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AKDOVER ADVERTISER. 1 ■ — : . i ■ ii ii II in i ii ii ■ LAWRENCE, MASS- FRIDAY MORMHG, JANUARY 4, 1981.



50 cents efti h for all of our $l.r.O: $1.2">: $1.00 ami lie neckwear left over from the holiday stool;. It is such a radical mark-down sale as this thr.t keeps our neckweflf department always free-from undelirable gooits.

Bill"Holmes, (Honest Bill) Dies in the Danvers


Husband and Wife are now Many Civil Cases for the Serving Time Together Superior Court in This

at Local Institution City Next Week

He is Afraid the Deadlock May Prevent Organ-



His Long and Honorable Record in the Army and on the Force

Found Suffering From Cold The Complete List of AH and for Want of Food— Equity, Law and Divorce Civil Cases in Court Cases to be Heard


->»J>~ S3.50 DOWN TO S2.50 One to! of in* n's fine Worsted Sweate rs marked down from

S3.50 TO $2.50.

$10 DOWN TO $8. $14 DOWN TO $12.5 Young MerW Suita.!Barked~Down. "" ■ -. '? T.ti


— >«•«♦«»»»•»«»«»«»»•■»»♦»♦»»•>«»*«>•■••••



We are showing an tilcpint assortment of Pianos i i _—jthe_finest we have ever shown in Lawrence. In j \

fact, wo arc overstocked. Our stoic and bnscfnCrlt i are crowded, and several carloads at the depot which we have n<> room f<(r." W^TTmstscH to aecornmoekte- oui stock and shall offer such inducements to buyers that they cannot resist. Prices low and terms easy. Conic and see us and we will save you money.



Lord & Company, Central Building !! 314 Essex Street,


Tel. 425-3.


X %

* Men sWorstetl Pants * * ft. * !

$1.98 » MANUFACTURERS u * Pant Sale * « l .of a v i %

W. H. GILE & CO.


Veterinary Hospital If rour animal la flck, from any cause, you- can be relieved from all care of It by having It cared for and treated at a reasonable price at the

Methnen Veterinary Ho.pltal.

Edwin J. Castle, M.D.V. Telephone.

When at The New Central call a It/or a ''Nerrar"—non-Mlc.bolir. A

* VI A * * AAAAAAAA A A great .tomaoh remedy.



William Holmes, for many years on'' of the best known members of the lo- cal police force, died We.lhestiay njgbt at the Danvers asylum. A dtopatcil was received Wednesday moraiug by 1'robatlon Officer Clinto-i 1'. Nose stating that Mr. Holmes was very low and Mr. Vose went to tin asylum to visit him. He found Mr. Holmes very weak and didn't believe he v.oubl last long. Thursday came the an- nouncement ol bts death.

Sir. Holmes' reason lift bini a year ago last November. fOi some time prior to the 18th .f November, the lute of his eommitnunt to the asy- lum, he had been fai'lne In health. . nif "trad started south -when ho buiaune.

i uncontrollable and being brought ba; k 1 to l>awrence had to : e lo kert un at the local police st-V-lon. The episode had, a saddening effect on all his col- leagues, for no'.nember of l.awrenc. 's 'finest' had a better record or wai more liked by his associates than Wil- liam Holmes. He bal been a uiein-

"b'erlof the polite force for IV years, and the police station books and the newspapers for years recorded his in- trepidity in tht! discharge of lils duty.

Mr. Holmes was boni in Knglaud 66 yearn ago. He -.anio to IUIB city when a boy and with the exception of a few years hart always made his home here. —

When the civil war broke out be enlisted In Company )■', first .dassa- ohuaetta. Heavy Artillery and was in all the battles that line command par-

• ttrtptitetl in7 during Uia-UBhtius.KlltcJi began at Cold Harbor. He \v.,s

; wounded at the latter place and it was -'in., this 'battle UiaL.iloiuii's performed

a deed which, if he had ben a Itrlt ir.h soldier, would have v.-on the Vic- toria cross, lu carrying off the iiulci, in the face of a tunrilerou.! rebel tire, one of his company who bad been sur- prised and shot down. That soldier carries in his thigh todav a rebel mus- ket lull, and walks with a limp. After the wnr Mr. Holmea was Instru mental in securing many pensions foi his old comrades or their widows and children. He was a uen.--.ion attor- ney, without salary, for lii3 charges were very, very light

He was discharge'! from the army service on March 9. lso.">, having serv- ed three years tacking one day. His war record was an excellent one. He became a. member of Needham post, M, O. A. R., on Sept. 1st, 1875 anil was a member up to the time of his death. !

Among local »jr ivo.-s of Mr. Holmes' regiment In the civil "war are Captain Ijnngmaid, inspector Sheehaii John P. Hulfoi'd and William Shar- rock.

In 1875 Mr. Holm»s was appointed on the police force under Maym Tewksbury and with the exception of a few years had Berved continually as a patrolman up to the time hit* rea- son was dethroned. For many years he had a beat which covered a portion of Essex street and Starvation alley.

Mr. Holmes waa past commander of Needham post, 39. O. A. It., and was at one time president nf the Fir.; Heavies association. He was a mem- ber of the Lawrence 1'olic. Relief as- sociation.

Mr. Holmes Is s- rvived - by one brother, John Holmes, one sister. Ell- i> Holmes and R lietce Mrs. Wiight Stafford.

The remair:; v.ce brnuglii lure f:op I>anvers thi- piir;i 'isj_.< i i.iheu in •'larve by iJa-I.Mt.i'i":''-Colby 'I'be funeral will be held tomorrow after- noon at 2 o'clock.

The .Police Belief ussot latjoiw 'will meet tonight to take action oY the death of Mr. Holmes.^. .

Criminal and cl'll proceedings kept Judge Stone on tbe bench In '.he po- lice court for over three hours .fleeter* itay morning.

Seven prisoners were arraigned at the criminal setisl- ,n.

Abraham Ellas was charged with laiveny of $71 from Assad Frelje und pleaded not guilty. He was represent- j ed by Law-yer Hrcdley of J. 1'. S. Muhoney's ofliee and Lawyer Morton appeared for the prosecutiou. Mr. Morton asked for a continuum-., until Friday morning so that he could look into the case further. Hla request was | granted and the prisoner was - -held on ! continuing ball of »3ut) until that time. The. missing money Is alleged to have li'-eii stolen t'roin a trunk- of Frelje. i 'The parties concerned are Syrian; .

The other offenders aixaiffncd were | all drunks.

Michael Manning was in for third j offence und was placed on probation.

Mary A. Heard waa arrested from her house on White street Wednes- day nisht by Patrolman White, who -gave her a bad name and aljo said much against her house. He. saltTj drunken uu-zi .uul women made a prac- 'l.-e oTcongreJnttlng there. Bur chil- dren have been neglected during fier drinking spells, lier husband Is hi Jail at the present time. judr;e Stone' sent thn Beard woman up tor four mouths.

This morning Agent Sherman of the . society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children went to the bouse anil found three little girls there uttering . from hunger any Mje «'njrt_jQ^.. jaj

Superior court, civil eesston. without {juries; comes tn at the local court

hor.se. next Monday morning. The following lls-t comprise the local Vases:


K02li—Fahey vsWird H ol; BeDt 1- 1900, assigned.

,' E0U1TY.

71tt7 —Sweeney trtwte'ea vs. Fletciicr et als

7203—Sweeney tru»t«e vs. Whitnev et al.

til08—Claff et al vs. Creamer ct H., ■ , : ^.....

7106—Itragdon vs. Merrill. 737S—O'Connor vs. City or liw-

rence. - ■•" 7990-Pre:<eott vs. Welch.


•J31-7-PhIlomeue. Verrier vs Vuloi VerrltiF.

no lire or food In Hie. bouse. The lit- tle ones, six, four and two ye.trs old, were taken to the orpltan asylum.

Nellie O'Connor was lined 'It tor' aecond offence, a/m was takct: Irom (he Heard woman's house.

William Smith, se-ond offence, was fined $5 and Napoleon Daigle of Me- tluien and James Murphv were as- sessed |l fa.cb..


Two civil casrs were on the list for trial after the criminal proceedings. The first one heard was oue in which lames T. 1/ing. real eatute ajjeiit of 'his city, s'ued I). L. Hartlett of Ames- bury to recover Jin. an amount al- leged to be due the plaintiff as com- mission for selling a farm tor the defendant, The defense claimed tiiat the rate of commission was higher ■hau agreed upon. Lawyer Rogers for plaintiff and lawyer Cox for the defendant.

The second case was one In which Sam Dublin brought ault against Robert Doris to recover $1.". which the plaintiff claimed was collected fron H. Dennle Morse. The defendant -lalmed the money was collected for j himself for services. Lawyer Daniel llradley for plaintiff and lawyer Miles ' Jor defendant.

■tome t». Oetgft »m« Were* Oft the OeU

Laxative Brooo-Qulnlne TableU cure a cold In one day. No cure, so per. Price if eenu.

123—Charles Robertson vs. Nellie Robertson,

427—Kmma Wills ipecr ". John Will;

503—Josephine Sullivan vs. John Sullivan.

528—Llixle J. N'eodlram v"i. Sllmner II. Needham.

532—Maria E. Cravatho vs. Joseph Cravatho.

544—Adlor Ilrouillard ve Philemla llroulllurd. S4«—Mirrv-JJ^ I n o» u—vs_ JnfiLji Drown.

55;—Surah Ellen Oath vs. Harry Halh .■ *

.'.ill—Ellen Sullivan vs John ~SuT- li%-an.

579— Jennie Olmstead vs. Ernest Ol instead.

5S8— Florence C. Pinkhum va. Charles E. Plnkham.

5»5-Rose Carter vs. William Car- ter. : ^

C12-Oorge K. Daniels vs. Mary C. Daniels.

015—Annie A. Brown vw. James D. Brown

BIS—Ijabali II. Atkins vs. .James A. Atkins. ^ 02b—Littzie L-tplautc vs. Medee l-l- plante.

t>G8—Catherine Wagner vs. Augtcst Wagner.

Believes Good Sense and Regard for the City's In terests Will Carry the Day

A reporter Interviewed Mayor l^eon- unl this morning upon Uu probabil- it it's and poutiililiitLea ol Inauguration day, which soon deac^ud^iipon thlrt devoted city. . He was cordially re- ceived.

'1 suppose the exercise*} will follow the usual preceflent ais to'ttele and **> nnence,' remarked thi' newspaperlU.'U.

'1 think BO; 1 know now no reaBou why tiny should not.- answered hi^ honor.

'About your address- is It us IOI.K a document as last year's?* was ».:*> sctlbes next venture.

'A+wut, although I lutve pruned ami trimrafKl all I can. The auditor's Btf- urea Uike uj lota ot room," waa the mayor-s answer. .- * ■„ ^

Then the mayor took a hand In tbu interrogatory work. -What do you think of this so-called dead lock— what will be done In case the factious crnnot agree?"

The reporter was of course some- what taken aback by ibis sudden shift in the attack, but modestly answered that he considered that here WHS %

-«tte-for tmrtuai eensitU ration and -fo*-- t)earanoe, that it was a good oppor-. tunity for ;i give and take' policy tJ have effe<'t.

^Vhat I am worried about," purmu i the mayor,- is the possibility of tilts two branches not organizing. That is the mofst Important matter—1 don't care about the elettions— if they don't organize no money can be borroweti

I and we have got to raise $400,000 in anticipation of taxes. This thing Ii tin- keynuii'. it would cause gre;\".

"l^r.^iTmrT.ro^o1?^Trrthfl" "c1ty-=ttrn whole matter would be very awkward. Private parties would have to take the

■ respotmHi4Hty'-^--t)i^-^y'«-^%ijwinMM^ until the court paased upon the prob- lem. But I have faith that the gwn'. common sense and the good judgment of those elected, their faith and love for their city, will not allow any such contretemps as we havp surmised.'

'As I n,ow anticipate, things will fol low the usual course,' as the mayor'' last remark as the reporter Took his departure.




From almost every market In the world. Including everything useful and desirable.

Do not miss our New Year Sale of China

special tables of S0c and 11.00 go-xls now ready.

Leather goods et cost during our New Year Sale.

Plants and Flowers The flceet stock in the state end

Tie Ibweet prteel. —

Hear the new STELLA MUSIC BOX.


A report has been current this week that Ransom K. McCrillls waa about to bring suit against Congressman W. S. Knox to recover money alleged to he due him. No attachments had been filed up to today and Daniel N. Crowley, counsel for Mr. MeOrtuia, stated that nothing had been don* In the matter, but declined to say any- thing further for publication.-


-H'-H-M-H'.^'e+'M'-H' — -„

The local Ctgarmakera union heltl a meeting In Carpenters' hall on Wed- nesday evening for the election of officers. The following were chosen; President. John W. Ains worth; vice president. P. A. Dowd; secretary. A. J. Burcsel; treasurer Ftnnk 1). Prull. It was voted to have a social at the next regular meet- ing, the first Wednesday evening In February

Samoset colony, 20. U. 0. P F.. will Install officers this evening at Kemmes' hall to which all Pilgrims are Invited.

Superior to All other a,

DYER&CO'S 337 Essex St., Lawrence.


A RKAI.i.Y Cliean Piano is one in which value and cost arc carefully 1,,1'anced . Pianos cot money. They are a si/able investment. Do not lie.in a hurry when hit ying. Remember that many things

;. : Into the worth 01 a I'iano. ues .hies tin- number of dollars you will 'e to pay. Tone; woiUni,inslii|i; durability, and reputation ol makes

to, be eon-i'ieied carefully. liie.n a comparison may be made. t:all Knlifiifef'fl anil hid« of the merits of the I'lunos, I ell mi Easy Pay-

Krakauer. Jacob Bros. Pease. Peck A Son. Opera.

KNUEPFER, 248 ESSEX ST. Knuepfer cannot be Undersold.


The officers of Stephe;. J. Ryttn camp, " SpanHsh War Veterans, were mustered into office Wednesday even- ing in Knights of Columbus ha)l. which was decorated and an^ngedfoi the occasion by the LAdlea' auxiliary. The ofllceisVere formal'•• iitstallwl by Past t'ommander Charles J. Reardun and are as follows: Command' r: Charley J. Owens; senior vice com- mander. John T. Malurer; Junior vie-- commander, Williain* II. (Jpilimeri: adjutant. Knrniau Manribau' pay- master. Nichols Watson; tuui.'trrmaKl- •■r. Stephen Scully. An entertainment1

was then provided, as fidlo■'■: HOOKS, William 11. Ivcrs, G-'on.e CatVJ, William Callalian. Andre..- Doheiiv. and Mhw Sarah O'Toolo; adilrew, John T. Muloney; song. Stephen Scully, Miss Ryan was the uccompag.tsf.- Bflp- per was then lieryed by tbr ladies' Auxiliary, and a txmnieoua rflpaat Ii was. After'the .excellent menu had

; been partaken of poat" pran.liai exei rises were in order aiirl lonti'uued un- til midnight. Toasts were responded

i fo by the new officers. • Hihe,"co,nrntt:

tea in charge comprised John T. Mu- lnney. C. J. Owens. William Ii. Oe.n- mel. Freeman Manahan, Nicholas Wat- son and Stephen Scully.


Eastern Make, hatiy Payments.


For This Week Only. Hunters of Bargains, like all other Hunters, must act quickly.


Exeter Banker Completes His Term in State Prison—May Go Into Busi- ness In boston.

Concord. N. ft., Jan. 2—At 10.13 o'clock yesterday Warren F. Putnum of KJeter started for Boston, having sihortlv before that hour been released from the New Hampshire state prison. He was committed for live years In lHSti by Judge Aldrieh of the I'.. S. district court. He was formerly pres- ident of National Oranlte Stat' bunk of Exeter, and was charged with wrecking that Institution. Good be- havior shortened his term to four and one half years

The charges against him wer ■ fought at every point from the closing of the Institution In 1«S3 until his tonvlition and sentence in 1R9GY His diwnfltll wits not the result of speculation in stocks, but canie wholly throinb the ill-judged promotion ot several ex- tensive business enterprises.

He'was charged wlili hynoih«catlng the hank's seinitles to hols'.■> up these outside'enterprises.

l.ot of bind with tenement stores on Essex street.

Valuable two tenement house on I owe!I street.

l.jirge lot of land on Broadway. L' four tenement properties. Furniture store, sell cheap. l-irge lot of land on Iviwell street. 2 corner lota on Essex street. 2 corner lots on Haverhill street. Brick block on Essex street. Double cottage On. Esaex s'reet. Property on Essex stree,t; n-ar New-

bury. Block on Broadway near Treniont.

LONG & CO.. Auctioneers, Real '-state an-l IUHiir- ance.. Money to loan on mortgages.

545E Street,

p HONOGRAPHS and Graphophones .

from SS.OO upward.


SI. down, SI. week Open evenings. largest assortment

of Records to select from. Everything new in itOCK.

Repairing and Supplies.


44 UNION STREET Telephone 751-3.

C. JBLLISON. Factory Agent,




Is envied by all Poor dyspeptics whose Stomach and Liver are out. of order. Al! such shonM know that I>r. King's New Life Hills, the wonderful stomach and liver remedy, give a spleqdfd appetite, sound digestion

"arid > regular bodily habit" that V- snres perfect health and great ener- gy. Only 25c at John J. Forreat's

I drug store.

WILL SHOW A Balance on the right' side If you have been looking for Pianos and buy Ours. The people who came before Christ- mas are now sending their friends.

MERRILL PIANO MFG. CO., 620 Essex Street Telephone connection.


I MANHOOD RESTOREDS Ikon of a famous I-'rencb phj nti i*.u, will quick]/ cur# TO you of all n«- . —•youof all ner- ,.,..* or <I*«M Of tb.> feut-ralive i.rscaui. *uch aa Loat Naubood, I'i-.iimiln. I'Musla tb*t JtiuK.«i-iulu»' 'iuilaaiuon, Nervous babUltr, PiinplM, t'QQina« to Man v, Kzh»usiiD( Drains, VarkSKete »->J V'aiuiiiMiLluD. 11 HOH all IOKBPH by da* or rljfbL Prirwenls quick- i.- ■ i.f tli«-t»nr> wlitch If not flitHiketl leadn to NaannatorrbOM i '

CrPIDEME ■tretirUiec. Tim rvaaoo •uBfcti ar«

•T*raa«a>tlila. cieiui ;VKIl Hi.- ml*. A wrlttoo tuaraiilf*- «iv»u ami. fl.OOaboi.ili furSS.Uu.li* malL .-..-ml fur rum -.rvular and irniiiiiuiiiaL*,

iJd,r.DalOLaIliMIMKlO.,l'.0 li«* JVn,aanFrai>clK-o CaJ. ffci Msaea

all Unpunuca. «au». aoaj ninety |IT cent are fjfcfMB wttk uta without an ~

I or I!'. W. Brad-ha*' Pan onw in Srnr**. l,awrence.




Estimates Furnished.



Missing Newspaper Man Safe at the Top of Mt.



DOLLS! JOYSl am |..i. i In ;i'lo,nnn«'r:; for I he !;irse<t nnd hinges!, variety of toys

nnd /hlntwttre PVI■:■ \\iTneflnCd before la this < it\ Grand openln:, SSl€ Si ..in ln'li'l.i. Pilot'li Si' Tl.' Come i rt .m.l BW for yourself, bring your young i'ii«- rVTlfi vii'i.

**, Headquarters for Holiday Goods.

RACKET STORE, ion-ion RMHDK STFFIKT. N«ar Nt'whitrjr street. t»p#ii< I ». .,i..*.



HOLIDAY GOODS Tn be fnnnd in this my

r.innil. Am..IIK our utoik of teualble iinllilay gifts will bt

Gr.ipli.ipho c-i and Records, Flectiic Batteries, Motors, En- gines, Injpjrsoll Watvjhss, I'ocket Knives. Safety Razor? Cutlery ot all kiiuK. Carving Knives and Finks, Children'.- CJI-K HI I,!.' t>v Ihc l'.>:-;q MTV Co., and an endless assortment ICXWJWJH1! D of otter desirable and a *WW+H»4V:—■——

appropriate articles. Stywiwliino; foi

TREAT HARDWARE AND SDPPLY GO. 582 and 584 Essex Street.

t«KM *«-««*** « ■ K a. a a a a rrrr*rrr*r»

OWNERS OF HORSES Call on H. A. Prescott-and buy your Robes and Blankets. A fine Cub Bear Robe, Plush Lined Price $12.50

You'll Get used right at H. A. Prescott's Har- ness Store, 138 Broadway.

* + +*AAA4+ + a -« a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a u

TEETH;;;; %2> to $/t a «Jf/.

-•'»• '"• "iracma oil* taatk era la iahff ft-\rm •apef-ieae..,. Dr. i. Btekal -V* • Ml »• —. --—• "*-•-. • -..... .

OH HlUiCKLx * MOD insert (sett without ulataa. The only Dantlats In New anffland who ha"* au «l*otrlc naioi fo> OIliriK t'-Mtb w it n cold wirtiom pain •Jotd ntllufxa rto not coma out warn maUi by tbla proceaa). Beware uf daoiitb '■latiDlna tu uee Dr. Otcknel'e new matlj.., of Palnleei Kiivaciimi an we ranerrw tbe exrttnlve rlitbt In i^wieac* (or oi ewn offlre. Beat tcetb ffoio II to ill •at, and Or. Bickral will pay ti.OM rewa

n any person wbo provaa itiai any ■!.■ tiat In Uwr»net ua«a any better tjballi teetb than Dr. iit'knel and 0on. N be made. Ov*n erentnaa until I o'oioei * Hon, FalBlaea UeaUens RMfaVa ■

Had Bten There Since Mon- day — Searching Party Reaches Mini.

Uniham, N. H., Jan. :— W. H. Boftwell, the np**sn;,per' Torresuoutleni of Hyde I'urU, Atass.. who was loftL In a Btorni Monday on Mount Wash- ington, WHS fonnrt todai' caimt^ shPltPrPd in the ■HtaR**, IIOIIKP ni th*1

summit by a seanhing parry. Bod- well, with two othftri HtartPd tt> <;) up the mountain on foot to take pic- tures and as the eorrpspondeij vraj greatly fatigued by the rlimT) he wa» left at the half way house by his assoeiates who continued on r. tht? siunmit. When' the men returned Hodwvll had disappeared ann yet nls tracks were followed to a dangerous precipice. They tame dowi th^ mountain and reported the or. in rettca and •arching partien- started for rhe half way house nnd yesterdav st:in°d Up the mountain. As it wan Mormy ii Is tlioiiglit he PBSB8fJ ttPSTTI HS rhf y were coming down wlt'honc seeing ibem. lie was unable to per photo- graphs on account of rhe weather conditions aud reaching the top-of the mountain and- heiag_iinahl£~ to pet m- lo the hotel h*1 made himsell' as com- fortal>h* as he could in tne coach hoime.

He had taken along a Quantity of provisions so that lie suffered no dis- comfort and he was considerably rur- prised to fearn that searchers had hepn looking for him. Hfl came rlown rhe monnmin "with the-"party- nttd snid that- hp littepdPtl to star: for home



[ , fioatoja, w la#.... 2—JVltb bhc three inohes to spare, Ka«er' th"p Oermali,' L-rossed the finish line in the lead on the last mile of the third day of rac- ing* at Park square garden, pobhy Walthour .'the southerner, was his closest competitor and the last man in

i copyright, 1900, by Dally Story Pub. Co.) Ilalph AlIfD left the Md at Caivltisville

Junction. A heavy re is drovf i «p*t- :ercd Yiciously on the pUttorni; he "but- -«oncd hia int«HntoPh .lofVn «rftuud bim ', the lot -was" not ten y^rdfi In the rear

The distance at The e*rt%'oT the d-<ty nd stepped under the pio/ei*trng toof of the little elation. The WllagJ we^ a mile dittant. abd the project of flounder- ing through the downpour ut'ooi wai not ureeable. fit muttered *omt adjectivea 1*1* uve to th* weather, and wae mrpriied ■o heat a femininp von* cloee to him

'1 bfg your purdon: ran you tell me the mean* of getting to the village at once?

>: > ourse, 1 mean a carriage." 'v

"lloo't. know, I'm Mite, 1 hope—, er, A

Carrisft can be aei-ured." 1 hdit decided *o *..'. inside tor a time."

lie opened ttu doov and bowed ai ih« pasted through,, observing that her *t.!irt- 'W4> !--iu!Mi"-.-, ut... hied i> imagine wndr hiuufiht her to thie de».-t:^d oountry *"H

tioh. A light, flJmj veil halt ditclioted hej regitlar* feature*, but wholly prevented po-«ible [denttfication. tlalpu inqu.i-t! ut Je :..!■.■; ageot it lie could ge\. u CAnrilgO Cu' brivc to town -wt nLrt, ^od bein^ :.n- ;'orm*Jfcia the nega;iVe, »e*red hiinhel: h*- • <!e hii new icquaintance.' ' ■■'*,*.

"tlere doeen'c teem :u beany w,.« out oi it," lie said, "tinloM we icalk.

"Then 1 unppo*e t -tnu:; wair o raint" *-*ie Ktud.

"We, ii you do nt'i object," he corrected, i "I should he honored- to act »* porttr,'1 j glancing at her T»ti«e, "and etf-ott."

Thunk you. indeed, it you will be »o j good, though f fear il would be prefuBa- i n.)t too muen upon >oui aindnea*/

"The kindnefs will lit entirely in your allowing me to *asi*t,''' lie ndfj. Tliioujfh | ilie hazy ttuii-fui etnv oi' the veil he roiru j diatinguuU handtoniw outlines and t-yea !

; hat shone and laughed. '1 liere coold he im neire^jlty for wearing It iiidooit. Dei Voice sounded'as the voice of out he hail heard often, somewhere, A nugge^tinn of a < so/t.-moriulateU draw! -was pleading. Who - among hta feminine aequaliitancea poi j - ««pd that peculiarity of accent? Sudden-I '■ lie inmed toward* ber and at'intinized :

bej intently. •» | h was, in I,oiulon. iliree JtA&IJ baffbi**,'

and after meetiiiK her he hid poitpon^d j hia return to New York. Her party trav- eled to Paria and over the continent, and ; singularly, hia plane took htm i<vthe wmc I pUets. When they parted he hud prom- ;

-lfed"To~-writer—ftul lie umffted to ifwlwde— hlf street addreaa in his missive, and Ant- had no means of learning the location o: h>.- otBee. He did not-know this: probab!y, he thought, ahe bad wearied of hitn and let the affair drop before it should h.ve become more than a friendship. Now Lu Tad another opportunity, a.ad he would iriB her er meet final defeat. !!'• • ould no; de

wan 582 miles, 4 laps. The day brought but one retirement,

that of GougaHz, which was expected last night. His leg will hav to go

into a npllnt for a week or two. There were no bad falls (lurine the day and the riders seemed to ho In good condition.

Uttle Joe Downey's showlua has ♦arned for him more than ever the name of -Surprise.' Fischer also did heroic work, and it is becoming "\i- dent thgt he is in racing parienc1 a bad propositIon.' Miller an.i Kr.ser are the only foreigners loft.


.1 \f!RRPFON-


,u ..n- •■.


James Smith of ffprih Andover, ar employe of the Duck mills. Btrffercd a severe laceration of the right ham! while at work Tuesday morninp His injury was dressed at the hospi- tal.

<*rtange produces mid in the hetad and catarrh is apt to foliov,. Provide*! ^^r^,H^y;**-€H^*ffl---thrii«"y+Mf--a*e-*ei ed against Nasal (Catarrh. Price BO cents at druggists or Ely Brothers., 5*3 Wtifren street, New Yo*k. will mall it. I he Malm cures wit'.ioi.t tain, does not irritate or can?" Bnettfug. It spreads itself over an Irritated and angry surface, relieving immediniilv the pa ] nil 11 Tn flam mat Ion, cleanser nnd cures. Cream Balm qut^try ciues tl cold

po ♦/ '♦•♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦


THE NEW CENTl'RY Bargain Sale at I.. C- Moore Company's opens a new asa in bargain opportunities. Regular prices have liepn slashed re- gardless of former ideas of bargain values. The prices at this sale set new standards of lowness. It Is tit- tipg and eminently proper that these IOV.MSI prices are named by this stoiv Which has always stood for the lowest pptesvi in the cltv without satrlficJiiR quality. \'i>' one department is-skip ped In picking these men.untile plums Goods of every kind it. the store are lowered in price, hut the last of lots • the odds and end;; of all kinds suf- fer the severest cuts. Thi^ New Cen- tury Bargain sale begins Wednesday. Jan. ^n<l and continues throughout the \yeel;. Don't allow anything to Interfere with your eoming and besure to be here during early part of sale. Ii. c. Moore company, 503, 804, :»0S: ilfl and 312 Essex street.

CASTOR IA For Infant* and Children.

The Kind Yon Have Always doughl

Jan. 3—lidrd Metbiten I4 cdncentrating a force at V'ryhurg. where 1000 troops have been sent iron" Kimberley and others from more northern towns to deal with n com- mando that is raiding around

;he I Kurumuii. The Boers have reocvupied Jagers-

fontein. which together with i'aure- smith. the British evacuated on Christmas day. The convoy of retir- ing Inhabitants with' hundreds of wagons extended for seven miles. lr was a mournful spectacle. Camp was pitched at Edenberg. la gather that the motive for the evacuation was the difficulty of maintaining food supplies so,far from the railway.


Is in store for all who use Kemp B Balsam for the throat and lungs, tho great guaranteed remedy. Would you believe that It is sold on its merits and any druggist .hi authorized by the.proprietor of this wonderful rem- cdv to give you a sample bottle free'* It never fails to cure acute or chtonle coughs. All druggists sell Kemp's Balsam. Price 25c and f>0c, . .

^c^WV©»Xjst;~— ban the _^ ™fl ^ Via Hatf Alwys BOL'rta


the I.nte fi^iahi |,. Mood* at Northfleltf, Ma.i, • -

ctde "Whether she recogn^eti h--"-"-- ^-tf—r ■ ""~"i"Ti"" au . A miiitache adbroed the >:p whu-li W '■■"'■ Presickier Who Will nwfn haen amojuk—when, ihe, khfciV—hjui. 'n Rtv rope.

"l>e run ou; h*re on ROfUS 'ive '*'■ !•' husineaa, and as I'm not expected, thite'i no one here to meet me. Othetw;»e in. ■innaportation facilities whuld be enti-elv at your aervice." > .

"Ii it comes to that, it is'I. who shooid m UU myaelf for being hfre," phe repli(r! "I had been invited 10 the wed-Jing of - coHegt friend, and thinking 1 could not mme -ent regrets. Then at the eleventh hem I—. managed—to. _g*.L_ AKtaxJ^

And EO we're here. She looked at him questioning!?.

hed he had an invitation to that wed rig". He only said: 'The rain ha* ceased. Shall we start':" "Certaislj ; it yon wish." He wanted ' . ask her some queatiin>

h?n one question, but that would be ett?i» Utside, where the glare or the kero-er

lamp did nor penetrate. They started of!

ReT. O. ("ampbel! Morgan, pastor of the New Court ('ongreg-Hiionai chapel,

London. England, lias accepted a call to the pastorate ut Northfteld, Masai; left vacant by the death of Dwight I.. Moody. "Rev. Mr. Morgan has preached a number of limes In Northiield and in Chicago, and i* not unknown to the late 1). I-. Moody'.- ennerregutlon. Bis

"~~~pntptf "cioqnence-fs- -more trf -t-he -per- sj, Buaslve than of the. trenchant kind. pdH Hi* voice i« powerful and well modn- - - ^tarpd;—arrd— readies- the di>*tan-t -^**t«..

" ' of the church without eft'nrt. He i


Wrstern Dlvlalon.

TRAINS i-KAVK NORTH | .U')'K\CR "For Boston- o.*»t M2 -ex., T.80; 7.56 H U ex 8.51 f\; 9.00: 9.38 I

JX; M.io ex.; id &.'>•

li..i ex. a. m; 1Z.%; l.'li; L'.iJu i-x; Wfr; 0.25 l.tS p. m.\ from Boutn denot 7.us p. m. {.fa ex. Ml |>t m.; t'rou riomh j>enoi

down the narrow walk, he carrying her liae". Tlie wauTwa.-. qui-.eilippeiy, and pngfa •he net-d tug ami!1 Slip ai'iepted it gracioun ly. Of the weather «nd kindred mterestiui Lopiot they talked for. some time, aud ;h* \ muster.^hip in the .lcui-1 conversation dragged. He broke up a shor j .school, Birmingham. H

fluent of speech and energetic in hia gesture*. He wax horn In Teiliury. Gloucestershire. England, on Oeeemher d,'l863. His fur her was a Baptist min- ister atul' his mother the daughter of ;i Baptist rieftcon. "Ha Wirs educated mainly at Ch el ten bam. from which place, ut the age of 30, lie passed 10 a

Collegiate ibandonrd

1 thin calling for the uorl, 01 an evnn- , I'elist, und in UriO accepted a cult to the

par-i orate of the Congregational church in Stone. Stoftord-hire. In L803het6Ok

stmiuster Koad Con-

Bears the Stguaturn


Suitable Holiday Presenl WHY NOT BUY A-

Portable Gas Lamp V

\ We have a largi line to select from at very tow piices. ■ I ; ; 8



Pantt at Half ] Prfce at tha:


Pant Sale * H ,1

« cl *

* W.H. GILE&CO. U a x a a a a w «rwa-« * ■* ««« a

Jhomas /flcffHf &Co



Their awning Business From Ml<lill«>i!e> Street^_i__ North Andover To.. ..

337 COnnON STREET 2 Boors from Amegbury Htreet. Lawrence Haas.

silence. . !i

"I ought to introduce uyself. My naim is Halpli Allen. My home i-i in N'ew Vm!;.' The stiteintftt did no; sound very smooth hut he had opened h «ubit-i!.

i am very glad to have met you. MrJ ■nargalof the U Aihnr.- i carr't tmudr yon enough for Hii-; mgatlonnl church at Bireh.geld^naar ering to help me to-titglit."

i should like yuii, please, not to apea! of that again. Oiu e for all, it IS a piv lege. But it i* *o p'ew^Hnt now, tony a- not walk llower*''

■ "Ttu* wedding-* "Oh, I had forgotten that. Is it lit a

treating, iien?" .''No; 10-inonow. r*he laughed. "Then, I shall toiibider ii a duty to.at*

that you do. noL iiidme i,n:Rue hv up:. wa.kir.it to-night."

•'But-it'* late, and Ll«y—" "The atidoenhere 1- so clear and refreik

iug. And 1 am enjoying tuyselt." 'I'heit pace bad starkened ai>d th*J «.<>i<

tmued. each looking ove;- the wanbed. coo landsyape.

"And I was thinking of a girl 1 ki.ew onee. She Was very much like you. That'- wliy T spesk of her. Yoii—you don't miud':" „ "Xo; I should like to hear/' ahe laid -.->.■,<,. looking iw-xy from h;m. Then b> continued:

"'t^tie was in England eevtfjril years ago ■lid we nict." lie «pok*c a^ 1 hough ratati rag iKiMnorit"* to In-, own mind, and JJI n< I Ii ok at the woman at hi* *id-*. "I onh i«#W her a month, und perhaps I ihoaldn' u.vve.triken the liberty. But I couldn't hf ; iiinking- so mmb 01 hfi.''

"Ami you?" ''I had to return 10 New York. It woultj

aot have been fair totell ber so mott." 'You think 10? ^Klfiah.'f _^___

"I wrote to her, and ■wered her."

•is that a.lr" '"Yes; that** ali."

'- He made nor sign of prcieedmg ftirthei with 1 hi- story, and ^heaaid:.. - "Teh me, do you make it practice 0 leaving >our correspondents 10 guo^s at your address? She .-i.i" -may not havt known whpre to write."

"I dor.'t understand. She knew I.'.ived it


■»he would have if thought, bwt 1 never heunl lion

ItJIV. CAMPBBIX MORGAN. Moody'i Suci.a*sur In the NorthfleU


Birmingham, uml in February, 189t, (he accepted a call to the >e*w Cottit [Congregational cliurch, which he now I leaveh. He ha* published several book., , the beat known of which are "The True j Kgtlntate of Life," "Malachi's Message ' for the Men of To-Day," "Diaeiple.'diip," , "The Hidden Yearn at Nazareth," aud -'HiadV-M-elhods with Man."


.Iud«aif«t Partly la terror. After his return to London from hia

flrat tour of the United Slates, Mat- thew Arnold, visited old Mrs. f'roctor, widow of the poet, "Rnrry Corn waft,** and mother of Adelaide Proctor. Airs. Proctor, who was then 80 year* old, in "I'.'i.g Mr. Arnold H ctip of tea, asked him: "Agd wlmt did they »uy about you in AiiiM;''ir.'" "Wc-ll," feuid the lit-

aid"1 was_utnr- I erarV-autocrat. l-ihey .Aon might .have hwn thoughtful enougl jceitP(! and thev laid inv clothes did

0 motion your reiidence or sun oftic. uo. fi, ^^ ..^n uow;., .aidtheoid

'U.'".^'' n v .1 . 1 rp. .. : lady. "1 think thev were mi-take- " "TJtkl wus like her. thai rMnark. Thatci " •>



tinn»tkl»a ««*uu(alas, fauar »o(k,i>!. l^liiVlS. ^urrJnW^T^ Eferjfe M«a/. Oaisaso-zwij. Laa>a«sais

»«l*4Ua,BBlSlM.flrla«iflUttlaokl!4TaSL *|kalisa» •alaaSTUfh"cklu"«fftft ■•! attflnrdajtaaiataraaT •USfiaXUraa. «*•• >-• *i *l '-' ■ijltand |»«iiart Si

MS CALL all Sea

aasllr so* tswatlM ajfkar. SalSla ■

IS aa« it ««ata aai-k-aaa

Ut ikti* At>«ol'i!«lr »»r» IIIMI up-ta>SstS • Till .Hi< Al.1. COMPANY,

|M 1*4 w..t l«lk SIHM, ... - Via 1«rb CSap, a. B.


ly-^V .«•.•»?« ■■**alv Weafclr

(arm Mall. IS.***') _ issuta ru. p-;y:,",,,Srti ^iiss* pteK fc

Sold by the Eastern Drug company, General agents. Boston. Maaa.


$2.00 !■. all w- ytarge to paper a room; witii elegant oarer, border match. First class work. Wb sell paper at factory prices. We nlao do painting whitening and tinting. Send a postal card and we. will call on yon. ^Ml BR0*.pWa\Y.





WILLIAM F. FAY. 6O 8Utr St., Bu.lon

Rosmi 708, 709, 7tO an* 711. Branch Offico, Provldehw, R. 1.

Rooms 406-407, Hanigau Rldg. MONET TO LOAN

To reliable (whirled people lioMiu,' permnnent positions, sut-h an banl, clerks, r-uperintenilrntfl, foremen iHU, men, cushlers, bookeepers, Bcbonl tearhera. cler1--. etc., anywhere in Mass.; all lnv*1nena treated contldent. lal anttln a n I •■ tundner; easy.' terms; convxey n, in • ml notary pub- lic, rite full particular* or' call, hours 9 to 5. .

Ne trip to Boston necawary; writ" full pnrtlrplarx u Boston office and re- ceive reply by return mall will, full particular".


Only Direct Water Route from BOSTON, PROVIDENCE and


FLORIDA Fast Modern Steamship* and Bx- cellent Service *5 Three Sailings a Week irom New York, Affording , Rail Connectiona to all Southern ReeorU.

WM. p. CLTOE & CO., Oenl Agta. j ■ T«0. C. EGER, o. at. # ^

19 State Straat, ITew Ydtk

l p. in. lO.faV

. ■ i;x.-l.-r* Hover, Sonr b.ttT; !• ex. n. rn.; IA.-: i e.ui s.flfi p. in. for tOa

'i*an- J.I7 a.

For L-nwell—7.80J S.OT: ».<*); m.io a. ni,; IL:.^:.; 2.20; U.'-'u; J'.f-'i; 5.S_. . 9.2;: p. in.; from Siiiiih Isppm 7.0s p.

For Andover—S.M; 7.12; ;.;:o; 7.r.:.; 8.o; V.IHI; iti.in; iii.,v.; n.M u. m,; is.ssri.oaj f.SO; '.'.:>'■;,f».S6; » J'j p, ni.; from Hnuth Ji.'I'.'L ..ua p. m. • t or lluverhiii—«.r«l; 7.11!; 8.U7;' fi.fHi; lO.Lfi; il.% p. ni.; I'J.m 1.4:.; 3.1""; 4.0ft; 4.4f.;

MS; giwi SffSt "-^r "*.;■'»'*» tri; from gouth depot I.aa; 7.4S; S.ffl; S.li;

Mto u.yti; ^. in,; ii.u>; i.;^»: ;:.!"*; i.iti, 4.5b; C.&8; 6.6.*;.V.in.; 10.^0 p. ni.; )2.Hoa. in

SumerMWorth - w.f»3: t 4D p. m.: ti?>

.. _;xater and Dov^r.) xt-t^r; Dover; Nn. lJerwlck; J<ienne-

bnnk; Hid.l.-ford, Saen; ti, Orehsird Mid i'orilanU—6.fi3; 8.07; S.W a. ra.; I.4!>; 4.46 p. SK

For OorRetowii; Newburyport; Hallnbury und 1'urlKuwuth—7.42 »• ni.; 12.40; S :i': 4.4J; 6.30 p. m. ' in. ; i-.-iu 4.U9; 5.15 p.m.

For Merrlmac and Newton—R.54; 8.OT a. "'or Salem. Man*, and Lynn—7.45; 8.15 a. m.l 1.QSI B.00 p. in. Nt>N..NS..NN

For ituneliPHter and Concord, N. II.— ra.; 1.17; 3.44; S.UJ p, m.

For lvuiii (ink; Krnnklli.; Lebanon and White Hiver Junction S.S7 a. in.; 3.41;

S.(»r> p. nr; or Warner, Bradford; Sunapee', Newport (N, II.) t.'laremont and Claremnni

S'u'nctl'on-l.iTp. m. 12783W0r4;fi S.. M For Ttltou; Laennla; T.nkeport: Meredith,

Ashland und Plymouth—t.'Sl e. tp.lJ.H For Lisbon; Littleton; Whlt«neid;

CBRter; Jefferson and Vabyan-a- 03-

or St. Johnsbury; Uvdonvllle und Klier- brooke viu White River Jun,tllJ" u,,Vi " m.; «.or» p. m.;,ex. Saturday and Sunday for Sherbruoke. . (<i- iluiilpelter; Essex Junction; Barling- ton; ... Albatis and Montreal Via U. V. line— 8.& a. m.; 8.06 p, in.

«*or Montreal und Quabeo via M treal noil BOHIOII air line— S.i.7 a. ni "o.Ojp. in .

For Quebec via White River Junction— \ 8.37 a. m.; 6.05 it. ni. 12 I

LKAVK bUlTlI J^\WRKisOK. tM i or Merrlmac-7.03; 8.28 u. tn.; .-.6»: # ttrl

or"8Kx"ter-7.03; S.2S; S.U; a. ra r U.»iJ 1.55; 4T>; S.a#l D.fiSp. m. ' -^. ■

For stations itween loxeter and North Berwtck;---?sfv s-8 «- "'•; *A*' 5-K U- ,n

Saeo; Old OgBtuird and Portlund—1.1*; BVJV; ft.11 a. »a.; LM; 4.M p. in.

Th« *.i.ll trtiln connects. lor au BtatlOlU on the Mulue Central nnd • .rand Trunk at Portland. Thp l.K. IL m. train COD- necU with the Maine- t'enirul R. R. at Portland tor Lewlston; Wotervllle und way stations. . , __

For North con way and may stntlone- S.ll a. in.; 1.66.

For Wolfboro—9 11 a. m. For Fabyatv-S.U a. m.

SUNDAY TRAINS. , For Boston and way atattonav—T785; 8-18;

u. m.; "12.10; 5.3.".; t!.4ii p. ni.; 1:0m Houtli depot-4.2'); 7.37 ex.; 7.48 p. m. or LuwHI-8.18 a. m.; 12.10; "..35 p. m.; frotn South depot: 4.2«; 7.4b p. in

For Uaverhlll-li.lU a. m.; Jt.00 u. ni.: 12.54; 3.21'; a.35; !l,40; l». in.; Hnuth depol 4.L1* a. m.

For Munuhesler, N. II.—9.20 a. m.; 1.02 7.W p. m.

Southern Dffrlaioa. TRAINS LFAVR NORTH LAWRKNCI For Bostnn-tf30; 7.35 a. IB.; 12.HO; 4.UJ p.

BLOOD POISON Hsvs Vast SawlaMsi, I'UJBI* 0*»SW-W»I*S Suts. itats, ou UW III ttpM, tllcara in !U Mtatk, lair rauisg? Writ. for proofi of curatt. »Q solicit ths aiotrt oMlaata ca>4M IVi haraouraJ iho .mrtt raia* in IS USJdar*- 1 iai,lul.a&J0,LU». liu-pags boott FB£K. No braaehofaaai COOK REMEDY CO. .1181 Ma.onlr Trwple .Cthleaso.III

For Women. Dr. Totnian'a Monthly Ros;ulator hasbrought luippinesa to hundreds of anxious nontsn. There fa positively no otiit-r remedy ki>owti to medicalxeleiue, that wilt >o i|tiickl> aud surely do the work. HaveneVerhaaleslriKla f.iilni-e. The longest and luont obstinate vaK*--. are relieve in ;i days wlthem fall. No other remedy will do this. Nopuln, 110 danger, no interfereme with work. The most difficult eases ■tireesiihilly treated thn.ugh correa. pondenee.andtheino^tt'ompleU^satinfartiou guaranteed in every inntance, I relieve bun- Hivdaor ladii>!i whoml never see. ■ Write jo, Turther i.arti.nlara. All letteri truthfully answered. Free confidential advice 'n all waiters 01 aprivateor delicate nature. Bear In ininil thin remedy is nlwoluti'lv safe under every posiihlocondlthjQ and will poeltlvel) leave no attetltl i-ITectn IIIHID th«health, bv ma'! sernrelyBaaaled, g'J.OO. I»r. K. M. TOL- UVN in., Ifi Treiuont St., HoHtoii, Mass


11*0 • • a • • insurance 2b:i ESSJ.X kTMaW.

For Woburn-fl.10; T.i. ». to. 12.0); 4.V

ttflfl] 4 t.

; ll.Ofl in

»r Lowell- 8.M; 11.11 a. t; t ■ p. m. or Malem. Maas. ' H • 4.S2 p. in

For A>^r autl way atatlons-11.15 a. m.; 4.52 u. -rn.

Cor IVlertinro; Creenfleld; Rennl**4|ton; 'tillshoro nnd Keene---S.20 a m.

for nreenfteU; Amhertt; Mlif.trt and Wilton—8.3(0 a. m.: 12.iW; 4.!.*: p. »

For Naahua—8.20; 11.IS a. in.. 18.00 4.52 ,im

H. f. FLANOKRH. O P. -s>.,? *••*


why I told you, Do you taint she cared1

Do von think ana cam BOW-T*' 1: the veii hud not concealed her faoi

Ralph might have Been what it coat hi to .reply-

"Why— why don'p.jnu a>k her!'" The riatchet fell 10 the Walk. He sough

bath hep hands and he!s«ihcro in hia. "Do you, Mabel; do jou?" The veit waetno; "vei her face now. jm

she said: "Yes; oh, >es!" j An omnibua psseed Intro on the" waj

.itid the driver was ibouilnf ■ hat \ .<■ would be delivered

1 T.° *kf Msihtlnaale Llvea en Droaea.

A French aatueaJUt aswrlj thai aiffbytingSfi** /Jevour the eff>ones- ot a uvehive. aad never.aUuck tee vvorker**


tuts. Hut. they d>«i coi bear him.

■ Cowaa. Isle of WiKlit, .Ian. 2—}\ joying to the addroaaee al the tovi hall, Ix>rd Roberta said he reprelt

engerbjthat IIIH return was not aerompnnied beir residences foj|by immediate pence. But. he added.

Boston & Maine Railroad.




.! St Louis, St Paul, Minneapolis 1 avn A 1.1. t>fiiMTa


<?: «/?/

while he bared hostilities would .con- tinue for some lime he had Implicit confidence "in 138W Kitchener -iid bad no fear rcRarding the outcome. Mi concluded with B cmdogy of ilie mag- nificent army of (ireat Britain, r.;i Hi,- coniPnnentn of which he pointed oul pulled together splendidly.

AND ALU POINTS Weat Northwest Southwast

Pullman Parlor or Sleeping Cara 3D all Through Trains.

["nr tit^.is aud information apply at any primipal ticket office of the com- pany.

O: J. FLANDERS. Qen'l Pag«. ft Tkt. Aft.



E. Woodbsry A Co. 336—Property on Centra atreet "near"

Broadway; also two tenement honais near Arlington school. I-»ot larg. enough to bnild another house.

332—Fine tenement property on Caeet- nut street, near Lawrence.

331—Double rottage of 16 rooma. korl- ern corner lot 70x115 feet.

184—Bounllng house of 85 rooms: gooj repair; low price. Also several good paying places on Essex afreet1.

3R4—Two-tenement house otl 'Bailey street. Modern Improvement!. Cor- ner lot.

876—A 6-tenement bloc* on Olfor* street.

38S—A itoorl Investment property r Oak street. We have residential Knd Investment

property in all parts of the etty and suburbs. Routs collected and eatatat managed.








Past Commmder Dr. C. P. Mor- i-ill aud Sir Knights Frye, Field am! I tow attended the funeral of W-U-r

" liam H. Janulth, Sunday afternoon In l<awr*»nre.

Collins Bros,, are to mi the wood itid timber from about l". HCK'H

which they own fronting the Sal-gffl. turnpike ami Rair'orjd street, and six acres, also their property locale.) near the Ijtwrence Riding park and known afl How meadow.

Mr-. H. W. Uiwson and son. ileorge W., Jr. of Somerville. ate in town on a \ tail.


Mlfif Fin My, M. Qattfs, a tKH-U'T in the Hanson punli;* edioois, is at home for (he vacation.

Mrs. Thomas Fletcher of Bristol It. I., has been, visiting her duug;i- let Mrs. Martin Cochran.


Judge Frye occupied the pulpit the VVeyi lloxford rturruh; Sunday.

John J. Duff/haa been elected or- ganizer by section Inwrence, SoVia- Ilst Labor pnriy for the ensninir rdx months.

T'he (.mnge relief committee is com postd of Mrs. J. H. Nuson Janie.v ''. Poor, Miss Anon M. TttCkeT, Hpter Holt and Mrs. Cirorge (J. Ch'id- wleft.

Miss Nellie T. Collins of Boston has been in town on' a visit.

Oeorge F. Kunhardt was present at a banquet at the Algonquin club to HOU. John I). lx>ng, secretary of the navy; by his fellow member the Commercial club in tio I day evening.

Three nriults atul two children were baptized and eight persons received at the Methodist church, Sunday.

Mi"*. R. C Houghton was elected -iieiilnnanL-KOVprnor of Qov. Bowker

colony, 1 , 0. P. V.. at La'wrencv;. the other evening.

