster to one of his pupils. " Darkness that may be ' felt,"' replied the youthful wit.

The young man on Olive street who thinks he has a fine tenor voice was vac- cinated with a brick-bat by a sleepless neighbor last night—[St. Louis Globe.

A rash carpet-bagger, addressing a colored audience In South Carolina tbe other day, remarked, " My friends and fellow-citizens, my skin Is white, but my heart is as black as this audience ! "

The following is a rather queer adver- tisement, taken trow aKnoAvlilo paper: Wanted—This day, twenty-five persons to lecture me on morality. Reasonable ■•• • «1>U —Will. R. McBath.

An editor, who has been soliciting "short articles " from the subscribers of his paper, lately received a baby's undergarment, somewhat dilapidated, but ahort enough, doubtless, to meet all requirements.

" If there is any body under the can- ister of heaven tbat I have In utter ex- crescence," says Mrs. Partlngton, " it is the slanderer going about, like a boy constructor, circulating bis calomel upon honest lolks."

Hark Twain and his Bng-Uati Editor.

A letter from Mr. Samuel h. Clemen, {now In ■don) to tbe London Mperiator. Bapt. ao, ISTi,]

Sir: I only veniure to intrude upon yon because I come, in fomt sense. It) th** In- tercut of public morality, and Hi's makes oiv mission res-iic-Kblti. Sir. Join, Cam- den Hotlcn, of London, ha>, ol bis own Individual moihia rtpublUheilaeveral of my books In Eiif.)""-; I do no. protect aj.uin.-r this, lor there is no law that could give effect W tbe protest; and, be- sides, publishers are not acconntable to the laws of heaven or earth in any coun- try, as I understand li; but my little grievance I* thill My books, aro bad enough Just as ihey are written; tben what must tht-y he after Mr. John Cam- den Hotteo has composed half a dozen


_ 'Please examine onr Goods before purchasing.


139 Sssex Street, Lawrence.


Wonderful Invention of the Age

22 St 24 Broadway, cor. Shattuck st.

South Bide, LAWHKNCK,

where may be loond

All Articles uaually kept in a First Class Drug Store.

N. B, — Phyilolan.' PreaerlpUons rarefuily compounded day and night, amlagln

Found at Last! Altar eighteen month*' conitant experlmen

rlcan TahletCompai i the market a ~l>t,r.ABL]t~ noUef.

si.,\ IK. Warranted not to wear oat !.k'


Adjuster of Complicated Accounts, AMD


OrEce—239 Essex St., Lawrence. ■sen, xt« Baas'? tea p. a., n tsepll

TO LET—NOW BEADY, a New and lUnd.ome Itil.U Illooh . In the very center of (he oily. 1* designed for a FIRST VLAS8 BOARUIBU HOUSE. Can hsve from 10 to u room*. None bat a BKNPOH-

M HI I- party need apply. Imialre of

DR. BOYNTON, No. lflft Eosflg atreet,

Alao, aavaral very dt.lrabte BOOMS suitable tor bu.Inc.* porpo.e*.

Al*o, several good Sl.ITKS of Room, for > "I".-table men and their wive*.

S*rApply Mow, not wait Mil tbe beat room* are all rented.

I. ■ wi.Tirr. i '. i , ]], lcr3. ' :i.i

Attached to three patented Spectacle* are two solcntlQcally constructed Galvanic Batterl.a—an- •een when worn—delivering through the nerve* of lbs head a

Soft and Continuous Stream of Electricity^ vltallatng and giving healthy sollon to tbe entire beanllfsl .y.tem of those part., ABHOLUTKLY and CKBTAINLT CUBING

Partial Paralysis of the Optic Nerve, Weak or Diseased Vision,

Neuralgia of the Head or Face, Nervous Twitches in the

Muscles of the Face, Noises In tbe Head,

Losa of Mental Energy,

aad s ho-i of NtrvoH$ /into---, arising from ds- pnssloa of thl nervon* rnergy of the -j.tem, conMbutlug, in a moat a.tonl.hing degree,


Brightness to the Eye, Quickness to the Ear,

Energy to the Brain

They srt> set with Isaies of the dnaat maaafao- ture, to lult all tight-, and with gla.ees for thoao not needing •peotaelea to read with, but de.lring the bt-ncrlt* to be derived from wearing the Hat- terlet - and are to be bad In tbl* olty only ol


Watchmaker, Jeweler and Optician,


No. £35 Essex Street, Lawrence,

N. B. — Also Agent for Lazarus A Morris' Perfected Spectacles and Eye Glasses, the BKST in the world.


Drummers, Attention! By calling at the wall known MR.IO Store men

, you nay laapest yoi ilenty and variety, ani

DRUMS, -t, in i

_.JO for s flneat aa.ortment of

BRASS INSTRUMENTS, by the beat maker*; alao the beat Violin..Guitar., Flotea, Fife*, Concertina.;-ln fact, nil Inrtrn- ment. In oommon BIS, with BTRISJUS, and all other thing* need*d to renew aad repair Instru- ment*, and a full .lock of Nnilr.l flercr-aa.- ■>•«. lyUapSSPb

JOHN O. 1IAYMEB * CO., U Court St., (opporite Court Hou.e.) Bo-ton,

The FINKLB A LYON Manufacturing Co'*


CAS nr. inn.i.iir or ,,,i D. W. I.OKI), 40 MHrgin street.

Sole Agent for Lawrence, Andover ft Msthnen.

cliapters and added the tame to them feel tbat ail true hearts win bleed for an author whose volumes have fallen under sueh a dispensation sa this. Unfriend of youre, or if even you yourself, were lo write a book and set it adrift among tbe people, with i he gravest apprehensions that It wu not up to what It ought to be Intellectualy.how would you like to have John Caotden Hotten sit down and stim- ulate bis powers, and drool two or three original chapter* on to the end of that book? Would not the world seem cold and hollow to you? Would yon not feel that yon wanted to die and be at rest? Lltile the world knows of true suffering; and suppose ha should entitle these chapters - IJolidey Literature," 'True Story of Chicago" "Oa Children,"

Train up a Child, and Away be Goes," and '-Vengeance," and then, on tbe strength of having envoived these marvels from bis own consolousnese, go and 'copyright" ihe entire book, an-1 put In the tUlepagn a picture o( a man with bis hand In another man's pocket, and tbe legend, '-All Rights Reserved " (i only suppose thu picture; still It would be a rather peat thing) ; and, further, suppose that In the kindness of his heart and the exuberance of hie untaught fancy, this thoroughly well-meaning iniioccnl should expunge the modest title which yon bad given your book, and replace It with so foul an Invention as this, "Screamers and Eye-openers,'' and went and got that copyrighted too. And suppose that on tbe top of ail thla he continually, and persistently forgot to ottor you a single penny or oven send you a copy of vour mutilated book to burn; let ohe suppose all this; let him suppose It with strength enough, and then be will know some- thing about woe. Sometimes when I read one of those additional chapters constructed by John Camden Hotten, I feel as If I wanted to take a broom-straw and K° and knook that man's brains out; not In anger, for 1 feel none. Oh I not in anger; but only to see, that Is all. Mere Idle curiosity.

And Mr. Hotten aaya that one worn d» •>.i,»ifl of mine la "CarlByng;" I bold that there Is no affliction In this world that makes a man feel so down-trodden and abused as tbe giving him a name which does not belong to him; how would tUs sinful aborigine feel If I were to call him John Camden Hottentot, and comeoot In tbe papers and aay he was entitled to it by dlvlnsright? I do honest, ly believe It would throw blm Into a brain fever, if there were net an Insuperable ob- stacle In the way.

Yet—to come back to the original sub- j«v«, B-»- ■ --. r.„ that Is slowly but surely undermining my health—Mr. Hotten print* unrevised. uncorreoted, and |u some respects .purious books, with my natae to them as ambor, and thus embitters hla customers against one of tbe most Innocent of men. Messrs. George RoUlfdge tt Sons are t he only English piblVihsrs who pay me any copyright, and therefore, ir amy books are to dlssemljate either suffering or crime among riders of our language, I would ever aonuob rather they did it through that holt*, and tben I could eon- template the spevarle calmly as the divi- dends cameln. <

AWAII, a young Llilitesc Sunday-school scholar In Waablntton, has made the fol- lowing translation from ihe twenty-fifth chaincr of Matthew about the ten virgin*I

The kindoinlike ten girls; never marry ; they In in:/ some lanterns; come out till xome new-married man come that way. TJavi) got five tvlae and llvo foolMi. Five hold Isnterna with no oil. Smart live all bavo oil inside The new-married man como late; they sletp liy "■■•■'■ by they aay, ^New-married man come ' All go out to him. Five makey nice lanterns Five foolish say, 'You give my oil; lamp no oil; you give my some.' Tbe smart aay, 'I no give you; I not enough; you go tnaiket buy.' Foolish go market to buy. Thf new-married man come All come to dinner. Shut the door. Ry-antl- by the fooliih come and aay, 'Boas. boss. open door." He say, 'I no llkey you; you no ray.' Must be smart; no under. stand the day.

Ladles seem to have no safe place In which to carry their pocket-books; lately they have thought tbat if they betd them ID their hands the money was pretty se- cure ; but It Is not at all so. A most au- dacious game is played lo broad daylight and la ths most frequented thorough- fares, an unsuspecting promenader being the victim. Usually tbe robber seizes the pocket-book over tbe shoulder of tbe lady who carries It, and disappears be- fore she realizes tbat tt la gone. The people around have seen nothing going on; If the police follow and capture tbe criminal, the lady can not Ideollfyhlm; and as his booty haa been thrown at once to a confederate, there Is nothing about bis person to convict him of the deed. Hi range that nothing can be done to rem- edy this evil; bnt until there. Is, ladles mutt look out sharply lor their pocket- books

^vofrssional Canls. H. C. BANCROFT, D. M. D.

I) K N T 1ST,

Office, 417 Essex St . Lawrence. Dr. Ili-iirrult will I* *l the «.!.*■ Itru.e In An

doveron WKiiHSalMTolrach vn-k ucllllarthei Bastes.

J. Q. AHAMS. M. 1)..


Office, No. 2 Appleton atreet,


Dr. Adam* at hla .MBoe all hour* of tbe night.

K. M. YATKH, M. r>.

PHYSICIAN *V SURGEON, Office,—307 Essex street,

Comer Lawrence Street,

Residence, 108 Concord St., Lawrence


JStna, ol Hartford, lBf-u, •16,040,786

State Mutual,Worcester, 1845, 1,270,911

FI -R -3-


11,000,000 1,332,000


Franklin, of Ponn'a, 1829,

Royal, England, 1845, gold American Hiancb,

Pennsylvania, of Pa., 1825, Imperial, London, 1803, gold, 11,000.000

American Branch, 1,064,047 Firemen's, of N. Y., 1826, 340.C06

Wealohester, of N. Y„ 18.17, 540,066

German, or Erie, Pa., 1867, 237,088

Queen of England, 1858, gold, 10,000,000 American Branch,



No. 271 Essex Street, Lawrence. Oas*.Chloroform or Ktber given

H. T. CLAY ha* now on band aNaw and Go id Anonment o

CHAMPION BOOTS for Farmer*. Alao other line, of Ooodi too nu- meroua to mention, at NO. Si-7 ESSEX STREET



A. H AWLEY & Co.,


A aubscriber wrote to the editor of a Newark paper to ask the meaning of the phrase mart omnibus eommtmu. The editor aald that it was a French sentence Intended to explain something about Morse's omnibus being of service to the community.

A witty son of St. Patrick was in charge of a ferry boat. A lady passen- ger being frightened by the waves, asked htm,'' Are people ever lost by this boat P " He gave her tbe encouraging reply, "Not often, ma'am; we generally find them after by dragging1 tbe river."

Definitions (not according to the dic- tionary).—Deputation: A noon of mul- titude which signifies many, but does not signify much. Marriage: Harness for a pair. Jftmct'ri-i: A man who plays when he works, and works when he plays. Water: A clean fluid once used aa a drink.

Squire; •■ Hobaon, they tell me you've taken your boy away from the National School; what's that for P " Villager l " Cause the master ain't fit to teaoh tin ! " Squire; "Oh, I've heard he la a very good master." Villager: *' Well, all I know Is, he wanted to teach my boy to spell' taters' with a p."

"How much a peck for potatoes P" asked a gentleman in market on Monday morning. The price suited him, and be was about to purchase, when a thought struck him. " Walt a moment, my good woman,"he said; "I tear these potatoes were picked on Sunday." " No, sir, they were not, but to tell tbo truth, they grow on Sunday."

The building committee of a church called upon a wealthy member of the congregation soliciting a subscription toward a new house of worship. The sum he subscribed disappointed them, and they told him so, at the same time Intimating that Mr. J— had given double the amount. "So he should," said the wily gentleman; " he goes to church twice as much as 1 do."

A flowery servant. Max Adeler says that Mrs. Smith was thns addressed by her new Chinese servant when he want- ed to know if he should bring up a pail of water: " Would the beauteous dove who broods like an angel of peace over this fair heaven ot domestic felicity, coo- ing soft notes to her affectionate mate, desire me to conduct the wooden vessel from the sublime subterranean apart- ment where It Is excluded from the glance of her soft eyes ? " Mrs. Smith thinks the Chinese much excel even the French In politeness.

There ia a story of one of the hangers- on at Washington who had been appoint- ed engineer, a business of which he had no knowledge. The day after his appoint-* ment a gentleman and two ladles had the curiosity to look at thu engine-room and its machinery, where they found the new office-holder on duty merely as naber, practical engineers doing the real duty of the so-called "assistant engineer."

" How many horse-power is your en- gine P"

" Horse-power. " replies greeny, with a look of mingle I pity and contempt; " don't you know the machine goes by Btesm P *

WiNTut Ci.oTiiiNi; In bis expert mints to determine the heat conducting power of linen, cotton, wool, and silk, Ulr Humphrey Davy found not only that these materials conduct beat In the order given above, linen being the best, bnt al- so tbat the tightness or looseness of weaving possessed an important Influence. It Is therefore evident that in the selec- tion of winter clothing, and especially of that to be worn next tbe skin, the mate- rials of least conducting power, as wool and silk, should be chosen, and tbe fab- rics should be loosely woven.

As regards the external garments the same rales apply with equal force, but In this case care should betaken tore* moye overcoats and shawls when In a, warm room; especially should this pre- caution be observed In ibe Instance of the firs worn by ladles. The habit of wearing these articles for hours In suc- cession while shopping and visiting, often so weakens the powers of resistance In the wearers lhat they become the ready victims ol Inflammations of tbe throat and lungs; to Itton an extent does this occur in New York that many of the most -killful physicians advise their patients to discontinue the use of furs, and the advice Is often followed with tbe most satisfactory results —Scribner't for November.

It Is the plan or tbe Swedish North Pole Expedition to winter on the north- ernmost isles of Spitsbergen, whence, by the aid of reindeer sledges, an Ice journey poleward will be attempted. The chief of the expedition Is accompa- nied by two physicians, s naturalist, an Italian naval officer, a first mate, two en- gineers, ten picked seamen, and four Lapps for attending the reindeer, from forty to fifty of which, with 3000 sacks of reindeer moss, and other necessaries for an arctic winter, have been trans- ported by steamer to the designated win- ter quarters. Also a bouts for the use of the party in winter while at the Seven Isle*.

IKlVrl.ANII, auooaaoa TO

w, v.imiiLi BDBOSOJI

DKNTlrlT sss Baa ax ST.,


sarwitroui Oalde Ch-sAdnalalstarad

arKcfcrencc—Paealty, fhlla. DenUI College Sew No. 38* E»««T St.. fold No. 141.


Has Removed TO HIS

NEW OFFICE, 358 Essex atreet* - - Lawrence.

Office olo.ed daring the month of Augu.t.


Bay State, Worcester, 1860, 3.18,667

let National, " 1868, 164,022 Gloucester, of Gloucester, 1870, 117,850

aarPolicies for all the above CompanU* written IN MT OrnCB.aad LO8BE8 ADJUSTED.

Tor Infonnatton, rat**, ete,, sail oa or address


388 Easex street, Lawrence.

Port Office Box 88.


1 DevouBblre, comer Bute St. Boston.




I Xestdeaoe, No. is Oak Btreet,


W. F. k J. S. GLLE,

Attorneys 8f CounseUor3~at-Law)

No. 239 Essex Street, LAWK Elf CI.



A Detroit womst with the rheumatism consulted a clalrvyant. who went Into a trance and wrote the following startling description of thscsse:

"I llnd your cast U one that baffles sclll. Tbedlses Is comtiycated; tbe spine Is mutch dlsesed; h.ve hurt It by a fall; tbe llvver la ulcerate!, cause you to raise a thick mewouBS.j Your bed sympetblses. You hav spels oj feeling dlxzy, and the scrofula In the blind, which bas destroyed the vitality, oaufes some tendency to drop*y;thetbros) la effected by Kstarr In the hed; youpan with proper treat- ment, be helped/ I boap this Is not to late to Henafltt f-ou; If you want treat- ment I will attefd to you at wonoe."

ALLT IMJURIODSP—The I says, ** We have said

Is SMOKING ] Christian Worl so much about lie evils of smoking, tbat Justice to the otmr side constrains us to record a case wBch we must say Is rather a stunner. In Ir. Samuel Tyler's splen- did memoirs ofjciilef Justice Taney It appears that tn judge was an awful smoker. He bfgsn to puff away early in life, and kepuon Industriously puffing to the end. Yulhehad one of those del- icate, nervous, cxcltahle organizations which are thought peculiarly susceptible to Injury from oV use of tobacco. When he was eighty siven years of age some one presented biui with a handsomely oarvtd walnut ligar box as an appropri- ate present, wjlcb he greatly enjoyed. While on his eftk bed he found hla great- est relief from'paln In smoking, lie died almost with ths cigar In his mouth; now we would say here Is a case for Brother Tras'k ami his anti-tobacco league. If auoh an organisation ean stand the poi- son for eighty year*, wouldn't. It be well to get up some new argument? We sub- mit the question la all gravity "

Alessandro D. Anfells.a noble Ro- man, andprofesaot of bathing, haa spent ten houra a day In the water, during ihe suinnitr for the last twenty-live years And yet be is not happy.

N'AIKLKHS t.itA.ES.—A private letter from an American gentleman In Edln< burgh says, "Within the ancient cemetery In th* island of Ions, and under the shad owofthe proud old cathedral, there Is a chain-bound Incloaure where nineteen American sailors Me burled In nameless gravel. They were lostaboutflve yesrs ago In the wreck of the Guy Msuuerlng, It Is lo be boped that a monument ol aome description will be erected over tbe remains of our countrymen, whose last resting place it so far distant from their native land. 1 am sure tbat tbe neeeaea- ry funds for tbe purpose could easily be raised In New York; and doubtless our consuls lo Edinburgh and Glasgow would be glad to attend to the matter."

That droll Mark Twain, preferring to take itis little tour in Europe to lecturing in tee United States, has cancelled all hla fall aad winter engagements, and Bret Harte is to fill the places thst M T. intended to.til.

At West Point, on the 17th of August, 1783, tbe great generals there present were weighed, and kicked the beam ss fotlowa: Washington, *» pounds; Lin rofu.JJl; KUOX, **>. Uuntliigion, iat; Gresion, 219.

Lit!/, tbe celebrated pianist, fell In love with a jeweler's daughter; a Prague journal thus describes the courtship:

One morning the jeweler comes to the point with Germtn frankness, said to Lisfa, How do you like my daughterf 'She.Is an angel!' ' What do you think of marriage?' 'I think so well Of It that I have the greatest possible Inclination to It.* 'What would you sav to a fortune of three million francs?' 'I would willing- ly accept It.' 'Well, we understand each other: my daughter pleasea you, you please my daughter; her fortune la ready —be my son-in-law.' 'With all my heart.' Tbe marriage waa oelebrated the follow- ing week."

Qaahties which are peculiar to and reromtwead the KM AH fIOWK(Im. proved Family) Hewing Machine:

— .■'--. 1, BeautTaDdeKcellcnee or Hitch alike on both ildea if the fabric—a. Strength,

lie nut v A durabllltv of aeam that will neither rip nor rav- el.— S Complete control over sotn thread*.—«. Aneatirelv oaw rotary tension for the upper thread, which contrlb ate* ao much to that beantv and uniformity of itllcb lor which iaa »Uow* H.chlati" t* *o celebrated.—I, A per- fect uniform ti-n.loa In the

.Fowr per *****>. .»<ere». allowed oa depo.it aooou ut*, Mbjeet to eheek, drawn a* on anj olty bank. Oot-of-towa depositor! win have their re- mittees aad collection* prompUy acknowledged

We do a Qeaeral Baaklag and Commli.lon bnelaeai, Negotiate Bonda, Stock*, Note, aad other Seearltlee. make oolleetlonilhronakontthe United State* aad Europe, Aa

DEALERS IN SECURITIES, we lavtte laqntrle* relating to laKtimente, aad give below the prloe* of a few of the meat desir- able Bonds j— B., C. B. k St., Milwaukee Kxteniloa,7*. at, Midland Pacltc.T., •* I/>gan.pH,Crawionl.vtll A Soothwe.tem, U, ft.

U. 8. Bonda and other marketable leearltl** allowed fall prloe In exchange. < tataepS


ooniuntlr cm hand.

New & Second Hand Furniture. The .ubacrlber. hare taken room, la Ordwaj

Block, S37 JTewem afreet, where they will Be- pair and Bay and Bell Second Head Fnrnltare aad honichold artlole*. All orders promptly attended to, and good* *old at aaetloa who" derired. BILL fc CO.

Lawrence, April IS, 18W. tl

' To ttieVfc. A HOTEL In Lawrence.Maio.. era-

trally located, containing about ST rooms, partially furnlataed; a never

^falling well of good water, and eoft water otitern, of nearly MOO gallon, capacity, in theoellar. The nxt.re. will be .old either wholly or In part, and a leaaa given of the hou.e to run from two to ten year*, a* the pnrcbeaer mar dc- elre. Por further particular*, apply to or add re.

f]e91 .lOHN rOPPLEWBLL, MerrlmaoHonse,

SSB fc SSI Common St.. Lawrence, MM*.

.buttle, which doe* not vary from empty bobbin—an objection .o common to other machines.—*. An automatic •elf-regulating take- op that prevent* mining of atltcbraln rro.alug heavy aeama,—7. Short, •treight and etroag nee- dle*, not liable to break ta pa.ilng over heavy ewama, ae da tkeeervad needle • or other maahlr— " yiner ne*dJr~ '" * for the e

kind of thread.—10. Economy of thread beyoni that Ol any other machine.—11. A liemmer that will make any width of Hem er Pell.—la. Braid Ing the met complicated patterna with aay width and kind of Hr.id.-lJ. A Qnllter that will adju.t lt.elf to any Uuekaee* of material.—It. Tacking • -—d-

A Qulller that of material.—1

nay fabric wlttaoat Injury or pucker.—14. A _ er so coaatraeted a* to eord eronad very short curve., even to square corner*.—IB. Sewing the (Inert fabric without Injury or pucker, and the heavle.t material" with the greaU.t ea*e.-IT. Coawaetnces, simplicity and durability.—18. Base of operation and management.—1°. Bait Machine In the world for Pamlly me. Call aad see tfceee Machine* work, with the Ktie

Imuirovtd Tv-*aH7* power, at HAUKH'H Af.a- ey. ISO fcVaaea aireet. Lawrence.

New, Fresh and Stylish



No. 275 Easex street, Lawrence

The Large.I Btoek la Xllez County ol



27o Essex Btreet, Lawrence, Mass

WANTED. A LIVE MAR to eanvesafbrMAClllNKB.-

Iaqelreet Ida BJseex atreet. Lawreaee,


People will go where th*y can obtain the beet value for their money. Long Advertisements, Laige Stores, Immense Stocks are all very well in their way, but the main thing is "the money's worth." Whenever the masses find out the best place to obtain THAT, it ie there

"They moat do congregate."

Dull times never trouble Leyland. He is always doing something.— What is the inference ? He gives every one their money's worth. Loti of Remnants, Calicos, Cotton Flan- nels, Repellents, etc., etc. Call and examine his revised list of prices in the Fancy Goods department. You will be astonished. Full value, fair dealing, one price to everybody.


381 Essex street, Lawrence.


SEINES Lock Stltoh,

Straight N.edlw, Shuttle,

Elegant in Style and Finish,

Simple in Construction.

Keystone Sewing Machine Co. J. C. BROCK, Agent,

(20 Tremont Street, Iioilon.


Arlington Range.


Parlor, Office and Cooking STOVES.

PlamblBK, Tin Uooflc,, aad all kind, of Jobblaf done prompt!*.

EL DORADO STOVE STORE, 11 Lawrence street, Lawrence.


Professor Piautamnur Is trying to frighten us again. On); a little while ago he prophesied that the world was to be burned up Imuuedlately; this not have* Ing come to pasa according to his ex- pectation, he la now attempting to prove that the sun's heat will gradually dimin- ish, and tbat about tb*> year 2011 we shall all be frozen to death. This calamity will not dlaturb many of us personally, but It mar be bard on the greatgrand- children of the rising generation, eipe- dally if about that time the supply of ooa should elve out.

When Miss Bruce, the daughter of the English Secretary of the Home-office, waa married-s few days ago, she was atten- ded by ten brldemaida, of whom nine were her staters! Poor Mr. Bruce I

An accurate, painstaking statistician In the New York World, In ae article on '•-Staxo Dressing," status tbat "Mi-a Agneaa Ethel, a hose wardrobe ID 'Agnes' lathe moat elaborate as yet exhibited by any one aetrese In one play In New York, paid for one dresa wori In her new piece tbe sum of 9'Wr2 Her drees In tbe first scene alone cost fleas " Her coilutnes were designed by Worth; It msy also be mentioned that In Mr. Daly's play of "Article 47" the dresses worn by the la- dles acting la the pteoe tost t7503.

Mr. Rogers, whose ata.uary In little lathe admiration of bis countrymen, la at work on a group larger than any of his former produolluos. It repreaenla Washington, Lafayette, sod Hamilton on tbe battle Held.

The family of J. A. G. Lee, of Owlngs- v Hie, Kentucky, bad a reunion a few weeks slnoe, at which ffJOOO were placed under the piste ot each of bis children present; as Mrs. NeeWtt, one of tbe daughters, gazed with grateful bewilder- ment upon her tbooaands, the observed, " If It Is more blessed lo give than to receive, pa, how do you feelf

Mr. BsnJsmtnD. Emerson, who died at bis residence near Boston a few days since, was widely known In connection will, (be aHtatxeile bearlog his naane; he left an estate of sjjso.dOO, most of which be hss devised for religious and educational purpose*; to Dartmouth col- lege he gives #10a,6vO; a coDaldershle sum Is left to establish a library la his native town.

Mr. Torres., It H said, proposes to abandon the stage and sppesr as s Hhakspesosan reader, the first experi- ment to be made ID November, In Bteln- way Hall.

There haa just appeared at Bsdsn s new musical phenomenon In'the person of Senurlta Sanjuan.a Spanish girl, thir- teen years old, whose pettonrtaaoea on tbe violin are said to he wonderful.

Boston and Maine Railroad

^py- Jr*ry* TII WSt SUMMER ARRANGEMENT. On aad after Monday, Jnly 1, urn. Train* will

leave the Depot* lo Lawrenea, a* follows:—

Por Bo.ton, (from South Depot) at 6.17,7.1*, I.4S, A. M., and 13.1S, LOS (exprea*,) 1.17, *M, a 47 (eapre.i,) 7.U P, M. ..lo P. M. Monday, Wednaidayand r'rlUay.

Por Portlai A. M., 1.11, _ _ Wedneaday and Friday,

Per Georgetown and l*cwbnryport.[fromSoaU. Hepotl.t N.« A. 11., 1 »!,«.!» fl P. U. 4.60 P.M. Monday, Wwdneeday ana Priiay.

Depot st 7.10 P. Train* leave Bostoa for Lawreaee et 7, 7-SB.

I SO, 10.11 A. at., 12.00 M., 11J0,1.16, I U, I and «P?M.

Lawreaee Julvl,


Theae Spectailel are manafuctur'-tl from "MI- NUTK CHfSTAL PKBRLKM" melted to- gether, sad are sailed VIAMONIt on account of their hardae*. nod biillianey.

It I. well known that apcotaalea eat from Bra- dllao or Sooteb pebble, are vary Injuries* to the cyr, beoau.e of their poli.rl.lng Unlit

per eenL lea. heated ray* than any other pebble. They are graaad with groat -•.•nUrto accuracy,

are free Irom ehromatlc aberration a, and proifare a brtghtaM* and dl«tlnctne*a of vl.lun not before ewUdwee>fjta»aeta«te*.

Manufactured by the Spencer Optical Manufacturing Co.,

NEW YORK. For Balg by Beapomlble Agents throughout

the Union. vmiTPOBD * HICK

Jewelers aad Optician*, are Bole Agent* Tor Law- re noe, Maaa,, from whom they can only be obtain-

No Peddler, employed.

aad ■ purl out article lor tbe " Diamond." Oreat c.re .hould be taken to eee that the tr.de mark •V (whleal* proueti'd by American Letter* Pa- tent! I* ttamoed on every pair. lyl Jmyll

Lamp, t Lamps! Lamps!



Table Lamps, Herman Study Lamps,

Ha ml Lamps, Safety Fluid Lamps and Lanterns,

Paper ami Porcelain Shades, Burners, Chimneys, Wicks, 4c,

for .*le at Wholesale and Retail by


SA« VVa.hliiKtww * B Harvard St.,


For Sale at €Jomt !■ I offer the balance of my .lock of W ATCH-

KS, Js.wai.mT, ML van WAS*, a*. at COST, la order to eloaa oat tbe lame before leaving tbe etfy. Aa opportunity Is here offered to purchaser* te bay at MXOMMVIJfOtT LOW

''","* T1IOS. H. < LAPP,

309 ESHJG* street, nHOOll LAWHKNCK.



m by supplying the Wood wiiB Ihmfi Own VmLtiwo AOXST—ntO*.

JefMaaj Permian Syrvrp, yaavblelsfree. J. P. JJEHSKORK, iTopiktot.

No. 88Dey BL. New York. *^~- Bold bj uruiHw-la sawrnlly.

Every Man bis own Physician I


HOLLOWAY'S OlHTMBrTT G.e« Stwraacg to lac HoHy, CUarmii to the

Brain, enact • BrIUUnt Compitxton, HOLLOWAY'S PILLS eon tl* I of aeare

peculiar admixture of the Dneet Ytgttai irwet*, SWewaVaSM ifetHetaa. Game. Po.er..ing not a grain of mineral la their combination, they never eapoie tboae who u.e them to aav danger, at anytime or eeaeon. No mother need he.lt ate to proaorlbe them to her ef'" delicate oon.tltntlon oan u beneSt a* the moot vlgorooi

Holloway's Ointment

of the greedily a* water 1. taken up In a .pong. Womtifmlco*meH</uf for the akin, and tben.aol a (malt quantity applied to tbe laoo at night, will Impart a elear and

rKARL-LIKK COMPLEXlOifl equalled only by tbat of tbe Infant.

Htjllvway'.i Pillt and Ointment Care tbe following dl.ta*c.:

lepua, Laailtade, Peter and Agae, Skin -Heeaaee, Pimple*, Ring Worm., Pile, and Pletala, Bllioa* Perer, Bwelllaia, Bore Tbro.U, yuln.ey, Worma, Dwelling or ih<: Joint*, Hnrofuls. Liver Complaint., Wound., eWre*, Aura* aad Soald*. Salt Hneum,Gravel,

and all dl.ordera of tbe Liver, Stomach, Kidney*, NEW VOIiK CHEMICAL COMPANY.

78 Maiden Lane, New York. llolloway'. fill, and Ulntment are sold at SS

oent*. st l-3 oente, and 11 per box or pot. A great aavlng I* made by buying the large die.. ( ''iiitinti t The word M llolloway M appear* In OaUtlOn . , w.ter mark In the little oemplilei .nrroundlng eaeli boa of Pill* or pot of Ointment, Thl. ■aearae the genalae, lgeteel 11. M. w HI TN BY fc CO. Agent, for Lawreaee.




lee 4 H K O Alt WAX X,

Near Boston 4 Maine and Eastern Depot,



PAINTERS, 5*9 Essex Ftreet, (Ordway Block,)

LAWRKilCX. Warner Bel lay. VagD Albert Andrew..

B. 8. HICKOK. Plane-forte mid Cabinet Orariin


Bwawsawawal "■'• TTTT!; ■■: Yerfc. Broohlva, aad vlolnlty, has

- located In HBTBVRN, where he hold* hlavsalr Ul reailiaea. to attend to all call. for Tnalag aad Baa. ailing the abovw laetraaeato inth*be»fmanaer.

Order* left at DYXB A CO'S Mualc Store, Lawrence, Or at Pott Office Boa M0.S, M STH c a a, will be srotopUy attended to. -|*14



"la Tim* of 1'e.ce Prepare for War."

For .ale br f IJ,II


No. 989 Eawx Street, Lawrence.


ncm A BUadard Preparation, Indoraed by Ihe m

rellabla Phy.ldaa., and It* a.toolihing earatlvt powers attawted by thoaaaads who have aead It.

It I* a *are, quick remedy for al" "' Urinary Organ* exiiUnglav-' tatlon or Inlammatlon of K: Gravel, Dlabetei, Beddleri e Thick, Cloudy Urlae, Muctm. ami Involanmry Dlicbarge* from Urethra, Batentlon ar laeoaU-

Urlae, Chronic Catarrh of Bladder, a: "

ISTe-w Furniture, New Stare*

Mew Wood•,

New Styles,

Law Pr I •£#».


.formerly with Haley, Horae A OS.,)

213 and 21fi Tremont St., Boston.

Oppoalte Lagrange Street, above Boylitoa.

feand la New Kngltsd. Oar ttoek la lal, mo.

_J price.; al.o Drape: Shade*, Swlae and Nottlaghtm Lao** at radi

to ordtr, of the belt matrrl, workmaa.hlp, ImtrM itwtei am will be *old at la—tit price.

Hflri and rrfro fl

Weil's Clothing Store, 188 Ewsiex St. 188

Baxt lo Clarke's Apothecary Store.


Clothing and Furnishing Goods



Lower than the Lowest, AS GOOD AS THE BEST


FOR WINTER, Overeoate, Thick Pants, Veolo, Drees Coat*,

Hats, Cap*,Glove*,Mitten*, Boy*'Clothing, Ac. FOR BUMMER.

Thla Clothing, Btraw Hate, *«, FOB ALL SEASONS.

Purat.hlng Good*, Trust*, Yaltiei, Carpet Bag*, Umbrellas, to.

WBJ1L Is al way Mouml, and will Sail W«» TPf •a the Skrtwre.

aa scan Af D

GALL IIW.TIV, VIRUT aarosx rtraoBAauio.

Por particular., *ee .mall bills. GALL EARLY, CALL OFTEN.

We have Jail taken tbe Ageaey tor the

Original Howe Sewing Machine,

Bunting Flags, Printed Flags,

Big Flags. Little Flags,

at DYER'S.


To the Public of Lawreppe.

The anderelfaed have the boaor ol Informing their friend, aad the public generally, tbst thry have taken chamber* In

San act cm Hew Block, Kasei street,

Air the purpose of carrylng on the u*lae*. ot MMKCHANT TAILOHB, where the seet Cloths, Cashmere*, Veetiags, Ac, will he always oa hand, aad every attention gtven te the Lateet Style* Of Cuitnm Made Clothing, undrr tbe Im- mediate .upervl.loti of JOSEPH r I.OOD, late Of the Arm of Savage fc Flood.

Ton are reapeclfully Invited to give ■* a call.



Chambers, 1,2 & 8 Sannders New Block.

IP YOO wilt TO

HANG OUT YOUR BANNER, go lo DTarm'B aad get 11,

i& he ^S-aiprencc ^Cmerican UtD


Published Friday Mornings by

GEO. S, MERRILL & CO., Proprietors,

POST Owes !'.;n *„

Corner of Kssnx and Applet im Strseta


o circulation of tha Ltwrcnce Amorl- iiu is the inmost or any paper in the

County, and morn than FOUR TIKES that of inj other

Weekly Paper pub! la hod In thU oity.

-llateaol Advertising s«nt upon application.

Wis 3>oilg TWmerican,


IVIES KVKNIHG (luliT M**pt*4.)

la tea largos* Daily la tha atty, aa4 bas fter Mate ■ tha eiroalnUoa of any ether.


OMTw,. - «fl 00 |Hlx Month* ■ - aa When not paid la advaaoc, M.



STEAM PRINTING OPPICB la the largest ud moat thoroaijbly rnmlahad la •alter* Massaohasett*. Haying the moat improve ■»odcrar*resses,and with constaBt additions af tb

Bid wit I. aar extensive variety of war It, wa it a bit tofemlsh tha Beit Qaallty of W*rk,*npedl tloaily, sad at low prleai, Ordera fry >i promptly Sited.


Il 1



i ineglta Th* uader «lgned respectfully represent that a i Krtlon of the old raid leading fr m thelntersec-

in of Foster aad Union BtreeU, In the oity o( Lawreaoe, luaeouth-eeiterly direction to North Aadover, bee, in conaeqienr* or tha laying oat and conitruntlon of many new streets lo Ita fm- medlste vicinity by the Itssex Company, become unneceai.-u-y for the convenience of tha public; and that Ita local Ion, crossing dlaf onally a num- ber or naw itreeti laid oat lo conformity with the

feni'ml plaB of (hat part of the oity. seriously ■fall*, Instead or nnliauolng, the value of tha

Undi BOW bordering upon K. Tbey, therefore, pray your Uoiiontj o Board to discontinue 10 much of the aald road a* liei batweea Union Street and Oagond Street, a dlitanoa of about fourteen hundred feet.

Thty rarthar rcpreecnl that they are the ownera of all the land on both aide* of the said road, not OBly for the whole length of the portion of which they ait the discontinuance, bit foraconatder- ublu dliteuce beyond tha aaina.

K38B.X COMPANY. by UBaa. H HTORHOW, Trrnlimr,

lli-ir* lit MUSKS KOSIKK, by Musts KoernK, Attorney.

Lawr*Bor, October ist.lbv*.

t-ommtnuitnUh of UauachuiHtt. JftMBX, aa. Court or County Commlaalonera,

October tana, A. U. leW. On tha petition aforesaid, ordered, that aald

Eetltloaera KIV« notice to all persons and corpora- ons Interested therein, tint Raid Go m ml Ml on era

will meet at tha Boston and Maine Kallroad De- pot, la Houth Lawrence,In aald county, on NUN- DAY. the ninth day of December next, at a IS o'eloek P. M., by publishing an atteited oopy ot aald petittoa, and of this order thereon. In tbe La wren to Anenoan and Andover Advertiser, a newspaper printed In Lawn-nee, three weeki auo- oosslvely, toe laat publication to be fourteen dayi at laaat before tha laid ninth day of December ; tad alio by errvlng. the City Clerk of Lawrence With au attested eooy of aald petition and thli Order, thirty days at trial, and by poeUng up an ttteited eopy thereof In two public piecei In aald city fourteen days at leaat before the laid ninti day of December, at which time and place aald Com ml i tinner* will proceed to view the preml- eae, and take auob order In relation to tbe prayer 01 laid petition aa by law tbey nay be authorised to do. A.A. AUBd'l'f, Clerk,

A true copy of petition and order thereon. AUeit, A. A. AilllOTI, Clerk

A true eopy—Attest,


MACHINISTS, (Bnooeiiori to Webster Dustin ft Co.)

Man ufa v.tor" of

Cotton & Woolen Machinery AWD

MACHINE WOKK GENERALLY. Pal ley i, G caring Bad Shafting, Jaok Sorews.

(JKNKRAL JOB WORK and Mill rcpalri done promptly and faithfully.

Dealers In Manufacturer•' 8applies.

Foster's Building, Corner of Frank-

lin *nA Methufin Street*

"""i Liwinci.

Estate Benjamin W. Kinca. NoUee la hereby |tT(B that tbe anbscriber baa

been duly appolnten tdmlnlstratrlK of the eatata or Bei.jamln W, Rlnea, late of Lawrence,In t be county of Kaiex, operBtlve, dnoeissd, and baa taken upon herself that trust by Kl'lof bonds, as the law dlreeta. All persons havliipt demands upon the estate of said dereased are reqalred to exhibit lbs anme; and all per- iod Indebted U> aald ritate are called upon to ■tike payment to ' At ARY A. HINKH.

Lawrence,Oct. 13, Iffri, olH* Administratrix.

Commonwealth of IfaMac&uittta, .

■satX.tB. PROBATE COURT. To the helis at law, next of kin, and all other per-

•ODi Interested In the en ate of J1HM DM- 8Y,late of Lawrence, In aald oonnty, iner- ehant, deooaaeJ, Kraetlna:

Wbereaa, oertala tnitraments, purportlnx to he tho last will and testament and two codicilsol aald deceased, bare been prraented to said Court, for piobate, by Timothy Deasy, wbo pra>s that tetters taitamrntary miy be leaned to him, the exeoator therein named,

Yon are hereby cited to appear ata Probate Court to be balden at Lawrence, In aald county ol Hsssx,on the Second Tuesday of November n St nine o'clock In tbe forenoon, to ibow cam any jou have, analnit the same,

A*d said petitioner la hereby directed to Rlre public notice thereof, bypubllshma this citation anas a weak, for throe saeoessUe weeks, In the Sewspaper called the Lawrence American And An-

over Advertiser, printed at Lawrence, the la»t publication to bo two days, at least, before aald

wlt'noii, Qeoraa r.Ohoste, Xsqulre, Judge of ■ .Id Court, this fourth day of October, In tbe year one thousand eight hundred and icyenty- two. ooll A, 0. QOODELL, Raaiater.

LrVWRKNCE Steam Dye House,

141 I.nwrexcc St., Rear Bride P.

Silks, Thlbotaj, Alpacas * all other Dress Goods, Shawls, Sacquea,

Ac, Olaansed or Dyed.

Also, Ctrpets Cleansed In a Superior Manner.

(•eDtlenen's Clothes Clnnnard or Dyed without rippinr, to alre esttre


Harlnf all the lateat Improved machinery, and keeping none bat the bast Dysrs, ws oan do onr work equal to the best In tbs country, and hope to be favored with a itlal,

LawasacB, Out. 10,1S73. Tbls li to certify that I bars had work done In

the moil sstlsfactory manner by Jomr T. Tnaxa ft Co. Can reoommend said Company to all those requiring anything In tbslr Hue, for reason ableness of shar|ss, - - and quality of work.

LawaaacB, Oot. it, UT3. Mxssxa.TnBKs:—

I have great pleaiurs In lestllylai to the exoellenee of your Dyslnt and Cleaning Old Clothes. I bad no Idea that such perfection WH poialble. Yonn. truly,

JOHN KDWAKDB, Iosaranee Agtat.

LAwaaitca, Oct. II, 1171'. HKsaits J.T. TnaasaOo.:

Dtar Sirs.—The olothi and gsrmenti placed In your bands by us, far oleansinir and coloring, have been returned, si " jrood oi nt».n We art especially pleased wltb tlis ual/ornaffy or your color In t and sxoellency of Hniib.and shall take plesaure In commending your work ti others.

Rcspeotmily, 7. W. BOWKBR,

llKNiita. THKXB:— I tako pleasure In testifying to the exeallence

of yonr Dyeing and Cleansing ladles' Dreasei and shawl?; also, the superior manner la which Coals, Pants and Vails have been rs&nlsbed at your establishment.

Yonr a, truly, B. r. BNELL.

Lawtenoe.Oot. 17,117*.

taiifii rl. F. NM:I,L, 313 Exaex ntrrrt, Mrs. D1CKNELL, 1»3 KBBCX Btreel. Kin, WIGOIN, Broadway, South Bide. L. O. KORRIB, HethueB. JOHN BKUWN, North Andover, JOEL HARNEB, Prye Vlllnffe. loolB


"® he American* FALL U'umm AND WARM BLOOD.

We should never allow ourselvea to

forget UiHt milurc Intended ua for warm-

blooded animals. In this climate of sur-

prising cbscgea, we lire very apt to for-

get it, especially in the fall and spring.

At iuch seasons, when we freeze and

"immer on alternate dsyt, there is en-

gendered In us a certain recklessness,

which takes rio heed of oold or heat,

dampness or dryness, and receives all

temperatures with the same front, gen-

erally a defenseless one. It is certainty

very troublesome to change front as

often as the weather, and there It a

prejudice in American minds against

such change, which has a great deal to

do with the rapidly Increasing popula-

tion of our graveyards. People like to

have some stability or purpose, and if

they oan have It in nothing elae they will

try to have It In their dress. They will

not make a change until they make a

permanent one Tor the season. No mat-

ter how hot it is In the spring, they will

wear spring clothes until summer, and

no matter how coo] It may be in August,

summer clothes must be worn until fall

shall actually set In. Thus oftlmes sud-

denly and with sad results we find our-

selves approaching the condition of the

fishes and lizards,—for the chill, that

alert forerunner of disease, is over ready

in oar climate, to take advantage of*cir-


We suppose that there are no people

in the world so indifferent to the de-

mands of the weather—especially cool

weather—as Americans, and one reason

of this is that very many of ua are

ashamed to keep warm. To wrap up

and button up, and to pat down windows

whenever there Is a chilling change la-

the air, argues, to most minds, a namby-

pamby eagerness to be well that Is re-

pugnant to the hardy American soul.

So, rather than be laughed at, we shiver.

We prefer tragedy to comedy, the grave

to the ridiculous.—Home and Society,

Bcribner's for Sovember,

FALL FIRE*.— The necessity 61 kfi- lujC warm naturally >ucgrttB tins; ai.d

why cannot we have then earlier In the fall!1 What 1« iliere about a tlis- ih»( we

should shrink fiuiu It unlit its warmth

becomes a neceiuli) ? Ce>! of fuel hat

much to do wjth tbe late advent ol warm heanhstonei, but there are other luxuries

which do not frighten us tnat are much

more costly and not nearly so well worth

the money that la paid tor them.

Apart from Its' heeUaTnlneas, of which

to much oonld be said that we wlH say nothing, a (Ire in the fall Is a luxury

Not only because in tbe mornings arid eventuys It softens the la-door air, as tbs awa nofwrne tb* air otre-nMtHtrs at noon,

but because It tu/y,ests the Joy i ol win-

ter at a time when Us hardships are not

yet known; It jtlvet us the rote without tbe thorn; end If we are so conditioned

at to be able to command a wood fire—

neyer so suitable as In the mildly cold

days of October and November—bow can

we reconcile It to our consciences to deny

it to ourselves* Let at then bring

"Old wood to hum 1 Ay, brlag lbs bill-side beech From where the owlets meat and aaraaeb.

And rsvsaaeroak; The crackling ploa and esdsr sweet; Bring, too, B fllnmp of fragrant P**<i

Dcg'aselb tbe fsrn; The knotted oak,

A fafot loo, perhaps, Whose bright nans, dancing, winking Sbal] light as to oar drinking,

While tbe ooxlag asp Shall make sweat masls to oar thinking."

And even If m have to omit the peat, and though tea shall All our drloklng-

cup—let us have the tire.—JTotae and~So-

citfj. in ScrittKtr'tfor Novtmbtt.

*A VINOS AND 1 ilium*.—Ono year ago

the whole country was In agitation orer

the "great Chicago flre{^**en now Ita

details are fresh in eiaas/ mind. The

rapidity of ita restor-

oredible. Commercial!

city Is rebuilt already-

first twelvemonth. Thi

dieatlve of the elasticil

Western men, are

ful, also, as showing

sympathetic help which

tendered from men, wi

dreo all over the w>cl<

have been expressod

Peslrable Real Esta.tr for Sale tn Salem, N.U. A aood Farm and an excellent Granite Quarry.


N. 11,, near the uepotof tbe Menobelter A Law- rence Railroad. The Farm contains about alxty aorss of food land mltably dlvtuid Into tillage, puiurs.orohsrd and wood ls>nd. The MlftwfS consist of anood two-atory huun wltb aa L, re- c-ntly built, of the best material, and In a thor- ough manner, wltn modern appliances for onve- ■Fence: a barn MiM feet; and a cottage home In good repair. Alao buildings suitable for tbe - ying easiness, iuch aa blacksmith shop,

I abeds, etc., all In good repair. Upon the premise! la an exoelirBt


Upon — , Hnnltt (laarry which has been itrj success- fully worked for more than twenty years by tbs ate Eliphalet Uage, deaeased. Here la a eom-

nletely developed quarry with an endless supply stalf d luprrlor tirs Hstsrhur, L

loped quarry lisV"-

ree-fourlhs of a mile li'iMiinL end a good road.

.31list always H a ready aale I'd Havernlir, Lawrence, and in all places where fraulte Is used, or at tbe Depot,

hree-fourtbs of a mile distant, an The dlstancs to Lawrsnee Is six ml llnverhill eight. For rsrerenoo as touuamyvi

ranlte.ieo ••oroBlK/ronls" ol titles ol Haver- Ill, Lawrsnee, and way other placoi In thla vl- ,|lv, This offtra to a man of eutetprise a rare anco to maks money. A good Farm, wllh good

illdinga thereon, and a aajfe and profliabl" bual ncsi upon the premnrs. For fnrtber informa- UoB.iaquire of the subicrlber. oa the premises, or of JOHN F.TENNKr,MelhaeB,Mass.,oroi IgAAOTHOM.nsarHalemDapot. _.__ J TUKOIiOaUA OAQE

Balcm, Bapt. w, 1171, tail*



Director's Ofllce, 27 Court street, Boston.


AUSU over - - - »6,000,00p,00

' 4»J tie iw^tt n«.'<« W Policy BoUtr:

Tha low rates and large dlvldende of tbia old Company, toaether with excellent anaaaiement. fair deallna and promptness In tbe adjustment ol StasTsKu tff. best Sustf in Haw Bashiad to Insure In, especially for Kndowmsnl Policies.

8- K, LAWRENCB, Agent for Lawrenee, HaTerhiU, Andover, and

BT10 Hstbnea. Office, 373 Essex Street, Lawrence


THE ANTHEM (HFKKlMi. ByD,F.HoDOKS,Gao,W.ro8TsafcJ.B.Taaaxr

HaO BwOSI 0/ KSriltKl.Y SKtT Anthrmi, Stiitcncei, itotttl, CAriHti. tie.

A complete collection for oramao and n.oaiao PUBLIC WultaHie. ThsHuilolsofthatpraeUcal character and pleasing simplicity, so popular In our Protestant Churobee. We believe twy pops of the AHTUKK OrrxniNO con be saap, and will be admired by nins-tsniai of oar Choirs through out the country. .....

Tbe AXTHXH OrrxRiaa will ba found a first class book lor Schools and xocfetiea.

Any oborlster or teacher, who will send his ad- dress to the publishers before Nov. IS. IBT1, ihall be entitled to a single copy, tor exaulnaUon, "•* ■uoh terms as cannot fall to give satisfaction.

Price Sio per dos. Single eoplea fl. tsrtoelSxb LEE h 8HKFARD, Publlabars, Boarov,


Tuner for the iritis-on At ninmlin


(formerly with Taylork Farley, Worcester.) will attend to ail ordera for Tuning, Void ng or Re-

CABINET ORGANS In Lawrence and vicinity.

Having had experience in two of the largest Factories In tbe couutrj.he Is eaabler* *- rant ail work that passes through bis in

P, n. address and realdence, KM I 1.1 wvor- lilll Street, LawraBoe, Mass, leapt


We have «J»lved aa Hivolfls flf CHAPMA" en McMKII.L'H relebrated JCxtruotsi and Eoaenoesr- Ib.alajs.—toamaUniofienKHt, ranUUi, Atrowfcfrry, IHnt Applt. Harpbtrrt, Qingtr, Caiiia, Chtektrbtrrf, SMtafrM, etc., to which we aik tbo attention of the trade.

Theie goodi are wairantiid toalvaperfcet satis- faction, and are seed In some ol the best hotels la Boston and tha vicinity,

EASTMAN A BUELL. Lasrreuoe, Sept. SO". 1171, lim

rtsjeJkllCK A CLOnwOll, Auctioneers, Real Estate AgenU and Appraisers,

No. Ml Essex st., Lawrence, Always ready to give their F"*»"l*.ar*lM aed

eerloBs attention to selllna B"*1 ™? Pojaonal Kataw at auction or otherwise, obtaining Honey and letting tbe same at fair rales lor allooneorn. ed negotiating Mortgages and looking ap Tttlss. Renting property and BollaetiBg Reeta, aw. Mo ■atm^&XSaw Basmtftf unless tbe same bo per- TIUS oaiied of properly unless tbs .am. b. p.r- feot^ wSmf invested but upon the moat .a- ZSLad1 aeonrifV. AU business Intrastad to ui SfflTuJSa o promptly, and .11 will be hon- fHLJIylSR Zr.t VSZTEUZMM aaeaatheone ^.s.v;'^^—-''"" the Rial Estate


troversy of prayer Is oontinued in the Oc-

tober number of the Contemporary Re- view, by Its orltrlnator, by Professor Tyn-

dall, and by Dr. at'Cosh, the last of

bom it hardly as logical as he la senti- mental. Professor Tyndall it studiously moderate and courteous. Here It the

gist of bis argument:—"I would simply

atk any Intelligent person to look Lite

problem honestly und steadily In tbe face, and then to say whether in the esti-

mation of the great body of those wbo sincerely retort to It, prayer does not, at all events upon special occasions, In-

voke a power which checks and augments

the descent of rain, which changes the

lores and direction of wind*, which affects

tbe growth of corn, and tho health of men and cattle—a power, In short, which

when appealed to under pressing olrnum-

atanoee, produces the precise effects

caused by physical energy In the ordi-

nary course of things. To any person

who deals sincerely with the subject,

and refutes to 'blur bla moral vision by

'Intellectual subtleties, this, I think, will

appear a true statement of the case. It

Is under this aspect alone that the scien-

tific student, so far as I represent him,

hat any wish to meddle with prayer.

Forced upon his attention as a form of

physical energy, or as the equivalent of

such energy, he claims the right of sub-

jecting it lo those methods of examina-

tion from which all onr present knowl-

edge of the physical universe la derived.

And If hla researches lead him to a con-

clusion adverse to its claims—If bis In-

quiries rivlt him still closer to the philos-

ophy enfolded In tbe words, "He maketb

His sun to shine on the evil and on the

good, and sendeth rain on the just and

unjust"—he contends only for the dis-

placement of prayer, not for its extinc-

tion. He simply says, physical nature

is not the legitimate domain.

WHAT A Don KNOWS.— We know of

no more singular canine sagacity, tayt tbe Hartford Times, than one which wet

related to ut a day or two since. The gentleman who owned tbe dog lived, at

tbs time the occurrence happened, in Sonthlngton It was a good while ago.

Hlsdoa:. a lox-hound. was bitten In tho

nose by a red sdder; tbls Is a snake

whote venomous quality l« only Inferior

to that of the rattlesnake. It will always

kill a man. The dog, though bitten, continued to

assail the snake, and succeeded In killing

It; to tbe surprise ot M* owner who had

witnessed tbe combat, tbe -dog then

turned an! fled at his best speed lor home, the home being two miles distant; tbe

people at the house saw him come rush-

ing up tbe road and plunge Into the open

cellar-way. There they found him energetically

pawing up tbe moist earth of the cellar

bottom, and Into the hole thua made he

stuck his note, and then holding It there,

be pawed more dirt around bit bead, so at to bury hit lace and head out of sight.

Tbey could oot call or coax him away,

and there he stayed—so far as the family were observers of Mm— (or two days,

and his bead and face burled lo the moist

ground In the cellar. Then he asms

forth, all well. How did that dog know that that sin

gular treatment would save him y

ed with so much rnpWlty; bat Chicago

people seem wholly sat&rled. It has

been frequently stated In the journals of

that oity that tor solidity aid Beauty there

never were before any balldings In Chi-

cago or la the West to esmpare with

those which are now being orectetl; that

not even can X. w York, Boston, or

Philadelphia exhibit so excellent an av-

erage la the principal atreef. However

that may be, the Chicago ft*( gives the

following statements, whlohjare certain

ly of great and general Interest:

"The burned oity Is more than half rebuilt. The capacity of tie new bual ness blocks is greater than the capacity of those that were burned. The charac- ter or the new buildings Is vastly superi- or In every respect to that ol tbe old. Onr population has Increased twenty- five per cent, in the year. Toe number of business men in tbe city Is eonsidsrably greater than the number here one year ago to-day. Onr wholesale merchants are occupy ing much more room, and do- ing nearly twloe as much business as they did before the fire. Real estate has risen fifteen to twenty per cent "

7&he "IWmericcm. LiWBENCS. FRIDAY. NOV. », 11

LI." l..-^lr>^l 1JL III, .UJH UU , 1. JL 1

^tftkig ^TteiP. ^Breuatte.


A goatrel eynrVrtaes o'.Kws is In sssdon ha Berlis. The ralrgatrs or Houmsola have laid biftars it tbs condition 01 tbslr steels fa tbo prlodpaHtio*. Tbey proposs to petition the Ronrtiaolai Chamber for full civil and political privilMM, ana stale that the proposition of am- igrsdag m m<uw to Ansrlc-a hat bssa shas- aVtnad. _.

The pablle debt statement jait limed shows a redaction af 93.323,417 ths.patl month. Tbo reduction (a September was lea million*, bst there have been very heavy payments sad draft* tbs past month. Tho coin btlsees Is •78,178,113; currecej balance. •113*3,187. rbe cots certificates amount to »83,3OT«000.

Henry Howard Browoell, tbe Poet, died at bis residence In I'a»i Hattford, Conn., on Wtdrtetday last, from ihs effeou or a cancer. He was a man or rare a bill lias, and a trns poet. Dr. Holmes ebtraeierutsd hist "tbs laureate of the war."

A runaway bone ran over two young ladies ID Woonaorhet. R. I., on Friday evening, slim Haggle Pahsy sad Mfat Mary ABB Loyt, fatally inj nrlng the former.

A rumor Is current that the Western Union relegrnpb compasy baa applied t»r aa lajass- tfoa restraining tbs working of all opposition Unas In tbs nailed States.

Reports from varioai places state that tbs crisis la tbs boras tit sense has ptaotd, sod that lbs animals |aaarallv thorn ilgns ol recovery.

Bsnalor Patterson, In a speech at Lancaster,


As ons wbo leavss B prl.on sell, Aad looka.wlib glad though denied eye. Ones more oa Wend and Bald aad iky,

And feels again Its qnlekaalng spall

Of Natar* thrill ihiough every vela; I leave my farmer s«4f babied. And, free oase moreta heart aad mind,

Hhskeoffthsold, ojrrodlng chain.

Free from my Pset,-a jailer dread— And with tha prssent eiaaplag heads, Beneath fair skies, Ihroagh auany mads,

Which memory's ihosts nt'tr haunt, 1 tread.

The palm and griefs of other dayt If ay, shadow-lite, purses me yet; Bat toward the m my fsae Is set,

Bla golden light ea all my way*. —S. S. Coeaat, la Barpsr'a Magaslae lor Movrm-

The Vail Mall Qazttie says truly that

one of the many errors which people wbo

build bouses are apt to commit is that ol

living in them or, rather, dying in them,

before they are sufficiently dry for occu-

pation. It not onfrequenUy happens

that a man, disgusted with tbe defective

sanitary arrangements of the generality

of houses, ancient and modern, ballds a

dwelling lor himself and his famly,

constructed with all the latest Improve-

ments ; and, In his extreme anxiety to

commence a career of longevity, rushes

into it almost before tbe workmen sre

out of it, and while the walls are still

saturated with moisture. The oiinse-

quences are as might have been expect-

ed : lo addition to the architect's charg-

es, tbe rash owner la called upon to pay,

wltbln the first few months, a farther bill

to the doctor, and loo often to the under-

taker also. A house-agent not long ago hstlssa; nahsKt ™hr »*>• K—*• «sr—*7 *>■■*- ness was so commonly combined with

that of the undertaker, grimly replied

that tbe two " went togeUifT j ■ and on

being asked tor a further explanation,

stated that ha had found, Is an almost

Invariable, that when, as a house-agent,

he found a tenant for a newly-built house,

he was applied to as an sndertaker on

bebslf of that tenant or,some member

of his family within a tweiremonth from

tbe date of occupation. He added that

be himself (the honse-i ;ent) would be

sorry to live In any boas " that had not

been baked by six unmer suns.r

Whether tbls amount of baking Is abso-

lutely reqalred Is a que ion lor doctors

and architects to decld ; bat there can

be no doubt whatever this a want of

caution in this respect li ids occasionally

to the most lamentable jnseqnonoes.

Tho Infantry Parade.

Tbe morning opened rather gloomy for

the annual lestivltle* of the Light Infan- try. bnC about nine o'clock tbe clouds broke away, the rain cease 1 lalllnz. and

tbe members and friends of tbe company prepared to attend the parade and target

practice. It was nearly an hour past tbe

appointed time, however, before the

line was formed. The company, with Capt. Peaey lo command, and headed by

the Lawrenee Cornet Band, marcbed to

the City Hall, where they received their honorary guests, nnder command of Col.

Beat, and st onoo proceeded to the target 1H.1U, ~ as saw m

The target of the honorary members

was first placed In position, and the

practice commenced, Messrs. Coloord

and Doland having been selected as a

committee to record the result upon the

board. Aa soon as all present had test-

ed their skill the target was removed,

when It was ascertained that Col. Heal

bad made the best three average shots,

thus entitling him to the first prise.

That gentleman looked very serene over

bis success, bat soon his face became

clouded, as he beheld two or three tardy

honoraries approaching, among whom

was Cnpt. Decker, of the cadets. The

target waa again erected, and the gal-

lant captain took his position, plumping

three thou directly Into the board, the

last one taking the centre of tha bull's

eye. The Colonel took the matter pleas-

antly, remarking that he had several

silver pitchers at home, won In simitar

N H., on Tbartdar svsetst, emphatically de- | manner, and be was willing the Captain should have tbls one. The active mem*

bars next began their practice, exhibit-

ing some \9TJ good marksmanahlp.

Upon examining both targets It.was

found the following results had been


Died tbo credit mobllisr slanders.

There It BO abatement of tbt floods la Italy; the rivsr Po l« filled wltb tbo caresses oi ani- mals aad lbs wrecks ol bosses.

Tbe Gorman Giverameot declare* that no special effort have bean made to prevent emi- gration to tha United Stales.

Tbo Governor has appointed tho 'J8.h lor a dsy oi thanksgiving sad praytr.

Oold 113.


Woodhall and CleQiu.tba two tbaaalaSt woman who, la their PBPK, recently mads some abtard charges against lbs morality of Henry Ward Beechar and Mrs. Theodora Tll- ton, were arrsiied on Sitorday, on achargnaf circulating obscene literature, and commlittd In default of MOW bail-

Dates from lha Booth African d'amood daldi of u.io'jtr '• IB/ that a report of the discovery of precluus stoats la Arlxoaabad reached ins Holds and caasad some excitement; there It a dtxtrssiUg affect upon the diamond market. Gold hi a hem ditoovsred.

Tbs status of SirWai-e- BOM., presented to tho Oeniral Park la New York by tbs Bsottlsb reakunts Qi that citf, was dedicated Saturday

A SnlemHii Farm for Sale. Consisting of 100 acres, well divided. Cats SO

lens bay, heaps 10 head of oatUB. Apples, pears, butternuts, shagbarka, grapes, S arrant*,«"•(»* ■ore of strawberries, yielding riohlnsom». Mow cottage bonse, * large betas. BltDSted S mllei (romlisnchesUr.W. H. C*H on or_*ddrs**_



Superintendent of Cemetery

Besidence 95 Tremont Street,


KBW Yonx.i'rt. ■-"•. IKi. DBAS AMEmican:—"Only a burse d otorl"

Wouldn't tha' li- | get d iltle fir a arnasllonsl sio ry. In theae fcnsailonehttnei - Fatsopa Ijr, 1 have always had a ►ood deal of sympathy t»t thi* mneb abused otaea of humanity 1 Why the man who had made a Btndy of tbls noble animal and knew bow lo relieve hi* suffering* and ssve him from dsalh was not entitled lo a dierut degree nf eouelJrraiion I never rouldtell.


that the eatarrhal fever waa attacking these usrfal brutes all over tb* country, I aald, "II I* aa HI wlsd thai blowa nobody any good I' now wa abtll tea the bore* doetor1* stock rising. Bnr* enoughl the only Irowble now Is that ihers are iiOt half

deasn valuable animals, "more men don't qualify themselves tn treat bone* I eanl hBmglne. It Is Impossible for one to get a pbyslslsn for love or

"Who's a bore* doeler*1 I aaked, with a con- tent ptuooi curl of tha tip,

" Who's a horse doctor, atadam 7' a* rrplisd wllh great dignity, "A horse dostor. If ha nnderstsnds

Is aa good aa yon or I,—jea, madam,

ding thai -u- j* obtained by strlat attenUon tobaslaeis, and

.oftwiu^oniibllity. Callmwam, Rea} Estate Office, Essex at-, No. 381

I. B^rronerty for sale In many sections of Haw KaVlsnq.bBi mtrreeipeolBllylathe «*«»«£ "ens* aad vtolaity. fio better oity IB the Union mr*P*t**SB*nlinvr*Uosut.

BsaVaeal ■*!*« solemn In Lawrenee SmsUool »d Lawrenee Dally Amersaaa. imyis


R. H. EDDY. SOLICITOR OF PATENTS Jbr laesaftoas, Trade Mark* or Design*,

No. T6 State St., opposite Kllby St.,

BOSTON, After an eztenalve praotieeof upwards of thirty yurs.oontiouei to secure Fat.nts In the Un t*d State*; also, in Great Britain, France, and other

Caveat*. BpeolBoatinnr- »• ■ r? fir

Beautiful Farm la Methuon, on th* road toLowsUtad Lawreno*. 7«tore*. ou the river, l"lng between tb* rl**r aad th* Mad. Wood enough'for home purposes. MOappls trees. Cuts IS tons English and s tons meadow hay.- Cherriei. gr*pe.«d small ks^MHNW narrnw. running aloDa Hi* river for a half mil*,

lures*, toodland of *v*ry variety. Ho am rresbrts. Une of the finest situations

between Lowell sad Lawrence, t ie atltaltoai Lawrenoe. same from Lowell, Good holldlagi. I. good eoBdltloa. well feneed with t^s^ralLr A good Inrm, aao osly sold because lbs owner i going wis" Prtoe S4i00. twaof which oan 11*

KodVSl lo all mafle'r. "»i^Dgthe.M..^plM of lbs olBlm* of aty paUnt furnished by reatltUng nB*doHarri**tgnm*Bt*r*oordv>d In Washington.

rsor/«os7iM*./broBlnfB(«f P*H*f,or oaeerfola.

niwssjraTrUtant.aad th* eanal arett deity there, are her* tared Inventors.


ADMlNWTRATItl^ SALE. By virtu* of a lie*"** ffom th* Judge of Probate

r-.?K.^..n.. 0f Kssex, I shall aeU at 1'abllc • n'emlies, on Saturday, Moiera-

I'aloek, P. U., on* of lb* most

I regard Mr. Iddy a* one of the most capable __11 SsmwSrprnrtUton«r* with whom I V~ bad oSMal latereearse. M owwei iai.ivti.i«- , „ . _,« H

OH AS. MABON, CommisslOBsr of Patent*." » I have no heiitatlon in Bssurtaglnventorsthat

mas, gnu w-SS B»bwkttoaa la B form to aaoere for ibem an **rly

Late Commissioner of Patents." "Mr. *. B. liddy hat made for me over THIE-

TY applIoatloDt fcr PateaU, having been *uoc*sa- mllKa^oM every oata. Banh namlstakabl* prooi

iBt and ability on his part, leads me to AX-L mvintor* to apply to him lo pro-


a ability on his part, inventor* to apply M

rkl la almost* verv

"•."""Iffui nof ha»li_

It faithful stteatlon bestowed OB their SB-

Auction, on 1)

valuable lota ef'laud, now vaoan't, in tha City of Lawrence, altnate on the north-west corner of Garden end Newbury streets; ssld lot is Hl« feet and contain* SWo KSSfS feet, all graded,aad within thr** mlnatai walk front tbe Common, City Hall. Post Omee, Waahlagton. Pemberton. Daek.auuKveratt Mills. Sal* positive. Trreai Cash. S100 at time of aslr. U '• ABBY B, WXBBTKR, Adm'x,

A. V. BUGB1JI, Auotioaeer. Lawreae*,Oot.ll,18?». «*■

Tne SBBCNITY OF TUB nnHa.—It has

so happened that I have seen many men

and women die; without design or dis-

position on my part, I have very many

times been present when, tick peieons

were ebbing tq eternity. I have seen

men and wamstii young and old, culti- vated ami Ignorant, orthodox and heiero

dox, In their last momenta; and, aa a

rule, all of them passed awar, It not without regret, at least with entire re- signation. None of them showed dread of the future i their inongnts were nxed

on whsl they ware quitting, not on what they sre going to; I obser ved thst some

of them were troubled, perhaps dlttreaaed,

when they first thought tbey could not

recover, but that, the nearer tbslr end

came, the less apprehensive and the calmer they grew. Having onoe banish-

ed hope, tranqulllty seemed to descend

upon them ss s substitute, and afterward

If free from physical pain, there wss un-

ruffled peace; If encouraged to believe

they might get well, or If they bad a

favorable turn, tbe old anxiety, wltb aomethlng ot the former apprehension,

reappeared; proving (bat their mental disquietude was born of their expectation

of life, not of their fear of death. Thus was established a clear analogy between material and tptrtual anguish under the

same circumstances. As we have teen,

they who are badly hurt, or seriously ill

experience suffering In going back tc lite, while the downward path to death,

both for the body and the soul, la paved

with smoothness and serenity.—Oalrty.

PhOFKSSOB TYNDALL precipitated him-

self Into the affections ol the Bostontaua

at the brat opening of his lips and ap-

paratus. All tbe notables were there—

O. w. H.. Quinsy, Wlnthrop, and any

number ol D. D.e. Bidding the gas

glare begone, he caused a platinum wire,

atretcbed across the table in front ol him,

and no thicker than a horse-hair, to glow

with an Intense brightness and then melt

by i kctrieity, which sufficed to demon-

strate the prinolple of electrical action

Then, substituting his lamp for the

circle ol saes jets of the ball, be proceed-

ed by a series of rapid aad beautiful ex-

periments to analyse a ray of light.

Through a tiny aperture in a bit of tin-

toll be took tbe single ray and showed

the process of combustion, and the laws

of retraction. Then with a prism be re-

solved the ray Into its component frag- uie-uu, ami Biterw«ru gavw the aynbhe-

ais of light by those wonderfully bril-

liant and tnarreloasly simple methods

which have given him a world-wide rep-

utation as tbe greatest living popular

scientific demonstrator. His fascinated

audience, we sre assured, sheered him

to the echo, and went away to bnnt up

new adjectives with which to praise him


little picture of a Bubs and Sultana or

one of the Bornean prt sipallties. whom

M. de Beanvolr saw a a splendid fete

given by the resident hiynuMr Hoogev-

en: \ ' Tbe Sultan is a crook* 1 little old man,

wrinkled, rheumatic, v to clews iran-

tloally a paste of mixed (me and betel,

which blackens his teetl keeps his gums

always freshly bleedii [, and closely

paoked between the tee i aad the upper

lip swells out the Utter naturally heavy

and hanging in a hide* s way. But the

Sultana Is a very prettj very little, very

young end brlght-ey< I creature, wbo

returns the salutation of the European

with perfect grace. B t dress Is a loose

robe or silk, blue and rtld; a white scarf

covers her bosom, ore) ling It obliquely,

and kept in Its place bi twelve interlaced

crescents, forming a b ooch of line dia-

monds,'the most bea liful ornament I

ever saw, a red torbai with a large knot

ol diamonds at the aid , frames bar ex-

pressive, merry, amot h, bronse face.

We observe her ourlt inly as we walk

under the white arcade*, ki the midst of

groups of strange soldiery, gorgeously

clad servants, smoking rases in which

delicious perfumes are burning, and

wondrous tropical dowers, while we or

Nswt cooiet from tbe American Fo'ar oxpt- dltlon to tho affect that Important discoveries bars bean made. A section formerly supposed toeooslitof Islands It fonsd to to mainland, altoundlDg IB relacojr and wild bird*.'

A terrible accident occurred IB a :court room la lianas, Oouot y Cork, Ireland, Friday ; tbo lljoriog gave war, aad two tnndred pinoa* want down with li. Many were billed and forty wars rsry Uadlr Injured.

Tbejnry appoint*i to investigate lbs canto of tbs Sssbfoek Railroad dttsttsr, btve re- turned a verdict exonerating the Baatsrn Rail road from all blsms.

The Actlsg Secretary of the Treasury bat directed tbt Assist tut Treasurer st Now York to purchase $1,000,000 gold each Thursday during Novsotbtr.

A train on tbs Toronto sad Brace Railroad raa off the track Friday, killing three parson* and seriously WOBSOIBSJ essay others.

Tbs Gladstone mlolstrr It opposed to tha proposition to raise by loan mon*y to par tbs American indemnity.

Snow fell at Augusts, H«.. OS flaaday evea-

TIOHOSABT atxiiaasa. Beet thr** average shots by Capt. B. If. Decker. Beat two average that* bv Lieut ■ Oeorg* Wilton. Poorest (hot bp PeUoamea Patrick Urlmn.

AITIVX HXHBBBB. Bet* three average shots by Corp. Jama* O'Kell. Beat two enrage thole by Corp. Rd ward DUBOBB.

Poorest shot by Private Eugene Cjnoors.

It will be seen that Mr. George Wilton won the aecond prise in the honorary

members; thla gentleman hat tbe use of

but one arm nnd band, aid waa obliged

to rest Ihe rifle upon hla wooden arm In altthtlnir. HIKI hit scoring was very excel-

lent. It will also be seen that tbe poor

eat shot was made by I'olloeman Grlffln

wbo came home at the bead of tbe pro-

cession, bearing aloft a mammoth tin awotd, aa hla wt-ll earned reward. Tbls

gallant guardian of the city's Interest re-

ceived Ids ulrt with a great deal ol mod- «aty rot (Hif "f Ills p»*»*puu. Tbo on erclset ol the field concluded wltb wheel- barrow races, and similar amusements, after which the company wltbtbalr guests, repaired to the residence of Mr. OsJIIson

snd partook of an excellent collation, tbe weather looking too threatening for an

attempt to provide the r rpsat In the open

air. Thla concluded, tbe line wts re- formed, aud the guests were escorted to

the City Hell, the company returning to

their armory.

Notwithstanding the weather the pa-

rade was a succrse. Tbe command looked finely, snd presented themselves

tn new while cross bells and new plumes. Tho Cornet Band, under tbe direction of

their gentlemanly lender, Mr, Timothy

Kane, played a number of excellent se-

lections dutln£ the day.

"Ju.t *o," aald I, "A fireman Is a splendid fellow wbsa yoar aaineursd honae iskea lire; j«or horara are all slsk new, and yen


at Dalmonloo's to-day, bat 1 sboold lib* to know bow many m*n of chancier you could persusde lo adapt either of these proffeailon* I"

Wall, Il Is BO msiler what Ibis man of rufllod tamper replied to your correspunjani; s* maybe rappoaed, b* waa nil ready for a quarrel, but, a* Il always tskrs two lo got spa real good row.thii eat was a fallara. Hs wouldn't have beea half ao troubled if his six children bad all been dsngsrous- ly III wlih sums canlaglous dlseaie. Not he I Ills borsea toaehed his poekel, ao do hi* children, but In totally opposite wsja, Da you see lbs point? ■'Uncharitable!" Wall OB* *tn'« bs sipeetsd lo be B mat* always, eepeslallr "hll* tb* "blpDiymosl*" is aroand. There la another reason why I rejoin* that Ibsea beast* Of burdsn has* e-uld* le Ihrir haada. Their stoek will rise also. Tbe human heart will aeesaaarlly wake up to a reallastioo of wbtl bis hora* I* 10 him, and, aa a natural cnose- QB*n*a,


I neve* began to uadentand 111! now what olhor folks' horses were t» ra«. it WSa a matter of course

atep Into ahorse ear and g. a* far aa I plaaaed. When I ordered my groeerls* or mi meal, 11 w*s a matter of eoane to b*v* them SeHveiwd without

_. Did tb* news sf tb* le-w *t*t* of the test bin com* upon me narnneeusdlr, an hoar would eumea to replenish ngalo; but BOW, 01 wos U mat aad yet I am glad of It, provided the horses oomc oat Of It alive and as good as before. Thla morn- ing the wagon of my groaar stand before lbs door wllh two BUM In theireeeaaad two men pushing II from behind. The ooel that I ordsred «e*er*J daye ago has not been delivered, and only by dint

A Husking; Party.

N'ortb Andover has oftea been spoken o f a* dall aad sraw,-reth*r behind the Urns i In last—bet a* •aaloaallr wa maaege lo have a good time.

Thla «SS the eae* \T*do*sdsy evening, Oct. ::otb, When, by lavlletlen of Mr, Warren Burnt, a bssk- iag part,- if young India* and gentlemen m*t u Mr. S*th T, Farmers's, and spent lbs evening In a moat agreeable manner, eleven o'clock found ua really

nlk, boally engaged In stripping the hoiks from tbe golden ear*. Occasionally red ones were tuBBd and then—woe to tb* young ladies—for th* geotle-

perauuiBlly availed IhPmsetveaof ibe pilvl- K'g* tlmi given them.

One young man lost bis bat, aad considerable merriment waa caused by It* bales pntsed from

o another of Ihs parly, BoUl h* gave ap Ihe search, wbsn it was restored to bun, all were invited to the hens* to aaVuak* of aboaa- tiful repeat. Oyster*, eake, hot ooffe* snd sweet elder, ware among lb* good things provided.

Ore of th* compaay kindly furnished us with music from tb* violin. A Ifttledancing waa tried, but oaly a raw Jotaiag In li, games wereeabrtltaied.

Roll In* Civsr. Poal Offlee, the Needle's Kjc, and Hound the Green Carpal, were among tb* beat. They were beertitr Joinad In, and eontlaaed BDIII tb* Bight in far ■pent. Wa went home grateful to our kind friends for tbslr hospitality. Thus ended our good, old-lsablonsd hoiking party.

Km Ktit.

ml tbe traashlon rrom naadwprd* lo bipeds; aad funny Ibe first look with their throat* all Had

ID New Yolk tb* bora* distemper It decrees

Tbe Ball of Company I.

Th* ball of Co. 1, at th* City Hall, oa Friday evening, was SS snccaeslul as esrs tb* Other tsslivltiss daring tbe dav. BsSfor* dancing commsnesd tbe pries* for sbootlDg wr* award- ed ; tbe presentation* 10 ibs honirarlf* w-re mad* by Lstwyar Hopkins, who was veiy le- Hcltonx IB bis remarks; tbs preeentttlm s to tb* company members were mads by Or. Sul- livan, who** remark• war* wait chosea. After tbs pre.eniation, tbe ball WSS opened; there were as many ct.ople* on the Beer ss cotafort and eoDT*a1*aes would allow, and aatteaeam- bsr or tseetators la tbe fallarwi. Th* mn-k. which wa* farnlsbsd by Akrojd * Btsesrt eoa'S bssd, was much reran ked upon for Its • xcsUcnce- Among tlross prsssat brildt Capt. Saaey aad bis company off ear*, wtr* Col*. Besl aad Bhermaa, Capt. Psehsr, sad other •flews of tbs Blatb Beglssest, ntsMef rcsis officers from I* wall. Dasdnf was kept as un- til a late hoar. Tha Cornst Band was steisal and played tome sxceHaat •election* dnrlBf

MISS H. B. FIELDING wishes to Inform her raixxDs, af Lawrenee aad Tululty that the ha* ]s*i rectly** all ths latest FALL aad rfATTeTa! Bfylaf from M*w York, end ts now ready to execute afl orders for Daaes MaaiNO AT BBHROOMS, flSl «•■•■ Street, Lewreae*. ' awrPartitaUr Btieallon paid to OUTTIITO aad riTTINOd.*!*'**'*** cml.l'Rr.S'8 SUITS, Ntm Sty** r*eel*ed everywMk. Ladies'Bull* Cut and Fit- ted for 91. MaehlB* Stitching and Braiding don* to order. A liberal soar* of patronage so- licited, wllh thaakt for past favor*.

Lawttaot, Sept. 6,1*71, *•»

They grow to be very old In Wareham,

afassachuaetta. Captain William How-

ard, who died in that plaee a few days

ago, was upward of ninety, %od died In

tbe home wblfh be built before hit mar- riage, and where he constantly resided I

bis widow Is very nearly the same sge,

and bli tight children survive. He was

s soldier of tbs wsr of 1*13, snd the tsme

week or his death reeelved hla bounty

snd certificate or peniton. Up to almost tbe day or his death he was vigorous in

body and mind, keenly enjoying life, but

ready to lay K down.

The complete restoration of the Cathe-

dral of Straaburg to Ita prtatlue perfso-

tlon is a rnatter of, general Interest. Uerr £lotx, th« architect In charge of tbe

works, has Just published hla report, from whleh it appears thst tha total ex-

pense will amount to fire hundred and

ninety-eight thousand francs; the cross, whlcb threatened to fall Into rul*, has

again been raised; and the damage done

to Its spex la now being repaired,—an operation of great difficulty snd danger. One thousand two hundred and twenty-

one psnes of glass had been Injured;

these ere being put In as quickly as pos-

sible by three painting and Kissing Arms

In Btrasburg, in order to avoid tbs un- slgbtly expedient of cloalajilt" apertures

wltb wood Umtbtantal travellers will bo glad to hear that the aatronomlcal

clock la uninjured, and only wants cleaning. Tbe twelve apottla| will onoe

more file oat In procession asjjthe clock

strikes twelve.

John Wesley, at the ag* ot seventy- seven, wrote, "1 do not remember to

haye felt townees, of spirits tor one quar tar of an hour elnce 1 wss born." So

Temperance Reform.

Tbt Rsform club bald a meeting at the City Hall on Sunday svealog; thtrt was * huge at-

j i tendance, Il being necessary to throw op*o tbs ganixe with oar amiable host a grand JJJJ"; £ ^^^ WM J% ^^^

crocodile hunt. Uty)t BroW0[ Md w^v. L. L Wood offered

THR LATEST IfXPOBT iman the Arlso-

«a diamond fieldt It that a party which thoroughly explored Ibe so sailed dia-

mond region found an abundance of

rubles, sapphires, and crystals which re-

sembled diamonds,but which wore simply quarts. If the diamonds litre already

turned into worthless quarts, It will

hardly do for those who have taken

stock In the diamond mining eompanlee to console themselves by faith In rubles

and sapphires. There It no security that

tbe latter will not turn Into cheap agatea and cornellat, and tbs whole story of tbe

priceless gens of Ar'sons prove to be

the result or Ignorance sad traud. No

ons has yet axDlalaed why men who can pick up diamonds without number should

content themselves with seeorlag tam plea of the precious gems, snd then pro-

ceed to form stock eompsnlea with the

view of selling their Invaluable possee

alons at a rate very far below the market price of a half doien or their beet gems- *.*♦*■*>

Among donation* of great value which

nave recently enriched the Imperial

Library of St. Petersburg Is a Koran

written by the bsnd of Osmen. Thla

manuscript Is more than twelve hon 'red

fears old, and la ons of v e mo- ardent

prajtr. Address** were made by Mr. Smith of thll city. Msjor Brown aad Oco. Battsll Jackson. Th* BncetrBg wai vary snccasilul throaiboat- At lbs class ihnty-flt* persOBt sigesd the pssdfs. The choir of tb* dab 1*d by Mr. Morfaa, was pressei, aad SSBC Mvsral plsce* during >h* evening.

— i. w sen a ■ ■ —

LAICSJIT— Mary Bradsbaw, a young girt aboat sixteen year* old, stole 11(1 frosa Mrs. O'Nsll oa Common Hir**t,on Tuesday last. Sbeprsvallfld apos two other glils to accom- pany bar to Heverlilll.—Caiherlne UarUry and Ella Demor. la that city Dimor aad Cnrley robbed Msrv or what awMHy she bad lei t sr**r pay lag their expemes and treating t bam. end toft her. Marshal 1'bllhiitk followed the Brad- sbaw girl to Oroveland, and arrested bar there. Tbs other girls war* smttad In ihit dty, to whlcb tbay ratowaed after tohbing their com- panion. Over a year ago Mary Bradsbaw es- caped rrom tb* Reform School, aad tbls Is her ftrst appearance la public lines. Tbay will be brought before Judde Harmon.


business always command the general

attention of ibe public. Iteoently the

Union Mutual Lire Insurance Company of Mslue, genera) director's offlee. No.

27 Court street, Bos'ou, bas organised a Lical Board of Directors for tbls city aud

vicinity, composed or the following high-

ly respected citizens: I>aalel S**nd*r*. Jr., John C. Hoedlay, Alfred J, Frvaeh, Robert II. Tewkabery, Samaal M. etadmaa. P. Groevenor t'lllshory, Andrew Sbswpo, Frederick Belter, Thomas Scott. D. Freak Kublneou, fjheews A, Browa, Lewnard F. Oreeey,

HalmoB W. Wilder.

These gentlemen have been selected for this board because ot their acknowl-

edged financial ability and pe-.onal In*

tegrlty,—representing diversified branch-

es of trade and labor. Each member baa

Just taken oot a large policy In the com- pany, thus showing their confidence In

Us stability and soundness. Judging

from statements exhibited to us, we be- lieve tbls to be one ot tbe solid Lire Com-

panies or New England. It hat been In

sueoesanil operstlon for twenty-two years; It appears to have been economi- cally managed, and Its solvency seems

to be established beyond question. In commending tbls most excellent

Company we eay no more then, perhaps,

might be tsld of some others. Tbe world Is wide enough for all of tbe good Lire

Companies, and by honorable competi- tion, rather than wilful depreolstlon or

rival Institutions, s much healthier tone

will be certain to pervade the business.

Life Inaurance la a want, not a luxury.

And tlnoetheaucceat ol the business great- ly depends on the public confidence, we

welcometbe recent eff int put forth by tbe

Union Mutual Lire Insurance Company, and congratulate Its officers upon the

■ucoeai of their Special Agent In securing snob an exoellctit bosrd of gentlemen

taken from among our solid nnd Iniluen-

tlal business men. We sre Imformed thst tills company

have already alarge amount of Inaurance

held In the city, consequently It needs no Introduction. It's name has become

familiar as a household word. Tbe company'* local agent, Mr. B. E.

Lawrence, bas his offlee st No. :17a Essex

street. Anpllosllona may be made to him, and Insurance will be effected on all

of the usual methods at lest than tbe rat ea charged by many mutual companlea.

of pertuaslon and extra pile-* can I And boy to supply by tbe bushel. In tbe mntnllms onr fires burn low, and ws flad thst lagging home our eatables U eoaalderable of a taak. What it this dassass had aaaumed a fatal form T What would have bseom* of u* all. I should Ilk* to know? Looked at from a lloenclal and eomfbrtabl* point of view. It I* my BBprrJodloed opinion tbal ws

COULIl UAVS BSTTEB SI'ABBU AB MAMt HUB. l'erhsp* I bar* aald enough now. If I don't slop

abort you will all begin to tidal that I have turned baler of my race, but li Is realty no auob thing. n«aew'lbnl»lonklna«*i»*,edi»*. *■»-«!•—t oonaung lb* rogue* and drones in lit* blve, and, al- though It may be very wicked, wonder lag what *o many good for-nothing, two legged ereatnra* wsre mad* for. One get* decidedly riled one* la s while, and *l thee* time* Ihsre Is only one thought ihst has tbe Isset grain or aomfort In it, and that one, "God knowe beat;" aad aotnetlntea one has lu get a long wsy Isto il>* alongb of despond bs'or*ev*n Ibl* thought preecntsitsair, and the faith born ol the thought aeeomplishe* li* purpn**.

with din red flannel, and DM) last harnessed Into

drays and wagon*. If ever "lura shout' was fair play tint occasion is ih* present. If I ware to ho made over again, and tbe obolc* gtvsB me whether I woald b* a borse or a creature In tbs ■hap* of *om* men I know, I shonld*sy,"Consid- er me s hora* without delay." And, again, I SNOUI.lt A TIIOUTABD Tins* BUswwSB "* *


than b* obliged to tab* tb* place ol some women I know. Yet *lr, and a bore* with tb* chronic "hlp- osymosls,"ioo. One* more th* SUB has ooade- •eended toahowbla welcome faee. Yeeterdsy (inn- day] w* had two or three hoaraof lovely weather, asd taking advent aga of th* am 11 log face of mother nature, I strolled ont to 1'rospeet Ferk lo aee lbs old lady's trees. On tbs wbols, shs hasn't rasds so flasa picture as *he did ktl •■■". Sb* SBMBB lo bar* crowded her pellet, ted partlslly failed In lbs dlstdbutloa of oolore, hst 'here were aom* On* VMWI, not withstanding.--pi Jlnree Ihst not the brush of Claude and ll»ph*l o .uid reproduce. It don't matter ao asBett whir- llsstS are ao many real lendsespes,

SUCH A quAm-m or rxausiTE srracrs,

In tunast aloud and full*|e, about having nnu's wall bung with Imitation*, On* baa only lo go onl ofdooraorellattbewledowalobaLold all Ihst is lovely, snd for pictures of real life, g race fa 1 poles, sweet fee**, auggnetive situations, what day passes that eareyaaare not dellgbKd with them. ASH all, tha sesi* upon which dspsad lbs beautiful snd lb* horrible is Jnst evenly balanced.

The voice of Bridget, asking what aha sbal I do •bout "coal*," briaga me down In th* mundan*

i, eosuas* but sereue, KLBABOBKlRK.


Mr. K. V. Conant, of Topifltld, wasinstaollr klllsd t>y a kirk from bit bone Saturday; be was loading bim around tbo yard for exorcise, the hone beln*: tick wllh tbe distemper, sod louebsd blm with tb* whip, whan the horse threw up bis heels, striking Mr. Conant la ibe stomach causing Instant death.

The bor>e dltsate it rag IDS vloleol'j at N*w- buryport-

Ths carriage manufai-tor/ of Mr. M. B. Mer- rill, io West Newnury, was consumed by lire on eainrdsv; ihs lom It I'IOOO. Iniurcl for Va.KXi.

The Hi Hon gsnlltinan who offered WI000 to the NswbutyporlUid Ladles' Home, provided ib* aom ot 9t0O0 wa* raited by January next, will have a chance to carry hit beDevoleac* into effect, at tb* housekeeper or Itev. Mr. Tra- cy proposei to g've the gaOOU which he de- signed lor that institution In a codicil to hi* will, bat which reverted to her on account of imormalltv in it* execution.

The Ktstera lttllroad Company be* recen.lr P=tn-tin i: i <>f Messrs. Ilvitri foor aad J. U. Waleuti alary* tract oi land on tbe wsalsriy ills uf Central siroci, !a Pss'iody, lunslug back to tho land m the rear ot the town i Hall- The price paid wa* 9-J3.0CU In Kataarn Rail- road OODdl.

At Itir rc'iurm-i the lttllroad Commission- era tb* Eastern Kallroad Company have ar- ranged to run cheap morning and evening tralat between Bnttonand Lynn, via ihs Baa- faa branch, for ths accommodation oi wotk-

iffmen adu others. Tb* machliwry of tb* Arms Factory at New-

bnrvpo t has been sold, and I* rspMly i*lng shipped to Uoston and Other places; the business of the concern most be wonnd up by ths lint of January Butt.

Two deaths of imsll pox have occurred la Ames bury within two weeks,—A. Mr. Betty, a teamster who has recently" moved Into the place, and bit intent child; two other .ne-m- banoi ths family are sirk. but will probably recover. Tbetaare ih* onlyeatas thst bare occamd-

In We*' Amttbnry, they bavs a ttsam I.tuo- dry where tbey wash ana Iron a shirt lor li

TsasOttholleiol Marliiobead are Bsahlskgaa efTOTi to i turn a new rniriSDCfl tor tiiieir pastor. Rev. Mr KslDonl. A ltr(* subscrlpilon hss already been taken ap, and prcpsrations for the eoottractlon ot tbe awelling ar* eolnt for- ward.

On Monday of la* *<*k ths Seemptcott schooner Cosmos caaitbt on Ka«l*«'leoi;e, ofi' Balem, ah*llbut wMghiait thr** hundred and twemytlvo pounds— the isrges' taken hy n BwBmpecott lishermsn lor some yasr*.

Tbe sicteof 1). A. I'.ogry of Nswburyport, ws* burglar r-a this week fjr tbe filth uma within a jB*r, the vouag scamp* apparently rtctk-miron it U to tail r b anon in.

Usurer* ba* neen severely tisiied by typhoid lever; several dralbt bare orcnm.t from It.

Th* Kastern Rallrnad f ompsry bavo pat ao another train Ntween 1>. nvcr* and flshtm, rnn- ntng every Mondey.

Rev. Rdward I. Oilviti, Ibe rwajari pastor of tbe Klnt Colianati ^ocieiy<,f I'oahwly, hat accept*'! a unanimous sell Irorn tb* Firtt IlDi- larian Hocletv of Urlgbto.i, lo tiecntnc lit min- ister for the eosulnj jcar,

TheOlouMMir tl.h trsrfn is tuflerlng from the lack or transportalluti Uclli'les, cansed bv tbe bora* dlstcmprr.

Bom*scoundrel lias I" n ismp'r.n,: with Ih* naw electric signals un the Kairern It .tired. and Supt- Preatt.tt bas oflercd a reward nfglOO for hi* detecitoN, nr of any wh" mty that Of- tend bercsfler.


wonder Ihst be was able to preach when wai precloue tressuree of Mussulman lit- ninety years old 1

D. B. A. Vslpey, having dlipossd of all of bit real SStStt to Mr. Oowlog Of Wilmlngtoh — eonsistlaff of fhrss, balchir rsUbllthmtBt, hoBss.etc.. will sell by pablle anction all bts peraimal property pertaining to tb* whole**!* bntcbtr buieess, tbrongh Psdrick ft OotaoB auctioneer* end apprlscrs, on Fridsy Btxt, Nov.Bih, commrncias; at • o'clock. Bale on lbs premises, Boaib Linrsses, Low.ll road, *l lbs wholesale butcher fttablisbaseat. See sos- tan aad auction nolle* la this paper tot fall particu.hr-

THE Coaoasa's Isqaett at Portsaaooth bat flaUbtd laklBR evidence. The verdict will not be forthcoming for several days, Th* •**■ dsee* tahsB seam* to reltsva the maaageraol tb* Eastern Railroad from oil blam* lor lha Saabrook accident; bat It remains (or tbe jury to Uli us what to ibink about tbsawltcbmaa.

Maoaica F. DatBitoBii, convicted of an asaaalt wltb a pistol oa omesra Kolght* sod Cooper *f Msibaso, was sestsaatdoi Friday to thr** years mths tloas* of Cxtceilon.


Governor Washburne has issued the

following proclamation :— With lb* advle* and mmsent of the Oonnctl, 1

hereby appoint Tharsday, the attb day of Jfovem. bsr nexi, to be eb**rv*d •* a day of ThaBkagivlBg to Almighty Ood for lb* btreelng* whcrewlih th* yasr haa been crowned.

Let a* Btvs* target that tbs custom of ohscrvlag one dsy annually In Ibis manaer t.rliloatcd wllh those wbo were ready to aofrar amo death In ordw ibst they and Iheir poeteritr njlght enjoy freedom |B matters of religion and ooBselano*. A little colony of .trsngers upon * surtl* eoaat, far from kiadred BBd Mend*, and embarked on B doubtful BBdsetaklBg, *apo**d to danger from lb* Indian*, and brought Into the peril of *lar*allon, tb*y SSB* teorBted th* day by «taisfal prater lo 111m who** favor and prolaetlon lb«y clearly and reverently HI la lha seasonable weather aad Ibe liberal bar

Thus rsaalllog what It meant lo tb* m*a aad women by whom it was estsbllsbed, let us rsjoloa thai ihli prselon* lastltailon of our early history Is becoming osiloaalirsd. May it* worth sod ilgnlfi- aanea speedily be eo apparsnl that every Btal* lo tbal'okinwlll give It glad reeogBlllon, and all the Inhabitant* of the land *nitedly Join la an autham of pral*.i lo lb* Lord, onr Dalsndtr and Pr***rv*r.

1 teron.ni.ad In Ihn people of Maaaachusalls, that OB tb* day appointed lh*y abstain from their aecutlomed bnalB*** aad pleasure, and thai aa Ihsy attemble lo their bomsa and uWr honae* of wor- ship, tbey render wtlllag and heartfelt Ihanla-

That we ar* *p*r*d from famlae and p*slllenc*. That ear eooalry aonilnura at peace wllh all Ibe

nation* ol tha earth ; That the eqaalliy of right and prtvilege assured

onreltl.ensissalTrrmg so little abuse: That lb* ardor aad setlvlly of onr people ar*

turned to sank a mnllllude of wIs* and bensflteal pur*****;

That IhesgilcBltural, commsrclal and mannfae luring lnte***l* *f our Commonweahb hav* beea se generally proeperad |

That a steady purpose Is manifested to Improve Ibe situation of tb* poor and unfortnnel*, and to better th* coadrlMra and prospects of the Isborlng elsss;

Thst so many Bra moved to *lrl*e for Ihs promo- tion of that SJhrtalUB liberty and sell respecting InlalllgsBce on which tb* aiaMlli y of Ih* ritate an the hlgheai happlDcs* Of lb* 1odlvldB*l depend j

And aa we gather at our tables and (Ireslds* will heart* full or gratltdds for Ihe bleMlngs w* hsi received, may w* eboaad in ebarlty of act at well aa of faellag, and SB ministers of eomtori and pleaanre lo tnoee l*ai favored than ourselves keeping alweya In nslnd thst tb* little thlags of Oti llvae, a* well a* th* great, ar* sighs of thatspli which has asee plane* with lb* Father.

ThB new hotel spoken ol som*Um* tine*, will soon b* opined with, a N#w York mta oi cxpcrwncD at it* bssd*

Tho bone dlaeate Is general; torn* of th ■ anlmalt ar* sulTsrlng from lung fever.

Htverhill vote* on Tesed*y next on the qaettlooofthi annexation of Bradford tn ibaUlty-

Tb* shoe butloes* li very dub; It. lat hoped that It will t*k* a (tart Biter lite i-lectloni,


l'LTIH'l, 1.

THS BtraaioB COI-BT clostd op its labor* on Tbarsday nl|hi, and thi juries were dis- charged from further tltendauf*. Ssaleaess were impoied io day on Ihe following psr-

SBWI Psirlck Oilmes, tbres jesn lb Btslt Pri.on,

on* dsy solitary. Frank A. Catkin*,

of Correction. John B. Aodrof, wbo wtt let off ou proba-

tion, misbehaved himself, and was surrendered by bU bondimen, and soauitctd io mm montbs In ihe llous* of Correction-

six mo oi hi la lbs House


11*111 hsrrest-hom*! To lb*r lim stass of nnlur* pours Ih* *oag. By IBSIIBCI taught lowsrl.lsi Instlarl per*. Beared and araienil, to that pow'r ador'd, Which vllBI lb* a*n*at* being, a.id revea'a Tha *o*l **lf-*wtd*nt, beyond ih* dreama Of visionary ikeptleal Hei-oe *Bbllm*l When tb* rich earth prssenii hrr gulden lr

Where balmy brMlhlaga whisper la Ibe heart IHIIgbta uespeakBhlal where eeaa and sklea, Aad bills aad valley*, colon, odor*, d*ws, Dlveralfy th* work of n*lur*'a Ood.

—Mary /,-.'-ir, ,,

A HOST iioaaiiiix crime was recently com mired a Noribwotd. N. II. A .ynwig snd beautiful g.rl named Otorglaca Lorerlniwat oatiafsl and mardered by hsr aacle. Franklin B. Evaat, a week ago lart Friday- Tbe sin

s dszoytd into ths woodt, where the terrible crime wtt committed- On Friday night lat tb* murderer confessed lo t he sheriff tbe deed, and accompanied bim to t pltoe In the wood* where Ihe body ws* concealed. Wbeo discov- ered the body of ths ill fated Rlrl was dreadfolly

■■tiasUd. Evaat it a man slxly-four years old; he bat

been married ihn* times; on* of ths children of bit dm wife lives In Ihliclty; bit iscoed endtbirdwivctieparsied from blm. Although b* bt* never bom* a goo* character bo wa* never regarded at daBgerout, end bit victim bad Iten missing for a week h*for« h* was soipertBd of rr.nrderint her.

TDD murdered girl was tn otly child, sad wa* the idol of her mother aud the p Id- of btr graDdparsnK. She wtt a bright, pntty and affectionnie ITr); bar i' rm »a. well developed, her balrsnd *jes dark.md htr toant naoc* btamid wbfa .I'.u-.ii'ul lie tod buo.-aoc... 11 r tragic end hss tt r -w J a gloom over tb* < atlra commnnity; her mother u almost tnsaae, sad her death i* * l.arlul blow 'o i er > nni sarsatr, wbo leved bar io mneb. Hvant Is la pr sot.

l&he American. LAWRENCE. FRIDAY. MOV. 8, 72

l&cektg ^Clnn>» ISteviiie*


An Amorfcn seaman wu brought before the Bow street police com', tn London Monday, charged wlih murder on tbe Iilgh seas, hut «H ditcbargsd, ns the crime did not rotne wilbia the jurisdiction ol'the extradition tree-


Tlje UM Indian dblegetlon called on ilia President Monday, bade him a pleasant good bye, and expressed tbomselfes eatiiQed wiib tbe arraog'tDenta made for the maiotuloaace of Irleadly relation* with tbe white* In future.

FrMay nlgbttwo freight train* collided on tbe Hnntenlon and Broad Top Railroad, near Cumberland, Maryland. Conductor Bowser and tbttu others wore IniUntlr kilted, and anotbor perion wui mortally Injured,

A German named William Schettt fell bead- foremoat Into a Tat ol boiling sonar in Boston, on Monday; he wai drawn ont immediately and though severely horned will probably re- cover.

Stale constable Monc w*« arrested In LOST

elt ye.tardey, for threatening bodily iriurv to Mayor Henry Emery; he wa* ordered to give bond* In Hvo hundred dollars.

Woodhulland Claftln nro still In jail in de- fault of SN000 bail. [Stephen Pearl Andrew* ha* been arrested a* an accessory.

R-port* from Boston are to tin ell")« that there H a genet*! Improvement In the condi- tion or honee.

Tbe cholera has broken ont In lull force at Vienna, Tiague, and Berlin.

A number of COHI miner* in Ofcto bsvesln.es for higher wages.

Uoldll'J 1-3.

/nJRf fanrtor.fonn Harding, w«s found dead in a ditch el Dracut, on Tuesday morn- ing, bis body frightfully cut In redout place*. A companion named Gllihannon, with whom be bad been drinking on 11l.u previoui even- ing, ha* been nrre.tatl ai hi* cuppo^ed mur- derer.

Mr. Aionio M. Gilo, Superintendent of ttio work* of tbe Boston Gm Light Company and candidate for Slate Senator in tbe -1 Suffolk Dletrlet-, was atricken with paralysis in the ward room of Ward 2, Boston, about 1 i o'clock yesterday.

i'our prisoners escaped Irom tbe San "ron- eiieo State prison on Monday. Thoy present- ed a pistol al tbe head of tbo jailor, and threateneJ to kill him if ho gave an alarm; ihey tbon scaled tbo wall* and escaped.

While ticlpicu cxtingnlsb a Ore In North street, Boston, on Tuesday, a fireman named Thomas Young I'til through n hatchway and was killed.

A bar of pig iron, stamped with Iho date 17T!>, was found near thn site of an uid char- coal furnace, Bethlehem, I'cnn., lately.

A great deal of (obacro between Hfchmond and Lynrhhurg, Vfl , hit* been overtaken by froit end ruined.

A negro and bis wife and Child were hnng by Ku Ktux In Fjyeito county, K»., the olhcr day.

Twenty wu.-on loads of b affair, hunter* te< cently bit Kansni lor tlio plains.


A workman at iho gas works in Old Cam- bridge yesterday, discovered two barrel* float- ing In with the tide on tbo Charles i Ivor, and In them found the dissevered and mangled members ol a human body—thn'. of an elder- ly man—who had evidently been murdered within twanty-Tour bourn previous to the find- ing; the head and legs had evidently bean cut oft" with an ax. Tburo is uo clue H* yet lo the porpetratorB or this terrible crime.

A young man In Kansas Citr sit lire to a school house rwantlr, and confessed iho crime, alleging that be did it only to bring nharue upon nil mother, who had incurred hla dis- pleasure; the yuutb'* desire will be fully met by a resldoneo in tlio ponitontlarv.

Hayemeyer bit been elected Mayor of New York, which I* a hopeful sign that the reforms Inaugurated In that city are to be carried out. The democrats t ave lung elected the Mayor <if the city, and It Is now the turn of tbe repuMl tans to llav-c-meyor.

Eralle Provost, a well known 1 rench invent- or, died on Monday in New YoiL, from tbo ef- fect* of laudanum which he took on Saturday In a fit of despondency at the failure of one of bis inventions.

Pa'aisolo, near Brescia, In the province of Breccia, Italy, wa* destroyed by a hurricane Tuesday; tblrty-two persons woro killed and thousands of persons were rendored humelusi.

Twenty-one miners wire killed by falling down tbo shall of a mlno at Charlerol, Belgi- um, on Tuesday.

Major Gen- Mcade died In Philadelphia on Wednesday evening of pneumonia, after a long illness.

Mr*. Cady Utanton il< n< u .. ■ ■■ Mis. Wuod- bull'a statements a* fir a* ihey apply to ber, as faUe.

Patrick Cuahman a teamster, was kicked lo death by his horse a' Lynn, on Wednesday

cold H5 i-a.


Horace Qraclcy has rcMiintU t'onirol Cl" Now York Tribune and says that ho heaceionh devote hlmtclf to the progre> science, luduitry and the useful arts, and will not he provoked to Indulgence In t!io*e bluer psrsonulities wlilt-h are ihe rtcognitsd ba Of .ijurualism.

Woudhull .. ,LI Caflln will be obiijed to s'and (rial for iho rcceut scaudalou. report circulated by tbem through iho medium of their paper, concerning Hear* \\ ,,i.t Beecher, Mrs. Thendure Tlllon and other*. Public in- •lunalion Ittl xiron^ly uisiinsi the women.

BOOM wroit'h placed a plunl; across the In' dUnapolh and Vlrjcennei lUilroad, near Ban- horn, Iml., vcitenlav, and threw i train from the track, instantly killing tlio engineer Unman.

Join Moran, a boy employed in tho Rich- mi.ill Mamifa^tiiriiig Company's mills, at New. port, fell down the ekvatnr hatchway from iho ih rl story on Tuesday, and vn fatally icjureJ.

W. F. ILwemeycr. olcitol Major of NBV.

-ork.savs his first tut'on assiimiiig office will be to iii. LJ i. i.-.: • ■ reform In ibe police de- parttntnt; I. nedd* I .

The colored eltlMtUI ill' iliu CttBAlrv are now atrongly urging the election of uoo uf their race to a prominent position in the Cabinet.

Secretary Ki-h authorizes ihe announcem that he will retire from the Cabinet on the 1th oflfartbDtat

(old 113 l-'J.

In rospome to tho petiiioua of a number of Oemocruts in each ward. f»r a recount of iho vde for representative, tho Board of Aldermen met at tin Clly Hall yesterday and recounted ihe vctes. Wo give below the vole >■■ i-i'i u l y declared on Tuesday, and the vote a* recount- ed. It will be seen inn' by the recount Davis loses one, I-'o s 3, Murphy using 13, Howe II, and Bacon 15. This make* Bacon's total VOID 2177 ugain-t 210.1 for French. A majority of : I for Baeon electing the latter, al- lowing the Methuen vo:o tube correct.

Tllf. s/OTR ,»S RKCLAXBD. Ward* I ■-• 3 I :. n

tlM. K. Oavlo, ;iW »1 SHU Ml JM in; IMS U.K.KUM, lirJ W 'J-T r,\ :iil I>1 ism A..1. Firnch, "!■* »J -.'S'J -Tl 3'jJ IJii ISI'J

.t. S. Ili>*r, WT -;■■; .l.ii :,7t IMS 131 IH.10


The result of tho na:lonal election, with

It* marvelous unanimUy attd its over-

wlielmlnjf maj-Jrltlca, empHae'zet a»«w the determination of the American peo-

ple that the great victories won through war ahall not be lost In peace; that the

party who^e record) during the great struggle of our nation waa only for BIIT-

remler anil submission, tbe organized ob-

structionists of the land, are not now to bo trusted with tbe administration of the

affairs of government, come they In what-

ever loimor under whosever leadership

theytnuy; that the principles of the re- publican party, whose judicious adminis-

tration has given the country such a Inrjre measure of prosperity ami progress, are

to be continued until the problems grow-

ing out of Internal divisions are fully and

forever settled. The magnificent, almost unprecedented

results, show how far above scht'tnerB and

individual! are the instincts of the great

masses of the people, who ever need on-

ly to be interested and aroused to render

an Intelligent and satisfactory verdict. The mistake of tlio men,—prominent and

Inlluenllal as some of ttiom were,—who

went out from the republican party and Joined in an indictment against its poli-

cy, Its record and its candidates, was In

supposing that because of errors In the details of administration, the country

would condemn the plan and purpose of

the great party through whoso grand

Ideas anil noble cffjrts tho land had M-

eured liberty, ciilriiiichlscment and

peace- The administration of Gen. Grant

was arraigned as guilty or most enor-

H offences; some of ihe ablest states-

, in the country, and the Journal standing at the head ol the republican

illo'n "it Its acts, antl after a long, per- sistent and bitter canvass, the Intelligent

voters have made up their verdict, and

1th majorities never before (quailed in

the history Of the nation, re-alllrmed thei

adherence to the principles and their

faith In Ilic promises of the republican party.

With the grandeur of these majorities,

republican principles become more tin

ver firmly established In the land, and

tic great party to which U committed

new the responsibilities of t'overnment lOvei on to fresh triumphs and new re

suits; the men who have loft oar ranks

must see how futile is the effort to induce tho people tn nttempt any change or cor-

rection through the hands or by the pow-

r of the democratic party, whom the

ouniry will not easily forgive or confide

n; while the republican organization,

puriiicd and strengthened, can afford

wisely to use Its new power, elevate UB

standards, and evidence that the conli-

dencci of the people has not been mis-

placed. Following this sweeping tri-

umph, it must bn the fault of the party

ltsell, If it does not ao conduct govern-

mental affair■ In the future as to ensure

continued support and power. The cam-

paign ends gloriously, beyond expecta-

tion, and the uatlon rejoices to-day In

the assurance of renewed prosperity,

continued peace and permanent reconcil- iation in all her borders.

National Election. Sweeping Kepubllcau Victory

Ntwbary, N«wboijporl North Andovcr, 21 Rock part, Rowley,





WMlrfnwbu ry. S3

Total, 18,015

Salisbury, Seofaa, FMbody, SwampeoMI, TopeOtM,


Ertrv XTmHhtm Slate Cmrrie*.

PEMTSYLrAlfTA OITE8 100,000 Majority.

Great KrioiriiiK' Ererttxhere!

Lawrence RepuDlioaa Again

farru Ihe .Yewe lo Hirmm :


There li .lmo,t « clew eweep ererywhere. It taking, le*. minute, to tell whet Oreelej he* cerrled then hour, whet be bee not. Tbe fol-


rauiDtaTiAL ELBcToaa. sa^lNaanw.

H-.irc/. 1 t t * o fl Total. XlMB'r It. Hoar, 413 •« SM »4 U3 1M 1U30 JobaM.Fortx-,414 411 M 284 SOS IN Ml Was. T. DavU, 414 411 2B0 SO* 3M 183 19*7 HaiTl*«DTw**4,41t 111 «0 Va Hi U> W Alvan Slmonda, 414 411 2M 284 3CB 113 ItOT Edward H.Doao.414 411 WO SS4 365 183 1037 AmttmV. Br*SHl, 414 411 WO 2S4 334 183 1937 Lnlbov Day, 414 411 WO Mi 314 1 S3 1»W JobDC.Iloadlay.414 4U 8P0 284 S6S 183 1(48 A.C. Maybaw, 414 411 290 SS4 MS 183 HOT 8l*p'neilltbur»,41t 411 2W 284 363 1B3 1S37 LevlHW«ibriJi*,4H 4tl WO 2M 333 183 1B37

;. AJtiaudor, 414 411 290 284 333 183

Dtmocrattc. C. W.Cbaplo, 200 314 333 30t) 208 134 IBM J. 0. AbbOlt, 300 344 336 6W 309 13* 1883 Oeorio Ddaoo, 289 314 336 608 201 134 1861 J. E. CarpooMT, 280 111 Hi Mf. ffl'i 134 1833 C.A.D.8b*pard, 289 341 339 60S 2OS 134 1833 Jo*. Everdaan, 289 314 333 569 205 1U 1863 B,FrothlDgbam,2Sg 344 333 and 203 134 1863 J, A, BaaaaU, 209 344 333 60S 806 134 1843 W.H.CIeaa*Be*,30'J 811 336 SOS 209 134 1863 II. W. Mousy, 289 341 333 60S 206 131 1863 IaaaeDavla, Ml 341 3SH 608 305 114 1M8 C. H. B. Snow, 209 344 335 58S 206 134 1833 C. W. KIIOI, 209 3*4 333 606 306 131 UM


E. H. Hoar, 392 892 2N0 2T6 341 1T7 1857 JobaK.TorbOX, 292 80S 346 660 21T 11. 1940

Tut; INIUUHATION olthe democracy of

this city, expended last year over the re-

publican request for a recount, accord-

ing to law, of the representailve votes,

seems not a little ludicrous in tho tif,l)t of their hot haste tbts year to demand a

similar recount when they were defeated

by a close vole. Wo defended tho pro-

ceeding then, and lire xlad that Ihe de-

mocracy have become so suddenly con-

verted, but wo do not forget tho ujjly language with which tiny then charac-

terized the proceeding they now resort

to. They may And, however, that the

precedent tbev secured from tlie legisla- ture, ot '■;.!■:■ n-itii- tno corrected result

on imiFiy ttchnlcalltien may not leave

their pathwi* altojtether smooth now that they wish themselves to walk there- in.


Wa an alrcaJy ht-glniilii* to ruau the ailvaiilaiiea (if our rnniudrlttl Clly Hall, In eiitartalomants Ufa c.lmi not lo b* IKIIK'I] l.ir ID tlio city before. Ncit Tui'iJay wotuvn 11■ -- proralu of thn maRiiltlcenl !LI:<!I i-'lui I1', ivt. i tinging ha* created to boarly vi,thu*!.i.rn lo New York; abe will bu aironirly M.;!"■:■!!■■!. .I'i't lew If any enlcrtitlamoDta of tb* MIMA will bu more atlrscilie. Mulitne lludar*. dorlf lia* won '. i, ,■! ■ •' ; from our Uuro- poftii oolgtibor*, and KowYorkht* buun bardly ;. ' ■!■!■: ill .i und enipballo, dun of our ciohtngoi • •>* bf her .'i>i'!,diK connorl at Uuiie Hal) :—

Tliit |>roRr*niin» wa* a t,rii.."l.i'ic.| i,nc. and vi< Duarly ilontili'd In 11.u rundurln*, by a con- llnm-ii ilc tn and for eiicoro*, willed, Ibough ippar- vnily clifuitully fjnijillrd wlili, muat bava bi'nn ■omnwhat ol a In on Ihe pur former'*. It, howevnr, vunbluil Ma.Uinc Itudur.dorlt' ntp*clally to allow lha vinaillliy of her lalrut, and wrvnl to bring

la able to Impart lo tbe atvvral compoiltlooa. lllaa Alice Kalrman lia* nfu!',, rloh voler, and fn- vitraMy linprrMid iliu audifnee In bar lint piece, and brr laai *OD|, ".loyou* I.llu," waa dellghlfully rnnd»rt.'cl by her. Tin- n-ndcrlnn of thn Aria— "Have mercy, l >h l^ord," (paaslou mualc) by Mad- ame Kodermorir was matjnlllceni. and tbe long "tiho woro a wrralb i,t roaea,'' to popular a fenrr allon ago, SUM given by Bar In moil .rl'ecllve alyle

Her Hblllllttsarn eiiranrdlnary, and laal night nti't wllli a cotnniv-nauralii aueoeaa. Mlaa Ihereae Llebo gave auvcrai charming pirfurmuni'ea on Iliu violin. Her manner »r handling tho bow la very hfainlral, and drew Irom iho liiatnimant a won- droil* *wratD*«l and delicacy of iiproMton; th>> alnglng by Mr, [Ipnigiin uliuwul much laale and r.'Bllu., >tj<l «r. IJ. Arilmr Adams auatalaad w*lt lilt part at Hi. pi There will bu a new pro-

Ilia evening, and, doiibllr.., ||

Foa I.'. P.

Stale. Arkansas, Callforala, Connecticut, Delaware, Illinois. Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Louisiana, Maine, Massachusetts, Michigan. Minnesota, Mississippi, New Hampshire. New Jersey, New York, Nebraska, Nevada, North Carolina, Ohio, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Khods Island, South Carolina, Vermont, Virginia, Wisconsin,


FOB Boa*. Georgia, Kentucky, Missouri, Maryland, Tennessee,

Total, DoiTiTrri.

Alabama, Florida, Texas, West Virginia,



EUttoral Vat*. UojorititA, G 1,000

Total 3797

QOVBRMOR, ■ "IJ :"J. ■-:*<; ■•■•'• 1S1 1943 i 319 331 UM 190 131 IBIS t. W. Bird,


Tbe vot* for ihe other officer* vorlM only one or

coinsciLLOR, U.II.Stlckney, 411 *J*J 290 "80 3S7 IHI 18tW JobnM. I'oor, 37. 3S3 338 H7 300 lift 1B71

Total, .... 3731

COUFTT coMMiutoifaa. Jaroealiimball, 408 404 280 188 2«7 180 1S5S BenJ.A, Ward, T2 30., :m :.fi7 200 135 1811

Total, • - 3710

sevATon, N. W. Harmon, -W7 3S.1 187 378 341 Prank Davis, 378 301 311 672 213 137 1903

Kii>ata»TATivr.a. t;eo.K. Davii. 898 S9J Z8« Ml 330 U. K. Ho.-, 103 39« »7 271 Mi 181 ISM A. J. French, 198 390 282 S7I 320 170 1813

J. S. How*, StT 387 328 674 198 137 Patrick Murphy, 368 aU D41 691 IIS 111 1910 ll.C.Hacon, 209 J03 318 683 S« 139 1939

Representative Summary,

Lawr*ae*. M*thntn. Total. 18(3 321 2183


When tbe polls closed on Tuesday afieruoob, and it waa shown beyond a doubt that tbe city bad Riven Grant ud Wilson a majority over Greekr ana Brown, tbe liberals and demo- crate ceased to express tbeir confidence In tbe triumph of thoEr ticket, and admitted, though with 1U (race, that they were beaten. But all hope wu not tost. Three representatives to

al court must be elected; there could not bo any doubt about that. The democrats and liberals had gone their ticket straight, while Ihe republican ticket bid beeo dreadfully, "Oh, most dreadfully scratched." And so tbe 'Democratic Kspubllcini" smiled compla- cently, and awaited with the serene patience which anticipated victory usually endows the hnmon race, the result of the count. It cane, and howl what! could they believe their eyes? All thresBepobllcan represent!ve*elected. Im- possible! There mntt be a mistake somewhere; and so there was, but It was themselves who made the mistake in believing that they would carry a single candidate. However, then was Still hope of a senator; Davis was ahead, and North tVndovsr would give him a hundred and fifty majority at least, and tbe remainder of the district could not noli that down any how. Here again oar friends were doomed to disap- pointment; North Andover threw her majority the other way. Ilsverhill during the course or

tbe evening Informed us that she thought eight hundred and eleven times more of Har- mon than Dirli. This was the straw required to break the camel'* back, and the Democrats and their lovingaisoclatei bnng tbelr harps on the willows, end sat down on the bank* of that salt, salt river, and wept! And the liberal Republican* raked their votos and sang,

The wrMebet prodtial behold Inaalacry ylag low;

Lot wehavasuuk from high eatate, New piunied In grief and woe.

Far different were the feelings or tb e Re- publicans ; the nen who true to thetr party and to their principle* anticipated success, were not disappointed, and In honor of tbelr victory a rousing matting wu held at the City Hall. flpiaooks, wvreotade by Jobo c. Hoadley, Bsq , JndgeII«rman,'Col Parsons, W. S. Knox, S. Lamtmald an* olbers. Tbe speakers were en- thusiastically received, and their remarks greeted w|th overpowering applause. Tele- grams were read at intervals during the even, lag announcing overwhelming majorities In other states; these were received by the au- dience with cheers. The meeting was a regu- lar Jolllficatbn, everybody was happy, as they had a right to be. The announcement of the election of ill the representatives created Im- mense enttuslasm. When Cat. Parsons read the telegran from Harerbtll announcing the overwhelming majority for Harmon over Da- vis, ihe dellrht of the audience was unbounded, and cheer a'lor cheer arose from (loor and gal- leries over ne good news. Alter the meeting the telegraph office was beselged for news- Mr. OscarCumer, who operated during tho evening, furnished It as fast as It came along, tbe boys tiling up the Intervals by sawing tbeir legs of short. There was ample occasion forrejolclng, not only over the resnlt in our own city, but everywhere.


iiS 1>2,000 ia NOT llniin Ynnv.


The predictions of sanguine republicans are more than fulBlled, and Oreeley has scarcely S;ates enough to make any showing In the electoral college. New York shakes off Tam- many and buries liberalism In the same hour, rolling up 40,000 majorlt* ftw Grant, and 95,* 111,11 tor Dlx as •>.,..>,nor, while Pennsylvania, tbo " doubtful" State of four weeks ago. goes to the head of Ibe column, beating Massachu- setts for the nm tlinn, with her magnificent total of 100,000 majority! Tno entire north and west follows the lead of New England, and becomes a unit for Grant. Only a half dozen States are lalt to grace the coalition list. The victory Is complete, overwhelming.


The vote la lighter than would hare bet. polled but for tbe horse epidemic and Ihe ab- senco of any contest In so many localities, bot the result Is an old fashioned 73,000 majority, with a clean sweep of all the counties and con- gressional districts. The following Is a sum- mary of tbo vote:—

Vote In all but 2:1 towns,—Grant, 137,140) Greetey, 03,805. Washburn, 136,0-iO; Bird, til,020.

Grant's majority, 14 9W; Woshhurn'*, 7n,IKW.

Tbe vote tn tbe State, four years ago was, Grant, 130,591); Seymour, 50,210.

Tho concessional districts show the fol- lowing majorities, with about tbe lame num- ber or missing towns:—

0,110 Mil 8,80ft 7,*BV

rraoeh, DavU, Po*s, Murphy. Baeon, How*,

]■'! ■■■ 1.1, over £ ■tver Murphy, t


no air: wii

m tM 372 SHI r Howe,30; Po**

Tiim SENATORIAL DIHTRIUT gives the fol lowing figures ■ -

Harmon. 1857


Lawrence, Andorer, Boxford, Uaverhllt, Methuen, No. Andovcr,

4103 Harmon's majority, 1213.

Davis. 1003

132 30




DaL'tras.—Daniel A. Ballcllrre and Joseph Jew •ttwera *ach flaedSj. and coaw; £lten Lynch, il and ooats.

PCDDLiao WiTiroi T A LlcaaaB, — AJolphua Berger, a yoang man about 22, waa charged with peddling furniture pollen without a Ueente. He pleaded not guilty, staling that he waa Ilccnaad, but had loet the proof [of the fast. However, by telegraphing to BaJssa It oonld be found that be

telling tho truth, The [court decided thai be abould carry hla Iteenee with him—tbe law required It; beWMflDedaM and eoata, and falling to pay the mom t wa* eenl to prlaon for alxly daje.

WEOKaeriAV. Poter Bennelt was arraigned on a complain

harglai him with an aeeault on ble wtte; be wee ound 1 nllty, and *enteae*d to 90 J*y■ imprison- ment at the House of Correction.

Thome* Qaelly got drunk out Of sheer dleap- polotmer.t last night, and wa* carried to the ets> louhouae; hi* honor sent htm to the Uouae of Correction for thirty doye.

There wa* no farther butloee* before the court. The elect too pa**ed off without dliorder, and there was no drunkennee*.

TuuasPAY. There was not a alngl* case of drunkenness be-

fore the court to-day, and It (peek* well for the morality of the city, and well for th* disposition lo enforce law, that while there wa* no pereon ar- raigned for drunkennee*, there wa* one criminal to court charged with keeping wllh Intent to aell thet which produce* drunkenneie. Thl* looks like progre**. At any rate It Is getting a little nearer the muse of dronkenoeee.

VIOLATION or A CITV OBDIHARCE— A boy, perhaps fifteen yean old, named Patrick Devlin, WO* charged with violating a city ordinance by throwing etonee In tbe at reel. Officer J. Donovan atated that when Ibe proceeeloo of tenner* baited opposite the residence of J. C. Hoadley, Eeq., on Jackson street, on Wednesday night, be saw tbe defendant, whom he had previously eeen plek up a stone, dodge behind a tree and throw the stone into tbevjanke of the tanner*. Donovan took blm Into cuatody, and eomplalned of hla. on the charge de- ecrlbed. HI* Honor a.id on* of the most cowardly and outrageous aata be could think of waa throwing stone* at a prooeielon; the ohaneee were that ench mlHlIca would Birtke eomahody and lufltet leJurtcB of sons hind; Devlin waa fined *M end ooat*, #1180, or ality daya at the house uf correct loo.

ASSAULT OK AS OrFICEE.—Patrick Griffin, not the police offleer, and James Connors came Into court and pleaded not guilty to a complaint charg- ing them with so aaaanlt upon officer Alvln B. Robloion. From the officer'* atalement It •ppeore that the defendant* on the evening of tbe 2nd lost., were somewhat disorderly on the " Plain*; " the ofDoer ordered them to be quiet, end to go home; they refuted to do cither, and the ollleer proceeded to arrest Connor*. Tblswaa resented by Orifflo, and between the two tbe officer waa very roughly bandied. Tbo caae was continued for eight deys, defendants being held In tits) each on their own

KKEPINO WITH INTENT TO SKLL.—Bernard Bradley Informed the conrt that be was guilty of keeping intoxicating liquor* wllh Intent to them. The court ordered him to pay f 10 and tbe coat* of prosecution, amounting In all to *.l MI

which be did with the tang froid peculiar tt profession.

h Hie , 1* that night,

Ddtl wIltiatandinK

1 difficulty of having a cab- ream liable t ■ - :■ 1 1 i - .

THE CRISIS in ibe bone dissaso la sup- poaetl to have passotl, Very few of the

niii.iml.- were out on Tliuradty, tlio own-

era probably tlilnkiui; thut It wan bettor

to loso 11 iluy limn Interrupt the iirojircss

of reoovory, wlilrh hail begun sreoertl-

ly. Another week may witness tho com-

plete recovery "I many of the anlmala. horse ear travel resiiiui'tl, and malt ere

ttatiiiiiiii;; their old aapeet.

k Vlurphy. ;•«> aoi an art :ni .n/. . R. HO


KiltK.—The burning of .1 small carpen-

ter sbop owned by .Mr, Joel Itooth. In the

rear of hM houso at No.30 Warren street,

on Thurstlay> afternoon, brought out the

lire department. There wu a cheerful

response to Hie call for help, in the ah-

sence of horses to tlray tbe engines. The

boj a turned to and the scene of the Are was rcai'beil ulitto.it ni mn\\ as If the

burses bail been uvailnble. Mr. Itooth sustains H |o.» oi about JJ.'MNI.

WKARKGI.MI to rutrortl the election

by ti handsome vote, of our friend Mar-

ileti. Ihu :■ i.;.,i ami witty phtlotopher of the I.nwell ''■•mirr, to tho house ol

reptesentattvea; Lowell Is Mrnilhle and

the legislature loitunate.

A Katr, untier 1 Oracorliurch, wl Wednesday next traction. When dertake aojihtni: bluhly incccselal

,0 llUSplCCSof thl) IsllL'S of

he lielil at Orace ehoreh on Thrro will be the usual at-

lio ladles of Grace cburch un- LIT this kind thoy are usually ami we have no doubt tho

Summon. S,1M Buller,

Harris, 8,108 K. It. Doer,

Whiting, 3,792 Wllllsma,

Hooper, J W.I ii. V. Hoar,

Uaoch, 4,1*9 Crocker,

1>*I .'i,.'!.l|.

ttostoa gave a majority or QQTTA for Qrant- With a single exception from Boston, every

■ unrulier of tho State .Senate has been elected by the republicans, and the House will stand 211 repu blieans to 211 democrats and liberals.


Andover, MS

Aehby, 13B

Ayer, 1TI

lied ford, III.-,

llurllii, 11.1

Blilsrlea, 250

Helton, .'M

It QI borough,

Carlisle, n ChelmsforJ, zu Concord, 98S

Danalab'e, si

llrocut, UJ|

tiroioo, HI

Harvard, 104

Hudson, 100

Uweeeter, MO

Law lea e«i 1RST

Lincoln, R

l.lilleton. 13)

Lowell, lau Harlborough, 117:

Maynard, H7

Melhurn, M.1

North UeaduiK. 11;

I'epporell, ■JI:

Heading, 410

Shirley, 153

BtOW, 111

Hndbury, i:»

Tawkibury, 134

Townscnd. SSI

Tyogsborouth, .'I

Westfsrd, m Wlimiaston, S3


t. lt>ckwood Hoar a majorliy.t

furl hiitm lug Fair will be on a scale nothing be- hind tt III.' ■ci'i ■ ,11 ■■ Vote of Eaeez County,

A prosperous merrbant iia ■ for hla

otto : "Karl* to bel, early to rite, never i-t Uj(ht, UIHI inlvertlse."

The Kmpcror of liusnia hsu written an auto- graph Utter to Prince Charles, brother of the Kmperoror iloimany, on arrcunt of tbe flf- lleih auniversiirv of Ins appointment to an honorary colonulcy of a Uussian regiment. Tlu'(/ir calls to mind the glorious deed* ot the alleged armies of Prusila and Itussla when (labt'og In tbo h>lv cause, and hupc- ihst iho ties of iricntlshlp between ihe iwo countries wilt Diuli.ro for generations.

u„- :,.:i.::. n (pedals say the ofllce of Indian Coruuilssinner |* «o atrongly urged upon As- xistant Secretary Cowan hy tho preshlent, 8ec- 1.1 i;v Delano, the board of I'eace Commis- sioner*, Ibe Venag Men, Christian Associa- tion and Metbodl-t Conference*, that It Is thought tint gentleman Will feel bound to withdraw his rcfuial and t*ke the office.

rjrani ffrsntfty. iroshfrn

Amcahury, t73 1M 413

Andover, 461 ns *^ Beverly, 770 117 TS3

HosforJ. 101 n 110

Bradford. isj 111 is;i

Denver*, Ml ISO UO

Ksaei, 305 AS IfOS Ooorietown, ■:;: 10T 3411

i, 1,1.: :■■.•'■■! , mi BSS II.-.0

Oroveland, tei St 103 It ii.nil.HI. 11 33 ..s

Uaverblll, 14SS •73 I6M Iflssslob. 363 ISO 861 l^w ranee, 103; 1113 ISil

Lynn, ■.'171 1396 11M

1 ,i.-.■'.■:! TI • i.'i

Hancheeter, IBS la m Marbltbead, 745 S41 tag Mvlhuan, :»1 iJi 363


1* Grant and Wllaon, Rep., Oreeley and Brown, Dim.,

QovsRaoa. Woabbnrn, Rep., Bird, D*m„

LIEUT, OovanNC Talbot, R*p., Smith, D*m.,


Harmon, Rep., 4A9 DavU, Dim., 133

Us:rRiH*imTTvK. Berry, Bep., 313 Dale, Hem., 370

Cm M [i i.m\ BUokney, Hep., 466 Toor, li.r.i., 130



PBEaiDEJITtAl., Grant and W., Rep., 317 Oreeley and It., Dem., tn

QOVSRNQK. Waabbnrn.ttep., 1.3 Bird, Dem,, HO

CoNoaasasiAis. Butler, Rep., 163 Thompeon, Dam,, 16.1

8 B NATO a. Harmon, ltsp., 170 Ravli, Dem,, 107

RErnsasnTATivR. Berry, Rep,, , 181 Dale, Dem., ISf


FBESIDKRTIAL. Grant and W„ Rep,, Ml Graeky and II,, Dim,, 101

GOVERNOR. Woibburn, Rep., wi Bird, Dem., 191

BtwATon. Harmon, K*p., 351 Davit, Dem., IBU

lUraRSRMTATivaa. Davle, Kip., XX French, Rep., 331 Vote, Rep,, 330 Beoon, Dem., 3X1 sturphy, Hem,, 307 Howe, Dem., 373


Two sudden deaths occurred in Oroveland last week. Mrs. Hose* foot, for a longtime In poor health, was fonnd dead In her bed, Thursday morning. Michael Blullahy, 4o year* old, after working In Hale's factory all day Wednesday, died from heart disease, that evening,

Tbe boots and socks won by President Lin- coln, at tbe time of bis assess I nation, are now In tbe possession of a Lynn man.

There have beea largo sale* of land at Hock- port and Pigeon Cove, recently, to persons looking after seaside residence*; the whole shore of Cape Ann will be eventually taken up for thl* use and command high prices,

Lvnn shoe manufacturer* are establishing factories In other parts of the state.

Tbe number of rases before tbe Gloucester Police Court, for the year ending Sep. 30th, was 074, a decrease of 7B Irom the previous year. Tbe amount of costs accrued was !-'!,- (M.06, against fi/ir.LU'i In IH.'.I.

Rev. J, N. Emery, of Mel rose, bu accepted the call of the First I inversaliat Parish, or Beverly, to become tbeir patter, and commenc- es bis labors with them at once.

Shooting wild fowl It now tbo fun on 'Squam River and In Ipswich Bay.

The whole number of cases ol boots and shoes shipped from Lynn during the five day* ending October lllit, wu 22S8, against 1760 (bf the corresponding period oi last year, being an Increase ol 698 esses. The effect of the prevail- ing distemper among horses Is felt in this branch ot trsde, as well u others.

Newhury Is IncTeulna; the number of Its dwelling houses.

In Byflald, the cbes*e factory prove* a suc- cess. It turned out lt',000 pounds the put


The last grand rally of the Republicans, prior to the contest, wu made on Monday night. There was a large turn out of tanners, the ob- ject of tbe parade being to escort Gen. John L. Swift, who wu announced to make the last speech or the campaign, to the city hall. Tbe tanners formed on tbe north aide of the Com- mon, under command of Col. Beal, and marched to the house of Capt Goo. S. Merrill, on Garden street, where Gen. Swift, after bis arrival In this city had been conveyed. From Capt. Uertill's house tbe procession marched to Jackson street, thence to Essex, end up to the city hall; tbe streets were thronged with people, and the procession wu loudly cheered st some pDinti as tt pas9od. The city ball aresftnted an animated scene. Agreeable to tbe advice given In the AMERICAN, those who wished to hear Gen. Swift went to tbe hull early, and long before the hour announced for tbe meeting, tbe galleries were crowded to ex- cess ; half of the lower floor was reserved for the tanners, and the other half was fllledto a perfect jam long before the tanners ar- rived, aid when Gen. Swift made his appear- ance on tho platform the hall was filled so full that nothing wu to be seen but a seaot hu- man faces, beginning at the stage and stretch

side until it seemed u if the people were piled upon each other. Gen. Swift was received en- thusiastically ; he WU Introduced by John C. Hoadley, bq-, and spoke for about an hour and a half to one of the most attentive, In- telligent and appreciative audiences that ever listened to Apolitical orator. Gen. Swift's abit- Itluas a speaker have not been overrated', be delights hit audience, and at ibe same time satisfies thei,. However he may tell It, he forces the coivlctlon upon bis hearers that be Is telling the) truth, something thst political speakers rarelt do, pathetic, humorous,grave, gay, he impresses every variety of character In its turn, anl thus carries his whole audience with htm. Id Its no shsme to some men hith- erto supporter, of Grecley that be made them converts on Monday night; tbe only regret that need be tef is that he did not como soon- er, so that theli influence as well as their votes could have beat added to the right side i at tbe close of Gen. Drift's speech, Col. Parsons made a brief addresf urging the Republican! their duty to-tay. John C. Hoadley, Esq., urged all tlbekl republicans to repent while there wu yetjilme. Altar ihe meeting tbe tanners escort*! Oen. Swift to tbe Franklin House.


Judge Harmon held a seeaion of the Probate Court today. The girl*, Mary Bradsh aw, Ellen Demor and Ceifaerloe Curley, charged with ihe lai • ceny of f IS in money from htra. O'Nell, on Tuesday of lait week, were brought up for examination, The Demor girl had been on probation prevlonaly, and tbe Bradabaw girl had, ononeoooaaton, been eentenced lo the Reform School, from which abe (■leaped. Both were sentenced lo Ihe Reform School during their minority. The other girl wai placed on probation, her lather, after muebper- tnaslon, becoming ber surety.

Wm. Uobbday, a colored boy, wu charged with an a***u!t with a knife on a companion named John Ooodenoqgb, He wu placed on probation.

Good Bye Pranklet


Thn rilnrni frotn thta Senatorial dletrlct, show the election of Harmon, republican, over Davis, defunct liberal, by 12« majority; lut rear Tarbox, democrat, carried tbe district by 174. Bfled Crow dose not stem to rstlsh on democratic stomachs locally,'any more than nationally.



Faneuil Hal wu packed on Tuesday even- ing, tbe Republican State Commiitc; making tt tbelr keadnjiarters; Dr. Lorlng presided with bis ssual rrace and pleasantry; dispatch- es were receive)! from all quarters, a band and glee clab flllltg tbe spare momenta, and the Immense crowl being In a happy and Jovial mood. Early il the evening, after an eloquent speech from 1>( Lorlng, Capt. Merrill, of this city, read the plowing dispatch, which wu received with hssrty applause, and by vote of tbe usembly, forwarded to President Grant t—

I BOSTON, NOV. 5th, 1972. To I'li/Mr* S. trant, Prenidmt of the United

iSswttS, Wailthgtun, Ii. C:— "Peace bstu H victories no less than war."

Four year* ago Massachusetts enwreathed tbe victorious Geneal with seventy-seven thousand majority. To-def with seventy-five thousand sbe crowns the ssjcttaslul President. The republi- cans of the Old Bay State, the home of Henry Wllaon, send coMlal greeting—and In tbeir be- half we congrattlate you and the country upon your inumptiast re-election, securing contin- ued peace a*>* iroeperiiy throughout the land.

Pot lbs republican Stare committee, 4iia>KOE It. Lome, Cbalrmian. tsKSHQi S. MKIMH I i., Secretary-

Vice President elect, Henry Wilson, was sent Tor, and on entering tbe hall was greeted with immense applause, responding in a rous- ing speech. Gen. Butler and Messrs. Goocb, Hooper, Williams, and Harris, congressmen elect, were also sought out and all heartily welcomed, and Invited to speak. Addresses were also made bp Gen. Swllt, Farmer Allen, Messrs. Wetherhee, Slack, Foster, Dunn, Sim- moos, and others, and a season of ceonine rsjoiclng bad until a late hour-

France will pay to Germany this week 200 000,000 francs, and will continue to makeslmi-, lar Installment* until the end of the year, so that on tbe first of January only two millions of the war Indemnity remain unpaid.

I may not kls* tway tb* tear* that Still Han* on tb* ltd* which tfaoee loved ey** *■•

I may not weep away the tsar* that fill The** aebtog eye* of mine.

Sleep on, *ad ■(ml, thattered from love and pain r Or baply tbelier lov* from pain, with tbee,

In thy tweet dreamt. When we two oeeet again TI* but In dreamt twill be.

Tin SKNTISI.I. states that Dr. Lormg In his recent speech at the City Hall " made the pro- found ssmark, tn substance, that it didn't re- quire a great deal of brains to edit tbe Boston Pass aid Lawrence Sentinel."