Judge Cryn was re-elected vice pres- ident ol the Bmeg club Saturday, lb* attended, the reroption and dinner given the game day lit the Parker house, In honor of Hon. (leorge von ,. Vh-y.t r ummiuument as represenU- theorthe United states at the-Italian rmin. ' ■ ■—=

»ston J'T

Sam I). Stevens and family removed to Andover, Saturday to remain dur- ing the winter.

\tr. nil Mif>. V. K. Wilder re- t urn-id. lo^JJart Cord. Conn., after a visit at the hotne (if her parent., Mr. and Mrs. Christian Jensen.

Mr. and Mrs. John F. Hennett spent -_J^uiuluy-I n-rAttettwon-. -N-r-tf: ■

The \lplne orchestraT fins oeen* Lfarniati—music for lib.'

Burns' club concert and l*»ll.

Rev. Dr. Barnes preached an abit ^.Tinnn, Sunday morning, before a large congregation. His text WB» from Cnl. :!: 1>: Christ Is all and. it

~iOU . I'll*- period now upon us is ini

pressivc Tomorrow at midnight we fr-hail greet both a New Year and Now Century.

Dr. Barnes* sugge-ded briefly deep significance of the text and stated his .snbjp-t: Christ in the 111th i (ntury.

lie only prepan-d outlines, giving

Fire! lire!! When that cry round H '. -v people!

ruth to help and trntpatb- i And I when some firemen rescues - woman j

from the tinn, thr ' itmti echo with «p- ' pl-roding; Hhouta.

And yet if that j woman had perished in the. flame* it ii pos- sible that ihe would have suffered lass than she euffiert ml- . most daily from the infbumuatioii which I di«eaae hu lighted in the delicate womanly organ i mm.

That tire of inflam- mation can lie put out. The gnawing nicer can be cured. Dr. Pierce'a Favorite Prescription not only establishes womaul\ regularity ■ and ' driei enfeebling draiua.but it heala iunauunution and ulceralioua and cures female weak- ness. It makes wen I women strong and sick women well.

•I miller.-d f«r n»f vesri with what four ptiv- skians ttronuunceu tiVecuLioii aurtpiolipv he nterua," wr1t«s Mrs. Ad« Hrook*, ol Kirh>

ville. T*n*y Co.. MlMomi. "Also lauauttatloii of bladder "ami urellirn Mv cast w« chiotii. mid complicated. lUd sevanl B««I plwslciau*, hut kepi weitmit wor«e. Mud been n>iinneri to mv bed five month* wheu I wrole to you. I received voiir reuiv very soon mid then (it*- minseft iriv pbwcUUi and hegsn takina Or. Pierce'« niedionn. 1 took eight bolt lea ol In- ■Fsvorite f resrritrtion ' aud ' (ioldeii Medial Di§covcrv.' siid btfan to gel belter at once, in iwolnonth* I coiTd all up in sttiair, and kept writing better. In tour month* could do all my house work, including washing and aewinK."

Or. Pierce's Common Sense Medical Adviser, paper covers, is sent free on receipt of 21 one-cent stamps to pay expense of mailing o«/v. Address Dr. K. ,V- W«rCe, Buffalo, N. V.

Miss Mabel B, Coan paaaed the bolt- d".iys in Boston and lliughlam.

Mr. and Mm. J. V. Brown Stl Gloucester are spending a week with their daughter, Mrs. William M McQueston.

— Harry Bird, _ timekeeper at tlie Davis arid Turner ~Mh'eninir^onrnany■ works. h!is roiurned from Hnmilton. OnttwiO Canada, and resumed hi* duties.

Contractor arid Mrs. Joseph Tvombly have issued invitations' for the wedding of their daughter. ItlM

-CeeMa-„5L_. to. Th.onws H. Bov'kef of l^awrenee. tn'neettr Wednesday.

■^tntiunry i*th'.—' * —-

most enjoyable affair In everv respect ."'*" The worthy couple were very lu»pitsb/le. haft?,, Ati -.\- cellent. supper, vocal and * instrumental music and social converse were the feature*;. A pleasing Incident of the occasion was the presentation of 'haii'l^onie cha-'ed gold ring to Mlws Christina Jenkins by Mist* Florence Sha* . (a emending the gift the lat- ter made a prettily worded speech, to which the recipient, while com- pletely surprised, made an approrbtte respnn.sf

A meeting of the .lohnson High Scnoo'. Aluniiil association was held Triday evening in the' high school room.

In the absence of the secretary, Misa .Mary A . Ma'honey wixs apiKiinted secretary pro t^m. John P. A. Mahoaey. Esq., and tttpi Mary K. Brbdla weie admitted to meintiej'- ship.

The committee appointed to report resolutions relative to Albert 1'oor. Beq., claaa (rf '70, submitted the toi- lowIns draft:

Whereaa, by the death of Albeit Poor, Ksi|.. the Johnson High Shcoo! Alumni association have

, experienced, a gieat loss in com- mon with all gootl citizens of hi- native town,-North Andover; and are particularly iffllcted In that their association has toat its founder:

Thererore, he it resolved that the Johm-on HiRh School Alumni association cxpressea Its deep and lusting sorrow *»t the untimely

1 utiing oft of that career of prom- ise.

Be It further resolved, that wo extend our sympathies to the Im- mediate relatives of the deceased, by forwarding to each a copy of theae resolutions, and that this writing l«* spread upon our rec- ords aa a permanent memorial.

L. tidgar Oagood. Arthur P- Ohiekering. Kred S. Smith.

The reaolutionaP were received, ac- cepted and adopted aud ordered re- corded

The mat Her of a mid-winter re- I ception was referred to the executive ; committee with full power.

All the midnight servicen incident I to the new century were largely at*, ■ Tended*"—Ln—'—■—■—■——

At the Congregational church a ! social was held in the vestry from

9.HO to lb.4.1 o'clock. Ught refresh- ments were served. The aoclal com- mittee ot the Christian Endeavor so- ciety had charge of the affair.

Adjournment to the auditorium fol- lowed.. -The Ilirit half hour was in charge of, fieofge E, nuThoTnT" The exercises ■being;

The Cause of Many Sudden Deaths.

There is a disease prevailing in this country most dangerous because so decep-

tive. Many sudden deaths are caused by It ~ heart disease, pneumonia, heari failure or apoplexy are often the result of kidney disease, if kidney trouble is al- lowed to advance the

^ kidney-po i^o ned — blood will attack the

t»i viia. organs 'of the kidneys themselves break down and waste away cell by cell.

Bladder troubles most always result from a derangement of the kidneys and a cure is obtained quickest by a proper treatment of the kidneys. If you are feeling badly you can make no mistake by taking.pr. Kilmer's Swamp-koot, the great kidney, liver and bladder remedy.

It corrects inability to hold urine and scald- ing pain in passing It, and overcomes that unpleasant necessity of being compelled to go often during the day. and to get up many times during the night. The mild and the extraordinary effect of Swamp-Root is soon realized. It stands the highest for its won derful cures of thje most distressing cases.

Swamp-Root is pleasant to take and sold by all druggists In fifty-cent and one-dollar sized bottles. You may have a sample bottle .of this wonderful new dis- covery and a book that tells all about it. both n„„,rotnw*mi-ti«{>t, *enl free by mail. Address Dr. Kilmer & Co. Binghamton, N. Y. When writing mention reading this generous offer In this paper.

watch-night The pro-

tiate Keeper. Edward A. Fuller. Craa, MIHH Kthel M. Cooledjce. Pomona. Miss UK\V A. Preecott. ■Flora. MiwAngle H. Whittle*., Ijady" Ai?*Mant Steward. MWB Oont

A. Haraett Executive committee, John Bark«r,

Peter Holt and John P. Clark. After the installation an excellent

supper was served under the direction, of the feasi committee.

Mis.- visitiu

Nellie McDonald ■ in Bo ton.

baa h<-en

but tc thotighta canu


statistical figures. Hit under the following

Christ in Literature. Christ in Art, '" . Christ in War. Christ In Kdmvition. Christ in htft-owft-^hitec^.

I'i.keH for the fouil-h annual con- cert '.ind ball of the Burns club are being disposed of unite rapidly.

Shortly after 9 o'clock Thursday evening. Mrs. Prank W. Eaton, while on hoc way home from pray<-, meeting in the Congregational chtin 11. noticed a. Imilding on fire ot t.lie invmiiies oi-cupicd by Commissioner Wowe>ra;—--> . ,—

She informed the family of tKe/Jtovl, and rfTor-ts were at once made to e\- lintrtil-wh the blase .___jMgi\nwIillo ('a r Stowers Rave an nVdrm. ami the'"Euen Suttona were nuickly on the scene. The rhomiotl was used with excellent results.

The structure where the fire was in pragrfStt is used for storing ,vnnd preparing feed for hens and duk-> and belonged to Walter H. Stowers who is quite extensively engiged in poultry raising.

The CochlelicwickM1 made , ftfcplfl time BS far m- Stevens hall,, J thelt ili-ttict limit towards the u Parlsn. lines- otheiwLse ordered. —From appeaTAneea the heat of the" tile chimney ignited the woodwork, atirl th° flames spread over the roof for nulte n spaec before being controlled.

Th' Ins of course. Is only 'nominal.

The regular monthly tui of the Wotiien^ Rflflfl took place at Hi Pa"ttl> PfrfSeh house Tfcurwlay afte tin on. , - - - ' —-;

M.1 said no denominational tar Ian llnee are contemplated. Christ' real church is constituted of all who trust nod ser>c Him. ..*

Interesting figures were given on" or two items having marked lJii0tmV, The Protestant population of the country ha« Increased from 1,000, 1 (innd nniu'ior.s in 1804) to rt2.000.fHW in 1900. *

The cpmmunb ants in so-cilled evangelical churches, have im-rejiscit from 380.000 in round numbers, to 17.onn.n00-; more than fifty-fold In

• lease or three and a half times more Hi in 'the increase of the whole popit- lation. ^

Assistant Snperinendenl James A. Colquhoun of the John Han;'oc;li. Un In.•■iirtne" company, is distributing hatidaohte calendars among its pa-


Mi.-*. Rolwrl Ritchie has n North Billerlca.



The cbihirens Christmas service Sunday afternoon, drew a large con- gregatlon to St. PBUI'H church. The' exorcltw -. which follow were adihlf- iidy ear pled out \

i ami. rhcre came n itttl« .Child to Karth. "^

Sente'it t■■■.' confession. ' ati-iol'u'tion Lord'h prayer nnd versicles.

Sp.clal |i -dins.Ill and S5 wtth niofl^f "L' In V Edwin Benin !■

I*' ICM.II Natah !' to v. 8. Hymn, tt little town of Bethlehem; 2nd les-aur Si. I.like 2 to v. IS. Christmas anthem. Ijark the (Had riou and ■XI ■ It r<

Aliostln-' Creed Versicles and Co! lects lot'.

1 ChriFtmaa Day, £. For IVice. ■ :!. For .Mil against Perils. Cenerai T-ii inksgiving. Prayer o| St. Chrvso^tom and -The Grace of Our Lord." etc

C:unl' Carol. Caml Christians With liOlo hy MlsM Kllen Somerville Addr--.,: Triiditimial ctisloms as,ixi

aied vviih the celetiratiou of Chri..i- maa. • c

. T*s fnll mcuninc Ion nil'in the Cifi 'd't'lnisi. Chrlatmaa snrmt? for the ' jo> 4 of giving, even more than for the joy that .onies from receiving^

Hymn V.i. |t came upon ihe Midnight c!eur.

N'otice^; Btshop'fl letter; offertory; Anthem hy Mr."Cyrus Bean. ai:: '•empanird by Mrs.'Bean on the violin.

Canot Hark n Bnrrt of Heavenlv Mufllc.


lUIUers elwted by 1 lie Burns club on Thursday evening for the OD- suing term are as follows:

Preaideut—Dougal Campbell. Vlc« Pn-sident Alexander Mi-Km-

nun. Kecording Secretary -William Hal|l-

l-'lliant'ial Secretarv James M Craiu

rieasurer—David Crockett. Tin nun Committee — James M.

Thomson Alexander MoKtanon awl William Little.,

liie final meeting in .lanutry will be a social for niemliers and.their families.

John Klltot and family have removed from the Centre to the Blunt house on the Idll. at Andover.

The Misses Louise and H. FrUncee McDbnafd attended the funeral ol F. X. T. Rnwrlght Friday morning. at Salem. ,

A number of persons.are to be ail mltted to membership in the Congre gationnl church, Sunday, January Bth, on profession of ftilth.

t)rhn volrmtary-, CommuHion- in E i—-minor. : . Batiste

Prank D, Foster. Selection, ^

Quartet—Andrew Qtbioa, 1-t tenor; ICdward Butterworth, liud tenor* Oeorge L. Haimllton. 1st Imsa; liartlett W. Henderson. M bass.

Scripture" reading—Mr. Hal horn. Congregutlonal singing. ■■Whilt Thee I Seek," tlov. Wolcott's fnvor-

1 tto hymn 1 — - Prayer—Jnd^e Frye. S<iIo. ■Saviour, rtource • r>f Kv.ry

J. massing." . ._ , Baft Miss Annie ID. Sanlioru.

1 Heading, Ixmgfellow's -Psalm of Life,' Miss Sallie M. Field.

I Remarks. Mr. Hathorn.

Charles T. Woodbury looked after th( next half hour's portion, as follows: Congregational singing. Scripture. reading.

Mr. Woodbury. Reading, 'Chambered Nautilus.'

Miss Grace I. Barker. Remarks

Mr. Woodbury. Solo. -When 1 Think Of All Tli)

Hoodness. HavdeT Edward Butterworth.

The closing half hour was in tht hands of 1). W. Carney. This sect lot consisted of a Selection, quartette. Reading. ■BHI0-19U1.-

Miss San'born. Kemarks.

tUv. Dr. BarueSj Readina. 'King Out, Wild Balls.'

Miss Kliiabeth M. Saunders.. CongregafJonw^^th'glhT; - 'Welcoun

(Had Vear.' » • *-, Voong Peoples^ Clujlr. t xngvl Anthem, 'I^Wtfta the l^ord .' *\', c

Maker. Y-ouufc Peoplea (JHtdr. '

New 1 entury gj-eeting aud hepedlctinn l>r, Barfles.' ;. i

The church hell tolled- for hw minutes before midnight, and ran. out the live mtnutea paat.'

The congregation at St I'ttul'; church were kneeling in silenr praye; whin the 20th century daWned. Tht order of exercises rarried out here i«- given:

Hymn \M% .Shortened form of-evenint;. pray-'r.

Special Psalms, Z\. ItO. 01-With •Gloria in Excelsls' after the last Psalm.

Lesaon. S. Matt. 5, 1-16 Hymn. 3fi9. AiKistles Creed. Hymn. 417 Versicles "» Collects and Grace of nur Lord. Hymn. I7n 1 ..T X ,, Benediction. •Antbeni. Hark the Glad Sound."

The Methodists had services at their church. <ram:

Song service. Sketch of progress in the 19th cen-

u ry. Rev. J. F. Mears.

Old fashioned love feast. Responsive Bible readings. Remarks on Bpworth League work

'»>■ MessrB. Olover, Clee and Paul. Talk on Young Men-a Christian at-

loclatlnn work, Mrs. J. H. Norris of South Norwalk. Conn.

Remarks on Sunday school work Supf. 11 S. Edmunds. ■

Short sermon by the pastor. Prayer service during the " passing

st ttrerotd trmeH-iftto-th* ««w-tlmei; ^-L After the services the people w-

dlally greeted each other.

Although services were announced for midnight at St. Michael's, -vor- mippers began to arrive an hour and 1 quarter earlier, and when the pastor Rev. James J. Gilday, commenced tfl leliver hi^ fitting discourse every teat In the edifice was taken. Nearly all were adults. A high mass follow^ d the sermon. The numher approach-

ing the altar to receive communion *aa extremely gratifying to the zeal ms pastor, who wished the coogrega ion a happy New Year. The Inspiring ceremony was the first midnight mass celebrated In North Andover since the lays of the Acadlans.

The residence »of James A. GolqU* houn, assistant superiniendent of thi lolin HaiKoTk Life lasnrahcP enrm pany. was the scene of an especially happy New Year party, Monday ev.m-

tnjrr——A-l>o»l HO young -people—a4- bended tis guests of the Mtawa Agnea tnd Jennie CoJoohQun, A program vf muglci dancing and games made the hours swiftly vanish. A ■ollatlon was served.

Thomas Lo/ii.s, who died in IJIW- renie; the other day ran on the eastern division of the Boston and Mullue railroad as engineer for years, and WH" well known here.

A. J. Wright- has been admitted to fh«. Lawrence General hospital.

Mr. and Mra. John Dnnlavy ot Lowell have beep spending a few days, at her mother's. Mrs. Mary Warner.

'I homns Lawless is recovering f*nm 'an Illness which has detained bim at

1; s home on Railroad street tor about leu dav.s.

V** Several >*oung people from North

Andover at tended the reception given by Pitd'. Halton. Wednesday eveiu. Ill I/tWfence.

Next Monday the schools j re-open.

The officers-elect of Essex County Pomona Orange, Nmonc whom art three from this town were installed today at Merrimar,

As a result of competitive examina- tions rei-emly taken fur vacancies in Battery C. Ijiwrence. Private George

H. Wilton has been promoted to corporal of a sertlon. The appointee; .who is designing uverseer at Stev- ens mill, was formerly a lieutenant in Company L, Sth regiment.

Owing to the selectmen receiving no notification from the Ifaverhili

and Lawrence authorities, the bound- ary lines.of these two cities were net traversed in HJOO. •

A week of -prayer services huvo been arraigned for Tnesdav, Wed- nesday. Thursday and Friday at tho Congregational church.,

John Lindsav Monday,

visited In liOweM.

Charles 1'. Sunnier or llnverhill bi»;- fM»en ^ re-appointed1 district deputy' grnnd nwuiter for the 10th Masonic district, having Jurisdiction over Co- ehlchewlck lodge.


Fred L. Cooper was elected a di rector of the Highland dnh, of Earw* rerico, Friday evenlrtg.

Geni'ge Mattbeso^n is home from liis trip to Maine.

R«v. J. F Mears presided over ihej annual meeting of the Methodist Sun- j d-iy school hoiird, Friday even- I inir.

Reports pFesented hy the snperin t'tuteiii. seiictttr.'p and tTeasntvr Were' imTTpredr. 'ftieschool is in a Houri-1'- irig 1 onditioii.

Oflicers, as follows were chosen: Superintendent— E. S. Edmunds. Assistant Superintendent - G. W.

.Morgan. Secretary--Charles W. Hinxman. Trenaurer Miss Little Wright. Li hi nr'an- Thomas Wright; ■'— ■■

The pociil gathering-New Year's eve nt the residence of "Mr. and Mrs. George H. Shaw. 13 Water street,

—If a chi4d-is thiirHi't him ta4cc a little of Scott's emulsion of cod-liver oil.

Some children like it too well; begin with a little. A half- or quarter-teaspoonful is enough at first, if the stomach is!weak; but increase, as you find the stomach will bear.

The effect is: the little one takes on strength; gets hungry; eats and is happy; gets fat—he tnigh t to be fat—and get s healthy. . ^

Wr'lt«ead you a little to try it yon Hkc. SCQTT & BOWNk, 409 PMII -ircit, New Vork

George D. Olle., the well known and.popular American expresa,. ,a.n'i mail carrfei. came home Tuesday, from a week's stay in New Hump shire, where he vidiod Manchester. Bedford ami other places.

Mrs. J. H. N'orris nnd son. May-

l-orlng' N. Earnmn has returnet 'rom a business trip to Cuba.

John K. Smith has accepted a po- dtion in Beverly,

The choir And Sunday school eui-hers of St. Pauls church we'"' entertained by Rev. R, S. Thongs Tt the i^mmtrj' Hub house. Mou lay evening. The rector kindly pro 'hied music and refreshments foi his nieata, who danced, played gam>

'bugbly -guud.

Dr. Morrlll attended tlu- meetina Monday evening of the LaWmoab Medical dttb af Dr, W. J. Sulllvar.- resldence llnverhill street, that city

ih. and Mrs, Qenpffl Iv Croaby Ol TeM-l;-bnry were «u«uts at the Puller farm. Tuesday evening

The E.-sex CoitiHv Pomona OHnge btaetfl in Mrrrtmac Thursday.

Mbs-es Mi-igaiet (J. McI>oiiald and Catherine c> Rs^n have oompletetl iheir vaiatioiv-^and returned to l/>well when tiny iittnul the tiiinin;; school.

Oeorge ]|. Oilhen. fisq ' of Sunny- aide. Winchester, forwarded neatly gotten up ,N^ew Year reraemiuatuf notes to his friends.

Services for the Leugue of the 3acred Heari will he )n-l<S m St. Michael's church. ENday irornhi^ and evening.

The annual ball of the Stevens docttl r-llib is to take pLice 1-Ylday evening, Eoli. Sth, i" 1 "■<:.! Fellows hall

Representative Poor altended the opening session of the legislature In Boston Wednesday.

Mrs. Woodbury, Charles T. Wood bury and Chester Woodbury are

spending a few days In Salem. N H.,'their former home.

—A r<*-tml"ff "f *hp prwient ft'in* oa^t members of Rescue lodge. Good "JVnin- -Jai3, and friends ir^ to take place Tuesday evening. January lath..

, James J. Smith, a machinist em- ployed ill the Duck mills repair shop, sustained an injnry u> his right

hand Wednesday, wbloh necessitate* the taking of five stltchee. M'he -faeenition was attended to at the LawT«nce General hospital.

CASTORIA I'll - K;II<1 Yon Have Always Bought, «uu which has been

'v u« for o-«v 80 years, has home the stgnatnre of , s> ■ , HI'- and has been made under his per-

, \? j/££JW?-^-7 sonnl supervision since its inl'aney. -**jyy. /<&.t£A<M Allow no one to deceiTe yon in this. All I'liuutei-Cciu, Imitations am\"Jiist-as-Kood"are bi(t Cvii-riiuents t,n it trine with and endanger tbe health of 'iiiimn and Olilttren—Experience a«alnst Experiment,

What is CASTORIA t/Uhiorlii is u liiu-mlexs substitute for Castor Oil, Par*> Koiii',. Lrrops and Soothui? Hyruns. It is Pleasant' it euntaius- uuitlier (>»lum. Morphine nor other Narcotla MM* .nee. Its age is its guarantee, tt destroys Worms auil allays 1 • evcrinhuess. It cures Ularrhoaa and Wind U.iil.'. It .el'.oves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation ..nd Flatui.'iiej. It assimilates the Food, regulates the Htonweh aud Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. Tue Cuildi-en's Panacea—The Mother's Friend.

GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears the Signature of

The Kind You Have Always BougTC in Use For Over 30 Year*.

* WT AND fflOOT " %


A loyal heart for a loyal friend. .An/1 Jove for those that love you,.,

A fearleen soul to the journey's end. Wliatever strips- a-bove-youi

A laugh for Im-k tn the dawn's a:lad rWrtr

And a aonl where the nlGht shall llnd you.

And the road yt>n travel is hrave and hfifchl.

■Though Fate ride fast behind you!

For loyal friends make a hold array. And love is a <.haxm to shield you.

And a fearless soul drives thoughts Next Wednesday afternoon jti? iiwuy, "*"

Neignhorhoori-rrrrli meets with- -.\lr-s. Thai to defe.d would yield you; Moan Towne at Walnut Kidge farm. And & laugh in a spell for gladness cast

And-a sHHM-wo-<t-wiiftnhall ftwil y

nard; who hav<> iteen visiting for "ii fortniKlit ui her patents. Rev. and Mrs. J. !•'. Mean left for their home In Smith Norwalli: •Conn': We<luestlny

Miss Katbenaa it. He^an. a Ilao* ilifle eolleKe student, is t'» resume her studies Ihursday, after th" t.'hristmas reee-s. -. >

In the preseiii'o ,,f ' aixtut lud Pa- trons of Husbandry. Including a num- ber pr visitors; the following Grange offlecrji *ete installed bv I'a'hl Mas*

deorge E, Crosby of T"ukvbuiy; assisted bv Mrs. rewlksbnrv Tue-- day.

Master, Htaify C. Foatei. Overseer. Herbert L Foster. ' Lecturer, Miss Grace A. j'.irnh.im. Steward. V. Orris Rea. Anistant Hi.'ward, Arthur AV Ha

fTianlnin Ceter Molt. rreaaurer, .lames c. poor. Secretary Walter H. Hayes.

'Edward Montgomery is able lr> tr- out some after ids recent Illness.

Tnere hws not been a ease of eon taRfOUfi disease reportwl for lit duy.j. A vfur ago at this season 14H hoiu» 1; weir pla-ardeil on acount of con-

tagions dlaeaaea. 'Phis radiea-l ao^ welcome oKange is attributed to: "u

Introduction of water hy the tow.i.

tnatrfet Deputy (h-atid Ma-te- Frank M. Smith of Andover, with the following suite installed the oflVerV of W cirri net lodge, 1. O. O. F , WeA- ne-dii> evening: Orand Warden Franl: ii. Knight: Grand Marshal Frank i«. Hidt; Grand Recording rtecretai'y CWoTge l>. Mtiteit: Orand Firwuicia' ■Secretary l>. M. M:*y: Drand Vres^- nrer William Kntne: Grand Ouar- dian Charles H. Robtnaon.

Pliotie indweted-Uua onice_ S. «i., John M .Shearer V G.. ChaiJe- H. Hrivei . R. H. I'lunna^ \ .-Wentworth.

F S., .samiul llanilin. Ti'eaa»ircr, Aldiott Prescott. Warden, Oupt ttean R. Smith. O. C, Oeorge Kextr.nv

1. 0., William G, Ayer. R 9 N G. Will Jin II. -Somerville. LlrNfl, Roland A Krescatt,

It El V O, Joseph I,. i.Wghton L S V (i Horace II. Fo-tler. H H -..Joseph Hiekell.

U s s. Kdward F. Butterworth, Chaiduin. A,,(.'. Howe^,. Charles II. riit\T>i,i Roland ,'A

Prescott 'and William Halllday wer- appoints! as the fhiahvc committe*.

M'fts l.aura A. Hailev is pa 1 -in; .1 !fow days at tlio r«.ddeiife of * *t hrofher, H6iln> R. ftailey. Ksu •«% well knnwn frttorney. in Cumbi W^.

Mi.— Kate Johnson', Mr--. John O. Lorlng and Mm. J. Hvrou Marstr*: served as the <tup,per cotnmittee a:

Wedno=dav-s social of the Charitat le ,uniioii. Mt>. David H. Meecrv^: Mrs. Charles Noyes and Mrs. Charle-; A. Newhall will a-t in a similar capaetty at the next session

Cochi^hewkk lodge of Mafons wilt work the fellow-enift degree mi tw»o candidate^ at the meeting Friday evening

—ChnT-le. \V. lliuvnian —and- Frail^

one distinct advantage to this meth- od. Whenever a student wishes to Jiaytjj^jjaxtlciilar sounQt repeated, all be has to do is to. set the" oyiTffd>f back u« often as he wants. He can also regulate the speed to suit the progress of his ear. The langnage- jihone, as It Is called, Is said to be especially good in learning toe lang- uages of the far East, which have no alphabetic characters, but only fileo- graphs, and Inwhicb so. much depends on singular nocenta and intonations.

That the coward Fate, from ilrst to last. .

Rides shivering far behind you! -St. IXJUIS Repuldi

I learned on Saturday of the death of mv old friend Thomas Loftus, en- gineer of locomtlve. 41 of the Boatoa & Maine rai 1 road, and for several years the man who ran a passenger train between Lawrence and Salem. I regret that I shall never again sec his kindly face peering out of his cab window, us. with his hand on the thrnttle of steel, bis quirk pye watt ever mi the watfln for a target. -Tom,' as everybody at all familiar , with bin), beat knew him, was a genial, wholr-stttiled niHti He was 11 mos i:i- tei-estitig companion, too, and nmny a time have I heard him teil of :t thril li)lg stoi.v of the'days w4ien,

road adelphia to Jersey t'ity. Atlantie City or Cape May. Many and many K time, the Speed exceeded a llllJe f minute ami the strain was soui-*thing

the engineer.

A shoe dealer asserts that city wo- men wear shoes front one to three sizes larger than those who live fn the country. The artificial pavements he says, are responsible for this, as the yielding earth Is the only natural substance to walk upon. 'The foot muscles of country bred women are supple, soft and elastic,* he says, while on hard pavements those rnua-

clea hcrome.hard and unyielding, with A grudual enlargement of the whole foot. '-The.trouble experienced by ao many people with the feet is caused less ny tight shoes' lb ail Hy slime mid brick sidewalks.' The remedy sug- gested is. to wear shoes with thick, 10ft soles. In order to minimize the difficulty as much as .possible.

Dr. Kennedys 'instant determina- tion of a case of small pox, even thonah it had tteen discharged from tto hospital, is u tribute to his pr<»

feaatonaj acumen aud also demon- strates how easy it would be fo>- dls- ; ease tt> come here or to any other city. The doctor states that the inHamatlon is not yet redn: ett and there W yej a possibility of injection.

'■t-W->l"H«t- ♦•HHh-M"!'* *. -.- £ '• ANDOVER + t *

T on the PeiniHylvanli. -.iraUrJj^.A^J.J:^,^^^^l-f^^^<f* n expreaij trafne fntm Phil- —--

Tile tinslees ot the AlldOVer Tlicologleat scnilnary. ofter full ciiii^iderrrtinn have (p. ided tli.it it Is not evpedleiu for them to tnko my step* tow»itl| the removal W the • culinary from Andover.

The animal meeting of the Pun. iliard Alumni association will he he'r; Ian. -_'.'.. ■ ... ■

tretnendn' Philadelphia to .I.rse\ Clty.ii, 1)4 mjlet anilToin fntTtne he had often cover e<l It lit p.0 minutes, milking fom slops uiel *(;veial slowdowns. Agali] b<* had niu tnnn t'amden. N. J., u: f>apc May. n distance of M miles martlii^.. v'tl^ tov- 'stop,' at Oape May The Sunday rlosmg movement In court JionvH in UK) minides, gad from nofc a-JUfeelt old and jii t what will ho Philnd'rphla to AMautl city. 4.". miles «]"' outcome is in doubt. The In'one! bout . The last two runs were I *e*efetfljen. In response to repeateq easy' be used t-o-deelare Smli a lite rct|iie.-ts raafl> h? B f» w citizens, \*- iis his ih ntd without its perils. as! l-,"1d order.- to the jiollce to~»M to •'V,eryone kimwh, but le was cheerful. 'C tlutt Bo tti-d*' i exn-nt those

W. Abbott were in-tailed as of i:.|uitv lodgp, N K O P. nr«day evening In 1-awrence.


offl< 1 w.

Mabel J. Cheney of thl<s town road an original poem at the pariah Mtoprr of the rniwrsahft chur-'h &t Cawtftne.' on Wednesday evening.

Station Agent llowea. bsj sufttci- '■ntly rerovered from his HInesii lo

tewme the duties ol his position.

The Misses Riley uf Lowell street tendereW'ii New Ve.u's party Monday evening in honor of ilia* Martha ?bea i»f. Boston, who [s enjoying a ahofl vacation in this city, (latnes were played and reire.slui.•■ins served iind a general good time enjoyed, The party broke up at a bite 'iV.u.r.

his- wit proverbial, and be used to ■fe<-lure that he had spent the greatet part-4>f his time in ■eluming minutes.- Ho did not take kindly at AMA to the Miiisnuiiioii of coke for coal, t-laliniuy 1 bat coke would not muiutafn steam as coal does. And this opinion was ■bared by many others of the engin- eers. After the change, Tom used to call his locomotive the ice itox, re frlgerator. Ice chest, or any other name in that line that happened tt. [ come to his mind. He ra* a thor- ,- ough engineer, knew every part nf hie engine, and it will be a long time ," before we shall 'look upon his like' again- Hall 'ami;-*., farewell —Salem News.

tjxir-- 1 lowe*. •*•■ * ts were open on Sunday berenltar. A"* 1 1 Pt ah only iruc- gista; news stores and .bakers during certain hot'rs \\<--e t'ning Mtalneae Sunday. Brven ihe r'-i.*!W»w--s were Mofsnd and boetli'aeltlng was stopped Such .-trict o ervatiee of the hw, is opposed by many cUlzens. who 'ay thnt it Is not necr-sary. Hence the si lecnieil are between two fires In thN matter. v


Many valuable pamphlets . which would be of great use to the house mother may be obtained nee on ap- [dicalion to the Department of Agri- culture at Washington. Some of these are The Nutritive Value and Cost of Foods: Souring, of Milk and other ChangeH in Milk Products: Meats; ('ohipositiou ami Cooking: Milk as 1-*?KH1; Klsi) as Pood; Hugar ,ts IfOOd; Bread and Mread Making; HonstdKild Insects; In which much ueeful Information i^ given as tp tbei extermination. Begidea these th*

are sneda! treatises on Ree Keep ' ; Mushroom Growing; Poultry It' ug llnltei' Making; Asparagus - ' Iture and other subjects interest>■ <o wo men who live in the c had for the asking—Jan Home Journal.

Ix- lAdie

That the phone >h would -rotor day be used to t 1 foreign languages VMS. long ace dieted- The predic... tin has mr* me. Reconls are now made :nn - .( with speeinl text l>ookn to lUBn! nt their use. There is

Stormy outlook for a firm of v, \ known - lothlera.

Sometime last Man h the well known firm .of Hatoel & Cloutier * o:

largeil their business by taking anoth- er store, next to theirs. mal|Ving the iargest Hotbing establishment--in this city. TBey have since then benn flb- Ing both places with, such an eno.mous stix k that today they have to.g|-rV Up.

Something desperate'has to be done, so thev decided to close out their en- tile fttock at sensational prices.

This extraordinary sale will Startle the people of Ijawrence. You DOVfl • ever seen nor board of its equal IK- fore_. The loss will he theirs, the gain vours. Rend their advertisement In this Isslie.


Ml floetOTS told Ttemick Hamilton of West JenYT<ron. O.. after snfferln. IS months with rectal fistula li« would dfe unless a costly operation w-iK performed; but he cured himseir wlih five boxen of Backlen's Arnlci Salv-. Ibe surest pile cure on earth gad the he«t naive in the world. SQ teits a box.. Sold by John .1. Por- r»*c drugglat.

&** \

^^^W"i"^^^^^^" •

Jm i nuprirrr ji»-»Mf»«i

J I * * * fTTT

TTrrirT r ,i"T'l,,i,,tMi,,ir"I'



Th'' ;nni»i,i! midwinter re-union of the Methuen High School Alumni as HOeiatlon was held Monday evening In N*Vlns Mi no ia! ball It brilliant affair and apparently all pc enl Piljuyeil the evening immense- 1> . 'Tin <itt» ■ndatice, howt-ver, Was iid ai large na in former year*; owing undoubtedly to thr threatening weather i I'pwanK of 7T> were prey ent. >.-.I'n'i-edfnK the ttanctnt an en- tcitnlmmut was given, ihe program li eluding selection- i»y the, 'orchestra in attendance and rending- from southern authors and plantation me>I- i».li«w h> Miss H!a1o< k, H member 01 the l■■!■ idtv < t the Kmeivon College ul Oratory of Boston. Hiss BlaJock greatly pleased the audience with her Hj■!(■( ti(.-u^, At the. .'lose of the Bfl* tertntnment dancing win b£gini ),n<l continued until midnight. There wtiH a short Intercalation' at 10.30 o'clock. The ntnatr tisvni-hed during the even-

dancing was superb. Ke- »-siuii>nT> ware served in the bisc-

menl (luring the entire evening. Included among those present were several young people from Lawrence. The affair was it) charge of the ex- ecutive committee of the association, the.members being: Mitchell Johnson. Herbert Gordon: Miss Avis Kowter; \1- Mahel. L. Peirec; . UlftS Mertina Goldsmith; Mis** Annie Spicer and Mr and' Mrs. Fredei/lc L. Barstow.


Watch night service* were held at the M. I". church Monday night. There w;i- a goodly number present and the exercises proved Interesting. The following progiain w;n carried OUt:

li oo p. tt-. Praise meeting for past mercies.

VM.'i p. m.-—Renewing covenant, hymnal 4(0. The Apostle's creed, congregation standing. Prayer. He-

■TI ItH I Ilk.

"Good Counsel '

Has No Price."

tVtse -»dvice is the result of experience. The hundreds of thousands who hove used Hood's Sjrsapanll*, America's Qreatesi Medicine, counsel those •who mould purify and .enrich the blood to MVMM themselves of Us virtues, ffe is nx'se fuho profits by this good Advice.



' sponsTve ~serT|"»TaTiV"TTnTttngT quartette.

10 "0 p. m- The work of Method- ism for the century. Growth of th-' chun■!'.-represent) 'I by Samuel Km-' erson. (Jtowtlj^of the book' concern —represented by G. E. Blanchard. Banevoleni societies—represented by Mlse Dva dsi"*cnt. Ivpworth League— reup^enfftd by A. V. Whlton. Ju- nior LtSeue—.rejjregented by Mrs."WT X^Jloiiltrnhouse. Twentieth Cen- tura -forward- Movement—represent- ed by X. K. Gammons. Remarks on the outlook.

11.30 p. m. Sermon. Subject: Tftlth In the Unseen.' Prayer ser- vice for the Divine blessing upon the church Opportunity to come to Christ.

11 56 p. rr. Silent prayer, t "Tr^Tff:~-f)nrology-.- ^.—Lt—

<'on grat illations., \ \_^fr

F*n''t matter Sawyer attended ..the.. banquet tendered the retiriug otticerE of the republican city committee of Lawrence at the Franklin house Mon- day night.

The Old Liners will hold another assembly in the town hall Friday ov aing ThA pftptv nromlssir] to be as .-uc'fssfnl and enjoyable aa the previous ones.

The Misses .Inques of Haverhilt are gueste ol ihe Misses Jamie^on of Pel- ham --Meet. ,

IP' Charl.es 1'. Kmer-on, of Balti- more. Md. lert town Saturday after s|i--n-liun t_he (Minstmas holiday*, in town ■

A tournament between the married and single men of the MHhuen club will »akt> pl.ue at the .club house this wint'i. Cards, pool, billiards an4 l: wllng will be played. The ftrr.t fames are schedued; for Thursdav evening. Jair. 1!1. Other gamc-i take plflre in I'ebruary and March1.

■ Or. K. B. Kberlln, of Roston. gave his first lessons In the French and Geimrin languages to local classes at th" ,s< bonl committee rooms Won day Bfternooh and evening. At 4 o'cloi it in the afternoon the begin- ners' class in -French wa.s instructed; at a O'cloek the. beginners- class in Gorman, and at 7 o'clock the advanced '!a~s in German. lessons will be given each Monday afternoon. I*&ter on a class in Italian will i>e organized. Thi' classes are made up principally of teachers.

.Mope lodge, 34, I. 0. O. F.: elected these orlict'ius Monday evening:

Noble Grand, Charles R. Bower." Vice Grand. George W. Barnes, Recording Secretary; John K. Ridby Financial Secretary, Lcvi c. Lowell Pronatrrer, **A. N. Unas. Trustees, lohn S. Tapley; John H.

(ieorgB and Fdwin J. Gastle.' Auditor T K. Gammons, Nnraea. lohn H. George and Julian

A. DudRC. T^e Installation takes pla'o-the lat-

ter pnrf of rhifl month.

At a recenjt meeting of' Woodbine l(i■■ • i.'. American Benefit society, the following officers were elected:

I'residwit. Susan Webster. Vice- president, Mary L. Clark

took for MR text lohn J*": 2L': 'What 1 have written I have written.' 'In this declaration,' snid the speaker 'Pilate gives utterance to a truth tha* reaches down to the center of human llf.1. It reaches bad: a<ro*s the page of history to the beginning of time. Tt is the fact, thnt the record. whe«.h- er of an individual life, or in the history of a flat ion. once made is un- changeable. We are standing in the twilight of the closing year of an- other century" Good or bad the re- cord has been written. The chiMern of this century are justly proud of their achievements. Bitter any realm of life's activities and you mark a tremendous advance ov*»r any century that has gone before.

ID the realm of religious activity a careful study of the past->compelu i»'io say. that here also are the murks of progress and advanr«ssu»tv Tn no a?e of the Church has there been more earnest effort to apply the teachings of Christ to daily life than there Is today. The spiritual needs of men uere never better understood than they are to day. I want to put before you it« retrospect the century now drawing to Its close. For it Is by bringing to rememhrance the things that have heen accomplished that we father inspiration for tuture con quests. We shall gc^ a clearer idea of what has been accomplished durlmr this century, by a glance at he inheri- tance of the century. *.

'n the latter part of the eighteenth c *rrtury rhy morataml rellgUms -con- di»lon of both Kngland and America were an abomination. Christ was not preached in the leading churcher of Kngland. nt least according to Sir William Blackstone, and Rev. Rich- ard Watson. Aichhlshop Seeker, states that there was 'an open and -profeiwed--disregard Tor religion.' In, France the picture is ntlll a darker ouo. France was then the hot bed of infidelity. In November 1702 in the ntv of Paris the Festival of ^asohT was criebrated with the enthronemeu* of the courtezan of Herbert on a throne of Ivory, and tnte for the pur- DLS*J of casting coutempt on the wor- ship of Jehovah. The infamous Mar- at declared. 'We have no other re- ligion but th« constltuiou. and no oth- ed God hut liberty.'

in ■■America things were not much -b.flter. In a printed sermon preach- 'd at the rinse oT the last century T -rto:HHe--fnttet*4f>KH--*The min4sters of - the, Christian religion whether Pa- pists or Protestants are reproached and scoffed at as tbey never were be- fore, in any former period. They are considered by multitudes as a nuisance in society, and a ronstnnt Impediment to that great something Which the .-casting and licentious politicians of OUT age have in store for the liberty nail regeneration of mankind.'

We deeply deplore at the present time the lax regard that many hav with reference to the keepine of the Lord's dny. \nd yet when I turn over the nag-1 of history to learn what has been the inheritance of the cen- t'try that tlu' former times were not 1 eit T than these. Jonathan Edwards In describing the town of Northampton puts before us a vivid picture o' many New England towns or Ms time. lie sar^r 'IJeentlmtsness, for some- years greatly prevailed among the youth.' And again. The Sabbath was extensively profaned, and the decorum of the sanctuary not unfrequently dis- turbed.'

Even the literature of that time \ af infected with Immoral tendencies of the age. The Spectator covering the last decade of the eighteenth century if published today would hi suppres sed as immoral literature, and Ihe publisher sent to prison.

Turning from the dark picture Mr. Flailey spoke of the distimrtishlnR 'baracteristi'p of the country In the reulm'.of religious activity, Between 1800 and 1S03 there was Improvident In moral and rHIgious life and the i [lurches were invested with new power*. The preacher alfco referred to the missionary revival during the i ast century and of the excellent work lh thlff direction. He pointed out as the third marked characteristic of the ' entury the temperance movement The accomplishments nT the closing century, he said, should serve as trortg incentive for Rreatet effort in

th* years to come.

The committed which bi-d the ar rangements in charge ci.mprised Miss Helena Dyson, William Hauler aud Itenben Ashley. The proceeds will go towards reducing the church debt whlcH is now small.

Thefnnerffl of Kdlth Hargreaves took place at _ O'clock Saturday from the residence of her parents on River place. The service* were conducted by the Rev. Nathan Bailey and ware attended by a number of friends ol the docear.'eil. Several floral, tribute* t* stifled to love and esteem tor tlu deceased. At the close of the senTcss the remains were conveyed to Elm wood cemetery at the west part of the town for interment. 1'rayer.s were a&kt nt the grtfVe by the Rev. Air Bailey.

The new house erected by Albert J. Richardson on Lowell street is about completed. •. *

Postmaster Sawver attended the annual meeting and dlnnt»r of the Rs sex club held at the Parker house, Boston, Saturday afternoon. Mr. saw- yer Is one of the local members of the club.

Edward Moriarty, deik at A. I*. Dames store, is able to be out of doors after a week's Illness.

Former Deputy Reventie Collector McCrillls is receiving the congratu- lations ol his many friends on the outcome of his trial in the United States district court.

Willie Mann has returner) from his visit to relatives in Lynn.

The Congregational Sunday school elected the following officers Sunday: Secretary and treasurer. William H. Bus well; assistant. Alfred Gaunt; li- brarian, Selwin A. Dodge; assistant, Clarence Skinner; superintendent of "rininry department. Miss Elizabeth Morse. The superintendent and as slstant. superintendent will be elected later. Sunday Jan. 20. will lie ob- served as Foreign Mission Day by the Sun4ay...s£hojiLfr There will be two prizes offered to scholars Itetween T ajid 14 years of age for the best es- says on the subject. 'Why should wo beltero in and support foreign mis- sions ? These essays will he read before the Sunday school. The Rev F. IJ. Page and the Rev. H. O. Mank of Lawrence will act as judges.

(quipped" and"'"roftVeTiTent -veterinary hospital nt his stable on Proadway. When the stable was remodelled ex- tra stalls were put in and other Im- provements made so that a part of the stable can be used for a hospital. Dr. Castle fcns had considerable ex- perience as veterinarian and horses nhrcetrin his hospital are.sure.to re.-.

At-PlillllpA ihapel Sunday-evening _ ^ jJt,e ^ Dcst of treatment. the Rev. c. H. OUphant continued M*r talk- on-the -Blrtn-and -ChJldhoml of Christ before a good sized audi- ence. The talk which was beautiful- ly illustrated, deeply Interested all present.

The Rev. W. F-. Gaskln pjreaehed at the ttnlversallst church Sunday.

. TliaUnlveisaUsij;hurch will try the experiment or congregational singing during the month of January; -

., Orator, Annie Chaplajtt, Mary R, Emerson. Secretary and collector, Anna V

POOTO". I reasurer., Sidney Poorc.

The iti tallatlon will take place tJie list Wcdnt sday in' this month, TfieW will alSo be a nuralwr of c.in- dMdates for initiation on that even-

Mr.. Chat I*• V Johnson and two sons an- to return from Mexico where the family removed not long agd "i! .iciimnt of. Mr. Johnson Be- r"pi iir; n position as IMI^S dyer in a I irge nf"ll then-. The climate there dots hoi agree with Mrs. JObnacfi niid she hal found it n«e>sary to i 'turn i" Miethuen with har-.children. \li Johnson will remain.

Ml . Helen .lamb-son, who is teaching T" :<iriirnnn, \. W1.,'hae baen aaaadi in; tin Christmas recess at her hour h< re fHBi CENTURY IN RETRO^ECT.


A. pleasing entertainment was hehV •^atunhiv evening at the Primitive Methodist church on Centre street. !'he aitalr was under the auspices of tie* young people of the church and

argelv iittendpd ._tL_WJlg_ a (In«

The Knitted Fabrics "company will observe the beginning of the new cen- tury by shutting down until Wednes- day morning. ^ ,

At a regular meeting of Roger A'ilUams colony of Pilgrim I'aib.-is rhursdny. Dec. 27, the following of- Icerts were elected for the ensuing Mm:

Governor—Frank A. Gordon. Ueutenant governor.— Millie A.

Cluff. Secretary— Ksta A. Ayer, Colle*.*tor—George A. HuntiiiR. Tri-a.-urer—Gis>rge \V. Copp. Clupluin—Nancy B. Douglas. Sergeant nt Arms—Julia Emerson. I>eputv Sergeant at Arms Mary

"luff. Sentinel Inner Gate — Charlotte

nil. Sentinel —Outer Gate. — gennjg Hill.

'Tnwters —S.. L. Holnuuu sb. ^lurce and John Ostler.

Pianist—Myra E. Deane. Representative to Supreme Colony.

-George A. Hunting. The installation will take place

Phunday evening, Jan. 10. and will *e public. It Is expected that some t the supreme officers will be pres-


A letter received Thursday from 3d win L. Sawyer, son of Post- naeter Sjawver, states that he is now >n tlm tf::gship Brooklyn at Manila *iay. . The young man is a member >f the Marine corps and was in the ?hinese war. He expects the Brook- yn is to sail-to Hong Kong soon 'or repairs nd then to other ports n China .after which it Is po.-sibif hat the ship mav take sail foi \merlea.. He expects the *»hip will stop at Jerusalem, then paste through the Suez canal to France and from •there to America. If the ship takes

HardCo\ighs No matter how hard your

cough is or how. long you have had it, you want to get rid ol it, of course. It is too risky to wait until you have con-

tbl« course th<> young man "Wtll ttnvc been^aronnd the world. We is. In rood health at the present time.

Willie Mann Is visiting in I.ynn.

Ernest L. Holt son of ex-Post- master Lewis (J. Holt, who died at bis home in Lawrence 1'iiday evehlui w«s v/ell known in thin towi;, hav- ing had charge of the Lawrejire Ice company's business here pi lor to his fllness. Ills ileath is deeply regr.^tt^l by all who enjoyed his acquaintance.

Miss Ellse Nevlus. Miss JSlfza.beih J. Howe. Mitchell Johnson and David Dana Woodbury attended a Charity ball'given by the Colonial Dfitnes at Manchester. N. H.. Friday evening jll :-rarof the Elliot hosnitnl of that ptoce, It was a brilliant affair. Among the earnest, workers In it* intfrests was Mrs. Gordon Woodburv of. Bedford N. H.. formerlv of this town. .

• _i- The R*v. A. E. White, superin-

tendent of the local public schools Uus been honored with the degree of I-. I-. !>.. which has been conferred upon Mm by Gale colhge, Presbyterian, Galesville.Wis.. one of the oldest col kgiT In the west. Mr. White had previous to this Ihe degree of B. A. and M. A. from Dartmouth i-ollogo. (Congregntional) M". A., from Tufts college, (lTnlversalistl Ph.D.. and I.itt. D.. from Taylor university, In- diana. Methodist.

loseph Flynn of the Arlington dis- trict has been or a gunning trip in D'rry. N. H-. and vicinity.

There will probably be an article In the town warrant in March asking for a new hook and ladder truck. Th.* 1 resent one Is not considered safe for any number of men to ride upon in going to a fire. Chief II. K. Brown and Captain B. E. Hill have beep looking at trucks in service in other places with a view of being able' to make recommendations at the coming annual town meeting.

Dr. E. 3. Castle has a well

John HancocJt_lQjge of Masons held A regular meeting 'Friday ^evening and conferred thu second degree on ona candidate. The lodge is to change Hs meeting place from Pythian hall to Ond Fellows hall.


TIie'""imnTtBt-TO#--ririH,^-4*ie--44«t Baptist church was held I'u >schty eve- ning at the church vestrv There was a la-no- dttvinluncc ui laeuibci:»,. Among those present from out of toun were the Rev. and Mrs. T. J. 1L House and the Rev. C. H. rfpauldlng. 0. D., of Boston and William B. Chase of the Newton theological sem- inary.

From •(, to 7 o'clock a social time was passed and then came supper, Served under the direction of the la- Jies of the church. The auppcr com-

U the. First Baptist church, th p.«-iui. the Km. Natnan Bailey pieotfned on 'The century in retro- spect Sunday morning, Mr. Bailey

i-' ess financially and poclally wall. The Rev. W. R. Taylor, the . islor. presided as cheirman and marie opening remarks. A dialogue * utitletl 'The Country Cousins, was 'iv<'n in three parts with musical and literary numhera interspersed. Those liking part in the dialogue were th^ ttysge Helena and Maud Djson Jen-

'■■ ■Hamer, Susan Crosslev. Cahdi-i Udtes and M'ssrs. Wllliiim Halner Gi'iief t. Ripley and Ueiilwn Ashley. A "iiartet com posed of Mr. and Mrs. Waller Brlgjgs ami Mr. and Mrs. Lay-. i o, K assisted in the program. The TOgram M carried f3uf was as fol low?'