Dr. Lorlng said no such thing. In speaking of tbe malicious manner la which President Grant had been slandered, he stated that tbe President might not have literary ability, " be might not be able to edit the New York Tri- bune or the Boston Post—or—or tbe Lawrence Sentinel.—" Tbe remainder of the sentence showed wbat President Grant could do. And if the reporter of the Sentinel had been pres- ent there would not havo been any necessity tor making this correction. It Is aasala to take things at second hand, u we fonnd when we made X. P.Sbatinck of Haverblll, the Liberal Democratic nominee for the third Senatorial District,

The Letter Carriers' Ball-

The first annual ball of the letter carriers of this city, was hold at tbe city hall on Wednes- day evening. Tho arrangements had been made with great care, and tbe affair through- out was a great succass- There wu a very largo attendance, there being at least two hun- dred couple* on the floor at some periods dnr- Ing the evening; tbe galleries were well filled with spectators. A large number of the best class of our citizens was pieeent. Notwith- standing; tbo largo number present the best of order wu maintained, and there was no in- convenience In dancing. The music, which was lnrnlahed by Osgood and Psrtlow'* Hand, wu excellent; indeed it is seldom thst usem- bllos of this character are so fortunate In hav- ing a quadrille band of such excellence. Tbo superiority of thalr playing was much remark- ed upon during the eveniug, and dancing was rendered the more agreeable In consequence. Mr. Frank Clark u prompter, discharged tbe duties of bis position with much ability, and much of the success of the ball wu dne to his thorough knowledge of the rcqnlrements of the office. Tbe entire affair reflects tbe blgb-

■!■-. ilit upon tbe letter csrrlers. A bail on inch a scile wu an undertaking of no small magnitude, but they were more than equal to tbe occasion. We do not usert too much In saying that the letter carriers'ball will rank among tbe most pleasurable events of ibe season.

GEN. TOM THUMB, the original and

Inimitable, after a three years tour li

Europe, will sf'Vu two entertain a euts to-

morrow, afternoon and evening*, at the city hall; all tbe young people and most

of the old ones will wish to attend.

OUR lKi.i.*.unvAi.r correspondence

gives InterestltiK particulars of the cap- ture of a wild worn.i» In tbe woods of


Early Cloalnar Movement.

A day or two ago we gave currency to a ru- mor that tome of our merchants were agitating an early closing movement. This rumor was not without foundation. Our leading dry goods dealers we find are really in earnest In this matter, and Messrs. Dyron Truth A Co., Tay- lor & Bolton, It. M- Cross & Co., and Simpson & Oswald have announced tbeir decision to Close their stores from this date on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays at six o'clock p. tt.

We have no donbt this example will be gen- ciaiii roiioweo tnroughout tbe city. Uur stores are usually opened at 7 o'clock In the morning, and we see no reuon why dry goods clerks should not be allowed to close their day's labor at the hour when men engaged In other branches of Industry usually ceue work —at least on those days on which it Is admitted there Is no neceulty for keeping the stores open later than six o'clock. Some may urge that tbe labor of dry goods clerks is less fa tlgulng than that of tbe laborer and mechan- ic. Wo cannot endorse this opinion. Besides being conflned to the store, day after day, and denied the enjoyment of tho^resh air, tbeir labor Is both physical and Intellectual. Tboy stand on tbelr feet all day long; ihey are obliged to exert themselre. to sell. By that we mean they must please customer*, they must render themselves agreeable to every- body, and, goodness knows It Is a trying thing to be agreeable to some persons, In whom tbe milk of human kindness it all soured, and whoso tempers are u sharp u an Irish black thorn hedge. Tosaylheleut tbe occupation is trying and confining, and any movement looking to shortening the working hours of this class of our Indnttilat community, should meet with no opposition. Tbe merchants who have inaugurated this mtvemeut are en- titled to high pralu.

Republican Rejoicing.

When political entbuslum manifests ltsell in Lawience it does so in a manner to attract gen- eral attain um. There wa* great reason for re- joicing among the republicans on Wednesday evening, when ft became certain that all over tbo country republican principles were again triumphant. About eight o'clock two guns of the Fourth Light Battery, placed upon the Common, began to thunder fortb the news of the sweeping vlc.orlu. The Tanners paraded, notwithstanding the rain, and marched In pro- cession through the streets. Tbe bouses of a large number of cltisens were illuminated, and thers waa general rejoicing all ronnd.

-5bome (Vioooip.

Kudemdorff* Tuesday.

The horses are recovering.

Kuderadortf next Tuesday at City Hall.

Ox teams are verycommou on our streets.

Robert Collyer at tbe Cltjr Hs!l thin evening

Tom Tbnmb Sitarday afternoon and even- ing.

The democrats spe^k more kindly of a recmnt hi* year than lut.

It looks now u If tbe democrats bad just saved tbeir Baron.

People are beglnnlni; lo uka breath since tbe elections are over.

Onr citizens should not forget tbe lecture by Robert Collyer to-night.

Col. Beal and Geo. Li. Cabot each received a vote for senator on Tuesday.

Tbe trees on the Common are with one or two exceptions stripped of thetr leaves.

A. S. Bunker hu sold out bis store on Com- i on Street to Messrs. Myrlck & Kicker.

Col. Beal hu been active In preventing tbe working of horses atTjcted with the distemper.

John Shean of this citv ha* been commis- sioned Second Lieutenant of tbe Fourth Light Battery.

Mr. Tarbox, tt wilt bo seen, u candidate for Congress, runs nearly 100 ahead of his ticket in this city.

The milkmen continue to serve their custom- ers through the rrfedlum of bend carts, mule and ox teams.

There Is a prospect of George Macdonald, the popular novelist, delivering his lecture on Burns, in this city.

Tbe guns of tbo Fourth Light Bittery, on Wednesday evening, spoke joyfully over the grand election news-

Special communication of Tuscan Lodge. Monday evening, Nov. lltb.at 7 1-2 o'clock, for the pnrpose of conferring E. A- degree.

Major John FI. Brown hu removed hla law ofOce to lbs rooms or II. P. Wright, Esq., where he will In future conduct bis business.

Oh, weep ye who trusted In Greeley and Brown.

The babble hat "busted," The kite baa coma down.

Woik on the new Catbollc church, st the comer of Union and Essex streets, progresses rapidly; the walls are up and the roof closed in.

The Bulletin of Ibe Colbnrn Bros., on Wednesday evening bore tbe facetious Intelli- gence, "Embarkation of the Salt River Dele- gallon."

Tbe next boll In order Is the sewing machine agents' ball wo understand. Could not we have a concert too? The SINQKK machine could be made available for tbo pnrpose-

(Hi, Liberal* I Oh, Democrats' Howe niin'ti you've been mistaken,

You've loat yonr Murphy,—worst of all Ton could not uve your llacon.

Our storekeepers are agitating sn early clos- ing movement, which must meet with) general approval. Our store k?epsrs and clerks are as much entitled to leisure hours as any other portion HI tin* community.

Tbo weather was of a very dif agreeable char- acter en Sunday, and was severely felt by the suffering horses. The Ittetti were unusually quiet and scarcely half a dozsn horses were seen oat dnrlng the entire day.

Tbe herse first attacked with the epidemic in the stables or Messrs, Porter, died on Sunday night; on Sunday morning tt was supposed to be recovering, but a change took place during tbe evening, and in a short time It died.

Tse horse epidemic grows no worse; it is thought tbe crisis is past. A large number of the animals In the city are progressing favora- bly towards recovery. Another week may probably see many of tbo animals at work again.

Tbe Sentinel claimed one hundred majority for Frank DaVls In North Andover. That re- spectable village went ono hundred and thir- teen the other way, giving thirteen msjority to Mr. Harmon. It Is not safe to count chickens before they are hatched.

On Saturday evening, Mr. Trlckey, Superin- tendent of tho Merrimack Valley Horse Rail- road, hitched a team of oxen Into a car, and drove the delegatea to the Republican repre- sentative convention at Methuen. Those dele- gtvte* who were lo a hurry to roaoh Metbuen got out and walked.

An extensive suction taU Is shortly to take place, under tbe willows on tbe common, on the first rainy allcrnoon, of a lot of damaged white bats, axes, and other wood choppers' eqntpmonls, for which the owners have no far- thur nse; sale to the highest bidder, snbject to certain Incntnbrances to be then made known.

The friends of one of the Democratic candi- dates for representative on Tuesday, were so anxious about a certain voter giving his bal- lot to tbelr favorite, that they pat ihe man In a flaster, and be dropped the Republican ticket Into the box; ho was subsequently beard to say that It wun't quite so much of a mistake u Ibey supposed.

There Is no country In Ihe world ttnt offers snch advantages to the worklnpman as Amer- ica. The ordinary workman if he shuns the grog shop,—a place all men ought to shun— can live comfortably and save something. Workmen are more Independent as a rule, hare more leisure and generally are better in every respect than their fellow workmen In oilier countries. But If a man cannot make a living in another count.-?, that Is, if be cannot perform a day '* Ubor, if he Is weak or Incapa- ble in other respects he may as well stay at borne. 1 inlet.i bo will bo much better at home among triends and acquaintances than In a strange couutry where be cannot bold bis own. These remarks are suggested by seeing a man who made application at the station house for lodgings; be stated that be had been tn tbe country only a little over a month and bad failed to procuro employment; we do not won- der; feeble In constitution, with little Intellect, be would be ol little nse In any kind ot employ- ment. This country offers the best market In tbe world for brain and strongtb. The coun- try is young and needs these, and weakness and Imbecility will do no better here than in tho country that produces thorn.




At a caucus of tbe Republicans of Essex Representative district No. 4, comprising tbe towns of Andover snd Nonh Andover, held at Stevens Hall, in the latter place, on Friday evening- Hon. George Foster wai chosen chairman, and Mllon S. Jenkins, secretary. Mr. rotter, on aaxuming the chair, tendered bis thanks for tbe honor of being chosen to preside on tbe occasion, promised Impartiality, and craved indulgence In tbe discharge of bis duties, and urged hormony In the results of the caucus. He farther referred to ihe glorious record of tbe Republican party, In securing universal freedom throughout the land; tbe loyal victory achieved in the late war under the leadership of Gen. Grant; tbe success of his administration during the put four years; tbe reduction of the national debt; the extinct- Ion of taxes; tbe general prosperity of busi- ness snd the renumeratlve reward of labor.

The speaker then paid a deserved compli- ment to Hon. Henry Wilson, and predicted the complete triumph of tbo Republican party at the approaching election.

Messrs. Benjamin P. Saunders, Tbomu E. Foye and John Cornell, were appointed a com- mittee lo roceive, assort, and count the voles for a candidate for Representative to the gen- eral Court.


Whole number of votes io7 Necessary to a choice 61 George It poor bad 6 Joseph P. Blake 8 Itlram Berry 73 Joseph N. Taylor 81

FoniiAL B.'.I.I.OT

Whole number of votes 1S9 Necessary to a choice ttj Joseph N. Taylor ba] 8a Hiram Bsrry )01

snd Hiram Berry of North Andover, was de- clared the nominee.

D«. CEOUUB II. LouiNQ Iselected from

tbe Salem d'atrlct to the Uassachusetta Senate, by a majority of over WOO, and

will undoubtedly grace the President's

chair, in tbat body, to wlilch be will briny; a dignity and fltness unexcelled by

any auionjf tbe long list of distinguished

incumbents In the past.



Bailey waa born in Andover, December

13, 1770, utid wtU married to James 11.

Luvcjoy, in I 799, They luul seven chil-

dren five of whom are living. Her fa-

ther died nt tbo ago of H8 years. Her

husband died April 28, I8fl9, aged 81

years. Mrs. Lovejoy has nearly lost her

sight, hut has such industrious habita

tbat sbe now continues to knit stockings.

At a former period, she wove 1 UK) yards

of cloth in a year with a hand loom.

SIIB has uniformly enjoyed good health,

having had hut little sickness during her

protracted life. Her residence is with

her son-in-law Mr. Calvin K. fJoodell.

Abigail Gould was born in Ablngton,

Aug. 8, 1777, and was married in 1708,

to Charles Cushing of Bridgewater.

They had one child. After the death ot

Mr. Cushing, she married Lenthal Phil-

lips of Charleatowu, and they had five

children, only one ol whom is living.

Mrs. Phillips lives with her son-in-law,

Mr. Asa Barker, and now enjoys quite

good health. She h»s resided in this

town about fifteen years.

Some ono has sent us a copy of the

Cleveland, Ohio, Herald, of a late date.

Tho next lecture of the V. A. S. course

will be given on Monday evening next,

Nov. 11th, by Rev. W, H. Cudworth of

EastBoston. Subject:—" Up Hill and


The next in the Andover course, will

be given on Friday evening, Nov. 15th,

by Mrs. Harriet B. Stowe:—Select Read-


The Hudson Shakosperian class met

on the evening of Tuesday, the 5th inst.,

at the house ot Itev. P. H. Johnson, Elm

Street. The attendance was good.

The members read with much spirit and

enjoyment. The learned Professor was

in his best vein for criticism, with his

usual quaint, but telling humor. Some

of the most thrilling passages of Macbeth

were read, and very ably commented

upon. The class read down to that part

of the 1st scene of the .'d act, to the

point just before the discovering of the

murder oi the King.

The horse distemper prevails very

generally, and with less prospect of a

cure than was expected. Messrs. Holt

and Higglns this week lost a horse,

worth $300 or $100. The same firm

have lost another valuable horEe within

a year past.

Two or three weeks since Mr. J. C.

Lane of Concord, N. 11., went "> 1/iw-

rence to visit his sick friend, the late

George L. Boardman, and while In the

depot to return, he lost his pocket-book, with quite a Bum of money, and valuable

papers. The next day bo received a

letter from Mr. Frank Richardson of

Andover, informing him tbat he bad

found a pocket-book, which contained

papers he suspected belonged to him, and desiring to kuow whether he had lost one

Mr. Lane replied, describing the pocket- book, and telling Mr. Richardson to re

tain a certalti sum of money Tor his re-

ward. The pocket-book was forwarded

to Mr. Lane at onee, with a handsome

note, in which Mr. Richardson declined

to take any recompense, saying, "the satisfaction of serving a gentleman ia

enough to pay ine." Such an Instance

of honesty Is worthy of mention.

Rev. George Macdonald, the celebra ed Seotoh divine, gave his lecture on

" Robert Burns," on Wednesday even- ing. Notwithstanding tbe severe rain

the ball was filled with an attentive and

appreciative audledce. The lecturer

spoke of the demand for and advent or

Burns, his early life and circumstances,

his superior genius, natural geniality, and

the richness and beauty of his poems, His faults were also referred to with re-

markably scrutinizing justice. The leo<

ture le regarded as an able one, and It no

doubt afforded much gratification to the numerous and Intelligent listeners-

John Sweeney lost a horse this week,

by tbe prevailing dhease 1'hln is the second fatal case.

Mr. Austin S. Garver, a late graduate of thu seminary, was ordained pastor of

the Cong, church In Hingham, Oct. 31

Mr. Olmar W. Folsom, of tbe last class

In the seminary, was ordained In the

First church, Newhury, Oct. 31, as col league with Rev. L. Wlthlngton, D. D.

The election on Tuesday passed off

very quiotly. Tho voto polled, which

will be lound elsewhere, was less than

six hundred in the aggregate, being about

three fourths of the number of voters

registered. As the day was a pleasant

one, it is presumed that many voters re-

siding in remote parts of the town, were

prevented from visiting the polls for

want of conveyance. It will be seen

that Dr. William J. Dale, of North An-

dover, the regular democratic candidate

for Representative received about double

the voto of his party. This was occa-

sioned by the free distribution of a split

ticket, leaving bis name and the myste'

rious disappearance about noon, of five

hundred *>f tbe regular republican ballots,

The result ol the election both locally

and generally,' is quite satisfactory not

only to tbe republicans, but also, it is

believed, to many of the democrats.

The insaue woman referred to, two

or three months since, as wandering

about in tbe south part of the town, made nei nit^vuiance on luesday last,

near the residence of Stephen D. Abbott,

and was taken to the almshouse. She

Is emaciated, and was but partly clothed.

It is thought she has lived iu the woods

ever Blnce she was first seen in the

neighborhood. From marks upon some

articles about her person, there can be

but little doubt tbat she oscaped from

tho Tewksbury Almshouse. She ap-

pears to bo about fifty years of age.

A public meeting of tbe Porter Rhetor-

ical Society, of the Theological Semina-

ry, will be held on Thursday evening

(14th), In the Seminary chapel, begin-

ning at half past seven o'clock. The

exercises will be an oration, poem, and

debate wllh music by the Lockhart Socie-


SOD look their usual trip among thtlr Tewhabnry cu atom era with ihrlr pros-lilon cart draws by oxen. Mr. Joaaph Lottjoy wa* put lo it aboot a* hard a* Ih* DKl one; faarlnf 10 lain hla home oat oa ll.iimlayilurlngihailorm.hu took hi* plao* b*. twain the ahafu, sad with a boi fattened lo Ihe roru wheel* i< latainlns ihe milk oana, ha w*at about deliveries 'a qall* a cheerful maud.

OnThuradiy whll* two of our youn« men wart out hunting ra'jlili* among the wood* in tbe Boot, land district, ihey dlsoavrred tb* habitation sad hldlog placo of Ihe women •□ppa*«d lo be Inaaa*, and whose einguler and hermit Ilk* mode of HI* hescrrated no little- ■monnt of exellemeni tn to* neighborhood. The placo of her concealment wa* onder the rool of a large tree which bad blown

ip, leaving quite ath. lo Ibla hoi* aba baa

probably lived all through the BMminer and fall, living ii)i i berrlea, applee and such thloge, en- tirely deetltate of any aort of seVStlBf, exoept tha few rsg-s ah* had aboul ber, and what tha leave* and brush afforded;* daaolat* and drear 7 abode Indeed. Sbe he* b**a seen eeveral times darlag to* •nmmer, and effort* bav* b*ca mod* 10 Had fair retreat, but wltboulineocs*. Whenever th* thought a search waa going on, or when aha ha* *a*n per. •011s following lo ber track, abe would take to the wood*, running and I taping over wall* snd rtnots wllh the fleetntes of a dssr, always **ctp1ng front her pnrsasr*. One of th* young man, Mr. Jims* Dearborn ooUolng tbe peculiarity of th* fallen tree, earns eloee to It, and feeing wh at Its *nppo**d to b* s bundle of rag*, reached forward hi* hand, and exclaiming to hi* oompanloo, whal'a here, the d lr (strong expreetiun Tor Jam**, but ih* moment wa* exciting) When sll at once a batata hot.) protruded from among the I*****, asalal talng "yea;" then bnddled back Into her den to ream lo. wttb all her strength. The unfortunat* woinin begg*d to be let alone, and noi to take bar awai; ber appearance waa truly heartrending; barefoot and b*reh*ad*d *h* had gone about these woods, and sleeping; *t night la that ml**r*bl* bols.es- poted to all aortsof wastbsr; what little olotbtng she had upon h*r waa in perfect rigs, and not fit lo eover any human being, lleeldt har lay a bag eon. Ulnlng m little 0*1 meal, which, it Is suppoeed, sh* took from torn* of the neighbor log barn* in Ih* night Urns. Hordrea* *l*sv*s werstlsd at lb* wrl*t; th*M too bod apperant.lv been tilled with meal; tb* young men wereiomewhtt pustled aboot bow lo

■o b*r, bnt they Anally concluded to to fur it- •tetanee, which they fonnd sol far off, Returning to tb* woode they found* that the had escaped, but knowing that aha could not ha** 1O0* Star great dietanoe Ibey *tl oat to march lb* wood*; ttch

taking s routs in different direction*, ibey 1 not long In Hading her; she had made a des-

perate effort to eectpi,carrying her bag of meal wllh her, bst from wtaknntt sod sxbaoatlon ber limb* were scarcely able to render her support; eh* wss taken to one of th* boo*** near by oad properly alothed; food wa* offered her to take, but the would exoept nothlBg bot a cop of let; the **. leetmen were notllUd, sod msuore* were at one* taken to provide for her; w* learn that ahe bit been conTey ed to tb* Insane atylum at Hamerville.

Our Vale folk* mud b*ar in mind Ihe leelur* ou Wednesday evening neit, by tb* Il*v. Mr, Hog, of Lawrence; * lour lo tb* old country 'nil after election mnlt b*plee*»nt, thoogb one may b* til- ting sll Ihe while, No passage mosey I* required, and the committee Ineare Sfalnil all taa-slokntis.


Kindlon d»y p***sd off veryqaietly; ws might oopy from tbe aim tn act, and **y, great *iellement about thl* lime, bnt we tipnUnosd little or none of It; tb*00mat didn't appear; atlll wslblnk thai every voter turned ont and help, lo bind or unbind Ibe cord* that keep together and sustain our repub- lican InaUtuUou, that le, each voted With a e«r- lalnty thattbsiroaodldate ws* the right one, and would tie elected, and that Ihe country could only be safe lo th* hand* of thai parly wblob thtj fa vori'.l. Now that tb* ttruigl* I* over, w* may *i- paCllo too some of oar friends m»ke their *ppeer- anc* under cover of on* of A horn's nobbleet, un- ite* their opponents bsok out, bnt of course ibey wont do ihst. Then again ibare or* several box** of elfsratobe forthcoming, ell of which ehows last our htlilta or battle* on alectlone do** not run ruinously hIRh, bat Just enough perhaps to give spies and Savor to lb* contest. Tb* big learnt were not mil, and II II doubtful If one could have been h*d, however dttperat* might have been onr

Th* bora* dl**a*e has reaehsd here, Ibere being several afuleted. On Monday W. D, Stark and


The Tensag and Mobile bridge, or

bridges, on the Mobile and Montgomery

Railroad, extends from Teneas station

on the Mobile and Montgomery* road, to

the city of Mobile, a distance of fifteen

miles, crossing both Mobile and Tensas

rivers and Including ten draws, one for

each of the navigable channelalnto which

tbe rivers are divided. The brld.ro Itself

Is constructed of wood, but Its piers or

supports are Iron cylinders, which rest

on a solid surface of wooden piles driven

down evenly with the bottom of the

stream and the mud of tbe Intervening

morasses. It has been three years in

course of construction, at a cost of about

01,500,000, and now that It has been com-

pleted, it Is perhaps the longest structure

onlhe globe.


Col. Palmer or Salem, one of the sufferer* from tbe recent railroad disaster at Seabrook, Is slowly Improvlos*.

The Salem Llfht Iofantry has recently gained about thirty new members, which infuse* new life Into the corps.

fcatale Daniel Mears.

Notice It hereby given, that the subscriber has been duly appointed administrator, with tbe will annexed, of tbo estate of

Daniel Maura, late of Andover, In tbe County of Raaex. yeoman, deceased, and has taken upon blmseli that trait, by a I v In* bonds, a* the law direct*. All persons bavins; demands noon th* eats I* of saM deeoued, are required to exhibit th* same; and all persons indebted to tald ettate are called upon to make payment to

ISAAC O. BLUNT, Adm'r. AadoTor, NOT.S,1B7S, 31

Eatate Jesse Kuanella. Notice I* hereby given, tbat the subsrriber h*i

been duly appointed administrator of tie estate

JESBE BUNNELL8, late of North Andover, in the County of Ksiex, Cordwalner, dtoeaaed, sad ho* taken upon bin). self that trait, by Riving bond*, a* the law direct*. All perion* harlsg demands upon the titet* of it Id deoessed, are required to exhibit the earn*; and all persone Indebted to said mete sr* eslltd upon 10 make payment to

QKOKOE rOBTEB, Adao'r. Andover, Noy, G, Wi. u

NTK'M LAUNDRY. Lawrence and Andover Agencies. Tbe aubaerlbers are now prepared to sxeeute

all kind of work In Hie Laundry line, In taper I or etyle, at abort nolle* and at prlcea that defy com- petition. The proprletora hold themselvee re- spooalble for all goods lo*t or mislaid, whether marked or not. tjitlafaetlon guarantied la all caie*. Prloo per do.en, Including three starched piece*,70 e*nls. For further particular* Inquire of our agents, Kdward McKay. IS. Kaaex Htreet, l-awn-in'i', and 11, H. While, office at T. Henry's, Haln Street, Andorer. '

A share or public patronage respectfully solle-

TOWNBBND, BLOOOB(T at CO. West Ameibruy, Nor. 1,1ST-'., f Isso N.B. All goode lent to our Laundry at OUT

H*k. and frtt of txptntt, Good* Intended for the Laundry If left on Nandsy or Tassdar at the Dry HoodaStoreofB. McKay, will b* attended to with despatch.


Tblrtssa Foil Blood Chester Whltss. „ H, t, BOLT.

Andover, Nor. 1,187*. tl

* W. F. 8HEPARD, M. D.f

HOMCXOPATH18T, the oraee reeentli

rd. Office boars till V A, If „ 1 Andover, Nov. 1,1S7S.

For Bale or To Let. The two story Dwelling House between the

Mouth and KpUoopal Chun-be*. Th* location 1* but ■ abort dliltncu from tb* depot and tb* build Inge are oonvenlent and in rood repair.

Apply lo UKOBUlE fOSTER, Andovsr, Nov. 1,117s. st



Where may b* found ■ good *e*ortH*tJt of rural- tare, coniiitint of Bltahen. Chamber, and Parlor ■'urnlture, kfattr*****, lleds, Bedding, Window 8 hade a, gM. SM,

klatreties, l.ounget, Sofa*, sod Parlor Set* made to order, or repaired and apholitered.

Deika, Tables, anil odd pieces mode a* dealred. rurtaini trimmed and bung, Carpets laid, and General Jobbing done.

Everything told a* low ss can b* afforded warranted a* represented,

Agenu for the celebrate JONK9' PAPX SPRING UED.bMt in market. V.rlou. kinds on hand.

N.B. Mr. Woodman will render any assistance desired, In purabulng good* in flotion or elie- where.

Andovcr, Jas: 1,1S71.

J. LOW II Kl>". VS. t>.

Respectfully informs Ibe rltlims Of Andovtr and vicinity tint he has opened an oO.ee al Dra- per'* Block, Mala Street, wh*r* he Is ready to answer all sail* In th* line of bis profession,

Tsetb aatraeted. Andover, Oct. as, 1873, if

MRS, B, L. TAPLEY Having removed lo the store formerly occupied by Jobs Morrlton, la Swift's building oa Main Street, would respectfully Invite tbe attention of her friend* and the public generally, to th* Fall and Winter styles of Millinery earefnlly selected.

In 00noeotlOB ha* beea added acholo* stock of fanoy Goods. W* shall endeavor t* prsssat th* most reliable etyles, and Introduce tha uovelllei of the *e**on as fast ss they sppsar. The Worsted Department la made a ipaelalty.

Mas, B. L. TAFI.ST Has. E.A.HAXSoa.

Audov.r, Ost. 16.1S71. If


The tiuilness olthe 1st* Harmon Abbott basing patted Into the hands of Ibe subscriber*, they will roiitlniM' to furnish


snd other artleUs connected with the business, promotly *nd In the latest *tyle* and Sulih.

Cortina and Cuket* Snlshed In oil, was, or cov- ered with brosdcloth.

The attention of the trade reipeolfullysollollsd. Prlet* as low and Salsb as good ss I* to be found.

WOODMAN & CBABTREE, Neat North of Town Hall,

Andover, gfMS.,Ort, »,ls7».


Season of 1872-73.

WlDIUDAT IVI'O, N»i. n.-(iK'I.Mr|ili.\. ALD, of England—Subject, HoHURT HIHNI.


FmnAT EVI'O, Dec. ft. — Rav. GEO. HEP- WOBTH—Subjeot, to be announced.

Mi'S DAT Evt'ii, »«r.:tO PHOr.W.H.NlLKS, Subject, SCKM:I AHUM I THE UlOH A Lin.


COMCKBT.—Time lt> he announced. Tlcbeti, (entitling the holderi to HIP lame seats

throughout the course,) S3.00 and ('.;,50, according to location.

Ticket* of admission for the court*, A2.0U. For . single < iiag,( One-half of lhe center and part of the tide

Mill I'-ili not be rrttrct.il ; but wtll be upen for ID

hour previous to each eniertsi uini-nt to the bold- er* of »dminion ticketi.

Ticket* now for sale at W. F. DltAPKK'S. Andover, Oet. 11, \h-.i. tf


EEV. WM. H. CUDWOHTH, ofBoaton.at

Town I lull, AIKIDVIT,





Relate Sausael Hniley. Notice 1* hereby given .that the subscriber hai

be*a duly appointed administrator of the estate of SAMUEL BAILEY,

late of Andover, In the county of Essex, yeoman dtoeaaed, and ha*taken upon himself that trait, by jrlTlnc bond*, a* the law dlreeta. All persons having demands upon the estate of aald deceased, are required to exhibit the urn*; and all per loot Indebted to laid estate are called upon to make HIment to

GEORGE FOSTER, Adm'r. Andover, Nor. ft, 1873. 3t

A Situation Wanted, By B young man accuitomed to the oareol bortc* ■nd would drive a carriage or wagon.

Apply to ' KEV.JAMES THOMPSON r . j ajibo inumnun, Reotor of Cbrlit Church

Andover, HOT. 6,1871. tl

TIME GIVEN. I hBT« given to my ion, Albert B. Black, a mi-

nor, hli time to trade and act for himself; and I ■ball neither claim any of hit wage* nor pay any debt! Of hli contracting after till* date.


Tbc labeoriber hai taken the Store on MAIN Street, (recently occupied by Jonathan Swift,) where he hai for tale (I rit elssi Canned and other FBUIT8, Confectionery, Limpi A Lamp Ptxtmrea, T0ra4 FANCT GOODS, together with a groat variety of other article*.

*W-A ibarc of public patronage re*p*etfally ■oltelted.

WALTER S. DONALD. And*r*r, Ooi. 4,1871.


begs to inform hit nnmeroni cnitomtri and the pmbllc generally that ha ha* received all the

Latest Pall Styles in Millinery, IHCLUDIRO


SILKS, cVc, A*.,

at price* that will be ivre to merit a ihare ol public patronage.

Be hai, In aooordanee with many wiihei, added to hl» itook the'

Worsted Departmenti including all Fancy Article* for Wonted Work,

A fall Une nf .. .

Hosiery, Kid and Fleeced Gloves,

Belts, Ties, Collars and Cuffs,

;uit received.

WILLIAM Y. STABK, Opposite Post Office, Andover.

GOAL. The subscriber hai a iupply of COAL of Jiff.

•real ila** and quality, which ha will furniih •aitomer* at a reasonable price and ehort no tie*. Order* may be left at JOHN H. CHANDLER'S periodical itore or at my residence.

JOHN CHANDLER. Andover, Sept. 0, 1672.


Now that the "verdict i» mnde up," uuiineii reiumes iti accuitomed channel*. The remit of the election it very gratifying, partlrnlarly that of onr ycuag town", mm GtaivllleB Foil, to the legislature, as he ii known to lie well qualified lor [ho position.

The adjourned meeting;, called for the pur- p oie of organizing a literary asEOcisiion, wu held in tho High School Hall, last Monday evening, and a permanent OT£SelS*tloa i. tt■. r ,i in tho choice ol the following office is.-hci- <lent, Jacob Eiueracn; Vice President, Paik H. W rren, Secretary and Treasurer, I)/. C. A Goldsmith ; Executive Coniroittcc. C. E GJM,

CD. Uulman, C. K. Trow, and V ,-■■>. Flor- ence Oleaion and Belle L- Hall.' Tbe assucU- atlon itarli with every Indication or success. It arguet well for any community that ha* a ucleiy for mutual improvement lu successful Operation, y Iti culture and teachings are al- waya for good. We hop > to see it well KUI-

taine't, ai we bave no doubt it will be, when we bear inch declarations ai the following, from one of onr well-known profetilonil ci.1- ieni —"I wjl] do all I can for it. 1 know whit mcb an organization ha* done for me." The next meeting wltl he held In the lame place ai bafore, Monday even leg, Nov. lltb. Tbeordtr of eiercliet will conilit of an addreii by the Pre*ident, Jacob Emerion, vocal and initru- menial mnnc, and the report of ex-committee on cooititution andby-lawi.

The Hethueo Ooastfi will make lu next np- pearanM Bitnrdey, Nov l(lh, and will con- tain a lapplemeot, giving a full report or the "Park memorial meeting," together with a large amount of local matter.

James O. Parker, Eiq., hai retired Irom the office of nation agent for the Mancbeiter and Lawrence R. R., where he ba* been engaged Tor the last nineteen yean. He has been con- templating the cbBnge for tome time, ai hli imurance patronage hai increased to luch proportion* ai to require all hi* time, and render hli radgnation oeceiiarv. Ilia lamillar face will be mined by the many patron* ol the road; we hive the Uinrance, however, that be ii to remain in town with uf, which will be good nowi to onr citizen*, ai be ii a live man, and ever ready to en con rage and help along PubllcenterprliB.

Capt. Robert Shieta, of Ihe Grant Cadeti, found, on the occajion of the late Greeley da mom t ration, tbat hli "better hall" wu going to illuminate,—sti- being a Greeler woman. So he turned to and aiiiitod her all be poMlbly could. Who will now lay that Graft men are not for peace la national ai well ai domeitlc economy ?

The doctor*' patient* aaffer a* well ai the hone* | the former from dilatory profeiilonal caaai, ihe latter wltb the prevailing dlitemper. We understand that Dr. Woodbnry'i honci are down with the epizootic diaeaie, but tbat Dr. Goldimlth hai been more fortunate, and hai been favored with a " aound bone," bat of COOTM he hai bad to have "carefnl treatment."

Ihe Beat lecture In tbe Hetbnen conrie will be given Wednesday evening, I3ih Inn, when it is hjped a good attendance will be given. Rev. Dr. Flanders li the speaker.

Ths member* of Rev. Mr. Oraiaie't iccieiy, (CODlegation*I,) are to bold a Fair, Thanuey evtoing, the MtL met, whin a pleasant time li anticipated. Useful articles will be (or sale at ninal on inch occasions, and together with the many other attraction!, inch ai are found only at these locial gatherings, ibonld bring out a large attendance.

Our genial friend D. II- Pattenon takes every thing pblloiophlcaliy; even a central defeat has no wrron lor him, for he li alwavi willing to bide bis time, and was never known to W op "wrath agalnit the day," &c. We Join in the charm with hli miny frlendi, and ilng,

"Long may be wave."

Jonathan Jennings, of Hetbnen, aged B] veers, walked from his residence io the polli on Tuesday, a distance of more than two miles, and deposited his vote.

A Card.

To former pupil* ami frittult. lly heart la too full for utteranc*; tsngniga Is

Inadequate to axprew my ftellBg*. I e*n only thank yon for jour kind ragardi, manifesttd toward me by lettera 1 bave received from those at a dlslaaoa, BII.1 for the iDtereit tenderad In my p resent w«ir*r« by tbe lubitanttal tMllmony all bave granted both far and n*ar. May (be rlcbait of heaven's blessings rest upon eaeh of yon, and that we may at last

lu tbat world of bll*a above, la tbe hearl'i de- sire and prayer or yoor unworthy teacher and ftU-r.fl, OLIVBPABE.


228 & 230 Essex Street, 2d lloor From Po.l-ofllcc.


Succeisori to *- .


Bavi-boughmiartof IbA' WASUlNUTOlfUlLLb

Shawls and Dross Oojode,


PLAIDS, ^5 cents, worth U7, 50 & 87. POPLINS, 25 cents,


Shawls,Shawls, Shawls. Woolen Shawls, $1.87 C^&bmcre Shawls, 4.75

American, French tt British Goods InStrlpeiaod Pialdi.

Black Alpacas A Brilllantlnes.

We keek the largest itoek of those goodi In the City,every brand Imported, *o ladlei oan have any oholoe.and prices that defy competition.

SiS Cuntai to the neit made,

A lioud, All Wool Blanket, Ur|. Site, for $.1.M.

PRINTS, F.tt Colors, 9 and 10 tls. GINGHAMS, Meat, I a and 14 us.


BEST GERMAN OOBSETS 65 otn JOUVIN KIDS; 75, warranted.



rge itock ready made. In the mott approvet Frcnrh and New York Blylca,

Mantles, Snquos and Capes

GUT & MADE TO ORDER, ie newest designs and moil artlitie manner

and at our well known

Low Prices ■

Small Wares & Trimmings. IN EHDLK8S VAKIETT.



228 & 230 ESSEX STREET.






Doors optn it 2 and at I o'elock.


The Great Original and Benowned

tien. Tom Thumb and Wire, Commodore Null, nnd

■iasj Minnie Wnr.rn,


Three Years' Tour Around the World, ■*- „, Will appear In a varlny of FowtHjintlnB , I'erlormui.wai I

I.At GI1AUI.K SKKTCHBIS. At each Kntertatnmcnt the Ladle* will wear


M ACJN1FIUKNT DIAMONDS, Ktc, At worn by them before tbe Potentate* of ths


To afford all an opportunity of seeing and wel- oomlng to their native land these

Worl(l-Renown«d A,rtiattn, ADMISSION ONLY 25 CANTS.

CUIMJKEN under 10year*, IS Csats.

Ladies and Cblldren ire considerately advised to attend the Dsy Exhibition, and thai avoid the crowd and contusion at tin r>entng Performance.

UttStnoi GBO. MITCHELL, Agent.

City II.ill. - - Lawrenoe.


EUDEBSDOBPF. Has the honor to an noun oe


Tuetdny- Evenlnc, Nov. 19th,

MADAME HUDERSDORFF, En rope'* Greatest Soprano.

MISS ALICE FAIRMAN, The Celebrated EngUlh Contralto.

MK F. 1>. SPRAGUE, Baaao Can tan te.

HERB KARL WALTER, Bolo Pianist and Conductor.

TO CKNTH. ft 00.

Reaerved seats can be eeourerl on and after Saturday, Nov. vth, at Stratton's Corner Book Store, tall novfl

To commenoe at S o'clock.



Will hold a Fair at


Wednesday Afternoon & Evening NOVEMBER l.tTll,

A large assortmsnt of

I si'liii and Fancy Arliclcs,

REFRESHMENTS Will be for sale.

SDPPSsa served from alxto eight.


Oagood & Partlow's Qaadrille Baad

Doors open at three, novS


Grand Exposition of Fall Goods.

New York Market in Lawrence, AT

BYRON TRUELL & CO'S, 249 & 265 Essex St.

Ho. opealng ■»


FINE CHOICE GOODS. India, French, English and American

SHAWLS la Splendid BITIM, from median quality to the linen manaraetured, inoladim tbe eelebratrd "Reversible Ottoman Shawl," the moat atvilih Shawl In the market,

A large aaaortment of thole Elegant

Lyons Black ft Fancy Bilks. sej-A fall Una of Drap da France and

Drap da Its In all the AWit SkaHtt, the MOST FASliiOSAUl.K Oresi Goods ever displayed In Lawrence. A large sawrtment of


Colored Alpacas,

Empress Cloths, TblbstJ,

Sattesns, etc.

A rail line of beautlfn 1

Black Alpacas & Brilllantlnes «rA oholce selection of WOOLENS

for Hea'e and Boys' wear, and Shirtings,

Flannels, etc., In abundance.

TERRENCE HENRY, Mann met nier of

■Bus, rjwkeUi "nit all kkad* of Grave C lathe*.

Also, dealer In all kinds of Fur- hntture. Blaek Walnut, Cheitnut Kaad I'lne Chamber Sets, eoa- Ittantly on hand. Upholstering

d Repairing dene In the neatest manner, and at reasonable prise■. Picture frames, Curtains ■ad Certain Fiatures constantly on hand, and put op If desired.

Opposite Memorial Hall, Andover.

TEBBENCE IIKNUY, Auctioneer and Oommiiilon M.ireliiml, is now pared to sell Heal Estate or Personal Property at reasonable terms.

NOTICE. The subscriber would respectfully give notice

te the eltliens of Andover and vleinlty tbat he baa opened a new and

Fashionable Hair Dressing Room opposite Bean's Hotel, ELM ■StUBS, next door to Hurt's l.!**i y Stable, where be will be happy to receive and attend to the wanta of oustome " By strict attention to builnen, and by faithful en- deavor* to plane, be hopes to deserve a fair pro- portion Of public confidence and patronajre. It will be bis aim to keep a first class establishment, a ad tbe publio are Invited to give him a trial.

Q7" Particular attention paid to Cutting Ladies' and Children's Hair.

P. B.—Toilet Shampoo, a new mode of olianslng tb* hair without soap or water. Try It.

QSOBQB U.OHK11.I-. Andover, Jan. 6, 1172, tt


Politics has bean a more general epidemic than thceqnlneoonlsglon. Bipeds ol tbe genus Homo ■eem tobsvebsen peculiarly liable to take It, and tbe rule rather than the exception has shown how easy II was to be affected br It. No ona seems to have been exempt. It attacked all ela***a, and either sei, Borne of ths most obstlnaae esses cum. log under oar observation were of the gentler MI.

The symptoms were more marked aad positive, leading an observer to Judge tn*t*ntly of the condi- tion of the patient. Even children seemed toeuffdr, but we presnms to venlnre tho suggestion tbat ttitlrs wai the remit mainly uf hereditary taint. Indeed, so svldent Is this conclusion, that we oould engage to render a correct diagnosis of each little luffarer'i malady, by simply rli.dlc ■ OBI how Its paternal progenitor's blood looked hi the political mlcroseope. The symptoms In each ease dlffored aaoordlog to ol ream Stan ess. Some broke out In red oap*s and fiery oapsi others were troubled with scat-benls snd bells. Many wore very "light beaded,'' sod complained of Ill-umlnatlons. Some exhibited an uncomfortable mania for tallow can- dles, especially after auaiel. Quite a number saw stars—and stripes. A very few extraordinary symptoms were noticed In some poor, dsmenled sufferers, who appeared happy only when shoul- dering an eas, and hunting fbr woodpiles. All talked lnooberenlly about various things; " ulg rata," 'horrors ii.'' >• lr*e buns," " r**f orm," " tan us," " conlus," and all sons of mysterious topics, the wlsrd offspring of Slotted brains. Hap- pily lha crisis ll past, and tbls almost unlverssl diffloulty will soon eihauit Itsoif, It Is a consols- lion io know that few fatalities have occurred dar- ing the prevalence of the contagion. These few, however, will have their memorlas enshrined In the leered preclnot* of the " tree Bune," whose far-reaehlng branchas will tremble and vibrate as the requiem winds from ssdCheppaquashsll wail their sorrow laden dirges through Us vsnsrabk heart. VIATOK.

For Bale or to Let. The Land and Buildings on Pearson Btrset,

formirly owned by HKllHUN ABBOTT, and known si the '■ Crystal Palace" property. The building Is KO reel long and 30 wide, wltb oak frame, and cellar under the whole. There are two goad walls upon the premises, and a itteet run- ning entirely around tbe building If not sold, a portion Of It will be let for storing goods. It would make an eacellent shoe or oarrlage Manufactory. Apply to JOHN KAGAN, near taepramiass.

Andover, Bept. to, 1178. tl



I h.vo ju.i re.el.eil tn elre/.nt ■uortmeut or

I.OM. OSTRICH I'KATIIKKS. whleb I am selling at

Half the Usual Prices. I am not selling these low because they are out

of fashion but beoauae having proenredn bargain oftheml can afford to sell them cheap; they suit

TflE VEBY LATEST STJLES. rithlnglhat Ladles re-

Defy Competitions My stock of Ladles Woollen Under Wear ha* 'en largely sddi,d to. Prices Is*. Children's

and babys Woolen Under Wear. Jackets, fcc.

I can supply Ladles with

PAPER PATTERNS, of all Blnda. I am making Ihli a ipeclalty and ean furnish all kinds of patterns required.

In other departments my stock ol uoods cannot beaurpasaed, ,

HAIE GOODS, Real and Imitation. All kinds ofdreii trimmings,

REAL LACES, Hamburg Edging!, Saehef, snd Sash Ribbons, Jewelry, Pcrtumes, Indeed Ladlei will Snd every- thing tliey need at my store,

1% Essex Street. 19(3

In the District s tor the District of

Massachusetts, The undersigned hereby give notice that they bave been appointed as Assignee* of the estate of HKNKY C. UlLBEKT and BTEPHEN A. LOVEJOY. who have been ad- Judged as bankrupts upon thefr own petition,

QSOiej O. UOVEY, I s„,„„. CHA8.H. ALLEN, ' ( *»slgaeea.

Boston. Oct. ittd.UM. isinol

Crockery, China, Glass Ware, Fancy Goods, &c.

When you come Io Lowell do not fall to visit the Union Crockery Co.'s Store,« Herrlmack Strsel, and lee the nae i

Stand*,Vaeee,Match Hnle*, Tariaa tiooda. Table Cutlery, Roger's Bro's

Plated Spoons, Forks and


NHKItwiniiy.-) WINE (10ODS, In every style. BAKING WAKE of all kinds, In fset one of tbe best assortments to be found In tbc country.

Look at some or our pifoes. Best Englllh Btone Chins, Tea, Breakfast, and Dining Sets, conilitlog of

1* uow teeming with Elegant and Uiaial Article*. Ladles' Furnishing Goods a srec- IULTT. JET JEWKLBT, a fall Une Juit opened. We havejust opened our Fall stock ot

Alexandre Kid Gloves, in Colors and Dlack.




We have just opeaed a targe Una of English Tapestry aad Body Bruseela, l-PIyi, Tapestry Ingralus, etc. We have always a complete assortment of Lowell t-Ply, Eatra Super and Super Carpets, floor Oil Cloths, Straw and Coooa UsUlngs, Bugs, Hassocks, Curtains, Cur- tain Fiatures of all kinds, Lao* C*. tains, Lies by the yard, ate., etc.


Oar Goods at Popular Low Price*.

"Live aad let live," la oar motto.


Nos. 249 and 2.55 EsBex Street,



Manufacturer of

Express, Market, Butcher, Store, Farm and Business Wagons.

SaTBepalring la all It* branches; aad all work ■srrantedas represented,

Andover, Maroh 11.1871. U

NEW MEAT MARKET llieni ths st


The Sebeerther hereby Inform* the eltliamof Andover aad vleinlty that he has taken ths shop lately oooupled bv Valpey Brother*, 1 Mala i.nd Central Streets, where he will sate a large assortment ol Meats and Ve Artloles delivered when desired, free ol charge

H. P. 110LT. Andover June t, ltTl, 1 tf

'/•ffluein C00 jiiUotice*.

Opining of new Drca* Uoodi, W* oall speolsl attention, io our variety of Dress Goods, In all the new shade!, colon and fabrics. Also a line nf silk plush la all lbs colors.


Tbe but argument thai can be nied In favor of gmolaadst's Buchu Is thai II la a preparation con- stantly prescribed by family pbyilciaaiof note In our Immediate community, for kidney, bladder, and glandular dlaesais, loss of vigor, msntal and physical debility, female Irregularities, aud all raal- adls* of Iba ur I no genital organ*.

Mr*. B. H. Mann, Wealvllle Centre, N, Y„ has used b*r Wheeler aad Wilton maculae constantly sine* ISM, lu sewing lor several lamlllei, without any repairs; eleven persons have learned to us* It,



VATrKIt.-lu this oily. Nov. .Mb, a son 16 Mr. fc Mr*. Jacob Vatter.

WICELAND.-In Andover, Nov. 8, a son to Mr. a Mrs, (Isksr Wleklsod.

"Wanted to Hire, fur two or three years,


a SOUTH ANDOVEB, Addreas Box 117 Law- rence. *"*»0

Steamship Lines. PASSAGE secured vU. Anchor, Rational,

or Wbita Star Lines st lowest ratas, between Liverpool or Oianaow"-**8***0"" Sew York,

Draft* from ll upwards also, prepaid certIB- •aui to Maw York or Boston,

For farther partlcuUri, apply to WM. MAHLAND. Agent,

AN DO V EH, MASS. Andover, May 17, UTS,

A Splendid New House for Sale in A«dover.

jajjaa The ueaallfal nvostory Frisch reel IfgL ROVSK,lust built, near the depot, Is for

■esslsale. it Is HiM.wttb an LllalS.and ■SSTihai eight fialibcd rooms, with sn oppor- tualtv of making four more lu the attic, ft ba* all the modern oonvenlenres, and I* In every re- Speet SB at tract ITS aad model residence.

GEORGE FOSTER, Andover, Oct. 11, IW73. It

Al.LEN-BUDWELL.—Io this oily, Nov. 2d, by Rev. A. L. Hongbton, Mr, Alonao Allen and Miss Marietta Bodwell. both of Lawrence.

W AUNKK-BABTI AN.-In this city, Nov. 4, by Rev. Clark Carter, Mr. Augustus Wsgner ol Manchester, N. H„ and Miss Mary Baltlan, of

Bev.G.B. Weaver, assisted Oy Rev, L. L. Wi___ Mr. Joseph E. Wood and Miss Mary E, Webster, both Of I.swrenoe,

CARDEB-OOCEROFT.—In lids city, Hov. nth, by John B.Gougb, Pldge, Mr. Richard Csrden to Mill Prlsellla Coekrolt, both ol Lawrence.

TAYLOR-HAGOETT.-In Ueihnen, Oct. 2k), by Bev, O. S. Weaver, Mr. Oner B. Taylor and Mis* Fsnnls M. Haggatt, both of Mslbues.

HAMILTON -lll\;-ln Metbusn, Nov. Id, by Riv. Oeorg* K. Jndklns, Mr. Charles Usmlllon and Mi** Ellen Hli, both of Mathaee.

V. ATOK-HM1 I'll. -In Oreen, Me,, by Rev. E. G. Eaton, Mr. Charles B. Eaton of tiallowsll, Me., to M Is* Lliil* Smith of Banger, Ms.



luii.rn. I.

Copper, Iron and Glaas Oylender

PUMPS. of all kinds. Alio In




Corner Hampshire Sf Essex Sts.t







1ft eta. IMCli. Ill " SO Ota. Sv els. a pair. 7S '| »i.oo •' 1 OD per doi. Seta, eaeh.

lE^ine Over l^oals.

SACK OVBB G4ATI In Brown, Blue, Olive, Drab aad State Color*.

GAPE OVER COATS te Black and Wu*.

The Fiaest aad Seat Httlng Coats ia tho clti

a*T-In*peetlon wltl prove Sic assertion,


wThi GEO. W. BILLS, No. 131 Essex si., Lawrence.

1 1M WcSlmool




Dress Goods,

Shawls, i



(slovcs, &C,

allot tbe Uatr {/IA L1TV, which we now offer


and which we confidently assert

Cannot br Equalled in the City.






lelerted with SPECIAL HKMRKXCK to the

Lawrence trade.


213 Essex Street, - ■ - Lawrence.

Agents for the Essex Dye House.

LITTLE FLAGS for a Cent, at DTER fc CO'S.


SMITH is sow avaauio


No. 143 Esses atreet, (down Iowa,) aad No. 387, (up town.)

REMEMBER to **ad the Children to SMITH'S for Blate Pea. clli. We tell five for 1 cent.

REMEMBER iell a good Hoop Skirt for XT oeriti.


Best nw-jard Spool Cotton, 3 cent*. Plni per paper, 'i cent*. Corset Lacings, 1 eent. Beat Machine Cotton, 1 cent*,


lor Ladles', Men's or Children's Handkerchief!, that SMITH'S ll 77/A1 PLAVtt to get thsM ens A i'.


thai we warrant every pair of our Kid Gloves, and sell them for us cents.


tbat wr are selling nice Merino Hose for 10 ct*.


tbat we k«ep the Largest and Beat Block of Imi- tation II sir Good! in theelty. friers all right.


at both atorea you can get. at the l.mrttt I'rictt, Cotton Cloths, Prints, Ginghams, Cotton Flan- nels,Wool Flannali, Table Linen,Crashes,>nap- kina, White Good*, etc,


we ujily ask you <"■ cents for tbe beet German CorsAs.


tbat we are receiving Itew Good* every day, and that we buy large quantities, and oan afford to •ell Cheap,


If jou arc looking for Sets of JKrTr.l.li Y, Esr Drops, Breast Pin*, Sleeve Button*, Out's Shirt Studs, Chatm, or almost anything la the Jewelry line, to v is it


143, down town, or -187, up town.

REMEMBER, Portmonnlei for 10 cts, 15 cts, M eta, U eti, 17 eti, 60 tt*,<!2cli, and up.


you can get good Black Alpaca for H eti a yard.


and call at either of our Storei, aud ice what we are doing lu the way of LOW PRICKS,

143 & 387 Essex St. Lawrence G. U. SMITH.

Our Crockery li of tbe best mskei, our own Im- portation. Oar Cutlery the best make In the country. All goods warranted ■• represented, and at the lowest market prices. Goods (packed to go any distance with safety.

Remember the Place and Number,


45 Merrimack St., Lowell, Maas.


33 & 35 Bedford Street, BOSTON, MA68.

Horse Disease Don't Effect HIKMl All's FHICSS.

Look .t hi. Urge end New stock it

FA.LX. OOODS. at prices that can't be beat,

Mon*«, Youths', and Hoy*' Overcoats, From S3.M to 31.00 Dollars.

A Large and Mew Seook ef

Men's and Boys' Suits.

NEW STOOTOF PANTS, la tbe Latest Styles.

Shirts and Drawers* Very Cheap.

HATS and CAPS, In grist variety, for all ages,


„ULOVES, rEETINGS, ind every thlag la the faraiihlag good* lint very



B U RNH A.M'S No. 103 Essox Street.

FINE TAILORING. We are now im*nlBg the

Largest and Finest Stock this .iiy ef

Over Coatings, V(»tings, Coatings

I bat ii


No. 305 Essex Street,

Corner ol Lawrence,


has selected a Large Asesnsseat of Line Goods lor

Fall and Winter Trade.


LTISS <• < at tb.


aucu ai



H**~AU |ooda warranted to give sat< lefaetioa.


constantly on hand aad made to order,

Hatm-Straw, Velvet, Pelt aad Parts, from 2i cents to Sl.oo, a* to quality.

SVCall and examine before purchasing.

Also a lull line of

Ladies' Furoisbing Goods,


.S'.V-4 LL WA RES.


Dyspepsia, Kidney and Liver Complaints. Try luem ooce and you wltl never be without them. For sate by all apotvearles, lie per boa. GK.O. C.OOODWIH A Co., agents. 1 3m'octs.

24=4. Essex St.


Lowat-L, oeu U, lB7t.

gm-The BIMGKR wu awarded tbe Fir-sit Premium at M. E. Fair In 1871, aa being the BEST Family Sewing Machine; aad also the present year the sward, were Silver Medals.

(Signed) K. T. ftDWhLL, Asst Secretary N. R. Fair

The S1HGRR was given Ike >.r« /Trm.uss at R, H. Bute Fair, held at Dover. It* SUPERI- ORITY over all olhera has got it la the habit ef doing eo.

Sold for r'.'i per month, or for Cash, by

T. W. HEALD, Agent,

244 Essex atroet, - - Maunders Bloch.

All klndi Machines Repaired, Exchanged and to Let,

Machine Stitching, Stamping aad Braiding to order,

844 Essex Street, - - Lawrence.


of every Grade and Quality, at tbe Loweat Prise*


1S5 and 843 ESMX St., Lawrence.

Window Shades. Painted Cloth, Hollands, HuiUei and Paper

Shades; also, the Beit and Most Approved kinds


Picture Cord and Picture Knob* at


Account Books & Stationery la every variety at


PICTURE FRAMES of every drserlpUoB mad* to order at


Corner of Essex and Pemberton St.

A full line of

Umbrellas & Wsjklng Canes. Umbrellas and Parasols Repaired.

Tors aad Paacy Gooda of every de* acrlplloa.




Known more than a century everywhere,fbr tti Chemical Purity and Superior Quality) aa


Sales duly authorised by Sut* License,

Our TradtMa'ki are Patented. Ilftrarr q/ InUatiom.

«#-Insure crrfeat satisfaction by BKXDIIO TODU onDBKB DIRECT TO US,


15*7 Broad Street, Boston.

The Only Distillers of lledford Rum. itmUrMrb

A.W. STEARNS & CO. are opening

Fine, Elegant & Cheap Goods


Wear* offer In* SPkXIAL BARGAINS la onr SHAWL DEI'AKTMKN rand IXaaUfal

Good*. Also tbe Largest, Newest,

MOM S>lr<t aad Desirable Stock of


at Temptingly Lew Price*.

Blankets* Flannels* and Desirable Warm Goods for Ihe apprcuvehiBg

ould wentber. We have the largest snd moat complete assortment of

Carpets & House Furnishing Goods toberoaad. From the

Best Kngliuh Body Brussells down through the




Aad the most Common (iaalltle*. CANTON A OtHX) A M iTTIRGS.RfcGS, HATS,

CRUMB CLOTHS, SC., All of which we are disposed to iell at


W* wish It dlitlnctly aadersood thai onr stock Is large and choice la each speoalty aad Department,and that w* pledge our pa Iran* as good Goods aad desirable styles, at a* low or low- er priors than Boston Of any other market, Oin- tlt-marly aid honorable treats*sat ko.

Jastoptaleg aa usuries.at or



Ono Price Only.


FOOT wooiaWm AMD

First Olwuam Work. A. W. STKASN8 A CO. have opeaed the Fiaest

i well aa the LARGEST Assortment of Strictly Fine Woolens ever dlspliyed In this city, embrac- ing RK8T Freaeh, London, West of Knglaad, Beoteh aad American makes of Over Coat- Inge, Vostlnga, Ooatlngs and Panta- loonory, to whleb we would Invite the attra-

ot Geatlemeu Is Lawrence and vlctntty, assuring them that they will lad the most nobby and Biyllsh Goods to select from; and we are prepared to make up Coats, Pant., VeiU and Whole Suite In the Most Stylish arid Finished Manner at moderate price*.


MISS LIZZIE K. HARBIMAN will receive ru.illi In

Vocal Music, AT

No. D Snandera' Block, Lawreace, iHnAiKBTT* Piano Rooms,] ImfJoH*

Wednesday and Saturday of each week.

^•ath*. DKK.N Y.-ln Msthuen, Nov. 3d, Timothy Penny,

sfSdrSfta GUTTSKSON'.-Ia Metbusn, Nov. 1th, Mr*. Amy

Guttsnon, aged SI year*.

Special Notice I To Builders, Carpenter!, andolben who may e moving or railing buildings. If lu muring or raMlug buildings you come in

Fire Alarm Wiren i are requeated to nollfy immediately,

SAY TO THE WOULD That what people have been looking for and seeking after for tne test hundred yean has at last bean found and oan be had at


Boot & Shoe Store. The Famous

"Water-Froof Boot For Ladle* and Gentlemen, made of the Repellent Cloth, and warranted water-proof. We have tolled Ihem and oan warrant them water-proof. For Ladlei we have both

Laoe and Button Boots,

Frank Knox's Boot and Shoe Htore,


For Bale. A new It-story BOUSE, wltb Preach roof, eon.

talnlog U roomi,gnlafaed wltb walnut and chest- nut, In the best manner, and convenient In every respect. Situated on High street, fronting tbe park, and one of ineSaeit places In theelty. Lot of laud US feet deep nnd SO Tret front, or desir-' on a

Including tbe FRESHES* Pattern* of BTTLISB

GOODS, to whloh are invite the attention ot

Gentlemen, aad are prbared to make up Into

■easonable garments, I, the Moat P'ur.li-

lonahle manner.

An BXABMATtox of tuorts cordially Invited


Post Oft.ce Black 3S3 Essei street,


hue Cigar snd Tobaeoo

The DAVIS Vertical Feed, Shuttle

SEWING MACHINE. The Largest, the Simpleat, the Cheapest,

the Bett

Green's Pile Remedy lithe lafeit and most *0eetual sure for Piles ever offered Io Ibe pub.lo. For sale bv all apoth- eaarlea. »ot*,p*r bJttt*. GKO.C. GOGDWIN a CO.. Agents. 1 3m*ooM.

NTJBSE- Perioni drilling tbe services of a oorapeUnt

Nurse, pleat* apply W Has, A. U. WINTER, No. SO Baat llHverhlll St., Lawrence. SmVtepXI

All kind* of

Campaign Flags at DYBR A CO'S.

', Oct. 10,1171, 1 t ABNER HOSMEK.


A dividend of three par cent, will be paid on tbc second Wednesday of tbls month, on all de poiltl Of One Dollar aad upwards, which shall have been on deposit not leis than one month at this date.

Deposits placed an lntartat the first day of evory month.

JAMES PAYNE.Trsaa. Hov. let, 1873. IMVltnovl

the Snt premium what*' tltlou with Other maohln J*.

It Stitches, Ham*, (five widths without hast- ing J Falls, Tasks, C*res, Mads,Braids, Fringes, Raffles, Qellla, Faggttl, Oatbereaad flews On at the same Ume without baiting.

THE DA VI 8, • mil* other machine*, baa not been pulled Into notoriety by boastlsf advertisements, but In a quiet way has earned a great reputation OB ac- count of It* many superior aad ioslrabl*advaa- tag** over other maahiaa*. Yltut* oall and see them at the Agency

19£ Essex street, Lawrence, At Dyer 8. Hall ft Go's Clothing Store.

1 Isov* JOHN WARBURTOB, Agent. M. S^-Maohln** Reaalred or Baebaagsd,

eiffTl BTIOH 1 Peat 30, G. A. R.

Evsry aoaaradeol Poet 101*earaeetly requested to be panes at at tbe meetlag ef the Posi, Nov.

VOCAL; TABLETS •»clte seera- tlom of tbe gland s, labrieala the mouth and throat,ren-

der the muscles atastte, and lucre a** the volasae aad quality ol thavslee.

Bold br all Druggists at 3a cents, ItJeS ll.BOWABTfl, Apotheoary.


lltb, as builnns In which every eonsrade I -crested will be draught before said ■seating.

Let (fsjrw member be present. FKH oanau or TUB POST.

THANE DAVIS, Commander. D. JOHNSTON,.HI.. ACJuianl. tlnov?


Good Warp Dressers, Good pay and oomtant Work,


WANTED. A f*w ledger* at Ne.«, and meal

Daisy Street, Lawns**, Man. • Nov.a.iBTJ.

rial No. o'

No Soap STSI Made has met with each saeceaa as


The Inrge aalea that are dally made aad the Increnelng denaod Tor It are the beat proofs that H has ao etiaal.



CHESTNUT COAL, for Base Baraen—a large lot for sale very cheap.

Office—Mill street, Lawrence. 1ml tool7*


^DENTIST, Has Removed


358 Maaex street, - - Lawreace.

Nitrous Oxide lias, and Ether or Cblorofoim admlnutered.

Ia Bankruptcy. District of Mai*.,a*.

Tb* undersigned hereby glv* notice of th*ir ap- pointment as assignee of the estate of

EDWARD P. MORSE, ol Slrtlun n, In said Dlatrlet, who ha* been ad- judged a llsnkrupt on his own petition.


JlTjJwnov*- Assioaaas.


IVlillinery IPancy Goods AT


164 Essex Street, Lawrence, Mass.,

Three doors below Jackson 81,

We bave now opeaed a large stock of Feath- er*, Flowers and lllbbens In all tb* new


Alexandria KldS In one and two battens, which we an selling CHRAP.

MISS HATTIE CHATBURN hai eharga of our Millinery Department, and wltl be pleased to *ee any of her old oaitomer*.



Overcoat. Under Ooat, Panta and Vent, to be given Gratia, to the person who Prat aolvei this Enigma, correctly, prior to Christmas, UTI,

At the "GLOBE" Clothing House,

RUT It-or, ir <M ■ In i.V you'll gueas 1

Qllilndat On-,Two.Three,Dock 'J-

lFmius Men, or (Jcntlumen, or Boy*— '

XOCK rliolceof KiXtV-HOLLAU suit*. J

ur pal rum AU nuw "Try It on," iJJ petrous ALT. nay "Try It c

lltil-r In* srhemn we've hSM propa

Dinunalrr mi* Suit. cesU yee;

*^l/'i' :t'-t. i. . heap at onr mw , i-,i I H ■ |l i-.i.vl.-i"iHiiid-ihiiii,'li —Will jTitiliyT j

Mo cloa. I. piUied-vrithont *■« •PaLODK-owner'it :.at*c, 'j'tmle, 1

ksapi-we're sure of thll

ivii, th<-»- ,u:.ia.iline>ef

Tb* Kay to thl*pl*aaant Enigma ts deposited under teal, at 1,», i, Dock Square.

A naurar a may be sent by mall (to our address, below) or otherwise. Whoever FlltaT solve* tbls pussle.aocnrately, will be Sited to a complete tae Bull, «rntls I Tbe style of whleb, with our Immeaae fresh low-priced Veil itoek of Cloth- lag, may now be seen pi the naw




199 HAOEB'8. - - - 199

Now Opening, t




Peathers, Flowers,

Ribbons, Velvets all colors,

Jfl Ornament*.

Hats and Bonnets Trimmed and Intrlramrd.


by far In ibr ally, and tbe


Iluis and Bonnets Trimmed at rhorl notice, aud latlsfartton gaarauteeil.

M o u r n i n K Goods constantly ou band.


aoy-Call and te* for yourselves, and compare prleei.

Goods marked la Plain figure*.

Dou'T FoatiiT TIIX FfcACBl

199 Eusex street, LAWRENCE.

WANTED. The proprietor of a hotel, aear tali city, wishe*

to iceure the service* of a good, reliable MAN with bis wife, to conduct, In a thorough manner the ballnei* Of the boaie. The man I* wanted It assist In tb* general ear* of the olBoe and hotel, and the woman Io iinas tbe duties of houis- keener. Permanent employment to the right parlies. Must com* well recommended. Apply at

IB' oi 11 AMBBICAS Office.


Teacher of Pianoforte. Iteeldestet- -11 Laevroitee St. ma-'oli*



Paor. O. F. XKAUSK who ipeaki both Ger- man aad Freaeh aaeuritely and flneatly, will In- itrust pupil*, either singly or la elassse. In read- lag and speaking these language*.

Piano instruction glv*n, wltb especial attention paid to beginner*.

Mr. K oan be found at Ihe Et.WT CHAPEL, fromlto ft o'clock, P, M.ou Wednesdays aad Saturdays. Refrrenie I, mad* to A. C. Perktn*. Esq., Matter of Lawrence High School, Rev. G. S, Weaver, aad Mr. Wlesaar, S Union St. Inquiry may be made at AMBRICA* Omoe, * teodagX

BLANK BOOKS e to order In aayahspe.


The beit book ol it* cla-* ever published li

WORDS FITLY SPOKEN, hyHov W.H.H.MURRAY, PastorofPark Siren Cburoh. Boston. It li ihe moil popular ant beat selling work In this market, Good Agents Wsnted. Address, 1. N, Klobirdion fc Co., No.dSCorBhlll,Boston, Mass., and Mo. Ill Ullve Street. St. Louli, M. lioa«lwo:ilsb




Orders received at the GUI i« of the LAWKKUCB

GAB CUMI-AKY, Nu.Jii Riaax Stre.t.

.■ tfocltl GEO. D. CADOT, Agent,



IT IS IIBOIIMISJO and landable In the people to be il*s)» thankful lor the blessings of freedom, oomfart, *nd plenty, < njojed In ibis favored land

ATTulsi.KAac.'..lknrr:«cc Henries the Paasl- nuar ana lh<- novunmui espvlslly rrommend thanhfulnrss for IhebounlK-s vuucLsnfed us alt, during the year, s

!•> ATXIITIIIS to thli rahibiilon oi ibanksgiving (tS which wcdutliully and rarnestly ooaour) w« desire to preseul ol a thanks to ihe pehllc—

POM TUB I.IBUKAI. palronsga besiuwed, ia Ihe pest ts-eit in. upon ibe " OLD Coaaan " Clothing House; which ravor Is ilaly appreulaied.

Wi AKB iiunkii i. that we have been able to afford the people thr many rare h*r*aln* they hsve had, In their purchase* ol good (Jlolblng at our eitahllshment:—

THATWBHAVB uniformly kept our prleei al so low a mark ai to Indnee tbe discerning puhlle to visit us frequsntly, and so sallafactorlly ,—

THAT WB HAVB beea *o signally favored, Ihrosgh tbls patronage, as to conflrm as lu ths beltrllhil our plan of low prices and noatlproBIs Is the TKUB avaTBM towards lueeeiei—

THAT WB AKK still dlspuaed to pursue this popular course, in our liuslnrss; and We shall always be thankful for thll favor Irom the oom-

""THB Paurt.a will be thankful, naturally, tbat they enjoy tbe beoeSI* thus aliainsble, aad will continue to go where they know they can I ■, BBST wltb their money. _ . ,

WITH THAUUH, therefore, for past f*v Invite buyin tn town aud out, to the "Di.n i'..K-.rn" during ihli month, lo l**rn <!HEAP weean *etlourfmmruspFall and Winter stock of Clothing for Uentlsmen, Yoalh, Moya. And we gnsranlre thai they will all be thankful for this offer.

Givav U Dane Nos. . sad



Mageew New Portable Kaoge,

a large stock bought ba fore the ad vanes, and lo Le sold LOW by '.JiN


No. 889 Essex Street, Lawrence.



MERRIMAC MACHINE SHOP, Hear Merrlsaae Iroa Foandry,

ilmjlmiep" LAWRENCE.

Dock Sqaara, Hoslon, (near Fanentl llall)tbi Ursi ol Nofemuer, A. D. one thousand eight hundred and aeveniy-twr



Mrs. Dr. SKI Oil's MRUlClNEs, Will be found a sere sure lor any of the diseases for which ibey are pat forth. Look at the names of the rsferenor—they are the name* of some of oar most reliable cKliras, who have known her and her ireamcni for a number of years, and who willingly and cheerfully recommend bt-r and her medicines (salt needing them. Aad If this I* not isaMent to convince tbe most skeptics), you can oall si her ofllce, l.vj Warren Avenue, lioaton. where aafflelent teitlmontai* will U shown from living witnesses, who will fesl happy to ipeak ofher In t he hlgbist terms as a thorough- ly rdaeateil ind skillful physician. Her very rn- taasiveandsuocissful practice of over 2S jeer* has given her a Wide field of experience in thr treatment of those dleeiies ihe compounds her medlolnei for.

Her ALTERATIVE will b* found a aare cure for Sorofola lu II* worst form. Glandular Hwelllngs, Sail Rheum.Old or Indolent llleera, Hyp hills, Caacerous Collections, Tumors, Sore Eyes, Nodes. Iteh.Soild Head, Iiiseharites from Kara, Ring Worms, and all Kaanihrma of the Skin, Moth, Blotches, Plmplsi, Pleili Worms, Dlscnloratlons. etc. Ladles who * Isli a clear and beauilfnl cumplealnn. wtll Hod II Jusl the prepar- ation they need. If any gentleman hai been tab- Jri'H-d io the u-e ol mercury for fever, eto , thr Aitaratfve will be found invaluablr In eleanslag and parlfylng Hie system.

Her CINCHONA DITTIIt 3 I* a sure cure lor Dyipepiln-

Hrr NBRVOUB, NEURALGIA aud ASTHMA PILLS are rxcellrni f^r all r^Tton* afffloted with M*arslgla,Uollr, Delirium Tremens, •to.

Her CATHARTIC JPILL8 are purely Veg- etable.

Rheumstl.in can br cured by iislag brr cele brstedLINIMMNT.

HsrCHOLSIRA SPHCIFIO is s remedy for t ramps and Spaimi, Asiatic Cholera, Du>- rh-i-a, etc.

Her SALVE ibr Old Sores, Burn*, Sealdi, eto. A printed crselar BeeoUspautes each, with full

directions fur use, food, treatment, el*. Sold by all reapeelablc Druggists. Any person wishing to eoeiult Mite. DR.

8ECOR before beginning to use her medicines, ran do so by addressing or ralllag at her (Olce, Xo. L'.» WAIIUBN A I Kara, from 10A.M. to«■*.».

Mn.Dr. Heeorlntrodueei, by permlialon, ih* following Mfsrenee*—gentlemen -hose ohar.Qt. r and position In society cnUtle them te tbe highest eonudenoe -—

RgraaBKcae—Samnel Barabam. editor of the (■ueorer/afionnl Yearly: X. R Humphreys, LL. I) . M.ii.. It- K. Gilbert, Ei<|., Benjamin Cnenlng, Esq., F.C. Humphreys, ksq.. Natnanlel Crown,, (■■■■i Dr. Threiber, Arthur Cheney, In., B. W. Gilbert, Ki-i., Samael Csverly, Esq., Lewis Rloe, KSN , Amrrlcaa Home, of Boston, John Liver mure, KM., C*mhrtdgeport, Ms.. Prol. A. A. Mti-wart.Camtirldge, Mass ; Prof, .lehti G. An Tho" CambrldgiT M.«.! (5. P. Wblturv E*.,., Mllford, N. H.; E. Rloh.rd.on, Kaq.. Clinton, Miss.; WHsoa Morse, Eaq-.Cltaloa, Mass.

ISO Warrea A v rime, Boatea, Maaa. Iflawovftak

Mortgagee's Sale. By vlrtae of a power of sal* contained In a cer-

tain mortgage deed liven uy Edward P. Morse, of Mrthuen, ID the County ef Ellea, and Com- monwealth or MassachuMlti, to Uharlei H. Tin- ny of laid Methurn, dated Ihe twenty-seventh day ofheplember, A. I). 1*71, and recorded In Ihe Bean Keglsiryof Deeds, la the northern Dts- trlet. In Book 11, Pane^n. Ihe premises described In aald mortgag* will be sold at public auction on the premises, on Saturday tbe tweniy-ibird d*yofNovemb.r,A D. 1S71. *t ■-■ o'clock P. M.

Said prsmlsc* are described tu aald mortgai* deed a* follows.—

A rertsla place of land altualedln Uethuen, In the Connly ol Hates, and Common wealth of Has- saohuselli, and bounded as follows, vlt: begin- ning at Ihe North-weat corner nf said preml.es ly tbe Mrlhuen Branch of tbe Boston and Maine Rail Itoad. and tbe Connly Road, and ruanlog South-raiterl, by laid County Itoad, two bundnd and thirty alu.- feet lo a slakr and none, by lead formerly of E. I*. Sargent or J. M. Blciisrdson, now belonglni to D. H. Patterson,»tbene. South- erly by land of said Patursun and laud ol J. 0. Parker. Uine hundred and ihlrty-stx fert.lo land ol the Huston and Maine Ball Hoa.i Corporation, thence Wusterlr by land ol said Corporation seventeen feel, tbence Northerly by raid Corpora- tion land, four hundred and nlncly-lhree (set, to tfaepolnt or beglnulig. Said premlaes contain Ihirtv-flve ilioussud sight bundrrd and HIIy-tlir> e fret.murear leas, and are ihe same that were conveyed lo laid li or se by said Teuny, September

«sVET>.iBi. eultui*.tmii. By hii Attorney, aovk WILLIAM y. ROGERS.

Drawing Souool. All peraoai diilrlng to loin an Evening Claii,

or cusses In Mechanical Drswlag, are Invited to meet ai the High School Hall, on Moaday Even- ing, Nov. ll.nlf o'eloo*.

Q. B. HOOD, Sept. Of Schools. Uwrsuoe, Oel.lt, IS7K. *»

School Vacations. ol Committee, dealrtag to am fihel-ebllc School* aoaetai rare aad tbe welfare of all eot mrellaa at the lllyh School Hoaie oe

Tbe School Committee, dealrtag to arrange the icailons of ihe Pnbllo School* io a* la promote

the convenleuce and the weirare of all eoaoerned -'-••libs SB a. - r. Sobool IL '

It, at "I o'elor-k. .In like i., make any

■ school vs rat tons

ln«, Nov.

uggrstlohsia relation I rr luilu-d to b* DrclSmt. re inviiea .u ,.™ tjfo^ 8BB, of ajeSjjj-a,

Lawrence, Got. .il, WJ *1


A dividend of Fve Dollar* per (hare will be paid ou and slier FRIDAY.Rovember lAlh, 117', I,- siockhulders nf record at olose of bailnrai.Oet, :■;», IkT*.

CertlBcaiee of new stock will then be ready tor delivery, upon the surrender of receipt* for all esarssments dee, and upon a receipt hf the owe- aye thereof, and Ihalr attorney, apoa Ihe boohi olihccorporatloa.

■ ol l:n A. BLANCHAKD.1






BLANK BOOKS M.d, to ord.r. .11 ..>...

Business Notice. I have ■.■>»•■:, * Btorr it

No. « Apnleton street, - - Lawrence, neat to ( 111>■ Hall, for the purpose ol manufactur- iDf 1IAHHKNSKH Of ev«ry kind, both Simla and Doable, end shall UMtbebeitof Heat and pat In the bfit of work, will i r y to pie* n all who will five me a nil.

Shall keep a larfe ii.omni ul of

Trunks, BARS, Veliees, Shawl Straps ami Trunk Straps.

Harnesses Repaired and Oiled.

C. 0. BTEBBIN". *K'M. Lawreaee, April It. Itrj,

Never want to Exchange It.


0or $pwr-f ox.


HCMMM-h' am >fcf>i,!fi..J Consumption.

HoraHlmf* me will olteu oecesi lOCka li;> !'■• II

til. ellun or t

|l!Ml, -l-'I

rrfcage. follows,*

laisIrS the time-Going by a clock.

A bad stile n( arlth inetle—Division oot'fl (..milim.

Sniggles says the tnuft ihrllllng talc il •top a cough jiu ever listened to wa.i lhat <>l a rnltle-

H.'I.alOKK.' HYBCP, hK* tVKEI. Tl.Slf!. IIANDKAKK PtI.Lt*.,

line* that will run I'uirno-.iiry

-try o

u( thi patient, >, rlrculaiion of l!n> | Hliake .-.:... loggll .:

I. -hut cau-eii the




Liver complaint end d of two-tltlrdi ut the ca.es ire now complaining wi the bowel* sometime* Ml loose, tongne coated, pal fueling sometimes very

ipala are !heo»u*e* : ■ implion. Many

ill pain In the side, and sometimes too

the (boulder blade, lea*, and at other

the food'that in taken lie* heavily on the atomacn, aoeompanled with acidity and belching or wind. Them *ymptoin* usually origi- nate from a disordered oondlllon of the stomach or a torpid liver, Persons so Bffsctcd.lf they take one or two heavy oolds, and If the cough In time case* be sucdeuly Hopped, the lungs, liver and stomach clog, endrcmalu torpid and Inactive, and before the patient Ii aware or blesiiuailun, the luug* are a taaa* of sore*, and ultor.ted, and death It the Inevitable remit.

Hehenek'* Palsaonie Syrup 1* an expectorant wbleh doe* not contain any opium, nor anything calculated to ehrek a rough suddenly.

Hcbench's Hraweed Tonic dl-.ol.ee the food, ml act with the gestrlcjuier. of the stomach,dl- Eeatt easily, noorUhe* the system, andereeUs a

eaithy circulation of the blood. When the bow- ela are oontlvr, tkln sallow, nod the patient la ol a bilious habit, Bobenck's kUndnke Pills are

-■*.*, n. of BUttl

BQODWIB A CO., as Iluneve'r slrret, lloston, John F. Henry, It College place. New York, Wholesale Agents.

For *«1" by Orugiflats jteaprally. g jar*


U E A l> 0 I' A H T F H H

at mi







TECmHE3D VhUifcl'INKit madi

of carefully selected i and so strongly cone ally eradicate from Scrofula, Scrolulo

ely from ihejut< i:kB. HOOTS, and nuns, rated thatit will effects- B system every taint ol

We claim ours HEST for the following

reaiOBi, which we 8ttintl rftady I" PROVE

to »U who will giro us a call:—

Firjt—Thoy arc DOI BO OompltlMted

that they retiuirc a mechanic to kuep

them in order, u thoy have "JO loss parts

than the aimplest machine in tho mar-

ket, therefore L'O leas times liable to get

oat of order.

Second—Th»y are the atillentrunning,

having the silent feed.

Third—They have tho largtat sa/*1.* of

any Family Machines in the world.

Fourth—They are the highest speeiled.

Parties advertising other machines as

higher speeded, make a false statement.

Fifth—They will do a larger rango of

work than any otner machine.

Sixth—They will do heavier work than

any other Fumih/ Machine.

Seventh—They havo tho best atiU'h

and tension.

Eighth--They havo the glusB foot,

with which tho natnral eye can see to

gnldw the work, being mueh easier than

with a steel one.

Ninth—They do not oil their work.

Tenth—They do not have holes to

thread in their shuttles, ns all other Lock

Witch Machines do.

Eleventh—They will UHC UHKM »nd

all kinds of threads and silks.


I'artlei In want of WNKKI.Ht k W M.ttU.N'3

Mirth tried, ire cautioned agstmt purchasing: them

or agent* who advsrttsn to .ell all machines,as

they make a specialty of one, but ote different

ones to blind the pnIdle and eateh their prey, while

ws sell bnt one kind, and tbat lithe .


Wheeler & Wilson

Having Sited up the store U."S«l, I'liHTKK'8

HI.OCK, we will be happy to show oar Vaehlnce

a all branch** of work,

W* k eep on hand a good inpply of the bait


la the market, with


for tb* Wheeler It Wilson Machines.

Open every Evening till 9 o'clock.

Sewing Machine.

fT7-it Works like a Charm I,XQ

Celebrated New Drop Feed,

! very latest snd b.sl run -tru.-t.-d of any now a ase. The Pressrr Foot Is regulated wllli

a Bcrew, so that the pressure can be tightened or looiensd at pleasure, so

■OrOrBB to the 'iuality ol the good*

It i* the most noiseless,

It runs the easiest.

It does the greatest variety of work

without change o( needle, thread

or tension.

It has a straight needle,

and makes the l.inl Stitch.


the latest Improved, tnont ilmple, strongept, compact and durable machine, ever made to do

ng. We advise all who have not seen these Wonderful Improved Slaciilnes.to give them a

JUK'I examination and trial before purchas- If you are thlnklug of i.-.r I ■ a Haohine:,

want the IlEST, we mould be pleased to senda "Remlnston Empire" tojonrhomo on trial, with a competent perion to teach you to

It, ft-M «/ HmptnH. Rold on the Mott Libtrol Termi'

95.00 down, ant) .-'.i.tin per month until

paid for.

: mlt>! Ii

Because i he

ran'L Why l« ■ i.i ;:;'.-■ Ill'

stages uf-tfyspepslsf digest then,

"WbM'i the use," asked an idlelellow, "of a man's workinjr Itlmiell to death to get a living?"

"Transactions hi Hair" h the heidiuir given by a Detroit editor to an account ol a strevt iliilit.

"What have you [■■ remark, iiiadain, about my elaglnx''' "Nothloa:, Sir; it Is not remarkable."

*' I came near selling my boots, the other day," said John to a friend. "How so? "■ '■ Well, I had them ball soled."

An In wit editor recently announced that a certain patron of his was "thlevlnjc as usual." He declare* be wrote It thriving."

A lady asked a gentleman bow old he was. He replied: "What you do In everything." What was bis tgef—XL.

Joeli Hillings says: "SuccesH tlnn't LoiHi-t in never uuklny: blunders, but In never making (he -ame one th« secant!

Cancerous Humor,Erysipelas,Bait Rl.cum,8yph Ilillr Diseases,Caukrr, Knintness at theStomaeh and a I diseases lhat arise from Impure blood - SclMlca, Inflammatory and Chronic Itbenmatlsm. Neuralgia, fioutatid SplM I Complaints can only be ffeeio.il j cured through the blood.

for Ulcers and Eruptive IM.rasri oT the Skin, Pollutes, Pimple*. Llntclies, llolls,Tetter,Scald- heudand Itinu'worm VKUK'I'INK baa never Tall. ej in erieCt n permanent cure.

For Pains In the BJCK, Kidney fompluints, Dropsy, Kemnl" «'eaknei . l.eurorrhe*. arlslnL- trom Internal ulerntlou, and uterine diseases and General Debility, VKUE11NE actn directly upon the canse* of these comolalnti ' ■nd strengtbeu* the whole syst secretive organs.allayulnlUmmmiou .cures uioer- at ion. and regulates the bowels,

For Catarrh, Dyspepsia, IlsblttislCostlvencM, PalpIlStlonuf Ihe llenrt, Headache, Piles, Ner- vouincia and General Prostration ot the Nervous Syitrm.no medicine has ever given such perfect satisfaction as VEUETINE. 11 purifies the blood, eleanae* all of the organs, and possesses a con- trolling powei over the Nervous system.

The remarkable cures eVerted by VEtJETlNE have Induced many physician* and apothecaries whom we know to pn scribe and use it in their own families.

InUct. VKtJETINEH the best remedy yet dls- covered for the above diseases, and is the only re- liable BLOOD VV Ml I Ell yet placed before the public. Prepared by

II, K. 8TKVENS, Bonon, Msss, Price.146. Bold by «!1 Draftjjiftf.

i-l i -. i. II ■■' r.'> ■


No, 14-3 Essiex street. Agent for Lawrence and vicinity.


i.12 Wa.lilnjrton Street, - - - - Bos



<>(t;s" and Yard at WOBTIILRT'8 STONE YAKtt,

WEST 8TBEET, LAWRENCE. Leaky Koofa made Tight at short notice, IrmvlT'

Boots and Shoes.


J. I). HKRRICK AND S. M. FRENCH, under the name and style of J.Y. KHKNCH & CO.,reaped Cully announce to their former patron* ■ind the pnblle gemrnll), that they may still be found at the Old Btand

71 Essex Street, (139 N> II al ally

• Number,)

Youth's, Children's

Broadway Savings Bank. nnECHIN BLOCK.

Corner Essex Street and Broadway.

Deposits ;.l i ■ .1 on Intercut the

Isrest allowed on all sum* of upwards,deposited it.it less thsn ' irr the day on which dividends are declared.

The amallrat sum received on deposit is

Dividend* will be made of ill the profli may have accrued within the previous ■!■ monioi

trr deducting necessary expenses. Interest will not be paid on fractional part* of


First Day ol

na dollar and


A.W.Slearn* H. C. Bieou, Jsmrs A.Trci

J. W.Smith Peter Holllu P. C. Kirk, D. M. Ayer,

icf /■resfrlen/.T i Thomas Bentt, Morris Knowie*, J. i-'.ii,.!■■..' , Jr.

r. r—James Piiyce, Tr N if er*.

John Smith, E.I,.Kunats, 8. W. Kclghl, D.C Illchardaou,

Patrick Uurpliy, .i..:-. * Payne. Daniel Uardy.

The Bank will be

Haturd'ay fcv posits <iuly.

Mpl Baiurdsy, On Thursday and ulngs, from 7 lo «. for receiving rte-

JAMB8 PAYNK, Treasurer.

W.B.-rertle* uavlci

Machines wlhrerelvelnit f charge; mil we hope *

■-I talsopportuurti-.

eler A Wllaoa'*


avail lliemielve*

ii * v i» *. y ,

ND. yn(j KSSPX St.. Lawrence,





New and e'reth.ai


.'(4''i Common Street, Lawrence.

Found at Last! After eighteen months' constant e a per I merit ■

IHL', the American Tablet Company huvs put upon the market a 1WHAIIUC noiseless UOtiti Hl.ATK. Warrauted nut to wear out It;;.' iliat alresdy Introduced Into our schools ktiown JI- tli silicate Hoot Slutir. For sale by

iruiTroRO A ItlCK.


Adjuster of (-umplicatrd Accounts,

t. t> I I. K<:TOR. Oif.ce—(J39 Essex St., Lawrence.

Hours, 2 toSaud "to* p. si. T tsepia

TO LET NOW READY, a New sad lUadsome llrl«-U Itltx-Ult the very esngtrr of tlrt Olty. Is ttetlgBed Cm tiH.irt-r.Axs iimiuuii. HOL-aR, cM

DR. BOVNTON, No. 1(15 Kaneji atrrett.

Also, i very desirable KOOMH suitable for business purposes.

Alsu, several good HUITKU of ICooms tor rtlptctabtf men and their wives.

«*r Apply -low, not wall till the best room, art all rented.

l.iWl.'lli'.-. OCt, II, Kit, • L;.i

» K tn O VA I..


Cloth Boot & Shoe Makers, late kemovfd to ;lm*H*pl3'

138 Jickson Street, Lawrence.

Hurse [bluves will be pleaded to learn that the hemp crop of Kentucky has b?en harvested, and U the finest ofany raised for years.

1'oor l'i iin'i- Bismarck would suem to lack anything like sympathy In liw Ill- ness. Many people, Indeed, arc tiulte in- dignant ut the Idea of bis KtttlD|r About aiialn.

A gtiHtiliiK poet atks In the llrst line of a recent elfoslon, "Holt mauy wejary pilgrims lie?" We kjlv it uj), but experi- ence has taught ua that there are a tfood many.

A husband whonc wife lias.:ipplied lor a divorce, writes a protest to the judge, in which he says \ " This plagued thing cajled divorce has, in my opinion, parted many a man and his wife.'1

"Arthur," said a good-natured father to his "young hopeful.*' "1 did not know rill to-day that you bad been whipped last week." "DtdVt yuu. pa?" replied hopeful; "why, I knew It at the time."

Ait exchange says: 'Tills Is the flftb trout caught this year Iron the aaiuo 'bole.' the total weight of which Is six pouiids." "Good," says tbe Ottawa <'it- Izen, "now we know what a hole weighs.''

Miss Nellie Margach of Meadville, tired a revolver at a mark and bit herself. She U evidently not a iiuccess in pistol p. ;i ■ tlce, but would probably sblne as a boomerang 1st with very little Instruc- tion.

An Irish housemaid who was item to call agenilemaii to dinner found blui en- gaged in using a tooth-brush. "Weil, lobe cowing?" aitkcd tbe lady. "Yes, ma'am directly: he'* .{uat $harptninff his tttth."'

Why IH the sluggard told lo go to the atu to learn n lesson of ludusiry? Be- cause he can there recline upon a mossy bank, and observe tbe ways ot ibedill- geut Insect at bis leisure and without fatigue.

A lady lu Marseilles has sued a hair- dresser lor two thousand francs damages. He bad offered to dye her brown hair red, and In consequence of tils operations it turned violet. She was obliged to have her head shaved.

Mr. Howlaloud.—"Uobin, you didn't cotue lo Sunday-school yestefday, and went lor a wicked walk Instead; have you not been smitten by remorse?"

Delinquent.—*'WM»S nor thatl Feather smiled ol wt' bis strap 1"

A country paper alludes to the preient abundant harvest lu the following strain : —"Again does nature tell the same old Btory of harvest, fruitage and plenty." It Is probable that the story In the future will be published In the lorm Cereal.

"Lot that pudding alone, there! That's tbe desert 1 " exclaimed a waiter to a countryman who was devouring the tap ioca at an early stage of the dinner. '* don't care if it ia desert," testily said the countryman ; " I'd eat it if it was wilder- ness,"

The Danbury Sew says: This is opening week icr chestnuts. In falling out ol tbe trees we have noticed that good boys generally strike on their heads, while bad bojs invariably land on their feet. The Legislature should look into this matter.

Tho Irishaiau had a correct apprecia- tion of the business, who, being askod by the judge, when bo applied for a license to sell whiskey, if ho was of a good mor- al character, replied, " Faith, yer honor, 1 don't see the necessity of a good moral character to sell whiskey.

Tho surgeon of a ship of war used to prescribe salt water for his patients in til disorders. Having sailed one even- ing on a party of pleasure, he happened hy some mischance to bo lost overboard. Tbe captain, who hail not heard of the disaster, asked one or the tars next day if ho had heard anything or the doctor. " Yes," answered Jack, he was drowned last night in his own medicine chest."

Philanthropic farmer—"Well, Tom- kins, after this week, Instead ol paying you partly In elder, I shall give you two stilling* extra wages."

Tomkins.—"No, thauky'. master; that won't do for me!"

Fanner.-"Why. man, you'll be the gainer; for the elder you had wasn't worth two shillings.''

Tomkins.—"Ah, but you see I drinks the elcer inyBelf; but tbe ow'd ooman'll 'ev the two shllltin'l."

An old fellow who was noted Ihrough the town lor bis stuttering as well as for his shrewdness In making a bargain, stopped at a grocery and Inquired: "How m-m-msny t-t-turkeys have you g-g-got.

"Eight sir," replied the grocer "T-t- tough or t-l-tenderi1" "Some are tender and sonio tough," wsstho reply. "I a- k-keep b-b-bnardert," said tie new cut,- lomer. "I'-pick ontth'!l-ffi>urt-t-tough- cst ones, if you jj-p-pjease." The de- lighted grocer very willingly .compiled with (he unusual reoneat and said in fci., politest lone; "These nre tho tough ones, sir." Upon which the purchaser coolly put his hand upon tbe remaining four. and exclaimed: "I'll t-i-take tli-th-lbese !*'

Writing • Itltter In a coB'te-liouse, I):. Garth found himself werjooked hy a cu- rious Irishman, who wajlmfutlrntlv read ing every word of the epistle; Qanh took

' no notice of tbe tinpertineuce until he ..ml . Unlshed and signed the body of ihe letter, : then added a postscript of unquestlon- ■ able legibility : "f would write you more

\» in 1717 1>T A flip TiiiDAt iitTj I l,v this post, but there's ad--— d tall Im- AlALii'jrj 1 LA IH rUJuvJlAvJa j pudent Irishman looking oyer my should-

er all the time." "What doyou mean,

FRONTIKR FCV— The humors of fron- tier life ate amusingly Illustrated in a letter from Aikaueas, which Mppear* lu the St. Louis Democrat:

Dovm.Oct. 3,1072

Mv i)KAH BOY :--Thf double-boi iel that you sent came safi-lr to hanJ, untl I was oa*7 shot ».i once whH«« I wtj*t Asirrj • lug It home. Bill silver* popperl from behind the fatten as his house, but I Iwd P-k.tatl tin shooter as aoo;' a- I got u, nntl he dldu*t jump trom behind tha: fence but onee.

I am glad lhat one of the barrels I* a rifle, u# I needeil it for long reUlgj prac- tice; tbe other I can rill with buckshot, and can iiil.li. n man i.lcely at close qoaiten| I mean to try both barrels oo thote Jetts wban 1 meet them. You su.', old man .leu stole a mule fiom us in the the war, and when It was over, pap laid for him and killed blm; then N'lgger Tom •fait, as we called him—the black-faced one -he laid for pap and plugged blur, then I picked a fuss with Tom and-cut blm Into glbletf, and slnee that lime hie brother 8am has been laying for too. I know It ta bis turn, but 1 tblnk my double-barrel will prove too much for blm.

It' you want to see tun, oouja down lor a while and bring a rifle; it no n't make any difference which sldi- >ou belong to, and it Isn't even irfceaasury io Join the militia. It IK easy to get up is grudge against somebody, anil all you have lu do Is to lay for jour man and knock blm over. Behind my pig pen la one or the sweetest biding places I know ol, and it Is so bandy ! A good many people come within tange In tbe course of a week, and a man fun pass bis time right pleasantly.

1 wish you would Mend me u cuaiog.ie of Sunday eetttHri books, with rli■.• prices, it there are any lu St. Ltiuls. If wu nan got them on timv, wu will -uki; ,i big lo-. Of buOks. I am MiJM.Sr int.■:!'!.■:!■ ut tbt)

l» tjnisi. SHIM t. acbootiiow, uini um run- ning It uuder t lull head of Htetui. Old man Byers, who was turned out, is right mad about it. autl Hwears ,K.LI. be will chaw me up; hut he will ehaw lead ef he don't keep clear ot HW.

My wlte wants to know if you can't send her H sei of teeth without her get- ting measured tor ihem. Her v'2i set was busted all to flinders by n pistol shot that went through her mouth; but it didn't hurt her tongue. Write noon to

Your ftiend antl pard, 1*. S. That sneaking, nttnry owe. Sam

Jett. crept up last nlgut and rtred at me through the window, but he didn't hap- pen to kill anybody except a nigger girl. I mean to go tor blm, though, to-day, and will be glad ol a chanr~ to try the double harret.

lot mt I

BOOTS AND SHOES. Also, at all times, a good aaturtmrnt of

RUBBKK GOODS. Women's No-Heel Rubbers,

not elsewhere to be found In tbe city. Their Good*, a* far a* possible, are made to

order,and received directly from the most resrion- Ilblomanufscturers,

«sT"They are SOLE Agent* of the


VOULE GERMAN BL1PPEB. •a-HavIng retained the service* of HK.R. B

SMITH, (a wan of twenty year* eaperlence in Iht manufaclure and sale ol Hoots and Khoea, they solicit and hope to merit a share of the public patronage.

BTIease examine our floods before purchasing.


1S9 Eseez Street, Lawrence. J. D. Uerrlck. S. M, gnash,


WoiuJorful Invention of the Age

tented Bpectselea are dtialrsnloBalterles- . i .I.II through the nt

s Stream of Electricity.

scientifically C( *icn when wo of (behead a

Soft and C'.oi vltalitlng snd giving healthy action to the entire beautiful system of those i.nrls, AHSOI.ITKI.V •ndCKKTAlNl.YI.'UHINl)

Partial Paralysis of the Optic Nerve, Weak or Diseased Vision,

Neuralgia of tho Head or Face, Nervous Twitches in the

Muscles of tho Face, Noises in tho Head,

Loss of Mental Energy,

■tun IHitarrt, arising from de- rvous mrrjty of the system, tost astonishing degree,


and a honor Wrl [■.. .■■!■.II ol the i oontrlbutlug, in a


wing *1 i of Klec

Stories about Mount Desert may be thought "out of season," hm this one should not be " knpt over" to another summer: A lew works ngo a little boy about nine y ears old, son of the nsaistant light-house keeper at Mount Desert, strayed away, and was missing for about two hours. The mother went out-doors and called his name, when a litn* New- foundland dog belonging to the family ran up from tbe shore with tbe boy's wet cap in his mouth, and apparently desired her to follow him. The mother and fa- ther both followed him, and found tbe little boy lying insensible on a rock, his wet and torn clothes indicating that he had been dragged from tbe water. After much effort the child was resuscitated, and told his utory. While gathering shells a large wave carried him off, and the dog jumped in after him, but did not reach him immediately. When the dog seized him by the trousers the cloth gave way. The child recollected the dog coming far blm again, but then he lost consciousness. Ilut that the faithful creature had carried him to the rocks out of reach of the wavea, and tried to re- store him, was evident. When he heard the mother's oall he took the cap, and obtained help. That dog should have a modal.

ROMANCE.—Among the red men now] vhttlnyti.e Capital to smoke the plp« of| pence I- ayouthfu) Comafteltti brave, who haa attracted no ltiilet-tiMiitoti ir in larilva i-r Washington. The mber d«i during a visit of several lamlllca ,tt> the hoii I where he U stopping, he saw a pretty young lady of about hi> own age. the daughter of one of the wftK.thl*B(

passing | men nl Ihe olty, and till so violently In two-; love with her at tlrst slgbr, rlta' when the

party leii the house hn fo'l >wud bee to her residence; for twu or three dsys -uii ■■■ .,111-t.'!- he was obseived hanging around the vtelnlty, occasionally eutcbing a ;-11ru|j-.- of her; and, strange to say, the young lady has conceived an tqually violent passion tor blm. Oil Saturday last she went out riding with him In the elegant barouche belonging to the (inter- nal mansion, and when those having charge of her strictly forbade any fur- ther exhibitions of such bad taste on her part, she frankly declared her intention of wedding tho Comanche; on the other side, the young Indian has been freely supplied with money, and declares that he will not return to ihe happy minting grounds ol the West unless tho object of his devotion should go with blui; of course Buch a deplorable state nl uffjirs haa neoest-ltat'd >otne action on the pan oi ■ I..' mil t.i.r, ;, 'ihe commissioner ol Indian att'tirs ban therefore been ootl-led that it..i susceptible Cotntinchc mu-t be made to leave the city forthwith, and a tbou*and dollar draft hits been tendered him by a brother of the misguided girl, HR u bonus fur his departure; but the Co- manche Is Incorrigible, and steadily re- sists all overtures The delicate clrcum stances ol the case and the fear of their names being given publicly In the event ol a denouement, have -H far worked itniiii the relatives of the girl that she will be taken hence.in New York, and, not- withstanding the lateness of the seasou, will quietly take passage for Europe by an early steamer, the dleiracted million- aire whose daughter she Is perceiving no other way to cure her of her unhappy predilection.

Till BlO TKi.nscope.—Alvan Clark & Sons have completed the object glass of tho great telescope they are making tor tho United States Government. The two pieces of glass composing it are il 1-2 inches in diameter; 26 inches of this are available, the other inch and a halt being covered by the mounting. The crown glass In without flaw, aud is perfect, with the exception of a few air bubbles, which will In no wise Interfere with Its action. The flint glass is almost as good, thero being %ut a few small Blrhi' in it. It will take a long while yet to linlsh tho mountings, although most of the cast- ings lor Ihcm nro on tho ground.

With the completion of the object glass, the main difficulty in the construc- tion Is, however, overcome. Tho re- maining work ia merely mechanical The construction of this Immense gins- is a feat of which America may well be proud ; it has required months of careful labor. It is interesting to see tho pre- cautions that are tnkon to prevent any damage to this precious piece of proper- ty. It has had a fire-proof safe built ex- pressly inr lu protection. In which it is carefully placed, every night, and the doors are aecurcd with locks. Every door and window ot the building Is con- nected with the room of Mr. Clark by means ol an electric telegraph, so that no entrance can be effected without at once raising an alarm. The glass itself rests on its edge on a Bmall car whloh runj on a railway, BO that it can be easily put into or removed from the sale.

We believe it is definitely settled that this Instrument is to be mounted Washington, and not at the samo point in tbe Rocky Mountains, as has been stated in tho newspapers.—Boston .fou nal o} Chemistry.

SProffiisioiin! (farfls.


Otticc, 4 1


i) K N T

Kast-t St . J.

F E.

| iElna, of Hartford, 1H,'.I>, $lfi,(,*().78« I

: StHif Mutual,W..if.iMfT. ltM.1, l.i'70,911

.1. <•!. ADAMS, M. Ii..


Office, Nn. 2 Apple ton street,


Dr. v . «n: ■ st Ids Office ull hours of the night.

K. ^. YATErt. M. I>.


Office,—307 Essex street,' Corner Lanrcnoe street.

Residence, 103 Concord St., Lawrence.

DR. J. 11. KIDDEK.


No. £71 Essex Street, Lawrence.

Das,Chloroform or Kthcr given, as preferred,

UK. V - H. HO VY !, A N I>,

v , SUOOBIOB TO . . • .*, jl ,' *.».IUIIKU

C, \ -jj/ £&, . 80BQSOV ^E&?P-J "ENTltsT,

"=a 38.1 tasax ST.,

Lawasvaa M-Nltroc* Oxide

Has Administered je—Vacuity, Phil*. Dental College

p. 283 ESSAY St.. fold Nn. 149.



lt-aldcnoe, No. It Oak Street.


Franklin, m IVnu'a, Ifclftr, *.t,:.dO,749

Ro>»l, England. 184fi, goid. U.dOO.OOO Aiiietitan UiSOrb, 1,: 132.000

Peunaylvanla, of Pn.. 1826, 1,250,316

Imperial,London, 1803,gold, li.ono.ooo Attiertran Branch, 1,004,647

Fin men's, of N. Y., 1826, ;140,G0«

Westoheater, or N. Y., 1837. 640,086 German, of Erie, Pa., 1867, L'37,083

Queen of England, 1868, gold, 10.000,000 American Branch, 722,413


Bay State, Worcester, 1800, 338,667

lBt National. " 1868, 164,022

Gloucester, of Gloucester, 1870, 117,860

SV i'.ilirt. ■ for all the above Companies written


for Information, rates, ate., oall on or addre**


283 Essex street, Lawrence.

Hrighlnesa to the Eye, Quickness to the Ear,

Energy to tho I train.

They an- net with lensee of Ihe Hnest manufac- ture, to suit all fights, and with ilssses for those not needing sjjeotaeles t» read •llti, but drslrlnp the benefits to be derived from wearing the nai- leries . and sr.- to bo bsd In Ihl* city ooly ol


Wali'limaker, .lewuler and Optician,

RBHTRAI, Itl.oi'K,

No. 2.15 Essex Street, Lawrence,

Pewter Ir: Wslrhea, Clock*, .tewelry, Fancy Hoods, *r.

N. H. — Also Agent for Lnzams & Morris' Perfected Spectacles and Eyo Glasses, the BUST in the world.


Drummers, Attention! Hy ■ .H.H.: n- |h

1 below, jot :.oi,inplen

wall known M gflkT liisp'-et •

y and variety, s

nalo Store

nd procure kip.

D R tT M S

'"./'Alt,''',' . lend l-.-il.l-:

sal.-.one of tut large* and

muss INSTRUMENTS, .- I.e.. maker ; aloothebiat 'lollns.iiii art,

i In .-■;!,:.,..■ u>e, with •' I Itlxji and all r uiitij, neeilesl 1.1 renew snd rei>Mlr ln-trii- s,aa4 a full *;o.'k«l Uaalcr.l Mnrcham- '

lylnpxeyb JOHN (J. HAYATBS «k f,o„

' u.-l St.. ..- ;.,. ■.!■■ r.iiiit IIL;I ■■'.'■ It.ii.lun.


PlIABMACt AT SKA.—Not a few hu- morous anecdotes sre current respectlntf (he uae and sbuso of the medicine chest onboard JtrlCnh merchant vessels; the Chemist and iriuiclat says that the fol- lowing occurnnce is vouched (or: A sailor appliedto hla captain for relief, telling him tint he "seemed to have somethinir on his atomach." Ttie eap- taln referred it his book of directions, and-promptly prescribed a dose of \o. 1.1. Unfortunaely, however, there bad been a run on >o, 15, and the bottle was empty. Hut tin skipper was by no means at the end of lit resources; there WBB

plenty of No. 8 and plenty of No. 7. "Seven and ebjht make fifteen," said tbe captain; and .lick, to whom ihe calcula- tion seemed qute natural, took the joint mixture with sjartllng effect; for what- ever was on hl<f stomach came up with a rapidity that would have astonished the Royal College bf Physicians, and which a landsman Btbzit have envied.

TOUCHIKC. UTTKK. ■ It is said that the following lette\ was written to a lady In New York by t bereaved, stricken widow In Cincinnati: Darling John died last night. Congestion of the lungs. Our in--- Is bis galni I will join blm on the other shore. I htveordered the 1 oveliest mohair for tbe j funeral—made with pol- onaise and trlmtied with real point lace*. Loss covered by Insurance on the ten- yr. II- plun ; will be paid In sixty days. I know ynii sorrojv wlib mc. We had four doctors at two(|ollars» visit. Ann Maria will not gojni' mourning because she has juet boug it bar f.il) and winter thing*. Her ti nnet Is a straw. There Is a balm In Ulead, but my heart Is nearly broken. Send me a paper pattern ol I list •.»•■!, iw (if \ on r*.

Youis devoted SABAII.

THK MORAL van OK BEANS.— Not to have baked beans on Sunday Is .-(Hi, in some p-trts of New England, a Irneture of cbe twelt.li commandment. The bean flgurws largely In tin- economy of the old Hay State. 1 has Its moral as well as its ofTielal asas. It U given to tbe in mates of the state prison at Cliarlentown and Is made a moral test of character in the kitchen there, I have seen rows of convicts seated at. tbe long table, sorting over the beans for next day's dinner- throwing away tbe black and lmperlect onee. This Is Ihe first step toward awakening in these degreded beings tbe dtattnc lion between good and bad. When they have learned to sort ottt the bad beans, they have taken onoV.ep lu tbe formation of a moral character. So so- llcitiou.B U this state of the mnraU of all her children. — Charles D. Warnar


' In Time of Pence Prepare for War."

roi sale by TJ ljyll


No. 389 Essex Street, Lawrence.

in :" roared the frlshiiau, in a fury; "do you think I looked over your letter?" ■•Sir," replied the phyt-lclan. "I never once opened my lips to tou." "Ay, but yon have put It down, for all that."

"Til Impossible, Sir, that you should know that, for you have never onee took-

| ed Over my letter."

COMSTKRNATION baa been spread In tho north of Scotland by a certain Rev. Mr. Thomson, who, in the recent synod of Abcrdeei, ventured some remarks on tho unusually unpropitious weather, and on tho rain which falls in that coun- try for six days in tho wooi:, except when It snows. Hut as the Sundayfi have bsin line, Mr. Thomson suggest- ed that tbe afternoon of the Sabbath might bt> employed In harvesting, so that a portion of the crop might he se- cured. Feeling th it this waa a tender subject, he touched upon it, we are told, rtry .tenderly, and concluded by express- ing a hope L&it t,ho Synod would not feel that il nnj ^lergj^uan within their hounds waH dtsposid in ullow ajiy of his parishioners to work on ihu Kabhatli day ho was doing wiong. Mr. Thomson's overture, aa it is termed, waa not cor- dially received In the Synod, but has t.'^iiui lar greater acceptance out of doori. vY/ot he has been very properly reminded ilia! this wet vesnhrr is sent oti the inhabitants as a pnnishment for, the sin of Sabbath breaking.

A certain minister once took for bis iimmiug [iy:t, • - c are ot your father, the devil,' and lu the niter noon, unconscious- ly, 'Children, obey your parent*.'

A wag, in what he knows about farm Ing, gives a plan to remove widows' weeds, lie says a good-looking man has only to say, 'Wilt thou,' and they wilt.

Tne BoBton Public School Committee ■ eaently declined to accept a legacy for the r<.establishment ot the exploded prize medal *> —-vm. Tbe Congregation- allst, In referring to tKl« fact, ssys:

•'We know of a young lady, a recent graduate of a Boston high school, wiw, after going through with examination and tbe crowning exhibition, riep* for three days and nights, and had to be aroused to takeber OMMUI any physician knows what that fact mean*, and will say tlu.r. It tbe young lady recovers li'om the effect of the moral and Intellectual stlm ulus af- ter mouths of rent, she will bu fortunate. A year or two since a bright boy in one of our public schools wai taken down by scarlet fever; tbe teacher was so Interest- ed In tbe boy'n menial progress, and so anxious to have him keep his place In tho clas", that he called upon the father and actually offered to give the boy two hours of Instmetlou every night s&ye those ol Sattinlay antl Sunday. The fact s"iowi the *i.tin put upon our boys and girls."

SCOTCH PFAHLS AW> BitiutiKH.—It la a popular theory io Scnland, that "the building of bridges diminishes the num ber of pearls in the rivers." At first sight this seems very much like making Tenterden steeple responsible lor the existence of Goodwin Sands; but the nral1.it finds a basis of scientific truth In thu apparent aoa »c'i»it»r. Before the bridges were built, tba ca'tie In (ordl tbe streams trod upon the musgels, $nd tbe Injury done to Ihe shells caused ihe formation of pearls; but now that the cattle cross by the bridges, tbe scceiion of the pearls Is no longer promoted In that way. The peasant coul I observe the fact, though he could not give tbe philosophy of It.

KII.I. <m CCRF.—When old Bogus's wife ft-ll 111, h.L sept for a doctor as sor- did antl avaricious as Urusojf; Lc.'uni the doctor saw tho patient, ha wlslmd to have an understanding with the miserW husband.

'Here's forty dollars,' said Bogus, 'and you shall have It whether you cure my wife or kill her.'

Tbe womau tiled, and the doctor called for the Ac.

T>ld you kill my wife?' anked Bogus. 'Certainly not!' replied the indignant

doctor. 'Well, you didn't cure her?' You know she's dead.'

'Very well, then; leave the house In double yulck time,'said Bogus. 'A bar- gain's a bargain. It was kill or cure, anil you did neither.'

W. F. & J. 8. G1W5,

Attorneys Of Counsellors-at-Law,

No. 239 Essex Street, I.AWHKNCK.


Qualities which are peculiar to Had recommend the ELIAH milt t: < lm- i-rt.v.'il Family) Hewing Machine:

1. Ueautvand ezeollenoi if stitch alike on both sides if the fabrl-.->. Hired ' beauty A durability of ■ that will neither rip nor <•!.—1 Completeoootrol both threads.—4, Ancntlrely new rotary tension for tbe apper thresd, which contrib- utes so much to that beauty and uniformity of stitch lor which the "Howe Msohinc"

, i* to celebrated.—h, A per --'fcot uniform tension In the

shntlle, which doe* not vary from a full lo sn empty bobbin—in objection so common to other machines.—<>. An automatic self-regulatlug take- up tint prevent* missing of stitches la crossing heavy seams.—7. Short, straight and strong nee- dles, not iiiitii.- to break In passing over heavy seams, is do the curved needles of other machines. S, Ki:i.-r needles for tbe same thread than any other maohlno —», Hewing equally well with any kind or thread.—10. Kconomy of thread beyond that Ol any Other machine.—II, A hemmerthat will make any width ol Hemur Kell —U. Braid- ing the iiio-t complicated pattern* with any width and kind of lirsi.i.-ri. A Quliter thai will adjust Itaetl to any tlik:inessol material.—14. Tacking any fsbilc without Injury or pucker.— i... A eord- er so construoted as to oord aroand very short curves, even lo square cornet*.—IS. Sewlcg the finest fnbrtr without Injury a' pucker, and the beavleit materials with ihe grislett ease—17. Compiotness, simplicity and durability.— IS. Kase Of operation and inansaeiin-nt.-lu. Bent Machine lu the world for Family use. Call and see these HH-IUIH work, with the New

Impmvtd TrriuUt |m-.t, i.t II lORU'l Agen- cy, Hill (-:«•■ I Mi-'.l. I....;. i.t.e.

II. T. CLAY Ii** now on hand *Ncw and (Jo ! Assortment a

CHAMPION BOOTS for Knrn.rr*. Al.o olb.r line. ..t Uood.toon.- meroU. ... I:: *-,:! ItHI. ;.l NO. ■-,&•; ESSEX STB 1ST

LAWHKMCE. «m,]v5


•'. A. II .v» LEV & Co., BANKERS,

1 Devonshire, corner State St., Boston.

four jier rent, fnlrresf allowed OB deposit accounts, subject to ebci k, drawn a* on any olty bank. Ont-of-t own depositor* w ill have tbelr re- mittances and collections promptly acknowledged

We do a General Banking and Commission buslne**, Negotiate Honda, Mucks, Notel, and Other Securities, make collections thronghont tho United States and Kuropo, A*

DEALERS IN SECURITIES, we Invite inquiries relating lo Investments, and give below tbe prices of a few of the most deilr- able Bonds :— B.,C, K. ft St., sfflvasket Kxteufelou.7*. Vl\ Midland Fnoiflo,7s, 90 Logansp't.Crawfoidsrill A Southwestern, 8*. 9l\

V. S. Bnnda and other marketuble secorltlsa allowed full prioe in eaohnnge. Sm^sepS

WHITFOKD At HICE are Ihe only authorised Agent* for tha SALEM HHAHK il'Jl-I.KK. A large Itoek of lUDII oonstantly on hand.

Post Office Box 1

New & Second Hand Furniture The lubacrlber* have taken room* In Ordway

Blnrk, SSt Kiifi afrewt, where they will He- pair and Buy and Bel] Second Hand Kornilura and household article*. All order* promptly attended to, and good* sold at auction wheL

deilred. HILL ft CO. Lawrence, April 19, lSTt, tt

To Let. A HOTEL In Lawn

trally located, eonul r room*, partially furnl*bed; falling well of good water, .__

water oldern,of neaily 4000 gallons capacity, In the cellar. The Bxtures will be i-o'd either wholly or In part, snd a lease given of the house lo ran Iron two to ten years, as the purchaser may de Site, For further particular.-, apply to or addrcti

VJe«l JOEIN POPI'LKWELL, Merrimsc Ilonae,

.is-.' A :tsi Common St., Lawrence, Mass.


inquire at 113 Uasci tit reel. Li

Lamps! Lamps I Lamps I



F«OM Two .'

Table Lamps, Gei in


Suiity Lumps, IIuini Lumps,

Safely Fluid Lumps and Lanterns, paper and Porcelain Shades,

HuiiHT-t, Chtmneya, Wloks, &c,

for (ate at Wholeeatr i.iu Retail by

McKENNEY, BULLARD & CO, 004 Washlugton sk 9 Harvard St.,

2m«octsb BU8TON.

For Sale at Camtl

I oiler tbe balance of my itock of WATCH* KS, JKWELItY, SH.VK.U WARE, Ac. at rn.s'/.iii order lo closeonl the same before leavlDg the olty. An opportunity I* here offered to purchasers to buy at SXCHEDtNOLY LOW price*.


209 Essex street, 21*001*. LAWBKNCE.

New, Fresh and Stjliab



So. tlh iv^tcx street, Lawrence.

Ihe Large*! Stock In K***a Connty ot



*75 Essex Street. Lawrmice, Maaa

111 AJTIOND Mill ItfllS

These Spectaeles era msnufsctured from "Ml' KVTK CRYSTAL vKHItl.KH" melted to- gether, and are called 1HAMOKO on aucoont ol their herdneae and brllllaucy.

It Is well known that spectacles cut from Bra- illlan or SOOtoh pebble* arc very Injurious to Ih* eye, because of their polarising light

" — I tig been tested with <»e polar I scone, the no; lepfe* have b-t-n found to admit fifteen

ut. !e,» hesjej rays than any other pebble. They are ground vllh grt'vt •cletitjdo accufsey,

' ohromstio nl.uirntli.n*, i,nd nrodger


People will go where they can obtain the best value for tl.ci * m^ney. Long Advertisements, Large Stores. Immense Stocks are all \eiy well in their way, but the main thing is "the money's worth." Whenever the masses find out the best place to obtain THAT, it ie there

" They most do congregate."

Dull times never trouble Leyland. He is always doing something What is the inference ? He gives every one their money's worth. Lots of Remnants. Calicos, Cotton Flan- nels, Rejiellants, etc., etc. Call and examine his revised list of prices in the Fancy Goods department. Yi will be astonished. Full value, fair dealing, one price to everybody.


381 Essex street, Lawronco,

Every Man bis own Physician!



trticti, Herb), snd Mttticinal Qumi. 'Possessing not a grain of mlueral In their combination, they never expose those who uae them to any danger at anytime or season. No mother nerd heal tat to prescribe them lo ber children, sod the moat delUaui aocstltgtion enn nsa then with as great beneSt w the uvit rlgoe-ftu* mdpovarfnlframe

Holloway's Ointmpnt If the concentrated extract of healing Bnliam* and rare Jluroptan Oum». It I* penetrating, soothing, and healing in Its nature; aud tbe pores of tho skin absorb It (when well rubbed in) — greedily a* water Is taken up in a (ponge. It I wonderful coiMttiqu* for Ihe skin, and the use a small quantity applied to th* fas* at night, will Impart a clear and

r&ARL-LIK* COMPLEXION! equalled only by that of the Infant.

Hollou>ay"s Pills and Ointment Cure the following dlsrases:

Dyspepsia, Lusllude, Fever and Ague, Skin lil*e**ei, Pimple*, Ring Worms, Piles and Fistals, Bilious Fever, Bwellln**, Bore Throats, Qulnicy, Worms, Swelling of thr Joints, Scrofula Liver Complaint*, Wounds ■ars*, Burns and Scald*, Salt Kbenm,Gravel

and all alsgd.r, of the I.lvnr, Stomach, Kidney* NKW YOBIC CllVUll'AL CfJUpANV.

78 Maiden Lane, New fork. Hollow*)'! Pill* aad Ointment nre sold at tt

cent*, ea i-4 oents, and |i per box or pot. A greal saving I* made by buying th* Isrgs sliei, nmirinn I Tnt wirt "Hollowar'1 appear* In UaUUOn. , m%Ur mMk iB (0, iftuepimpblet surrounding each box of Pill* or pot of Ointment. This secures the f rnulne. ljdrol U. M. WHITNKY ft CO. Agent* for Lawrence.


a brlihiuess and dlstlncincu of vlthiD not bei'or* obtained tn ipeetsolo*.

Manufactured by tha Spencer Optical Manufacturing Co.,

NEW roiUL For Sale by lteii;ionsljle Agent* tttronghont


Jeweler* and Optlolaus.are Sole Agents for Law- rence, Mass,, Iroiu whom they can only be obtain- ed No Peddlers employed.

The great dema id lor these Sptetaeles ha* In- dued unscrupulous dealers lo palm off nn Inferior end rjjurloui article lor Ihe " Diamond." Great care should be taken lo see that the trade mark <* (which Is protected by American Letter* Pa- tent) i* -t.uMii-,1 on every pair. lyv Imyll



1*9 4 B HO AH WA T,

Near Boston & Maine and Eastern Depot,




PAINTERS, 581- Eeaex Street, (Ordway Block,)

LAWBEKCI. Warner Bailey, u«gu ^n Andrew*.

ti, ti. HICKOK, Pluno-rorte mid Cabinet Orfxnn

TV NEB. ^jssptsBB^t Having for many years followed ■■■(■■■■ida prufeaslon la the cities of New Blwfa |TVorki Brooklvn, and vicinity, ha* 1 ". " ■ "liJoatad in METBUEN, where he hold* hlmielfln readiness to attend to all call* for Tuning ant Repairing the above Inatratnent* In the best meaner.

Order* left at DYKB A CO'S Music Store, Lawreaee, or at i'ostOOlce Box No.8, MBTHI'KK, will be promptly attended to, ljalf

Boston antl {finlne Rallrossdt

Genuine unless signed I.ltrrr*.

IN BANKRUPTCY. nislrlot of M*t*achu*ettf.

■J l„- um eislgned hereby give* notice of hi* *p- p. lr.iu.--nt a.. M*iKnre of The estate ol JAMBS KOAB and JAfcleJi V- K'lAN, late ooparlaers, ■nd bulb of Chsrlentown.In **ld dlftrlct, who have been adjudged bankrupt* on their own pHitlon. .IAMK8 W.G'llKIEN, At.lioce, July to, iha. StfloelM 7 City Bq., Cbsrlestowm

TO LET—NEEDHAM HALL. Tn s suitable party tills I* a good opening. For

particular*, apply to JOHN MOORS, SSI Bsiei at„or JAMEfl HYDK.M Margin St. StfoolJ-


For Boaion.dron Matlb Depot) at «.!», 7.M •4B A, M., and 1S.1S, S.»0 and fl.M P. M.

For Boston, (trom Boeto Depot) st (.ST, 7.1i, tM, A. M., and ls.ig, l.ui (expre**,) !.*», J.33, L47,(,*?"M,)

J7M ^* M- "-10 !*•«■ Monday, Wednesday ind Friday. .

For Portland, (from South Depot) at S.25, B.ito A. M., 1.18, ( p. ff and SA« P. II, Monday,

'-—Friday, ii and I

-O A.M., 1.3U, 4.1 i«a/, Wndnttdgy and Friday.

For isrVfrnOirM fiHft Depot) al BJll aac *IBA.M ..srfi.u,,,s*!k» „Wn sraVsru Depot al f .IS F. H,

• U, 10.1* A. M., 11.00 M., 1I.S0, S.1B, 1.16, a and

The FIHKLE A. LYON 1 Maaufaetarlng Go's


"VICTOR," CAN in nouoHT or 09l

D. W. Ulllll, 40 Margin street. Bole Agent for Lawrence, Andover A Methnen,


Stralfrht Needle, Shuttle,

Elegant la Style an 1 Finish,

Simple in Construction.

Keystone Sewing Machine Co. J. C. BROCK, Agent,

220 Tremont Street. Boston


Arlington Range.


Parlor. Offlco aud Cooking STOVES.

Plumbing, Tin Booflng, and all kind* of JobbUg done promptly.

EL DORADO STOVE STORE. 11 I^awrence street, Lawrence.


tatlon or Inflammation of Kidney* or Bladder, Gravel, Diabetes, ltei.dir.li Sediment In Urine, Thick, Cloudy Urine, Mucous and Involuntary Discharge* from Urethra, Retention orlnconlf- nence of Urine, Chronic Catarrh or Bladder, and ell Chronic Maladies of the Urlno-Genltal Organs.

For aale'by all Druggist* and Dealers in Mrrii- ojpe everywhere. lvnovL'4i>b

■ew Siori',

N«W GooslSr,

Wew «iyl«, Low Prices,


(formerly with Haley, Morse A Co.,]

213 and 215 Tremont St., Boston.

Opposite LagranjeSheet,above HoyI-ton.

We have one of tba beat selected itoeka of flat and medium coat cuafoin nuide Furnliurc to be found In New Knglsnd. Our stock la sues, mad* to order, of th* bttt material, mn*t rki-riiupA

tmsnjblp, lafrfl ifgief and lira Batsh, aud He kbld at tou**i prleQs; also Dyaprrles

Bhade|,l*rlf* aua ndUiifgh*ui I.i,ors SV|*dr,iIet prices. „^oeittl


Weil's Clothing Store, 183 Essex St. 183

Next to Clarke's Apothecary Store.


Lowfr* iban ipc l'OW«i|, AND AS 000D AS THE BEST


FOR WINTER. Overcoat*, Thick Pant*, Vc*ta, Dree* Coat*,

Bats, Cap*, Utove*, MltUn*, Boy*' Clothing, Ac.

>'P4? QPMMER. Thin Clothing, Straw Hilt*, *>«..

FOR ALL SEASONS. Furnishing Good*, Trunk*. Vnlliei, Carpet

Bag*, Uaabrellas, Ae, WEIL 1* alway* Hound, and will deal with yon

on the Sijuart. SB avaa AID


For nartfualari, W *rafil| blt|f. CALL EARI.V, CALL Op'I'Ei*.

We have Just taken the Agcnoy for Ikp

Original Howe Sewing Machine, the Beat, Most Complete, snd Desirable Machine In use. Do nut purchase uutil yuu have examined the BOWE.

188 Essex street, Lawrence.

Bunting Flags, Printed Flags,

Big Flags, Little Flags,

at DYER-8.

To the Public of Lawroncy,

The inderatgned have the honor of Informing their frisDds »DU lb* public generally, lli»t tl.cy hav* taken chamber* In

Sanadera New Block, EBBC* alreet,

for the pnrpoie of carrying on the ualnessol MERCHANT TAILORS, where tb* be*t Cloths, Cashmeres, Ve*tlng*i Ao., will be alway* na hand, aad every attention given to the Latlit Style* of Custom Made Clothing, under the im- wiUNl BoperTl«lon of JOSEPH BLOOD, lateol tile Arm of'8a?age b i-'looj,

' Ton are retpeetnrlIyInvited to give u* a eaU.



Chambers, 1,2b8SanntleraNew Block.



go to liYKR'H and get l|.



Pablltked friday Mornlngi br

GEO. S. MERRILL ft CO., Proprietor*

Torr Orrtc-K BLOCK,

■ Corner or Bitcx and Appletoo Str.eu


BUBSCBIPTION-ga M per year (■ atono*; 1 not in advance,!* so.

rue circulation or the L,nwr*noo Amirl oau U the largest of Any paper In tbe

Countj, and more than JTOUH TIMBB that of any other

Weekly Paper published la thla olty.

SaT Bates of Advertising tent npon spplicaUoa.

VOL. xvni.—NO. 8.

^h« ^atl*, ilmvrivau,


■ »:

..-.,.■ t-


If C * A

Si LAM l^i.sriNu Oj?mt Ii the largest and MOD thoroughly furilahed la caller a M*.*ackutettt. Ilavlag tor moet improra »Ud.Tar,re.B*i,audwltbe«BitAUtaBdlU*i**f th


tad wHh *)«r exteutlve rnrl.tr •» W*Xft, w« n> a hit iofnrnl.h the Sett Quality of Week, cxpedl lUeely, nnd At le* prloet. Ordsri by me

Qt».B.MSRRlLL*00.,Proprl«tori, BBS IIIIX AT., LAWSSNOS.



IT in Hiuovmo .ml Inndiblr In the people to be alwayt thankful lor the bitaaingt gf freedom, comfort, nnd plenty, enjoyed In thl* fevered lend.

ATTHIS BKABOri.theirKxorllrneleettie fiui S"2iW th« QoVKKn-OR especially recommend th an* Tu Incite for the bouutln vo actuated ui mil dsrlag the year.

lH ADDITION to tale exhibition ot thtnktilvlnjr (lu which it duLliullyuud earnestly concur) we dctlre to preecut gtit thank, to tlir public—

Fun TUB? L.I1.1, ii u. patronsg* bettowod.ta tb. tut twelvmonth, upon tb» "OLD COkiau "

lathing Home, which favor Ii duly appr.alaied. V, K AKK THANKFUL tbit we have been nble to

afford the people the ineny rare baraalBt tliry twee bnd, In tli.lr purchate* ol good Clotblee at onr eiiabiUauir ui i— ^""

va aulformly kept oar pries* nt «o


C. K. m J. P. PI1*L«BURT,


i HAVK been eo ilarnally favored, through tble patronage, ns to oouHrm u« i„ the br lief tint on' plan of low prieei and email prom. U tbe TKim KTHTIIII tiward* tuooeai;—

THAT wi ui .ill] dlipoi.d to pnr.uu tbl* popularoonrte. In our butiueti; and era abnll alwayt be thankful for thli favor front the com- sanity.

THI PEOFLK will be thankful, naturally, that they (Djoy the han.lt* tbu. attainable, and will continue to go where they know they .an im aarr with their money.

WITH TRAJIKB, therefore, for pait favors, Invite buyer. In town aid out, to tin "

|Et«fUI-C, 4V1 ,.«.» 1-IVII, ' _jwn aid out, to tbe "OL..

GokKUR" during thl) month, to lean HOW DMIt we can aellour 1m me nee rail and Winter atoek of Clothing for Gentlemen, Youth, and Buy.. And we guarantee ilia: they will all be thankful for thl. offer.

GIVM INHEK OI:K UAXD, at Hot 31 and 26 Doek Square, Boston, (near Faneull Hall) tbu First ol November, A. D. one tbou.and tight hundred and seventy-two. •OLD COKNBI" I QEO. H. RICllaKDB, Vlotlttng flume, ( rn<»-RiiTUK.


en Rtglti trlet, In Bool la isld morfj

Mortgagee's Sale. By virtue of a power of sale contained In a oer ■

tain mortgage deed given by Kdward P. Mori*, of Matba.n.latbe County of Kuei.and Com- monwealth of klAtSRobHeetU, to Chaile. B. Tea- Tiyof said Metbuen, dated the twenty-aev.nth d.yofyeptember, A. D. 1871, aud recorded in th. ■astl R.gUtryof Deeds, In tbe Northern Die-

- }k 11. PareS3S,thepremlsesdeeoribed Uagewlllbe sold st pabllo auction

Kemlsee, on Saturday the twenty-third ovembrr, A D. 1871 at 2 o'eloeb, P. at,

8aldpreml.es are deaerlbed la aald mortgaae deed a. follow.:- . "

A certain plec* of land situated tn Metbuen. In the County ot X.iex, and Common wealth or M at- ■aohuaetta, and bonndMl a* follows, vli : beiln- nlnij at the North-west oorner of aald premise, by the Methaen Braaeh of the Boitoa and Maine Kail lioed, and the Couaty Bond, and running South-easterly by said County Koad.two hundred and thirty-nine feet to a atake and stone, by land lormerly of B, P. ftarf«At or J. H, Hlohardsoa, now beloaglng to D. II. Patterson, tbenoe South- erly by land of aald Patteraon and land ol J. O. Parker, three hundred and tblrty-alx feet, to land ol tbe Uotton and Maine Hall Soad Corporation, thence Westerly by land ot said Corporation

thence Northerly by aald Col

tb.polnt of beginning. Bald premlt thirty-live thomand eight hundred and IIfly-three feet, more er less, and are the same that were eonveyed to aald Morae by aald Tenny, September 17th, A, D. 1171.



Oealrable RCHI Eetate for Sals la Halem, N.1I. A «ood Farm naid an rioellent Ciranite Qnarry. Tbe aubaerlbers offers at private eale, upon

r.aaouable terms, her Farm, altuattd la Salem, N. 11., near the Depot of the Manchester & Law- r.ooe Ballroad. The Farm contain, about sixty

eoaslat or a good two-story house with an L, re- cently ballt, of the beat material, and tn a thor- ough manner, wlta modern appliances for eonre- alenee; a barn -ToxoOfe.t; and a cottage ho. as

th. In good repair, Alao building* suitable for ennre-Vir#u.;e»J.,i<iiin go*ju reJalt:'—"■- -••

Upon tbe premise* IsaaexoelMit and extensive Qraell. ttnarry which ha* been very eaoeee*- fully worked for more than twenty year* by tb. late EHpbalet Oage,deeeAasd. Hare la a com- pletely developed quarry with an endira* mpply of superior granli. that alwaya Bnd* a ready sale II Haverhlir, Lawrence, and In all place* where granite li uied, or at the Depot, which Is bat three-four the of a mile dlatant, and a good road. The dlataie. to Lawrence 1. six miles, and to Haverhill eight. For reference a* to quality ol Eraolte, *ee ■■yrtmitr franti" of eltlea of Hav.r-

111, Lawrence, and many other place. In tbl. vl- ulnlty. Thi* offers to a man of eoterprlee a rare ebane. to make money. A good Farm, with food balldioK* tbereou, aad a safu and profitable bu»l- neas upon tbe premises. For further informa- tion, inquire of the aabscrlbsr, on the premise*, or of JU1IN ff. TKNNKY, Methuen, Ma..., or ot

Salem, Sept. 1T7, 187a. 1ml•



Director'* Office, 37 Court street. Boiton.


Aeafia over - • - $8*000,000.00

All th* Pro/lu paid to Policy Hotdert.

The low rates and large dividend* of thi* old Company, together with exoellent management, fair dealing and promptness la tbe adjaitmeal ot IO*.M, make* it the beat Company In New Kaglaad to Insure In, eepedally for Endowment Policies

8. E. LAWBEHGB, Agent for Lawreioe, Haverhill, Andover, and

mriu M.tha.a. Office, 373 Eiiex Street, LAwrence.

PEDRICK A CLOSSON, A«cUoaeera, Beal Eatata Afestl aad Appralaera, No. 381 Bcutei et., Laureate, Man,

Always read* to give their pereonal«ervlce aid serloa* attention to selling Real and Pereonal Bitate at auction or otherwise, obtaining Money and letting the same at fair rates tor all

Cotton ft Woolen Maohiiiory AND

MACHINE WORK GENEKALLV Palieyi, Qearing and Slisfllng, Jack Horewa. Ail kind*ol Holt, oi hand,or made to order;

also all klada of Forglag done.

DeaJers la Manufaetaro Soppllea.

Foacer'g Bnilding, Corner of Frank-

lin tfri Metbuen StraaU

■ -^**y...... --. t^*^gj.'^_

LAWRENCE Steam Dye House,

141 Lawrence Rt., aear llrldg?.

Silks, Thibet*, Alpaoas A all other Oreta Condi, Shawta, Sacquei,

Ac, Cloamed or Dyed.

Alio, Carpet! Cleansed in a Superior Manner.

Csentlemea'1 Clothes Cleansed or Dyed without ripping, to glre eatlre


Having all the lateat Improved maehlaery, aid keeping none bit the beatDjeri, weoan dooar work equal to the beet in the country, and hope to be favored with a trial.

LAWIIXCI, Oet, 10,1171. Thl* I* to certify tbat I have had work done In

the moit .atlafaclory manner by JOHI T. TBBKB •> Co. Oil recommend .aid Company to all those requiring anything In their line,for reaeon- ablnne** of charge., promptness In execution, and quality of work, KlY. L. L. WOOD,

„ LAwiiisn, Oet. I*, tfjf, MKSIBS.TBKKS:—

I have great pleainre In testifying to th* excellence of your Dyalng and Cleanln. Old Clothe*. I had no idea that auch perfection wa* poaelble. Yo.r*. truly,

JOHN KDWAUD6, Inanranee Agint.

u ,™m LAWBMCM, Oet. IS, laTt. MSRSK* J.T. Tatxs A Co.:

lltnr Sirt,-The cloth* and garments placed la your hand, by us, for eleaniinK and coloring, hav. been returned, ai " good as «•**.*■ We are especially pleased with tb. uniformity of your coloring and exoellenoy of flnlab. and aball take pleasure In eommeading your work l> otters.

Respect folly, F. W. BOWKEK, J.C.BOWKKH.

MBBSBB. TKBBI:— I take pleasnre In testifying to the excellence

ol your Dyeing and Cleanring ladle.' Dresses aud Shawl*: also, the euperlor manner la which Coats, Pant* and Teeta have been reflnlihtdat

Jar r.tabllihraent. Yours,truly,

8. I*. 8NBLL. Lawience, (Jot. 17, 1171,

A G at ■ T B. (». F. BNELL, 313 Eaaei street, Mrs. BICKRELL, 153 Kaaek atraet. Mia. WIOOIN, Broadway, South Bide, L.O.NORK'B.Methaei. JOHN BBUIVN, North Andover. JOBL BARNES. Frye Village. loclK



Tiiin-r for ibe in mo ii A IriamilB

ORGAN CO., BOSTON, (fcrmerly with Taylor It Farley, Woroeater,) will attead to all order* for Tuning, Voicing or Re- pair! ng

CABI.NET ORGANS In Lawrenoe aid vicinity.

flaring had experience In two of the largest Factories In the eoaatry, be 1* enabled to war- rant all work tbat paaees through hi* haadi.

P. O. addrese and realdenoe, lOU Haver- hill Street, Lawrence, Man. leapt


We bare reerived an lnrolse of CHAPMAN A MeNKILL'S celebrated XCxtrnota* and Caaenoee,—lb. slice,—coaaietlag of Lsmoa, Vanilla, Siraieb*rry, PU>« Apple, Raipbtrrf, Oinger, CUJIIII, Vkroktrli'Try, Saiitijmi, etc., to which we a*k the attention of the trade.

These good* are warranted to give perfect satis- faction, aid are u*ed In some of the best hoteti In Boston and the vicinity.

EASTMAN A HI'KM,. Lawreaae.Sept. *}. 1172. ttm

A Splendid Farm for Sale. Conalillng of 100 acre*, weU divided. Cat* 10

ton* bay, kuep* 10 b*ad of cattle. Applet, pears, butternut*, ahagbarka, grapes, .arrant., etc.; It acreol auawberrlea, yielding rich Income. Ne-

Methuen Mats.


Superintendent of Cemetery Residence 95 Tremoot Street,




«o. 143 Essei street, (down towa,) aad Wo. 387, (uptown.)

REMEMBER to aand the Children to SMITH'S for Blaie P*u> etls. We tell Ive for 1 cent.

REMEMBER tbat wa sell a good Hoop Skirt for aT ewate.

'- , ' - . HIM* »...««, flcat 200-yard Spool Cotton. 1 oenta. Pin par paper, aoenU. Corset Lacing*, i aaai, Brat Machine Cotton, a eents,

REMEMBER, lor Ladles', Men's or Children'* Handkerchief. tblt SMITH'S It TBE PLACE to get them CBEA P.

REMEMBER that wa warrant every inMr or our Kid Olores, and eell them for He'oenta.

REMEMBER that we are eclllng nice Merino Boss for 10 ot*.


that we keep the Largest and But Stock or Iml- tation Hair Oooda In tbe city. Piice. all right.

REMEMBER, at both itoree yoi oaa gat, at the I.owttt Prieu, Cotton Ololbl, Print., (Jlighima, Cotton Flan- nel., Wool Flannel., Table Linen, Cra.hr*. Nap- kins, While Oooda, etc.


*s saily nak yos M cent, for the bast German JoraJta.


that we are reeelvlig New Oooda every day, and tbat we buy large qiaitltles, and can afford to eell Chemp.


>u are looking for Set* of JEWEL R Y, Ear Drop*, Breast Plat, Sleeve Battout, Oent't Shirt Btnde, Chain*, or almoit anything in the J ewelry "- -, to Tleit


148, down town, or :>87, up town.

RE MEMBER. Portmonatei for 10 eta, is ott, KO ssj, SO ot», 17 cts, H ot*,«g OU, and lp.


yon oaa get good Blaek Alpaca for v, eu a yard.


and call at either of our Stores, and see what we are doing tn the way of LOW P1CICKS.

143 & 387 Essex St. Lawrenoe b. II. BMITU.

tK he ^Ctncrican,

Title paned of property unlci* the 11 e be per-

irtty. will bs attended to promptly, and all will be hon- orably dealt wllh-atriot Integrity being the one important element or luocel* In the Beal Batata bniineea,prompt payment* ol oath nrooeed*,deal- ing In all honor with the *eller and owner, At the ■aSM time looklag wellto the true intereal of the purchaser, tbat ble tli/e rare good, and that he jre" all which ha i. aaUUad to-thss teeirlnf and holding that confidence ol oar tallow* which 1* oniy obtained by strict attention to builne**, and tbe highest type of honorable dealing.

joy-Term* reasonable, and according to the work aid responsibility, Call upon 1*. Beal Estate Office, Essex St, No. 881.

N. B.—Property for *ale In many lection* of New England, but more especially in the city of law- reies aid rlotntty. No better olty In the Union for a permnnent lnrestment.

Bead Baal MiUte oolnmi la Law trace Sentinel and Lswrams Dally Asaeriaan. ImylS


SOLICITOR OF PATENTS For /aMaiiviu, l\adt Markt or LMtignt,

No. T« State St, opposite Kilby St.,



Beautiful Farm in Hethnen, ol the road to Lowell aid Lawrenoe. 70aorei, on the river, Irlag between the river aad the road. Wood caoagh for home purposes. 2Mappl.trr*i. Cats 19 tone kngilah and | tone maaanw hay.— Cherries, srapei and small frait*. Farm long aad narrow, raining alone the river for a hair mile. Qoodpaatuaage, good land of every variety. No trouble rrosPrreeEeU. One of the flneit iltaatloni between Lowell aad Lawreioe, 4 1-* mllra Iron Lawreaee, earn, from Lowell, (food building*, 1B good condition, well fenced with .tone wall. A Lor-" " going an Indcgallc time, at aa interest of 7 per eeat.

Call upon PtDUICK A CLOBBON, Lawreaee, oratths prctaliri. or*

196 ESSEX 8TREET. 196


1 Ii... lu.t r,o.l.r>l.a .Irg.sl kuortm.ut of

ItlXli OSTRICH FEATHBRg, which 1 am aelling at

Half the Usual Prices. . tea not selling these low beeauee they are out

of faehlon but beoanae having procured a bargala oftheml oan afford to .elltbetn cheap; they salt


Defy Competition. My atockof Ladiee Woollei Under Wear ha.

been larg.lv added to. Price* low. Children'* and baby* Woolen Under Wear, Jackets, Ac.

1 ean snpply Ladle* with

PAPER PATTERNS, of all klnda. I am making thla a apeelalty and ean furnt.h all kind* of patlerne required.

la other departmeata my stock ot good* cannot be eurpaeeed,

HAIR GOODS, Beal and Imitation. All kiadi of dreii trimmlaga,


thing they need at my ators.

196 Euex Street. 196


After an extensive practice of upwarda of thirty ieari, eosUnuei to secure Patent* la tbe United

tales; also, la Orest Britain, France, and other

ail papera lor nuau, HKIIW 01 reasonable terma, with di.patch, Betearehee made to determine the validity and utility of Pa- tents Of Inventions, aid legal and other adviae rendered In all Batter* touching V

' ntil

"111 neeaeelty of l>lraay to Wa.hlnfrtoa to proesre a Patent, and the aaual great delay there, are hare eared liven tor*.

TESTIMONIALS. "I regard Mr. Bddrasoneof the moit capable

and aucoeiaral practltlonerl with whom I ban

n aaiuringlnvrntor.that

EDMUND BURKE, Late Commit, loner of Patent a.'

"Mr. K. II, Eddy hat made for me over Till TT application, for Patents, having been ■uooees-

-*— ">st STarr ease. Snehaiml*tak«blepro ' lent and ability on hit part, leada me d ALL iarentore to apply to him to pro-

stirs their patent., a* they may be tare o" "" the mo.t faithful attention bettowed on ici, and at very rea*onablr chargi

Roitoo. Jan. 1, 1173. JOHN

fill In aim ofurqatti



Ma.aaohaeettt. The aadenigntd hereby notice that they have beeo appointed ** Atslg Of the eitate of HENRY C. (ill,BERT and


STEPHEN A. LOVBJOY. Who hare been ad- judged as bankrupt I upou their own petition.

CHAR. II. ALLEN, ') *»••■■•*■' Bostoi, Oet.ltd, 117!, IttBOl

MISS H. B. FIELDING wisbei to inform bar TBIIXDS, of Lawrene* and vie I ult y that iheliaa )u*t received all tbe latest ¥ A I.I, aid WINTER Styles from New York, aad la now ready to exeeuta all order* (br Dnaa afAKlMO AT HBB ROOMS, »»t Muaaax Btraat, Lawrene.. aoy-rartlealar attentloi paid In CUTTING aad FITTING LAVIEtfmni OBILDMEN'E MV1TB. JVenr Aryw* resolved .verywe*k. Ladlea'BulteCut and Fit- ted for 91. Raobtne stitching aad Braldlif done to order. A liberal there of patronage to- netted, with thaaka for past favor..

Lawrence, tea*. SJaTs. Uss

WANTED. The proprietor of a hotel, near this city, withes

to eeeure tbe tervleei of a good, reliable MAN, with hi* wife, to conduct, ll a thorough manner, tb* be«lue»* of the boats. The man It waited la atsltt in th* general care of the office and hotel, not] the woman to assume tbe duties or hoait< keeper. Permaaeat employment to Iks tight parties. Hist some well recommended. Apply at


Crockery, China, Glass Ware, Fancy Goods, &c,

When you come to Lowell do not fall to vltlt the Union Crockery Co.'t Store, *l Merrlmatk Street, and **e tbe flee aaaortmsnt of

crockery, Calaa, t.iasa Ware, Tla end Wooden Warea, If tinging. Bracket,

aad Table Lamps, Bird Cases, Wat Flower Shades, Lilly Ntaads.Vaaei.Maich Nafes,

Pariaa Goods, Table emery, Roger's Bra's

Plated Spoons, Forks nnd


SHEBWOOD'S WINE GOODS, In erery style. BAKINti WAKBofall kind., In fact one of tbe beet BMortmenl. to be foaad la tb. eoaatry.

Look at some of oar prases. Bast Bifcillb Stone China, Tea, Breakfast, aad Dining Sett, oooeiatlBg of


Green's Pile Remedy Ittbe tafett end moet effectual eurr for I'll ever offered io the pnb.lo, For eale by all spot-- •carle*, taota.per battle. MOTO. UOODWIN fcCCAaaiU. 11m*oetl,


A dividend of TTS Dollar* per abara will he paid, on and alter FBI DAY, November 11th, 117V,

Cerllflcatee of naw ttock will then be ready for delivery, upon tbe eurreader of receipt* for all atte.iment* due, and upon a raoetpt by the owe- •r* thereof, aad Uair attoracy, upol the book* ol theeorporatloa. ■ol 1» A. BLANCH ABD, Treasarar.

NTJBSE. Pertone detlrllg tbe tcreloss of a competent

Nun*, pteai* apply t« Mas. A. U. WINTER, Ho. •O Bwst Haverhill St., Lawrence. :rmltrpSO


• 1.M " , 1.00 per doi.

Set*, each.

Oir Crockery Is of the best maket, onr own Ii _ portatlon. Oar Cutlery tbe bett make In tbe eoaatry. AD good* warranted aa reprceeated. and at the lowed market prices. Good, (packed to go aiy dlttanoa with safety.

Remember the Place and Number,


45 Merrimack St., Lowell, Mima.


33 ft 35 Bedford Street, BOSTON, MASS.


Dyepspala, Klda.y and Liver Complaint.. Try J these onoe aad JOB will aarer be without them.

oraaJeby all apotaearie*. lac per box. OkO, .OooowiatO" * .Agents. "Im'ocSfi.

Original. PAUL BBALEa.

" Come out to our coast, bov," artid a

big child of San Francisco, the other tiny,

"and wo'II show joti something of We."

" Aa how ? Well, suppose. I tell you

the Btory of Paul P,ealos ? "

" All right. Who was Pan! Itealea ? "

" Paul Beales was a bank oaahler, at or near Wllllamsoort lJ« . .i»a -»■—* tht>yearM9. In Ihose days therts were

no express companies, and ouce a month,

or onoe a quarter, Paul Ilealea, like all

the bank cashiers of Pennsylvania, bad

to go to Philadelpnia, to adjust hia bal-

aneea with the bank which corresponded

with his own. Paul started one day

from Wllliamsport, with $30,000 which

he waa to take in person to the Farmers1

& Mechanics' bank, and he arrived In

Philadelphia the next day at noon. He

was a temperate, virtuous, reapected

married man, popnlar with everybody and well-to-do.

But on this occasion, Paul Denies was

possessed with the devil of postpone-

ment, and tired of travel he did not go

promptly to the bank, but lounged about

the hotel till evening. Then he felt tbe

other demon of recklessness, that never

came before, come to him and suggested

that he should make a night of it. In a

few minutes he was in a gambling sa-

loon, and had shortened his account

some thousands of dollara. The next

morning the bank received three fourths

of the money from WllllAmsport, by an

anonymous hand/end Paul Beales waa

missing. It was belioved he bad been

murdered, and his widow put on mourn-

ing while all his oommnnlty grieved for

him. About this lime there arrived In

California, one Daniel Clarkson, a fine

looking, affable man, with littlo money

but big will, and he plunged at once in-

to mining and business. Ho was honeBt

and popular, and every man, woman and

cnild soon learned to love him. He was

married after some years, to a fine Pacif-

ic woman, one who was a dead shot with

a pistol, and had till (he virtues that

bloom beyond the Sierra Nevadas, nnd

in course of time we hnd nominated

Daniel Clarkson anunyamenta or mayor

of the city of San Francisco. While he

waa waiting one day on Montgomery

Street, a man from Pennsylvania stepped

up to him suddenly, and putting out hig

hand, said: "Paul bow do you do P "

"Right well, I thank you, air," ex-

S'lpUl)&PwU-h£Urk.t(toU'eh"tui6->rtof some one else."

" Excuse me," said the mnn, ■■ but 1

was sure I had found Paul Beales, of

Wllliamsport, Pa."

Daniel Clarkson continued on down

the street, and pretty soon he oaino to a

daguerreotype saloon, before the door of

which, conspicuous in a show caao hung

a picture of himself, tbe most popular

man in San Frnncisco. lleorded and

grown older, ami with that look of philo-

sophic thought which wide experience

gives, he matin the prompt resolve to buy

a picture of Danltl Clarkson, and send

It to tho mayor 0* Williamsport, to In-

quire il he resembled tn any manner the

missing Paul Bealea. This perhaps, was

the madness that lets out murder j but,

confident and self possessed, the fugitive

cashier did it. The mayor and hie

friends mused over the picture, and saw

a resemblance, but at last decided to

abide by tbe decision of the widow of

Paul Beales. She bad been waiting all

these years, hoping that the deeps of

time would give up their secrets Borne

day; and when abe saw the picture of

Daniel Clarkson, abe recognized her hus-

band and fell fainting to the floor.

At that day a wretch subsisted la Cal-

ifornia, who earned his Ignominious

bread black-mailing the citizens, in the

columns of his vllo print. He began by

calling Ciaraaon a bank robber and a

thief, and aald he was a line figure for

an anunyamenta. He filled his paper

with tbe name of Paul Beales, and the

whole city looked astonished to see its

moat respectable merchant maligned In

this way. If Clarkson had killed the

black-mnller he would have been insti-

lled on every side. Not BO. He pro-

tested that he had always been Danlal

Clarkson, and that he never heard of

Pan) Beales, and so solemnly did be

aver this, that not one of his friends wa-

vered in bis support. But tbe print-

ing wretch grew more circumstantial

with every issue, and at last the friends

of the merchant said;

" Clarkson, yon must go to Williams-

port and show yourself. You must face

this thing. We believe you. and will

see you through."

He said with all cheerfulness that he

would take the first steamer, and so he

did, accompanied by many supporters,

and cheered, as the ship left her dock,

by a great crowd. He left behind In

San Frauoisco, •200,000 worth of prop-

erty. Aa the ship's company waa cross-

ing the isthmus of Panama on mules,

Daniel Clarkson was missing on the

way, and for three years he disappeared

anew. At last they found him working

In a candle factory in Cincinnati, Ohio,

dressed like a laborer, and poor and des-

perate. The California boys put him on

his feet.

They said i " Clarkson, there Is only

one way to do this thing. Begin at the

beginning, and return to Williamsport

to yoor wife."

He said he would do as they asked.

They paid the money he had absconded

with and lost. They persuaded the wife

he bad in California to give him up

quietly. His own wife, who bad lived

alone all these years, was glad to have

him back on any terms; and there be

lives to this day, near Williamsport, a

tolerably old man, and his story Is ono

of the favorite old time reminiscences of

our coast. v. p. p,


following are the tiding passages

of an address by Bi| Doane before

the trustees, leacheBd students of

Burlington College, be anniversary

of our national indeppoe i

" And for the marl men that arc

to make a Btate. I ahem in the in-

genuous boy. lie lost yon with his

clear calm eye. Thaw that mantles

on his cheek Is of so with shame; it

is but virtue's color adlng from hia

heart. You know tlpoy In absence as in r.«™-nn*. TherkneAS is not

dark to him; for floret.»l*htenB ll' He is more prompt pwn than do a

wrong, slid readier t%n**A ttB0 for

either, r.iero Ja noting po*dble for

which ysj may not o«nt M llm 1 '^

nothing (ood that is ia f Wr* for Wm

and God ('

" I seeUiom in the egflKf "*w* ! Hl'

heart is i a throb in BjJHfuM wonW

do. His:een eye fU*- *"fn8 P***8 of

Homer, r of Euclid, or < Plato, and

never wa^rs till it tees sbt through

it, and hi stored its Injures In the

light of is dear mind, jls foot has

wlnga lorisvery errand obenevolence

or mercy. | And when you *> the bound-

ing ball nr highest, nntlhll farthest

from the staid, and hear he ringing

sound of iriutmb, you may a sore that

It was his strong arm that gVe the ball

the blow.

V I see them in the rewentlal boy.

He never sis where eMersland. His

head is never covered wha superiors

pass; or when his mother'isex Is by.

He owns la every house, afcvery hour

of prayer, a present God. Ingenuous,

earnest, reverential boys;tbse are onr

marks of men to make a Stat."

UChe HXmevican. LAWRENCE. FRIDAY. NOV. lft,72


liam Curtis paints the ibllowig pathetic picture, which every one cou| wish were

less true to nature :—

"I think of many a sad-eyn woman I have known In solitary coutry hoonea,

who seemed never to have wiled, who

struggled with hard hands tbsugh melt- ing heat and plscblng cold, t<hold back

poverty and want tbat hoveredike wolves

about an vver-insreaslng flock * children. How It was scour in the uia-nlng and

scrub at nig lit, and scold all day Ionic-

How Care blurred the winds* like a

cloud, hiding the lively kndacape. How Anxietv snarled at her teels. dog-

ging her like a cur. How little abe knew

or cared that bobolinks, drurk with blithe

Idleness, tumbled and itny In tbe mead- ows below, tbat the ear;k *ss telling tbe

time of year with Mower* In the woods 'ivfmafy, InWataw'tiWr/fJbliifre, 0|

taciturn husband coralng In heavy1 wltlT

sleep, too weary to reld. to walk, to think, I do not wonder that Snad-honsea are so

richly reerultnd froii the farm-houses as

the atsitsllca show./

H^echls /7ITctt»* '2Br«int.e»

a ATU H D A Y,

Kdward Hifhcock, tbe oldest in of tbe Professor of Ambent College, arrived bome from Latwator, where bo has spent tbe eum- rner, on Saturday last. On hli homo trip bs was sblpwrecksd on the "i l of October, losing the whole ol the valuable roller'ion of natural ui*torr epaelmema ttm ■«■*••• — •»-—•

The Tanners ami Cobblers of Liwelt propose to bars Strand final tally nrsi Tiiiirndey even- ing. They propose lo lovlte the defeated Wood choppers to be preieet end " trnoke the pipe of peace."

Tbe bodf found In Charles river on Wednes- day last, has been Identified as thai of t maa named Ahijth KHit, a real eatate dealer or Boit ID. No olna has yet been obtained of tho murderer.

The member* of tbe Diplomatic Corps at Watbingtnn called Ott President Grant ID a body at noon on Friday, aad Kndtrtd tbelr eonirat at at ion a on his reflection.

Thi Bttbop of Layhsch, Aoitra, has seat bli resignation to lbs Pope, because be would no saueerlbt to tba dogma of Infallibility. Th« rt si gnat Ion has bean accepted.

Tbe educational syltem of America will probably bs tatrodaoad Into Nicaragua. The eutburltte* of that country have a'ked for In- ter mat I on retprcting It.

During the !irio| of a salute onr Ibe election triumph at Hartford, Conn., last evening, Dan'I Hal •• waa killed by tbe premature dltcbrrge ol a easnoo.

It Is wbllparod la oroetal circlet that tbe Bon. Jobs A. Biogbam, or Ohio, will probably bo appoteasd lo eooeood Carttw as Minister to

aUahwAi Tbe Spanish sntboritkss recently dlieorered

and anppresssd an locipien'. Iuarri:iloo atnonit tho employees h tho rove) dockjard at

Uadls. Tbe horse diweie is peculiarly malignant lo

Wasblngtin, aid many deaths are occurring.

Mrs. Abby Richardson HcYsrlind is giving. dramatic readings to Co'orsdo andlencet.

Gold 112 7-8.


not when your eh Iren are with yon, It

is not when you s and hear them, they

are most to you

sembly la gone

have resumed tin I

place where the 1

Is when the sad sa-

ls when tbe daisies

growing again In the

tie form was laid; It

again, and the da

sweet memories;

winter are full o

tlonsof them; It Ii

think of them; It I

ont of your arms

Is when you have curried your children

out. and said Ian rell. and come home

and night are full of it when summer and

loaches and sugges- when you cannot look

up toward God wl lout thinking of them

nor look down to rerd yourself and not

when they have gone

ind are living to you only by the powei of the Imagination,

that they are the most to you. The In-

visible children arstbe reslest children, tbe sweetest childn i, tbe truest children,

the children that u ich our hearts as no

hands of flesh e ver oald touch them.

Dr. Chalmers be ntifallysaid : "The

little that I have at n In the world, and

known of the histoi' ot mankind,teaches

me to look upon t elr errors In sorrow,

not In anger. Wh n I take the history

of one poor heart ihat has sinned and

suffered, and rep ssent to myself the

struggles and t* nptations it pas

through—tho brief lalsatlons of joy; the

scorn of the world hat has little charily;

the desolation of he soul's sanctuary,

and threatening Dices within; health

gone; happiness [one—I would fain

leave the erring st il of my fellow-man

with him from who e bands It came.


published establishing* suggestive com-

parison between theeipenses of educa-

tion and police supervision in tbe cities

of St, Petersburg, Berlin and Vienna.

With regard to education, the expenses

of the Russian capital ire estimated at

one per cant, ol tho total budget; Vien-

na stands as high as nine per cent; and

Berlin roaches 31. Costs of philanthrop-

ic Institutions are represented by tbe

proportions of Berlin, 'iajlVrenna, 16; and St. Petersburg, U pir cent. Of coarse the ratio liecomes inverted when we turn to tbe expenses of the police force. Hera we find Pnuusa down for 17, Austria for 21, and Rbssia for ftl (figures of comparison.) iBerlin em- ployes one policeman tor aVery 49ft of its inhabitants, Vienna for every 410, and St. Petersburg for eveyw 210. The practical teaching oi these'statistics is tbat while Berlin pays twice as much for schools as for prisons and police, Vienna pays two and onS-tnird times leas, and St. Petersburg flfbf times less.

COMI'ULSORV REVACCiNAtiON. — Ac- cording to a statement madf st tbe Sta- tistics! Congress, held this year In St.

Petersburg, the total number of deaths from small pox In the German army

during the recent Franco-German war

was two hundred and sixty-three. This small mortality Is attributed to the sys-

tem of oompulsory re vaccination which

every man who enters the srmy must

undergo. Un tbe other hand, In the French Army, where revaoclnetion Is not

compulsory, the number of deaths, as stated by a French authority, was 88,440.

This terrible difference, says the Wiener

Medlxln, Wochenschr., muat ptixzle tbe

greatest opponents of vaccination


Dr. Samuel Ailiman, living la ftttJkS, Kan- sas, io ant of drunken frtnr-T. Wednesday, shot aad killed bis wife, after which bs rlmpped off bor breast, ID an Insane attempt tu cut ber besrt nut. It rrquirod Mn men to cap|nr« and convoy tbs niadmaD to jail, so desperate were bl* siruiTgle*.

Tbe coroner"* Jsry. charged with lbs duty ot Invaatlgstlng iliu drcuimtance* eonnecied with tbe death of Timothy Daisy, who was faulty itaooed fa Boston, on Sunday morning of laat *e;k, bars riturned a verdict charging Man- rice Lomasney wltb causing Dalej's death.

Ax cases of cholera had appeared io Dree dooipto Sunday, and three of mem proved fatal. _IXfl.Qf lfean J||it 411* WPK Awjajiesfia thomlss aUM tha'l tbe disease le only cholera morliu-. Tho rtmcaie came from Feitb.

Within a week the police of C.evelsod, Oulo, have been working np a cats ol bnrae ataaiiDt-, and captured, twelve horse-*, six baggie*,one wagon, and a iarga quantity of harness, ill or which were stolen, by one man, named KtfijW, who has been arrested.

Friday night, the steamer Kal», dunk at Helena, Ark., Friday morning,) had broken in two, and proves a total loss. She originally cost 9300,0001 insured for SoO.OOO. Tbe cargo will be sired, but tho coitoa will bs slightly demigod.

Woodhull sad Clsllin were before ibe U. B< District court on SttanJay, ml underwent an examination. Very little evidence of frnpor- lance wss elicited; attar Ibe examination tuey were remanded back to Jail.

A peculiar disease Is affecting cattle la some counties of Niw York; it continues only a few hours after attacking the animal, ending fatally In every case; It It almost entirely condnsd to cows.

Tho Juirwl will 0AM has again been before the Maw York courts. A motion for a trial was made on Hit unlay, and was granted; (be trial will probably ukeplace ID December next.

A stsam road wagon, to the streets of Phila- delphia, heavily lales, and going at a rapid rats, created tome sans at ion on Saturday.

Tbe Boston papers report the horse disease fast dlssppuriag from that city.


Clear Qrtt.

Th* second Isct ure lathacharcb course we* givte at tba City Halloa Friday evening, by Bar. Robert Collyer, of Chicago. Dr. Collyor was accompanlod on the plallorm by his ii»»- or Mayor Dsvit, Dr. Stows, Rav. C. A. Il«r dew. In, D. Cabot, Esq., aad other gentle ■SB. I)r Slows introduced tho lecturer, and Stated thai lbs third In tb* course would be given on Saturday evening, Iflth last, by Mrs. Mary A. LlvsrmorSi also toat tb* quarter csnteonlal celebration of the I'nlrertaliit So- ciety would occur on the latb, lain and 17ib, and be hoped tb* members oi the society would endeavor to make tb* occasion one of tsteresL

Tbe lecturer listed tbat he purposed speak log oi " Clear Grit " The Drat element of clser grit ooaslstsd In tb* power to say no anything that earn* between a map and hie manhood. Its possession wai exhibited in tb* ability to be tb* matter of oocielf. This point was beautifully illustrated wltb tbe anecdote and Incident which characterise Mr. Coltyci't lectures. Another element ot true grit was in giving oneself for others. To deny oneself for ona's own benelit was an evidence or the posMtsloe of grit, but to deny ona'ic't for tbe benefit of others was a still stronger evidence ot its poisetfloD. Tbe lecturer then wtmon to show what char grit could accomplish, and what it ought |) accomplish- First, to do a good honest day'* wotk. 2nd, to maks a good home. 3rd, to get it at quick as possible, sad fill ft wltb children. 4tb,to adapt one's Ifte to tali condition and go ahead. Karb of these point* were ably enlarged upon. Tbe per- formanca of an bonest day * labor w at a duty •vary man owed to himself aad bit country. Mirrfega was set forth at a duty . Young peo- ple should not wslt until tbay hare amassed ■afBclant money to enable th«m to begin life together la a mansion. Better far for tbem to marry In tha spring of existence tben to wait until tb* summer ot life bad almost faded loto lb* auiumn. If they wanted to aina-a money let tbem marry and win It together, helping each other. He urged tbat It was a tin to hare empty ho mm, which Frorld*nc* designed should be male happy wilb children. Wbat a dlfferanos it would hsra made In tbe world If tbe babes who grew to William fihakei- pear*, Ribnrt Burns, George Washington and Abraham Llocotn hail nerrr sera so**.

Tb* lecture abounded witb pleating tnic-

do:* throughout, itlutiritivaof tbe truths ibe apeekor wl*bed to imprees on bit bearer*. Mr. Coliysr'a style Is somewhat convrnational. Hs makes his manning to plain that a child may gra*p th* Import of th* lessons bu Im-

part'. TLeroh a gf olal humor abont him ibat htaffflj and open* the.lrovi to hit

teaching'. I: doit one good to Ilttrn u him. and although he does not spare rjee or folly, one canmt help having one's cttlmateofhn manlty ratted after listening to htm. He teachts the ls»soo that men and women can be good nnd pure, and that only In goodness and purliy c a true heppluei* be found.

ASHOHT Tint *go wettitid ihat there was a prospect of baring George Macdonald, tb* Scotch dlrlne. novelist aad lecturer, deliver bit lecture on Robert Burns In this city. We bat* further learned Ibst tbe committee io charge of tbe Church Coarse of lectures hare been corre- ■nnmltna with the Do'tatt Lyceum Bureau, with tbat end in view, and that every «itom> being made to accomplish It. Wherever Kr- Macdoeald bat delivered hia lecture lines ton- ing to thh country, be bn received tbe blgb encomlamt from Ibo press, and lecture rooms have bean crowded with Intolllgeot audience* to listen to him. Should he come to Lawrence we bare DO douht he woold be greeted wltb an overflowing home. Norer mind tha expat* metricurs the management of Iho Church Course; let ut have O»o. Macdonald by all mean*, and the peoph will appreciite yoor en- terprise by crowding the city hall from " pit to dome."

Tun LAST LKCTLIB In tbe Church Courss has demoostrated tha fsct Ibst our citiseni will support good le-turts. Last jear th* Church Course was Inaugurated a: an experiment, and Ibe snoccas of lbs lectures *as lufnoksnt to justify th* experiment being repeated thla year, There ran io longer by any doubt lo tbe minds of tbs gentlemen who have bad the manage m«nt of these lecture", aid upon whom would have devolved th* expose* ot a failure, that tb* public I* In sympathy wlib their effort*, and that tb* courts CAB no longer be regarded a* en experiment, but ai a stilled fsct. An enlight- ened nod dlteritnlnatloff public hss shown It* appreciation ol the effort* of the management to secur* tbe best Itcturen by a generous sup- port, Bnd wlnle th* management aball continue to furoiih turn talent tbe public will not 'all to instala ihem.

Temperance Reform.

Tbu regular meeting of the Tempt ranee Re- form Club was bold »t tbe City Hall on Sunder evening. Tbe floor and galleriea wera filled with people, there being not lea* than flflean hundred pertont present. The meeting wa* called lo order by Major Brown, after which Rev. Mr. Fisher offered prayer- Rav. L- L. Wood was then in:rodu*ed, and delivered aa able leoiperaace sermon from the text, "Canst thou draw out tho Ltvfadlu with an hook, or his tongue with a cord which tbou ktiett lown ? CSDSI thOS put n book Into bis note, orborehij Jsw thiough wlib a tborn" Job xl': 1,2. The Patiage «f Mrlptnre quoted, the speaker aald, wa* ui I •■■< • ■■< Mr unod to set forth the incomprehensibility of tba Divine purposes to human lorcalghi and tbe sovereign dominion wbicb God exercises over all Ibe works of his band*. After explaining thi* be laid tae text would apply to ibo tbemu ol in mparanca. Vim. aa 'be Leviathan Is a mon- ster of tha deep, so imc.nptr.ince la a wonitrr

could not lie causlit with tba Imperfect mmru mints m exitieuee at that day, io we will no lice tbe failure ot aorne of tbe movements oi the temperance reform of the preient day; aud third,** ll is plainly evident tbat tbe L?viathn could only be caught by tnme instrument oi method eipeclally adapted to t'je pnrpoie.su we will consider tbe best vneen* of overcoming tbl* moniter evil that ii to-day dtsolatlog IG

many heart* and homes In our land, and tend. Isg it* pettlltntlsl atmorphere over tho world, blighting lbs folr and icnils Osldt of life.

Thet* polnti were enlarged upon at great lencth and lu a manner to bring home thi troth to every bsart. One passage of th* lac ture In ehowlog ibe failure of certain attempt, at reformation, it worthy ol deep contiderailon

VitnperaiiuD will not accompliab reform. Harsh, sour, denunciatory lauguaga can neith- er defend truth nor overthrow error. And yet, that class of reformers li iut small who stand l a safe distance and hurl against tb* wrongs f the age the nlnnt edges ii censors and com-

plaint, .last as tbsy used io throw bo older* In the old Titanic war. Bach measures only tend to repel both those whom they would beneut, and those who would gladly Join In the wotk of reformation. Our Saviour. In all bli pi tin nest of speech la denouncing wrong, was always lender and compassionate, lie old not go round and round tbe truth, blunting it* edges, or covering it up to a cloud m sjansrsl fiBUoni. But his direct threatening* were mingled wltb lean of sympathy, and-hli t*i deat predlctlonl with sight of grid.

A little ward In klndaeat spoken,

11 as often healed the heart that's hrnsea, And made a friend eeeure.

to regard to the true method* in be adopted ID reforming man, the speaker eald, experience had shown tbat we mutt continue legislation with personal effort. Tbe method* adopted by the Reform Club wee warmly approved. Re Hence upon the Divine belp wa* urged upon tbn convert to total abstinence la his effort* to do tight. The lecture throughout wet a mas- terly effort; bat for want of space we would quote It at grease- length; at tbs close tb* pledge was circulated, and a number of n*me* added to tbs msmbershlp of th* dab.


Ktw Voux, Nov. s.ih( 1KTX. DeAaAMKBtcAK.-lbetWeel'walBriaaall 1

wonder if women are ml Urn eoate. Baney Suaaa B.—or Kllaabetb Cedy by when I make tbat qowiy. Peer Kleanor wouldn't aland m.ok ahew there; but truly, I ehell teal vary eorry for Mr. Oraeley If h. b badly beaten, and the gene 1 si opinion 1* that be la going lo be; why oouldot bla friends bar. been eMlinsd lo bare allowed him t" rwmslo eommandar-la-eblrf of tbe far famed eesmieell- tan New York Tribine? Certainly no poeteeiid hare been more hoaorablt—ao paeltloi met* re- spuialble. its I* too old to be defeated anyway,

SH lo ma*. everfOMy aanaypV wno u«* ■•-»■« for brains and Integrity, and If "er a man meant welt, that man la Hnrac (Jreel.y. Of eawras 1 oan't forget how eoatempluonaly ha hi* frowied down the women, and what Ugly thlBga he has tall abont them. Kvcn Margaret Fuller, aad AHro aid PwsheCary—aa intimate aa be waa with the whole three,came under tbe ban of hit dUpleeaere for their woman's right. proellrlUe*. The.orTragUU tall a good nraey fanny alorlea abont Ifr. Greekyj among tbem tbl* laoldeet whleb happeaed a lew yeere ago, wbe* tbe woman were trying lo rwwH public opinion abont One. Geary, and lb* girl Hes- ter Vaughn seataiDed to ha naiurad fee the ranr- derof lerefalld.ibaby a raw month* old. The ladiee were vary .niloui lo oblala tbe sevieea o( Mr. Oreeley for presiding chleer, on tbe night of the lecture at Cooper I tut It oir, aad ejaodeesred him to take charge of Ike feida. A committee of three were appointed lo wall upon him at lbs Tri- bune offlce, and *Ute their sorerelgn pleasure*. They were •OLEMILT UBiiiniD ism en. iinEi:t.ct's nan, aad into tbe great maa's preeenee. "U. will noil liberty li a momeat," *eld tb* gisee, aid lb* three aat down to wall until ibelr boat tbould be dlMi- gaged, and tbay did wait. It finally grow Intokra- bla, and than followed naUlig Of paper., aid lit- tle inggMtlr* hems aid throat eteariigs, wbicb had no taatr effect OB the Hag* of Chappaq.B than the rattling of beans In bla haru but. A half at hour oiuat hare .lapawd, wbeu with a grail of n ll*f ha swung himself around tn his chair, and aald with a wry elighl glanoe at hi* vi.tion- " Well, ladiee, do you want to aee me?' Then followed ts plan at Ion a by lb. ehalrmal of U.eoni- t.ilttee, wblnb elicited nu reepoia. from Mr. Oree- ley. " I will Ihluk about It," said he at Ibe close. "Call again to-morrow." Not eee of these wo- men would ever hare enured tbat oaiotam again, but for utlag goaded to It by Mrs.titaaioo, who

IIAII lira OWN mil I nones TO rt.AT, and that waatooommlt Mr, Qraeley, aa far as tueb

could commit him, to lb. woman's right* platform, by presiding at a woman'* rights mtet- log. lie tbougbl It wa* merely a philanthropic a*

Ir, at which eeerytblog partisan or political wa. be entirely ignored. Three tinea tbat eommli-

p walled on Horace, and three time* they were (Imply tolerated by tbit lord of Ibe daigaon. Yoe may hare heard It tinted *om.where, dear Bailor, that woman'* patlewe, although quit. alnetl*,ba. been known to gtv. but on one occasion I well, thl* oecaalon we. ibe third visit to Mr. Urcl.y. "He mtgbt at IHBSI be nlvll," tald on*, ptajlng with Ibe lop of an tiewrdlogly gummy Inkstand. "Why, h.'a Hone* Ornley, Bdltur of the Tribune." wbtepered another, with aa


•' He may b. Ktag of Ih* Caaalbal Islands for all I .an." ..Ill ll>. chair- woman rlalng. " Mr. ilree ley," aald ihe.nweping eme. *e bl* eMe,"wlH you be kind enough to lay down vow. t"0 f« ■ ; ,uur,up arntgnl IB the race.' I'm abont tired of this." " Ye* mam,"be replied,I*, mediately doing as he wee bid, wblla aemile ot de- light played on hi* childlike aad bland feature., sad continued : " There bar* bseo a g> h.id thing* said about Mr. Ore*I*y, bat tber* Is one thing 1 don't m.aalbey aver aball any, aad that It that he ever refuiad " to look a pretty wo- man In Hie faee." ll i* nnnreasaary UI Slate, per- bap*, that lloraoa Orroley preeldedat that log, but wasn't be hopping though, wa*i ha fonid ba'd got ble loot Into Mta. Btantoa's * nig lit tie trap ; and waan'l *be dignified, and didn't she look laaoosnt, and didn't *be make a batter epeerh than any man haa ever mad* before or cine* I Yet, Slrl Iioa'i I drink Mra. Ktaaton ought to hav* hern .ahamed fur

mtAUlLIBO till 1*il -I'lrllli'S IIORA(!K lo n.ii way .- Not math. Uadi't th* Tribune *1> wa>* ipokea of bar aa Mra. Henry B. Stailoe, when evrrybedy kliw iba tidy wit bed to be ad- drtaaed aa Bllsabath Lady I Hsda'l be employed e reporter to make fun of her, aid every meat she look part In; and waa there Bitter truth or decency In any Of tbeae report, t No log waa erer more genuinely and appropriately come up with. Yen are probably espeetleg yonr eorreepondrnl, aa a faithful scribe, I* oay something ebon I tbe late recent rcurtitonl development* li our midst. Yea mu.l einuee me. There ire torn. aggaeorulten thai immediate burial Is la* oaly way to eeoapa the stsaeb; bul If folks want lo play at bare ball wlthaaefa obnoxious Instrument!, let them testier tb. filth, 1 prefer other game*; and li teemi to me that tbl* feehngmuet b* .bared by evsry decent men and wcniai ll the commualiy.

oil IIOBK* AIK IBVTKI, THAI! IOC — how aiayours? Veaterday there were BO ear* 10 ir aeao in altber city, aid a great maay rery relig-

ious folk* were compelled to stay away from ehureli. lo all probability there wee* also a great many ran dlaoealeatad famlliea f it 1* trying, yoe

lo bs [utilised to walk ont of tba beaten ai'V.nili day track, aid bumai nntaT* average* anoat tha earn* all over—aa far aa 1 bar* been able to Judge. Oeo. Freest* Train la boldtig forth In all tnanatr ol plae** lo regard to (he adrlaablll- ly of OrMley's withdrawing In ble favor, llorao.

teem lo tee It, What a spread eagle ,1'rs.i dent Train would make [though I I think I tbou Id ■1'iite enjoy havleg him »hnt*d. It Is all a msec anyway, end the mere eiupeideui aad aide eplll- Hag It can b. mid. tbe heller. Not aeolher I word to-dey. " Rt-SAina KIBK

to the library of nearly thr.e ha ad red dollar*. ■ llhrary now number* upon Its tbairea, aeget- hMdlwd and lhlny four volumes, A *apple-

m.ntary catalogu. ha* been prepared, aid a* ready for Ih* printer. Tbe hook* eomp*eiag Ibe lent lettallmant, are maay of (h.m, Jest i*wly pab-

d work, from oar best author.; "Ancl.at Amerlaa," by J. [>. Baldwin, belaa smoag the number. This la a book of maeb merit, and eeblb-

iieldaribU rawaareb on the part of It* author, In a Held of wonderful iBtaraal, and yet aa barrea of aathewtle hlatory, io man ean lift tb* ourtalo which eeparalaa Ih. dim past or "Aidant A merl- es." from the America uf to-day. No haic], how- ever skillful, oai gather the richer tteaeirn* of in

ry, and preeeui tkem tn la. Oily ■ Saw free- a aBB b* gaUwnd, aad w* miet aepeoee the

The history of lu wonderful people*, their rite and progtna*, their elrllliatlon, power and sreaineai, the deellae aad fall and Seal exfermlua-

ta tone forever. Tho' (ho a tends of moaiJa of uw rooundbullden, the arehlfsUral ruin* at* tbe anel.ni raoo* farther aoetb.all tileatly pnlot to a ■Heat paat. But tbsy tail us not of their builders, wkeaee taeyeass* ur whither they went. From them come* no .1(1, n* aoaad, and aa regard, tbair history, th*r* will NMover Uwai ev.ria.itig gloom and eeerlaatlBg ellei.e, Truly wo aan eay with Wblltlar, thai tba

"DeapaatofBllmyaurte* Ate th* eaeeant sllsee* u."

" AncUnt America" goes over aome of tha ateae ground toe* over by J. La Stephen* Ju eme tritets la YaeaUn, though ha arris** at different ooncletloas. Tbe wriUiga of the popular Warears hav. heea Iraely patroilaed. Tbe lateat a*me, of MaDaeabl, Taylor, Holme., Holland, WhltUer, and LsattWl- MWbarv b*«e gathered la, Tbe last tddtUoa of bookaha* heal a mleeellaieoue tekeitoa of the wrlilBgi of fir at elate Htbora.


Democracy ha* died tha death which alt eoa- asiratlr* orgaa/alloi* mist tuner la Ibis age of progress.

People la Blddafore, Me., are very frank. Witness the** Heea: " There Is eme man not far away who evidently does not believe la sit- ting ap very hits with toe girt*, as Is evidenced by '.be remark be burbsd at a young maa who called upon a yoiag lady Of his household the Other avaalng. Hearing lb* clock strike eleven It is said he west to ibe head of tha italn and called oet. " Here, young man, isn't it abont time for ]on to be going? Did you know It wai eleven o'clock, and tbu you ire burning out my KM :■ " The young man i* tup posed to hav* wilted.

An Inebriate whipped bli wife the other morning, *ad cam* bom* Crunk at night. 8b« hadn't any coal* of fire, but ibe poured hi* air fall of pepper sauce.

A paper speaks of lb* hone plague as rid- ing raiiatlaaaly through town. Thla Is sheer humbug. How can th* plaguy thing ride whoa ihere art no hurt*'.

The difference between Mother Kve and;Fa- ther Hyaciniha't wli* Is, ibat while tbe former wai tempted wltb an apple. Mr*. Hyaeintbo was lad away by a pare.

Tha Udorleti Rubber Company, of Middle- town, Conn., haa failed. Mo wonder; how ooald they txpeet to carry on buslnsis without a teem.

OoeKtloo organs Bnd pkaaare in ignoring polities and disensaiog Ik* horse disease.

Whoever say* that Horace Grseley will again b* a eand'dat* for offlce, la.a —— a and a

Tha epfaeotlc narktks Is iho latest thing out;

It Is asid to be a preventive of hoaiaeneaa. A Minnesota s»an oodertook to kill his old

rocetar, and chopped bl* own wrist off, while oaanticieer ,dit tutrireeto cell blm npls the morning.

Two Detroit *iil«ra ran away and gat mac rlad tbe other night. Whan they returned to pacify their papi, thiy fouod the old gentle- lleman in tuch a itate of hilarity ai iba removal of iba burden of their milliuir*' Wlla that tha newly made buibandi becam* painfully aad.


miHii 101



We are lorry to state) that Judge Slev.na la troubled with a severe cold whleb ha* i.liM ou

,nga; It doea not, however, keep hi* Honor from duiy, and hs wa. tn hia aeonetomed plsc.thla morning when tba noun opened.

Thornn Anderson was uul to thu llout« of Cor- recllon for four moniht, for the larceny of an un-

garment, known amoag man a* a ablri.—Thirty * more ware added fnr drunkennaat. Mark

Camming*, for being drunk, wa* H-iedonenent and Ibe ooat*—hut tbe mllllmu* waa alayed, aad he gore free till next t Imr.

Mo* DAT.

Tkera wa* a large elirndnnee at eourl till* morning nolwllbsUndlDg Ibe Are eiclltminl. Tbet* wsa mil.- of latereal however beyond n nut of aaaaull on an . (I,-er. Hour druake were dis- posed of to ibo usual nitiin.i, two of whom were women, -.lobe Hart waa charged with at> aaaanll onofrtotr Lawrence; lie plan led nol gulny, aad Major Brown del ended blm, It appearecT from ibe ttatrmer.t ut the ofllo.r that while be waaarreeling a drunken roan on Sunday aighl, Harl elm. alone and attempted lo re.cue th. prUonar, and eruck ih.nni.-i-r. Hew., then arrested. Harl denied any intention to rescue the priioner, and *ti ildiotetrlke the ofllr.r. H. waa tta.d SI-' ana oe.uotUOdayall.C.

Fine—An alarm lounuod about half pa*t elgbt ibis morning. »hicb was censed >>v tire being dlicorerad in ibe piper mill* of Mem* W. A. Rasiell AC>. The fire was la tbe up- per portion of Mill No. 1. Tbe Are depart- ment, notwithstanding tbe wart of horiei, were quickly on tba ipnt, Bnd loon iiiecseded in extlnguUhlng tbe flame*.

The damage reused was not great, there be ing very litilo ilock in the room to which lb* Are was confined. The roof |of Ibe building wai aomewnat damaged. The woodwork of some mf.cblnerr wai pnt y tiarlly charred. Tha lot* bat not bun estimated, and may roach two or three tbouiand dollars, and may be lees—fully covered by losursnce. Tb* emit of Hie fire It unknown.


A very rare event occurred In Topifleld on Saturday evening ol laet week, being tba cele- bration ot the sixtieth wedding anniversary of Mr and Mr.. Ztccheui Gould, of taet town.

Mr.Adama, th* poitmaaur at Topaneld, has held his place for tweoiy-two vsars, asd *arv*d under six 1'retitleot*. Iron Fiimora to Grail. An annual ease.

Rowley has a msanfactory lor dolls shoes. Dr. Bpoffbrd of Urovalsad, traces back his

ancestry eight hundred years. Lynn has several casts of small BOS.

Tbe Gloucester Telegraph offers a* an argu- ItS city,

tbat miny cltk*Mjg were deprived Of their t In favor o i liecomlng a

right of seffrage Isst Tuesday, owing to laa crowded tiaie of lbs poll*, which would not hare been tb* cat* bad they voted la ward*.

Tha whole number of ess as of boot* and shoes from Lran daring tbs week eediag No- vember 7 wai ISSH, agalntl 14SI for tbe cor respond In r period of Isst year; t bowing an In- creata of ■."*! cates.

Schooner Ban i Parlay Poor*, of Oloueestar, on her recant trip from tb* Bank*, picked ap fourteen barnN of petroleum oil.


Klecilon passed utT quietly, there being a lighter vote polled than there haa been before for a ium bar of y.ar*. There were no Liberal lUpubltosua. Toe I'.ni n-iailc party out only |i»» Iblras a. many voice aa lhay eaet tn our itltt eleetloa leal • prliia. evidently aoma of them did aot bell.r* la Hie eoavertloii o( Itr. lire-ley lo democratic prin elplea, at there were Individual member* of lb* party wbe rotad Iba republican tlekat, aad aboal ons third did set vow at all. Tbe repablieeii did nol cast a* maay vote* aa in our Hate election. I hs* been very quiet In this plae* dnrlsg the oiin- palgn. That* haa been no excitement at all, and but little laurest maalfMted by either party. II •earned lomahow *• though thlaga ware "out of jolll."

All thing* here are "ont of Joint" la eoaacquetio* of ihaprevalllBg dlttrroper among Ibe horn.; tbe larger part of tbem are sick aad until for use. At bora** are need almoat sntlrelyupou our f.nn., li baa atrloualy lolaif.rsd wltb farming operatic**, and In the einveianoeof produo* lo market. It ha* been aald that "those who were rlcb could rid* li onalsee," bat that •enilmmU U entirely obanlst. at tbe preeaat time, and people, tike Dlebeaa1 "Poor Jo," are compelled to "move oi" aa boat tbsy ean, a-fout. Tip wrlter.d thl* er tic la has al war* been alron|lt>'.ar»po.e.l io pwdeelrianlei, aid alwayt Mitldsred li an ethlblilon of indolanee :"') lor a man to walk when be might aa wall ride. Iteoeol eiperlsae. In pedestriai angendMade love '"'Ah might have ealited.

Work hat teen commeuead oa tb* Naehaa aad Kocheaier B. R„ whleb ruoa for BearlfSve

TBS NATIONAL BxcTOLorsotA, now batag compiled by Prof. Colonge, Is progreeeing aa laet at tba extent or the work wilt permit i No's. o aad 0 hav* jaai been iuu*d, carrying tba pabliiMloss from Coolie lo Equation, and con- taining article* ol in'eresi and value OB almost every topic embraced under th* three titles given. Tha entire work, lo be completed la IS number*. Issued monthly to subeeribera, at 30 eaata oscb, will contain over b>D0 doubii <ol- nmn royal ocuvo psges, with 7CO llluitratloa*, and forming iba moet recast aad cheapest work of the klad In tba world. Tbe publishers agree to furneh grsili all nambtrs acov* eighteen, io Ibat lb* work eomplel* will not exceed tba coot specified. A?.*, only by sub icriptlon, and tgentt will And it a moat va'na bla publication. Tba National KncyclopedlB PuhliahlngCompaay, Naw Yerk.

r daepana'l any which

itiioufh the town, lb* dai a of land through which ih. railroad la io pa**, baa bare amicably aatlled balweaa Ih. owner, and Ibe com- pany, with the assapilon or oai- individual. The Stat. Railroad Com ni la* I o acre and th* eelectnua of the town wave .nmcaon.d to apprise damage*.

The Committee appointed lo build a raeetrlug tomb, are pmareeslng favorably. Tb* oemeterle* hare been eilarged by the acleetauo. They hai alao proenrad guide board* to put up lu all pan* of the town. Teeec board*, taking lb* plae* of old one*, it I* hoped will answer tbe parpoe. for which they were made, lamaly : To polat th. way, so Ibat weary traveler* ean aee, and thai "travel."

Th* NsamlUi Library la la a Boirleblng coodl- Hon. The Trn*U*a bar* rwontty made an addition

TIIK BANHOB, Me., oorrsaponuent of

the Boston Herald, reports a shocking

ease of Inhumanity on the »art of a cap- tain of a schooner bound from Boaton to

some port In Maine, who, auapeetlns: that one of hia craw, who had been taken 111

after leavlug: Boston, had the small-pox.

put the alok man ashore at the Metho-

dist camp meeting grounds at Nortbport.

The abandoned man had barely strength

to crawl up over the beach Into tbe grove, where he lay lor some time before being

discovered; In formation waa given to the

anihorlllea at Belfast, and he was taken

to a house In the suburbs ol Belfast, where he elnioit Immediately died anil

was burled | the physician In attendance

pronounced tbe dlsea.e to be small pox,

of a virulent type.

A DFCISIUN HAS Just been rendered by the'Huprerae (Viurl of Connectlortt. In

the csae of Lydla E. Ayer, niece of Dr

Ayer of 1-owcII, Maa*., against the city of Norwich, by which she receive* $5.yjo

lor Injuries received wben thrown from a

wagon In that cltv; the horae waa fright-

ened at the flag* on a canvass tent, and

ran. throwing her out; the action was brought for injuries caused by a delect In

tbe highway, and a decision was ren-

dered " that towns and jjties are liable

for any objects

which are calcuj

of ordinary

UCHe HKmexican.: LAWRENCE, FRIDAY, NOV. 15,72

*aSf#ktg ^Piwtvm 'SBrrviiic* TUESDAY.

A fire broke out in iLte London HIV.*, London, ■ ILL Monday, and riuK'.l dentruciioTi to property to the amount or one hundred thouisnd pounds. Kiuht or ten parson* perished In a burning building, which foil In while the? were awlst- lug fn exilnEufohlng ibe fire.

fonHor Sunnier bu left London to visti tomo Irieodi In tbe country before bit) departure for borne, lie sails Thnrader in tbe Baltic, from Liverpool lo New Yotk, bealtb li sllB.btlr Improved.

An unknown neaTo.conflned in BtaDdfille, io| devolution and wot-, anil tn-ilay, the

-uit'.'i'in:; people of tlmh. city, art* bittlly

discussion; plaiiM to Insuie attain*! the n

| currencoof another like calamity.

It 1e unlikely that from similar causes,

Since the tcrrlht-.- conMajfvatiuii 01 a

year uj(o, laying waste s» lnr|f« H I>or-

tlon of i.'hicagu, how Irequent has (wan iliv exclamation, thliiklii^ of the solid

"rauitc fronts of the coiutiicrciHl dta* trlcluol thu capitol of our own Mate,—

"it ooiilvl not liai-pen in Uostou-*' But

despltsths roulhlencu In raam.il ■■ walls,

in suppoavd llru proof edllhtns, Dnd in a strong and aklllcd Are department, acres

of tha most imperishable ot Boston's

\: ■■'■■. '.i ■ ■ ,nrn to-day only smolder-

i!;-.r ruins and broken piles; tbe ap-

pliances were u liable to reach and cope

with the Mini"-, in the Start, and once spreading they were tpMdll* master of

the situation, eatlujr. out their pathway

On Saturday night tho cllizana of I,v*- nuoa had their curiosity aroused by tbe appearance o( a hrilllunt light in the suiithern horizon. Many were the con- jectures us to the cause of the pbenomo- uon, and after caretul examination of the i: V, the aonc.usiort wan reached that a

Immense wealth lapped up In one night, In -.pile ol alt the appliances modern in- genuity could bring to boar In opposition to the destructive element.

THK RkwtPArxK ornon were all threatened by the lire, and at one time on Bundity It was thought they would all .Miller. The otuce of tbe Bos- ton Pilot, and that of the BoBton Tran- aurlpt were swept. The publishing office of Messrs. Tfaomes & Tolbot, tbe state prlnthig office ol Messrs. Wright, and roller, office of the .lourual of Commerce

large fire was In progress between here , toe tliree mercotype foundries and other

Ky., Ja.il, on lbs cbargo at attempting to out rage a young lady, was ta'ten from .'nil, Sun day nlgbt, by a patty of Htlnms, nod banged.

Ono of tho participants la tbs late rebellion I *t Forrol, Koalo, 1M« been sentsnetd to death aad thirty to Imprisonment. Three hundred bad previously been transported lo ihs colonies-

Avery Plumraer and wile, ol' Ellllburf, Jef- lareon Co., N. V., tell from sn express trsin near Terrs lliute, lad., on Friday night, and were killed.

JohnTsylor'e saloon .t Concord, N. II., «u burned on Sunday morning; two men sleeping In an upper room, nanowly escaped with their Uraa,

Tbe returns front California tho* far givo lirant over lO.OOO majority; Virginia gives SHOO, and Louliiaaa, 421,

Tbe examination of Alley, lbs tnppotetl murderer ot Hr- Ellis, has been postponed until tbe 91st of Nov.

Boston n receiving ofTera of asslitsnce and cxprettloni of sympathy from all uuarterj.

A cable dfipatcb reports the loss of a vessel w nil nil haodi, off tbe Scotch coasr.

Tbe St. Jimes Hotel st Coopeniuwn, N. J., wss burned on Sunday night.

The "tranuatlity " of Spain U again dlf- ttirbsd by ihsCarthti.

Tbs bora* disease ia ahstlng In various parts of the country.


The foreign noverorr,. ntt rrqueited br (treat Bii'.Li-n to co-operate In the movement for the tuppreiilonol tbe Bat) African alsvs trade have sent replies expressing sympatby wtta thscaase,but declining to anile In tbe active measures contemplated by England

Steamship " Helvetia," from New York for Liverpool, baa been towed Into ralmonlb, Knit., after being blown oft* her course, nod ne.ir>*iy is a;ii g wteck to tbe French coast. One of her ullon was killed In the storm.

Gen. Heade hut a paid up life poliry ft flOOO la ihs .Etna Insurance Company ot Hartford, which was given to biro hy some of but Philadelphia friends in ISBO, Tbe money will soon be paid to his widow.

Psrry Hasty, of Sacn, lie., committed iui clde In the Portland Station House, Saturday afternoon, by swallowing a pjrtion ot bis shirt.

Mr*. Virginia Miner, or St. Lo'uli, ban 'sued an election register for 810.000 dsinsaes for re fusing to allow ber lo register.

Memphis Is making war on tbe gambling bouses, snd tbe slayer himself bas hetu ar- rested for licensing them.

A speclsl session of the legislature hat bsui called for Tuesday neat.

Five feet of snow has fallen |ln tbe L'lah mining region.

Texas ts conceded to Greelcy t>j 20,000 ma Joelty. Ill UKH I) A v.

A severe gale commenced a: Bangor, MJ. , at eleven o'clock Tuesday night, raging throngh the ulgbt wlm great furr. Schooner Saraph was blown ashore and carried away her rudder posts. It Is reported ih.it two or three others arc ashore below. An uuflnUbcd houso In Olenhurn was completely ilotnolltbetl.

In constqotawa of reports of cholera In tbe southern par( nf Aii'iria, tbe Italian Govern - rueot bai issued orders requiring all vessels ar- riving at rum . in Italy from tbe former ■ Iry to undergo quarantine.

Horaes In Sew York, recovering from tbe catarrhal fever, have been attached wim * species of dropsy. It is supposed that tho swelling is occasioned by potion still lingering In the system.

The American Heat will winter in the Medi- terranean. The flagship and a corvette will remain at Marseilles, and Ibe other Teeaele of the neat at Toulon and V llletrencur-.

I'M eteata ■tllle'bntoaSla* to Clerk fc llons- IM. »t Piyeaosilb, H. II.- valued at «-i:..00li. wera Mrned doting the itirm Tueiday nlabt. Iniured lor SHOOO. IncendiatY-

A New Yoik dlvlue says that tbe Ilavana lottery robs this country of a million dollars yearly, which goes to Cubs.

The captain ueneral of Cuba has ordered that all persona accused of Incendiarism "hall be tried by court martial.

Much damage waa dons to shipping < Kngltsh roast on Wednesday night, by a heavy gal* which prevaihil FRIDAY.

A tremendous gale visited tbe Prussian coast on Wednesday nifht. At Htra'sund twelve vessels were sunk, tbe town was Inun- dated and In tbo hlght of the atorm a nre broke out among Urn warehouses, wblcb spread rapidly and was still burning at last accounts. Several lives are reported lost and many per- sons Injured.

Tbe Petal coal mine in Staffordshire, Eng- land, was nuddenly inundated Thursday, while the men were at wurk. Eleven miners were rescued, but twenty-twii remsln in the mines, and there h little hope ru' ttioy will be saveil.

An engineer on the Uasmn and Maine rail- road slipped from his . n u. ■ at North Ber- wick, Tburadnv, and lalling on tho track had Both lefts and an arm cut on". He llvcj but a short time. He belonged In Wells.

A New York Itoli ■nilan endeavored It Inter view Cbarlre Franrla Adams on tbe Geneva conference, hefore ti a*, gentleman could leave ihe steamer Rjula when >be arrived. Tbe M ihcmiati waa snubbed.

The Common Ciuncll of l,.n I <ii In a ratalatloa or ngtel lor the lonllaeratlon in BuMOt and ■, ..'initr. for the wiiolo American people under what eat) bu no loss than a na- lineal calamity.

Tiiii lli.ir.l ol AiaUtail Aldermea of Now Task on Thursday tai)M a resolution of the lioard of AKiermen torbiJdinx tbe ercciiou of Mansard rooTs unless of ilrap;o^)t mtttrlall.

Tbe Amirliin S'eam Stle Campanv say that levntr-'lve or eighty -aim of tbelr make wblcb pissed through the lire have come out like " Shedracb. Mesbacb. and Abednlgo," unbanned.

Several wcKern Itotes wtr« .bucked by earthquake! on Wednoadav.

Bismarck Is very III.

BuDDta Dr.'.Tiia — Mra. Hannah P. Spi^f- ford, wif^ of Henry Spcfford ol North Amio- vtr, mid moihcr of cltlctfr Spnlford, of this elly, died suddenly at ber hi;mo on Friday lent; she was ■ n.v.j. 'I In eottie Louseliold duties, and rnmplalni'd of leelmg III; ibe laid down on a louogo, anil in about IHieen minuies explr<.(l. Her death is at tr IBs led to benrt dtitaH. sbe was sevcuiy scam old, and was a much re- apecied woman.

Mrs. Aunle t.wife oi Dr. W. K, Rtgg*. a well known dentiit of this city, died kuddenly Mon- day in.'.iii Shu was itrlcken with parulyols on Saturday evening last, and remained uncon- scious up in 'he nmc ol hur (tenth. Mrs. Itlggi WAN a ynunp aud amtabla lady; her tudden death is a great blow to her husband, and will tause ibe dtrptal rtgret among a lasgecircle

of inend".

ACCIDKMT.-OD Thnradaj Mrc N. A.Taj - lor while engaged ai her ml. in the spinning room In Ibe Pacific Mills, bal her hand caught in a gearlni:, and cevenly Injured; tho Hash was badly lacerated, »n<l a portion of one linger torn off. Pr. Kenney drtsfed rbe Injury, and bas bores of rating tbe hand.

(lee. Eaton, Commissioner ci Ed u rat I on, has tailed upon tbe rian maerlnlendeota of ichorll ibroughiu! the country to meet ai tVebhlniCon to-day, for a conference in rr|u- ilon to idutai'onal sist'llis, and also with reference to a report on education to be sent lo the Yiem.a exposition.

a Hke conflagration could aweep DTM

our city, but we are to-day exposed to a far greater danger from the utter

Inaufllclency of our supply ol wa- ter, without which our pplendld lire

department may bo found In some hour

of extreme peril to bn next to valueless.

A city of over thirty thousand Inhabi-

tant0, with acrea of closely packed wooden buildings, tenement house upon

tenement house, with not even a paRBag-e

way between, entirely dependent for water to extinguish Area, upon the gen-

erosity ol the manufacturing corpora-

tlona In permitting the uso ol the supply secured for their own protection. And

as this has fortunately proved sufficient

for all llrex we have HuQered in the past, have fallao Into ■■ detirao oi •aaualty,

from which we are likely to be as sud- denly and sadly awakened ait have been

the people of (,'hlcago and Boston.

Let | conllagratlon ouce get headway In the solid mass of houaes on Valley

•treet, west of Amesbury, or on Com-

mon street almost anywhpre, with their

proximity to the tine blocks on Kssex street, and of what possible avail would

be the half doren or st most half score

of hydrants that could be drawn from?

and even this supply is likely In any

moment nf danger lo entirely fall; the

reservoir on 1'roxpect Hill is only a small one, utterly insufficient for the de-

mands of extensive ttm, and should a

conflagration threaten during any of the

holidays, iSundays or nights when tbe

canal is drawn off, so as to interfere

with the working of the corporation sop*

ply pump!, a terrible destrurllon ol

property might ensue. All experience, and especially tbe

costly lesson of (,'hlcago and Boston,

teaches tha( tbe way to prevent disas-

trous conflagrations Is to quench fires at

tbe beginning, and notblng so surely iir

conipllshes this as water In plenty and

apparatus convenient to every point Midi from tbe deficiency of theprosent

water supply, nowhere in our city are there one half the numbar of hydrants

demanded for salety, and large portions

of the city arc solely dependent on wells or petty reservoirs. How much longer

Uthla to ba suffered? Will not the fear- ful experience of other oltles teach Law-

rence a lesson of prudence and fore-


The legislature hti passed an act spe-

cially authorizing the construction ot work- to furnish Lawrence with a sup- ply of water from Mcrrimaek river, and

there ought not to bn another month's delay In Inaugurating this work so essen-

tial to the safety of tho properly of our :'ity, no less than the ootnfort and con-

venience of , the people. The commit*

era required by the act should be se-

lected at once, and the winter given to procuring plans, estimates and con- tracts, that the first days of spring may

years will probably be consumed In com- pleting the enterprise, and every day loat, needleasly Impetlla tho city, and wantonly threatens p»nle, disaster and



aud Boston. That It was a large lire there could not

be an/ doubt, but we think It was hardly for a moment expected 'hat tbe flames then seen were fed by fuel from the fairest portions of tbe city ol Boston, tbe Athens of America, and that aa the forked tongues of the flames flashed their reflec- tion against the sky they were lapping up In their fierce frenzy, wealth that could only be measured by millions.

When those who bad seen and noted the signs ofa Are awoke on Sunday morn- ing, tbeywere. perhaps, prepared for tbe intelligence that considerable destruction had followed the tire of the previous night, but they werellttle prepared for the alarm- ing news that Boston was In dames, and that aid had been applied for, and a steamer aent from this city daring the nlgbt, to help check tbe conflagration.

Such startling Intelligence soon spread over the city, and excited groups ot peo- ple began to gather In the streets and around the depots, anxious to obtain some definite Intelligence or the extent of the destruction, and of the prospects of subduing the lire. The wildest ru- mors were afloat, and huslnesa men who held large Interests In Boston were In an agony of anxiety to ascertain the loca- tion and extent of the destruction. The telegraph oflh'o was besieged; some wanted to bear the news because they had great Interests at stake; others wanted to hear It out of sympathy with the unfortunate.and a great many wished their curiosity gratified. Little deflnlto Information could be gained, however,

fully distorted as It passed from mouth to mouth.


The meager telegrams during tbe early morning, created not a little excitement in our city, and signified by many Idle rumors, became the universal conversa- tion In the vestibule of the churches and even over the pew rails and across allies; In most of the pulpits the great disaster was made the theme of appropriate re- mark. AH the day. there was an eager crowd around the telegraph oilier and the depots, waiting for news and hoping foi an extra train to the scene of the confla- gration. In addition to the curious mul- titude, there were at various hours, and In some Instances remaining at the post nearly all day, prominent citizens whose business Interests were within tbe circle of the lire fiend In Boston, and who were naturaly extremely anxious to roauh tin scene ot disaster. The prevailing horee epidemic, prevented recourse to that alter- native, but Mr. White, the President of the road, who was at tbe South Depot durlngtheday.declined to accede to their requests for au extra car over the road.

During the afternoon, Joseph W. Smith, Ksii., a director In the Manchester <& Law- rence road, aud who bad very large finan- cial Interesta within the burning district, telegraphed to Superintendent Merrltt, who promptly ordered


and a oar plnced at his diBpoanl; ihU was ready at .1 o'clock, and a, number of our cillzena are under obligations to Mr. Smith for the courtesy of a ride to and from the scene of interest, and their gratitude found expression in the utmost cordiality and warmth. We loarn that extra trains wore run from Lowell, 8a> lent, Xewburyport, etc., over other roads, and from Heading on tho I). & M —but not Lawronoe,— whereat there ia no little grumbling and sooldlng.



Tlio lire was llrst discovered In the store of Messrs. Tebbuts, Baldwin ,v Davis, dry goods dealers, at tho corner of Summer and Kingston street. It Is thought the lire originated In the base- ment; some say It began In the third story. Thu building was heated by steam, and It is probable that the fur- nace was overheated, and started Ibe lire, which rllmhed tho wooden elevator and made Its appearance simultaneous- ly In all the stores. Soon alter the fire being diseov«»J she oulim»K w«a tu


efforts were made to extinguish the flames. But the wind waa rlalng.aod the burning building threw out such an intense heat that the firemen oould not approach It near enough to make their etlorts felt. The lire was soon commu- nicated to the adjoining buildings, and

sjae tbe fire wae rasing here ware frequent, and sev-

" soldiers were injured; _ Marllia E. llutcbinson,

who oca3opi«T(K>m< over t!,c *tore of MessrsXehrS. Crump & Low, leaped from tbl wlt*v *nd w" probably fa- tally lohreti |jy tn*> u*e or wel blan- kets tha-ato-"' Jordan, Marsh ft Co. WHS saved.

The work of preparation progresses

rapidly, and the public will be pleased

Ith the prospect of an early opening of

a large portion of the free library; the juvenile department and of Action, have

been uearly completed, a large number

of in ili volumes being added, and as

soon as they can he covered and num-

bered, manuscript catalogues will he

prepared for use In the rooms, and with-

out delaying to complete the entire llhra- ry arrangements or print catalog uej for

circulation, these departments will be at

once opened for circulation, doubtless

early In Djcember, The reading n will be opaned at the same time. The

committee have made several fortunate

purchases ol books, and when the library

[a entirely ready. It will have a much

larger Dumber of books than was first antlci|>nted. The list ol juveniles, which

was very deficient In the old F.aiikliu

library, lias been handsomely tilled out

and will fairly delight the boys and girls.

MAVOU DAVIS bas ordered the police

force ol this city lo bo double I ai a pro-

tection against lire. The additional members of the force will receive •peclBl

Instructions to bn on the watch for fires

and to sec that every precaution Is taken

to prevent them. This course Is rendered

ntcessary from the fact that It Is Impossi-

ble to tell at present the value of Insur-

ance. As a precautionary measure It Is

a wise one, and In anting thus promptly in SUL'II a time as this the M ayor has done

well, and his action will doubtless meet

with the hearty approval of all cltlMlM.

Si iio.n. HOCM ASO VACSTtOM —The -[""S- Hun uf Jlvllion of (be liuur* olaohuul. and IBM aca- •om for vacation amonf OUT punlle inhooia haa ■■■ i '.:■!.. -i l i-1- i■■■■'■■■' i oplnlun, and Ih" plan tiM seta several ilmea changed In »n t(- foii U i ■■■" i' the rau»t - ii:.i i : ■: i >■ Semite, Ua Hun- day evanlnf, by Intllallun of (ho achool oommllicr, a l»i &. number of partnta and loacbrrii mat al ih« high tctaool rootm for coeaullatloo upjn IhU aub- i..'ei, Mat Hi I>nvta, chairman of Ihe board, pn-alded, in retard to boon, Ur, Perkins, principal of 11* hlghachrtol, warmly ureed tha aubiiloiitun in that tclmiil ol two dally at-aalona In plar* of one aa at prramt; hi* aaalatHiua, hovuvur, WIT., unanirooua- ly opp'iaid to Ma view, and (tin pnplla and parrnl* eaemad IO be wholly adverts to tba two aaaaiun pise, a •< in nMi.iiu'e being preienlad Signed by m.i.) pWwltSi while nine nuked for Iha phange.

Iartaerd te/lba vaeatlonf,after a lively dlieu-- ■Ion, I'.n.i i|.«i. d in liy Uexari. t'orklni, tlrewater and a<m.' of the female leeehate, sr.d by.). Id. Katon, Dr. Paekald, Dr. Humphrey, A. Hrlgga. J. H. Maiuiird. N. W. Harmon, and oihari, and by the »i.|'-i hii... ieui and incmtiera of the eommlltee, lliMie waa a unaulmoua eipreasuin In lavor of re- taining thu sinner vacation of nine wtttk., oovsr- ing :ill uf luly aud .\um.at.

I li. iy .|'i. I'I.TI llier. aiemed lo behow to dl vide (lie three remaining wvrka, arcunliog to the lime heretofore allowed,—tieiwecn Ttiankaglvlng, Chriitmia, the Pt-hruary " promotion,,' and mid-

]■■■'■! Ibe seeead hair yrar, near I lie nloae of April; (he two lallrr ai.peur aprdally nrrdful for teaabera and achulaii; L'hrlaimaa, whlrh trcrued to have llie prefer mux for (he remaining week, waa only four werka before promotion*, and to omit TbankiflTlng mad'' a long unbroken term from the Heplemlxr opening, finally, an esprnea- lon waa In favor of a week both il Thankifivlog and Cbrlnitnee,

The Committee, al a men in* held after Ihu flee- ferenrc. voted to ijlve iba aehoulaa vacation of ona wvek at Tilaiiktalvlnir, roaervlng Hie remaining .. >e-:i in. i,it Li-Hi- beteaAsr.

hat at llrst was regarded aa a serious fire, now threatened a conllagratlon*

From this point tbe flames spread with fearful rapidity towards tho north and east, sweeping Sumner Utrcet on both sides to Uovey & Co'a, which was saved, with the remainder ol the blocks on that side to Washington; on the other Bide the lire crept surely along, swallowing up Holbrook's, Trinity Church, and eat Ing up the inside of the Mudge (flock, on the corner of Washington, although leav- ing the walls of the latter standing com- plete.

Krom this, Washington Street, on the east side, was swept clear to Milk Street, including thu magnificent block of Macul- lar, Williams & Parker, anil the new Transcript olllee; at Milk Street progress was stayed in that direction, leaving tbe Old Smith untouched.

Tu return to the starting point, the fire extended dowu Summer, sweeping both sides, with portions of Bedford and Chauncy, to the water, destroying the Hartford & Erie depot and wharves.

All the Intervening territory, Franklin Street, with Its splendid massive granite blocks, Winlhrop Square, Devonshire, Congress, Kilby and liroad streets, were swept clean, tbe very granite walls crack- ing and crumbling to pieces before the Intensity of the beat.

At Milk street on tho north, the names halted, sweeping around to tbe east, curling against thu new Tost Ofllce build- ing, which stayed their progress, escap- ing with only a scorching and craoklng on ono corner. Then, down Water, leaving the building ot tho Boston Post, and through Congress and Kilby to Slate street.


Here, finally, at about four o'clock;, Sunday alternoon, tbe progresa ol the lire was dually checked, tho Tost Ullico building and Sub-treaaury being the ■OdlM ot the triumph over the devouring element, and lor the first time was it felt that tho end had 000.6. The malls bud been long before removed to the Custom house, aud the 1'ost Oilice building was pretty thoroughly burned out.

In tbe other directlun, to the east, the llames swept through I Yuri and lilgh Streets aud that region, destroying most of the heavy shoe houses.

establish meets ot a like character were destroyed. Neither ol tbe newspapers will, however, suspend publication. Tbo olllces of tbe Journal and Post narrowly escaped.

THE i i.AMt's llTBDDKDi From a quarter past seven on sat it t day,

night, untti noon on Sunday, the tin de- fled all efforts to check It. A little after noon the liremen began to get It under control. This waa In part accomplished by using guopowder to blow uptbebulluV lugs, as has already been stated. By half past two It was evident that tbe force or the conflagration had spend itaell, and though the tire still raged with fury In some pardons of the burning district* It was apparent then tDat it was under the control ol tbe large force of firemen. The Post Office and Sub Treasury build- ing were hugged by tbe element to the last, and here it made a desperate fight, but the firemen worked nobly, and the Hend at last retired sullenly—conirnered.


department has been removed to Fail euil Hall, Postmaster Hurt having ob- tained tbe consent of Mayor Gaston to the removal of tbe materials thither, and to occupying It until suitable provision is made tor this important branch of the public aervlce. Tbe best possible ar- rangements have been made for the transaction ol business, and doabtless people will be disposed to overlook any irregularity in the delivery of letters until matters *r» m" -1*»' *


As nearly aa oan bo ascertained the following parties are tbe most prominent losers in this city.

J.W. Edmonda, Kilby street. Treasur- er of l'aclDo Mills,—ollico blown op.

,1 units li. Little & Co., Summer street, selling agents ot Pacific.

Wm. (Tray, Summer street. Treasurer and selling agent ol Atlantic Mills.

Geo. C. Richardson & Co., Devonshire street, agents of Everett Mills.

1>. D. Cronibie, Milk street, Treasurer Everett Mills.

Lawrence f las Company's office, Kilby

street. McKay Sewing Machine Compay, 8S

Congress street. E. F. Pago, Congress street, leather

belting manufactory. S. W. Wilder'* office, Milk street. J. A. Bacon & Co., paper. The office of Stedman & Fuller, Fed-

eral street. K. O. Leo & Co., Devonshire street,

with whom Mr. W. L. Abbott la connect- ed, and Harding, Gray & Dewey, in whose house is M. J. Abbott.

Tbe office or Norcross, Saundera & Co. antl of the Kusaell Paper Company es- caped without Injury, tbe Russeus, how- ever, loat something in tbe burning of the store of Hioe, Kendall & Co., Milk street.

Mr. Wilder loeea about six thous- and dollars and probably bis books; for- tunately his cashier, Mr.Cummings, had a detailed memoranda ot much ot tbe busineas, copied a tew days ago, in bis

pocket. Messrs. Butler a Robinson some eight

thousand dollars worm ot wool. The loss of Messrs. -Bacon, paper man-

ufacturers, will not be large. Mr. E. F. Page loses some #12,1)00 In

machinery and atock; Insured for #8,000. though In tha Immense loss, the latter may be of little worth- His foreman, Mr. Weatou, who resided lu Cnelsea, wont Into Boston aUer the lire got under headway Saturday night, aud finding tbe store endangered, snoceeded In securing a team, and removed the books, papers and 91000 worth ot finished goods to what tbeu seemed to bo a place of safety, but beioredayligot, be waa compelled to move again, um time to Haymarket Square, aod when Mr. Page emerged irom the depot, on the arrival of the train Sunday afternoon, he discovered Mr. Westoti, mounted on a pyramid of belting In the middle of the square.

fin- mimic to wblcb George Lamb con- •'WUkvmx" tiW>"».»Ytwr't"',-^Q*^"''_'y those mentioned, are Perry, Wendell, Fay & Co., selling agents ol Lawrence Woolen company, ana Nevlns &. Co., of tbe Pemberion and Methuen Mills, In Chaunoey street; the office of the Essex company on Stale street. Lawrence <fc Co., agents Arlington Mills. E. R. Mudge, Sawyer it Co., selling agents of the Washington Mills.

AttLiovi-.R Losses,



The conllagratlon raged with iiicb

The Ni'w Ileilfurd Mcrrtirr save II bat thu | ben of authority for stating that Gtn- Uuilcr bus no', been, and I' not n>w an aspirant lur tbe i .. ■ !>L.ii- Btastorsblp, hat Is warmly IB favor oftaeclectlr.il of linn. (ieo.S. Bont- well to tho viramr measloneil hv ibn eleva- tion of tba Hon. il.m v Wi^on to t'ie Vice presidency,

fierceness that nothing could prevail against It. The llaiues rushed along lu tbelr course, eating up every combustible thing that opposed Itself to their prog- ress. Water seemed to be of no avail. Steamers Irom neighboring towns had been sent in to the city on application, and as many streams ol water were play- ing upon the tire as could be brought to bear upon Iti but they seemed to be of no effect. The Humes marched on In their tierce, angry career, actually crisping and crackling walls ol granite, aud melt- ing Iron like lead, i'bo last and only resource lu ennli casex, when all other means have failed, was resorted to, that ol checking the flames by blowing up a number ot buildings with ifutipowuur. The llrst trial waa a .allure, not In blow- ing up thu building, but in checking (be flames, lor thuy Immediately leaped over the ruins of thu building blown up, and continued llielr progress. Another effort was made at u greater distance Irom the lire, aud with success, checking the Humes In their further progress north.

KXTKUT ot THt COHTLAaNATION. 'flu: turrltory burned over comprises

11..ii portion of the city between State street on tho north, Summer street on the south, liroad street on the east, and Washington street on the west. This territory Include!* the wealthiest portion of tbe bnilnesK of the elly ; tho whole- sale leather and .'•line houses of Pear) street; the dry goods houses of Summer, Franklin nod Milk streets; the great commission houses of Devonshire, Fed* oral. Congress and High streets, all ure laid In ashes. The extent Ol territory hurtled over is estimated at eighty iicioi, and the Ins* computed at nearly two hundred millions of dollars. Ali this

Hiii' Audover neighbors were heavy autterers. Mr. .1. W. Smith, of the Smith & b.iw company, finds a number of losses, while nearly all of their customers are among those burned out.

W.C. Donald, Ink manufacturer, lost his office, and a number of bis custom- ers are among the sufferers. Mr. Donald will promptly answer all orders from his manufactory, Andover.

Hiram W. Prenoh. and James A. Rob- erts, shoe dealers, lose .heavily.

Lelnud, Allen ft Rates, selling agents for ibe Methueu Woolen Mills, and Mr. Walton's Mill lu North Salem, are burned out.


On Sunday afternoon, we walked over what had been Devonshire Street, requir- ing however, the aid of a well informed police officer to point out amid tbe mass of smoldering ruius, the old lines of that thoroughfare, and the scene of ruin and desolation was Indeed one for sorrow; In all directions, as tar as the eye oould reach, amid its smoke, was only smold- ring and broken ruins, the linest, most substantial, eveu boasted Are-proof ware- houses were almost level with the foun- dation walls, Immense safes,—how mis- named,—overturned and often burst asunder, and everywhere, desolation and woe ORDER PRKSEKYF.D DT THE MILITARY.

In the midst ol such a conflagration It was necessary to preserve the best of order, and also to ktep back the crowd from the vicinity ot tne Are, so that tho liremen would not be hindered In tbelr ellorts to check the flames. For this pur- pose the military was called out, and every approach to the burning section of the city was guarded by a line of bayo- nets. Thus was admirable order pre- served In the city, for the police, relieved from tills duty, were able to put forth tbelr efforts In other directions, and to protect exposed property from the raids of thieves and prowlers.


If the fire had occurred In any other portion of the city the destruction to property would not have been so great. All tbe heavy wbolesule woolen dealers are burned out, and not a single wool house remains. IT a section of tbe city had been selected In which the largest amount of wealth could be destroyed In the smallest area, the burnt portion would have been chosen. Although the extent of thu territory devastated by the conllagratlon Is small compared with that which witnessed thu Cblcago disaster, the value of the property destroyed can- not be much leas. Summer, Kingston, Arch, Duvonahire, Pearl and other streets lu this vicinity have long been regarded as the store houses of Boston's wealth; these have for the moat part been de- stroyed, and the terrible extent of the loss ft Is impossible even to conjecture.


How far merchants will be affected by their losaea.it Is difficult to determine, and It will depend entirely on bow far Insurance Companies are able lo meet tbelr liabilities. Although the number of persons deprived ol their homes Is not so great as It would otherwise have been, had the Ore occurred In any other portion ol tho city, yet great distress must result aa thousands will be thrown out ol em- ployment.

A I 111-M ' tlSI i.«.i; VTHIN.

A little after midnight Sunday night, the lire broke out afresh, and strange to say, not far from the spot where it ttrat originated; It was caused thla time by explosions ol gas In the bulldina; occu- pied by WillUm It. Storms, A Co. By i in- force of the explosion, the front walls of the building were blown out, and the store was soon In llames, Tho lire soon extended to the large atore at the corner ol Washington and Summer streets, oc- cupied by Messrs. Shrieve, Crump A l,ow, and In a short space of time tbe en- tire iilock from the corner of Summer to the store of Jordan, Marsh ft Co., was

An estimate been made of the loss bv Mr. Joseph SBlth,l1r,n,n of >ke Board of Street CimmlaslOBerHe states that tin bamtdll- tncti-omprise.'ldiin a fraction of 60 acres-

or 2,c.lQ,a|Ds<ia tMt uf brad—one half of wblcb ibswld deducted for streets and areas, lea-stag *»,0M> feet of balldlags. fif- teen doUsre peJO» <of tba bnildlngf, on ao average, ts a re P'|ee. which amount) to 8l9.aT5,0S0. Tee times the value of f tbe bulldlngi will pebhr felly cover the loss on the stock. ■sv/'\7-,.-'\0«), leaving the actual loss, S7B,U0,00

1'necbatnnai tbe Board places Ike lota •85,000,000.

SSSIXaSMOItQ T>t ftl'IXS. All day Von' USB were bnsy among the

charred reins, arching for what valuables bad eeeaped th<emes. Measures were taken to cool tot aa sufficiently batore open leg them. In somes contents wen found noln- Juied, but ta tl freator number everything was destreyedThe previous location of al- most erary but*** home, wee marked br a card promlaeat displayed among the rains, and bearing tbotelligence of whore tbe busi- ness, interraptcby tha conflagration, would be resumed. I* no easy matter, however, for many to Ante sites on which tbelr busl- ness palace* on stood, and there were many who sought for are before flBdlng the ruins of tbelr store.

THt CT IK DARaKISS. Tho gat was at off on Monday ni«bt, and

tbe city left In srkness. Candles aod kero- reae were resort to by the inhabitants to ob- tain light bet It sabaUt«t« w« ■ BOOT one for ea*. Tbe bete, theatres and saloons which are usually ablaawltlt light darisg.tbe even, lag, were all fe ]ukaee*, and lbs spectacle was a gloomy on*

HSI.IB1 ssa.vsi.ai* have SlaVr been taken, and everything ar- rangeu fot ajWvlatmg what distress assy arise from Ibe calamity; the generons offers of as- sistance frsm ether cities tavs baa accepted, aod there II bttleSsar ihat duties will be al- lowed to oitat long ftmonK tho* who have suffered Iry be conflsgi


A dlspatot states that tbe exits-mem over tbe Are, wlfch had partially absided upon advices of tandey that It wat 'felled, was re- newed Mosjlay by a report tba- It bad brok- en oat afsla; bat (be report was again re- Ikaeed by * dispatch from Union, dated at noon lloasay, contradicting tbe alaimlntr report. Allibo morning papers Monday bad editorials oi the luhject, exprus*in«; unbound- ed ivmpatiy for tne suffering city whose ready sad boandleis kindness towards this rommenttrjunder a similar aOlietlos, Is so frteb la tMmioda of our citizens.

At a mating of tbe cltltens Moodav Maj- or Medill pfMlded. Shott speeches of sympa- thy for ihe-iofferers by the Boston Ore wee* made, aod 1100,000 war* donated for their ro- ller. Itev. lobert Collyer, N. E. Fairbanks, aod Dr. H, V. Johnson wore appointed a com- mittee to onvey tho money to Boston, and started leofsvoalng.

At a moling of the executive cmncli Tues- day, to wnjsli the Mayor and president of '.ho common euncil and other members of the city govasmeat were present, It was decided to call a sftcial session of tbe legislature; the object bou to allow tha city to exercise the power ofjmloent domain, and to enable the city to arrow money to aid ber people to rebuild tbiir store* and to resume business. In asking tbs they were willing to have tba act put in sue form at would make tbe city per- fectly saH in any loans which may be made from the reasury; and br tbe passage of such an act tie outside men who have lost tbelr property vlll be bsnaBttsd, as tbey would then be able tetobtaln money without going to extor- tioners. If the legislature passed such enact, within '.*o sears ibe burnt district would be rebuilt, snd tbe whole business of tbe city be again In a prosperous condition.

Tbe InewBice companies are cheerful and hopefal, aid f«w of them feel Ilk* backlog down. Great as Li ma calamity, the spirit in which it L,*,njF^-f fiuafrr to i*»„n if_pflarj Still pntir In from other cities, and apparently the city will dare all the assistsnee required in carrying out tbe plots of reconstruct ion-

oi'KMiicl ran Barns.

On Tuesday tbe vork of exhuming from

the ruins and openhg safes wu resumed, while the contents ot a large number hire been destroyed; tbooof many have passed safely through tbe dor] baptism, at which the owners must rejoice. Imong those who round the conients of their sees in perfect safety. Is tbe McKay Sewing Hwbinr Co.

Safe manufacturer* So doing a great busi- ness, «y«ry firm of tp kind having its re- source* taxed to the ufeost to supply orders. Thus what bas eanseddlsoster In ono branch of business giro* Impefis to another.

It this eueetiug cr is there no real knowl- edge yet of the extant of the deetruction? A Boston paper^asyi: Tbs estimates of the losses by the fire vary from f .'jO.OOO.OOtf'or S6') 000,- 000 up to $130,000,000 or 9500,000,000.

When the Are wu likely to approach tbo store of Mr. John Medina in Boston, that gou- tlemsn seized a large quantity of hair, and carried it off on his bock to a place of sslety. It waa perhaps tba moot ■valuable lot of back hair ever carried.

"A little are I* quickly trodden out. Willed, belns talTtred, river* cannotqaeneh,"

[Bbakaapeate. Thousand* of tone of coal In Boston are still

all aglow. Tba Boston papetadraw coDaolatlon from

tbe fact that tbe city has been so well fumi- gated there is little fear of small pox.

Tbo public hlghweya and Holds for adoxta mile* sontbtatt of Boston, are covered with remnants of burnt paper and cloth.

Courage and pluck prevail everywhere in

)o m e i o » »t p.

The horse disease li abating.

Methuen has a case ol bmull pox.

Tbe roof uf the City Hall is being rea'ated.

Tbe number of horsoe In tha streets lncr«a?o every day.

People are making their preparations for Thanks (IT inc.

Th* Pemberion Insurance Company had r.o

losee In Boston.

Th* Ilavarbill street Methodist church bos sea freshly painted.

Some of our cltlxens find these pretty hard time* paying election bets.




Ueury ('. IlaindeQ lost a horse by the

prevailing .lUtcwuerou Saturday. This

Is the third Intel case lo town.

In the Andover course of lectured and

entertainments, Mrs. Harriet Iteecher

Stowe will give select readings, ut the

town hall, thla (Friday) evening.

The second lecture In the course of tbe

A. S. club, was delivered In the town

What ba* becone of the hands to the*, clock ball, on Monday evening, by Itev. W. H. In the proscenium arch of tbe City Hall. Cudworth, ofKast Boston; subject, "Up

Dr. Bcolt is recovering from an attack of pneumonia, from which be bos been suffering

A Testament, charred and blackened by the great Are, together with other fragments ol the rnla, wore found In a tlsld st South Hlng- ham on Sunday, flfnen miles distant.

Arrangtm*Dts were made on Tuesday night tor blowing down tho walht of taernlne whb powder, this morning.

Negotiations are in progress for Ihe Old SOnih Church as a post ofnc*, Faneuil Hall b*!og In- adequate in accommodations for th* workings cf the department.

Somo snip captains who srrived in Boston on Tuesday, reported that they saw the Are ninety miles off.

for some time,

A- C Currier bad his hand somewhat bruised WS-abackllng cars the Pemberton, one


tenon eravaaa. Baron* I


Four dinek* and two vagranta eomprlsed tha buataeaa barer* tha court thla moinion. Daniel Ulky, 1-oala Adam*, Oeo. 8. Hyde and Joaepb Levay, war* each fined S- and cost* for drunken-

VAOBASTS,—Joba FlUDitrlck waa seat to lb* honaa ef eoireetlon for four monlha. Tbomaa Al- lan had hi* asae eontlnaed on* Say. to Riva aiaa a ehaae* to show why ba aboald ■** receive a like eentear*.

WEDKianar, Wbae ihe judicial machine waa aet la motion

thla mornlnf, there waa qalte a number ol ipaota- lora praaeat to wltoaaa th* null operations.

DKI-NK*,—Hanrv Slchala and Phillip Donaalae pleaded gulHr to holallng aboard loo much tanf le- foot Whlakay, aod HI* Honor opined that Justice would cry qalu If each banded over S0.W>. Thla arranicrnent, forwent bf a bettar, mat tbe vlesrs oT Ueaara. Doualan and Pbllllpa, and the little Slffaraaea batwasa them and Iba com mo I wealth, waa lone latlsfactorlly adjuated.

ABBAI'LT.—John Conaors waa called to an***r to a complaint ebar|tnf him with ao assault on John afaeon. John pleaded fnllry, and it having been ahuwn that the aessnlt was of a somewhat aggravated character, be waa fined (li and eoata with the alteraaUve of golog to the honte of cor* reellon for ninety day*. John paid th* money.

LAUCSSV.—Thomaa Qlggli* waa charged with the larceny of S-i> from Patrick J. O'Connors; ba plaadad not guilty, aod th* oase waa conlluaiJ alue daya tn'ii at tha rcqaeat of Ool. Phllbrick, Big- gin* being bald in the aura of fOOO far his appear- SMS whan wanted; the evldaoaa again*! Illgelni It a* id to be of the alimroeal aha malar.

Tan IlxaULT or A Heaut.—Margaret HeUold- wlck, aa old woman, was arraigned upon a com- plaint chart I n< bar with ihe larceny of a ahaw], tho property ef Caiherla* Kerwln, a young aad rather tasufally Sraeaad woman. Defendant pleaded not guilty, and a lengthy eiamlnarion waa bad, wblcb developed tbe following fade: Uo Satur- day evening last, abont h>* o'clock, afra. Kerwln called at th* honen nf Hi a. HeOatdwIok, wfateh 1* at No. MS Oah au-aat,aad nqneeted Elian UoUold- wick, a daughter of tba defendant, to accompany her down street, aa eh a wished to buy a hat and ■bawl. Ellen algnlfitd her srllllagnMa to accom- pany Kate on the prapoaad shopping eipndltlon, and together they set ool. Kate, who appears to hare been tn fond*, pnrehaeed a ten dollar aluwl aud a nobby hat with two or three feather* on lr. for IS..'*; alter which tha pair re*uro*d lo the porlloes of Oak atraet and displayed Kate's par- cheati ID Kller.'. mother. Tlili w«e all well emmgh , and If lb* mailer bad ended there, It would hav* beau batter for all parties. But It did n't. Kate Invited Kllen out lo have a treat at lira, Coneol- lay'a on Elm atrret, and they atayad there unill eleven o'clock, taking in, during their itay.there, aareral "soboonars" Of ale. On Ihelr way home mien, who bad no money, thaa addraaaad Kate "III had any money, Kata, I would take you down to Mr*. Kennedy', and treat you,'* Oo thl* hint Ksto Invited Elian to a treat, and together tbey went lo Mr*. Kennedy'a where some more "acboo- nera " ware taken oo board. Tbey then returned to the MoQoldwlck mansion, Elian havtofr invited Ellen1* mother obj*oted to Kata being entertained, aad ordered that aba proceed home. Kale aald aba

iould go, and aeked for bar hat aad ahaw!, whieb •ha had laid on tba Ubl* lu lha front room. Kllen refuaad to 1st bar hare them, and pitched Kata down stair*. Officer Sullivan oama along at thla lime, and arrested Kate tor drnokenneaa, and aba waa locked np until Monday morning whan abe waa lined fl without coat*, and released. She Immediately wont to tbe McOoldwlok residence, and demanded her bat endahawl; the former iue got, bnt tbe MeQoldwIcke denied having seen the ahaw], and aaaarbad that aha had taken It away With bar on th* Saturday evening whan abe waa arrested, Kate knew better, and *b* awora ont a warrant agalnat lha meternal McGoldwlek for lar- ceny, to which the latter anawered thla morning. JobnC. Banborn defended Mo oo id wick. Couylctcd. *-.'ii and coat* or ilxty day* II. C. Appealed.

People mtnifjsted considerable uncertainty as to which way to run when the Are alarm sounded Saturday.

We entirely agree with tba Sentloel in the remark that tbe victory the coalition e^pecicl to win, I* postponed.

Quite a number Of our citizen* appear In tbe streets wkh new hats, and {not Qrseley hate either, though the result* of election beta.

A person who undertakes to raise himself by scandalising others, might Just aa well sit down on a wheelbarrow and undertake to wheel him- self. '

" Tbe dearest spot on earth" bos at last been located. Thoee Wftfahtg to visit that "spot" will And It at tbe store that does not ndrer-

TaMpmAMCB. The closing of the bar abope In Boston dor

log the confUgtattonLand tbe continued em- bargo upon them bat diminished drunken- ness, and contributed t the preservation of order in tbe city. Thfe cannot be much ex- cose for carrying on I tratTtc la prosperity, which law most step |( to prohibit In adversi- ty, as a a*ces:ary masnr* for paolfc ssfety.


Some of tbe signs ■ ected In tbe ruined dis- trict ore remarkably any, and show the good nature aod pblloeopt that prevails to so large en eitest amongns, nd which Is so distinc- tive a feature of iba tational character. Ono sign readr; " Kemov 1 for repairs ;" another, " Closed during th* neotad term i" another, " Out-of evil come t goods;" another, " A burning shame," and in on to Infinity.


A large number o persons, some of them Bremen, who were wo In dangerous posi- tions on Baturday nig t and Sunday morning, are missing, and **a h bas' been made tor tbelr bodlea, too bstlf prevailing that tbey must hove perished Intbe flames. Th* search thus far has been dteucoossfnl, no tree** of bodies having been d: covered. Or course the search tbu* far canst have been thorough, bat th* hope Is room Ined that tbe lost of lire It lee* than ha* been opposed.

null it DaaattKBa.

several gas explosion* occurred on Tuesday afternoon, aad to fssrd against danger th* gas «** sbut off ifsta on Tuesday night; lb* night was a gloomy one, and a heavy rain fell, which did much to axtlnguiih Ibe flames, wblcb had been fanned by the wind in tbe burnei region, and war* hissing np from the ruins in various places. About mldnlgbt Ibe city was Is almost total darkness. Should no gt* explosions occur to-day, and tbe men en- gaged in repairing ibe pipe* succeed in finish- ing tbe vork, the city will bo lighted to night.


Itev. Henry Ward Beecher delivered sn elo- nuent Bddr*.* at Plymouth church, Brooklyn, on Sunday evening, on tbo Boston calamity. tie said ni other city could offer up aneb buildings m a sacrifice to tbo Ure.

lo his trayer on Sunday for Boston, Rev. T Do WlSTelrnadge, ibe sensational preacher nf Brooklyn, said : "Lord, put out the Bre. Silence iheagonv of prostrate, dying, burning Boston."

A story k current in Boston that two yonng men while searching among the ruins of a betiding for plunder, were burled beneath tbe walle whir* fall.

Two stores on UUs street, Nos. 12 and 14, owned by Xiteson, the tinner, were bnrned. .gits Xilia» was a heavy loser by ihe Chica- go Are.

One of Ibe stores bnrned wu that ol W. H. Allen ft Oo., dealers lo dry goods and trim- mings, 'Jlr, Washington ttrect. Two girls who ere imployed In this aitsbli*hmem and live In Rogburr, discovering tbs danger from the Are, gained acceee to tbe store, and of their own accord secured locos to tbe value of *'20,- OOfi and took them safely to Boxbary.

It Is estimated that twenty ilioutand peo- ple ore thrown out ot employment by the re-

cent Ure,

Mansard roofs are now no more popular on bouses ilia tbey era over proplt'a eyes.

Tba books and popart of one Boston bonk

were burned- Tbe Boston Journal of Wedntiday morning,

has nineteen columns of "flie" *dTtrti<*m*nti,


Jt !>*>' CHOATE.

Judge Choau held a eeseton of the Probate Courl la thl* elly Taeaday, when tbe following bnaln.ta waa transacted:—

WILLS FaovnD.-Tha will of Michael Dortey of Lawrence, Matthew Camay and John Fetar*. exr'a; tha will of Ban'j Klabardaon of Lawrence, A, J. French, ox'r; of Timothy Denney of Methu- en, S. O. flargent, ei'r; Of Sarah Instil* of North Andover, S. W, Ingatl* and O. K. Johaaoo, ei'r*; of Mary Mnrpby of Law ranee, gltOO, Jama* Brady, ei'r; of June* Dcacey of Lawrenea,Trstotby Dea- cey, ax'r ; of Amo* M. Wtllowby of Lawrence, t'B,5O0, Lucrella B. Wllhjwby, adm'i.

ADMI!HtTn*TIOa iriiN KSTATBS.— Bstat* Of Aaa Whltller of Melbnan, B. O. Sargeni, adm'r; of Daniel Saundera, of Lawrenea, S'-'IO,**', Caleb Banndere, adm'r; cf Patrick Walsh of Ho who ry- port, Nathaniel Fierce of Nawboryporl, adm'r, bond |1M0; Of Melacha! Newman of Lawrence, STO0, Bllen Newman, adm'r.

IMYMTolUk*.—Property of Martha M. Cowdrsy of North Andover, tlfli&M; of William Brown or Havarhlll, 060,423,li; of John O'Donnell of Law- renea, S10,3T>; of Oliver C. Demerit of Lawrence, Stl,S01.e3; of Benj. W. Klnei of Lawrence, $1,0M. Tl.

Inomoj AND CHAIUK or NAME.—Ueo. 8. Couch and Nellie I. (Jouch of Lawrence, adopt Martab Doaeaun, whose name Is changed lo Lillian Mabel Couch.

ALLOWAXCR TO WIDOW.-TO Mary A. Itlne* of Lawrence, »U4.

SALT, or Paaaii.tai, PMOPIRT V.—An order waa graatad lor tba tale of lb* paraonal property or William Brown of Qavarblll.

DutTBiauTion or FaorsnTr.—An order waa granted for the dlttrlbntloa of propartyorJoasph W. (l.org* of Lawrence; amount ♦«»•

BattMor BIAI, EaTATK AuTiiomreD.—ttttate Joaepb W„Matilda T. and AbbleGreen, minors: of Dooglae MeCollsy, S1OO0; of Bath Proeior of QloooeaMr; of Samue), Alfred D„ Laland H., Haiti* W., and Jannta A. Cola of Beverly, and of Abbl* E, Cole aod other minor* of Beverly, #1000.

OcAnniAaa ArroinTED.—Patrlsk Oorortle of Lawrence, guardian of ward* Timothy, Bridget, and Denial llaggarty, boad Sioou; Augnata V. Uraloben, guardian of ward Augaalattpenaor, bond Siuoo; Albert D. Swan, North Andover,gnardlan or ward* Nellie Of. and Michael Daaaey, bond SBOCe; JamaaB. Dodge of Methuen, gnardlan of Cordelia, Arthur L., Boraaa F„ and Abbl* ■'■ Beard,minors; lama* H. Dodge gnardlan of ward r'rancla B. Beard, Ineane.

AOCOUPTB.—Caleb L. Treat ef Denver*, *a'(, Sto,:iW.00; Sarah L. Fags ofdalem, adm'x,Si'S.- SH| Hophia Pitman of Balam, adm't. »:;,lit-!i, William F. Pearaon of Ulouceater, adm'r, ♦■'■-'J: Benjamin French of Andover, adm'r, SS0S.S3; Sam- uel W. True of Lawrancn, Bsleor, * i-'. i.".* | Aao f. True of Lawrane*. minor, Slv.Su.

Has. If any person bas doubts whether advertise-

ments are read or not, let him put something "• doatn't wish seen In an obecore part of th* paper.

The churches were thinly attonded on San- day, tbe fir* excitement keeping many persons away from the services, so gr**t was the anxi- ety to bear the news.

Tbe Grand Army of this city, ar* to present, a few weeks hence, another of their popular dramas, for tbe benefit of tbetr post fund everybody will attend.

Itev. I. L. Wood* wilt preach a sermon on temperaoco, ut tbe city hell, on Sunday nlgbt. Tbo meeting will be under tbe sotplcse of the Temperance Reform clnb. ,

A barn belonging to Col. T- Johnson, was burood yesterday at Norlh Andover Th* barn contained B quantity of hay which was burned: the lost will probably amount to abont 3->00.

Should Lawroncd ever be rfilwd br such a terrible calamity as has overtaken Bostcn.Te'- It not be said that It wai as much dtte to the negtee'ed condition of tbe Are alarm telegrarh, as to a conspiracy of the elemenn.

Jndge Harmon held a session of the courl for Ibe trial of Jnrenuo cases Wednesday, and only two cases were brought up. In both of which action was postponed until Dec. Kb, the of- fenders being probated meanwhile.

Pollbrlok Informs ut that tbo greater part of the crime committed in this city dnrlog the lost four month*, bas been by persons ont side of the city, and since tbe horse epidemic made Its apppesrance, crime has diminished.

Hiss Annie M. PretcoU is announced to give a reading In this city this month. Hiss Pret- eott la a native of Lowell, aud a daughter ol Wm. Prescott, who kept a Hall ia the Market homo In that city, for sixteen rears. She It ft Lowell when a child, and has spent several rears In California.

A boy WBI brought baforo Judge Stevens Hon- dsy, for a reprimand, who bad been found drunk In the rtreefs on Saturday. Hla Honor atatpd that be would like to giro a year'- lm prlaonment to the "thing" that sold him the liqnor. Tbe boy would not tell where he was dragged with tbe poison.

The new enghie house of s. P. B., Kbeu Sntton, at North Andover, Ml dedicated to- day, with interesting ceremonies. A reception will be glren by the company this evening at their ball, when there will ha speeches, ting- ing, mnslc, Ac. A clam chowdor rupper will be served at nine o'clock.

The letter of "' Civl." should awaken Inter-

est In aanblect whlctidttolY WfitBS 'ir Shr chus of poorer citizens. Wo bats no doubt It will be read with attention, and that the points touched upon will recelvo theoarnest consider- ation tbelr Importance demand*.

Ofilcial courtesy, It appears to us, nomi- nates In tbe invitation to a conference of those whose affairs a board conduct, and after lis- tening with manifest Impatient* and constant consultation of watcli.i, coolly announcing to those who had accepted tbe invitation, Ihat tbey "really teemed to have an Impression tbat their opinion*" '— thus solicited,—"had something to do la settling tbe queotlont" under consideration!

Tbe Congregational lit sayt, " Wo have an impression that eveu this boasted nineteenth century will find that there sre more things in heaven and earth than are dreamed of In Its philosophy, and tbat It wouldn't be a bod Idea for It to alt down at tbe feet of a alck hone end learn a lesson of humility!"

Very good, but as there was a man kicked tc death br a sick horse in Newbaryporl Ibe oth er day, It beboovee people to be exceedingly careful In sitting down near their feet.

bill and dowu." The lecture was quite

entertaining, and much rellshei by a

good audience. The speaker gave the names of a large number ot ladles and

gentlemen who have distinguished them-

selves In learning, wealth, and benevo- lence, but who have bad up bill work.

Indeed, he thought It necessary tbat

young men especially should bo thrown

upon their own resources la life to secure

suooesa. Anecdotes and wit kept the

atullence In excellent humor.

It behooves people to keep their doors

locked. Wo understand that a lady's

bnt, shawl, and capo were stolen from

the entry of Mra. William S. Marland

on Tuesday evening.

Charles Abbott, a warm advocate of

Grec'.cy.mnde an agreement, previous lo

tbe late election, with Charles W. Hay-

warcl, tbat ifGreeley waa not elected he

would wheel Hay ward from the Mansion

House to the Elm House, and if Greeley

was elected. Hay ward was to whool Ab- bott tne same mate. Tim furren wan

paid by Abbott on Wednesday evening.

A large placard was erected In front of

the wheelbarrow, bearing these words:

•• What I know about wheeling." The

performance was witnessed by qotta a

crowd of parsons who cheered lustily

when the parties arrived at the Elm


Two gentlemen of this town, on learn-

ing of tbo Boston Are Sunday morning,

immediately started for Reading on

foot, intending to take tho oars at tbat

place for the city. Oo the way to Read-

ing, they dropped into a cider mill, and

by resting too long, or something else,

they failed to reach the oars In season.

The Andover Choral Union will hold

its mit meeting on Monday evening,

NOT. ltth.

On Tuesday evening the Shakosperlan

class, conducted by Rev. Professor Hud-

son, met at the bouse of Mr. G. W. W

Dove. The reading was in Macbeth,

from tbe discovery of the murder of the

King, to tho not 3d, scene 4th. The

atorm reduced the number ot the class,

but those who were present were amply

repaid for brewing the weather, by tbe


0,1 kfondaroi >bl* Wtefc, Mr. Joanna Upham, a uentlemaniomewhnt advanced In years, while laboring under a lit of temporary derangement, wandered aWSf from hla bo da* In Ualam.aod waa fonod lo enr vlulnlty on Tueadey, musing hla way, ■BBS (uupoiud, toward Iba Hr* In Boston. Hit ilrang* auiu.ru aud alngalarlty of manner at- tracted the attention of aoma of our elilaena, who took the pale* to lee that he reached hla friends In aafny.

r lecture room waa tilled afaln on Wednesday luR.and limit apropemme was naeeaaaiily

SQballiutuJ dill,Tint from what had Mao aa- Bouaead, atlll the audience all seemed highly ■rmt- itl.-.l and well plraaad. The Rev. Ur, Wither very kindly oooaaeied to KIVC hi* aarvieea ao that our people might not be deprived of their nasal eesal-monthly lecture. Tha anbjaet waa "John Meter or tba rowan Ik." Tha B*v. awntleman gave aoni,- very Interaellog incident* connected with tha life, character and writing* of thla dla- tlngulieed man.

The committee BBDonnoa far the nail leoture, " America before Columbus," by Prof. Joeepfa Kltabajl, of Plelltow, N. H., on Wedneeday even haf.Met.sB>,

The Horse Disease. Tba aabserlber baa for sale s quantity ef Doo-

ter Oaundera'Medlolneafor the horee disease, which has prnved a cure In every er"

Andovar, Nor. I.'., 1872. UEUttUlaU.BBAH.

Administrator's Sale. Peraoaal Prapertr In Andover.

i|on.Liabt Wairou, Market Wafon, Chelae, Hoe*, Korke, Rakca. rthovala, Chain*, Iran Bar*, Plows. Harrow*. Cat (Prater*, Htrneatea, Lotold Iron, Hlelih, Bled*, Punt, Lumber, Grindstone, Enalleh and Run Hay, Barley and Rye, Bhoa- maker'., Carpenter's and Htena Tools. Vlnraar, Cider Harreli, Beta, Bedstead*sad Beddlut.Halr Mattreea.Chaira, Tables, Btove*. Creek err, Oloaa Iron and Wooden Ware, Watoh, and all ether

aoail p Cash.

Common wealth of Haaaaobueatta.

BBSS*, M. PROBATE COURT. To tbe he! ia at-law, next of kin, and all other p-

■on* lotarttted In the estate of SARAH I CALLS, lite of North Audover, In *a)d eon

Inrponlng to ddenesaed,] lb* laat wIR and tettiment of Sal

been pree-nted to aald Court, tor prooata, aj Stephen William* Initall* aad Charles K.JohnaoB, who pray that letters teatem eatery may ba Isned to them, tba eiecutore therein naaed, tou are hereby Otted to appear at a Probate Court,

to be held at Halem, In aald oouuty of Eaaei, on the Plrst T«te*day of December next,at nlna o'clock, before noon, to show oauae, if any you havp, strain*! the *ame.

And aald I ngalls and. Pohnian ere hereby directed to five public notice thereof, by pnblUnlng tht* citation once awcek. lor three snesesslve week*, tn thenewipiper called tbe Lawrence American and Andover Advtrilaer, printed at Law r«no*,th* last publication to be two dayt, at leuat, before aald Court.

Wttnei*, fit-urn- F. ChoaU. Baqntre, Jadgw of ■aid Court, thl* twelfth day of Hovembar, In lha year one thousand el|bt hundred aud »ev*nly-!wO.

norlS A. C. QOODRLL, Begtstei

estate Daalel Bears.

Notice la hereby riven, that the subscriber has been duly appointed admlnlilrttor, with the will annexed, or the estate of

Denial Hear*, late of Andover, la tbe County of Rases, yeossan, deceased, end haa taken upon hlmielt that treat, by nl vine bond*, aa the Uw direct*. All person* bavins; demand* apon lb* atuteof said deeeesed, are required to exhibit tba aamc: nndaUpereona Indebted to tald estate are called upon to Bake „,«»,,. „!„,„.,,.„„.„..,.

Andovor, Nov. 5,1872. St.

Estate Jenae Huanella.


The drat lecture in tbs Methuen Course, was delivered on Wednesday evening, by Ho*. 0. T. Flanders, 1>. D., of Lowell. There wss Quito a liberal attendance, and the admirers of Dr. Flanders listened with Intersil and In- struction as be discussed In his practical strle bis theme for tbe occasion, "What bin. or Problems of Success." Tbo next lecture will occur on Monday evening, when B. P.Snilla- ber, Esq., (Mrs. I'anlnston) Is expected to oc- cupy the rostrum. All who have been enler- ulnd with tbe wrltlageof thie eminent author, will hasten to Improre this opportunity to lis- ten to aim, and undoubtedly tho audience upon that occasion wlllbn one of the tHffsit of tbe Mosoa.

When Mr. t). 1). Crowell nndertskee tbo per- formance of nny thine-, he usually does it well. At s very early hour on Monday morning, he was rapped up, and requeued to furnish coffee and other refreenmente for the oompoellors nod other* engaged In getllng ont tbe extra edition cf the AMOIIUN. In an Incredibly tbort apace or time Crowell was matter of the tituatloo, SeoiwIch.ee la quantity, and an an tiro lied tnpplv of the delicious aromatic ber- ersRe refiethed the workert, and testified to Crowelt'* ability to provide generoailr on short notice.

At a butlaess meeting of the Temperance Btforio club held at the old franklin Library rooms on Tuesday- evening, arrangetnents were mode for the immediate furaisblng of ibe rooms taken for the use of tbe organisation. A subscription was taken np among tbefo*. members present, and In a few minutes 9110 ware raised. A enmmlttee composed of Messrs. snopard, Jackson, Alfrev, D'Rloiej, Plyan nnd Hoar waa appointed to collect subscrlp lions from all who were interested in the move- ment la furtbersnes of the acbeme adopted to keep young men from the tamptaUons ol bar

A few of our merchant) ware swindled out of tbelr goods and onab on Saturday last, by nyoang man wfar took the old method of passing bogus checks, receiving goods and change over Ibe amount asked for them, fie purchased a pair of ehoes at the store ot Mr. McAllister for ft.50, paying for them with a check of tu, nnd reoeirlng tbe ohnogai at the store of Cbaf. It. Mason 4 Co., he purchased flS worth or plated ware, giving a chock oe the Pemberton bank for $11, and receiving ihs change; at tba clothing .tore of Ifessre. Moors 8> Field he tried to get some clothing In tbe same manner, but failed. The checks on Monday were found to be worthiest; lbs yonng man bos not been teen tlnce.

Tbe Unlrertallil society of tbli city will bold tbeir <,nart-.r centennial oslebretloo on Friday, Haturdsy and Sunday, u\ 1*5 and Wth Inttt. Toe programme of to-day's exercises will Include a ueneral conference meeting al j i'. M. At 7 thlt evening a celebration wil be held lu the church, and an historical ad- drctt will be delivered; this will be followed by B banquet, at wbioh Ibere will be speecbet, lentiiuents and general rejoicings. Oa Satur- day there will be a ministerial conference and reunion In the forenoon. Iiniler exercises in the alternoon, aad In Ibe evening a lecture at the City Hall by Mrs. Lfrermore. On Sunday Mrs. Livermore wilt preach a tcrmon in the forenoon. Intbe afternoon commanlon ser- vice will be held, aad In the evening a confer- ence meeting will dose tbe exercises. 'Ine oc- casion will be one of great interest.


Lowell wttl do ber test for the Boelou mf-

Tbework of laying the attar plp.t io Low- ell Is being rrotecittd wltb vigor.

The executor of tho estate of the late Capt. Colvocoresies bu begun a salt against tbs Phceols I'i'e Insurance Company of Hartford, 10 recover $80,000, the amount of life policies held by tbe deceased |n that company; the action Is brought In |be Superior Court for Lltcbnrld countv- Tbe executor proposes to show that the captain wu murdered, while DM eofspany claim to l-e able to prore tbat mlcfde was premeditated; the progien of Ibe eai* will be noted with Interest-

earning and wft of their genial precep-


The Merrlntacb: Mutual Insurance

Company, whoae olHoe is ID this town,

loat $8,600 by the late fire in Boston.

This amount is only about ono tenth of

their surplus I'uml.


Beard was born in Wilmington, Hay 13,

L788, and was 'married in 1812 to Ben-

jamin Xeedham, of Andover, They had

four children, only ono of whom is now

living. She has always enjoyed good

health, and is now able to perform light

work, although hur mind la impaired ami

her memory unreliable. She had an

aunt who lived to bo 102 years old.

Susannah Clark was born in Chelsea,

Nov. 8. 1775, and Waa married to Peter

They had eleven children of whom six

are still living. She reads without

glasses; ber mind Is remarkably re-

tentive. She had fourteen brothers and

sisters, several of whom lived to be more

than eighty years of age, Ono of her

slaters hud fifteen ohildren of whom

twelve sonn grew up to manhood. An-

other sister at her death was !):i years

old. Mrs. Shnttuck is the oldeat person

in town, and Is now with her daughter,

Mrs. George Bradley.

Tbo funeral services of the late Sam-

uel T. Cooper, Esq., who died in West

Newton on tho Hth inst, took place at

Christ Church In thla town, on Monday

alternoon. Rev. Mr. Thomson, the

rector, oftloiated, and besides reading

the impressive burial service of the

church, referred in a few appropriate

remarks to tbe worthy traits of charac-

ter possessed by the deceased. Mr.

Cooper waa well known in thla commu-

nity for nearly or quite half a century;

tor twenty-three years he waa clerk In

tbe Andover Post Ofllce, and performed

his duties In a faithful and accomrao lut-

ing manner. He was kind in disposi-

tion, charitable to the poor, sympathized

with tbe afflioted and suffering, and en-

tertained good will toward all. About

seven years since his mental and physi-

cal faculties became so much impaired

that be found It necessary to retire from

business. For several years past he baa

required constant care, although never

unkind but always patient and passive.

Pleasant thoughts of him will ever be

cherished by bis numerous acquaint-

ances. His remains wer% interred in

the South Cemetery. The following is a list of present and

former residents in this town who are

sufferers by the late fire io Boston. It

is impossible to give the losses of the

different individuals, as they are not

probably known by themselves. There

was large Insurance both upon the

buildings and stocks of goods. Some

of the Insurance companies pay In full,

while others range all the way from

twenty percent- to full payment:— Wil-

liam Hilton, wool; George W. Coburn,

do.; Edward B. Smith, B. Frank Smith,

Hiram W. French, James A. Roberts,

E. A.Mansfield, leather; J. W. Barnard,

B. F. .Taquitb, shoos; W. C. Donald,

ink; G. K. W. GalUshan, furs; Frank

Barnard, worsted and fancy goods;

John Byors, firm of Parker, Wilder &

Co., woolen goods. Thirty-eight oua

tomera of the Smith A Dove manufac-

turing Co., were bnrned out Several

yonng men who were clerks In the

stores, are turned out of employment.

Tho name of Thomas E. Tyler, a deal-

er In wool, formerly of thla town, should

be added to tbe Hit of sufferon by the late Ira In Boston.

The Marland M. Co. loat a quantity of stored goods.

Mr. George H. Beau has for sale the

medicine of Doer. Blunders, a veterinary surgeon, which Is a remedy lor the horse

disease. We understand It has not failed to euro In a single Instance.

Joshua Upham, an insane man belong- ing to Halem, left that city oa Monday

morning, so go to Boston on foot, Tuesday afternoon be was found near

Ballard Vale, and taken to thealmshouae

In thla town. On Wednesday, a dispatch

was sent to bis friends, who oama and took him home.

Charte* C. Blunt has lost a horse by

the prevailing distemper. This .makes four fatal oases In town.

JESBF RUBKBLI.8, lateofNortb An dor er, In tbe Conntv of Kites, CnrJwalner, daeeaaed, and be* takan upon him ■elf tbat trass, by jiving bawie, a* the law rllreou All periona harlni drro*nd* upon the t*Uta 01 laid defeated, are required to exhibit ihe tatrn «nl all i'»-r«oin indebted io aald estate aie Ballet npon to tnakepnrnHM

STEAM LMJNDKY. Lawrence and Andover Aceae.ee. Tbe inbterlbera are now prepared to exeente

all kind of work In (lie I.aundr? line, In anperlor ■tvie, at abort notion and at prices tbat def> com- petition. Tho proprietor* hold thenm-lre* re- apomlbln for :ill fimilri lost or ralilald. whether marked or not. Hadafaetlon fnaranttad In all ease*. Prlee per doien, tneladfnt; three atarehed pl-eol,7Seanli. For further partlcnlara fnqnlr* of our agent*, KdwardHcKar- ■•" Eases Btreet, Ijtwrenoe.end B.8. Whlte.tlBce at T. Henry'*, Stela Street, Andorer. __..„.

A share or public patronair respeotfnlly tolle- tted.


Ha* taken th* orneercoentlr oeenpled by Dr. O, L. liradford.

Ufflce hoar* till 9 A, U., 1 to 1, and 7 to y P, H

For Bale or To Let. The two atorr Dwelllnr Honte between tbs

SoathaniJ LplKsopel Uhurche*. The location 1* abort dliUnoe from the depot and tne be I Id

Apply to Andorer, NOT, 1, lira.

FDRNITURK & UPHOLSTERY, in ALI. ire nnaacHss, »T


<vau, HASB., Where may be found a trooil assortment of Furni- ture, oonalitlne of Kitchen. Chamber, and Parlor Furniture, Hattreaiet, Bed*, lleddlnf, Window Shades, ate. a«.

MBtresset, Leuofea. Sofa*, and Parlor Sets made to order, or repaired and apholatered.

Desk*, Table*, and odd Piece* made aa dedred. Curtain* trimmed and MM, Carpet* laid, and "enersl .Jobbin* done.

Second-li aad furniture boa* ht and sold, Uoneral Jobbing done

__J|L.__. ol all klada received and sold at Pabtle Anatlon

Good- tetli

be afforded ■everything aold aa low a* warranted at represented,

Aaeatefor the eelebraU JONK9' FAPX HPKINU BED,beat la market. Varlou. kind* on hand.

N B. Mr. Woodman will render any asildano* desired, In purchasing foods In Boston or elta- wnere.

Andorer, Jan; LISTS,

J. LOW ELKIN0, V. D. Beepeetrallr Informs the eltlaeas of Andover and vicinity that he has opened an odee at lira- par'* Bloek, Main Street, where hole ready to an*wer all eaUs la the line of hla proteuton,

MKS. B. L. TAPLEY Basins r«mor*d to tha store formerly occupied by John Horrlaon, In NwllV* bnlldinf on Main Street, would respectfully Invite the aitentioa of her friend* and (he public generally, to the Fall and Winter itjlca or HllllnerT carefully seleeted.

I n oo nn ectlon has been added a choice atock of Fancy Good*. Wa shell endatvor tu praaeat the taott reliable styles, and lntroda.ee Ihe novellle* of the laeson OS fait aa they appear. The Worsted Department Is mad* a specialty.

Una. B. L. Tari-ar Hue. K. A. IIAKSOBT.

Andover, Oct. U, W7i. tf


The bat I MM of tbe late Hersaen Abbott having passed lu(o the band* Of the subscriber*, they will conttnn* to famish


and other articles connected wltb tba bnilntit, promntly mod In tba latest atylas and flulth.

CoSnaBBd Caskets Bnlahed In oil, waa, or aov- erad with broadcloth.

The attention of the trad* resneclfully (Ollclled. Prleta a* low aad Snltti a* good aa l* to be found.

WOODMAN A CUABTKEE. Keat Vorth of Town Hall,

i ndorer, ntaee., Ost, M, 1S7I.

Wanted to Hire, for two or three years,


Addreet Box l»7 U* 1ag»

Steamship Lines. PASHAOB eeenred sin. Anchor, National,

or White Star Line* at lowest rates, between LtvcriiDol or tHuaitiiwod Boatoa or Sow York.

Draft* from IJC npwardij also, prepaid oartlfl- esMa to New York or Boatoa.

lor farther particular*, apply to


AVDOVHB, MASS. Andover. Hay 17,18»,

A Splendid New House for Sale In Andover.

nsBtna The betntlfnl iwo-slory French root rjIL IlOUSK.lnil btilli, near the depot, Is for Hal sale. It 1* UitO, with nn 1. litxil, and

nopper- . ft ha*

ill the modern convenience*, and It In erery re- lied an attractive and model residence.

UKOUUK FOSTKH, Andover,Uet. II, ISTS. tl


WlDSUDAT IrE'n, SOY. O—OKD. MulKIS- Al.D, of England— Bubject, BonsnTBunns.

PBIDAT Kvu'u, HOT. lfl.-itnn HABB1ET U. 8TOWE—SBLECT KKA HI M ....

PBIDAT BVB'Q, Dor. A.-RKV. UKO. IIKI- WOH'1'11-Subject, la be announced.

MOM DAT K v >:',., D*c. 30.—Pitor.W. B, BILKS, Subject, SCENES AMONII THE Hunt Ai.rs,


COHCEBT—Time to be announced. Ticket!,(entitling tlir holders to theianitleal!

throughout the eour»e,)t3,uiu,Dd #2.W, jccording lo loeatioo.

Tickets of admission lor tin- coursi, fi.lM, JfW a .Ingle evening, SOcents,

One-half of the center end part of the side •i«u wilt not it reserved,- but will Lie open for in hoar previous to eeoh entertainment to th* hold- •re of id mis .ton ticket*.

TTckrte now for .sic ut W. ¥. UKAl'KK'S. Andorer, On. 11, le7H, u

Estate Samuel llailey. Notice ia hereby given,thnt tba subscriber bus

been duly appointed administrator of th* estateul SAMUKI, BAILEY,

late of Andorer, In the county of Essex, jrora.u, 0* Ceased, and ha* taken apon himself that trait, by glrlog bondi, M the law directs, All persona hsviog demand* npon the estate of *ald deceased, •re required to exhibit the um«: and all persons Indebted to *ald Mtale are called upon to make payment to

QEOBUE FOSTER, Adm'r. Andorer, Bov.S, 187.!. at

A Sltcatlon W mated, Hy a young man aoouatomed to the earo ui homes and woald drive a carriage or wagon.

Apply to KEV. JAkM THUhtl'Sim. Hector of Christ Church.

Andorer. NOT. H, 1 o7i. if


The subscriber baa taken the Store on MAIN Street, (recently occupied by Jonathan Swift,) wh*re be baa for aale Drat elaai Canned and other FRUITS, C*H faction err i Lanpi k Lamp Fixtures, TOYS'cj FANCY GOODS, togetb' with a f r*»t variety of other artlelc*.

aW*A ehara Of public patronage reapaetfally

WALTER 8, DONALD. Andevcr, Oct. «. 1873.

WILI.IAIH V. STARK bag* to inform bit namaroa* customers and pa olio generally that ha haa received all tbe

Latest Fall and Winter Styles in MILLIilSrEire-,

notoiraro HATS, FLOWERS,


at price* that will be mra to merit a iharo of public patronage.

Ho haa, la aooordeaoe with many wlaliaa, added to hi* itock the

"W"orsted Department* including all Fancy Article* for Worated Work,

A fall line Of

Hosiery, Kid and Fleeced Glove*.

Belli, Ties, Collar* and Cuffs,

juit received.

WILLIAM V. STARK, Opposite Foil Office, Andorer.

OOAZ*. The aabtoriber bai a aopply of COAL of diff-

erent ilsea and quality, which be will furnish cuttomera at a reaaonable prloe and short notice, (Jrderi may be left at JOHN II. CBAHDLEB'S periodical atore or at my realdenee.

JOHN CHANDLEB. Andorer, Sept. fl, 1673.

TEKKENOE HENRY, Manufacturer of

Aleo, dealer In all Unit, or Pur- knlture. Black Walnut,Cheatnnt Kasd fine Chamhtir Seta, con- stantly uu band. Upholstering

1—e In the neateat manner, and

pni op If desired.

Opposite Memorial Hall, Andover,

TBBBBNCB HIBBT, Auctioneer HI goininienlim Merohant,li now pre- pared to sell Heal Estate or Personal Property at

NOTI OE- The anbserlber woald reipeotrully ulve notice

lo the eltlsens of Andorer and vicinity that he

Fashionable Hair U renting Room

opposite Bean's Hotel, ELM BQUABE, next door to Bart's Llrery Stable where he will be happy to receive and attend to the wants of customer*. By strict atteatlon to buaineaa, snd by faithful en- dearors to plesae, he hopes to deserve a fair pro- portion of public confidence and patronage. It will be his aim to keep a Drst clam estebll ah merit, sad the publlo are lorltcd to give him a trial.

(LT~ Particular attention paid U> Catting Lediee' and Children's Hair.

P.8.—Toilet Shampoo,a new mode of Cleansing the hair without soap or water. Try It,

GEORGE H. UBBILL. Andorer, Jaa. fl, HOT. tl

For Sale or to Let. The Lead and Buildings on Pearson street,

formerly owned by HEBRON ABBOTT, and known as the "Cryital Palace" property. The building la 100 feet long snd 30 wide, with oak frame, and cellar under the whole. There are two good wall* upon the premfaei, and a itreot run- ning entirely around the building. If not lold, a portion of It will he let for atorlng Roods. It would make an excellent ihoe or carriage manufactory. Apply to .1UIIN RAO AN, near the premiaea,

Andorer, Sept. 30,1672. tl


ht anufaetarer of Express, Market, Batcher. Store, Farm

and Business Wagons. SB BapsMaj la all Us hraaehae; and all work

varraated ae represeated. Andorer. March H. It71. tf

Fair of the Ladles of Grace Church, j

The lsd;ns oi Grace church hold a fairs*, ^sunders Hail OQ Wednesday ariernoon and erenintz. qoltt u number of psople having no

'■•.:.'■'.:■ with thu cburch \m:;.-. present on Oth occa-iioag. ThtJ arraDg«raetitt bad been

ma<l« with ,. \.-:,-,- to prumotlnu stmivement and social . ., i,,..■,■.. iur tho tln.u, as woll U to present sttraclions of aucli u character as

uulil draw trie wallets from the pockei* of liltor., ..i' :':-,jiji the wallet-■ iho money they .....,'i'-,, - :.M>i more. The tables were pre-

aideti over by fbarmlnK yonog ladles, who needed lo do litllc more thai smile tbeir tirigbl-

to coax every gentleman into bay- ing. The tables were as lo]k>w<:-On tbe Ight on entering the hall WHS the candy table,

proslded over by aHis Dana; further un the ght the "grab bux," a recepta'U in which

wete a large number of packaitos, any one of which could lie taken on itta paiment of Are cents, this was presided t^rar by If 1st Hart. (>n the opposite s.Ji ■ the ball was s I'sncr table corered with all binds of fancy wonted work, and presided over by fclrf. J. F. CORKB-

wcll, HIH Ellen Payne and Hin Nellie Un- bert. H.'-Vc thit WM the flower table, adorned with u number of choice nonquota on which there wan an extensive ran, Hiiiee Packard and Siltiiuuio in charrTe. A beantifut ailrer ice urn, with salrer and bowl, from the estab- lishment- of Meier*. W hit ford & Rice, was on exhibition at Ibis Uhle, n be presented te the paymattor or anv of. the mills, having Ihe hlgbeit number of rjt», TiS balloting was quite brisk during the evening, ten cents con- ferring tbe right of suffrage. At tne close cf the polls the vote stood as follows: J.fJ.Bow- key, 41 Mr. above, 80; Mr. Ralllns, ST; Mr. Hall, 103j Mr. Clark, 281; Mr. Newhall, 748. Whole number or rotes 1.100. Tbe plate therefore became tbe property of Mr. Newhall. Tbe next table was presided over by Mrs. A. P. Clark; this was alao a fancy table; a beau- tiful collection of small water and oil color paintings were lor sale here- Tbe next was the arrow table, a sort ol loitirv affair, presid- ed over by Mlsi Abbott, and largely patron is.) J. Tiiti Universal Expres) Company, another in- stitution of tho fair, did a flourishing builoasi, notwithstanding the prevailing epidemic among Ibe none*. Trne, the packages de- livered were not largo, but they were numer- ous, snd the express messengers were sept bnsv. One rather peculiar ltstnre of this ex- press butlnees was, that none of the packages delivered were prepaid, but all marked C. o I).,—this was where the fun came in. The express business wea_ managed bj airs. T. M. Coggiwall, very appropriate, Un. Whttford, Miss Annie Monioo, and Hiss Dodge. The Pott Office waa another point of attraction, presided over by Mitt Belle Browning.

An Interesting feature of tbe fair was a mai- raerlc seance, at which the audience ware on. tartalned with a lecture on phrenology, in which tome recently discovered organs "twttt- atlreneis" *and "dlsappeaiatlveneai," we be- Here, were commented noon, their location shown, and their functions described- A sub- ject procured from tbe audience, with whom and Ihe operator "there was not any collusion," wai mesmerised, and the wonderful power of tbe ptycologlcal science demonstrated. This waa a highly amusing feature, and contributed ranch to the enjoymeat of the occasion. Meters. T. Leland and J. Clark ware charged with the responsible duty of carrying out this ■tlenilflc portion of the entertainment. Tbe fair v.-ii qaita incceitlul, end while it was designed to be profitable, It famished an occa- sion for innocent and thorough enjoyment.

EDITOR AMBMICAK :-I wai greatly interested lo the com mn nisei I on of the city Mlaalonary, pub- lished aome weeks since, and commented upon by the ps^rs of our city, Tbe agitation of lha pub- lic mind in regard to onr national and Mete, alee* tlon*, and on aecoont of Ihe dlaastrona firs In Bos- ton, haa presented, I fear, tbe proper considera- tion of the aabjeet then presented. That subject waa tbe neoeaslly of making larger prorlalon for our City MI»filonery,the sewing school under hta charge, the Band of Hope, end room* which are absolutely demanded for the care or yonag children during the day, that tbetr mother* may go to I mill, or go oat to wnibtng, etc, tn families. Tbi are many very bard eaaea of this character in c city, and 11 wonld aeem thai the ehrletian charity professed by ao many among us, ahould be nwek enedtodo something for the relief of the** moth era and their children. Bsaldea thla, rooma an needed for our evening school*, once under the charge of our City Missionary, but now sustained by the city. This we regard s permanent organ! aatlon, and tbe city mnst and wilt take care cf It. Tbe sumiiit of Ibe etty hallJs not a At plaae Tor

»i ■ aohool | having no means of ventilation, tbe become* not only ofTemlr* but terlou.ly Irjnrl to the health of tbe oeeupanta. Tbe portion of

tbe school now occupying rooms ■■ our Grammar ochrwiihnn.-. ■—i uelisf tie- elaewhare. number there collected, are tome who are oarslesa

maliciously dlapoaed. The derangement of book*, the loss ef some, or of erllele* used by the Grammar School scholsrs, are complained of,

uot some plan be adopted by wbleb ibsae acbools may he provided tor, and at the name lime

> of Ibe city mlealon be met I Cannot tbe city anthoritlaa, aaalsled by Ihe benevolent and

hatltable of ear elty, provide a building which shall furnlih roomi for the evening school*, and alao rooms for the various wants of Ihe City Mis- sionary ? The former the city should provide tot; lbs latter should be tbe charitable work of benevo- lent and chtlsllaul y disposed eltlisns. Tbe build- ing required might eost 1*0,000; let the eity, which lias prorlded each buildings for our Are depart- ment and euoh a police station house, say to tbe clllieni, " We will unit* our efforts, and make a suitable prorlalon for our evening school* and lbs oily mission. Aa soon as SlO.ooO are subscribed lor this object we will aid our StO.Oo Ithnsa botldlng be secured of which the elty mny well be proud, as showing its determlnatien to do what it can towards relieving the wauls, leereaslng ibe in- telligence, and thus elevating tbe character ot onr whole community.■ I make these snggeallons; some batter plan may be proposed—but something, I am persnaded, should be done by us sa a elty, and by n* us oltliensjn regard to tbs asveral Items mentioned above. Civis,


The Boatd met Mayor Dsvta In 1 PU

Ittports—Qttha committee on semen snd drains > the petition of B. C. Xoyea for a reduotlon of

ajty p«r eeut. of aewer bs-csameot, favorable; at-

Ordtri Atl'i't- -tl—That chanter HO of the atatatea or 1EI: in relation to tbe change or time In balding lbs annual election be accepted, and the election be ordered for Tuesday, Deo. ;trd; that tbe Mayor be authorized to Increase the forci of night pillae for

Ilttotulion— That the city treaaurer be authorized to make provision by temporary loana for tbe pay- ment ofthe elty bonds, paseed to enrollment under an a pea* I on of tbe rales.

I'ttitkmt-Of G. A. Nelson for leave to enter a drain luiotbe Broadway aewer, granted; of Henry Karrell and other* for a flagstone croeslng on Broadway from aonth comer of Valley etreet.ru- f«rr*d to committee on street*; ofJohu Fallon and others th at tbe name of Tarbos atrset b* ebauged to iterkely street, referred to committee on streets; of Jonathan Craven for a street Itabt at the comer of Jackeon snd isrbox streets, referred to commit- tee on streets with full power,

Adjourned two weeks.

Common council., i TTEDHKIDAV EVENI*O, Nov. '*- I

Tbe Council met at the usual hour, preeldest Sir - gent in the obalr; absent, eoanellmea Dane, Doe, J. L. Webster, Kmerson, ilanrabsa.Desey.Bmery and Abbott, Paper* received from the Board of Alderman paased In concurrence,

Itsiotution.—The salaries Of the several city of- fleers for the year beginning on the first Monday In January, lsT3, thall be aa bersin mentioned, to be paid quarterly, and not oflener unless herein other- wise ordered. Prorlded, however, that it any i ni- cer shall serve for a leas time than one year, then (inly each proportional part of his salary shall be allowed.

Bxc. 1. Tbe salary or Ihe Mayor absll be at the rale of tlfteen hundred dollars per annum,

SBC3. Tbeaalary ol ihe.city clerk ahali beat Ibe rate of |t,003, which shall be in full for hi* ear- vtees and all assistants be msy require, and be •hall account for all anms of money reeelved in bis ofllclsl capacity.

Sac.3, The eelary ol Ibe city treasurer ehsll be nt the rate of $2,000 per annum,which shall be paid In fnll for perfonalna the d.ii<■ or *»y treasurer and collector or taiea, and he ahsll aeeonatfor all monies reeelred by him aa treasurer snd collector.

Bar. 4. The salary of the elty auditor shall be at tbe rate of $7oo per

BXO. A. The salary of olerk of the eounrtl shall be at ihe rate of gl°0 per nnnnm.

Sac.«.—The salary of'b* eity marshsl shall be st the rate of SISOO per SSrtWm, and be •ball furnish s horse and carriage for the use of the marshal and hi* deputies, and all fee* as wltnsss or complainant •lull be paid tbe oily treaearr.

HKC. 7.—Tbe salary of the elty solicitor shall be at the rate of fjl.) per annum.

BKC, 8,—Tbe salary of tbe eommlsloner of street* shall beat tbe rate of $1600 per annum.

Sac, 9, Tbe salary of the elty physician ah ill be tbe rate of gtOO per annum, and he obeli furnleb all medtolnaa used by him In performing the du lie* of said offlee. .

Bxc. 10. The salary of the etty messenger shall i at tho rate of glOOO per ananas, wbleb Is lo In-

clude In addition to bis daiiea the ringing of the bell for school and church, and he shsll account for all m on lee he may collect for rent of tbe city hall.

Bxc. 11. The salary ot tbe aupe/Iu lendent of the cemetery shall be at th* rate Of $ lOCD, wUch shall be la lull for all eervlees; and be thall aeeoaat for all monies rteelred In hie official capacity.

Bat-, f;. The salary ef the elerk of the Board of Aaeseeor* of the poor, shall be at tba rate ef STOO

Sac, IS. Tbe salary of the luapeetor of milk, shell be at the rate o f t'ii per annum.

8kc. It. The salary of the sealer of weights and meaaaree,shall beat th* rate of »>W par annum, and no fees shall be charged for any official duty he eha.ll perform.

0X3, I.">. Tbe eatery of tbe chief engineer of the Ire department ahall be at the rate of 8250 per hnnnm. That of the assistant engineers (76, eeea.

Bxo, IS. The *alary of the superintendent of ihe Are alarm telegraph shall be at the rate of #300 per

Sxo. IT. Tbe salary of the esaeeeora absll be gsoo each per auaum.

Sxo. is. Tbe compensation of the assistant at- teaeere shall be S3 each per dsy while iher are employed.

Bxc. IS. Tbe Board of aaseasore ahtl I be paid three fourths of their salary whenever the nollee- lion book* shall be completed and delivered lo Ihe oollee.uir*. and tbe retaslndar OB tfas flni day of Nov.

fafwEW MEAT MARKET ThaSabierlber hereby Informs the eltliona of

Andorer and vlrinlty that he has taken the shop lately oeeapled brVaipey Brothi Mala and Central Streets, where he will keep for sale a large aseortmeat ol Meat* and Vegetables. Articles dellrered when desired, free of charge,

11 . P, IMII.T. Andorer June t, 1*72. *tf


The bernlag of North Andorer Mills, ie Match last, awakened a deep Iniereat In iur com to not tj, which culminated In the calling of a town meeting to provide oorselvea wltb more efficient mennaof dsfsndlng our property and homes from the rev- sgeaof iblaanrelenllea* destroyer, Are. Tbe meet- lug was well attended, and barmnnloas Is action. Benjamin F. Sanndera was chosen Moderator, and Messrs. Eben Button, Joseph M. Stone sod Moses T. Stevens (msn who largaly represent tbs business and enterprise of tbe town,) war* ehoeeu a com-

iltiee to purchase a steam Are engine and appsrs- las, and alao to prorldea suitable bouse for tbe same. This eommitlee si once aooiraoted wltb the Amoskaag Maaureeluriug Company, of Manches- ter, N. 11., fur a second class machine, to be named Bben Bntton, wbleb was for th wl th bu Hi and deliv- ered. Ills unique In design,beawtt/nl In Holsh, and masterly lu action, being ao discredit lo she honored name It bear*. The second oiaase of this committees' daty bae been accomplished by erect- ing a very neat, commodious, and wall arranged building, apparently complete la all II* appoint- ments, and meettag the approval of all those most laterested.

Tbe flrat floor U divided Into three rooma and a stairway. The steamer is located la the centre room lo tbe mala building; la the west wing Is the bole carriage; In tbe east wing tbe book aad ladder Carrie*-* end apparatus, each well adapted to Its ■se. Theho**Wwer(wklohl*Qfly feet high) aud atalrway occupying the rear of this floor. On the second floor si* I wo smell room* In which uniforms are kept, and a very taste folly famished ball hr tbe use of the company. That* are tn this hall a flae oolleetlon of large pictures, ooBSlstlng of four ehromoe, two of which were given by J, A. Wiley, Esq., Declaration of Independence, by Cent, Hodges, departure ofthe Pilgrim Fathers, by Caps. Geo. B, Merrill of Lawrence, also four others, bril- liantly representing the active and praiseworthy lire ore fireman. lo Ibe front or the hall and over a large and elegant mirror bangs the photograph of chief engineer Taylor, But the last one of which 1 ahall apeak, Is a beautlfol fell else port rail of MaJ- Bben Suitoa, who I* deserredly popular wltb thla company, having used bis abundant meana freely lo this as well as la othsr snterprteee. The com- pany attribute a large share of their prosperity to his kind attention*. Tbs flior Is handsomely ear* peted; a marble Mp ceatre table, elegant window curtain a and obandeller, tof ether with arlUleelly papered walla make sn attractive room, and that reflect* credit upon the aompaoy.

Tbe sgjtregnc of expenses In furnishing the bait la S110O, npon which the company hold sn Insu- rance policy for SMX). I.aal Friday arurnooa. Nov. hib, the Ebon tiulion 8. W. Begin* Company, No, I, with Coablekewlek Sagusa Co. No. ), aad other Invited frlenda. Including tbe selectmen and engiaeert of North Andorer, mat at ths Been Bat- ton Steamer liouse for tbe purpose of dedicating their new building. At 1 o'clock the lines ware formed, and aceompaaUd by the North Andorer

through the prtnelpsl si recta of Major Khan Ballon, where Ibey

were hospitably aatenalBsd. Aa eeoort we* ten. dared him to the hall, and aooepled- The erenlag

raa pleasantly passed In social eblt ehet, Inter- iperaed with brief remarks from several gentle- men present. At nlns O'clock a clam chowder (one of Mcljiiasilou's heal) waa announced, lo which three handred did am pie Jattlee.

The officers of Eben Bu lion 8, V. login.Co., No. I, ere at follows: Foreman, L. N. Dnobeenty; Asihriant foreman, A. A. BUby; Clerk and Trea- surer, J. f. Kirk; Engineer, 8. I*. Metieefttoni Assistant engineers, J. Kellcy, BenJ. P, flsen-

MKBRT'S Mcitisi hsa been united to the Youth's VoniBatiion, of Hoe ton—a union of the two oldest of ouryoutha' publication!- Nathaniel W111U, father ot N. P. Willie, flrat published the Com- panion, nearly fifty yesre sg-o— snd, to- day, It Is one of the tprlgbtlleat sod most enterprising sheets In tbe country.

CHUHAL Union rehearsal next Wednesday even- ing at High School Ball. All member, see psrllc- ularly requested lo be prat eat.

y. E, CI.AHBX, Preeldeat.

i**Bii»inc*o 'Notice*.