Remarks—The Rev. W. h. Taylor. R.-adlng—Miss Candia Bates. Ftrai part of dialogue. Sfleetion—Quartet. Ueadlng—MiSfl Murgatrovd. -'-■ond part of dialogue" Duet—Charles Bannister and George

Nelson. (

Third part of dialogue. Reading—Miss Murgatroyd. Duet- Mlns Northin and William

Hamer. leading—Mita Batta, t^ ~^S\ 1

sumption impossible to cure this disease,

even with

orlsed esealioped oysters, told nii'Ms, oils, cake, pie; tea and cottY^. After upper the roll was called by the ■lerk. Dr. James IVIrce. Nearly 100 uetnbers were present to r« A\M\\ 1 to heir names. I^etters werrt renti f'om .everal who were unable to DC present. I'Hirlug the past year six members of he ehureli have died and two lint* aken letters from the church During he year four members were admit:* d

jX.-JiaBliam.-and. -f-our- -by--letter.—Thtr <rtal membership is WJ. " p Of thin lumber 183 are resident members and 22 non-resident, The amount of noney raised by the Ctturch ■ during he past year was $30fi7.t»1 After the roll was calle I the Rev.

dr. Spauldlng spok> upon the C'tlook >' New Century. He was followed by e Rev. Mr. House, a former pas-

or of the church, who sp-jko on Hemlnlscences of the P::st. Mr. 'hase, son of the Rev. S. I,, B. 'hase, another former pnstor of the hunch, s|>oke upon -A Contttry Men- age,' The addresses were Interesting md closely listened to. The Rev. Sathan Bailey, the presenl pastor, and A'ho has Just commenced his tenth ••ear with ( the church, spoke of \h^ A-ork by church dtiring the year. Th" diurch letter submitted- to the Mer- iniack River Baptist asso iation out- Ining the work for the year was in udef as follows:

•A successful and ,;l)rospe;T.UH year. Qood degree of activity In all fifipart- nents. Services well attended, es- )ecially, Sunday evening, and helpful. :ireatly encouraged by laire number of young people In congreagtlon. Pastor preachea truth faitufully and earnestly.'

IJhe Rev. Nathan Bailey is the scn- 'or pastor in the Merrimac* River ttaptlHt association.


was calUsl toj.lew LhfLbod^Jtud j»i"- nounced death duy to Uut'.s.il ('-aiscs. .Mis. Lcnia.w WHS IHU'U in Canada, hut had lived in this town for lb-; past W years. She was al>out .'li years old. Besides a husband she leaves lotir clilldren, the oldest seven years and the youngest three mouths old."

Edward 11. Snell has rctui'iiel to his ^tttdias at the State AgricuNuial col- lege at Aniherst.

William H. Merrill has sailed for Ixjndon where he is to asshH George H. Woodman In carrying on bis shoe business

Mr. and Mrs. Charles M. Barnard entertained a number of tj<!>r friends at a' New Year's party at their (evi- dence on Pleasant street Tuesday evening. Whist was en-joved at lOnr tables until 11 o'clock wi;<n a repast was served. The gathering broke up about midnight.

Miss Jennie-flordon has ivunneu hej duties as teacher \n one of the schools at Danvers after spending the Christ- mass recess at home-here.

There will be a regulav nn'ctiiut < f Methuen grange, p. of K,, nuiV.iday t veuing of this week, Tl: > offlcers < led will be installed and a supper will follow.

A regular meeting of Court Methu- iii, F. of A., was held Tuesday eve- ring when the following officers-elect were Installed by Deputy Grand Chief Ranger Wormald: Chid ranger, .lames W. Earraquhar; sub chief ranger. John W. My rues; roeoediiig secretary". Wilfred Potvin; hii;:n< ial secretary, flumes E: Mav. treasurer, John J. McNamara; senior woodward .loseph Heruhe; junior woodward, (leorge J. Donahue; senior beadle, John T. Maumfleld; Junior beadle. John Thread: court physician lb R. II. Lawlor; trustee Tor th-- vcais 1.. Dyghn.

Mr. and Mrs, Edward Sullivan of lUverhlll woe in town Tuesday-.

The furniture will soon tc placd in the new court room In tlw uase- incnt of the town house.

The local fire department members \ ill he, entertained by the Eben Sut- tohH and Cochichewb ks at Odd Eel- lows hall,. iN(nth Andover, Thuisday evening.

A good timo is assured al' who at- t nd the Old miners dance in.the town 1 .ill Friday eveninti. The committee

■ miprises Henry Hatters, president. li. A. Lewis secretary; Jjlnrt). Hill treasurer; R. V. Hart, Reprcscntatfct^ .1. K. Buswell, A. N. ttuss. John W, Hall. O. A. Peaslee, s K. Young, il. 1', Willett.

Miss Rertha Sharrock of Lawrence wefl known in this town, was ma!rled Wednesday to the Rev. J. 'Malcoln: Smaftl rector of St. Thomas' church Xli+o-frfrriMMupy wjts p^HormtJ '" !>_'* (II.

The time for making entries for ihe coming poultry and pet stock s to be held by Methuen Orauge, P. of H., expired Wednesday. It is expected that there will he nearly SOU exhibits.. The show will without doubt. 1m the best of its kind ever held in this vicinity. The entire banquet hall in Odd Fellows b'oek will be used for the. show. The ball will' be open Tuesday, Jan. 8; and any birds not received before 12 o'dovk m.: Jan. 9; will-be ex- cluded from competing unless un- avoidably detained, in which case tin >- will be admitted at the eretion of the executive board, exhibition will.be open to the public Wednesday at 12 o'clock noon; Jan. 9, On Jan. 10 and 11. from 9 o'clock a, m.. until 10 o'clock p. Tin None will be allowed in the'hall .previous Jo_oi)£aiicg_.fixcept-£xbibitois aad--those making arrangements

Miss Alice W. Emerson, who has been spending the holidays at the home of her parents. Hon. and Mrs. Jacob Emerson on Hampshire street, lug* returned to her duties in Win- sted, Conn.; where she holds a posi- tion in the high 3Chool.

dU- T In-

flating is good again on pond and Nevlns meadow.


The selectmen have grantr 1 the Law- rence & Methuen Street Rvlway com- pany an extension of tim** in which

for sumetimes- j^g-j-^completp Itu-swiad-ln thin town, The work was to have been finished Jan. I, but a delay has been oc'a^ioued on ucount or the I^awreijce & Methuen ind the Lawrence^ I^owell and Ha- ■ erhill companies falling to come to in agreement as regards laying rails m Bhiadway. The ,iew road wants to ay rails from Centre street to Oak and avenue. This means that the, '/iwcll. Ijiwrence Arhd Ha/tThlll com lany'S long turnout, on ilroiidway v.ili 'lave to he shorteiwl and this the old road doesn't want to do. Th" official* if the two roads have held severs ■onferenees, hut no definite action has been taken. Th new. roan is given until June l to complet.' laying ils tracks •

I Ayer's

Cherry Pectoral 1

If you are coughing today, don't wait until tomorrow, but get a bottle of our Cherry Pec- toral at once and he relieved.

Three iiies: 25c., «c„ SIM. «4g

4oU«r ««d w.-will •tniti «lirie bottle t»yoS kit clinrnti pr*t*M H»- ;»r- i,«tr*it eii<r*M »m. • Addi luwill. IUIV

The regular monthly meeting of r. M. Ttiiiilfi liuiiii aad iaddar rnpfe iwny will be held • this eveuin0'. After the meeting several of the mem- bers will go'to North Andover where they will be entertained by the lite companies of that town. The local tire engineers and Haul Methuen hose company will also be ■represented. «

Ml«> Helen Jamie^on has resumed teaching at Stiatham. N. H., after

r pen ding the Christmas vacation at her home here- 4

The Old pinars dance, iu town hall I'ri'lay exeijdhg proinises to l>e largely attended/' A good'time is promised all who attend,.. At the close oTtho dance ,\n electric car will leave for l.iiwrence and North Andover.

flu onVera-alect (ireene post, 100;

of Col. A. B;

W. win

mustered into ottice Friday evening by ex-Senator Edward 0/ Promlng b:.ini uf Major Howe post; 17, Of Haveiliill. The ceremonies will b< held In C. A. H. hall and will be

public; admission to be by ticket

The next regular meeting of Samuel Adams chapter. T). A. R.; will be held in",Phillips chapel on Saturday afternoon of next week, The chapter will be entertained by Mrs. Alonzn Howe. Miss Camelia A. Howe. Mrs, A. H. Davis; Mrs. M A Kim- hall and Miss Hattie Stevens.

Ml. arid Mrs. J. K. Colby arc spending; a few days in Concord,

N. H.

Miss RHse Nevins has been v4«ltlug in Krainingham and flouthboro for a few day-;. - - -s^'


I'liivcrsalist Chmch Last Evening i

Pari-h Success..


The annual pariah surpcr and en* tertainmont of the ilnivert 1II8I church was held Wednesilay even- ing and was a decided success, about ^i»» parisbioters being present.

The supper was an excellent one ■provided by the Ladies' Chur;di union. 1'ive tables were* srt the length, of lite vestry ami they were abundantly frftM- wi'b K'**i\ th»"g-*. til" menu oiiiprising meats in variety. enai-

loped nyt^rs'i salads; cake; pic; coi- re", elc.

The committee in charge comprised Mrs. Mary E. Johnson, chairman. Mis. Ella Belden Hrt. A'rvesta Lyon; Mrs. Elizjbeth Merrill, Mrr.. A. E. Wright>,^L. >MI; Mrs, John E. Dustin Mrs.. Allen Olenn.

. MIN A A Spofford Mrs. Ijingdon~E". tajclre- Mrs. Christina Ham. Mrs. Ruth Martin. After supper the Rev. William E.

Glbba,, D. D.; the pastor was iu- tioduced as the ipresiding. officer and presented ihe several speakers and their topics. Responses were made to the following:

Our Pnri?h<-'FHtR-k-A* Sherman. The Sunday School; Norman Eos-

tcr. ' '""- TLn Hmrrh '1P>»J Mrs. Maiy E.

Johnson. Young \V»men: M.ss Ella Josse-

lyn. W

The Literary Club; Miss Emma J. Dakar.

Christian Alliance; Miss Fannha Robbins.

Miss Mabel Cheney .of North An- lover reatl an original pi^tn:—which over read, an origi elighted IW heaie rs. the BistV Dr. Hisl>ee of Boston

editor of the Christian Leader wn; present and made Interesting re marks. - . j


Installation llehl Last Evening Pvibiin Hall.

Hugo Clansmltzer of Mllb^ street '";is arraigned before Judge Rogers Tuesday on the charge of assault upon his wife. He made consider- able disturbance at his home last week and >among other things pushed bis wife out of the boose. His helpmate resented such action and bad a warrant sworn out against him. He vis fined M r-r assault and placed under 9500 bonds to keep the peace.

Minerva Kebekah lodge, I. O. O I'*., held a regular meeting" Wednes '■iv evenlne and Initiated three can- didates. 'The work was finely per formed by the degree staff.

James L* MOXBOIU IS to remove from Me?ser court to the tfnement In the house of C. H. Tenney on Pleasant street recently vacated by E. E, Plant.

Charles E. Swain has returned from Ijiconin,1- N. H., whety he haa been spending tf few days on business.

Mlsa Marlon B. Emerson ha* gone to Brooklyn, N. Y.; where she win l>e the guest of Mrs. Charlotte Swan Lyoiw.

. District l>eputy Grand Master A. H. Clark and suite will Install the officers-elect of Mlzpah lodge; 1511 I. 0. O. F.; of Haverhill on Friday evening.

lanthc temple,ID , RnthbOPe Sisters look place Wednesday evenlnp; The work being done by Deputy drand Chief Mrs. Fannie W. Eaton ol Brockton, assisted by Mrs, Charles Coffin a< grand senior and Mrs. C. H. March ns grand manager of the temple.

Following are the names of those Installed:

Most excellent chief. Mrs. Carrie M. Drew..

Excellent senior, Mrs. Jo.-ephine Tucker.

Excellent junior. Mrs. (ieorgia Hunan.

Manager of the temple, Mrs. Lizzie Bryanr

Mistress of finance, Mrs. Edna J- Littlerield.

Protector of the temple, Miss Dil- lon.

Cu-fird of the outer temple, Mrs. Fed iiohanan.

Dining the meeting three candidate* were initiated, the officers of the temple being assisted by member* of Friendship temple of Methuen who were present.

Guns are Landed from the Monarch for the Protec-

tion of Cape Town,


Advancing Raiders are Burn* ing and Looting in Central Portion of Cape Colony.

Cape Town. Jan. 2 — The Uritisii battleship Monarch, will land guns tu morrow as a precautionary measure The situation is undoubtedly serious. It Is true that the Dutch have not joined the Invaders In any consider able numbers, but a lack of arn..i is believed to be the true reason for abstention. In many places hoi sis are. freely offered and Information readily BuppUed to the Floers.

The early proclamation of martial law In the t'apt Town divisions is eg* peeled. This division does not in- clude Cape Town itself. The latest reports show the situation to be g.<u erally as follows: Kununan, is atll'l uninvested probably soon will be, Criimiitanil West is filled with small pa it f is of Boers who are working south toward Pricska for the IUII^HS" of co-opyrating with or supporting the Commandant Hertzog whose advance parties are in the neighborhood 01 Frazerburg. The Boers are close m G'nal Keinet, where of late the Dutch ha^ve given • many demonstrations of extreme sym"paEhy: ■—~- -7—

In the eastern portion of the colony the advance guard of Hie Boers is close to Mariasburg, about 25 nubs northeast of Craddock. The gineral opinion here is that, the position is no: properly appreciated In England. Th- Worcester conference excited the Dutch throughput the. colony-. M.ur old, residents, who^-arc", by no means alarmists, regard re..general Uprising of the Dutch as (inittT lTttFiy7 '——■—

I/mdon, Jan. 3—Martial law has been proclaimed In the Worcester- shire Ceres, Prince Albert, Fia/.i r burg and Sutherland divisions says the Cape Town correspondent of the Daily Mall wiring yesterday. The enlistment of volunteers is active and the best authorities anticipate favor able developments shortly.— TJii) .greui. trouble is the scarcity of horses. Seven hundred Boers have broken -through.-the cordon at Zuurberg and are advancing upon Ui< hmondT The magistrate there reports that they are. burning and looting a few miles from that town.

n 1% o _a._»._(>-_»_ .ft.-ft—1% H...A. Ji.Jt. .> 'FYT•jnTTrTr 1'XXTTTT *



After a lingering illness contracts during the Philippine campaign with the 48rd regiment, Jeremiah J. Hear don paaaad into the great beyond yes- terday morning at his home 1KB West street.

Mr. Rnnrdon waa -1ha„ima..i>f John Tho inaiiiibiHiiii of nflieer^ of t'LLlJieardon. driver for Byron Tru»-ll

company. He was invalided home from the


Mrs. Victor U'may of fO CnUm street was found d*wl in her bo I shortly after midnight Tuesday morn- ing. Death must have h-w quit* sudden as her husband was tu'king to her aljout a half-hour before. But she bad been ill for several weeks from causes Incident to childbirth. Medical Examiner Howe~6tTawience

A LIFE AND DtiATH FIGHT. Mr. W. A. Hlues of Manchester.

Ia.. writing of his almost miraculous escape! from death saja: *slxnoaQrc after measles Induced ier»ous lung trouble, which ended in coni-umptiou, I had frequent hemorrh.MTe.^ and couglMd right and day. Ail my doc- tors said I must soon di;-. Then 1 begun to use Dr. Kings New Discov erv for Consumption, which complete- ly cured me. I would n »t lie without it even if it cost $ti.0^t'peT -bottle. Hundreds have used it. on my recom- mendation and all say it nevor falls to cure Throat, Chest and Lung troubles." Regular size aOe and SI .On Trial .bottles free at John 3, Eor- rests's d.-ui store,

(; 1,0 it uus NEWS.

Comes from Dr. D. B. Cargile of Washlta. I- T. He writes: 'Four bottles of Electric Bitters has cured Mrs. Brewer of scrofula, which had caused her great suffering for yea's. Terrible sores would break out on her head and face, and .the best doctors could give no help; bnt her cure is complete and her health Is ex^llent.* This shows what the tbousauda-havt proved—that Electric Bitters is the best blood purifier known. Its the supreme remedy" for eczema, tetter, salt rheum; ulcers; boils and runninR sores. It stimulates liver; kidneys

and bowels; expels poisons; helps di- 11-iiuii builds up the strength.

(h»« ^."tits. Sold by John J. !•'>'- rest, druggist. Guaranteed. ,

CASTOR! A For In&ntc »nd Children.

Ibii Kind Yon nave Always Bough! »•*. ft th<

tJigu itui »■ or «,

Va C»r« a. OstM U O.. D«y

Take Laxatire Promo Quinine Tab lets. All druggbits refund the money If It falls to care. K. W. Qrove'B ■lanaturs Is on each box. lie,

(stands about two months ago, and ef- forts made to have htm scat to Me-x- i'-o to regain his health, but he wan' ed to be at home and did not g° south.

Rcardon's difadinrge gives htm < good record as a sold ler. Reardoh was.In the fight at Caibaloyou, BunsJ, P. [.-Jan. 27. 1900, and at Bumaheyti- April 2tl lie was also a member of the Lellay expedition. He was Bevei wounded but fever incapacitated him from duty and he was Riant ed an honorable discharge as an honest and faithful soldier. Heardon claim' I that the condition of affairs on th<' Hamar and Ijeyte inlands when hf b'' last August was something HWfirl Troops were sent on exnedj|tio«s with ;I0 days' rations and often did uol return 'for in days.

Iteardon was with James Lear, this city, when the latter was.. li ', In the face by a rebel. Leary'fl ,j:i «v stiffened and he can open his mon'h only a little ways.

CON'NORS — John Connors of AM Ington street, died at the cottage ho-i pllal yesterday aged 37 years. li' had resided in Lawrence 30 yea1"!. Funeral services will be held to- morrow,

Mr. and Mrs. Kdward Beauiicn h'"' the sympathy of their many fri>n<( over the loss of their four month' old son Edward, who undoubtedly *u*» frozen to death Tuesday night.

Mr. and Mrs. Ileanlleu live on tlw Wingate farm on the Haverhill road- THey came to this city Tuesday—ui~ observe New Year's day. They I n tended to return home on the last cai but misse<l it and went to the honu' of C, A. Robator 2:i HavarhMl strcu, and told of their plight. Mr. llobater offered to drive Mr. and.Mrs. lletii'■ lieu and their son home.;..<The j'"1

ney was made in an openVagon and although the Infant was well wrapP1 ' up It isSthought he wm chillf! through lorthe cold'wind. When Ml and Mrs/ BeauUeu arrived home OiS InMnt was«Iead. Funeral servic- • will he held-today.. Interment will I"' In the lmmasUlate conception eeP" tery.-

IN OLDEK TIMK.' People overlooked the importance or permanently beneficial effeets and were satisfied with transient action, but now that it is Kcnrally known that Synrp of Figs- w111 penuancutly. ov-r conie habitual eonatltnatlon, w.dl in formed people wlILnot buy other ftTJ atives, which at for B time, but fl" ully injure the system. Buy the gen- ulne, made by the California Tig w" rup <Co,


§^n& f HOME GOSSIP 4 * *■ WARD THREE . * + *T*! • """'" - '*

An Kxtwllent Combination. The, pleaaoM method and beneficial

i-ftccis of the well Lcaown remedy, SVHt'P'OK I'IOM, manufactured by the CALIKQIISU J'»o Si mi i r>., illustrate thevaluoofobt^thtnic nit- IkiuW laxa- tive principles of plain* known to be .ii.dieianlly la\ai ire u'iwl peesentlitg i hem in the form mu t ivm ■liiiitf to I hi taata and axvepiubli to ihe qrttam. It is tlif one perfect M re.np-1 liening laxa- tive, eleansinu-f he system effectually, dtepellinff folds, hf&diiciit s ami foyer* I finl.v yei pif.tnpvlv :uid eOabRflfr On* to Of*flH»lflu halniuul foiir,lipntion per- jiiawe&tLy. Jts perfect freedom from »'\frv oliji-eii.ina.tuV quality and suh- rlttiict-, and its ' ;n*t ing on (lie Kidney*; liver- uftcl liowols, without weiLicfBuig orirritaiiny them, mnlce it the ideal laxative.

In the process of manufacturing fljrs are used, us they are pleasant to the la^te, but the medicinal quatltlesof the remedy are obtained from henna and other aromatic plants, by a method Icrrown to the CAMroRNiA* Fio SYMTP Co. only. In order to g-el its beneficial effect a and to avoid imitations, please remember t he fu 11 nsi me of t he ('ompany prlnted on the front of every package.


LOUISVILLE, XY IfXV YOBS, 1». T. For sale by all liruaaials — l'rhieMo. per bottle.

Conductor Nick " Calnau of iho Lowell, Lawrence and llaverhill road attended the tall of Che l^iwell police. at I^jwell on Tuesday iilclit.

■MlflK Tennant, the well known In- structor; entertained a mimher of bei- friends at her studio In the Central building on Monday nl«ht.

Masses were held yesterday morn- ing at the various Catholic churches In honor of the new year. Services were al:u held nt the Rplscopal churches.

M1ss Ida Dearborn of Lowell streetf*' has recovered from her recent ill ness.

Captain and SJrs. Charles I''. Sar- «ent were present at the wedding in :he First liaptlst church of Tyni?«boro. jf Paul Kibble, a fomrer Inatrii -tor in the Lowell T. M. c. A., and Mils Jnra Flint, daughter of a well Itnov.n Tyngsboro citizen.

An adjourned session of bankrupt:y mm convenes at the court house F.i- lay next at 10 o'clock.

Sheriff Fred Abbott has been home very ill for nearly a week pn--.<. To- day was the first that he has been able

William P. Hovey, of the BoRon Ideals, has returned from a su'i-cessfiil western trip and la om-e more at his studio In the Central hhtlding where he will be pleased to meet his n an'. locnl friends, to he a; ills office.

The daK upon Hibernian hall was half masted In honor ol John .1. Han- ley, whose funeral was held yesterdav.

Insurance Agent Kdwerd 1. Arundlr is quite ill at his hom.e from a severe



POLO Thursday, January 3,

BROCKTON VS LAWRENCE. Seats on wile. :it (lame called at $".20

'Hover's drttR store.

Go to the


Are Leaders Among High Grade Pianos-Sold By

DYER& CO. 337 Essex St., Lawrence.

IMFW fjrii/ri FU DR- J- L- 8anborn CW


Miss Margaret Oriffln of Chestnut street tendered a theatre party to several of her friends at the Casto Tuesday afternoon.

The pool tables of the Father •Mnthew society are being re-covered by the Briggs .Manufacturing company Of Host on.

Thomas Barly. formerly of Kim street, but who has been residing li New York for the past four or in months, has returned to this cltv to permanently reside.

Miss Mattle Hartley of the telephone exchange, Is enjoying a week's vaca- tion.

Miss Jennie Hanson of laowell. who has Leen visiting friends, In this sec lion has returned home.

Charles O'Connor, formerly . cf Salem has accepted a position with Clements, the ar.-.-er.

Bertram F. Hums is employed at the Arlington Co-operallve store on Kssex street.

Miss Sarah Hantden ' Is visltlnc ber aunt. Miss Kate Me Govern ' ot tlavfrhlll.

city Solicitor John P. Kane wns in llaverhill * on business on Jim,

Mortimer Downing, formerly elerl.' for Donigan, the clothier; has ac- cepted n position as salesman at ih° (llobe Clothing house.

Miss Alice Uiley, the well known saleslady for Hobertson, Sutherland and company, tendered a New Year-, reception to a gathering of her a:- qunlniances at her home on Lowell street Monday evening. Slipper Wfta served, an entertainment presented and games played. The .gathering broke up shortly after midnight.


The lipworth league of St. Marl; M. IS. church will hold an entertain- ment Wednesday evening, Jan. He- at 7.48 o'clock. A ladles orchestra com- posed of young ladles from ward five will be one leading number on the program.

Mrs. A. D, Snow Is III at her home on Broadway.

The holler for the new bakery m Railroad street has been put in ,

Joseph Roy of Cross street Hpf-nt NVw Year's in I^iwell.

Frank Searle, Mr. and Mrs. Jn-jeplj Sidney llarv.v, AlWfi

s I I

Frieze Lost Over $71 in Cold Cash Which He Had

Been Saving for -i


Thief Broke Open Trunk and Took Money--Slxtctn Year Old Boy Accused of Crime

-Where yon

'ine line of Kings,

am *4ect front :


Watches, etc., for New Ve:tr

S'dd lor rush or rretlit.

GEO. GORDON, 138 Eosex Street.

Greer's Hair Insole* Kfi-p the Feet Warm and Dry: ew

i liitimatlnni: OJIIOIIK; rliiltt»!;iin , ten-' dw and nwftatty feet. Tliey make a springy ctt**lilon and prev'ent * jar j in walking and are ■« siihstltnto for; rtthlKTs. hy preventInK the"Teei frn:,'i UMOmlng cliUlcd by (lie eold frroun I find siitewalks. All sizes N'otn 3 to-1

['J. 10 tents a pair: ■' pair for i'ri .-nts. I

Sold only by

Special Attention OlVen to nisea^^ •'omen ;md Nervous System.

Ofl.ee Hours U to \'l a. m.: 2 to 4, and 7 to 8 p. DJ, Sunday, 3 to ft p. m.

(lleason Bnlldtug, ffiwex Street, nesldenre. 21*4 llroadway.


Clime*'. Miss Kdna " f.nd A

527 Essex Street.

JohH H.Greef. Ptl G, Have You caired on Dr. Boynton? CIIARMACiaT.

if.'J ISssci street. Cor. fembertou.

Press Cutting ...SCHOOL^


Sawyer's Tailor systsms TAUOHT.

StpU Will Heiume Tricblu

<»mbw Uth. Cuttlnc, Fitting and Klnlihlny

Tanfht Tho'Utithlr-

M.T.BYRNE, uwsasKz tiHiir.

If not, why not? I -tlA-eures-HU- —CUronlc-.l,

Men and Won en, private or other i wise. Catarrh. Asthma; Hear

Trouble; Bronchitis: Neuralgia; Al Forms of Rheumatism; Throat ntel Lungs: Nervous Debility: Itlooil Dis eases. Scrofula; Syphilis: Old. Sores; Cancers and Tumors. If yon suffet from any Skin Disease. Torpid Liver: Lost Manhood; l.oss of Memory; VI ceratetl l.egs: Ulcerated Sore Throat ftnll and be Cured. Do not fall to see me If \ou are sick. TEN nirAHANTEE TOR ' NENt CURE GIVEN CASE.

I CONSULTATION Office Hours -from U a.

nv Sunilav Hours lfl a.

Ordway Block. 527 E.a.K Street. Roam

coni- Miss Annie Hargrea^'s are the miftec In charge nf the enrei t.i> be held soon hv tbe.Epwortb league of St. Marks church.

John .!-. Carry resumed his dialler al .Tefis medical school on Wednes- day.

Azoot Frieze had $71 in,his trunk • hen he left his home al. :m Valley street last Thursday, but when lie returned In the evening he discovered Chat the trupk had been broken n.tr, and the money stolen.

Frieze complained to the polite and they made an InVj-atlgatlon, wlileli re- sulted In the arrest of Abraham Ellas, agetl HI years, who lives In the same house as Frieze.

Ellas has not confessed but the police believe Ihut he is the guilty party,

* r WARD TWO * * * •H t-f-M^-c-ff -r **+

II. N. .Chubb, has purchased one of the new low down' milk wagons.

The high school hoys have received iheir new sweaters and Jersey,j. 1 h y were purchased, of Oliver Dilsoa • ii company, Hoston.

T»» V, Mi Ct A, basket tall-leam goes to Ixiwell tonight to play their drat game of the season.

Reuben Merrill soenl yesterdav al his Boston studio.

Widdop's orchesir.i hebl a rehears* last evening at the home of .lames Roherlshaw on Arlington street.

Miss Annie Perkins bus retut "I to smith college. Northampton:


heiiiK milfoil "llir

ps.- r„|-


W'f- ofTtT one hundred dollar i. Ward Tor nay HIFTC of Catari-rf Ui..i -annot be cured l-jr_UalJli.__iiUiirrH

Cttre. —Vr-Tf-t'benpy & Ortv ('do. (i.. . \\v iiu- iinderKiKiH'd .. known 1\ l. Cheney for the last IT, yearn and bellevfl htm [ierf Ttly hnn- orftbje in all imsine*,. IranMPtionA and financially aide to carry out any obligations, made by their firm.

West * Tratix. '.Vhnle^ate drnjHrinni Tnledo. n.

WahliiiK. Kin man ,«■ Marvin Whole- Bale DniMlita, Toledo, o.

Hall'fl Catarrh Cure is t.ilien Inter- nally, acting dire Hv m..li;, tne blood and mucous surfneea of the n^tsni, Price ".•)«• per bottle. Sold bv all dnigRiBts. TeaUmonuiTfl freo

Hall's Pamlrv IM'ls are the iie3r.

opened the \>\K'.\ ttchool

Ilorna being

nlerrriiu Friday,

Defeat Both Republicans and Demo- crats in Hawaii.

Robert W. Wilnn. Klr.-ie-d Delegat* <u muttin., an Ardriil Syrup«~

tkUer »* lila «■« Urpotrd 4ur.lt I.MiuoLNlalUl.

Hawaii's delegate to eongrejwi, Kob •rt VV. Wii.eox. la an ardent friend o c\Qtict'D Liliuokalaul, who did all ii Let power to aid hU election a* a rep ceeemattve of tHe native element ii

Vhe }ft]anda us opposed to the white*. \\'itt-(.\ «as born 1'ebruary IS, 1855

at Matti. Hi^ father wia U'illinm t Wii^ox. a aea ciiptaiii, of Newport. B I., and his mother a native womai nautfd Kalua. The father ia*till liv Insr i'fi Haul and U BtVgearaof age. Bob ert \Vi!ro\_ wnti edtica.tecl at the Ha lea ka!a boarding .>•'■»■ on Maui,tmd whe B3 yeari old vrfia eleete^ to the iepi«.a tme from WallTilu dittriat, The con BTCMttMlWtdtfQt wai one of a party sen hv Kirl}; KaUkaua to Italy to study Ii the schools tht-re. With' facsiir t>la< Moreno, Hawaiian minister nf foreigr ntl'airs. who ir« now In Washington. Wi! OOX went 10 Turin., Italy, where he en tered a mi.itary (tehool. He rcmnine) there nit, tsar, i

U'iicux waa married in Italy to Prin ri'" Victoria folonna Ui Stipiiana daaghter of Itaron. Lorenzo Sobrerc hi the revolution ofduiy. IKSO. whet the new eonstitut ion under Kalaknu. was prbmnigatted, Wiieov took a lead inn part, and he- ifi. also credited wit] having l>een a leaHinir spirit, in ttie un Mi.ce-sfnt revolution which WAS forth purpoae o? placfng Lntnokalanl on th' throne before the death of Kalakana

After the overthrow of the <]itee» h< was in command of the natives, wtv for a time Kerned likely to'piw "bat tie to the revolutionises. In the revc lution of Ihlti, when un mempt vya made to restore Queen l.iiiimkalani, h waN.aiririu ;i leader U;i- timedie «a. ari-*>,K;i; and .iinprir-oiuJit. for about i year, alter whirl, he wns pardoned b} President, (now governor) Dole,

The result of the election produce* muth.dept:tL^>.ioil..among all_ whjtp«[_a_ Vflloox was itrongly oppoeed by r* pablieana and deraoera^ alike. Hi rutiipai^u was an anti-white canveet with pronHaei cm the pan »i ae-HM e hi* campalgn^workert that if he wer elected Qneen I.ilinokaiuni would b replaced on the thaotie. The result o

new front I office of the Hay Slate live .ouipunv's

airlWifir aircref. —===== The Y. It. 0. A. orcheslra will re

licais.. in Itussell hall tonight .1. W. Hlggins i.i now able rri he

out of doors. Etopt, .1. E, llurvc

school session at the Wednesday, Principal away.

Perry Kllcup has returned id Koatnn havinE-atierrt-a-wefTt- -wier-Me-mm h-

, '■ l/o ks.in street | frank Mciiowan of New York' .lly -simui itic iioiuiiivu m I,,; hnrnc-Jji

Ulis city. Mrs. Crank Blaetwell will

the Hack Hay Whist club. .Ian. II.

The Turn Vereln Iftanre held in -rurn hall. .Inn. 11.

Miss Blla !•'. BoBtmnn hat Iroiu a visit with her parent ItampaMre,

Itelnuardl Meyer has returned irom a trip to North Conway, N. H., with the Mas<uis.

The American is now on sale nt the drug store of Currier & Profit corner of .Inckson and llerkeiev street-. Tlie price Is tine pant and you will get all Hie news, imlnding this column.

Mrs. Kcinhnrdl Kneuofer is visiting Iricmla at North Conway, N. H,

will IK

returned in Ntrw

SEAPNBBa 01-' \2 YRARS- STAND [NO .—Protracted Catarrh proiloces deafness In any many cases, Capt lien. Connor, oft Toronto, Canada, w.u- deat /or 1L' years from Catarrh All treatments failed to relieve,. Dr. Agnew's Catarrhal Powaler gave hint relief In one day and in a very short

(while the deafness left him entirely. It will also do as much for you. '50 'enls-17. Sold by John II. tlreer, t'f.a ICssex street.

■'OH SAI.K-A line tipright piano itaed slightly, nt one ball' its original coel. Owner has no .use to- it and must cell at oace. .Mrs. Robert lluckley, II l/iwell Terrace, (itv

1-3-4-Ca 1-5-4-7 s.

I'OR SAI tallies.

,K—Two Inquire

firet-clnss pool 110 Kssex''street..



t^-H^M^'HHHH1*** lOdward Ourrity, wile and daughter.

>f SaundeiH court, go'to HoHton Sat- trday evening, when they form pan <f a theatre party.

The Turner-lninatrtlM will hold a ehearsal in Turn hall toulght. iionie tliaordor In the Are alar.n

:yatf*ni <-atwed the alnrm to Rtrlkc tour hues this morning. Undertaker John lllcke.v anhcipat. <

aaklng extensive Iniiu'ovementR at hU shop on Whito street.

Widdop's orchestna held a rehears:!] Ye<lnfwtlay evening at the homv oj atnefl Koljertshnw on ArUttftoii plfeel .lohn Ttmerville bar; returned to his

tome in Sprihgtield after a short visi. n town.

G. fir PagB of Paw tucket, R", i., (rj dHltliitv: in town.

F. (i. ICIliot of Quincy Bpenl V.'i.i tesday iij th<- city With friends.

A maple tree opposite Engine .".- tonne wan out down todity.

Mm. Hobertson hua niven up her toardinn house on Canal stifPt and aken room* with ber sister In Bjoai h I dock on Kssex atfeet.

The South Side Whkt eluh nie.-fs .his afternoon at BfM, .Maxirvellc on Vbhott streer.

!>»]>"'>■ (Jasne and Mr, Tetivault of hfla city ylalted Court St. Joeeph, C, ). I'., at Haver hill on Tuesuiav t\ i- IIIIK.

M. Brody. M. Korellta. Mrs. d. It, ■telnert.^Iiss Jennie Stelnert. f.. J. rVsppler and lames Jensky attended he liciirew's dance at llaverhill on .'ncsduy evening.

The preliminaries in the Anal* of Uia tool tournament being .held at th* 'oung Men's Catholic association oonis have been played'. James l. Itnnegao defeated Mathew Crane. 10 o :t7 IWIIIH; and Thomas Keegun de Mted .loseph Dodley BO to 4J; Daniel Norton drew a by*. 'Hie aeml-flnald vlll he playefl before the em] of eh* reek;

Mr. an.I Mrs. J. T. HarriRau ot Ji •rosB^neel held a HO.'IUI party Tpea- ny evening in honor of ih,-ii s.iu 'rank, who is a .sailor on the hainiuv, hip KsKex.' ami hr.BpeWltng a week H acation rft his home here Mia fin

ough expires on Friday and he wHI tegln a term or servie" on the '\Va-

wlii.], "

►, «**«** « at******

/II Wool Extra Ksaiy; Working Pants '

a « Manufacturers *

Pant Sale"" at a a a a a a a

■a MM '*'* A * *■*

% H, of

GILE & GO .* % % M

<• at ■» * at


erred lie has just iteeii trails.

Preparations aTP o.ing niadc for the inlnn meeting uf ii„. ctmrohtw ,. - ity to be held in ,lty hall on the lirst

lUDday afternoon of the New Year at ! O'.rloclt

t— TK


H-r •? -i t 4 f -■H-i^..^. CHl'itcn Servie** owu tin- body ■>!

he lut,. Arthur C. Chun h were *o(< ni/cd hv the Rev. Mr. Roger* al ;' 'dock thle] afternoon at the late :oine of the deceased HIT Haver hill trect. Th.- body will ho carried tn luUuL-.AiilintiL. aiiimJrta\v__^niarjiliii. vhere it will he eremated.

itonKitT \v. wir.cox. (Hawaii's Elxat D.-lfKat. tfl the

ritatf-'a eongreaa >

the vote nho^ws the uative biiternea ovi-r nn.tie\ation to he still ttlfafe, <

The republicans carried Honolu] tl i n the island of Ouhii for Hon. i-\alnu< I'arker by :?19 plurality. 'J'he lieiuo eralie eaiulidate. Prince David Kawaiui nakao, ret-eived only aboni one-third a many vote^as 1'arker. It is reportei

-nerT^H;4--.-At- t-hu jiiiA-iod*y -t4+e e+mnty eorrt'



WE GIVE UP! AK^T'8 Clothing, Furnishings&Hats Is loo larfie. Something desperate hi- to he done, so we bnve decided to C|o«e.()iit Our Fntire Stock al Sensationally l.m\ I'riees. Ihtrltifr );tnu nary we willhe the H.irRain Huntert1 It < 1 real: as von wetll know that mil tfemapdam ntca^b \< jdrictly up to-iiatc. 1 his extraordinary Rnle will star tie you You have never se.-u nor neat-fl of the equal before. HEAT) Tilt: FOI.IX)\viN(; I-KKKS,

that eX-Qileen -l,1trrrmVnlTni threw her influfnee to WllcflK; TIIT

b much hit t erne*1- up;iilist ht^r a"101'' the democrat*, who hoped that, cvei if the> did nu*. f feet tli.-ir man. t he; would at reaatddj^de ijhe native vot Uiai Wiico\ «,ovtl| he behind i'arlvr'.

The inSM'*pen*.'ell native party Tlur carried the hot,?e3u' representatives If a larp^- majorit v. -Vl'liey "ill have 1 member;* of theht\i>e. with nine re puldicativ attd \\\ lul-'p'iidi tills ;ir)< d- ■niiierai s. In the s. ii;i I e 11 here \\\] E* SerP* repijh"i("tt>-. efjtif mfeejjeni ♦tils, and AUC democrat. \VilJj tht in ^-'prni^nts In contro a lively.w*-A«i0l [a expected, as the\ arc »^aim.l tbe-rul inr reylme.

It. is likely, ns o result of the eleff (ton. that eohgreaa will l»- nf.k«d to e*s

lahlish aeme rifRlfotton^ upon the vot. Iftg privilege. .Many of i he whilcv Wabt a propcriv qbaMfieatJop for voter's, Ii is Argued that in voting upon a simpl* color line many of the uiiiivcs havt etwJCl) :t,ieins-,,\,". ju.lit ryr.4jnj\«rsa]-

H hi fTirW" tf>*tHa*Mi*j I»arJt**vw+il go (6 Washington in any event, and that thon-h he win havt nd)official title. in; will look after llawaiiait.interest!-

Uiajiaatrj mad.' their irjj riln «,f th -ear-ami pardoned Jo«eph Robert Uli I*ip«unt ami John Fohl


At Hi o'.'look at John Hreen'a lh ihove. '

At 1 o-cMck on Clover hilt, 6 fthov. At R'Velo. k at Couture's t above

-' At' 7 o'clock M Hfekey* 8 above. At 1 titlot-V in Methuen zero. At fl oviok ;it Carrier A From'-


SUk llarvanl Mufriew. worth * ML- to 11.00:' for-ihiri »»■(*, 19



1-2 holigo nine llandkerch,ei- 4C

Llfkey Red llantrkerchler- ^j.

'.'■.r Celluloltl rollars J(.

Men'- su-petubr. x- 9f

Silk liution on Mow- IJj.

T..S-: Strllut l1c--othcr -lylc.- | Jf.

Mens'^nd Boys' Swcalei 45t'

I'alntera' iiveralls 2$C

line Wool Hosiery |2 | .2c

lime Flannel shirt;

I'jiic .let ey shirt-: north 89c 29c


M»* f"r 89c Hoy,' and .MeaVffrp. |gt> j0 y^.

MICN'S SI'iTS. Glen's Suits In all d 'Kcripllons at all

-- *|nieea. Our, two b aders ale R BOod wool mill at $3.97

" Regular 1'rlei'' $S.0O. AlsO a Washln'glon Milts lilac Ii Hay;

strictly all wool. , A Bargain at 110 'lo For this ale $7.25

('llll.llRiRN'S t'l.O'l'HINd. Una do/t,n llnv's SOe Knee Pants tor

ibis sale 23C

CIllLDlll'N'S St'lTS.

For98c. $1.29, SI.95 Worth double the price.

— ■nUMI.'UlW, ii^_

il.M, 1.39, 1.97

MICNS I'ANTK. Black Clay I'ants

MUN'S AN'll HOYS' I'l.SrKlts. Of all de-script ions at. Extremely l.rV Price*. We have t,ii rttj "e ( llaritaios. No space to quoie Hi in. Our Brl»s>s make evory duilai - DO lilH'lll.K lll'TV, Take ailvanimi ot thlrt combitiaiion.,.ttr aavtna awl ■:il isfuclion and your mind will b" easy and your MONKY swi.li. It'Iliolulier tile tiiiine ttntl lointt.c-

A Delight to HeMaagttxaa. A gen neeaie, ivlitctt mnsT be a'de-

lijtlit to houaewivea, has been invented In liernianj Ii lias, a prolonL'alion be hintl the c.ve of -mailer diameter than the bored part o( Hie needle. «ith BTOOVM in it i.i receive lite thread. The object of it to faeiMial,, the pa.s- oil' of th ne, ,' e :',i.,fie|, ,|ir hO\*» In lilltleli,—»l„,i thtc

"If the ■s in lite e,.,PU\e^ ,lmj beqc ■ pi -■ ii, tri, mure realty

Sale Opens FRIDAY; .IAN. *: Ot 9 o'clock. sale Opens FltlDAY: JAN. 1 at '" O'I'|o. I.

it. i, .„„..„, r.tle. I ilwaraVtltie, l'a„ rccctith he h; l4l ail

He Was liiltees- ■i. hall, keeper of the k. eriv.r nf the bor- "e t eojnmi^sii.tei

tie w.is cut irej.v to,, hiin.ii- liute-css, but

th* other the ptivltloha he still tili*.

Good llilut for MarlMer.. A'tnachine ^or condenatng Bra leu

I. Into drinking nattr hn'i bvea iawuteu.

Mti-a».h „:, ■ janitor ol tin

?''gh 'cam i I'h, rl 111,, 11-■! itUfV, nin; f> lino

HAMEL & C£tM/Tf£JI,Tb!lir.'n!,fsZOfl40l405 Essex St. I

^RSTITITIOX 'ENDS IN |>K ■yni ■ The police have rnifed the atten- ioa uf the I'uani ot health to a as' f destitution upon Ilrndl'ord stre,,-

The family is Irish. It's said con- iltlon was bromrht about bv Inleni- eranee, t)n,. member is far Rone In onsiiinplliin .and Ills i.i'uartera, whlen re fllthr, are shared he t»,, , till Iron. The larder contained a half oad of bread and some whiskey drills.

The ovef»eers.of the poor haw t;1^,.n iction anil whan clerk Klley Went here this' norm-tic found the man lying-. A little later he died


•■ " + r-f f-«f. rl*'t -f-f- -f-r^-f'f.'f^


Herbert A. Grant I'upll of Wrn. Rhakespeare nf London,

Kniflaml Hnpll of Marcelle Diipuls of Parli,


Vocal Culture And iho art of Singing, Italian meth- od. Firr.t tenor and illreetor of the Manhattan fllee club of Boston. Mr. flratit has returned from Europe and resumes teaching In town Wednesdays, 'ies. 77 Ikuny street. South Law-

nCe. Bn.ton studio, 1S1 Tremont street.

VIOLIN SCHOOL. Willis Jiuuhins.

Special .lit. in inn wlven to Instructions. Studio, Central building. 316 Easel 8t. Office hours: Tuesdays and Frldaya, 2 to 5 and 7 to 9 p. m. ThuradaTa 1 to 7.30 p. m.


C. F. Berry, first, violin and promter; . .1. A. -Richardson, piano and harp;

Frank O. Stone, clarinet; W. A. Chapman, cornet.


Any number of men-lrmn_t»0-tq com^-- plete orchestra. Play all the popu-

.. l*rmusic, Leavaa.orders ot 373 ESSEX ST.


Would us» Kemp's Balsam for the Throat ai...i Lungs. it Is curing moro Coughs, colds. Asthma.,'Bronchltla; Croup and all Throat and Lung Troubles than any other medicine. ■ Xhe..jiroiirictor..haa —anthorlied any druggist to give a Rample Bottle FREE to convince you of the merit of this great remedy price S5c 553 VSi




Wiifilvinn R.T.. Kncupfer. the well !tnowiv fiaiio tl.yiler, took a 'tlviiiK rip' to tin' White mountain* last

'Yf*k. While on mute he void a .I,i 'oh Bros., niaijo at Conway and an- ^-rhrer nt North I'nnwav. \ n Mr Xneupfer |* quite o traveller and rerj thinly ■rfhown. hut whih- he Is 11- at.-.r in our Dildftt in bunlnesK hfl !■

'iv no aieaiiH limited to our Bflotlon when it eomea to doing: buslnesi

Cnmnioniveatth of Mmmi hmet t*

PHOHATK COFRTj H -■'■•■. . . „ i ',

To Un- he if;--: it ia\v, riejl of kin r.iiiiors, and all oilier person* in- terested In the estate of William

H. .lauuith Ittie of Uiwrrnce. in said I'ouiiiv, i|e iicfe.i; inteetate, Wlier.';i-. ;t p.Milton has h^eu pre-

"5 oog

J>~ « $'

> I 1 VI I^'I a. 5 •oe o

£ 5


Baz. o

*sg S

■a 6

u c i


«r> 1 ■3 « ? i Ct < 43 e ^ q

:E < 1 Q

sni <•> *- 1 eec ± , * <?

=J - U n*

r 2 If S'n

* *^ 41 8 TJ u ^M ' i ?■ e

.3 a K I*

sa» f" irl rt h* era 9 _ N e>o "f r [3 B tr. , 1

^* !h» Kind lt» ''am >l»:,i; Hitipa &MU1 f>* u^utun

MANUFACTORY 'or. I>iwtll St. anj Broadway.

^ ^». «S 'C O JTi ^ -.». . B..robW Ihgoattitv

lti» tiail <ju.Hai».*[wap BaitM jf iun ruiu tgu ttarc .iwray<

senlril to slid Court lo^r.iii. ;i lette bufTadmlnlstratfon on the" c-tate of -;iid deeensed to Gmlly I. Jaqultb-, ol

t ..ilviniiT, In the County i.f l-:y-'\ rtithout givlnt; H surety on ber ii.uid.'

yon ai '■ In reuv i-ited to ,i| peal at * Prol it-- Court to I'e held :it S»]. ':■

■i h.iiil,■■< 'ninny of. K-^ex. on i be 'V.-ni'v-fir-t day Of .lann.:ry. \ . I> ri'if,.j(\ atfte o'eloeh in the foreutmn ta sii'nw pause' if'.. riv vnii have, why die linn' Omul.i not in- erarited.

And the petit lone is beP^Jj di peeted to Rive puWlr notlee, itnereoI

V inililisliinK this citation oVce' in ;it !i week, ft r three qpeftesBlvo week u the i.'jwn-ti i' Dally American; >.n iif\v.-pai)er fiuhllshed In liiwrenee .lie Ian1 iMiiduati' n tn in- on-' d-iy

..i least before p&ld Couti.. Wltnenji, Rollin E, Harmon. Be- Hosiery ol all Kinds and Sizes for

|quii#. .ludqe of MiiA Court, ttaftJ Men, Women and Children. -i i Mini day of .lannnTv. in .the vi .ir . »T RTTTATT

■ me thousand nine hundred end one, , ; nL T .« c. * w^ i i' M.MIONKY. iteeistor. Salearoom, 247 lx»weU Mreet, rirst

La£ lu-iTa. 'Flow. -, . - tuerL'jf.^ '

Dnexcei fpR-FlT,



For the Bath. Merry Torpsichorean Event

Last Night In Saundors Hall-


Well Known Young People Dunce to Strains of Co- lumbian Orchestra.

The recaption ylvtn by 1'iot'-. Ral- loo to his public dancing class in Raundera hull lout evening wafl an •vent long to be remembered by thosq who were present. About IflO coupltS 'v. re present and «hlled away- the hour* until midnight to flfi delightful strains of tii" Columbian orchestrar. Refreshment* were'served by (vi'irr Lone durjng Intermission, Among those, notbeu* iu the gathering were-

Leon Peters; Amelia Bergeron. Katie O'Sulllvna. 4]race- White. 'Agneti Pureci|. Helen Lend. Emma Koachwltzfcy. KMi/iiiirtii KoBchwiuky. i lelen Cooney, Mary Ooohey. Mary Kiinkin. Caroline Donovan. May Walts.

... JllU'tiAVhila jM'iMfl Pftller.

t3< Ctlu .1 ■ ..;,i.„,:.Ui; .if....... >

■r tihc j..;.Nt".i tVTfVt Co., KiJ iiru*Jw«j, KM Vu»k*

.Man' Murphy. Vtolft Mfta*. Marfcarei McDonald. Hepnie Cfalney.

, Helen UnTney I AUee. (>'l>arv.

Mary Mtthone£, MfM Alkn. Mtaa Miuot. Nellie Cox. Bessie <'ox. Edith Uindberg. Julia Murphy. Martha Snell, Katharine Qattafher, Mrs. George Ijord *r». Dr. Magee. Francis Shlnnlcki Mollle Sart. Minnie Beck.

^Joale O'Haru. Mary Hoar, Joule H. Hoar. «* Re)en Jensoiu Jumes Mi' Vrdle. George Cox., Wm. A. McCarthy. John Matthews, Prcd BonrseJ Arthur TVritiii. Oliver Joblri, Joseph Elliot. J (i hi I Collins. . , -TI

Jvhti*1 iVuilyaVr.