One Case of Veil Bhlrts Just opened at reduced prloe*. BTBoa Tuvii.t. a Co.

Veewt»t.-Thit prsparatlon 1* eelentllcslly and chemically combined, and ao strongly concentrated from roots, berbe and barks, that tie good effects are realised Immediately Bftar commencing to lake

reasonable doubt eaa BOW "1st of the great Of Bsaetander's BaaBa.for tho removal

or eoanteraoti ng nf kidney, bladder aad glaadalar diseases, meotal and phyateal debility, leeu le com plelata generally, and all maladies of the ariao- genital organ*, for family physicians of note cos- alder It to be tbe staadard remedy.

Mary Wood, of Chicago. III., haa earned wltb a Wheeler ft Wilson machine, la Sse yeara, over t»,00e; aa aver age of f ao a weeSV^

B. A. K 1.1,18,

Begs leare to Inform hit friends, tad the public, that he wlllglve hi* entire sttentlou to Teaching the Organ, Piano, and Voles (upos the Conarrva-

_ \V. - - kinds or Musical Instrument*.

Orders left With Dyer ft Co., or at Koom No. tl Maanders'Block, will receive Immediate stten tlOB. 1UBOV1&.

The Tl.tbiicu eauclte, IOB KOVKMBBB,

Will be randy Saterday, Novrmber llth. it oontsln* a fnll neoennt of tar Park Memo-

rial Uathsrlsg, and other local aestter. V or sale by fl. B. Harris, and E. O. Norrl*.


Dry Goods & Carpets.


ORAP DK KTII-A beautlfal soft finish material, psrtirulsrly adapted tor aalts, In all the arw colors. Also, a lu tl line of





In great variety,

Crestons, Csnbmeres,

Thlbsts. Empress,

Crapes, Coburga,

ABd a tall line of


Briiliantines and Alpacas,

reeet. We give par-

Dress floods Depsrhuent,

aad feel we tan salt tbe asost fastidious taste,



Dispatches froea evei has Oeen reeelved, aad roatomers that every one of them ll all right ex- eons, tbe Howard of Boston, which hat toot every. thing. i Polley holders will please bring their policies

to me, and I will give them Strong >Ih**!l, Sriro- Me Companies,



The undersigned wlshea te express hit heart- felt thank* to hit many friends, Tor the elegant testimonial bestowed npon hint on the evening ef Nor, 1Mb, assuring them that thil expression Of their friendship will ever be remeHbrred.

3. M. NEWHALL. Lawrence, Nor. 14,1171. Jlltnlo

We have a very rich story to tell,—one that will eaaae onr jolly rentiers to shake their aides with laughter we are certain, and we im- agine we tea one gentlemen at red at a boiled lobster already. There It a gentleman in tb.li city who hat an agency for washing machines. Now In order to tell a washing machine It It neeaeeary to show Just what It can do, and consequently washing machine agentt have frequently to do a washing before they can tell. With a good washing machine we nndertund as agent can do any ordinary washing in half aa hour- Well, oai friend, tho washing ma- chine agent,went npon to the "Plains" the other day, and eoon succeeded In gaining the ear of a buxom MlUvlan lady, who wai per- isetlydel'gbtjd with the machine. She prom leei to bay one If It could sccompliih all l a1

he clamed tor it. "It will ma'am," ha i aid confidently. "Then c»r.'t yea come an' do me wathlu' on

Monday, and let me ise how He uul.l ihlog worst?" thesddei.

"Certainly, mndim." replied the i ulne and gentlemanly agent-

In the meantime ihe gentle Mile lip lady called tround her her netghrxri, as the l'dy who foond tba piece or Mirer she i.a l lot: did, aad laid noto them:

"Armh now, st,' btgor-y, in' time's tte foineat gentleman In Ihe world a comln' to do me waihin' on Monday, an' to there i-, sn' ho'f got one ar yet ral-de-ma.ral-lr, to he hat, sad he's gain' to wuh me within' nil alone wld hlmseir, In twlnty mlnltt, 10 he If, to bring In yer dnds me darllnu, and we'll give him the dlvll't onen work to do, to we will."

The other laf let canght the Idea, and when the agent made hit appearance early oo the Monday morning, he found the clothes In readluesi fur bin to begin. 'I'was then seven o'clock,sod he washed and washed and washed ; the mnchine did lie dntv well, but II teemed at If that washing wonld never come to an end. The mo, which icitture l the mitt* of tbe morning, rote np high in Ihe heavens, atilt be washed; the orb of day patted tbe meridian, aad itlll the clothet came in. Hoping lo tell a machine, be said nothing until half past one o'clock, when a crowd of women came In npon him, and with imilH and cnrtetlei thanked him for the labor be had eared them.

"And didn't yon Intend to bay ibe machine r" he saked of the buxom Milesian lady.,

" Sure, an' If mesilf aa' me frltndi c'nbbed together we couldn't raise as mnch as M bay Me handle," said aha smiling.

We are sorry to sdd that that machine agent hat tamed out quite a •wearer.

A Pleasant Heating.

EDITOR AMKBICAB.—Itlsnol tbe largest meet Ingalhat stir the fountains of lore Ihe deepest oi make the best impressions on the bisrt.

A fsw evening* since, s lady teacher In tbs First Uolvsrssllst Babbath School, In this city, Invited her olaaa, her pastor and his wlfs, and a few of bar friends to rlalt her, which la her custom twice a year, (snd a very good custom we think,! and spend a little time at tbe festive board, and men to paaa the evening In religions oo overs* tlon, setvet resdlog, singing, Ac

And ss one after another contributed to Ihe In- telleelualfeaat, on* of the da**, Miss Nellie Kll- born, who was expeated to read or speak for tbe edification of tbe rest, earn* forward wltb a very large and beautiful photograph album, presenting It to her teacher, with tbs following neat sod aalta- able speech I .lfr«. Kimball, our Fritnil nnit Ttachw*

You have ao often and In so many wsys manifest- ed your kindness to us, year poplla lu the Sunday Bcbool, where we bsvs enjoyed so much, and wa •Uu trust reeelved ao much profitable Inatractloo, and so taken us to your heart and home, making ua feel Ihe warmth of your affection, snd tbs generos- ity of your hospitality so much that we feel a stroug dealre to leave with you, not sa a recom- pense for jour fidelity and love, for that ws cannot repay, hut as sn acknowledgment of ths msny fa- rors ws have recrired.-aomelhlng which msy el- enru you that we appieelate you ss our teacher. Be pleased, therefore, to accept thla album, deslg- nstedtoboa memento and fining rseeptaele for tbe sun pictures of friends. And, aa It may be your privilege lu .;■ mii«K dsys to turn ovsr lie peg**i seeking to reeall tbe lea lares of thoss near and dear to yon, may It so remind you of thoee who gave ll as to enable you to reproduce In yoar mind *nd heart brighter snd more pleating pictures or those, who, by your Instruction snd love, bsv* adorned th smashes with Ihe beauty or holiness."

to this time, ths recipient had no reason le know er to think tbat any present waa to be of■ fered, or soy speech from her would be expected, and waa therefore very mush affected, as may well be supposed, but after a moment was enabled lo mike a soluble acknowledgment In lbs following well ebueen words: ■ MJAjl Itar Young Fritndt:

In receiving this album, as a testimonial of your lots snd i.lf, r.tlon, I llisiia eseb on* of you for the kindness and attention than man Hosted toward me. And In future msy we, sa teacher snd pupil,erar be falihful and prompt to duty, aad press on In tba glorious work of the goinel of onr Besveoly Teeeher, and when our labora are Aolshsd tn this Ills, HBd we are celled lo that higher one, msy "• all meet In sn unbroken band In lleavea."

-,, e.sn

Tan BtTDEMDOarr CONCERT, on Tuesday evening, wai a thoroughly enjoyable enter- tainment, and tbe appreciative sudieno were very generont with applause, lllnett pre- vented the attendance of Karl Walter, the pi- anist, bat hit place waa pleasantly filled by Howard M. Dow. Madame Rndendorff wai In excellent voice, and won the mot* cordial ''■monstre"""" nrm- —*• -ri^—-uur. Her Interpretation of the irtna, " Bobert, tol qne j'aimt" was marktd by great Intensity and dramatic power, and an encore wet vigorously demanded. In which, at again during the even- ing, tbe accompanied bertelf. Later ebo tang tba touching ballad," She wore a wreetb of rotes," which the gave with feeling and effect,

Mlti Alice Falnnan tang exceedingly well and established herself ae a favnrlte with the audience; Mr. Bpragna bat a line voice, end

ted It with skill and taste. Franlefn TLereee lobe, the violinist, with her plowing face,

■weet demeanor and marvelous execution, fairly divided the notion with the great vocal- lit, and charmed and delighted every listener. With scarcely less skill and far greater emo- tion and enthusiasm than Camilla Urso, the poHeateta wonderful delicacy of touch, sweet- netl and refinement of expression, placing her in Ihe very front rank of violimiii, nan ren- dering ber part, not Ibe least enjoyable of the evening's programme; we earnestly hope the may visit onr city again. The concert closed wltb the carnival trio, happily rendered by Madame Rndendorff', Mitt Falrman and M-. Bpragnt.

THS Finn ALAS*.—Again bu tbe Ore alarm become a nuisance. Tbe absence of ita sound at the fire of Thursday, upon Tower Hill, waa explained by the superintendent, who charged carpenters at work npon a home where ibe wlree wen placed, with not leaving the tame at they found them. But at tbe flraon Satur- day the alarm wai aoandei from the Paper Mills, and It struck three times*then twice, and again three times. How long this need- late tronbte It to continue ji difficult to say; bat wltb aa approved apparatus, coaling many Ibcniindf of dollars, and with a sufficient sal- ary appropriated for in can, wo think no cause oan be attlgned the present itatt of strain, than gran Ignorance ot tbe working of t be alarm, and the sooner thla matter It attend- ed to tbe greater taturaetlon wll' be menifeeted by onr tax-payingdlixeni. Ills bed enough to be deprived of hone fleth to draw iteamen to a fire, Without misdirecting firemen at 10 Hi location.


Cox OKATCLATOST,—;On Friday evtnlng, Nor. 8th, the friendi sad eoattttnenu of Mr. Charles Ferity of Boxford, representatlvs elect of the 5th Hues district, comprising the townt of Georgetown, Groveland and Box- ford, aitembled In goodly numben at hit res- idence to eongratnlateblm npon hit erection, and n-j Jic-e with each other at the gratifying result of the election throughout the itate snd nation. Mr. Parley It sn Intelligent, wealthy and enterprising cltlren, and tbe estimation in which he It held It mfllcienttr attested by the large majority given him, notwithstanding the boltlog and disaffection of disappointed aspi- rants for the nomination.

Tbe large attembly, Including many ladles. were soon Invited to the dining hall, where a ta'jlr, appeared, decorated Wltb rlgwin and loaded with viands, sufficient In quality sad variety to dtligbt the heart of the mott fastidi- ous Epicurean.

Mr. Parley In a brief address, welcomed Ihe tt to bli house, thanked them for their

support in tbe recent election, end Invited them to parteke of the good thlngt then pre- sented. So reaaonable a rcqu.'st wai Si once complied with, and after the appetite* Of the mott Inietlable were appeased, Mr, Oigood of Georgetown, called the eiiomblv lo order, and introduced a* toaitmaatar, Mr. Jamet Web- ster or Boxford, who Introduced eantlmenu that called forth responses from Messrs. Ten see?! Oigood, Flcketl, Wildes, end Helton of Georiaiu-.., nuckney, Ward well, and Curtis, of Groveland, Parley, Pearl and others o f Boxford; longt by the " Boquet of Artliti;'" tolot by Henri. Ojgcod end Root or George- town, and sn original poem by a well known lady of Boxford, doted tbe literary exercises of the erenlag.

Mn. Parley, the botiett, received many well deserved compliment* for the evidence of tatte and skill apparent throughout the house, and at a late boar the assembly diiperied with expression! of mutual admiration

LKVTUBIS —The truiteet .of Pgabody libra- ry announce that by Ihe munificence of Mn. J. P. Daniels, arrangements have been made for a conrte of lecHnrri to tie given at Music Hall. The arrangement! already made Include lecturei by Prof. Morse of Salem, (Jen , Haw- ley, Senator Paterton of New Hampshire, sad George McDonald. Reading by Prof. Chnrct- ill, and a concert by tbe Obrer troupe.

SCHOOU— The present term of .the Gram- mar and High eehooli close* this weak, the primary baring closed last week. So fir as examined, tbe schools appeared Is excellent condition, and the committee are highly grati- fledattae pleating reanltiof the term. The winter term will commence on Monday, Die. 3d.

THBBOSTOI* JonnvAL or COMMBBOB, the now commercial peper of whl;h only iwo num- pera have been Issued, were unfortunate lu lotlng tbeir office In the great conflagration; they have however, promptly steered s new location, St No. 12 School street, and will issue the next number without InUrruptlon, on Sat- nrday.

'White Fund" Lectures.

The Ninth Annual Coarse of the " Whit* rand " Leetarea (free to the Indues,rial BsBBMi of Lawrence), will commraoe oa Wednesday even- ing, Diumber Mh, isrs, at M toB a'eksek,In the City Hall, aad rostlnseevery other rTedaesaay ev*B:ag,antllthtcoeraeof six loo tares la eons

Tieketi or admission will be distributed te tbe corporation! as heretofore: to others by lot, at the City Hall, en the Setarday afternoon prior te each lecture, at 1| o'eloek.

Tteketsfortheelergvmenof I.awresee will be reserredby the Chairman of the Trait see until to'slockol the seeming ef the leetire: if net then Billed Iur, will he glren to others.

Theflrsileetnrewillb*t(lven by Rev. W.H. 11. Marray, of Bottaa.


Lawrenee, Bov. IS, 1S71. I .iwls

Special Notice l! To BelIders, Carpeutere. and otheri who may

be moving or raising baUdlags. If In moving or rslslag buildings yol eonae In

contact with the ^ * ' Firs* Alarm Wires

yoa are requeued h> notify immediately, BAMDBL DAVt,

SflBt. Klre Aiarrn, t'aevS No. 10, llampshlre at

TrnlsBlaB School.


The horse disease It abating. The annexation of Bradford It sot yet con-

sidered en impossible thing, by tome people, Diptherla preralli to tome exttnt In Haver-



Worthy of Imitation.

The following nott ancloelng f 10, wee n* eelvtd by Bsv. Mr. Caihmun, on Friday:


re^T^SIew-^ ,., their roam. Your, r-peelfally.A , „,

TBK BAIT BOBTDK ADTOCATB, sdmlnbly conducted paper tbat It is, comet to ne «■ large I. with a handsome new heading, and other evidences or a determination to ««"»- generons patronage aad rsputaHoa for |»»ne spirit and enterprise.

KXTKA EIHTIOBS.—From ■pedal re- porters who attended tbe scene of tbs great fire In Boston ttundsy, we were ensbled to present our citizens with extra

editions of ths DAILT AMRBICAN early Monday morning. There belne; no op- portunity "f'communicatingwith Boaton, our newsdealers only had tbeir iitnal ■apply of Boston papers, and there was a decided run on the AMERICAN-during the forenoon, neceesltatlng three thou-

ssnd Itnpreaalona to aupply the demand. The afternoon edition also, had a Tory

large salt. , ■'»*♦*■■> ■ '

Tin: HOUSE epidemic la abating In this ally ss well ss else where, end tbs animals ere fast recovering. The horse oars be- gan tbeir trips between No. Andorer and Metliuen, tbll morning, for the first time tlnoe the diaesse made Its appearance hers. The horses ot business men. ex- press compsnles, Ac, ire again being broaght out and put tn the performance of duties, some of which have been neg- lected, snd others bur. badly performed at best. In the absence of the horse. There Is little doubt but that the disease will soon. entirely disappear from the city, and It la a matter for general congratula- tion tbat se few fatalities have occurred timing 1U stay.

THE follewlBg otffoen were bwtalied la fi- delity Temple of Honor Nn. n, fhataday iven- Ing, NOT. T :-Jot. T. Nichols, W. C T.I W. B. Bead, W. T. T.; Geo. P. Wetkg, W. B.; R. C Barrle, W. A R.; O. B. Boot nan, W- F. B.| Jriia Heaven, W. T.; Walter Miller. W. U.; M. M. Houttoa, W, U.U.ii.o. Flih. W. 0.; Charles C. Colt, W. S.; L. h. Wood, W- C.

STKVKMS.-Ialhlsolty. Mor.Sth, a eon lo Mr aad Mrs. Edward W, Biereaa.

ULEABOB.-In thla elty. MOT. llth, a tea to BenJ. G, and Elisabeth II. Olaatoa.


1I(1WARD-LANQ.-In tbla elty, Nov. 13th, oy Ber. Clark Carter, Mr. J. B. Howard and Mtss Lydla Maria Lang,both of Lawrence. Ho cards.

WIIITAKKK-AI.l.KV.-ln thht elty, Nov. (Kb byttev.L. P. Cusbman, Jobs W. Whltaaar, of Boaton. and 1'bllo Alley, of Lawrenee,

SPUBB-MBBCEB-IathU city, Nor. Mh, by Bar. Ceo. raoksrd, Mr. James H. Hpnrr W Mia* Haenah M. Meroer,, both of Lawrenee,

DREW~ETBEBBD«B,-In this elty, Nov. Kth, by Bev.L. r.Oashmsa, Mr. Milton A. Drew and Miss Lltile L. Etheredge of Lswrenoe.

DORFl-EB-flOOTT^-ta thte eHy, Nov. 18. by Bar, Gee. Packard, Mr. Peter Dornar w Mrs. Ellen Seett,both of Lawraaos.

HMITU-ktANNINQ -In this elty, Nov. 1Mb, by Ker. T. T. Meager, Mr. Wm. P. Smith, Jr. sad Miss HalUaa Manning, both of Uwrenee,

JOBRgON-WABBUBTOM,—In lhi*ally,Nav. Ittb, by John B. Uoagh Pldgs, Mr. Bobert .lohnson and Mill Klissbetb Warbnrtoa, both of Lawrenee,

EATUN-HMITH.-Ie Ureea, Me,,by Rev. K. O. Eaton, Mr. Charles B. Eaton of Hallowell, Me., to Mlas Lluls Smith of Bangor, Me.

KMERY-WBITTIKlt.- In Weal Boifcrd, Oat. SI, by Rev. 0.8. Better, et Georgetown, Mr. Fraaklla A. Emery or Lew rent*, lo Mies Betsey P. Whlttler ot West Boifcrd.

There win he an eaealaettoa of eaxdMatee for Suh-Teaohera ia the TrUolag Bchool,at the High Bnheel room oa Thartday, Nov. aiit, at I o'elocl r. M.

(1. B. HOOD, Sept. of Sdioola. Lawrenee, HOT. if, 1S71. jTSaTuflt

W* ekallgWepsu-tiealar alteatlou to making nice "armeiits, harlBg lha best Cloak maker In the

elty, and have In ntoek, Beery sad Light weight

BEAVEBS, wbleb we will make to order at the

famlllei and house keepers we have a tall if

Domestic Goods Linens,

Flannels, Quilts,


Lace Curtain*;, Ao

Alto a large assortment Of

"W OOLBNS, In Broadcloths, Csshmer*., and Water Proofs.

Fftttcy (toads Bep't Wa have opened tale week

Jackets, with & without Sleeves, Hoods, Csps, Tippets, Clouds, Mitts, a full

One of Fleece lined Hosiery, Glores. Ladies' and Chil-

dren's Underwear. Vest a, Drawers, I'ante-

letts, M , &0.

To aU wantlag

CAEPETINGS, you ean tad Rraaaels, Tapestry, Three Plys,

Two Plys, Extra aad Mediums, Kemp, Straw aad Oil Cloths.


Nos. 249 and 255 Essex Street,


Drawing School.. . All persons desiring tolotn an Evening Glass,

or Claaiee tn Mechanical Drawing, err Invited lo meet at the High ricbool Unit, on Monday Even- ing, HOT. 11, at ■ o'eloek.

JBetate of Timothy Denney. Hellee ll hereby given that the eubecrlber hss

D*en aaly appointed execatoeof the will of TiKinu V DRSJRKT.

lateofMethaeala the eonnjr of Essex, Tailor, deceased, testate, and hatJtakea upon hlauell that trait by glrlag bonds' as the law directs. All person* baring drmaais upon tbe eetate ol said sVeeeatsd are reqalradte exhibit the asms: and all persons Indebted to aid estate are called a pon to make payment to

•. G. rUtOKBT. Execntor. Methuen,Mov.lB,Io71. f

A88IGNEB or Dxai

Real E IN OHI*T R,


... Crawford, of at Public Auction, at

Hollo* Is hereby given hat the undersigned, assignees ol the estate ' * Chester, Bankrupt, will a .. Baebelder'a Motel, la Chajtei BATIIKDAT, MOT!

At M o'slo* Tho HOMBBTBAD, sit .led m cheater, eon

Ulnlngaboatt I-S aaree,'-— **—


state, N. H.


fining Dwalllng, With Ban and ___

iodernslrle,alaoo*tofi oatSS0,O0O. The"JOSBFU MOBS) rABX '- (ae called:,

tiled,) in Saadowu,

*■ Porter

anted IB Lot."

The" Steves* Lot " (so containing aboat Mas res.

The "Dearborn Let," a elsvmg the " Morse rarm,"ln Chester, oontsln ig ahewt t I 2 acrea.

S seres Woodlaod, la I LBBOWB, celled the rletebar Lot," A term la Aubarn, ealle the "Merrill lam,

ooatalalag about ISO acre* ! woodland and pas. *—taw.

_ Timber Lot in Aubnri _ Lot." eoatalalng about W i ret.

The "Crawford Lot," I Cendia, oontalnlag aboat 100 acrsa of wood, 11 ber aad pestering,

100 nerea of Weed aad Tl bee Land la Baaui N. It., known as the"/dl, kBille.'

ALotofLandln Cbeets called the " fireea eel wood and Urn-

at Hall's Village

With all other

Lot," containing a boot 11 bar.

The" Bell Lot,' In Cheat

.— Bay artioles la onr bands aa __


Maneheeter, N. H„ Kerr.TlS7S.

The anderslgaed, asslgnsi J. M*ivla. Baakrept, will al tloa.atsam* time and pis the shove sals,

ofthe tetsts of T. sell at Publle Aac-

i, ImmedlaUy after

A Wood I*et* rontalaitg about 3 acret, Sltasted at Sosth Woods, in Chester. Also, tbe rlgflst to one aadlrlded half of ts* Basse oeeapled

nissv*. eiLli, ■l-V. BAB BOB:,

N. H., Nor. 7.1»71. Asilgaeei, Iltl.ltnl

deaths*. Hll.L.-In Uwrenee, Mar. ftib, Tobias 0. UU),

formerly of Andovsr, aged 47 years, MKBROW.-Intblselty.ath insi.. ITheodore C.

wife of Loreuto 1>. Merraw, aged H years. RHKIS.-ls thla city, Ner. mh, Mra. AanU K„

wire of l>r. Wm. E. Hlgge, and daoghler of tbe lite Dr, B, D, Uayse, aged SS yrs.

lUJBSELL.—In this city, Ber. llth. Infant eon ef Frauk and Loralue Bnaeell, aged l& weeks,

BIH)KroBD.-In North Andorer, Nov. Mh, sod. dealy, of heart disease, Baanah T., wire of Han- ry Bpoffbrd, aged 70 yrs.

Ct>OPSR.-In Weet Newton, Nov. Mh, Samatl T. Cooper, Esq., formerly of Andover, sged 71 yrs, • moa,

BIXBY.-In North Aadorer, Nov. I. Jomts Bliby,

ROBMINB.-Is Anderer, Nov. to, Mrs, Catharine

It Low, aged H yrs, 10 the laU MDor J

la linnkruptcy. IMatrlet of Ml..., si.

The undersigned hereby give notice ef their ap- pointment as assignee of tho eetate of

EDWARD P.MOBSE. of Mctheea.la said District, who has been ad- Jndged a Bankrupt on his oWB petition,


ffSwaovt AeaeSHKN!





Dress Goods,




Gloves, &c,

aU of the BEST QUALITY, which ne now offer

VBBT OHEA.I\ and Wbleb we ooaBdenlly assert

Cannot be Egunlled In Ihe City.






sslested with SI'KCIAL KltrKKKSCt: to the Lawrrace trade.


SIS E„ex Street, - - - Lawreuoe.

Ag.nu lot th. Ewi I)J. Hou».



Fire Insurance,

la lIMIubl** CousiaaDlfB.

..^ttiit, Hartford, COBB..

AasetB* IfOesee In BoaloB,



Home IBS. CO., New York City.

A.sell, gt.OOO.OOO

llo.ton, STOO.OOO

Ins. Co. North America, Phil. Peon.

Assets, |3.400,OUO

Lasees la Ho.ton, #1,000,000

North Britiah St Mercantile Ins. Co,

Aaaeto, BIO.000,000, Mold. Loteas In Mealan, BBO0,OOO

Springfield Fire Insurance Company,


Aeeeta, |l,00O,000 Louses In Boston, 1350,000


lor adoption or to take for a term \ err latereetlngglrl, aboat H years of ai Itifurf laqolr "

Kxeealor's Sale of Real Estate lit LAWRENCE,

ByTlrtBeefalleeosefrem tba Pro! I shall sell at Public Auction, on Boti oember list, UK at 3 o'eeloeh P. " premlaee, all tho Real EstoM of Then late or Lawrenee, la lb* Coaaty of State of Maaeaehasstli, dseeoted. t_ situated on tho northerly iMa ef Oak told' -

hare been aewlr painted, and will always rent for a good price. The lot Is bounded, lonfkerly by Oak Street, easterlyhy land of Tbomnif, Wal*h, northerly by a passage way. aad westerly by land of Andrew hlfieau.

A Iso a lot of loads') by W ft* I, iltm westerly side of North ()sk Street, Is rente, and Bounded oa Ihe eaet by tl» » line ofsaM Berth Osk Street, on the torth by laBdofMlabaalKsBBedy. oa the weet % lend or Catherine BMkey.antl un tbe aonth by laud ol Stall a lllekey,

Perieueaolrou. ofunrchaalng are iarltrJ lo examine the Bratteriy at any tins pravloaa to th* sale. Conditions, S100 nt eala, the balance In thirty asyi.whon the deed will be deUveted.

AMBROSE KOaaiTKH.Es'r. Lawrence, Mov. U, IS7X, VSw

Tor Sale. At Archibald'* Wheel Go's old stand, Msthurti.

Running Parts for Team Wacom, of nil tltti, Aleo 1 complete, all with ths Archibald Wheel, imp let*


Bone 'arm a/aggoa lh*IA *Lh..l ■'

Orient Insurance, Hartford,

Assets, $030,0011

Laatea will not impnlr la pita).

D. 8. Swan «. Son, AttlNTS, NO. 7, Lawrence St., Lawrence.


JOIIfl J. DOLAlll), nui.m IN


CMCBTXVT COM, for U... B.ra.r.—. Ur,* lot for ■«!• ... j rh.jqj.

o«ce—Hill ,ir«.l. Lawrea...


No. 305 Essex Street,

Corner of lawrenee,


hat trteotod a Large Assortment of Line Goods for

Fall and Winter Trade.


■LTIIS I. " .i tfe.


■UCH .1



ff7*AH gooda warraaledl lo give oat* infant ion.


constantly on has a and madt to order.

Havta-Straw, Velvet. Fell and Paris, I 24 cents t»e*i«.«-i™ H»»nir- -.,

BaTCal] nad rxamiae before parehaslag.

A iso a fall Ita* ol

Ladiea' FurnishiriK Goods,



KOOM PA.FSXIS, of every tirade aad Quality, at tbe Lowest Pitoei at


1SS and 843 Essex St., Lawrence.

Window Shades. Painted Cloth. Hollands, BnsUes aad Paper

Bhaeei; also, ths Best sad Most Approved kinds

'CURTAIN FIXTURES. Picture Cord aad Fielurt Knob, at


Account Books ft Stationery In every variety at


PICTURE FHAMES ef ovary description mads lo order at


Corner of Essex and Pemberton St.

A roll line of

Umbrellaa ft WaLking Canes. Umbrellas and Parasols Repaired,

Tags and Faney i.ooda of eeery dc- Borlplloa.


228 & 230 Essex Street, 2d Iloor From T-o.'-offirr.


Haccc.sorr to

CAMPBELL * TAYLOR. Hare boagblar*nof the WAnTHNGTOB; MILLS

Shawls and Dress Goods,

■- sold si Auetloa la Mow York, i ueh below the cost of uaaufactu

LADIES In want ol a UOOD SHAWL OB DBEB8 at a low

lignre should lose ao opportunity m Inspect- ing our slock.

PLAIDS, 2» cenU, worth BT, AO A 87. POPLINS, ao eents,


BhRwls.Shawls, Shawls. Woolen Shawls- * $1.87 Cnsfamere SbawU, s.76

Americau, French & British Goods In Strip*, aad Plaids.

Black Alp HOIK, A BrilllniilliK-s.

We ksek the largest stock of those goods in the City,every brand imported, so ladles ean have any choice, and prices that defy competition.

MCenta to tho nest made.

A lioml, All Wool Blanket, l.ir,.. HI... Ar W.M>.

PRINTS, F<it Colon, > and 10 el.. GINGHAMS. Bert, 12 and 14 ell.


BEST GERMAN COSSETS 65 cts JOUVIN KIDS, 75, warranted.


MA vim SAdllUS g CAPES.

A large sleek ready made, lathe most approved Preach sad New York Styles.

Mantlae, Saquee and capea

COT ft HADE TO ORDER, In the newest design* and most artistic manner,

aad at oer woll known

Low Prices. Customer* ess rely on having tbeir garments aa

herein staled,

Small Wares & Trimmings, IB EBDLBBS TABIETT.



228 & 280 ESSEX STREET.




A.W. KTEARN8 afeCO. are opening

Fine, Ele-gaul ft Cnesp fioods


Weorn ogrrtng SPECIAL BABQAIHB In onr ailAWLUEI-AKTHKNI siHlbeaetifsl

Uoods, Also ths Ijtrnrst, PJeweal,

.vtohi Hrlrcl nnd lit-irrihlr Ntock of

DRE8M OOUDM, at TrmpUnffly Lew Prleoi.

BlanketBi FlannelHi aad Lfoelrobie Warm Hoods tor the approaehing

cold *.atber. We have to* largest snd most complete assortment of

Carpets & House Furnishing Goods to be found. Prom the

Beat SnglUb Body BnueelU dowa through the




it Common Qualities.

Allot which w* are disposed lo seU at


Wo wish ||dlstiaelly andrnood that oar slock la large nnd eholoe la each speotlty and Depertasent, and that we nlrdi;r onr patrons aa good Qeodo and dr.trabla styles, at aa low or low- er prioea than lloatoa or Bay other market, Osa- ll-mnnly and honorable trontrscnt Be.

Joel opening aa m meat of

M» TRIMMINGS, LACES* (JIMPS, Very Desirable,


One Prioe Only-



lTir«t C'.IIILWM Work. A. W. BTBABBB k 00. have opened the Burnt

as wall si tbe LABOEBT Assortment of Strictly Pine Woolen* ever displayed la this elty, ombrac. lag BEST Preaob. London, West of P.trglsnd, Scotch and American makes of Over Coat- ings, Vestlnjgs, Coatings and Panta- loonory, to which we would InviU the atten- tion of Ueatlemen In Lawrenee aad vlelelty, assiirlng them that they will Sad tho most nobby and Stylish floods to aelrct from; and wo are prepared to make Bp Coals, Foals, Vests and Whole Salts In the llo.t Stylish sud Finished M*nn«r « moderate prices.

A. W. BTEABHB 4 00.

Oanae—B] iml toelf

■atnie Jarnea Deaoy.

itor of the will of JABB1 DEACT.

tonty of Essex, merehsBt . . ins taken upon blmaeii

that trail by giving bonds, a* tba lew directs. All

1st* oil.si deceased, testate, nnd hai

persona hiring demo ado atpoo) the eetsto ol eald deeeaaed are required to exelbll the name i and all peraona ladebted lo told eetate are sailed upon to make payment to

TIMOTHY DBASY.EXM. Ato«ce Whl.B, klt()\,

Lawrenee, Bor. llth. ISTS. flat

WtA AM P-' *»T. Agoate waatod I All SO flssV olasseiof working people, of

either eex.yoaug or old, make more money al work for aa la their spare momenta, or all th. lime, than at anything else. ParUealors free. Address O.STlBflON 1 fH)., Portland, ■alas.


IMPORTANT irnsjprcii



Itywptfwia if gwIsaosMrp Tstoer.i,*

RADICALLY CURED |With (** sBllxIr J. V. Dsrnard

•f Paris. I In formation Alnatrnctlons leBtffree) I to all who desire 11 by oddressiDg I k. Bernard A Co., Bole Agents, Pp. 0. Box UU, *l Iv-Jrfiam St., A'. T


SAY TO THE WOULD That what peopls hare been looklag for am seeking after for the last hundred years haa st last been foead and eaa be had at


Boot & Shoe Store. Tlse I'ainiiii.

"Water-Proof Boot Por Ladles nnd (lealI*men, made of tbe Repellent

Laco and Button UootB, Cat la the latest alyle, nod warm nnd eomfortl- tle. Call and see them at

Frank Knot's Boot and Hboe .Store,


No Soap ever made ban net with aach siceene aa


The large Bales that are daily made and l e Increaalng demand Tor It are th,- neat proof* that It has ao equal.


Millinery UFanoy Goods AT


164 Essex Street, Lawrence, Mass.,

Three doors below Jackson Bt.

S TRA W, FEL T £ YEl, 1 J? T IIA TS.

Alexandria Kids in on* aad two betttni, which we ore still eg CUKAP.

Miss HATTIE CHATBURN has charge of oar MIUlBery Department, and will be pleased to Me any of ber old enalomrn,


puzm FOR A $60 SUIT!

UTorcoot, UntMr Coat, Pan11 and Vest, to bo given Gratis, to the person who Prat eolres tbll Enigma, correctly, prior te Christmas, 1*71,

At tho "GLOBE^ Nothing House.

RCY it—or, .1- ten tltlok you'll guci* X ik

_n*snjla1 Oim, Two, The,*, Dock Q— *f

Y'lutij M.-n, or Osananaan, a

f OCU ahsfeo, ^f jnjJT Jji [f,(Jjf 1^]

ttlr-.tis ALL tuij "Trj1 it en,"

tl,.- i.li.iu.. v.-vj^i-ro rronoeel

,Uer iiiu Ml |oM|

Jl-;;T:il\(; la eanap St«a- n

'ow isrlsta able] mil m)* w

IP a'I we Ueepi-wo-r,. sure rf Udl

■ Hi; p«.r-it'r.lnfH.-u'..utel(l(«l!rM

|ard I) ,1..| nut 'irrlu i

: CAS \»- fjuBil-tlwiinh.-mil r

lo glos. U galnel-n-lt^ait sew* w«*|ir_ iLOOK-orrner, Vise, Tm.T,-, rlaee- f? 4 •S Urn . ivIserK I



We are BOW rcoeivtng from factory oor N.-w

Style* of Use Plxturei lor Churehne, lltlli and

Private Dwelling*, ceaitillag of Chanlsjter*,

11 sllLll;iits,Peti dauls.Brarkets, Port aU.'SUnd.,

Drop Lights, etc., which wt offvT lo the Trade

and the Public it tbi WHY LOWBST Priors.

Alia, a large assortment of Krroseae Ooods at

Wholeiale asd Retail. lmleodc*7ih

MihEV\KV,HU,UU»a\(o. 5(14 Washington nad 8 Harvard tttsfel,


Teacher of Pianoforte. Reeldomoo—TI I.swrsars U. SmVoll*

Horse Disease Dcu't Erloct BURN HAM'S PRICES.

Look at hit targe and Btw Stock of F-A-LL OOODS,

at prioea that can't bo boat.

Mrn's, Youth*', nnd Roya' Overcoats, Prom 13.00 to 2tM Dollars.

A Largo and Bow Beoek of

Men's and Boys' Suits.

NEW STOOKOF PANTS, la tbe Latest Stylet.

Bhirts and Drti'werHi Very Cheap.

HATS rTrui CAPS, la great variety, lor all agee.


ULOVJBB* PBETlNtsS, aad every thlag la the farnishlag gooda line very


B UR N H A Sdl'S No. 103 Essex Street. USICATHED III FIBE.

TtOOERS & ALLEN, Wind.-salt Uetlrrsin

KKAIIV BADE fl.llilll.Mi. At their Old Bland

10 Faneuil Hall Square, Boaton, (Opposite Pnaeall Hall.)

Bavea fall line of nKSlHAHK OOOUH at FORMER l-KtrHS.

lint on* other Wholesale Kilabllsliaarnt of th* kind la left In tba elty. tltnorltnb

For inlbrruation abont failed Companies

Call and me



PBBCRALDBOB - • - *)i.M HALPOBALDBOB • SjBt ■ABBBL - • •'...•**


Orders reeelred at the (l«*a of the L.IW«KJ.:K

8 AS COMrAXY, Mo.til BnenStreet.

I' i f.n -U OEO. I). CABOT, Agent.

Tbe beat book of Its olass erer published is

WORDS FITLY SPOKEN, by ROT- W. B. H. MCBRAT, Pastor of Park etrs'l Chnreh. Bostoa. Jt Is the meat popular and beat selling work tn this market. Oocd Agents Wsaied. Addrrst, I. N. KiehsMs.m I Co.,Ko.eWCornhlll,Bo*ioii,M*.. , and Bo. til Olive Street, Si. Looli. M. teod*4wollab


AD VANCE COOK 8T0 V£, Uageea New Portnblr Kanffo,

alargsstuek bought be late the advance, cn.i iu

be sold LOW by ^Ufll


Mo. 889 Essex Street, Ijiwrenn .



nr.4t.Ka* tn" :

Oopper, Iron and Olass Ojlonder

PUMPS, ut .11 kind.. AIM I.

l.KAD I'IPK, TIX-tlNKI) I'll'K,



Corner Hampshire 6j* Essex Sts.t

LAWRENCE. fsmaorl /

"(She Hftmetican. LAWRENCK, FRIDAY, NOV. 15,*79


A fire broke out in tue London Hills, London, on Uoii'iiT.anJ riwd destruction to properly to the amount of one hundred thousand pounds. Kldht or len person* perished In a burning building, which fell In while Hie? were »«lit- hiC In citlsKntihlnf the flte.

Senator Sumncrbo* left London to rint tome frland* in the conetrr before LI* departure

Ninee the terrible eui.iHgratlun 01 ;t

year ago, laying waste s<> larjei* H por-

tion of < "hii-h'j.t, liow mqtnilt lias been

l.In; exclamation, thinking of the aolid granite fronts ot the commercial dh-

trlots oi lite capitolof our own Mate,—

" It oouM not happen in Boston.*' But

despite the confidence In ina&eive walls,

In luuposvd lite proof edifices, and in a strong and skilled lire department, acres

of the most Imperishable ot Boston's

warehouses .arc to-day only smolder-

In; ruins unJ broken piles; the ap-

pliances were unable to reach unri cope Tor home. He sails Tbur*d*y In the steamer ■ w|u, the flames In the start, and once Baltic, from Liverpool to New York. Ills i ipread[nj[ they were speedily master of health Is slightly Improved. , (he 9lU)t,ioili ,.,.luo. out tbelr pathway

An unkaown Begro, ronflntd in Bhwd»tll», i0f desolation and woe, and to-day, the


Sixty A< rcn Burnt Over Loan JOO.OOO.OOO.

On Saturday night the citizens of Law- rence had tbelr curiosity aroused by the appeatance of a brilliant light hi the southern horizon. Many were the con- jectures as to the cuu*e of the pbetiomo- uon, and after careful examination of the light) the conclusion was reached that a large fire was In progress between here and Boston.

That It was a luri/o lire there could not be any doubt, but we think It was hardly for a moment expected 'hat the Hames then seen were fed by fuel from the fairest portions of the city ol Boston, the Athens of America, and that as the forked tongues of the flames flashed their reflec- tion Against the sky they were lapping up in their fierce Ir.'n.'v, wealth that could only be measured by millions.

KT-> J*l'> en the charge of attempting to out raa;e a jonng lady, was taken from Jail, Sun- day night, by a patty of Htixns, ami banned.

Una of the participants in the late rebellion at Forrol, Spain, has been sentenced to dcatb aad thirty to I m pn seamen t. Three hundred bad previously baM transported to the colon la*.

Avery Plummet and wile, ei' Elllsburg, Jet- 'arson Co., N. V., tell from sn express train near Terra Hiute, Intl., on Friday niybt, and were killed.

John Taj lot's saloon si Concord, N. II., was burned on Sunday morning ; two men sleeping la an upper room, narrowly ew*p;<l with tbelr Urn,

The return* from Calllornl* thus far give t;rant over 10,000 majority; Virginia gives (WOO, and Louisiana, all.

The examination of Alley, the supposed murderer ol Hr. Kiln, has been po'tponed until the .'lit of Nov.

Boston it receiving otTers of assistance and exprwiiloni of sympathy from all qusrterj.

A cable dispatch reports the Ion of a vessel with all hands, off the Scotch coast.

The St. James Hotel at Coopentowo, N. J., was burned on Sunday night.

The "tranqultlty " of Spain is again dlt- turbwd by the Carlisle.

The horse disease in abating In various ports of the country.


The farelm governments requested by Orest Britain to co-operate In the movement for the suppression ot the Keel African slave trade have sent replies expressing sympathy wit i the cause, but declining U unite in the active measures contemplated by F.niland.

Steamship " Helvetia," from New York Tor Liverpool, bos been towed into Falmoutb, Kng.,after being blown off htr course, and n*ir>wiy (i avir g wiack tn the French coast. OBI ol her tailor* was killed in the storm.

Den. Heade bad a paid up life policy for flood In the .F.ma Imurance Company ot Hartford, which was glveo to biro by some of his Philadelphia frlenda In 1W0. The money will soon be paid to his widow.

Perry Hasty, of Paco, lie., committed aal- clda in the Portland Station Home, Saturday afttrnoon, by swallowing a portion of his shirt.

Urn. Virginia Miner, or St. Louis, has >ned an election rrgleter for •lO.OOO damages for re- fusing to allow her to regteter.

Memphis is making war on the gambling bouses, and tbe Mayer himself bos been ar- rested for licensing them.

A ipeclsl session of too legislature be) bwn called for Tuesday next.

Vive feet of snow boa fallen 'in tbe Utah mining region-

Texas la conceded u> Urtslcy by '20,000 ma- jority.


A severe gale commenced a: Bangor, Me., at eleven o'clock Tuesday nigbt, raging through ton ulgbt wltn great fury. Schooner Seraph wax blown ashore and carried away her rudder posts- It le reported that two or three olbors aro atboru below. An unfinished homo In Olenburn was completely domollabed.

In conici|uenca of reports of cholera In tue •ouitiorn part of Austria, the Italian Govern- meat hei issued orders requiring nil vessels ar- riving at pun i in Italy from the former coun- try to undergo quarantine.

Horses In New York, recovering from tbe catarrhal fever, have been atiaokoJ w»*> » apeciei of dropay. It la supposed that tbo twelling isoccaslaned by poison still lingering

In tho system.

The American iloet will winter in the Medi- terranean. The Hagship and a corvette will lemaln at Marselllee, and tbe other veaeeb itic fleet at Toulon and Vtllefrancbo,

Tbe steam mill* balonglnl to Clark a> Hous- ton, at Plymouth, N. H,. veined at SI 3,000, were burned during the it irm Tuesday niitbt, Intured for sjnllOfi. Incendiary.

A New York divlue says tbat the Mavana lottery robs this country of a million dollars

yearly, which goes to Cubs.

The captain general of Cuba has ordered tbat all persons accused of incendiarism "hall be tried by conrt martial.

Much damage wee done to shipping on tbe Kneluh coast on Vredneaday nlgbt.by a heavy gals which prevail- .1

FRIDAY . A tremendous gale vlilted tbe Prussian

coast on Wednesday night. At Sirulsund twelve vessels were sunk, tbe (own was Inun- dated and in tbe bight of the atorm a fire broke out among tbo warehouses, which spread rapidly and was attil burning at last accounts. Several lives are reported loit and many per-

sons Injured.

The Peltal coal mine In Staffordshire, Kng- land, was inddenly Inundsted Thursday, while irn men were at work. Eleven miners were rescued, but lwenty-iw,j rcm lin in tbe mines, and there I* little hope last tlioy will be saved.

An engineer on tbe H HUM and Maine rail- road slipped from his enulnn nt North Ber- wick, Thursday, and Islling on the track had Both legs and an arm rut off. He live 1 bat a short lime. He belonged in Wells.

A New York Bohemian endeivored n Inter- view Charles Franils Adams on the Geneva conference, boforo Hat gentleman could leave the steamer Rmslt when 'be arrived. Tbe Bohemian was snubbed.

The GomsMfl OoMell of London 11**0 voted a resolution of r«<tet lor tbs ronllairratlon In Button and sympathy for the wtiolo American people under what 0*0 be. 00 lose than . na-

tional calamity.

Tue Board 01 ASStltail Aldermen of New York on Tbundey tabled a resolution "f the Board of Alder man lorblddlng the erection of Mansard roof 1 unlese of rlriproot mitftrieli.

The American S'eam Stfe Compauv isy tbat ievfntv-tlve or eiglny sales of tbelr make which patted through tbe lire have corns out ilka "Shedraon, Mesbseb, and AtiBdnlgo."

uDbarined- Several western States wire iliocked by

Mrth'iuakoi on Wednosilar.

Bhmartk Is very 111.

imotcuM) wealth lapped up In one night, In nplteol all the appliances uiodern in- genuity could bring 10 bear In opposition Ml Hie destructive element.

1 riK Kl.lvM-AH.K OFFICZ3 were all threateneu by tbe lire, and at one time on Sunday It was thought they would all suffer, i'lte office of the Boa- ton l'llot, and that of tbe Boston Tran- script were swept. The publishing office of Messrs. Tbotnes A. Talbot, tbe state prlntiug office ol Messrs. Wright and Totter, office of the Journal of Commerce, the three stereotype foundries and other establishments of a like character were destroyed. Neltucr ot tbe newspapers will, however, suspend publication. Tbe offices of tbe Journal and Post narrowly escaped.


From a riuarter past seven on (Saturday, nlglit, nntlt noon on Sunday, tbe lire de- fied all efforts to check It. A little after noon the firemen began to get It under

burnloor. \V Sia* explOM' ernl tiresneii" a wuinaa na1-

tbe fire was raging here 'j( were frequent, and sev- Did soldiers were injured; ttfl Martha E. Hutchtnson,

who oonpleruoina over tbe Btore of

Meisra. Shi*, Crump & Ix>w, leaped fn*mlBBlwli*v *Dtl Wfc» probably fa- tally intorci' by tn*> u,e of wrt ban- kets tbsTsto:"1 Jordan. Marsh ft Co. was saved.

suflerlng people of ttiar. city, are btiaily

discussing plaus to Insure against the re-

currence ot anothor like calamity. It Is unlikely that from similar causes,

a Hke conflagration could sweep over

our city, but we are to-day exposed to a

far greater danger from the utter

Insufficiency of our supply of wa-

ter, without which our splendid fire

department may bu found In some hour

of extreme peril to be next to valueless.

A city of over thirty thousand Inhabi- tants, with acres of closely packed

wooden buildings, tenement house upon

tenement hnuse, with not even a passage

way between, entirely dependent for water to extinguish fires, upon the gen-

erosity ol the manufacturing corpora- tions In permitting the use of the supply

secured for their own protection. And

as this has fortunately proved sufficient for all tires we have ^utTcred In the psst, we have falUo tnUt " d»tfp*a -.1 ,:>,-.,«i,v.

from which we are likely to be as sud- denly and sadly awakened as have been

the people of Chicago and Boston. Let a conflagration once get headway

in the solid mass of houiea 00 Valley

street, west of Ampsbury, or on Com-

mon street almost anywhere, with their

proximity to tbe fine blocks 00 Essex

street, and of what possible avail would

be tbe half doren or at most hair score

of hydrants that could be drawn from

and even this supply is likely In any

moment of danger Io entirely fall; the

reservoir on Prospect Hill Is only a

small one, utterly insufficient for the de-

mands of extensive tire, and should a

conflagration threaten during any of the

holidays, Sundays or nights when the canal is drawn oil', so as to Interfere

with the working of tbe corporation sup- ply pumps, a terrible destrnctlon of

property might ensue. All experience, and especially the

coatly lesson of Chicago and Boston, teachcN that tbo way to prevent disas-

trous conflagrations Is to quench fires at

tbe ber>iuuing, and nothing so surely ac-

complishes this as water In plenty and

apparatus convenient to every point;

aside from the deficiency of the present

water supply, nowhere in our city are

Ihero one half tbe number of hydrants demanded for snlety, and large portions

of the city are solely dependent on wells

or petty reservoirs. How much longer

l» this to be suffered? Will not the fear-

ful experience of other cities teach Law-

rence a lesson of prudence and lore-

sight t The legislature hit passed an act spe-

cially authorizing the construction ol

works to furnish Lawrence with a sup-

ply of water from Merrlmack river, and there ought not to be another month's

delay In inaugurating this work so essen-

tial to the NAfety of the property of our

city, no leas than the 00mfort and con-

venience of , the people. The commis-

sioners required by the act should be se- lected at once, and tho winter given to

procuring plan-*, estimates and con- tracts, that the first days of spring may HO ll.fr «**».—*■■« - years will probably be consumed In com-

pleting the enterprise, and every day lost, needlessly Impeills the city, and wantonly threatens panic, disaster and


1'lie woik of preparation progresses

rapldlv, and the public will be pleased

with the prospect or an early opening of

a large portion of the free library; the

juvenile department and of llctlon, have been nearly completed, a Isrge number

ol rreth volumes being added, and as

■0011 os they can he covered and num-

bered, manuscript catalogues will he

prepared lor use In tho rooms, and with-

out delaying to complete the entire libra-

ry arrangement*or print catalogues (Of

circulation, these departments will be at

once opened for circulation, doubtless

early in Ujcemher. Tho reading room

will be opened at the same time. The committee have made several fortunate

purchases ot books, anil when the library

Is entirely ready, It will have a much larger number of books than was first

anticipated. The list ol Juveniles, which

was very deficient In the old Franklin

library, has been handsomely lllleil out and will fairly delight the boys and girls.

When thou who had seen and noted control. This was In part accomplished the signs of a fire awoke on Sunday morn- by using gunpowder to blow up the bnlld- Ing, they were, perhaps,prepared for the '" intelligence that considerable destruction had followed the fire of the previous night, hut they were little prepared for the alarm- ing news tbat Boston was In flames, and that eld bad been applied for, and a steamer lent from this city during the nigbt, to belp check the conflagration.

Such startling intelligence soon spread over Ihc city, and excited groups ot peo- ple began to gather In the streets and around the depot*, anxious to obtain some definite Intelligence or the extent of tbe destruction, and of the prospect* of subduing the lire. The wildest ru- mors were afloat, and huslness men who held large Interests In Boston were in an agony of anxiety to ascertain the loca- tion and extent of the destruction. The telegraph office was besieged; some wanted to bear the news benanse they had great Intercuts at stake; others wanted to bear It ont of sympathy with the unfortunate,and Hgreat many wished their curiosity gratified. Little definite Information could be gained, however, ■ad -W*a--- "•*•■*•* *.----« *.<■•■•- fully distorted as It passed from month to mouth.


The meager telegrams during the early morning, created not a little excitement In our city, and signified by many Idle rumors, became the universal conversa- tion In tbe vestibule of the churcbos and even over the pew rails and across allies; In most of the pulpits the great disaster was made the theme of appropriate re- mark. All the day. there was an eager crowd around the telegraph office and the depots, waiting for news and hoping fot an extra train to the scene of the confla- gration. In addition to the curious mul- titude, there were at various hours, aud in some Instances remaining at tho post nearly all day, prominent idltaenn whose business Interests were within the circle of the lire fiend in Boston, and who were naturaly extremely anxious to roach tin scene ot disaster. The prevailing burse epidemic, prevented recourse tn that alter- native, but Mr. White, tbe President of the road, who was at tbe South Depot during the day.declined to accede to their requests for an extra car over the rosd.

During the alternoon, Joseph W. Smith, Esq., a director In the Manchester it Law- rence road, and who bad very large finan- cial Interests within tbe burning district, telegraphed to Superintendent Merrltt, who promptly ordered


nml a car placed at his disposnl; this was ready at 3 o'clock, and a number of our citizen* are under obligations to Mr. Smith for the courtesy of a ride to and from the soene of interest, and their gratitude found expression in tbe utmost cordiality and warmth. We learn that extra trains were run Irom Lowell, Sa- lem, Newburyport, etc., over otber roads, and from Reading on tbo II. ft M. —but not Lawrence,— whereat there la no little grumbling and scolding.


Tbo tire was first discovered In the store of Messrs. Tebbets, Baldwin & Davis, dry goods dealers, at tho corner of Summer and Kingston street. His thought the lire originated In the base- ment; some say It began in the third story. The building was heated by steam, and It Is probable that the fur- nace was overheated, and started the tire, which climbed tho wooden elevator and made Its appearance simultaneous- ly In all tbe stores. Soon after the fire being dlepttwawei thn uuiliitnaf wae In meWBw*r!w'JiV,^tfnwUH-5r?.^*wrt- efforts were made to extinguish the flames. But the wind was rising, and the burning building threw out *ucb an intense heat tbat the firemen oould not approach It near enough to make their efforts felt. Tho lire was soon commu- nicated to the adjoining buildings, and what at first wn regarded as a aerlous fire, now threatened a conflagration*

MAVOII DAVIS lias ordered the police

force of this city to be doubled a* a pro- tection against tire. The additional

members of the force will receive special inotructloos to be on the watch for fires

and to see that every precaution Is taken

to prevent them. This course Is rendered necessary from the fact that It Is Impossi-

ble to tell at preseut the value of Insur-

ance. As a precautionary measure It Is

a wl*e one, and in acting thus promptly

in such a time as this the Mayor bus done

well, and his action will doubtless meet

with the hearty approval of all citizens.

Bunoaa DBATMI -Mrs. Hannah V. Spuf- forJ, win of Henry HpcfforJ of North Antfo- ver, unJ mother of cfllcar SpofTurd, of tbli clly, died suddenly at htr he mo on Friday last; she was iripaiteii in acme household dulius, and ,-in, Luin ■ 1 of feeling 111; she laid down nn a lounge, and in about nfisen minute* esplred. Her death la attrlrutvd to hanrt disease, ^tie was seventy jearx old, and was a much re-

ipeoti'd woman. M„. Annie fc.Wlfs of Dr. W. E. Rlgga, a well

known dentUl of tbls city, died suddenly kton- dsy night. Sho was »trlcken with naralyils on .Saturday arenlnR last, and rtmalned uncon- Hrlous up 10 the nme Of her death. Mrs. RbjrjrA waa a young and amialda lady; her sudden ji'aih I* a meat lilow to her husband, and will tame 1 lit irtrptst rritrtl among a raigetlrrte

of (nend«.

ACCIDBXT.-Oa Thursday Mrs. N- A.Tai- lor while sagaged at her woik In the spinning room in tb'- pacific Mills, fial her hand cauflbt in a Reerloi:. and cevenlf U'lured; tbe flesh was badly laeeiatett, «■* a portion of oncflmter torn off. Or. Kenniy ilrested the Injury, has bore* of natlna the band.

SCHOOL iioraa *»o VA<-,»TIOIIH— Thf qaea llun uf division of It"- hours ->T «.■' I. and tha aea ■on* forvaoatlon among our public fohoola hai 1.1 .■ .-■ >'li "1 k' i»»'-)i dUTtfraneeof opinion, art IhaplsutiM baanacvarsl ItSM ekwagsi In and fort to mac-h tha rnoai satlafaalorj remit*. Oollun A ly Bfaoioi. by invitation of ili» *Ehool oommtlter * l»r t" UUrubar of parent* and la*cher» met at lb blub ichool room* fur oon*ullatlon upon Ibt* *ub ]«et; Mayor D*vU.eh»lru»»nof the board,pri>*lded,

rr(*rd to hour*, Mr. IVrkln*, prloelpi high Mbaol, warmlf nrge.l th* «ob»lltuliou In that Mhnol of two d*ily ««**lon* la plwe of one a* el pre»ent; hi* MIUUUH, hawicvur, wrre uoSDlmoa.- ly oppoud 10 hi* view, and lh« puplli and parenl* *e«nicd Io b* wholly edv*r«* to Iha two aaaalon plan, a rrmonatranre belna pr**entcd *1|n*d by in in) peretts, while none aakrd for tha rhanfe.

In regard lo.tfse T*c»tlun», »ft»r * ll**ly dl*ro«- •ton, paitklpalid in bv Mtun. l'eiklni, Hrewatrr ■nd »umu of the female leoCS*!*, n:d by .1. It, Katon, l»r. Paeksrd, I»r. Huoipbroy.A. HMfftfa, J. U. Stannanl, N. W. Harmon, and other*, and by the euperlntBii tent aud member* of tba eomralttoe, tnari ws* a unanlmou* espre*»ion In favor of ra- i.iiiiluK Hi.' »umm»r vacation ot nine week*,sever- Ins all of July and Auvoit.

From this point the llamas spread with fearful rapidity towards the north and east, sweeping Suuincr Street on both sides to Hovey & (Jo's, which was saved, with the remainder ot tbe blocks on that side to Washlngtou; on the other side tbe Are crept surely along, swAllowing up nolbrook's, Trinity Church, and eat- ing up the inside of the Mndge Block, 011 the corner of Waflhlngtou, although leav- ing the walls of the latter standing com pletc. „

From this, Washington Street, on tin east side, was swept clear to Milk Street, including tho magnificent block of Macul- lar, Williams A I'arker, and the new Transcript office; at Milk Street progress was stayed In that direction, leaving the Old South untouched.

To return to the starting point, the1 fire extended dowu Summer, sweeping both sides with portions of Bedford and Chaunoy, to the water, destroying the Hartford A Krle depot and wharves.

All the intervening territory, tranklln Street, with Its splendid massive granite blocks, Wlothrop Square, Devonshire, Congress, Kilby and broad streets, were swept clean, tbo very granite walls crack- ing and crumbling to places before the lntenilty of the heat.

At Milk street on tho north, the Humes halted, sweeping around to tbe east, curling against tho now Post Ofllco build- ing, which stayed their progress, escap- ing with only 11 scorching and cracking on ono corner. Then, down Water, leaving tbe building ot the Boston Post, and through Congress and Kilby to State



Here, finally, at about four o'clock, Sunday afternoon, the progress ot the fire was finally checked, the Poet Office huildlng and Sub-treaaury being the

ot the triumph over the devouring clement, Mil lor the first time was it fell that the end had come. The mull* had been long before removed to the Custom bouse, and the I'uet Offlco building was pretty thoroughly burned out.

In tbe other direction, to the east, the flames swept through Tearl and High Streets and that region, destroying most of the heavy shoe houses.

Inge, as has already been stated. By half past two It waa evident that tbe force of the conflagration had spend itself, and though tbe fire still raged with fury In some portions of the burning district, It was apparent tben tbat It was under the control ol tbe large force of firemen. The Post Office and Sub Treaiury build- ing were hugged by tbe element to the last, and here it made a desperate fight, but the firemen worked nobly, and tbe fiend at last retired sullenly—conquered.


department baa been removed to Kan- euil Hall, Postmaster Hurt having ob- tained the consent of Mayor Gaaton to the removal of tbe materials thither, and to occupying it until suitable provision is made tor this important branch of tho public service. The best possible ar- rangements have been made for the transaction of business, and doubtless people will be disposed to overlook any irregularity in tbe delivery of letters until matters »•■•> *"** •t^Lj""


As nearly aa oan bo ascertained the following parties are the most prominent losers in tbls city.

J. W. Edmond*. Kilby street. Treasur- er of Pacifio Mills,—office blown up.

James L. Little & Co., Summer street, selling agents ol Pacific.

Wm. (Tray, Summer street, Treasurer and selling agent of Atlantic Mills.

Geo. C. Blchardson & Co., Devonshire street, agents of Everett Mills.

V. D. Crombie, Milk street. Treasurer

Everett Mills. Lawrence (in* Company's office, Kilby

street. McKay Sewing Machine Compsy, •>-

Congress street. E. F. Page, Congress street, leather

belting manufactory. S. W. Wilder* office, Milk street. .1. A. Bacon & Co., paper. Tbo office of Stedman & Fuller, Fed-

eral street. F. U. Leo & Co., Devonshire street,

with whom Mr. W. L. Abbott is connect- ed, and Harding, Gray & Dewey, in whose house Is M. J. Abbott.

The office or Norcroes, Saunder* ft Co. and or tbe Buseell Paper Company es- caped witbout injury, the Russell*, bow- ever, lost something in the burning of the store of Kioe, Kendall ft Co., Milk street.

Mr. Wilder lor.es about *U thous- and dollars and probably hi* books; for- tunately bis cashier, Mr. Cummings, had a detailed memoranda ot much ot tbe business, copied a tew days ago, in hi* pocket.

Messrs. Butler & ltobloson *ome eight thousand dollars wortu ot wool.

The loss of Messrs. -Uaoon, paper man- ufacturers, will not be large.

Mr. E. F. Page loses some f 12,000 in machinery ami stock; Insured for #8,000. tbougb tu tbe immense loss, tbe latter may be of little wortb. iiis foreman, Mr. Weatou, who resided In Cnelaea, wuut Into Boston aLer tbe lire got under headway Saturday night, aud tiuding tbe store endangered, succeeded In securing a team, and removed the books, papers and eiOUO wortb ol finished good* to what theu seemed to be a place of safety, but before daylight, he was compelled tu move again, tola time to Haymsrket Square, and when Mr. Page emerged Irom the depot, on the arrival of the train Sunday afternoon, he discovered Mr. Westun, mounted ou a pyramid of belting In the middle of the aquare.

1111- bouse to which George Lamb con- KtfioUX IfXsW ^*wa*l^^»i*gg;»

those mentioned, are Perry, Wendell, Fay & Co., selling agent* 01 Lawrence Woolen company, and Nevlns JSc Co., of tbe Pemberton and Metbuen Mills, In Cliaunoey street; the office of the Essex company on State street. Lawrence & Co., agents Arlington Mills. K. K. Mudge, Sawyer A, Co., *elllng agents or the Washington Mills.


Our Audovcr neighbors were heavy sufferers. Mr. .«. W. Smith, of the Siniili « Dove company, finds a number of losses, while nearly all of their customers are among those burned out. , ,

W.C. Douald, Ink manufacturer, lost bis office, and a number of bis custom- ers are among the sufferers. Mr. Donald will promptly answer all orders from hi* manufactory. Andover.

Hiram W. French, and .lames A .■ns. shoe dealers, lose,heavily.

Leland, Allen A Bates, selling agent* for the Meiuuen Woolen Mills, and Mr. Walton's Mill in North Salem, are burned

An esthyaaio 1 !li'cn f"*de ol ,nc >°** br Mr. Joiepb SiBitb,llrra*D °f tbe Board of Street Cominlaslonerlissutes tbsttbt burnt di*-

tncteoaa*risti'ltlj'n « fraction a' 00 acres— or 2,fdQ.Q9o*'iu tset of lead—one heir of which skemld1 deducted for streets and areas, iaevlDc '■"'.000 feet of buildings. Flf-

dollatt ne001 lor "" buildings, on aa arerag*, te a re Price, which amount 1 to «l».I7A,0lt. 1*e times tba veins oft tie rmlldinii will fbably felly cover the lees on tbe stock, sar,'*' '■■'•• °°°. I**v<ng tbe actual loss, 878,100,00

Theeaaawmaif the Board of " plawilMlrtsaW.000,000.

aCsWBtw'ONo TH am

All Jay Mon/ men were busy among tba (■barred raloi, arching for what yaleablse had sseaped thiSases. Measures war* taken to cool the as sameJoaUy before opealag them. In sonn's contents were found unln- Jated, but fa tl greater nnmber ererytblng wa* deitreyedXh* previous location of al- most ever* bo*** home, wa* marked by a card promfaent displayed among the rains, and bearlea; tbetelllgeaoe of where tba busi- ness, interrnpteoy the eondsgratlOQ, would be rammed. I* no easy matter, however, for many te fin** site* on which their busi- ness palace* on stood, and there were many who sought for ur* before fleJIng tbe rains of tbelr store-

TM cT IX DABXSBBa. Tho gsi was at off on Monday eight, and

tbe city lef| Inafluess. Candle* and ksro- rene were resort to by the Inhabitants to ob- tain light, net 1 nneiUwta ew- ■ eoor one for gsj. The hoes, theatre* and saloons which are usually iblSfewltb light dnrlsi;. the even- ing, were all fc laikness. and lb* spectacle was a gloomy en*

MLIS* MXASVaiS ■ have alaawjy been taken, aad afrytblng ar- rangen for afUTiating what dktri* may arise from the eal*tsfty; the generon^ offers of •*- sljunea frses cvsar eltle* hav* ten accepted, and there Is lbtUfw that dbteVe will be el- lowed (o etiat 1QB| an)onic thee who bare suffered by tie connsgrailoo.

TIE XXW* IK CKtCJfO. Adlipatci state* th*: the eeitsment over

the Ore, wiich had partially fabilded upon advice* of nday that It was 'felled, was re- newed MOT*ay by a report tli«- It bad brok- en ont agaat; bit th* report) w** again rt- ll'vil by i dispatch from Brsion, dated at noon llontlsy, oentradlctlng tbe alennlnt.' report. Allth* morning pener* Monday bad editorial* ol w* subject, expraesiarc unbound- ed sympathy for the suffering city whose ready wdlboaadle** kindness towards this community nader a similar aDIiCtlon, I* so

" *loi our citiiaos. of tbe citl«ni Monday Maj-

Sbott speech** of sympa- thy for thamfferera by th* Boston Or* were made, and ItOO.OOO were donated for their re- lief. Ilev. lobert Col Iyer, N- K. Fairbanks, and Dr. II, V. Johnson were appointed a com - miltse to Tonvey ibe money to Boston, and started laa|avaa!ng.

Ii tblsgaeealDg cr I* there no real knowl- edge yet ot the extent of tbe deetructkm ? A Boston paper says 1 Tba estimate* of the losses try the Or* vary from *f>o,POO,000 or 500.000,- 000 np to lt»,0OO,00O or 9000,000,000.

When the Are was likely to approach tbe Store of Mr. John He Jin* in Boston, tbat geo- tlemsu seized a lam* quantity of hair, and carried It off on his bock to a place of safety. It we* perhaps tbe most -valuable lot of baek hair ever carried.

"A little ore la quickly trodden ont, Wh leli, bains earTetwa, rt*era eanaot i|u*neb."

[Shakespeare. Thousand* of too* of coal In Boston are still

A avne > c r- 0: }i.

all aglow. Tho Boston papetadraw consolation from I

ue feet tbat the city bo* bete so well rumi- nated there I* little fear of small pox.

The public highway* and Bald* for a dostn mile* *ouu«*«t of Boston, are covered wit* remnants of burnt paper and cloth.

Courage and pluck prevail everywhere ie Boston.

A Testament, charred end blackened by th* great Are, together with other fragment* ot

mln, were found In a field »t South Hlag- ham ou Sunday, fifteen mites distant.

Arrangement* were m*de on Tuesday nigbt for blowing down the wail* of therein* with powder, thl* morning.

Negotiations are In progress for the Old South Church as a post office, Faneeil Hell being In- adequate lu accommodation* for tbe working* cf the department.

Somo ship captain* who arrived In Boaton on Tuesday, reported tbat they saw the Are ninety mile* off.

The borte disease it abating.

Metbuen bas a coiu ol tir.ull pox.

Tbe roof of ibe City Hall Is beloR re-s'ateo.

Tbe cumber of horses In tbs street* lorreafe •very day.

People are making their preparation* for Thanksgiving.

Tea Pemberton Insurance Company bad no lose* la Boston-

The Haverbill street Methodist cbnrcb ha* beam freshly painted.

Boot) of onr citizen* find these pretty hard times payfex elee.lon bei*.




lleury C. llatnden lost a horse by the prevailing llttemuerou Saturday. This

la the tblrd fatal case In town.

In tbe Audover course of lectured and

entertainments, Mrs. Harriet Iteecher Stowe will give select readings, at tbe

town hall, this (Frldsy) evening.

The second lecture In the course of the

V. A. S. club, was delivered In tbe town What has become of the hand* tn tba*. clork | ball, on Monday evening, by Rev. W. U

hi th* proecenium arch of tbe City Hall

Dr. Scott U recovering from an attack ot pneumonia, from which be bas been suffering

for some time.

JU.C. Currier bad bis band somewhat bruised •well* shuck!inn cars at Ibe Pemberton. one

dee lost week.

People manifested oonelderable uncertainty M to which way te ran when tbe fire alarm sounded Saturday.

We entirely agree with tbe Sentinel In the remark tbat the victory the coalition *xpectcl to win. Is postponed.

Quite a number of our cltiiens appear In lb* street! with new b*1t, and tnnt Qreeley hate either, though the result* of election bet*.

A person who undertake* to raise htmeeir by scandalising others, might Just s* well lit down OB * wheelbarrow and undertake to wheel him

frein I* tbenind* oi At a mesing of

or Msdili peelded.

At a day, 10 w common I'iir govei to coll a s] object

:lng of the axscuilre enaoall Tuei- ■h lb* Msyor snd president of '.he luecil snd otber msmbers of the

leatwere present, It was decided rial ataeion of tbe legislature; th*

ig to allow th* city to exercise tbe



The inly i;n. ■■ 1 ■;. tbeo Iha three rcroilnlni wtrki.accoruins 10 tli

time herelofor* allowed,-between Tb»nk*sl*lni Chrtilmaa, the Frhruary M prumollon,,' and mli >|leof the »eeond half year, near the eloaa uT April; the two IStWr appeel ip«clally needful for teetbertand ichulaia: ChrUnnaa, which termed to ha*e (he prefrieaoe for iha teaialaUrg week, waa only four week* beTur* prornolloti*. and to mult Thank*|lvlea made a le*| unlirok«o term mm Ibe Heplomtier opealag. finally, an rtprn**- lon waa la f»v»r of * w»e* belli at Tbankeglvlof. aodUbrlilina*.

The ('.1111.um.-1-, *l a m.-ellBB NM after lliJ t'ou- I,,,, .. fot*e 10 elv* tba *obool»a vacation or one w««k M Th*i.k.<i*lD*-. reaarviiif Hie rem.lnliig ...leiilon* fjrd**l*lon beraafter.

flee Katoe, Commiitloner ti Education, bas railed npon the mats lupi-rinlpniloota of trhoi le throughrut tbe country to meet at WatbluR'.nn Io day. for a coniorenco In rela- tion Io idurat'onal MStlsIke, and al*o with reference to a r.-pori on eJocslion to be sew to

ibe Vienna exposition.

Tbe Sew Bedford Mercury says it ha» tho j biit of authirliv for slating tbat (Jen- Butler bas no*, been, anil I* not ROW an asplrsnt lor tliu United Htnte* Stnatcrship, but I* warmly In fevoi of theeltftlcn of Hon.(Jeo. S. bout- well to itae vjcanry iKc*sloueil by ihe eleva- tion of the Hon. Henry Wl'ion tu t-10 Vice


The conllagratlon raged with such fierceness that nothing could prevail against It. I'ltu llaiues ruahed along In their course, eating uu every combustible thing that opposed lUwU to their prog- ress. Water seemed to be ot no avail. Steamer* trotu neighboring towns had been sent lu to the city ou application, and as many stream* ol w^ter were play- ing upon the tire as could be brought to bear upon It, but they seemed to be of uo effect. The flame* marched on lo their fierce, angry career, aotually crisping and crackling walls ol granite, and melt- ing irou like lead. Tho last and only resource lu suoh case*, when all other means have failed, was resorted to, that ol checking th* flame* by blowing up a number of buildings wlih gunpowuor. The first trial wa* it failure, out lu blow- ing up the building, but in checking (be flames, for they luimedintely leaped over the rums of thu building blown up, aud continued their progress. Another effort was made at u greater distance Irom the lire, and with suoeees, checking the flames In their further progltU north.

EXTKMT ul Tilt KiNl l.AdltATlos.

The territory burned over comprises that portion of tho city between Slate street on the north, Summer sltcet on the south. Broad street ou the east, aud Washington street on the west. This territory Include* the wealthiest portion of the business, of the city; the whole- sale leather and shoe houses of Tear) street; the dry gooiU bouses ol Hummer. franklin nod Milk streets; tha great commission houses of Devonshire, Fed- Wtl, Congress and High streets, nil are laid In Unei. The extent ot territory burned over Is estimated at eisthty acres and the loss computed at nearly two huudred millions of dollars. All this

out. TltK DfttOLATK 3CKMK.

On Sunday afternoon, we walked over what bad been Devonshire Street, requir- ing however, the aid of a well Informed police officer to point out amid the mass of smoldering ruins, the old line* of that thoroughlare, and the scene of ruin and desolation wa* indeed one for sorrow; In all directions, a* tar as the eye could reach, amid Its smoke, was only smold- ring and broken ruin*; the finest, most substantial, even boasted fire-proof ware- houses were almost level with tbe foun- dation walls, Immense safes,—bow mis- named,—overturned and often burst asunder, and everywhere, desolation and woe ORDRR FRKSKRVF.D HT Till MILITARY.

In the midst ol such * conflagration It was necessary to preserve the best of order, and also to ktep back the crowd from the vicinity ol tne Are, so that tho firemen would not be hindered In their efforts to check the flames. For this pur- pose the military was called out, and every approach to the burning section of tbe city was guarded by a line of bayo- nets. Thus was admirable order pre- served in the city, for the police, relieved from tbls duty, were able to put forth their efforts In other directions, and to protect exposed property from the raid* of thieves and prowlers.

MA'iSIn ".j: 01 TI1K LOSSltS.

If the fire had occurred In any other portion of the city the destruction to property would not have been so great. All the heavy wholesale woolen dealers are burned out, and not a single wool house remains. If a section of the city had been selected In wbleh the largest amniiut of wealth could be destroyed in the smallest area, the burnt portion would have been chosen. Althougb the extent of the territory devastated by the conllagratlon Is small compared with that which witnessed the Chicago disaster, tbe value of the property destroyed can- uoi be inuctt less. Summer, Kingston, Arch, Devonshire, Pearl and other streets tu tbls vicinity have long been regarded a* the store houses of Boston's wealth; these have for the most part been de- stroyed, aud the terrible extent ol th* loss It la Impossible even to conjecture.

T1IC Et'i'KCT ON llfslNK.SH.

power of [mine nt domain, and to enable the city 10 l*rrow money te aid her people to rebuild tbnr store* and to reaame bnilnca*. In asking thk tbey were willing to have the act pnt In snlt form as would make tba city per- fectly so* In any loan* wbfeb may be mad* from the reasury; and by the passage or sach an act lie oniside men who have lost their property will be bsnefltted, a* they would tben be able loobtaln rsoney witbout going toextor- tiouers. If the legislature paised inch an act, within Wo years the burnt district won Id be rebuilt, and- the wbole buslne** of tbe city be again In a preeperons condition.

Tba fniar*»ce companies aro cheerful and hopeisl, *»d few of them feel like backlog down. Great a* If the calamity, the spirit In which it l_*jn**-*lll 1-o.farm iH..„ n. . (Iffara atlll pour in ftnm other cities, and apparently tbe elty will Bare all the assistance required In carrying out thepaW of reconstruction.

orxaixl THX sara*.

Oa Tuesday the tork of exbnmlng from

tbe mine and openltg safes was resumed, wbllo ibe contents ol * large number have b**n destroyed; tho* of many have pasted safely through the ner)b*pti*m, at whlcb tbe owners must rejoice, imong those who found tbe conientt of their saee in perfect safety, la the McKsr Sewing Mwhine Co-

Safe manufacturer! r* doing a great busi- ness, avery firm of th kind having lu re- sources taxed to tbe uwoit to supply orders. Thus what baa ceate4dl*a*t*r In on* brincb of basin*** gtvs* iatpegs to another.

TSMrpAlfCX. Th* closing of lb* bpr shops in Boston dur-

ing tbe conflsgretfonUnd the continued em- bargo upon then bat diminished drunken- new, and contributed e the preservation or order in the city. Tbeo cannot he much ex- cuse for carrying on I traffic In prosperity, which law must step llto prohibit le adversi- ty, a* a a*ce*:*ry mft'nr* tor pnolic safety.


Some of the tlia* reeled In tbe ruined dis- trict are remarkably ennr, and show th* good nature and pbllotopt that prevail* to so large snaxteat amongua, nd which It *o distinc- tive * feature of la* lationai character. One

" KsmoT 1 for repairs;" another, icste.1 term;" another,

good*;" another, " A


ntioHi JI 00* BTBvaxa.

TUKODAV. Four drank* and two vasreate ootnprlicd tba

bnaloeaa Wore tba court tbla aMialog. Daolrl Rlky, Looia Ad*tn*, Geo. B. Hyde aad Joaepk Levy, ware eaeh Hoed as aad coata for drnnkan.

VAOKAHT*.—jobn Pltapatriek waa east to tb* boaae ef oorreottoa for four moatb*. Tbomaa Al- len had fat* eaaa eonttaaed ecw gay, to |tf* **•» a ehaaoa to afaow why be euentd BM receive a like eaateer*.

V?xi>xi*oAr. Whea tba Jodlelal naeblae waa set la motion

this morning, there was qette a number of speete- tore praaeat to wllnaaa tha mill operation*.

DKfMK*.—Henry Nlchal* aad Ilillllp HonuiUa pleaded gjnllty to bolatlog aboard too much taagle- foot whlakay, and Bis Honor opined mat Jaatloe weald ery qnlu If each banded over tejn. Tbla arraagemaat, for want of a batter, met tha view* of Maaets. Doaaalaa and I-fatlllp*, and the llttl* alaTaraaea batwasw them aad th* eommoawialth, waa thua tatlafoetorlly adjusted,

ABBAI'I-T.—John Coeaorawoa oallad to laiwet to a eomptalot ebarilos him with an assault ou John Meson. Joha pleaded lailly, andit bavlog been ihuwn that the aatanlt waa of a somewhat aggravated eharaeter, ha waa floed #11 and aoau with ue alteruatlta of sol og to tha house of cor- rection for ninety day*. John paid tbe money.

LaucBxr,—Thomas Higfln* waa ebargad wltb Iha lereeaj of $10 from Patrick J. O'Connor*; fas pleaded not guilty, and taw eaaa waa continued ■tu* day* niti at th* reqaeat of Col, Phlibrlck, Big- gs** being bald In the *um of *S00 tor hi* appear- anee when wanted; the avldeeaw agaluat Ulggina t* aa U to be of tba aUaunaat eharaatet.

THi UMULT OF A Brass.—Margaret SlctiolJ- wick, aa old woman, Was arraigned upon a com- plaint ehurglux bar with the larceny of a abswl, tb* properly of Ostbertn* Kerwla, a young aad rather tastefally draaaad woman. Defendant pleaded

at guilty, aad a lengthy examination wa* bad, bJeb developed tha fuUowlng facte : Ou Satur-

day cyenlog Uut, about tl»* o'clotk, Mr*. Kerarle •ailed at the heuaa of Mi a, MeOoMwIek, wUeh It at No. Sta Oak-atsaet, aad reqatatad Elian M etiold- wlck, a daughter of tba defendant, to accompany bar down etreet, aa *he wtahed to boy a bat and •bawl. Elian algalHed ber wllliagaaaa u> aeeota- pony Koto ou tha prapoaad ahopplng expedition, and together tbey set out. Kau, who appears to have been In funds, purobssed a ten dollar chaw I end a nobby hat with two or three feather* on ti, for »3..w; altar wbleh tha pals reserved to tba parllue* of Oak atraet and dlaplayed Kate'* par* cheaee to Xllm'* mother. Tbl* wsaall w*ll«aoa*fa, and If Iha matter bad ended there. It would have bean better for all partle*. But It did n't. Kate Invited Kll*n ont to have a treat at Mra. ConnoL- Uy'a ou Elm meet, and they aUyed thera qntll eleven o'clock, taking la, during tbelr n«y there, aaveral " •eboonar* " of al*. On tbalr way home Kllan, wbo bad no money, tbo* addreaaad Kate "If I bad any money,Kata,[ would tak«youdowi to Mr*. Kennedy'! nod treat you." On tbl* bint K»tu Invited Kllan le • treat, aud together lb*y want to Mr*. Kennedy1

wan taken on board. They tben returned to the MaOoldwick mansion, Kllan baring Invited f llaa'e mother objected to Kat* being entartalnad, and ordered that aha proceed home. Kat* aald ibe would go, and aaked Sar bar hat aad shawl, wbleb *ba bad laid on UN table In tha front room. Klleo refuaad to let bar have them, and plicbed Ktto down stair*. tiOlcer Satllvaa eama along at ihli lime, aud arrested Kate tor druokeoneee, and ibe waa locked up until Monday morning when *he waa fined gl without coat*, aad released, She Immediately went to tbe Mefloldwlok raaldeuea, and demanded her bat and ibawl; the former *DD

got, but tbo MeOoldwIcka denied baring teen tbe ahawl, aad aaeartod that aba had taken It away With bet on the Saturday ev*ulug when abe waa arretted, Kat* knew better, aad abe swore out a warrant agaluat the m eternal McGoldwIck for lar- ceny, to wbleh the latter an* we red tbla morning. Jobn C. Seaborn defended MeOoldwIok. Convicted,

or ility day* H. C. Appealed.

JJow far merchants will be affected by tbelr losses.it Is difficult to determine, anil It will depend entirely oa bow far Insurance Companies are able to meet tbelr liabilities. Althougb tb* number of persons deprived ut their borne* 1* not so great as It would otherwise have been, had tbe tin' occurred In any otber portion ol the city, yet great distress must result as thousnndt will be thrown out of em- ployment.


A little after midnight Sunday nigbt, the lire broke out afresh, snd strange to say, not far from the spot where It tint originated; It was eaused this time by explosions of gat In tbe buiidina* occu- pied by William K, Stormt, A Co. By the force of tbe explosion, the front walls of the building were blown out, and the store was toon la fismeft. Tbe Are soon extended to ths Urge store at the corner ol Washington and Summer itreete, oc- cupled by Messrs. bhrleve. Crump 61 Low, and In a short space of time the en- tire block from the corner or Summer to tbe store of Jordan, Marsh A Co., was



tlgn reads .- Closed daring the h out .of evil t

urn-nine; Ihame," andho on io Infinity.

sauaonixo 1 a TUB MISSINU.

A large nnmber o person*, some ol them Bremen, wbo were sen In dangerou* posl tlons ou Saturday nlglt and Sunday morning, ars muting, and **a*b baa' been mod* lor their bodies, the belsf prevailing that they must have psrished Injthe ilanie*. The search tbut far has been ttasuccetiful, no trace* of bodies having besndfcovered. Of course th* search thu* far unn|t have been thorough, but tb* hope I* enbirtkned tbat tbe low of life

It let* than ha* been Mpposed.


Several gas explosfcnt occurred on Tuosduy aftemooo, and to gssrd ogalnil danger tbe go* w*s shut off stab on Tuesday uigbl; tbe Bight woe * gloom; one, and a heavy rain fell, wbleh did much to extinguish lb* flame*. Which had b**U fanned by the wind in the bnrn*i region, and wore blsr.ln« up from ttn rulnt In varrset placet. About midnight the city wai is almost tot el darkness. Should uo gtiexplotlaneoeeer to-day, aud the men en- gaged la repairing tbe pipes tucceed in flultb- Ingthseork.lbocitv will bo llgbied tonight.

nan ruteHga.

Rev. Henry Ward Beecber delivered an elo quant addifs* at Plymouth church, Brooklyn, on .Sunday evening, on tho Boston calamity- lit laid at other rity conld offer up tucli hnlldlogs as a ttcrinco to the fire.

In bit srayer on Sunday for Boston, Rev. T. Do WIBTalmadge, tho sentstional preacher of Brook&o, tald: "Lord, put ont tbe Are. Silence thsagonv of prosttato, dying, burnleg

Boston." A story a current In Boiton tbat two young

sun while searching amonK the mine ol' a building for plunder, were hurled beneath the

w*i:* white fell. Two star** on OUa sire", Not. VI and H.

owned by Silsaon, thotiuger. ware horned.

Uitt Niliteu was a h*u»y lour by the Chics-

go Are.

One of tie ttoree burned was tbat of W. H- Allen & Co., dealers In dry good* and trlm- mlngt. 2\t Washington urect. Two girls who are employed In thlt esubllthmeni and live in Rexbury, discovering the danger from the fire, gained ■«**• to the store, and of tbelr own aceerd secured laces to the vain* of »'«.- 000 and t*ok them safely to ttoxhury.

It It estimated tbat iweuty tbouaaod peo- pUar* tkrownoutol employment by there-

rent tire. Mansard roots or* now no mor* popular on

bouse* lean tbey ar* over people's agree.

The beaks and paper* of on* Botlen bank

were buried. The Bon on Joornel of Wednnday morning,

bat nlostoen column* nf "flr*" sdventi*m'nU

JudgaCbostabeld*»e*alonoftfae Probate Court In tbla city Tueeday, wban tbe following bnalue** waa transacted :—

WILL* PaovsD.-Th* will of Mlehaal Doraey of Lawrenea, Matthew Carney aad John Peter*, ear'*; th* will of Ben'j Ktebardeon of Lawrence, A. J.franoh. ax'r; of Timothy Denney of Metbu- en, 8. O. Hargent, *i'r; of Sarah lusall* or North Andover, H. W. Ingaiia and C. >'. Joheajn, ei'ri; Of Mary at or p by of Lawrence, gltOO, James Brady, ea'r; of Jamea Dcacay of Lawrenea, Ttesolhy Dea- eey, ex'r; of Amo* M. Wlllowby of Lawreece, glB,oOO, Lucretla B. Wlllowby, aden'X.

Aon txi*T asTtox urost BBTATBS.—Batai* < Aaa WhltUar of Metbuen, 8. O. Sargent, udm'i of Daniel Banndora, of Lawrenea, $310,000, Caleb Banders, edm'r; of Patrick Wolah of Hew bury port, Nathaniel Pierce of Newburyport, nlm'r bond $ lot0; of M*lach»l Newman of Lawrence. gTOO, Bllen Newman, adm'r.

iMvaaToaioa.—Propwrtr of Martha M. Cowdrey ofNortb Andover, tl^W&J*; or William Brjwa of Haverbill, *•>«,i.'.'s.K; of JobaO'Douoell of Law- ranea,glO,aTS; of Oliver C. Demerit of Lawrsnee, *jll,t>H.--:i; of Beuj. W, Sine* of I.awraooe, $1,084. 71.

Anorriox AXD CIIAMI* or NAME.—Ueo, B. Couch and Nelll* K. Couch of Lawrence, adopt Marlab Doaeana, wboea name la changed to Lillian HabelOeueh.

ALLOWAMCK TO WJDOW.—To Mary A. Bloaa or Lawrence. glH.

SAi.r-or pKamiSAt, 1'nnraitTr.—An order w*« granted tor tbe ial* of tbe parsooal property of William Brown of Ba*erblll.

DiaTamiiTioa* or PXOPKKTV.—An order waa granted for the distribution of property of .Iineyh W. Oeorgeof Lawranae; amount *w4.

MAitn* or Hi-.* 1. KBTATX Atmioair.ED,—Batate Joaeph W., Matilda T. and Abbla Uraen. minor*: of Douglas MeCollay, $3000; of Beth Proctor of Oloneeater; of Mimuel, Alfred D., Leland H„ Battle W., and Jennie A. Cole of Beverly, and of Abble K. Cole ami other minor* of Beverly, gliKW.

OuAXDiAXa Ari'OiaTBD.—Patrick Oorurlle of Lawrence, guardian of ward* Timothy, Bridget, and Daniel Haggerty, bond gtOOO; Augusta V. Oraleben, guardian of ward A uguata Bpenaar, bond $1000; Albert D.Bwan, North Andover,gnardlan of ward* Nellie M. and Mlehaal Daaaay, bond ajocu; Jamea 8. Dodge ef Mathawe, gaardlin of Cordelia, Arthur L., Horace p., and Abbla J. Beard,minor*; JameaB. Dodge gBardlanof ward Praoci* It. Beard, Inaane.

Aocouat*.—Caleb L. Kro*t of Ihasver*, *x'r, «t<>, i-.x.^>: Sarah L. Page of rJeJetn, adm'x,gl1t.- tu; Sophia Pliroaa of Salem, odsn'x, gU.lolll; William P. Pear*on of Olouoeater,, adn'r, *-"■-:; Benjamin French of Andover, adm'r, *8i*.3.l; Sam- uel W. True of Lawrauce, ouaor. #l..i.;,t: Ann P. Tru* of Uwronce, minor, glw.tu.

" Ths dsarest spot on earth" bat at last been located. Those wfibfng to visit that "tpot" Will And It at Hie more tbat does not adver-


If any person bu doubts whether advertise- ments are read or not. I*t bin put something ''• rlaesn't wish sesn in an obscure part of th* paper.

Tbe cburcbee were thinly ittanded on Sun- day, tb* fire excitement keeping many person* away from tho service*, an gveat wa* tbe anxi- ety to bear the new).

Tha Orand Army of thi* city, are to present, a few week* bence, another of their popular dramas, for th* benefit of tbelr post fund; everybody will attend.

Rev. 1. L. Wood* will preach a lermon on temperance, ut tbe city ball, on Sunday night The meeting; will be under the suspires of tbe Temperance Reform club.

A barn belonging to Col, T. Johnson, wa* burned yesterday at Nonh Andover- Tbe barn contained a quantity of hay which wo* burned: the Ion will prabibly amonnt to about aV>0O.

Should Lawrence ever be visited by smb. a terrible calamity as hss ovsrtsken Boitcn,r*t It not be said that it wat as much due to tb* neglec'ed condition of the fire sltrm telegraph, aa to a conipiracy of th* element*.

Judge Harmon held a sssalon of the court for the trial of Juvenile ease* W*dnetday, and only two cote* were brought up, In both of which action wa* postponed until Dec. Kb, the of- fender* being probated meanwhile.

Col. Pallbrlek Inform* ut tbat ths greater part of tbe crime committed In this elty daring th* last fonr months, bat been by persons ont •ideof tbe city, and since the horse epidemic made Ut apppesrance, crime hat diminished

HI** Annie M. Prevcott It announced to give a reading In Ibis city tbls month. Hiss Prea- nott le a native of Lowell, and a daughter ol Wm. Prescott, who kept a ttsll in the Markst house In that clly, for sixteen vears. She le ft Lowell when a child, and bo* tpent nvtrsl years io California.

A boy wai brought before Judge S'.evens Mon- day, for a reprimand, who bad been found drunk In the streets on Saturday. His Honnr state! that he would like to give a year's Im- prlaanment (o the "thing" that sold him tbe liquor. The boy would not tell where he was dragged with the poison.

Tbe new engine house of s. F. B., Kben Saturn, at North Andover, wat dedicated to- day, with interesting ceremonies. A reception will be given by the company this evening at tbelr ball, wh*a there will hs speeches, ting- ing, tnnslc, Ac. A clam chowdor eupper will be served at nine o'clock.

The letter of " 0Mb'1 should awaktn in'.ar-

e*tin*xub1ectwhi£h.deeDlv couwr.'.' '.V bur class of poorer clilisns. We have no doubt It will be read wltb attention, and that the point* touched upon will recelvo theoarneit cooilder- attoa their Importance demand*.

OtBcla! courtesy. It appears to nt, culmi- nates ID the invitation to a conference or those whose affairs a board conduct, and after lis- tening with manifest Impatience and constant consultation of watchei, coolly announcing to tho** who had accepted tbe invitation, thai they "really teemed 10 have an Impression tbat their opinlont" — thut solicited,—"bad something to do In settling tbe questions" under consideration!

Tbe Congregational in ttyt, " Wo have an impression that even tbla boasted nineteenth centnry will find that there are more things in heaven and aarib than are dreamed of In Its philosophy, and tbat It wouldn't be a bad Idea for it to sit down at the feet of a tick hone and learn a lesion of humility I"

Very good, but a* there wat a man kicked lo death br a lick horse la Newburyport lb* oth- er day. It behoove* people to be exceedingly careful In sitting down near their feat.

I'II.I worth, of East Boston; subject, "Up

bill entl dowu." Tbe lecture was quite

entertaining, and much relished by a

good audience. Tbe speaker gave tbe names of a large number ot ladles and

gentlemen who have distinguished them- selves In learning, wealth, and benevo-

lence, but who harf bad up bill work.

Indeed, he thought It necessary that

young men especially should be thrown

upon their own resources In life to secure

sucoeis. Anecdotes and wit kept tbe

andience In excellent humor.

It behooves people to keep their doors

locked. Wo understand that a lady's

hut, shawl, and cape were stolen from

the entry of Mrs. William S. Marland

on Tuesday evening.

Charles Abbott, a warm advocate of

Greeley.mnde an agreement, previous to

the late election, with Charles W. Hay-

ward, that if Qreeley was not elected he

would wheel Hay ward from the Mansion

House to the Elm House, and if Greeley

was elected. Hay ward waa to wheel Ab- DCCT. toe saiua none, TUB rornrtt woe

paid by Abbott on Wednesday evening.

A large placard was erected in front of

the wheelbarrow, bearing these words:

" What I know about wheeling." The

performance was witnessed by quite a

crowd of persons who cheered lustily

when the parties arrived at the Elm


Two gentlemen of this town, on learn-

ing of tho Boston Are Sunday morning,

immediately started for Heading on

foot, intending to take the ears at that

place for the olty. On the way to Read-

ing, they dropped into a elder mill, and

by resting too long, or something eUa,

they failed to reaoh the cars In season.

The Andover Choral Union will hold

ltt next meeting on Monday evening,

Nov. l«tb.

On Tuesday evening the Shakesperian

cla**, conducted by Rev. Professor Hud-

son, met at the honse of Mr. G. W. W.

Dove. The reading was in Macbeth,

from tbe discovery ef the murder of the

King, to the act 3d, scene 4th. The

storm reduced the nnmber of tbe class,

but those who were present were amply

repaid for brtrvlng the weather, by the

earning and wit of their genial precep-


11.1 Uondarut tbl* wie>, atr. Joshua Ujibam, a iieutlaman tomewhat advanced in yaara, while laborlns under a lit or temporary der*n|emeot, wau'liirod 1 wa>- Ironi h'.a hoiae lu tielem. and waa found lo cor vlolnlty ou Tueaday, making hi* way, a*ba*u|t|io*ud, toward the Ur* in Boston. HI* ttraoge aotlona and •lugalarlty of manner al- traetei Ihe attention *fs*et* ot our eltliens, who took tbe pale* 10 *ne that he reached fata friend* in safety.

Our lecture room waa filled again on Wednesday evonluR, and though a programme waa nooeeearlly •ubilliurud different from what had oe*n an- nounovd, atlll the audience all leemed highly grat- ified and well pleued. Tbe Be*. Mr. Wilber very kindly consented to give hi* *«rviee* eothat our people night not be deprived of tbelr nasal aemt-monthly lecture. Tba inbjeet waa "Joha Poster or tbe romantic." Tba Bar. genttemaa gave aome very lutereallug luddenta connected with tb* Ufa, eharaeter aad wrttlag* of tola dis- tinguished aaaa.

The oomasltu* asoouao* for tha nest lecture, "America before Colambu*," by frof. Joaaph Klmbell, of Plalatow, IV. II., on Wednesday even- lag, SM. 37.

The Horse Disease. Th***b*orlber ba* for lale a qaaatlty of Doc-

tor rJaundare'Medlotne* for the horse disease, which ba* proved a cure in every eaaa.

UKOKOKU.BBAN. Andover, Nov. IS, 187Z. tf

Administrator's Bale. Personal Property le Andover.

Wlllbe sold at Public auctiononT8UB8DAY, HOVKMnKH'JUt.atone o'oiook, P. M., at tha l*t*re*tdene*of rlamuel Halley, deee**ed, neer the BallfT Sehool lloutr, In Wnt 4adorer, tbe following article*, TU;—One Horse, Use Cow, Bwtne, IS Fowl*, Ox U*rt and Wagon, Farm wegow. Light Wagon, Market Wagon, Chelae, Hoe*, Kuril*, Hake*. Hhovela, Chain*, Iran Bar*. Plow*. Harrow*. Caltrvatora. lUrneiir*. Lot old Iron. Sleigh, Sledi, Pung, Lumber, flriudatOM, Eu«ll*h*nd Hun Hay, Barley and Bye, Shoe- maker's, Cerpenter'a aad ■*•*• Tool*. Vlawgar, Cider Harreli, He U, Bedateada and Bedding, Hair Hattrea", Chair*. T*ble»,8tovee.Crockery, Ola** Irou aud Wooden Ware, Watch, and all other

Caen. U.SM1KOI, POUTUH. Adm'r.

-,»«. 11,1871. It

commonwealth of Maaweo***•«**•.

tssex, aa. PROBATE COURT. To tbe hell a-at-tew, next of kin, and all other par-

*on* Interfiled lu the eitate of BARaH IR- UAL1.8, lateofNorth Andover, la laid eona- ty,*lnfrlewoman,deeeaaed, greeting:

Btepneu wmium* ingeiie ana unarm*. «■*■*■< wbo pray that letter* teiUmeutarymay be lined to them, the eieentor* therein named,

Ton are hereby el ted to appear at a Probit* Coart, to be held nt Batem, lu aald county of Eaaex, oa the Pint Tuesday of December next, at aln* o'clock, before noon, to show enuae, If any you have, asratmt the aame.

And tald Ingoll* and.lobaaoaare herabvdlreetad to gi>e public notice thereof, by publlinlnf tfat* citation once a week, lor three *aoce**lve weeks. In the newspaper called tbe Lawrence Aasarteaa aud Andover Advertiser, printed at Lawrsaee, the la*t publication to be two day*, at least, before ■aW Court. __

Wltnei*, George F. Cboate, Bsqalre, Judge of ee(dCourt,thl*twelrifaday of November, la the *i*r one thou*and eight hundred and *eventy -two.

novIS A. C. OOODELL, Regtitei

EBtate Daniel Hears.

Sotieeja hereby rlvrn, that the subwrlber ha*

B Denial Meara,

-- -/give", bMBdatyapperatedadailnlitrator, with th* will annexed, or the eitste of

let* of Andover, la tha County of X*aex. yeomaa, daceated, and ho* taken anon hlmiell that trait, by ulving boodi, aa th* law dlreota. All peroon* havluK densaad* npon the eitabtef said deeeasad, are nquired to exhibit the aame; and all p*r*ona Indebted to iald eetate are called upon to make pay neat 11


The first lecture la the HMhoen Course, wai delivered on WeJneoday evening. »T Be*. 0. T. Flanaen, !»• D.. of Lowell. There wae qnite a liberal attendance, and tho admirers or Dr. Klamior* lliiened with iDiereit and In- struction as he discnued In his practical atylo his theme for tbe occaikm, "What bin, nr Problems of 8ucce*i." The neat lector* will occur nn Monday evening, when B. P.Sbllla- ber. Esq., (Hn- 1'arilogWB) I* expected to oc- cupy the rcetrom. AH who have been enKr- talnd wlih the writlnge ef thi* eminent ■atbor, wlllliu;rn 10 Improv* mis opportunity 10 lis- ten to blm, and undoubtedly the aadjapce npon tbat occasion wlllbe on* of the target

of tboteaso*. .tin

When Mr. 8. U. Crowallundertake* tbe per- formance of anything, be niually doee it well. At a very early boar on Monday morning, he waa rapped op, and reqneited to fnrnleh coffee and otber refreebment* for tb* oompotitor* and others enRszed In getting ont tbe extra edition cf the Auaaicm, la nn incredibly short *paco of time Crowell wat matter of lb* ■tiaation. Sandwiches In qaantitr, and an an Mm I ted snpplvof thedellcloni aromatic bev- erage refreshed tbe workers, and teetlued to Crowell's ability to provide generously on short notice.

At a business meeting of the Temperance Reform clnb held *t tbe old rrsnklla Library room* on Tuaiday" evening, arrangement* were made for lb* Immediate tarnublng of ibe rooms taken for tb* use of the organ union. A enbtcriptlon wa* taken up among- ibe foe, member* present, and In a few mlnni** 0110 were raised. A committee composed of Meitr*. Sbepard, Jackson, Atfrev, D'Rtoie*-, Fly*e and Hoar was appointed to collect *nb*erlp- tlooe from all who were iaMreeted In the move- ment In furtherance of the scheme adopted to keep young man from tbe lem ptatlom ol bar room*.

A low of our merchants ware swindled out of their goodi and ooab oa Saturday lost, by a } on of real who took the old method nf passing bogus checks, receiving goods and change over the amonnt asked for them. II purchoaed a pair of aboasat th* store of Mi McAllister lor *t..W, paying for them wltb a check of go, and receiving tbe chkngei at lb* store of Char. R. Mason A Co., be purchased 919 worth or plated ware, glvine a check on the Pemberton bank for »-.*2, and receiving the change; at tha clothing ttore of M*tsr*. Moore A Field he tried to get some elothlng in the same manner, but failed. The checks on Monday were lound to be worthiest; th* young man ba* not been seen since.

The linlversolltt society of this city will bold tbelr i,uartir centennial celebration Friday, Batutday end Sunday, IA, HI and ITth tnsts. The programme of to-day'* exorciee* will include* general conference moeiinu. at 3 ■'. u. At < Ibis evening a celebration will beheld in tbe church, and sn historical art- drei* will b* delivered; tbli will b* followed liy a oanquat, at which tber* will be ageeebei. ■entlments and general rejolclogs. Oa Satur- day ibare will be n ministerial conference aud reunion In th* forenoon. Similar exercliei la Ibe alternoon, and In Ihe evening a lectur* at th*City Hallby Mrs. Uvarmor*, On Sunday Mr*. Llveimot* will preach a icrmon In the forenoon. lath* aftsraoo* eommsnlon ser- vice will be held, aid In the evening a confer- ence meeting will dose tbe exercises. Toe oc- casion will be one of great interest.

Uw*H wfJl do tsr test for tb* Boston *uf- fereri.

The work of laying tbe water pip:* in U* ell l* being prot*c ittd with vigor.

Tbs executor nf the estate of tb*leteCap|. Colvocor***** ha* begnn a iuit against tbe Pfeosall l.itu Insurance Company of Hartford, to recover $80,000, the amount of life policies b«ld by ibe deceased In that company; th* action Is brought la tbo Superior Court for Lftcbfield county. The executor propose) to ■how that th* captain ws* murdered, wbll* tb* company claim to be able to prove that ■■Ida* was premeditated; ihe progr*** of tbe mie will be noted with Interest.

tor. The Merrlniack Mutual Insurance

Company, whose oflico Is In this town,

lost $8,s0u by the late fire in Boaton.

This amount is only about one tenth of

their surplus fund.


Heard was bora in Wilmington, May 13,

1784, nnd wa* married in 1812 to Ben-

jamin N'eedharu, of Andover. They had

four children, only one of whom is now

living. She has always enjoyed good

health, and i* now able to perform light

work, although ber mind Is impaired and

her memory unreliable. She had an

aunt who lived to be 102 years old.

Susannah Clark wa* born in Chelsea,

Nov. 8. 1775, and was married to Peter

They bad oleven children of whom six

are still living. She reads without

glasses; her mind is remarkably re-

tentive. She had fourteen brother* and

sisters, several of whom lived to be more

than eighty years of age. One of her

sisters had fifteen children of whom

twelve sons grew up to manhood. An

otber sister at her death was W year*

old. Mrs. 8hattuek is the oldest person

in town, and is now with her daughter,

Mrs. George Bradley.

Tbe funeral services of the late Sam-

uel T. Cooper, Esq., who died in West

Newton on tho 8th inst, took place at

Christ Church in this town, on Monday

alternoon. Rev. Mr. Thomson, the

rector, oflloiated, and besides reading

the impressive burial service of the

church, referred in a few appropriate

remarks to the worthy trait* of charac-

ter possessed by the deceased. Mr.

Cooper wa* well known in this commu-

nity for nearly or quite half a century;

lor twenty-three years be was clerk in

tbe Andover Post Office, and performed

his duties in 11 faithful and accommodat-

ing manner. He was kind In disposi-

tion, charitable to the poor, sympathized

with the afflicted and »utiering, and en-

tertained good will toward all. About

seven year* since his mental and physi-

cal faculties became *o much impaired

that he found It necessary to retire from

business. For several year* past he has

required constant care, although never

unkind but always patient and passive.

Pleasant thoughts of him will ever be

cherished by his numerous acquaint-

ance*. His remains were) Interred in

the South Cemetery. The following la a Hat of present and

former residents In this town who are

sufferers by the late Are in Boston. It

is impossible to give the losses of the

different individuals, as they are not

probably known by themselves. There

wa* large Insurance both npon the

buildings and stocks of goods. Some

of tbe Insurance companies pay la full,

while others range all the way from

twenty per cent, to full payment:—Wil-

liam Milton, wool; George W. Coburn,

do. ;Edward B. Smith, B. Frank Smith,

Hiram W. French, James A. Roberts,

E. A.Mansfield, leather; J.W.Barnard,

B. F. Jaqulth, shoes; W. C. Donald,

ink; G. K. W. Oallisban, furs; Frank

Barnard, worsted and fancy goods;

John Myers, firm of Parker, Wilder &

Co., woolen goods. Thirty-eight cus-

tomer* of tbe Smith & Dove manufac-

turing Co., were burned out Several

young men who were clerks in the

■tores, are tnrned out of employment.

The name of Thomas E. Tyler, a deal-

er to wool, formerly of this town, should

be added to tbe Hit of sufferers by the late Ire In Boston.

The Marland M. Co. lost a quantity ol stored goods.

Mr. George H. Bean has for sale the

medicine of Doer. Saunders, a veterinary

surgeon, which is a remedy lor tbe horse

disease. We understand It ba* not failed to cure lu a single Instance.

Joshua Upham, an Insane man belong- ing to Salem, left that olty on Monday

morning, so go to Boston on foot. Tnesday afternoon he was found near

Ballard Vale, and taken to the almsbouse

In tbls town. On Wednesday, a dispatch

waa sent to bis friends, who came nnd took blm home.

Estate Jesse Hnanella.

JESSE RUNHELLS, late of North Aadover, in the Count* or «*ae», CerJwslnrr, deeeued, aad has tahew upoa him- self tost iru*t,bjBWIn«bond*, a* the law fllreeta. Alt perion*hsvln( demand* upon tbe catita ot nlddeeeaied, are required to exhibit ibeiaane; anl all pereon* Indebted to said ettate ate ealleo upon to make payment to

QKOBUIC POSTER, *oaa'r. Andover, NOT, S, 18?J. *t

smlliAWDiYr^ Lawrence aad Andover Agencies. The *ab*erlbcra are now prepared to assent*

all kind or woik In the Laundry line, lo *ap*rlor •ITI*. at short aotloe aad at prleea thatdvf* •ora- petlilon. The proprlalora hotd theum-lvei re- tpontlbla for sllMMa lost or mlilald. whether marked or not. Sallafaetlon naraoUed In all eaaei. Prte* per doien, Including three ttarehed pleeas.78ovate. Porferther partlealar* Inqnlre ofouraf*nt*.Kdw*rdlfcKar. IT! Ea**x 8tr*#t, Lawrence, and B.B. White, ctBoo at T. Henrv'a, Main Street, Andorrr.

Aihareof public patronage reipectfullj solic- ited.

TOWNBeWD.RLODUrrTkCO. Weat Aaaaahter, NOT. 1,1ST-'., flaw N.B. AllfOodeaeut ** oar Lauadry at our •k, and >** e/e*p*«**. Good* la'" '"

uryuooai store a to with deipatek.

* latonded for


Uu taken ibe otSce recently occupied by Or. O. L. Bradford.

Office hoars tlU 9 A, at., 1 to 3, aad 7 to » P. M Audover, Nov. 1,1871, tf

Chariot C. Blunt has lost a horse by tba prevailing distemper. This .makes four fatal oases In town.

For Sale or To Let. The two story Dwelling- House between tho

South and Kptaoopal Cburcbee. Tbe location la bat a abort di*t*uce from the depot and tba balld In** are oonTcnlent and In food repair.

Apply to UtCOBUB r'OSTKH. Audovcr, Nov. 1,1S7S. St



Where may be found a good assortment of Furni- ture, con tit tin* or Kitchen. Chamber, and Parlor Furniture, Uattr*a*ci, Bed*, lleddlaa. Window Shad**, Ac. *e.

atatreiie*, Lo unfit. Sofa* and Parlor Seta made to order, or repaired and upbolnered.

Desks, Tablet, aad odd nleoea made aidedred. Cartels* trimmed and huug, Carpet* laid, and Qeneral Jobbing done.

Second- tiaud furullurr boa ah t aad sold. Good* ol all kinds reeelved sad sold at 1'ubllo saotion Everything sold aa low as eaa be afforded war ranted as represented.

Aaeotifor tha celebrate JONH9' PAPK SfBfttQ BED.baat la market. Varies. kind* OB hand.

N B, Mr. Woodman will render any aiiliiano* dailred, In purohulnf foods Is Boiton or elao-

J. LOW ELKINw, V. D. Bespeetfailp inform* tba eltloaas of Andover and vlolalty that ba boa opened an office at Dra- per'a Bleak, Main Street, where hole ready to aaawer all eolis la tha line of hie profession.

Teeth extracted. Andover, Oct. M, ISTJ. tf

MBS. B. L, TAPLEY "I. lad

Street, would reepeetfully luilte the attcatli ber friend* aud the public generally, to tba Pall and Winter style* or alillluery oarafally (eleatad.

In oonneetloa ha* beea added aehotee tteek of F*aoy Qooda. We abatl endeavor te praeeat th* aaott reliable atylaa,aad Introduce tha aovelllei of tbe aeeaoa aa fast aa they appear. The Worsted Depsrtmsnl 1* made a ipeelalty.

yua.B. L. T*ri.BT Mka. K. A. IlAMeow.

Aadorer, Oct. U, 1(72. tf

COFFINS & CA8KET8, wiioi.icsAi.a: APJD RETAIL.

The butinaaiofth* lata Berasan Abbott haviuf pasaadlato the baada of the •ubsoilbera, they will .continue to furaiah


and other artlel** oonnecUd with the baelnea*, promptly and la th* lateit atylaa and Snlah,

Cofela*audCaak*ti flnlahed In Oil, wax, or cov- ered with broadcloth.

The attention of tbe trade reepeetfully loUoited. Prleta aa low and flnlih a* good aa I* to be found.

WOODMAN A CRABTRBB, NoatBTorth of Town Hall,

i adover, Moee., Oat, at, is:i.

Wanted to Hire, lor two or three year*,


Addraat Boa 1*7 Law- lasjM

Steamship Lines. FASSAGK seesred via. Anchor. National,

or White Star Line* at lowest ratae, bwiwawa Ijivorpool or (.HaagnWaad Boaton or N*w York.

Drafts from ljt upward*; also, prepaid oerllfl - eatea to New York or Bostea.

for farther particular*, apply to


AkTDOVaTB, Kill. Andover, ktay 17,1673,

A Splendid New House for Sale in Andover.

Ayjesa the beaatlial twoetory French rool SSRLBOUSKAim built, near th* depot, Ii for

*,*i»*l*. It I* MiX). with on 1.UXI*. aad wawSaalha* eight flnlahed room*, with an oppor- tsalty of inablDK four more In the sttle. It baa all tn* modem convenience*, and 1* In every re- ■ueel an attractive and modal residence.

UfcUKUK rOflTKK, Aadorer, Oet. 11,1*71, U

ANDOVER LECTURE COURSE. 8ea«on of 1872-73.

WlDlUDAT BVK'O, Rav. O.-OKQ. MoDOS- ALD,ol Kn«!ind—Sut'jtci, BOBBBT BUM*!,


FBI DAT KVB'O, Dec. B. — Bav. OKO. HK1'- WORTH—Subject, to be announced.

MonDATEvx'o,D*e.30.-Pno.-.W'.H.ISILfc:e'. Subject, BOBBH AMOBn THE Hunt Ai.r*.

TiMB TO HK ANIUIrncXD. Paoi . J W. i )il i - CHILL—biLKCT RxADiaus,

COHCEBT.-Timc to be announced. Tickets, (entitling tbe holders to the lame lent*

throughout the course,) *>:i,M> anil *2.t0, according to location.

Ticket* of admission ror the count, |V,U>. For B tingle evening, 60 centa,

On*.half of tbe center and part of the tide ■cate teilt not bt rtimt.l, bBt will be open for art bout previous to each entertainment to the hold- er! of ad million ticket i.

Tlokcte now for tale at W. K. UUAl'KK'S. Andorer. 0«t. U, lSTx, U

[ Fftlr

Estate Samuel llaiiey. NotlocIs hereby given,that thv iub*crlberha*

linn duly appointed administrator of tba estate of SAMUEL HAII.KY,

late of Andover, la the county orEssex, yeoman, deoeaaed, and baa taken upon himself tbat trait, by giving bonds, aa the law direct*. All persons having demands upon the estate of aald deceased, are required to exhibit the sasno; and allperaoni Indebted to taldMlBle are called upon to make payment to

GEOEOK FOSTER, AdcVr. Andorer, Nov. a, 1873. St

A ■Imailon Wasted, By a young man accustomed to Ihe care of horses and woald drive a carriage or wagon.

Apply to BEV. JAMES THOMl'HON, RestorofCbrlstCboroh,

Aadover, Bov. a, ln7i, U

Tha subscriber ba* taken Hie Store-on MAIN Siraet, (recently oecnpled by Jonathan 3wilt ) where he bai for aale Brat elate Canned and olber FRUITS, Cosafectloiier}', L.mpi i l.iinp PMiturea, TOTM4 FASCT Q00D8,tQgtlh* with a great variety of other article.. •Tl ihare of public patronage respectfully

of the Ladles of Grace Church, CITY GOVERNMENT.

WALTER 8. DONALD. Andaver, Oct. t. 1*71.

WIl.I.IAItl V. STARK b«fa to Inform hit numcrou* ouslomrrs and the pablic generally tbat he bai reodved all tbe

Latest Fall and Winter Stylos in MILLINEB'Y',



Bt price* that will bt lure to merit a share of public patronage.

Ha til, la accordant* witli many wishes, added to ate atook the

"Worsted Department. Including all Fancy Arttclea for Wonted Work.

A IBlI line of Hosiery, Kid and

Fleeced Gloves. Belts, Ties,

Collars and Caffs, JBft received.

Wl I.LI AM Y. STARK, Opposite Post Office, Andover.

The ladies of Grace church bald a fair a*. Slander* Hall on '■'■ V Inesdav afternoon and evening, rjutta u nuuibor of people having no ronnectkiu wilb ilia church being proieut on tioUi occasions. Tbii arrangement! bad been luaiio with a view lo promoting amusement and social ..i.jujmen; fur tholJme, as well ai to present ntiractious of snob a character a* would draw too wallets from the pocket of TUKOfS, and from the wallets the money the* contained— jind more- The tablet were pre- sided over by cbarmlnK young ladiei, who needed to do lllilc more than unite their bright- est smiles to coax every genllaman Into bay- ing. The Isbloi were ni follows:—Oa tbe right on entering the hall wai the candy table, presided over hy Idlta Dans; farther ua tbe right the "g»b box," a recep'.arb In which were a large number of package*, any one of which could be taken on tba pajment of five cent!-, thd waj presided orar by Mis* Hart. im the opposite aidi- -■■ the taallwaa a fancy talilc covered with all k imii of fancy wonted work, unit preelueu over by sirs. J. F. CORK*. well, HIM Ellen Payne and Mist Nellie Lam- bert- Re'ldo thlt wai the Bower table, adorned with :i number or choice boaqneta an which tbi-rc w«. an extensive run, Miisci Packard and Balttiouw in charge. A beantlfnl silver Ice urn, with silver and bowl, from Ibe estab- llihment of Messrs. Whitford A Rice, wa» on exhibition at this table, ta be presented to tbe paymaster of anv of the rallli, baring tba highest number of VJI ■. 'V-.-. balloting wai quite brlnlc daring the evening, ten cents con- ferrlog the right of suffrage. At the close el' the pollt (ho rote itood ai follows i J. C. Bow k*r, 4; Mr. Hbore, HO; Mr. Rolllm, 8T; Mr. Hall, ion; Mr. Clark, 281; Mr. Newn.aH, 713. Whole number of voiei 1300. The plate tberefore became the property of Mr. Newhall. Tbe next table wae pretlded over by Mr*. A. P. Clark; thli was ateo a fancy table; a beau- tiful collection of email water and oil color palntlnge were tor tale ben. The neat wai tbe arrow uble, a ion of loittrr affair, presid- ed over by Ml*i Abbott, and largely patrooiisj. ThoUnireraal Exprei* Company, another m- ■lltatlon of tbo fair, did a flourishing bnilneai, notwithstanding the prevailing epidemic among the hone;. True, the packages de- livered were sot large, but they were numer- ous, and the express messengers were Kept busy. One rather peculiar teature of this ex- press bntlneas was, that none of the packages delivered were prepaid, but all marked C. O D.,—this waa where tbe fan came In. The exprese bnilcose was managed bj Uri. T. M. Coggsweli, rery appropriate, Mrs. Whitford, Miss Annie Honion, and Miss Dodge. The Poet Office was another point of attraction, pretlded over by Hiie Belle Browning.

An interesting feature of the fair was a mat. merle aeance, at which the audience were en- tertained with a lecture on phrenology, la which some recently discovered organi "twist- ativeness" «and "dUappearatlvenesi," we be* Here, were commenced upon, their location shown, and tbelr functions described. A sub- ject procured from the audience, with whom and tbe operator "I hero wai not any col Ins Ion," was mesmerised, and the wonderful power of the peycologlcal science demonstrated, Thla was B highly arousing feature, and contributed

inch to the eojoymeat of the occasion.

ROARI) Tr.:- , Not

GO AX.- The subscriber has a supply of COAL of diff-

erent elaea and quality, which he wil] furnish enstomere at a reasonable price and short notice. Orders may be left at JOHN U. OHAHDLEB'S periodical store or at my residence.

JOHN CBANDLEB, Andover, Sept, a, 1871.

Messrs. T. Leland and J. Clark were charged par enaam.

The Board net at the usual hour, hla Honor, Mayor Dsvls In tbe chair. Absent, Alderman PtaauMr.

Ittportt—Or the committee on sswera and drains on tha petlUon of B. 0. N'oyea for a redaction at alty per cent, of sewer u-rsstniM, favorable; ac- cepted.

Order* JdejXrd—Tbat cba(iler HO of ib>' atatulea or 1ST£ In relation to ibe change of time in holding

IBI election be accepted, and the election be ror Tuesday, Deo. :ird; that the Mayor be

autborlied lo Increase the fore; or night pallos ror a week or ten days.

litiotu(ion— Tbat tbe city treasurer be authorised to make provlilon by temporary loans ror the pay- meat or the elty boade, psaaad to enrallmeat under saspaastoaortne rnlea.

PHUiomi-OI G. A. Nelson tor leave lo enter a ilr.in Iniotbe Broadway Mwar, grained: ot Beary Farrell and others for a flagstone oroeelng on Broadway from aontb corner of Valley atrr«. re- ferred to committee on streets; of John Fallon and others th at tbe name of Tarbos street be changed to Berkaly street, referred to committee on etreete; of Jonathan Craven for a street light at theooreev or Jaekaon and i srboi streets, referred to commit' tea on streets with tall power.

Adjourned two week*.


Tba Couaell met al tba usual hour, president lar ■ gent In the ehalr; absent, ooauelunan Daaa, Do*, J. L. Webster, Emerson, Uanrahaa,DSsssfjEmery and Abbott. Papers received from the Board of Aldermen passed In concurrence.

Kesolution.—The salaries of tbe several city of- Bears for the ye«r beginning oa the llrsi Monday lo January, 18T3, shall be aa hi nln mentioned, to be paid quarterly, and not Ofteaar untas* herein other- wise- ordered. Provided, however, that If any cm- oer shall serve for • leas Lime than one year, then only such proportional part of bis salary shall be allowed.

SuM. The salary of ibe Mayer shall ba at lbs rate of Jliteen hundred dollars par annum.

Skp. a. Tbe salary of iheelly clerk shall beat the rate of tS,000, which shall be in full for fata ser- vices sod all aaalstauee he rosy require, and b« shall account for all same of money received lo his offlalsl capacity.

Sxo,3. The salary of the elty irsasurar ah ill be at the rate of $1,000 par annura.wblch shall be paid In rail for performln* tha Isil* ot elty treasurer aad collector or taxes, and he shall account ror all monies received by bin a* treasurer and collector.

Bifi'.l. Theaalaryor the city auditor shall be at tbe rate or $700 per annum.

Hap. 6. Tbe salary of aiark of lbs council shall be at lb* rate or $100 per annum.

Sxc.e.—Tha salary or tbsolly marshal shall b< Bt the rat* of $1800 per annum, and h* shall furnish a horse and carriage for the oa* of the marshal and his deputies, and all faaa aa witness or complainant shsil be paid the city uwasarv.

HKC. 7.—Tha salary of the dry solicitor shall ba at the rat* of %r>) par annam,

BKO.H.—The salary of the cummisloner of street* •hall b* at the rate of $)H0p*r annam.

BBC.:'. Tbe salary or tbe city physician ah ill be tbe rate of $100 per annam, and h* shall furnish all medlolnee n**d by him la performing th* do ties of said ofltc*, .

BltC. 10. The salary ol 1 he City mesaengsr shall be at th* rat* of $1000 per annam, which la lo In- clude In addlilou to his duties the ringing of tbs bell for school and church, and be shall aoooant for all moults he may collect for rent of tbe diy hall.

Sac. 11, The salary ol the sunejlmrodenl ofthe cemetery (ball be at the raw of I10CO, which shall be lo lull rorallasrvloes: aad bs shall accoaaifor all munlei rsosived In hi* omclsl capacity.

BBC. 12, Tbe salary of the clerk or the Board of Assessors of th* poor, shell be st tba rate of $T00


Tbe bumini of North Andover Mill*, In March last,aw>k*aod a deep In Israel In >ur coairaurliy, which culminated In the calling of a lowa mostlog to provide oorselves with mors efBHect means of defending our property an i home* from th* rsv- sgesuf this uMrvlenileas destroyer, fire. Tbe meet- ing waa well attended, and harmosloas ta aetloe. »*;■■■)imtu P. Hanudar* was chosen Moderator,and Mcaara. Ebea SultoB, Joseph M. Stone and Moaaa T. Steven* (men who largaly r*pr***nt tbe bnelaeae and entsrprts* or the town,) were ehoaea a com- mittee to purchase a all-am fire esurine aad appsra-

and also in provvlaa enltebl* houaafor tba e. This committee at one* contracted wltb the

Amoskeag Venufacturltig Cumpany, of Manobes- N. II., for B second clsas roaohlne, to be named

Kban Mutton, which was foil*with built aad dsliv- nnlqne In d**tgn, beaulirul In flalab,

•nd masterly Io action, belag BO discredit lo th* honored name It bears. Th* second class* of this •ommlU***' duty has bare accomplish*! by *r*el- Ing a vary neat, commodious, and wall arranged building, apparently complete la all Its appoint- ments, aad meettag the- approval of all tboa* most lataraeted.

Tbs Arts, Boor Is divided late three rttoea* aad a •'.airway. The steamer I* located In tha centre room In the main building; In the west wing is ihs bOM earrings; In the east wing Ihs hook aud ladder carriage and apparatus, each well adapted to Its aae. Tbe boss to war (which La llfty feet high) and stairway oeonpylsuj tha rear of this floor. Oa the second Boor are two small room* In which uniforms an kept, and a very tastefully famished ball for th* use of the company. Thar* arc In this ball • line collection of large picture*, ooaslstlog of roar chromes, two of which war* given by J. A. Wiley, Esq., Declaration of Independence, by Cant. Bodge*, departure of th* Pilgrim Father*, by Oapt. ON, S. Merrill of L»wrenoe, also four othsrs, bril- liantly representing th* active and praiseworthy llfeofa llremao. In tbe front ol the hall and over a large and elegant mirror hangs the photograph of oblsf engineer Taylor. But th* last one of which 1 shall speak, Is a beauiiful fall alas port rait Of Ms]. Kben Button, who Is deservedly popular wltb thla oompaay, baring used hla abundant mean* freely In this as wall a* In other enterprise*. Th* com- pany attribute a large share or their prosperity to his bind altenDons, Thefliorls bsndsomely ear* petad; a marble top eeatswtabte, elegsnt window curtains snd chandelier, together with brilliantly papered welts make an attractive room, that re Beets credit upon tba company.

The aggregate of expense* lo furnishing th* hall Is $1)00, upon which tbe company bold an Insu- rance policy for $800. Last Friday afternoon, Nov. Bib, the Kben Halloa B. V. Engine Company, No, 1, with Coohlokewlck Engine Co. No. 3, and other Invited friends, Including tha s*lectmsa and englaeereof North Aodorer, met st the Kben gat* ton Steamer Bo nee for the purpecs of dedicating their new building, At 1 o'clock the lines war* formed, and accompanied by the North Andover

through tbe prtnsspal streets of Major Kben Ballon, where tb*y

war* hospitably eawrsalaad. Aa seentt ws* ten- dered btm to tbe ball, and ac-epled. Th* ISSjalBg

lantly passed 1B social ehll chat, Inter- spersed with brief remarks rrom several gentle- men present. At nine o'clock a clam chowder (one of Mcyneetlon's best) was announced, lo which three hundred did am pla Justice.

The officers or Kb»n Ballon 8. V. Safin* Co., No. 1, areas follows: Porraaa, L, N. Daebeeaey; Assistant foreman, A. A. Blxby ; Clerk and Tree- enrer, J. V. Kirk; Engineer, 8. T. Mdjseetloo; Assistant englEKara, J. KtHey, Bee). P. Base- ders. *•

MERRY'S MLSPIM has been united to tbe Youth's Vompam'on, of Boeton—s onion of the two oldest of our youths' imbllcBlii.ni. XathAiiM Willis father 01 N. P. Wllllf, tlret published the Com- panion, uearly Aft* years ago—and. to- tlay, It Is oue of the sprightllest and most enterprising eheeu in tbe country.

iSls*>SgSS>sSB. CHUSAL UHIOB rahaarial next Wednesday even-

lag at High School Ball. All membera are partk- ularly reqaesied to be preseat.

K. E. tt.AKal, i'res Ideal.

One Case of >'*lt Bklrte Jast opt**4 •' redaeed prlswe. Br BOB TsintLL A Co.

eheeaicallr oombiaed, and *o strongly ct from roots, herbs and barks, that It* good edicts ■re realised immediately after eommeadog to take

No reasonable doubt eaa BOW *xlH of tbs great ofasteaenr of Bsaolaadet'* Buchu, for tbe reeae**! or eonnuraotlog of kidney, blsddsr aad glaadalar llsiasts. mentsl and phystsal debility, fssaals com - plaints generally, Bad all Maladies OT tbs urlno- genital organs, for family physlolso* of note eoa■ alder It to be the standard remedy.

Mary Wood, of Chicago, III., baa earned , Wheeler ft Wllsoa machine, la Bt* years, $5,000; aa aver age of $» a week.'

lib i

1. A. KM,IS.

Begs tea re to I that he will git tba Organ, Piano, and Voice (epos the Conasrra- toryplaa), Also, to Tnalag and Uepalrlng all kind* of Musloal lostraments.

Orders left With Dyer fc Co., orat ltoom No, S, H*underi'Block, will reeelre lossaedlats altan- tlon. IUDOTI:..

The rasubiirn sOaselte, FOB SOVBMBBB,

Will be ready Batarday, November Ulh. It oontalaa a fall account of the Park Memo-

rial Oatherlag, and other loosl saattsr. Korsale byB.B. Harris,aad B. O.Borrle.

TEHKKMCK HENRY, Maanfaetarer of

Also, deslrr In all kinds of Fur- mnltare. Black Walnut, Chestnut Ea*d Pine Chamber Bete, eon-

. AwatantIy on hand, Dpbolsterlng d Repairing done In the neatest manner, and

as reasonable prtoes. Pletare frames, Curtslne and Certain fixtures constantly oa hand, and pnt up If desired.

Opposite Memorial Hall, Andover.

TEREKNCK HBMBT, Auotiolieei' i.ml Oommleslon Merchant, is now pre- parad to a*U Real Estate or Personal Property at


opposite Bean's Hotel, ELK SQUABS, next door U Bart's Livery Stable, where he will be happy ta receive aad attend to the wants of customers, By strict attention to business, aad by faithful en. deavors to please, he hopes to deserve a fair pro. portion of pablie confidence and patronage. II will be bis aim to ksep a Drar olaes eetabllshmeiit, aad the public are invited to give him a trial,

07" Particular attention paid lo Catting Ledrea' and Children's Hair.

P, 8.—Toilet Shampoo, a new mode of cleansing the hair without soap or water. Try It,

OKOBQE H.OBB1LL. Aadover, Jan. s, 1871. U

For Sale or to Let.

wK formerly owned by HEBMON ABBOTT, known as tba "Crystal l'ulace " — build lag la 100 feet long aad :w frame, and cellar under ths whole. goad walls apon the premises, and a street run- ning entirely around the building. If not sold, a portion of ft will he let for storing goods. It would make an excellent shoe or earrlage manufactory. Apply to JOHN RAfiAN, near th* premises,

Andover, Sept. SO, 1871. tl


M an u fsat u re r of Express, Market, Batcher, Store, Farm

and Boslness Wagons. m Btsillllai In ell Its breaches; aad all work

rarranted as represented. Andover, Marsh It. 1S71. tf

with tbe responsible duty of carrying oat thil itlenllflc portion of tbe entertainment. The (air was qalte tucceufnl, and while It was designed to be profitable, it furnished an occa- sion for innocent and thorough enjoyment.

EDITOR AMBKICAN ;— I was greatly Interacted in the communication of Ihe City Missionary, pub- lished some Weak* since, snd commented upon by tba pader* of our city. The aittallon of the pub-

mind In regard lo oar national and state eleo- Uons, and on account or th* disastrous Are In Boa- ton, ba* prevented, I fear, the proper considera- tion of Ihe sul.j'ct then presented, Tbat subject

tbe neoestlty of making larger provision for our City Missionary, tba sewing school under hie charge, tbe Band or Hope, and rooms which are

ly demanded for Ihe care of young children during the day, thai their mothers may go to lbs mill, or go out to washing, etc., In families. Tbere

many very bard eaaee of this character in oar ally, and It woald seem that th* Christian charity professed by so many among us, should be awak- ened to do something for tbe relief of Iheee moth- er* and their children. Betides this, rooms are needed for our evening schools, one* under the charge or oar City Missionary, but now sustained by Iba ally. This we regard a permanent organi- sation, and tha city moat and Will lake eare or It. Tbe basement or Iba elty ball is not a lit plaec for •wall a aebool; baring no mean* of vautllaUon, the air become* not only offensive but seriously ir-ji ou* to tbe health of the occupants. The portion of tbe aebool now occupying mom* <a oar Orsramer Schnnlhon*-. •■— uctter b* ensswr"" number tbere collected, are som* who are careleaa or maliciously disposed, Tbe derangement booke, tha lo***f some, or of artistes used by th* Grammar School scholars, are complained or. Now cannot some plsn be adopted by wblcb Ibeaa schools may be provided tor, and at tba earns Urn* the want* or lb* eily mission b* met I Cannot th* city authorities, assisted by the benevolent and charitable of our city, provide a building which shsll furnish rooms for th* evening schools, and also rooms for the various wsnts or tbe City Mis- sionary? The former Ihe eily should provide for; th* latter should ba tbe charitable work of benevo- lent and ehrlstlanly disposed cltlisas. The build. log required might cost $10,000; 1st th* city, which hss provided snob building* for oar Bra depart- ment and *u-h a polices station house, eay to the cllliene, " We will unite onr ifforle, and mike a suitable prevision for our evening schools snd ibe city mission. As soon aa $10,000 are •nbserlbsd for this objoot we will add onr $10,0\ . 1 thus a building be secured or whleh tbs elty map wall be proud, aa showing its determination to do what it can toward* relieving the wants, I nor easing th* In- tclllgenoa, and thus elevating Ihe character of our Whole community." I make Iheee suggestions; som* better plan may be proposed—but eomelbtng, I am persuaded, should ba don* by us aa a elty, and by a* a* oltliens, In regard to tha several Item* mentioned above. ClVte.

Sir, IS. Tba salary of Ihe Inspector of I shall be at ihe rate o f $26 per snnum,

BRc, 14, The salary of the sealer of weights and waanree,shall beat tberauof $90Qporeai

aad no fees shall be charged tot say iffUisi duly he shall perform,

8B3, U. Tba salary of the shlst engineer of tbe Ir* department shall ba at lb* rate of $100 per sanom. Tbat of the assistant englr.eere $70, seen.

Bxc, IS. The salary or the superintendent of the Are alarm telegraph shall be al tha rate of $300 per

SBO. IT. Tbe salary of ths ssseeeors shall be $000 *ach per aunum.

Bac. II. The compensation ofthe aseletaut al- sessor* shall be $1 each per d>y while Ibey are

SBC. IB, Tbs Board of minors sbsl I be paid three fourths of their a aiaiy whenever the ewllee- tlon books shall be coroplsted and delivered lo the eolleetor*, and the remainder on the first day of Nov.


Dispatches from every Company 1 represent has Ocen received, aad 1 am happy to iatorm my customers that every one of them Is sll right ex- cepl th* Howard of BoetOB, Whleh has lost every- thing

Volley holders will pleaae bring tbelr policies ) me, aad I will give tbem Strong, fsswrjr, Astra. le Companies. laovll A.C.CIIADWICK.


The uadenignc il wishes to e a press bit heart- felt thanks to his many friends, for tbe *leg*ot testimonial bestowed upon him on th* erealaf sf Nov. 1Kb, sisurlag them that thli expression of their friendship will ever be remeabrred.

8. If.NsVWHALL. Lawrence, Nov. 14,1171. i«ltalo


Dry Goods & Carpets.

We have jnat opened a oaar oi Lllplns Tjllb' •tain all thTaew and ebole* colorV-OLlViA BLTJE.BAOEOBESN.I'ELNB, BROWN, sad fiRORZI.





tn grsat variety.

Crestons, Cashmeres,

Thlbets, Empress,

Crapes, Coburgs,

And s full line of


Brilliantines and Alpacas, rades. We give par-

ticular allentIon to oar

Dress Goods Department, aad feel wc ean salt tbe must raetldloue taste,

CLOAKING S. We shsll gli* particular atteatIon to making i

Garments, having the beat Cloak maker In II ell j, and have In

the best Cloak maker la ._ Btoeh, Heavy aad Light weight

White Fund" Lectures.

PlflNEW MEAT MARKET The Babsssiber hereby informs the eltlsons of

Andorer and vicinity tbat he ha* taken tbe ihop lately oeeapled by Valpey Brothers, corner or Mala aad Central Streets, where he will keep for sale B Urge sneortmcat oi Meat* and Vegetables. Artiste* delivered when desired, free of charge.

H. P. HOLT. Aadover June s. 1ITJ. *tf

Tux RuDKRiDOirr CONOSST, oa Tasaday evening, wai a thoroughly enjoyable enter talnment, and tbe apprecietive aadiencI were rery generous with applause. Illnsi* pre- vented the attendance of Kill Wiltar, tbo pi- anist, but bli piece was pleasantly Ailed by Howard M. Dow- Msdame Rudersdorff wss In excellent voice, and woe the moat cordial ^•mnnatrwtlr.-. nr— —• -fi-*-—"*. H« Interpretation of the sr-etia, " Robert, tol one J'alme" waa marked by great intensity and dramatic power, sod aa encore was vigorously demanded, In which, aa again daring tbe even- ing-, ihe accompanied bnraelt. Later sue eang tbe touching ballad, " Sbe wore a wreath Of roies," which ibe gave with feeling and effect.

Mist Alice Falrman ssng exceedingly well and established herself at a favorite with the audience; Mr. Sprnguo bai a fine voice, and

•ed It With skill and taste. Kranleln Tl.erese iebe, the vlollnlit, with her pleasing lacs,

gweet demeanor aad marvelous execution, fairly divided the honor* with tbe great vocal- lit, and charmed and delighted every listener. Wfthicarcely less skill and far greater emo- tion and entbufiaam tbaa Camilla Urso, ihe poseeiiei B wonderful delicacy of touch, sweet- neei and refinement of expression, placing bar in the very front rank of violinists, and ren- dering her part, not tbe least enjoyable of tbe evening's programme; we earnesilv hope sbe may visit our city attain- The concert closed with tbe carnival trio, happily rendered by Madame BndersdortT, Hits Falrman snd M-. Bprigne.

We hate a very rich story to tell,—one thet will cause onr jolly readers to ihske tbelr eldee wltb laughter ws are certain, and we im- agine we eee one gentleman as red as a boiled lobster already. There Is a gentleman in thli cltv who has an agency for washing machine'. Now In order to sell a washing machine It Is necessary to show just what ft can do, and conaequinUy washing machine Bgentl hire frequently to do a waabing before they can sell. With a good washing machine we understand as agent can do any ordinary washing in half an honr. > Well, out friend, the washing ma- chine agent, went np on to tbe "Plains" Ibe other day, and soon succeeded in gaining the ear ol a buxom Mile-Ian lady, wbo was per- lastly dsl'gbtid with Ihe machine. Sbc prom Issd to bay one If It could accomplish all t a' he clamed for II.

"It will ma'am," he s»ld c modestly. "Then ein'tyei came an' do me wuhit.' oa

Monday, sad 1st me iss how tbe oull iblng works?" ihe addel.

"Cerlainly, madam," rtplled ihe [olite and

gentlemanly agent. In Ihs meantime the gentle Mile 1;Q lady

called around her her neightxn, u tbe lidy who found tbe pises of Hirer sbe bad lost did, aad said uoto them i

"Arrah now, at.' brgor y, in' thus's tte folaeit gentlemen In tha world a comlo' to do me waihln' on Monday, an' so tbete I', »»' he's got one av yer fsl-de-ma-ral-le, so be hss, sad he's gain'to wash me wssbln' all alone wld himself, In twlnty mini's, to bs it. io bring In yer duds me darllnbt, snd we'll give htm the dlvll's oaea work to do, so ws will."

The other la lies caught tbs idea, and when the agent mads hie appearance early on Ihe Monday morning, be found tha clothes in readiness tor him lo begin. 'Iwas then seven o'clock,and he washed aad wai bed and washed ; the machine did its duty well, bul It seemed at if that washing would nerer come to an end. The son, which icsttersd ihs mists of the morning, rose np high in the heavens, still bs washed; the orb of dsy passed the meridian, aad itlU the clothes came in. Hoping to sell a machine, be said nothing until ball put one o'clock, when a crowd of women came la upon him, and with smiles and curtesie^ thanked him for tbs labor bs bad eared tbem.

"Aad didn't yon Intend lo bay tbe machine r" bs asked of ths buxom Mlleelan 1 ady.,

"Sure, an' If nesilf an' ma friends c'ubbed together we couldn't raise as much as M bay the handle," said she- smiling.

Ws ere 10117 to said that that machine agent has tamed out quite a iwearer.

A Pleasant Meeting,

EDITOR AMKBICAK.-—It is not the largest meet- ings thai stir Ibe fountains of love the deepest or make the best Impressions oa th* haart.

A tew evenings since, a ladr lasahar la th* Klral Univaraallal Babbath ttohool, In this city, lovlled hsr olaaa, hsr pastor and his wife, and a few of her friends le visit bar, which la her custom twice a year, (and a very good custom w* think,) and spend a little time at th* festive board, and then paaa th* eveaiug In religious conversation, select reading, aloglag. As.

And aa one after another contributed to the In telleetnalfeest, on* ol ibe class, Mis* Nellie Bll- boro, wbo was sipeotcd to read or speak for tba edification or tha rest, name forward with B very large and bsanllfal photograph album, presenting It to her teacher, with the following neat aod salts- able speech: Mr: Kimball, our Frirnti nnrf Ttaekw

You bar* so often and in so many way* manifest- ed your kindness to us, your pupils In tbs Bauday Bchoul, where we have enjoyed so much, and we also trnal received so much profitable Instruction, and so taken us to jour h**tt and bom*, making as feel the warmth or your affection, and tba genaroi- ity of jour hoapitellly so much that we feel a strong desire lo leave with you, not aa B reoom- pensu lorjinir fidelity and love, for tbat ws cannot repay, but as an acknowledgment Of Iba many fa- vors we bare received,-something which may as- auro you that we appreciate you as our teacher. Be plcassd, ibvreforo, to accept thle album, desig- nated to baa memento and fitting receptacle for Ibe sun picture, of friends. And, as It may be your privilege lu oorolng days to turn over It* paf**, soaking to recall Ihe feataree of tbos* near and dear to yon, may it so remind you of thoae who (sve It a* to enable you to reproduce In your mind and heart brighter and more pleasing pic tares of those, wbo, by jour Instruction and love, hav adorned Iheinselvee with Ihe beauty of holiness.

lip to tbls time, Ibe recipient bad no reaaon lo know er to think that any present waa to be of fared, or any speech from ber would be expected, and was therefore very much afftoted, aa may well be supposed, but after a moment we* enabled lo make a suitable acknowledgment in the following well chosen words: ,

"Afar Itoar FsSMf t'rUntf- Io receiving IbI* album, as a testimonial of year

love and sffeeilou, I Ihsnk cash one of you for tbe klodoese snd mention thu* manifested toward me. And la future may we, ee teacher and pupil,ever be fal ihful and prompt to doty, aad press en In tbe glorioua work or the gospel of our Beevenly Teacher, and when oar labors *r* finished lo this life, and we are eallad to that higher one, may we all meet In aa anbrokea band la HeareB."

THS FIBX ALARM.—Again has tbe Brc alarm become a salience. The absence of Its sound at tha fire of Thursday, upon Tower Hill, was explained by the superintendent, who charged csrpenten at work upon a bongs where the wires were placed, with aot leering the same si they found them. But it the fireon Satur- day the alarm wai soaadel from the Paper Mills, aod It ■truck three tlruuOtben twice, and sgsio three times. How long thla need- less trouble is to continue li difficult 10 say; but wilb ss spprored apparatus, coating maor Ibcniandi nf dollars, and with a enffloieat ssl- ary appropriated for l'i care, we think no cause ean bs assigned the present siste of affairs, than gross bTuoraacs of tbe working of the alarm, and the sooner thli matter is attend- ed to tbe greater satisfaction wil' be minifeetcd by our tax-paying ctttieni. It is bad enough to be deprived of horse flesh lo draw "teamen to a fire, without misdirecting 11 remen is to Its location.


COSOBAITI-ATOBT.—.On Friday evening, Nor. 81b, tbs friends and constituents of Mr. Charles Psrley of Boston!, representative elect Of the »lh Biaex district, comprising ths towm of Georgetown, Ororelsnd sad Box- ford, assembled In goodly nnmbers at his res- idence to congratulate him upon his election, snd n j )leo with each Other St tbs gratifying result of tbe election throughout [he state snd onion. Mr. Perley Is an intelligent, wealthy and enterprising citizen, and the eeiirastlon in which be li held la sufficiently attested by tbe large mijorlty given him, notwithstanding tha bolting snd disaffection hf disappointed aspi- rants for tbe nomination.

The large assembly, including many ladle*. were soon invited to the dining hall, where a ta^la appeared, decorated with flowars aad loaded with vtaodi. inlnclent in quality and variety to delight the heart of the most fattldl- ous Epicurean.

Mr. Perley In a brief afldresi, welcomed tbe guests to bis house, thanked them for their support In tbe recent election, sad Invited tbem to partake of the good Iblnge there pre- sented. 80 reasonable a rrrin.'st was St once complied wltb, snd afler the appetites of the moit insatiable were appeased, Mr. Oigood of Georgetown, called the suemblr tu order, and introduced as toaitraaiter, Mr. James Web- ster of Boxford, wbo Introduced sentiments tbsi ceiled forth response* from Messrs. Tsn s>*r, Osgood, Fiekett, Wildes, and Nelson of Osorgeiw.H, siwkaer, Wsrdwell, and Corn*, of Oroveland, Perley, Pearl and others o I Boxford; longe by the "Boqaetor Artists;" solos by Messrs. Ojgood and Root of George- town, end an original poem by a wall known Isdy of Boxford, closed the literary exerrlsci Of IhS evening.

Mrs. Perley, the hostess, received many well deserved compliments for the evidence or taste sad skill apparent throughout the home, snd st s late hoar tbs assembly dispersed with expressions of mutual admiration-

LECITUBIS —The traitses .of Peabody libra- ry announce that by the munificence of Mrs. J. P. Daniels, arrangements bare been made for a coarse of lectures to be given st Music Hall. The arrangements already mads Include lectures by Prof. Morse of Salem, Gen. Haw- ley, Senator Peterson of New Hampshire, and George McDonald. Reading by Prof. Cburct - 11), aad a concert by ths Obrsr ironps.

SCHOOLS —Ihs present term ef .tbs Gram- mar and High schools closes tbis week, the primary having closed last week. So far as examined, tbe schools appeared la excellent condition, and the committee are highly grati- fied at the pleailng results of tbs term. Tbe winter term will commence on Monday, Dee, 3d.

Lawrence}, will cosesseiee oa Wedaeaday even- ing- December *th, 1S7S, st 1-4 to h o'clock, ta the City Hell, and coat In** every other BTedaaeOay •venlag, nBIllth* coarse of six ieoturae Is com SEE

TleketiefadmlMlon wlllbedlstrlbnted to the eerperatioai a* heretofore; to other*, by lot, at the City Ball, oa tha Batarday after noon prior to each leetare, at 1| o'clock.

Tlekewfor Iheelcrgvsaea of I.awresse wUI be reserved by the Chairman of the Truitees uatll So'olockof the morning of the lectire: If not then called tor. will be given to others,

Theflrst leetare will be given by Rev. W, H. ". Murray, of Boston.


Lawrence, (tov. li, IKK. .twta

Special Notice li ToBaHders, Carpeater*, aod others who may I moving or raising belldlng*. If In moving or ralilag building* yes come la vnteet withIhe ■

ITirrt Alarm Wire* yoa ere requested to notify 1 named!stely,

SAMUEL UAVt, Sept. V1re Alarm,

I*n«*8 No. 10, Hampshire St

Trnlniug actiool.

There will be aa axeninatlOB of oesdMatea for Bab-Taeaher* la the Tnlateg School, at the High School room oa Thursday, NOT. list,at 1 o'clock, r. M,

O. E. HOOD, Sept. of Schools, ■or. IS. U7S. ITsUTaf 11


Domestic Goods Llneni,


QuUti, Blankets,

I.xoe Curtain*, Ac

Also a large assortment of

"W OOLEN8, la Broadcloths, Cashmeres, and Water rrools.



nLL LiNEI op

Dress Goods,

Shawls, Domestics,

Hoiiery, (..loves, *4c,

aU Of tbe BMST QUALITY, which we aow ofrr


and wblcb we eoaleaatly aum

Cannot be Esjaallfd la Ihs City.








s*l*«ted with SPKCtAL KKyKKKMF to the Lawreas* trade.


gl.1 Essex Street, - - - Lawrence.

Agents for tha Essex Dye House.

Drawing School. All person* desiring to loin aa Evening da**,

or Classes ta Mechanical Drawing, ire invited to meet at tbe High School Hall, oa Monday Kven- tng, Bov. tl, at S o'clock.

Lawreae*. Oat. 3

K-tale of Timothy Denuey- Betlce Is hereby fiswa tbai the subscriber h*i

oeea duly appointed exeoetosof tbe wld of Tiauiuv DBsflBT,

latent Msthaea la the eonaf of Csiex, Tailor, deceased, testate, snd baakakra BDOB hlmscll that trust by giving boaii as the law direct*. Alt persons havlBg demaras anon the estate of •aid aae lie* id era required to exhibit Ihe same: aad all persons indebted to aid estate are called apon to make payaaaat ta

B.Q.Haia KMT, Executor. Metheen.Mov. ia,ll7>. '

Wormy Of lmltai Ion.

Tte lollowiog note enclosing #10. wss n- cetved by Rev. Mr. Cnihmaa, on Friday I

. LAWBEBCB, Ncv.», IBM. Mn.Cu8UUA«.-Pll*«'accept this for_ Ihe L.w-

re"ceTe,r,p*r.nce8efnrmelub,W aid In raraleb- ill their room. Vours rtW"'!^. ,, tf.

, * **>s ■ ~~ THB EAIT BOITOK ADTOCATU, sdmlrsbly

condncted paper tbat It li, comes to as sa- laried, with a handsome new beading, and other evidence! of a determination to merit« generous patrons** and reputation for |*W» ■pirlt and inlerpri-e.

EXTRA EIHTIOBB.—Prom special re- porters wbo attended the scene of tha groat Are In Boatou Sunday, we were enabled to present onr citizens with extra editions of tbe DAII.T AMKBICAN early

Monday morning;. There being no op- portunity of comraunlcstlng; with Boiton,

our newadcslers only hid their usual supply of Boiton papers, and there was a decided run on ihu AMBHICAN during the forenoon, neoesiltatlng three thou-

sand impressions to aupply the demand. Trio afternoon edition also, had a very

large iaK *»■*■*>»<

Tilt: nOBSE epidemic li abating In thla city as well as elsewhere, and tha animals are fait recovering. The horse oars be- gan tbelr trtpi between No. Andorer and Methuen, tbls morning, for the first time since the disease) made lu appearance here. The horses of business men, ex- press companies, etc, Are again being brought out and pat In the parformsnos of duties, some of which have been neg< lected, snd others but badly performed atbestlnthesbsenceofthe horse. There li little doubt but tbat the dlaeaae will goon, entirely disappear from tbo city, and It la a matter for general congratula- tion that io few fatal ll lei have occurred during its stay.

Tas BOSTOK JOIIBMAL OF COMKRBCB, ibe new commercial paper of wbhb only two num- pera have been Issued, were unfortanets la losing their office In tbe great conflsgntlon; they hare however, promptly secured s sew location, at No. 12 School street, sad will Issue tbe next number without Interruption, oa Sat- urday.


Tbo horse disease la abating. Tbe annexation of Bradford ta not jut con-

sidered aa impossible thing, by some people. Iliptherla prevails to some extent in Haver-



this dty, Nov. llth, a sou to


TUB following officers were pe-nlled is Fi- delity Temple of Honor No. 8, taaradsy even- ing, WOT. T :-Joe. T. Nlebole, •#. fj. T.; W. B. Bead, W. V. T-i Gso. T. Wseki, Tf. B.; R. C Barrio, W. A. R-; O-B. RoMssou, W.F.B-t Jess* Hesvea, W- T.I Wilier Miller. W. u.t M. M. Houiiou, W. D. U,i A.O. Pith. W-«■; Cbarlc■ C. Cole, W. 8. i L. L. Wood, W.C-

IIUWAHD—LANO.-10 thle ally. Nor. 13th, oy Rev. Clark Carter, Mr. .1, B.Howard and His* Lydla Maria Lang.both of Lawreae*. No card*.

WHITAKIR-ALI.EY.-Ia thle elty. Ner. Utb, by Bar. L. P. Casbmaa, John W. Whltakar, of Boatoa. and Phllo Alley, of Lawrenee.

risen ah M. Mercer,, both of Lawrence. DIlgW-KTOXRlDOlC.-In tall ally, Nor. Mb,

by rtev.L. P.Coahmea, Mr. Mil too A. Drew and Mis* LUil* L, Btberedg* of Lawreoc*.

D(irtFLBB-BOOTT.-lB this eily, Ner. 1:, by Bar. Dae. Packard, Mr. Pater Dorfter W Mr*. Ells* Koott, both of Lawreae*.

SMITU-MANNINU -lolhllclty, Nov. 1Mb, by Rev.T.T.Muagar, Mr. Wm. P.Bmltb, Jr. and Mies Malts** Manning, both of Lawrence.

JOHNBON-WABBtJBTOM,-tB this*liy,N*v. 1Mb, by John B. Uongb ridge, Mr. Sot Johnson end Miss KH label h War of Lawreaee.


ASSIGNS]! or DISI Jeii.a


BY AU< Notice 1* hereby given hit th* anderalgaed

assignees ol the estate f tm=

Cheater. Baakrapt, will s t neabelder's Hotel,IB Chr1" SATl'KDAl, MOVB

At ID O'S loi . A. M., The HOMMSTBAD, alt itsd la Ch*ater, eon

telnlngaboattl-x acre*,



Wo bare opened thle week

Jackets, with & without Sleeves, Hoods, Cape, Tippets, Clouds, Mitts, a fall

line of Fleece lined Hosiery, Gloves, Ladies1 and Chil-

dren's Under wear, Vests, Drawen, Paote-

letts, cVe, &e.

To all wasting

CAKPETINGS, yoaeao Snd Hrasiels, Tapestry, Three Plyi,

Two Plys, Extra aad Mediums, Hemp, Hires, and OU Clothe,


NOB. 249 and 255 Essex Street,



."Pi re Insurance,

In RelswMe 4 out pan If a.

.i'.tru, Hartford, Conn.,

TION. ■iiueiBJHuru,

r Wm, Crawford, of Public Auction, at

t 30th, IS.J1,

laving a o Dwelling, with Barn and. her BallsHngs, built u -sod*raityl«,*taeoitofi oat sao.ooo.

The" J6BBPHMOEBE¥AMM?' (IO called:,

.-AND IMBBB LAItu, sit- uated taBaadawu, and has a as the "Crawford L0t.»

The" BUreas Lot " (*o tiled,) te BaadowB

The" Dearborn Let," a olnlng the "Mere* rarsn," In Che*t*r, contain g aboat 1 i i aerea.

S aaree Weodlaad, la adowa, oaltsd ihe Pl*teb*r Lot." A farm la Auburn,call* tha "sfrrrill Fartn.

eentalBlng aboat ISO aeree F woodland and pa*. -^lag.

_Tlmber Lot In Auburi Lot," ooit»l*l»g about Mi res.

L- "Crawford Lot," s) Uaadia, soatalalaf The about loo aeree *f wood, ti ber gad iaetsrJag.

lOOaoraaor Wood aad Tl ber Lead i* Kamaey, M.H.. known as Ibe "/ell. kHIIIa.'

A Lot of Land In ChMteTTeaHee] th* " Green Lot," containing about 13 air** el wood snd Usa-

Aeeete, Losses ta Bosloa,

•0,000*000 fjl.500.000

Home Ins. CO., New York City. Assets, Losses la Bosloa *

««,000,000 •700,000


128 & 230 Essex Street, 3d Door Front I'ov-ofliii'.


Baeeessors to


B.T.bMgbi apart uf lb. WABIUKaTOBMILLB

Bhawls and Dress Goods,

LADIES la want ol a GOOD SHAWL OB PKKBg at a low

Ugare shrjaJd lose no opportunity in inspect. lag oar stock,

PLAIDS, -j:> ccnU, worth 37, oO 4 87. 1'OPI.LNS. 26 oeaU.


Andalltbr aew<

Shawls, Shawls, Shawls. Woolen Shawls- ('ishmere Shawl*,

Sl.87 4.7o

Ins. Co. North America, Phil. Penn.

Assets, Losses ta Beatea,

•3,400,000 •1,000,000


No. 306 Essex Street.

Corner of Lawrence,


has selected a Large Assortment of Lin* Oooda for

Fall and Winter Trade.


ELTIES l> •> .1 lb.




07"All goods warranted to girt' mtl- iBfketioa.


constantly on hand aad mad* to order.

Sty-Call aad exasnla* before purchasing.

Ladles* Furnishing Goods,


ROOM I»AI>EIiS, of every Urada aad ttnaUty, at the Lowest rrlets at


1£5 aod 848 Essex St., Lawrence.

Window Shades, Fainted Cloth. Uellaad*. Ee.it.cs aad Paper

Shades; aim, tha Best aad Mo it Appro ved kinds


Picture Cord aad rie'.are Knobs at


Americau, Frenoh & British Ooods In Stripe* and Plaids,

Black Alparnu * Brllllniitlnes.

We k**k tbe largest stock of ihose good* la the City, every brand Imported, so ladle* can have any choice, end prices that d*ry competition.

3S Cento to the best made.

A Good, All Wool Blanket, l..rie si.., r.r M.U>.

."HINTS, Fut Colon, 1 and 10 ill. (11NIIHAMS. Bert, IS and II cli.





Mantloa, Saquee and Capos

CUT ft MADE TO ORDER, I. lb. I.WM, SMlia* aa. ■«., .rtl.tl.......r,

a.d a, Nt w.ll known

Low Prioes.

Small Wares & Trimmings, IK BSDLKBS VARIKTT.






A. W. 8TE ABN S <fe CO. arc opening

Fine, Elegant & Clieap «oi>d8


We are oftrtag BPKC1AL BAUOAIBB la Mr HUAvrLOKPABTxtKHrandbrMtiral

Goods, Ateo the Largent. Fteweat,

loMHrlerlsnil Ireslrable tttock of

DHEStt GOOUM, at Temptingly Low Prlees,

Blankets* Flannels* aad Desirable Warns Hoods for the approach!*.

cold weather. We hare ihs iBrgaat and most complete assortment of

Carpets & House Furnishing Goods tebafooad. rrossihe

Best Englisli Body Brussells down through th*


TWO-PL Y8. ||JU TNO, mm


Aad th* Btoet Ccaail Qaallllea,

All uf which we are disposed to sett at


ll^BI »th*r market, Oea-

Jasl opening aa asneruwent o t

WEW TRIM ■DIGS, LACSSi * GIMI-8, Very Desirable,


One Prioe Only.



Finat CIHNN Work. A. W.BTKARHB A OO. hare opaaed th* flnsjri

ai wellastheLAEOKBT Assortment of gUietly fine Woolens ever displayed In liils city, embrac- Ing BKBT French, London, West ef England, Beoteh aad Amartean makes of Over COaat- Ings, Vesting*, Coatlnge as*| panta- loonery. lo whleh we would invite the atten tloa of Ueatlemen la Lawrenee and vtrialty, aainrlng tbem thai they will Bad tha most nobby and 8ty.l*h Ooods to select from; Bad we are prepared to make up Coals, Feats, Tests and Whole Bulls In tbe Host stylish aad Finished Manner at moderate price*.


Village. The" Ball Lot,' taCai containing about 1 aerai,

Alee. 1 set OayBealsa, art iclei la osr hands aa ■ ,


Manchester, M. 11., Nov,

Tbe anderilgned, Malgna J. Heivla, Bankrupt, will al tloa.ateaave time aad pi. th* above aale, A Wood I,ot, coatalaigg abont S ncrr», SI (aated at So alb Woods, lu Chaster. Alee, the right to one aadlrldcd hairoJUeHoate oeeapled by T. J. Kelvin during BalA.

ausoa lux. i..^ J.V. BAiBOsU*"'"-""-

B.,NoT.7,lS71, lltfitnt

I Warbortnn, both

., by He*. K.U,

SI, by Bar*. O.B. Batter, ef (Jeorgewwa, Mr.

9«*ittw. HILL.—In l*wr*oo*. Mow, Sib, Tobtet 0. Hill,

formerly ef Andorer, aged ft yens, MKRROW.-Intbl*elty,eth toil.. .Theodore C.

wlf* el Lorenao I). Marrow, aged M year*. BIOOB.-Ia tbts etly, sTer. nth. Mr*. Anal* B„

wile or Dr, Wm. B. Hlgg*. aad dsnghter of lb* late l>r, E, D, Hayea, aged H yrs,

RUSSELL.—In Ibis city, Mov. Ilth. Infant son of Frank aad Loralae Bnseell, aged is week*.

BPOKFORD.-Ia North ABUovrr, Kov. Mb, snd- danly, of heart dts****, Baanab 1., wir* of Hen- ry Bpoflord, aged 70 yra.

BIXBY.-In North Andover, Mov.B. James Bliby,

ROB Ml ITS.-In Aadcver, Mov. 10, Mrs. Oetberine

th* late MsJor Joseph

la Unnkrnptcy. District of staff. SB.

Tha uaderslgned hereby give aotiee of their ap

IVJLblSSI BS. nrsi.Minil. 1,1 BAMCEL W. HOPglHSOtf, I


tor adoption or te take for a -•—itSyei



Kiecutor'8 Sale of Real Entate IM LAWRBrlCB.

By virtue of a license frem Ihe Probele Court. I shall sell at Public Auction, on rJatajdny, !>*■ oecabcrSlSt, 1171, at 1 o'eclock P. IT. on ths presalsee, all the Real F.siaw ofThoMsJtteontlt, late of Lawreaee, la tbe Coaaty of laea, and State of Maaaaebaietts, deceased, galf eeute ' sitaaled on th* northerly sMa ef Oak said Lawreaee. nearly opposite the St - •ad eonstet* of aboat gffO *qaar* f apon which there is two hoaaes. ** li abont St ay Ml *a*t, 1 slorlss. la abont IS by IS fact, I stories. hare been aewte palawd, aad will BI< a good price. The lot te bounded, i _ __ Oak BsreoS, eaitarl y by lead of Tbemas j. Walsh, *??**.fl/__pI afaseag* "ay, sad wester^ by lsnd

n the Law-

]*rth Oak Btraet, on'the forth by laadof MlehaatEcaaedy. ea the west % tend of CetheilneMMtsrr.and on the south by laud ol ftatl * 11 lokey,

Persons desirous of purchasing sre larlted to examine tbe nrwperty at any time previous to the •ate. i oBdltloas, Sloo al sale, th* biknee la thirty days, whan ths deed will be dr llvctrd.

AMBROSE BOBSITER,EH'r. Lawreaee, Hov. U, IsT). r.iw

For Bale. At A r cbibald'* Wb**l Co's old stead, Msthnea,

Running Parts for Team WajoiiB, of all alias. Also 1 on* Ron* laru. wagrup,

' te, all with the Archibald Wheel evil

North British & Mercantile Ins. Co,

Assets, S10,000,000, Gold. LOBSOB la Boaloat •BOO,000

Springfield Fire Insurance Company,

■raiiorBLD, WASH.

Assets. •1.000,000 Leases ta Boatoa, •WO.00O

Orient Insurance, Hartford,

Losaea will aot Impair Capital.

D. 8. Swan ft Son, AUKNT8, NO. 7, Lawrence St., Lawrence.




0JIE8TSVT COAL, for Rasa Baraers—n large lot for aale vary cheap.

Estate -Jsuaes Deaey. Hotloe Is hereby given that the sebssrlber has

been duly appointed enaentor ol the will or JAM) DR tcr,

iateofLawreace.ln theeeantyof his,ea,mereb*ni deceased, testate, aad he* taken apon hlniell thst trait by giving boade, aa tbe law directs. All

irsoas having detainee af* Ihe estate ol said

No Soap ever rande ban Met With each snecennas


The large salee that are dally naade nad t e lacreaalag demaad for It are th.- brat proofs that It has ao eqaal.

Account Books k Stationery ta trsry variety al


PICTURE FRAMES of every deserlptloa asad* le order at


Comer of Essex and Pemberton St. A tall Uae of

Umbrellas ft Walking Canes. Umbrellas and Parasols Repaired.

Toys aad Fancy Good* of rvnry dr- acrlplloa.

SMB tL ■Alt the same;

all person* Indebted

5arsons bar I reeaaed arc

all person* Indebted to said oetale ar* called upon to aaake naymeat to


Lawreaee, Bov. Itth, I87S. lit

iS tn Affl P*r *"*- Ageate wanted: All 9* Ml eT»iU elasseeof working people, or either aex, yoaag or old, make more asoney at



BBoxaaiTts, CATABHH, Aaaaia f^gsyrpsto if Ftflwoswir* T*i*er.-ii s

RADICALLY CVRBD | Witts taa Kllxlr J. V. Uerssard

sag Paris. [information A instruction* sent (frtc

o ill who deslrr 11 by addressing I A. Bernard 4 Co., Sola A gent*, Pi', O. Boa BU, tl WlUUm si., if. J



Millinery IFanoy Goods AT


164 Essex Street, Lawrence, Man., Three doors below Jackson St,

Ws hare aow opened a large slock of Feat bi- er*, mower* snd Hlbbossn lu sll tha sew ■hades.


Alexandria KldS la one and two battens, whleh we are selling OHBar.

Mia* HATTIE CMATBUBN has charge or oer Millinery Department, and

ill be pleased te ace any of her old customer*.



Overcoat, Under Coat, Fame and Vest. ton* given Oratla, to the parson who Tret •olres thli Xalgnsa, enrmtly, prior to Christmas, 1*71,

At the "GLOBE" Clothing House.

CV il—or, ir r*J think youll nit,-., x A TI flA-int One, Two.TIirce, Dock Q - T

'ii, or Genllomu.i, Of Doys— J

Ol'lt iliui.-i uf Mjxit i.,jul.AH suUa. 2

will be Sued lo a remplet." I The slyle of whlob, with

our ImmeoH-frenilocr-priced Fall etook ol Cloth- lagt may aow ba aecnat she aiw



We are aow receiving rrom PaMory oar New

llyles uf Una Fixtures Tor Church**, HflU and

Private Dwelling*. eSBSlilIng tf Cb*aA»Uier., Bull Lights, Pendents, Brackets, PorlaWegtsad*, Prop Lights, ate., which we offor lo Us Trad*

anl the Pablic at Ihe Vi-nr Lowaar Prices,

Ali»,alarge asaortmenior Keroaeae Oood* al Wholeisle and Retail. 3sn!»oddb7xb

MeKEHllKV.BIJLUgDACe. AS, WaahlacloB US 8 mm,. .1.■*> I,


SAT TO THE WORLD That wast people bare bees looking tor aad •taking after tor Ibe test hundred years ha* at last been foaad aad eaa be bad at


Boot & Shoe Store. Tha Samoua

Water-Proof Boot For [.s.1le*eadi;*ntlem*a,mede uf thr Repellent Cloth, and warranted walrr-proof. We b*v* tested ihem and ean warrant them waterproof. For Ladvss we hav* both

Lace and Button Boots,

Frank Knox'a Boot snd Shoe Store,


OKonararrA A. DUSTIK,

Teacher of Pianoforte. ■•alAameo-Tl I.awrawee AM. ••'oil'

Horse Disease Don't Effect BURMIIAM'S PRICES.

Look at hit Urge aad KB* Block or FALL OOODS.

at prlees thst can'i be beat.

Ren*o, Vonlha', aad Bo*/s* Overcoats, From ri.Hi to «.oo Dollars.

A Large aad Bew Beeek of

Men's and Boys' Suite.

KEW ST00KOF PANTS, lathe LatestBtytee.

Bhirts and Dru/werwi Vary Cbsap.

HATS a"n~d CAPS, la great variety, <or all ages.


ULOVRB, FfCETINGS, and every thlBg in tbe famishing goods Hue very


BURNHA M'S No. 103 Essex Street.

COKE. (JOKE. COKE, ur.i.iu.nin,

PER CnALDtUR - ■ ta.OO HAI.FOHALDKOS - • "."*) HAKKRI, ■ *• MB


Orders raaetred at tba OSie of the LAWBKXCK

GAS CoarAST, >*>»! Sssssx btreei.

lvrtfociit OEO. D.CABOT, Agent.

Th* bast book ol it* class ever published Is

W0RD8 FITLY SPOKEN, by Bav. W. H. H. HOBBAT, Pasteref Park HtratChurob. RostOB. Il I* the moit popeler and beet laltlag work In IbI* market, Oacd Agents Wanted. Address, I. If. Klrhsrrts.,n a. Co., Ito.raiCcirBhlll, Boston, Ms-*., and Rn. 013 olive Bireet, St. Loals, M. !*od"two1l«b


AD VANCE COOK STO VE, Mngee'a New Portable Ranffe,

a large stock bougbt be tore the adraaoa, and io besold LOW by ' Hi "


No. 889 Essex Street, Lawrence.


ROGERS it ALLEN, Wholesale DetlrrliB

KKtllY HADE VLOTHINe, At their Old Bland

10 Fsneuil Hsll Square, Boston, (OppusIM Faneall Hall.)

Har*a full line of DKMIRABK OOODH at FORUKR raiCKfl.

Hat oa* other Wholesale Kslebllshmenl of the kind 1s left In th* elty. t»Borlf*b

For Information abont laileil Companies




asALaea ta' *

Copper, Iron and Glass Of/lender

PUMPS, "t .11 BlaJi. Al... I.

I.KAD 1'IPK. . TiN-Linan PIPE.



Corurr Hampshire 8f Bsss* Sts., I.AWKKSCK.









Business Notice. I hue liken a Store at

No. '220 Essex street, - - Lawrence, ■•It to City 11*11, for t hr purpoao of manufactur- ing HABIUIEN of ev.-ry Mud, bath Single tit Doable, and .hall nee the belt of work end pat in tbe best of work; will try to plcKtieall who will give me IMII.

Hhill keen A large aatortmeflt of

Trunk*, Bag". Valises, BbtWl Straps :.n.) Trunk Ntraptt.

UUIMII Bipalred aad Oiled.

C. U. 8TKBBIN, Agent. April lit, 1*7*.



»re ilm only m.-illelm- that will tun- l'ulm<>u»ry

®ttr Sptrr-1**.

OVER 0110,000 SOLD.


At T*l


M A (' 11 I N K




Never want to Exchange It,




will often .,.■■! \\indeathof tin' patient, it look* up the !l>", '"l" the circulation of tho bloud, hemorrhage follow*, *n0, i» fact, clogging the action or the vr.y organ* that canted Ihe COJlll.

Liver complaint ai.'l dy«pepela arc thecaum* of t*o-thlrd«oftheca.'e* of consumption. Many art' now oomplaiiilUK with dull pain In the *lde, Ihe I>o»eU sometime* eoatlve and lometlnic* too I iiie.i:nt pfinorjllinn JS " ApotDOr: lootr, tongue coated, pain In the shoulder blade, ' feeling tometlme* very reatleet, and at other llm," droway; the food that 1* taken lira Mavlt] on the atomaeb, accompanied wllb acidity and belching of wind. Tbeae ayraptoma u.ually orlgl. Bite from a disordered oondllloa of the *tomaeh

tarpld liver. Perton* »o « ffecte 1. If they Uk« or two heavy colda, and If the cough ID time

eatee be laodenly (topped, the lung*, liver and •lomaeli clog, and remain torpid aad Inactive, tnd before the patient 1* aware or hlaaltuailoD, the lung* are a m**s of aorea, nnd nleerit'd, and death 1* the Inevitable reaalt.

lenek't Palmonlc Syrup la an expectorant which doe* not contain any opium, nor anything oakulm.il to check a cough ruddenly.

bcheneh.'* Seaweed Tonic diitolvee tbe rood, alxe* with the getlrlejulec of the*tom*ch,di- cat* ee»ily. noarUhe* the *y*tem, and errate* a

jealthy elrculatlon of the blood. When the bow- el* are cottier, tkln tallow, and the patient U ol a blllona habit, Sehenrk'* Mandrake Pill* are -equlred,

Thete medicine* ate prepared by Dr. J. It. SCUKNCK k. SON, Nonhead corner of Sixth and Aroh itreet*. Philadelphia, l'enn. UBO.C. GOODWIN & CO.. it* Hanover itreet. Botton, John V, Henry, ■ College plaea, New York, Wholesale Agent*. * J»r«

"r aale by Print lltl general ly-

I AT A KIRK IB I'ORTMXO the other morning, a reporter ror | daily pupur

, ,,._, -_-„- wn« plai-t'il in ■ somewhat dangerous, Hittnlv look-innrktrs—Dirty lingers. I r • * • a j I ,,ul ilUl": salaWilsaj. extremely ludicrous

Carpel, we UMgbt by Ike yard ami p(wlli()0 Iie ,s g VR,iant J0Qth. ^

roro bj the foot. jl:,p(, i,e \9 0|„. of tbtiau fellows who rush A promising young man in all v»r_v ( in where angcla ilare not tread. Ilohad

Sewing Machine.

rr7*H Worka like n rimrDiI^rj

Celebrated New Drop Feed,

th* very latett and beat ronitrnrlcdof any now la ■••, The 1'reaaer root ti regalated with

a Screw, ao that the prmiare ean be tightened or looaenedat pleaaure, aa-

eordlBR to the quality ol the good* to be tewed.

It it the most nijis<'k'sn,

It runs the easiest.

It does tho greatest variety of work

without change of needle, thread

or tension.

It has a struight neodle,

and makes the I.ml. Stitch

VTa claim ours BUT for the following

reason, which we stand ready to PROVE

to all who will give m a call :—

Flrjt—They are not ao complicated

that they require a meohanlo to keep

them In order, aa they have 20 leas parts

than the simplest machine in the mar-

ket, therefore 20 less times liable to get

out of order.

Second—They are the stillest running,

baring the silent feed.

Third—They have the largett tales of

any Family Machine.* In the world.

Fourth—They are the hiyhtst tpeetUd.

Parties advertising other machines as

higher speeded, make a fal$t statement.

Filth—They will do a larger range ot

work than any otner machine.

Sixth—They will do heavier work than

any other Family Machine.

Seventh—They hare the best stitch

and tension.

Eighth— They hare the glass foot,

with which the natural eye can see to

guide the work, being much easier than

with a steel one.

Ninth—They do not oil their work.

Tenth—They do not have holes to

thread In their shuttles, as alt other Lock

■Utah Machines do.

Eleventh—They will use I.IMRN and

' ail kinds of threads and silks.


rant.. In want of WHIKLKK A WILSON*

Maebtaa*. are oaatloned agalatt parchaaing thai

•f agaala who advarUae W nil all nubiaeM

they make a ipeeUlty of oae, bat ate different

oaea to blind th. penile and ealch Ihelr pray, while

we tell set one hind, aad thai l> the


Wheeler & Wilson MACHINE.

Uavlag Stted up th* atora Hfltl, POKTKU'S

BLOCK, w* will be happy to thaw o*r Machine* a all braaebee of work.

We heap «a bead a good mpply of the beat

COTTON A .1 11 M | |, K H

le the market, with


tor Iba Wheeler ft Wliaoa Machine*.

Open every Evening till 9 o'clock.

rt.H - P*(il*a aavlag Wheeler A Wllaoa'i

Maeblnea wilt rreelvelnttmel lea la their a** free

f eherge; aad we bope all will avail iheataelvet o< tblaepponanlty.


are the leteat Improved, moil tlmple, atteagtet) oompa:t and durable maohlnet ever made to tewing. We advlae all wbo have not aeenthete Wonderful Improved Mac hi net, to give them * thorough eaamltiatloo and trial before pure hat-

If yon are thinking of bnylni; a Machine, aad want the IIKST, we tboold be pleated to aeada "Remlntrton Empire" to your home on trial, with a competent pertan to teaeh yon to ran It, Frtt of Kxpmtt. Bold on the Afoit Lib trill Term* i




WEST STREET, LAWRENCE. Leakr Rooft made Tight althort notice. Ivnivlr

Boots and bhoes


;I be pleated to ahow their k-cted itook of Men'*, Wo- , Yonlh'a, Chlldren'a, aad

J. I). HKRBICK AND 8. M. FRENCH, under the aame and ttyle of J. Y. FRBNC1I ft CO..reepectfully announce to thelrformer pat root and tbe public gimr*LI>, that they may mill be found kl tin-Old.St :uid

71 Essex Street, (139 New Number.) where they will alw large and carefully i men'*, Hoy-', Mi**c Infant*'

BOOTS AND SHOES. Alto, at all time*, a Kood attortmrnt of

RUBBKK WOODS. Women's No-Heel Rubbers,

aoi elaewhere to be roand In the olty. Tbetr Qoodt, at far at poatlble, are made to

order.and received directly from the mottreipoa. ■Ible mannfacturert.

AeTThey are soi.a Agentt of the


VOQLE OEBMAN 8LIPPEB. 4W*HavIng retained the tervloei of MK. It, B,

SMI 111, i« man of twenty year* experience In tht manufacture and ton ol Boott and Shoea, they totlelt and hope to merit a there of the poblk patronage.

Cfl'lctiHc examine our (tooda before purchasing.


189 Essex Street, Lawrence. J. D. Herriek, S. H. Preneb,


Wonderful Invention of the Age

$6.00 down, anil 9".00 per month until paid for.


No. 143 Esuex street. Af/ent for Lawrence and vicinity.


SM Waihlnffton Street, - - - - Boston,

Broadway Savings Bank, nRBCHIN BLOCK,

Corner Essex Street and Broadway.

Depoitl* placed on Inlereat the Plrtt Day ol aanb month.

Intarett allowed tin all turn* of une dollar and upward*, depoilted not le** ttmn one month I fore the day oo which dlvldvod* *rr declared.

The *malle*t nn reeelred on drpoelt I* t cent*.

Dlvldendt will be made of all the profile which may have accrued within the pmvloui tlx montht, atttr deducting neoenary eapenaet.

Interett will not be paid on fractional parti of a dollar.

OrriCKRB: I'Tttiittnt—Jaiin Kai,i.o!«, E*g,

VlC* I'rtfultnt*, A. W.Htearn*. Thoma* Krntt, H.C. Bioon, Morrl* Knowlet, Jamet A. Tre»t, J. Emerion, Jr.

J'rr.nM ■ r .imnn Payne.

JohnBmlth, P.L.Baaalf, s, W. Knight, Ii. r. Ui'li.rdtoo,

Patriot Murphy,

Attached to theae patented Speotaelet are two •elentlflcally conitrueted llalvanle Batterlea—tin- teen when worn—delivering through the nervel or the bead a

Baft and OtHtftHWna Stream of Electricity,

vltallilng and giving healthy notion to tbe entire beautiful i-y.tem of thoae part*, ABJjOLVTKLY and CKR'l'AlNi.V CIIHINf)

Partial I'aralysis of the Optic Nerve, Weak or Diseased Vision.

Neuralgia of the Head or Faro, Nervous Twitches in the

Muscles of the Face, Noises in the Head,

Loss of Mental Energy,

arltlng from de- pretnlon of the rontrlbul


Peter Bmlth, J. W.Hn.tlli, Pttar Hollliar., P. C. Kirk, D. M. Ayer, A. J. Preneb, n. K. Pilltbury P. G. Pllltbury

■ I'tyn.


by the mean* of the tolt Qowlng stream or Klec- triclty, giving

Brightness to the Eye, Quickness to the Ear,

Energy to the Brain.

They are act with leniee of the flnenl m*nulac< lure, to *ult all tight*, and with glaaeet for thote not needing spectacle* to read with, but deitrlng the lit u< iit« to he derived from wcurtnethe Bat- terle*; and are to be had In thlt city unly ol


Watchmaker, Jeweler and Optician,


No. 186 Essex Street, Lawrence, Dealer In Watch**, Clock*, Jewelry, Panry

Good*, ftc.

N. B. — Also Agent for Lazarus & Morris* Perfected SpectacleH and Eye Glasses, the IIF.ST in the world.

Drummers, Attention t en Muilc Htore n

■ ■ t >, and procure

DRUMS, I r..,'.i(.-i, I.I lead Political and oilier

i ii.i.i. 1 Hardy. The Bank wlllbeupen every day from U A.M.

tol P.M..except Saturday, On Tliur*d*y and Haturday KvcninK*. from 7 ui v, for receiving de- potltaoBly. JAMKH PAYNK, Treasurer.

Lawrenoe, Jane 14, Wi.




New .lid I'rMli, ..


34ft Common 8treet, Lawrence.

■I t V II K * ,

No. L'66 l-*eex St., I.iiwn'iue


Found at Last! After eighteen month*1 eonilant experlment-

ng, the American Tablet Company have put upon the market a I'lltAliLK nalauleaa Itonii Hl.ATB. Warranted not to wear out llg« that already Introduced Into our nahool* known a* the Mllloate llool Mate. Por 1,1,1,. by



Adjuster of GoQiplicated Aooounth', AID

COLLECTOR. Office—239 Essex St,, Lawrence.

tlonrt, 'l to Hand 7 to H p, M. 11 laeplH

TO LET—NOW READY, a New and Ilaodaome Itrl.U Rloolc, ll the very center of the City. It detlgned Tori riMST VL48M noAHDinn HOUSE. Cat bive from lOloitf rooma. Nose but a BKHVOM

I1HLK party need apply. Inquire of

DR. BOYNTON, No. Hi.'i Enaei etreet.

Alao.taveral very detlrahle BOOMS SBilsUi lur builnr** purpoaei,

AI*o, **varal good bl ll'Ks ol Boom* fo rnptrtiibli- men and their wive*.

•TApply prow, not wilt till the be*t roomt *r •II rented.

I.awranre. Oct. 11, Is. '. Hint

BRASS INSTRUMENTS, bf thi- bast maker* Plute*. pjfea. Con ment* In oummon other thing* needed to rene ment*, and a full ttock of Mi

■ISO the beet Violin Frtluai;—in fad. 1 ae.wltb RTHlNt.S

I repair Inatiu 1 Marehan.

lee. lylTapMrb'

JOHN O. UAY.NUB * CO., .13 Court at., (oppodte Court Hoate.j Boeloa.


Every Man his own I'hysician 1


HOLLOW A Y*a OINTMBNT Oifi /'noyoncy fo tht ftodp, t'ltarnti* to tht

Urutn, i J../ a liTiltiant (\<mpttxinn. UOLI.OWAY'H PILLrl eon*l*tof a careful and

peculiar admixture, of Hi- ttneat Irgttablt c.V- trtftf. H-:l.\ .inn Mniicimit thim*. Po»M-**ing not » rfrnlu of miuert.1 in their combination, they never expoae thotc whu u*e them to anv danger, at *ny time or union. No mother neea heeltate

ihe them to her ohildren, and the moat toaatltatloe oau u*u them with a* grea' the most vlgoroue and powerful frame,

Holloway's Ointment Ii the concentrated extract of healing fl<il.«»ii and rare K^roptatt f>uai*. It I* penetrating, (Outhlng, and healing In liBnatuie; and the pure* of the ikm abaorb It (when well rubbed In) aa greedily a* water It taken up lu • aponge. It It a wonderful e.o*mttiiur for the i-kla, and tht uta ol a tmall quantity applied to the laoa at Bight, will Impart a olear and

PKJItL-LIKK COUrl.BXtON! equalled only by that of the infant.

Ilolloway's Pills and Ointment Cure the following dlaeatei:

Dyipeptta, Laiiltude, Paver and Agfle, Hkla Dliea*e*, Plmplea, King Worm*, Pile* and Plitula, Blllout Pcver, Bwelllatt, Bore ThroaU, guloaey, Worma, Swelling of the Joint*, Scrofula, Liver Complainti, Wound*, Borei, Durni and Scald*, hall Kneum, Gravel,

and all dl»order* of the I.Wer, Stomaoh, Kldneyt. NEW YORK CHEMICAL COMPANY,

78 Maiden Lane, New York. Holloway't Pllla and Ointment are told at IB

cent', ta 1 : ceiiip.and $1 per box or pot. A great aavlag It made by baying the large alaea, ("'mirinvi I Th'' w<,rd " Hollowav " appear* In WaUUOO . , »,ter m»rk in the little pamphlet turronndlni each box ol I'HH or pot of Olntmcpt, Thi* aeouret the «en«lnc lydeol H. M. WHITNEY ft CO, Amenta for Lawrenoe.

well; better have a paying one,

A Woman who tells fortunes from a tt'ii-tMp needuri to he a Sauceress.

A new word coined for the UBeof the elesf

new." A load of bricks passed over an Iowa

boy, last week, without ImrlinK lilm. He was under a bridge.

Tho following is the proposed adver- tisement of a Western tailor: " Want- ed—two or three sternly girlf, to put on pants."

" Meet mo at the gate, love,'" has bocn changed to " Meet ma at the grate, love." The cool weather has necessita- ted the i-hnnge.

An Iowa paper advertises for " an ap- prentice, girl or boy, we don't care which, only so the office be kept clean and the wood sawed."

The English papers call tho steaui whistle the " American devil." We know better. Ha is tho youth that

noes down stairs and asks lor copy.

A watering-plnce correspondent writes that " very few bathers bathe at tho West End," whereupon Mrs. Partington Bays she " had an idea that they bathed all over."

A school inspector viBiting school said, " Now, children, who loves all men ? " The qnettton was hardly put before a little girl, not four yenrs old. answered

All women !" •• I wish I waa in heaveu," said dis-

oDUrhged Mrs. O'Clarence, the other morning. " So would I." observed her brutal husband, " if I hadn't friends there whom I value."

The following notice is posted con- spicuously in a newspaper office out West: " Shut the door; and aa soon as you have done talking business, serve your mouth in tho same way."

A loquacious blockhead,after babbling some time to ixml Enkra, observed he was afraid he was intruding on his lord- ship's ear. " Oh, not at all." said Ers- kine; •' I have not been listening."

A meddlesome man, who was watch- ing bin wile bake pies on Saturday, stepped with his bare foot on a warm stove-lid, and then stepped up in the air a fow paces, and lias now gone Weat.

If those brilliant geniuses who are always so ready to counBel nn editor on the proper mode of conducting his paper would try their ekill a little while they would be apt to find that there are as many who advise one course as there are who advlaa another.

Among the clever hits of tho para- graphing of tho period tho following is quite tho best: " Elias Williams, of Buffalo, Missouri, blew into the muzzle of his gun to see if it was loaded. Could Mr. Williams communcate with his friends in this world, his spirit would gently whisper, ' It was.' "

Crfhrge Against Plumber*;.

in i MM. '■I:ITM:I'I:'I M I (.'■-■.

Illllaof plumber* all remind in How they come with lleteubllme.

And departing, leave bablnd them tjham-work meant to break betlme 1

Sham-work which of coorie another, Plndlng leak* In I.ranch and main—

btjme diotlvtng, filtble** brother- Seeing, alralgbtwaj abamt again.

ON THE RAIL.—Always attend to becking yourself. If yon feel like iwenaiapsj at t,,u baggage-master oimoU

yourself. If you haven't a trunk full of clothes to check, you at least

ahoulil he adequate to a check shirt. When you vncate jour seat lor a

moment, leave a plug hat In the seat. Some one will come alonjr and lit down on It, thereby preventing your list from beltiK stolen.

Passenjrers cannot lay over foraiiothcr train without making arrangements with tbe conductor. If a man has been on a "train" tor a week or so, no conductor should allow him to lay over for another on any account.

Ladles without escort In travelling should be very particular with whom they become acquainted. They needn't be so particular with those with whom they are unacquainted.

Keep your head nnd car windows, l( you w( head and "carry arms."

Never talk on politics: somebody to t.tko a vote gen-.

No senileman will occupy more Hi OIIP seal at H time, unless be be twins.

Always siiow your ticket whenever the conductor it-k- lor it. II you jret out of humor about it. don't show It.

Never smoke In a cur where there are ladles. <iet tbe conductor to turn the ladles out before lljrbtlng your cigars.

Never use profane language In the car. (in out on the platform. Profanity is never thrown away on a brakemau.

If you cannot steep yourself, do not ■ii- tin i> tin "sleepers."

I.'inkout f jr pickpockets. Pickpockets are never In the car, you know, as you have to look out for them.

Provide yoinsclf with steeping berths before starting; no careful man will start out on a journey without a good eupply of sleeping berths. | N. B. —Those put up In tlat buttles am the best, as I hey are easily carried In tbe pocket.J

Always be at the railroad etatlon In good time to take tbetialn. Better be an hour too early than a minute too late, unless you are on your way to be hanged. — Fat Confrfbutor'* Saturday Niykt.

gone into (he stable nnd gut a horse by tho halter, ami was tending him out. Just at the door there W:LH standing a ijuite deep tub, which hnppuned to be empty. When opposite to it tbe horse shied, ami hit the young man gracefully into anid receptacle. He was complete- ly doubled up, and there he was wedged In ao iyht that he could not move. The smtikc was pouting down thick, and frightened horses rushing around promiscuously. He kept hold of. the baiter, determined that the horse should pull him out, but the horse seemed de- termined not to, for there he stood. Finally, (be hat and boots were seen by a man, ind thinking there might be* something else in the tub, he pulled out said booti, and then followed the rest of the reporter. He immediately took a walk.

Tbe aurora borealis Is not a safe exhib- ition In inch an energetic city as New York; It ifiould be confined to alow coun- try placet when It Is so magnificently bril- liant as It was last week. One of their vig- orous lin companies started out In nad haste on Umt occasion for tbe purpose of extinguishing the aurora. This Is the re- sult In brief: A horse-car overturned, and all tho pa4*engers spilled out; con- ductor seriously Injured; the arm of a lady brobjn; an old man badly bruised; one her-, attached to ihe (Ini engine In- stantly killed- -uinl the aurora borealis coiiilnintl to hlttza as brightly aa evert suppoelriy Ihe aurora bad been a If rrea- trlal eoBllsgratlon, it RhouM be remem- bered rl.ii Ilrc>4 are not the only danger to which tbe human race Is exposed; and howev.T Important It may be lor firemen to lui'h'ii to the place where their labors are needed, ihey have no t;_■ in to dash with perfect recklessness through crowd- ed slreels.

BAD LIQDOII.—Tbe bad character 6\ spirituous Hquora HOW In use it evidenced lo the condition of most persons wUn Indulge in their fUpi. Kormerly marl drank turn and retained their power* of in:: il and body. Some of ihem actually seemed preserved to a very old age by it Now the liquor drinker Is blunted In :.:i his sensibilities, and poisoned throughout bis physical frame. It is not so much fi om intoxication that he suffers aa from demoralization and madness—the unbal- ancing of the whole system. A man ehijitld not drink spirituous liquors now

leas he wants to die; and then a rope, a knife, or a pistol, Is a thousand times preferable.

A learned man of Paris—M. Stronln— and an another, equally learned, of Ber- lin— Herr Ehlert—recommend that tbe people encourage the multiplication of cockroaches and even undertake to tame them, on the ground that they promote good sanitary eondtlons. This may be true; and those who desire to domesticate these sprightly bugs are at liberty so to do. For the comfort of others, however, we mention that powdered borax, sprink- led plentifully about the places they fre- quent, la said to be certain to scatter them.

THE DAMAGES CAUSKD by the over- flowing of the Po, especially In the prov- inces of Mathu and Ferrara are Immense, Several hundred kilometers ol the most fertile In Italy are covered with water and whole towns and villages are sub- merged. Many houses have been under- mined and fallen; In some places tbe water reaches the roofs of the highest buildings; thousands of people are home less and others are flying from the dwell- ingx which aru threatened with destruc lion; the towiia ot Uasol. Magglore and Oinigll*, <m ihe rlVM Po, are lu great danger and tbe Inhabitants panic stricken. Suffering li widespread and Intense, but relief u going forward from all parts of Italy.

professional Card;.. 8. O. BANCROFT, D. M. I).

N T I > T. 1

Office. 417 Essex St.Uwn-nci. ' Dr. Baaaroft will le at the "LB HIVM lanAtr

r)overlinWe.rn>Sl.,Y..f, «ch * e. 1: ui.l if .iiTur notice.

el. O. ADAMS, M. |>„


Office, No. 2 Applet or. street,


Dr. Adam* at Ms onoeaJl honra of tlientght.

E. S. YATES, H. 1».

PHYSICIAN Sr SURGEON, Office,—307 Essex street.

Comer Lawrenoe itreet,

Residence, 103 Concord St., Lawrence. DR. J. H. K1PDKH. ~


No. *71 Essex Street, JLawrence. (Jai,Chloroform or Kthrr given, at preferred.


~\\"T-ia*'.■' J SDOOESOa TO


SSI Ksaax ST.,



i Uiu,

11,000,000 I^WOOO


3* ".T" ■Nitron ■ Oxide

l^^^o"-"^*" Oaa Admlnletered tw-ttcierenoe—Paoulty Phlla. Dental College New Nn.WH K«ei St.. fnld Nn. 149.



hit it—Id.no.. No. IS Oak Street,


THE LBWISTOM JOUBKAL hears a story connected with Ihe Illumination of private dwellings In that city, which Is too good io keep out of print. A plucky woman

1 whu keeps a boarding house In Auburn, A slrect lecturer on electricity was determined to Illuminate her house in

taken abook by a great phenomenon. The otner day a Btolid-looking individu- al graiped the handles of tbe machine with Ihe determination to have, as he expressed it, his " full live cents'worth," but somehow or other tbe electricity had no clttct on him. The professor kept on piling up the agony, but with no effect. " Don't you feel it yet P " said be, when nearly tho full power had been put on. " No, I don't feel nothing," was the plac- id response. Another turn. " Now donlyou foel ItP" "No," was still the reply. The professor looked bewildered. He bid put on all tbe power tho machine was capable of. nnd with no result. Sucba thing had never happened before. What was to be done ? Hu had stood at tho corner of that street for two years, and li.i credit was at stake. At last his ccurtenance brightened. A happy thought! " Let's look at your feet," saldhe. Tbe patient complied by hold- ing up one foot. " Ah, I thought so ! " said the prolesaor, triumphantly. ' Yoa illicit stand there till you are blue in the face, and feel nothing. Leather's a non-conductor, don't you know; but you ve got such a great hole in your shoe that aa faat as tbe electricity comes in at yoir hands it goes out at your feet ! You get your shoos mended, and come again."

' The following Is related of an English- man who was tempted to emigrate to Arizonaia the hope of finding innumera- b)« pracbua utartQa. Hia search was a failure; but he wag informed that in the mountain near Sao Bernardino a brass mine—very deb In ore—bad b««n die- covered; so he WBnt In -em ell of It* Very soon, hiwever, be left the country in disgust. Arriving at the hotel at Prescott one light, he was asked by the landlord if h< would have some teal for supper. " Vhat's teal? " asked the Englishman. " Why a kind of duck," replied the ltqdlord. " Has it wings?" inquired tbe illglishmau. " Certainly." answered the landlord. " Then," said the Englishman, " I don't want any:

arms Inside the ttld keep your

encourages the passen-

honor of Grant, and carried out her de- termination by placing lights In the win- dows of every room. About tbe time tbe Tanners' torchlight procession reached the point, she noticed that In a room oc- cupied by a Greeley boarder, tbe lights were extinguished. Proceeding to the room, she relighted them and locked tbe door. The Oreeley boarder then forced open the door and again extinguished the lights, when the plucky woman dismissed her boarder, turned him out of door*, and again lighted the lamps, mak Ing a complete Illumination. So plucky a Grant woman as that Is entitled to have her house Illuminated on such itn occa •too.

W. F. & J. S. (.1I.K,

Attorneys $* Counsellors-at-Law,

No. £S9 Essex Street, LAWBBNCK.


Qunhtiea whi< h ore peculiar to Sinai recommend lh« KM AS HOWE(' iiruved Fnmil,) Hewing Machine:

l. Beaut? and excellence it itltoh a'.lke on both aide* •f the fabric.—?. Dtrength, i.'iuiv ft durability of *eam hat will neither rip nor rav.

■t — 1 Complete control over intj thread,.—I An*ntlrely new rotary tamlon for the upper thread, which contrib- ute* en much to that beauty <nd uniformity of Mltcli for which the "Howe M*ohlne» I* to celebrated.—5, A per* feat aniform tendon In the

•battle, which due* not vary from a fall to an empty bibliiu—in ohjectlun ao common toother maohlnet—S. An automatic, eel" ap that prevent* mt*«lBg of * heavy team* —7. Shun, atraigl

iiii'jt, 1M9,

RnjftJ, England, 1845, gol< American Btaocb,

Pennsylvania, of Pa., 18&

Imperial,London, l£03,gold, il.otto.ooo An.trlt»n Branch, 1.IXH.M7

Firemen's, ol N. Y., 1S&, ^lO.tiOC

W( aU-h<-ster, of N. Y., 18117. M0.0B6

Germun, of Erie. Pa.', I«ti7, 2;t7.083

Queen of England, 1858, gold. 10,000,000 Airrrican Branch, 722,413


Bay State, Worcester. 1860, :)38,667

lit National, " 18C8, 104,022

Gloucertcr, of Gloucester, 1870, 117,860

SuT*Pollclet fur all the above Companletwrlttea


For InformaUon, ratea, etc., cull on or addreei


283 ESBOX street, Lawrence.

Post Office Box 38.

CLAY *;%> •'.V) 740 ■ h«* now on hand :\ Mew and Uood Artortment o

CM AMI'ION BOOTS (or Par me re, Alaa other -i">- of Qoodt too nu- e i-i. IIH to mention, al NO. ,>4 7 ESSEX STREET


New & Second Hand Furniture The tabecrlbert have taken room* In Ordway

Block, UrAM afreef, where they will Be- palr and Buy and Bell Second Ilaud Purnlmra and houicbold article*. AH order* promptly attended to, and sooda <old at auction wh**1

if. «ireJ. II ILL ft CO. Lawrenoe, April lit, 1H"3. tt


Kaiulatlng many other good Yankees, the late James Arnold, of New Bedford, bequeathed to Harvard University BI00,- 000 lor the establishment of an arboretum. That's a great deal of cash for such an object,; still, he had a right to do It, and Harvard isglad.

Colonel William Gowans has recently returned trnm abroad to Boston. Colonel G. wilt he remembered as the engineer wbo raised the Runaln fleet that had been sunk In tbe harbor of Sebastopol, wti-n tniiiy failures to effnot that result bad been made ty the best engineers In tbe Rusilan service.

any thing tba and won't fly < it of this accursed coun- try, I don't wa with."

It may not that" Mario of the famous Hia roal oam<

him to Paris lutaite volcu lion. He lir

baa wings and can fly,

t to have any thing to do

e known to all readers s merely the stage name mor singer who bears It. is Guiseppe, Martplis of

Candla. He froa .born in Turin In !8H>. The vicissitUfefl of his life having led

n early manhood, his cx- oon attracted great atten- appeared under the name

ol " Mario "Jut tbe Grand Opera-house in Paris, in MB. In 1854 he made an operatic tout through the principal cities of the Unltet States, charming all who heard him b his unrivalled voice and his perfect totbod. His voice la no longer what once was, and many have been disapp inted when henring hiti

Memory.presides over the past, action over tbe present. The flrst Is a rich rein- pie bung with glorious trophies and lined with tombs; tbe other has on shrine but duty, and walks tbe earth like a spirit.

w, mi! It atate.1 In an exchange toat several members of the Sophomore (.'loss at Harvard College have been suspended for a year an account of tbelr persistence

hasing." This show* tbe determina- tion of the faculty to abolish tbe practice which ha* so long disgraced many of our colleeres.

rruulatlntf take- ■niehealncrot.log [Bl an* itrong nee- laulai over heavy ui utli. >mncl.tin ,■

Plner necdlae for tba eiate thread than any ler maohlBU — U. aewten equally well n " id of thread.—10. Konnomy of thread t Ot aay other machine,—11. A hemt

II make any width of Hemiir Pell — in. Braid- ing the mo-tcompltcutvd pattern* with afJMIdth -ind kind of Braid.—111. A Qullter that will \ Imcli . *uy l ■ of material.—14. ' any fabric withont Injury or pucker.—is. A er ao coaairuoted aa to cord around very curvet, .veil to eqaare comer*.—IS. Sewh flnrat f-brie w thont Injury or pucker, ani heaviest ruatirUt" with tbe gre*lett Compacueai,*lmplloliy and durability, of operation and management.—lit, Bett Machine la the worid Tor Pamily B*e. Call and *ee thete Machine* work, with the A'iu>

/atfirored Trtadtt power, al IlaOBH'fi Agrn- ty, 1HO Kaatx atreet. Lawrenoe.

Lamps! Lamps! Lamps!



Table Lamps, German Study Lamps,

Hand Lamps, Safety Fluid Lamps untl Lanterns,

Paper and Porcelain ShadeB, num. ..., QUwe*, Wlnlra. A".,

for tale at Wholesale and Betall by

McKENNEY, BULLARD & CO., 004 Washington A « Harvard St.,

■.'m1to*4«b BOSTON.

sing during 1 many enlr to hear e

s lost visit to this country; Ii ,ve regarded it AB a souv-

en a faint echo of the voice which has so long been celebrated.

An old fellow who « as noted through the town tor his Btutterlng as well as for bis shrewdness in making a bargain, stopped at a grocery and Inquired ; "How m-m-many t-t-tarkeyshave you n-g-got.

"Eight Blr," replied the uroeer. 'Tt- tough or t-t-lender?" "r»otue are tender and some tough." was the reply. "I k- k-kcep b-b-l.oarders," said the new cus- tomer. "P-pIck outthet-f-fourt-t-tough- est ones, If yon p-V-Mease." The de- lighted groeer very willingly compiled With the unusual request and Bald in his politest tono: "These are tho tough ones, sir." Ipon which the purchaser coolly put his hand upon the remaining lour, and exclaimed: "I'll t-t-take th-tli-Ihese!"



Cloth Boot ft Shoe Maker*-, have Kemoved lo Im'lteplli'

ISA Jackson Street, Lawrence.

J3 R C) A. D W A. Y H OTBLs

KHERSON WOODS. PnofifiKToR. lett 4 n RO A O WA V,

Near Boston & Maine and Eastern Depot,


At a Chinese funeral in San Francisco, the other day, the body was placed In a coffin which was placed upon chairs the sidewalk. At the foot of the cufUn was a'table, upon which WBB piled a quantity of uncooked vegetables, fowls and meat. Keslde thU table Bipod the priest, dressed In a black robe, wit hat upon his bend-shaped like that of a cardinal's; he was repeating the burial service In a kind of chant, varying thi music by alternarely clanking cymbals together and ringing a small dinner bell- On the sidewalk knelt three women, with white sacks over their heads, who were the hired mourners of the occasion; none of the others aeemetl to umuri At all, and the men ami women oresent were laugh- ing and talking and the children playing on all side*.

Writing a kter lu a coffee-house. Dr. Garth found ilmself overlooked by a cu- rious Irishmi i. who was impudently read- ing every word of theeplstle; Garth took no notice of (be Impertiiiouco until he Lad finished aodalgued the body of tbe letter, then added a poaisarlpt or unquestion- able legibility : "I would write you more by tils post, but there's u d d tall Im- pudent Irishman looking over my should- er n'l thB time." "What do you mean, Sir?" roared the Irlalruan, in a fury; "do you think I looked over your letterr" '■Sir," replied the physician. "I never once opened my lips to you." "Ay, but you have put It down, for all that.."

'•'Tis Impossible, Ijlr, thai you should know that, tor you havu never on.ie look- ed iver my letter." •

'Jiifcitie AUK KsTKitPiti*i«<i people lu Baltimore, but some of them need allt- tlercgulstloR as to the direction which tbfjr business talents take. A new kind of business has been started there which ha* one serious drawback, Tbe manager ortattl/.es a force of Binatl boys and sends tliiui about to different houses to tell the lajles thereof that tbelr husband* bare sett for their other clothes, those which tiny have on being badly damaged. If tba boy got* the clothes, tbe venture Is (lilt* profitable, but the wives sre rind- ing, out the " dodge," and there is likely tobe a falling ofTin tne profit*. There- in lit the drawback.

One of tbe saddest sights lit this season for the year Is a young man who waited outBlde the church of an evening until be Is chilled through, only to see his girl walk off with some rascal wbo has been Inside all the time toasting his sinful shins at tbe stove.

Tba Bills Murder.

Our readtJT* have already bean Informed of the mntdar of Hr. AtrUah Bill*, who** mutilated body waa dlteovarcd flonUog la two barrela In Obttlea river on Wed need ay of lalt weak, Thi* in for clearly murder had been oommltied,—eautad great < i citcment In Boaton, and before iba Are waa the aole topic of eouveraetlon. Th* hittory of tba •aaa It eaarly aa follow*: After tbe diaeovery of tbe body the drat i ffjrt* that were made ware to have It Identified. After ihe tape* of tome twenty four honrt after the Hading of tba body, It wat I.[entitled at that ot Mr. Abljth Bllla, a real ettaie dealer of Boitoa. Having Idenilfled tba body, tbe next act of the police doteotleaa waa to gat upon Iba trail of Iba murderer, Th* body, when round loth* bar rale,—waa passed In ■having* and bora* manure, and n piece of paper wat found among the ttuff bearing the addreea of Mr. Peter Hchuuller of Boa- Ion Highland*. Thla afforded the Brit els* to tba manner In which the deed wat acoompllahed, and the police have been able lo *rrtye at a pretty cor- rect knowledge of the tragedy. A laameter named Leavltt Alley waa la the habit of taking .having. from the factory of flchoallar, for bedding for hie hor«e*. Alley waa known to have had buaineat trantaetlont with Bill*, and *l*0 thai ha transacted boalneee with him on Tueiday prevlout la Ihe day on whleh the body wat looad. An examination cf Alley'* liable left no doubt that the deed bad bean committed tbare. It I* alao known that oa Tues- day nlgbt Mr, Klllt aaaoaaeed bl* Iniauuoa to *ee Alley, and collect a bill frum htm. Chief Havaga atatea that It will probably appear In evidence that a difficulty waa heard at AUey't aiable, between elgbt and Bin* o'clock, Taeaday evening. High word* and other angry aouada were overboard. It will aleo probably appear thai early Wadn** day morning a team paaaed out beyond Parker ■treat, on Beacon alleel, with two barrela lying down in the wagon. In a abort time afterward, before a aufflelent time bad tlapted for ll to go over the alulee-wajr beyond Parker atreel, the wagoa retarned wltbonl any barrel,. It wonl.l alto prob- ably appear that about tba tame boar. Alley waa met In Cbarlet etreet, with a team an.werlng to tbl* deeoriptlon, but containing no barrela, golag from Beacon toward Boyllloa atraet. Illood fnuud on All*y*a elotblng, and all tba ol room itaneee pulal lo him aa tbe murderer, He bat been com- mitted lo await the reaalt of Iba Investigation by the coroner'a Jury.

A Visrroa to the AMBSICAK office on Fri- day, made iba jrtatsratot that at the racent election, a Hr. Philbmok, of Tamworth N. IL, aged 102 yaara, cast bl* ballot for IT, 8. Grant. Ill* flrit vote was givan for Osorga WaibloS- tun, and he ha* voted at every presidential election ilnce, atwayi voting on therlgfatilda. Wa trutt ha will lira to cast a vote on th* right

aide in '74. Mr. Hut*elI Phillip*, of Qflmaaton, now aged

•9, was at the poll* on Toaaday, and cut bl* vow for General Grant. HI* flrtl vote for Preatdaot was for George Washington, and bo ha* never ml**Sd voting at a PraeldanUal olae lion from that time to the present. Wbaa lb* team tli»t wat weonviy thi* venerible fen- tleman to.the town bout* arrived, be was ba*y at work iplltdng wood.—Coneorrf, A'ew llamp-

ihire Monitor. A ion of Hr. Phillip* ll a will known butl-

aaas aiaa la thlt city, Hr. H. H. Phillip*, No. 227 Kttex tt reel.

To Let. A HOTEL In Lawrence, B*M„ .

trally located, oonlalolrg about 17 room*, partially furul*hed; a never falling well of rood water, and toft

water cittern,of neiirly 4000 gailuu* capacity. In theoellnr. The fixtures will be »o'd either wholly or la part, and a leaee given of the liome to 1 Iroea two to ten year*, a* tbe purcbiaer mar

i, For further piirtlculari.,*pply loor iiddr Vje21 JOBN POPPLKWKLL,

Merrlmac lloune. .IhJ a UM Common 8t., Lewrence, Mai



1 Devousbirc, corner State St., Boston.

Four per rent. Infer'*' allowed 00 depotlt aocounti,*BbJeet to cheek, drawn a* on any olty bank. Out-of-town depositor* will bare their re- mittance* and colleeudni promptly acknowledged

We do a General Banking and Commlieloa bualnea*. Negotiate Bonda, Stock*, Note*, and other 8 eon r I tie*, make eolleetloat throng hoat the United Statea and Kurope, As

DEALERS IN SECURITIES, we Invite laoalria* relating to Invettmeats, Bad give below tbe prlcet of a few of the moat desir- able Bonda :— B., C, B. h M., Milwaukee Extention, 7t, «1 Midland PulSo,7t, H LogantpH,CrBwfordivltl t Houthweatera.St, B71

U. S. Bonda and other marketable tecarltle* allowed full prloe In exchange. SmVaepB

winvFtutn A Rice rlted Agent* for fie

A large .lock of BHADBH oonatantly on band.

WANTED. A I.IVK MAN to BMjrraaaferHACHtMaeV-

Inqulreat 143 Keao Hlrerl. I iiwrenne.


People "*ill go wli^re they can obtain the best value tor [but, in i.i-y. Long Aiiverticements, Ln*ge Stores, Immense Stocks are all very well in their way, but the main thing is "the money's worth." Whenever the masses find out the best place to obtain THAT, it ie there

" They most do congregate."

Dull times never trouble Leyland. He is always doing something.— What is the inference 1 He gives every one their money'B worth. Lola of Kemnants. Calicos, Cotton Flan- nels, Repellants, etc., etc. Call and examine his revised list of prices in tbe Fancy Goods department. You will be astonished. Full value, fair dealing, one price to everybody.


381 Essex street, Lawrenoe.

For Halo *U Co«t loBerthebalaneeil my Meek ot WATCH-

ES, JKWKUIV, -II.Vl.lt WAHtf. *k*. at COSr.ln order to rlo.e om tne tame before leaving the city. Aa opportunity I* here offered to purchaser* to buy at KXCKKOIXMLY LOW price*.

THO* II. 4'LtPP.

209 Essex street, ltt*O0l» LAWKKNCK.

TO LET—NEEDHAM HALL. To a tollable party lltl* I* a good opening, For

particular*, apply to JOHN NuOltti.ESI llmi St.,or JAMB* til HK.'Ju .Mural" M. StVocUV*

The PINKLE * LYOM Manufacturing Co1*


CAN HE aouonr or oel D. w. LORD, 10 Martin afreet.

Bole Agent for Lawrence, Andover A Methuen.


VSVRUP^ T?inrErtuTIAN8TTltn* makes theweak»trmnr, and «aneL)dlaeaas by atipplylnp; tho blood win

waTtrax's Own Twaurmo Aaisr-ntOS. Caution.—1)o Bare yon get Prrnvlnn Smm. J-iumihlcti free. J. IMUNSMOItK. n^i-ilLtor,

No. B01)ey St., New York. Sold bj Praaiiafj ecQcrtau,

New. Frusfa and Styliab

BOOM r ,\ i' n u is ABD


No. i*75 Essei street, Lawrence.

The Largaet Btoc* la B***x Coaaty a I



1176 Ks* i« Street, Lawrenoe. Mass.




" la Time of Pssce Prepare for War."

fer tale by f L)ySI


No 389 Essex Street, Lawrence.


No. 80 Union Street, ' i Sear Cornsr or Hanover Street,)

BOSTON. The advantage, offered to depotltora by tbl*

baakars— wirti.—Deposlti are put oa Inter cit oa the Brat

stoat ha. Third.—Dividend* are put upon tntere

a* declared, ao that depositor* receive C

A few tlays since a neeuv person ap- -llttl lo a wealthy citizen for help ant! rtcelved the sum or live osntB. The BIV-

er remarketl as he handed over the pit- tance : "Take It. )'<"< are welcome, our emu are alwsjR open to the calls of the distressed." "That may be," replied the recipient, "hut never belore In my life

Dave 1 seen BO small opening for such large ears.

TUB BOITOX JOVSHAL or OoMkusaca. th saw paper maklag lu appearacea last weak, afford* evidence of tact, enterprl** and iklll; It Will he ilevotcd lo coniruerolal aad man mao- tnrlog Inttreati, with careful bailee** revifw*, market report* and other matter ol intsreit tc the public; thi flrtt number Is readab!a aad at- tractive, with pramiMor a aaccetsfal vmtaie The Journal of Commeiee PabltibingCooipa- ny, Botton- «.00 per year.

HBO. O. T RUB BULL, Treaenrer.

JTaaewifat CommiUtt. IMragll CLivroa Vn.xa, Haattv C. Baoox*, THO*. I.. J an a a, IUXIBL 11. WHITNKT, Wat. C, Bnaoaaa, Aaa, I. DEBBT.


SEWFHINES Straight Noodle,

Shuttle. Elogant In Style and Finish,

Simple In Construction.

Keystone Sewing Machine Co. J. C. BBOCK, Agent,

820 Tremont Street, Borton.


Arlington Range.


Parlor, Office and Cooking STOVES.

l-lamblD,. Tin KOOBD,, tnd .11 kind, ot Jobbln, doneprenptly.

El, DOBADO STOVE STOBE, 11 Lawrence street, Lawrence.


A Btandard Preparation, tadoreedbytL . reliable fbytlclan*, and it* aalonitbmg enratirc

wer* atteeted by thoutandt who have ated It.

Thick. Cloudy Urine, Muoout and Involuntary Dltchargea from Urethra, Betentlon orlneonti-

of Urine, Chronlo Caiarrh of Bladder, and


Theae rlpeotaclea are m»naf*ctured from ".If i- XVTK VHYaTAl, HKBHt.tt/t" melled to- gether, aud are sailed IHAMOAD on account of th, lr htrdneM *i il hntllaney,

ll 1* well known that *peet*"W rat from I'ta- lilian or hCotelip.bble*B»every Irjurluaalo the ey, beoaup* of Ihelr polarlt ng fight

Havni't been uated with the pclirlarope. the dltmouo kntee have been found ton mliBtteen per cent. lc*t htalrd raja than any other pebble.

They are ground with great - ctrutltlu accuracy, are free I Turn chrnmatie abeirattoti*, and produce a briiiiituc.ii and ditlluctaet* of vliion not before obtained In tpeetaclet,

Maonfactared by the Spencer Optical Manufactur-lug Co.,

NEW TOBB. For Sale by Betpoaalble Agent* thruuKhont

tba i;ui<iu. WIIITKIIRI) A KICK

Jeweler* and Uptleiane, are Hole Agent* for Law- renoe, Ma*«, from whom they een only be obtain ed Mo Peddler* empmyed.

Tba great dema.-d lor tbcte Spretac'** hat in- duoed un'Crupulon* dealer" to palm off an Infeilor and .purlout article lor the " Diamond " itreat caia ehonld be taken to tee that tbe Hade mark

(wblehlt promoted by American Letier* Pa- tretj la ttaaitred oa .very pair. Iji tmvll

lto-.ti.it and ITlBluc Railroad.

BUMMER ABRANOBMEST. On and alter Monday, July 1,187S, Train*will

leave the Depot* In Lawrence, a* followt :— Por llotlon, (from North Depot) at o.iej, 7.1*,

•Aft A. M., and U.1S, l.t«and 4..W P. M, Por Boaton, (from Sooth Depot) at fi.W,7.J*,

o.ii, A. M„ and ia.i«, 1 OS (cxpre**,) 3.47, SM, **7 (expreti,) r.oi P. M, if.io P.M. Monday, Wednetdayand Friday.

Por Portland, (from Booth Depot) at 8.U, t.zo A. M., 1.16, 4 V. M., and SJO P. M. Monday, VY udnetday and Friday,

ISTevsr Fui^niture, New Store,

New Ceooda,

New MyleN,

Low Prices.


(formerly with Haley, Monc A Co.,]

!M.I and :'A -'> Tremont St., Boston.

Opposite LagraBgc Stteet, above Buylilon.

We have one of th* belt aeleoted etoeka of j\ne nod Mtrfitim coat iu*t,im Muds Purnliure to be found In New Kngland. Our ttoek la arm, mad* to iifilrr, of Ihe (erf material, mott ifeniouoA ■rorkmaathip, tatett itylti and cj-frn flal*h, and will be *old at foie**> price*; alao DrBperlrt, rlhadrt, Hwlat aad Nottingham Lao** at reduced prtaet. iimioe.xb

Weil's Clothing Store, 183 Essex St. 188

Next to Clarke1* Apothecary Store.


Clothing and Furnishing Goods Lower than the Lowest*



FOB WINTER. Overcoats, Thick Peats, Vein, Dree* Coat*,

Hat*, Capt, GTorei, Mitten*, Boya' Clothing, Be. FOR SUMMER.

Thla Clothing, Straw Halt, 1.9.

FOB ALL SEA SONS. Pnralthlng Goods, Trunk*, Valliet, Carpet

Bage, Umbrelja*, aa, WEIL la alwayt Round, and will deal with y ot

•a the BftMPre. ■ X *UBX ASD

OAL.L, HXBB FIH» T axiroaa ruBoaaaufo.

For particular,, tee tmall bill*.


We have jait taken the Agenoy for the

Original Howe Sewing Machine, the Beat. Host Complete, and Desirable Machine in ate. Do not parehsee until yon haveex*miB*d

Monday, W ad net day an J Pruli Por UeverhllUfro .

e.ls A.SJ„*od 1.11,4, ft.00 P.M

. U.D0P.M.

Por Ha*erhill,(from South Depot) *l *M and 16 A.M.. and I.II, 4, t.OO P. M., sad '

Depot at 7.10 1*. M. d from north

Train* leave Botton for Lawrence at 7, 7.10. rl.SO, 10.16 A.M., 12.00 M., 1S.S0, I.l», 1,16, 6 and SF.M,

WM. MlCBBITT.Hnp't, Lawreace Jalvl.tsn,



PAINTERS, 5«9 Essex Street, (Ordway Block,)

LAWBKN0B. Waraar Bailey, Vagfl Albert. Andrewi.

S. S. HICKOK, I'lnno-lorie nnd fsblml Opartiii

TD W ■ ati Having fir raaev year* followed

ll-,I - profeaalon lo Iheellletof New Tork, Hrnoklvn. ani vicinity, hat kMsrad In xfgrnvity. where he

IrSlri* hlmtelf In readlnet* lo *U«ad tn all call* tor Toning and K-ualrlngthe .hove Inurnment* In the. twit meaner

Order* left at HWK a co'i Mu*l* Store, ' tPnetOSlc* HoxNo.B, MKTIII'IK, Vifi

BWeraSBeftaw'.l 7 V ■ V V£



Bold by all grit clan Dragglttt aad Srocer*. Try It,aad yoa will be aoavlnead *f It* woad*r-

ful otset*. Imfl ]nat

IB BANKRUPTCY. Dlatriot of Mattachuartl*.

The nnderilgxed hereby glvet notice of hi* ep- iit Intment at ntilgnre of the ett.tr of JA.MKB hOAN and JAMtS T. EUAN, late onparlncri. and both of Cbarleitown. in laid dletrlet.who have bees adjBdged bankrupt* on their own petition. JAMB8 W. O'BBIBN, Atalmee. Jnly 1.0,1873. Sllocis J City Bq., Cbarleitown.

School Vacations. The School Committee, dealrlng to arrang* tho

vacation a of the Public School* in aalo promote the convenience and the welfere of all concerned, will hold a meeting at the Hit I- School Hou*e on Monday Kvcnlng, Nov. ll, at 7a o'clock, and all patent* and Irarnere who would like to make any

■ (i-mtuli-in relation to the school vacation*

Bunting Flags, Printed Flags,

Big Flags, Little Flags,

at DVKH'8.

—jaw— are lavltvd to bepretent.


To the Public of Lawrence.

The nnderelgned have the honor of Informing their friend* and the public generally, that they have taken chamberi In

fee under* New Block, Easex atreel,

for tbe purpete of carrying 0B tbe allaett ol MKHCHAffT TAII.OHB, where the bett Cloth*, Cashmere*, VetUngi, Bo., will be alwayt oa head, aad every attciilon gJTpn to Ibe Laleil Btyle* of CntUm Made Clothing, under the Im- mediate tupervltlon of JOSBPH * LOOD, lat* of the Arm of Savage k flood.

Yoa are retpeetfally Invited to give tt* a call.



Chambers, 1,2AM Saunders New Block.



go to DTaWB aad gat It.

^he -S atvrence ^fmerican | AH l>


Publiahed Kriday Morning* by

QEO. S. MERRILL & CO., Proprietors,

Ton Orrirr BLOCK.

Corner of IIMI and Applrton Streete


SUHSCKIPTtOH-aiM per year In *</t*.ncr; it Ml iBRdvaaee, AIM.

I'he olroulatlon of the Liwraaoo imin- oen 1* the larneat of any paper In Ibe

Oounty, And more than POUR TIMES that of any other

Weekly Paper published tn thi* oity.

Bay- Rate*ot Advertisinglent upon application. aVEH A9TEI11SS1,

"She 3>ailn '"Wmericern, ruBunin


(Bandey exoepled,) la the largest Dally Is the olty, and ban fenr Use»

the c ire u laUoa of Bay olJur.


Oa* Year, • - • *l » | Six kfoath* . - at When unr paid la advance, (8,


TUB .1 AT r. K I C A X

ST BAM PRINTING OFFICE ■ ■ the larg**i and most thoroughly famished 1* eaitrra Maseacbaeeit*. II at tag tee moit Improve e.od*rBr-re.*»..aadwlth*oaBiantaddlU*a*Bft-<

||fl«1 ITTlll OP TY*I,

and wllh oar , it tenet re variety of woefc, we >■ able loferalsb tke Beit Qaallty of Work, *xp*dl tieesly, aad at low price*, orders by as* promptl) ailed.


" f

VOL. xvni.—NO. 9. LAWBENCE, MASS., FTtlDAT, NOVEMBER 23. 1872. WHOLE NO. 890.



IT » BROOM IRG and laudable In the people to be alwaji thankful lor the bte*ala(i of freedom, comfort, and plenty, enjoyed In thfa favored land.

AT THIS BRanON, their Kxocllenclee tha Paxsl- DMT aoa the QOVKRAOK especially recommend thankfulneie for the bounllee vouchsafed ui all, during the year.

IN AUDITION to thla exhibition ol tliaak.glviug (lo whiah wedattrhllyand earnestly ooaear) we drelr* to preaent OUR thanks to the pa bile—

FOB THI LIBILKAL patroaafa beitowed, la the put twelvmoath, upon tbe "Out CORXIII" Clothing ilomt; whloh favor la dsly appreciated,

Wi AH THANKFUL that we have been able m afford the people the many rare bargain! they have bad. ID their purchase* of good clothing at our establishment: —

TXAT wi HIVE uniformly kept our prlcet at io low a mark a* to ludaoe tbe discerning public to visit aa freqaaatly, end » astlefactortTy s—

THAT wit HAVE been to «1go*lly favored, throagh tbl* patronage, an to coullrin n. U the belief that oar plan of low price* and small proBH I* the TBUB ITMIH toward* tuoa**i ;—

THAT WK ARK tllll dlepnaed to pureue thla popular ooaree, In our bualneaa; and we ahall alway* bo thankful for tbl* favor Irom the com- munity.

THK PKOPLI will be thankful, naturally, that they enjoy tbe benefit* thu* attainable, and will continue to go where they know they can DO HEHT with their money.

WITH THANKI, therefore, for pan favors, we lavlte boyara la town aad out, to the "OLD OOXXKR" during thla month, to learn How CHBAI> we can cell our Itaaeaae Fall and Winter ■took or ClothlBg for Gentlemen, Youth, and soya. And we guarantee that they will all be thankful for tbla offer.

fjtvax UNDIROUK HAND, at Noa. 24 and 'a Dock Square, Boeton, (near Faneull Hall)tbn Flrat ol November, A. D. one tboutand eight hnndred and eeventy-two. "OLD (JORXRR"( GKO. H. RICHAKD8, CtOihtnO Houtt. i rillll'HlKTUH.


Mortgagee's Bale. By vlrlue of a power of eale contained ll

tain mortgage deed given by Kdward P, Horae, of Methaaa, lathe County of K**nx, and Com- monwealth of MassaohUMtts, to Charles H. Ten- nyof laid Methaen, dated the twenty-seventh day of September, A, D. 1-71, and recorded in the KIHI Registry of Deedi, In the Northern Dli- trlet, IB Book 11, Page Its, the premise* described la eald mortgage will be aold at public auction oa the premieea, on Saturday tbe twenty-third day of November, A. D. 1W8. at -' o'clock, P. M.

Said premlaea are described In aald mortgage deedae followi :—

A certain piece of land situated in Methuen. in the County ol hleaex, and Common wealth of Si ar- aaohuaetta, and bounded at followi, via: begin- ning at theNorlh-weet corner of said premlsee by Ihe Methaen Hraaeb of tbe Boiton aad Heine ■all Koad, and tbe County Hold, and rannlnu Soath-eeiterly by aald County koad, two hundred Bad thirty-nine feet to a atake and (tone, by land formerly of K. P. aargent or J. If, Richardson, BOW belongina to D. M. Pattereon, thence South- erly by lead of aald 1'altvraon and land ol J, O. Parker, three baadred and ibirty-elx feet, to land ol the Bcton aad Ualue Kail Koad Corporation, thence Weelerly by land ol aald Corporation ■eveoteen feet, thrnce Northerly by (aid Corpora- tion land, four hundred and ninety-three Icet, to the point Of beginning. Said premlaea contain thirty-Hie thouiand right hundred and Qfly-lbrue feat,mure ar leu. and are the lame that were conveyed to (aid Hone by eald Tenny, September ITth.i. D. leva.

CI1AK1.KS11. IKNNV. By hit Aitoraey, BOV8 WILLIAM U.ROIiKHS.

I>fai ruble Real Eatnte for Sale In Nalt-ni, N.H. A tood Farm and an riccllrnl f<mnltfl Quarry. The lubiorlbera offera at private tale, upon

raaaonable terme, her Farm, iltuated la Salem, N. U., near the Depot of the Manoheeter A Law- ranoe Kallroad. The Farm contnlne about alaty aeraa of food land •altably divined Into tillage, pasture, orchard aad woodland. The bnlldinga ooaatat of a good two-etory houae with an L, re- cently belit, of the beet material, aad In a thor- ough manner, wltn modern appliance* (or conve- nience; a barn Ma M feet: and a cottage houi


MACHINISTS, (BaOMaeori to Webater Dnatli A Co,)

Cotton ft Woolen Machinery A WD,

MACHINE WORK GENERALLY. Pulleya, Hearing and Shaftlaf, Jaok Sorewa. All kinds ol Bolt* OB hand, or made to order;

alao all kinds or Forginp; done. OENKBAL JOB WOSSaxd Mill repalra done

promptly and faithfully. Dealrra In Manufacturer*'Supplier

Foster's Building, Corner of Frank-

lin trM Methuen Street*

'T*"*1 HWIMfll,

Upontb Ontmlte <♦■■ vry whleh baa been very eaoceal- fully worked for more Una twenty yeare by the late ■MphetBt Uage.deeeaaed. Mere la a com- pletely developed ouarry with an cndlraa aupply of auperior granite that atwaya rind* a ready aale ra Haverhlll, Lawrence, and In all place* when granite li uaed, or at the Depot, whleh la bol three-fourth* of a mile dlilant, and a good road. The diitaao* to Lawrence la *lx mile*, and lo 11 aver bill eight, for reference a* to quality ol Eranlte, *e* ''granite /road" of eltlc* ui Haver-

III, Lawrenoe, and many other place* In tbl* •*■ etalty. Tbl* offer* to a man of enteiprlee a rare ahane* to make money. A good Farm, with iood balldlnge thereon, and a lafu and profliabu- bnal- ae*i apon the premlaea. For further Informa- tion, Inqalr* of the enincriber, on thepremiee*. or of JUI1N ¥. TttNNUY, Methuen, Ma**., or ol ISAAC THOM, near Salem Depot.

THKODUSHA GAQk*. Salem, Sept. 37, U72. Eml*

LAWRENCE Steam Dye Hjouse,

141 Lnwrence si., Bear Hrldgc.

■Ilka, Thlbeta, Alpacas A. all other Dresa Cooda, Shawla, Saoquea,

Ac, Clean god or Dyed.

Also, Carpets Cleansed ID a Superior Manner.

tientlemen'a Clothes Cleanaed or Dyea without ripping, to Rive entire


Hailm all the lateit Improved machinery, aad keeping none bat tbe b**t Dyera, weoan do our work eqaal to the belt In the country, and hop* to be favored with B trial.

LAWIKVOK, Oct. 10,1S7), Tbl* U to certify that I have bad work done In

the iuo»i eatlifactory manner by JOHN T. TBBKR A CO. CBB recommend aald Company to all thoae requiring anything In their Hue,for rcaaon- ablone** of charge*, promntneaa In eacentlon, and quality of work. klxv, L. L. WOOD.


I have great pleaaure in lerlllylng to ihe excellence of your Dyeing and Cleaning Old Clothee, I had no Idea that auch perfcotlon wai poietble. Tovra, truly,

JOHN KDWAKDS, laanranee Agent.

LAWRKXITK, on, it, !**>. MBBBB* . J. T. Tneits A Go.:

Dear Sir* —The clothe and garment! placed in yonr hand* by ua, lor aleaoiing and coloring, nave been returned, ■> " ,/ood ol ncto." We are eapeclally pleated with the imi/ormlfg of yonr coloring and exoellenoy of llniib.and ahall take pleaaure In fommendtnn your work to other*.

Keapeotfnlly, V. W. BOWKKlt, J.fl. IIOWKKK.

MKaixa. TRBBB:— I take pleunre in teitlfying to the excellence

or your Dyeing and deeming ladle*' Dreiae* and HhaWlij alao, the inperlor maaner In wbleb Coat*. Pant* and Veal, hat yoar eatabllahraent,

Yoara, truly,

Lawrence, Ucl. 17, 1171.

been rrfluiilicd i

S. F. SNK1.L.

A a m M T a. a. F. HIS EM,, 313 Eaaex sueet* Hra. B1CKNKLL, IS3 ffaaex atreet. MM, WIUQ1N, Broadway, Sooth Sid*. L.O. NOKK18. Methuen. JOHN BROWN, North Andover. JOKL HAltNKS, Frye villag*. «oo»



SMITH is xow Bunxixo


No. 143 Egsax atreet, (down town,) aad No. 38T, (uptown.)

REMEMBER to eead the Children to SMITH'S Tor Slate P*B- cili. Wa Mil llr* for 1 eaat,

REMEMBER thai w* aetl a good Hoop Skirt for .17 oatrt*.


Beat gOO-jard Spool CottoB, * oeat*. nmpwpap.r, loenla. Coriat l.acinn, 1 oent. Beat Machine Cotton, : cent,.


lor Ladle*', Men1* or Children'* llandkerohleli, that SMITH'S la TBS PLACE (o gat them CBS A P.



that w* are actling nle* Merino Hi** for lit at*.

REMEMBER that wa keep the Largaat Bad Beat Stock of 1ml- MUOB Hair Good* la the oily. I'rlc** all right,

REMEMBER, at both atorea yoa can gat, at the Lomttt Prtat, Cotton Clothi, Print*, Olnghami, Cotton FIan- acle. Wool Flannali, Tabl* Linen, Uraihea, Nap- klaa, White Goode, etc.


we only aak you Si otnt* for the ueitUermaD CoraeV*.


that we are receiving New Good* every day, aud that we bay large qaaatltlea, aad can afford to aell Cftcqp.


If you are looking for Set* of JkifF.I.K r",K*r Drape, llreaat 1'IBI, Bleev* Bxttona, tieBl'a Shirt Stud*, Chain*, or almott any thing lu lb a Jewelry Una, 10 vlilt


143, down town, or 387, up town.


Portiuonele* for 10 eta, IB eta, Wou, So ete, S7 eli, 60 eti, S2 eti, and up.


you can get good Black Alpao* for ;'• eta a yard.


and o» 11 at either of our Store*, and *ee whit we are doing In the way of LOW PlllCKS,

143 ft 387 Essex St. Lawrence U. II. SMITH.

SThi? 'Mmmcan. LAWRENCE, FRIDAY. NOV. 22,71

L. H. BOSWORTH, Tuner for Ihe naacrti A Ulunilin

ORGAN CO., BOSTON, (formerly with Taylorfc rarley, Woroeiter.) will attend to alt order* for Toning, Voiotng or Re- pairing

CABINET ORGANS In Lawrenoe and vicinity.

Having had experience In two of the largeat Factorle* in the eonntry, he 1* enabled to war- rant all work that paaie* through hi* hand*.

P, O. addreaa and realdenor, 1UU I In v«r- 1*111 Street, Lawrenoe, Man. Taep*



Director's Office, 27 Court itreet. Boeton.


Assets over - - - $6,000,000.00

AH iA* I'rq/fu paid to Policy Bolder*.

The low rate* and large dividend* of tbla old Company,together with excellent manairment, fair dealing aad prompt**** In tha ■djoatment ol loea**, make* It the beat Company lo Saw Kaghtnd to laaare IB, eapeclally for Endowment Pollnee.

8. B. LAWRBNCB, Agent for Lawrenoe, HaverbUI, Andover, and

mylo Methuen. OSVoe, S73 Essex Street, Lawrence.

A Splendid Farm for Sale. ell divided. Cuta M

ton* hay, keep* io h>ad of cattle. Apple*, pear*, botternute, ahagbarki, jrapen, eurranu,I' ' acre ol eirawberrlee, yielding rich Inoom cottage houae, 1 larg* barna. Situated from Manobeeter, N. H. Call on or addr***

lei.-.- DR. CI1AB. A, GOLDSMITH, Metbuen Man.

i mile*


Superintendent of Cemetery. Residence 95 Tremont Street,


PEDR1CK * CLOaaON, Auctioneers, Real-Eetate Agent* and Appraisers, No. Ml Eaaei St., Ihwrencr, Mass.

Atway* ready to give their pereonal aervlee aad •erloa* attention to lellina Real and Peraonal ■itata at auction or olherwlie, obtaining Money aad letting the eame atfalrratei for alleoBcern- ad, negotiating Mortgage! and looking ap Till**, Beotlng property and collecting Rente, ete. No Title paiaed of property unlee* the *«m* be per- fect: H Money iavelted but upon tbamoit un- doabted eecurlty. All ballneie Introiud to ai wul be attended to promptly, and all will be hon- orably dealt wllb-*trlet Integrity being the oa* imporunt element of euccen In the Real Eatate bailBMi.prompt payment* oloaih proe**d*, dnal- lag la all honor with the teller and owner, at the earn* time looking wellto tbe true Intareet of tb* pnrahaaer.tbat hii tit/etar* good, aad that he get* all whUh h* I* •■tilled to-thn* iccurln* aad holding that eonfldenoe ol our tellowe wbleb 1* omy obtained by etriet attention to bualneai, and tha hlgbeet type of honorable dealing.

Aw-Terml reaaonable, and according to the work and reiponiiblllty. Call upon o*. Real Estate Office, Essex St, No. 381.

V, B.— Properly for laic In many icctloni of New England, bat more eapeclally la the city of Law- raaee aad vloiaity- No better otty In tbe Union for a permanent Inveatment.

Bead Real MaUteeolnmn In Lawrenoe HenUnel and Lawrenoe Dally American. InurlV



For Invention*, Trad* Marks or Dtiign;

No. TS State St., opposite Kilby St., BOflTOrf,

After an sntaBilve praotloeof apward* of thirty El, continue* to leonre Patent* in the United

•*: aUo.lB Great Britain, Kraaoe,and other Ign oonntrlci. Caveat*, Bpeoinontloai, A*-

ilgnmenti.aad.all paper* for Patent*, exeonted •nraa*oa*bl*termi.wlth dlepatch. B*iearehe* mad* to determine tbe validity and utility of Pa- taiu of Invention!, and legal and other advice


Beautiful Farm in Methuen on tbe road to Lowell and Lawrenoe, 70aor*a. on the river, Mng between tha river and tbe road. Wood enough for home purpota*. 2X> apple tree*. Cnl* 18 ton* Engllih and o ton* meadow hay.- Cherriei, ttrapee and ainall iruita. V'arm long and narrow, running along ihe river fur a half mile, Uoodpaaturaee, good land of every variety. No trouble from freabat*. Oneofibcnueit eltaatlone between Lowell and Lawrenoe. 4 1-t mllra from Lawrence, aame from Lowell. Good building*, in good condition, well fenced with *ton* wall.— A good Verm, and oaly *old becauae tbe owner la goTngweit. Price |4UW, I3UO0 of whlob can li*

196 K88KX 8TREET. 196


Ib.v.Ja., rtMltri M tl^ui tMorta.., of

LONG OSTRICH FnATHHS, which I am arlllng at

Half the Usual Prices. I am not selling the** low becauae they are oat

of faihloB but becauae having procamd a bargain of them I can afford to fell them cheap; they ault

THE VEET LATEST STYLES. In Millinery I have everything that Ladle, re-

qlre, sad In pricee 1

Defy Competition. My Hook of Ladlei Woollen Under Wear baa

been l*rg*ly added to. Price* low. Children'* and babya Woolen Under Wear, Jacket*, Ar.

I oan aupply Ladle, with

PAPER PATTERNS, of all klnda, I aa making tbl* a ipeclaliy and nan fu rnlih aU kind* of pattern, reijulrrd.

In other department* myitockot goodi cannot '■ •urpaieed.

HAIE GOODS. ■ eel and Imitation. All kind* of dree* trimming*,

REAL LACES, rnrg Ed|lngi, Saahea, I

ry, Penumri, indeed Ll thing they need at my (tore.

196 Kssex Street. 196

MISS H. B. FIELDING wlehet to Inform bar HIUIM,of Lawrenc* and vicinity that ihe be* Juat reoeived all tb* lateit FALL and tviXTKll Btylea from Raw Tork, and li now ready to exeente all order ■ for Dnnaa MAXIMO AT HBRROOMS, SOI K««ex atreet, Lawrence. ns-Partlaular attention paid to CUTTING and FITTING LADIX&'utA CBILDBMN'8 SUITS. Nets Btfltt reeelved every week. Ladles' Suit* Cut and Fit- ted for SI. Mioblnc Stitching aad Braiding done to order. A liberal share of patronaga *o- Hcl ted, with thank* for paat favor*.

LawroBoa, Sept. 8,1B71. 19m

Grooa's Pile Remedy la Ibe aafeit »nd moit atTeetaal cure for Pile* ever oflered to the public. For aale by all apoth- ncarlee. M o»a. per bjttl*. OBO.C. GOODWIN A CO., AgeBU. ISm-oeM

'Wc**il5 ^PletoM ^Brepitte.


Danville, Mr., Is axiited by tha long abaeaot aad anppoatd murder of Frank Kiwell of Me- chanic Fails, egad fourteen. An aaaoalaio haf tnraad op with s bundle of bloody cloth" whleh be lay* wereaolled by carrying off tboM wounded at ihe Boston Are. Ha laya Kiwell baa itoni lo lea, and makai other natemett* equally abinrd and contradictory. Sheriff rUao* baijiim under arraii and la nu*y invaa- tigating the mjitery.

Among tha extetnporned board cards in the burnt dlatrlct of Boeton, I* that of " Meetr*. Oilm»n Bros., formerly of 100 Milk itreet, now ■22 and U Oaitjm Hoasa ttroti. -Sse i Cor. * tb chap, dih and 9ib vsr*e*.''

The horse diwaie is *preadlriE in the Penn- •ylvaDla mining region*. The ihlpment of coal by canal ha* boon impended. It li ifaongbt Bersrsl collterie* will be obliged to impend work.

Warranti have been Issued by the United States commlnioner at Roche*tor, N. T,, for the arrest of Bosan B. Anthonr and sixteen other female*, who voted at tbe recent elec- tions.

Congratulatory meaiages were exchanged Friday between Mayer j of Adelaide, Australia, and New York, upon Ibe completion of tele- graphic communication.

Large quantities of fold have been dlecov • ered in Virginia. The surface of tbe rock df gold bearing qnam mid* from MO to 8100 per ton.

The boy* of two grammar schools In Port- land, got tot) slight yesterday,and pistole

ere used, one boy being ibot In tbe thigh.

The proposition to ralao a fund for a monu- ment over the remains of Waltsr Brawn meets with favor among the boauog men.

President tirant'a majority thui far In Penn- sylvania, Is 188,587; several republican pre- cinct* are to he heard front.

Spain la still troubled wftblhe carl is te, and frequent dliiarbancee are reported In the de- partment of i; irons.

The prediction that Tremont itreet would become tbe great iboroORhrare of Bouon has been fulfilled.

Tbe French Assembly have adopted a bill for tbe reform of tbe French Jury intern.



The reeldenc* of John Watson, one mile from Titoivllle, Pa-, was entered Friday even- Ing Immediately after dark, by five marked men, who, after binding racb member of the family, compelled Mr. Watson to open bis safe, from which S2000 were tskeo, after whlcb Watson was bound, snJ the robber* made good their eacape-

Anold Dutch disciple of Bicalapins, named Van Oldenbnrg, was sent to prison In Brook- lyn Saturday (or giving a young less the a'ter native ol taking the plae* nf his old wi f* or being shot. She didn't eenre worth a can*, had the eld tallow arreated. -_

Two faro dealers of New York have bean ansited for swindling, oa complaint of a re- porter, who alleges that be made a tour of sev- eral gambling houses Friday night, with a view or " writing them up."

James Wbalen, aged 16, wai subbed and instantly killed Saturday night lo a Williams- burg liquor saloon- Another boy named O'- Brien, wbo escaped, Is suspected of the mur- der.

It bss been ascertained ibat at least thirty- four Apache* were engaged In tbe Lorlng mas- sacre, thirteen of whom are known to be In- dians from Camp Dale Creak reservation.

More dead bodies have been found among the rolns ol the burned buildings in Boston; the ION of life has been greater than at first thought

Civilization bas reached the savages at last. The Apaches living In San Pedro Bottom are dying rapidly ot consumption and scrofulB.

Tbe Boiton papers And space for little ex- cept particulars of the late fire, aad tbe an- nouncements of the sufferers.

Weatber Probabilities—lo the New Bngiand State*, lODtbweeterly to northwesterly winds, with clear, cold weather.

The rinderpest Is miking terrible ravages among tbe cattle In the rural regions of Jap- an.

The horse dlssase Is abating in Massachn setts, bnt is spreading in the west and south.

Gold 111 9-8.


world v

i. Famtllee have wad of Ufa, aad g for duty

f lite, aad hag* gone Inty aad BSSBwhU, rea ilr early raH|t*a,k*>i, been awakened te re!

th*UnUiaa4gre*eaf •wad their *«•**. j H<

Bp and fouad on* Into the remrmborlsg

Ilendred* have been awakened |e rellgloea life God which

laltltod**. ot young eoala, wbo have com* fraaa lb*ir eonntry home*, here learned bare of the I* I of Clod, and of the power aad glory ef the *M Han'* life, aad will forever Mem Ihe ohureh then Ma *o bleaeed them. A treat number or ehildrwa hav* received loetraeUon and Ant Irengleas laafehsaloaa and di- rection* hew, that will go with aha i alwara, mik lagtfaUehniehihalrreuiliU earn T.whlrh ib*r will not oeeeeto remember with | atltadr. Tb* effeel of thla church In the aonll 4 Ihnae wbo have riBBBB to blae* It* founder*, t e*etf work In It* behalf, la a multitude already I * rto maa em ■unbar. Mtay ef them b*v*j>M our ally and found hoaeae la other ■!**»*». tA*. r to r**amaher and be laflneuoad by their **aa*Rl)ow* with tbla church. They are all ever rT. K., la (he middle elate*, tha went and far west. Many have get laelr Aral iMtona la oar faith her e. their flrat awakealag

religious life, aad gone away to isnrlih it a* a prleeteae treatur* aad lo promote It among men.

far ,11 baa been largely a Mmslewaty ehareb, not permitted lo po****i and enjoy maay of tbe frartaof lieowa lahova. It ha* been gtvtag It* vi tal eubelanc* to other place*, *r lo*ing them la tb* absorbing lotcrcat* of tha world. It has gained maay and kept bat few. It* work oa thi* seeoant ha* seemed dltoonragtng, II haa been gaining |*ad loelag, and gaining a Ihfl* more than li loat, till In 2£ year* li he* grown to be a ehareh of Bvataaa •trangth.

A few have b**a with it from la* baglaaiag; iv* aaea lu ap* end dowas, have eaaiad It* la-

bor* and Iriale, and are atill lu fast and isalos* it how hwl Not a seor* probably.

Thi* ahowi the obaugabl* nature [of our eommnnl ty, and the aeeeiwtly Mlmioaary character ef out

THK inniicv,

•1!> yean ago the 17ih of Mat Janaary, 10 mealha be for* the permanent otgaalaalloB, tb* flrat meel- lag lu the InUreet tf nur faltk, wae held la Merrl- maek Ball OB JaekHn and Cimmon atreet*. Tb* sermon waa preached by Lev. Thomas Whltte- more, from Aoia Iffl: e. " Bat we dealre io hear of Ihre what thou Ihlukeat; far aa OOBBOrnUg thi* aecl.we know that ll I* everywhere apokeu again*t '' It wa* tbe aim* text from whleh he preached the tint UBlv*r**ltSI *ermon ever preached |la Lowell a yoara before. Holtlaalm.at 4! yeare alaee the flrat public proclamation of oar faith In Lowell, Is la hoped that our ehnreaeatta ear *l*t*r ally, will c*l - ehratetheSOthaBaivaraary *jf thai ewael with each enthualaem a* ahall atlr the whaleMerrlmMk V*l-

renewedllfeln behalf of oar eaaee, aad that one of th* H*m* of that eelebrattoa shall bathe dedication of a naw church, worthy tn* 1'nlverea- tiite of that thriving city, and el tbl* Indnttrlou* valley. It le a pleealng eoleeldesoe that ibe eame clergyman opened th* movement tor our ohureh la both clt lea, and nrauhad frem Ue aame (texl, and probably eeeeattally from the aaae ssrmoe. Bat ihlaie not all. Th* man who enrted tbe move- ment to g*t Brother Whlttemcre to Losrell to pr**oh that aermon, headed the flret eaeeerlptlon for praaehlBg tn Lawrenea, aad headed It .with a aaea* qalu eaggaetlve of the betatr and parity ot our aenilmenia, Fmir/Uld I*hit'.,-joa a** It la Foulfleld Black, bnt Falrnaid While, aeggeitlv* of our duty to keep tbe field forever while, Urother Wbtlanow live* In IfetbaSB.two and oa* hllteillea

Maatlng* were eoatlnaed IB alernmack Bill, for alx month*, th* tun* #*r whleh th* ant strbeerlp- tioti wee mad*, After that eaaeatouel seeaahlng wa* bad, In a acaoolhou** a*ar ihe elteof Ihe pr**- *BtUnlurlaaeh*roh.

Oo Ihe Jlatof Oct, 1H7, Rev. Ofo. H. Clark preached hi* Brit aanoon in I.*wren*, In what be ealled, " a larg* **hool bowae hard fir ipeaklng," eltaated aomewhare near the Bite of He new C*th- oHc*har*h. Ha prrutched Ibatwo **M*edlBg Baa- daya, aad aneat tbe week days aaokfag np the be llevareteourtalU. Oo th* Ulh ol J»ov., b* wrot* In hi* diary,"thii eventag the mad* orgaalae loeiely and vote to retain me If Ipoaaible,—proa- pecta fair." Ha alae where record, that there were about fonrthoBiand people here t thet conrie everythlof waa new and or i*. It i like ebao* than Hkeaelty, The reel ion of the** ■ruai mllli had Hcltad tb* p*oplt ar and near,and mnltltad** earn* to *ee Ibe woadi ' of a city moaily oa paper. Many who bad nothl r to blad th*m •l*ewh*re,aUldtoiry iheirforti IM In thla new Sold. Neerlyjall were poor. : aurial InUreeta had drawn them here. They eat I not to build up churchea »o much aa their owa f. tenet. And yet among them were som* noble apt la. aud (ear lltil* parl*B early got lUfhll *h*r* of ham, who, when they bad become Identified with be BO* dry, look abravaandehrUtlanboldof ltai I a •alba al, moral

iltglou* InUreeU, and lab- «d a**toa*l* to build ihemnp. Their ae*l la thW* assttar* *a wall IllMtraud In a little tpeeeb said* by th* leere- tary ehoaan ai the organlasHea of tar aotlety, Wo, D.JopUn. If they had a aassssy, of egarte they muatbnlldaebarefa. But coBtdlbw dol;? Brother Joplin thought they oonld, and he*ald,"Brethren, I am poor; I *eppe***ll I am worti la tie world Ineludlni myboua*hold furallur*. Will let amount to nioo, bat I will eabasrlb* agoo lad tnaat lo my

I ry io pay it." There vtcrepomeif th*l kind ofaBaaeameto Lawrence at the etlt, anl thank the Lord, eomeafthem helpedl» eewntlse mr aoclety, end th* [faith, MBrage aad pUtjJ whl* ihey put Intoitharaueverdledoutoflt. Ilia* ahvay* hade goodly aumber of that kind or n ia,win a* many wom*nof kllkeeplrlt.

Tbe new *oet*ty wa* fello w*bl*Wd by th* Boeton Aeeodailon.Dee. 1*1, IMT.aad a Brai paalor, a yoang mlnlitar wa* ordained act I e tU of tbe earn*

Crockery, China, Glass Ware, Fancy Goods, &o.

and see the flue aiaorlment of

CrocBerv, China, Glass Warn, Tin anal Wooden WereB, Hanging, Bracket,

aad Table Umpi, Bird Cages, Was Flower .hndea, Lilly ttinade,Vanes,Mateh Hnles,

In all matter* tt i, Coplee lag i. o? tbe Clalma of any patent furnrahed by remitting enedollar. A**lgnm*nt*r*oorded la Washington.

No Af*et ta lAe Unit** Stattt *>o*»i**i we- riarAeeVWmJwrossWalBn f-f*wi*,or*HJowtola- taet»e**Jaia*Ai«(i/o/ti«»«»rfo>ii,

All a*e**ilty of a Jouruey to Waiblngton to procure a Patent,and tbe aaual great delay there, are hare saved Inveatora,

TESTIMONIALS. '• I regard Mr. Bddy a* on* of th* most capable

and snseeeafnl praetltloB*ri with whom I have had oSdal latareoars*.

CHAD. MASON, Commlieloner of PatenU." "I have ao heiitatloa in a**«riBg inventor* that

they eaanot employ a maa mor* comptttnt an* SVwaanwrtay.BBd more oapabl* ef putting their BMlleatlona In a form to leear* for them aa early and favorable eoadderatloa at tb* Pstsat OOee.

EDMUND BUBEE, Late Commissioner of Patent*."

•• Mr, B. H, Eddy ha* made for ma over THIR- TY BSMllsaUaa* for Palent*. bavin* be*B euoeeee- fai In almort .very oa*e. Such unmlatakableprool of great talent aad ability oa hi* part, leads me to reeommead ALL invaatore to apply to him to pro- ear* their patent*, aa May may be sure of having the BMCt fBlthfol BtWatiOB be.low.d oa thai r oa-


ThO FIHKLE A LYON Manufaetarlag Co'*


OAS ai BOVOHT or eel D. W. LORD, 40 Margin street,

•els Agent Ibr Lawrence, Andover ■> Methaen,

Executor's Sale of Kent Estate IM LAWREFICB.

Byvlrtueofalleeaeefrem tbe Probate Court, I .ball i*ll at Pabllo Auction, oa Baturday, »«■ ceeaberllat, llJt, at 3 o'eeloek P. M.,ou the premise*, all Ue Rial EilateofTbomea Bcnaett. leteofLawreaee.lB th* County of Baaax, and Htat* of MsaaaabBeetu, tUceaied. Said estate 1* e[lu*t*dontbenorlh*rlyald*Of Oak ••f*»Mn

• aid Lawrence, nearly oppoalle the Stone Church, and conatale of about JIM iquerr feet of land, upon whlobiherelitwohouae*. Thefronthoua* I, about» by «8 feet, 1 Itorle*. The rear houae ia about SO by 18 feet, » Storle*. The balldlnge have been newly palnud, and will tlwaya rent for aaoodprlce. The lot la bounded, aoutberly by Oak StiV«, eaiterlyby land of Thomi northerlyby ■ panag* way, — of Andrew Sullivan.

alao » lotof land tn by-oleet, situated onthe weiterlyiideorNorthOak Street, In laid Law- rence, and bounded on lb* **it by the weeterly line of said North Oak Btreet, oa the Berth by iBBdofMlohaelKeaaedy, oa the wen by land of Catherine Hiokey,and onthe sooth by land ol

"rraoBideeiroaa of purchasing are lavlted to examine the property at aay Umepreviou* toth* Hi*. Condition., BtOO at sale, (be balance la thirty dayi, when the deed will be delivered.

' ' AMBROSE BOSSITKB, Bx'r. Lawrence, Nov. It, 1871. »*w

ikC in 4*9A P" *■»■ AgsaU wanted t All ftl 10 "PSU ,la*eeaof work'n*. people, of ii KL.fc. _._ moaey at

or aB the Particular* free.


Estate Jnaa.ee Denny. Nolle* I* hereby given thet tb* •ubeoriber be*

beeadaly appointed executor of tbe will of JAMBS DBACY,

late of Lawrence ,la th* oonatyofE*Mx,merchant 4**H**d leaUt* Bad ha* takan anea bimaell rba7trusib7iTvTi|^^bondlT-Tib* law'dimu. All penon* having demand, upon tb* «at*te ol *ald deor.aed are reoulr.d to exhibit tbe mnJH:; and all pereoaa Indebted lo aald **UU are called apoa to make paymeat *morn y DEA8T ,I«J.

Atedaaa WM. B. KltCX. Lawrence, Nov. 1Mb, 1S7I. '«

Pnrinn Goode, Table Cutlery, Roger's Bra's

Plated Spoons, Fork* and


SHERWOOD'S WINE QOOD8, In every style. BABIBQ WAJtB of aU klode, la fast oa* of tb* beat awortnaenla to be found la tbe country.

Look at aome of our priori. Beet Bnglllb Btoa* China, Tea, Breakfast, aad Dining Bet*, conalstlng of



tio.w 12 00

■it cU, a pair. I ;;i 1.00per do/. • *ts,*atb,

Oar Croekary Is of tbe beet mekai, our own Im- portation. Our Cutlery the beat make la the ooaatry- All goode warranted a* repr***aled. and at tbe loweat market prices. Good) [packed to go aay diatance with safely.

Remember the Place aad Number,


45 Merrimack St., TLaOWeU, Mna*.


83 ft 86 Bedford Street, BOSTON, MABB.


Dyspepsia, Kidney and Liver Complaint*. Try them one* aad yon will never be without them. For eala by all epoteearlse, teener box. Oso. C.Qoorrwin ACo.,Ag*iU. rlJm'ooto.


Quarter Oeotennlal Celebration.

The ■CnlversBllst society ol this city begsn the celebration of thslr twenly-fllth anniversa- ry, oo Friday. It waa an occasion of mnch re- joicing, The society, sines lu organisation, has Bocompllsbad macb good, and its flourish- lag condition at Ihe present time Is a snffiiHsnt

>n for rejoicing. Tbe exercises began at 3 r. x., on Friday, with a general conference meeting. .The masting, which was congratu- latory le Its character, was led by Ssv. Mr. Wearer. Stirring addresses were made by Bar. Mr. Adams ol Lowell, lisv. Mr. Davis of Canton, and tier. Mr. Ilsyward, of Methuen. In the evening the exereleee were reiutned, when the Itev. Geo. 8. Weaver, present psstor of tbe society, delivered an eddreie as follows i


Twenty-tie* years ago to-night, the few Unlveraa- liau that could be gathered In tbe than New City (aall waa called) nrganlied lhem**lv** Into thi flrit Lolveraallat Society, and proceeded aloae* In tb* work they organlied to do. That wa* oa the lath of November, *ant* Three weeke before, at a public meeting Bailed preparatory to tbe orgaal- Ballon, a compeer waa drawn npetatlBg tb* objeeu of tbe orgealiatlan. To thi* compact 18 nam*l are attaehtd.

On tb* i"ih of tbe nrcvloue January tb*y h*ld their flrat meeting, in Marrlmeok Hall, on Ihe cor- aer of Jaehsoo aad Common etreata, at whleh Rev. Thome* Wblttamoro of Beaton, ortlclaled. They were tha* ten montbe In preparing for the *Up* they then took, Sfttbal WS ar* a**ar*d that tbay acted deliberately, aad from convictions of reltg- ion* duty. Th* orpta!nation of a new rallglou* aoclely la aa event of grave Importaaee, So deep are men'a religion* ooavlatioaj, and ao Imperious aad perpetael their rellgloui wanU, thai anoh a *e- elety oae* orgaalaad la a permanent community, 1* likely to live a mean* ef Iniloetie* and a power in the organic life of tb* community for * long 11me. There are eburehea ha Mew Eaglead living end flourlebing to.day, wblsh war* founded la the very beginning ef oar colonial hlitory. There are •aareaeela Englanddsaadad by the flrat ehrtallane In that Island, eo grown lalo the life of Ibe nation that tbay mult live aad eiert their power for a long time yet to eesne. Thar* are church** In Oreee* sad Italy founded IB lb* *arly daya of tbe Chrietlen ehareb. Move tbea any other laetita tlona, do churebea live. Tbey have a time to be born, bnt no tuna to dl*. They b*gla bnt do not end, eieeptby great eeavebloa* or eiiu of tbe •oeamnnlty. Perfaape tbe man who fouad.d thla *e«s*ty did aot couprabend tb* graataeea ef their work, bat IIWM worhwhleb baa already *nUr*d Into ssaay live*, whleh has glv*a atreagth aad bal- Baos to ssaay *aars«tero, aad hope aad eomfort to

On th. 14ib oi May, IBIS, it Nlis worship la Brldgman'* Hall oa Oak atreet. < a the lath of Jan- uary lMfl, It want to Lawrenoe I Jl an Ameebury and Common atreet*, which wa* arnedoa Banday moralag, June loth, 1st). That lemoon It began

t *logtaa*M of pnrpose, earn aal prntlcal lualgbt.

n* wae a mai d**p piety, hearty eathaali Ha woo the affection* of hi* p*epla, snd worbsd ■uccMifully la tb* field b* had •been. 111! by over- work aad aa over iBteosity of thi life within him, hi* bodily strength gave wag, snd he went down a too early victim of the dectreyer.

On th* ISlh of July. 1M1, the *o*l*|y want Into Swift'* Ball; oa lb* Ulh ef June, UU.lnto tbe vestry of this ehurob- -in tbe meantime Bev. Hen- ry Jewell had **rv*d a taw month* a* pastor, aad Rev. J. It. Jobneon been aciued. Hie ttlllrmeat date* from Jan* lit, if ii. It wae nodar hi* actlv* BBd aaaloua minl.Lry that lb* ehureh wai bnllt. The aoclely owe* him a d.bl of iratlttod* for refua- lag tn aecept of the KM** CO. any other let then ihe on* oa which th* ebareb iiaoda. All tb* early ehurehec of Lawraaea ewe the lot* en whleh they are bnllt to th* wii* forwlght aad liberality of tbe Kaaei Co., whirl, owned nearly all the lead of tb*

. The I'nltirian, Lawrenoe Hlreet, Free Hap- and Orac* cbnrche* were already located

■ad lha Common, Tbe company dliHked to give aay mor* each rateable land teehureb par-

a, aad offered other loi*. Bat our paalor ana people were reeoluu In mahlag thttr stalm a* good

bare, aad would be aalbaed with aothlng bnt thi* lot. Bat th* lot, uaanrpasMd aa It la for loca- tion, east the soelely on* ralefortuae wblcb It be* not yet get ever.

The egeat of the Ee**x Co. advteod thet tb* b*a*- ment ef the church be mnk down a fcw feet Into the graaad, to prevrat the high, and as he tbeeibt, BBstgbtly eepeet of ibe wool* double everted church above graaad, and to make It eeay of a*n*a* to th* aodlierlam; and h« pleased ergently his advice. Tbe eoaiety yielded to him Bgalasl the Jadamenl of paalor aad people, more beoeoao they had pressed him *o hard for the lot than for all other rtaeoa* pat together, aad *o io thla day oar ehareb stand* fear Ibei tee low. Hnt of lal* mliforlune we will not complain, bat rejoice la tb* beaatlfal *tta*tlon oer oomrertabl* church oeonplee. Thanka to the company which ea" na the lot; lhaaka to tb* peo- ple who bnllt ua tb* shave*: thank* to the food pa-tor who eld hi. duly to well.

Tbe eealetr dedicated It* eburch Jane KHh, 1AM, bavlnx prevloualy worablped la alght dlff-rant place*. Tare yeer. l*l*r Mr. Johaeoa reelgned, and fonr month* aft.r Rev. J, J. Braytoa waa aettlrd, wbo remained paetor two year* aad ten month*.

April Tib, IfM, Rev. J. M. Btvere waa la.lelled paalor, the teak having been etgbt sseath* without a ■h.pberd. Be reelgaW lo April, Iteo, M aoooaol of the 111 he

moalh* afier, early In BTevtmber, IWi, th* preaent paatar came Into ibe plae* he ha* new occupied twelve year*, *e thai w* BOW celebrate the twelfth •aalveraery of hi* aaiilement a* wail m Ib* twenty- • ft** of (he eoelety'a llfr. Thii coincidence, how- ever, wee not tboaght of at tha tlesa of the ar r an ce- ment for thla •alehrailen. This twelve years has liren th* pre* a at paalor time to get tolerably well aeqealaud with th* few of hi* people wbo bare been with bim all that Urn*.

From the bulldiegof tbe diureh, the aoclety wa* greatly burdened with a heavy debt. Through many year* thi* waa a perplealng *mb*rr*aMn*ut, threatening often the utter rain or the orgaal*atton. Bat lie feel friend* never gave Bp, and In February IM4, It eras all pail. aid a time of wjnttlag held In the vestry, quIU similar to that era rutpaet to have lo-atgbL

Three year* later. Fab. 30, 1*17, tb* chare*, hav- ing been r*-mod*ll*d, *Bl*rg*d, iveeatad, aadfla- Isbed, m aa eanaass el abeat gia.uuo, *raa r.dedi-

half thouaand dollar*. lath* epilog of 1*7011 duoad ihl* lodebtadn*** to •i.soo, where It now

it a erashldk burden, hat a too heavy load for a wlee and thrlrlni people laag to carry. It* ehureh propartv U now valu*d at gto.tOO, It all having been accumulated la the to year* alaee the

i bnllt. DeduMlag tb* ladebtsdaees, IU eetaal property 1* gSl.IOO.

Bev, Mr. Clerk etwanlaed a Sunday Sebool at the v*vy beglnBtng of hi* ministry, which etlll llvea and thrives. Bev. Mr. Steere organised a church, which has b**n most useful la eaHrvatlsg eplrttaal lib, and keepini harmony aad life atnun* tbe peo- ple.

At the oomlag ef tb* present paetor a tool*) cir- cle wa* orgaoiaed , whleh oontlno** yet an efficient Bid la oar work, ao that with the eoclety, ehareb, eabbeth i*hooL end social orgaalsstioas, w* keep the work of the pariah lo aome degree ef aetlvlly.

During all thle twenty-live year* the pariah baa bad a elruf |le lo live. It baa tamed many a sharp corner, met many bard dlftleulile*, and pnaed through a number of ragnlar *l*ga*. Hume- itmee li has rtaen rapidly to number*, eirength, and influence, then agala ai rapidly waned to week- ness. Tb* fluetunllBg nature of our popnlatiOB, leternat dl***n*loni, and the weak neat of friend* have been th* principle cauee* of lu trial*, lb* ehlefesns*, however, I think, baa been the week- esss Of Its frleatli. So many have wearied In well doing—got discouraged st trifle*,—turned away from mere fancies or Iblblee. Ob, bow many of tbl* cue* every oomr*unlty powaeaa. I anppoee tbe tip*rl*aee of thla pariah I* ibat ef ell other* la thi* rupee!.

Now that the parish baa lived twenty live yeare, has weathered *o many atorma, red* la ao maay roagh ***• and come Into quarter neattnaUl port Is auch good order, I eee no reeaon why It ahould sot eoBlinoe to live Bad grow. It hae MM of tb* old and triad friends itlll oa board,—ai Una aad pallcnt and faithful men and wetneaaasver blessed any religion* community, and thslr a**l la aot •bated aer their atreagth dlmUtsbed. It baa a strong fore* of sew and young blood, fall St* Ib* vital eneri!** of faith snd bop*. It is probably stronger end la betur working order lha* ***r be- fore. Baeh asw year haa halt IU libers into great- er strength, and warm*! lu life Into a mor* rig- oroBs force. Still ll baa bard work bathe* it. IU life muat continue lo be aatrugglei Itbasaflsaa- clai burden to east off, aad oilier malarial labors to Became. It haa lo oootlBn* IU mtmlonary work, gathering up tn* fregmsBts of humanity thai aoth- lng be loat.

IU flrat tmpetleu* daty, as 1 take It, I* to eteedl- ly aad rapidly diminish IU debt. At tbe reheat age of tweety-nve, with maaele* wall knit, aad blood aad oeareae la the vigor of youth, it will b* only th* play ef lu foreea to east off thla burden, aad atrikeoulforltl flflleth annlveraary with tha freehamsof a yoeag athlete. Atone* th* com- mand and th* notion ahould be," Oa to victory,''

Kvary frltad of lb* pertah, old aad youag, Ilk* *o maay aoldUr* aoiloua for tb* fray, ahonld *bout for th* attack, and rash Into Una fc, tb* one*!.

■ml* over tbe pariah ihoald burnleh IU arm* for th* emcjUMlof new Urrilnry, and equip lie force* for the long battle with .in wblcb esn never be given over till ws rait oa tb* bill* of eet**tlsl vie lory. Bnt In closing let me congratulate the par- iah, nut only oa what It be* ao nobly done in ibe flrst twenty -live year* of Ha life, but oa the hearty good fellowehlp that now *Kl*U among If* people, tbe happy fraternal relations tbey auatain toward! each; and alao on th* frl*nd*htp of the cbuiohee of Other eoanm null lee, aad lha people of other faltbe

j. W* ar* la lb* midst of a peaceful aad unite,! rellgioua community, where we are accred- ited with our right* and oar field of work.

•r I ought to congratulate tb* pariah on the material thrift of IU people, end the growth sad proepetltyof the city ia whloh It llvea, AIIIUlB- ternal eoudltteaa and external surreaadlBae are hnmaful. If It lebut faithful It* future le ***or*d. Let It *ee*pt tb* condition of that aaearrty, and go forward onltedlv, bravely, happily, Iq Ihe career of BMfUlB*** Ibat lie* directly before It.

At the conclusion of Mr. Weavar'i address, tbe company repaired to the vestry, where ta- bles ware laid tor fonr baadred persons, with a plentiful supply of good things. The ban- quet was presided over by Dr. Blows, tbe present chairman Ot the sUndlaaj committse. After ample Jastlee bed been done to tbe ex> eelleet rennet provided, there were speeches in respooss to the numerous eentltnenti, which were *i follows:—

"The society and Sunday School;" respond- ed to by Bar. Mr. Wearer.

"The Founders of tbs Society;" responded to by Dea. Chapman, Henry Wltblegtoo, "eo- I.lttlsfleld, end Dsa. Beetle*

"Tha record that shall not bebleted oal," Blinding lo tbe work of the society; reinond- ed to by llr. A- M. Ksy, a former clerk of the Organ l sit Ion.

"The Cltv of Lawrence;" responded toby Kx-Mayor Frank Dsrl*.

The Commonwealth of Maasscfautetu;" responded to by Hon. John K. Terbox.

■Oar Bister lociatles;"by Rev. J. II. Adams Of Lowell-

Dr. Stowe called noon Mr. Wearer, wbo made as address, In whleh ha gave tome rem- inlesncee of his early ministry, end alluded to his then associate, Kev. Q. T. .'leaden, or Lowell. At the request of Mr. Wearer, Mr. Flsnders, who wsg present, delivered a plea* fngarldrese, full of humor, aad creating mnch amusement. Tbe addressee throughout were In tbe happie.t vein or the speakers, and Tally np to the iaureetof the occasion. Th* sea- son was one of social enjoyment and rejoicing, and will he remembered by nil who participated In tbe exercises as one of ibe pleesantest mem- ories.

This morning a social reunion was held at the bouse of Rev. Mr. Wearer, aad a pleasant time pae*ad. The afternoon exereleee began at 2 P. n', when a sermon was preached,fol- lowed by a conference meeting.

ettlBBtlon of tbe poo. IA It t* a mission to tbe poor whom it seeks to help; whose dis- tress e* II seek* to alleviate, and whom it oetkr- to lift up. And thii mission is always to be. ir all the fountains of Iniquity of tbe city were to be dried np. If all tbe eanses of povertj were removed, there would still be poor; always be some to be goarded and sullied. Christ said "Tbe poor ye have with you al- ways," so I presume that time will never cone when then will no no oae to need thi aseiit- eaca of ths charitable disposed, I am gled we meat under such favorable elrcumsunces to eight,—so many present, and In a ball where tht voice cin be beard dlstleetly; you will hear tbe report of'tne City Missionary this evening; I wish yon to glra nttentlon to his report, and when ll is published in our city psp:rs, I wish joa to read it attentively, and give jour ais.it-

iBBsarTlllg Ml she injprovgmstiu It sug- geets."

Dr. Packard closed by fotroduelmf Hsv. Mr. Pldge, wbo invoked the Divine nlesiln*. Tbe enerir than sang a hymn, niter whleh Dr Pack- ard Introduced Bev. Mr- Dunning, City Mlr- slonary who real Ihe following


Tb* report which w* mike at thi* aaBl**rearj embraeee oaly tbe last two quarter* af lb* year, with a fraelUB of tha second. The report or tb* flrat halfyeat'adolnjre wae matie by K.v, Mr. Wil- son upon hi* retirement from th* *fflce of yonr mi**seuary In Mareb last.

Since eatertai upon the etten of City Ulasleuary I have met wllh maay of th* •mbarraiameoti and dleoon rage menu laeideat to taeiperlcnee, but wbleb bore aev*rth*l*ee barn fewer, by reason of tbe minute detailing of tbe work by my worthy piedrceeaor, lb* kind aad ready DOUOMI of your courtaoui Board of Advle*. a* wall a* tb* vary *nn*rou* welcome aad sympathy exlend*d to m* and mine, personalty aad officially, on lb* part of the cltlaans generally; all Of whleh, permit eu« to eay, we have greatly appreciated.

Oar financial exhibit I* ** follow*: B*«'d of Kvv. 0*o. I'. WIUOB of mla.lon fand* lu

thatraasury, gTtS 00 " Cinderella Club, HI V •• Kaaea Having* Bank, Intrr. at, B Ot '■ from other aouroea, »6


Thirteenth Artnlvereary Sxercleee.— Report or tbe Otty Mlastonary -Ad- droeeoa by oiergrmen and otbere.

The thlrtesnib BBolvnrtnry meeting of the Oily Mleeion was held at the City Hall, SundayBvenine There wai a large attendance aad maay were obliged lo go away falling to obtain aeats. Several clergymen and promi- nent citlaen* were upon tbe aletlorm. The choir of the Lawrence Street Church furnished the mniiet the selections sung during the evening wore remarkaulr well rendered. The exereleee wore most interesting, snd were op seed with a vohtatsry by th* choir, after wblefa Bar, Dr. Packard, chairman of the Board of Adrlee to the city mteslon, who pre- sided daring the evening, msde tbe following remarks:—

"We meet again on tbe anniveraary of the Lawrence City MMJIIOB, whlcb was established in 1H0- It wa* Mtebllebed under tbe name ol the City Mission. I like the name because It shows that ell our cltligai are Interested In the work in wblcb It Is engaged. It It not a Con- gregational lit society, or n Baptist society, but it includes all the denomination* and sects. We are thankful that It haa been so useful, Ihaakhl that It hat such a high nlaoe la the

Whole am't reo'd la els months, gloT IT Krp'd derlag lb* qxerur eadlag Jalr 1, «joi :IT

" " " " Oet. 1, ITS te

Am't eapended la *li aaontba, »:J:7 OB Halance in treasury Del. 1, IK.\ *1XI 11

It will be obiarved that tbla report I* mad*only to Oet. 1*1. Th* praeaat aiate of tb* treasury l* quite different. More than oae half of another qaerier U already gone, during wbleb time heavy draft* have been made apoa our fuudc, aad by the end of tbla quarter there will probably be Mule If anything in the treaiary, Judging from Ihe el pen- dltureiof correepondlng moatbs of other year*.

Th* flgur** In oar eutUtleal report neither do nor ean give a Juat view of the work of th* City Missionary,or tb* good aeoomplUbsd by the mis slea; much, vary much, muat remain untold,

W* report, however, a* follows:— Number of i„Bi

vlalu mide, SO'J; famtllee relieved, IB; ilngl* ]ter* soae helped,Al; ganaaeU dlittlbutad, itT; yard* of cloth glvoa away, US; funerale attended, 11; carmen* preached, 3t; relljioue media** held, 01; baptisms, adalu 0, children T ; penon* algnlng the pledge, adult* n, children M.

TKB Hteatox woaa.

With thU, those wbo have lived long in Law- reace have bsd abundant opportunity, from time to time, to become familiar; enfflse It now to eay, therefore, that th* dwtga of IU establishment was ao eminently fit, to fully In keeplag with the prin- ciple* ef ehrii tUaliy, and ao much In harmoay with th* feeliag* of the hamsae, that at no Urn* have tbe frleadi of tb* mleeion s*an reason to change It. It ellll, therefore, offtre Irlendly cooaeel, *n- •*Mi*MM» so* wtarsri>l eM •- ••>. nnnr snd frleudle**," without sectarian Ma*."

The (***ral work of Ihe mlaaloB th* psst all saoaths, ha* beea atteaded by Ibe uiuil variety of fact* and Incident* , inch as bay* been very prop- erly frequently referred lo by my beloved brother Wilson to his earellent report*.

Incident* of greet Inureat ar* eoaalknlly Unas- piring, Illustrating clearly tbe value of the mission to tb* poor sad suffering of tbe city.

UpOB *nUrlag thU Aald of missionary labor, Kind heart* advlaed u* to eieuas Mre, Dunning from tb* heavy burden* born* by our predeoeetor'a eioel lent wife, and wa tboaght w* would do *o, Ao- eordlagly wardrobe* were filled up la tb* ward

if tbe city hall, for mission elotblog, Bnt in fonud ouraelvea In th* plight of tb* old

bachelor who** matrimonial alliance* bad, for aome unascounlsbls reason to bim, been long de- layed; bat wbo, bavlag persuaded s you ot widow to marry him, with tbe promt** thai sh* should be relieved from all homebold dull**, kept hi* *ng*g*- meat for a week, and then thing* want eo awry. end hi* OWB burden wa* so baavy, that on* day In a flt of deeperallon, he rushed lo hi* wife's room, and vociferooaly eielalmod: "Mary, yon muat come down and go to work. I bare begun a* I cannot hold out." So we, aot being cut out for a milliner or a manuu maker, had begun a* w* wold not hold out. Aud though Lo.d Lytllatoa deee eay, " A woman'* uobleot tuitoo U retreat.1* yet we were seriously reminded of Ihe word* of Campbell:

" The world waa sad; the garden waa a wild; And maa lha hermit Slgbed, till woman *mll*d."

Be the good wife baa proved to be a baplmeet still, Bad haa added to home ear** frequent vbiu to th* ally hall for tb* dtattibollon or clothing; as- eisliagln oar work at the prison oe lha Sabbath, In neighborhood prayer saeetlnga, and lo vlalllng tb* slek, beside* having charge of th* sswlog sehool, without atl of whUh, we arc frank to sai our work muat bar* been far lea* Beeeestfol.


Tbough ths mlsalon be* beaa.and I* dolBg great work, a work tbe value of wblcb oaouol be welleitlmated, y*t th* tlm* bss etirely com* when lu field of operation ahould be enUrged, in order to meet tb* sow forms of want which the rapid growth of tb* elty ha* developed,

This *ntarg*m*at I* In th* direction of ■ mlaalon bOBse, a home from whlcb your banefaetlona ahall flow to lb* graatrit ueefalne.e. We meet thii need et nearly evrry tarn, and each day add* fteeb Uluetrallon* of tbe importance of such aa eatab* llehment. W* bs've already called Ibe attention of the people to tbl* surjsct IB lbs city papar*. sad bar* been much gratified aad encouraged by the kind endoreement by tbe editor* of lb* metier of tbe eora man I cation, and later by th* article of " Clila" la the AHKBICAaof Friday leal.

Among th* rraioni for a Mission bnlldlng we gi**th**e: F1r*t. Our present accommodation* are by ao mean* adequau for ibe proper dlscbarse of tn*dnll**;w* areeren now attempting to do.

Commodious apsrtmeale for lb* reception, prop- er arrangement and distribution of el oth lug, apart- meate, where with modaely and a generou* priva- cy, wblcb belong* to true charily, oar hniief.i Hon. may be bee to wed, I* an absolute need, Onr pres- ent •ecnmmodatloB*, tb* treat to be had under n lallag el ream Stances, are indeed *mberra*alng to all eoneerned.

Again. Our Band of Hope BBd lowing eebool ar* organisation* worthy of being flourished by p*rmnn*Bt and convenient accornmodallmi.. They havealway. been, and ar* now taaanU at will. Thoath tbro' tb* klndnea* of the oeeupanta or Bsssa Hall,and uurly ef our frl*od,Mr. O. A. Feller, whose chapel we now occupy, no; ohargsi. hare bean made for rent. Htlll tbeaewlng school teachers are aabjeeted to eootlderabU looonven leno* In being compel had to carry their work to aad from th* place of meeting, or te l**ve It ei-

from doing a waahlng, eleanlBg a room, or tolling at the loom. Allowing these women to have tb* common love of a mother, we msy Imsgtae lb* corroding anilely tbay feel, aad Ib* lonely waltlag of those email children during tuot* long bouva of a* pa ration.

In thi* Dome W* could meet a deildsratcm, that or provtdlag ror the temporary Itvagmeat of siren- gars, Maay eame to our elty eeefclng work, bnt Whom nlghl overtake, tie for* ll U found. The bosrdlag houae* arc closed to pennllam etruger*. If they apply to a* we have no plae* to which we can aerul them eave Ibe Station hou*e. Surely, there ooght to be In a great and chrlal Ian elty Ilk* thla, a place where aa unfortunate etrtnger could be lodged without degradation.

um.linote WORK, The tru* spirit of humanity has s wide range. It

rsaehee not only to tbe flesh bat In the mind and annrt. It "Re*tovs* tb* lost aad blads the eplrlt broken, And feed* ibe widow aad tha fatherie*.."

And la iau> work w* have h*m very happy.ee- peeUlly whan we have aeea some turn thslr fanu*- wlili fallli lower. 1 the Cross, heelnaing a BOW.and vlrtaou* lite, and afterward* dying In great pane*.

fil'BH AIR MKKTItiia, under Ibe eneploee of the Mlssto*, were earn meoced oa th* Common tb* last Sabbath after Boon lo May, and w*r* eoatlBued every Lord'* day with

iwo Interruption* ror four month*. Many beard the gospel here wbo never enter a ehareb. Tbe atusjdanee was alway* large. The iBterasl

a* marked, and a saving la flumes ws* *a*rt*d.| In these meetings temperance has bad a vary

prominent plane, every fourth meeting being de- voted to that cause from the commencement. Netblng save the Oe*p*l of Ohilililtsetf eaa do lb* poor of Lawrence eo much good aa temper-

Lltile temporal relief would be needed by II lotoxleaiing liquor* wareetpalled our bor-

We bar* therefore been more than glad to be right hand of our Influence lo that great

jeform movement Inauesroted In July last by Mr. J. K, Oegood. aad through which ao many noble

but hard drinker* have been redeemed, aad wo hope forever,

rnx HAND or itorn. •

Tbe gathering or tbe children lalo Ibe temperance ranks, loettlllng them wllh total abiiluenre prinel- pl*e, biasing them agilnal all that Intoxicate*, a* well a* all other lejnrloua bablU. I* a work the vain* of which ean hardly be over-estimated. The dtfllcully of earlne; those ones addicted to drink, urge* tb* foresuillng of thi* bard work,by pled ting the children to eternal hostility lo Ibat implacable enemy, Aloobol, as llsmllear,th* Cartbagenlae, pledged hi* little son II annlbal to stems! enmity lo Rom*. Let ths prayers of tbe good, and the co- operation of all be given to thla Important work, And lei all tb* children be enooo raged to Join tbe Bead Of nope. llro. Wtleon'e faithful helper and organic!, haa proved lo be ours also, greatly May- ing np our hand* lo tbla enterprle*.

UK BKWIMO BOUOOL baa been a .uocea* einco vacation. Tbe atwndanc* bee been conaianity Inereaetug slue* 11 baa been bald In lb* **m* room and immediately fcllowlag tb* Hanoi of Hope. Ten learhera ar. BOW em ployed, and many garmenU are mads for the poor, while lb* girl* are taught the vsrlou* klsda ofeew-

f lo.t.

But more than thle: The moet Importut re* ■oa for a mleeion houae, I* In the tal fact that there I. a rlaaa of eoftVrini ones In our oily, wbo sre phyalcally able and willing to e.rr, Ihelr Own liv lag, but whoa* haada ar* tied by elrcnmetaaee* over wblsh tbay h*v* no control. I refer to tbose eeore* of mothers whose bneband* ar* dead, or la priaoa, >r have abaasVmad tbem, leaving npon thslr bud* email childrea, (and *om*tlm*e many ol them] lo feed and clothe, without ■ cent Of In- come, end at tbe same lime deprived or Ihe prli 1- Isaa Ot earning n living by'tbelr own toll, beeau** or the constant care demanded by their little oae*.