Joseph: Lanfgau. .1. \ii,liom'.v. William Cotter. Patriok Nugent. William Lanlgan.. Dr. Ma gee. Alfred Jensen.

. EUmar Watts. (!uy French., Joseph Johiison. Ralph Hadley. William Houston K;iy i'<>\ . ■•'rank' Ruy, William Dick. Mlcftael Ward. Arthur Daly. Timothy Daly. Henry IfliMn -Jiffe, Arthur fcVnton. Ho'rJwrt EMUJdeau. Peter Mahoney. Ralph Sawyer-; JOIHI Hudson. MbeH Yielding. Cafl Sonii James A. MeCabo. Oon',*' Lord. Prank White, William Kennlson. Arthur Moreland. Cliarfes Moreland



The bible school of the First tSSf- tlsi chUrch elected the following oftl- oers: last, night:

Superintendent, N. o. MitKoon. Assistant superintendent, • \V. i.

Churchill. - Unty assistant superintendent, Mrs,

N. 6, Magoon. Secretary, J. T. Warburton. Treasurer, A, E. Heald. \ Assistant seeretarv and treasurer,

\. I*. Tuttle. « Directors, .!. II. Safford, N. EJ. .Wood, Mrs. Crosby ami Mrs. Fi M. Wilkinson

Auditor, W. I. Churchill. After the election Superintendent

Magoon made a iVw remarks. He told of the Increase in membership of the Sunday school classes and the gain In the primary department.

Bevitbn TORIA. 1li8 Kind You Haw MMB

Vt&geti Audience oflSOfO to the Cttv Hall.

. over 2000 people crpwded into ii" ii, hall last night to hear Dr. Boy-

kei ' l<v i are ftp fThe Paris Exposi- Hon.: . ,-

\ 7 o'clock the stairways arid cor tidor of the hall were; packed witli ..eople eag*i* to hear the i,> lure and HI .7.20 the doors leading to the hall

■vi.' locked us there was ntit ey-n landing mom left' PoHc'emuU *: .xiks-1 was"stationed al <*■•• weal dpor itntl lie turned away nearly IOOQ pi • |jle who were seeking admission. |>, llnwker began to deHYer his te-ttite If foit- T.3d. ii was ;i moat InteVea iug lalktailescriblDg only as Div, Bow- I ■ i- t an, l In- niahy sights ; anc| Inel- tb»nts 'connected with the Paris i*v position.. The lecture was freely .11- iir ri-iiti-d with stereopticon views,

PRIZE siioorxc.

Tlyp- prize shooting contest at Ui B«'' x streeti cloBetl- in.-i nifthi I lie iiN/.e being won hy Coqrad Demii,; I The score was *>*> inn of a posiihb* 7.'. Martin l.ejii^ii'i was second v. irh

■ti."i. Arthur Shaw was third with Gl. The prises for the rest of thfi montii wFH be a pipe) }>atr of opera glsssen and an umbrella^ Tiffi' prixe won

iiist night was a genuine French briar pipe.



Nothing but a lo- cal r&nieilj- or change iaf climate will fur/

CA/AHHH Ttu. specific is

Ely sCrearnBalm It \B quiekly ab> sorherl. fiives Re-L- '"»«,,. COLD 'N HEAD

Opens ami cleanses the nasal passages. Allays Inflammation. Heals and Pro- tects the mombrane. Restores the Senses of Taste and Smell. No Mer- cury. No Injurious Drug. Regular size 30 cents; family size $1,00 at drug- gists or by mail.

■1^¥- BROTHERS, fit! ■ Warremtf.,- N •¥ :■

The Raglan Overcoat



Has But One Competitor for Public Favor' This Season

The Madison Ii—flllll ■IIIWIIIIMIII IMI——I — Mill ■■

Square Box Only Divides the Honors with people

who desire stylish garments. We have had generous patronage on both of these

styles and as the designs are perfect and the garment fully equal to custom made at a much less price, is it any wonder?

If you buy an Overcoat, buy one of these. They are right ani the price is right.

The Lawrence One Price Clothing Co., 431 ESSEX ST. 431




THE NTURY S^J^S8 best news we ever Printed because goods of every class, staple merchandise as well as 1 he "left overs" of the Holiday Goods are reduced more decidedly than we ever knew them before. 'These splendid values will be offered in a Monstrous Bargain Sale, Commencing Wednesday, Jan. 2nd. We re taking the odds and ends and takethe price broom to sweep the store clean of all these. Whatever you want is undoubtedly here, in ones or twos, or maybe in slightly increased numbers, but with a new price on it, whether it is mentioned below or not.

Shoe Bargains. Unequalled by any other dealer in Lawrence.

hv.TV"l\-.ii W.iininlc-'l- Yours !< nil n,,'i C,a\n. ..t:i pairs Cbllilren'a I'olt UK* Shues 'anil r'ur rilmnn'l Muftlera. "5c an-!

4Uo v^lin-< ttir SiSe Pr,

Ul viz,-i IJIMCV' Fur Trimmed Hand sewv.l Sitin Tup Low Sliots: flpfce lined; Worth Ti. "" —! r~— UMc Vr.

71.1 [niri I.a,ll..S' Shoos; (iooilyrur .an i| Jai-li Ii W.llH a'n.l I la ml Bi'wcl: *i.oo out f;.uo quallUn for u^n Pr

S97 pain Ladles' WaJklngSbon and Sllppors; 'broken alias; were 7r>c- ami $1.00 p61r*—Choice ~, ajc Pr

H7 pairs Men's Extenaloi) Sole Shoes; genuine $l.!'fc Itii* itir

solid tomfort: reuular •»1.40 Pr.

r. (tisw shrw DcrMlui; L'^.- corublniitlon — Ruisetl; Ox-lilootl; rai^nr Leather and Uox aalf. - lOo Ii..-,

197 pnirn Children's floece Lined ItubUar Hoots: $l.2S Values for 73o Pr

i;f. airs ladiea' sionn Proof box Calf Sboeej excellent value at $1 40 Pr

17:1 pairn Nfcn's Congress anil Lava HiM.ts: uiarkerl from J-'.M. to • lMrr

131 »lra.Children's IA-.C and ijuttoo Box Cnlf Slitx's. worth 75c for ■JOr Pr.

lOinalfs broken lots Men's Bosv Calf Shoes ail sivias un.l sizes; worth trom $1.50-to 13:00 Tor only 0*rc Pr.

Duj - lli'gulnr $1.48 Bos Qaft Water-proof Sroes; including a lot of lliah Citt Shots, alMsoIld leather and EnKllsliBack stays 08e Pr.

Misses' and Children's Button and l.nce Shoea; Kid and nox Calf; English back sta\sj; Extension soles— . | QQQ fr

Ml paira Indies' Foil Ixrw Boots; Boirno] lined; 1C. B. width; hand maMe; 7J- and '.Ov: uuallth's for ,„,. 4QC pr

337 pairs Men's, Women's and Children's Ifl/i nr Holiday Slippers; mostly $1.00 values for 4ilC pi

WINTER UNDERWEAR. t3reat^^ts^iPrices. ~

i.ni'.iti, srarl.'t and iviif. all wool punts Jt.00 garments lof

^'-l^n's extra' heavy wool fleeced tlraW er sizes 32 to l'> .regularly

Hen's isrey natural juid oiffl'i hair siiliis and Wapers dou|ile_ani breasted; msular priea 19e

'1'.'*. s Cphtbeook t lae ribbed shin.-; and tlra\Vet 7. gnrrnents for

Men's eawml't bale wool -iirt-i our ,.',.iii,r 7;,e quality for

I.-oh. extra 11" jers y frsta: flight l^peflTeethsns; I9e_ gratfea {or

Roys i.V'r.il .»■ 10I drawer.;; all si.:er.;- lu-ny weignt; WOTTK I9e nplr

I idles' heayv white merino v.- 1.. and.pants; I0e yalm [or

'.'.';,:'lit' health ui lei'.viari shifts and <liii\'.< i-.; large sizi t; 71 ;■ for

b«4tes all wo,d ier-iy yeatfl and rants ;..:a: i-,i.i.s at ;■,. rM 1,

Men's p»y rafidoa shirts »rl ilraiy-r. trtlilsei :■ ■■ . ..r -.■ .

Ladles' medium weight jersey v ■ Is reduuBl torn loe-to

n-1. M7.

Cloaks, Suits and Furs. New Century Bargains Exceptional Bargains in this In Staple Merchandise

large department.

„, ,,'"■' "ltl;-'-''.v tl weather 1ms „„ in ',.|(.,.t „„„„ „„.,,.t,ati»u-r 1--. ehanuter. Particularly Is this felt In out lines 01 ITIts. And

<■ rediue lb.; atiHdt we-have been ' uiov.al T7T nan t'lii-i -.

»l.o!'i for J.'n S!,..:i;,,| Seal C.SIt '

'-"■ ■■'■ PS Haltle Sea] coat 1 »;''.. m for j;a; EtaetrR Bea7| 11m $33.01) for $12pNear Seal CottU. •

Gnlshed80 sa'"u'"ts '•"'" "" li"1"'1 wlUl :l gusJ-atiteed satin and ire stinerblji

$19.oo>r vJS1 Electric Seal Capes; ;;„ inches lone and ISO Inches sweep; genuine .Marten Collar.

$80.00 for $4» Near Seal Owes; 30 lii ches fong and ISO Inehis "sweep; genuine Mai ten Cellar and Edge.

*7.es for $12.50 I'lnsh Cape; 33 InehsB longi 150 Inches sweep; mlgetl with 1 lea 1 -'s fur all .around.

1-2 PRICE for Silk Phuh and Velour Cupi 1 heavily beaded and braided; , til lengths; edged with variety of I'lrs ?).1>S; $6.98; $7.50 $8.75 aim

* 1II. HO.

$25.00 fo? $:;r, to US Silk Velour jackets; Rbme Beaded; otBeri . uiTaiilen all river.

$2.;9H-Oreti| UaiKains in I-adies' Jack full lined; velvet collar,

ll\'ty hon-..iceejier will he able t ti tinil hero articles she n.eds—note 1'"' Sianl sa,vinga these prices aitoni'aud don't wait ii you want any. 1 N.'.I.I.ACIIKIi CHITON Kl.A.N.SliL: worth'Uc a yard: Only 7 l-2e

1 1.1. SIZU EXTRA rJBAVY QUILTS; aiwavs have lieen 51 for-79c eu'h >-II^MI.I.I: ctivicits, rednred from 25c to ' ...*... l»e Hi rilUNH.I.U I'tryWrfttrTerttlrert-friiiu 7.rie Iu 4!)e 1 I I'ltUKCIi AND SI'itll'Kli WHITE WINDOW MCSLIN: ri.lnr,..! fioin 12 )-Jiy j'ml to u [.], , s yARI) WIDE IINBLHACHEO CO-TTONS, marked from 3 l-2e to ac yd 1 I I NHI.KACHK.I) HEAVY CI'I'lDJi; wtsal-'V- now 4 l-2c yd 1'I.AIII lilticss (looiss. reduced■ Trbm.12 1-2,. to" : * ' 9c yd

•BED ANT) NAVY BLUE Al.l. WOOL FLANNEL: redueed* from 12 I-Sc to 9o yd

ItEMNANTS OF TURKEY RfJD AND WHCTE DAMASK; marked from 2..C tO igc y„ MUX'S SHIRTS rednred from »c 10 ■ • 25o yd MK.NS SHIRTS reduced from 25c to 19c v* IS INCH TWII.I.KII UNBLEACHED CRASH, was r.e ncitv 4 l-4e yd t OI.ORKI) OI.TIMM: StrbBMI inaik.d Iron) IOC lo O 1-ic vil ITNK -win IT; AI.I. wotH. .II.AN.N i:i.: 30 Inches wide; regular sue


3«e yd

The New Century

Ribbon Sale Is replete with Rare Ribbon


No. 5 aUsiilc, satin an-1 ^ro ■ 1 e.iMln ribbonii, redaced from r.e to 3e yd.

eTIT . .:li 1 ilk. i.aiie and ; ros . gKiiti

rlbOR!. reoiaad from 'I. to 4" yd.

N'i. a All sill,", H.11 in and gros grain ribboin reduced from" K': to 5e y,l

N 1 I? all ijlk. satin and aros ' gran ribbons laduced from 10c 11 Tc yd

N ' Li ,.11 Sttlfc .-I'lia and gcojj grais tlldmlis i-.-dn p I'Holil 12 l-J ■ 10 9e yd.

No. j'.' all : ilk. laiin and gros^""grain.

ribiinni reds I rrom I'.i '0 lO>' yd.

\'n, : ■ 1 '.' J! hi ' irJfT Vji;

wi ■ >■• oid :. .• yard; ;' ir 12 l-2c No 10 .all SUk laU'it.i tih ion; -'..1..

y.iro; only" " 10c :l!)e | )'■' ale' 1


:;i .



rui'-et . 7.1c



Sofa Pillow Ruffling.

I7e .0. >u extfa hiowft MlTtlit iaffeta lion, reduced trom SJo 'and *9o a

10o I yartl to 29-

TT ,>*^*f*,»f*fT*!"l^!L1l>»>«»»*>*w»«*>»««>«ts>s.s.sj

All' of our Trimmed" and Un- trimmed Hats, Infants' Bon- nets and Fancy Feathers Selling for Very, Very Little.

Little Thinps Commonly rallotl 'Noiions.' Hrlrf

HHI showiiiK how w«'ve rednced IH(«*M for this snif.

Pompadour C'omba; wore 10c And ir>«

Shi'll and Amhrr Hair Hng, r« dJiced irom 10c to % 4c tl(«.

Kxt-ca pizr Plir-ll and Ambof"l(;itr I'ina marked from Be to 3o ea<A

4c dm. Shfdl and Ambor Side Combs worth

10c and 15c dozen lor 8A

Extra large smoked Pearl Button*': worth T.'.f and $1.00 doa for 49<i

Jet. Bone and Pearl Buttons; worn 10c and l.v' a dozen 2 doz for 5c

Dress Ouimpea of all colors; won h 6c; 8c and 10c a yard (of only 4* r'C and 10c curling jrons for :.«* Needle books for ■* ..«•

All of our Dress Braid and fiuini|K^ at Exceptionally LOW PRICE©.

Our Great Basement Values Made Even Greater.

Silverware. ttaw | All of our .■ wls, i

Ue.i uhfiiiiv.pl.ifd "*Bv^ rw u Hi [*m Tea potB, ■ i ugai ipoon holders: butter dishes; c.ike standa, ireamciu wmih Uuiu %\.':', to

98c n

MITTENS. IJoys' extra heavy wool mittens; were 21c pair ' 19c

SlIOI'J.DCTt PAPHS. Blue and hlae k worsted shoulder capes, reduced " from $1.39 to ii 12

HANnKF.R^HIEFS. Indies' henvstit ched handkerchiefs reduced from ■ lie to n0

PURSES AND POCKET BOOKS; reg ular 2Cc purBes and pocket books 'or 19,

Our regular 49c purses and pocket boo ks for 39c

BOSTON BAGS. Alligator Boston ba gB 10. 11 and 12 Inch sl-es; marked ; from $1.2.-, to 9Sn

Regular 4'jr Boston bags for 34c

HANDKERCHIEFS, slightly missed 15c, 17c and 23c Handkerchiefs 6w lOr

Vases. 'lie '!.:a..i!liiierit-.i-i.'Iiina-ind plass

10c Glassware

i..,t ot spoTiij n.iid s antl Cream t;

Ii d Irom ;it'e

18c Knive Sets

Inrlndlmt hn vi 11>,t.-. Brka rake knit* lit. ert from 25c to


Cuspidors "r " •""'""" • :,"19c Paper Pails. lv17c-

Ash Sieves. ivanized ti.di Bit ,e . ui iuvei-s

... 42c Water Sets.

WINdisoit TIES. Good styles and p atterns. 2ac kind for

Men's teck ties, worth 2,'ic lor ' '-,'



ladles' fast black full regular hose; spliced sole; Mo grade for 2So Pr

Dov.s extra luavy jlbhed hga«j double heel and toe 19c Pr

Ladles fast black wool hose; regular !.-„■ grade ij, ■ 12 l-2o Pr

l-ieiies lu-avy cashiuei-i. hose; 17c kind for 10c Pr


Iiii her, ni\ tumid.-in iui Toys ai your own pi

and girls' sleds at nhi price.

37c Coffee Mill . ;'- v\ broilers for .. ■ Tooth i lel.s woilh ',-■

i i uv Counter B.u I" >

For two days only Our {lor aad,|„ldr,.n.i,le,.eeK|„s.(|n|v

lined.' fur top kid Blovea; reduced KJO $1,211 to 89c

,isr and S7c rjitalit+ea fn

75c. Mi Rid gtoVei at ajSc



CHILDREN'S WAISTS. Lan.e sizes of Cliltdi'-n i Wfl

ouullty fur

25c. ;





Belgian Hares and Flemish Giants Passed Upon at Methuen Poultry Show

\ LOCAL WINNERS t * ! Beaver Brook Farm, Burn-

ham & Co., and Other Ex hibitors Take Prizes

ST1CK-T0-IT-IVENESS in hustling energy and NEVER-LET-UMVENESS!


It is P,asy to hustle when .,■! ,i titlal wave of everyl)

; ay to bw honest when hon i. ii.-. but it is the stiew-to-it-ienesB !. siii'.<. lint it is the atirk-to-lt-ivencg

■ i is I'lOHT that wins. The man w -■■■, promising to right any wrong: th ;rllo,ns, anil then squirms because it promise, -gets it in the neck.' He th heeds in his business, namely: . The inn pulilio.,- *

aided alone with the crowd ' ody's prosperity. and it is eaty best serves our selfish

that hustles w"hen others are dls- tliat does right at all times- because I

ho boasts of his honor to win patron- j at may occur In his business trrfns- • costs him a dollar to keep thac j us destroys the very thing he most ! unshaken conddenre of the purchas-

IB l.K'KNEU, BROS. HAVE MARKED DOWN THEIR ENTIRE STOCK OV Si KM S AW) BOf-S1" OVBKCOATB, tU-STKHri *NUf RHIKFKRS, excepting only their *20 and $25 Overcoats and *2'> listers of their own make. The fart that our customers have i learned to know, by past expa rience, that our mark-down sides are ' genuine makes them always a success. Delay not. Come at once :

et the cream.


The Methuen (.range poultry and pt't stovk «how opened Wednesday in Odd Fellows hall. Methuen, With u fine tot of exhibits. There was u good attendance both afternoon and even- ing.

A large number of entries has Men made by I^awrenre people and in thp prize awards made Wertne.sday^.a.f.*,?:;,;, noon local persons took all the prizes The awarus on belgian oares au.1 flemish giants were as follows: Im- ported belgian bucks. old class, Heaver Hroott poultry farm. Law^ mice, first second and third prizes: same und*-r eight months. Beavn Urook farm fiiwt prize; domestic bH- gian bucks, old class, Heaver "Brr,nfc- farm, ftr»t and second, U. E. Bur'i-

, ham & Co., Lawrence, third; Bftuie j under eight months. Be«ver Brool. : farm, first and third, W. H. Sherman.

I^awrence, second; imported belgimi does, old class. Heaver Jlruok. farnr, first, second and third; same unite.1

eight months, Heaver Brook farm ; first; domestic belgian does, old clusV, j Uetfver Hrook farm, lirst and third, |, ^ !■;. Htiniham & l'o.T second; same M., tier eight months, Heaver Brook fann. 'first, second and third; domestic bel- gian doel with young. W. H. Sher- man, first, i,. E, Burnham & Cn.. second. Beaver Brook farm, third: imported flemish giants, bucks, old class, Prod Stabler, Ijiwreuee,, first; same under eight months, Fred 9tajb rer, first; imported flemish giaiiM. does, old ilass, Fred Stahrer, first. second ami third;* domer.ti. Hemish giant huckj ol ' class*. Herman' "Matthew. Ijiwr* uee,

. first. Fred Stahrer, second; same un- der eight months, W. II- Sliernia'i. first. Fred Stahrer. second; domestic flemish Riant with young;. Kred Stahrer first. Herman Minifies, second, W, H; Sherman, third; domestic flemish giant with It youflg, Fred Stahrer. first. (!. \\*. t'elton of Cliftondale was the judge uii hares and giants. Poultry prizes will be awarded today. A large attendance at the show is expected this afternoon and evening.

P Mrs. PInkham, not of Medi-

cal Fame, Recites Long List of Grievances


E New Regime Starts This

Morning in Street Department

H r *


Twohey Will Case to be Carried to Supreme Court

by John Armstrong

raken Entirely With Her Divorce Suit, With Pros- pect of Night Session


Many Republicans Placed judfle Harmon's Decision by Supt. Hudson-Other i ^novvcd vVill to Stand - Changes to be Made Provisions of Will in Full


Telephone 425-3.


'f'he regular monthly business meet- ing iiiul annual election of officers pi (be Oeeaeenl c><4e dub occurred Wed- nesday niKht at the home of Mr. anil Mre. Thafyer on Bradford street, The onicera elected were: J. H. Lon1.. president; J. McAllister. \ iir-lircsi- dent; M. I. Fairbairn, secretary; Mrs. denrire Howard. treasurer. George Thayer riding vaptain.

-Mr. l»rd. the newly ejeetei! preal- ■ dent. has been a very zealous raem-

iContlnued on Page Three.)

The divorce ease of PInkham ■ v» 1'lnkham. commenced Wednesday took all the superior court's time yes- terday. Mrs. Wlnkham again took the •bind, her attorney. Judge Thomson. examining hat.

'He often pushed BM a*alnst ""' wall and threatened to choke me K death if 1 did not give him money

■\ year ago last winter he threatuned to knock my head off. He was drunk at the time. In Haverhill be Jam- med my face to the table and pound ed my head.' she said pf her husband

attorney J. C. Sanbom cross ex- amined . -WKiiesu-said -site- was.52, and v,as born in Uurke, Vt. This Is :tot the first marriage; Aaron P. Ordwa>

I was the Ihst husband. I The tirst year of the last marriage Mr. PInkham raised cabbages and .«l(l

! horses. A could always support my- I self by sewing. latterly Pinkhur. kept liquor about the house. I never

1 :;old lirotor oh the sly.' f T'wefghetl al>out 200 pounds. About ) 1'3T-years ago-ne puabed me four fee'

from the edge of the bed anil as he ! went out threw the brush at my head.

I did not'hear a ntirae say to Mr. Pinkham. 'I will black your boots fin you.' and I did not run out and sa>. I will not have this going on.'

I 'I don't know but what I am a woman id' a violent temper.'

' 'At one time he struck me so I was black and blue. That was quite . hurt. I i-an out. I never know Mm to want to strike anybody but me As to Hitting up with..sick people, i never knew .him to sit up except with a norse that was * irk -end other peo lilc's horses at that!

i don't believe Mr. PInkham sat un tvith old Mr. Poor, lawyer Ivor's fa- ther. He couldn't in the condition hi was. lie never, told me he did.'

■I don't waar to repeat the language be used to/me/^-yust I? It was very improper :tnd wicked. Once 1 went to the marsliaxk4oask about arreat. He

t was not arrested" 1 can't give any dates when Pink-

bam was Intoxicated, but it was every other day. in '90,

Here the court, because of doubt ol the witness defined 'assault'-^any uao of..force, as applying to the' case in hand.

'Once at a game of cards I did no! get mad. 'lid not call him every name I could, but did say [ would never play cards wiih him again—that was be- cause | did not like the ones 1 wa. playing, with! Never said the prin- cipal reason I brought the divorce sup was because my husband cheated.

'Then a neice of mine at hy house- Mr. PInkham objected.to her. 1 die

, I (Continued on Page Klve)


The l.ile I'uliiUhiiiK co;npanv has jiv.1 is> I another of ii. charming piciiu ■ I ks, 'Overhead in the Wit- Unffton Family.' ii is beautifully '1- lii Hand by C. Allan Gilbert, one of llic younger nrtista of the day, who is noted particularly for bis tender sen- i meat, rare mid delicate treatment, and tire lieautv of his women. The il^jsvme..- ale done paTtly in black and **1Jitc""">^d. partly in color, on heavy sal hi finished paper. The lines ac- companying each, are approptlate and clever. The bidding, which Is odd as Well as nrtlstic has a handsome draw- ing, !>v Mi. Hubert. Alltmether •Overlii-mi iii tlic Wittinglon Kamily' .is one ol' tic n-liesl Hfllstiaicd txxiks. .'^.ii li.is appeared for some tim iMbllsbilJH coliipany. imhlisilc!

mates.' and In It she tells of the de- iiuhis of living on an abandoned farm. M cooking by means of the old-fash- ioned open lire-place, of the Joy of making rag carpets that are both artist i<- and senslrTJe. Throughout, the book there runs a vein of good rheer. mingled with a eharaflng-rnral philosophy and a gratefulness to the beautiful world surrounding them. Houghton. Mifflin <t company, pub- lishers, price |1.50.

It would not take very long for an intelligent reader to grasp the posi- tion of Richard Harding Davis In his latest book With Moth Armies.' It | is a Spirited account of the Boer war. i and Mr. Davis had the best BgS facilities for forming an opinion.—he

Life, (was on the spot. Always a lover of price/,courage and grit, he lias seen in the

Visiting Hie Sun.'.a novel hy Emma Hinder, is ;i [ale of mountain life in

"K ■ntilrky and Tennessee '1U years -ago. The story deal- with the search under-

~t.ilien by'it lirol In. r and sistei I'IJI. ihcii father who dUaktpenred just before

-ii:c beakittg 'on: ,t ' Ue ih ii .-war. '' bib Ills #aj '" (ienraki with a drtivi or mules. The plot is intricate find stl'oligly worked out. bill a dis- lii.ci feeling of dlsappolnttuenl is nit In the leader, hecail-e tile lieroine dpos in.i sctti,. down with tome noble. '' i'' of the ntminl:iins in 'lie good oloi romantic sryie. On the eon- nary, the end of the slorv titi.ts tile I'i'illici and sister still all In .ill to

1:i< Ii olllw, and'with no oilier fpve ' i I i" ilie shy fur either. \< is .i i hill ling i t,\gu however, and the dea-

>■' ii>tn.ri-' of the life*and enviiontneiii ''' those li'anlj' passional'- """int.iiiicci > is vivid and jnler'sl.- '<*. Small, Mnvnnrd a company, piibli.-bei:, price $I.:,II.

II-ii 11. Albee has written a very '"iglil mid eiilei'taining acoMUH of IWp 1KI|,|V beaited |iopp|e wito chose ■ ■ hreeay hilltop in the Whito moun- tain region n. play at farming, She

I sturdy liin.clici fiviii'iis for his home- land against overwhelming odds, a figure noble, heroic, witll 'motives as line as any that ever'called a minute man from his farm, or sent a knight of the -cross to die for it in Pales- tine^

Whether one's sympathies coincide " with those of Mr. I)a\is or not. no one can deny Hie fact that his book is interesting, and told with all the vMdneas of a clever war correspon- dent. The binding is a handsome- one—scarlet cloth with the Union .lack and-the Boer hag in their own brilliant colorings. Charles Krribners' Sons, publishers, price $1.V}.

At this season of the year we begin

TO REDUCE OUR STOCK As a result we are offering many rare bargains in splendid . . . .


PIA NOS Steinway, Mason A Hantlln, Hardman, Gabler, Emerson, Shoninger, Cramer, Standard, Singer.

These pianos iira world*famous^_ar-__

Kx-Sui>erint'?nd«>nt McKemia took Id himself the melancholy pleasure ol ta-hiB all his former employes, *X<M>JJ- veteianw, last night, allowing Super- intendent Hudson a elewi floor. Ah yesterday afternoon stock taking wan in progress the mayor and intereswl officials being present. His hono. ua-s in one or two ways made a ple:i .'or a non-partirian administration et ;he department. This prompted Bn- perintendent Hudson to remark thai ne should prove more magnanimous than his predecessor—he 'could em- ploy some democrats, but they would oe Hudson democrats.'

In this connection Superintendent Hudson at one time yealerday a***?!.! McK.ennawhow many republicans no amployed on the department-

*Oh, about ten.' was the answer. 'Is that so,' responded the superin-

tendent, please name them. Well there is Arclwr—"

'You had to keep hlm—hfi Is a vet erau,' interrupted Mr. Hudson.

'And tlre-re is Griffin—' ■-•. 'We all know what kind of a re

mblican he is,.' commented the su;»er intendeut. This was as far as the ex-superlntend-

ent couldrgo with his list of ten. It is proposed to use the strictest

economy and to make as much as nos- dble o; .a (U'civase in the number of jien employed. Tne superintendent lelieves his i'ui-nier experience will toe if value to him in overcoming any wastefulness that might result irom Jie -breaking in' of a new man.

Superintendent Hudson proposes *a •xael from each man a full equivalent .'or his salary and invites the co-op ^ration of the taxpayers to brii.,; About that end, saying that should any man be observed uegle.-ting his du .ies a favor would be conferred upon he depaitment if the case was report-

ed. Work will be slopped on the con-

dfuetion of the CoolhTge street sewer until the spring. Mr. Hudson 9MfH it .would l>e folly to continue opera- tions there at present.

The uew appointments are: Clerk In Pemherton street office, t'ol. Mel- >-in Heal: loolkeeper. David Hail")' The drivers of doulile teams are: Ku- rvard Barry. 2'-\ t'joshy stieet: L'orne- .ius I-yons, Ml Water street; It. A. .ilrown, ill Walnut street; Joseph ('. Uochier, 32 Winter su*eet; (leorce ^\ . Morton, .'. Hancock street: Robert Mi .?lellan, 5<KJ Kssex street; Joseph IA- ,il;iiite. ."i07 Kssex street: Gustave Schmidt, 40 Allen street; M. 1), Wy- inan. 009 Kroadway.

The driven of single teams will be- leremiah Sullivan. 4"» Matston street M. J. Uedman, 25i Kim street; Tim ithy Collopy, 403 Elm street; J. F. toberts, 13 Tine street; Julliiri Sfhreiber, ■•'■' lOast Pleasant street.

Drivers of eesspofcl-carts are: pat rick Kennedy, 383 ! Chestnut Rtreet. D. W. Morrison, a callman at the hook and ladder house, and Daniel McCarthy,,.©! 160 South Broadway. Daniel CTNell. the well known bane- Dai! player, will^drlve the emergency wagon. William Dunlap will be feed- er at the stables. W. F. Schneider will be general emergency man; and helper.

The new wet anj dry men are; Ward one—Daniel Sullivan, Thomas ilanna, John Linnehan and William HUhter; ward two—Patrick Healey, Daniel Sullivan, William Beatty, and Frank Bittner; ward three—Matthew Daly. Kdward Kelty, John Calnan, and Mr. Dickinson; ward four—John Kel- leher, Joseph Fontaine, John Foley ind John Kearne; ward five— William Hohanaee, Robert Elder, William Walton and Joseph lAnoft, ward ilx —Michael Donovan, Daniel McCarthy, John paly and Martin Mulvehlll.

There are several more appoint- ments to be made to positions at the stable, but these will not be an-

nounced for a day or two. Superin- tendent Hudson will dispose entirely with a timekeeper the foreman being Instructed to .keep time.

Ex-Clerk O'Sulllvan cannot now "ontest his removal as he has pntk- 6fd, turned over his keys mrtt got out. le would not even remain a week fc

Some weeks ago Jndge Harmon of ■the probate court rendered his .d*c!- stoii in the, Twohey will case, allowing

■the will which was contested before | him in this city aeveral monthB ago.

An appeal is taken from his decision 'and the case will now go before the ■ supreme (court.

Dennis Twohey is the petitioner ami his case is being handled by Bradley and Rogei-s. The sou of the late Mary Twohey Is the respondent who

j will'make another attempt "to brea'.; the will. His name is John A*-m-

: strong and he resides In Boston. The will of Mary Twohey left ull

of her money to her husband. Her ton-objected to_.the will as he be- lieved she was forced* to .sign if. When the case was heard here he testified that he was prenant when

| she signed the will, but «rcd no objection.at that time.

The" Rev. Fr. Fleming ied in , the ease, stating that he a 1 Mrs. . Twohey to make a will ,-n sho : was sick to avoid fuU*o lamify trouble.

Lawyer Uratlley testified to making the will <m Jan. 2 =-1900,-— M4J. Twohey told him at the time thai she wanted all her property to go to her husband. Mr. Bradley read the ei-

| tire will to her after it was made and t>he said It was as she want".I it.

Mr. Twohey, the petitioner, is a well known citizen, huving lived here many years. He was hi the enndoy of the Lawrence* Gas company for ^"r years.


The great. Linen Sale at Held ami Hughes win continue (luring the rest -if the w«ek and also while tin' 'M'tl Km! Sale* g-»"s on. If you need any- thing In Linen, now is the rime to buy, and the place is at Reld am! Hughes,' the big dry good.^ store.


SILVER Complete £it\e

Of Sterling or Plat- ed Ware Com-

prising Tea Sets, Coffee and Tea

Urns, Meat Dishes, Cake Baskets, Bread Trays, Black Coffee Sets, Loxino. Cups, Prize Cups, Candel- abras, All Kinds of Spoons, f orks, Knives, etc., etc. 1.


Family Chests of Sterling Silver All Sizes a Specialty

Don't Buy Silver Until You Look Cur



Flowers and Plants of every variety.

COOD FLOUR, As every one knows. Is absolute necessary to

The Flour we use Is good; it's th< BEST Flour that we can buy.


and Graphophonee. Irom S5.00 upward.

MAKE COOD BREAD. The Flour we use Is g» BEST Flour that we (

THAT tS WHY OUR Trade is so well pleased. We use Crown Brand Flour and con- sequently our


J.O.MOREHOOSEcV Grocers and Bakers,

m AND 454 ESSEX STREET. , „ I i_j$l down, SI. week I Open evenings. Largest assortment

of Records to select from. Kverything ' new In stock, i

Repairing and Supplies.


. Telephone 751-3.


Veterinary Hospital If jour animal ta tick, from anv cauae, you can be relieved from all care of It hy having It cared for and treated at a reasonable price at Uw

MethuB V.t.rl.ary Koapita.1.

Edwin J. Castle, M. D. V. Telephone.


catted tu

nmimnv of llo*!oii, .- attractive ettitipii

or the poems ol Frederic Lawrence Knowles railed 'On Life's Suurway. They are dainty, aweei and original!

UOl i,. 1 [ I, I ;. 11 <1 I'lldl'l Till, olhel- grave. ,and oathetic. The l>ook \a lieautlfillly beiinil in white ahd (sold, nn.l forma ■■< rliarmtng mile volume. I, c PagOrft eomnany. publlahera, price si.::'-

tistic instruments that have evoked the warmest praise from the great- est musicians of the world . . . Despite the high character of these fine instruments they have been marked at prices that will insure a speedy sale

If interested iii (lie purchase of a.pianq visit our wureroouM ftntl inspect our mngnjiiccitt stock.

'.bow how (hlTiKH were arranKed at tin offlce.

The suppriiilendent this morning , told the members of tiie press that 'he .foremanshtp appiiintments woul-i not he given out till later.. „!

5si TO 1,KT-Furnisheil rooms in pleasaU

locality. Address Box 127. North houk 'Mountain i'luy- | Andover. Ma 1-10 Utam |

M.STEINERT&SONSCO. 290 Ensex Street, Lawrence*

f tepa Ue Oo«i* »■* Wtrki Off «k« OeU

Laxettve Bronto-Qulnlue T*r>l**tJ curt i coM In one day. No cure, no pay Price 21 cents.


Dr. lv (: Whlttemore, the grati o'OliHt mill eye Bne^claltel of ."p^2 Tre- mont slrctM. Huston, with his eorp* of asr.isiunts urr loeftted at Hotel llrnns wUlt. 206 Rsnex uteeet, where they IRM II.- found ft nut 0 tn 12-u. m., and : to o daily. lx s-n.

ON HAND An "Ad" that has al-

ways some news that is news. Today it is our Pidiio.s, and Prices thai will prove the econ- omony in buying Ours.,

MiiiRRILL PIAJSTO MFG. CO., 620 Essex Street TelvphoL* eoLntettrttl.



. •] of m 'aoiotia Fr-orli pb/iicUu, trluVufelr cura ftm oTLlF«*r \ MI, or dwi'MM of th.' (*>n«r»uve uraluw, web u Loai Manhood,

, I«<«iimril», I'aliiiln tboBiu-k.Bflmin*' rraiaaJoiM, Xrrvoua Dttbltut' 1'iinpl-n, ViidincsK U> Marty. BXBMMlBJ Dralna. Varlooea,,, ».-J IJtMOMWa. Ilniu["i«ll toea*'* br d»T or nigtit. Prr-ama qaU-k- ii< S.H ul d.wbart*. •■ .>«'h if not nb#ckf<l load* U>Sf*HbWt«nlKsa>ttMl

Mro«r mi. inrA ■*" ilivhortwu.Ilit prtrent!)*. « I' PI l»i:i«K I'IFMIKI tb« Urer. to* runt. »»B*rrun kiilni.,, ft(i(, ,„„ u, Mf ,,.KA,.mijt »jiijnpurjil«», CC1MDEMK ■tr«*nvUiei)Baua ,T«iiir-svmil. vnm organs, Tn* ri-Muo ii'iTeifr, ar« not cm-fd bv i ..»■> B In bir-rui**- nlnptr P*r wot tr» troubled with

MUIIII*. iTPIDKSKIt no 'v known ratii-dj to core without an o^ratior^jIWOtMttaMuit •la. A written fUJ»f»fi !•'•'«; vi*u ami IIKIII.-V r-rnrrn-.i if RI L.ifi .lofB not effect a f— Tm%tal «ar% fLOOa bui.iii f<'rf'> uu. by ui*ll. Band for rut* circular and irnuimnnala. .

Addrraa DiTOL MII>ll'I9II CO.. P. O. Box JJ7e, 8au rnnclaco CaL Jbrixtt*

For P(rl# By Oorpp W. RrjirHhnw Pnni OttW Prne; Stnrp. Ijtwrenro.


7 •



Estimates Furnished.




HOLIDAY GOODS Tn If found In fhl-t rtty.

found. Among nui i 11 . k of muJMc tell.lav alila will be

Gnipli.'iplio ics and Records, Electric Batteries, Motors, £n- ffjjtiea. hrperstifl -Wntcht-s, Packet Knives, Safety. RtffAnrs Cutlery of all kinds. Carving Knives and hoiks, Children'^ Cart, wade hj' the t'aris MTgtJff.V'SiTcllVn endless assortment of other desirable and appropriate articles. Something fpi

TREAT HARDWARE AND SUPPLY GO. 502 and 584 Essex Street.

A DOCTOR WHO CURES. Ii in 'need of medical-attention, y mi want the beet. especially when you

Jill *el Hit' be*. :«' a iiMiiliTillr rust. " Vim wain a physl ■inn who will make gpod his promise to cure yon in.

(irady legally guarantee* a perfect ,-cure of every case tie undertakes 'Vim Himi a nhviu inn nf ili-i-n horning Dr. lirad> possesses diplon.a.

years' t'.\[»'ri"(tt.' n


from .the best mp.rti.al colleges: In tin* world, ami has Professor. I." tnn-i. Author ami Snev ialist .

Vuu wan I ;t physic law well equipped « iih flrtentlRe apparatus rjradj ha •,■>.''' \ .ip|'ai-aia>. Instrument and devtre of proven value.

You want a physician who u pertjianetly located in Itotiton. (iradj ha> pra'ctjsed his profesaioti heve for a long time, and intends to so for iti-' \oti wan) alexi a pnyaldai; who will deal liouestly with you, Di (Irady v\lll refer un to hnndVeds m' well known, responsible business tin n lie has iii"d';tad nf&de tia.ppy.fwho will cheerfully vouch for his ansblnti personal lnt*Krlty, as well as his lrt»;hprofessional ability.

VVetlf men and suffering women.- you . will dO well to talk with !>-. iir.idy before Bolwj plspwhen1., Ho oilers you the best, mosl skillful, Bclet,-" rtW and BUj'l'elOilful treBtinniil'the. mild inn! profpssion affords. Consult trim- hi* day. privately and free ot charge, l( attlleted with any of the. following

^iniilai* tnmldp>

V U.tirnrvi ;:


WEAK ono \Ns







sTiiicTriii: \NI>


m.ooii i'0!so\ —

1 '" liyiHj: nil! "{ U


iv write yotiv













is muil ti'oatmpiu is alwii;.-


At the- afternoon . si'ssioti of (•otii' the illvonn case or Wills vs. Wl!!.; wu'.i rontiiujeil until ili» May Kria of, supertor romt..

Mi"^. Koae Carter of tin* city. \\;i^ fturtMl' H I'i^u- -• tioiji her JiM~,iiiHi ■in tl:i (round! "f urofs ,ana erJH- tiinii'fi Imliits of ilrtinkennew. "Mrs. ParteV sniil ihf "ns, innr-

ii,' I ,n ManJien T. K- H/. *t* yeara nuo. flail li"i- hii^linii'1 juTisieil for lion-.-,ipiioi i. ii'' wai Bent lip fur rhiv.- mohtha on, ilii- occaajpn,

Mrs. cjiilnii with whim Mrs. C'"'; tei' hoards on Walnut stii'i't. sci'l she wiyil to .--i-hnol ivitli Carter. ■ Mrs. Uaaia.Cote., -Mrs. Carters •no'tii«,i-. siii'l thai her son-fn-law tt'it^ firnnk iitioii! all the time and .never liaii any nion- >

Alon^o i'. Townseiiii wa«" ealleil t" anawn the liliel of -tii^ wife, Miinin R. Trifcimead: lie wjis trefauIWd.

Mrs*. Towneontl came fo. ftaverhill to live afb'r three years of married llf... Had In* huaband nrroated in Hnverhtll Jpr almee.

Martin Mead, n pollee nffleer oi Danvem saw (he officer ' -aerve t ii'»■ wi it "ii Tov, naend * . ■ ■*

The iic<-r, ■ w.is ui'.iiitcil on aeeounl it" drillilo inn .-- ...

Seven wlfnesres. were* asvom n the ■us.' of neor*e K ihyileli vt.l Mary ('.. Dnnt.'K . ■■' ,

Mr. Iiini'-l- is .well known in thlF' ■it\- and is .1 confectioner. He « IB married In is'W to. Mlea Mary ■('. Hitswll. daughter of EJe-nreSenttitlve lnsi'iiii Biis'well of Methheu. Hla wife Ict't. hiltl Ml 1S1HI; |;ili'\\ II" '

■on for her going. linlgc Thompaon for the . plaintlrf

entered several letters Into Hw esl lence. M.s. Donieia h.nl left her linshnnd will said she wnl,1 inn 1. turn. She claim' 'I support. Mr. Janlcls asked her 'to return to liim 0 which she reolled thai sac sonhl ever do so. lull thai h ■ mtlSI ul'- ion her. . • ■•

Mr. Danleia wrote in an w- .■ that e would lie clad to- wlppot I In r al Is holll". lie iii.-\cl 1 llnr !-l

ci aaking liim once more it he n.- tendeil to coufet a main' mini .■ upon

Mr llijnlels 'lie li"i 1 r-fll? thta Idici

^Almost Killed Her."

The tbdught -of hef ii.i'irturniuKtf-iJi.iviiih- stdl a young rWiimiin, almost killed livr Mrs MASON. Niitt.-miTiTT^ \V Va.,writ

IE Vli'TDUIA <'ll.\S(;i>

" " .- ■'■■ 1 "Tloidii- d. • Lease of the Hotel,

leorKe W


" Kindrncloird ii 5 >l"r Health. I ■« delrhied hair wusopiy thai I vrai inc. BM licin'K ■"> vmiriK 11 li,nr w<4» RetiinK wiuir K

i,M tifuth

inej. of, Roehester, as irr.ii! for 1123,000 the'hotel bu.- ae-as', Iticludtng furniture, good-will :id unexpH'fl 1 lease, pf.the Victoria otei company, al Broadwky.[FltJi A-.' nd Twenty-aeventh street. New YoWt;

Mv 'in which CJiartes M. Kee3 tiaa~a con- ... trolling inteiN si. The lease, which

inn* 5SisV:i?*l« w ■ la bns/ninc years to run. covers the sighl *i?Aifiggl^ -VM-V hotel propel fronting sonw 103 onto*1 MAY'.- *f>A -on Broadwby, 2n4 on the soutn . . g'j' g -^''-ii.Mw.f Twriity-seveniii street* -.viM

hicti-=cndfil» th Ihe boittc iiJumetl for

f Hal r-


Backn.h idm-> >.

toan's Kitluov Pills will cure it- (jaw I'-m •■ pel pTc entlori ■■ i ITTS Mrs. O. lleftlnbothani .of 2<i BotLw* M

ir.i-t. Bays "For Hire- ypar-t V hvl a.dnll.at-hin« arrcyu the ..mall of i:. hack; headache, hpells of'dl M.MPMS ami oilier sytpplonis of kidn-" ■ '-,-n plai caused hy the irregular: these organs, i i rled rWonmiPi remedies; but their effei t wa • n ».

' ike Doan's Kidney i'MI .. Mj! •nil, 21 years of MS-P. used i hem and was enrei'l oi' hil-JUuIn -.in'. ■ '* i

Hair=HeaJth «iil iwwitivery retturi- irr.iv, failed or bleached I .*

■:'M.11 trilor. la not a dye, but facda the i •■ ■ ■ ■' lkr> Hie h.(ir IttulUiy and al'iitidjiit '- -

-■:. t H.tv'.s Mair Health rt . fio -t -,'. : lutes. H.H.n.i>si>IHliy le.idintr(inii;i:i-.i-.e\.rj,«i •■ -■■it bvaxpresa, ptei'.-rtd. m rl.iin sealed ri,i..i. 1 I SOON SUP-PIA &..8ij Hroadwav, \ \ . ■ ■ i.e Harfina Medicated .Soap, beat uJap I';',»'

;-.ib. skin and hair. All on re, tint „t toe. and il i ■• I.ARQR 30c. HOTTLRA. AT ALL DRUOQISTS

2 in Fifth nveuite. lull does n.>J in- lade the so-i-alle.i annex, becup:

fng the rest of I,!H- Bftwxrway Wpek' from ,-.■■**

.\ir. Bweetlfiy was formerly prorprte- IOT of tlip d.i\ in^sinn hotel at Ki.t i'-.. ;er, nnd ol th< HcTI I Ontario, at Ontario «Bea'rh.

Mr, Sweeney will spend considerable mouoj right awaj oi beamifylng the lurtel nnd ho owns .1 number' oi

be Netti* snow was gnplarMal Mr. ,,,,„,,;,,„,,,, DaimlngSi whirl, will Daniels store-when his wife ft'Hl I? there,, riaw'uo trouble iictwceii, l.us- iand and wife. Her husband cafsd

, an brnhan child, not at hi- own In iise. lioue\e!-' Mrs. Hani, h M not like ihe child. -■ '

Sidney Morion, an em'jdo> ' the

ung in the cafe and corridors The Vict'orta has the hundred fooms

;:'[i,i ,,n- hundre 1 and fifty Rtiltes «Ith ,..1 ii, tint] [* i.t'"i-i ]-i-< [n all. it ibfiitiheftiH, " Mr Sweeney will - oil*

duel if 1- LI 11 u ,h high - ■ - 1 1 ■ .1 ion able prices. Thp, 1 ui-iai

Washington milK .was ihe bcxi «it: „ ,,„ ^:mu{ tn n()nfl

Had ealti d fli the BiwwelJ hi Hi . Mm. Dahtels ne\a 1 iu».de my FI;WI |hc 1 (tjuplalnl as to heri tri ,11'iieat by her husband. ThjWi I I ier iiiisband should supp'ort tieV.-

Mis. Haj ward bail worked fOr Mr. Daniels. The couple got„ ins

The phi del ause i

«SJ%4 ,.'.1 ill right together.

!l the trouble. the decree was grarited on cin'.inc--

1 ilca't-tioii. i-!'.i-. E. Blake nj Havertrltl was

iranted a decree of divorce fio:n h ;■ liiHiainl. Charles E. Blake Ih.t

.,■,; 1 cm.; desertion-. ., ' Her husband was n barher. and

trail a nlaic of Imsini'ss af lie- 'iini'i- Mendmack and Bridge Btre'et.. lla,-

■rnill. when they eeparateil- .He d'l ; !8MI and she 'did nol J' rom htm for ■ Ix ■■■> ,r- Rial e

I drinking "man. ■ ilia.i .1 Monney. molhi r oi Mi

II life', i- a reakleni "t Hnverhlll veil with ' her daiighti r, -Mrs. ike wot lie,I- ii*i Jhe stloe -shop ami

This riirnntaru la on every boi of tho genuine

Laxative Bromo=0iiinine T*I* 111.' runieUy tliat eurea nlltJ *"* V»« dtt*

Iiini-i sciioof,- AI.IMM.

Vllinial Mi'l Winter Boe»ptil>« a'n'd name Takes PJace .Ian.. Iii.

ri'.c annual mid-wititei^ rerepfimt mi ilntif.1 of ihe High .-- hool vliirnnl

ussocj in ■ ii ul w hi' ' ' '■ !l

graduate of thu'hlgh school hiok ■■ , 1 10 with pleasnrahle anti I «l

»TT3**t''1ieheltl m IMIgrtm hall Wednos da* 'evenlivg. Jan. Iti.-

fetb-jnr ttie 1 ■ in ■■ ■ I 11 the haini-.a ■ ' Wl |f> , ,...■.. 1 ■ , : mid h ' nd

:, "lice.

,.; -| I OOK l"ll'Kin I.

\ ,. , Wl Iteci '■ * -i laicc

m -ii' HOfHUj-r hut' '

,]•' hii • 1

[•he- l.it.-t Russte in-

all not

A FREE PATTERN L«r u*n atlcriionita •»er? i'ib«rrtb«r. Baaatlfal t-*t irrd UHiarm&Vd t--'« ■'.rt inuatiaUau, Ofl«laaL . .aiwt, artu.l.. amttlalta.and m .■ liy up-t^data daalaa*


ftnii in !<UiW<


■ahold blou. ihe>.t »■ .ria*.- uui-etil tm>l«, «c. BA-r^oa. r^-aa,. _i,iij : >*AI'.J. Laoy aifaavaiaited. Saod tor Uraia.

■U: IM» in Rjghj oi Cape l-ar»mi

A nreattagK from V&i* lty» - ITM pa'-ssengprs nre kepi

.ill ii;?- ere* a.v ■' tin ir posts, and 1 1 aptn tri and officers are .laahPtl ■ 1 , . ■;■'■■ '1 he . [i men trie I ..,,i]vt, ■! 1 iei ■: ii r'n'l bni us H n- a red conip Hjon t ftp; ;wi re wa'sl av ly


mlHoa, ffi"l» and littla fltilldran. That «ar> - ' .-"rfTft't not aUalrivr! hy lhatiM e'uii

■i. ..■ ..j ■ ■, >i forat/laand Q*ri—\ at

^rvisx**' Thifl aiiniiiture is on ©very box of the gunuin.

Laxative Bromo-Quininc Tawets the nuiedy Hint cures a cola lu one d>y


p, 'eriiui-n' N 11 Jan, D Con- ."■sleiaii lunik 0. Clarke illo t at his iome here lonlajhl Ht hail B en In I] hi .I1I1 for some lime tail ul ■ ■ < lition waa not eon ode:-",I ser -"is. inly two days ago he. annouu -eil i I ■ ■ ei ,.,,i.'.|.: front till . -clla'.nia! i ill

II "ii iic'cn ml ol ill he-lllh.