Bomo ol these mothers ate BOW entirely sup- ported by different ebarltlee. Olbere driven lo dee- perallon by waat, or a feeling of *ham* at feeding dally st the crib of pablU charity, turn Iht-tr llitl* one* of two or three year* old lalo lha etreat, that sebool of pollution and crime, or abut them up in their gloomy, damp abodee to await their return

PBlaox troll. Aa chaplain of IbeboBseor oomellOB aad Jail,

we have endeavored t o do our duty to tbe Impris- oned, preaching to tbem on tb* Sabbath at alae o'elook, holding a Monday "School aervlee at B o'clock r, M , and apendlng much tlm* in vlalllng tbem from cell to cell, for Ibe distribution nf read* log. lor personal relletou*conversation, aad to oth- er Wl** ***k their good.

Two temperance meelloga have b**0 held In th* prison, w* bellive with proflt. We hsv* done what weeouldalsoto fled emptojm*Bt for eoch a* desired It on baleg diacharged from prison. Tbla U, however, a dlfflealt work. •** waat to employ those eo given lodrlakas to need to bveonflaedlu Jail, (aud tbla la about the only class of convicted ones, who armlv io ue to find work for th*m,) Onr work at the piUun has been forwarded and m*u» very pleaeaatby tbe gentle, manly bearing of tbe ofheeri toward* ua, end also by tb* ebaarful a**le- unoe Undered by the Sabbatb School uaabere sod member* of the choir

In conclusion, peimlt us io aay without a pal* ionising eplrlt, thai we cannot be too grateful for tb* healthy eendlilen of ibe mlMloa, and Us proe- peeU for another year, all of wbleb ia tbe rcanll, undar Uod,of your prayers, your aie.dy sympathy, and yoor liberality; aod *o long a* lb* mission baa these foundations Intact, It will continue to be a glory to Qod, a bleselng to th* poor, *nd an hoBor to tbe eltr-

Bev. Dr. Barrows wa, then IntroJneed, and meCe a ehort address, In which he tpuke of ihe noble work of the Mission. It wee a work, whlcb being practical In lu character, required action rather than sneaking. To aid ibe work or the Mission, to gire it Ibat assistance) lu success required, It wai necessary to under- stand lu situation end snrronndlngs, the pop- ulation of the city and its character, which would give an Idea of 111 needs. Tbe work of tbe Minion is so admirably systematlsed that benevolence seldom fails In atuinlng lie right object. Men often hesitate to give In charity, roaring that by doing so tbey might eecourags idleneee or Intemperancei bnt ia aiding this Mission there waa no such apprehension. Through It charity flows from tbe rich to tbe poor in Its legitimate channel; many caaet of deserrlng poverty would go unrelieved, were it not for the Mission, whlcb ssekt out and al- leviates distress wherever it finds It- By aid- ing the Mission then we aid tbe poor; the missionary can do tbe work that we cannot do, bnt we cen eld him nod sirenstaen his bend* and hit resources.

At the conclusion of Ibe eddrees of Dr. Bar- rows anothsrbymn was snag. Alter whlcb Dr. Packard remarked that it bad been e« ptMad that Dr. O.W.Sirgebt would be prea- ent to make an address. The Doctor had been city physician for many years, and had been brought into IrequiTit contact with the poor In tbediecherge of bis professional drjtiee, and much IoUrestlng Information bad been ex- pected from b!m. Dr. Packard then Intro- dured Mr. A. C- Peikins, principal of tbe High school, wbo delivered an interfiling address. In speaking of the ciiy ot Lawrence, ho said It bore a high character; H bad been blessed by having wise, noble and coursgeoue men as it* founders, wbo bad been particular in their at- tention to the moral, educational end religions Intereiti, Their attention to (base and their generous provitlon for their r-uiieeance had made the city what It t*. Mr. Perkins tbin reviewed the recommendBtiom of the Minion- sry's report, and strongly urged their adop- llua He made special allusion to the want of a propsr bnlldlng for evsntng schools, and ttated that II wa* important that particular attention should be given Ibis matter. Tbe hoys who inatcb from tbelr hours of labor the Ume spent in the evening schools will grow to be tbe men wbo will wield tbe destinies of Ibis and otbsr oltite, and cure ebonld be taken provide every facility for tbe acquisition of ed- ucation by thoss wbo cannot acquire it In any other way than ihroaab Ibe medium of BO

evening school, lie also urged the Impor- tance ol prorfding e borne for Ihe care of children aa suggested by the City Missionary; aa the meant ol Ibe Mission sre increased the results will Increase. People sometimes say, la It always to be, give, give, are we lo be eon- sUBtly (Ailed npon to give to this o» ject and to that object? To ibat question be woald an- swer yes, so long aa people participate IB tbe btesoiogs of cliriaiiainiv and education, ibeir parse* should always be open to promote them. The doeUlne of every one looking out for bimielf WAS a heathenish one, and If it bad been tbe doctrlnt' or men In tbe past tbs world would not be in its advanced condlitoo lo day. Mr. Perhlns' address was full of sound common sense, noble In Its sontlmeni, ud wu listened to wllh mnch attention. Another hymn and the doiology wae tung, after which Dr. Packard announced that Ihe Temperance Reform Club would occupy the bell on Sunday evening next- Her. Mr. Hogg then pronounced tbe benediction which

cloeed the meeting.


MBBRRA. U. P. Pitaa- 4 Co., New York, hare gained inch a reputation aa careful nnb- llibers, as to lassie a generous toaapgloa from tbe critical reading public for any volume from that boose; the present Meson Ihelr list or fresh publications Is of unusual variety end Interest. *

KALOOLAH, by Dr. W. 8. Mayo, le a timely reprint of a volume of surprising Adventure. The preface. In which the discovery of the manuicrtpt ia so minutely told, le a lively composition, and aptly introduces the marvel- ous pktares that follow. From boyhood, tbe hero, Jonathan Floater, of Nantucket, tsjeait to hive experienced a series of adventure* of moat exotilag character, and the storiss or peril aad eenape from Indian; la rivalry ol Jonah, through ridleg la a whale'* raenlht of a voyage and adveaturee oa the Lively Anne; af shlpwrtek, abiadunmant, end recovery; of llfd on tbe African coast, with Incident! fa the sieve irade; of peril among the native*, ad- ventures tn the Interior, with a etriei of most eicltlng events In tbe sontbera Mat, are told with a vividness not often surpassed in ro- mance, end which will captivate ihe levers of curions snd ilsrtling adventure. Whltford It Rice bare this volume.

RoMANca or AnaeicL* HUTOAI, 1* oae or Putnam's Library of Choice Beading, and e moit attractive little volume It is, Ihfl tub itinilil elegance of Hi typography and bind- ing being a flt Index to the curions Internet 0f Its contents- Tbe author, M. Bchele De Vere, has grouped together many fresh Incidents In lite tarty annals of Our history, and with the vIvldDors of romance itself, wrought out many ao adventurous latl of tbose uncivilised days, to which muit ever attach so deep an Interest to tbe American mind. The contents Include " Lo, tbe poor Indian," with man)' new inci- dents In the unbroken wildtrnwt; " Tbe Hid- den River," weaving1 a train romance from lbs discovery and early voyages npon the gnat Misstselppl; "Our Pint Komanen," In which tbe old, touching ttory ol Poctbontai It told with anew and rrather Interest: "Alan-Town name*," with curions fame concern-tux their origin; " Kaisers, Kings and Knights," "Lost Town*" aad " Lost Linda." It tn a volume of genuine Interest, hletoricnllynew, and ro- mantically brilliant. Wfaltibr. • Wee here It ■

TBBHAXDTBOOK SeaiKs, iioneof thomoii useful Issued from tie American press, giving, without prttentlon and In a comprebentlre form, a fund of tbt treat Information about matten of every day Ufa, health end comfort. Of tbe taint ittaee "How TO SIU'CITR

YotineBi.r," It a carefully prepared little man - UBI, showing bow to study aad what to study, and how to read and what to reed, well calcu- lated to make tbe road to learning, and espec Sally to Mlf culture, sailer, particularly to thoee without Instructors; no young man, really de- sirous of pushing abend in soeiUy, can fall to be benefited by thle volume. Another Is, "SO-

CIAL ECONOMY," by Prof. J. K. T- Rogers, of Oxford. England, revised for American reed- art. This book of 150 page* affords a concise consideration of the qneslioas or social econo- my, now more than ever promiaeot before the world. The relitlone of nun to each other, the nelnre of properly, tbe meaning of capital, tbe position ol tbe laborer, tbe definition of money, tbe work of government, the character of buirhnae, are all tct forth wllb clearness and scientific thorougbaee*. The book, from lu simplicity and the excellence or lu Instruction,

■ lion It contain* Is m value snd tn Unit to til classM of readers. Whl'rbrd * Rice bare leeelved both ibeee volume*.

Tbe lame firm issue a new edition of " Mi: noiaa or A HcorjunoT KAHII.T, translated aad compiled from the origins! autoMogriuhr of it J Rsv. Jamee Foatalns, and other lentlly mannicripU, comprising an original journal of travels In Virginia, New Tork, etc., la 1115 and 1710,—by Ann Maury. There It always ao intense interest attaching to the story of these persecuted and banished protestanU, and this volume, giving tbe history of a single family, will be found to possess attractions for a wide circle ot realers; It Is a naratlre of ac- tual occurrences, and tbe appendix give* a care- ful translation ot tbe lamoua Kdlet of Nantes, aod tbe other documents of that stormy period, some of them not before published In tbe Bu- llish languags during a lull century. For ssl* by Wlilik.nl A Rice.

JEAN IXDKLOW'B HOVBI..—Tbe announce- ment, tome weeks ago, or a forthcoming novel from tbe pen of thle most charming eoegeter, was sufficient lo awaken a curious Interest among Ihe tbontindr, old end young.who bad been delighted wltb the sweetaMS aad beauty of her ilioughis In tbe field of poetry to which sbe baa until now conflned ber efforts, and wbo will turely aot be dltappolated with tbe tonrb- Ingstory "Orr ma BKBLLIOS," which Messrs. Roberts liroibrrs, Boeton, tbla week Issue, nek Ing a 10 mo. of t'JO pages, and In the usual excellent styls of that bouM. The story Is one of rare Interest, Irish In Us incident, quaint in ehiracteri/tlion, and told in the charming wanner of this sweetest of modern poets, whose beet Mir appears in glowing Imaglns- tion, graceful thought, and warm, beany sym- pathy in theie pages, The ttory Is In part e ule ol love, bnt In wblcb the established novel order is reversed, the heroine becoming en- gaged to e weak, careless, though wsll mean- ing fellow, not Irom any lore for him, bnt be cause of a flighty moral notion that thereby she cna reclaim him, and by bur InilneBce elevate bis purposed, aud benefit bu life. Sbe falls, becaase bis heart and lore ire as ueeta- ble as his will, and shale finally married to lbs earnest man to whom the ean give bar whole hurt. There need be no feir on Ibe part of thoee who have only iweetracollec- tione of ibe poet, that tbe cbsnn wilt be loit In thfe Introduction to B new field; the novel li full of atiractlveness.fts descrlptioes bright end to tbe very life, while Incident and advetture are iketcbed with a wonderful beanty. A very heavy edition of "Off the Skelligo," wu ordered In alyanea, of* which Wbitford k Rica secured a large number of coplee.

Arm-is or OIM-D.—ThU little weekly paper »<-r yonugast readare has bsea havlBg a eej«*aefol run •looe its eommeecemeet IB January leal, and aow the completed volume, prettily bound wit h a chro- matic cover, he* been leiuad *« a holiday book, 11 le a genuine bom* production In a Ma* which here- tofore the EtglUhseemto have held, and la oer- Ulnly elegant enough and eh**p *noogh to sMUfy these who hsv* been In ihe habit of looking oaly to Knglleh puhllosrlooa. Iia engraving, are very pr» fese, mXwS of lham being elegantly printed In eol orsi aod liaatorlea are admirably adapted to In- tereat cbtldreB. A portion ot ihe eonlcnl* I* "> large lype, wbleb give* a pleasing variety. Tbar* •re over a baadred pictures, many of them oecupy- Ug a fall page, aad eoase nr tbem mast be veey eharmlag to ehlldreo. W* notU* specially the cbtldreB "Adrift," oa pegs log; the "Backet W*g- on," on psg* *>; tbe "Swing la our barn." *n page KJr *ud Ihe first aad leet one* in In* volume, -n- iitl*d"Oonwle,"nBd"h1*klng» Path." Ws are ■ratified lo Uara that ArrLR* Of Om.n ha* al- ready atUlced an .vienal.e circulation. Ill* ad- mirably adapted for lufeal elesar* In Hundsy sebool*. and for as* by lilller.U .dull*. The pile* ol tbe pep»r le &0 eeaU a year; of the bound vol- ume,*** dollar. I'ablUbedhy the Aawrteaa Tract Hceinr, throegl. Its sgenta, Hard and tlOBghtaa, Sew Vort; the lllv*relderr**»,Cambridge. Wbtt- ford A Rice have it.

When a man and woman aro made one, there Is alwaya eome doubt whloh it tht one, and occasionally It takes yearn to eettle the -inflation.

IShe Hitmerican. LAWBENCK. FRIDAY, NOV. 22,71


A flsndisb attempt m made on Friday niitht, lif depositing thro* lieavy cross tie* u?ro*s iho Harlem track at Williams Bride*, If. Y., to thruw off ihe Boston express. i>or- tuneteiy It WII not fastened securely, ud wu readily displaced by the locomotive A re- ward of S1000 WN offered for the guilty par- tita, who. If cungbt, an quite llkeiv to be lynched.

Warrants have bom Issued for the arrett of tha Inspectors ol election, who received ibe vote* of Hnian B. Anthony and frlendi at Kocheattr. N. Y. The examination in the cue Of Susan B. Anthony baa been postponed by agreement to tb* 2»tn Inat. She mi thai seels pleased to have ber case bronght proper- ly before tba courta-

The special session o! the legislature waa convened to-day. Mayor Outon of Bocton has beam leqeastad to petition for author! ty lor the city ot Boeton to lame $20,000,000 In bonda to b« loaned to owner* of property In the Durn t district, to aid ID rebuilding.

Denmark taae been visited by a fearful hur- ricane, which raiied the ate, and iwept away embankment!, flooding many portion* or the country, doing immeme damage to property, and caualng conalderabla lou of lift.

New York baa another tragedy. James C. King, a lawyer, on Monday ebol Ambroee F. O'Ncil, who had given testimony egainet Klnl In a divorce anil between the latter and bla wife. King WH arreeted.

Apparently n complete revolution ie going on among the Shaken at Mount Morria, N, Y., and Ilia not Improbable that a general dl- vlaioa will ehortly take plaee on the marriage qaaatlon.

Boeton wu visited by another severe Are on Monday evening. A portion of State etrcet Mock at the lower end of State etreet waa burned; ibe lou ie eitlmated at fiiOO.OOO.

Geo. T. Bnchanan, chief engineer of the National Military Aiylaro, at AuguiU. Me., waa fatal!* burned by an ei pi of Ion of gee on Saturday.

Laeonla, N. H., wat v 111 ted by a ihock of earthquake on Monday afternoon,which luted Ore Mcomii.

The trial or parlies Implicated In tbe town of Ajar, anon caae, began at Lowell to-day.

Gold 113 3 S.


Tbe Called States Marshal, at New Orleani, made an application to tbe President on Satur- day last, for troopt to aid him In arreatlng certain peraone conipiring agalnat tbe election lawi, who manlfeetcd an intention to reiiit the federal authorities The President promptly refuted to comply with tbe requeti, deeming auch action entirely uaneceaiary, eapeclally when tnere waa no Information allowing that the civil eathorltlei were powerleit to execute lb* law*.

Politic* are active in France at preiont. President Tblera ha* decided to realgn unleat the vote of con fldonce which tbe Assembly haa failed to give him la reconsidered. Tbe mem- bera ol ilka Right In the Aeecrably, have do- cided to oppor* any formal proclamation of ibe Republic, bat expicoj their willingneaaioname Thlere, Preeldent ol France for life, If be will henceforth abitaln from parliamentary debate.

At Naahna, N. 11., on Saturday, aome ma- liOloui liar atarted a atory that President Grant bad been poisoned. Tbe report tpread rapidly, and during tbe afternoon and evening tbe tel- egraph offices were thronged with people who were anxious to learn tbe truth or falilty ot tho report.

The extra eeaalon of the Stale Laiilslature, aetembled by reaaon of the disaster lo Boaton'a commerce, began yesterday. Oov. Waabburn's meaaage waa read, and varlona legtalatlon with regard to Inanranca waapropoaed. The City Building loan waa alao brought forward.

The earthquake lo New Hampablre on Mon- day waa quite eevere, especially In tbe neigh- borhood of Lake Village, where the vibrations of tbe earth earned wins consternation.

Stephen II. Mead, a boy thirteen year* old, belonging to the Canterbury ,New Hampshirel Shaken, waa drowned while ikating, on Mon- day laat. by breaking through the Ice.

Tbe Boiton Relief Rxecntlve Committee now •late that at laaat m>- .«<»"- «' *•"!*.* -«i ».- required to make proper provision for all claii- ea of aufferen by tbe fire.

Weather probabilities.—In the New Bng- land iiatea, southwesterly to nortbweaterly wind* and cloudy waatber, with ocrailonal belt* or enow and rain. ,

There waa a rumor In New York on Satur- day, that a veaael hed arrived In tbe lower har bor with Ailatlc cholera on board; the report waa not confirmed.

The trial of Stokea, the alleged mnrderer of Flak, haa been aailgned Tor the tint Tuesday In December.

St. Louie had a fire on Monday night, which deatroyad property to tbe amount ol 9100,000.

Tba production of Pennsylvania coal la In- creating, and tbe demand decreasing.

Gold 118 3 8.


A lively battle it In progreta between tbe nu- tborlilea of the District ol Columbia and the Chicago rallel commlltee nlative to 130,000, originally a part of the Dlatrlct's appropriation lor Chicago laat yeer. Tbe relief committee now dcaire to receive the 030.1)00 to giro to Hi.- r IN , but iiud difficulty In obtaining It.

Patrick Clancy, a city teamster of Provi- dence, It. I , accldenuily full from a loaded Up cart on Wednesday, the wheels passing over his head and killing blm Inatantly.

Tbe slaveholders of Cuba will make strong efforts to retain and perpetuate slavery In tbe island, and are taking meatnres for that pnr- poae.

Ktmley haa arrived at New York, and will Immediately beitln hit lecture tour djsctibin* lili search for. and discovery ol Llvlngttoce.

CapL Qeo. W. Boynton of Georgetown, has been appointed chief constable of the common- wealth, vice Htjor Jones, realgocd.

Tbe Republican Central Committee hat adopt- ed retotutiona eulogistic of the memory of the late Win. II. Seward.

Weather probabilities..—In the New England statea; clear, cold weather with aouth to north westerly winde.

The Republicans of .Spain are arming and ore.anlr.lng; for what purpose it Is not known.

The king of Spain It prostrated by illno**, and hi* condition la regarded as critical.

Apache raids again disturb the quiet of Arl-

Qold 113.


Two ihlrde or tbe business portion of the town of Oalva, Henry county, III., waa burned Tbutaday morning Fire waa Aral dlaroyered Istuing Irom tbe roof ol Johntan's tailor shop, whence tbe Names rapidly spread In all directions. About twenty atore*, shops, sn- loone, etc., were destroyed. Lota from 8300,-

000 to f.WO.OOO.

Information bat been received that ibe baik Samuel Larrabae, of Banter, He, which atiled from Savannah on the nth of January last for Bremen and haik Lanerlcaat which left Ball! more on tbe Huh of February for Belfast, Ire- land, wero lost a| tea, and every perion on board tbe two vessels perished.

Right hundred men engaged in the construe- slon or the Wlnooa and St Paul railroad in Minnesota, have been cut off from civilisation bv a terrific tnow storm, which haa lieen rag- ing for nearly a week. They have no profit* Ions, and fruitless efforts have bran made to IHIII them with t applies.

Washington specials e»v tba Comptroller of tba currency will advise a continuance of the present curreocy reserve* and the repeal of tbe law requiring circulation to be withdrawn in the amount of 8?:.,000,000, In those States having an excel*, and redlatti'iuted in Statea having a deficiency-

Leavilt Alley, the alleged murderer or Ahl- |sh Kills, waa arranged in tbe Municipa! court or Boston, on Thursday, and waring exami- nation waa fully committed for trial.

Tba announcement of tho realguatlon of President Tblera waa a canard.

Gold 113 ft-8.


One week from Tuesday next, occurs

our municipal election, In wbicli tbe vot-

ers of. Lawrence are to record their ver- dict upon [!;■■ acts ol i In1 past administra-

tion, and decide tin- character ol our lo-

cal government for llio year 1873. To

say that tbu record of the two years pest,

under the direction of Mayor Davis, usj beeo creditable und satisfactory, Is tar

from Mccardlnjt the credit due; we doubt If any like period hi tbe history of our city, has proved so free from disturbing*

causes of complaint, or given more uni-

versal satisfaction to tbe people. Tbe affairs of the city have been most wisely

and prudently conducted; taxes have

been reduced from the standard under Democratic rule; public Improvements

have been made In a large measure, and

the city hait maintained the highest repu-

tation for peace and prosperity. During the year to come, the most

Important question ol the present quar-

ter century, Involving the heaviest ex-

penditures, and most vitally affecting

the Interests of all our people, Is to be

considered,—the Introduction of water;

there should be not an hour's delay In this matter; whatever the lesson of tbe

great fire to Boston, Its warning to

Lawrence Is, In pointing out our weak

spot,—the lack of water. There have

been indications of a decided opposition to this great measure, and the matter

should [not for a moment be taken from the hands of Its friends and supporters.

The Democracy, chastened by sucuess-

ive defeats, have been eagerly casting

about for the candidate who could possi-

bly poll the bottom vole, and without

asking for experience in city affairs, or

power or inclination to give the office the close attention it deserves, have thrust

aside the almost promised candidates

with these requiaitlons, for the hope of a half dozen more votes. What they de-

sire Is plainly enough indicated In the

before election speech of thnir manager

and probable candidate, through a most bitter onslaught upon the police force!

There's the rub; a nest of democratic

partlMfna are clamorous for place, and Mr. Tarbox responds by a violent attack

upon the police. We :i-l. our sober minded citizens,

what meant thut denunciation of the po-

lice force, from Its head dowui Has

Lawreuce ever experienced two years of

such marked immunity from crime; was

ever life or property so secure here as

now? Look buck two short years, and if the prospect of n return to that regime is

Inviting, then discard the party and the

officers of the present, and revolutionize the public servant*, by supporting the

Democratic party and candidate whose

slogan Is "down with the police.''


bill was Introduced for the amendment

of the building act of the i'v of Boston,

which provides thut buildings other than

dwelling houses, .-hull have foundation

walls that shall tiot be lea* thnu eighteen

Inches in thickness, and that tbe exter-

nal walls tOiall not be less than tweivo

Inches thick to tin: top ol the upper lloor,

and that the upper walls shall not be less than twenty Inches thick from the foun-

dation to the top of the roof timbers. In

regard to mansard roofs, the bill provides

tbat they shall bo supported by fire-proof

carhels, and capped wilh flre-proof ma-

terial. TiK'v ■ hull in.i in' more fli-inone

story high, or more than twenty leet In

hlght from tho upper llour of the building,

all the material* of which they are com-

posed shall he non-combustible. Ail

stores and other buildings nf more than

two stories, or above ~~> feet in htght from

tbe curb leyel, shall have tire-proof doors,

blinds or shutters upon all windows and

entrances that do not open on a street,

such blinds and shutters to be closed each day. All elevators to be enclosed

Ip walls of brick or Iron, and all boilers

and engine ro.>tn<, to be enclosed with

fire-proof walls, and ail Boon immedi- ately above them to be lire-proof.

ntK it in. AL.rmjiw/.iMi tne city oi

Boston to issue sjjJO.OUO.OOO worth of

bonds Introduced in the legislature on

Tuesday, has the following provisions:

The bonds shall be payable to order of

bearer not more than fifteen yeatslrom

date, with Interest of not more than live

per cent, gold, or (I per cent, currency.

The loan Is to be In the charge of three

commissioners, chosen by the Mayor and

Aldermen, who shall have powor to loan in such I'D- us they shall determine, to

owners of land In the b.irnt district, se- cured by first mortgages, conditional

upon the rebuilding, beginning with one

year from Jan. 1st, 1879. The loans

upon such mortgages shall be payable in

not more than ten years from (.ate, at a

rate of seven per cent, per annum. The

bonds are to be sold under the direction of the Commissioners, and a sinking fund

Is to be established for the payment of them. Vacancies, on the Board of Com*

mlaslunera are to be filled by tbe Board,

and the BOATII are removable by the Su-

preme Court. No loan can be made alter

Jan. lut, 1974, except contracted lor pre- viously. The net does not take effect

unless Indorsed by two-third* ot the le- gal voters nt the municipal election or a

special election.

In the Senate on Wednesday the peti- tion*, of the Mayor of Boston with refer-

ence to the building act ami the better-

ment law were referred to the joint spe-

cial committee mi buildings. * In the RoilM petition! lor I n corporal ion ol In-

surance companies were olfered; also a

petition for n law prohibiting the dis- charge of tire crackers, and regulAtlng

tiie tale of llreworks. The death of sev-

eral members havitq' occurred alnce the

atljounitneni of the legislature, resolu-

tions ol respect were Introduced and

adopted. —■ ♦ «*»»■*■

THI LtMONI ciiggesteil by the great

fire In Boston were the burden oi many

discourses by clergymen In all parts of

the country on Sunday la*r. In this city

we bear the sermon preached by Rev,

T. T. Mlinger, of the Eliot church, high-

ly commended, not only as able ami elo-

quent, hut also calculated to direct the

mind of those wh i listened to It Into

OhaOOOll of direct thought, ami towanl a

higher conception of the in oral uses ol

human adversity. It Is to be Imped tbat

the Rev. gentleman maybe induced to

repent U for the benefit of a larger nu-

iiir.nv then lUtonedto It on Sunday lait.

A TflAKKsaiviKn STUUY.—We shall

next week publish "TV rfidotr Whin."

a atory of Thanksgiving, written e.xpma-

ly for the AMEBICAN, by our spicy New

Voik correspondent, ECLBAKOR KIRK; It

is a bright, fresh story, lively in Interest,

and of pleasant denouement, ami we ate

sure will be read with satisfaction by our readers.

TllK Kr.l'i iti.iuANd of our city have

only tti unite cordially upon a strong can-

didate,—one ol recognized ability, known

integrity, business experience, Intimacy

with (be affairs of the city, to secure bis

election over any man the Democracy

can name; the splendid record of the

two years past affords too geoerul satis-

faction to our tax-pHyiis, to be over-

thrown for a whim, or on mere personal

grounds. Select the strongest man aud

Ibe battle Is already won,—but in ad- vance, we may add, no weak man can

succeed. Ulve us n utrong candidate,

aud a sound hoard of nMormen, and the

good sense of the people will endorse


Trie Boston Fire.

The following dtfooane wa* delivered

by Rev. A. L. Houghton, pastor of the

Free Baptist church, on Sunday last, the

theme being the lesion of the recent con-


ZMl " Letmonotbi" ttfiln t'"1 voice of the Lord, my Uod, neither lei me IJM thla treat lira any more, that I die not." Deut. ivlll. Id.

Tnese words reltr lo tbe Urae of the giving, of tht law on Siaal.wheu the Lord came down open the mouai Ie aloud and fire, and out of tbe mldal or the elonJ end arnuka aud terrible oouu aeration, aoewared Mo*** with a voice. The people of larael

been aetembled near, that they might feel the preeanoe of the Lord, aud ate hit stately goings,

tabled there, ID tbe more Immediate preeenee of tba Inflalu, they bit their owe tnalf ninoaaey, aadtheawralrrBadenrortbeUlsiBsPowar. They repeated or tbttr wanderings and Idolatries, they thought they were willing lo obty lb* cammaoda of Uod given °T atDtee. tbae]ipolal«d leader, aud ao they prayed that their UTe sUthl return to lie or-

rv channel,with lluaee for Unlr leader and BBTi and that lory might not see again late ter-

rible manlfetlailuu or Qod't power. Their tin aod berdneta of bean reodered Dteetaary tome unu- enal and striking minifettallon of Qod'e preacnee and when II eame It almoat overwhelmed than, aod with pee lie noa for tbetr sin, and thankfulness that they bad not been utterly dettroyed, tbay re- solved for tbe future, to live la faithful obedlaoee to the Lord their tied, saying," who It there of all fleeh who bath heard tbe volet or tba living Ood apeaklngout or tht mldtt or the Are, as we have, and lived I*

History Is repeatvd. Uod'* general plan of moral government Is Ibtiatne to-day, at when oat of tie- reb btapoke lo tho midst of earthquake and thundering!, There are time* lo the hlclcrv orev- ery people when terrible oiluntly lays bare the heart, and brings a clly.ttats, or nation to lla kneee In pealtenoBand prtyer. Such a time name lo Ihlt oatlon I u the late etvtl war, and again, little more than a year ago, when Chicago received hor bsptltm of lire; and yet tgilu, netrer home, where what waa one a the pride and boast of Boston I* oow acherred and blackened ruin.

I do not sty tbsllheae great confltgratlont are sent In judgment; t do not aay that they are eeol aa pDnUbment ToDln. I do not believo any mtn bat a right lotsy ibis. We cannot trtoa them to such a cauae; for why waa Chlett' buraed, aud New York left UDMtthed ? Why wat Wlntbrop Square laid loathes, and North Street left tUll rteklog wlthcorrupilonl Bat 1 do B*f Ibat.lD these mm anal ealamllloe, thoae terrible OonfUgralloce, Uod Is speaking to those c I lie* and to this nation, and happy for naif we lleteo to Ills vjlee, and learn tbe lesson which lie wauld teach in.

IIC week ago, Boston >■»* auch a Sabbath BB she rr ttw before. It wu the buslett, eaddeel,

maddeatdeytn all her history. It wit ushered with tire and crooks, end closed ID darkneae and >om, for much of the airengtb,betuty, glory or

the city bad departed. The most substantial atruo- res of brlek and stone bad croaibled Into frag- mtt; flrt*proof buildings (what a mleeomer)

had melted wilh the appro echini: heat; heavy Iron sarea had In many caeea felled to preserve their perishable content*, and Boston'* boasted fire de- partment, unsurpassed, perhaps by that of any oth- er city In the world, had been, for onee. powerless before the flames; and more than thlt, IflsuraDce, the first and great precaution, bad beeomc ■ thing of questionable value, aad the pride of the city lav humbled In smoke and ashes, Hut thla graat r.»- Isinlt; brings Its lessons of wisdom. These mlgtity conflagrations eome not by chanoe. Though they may be IraeoU lo natnral otn*e* for their origin :iii'l progreaa, ytt under tbe provtdeatlal govern- ment or Him who la the first of sll causes, they work out good for the nation. No thoughtful mtn can view Ihlt ruin without bring Imprrtteed with lla leteou. Thla Is ouo of the more striking ex- amplea with which hlatoryl* replete, which Illus- trate, with unmistakable clearness, the perlsha. hie character of all raiterltl good, and the weak- Dseeof msn't pony arm to stay the baud of the destroyer. Had Bt. I'ater been In Boston or Chlca- go In the hour of their calamity, ho might hsve quoted bis own words to ei press hit reeling*: " All flesh Ists graas, and all tho glory of man aa the flower of grass," These terrible strokes, from the hand of the Destroyer, appsll u*. To tee tbe glory of a great city fade away In a day shock* i IIITV. ■, ami mtkee at reel that wo are living some unusual and awful time. But destruction ha* always been tba fate of olUes and of emplrea, and whether It cornea ebout by fire, or p eel Hence, oi eword, whether by one rollstroke, or by Ihe west. log of years, tbe dlfTerenees tre only In metn* tnd iniiiii.T, not In reeultt. The stsuncheat alrnctures which the hand of man haa ever reared have c bled In deety, or fallen proetrete with swift de- struction. This law which stamp* tho works of man with decay and rnln. holds In Its relentless grasp the produots or every period of human life. From tho mlnlaiure house of block* reared by the child upou tbe kltoben floor, to beguile the weary hours, to the stately pi lea of granite and marble which exhibit tbe strength and beauty of civiliza- tion, there Is DOthlng wblch Is Imperishable, la some there la greater power of roalatanoe than In other*, bot nature, with her beundlecs reeouroea, la ableto subvert ell. 1 call to witneae tbeburitd olrillittlons of tbe past. Where I* the busy cul- tured life which once eurged about Ihe pyramids Of Egypt? Only the crumbling ruins of Iboeegl- gantlehetM elve antwer. Thebes, Memphis. Bab. 11on, where are they ? A happy, bip^fnl popula- tion once thronged their IhoroDghfsrea, tbe weslth of mighty empires Bowed Into their midst, the sound of revelry waa beard In their streets, the rich, the learned, brought the tribute of their pow- er and wisdom to their shrine*; but since that tlmo It has required tbe closest search of the arohiuilo- gl*t to discover where once tbey flood, now burled beneath tbe debris or oonlurles. Jerusalem, ibe holy city, queen or Israel, whore now is hur Klury ? Within Uie raoge of Bible history, It waa besieged seventeen times, and aooa after, In accordance with prophecy, it waa " aotnpaaeed with armies, and tin- abomination of desolation was seen standing In the Holy t'lace." Well mlelx ouu exclaim wilh Croly contemplating the consummation or her doom, " O 'Jtruealcm, Jerusalem I thy time hat oome, thy glory patted away, and thy house luft unto thee dciolite." To-dty Ibe Turk treads her eacred soil, and her own children are dispersed In every nation. Kime, tbe elarnal city," Thai sat on seven hills, aod from her throne of beauty ruled the world," hat shown lo later times the track of ruin. II waa the boast Of Augustus that he found the city composed or brick, and left It marble. Bui hait a century later It might have been the grim boast Of Nero,that finding llmarble,he Mlt It aahea. I'arle, Ihe glory or Pranre, the centre of culture i.II 1 refinement .could not rental the gath- ering foree of her own commune, before wblch, aflerahe had borne;tb« econrge of Uerman arma »he lay prostrate, bleeding, djiBg. History every- whore record* both the rite tnd /nil of grtttoess. Thlt it it true of govornmouts as of elite.. Voat times haa the world n gathered under a IIT.IV.- < ■ eal empire, directed by one eovurelgn will. Ae- syola, I'ersia, Uaoedonla, Uomuhave each held ID

turn the empire of the world, by elege and con- quest, but Home, the laet aad quean, hernelr went down lu an'-impurlal ruaelntrom of blood and lire." Will men never learn that only tho " word of tho Lard endurvlb forever." Thaf'tJi* Iblnga which are arau arc temporal, but the things which are unseen areeternal." Thl* la the leason for ut, and happy for ns Indeed, If ws heard the voice speaking from the midst or these Hlnels of fire and desolation, aid unlike Israel, turn not egatn to our Idols.

But there Is annlher result of Ihean more auddon and terrible etlamUlea whlob should not be over- looked. Continual cooticl with tho hard, cold side of humsn matin.-, through the ordinary proeeieea of bualoesa, chills the heart, encrusts the moral sensibilities, and makes mon sellUh audunsyrapa. tbetlcal. It Is needful eomellmes, that the heart should bo laid bare, tbsl Ita secret iprloas should be tonrh|d, and that the deepor, better nature should be trouteil. There la In every man some ipnrk of good, which If It can bo reached tnd fanned to t flame, will revolt the original Image la which (Jod made him; hat thl* often Met deeply burled beneath Ibe waywsrdiieaaandiio of year*, and It riqulrei •oraemlghiy etlrrlng of emotion, ihe presence or 'i.ni" great Buttering or tho thrraiealng or aome terrible danger In wake It [Into life. Put a man In- to aome pnaltlon of great difficulty, where the weight or rn*pon»lbll1ty *eem* ii-n .-■ enough to crush him, mil Bometlmet from being a very onll- ntry man, ho rises to bu a hero In anhour-

Thert Is tome truth In the aa>lng tbu a great M- oaatou makes a great man, and perhaps no country better Illustrate* thlt than our own. What raited Uun. Urtut tiniii being in obscure tinner in a ■mill western town, to the trout rank of the milita- ry chieftains of his age?

afauyatnen, during our late struggle, whose life bad been uiotl commonplace, circumscribed witblo Ibe limits of his own neighborhood, waa aroused by the terrible need of the hour, and made a moral hero,exhibiting tn uowonlud strength of purpose and depth of soul. Those yens of con. nicl, In spile of the evil InllucDos attendant upon the gather!Dg of a great army,lift tho couotry purar and notiler, for the heart of the nation had been touched, and almost every home had given tome precious olTerlDg, prompted by a fresh Impnlte of patdotlo devotion. No man willingly gives or auifefB for a great cauae, without being the better for II. When Ihe news or Chicago'* calamity flashed over ibe country, how suddenly men grow henevnlont; tnd there puured Into the stricken city such an offering of a nation's sympathy aa waa never witnessed before. Tbe uprising of the ntlion In tbe hour wben lla life wot Imperilled, wit grand In- deed, but the generous reaponie to tbe calls of snf ferlng hummlly from out the smoke of Chlatgo tnd ButOD, reached Ihe morally sublime. How one week ago Ihe better nttnre wss stirred, snd I real ijiupaiby awakened for burning Boston I and the laconlo prayer offered In the Rrooklyn Taber- nacle, " Lord, put out the flre,1'wni echoed from devout hfirta throughout tbe laad. i'rtjndlces an,I dilTerencea were laid aside, and men Hood Up In onn common brotherhood whoaa pulies beat In harmony with the throbbing of the great city. Mtock*, tnd merchandise, and wirrhouste are less, but manhood Is more, This Is how " It la bvtter to

go to the bouse or mourning, thin to tbe house of feaatlojl," This 1* bow a great sufferlug oflen wotks out a higher good than unlnltrruptsd proa- parity. But Boston It neither dned, DOT dying. HUe will aria* from ber aehe*, a nobler, truer city; for while for a tlmo, tbe may have less brick and gran- ite, aba will have more heart and soul; today ana la teaehlog tba world. From her aebae the voice of Uod la epeaklng. If man tball bred thtt volte, If tbey shall learn the folly of selling thtlr bearu on worldly goods. If hoarded wealth shall be be- stowed lo charity, to feed tbe hungry, clothe tbe naked, edneate Ihe orphan, tnd preach the gospel to tbe poor. If tho heart of New England his really been touched, ihe may ytt have reaaon to think Ood for the flre. Let not Ihe leason ol the hour be lost. LetaotibevoLeaof Oodbe aoheeded. "Lay

ep for yonroelvta traatarsa upoo earth, but lay up lor jouraelves treasures la Heaven." If this qolokar beating of tba heart ID a truer sympathy, shall not oeaae with Ihe boar, bnt beget a nobler pnrpoaaand a higher reaolvs—If men shall strive

■ earnestly for that wbleb la true aod noble lo life, lo make home (tweeter and honor brighter, If yielding their ceaseless anxiety for tbe '■ things tbat perish," thty shall •' aeek llrA Ihe kingdom of Ood aod bit ilgbleousntee," we may all yet

eetbut area out of thl* lloreb of flre end ■moke, lbs Lord baa spokeo,

EolTOB AMIBICAX:—I would like lo speak a word through the medium of your columns In be- half of Ibe Temperance Reform Club of our city. Every rational being knowa that ram ia the great- est curse of oar lend. The closing; of all Ihe rum shops or Boston since the flre, by tbe elty author!- lies. It a case la point, and sine* tbat time there hit been bot little disturbance, whereae for tbe Aral twelve honrs of the flre, while rum ebopa were open, there were 450 at rests made. It li a fair sup- position, whloh all candid men will allow, that If there was no rum in thla coon try nine tenths of the crime and of Ibe coil of prceervtug Ihe peace

onld ba removed. What hold} truu of all large towno and clllea In

general, holds true of our city In particular. Ii I* a 'f II knowa fact tbat prtvloua to tbe exlstenoe of ie Reform Club, drunkenness waa alarmingly

prevalent In I^wrencu, notwithstanding we have aa efficient a pol Ice cor pa a* any other city, end or which no reiaonabla complilnt haeeie'r been mtde, to aay knowledge. Bat e police rorce can only re- strain and never reform. Hence, however efficient and appreciated, tbey can never remedy the evil which uiakea their presence neeeeeary, because tbey have nothing to do with Its cause. We have, Blao, In our city temperance organisations, of dif- ferent names, wbleb bate done, aod are ailll doing, a noble work for tbe eauie. But their work I* more of protection than of reformation. The re- formed men who Join them are the exceptions rath- er than ihe rule, They serve aa a protection to the youth and creale end maintain a healthy Interest among the temperance men of the elty. Bat tbe Beform Club occupies a field by Itaelf and doee pc coliarly ita own work, li Is a work lu wblch tbe clergymen, Ihe churches nod all temperance men of Ihe city were Interested befort- tb* eiUtenoa of Ibis Club, as much at tbey are now, bat yet a work which tbey could not do lo any meb extent aa it la now being done because tbey bad no direct influ- ence with the drinking claiaea. But wben the lead- era of Ihla Club stepped out from the rank* of the drinkers and said, publicly, "We will drink no more," it bad an Inspiring cfftfcl upon Ihalr com- panions who followed ihtm. And en, to the lead- ers of Ibis movement, really beloog* the honor of good It has accomplished. TbeClab waa formed In July, by Mr. Osgood, the temperance reformer of llalno, Bui wblle this work appears aa the out- growth of Ibe same work lu Halne, It ta much moro remarkable than that work. Before Ibe coming of afr. Oag^odto Lawrence, the lead era of thla Club bad already contemplated tbe abandonment of tbelr cap*, and wero looking for aome opening of frovldunco, And then theniovement In Maine bad at leaat the tdvtntigt nf a prohibitory law, howev- er mufti of a dead letter It may havo been In cer- tain localities, such a law existed on tho statute books of the Stale, nearly as strlogent as Ihe old original "Maine law." Where*. In thtt slate the work It Inaugurated when our Infamous beer law Is at Ra lilght. Thla ta aald with no desire of 1m- pngnlogtht motives or the Legislature which en- acted thla |gw, The peopla ere always clamoring for a change, and It wat deemed at tbe lime, no doubt, a Justifiable experiment. But It proved a dark hoar for the temperanee cauaa In Msu. But tht* organisation of reformed men In our city went to work, with hind worde aod gentle mttenree, making no allusion lo lav or polltlee, yet terribly In earnest, to save tbctrformer oompaaiont from the power of rum. Tbe Club hoe now been In (i litence four months and numbert not far from 2000 member*, full 100Q ol whom II li sefe to say ore re- formed men. That aome or those vocoshould be only nominal members, and tbat a few should bav* broke the pledge Is no more perhaps than wa should expect. Hnt those who fell, compered to tho*e who remain true to tbe pledge, are of the rareet eaceptlona. And frequent reports to the of- llceri from wlvet aod molhert, eoneemlag tome who are not known to tb* Olab, saying that on such end such a nlgbt my husband or my eon signed the pledge and bat not drank since, shows bow many a sad heart baa been made glad by the existence of this reform movement.

The good effect* of ihla Reform Club maybe seen In the improved personal eppesranee of lie

- ID tbelr depoalu la tbe eavlnga banaa, tn ireated numbers lu tbe other temperance or-

ganisation* oflbe city, of which Ibia Clob Is a feed- er, and moat of all In Ibedccreaae or drunkenness ill u mldal.

It la a fact, a* a reference to our police records will ihow, that fonr months and more ago, twenty or more arratta a day wee not an lnfrequenl occur- rence In our city. While within tbe peat few weeka aeveral morning* have petied In which there bta been no one before the police oourt, and numerous Inatanota In wbleh thtre have been bnt one or two, end wben there baa been a larger num- ber tbey have Invariably bten frum out ol towi. tin ibe morning iftar election thtre wa* bat one case before the police court.-* thing never befor* known In Lawrence. Tbeae facU apeak loader thin words and oommeud ibemaelvee lo tbe con- sclenoo and good Judgment of every one who wlsh- oa tbe prosperity of our elty. Tb* Interest In tin* movemant atlll eontinuee unabaled. Let It receive tbe iym.pithy aud aaalatancc of every Hut cltlaen. Let Its leaders be encouraged In their noble, eclf- denylne work, and it* Influenee will not end her*.


WiitTKgT'a CiiRisTaiAS ANNUAL.—This ex- cellent poulkation baa becomo a heartily wel- comed advertising medium among <-'ur wida- awnko merchants, and In colarntu are eagerly aouitbt wherein to announce the multitudinous array or goodi ever to he found In our •ions, and aa there it tcarcely any claag of good* In- appropriate for tbe holiday trade, lbs Annual lus becomo tbe established directory for onr rit;/;ns, who, at ibis season of the year more than any other. pa*a their toady caab over the counters of our merchant!. Tho -4n»uof It published in tho luige quarto form, from new type, printed on heavy and richly tinted piii.-r, and hound in elegant covert, beautifully print- ed in colors. Tba real worth of ibli work aa an advettlaing medium consists |0 the valuable information it contain* : tbe running time of tbe fte*m and horse cart, location or lire alarm boxes, church directory, postal arrangement!, etc. The publisher ii now preparing a full pagu plan or tbe acatt In tbe City Hall, which will prove mott acceptable to our cltlxsnt. This general information it ao arranged as to make every page prominent aa an advertliing medi- um. Three thonsand copies will be grainltona- ly distributed throughout this city, Methuen, and tho Andovert, and each advertiser will re- ceive a number of copies, in proportion to tbe amount of advertising ordered. The rate*, have been published In a beautiful circular, from ihe AMKRICAN prett, which la now In the hands of the merchants; and those desiring to avail themaelvea of the column* of tbli work should nt once bring their favor* fo tbe pub- lisher at this offlce-

-ftoTtisf 0»> o • e , jj.

Poor Boston!

Trad* I* brisk la all branches.

Mlt. Llrermoro Saturday nlgbt.

A little itw this time look ont for enow.

Roasted chestnut* are a popular street diet at proeettt.

Kttnoen waa shocked by the New Hamp- shire eartt i]nskf.

Striped shawls will be popular garment* for ladles this winter.

A policeman is none tbe leu thought of for being con-tnntly on his beat.

A gentleman named John Frost decorated window lune* without pay, laat night.

The only November meteors ws have bad this year, are m&et-ber by moonlight alone.

The churches were largely attended ou Bun- day, the dav bafag beautiful although cold.

PUlbnck look) decidedly better; cause, a new silk bat! victim, Barter; last election.

Tbe Lawrence Having* Banks sue fortunate in losing nothing whatever by the great Ore In Boston.

November has displayed considerable ability la turning ont good weather, and ihe has not given of it grudgingly.

The Gotd Templar organiiatione of thla city are being (reallv strengthened by recruit* lrom the Tamperance Befoim Club.

The D'Rnzy Bros, have removed their boot making roims from Potnoertjn to Appleton street. Tbty make an excellent boot.

A false ilenn of lire on Sunday afternoon, from Box 33, turned ont the dm department; the whole tffafr ended In a little smoke.

Tbe grnt flre In Boeton, paradoxical as it may seem,cooled the election excitement tor a time. S.'mptoma of municipal fever, how- ever, begin to appear.

We undtitaad that the city marshal found three trunks aod a bag, filled with articles, evi- dently plutder from the Boeton flre, at the aouth depot jn Friday.

UT. Jamas If. Unboard, No. 2 Pleasant street. Clover Hill, ha* been appointed a Jus- tice of tbe Peace for Rtaex county, by his Ex- cellency, Gov. Waebbnm.

" Tbe Widow While " will make hsr kindli- est bow ii onr readers, In next week's, thanks- giving, Issue of the American; we are sure her acquaintance will prove pleasaat.

Tbe boys who destroyed tbe lamp on the band stand, on tbe Common, require to t>eod- ncated to do right by a system not at preient adopted in our common school*.

Job wagons and teamster* have mostly re- aumed business, the bone disease having al- most disappeared. We understand Mr. Spanld- log'a horse, Frank Palmer, ia rapidly recover- ing aud out of dagger.

Foster * Parker bave tbe agency In Ihia city, of tbe Salem laundry. Tbey receive gooas every week up to Wednesday noon, aad return the same on Saturday; the Stlem laundry bear* a good reputation.

The Boston fire has given Impetus to all kinds of mannfactarlng business, aud tbe in- creased activity la onr local eatabliabments, shows that tbe Industry ol Lawrence bu an Important place In supplying the Boston mar- kets, a

Qeo. Hacdonald has been engaged, by the managers of the church course to lecture in this city on tbe 10th of March next. Owing to his many engagesnenti it la impo*aib!e to bave him lecture here earlier than tbe date men- tioned.

In another cplnmn appears the call of the city commute* for a mayoralty caucus on Tuesday evening of next week ; every repub- lican who intents voting on election day should attend and have a vole* In the deliberation* of the convention.

We observe mat tbe new building of Colonel Parsons at the corner of Hampshire street, la completed, and Mr. Parsons has removed from hit old office to a new and commodioue one In his nee building, where be will In future duct bis business.

Tbt first new building raised in the burnt district or Boston wu covered on Monday by the IT. R. Felt Roofing Co., with the tin proof rooflsf, which h composed or felt end n com- position which fseetess It laeombasttbla. The glorr of Ihe'Mansard roof hath departed.

State Constable Boynton bu been made chief of the state Police force In Boston, and the city his been placed In two districts, with Col. Beal, if this city, in charge of the northern portion, aad Capt. Geary the Southern. The force hope to be relieved the present week.

On MondW wu transacted at the Lawrence Poat Office'the heaviest British and German Money Orde business of any dav since these systems welt Into operation, a very large amount of boney being transmitted by this admirable mkbod, to parlies aoroaa the water.

The alarmif flre from Box 12 yesterday, w*« caused » the discovery of a flre In a sta- ble belongtngHo William Leonard, In tbe rear of 25 Blm atsBt; the fire wu extinguished bo- fore tbe erriM of the flre department, who were very piSnpt la rwpondloK to tba call of the alarm.

An eiamdb well worthy or Imitation hu been set at tbt Arlington Mills, where the sum of S61 hu hen contributed to relief of tbe Boston tewing girls who bave been thrown ont of emplovraeat by the great confJaJtrstion, and the paybutlr, Mr. Otiarle* Wainwrlgbt, has duly forwarded tbe amount to tbe committee; who noit? ' " '

The tttJUag war drama or Blue and Grey, which font :i'j presented lut aeuon with so great aocspetcj, creating a decided furore, and closing wuh immense audience*, Is to be re-produced bext month, with a powerful list ofchara*tor4 Tho beautiful tableaux, without question the most elaborate and tasteful ever presented In thii city, will bo among its at- tractions

TIIH MANAOKRB of the church course of lec- tures bave succeeded In making arrangements lor a leciuro In thia city by Qeo. Macdonald. tbe eminent Scotch divine nnd popular novel- ist. Mr. Macdonald wu engaged by the Boe- ton Lyceum Bureau to come to this country and give a course of lectures, and when It he- came knowa that tho Bureau had succeeded ID

engaging bis aervlcu for thla Durpoau, requuts from lyceutns to have blm placed on Ibeir list became ao numerous that they could not ell be granted. The church course of lecture* was made up before the engagement with Mr. Hac- donald wu made by the Bureau, or it Is proba- ble be would have been on the list. Many of cur citizens had expreseed a desire to listen to this eminent preacher and writer, and some re- marka having been made in thla paper to that effect, tbe managers of tbe coarse comniulCBt- ed wilh the Bureau, and after aome delay suc- ceeded In effecting an arrangement by which an opportunlt? will be afforded oor citizens of hearing Mr. Macdonald's lecture on "Robert Burns." Tbe managers of tbe church conrae aroentltledto tbe warmest thanks of all for tbelr exertions in ibis matter, and Inasmuch a* these efforts have been crowned with success, ihe acknowledgement will not be withheld.

Kicxsn nr a Hosss.— On Monday evening Mr. Gsorge Merrill, while riding in bie wagon, wu klrked- by his borse, the blow fracturing his leg. He was sitting In tbe front part or bis wagon, and the animal threw up bl* heel* with Ibe result mentioned. Dr. Garland set tbe limb, sod Mr. Merrill it now doing well.

required four persons ti manspe her, a band- cart being necessary to convey tier to the sta- tion. Wben starched tbe wu found to have a large bottle half filled with whiskey, In her pocket. She Itan old habltnoe of the station home. A better temperance lecture could not have been given than the crowd who gathered aronad her bad In ber appearance, conduct and subsequent disposal.

The arrest or Frank V. A. Bowksr, in BoMon, Charged with tampering with a gu meter In tbe *tore where he eai employed, so as to en- danger Are, wu reported fo the Boaton papers, Wednesday morning, and u the joung man halls from this cliy, where he Is favorably known and moat respectably connected, the natter caused considerable Intetest. It is but Justice to state that Bowker was released, and the arresting party severely censured for his action. Wa know nothing or tba particulars of tne affair, but were informed by State Con- stable Beal. on duty In Boston, that ao charge was made against Ibe yonng xa*n, that no cause existed mr his arrest, and that the whole matter was most injudicious.

The erty marshal, a few days ago selteda quantity of goods at the e'enot, cootalnel In three trunks aad a bag, and evidently stolen from Boston,—doubtless during tbe fire which gave each opportunities for plunder; he also found a quantity of goods at Andover which had evidently come from Boston alao. Tbey consulted of shawls, ladles' and gentlemen's drew goods, boot*, shoe*, umbrellas and about a peck ol jewelry. H* watched for the claim ant and on Tuesday spotted falm. Tbe man la a German and tells very crooked stories In re- gard to ihe goods. Fifteen checks for baggage were found upon but person, and it la evident that the man was endeavoring to play an ex tenalve same. Many of tbe article* have tags enacted to them tearing the private marks of merchants, and doubtless will be easily identi- fied.- Tbe Individual arrested Is retained In custody. Meanwhile efforts will bo made to have tbe goods identified.

Wednesday tbe borse of Hess.Abbott ft Trow ran away on Essex street. The animal was at the time attached to the meat wagon, and bring- ing tbat In contact with ibe stone poet near H. M. Whitney's store, caused a smash, and the wagon parted, tbe horse retaining the shaft) and fore wheels, which he carried along with him In but mad career. He Jumped the fence and cot through tbe open space between Ames- bury and Lawrence streets, until he reached Amcebury, thence to Kssei, up Essex,until he came in contact with another obstruction which broke tbe shafts, leaving a portion of them and tbe wheels behind him. Rnnaways ate not uncommon occurrences In this city, bnt this was on* of ibe most exciting tb* city has wit- nessed for some time. Mr. lleald, the agent of tbe Singer sewing machine, had a boras some time ago wbleb wu real I r a blessing to tbe re- porters of this community. A fin* animal ho wu Tor Item*, playful with hit heels, sad bav. Ing a Jocular tendency that manifested Itaelf In smashing wagons and prostrating shade tree*; bot tbls animal of Messrs. Abbott ft Trow we think I* a little ahead of Mr. Heald's. He hu made an excellent beginning, a: all events, and the reporters hope mnch from him.

i. :h.-i

of Atlantic B. F. E. Co., will uuai trail nn Thursday evening,

giving evening, The annual company am unually largely

Is due tbe excellence of (bo and tbe opportunity tbey afford i agreeable evening either as a parllcipator lu the terpaicborean

Tbe man give fheit 28; b Inat.,' assemblies attended, wl managsmsn1

of arendlcg spectator or festivities.

Tbe IncreaeSd numbers and vigilance of tbe pollen force ibould give confidence to our properly ow :rs, and render their atumbers sound at nlgst. There is little danger that a flre will succeed In making much progress co- tore being discovered in almost ant* part or tbe city at present. In doubling tb* night pa- trol, the city government have Invested oar citizens witb a ssnae of security which is worth ail the extra expenu.

Mr. II. B. Dennett hu Juat opened store No. 0, Lawrence etreet, in tba rear of Wadlelgh'a millinery rooms, aod displays for aale an ex- cellent assortment of smokers' materials. If people will Insist upon using tbe obnoxious weed In Us various forms, why, we don't know why tbay shouldn't patronise Mr. Dennett; learned men advise that tobacco be let alone, and yet their protcstationa generally end in— smoke,—and they may ai well be ended at Dsn- neti'i u eavwfaere elso.

Ia suggesting the provision of better facili- ties for carrying out theobjocts of evening schools, Mr. Perkins bu touched s subject whlcb should receive earnut consideration. The experience of tbe world bu shown that u Ignorance is dissipated, crime la lessened. Morality BJ a rale grows with the diffusion of education, and whatever will tend to elevate the moral standard of a community eboutd be encouragad, even if It goea u far u providing a new building for evening schools,

A large and intelligent audience gathered at tb* city hail on Saturday nlgbt to listen to Mr*. Mary A. Llvormore, who had bean an- nounced to speak in the church course. Ow- ing to some unforseen circumstance or acci- dent. Hi*. Llvermore did not come, and Dr. Stuwe, chairman of tbe committee, Informed tbe audience tbat'ao lectnre would be given, and thai thoee who had purcbued tickets could receive their money at the door aa tbey passed ont. Tbe management of tbeae lec- tures are In no way to blame for tble dlsap- polntmaal, and we have no doubt Mrs. Liver- more woald bave been on band but for Illness or some other Important cause.

Un Batsrday night, about eight o'clock, a woman named Mary Clement wu picked up on Common amet, drank, by special officer Tuttle aad others. She did not want to be taken to tbe station house, and the set up a series of yells tbat might have been beard a mile off. She Is a big, heavy woman, and It


BOARD or AT.DKBMRX. ) Tueediy Kventng, Nov. is, 1

1be Board met at the usua I hour, tbe Mayor lo the chair. Absent, Alderman Lamb.

PtIUioHt-or Boaton StHtln* R.B.fnr permis- sion to eater a drain Into tb* atwer neer the depot, granted; of Jamea M. While fur leave lo enter a drain from his premises, Not. 37 and 3'J Broadwty, Into the common sewer, granted; of Wen. HeCar- ty to be reimbursed for Injuries received from a police ofileer, referred lo committee on police; of W. D. Lamb aad others that ■ flagman be plioed at the railroad crossing east of Union street, and aouth of the lower bridge, referred to committee on st reel e,

Jicporft-OI the commute, on slreete on tbe pe- lltleo of Oeo. Collins end others for eeUbllehlng tbe grade uf Water street, favorable; of tbe eame eosBBslttae on the petition or Wot, Hannon and Mhera, for tb* completion or tbe sidewalk on the north aide of Oak street, between Jackson and Short street, leave to withdraw; of the Mine com- mlltee on Ihe petition of F. 8. Jewell, for * aide- walk an the sooth side of JCssox street, between Lawreueo and Ameebnry etreeta, Inexpedient on account of the laiunes* of the season; of the time committee on the petition of Obu. A. Trumbult and others, for re-ealebllshment of tbe grade of Lowell etreet, between Greenwood and Oxford ssreele, laexpedlaat; or the same committee on the petition of G. A. Nelson and other*, for gu light* to Ward Mix, favorable. Afl of the above reports wsre accepted.

Paper* received from tb* other branch wsre acted upon concurrently.

The city clerk we* authorised to enter on tbe voting list, tha name, entered on the registration book elne* tbe laat election np to thla time.

Jurors JJrasrrt-ITor Ihe Superior Court to be held at Salem on tbe nrst alondey in Deoemter, A, W. Btearaa, John J. I)jl«n.l, Henry Jones, Jobn Oale u trevertc Juror*.



There was a large audience gathered at tbe Garden etreet church on Monday evening, to hoar Mrs. Van Cott, Ibe well-known lady revivalist, who bad been announced to give a lecture embracing a description of tbe won- ders of tbe Mammoth cave, of Kentucky. The lecture wu most Impressive throughout. Mrs. Van Cott It possessed of wonderful descriptive power, and can picture scenee with such vivid- ness as to bring them right before the mind's eye. There is also a wooierful power inner language wblch—seemingly extempore—it so Impressive, aod withal, to well chosen, as to rivet the attention and delight tbe bearer. Few men speak with such power; fow bavo a better command or language, and few carry their audience with tbem fn nidi rapt atten- tion. From the moment she entered the won- derful cavo, leaving tbe daylight behind her and plunging into unknown darkneae, until she returned to daylight again, she kept her bear- ers with ber, now stumbling over rocks, now exploring hidden recesses, burstfog suddenly Into magnificent chambers adorned by nature more beautifully than tbe bigbext triurapbe of art could ever hope to accomplish, all of which were described with tbe power and graphic language for which the lady la distinguished . At tbe close ot ibe leciuro there wu what wu called a regular good old fashioned Methodist prayer meeting, led by Mrs. Van Cott, tbe greater portion of tbe audience remaining to participate In tbe exercises.


Mr. George K. Murrlll. a yonng man In the grocery busines* at Ameshury Mills, bad a pain fa bis ear tor aome weeks, and on Thurs- day tbe ear discharged a cherry atone, which had been lodged there for aeveral years.

Georgetown proposes to have a new church la place of tbe Old South, tbe original church, and one of the oldut in tbe county, though not preserving tbe old forms, u hae tbe Rocky Hill, at Salisbury. Tbe Peabody church Is also congregational, and with its endowments It calculated, In tbe long run, to win the (laid.

Boaford has one branch of modern Industry, not elsewhere presented lu Bseex county—the manufacture or friction matchu, wbleb has been pursued for 12 years. The mill employs 30 bauds, and thousands of gross of matches are turned out every day.

Tux BXKH CLAUSB In the prsisnt liquor lew bu received a heavy blow from Judge Lord, of tbe Superior Court, laat week. In s case tried at Lowell s the defendant, Charles C. Cope- land, offered to show that tbe sale of ale and beer In Lowell wu authorised by a vote ot the city, to which tbe District Attorney agreed, but his Honor Judge Lord stated tbat be should rnle tbat ibe provision of tbe law authorizing cities and towns to approve the sale of ale and bur In their limit* li unconstitutional and void, and ibat such a vtte woald be no de- fence to complaint tor aucba sals. Hs re- marked that no city or town could lawfully be erected Into a Legislature with power to change a general law of tbe Bute. Tne defendant wu convicted and took exception*, and tbe question goee to tbe Supreme Court. The same ruling wu also made in another cue.

Hna LivEHMom.—Tbe disappointment on tbe part of those wbo expected to hear Mrs. Llvermore at the city hall lut Saturday even- ing, 1* soon to be compensated. Tbe commit- tee of management sent Immediately to Bos- ton, and found she bad no engagement fir to-morrow evening, Saturday evening not being uiually a lecture evening, and they en- gaged ber at ones to cone and rectify 'bs cler- ical mistake by whlcb she failed to appear lut Saturday nlgbt. The good lime In hearing her Is only put off one week. Those who re- tained tbelr ticket* did well. Major Dane'e lectnre, tbe fourth In the course, will he given next Monday evening, the course tickets sav ihoJTib, but hit night It changed on account or Thanksgiving.



FStOAT. Tb* convention wu called to order this morning

a little trier nice o'clock, there being utght dele- gates present. Mr. June Q. Qould wu tppulutrd a committee on credentials, and reported the names of the delegates u fellows, oaob being fully entitled to a aeat In tbe convention 1 MlsbSSl Bytn, drunk; Jamea Barry, do.; Margaret Tracy, do.; Augustus W. Norrlt, do.; Catherine Toomy, de.; Waller Larkln, vagrant, aod Peter Lonaloiu and Joseph:,., Chaqtette, adultery.

Un motion of Jadfce Btevent Mtrgaret Tracy wu exaused from further attendance, and departed. A motion prevailed Ibat Catharine Toomey contribute SI W the county treasury; another motion that Angaatue Norrla, Michael Ryan aad Juus Barry be *ee*seed for tbe welfare of this eeeUoa of the atate, each la Ibe sum of ge.80, waa unanimously adopted. Judge Btevena then Introduced the fol- lowlog reaolullon: That Walter Lerkla he ap- pointed to a position lo tbe house or correction ror a period of foor months. Walter thought the time too abort, and having obtained the lloor, ad- dreeecd the convention at aome leogth, urging tbat tbe period of his holding office be extended at leext two monthe. In the first place his wardrobe wu but scantily supplied. If sleeted only four months to office, bit term would expire In Marsh, the cold- est month In tbe year, end he did not like tbe proa- peet. Judge Stevent thought thtt U spring began In March It wu a good lime to turn to Qsldt and postures new. However be wa* willing to compro- mise tbo metier with Walter, aad make Ibe term five months, and Ibis meeting tbe views of all, Ihe motion was hermooioasly adopted.

AiiixTEiiv. —1'ctrr Longleau and Josephine Chtquolte, botbFreneh, on thla charge were held until lo morrow morning, la SSOS for examination.

BATDaDAT. Whether from the affeclauf the froat on Friday

night, or aome other came, there wu ID unusually luge number of pileontri In the dock tbls morn- ing, the mijortty of whom were arrested for indulg- ing to too great en extent In the liquid* told In the city nnder the ntmea of whlikey, beer, and to on. There wu a large number of ipeoUMori present alao, and when matters were lu readiness tbe ma- chinery waa put In motion and the mill began to grind.

DRUNKS.—Firstotme Wlnnifrad Kenney.an old woman who made her dtbtU In this court lut year, this being ber aeoond appearanoe. Oo belog Inter- rogated u to her condition mi Friday night, ibe aniwsred promptly tbat the had hid " a tup," She wu let off. Wot, Coffee aud John Ford tp- peaaed Ihe goddeee with gB.80 oaob. Wn, McOar- ly and Owen McCormlck pleaded guilty to a second offence, and were mulcted In t.'i and costs eaoh or elxtydays. Patrick Ktltvii ordered to pack hie kit for ■ ilx month* tojonrn at the houte of correc- tion, having Uken the degree of C. D.

IOI.E AMD DisoRDKBLV.--Dennl* Powers and John Hleele have b*ea conducting themselves In a manner hardly lo keeping with the character of peaceable and well disposed oltliens. They mide a raid oo a Hutch peddler's cart the other day unad eapalxed a barrel of epplei." Tbey said they wanted to buy eome tpplea, according to Dutchman's statement, and he told them that don'i got no epplea vat be doot m-ll, end then ibey tern over tbe barrel." Six moelba each at house of correction.

Peter Longleau and Josle Ohaqeelte were held to the superior court lo gSOO, ench on a charge of adultery.

AN ABSADLT AMI IT* CONBE o.UBnuxs.—Wil- liam Marilo, a young man, was taken Into the po- lice station oo Friday nlgbl, for safe keeping, not being able to lake ears or himself; during the night, Mr. Donovan, the Janitor, vlilted bit cell, and Martin made ao aaaauli on tbe tffloer by strik- ing him with a tin dipper. He was arraigned this morning ror the aeaaall, and also charged with mallclou* mischief In breaking tho dipper; he pleaded guilty, and before Judge Steven* teflleted sentence, hs atked what were the defendant'* ante- cedents. Mertln astonished tht Judgt by ttytng, he didn't know "what tha h-l the Jodie wealed to Hae him for." Thlt profane remark aroaaed tila Honor's Ire, end looking at Martin he tatil," Young man, for the auaalt and the language you bave uaed, I ftonlenoe yon lo Six months at the flouee or Correction, and ror malicious mleeblrf In breaking the tin dipper, *.i and costs, or 30 daye additional. Martin collaneed.

Tbe attendance at court waa large till* morning; the dock wae Ailed wilh priaoner*, a majority or whom were charged wttb tbe old crime, drunken-

DRUNKS.—James MeBoble, Thome* Dalaney, Michael Malony, were each fined %'i and eoeta or thirty daye. Patrick Carroll, 3d offence, $10 and costs, or SO day*. Mery Clemen* aad Mary Coffee, 1 etnt and coets each, or 30 days.

IDLK AND DtsoaDEBLT,—Joseph Lavelle, a young and respectable looking Frenchman, WU ar- raigned on this charge, and It having been proven egalnal him, he wss sent to the House of Oorree- lion for six months,

VAGKANT.—John Dtlancy, one of Ibree boys ar- reeted oa varloas charges, wee tsou-need on a charge of vagrancy, to two months Imprisonment at the House of Correction,

LancKNiaa.—Henry Hafr*n,ahad ooy,whobu given tbe officers considerable trouble, waa charged with Ihe laroeay of a pair of panta from a clothe* Hoe, Ihe property being at tbe time In lb* pones- lion of Mary Cuey, wbo bid been engaged to weeb the garment. Ilafreo wu senleoeed to six monthe at Ihe Uouae of Correction. Peter Joyce, a com- panion of Haft-en, and another young scoundrel, wu arraigned on two com p lain ta of larceny, one charging him wilh the theft of two pounds of oandy from an old man named Jamea B. Brown, and another with the larceny of aome scrip andjel llet from C. S.and C. It. Meserve, 1 mos. at tbe U.C., on each complaint. George F. Hale waa sentenced to 4 months at Ihe H. C, for tho larceny ofgi.'i from a room mate named BphraimCabe. Both parties boerded ita house on Cmal etreet, tnd during the nlgbt Hile got up and abstracted tbe money from Cabe't poeket.

AesAULT,—Henry Htfren wss again arraigned on a complaint charging blm wUfa an aaaaall on Edward Leyltnd, and wts given an additional six months at the Douse ol Correction.

WsnasiDAT, The bnalneet before the police court u-day, In-

cluded Hvi- oaeee of drunkeuneee, Jamea Uarry was fined I oent and coats, or thirty days at tbe House of Correction, .Iair.ee O'Brien, S3 and oosta, or thirtr days. Thnmat Doraey, gl and coats or Ihlrty days. Catherine Lorlng, 3d ofTene*, ninety daye H. C. Daniel Klley, »r> aad coats, or fifty days. Thomas Dorsey, for the additional <>f- fsnee of fail driving wu fined $1 and cottt, or thirty daja.

TliOasuAT. There wer* three prisoner* In t he dock thle morn-

ing, one of whom, Bridget Merphy,—an oneommoe earn*,—wu ebarged with druakenntea; she wu sent up Tor thirty daya.


aii.iTV.—A joong man who Is known by tfas name John HcCarty, wa* charged with en aaeaull oa Bridget McCarty, said Bridget being Ihe mil' progenitor or eald John, and tbe only witness against blm. John pleaded not guilty, and Bridget wae called lo be aworo. Bhe wu ordered to her right bend, and Jefse assuming the neeeoaiy solemnity of tone and oounleniace, began.

"The evident*) you shall give in the cats* now In liming, ihill be ihe limb and no "—

" Yer eoaer, I can't swear agio me b'y," said Bridget.

" Hold up your hand," thundered his Honor. " Please hold up your band, ma'am," said the

clerk. " I can't swear agin me b'y. I'v* only lb* two

of 'am, in' I wool iwaar agin him, ao I wont," said Bridget, lowering ber hand, and looking reeo- I lit fly a l Ida HOBOT.

Bbe preyed ble Honor to be l*nl*nt; ab* couldn't •wear; she wouldn't swear,

" Il0ld>your tongue." said hie Honor. Bridget wouldn't. " These women'* loagues are what create

trouble," said his Honor. "They are forever go- ing—going—going—go lag " "gone" suggested Major Brow n.

"Yes—gone," aald bit Honor laughing, all the happiness ot the family goes.

John's ctaa wae oontlined ten deys ufsi, he be- ing held meanwhile In f tOO.

James O'Brien WU charged with the larceny or a ooat, but it having been abowa that be wu In- toxicated at the lime tb* liroany wae commuted, tud thtt he bore a good character tor honetty, be wu Itt off by paying tbe ooeti.

Tug aaspoNBR to Ihe appeal of the Temper- ance Reform Club, for aid In rurnlshlng rooms aia plaea of resort for young man, bu been noble and generous, and active preparations are In progress ta bave the rooms fitted up tbls week. Tbe club have not yet succeeded In procuring a sum largo enough to carry ont tbe plaot proposed by tbe trustee*, but tbey bava come ao near it that they bave no fear ot pot being able to make up the remainder; aod so the work l* going on, and It la hoped ibat by the end of ibe preeent week tbe quarters of the club will he open to public inspection, and ws have no doubt their condition will meet with public approval.

TIIK I^ARNAHKH CON can T announced for Wednesday or neat week.nlubt before Thanks- giving, at Slanders Hall, will delight a large circle of our reaiert; Baruabee, bast within himself, Is a longtime favorite wltb our citl- seoSi and wo think of no more fitting prelude to a national Thanksgiving, than an evening of bis laughter provoking entertainment. He Ie to be ttrongly supported,—Arbuckle, Feuen- den, Mii* Clark aod Mn. Smith,—tho latter we are inclined toubldefor hsr long absence from our elty and ber host of warm friends i aeati wilt hs In d;m«nd and should be secured etrly.




Union services will bu held at the South C'huruh, on Tbuksgieing day, commencing at ID 1-2 o'clock, A. M. Sermon by Rev. G. F. Wright.

(ioorge Holt, a little son of tbo Into Charles P. Holt, fell down the elevator, three stories, In the Smith und Dove factory at Frye Village on Sunday last, and broke one of his lega and otherwise injured himself. Hi» mother was st church at tho time.

Mr. (ieorge G. l^ovejoy of Lowell, now at the seminary in this town, is ptvstor elect of tho Cong. Church in Cin- dia, N. H.

Tho readings of Mrs. Stuwe, on Friday evening, in tho Andover course, drew a large audience, and furnished an enjoya- ble entertainment. Tbe pieces selected were of a humorous character, and ren- dered In fiucb a felicitous manner as to enlist the close attention and elicit the fmment applause of the audience. If Mrs. Stowe lacks anything to make her entirely successful In public speaking, it is a stioiiger voice. Sons persons lu re- mote parts of the hall found It d IftiVult to hear her distinctly.

OCTOGKNABIAN HKKTCHKH. — Mary Dole was born tn Georgetown. April 17, 178C, and was married to Isaac Holt, Of Andover, since deceased, lo lb-13. Her mother at ber death was 02 years old; she had eleven brothers and slaters; one of her sisters died in this town a few years slucu at tbe age of £">.

Luclnda Butters was born lu Ando- ver, April 1-lth, 1783, and was married lo Samuel Caldwell In Nov. 1801. They had live children, of whom but one Is living. Her mother lived to be nearly 88 years old. Although she has been a great worker, and years ago, besides do- ing her own house work regutarlv, per- formed ber days work lo spinning, which was Hve akelns. Her husbaud died four- teen years ago, after a confinement to the bouse of eighteen months. Sbe IB

the oldest member of the South church, and formerly for many years led the treble In Its choir of singers. Her motto like that of most of Hie old people baa been:

" Uarly to tied and early lo rise, Will make a man healthy, wealthy and wlae."

The union Sabbath evening prayer meeting at tbe town ball, will hereafter commence at 7 o'clock.

Present and former members off the Choral Union who wish to sing at tbe union service on Thanksgiving day, are requested to incut HI (he Sin'tt church vestry Safitrday evening, Nov. 23d. at 712 for rehearsal. Singers will p'eise bring tbetr Jubilee Cborua books.

The Theological Seminary has a re- cess of one week, commencing on Mon- day next.

Phillips Academy closed tbe fall term 'ou the lthh lost., and will bave a vaca- tion of two weeks. The Abbott Acade- my will bave a vacation of one week, commencing on Tuesday next.

Jasper Reahas sold blsdwelllng house, i-'-rii, nnd about Aye acres of laud ad- joining to Warren E. Holt.

A meeting of tbe Band of Hope will he held at the vestry of the Free church, this CFrlday) evening, at 7 1-2 o'clock. A temperance address will bu given by Mr. G. H. Sou. of tbe Seminary, and there will be other exercises by the mem- bers. All are invited.

The fall term of the public Bchools has just closed, and there will he a vacation ot three weeka.

Dr. Beeoher once having preached a lecture for Rev. Mr. Langetroth at the South church In this town, from a hastily prepared brief, Mr. h. asked the favor of It as a memento; ho afterwards said of it, that tbe cblrography looked as though a large straddle-bug, dipped lo Ink, had crawled across the paper.

An exhibition was held at the Osgood district school-bouse on Monday last. Tbe exercises consisted of recitations, dialogues, tableaux, etc., and were very interesting. It is regarded as the most successful exhlbhlon ever held In that district.

By the burning of Rand and AvoryV extensive printing establishment in Bos- ton on Wednesday night, Mr. \V. F. Draper of this town lost paper and ster- eotype plates worth several hundred dol- lars.

Auction Sales by tleo. Foster,

STANDING WOOD. Will be sold al public auction, on Sat

Nov. 30th, at 1 o'clock, 1', M , oa theprrsali tbe wood standing on sixaoreaoMand owi Enoch Krye, and situated ia Amlovrr, ni-i line of North Andoi

wood Is pi nr and birch and will accommodate. Conditions, cash.

Andover, Nov. 20,1*73.

told la It

Common wealth of Maaaacnusetta.

BasBx.aa. FEUBATE COUBT. To the hrlie-aMaw.nextof kin.and all other per-

soa* interested lu the estate of flARAU IN GALf-a.lateorNorth Andover, In aaid eoun- ty, alnglewoman.deoeBted, greeting:

Whereas, a certain Instrument,purporting to t>a the laat will and testeraeet of aaid d*oeas*d, haa been presented to said Coart, Tor probala, by ntephen Williams fngajla aad Charles K. Johnson, who pray that lattrrs testamentary may be issuer! to them, the rxeeutora tberrla named,

You arc heraby oiled to appear at a Probate Court, to he held at Balesa, In said county nf Kascx, on the First Tuesday of December next.at nine o'clock, before Boon, to show oauae, It any yon have, against tbe same.

And said Ingslls and Johnson aro hereby directed lo gtvc public notice thereof, by publishing till* ritatlon once a week, lor three snoeesslTe weeks, In tin-iirwapaiiur called tbe Lawr.-uce American and Andover Advertiser, printcdat Lawrence, the last publication to be two days, at l.-ast, befoia aald Court.

Witness, Oeorgr F. Choatc, Kstjulrr, Judge of taldCourt,this twelfth day of November, In Ibe year one thousand eight hundred and seventy-two.

aovl» A.O. QOODELL, ttegltter

EsMte Daniel Messrs.

Notice la hereby given, that the subscriber hai

Daniel Meara, fate of Andover, la the County of Kssea. yeoman, deoeased, and has taken upon him.ell that trust, by tilting bonds, as the law directs. All persons basing demands upon the cattle ot said deceased, are rrqelred to exhibit the same: and all persons Indebted to said estate are called upon to make payment to

181 AC O, BLUNT. Adm'r. Andovor, Nov. 0,1171. it

Estate Jesse ftuanclls. Notice Is hereby given, tbat the subscriber haa

bten duly appointed administrator of th* ntate of

JE88B BUNNELLB, laleof North Aadorcr, in Ibe County of Essex, Cordwalner, deoeased, and lias taken upon him- self that trast, by giving bonds, as the law directs. All parsons harlaa-demands upon tbe eststs of said deceased, are required lo exhibit the same; and all persona Indebted to aald estate am called upon to make payment to

OEOKUE FOSTEB, Adm'r. Andover, Nov. S, 1871, St

STE1H LADNDBY. Lawrence and Andover Ageeelei. lla- "ubsrrlbera are now prepared to execute

all kind of work la the Lanndry line, In superior style, at ahort notice and at price* that defy com- petition. The proprietors hold themselves re- sponsible for all goods lost or mislaid, whether marked or not. Satisfaction guaranteed In all easra. Price per doaen, Including three starched plecss.TS cents. For farther particulars Inquire of onr agants, Edward McKay, let Essex Street, Lawrence, and B, B. While, office at T. Henry's, Main Street, Aadoitr.

A ihare of public patronage respectfully solie-

TOWN81NlJ,BLODQ»rTssOO. West Amesbruy, Nov. I, IBM, , XtT N.B, All goods seal U onr Laundry at onr

risk, and frt* «/t«ptase. Goods Intended for the Lanadry Itlrltoa NOD day or Taesday at tba Dry floods BiorsofE. McKay, will be attended to with deep a tch.


Has taken the office recently occupied by Dr. O, L. Bradford.

OfBoe boars till 9 A, 11., lto3, and 7 to D P, M Andover, Nov. 1, lsn. tf

is AM. ITS DBAitcKis, ay


In Brirk UuiidlBR next north of the Town Hall AtOHrVlR, UAU.,

Where may be found a aoodassortment of Enral- ture, con-n>iii.- of Kitchen. Chamber, and Parlor Furniture, Mattrusa.s, Beds, Bedding, Window nlu.l.-s. arc. Ac.

11 jirt'-.,i-, Loungis. Sofas and Parlor Sets made lo order, or repslred and upholstered

llenka, Tabled, and odd pieces made as desired. urtaint trimmed and hang, Carpets laid, and eueralJobblng done. Second-hand furniture bought and sold. Good*

ol nil kinds received and sold at I'ubllo auction Everything sold aa low as can be a flu r dad warranted as represented.

Atrentsfor tho celebrate .ICJNK-T PAPK BPUtNti BED.bcst In market. Variou kinds on hand.

N B. Mr. Woodman will render aay itilitanot desired, In purchasing goode In Boston or else-

Andover. Jaai 1,1171.

J. LOW il.KIvs. nt. ij.

Btapeetfully informs the eltitens of Andwver and vicinity tbat lm haa opened an ofaee at Dra- per's Block, Main Street, where ha is ready to

ns wer all calls la the line of his Teeth extracted. Andover, Oct. IS, 187*.

MBS. E. L. TAPLEY Havln* removed to the Store formerly oocapled by John Morrison, In HwlfVa balldlag oo Main Utr*et, would respectfully Invite the attention of ber friend* and the public generally, to the fall and Winter styles of Millinery carefully selected.

In connection has been added eoholee stork of Faney UOods. We abal! endeavor to present the most reliable styles, and Introduce the novelties of the araton a* f*at ae they appear. The Worsted Department Is matte a specialty.

"ae. R. L. TAr-LBT

Andover, Oct. ttft.lB?.:. fetus. K. A. HAVBOK.


The huilnetaoftbelate lleraaoo Abbott having iia'H'l Into tin' hands of the sabserlbers, thev will rontloue to furnish


and other articles connected with th* buslossi, promntty and In tbe latest styles and Dalsh.

Coffins and Caskaia tlaished In oil, wax, or Cov- ered with broadcloth.

The attention of the trade respeetfullr solicited. 1'rlci a a* low aaddnlth ■■ good aa Is lo be found.

WOODMAN & CRABTREK, Next North of Town Hall,

Antlovi r, Mass., Oet, IS, IB7S.

Wanted to Hire, for two or three years,


Address Boa 1*7 Law- ftjvtt)

Steamship Lines. PASSAGE secured vis. Anchor. National,

or White Star Lines at Lowest rate*, between Liverpool or Oliisgow tnd Boston c New York.

Draft* from 1£ upward*; also, prepaid oert- oaiM to New York or Boaton,

For further particular*, apply to

WM. MA HI, AND. Abrent,

ABDOVBB.MAB Andover, May 17,1872,

A Splendid New House for Sale In Andover.

Mssat The hetutlfui two-story rreaeh root JiiSi'lorSK.ian built, aear the depot, Is for tteyajaale. It is as11 ao, with aa LllxM.aad aasstkBBThat eight finished rooms, with IB oppor- tunity of making four more In the title. It hat all the modern conveniences, and la In i very re- spect aa attractlvs aad model Ie-l.lcnce.

UkOKGIC rOHTKU. Andover, Oet. 11,1171. if


Wiii.tnn.ir Jtva'u, Mar, e.-OLO. MCDON- ALD, of atrjilaod—Subject, BoaanT Bunas.

FniDAT Kva'o, Maw. la.—Mas.HARRIET B,

BTOWat—81L1CT BKADIKQS. PatDAT Evx'o, D*o. a. — Kav. QBO. HKI'.

WOKTH-Subject, to be announced. MOXDAT EVI'II, Dee. 10.—Paor.W.B.MILKS.

Subject, BORItRa AstOKG THI 11 Km ALP*. TlMB TO BB ARHOtia0BD.~rBOP. J, W. CHU K-


COBfCEBT.—Time to be aunounoed. Tickets, (entitling Ihe holders to the same teats

throughout th* course J S3.00 and es.tO, aeoordlng to location.

Tickets of admission for th* eonne, Bi.OO. for a single evening, U eeate.

One-half of th* center aad part of Use aide ssats uHU not be rssereed i bat will b* opea tar an hour previous to aaeb entertainment to tb* hold- ers of admission tickets.

Tickets BOW for sale at W. K. DltAl'CK'S. Andover, Oet. 11,1871. *tf

Eetate Sanaa el llalley.

Notice Is hereby given,that lb* eabeorlber has bMQ duly appointed edmlslitratov of tJMawlat* or

BAMUatL BAILKY, 1st a ol'Andover, In the county of Hatex yeomen, deoeased. and has taken upon himself that trast, by living bonds, at the law dlreete. All pereoae having demands upon the estate of said deeeaaed, are required lo exhibit the eame; and all persons Indebted to said etttte are called upou to make payment to

OKOBUB FOrJTKB, Adm'r. Andover, Nov. a, 1872. Jt

The subscriber haa taken tin. Store on MAIN Street, (recently occupied by Jonathan Swift,) where he haa for aale grat elaas Canned and other rRU/TS, t'onfrrtlonery, I, am pa A Latstlp f lil-res, TOTS-i F.I.\ C Y HOODS, together with a great variety of other article*.

gay-A share of public patronage reaptetfelly solicited,

WALTER 8. DONALD. Andover, Oet. 1,1871.

WILLIAM V. STARK beg* to inform his numerous custunwrs aad Ihe public generally thtt he hat received all th*

Lates-t Fall and Winter Stylet in isfXix.Xsi3>irBinr,



at prices that Will be sere to merit a share ol public patronage,

He haa, In eoeordanoc with many wishes, added to his stock th*

Worsted Department* laeiadlag all fancy Articles for Worsted Work.

A full line of Hoaiery, Kid and

Fleeced Qlovea, He lie, Ties,

Col litre and Cuffs, Just received.


Opposite Poat Office, Andover.

GOAL. Th* subscriber ha* a supply of OOAL of diff-

erent slice and quality, whleh ha wltifaraish cualomera at a reasonable price and short aotloc, Order* aaay be left at JOHM U. CHAMOLBB'tt periodical store or at my residence.

JOHM CH ANDLKK, Andover, Sept. si, 1873.

TEItRENCK HENBY, Manufacturer of

CotMata, casket*, etirl all kinds of Urtt* Clalhoa.

Also, dealer in sll kinds of *Tnr- ulture. fllack Walnut, Chestnut aid Pine Clumber Seta, eoa-

_'*tantlyon band. Ophnlaierlng aad Repairing doim in the aeateat manner, and at rausonsble prleei, Picture frames, Curtain* and Curtain natures constantly oa band, and put up If desired.

Opposite Memorial Hall, Andover.

TKBUKNCK IlKNltr, Auctioneer and Commission Merchant, I* now use- pared to eell Beal Bat ate or Personal Property at reasonable tar me,


baa opened a new and

Fashionable Hair Ureaslag Room

will be his aim lo keep ■ first class < atabliahmrni aad the public en Invited to glv* him a trial.

03T" Particular attention paid to Cutting Ladies' and Children's Hair.

P.B.—Toilet Shampoo,a new mod* of eleaatlBg tha hair without soap or water. Try It,

(Ir-OROK H.OBBII.L. Andover. Jan. B.fl7g. tl


Manufasterer of tixpress, Market, Butcher, Store, Farm

and Buaineag Wagona. atp-Kip tiring la all It* brant***; aadallworl

warranted a* represented. Andover, Maroh It, 1171. tt

f^NEW MEAT MARKET The Subscriber hereby informs the citlisni.ni

_.ndover and vicinity thet he liamakFi. tin- ehon latelv ocenpled bjValpcy Brorh

"it—'- -■---—

Andover HDd vlrtnlty tln.t

hlnln ami Central Slreeti, where he will keen

Article! dellferod when desired, free of rl.argr, II. P. IIOl.'l.

All.llJVlT .1 II Hr- II: I'.,".:. -itj'

The Future Life.

How«hill I knowther In I ho ■pliore which keeps The di*emboilldd iplrlU of DIG dead ?

When all of then tint Urn* cnu'.d wilder, ilorim And portshea among trie dust wo irca-I.

For I ihall reel the itlng of coaaclrteniln. If (here I meet thy gentluiplrit not,—

Nor bear the voice I lava, nor read again In thy sereneet eyee thd tender thought.

Will not thy own meek heart demand me Iberu ? Thai heart whoee fond eat Ibrob in me waa glvan

My name on earth was CTir In thy prayer— And wilt thou neycr utter It In beavra'

In rueadowa fanned by heaven's II ft -breathing wins' In the reaplandenoe of that glorious sphere,

And larger movement! of the nnfettarad mind. Wiltthon forget the lore that Joined oi here?

The love that lived throng!) all the .tunny put, And meekly with thy harder nalsre bore,

And deeper grew, and tenderer to the loel.— 8taall It expire wl lb ||f„, and DO no more r

A happier lot than mine, and larger light, Await thee there: for Ihuo heel bowed thy will

In cheerful homage to the rule of right, And love*! all, and rendered good Mr III.

Formetbeaordldoerei In which I dwell, IShrluk and consume.my heart—aa heat to aerall

And wrath baa left Ita eoar—that lire or bell HM left Hi aear upon mp aool.

Yat, though than wear'*! [hu glory o[ the iky, Will Hi. m not keep the same beloved name,

The same fair, thoughtful brow, aod grail- eye, Lovelier lo heaven'a ewret climate, yet the aania

Shalt tbou not teach me la that ealnier borne, The wiadom that I learned ao III in thli—

The wiadom which la love—till I become Thy (It companion In that land of bllaa ?


A remarkable Instance of mechanical Ingenuity is mentioned in the British Medical Journal. In 1869 the hands and feet of a young woman of Dundee wero all amputated, in consequence, of em- bolic gangrene. After the operation there were constructed for her sonio special); devised appliances, in which the distissfhlnhing features wore that the artificial hands were automatic in action, opening and shutting their lingers at the will of the patient. This peculiar pre- hensility gave her the power of grasp- ing even so small a substance as a crochet needle, and enabled her to gain a comparatively lucrative livelihood by making shawls, etc. The artificial legs were also so arranged as to enable her to stand and walk with the aid of crutch- es. Three years havo passed since she first began the use of extraneous applian- ces, and she now writes an admirable hand, besides knitting, feeding, dress- ing herself, etc. In a communication recently made by her she writes that she can walk alone quite easily with the aid of crutches, and that no one could ob- serve the canso of her lameness. The casols one of no common interest, owing to Hi being the only one on record in whioh the whole of the four extremities have been removed.

THK BOItDtn Bor AND HIS UTII.ITT. Geo. Crlttenden.on the mnrch that re- stitteJ In the capture otChattanooga, was accompanied by hi* son, a trljrht, little boy, who wore the strips of a colonel and rode a line horse. The sight of this boy rarely failed to call out expressions of enthusiasm from the soldiers, although he was sltnbly an unmeaning figure in the scene. One day, when the division was bivouacked on the mounting side for dinner, the corps commander and officers with him stopped near. The hoy, fa- tigued by hi-; long ride, threw himself on a bright-colored blanket that his father placed on the ground; as the general was preparing to He down also, the boy aald, with boy excitement, 'Seethe snake, papa—see him squirm I' A dozen men said,'Great Uoil!' and stood as iI para- lysed. Within a few feet of the boy a large rattlesnake was colling for the fatal spring. Hundreds of men were on their feet In an instant, and all eyes were turn- ed towards the father and hi* boy. There was a flash of the symmetrical, richly-made, ornamental sword of the major-general, and It seemed that the rattlesnake as it spruuir, daw into a doz- en pieces. The father put his whole strength into the one blow to Nave his boy, and as the tall Kentuckinti HI .urit'cred back, bloody sword in hand, n, ehiiut.as over another victory won, went up from the mountain Bide, and hundreds of mini gathered about him. The hoy had not changed his position—had not real Iz ad his danger—and he said, with .sudden awe, 'What makes you so white, papa? I knew you would hit him.' This was young Crittenden'a 'baptism of tire,' and It brought moisture to many a rough sol- dler'aeyes. Again, when some soldier*, with bodies 'scalded' and chaffed by march In the hot weather, had dropped ont of Che ranks, and the general on rid- ing by said, sternly, 'Bad time to fall be- hind, men,' the boy said, 'Sec, papa, they can't march, they are sore all over;' the corps commander at this stopped his horse, looked at the men, spoke some en- coura.'ing words, and auggt-atcd a course of treatment. After ihU the Interests of the boy were looked after by tbe whole division.

Another Conflagration In Boston.

Boslon m. visile 1 by miotl.fr ODt)at.ia:ioi. on Wednesday evening, which destroyed prop- erty l > tin; amount of a quarter oi a million of dollars, la the great A..-Q of SAtitruar and Sunday of [as[ week, no bu.laoat nu.ir.irel mere than the printer*', and many who wuie burned out soujL. l> eitatillati their UHUDGSI

in DEW q'larlon M-ijiM. Kiud & Avuiy, the extensive Job printers, olfjred every facility to the craft, and many took rjlnge in tho eorainc- dioui quartets thaii large busmen, bouse ai- forded, and b.'gjn tho work of reconstruction. But lbs Urn ba4 not dona will, tbtsm; Iron ik) rnbUOf Lindall and Confront ureats.lt fol- lowed them t) Cornhill, aod last ntghi the ex tensive ofliws of Haters. Hand ft A vet v. ami all who bad taken refn^o wild them became a prey to the tire.

The alarm was Riven Shortly alter elattit o'clock, the Are having tfle.i discovered ny some young; women eta ploy MM ; tfTorta met-. Bade to oxtinguisb u uiloretbo tiro apart-

arrived, bat ttie Are had gained :.„■■!, beidway that tbe attempt was rrultleaa; the entire Ore department was toon on tbe spot, and every exertion made to subdue tbe flames, but thoy were oat ■nccmfo.l antil tbe eiteb-

nent we* consumed. Tbo following 1* tbe aa at | mum estimated : r. Ayory estimates tba loss or bis firm at

9250,000. All of their presses, tvpe ami paper •tack, efflce tUtures and farnttnro was de- itroyed, together wl'ti « lirta quantity of fla-

Ishedjob work. TDJ iu>ur«nL.„i ^beproperiy of lau ilrni waj divided AQIODK touio Unrty Bt- HIMS, one half of whiah ara located In lloston, thebalanco In EaglhUJ, Naw York, Philadel- phia, Hartford and Springfield companies. The establishment employed - >'> perioas, ia- cludlag TO fsmale oompositora. Among ihd periodicals destroyed was tbe December num- ber of Old and New, which was nearly all ready for delivery, one number of Llttell's Living A«e, which la entirely destroyed, and between sixty and seventy thouiand copies of the Well Bprlng, which la [.published semi- monthly. The publisher* of ihesn periodicals had a large quantity of paper stock in new- tabllshment, which waa lost, as aid Meism. J. K. (Hirood & (Jj ,L-:e & Sheperd, Sampson & Davenport, publishers ot the New England Register, the BUI Pobllahioic Company of Norwich, c )iiii., Iverson, Pbinney, Blackman 4 Co-, the Univenlty rablishlng Csmpanyof New York, whose lose Is In school taxi books.

The printing departments of tbe Boston Pi- lot and Banner of Light newspapers, which were destroyed by tho conflagration nearly a fortnight since, ha j been temporarily estab- lished In Rand & Avery'a building, and the publishers became tufforcri for the second time. The Pilot forms were almost ready for tbe press when the Are broke ont. Ilany other publications sustained loss.

THK RXFBRIBNCS of tba past week baa been each as to show that there cannot bo any possible excuse for the maintain a rice of [the liquor traffic. On Saturday riftbt durtojr the progress of tbe Are in Boston, tbe number of drunken persons in the streets was positively astonishing even to Boston people. Notwith- standing tbe terrible danger that menaced the city, men got drunk, spirits fbwed freely, and all who wanted to drink found no difficulty in finding all they desired. Nor waa tbe pre- vailing Intoxication confiued to those whoso assistance, in checking the ravages of tbe Ore, or preserving the order so neceisary on so momentous an occasion, canld be dispensed with.

Some men In uniforms were ntterly Incapa- ble of taking care of themselree, a condition which In tbe existing emergency should not only have lost tbsm their official position hot their liberty for a time. Indeed, to tbe sober spectator in Boston on SHU'day nifcbt.lt was bard to decide which was the greatest calami- ty, the Bra sweeping through street ft.ter street, or tba tide of 'Intoxication swelling every thoroughfare with besotted humanity. It waa felt that the danger which threatened Boston from tbe raging conflagration, was In- creased by this condition of affairs, and there was an emphatic protest from every honest eft* lien, against permitting a condition of things to exist which threatened to multiply mlsfor- tnnea nlrtady overwhelming. Tbo strong arm or the law was loroked, and the hells that had sent forth their hordes to the feast of pillage and plunder were closed; men breathed li only one enemy « as left to fight, and to con- quer It.lhey turned with renewed enerey, and fighting, conquered.

If It was necessary during the progress or a great Ore to close the rum shops of Boston, dees there ever exist a noce-aitv for their be- ing open 7 If the public safety and protection to life and property demanded that the law should forbid the traffic In Intoxicating liq- uors tben, is there ever a time when an open rum shopfs necessary for tbe public good? If the rum traffic Is a curse lo a conflagration, It cannot be an leasing at any other time. If rum Is not necesaarr, If It Is lodeed a positive evil when tbe energies of men are taxed to their utmost; when clear, cool, aound Judg- ment Is required to meet desperate emergen- cies, then It Is never a blceslni;,—for men have always need of their best powers—always need of clear, sound Judgment. In tbe ordi- nary routine of human life men are never too competent to manage their affairs. Boston since tbe edict dosing tbe dram shops, has been a model of order and quietness; tbe ab- sence or drunkenness Is marked; tbe papers •peak cf II, audit Is in everybody's mouth. Now that the Are Is over, will Boston remove the curb she hu placed upon crime ? Will the remove the strong grasp of her band from tbe throat of tbe demon intoxication, or will she, learning a lesson from the quiet and order that has reigned within her borders during the past week, oal/ tighten tbe curb, and stran- gle tbe curse J

For the Amrrlcau. FAIR CITY BY THS SBA.

A tribute or friendly sympathy for those who have suffered by the late fire at Boston, one elghtb of tbe city's valuation, lie central bnsloeas part, having been destroyed by the

Hagratlon of tbe O.n and 10th insts.

jKsj—The Messrs. Fairbanks, of soale- buildbig fame, furnish a most striking example of good fortune In connection with the Boston lire. Their warehouse, at lie Milk street, corner of Battery- inarclt.was left untouched, though the Are burned clear up to them In that di- rection, and a new store that they had leased on Milk street, directly In the rear of the old Mouth Church, and of which they are to take possession January 1. is i*lso unscathed, the flames In that direc- tion being cheeked next door. Of coume, the tire will make a great demand for scales, and the lease or tha now store will be greatly Increased In value from the fact that the post office Is golnif Into the Old South—and, in faot, the Fairbanks' seem to be deoldedly lucky all round. But we can hardly think of anybody that deserts good luck more.—Sprltigfltld Union.

Miss JKNNIK BATHS and Charles Hank-

ett were shot by Albert Bmlth, at West-

Held, In Ibis State, on Wednesday even-

ing. Hiss Bates Is a young and respec-

table lady; Sackett Is a man about fllty

years of age, wealthy, and was paying his addresses lo Miss Bates. Smith is a

man of fierce and recklesB disposition.

He conceived an attachment f«r. Miss Bates, which was not reciprocated, and

Jealousy Is supposed to have led to the act. It Is leered that both the persons

will die. Smith escaped alter the shoot-


But,I.I. I'm.—Dr. Yates or this c ty reported to the authorities on Thursday, tbe existence of a case of small pox. A Ganadb n li vlng Holly street. Is affected with the dii e*i t lo Its stoat virulent type; tba red flsg has M sa dis-

played. fc-_i^JJ

THE JTJBT AITOINTEI) to Investigate the cause of the death of Abljah Ellis,

whose body was found In |the Charles

river, have returned a .verdict that the deceased came to his death by blows in-

flicted with a blunt Instrument, In the

hands ol Leavltt Alley.

THX OLD Faaitaas ALUANAC, comes with Its familiar fee* for 1*7:1; as reliable and good as when commenced, eighty years ago; Brew- er ft Tlleston, publisher*, Boston.

SJ"Mr» it. Gunning, New York, ba* earned with her Whcelsr i Wil on Wad ins f 2,300 In

two year).

Kdlreity by tfaeeca, New Kuflantla pride and power,

What heartfelt sorrow (ill. on thee, T<> mark this eaddaolna hour I

How art thou amltten down I And from thy power now etayed I

HeDealhlbe Almlihty'a chastenlBf power, Whoee hand la on tbee laid,

How bath his flaming seourae Swept tbroush thy princely balle,

And rafted for tbee a funeral dtra« Arnldat thy imoutderlni wallat

How hath Its mournful alraln Tin-echoed through the land,

To stir the natlou'a heart afaln, And pulaa ofienorona handl

Had city by the aea I Thy plaint Is heard on high,

And 11a whose band bath smittea thee, Hath, too, a pitying eye.

His hand hath power to heal The iorrew of thy heart,

And while be dath hie trace reveal, He'll atreDftb to tbee impart.

He'll change thy plaintive voice Te notes of JIT again.

That iboa Eaay'el lo thy Uod rejoice. And pralee bis itorlone name,

Then from three aahea ilaa. And let them only be

But aa sweet Ine*nae to tbe aktea, steal eacrtnoe for tbe tbee.

Nov. letfa. B. »'Si«

INSTALLATION or A PA*TOB.—OB Bnodaj evening Rev. C. A. Hayden, wbo bat tor some time been officiating at pastor of tho Unitarian church, of this city, will be Installed- The usual Installation exercises will be held. Itev. Robert Collytr, of Chicago, wbo recently lec- tured in this city, will preach the installation sermon and other clergy men will be present to take part In tbe exercises. Mr. Collyer wilt also preach the sermon In ihe church at the forenoon service.


"..' of the aa.ldiet yiaafn of the reethtH '"■■ of dent rplriis la to tee Bten :(ellDf peat our doora

■ r,-,: . hftpleaaly Into Ibo Kuttvra.a frequent wetaele, revolting and unpliaaant aa It mar ap-

pear, and one ol too common ooconenee, In a conn- try village that prides lUelf upon 111 plraennt and quiet character. Humanity crlRaonl outlast ;!.-■»■■ who for a psllry plltanee Inebriate their fellow men. !■■■'..<![.■■ ani them* a'jrti- through the heart in quick wn.u of f.illi.R wK'i' neb fiiibi- tlom are fttreod upon it*, and ducenry bluebea for the violation of it* !.:«ii pitcclples when maudlin apcech, ribald jnat* and obicerie prOfksdty ring

r unwilling cara, belched forth from baccha- nalian throatt and blaapliemona lips. IVMV la at a dumouut and security loiea confidence. Hodeeiy

.(■« bri: < >n Impudence, and manllntae, beatlal* ii). Would lo Uod that only the drunkard and tbe

Her ■.-.i|■:.--T. the full meaaure of their erlmea, lua! aoclt-ty !■ *o formed that tha eaeratee of

a f.-w beoomra it:,- terror uf maay. (lux aol la enough to make MMMeare Hm aerurlty and prare of any neighborhood, hut when a comronelty have to

ip with numbers, then It le lutijeoled lu an or- deal at once m ,-i and Infamous, To contend that any Individual tiae a right (oliher primary or dele- gated} to hlndsr and cmbarraaa the tfforta of jus- tice, virtue and law In contributing to Ihe general

\\ oi aoclcty, for and in consideration of eordld galna, Is aa assumption totally at variance to every

ipeel and conatruction of thoae prlnelplea. In etrtaln thlnga every man must yield or waive bla Individual rights for tha good of society, Every true olllien reeogair.ii Ibis principle ae being tba ■ iin-iy of order and peaee. No leas Hue does It hold In regard lo the trafllo alluded to. There omn

leellng f. r a deltberate, reokteei rumieller akin to pity, but rather contempt and dettatatlon. When an unfortunate, (alias man li pllrd with llq-

10 long aa Ma money lasts, and It tben actual- ly kloked out into the itreet In ahalpleaseonrlltlon,

ihlblte In Its lining belilebness the bard haart- edneeethat growi npoa some rum teller a, ihe al- moal Inevitable reanlt attending the dlebonorabla builaeea. Thoughtful eltlieus tremble for the pot-

, nay, probable. Influence soch thing* will ex- ivar the tboughtlees and reekleit, and, above

■ ■■■■■■I the young. There ought to be moral sen- timent aud ooarsge enough among the well dis- posed to oppoee II In all honorable and lawful ways.

A very plamaant affair came off at the residence of Barnaul W. Simpson, E«q., of Wlndham, on tbe i-Jtb anulvaraary of his birthday. The relations

id friends of the hale old gentleman vUlted htm i Tbnraday, NOT. 14th, for the pnrpoee of gr>o ig their venerable and respeeled patriarch. Mr.

eimpion being a "bachelor, " tbe duty of entertain ngtbanumeroni guasti devolved op on Mra, Lis- le A. Simpson and daughter, (niece and grand- atssa) who most happily performed their part.

The guetti began to "drop In" at noon, and by dinner time all bad arrived. Among tbe relatives present were Sir. Jeaale Hlmpeou nf Cambridge, Mate., Mr. O. A. Simpson and wife of Lowell, Mr, Jonathan Stickney and wife, MUa Abby H. Simp- son, Messrs. F. A. Hughes, O. Present, Alien Baker, and O.Robie or Wlndham, and K. Henry Wllaoo of Lawrence, At I 1-3 p. si., the company eat down to dinner aronnd Ihe old table, Itself a rello of "ye olden 1lme,"on whieh was heaped all tbe rare and delectable vlandi obtainable from a well kept term and a ready puree. Between1 din- ner andanpper at 6 P.M. the moments passed bap- plly away Inoonveraatlon and amusement. Dur- ing tbe evening after a nqniber of atorlea had been told, and old remlnliceneri related, a poemfwaa read by Mr. S. Hinry Wllion, dedicated to tba Will birthday of Ihe "Sqnlre," after whieh, Mlee Eva Slmpion entertained the company with a few spirited songa with organ accompaniment. The locale arparated at 11 o'eloek, fall well pleased with the very enjoyable time they had had. Mr. Blmpaon la a floe ipeclman of an Independent, well- to do farmer. Though poeeessed with oonaldera- ble wealth, he toll, dally at all ions of farm labor, ahowlng an elastlelty and vigor aol often seen In one of hit yean. He baa devoted a portion of his galna to promote tbe lotereali of cdooatlon in Wind- barn, giving to hla own dlalrlet glOOO, and to eaeb of the other dlitrlota in the town (300. He has filled every office In tbe gift of the town, and has been a Juilloa or tbe l'eac* Tor aeveril years, tie owm up to oever having been to eehool In a ecnool bOnao, having got hi* early training at home. He It a man uf Intelligence, and Inoonveraatlon ebowa himself a matter of moat toplca dlaouesed at tbe preaent day. Long may ha live to celebrate future natal daya, and move amldit his ralaUves and friends, a baarly and happy man.

On Uabbatb day, ITih last, ''Father Merrill," ot. Boaton, preached In tbe M. E.Cboroh, In the vil- lage, and eonduoted an evening aervlee In the vea- try, in wbleb he related his religions experieaee. Ita recital, for a ipaoe of two hours, kept the audience oonatmUy interacted. "Father Merrill" I ■ a native of fc'alun, and most of hla early remenla- cencei called to mind many long forgofton faele to the thougble of soma of hla bearers, who had them- aelrea participated with him lo dajs gone by In wblllng away many a pleasant hour, or engaged la worshiping God In unison, with young, light, happy hearta. He baa been In the ministry over SO years,

aeen moeb hard Mrviee, and effected wonderi, by Ood'i hletting. Handredi of happy sonla

in him aa Ood'i Uutrumeot in their conversion. He poeeeeeea remarkable power or voice, clear,

)ant, thrilling. Conpled with hla patboa and teoderneaa, tew peraons can refrain from visible emotion when he exerelsea hla rare gift. Be la a superlatively happy old saint, ready onto every geod word and wnrk, aod an honored Instrument In Ood'i handi la bringing hundreds of sonla to Christ. "VIATOR."


A North Andover correspondent wrltse a eom- munloallon In which he apeaks blgbly of the prea-

conditlon of North Andover, and warmly ap- vea tho iplrli that prompted tbe many Improve,

ments tbat have recently been made. He thinks the vltlago shonld not be backward In mpplylng other neoeialilei. "At preaent,'' he says, "there seema to be something needed, which. If supplied, wnnld without doubt, iierelee a good Influence In tba place, and tbat la a good public library and reading room. There are many young men em- ployed there, In tha shops and the mills, wbo, I think, would, If we had a good reading ronm, fur- nlihed wllb magatinea and papers,and the cur- rent literature or ibe day,In connieiloa wtth a 11- bfary of well lelected booki, both use It and appreciate II, and would perhapi apind aome of their evening! la enjoying It, Whieh they now apead In Lawrenoe In iiereh of more qneitlnnable amqaamenti. Will not loose of our public iptrtted eltlieni consider thla ?

Tbe members of the North Andover base nail club arc prepatlnu- tor their annual ball on Wedne'dav evening, preceding Thanksgiving, at Stevens Ue|l. They will doubtless have a large number present, and a good time is an tlclpated.


Tbeycung ladles of thelltptUt society will give an entertainment at tbe vestry of their church, next Tuesday evening; the original " Mrs. Jsrley " will exhibit her celebrated wax figures in rot tunic. The exeiclsrs will be Inter- spersed with vocal and Instrumental music. Mr.Squlrct and bis associates will compote tbe orchestra, and Hr. II. 0, Webster, wttb a ae- lect choir, will furnish the vocal music, lira. I, A. Gutterson will preside at the organ- A good supper will be served, roneletiog or oyi- ters, cake, pie, tea and coffee. Tbe public are Invited to attend.

£3u»ine»« IClaticeo.

tlon at

WHAT TO KKAD. In rending let no time be loil,

Krarltng whs> n* one gdod will do ; Read what will benefllvou moat.

Avoid Ihe felie— read what is trne. Head carefully tbe current news.

The uejui" advertltementa " read. But all mere worthleu trnth refuse,

Whieh satisfies no human need. Krad tun tbo " t-Ayairi" of Qxonoa Fxnno's,

Whirl) t>ii where IIOTB should bay tbelr " CLOTwaa,"

Coat, t*aut*, Veet, Hat and Shoei complete, Corner of Beach and Washington atrect.


t'tril or Thanks.

The oflicrri aod members of tbe Ebea Sattoa S.r. Engine Company lake this meibod la re- turning their thanks to Mr. L, H. Downing, for the moat excellent sapper given to thla company onTnraday evening, Nov. lulu. This, and his many other generous aeta of kladnees towards thli company wlil long be rs«e aabererf,


JOHN 0. DOW & 00., ■aeeeetors to


101* Essex St., Lawrence, DBAutaa IM


(ilana and Lump UOOHIB,


Kimball Union Academy Meriden, N. H.



Rev. EM A. AUSTIN, M. A., Principal. lUtnxtrb



No. 6 Lawrence Street, Where will be kept a Int-elaee stock of

Cigars, Tobacco, Snuff, Merrshnum, Brynr nnd Clay Plpra,



A skare of poblle patronage Is solicited at the




[ From the Daily Advertiier, Nov. HI*.|

WUATBAVKDCXOBJSV, Moaaa * roaa. The extensive Jewelry and Silver Ware BeUblLahneat of Croaby.Morte Si roes, on tha eoraer of Wash- ington street and Central Conrt, la whieh waa storedalarge aanooatof ealoablea and plate be longing to private eltlieas, beeid'i tbelr own ex<

. and tbelr ooetosaers are ana red that every- thing Is aafr, The bulMlaf Inatedlately la rear of tbelr store waa deitroysa by Cre, on Monday morning, and the iiorei Immediately adjoining en tha north, were seven] tinea on Ire and badly derailed. Their building Is peonllar In construc- tion, and believed lo be tire-proof. On the north side It has a solid wall without windows; bat what Is till! more Important, and tha elroan- itanoe towbleb the proprietor! attribute their Immunity, It hai a Jtrt-proof roof of brick and tron. Tbe oeHlnge are also or similar Broproof oonttractlon. If this bull Jin* hid been destroyed, It would hardlThavr1-— "-'- building oi

[LTTAc Roo/t, Mentioned above, were oot>- ertdwitkthe FIKE-PHOOF FKLT AND COMPOSITION ROOFING, manufactur- ed by the N. E. PELT HOOFINf j CO.

Tno above Roofing li used by GEO. W. HORN, of Law- renoe.

ism it n re


AT THE FRANKLIN HOUSE our cltliens may now enjoy the inaury of


Tbe proprietor haa recently refitted hla washl„„ rooms. Introducing steam end all Other dealrable faollltfnsln the matter of Hot an Cold Baths, at great eapense.

PRIORS, ■aw*!* Bathi, S»«ta. Four Ret hi BIT Tickets, SI.00.

Open at all hours, day sad night. t«ijanl n3l T. W. nUSK, Proprietor,


Fire Insurance,

In Reliable Com panic*.

A'.tna, Hartford, Conn.,

Aaa ats, Loaaea la Hoaloa,

18,000,000 • l.SOO.OOO

Home Ina. Co., New York City.


Looses la Boston, 94,000,000


bis. Co. North America, Phil. Peon.

Assets, liooaea in Ilnafon,

•3,400,000 •1,000,000

North British & Mercantile Inn. Co.

Assrts, »I0,#00,000, t-old.

Loasas In Hoatsn, $S00,000

Springfield Fire Insurance Company,


A«a«ta, 91,000,000 Loaaea la Boston, 93&0.000

Orient Insurance, Hartford,

ABsetS, •030,000 Lvaaea will aol impair C'npital.

D. S. swan « Son, ASBHTS, NO.7, Lawrence St., Lawrence.


City of Lawrenoe.

ll BV>A*0Off Al.nBBatasr, Bovesaberll.leTJ.

OaoaaiD, Tbat the oltateas of the several Wards la the City, emallfled to vote aa tbe law dlrswta, be noiUod to aaeeasHe at their respective Ward BOOBS, on Tueiday tbe third day or De- eember Beat, at W o'oloek la the foteaooa, then and there to give In tbelr Ballots for a Mayor aad six Alderman, one Alderman to be selected t oss each Ward: Also to elect by ballot, a Warden, Ward Clark, three Inspectors of KleeUoaa, three Cosataea Council-men, oae Aeslstant Assessor, and one Overseer of tbe Poor. Also for tha legal voters of Ward* One aad TWO, to elect two Hehool Committee saea In eaeb of their said Wards to aerve for the term of throe years. All to be balloted for on oae ballot.

The rolls to ba opaaed at S o'clock, A. H. aad kept opea antil 1 o'eloek, P. U., aad no longer.

And it le farther OBDBBSD: Tlat the Board of Mayor and Aldermen be la session at their noot City If all, lor the purpose of receiving taa'nani of Voters te be added to, and ecdreotlng tbe Tot- lag Lists, oa Taeaday Nov. ltt , loth, aad Monday, December o'eloek, P. ■„ and on Tuesday |mornlag, Deocm bar Id, from 7 to S o'clock.

i, R. BOWE, City Clerk.


MAYORALTY CAUCUS 1 The Republicans of Lawrence, are reqneeted to

meet at the CI\TY HALL,


Br otDia crrr ConirtTTBK. N. WHAKMOM, Chairman.

UK0. B. MBSBILL, Broretary.

A Rare Chance.

One half of tbe interest of a good paying busi- ness for sale. Hmall lanital reqalred.

Iflw Addrees, A. B„ I.awrenee.

H.7"Uigutar com in on leal ion of Tascan Lodge, Monday eranlng, Nov. ibib, stl 1-3 o'clock.

-^Birtho. ABBOTT—In thla city, S\iv. Iilth, a daughter lo

Mr. A Mrs..I. O. Abbott. McQUEKNY.-In thie city. Nov. loth, a son to Mr.

St Mii. Michael Metjneany. HUH8KY.—In Andover, NoT.lSth.S daogblerto

Mr. h Mra, Charles O. Unseey.


" Ona Mom UnPonTuitATa."—Jalla O'Bri- en, well known to tba habitues of tba police conrt, hu flnlshod her eartl.ty career t »bs was serving ont ber seventeenth sentence at the hou <• of correction, having recently been sent there for drunkenness. Her death was doe to strong drink. Culpable an sbe may have been in giving war to tbo appetite tor liquors, we cannot believe tbat those wbo supplied It to ber will not be held responsible (or her death. Not by eoolety, of course; that wonld be ab- surd " In a free country."

UNION TttAMxamriiio Saavioi.—A Union Thanksgiving .Service will ba bald la the Free Baptist church, earner of Pemberton sad Common streets, at 10.30, Thursday A. U ,Nov. -28ih. Sermon by itev. Dr. Barrowi, or Ihe Ilaverhlll Street Methodist Church.

U KBKRVK-MBKUOW.-In (hla eliy, Nov. U, b] Rev. A L, Honshton, Mr.Orrin R. Meter-re end Mm Clara E. Marrow, ell of Lawrenoe,

CKOHB—SNEI.L.-In this city. NOT. llth, by Rev

f-INKRLY-WATBBSOH.-lB this elty, Nov. 17th, by L. D. Birrows, Patrick Plaerly and Margaret Walerann.bothof Lawreaee.

l.HNA-I.KNNAN.-ln thla city, NOT. ISth. by ll«> Rev. Mr.Ullmore, Patrick Lena and Llula Leo- nan, boib of Lawrenoe.

MKTCAI.K-8VMS.-ln this elty. NOT. lath, br (leo. R. Kowe, J. P., Robert M* tea If aad Aanna bynta. both of Lawrence,

HAI NllKltH -I.tlMi.-ln H.llard Vale, NOT. IN. by tbe Rev. H. 8. Greene, Hr, Jeraea Milton Haundars and Mlia Hannah Maria Loos, both of Tewkabury,

SAUNDBKa-BlfERY.-Ia MMbasn, HOT. llth by Itev. Ueu. J. Jndklni, Mr, Bbeo L. Baandrn •f Meihuin, and Mlaa 8, Lime ] ', of Law

8IIATTUCK-MOR3B -In Meihaaa, Nov. Utt. by Rer. T, U.Oraaale, Mr. Ohaa. K. Mhattuck and Mlse Addle F. Hone, both of Metbaao.

3>cafh*. SULLIVAN.-In tbla elty, Nov. lsth, Mary

dausbter ol Patrick and Mary Halttran, *r'' ' Jr- HcBVOBY.—In this elty, NOT. IK. Arthur SOB of

James and Mar j. HoETory, aged 3 yri. 8HITB.'—In Rlehford, Vt., Ost.3*,h,ofoonigmp-

tlon, Jason Smith, formerly of thla elty. WILBRY.—In NewberypMt, Nov. llth, Jsntee

U. Wllbry, formerly of Lawreaee, aged M *is. 1 moa. He Isavaa a widow and three children, Kuarrel

serrloea were held at Newbnryport, and rrmalne bronght to Lawrence for burial, TYLER.—In Weat Boamrd, Nov. Uth, Uapt.

John Tyler, aged SI jeara. DAVI8.-In North Andover, Nov. lsth, Ida M.,

will of Jaroee H, Davla, and only rhlld of W, D. rarkhnrat, Esq.

Check Lost. Lost on Nor. Ittb, 1ST), a Check numbered 101,

given by E.H. Bailey to Wan. E. Heald A Co.. on Pemberton National Bank, lor SI4l.ro. All neraons ere notlged tbat tha payment of the aald :heck has been (topped-

WM. E. HEALD A CO. Lawrence, Nov. ISth, Inn. twit



Sold br .11 flr.t ola.i Dtmgil.u ..d Orowr*. Tr. It,.nd .MWlUb. MB.I.Mdof it. WMM

ful ckW(. «>f J«*


run CHALDRON • • • 91.00 HALF CHALDRON ■ ■ S.00 BABBBL .... U

At TNB woasta— FIB BABBBL *o

Orders reeelved at the Oalee of the LAwaanca l*a COMPAWT, No.tSt Bsaea Street.

IStfoeW GEO, P. CABOT, Agent.

I. A. KM,

Bags leave to lnrorsa bis frteai , aad tbe pabllo, " toTaaahlag

-.jeCooserva- id Bepalrlag all

tbeOrgaa, Piano, and Voice , toryplaa). Also, to Trne lag kinds of Musloal laitrasaents.

Orders left with Dyi Sauoderi'Bloek.wllI tlon.

r A Co.



Dry Goods & Carpets.




BLACK GOODS, in treat variety,

Creatoni, Csnhmerea,

TbibeU, Km proas,

Crapea, Coburgs,

And a fail line of


Brilliantines and Alpacas. Plaids and Htrtpes In all gra4es. We give par.

tloalar attention to oar

Dress floods Departments and fed we eaa salt tba saosrt fastidious taate,

O LOAK I N GS. Wa shall give partlealer attention to seeking alee


Domestic Goods LIDODS,,

Flannels, Qollts,


Laoe Curtains, Ac

Also a large aatortment of

~W OOLENS, la Broadcloths, Cashmeres, aad Water Proof!.

Ifaaey Um&s Bep'f We have opened this week

Jackets, with & withoot Sleeves, Hoods, Caps, Tippets, Clouds, Mitts, a Ml

line or Fleece lined Hosiery, Rloves, Ladles' and Coll*

dren's Underwear.Vests. Drawers, Pante-

letts, &c , O.X.

To all waaUag

CARPETING8, roaeaaSnd Brassels, Tapestry. Three PITS,

Two Ptys, Eatra aad Mediums, Hemp, .Straw aad Oil Clothe.


Nos. 249 and 255 Essex Street,


For Sale. At Archibald's Wheel Co*a old stand, Methaea,

Running Farts for Team Wagons, of all slaes. Also 1 one hers* farm waggoa complete, all with tha Arch I bald Wheel,

it Room No. 0 acetate alien


TABLE • asBtte aeere- oflh lianas,lubricate

tbo naont aadIbroat,ren- der the musolei elaatle, andlnereasethr rolema End qaallty of the TOtae, I *\

Bold by aU Drngglsta at SS eeata, «»«• D.HOWAHTH,


* White Fund'

The Ninth Annual Coarse Pnad" Leetarae (free to the ladi t.awreaoe), willcomsaesse oa " lag, December 4th, lSTt, at 1-41 City Hall, and eontlene every eveaiag, aatlltbaeoaraeof six

Tlok'eti of admission will be d corporations as heretofore: to Ihe City Hall, oa the H.larder eaeh lee tare, at 11 o'eloek.

Tickets for tba clergvmsn reservrd br the Chairman of tl v o'clock ol the morning of then called for,

The first Irn n.Marrar.of

ig __ . then called for, will be alvea to

Tha Irst leetare will be Kleei


Lawrence, Hoi

Kotate 4>f Tiaaothv Peiaey. Net lee Is hereby given that tie sebaarlbt.

beeadulj appolated eaecntor of Uiiwlllof TIMOTHY DMnref,

lnte of Melhuea lathe eoanty oil aeesaead, tesute sad baa lafcsh tpon hlmseli that trust by giving bonds. SJ Bis Taw directs. All pereoai having demaadi a run the eitata ol aald daeeased are reqalred to eahlMt the aasae: and all peraons Indebted to said estate are oalled nnon to make nayaaeat to

8. O. aABOKHT, Eaecuior, Methaea, Mov. IS, lan.

Tha beat book ol its olass ever published Is

WORDS FITLY SPOKEN, by Kev. W. B. H. MDHBA Y, Pastor of Park .street Church, Boston. It Is the muit popular and beat selling work la tbla market, Hood AgeauWaatod. Address, I. H, Blehardaoa * Co., No. M Cornhill, Hoatoa, Mass., and Ho. SIS Olive Btrett, St. Louis, M. teod*4wo3lBb

EeUte of ItrnInrnln Richardaon. rtotlee la hereby given that tha sabseriber baa

baa Ukaa upon himself that trustbyirlTlaaboBdi.aslkalawdlrrets. Allper- soBshatlag deal and a naoa tbe estate of said de- ceased are reqalred to exhibit the same; and all pereeBS Indebted lo aald estate are called npon to make payment to

A.J.rXBlfCtl.Xiea-ator. Lawreaee, Nov. II, 1871, IlwHtaiu

BLANK BOOKS made to order la aay shape.


For Bale. A new H-story HOUSE, with Kreaah roof, con-

taining 12 raoni, Satined with walnat aad ebest- nat, In tbe beet manner, aad eoavealeat la every respeet. Situated on Hie* street, fronting tbe park, and one of the finest place* In tbe elty. Lot of land 116 feet deep aad SB feet front, or more It desired. A large share of the money may remain on a mortgage if desired,

ABHKB BOSMEB. Lawrenoe, Oet. 10,1871. f t

Iw slaahraptt v- Dlstrietof Maas.,ss.

Tha undersigned hereby gke notice of tbelr ap- pointment aa nsilgnee of the estate of

EDWABD P, HOBSE. of Methutn.ln said Dlstsiet, who has been ad- judged a Hankrapt on bis own petlUon.


ttiiwaora AsmoanKa





Dress Goods,



Hosiery, Gloves, &c,

all of the BKBT OlMf./rr, whkb we now oSer

VBBT CHEAP, aad WBleh we oonfldeBtly aasrrt

Cannot be Bewailed In Ihe City.





selected with HFKCfAL MKFKMKNrK to tba Lawranee trade.


113 Essex Street, - - - Lawrence.

Agents for the Essex Dye House.


Real Estate, IN OHUTia, N. H.

BY AUCTION. BTotles Is hereby given thai the anderaleaed,

assignees of the estate or Was. Crawford, of Chester, Baakrupt, will mil at pablle Auction, at Beehelder's Hotel, In Cheater, oa SATDBDAY, MOV KM Bet H 3oth, is>S,

At 10 o'eloek, A. M., TheHOMESTEAI', sltnated la Chester, eoa-

Ulninf aboat I II acres, havlag a —^



Brs. Dr. NKCIlR'S MEDICINK8, Will be found a sue enre for any of the diseaaes for which they are pot forth, Look at tbe names ofthe refrrenee' they are the nasnes of some of unr most reliable eltlsens, who have known ber and ber treatment fur a number of jean, and wbo willingly and eheerfnlly recommend her aad her medicines te all needing tbem. Aad if thie la not lumoleBt to eonvtnoe the moat skeptical, yen eaa sal) at ber ofles, IBS Warraa Avenne, hot ton, where eaffleient testimonials will be shnwn from Irving witnesses, who will feel happy to apeak of her la the klsrbeet terms aa a thorough- ly edaeetad and sklllfai phyalclan. Her very n

Bwelllngi, Ball Bheam,(lid or Indolent Ulcers, Syphilis, Qsnoerons Coilsettona, Tumors, Bore Eyee, Nodes. Itoh.ttcsld Urad, Dtsehargeifrosn ■ara.Klag Worms, aad all Exanthema of the Skin, Moth, Blotches, Plaaplee, flesh Worms. DiaooloratlOBS, ete. Ladles who wish a Hear and beaatlfal complealon. will find It test the pre par- atlea tBey need. If any gantlssaaa haa been snb- leetedtothense ol mercury for fever, etc., the Alterative will be (onadlBTalaabla la eleanslng aad purifying the system,

II.rClMCHONA BITTKKH liasureeare lor Dyepepttes.

Her HBBVOUS, W«UBALaiA and ABTHMA PILLBareeaoeneatfarallperaoai afflloted with Bearalgla.Oo lie, DellrlamTrameaa,

Her CATBABTIO FIIaZaB are purely Teg. eUble.

Enensaatiem eaa be eared by aalag ber cele- brated LINIMX1HT.

Q.r 0UOLK111 BPBOiriO le a remedy for Cramps aad rJpassae, Ailatle Cholera. Uter- tnwXtfUaS

Her ■ AZiVB for Old Soree, Burns. Scalds, eta.

Sold by all reapeouUe DrnggiaU, Any neraon wlanlag to eonanlt MU. DB.

BECOK before beginning to ■•• her medicine*, eaa do so by add railing or aalllag at her omae. No. 1M Waanan Avmua, from lOA.M.tOlP.M.

Mra. Dr. Heeor Introduce!, by pertnliaion, the foliow leg refers"is gsatlesnen w beae eharaater andpoiltloa la society entltlcthem to the highest eoaSdenca:—

Baraaairona:—Basnaal Barn bam, editor ofthe (.'onnreualioitu/ Yearly , E. B. llamphrrya, LL. I).. M. i>., B. B. Uiibert, Esq., BenjemlaCanning, Eaq., F. C. Hamphreys, Esq., Nathaniel Crow all, Eaq., Dr. Thrasher, Arthur Cheney, Esq., B. W.

■Ullbert, Esq., alamael Caverly, Esq., Lewie Blue, Esq., American House, ol Boaton; John Liver- more, Esq., Cambridaeport, Maae.; Prof. A. A. Stewart,Cambridge, Mais.: Prof. John H. An- thoay.Cambrislsra, Maas.i C. P. WhIUey, Bsq., Mllford. N. H,; E. Blohardaon. Eaq„ Ottnton, Haas.; wlleoa Morse, Esq.,Clinton, Must,

ISO Warrea A vrnur, Hoalon, Hase. tVSmnovSah


No. 305 Essex Street,

Corner of Lawrence,


Das sslaeteg a Largo Assortment of Lin* Goods for

Fall and Winter Trade.


■LTiaa " " at Ik.





07*All gooda warranted lo giro sat- isfaction.


constantly on band and made to order,

lisetat-tnraw, Velret, Felt and Paris, from tS cents to W-00, aa to quality.

SarCall aad examine before •umbaalag.


Ladiea' Furnishing Goods,


DweUtag, with Bara and other balldlnan, built la modern style, at a cost of aboat #20,000.

The" JOSEPH MDKHE FABM " (se Oalled),

nated In naamowa,aad known ae the "Crawford

The-Stevens Lot "(so called,) m landown, eontalnlng abont U aeree,

The"Dsarhora Let." adjoining the « Bores r'arm,"la Cheater,eontalalagabont S ISaaree.

a aeree Woodland, In Bandown, sailed the " Fleteber Lot."

A Farm la Auburn, oalled the •- Merrill Pane," containing about 1H seres of woodUad aad pea- taring. *^

A Timber Lot In Auburn, called the HPerter Lot," aonuUlag aboat Ml aeres.

The "Crawford Lot." la Candle, aontalnlag abont 100 aerenof wood, timber aad paaurini.

MD aaree Of Wood anc" Timber Laud la Uemnry, B. II.. known ae tbe " lelloek■Ilia.'

A Lot of Land In Cheater, oalled the ■ Often !,ot,"containing about la oerei ot wood and tint■

Also, 1 set Hay ttealea, together wtth all other articles m our bands aa aaelaneoa.

KDUON HILL. I .-. J.V.BABBOM, I ■•"•guess.

Manchester, M, 11 „ Hov. 1,1S7I.

led.asafgBeeaoftheestateof f. t, will also sell at Pablle Aae-

sad place, ImmediaUy after tbe above sale, A Wood Lot, ron tain in g about 3 Beres, Situated at Senth Wood., in Cheater. Also, tbe tight in nns smBiiili* balftsfths Tlnsss eaeni ls< by T. J. Melrln dnrlas his life. ^^

gt)801l HILL, I .„.—.„. j,V. BABBOM,) AM,a*aeos.

Hancbaiter. H, 11., Nov. 7,1171, llCTMnv

iderslgaeS, at< n, Baaheupt, w sasaa Has* sad

Tho DAVIB Tntloal F«d, BhntUt

SEWING MACHINE. The Largest, the Simplest, the Cheapest,

the Bait.

ai BlllVBva, oaauaaT, wiui.ua wiiavit HMi- lagj FelU, Tnefca. Cores, 1 inda, Braids,frlagee, BaBos, QailU, Faggot*, Oatbere aad Sewe On at tha same time without but lag.

THE DAVIB, antlke Other maehtnea, haa not been paged lnte notoriety by boasting ndvertteemenie, but In a qalet war has earned a great reputation on no- sonnt of Its tunny superior aad desirable edvao. tagee over other machines. Please call and see them at the Agency1

19t Essex street, Lawrence, At Dyer S. Hall ft Co's Clothing Store,

f iaoTi JOHN WAMUBTOB, Agaat, B. B,-Matbine* Bepalred or Bmehaaged.

Spooial Notloe I To Balldars.Carpeaters, end others wbe ntay

« moTlag or railing buildings. If In moving or raising bulldlags you aome ia

oaiaeS wllb the Kirat Alarm Wlrsa

you are requested to notify Immediately, SAMUEL DAW,

Sept. Fire Alarm, I'novB No. l'),Hsmp*hlreSl



FIRE IN BOSTON! • 150,000,000 ( outlined in oae night.

The Great CoaSagration at Boston haa bad a tendency to ralae tha prloa of Cotton and Woolen Pnbries, owing to the large quantity of Miy UUODHooniamed.

Wa had on band a large atoek, and have re- hived since the Are aeeeral bales of tha above

goods which we will eeatluue to aell at the OLD PUCES.



228 & 280 Essex Street,


TAYLOR & BOLTON. And ispply yonrsclvaa wllb Cotlona. Woolens and General Dftmeatir (iodjds at the Old Klguree, aud save from 10 to IS per ecnt. I ease, of


Long Shawa $fi 00, wnrth f 10 Square " 3 7*5, « 4 Cashmere Shawls, 4 75. Mixed Grey Shawls for Hill Wear, $i 87

DRESS GOODS We have the Largeet Block la Lawrenoe. and

for Variety and Buloeanaot be anrpaased. Haw Japaneae Hllki, M, M aad .M. Black

^lBf*ViiS,8be*P|-b"«,,»nd*lP|ne Pnpllns n all the Naw Coloring!, tram ,17 to m per yard.

Resaaaata el Dreas (loeslfl Cheap.

Mantles, Sacques and Capes!


in a leperlor meaner aad at our well-known Low Prtena, All klnda ofalothi sellable for making

Ladies' and Gents' Underclothing.

Fancy Goods. Kiel GloVee, 7fic.

Best ttemaa Cornels, 65e. BLAHKBTS, $% SO nnd 3 50


Call aad eaamlae at the


228 & 230 ESSEX STREET,


TAYLOR & BOLTON. (L.U 0Mpb.ll ft Taylor.)


A.W. STEATtNS & CO. are opening

Fine, Elegant ft Cheap Goods


We are otTrrlnt PPr'CIAL BABOAlfsS In oar HUAWL DRI'AHTHKM I and beautiful

Goods. Al,otbe Largebt, No weat,

Moailf elect and UeslrMblfl Bts>ek of

UKUtB (.OOI>«, at Temptingly Low Prieee,

Hlanketss Klannelst aad Dealrable Warm Goods rer the approaebing

ould weather. We have the largest and raoit oomplets assortm e at of

Carpets & House Furnishing Goods- to be found. From the

Beit KngUaH Body Bruitelli down tbrougb the




And tbi- most Common Qaalitirs, !'ANrOH*a)COAaIATTI«IGB,at'G8,MAT»


All ofwblob we are dlaoosed to eel! at


We wish It dlatlnetlj aaaersood that our atoek la large aad obulee ta 0001 apeealtr and Drt>artment,andtbit as plrdKe our patrons on goml tiooda anil aeeirutil* atyln, at aa low or low er prices Una Bosun reavntber market, Oan- -lemanlr and honorable treatment he,

Jast opralag aa aaaortsneat of

HKW TRIRRINGfl, LACEB A (ilMI'S, Vary Dealrable,


One Price Only.



A. W, STEARHB A 00, have opened tho Plneei as well as the LARGEST Aseortment of Btriatly Fine Woolens ever displayed in ibis eitv, embrac- ing BEST Preneb, London, West Of England, Sooteh aad Amerloan makes of Ovsnr Ootkt- inga, Veatlngs, Coatings and Psrnta- loonsjry, to which we would InvlU tha at ten lion of Gentlemen la Lawrenoe and Vlolnltv. assuring them tbat the* will gad tbe moat flObby »»'' Str'isb Goods toadect from: and we are prepared to make an CoaU, Paula, Vnts and Whole Hulls in tbe Meet Stvlleh and Flnlehed Manner at moderate prieee.




Ovoroont, Under Cost, Panto and Veet, to be givea Gratia, to tba perion wbo Frsl solve■ tbls Enigma,correctly, prior to Christmas, um,

At tha "GLOBE" Clothing House.



Millinery "Fancy Goods

ROOM PAPERS. Of ...ry Ur.d. and g..ltl,, at the LttwMt PttoM .t


1SS >nd tit EIHI St., Lawrtmce.

Windo-w Shades. Painted Clotb, Hollands, Rastlos nnd Paper

ShaSes; also, tbe Bast and Host Approred kinds

of CURTAIN riXTURIB. Picture Cord asm Pletare Knobe nl


Account ItuokH ft Stationery la evert variety at


PICTURE FRAMES of every description made to order at


Corner of Essex and Pemberton St. A full line of

Umbrellu & Walking Canes. Umbrellas aod Parasols Repaired.

Toys and Inner CleOwB Of fivery dr- scrip tlon.

IMPORTANT. i-'iu^rvi 11


Baoaotima, cmimi, AVBSIU, llgammngg ,s Putmotmr, Tubtrcttl


I With tan Rllalr J. r. Bormard • r Forts.

lla format I on A luitrnetloni sent(frse) I in nil who dee Ire it br addressing IA. Barnard A Oo.. Sole Agouti, PP. 0. Box MM. at muimm m„ y. r


SAT TO THE WORLD That what people have been looking tor aad seeking after for tho last hundred years has at laat been found aad eaa be bad at


Boot & Shoe Store. 'I lie* Famcuii

"Water-Proof Boot For Ladiea and Gentlemen, mode of the Repellent Oeoth. aad warranted waterproof. We have tested them and oan warrant them water-proof. For Ladles we hare both

Laoe and Button Boots,

frank Knox'a Boot aad Shoe Store,



164 Essex Street, Lawrence, Mass., Three doors below Jackson St,

We have now opened a large stock of Fr«< «■- ers, rinwere and Rlbkowe In all tbe new abadee.


Alexandria Kids In oae and two buttons, whieh we are selling 1 :«r.t,r.

Miss HATTII CHATBUBN bas 0barge or oar Mil Inerj Department, and will be plena, d t.i aea any of ber old


Teacher of Pianoforte. Rooldewce—Tl Uwrsnss St. Smloll*

Horse Disease Don't Effect BURNIIAM'S PRICKS.

Look at his large aad New gloek of PA.LL QOODS,

et prloea that can't be beat.

Ron's, Youths', aad Boyo' Ovnrrsmtu, Prom g'i.10 to 21.00 Dollars,

A Largo nnd Hew Seoob of

Men's and Boys' Suits.

NEW STOdFoF PANTS, In tbe Lntest btrlei.

Bhirts and Drawersi Terr Cheap.

HATS arid CAPS, In grout variety, lor all agaa.




BURNHAM'S No. 108 Essex Street.

DY* lt-or, If you think you'll guree 't, ^

|llflnJat0.ie,TiTO,Tlir«e,Doek Q —

TJanas M,'"i or Gentlemen, or Doya— td

XOUXt nhoiee of !■! viv I-II.I.AII aulta. O

ur patrons ALL may "Try it on," JJ

Mwlrr lU ocltrtnn iWt bore prnpoaeP-

Pememl..r Title Suit costs swl Q.

QtXrTniNa Is tnutnel Bt mir now i^Qs.

L<>« I'-if's rulr, anil rnlea are ijiiie|C

■ IP nil we luff.;- we're. wn< nf thlS

^P HE BSSBSlw I» U*"" "wtalde. lines Q

Hard ti. Dud ■■: ■ v .M I

|t CA» Iw rmiml—ihough —V.ill y,m try f 1

^|o i;l.... la iraliw.l—nil!..,nt a CLODK-oimer'a Name, Trtule


TheKertothtepleaaant Knlgmn la deposited under seal, at I, t, I, Dock Square.

Atuworema* be ecnt br mail'to oar address, belnw) or otherwise. Whoever nnsT eolswe ibis puiale, aoeuratelr, will be fitted 10 a rontplrta gaunMll, grail. I The at>le of whloh, with »nr Imtnrnav Irrxtt low.prterd Kali stook of Cloth- ing, may aow be seen at the naw




urAI.KIIH in

Copper, Iron and Olau Oylender

PUMPS. <.( all kind*. AU. In





Corner Hampthire Sf Esftx Sis.,


24-4- Essex SI.

No Soap evrr made haa not with sack saocess BB


Tha large sales that ara dnllr atasla and t e laercaelag denaaad for ll ara thd went proole that It has ao StgawaL



CHESTNUT COAL, tm Base Baraere—a large lot for sale verr cheap.