£3b Jar

■taall-/ put If/sthrr- jialiir Bald in nrarl 4aV (of llirm. Maall

TtTE Blrl UIUI W«lt lilt III

■■ la .t.1 11 eanta aaek-aant ..arTrtlt anltown, or ay mil ]j T«rr ■-'•!■• hi d*» atylw, T 1 COMPANY, • .... K.• TarhCMT, SI a

rUIiPtfTTtK "f kidney iron.. -4-44. ilieni al Whitney A.- C-O."S aruij stlyi mi Stales street. A few dose? 1 oil vtnped me that I hail tonin th ■ c p

■! remedy. li (lured me For sale by all dealevs,. l-'oster-Mll:

burn OK. Buffalo. N. V inljs agents for the r S,

Remember the ii.V'n- ■ ake a h-'i




' Ttrt1 in Sf ■■■ ■ ic ten H ind bv Ills

1, , ;> "Pi'iiscl I., hi- -n a Ay M \ kin II' Wat it von

v 1 ness and It Ws . ' t. 1 'mi his know ledge

Id ilitained Mi Follanahee s ild llnil

luitahVer c.itne hi.-iii" I ici ii . ■ in 1 li cued he 1 Mrs. foil in-'"'' '

1 10 him Mrs vtkl , it Ci.' vc ' ;■ aicl' sl li ed 1 A,. ■ Mice :.. Aikin had liw I in I .■

nil 1,".ii Iv nil her life, She :■ •cars o'.l arid wit fiiarrtwd In \v


in all its stm*f8 tliero sfaoaldDack KJJ'B Cret'm Balm

- . ■

[dia ,:■■:■ •- ii .■..'■■■. ■■ 1

awny a cotd i I i-1 -■■ I ■■

' i reamBHIm ■ ■■' '"■ I IntO'lJic i.ostrila, siiremlt

Mr t^.t. 11 ■ ■■■ I ii I ■' "'• B« Wi* :,;' tut dintesutl'a cj .■ owa. It ia opt ifcilB | ml uYotfo. ■ ■' ■ ' I'W "■ •■'' "'('" St'Dru j-

W/^LL * A PEP :>2.00

all ■■■ ■■ •( ar ■ to p n el a room; with el gant i-.'-r. oorder match. First claaa work. Wo sell paper at factory prices We aluo lo painting whitening and tinting. Semi a postal card and we will call on you.


WILLIAM F. FAY. CO State St . Boston.

Rooms 708.'709. 710 ami 711 . Branch Office, Providence, R, I.

Rooms 408-407. Banfgan r.ldg. MONEY TO LOAN.

To- reliah! ■■ ua'larled people holding, 11 :: .;iiit lit p such ar, bnhrt fjenksjt, superintend/ uls, for. ihen salw

_.\_.' men. ^casntets,"'1' "biMKaJeTplil'll," gl'hunl— Hi; - pli rks . etc.-, anywhere n

Mass.; all bu iness treated rorrtWmri I and in a rellalde ntaiint-r, easj

kterrasi .eonvxeyanclng and.notary pui.- 1 if-* full particulars or. call; , ! to 5,

..,. $■}■ trip to lttwton neceaaary; wrii ■ f»-t't T'^-rtti plarA-to Itoslvm ofll'p and dEfl

■ ft-ply by return mall with full

'±\^-.— Wii m -Vntr-

' 1 .■■ itip 111 iomnia, I atlrlppe

and Malaria Feyer, and Ague. Trj il ITT6R>

■tav'Ui-if nil—t-h" Idils lie ■ It rrmt—nfvT- vfini'-iiin^- "TTcT fiTT

n her r-UfP' i't. Mr. Atl in icme Intoxii ited several; times.

\11-Mn Spi ajnte, H poliee offl : . w IMwai'd D. M, At kills and but he ke»-ns had company, ,

Mrs AH.in-, recalb d, said ifr h"-' -t 1 00k ■!. I »i 1 week and Mrf is ird He is L ■„ ,

■ ■.ii- oliU •. ■linliM- Vili'H -t\.\ he wunle

. ul- the vb u ;.r further v\ idem

but would

it M iium we nil h of Maaaachntrtt*

• ■ i'i:'»n.*-i i: roi'RT.

Tu tl P he ■■■ taw, ue\l of kin, .'iip'ctii-ors: anil all other- persoiw in

rested in the estate '-f Willi u 1 .1.. ■ 1 '' itf ■ : ! ;: ^ IN lice, ill -..li^!

loVintV . th I'I- (HT. llite-lale. W'hi : ■ 1 ■ a petition has been pv.-

i^iH.-ti^j-i L_tD v,ran' a letter

"Tiie ei'mtestpd tl-lvorec <■■•■ e id &te ■n.« iV-BHiMniiii lukhatn " as

1 foi the p! nkorn for ri

-Charli Tl

nnborn atVd 1

H ■

s ■■ 1

Three Lines Three Times in Either Paper, 25 Cents; Both Papers. 3r> | Cents; Six Times, Either Paper. 35 | Cents; Both Papers, 50 Cents

DR. GRADY 3 ME0I0AL AND 6URGICAL INSTITUTE Permanently located 238 Tremont Street, Boston. The (loeinf can be corisnljtPd [ri»m to to t; - to '• and 7 to 8, Ruridavs

and liolkt:iys 10 to 12 only. Frea taii-i'vot fnre to Boston aniKreturn. I'a Men! need not. fia> imttl itny are cured.


TO LET.- A -'i\ room I'-iicinciii hath, iiantry, all modelu inerrtB and convonleiu .-'. Appl) al It Bunker Hill «tre, i. M l* i ..

TO LET—Rooms furnished or unfut- nlshed; all conveniences, Ht 121 Ha-

verhlll afreet, near tho Common. • Referenda. 11 « tfa


The Time io Buy Is ivlitn ihe owner wants to sell and fbi this


('"' I,, i si.ac.al |mpa ii' fell hami 'lac ^i! c 1

FOR S\l.l sale. I hifv COCIOT itpauiel ''" ; ici M ii" ■ a nt inth

■jild; \ So, i >!«* and r.i :• 'one i an see lli.'in-l'v ca'I.A, ' ill '" U.OUSI I

. ii",,i Hi. i. M. ftnleh I iir. i'aiii a ir- a.'.l:' s- Ainii vii .1 l.a .. a, . Ii""i cL . il'ic".

icasiiti this Ts*Tlic"fi'niy to Iitu' whatever Oress Goods

yon may need for the rest of the wintc.

i We have just completed our arinua! stock., taking

ami h;n e placed values on our stock thai will he. sure to

sell tin: goods in :i short time. Be sure a.ul be ninoni;

he luelty ones as these Special Bargains will hist hut n

ve'fV SIHII 1 lime.



Off oa and Salatroomi. 558 Common St

Will SALE -A aew two BtorV c -tta house consisting of eight rooih«. Iiiilh hoi TInil cold water; clociTi'

>;.■• ligHtlna. Open pi naiiinu. .1.0 .in.- -a n« Middli'linrr id. ri 1 a If

t'Olt s heivv

'hand. l.'Olll'l, lei Lu


illed iniiit and .■ fence.

Klorence C. Plnkhatn was n ii eiiaih- K. Plnkhatn in t^s" Ived "'th lnai lit' veal- aa.l IIMIIII . ;'"i' the first three ic l.a" a-'a ■ K I mane timi i

lUlmtt''.. nf liquor. Whih 1.1, ic, i ,,cc!i thrown from

a ,„. I,. ii„. tl..'..- la .her hjialMHi 1 tas ill-lie ll"l anil ' II ncU !l' ,' ■-■ ■ ■ .

1111. in .lane IS?9, he canie ■ mi Siiinia> morning' very drunk -an

1; down nt the tai'i" and !.:■.''""

ic, h ad. 1 in one aceaalon he , 1 iome verj lli'h.v; hav'lii rlepl ,,:,.' Un M. "Hi "" 0 u.i u' his loth' - whii h alvi ' 1 ' '

,-. !. ii hef an-lmli 1 'c a mil hired 11 ft fiemem in [''ostev

1 1... . Mr, I't.ni.h un coi muttd n it, III -' .',,:■ I ' ' . '

1 l .1 ' I IU 'I: I iflMt f] no rung,

f ii'iniiii-i'iatii'ii .ci the e-tate IlJ aid 1, no ■ I to K Hy I . .Iii'iuilh. of

f'omily 'f i:.-c\. J iyj j : , ci.!

':. 1.1 ■' '■• iic *« n-lth. LIU'.

\\. ar ■ ■■ I15 1 ited,to l'v I :• ■ 1 mrl I" )

1 aald Conit': ol I' "■ .fir I civ ' ' ,1 cc ,rV'j A. 0

" ''ill" ' "■ 101 l I"-' i"'-c:i""i:. ■ ' ..! ff 1.11;-. . If an., you lla\ c, wliy - hi'iiM not ht- planted. And the pfltirionr- la heifeh.v ill

.■, ■!"! II e I It'll II"' ' till ;a" I ■ cililixliinir this citation oac*- in

■ :C 11 k. I"' 1' I 111' '■ "ic -J"' We. 1,1 I rvrt t' c ll"|-, A'aci I an. a .■..in iiishi 'I in Ixtwrehi *


"n last pul.Hca.tlon' t" h ' 13 . ' l.eforc iail Cowl

Uali.lj !■: Haunch/ Es-

: . ; -' li di". of aid Ciiurl ; ' lld il rt of laiia :ri In the ye 11

■i" ihonscii.i nine huiidre 1 and om 1 r M ».H6NBV' Reflate!

1-3- H'.IT'.I


KitiiiL) Complaint,

„,, Suralhro»t, ;t:j-Aa,Conwr-Colon*! SaotL i:bfi,u:j uu Sftna Dl«rs in'-.h; Vaatb. R»(r K«'LIH|? Writ*

. ...jofn of eure-. U M t-U tl.o moM olwtnwt. . rt»..- \\n l> :,'■» iii rti.-l ; h. orhf UHMHA in |.- to SfiiL.tt Oji.ival.tWO.mi, BAy-pagebooliFBEE. SuLrauihortitto CO OK K£M£DY CO. 1181 Maaonir Temple Chicago,111

For Women. _ the kidneys arc , logged m- fail 10 act |n,i|ici'lv. jhere - ■ Thai r,r.Tolman'sMonthlyRegnlatorhMlirouglit

.. , „ ,., ,„,, , ,,.,,.: ,,. Hi.' Illll II 1 i..| 1..11....I.. liiiiiiln-il 11 warning. If tic pftln is sharp tire i.,''.'." .!""''■. !i* u" warning a more it 1 gent. a .... . '1

I'litli-. KU'llAiU'S' RI.^CTltlC [> r, - i 1 1 111. a,, i.nn CUM "

Mali KI11MBY TBPrHt.Krl evet the e.irli.r'i-t igea of UHlfltl 1"S DIS

m-.i.r \VT


Prof. Richards la well known in this city and wh 'n bt

-,- i.. ■! Bjpti nieiii i" ople well know that it is'so. He makes you this offi' il:.,i If he falls to i are vnu of Kidm ! 1-ioiiiiie he■ will refund atl money you litve paid. ~~

<>\U>\\ itirn VRDS' UiAM' POW- ER XO. __ [■;i.K',nnc HKI.T will

[ men or

itli.T n-iucilv known will ao Mtiiiklvand

ic in vstlutd saingkj luoai ubaUnatscasea

tlrunl I.tll. NAOUHM

Hi.- at diflleiili ■■ - k ■ -1 iTTj treaty] tlmnjcti 5oTT»: umlenr-B.ai iltheniool<'ompleteauUsfactioii

u il in every Inatanos. 1 reliai fJian- ■''■ iMwiii'mlnen-ajTMe, Wr.m*"\

II.' r |..r.. lam. All l.ttin'trr.thfullv it-.vri.M. Free cootldentatl udvlce In nil latterai i a.privateur'dpboats.nature. Hear t mtnrl llih itaiiw.lv is ■ii.s«.iiitf!\ asfenuilei

ki <'.n.iit.i.,.u iinti »ni pusitivcn ■■■■■■ ilr.-fTfi [- i!j„,n the health. Hv

' i - "< Or, K M.TOI. IAN <.■■.. ^np t t*t.. I;--[tin, Maaa

■ nre ST] tl: ■■■- e t-VU'OTI-W.-Y

private i:ii.\l\ A\i'

The ..;. i

Haw to Tell the Genuine


: i: W . box .of t!

.i:>--. ';uiiiin--. ► »■**•

: \ I:D \ \\A

■- ji i-'i meul ICon ; ;, 'iv tlmonial

:. /- Only DiriM't. Water Route from , BOSTON, PROVIDENCE ami

nf ihe ati' i J Mn a.'O'ti 1




\i:i:\i'. i:\ii\i S'IIDN. Niatvor iU-.llll.l I'V. KARI.Y DECAT, l-O-S "" SlEMOTtY V Mm i.n'i:i.l:. BPKll- \1 \TOIlRIIOKA.

In a Nutshell No mateai' from whal the trouble

,,' - . prii g, no matter, how lona -:

has bci n : tinning <<>■ how eoinpHcate'! H h;i-■' -..!■•-. ao m mi i la, A ■ OT I qw old tie man' maybe, if li tS ..Hii. rins ii i v anj r'i m o( ni i weakner-- my EJiei trie Bell wi'l i uri hini. li will ■ not' fail m i * ttfj'i y. ittkty -- a.'.id ie-lor. tile dee I

lei'i-i-.' i . j I a • trength ■st'ud ■ I manhood, \uil I - I lib !■»■■

^ii:' world in produi •■ nm i-a-n i :i if v.r- •: ■ I kit will nol cure w.hen worn-

■ i nna eni I li ol time., ■

I Challenge ■ ar.v dti P ri. || si! ■ rrmpa u\- or chem i i oi pit: la. p a 'ti edielne thai

■lire I I . i i ,. i ■ i ■ ... I'UOK K1CH VI}Pi RLECTK1C liiii r and in thin '■ i I j romii i n to i si npv modi in i w inte\ cr. I iru i - mn Imul: te foi a i Iftie, 1ml n*ei or

MI ,'.■ ■ ;.'iri aialati 'ii.ti!' EUfii ti fc


SSPG m • • • •

insurance 2fi3 ESSEX STREET. , . ;

it'l. ihv;,\... cures,

' ill .:;..! see me | I'', i l.i-.\'l'|il\ I-


ml .talk il 'iv- r

I orris & Simmers HORSE SHOflNG ASPLCIAI-1 1

' IF.

j IIYIIKIIS \\ I ' Doors nnd

oirrtli I lillls. -full

.—A flrrt cln*» lit if! horaej rotwtantly .' .. .ecoml 1- "'I hon .Id an'! c\. hanged.' IJnii-' f ind Son, 'TI ;M,iitl, llnioi, j nil i.iiui'. i'i e ',-:i ,,ir '


h Wtm maii hy Will

537 Essex Street, Room M. tmriVVAY III.IM;. I.WVRENCK

J. Jin Mm rdi ■• Inc. ai\ Iclt-i No Alliii'Ver. Ma .

- -HY—.

t WoojJbsry ft Co.

Id nl il"- send

Ryder. 2 Jai I, on 51

• ;it \ NH in

Bhootlug Conte t Targets num.. H'

1IJ I'.. 1 lo IT

id '..


\ORNTS, either sex. to c.l our jj ... elrv llovelti". a I pas "iiilnlf-shill imul ' ■ ■ 11.1 names and a.Mi. V t Ii free samples ' • kTTI.KIiORf] WATCH CII Attlehon He -, i

a i \.« Jfork.

Bun tb. /) l»l '<•■'' VM iiflie "'«!.. Fil V. SigMtnr. /*7» tSI -s '■

Past Moileru ytaamahipa anil Ex- cellent Hervioe 9 Throe Sailinj a Week from New York, AiTonling

' Rail Connoetiona To all Southern Resorts,

WM. P. CI,YDE & CO., iSenl Aitta. tfTHE0. C. EGI'iR, 0, M. ■ •

19 St nt o Htreot, New 1'ork




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St Louis, St Paul, Minneapolis AND ALL POINTS

Weet Northwest Southwest

Pullman Parlor or Sleeping Cars oi, all Through TratM.

l-'nr tlckiti and information apply at any ptinelpg.1 ticket office of tin. com- limy. , •

II. .1 Pl.ANIIiCHS- tieu I Pan. *i Tkt. Agt.


S«—I'lopeily on ''»»"■" afreet near l'r""i\.. y a-ii two tenement house

. am seliopl. I,ut laiB'' • a" c h i . liuild anoiHer hoim«.

;32 - l-'itic teni ni'iit property on Chest- nut stiect, near Lawrence.

.11 iioiii le cottage of 16 room*. Mod- eta en, ;.. p lot ', [ x I 15 r, et.

sl IIK irding hnnae ot 33 ruims: KO.HI I" ir. !■'-.. pi ;. ". A' -o several goeJ - ; i'i ; on E ex street. I 'inn tciiametit Iiouse on Bailey I'ct. Modern Improvements. I'm

i."r.l.'t. A i tenement block on Olfor*

Wllcl., i vaod Investment Vrope^ty <•*

flak .street. \ \j. Wc lave residential t.nd investmfT!rr

ironertj in all parts of the city •"•' . luhurhs, Rentu collected and estatM



£ NORTH ANDOVER f •{• •!• *rs*t**»**v**T**vMc* •* •f**f**f<************

The out-of-town " firemen, select- man, chief engineer ami assistants,

■ with members of the local fire de- triment, witnessed two hltcfi-upS

at the Wben i-Juttou engine house. Ptfitrsday evening, which, called foiln many very complimentary comment*1. The time made was so swift that tie spectators wondered how It wa-i poB8 llaift for Driver Wellington Davis to train two green colts to MI-MI perfection in the eompnritively ,-hort time they have been here. It plainly showed that Mr. DavN tifis a thorough knowledge of horses, and - an skillfully handle them In :<ir> emergency. He Is a valuable man in the position he holds, as the re- s-ult* plainly prove. In the hitch- ups he- had the assistance of Driver i leorge "Mnttheson.

George Church is recovering from 8U illness which has detained him at dome for a number of weeks.

Miss EHtla- Malo reached tlie res:- . ri.nee of her parents, .Mr. and Mr.-. Loftk Malo, on Water* street. Thurs day after a pleasant five weeks visit in Connecticut. So glad were he,- trlends ut her return home, thai ihey arranged a nenuine surprise. They gathered at Mi.-s Main's lioni'- Frlday evening, and hail a most en- joyable time. Songs and instru- mental selections were contrlbuteo, and a least of ROCK) things served. As a souvenir of the visit Miss Main received a beautifuI gold cha ii: bracelet, presented as a token of es- teem and love by the L'*. young i>eo- pie attending. The recipient was visibly affected by the kindly a art wholly unexpected a.-t.

The Kssex County Pomona Grange met in Merrimack, Kriduy, and marly every Grange in the county was represented. The morning ses- sion opened at 10 o'clock, and. closed at 12.80 when the members' repaired to Coliseum hall, where dinner was served. At the conclusion of din- ner the afternoon sessions began. rhe installation of officers '.■■ took

jdace, the work being periormed by 1% A,- W-heeie>r*.«Fwisted by- Mrs Wheeler. A numl>er of speeches were made and the proceedings proves! very interesting.

The next mating will be held In Methuen, nit the first Thursday in February,

A miniher of North Andoverites at- r»*nr|fMt the camp fire nf Company l\ ai the armory on Friday evening.

iOarly Friday evening a still alarm reached the rchen Sntton engine house. With rapidity Driver Wel- lington Davis responded, and after a remarkable quick run he had the hotfe wagon at the scene of the fire, a wood shed on Stilton street, in the rear of the double tenement house oc- cupied by John Boynes and Mrs. Don- nelly respei lively. The blaze was in mat afl -t.lim of the shed used by Mr. Boynes,. A hydrant stream was soon put on. and the (lames, which did not do much damage, were extin- gutshed. Chief Engineer D. W. Wallwork and Assistant Fred Marvin were on hand to direct operations:


most surcesstiil

vicinity was that held in Odd Fellows hall. Thursday evening. under the joint management of the Kben Hut- tons and Cochleliewlcks.

Not only Jn conception, but also in reality was the idea happily harried out even.to (he minutest details;

The pleasant relations existing bc- t v.i (ii the two companies were ex- tended along "congenial lines ami the bonds ill friendship cemented.

The occasion also served the pur- |K»se of making the local firemen bailor acquhnltyd witli those of neighboring place?.

While idea-mee retsned-sirprcme per- fect decorum prevailed, and nothing whatever happened to mar the un- alloyed enjoyment. *

the quests. and. in tact. every- hod present, had word-; of praise for the erraugements in the liaiuls of the following committee:

men Buttons— Capt. .lohu Hern ham. Lieut. ' Daniel w. Btrtelltfe t'ierk-Trt usurer M . U. I'ulsitVr. A HlXby, Charles A Dame, and Hnrar.i F. Towne.

CoTiichewicks - {'apt, c,,,. Wilton, First Lieutenant I', .1 Second Lieutenant I'hilip Lee, TreaMiier Thomas II. Brodeifc D. M■Bobbie. George F.

Henry G Schruender. Solo, y

Thomas D. Gall of Methuen, Soto* - . — v

Mr. Costello. "Solo,

P. J.'Healey. The festivities fittingly closed with

cheers for the various companies rep- resented and other guests * -jkfflwxi4faoee BWt were:

Selectman William Halliday Selectman John P. Clark. Selectman L. Edgar Qsgood. Cbief Knglneer David W, Wallwork Assistant Engineer P. P, Daw. Assistant Engineer Fred Marvin. From Methuen: Chief Engineer II. E. Brown. 1st Assltant Engineer A. B. Farns-

\ ortih Nngineman Julian McKay. Thomas U. Gall. C. H. Tenney H and L company. Captain R. E. Hill. Lieutenant William Dow. Clerk Treasurer E. K. Davis. Driver G. A. Lewi*. William Scott. E. N. Hall. E. V. Brackett. Charles Wlllett. Thomas Dow. Electrician Richard Osgoinl. Ueorgo Kichardson. E. Itichardson George Gordon. ». I-L Richards. Paul Methuen H Jerry O'Brien.

" Andover S. F. Engine company.'" Clerk-Treasurer (Veotge IE, Dunneh William T. Hn. Etna buttons. Capt, John Bnrnliam. Lieutenant Daniel W. SutclinV. Clerk-Treasurer Martin H. Pulsii'er Epglneman Enos S. RoMnson. Driver and Steward. Wellington

Davis. Driver .George Matlhe*on diaries A. Dame. William R. Johnson. Willard A. Handy. Horace E. Towne Eli H. Watts. Joseph Leigh ton. A. .Bixby. . ' ! Charles B. Smith. William J. Stewart. Edward A. Costello. George H. Butterworth. Cochichewicks. Captain George H. Wilton. First Ljeutenant P..'J. fe^aji Second""Ueutenant Philip l^ee.^ Clerk-Treasurer. Thomas H. Bnwi

erlek. William Anderson. J. Thomas Finn. ■'. Henry G. Schniender. John Anderson • John A. Ryan. Edward Hugh* P. J. Healey


finance, music and supplies were se- lected. . r-~ ■

I'jeon H'amlni was ohonen organ boy to sticqeed, Allie Badger, wfio re- signed after a faithful and punctual term of service.

J. F. Malioney and Charles E. Johnson, students at Dartmouth col- lege, have 'returned to Hanover. H. H. ,


The Rev. Frederick Palmer of Christ church, Andover, will preach at St. Paul's church, Sunday. Jan. 13th, at the morning service.

The rector of St. Paul's church will lie absent from town foj' va few da#tt of this week and next; but desires to be notofied, if his services are in afiy way needed. HJH address may be obtained at the parish house from the texton. /,

Elviu Dyer of Worcester has re- turned to that city after a visit to •Natives in town.

George A. Stowers has accepted ;- position as salesman In the shoe de- partment of the I,. C. Moore pom- pany. Lawrence.

The card clothing factory is-iiperat- <l evenings until !i o'clock, hah' the -uiployes alternating working night-


aa Deputy Sergeant-at-arm

Jennie Thornton. Sentinel, inner gate—Mr? Mary J.

Robinson ■— - - Sentinel. outer gate — William

Woollen . . Ex-Governor— Enos S. Robinson. Organist—Mrs. Mary J. Robinson. Representative to ahpreme colonv—

Enoa 8. Robinnon. Medical-examiner- C. P: Morrlll,

M. D. Trustees— Enos S., Robinson, Amos

D. Carleton. William Manchester.' Following the Installation exerciser

remarks were mode by Messrs. Moran and Lewis Toiwey.

Then the Pilgrims adjourned tothe j convfncine proo| that the R(dneys and Nad.

Thonaande Have Kidney Trooble and Don't Know It.

Sow To Find Out. Fill a bottle or common glass with your

water and let it stand twenty-four hours; a sediment or set- tling indicates an unhealthy condi- tion of the kid- neys; If tt stains your linen it Is evidence of kid- ney trouble; too frequent desire to pass It or pain in the back is also

church 'Nearer. My Clod, to from. the ,Thee.'

The body reposed in a handgom* lavendar brocaded plush- cosketv irlfh silver trimmings. The plate inscrip- tion read:.

banquet hall where a nice oyster aup-1 derareoutof order per was served under the dirertlon of the good of the order committee: E. 1.. Rerley, William H. S.micrville. Matthew H. Manchester. James Duerdea. \'< - t °


James J. Dillon. William P. Whiilaker. Jobn DavTs". Fred Winning. John Wlnninx- Andrew Winning.

'• Seliut F. T. White. Joseph Hackle. John II. Milnes. John X. Heale> John W;ilcox David Hell. David Crockett. William Ward, Jr. Charles If*llTiver. Barnard Schruend»'i-. Walter V. Dlg^low. Elmer Flynn. John, Fish. ■»-» Martin Co?hran. George F. Royal. 1'. J . Cft^ey. » John 1». McRobblc,

"' Herbert Meml.—'- —; Krank Estes. Frank A. Batcnian. Richard McE"voy.

JphQ Wall is slowly >. recoveriui, 'nun 1 he effects of a severe injury to his right knee received by being acidentally atrutk with a hocke> yfi* k wliile playing the other day He li'is been under the care oi i. irhysirian -shrre the accident,

.\lr^. Healey returned to he after ,i l.\\ il;i>

of Goffa Falls, N. H. • home, this morning. : visit at Mrs. O-Hri.ns

gr i I. . Ryan,

cicrJ- k, Jobti Royal,


rii iirm.au Pillsite,"

the en gl-

and com*

John X. Healey. Henry < d«r and J. Thomas Finn..

I 'antaln Wilton served ja of the committee and MT. a- elerl;.

lUVUaljoiK .were extended to board of selectmen, board of ncei-s. Methuen tire department i-nVers of Andover S F, E. .

pany. Dn assembling in the hall a sel&f-

don was rendered by this quartet: John P. Murphy, first tenor, Wil- liciii Anderson, secouil tenor; Edward A. ru.st.lfto. first bass and Thomas p, WYntworth*. second bass. Mr. i '■ I"I-M" gav« tin' solo.

Then adjournment was made to tin banttuet nail where -tl sumptou- spread was splendidly served by F .! Nil hu •- HI Lawrence.

thirnham made brief ie ninik* before the banuuet, and Cap- tain Wilton. who presided at .tin poal praJidla) <^\ei"*lse^, also spoke before, calling 'upon the following wlw v-^woniled wMh--yemnrk?ii fieloet men 'Haitiday Clark and Osgood;

Chief Engineer Wallwork. Assistant Engineer Daw. Assistant Engineer lain.swoith anil Captain Hill of Me- thuen, I*. J. Casey, George C. Dun hells of Andover. Thomas |\ W.-m- trbrih i*nd Captain Murnbam.

\H"i ' ignrs were enjoyed the com- pany returned to the public toll where, ruder the direction ol Charley A. Dame, who neted as ac- companist. . the -following program was verv ■■reditnbTy carried out Sel.'ction

Quartet. |t " Solo.

William Anderson. Solo,

« Tbomaa P. Wentworth. " ■ Selection, Trio .

home on Main street.

.A siwcjal ebn trie is to run to Me- thuen after the close of the Steven*

Social club's ninth annual hall.

The iowu officials are prepariat, their- annual reports.

William Homier his moved from Kerry street to one of H. H. Ellis' tenements on Main street.

Senior Warden George E. Kunhardt nrr-Sded over the annual parish meeting of St. Paul's church, held Thursday evening.

Alter the records of the last ineet- Ing had been read and approved, .the treasurer's report; showing a balance MI hand. v,-:ts- presented and ae- cepted.

The result ot the election OT tifflren follows:

Senior Warden—George I-;, Kuti- himlt.

Junior Warden-A, D. Kernandes, clerk-William Knowlea. Inasuror—Osptatn Andrew Reeves.

■ Vestrymen -Jchn Somerville, Walter '!. Stone Christian Jensen, George H. Wilton and Walter V. Blg^low.

A meeting of the vestry followed, it which committees on repalis


"What will you say to <i

cream tjiat makes you digest

your food so well that you

lose your weakness and pain ?

It is Scotts emulsion of

The handsome auditor hi' CiMiKreKatioual- church >\e large and representative .Monday evening, when tin tlub gave an open meeting.

l uf Hie talr.od i. audience

kjueii il Pl;e fin-

ished renditions of the following pr< grain delightod the MsteneiH.

1. Organ BOIO. Mr. Fo-'. Wtdstenholme' — Allegretto in .

Hat. "J. i a > Mozart: —M i serere.

tb) Sullivan: — Yea Though Walk.

Miss Saunders. Miss Sargent. Mi Chickering, Dr. Smith.

;>. Vocal solo. Mr. Butterwoi t it Haydn:— When I Think upon

Thy Goodness. 4. Violin solo. Miss Shanoek

Bachmann: —Aria. 5. Organ solo. Mr. oyneh

Batiste:—Offertory B, Duet.

.Miss Saunders, Mr. Chickering. Goring Thomas:—"Neath the

Stars. — —*i——.- 7. Organ and piano.

Mr. Stevens, Mr. Lynch. Guilmant;—Pastorale,

*. Vocal solo. 'Mips Saunder^ O, Divine Redeemer.

H. Violin solo. Miss Sharrock Franz Hies:— Romanze

10. Vocal solo. . Miss Sanborn —^3trtltvan:-" Arld"Crl

Away All Team 11. -Orgajx solo. . Mins Saunders

.riagler: — Pastorale. 12, Sullivan. Lead til, O Fath

President A, E. Robinson of the Uiwrence Wafer board hu^ been re- elected.

Clarence E. Nason Is spending tb remainder of the week ai his home in Kingston, v. n.

White P. Sullivan, "baggage ma ter at tho Stilton street station, was removing articles frosm and placing packages aboard an express car on Hostou bound train the other evening some'substance wis thrown Into in eyes, which caused him considerable fialn. He was taken to (ln occullst in Lawrence and treated. He has been unable to attend to his duties since

W. P. White of Bostom spent Sun day in this place.

Representative Janies <'. Poor ha; been appointed on thre committee or labor and roads and bridges.

During the fiscal year en<liug witi Wnilnetnlay. Jan. 3d, Town Treasure George H. Perkin.-* recelvierT *«".J-Vi,)'. r'r.im rbt- tuves collected., L—

The recent nnnnuuhcenti'iit or the holarshiu houm- list ut Phil!ii>.-

acadetny, Andover, is if special in- ;^r»^t ^»-tH-op|e :\n thlsi town, tnj cause the name of John .1. Donovan, o| Sargent street, upjie*^ thereon. This young man "p-a.lnated from tl*' Merrimach school ibottl iu yoara a,:o. Boon afterwards hi weni to work, ano later on learned the brick ma - i trade, which he followed iu Uoston nrinelpRlly rculdkng In Eventt. Ite- nOfBlslBjc the hecM of an edntatlon En ordi-i to aiH^inen he burned midnight nii, u-ith the rewult that ne ritted himself So that he entered tb.

■lass of 1!M(1 in Phillii* laM fall. Am- Mtlona and energetic he has mrtha:;'Vl to ser-in-e honors there, while at t'.i*» same time devoting font- evenings a week to studying free hand drawing in the Lawrence evening Behonls life boat of friends are phased to learn of hla success, morlbad by close ap plication—and ability. His intention is to enter the fustltuf.n of Teihnolog Boston, after graduating at lAndovc

The house of George W. Tucker m the Parnhara district, North Andover, was damaged by fire Tueaday An alarm was ounded from box .Ai. An- luver and the department of ihnt town ifsponded. The top portion o* th? house, was burning briskly when the t.remen arrived. Water was, scarce ij'it two wells were drawn from iu>d' the tiaiues.' were finally sulxlued. The poof of the house was burned ofr. Vhe dwelling is Insured No alarm was given at North Andover. Tb* cause of fire was a defective chimney ft is thought.

H, Lvnmn bis home iu < reaedparentf*, 11. Poor,

Amies has returned ta arlisle. after visiting bit Lieut, and Mrs, Charles

What to So. There Is comfort in the knowledge to

often expressed, that Dr. Kilmer's Swamp- Root, the great kidney remedy fulfills every wish in curing rheumatism, pain in the back, kidneys, liver, bladder and every part of the urinary passage, tt corrects inability to hold water and scalding pain in passing it, or bad effects following use of liquor, wine or beer, and overcomes that unpleasant necessity of being compelled to go often during the day, and to get up many times during the night. The mild and the extra- ordinary effect of Swamp-Root is soon reali.-.ed./ It stands the highest for Its won- derful cures of the most distressing cases. If you need a medicine you should nave the best. Sold by druggists in50c. and$l. sizes.

You may have a sample bottle of this wonderful discovery, and a book that tells more about it, both sent absolutely free by mail. Address Dr. Kilmer &, Horn* of SwNap-Iio^. Co., Binghamton. N. Y. When writing men- tion reading th:a generis offer in this paper.

Hied Ian. T, Ittni.

Margaret I. King.

Aged 24 years.

Among the floral tokens of remem- brance were a spray of pinks from MUs It. A. King, a bouquet from Thomas J. King and a spray of pinks from an aunt, Mrs. Jane Kinx of Warren. .

Interment was Jn tb th« Holy Sepulchre.

James l<\ Costello, P ColUfta. Wil- liam Craig, Thomas Murphy, Samuel J- Church and Thomas K. McDonough acted a> pall bearers. „

was rewarded with marked success. Several numbers on the program Were cordially encored.

The" violin under the sway of Mhw flharrock of Lawrence, gave satisfac- tion and pleasure.

The rendering by the organ and piano was as delightful as it was novel, really charming all present.

The club deserves and has the thanks of, the community for the elevating, refining influence furnished in Its Industrious, enterprising en- deavors, crowned with so much EUC- CPSK.


Two propositions^ for meiuherein|i were re meeting

HOWKBH-TROMBLY The wedding of Mlea Cecilia B.

Trombly. youngest daughter of Con- tractor and Mrs. Joseph Trombly, and Thomas B, Bowker. of l^awrence woa

waetery of Ja very ,)retty affair. The event <w»s of special interest

to many people a- the principals are well known and exceedingly popular.

Rev. Fr. James J. Cilday officiated at the ceremony, which «oirred Wed- nesday afternoon, at 3.^r*n'clock, In Ht. "Patrick's parochial residence.

Ived at Tuesday evening'! S(.uUl L*WIW« of Rescue lodge

Vespers is now sung every Bunda) afternoon iu St. Michael's church at %.TO o'clock.

The fourth annual conceit an^i ball of the N'orth Andover Hums club eommoratlng the anniversary of Hcotia-s hard, takes place at Out! Pellovvs hall.v Friday evening, Jan. 1Mb. Mimic by the Alpine orchestra. The following talent has been en- gaged: Miss Katherlne A, White, aopranoj Mis-' Aglnea Mclntyre, reader; James Prlngle, baritone; James B. Ewart, tenor; Muster Kruest B. Tracy, cornet soloist. (tent's. tickets, 3R cents; ladies, 2S oeBta. Klectric cars leave for the Centre, L-awrente- and -Andover »t--the-close- of the hallgj I>anclng to eommence promptly at 9.30 o'clock.

TJie many friends of Miss Margaret J. King were grieved to learn of her death,which occurred Monday morning at 1.30 O'clock, at her home on May street, after an extended UlnesB. Throughorrt' lrer~5trknpw sht* hore her

sufferings Ti-rrnmplainingly and with Christian fortitude. ,

She had a very pleasing manner and amiable disposition, and her lovable characteristics endeared her to at! who became acquainted with her.

The deceased was i»orn in North Oxford, and came to this place with her parents in 1W5. ajhre residing here.

She leaves a father, five brother.1- and two sisters.

Supt. K. W. Edmunds of the Metho- dist SitDilay school Jjafi appointed the following < oinmittees:

Mmislc—Mrs. !■:. S. Kdmunds, Miss Hattic Keeler.

Peiorating—Charles W. Hinxman W'nltfr H. Paul, (J. W. Morgan, tin. George Cheney, Mrs. deorge A. K«-n- u ton.

concert—Miss Susie Hinxman, kUftt Uzzle Haves. Miss Mnbel lennen

pected. conaHiOTlDg vno prepared It. Jlill It was unsatisfactory.

I^ealle H. Brown ami family and Sidney Brown of Bradford, visited here Sunday. ,■

Among the list of heavy tax payers in Boston appears''the name ot fonathan I'leiu-h for' $10,763.87. and Jonathan French and others, trustees, *12,R8U,II.

The programme arranged by the lit- ■rary commiuee of the Grange for this t-ear it as follower

January l'>. Entertainment—Miss Mabel F.Fuller

Miss Dollie M. Farnitm, Miss Mary 3L TowjiB.JUBBJdiLE*_Carlft9.5t.5?JlH. Vnna M. Tucker.

January 59. Aunlveraarv—Walter li. Hayes, J.

C. Poor, Petetk, Holt. B. A. Fuller. John Barker. Mrs. 1-. H. Bassett, Mrs. Frank M. Greenwood, Mrs. J. Gilbert Chadwick.

February 12. ^Ooes..the_Ruiming of ullertric Roads between Cities and Towns Increase or Decrease th:.- Value of Farms? Oeorge A. Rea. George C. Chad vick, "'alvin Rea.

Valentine party. Miss Lucy A. Prescott. Miss Lettie M. Barker. Mis* Alice Westou.

February 2$. An Evening With Washington.

George" Washington as a Soldier. Miss Mary A. Bern'.

George Washington as an Agrienl- uralist. M. 13. Meserve. 'George Washington's Domestic Ufc.

Mrs. George O. Chadwick. March 12

I.ecture-=Ily the°Hou, B. P. .Ware, Past Master uf State Grange.

April 2. third an*''fourth de- Conferring


Conefrring rrew

April Hi. third and fourth de-

Apiil HO. : Muslcale: Arthur W. BaasclL

, *?** MiM Grace E. Barker. Mrs the Steven* social club j r#alvin Reil Miss Blanche WhU.-min.

' Walter Nason. , TT. - M*v W. '

I-rank Smith of the Amir. . rnit|,(| states Mail Service—Would department was a vTaitof at i ,-,.(.0 Rura| Delivery Beneiit North

The Columhian orchestra ha engaged foi ball. '

Driver per fire the Bheh Button engine hou-e day.


Motornian William lligg;iiis of the "ic trie railroad bus retnrned from a three weeks' stay ,U hi- former lioni' in Thorn dike, M.- ., ,—

Free .. Vndover? Walter II. Haves. Miss M.uv !■;. Towne, Mrs. Walter Paul.

is the Young Farmer at a Dis-d- vantagc in the Matrimonial Field? K. A. Puller Kmanitel Downing. Put- mini Tnwne. i


Not uutfiB wuier rmu ran :e mains uncollected. It Is douWful If there is n city or town in the state which can present Mich an excellent showing a* the local water depart" ment does in thla respect.

A skating pany Including a num- ber from MetinH-n, had Stopper at th-- Country club boiiee, Saturday even- ing, Fred h. Bargeni conveyed' rhi out-of-town people to and from 'lie electric, cara.

Kir.- insurance^-John Bar Key, J H \:i<nn I. C. Poor.

Memoiial Scivlcc - In charge or Mis., Smile H. Whlttbr.

June II, Night—MJas Kate T.

I, Moxlcv, Mrs. S. D, I,. Ii. Bassett.

Children's Fuller, Ma Berry. Mrs.


Pr. Lynn

A. »pent Sunda

The Lincoln socbd dub has ehased a pool tabb* for the i members.

pur- te of



Piano soio.

Costello, -Murphy !tnl WentwortS. * •

cod-liver oil.

Turns common food

nerve and bone and muscle

and fat. .

WVfl sfTid you a little to try If yon Hke. SCOTT* fiOWNK, <<* Vumiitntl, Ktw YnrV

A new fepture In connection with The nnnunl mcetinp of the Congresra- Mcnal church will l*#» ;i sunper, This i« to he urvler ihe charge of the social committee'.

ja* *-f -e-^^»^ ei^svtiM Frederick A. Baldwin in continefl.

to his home, in Andover. by illness. Which threatened at one time to tie develop Into a fever, but this danger Is, It (a believed, now parsed.

•lohn Wall is qdlte ill at his homo, corner Main and First streets,

N. Bl la worth F landers and William ■I. Uitch witnessed the .production of Hen llnr. Saturday, at the Colonial

\ f heat re, Boston.

Supt. Hurnhain of the almshouFc had t>2 tramps last month. ,

Cochlchewbh ludge is to confer tn^ Master Mason dejoec Frldav evening. Feb. 1st.

\t n recent meeting of Hljth

the Orovo school. de1iatia"g""society,

Madiie, jr., who visit.* here land (Robert, 'was elected president.

William K. Dyer of Springfield ha. been In town on a visit.

Deputy Supreme Governor Moran of l»awreucc. assisted following suite,: Installed the of Bradatreet colony. I'. O. Monday evening: D. S. Sergeanb-at- Arms, Joseph J. Towey, D. S. SeiT"- tary Lewis Towey, D. S. Chauhiin Miss Ina O. Kellev.

Those inducted into o'flU-c were Governor—IJenry A. Webster. Kleut.-Governor — Mrs. Marv L.

Webster. Secretary—Rdwin L. Perley.. Collector—Matthew H. Manchester. Treasurer—Edward 1. Kelly. Chaplain— -George.W,. Thornton. S-'ergeant-at-arms—C.eorgP_W. Mor-

r. ii. by the omVers P. F .

Krank J. ConnallyV>f the Nonpariel club, llaverhill. ha J Aeon engaged t-> provide music for the hnrriy gnrdy party of the efa»H of 1901 Johnson high school.

Miss Althea Total, a devoted mis- siooary, who labored for five years in Oau, China.'attended and answered a number of rjuestloni nt the oonver saUonal meeting. Saturday, eveuing. held in eonneclion with the opening oLmiLC boxes i>f the Womnn-fl Knirp|git

Mi^ionaiy tfot'lety, connected with the toeal Meibodis' church.

She made addresses nt the church Sunday mornine and evening, gpsafe ing inierostingly before large and ap- pr-'ciative audiences on mlssionar.. work. Miss Todd nfso displayed n collection of, idols, photographs anil curio-; from China, which attraPTW much attention from tho-ie tn nt tendance.

l.Iei.i, Chares H. Poor attended the funeral of Offlcer William II. |lolmes. in Lawrence, Saturday after- noon. They were members of the lii-d HeaVlee in the rebellion. «

A despatch to the Sunday Herald from Pekin, China, states that Kev. Mr. lewksbuiy of . the. American board said that the joint note of i)ie powers was better than- cOuld be ex?

To he supplied. July .iu.

How Shall the Kn'-ii'i and His Kamilv Mew Profitably Spend Their Vacation? Miss Dollie M. Farnum. \|is. M. B. Meserve, Mi. Moxley

Readings and mtri- Ansust -T.

Besl Method of Keeping Mowing l,ands Productive. Mow to He-eeed ,.ud When. Peter Holt, Oeorge U. Hurnham, Addison M. Uobinson, Osear I' Young.

September I". Younc Peopled Night, Harlow K.

I Mead. Clintop Nason. Fred O- Whit- i ih.r. WbW Uabel Poaa, Miss Ueata Foster, Miss Bessie E- Rea.

September 24. poultrv for profit. Food and Care.

.- I). lierry, F. Orris "Rea. Care of Live Stock and Production

of Milk. K. W. Moody, II. I,. Fos- t i -

Heading and music October 8

llarve-t Exhibition and Feast. In vhorse of Ceres. Pomona and Flora.

October 22. Neighbor's night. Bentertalnment

to be furnished by Methuen and Hav- (ibtll ('ranges.

November 5. Roll Call/ Each member to enter-

tain the Grange three minutes or pay a tine of 'five cents.

November 1"

Rdward Uut ter worth, supervisor i,f music iu the j ublie school, attended i iueet.ini; the other day of. the New England Educators In Boston.

At the national ' bank elections, Tuesday, the following directory were ■hoseu from llils town:

Kxcanne. Boston—Hon . Mose* T.. ■iteveus'.

Shoe and 'leather. Boston—George H Ml din;

Bay State — George K. Davis, Jos- eph H^ Stone.

Pacific -Hot,. John A. Wiley. M. barney.

Merchants - Herbert W. Kleld. leorge E. Kunhardt.

Arlington—Joseph Rattles. Andover — Hon Moses T. Stevens,

Vathaniel Stevens. Hon. M..;■!'.. T. Stevens was chosen

^resident of the Andover National, unl also a tnistee and president of .he Andover Savings bank.

Thomas Coppinger Is confined to his lome by illness.

The first institute of the Essex Agricultural society for tlie year Iflui w+H- be held-In city rrsll--B^«Hdv-i-«H Friday. Januarv U. at 10 o'clock, a. n. The subject fi r ihe fsfflnoon Cis- -uspion will be 'Small Fruits.' In the afternoon nt 1.30 ih<* subject Is' o be announced, hut the speaker will >e Pro!. Fred W. Curd of Kingston. R. I., formerly of Nebraska, Unlles ire especially invited to be present.

The hrWe was beautifully gowned in white figured silk, trimmed with

! white Jace. She carried a bouquet of rHfUeVa roses-,-und B^irllar blossoms were entwined in her hair.

Her cousin. Miss Maud A. Taey of South lladley. who acted aS brides- maid, appeared In ap attractive cos-

' i nnie Of pink silk, with white Inser- tion trimmings. Her favorite

'flower was pink rosaaj which Bhe car- I rled and wore for head adorn- ' mem.

John J, Hamilton, o.f South Grove- i land, another cousin of the bride. Mtvod in the capacity of best man.

From 5 to ft o'clock a delightful reception was held at the pleasant home of the bride on Union street.

Over 100 guests attended. They came from Lawrence. North Andover. Methuen. Andover, South Groveland,

| Maiden, Holyoke, South Hadlcy, Sa- lem, K. H.( and other places.

I A sumptuous repast was served, ' and music and merriment made the ! evening a most enjoyable one.

Mr. and Mrs. Bowker were felieltlously congratulated and wished evwy measure of happiness and pros- perity.

They received a large, collection ot costly and handsome wedding presents ironi relatives and friends..

The residence of the young couple will be 4 Durham" street. South l-awrence.

It Is gratifying, news to the people of this town, where Maurice Herbert was born and educated, to learn M hU advancement from paymaster to

V superintendent of the big Beaver George H. Wilton has bean "wok mills at Collinsville. This eit- a member of Battery Os tensive plant is owned by the Amer-

ican Woolen company, and Mr. Her- bert's promotion to such an important

Corp elected Inance xomhiittee_._

Chief Enginee-; Wallworli ilstant Daw visited the ->.n\] Ire In the Knrnhnm dlstrbi. itternoon.

and As- I position by the far seeing controlling e of tlie 'powers of this enterprising and haav- Tue-day '•>' capitalized corporation Is a fitting

' recognition Of his executive ability, tni.-tworthiness and masterly knowl-

Fnnk W. Manchester. Mrs. Abide | w^e of the woolen manufacturing <. Tufts and Miss IJzzie Hayes have ! business in all its details, iron selected 'is the committee of ar- | ■ , ,, . . .angctn.nts for the reunion of past■ Onlrers a« follow, were chosen for md present members of Rescue lodge, be ensuing tern^- by th* ladies I. O. 0. T.. to take place Tuesday benevolent society. Wednesday.aftei- *venlng. January 15th. J noon.: —-. ■ .j,. - ,-r- —r-w ....■• _4~.4«PoBMent.> U»T- Chart—, g,, BUU-

. Chairman Halliday of the hoard of lings. V ielectmen was calletl to Tremont Val- ; Vice pre»ldent, Mrs. W. W. Chick- ley farm recently to appraise the ! erin-t .'olue of a sheep killed by doge. Secretary, Miss Addle M. Carney.

Treasurer, Mrs. N. P. Frye. Directors, Mrs. VIrum B. Watt*.

l-i4 in t M.F5 Charted "AT FerBon. -Mnr. <*-.—AT—

tevens Inll. , Marston. ' r [ The by-laws were changed so that

Intentions of marriage have been .the number of directors is now three lh*d by Krank J. Burns of law- [instead of six. as formerly.

The republican caucus is scheduled j or Thursday evening. I't,

•ncc and Mi»« Agnes McCarthy of this town, i

Charles K. Hill and Raymond Hill inve been spending a fortnight in itn.-tnn.

The Andover Christian Endeavor mion i.s |o meet at th ■ Rallardvale Congregational church, Tuesday even- :ig. Jan. ?:!d. General secretary John

WHBS-WIHM- -will-aponh-.

The next meeting takes place with Mrs. George |,. Barker. .January

An entertainment wilt be given by jt-he Grange at the next meeting, Tues- idsy, January ioth. under the direction of the follo.vlng committee: Miss Mahe! K. Fuller, Miss Dollie M. Karnum, Miss Mary E. Towne. Miss ids K Carleton. MIH Anna M.

- Tiu-kei- ' -

'JiCKe^a Mr LTife Burns anniversary uhworvauce, B| city hail, l,:iwreiice, jmler the auspices of Clan McPheison. '). s. c. i'ni tb" CaiftdonV.n clui, "I'll be procurwl of Officer James N|. Crnig, The dal° is Friday -veiling. In n. -."

Supt. was re raegtlng, •epted.

Willis in Sutto PHtient pltal a

('iu. Bering's annual report d .if the. •■..bool eiminiiltoe Tue*oay artnrnnon.anl nc-

Timy overaei f us mill, atol A. Ht Uw

e both

spinning Wright.

Hardy & Ca\v of Andover began iwoik. Wednesday, repairing George

W*. Tuckers bouse, damaged, hi' nre Tuesday.

; Following I" the list of officers '.ateotod Wednesday evening by Olivet chapter, Bpworth leeiue: ^

I'resid»nf. Waller II. Paul 1 First vice president. C. H. Clee, spiritual department.

SecOnfl vice president, EUU Glover, mercy and help depart nient.

Thinl vice president. Uev J IV Meara, literary department.

Fourth vice i>re.-ddent. Mis W. H Uiwrenre general bos- | f>nnl. social ■ depnrtmeat. doing nicely Secretly. KranU W. Abl>ott.