FOR SALE CHIAP. About s aeree of eneellent LAND en the Hi

verhlll road, adjoining the City Karu. wall fenced, aad a good lot for graaa or early vegetable*.

AltNHIl II'MMKK. Lawreaee, Oet. 10, laTa. f t



MERRIMAC MACHINE SHOP, Bear aterrlmae Iron foundrr,

HmtlmaeplT LAWRBNCB.


tornciAL.j LOWSLL, UCL 11,1871.

iV-Tha SIBUKB was awarded Ihe JTlra.t I 'ITIIIIIIIII at H.K.Kalrln ISTI, as being the HHST Nasally Hewing lfarlilnr; and also Ike present year the award* were Silver Medali.

(Signed) r-.T.llUVTn.LL. Aaat Secretary K. K. Fair.

Ttie SlVaKB was given the rim frimi-m at H. a. Stele Mr. held at liorer. lls ailPKUI- OBITY over ell others hss got It In the habit ol doing ao.

Sold for 98 per month, or for Cash, l.y

T. W. HEALD, Agent,

244 Eenei afreet, - - Sanadrrn lllock.

All klndi Machines Repaired, Unchanged and to Let,

Haehlne 811 telling, Humping and Braiding tr

244 Essex Street, - - Lawrence.


^ENTIST, Oilier \ KoaitlcDce

Potter's lllock. US Raaei street* - - Ltwirsre,





Business Notice. I have taken a Store at

I No. a-JO Essex street, - - Lawrence, ■ait to City H»U, for the pBipoee 01 meBofaetnr lag MAHSKMM ol every kind,both Sluglt aid Double, and aha.ll nee tbe but of Stock and pat la the belt of work; v."i try to pirate all who will gtve me a eall,

Uli all keep a large assortment of

Trunks, IIUKS, Valises, Shawl Btrap» and Trunk Straps.

Ilirnriin Bap aired aad Oiled,

C. O. BTBBUIN, Agent. Lawresee, April »■ ltn. i

Never want to Exchange It,






tn tlif only mulldni I lUM will cur., r.lmou.r,

ytT-r- »■■■ ma* • •»■ «s "°v" will olten occasion the dt-itti of thr patient. It i ^tuie tilm. lock, DP the liver, .top. tin. clrculeiloB of lha I blood, hemorrhage follow., and, In Iscl, ««W** th« action of the my organs H»at earned tbu

• at fflfr-lf*. Always driving Ihlnjf*—A hammer.

Book-keeping In one lesson —Stick to

them. How to put a bortfl on hi* inetllo'—

-Marry In basti

ulcerated, a




•ugh. 0O,

„ ^ipialBlBffVini duTrpalVlB the aide*, the buavels aomrl'mes eo.Uve and .ometlrar. too loose tongue coated, pain In the ehooldrr blade, f.-iim* somctlmea very rertless, and at other «wr/dro-aj i "he looYtt.ai I* taken lUa heavily on the. aioroaoh, accompanied wltli acidity and beiohlugofwind. Tbeaesymptome usually orl^l- Bate from a disordered condition of the stomach or a lornld liter. Person. .0 affected, if they take our or two hear* cold., aad If tbe cough in these case, be suddenly Hopped, the lunge, liver and stomach clog, and remain torpid and fnBOtive,BBd



V*- »«?.E2H2MI


hleb doe □alculaled w ■■

Hcheoch'a Breweed Tonic dfs.olvea tbe food, ilxes with tba gastric Juice of iheetoBwah.d.- e.ti easily, Booriehet 1L0 ayetem, and ereeuee a e.lthy olrculallou of the blood. When the bow- I, are coitlve. .kin .allow. and the patient 1> ot a

billon, bablt, Sobenek'e Mandrake Pills are

These 'medicine, are prepared by Dr. J. H. SCI1BNCK *» SON, Northoest corner UU and Arab itreeti, Philadelphia, Penn. UEO.C. UOODWIN « CO., »■ Hanorer etrret. Bo.ton, John F, llenry, H College place, H>w_v*,rli Wholeiale Agents. lu by Druggists generally,


a ■ A u u a A u rK « 3

AT ...


M A (' II I ."4 K




We claim ours BKST lor tbe following

raiiuni, which we stand ready to PROVR

to all who will give ne a call:—

Flrjt—They are not to complicated

that they require a mechanic to keep

them In order, a* they bare 20 leas parts

than tbe simplest machine in the mar-

ket, therefore 30 lean tlmei llahle to get

oat of order.

Second—They are the stillest running,

.Hiving tbe silent feed.

TBlrd—Tney nave tne largest tales 01

any Family Machines In tbe world.

Fourth—They are the hightM speeded.

Parties advertising other macblnea as

higher speeded, make a fatu statement.

Fifth—They will do a larger range ot

work than any otner machine.

Sixth—They will do heavier work than

any other Family Machine.

Seventh—They have the best stitch

and tension.

Eighth —They have tbe glass foot,

with which the natural eye CAn see to

guide the work, being much easier than

with a steel one.

Ninth—They do not oil their work.

Tenth—They do not have holes to

thread in their shuttles, as all other Lock

Stitch Machines do.

Eleventh— Tbey will un» I.INKN und

all kinds of threads und silks.


I'arll.. IB want of WHBKLKK ft WILSOM'B

Maohlaee, are eautloned agaln.t parabaalag theaa

of agent, who adyertlae to .ell all maahinei.ai

tbey make a epeolalty of one, but ate different

oaea to blind tbe public and eateh their prey, while

we .all bat one kind, aad that li the


Wheeler & Wilson

Haying Hied up the atom ami, fuifl Klta

BLOCK, we will be happy to .how our Hachlaea

a all branohee of work.

We keep on band a good .upply of the beet


IB the market, with


fortheWbecler ft WIUOB Haoblnea.

Open every Evening till 9 o'clock.

M.S.- FeittM OBTlng Wheeler A Wll.oa1

Macblai* will recelti In.lruoiIon In theiru.e free

f eharga; aad we hope all will avail themtelvei

of tbliapportBBlty.

Sewing Machine.

(L7-H Works like- u Chnrui l^TJ

Celebrated New Drop Feed,

e very latest and bi-.tconitrorted of any now la u.e. Tbe Preieor Foot I* regulated with

a Screw. *o that thr preesnrn can be tightened or loosened at pleasure, so-

curding to the qoallty ol the good.

It is the most noiseless,

It runs the easiest

It does the gro&test variety of work

without change of needle, thread

or tension.

It has a straight uecdle,

and makes the 1-orW Stitch.


the lstret Improved, most simple, strongest, oompact and durable maohlDea ever tnsde to do sewing. We adfl.e all who hay* not .een these Wonderful lAprovrd Uaohlnea, to girt them a thorough examination and trial brforepurohas. lag. IT you are thinking of i.uylni: i Machine, and want the IIKST, we sBonld be pleased to .ends "Remington Empire" tojourhoiae on trial, with a competent person to leach you to ran It, »r< of Ejcptntt. Hold ou Ihc Molt I.ibrral Ttrmi i

90.00 down, and |6.00 per nionlli until paid for.



BKBBT HAY. I Kltzra knows pretty well which sido her bread Is buttered on, and Sinclair «■■"•'»

Tbe fragrant wild roces lifted their

VKOKTINEIsmadceaelnslyely'fromthelnlces of carefully selected BABKB, tdterl.art BBBM,

ilrongly ooncentrated thatlt wllleffertn- , -..dlcate from tbe .y.tem every taint ol

Hcrofula, Herolulou" Humor, Tumor., Cancer, Cancerous Humor,Kry.lpclas,Salt Rl.earn,Syph- ilitic l>lsea»e#,Canker, * alatues. at the »J«tnaeh, and a'l diseaaea that arise from impure blood.- Sciatica, lnflammslory sad Chronic Hheamatl.m Nearalgia, Hoot and .Spinal Complaints can only be effectually cured through the blood.

For Llc.-r.and Eruptive Dlsra.ee or the Skin, I'u.tules, I'lmple-, Blotche»,Bolls,Tetter,Scald- brad and Hlngworm VBOKT1NK baa never fail- ed to effect a permanentoure.

for I'alne in the Hack, Kidney Complaints, Dropsy, Kern.!* Wcakne*., Leucorrhea. arl.lng Irom internal ulceratlon, and uterine diseases aad d.neral DebUliy, VEOKT1SK aot. directly upon the oaa.e« of Ihe.e complaints. It invigorates ■od .trenfitheas the whole .yitcm, art. upon the .coretlvc or gam. allays inflammation, cures uleer- ation, and rrgulatca the bowels.

r or Catarrh, Dy.pep.la, Habitual Co.t Ivrne.s, I'alpllMlon of the Heart, Headache, rile., Ner- vou.ncs. ami General I'ro.tratlon oithe Nervoaa Sv.lem, no mcdlcinr ha. ever given >uoh perfect .atl.factlon a. VKUBT1.N B. It purlllea the Mood, rlcanse* all of the organs, and possesses a eoo- trolllafi power ov*r tbe Nervoas »»■""•„_„„_

The remarkable core. rBectedby VKOKTINE have Induced many physicians and apothecaries whom we know lo pre.crlbe and u.e it in their own families.

In fact, VKOETINK Is Ihe best remedy yet dle- oovsred for the above diaaaaes, and la tbe only re- liable It LOO li ri-RiyJLi; yet placed before the

■""""■ 'wT5fK,T.Tam.B-»..ii.-. Price i\M. SoldbyallDrogglati.

su fellas ns:^



Ottec and Yard at WOKTHLKT'S 8TONK YAltD,

WEST STREET, LAWRENCE. Leaky Roofs made Tight at short notice. lymvlT*

Boots and Shoes.

No. 139 Esasx ST., LAWBRNCI.


N"o. 14U Essex street, Agent for Lawrence and vicinity.


8S3 Washlnitton Street, - - - - Boston,

Broadway Savings Bank, URKCHIN BLOCK,

Corner Essex Street and Hroadway

Deposits plaoed each month.

Interest allowei pwsrda.depo.lted not le.a

t the rlnt Day ol

dollar and „ „„j month be-

fore the day on which dividend* are declared. The smallest turn received on deposit 1. live

Dividend, will be made or all the proBta which may bare aocrued wllhln the prevlou. six months, after deducting necessary expenar..

Interest will nol be paid on fractional pnrl. of a dollar,


(Ire /'rst Mewl a i A. W.Stearna, Tbomaa Reott, II. 0, li •■ "ii. Morrle Knowle., Jamee A. Treat. J. Bmeraon, Jr.

Trtiininr -Jainre I'ayne. Tnntei a ■

Peter 8ml111, John fltnllh, J.W. Smith, r, I.. Runal., Pi-ter Holihan, S. W. Knight, r.C. Kirk, D.C.Riehard-on, l>. M. Aver. Jeaae (Hover,

Patrick Hurphy,

J. ». HKRRICK AHD S. M. FRENCH, aodrr tbe name and style of J. T. FKEHCH ft CO..re.pectfully announce to thalr former patron, and the pnbllr gencrallj, that they may still be foond at the Old Stand

71 Essex Street, (1SB New Nnmber,)

where th( large and men's, R<. Infants'

BOQTS AND SHOES. Also, at all limes, a good aaaortaacat of

RUBBER GOODS. Women's No-Heel Rubbers,

not elsewhere to be fonnd In the city,

order, and received directly from the most rc.pon- ilble manufacturers.

**-They are SOLB Agents of the


VOQLE GERMAN SLIPPER. dVHavtng retained the aervlces of Bs.lt. B,

811ITH, (a man of twenty yeara experience In the manulacture and sale ot Boota and Shoea, they solicit and hope to merit a ahare of tho public patronage.

EfPleasu examine our Goods before purchasing.


139 Essex Street, Lawrence.


Wonderful Invention of tho Age

A. J. French, C. K. I'lllabury, P. u. Plllabary,

The Bank will _ to 1 1'. U., except Saturday. Saturday kvt nlnga, from ? to poslta only,

Payr, . Daniel Hardy,

open every day from V A.y.

'ivlngde- _. 1IES PAVNK.Trea.urvr.

Lawrence, June 14, IHTI.




n.w tnJ fi.rtii.t


tiVt Common Street, Lawrence.

Found at Last! After eighteen monthe' constant experiment-

ing, the American Ti.blet Company have put upon the market a liHKAIil.K nol.ele.i HOOK si.A'i'K. Warranted not to wear out llu* that already Introduced Into our school* kuowu M the Silicate Book Slate, For .ale by



Adjuster of Complicated Accounts, ABD


Office—239 Essex St., Lawrence, H.iiii-.. M .:.(,.( . !., ■ I', M. «tS«pia

TO LET -NOW READY. ew and llandaome Itrltk lllo.'k, li

Altached to these patented Speotaelea are two .olentiHoally conatructrd Uslvanlc Bstterlet— on- saen when worn—delivrring through the nerve. of the head a

Soft ami Cnntinttf.u* Stream of Electricity^

vitalising and giving healthy action to the entire beautiful system of tho.e part), ARSOLL'TKl. V and I' K III A 1 N I. V CLIilMi

Purtinl ParalTBh of the Optic Nerve, Weak or DUeaaed Vision,

Ncuritlgia of the Head or Face, Nervous Twitches In the

Muscles of the Face, Noises In i lit. Head,

Li!«n of Mental F.norgv,

aad a hoil ol .Vrrrovu OiMO.rt, arlalng from de- pression ol the nervous nierav of the ayitem, contributing, In a moat asionl.hlng degree,


Brightness lo the Eye, Quickness to tbu Ear,

Energy to the Brain

They are let with leneca of the Ineat mana/ao- ture, to .ult all slithia, and with glassei for tboee not needing rpectaelra to read with, but dealrlrtg the in [i. lit. to be derived from wearing the Bat- teries ; and are to be had In ihis city only ol


Watchmaker, Jeweler and Optician,


No. *■!■' Essex Street, Lawrence,

N. 8. — Also Agent for Laiartis & Morris' Perfected Spectacles end Eye Glasses, the IIKST in the world.


Urummera, Attention I By

A. 11.4 1 IIIIN,

No. 256 Essex St., Lnwrence,


the r of t city. llROed I riHSf CLASS HOAltUI|g» nut HK. bare from lu to .'i room. None lui s BRapon. ami.a party need apply. Iniiulrr of

DR. BOYNTON, No. Mir* Ktaei atreet.

Also,.vveral very deslrablr KOOUS aullable lor bnslnes. purpoaes.

Alio, aeveral good hi llh;. of Rooma for i'./n,;,i(,|, mni aud tin ir wlvea.

•eT*Apply IOW( not wait till the beat room, are all rented,

Lawrence, Oct. li, 1873. *lm



Cloth Boot & Shoe Sfakers, have BemoTed to 3m*;sepl3*

183 Jackson Street, Lawrence.

nailing at the wall known Mualo Store men 1 below, you may Inspect yow favorite In lent, In plenty and variety, and procure

DRUMS, In reqatal, to lead I IB.. Alto for aale.u

ilii'-i a.aortnirnt ol

BRASS INSTRUMENTS, by the heat maker.; alaothr heat Vlollna.Uultara, Flutes, File*. Concertina.;—In fact, njf Instru- ment In ouniaion u.e, will, BTRIff fa¥, and all other tlil ii(t. needed i„ renew and repair In.tru- menla, and a full Block of fluatcal IHtrckaa. dlae. lyfapMrb

S. N. HICKOK, Plmio-forlc mid Cabinet Organ

ffrf!E: avinu for TUB BB

any year* followed In theottleaor New , and vicinity, bas

looated In UKTIIl'/CX, where he Holds Himself in readiness to atlead to all calls for Tuning and RepalrlugtheabovelDalrBmenta In the l .■ ■! manner.

Order, left at DYKR k CO'S Uuslo Store Lawrenoe.orat I'oi-tuffir* Box Nu.H, HBTHI'ts, wll be promptly tttendet v, l|al4 ggj

Uotto for Bigamists and repeat at pleasure.

Never laugh at a man with a png nose; you don't know what may turn up.

Why Is a note of hand like a ro-e-bud? Becsuse It Is matured by falling dew.

For all time.— Stand up foryour rights; never alloweviii your watch tube run down.

Medical men.—What a doctor in large practice chlefl? wants—Plenty ot yluisie- al strength.

A rising artiBt Is painting lor next year's exhibition a picture of Death as large as life.

When is a photegraphc album like an old-fashioned china shop?—When It's full of uirly mugs.

Con. for the critical, —tan those bak- ers now hanging about 'on ntrlke' be called 'loafers?'

A sore-eyed reader Of an Iowa sheet complains tbatlt ix printed In a cheese- press, with shoepegs for type.

The man who was charged with mar- rying six wives excused hlmseli by say- ing he was trying to find a good one.

This world Is full of compensations. The more prices go up, the more we have to " come down "lor every thing,

It bas been found that in nearly every civilized country tbe treo that bears the most fruit for the market Is the axle-tree.

Young married people who have their house built should have it built round BO that discontent can find no corner there.

'Liza's Mother.—" I've come to know. Mum, what my poor 'Liza's done, Mum, as yon should give Vr notice."

'Liza's Mistress.—" I have explained to Eliza that It is for no fault of hers; hut she is so extremely short-sighted as to be really of no use at all ! "

'Liza's Mother.—" Well, Mum, if she is, she must ha' caught it here, she hadn't got it when she left 'ome ! "

An eminent civil engineer and geologist gave the following certflcate to the Btartcrs of a coal mine: " At tho ur- gent request of tbe directors of the OJIbbeway Coal Company 1 have test- ed the sample of coal sent to me, and It Is my firm opinion that when the great conflagration of the world shall take place, and which Is expected to happen on the last day, the man who shall stand upon that coal mlno will be the very last man who shall be burned."

Here Is an epitaph, framed by a dls- | consolate widower, Irom a Parisian cemetery: "Sacred to the memory of Theodora, Ihe beloved wife of Mr. —, proprietor of the — newspaper, yearly subscription — francs, payablo in ad- vance. She was a good wife and an ex- cellent m»ther. Tbe publishing oluce is In — Street. Knock loudly at the door. Then art bitterly regretted, O much-loved wife. Rejected manuscript is not returned."

The following episode occurred at the seaside recently: Two ladies were chatting gaily, when the conversation turned upon the subject of dress. Lady No. 1, in reply to a facetious remark of No. '2, said: "I'm in no mood for trifling to-day, and I'm backed in my good intentions by the presence of /ton's Herald in my panier." No. 2 re- marked: "There's no nse in your feeling so particularly good about that, I have the Christian at Work in mine.

An Englishman who recently pat up at a French hotel was attracted to the establishment by the announcement,

English, German, Italian, and Spanish spoken here." Having Installed him- self, be discovered that there was not a waiter in the place possessing even a rudimentary knowledge of English, and what was more, there was no such poi- son as an Interpreter on tbe stafT. The Englishman, in the few words of French that he could muster, naturally demand- ed to know by whom were English, German, Italian, and Spanish spoken.

By the travellers who come to the ho- tel," was the reply.

A Michigan paper tells an amusing story of a minister of that state who took an old-fashioned sweat, and was wrapped up In an old pateh-qnilt of many oolers. In due course of time he waked up, to find himself all over spotted blue, black and purple. Relieving that mortifica- tion had already set In, he began to set- tle up his earthly accounts and prepare for hit final dissolution, while the mem- bers of the flock gave themselves up to uncontrollable grlel, Tbe arrival of a physician and the examination of the faded quilt gavo another explanation of the spots, and turned the house of mourning Into one of laughter,

A good story la told of an elderly gen- tleman, of genial disposition, an es- teemed resident of a staid town not re. mote from Lawrence, who la just now, with a portion of bis family, visiting London. One evening, a short time since, bis daughters desired visiting one of the popular theatres, and solicited their <atber to accompany them ; he bad not been In the habit of attending such places of amusement, and it was only after much persuasion that he consented As the servant was being dispatched foe tickets, the gentleman called him one side, and said:—"John,—I'm not sure that I shall be content to remain through the play, and will you be careful to get me a seat as near as possible to the Aid

of the riw!" Modern Dictionary.

Water—A clertr fluid once used as drink.

Honesty—An excellent joke. Tongue -A little horae that is con-

tinually running away. My Dear—An expression used by man

and wifo at the beginning of a quarrel. Bargain—A ludicrous transaction, in

which each party thinks he cheated tho other.

Doctor—A man who kills you to-day to save you from dying to-morrow.

Wealth—The most respectable quality of men.

Esquire—Every body, yet nobody; equal to colonel.

Jury—Twelve prisonors in a box to try one or more at the bar.

State'a Evidence—A wretch who is pardoned for being baser than his com rades.

Modesty—A beautiful ilower that flourishes in secret places.

Lawyer—A learned gentleman who rescues your estate from your enemy and keeps it himself.

Tho Grave—An ugly hole in the ground which lovers and poets wish they were in, but tako uncommon means to keep out of.

Money—The god of the country.

pink chalices up towards the Minihlne and dew of the July htavens; the robins sang uproarious glees In the braucbei of the old apple orchard; and neither rose nor robin was fairer or tweeter voiced than Bessy Hav, as she stood among the currant bushee, culling; <be ml ripe fruit under the shade: of a huge pear tree, where the Hone wall ol the garden was draped with tbe emerald festoon* of a wild grapevl ne, while Paul Eitcott stood leaning against the mossy trunk of a pear tree, tivi.itinz a stem of blue-bells in his hand.

■1 know I'm poor. Bessy,' said he, re- suming a conversation which had ap- parently lapsed lulo silence for a moment or so; 'but I suppose poor people have a right to live and be happy as rich ones.

'I suppose ao too, Paul.' 'And I am ture I am willing to work,

1( only I coultl And something lo do.' Bessy glanced deprecatlngly at him. 'Mr. Elton wants some one to take the

farm and work it—' 'That Is mere drudgery, and besides,

the pay would not enable me to marry, and support a wife comfortably.'

'We could wait, Paul.' You are very willing,' said tbe young

man bltterlv. 'I don't believe, Bessy, that von care Tor me as I do for you.*

Oh, Paul!' And a pabud look game over the fair,

young face. 'Well, then, what do you think of be-

ing tutor to .Vr.Sinclair's little boys?' ■Thank you; I don't fancy the Idea of

being toad-ett.er to a pompous aristocrat like Henry Sinclair.'

'But, Paul, *e can't always be and do what we like In this world,' pleaded Bessy, with a troubled look shining in her tender, garnet-brown eyes.

Easy philosophy for you I' And the yonng man flung down his

stem of blue-bells. 'I suppose ton would like to have me

break stones upon the road. 1 thought yon at least could sympathize with the feelings of a gentlemao.'

'So I do, Paul; but I believe lo tbe scripture doctrine of a man's doing with all his might whatever bis hands find to do.'

'1 see how it is,' said Paul Estcott, haughtily, 'you are weary of our engage- ment; you want lo break the worldly fetters that bind you. Very well, so let It be. You are liec.'

And he strode away over tbe high grass, muttering something about having suspected how It would turn out, ever since Morton Van Burgh had come down from London to sketch the scenery and turn the heads of all the girls.

Bessy Hay madea step or two to over- take him, but she cheeked herself In an Instant, with a scarlet stain on her cheek, ami a gathering mist In ber eyes.

He ought to knew better; and he does,' she thought. No, I will not follow htm. He will come neck to me when the mo- mentary piquehaa worn Itself away.'

the meantime, Paul, vaulting over the atone WBI a few paces below, had very nearly at.mbled over the prostrate form of a man lying among the red clo- ver blossoms In the Island of shade cast by an umbrageous tree, and reading.

'Mr. Van Burgh.' The young artist glanced up with A

sort or scorn, ihowlug his long, dark eye- lashes; Paul bit bis lips.

'Engaged la tbe noble occupation of eavesdropping, eh ■ he muttered.

'Come, now, Estcott; don't be crusty; I didn't mean to overhear your conversa- tion; bnt what was a fellow to doT Tbls is tbe jollies', place on tbe whole farm, and I wasn't to blame because Miss Hay came out looking like Hebe's self, to gather red currants, and vou followed her shadow. Come, let's go down by the trout stream, and talk over matters and thitigt In general. Are you really In earnest about wanting something oof* \

'Of court) I am.' 'Then avrjpose you Just glance over

this letter fiat 1 received this morning from my uii'lc. I've no Idea of expatriat- ing myself among the plg-talled celes- tials for HI the fortunes that ever were made. But for an ambitious man —read the letter, tjat'a all.*

Paul Esnott obeyed, almost dszzled for the moaent by tbe brilliant prospect It seemed ttopen to him.

'You ret^lyglve me the privilege of accepting dV refuting this situation.' he exclaimed. I

*I really: do, and, considering that 1 don't wantlt myself, It It no great stretch of generosity on my part. Only you tee, you have to decide at onee, and be In theiltylo report yourself at my uncle't counting-louse within four and twenty hotirtj

Paul splang up flushed and eager. 'I'll do r; I'll show Bessy Hay that I

am nodo-iothlng after all, and when a motive really worth my while pretentt ItteR. Bit,' glancingathlsold fashioned silver watch, which contrasted so mark- edly with Mr. Van Burgh's elegant full- Jeweled oMonometer. 'I have no time to lote.'

'Not in sond.' 'But my trnnkT 'You ca get what you need lu town;

my uncle i ipplles the outfit.' 'And Bt sy I' 'Write t her to-nigbt; my uncle will

forward t e letter under cover to me, and 1 will ice that the gets It.'

Paul Etcott wrung hit companion's band.

'You aio very kind.'he said huskily; 'I had almost grown to regard you with distrust.'

Van Burgh laughed, showing his dain- ty, pearl-whlt* teeth, under a brown moustache.

'Never Judge, by appearances,' he said. 'Take my word for it, Miss Hay will ex- cuse) all lack of ceremony when she learns all.'

Mr. Van Burgh accompanied Paul to the railway station, and saw him ofl with a smilingly uttered profusion of good wishes.

■The best Irleud a fellow ever bad Is

thought Paul at the train moved off.

But he could not see the sardonic grin which the curves of the farewell smile altered when the little country station was left once more to silence and lone- liness.

Now,' said Morton Van llurgb, ' I 3ball have the field all to myself. Strange how fascinated I have allowed myself to become with a mere country girl! But there certainly is something very win- ning in her type of beauty.'

Bessy Hay never answered Paul Est- cott s farewell letter; nor did the latter once suspect that it wat because Mr. Van Uurgh had never delivered it.

Paul firing up under the levered im- pulse of his old enemy, jealously took refuge in silence. Nor did a long epistle from bis Annt Jemima, which contained more news—possible'and impossible— than any government bulletin, serve to cool the flames.'

' Folks say,' wrote the epistolary spinster, * that Eliza Hay Is going to marry the widower, Sinclair, because he't rich. There was a deal of talk about her and that yonng Van Burgh, but he went away all of a tndden, folks thought It likely with a flea In bit ear.

live long with that cough of his.' It was no wonder thut when pretty (

Bessy Hay made an excuse to cuine to ' Aunt Jemima's and naked wistfully and with a certain quiver in her volcv Ifi Paul's letter contained no message lor ber, tbe elderly gossip-monger an- uwered ?

' Dear me, no ' You didn't expect to hear, did you ?'

Bessy went back home, her little heart as cold as lead in her bosom.

She had refused Morion Van Burgh ; the aald ' No ' to Mr. Sinclair, in spite of AuntJemima'it knuwiug prognostica- tions; and people bagau to wonder If pretty Bessie Hay was going to be an old maid alter all.

' Why doesn't ho write to me, or send mo at least a word to show that ho has not utterly forgotten mo ? ' thought Bes- sy.

'Why doesn't she answer my letter?' thought Paul.

So tbe world wagged on, until Mr. Estcott came home from the far-ofl-flow- ery land—not indeed with the fortune of which he had dreamed in such sanguine fashion, but with a sufficient competence to live well and comfortably In a place at modest at hit native village.

It was a stormy November evening, with threatcnlngs of snow in the chilly air, and a low wind stirring the last withered leaves upon the boughs, when be alighted at tbe station, looting al- most into the eyes of Bessy Hay, who had come to the post oflice to ask once again for the letter that never came.

How seldom are our visions realized I Bessy had dreamed a thousand times

of meeting Paul Eatcott, but never In such a way as tbls.

' Paul!' she quavered. ' Ah !' said Paul, doffing his stylish

fur travelling cap. ' I hope you are well! '

For he did not exactly like to call ber Mrs. Sinclair at yet.

Tbe red stains of sunset had almost faded out of the sky when he overtook her about a hundred ynrds from the sta- tion.

His heart smote hlra when he saw the look of meek endurance in her face.

• Are you alone, Bessy ? ' ' Yes, Paul.' ' I suppose,' he said, with an effort,

' that 1 must call you by some now name now ? '

' Call me Bessie .Hay.' she answered quietly.

' You are not married t' ' No, Paul'' He drew a long hroath that was al-

most like a sob. ' Aunt Jemima said—But Bdssic why

did you not answer my letter'.' ' * Why did you not write to me, 1'uu! t' Before they had reached tbo old Hay

farm, where tbe currant bushes had long since lost their leaves, and the garden was already beginning to be whitened with tbe falling snow flakes, the mists of doubt and misunderstanding were all cleared up, and Betsy Hay had promised to forgive and forget her lover's teeming neglect.

' Van Brugh was a scoundrel,' lit- tered Paul, ' but without his aid I could scarcely have been in a position to mar- ry you '■ It has been a long time to wait; but It's all right, Betsy, after all.'

* It'a like a story, Paul,' said Bessie, 1 where people go through nil sorts of trials and tribulations, but are nappy at last I Oh, Paul, I never thought 1 should live a story !'

IM'Qfrjss.otiiil (Tarfls, .s. C. BANCROFT, l>. U, I>.

Office, 417 Essex M , Lawrence. Dr. Ujtnrrolt wilt be It ll.e gLM HtWM l- An-

dover on \tt.i'»e»HAT Dfrach n-il ULI'Hurt her notice.

J. LJ. ADAMS. M. L.,


Office, No. 2 Apple'on street,

LAWUKNCK. Dr. Adam, at MH Office all hour, of Ihe night.

E. S. YATK8, M. D.

PHYSICIANS 8URGEON, Office,—307 Essex street,

Residence, 103 Concord St., Lawrence.



No. til Essex Street, Jiawrencc.

Gas,Chloroform or Etber given, as preferred.


■UCCESOB TO jf w. w. auasKLL


.Jjj DENTIST, KM Ksaax BT„


4VNltrOBS Oxide U** Administered

tr-Referenoe—Facalty, Pblla. Denial College New No. 28N Eaaex St.. fold No. 149.



bit bte.mcacc, No. \C Oak direct.


W. F. 8t J. S. OILE,

Attorneys ISf Counsellors-at-Lavj) No. 289 Essex Street,




a, .,i Hartford, lO, tlC.C40.786 I

u Mutual, Worcester, 1845, 1,270,911 !



11,000,000 1,302,000


Id, 11,000,000 1,OG4.647

Firemen's, ot N. Y., I82fi, 810,606

♦Westcbesler, or N. Y., 1*;;7, 640,086

German, of Erie, Pa., 1807. 237,088

Queen of England, 1868, gold. 10,000,000

Franklin, uf l'cnn'a, 1«!»,

Royal, England, 1846. gold. American Branch,

Pennsylvania, ol Pit., 1825,

Imperial, London, 1803,; American Braneb,

American Braneb, 722,413

II. T. CLAY iow or. band a£Uw and liood AsaorlBaeato

CHAMPION BOOTS i'.iyi'i- '-. Alan other line, of CoorH too an






& Co.


Boy State, Worcester, 1860, 338,667

1st National, " 1868, 164.091

Gloucester, of Gloucester, 1870, 117,860

gjt*Policies for all tba above Companies written


For Information, ratea, eta., call on or address


283 Essex street, Lawrence.

Post Oflice Box S8.

New & Second Hand Furniture. The .ubeorlbera bave Liken room, lo Onlwsj

Block, BSf JEsrea mlr-tt, where tbey will Be- pair and Bay and Sell Second Hand Kurnlton and household articles. All orders prompuy attended to, and goods sold at anotloa whs* dralred. BILL A CO.

Lawrenoe, April lu, ]ST:t. tt


1 Devonshire, corner State St., Boston.

four per eertr. intereaf allowed on deposit aocounta, subject lo check, drawn aa on aoveltv bank. Ont-of-town depo.ltora will have their re- mittances and collection, promptly acknowledged

We do a General Banking and Coracelaalon bnalncsi, Negotiate Bonds, Stocks, Notes, and other Broorltles, make cuileellone throughout the United States and Europe, As

DEALERS IN SECURITIES, we Invite Inqntilra relating to Investments, and give below tbe prices of a few of tbe moat desir- able Bunda :—

. B. fc M-, Milwaukee Kxteasloa. 7a, 91, Midland Psclfic, 7«, *> Loganap't.Crawford.vlll* South neater B.H, 9T|

U. S. Bonds and other marketable secarltlea allowed full prloc lu exchange. 3a>"etpt

WHITPORD .V KICK are tbe only authorlicd Agent* for t">e SALEM BliADK BOLLER. A large atook of 8EADB8

itaatl* on hand.

Qnnlities which are peculiar to and recommend the ELIAN lM)\\h<lm- i ruvi'il Finn ilt ) Brwinft Mnchloe:

1. Bcautv andeKcellencr if Mitch alike on both sides

" tbe fabric.—2. Htrength, uty k dm '

hut will n therripm mtrolo


shut I le, Wbloh ill" empty bobbin—in machine).—6. An up that prevents heavy aeams.—7. Short dies, not liable " *

1 Complete thread i

upper thread, which contrlb ~ ;s ao much to that beauty

il uniformity of stitch lor ilehtbe "Howe Machine" so oelebrated.—S. A per- it uniform ten.ion in the it vary from a full lo *n otlon so common to other matio .elf-regulating take- i rm of *iltehea lu crossing

tralght and strong nee- brenk In parsing over heavy

ladothecurved needles of other machine* Finer needle, for tbe aaaoe thread than an,

machine—U. Hewing equally well wiibanj kind of Hi ii ot a

d.-io. IV

' width of ii.'i'i i □ mplicct«dpnt<e

inn kin-i .:: M .i !.■■:.. A (.'::■ Itaelt fo any thickness of ma1 any fabric without Injury

i. A heramer that ■XL—IS. Braid

lawllhany width ■r tliat will uiljuat

material.—U. Tucking or pucker.—lo. A cord-

atructcd aa to- cord around very short curves, wen to agunre corners.—lfl. Hewing the ttneet f.ibrle without Injury or pucker, and the beavle.t matoriala with the greateat ease—17- Compactness, simplicity and durability.—IK. Kate of operation and management,—19. Beat Machine la the world for Family nse. Call and aee ihe.e Machine* work, with the JfaW

Imprortd Trtadtt power, al 11 AOfcH'M Ag.a- ry, I'.CI Kauri Mn.l, Lawrenoe.

Just before the election in Ohio a worthy deacon was called upon to past* around the hat at a large church meet- ing. And the deacon is a devout man, but unhappily, as It cbanced, he wore n white hat. OvrrtbiB he spread n large handkerchief, and proceeded. The first seat was filled with stanch old farmers. He knew their pocket-hooks were ple- thoric, and their hearts full of good, and he felt sure that their contributions wonld sink tbo handkerchief to the bot- tom of the hnt. Rut alas t not a man contributed. He drew A sigh, and went on, but with no better success, from seat to seat, till arrested by tbe voice of the minister calling out, " Brother S—!'

Brother 8— turned. »' Pass the handkerchief alone, Brother

S—, or go with your open bands, o take another bat, for there Is nobody in this congregation that will drop ono cent in the thing you are carrying now !"

The effect can be Imagined. Another hat wat substituted, and the congrega- tion " shelled out" an amount which astonished all.

Lamps! Lamps! Lamps 1

CHANDELIERS ilalla, Chattel


Table Lamps, German study Lamps,

Hand Lamps, Safety fluid LampB and Lanterns,

Paper and Porcelain Shades, Burners, Chimneys, Wicks, Ac,

for sale al Wholeiale and P.etall by

McKENNEY, BULLARD & CO., 504 Waihlngtom 4 * Harvard St.*

ItnUcclRb nibiiiN.

To Let. A SOTKt In Lawrence, Has.., cen-

trally located, containing about 17 rooma, partially fnrnlshcd; a never

_ falling well of good water, and aolt [stern, of nearly 4000 lullona capacity, In

the cellar, The fixtures will be sold either wholly H* In pari, and a lease given of the house to m: from two to ten year., sa the purchaser mar d< alre. For further particular.,apply to or addroi

fljeSl JOHN POPPLtjWELL, Merrlmac House,

** 3tt* ft :ict Common St., Lawrenoe, Muse,



SEINES Lock Stitch,

Straight Needle, Shuttle,

Elegant In Style and Finish,

Simple In Construction.

Keystone Sewing Machine Co. J. C. BROCK, Agent,

220 Tremont Street, Boston.


RIVAL SKULLS.—Oliver Cromwell, as we all know, had t*o skulh, one belong- ing to blm during the early part of his Interesting career, and the other during tbe maturer period of his life. And the late Protector is not the only deceased so unfortunately situated as to have two headt; many an historical character sleeps In the tomb with one head still on hit shoulders, while some curiosity monger exhibits In hi* museum another confidently described as that ol the same Individual; a notable instance of this sort of thing has just been brought to recollection by the publication of a vol- ume telatlng to Twickenham. It IIBB

long been thought that tbe undoubted skull of Pop* now fljriires In the private collection of a phrenologist at Hlghirate, and the phrenologist himself probably credits the presumption; as a matter of fact, however, the poet's remains have not been mutilated. The story of the manner In which the head was abstract- ed duritiK the repairs at Twickenham church has in It all the elements ol fic- tion, while tbe statement ol the vicar, during wbosG time the alleged theft was committed, Is conclusive against the idea that the body bat been decapitated; the case of Sterne, too, is another Instance In which a hideous story Is circulated without a particle of evidence in Its fa- vour; it Is currently asserted that the remains of that Incomparable humorist were exhumed from the burial ground st Hammersmith, aud sold ror fhe juirpose of dissection. On examination this sto- ry collapses, and It is found that a "They say" bas gradually been elevated to the dignity of historical fact.

Auotber precious discovery has been made at the Praetorian camp namely, a floe head ol Juno, almost Intact, and with a remarkable purity ol outline; tbe nose (a remarkable occurrence) id near- ly perfect, having only received a alight knock from tbe pick of tbe workman who lighted on It; but the little chip jumped off near tbe root, and does not destroy the beauty of the face; this valuable rello, brought to light In tbe excavations now going on for the enlargement of the Via San Lorenzo, appears to belong to the end or tbe second century, or begin- ning of the third.

Carpets are bought by tho yard, and worn by the foot.

" I die game," as the partridge said

when be wua tbot.

Now, Fresh and Stylish



So. 275 Essex street, Lawrence.

The Largeat Stock In Be.ex Connty ol



176 Essex Street, Lawrence, Maat.


People will go where tliey can obtain the beat value for their money. Long Advertisements, Large Stores, Immense Stocks are all very well in their way, but tbe muiii fbinq is "tbe money's worth." Whenever the masses iind out the bubt pUce to obtain THAT, it ie there

" They most do congregate."

Dull times never trouble Leyland. He IB always doing something.— What is the inference i He given evfery one their money's worth. Lois of Remnants, Calicos, Cotton Flan- nels, Kepellanta, etc., etc. Call and examine his revised list of prices in the Fancy Goods department. You will be astonished. Full value, fair denling, one price to everybody.


381 Essex street, Lawrenoe.

Every Man his own Physician I


HOLLOWAY'S OINTMKNT (lire Buoyancy fa ihe Unity, vlearnr/t

Brain, and a Brilliant Complexion, HOLLOWAY/'S I'll.l.S consist of a careful and

peculiar admixture of tbe lineal VegitabU l.x tract*, JTerOJ, and ITedlcinat GuaM. Possessing not a grain of mineral ID their combination, they never expose tho.e who nse them to any danger, at anytime orseaaon. No molber need healiaU

.to prescribe them io her children, and the rnosl delicate oonatltutlon can nse them with a. great benefit as the most vigorous and powerful frame.

Hollo way's Ointment 1. the ooncentrated extract of healing Baltamt nut rare Xitropeaai Gumt. II la penalraUng, toothing, and healing In Its nature; andtbeporet

>i" tbo akin absorb It (when well rubbed In) at iFTcedlly a* water Is taken up In a sponge. It Ie a wonderful coiwtrtiijite for the akin, and tbe use ol a small quantity applied to tbe face at Bight, will impart a clear and

rKAHL-LIKK COMPLKXION1 equalled only by that of the Infaut,

Holloway's PiUs and Ointment Cure the following dlseaaes:

Vistula, Bilious Fever, Bwelllnis, Sore Throats, Quinary, Wormn, Swelling of tin Jointa, Scrofula. Liver Complaint., Wound), Borea, Burns and Scalds, Halt lltieum, Gravel,

mil all disorder, of tbe Liver, Stomach, Kidneys. NEW YORK CHEMICAL COMPANY,

78 Maiden Lane, New York. Holloway's nil. and Ointment are sold at 'it

■en!-, 63 14 oenta, and $1 per bpx or pot. A greal ■avlug It made by buying the large slice,

UttUllOll. a w,ter mark lu tho little pamphlet 'urroundlngeaoh box of Pllle or pot of Ointment. Phi. secure, the genuine. lydecl a. M. WHITNEY h CO. Agents for Lawrence.

Arlington Range.


Office and Cooking STOVES.

Plumblag, Tin Booing, and all kinds of Jobbing done promptly.

EL DORADO STOVE STORE. , 1 Lawrence street, Lawrence.

A Standard Preparation, Indorsed by tbe most reliable Phyalolana.and Its aatonlshing curative powers atteated by thou.and. who have n.ed It.

It Is a sure, quick remedy for all dlsea.ea of tba Urinary Organs existing in male or female, Irri- tation or Inflammation of Kldneya or Bladder, Gravel, Diabetes, Ketdlah Sediment IB Urine, Tblek, Cloudy Urine, Mucous aad Involuntary Dischargee from Urethra, Retention or Inconti- nence of Urine, Chronic Catarrh of Bladder, and all Chronic Maladleaof the Urlno-OenlUIOrgaBa.

For sale, by all Druggists and Dealers In Hedl doe everywhere. IIBOTMDB

The.e Spectacles are manufactured from "MI- JtUTB CHYiiTAL PHIHthKH" melted to- gether, aud are called JUAMOKD on aucoBBt of their li.ir.lni ■- and brilliancy.

Il la well known that apecUelee nut from Bra- ■ Mian or Hootch pehblea ore very Injurious to tba •yc, becau. oof their polarizing light

Having been le.tcd with the poliirUeope, the diamono tuusra have been found lo admit flflrcn per cent, leas heated rays than uny other pebble,

They are ground with great sclentitlo accuracy, are free Irom chromatic aberration", and proitun a brlahtneaa and distinctness of vUioa not before obtained In apeetaeles.

Manufactured by the Spencer Opticnl Manufacturing Co.,

HEW YORK. For Sale by Keaponsible Agents tbroBghout

tbe Union. WIUTPDRD * 111* K.

Jewelers and Opticians, are Sole Agenta for Law- rence, Maim,, Irom whom they can only be obtain- ed No Peddlera employed.

Tbe great demand tor these Speelaclca ha. In- duced unaorupuloua ilralern to palm off an inferior and apurioue article lor the " Diamond." Ureat care should bo taken to aec that the trade mark ■*$> (which Is proteclcd by American Letters Pa- tentj Is stamoed o> everv pair. Ivl Imvlt

Boston and Itlnlne RnllruRd.

BUHMKK ARBANOBUENT. OB and after Monday, July 1,1872,Trains will

leave tbe Depot. In Lawrenoe, aa fo Howe ;— For Boaton,(from North Depot) at 0.25, 7,10

0.1a A.M..and I'M.'., .1.10and .',..'10 I'. M. For Boaton, (from South Depot) at 6,X7,7.U

V.M, A. H„ and 19,19, UW (exprcai.) g.47, tJa. fi 47 (express,) 7.U P, M. ir.Iu P. M. Monday Wednesday and Krlday.

For Portland, (from Bouth D<ipoi) at bM, 9,30 A. M„ 1.15, 1 P. M., and O.w P. M, Monday, Wednesday and Friday,

For Georgetown and Newburyport,(Irom Sooth Depot) at H.-ii A.M., 1,20. 4.13.0 1'. M. 0.50 1*. M, Monday, Wednesday and Friday.

For HaverhlJMfrom Soutb Depot) at »M and o.lt A.M., and CIS, 4, fi.oo P. U., and from North Hi-pot at 7.10 I', M.

Train, leave Ho.ton Tor Lawrence at 7, 7 JO, SJ0, I0.lt A. M„ 13.00 M„ 11 JO, .1.16, 1,34, 6 and • P.M.

Wll. MatBBITT, Bap't. Lawrence .lulvl.ltTS,




"In Time of Peace Prepare for War.'

For sale by 1 !jy31


No. 889 Easex Street, Lawrence.



PAINTERS, 529 Essex Street, (Ordway Block,)

LAWRENCE. Warner Bailey, HagB Albert Andrews.



let 4 II It O A It WA J,

Near Hoston ft Maine and Eastern Depot,


For Sale. A new if-atory inn SK, with French roof, i

(alnlng lit rooms, flnlahed with walnut and cli nut, In the best manner, aud convenient In every

wiwet. Situated on High street, fronting tbe irk, and one of thr rlnaat places In the city. Lot

New Furniture, New Store,

New Goods,

New Styles,

Low Prices.


[formerly with Haley, Morse A Ca.,]

213 and 21.0 Tremont St., Boston.

Oppoalte Lagrange Btieel, above Boyl.toB.

We bare one of the best aelecied stoeka of Jin' and mttlinm co.t cuitom Mad* Furniture to be busd In New Bnglaod. Our stork la MM, made to order, of the btit material, moat thorough workmanship, latnt Kffes and ntra Buish, and will be aold at lowut prleea; also Draperies, tihadra, Bwtae and Nottingham Laoea at reduced prloea. 3ra*oc*xb

Weil's Clothing Store, 183 Essex St. 188

Next to Clarke's Apothecary Store.


Clothing and Furnishing Goods Lower trmn the Lowest,



FOR WINTER. OverooaU, Thick Pants, Veals, Dreaa Coat.,

Hats, Caps, Glovea, Mittens, Boys' Clothing, So. FOR SUMMER.

Thin Clothing, Straw Hats, Ao. FOR ALL SEASONS.

Furnishing Goods, Trunks, Valises, Carpet Bags, Umbrellas, *o,

WEIL la always ftownrf, and will deal with you on the Square,

BX iuaa Ann OA.X*L. HKBE PIn*T

Lawrence, Oet. 10,1671, 1 1 ARNEB 1IOSUBB.

WANTED. A Lin MAN to canva..rorMACHIN£S.-

Inqulre at 143 Rain Street, Lawrence.


No. 80 Union Street, (Near Corner of Hanover Street,)

BOSTON The advantages offered to depositors by this

bank are- First.—Deposits are put oo Interesi oa the Orst

day of every month. Second.—No eitra dividends oaee In tve yeara,

but tbo full earnings are divided once In every alx months,

Third.—Dividends are put upon Interest a. soon as declared, so that depositors receive Compound Rawest; ROBKBT MABSH, OBO. C. TBUMBULL,

President. Treasurer, **«-<•«(ire Committee. 1 tlregll




Paor. O. F, BBAUSBwho speaks both Ger- man and French accurately and fluently, will In- struct pupils, eltbar singly or in clas.ea, la read- ing and apeaklBg theaa langnauea,

Piano instruction given, with especial attention paid to beginneri.

Mr. K. oan be fonnd at the F.U0T CHAPEL, from4to fi o'clock, P. H.on Wedneadaia and Saturday.. Reference It made to A. C. Parkin*. Bag., Master of Lawrence High School, Rev. 11. S. Wearer, and Mr. Wie.nrr, 6 Union St. lauulry may be made at Anaru AH office. M teoeraga*.

In Bankruptcy. District of Has*

The undersigned hereby give notice of their ap- point men t a.ai.lgnee of theeatateof

KDWABD T. M0B8K, ofMethuen.lu laid District, who Das been ad- judged a Bankrupt on his own petition.



For particular., see small b Ills.


We hare Just taken the Agency for tbe

Original Howe Sewing Machine, tbe Beat, Most Complete, and Desirable Machine In nse. Do not pureh.se until you have examined the BO WE.

18.'! Essex street. Lawrence.

Bunting Flags, Printed Flags,

Big Flags, Little Flags,

at JDYER**.


To the Public of Lawrence.

The undersigned have the honor Ol Inlormlag their friend, and the public generally", that thry have taken chamber. In

Sannders New Block, JKtaex gUeet,

for the purpose of carrying on the islBswa ol MMBCBAKT TAILORS, where tba best Cloth., Caehmerei, Vesting!, Bo., will be always oa hand, and every at t aotlon given to the Latest Styles of Custom Made Clothing, under tb* Im- mediate anpervlslon of JOSEPH FLOOD, late of the firm of Savage fc Flood.

TOB are respeclfully Invited to give ua a call.



Chambers, 1, 2 & 3 Sawders New Block.


HANG OUT YOUB BANNER, go to DYER'S aad get It.

■tShe ,~£an>rence 'Ti'fmeriean !


Published frttey Uuml«||i or

am. S. MERRILL & CO., Proprietors, !

fOIT Ufl'H III"."*,

i torn-rot Kuwn and AppVtbL btreeu

LiffSl'HCK, S1AS8.

stJHHcitirnoH-eaoo per year fi uot lu WNBM*,tlH,

(Mi* olroulatlon of the i,uwn.i..:u Arcer:- OAU la tiio Ur«e« ot anjr paper lu the

County, and more than iftJUil TIWEB th'it of any othor

Wooaly Pepor published in this aity.

ear Ketei of Advertising tent upon application. O V E: M. 4Bf SlflSSI.

%..e ^»ail8 American,


(Sunday exempted.)

1* Ik* largest Ually In tbemt7,ueha*r»«rllBM S th* elronletlon of ur other.


On* TUT, - ■ - *e oo | AIM Months - ■ |i Vkn sot paid ia ad vaaor, **.



STEAM PRINTING OFFICE It the large*! and moit tboronghlyfsralihed lg easternUaaasohaietl*. Having the mo*t Improve raodernI'reetee,*ndwllhoontte*taddlUoBiort»


aad with air extensive variety el work, wo at sale tofumiih th* Bart Quality ef Work,up** j tleatly, aad at low prloe*. Order • by HI

promptly tiled.


VOL. xvni.—NO. 10. LAWRENCE, MASS., FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 29, 1872. WHOLE NO. 891.



land, ATTHU IKABUll.thelrKKCellrorleatlie FHEBI-

DKMY ana tin OOVBUNOH eapealslly reejramend thinkfulncm for thi> bumitlpi vouchsafed us till, daring (be year.

IN ADIUTIO.N to tuii exhibition ot thanksgiving (ID wlilcli wo dutifully and earnestly concur) wc desire to preoeat oun thanks to the public—

L patronage bestowod, ID the FORTD> Lint bait twolTtc Clothing Uui past twelvmoath, upon Clothing Uouee; which fit

a TIIABKFUI. tint * ; which favor U duly appreciated.

KKFIJI. tliat we have born able to afford tho people 'the many rare bargain* they

"""' ~iuroba*e« of good clothing at lure had, In llu._ ,. oar establishment :—

THATWBUAVB uniformly kept oar prise* at IO lowaraarfcas tolnjutotbe dl-eernfng publl* to visit ua frei]u*rrtly,anj anitlnrauturlly j--

THAT WK IIAYK boon ao ilgnally favored, through thli patronage, a« to ooudrm ua IJ the belicl that our plan of low prices and ntuall iirollti I) the Titua STSTSM toward* IUWH,-

THAT WK AKK atlll dlipoied to puraue thta popular oourae, In our bnalnesi; and w« ahail alwayt bo thankful for thi* favor Irom tbe cow-

THB norUI will bo thaokfol, i 'K until v, that tboy enjoy the beneBti thua attainable, and will continue to no where they know theyeauDUBEHT with their money.

WITH THANKO,therefore, for pott I .vor», WU tavltc buyer* In town and oot, io the " OLII COBHKR'' during ihla month, to luirn now

.CHKAf we can sell our ImnUntM Kull and Wlnt.r atock of Clothing for (Jrnilami-n, Tooth, >nd Ituy*. And we gu irautoe that tbey will all be thankful i'.r thla < -t i.

Oivad UNDER OUR IMND, at tint at and S5 T)ook Square, lloaton, (utar Kaneull llalljihn i'irhl ol Novenaher, A. J>. one thouaand eight huudred and arventy-two. ■•OLD UOkNKR"( UEO. H. RICHkltDS, CtOthi*f Jloute. \ fKOHKIKTOR.




Dircctor'ai Office, 27 Court street. Uoslou.


Aiict* over - - - (0,000,000.00

AH tfiH Prq/fl» paid to Policy HotHerg.

Tbe low ratta and Urge dividend* of Ihla old Company, together with excellent nianaermei.t, fair dealing andpNWtHN In the adjostnivnt of ■o*a«a,m*kealt tno beat Comiiauylu New England to [niurr In, eapoelally for endowment Policlea.

8. K. LAWBEMCB, Agent for I.inrt-n™, linvrrhlll. AtidoTcr, and

mylu atetbnen, Offlce, 373 Essex Street, Lawrence.

I'KURICK * CLOSBON, AactlODecra, Real Estate Af euti nnd Appraisers, No. 38l Exaei at., Lawrence, MHS-,

Alwaya ruady to give their peraonaliervloc and

ctlon r other Ktute and letting thi ed, negotiating ktortaagel and looking up Title*, Iteming property and collecting Uenu,etc. Nu Title paeied of property unleaa tho tamebeper' foot; ao at«M* Inveetcd but upon the moat nn- donated aecurlty. All bmlnena Intruetod to u* will be attended to promptly, and all will be hon- orably dealt with—atrlct integrity being tho one Important element of aureeaa in the Real Ketate hualneai,prompt payment* of ooah proceed*,deal inglnallhonor with the teller and owner,at the aame time looking weIIto the true tntereat of tint purchwer,tbat bUtli/c tore good, and that he get* all wbiob he It entitled to — tut leourlng and holding that confidence of our tellowa which le oniy obtained by at riot attention to buah th* hlchcet type of honorable dealing.

tgrTermi reaaooable, and acoordlng to the work and responsibility. Call upon ui, Besi Estate Office, Essex St, No. 381.

M. B.— Property for tale In many tectloni of New England, but more etpecially In the elty of Law- reaee and vicinity. No bet for a permanent Investment.

O. K. 4 J. P. PUlUJBtrRT,

MACHINISTS, (Suooeirorn to Wote ter Otist'n ft Co,)


Cotton & Woolen Slachinory AND


Pulley*, Hearing tud Shafting, Jack Borcwl, Ail i ,;.;-. 1.1 Bolt! on hand, or made to order;

•Ino all kind* of Forging done. GKNKRAI, JOB WORK and Mill repair! done

promptly and faRhfnlly. Dtwlerrtln Xanuhetnrcra'iluppllei,

Poster'^ Boildiap;, Comer of Frfttik-

lin Bvl Methnrn Strectf.

L4WRENCE Steam Dye House,

141 Iiawrcnco si., nenr Itrldgi>.

Silks, Thlbets, Alpacas A all othor Dress coons, Shawls, Saoques,

Ac, Cleansed or Dyed.

Aluo, Carpets Cleansed in s Superior Manner.

<;-iMiriin'ii*- ClothOH CleiiUHf d or Dytil without ri]i|i nx. TO clre entire

> ;ill>lii.'i|On.

Ilnvlng nil the tateet Improved machinery, and kfi'plii. none but the heat Dyer*, wee in do our work equal to the beat In the oouutry, and hope to be favored with u ni.tl.

I.AWKKst H, Oat, to, mri. Thit It to certify that 1 have hud work done In

the moat atitlafartory manEer by .1mm T. THF.KH ft Co Can reooairacnd nalil Company to ml thoao requiring anything In tOclrlloe.IorreaNin. abk-nc** of rliurgpa, 'proaiptneiia In execution, and qoaliiy of work. ItKV. L. L. \( UUD.

LAWBEftir., Oot. 14, It7i. alKSIKH. TltKH9:—

1 have great plraiire In tettlf jing to the excellence of ynur Dyeing and Cleaning (ttd Clothe*. I hail no Idra that inch perfeotlon waa poaalblf. Yourv, truly.

JUUN t:i)WAl;D8, Inatirance Agent.

IJAWKKBCK, (Jet, 15, ]M7i. llhSHKH .l.T.TkEKNfr C».:

Itrar sin — Tlir clotha and ninKi.it placed Io your handa by ut, tor cle-atnlnu and coloilnp,

eapeelally pleared with the ut|i/orm(fg or your oolorloi; uud excellency of liol<n,aod t-liall take pleasure In commeuJIuu your work t-> otiieru.

Re»ptctfu!ly, 7, W. mttt'lviiii, J.O. HOWKKit.

Mi.a^H8. THKEB:— I take pleaaure In tcatifying to IheexevlletMe

of your Dyeing and Cleantlng !:tdlet' Dresees and rtliawli"; alto, the superior manner lu whlrh Coata.l'ant* and Voata hiive been redaUlKilat your eatabtlthmei t.

IfourH, truly, S. V. SKK1.L.

Lawtcnce,Oet. 17, isn.

tOIHTIt 8. F. NNl.1,1,, 313 KMRGI etrnet, Mrs. niCKNKl.L, 1S3 Kasex atrvet. klKB.WlUUlN, Broadway, Sooth Side, L. U. NOKIilS. Metbuen. JOHN BROWN, North Andover. JOKL ItAKNKa.Fryo Village. Wostt


r city elty ol in the Union



For InventionM, Trade Marks or Designs,

No. TS State St., opposite Kflby St.,

BOSTON, After an eztcnefve practice of upwards of thirty Ear*, continue* to ■ eon re Patent a In tho United

ate*; alio, In Great Britain, France, and other foreign oonntrtes, Caveat*, Snrolfloatloni, At- ■Ignmeuta, and all papers for Patents, executed OB reasonable terma, with dispatch. Uetearokei Btade to determine, the validity and utility of Pa- MRU of Invention*, and legal and Other advloe rendered In all matter* touching the aame, Copl of the elafma of any patent furnlihed by remit th onedollar. Attlgnment* recorded In Washington. of the elafma of any patent furnished by remitting

' ignmeut* recorded lu Washington. * IA* Unittd Staitt ponfitu iupc-

ining Patenti.or ate ' f invtntiom,

r to \ tal great delay there,

TktRTIHONIALB. " I regard Mr. Kddy na one of the moil capable

and iuece*»ful praotlllonert with whom I have had oUBmai Interoouraa,

CH AS. MASON, Commietloner of PatenU, "I have no hesitation in a**n ring Inventors th

tbey eannot employ a man taore competent and triuhBurthy, and more capable of patting their appltoatlont In a form to *eoure for them au early and favorable consideration at tbe Patent "lioe,

KDMUVD BURKK. LateComml**lonerof Patent*."

"Ur. B. H.Bddyhasmsderorme ovcrTHIK TT application* for Patent*, having been succeei (UI in almoet every o**«. Such unmistakable proof of great talent ana abfIlly on bl* part, leada mc '~ recommend ALL Inventors Io apply to him Io p ejore their patent*, ae they may be sure of hav the most faithful attention bestowed on their tot, and at very reaaooable eharr "

Boston. .Ian. 1.187s innt 1 TAllHABT."

8 1 T H


M M NOW i.i. IMM;


No. I l:; ::-s,v street, (dowo town,) and No. 387, (uptown.)

REMEMBER to send the Children to SMITH'S (or Slate Pea-

We soil five for 1 cent,

REMEMBER ra tall a good Hoop Skirt for :tr cenn.


Beit 200 yard Seool Cotton, 3 cents. Pin* per paper, ;i cent*. Cor*«t Lacings, l cent. Beit Machine Cotton, 6 oeDt*.


sdle*', Men'* or Children's Handkerchiefs, get thorn

Kid Ulove*,

for that SMITH'S It THE PLACE VllKAl;


Ihst we warrant every pair of u^d sell them for VS oenl*.


that we are selling nice Merino Hose for 10 ot*.


that we L-rj the Largest and Best Stock of Imi- tation Hair (loads In the city. Price* all right.


t both fi.tr.» you osn get, st the ZouesI /Vices, Cotlun Clotht, Prints, Ginghams, Cotton Klnn- Btts, Wool '■ i .i,f, I ■., Table Linen, Crashes, Nap- kins, White <jood*,{tc.


cent* for the best C


hat wc arc receiving New Good* every day, and Itat wo buy Urge quantities, and can sll'ord to nil Camp.


If you are looking for Seta uf JKlfgtMT,M\»l Dropa, BraaM Plna, Sleeve Hnttona, Gent's Shirt

a, or almcst anything in the Jewelry lilt


146, down town, ov .187, up town.


Fortmonaleif for 10 rta, 15 cts, u-Ucla, M eta, H i'i«, 10 M*,W ota, and up,


you osn get good Hlsek Alpaca for II cts a yard.


call at either of our Stores, and tec what wi .loin* in the way of LQ>V PRICKS.

143 & 387 Essex St. Lawrence O, II. SMITH.



^\\e "^Ctncrican. Written eipretily for th* American,


A Tbankaglvlnir Btory.



Tnncr for Ihe Misson & ITIamlln


(formerly with Taylor ft Farley, Woreeiter.) a attend to all orders for Tuning, Voicing or Im- pairing CABINET ORGANS IhaveJu.tres«lvcdanele?anta«sortmcu1

'^sX^^ie^.ntwoofu, largest LONG OSTRICH FEATHERS, KneiorloB lu the country, lie la enabled to war- rant all work that pasiea through hit hands. wWdl j am IPinn£at

P, O. addresa and residence, 1(1(1 Ilaver- Iilll Street, Lswrcccc, Macs. IscpS Half tliO USUal PriCOS.

I *m not nelllug these low because they arc nut f fsrhlon but bee.IUHL> Iwvlni; pruouruda bargain ftl.enil OM afford tosell ihetn ehi-sp; they suit

THE VERY LATEST STYLES, In Millinery I have tvcrvlliliig thst Ladles re-

Irc.snd In prices 1

Defy Competition. sly stock of I.sdle* Woollen Under Wear has

been largely sddvd to. Price* low. Children'* and baby* WoukK Under Wear, Jackets, Ac.

I can supply Ladle* with

PAPER PATTERNS, inking till* a specially and of pattern* required. la my atock ol good* cannot

A Splendid Farm for Sale. Conslkllng of 100 acre*, well divided. Cuts 30

ions bay, ketpe 10 head of cattle. Apple*, pear*, butternuts, ahagbtrks, grape*, currant*, etc.; 1 U acre ot sirawberriea, yielding rich Income. New


Superintendent of Cemetery, Residence 95 Tremont Street,


Beautiful Farm in Mothnon, on the road to Lowell and Lawrence. JOMTU, on tbe river, lying betweuu the river and Ihe ro*d. Wood enough Tor home purposes, 'ilu apple trees. Cut* IS tons fCngllih and .'i ton* lueaoow hay.— Cherries, urapet and intall fruits. Farm long and narrow, running along the rlv.-r for H hslf mile. Good pastuts([e, good land ol every variety. Ho trouble from freshet". One oft he tlorst altuatlon* between Lowell aid Lawn nee. 1 !-J mll.s trorn Laurence, aame from Lowell, i ... i buildings, lu good condltioe. *■ II f. ne. d with alone wall.— A good Farm, ui>d only poll beeauso the owner I* going weet. Price t'W an Mill, ni.it- ui ■ ■■: an I

' dl upon i i i :: i' K ,t the |

iS'Juf which c tat of 7percei .OHSGN.Lawrr


The FIHKLK A LYON Msnufacturtng Co's


CAM Bl BOUOHT or oc4

D. W. LORD, 40 Mnruin atreat. Sole Agent for Lawreoee, Aadover * Methnen.


To the Public of Lawrence.

The auderalgned have tbe honor nl inlormlng their friend* and the public generally, that they have taken chambers la

tiaandcra New Block, Eaaex alreet,

foe the purpose of urrylag o. the ■•!»••• Ol jwiSKt'/j.iA'T TAILOMB, where the best Cloth*. Cashmeres, Vesting*, fco., will be always OB hand, and every alteoilon given to the Latest Stylee of Cu*tom Made Clothing, under the Im- mediate supervision of JOSEPH H.oOH. lite of the firm or Savage ft Flood.

You are re.pectfu ily Invited to give a* a eall.




Cbttmbflrs, 1,2 & 3 SaunderB New Block.

Broadway Savings Bank, BRBCHIN BLOCK,

Corner Essex Street and Broadway.

Deposit* placed on Interest tbe Pint Day of each month.

Intarest allowed on all sums of onedollar and opwsrda, deposited not lee* than one month be- fore the day on which dividend* are declared.

The smallest turn received on deposit la five Dili

Dividend* will bo made of all the prodts whloh may bave accrued within tbe prevlou* tlx month*, after deducting necessary eapenaet.

Interest will not be paid on fractional parts of a dollar.


Pice President* > A. W. Steam*, Thomas Scott, H. C. Baoon, Morrlt Knowiei, James A. Trent, J. Emarion, Jr.

Treamrer—Jamea Payne, TVusfet*

MISS H. B. FIELDING wishes to Inform ber IKII.MH, or Lawrenoe end vlrlnlty that the haa juat reciived all thelatett PAIL and WINTER Style* from New York, and It now rradyto entente all order* for DBXSS

MAKING AT BBS ROOMS, S91 K>*ex*itrei Lawreace. ajsy-PBrtlenlai attention psld CUTTING and FITTING I.AJUKVand CIIII.IHIKN'8 SUITS. Km Siflle* received everyweek. Ladles'Suits Cut and Fit- ted for SI. Miichlne Stltohlniraailltraldliig done to order. A liberal share of psirouagi llclted, with thanks for pnrt favors.

Lawrenoe, Sept. fl.i&Ti. Mm

Green's Pile Remedy al earc for Pile* tale bv all apnth-


of all kind*. It ran furnish alls

In ., ',, i depei

lathe safeat and most ifli'-t ever offered to the pnbilu. r'>. ecariei. S&cta. per bjtlle. (1 A CO., Agents.

Peter Smith, J. W. Smith, Peter Holloas, P. C. Kirk, D. M. Ayer, A.J. French, C. K. Pillibury, P. u. Pillibury,

John Hmlth, F. L.Rnnsis, 8.W. Knlghl. D.C.RIebardson, Jesse lilover, Patrick Murphy, *—a Payus Daniel Hardy.

Th* Bank will be opes every day from v A. M. to 1 P.M.,except Saturday, On Thuridsy sml Saturday Evening*, from 7 to 9, for receiving de- posit* only. JAMF.fi PAYNE, Treamrer.

Lawrenoe, Jane It, 1871.

Executor's Sale of Real Estate IN LAWRENCE.

fly virtue of a lleenar lr-ni tbe Probate Court, I shall sail at Public Auction, on Saturday. Da- centner21*t, le'l. at -\ o'oeloak P. M.L on the premlaee, all the Kenl Ltttair ..f I'liotna* Beunttl, late of Lawrence, In the County of Kurx, and btatconiaesaehuaelti, dcreaaed. Said estate I* ■Itnated on the northerly *lde of Oak Sircel, In asld Lawrence, nearly opposite the StuneChurch, und consist* of about 'i'W diuare feet of land, upon which there I* two house*. The front houie I* about :wby Wl feet,* *torle*. The rear house li about SO by H» feet, 2 ttorles. Ihe building* bave been ni.wl7 painted, and will always rent for a good price. The lot 1* bounded, southerly by Oak Street, eosterlyby land of Thomm S.Walsh, northerly by a pastage way, and westerly by land of Andrew Sulltvan.

AUo sluiot land loby »ii le.t, iltualed on the westerly »ftle of North O.k Struct, hi laid Law- rence, and bounded on the raat by the westerly line of laid Korlh Oat Street, ou tho North by landof Michael Kennedy, on the wett by land of Catherine Hlokey, and on th* xoutn by land ol Statie Hlokey.

Persons dealrcut of purchasing arc Invited to examine the property at any time previous to the aale. Conditions, AICO at sale, the bsltnoe In thirty days, when the deed will be delivered.

AMBftOSF. BtMSITKK, K«T. Lav. retire, Nov. li, lUS, T3w

HAIB GOODB, Heal and Imltalion. All kinds of dress trimmings,

REAL LACES, Hamburg Kdglngs, Baatwa, and Sa*h Blbbona, Jewelry, Perlumes, Indeed iAilles will Und every- thing liny need ut my store,

19(i Essex Street. 196


Crockery, China, Glass Ware, Fancy Goods, &c.

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I Lliought I'd drop in,' said Mr. Giles

to Mrs. White, entering that lady's

cheerful kitchen without the alifchteat

ceremony, ' and see how yon was get>

UDK aloflff. I waa put on the visiting

commltbM last Friday night, aad arter

I got hnnie, tho very nrnt wordB I said

in my wife was these: I ahull go and

see the widow White without loss of

time! and here I am! Now I want

yon to toll me all about yoartelf.'

That subject Deacon is one about

which I am profoundly ignorant,' re-

plied the lady. • Aak me any thing else,

and I shall doubtless be more satisfac-

tory. I can probably tell you something

Interesting about our neighbors, if yon

would care to listen,1 and n strange con-

tt mptnous expression stole over the

still fair and youthful face, as she wait-

ed for hor companion to reply. Not

receiving any, she continued :—

I understand Fanny Carter and Jo

Smith are to be married next week, Mr.

Agnow has killed all his bogs, (he had

fourteen I believe), Mrs. Harris has fust

moved into ber new house, and Mrs.

Vinton hits another new baby.1 Here

the littlo woman stopped to take breath,

and to note the effect of ber communica-

tions. That her visitor was bewildered

was plain to be seen; and this fact

seemed to give the lady great satisfac-

tion ; for alter this critical glaneo which

the old man could hardly fail to notice,

she went on with—

' Oil ! I forgot, there's one little tit-

bit more, one exquisite morceau, which

makes one very proud of having been

born into this unselfish world: Old Mr.

Havilatid will betaken to the poor bouse

next week, his house is to be sold over

his head because he can't pay his taxes;

Ac belongs to your church 1 am told.'

Leaving this bomb shell to do its

worat fa the Deacon's sectarian camp,

Mrs, White proceeded to the cooking

stove, and lifting the cover from a pot

of beef, deftly turned the contents, and

tben Beated herself by the table, and

commenced to pick over a package of

luscious looking raisins, now and then

throwing one into her month as she

went on. For full two minutes the Dea-

con was silent. His companions loqua-

cioasness and Independent manner had

really lor tho time deprived him of the

power of speech. After a little he said


' But Mrs. White, Mr. Havlland does

not beloug to our church. lie has been

a member of our congregation for a con-

siderable number of years; bnt we could

never persuade him to join; and some

of us have laborod uncommon Intnl.

There's a deal dllTerenoo Mrs. White be-

tween being a member ol tho church,

and a member of the congregation,'

' In w bat does tbe difference consist,

Mr. Oiles P * and now the raisins flew

through tho plump lingers at a two forty


* Do yon mean to tell me Mrs. White

that you are altogether in the dark on this

point ? Do you not see tho difference

between a professor and a non profes-


' Oh yes, I see the difference between

you and Mr. Haviland. I don't need a

telescope for that* Mr. Giles; If that is

what you moan.1

' That iB it to a T, Mrs. White. J

have been saved by grace—

' And poor, dear, good old Mr. Havi-

land, who helped every body I'titneeded

help ns long as he had a duifsr, who

nursexl tno nick, and comforted the dy-

ing, who was a father to the fatherless,

and a friend to all, he must go to the

alms bouse because, forsooth, he does

not happen to bo a member of any

church. Out upon such religion as

that! don't Bpeak of it to me, I am dis-

gusted. If thats being saved by grace,

I pray you to have mo excused.' 1 You and I never could agree ou doe-

triual pintB Mrs. White, so we'd better

not discuss 'em. For my part I'd be

willing to give the old man a lift; bnt

my family is largo, and what little mon-

ey I've saved '—

1 Has been saved hy grace I suppose,'

interrupted the lady, with a light laugh. 1 And now Mr. Giles, if you will be

pleased to state to what I am Indebted

for thla visit, I shall be very much

obliged. I suppose you see that I am

quite busy.1

' (letting ready for Thanksgiving,

most likely P'

' Uetting ready for Thanksgiving, Mr.


' Going to make niinoo pies I nick-

on P'

' Going to make mince pies Mr. Giles.'

' I don't suppose you are expecting

any body to eat dinner with yon r '

To this negative query Mrs. White

made no reply; bnt a quiver of the lip,

and a quick turning away to the cooking

stove, testified very plainly to the heart

aohe this bravo littlo woman was en-


' I told my wife no longer ago than

this morning, that if there was ono wo-

man in tho face or the earth that 1 was

sorry for, that woman was the widow

White.' 1 Tho widow White,' rejoined his com

paniuti, tbe pained look now quite gone

from her lace, * would certainly be ex

tremely obliged for your sympathy, did

any reason exist for It; but I am really

quite'comfortable and quite happy.'

' And your husband not dead four

montliB, broke in tbe Deacon drawing a

long face.'

' And my husband not dead four

mouths said his companion. Someway

' And your little properry so encum-

bered.' ,

' And my little proftrty so encum-

bered;' then after swallowing a big

something which at one time threatened

to be utterly, nnswallowable. the lady


' Yon have come to your errand at

last I see. I was quite tare If I allowed

yon to beat round MB b'Jsh long

enough, that yon wooH finally get at it.

The mortgage on my NsM must be tak-

en Dp tbe twentT-saMb.the day after

Thanksgiving I De 7<**»MnJr. an honest

woman needs to be reminded of an

honest debt P '

' Now Mrs. Whits !' remonstrated ber

nonplussed visitor.

' Now Mr. Giles,' repeated the lady a

littlo mockingly. ' Don't let's talk this

matter over again. If I do not have the

money ready by tbe specified day, at

twelve o'clock, the specified time, have

your officer ready, and proceed to busi-

ness. A red flag on the Widow White's

cottage will make a little diversion for

tbe neighbors. Good morning Mr.

Giles, and Mrs. White bowed ber visitor

oat, and closed the door.

'For full five minutes not a sound es-

caped the one human occupant of this

pleasant kitchen. Tbe canary twittered

and sung; pussy stretched herself lazily,

and then rubbed up against her mis-

tress's dresB, as If desirous of under-

standing the meaning of snoh strange

silence. The beef sputtered and

boiled, the clock on the mantel ticked

away in a cheerful kind of style, and

seemed to say almost gaily, *go on—

don't mind—don't mind—go on,1 the

pumpkin half out up on tha table await-

ed the busy fingers; but just now the

presiding genius of the place was utterly

oblivious of surroundings. Mechanical-

ly she lifted the tea keUle and replen-

ished the pot. [What a complicated

machine a woman io trouble it 1] Tben

If suddenly brought face to face with

the whole cruel situation, the little wo-

man covered her face arid sobbed aloud.

Its no wonder that man asked mo

who I was expecting to dinner Thanks-

giving,' she moaned. ' Thanksgiving !

what a mockery !' Today, to-morrow,

and next day, I shall be left In undis-

turbed possession, and then, oh ! what

then t Poor little l\ml ! It comes bard

on you; no home, no father, a mother

doomed to a life of service perhaps

poor, darling little Paul, Father In

Heaven, how can such things be P '

Just then a cheery voice was beard

tinging, tbe gat* aame U> nfUh a honied

oliek, the bank door opened, and a bright

little lad or about ten year! bounded in-

to tbe kitchen. / 1 Oil Mother,' said he, and the dark

blue eyes were all aglow with enthnai

asm, and then catching t glimpse ot tbe

tear-stained face, drew a step or two

nearer, laid his face cat -singly beside

hers, and continued In i more subdued


c.ooonwtN fee

lope is In the

n<l earth, the


' I asked the teachc t*> let me run

borne this recess, and se you a minute.

You see I wanted to last the pie meat,

and then I thought of son athlng splendid

to do Thanksgiving, and beside all that,

mamma, I found this lyi g on my desk,

and I wanted you to raw It; It did me a

heap ot good, please d«n't cry, please

don't! we shall come ouHall right, see If

we don't I' as the tears Would flow in

spite of every effort to restrain them.

See mother, let me read t is U you, and

I'll bet three cents you'll I lei letter lo a

minute. You see I sat doVn to my

desk, and I felt kinder bat at having to

leave you alone when you had so much

trouble, and the very tin thing I saw

was a slip of paper, with bis printed on

it,' and the lad common i to read In

clear well modulated tot is, the follow-


- Praise ye the Lord. I aise the Lord !

ob my soul.

While I live will I pral ;e the Lord. I

will slog praises unto n j God while I

bave any being.

Happy la he that hath tie God of Ja-

cob for his hetp, whose

Lord his Uod !

Which made heaven

sea, and all that is therein

keepetb truth for ever !

Which executtth judgment, for Ihe op-

pressed, which tjiveih food to the hungry.

The Lord looseth tbe prisoners

This verse Paul read very slowly, and

with great emphasis, tben read it again,

kissed bis mother, and, went on i

* Tbe Lord openeth the eyes of the

blind t the Lord ralseth them that are

bowed down '■ the Lord loveth tbe


Tbe Lord preserveth the stranger ! he

rellevetli Hie Jutherlax and widow! but

the way of the wicked he turneth upside


' Just think of that mamma White I'

and the little comforter gave a whoop,

that made the very tin pans cry out in


' The Lord relleveth the fatherless

and widow ! but the way of the wicked

he turneth npside down ! upside 'town,

mother, do you hear me P upside dswn.''

' Wby yes, Paul, I hear yon,' and Mrs.

White dried her eyes, and drew her boy

still closer to her, and said softly i

' That is one of the Psalms, Paul; and

you have comforted me strangely my

child. And did you come boms on pur-

pose to tell me this P ' she inquired anx-

ious to ascertain just how far he had

been influenced by these lines from Holy


' Mostly for that,' he replied, and to

tell yon what I thought of afterwards.

You see I knew bow bad you feel, and

when I read over those verses my heart

grew so big and so light that I thought

It would bave bopped right out of my

side; and tben something seemed to Bay,

run home to your mother just as quick

as you can I and when I asked my teach

it seemed to afford Mrs. White unalloyed er to excuse mo for a low minutes, what

satisfaction to repeat this strange man's do yon think, mother, he said:

words right after him. I * Of worse Paul, you are a good boy

and always know your lessons, and it

gives me great pleasure to oblige yon

In a matter of this kind.' I came very

near boohoolng right In bis face !

Wouldn't that have been silly mother P '

To thla query Mrs. White made no re-

ply. She knew by bitter experience how grateful were a few words of kind met*,

and could well understand Paul's r*&*

tlona at thla unexpected praise, but she

inquired, atlll keeping him close: 'But what was that you thought of af-

terwards Paul?' •O yea, mofhor; I mustn't forget that,

became It IS j«MHajtMt-i u lbs oilier.

We are to have H jolly ol dBnk«ejtv1ng7 you know I'

Who Is to have a. jolly thanksgiving!" Interrupted the mother, with a sob In ber

voice. 'Just you and I, Paul •'

No, not Ju** I and you, mother,' he

answered. . .'e could bave a good time enough, of course; but wouldn't It be

wicked to make up a lot of good things—

at any rate, wouldn't It be piggish to not

aak anybody to apend tbe day, and enjuy

tbem with usf' ' But Paul, whom can we InviteV Mr.

Giles, perhaps,' and uow the aob was

quite gone, and tbe sweet voice grew

husky and bard. ' No, mother, not Mr. GDea; he lc to

be turned upside down, you know. We

don't want auybody Thanksgiving day

standing on their heads, do wef'

This waa too much for Mrs. White. Tbe first thing Paul knew hla mother

waa laughing as loud and as heartily as

he ever remembered to bave beard ber.

The canary bird started out acaln to alug;

pussy looked up and purred sympatheti-

cally ; the clock said ■ go on, don't mind, don't mind, go on,' more briskly than

ever; the meat'slssled'joyfully, and to

CAP the climax, the aun, wblcb had been

obscured for more titan au hour, abone

out with all bla might, and so lit up tbe

pale face of tbe widow White that Paul declared she looked like an angel or a

bride, be didn't know which. 'But, my dear, you haven't told me

what company I am to Invite Thanksgiv-

ing,' said Mrs. White after a little. * I

want lo know how many I must make

preparations for.' ' 1 haven't thought of anybody but old

Mr. Havlland, mother, and X want you to

go down there this afternoon, and make him protnlie to come. Now I mual, go

back to my arithmetic. Make me a turn-

over, won't you? Hake me two, pleasel I want to, give Billy Kloe one for bis

Thanksgiving! I don't believe that fel-

low ever tasted a bit of mince pie since

be was born,'

• That boy has been my salvation to-

day,' eald the tend fsnther, ee the eeh»

of ber child's footsteps died away.

• How wicked I was to allow Mr, Giles

to put me out so terribly. Ot course he's

bard about the mortgage, very bard, and la determined to foreclose. Well, let

him. I bave three days more In my own

little bouse, and one of those dsys

Thanksgiving! Ohl Father In heaven

strengthen my heart and my hands;

make me patient, and willing, and thank-

help me lo forget myself In my care

for others, and since my husband was not mine to keep, let me be content with

the love ot my own little Paul.'

A brave prayer, and It did a brave

work. Such was Ua effect that five min- utes after tbe widow White was bumming

a good old conference meeting bymn :—

hsppy are they who their Saviour obey, Aad hav* laid up their treasure* above.'1

Mr. Giles and the mortgage, and every

other disagreeable thing were alike for-

gotten ; tbe bright yellow pumpkin found Us way to the steaming pot; the pie meat

almost chopped Itself, In such a hurry It

seemed to be to get acquainted with the

apples and (he sploes and the elder.

Someway It seemed to Mrs. White that every article of furniture In that kitchen

had In some unaccountable manner be-

come possessed of vitalising power.

Things seemed to crowd about ber, and touch ber; the table on which she rolled

out tbe flaky pie crust actually trembled

under her lingers, and said as plain as words could express —' whatever bap-

pans, I ahan't leave you,' Tbe clock

changed its tune and ticked out—' I'm

yours—bold on—I'm yours—don't mind,' and the rolling pin got Into such a flutter

trying to make Itself understood, that at

one time the widow White didn't know

but she would hsve to suspend operations

entirely, and give the dumb thing a chance to be beard, when Paul returned

to his dinner.

Billy Klce'ii turnover was done, and bis own baking; the little round table

was nicely spread, and his mother look-

ing as rosy and cheerful as It waa possi-

ble for a woman to look.

'Mother,' said the boy, after a mo-

ment's silent Inspection, 'you are the

prettiest woman I ever saw; and do lor

pity's sake, keep so. Everybody else's

mothers seem to grow old, someway. Won't we bave a nice time Thanksgiving}1

I wonder what's going to take place that

day. Seems as II every time I think of It that my heart will fly away In spite of

me. You'll go down to Mr. Hsvlland'a right away, won't you, mother? ■

Klght sway It was; and aliho' Mrs.

White was an unusually tidy housekeep-

er, abe didn't even wait to wash ber dish-

es and finish her baking. Ohl how sad and neglected the old

place looked as tbe lady walked through

the yard up to (he front door; and lo spite of all her heroic resolves, her heart

sank within her as she turned the knob

and entered the gloomy entry. A woman

who sometimes did odd Jobs for tbe old

gentleman, met ber on tbe threshold,

and In response to Mrs. White's Inquiry,

about him, replied:— 1 He's very poorly, ma'am; very poor-

ly ; seems to bo entirely broke up—en-

tirely broke up; poor old manl I sup- pose you have heard the last (Mug that's

happened him.'

Mrs. White nodded her bead affirma-

tively, and followed ber guide Into tbe sitting room, where, before a scanty wood

Are, sat tbe object of her visit. Ills head

was bowed almost to his knees, and not

until the lady laid her band upon hla

shoulder, did he seem conscious of her

presence. His face lit up for a second as her little

hand nestled In bis trembling

palm, but the Smile faded as he said :— You've heard all about It, I see.'

Yes,' said Mrs. White, ■ I bave heard

It all, and I think It Is a mean, contempt- able shame.' Mrs. White could use ad-

jectives with any woman In tbe country.

'Perhaps, Mr. Havlland,' she continued gaily, drawing a ehalr close to her host's

fide, that my sale also comes off the

same day.' What! you are not—don't, Mrs. White

—don't tell me that! Mr. Giles Isu't go-

ing to foreclose I He's always been bard fisted enough, I know; but he can't poa- albly be so creel to * h*l*Jev« woman.' And tbe old man looked into the bright eyes of bis companion to seek a refuta-

tion of tbe horrible story.

' Mr. Giles will foreclose, und sell me

ont on Friday unleea I band him thirteen hundred dollars before twelve o'clock of

that day; but It don't worry me a bit,

and this Is one of tbe things I came to

talk to you about. I bave always, Mr. Havlland, believed In a vague, distant

sort of a way, tbat there was a kind

Father st the hslm who would arrange things for tbe beat good of bis creatures;

but I nevor thoroughly knew this till to-

day. Now I am sure of It; and if 1 am

sold out and left without a home, and

obliged to go Into somebody's kitchen to do housework. It will bo because that

discipline is Just what Is most needed;

and If you, an old man, with a clear rec-

ord and a clear conscience, having done all you can for your brothers and sisters

all your life, must be driven from your

little home to tbe poorbouse, It's because

ihe poorhouse Is the bett place for you.

Tbey can't binder you from loving tbe

Lord there, or from making yourself use- ful there; and you can die and go to

your friends who love you, exactly as

well from the poorhouse as from Windsor

Castle. I don't know but It Is very bold of me to talk to one so much older tban I

am, In this manner; but 1 bave done a

good deal of thinking to-day, and a little

more praying than I've been accustomed

to, and I want to show you what's in my

heart.' ' Go on, go on, my dear;' and big tears

dropped from the old man's eyes. 'Bless your heart, I feel better a'ready.'

Very briefly, but very sweetly, Mrs.

White related the experiences of the day,

and little Paul's share In them, and when

Mrs. White left the bouse Mr, Haviland had promised to apend Thanksgiving

with her, and to worry no more about

the poorbouse. ' Two bankrupts together,1 almost

laughed tbe little woman as ahe tripped homeward. ' Isn't It funnyf If my Paul

was alive, and had heard this story about sonebody else, how he would laugh,

though! Well, I declare, It Is very com-

ical I' Juat tben Mrs. White, atlll laughing,

ran quickly round a sharp corner, and

plump agalnat ber abomination,—Mr.

Giles. 'Well now I Isn't this a coincidence?

upon my word, the widow White.'

<Yes, It is I,' replied the Isdy, ' and tbe widow White, I suppose! But I have

often wanted to ask you, Mr. Giles, wby you are always so particular about ad-

dressing me as the " tSfrfote White?"'

' Wby, you don't have any objeetlona

to tbe title, 1 hope. You aro a widow,

ain't you?' waa the hard anawer.

' Wby, yes, I suppose ao; but I was an

orphan before 1 was a widow. Wby don't

you address me aa tbe orphaned Mrs. White, or tbe motherless Mrs. White?

Because a woman Is a widow I don't see wby It should be thrown In her face a

dozen times a day. But nonsense! bow

foolish I am! What difference does it

mske what you call me?'

' You seem lu unusual good spirits this

afternoon, Mrs. White; bad any good

newsP' 'Yes air I' replied his compsnlon, her

eyes full of a light tbat he had never aeen

there before. ' I bave had splendid news. News straight from my Heavenly Father;

aud I shouldn't care If I had a city full of

bouses, aud you held a mortgage on ev-

ery one of tbem. Good bye, Mr. Giles, I'm In something of a hurry; I'm going

to bave company Thanksgiving, you see,

and have hardly begun to*get ready.' 1 She either has beard some astonish-

ing good news, or else the woman's part

ed wltb her reason. How amsring pretty

she looked—aad she's just come from old Hsvtlend's, too. There's something In

the wind, else I'm no sailor.. Thanksgiving morning dawned clear

and bright, and tbe widow White's prep-

arations were all made; the turkey was stuffed ready for tbe oven; the cranberry

sauce was made aad put away; and the

closet shelves fairly groaned with the amount of eske and pies, and fresh home-

made bread she had piled upon tbem.

Paul, In his 'Sunday go to meetings,' watched the coming of their expected

visitor from the parlor windows. Mrs- White seated herself at the piano, and

softly chanted: ' Let not your heart be troubled; ye

believe In God, believe also In me. In my Father's bouse are many mansions;

if It were not so I would bave told y^u.

I go to prepare a place for you, that

where I am there ye may be also.1

11 never beard you sing that before,

mother—never; where did you learn It? '

Inquired Paul, wltb a little quiver of the

Up. * I didn't learn It, darling,—It came.

That waa your father's favorite chapter;

and I alwaya feel aa If be were close to

me when 1 repeat It; more so to-day

than ever; but It'a tftne for my little tur- key gobbler to go In now, and about li me,

I ahould think, for Mr. Havlland.'

'There he la now, mother, coming up

the road, just like a young man; and be

sees me now, mother, and ft waving something In bis band; I wonder what be

means! why, mother, be's all of a broad

grin!' ' Perhaps something good haa hap

pencd; tbe desr old man! I shall be so

glad If tbe Lord brlnga blinsafelyoul of

his troubles.' ' He'll bring him out, and If his enemies

ain't turned 'upalde down,' too, then my

name'a not Paul White.'

'Why, Mr. Havlland, bow well and

happy you are looking thla morning,1 aa

Ihe old gentleman walked briskly In

' Something unexpected haa happened;

something good, I know; out with It

quick; don't you aee how Impatient I


* Tbe Lord has been very good to me, Mrs. White, and very good to you."

'Very good to me, Mr. Havlland? re

peated the lady, as If tbe Information was

entirely new to her—as if she badn't said

tbe same thing to herself a dosen times

that day.'

Yes, very good to you,' reiterated the

old man. * I suppose I ought to make haste; can't you guess, Mrs. White?' and Mr. Havlland rubbed bis bands nerv-

aaly, walked toward tbe window, and back again to the bw»tiu if tbe room,

where the my stifled woman stood en-

deavoring to translate her visitor'a strange words.

'I know what It Is,' said Paul, grasp-

ing hla mother's arm, and trembling from

head to foot. You have bad news from my fsther!

Tbe passengera were not all lost I You know where he Is, and he la coming

home!' ' Paul, you are beside yourself,' said

bis mother, tenderly stroking his hair. ■No, he's not besldehlmself, Mrs. White,

There were ten men saved, and your hus-

band was among the fen.'

'Hav it again! Say It again! Please

don't atop, dear Mr. Havlland! My hus- band one of tbe ten. Get me some water,

little Paul. Tell me more, my dear friend!

Tell me more!' The old man went on with bla story—

about a letter tbat had lain three months

In the dead letter offlce, and a letter he

bad that day received, wltb one enclosed

to Mra. White. Mrs. White read hers, and laughed and cried, and almost faint-

ed away, and sn hour after Paul White,

Sr. walked Into hla own bouse, and an

hour after that they all sat down to as

Jolly a thanksgiving dinner as ever was

eaten. Mr. White was very pale and thin; he had been a long time lit and

helpless; but be was all right then, end

tbe Lord waa thanked that day from tbe depths ofthankful hearts.

'The 'Widow White' wasn't sold out,

and old Mr. Havlland hain't yet seen

the Inside of a poor bouse.

tV rltUa for th* American.

X<ove-tne Key.

ai a . EASTXRBBOOa*.

QOd doe* not *hl*ld Himself hy bolt or bar; Truth Bead* ao terries of a leek or key;

Both have BO need to hide th* thing they are, Aad so are free.

A i*rf**t light will plrrca the deaeeat g|o«B*, No darhaa** alandelh proof against He power.

Death only Beth alill within lb* tomb, And do** not cower.

■oats have their prtoona, and we abet away Oar »lf aloa* with self, and let It II*

Aad live ae bloom would live without tbe day, <lr tarlh.iiraky.

We shun the light—it ihowetb ue too plain. Tbat wbleb we are w* wl*b no BUB to **«;

W* aim to toem the thing w* might etleln, And win not be.

Tbe aonl* of to*a are eomPles thing*; not one Ha* In it**ir enough for lie own need.

Bom* deep In shadow, faint for leek of can, A neighbor'a meed.

And many *brl**l with tbe sun end heat, And many tremble In the etorm end abad*.

And many doubt, beeau** *o Incomplete Oar soul* are mad*.

And ntver heed the l***on. Ood baa meant That none of na may traly live alone;

That CVMJ sonl for otbere' good Is seat, And not It* owa.

And *o we thul ua up In teltlah etate, And mourn a* moth* mlgnt do, at human woe,

And question Ood, and vainly moan at fate, And never know

That if each opened to hie brother'* life, Ilia OWB Mil eorrow would forever eeeee,

Aad la the plate of this atrsnge, beplees strife, We should bave peso*,

UCh*j IMtncricon. LAVYRENCK, FRIDAY, NOV. 29,7*.

Women should learn to swim. Hiss Nelly Power, a well-known English ac-

tress, performed a plucky action recently

atSouthend. A female bather bad got out

of her depth, and was In Imminent rlak of

drowning. Mlsa Power, who waa also

bathing, awam vigorously toward tbe

sinking lady, dlvrd, and brought her

safely to shore.

Tbe farmers of Western Massachusetts

propose to try a new process for pre-

serving apples. Tho experiment will consist in freezing them solid aa aoon JM

It Is cold enough, and then packing tbem

In dry aawduat or tome other nonconduct- ing unbalance until they are needed for

use. They are confident tbe fruit will

not be Injured.

A CHILD'S ANSWER-Some children

at the dinner-table were discussing tbat which has often troubled the heads of

older snd wiser persons.

Wasn't Adsm a good man before he

got a wife?" "Of course he waa," answered a little

girl. "How long was ho a good man after

begot a wife?"

"A very abort time." "What made him a bad man afier he

got a wife?" At this Juncture a little fellow apoke

up, "Miits Ann, I can answer that ques<


"Wei!, what was It?"

"Eve made him eat the wrong apple.'1

—EDITOR'S DBAWF.II, In Harper's Maga-

zine for December.

^ech ITJ 'TOTtip* 'SBrepifies>


laa boy Kahelen, whom Btanlay, the dkv covnrsr of Livlrutatoaa, brought with him from Africa, Is ant vary favorably Impressed with oar clvlliisiioo. He *Aj« he sees llitle differ- ence between the people hare and thorn at home. In Africa people ara owned by otbars, aad in America in politics and bnilnaas It Is

Emigration from Italy to the trailed States has Increased to srtcn so extent that the atten tlon of the government baa been called to it. Blgnor Sacs*, President of the Council aad Minieter of the Interior, ha* written to the Italian prefects of tbe provinces, Inquiring" in- to the cause ot so many person* leaving their bones.

In Manchester. N. II., yesterday, Mr. i. Bradbnry Cilley fell ia a fit or apoplexy, while oa bis way to tbe railroad ataUoa to Uks the cars for DaerOeld, tbs place of bis former resi- dence. Ue became Insensible soon alter, aad his physician* regard hla case ae denser out in ibe extreme.

There was an immense assemblage ot Io- nian* ID London rosier day at the bo rial of O'- Honlon, a Fenian leader killed la a recent brawl st Darlington, P.Dglanrl, and exciting demonstrations were made against the police.

The eplaootlc has attacked the ewine In Portsmouth, N. If. Hogs bave bean taken sick with all ihe symptoms of tba boraadk- eate and have dlad lo a few hour*, tnrelag pur- ple after tUmli.

A private letter from Sioouee, Minn., saya the now tbare on lbs lib last, was fear fen deep, tbe trains all snowed in, and Ibat In- dian*, wolves, deer and minks were plant* and hungry.

The men laying Ibe track of tba Wlaoaa and St. Pant railroad, in Minnesota, are la ao danger from atarvatlon; tbe track hat been cleared of *now, and lbs relief train bag reached tbem.

Jar Gould was arrested In New York yester- day, on a charge or baring appropriated nlas and a half millions of dollar* of money belong- io| lo the Brie stockholder*.

Tbe Illness of king Amadtm cf Spain, is quite lerioui, *nd a special session of tbe BUM * net has been called.

Tbt weather probabilities are enow, wester- ly winds snd cold weather.

Jeff Davis received ose vote for President la Oanphln county, Pa.

Gold III 1.2.


Tbe commit*lor,en who have been lovaell- gatlng the »u! jeci of Mexican outrage* on our frontiers, had in interview wltb tbs PreMder,t

'em Sttnrday; they report Ibat the ilimage* dona to American property for flva hundred miles along the B'o Grande, amount ti more than thirty ml'lionsoi dollars, and think thai If they bad gone on as fir at Bl Patttiier would bave found th*-. tbey amounted to more tban one banCred millions.

Frank ll Ktmbell commuted suicide at Manchester, N. II., on Friday nlgbt, with mor- phine. He was Jtalona of a woman Banted Mary Jane Bobmaoa, wltb whom be bad lived two year* until recently, when abe left bin.

A woman named Catherine Cannon, was found dead la ber bed st Taaatnn on Saturday, with marks of violence npon ber nemu; ber buibaod has been arrested on a charge of mn r daring her.

On Monday an aittmpt was made to throw a train on the Rutland it. ll off tba track.at Chea- ter, Vl., by Placing a boulder on Ihe lies, but it was seen in season to avert an accldai I.

The direct ore of ihe Beaton (Is* Light Com- pany have votea cot to preernt for collection any bills for sas consumed in the bnmtddle- trie'. Bines the last bills ware made ou'.

A glycerine magaalDe at Srrubftrus, Fenn., exploded Saiurtiay morning; ami Harry I. Wolfe, a telegrapher, and Dr. It. A. Wrtftht, torpedo agent, were blown to atoms.

Jamea McKlhang, convicted of tba murder of bla wife at Boston Highland* leal August, waa on Saturday sentenced to death.

The coliseum was told on Sttordar to Tbc- ophilui Cashing;, or Wl&ttrpott, Me., lor SIO 000.

Tbe weather pro liabilities are light snow or rain, wltb mild weather, and aouthsrly winds.

Six Inches of snow are on the ground al Lewlaton, Me.

Tba king of Bpsio i* no belter; bla death ia

A Flower'a Epitaph.

These dead lease* were a vlolai once, A tender, timid tblsg,

A sleeping twenty, till ihe wind Kissed liawsks IB apriag.

Then for on* little, HUle hour llknewlovt'adeep delight:

Unto the wooing wind it gave AU tbat a violet might.

And I ban It drooped and faded happily i for, baring loved, It It not petn to die,

Nil on M. IICVCKIMBOII, IB Harper1! Mnync.it for In.imbtr.

ItiBiKi, the celebrated muslc-teacber,

has discovered a wonderful singer st

Boulogne—a common sailor, with a wife

and chicks. Ha Is now studying lu Par-

la, and very great things are expocted or


Senator Patterson, of New Hsmpahlre,

has accepted the presidency of the Ohio

Agricultural and Mechanical College, and will enter upon IU duties at the close

of bis Senatorial term.

Gold 113 7-8.


li is said or Bret Uarte, " ba weal np like a rocket, and came down libs a stick."

Carl Bchuts is telling Obioans what ba knows about tba deieat of Greeley lor tttoGaiell.

western etock breeder claims a sheep weighing 820 pounds. Well, wa suppose ibl* In Juat the season for having beavy wetber out west,

Froude expressed $750 worth of srmpaibv for tbe burnt out Boeionlena.

New York fire insurance companies lose •100/100,000 by the Boston rite.

We suppose ibe dlsaase which baa made Ha appearance among poultry, may properly be ttyled the Henfluecsa.

Cat* are tba latest victim* or Ibe episoot. Home Southern editors atfll believe they are

chafing in tbe chains of despotism. (•eorge Washington ba* been committed to

the Reform School lu low*. He has evidently gone back on hi* record.

An Omaha youth fell In love wlib a lady'* picture In a specimen show case, hunted up the original and married ber.

A Kama* plmirian lately swallowed a doee of chloral to prove lo a patieni that It was birmleie. It didn't hurt tba patient, but it killed lha doctor.

Beer is told at two*cents a quart In Mnnlcb. A San Francisco preacher expresses, bit

unqualified belief tbat If Jnda* Iicariol lived In ibat city be would never bare banged hltr.- seir, but wauld have stood a couple ol trials, dlsbuned hi* thirty pieces of silver lu a Judi- eloui meaner, aad been a free man to-day.

There la sometblng dreadfully annoying in watching a person doing a iimplc ililng in a bungling manner. A Cherry street roan tbouaU I a neighbor wuo'i barnemlng a mule aa ha ought to. and took bold to help, and Immedi- ately exchanged tbe role of a Samaritan for a roll In ihe nml Heiaye no man need togk for ptit't bapplncw In thla world.— Da»w*>y

l-i Nom,K COUNTY, Ohio, the liquor

lew of that state baa been rigidly enforced

with tbe result tbat every rum shop was

closed within a year of the law's en-

forcement, snd the county Jail bas been

entirely empty for some time.


l&he Hftmetican. LAWRENCE, FRIDAY. NOV. ^O.va

TSe«klj 'JVUIP* '3Breviti«» TOBBDAY.

Catherine Cannon, of Taunton, said to have been murdered by bar husband, !■ shown to have met her death by an accident, while In- toxicated. The coroner'* Jury exonerated her huihar.'l ir.itn all blame In (be matter.

Oround was broken on the Dover and Potto- mouth IU11 toad, tho Mayor* o! the two cltlea removing the lint earth, Along procession of rttiiont, wtib matte, marched tj the place, and there were leveral tpeecbe* made.

The report that Horace Greater I* Intano it untrue. Although latTcring from ir,re*l ner- VOQI proitratlon he li entirelr In hit rlitbt mind, and bnpei to resume work on the Trl bune In a few week*.

Four boyi exploded five hundred pound* ol nttro glycerine at Yonkert, New York, on ■fonder, for fun; two of tbem were torn to •bred*, another HI faully Injured, and the

fourth lerioosly.

Eocene Sullivan, M old Jill bird, WM *r- reatad at Winchester Sunder, for a murderous aaaault on Mr. Moulton, road master on the Vermont and M attar, hute it* Railroad, at ol, Saturday.

Paymaster Hodge, lentcnced to ten yean impri«onment in the Albany Penitentiary, fur emhriilement.bai been pardoned by the Presi-


In bli annual report Hjcratarr Rjheton recommends the comploto reorg&nlxa'i^n of the navy.

It]t laid that Daniel Drew In mixed up in Erie matter* in no very creditable way.

Stanley J* being Won./, d'Tn New York.


Tho violont tone of the radical presi In France with reference to tho trouhlei In the Astern hi r, bad to fears mat a revolution wonld break ou: IT Tblert Mn deposed, or should resign; !'■■■■:■ alto a rumor that the German* propoia to ru ir.'upv all the depart- ments recently evscinted by them, In cue of the removal or Thiurs.

Professor Watson of Ann Arbor, (Michigan) Observatory reports tho discovery Monday night ol a new planet In the constellation of Taurus- Iti right ascension Is 68 deE- -1 mtn.; declination. 19 d«f. M min. north; It thinej like a star of the tenth magnitude, and its ■nation Is nearly para'lel with tho equator.

A delegation of colored clt'zsns of Pennsyl- vania called on tbe President yesterday, and urged upon him tbe recommendation to Con- gress of tho aloptlon of civd rights hill; the President roipondetl sympathetically, saying that be nelieved, however, the request belonged miiro properly (o tho next administration.

Pour attempt* to throw trains from the •rack wero made on the New York, New Haven, and llartroid railroad at Thompson- viiln, Coou-, on Sundar nigbt, hr obstructions being plsceit on tho rails. Neither attempt

was IHCCMllBl, II ii;i ■■ Blukoaly of Boston wa* arrested For tbe rnmo.

In tbe State Senate on Monday the general insurance bill was so perfected as to provide for tho fornuiion ol mutual marine compa- nies, and wai engrossed. In tbe ■ I ■ i ■. i!.■ bill aathortafng tb«i city to, issue 990,000,000 of Summer street tiro bonds, wa/ pas'iid to a third reading.

The expedition of tbe Khedive of Kjrprtto Zinnbar consists of ilvo thousand mtn, and proposes to join Or. I/vmgstono, and aid btm In solving ibo problem or tho sources ol the

Nile under Egyptian colors.

Tbe is ti mates of Ibe War Department for

tbe year ending Juno'JO, 1874, are 033 MO, *37K Many Impmv menu on harbor and

coast defences are rem mm tinned ■

The PretiJent hna stated that bu message will loditae no change of policy on his psrl

The " diamond mine*" ol Ar aotia, having heen unpi'ircd, are pronounced u humbug

Tbo Intlictmenis sgalimt T*ced are multi- ply Inf.

Tbe weather probabilities aro e lea ring, and Cold weather.

Gold IIS 7-8


A man named Mntthtw Boy'a wa* fottod on

tbe railroad track, t < ar Providence, on Wed- nesday evening, with both legs i-erered from tbe body, lie is supposed to have suddenly taken a fit of tlcknett, and fallen on tho traca and tun over by a passing tram.

Bv the telescoping of an express with a

freight train on the Pan Handle Railroad, near GoebOCtOD, Ohlii, Wednesday evening, the en- gineer of the i ...■'■■::, ■■: u i n wits instantly killed.

The cen'ut "f 1HT0 raturnel n p pulet on of W.3M Chlnrsa with n the limits or iho UolUd 8t*vci. That number has now been Increased to about 00,000.

Two woikmcn were klllod in Now York, on Wednesday, while engaged In the construction


Tho nomlnatlnn on Tuesday evening,

by tlio republicans of our city, of Mayor

Davis for a third term, U a deserved com-

pliment to the faithful manner in which

ho has ulecliarKcd tho duties of thai office

during the two terms iu which be has

filled the position. The compliment Is an

unusual one, the first Instance, If our

memory correctly serves us, in the histo

ry of the parly in this city, and tho more

marked, that it has been without any

concerted effort on tho part ol the friends

ol that officer, and indeed, against his re-

peatedly expressed deairo. No execu-

tive ofilzer of our city has over brought

to that position a more evident determi-

nation to devote to tbe discharge of Its

duties his best services, an unflinching

Integrity mid A careful judgment, than

has tho present Mayor, and that the two

years* pa« have given general satisfac-

tion, is clearly evidenced in the cordiality

of bis renoml nation the preseut week.

The record of the two years past, Is In

all respects creditable to the republican

party and its officials, and the extraordi

nary public questions of the coming year,

no new and untried set of men, can pos

slbly consider with as good Judgment;

Mayor Davis has from thu first, been

deeply interested in the water project,

has carefully Investigated the plans of

otherrltles, is familiar with all the de-

tails of necessities and prospects in our

own, and Is abundnntly capable of wise-

ly conducting this grout enterprise. It Is

by far tho Ltnst Important question of the

coming election, and we cannot believe

our citizens will be so unwise as to make

a change by substituting new and un-

tried office's at such a juncture.

The handsome compliment of this re-

nomlnatEon should be enforced by tb« most earnest ifT.jrt, to secure the largest

possible niHJ >rlty for the tloket. In the

selection of the remaining officers, the

greatest caru stnuld ba exercised to se-

cure Pitch a board as will command the

i' 111 "■■: confidence of the pople; the year

when It la proposed Initiating public

work* that may cost a million of dollars

Is nut the time for experimenting wltt

merely clever fellows as candidates, foJ

the voters are in a mood to refuse to sup

port any but first: class men. I«et the

wards give na strong men, anil then an

old-fashioned, united rally for a ronslng


Fire on Kim Street.

On Suoday, about balf-past eleven o'clock, an alarm was sounded from box IS, and sub- sequently from box 13. which was caused by tbe discovery of a Ore in ibo stable of Patrick Riley, iltnated between No's 3.57 and 361 Elm Street. Before the alarm was given the Ore was well under way ; thli arose from tbe fact that tha key of box 13 could not be obtained, and it became necessary to give tbe alarm from box 12, which caused considerable delay. Subsequently an alarm was given from box 15, the key having been procured, and this con- futed the (Women not a little, and they hardly knew which way to go. When the depsrt- meni arrived at tha scene of the Are, tbe sta- ble was one mast of flame, and tho tenement house of Mr. Jeremiah Lucey, at No. 865, and a house belonging to Riley, behind tbe ttible, alto bis home at 857 were all In flamea. In a abort time streams were playing upen the burning buildings, and before tbe lapse of many minu'et It was plain that tbe tin-men had control or the element. Tbe want of wa ter was greatly felt, and if tbe buildings bad not been detached from tbe others on the street, and In a manner Isolated, a conflagra-

tion or some magnitude might have ensued. It wai necessary to place one steamer at the corner of Lawrence and lUverblll streets, there being no hydrant nearer. The distance between this point andthetcene of tbe tiro coutu not be lett than tho eLjbt of a mile. There waa no property of any account Con- sumed with the stable; a U* pig* "ere re- leased when the Ore was discovered, and es- caped harm. Tbo slock of Mr. Ln^ey, which cocalateo or groceries, was destroyed. The families living In thia bou>e were obliged to move their furoitnra suddenly, and much of it waa destroyed. Tbe ramilies In tbe hootes of Mr. Uiley were alto obliged to throw out iheir goodt, and their furniture waa badly damaged. Thirteen I'unlliei resided in tbe three homes, and all tuffered loss more cr less. Mr. Riley had bis property Insured in Sweeny't agency lor 91,200, and Mr. Lucey wa* Insured In the Paoplt'a lesaranee Co., or Worcester, lor 01, 230. The company lost heavily by the Boston fire, and pays itO cents on the dollar to policy holder*. Trie lost, without taking Into account the destruction of furniture, will reach proba- bly 93000. Mr- George Adams bad bis right band badly cut by glatt while holding a hotQ under a window which was broken by another firemen. When the stable full In, some o steamer lour'a men weie near, and were some what burned by falling debris. The energy and efficiency of tbo tire department are to be highly commended; they overpowered tbe flames in a very short time, and toon subdued what It was feared would be a far more serious


OUR SUMCBIBUU receiving the AMER-

ICAN by mall, and who have complained

of the delay in receipt of the pti*t two or

three numbers, will Hod a sufficient ex-

planation Iu the hurried removal out of

tho flames, of Ihe Boston Post Office, to

temporary an'l confused quarter*, caus-

ing, necessarily, some delay in distribu-

tion; mo€t of our mall edition goes

through that office, and of course, the

newspapers havo bad to glvo way lo let-

ters until the old dispatch Is secured once

more. The weekly AMERICAN goes to

press at 11 o'clock on Friday forenoon,

and every copy going to a mall subscrib-

er Is invariably dispatched before the

day closes. ♦■*♦■»♦


expressly for these columns, by our

sprightly New York correspondent,

ELBAaTOH KIRK, will be found complete,

on tho first page, to-day; It Is a. pleasant,

touching story of New England's festal

day, and we are sure our readers will

read It with Interest and pleaure. We

have Just received, from the same pen,

charming New Years Story, which will

be presented at that time, with other

fresh features which we Intend shall

make the AMERICAN morn than ever ai-

ceptablc to its patrons.

WAIII CAUCUSM.— Tbe Republican

caucuses are to be held this evening. In

tbe sevtral wards, lor tho nomination of

Alderrren and other officers; the democ-

racy have selccte-I their ticket, we kn.ow

Just whom we have to defeat, ard every

voter should bo at the ward rooms to-

night, to tee that as:r.mglist is selected.

CHUKCH CotasF., —The Itciure t.y Mrs. Mary A Llvermore' In tbe Church Courte on Hsiurdny evening, waa largely attended, tbi body of the ball being nearly fall, and a num ber of persons in tbe galleries. Too tubtect of the lectnre wta Marriage Tbe speaker aald *b» intended lecturing on free love, hat after the Woodhull and Claftin scandal she would no more touch tuch a subject than she would touch carrion. Tho lecture was a very able exposition of ineduilot entailed by tbo mar- riage relation,—Just tuch a lecture aa one would expect to bear from a good, pare, e.nd true woman, and gave much satitfactlon to tbeauileoee. The next lecture in the course

;!1 be given to night, by M ■ i ■ :■ II. O. Dane, hoM) elcijuent description of Ibe naval bat-

tles ot Ihe rebellion lust season WAS to much


PO Lion L)U U BT .

lit.r-uuii ASSOCIATE Jtsrn B wntoii I.

Friday Is uiusllyslight da; to Ibis court; funds >!in to get lo* totrardi tho latter end of tbe weak, id absltnsnoebeootBta ■ necessity, due to the con-

dttluu of tbe cschfqaer,which runs low as the week There wti<! losie half doaen of randt.

dates Ihls mo ml Of, bower***, for Judicial uotloo, of whom colocldsd wllli tbe opinion of tha

offl««rt who arrested them, that they were drunk lettnigbt. ()i.«, a woruiri, WJS 1st Off, tbe olbar, a man, payid ib» costs.

LABCKNT or YAM.—A roan whose Dams wo toppT***, wss arraigned on a camp Ida t charging him with ihe lareany of a quantity of yarn, tbi property of Depnty BbrrlH Alanaon Brlggl. Tha yarn was slowed la I'sge's block, and wsa taken from tbero It Is alleged t>r tha defendant, and con- vsyed It lo Mr. Clues'* barn, on Broadway, and hid thsre. A Plaa of not gnlity was entered, aad Ibe caaa not being ready, II wa* continued until ilie-.l of I'*o., bonds being rsqalrsd for the defendant's appeanaoe In *4GO-

ASSACLTS.—Patar I.snnan and Taranoe Kane ware chsrgtd with an assault on John Qnlnn, This wsa a eontlnasd case, the faeta of which given In tbe evidence were aa follows:—On tbe

ruing of tb* 2SU) of Ssptember last, Union waa returning from the barber's, where be had been un- dergoing the MMO weekly proesaa at the hand* of

tonaorlal artist, and meeting Kane and Lan- on tha strati, nesr lb* oarasr of Oommon and Dpshlrs, itiej askad him to treal them ; he de- ed, and they bad *one worda. Kane struck tn the raee, for which he knocked Kane down,

upon Mm. 1 jiinun rolled K»na and him over, bringing Ihe former on tbe lop of him, and thsn Lannan kicked b:m several times on the leg, fincturtntf the bone* if tha ancle. Dr. Chamber. kiln tesildad lo the nJurUa reoelvad by ijiilun. Mejir UIOWQ appealed for Kane, ttr. Uorisy for Lannan, and Ur. Kim conducted the case for t^tilnn. Defendant! were held to the Superior court In t)o00 saeh,

Jiitiie. slehan was charged with an asssnlt on bis wife Johanna Eaban he waa held to anawer at aoma future time. Osen Flyno, charged with tha larceny of * b**rbantl, waa similarly disposed of.

TiBsnaT. Tbe oinal eierct»-fj|*gun to-day with the dlapo.

Ml Of tbrwdrnnki, llehacl Beard«n, Jotua Smith sod Jenny Kagan ware eaoh fined fl and eoala. For an aaaault Joints Barady was fined *.'> and coats or thirty da>a H. C.

him In saWMi


l l:in of the si

uiauently loci

ITT HALL —A full page

us lu Ihe City Hall, as i>er-

<tl DM been prepared lor

Mniae Annual, which will

Of a acwi blast.

Post mane- mend in his

, by the pre

■ (Joiieral

xplosion ol

Irctawel! will rerora- !t legislation on po'tsl

lelegrsphv by C.i.igros-.

A stav In tho proceedings >u tho cjte < F.no lUilsray ugaliv-i JsyOOBld.

Tbe tuicidc muoU It raring toatta'' tent.

it...n.,u ami Malmi ;;.'. 1: <..,.-

W« huve n. t'l" II -fin .t 1 Hrpl. SO, IKIJ.

earning* uf n abovu dale, «> Ihe tame period tnciimr iir the mi

Ived the report of t •Ins lUtlroad for II The rdpoit shows

e rued tur tlie jeor r*|-J.oi»,na.li». mid l

wrre #1 Jti.OgS, .1 l.i 1 Mil V. m,\ t Incime nf tbe


We have ye', to hoar given onesubstan-

tial retSOD why the present n t] in in l«t ra-

tion ol our municipal eflatra thoultl be

exchanged for one Ol (leimicratlc parti-

zan rule; ttiiMNulall.y, the two years past

have presented a record of unusual suc-

cess; In no single period have tbe ex-

penditures been more carefully and pru-

dently managed, and there Is a sense of

security In the winds of all lite tax-pay-

ers. Public Improvements bave been

oarrle I on, oar streets made better, our

city hall beaullfled, buildings erected,

■ :> :-..-■:■- .i ■,;,-! i-Vi-:■ \ tli.ii -. lipOll

ii scale couirnetisuratc with the growth

and expansion of our city.

In no oilier years have we had inch

unbroken pence and good order; strong-

er* coining to our city, officials irom

u'lu-r [>: »■■■!■: familiar with the record ol

crime, all h -'it.y to Ihe womlcrftil quiet

of LaWrenCd and Itrt Imuiuulty from

violence and crime. For this,in nn small

degree are we Indebted to cur admirable

police force, with its efficient and capa-

ble head.

The voters on Tuesday next, decide

whether It is wise ur safe, expedlu.it or

ji.it, lo risk a change In all of thest, by

returning the power mid the olTlcersto

democrat I" hands nntl control. We

cannot believe the sense uf the citizens of

Lawrence will for n moment permit it.

Mayor Davla and ill* associates have

must wisely and welt fullllled thtlr duties,

tbe city has had the fullest measure of

prosperity and success, and It were folly

to exchange this fur the chances of parti-

san Democracy.


Another groat want of our city Is met,

and Lawrence has a public library that

l.t to bu worthy her enterprise and thrift.

AA will bu seen by the card ol Capt. Rol-

lins, Secretary of the Board of Trustees,

tlte library is now so fur urrunged that

It will he opened at Its temporary location

hi Santulers Block, Essex Street, on

Monday next, for the registration of

names, Ou the following Monday, the

departments of Action ami juveniles, com-

prising about threethousandvolumes,wlll

b • In re million lor une, and the issue of

books to ttie public will then be com-

menced; two weeks later will complete

tho re-arrangement of the balance of the

Franklin Library collection, adding three

thousand volumes, to be soon after lol

lowed by another large number uf vtd

times, many of them Importations, of for-

eign publication*.

Installation of Rev. C A. Hayden

The exorcitet at the Installation of Itev. C. A. Harden as pastor of the Unitarian Church, on Ssir-.d iy evening, wore of an nnutually Intor- etdng character; there was a large attendance, the church being filled tolls inmost capacity- li was obtcrvahle tbattbe audience was com- posed of persona from all denominatinns whom the presence ol Rev. Robert Collier, a* well as tbe Interest attending ihe exorcises, had drawn tbitber. Tbe service* were opened wllb an an- them by the choir, alter which prayer was fil- tered hy Rev. Ur Spencer. A scripture selec- tion was read by Kov. J. II. Clifford or North Andovcr, which wss followed by a hymn ; tbe Installation sermon by Rev- Robert Collyer, followed. It wai peculiar to that extraordina- ry preacher, full of power, bterty, wholc-touled and exhibiting tbo possession by Ihe peacher, of a living, active religion. The sermon wai followed by an anthem by the cbolr. The re- maining portion of tbe exercise* wero at fol- low* :—Instilling prayer, Rev. Ooo. S. Weaver; reaponte, on the organ; cbargo to pattor, Rev. W. H.Spcnier; right band of fellowthlp, Rev, J. II. Clifford; hymn, in which Rev. Mr. Coll' yer requested all to Join. The closing prayer wa* offmed by Rev. J. II. Clifford, and tbe bened Ictlon by tbe newly Installed pastor.

is DHAKA —The representation of tbe streets of New York at tha city ball on Fri- day evening, drew a very large audiooce. The drama wa* placed on tbe stage with gr^at care, and tin! acling throughout ibo piece was excel- lent. Mr. Harry G. Claika a* B.it'ger, gave evidence of a perfect conception of ihe need* of tbe part; bis acting was almost (anliha*. Ur- Chat. H. Clarke a* Puffy, wai exceeding- ly happy, rendering the part with considera- ble ability. Mr. Ceo. Li Kock gave a very ex- cellent rendering of the part of Paol Falr- weatber. Uls* Adele Clark sustained tbe pan* ol Allda Bloodgood and Mrs. l'ully, bringing to tbe representation a true conception of the wants of both, and rendering each with tbi care and ability for wblcb tbe it so well known The entertainment wot highly auccestful, and the audience. Judging Irom their frequent manifestation! ot approval, wcie highly satis- fied with ibe representation.

EVERT KKPLHUCAN should attend the

Ward caucuses to-night.

bo Issueu about tbe middle uf December.

The plan shows the entire capacity of the

hall to be 1,958 seats, dlvldeil as follows:

floor of hall, centre, 07(5; floor, right,

floor, lett, 72; balcouy, centre, 100;

balcony, right, LSI; balcony, left, ISA.

Every cent in Ibe bull Is numbered, and

each lection is lettered, both upon the

floor and In ihe balcony, thus enabling

parlies using tbfl liall toreterveany num-

ber of Bcnti desirable. Tbe publlcuttun

ot the plan In the Jnnual will prove

most acceptable to our citizens.

Kecuullcan CAUCUS-- Nomination of Mayor Davla.

Tha Republican cancae for Iha nomination of a candidate fur tha mayoralty was held at Iba city hall on Tuesday evening. There wet a good At- tendance, and tbe proceeding* were Conducted in admirable order. Judge Harmon, chairman of Iha city eommllt*e, called Iha oaaotu to order, sod W. A. llume.ll waa ehoaen chairman, aad Andrew C. Btoaa aeer*tary. A motion prevailed lo ballot for a candidate for Mayor, and a oommlite* of ten, competed of Ihe following (entlomen, were ap- pointed to reeelvt, aatorl and count ballote; John K. Kotlloa, D. El. Hlcker, 1'. B. Iloblnaon, J. A. Ueteair, Albert Kmerson, Lav! Bmery, David Richardson, II. O. Berries'. A. B. eanborn tnd Phillip Teaton. (In the Qrtl ballot Ibo vote itood as folio wa :-

Whole nomhor of volea, H° Nrocaaary to a cholec. KB

licieklah 1'lii.niiM.r had 1 Jal. A.Traat, HW d.B.W. Davla, ?7v

And Mr. Dsvla was declared the nominee uf Iho caucus. A motion to rusk- the nomination unanl- moua waa enthualullcslly csrikd. A committee wsa appointed to watt upon tho Mayor,Inform hit of Ma nomination, and conduct hltn to Iho plallorn During las ah»ence ef Ibe commit tec, A. U. Hlor ad J round tbo caucus ou Ibe autjccl of munlUfn pulitlca, and warmly eulogised tb* Present adinir leuattoa, Mayor Davis was then Introduced by US* elialrimiu a* lb" proieut and future. Major

l)"r!7."i HI

Tb* daer**aelu th> aat larifiil > spend It ar* e»i of material and l*rtf< r i repair, over ibn prevlt St mini.' h I «:!i ol the i I Portland, which wore wai The isti'oalon la now m ar porary depot at the Wall Tbe remainder of iho wo or Ihe road from tb* Walki the poinl dealfoed for (he lucslli depot, will in|iitre num. m-nittia la df tin- r i iiibitaailal ebarat the nil .ii .- in;., ur;.., *i |hs lime Iraeta, haa t»fu sonatniBted at sseond ct«» prleca f.ir tin! oltH Irnn btldgta have been trniatrnan bl|bwaya. The t..ud h... b»*n i Iron rail thai *• uld h» nbUlti.nl thai whin mrni id tt Still I'S «•

lay for I


warding ow I* mom rha ■ Rl|hle«

yum! aa au> road of..,u, I to Nn

AN'I l)A- ATfl ii I -li

lire a bultdloir, was discovered juat li

time last evening to prevent H Rotiilagra-

tlon. It Hppeiirs thai auriu ul Mrs C >;i-

uolly, who liv< s on Kim street, nearly

oppn-lte ilie locality where the buildings

wire burned ou Sunday, procured a

ipiantlty of Bharliiita on Monday for

klndtli)*! purposes, anil plaeed tbem iu

Ihe cellar ol her house; about nine

o'clock mi Monday evening tbe n'mvlnirs

wore rliseovercd on lire, and blazing.

in u lew moments the firu would have

ruiniuuiii.iiletl to tbo wiridwiirk ol tho

cellar, mid hut Inrthe lact that It was

early di-civi-nd ami promptly extin-

guished, there mix hi have been a serious

tire. The police are making active exer-

tions to discover these Incendiaries, and

II they are oatight little mercy will lie

Tiii:m: WAS a plsasanl gathering at the vestry of the Second Baptist Uhuroh on Thuradsy evening of last week, and yet ono not uomlnglud with r*» gret. Deaejn Leonard F Croesey, a well known cltlien, and long connacted with thla chureb, being about to move from tbe city, bla frlenda arranged this gathailog W give them an opportunity for con- veying to him and hi* estimable arlfe, an elprea. .Ion of tbe esteem tn which they had long heen held. A beautiful Bible coating aomo $70 WM pre- sented to Mr. Creasey and his wife,, Mr. D. Y. Roblnaoo making Iha preecntatioD. Kev. Mr. Wood and Deaoon l'sseon eseti made a few re- marks, In which the regret of all wa* conveyed that lbs plaasaot rslatluoa relating between Ue*con Creasey and hi* frlmdt ware to b* severed by hi* departnrs. An origln*l poem, oompoted for the oeoaalon, waa rend by Hr. Uao. A. Binlth, lo which the good wltbea of all for Ihe folnre hspplnaaa of tht Desooo and hla family were expressed, tbe Deacon carries with blm in hla depariore from tho Htf, the good wlthea of all who had thu ptettare lrnie aei[u*lniand-.

The gentlemen who contributed to liberally ! > the ettablisbment of a headquarters for tbo

Temperance K.-form Club, will be it'sd to know ihat the inttltutian it likely to accom- plish all In projector* anticipated. The read- ing room ll largely patronlzad, and tbe order

maintained liy vttltors, anil thtlr evident de- light at bavl'ig tome comfortablo plt.ee where ihey can pate tbe icdiout winter ovcaingt. and at ibe tame time ttore their minds with valua- ble information, amply rewards its founders tor tbo timeundoffortthey bave (jiven towards it) : .'-.. -t IH'.I.I

In i few < ill ■ i the

If ll waa the wlih of bla fellu

MI'..I. 1 with hearty applaune. a for the renewed eipreaalon ol he had not sought the ncmlna

iIKII feelings had been conaultod, red from tho podtlon, but


idr.l I till

■ ■>.*■ .ddlllroial ahai

of '.>H He': UiirluK Hie |.r.

i hundred at,sl iv rlghi> iLe..f ab .li ireool with he in .11 Itor lop. Iiuiing the jf*r 111 ■rn b iVuba eu uldtd to the . .[ill|.tin-HI

mi '. oai I-w pass

e*ld. •let tars, two


lime Ihen- haa lit fr.lMl,i e* • n latd tw ™

During j mile* of a

he ismc ael rails,

The ahop aecomn odalioat .awr ones' sve bran Inrrvaacd bj an a loitlonof bun red f alto tho main building,* H ..-..■ -.i- , ■■ .1 1 ■

d..v..,ty t t-i h.- p. 're.lhree

hundred and fori eight let ngi ulll new paari-ngrr r. i- . floUhed naw *n.|

al Clalat tni.rh nee

" Slid pas el.gr


Houlh Lawfrncii,

1. r, 's |(r IVC St. ne shop, on Saturday

evening At entloi WH sutir ICtl d to llllll

hy a at ries' ol icroai i wl icli he wns

heard It llltl . 11. W IS cs lied into ihe

drug *t. re t 1 Mr ll Ipati ik, and Dr.

Vales li allii Ll*11II)- net , i.iu d nn exaui'

inhtg h t) 'li.it lltn i lg> ..rn WHS hinkeii.

Whethi r he ludlal en ,1 >w i liim-elf, ur

r tome ii- is taking ndvantage

•eked Mm down lor

.lioul.l serve them again, he would be glad to do no, and nccrpled tlio nomination; no doubt the care* of the ofllco would he great In the fulure ; the wlah. ea of Ibe people thai tbe city abould havo a proper aupply of wslrr must bo carried out. It would Ihe duty of the executl va to hear tho reaponalblllly In oonneetten with tho government, In oarTylng out the wtahe* ol the people In thla regard, and hi would devote tllmtrlf, If elected, lo tlio conacluie lloua discharge ol thla duly. Ueeoncluded i.;-ink

mg the cart-tut aelecllon of good men fur tha elllnei of the govemmaat. The caucus then *iljouroed.


Tbo shoe trade In Lynn show* decided tlfijni ol Improvement Work It ttarting up, and tbo prospect *eemt sood for lively ilmet toon; ibe whole number ol catet ot boots and tboea thipped durinir the week ending Nov. St, waa lBuU, agsingt 11)39 for tbe corresponding period of last year, wblcb showt an increase of u'.1"

Tho Unitarian tocietr oT Uarblcbead, hut extended a call to ttev. Hr. ltatley of Portland, lie., at a salary of rj500, wblcb bat been ac- cept td.

(If ti. Joslth Newhall, a well known citizen of Lynnflcid, who it about 78 yeart or age, walked to Ly iitifiii 1 Centre, a distance of three nulet, and back, lo depotit hit vo'.o on last election day; be tuffered no inconvenience from bit long waik.

Probably no place outside of Button will foci theeffecttof tbe late Ore more than Peabody. Betidet tbote ot ber tanners and enrriera who havo lott iheir wareboutet and stock, nearly every Arm in Peabody, are tufTerers to H great- er or lett talent.

The Linn board of aftlermen are going to contider the question of providing some meant for tbe detunction of buildings lo prevent tbo spread of Ore whenever tbe tiro oepartment It unable to control ft by tbe use of all tbe pres- ent appliances.

fourteen Gloucester veatelt have cleared for herring trips to tbe coast of New Brunswick, and lereral otbert are actively engaged tn tit- unit away.

Lynn shoe manufacturer* propone to start fsctoriet In Gloucester.

Gloucester prides herself on new street lan- tern i, bnt it tad at ibe thought that whirl (blevet are nnmercnt.

Recently tht schooner Lucy Delvln, of Swtmptcott, Gapt. A. D. Baker, bronght la a fare ot twenty thousand pounds ol pollock, wbich It preitr good flsbing, tart the Cape Ann Adveniter, being the larxett pollock htnl of tbe leaioo, ,

The bouse ol Mr. Nebemlah Adamt, at Gloucetter Fame, was entered on Friday toie- nuon during bfc absence, and about teven hundred dnlian Holen from a trnnk under tbe bed; tbe lot* is finite a tevero one lor Hr. Adamt aa ft waatnuney be had been collecting for levtrel yetrsj

il.I. Pox.- • of I ported tn tbe city, the person slllicted being a young man residing a'. 4J Wsatilngton corporation] he will be rtmoied lo tbo hoaplul. 'the cute la ao aggravated one.

ward*, for the nomln


the [niritose of robbing him. it waa mi

|iu*albluio tell, though the Met of two

uienj'iiiviiu been seen to run from the yard

In which li" was found, favored the Ut-

ter sUI>(n»»ltlon. The unit) was taken to

Al.THDL'till wi: lit:At: but little of tbe

imr e dl ease now, a liirgo number of

the animals are far Irom being aa xtrong

ti- they wete h-lore the sppoaraneo of tbe

disease. In many of ibe stables several

horses ure tet ilck, and show no symp-

toms id recovery. The disease has been

very severe, and nothing but the (treat

care liken ot ihe animals, nntl the atten-

tl.ni given to tbem could have brought

tbem through Ihe lever, fortunately hut

few fatal cartes have occurred In this city

WAHU I —Warden, .luhn L. Uoteblnion; Clerk, A. U. Twlaa; Councllinen, Uavld lleallie, Uhsile* ttrown, J. Krank Ullliert; Aaelalanl Aaaeaaor, XlebnlM Chnpmun; Dveraeuruf the Poor. Pardon Armlnifton ; Bsbool Comniluee, Frank Davla,

WAIIII J.—Warden, J, C. Hanhorn ; Ward Clerk, .1. K.Uhopard; Couneilmen, It. F. Chad bourn, W. II. Mask, W. II. Kvana; Aaalstiiot Aaa.-iaor, Bd. Ilevlln; Overaeer of Poor, N". Hlma; Behool Com- mltlcn, John Devlin, F. 0, Drew.

W*BD a.-Warden, A. ft, Brewaler; Ward Clerk, Daniel llayss ! Inspector*, Ablrl llorrlaou, W, 11. Wright, Nell HtqaaOtl llieraeer of t'oor, Jeremlati llrardoir; Aaalatant Aaaeaaor, 1'striek Casey; ■ ----- ! J. W. Joyce, W. W. Kmory, Janes Noon an.

WABD *.—Warden, K. w. Ooteord; clerk, D. Y. Dolaa; Inapectora, D. F. Klley, A. O. Clark, (leu. S. Couch; Uvereeet of Poor, W.P.Vmatj A**l*t ant Aaaeaaor, t'strlck I i.nn-lmi, Counellmen; .las. Muiphy, Win. tlsnrihan, John IttlmartlD.

WAKIl J.—Warden, J. B, Ilurnhsm; Clerk, C. K. Hardy ; Inapectora. (leo W, t.lbb.y. Ueo. Col. llfls.J, K. W*lt>; Aaalatant Aaaeaaor, BefiJ, tirlf- iln , Overaeer of 1'oor, J. II. Preseott; Counellmen, John Hager, Henry Farrrll, N. J, White.

WAKII rt.~Warden, John W. Dearborn; Clerk, John It. Howard! Inspector*. John Kuaby, John Carbody, tleo. K, Whlttrmora: Overaeer of 1'oor, Wra.U. Llaooiiib; Aatiatani Assessor. A. r). Dus- ker; Counellmen, Wsrren Slevena, John Daley, Jr., Jam.* MorTall.

DKMOCHATIC ntLBOATl C*nco*.—A ■'■• i >;■.'■■ cauoua of I ii-in u-i.in for the nomlnstlon of an at- dermsnle tlakel, waa held In the janltor'a room or Iheiliy hsll.on Wednesday evening, when the fol- lowing were Tioiinnaie.l : --tt'urd 1, Usrcu* H.Dodge, Ward i, Chsrlea T. Kmeraon. Ward 8, A, A. Lain- prey. Ward 4, Malthas* Carney. Ward 4, N. r. ll.llelvln. Wsrdn.Caitbriaondsr*.

• ('AN THE I

Vivrdr" liae.it.

trvl:./ to ailtw.

on ton " and ;irui- -he'

he bail ton friend a.ki'd

I,,.,:,.I ui.ti.

waa disc ivarod, e*p.ily • "" . Hi .1

; imli

UCBATK' [inrly be rt;-

in ml rum that the presa Is

IT. Thin |ni! , us in mind

a iu.i n witi had lidih legs

away In battle, and af.er

■urglcally aliendid to, a

- doctor II Itu lbought the

in would live, "lie may,"

rior ' but IIL-'II be ot t1 d liter (nliiui \il or liirf Iritiuds."

Tin* Boston Beliert

BOSTON, Nov. Mlb, Ml.

Eo. LAWS a MOB AMKHK AN —Seeing a card sign d bT Ur. V. T. tellers In your IttOS or Nov. j'lrd. In which be tales that we bad en- g»i;i il Ur. Macdooaid lo lecture fur him Nov. 3Ut, we bave to say that tee Aaw matte no tn-

yagrmaUfer Mr. MacdomaU lo Urturt in l.nm rente for Mr. Stllerx, uf any Um< \rhalt>er.

The unly curnmunieatlon wo bave h*d wllb Ur. Seller*, It ihe folluwlng; telouirani, rcioivod

" To Ktdps

to-niHht will ert," and our wo bave no it evoatoft-

b &. Kail, llottim. Ser.d lecturer mtfallt antwer. V»l. T. Bell- eply—" What do you mean ? lur.ir e-itfi^ctl fir .Lawrencu tbi*

Yi.urMr.ily, liLinAiu 4 FALL."

I'm if, i i. or the Atlentio engine, company on Wednsaday evening, was very aucceaaful, there wass large attendance, there being :>a many couplea on ths ttoor during ihe evening aa CJUM dance with convenienrc, and riulle a nomlier of *pnotalori> le Ihe gallery. Dancing waa kept up uo'll a isle boar.

]'•• NOT stay at home tbls evening neit-

ctlnir the Ward caucuses, nntl then

complain on election day, because the

t your choice were not put in Dom-


BASE IKORATTITDK.— On Friday niter

noon, a ffemli'manly appearing man

.-ailed at the police station, and re-

quested the city marshal to give hlma

descrliulon of the man who bad been

spoken of In connection with the goods

seized at the depot by the uuirshul,

supposed to have been stolen during the

lire In Boston. Ho nave as a reason for

;i-i-.in:' a 'description of the Individual,

that he had been robbed of about one

thousand dollars worth of (roods by an

ungrateful wretch whom ho picked up

in tbe street, led and lodged, and other-

wise attended to and made comfort able,

The Individual referred to claimed to be

of nobltybirth, aOerman, and aoeonllnjr

to his own Account had heen In the Prus-

sian arruj-, nnd was shot through the

neck In one of the battles of the Franco-

Prussian war, tlio sears left by the

wound being plainly visible In his face;

he showed hlmsell while In tin family of

his benefactor to be perfectly familiar

with several languages; the victimized

Samaritan hud no doubt hut that the lei-

low had been college bred, and had evi-

dently Btudlod at !.e:|i-].', which city he

seemed to know us familiarly as a native

born Itostsinlan knows tho big; elm tree

on tho Common. About a week before

tbe Huston lire, Imving been In his bene-

factor'n house for some time, and made

himself i<ri i' ■■! I v familiar with all it con-

tained, he procuretl keys ot all the draw-

ers, and during ihe absence nf tbe

family made a sweep of all thu property

lie could llnd, OOOSletlllR Of clothing of

various kinds, silk dresses, furs, and lour

suits belonging to a sou of the man who

had befriended him, a student in the

Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

These goods he carried away In live

trunks, and has not been seen since. At

the time there was great excitement In

Huston over the Kills murder, ami a de-

tective could not bu spared to pursue the

thief, and so for the time he has escaped

punishment, except that Inflicted upon

hltn by Ills own conscience—If ho has any

—tor his base treatment ol a man who

took him from the Btreet and made him

welcome to the comforts ol a home,

A gentletaan ordered his Irish servntn

to eull him itt six ; but hit nwoko him at

lour, telling him bu had two hours long'

< i lo sleep.


Tho wotk of ratting and frescoing the City Hall at lUyurbllllt nearly completed- It will bo ono of tbo tlnlit ball* in Eatcx county .

Mr. J. Breribujy Cilly, stricken down with apoplexy on i'r .■!■■■ Ittt, died at In • residence iu Havarbill Sa-iiday evening.

An unknown iLanc man ii in tho rnalody ot tbe City Minna of Havcrhlli, having hoen picked up wtnrlelng about the street* Very little Informitloujcan be obtained from bini

A nest of tboafsiock thieve* has lately been broken op by tb*Cuy Marshal of Heverhlll; tbe chief oterafcr, George baton, commonly known is "Jig1' Eaton, of Hr*dford, was ar- resied fir irvslim* and entering the Hioreot ' ■; u :•, T ■, -. ...Ml stealing therefrom four caa«* of nn ■. .1 'Bather. Nittisn Iluse, an accompllC". wi| also arrested j alto a men nuojud .!,::.( U lion. All were bold tor trial.

e lively "U

Ol Ur. Loring'a leotura, It* Inn,-, TliatiL a v i g SCCUI- i u vacB'ion, jetierday. Oo ilng, Dao, 41b, B. P. Hblllat.ef, lugion," apeska In tho course, re wilt be a great rush to hear

• Irly kiiiivn through hi* »filing*,


is more than I

cr in any of

A titVlLT oitiiutig by (rooklyn, w o-ilay.

ItATIO Al.leriuiinlc ticket,

u.ugaroo like.—It Is strong-

parts than the head.