Trt-isurer. Cbarl«M W. Hinxman. I Orgaatst. Mis.- Sus I man.

K. M. Hlnx-

Discusslon. Subject to be enounced. Box oartv.

December 3. Election of officers.

December 24. Christmas Entertainment. Miss

Cora \. Bassett. Mrs. Albert Atoody. Mrs II I . Foster.\Mlss Ethel Cool- edge. Mmak

Iteport ot I be State Grange.

-r 3UP|N fjflrgeiy attended services over the

remains of Mlsa M.irgaret .1.. King were held in St. Mh'hael's church, Wednesday morning at 9 o'clock.

The pastor, Rev. Fr. James J. Gil- day, celebrated* the renufem high mass. -

• Miss Nellie. Brogan sung several solos in excellent style. At the of- fertory she rendered Pie Jesu.' after the mass 'One Sweet Solemn Thought,' and at the remains were being borno

The Women's Gtri'd social for attendants

planning for at St. PnuK

church In the P.o i day evening next

b house. Wedne?-

V goodlv number attended the Opening evangelistic meeting at the Congregational . church, Thursday '■\ening, and the series were begun under especially auspicious coudf- ttQU«. Mr Lawrence is a forceful ami interesting speaker, and Soloist , Smith is a fine singer.

WjlUiarn A^dis has accepted a pdsi- , tion in Fiichburg, where he formerly ' ived- T,lu! family will shortly re- '. nnvs fo (hnt. city. NORTH AXDOVER MUSICAL fM'li.

VVords of Appreciation.

It seems deslrsble to give more than l ber ot\the' ciub for moii than tw? a passing notice of the Instrumental < years ami aas noise much to mak- anil vocal event of Monday evening in I II aa is)pular as it now is. Tbeir ap- fhe Congregational church. j preelation of 9|s work was demon

The beauitful. spacious auditorium | strated at the lest regular meeting, ■ontained a large and, appreciative i when they presented him with a beau uulleiice. kindly invited by the club tiful Morris chair^

nymtnts-are 4>eing to hold-t next meeting out of the city and to have an oyster supper.

PRIZE AWARDS. ^Continued from Page'One.)

ror~B"sppetat occasion The club has l>«en faithfully and

patiently at work for several yenrs. meeting every month Tor public re-

liala. '.' t - The method of the fb'b has ■ been

y.iiematic, and steady improvement ho? been evident.

On Monday night the special effort

After the business meeting p*' were played, a guesving contest afford tog much amusement. Miss Mary H;.r .in won the lady's prize and tic ge-.tleman's prize was won by Mr. Carney.

S♦♦•♦»»♦♦»♦♦♦♦♦♦♦■♦• i»eena>»tf »Mie»e»eeeie>»»

ir.Br^s Cough j Oonqiv . rroqp. Whnnpinfc- ]^lf|*llf%

.M,'» hupkM'.n.KhD wa utj win. ,utf«ii. »t«ji«iipniTBB ^^w ^^mr i: DiK^om prraoril* it for Bronchitis, Orippe, HonreeneM .id C.'oiuuiuptluu. Quick, sure rcsultu. Price, 25 cent*.

lir. Bull', iTila cure C»n»tfpBtlon. I Iflj pill,, ro ,!,. trial boi. 5 cU. *♦♦♦♦♦♦♦»♦♦♦♦«*♦♦♦*«♦♦♦♦»♦♦♦»»♦♦♦♦»»♦♦»♦♦♦;

> -iXSor'i. r~\~.ir rrj- THE LAWRENCE «MEIHCA* ^ . ,r _ ... __-.„_ _._, -^~

* METHU5.N *


% Of


l>rogram fur

k! Ml I 111



. I' delegates t>j union Ho*' .to nil,KM sad what

the general "-for-

Luclh; Mil" and. l*- fa

i-mg -. '.i:-- r.. Voun_,

Peh i Miscellaneous entertain- me-nt - comuiiltec Ijiroy Marble, F.ru ma Parser then and Annie Hill.

I'd. 21 Discussion -■■ Whhh wa . Che greater benefit to the United Btntea Washington or Lincoln.--J. B ftuiwell. Frank Buctanlwiwr, AI

{red s'ewaholiBe and *W ° Mm -h. .■ ,, .

M.,,,1, - Musical,- - connniHe"- A«o i.. Harris, Ceorge It- Sucll. Urm s.i: gent and Millie ('luff.

Mi., IT _| - Discussion-What torn ,...,...■ are heat adapted to ibis local- lt; ' ,i,| |,i Wl'.'ll .extent U it alVH-bb tor' warmers to adopt sepclalties? - rohn H. George, C. B. Richardson Horace Whlttler, II. L. ('onurn Swan and 0. A. Stevens.

\,,,il i First and second degree April 18—Third and fourth degree May 2—IjadW night — commute

co,-. \. Stevena, Lillian Kelley tie M. Sa»y«r, Dora Coburn, c. K. \oung ;m<l Cora

M iv Hi- Di.-cusslon advantage* of u home on the farm ,,,-r Hi, advantages of a home else- where*- K E. Pinney. Mrs. E, L Bnrnhim, ■'■ ■'■ Preacott, Mrs (". F. UUhavdadn, W. R. .Whitney Spng b> quartet. . . , . .

Iliue a_Discussion—How should . farmer aud his family attend - lion?- German S. I'hlppen Swan W. C. Allyn. ttri Whitney. Mrs. Edwin Miirhle.

j,,,... 2D—Children's night-commit tee Mi. and Mrs. George W. fopp

_U.____U!i Mrs. Voung, Mrs. Bmer


Hut Mrs.

Gordon. What are thi

Mrs. . W.

.. Clara Coburtt July l-l'utuotir enteitiilument -

cominlttee rJff-gte M. Swan, UjBll Morse. Brace K. Webster, Julia C>or don, Mat.tie Pre.siott.

\rK i--Discussion -How can crop and farm products be marketed to th, ,,,-t possible advauUge?-John s

-, ,„shy. a. II. Barnes, M_ 1' «nvw li Taylor. M. S. Hill.

Sept ;PTST:ighborV nights >-,.|,t 10 -Entertainment— commit

Ml'r-imrr-Mr»r- Hugh C Bmitft__-___ and Mrs. Heiij: Nice

li, , 3—Klrat and second degrees. ivt. i; Vh.id and fourth degrees. Nov 7.-*Goddesses' night. Nov. 21—Dlscuaaton—What can wi

Op to make our farm houses mori convenient, comfortable and attractive

\ N Kimball, MarV A. Crosby W. Mann, Mrs. H. C. Smart.

Mm. George C.- anelL I tn'. .', — Election of officers. Dec. IS- t'naunounccil. -Hie. LuJhiwjng members of the

-t-augc have been ^'pointed a TClte committee - Horace Whlttler. Cain H ii ci _. Phlppen. s. W. Young s k Voung.' Crank A. (cordon. As. I Hani-, Mr*. E. B. Plant, llessh \i Swan, Mis. Ileuj. Nice. Mrs Botrrge e 9ft*tt, Mrs. Harry Kelley

-Mill l" Hi" J"" '"-en annolnted k

i,ter. M

ZHpt to \ Thit is the question thtt concerns every

mmttl: -whether it is better to be h.ilf ill. nervous, wit oiif, or to be ivell strong, cheerful *nd use I at. The Utter condition will be yours if you tthe Hood's S»rstpi- ritU. America's Greatest Blood Medicine- there is nothing equal to it.

Mr. and Mrs. Mi. and Mrs Mr. and Mrs Mi . and Mrs Mr. and Mrs. Mr. aud .Mrs.' William Mrs. Mark D. Smart. M.s. Charles I). l,ewis Mrs. Matthew Mack Mis. Frank W. Hiidwc Mrs. I- S. Hlodgott. Miss Myra lllodgett. Miss Uuhy_ Harris. Miss Corn Cordon. Miss lllnnche lllodgett Miss Lillian Joy. Miss 8al(lle Cirrran. Miss Blanche HopJ-s. .Miss Anna Remick. Miss Nettle h. Kelley Miss Vivin Youne. Miss Bdna Young. Miss Minnie Cole. Miss Edith Russell Miss Lillian'Emerson. -Miss llattie Wlllett. Miss Charlotte Mack. Miss Ida Mack. S. B. Young. Daniel Carter. Arthur Scollay. P. C. Culler. Edwin McKeen. Ceorge W. DeWltt. Uenaiah II. Cordon Walter B. Cordon Fred A. «7.ray. W. II. Ilu'tters. Charles M. Evans

- fleorge- Brooks-. Clarence T. Adams. Ceorge l^angley. John W. Hall. Joseph E. Iluswell. Joseph N. Sargent. J. D. Pelrce. Albert Foss. 11. K. Wlllett. Eugene Murphy. Trre tTBrtmi ^ W. F. C.illls.

W. J. lluckley. Cwtrge N. Blodg(tt. .' i^wis Edwards. ,' Arthur Edwards. ,; ■

Clarence ParkmaiV. II. Carr.


Andover Installed the oftwrS of M"- thuen grange Thursday evening. Toe officers installed ivere: Worthy Ma- ter. Ernest 1.. Buruham; overseer, Asa Harris; steward, \\,'esl«y Metiser; as- sistant steward, Herbert E. Cordon lady assistant steward, Mrs. Cora Stevens; lecturer, Samuel Emerson; chaplain, c. s I'hlppen; treasurer George (). Marsh; •feretory, Mi- Mary .V. Crosby; ismiona Mrs. Nelll' Ccok; it't-es. Mis. Ernest I., -t.utnba;'! 'tlora. Miss l<ottie Edwards; gate keep er, Ixi-by Marble. Alfred Newsholnc was elected a memher of the execu- tive committee. Following the instal latlon .Samuel Emerson was present ed with a past master's jewel by tin installing oftt ear. at supper w.c served alter the ceremonies tinder tic direction of a committee eomprisi,. I.eroy Marble, c, E. Richardson ate C. A. Stevens. Many visitors wen present from neighboting granxes. I n gathering broke up about midnight

Addison P. Russell It: of the town is off-'sn:

The farm of the east part for sale.'

Miss. Bertha F. Snell of this t"'w. song at the Dover. N. II.. opera hous, Thursday afternoon and evening b, tween the acts of 'Itio Grande.' which wks presented' under the auspices of Mount Washington lodge of Odd I.a Hampshire mmiKiny. dies of that city.

There was a lively blazein Mellm-M. Friday morning, the first tire of the hew century in that town.

Shortly before 8.80 o'clock in nlnrn k'ainc In from box 25. located at tin corner of Railroad and Enron street.-. The fire department respond",: promptly and found a brisk fire In progress In a two tenement lini.s. owned by William MUnes on Purke. court. Over ~00 feet of hose were quickly laid and the streams of water soon had a telling effeet upon the flames.

'i'ho firemen worked with touch energy anil succeeded In confining che lire to the tenement in win i it eta-ted. Mr. Milnes occupi,- one Of the tenements in the house an, the other one is vacant. It was li the latter where the lire oecum,;


The officers-elect of Col.

and W agent.

s.imuel Emerson pianist It. Whitney purcnasiw

Ce irge W, TVnney and son Join (Igve returned from the!

bunting trip in the south.

Mliion C. Peirce and'John F. Ten hey have id lined t„ their studies a Yule college.

Edward D Johnson has returned t, Voting-town, Ohio, to resume his du ties as Instructor in the high si-hoo at that place.

Hope radge of Odd Fellows held i regular meeting Monday evening. A the next meeting the officers will b- installed.

Edward Morl'arty has resumed hi: duties at A. I.. Dante s store. Iiavini t covered from his recent illness.

Dr. fiberlin of the school of bng iiages of Boston instructed classes ii German and French at the s'hool com niittee rooms Monday afternoon and evening


No one needs to lie told to try to cur, a eolith. Rut say one will be glad ti lie told of a llteani of cure which wil lip thorough and lasting. Dr. Pierce' (ioldett Medical Discovery is a medi cine which caa be confidently relie'i on to cure diseases of the organs o respiration,. Ii cure, obstinate. ,bej seated coughs, bronchitis and bleedin of the.luu£s. "it cures when tiothiti

.. else will i-nre^ and the local phvsicia i says :- "There is nothing more that w can do.".

There is iio^slcoliol in "Golden Men ical Discovery," and it is absolutelv tie from opium, cocaine and all other uai cotics.

The dealer, tempted by the little mor ;,ro!it paid by less meritorious medicine: will sometimes try aud sell a subatitut when the "Discovery " is asked for. N- substitute medicine will satisfy the aid like "Golden Medical Discovery." I always helps. It almost arrays cures.

" rv-o year* ago a ssvens cHigll wMttd on ni an.l I wa^ also iK.thcrcit with cMialtlt." writf Mr. K, ski-it. oi l>Aiw*>oo»i, Chiwgo Co . xflm

1 could not sleep nirlu*. I' tlit- cough wn worae at night. 1 incd several cough Hied .iuea, but to no avail, until a year uv'o. when not so bad t could nut breathe, thronirti inv «os at liiiies. t tbeu tried Dr. Pierces Golden Met K ,1 Discoverv. Alter taking eigtil tsvules c. Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery aud a llieeame time -lias Dr. Safe's catarrh Remedy 1 am a well nun. 1 can tbauk I>r. Pierce for lie Rood heattli. and will recommend his medicine to any one surTerini; from tbe aanie trouble."

Dr. Pierce'- Pleasant Pelleta cure con atipation.

WllHaci B. Grfene post. 100. G. A. R.. wer •nustered into office Friday evening by Past Commander Edward G. Froth

ingham and staff comprising past -ommanders l-_renzo Frost and E. B ^avage, Ailbttant D; Smith Klniball -ifflcer of the Guard O. T. Dodge an' Chaplain Curl Jensen of Major Howe lost. 17, of Haverhill. Many member: if the post, their wives and othf "nests were present to witness t.he •eremonles which were finely perform ■d. The local post made an excellent 'bowing. The officers mustered I' were as follows: Commander. Albert '.. Dame; senior vice commander. AI IIIIO Howe; Junior vice commander M»sr,i v Sawyer; quartermaster '<Irk F. Brown; adjutant. John ■*- faplev; surgeon. Ceorge E. Wool •itiry;' chaplain. Calvin J. Stlrgent ifflcer of tbe dav. Frank A. Ward- veil; officer of the guard. David P

Nttdd: sergeant major. Ceorge N Harnard; quartermaster sergeant tohn F. Ridley. After the installa Mon remarks were made by the mns etlng officers. I'ast Commander J. E luswell and Hon. James O. Parker The post. W.IB congratulated upon It •>xc«dlent standing and it was su? tested that a ladles' Relief MaeeH Ion he organized iu coniiectu:n will

'he post. After the speaklt"! tto mthering repaired to the banrptct hal' where an oyster supper was suved,

A son has been born to Mr. anf Mrs. Robert Ryan of Pelham avenue

Henry Seanlon was sent up for si. •nonths by Judge Rogers Friday fo: third offence of drunkenness,

Azalre Fonrnler was sent up foi three months in Ijiwrencc nollci tottrt Friday for stealing plumbers ools belonging to John Dolan of th! 'own, a

tenment were frozen during the nigh, and this morning ubout n o'elocTc Mr MUnes commeucetl thawing them b; burning paper naar them. After tin plpefc had lieen cleared of l.e -Nn Milnee loft the tenement. .Ybou «T20 o'clock smoke was dleCOVH'ei coming from the kitchen and 'an investigation proves! Itraca liv,i

- bla_e- was In progresa.^ It IS -tip- poaed that a sipark (rom the i-rpe

which was burned kindled the fire. The flame, worked up through the

partitions to" the roof and the lit ter was badly burned. The ititerin

Herman Matthes. Lawren giants.

Richard lreilule, Lawrence Beaver Brook PiUtl.ry


anaries I-'arni, 1/

retne, Rhode Island reds, barred Ply The -wafer pipes hr The -nnwetrfHet- —-—f— mouth rocks a'nd wliRe^v'yOTdottes-.

Etlward Elmer, Methuem barb' nuns and swallows. . \




The-flld Liners held another dancini party in the town ball Friday even iug. Tliere was a large attendant', ,,t both young anil old persons frou ibis town, Lawrence and the An dovers.

The affair was a most enjoyable on and proved more of a success that the one held in November. Shortl; alter s b__l____ the grand march wa inaugurated, being led by W7 H. But ters and Mrs. Augjlita Bourwell. The; •A i■■■ :',,;'.,.vc.-l by about SO coitpies After the march and circle tlancin:

. was commenced and enjoyed untl tuidnisht. Good music was furnlbb ed by the orchestra in attendance The dances were principally old fash buicl ones such as eontillions. an, ,,'iitias. the latter Including Lad; Washington's reel. Money Musk. Hull' victory. Pop goes the weaiael an-

.t'luirim iig.— The round dances In \ bided the waltz, polka and waltz ot r,,i,l. Caterer Lane furnished rr tieshments during intermission wtatcl t,„,k Dlace alHiut 10.3n o'clock. A' tbe close of the dance a special cai left fur I_iwrence and North Andover

The i onimittee In 'charge of the at fair comprised Henry Butters, petvl dent: Cnilfoid A. U'wis, secretary bdiii I) Hill, treasurer: 8. Vnti Har' Joseph I', iluswell. Augustus N. Bits' John W. Hall Orlando A. 1'easlee s|m,,n E. Young and Henry F. WIT 1,1.

viuimg those present were:

Isaiah M. Howe has been drawn- t, serve on the grand jury for Esses -onnty during the ensuing year. Th- grand jury reports at Salem Monday Ian. 14.

Fine Mr. Mr Mr. Mr Mr. Mi Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr.

and Mrs. James O. Parkci anil Mrs. Sidney Poor, and Mrs C. H. Emerson and Mrs. Ceorge W^Riee and Mrs. Orlando A. Peislee, and Mrs. John P. S"ollay\ and Mrs John O. Hill. \ nnd Mrs. Allan Goldsmith t and Mrs frank Howe. and Mrs. E. N. Hall and Mrs. S V Hart and Mrs. S. W. Voting. and Mrs C A I.ewls jin'l Mrs Q B. Tnwnsend and Mrs. C. R AustlA.

The Methiten Historical society * M lold a meeting Monday evening. Jau I. when ex-Mayor Tewkabttry of l-»w ranee will read a paper on The Chnnj; mil Transformation of a Century.

The remains of Michael J. Griffin vere brought to I__»Tence from Rocb- _ter. N. H.. and Interred In the Ini

Tiacnlate cemetery Thursday. V ctoehester mass was held at one of the •hurches at 8.15 after which the re- -nains were brought to Lawrence, ar iving In the latter city at 12.1< t'clock. The bearers were Edward •'. nnd John J. Sullivan. James and lanlel Griffin and John McQuade anc1

Thomas McShane. the two latter he- ng mejphers of the Rochester fire de ■artment of wrrrtriV deeeaned waa-x nember. Tbe hearers at Ijiwrenc. vere the flrFt four named who eer-ec1

t Rochester nnd Martin J. Tynan iml Fred J. Reardon of Havernil1

With the remains came an abundan" tf flowers from friends of the deceas ed iu Rochester where he was I veil known resident and prominent uetnber of the Are department.

Tlie Pillowing eflicers-elect of Me hu,n n.nnil. H. Royal Arcanum vi ie installed Thursday .evening br i. D, c. A. Cannon and suite ot voilli Billet-lea: Regent. Selwln A lodge; vice regent, -Arthur Pedl"- rator. Kirk V. Browfi; secretary, .1, ' Fmerson; collector. George A Cavlor- treasurer,- Thrlmas R. Silt) er chaplain. W. H, ' Littebrandl

•Hide, Benalah B. Oo_don: warden 'dwanl-A. Sawyer: secretary. Her'.' vlenike: trustec-s. K.lF. Brown nnd I. 11. Cordon. One ^candidate w.v-

1 nltioted after thel>installallnn and '.t 1 ',,. , lose of the locfge meeting an oc-

tet siiiiper was served.

Past Master-S--A. Fuller of North

The Methuen Grange poultry shc>v committee closed its entries on Jan 2, 1901 with numbers of poultry, pig eons, ducks, hares and pet stock. s,n flclent to till Odd Fellows hall. Tin desire to win cine of the challenge s:. vcr cups has caused strong rivalry ;

certain classes, and the men who gc clie coveted trophies will have caua to" feel proud of their well earne-.

sttccess. I*rize winning specimen tronl.other shows will here se?k fo .resh laurels, aud uew exhibitors wil ry to give the old hands' a run to

;helr money. The public will be s ,r A seeing an up to the moment' poul

_-i_-diiiw bv visiting Odd Fellows b i: In Methuen during this exnniniou" Below Is a list of the exhibitors am the varieties they will send for com petition: 'C. 11. Allen. Salem. N H . enter

'barred Plymouth irocks. Mrs. Mabel A. Young. Methuer,

abort-haired ntale cat. ' L. E. Burnbam *; Co.. .Methuen light brahinas. barred Plymoutl rocks. Angora cat '.ferry EC belgta. hares and fantail pigeonB. „

Robert B. lie*, Methuen. buff cochin bantams and Maryland blues. . -

C. E Young. Methuen white Kl! mouth rocks and Rhode Island red.,.

Burton D. Todd. I,aw.rpnee, Rhod Island reds and Bllver spangled ham burgs.

P. R. Park. Methuen. Rhode Islam reds, pigeons and flemish giants.

Mrs. J. E. Russell, Methuen, Rhod island reds.

W. A. Thom, Salem Depot, N. -H. Rhode Island reds and white wyan dottes.

D. N. At wood; Pelham, >. , H Rhode Island reds.

A. L. Cutting, W'eston, bantams. W. T. Perham, Tyngsttoro, Jacobin!

pouters and other varieties. Mrs. A. M. Horseman, l-awroncc

angora cat and kittens. Herman T. Woods, Ijtwrence. tw

cats. L..O. Norrls. Methuen. white Ply-

mouth rocks. Fred Stahrer, l_twrenc tleir.isl

giants. John B. Warwick. Methuen. gntic

and barred Plymouth rocks. Beaver Brook Belgian Hare Co.

fjtwrence. belglan hares.

and John Ostler, ^ijfhuen. white

mouth rocks and. gray call iluckc. William ft. Sherman. I_iwretf,e, ftoi

glan hares and flemish giants. p S. J. Barker. Methuen. blue andaln

•sians. silkies and turtle doves. Otto Minzner, Lawrence

wyandottes. ' — ^, E. I). Rogers. Lawrence, bailed Ply

month rocks. Mrs. E. K. Dyer, latwrencev ango

ra cats. Robert Rawlslev. Metbuen. brow

leghorns aud white wyandottes. Henry Short. Methnen. barred Ply,

mouth rocks, buff cochins and buf •ochin bantams.

A. E. Durcin. Haverhill. bat-re Pltnouth rocks.

Herlierf A. Parker. North Saletn \. ;_., fiaire.i o ith rock's.

T. P " '"___r-»-"-'.', barred Ply tnontU... roete, ____^_ • Johu „. laaeaai*, e^tcTover. wntte'\$% horns.

Jiiraes H. laird, Andover. harrc- Plymouth rocks.

Melville Five. Methuen. white Plv month rocks.

W It. Whitney. Methuen, wbCc Pliuoiub—,", l-s


Tb" annual report ■>! the board of tire engineers is reudy to be submitted to tin seie-tmen. The report shmc- tbat dining the (tear iust dosed there were 32 alarms. 18 bell, nine still and live telephones. Twelve of tl_n total number were from boxes locate.l ,,:: the Outskirts of the town. In re« ponding to alarms tbe depaitllleli; covered 10b 1-'-' miles. The total null- net oi feet of-hose laid was 9S88 nnd 171 gallons of ihemical- were used, file amount of property endangei e I *H- 1X4,260 and the total property las, was $!i:ir>lt This is someavhat ling I than, that of the year previous a there was an unusatally large number of flies ,in the country. Considering the long'rttns tbe department bad t i make the total property loss is hoc considered large'. The engineers In their report recommend the purchase of a combination truck for the de- partment.


Patrhk Cirrran was cptite seriously injured Sutidn- afternoon, w;iilc or. exercising Agent Barnes' coll. Mr Curtail was drrving ncar'tlic Keltic e estat" cm Pleasant -tieet in a gig aim In turning out for a team coming In the opposite direction- his colt aa- driveu too near,a heap 0» stones and shied. The gig^vemt half around and Mr. Ciiiran went off. striking on his back and shoulder 'on 'the f_o>eu ground. The colt stilted to ran. bill

-Mr. Ctirran clung to the reins and was draggetl :iti*> leet before he could I •(' __e colt. The gig wks so damageI that Mr. Currau bad to lead the cedt to Its stable. Mr. I nrraii - shtu]>r liaiued htm and a psysi Inn *:: ■ cilleil to make an examination. It was' found that the shoulder was dislocated and that tbe cap was bruk- m. Mi' .CniTun al'ci sustained aeveral bralsea and a bad shaking up. II- will be laid up foi' some week- as a .isn't ot the accident.

1 According to the previous custom by Col. W. U. Greene post. NO, O. A R., of presenting pa.it comraandeiii with a badge. Albert I.. Dame w.i , made the ii-cipient of one at the 'm'i-i^-4iiffdn;~.tif-.-al_u__!'j_.^ evening. The badge' is a halieFv.ma one. Mr. Dame li serving his seccr.,1. term a_ commauder of the i>o_l

.. The l"mil Methuen hose compan;. was called out by still alarm Sun,I..' afternoon to extinguish a brush fire in Iniatll's bill. No damage was donea' » -■'* • .- '-v^—v. .^i..^---


Vegetable Prcpwationfor As- similating iheToodandRe^ula-

" th£ StamaLhs andBowels iaf

Mis. C. A. -lohns^n uiut thre^^a!!^, irrlvi'd here Sun.i:.y ni«ht iitim M.xitii. Th^y will rpsiili- Un tH'' Mreseftt, with Mr/*. Jnhn-Qirs stiu, Brnest, on

•t'I (test Plf il .iUlt KtlTP! -'f-,^

.1: S. Croshy. lawrciKc, white wyan lottew and barred Plymouth ro_-ks.

William Volkmor, l.awreu,ce, fan, *ai' niKPdiis

Kdward Bnddy. Lawrpnre. owls and turahlpi's.

Thomas Wilkinson. Methuen. Wad •angshanrt.

Mrs. J. E. UoniP. I^awrcsft". ROldfli and whitf wyandottes--,.

.John Yielding, M-nhupn, Rhod ipland iPtls.

K. W. (iPorRp, Mpfhupn, tumldpr ind Tantaitb.

John M. flporge. Mcthiun. Rhod. Uland reds.

S. H. RlndCPtt. South I-ineoln, ror

W. A. Bower, of thP film Of W. A. aud K. Bower, Uardware dealer.-, wu thrown from his team Friday night by hid borne shirting kiiddenly. md his leg was. Injured and one liinnili was sprained

Mrs. CharW S-' . Wl'.itti.M' of Provr- dpntt-. R. I., is visiting atthe re*-

-14^BC*» ot...- Uon, Jiu'ih Kmi'i-son on Hampshire street. Mrs. Whrt'ttfr for- merly re-sided here.


The annual roll rail of th-1 Plrat (Congregational) cburch waa Bold TuesiUy evening iu Phillips chapaL miprr '"ft1 " l'^rna 'ittpnii:-n--p of :IIP;»


Promot-sDigesHoaCkeiful- ncss and Rest.Contiiins neUter Omum;Morphine nor Mto__r-_l. KOTNAKCOTIC.

^i,mfOUar£WVBJBIaM*\ _te~l»<_. SmJ - MxJtrvtm * /trJUIUSJ*- ._MM.tiM< *

_r/S*e»«*r_-.. MB-

ApetfeclfiemCTly forCo_36pa- tiofi. Sour Stomach.Dinrrhoea, Wonns.Convutsions.Feverish- HM oi'd LOSS OF Slet-EB

.lacSituiVe Siegnalure off

ygw VORK. _n*.


CAST0R1A for Infants and Chuaren. ,

The Kind You Have Always Bought


in Use

r Over Thirty Years

CASTOMA '2r .u_ c.reT.us eO.M.e, leCW .«■« crt.7. THI .-reT-uee c

a. -.-.-III- e htlleh

t'L'iumanilei- lleiotli Tiu-kei. I, the Salvation Army or Anieri -Peak at tlie Con^rr^.itjonal next Sitnilay tnorninK. in tlie evtn- iiu I',- itei. James If Roberts, for L'l ye-:n , a mlsslfluary in Cnlna, will ITlve .in a,,-,,i,nt ,,! Wa Mi ni" iriim rsatjsn"; -t'tiitm, eUlFins.. llle tiouhje lb,-re Uai lung. The Ret. Mr. Bob- erts IMIS ti Class ni if of ;i|.' R,

»C. H. Ollj.hn.ft1 at vale oiieijc. talk nromlsf:! Ul lie-rx.-eeill only—4iu teiestiiiK ,


The public 9-hof/I- re-openi'tl Moti- llB iliij "_.Ut'i. I lie t'iiiislunui .ueallon-.

The sfleetiiien mail,1 tii'i:' annual inventory tjl the town dixm Tn"")^. Everything iva_ fount) in a.n,i oriter there..- _ ' . '

BerilcM Falls,-IneUt,.'Tilt A. t). .' W. held a recuhrr ,iie,''.'(i. r.n's-ilay evening. A! th« l"-1 nieetin- i"" Ve-esoJtB later the olWers elect will no Instate-d by Distrii-t l)-tmt'" Qrantl Ma.ste. Voi'kninn. Hilwnnl Howart and suite.

J. Milton Tenney of this town, was re-elected a dlrssctor of the Lawrence uiitional hank Tueanay.

niieh ami white intlian games. John Botteimley, I_iwrenee, canaries. Eajetwootl Bros.. I,awrenro. oO fly-

>nc homers ' Reinhohl Hasso. I_iwrenee, hen pU -sons.

Charles W, Clarke. Methuen. flylnf homers,

Edwin Perry, Methuen, white fan 'ail pigeons..

Mrs. D. C. Smith. Lriwrence. an^r. ra ent

E. T horns.

IVrltins. Raco. M vi'luilf ictr

FOR Slllll'l.lFTIN't

TTfe-cliWrot ST. Atwt«t4ri*VK^ is <o give a minstrel show- town hall Friday. Jah. IS.

•V gift nf $800 has been present,' 1 to St. Augustine's .church for st 1- lions-eif tile eross. The donor's niiinn is not j.i\en out.

There will lie soiK-ial services at Hie Intal t'ouRregational churches _____ Week, in observance of the week of

I prayer.

William Mabonoy was seuten, ,',1 10 , three months In tlie house of coijec-.

thin on Moti'lny for stealing wrehflhe. Iielonqiftg to Mr. Hardy of \Vcst An- elo\ er. '

Mrs. ilruaitw Rogers lifting.

About It That's always the way with

our Hair Vigor. When per- sons use it they are always so highly pleased witlTit thatthey tell their friends about it.

If vour hair is short, too .thin, splits at the ends, is rough or is falling out, our Hair Vigor will perfectly satisfy

vou. If vout hair is just a little

gray, or perfectly white, Ayer's Hair Vigor will bring back to it all the da.rk, rich color it had years and years ago.

One <UI.«r ■ U!tic

not -ui'i'K j o"\\. -sditl will .sprrxi « hottl* to you,

iiru,(gi-t ta , II you iiHft.oo nnd wi «ll ili»rk*f» prrpai4. j-our\op«i*>t et.ire** ofnc*.

jc Atr.ii(-o.,lU0fi,etU'il"s«.

bind for VH ft»nii»Qp^t»o*r" Tv ■ il*^


Aiini,c. Mrrtwn. ^S, living -os. ty, v,\< before Trial .lustur eSaturnay ai'i.-:mum for shop

Star entered Ul* meat more 1 Borkq UiotlH'i.i. AitirmTon district

3aturday mominjc, and wnile there' waa caujiht in tlie act of stealing a piet-p of la mi). She was nott.ed by \ clerk to pick up the piece of meal 'roni the table and then return it to its place. Again she picked it up ind put it trader a IOIIR rape whix-b ;hp wore She was -Werted and de- tained at the store until patrolman silver roiibl Y>P f-nninioned. She WM 'hen tnkrn in ibr police station and here n safchH waa found in he-v

{fosspafton containing a dre»ae4**ehlckr •n. .\ iniantitv of l^n-f stake and Other meat. These articies, however .vere not thought to have been stolen from Barker Brothers store. She teoiad her guilt, but was found guilty •>f steal 111 g a quajntity of lamb ana fined tl'« which she 1>»<d. At tnis

<amc session of cutirt Haniey ijayne. -adding near Avers Village, was ar- alfiied for nitting trees, lie pleaded 10: guilly. It was shown that Payne lad only cut down some hrusb on hir. |\vn 'and near the road gide and hr nu (onseqinntlv found not guilty md disthaVged. Payne Waa brought in on «:i.;nfiUint m of. Tree Warden


Woulil quirklv (ea». yfii. If yon nsi'il llr. KIng'H Sow I.Iff I'llli. Tluiusiinils of sufterera have provcil tlii'ir 111 itrlilt'SK mwlt for stck nnd nervous hfjpil-irlii's. Flify nialu' rmrf blood :in,I si rone pprves nntl build up your hinltli. Easy to tal<-. Try tht-ni. Only 25 cents. Money bai'Ii II not riireil. SoM by John J. For- rest, druggist.

bet's. From -.30 to t>,.W 11 soi-ial hour was enjoyed and at ti.lj o'clork SIID- oer wru> served by the ladie.i' _u- ,-iety. The siipiier ,un-isted 01 eftr allopid oyfters. cold meats, rolls,

nie. cake, fruit and cortee. There was in ainiqiianc". of everything and the liiallty was excellent.

After supper the roll was called by „, (Merit (.'has. II. T. Mann anil nearly

17T» answered to their names. letters wire read from seveial who could not '.ie pirs'-nt. Ko|Kirts nf the clerk,trens. urer and diflerent committees were then listened to. The Kev. C. H- OUphant eilbmited the report for the Sunday school, Miss Carrie .1. llolden foe the King's Daughters, Samuel !•:. Minn for the Brotherhood Mis. Chas. K. Austin for the social circle. Mrs. Tenney for the Ladled' missionary so- ciety. Mrs. Carleton for the bailies' Benevolent society. The clerk's re- port showed the present membership to he 258, During the year eight members were taken into the .hurch. five died and four were given let-

The members who died were .>.un'iel Crois, Milan Anderson, Mis. \l.11tha Wliltticr. Mrs. ;Martlia J. smith, and Unfits W. Morse. In the pa.-t years 25 members have died '.hum were over 90 years old.

The following ofltcers were elected fter the reading aud acccptan,e"of

.he different reports Clerk. Deacon Charles 11. T. Mann; treasurer. Dea- con Jacob Kmerson for the intli ,,,11- secutive time;stnnding committee, Al- fred Newsholme, Harry K. Moore. Win.: T. Fernald and Arthur .!. Crosbyi music committee. Mi... C. H. OllpUant, Julian F. Knicrson and Miss Marlon H. Emerson; delegate to general association at Andover, Alfred Newsholme; deacon for five yea"s. Frank Remick; deacon fi&f =i:s >v;;r::, Julian I'. Emerson. After the busi- ness meeting an address was given by (lie pastor, tile Rev. C. H-. Ollphant. The meeting closed sboitly after - 0 o'clo, k . ■ ...


I Amos The sciecinn-n inns .I,,|K,IU,, , ..,„.... , _,. |,T„, ;■,,,;,,„■ nt the iiolice su.- |

tion ,unl new ciuvt room. l,ii,.|i)i N. Sargent lias been appointed Janitor -of the town hall ami town offices, PI the bulldtnl 'or lb" ensiling yea'.'.

the Abbot acadclu- j_.lll._he priven 'T4llir_.li

A rearnlar meeting .,f 1<,-.II'-.USC lodge. K. ol I'., was held Tuesday evening. At the nexl nci'tiug ibe officers elect v. Ml be Installed ect v.Ml be il

seven two of

lii.iriu recltiil'i ... afternoon. Jan. 21. by Heinrlch 01,• hard, in the November club house nt 4 o'elock.

Mrs. Margaret Woods Ijiwrcm . widow "I tbe Rev. Edward A. Uiv- rein e. 11. 11., died at her.residence, 'Linden home.' on Washington stre-r-. Marblehead, Saturday afternoon, after a short illness

She was ss years of age. having be" bun in this town April 12. 181:1. rill was the daughti'r of Prof. I/emia Woods of Andover theological Bern nary and sister of Leonard-Waii'l Jr.. D. I)., president or ltnw-doin ,

Miss Smith of Lowell. vUiied Mis- ,lego. She was married to the ]'.,. Eva Spotlt-waod feeve the first 01' ih- Edjvard A. Uaw-rence ,n 18.i9. He ti

j Marblehead for about 50 years. The Epworh league of the M, I". .

church held a meeting Monday lug at which it voted organist for the yen

The Methuen .-11111 m- nilier. "ill soi.n commence rehearsUm 'or a min- strel show to !»' given in lil- uenr futiii". There i proSiTs. of an ex- cellent show by the; members ot the club. 1—

ven- I pay tlie

which in, ars j _hout S.'.O arid to also iia'y 150 ir..var.ls the cliiii-.-b ii, 'u. The __»__i_ ivs.ii,,! | something to work for,lining live coin- ing year and doclded"to raise »luu for the beneiil ,,'i iii" chtirch to ''' divided a_-abovc stated'. A social wlH soon lie held for the members.


F. M. His;gins Editor Seneca (Ills..) >^.'ws, was utTiictcil for yenr3 with Piles that no eloctor or remeely helped until he tried Durklen's Arnica salve.

preached nt t_3 Prof. W. n. n.>uer chapel on Sunday.

Hamilton O. Merrill, son of M"-. Florence A. Merrill of Main street, lias tieen appoinleil as sue-cessor 11 Qesorge ('. Fiske, instructor in classict, Mr. Fiske having beem promoted In instructor in latin el the tniveri'>' of Wisconsin. Mr. Merrill Is a grad- uate of Amherst college.

No new development- have appearel in the (ire iase. No arrests have- been 111 riel,' since the hearing, was liel-l by

the lire mar-hal in ii-gard to the cause of the blaze at the barn of tic

He writes two boxes wholly cured him trustees of Phillips academy'. Every

The Methuen national bank share- holders re-elected the old board of directors as follows Tlle.sdav: Danle-I il_ X-uney, Charles Austin. I-:. IL lliiin,-.. James S. Dods" ami Jaoob Bmeraon. The directors re-eleeted Daniel W. Tenney president and Jacob EmeTson cashier.

AI the meeting of Hope lodge or Olid Fellows Monday evening four candidates were given the initiatory degree: On the third Mon- day evening District Deputy I '-land Master Sniilh and suit" will Install the officer? elect of the lodge. , '

Its the suref*t Pile cure on earth and the bent salve in the world. Cure guaranteed. Only .5 cents. Sold.By John J. Forrest, diuggist.

Rcpi-esentativ Joseph E. ll'iswdl of ibis town has been upiiuiiie,-,', ore-thc ways and means QOmtnUtew of the house ,,f representatives, This i- 011,- ,,f the TOost iiivpoiL.ir.i committees in the house, .md Air. iluswell :-. 0 1 o for a second year.

Mr. and Mrs. Ransom P.. MfCriUis have returned torn a visit to friends in Danvers and IVahody.


lss,1 h, IWi kmit V '—,:■; vv,sr;' " "* *~atf

7" <Z^/V&


People overlooked the importance of permanently beneficial effects and were satislieel with transii'nt action; but now that it Is genrally known that Syrup of Figs will permanently over- come habitual ronstitpation. well-in formed' people will not buy other lax atives,'which act for a time, luit (in ally Injure the system. Buy the gen- uine, made by the California Fig Si- rup Co. ' • '

Rev. R. T___Eolli has been engas-'i to at the rniversalist chuicli two Sundays. Tne last Simla, monlh the Rev. W. P.. Libbey .lamnlra Plain will supple.

Boston. iipply The p.ilpu

the next n the

effort bns been made to discover ■nuse and It is said that some tacW are in possession of the proper au- thorities which may result In definite action later.

Alts. r,_rr. Dohr.rty !e \\\



A startling incident, of which Mr. John Oliver of Philadelphia wes lb,- subject 's narrated by hint i'-s fol- lows: 'I was in a most dreadful eon- dilion. My. skin was almost yellow, eyes sunken, tongue coated, pain con- tinually in back and pi,.l"s. no appe- tite—gradually growing wiake-r e'-iy by day. Three phvslciaus had given mo .-II|,. Fortunately a friend ad- liscd trying Electric Rltt-M-s: and to my great joy and surprise, the first pottle made a decided improvement. I continued their use for three wt'eks. and am now a well man. I know they saved my life and robbed the grave of another victim. No on" slioaW CsiU to try them. Only 50 rts. gutrar..*^ at John J. Forrest's drug store.

Joseph Shepherd was arraigned in police court Monday charged With as- sault upon Charles Fenalson. lb- ^ tound guilty and sentenced to pay :' fine of $10 or serve 60 days in Hi'' house of correction. •

A petition was in circulation in the house on Monday which was pr.in' generally. Jiigneii,- asking the pr1*5'!1' "' for the appointment of ex.-Hor,icsHTr-- tlve William Odlln of this town a.- a supreme court justice in the Pll'dtP. pines.


Could not express th? rapture "f Artnie E. Springer, of 1125 How.ii'l street. Philadelphia. Pa., w-heu she found that Dr. King's New Discover for Consumption had completely ed her of n hacking rough that, lot many years had made life a burden All other remedies and doctors ci",-1

give her no help, but she says of tl Rcival Cure—-It soon removed pain in mv chest nnd I can npw sleiV soundly, something I can scarcely remember doing - before. 1 feel like sounding Its praise through- out the universe.' So will every •■n" who tries Dr. Ring's New Dlsrnvcfv for anv trouble of the thront, chest or lungs. Price 50c and Jl.no. Trie' bottles free at John .1. Forrest's drur;. store; very bottle guaranteed



bP'il 1 Sin' 1

pan! 1 •u-mi- I


An KxrHlmt ronibiimtioii. l'.it- ph-usT.iii IIU-MIO.) iiiid l„ ii.tu'ial

effects', 3>l Hi,, -... ,| kimfcrf iv ()V, , bun i' or J'mfe, mam *a tured In, t'n- - i \!iF"ii.M\ in. :\r\, i.,., iilu'tra^,. ""'■vul r..M:!i,:i | , . ,:,,,];,( liiy.u- tiVBjprincmlfK of i .,-.• k.imvn to Iw ..H-.T..-il..llly luxaliV- ::...! piWntTn* IhomintaiGformimwtn riv •hlnjrti.Oi, loaie and-auueptahUi to l|ie*yslem. It . Hlie one p'-ilVel si .-eniri helling l:i.\i, livt-, i>l«apslng I In- ..■,■•1.1,1 . it'.Tiualh .l? Pflllngt'oUjH, lM-a.t;!( h, \ ;, ;,| f, vt V ,

^tapy iNAMiwrtl.* ■»<! .■nui.iinjfonr To-ovt-ivome haltll .ia1 coHfitipUtiuii i« r

. jii;ui«-nti>, ! tin oerfcri trwd'tai from . .. r\ olqw Upinibli! ~.ji...tiu uiul «b- tnnci*, H lit 1 ll.s art ilip- tin tin- 1.; IIM'TS

liyof 'unil iMtweht, without u;ukt*iiiu£ t-r irritating them, malt,- ji ni", itical laxative

In 111*^ prm-t ss r»f iiuiinifiK uirii"./- flff» aroused,as tfcey arc pJtaiouil in the taste, I tut the medicinal qnalllh*? of tin- ivui«*ily are obtained from senna ami other aromatic plant*, by n method Known to tho CALIFORNIA Flo Svii!*!' Oo. only. In order to pet itnbeneficial effects and to avoid imitations, |>lett& remember tlte full nameof the Company printed on the front «»f etery package,


l.OUISVILJ.E, KY. NEW YORK, N. Y. Por«a)el>yaUl)ru«lit»j. -PrlurGOD.'ptr bouie.


WE DON'T WANT TO BRA' ■ Hut He iln wish to sny that

WE CURE ALL OUR BACON,' Anil know how to do ii rtghl,

E-RENOER At4 OUR LARO, \iiil iln r./s gone purer ■< ■ better

We were the Original Makers of Tomato S;iu.-.a^t-;; Ul years aW. ■ni'l while \v have imitators. n'on«' i .< II ii|iial ours.

IIUR PORK SAU8AGF.S Art- always up tii tin; "iLiaiUi >]. ■in- as gum I judge* i.f norfc

. |Hl*t Kthcl Walker Is confined to her home on Andover street hy

diphtheria. Mrs. Thorps or Springfield street Is

ronlineil io her iiome hy illness. Miss Bthel (irnlnger of Sprlngtleld

street has recovered from her recent Illness, ,Mr«. John Vlresnahan of South

Union street is entertaining friends from Ijowell.

.laities Quitiii has recovered Irom his recent, illness.

<;eorgo--l>owil of Andover street, has ent-eivir- the employ cif .1. T. Kemnie3, tin- Salem street baker.

Mrs. Ruth .Vlltehell of New York city is visitng Mrs. K. Orlffln of An- dover street for a few days.

A Dew cinder sidewalk has heen nut in at the residence of Jeremiah .vie Cui'thy on OsgOOd street.

Robert llonghton of Millers Falls spent Saturday and Sunday with his ' Miss Jacob Vatter of Andover

street-. Arthur l.ellelle of Beaton street

wrenched his knee Quite severely wlille skating on the Merrlmaek lust Sunday. Mrs. Mnrgatroyd of Springfield street

sustained a severe shaking up by /ail- ing down stairs at her home Tue<-.lav last.

Joseph Oassidy or Parker street has returned from a short visit at the home of his parents in Rochester. N.

Miss Plorenee Gtoodwln* a former resident of South Lawrence, but now ■ I Bieter, N. II.. visited friends in iIns iiiy Sunday. .

Matthew Newell of Bailey street has recovered a valuable Scotch Collie dog Which he hist recently. The dog •' round in Andover,

Miss Nellie Carney of Klnentmi itrael is teaching in the Arlington school. . •

' ^ Hall of Kafnham street, lea- ."'' "f ,"": u'r '"'ake ByMaa on the loston ft Maine railroad, i« now iff

Mechanicsville, N. Y.. where he will c stationed until February. The week or prayer]Is being observ

W Mi both the I'arker and the Soulh i ongresational churches this week 'lie siu ne»i -aw-lafgwy-nttcnderi ™rl 'he n suits are highly Mattering to tht

!'■ W, II. Marble and tin- Uev . |i. It Ii. At each service a soltaldc >u is delivered upon some snli-

PINKHAIH WOES. (Conflnned from Pago-One. >

not say to him, 'If'she goes I go!' '1 do not take cocaine or eat mor-

phine—have taken it when ordered by a physician. Dr. Howard can tell you about mat..

'1 can't tell you if 1 have taken mor- phine for years-is there many that could! .

'I own three houses. Mr. Plnkham came to see me frequently after 1 toil him. 1 did not Invite him—I did not Invite him more times than he ever -came.

•I now live the next house lo him I have a key to his house. 1 go in and build a lire to keep the pipes from freezing. His house looked as If ho one kept bouse—1 didn't. 1 never look ed after his washing. He comes to dinner occasionally. Once be brouxht a turkey and 1 offered to pay for it

i have not. advised him to eo to California since this libel was brought Intimating that I would follow, after the divorce was obtained, and many him again.

'One l went lo Manchester in re- sponse LO a letter, hut later found ii was misiliiccted . it was to u Tink- nam.' not Pinkhani.'

i don't think the only trouble is because of my own Intolerance' ' •

Attorney Thompson again asked c witness as to business relations xto with her niisband. He had signed j deed with her. He had also brougl t her many things he never did before

Mrs. Helen Haley took the stand She is the nurse who worked for Mrs llnkham live weeks. One Sunday morning Mrs. Pinkhani was very shk

she got up anil Mr. Plnkham push- ed her. I helped |,er „,„, ,„, pllR,„.(1

me. He went out. she had asked to save her. I told him be liar

"l"k'''B'" '" H'"'Me h"'' 'Wl'"e sn'' *'*» Mrs. N. J. |,Jnn_ lol(| ,,ow ■ mef

visit, she had bean ordered oul bv

l.nkhatn. Ileeanse Mrs. Pinklia-. too* the witness' part, she was as saulted.

Miss Katie Calian said she lived .,, «»e I inkhani family n years and told 5t many of the raniily squabbles i'i„ case was on at adjournment

THE MILL END SALE • A pleasing countenance is always a silent recomiriendation to a man or woman. So is a successful, satisfac-

tory sale fo>any store. The history of the gre;it Lockhan "Mill Knd" Sale in our store ami throughout the largest '■iiies of the tlnittd Sraic, is that 11 Knows No Limit.

Merchan's have found tiy experience., there is no chance in u contest with desperate, necessity. By the means of this sa'e me mills and factories dispose of,certaia lines and kinds of goods that are not ma'ked through regular channels. 'I'IIN tnc chanilise is of the same value, quality and make as is st'iM every d.jy in the year for near'V double- The vcrv best mikes of goods aic to be found among these Mill hinds' a; a great saving. Again Mr. Lockhari, the agent of the mills, brings the "Mill End" Sale to Lawrence and .will open it

FRIDAY MORNING, JANUARY 11th, in our Store We use an c'lepluint. p igi'' in the papers lo-morrow ftntl trTertOrtly give :r meager, glimose. Yo i should read all il you wn hi kri iw all. Uuf rcrrcmher votr can tell more from ohservatiuti than re.^ung.


REID <fe HTJC3rI3:3S3

N.yil.KI) Tin.; eiiA,'

one ImviiiK uiul vou re iilwuvs :ur, choir*. SJOdlls here.

Peter Reeves & Co. 274 Essex S I.

527 Essex Street.

Have You called on Or.Scyn'on? If not, why not?

lie cures fill Chinnic Diseases ot Men uiifl W'cucn, pri.viilt- or ntlcr Wise. I'rtturrh. Aflthmil | Hear Tron'ble; Itronchitis: Ncuralgi.i; Al !'"orrus or Rheumatism; Throat an,:

I.tings; Nervous nebillly; Hlood Dis- eases. Srroruia; Syphilis; Old Soros; Cancers and Tumors. If you siinVi from any Skin Diseafe. Torpid I,iver; I.O:t Manhood: Loss of . Memory; Ul- cerated l-egs: Ulcerated Sore Throat Call and be Cured. Do not fail t- see, me If >oil are sick. A WRIT- TEN OU4RANTEE FOR A PERMA NBNT «;IWE CilVEN IN EVERT t'VSF-

^ONSUI.TATION llUi:. tlfllce Hours from !1 a. ni. to u ti.

in; Suuday Hours in n. in. to 2 p. m. Yours ror Health,

DR E. M- BOYNTON Ordwav Block.

087 EIMI Street, Roema 47 and 48

MANUFACTORY . Ixmrll St. and Bro»dw»y.

- -k m"

JOTES T.REYiOLOS, 4am removed from Blakeley Bid's,

339 Essex St., Room 2-3 (Over Dyer Bros.' Store.)

Bargain In Real Kitate In all part- of the Olt;-.

INgrrltAWCB OF ALL KINDS. Auctioneering at the lowest rates

Remember the place, 33» Essex St live ns a call, and we will convlnc

Go to the ■« * a lies Hi


Where you can select from a

'tne line of Rings, Diamonds,

Watches, etc., for Ntw Xear

Srilil for cash or credit.

GEO. GORDON, 158 Essex Street.

Chapped Hands and Rough Shin -are qulcklv cured with

CHEER'S QUINCE LOTION. You will linvi' soft white hands if

y*5jj iisf it cviMy day.

25c a bottle. Sold only by

^hn H.Greer Ph G. DRtaaiisT.

.59 Bsrai street. Cor. Pemberton.


Labonte Academy


Her Father In the Same ,\iiMcl

I never thought for „ne mom.-nt ^pat .-offee was the cause of my worn "" M"K and dull headaches an.! iii'-riry all gone, until I heKan to no. ic that in, l.a.l feelings cam,- on ,-. 'j NIWWBI; after ililnkiilK ,„ffeef,,r

■'"'"..''"Sl' "" nnittl'r how well | i,.|- wheu I got up. -*. r- —

'I began to think the subject over *nd finally decided to try Post,™ r'ood Coffee in place of common cot fee and see Ii It was coffee that hau "•en hurting me. After making ihc •hange. i discovered to my delight I hat the headache and worn out feei- ng did not conic on after breakfast

Alice .-, very tborough trial I am 'ally convinced that coffee wns Hie I ause or my trouble, and that leaving | t ..IT and using Postum Pood Coffee'! las restore.^ me to' health.

'My futliej-. who has had very poor i.-allb (ot s.-icral years, quit coffee.■ ome time ago ami began using Pos :

um in place-of It.' II. would surprise inyone io see how milch he has ini- uroved.

V\'h/ I boi'_ Postum twenty m'n ites and serve it immediately while If

with good rich cream. 1 think evce.s nny coffee


Thomas Tatham, brother ol Coun- cilman Tatham, who lias been very ill with pneumonia, is steadily Improving and is now able to sit up.

Miss l-Vnriy HTcReyi Mm has pci-n visiting at the home <»i relatives oil Arlington street, has reiunieil to In i home in Amesbury.

MiBB Jean of Hanfpsbiiv ImthHtiK-wr-fhree aitmOmoj Cross street, i... N. Ilolil the work. -

Joseph Keefe or Whltmai resimieil his position with thetJtt market.

Miss Mary. Mullen, woo has be.i n ! visitinn her father in this . ity. has n j turned tq M* home in Cambridge;

.loiln'H. llain ha's rt'Mirnefl -1'^-hm^ TttnrtleK at'the Harvard nu»(ih-al m-Le-oi ;- after-a short visit at ms home 1111111,- |

Btreft , -hontiij



v\ VI »

VIA .IIIV 1,1 M'. O'liit'cthiK trilo IWTIH,

:*v:h KtRU'ta. HOBt^ll, ii '* ,». m. Memory

dne«d«f ants b--V . -\u tit..:' I* »-i\6 *ittil..n. *tl?t«-rot.tn

.:•■. T|i*«».u

tu.l tr on a- trrt-nw

iec hdi nw'Jun h »tio- >•

Iji-wcc-t rau» ami i-'ii Kuiictn/ifOtiBt loin tjy any lin\ notit r>r r«U; ti »li points In FLOKIDA, TkfiX^B: «bC uhf South an-t Bouthw«t ' JAC*. BONVILbB; FL.A. and UALVKS

TON; City ra*» •jr*-nt; J07 fcitne; SOI Convresa dtrtmt, iflt>»ts»i» , *


Last Weymouth vs Lawrence.

Clinton vs Lawrence. Me IV

J^ress Cutting -^SCMOOt

Orailnales or the. Ijtwrence tramiii? bool wlio arc waiting for poeltlon.l.

■e now engaged assisting at tin- eve lling school iu the OltVer school hiel.l lug.

A very enjoyable skating party took ■lace Monday evening "" the river. The parly was mostly made up ot high scbdol pupils. Atii.ii.-- those present wen- the Misses-llerl bu 'Ireeii wood. Marion Hughes, ISleanor (lll-i- : Btesnor Young. Marion Craw for.I. Miss Klmball. Messrs. John Mahoticy, Arthur Maboney. \yin Tayb


'lease do not tirint my name.' ' This lady lives in Prairie City, lows

ler name can he given by the Postum ■ereal Co.. Ltd.. Rattle Creek. Mich


Dr. and Mrs. Cahelev entertained he Women's Whist club at their res- dence Wednesday nighl. 'i'be aS"air vas in honor or their gentlemen riends and other invited guests. Dur- ■lg the evening a dainty lnn-b wo. erved. Music helped to enliven the "-.-.-ii.ii anil ii was voted a grand access by nil present. Dr. and Mrs lalieler receiveil and there were pros lit Mr. and Mrs. E. N. Wlnslow. Ir. and Mrs. R. .1. Macartney, Mr. 'lid Mrs. W. II. Twlss. Mr. und Mrs. I. B, Musk, Mrs. tl. L. Cage.

•'Irs. A. B), Batter, Mr. and Mr;, t. II. Sugatt. Mr. and Mrs. J. p 'Ionic. Mr. and Mrs. K. S. Ooui Vlr. and Mrs. I£. p.. Crimes. Mr. and Mrs. A. I. nrant. Mrs. Fells. Mis,, ''.'lis. Dr. and Mrs. Russell. Mi-, 'Iditli N'b-kerson. Miss Mabel Pier,-,.. ".eoice Cage, llyron Butler. H.ei lor tell isle and lien Robinson.

ri/vwirns IN NEW AND BEArjr- tFI'l. PERtONS AT (MARUBS K. W1NOATES- Ifi" ES8B3?* STREET, ireenhnniie* 8 Fulton Street. Tel- -tihon* lt-1. j»

man 1,-wls. Oardlnef Mncartnej Hale. William Wright.

Extensive repairs arc being ma the home Of Moses Mctlrcgoi- nev streel.

Frank Campbling. who i ently tin ilerwenl an oneratlon at the Massa Ini

x zsz ni« s mil,

Tt\UCHT, Cutting, Kitting and finishing




- HtiHtnn. h-t Annie at re' t

setts general liOKplTnl returned t<> his home much improved. Many people enjoy skating on Myath

nonti Wednesday. Altfaoufrn there are many snow drifts on tne i'e, ili'y do not deter the people from making the most of skating while it lasts I'olo games are in order every day at Mystir pond.



}ia<.k, £iriry

and Boarding

Stable* (lame called at 'O.tj. Seats on sale at i Glover's drug store. Our service will be first class;

Boarders receive the best of care; liarii-sses and Carriages kept In the test condltton. .Hacks furnished for Fun em Is.

Christenings. Weddings and Depot bnrvlae. Our livery equipment Is


Cross Street .aundry,

Having purchased the above laun I whleh is one of tin- lust < quippeM in the eit.v. I shall continue its bualneea with the best'daw of betp ami service, afld guarantee to families, and all others i Mire BaUafaction.

AMOS SOtrfrtlWICK -OUL STOWELL «»«-wim-H*-u.s;g»— * JAMEf' T. O'SI'LLIVAN,

Real Estate and Insurance Agent,





'|»»|.it't|"|.ii"l!"fi -t -f -? v -f -i '<

SIMMONS Lena MoiWy Simmons, wire or Albert 11. Simmons, lornieri-. of this city, now ot Lynn, died ''-n suddenly at the home or her mother in-lawln Winchester ,,,; Friday laii. ,t. Slie leaves one daughter, besides her husbani). I'riends of Mr. Sin,

trieved to bear of lli- mons .ui! be


Wall Papers. our wall papers for Hie present year

ire doming in. and they are the most irUftgc pro fUotiona in ihis line that we ;ave eve.r ».arr!ed. • We invite yon- ttspettkm, for the priu;s"are the yfffr

*.s.r. for -tiic. 1qiin.lily,.^ut.ih£- goods w** 4^-VA' atiexir Kei.ii. ...We have competent

irvor.kmen as paperhangers and paint •is. in fact We can decorate any room from the beginning to the finish and

■I a satisfactory ma.nner. If yott have. n!y one room even, call nrt4 gc» our

,. !■ ■.. and gee the goods.

Wall Paper from 15c up.

Thk Is 'TJnen Time"' nl R*l Hughes. Kveiylhing in Unen sary-for the home. Call soon, t choicest bargains are gone.

S. W. FELLOWS, 256 £sse* St.


'"Completely remodelled and refitted.

303 CiiMMON STREET. Ij-JuiiiO"'- B, and M. telephone ,

.... S2.

How to save and still have ■ now .-ii.t in reliable work in cleaning, re- pairing and dyeing cannot fall to please yon. ^

R. H. BALL 17 1 KANKL1N ST.. Lawrant*.



Steamship Lines. ....Between

rtoeton. Newport and sBltlmore. Beat way to reach Richmond, Atlanta 'Washington and all polota south and west. * Accommodations and Cnlslne nnsnr-. passed. For particulars address A. M. GRAHAM, agt., Boston. Mass.. J C. WHITNEY, Traffic Manager; W P. TURNER. 0>n it,SS. Agt.


BUTTON OVERSHOES and Buckle Avctics. All the latest styles ami best makes. .



I losicty of all Ktuus anil,Sizes lo* Men, Women and Children,

AT RETAIL. Salesroom, 247 Lowefl'Strefft, First

lTlo«- L ..... !.


Hpecial Attention Olven to Disease; of Women and Nervous System.

Office Hours.... 11 to 13 a. m.: 2 to 4. and 7 to I p. m, Sunday, 2 to 3 p. m.

(1 lesson Building, Essex Street. Residence. 'J94 Broadway.

Telephone. *•*————»*£5!r*~ . .

! DON'T i FREEZE! YOUR FEET. V, lioret. freeze your ,.-.-t. .icir oie'rshei I when yon need them: never mjj I the expense: thoj ute I - heiper than doctor.-.

Men's ni£h :: and I , Buckle Arctics. Thcv arc I great for cold weather; j

$2, $2.25. $2.50 pr.

One - let Ladles > and j Mi Ps II th Button ti.nd Bl'lCllte (ii'Mslioc.

9ht- l-'n-.t uu.iiiiy

• i c '"■ . i? i-S 'VV '


l.ADiae M.vWrfii. Ri

Mostly snnill si/.'-.- \\ will cli»e the lol ;n I price


■iEAVY BUHKLE AhCTlCS $1.00 if ;| i : Iftth* mOW mini

'•-,1/cs .ii, I shapes.

I '■■;;


Ail sizes, widths, lhapei and hinds. Over 100 i snei in tgi Ic to -.select rrom. , I'lf-.-s |,,,siti\"lv the low-

r one ini Ml |lls. Mc-n-s

llei.iy Boots, SJ...U in • 'IVftc.r ones-Sl^utid }.:.!:...

Rtft ■ v^flnien's Mis is and t'lniii ■- iiiw-is ii


IlllO'l'S AND KNIT LI-.L- I;|NS A SI' K<' I M.'i'Y.

Wc1 l„.;i all kinds o» Rutrbei to v.car over Ibem.

OKR ' ROL1.KH BDOED" Rl'BUfiR.^ host- than Hit They wlH outwear three pairs ol snis .uii.-r kind; -

STORM IHTBBEHS The bast kinds'For flft leasl sioht

: |ir.

IIGHT DRESSY OVEHiHOES ■s, tiiMiiiycii, American, VVopn

ni;tkes. cket


( ::<>., jinl.-s ..r K.-ii Boots I with High Bui He OVer-

slio.-s. si,,:, per pair.

PI.MN HV.Itltl'RS iu nil the latest styles and shapes.




The Raglan Overcoat


Was Hut One Competitor for Public Favor This Season

The Madison

•iguare Box

.'IT1 I.EAdt'E 1IOWUN11.

aid Brealu !(■ stiinc,.

mil I'm- Single I Bon ■ fiiftti If; It-i-ii.-

The Voiwig Men's Catholic otoocia- linn team defeated the Combination

:ini nisi evenine, iTr-hawling', ' tffMvti I.T strings '. '• Fitzgerald'and Keegan both went IT .".IHI on their totala .and Kitz-

[erali! lllL'll-

Broke ii nti'lng

ia*ou's r oril for in his sei


iimniin A


The Lawrence

Only Divides the Donors with people

who desire stylish garments. We have

hod generous patronage on both of these

styles and as the designs are perfect and

the garment fully equal to custom made

at a much less price, is it any wonder ?

. If you buy an Overcoat, buy one of these.

They are right and the price is right.

m Prise Gloihing Co., PLSTV-431

DUibons .. |-;H':ml -. .

I l-'jl/r;. .aid Ki egita . O'Biicn ..-,

■. i-

Tofats .

IBS I4S IS2 u.s i:.i; UI9 i",_ 222 11.1 213 in ,n»; Hie in 177

Mu Ml Sail


,-,(el" .■ ..

Stuart .. Ilmi-t.in Dunham pond. ....,


l.-.l IB! 1711 t:i(i 179 I'M m vu ii' 151, I lit IS!' II1. 133 H. I

•131 IN::



.7.IH 1]n 799 ■Mr


w. offer one Hundred dollar* re- wind fur any rose of Catarrh thai cannnl In1 cured by 1 f.-ii 1'.; Catarrh Cure.

V. I. Cheney St Co.. l'vi:|«.. Tol- e.in. o. We the undersigned have known 1'. .1. Cheney for 111" last ir. years and believe him perf^-ttv hon- orable in all brrstriemv Irar.ancHona and financially able to carry mil any ohtiguttons made hy their firm.

West & Traux. Wholesale druggist!, I nl. do, O.

Wauling, Kintmin & Marvin. Whole- Mi- Druggists, roledo, 0..

[Tail's Catarrh Cure Is taken inter: nnlly. acUng__ull'i;jtLy.aijiKlJUii'.JiloO(! tin !■/i "i u"ft—......--■■. II|I,III inn IJIUUU

unu ma-iins surfaces of the system. Price 7fic per bottle. Sold l.y all druggists. Testimonials free.

Halls Family I'iTs are the best,

Is the best wiridpw cleaner known. No slops and muss or dust created wlien used. WINK CLERKS FIRST A.VNt'VI..

SM-..|1 Bosial i'ijin»ii Hold h» Tlysm, at Cilv'llairi.s-t Sushi. ■■

Tlle7Trsraiil,il!l hall m tire BS*- renre Har'lendcr. ' was held in , eits hall last night. There was a pro- fusion nl decorations ihe hall pnlef ami Rtagc Wing etfw rod with iilnk, ivllila mill blue streamers. In Jhi i litre of tin- stage setting was a Vie

sign, emblematic or the union: The ton. >i i by Ihe Columbian br-

h. ptra was ;|. follows- Ma ivh,.. Ilil tony.i'iiiuinnli'1'iy. Meyer Overuture, Tuntalu -i|U:ilen. Sit rpc la) Serenade, Undine ihi Czardas! Hungarian dance,

Gabriel Marie riii uli solo. Selected,

Mi. K. H. Blake. Popular airs of Ihe Hay.

arranged by Meyer Si t'llr. Iroiu llrnaiiu ii In Toklo,

Sliuinr 'John F. Casey was floor marshal,

The hall committee eonslste I of; Richard W. Doyle. '." Joseph Moolidi .lames II. Wilson. William .1. itiley'. John .1. Itorhe. Tiitiothy Connors. The reception committee: Mirliae! fktrvin. "Louis LoClair. Patrick MiDermntt. Martin Hart. John .1. Millett.

I IOI 1, I

William Ivers .lam.', O'Neil, Patrick McCarthy Justin ii.'Sidles •

■ wiin.'iii Foyt John F. i.i'.v. The man h tool; nhti " al inm on lo.

mil was led i" .•'WWfi-Tn-m---K4'-lia Doyle ami Mis i -May Doyle. iii.vli. wore a ni owing got ii of u'hll

I..-- iniille .Mih dnehiii la c I t\ mings. She #o"'re n iflnmqn I broaj al her ni-il, ami a nerkla ' ol p all

There were aboiil ',:■ eoupli» i)i !h gl'tinil rntfreh; . , .

•, '.VT Tin: <II■ I:iC \ iini'SR.

■'.Iiis.-iilj Aiil.m'.s . late* iritneiiy drama ;l,y I KIM I h. Id'H:•■ hn Nil ■■' tli • I.;., ru In. i- la i evening fill I ™« greet, il ny .1 lal'ge linn.-■•. The play ahiiiimi: In thrilling situations ami Is one of the ptrongesl plays of ii, him] in, ,i riie.l at the opera house this si ail, ilaih i Thompson in the leads was veiy strong ami ite ;i,v cast is attenuate The play will lie produced aguln IrtnlgbJ ami .will doubtless, be greeted l>y ilnotlier large aiiiii'iiis-. Tli" iiinv i-: ni'ndU' ed me .1, •••the ahsplees of CVtnujany I. or tlii.i ity. ' - '




William II. Cii.llllv leaves l.ilay tor Craml Rapids, Mieh,, the hejul- quarters of the furniture hiunufiictnr- Ing nl the eniititry. where he will attend the spring opening of new Haiti in-, ami styles'.. Mr. Oodfrey I ps nol ulily alirenst of the limes, !mi If there is anything new or novel MI the furniture line he secures it. linstim nor any other large N" Bugland city enjoys more advantages in this line than . does Laurence through the enterprise "' Us leading





rtennlillians I'nanimoii :'-ir Hoar an I ,|,. M;,V (lit Sieiie . 11" hUj

Votes. ...

Tlie remihli.aii ami democratle men,hers of the general's court >'. Ill hold "their-conventions or caucnses.to determine upon their candidates to: it Iniieit Slates senator next MoAllav al I,.,- n alter adjournment ■ of Inn hrarrehes.

•there is no ilmihl as In the vole • o! the republican caucus. Nothing up- pears to threaten the. unanimous nom- ination nl lion George Priabie Hoar.

(in the democratic end it is some Avhai different. The minority pan members do not seem at the pres. in time to have consolidated on any one lamlnlaiv for goveTnOT'. will Kd son,, votes ami that Hon. Richard' Oln. , will l^el a lew others.

BW«.UJ /) li;« Kind VaiHa ■■ar.gVi

His Kind Y;,u Haw Mmp Crughl

Alt \.l.mle, .\li(',lel'."l Maurice Johnson. Marry WagsUff. , Frank Asliton

■Michael Cullahan, - Fsssrss-Marlin ■ .lames Burton. John 1.. (iiail.i . Mii'iiire Ryan.

nrai'iiie mereijint.


An well as theih iml.om.ot. ami other are invited to call on any drugglsl and gi t FiifF.F. a trial bottle "I Kemp's r.alsjnn for Ihe Throat, ami laities, a remedy that, is guflranteed

i:i)l,IK Mi 111 THE HEARD FROM.

Eddie Metluflie has written to friends to*, the effect that he will re- turn to Beston about the first of u.-vt April, ami will begin training behind pare. -MeDnflie intends to arrisnge a middle-distance match with Jimmy Michael as early in the season as Mi-

'Miael ran ^et Into eomlition.

to cure iitiiT reTTe Acute Coughs, Asthma: Bronchitis an 1 Consumption. Price !Se ami .".lie.

PI I.I ,-OSOPHY—There are pills and pills hut Dr.. igftew's l.iier Pills a' in rents a vial lead in demand. The sale borders 6n the phenomenal. Sluggish liver, constipation, or irroa.- nlar bowels are the precursors ol many physical disorders. These littlu wonders remove Hie cause.—II) In n vial for in cents.—23. Sold by Join II. Orecr. 2M Essex street.


At about Wholesale Prices.

PR FAT I AN MARY UN! flfiniNP Q Al C Afle> an unparalleled business year in which we have enlarged our circle of customers by hundreds we find ourselves right up to "House cleaning Time"—a period when shelves must be empted, counters unloaded, in order to prepare for a year which we have planned to make mem-

orable In the annals of Lawrence merchandisihg, if aggressive enterprise, novelty, progression and big values have anything to do with it, and we guess it will.

Hosiery and Greatest of All Beet, Wine Underwear. «-1 ,ii n A ra*% A i AI <£* and Iron. FUR BARGAINS.

A Gathering of

SHOE BARGAINS. D n I fi T is Ihe Master rtllUL Spirit in This


You no tlntilit road of cut prices on Heavy Underwear before npw, I but we venture tu say that in all j

-ymir-j-mwriem e. ynu'vt; never had

• ''j'ive all-'ale i,-.bi!i!;- futefest iioiv "

1:;.. i ouuie in llni . ' i .' i . iwhel ),'■ reductions 'fr. y..aiy in' ihe nfferln ; ate th

e thoroighly depei'idai'd ■' and r

ynnr nntir;ii ralliai to such j;c'llnine j

bargains as these.

Best Styles, Best Fu*s and a Lower Price

Than You'll Hear Elsewhere. . ." . .

Ituriiham's Restorative Tonic of Per: Iron and Wine of the e.vti'uel of freal) ii.-i-f i iiiateoCiron ami .lir ery wine. ■ Ii ; a wunderfutitonic-.o liii- ik-Blt- 3ui.li aa lAincnec. lino seldam inih itatetf andrmi down aystei.i combln-1 latai of iicoa nol to be dupli. i.-i'. All log in just the riRht. proportions the liable qualities. nutritive qualites of beef with tin *.limnlatipg properttes ol wine, __ . ._' , . ~ .. *

Large Bottle 35c. Vour IHonev Back'' Not Satisf™to'v


. ...49^(«-;

Jjn Sheat I', ir



Seal I I

Men's extra heavy wool fleeced Drawers'; •- ■" i «- to 18; laily V I"' to

Mm s Camel's Hair Wool SI Irl I .mi regular 76c. quality Mr 40o *-•"' Electric .-' il

ladies' «Se„r'.et .ml ■..' <r MI !"":; M,[< '■■" "• "

Wind Pauls; -$1.00 ,ai monts real mnrte ;,, , foi

■Ji.'i'i garments 73c

$13.98 $75.00


EUelri ,;,..!

$42 Near

■ ' 's liny Calf liusset and Fine Tnlf Hoots: ex'cidlent leafier I'ne lit; comfortable, nd I slses of regular $3.50 siloes foron..'

MALT EXTRACT. I;""'' n«if» Box Calf, Kusnel and Black Horns, English bark tDqnn Weber's concentrated German Ex- "taJa; snirolh Ipjier sole; .I'mible; comforts and Stylish; JJJ.Uu tracl of Hops ami Ma" promotes ill- b»nd made


!"... an I il." Silji Vc ■ Canes, lie.iv

II.V ill ad. il and In-: |i I $27.00 -Tpiii Hint cures uyapoiwu.i.

lOc a Bottle. Ladies' daneii ■ siini.e: 'lap ." Tt iniuie.l w uli

lialem leather and I,id; one and n. ilin liiilion and tancy ornamenl

Men- Piiii.t leiiilier y-j)i)|les.i* Puiii|is: r.-.iul.ir $ I ■ e'l value

"75 i S8c 9Hc pi .

"Hoys' Natural Wool DraWersH all i/.es; heavy weight, ' won il

■liie pair i. H'Jc IjltlleK' fust blai k lia.-e, ,,;i!ieerl

sole, 39c grade I'm.. JO.- pr iiios' *.\ira heavy ribbed 1 lose,

double heel and loe PUo pr

Ladles' h Kin.I fin

Splendid Wrappers. HASTVIELLYCON. .Children's Patent heathei Dane>ng slippers; i-'auey bows, 40e. 60c

romiiinaiiiin Shoe Dressings liusset Ox Blood and

eilv vWJ .. . ~~- A most deli inn.; laid Most extraordinary bargains In 102 He Lined Wrappers made and easily prepared; you've only to add

Fleeced Lined Wrappers; line ouallty, , , '""'"'K ,wa"M' "l"1 w '' ,""1' ,ilil"' , .' . Iriinnieii in a superior manner; ile.pt in a minute, dram.'..- I., ln.nl. Hasie

handsomely trirainel, braided shoui- ' , ^i,..,„.i„.,.,.,. i..,.. i, u/ii.t rii.r , , , ..,., in II, ,,i, I'nlna bm. »l ',, . , -- ,H1 V, Stt.lWOe \, ll'Jl 11. Ull't t 11(1- I dor tapes and deep. lull Bounce, All nmim.e. \ali.e Horn ¥ 1 . ..<! to lolors ami size. 32 to -.•'■ ".Vn" for- ea, ij rm|ng f,„.

Ladies' fast black Wool Floso, I5e " m'crlv- $1.^;",. SI.:;:' and J1.4.) each, .luality only 12 l-> choose from the lot at 8«c v'u1' lOc Package.

—_—— _—, .— l-idies' Hution ami lace Loots: at rux'-xtra bargain al

iiiieTt; 2 .a siw 10 il i\

bed Cotton Flannel wo.-lh I Is yard, only ,.7 1-ic

Full size Extra H. .a v Q illts; al- 'Wnjm have heen Jl .mi for. .70.0 tacli

chenille (.'overs reduced from 2uc to. lf)c 6-4 (benille Covers reduced front 7.".c to '.'...:..- 49c,

1 i Figured and Striped Whlto window Muslin, reduced from I ' I ■"■• lo 9 i-ae

H aed—wide Fnldoarhcd ""t'^lli.o. marked from 3 l-'.v to 3c yd.

4-1 I nlileached Heavy Cotton svns ■r- l-2e, now ...*-.. 4 l-'Jc yd.

Plaid Dress (loo.Is reduced li.iin 1^ I". to Oe

Red and Navy dim All Woo* Flannel, reduced Hum 1^ l-2e to f 9o yd.

Peiiinant,, or 'I'urkey Red and —'White Ihimieild uturlieil fioin '.'"e

Wf. M 1.0c yd. Men's Shirts reduced front Cm

lo 7^.......... USc

$2.49 sac

Mi a' Shins n ilmed tram J.'e v-t" l!)c

vy Cashmere Hose. 1 JC lOc pr.



l/ulics' firnl (jiKitiiy |{,iit..i IlifMtl li t:i il . iivnv.'uiic.^: $J,.".u v.t!

also tin' unflavored tor maktog win*? ami loifcc jelUei,

Boys' Nevftr-Rip Kan sai n i a wear any Xi.ww shoe on I

nil drain Lt-ath*

98i- Pair. 18-hich Twillni Unbleached CroJih, w.is r.f. now; ..' 4 l-4-o y{\

■■ for Colpmi Outings; Stripes: nmrk<"i Si 40"Pair ' ^"n,i' ""• to 6 l-4-o v.i

Pine White 'AH Wool Flannel: 36 iiooK; Ouarant&nd ^dci out- Ihehea wld'ei regular 50c grad'*

$1 25 Pair. J I'rtr 33a yil

302, 304, 308, 310 and 312 ESSEX STREET, LAWRENCE. LAWliKNCi; TAKES ANOTHER, thing wrong, or else Carroll would

—- I have heen sure of his rink before ba jMeal the Ha-t Weyeiniiiii i,v a s,, m. ' a.-ked for a franchise. I guess-Cm;

nl 5 to I at East Wevmouth bainc roll is passe' as a polo mauaaprAnd Teams win Play al C;tt! [(aril )"..■ i i hope he will lie given the 'mid nifchi. . .,' [shoulder'* in the future.

Easl Weyinmitii, Mini ,iaa -. \ !:. winning la i night's game the The Lawrence polo team defeated liie locals have pa sod Plymouth, as thai locals here toniu'lit. In a well plawd leant losl to t Union, uml drops down

j s s-ir. srrr ,. » .. 4 ., * ., ., , ,.t . F|. H„,.mi, nlarslial. Jerom.

I LODGE AND CLUB %Y "'■ . _ ■'-I Lincoln division. Sons of Tempo 7-

AI|M1I^T.AJLA JI.JLAJLAJLJU i "we, will have tJelr olHnefi Installed ( i < r»( CT n fTI 11 f nttin evealng by u. n. Williams, i

. 'I'm- out.-. . , ,,f (j..,,. si.ieiiU.n.i.e. il VV. I'., at c.iliiml.ia hull r. 0, P


■*- it r 3


iih. Devlin ^. TiulntlH


■ : Hi

. 'Pi

itaiuo by a score of ,. lo t. Line up: Fa l Weymouth ; l-awnir Hackett, r ' rx Turm-i Sihnnel.], r r, Uavltt t'ogswell, e IIlyesr'hh F'rrelJ, jp>


Won hy Cased hv ■1-awreir. C.iultt, lAWrencV, c.avitt, F WevFnoulh. SehmieM. I.awreti-e, Golvtt. F Weymotith Hackett, I weymoutn Ha.-keit, l^iwrenee. T'uiier. l.iwieie- Turner. K Weyuinnlh, Si hoflflil,

- ,,i e Law ten -■ .'■: East W.vni ■: -in;,. UurreH :ii> Tibbitts R .In- Ma ketl II Fouls OB

Itifaree. Qaiiin: Tirat r, I'ran Altemlam - :;.m .,. /;,.

S E ' I.P. Ifll'E STANillNtl. ^s,*. ——'"

'I'.ai. Won IJ.SI'V.I

Rio Mmi .:.; . . :■: : 12 . : - • I "',. !-'■ iTymonth ......... . :i In -

. .: top . 'I. '- *. ni' nt . in in Kasl Wi in.nitb - S 30

iH444HHf'iHHr44B-2-'H .>.' 1 .}•

»< POLO NOTES '- * 4-

to fourth place. Brockton, didn't , which gave m?» a gain on the


..f t.ien. Shields olon were formally installed j I The Harvard club will hold a danct

on FelH IP.

\ 111 .key supper was served alter tliel ;__.„ ..TT" x- L

• day evening by Deputy 3u t lm' Maryaro n ni-1.:* Hmei nor Dwighl and. Binrr. Jn ssaundershall. 1

It i-' tun..-rid thai the 11. li- the Meri'len team ot 1!-' Wit inn ft I I

--I, 1.1 :- a (ranchUe ;u ! Salem ol the Southeastern Ii iKiie. . a.i i

.1 his whole team there. V

1' ■ ting, Thomas Roan 51 the '. altering

Supreme'Secretary N. P. t'mnin k " aftd suite of Boston, will Instill the

. Ulcers of Lawrence lodge. 28, ,\. B. orheersof Monadii.,,',. lodge ,1'. ■'■ ■in.Peml.erton hall, tonlfht \ ii. F. mm iuMail-d wdues.,""union »QU .he wrv-eaT-^- I

venlngbs f>, l> c.^F BSffi n t ,,,,)1X(, ,,,]iK -,,, ,„^,,;.....

M. 423

CARNEY & CO., Common cot. Hampshire «JY; Imoorters and Wholesale Liquor Dealers

,>:<Cawrence. ftlass.r*

Manager' Autort will be given tin ■">'»' and Mjjte "of Havorhin-. Suppe/j ''lllA'- ' AKIV ^ privilege of placing his-, team i» thai | ' "the los. at the exef ,e|„. , av,.n.n,,„ .Rid uty. .as Salem.Will surely siippmi 1 ' '., , i,,.,,, ,, , . w inning team, anil, the' team thai

!'i I no.v' represnts Merlden, Is a stroi'- -inl.iiiaiimi. . ,

•H-frfr'M-H1 WiHHHE

iiding Park assocln -.1 meeting Wetltleb-

• '-.■ evening, i-a-i years otiiiers were ,, . ,,"",'. ," ,. n-elilled. 'I'llivrWIOIl of the lleaalll. .

',U"'.''" ,; "r '' ■ 0- '' « oad andfaccepted, after"wWili it I H i " 11 ■ ,-■-.'. to* 1.-

. 1 he game 01 the city ball the an' -hmifil Tj'eTa warm one, a

with -the locals gave Hiein al

.' la-l evening. Hay ' v. 11, 1, HIS laTii'iu" a linn ai

.1 1 tinetine W. dcesilav e th I ranijr, Mat v M. Iw- f ntv- -: M- ■ ^ . I,kiv|e:

'I irv \. Jon

' 1 *.i di oh-r ^A-pelition f"l lisiiulntion will he presented to th itpien.e 1 mu 1 111 the mar future, th

Path luvrtng been pieihaseil by ,laa • ■ Hi knell. The top shares are held 1

v. 11, i, unt Lswreiiei in .11 the leafiup.

lilsl I'll 1 Saturday night.

'i million 1: ii Hi "-. " ,„*u; " ' hi.

II l„"

n ni.iii 11..11. M-. ' ,,;■ • ,'int'aiiii.n .1 din

■ l eiillnel. .Inlill

entii" 1 1.1I111 Ii". 1.' Ii Ii' .l-.'ai


Clef III 1 ■ i. ■' :

nlli.ers arc .lames H. SlmplOl pr. iileiit; 0forgo JVi Smith, tjeisur IT; lir. .1. I'. Winchester, sei rel i"\ .1 It. Simpson. S. B, Hiidwell. tleori II I...rum Clarence 10. rhaniiil :l',lni Ford ilhtl William Oswald, til

What Shall We Hn

■' . ™ ■ " L ■ •"' ■ 11 . • 1 ,„,.„/,,. ( ... ■ . ( Morse's insi ilti'i Tfy •Jtell-O; a deli-ion, and healthful . ,, ibdnilcd the in--'' i.tli'ei ■ lute d. ser) Prepared In two mil '. ,..,',„' .„'[■ ',,.,. ir,,.,. ,1,,, ',„•,, 1;,, - No boiling! s . r.,] .;. ' \Q,l tioiliau ,,,,.],.,,,. .'„„',,„.„.„,. ,„ v,,, .,,,. v ..

. . „ ., Jell-O, the New Dessert, -i.iiM ..i.i , nlon5f 1 o T1' .■ .,

i Wedneqdjty evening In Way I piearvs all the family. Four flavors:- hall and in-t-ll-i Hie 'ofTl,- r *■ I,emoD, Orance, Haspberry and Straw

v elected. rtenulv. Sttureriie [berry. A. vnur grocers. lQcts.

water ami set i.'t cttol. Flavors; 1 em m . 111 .!".■: I,:. nl- 11 -. and Sim-

beery. At your grocers, in cents 1

^''■-> ml r Hi," *l*1).-. BtVinlr

CASTOR 1A For IiLbmH 3 id Children.

•",■-,"':, r;"11:.:' T",'1';,;,ZMH&IT,\ Ito KM *'M MW Always

:'■•-. .-;.■

■ nfluers wofr i lei te.1 ",' '''I ' ''" ' ;''""!

, , ,-■ ,1 .i.-i- ■ 1 ft-. 1 V

-■('ii.,,";' ' liimtn irtl I 6Ct

'Mk+i» 1 the j*r£

Our Specialties BEBBS

John F. Betz & Sons' Phila- delphia Stock Ale and Porter. »1.25 a Case.

Genesee Brewing Co., Roches- ter, N. Y., brewers of tho f.-.- mous Llebotscbaner Lager beer, tl per case.

Rochester Eiport Lager, 11.25 a case.

Plel Bros.' Lager 12.00 per case.

Anheuser Bitsrh iJigcr,' t\:r« per case.



LIQUORS We onike a specialty -..* ftr»^fc ling some of the f.iest PiiiHii-t- ed Brandien, Ports, Sherry and Pure Holland (Hn; Old Tom; and slow gins. Family trade » specialty.



«w» *& ^^ * AJV»

LAWKtiitt, IUASS>. HUUAX muKninii, JARUAKY 18, iwi.





STICR-T0-IT-1VENESS in hustling energy and NEVER-LET-UP-IVENESS


11/ts easy to hustle when carried along with the crowd on a tidal wave of everybody's prosperity, and it is easy to lw ■honest when honesty best serves our selfish desires, but it is the stiek-to-it-iveness that buttle* -when others are di:courayed and the ppv^r-let-up-ivpnesy that does right ;ii ;ill times—because it is KIGHT that wins. The man who boHStfl of his honor to win patronage, promising tq light any \vrorg thai may OC*iUf in his business transactions, and tiion squirms because it costs him a dollar fv keep that promise, "gets ft in the neck." Me thus destroys the very iliii !■, he most needs In bis business, namely: The unshuken confidence of Hie purchasing public.

NOT YET FILED FOUR MONTHS THE SMALL POXTRflMP SETS FIRE Hceney Sent Up By Judge Sanborn Farm Buildings at

City Solicitor Kane lias Pre- Dow at Police Court Yes-Ho>v lhc Board of Heal,h Salem, N. H., Were Burned pared Common Council

Case for the Courts terday - Other Cases Wrestles With Its Last

Visitation Down Tuesday Night


It Claims That the Republi cans are the Only Ob struclionists

Of tfel

BICKNEU, nT(OS. HAVE MARKKl) DOWN TITETTl STOCK OK MKN'S AND BOYS' OVERCOATS, UI.STEHS A.\U KEHFEKS, excepting only tbeir *2t) and $25 Overcoats anil ?20 Water* of their own make. The fact that our customers have learned to know, by past expe rlence, that our mark-down sales are genuine, makes them always a success. Delay not. Come at once and get the oream.


All that can be said to dat< council muddle is comprised in follow irig:

City Solicitor Kane diil not go Boston yesterday as he did not coin plete the petition to the court, asking that the council men lie ordered to attend the meetings of the lower branch cf the city government.

The petition is avlehgthy one. Set- ting forth In detail the reasons'' "Whj the republicans should lie ordered to the council chamber and plainly sta'- ing efforts made by the miiyor to get

KNTlltE 1 the council together. Xiia—petitiiai. may be presented to the court today as Solicitor Kane worked on ii ;at. last night.

No reply is expected from th" court for several, days, so it is t.<>; likely that there will he auy chnnse in the situation until the mil'. of next week. *..

The mayor, had nothing to any 'J.I Jiigiit except that he lioped for an

I Judge Dow was on .(he bench in ih • .police court again yesterday morning Clerk Moyes was absent ami Attorney Fred N. Chandler was in his place.

I Five drunks were arraigned. Mieli- 1 ael Heency was in for a third offence lieeney belongs in Ijowell. He denied

, having been in court hero twice be- fore within a. year, but a contpgliaufl

. of signal aresproved that he had. He then told the court- that he had a sick wife and would liked to be pla"-

I ed on probation. Judge Dow een- j tenced him to four months. ! .lames Durpan of Newburyport. Da-

vid Roy, John H. Abercromble veto lined *l each and .lames Calvinf was assessed ?r> for second offence. Noti'* of those fined could pay and at id p clock the entire five prisoners ft' -

upreme raigned were taken up to jail. epubiiran ——



An Isolation Hospital Fitted Up—The Morbid Throng

Humor of Quarantine

■ The. Sanborn farm buildings v >u vauns hill were burned dufjnjg. Tiict-- day night and scarcely" anything among Use contents or any of the 111 I slock were saved. A tramp, who hvi called at neighboring houses is though, to have the set the fire, but Whether by intent or accident is tinkjiou n. The losses, exceeding 11,500, fall ou two Armenians who recently took the property.



it t tug inn nplishincii

And you have, from their eduv and Us luflucuc

V Surety >"" ctnmot think o*

li is the grandeel of all a. c home circle is for the greatest

Can't afford it, you say? Thai in 'where our

Easy Payment System

I ciimea in. If y.HI investigate yon will llml that you can an'onl ii in L„ I you will scarcely miss th.sKimill weekly or moiitlily Install- 11 nn'iiis wc afik.

Call and hi in show you good Pianos Tor very little money—made jtoBslulo hy the imiuensily 01 . ur business.



!! Telephone 425-3.

I'micillua Hi'1 lecture on 'f'ouversa- innf hy the Rev. W. E. Wolcdtt id the Y. "\V. C. A. rooms toniglit there

TVill he rrndcred a siior! munloat pro gram consisting of piano solos by Miss Annie Wells.

There are still places In the reading, This sale opens wnii .-.ore haigain spelling, arithmetic and wrltng classes |audaiitv. (-renter aggressiveness and a and also in the stenography, liti-ra- never erasing activity that will give ture. embroidery and the afternoon : those who seek to follow Us the race phvshal culture class. Persons deslr-. f their lives. ? ing to enter should apply at once. : If .von are a money saver, or want

A club for girls from ir, to is VCIM lo be, you'll tot fall to be among the of age will he formed Friday nlrtMnumber at C:'.« stirring Overcoat Sale, tlirls arc Invited to join. It- ■>• l—Wi W Basel street..

P HONOSRIIPHS and Granhophones

from $5.00 upward.


14«»}"t<*i"jr,,it''ii* *au,i**i"i"i4^7i*^ + _ * I WEDDING BELLS *


xander -Ca-llahaii of ^ Trenion street and Miss Alice Hennessey of :1IH! Elm street were married at 3,80 o'cloi k yesterday afternoo,i .it St. .Mury's church.


Arthur Morley and Miss Aainle Beat- tie were married last ni'rht ■*', 1.1 Prospect stre+H-; A—recaption—fol- lowed the ceremony.

$1 down, $1. week Oi.i ,i evenings, largest assoriment

of U. n.rdH to seliK-t I'ton,. Kvcrytbing

new in stock. v

Repairing and Supplies.


Telephone 751-3.


Regular -Meeting or This Otaatrizatlon Held at Its Rooms in founders illock.,

At a regular meeting of ;General hawtoii. C W. V.. last dewing. Bvfl ...ppliciitions for . inenil»er.-hip were received and Vifted upon. All *reV • accepted. .

An 'mportan1'nuHe was".to Sccepi (ten. (».(). H'.'.ud'.s offer to dv- M\cr an addnv. next Memorial rlay. This will occur under the auspices of the post, in the evening


Was the result of his splendid health. Indomitable will and tremendous en- ergy are not found where Stomach, UvetS Kidnevs and Bowels are our. of order. If you want these ouall»ien and the success they bring use Dr. Kind's New Ufe Pills. They develop every power of brrfln and body. Only 1!3'.- at. John J. fores-t's drug store.

After the criminal proceedings Mjo civil cose of-Desire Tbeherge vs. D. .1.' Q'Mahoney, comnien cd Wednesday, was finished. The suit Is over a hill of about $r>o. Lawyer Joseph ntonetto represented the plaintiff and lawyer .1. .1. Mahoneythe defendant.

The case of Hlu;li Aloran vs. Conn l>:c\. F, of A., was next heard. The plaintiff is suing to recovpr slcit hem* fits for Itl weeks, the notimnt being |&Q. Lawyer Kane for the plain'iif awl Lawyer .1. P. S. Malioiiey for ti.e court.

To Cnre a Cold in-One Day

catly -decision from the court. Councilman Choate said last bight

that nothing would be done no« inli' the court ruling was announced- ;

If the court declared that the repuh-1 licaus must go into'' the couiuih chamber, they will do so fully preH pared to vote and they will stick to-! get her. Councilman Choate said tlnl all the republicans asked for was fair Play.

He considered that they are en-, tlttrd'toonn half ot Hie BfMsjh) w+t-f. they will insist on getting what they; consider their just due. j

A eoiiteinporary yesterday an.iH.m:1'.' eil that the mayor and Solicitor Kanr WeTfl In It'ostou upon this tpottcr. Ilir

,-ominctiting this morning, W

Take 1-aintivc BromQ.. Quinine Tab- lets. All druggists refund I the money if it fails to cure. K. „tV. Grove's signature is or each box. 25 cents.

All the sensational details connected wijh the discovery of another ease of small pox are reported upon page ti of this issue.

Today the community has bead nerved up to the highest pitch, phy- sicians have been ordering vac'iu >. the people are preparing to have their arms scratched, and the curious hav been down inspecting the populous tenement block where hangs the red (lag by day and the red lantern by night.

There is a determination this time on thf part of the hoard of health thai there shall, he no private treat- menrrnio^t'esTiltknt Slritfr fnr^HHHM. To thu'i end H hospital equipment has been moved into the Freeman prop- erty on Greenwood , street, and the place has been transformed into an inolution hospital. The only feature now larking are The patients and nurses. The first will he supplied this Tfternoon. when Mr. and Mrs, Mel- ange! are removed (hither. -The

choir at the

The D.)!--



DOROAN—The funeral of Maurice .1, Morgan was held from ths ttn- nuiculate Conception church at >i o'clock yesicrday. the Rev. Murphy saying mass. Tnc rendered appropriate leleettons oftertory and close of mass. bearers were Maurice H. gatt, John Gearin. Patrh« Kennedy, Michael Scanlon. Jospeh Shea and Patrick Corrigan. Among (he-flora) pieces were a large crass

"7TmT~crnwn~0n—a^ Isnsr tmft*Ht>e4—U^*^- Overseer,' from the employes of the Merrimaek millH. Jntei-ment "was in the Immaculate cemetery.

II1CKKY The last sail rites over the remains of Mrs. Ellen Hick-ey . were solemnized at St. Mary's church yeeterday at'-».30 (i'ohK'k. Solem i high il'iass was celehTatcd by the Rev

diner 1s hard to fird. ns .-hr mr^tr-ai'-'i rr Diiscoll.-assi.itrd hv the Rev. F*,. be a midwife-, Tliose of the profes- whelau and the-Rev. Fr. MeUKCr. sion hesitate tu go, the case hi'ing ... .beacon ;<n«i iUO-deacon, respect! VB-


Tickets go on sale at Lord anl impauy's music store tomorrow

t s o'clock. Get down early. A, (ird to the wise. etc.

th< ajso nf a drefjd eontagioti.

Much uneasiness is felt from fact that a gitfl connected with t\,o ! IN-lanaer lamilv. and but recently married, is at large. Last night She Hid her bnsband called at the block j and requested to go In. The polic tne


Mli Helen Chandler of Qarden reel ggve a party to her STRFalTy iiool. pupils at n ■;■ home Wednesdiiy

■cnTng. The time was pleasantly lnesihiy was his regular day tq go passed in playing games and in voal

|y. The remains rested in a black broadcloth casket silver mounted. At the offerjory the choir rendered -De I'rofuudisaud at the close of mass I love to hear My HaVior's vote,

i was sung by Ii. J- KeaVeusy. lh>) hearers were Dennis McDonald. James

/ard Ibigley, Patricl, Keaveney and 1

■ I Q'IJU'Inil 1 iti.. md it would be\supposed that these; .\mong the floral pieces were facts would have 'hml -tome signili . pillow, inscr bed Mother.' Mice to even a policeman He ho.*...,. Uprny, .from Miss Mary A


SILVER -1 — '■

CompletB X,ine

Of Sterlins or Plat- ed Ware Com-

prising Tea Sets, Coffee and Tea

Urns, Meat Dishes, Cake Baskets, Bread Trays, Black Coffee Sets, Lo\ing Cups, Prize Cups, Candel- abras, All Kinds of Spoons, Forks, Knives, etc., etc.

Family Chests of Sterling Silver AH Sizes a Specialty

men atnpp«A'.h|,'r. whereat she said: |(e||eher, Kdwa ■Why I hni*#ecn in every day.' The Madden. Prank I :111-s fMc 15 already, breaking out, Q-| n....h'li'

lo Boston, and that he had nothing lo do wiili preseiuing the iietiton—thai was tile solicitor's liusiuesB.

Holk-ilor Kane baa been very b-uy linlsy al roiirl and upon the small pox ease! lie stales Hull he billlself bus not know to a certainly when the peti- tion will be presented to the court.

\\. C. A. NOTI-N

and Inatrumenfal Selections hy num- bers of her class. A feature of the evening's entertainment was a contest in which one's ahllHy to rllstlngtilsh iltlTerenl linn ills was sever! y les'ed. M'ss .le.-sic reillcr was the winner of the first prize and Mfsfl IHira Arthur received the consolation. The party broke up at an early hour all having passed a very pleasant evening.



Bigger bargains lietler bargains ainl more of them than any other store

'can present will characterize ;j|i* Overcoat Sale. We have a might) determination within tin which aay» that the Orfc----—^ must lie sold;

ever; didn't think quick enough .ahtT 'he girl who llllillMSiifsillj has t he disease is at large. The department Is' upon her trail however, and she vvill be located .before night.

The officer should have allowed th-' nirl and her husband to enter, the re- fil'("l to let 'hem out.

It is a papulous place*, this 'Down- ing block.' that has been qmyftH.Ua> eiL In the side under gr.aVd arjb Hi ram I lies, of probahly from two to 12|fm)dls was rendered by the choir members each, rhen there are Vtsl-jthe body was being borne from tors In the block who were caught I ,.rll!|'ch Miss Katherinc White ptuw

<y the harsh pdlcl »>f the nil powet* |n,r i),.:,,| March from Saul. Tl trful board. An tnatanao Is of two hearers were D. F. Costello, Thomi

swaiitR The) arc now livinu as Pest [j, Rrooks, John J. Ryan, John Case Lhej may with the lair object of their Maurice Kiley and llichard Cullinau ulpt-»tw.T|f it will 1H> interesting to The flloraljaieeea Included: Bask we if Cupid works'as energetically Mrs" T. A. Brooks "

Farle. Husket. from Mr. and Mrs

ward J. Farley. Burial was In the Immaculate Con

ceptlon cemetery. - .

KILl'V - The fenen.! ot Mtcha-1 Kilcy was held from the Immaculate Conception church at 9.^30 o'clork yea- terday. The Rev. Fr. MeKnmfl • aid mass. At the oftertory Do l'ro-

As the

under quarantine conditions.

as uniler normal T.

Father'; mound, Will.' from Helen,

pllloA', lns.TTT inbcribcd 'tjntie Marguerite and

The Createst Number of World-Famous, High-Crade

PIANOS Ever Placed on Sale at Any Time in the History of the Piano Trade.

Forty years of carefully-and conscientiously serving the public has made this firm the largest and greatest retail piano concern in the world.

STEINWAY Mason & Hamlin Hardman, Emerson, Gramer, Gabler, Shoninger, Standard, Singer.

Th- wondO'fiil HANOI.\ ; giving free concerts to all interested. Hate >OU heard if play'.'

i^Ahuvaer wmrked-ai the Washington, Juluiuy Costello. Interment was in iiv has, of course, come into contact ,vlth many people. But from the very nature of the case there is nb-; way of elling whom ami a quarantrne is iin- )o.-bil)le. Pni'haps among others with whom he has rubbed elbows are Ital- ians from 'Little Italy.' Syrians and Armenians from 'Syria-ville' and as- sorted citiKens from other parts of the town. It all goes to show how vitai-

thc St. Mary's cemcterj

Ml'H'I'HY—Tho funeral services over thc*body of Daniel J. Murphy weld held at 10 o'clock yesterday from St, Mary's church, mass being said !iy the Rev. Fr. Whelan. At the offer- .ory J, I). Ma honey sang l)e Profuudis add after mass he rendered Jen.- alem The l>earerR were Measr;

v Important are building regulation.* I Boucher. Dorinan, Coff and Lynch. that wtil restrict the herd hit togetl; >r. The American has fcarleasiy ex- aosed the conditions that exist, the health board are alive to the Impot- ence of their extinction and U Is now arobable. in the tight of recent events that something trill be done In th." way of passage of building regula- tions.

I Small pox Is a filth disease, more prevalent lu winter. It is fostered by til ventilation- and darkneas. Open nil your windows, ye that are un- toueh, let the "Sir and the sun light ttream In. see to the disposal of aD waste and rubbish, keep all thing* fleanly—even yoursaWes—and be of R contented spirit, tor all will be with yon.