'OHM, contributed to ou

ili.-s It. W. Eaeterl re ok i

iiofouiui on the tt' B p.ig*

TIIK Sr[ti#:KiKi.i> Kepubllcan thinks

that great as Ihe Yankee Is he Is not too

old to learn—especially In the matter of

extinguishing tires. It thinks some ol

the heads of our tire department* should

be sent to I'aris, untl taught to climb

buildings, und hew oil the tire with their

axes, and, in general, to depend less up-

on the steamer. The llremon of our

cities It believes to be faithful and etll-

clent. and II they are sometimes not so

successful as they might be, tbe fault Is

rather with thu discipline and organiza-

tion than with the men. We bave no

doubt but that more attention will he

given to tho matter ol extinguishing

tires In this country than the subject has

hitherto had. Before the great conlla-

grations that swept millions of property

away in a short time, we believed our

ilru organizations perfect, and that they

were capable of coping with aud over-

coming Are uoder all circumstances, but

experience haa shown that while a full

stream of water playing upon a Are In

the lower stories of a building may

quickly extinguish It-a few Jets of spray

are of little effect wtien tires rare In tho

roofs of high buildings.

-S> o m *? ©ousip.

Nearalgia it prevalent.

Election next Tuesday,

The Merrimack It high.

School again test Monday.

The weather continues mild.

Gold has a downward tendency.

The streets wero sloppr on Sunday.

Vaccination is popular at present.

Ward cancutet or Republican* tu-nfgut.

The churches wore well attended on Sunday.

Tbo Tbcodoro Thomai Orchestra are likely to visit tblt city toon.

Tbe city election occara on Tuesday, tbit year, lor tbe first time.

amateur theatrical fover prevail* to some extent In tbi* city.

Mono of the building* homed on Sunday ast had a Mansard roof.

"A nlgbt wl" Burns." S tturday night. Nav. 9.—Commercial Bulletin.

Registration lor bookt at tbe Tree library commences next Monday.

Tbe case of small pox In thia city hatbeon removed to tbe pett house-

That comical Brown appears at the City 11*11, on Thursday evening.

Tha err of tha Are department on Sunday wet not " Are," bnt " waterl"

The Are department It very prompt In ro- tponding when an alarm it given.

Tbe Democrats bead their Aldermantc ticket with Marcn* S. Dodge! Oh, Cteiarl

The thrilling domestic drama of Punch nnd Jndy It tttll to be teen at tbo old Hand.

Tbe recent weather prediction* of old probe ■ nllltlci have all been pretty nearly verlfl^d.

The ntosl salutation ot " how't ver horte ?" bat given way to " who't to be next Mavor?"

A new concrete sidewalk bas heen laid on Common ttreet, at the crowing of Pemberton street.

There are several cases of op'xintlr In the city vet. and many of the horn* at work are still weak.

Rapid progress It being mada nn the new Catholic church, at tbe corner of Union and Ettex streets.

The Strongest ofjflcdon the Dttmoerati bare tn the re-election of Haror Dirls, is, tbatbn It the Republican candidate

Theodore Tilton's leeturo In the Stlnrday evening course, will prohatilv ho on "The American woman;" a tloliah'.ful tuhject

The alarm from bos SI on Wednesday wa* canted by a slight firo In the homo, corner of Preokl in and Valley Streets. No dstnrce-

Thst portion of Rim slrePt burned on Sun dtv,will,we understand, Immediately go into tbe I'l ir-iix iini.ni"-1 and i1s<s from it*

Mr. C. T. Kmerson, tho architect, narrowly itcapoil Injury on Tuesday afternoon, hy be-

ing thrown frotn bit buggy on Lawrence street.

Whoever desires to aid tn drrorming tho reading room* of tho Temperance Reform clnh, ran'send pftVOret, moitoet, 4e, to this


The Democrats ;ire evidently fishing f-'r tbe temperance vote; they hsvo nominated one of the Cerney ttro*. nnd Marios S. Dodge for Al-


A Tyrolese hat, a bright trarlot hand, an ' a cor|neitr«h locking feather Is the ttyle «t present for ladiet, and It can't be denied Ibat

It Is becoming.

During the flro tccno at tbe City Hall on Friday evening, while a Ilroman plsvcd on tbn bnrnirg bnltdlng, tho orcheilra played on their inttrumenls.

The death of n grand ton in Chicago, called Judge Stovcnt away to that city tc.-lav. As- sociate Justice Wright oitupii'd bis place in

tbe police court

A property owner cannot bo too certain that holt well Insured at present; the accumula tlontof year* of honast toll may be swept

away In a tingle hour.

If, at tome people say, tho city lino: yet ready to have water introduced, the experience of Sunday tbowt that It It not prepared for

an cxtentive Are either.

People (filleted with bunions always know when a change n going to take place In the weather. Hit this it one of those cases In

which Ignorance Is blltt.

Tbe installation exerclios at the Uottarlan uiurch on Sunday evening were very Interest- ing. There was a large attenduncc; the sing- ing bv the choir was vcty 6ne.

Beach's and Welffet's blocks are flniihed, and Ibev add much to the already tine appear- ance of that portion of Essex ttreet, between Appletonand Lawrence ttrcets.

Mm- Vaa Oetttjvtll toon begin a series of re- vival meetings in this city, probably at the Garden ttreet church. She it a very earnest woman sn<! a successful prtather.

Every man who wishes W ica an bonet: and efficient administration of tbe cltv govern- ment during the ensuing year, will now work Tor tho reelection of Mayor Davit.

The Rjpu'ilicant will show tmlr wittlom by selecting the best men of the party for candi dates for tbe various office* In tb) city govern- ment,—and their ele'.'ilou It certain.

Mrs. Mary A- Llvermore supplied the tfcsli of the Univcrtalist church on Sunday, and preached with much acceptance to tbo larg. autlencet who gathered to bear her.

Mr. P.irdon A?tn!n:iton has heen inbftltuted for Mr. F C Drew in Ward 9, nt a candidate tor tho school committee, ihe latter linvmg de- clined to have b>* uatne u*-)d in thy coemeotlon.

Tho colored lodge of Oood Templar* la this city is in a prosperous i 'mditlon. ar.d lining much good In uphuldiog ant tlixtmluaing tniiipi linn i' principlci nmong the colored peo-


If, as tho Bzotloel rays, tho peopld nra jaal- out that tho enterprise of Introducing water •ball not be inadoa politlrnl Job of, why doe* the pur!)- which tho S;nttncl represents want tbejobbo badly?

Whan the lire w»s bliining on tlio plains on Sunday, on old woman was running around, atinutiH frantically. ' Thlt is another Sb)-ear- «.! Brgorry, en thlt Is Boston repeated.

H'jwly Motes, don't It bit it I"

Tho Boston Journal, at generous at it it eo tcrprlting, I* received tt the roomt or the Tem- perance llaform Club./rci'. Kvcry movement locking 10 tbo moral elevation of men, has ever had tbo warm tupport of the Journal.

A young lady took tnmo ether on Saturday to assuage the pain of toothache, and took an overdose Dr. SeytUrth wa* tailed, and after tomo difficulty tuccccded in rettorlng con- sciousness, and placing her out uf dmger.

Next Mondty evening, Mr- Kdwln Adamt,

the well known actor, with a powerful compa- ny, will appear at Sounder* Hull in tbn beantl- ful don-stlc drama of Kooch Ardon, founded on Tennyson't cxqultito poem of that name.

Tbo ball of Atlantic Steam Firo Engine Com- pany, will lake place en Wednesday evening, at tbe City 11*11. Ample preparations have heen mado for tha occasion, and wo bave no dcubt ibe affair will be highly (successful

Tbo hand* bi-vo been placed on the face of tbe clock in the proicenium arch uf tbe City Hall. A new ]■■ k has alto been lurnltbed for then^o of lertnrert and readers, and tbe old deik ba* been turned into a reportor'J table, for which tbe fraternity are dnubtle** gr-itclul.

If it it possible to tnpply fur tbo miils in our city tuch fucilltiet for extinguishing fire* that a general conflagration it simply impossible, why cannot tha city be rendered at tare ? This subject It worthy tbo most earnest considera- tion of our architects and engineers.

The paving baa really improved tbe upper portion of Essex ttreet, and many oiler ttrcets would tnffer nothing in appearance by

ivint; similar treatment. One of the strongest evidences of culture in a city It that It grow* in beauty at it grows In tlzs.

Tbe Col born Bros, have received the nr*t stertotcopic vlewt of the burned dittrlct of Boston, which they have on exhibition at their store. The views are very One, and convey to some extent an idea of the terrible nature of the lire that swept awav to much wealth.

The committee having iu charge tbe Satur- day evening courte of lectures, have succeed- ed in engaging Natby, wbo will bring hit "Hannah Jane." Marden, who will servo up a "Hath" supper, and Thocdore Tilton, who will tjjfak on a subject to be announced here- after.

Politics era not Inactive; knot* of politicians wero teen gathered aronnd the corner* on Sunday, dltcntting the tlmation Tbe gener- al opinion 1* that tbo contest will be a severe one, bnt tbe Democrat* generally concede Ihat the chance* are largely In favor cf tbe Re pub-

Mr John C, Dow bat bought the crockory and glatt ware itore ot the late Cbu. S Wood- man, at ]'■'.> Essex alreet, where he wM carry on ihe »ame hn*lne», and we are cer'ain be will soon hnild np a good trade. Mr- Dow I* well known, sod cannot '*'! of being exten- sively patron ltd.




John Abbott liai heen

the Superior 1 Viurt, civil

at Salem, December il.

drawn Juror lor

term, to be held


PKTERIOH'S MAOAZINI! ior December 11 on cur table in advance, and It a gem. Thlt It

tha cheapest of the really good lady't bookt; It coniulnitvery year one ihoutand page*; four- teen iiee] cngravingt; twelve colored, double lite, steel rashion platei; twelve colored Ber- lin pi'turn*; twenty-four paget of music; tnd more than a hundred novelet! and original ttoriei by the best American writert. There It no deception about It. Vet tbe price it only two dollar*. To club* it i* cheaptr Still. Tbnt five coplat are tent for eight dollart, or eight copiet for twelve dollars, or twelve coplet for seventeen dollar*. To tbe penon getting np either ot theie clubt an extra copy it given a* A premium, and alto a tunerb five dollar graving tor framing, " Christ weeping over Jernialem." Specimen* of tho magazine aro tent, ittatis. Now it tbe llms to mb-.crlbed, or 10 get op cluba for ISTJ Addrctt Chariot J

Peterson, 3UQ Cbettnui Street. Pbthwtelphl*, fa.

Hr. Seller* writes nt another long letter, too long for publication, a letter too lull of penon al abuse, and concluding by laying, ho leaves n* to the verdict of ovtry honctt man. tit thereby places it out ot bit own piwerio judge

A reporter of tho prttr, who*o zeal carried him too near ihe Are on Sunday, narrowly es- caped being crutbed by a trunk which was hurled from a two ttory window by a brawny

Celtic laiv, tbe Saratoga baroly milting hi*


Tbe Riverside Minion ii doing much to pro- mote the temperance canto In tho western portion of tbo city. Brother Cromley It inde- fatigable In hit eHinti to do good, and he is making the aDailou a power for morality and


In tbe case ot Itov. L. J. Hall. of Waliham, formerly of Ibis city, wbo wet sued by hia lor- mer servant, Mit* Annie Ustbcson for breach of promlseof marritgo, tbe |ury on Wednotdav found a verdict for the girl, wllb an award of


A lady in thiacliy wbo It fond of having her weekly AHBHICAH, aiked ber bu-band to mo*

•cribe far tbe paper, **}lng tho would go with- out a new hst thts tr.nicr.il ho would do to- The model 01 » mtn presented her w.tli 11 ft - ceiptcd bill f"r tho AXKHICAN forajear, and money to bay a new hat lieiidc*. fJo thou and

do likewlie.

There US two minor Itemt towards wt.'ch wo sre turo the anllencea at Sanndert Hah wonld gladly make tbe Janitor a contribution . a penni'n worth of tallow for Ihe creaking binge or ibat ev«r twinging entrance door, *■ ■! a mnsic^tiool for the ttsge, of a bnndre I <r two ytar* let nge and t-ervice.

At Ur. Stephen D. Crowed'* dining roomt may always be fonod a good Btgar, [fa deals In those ruaaufacturad by tha reliable firm of Busb, Noble and Ciiase, of WettHeld. The* gentlemen take pride in putting a cigar npon tbe market that wilt retain Itt excellence, and may be rolled on hy smokers.

Tbe annual meeting of tbe ttDCkholdert of the Button & Maine railroad will he bold In this cily Gn the 10:b PTQX., wben a Board of Director* will be chosen, and action taken np on folding the debt of tho company, and the provision of mount for the completion of the road by ihe Istno of bonua or other'

Tbe ni'n who wai atkrd to enconrtge tbe growth of timpernnce principles In this clly, by giving his mlto toward tho support of the Temperance Reform club, and wbo replied that he believed in every man looking out for blasalf, It u believer in a diabolical doctrine, and cannot know what human tyropslby meant.

Si>me of onr local phytician* tay that celt taken In moderate quantities with iho food It a

provuntivo of small pox. Wj think tbit the- ory will hsvo a tendency to encourage drlnk- |rn r r 11 ,., — v ii' moderate quantities ii.t, at n pruventivouf tur ditiaie, how much I ia» ■ r. ■!■: there H 1 I be f.-om contagion if a man 1.1 i,otf"c;ly ci-rn:d.

the jumbling ot the strike* of the tire-alarm on SnieaywM not duu 10 any fault of-ihe hupeniiu-adciio.' the lire alarm telegraph, but uA'ng to tho fact ibat failing ta procure the key of box It, an alarm wa* given from box 12, andaltcrwurda the key of box IS having been procured, the alarm wa* tounded from that box. Olve Hr. Daw bit due.

Tbe Scotch reildent* of thlt city are already making preparations for the observance of the Burns anniversary. Tho errangemaott will be placed in tbe hands of a committee of gentlemen, whose love for their native Caledo- nia, and admiration of tbe bard, will Inspire them to inch efforts as ihall crown the occa-

sion with tbe interest Itt importance merit*.

All tbe fires that have occurred in thlt city during tbe | an year, with one or two excep- tions, have bcto tbe actt of Incendiaries; It le

pity tbnt tome of the wretcbe* conld not be caught. We think the city authorities should takotomc action In the matter, and offer a re- ward for the apprehension and conviction of the hsrbarinni wbo dligrsce humanity by tuch lawlcts nets.

About this time lock ont Tor tneak thieves A lot or umbrella* bUodlng In a rack a*, the door of J. M. FairQeld & CJ-, the well knowo clothert, at '-.'>."■ Ks*ex aired, were stolen about half patt teven on Friday avening. Tbe rack and one of the umbrellas ware found behind the bill potting fence at tiie carnerof Lawrence and Eisex streets. There I* no trace of the ihltvet. Tho property lott wai valued at about JWO.

A ronrse of Saturday ever.ing lecturei are projected, and it it propoted to bring to Ibe city for ibete evoningt, the best talent tbe American Iccinre platform mrr.ii.his; tbe

courto It in the bands of an efficient committee, wbo will esrrj out the arrangements in auch K

manner a* to teenre ■•u^cett. Wo ctnno'. havo too owns lecures; whllo they are a touice ol entertainment to people, much instruction ii rierivid from tbem.

A meeting of S-iicn resident* waa held at tbo Frark"'i lluu.-o un v7Jdiiiidi.y ittllttC, for tho porthjae of asking trrnngetnenit tor the prop-.r Clabratlon ot iho one Hundred ami l.iur.fii h anniversary of Burt.v, wiitfh occur" on tb-: 2:nt. 01 J.mu*ry. A cominlme we* ap- poln:cd M ti-ke theneceetery tteptfor rtrrtlng

ont tb'' o*j it; It w,i» votca to bold the eele bruiion on th-? ovcnlng of the 21 h, tha iiiiti oc- earring or, Saiordey.

Among iho pleattintthings Ihat come around abnut Chrisimas i me, it WhliDO't Annaal. Thit v.. .■ .,1.1- annual visitor, ^o attractively gotten up, i.n : Sllvd wllb to many choice things, : now in coarse of preparation, and H ill be i^ued In stj le surpa-mfng lit prederet- tort In the iag:efuInHBS of lit make op. and general features t:s uppcarunca will precede tbe visit of Haiti Clan*. Ihat good old man from the northern rcgloni.tbe children'* friend.

Two gentlemen, well known In this city, bad a very warm dispute on local politics tha oth- er day, tnd in an arkument on tbe water quei- ti "i. 'mi being for Immediate water and tbe otbT agilnit It* proMnl introduction, tbe ami -water man, wbo wai totlljr a good talker, silenced hit opponent; at be walked off a by- stander observed:

"Floored, hy Jupiter! ll ' U:r you all to sma*h! Ain'i you mad 1"

"Madt Hi, bn! I'm glad, slid ! He, be! He belli hit now house with a Hansard roof!"

Tbo temperance meeting, uuder the ansplces of tho Father Matthew Total AbttlnancaSo ciety, at tbo city ball on Sunday evening, was largely attended, both floor and galleries being tilled. Mr. WMIiim Covenov, I'reiident of the Catholic Temperance Union of Haitacbuietu, delivered a lecture, tbe subject being Total Al, ttlnonce. The addroti was most Interesting; tho benefit! of total abttinence, the folly and crime of using Intoxicating liquors, were well delineated; tha pretence of inch a large audl- dencoahowt that a henltby temperance tenil- 111.-nt pervade* all clataes, nnd that liqaor drinking is every day growing more unpopu- lar in tbe communiiy. On next Sundsy even- ing ihe Temperance Reform club will occupy the hall, and addresses will be mode on ibe ,;■ ■ 11 of timperancc b* K-veial tpeakers.

There li no doubt but that to be mccuitful in liuiinett one mutt Kork;bnt even effort does not alwayi accomplish luccete, a* the lol- lowinj shows: One of onr enterprlting iscwlng machine agenti put one Of hit machines Into the linn -i' of a lady a', tbe South Side for trial. Others, more enterprldng, wuhed ber to send

the machine back, and take one of their*. The lady couldn't see lt| the agents intitud ; the lady told tbem to go; tbey went, and the, locked tbe door. Her husband, shortly after coming home lo hi* dinner,found Ibe door frn-

terio:l. He knocked lor admission- Too lady wouldn't let him In. He knocked louder- At last ibe pttienca of tbe matron gave way, and s>'i. ■ i:" * kettle of boiling water from tha itore sheni'bednp stairs, and opening a window over tho door, sent down a stream. Tbe unfor~ innate gentleman yelled; the lady icresmed,

< u BOIVOS you right, go away."

Asc riaining, however, ibat *he had heen pour'nu hot water 01 the be*d of her bu band

A Buffalo robe was stole

barn of Sylvester Abbott, on Friday


Timothy Raggerty killed a hoy & few

days since which weighed dressed ."'20


The next lecture In the 1'eutile's course

will be delivered nn Friday evening next,

Dec. (Sth. by Rev. George H. Hep worth,

of New York.

Itev. Simon G. Fuller, Itector of

8t. I'mil's church, Syracuse, New

York, died very suddenly In that city on

Saturday last; lie was a son jif Kev.

Dr. Samuel Fuller, formerly of this

town, and now rtsidltix at Mitlillclon.


Lemuel if. Banes of this town, raised

a marrowfat squash the past season

which weighed 0.1 pound*.

Itev. Francis Homes, a former res!

dent of this town, and now of Barton

writes us as follows: "My health has

seldom been better than it i

eighteen months since I left Andover;

the healthful intltiences of the farm life

have, by God's t lesslug, been the means

of making me well; few of my brethren

In the mlulfitrv enjoy such uninterrupted

health as I have had for the past year;

it Is rnv wish to engage In active minis-

terial labor again whenever 1 shall have

such a call."

Itev. Mr. Home; li a good prcttcher

and an excellent man; any society with

a vacant pulpit would be fortunate to re-

ceive his services.

THAI O. F. vt-ftw

" Ulve uot ttist which I* hrdy unlo tha do**, net llier aasl ye yulir pe«rli bfrfun- swine, Inil they trample them under iheir feel, sad turn .11; .in sad rend you."—slati.T: 0.

Tbi* teileontstn* the philosophy 00 which I* based the law or prayer that fallow*. Uood thlogt are liven lo aa oo eundltlon or aur aaklog Might, ao tbst wo may have additional Incitem.int to rise shot* tbe condition of ihe beasts, aod aaat-rl Ihe pre rotative* of our divine relailunahlp. Till* as- pect of Ihe case mskea It appropriate Ibal wo should take for Ihe aurjeot of a ihtnkaNlring aermon the

I'ltu West Partali flonlety liavu put a

w furnace lulu their ch.irch.

It is n ported Lhnt Rev. W. T. Briggs

■ of East Douglas, is nick with small pox.

1 On Tuesday evening last, the Shakcs-

i j.,riin class, under l'rofessor Hudson,

met in Hie hospitttble I101110 of William

Whitman. £SQJ. The reading of Macbeth

waa concluded. Tho members of the

class realized thttt their learned pre-

iptor had thrown much li^ht upon thia

magnificent, hut obscuru play. The

first scene of tho first act ol Humid,

was read. The I'rolcasor expressed his

theory that tbe insanity of Hamlet waa

real; but of a comparatively mild type,

so much SII, that he could hnvu con-

cealed nntl restrained it; hut did the

reverse, to effect u certain end.

Widow Mary E. Abbott, who died In

Clmilestown on Wednesday last, was a

native of this town, as was also her hus-

band, Mr. Nathan Abbott, several yeara

since deceased. At the late des;ructive

conllajiratlon In Boston, one of her sons

received very severe if not fatal Injuries,

and another i- inlssiiiK, who was no doubt

burk-tl in tha ruins; a thorough search

amiinjf tbe debris has been continued

elnce iho fire, but the body has not yet

been recovered. The intelligence of tho

t:>i IMII'UK." ol her -in :v i.m-ir.iu il her,

and she continued to sink uu Jertlie ulll.c-

tlou until her death The elderly people

of tills town, especially those residing In

the south part ol the parish) will remein-

ber Mrs Abbott, (lonnerly Mary K.

(Jummlngaj "iih much iutereat. Forty

jears ago she was -irmly esteemed by

ber numerous Mend* inr those oterllng

traits ol I'.inin'it'i she then potmeased,

and which were suhsi<ineoily more fully

develop il in her woiuuuhnod The aer-

ri i'.I in :!.i. ot i.er yotithlul t-chooltnates

and atsuclatt'S nave since b.en thinned to

such an extent that but few remain.

Those who survive her will dwell with

thoughtlul interest upon the scenes of

their eatly associations, when all were

buoyant with bopelalness o( the future,

but the vicissitudes of time have taught

thoiuMiti liiiry: Htid salutary lessons. Of

ten children, seven survive to uiuuru the

loss ol a mother whose eollckudc lor their

wcliare has been the absorbing earthly

object of her maternal love. Mrs. Abbott

has left H brother :ind two sisters who all

reside in Andover

i.,i.i,.i a sdvs - uf II

d opened ibe door, ex-

clslol K- .. i-i—ihougbt It wot them of enti afain."

It ISSQ ill I,-in uf 11.1 urn ll,,. ,:,,,;> (hit ail la machinery made fur the uae ul mind. the only IBlR| that SSlatefBi ilaown ask imti.rial uolverae has DO rltht* that at.y body I* bound to respect. Science rails to prove any abeu-

Iformlty In nature, Tbe whole tendency of tha aelsuesof the pretcnl day Is towards theo-

of evolution, which Imply CODBUQI changed in relations of ths force* of nature sod la the re-

sult* of their •nlenrorklnf. Crested mind we are ■alter— Interfere* wuu Iu Uws, Man

I* not more bound up la nature than nature I* bound up lu man. Il make* afreet dltTeience wlih tbefaca and force* uf nature what Idea* control the men who live In the world; e. f., tho face of

ID thla country it not what It would bave been If Ihe Indian* bad remained In posaesalon of li. The white roan tt denuding tt Of Iu forests, chanslnr,- tho power and course ol It* at ream*, In- troducing new form*of snlmsl life,and do*troytn*i Old Inhabltsots, opening new ehsnnel* for flab and doting old ones, and to In a variety of way* Intro-

ducing disturbing cause* into nature, whose Inter- actions are past onr calculation. Among other tbloga, iberslDfall and lbs fungus Ills that pro- duce* conliflou* disease* I* greatly affected,ons way and another, by tha aetlona of man.

Wa bave no warrant for d*o)lag lo Qod the us« of the tarns kind ot power ovar nature wblcb mani- festly bslODgs to man. Ths landing *f modern thought Is to place loo s real a aeparation between Uod and nalur, 1, (Jod li In nature, controlling it as truly and aa directly n* wo control cur bodies. Thsre I* no more dlflleuliy la tied'* answering praysr than In oar use ef oar own fres agency. Tha material creation Is a machine which Und us«a for accomplishIB« the end* of his unerring wisdom nod unfailing goodnata. TO* dsvotses of acleiloe and the ilndsnia of revelation are nt work In dif- ferent capacltlea la thsaama Bald of Interpretation, —th*y sra Interpreting tb* Way* in wblcb God'e wisdom and fuodn*** eipree* tbanealvaa.

The Bible guardi agalnal fanallclam In jirjjer aa well aa science doea. Tha fact that We ean Dot *e- cure svsrythlng wa wlah through prayer It DO more of BB objection to It* legitimate txercUe than the fact that wa cannot completely control tbe law* of nalur* I* a reason for cot otlng ibem at all. All thing* are not equally variable either In the male- rial or the moral world. Trof, Tyndsll's prnpoal- ion for letting tbe worth of prayer for the sick by he Inductive method Is * carton* case of mlacon

oeptlon. Tbe whole worth of the experiment de- pend* upon the suooe** with wblcb prayer can bs added to tbe ourailvo force* operating In OD<

ward, and aubn acted from another,and lb*certain ly wlih which wa esu maasare ihsss fure** addid or subtracted, N'.JW iu how great sn n praying for a sign by a wicked and odultsrou* gen- eration osn be cool id trad praying for tbe tht, ll (■III be Impoaalbls 10 tall, la yoa cm:.I not tell how much wa* added to thai ward, tin ibe other hand, It 1* llnpoeaibl* to tell bow much prater we have enbiisciud from tbe other ward, for many ploua but odd aouia would eoualdar tha experiment s Mn., .1 11,1.11 ery for them to eomc to ths help of ibe weaker aide, sod bow much their valor msy uotwelgh lbs lurco ot number* on ihe otber aide la more than we ean tell. Three hundred Spartan* ii, I'd.rui.•[■y'.K IMQ keep the millions of the 1\ 1- >'. iii army long at biy. Be*ld**, lbs poor aurfrrer* Ihemielvea can hardly be forbidden to atreich out their feeble bsiid* to (I . I, and urge whb unwonted power the promise, ''When my father and toy mother forsake rue, Ihen the Loid will i..lm me nn." Thai a ■iri'-i.i li ■ 111111 abould favor au riperl- rn, nt ao loose JBIAISW as this—one that admila aucli ■ , 1 :,ui 11. of unknown poweia lulo Ihe tquatiou— .■ I- .iv sal down aa the miracle of the lath canlury.

iv,. do not propose to pruv* Inductively, thai prayer MOIirea effecls In ihn rnalm of nature, but wbat we have asld ludicalts the dlflleuliy of proving ibe oonirary, aod, till thooppoalle la proven, we can keep on ualog onr eaoAdenan in it.,- lllble sad prsyar.

Tin' reason for • 1 ■ .!'« n-qulrlng at lo *tk for n.uie ll.li-g* before he gives tbem,Is Ihassmeos Ibal which makca It rtwptvtahle for ua to ihtnk IIIm for glba nf er wu have received tbem. Prayer Is pralas given before hind. The proper tlma lo bring prea. anre upon oa loeierclae grallluda I* before ibe gift ha* been be*tow*d. Tim raora (snnloalya min can ssy "please," Ihe more heartily be *sy "thank yen."

li 1* one of our highest rsaior.* for thanksgiving IhaiUodibua inalata npon our pntltng away o brutish IngratltQdt, and Inalata on our sttonlun the divine image thlt la in u*. It would nut worth while to live long In a universe where tht wa* no gralliude. A unlvsns without Ihe law of prayer would have Its typo lo the aoulles* business corporation* of the present day, thsl are doing to inni-b 10 rob both employer and *tnployea ol ail lbs aweclnrs* uf their asturs*. We have (riataal ri*. sun for tbankt that Iha universe It nut a corpora- tion, bnt that "God I* a nwardar of all such aa diligently seek him." We era warranted ii ing for prayer a moat Important place among tbe forcae of the unlvertt, Ths prtjarful bean

tli* showers of divine tsaroy at surely aa ibe moantalna draw tha eloudt.

And Iboae blesalngt are doubly dear Ibat lhay have eome In response lo lb* eiercise of faith li

Tbey are blessing* la tham**lv*i. and far in the manner of their bcatowmsBt. The

festivities of thit day are rob bad of iheir deepest IgDlfleaoce unless Ihey ar* bUnlngi for which wa

have reverently sited, and which we ra eat va with lb*nke|lvtng to Qod. If w# devour Uod'* bounties Ilk* brat**, a brata'* enjaymsnt it all wa oan e>- Iraet from th*m. If wa portaks of tbam In reeog- BltlOBOf uur reletlone to (iod.lt shall b* angels' food.lt shall ba bread from ilsaven In tbe alranglb of which w* sbiii walk forever,

Two street lamps have been elected In

Iront of the town hall.

Auction sale of standing wood to-mor-

row. See advertisement.

M. 0. Andrews Is about to leave New

Haven, Conn., where, for several years

past, he haa had charge of tbo railroad

shop, and has been In town with refer-

ence to buying a place.

Rev. Edward F. Abbott* of this town,

is supplying the church in Lovell, Me.,

preaching alternately in the village and

at tho centre.

The union services at the Smith

Church on Thanksgiving day, were at-

tended by a large audience. Kev. Mr.

Wright, of tho Free Church, preached

a vi 1 v able discourse, a sketch of which

1B given below. Kev. Charles Smith,

of the South Church, conducted tho

devotional exercises, and the Andover

Choral Union furnished excellent music.


Mr. & Ur*. ft O. Hal*** celebraied their fifth vteddltgnnnlveraary on Thursday tvenlug of last week. A numerous party of friend* and nslihbor* called u[...ii Ihcm al their housu, and were very kindly vntrrtulncd. Mr, Win. Uorrlson mode a nest and appropriate speech, and presented In be- half uf the gueaia, stveral artmlea of parlor furni- ture, illver water plicher, muslo rack, piano atool,

eja. Mr 11*1 nr* lu reiurn, Undered hi* wannest thsuka, and eilendid lo all a cheerful and cordial welcome j It gave Mm great pleaanra In be- ing made Ibe recipient ol »o many kind regards, and he I.inl.lv appreciated the sentiments which had been spoken, and thoold slwaya bear la grata- tul i-.-.ni-ii.lir ii.ii- lli< Ir very frlut.dly vl.lt.

J, 1*. Km Hi '■. K.q., very generously made a die- trlbullonuf tuikeje among tha hand* employed la the mills, A number or iheir former employ** were checked through on the *ira« line, for which Ihey all, no doubl, aeknjwledge iheir graleiuloe**.

Hr. Ohauncey Wilson, who h*a lived In onr vil- lage nearly a year, died on Tneaday. Mr. Wlloon csme from Taaolon, and was an overseer In the factory op to the time wln-n Ihe works stopp*d, lie was much respoeied by all with whom he bad f.irmed an acqublatanee. The rssldants at* oar village deeply sympathise wlih Iha family la their btraavement and tors 1 iliic! i..n.

The reservoir on Central street ha*,

bien finished.

People Lecture Course.


in this courf* will tedtllvmd la the


Monday Evening, Deo 9tu, BT



Tloketi.wlth checks for reserved siata, S5ett. Ver sale at the itore of WALTER 8. DONALD on and after Nov. ItOth, lb?*.

Door* open at !■! pail 7, Lecture to 00m- manna at K. ItaSS

\011I1 Andover Assemblies. A courte of aix Social Assemblies will be held

at S1KVKNS If AL'., No. Andover, on Friday Ktenlnga, commencing Dciinibir sllli, whlrh the danciof public are oordlally invited 10

in. Mu-1,1 will be furulshi il by the North Andocer Quadrille Hand. Dancing from H o'clock till n. Tlikett, admitting Gent with Ladles, 60 eentt. It

NOTICE. Whereaa, It hat recently come to my knowledge

that JAMK.H A. HAitvKY , ol Lowell, bt* been and Is now uelnn my name a* a partner In bnal- nets with blm, tbe puolle are hereby nollfled that I am nui apiirtnerln burlneat with »,til Harvey, nor have 1 tvt-r been In any way oonoerned with hlinasapariD.r. hVLVKSTatK LOVhJOY.

Andover, Nov. Ml, ]Kit. 2tn!U

TOWN NOT1CK. I uii'ii r-i«iii-il will be In sesalon. far butl- at thtlr room ou MONDAY AKTKKNOllN

, Llicrinber 'id, JOHN It. FLINT, itjelrclroen Mr- N.I. BlIYNTDN,! of LKWIS 0, HOLT, ) Andover.

', S01 10;.'. it


"I led Having rmiov-fd to the alore formerly r hy.lolui Mc.rrl-im, In hwln'* building 0 Street, would rcervrotfully invite the attention or her friends and the publlo generally, to Ihe Kali and Wlater elylre or Hllltnerv carefully aeleeted.

ID ooDoeetlon has been added acbolee tlorkof Fancy Uoodt. W« thall endeavor te pretent tbe mom reliable idles, and Introduce the noveltkt or the *ea»on a* fa>t al tbey appear. The Wormed Department I* made a specialty.

MRS. It, L. TAtM.tr MKN, K. A. HAMSOK.

Andover. Oct. U, 1872. tf

NOTICE. The mbiorlber w

) the r.ltli ha* opeaed

Faahtonable Hair Dressing Room)

opposite Beao's Hotel, KIM HQUABK. ■•■! swar to Uort't l.lveiy Htable. where he will be happy to receive and attend to the wants of customer*. By strict attention to bniloett, and by faithful en- deavor* to please, ba hope* to deserve a fair pro- portion or public confidence and patronage. It Will be hi* aim to keep a first elans eatabUalimcnt, and the public are invited te five him a trial.

Q7* Particular attention paid to (Juttint; Ladiea' and (Jhlldren't Hair.

P.8.—Toilet Shampoo,a new mods of cleanaing the hair without sou,, or water. Try It.

Ui'OHOK 11, 11KHII.L, Andover. Jan. S, 1S72. U

Wanted to Hire, for two or three years,


Addres* Box 167 Law- fagM

ANDOVER LECTURE COURSE. Se-aaon of 1873-73.

ratriAT EVB'G, Dec. a. -Bar. QUO, HBP- WOBTH—Subject, to be announced,

HOKDATEVK'O, Dee. 30.—Puor.W.H.llILEB. HubJeCI, SflBKKB AHOBO THt IlKIH Al.l't.


CONCBBT.—Time to be announced. Ticket* now for tale at W. Y. DBAPKlt'S.

Andovr, Oct. 11, ISTS. tf

NEW STOItB- Tb* subscriber bat taken the Store on MAIN

Street, (recently occupied by Jonathan Swift,) Where he ha* for sal* Drtt ela*t Camed and other FRUITS, Correctional-]', l.*mjii A Lamp Piiturts, Ton4 FA.wr aOODS.UStttf with a great variety of other article*.

«aT-A share of public pstroaaga r*ip*>etrully


Andover, Oot, 4,1S7S,

Auction Sales by tieo. Foster,

STANDING WOOD. Will be told, it public auction, on Haturdav,

NOT. 30th, at 1 o'clock, P. H., on tin-t :, rol.i - all the wond (tending on *lx (cnii i Ijntl owned hy Knorh Frve.end iltuated in Andovrr, nrar the line of North Andover, entrance near ilir lioti.c formerly occupied by Hearv Juqulth. Tn.* wood I* pi no arid birch and will IJ. sold In loin |g accommodate. Conilltlone, cash.

Andover, ROT, 20,1872, SI


beg* to inform bis numeron* customer* and tlie public generally ilj.it lie has received all the

LateBt Fall and Winter Styles in

DraMRmra HATS, mnvtBs.


at prloM that will be tare to merit * share ul poblle patronage,

Be has, In Mwordance with many wishes, added to hii stock the

"Worsted Department lnoladlnf all Fancy Article* for Womed Work,

A full line of Hosiery, Kid and

Fleeced Gloves, Belti, Ties,

Collars and Cuffs, Juit received,

WILLIAM Y. STARK, Opposite Post Ufflco, Andover.



■OVKIl, MAHS. Where may be found • Hood assortment of Fnrnl- tore, consisting of Kitchen, Chamber, and Parlor Furniture, Hattr **•«*, Bed*, Bedding, Window Shade*, An. fee.

M*tre**ea, Loun|*i, Sofas, and Parlor BeU made to order, or repaired and upholstered,

Desk*, Tablet, and odd piece* made a* drtlred. Curtaiaa trimmed and hang, Garpeu Inld, and 1.,-accal JobUac dona.

Secondhand furniture bought and (old. Good* oi all klndi received aod aold at Public Auction Kvervthlng aold a* low a* can baatfjrded war ranted an rep re tented.

Aiientifor the oelebrate JONKV PAPK HPKINti MED,boat In market. Varlou. klndi on hand.

N H. Mr. Woodman will render any aiaistance desired, In purchasing good* In Hot ion or else-

Andover, Jan;l. 1BT1.

J. LOW ELKINS, in. D. Respectfully Inform* the eitlitns of Andover and vicinity that he ha* opened an ollice at D per'e Block, Main Street, where he la ready anawer all eall* In the line of hi* profession.

Teeth extracted. Andover, Oct. HI, 1873, t

OO A X.- The subscriber hat a anpply of COAL of <liif-

erenl alie* and quality, which he will furnish onitomera at a reaionable price and short notice, Ordora may be left at JOHN II. Oil ANDLKB'S periodical ttore or at my realdence.

JOBN CHANDLER. Andover, Sept. o, 1873.


Open every day, except Saturday, from !> A. M. tol I', II,

At the animal meeting of Die KISHX

•Savlu^a Ilnnk Corporation) holdea No- vember 20.li, 1J>72, tbe foltowinjt gentle-

man were elected to, and have accepted of, the offices prefixed to their nvnrs: —

President,—Ueo. I). Cabot

Vic*' President!.—N. W .Haruwin, .John DavU, Ueo. L. Davis.

Trustees,—Henry Barton, N. <j. White, J. L. Partridge, A. r. Cla-kr. .Us. II. Eaton, John Gale, John R. Kolllns Sim-

uel White, Geo. £. Davis.

'I'iti- Institution has been very prosper- ous during the past twelve ifiintlis, the number of transactions fn.r rxccodlng

those of any prccedinii year.

Between right an<) nlr.e buudred [bou-

nd dollars have been deposited 111 small ms, to which add t!i« incrcaso from

dividends, and we find the amount car-

ried to deposit account, exceed* one mil-

lion ami seventy thousund dollars, from which payments, amountiti2 to about six

hundred thousand have been made, leav-

ing a net Increase of nearly a half mil- lion dollars. The bank has jnct made its

fifth extra dividend, paying Its depositor:*

a BURL, which together with the regular

dividends, equal* a iiot Income ol more

than • ■ I:- ii r per cent, simple interest, to ull

such as have left their money undis- turbed, and have shared in all tbe divi-


Six per cent , compound interest, pay-

able semi, annually, free from tax, and

free from cure, together with an extra

dividend once in live years, swelling the rate to upward* ■■! <i-lit per cent- simple

Intercut, Is as jje-od, if not the beet Invest- ment, affording; rqntl security, that can

possibly be made.

This bank has done business without Interruption for more than quarter ol a

century, daring which time It has never had a ease In court, nor in -i a dollar, ami

has earned for Its depositors far more

than tbe average of similar iit-iItutlona; deposits which buve been left to accumu-

late, have m^re than quadrupled In the

last twenty years. We can see no reason

why the future of this bank may not be

as bright and prosperous as tbe past bis

been successful and satisfactory.

rtvm our own cnrrrrpon.1t'nt.


NEW YORK, Kov.W, i%::. DKAI: A* CHIC AS :-W« hare bad a mow ittorra,

a cloud flurry, and a toy; and now the *uu utihn OIII, and ibe aky U ai blue aa Narraganaetl tiny [and everybody know* that I here !■ nothlnii bluer Ih.n ihM afloat]. 11 dun'-, really seem a* If tiir red of day had ever been ot>» cured. Jnal *o It la wlih humnn nature »i! over iho world; dart and dondy |n-day, lo-osoirow wirmand sunshiny,—or ai tho very longest, neit week. Nine of u* remain In the ikadc, althuuiili from the

DIIM-AIUIM It I. fair to

,LV J nc that »i.niubodyl" In a »tate of

nciluty moil uf the time, A aifUunulinrd phllii*- oj.ber caya thai Uuva-qaartera of the trouble eiue- rlenee In ihu wurld, I* liorrowcd. Iluw he makaa hla etUmate I am mrc I have no Idea: but hli cal- culation accms very reaaonable, when one lake* the paltik to look round amocf une'e frlunda, and note the oanaa* uf nngaU; but what ever utarted me on ' i !■■ eubjert ? I think )i was hearing a v I.I n lady remark lo ancther yuui'.Rlady In the car*, that *he wo* awfully afraid [Kbo hadn't *1cpt a wink Tor two n:i;t.>.H, thinking about lt,j thai nhc *hou1d net ohvatcd out of Attending Ura. 1'armalve'* reorp- tion. " 1 have bad," aho aald, " a new pink aitk made, with a doep point laco floncce, and a point laeo beitba; Bltoiiethor the dreia will eo*t pa abocl eleven hundred dollar*; and then I've bought every thing new lo match li." " But why do yon Iblnk you may not go ' " Inquired her companion. "Oh, beoanae," the anewertd, ." | rand fat her 1* very lick Indeed; the doctor aaya ha can't live but a little while, and it would be. ,i>: my luck to havu to go to a fnneril Initcjid of a reception." Poor child:I lliuli.'i ..:.■].[ a wink for two whole eight*I But after all, inch airlal a* thlaeould colbeulaaaed under the bead of borrowed trouble. Ilerct* a wife for ono of our young men I A awcet, lender, lympatbcllc little w.tniii. with wlSin eiKtence will be but

A FLKAIAHT 111 UINIIM: O On that very *ame car there w I couldn't think what wa* the fidgeted and fu*«'d for all the who la afraid of being loo late

'iJBtieineao ICloiUe*.

Ladiri will ilnd Ibo ]nrgc«t ac racnt gi Cloak Prtoios, <i'!rap», be fonirt In lAwrence, r.t


1 belt a«io Loop11, &^.,

. & Co-8.

Lac* nf nppi.ilte, hiartburn, palpitation uf the heai', diirlneB*, aloeplcMtio**, BQMtlpaUna, Al::d, meetal and pbyaleal ilel i'"v. ind melancholy, are cicfe.l by a dtiar range me nt ef tbe dlgeailve oraan*. To ihorouKhly mialer |b«M aynptOOW, White'* Ppeclftlty fjr Dyapepila I* the only prompt, rIn- dent, ai.d Hafu n medy. 11. U..White, proprietor, 'lUT Wiabl'igtou Ht., Itualon. Pilce, fl per boltlt.

'■■:,i t-i'-i ib

Vo+ftliiC ii n i'ii'.i". | '-tjaci:-! tur our ngod fathers aid \n- < >■.■.:■■; fur it slve^tbemiiranifib, quicu their ■ervai, and Riras tbem natnro'i iwect rieep.

Tne new Colonnade Ilctel, I'bllnilntpbia, Pa- in n nil..; ! hy strai'l <»ri' wltb Ibo Sow York depot.

W. Keller of Amsterdam, N. Y., earned witli a Wheeler & Wilson machine In fourteen years ♦ 14,561, tu miking coats; an average of more than $20 a week, with bat a low cents for trifling repairs.

IN a man In dlatrea* natter with him; hi world like a womar at the hair dreaiar'*

Steamship Lines. PASSAGE leonredvla. Ancbor, National,

or White Star Uses at lowest rates, between Liverpool or OIIIM^OW and lloiton o- New York.

Drafts fToa IS. upward*} alto, prepaid oert' ca»e» to New York or Boiton.

For farther particulars, apply to


Andover, May 17,1873,

A Splendid New House for Sale in Andover.

Bha* eight flnlihed r , 10 X is. •

Huru rtH'iijp, mu an OPpui-- tunlty of making four more In the attic. It ha*

'I the modarn convrnlenee*, and I* In every ro- aodel retldenee.

UKOKUU FOSTKB. Andover, Oet. 11,1873. U

VisiTIKQ TO-HAT the meat maiketol

H. F. Chandler & Co., at the corner of Xewbury and Common streets, which lias

recently been much Improved in appear- ance, and by the enlargement of windows

and repainting, been made to lo^k cheer-

ful and lightsome, we weie shown,

among; tbe fine Thanksgiving stock, the carcases of two pig) ol euormouaalze.

Ou enquiry we ascertained that the cur-

cases werj those of animals raised on

the farm of George W. Kusgell, E?q., at North Andover, under the superintend-

ence of Mr. W. B* Rdyuohh. The ani-

mals were a little over a year end a half old when klllad. They weigh together

1208 lbs., one turning the scales at .r>S'J

lbs., and the other at 01!) lbs. They nIII

bo cut up for sale in this city, ana the

beans of Mr. Malley. tha baker, will draw their flavor from them by and by.


Commonwealth or Massachusetts.

ESSEX, SS. PROBATE COUBT. To tbe hrlt«-et-lew, next ol kin,and all other per

■on* Interfiled In theeiUteof HAKAH IN UALLB.laieofNortb. Andover, In «aid coun ty, ■InKiewoman.deoeaied. greeting:

Wherea*, a certain initmment.purporilns to be tha laat will and teitiment or laid deoaaned, ha* been presented to *ald Court, for probate, by tUaphen Willlami Ingalla andCharle* K. Johnion, who pray that latter* teitamenturymay be LSa*M M ah*H, tbe eavantor* Iheraln Diaed, Ton are hereby ol ted to appear at a Probate Court,

to be held at Halem, In aald county of Eatea, on tbe Flrat Tneaday of Deoembar next,at nine o'cloek. before noon, to ahow oanae, If nny you have, aitaltut the i*me.

And aald I otfall* and .1 o hn *on aru h erub y d I rect ed to give public notice thereof, by publishing ttil. citation once a week, tor three *oooe**lve week*. In thenewipaper oalled the LawrenoeAmRrlcan and Andover Advertlaer, printed at Lawrence, the lail publication to be two day*, at leait, before aald Conrt.

Wltne**, (leorge V. Choate, Eaqulre, Judge of • aldCourt.tht* twelfth day of November, In Ibe year one thouiand eight hundred and seventy-two.

novi* A.C.QUUDELL, Beglttei.

STK.tM LAliMlltV. Lawrence and Andover Afetacies. The snbaeriber* are now prepared to exeente

all kind of work In the Laundry line. In auperior ■tylr, at abort notion and nt price* that defy com- petition. The proprietor* bold themiclvrn rt- •ponalble for all good* loat or mlilald, whether marked or not. tjstlafaetton guaranteed In all eaae*. Price per doitn, Including three atarehed niece*,7S cent*. For further particular* inquire of onr agent*. Kdward McKay. 10J E**ex Siren, Lawrence, and H.H. White, offloe at T. Henry'*, Main Street, Andom.

A rtare of public patronage respectfully *olle. It ad.

TOWNSBND.BLODOEIT A CO. West AmMbruy, Nov. 1, ltr»., 'if N.B. All |OOd* tent to our Laundry at our

rl»k, and Aee of *xptnte, liood* Intended for the Laundry Ifleft on Nonday or Tue»d»y ntthe Dry flood* Store of K. McKay, will be attended to with despatch.


■ tbe oflloe recently oeeupled by Dr. O.

Andover, Nov. 1,187*.

j^NEW MEAT MARKET TheHubaorlber hereby I

Andover and vlclnllv that be lataly occupied by vaipey Main and Central Street*, wh aale a larg* axortment of 11 ■■ ArtlelMiTel

Andover Junat, IITt.

ha* taken the (hop


TIBHBNOl HENRY, Manufacturer nf

t o»ii., CaikM*. and nil kln.l* or Grave Clothe*.

J_^_^^_ AUo, daaler In all kind* of Kur- *!3H ******Wnlture. Black Walnut, Cheatnut kStfl ■ltd Pine Chamber bet*, eon- n^^,"J""B,ejBiunt)y on band. Upboliterlng

and Repairing dune In the neateit manner, and at reaaonablo price*, llcturc frame*. Curtain* and Curtain nxtnre* oon*untly on band, and put up If deilred,

Opposite Memorial Hal), Andover.

TEBBKNCE HENBY, Auctioneer and Oommistlon Merchant, ie now pre. pared to **ll Besl BiUW or Penoaal Property st reaionable term*,

■w A. a o IT s. WILLIAM POOR,

Manufacturer of

Express, Market, Butcher, Store, Farm and Buainesa Wagons.

**T-Repairing In all It* br anobe*; and all work aerranUd at raproented.

Andover, March I*. 1171, tl


The ba*lne**ofthe late llermon Abbott hating puaadlnto the hand* of tbe aubiorlbcr*, they will continue to furalah


and other article* oonaecMd with the bnaln***, promptly and In the lateit atyle* and flnlah.

Coffin* and Caakat* flolahed In oil, wax, or cov- ered with broadcloth.

The attention of tbe trade retpeotfully aollolted. Pricr* as low and Bnlab a* good aa I* to be found,

WOODMAN A CnABTREE, Heal North of Town Hall,

A ndov«r. Mass., Oet, U, 1873.

THOMAS NABT, whose maiterlr plctares In llarper't Weekly, hare contrlbatod more ibsa any slnils feature of tha campaign to tbs great saccass of tbs republican party, was never more brilliant than fn bis closing cartoons thl* week The double page representation of tbe new well filled yawning the«ra.l» worthy the gen in* of tbe f raatsst csricslnrttt of tbe day while bli representation of hlmaolf. with a woa-liegooe coantanance over tho loss of bis occupation by Ibe triumph of bis party, I* Irraslttlbly lunny. Naat'i gsalns ha* given Harper a deservedly wlds repntatlon, which W* an sure, will be fully mitslDfld la new and fresh friends.

In ExTaEMis.byMrs. Richard S.Gr?enoa:h, h one of 11..■ ■ rare novels which the critical taste of taosn. Robert* Brothers, Bonoa, bnve given tbe public, and always in the dainty binding and marvdomly neat typography be- fitting such a story. Mre. Grecnougb is n writer of more than asnul tcGnemant and doli- csey; quaint, simple, eleva'^d In tone, which collared tsstes are certain to appreciate and be grateful for. The Literary World, Boston, in a careful review of the hook sayr,—" It Is one of those novels that appeal to tbe reader by tbe effectiveness of one or two chsrsctets, and by a manifest csmcientlouaness In workmanship, which bespeaks in tbo author a profound coa- HiloiiuB In the attractiveness of simplicity and adlalike of the fsctltlons excltemeats, highly wrought dramatic incident! and wild I v eccen- tric personages, so liberally employr/d by most novelists. There ii nothing oufeor stsrtling In its pages; no amazing scenes, no thrilling situation*, no exceptional brllliancr.of dia- logue or dejcrlption; It is a quiet story about two young people whose course of true lovo not only did not ran smooth, but bad a pain- ful, though not tempestaoas, end. There ere no theories in the hook; bat there Is some phlloiopby thnt is worth thinking about. But whst we especially like in it Is its naturalness. We never happsnud to observe circamatances analagons to tbois which It detills, ana par- haps ahoald have scouted them at prepoater ons in s supposed csse; bat Mrs. Ortonougb proves them to be no: only poulble, ba: nat- ural." Whitford & Rice have It.

TAc JUvtmit Pirn, with Its judicious so. lections snd always handsome priming, con- tributes snothef mostattractlvestory for boyu, la lloAsinsu SCHOOL DAYS, from tbo pen of that pleasant writer Vieux IfimitaGaVt, author of "Oar-Frcin snd Salt Tutors," and other stories. It is a narration, In the vivid and en- thusiastic stylo of the author, of echool life on tbe Hudson, In which 11 Is not unlikely from tbe life-like chnrecier of the adventures,—If, Indeed, wo may not call tbem "scrapes," that tbe writer has drann from personal experience, and the mnng folks cannot fail to become warmly Uttiiejtad In tbe lively narrative. Oae o( the be*t of writer* lor Juveniles, ibis voiume presents many ot tie bett paints of the author. Therj are uumcrom capital illejtratleU ty

ley aud NMI, which Hutlt.ilenliy spe.-ks for the hum,n- they express. Lee & shipari, 11 J*

for sale In Lawrence by Wbttford &. Rice.

Tn« CH* nrUODANDTHKCrtl'HCIl-MAXlLRB An examination of structural cbriMiututy, and criticisms of <'brl»l:an scriboa unit doe- torstif ibe law. By K Abbey, la one vol inne. ITUWII U vn. SI fill. NSw York : Uurd tc llou^blou. OiTOhriilgc: The Hiventiu Fraas. The note which follows the energetic title

page of this book rings with the same uiotal. Premising that Jesus did not do away with the old church, tli J**lsh,aod eiuhllsb a new one—tbo Christian, therefore Or. Abbey argues tbat the organisation or orHanlr.stionH new known as the chnrch la Christian countrlej are tbe devices of men, neither of them having any authority by viitae of institution by the Mes-

siah. There Ii a racinesi of sttlo, amounting al-

most to bitterness la the argument, and a strong personal tone aoottt tbo low words with which the writor bows his bead and holds ont this book. Indicating a demand that his words shall be treated with respect. Tbs Introdacior-

address contain* the th;»c < of the work. Thei are twenty-roar popular errors respecting tbe origin and nature of tbe church which the a^ thor assumes to correct, twenty-loar substituted theses which he proaoanc** incontrovertible. Raving thus announced bis purpose In unmis- takable language. Dr. Abbey proceeds with a running Ore at some four hundred selected marks, after which, In tbe remaining pages of tbe volume, be discusses what he terms tbe Cltv of Ood,-the unorganlsnd body of believ- ers in Christ. There !s a pungency and sharp-

tbe work which will be sure to cora- iiii.pi.1 attention. For sale by Lee A Shcpard, Boston. Whittord 4 Rice, Lawrence.

Tna VOIMI DODOB CLUB are skirmishing again, and that wide-awake author Trof. De Mllle, Who made inch a decided hit in tbo " B. O. W- C" books, has completed, and Lee A Shepard limed, with Illustrations, The. Seven Hill; Ibo second la tbe Young Dodge Club ■erles, which, like its predecessors, Is crowded with marvelous adrentures, strange Incidents, queer escapes snd carious exploits, over which the eyes of tbs boys will fairly sparkle with excitement. This Is a slory of tbe adventures of a psriy of boys who went sight-seeing In Rome, and, in addition to their wonderful ad- venture!, tbe joutbful reader Is furnlibed with much informr-tlon about tbe seven-billed city. It ia issued in the usual handsome style of Leo & Shepard, and lor sale by Wbilf.rJ A Rice.

lait an acquaintance entered, who very natural- ly atkxd htm what was tbe matter, I'd been aching to do II ever alaee we alerted, bat waa afraid ll wa* none of my builneu. " Mailer ?" aald Ibe gentle- man, with a ghaatly grin, "matter enough 1 do you Me Ibl* hat 'I " removing it from the 11 Ir.t, *«*»■ tred csput. " Y**, I *eu It." replied hi* friend with a laugh. " Well," reaumed the tormented; " thl* 1* the fourth hat 1 have h.d thl* fall; aud Juit luok at thl* rim. I wa* aihamod to wear It over I" "Torn.ldn't It?'' laid hi* eompanloo, exumtolng the article critically; "howdid ll happen?" "Hap- pen I " enapped the flrat mentioned; " my wife ha* got two pop*—a tan leriler and a Newfoundl»nd. aod I'll be blccied, [be didn't make uac of tbat word ; I do became It lound* better,] If 1 don't be- lieve that between 'em both, tbey will manage to diwroy evcrjthlng In ihe hon*e. Look here,

tinned, dlictodng a very ranged pocket to a very bandsomoovercoai; " 1 took .!;.■ Ibe other night; they arv both very fund of Hit-in ; my wife bu* taught llitm thai, you «, ■>, aud I forgot all about having Ihe confounded (luff. Wo heard an awful nolao up la the hall while wo wei eating dinner, but iny wife aald, " It'* nothing bi the puppies frolicking;-" a few minute* after tbe little devlleacratcbeil on the door, acd wife aald, they cimo to her whining and crying, " Why what in the world la the rattier wlih the»e dog* inuulh* n:e itock ipile together;" and Ihn mrmhered the gum drops. Uadl I wlih

IT 11 111 HIVI..S I ill 1! BOin THE l.li. K.I

1 wtat up alalra.nnd there lay my coat with the pocket torn out, and gain drop* and chocolate rreama rubbed Into it fwm one end to tho ether- " Well, what did you do then ? " Inquired hla c?m- pinion, almoat bursting with aupproxed laughler. "Do! why 1 ran after the pnp*,of coune; but wife bad got ahead of me, and lucked tbem up In the cloiet where I couldn't got at 'em. 1 proml**J to kill 'am, though, Ibl* morning, whan 1 found tbem

: tryiog lo ico which wonld tear my hat lo pivot* 1 flrat." Ju*t here that*

I heard waa," my wife, yoke n aalnt," etc., elo.

So Suaan B. Anthony and a .little *qund of wo- an'* rightera have been arrested at Itochcater for

Illegal voting. Icn'i that fanny ? II It mlonlihlng lb* ruler* of the race, Ihe noble, cducaiad,*elr-

centred bipeds nailed men,


WHAT TO BEAD. a reading let no time be loat, Heading what no one good will d(

Head carefully the The uttjul •• adrertlsempBta " read,

But all mere worthiest (ratA refute, Which letltfle* no human ueed.

Head *«rc tbe " rtiytntt" of UKOKOK VKNND'B, Which tell where Bora should buy their

" CLOTH KS," oat, r*ant*. V**t, 11 at and Hhoe* complete, Corner of Beach and Washington »trcct.


'SBirfho. (JAM H RUN,—In this city, Nov.!il»t, a daughter

to Mr, and Mr*. Dancan Cameron. H KA N. —in tbl* city, Nov. 23d, a (on to Mr. and

Mra. Charlt* H. Bean. CHKtaTIE.-Ia thl* elty, Nov. !7tb. a ion to Mr.

A Ura. Kobert Chrltltc (Waahlngton Mill*), the alilh tn ■uoeeaaloD.

al'OFITOUD. —In Bo»ih fli«»iud K«. 10. a daughter to Mr. A HII, Aldea Bpofford.

It AltlUNO'lON- -In Meihuen, Nov. -.-.th, a aon to Mr. A Mra. John Harrington.


i Ml» Lute M. Terley, both ol Wei

UI.IDDKN-CHOWLKY.-In thl* city. -Nov. S3, by Id v. A. L, Iloughton, Mr. Jolhim S. Ollddan ui.d Ml** Haiah K. Crowley, all or Lawrence.

DUNN— LYNN.-In Ballardvale, Nov. Oth, by Hev.ti. C. Osgood, Mr. Wm. Dnnn to Mln ilnrjurett'i Lynn, both of Lawrence.

KMKRY.—I'KRLEY.-In Weal Bnxford, Nov. 20, byBcv.O.a.Bullerof Georgetown, Mr. William 1'. Emory to Mlaa Lula M . IV lloxford,

HOLT — CLAHK.— In Tewkahnry, Nov. 21, oy lie*. Mr, French, Mr. llrook* a*. Holt of Andover. lo Ml** U*ryV., daughter of Bimuel Clark,of Tewkabury.

IODQKBLY-PHAW—In No. Andover, Nov. 18, br Knv. L. Fl*b, Mr. Joerph K.ljri-rly of Kpplim, N. II., and Ura. Abigail Hhawol North Andover.

DtrODALE— DKNNlS.—In North Andover, by ltev. L. Fl*h, Mr. John Thorn** Dngdale and Uiaa IIaun*h Denuli, both ol Nurlh Andover.

CLEAVKL*ND-I*ALMI-:it.-ln Boirord. Nov. Mli, by Kev. B. 1>, Oummell. Mr. Jatne* T. Cleave* land to Mlaa Anna ()., daughter of Aaber C. 1'almerof Boifurd.

fJTEVENH-BYMONDH.-Iu Andover, Nov. M. hy Bav. Charle* Smith, Mr. Frank N. eleven* of Middle ton, to Mlaa Auguata C. bvmood* of North Andover.

I'ETTIOHKW-arEAtt.-. Kev, K, A. WbliiKr, Mr. John 8,1 _ Mr*. Barbara Spear, both of Lawrence.

Kimbail Union Academy Meriden, ISf. T-I.

Avj:i>i«rr:s)nA.Y, DEC. 4. VOIt CATALOOt'KM, i: ■: »i: ■ -■ .

Kev. L. A. AUSTIIC* »• A- e'riaclpnl. "slBtarb

'White Puud" Lectures.

c Ninth Annual <'-.■■ of tbe "White Fund" Lecture* (free to the ludu.trial e)a**e*of Lawronee), will eommenco on Wt duetd»y even- lug. Deiemtjcr *lli, ls?2, at 14 toM o'clock,In the City Hall, and continue every other Wednctday even.ng, until the couric of *IE lecture* I* com- pleted.

Ticket* of admlulon will bedlttrlbuted to the corporation* a* heretofore: to other*, by lot, at the City 1! all. on the Saturday afternoon prior to

ich lecture, at 14 o'clock. Tioketdor iheclcrgvmtnor Lawrence will be

■served by the Chairman of tho Tru*tee« until o'clock ol tbe morning Of the lecture: If not

then called for, will be given to other*. The firm lecture will be- nlveu by Kev. W. If.

II.Murray.ofBostoD. N.G. WHITE, ) 1I.K.OLIVKH. >TnuaTaxs, OKO.D.CABOT,'

wrence, Nov. IJ, 1H7J. 3wl*

acetate ol Timothy Uenney. Notice I* hereby given that the subscriber has

been duly appointed executor or thl will of TIMOTHY LiKNNKY,

ul Mi-tliuen lutltc county of Essex, Tailor, deceated, tcatate. and haa taken upon himaeli that trust by giving bond*, a* tbe law direct*, All peraona having demand* upon the citato ol »ald -1' i-i iiM-d are required to exhibit tbe and all peraons Indebted to *ald eitate " «i'ii to make payment'"

a called*

"aVVi." SAKUKN'T, Executor.

On occasion. It seems to me that any fool could ■ce that thl* waajdal what Bu*an wanlid. Decent Amcilcuna couldn't stand an act I yrannlcal, IO tug- geatU-o of detrrmlnallon, to allow a part of Ihe human race no quarter In affaire ot government, To get men and women up In arm* against tho In. juitlca of law aa at prstent ad mini* tared. Is Jam

: that dear old maid Sutan want*; and If 1 could help her to attain it, true a* my namo la Eleanor, I'd alart onaitnmp leotorlDg tour. 1 have a lecture now, all written—" Why I want lo vote.' Donthugb; if* tin truth; and don't all try to en- gage mc lo deliver it on the aame night, becauau II will keep. I got It off once down in Newark, but ll didn't *ecm to make a* much noise a* I tipcclad and If I remember rightly

rswthc COHURN. -In Norlh Andover, Nov. 14, Mr*.

Uarab Coburn, aged 77 jr., 10 mo*. BBOWN.-In Methuen, Nov. Sib, EddieF. Brown,

aged J yrs,3 raoa. TlirHHTON. —1» Melbnen, Nov. lflth, John O,

' union, aged 4 moa, 3 dya. JACKSON.-In Helhuen. Nov. ITib," Kbentier

Jaekton. aged SI yra, 0 mot. TOWNS.-tn Methncn, Nov. IHth. Mra. MoryJ.

Towna, asfed 5^ yra. ATiBUTT.—In Charleatowa, Nov. 27. Mary |u

widow or tbe lale Nathan Abboti, fiiimerty of Andover, aged 60 yri, a mo*.

W(LBON.-In Ballard Vale, NOT. 20, Cbannoey WII*ou,agedia yr*.

Methuen, Nov. 13,1873.


Real Estate, IN CHESTEB, N. H.

BY ATJOTION. Notice li hereby given that the ■.ndcrelfmed,

oailgncea ol tbe ostale of Wm. Crawford, of Cheater, lUnkrupt, will aell at Public Auction, at Hachelder'* Hotel, In Chester, on sATI:it uA v, MivEascn aotk, va»,

Ano o'oloek, A. M., - Tho HOMESTEAD, iltaated la Chaster, con-

taining about 2 1-2 acre*, havlLK a eonimcdlou* Dwelling, with Barn and otbe. buildlnrr*, built in modern atyle, at a cost of about $20,000.

The" JOattPit MORRKKARM" {*o oalled), containing 80 acre*, attuated In Chester, near the Tillage, on which I* a productive Orchard ot young and thrifty tree*.

75 acre* of WOOD AM) TIMBER LAND, sit- uated In Nandown, an 1 known as tbe " Crawford Lot."

The"8tereaaLot "(ao called,) In Saadown, oontalnltig about:,.acrt".

The "Dearborn Lot," adjoining the " Mortc Farm," in CheMrr, containing abont 1 1 2acre*.

H acre* Woodland, In Bandown, called the - Fletcher Lot."

A Farm In Auburn, oalled the " M< rrlll Farm," contalutns; about 100 acrea of woodland aud pas- turing.

A Timber Lot In Auburn, called the "Porter Lot." containing abont w acre*.

Tbe "Crawford Lot," tn Candla, containing abont 100 aorc* of wood, timber and pailurlng.

100 acre* of Wood and Timber Land In Hamncj, N. H-, kuown *< the " /.I lock Hill*.'

A I.«t of Land lu Cheitor. called the "Green Lot," containing about 12 acre* ol wood and Um- ber.

The" Bell Lot,' tn Cheater, at Hall'* Village, outuliiluf! about 0 acre*. Also.laet H»y Scale*, together with all other

irticles in our hand* aa aiaieneei. KDBON FULL, | A,...,..-. J, V. li A It RON, I A»''*i»e«.

Manchester, N, li.,Nov. T, ls72.

BOOT i A Wood Lot, coDtaiuing about 3 acres, Bltnatedat South Wood*, in Cheater. Alio.tha right to one undivided half of the House occupied by T. J. Mclvln during his life.

KD30N HILL, (...,„„. J.V. BARROHl[

A,,i*n«,,■ Manchester. N, 11„ NOT, 7, U71. ;it'l:itnU

Impre**ed with the thought"'that I waa perfectly willing anybody ahould harrangue an hour that wanted lo, notwithstanding it'* a very good lecti Indeed. The only thing that plcaaca mo to think of In connection with thl* very remarkable perform- ance I*, that ono crcatura with a swallow tailed cost and while vest arnin acd hU*cd for the lull apace of two mlnules.

Bavc you aeou the new edition of Dickon*' work*, juat out by tho Harper* ? I have David CuPpctfluld, and It** limply perfect, oven counting In the lllu*- trailou*, which you ail know are generally abom- inable. The picture of U lea wber I* preet«*ly joor conception of Mlcawher, and tha moat wonderful part of 11 la tbat TUB SAMi: rACI MIOWH ITIE1.T ALL TIlHOtlSIt THE

BOOK. The binding Is olntfa, green and gold, wlih the principal tcenei and iucWenf* of David'* life, en* graven on tbe cover In cloth. The type la all thai the bllndcat old woman could dealre. If you want to ni.ik.- yoar friend a handaome Christina* pre*rnl, buy Itil. edition. 1 am mire nothing can Id be more acceptable. Ever your*,


BATOOA IN 1D01, id the tlHo of an oddly bound, quainilr lllnstrateil yolume from the prcssof •>*7<W(foii4f70.,pu»liitbersorthe Qalary, New Yotk, and Lumprfslng a collection, with rtTiiions, of some nf lha letters of tbat rolllck- in«{ ■■ .i, ....:,.;■ i EH Perkln*, who caonol write seri^n^iT it be trio*, snd from b's J^lly tfltVticnt, --oe. not o'f'', w HVM, m. k« tbe iffi.r:. Tln> 1* Iridied ■ Ucghir provision book, Its uf i (on.el- and atlrl.al bits, maul.cd ') the ov.r t«o bundled odd and fumy ill .. jui...n-. In.in tbe pemll ol Arthur I I.DI.-, . perhaps no spot on tbo continent ai or i, so wide a stope for tnu dasblBK, mls- chieTous buraor uf tbis dar-binir writer a* Saratoga, and ho li.ii bcre bit folly as she Hies and !..■■! M.I while It flits j ib'.re is a big lanub on overy pace anil another in oacb pictare, and the hook Is one sure ol a wids sale among all wbo appreciate mad wagHcry and droll non- sense. StralUn bat* a nupply for Lawrence; *2.00.

The name firm lave issued la paper covers, " TUB OHOKAL FOR WIVKS," by that brilliant novelist, Mr*. Aaule Kdwerdi, whiwo si have become OoierTCdly popalar in Ibe pastes of tbe Ualaxy. This is one of tbe brightest and most attractlTe of recent noTels, marked by (be power and spirit of the nntbor's besl compositions,—a charmingly arranged, freshly told aod pleasing narrative, and which will add to the popularity of tbls admirable story writer. St ration has It.

Ma. EiilTOit:—Will you please inform the pub- He If the resident* of Andover, Melbuin, and the cltlisn* Of Lawrence outside our corporations have the *peol*l benefit oftbe White fond lecture*, lo the exotatloa or the mill operative. F If not, 1 would *ngge*t that tbe distribution of ticket* be made at 3 r. M., Saturday*, Inalead of 1-2 pail 1

Vour. W. " w," cm hardly bo included lo tbe class be

seems anxious concerning, or he would have known tbat nnder tbo present arrangement, the tin'} >r portion or all tbo tickets to tbe White lectures are distributed directly to tbe operatlTes at the different corporations, and only a small number retained to ho glren oat at Ibe City Hall, for sucb or ibe "IndaitrlQl classes" an do not happen to be employed la the mills; and it is apparent tbat ttie change in time, as su««mteti, would only tend to place Ibe latter class at a disadvantage with tbose who alreajy bsve the lion's share; and wo hardl? think many Donroaldents come in our city, and bang around tbe City Balldoor, for tbe cbancd of getting one or tw t free tick- ets to a lecture.

A <;nf. u RXDUCTIOS.—Tbe Cunard steam- iblp Company have reduced tbe rale of ps.- ■sge to 9i>0 to Europe, and (mra '.Befriend, Ire- land or Scotland tickets are sold, good lor twelro months, at tho Bamo low rate. Now la tbstlmo ti purcb..ss tickets for your friend*, and asvo ill on each full passage ticket pur- chased. M. P. Murphy, 245 Biwx Street, it tbe sole agent for the Cunard line In Lawrence.

Free Public Library. The room will be open on and alter MONDAY,

Deoomber 3d, for the purpose of Begtstering Names of applicants for tbe use of the Library.

The Library will be open on and after Monday, Deoembcr Din, for the delivery of books. All peraon* Intending lo uro the Library are Invited to register their name* duriuz the coming week as this will materially facilitate Ibe labors of tbe Librarian, and tneurc marc prompt attention li the i'.i ..- .[-lent delivery of book*.

By order of the Trustees, JOHN K. KlH.LlNS, Secretary,

Lawrence, Nov. S7, lilt, 1111 IttnZW


Dry Goods & Carpets.

vVchave lost opined . ett In all Ihe 111 wand .hnic<< eoTor.,—OL1 VIA HI.IJK.BAliK liJIiKN.I'Rt-NK, BllOWN.and tlltONZK.

DRAP DE CTE!—« heau'.lful soil finish material, particularly adapted lor salt*, In all the new colors, Also, a full line of





in ; r. .t variety.









Brilliantines and Alpacas,

Dress Goods Department, and feel wc can suit the most fastidious tastp,

OLO A.K I NQS. We shell give particular attention to making nice

Oarment*, having ibe bt*t Cloak maker In Ihe etty, and have in atook, IK .vr and Light



To famlliei and hou'c keeper* wc have a line of

Domestic Goods ins,

Fl aim els,




Estato ot iii'iij miiti Rlchardson< Notice is hereby given tbat the ssbacrlber has

been duly appointed exeentor of the will of BENJAUIN RICHAQDSON,

l.iteof Lswrer.ce.inthccounty of B*BCx, yeoman, dHoeaied.luatate, and haa taken upon himself teat trust by giving bond*, a* the law direct*. All per- sona having demands upon the estate of said de. ceaaed are required lo exhibit tbe same; and all Car aon* indebted to said estate are oalled epoa

jmsLe payment to A. J. FRENCH, Kxeoater.

Lawrence,Nov. IS, 1 ■■•:. tlwHStnI»


'Fire Insurance,

lit Kclliible « oniiiimfi'h.

Estate Charles H. Woodman. Notice 1* hereby given, tbat the labicrlber h**

been du'y appointed admlnlstraior of the eitate

i.'ll Alt Li;-: B. WOODMAN. Iste of Lawrenee, In the County of Essex, Trader, deceased, and has taken upon him- self tbat trust, by giving bond*, as Ihe law direct*. All person* having demand* upon the estat* ot raid deceased, are required to exhibit'Ihe same: and all peraon* indebted 10 aald eitate are called

Dover, N, 11., NOT. v:t, 1872. ii:itnill«

TUSCAN LODGE. ere will be a Special Communication of Tn*.

oaa Lodge MONDAY Evening, December 2d, at 7 1-2 o'elook, for the purpote Of conferring E, A, degree. Brethren of all lodges are cordially Invited lo meet with tbem. it

La Boa TON, which lor November, we hero neglected to noilce. contain, four full p.ge A aoa-captain in Maine makes a pr.ic- colored fashion plates, and besides, two dou-1 tioal auggtsation to the Signal Service ble and ono treble page of Illustration* i tbose Departmuiit, lie suggests tbat arrange «„ carefully described in detail, followed by fashion gossip, letters, and a large amount of Information In Its llne-Monthl* (S . T. Tay- lor, publisher, 816 Broadway, New York i W

per year.

ments bo liiado for showing signals

from light-houses in case of impending

storms, ao that vossels at sea may take

all possible precautions. ,


F. S. JEWET1' & CO.

Have Krlnuvcd lo tlicir New Store,

oproniTK rut: OLD STASD.

South-oust corner or Essex and Ameabury sta.,

whore will bo found ..t .11 tlmo, n !»•-*> .»d complete ft.Jortm.nl ol r.crv kind of



«*r-Tbanklng their nntneron* friend* and the

public generally for lb* liberal patronage

bestowed oa them in Ihe pad, they will endeavor

by honesty and lair dealing, to merit a continuance

Of the mm-.

rnoe, Dec, 1, i-. ', Sail

^Ktoa, llaifforel, Con A ■ ilh,

l,i.'--ci in Roi

|G 000,000

| 500.000

Homo Ins. Co., New Yo k City.


Lossoa In Doslon,

* ,000,000 1700,000

Ins. Co. North America, P^il.Penn.

Aaaetn, •3U0O.OOO

Iiosaen In It-at on, ftl, XM.OOO

North Hi iiinli & Mercantile ins, Co.

«IO,OOO.Oi 0, (.old

f.o'-i'- in i.ii«t«Mi,

Springfield Fire Insurance ( ompany,



Loaaea fn IloMon,

Orient Insurance, Har





Dress Goods,


< Domestics,


Gloves, &c, all of tbo IMS' QUALITY, which w* now offer


and which wc noaOdenlly assert

Caaeot be Equalled In the City.






seleciod with SPKCIAL XKFKRXA'CK te

Lawrenee trade.


tlH Essex Street, - - - Lawrence.

Agents for the Eaaex Dje House.

W OOLENS, In Droiidrtotbtt, Csehmere*, and Water Proof*.

Faaey 6§Q4§ ©©p't We have opened this week

Jackets, with & witboutSlcores, Uooil*, Caps, Tippets, Clouds, Mitts, a full

lino of Fleece lined Hosiery, Cloves, Ladies' and Chil-

dren's Underwoar.Vcsts, Drawers, r»ntc-

letts, &c , &o.

To all wanlint;

CAKPETINGS, yon can Sad Bresse'.*, Tapestry, Three 1'1>>,

Two l'lys, K.xlra and Mediums, Uemp, Straw and Ull rtoili*,


Nos. 249 and 255 Essex Street,

For Sale. At Archlbald'a Wheel Co'* old *tand, Helhuen,

Running Farts for Team Wagons- of all alsss. Also 1 on* horse farm wacgott complete, all with the Archibald Wheel.


JOHN 0, DOW 4 00. Euccc**or* to

Cll AK1.K9 f, WOODMAN A CO.,

10!* Essex St.. La-wrencc, in. A t.i.iia IS


Glass and Lamp (iooda,



No. 305 Essex Street,

Corner of Lawrence,


■elected ODOdS lor

Fall and Winter Trade.


ELTIES In n nt In.


• UClt A.



07-A1I goods inlrtction.

warrnntctl to give aat«



MERRIMAC MACHINE SHOP, Near Herrlraae Iron Foundry,

Ultmllnaepl? LAWKEMCK.





Aasets, |t,:.(l,fH>y

Irfsaaca will not Impair Capical.

I). 8. swan & Son, AUEIVTS, NO. 7, Lawrence St., Lawrence.




No. 6 Lawrence Streot, Where will be kept a flrstvclaas slock of

Cigars, Tobacco, Snuff, mocrBfaaotn, Itryeir nad ( lnr I'ti.cn,




A abircofpublli patronage is uli-li,-.] ai the




jutmiM i.awBBxca, iiasa.

FOR IALI CHEAP- Abont S acre* or eaerllent LAND on (he II.

Tcrhlllrnad.adjolnlnK the City farm, well fenced, and a good lot for eraia or early vegetable*.

ABNKK lioamci., Lawrenee, Oct. 10,1S7S. 11


DENTIST, Olllcc & Residence

Porter's llloclc.

3fi8 Easel street, - * Uwreicr.

tid Ether or ChloreforB

■The be*t book Of Its claia ever PBbllihet I*

WORDS FITLY SPOKEN, byBev W.H.H.MUBBAT,l'a*tororPark Hire, t Church. Boston. It Is the most popnlar aad heat eelllng wotk In tbl* market, tiood Aicnts Wanted. Address, I. N. itlchsrd*on k i'o., N'.,iW(;orahl|l,Hi,-i'>n, Ma-*., and Bio. On Olive direct, St. Loals, M. t*odl«wo)lab

IK BOARO or AMIKUM ► ■, 1 Movernber It, 101. f

<ie.ni i.i II, lhat tbe cltlssBa'of tbe several Wards In the City, Qualified to vole a* the lew direct*, be no tilled lo assemble at their respective Ward ltooma, on Tuesday tho third day of Do camber next, at ti o'cloek la the forenoon, then and there to (Ive In their Ballot* for a Mayor and six Aldermen, one Alderman to be eolcetcd fiora each Ward: Also to elect by ballot, a Warden, Ward Clerk, three Inspector* of Eleetlon*, three Common Council-men, one AnUlanl Aaaesaor, and one Overseer of the 1'onr. Also for tha legal voters of Wards One and Two, to elect two Soliool Committec-mtn In each or their said Ward* to aerTo for the term of three year*. All to be balloted for on one ballot.

The I'olt* to be opened at "o'clock, A, M. aad kept Open until 4 o'clock, P. H„ and no longer.

And It Is farther OKDBBBIJ: That ihe Board of Major and Aldermen be in session at thtlr Boon, City Hall, lor the parpose or receiving the aame* Of Voter* to be added to, and correcting the Tot lax U*ts, on Tuesday Nov. lflth, Teesday NOT,

Utb,aod Monday, December 2d, from 7, to V o'clock, r. M., and on Tuesday mornlBg, Dteem ber 3d, from 7 to 8 o'clock.

Adopted. i.KO. B. BOWS, IwaflnW City Clark.

S. A. I. Ll-IS,

Beg* leave to Inform his friend*, and th* public, that he will L'lve hi* entire attention to Taeehlni thaOrgkn, Piano,and Voice (upon the Coaaerva- t'ir> plan). Alee, to Tuning and Kepalrlng all kind- of atcslcal Instrument*,

Ordnr* left with Dyer ft Co., or *l lloom Me. n, Sauuders'Bloek, will ncelvti immediate alien; tlon. ItfnovIA.

M" B1BVJEH wiilie* to announee te the Ladlf * of Lawrenee snd vlelnlly, that she is

pr it'iredtogooetbylliedayor week, aad can attar.d to Dreaa Making and Tilmmlng la the

KIT reTrrenoe enquire <.f tlie Mlt*r*Hl*iiehleld, llwllltmfft 1M Broadway, Lawrenee, Mae*.

A Rare Chance.

Addresi, A, B„ LawriBce,

No Koap eeer made has met with Btteh stu-iT-a na

BEinU'l WAvUimci SOAP. The large »BIM that are dally m*td« and Ihe Increaalag demnnd for It are ih,- beet proofa that li haa no equal.






constantly on hand and made to order,

Zlutaj-Straw, VelT*t, Felt and l'arl*, from 13 eent* to ta.OO, aa to quality,

atrCall and examlaa before purchasing.

Alto a full line ol

Ladies* Furnishing Goods,





FIRE IN BOSTON ! (tljo.ooo.oiio Consumed In ono night.

The Great Conflagration at Beaton lia* had a tendency to rai*e the price of Cotton and Woalan (■'abrles, owing to the large quantity of DHY UOOl.s nonsnmed.

We had ou hand a large atoek, and have re. celve.l since tbe Are several bale* of the above good* which we will continue to aell at the OLD



228 & 230 Essex Street, 81CC0ND DOOB FROM TUR P, O ,


And supply yourselvta with Cotton*. Woolens nod General Domestic doods at the Old Klgaras, and save from 10 to IS per cent, 3 eases of


Long Shews *5 00, worth $!0

Square •* 2 76, " 4

Cashmere Shawls, 4 75,

Mixed Grey Shawls for Mill Wear, $1 87

DRESS GOODS W* have (he Largest Stock la Lawrenee, and

for "arlety and Btylecannot he anrpaaaed. New Japaneae Milk*, .'.v,, ,35 and .00. Black

Alpacas, ,!!A, cheap I—Berge* and Alpine Poplins In all the Naw Coloring*, irom .17 to A: per yard.

Remnanti ol Dress tiooda Cheep.

Hanlles, Sacques and Capes!


a superior manner and at our well-known Low lees. All kind* of cloth* tu I table for maklag

Ladies' and Gents' Underclothing. Fringe*, Trimmings, Laoes, and a general as-

sort mint of

Fancy G-oods. Kid CilorcB, 75,-.

Heat Ciermnn Coraete* 63c.

HLANKETB, $3 30 and 3 30


Call and examine at the


228 & 230 ESSEX STREKT,


TAYLOR & BOLTON. I l..tr C.nipbi jl k Tnylor.J


A.W. STEARNS & CO. are opening

Fine, Elegant *ft Cheap floods


If. ire offerlBB SPKCIAL BARGAINS IB oar bUAWLDRI'AUTafKM and braaUfnl

tiooda. Al*olbe Lurgcbl, Newest,

Most Helen and Desirable Stock of *

OKKns UOOIl.t, at Temptingly Low I'rlces.

^Blankets* Flannelst and Deilrable Warm Good* for the approach lag

oold weather. We have the largest and meet complete assortment ol

Carpets & House Furnishing Goods to be foaad. Prom the

Best English Body Brussells down through the




And the moit Common Quail ties. CANTON A COCOA M ATTISGrJ, Ht'UH, MATS


All of which ws are disposed to sell at


We wish It dl*tlnet i v oadersood that one atoek 1* large and choice In each ■peealty and Department, and lhat we pledge our patrons as good Goods and desirable style*, at a* low or low- er price* than lloston or any other market, Qea. llumaaly and honorable treatment fte.

Just opt-Bint an assortment or



One Price Only.



ITirst < In HIS Work. A. W. KTKARN8 A 00. hsve opened the yinr.i

a* wall as Us LASOKBT Assortment of Strictly Pine Woolens ever diaplayed IB this elty, embrsc. Ing BK8T rrenefa, London, West of RngUnd, Sootcb aad American makes of Over Coat- ing*, Vesting*, Coatings and Pants* loonery. te which we would invite the atten- tion of QeatlemeB la Lawrence and Ttelalty, assuring them that tuey will rind the molt nobby and Stylish Goods toaeleot from; aad we are prepared to make up Coats, Peats, Test* and Whole Suit* ID the Most Styllah and Finished Mannor at moderate prices,




Ovorcoat, Under Coat, rant s and Vest, to be given Gratis, to the person who Tret solve* this Kalgma, enrreetly, prior to Christmas, 1*71,

At the "GLOBE" Clothing House.

T ■iinj *Ii ii. or (ienlleman, or Boy*—

| £l.!.T-M\i; 1* .!,.■■,;> o

ROOM PAPERS ol M.r, Grid, nnd Qonlllr, nt the Lnw.it l'r len nt


125 nnd 843 Enex St., Lawrence.

Window Shades. Painted Cloth, Holland-, Rustlos and Paper

Shades; also, the Beit and Most Approved kind*


Picture Cord and Picture Enobs at


Account Books & Stationery In every variety at


PICTURE FRAMES of every description made te order at


Corner of Essex and Pcmbcrton St. A full line of

Umbrellaa ft Walking Canes. Umbrella* and Parasols Uepalred.

Toya aud Fern-v Clooda oi every de- acrlptloa.


Millinery • Fancy Goods AT


164 Essex Street, Lawrence, Mass., Three doors below Jackion St,


Alexandria Kids la one and two hattots, which we are selllag cnaar.

MISS HATTIE OHATBURN has oharge of oar Mllllnerj Department, and will he pleased to see any of her old easterners,



It. ".' 11111:1, ('.., ii'i'H, AM 11

Dyiprptta <\ Pulmonary TitbtTcUi


I Will. Ilia Kll.lr J. V. Dirumil *f I'-rl*.

Ilnformatlon ft Instruct Ion* aent (free) all who desire It by address!),*-

I ft. Berraard A Co., Bole Agents, Pr,<). BOB MS*. t: William St., A. Y


SAY TO THE WOULD That what people have been looking for and •eeklng after for IBs laat hundred fear* ha* at laat been lound aad can be had at


Boot & Shoe Store. l ii" Famous

"Watpr-iProoi' 13oot For Ladles aad (ienttemen, made of the Repellent Cloth, and warranted water-proof. We lie** tf uteri ihem and can warrant them water proof. Per Ladle* wa bare both

Laoe and Button Boots*

Frank Knox's Boot and Shoe Store,


ttTt* It—or, If voullilnkyoullfrueie

111 Anil si One, Two, Three, Dock Q.

jf'Ji;ii„' Urn, or llentleman, nr Boj*—

'Ont cholee nf RiITT-lkOI.l.AH milt*.

l-.il: 1 -j, ■■ Al.l. tnay " Try 11 on,"

(ntlor the acliitin we'r*' hnee pmjieea'

emeinlir Tin* Suit eo*t* ye


ee* rule, ami mica are qule

|F all we heepi-wo'ra sure i.f thl!

DE acYTdt'aln thraoouuldollnaa

Hard ti find out 'twist its ami

11 CAB U> f3ut1.l-lhounh-V.ill you trjrf

glos* li (pilnc.l—withuut sumo wa


» I.11111; -

Aaawere may be seat by mall (toouraddreis, below) or otherwise. Whoever rutST aolves tbl* puiilc, accurately, will be fitted to a complete • flu ai.lt, ^rKtl* 1 The style of which, wlUi our immense fre*h low-priced Kail stock of Cloth- lag, may now be seen at tbe axw



Teacher of Pianoforte. Lawrtai* St. SmlOll*

Horse Dieoaao Don't Effect nilRNIIAM'S PRICES.

Look at hi* large and New Sloek of

FA.I.X, QOODS, at price* tbat can't be beat,

RlrnV) Youths', and Hoy*.' Ovrrroatfl. Prom WM to ll 00 Dollar.,

A Large and New Snook of

Men's and Boys' Suits.

NEW STOdFoF PANTS, IB the Latest Styles.

Shirts and DruworHi Very Cheap.

HATS rlrld CAPS, In great variety, tor all ages,


.ULOVEH, FKETINU8, and every thing ID tbe furnishing good* lint very



B TJ RNHAM'B No. 103 Essox Street.




Copper, Iron and Glass Oylender

PUMPS, of nil kind*. Al,o In




Comer Hampshire § Essex 8tS., LAWJIENCE.

The DAVIS Vortical Feed, Shuttle

SEWING MACHINE. The Largest, the Simplest, tho Cheapest,

the Beit.

Thl* Machine hat last taken the nm /'rt.r at the Lowell Fair, la fact 1 thai never failed taking the Brat premium wbarerer eBhlbltedla romp' tltlon with other inaohln.-..

It KtHolies, H(a.,(h«> width* without beat- Ins,) Fella, Tuck*, Corn., . Inda, Braids, Frlnvea, Ruffles, Quilt*, k'agtol*, Oather* and Sewa On at tbe same time wltuoat bailing.

THE D A Y I 8, unlike other machine., hs. not he*n paged Into notoriety by boastlnu advertisements, but In a quiet way has earard a great reuutatlou oa ao- count Of Its maay superior and desirable advan- tages over other machine s, Flotue nail and see thum at tho Agency^

19S Essex street, Lawrence,

At Dyer 8. Hall & Co'a Clothing Storo. t Ino*4 JOHN WABBURTUN, Agent,

tt. H.-Machine* Itepalr.d or Eaehaagad.



our oltlsena may now enjoy Ihe luxury of

IIOT AND toi.lt it AT llr-.

Tbe proprietor haa recently refitted hla balhluK room*. Introducing (team and all nthcr 'leslrablr facilities In tin ni.tt.rof Hut *n Cold Baths, at great t LJJI use.

rBIOEB. Miigle Haiti*, * 33cla. Fear llaihlag Tickets, 11.00.

Open at all boars, day and night. If ijanl n31 T. W. HUSK, Proprietor.

BLANK BOOKS made to order la any shape.


24:4 Essex St.

Speolal Notice I To Balldert, Carpenter*, and othrrt »

... miiiini or ralalut bulldiBg*. ilngballdlng* you i



(,'■■■'. vi i . Ool, 11, IK*.

AaTThe S»OsXR wa* awarded the JTirnt I'retniiiiii at N, V., Fair la llfl, a* being Ihe HHUT Family Sewing Maehlae; and al*o the preeant year the award* wtre Silver Medal*.

(Signed) K.T. ROWM.I.. Atst Beoretsry N.B. Mr.

The HINOKH eat given the hirtt rrtmlum ai R.n. State Fair, held at Ilover. It* -i :•' i;i Oil IT V over all olbera hi* got It in tbe habil oi doing ao.

Sold for to prr month, or for I ';■■ ■!>, hy

T. W. DSALD. Agent,

244 KBB« atrefl, --SanDdfra BtsMk.

All kind* Hachlaet It(|>alr<>t. y n-l...,"il Nii'l teLet.

Machine Stitching, HUmrilng and Braldlnir |r order.

244 Essex Street, - - Lawrence.


BLANK BOOKS H.ie to ortrf, »!1 ItylM mod ilin.


Business Notice.

^iisttal Hlotifw. WEEK'S fi'AOIC COMPOUND,

The IM-N! K.mtdy In. Coiijli^nud Cold.

- - I





.-:.') lv.- '. street, . i. Li: y Hall, for llie par]

Ion IIAKKr-'.MES lit every bad, loth Single end Denble.anl thai: use the best cf rtj^k aud put lu the bed of wort; will try to pirate alt who will gire me a Mil.

S'isil keep a large UMIMill

Trunks, Bagf, Valises, Shawl Btrapj and Trunk Straps.

ii vi,.-, i ■> Repaired and Oili :.

C. U. ST Lawrence, A. i ii U, UTS,

ererdUcuTerrd. Thrr.'. no: [ casfe or the throat (.ml !nei

IWrOOCe I i^f *»«d J-V*«: t*fyour dratTAlrt ' | WiNfcCO.,..-* Hanovtrfct.,.

IIH, A^<

Never want to Exchange It,



VHdbatt'e-wu rOfio.o.aooXs- .!oa. iirsmaiKPb



the only aedioinii tHal will cur. Pulmtmafy Cannon ptlon.

HonicilBK-i medic!n*<. tMt *UI nop » eonfb, will ultra occailoc. the deal h < I tb< patient. It Ijcti mt liie liver, »l"l * I"'1 rlrtulailon of tno bloi d, hracrrhij?* follow*, and. iu fact, clogging the action of the tcry orfcaai last cunil the

Live'r coir.jla.ut and d)tprp*la are tbe causes tf tno-thlrdi of the caser, nl comumption. Many are uov complaining will, dull pvn In the tide, the 1 ■ ■,. I" lonsetlmes eorllte and fcmrtbnrn loo loose, tonguu coated, pain la the iticulder BUM, iV-Duiriometlsse* very n-.tlrtt, and al other Ilwctrtrowty, the fs-od that It taken lleahrtrlly r.;. the Mcmacb, act-.in:pen led with acidity and t,i-lj!im-ofwind. TbeMJuymi'tonieomally origi- nal c fritrn a dleordcred < ondnli-n of tlif> itomaek or a wirpld liver. l*er*c.'-i *■> tfiVcied, If Ifcey lake 4 i ■■ ur '.*■- heavy ooldi. and If tha cough in tbea* onset bu tuodcnly tlopped.the longi, liver and tt»ciac!iclog, and remain torpidsudInactive,and Kforc ..,« patient It aware of hit tllumioo, the Inn .- a» a meat of eoiet, aud uleireted, and drain U Iho Inevitable mall.

Schenrk'i 1'nlmonle Sjrup l* an expectorant which do.'t not contain any oplBB., nor any thing ealculatt'l to check n couih tuiileoly.

Bchi-noh't S'-aweed Tonlr illttolrct the food, m;iiK with the j[i.»tric luke of ibu utomach,dl- 6e»tn eiwlly, uconthe* IIM ajitaai.ill HiMai •

eallhy circulnl^on of ili-b)oml. When the bow- '-■ kin tallow, IQ,I Vw l.ailrni it of a

" .drake Pilla are


ganenll; bows

a mow i i:t, Schei

fhete cio!'.t!nf" %'<• pni-arfd by Dr. J. H. SC'llfcKCU * BUN, SuniieaM <-orncr of fcttxlh and A rah ttraatJ, l-iiim-J^lflila, l'enn OEO.C. GOODWIN « CO., i" McniTir ntnet. Uotton, John r. Henry, U t;>:.-,;v uitfe, Mew York, VT!,oi,«4l.- Aftnt.-. i! tag«

fur »nl'b> DnBalatajtentTUly,

OVER 1130,000 SOLD.


kl TMI






We claim uuri UKST for UM following

ruaaonB, wblch wu stand ready lo Picovt

to alt who will give us a call t—

Firjt—They are not BO eompltaated

that they require a mechanic to ketp

them in order, n» they IHIVH 20 less ;>aru

than the tluiplMt machine In the mar-

ket, tli en ■In in 20 less times liable to get

out of order.

Second—The* arc the stillest running,

having tho silent \<<<\.

Third—Thej have the lurtje.it tales of

nny b'amilu Machine* in the world.

Fourth—Thyy uru the highest tpcetletl.

Parties advertising other machines as

higher speeded, make :t fata* ttttUment.

Filtli—They wiil do a larger range ol

work thuu any otner machine.

Sixth—They will do heavier work than

any other Family Machine.

Seventh—They h:ive the best stitch

and tunsi'in.

Sewing Machine.

rrrit work* nice

Celebrated New Drop Peed,

a 8cr-w, The Prritr.rr tnot it rciatated "Ith

:litt the preaaure can be ifl or lua*r;].«l at [ili'^-url, tc H2 lo the <;nallty ol thf ^oodt

It ifi the most



If runs the easiest.

It docs the greatest vanity of work

without, change ol needle, threw!

or tension.

It has a 8lr.iight needle,

and makes the l#ork Stitch,


arc the latest i:n; ■ . v s. ■>,■ -■ compa.i an 1 darabl* auMblna iiv.ii/, We nlvlir all who I. Wondrrful Improved Uanhlu

enthei t<t itlvo t!ie:n ;>

thorou^'li i .iji;.ina::„u amltrhl beforepnrchaa- lay. If , it are thinking of baying a Machine, and w-ir.t tbe ItBST, we ai,o«IU to plea^L: to aead a "ItorolnKton Em&lre'' to ;our hum* on trial, with a anaipetaal perwaa to ••■■.'.: you to ran It, Fret if t.sptr.tt, bold on tbe itntt Mitral Trrmi,

ad $6,00 per month until paid for,

a. Ii. SMITH,

No. 143 "Kss.-x Htj-<

Agent for r*awr*nco :.r,il iHnli


AM Waahtntrton Street, - - - - l)i

glass foot,

can gee to

eaelor than

Eighth —Thej have

with which ttni natural

guide tin; work, being much t

with a ste«l one.

Ninth—They do not oil thei

Tenth—They do not ban

thruad in their bimlLl.-s, unall

Stitch Maehlnei do.

Eleventh—They will use i

all kinds ol threads und Bilks.


fmflJL-l r Knila


SLATE AND METAL ROOFER. (.■:.,.■> a^d Yard at


WEST MTKKET, MWHENCE. Leaky Hoof-mnleTlk-tnatthortooUee. lrmrir*

Boots and Shoes.


J. I). IIKUR1CK AMO S. M. FRENCH ind»r 1MB name and ;o.jifii'i.'ct it'll >■ i'.i.'i- .ii.; iln-'p-jdlir »-■!■■ r

itylt of J.Y. FBElfCQ k IUCI '.iilhi-lrfurmi-rpatron- uj.tbst iliey may *i!ll t«

71 Bgflex Street, (139 i

taUnt b'


it be Llraars) to tl ipeted atockof «*. , Youth'i., ChUdr

w Number,} ■0 to thowtbeii

i. Wo

AND SHOES. ilte,-1 »!' tlotta, Mtoodn.furitFi'nt cf

RUBBF.U (rOODS. Women's No-Heel Rubbers,

BOttlaawkno to DC found In t!;i City. Their U'iad«, ai tit at pot-ltle, ari- madr It.

«rder,anii ri-ci ivi'd dlr,-c!ly ironi I hi i., ■-: r' r^tti- lib^e manula<-tur.ra,

sBj-They are BOLB Aufntu cf thr



3JHTH,,'i.m: ■numfaeiure

■d \hr ti-fTlort of M K. I!. B. tecly ycurs tvporl^ncL- in th» I ol !;uii- and Shoe*, lb*) merit a than cf the public

I'itronane. syl'le.isc ftxamice our Goods before

;>IL;'(:!I!I ;i'; :.


131i Eaaux Street, Lawrence. J.I> nJerrlol. ». M. r'resafa.


Wonderful Invention of the Age




New »u ! 1'n Ii, ..•


845 f'oramon Street, Lawrence.

Found fit Last ! Alter rlghi-wn i»onrt»' eone«Bt Bsperltwi.l

Inu-, :he Ai.^rleao TaM.t iMinpany li.f |>u

of ,hf ifi'. a

Soft IM( Conffuuous Stream of Electricity, Tltallnitif and (flving hetltlty ae'.lnn to the nntlre tH-ii-.i'-iil -y-t-v: . r ihoneimrM.AllSOLlvrKl.Y an.t I'VttTAl-M.Y CLlllSO

Partial PamlyBla of thu Optle Nerre, Weak or Diseased Vision,

Neur.tlgia of the Head or Face, Nenous Twitches in tbe

Muscles of thu Face, Noises in the Head,

Loss of Mental Energy,

anditio-ier .V, mini MitrtuM.nrltlng rrom de- preml in of the m-rvou* mercy of tlio ryattnt, eontrti'uHiifl, in a noat anoTil-hlug decree,

LIFE AM) I'lOOn AXD HEALTH, i, the mean* of the tolt fi»wiu« «tr<am t,f Kler- rlmty, k'tviiiK

ilrlglilneBs to the Eye, IJnickiK -s to the Ear,

Energy lo the Brain.

They an- set with ln.jia ef llie tlneat mannlae ;ure, to ouil all aljflita, anil with KI"'«<-I> tor thof 101 needlus -ji-i.la-lct'-,r.o,l wlih.hut detlrlni he bi-LvHia t., be derlvtd from meariBirtbe Hal


lValPhn.nkt-r, Jowcl-T an-1 Optician

rartl Maeluuio.areu

of aflent* who

on.st.j blind tli

we M|] t.utone

ant of Wlli:),;[.r.lt L WILDOK :

tUlltl.l) IIIMHI\i:!l

Whoolor & Wilson

.:K, **.■ will b.- h.»pyy ton I br.-.cl.c. of work!

t: (> IT" » A X l>

O 1 I, H ANU



Adjuster uf Complicated Ace ill!.

CO LLECTOB. —239 Essex St., Lawrence, lion re,--; to land 7 to s y, M. i IwplS

TO LET' NOW READY, Dim Ilrlflc Iflfaolc,

flltST VL.lSH mi Mini •.

hit. I.OVNUIN,

No. 2S5 Eaatfx Street, Lnwrence,

.Iry, Kaney

. — Also Agent for Laaarnt & Perfected Spectacles and Ey.

i, lhi< IHMT in I lie world

A well-bred ktrangen.

Motto lor murdiirfw—While thero'a life there's ropo.

What fruit is Ut*< moat vMonary p

The apple of the eye.

Alawyir U not liko as; apothecary, because he does not deal in scruples.

A yoang subscriber wants to know if it is letter to bido yoor savings or save your hidings.

Mom.—A fireman writes to say that ir your piano-forte should catch tire, the best plan is to play on it.

The strike among the wheelwright! produced some fine orators. Wheel- wrights are good spokesmen.

A man out West is so bow-legged that his tailor is obliged to use a circular saw iu cutting out his p.tntaloons.

A gentleman ordered his Irish servant to call him at six; but he awoke him at four, telling him he had two hours long- er to sleep.

A bill-posted on tbe walls of an En- glish country village, announces that a lecture will be delivered in the open air, and a collection made at the door to de- fray expenses.

Man and wife are generally called one. Some people, though, reckon them as two. lfut ton is the proper calculation ot some couples—the wife one and the husband a cipher.

Has it yet been decided who was the first performer ol the tune the old crow died of? If still & doubtful matter, is it not probable that it was Ola Bull, the calibrated violinist P

There wis a reward offered Ibe other day lor thu recovery of a largo leather lady's traveling-bag. Whether or not the largo leather lady has got it back has not yet been stated.

A widower, who bail never quarreled with his wile, said the last day of bis marriage was as happy as the first. An- other widower said the last day of his marriage was the hippiest.

A misanthropic barrister, writiug to a paper, announces, " The clock of our court-house, emulating tbe example of sonio of our ladies, had a nice- coat of paint on his laco yesterday."

An instance of throwing one's self about was witnessed a lew evenings ago ut a party. In the case of a young lady, who, when asked to sing, first tossed her bead and then pitched her voico.

The Popo said on hearing that Father Hyaeinthe was married: "The Saints be praised ! tho renegade has taken his punishment into bis own hands. Tho way sol Providence are Inscrutable.1'

A woman attacked a burglar, threw biui down stairs, and broke his neck. She laucied she had gone too far, though, and explained that she thought It was her husband coming home again tipsy.

Heartless Conduct,—An elderly gentle- man, while comfortably enjoying the warmth of h's own drawing>room lire, turned hit toe* out. No reason has as yet been assigned for this barbarous cruelty.

Country gentlemen are olten on the look-out to '* pick up an animal to suit them." Would this opportunity be of- fered when a homo falls down ? It' not, explain how you can pick up what hasn't (alien down.

A good, innocent Philadelphia!! thinks that ncwBhoys should be more honest. He paid tour cents for a paper because the boy cried; " llattle in North Caro- lina ! Horace (Jreeley wounded in tho leg!" and there was no such thing in it.

Our experience in journalism, says an exchange, teaches us that there is nothing in this world that will so dis- gust aud sicken tho general reader as to earn, after wading through the particu- lars of a drcudful accident, that thero is probability of the victim's recovery.

A prominent citizen ot this city went home a tew nights since ut a lato hour and gently tapped on the door. '■ Who is it P" inquired bis better half. To which very proper inquiry, tho heartless man replied by asking, " Who do you expect at this hour of tho night ? "

Tho Latest.—The latest form of Yan- kee 'cuteness has developed Itself In a town in Massachusetts, where a small boy has been discovered purchasing eggs of the grocer on his lather's ac- count, then selling them at a restaurant, mil alterwitril dividing tho result with his mother.

" Gentlemen, where do you think that beefsteak conies from ? " said tbe land- ord, planting his thumbs in bis waist- oat arm-holes. " From near the

liortiB," was the quiet response of one ot he hoarders. U is Binguiar, but thai

landlord has not put any conundrums to those boarders since.

That man P— one day, Bpoaking of nis son and. heir (tho ono who was thrown out of window), laid, " I don't

Otta, " is dead. But somebody may inquire who was " Otta ? " Sim was a favorite oat, made famous by the will of her mistress, the lato Strah C. Lowis. Bralntrue, Massachusetts. This lady bequeathed the income ot her houboaod furniture, an! an allowance ot two dol- lars a week, to a friend lor taking care of the cat. This novel bequest was car- ried out until the reoor.t death of tabby from old ag«.-. Tho properly now pas- ses into other hands by the will of Miss Lewis.

While on the subject of cats we may as well mention another famous onj, which also halls from Massachusetts. This creature is a musical genius, and has learned to play Yankee Doodle on the pisno In correct time. Of course she only plays one part, the treble, but her execution of that Is said to be wonder- Jul.


I leaned from out M? two-pair back— Tbe aflernooo waa mild—

A cab paated by, and on lie irack A little dirty child.

Cabby MfM calmly through tin aluth, With all-tiDconteloni mind;

The dirty child cornea with a ruah, Andelamberi up behind.

HlantaUtbad looked with carrlru m- (Jo, nil bit i it-ma vain.

Hot,now!-<-'' landedblghand dry, Tbay burn with enrloua pain.

And aa he ill* between the wheel*, Aa happy at a lord,

"Hit whip behind I" wllb boon and iqun They yell wllb one accord.

The dileer larna and pile*Ibu lath, Tbeablldfalla In the dirt,

And In a paddle rclla ker-eplaah — I ihlsk hamaatbeburtl

He tarn* awaj— ttial ranged hoy ii. '- any thin ■ bnt gay;

H'I little frltnde they Jump for Joy. And fo i » wtin Ihtir play 1

EDUCATIOS IN GREAT BniTAi*.—rite .Scotch Educational Soitletneni (hv the' a-; of Aug. C, 1872; aims to felvc every j child the rudlmenti of knowledge-, to di-' atrr-y clerical Momd-iicy hi n» <h,olf, ' a'i! IO fosttr Institutions of aecondary \ eduction preliminary to nnlvei<-ii.) train- ing:- The actoidalns alsclufct coromd- alon, Mm* (Marring from the BnxHsh S"l- tlemenr. Tne Bill ot 1861 had struck a blow- aider leal aseand<>neyln ibtsuhools by the aboPtion of ttsttt lor school master". The present act <>ofis farther, and lUtMtltUtea for the ministers und heritors, as reboot dii tctors, boir !s elected by the rate payers. But it does not exclude rellgloog teaching; and thu conttr-quciii-f A)|] bti Unit sectarian cou- Mi ;■.: '-.i... w|i] rnt*>r Inlo tint election ol

SCh'iol bOfttU*, ::.il (l)r1 I'. >■ .1, i :. . . .:,

Clergy will have tho same Influence over popular education in Scotland that the Anglican clergy have in EogUnd. The turn 1.1 Ireland, and the triumph of the Romau Catholic priests, comes next In order; for one of the most Important qiii.-tions that will come before Parlia- ment next session will be that of Irish education. Tne Romanists deniaud a denominational system, bsginir this claim on the fact that out of 1,021.700 children on the rolls of the national schools, S21,- 'Ou are Romanist—80 per eent ol the whole number.—EDITOR'S HISTORICAL

RECORD, In Harper's Magaxtne for De- cember.

i'rolcssioniil (Tards. IL.I FE.

4 ■

Offi C. 411 Eirhi

1-. X T I . 1M6, 1,-.J70.911

nl wehopu 01 will:

ii 4 v n i: FV ,

No. -Joti R St., Iiiiwniii

u K novt i..


Cloth Boot & Shoe Makers,

Urummeia, AUcnticn !

plenty KII.1* ■•I "■■

..il.-, one of tli. t,(r,t :i

I) R II M S 11 ri'|UI>t. lo

atagnnu-Bt ul

BRASS INSTRUMENTS, - heal n nkiTHi alealhebeal Violin*.Gnllara,

i'in ooa'iuniii'uiii'.wiih HritlNUi*, i,ml nl tblaga Deeded to renew nnrt repair in>t»n

i,and afullatockol Maalcal MerebniK ly^apMrtj

JOHN a. HM'UflH * CO., 'our! St., ,'cpporflle Court Mooae,] Bouoa.

Every Man liis own niy&ician I


Iloi.lnVr w'.-i OlNTMBNT

aay's Ointmcnl

,il rubbed In) H a «punge It la i,..-in.l Hifijiec tl.: at i^lK!lt, ul



l-KJUL-LIKK VOSfl-l I uailMonlyhi ti.o! ol thelnlan

Hull 'wij/'s Pill* and Uuw ihn roilowtngdlit

r.ti-paiB, I.-j.-!lml. I-Vvcr a imeaaea, l'ltapl|a Klsg Wi

Throat-, (i.iii JAM*, .--r.ifu ;!.,tt.'-., II rn- l

..nl all ditenWi :

SEW YOKE 78 M.odi

llnlloway'd I 01.' nod (Units renU,eHI-Javiire,anii (Iporl tatlDglain«dntiyt.u>ii>K<hl I

UaUtlOn !JV«" mark le

.rmt.'Viiet and

Swctlina'of Hi. lelnix.Woandt,

t Iti.i

1IBM , Lam

ul., Kllneyt,


, New York,


II, M. WlilJ'M

api I'lll

I. AU'Uli lor La

';»iic mitl I'll T U » 11 H

uvi.i: i I Lawrenoa, or at l'o«(()ffli-- 1 wll be promptly'.ItsndM.

I Ok-{run

r< follcwi d

}".i Slunk Hn>rr,


r A INTERS, Mil Ktfej '• trccf, (OrJway Block,)

t Ar.drrw

H U ( I A D W A Y


■t n H tt .1 it ir.t i',

r Beaton A- Maine und Easter LAWHEHCV.


unow where that hoy K"1 ''is bad hn

per, not from nut, I'm sure.'* "No," said bis sarcastic wife, "you've

certainly not lost yours." The man P— curled up.

A -Scotch law lonk was seated one day on tin' bill-side of Boaally with a Scotch shepherd, ami observing the sheep repos- ing in what he thought tbe coldest situa- tion, he observed to him, " John, ft' I wore a sheep, I would lie on the olhcr tide Of tho hill." The shepherd answered, " Ay, my loard, but if ye ha.l been a sheep, ye wad had inair sense."

" Singular Reasons."—A colored man was once asked why ho did not get mar- ried. "Why, you see, Sah," said ho, ■' 1 };ot tin old inudder, an" I hah to do for her, you sec, Sah ; an' cf I didn't buy her shoca tin'stockin's she wouldn't get none. Now, el I was to get married, I would bah to buy den tings for my wile, an' that would be tnkin'dc shoca and stockin's right out of my old mud- der's mouf."

Tho artistic reporter sees items in Orange Btanda, nnd paragraphs in every- thing. The embryo banker in tho Sun- day-school books attracts the attention of a gcueroiis patron by stooping to pickup a pin. But tho reporter whose nature is permeated by a senso of tho responsibilities of his calling, sees a banana peel on tho church stops, and tarries, patiently hy it tilt the congrega- tion cornea out.

Sir Toby has been spending a few days iu South Jersey, and philosophical- ly observes of one of the experiences of his visit: "I never did have that mosity townrd the musquito that most people feel; but when I saw him in his glory down here, deliberately leaning against my bed-post, his legs crossed, and his right Hipper resting carelessly on his hiu. watching for me to go to bed, it struck mo that, for a vampire, hi* be- havior WAS impertinent and exasperat- ing in the extreme.

I thook toy head deipondlngly — "Ah, *urh 1* lite, I gnetn I"

A man meet* llltla ajrapall.y \v i: <■ airoggllng for aoceeM.

And when ih* back or F.irtuoe't car lit', clulcbed, you'll alwaya find

Ilnv nady alibi* beat friend* ar« Tu bellow, "Whip behind I"

A SHORT essay just published by Pro- lessor Neuman, ot Vienna, on " Produc- tion, General Commcrcu (Welthandel), and Means of Communication," contains Home very elaborate details as to the proportion In which articles ot general consumption are used In different coun- tries. The following is his estimate of the consumption of coffee in differeut countries. In round numbers: Belgians, nearly nine pounds per head ; Holland, seveu; Switzerland, seven; United States, live; Germany, five; France, three; Austria, one and a half; Great Britain, leas than one Of tea, Great Britain consumes more than three pounds per head ; tho United States, one, Holland, one; Russia, about a quarter of a pouud ; other countries, quite insignifi- cant quantities. England appears, therefore, to bo by far tho greatest tea- drinker and smallest coffee-drinker of nny considerable country. Belgium and Holland stand much ahead in the list of coffee-drinking communities. But al- lowing for thu different ratio of con- sumption ol tea and of coffee, we may set down the Americans as the greatest consumers of both together. The use of tea In Russia, considering the roputa- tion which Its people enjoy in that par- ticular, would appear small; but it must be remembered that this vast em- pire contains many millions of inhabit- ants altogether boyond tho reach of for- eign luxuries. It would bo a curious problem for medical philosophers to trace the different effects on tho stamina ot tho enspective jiopulatlonB produced by their several tastes for theao gentle stimulants.

An ingenious plan for preventing ex- plosions In mines that arc caused by the carclessnep of tobacco-smokers has been devlatl by a philanthropist. Min- ers, he says, will smoke, like railway travellers, whatever regulations may be framed to hinder them from so doing. It is there ire proposed to enablo them to enjoy tl :ir pipes without danger. To effect this object, earthenware jars of tobacco ar to be deposited on the sur- face of the ground near the pit's mouth, the stni.ki from which can bo inhaled through ii lia-rubbcr lubes running in- side the nine. Tobacco-smoko is, in fact, to be aid on to the mine as gas and water arellald on to houses. The jars being liglted from above, the tobacco may bo smoked In perfect safety; and tho rnincife will no longer bo tempted to carry ludfor-matohes in their pockets. The objection to this scheme is, that tho tubes miiht become choked with oil: but this, it is stated, may bo obviated by causir [ the smoke to pass through water, as n the case of a hookah. There is also tl < objection that the smoke might pe sibly refuse to pass through the tubes t all; but miners have strong luugs, an by " a long pull, a strong pull, and a pull all toeothcr," would doubtless noosed iu obtaining a supply ol the II xmus but Ituieitiating luioes, for the BII " ol which they olu-n sacrifice uot only t ■ ir own lives, but also those



Office, No. 2 Apple


>n street,

LAWHBKCB, Dr. Ail.um! al lila (in,, all hours of the night.

K. 8, YATKS. M. D.


Office,—307 Essex Btreet, Corner Lawrence itreet,

Residence, 103 Concord St., Lawrence.



The heroic conduct of Miss Matilda Phillips, sister of Miss Adelaide Phillips, in rescuing a young American from drowning, is thus related In a letter to her sister:

" I didn't tell you, for tear of frighten- ing you, that while 1 was ut Genoa, Witlmr cimo very nr-m balog .Irownml,

und I, with a little prcseuce ot mind, was able to save him. Mo was out be- yond his depth, and got tired. I wan quite a little distance away from fi and ;i!ilmu;'h I made great haste to reach him, I saw him go under the water twice. I called out lo him not to lose his courage, and ^ot lo bim just as he wus sinking tho third time. I don't know how I had the strength, or how I got him to ibe ropes. Ho seemed al- most dead lor nettrly an hour. I felt more frightened afterward than I did at the time, and had no more courage in the water alter that day. Several gen- tlemen had seen him struggling in the water, and made no attempts to rescue him, although they were all kind alter

s on land. Wu are great friends ever lines, and no can scarcely do

iniu;.;li lor me, I have had beautiful letters from his mother and sisters, and I feel so happy to have done any thing to bring so much happiness to any one."

Stories ol fuiuous horses are in season now. Tho performances of tbe trained horse Excelsior have been lamiliar to many who (requent shows nnd circuses. For eighteen years he has calmly re- ceived tho admiring plaudits of thou- sands who witnessed bis wonderlal feuts. Recently he made his last public appearance in tho city of (Jincinnali, but he was weak and trembling. His mas- ter, Mr. Rice, told the assembled crowd, in a pathetic little speech, that Excelsior, who had traveled with him eighteen years, who was almost a child to him. could not live much longer. He spoke of the almost human intelligence of the horse, und the real pain he felt at the thought of parting with bim. In con- clusion he told the audience that tho old horse would be made ns comlortahle as possible while he lived, and when he died would havu an honorable inter- ment.

No. 871 Essex Street, Lawrence.

Oa*, Chloroform or Kther given, *e preferred.

DR. A. W. HllttliAflD,





SBr-NltroniOxlde Qaa A.dniinl«tered .

^-Bafertnoe-l'aoulty, Phlla. Dental Cjlloga Vow No. 288 Esasx St.. fold No. 1*8.



Ml RtteMnnM, No, IS Oak Street,


I'l nnklili, ul 'Ulll'll, .-.' i. *■'• iM."l9

It J ill, Engla Ameilf.i

ill, MM

B,»l,cli, Hi Id, 11 000,000


I'l unsylvunii of Pa. in -'.'., 1 250,1116

III iperia), London, 18 ,(,1,1 11,000,000 Aninl!.»i Branch, l.OGl.iil-

Firi'intm'.,, ,, N. V., 18* 5. 340,606

ir r CLAY l.a* -io» "n Jiund u fit w and tJo.-'d AFBOI toicnt o

('■I1AMIMON HOOTS lor Farmer*. A.Mifttber linn ot <Jc-d> 100 nu-

SO, ■',.: ,- E&MFX 8TB RET LAWKKNLT. (lintl)yj,


Wntdinttrr, of N. V.. 18.17. M0.086

Gorman, of Erlr, P»., 18C7, JII7.083

Quern of England, 1858, gold, 10,000,000 Ameticu Branch, 733,413


Bay Stati'. Worcester, 18C0, 338,667

V. A



BANKERS, chiic, corner Slate St.


W. F. & J. S. ttlLB,

Attorneys Sf Counsellors-at-Law,

No. tS9 Essex Street, LAWRENCE.


1st Nutioiml, " 1868,

(iloucefter, of Gloucester, 1870,



aarPollclet for all the above Companlea written


For Information, ratea, etc., or-il on or addreaa


283 Essex street, Lawrence,

Post Office Rox 38.

Now & Second Hand Furniture The lubaerlben have taken room* In Ordwav

llloch, BS7 *:»*f J- ilrtjat, where Ihey will Re- [.air and Bay end Dell Second Hand Fnmimr* and houar-hold arUolet. All order* cromptly attended to, and good* aold at auction wbe*; detired. HILL k CO.

Lawrence, April IP, 1BK. 11

en which are neenlinr to im ■mend tli.- i:>,|.\s fiOWK(ln it Pnmilt) Sewing !Hn

Ul'HUU lellei f itltch alike on both tide* if the fabrie.—-i. Strength,

'lOiiity ft durnbilily of ni-um tint will neither rip nnr ran- -1.—t Coaipleteeontrolon-r bofithrtiailfi.—4 Aueuilrrly

iry until" In f

The foreign papers say, that, for many years, Paris has not been BO full of Americans as at present; every hotel Is full to overflowing, the larger number of tho guests iieliiK our compatriots. At the Grand Hotel as many as two hunilred people have been turned away in a tln- gleday; and, from tbe Grand, ranging down tbe list to the modeolest pension, every Inch of room la occupied, and has been to for several weeks. Not only Paris, but all Europe, Is full of Ameri- cans; the dozen great steam*hip-llnes plrlng between the continents have been taxed ttie past ses*on as never before. Every vefeel has come out loaded. It has been difficult, and In some case' im- possible to suppress their arrival; the in* um of Americana promises to con- tinue during ihe winter, despite tbe hun- dreds who aie already beginning to plume themselves lor a southern flight. Many families have taken apartments for the i-.. id-.,, season, and many others will remain in the hotels.

of their e mpanlons.

A Troy paper gives the following sad scene Iran, real lite. One evening, while the audience was deeply interested in the plat at the theatre, a young child

as observed walking down the aisle lib quick and anxious stop. Her face

nnd i-j(i« hetokcuod wteping, and even yet IUH unwipcd tears were trickling ,lowil her pale checks. The little one alter glancing hurriedly and anxiously dows the aisle, darted lorward toward a young woman silling near thu stage, and bending over behind her, faltered out hetween her sobs, "Oh dear! oh dear! Father's—de ml I * The young woman, startled by the sudden intelli gence, exclaimed, " Oh, my God—my poor father ! " and hastily arose, and, with tho mournful and mourning mes- senger, left tho gay place of ploaauro for the darkened chamber of death. Tbe scene was noticed by n number, aud tor a Unlit time afterward thero was not a murmur of upplausu nor a sign of a nolle by tho audience. As the play pro- gressed the depression passed away, and soon tho sad scene of real lifo waa forgotten in tbe painted representation on the stage.

TiiK Onto LlQCOR law which lias been adopted by the States of Vermont, IIII- noli, Iowa, Michigan, and other states Is perhaps not generally understood. Us leading feature is that damages may be recovered for injury to persons or prop- ertjeaused by the traffic In Intoxicating liquors, from the person who sells. It Is sometimes called the " Iron clsd" law, terrifying many liquor dealers out of the business. The wile or child or near rela- tive of u person Injured by liquor may sue (Or damages; the law U la great fa- vor among women; the Juries readily convict and a<scsa exemplary damage*. Ills aubatantUUy tbe same law that la at present In force In Maine.

QUKBN VICTORIA at Balmoral has good times !n a quiet way, much as other well- to-do peopln have; goes out driving with only one attendant, smiles and nods to those ehe meets, many ol whom she knows, and I* never annoyo' by gazers, unless they hspp- n to ba i-tran ;ers, ea- ger lo behold the lace and form it roy- alty. Aecompunlcd hy her ladles she makes Inqnent picnic excursions hi tbe woods, or on the bilslde. should It be handler, MaierUN to make a lire and conking urenxils are taken hi tbeca rlage und lea Is mane on thu greensward, and handed round In rustic fashion without

ceremony. At these afternoon "teas" i,1 leen has no Special chair ot honor, seat often being on the trunk of a

i, with her cup in her band, or any UT eatunl n-stlng place that mav turn i-oiivtiih-iitly. In llllfi way eveiy nor- unit glen wilhln reach of Biltnoral been vl«lted hy Ihe roy ul family

ad, whlidi routfib- t to uiiti!fito that beauty lunirorniliy of <-rliuh lor

willed the "llo«e Maoalu.-" celebrated.— A. A per inlform trillion In ihc

•bottle, whlrli does nol vary from .i full lo an . mptv boL!jln— >o onJi'Mlun »o eoinmon lo other macliinrri.—1, A.i lulotnulio -i..!f-ni;iilii!iii[i take- up Hint preventi nleatog of tiiieii-'t In ermelng heavy ioanii.~r. Short, It might nn-1 plrcnt; m-e- dle*, nol liable' to urecik In pMalng over heavy auamii.bi do llie curved iieffili-Htf ftiier machlnen. 8, Finer needleu for the Mine 'bread tlinn mo- ot tier inacliinc — U. BowlDR t-eiitii-i)v W»H Wl-b any klud of tlirtiLd—10. Kvouoiiiyof tliruu.I L-yuud that ol e«iv .!••■■■' -i-Mni,,-II, A lii-mmei* tliat wl -,.- ■ ., , -mt Kelt.—lie. Braid- ../in .leMmulifUUdi .. FOiMvltri any width

■. ■> lei, lot l.mit:.-. i [, .-. i) ,\\:,-f mm will iidjuet I'ealt io t.t.y HiicKii'hHi.1 iitit. rial,—It. Tucking ririy f:,!»lj Wlllioul ll-jlliv (,r fllSKtT.—IB. A COrd- it tu eontlrunlfd ut. :.. noM around very >hort curves, »wn to eiitinr:i eoriier*.— lit. Sewinj;lhe fl.iiet i ibrie without Itjnry or pucker, and the licuvir.i maturl-ala vltli ■>>•■ irrnwit Mag.—17. Co«l|iitctiiirse, nlm;i:ir!.iyn:i.iilui-:iliitliy.—IS. Kate ul'i-i Tailiiil -■■;ri■■,' ::ieii:. — IV, Bv-ttMachine In the wor:d liir Kiimlly Ban. Call and «t>e Hi.-.' Mnul.uu-t wort, with (ho ATno

Im/irornl Trr.tiiU power,at H/lUKK's Agen- cy, 100 ICttti street, Lawrence.

Lamps! Lamps I Lamps!


mill 1'iinili'

Table Lamps, German Study Lamps,

Hand Lamps, Safety Fluid Lamps and Lanterns,

Paper and Porcelain Shades, Burners. Chimneys, Wicks, 4c,

for late al Wholeiale nnd Retail by


5til WnaliluKton .*. S Harvard Bt.,

■.'rn- <I.-|I-!J BOSTON.

New, Presh and Stylish



No. 275 Essex street, Lawrence.

The Largeat Btocfc Iu Bisex County ol



.176 Esses Strom, Lawrence, Mass.

To Let.

•tir per ■■rn. iHfereaf allowed account!, lubject lo cheek, drawn ai bank. Oat-of-town dr-poiltor* will have their re- mtttancr* and eolkelloni pronplly acknowledged

We do a General liauking and CoromtailoB boalaett, Nosoliatc Rondi, Hloekt, Note*, and other See urlltea, make collcclloni throvgboul the United jsian-a und Kurope, Al

DEALERS IN BECOBITIS8, wc Invite lieallVei relatinn to Inreilmenti, and give belijw tbe pi lec* of able Boodl:— D.C'.It. k M.,Ullwauki Midland FaelOc.Ta, V0 Loganip'I.CrawfordtTlllStiouthweFtrrB.Si, UTl

U. S. Honda and other marketable teonrltlei allowed full price ID exobacge. Hm"*e[fl

WHITFORD A RICE are the only anthorlicd Agcnta for t'.- SALKM 8HADK BOLLKH. A large etock of HtlanKS oonitaBtlf on hand.

D depot It n any city

few of the moat dealr-

Eatenilon.T*. Wi

A norm in ally looated. oontalnlng about lorn*, parttuily furnltln-d; a DOI IMitg well of good water, and toft

eater aifirrn.of nearly »ooo nationt capaolly, In he cellar. The lixluret will be ko'd either wholly ,r In part, and a leutn given of the hoote lo run from two to ten yeart, aa the purchtter mav da

ic. Fur further puiilculart, upply to or addrcti Vjell JOHN POfl'LKWKLL.,

Uerrlroao llonae, SU at Wi Couiinon St., Lnwrenee, Ua*i.


People will go where they can obtain the best value for tlieir money. Long Advertisements, Large Stores, Immense Stocks are nil verv well in their way, hut the main thing iB ''the money's worth," Whenever the masses find out the best place tu obtain THAT, it ie there

"They most do congregate."

Dull times never trouble Lcyhmd. He is always doing something.— What is the inference? He gives every one their money's worth. Lots of Kemnants, Calicos, Cotton Flan- nels, Repellants. etc., etc. Call and examine his revised list of prices in the Fancy Goods department. You will be astonished. Full value, fair dealing, one price to everybody.


361 Essex Btreet, Lawrence.

Boston and Itlnlnc Ballrond.


D.&B A. at., and 12.16,8.40 and lur Boaton, (from South Depot) at «.», 7.3a,

D.U, A, M„ and 12.1B, 1.03 (eapreii,) 3.47, ft.3I, A 4? (eapreii,) 7.U P. M. 9,10 I'. Id. Monday, Wednesday aud Friday.

For Portland, (from South Depot) at H.20, 9.20 A. 11.. 1.13, 4 1'. If., and fl.i.u P. 11. Monday, Wcdnutday and Friday.

For Georgetown BBdNcwburyport,(fromBontb Depot) at SJfS A.M., l.au,4.16. » P. M. o.JOP.M. Monday, Wudneiday and Friday.

For Uaverhlll,(from Soath Depot) at S.26 and 9.15 A.M., and 1.1a, t, c.iAi P. M., and from North Depot at 7.10 P.M.

Train* leave Boitnn for Lawrtnoc at 7, 7.10, SHU, 10.18 A.M., lU.OO 11., IS JO, LIB, 1,34, 0 and DP. XL/-

WM. MKItKITT, Snp't. Lawrenri- Jnlvl.lSTS.



Straight Needle, Shuttle,

Eleeant in Style and Finish,

Simple in Construction.

Keystone Sewing Machine Co. J. C. BUOCX. Agent,

£20 Tremont Street. Boston.


Arlington Range. _JE~l,=v.


Parlor. Office and Cooking STOVES.

Plamblng, Tin BooRng, and alt kinds of Jobbing done promptly.

KL DORADO STOVE STOKE. 11 Lawrence street, Lawrence.

New Furniture, ItJcw Store,

New Oooda,

New Styles,

Low Prices.


[formerly with Ilaley, Uorae k Co.,]

213 and 215 Tremont St., Boston.

Oppoiltc Lagraoge Street, above 11,>j l«ion.

Wc have ono of the bett aslactSd itockt of .it'if and mtiliiim I fm/oni madr Kurcliure to be feund In New Kngland. Our -k t* n<*0, mad' to order, of Ihe oetf material, mott Moroupa workmanahlp, latest ttyin and e?j-(ra Hnlth, aud will be told at htv"\l prlcvt; alio Draperlet, Sbadet,Swla* and Nottlugbam Lace* ut reduced

■ l n"(,c4Kli


No. 80 Union Street, (NearCornur ol tUnnrer Sireot,)

BOSTON The advantttKe.'» cITprt'd to depositor* by thli

Pirat.—Deposits are iut on Inter ontheflrst

>nt the full earning* ai (■divided one in every aU nontttt

Tftird.—D vln-u-is .r

(uifKHT HAitsn, t.KO.C.THUMDUI.; itident. Trea»nr(

gxtevtlvt Comn-MUe. titlyagll 'I I ■; i ■■:. VK.Hn, ItKtlKT C. "; -»>l- ■.

THOB, L, JBHXa, DANIKLU V,-|;M;.I:I. WM. C. HuROKaa, l';i v. :'. DKKBT.


FSW Sir William Qsll, Ihe pbyslehw who

attended the Prince ol Wales during his illness at S^mlriiiglntiu, U one of the

IgbtStVprieed medicos in the realm, as well ns one the best. The other day ho went from London to Cork, having been sent tor specially, to seo tho Hon. Lieu- tenant Verney, of the Fifty-second regi- ment, ill with fever. The fee paid lo Sir William lor that demand upon his time and talent was |1000, A Lawrence

I), wouldn't hare felt hurt at the graceful tender of a similar fee

Dr. Hail Rives the following ' eating negations:" Never cat when jon are no- hungry; never eat when yon are very tired; never eat lust before severe mental or physical effort; never eat while In a passion; never eat when very low spirited ; never eat Just before a bath ; never eat while greatly worried. To some persons he might almost as well have said, "Never eat at all." Yet these rules arc undoubtedly based on iliyslo- lojtfcal laws, and are worthy to be ob- served.

A novel substitute for the custom ol giving wedding presents wat recently adopted by a youthful couple In a wes- tern tOwn. They were married In church, and a (ee ol twentj-llve cents was collect- ed from all persons entering to see the ceremony. The whole amount was ttlv- eu to the newly married pair as a capital to commence housekeeping. This plan has great advantages over the ordinary method of present glvlnir—-nobndy has to think wliat to give, und the parties most concerned can buy what they want. The feemlg.it be Increased to fifty seats or a dollar.




Mitgce'a New Portable Range,

alurgevtock tuiulit before the advaaoa, and to be told LOW by *Uy31


No. 38!t Essex Street, Lawrence



Tii-rauTTvl AN SYRUP mn*Mtaf'WPnkStiT>nir, and cxpcUdUeu-'U by aiinpiylai? the blood wlia

NiTOllE'S OWH VlTALIIIHCl A0EST-ir.f):r. Cotitfon.—T:o6iiro)-onr« Peruvian tfrrt-wti. PuuipUklaIr.il. J. P. |i!M-Moi;l-:. ii :..lo:-.

Ko. aSDeyEtH Ki-w York. Bold t>v ;-. JtrytaU EcncraHJ,


Paor. Q, F. KBAU8E who tpeak* both Uer- i.niti and FriDch aoourately and flucatly, will in- itruet pupil*, cither ilnRly or In claliea. In read- ing and ipeaklnn (Iteie Itnguagc*.

Piano luitructlon given, with capcclal atlcoUoD paid to beglcnefi,

Mr. K can be found at the ELIOT LllAPRL, fromllo a o'clock, P. M.on Wedni-K.lat* and Saturday!, ltefi-ri-nnti It made to A. I". Perkins, K«q., Mailer of UwraoM Blfb School, Ui v. U. 8. Weaver, and Mr. Wk-tner. 0 Ualon St. Inquiry may be made at AMBSJOiUf CIDoe. ' leodag'tf

(JKT Tile.



"In Time or Peace Prepare for War."

For tale by 1 Oyll


No. 389 Essex Street, Lawrence.

1 he heat book ol Itt data ever publlihrd It

WORDS FITLY SPOKEN, brBSV W.H.II.MI1BBAT, I'atlorofPark n rrtCliumli. Bu>ton. It 1* the mott popular ._ i >..,., .Aiilna woik In thlt market. Good

i..ii. a.Mr..ta. 1. N. Blolitrdion A i, Man., and No. SIS


Mrs. Hr. SKCIIIt'S UKI»|II\ES, Willbelound a aarccai for will oh ihey aro put ft ol the reli r. i.e. — tuey are the uamct of tome of 00' mott reliable citlarna, who have known her nnd i.IT int.: i, ul for a nuuiter or year*, and *ho willingly ar.,1 cheerfully n-commei'd her and hermedklnea (oall needing them. And II ID)* U net tuthulent lo eonvii.ee the mott aki-pllual, you c.noallat ln-r ifllee, 1S9 Warren Avenue, Hotton, where tuflicient tertlmoalnl* will be -howufroin living wllnr**e*, who will feel happy lo tpcakofher lilt ue liiyltvt termant a Ihorough- ly vrlurmuii aud tkllllui pliynU'tan. Her very ex- lurnlv.Biid tucem-lul practice of ove-r VS year* bat nl ■■ II In" a wide Held of uipirlenoo iu the irratroeut i.f itinae dltuaae* the eotuiiounilt lur medicine* lor.

Ull Ai.'i'l-:UA-:'iVK will be found a ante i-qrefor noruiula in In wor*t lorm, Oandular

§i, Old or indolent II,. i-, _ Collectloni, Tumor*, Sore

Itcb.Clcald Head, DlicharKi'tfrom Mm, III tin Wotmt, and all haanitiema of the Skin, Moth, lllotclict, Plmplei, Fleth Worms, i'i-., I.it.i tl,. II ', , in. ladle* who *iah a clear and beauiiful complex Inn, will llnd lljutt Iba prepar- ation ihey need. If any £entlemr- j, i:inl i.. ili,- ii-e ol mercury for . Alteraitv-j will be found Invalaable in cleanufng and puill)log the ■]item.

Il,ir CINCHONA BITTtlMti taaiun lor Dyapapttei

Hrr NKltVOUa, N EUKALGIA ASTHMA PILLS ure excellent for all pcriont

- Igla.Colk-.DeliriumTremena, CM.


red by i

e purely Veg

dag brr oele-

Weil's Clothing Store, 183 Essex St. 183

Next to Clarke's Apothecary Store.


Clothing and Furnishing Goods Lower than tbe Lowest,



FOB WINTER. Overeonia, Thick Pant*, Vreia, Dre*t Coalt,

Qati, Capo, Uloree, MHI.tit. Soya' Clothing, Ho, FOB SUMMER.

Thla ( J.i-i.in :. Strait Hate, &o. FOB ALL SEASONS.

FnrBlihlng Qoodt, Truntt, Valleea, Oatpet Bags, Umbrella*, ko,

WEli.it Blwara tenmdt*m4 will deal with you on the -..,..,(,■.■.

in. scar. Ann i." .A i. i, i i i', i • n' riRST

BSrORE ri i ,,:>.-. .... For part leal an, nee unull blllt.


We have jatt taken tbe Agency for (be

Original Howe Sewing Machine, the Heit, Moat Complete, end Detlrable Machine

late until you have examined


Thete Hi maunfaclared from "311- WVTB CUVHTAZ, l'MlM.KM' gelher.aud arc called IHAHHI.MI on aueouut ■ ol tbelr liardni at nnd brllllaacy.

II I* well known lhat tpcotanleaevit fraan Bra- xliin.il or Seotori prbblea are very Injurlou* to ibv eye, becaute of their polarlaiug light.

Having been tented with the polarltcopc, the dlauouo ln,-,» have been found to admit dfteeu per cent. I, at in ati d rayi than auy oilier pebble.

They are ground with great •cletiiitlc aecuraey, are frw irom chromatic aberrallona, and produce a brlablncta aud diallnctueti ol vision not before obtalr.cl In tpectaclet.

Manufurturt-d by tha Optical IMaiinfacturing Co.,

NF.W YOKK. t Agent* tbrosRhoBl


H.rOHOLRBA BPKCIFIO 1* a remedy forCratnpn and Hpaimt, Atlatlo Cholera, Dlar-

11 rr II A I, V I; for Old Sores, Burns, Scalds,etn. A printed orcular accompanlet each, with fall

dlreutluna fur asa, food, trealm*Bt, etc. Sold by allreipeclablo Drngglil*. Any ncricn wlibing lo coniuit MBS. DB.

SKCult before beglnnlDg to ute her medicinal, .an do to by addreiatng or ealllng at bar omc*. Ho. lif WAituan AvKMLK.from 10 A, M.to4 CM.

Mr*. Dr. Seeor Introduce*, by parmliatoB, tbe following referencei—-genllemen whoia cbaraeter andpuiltionlniocltty entitle them to tbe highest oonbdence >—

UHyaRBXCUi-Bamoeinurnhtm, editor of tne Conoregationat Ytarty i It. U. Humphrey*, LL. Il„M. ll„ 11. l(, Gilbert, Kni., Benjamin Cuiblng, Kiq., F. C. Ilnrnphreyi, ttij,, Natlianlel Croweli, Kaq., Dr. Threther, Arthur Cheney, KM,., Ii. W. tiilberl, Kni., Samuel Caverly, K.ij., Lewla Kloe, Kiq , American Home, ol Boiton; John I.lver- more, Kiq., Cambrldgcpoit, Man.; Prof. A, A. Stewart.Cauibrlilic, Man : Prof. John U. An- lliouy, Cambridge, Man.; 0, P. Whitney, lit.,., Ullrord, N. H. j K, Blchardion, Kni.. Clinton, M-ttl.i Wll "it llune, Ki4j.,t:nnU.ii, Malt.

l.iu » nrri-B Avnuuc, Boston, Msu. ttllmnovaab

For Sale by lteiponslbli tbe Union.

WIIITFURO A RICK Jewelers and Opllclana.are Bole Agenlafor IJIW- renor, Mutt., Irom whom Ihey can only be obtain- ed No Peddler* employed.

The grtat demmd lor thete Kp>ct*clr« hat In- duced uniorupuloua rt'iih-ra to palm off an Inferior and ipurloai aitlcla ior the '< Dlsmond." Great care ihould be laken to aec that the trade mark <t> (which I* protected by American Letters Pa- ten:) la itamoed on everv oafr. ly'i Jmvli


A Hare Chanoe.

Onehalf of (he Interest of agood Paying bull- ion for sale, Small capital reqalrad, liawnil Addreaa, A. B„ Lawr.nea.



COUGH MIXTURE. Bold by all first olass Droggliti and Grocers. Try It, and yoa will b* convinced of It* woedcr-

6ml toofi

VOCAL; TABLETS aaelta secre- tloni of the gland*, lubricate the mouth aad throat .rea-

der the muielei elastic, aud laoreaie the volume and quality ol the voice.

Sold by all Draggliti at as cents. iiljiS D.UOWAKTll, Apothocary.


For Sale. A new U-story HO ISK, with French roof, ooa-

Ulnlng 12 rooms, HnUhe.l with walnut aud theit- nui, In the bett manner, and convenient in erery reipeet. Sltoattd on Ulgb ttreei, fronting tnr- park, and one of the fast placet in the tKT.Jff of land IU feet deep and (W feel front, or more It desired. A targe ihare of (he money may remain on a mortgage If desired.

Lawrenoe, Oat. 10,1671. * 1 ABHBB OOSMKB.