Chairman- Kenned >■ Interviewed Hcem Ingram of the Washington mills, today, asking him alront vac 'tualioi,. He was told that tt wan not known that th*» cororuMon re* HI iied compulsory vaccination.

The board of health has to act a-< lie commissary 61 tne [>uwmtrg uiuck ind It is probable that If dealers in provtflions. ttooii. coal, etc., would sc.mbit prices to Clerk; Dol-le of the liinn! that he \\ouhl at least lay them before thai body.

Rr. Morse, of the Hate rived In town this uodn.


A large pillow Insert bod 'Husband' from Mrs. Murphy was the only lorn! piece. Burial was in the im-

maculate cemetery.

I'AVKKJA— A' solemn high mast was i elebmted by the Rev. Frs. l^onaii'. Murphy and McKenna, as celebrant deacon and sub deacon. In the I nj* maculate Conception church at 10 o'clock yesterday over the body of the late Margaret Caverly, The body< lay In a black broadcloth easlteti nfc ver mounted.- MTsa Tanner tang 'Fie 'esu' at the offertory and 'After toH ompth rest,' at the close of HITS.;.

"(The bearers were Michael Sullivui. ■>aniH O'Leary, Daniel Collins, John

Keaveney, Mr. Wolfendale and 'omellus Sullivan. A fi'oss inscribe! Afother,' wan the only Horal pi"i " ntcrnicnt was in th'e Immaculate Coij- epiion cemetery. *

'SHF U>Vp) HIM 80"

Because he ^aid he would take her to the llighl-a-nd minstrels a: «it> h.ii!

,i Wednesuay ewuing. Jan. !•';.

Don't Buy Silver Until You Look Over Our

tine. *


Flowers and Plants of every variety.




10c (tor MO, $1.10 per tluzcli.

FINIWT KAKIA. JINU PKA8. Ill 1-2c per can'. $1.1", per dwell.

tOU'll Itcllsh Tllclu If Vou Try Tliim.


159 Essex St. I1H B. J. CABTLC *

Veterinary Hospital If your animal Is flclt from auv cauBe, you can be relieved from all care of It hy having It cared f»,r and treated aC a reasonable price at the

X'll". V.trrin.rj Hoipltal,

Edwin J. Caslle, M. D. V. Telechune.

M. Steinert& Sons Co. 290 Essex Street, Lawrence*

*l>-k$>j"i>it"i' 'sV'l"i',i"i"l"l"|' %. 4- h ■ HOME GOSSIP i fc .-. . t . *

frvrus Bean is confined Jiy lllncsi to his home on Berkeley 'street. '

Houston and Snenee's teams wih bowl on the V M. C. A. alleys to- night .

Chief Charles <!. ttutter l» at Salem today.'! He will testify before the gratnd iury In the Brody fire cue.

The Turners will bowl the Y. M. C. Vs and the Fr. Mathews will, con- test "with the Combinations tonigh'..

Arv are li^lit has heen erected In ront of.the Olympla theatre on Essex Street.'

The Merrill I'lttno company will re- move their retail wairerooms to 8$L tjissex street, corner of Franklin

WISDOM... Cannot be better shown

than In the selection of a Piano. When you look into the merits of our Merrill Piano, we know you will not fail to sec the superiority of this OVCT any other.

MERRILL PIANO MFG. CO., 620 Essex Street. TelepnoLe connectloi.

■Ur,,T,r'.ran^y*xw»;-7;y?*7-T^^^^y-py*.. ■■ ■ ■ s—■■

MANHOOD RESTQREDS pon of »T»aioinTrfTirti TttiyKteiMii, will qmrHy cure j

("CUPIOEHE- ngre*tV»«»UbU

.rriire you of aujlCXi Ut'df (iuu'a«M n( lb-* irwrauve i>rKU>.«. such HI Lu*tM«nbot>r1, . »rr '». I'ttinsl'i th* Jtin-hL.Scniinft' .IIIINSII'II*. Norvnus Debl'liv. .,„,;,' r u,;n"^ to Marrv, J ClamiMlug Uruirin, Varlroo*,,- *>J iu-ttraUuu. 11 it->1'-» *n lif-M-* bv cUy or rlRlit. I'-evnit* quirk MOI SEiefc.inr'-. whlrhtf fiotchprlt^l '''*''•' t'* ■spermMorrhw* swid:

!tl>« horror- I Impowwrr. •'l'PII»F.NF. ellipses «ne liver, lh« Ifipymnfl the iiitisry ortansal all unpuriitM.

?rii^a°h^l""*(irt*Jb*IoHa2p*oh!#Jy pfr rent tf* tronbIM wit* diiiv kn.nvn r.-mfilr l" eiirr w a twin mi .'ptriiliao. JWWlMtlmnnt-

ii nmnty return.-.) (fell boXM doM nuLcfleU ft §V.B. HtnUur* 5r6p»boi'*iii'i'«r't'''t»» •'■ "".;ei. *•»*■ for'rKrici-'rriil.ir Mini waumoniala

A«|(lrtwl»*l,01.liKl>l*!H<»*»..P-t>»"»7«'Ban*'r»"<,taco 9* **MPHi

Bradfihaa , posl OJfice Drug Store, U.wreu"ce.

npinr.M o.i.iin... ■ ri'i:

F .Vi »W> Jiy PQIRI .W.



HOLIDAY GOODS tfl be found in tins city. Among our stock of ucuKtble holiday gifts will be, found: ~ '

GraphapWmes rind'Records, Electric B;ttterics, Motors, En- gines, Ingersoll Watches, Packet Knives, Safety Razors, Cutlet V of :ill .kinds, Carving Knives anil Fork*, Children's Carts, illtule by the Parts M'f'gCd., and an endless assortment of oihi:f desirable arul appropriate articles. Something lot

TREAT HARDWARE AND SDPPLY CO. 582 and 584 Essex Street.

Mrs.Lena Sherman Believed in Christian Science




But Refused to Have a Phy- sician Called — Was At: tended by Christian Scien- list.

.. (.From the Sun. i Una. Wife or C. A. .-O0"

in.in ili-'il \< Vy suddenly-yesli' Vni tunrtitot,. at JOT home, I* KJnreiii < sl I. and i; years, !«'•' ti.iiiillis. II d.ivs The deceased hud* hwu ill some little time but no serious re. suits were looked lor. She was a sMrr-tif Mrs. Fred A Wilbur. ISui'i.U will be In Tuu'tol >u Friday.

Mis. Sherman's death reveals lor

&&*£ Tbia ii(rn«ture In on every box of the genuine

Laxative Bromo-Quioine Tsweu the remedy that rare* a cold in on* d»y


Wtt|je8B inn his finger la u< r and she vomited on liis hanJki Ml assisted in trying to i"vi filii by rubbtng'.her anus and ami slapping her on the ba-'k irted in every way to aronst

'■but could IUII , Then (h-v i the brook and bathed, her race,

In answer to a Question said that no one iiatl wsauJI stpr.


Patterson Prisoners Tell Their Story of the

Fateful Night.

•Ibly the fallacy ot the doctrine? r,r the ''Lllsti II

tian ii ratlins

fT * , 'C*



rabrace. ; Science talth.

Mrs. Sherman had Ueen'sl d many months and took the cii.

i Seienee treatment, Instead ! in a .regular physician.

Mrs, Sherman resorted lu prayei a cute for her affllcHon. In prefer-

i.r tu I'inployinK prop,-r in ■•■'.. itii's, ■ 'i'iio lOSlllt ~"\vas ttl.lt she 1-olHieiO't to

gTow worse until yesterday '..hpn stir suffered a hemorih iae of lh?

: luii^is and died quite suditeuly

Estimates Furnished.

Mrs Slo'i-man was a tirm le'lito n Christian Science and ri/iring' i

' long illness was atlendeii by Mr [Xing, one of the leaders In Ihi li'in srii'ii;.. movemenl in ' ■ \. sun reliotti r caTfeil B M ■

I mail's home in t loreli■'» pl-i


They Say, Bui Died from the Effects of Absinthe She Had Taken.

Nt'M York, Jan. tu.-^Cminsi I- foi (if; ilefeuco in the Jennie n<>- i bletei Qiirdcr trial at Paterson, New k-'sty odaj eloeod tbeir uase.

*Thii( Bipnrtture 1e on every box of the p;onulnr

Laxative Bromo-Quinine »«**■ the Remedy that rnivs m rold In one day


Found Dead in a lodging House. .

Hair= Health cann6t turn baeltwari the footprintli of tbiii tmt it can and doea < ing age* one so rap faded h.ur. Keep tl md. you took and I ,lair's youthful frrt.ni the most apparent tracer oi ay

HAYS HAlR-HBAbTH ii ... lu i' .jtlirr preparatiun . BCH rin uie-ruot»

■ rertdrea-ew, fa^W ^"," hl(

.-..titliiul cplor .mil beaut)

.-a .in- 1,1 not :t dye. I - liol ■»« **■<» • . .. keepi -t.«i[> clean and Irealiliy, amLiu UM

.iniirii IH.- .I^iecied ■ ", , \U i..rr1«y'.i Mair-Hcalth ami refuse el) swbsii

iit«5. rt.H.H


$2.00 •^ ViV "«*'«^arg« t« ^^r * room-;

with elegant parer. bortjer natch. First tl:i58 work. We Bell paper ,nt fartnrv prices. We nlno do palntinK.

tWhftening and tinting. Bend a postal ' card and we will rail on you.


■ nu'Vli.


t Br I pa


. N V . i -..ip l"1

.Boston, .luu. 16.. I'tiini.I, dead In IM'II : ijnisf conduoted by

i{ 39 Uwlghl street

I'wo men i the 1

Fred Pfl this afternoon

■ i"

tin- nollee bellv'e that $"ab. \^as to a.-.|ilr,v\iaii-jn and .HIMTS ■lain!: ii was a rase of nnii'd-r foil iwed

another Silictde or acudental leulli attd IIHM-I' le ninm for a ftKiriU! ing pfflfial fnvert*lgatlon,

Tin- vletlms were- Evcretl Hall, EQ i-ftft.ra old wlu> has been ejhplbyed as i barber in the Quip y house and .Vrthiir A very Pettenglll, 13, of -l;-l fajtt.; Mi-.. who was employed a . ;

■KM k by a well Known Trillion' sir.'•! drug firm.

'- .-William A. Death. Wain Mi-



n; ■;iif -1■ s.ir "h-v -p-hit-ives refiiscd. th*- i-rt^e further than

to •]'.■

Mister and Andrew < 'ampoetl, the nr»>f '-ni*iv now ou trial, wen: upon be stand In their own behalf and

told their version. of tli- events ot hi' night Jennie BossJernVter met

t"■:■ ileath"while in their tompany. rheir testimony varied htn Htt(e as to details.

The pleas put by the counsel for tne Htrfe def*HHla4r4s AUK-a^yej^ai„aau. jpeelflc denial of all the arOiisatlona made agatuat the men. He opened witli an attack on the moral c-haraeter of the deatl girl and claimed thai ttu prisoners were in nd way i;eKponsibTe ih Ker death. He denied that she bad been drugged and lie denied that -iif had been "Jit:treated -irr'l ^ ■-autt^Mt.

—Me A lister;—Death and-- Pftni pbetl




With the most reasonable price, is tho principle tliat we do businnus ou and the reason why we have the

FAMILY TRADE in wines, liii'i-us, etc.. in this town. We are expert judges of fine goods i'i our line and nothing else is laid upon our shelves or in our cellars-.

TTTS. that she had received-no medica: at- teudance during her illness and that :.he eypi fed t<> lie niced ''>' -Christian -^i-i'-nee,

Captain Snlitvan saitl fasT nTghi that .I.r police lnut no authoriO" ■,; l

,ct in the case. Mi.-. S'l-Tinau MIS

an adult and fould strtei i her <-v ii method of treatment, In "ae ftu • oi

■Trntthm1—riyliiH ""'"'^ P'fiil!'.-ll •*'" U niiaie ■■ th*» ehrents eould lie

How to Tell the Genuine

The signature of E. W. Grove ap- pears »ri every box "f the ^''i"1 ;;r

Laxative L^^nto-Quinlne*—;— . ■■

htrwood k/c Whisky $|,00 a Quart



ii-e i :n h.un the stanii tuib ;■ Tiieil' It'stilUiiIlJ ^, as '-'I ' .■■ [fni

that* the)' were aetltrg on .a generont" impulse when they toQU**tfi*'-'#irl out >! the saloon io tin* ii '■ .>. Tin:> lain-!' thai she was : •joll.*: .drunK"

'.ir a rnrn W ttre bsrtc ruom nt tjaat-f taJuon, .-aid sin- was" i dun'' a i ■:- langhhtg afjter the fli'At Irluk. -Ian Itai nhe became "dopey" ali^< Utklris be absinthe and the i bo :ame di a I Irunjs. The assault was Ui.'led.

T 'lait-iid.', uxptanatqn and reasoriaul

EASILY DECIDED. I Question Should He

Basily By bawrenee I'i

Which is wiser - -1<* have confident in the opinions of your fellow titi '.ens or depend on statements mad by utter strangers? Read, this:

•Mr. -I. M. Pillslmry of ,!i;7 Cana street, fireman at Farwell's Bleacher lays: "I will make an affidavit to Ch

' \%d1daliig: ——Prtw- iii April,-IJ-laij. L had it tout h or two of backache', biii it. that time an attack occurred from which l auffered-tiscruciatlngiy. The kidney secret ions .were mixed wj h bloQd, attarksurr* rainting were com- mon, dizziness cbmpeTleil jfie to rr" lown if sitting and when sitting '>i

lain was so.severe toat.the perspira-



Only Direct Wator Route from BOSTON, PROVIDENCE and




Boston & Maine Railroad.



BOSTON AND CHICAGO 1 St Louis, St Paul, Minneapolis

AND Aid, POINTH West. Northwest. Southweit

Pullman Parlor or Slee^Ung Cars ->ii ail Tbroogb Trains,

For tickets anil Information apply tl any principal ticket office of tho com- pany. ■

I). J. FI^VDERR. (I,., i'a*., Ai Tkt. Agl.


WILLIAM E. FAY. I.O Slnlr SI Bm(on.

Room. 70S 70tl 7IO and 711

inn" Rtii.nl in lii'Sils-nil mv fm-i wh'i 111 I ,. i


Fast Modern SteamBhips antl Ex- cellent Sorvieo ^ Three Suilings a. Week from New York, Affording Rail Connections to alj Southern Resorts;

WM. P. CLYDE & CO., Gen'l Agts. ] TOKO. .;. BGER, G. M. . •

19 State Street, Now York

Branch Olflro, I — Rootnl 4H6-IOT

•ovlilence, ft. I. Banigab nldK.

Deals -iii-l •r.iiiiHi'il l.y Hi- stale >\ iiii'ii. •

Palpi nil N .1 . .Inn. 1;. -After r. TTii

body. ., -. Une pvnntns iiukMii; HUM' mv |ia|ii-r I hanpdneil i »

^»a H nnlL-n nl^Jlll DoSU's' Kill'- i'ills. I luul (-ar>-li's>l> glanced •nvrr these ln'i'oi'M. * I an**1 I had no u •' 'oi- rrcatii}!-!!!. bin sulT'Tiiii: tortni'e 11mi the ' symptoms whlrh lii-.' ;uaran1 1 to cuiv] I linlilih'd ifr^HJI leM iiiiirniii'-r in Whitney iin'il .nini- lani-'s Hr-m slut- am! pror-Ureil a linx. Contlnidng the treatmenl I v,is s'Hin aii'i1 in ^ii in work and

I have inll.-irientiiillsly il"- oau's KlTtlnT- Pills Iw ins

II.'1 inn "i'i'i'-riil»'i! ,*

iv all ileo



1'iiii.NCT M!;I:TINI; HEI.IJ ': \Viishington. .Ian III; '':]>■■ r*bln-(

ms'ptins todaT>hiih was llfli] In lh. private parlor of the will1 fmuje and wni.li wm-. Hi" liisi one held in''' life iiri'siiliMiis ;illii"s<, lastnl itimtt 3(1 minutes. S» ini-iii"--. ^ui stlon v S hro-ight I'l'lmi- liiciuci'tiiii; H -HF#ttett:Jtharg w|H -iuit-J*■ another

alitn, t niretlufcJrdTnv .Hie ll^lljnfmr -ttmm-H+

It Pays to Advertise.

,'■ ilii- wri'k


Washlngtnn ,.hin: Hi. - The pre* ileni i. reeling M'IV will today. !MI in. itjtl shown to « sllgjhl rlagvp.. hi lliness ami IfauMaJkA not Fitll.v n "i. i-i.'l his usuaj ylgor ..,' '

IMI. HII:K!,LI, llhout Dim... '['hi UKlKllt] S 111 :'«■ '

H"H In.ert 1"

m m ® m TrETH $5 to $/£ a Jt/.

fruimro* for »*trmntini wkoi tMta art ta UatrfT r**r* *ii>«rl«t«'« IT. J. Binci hx? I UI RiMtwv eWlM*t. 0»rift«r Srtutvi

only I'entitt. In Nt> • n s|ftCt|1a malet fn- B*ota wltlinut p»!n

ijolil .!■'. i,:- fit not roin« nut'wjiiTl maili hy thin prooceif. Uewa^ni ot d^nttgt,' rlalmlnir 1" im« IT. in. K n->i-» i.«w m»i ii.t t'/ l'Hlnteflit |iitrartlnrt HI W» n*»TW :iim «».|IIPIT« rla*ljt in bawronee for ot •wn offlr*. ruy.i tr«nn frnra u tr> III sat. and L>r. Hickrl wtil pay |l.onc r»i*»i o sny o^i'pnn' who provuM IIIMI ani '•

lint In tijiwrnnrr unep tmy b«tli»r nusln if-ih thin D». HhkTi'i and ROD. N' he m^de njifn •▼^DlnRi until t o'iln«i A Bon. Pttnl**> l'»Bt'«tB K^onif .



ess ii'-ath said thai aft< ala. ed the body where II wa bey* returned to Patefsdn imil tvpiSi tome. lle.wa.s arre.^el mi ;h. .luiidav (rrghi afte* .lein.i< ', ileaj ', 'Tul questioned,

During the examination Death Bait! ie did not take the inn away trie lie yirl for tear she would gel mol.

"Jennie," lie said, "drank a o(i< k ail tirs; ami then had an absinthi rapii.' She lemaiiied sober. fOj

ad taken the • lie liea,:ill.. Ul U!'f

iniei when Me Altai

nd drink and then Jolly." Sli ■ \. a

ne ii i i t In

ly's Cream Balm

♦ ♦ ♦ ♦* ♦ CKMM


Baay and pMU* ant to use. Con tain's MM injurious drug.

.l^^'^'COLD'NHEAD wives Relief at once. It Opens anrt

Uieanaes the Nasal Passages. Allayi- Inflammation. Heals and Protects th< Membrane. Restores the Senses oi Taste and Smell. I^arge size, 50 cents St Druggists or by mail; Trial Slae 10 cents by mail.

•any. Buffalo; N,' he i'ntted states. Remember the name

aK'e no KuhstitiHe.

Milhurii iom- aganl ■ I i

loston&MaineR. R. ■Vtnlef Auaneement, Oct.31900

Western Divitdon.



MONEY TO LOAN. To reliable salaried people holding permanent DOSlttonS, Bticn S3 batil. clexkSt inperinten^cnis, foremen salea men, caphleiH.' bookeepers, school teachers.Iclerks . etc., anywhere lu Mass.; all huslhfiW treated confident

~J.aJLaild__in__a reUnblc . manner, easy to~yfi*s;, eiiiuiyiimini! and tioiury pnn- lif/ Wiit.' full particular.^ or call, hours t) to 5. ..\II trip to Boston necessary; wril I'ull particulars to Boston «>ffi■ ■ and rr oelvc reply by return mail with full particular1.


for proof, of cur...

.-Colored Spoil, Arb.i i'i

Coiuuionvrcaltli of Mftiiaehmetta.

PR011A3CE cni'KT


..licit tho moot oh.linii', ..orst CUM in 1. toSodai.

i'.|ilt.l.|3U,'Mi l.'^BK. iiooU rllEfc;. So iir.nch COOK REMEDY

1181 Masonic Temple Chloa«oIll

K.- Til ll..' l";r-

etliior. trtfii ■ . i. o HI j in i'i. u. .i.i'iui'ii int. County, d

i;-iiiw. u.'\t or' i other I'.-r-'iiis • In. estate of Willi.im ■ ii I.ai''I'l'll'i'.' !n siii'!.

I Intestate. Wli. !■ '- a plttttofl lias li.'i'ii pro-

,.■ ; i ,ji,! I'IIIIII In giaftl a l"l"':

nUti it'iin on the estate

For Women. DP. Totiiian's M'>tithIyUcpul;Uor lusliroiicht happtbassco Bundreus-or aaxtoui women. riirrf it positively DO other remisdy known to ini'iiino.-'i.'ix e. tii.it will so qoicklyaoil

Mo tin- work. Havsnovernsdastnaifl

RAINS :.UAVE NOF-TIJ t *VT>ES*Cf *or Hosl.iu -6.4U; 7.1? ex.. 7 3d; 7 EfeG 1* f. x S.i.1 exk^.00: 9.a ex, in. x.; 1*0.66:

ex. a. jn: IJ.^v. 1 00; 2.-OT ex; 8.55; r».:«i ».:U! p.. m.; tl'oin rtuutii-TTeprrt~i-^*x-t.:. m. B.20 ex. 9'32 i>, m..- iruu Souili i»'_■ !»■• *i 7.MS p.

Commonwralth of Mmmrhnirtti


g "V '•' '' ' RjlUuieli

K.-'j. ss. Probate Court. 'I'., the li'.i- ul U« i"'\i m' kin. aii"

|1 iiili'-r pel%ona Interested in I In- m' .I"!!'. ::. Maharll IttJ of v-

Counry! rarrheri "<■

Saiitable Holiday Present: nn


\\'ni:ui;\s port lag "■

. eitain 11',.- la-'

m.-i rumen)


dvi-eased h.is jii'esent'ed to SaTd iiran, for pro III Chftrlrs Ii. I'etzold. ■ "I"' I lililt l"ll''l'- !"*'-1 SI 111* 'lit ii I' \ U) IV i

'i linn the i-y.■iit'i.■ Jh ■.. i ClUilli..- I'."z

Portable Gas Lamp WITH FANCY SHADE?

K We have a larga line to select from ai very low piicesK ;/:■'' \S Vltzelgt'i iiinl l*i 'll ill I..1IV'" 111.

spap. itftSt |'M"li'

do and

v LAWRENCE 6 AS COMPANY^ :;;;-- "" ' *V:<'nl"l'.

,|^' Wild'-


i.atilpK, i a iopy of this i,

■r^ofis itii'i -e .-I'-tl B^; h*a-i ..■:..'.

M 370 Essex Strcot

* * % * 4 * * * > *V ♦ ■ . ^ Jfkk .<

HJ)I,\1N R IIAItMiA K-1|ii;: <■ .rmhy of said '' t. 'hi;. Hi teemi, day r>f htntiai'j. tu BH- y^aj: on ihnrisaad nui" hundred and one. -

,1 T. M \t!l)\KV. id-: '. , .'I :i a

mi k room. 1'b'.- ehanipaene \ven( ground Beveral times and jet i:i. le'-aire "dopey" a few mlhtltes afici aklng the ilrs't gjass.

"After He- drive had hem sug ;estod Jennie was ver>;.easer .to mf. A'hen the haek arrived 'lennie. . Wa! er Mi -.Mister and I weui out to- .'itiier. Campbell bad already goni nit aim was on the oth T side qj i In treet. Jennie sal Ih tin hat k be ween Wait el and nrc. >VIM*M \M '•'. on "the 'i■■•-■!< rp'acl, we'H iSk .l.-nnii •lit of the bae'R and sh i wa-3 le ! bj ■Vaiter and I to the spot where .jli- dankei was spread. ttje tri-d ti nuke her vomit so as tu give bei ,i I let Afterwards we, took h T t me brook and bathed her face am: ijen drove to t he doctor's house.'

Death said thai he had let lohl lie officers rahet, arrested of the nt 'ei-t of the dtink upon rennte.. 01 :he- Whole. s4ory as«relateil in cour*. Ie said that be had bca so ex- led that he had not known what he

vas saying to the'officers, lie bad id the'Whole story to his , counsel id In eohrt. Andrew .1 Campbell, the 'bird «le- nda-nl wan then placed on thi

He a;r) tli,,t aftei —ii:>-■ ■ -:- ttfl u. 1 . th. he met William Death, wno.

had known for 8 year. 'fjl lennie liussi'lneler, win. X- i:d Death thai li" l»ad sJjnreTl|<ufl to t him. iin ihe way i<> Saal'n MIIOOI 1,'HII .'' -.'.■lll-'ii .MlXIn'l- .1'. i" i ..■ • !,.

leath WOII'J.I ' follow them. Th in'l Jennie went into In

-id.-, eurran ■•■ of Saal's salnn.i. The

T^-7.3'); ■■07;"tl.iNt: M I" n. mj; HhH6+ MS |irw.; from South Depot

For jtiidutc.r--ii.Vj; TU; 7.:tn; ii.ixi; ta.l'T; lev,, ii.v. A. in.; a, 9..80; B.65; 5.36; ff-SS p. m.; from Depot tM p.-ni. uv il,i\.'i tiiil- U :■'■: 1 1-; 8 07; B ! 11.25 p. m.; 12.40 !.!.'■; ::""; 1 I

6,j5; B, 1"; i..-'1. \" ■'•'■ p. in.. 12.1 fFom South depot '■"-'•: TM\ SJ

1.33: u.stf; a, m.; '- W; 1.65; -i 4.50; .>..-•>. «..r>7; 8.01; Pi.30 p. i"-; 1

ii-- |i. ,:.j; s.n; ..2A: 1.00;

. iuii h

a. in. ii;

J^hness ordered it milk punch eld'»r lllii !.e.'l". \s ( lie ^alnu'l (-.■■■] ■!

iad. nn milk Jenn'e ordered -i i i< k a;l When ihe wilne.- tid.l' lei ha! Waller \| Ulster "'as in Die i.a: ...mi sh : remarked thai vV ill s ii

, Kood '■ lldw and if -Ie* UAt IM-I* j;i!, I thighj KSl her anriili"!' oiu-,, ,|-'C •i. took -ali-inf-he Mud wkimi»yy ■ otj he in'xt iHitnd. frliile they w".-

■lilil-:;^ Me Mi^t.-v cttBM' lit" 111' i and -h'Uiili' bi Vsilter " aieL thXitSU

1 n) .■a in

h'xeic'r' I/over,' Kunifrsworth - ti I-J', S.ui; !i ex. a. m.; 1.46: 4.46 l>. m.: tli.4fl 4 "',' 5.8S v- m. for Mxeter and Dover J orKxeter; Dover; Nn. Ueiwlrli. Kentio- bouk; BldderotU. Bneoj <► On Ii ml hud |'oithnid-ti.&3; 8.07; fcW a. ra.. !»■■, 1 H

pof*Oe'orgetdwn: Newbftryportj 8atl«burj UII.I PortHmouth—7.48a- n'-; 1*40; I f; 4.40; 6.10 p. m.

m . u.Ui 4,08; 5.Io I'.m. - /or Merrlmac and Newton BJU; 8.07 a. 'or Satem, Maes, and Lynn^jrB.JJ.W n.

TM ; l.U; "* 'W Pi ni. ' N«N. ->-«"■ N> For Manchester and Ct-noorci, N. ll

g.37 a. in.; 1.17; 3.44; b.u.. a. in. nir Penacook; FraiskliuV^ebanon and

n/hita River Juncgon fc.X7 a. m.; 3 41;

Jf&arnsV, Bradford; Sunapec; Newport CN. H.) L'luremont and t*Jareni"in

luncfiofi-iuiTp. m. lanwwaj *■.■'* for Tlltnn; Laconla; I.akeport; Meredltli, Ashland and Plymouth-Mi ■ m.; 1.1.;

,'or Lisbon] Littleton: \vtiH"lieid; Ian- caster; Jefferson and h abyan a—s^. a

"or St. Jjbnsbury; I^ydonvllle and Sln-r- t.n.i.kc via white River Junction— 8.^ a m t; «ft p. m.; ex. Saturday and Bunduj fnr Shelt1[-..ekf. or Montpeller; Essex Junction; liurlinj,-- (en, . Albans and Montreal via L,.' V Une—8jt7 a. in-: ''-"6 P- ni.

■Tor Montreal and Quebec via M^treal »nit Boston air line—8.47 a. in.; (-.05 p. m

ifor Quebec via White River Junction-

4»ld tie:*. Lawrencr, in the County

■,\ ith< id gTvtttg ■' Burst} on " vim nn" hereby idled to H |'iol.:te I'MMI-I lo bC h.-ld at Sal'Mii

■ ■i said C-iiMr- til K--'\. <ui ' 'P;

twentv-flrsl day of January. A. D IMII . al nine o'clock In ihe forenoon:

, , rouse-, if any you have, why the same should' hoi be planted.

And the petit to nt is hereli> di reeled to give pnhlii notice bhereoi hv publishing tins rita-tfon ohee in -ji-di '■ - ''■-■■ "HT" ^"ccessiM' week*

t,j,;,ith ,vi failure. The longest an ,l.t'I iMil. OI .in.rt,1i1.^...i,ll ;;,[;,, 9W

. ■!' Iv--i

llel 1

1 P'''1'

tobgtinateva' without ftrtt Wo other

remeuh «ill do tm*. No pain, no danjnr, «•' Interfeitnee witti work. The most dlrnRillt lases S *ri*eMriuiy treated ttirouch eoriSS1

pondenre.and the nwntcoiupleteaatlsfaetlon anaranteed In every lestanes. 1 ladevehurj. -tre.t»of UUttwi win mi t IH'MTM-C, Write "*, nirthe.r iiurti.nl ii-. All letters truthfully iiuswawi., Tree coBfldentlSJ advice 'n all mattenof aprtvateoraelicsti! natare. Bear m mind thl« remedy ii shmtiitSlv safe nnd' i eie*XPow<ihtacondition and will positively leavd lio after Ul effect! upon tliehe;,nii Hv mafl M< unel, sealed, $2.00. l»r. F, M.Tni WAN CO., Ii* tremoiit Btp Ijoeion, Mani

th- newsiianer

Daily published

tin: |,i l pntdii aliee In la npe

\nierpan; n tl UlWl-ellie.


ii-i before . aid riiTTrT VV RUTHS, Itollin K. Hannoti, 1

,piin : Judg" ,l1' ;;iitl C"*filtrl : 1 w . ,ni.i .i iv nf Jiinu ii v In Ihe y<

MV i in.a. am! li,|", I Ire'fl U4W '" I | MAllliM-'.V IJ.uit

i :; lu I

rif© • • • • • I Insurance



. i i: Sui IH l.A\VRL...M.'l<. i irtfac—7.wl ».j5 x. in., .-.-v;



■ II di h

IH Hi"

an d alislutli Mi-AUsi

' ii.l .i.'ili'."il i-| Hue. rt ITIH 1'hattipaRne .l."i:ii.

."■. %\ " en.' Her ,"mli"".i inprnve .mil tl was de,d4»d

' drive iiml ii h.i. km.in wa


rHn-WHll II- \l- ■•Wlieve are yon _.■ a I

n:l|i nn- .-'.Ii..i- .1. linn- up " Then Uie witness ami"; rr sol

ii.' iiii'i.. vjfhite iiii'v «"." .i1'1!' .11 lilt' iii'l, iiiiiil. .leilllii' w lilted "iuii and ,li" wns lak.'n '■!' "'

lacfe and plaeed on the r'l.i.-ili.i

or ,M

nr'S Kxei'.-r-T.OS; ••»»; 9.11; a. m I ","i l I., l.i.ji B.M p. PI.

•i.'r'iliii'iim- clw""i. KxeliT anil North ll,»l.li--;.*; v-« a. ... : l.l"[ra 5 '.', Sin.; '".I fHaJianl iiM'l_l'nrUnii.l-..ui S.js .11 1.1 , ... |1,

for all ii I II>T:. ... ii.ii tmiii eonnei ii ,, : i :.. M.ilim C'l'li'al i

'"•I I'm il.ui.1. The la.. necta will, tl.r- UalrTe Purtland for Lewlston

■■nr'JN.n'll'i',''lir"'*ay and *av StaUona Sill i'.ift.

I ■ 'iall'1 Trunk in. train eon.

niral It. U. at Vf.ilervll.e an.l

\\ '••111, [•'or I'al'i.'i

.'or I!

.11 a. ni. :i.1. a. in.

I \ji.\V TIl.M.va. i\ i"all"iis

'I, ifrpol I.-'"; Lowell- »,ls a.

,,., M.i.i.h il'-l". .i-hill-1 l!,l

:1T i-x.; M8 i>. a.; L3.10'; &.S5 p.

4.:'"; 7.is p. m

12 'I .1 . I.n.

It III; n. in- III.

South drp'H

1.03 or MalV'tinnUr, N. II. 1.SQ I •"- p. in.

Southern Division. 1-IlAl.NS LEAVE Nim'ril I.AU'ltl-.Nri i-'..r Boston «.8o; T.ii a. ui.: \- no; 4,^a p

U'.'l'iirn I'. 10

l.'.w.'U S 211; .-. n. m.


ll ii a. m

-- ' t. a. m

12 III

! Illi;

1 01 in or Sal'.in *.hl ,» -r».

For -\\r-r mid way stations- 11.15 4,.r'2 p. m. ,

'•\.r Peterboroj Orernfli'ld: Hrnnle^lon; i-iillsliciro aii'l Kerne-—8.20 a rn.

for C.re.nlVld; Anitipr.!; Mfirnri. .- I Wlltim --S.2" a m.: II '«'; , U D I

I'm N'nohua— «.*); 11.11 ». n. ; II.v A.52 ;i m ' t

D. J. FLANDBRS, a. P ft. T *•»


Successors lo A. M. Far.




CARRIAGE CO. Jhick, Aivtry

and Boarding



flrst class; Dur service ail Himr.i.'is .xeoelye the beat uf care: tl.n leV;.. -i- and Carriages kept- ni the lii sl condition.

U ark's furnished for PunerahT, ''in i iu uinga, Weddings .and Depot S rvh e. Our livery equipnient; is



nphl'-ly l'emo,le|le-t



E. Woodbiry « Co. 33fi—Piopeity on Centre street Ot»J

Btoadway; also two tenement hou"' near Arlington school. I'°t larB^ eni.mili to build another house.

332—Fine tenement property on Chest- nut street, Sear l-awt'ence.

;i Ii.'ulli' cdtlflgs of IC moms. Mod- '.an (":iiir tot" Ti'xl 15 f.'et.

lSi Boarding house of 3r. rooms; gO'.J repair; |flp price. Aluo several fo"u paying places on Eie-'ex street.

S.'.l—Two-tenement house on Ballp' strict. Modern improvemenU.' Cor- I'l'l' lot, .

:.7i; A i tenement block on Oit'irs st'reet.

389—A eoiid Investment property r

O'ak street. We have residential end lnMftm*3> ,

Bn'jrrttuq.i'^. ,'PrnnerH In all pare of the city »'" suburbs;. Rents collected and esta.es ninnapod

ph it M.


A Girl Tl'mTIW HUH unnste-ntattniis affair.* *Mr. 1 -. Xm1 t - -iT -

and Aits. iinrjjK. who are to reside Over-Work Weakens Your Kidneys.

Will "Rf>" until she drops, and think she'* doing rather a fine thing. Very niton thr future shows her that shr was laving the foundation lor years of uii Happiness. When the back, aches, when there is irregularity or any other womanly ill. then the first duty a woman owe! to herself is to find a cure for her. ailments.

Tlft- use of Dr. "iMerce's Favorite l*re- Fcriplion in cases of womanly disease will insure a prompt, restoratioir to sound

\)teaUb*. Tt regulatt-H the j>eriods, stops 1111 healthy"- drains," heals inflammation and nlceration, and cure's female weak- iu.'■>.■- It mates weak .women strong,

' silk women well. Sick Women are invited Uvconsnlt Dr.

Pierce,- "by tetter, free of charge. All correspondence alwolutely private and confidential. In his thirty years and over of ""medical practice Dr. Tierce, as- sisted by his staff of nearly *s score of physicians, has treated and cured more that! half a million women. Address Dr. R. V. Pierce, Ihvffalo, N. V.

"1 will drop von a 1>w llnei tfvday to let yon Vimw that 1 am feeliiifi: well now. "writes Mis* Innie Stephens, ot BeTteviUe, Wooil Co., West

Va( "1 feel liken itrw WWIIBJI I took Several lioitlrs ol 'Favorite Prescription' and of the ■Golden Medical Discovery.' l have po head- ache now. ami no more pain-in my side; no hearing dowq^palB anv mofe I think that tin re in tin medicine like I>r. Tierce's medicine."

Dr. Pierce's Common Sense Medical Adviser, in paper covers, is sent free on receipt of 21 one-cent stamps to pay ex- penseof mailing only. Address I)r. R. V. Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y.


■ I .; ;j I -f -f-*f *f T 1*?:T*f *? *i

I. l-'arnham. who passed away _\ - 11.1.', oVh,.-k Thursday foremmn. at his home, Lawrence View form. Andover si. was a well known rifizen, and none were more respected,

mil within about three months tli. 'l0C;PlhM>ri enjoyed ijood heal til'. . At *-Httt—time he hi'ijtme ill with a hear! trouble, and glace steadily

..in nr l..-.,nai<l Siid Mr,. Small M I Palmer) Karnham, ' and crude from excellent New England stock,

His father's ancestor'; vvi-tv OTttttfTg the earliest- settlers of North Audo- vi-r, the original homestead being the ivnrii:iii dwelling occupied by Bunt, i;. fl. Kdnniiuls of Osgood Hill farm.

Hi> received ins early education in dJ at lift auhppX and afterwards at-

'Midrd ^tfie private school taught hj I h>. ieon* 11 ii;tin Berry in the ' IrrieS Mock at the Centre.

Ih' always lived *on the place where he was born, Inly :;ist. isle. The farm. he carried on in 1 unnection with ins brother, ('harks H. Farua ham. lite only near relative;

(juivi and 1 ei[ring in manner In' i-ared liitlfl for public' honors and, although often hnnoitlined to accept .1 nomination, the only position h* I \ IT would take was that ol' hi«h- w.'\ surveyor, under the old system, Tliis he hold'tor several years.

Mi. l;':jrnhaiu was an Upright man. honorable in all his dealings. ;f1ld pop»<H -iiiw those sterling-- qualities wliirii command,respect in every com- mimit> . \

He had exri'lli'lit jiljlHinent, til or- -faemH¥g.--a-nd—Uv-

IdU of hnhisii> and thrift, togettie wjih jiidnitms invealirientB, rfratye 'MII|«'t4'HCV

11 town, have the ylncerest wishes of numerous friends for a joyous anil Mtccessful Journey "through life.

Miss Qeorgia .1. Hosmer «; ' tall- ad- Thursday evening as l>. S. N.. (4.,

' of frysia, ft cm an InrtgeVlvOi tt V ". in Lawrence,

The local farmers are now sePiu their Baldwin apples at about $1 pa barrel, in preference to holding them longer for a higher price, with ih- probably shrinkage that would re

suit, the purchaser usually snppljdiM the barrels, as these receptacles haw been so scan e tinting the past autumn that a large part of the apples w-r. not barrelled, nut were stored in bids instead.

Prank. A. Perley and Forrest IT, Perley"' have returned from New Voik. *

The^Burus club has accepted an in- vitation to the wedding of Miss Bes- sie B,ll Crockett, a member of that organtzatJim, and Irving Stanton Pateheller" in Andover, Wednesday. January :':td. The. maiTlage takPs place In Christ church at 7 odoik. and ih*' reception frpm 7..'10 to 10 o'clock at 12 Maple avenue that town.

Raymond (1. C'lapp. of South Bos- ton, a' student in the Yale Divinity school. New Haven, Conn., has been awarded the Fogg prize, a ncholarslup for proficiency. The young man is 1 nephew or Mrs. Charles K. SUlllngS and visits here. ■ -

The Neighborhood club held a pfee^- ant meeting with Mis.M. Towne.Wal tint Ridge farm. WjitSesday. Jan. 'Ml with the following prttgrani Of en tertainment: Heading. Samuel K. U. Morse and Lb

Telegraph.' Mrs. ][. H, Karuuni

Reading, uie.' Miss Mary A. Towno.

Qrapbophone selections, Miss Towns.

The club will hold its next meeting With Mrs. I.. R. Stanott. Wedn day, Jan, 2;j.

His death n moves a familiar ;i:ir from tb" walk.- of life and

leaves a memory untarnished by any dlali iruble act. *'

Tl \lpiite on hestra held a re .it the home of Fred Yungge n .Sotub L^awrence, Thut'ddaj

an J0h.1t "hoi.sou of Stevn ;_■ PKtlTg al a circular \:t

hi ^ finger^ <iuit«' badly.

Th,-;.- »,i .. liberal attendance at tii-' Mi 1 it 1 i*-t 1 Grange potiltry .-*ho\v in-iri N.-iib Vmiover.

';'jMits.l;iv night's in.w storm did tii'i-ii''\ "in .1 large attendance at the

lal for in- mfters of tin' Barns club ai:■( 1 hi IT families

Hit-ring tb- i'\ening refrehsmeiil wt>tp ..so \-ni and the following pro- tiriiUl laUXJed Ollt '11 a ver> ^ati-^fai- hii \ manlier: ■

U.nii.iK-. I' 1 blent Dnual Campliell.

■ rtealie duet Mi. CanmbeU and Alexande;

M< Kiniion.

-ene--w,<»H«»ltion—+oe meiHbershh' >as' received by the ' Burns ,-iub. Thursday evening '

The high regard ent>:rtaiptd for Isaac L, l';-i ihan was frvWenee I in a marked natiner by tito large" number of mouiners fathered n| l.vrv- rence View tnrm. Bundav afternoon, to par a parting tribute to 11 man who bad' ilwavs led blamefe life '

Rev. Charlcv Nnvcs. ilie f>dici;.t;ii'.' .cleinyna.n.-4--uiHliichd i}\* H.1mp£i-it,id impressive services at 2 o'elor ',:.

Appropriate scripture selections and Tennyson's 'Crossing the Bar' were read. :md a pjcayej brcaii.ii,-, aaulL meats of sympathy, consQlntto':) and hope, offeied.

An "p|w>t tnnlty was given to view the remain:-, which rested ill a fine i-nsket covered with hla-k broadcloth uml silvei,; triuimiiigs. The name, \-par or tilth and death ~or th.* lie-

ased were engiaved CHI 1 he plate A "profii'-inn o ftowcr<! io7*a-"

tokens of renienil ranee, rinic frow relatives and friemls.

The hodv w;>s t:ii<en froni :!"■ RCCIl^ of his, bit-;v and I'liergetie lal.ors to its last r.'sTinj. place in the family lot at .R.fhrew-'or •■••nw\i r ty|>er<3 committal soi\iecs were performed by Mr, Novev.

Selectnian Sohn I'. ClarU, Orrln N. Foster. Diiniel ,\, OarieteHi an I Oscar T. Ytiunp; a<'ted as pull Laargrs,

Artimr R, Eugley's 21 at birthdaj was made memorable Saturday even- ing by an sffair of unalloyed enjoy- ment flt the reslden.ee of his parent Mr, and Mrs. H. J;. Kugley on Be mont streri,.,

I'rl>eknown to Arthur n number of hl«? I'dencK bad quietly arranged for a surprise party.

murned to bis honu- from

Mri»irtstfj ills. . tothar -t). .\M\.akn\ The hosjtg in S^est • Bo<|ord

Unhealthy Kidneys Make Impure Blood.

All the blood In your body passes through JEOUP:kidneys once every three minutes.

The kidneys are your blood purifiers, they fil- ter out the waste or impurities in the bldod.

If they are sick or out of order, they fail to do their work.

Pains, achesand rheu- matism come from ex-

„ cess of uric acid in the . blood, due to neglected

kidney trouble, f Kidney trouble causes quick or unsteady

heart beats, and makes one feel as though they had heart trouble, because the heart Is over-working in pumping thick, kidney poisoned blood through veins and arteries.

It used to be considered that only urinary troubles were to be traced to the kidneys, but now modern science proves that nearly aft constitutional diseases have their begin- ning in kidney trouble.

If you are sick you can make no mistake by first doctoring your kidneys. The mild and the extraordinary effect of Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, the great kidney remedy is soon realized. It stands the highest for Its .wonderful cures of the most distressing cases and is sold on its merits by all druggists in fifty- cent and one-dollar siz- es. You may have a sample bottle by mail "-sersr swamp-Root. free, also pamphlet telling you how to find out If you have kidney or bladder trouble. Mention this paper when writing Dr. Kilmei At Co,, Binghamton, N. Y.

Miss L'zzie I lav» s. Miss Clara Hay a. Miss Hertha Hn>es. Miss Istihel Waidrop. Mis-s vein's Colquhpun, Mil's Jennie Cobnihoun. Mi.-s Viola Mellor, Miss Sadie Somecvitle Miss Susie HiiiMiian. Miss Sadie L. prddlng?.on. lames II. (JoiV. Thomas Wright. FranW Smith, Robert Wrirdrop. Krank Blkins. Fairest -fhirns FnTHwTVrth K'htTF'eTs- 1~~ c» ocge Kydd *>r Anfloyi i*. u ititirm Cousins-"

Supt. Mamicf llerlieM of IV Brook mills. Collii.svilh'. was in town on 3unda).

.loiui I;. O"Doniv II \ Islted hhj son ;( patient iii I ll*! (,L:;ilair^'';:i.L^ Home, at W'tlleslev Mills, Sine1.!.'

Hileil Scevins) have hrfl Osgooil Hill for their futu'r- home.- lu- ll onolulii. rlawallan territory. Alter pasting a few days at Wauhlngton, D. t'., t)ie> will BMume their Journey »«- cross the continent. They intend to sail from San . Francisco about 1-Yh- rmyy ls-t. * •■^■■■■n , *

,H--v. 10. it. Thorndlke, it. i».. of I.ynn. presided <>ver the fourth <mart- eri\ conference, Saturday evening, in the Methodist vestry. Reports pre- sented and accepted, from the treas- urers of tne trustees and stewards and Sunday school s'.iperlnteiident. showed a very prosperous ton lit ion 01 affairs.

It was unanimously voted that thrt Rev. .1. V. M'ears be returned* for anpther year.

The list of officers ami committee*- chosen follow1*:

Trustees— Henry Keniston. James s'tandrlnsr. K. S. ICdrumids J. A Wagner. I. M. Towne.

Stewards- -James Stamlrinj;. .1. X . VVagner. Mrs. K. S. Kdmiunis. Mrs. Lizzie A Kin is ton. (1. W. Morgan Walter H. Paul. Uenjamln KUIs Olover. Charles H. Cli

Cornmltteeti: Missions- Mrs. I^lzzle A. Kouiston.

Mr.s. Kills Glover. Church extension — Hen jam in

Hayes. Krank W. Abbott. *>anda>y school - --Ellis Olover, Mr.;.

Samuel Ugget, Mrs. l^ydia Mellor. Sui'iuel timith.

Traets—'Mrs. (Jeorge Cheney,, Mrs. Henjamiu lblerley.

. Tempernnce—Mrs. Abide K. Tufts* CtTatfei W. Hlnxmi.n.

Kducatlon—Miss Hattie Kieler, Miss Mabfll Webster.

Frcedroan's \id and Southern E I- icational society—Charles (1. Cloc, Miss Mabel Jenness. Mrs. .1. N Wagner,

Church records—James Standrinp., K. S. Edmunds. Benjamin Hrieiiey.

I'arsonage — Mis? Uzzie A. Ken- is'on, Mrs. H. II. Eugley. Mrs. San: lei Mgget. <I W. Morgan.

Music—Mrs. E. S. Edmunds. Miss Hattie Keeler, Miss Mary H, Stone.

ntl.v inin-ha^iMl by Hon. John- A Wdev for a Slimmer residence s undergcflng improvements. Con tractor "D. J (.'osteiio is doiUg the carpenter work. and i». j Swteney is pijiing. -plumbing and in- stalling heating apparatus.

The coniinittee of arrangements for the Mechanics' Brass band concert and bjtll has engaged the Al|>ln<' opchefltra for the occasion.

Era 1 ' A ' ! iy rettirned to Mat tnwail MonJav after * weei; s visit 111 town.

John J. Willis, who is III .-with typhoid fever, was taken to the Uw- rence general hospital. Tuesday. There are now foui pat'enta at the institution trutn this phuv.

William .Know les was lustal'eil a:s governor of C.ov. Bowkei colony. I.'. O. P, , F.. in Lawrence, the other evening.

The orders drawn by the aeloctmln Hayes.I Monday evening ftmounte<i to ?i.-

.iC9.17, divided as follows: Schools .' • $| in". 'Hi Suproii of poor .•. 1004 E2 Water works im;; 13 Fire department "413 lo Engineer*-' salaries 106 00 Police department , H9 7:t Street department 801 N Tree warden Stato and military aid Improvement society .... Ofih* ra' salaries ..... Election expenses Board of health expenses Street lighting Interest or water loan bonds 9000 (M PTfhllc library 70.1 C8 Contingent, fund 404 !♦!* Contingent fund account for-

est flttfS; it fco

Frederick A. Baldwin, who been ill at his horn- in Andvet recovered sufficiently to resume duties. ■ ''.

h ts I.is

Holig. I it ■iii-s Maggie Cflmpbell.

■ttiwllna, Mi Campbell'.

lii'udtnu. .; ■ Mr. McKionon;

Tin- . fi -h

\r.i rrtttfc

t ';i Ml 111

of Vuld Lain; Syne' In it>■■•* in- gathering eh4ad

otnson. \lt'\and**r vfd ('rot liiit made

rtsM TW



Tb. Hbi-aj

The I F'ljah

[ bei M op ai in

I Sntiih and Vi\\-


Frtuik .1. I'.urti. .ii" Uwrenee n _ Mis; Vgnea \IcCanh\ were mar'

Wrtine day 1 vening in St. \firha. m linn h In tpalu

:,. \hn

hlay thi

a \lslt to f-awrence he foirn-rt-that n merry conrfpany, which met a. William Hayes' house, had assemble! to greet bin .

To say that ne was astonished U Btattng it mihllx, for1 he reeelveil ao intinat'on whatsoever of their com- ing.

\tier mi hour of pleasure Charles \V. Hinxmiiii stepped forward, and. in behalf of members of Rescue lodge, Good] Templars, and other friends tendered Mr. RogsP? B beautiful aoHd gold »iiiK. with garnet s-ttiui,'.

Tne nresontatlon speech Was hap- pily phrased and complimentary to the many excellent <iu iliti^s pos- send 'd by the recipient. ^

flic latter respohdad in hrjprbpft'Uur; (■'ins as soon as h0 roeovered from ',r *ecoml surprise.

T«he delightful programme or ,v.-. al mi Instrumental inusli and gnnies

was ttgnln ta\en up and continued iinti! shortly heforn midnight.

Coffee '; cake. Ice freani and fruit wi'i" ■ served in abundance.

The occasion y as replete with mlrti. and good Chf*t' from beginning to i-nd. "v"'

\i long. 'IIIH-H presenl WOTJ 1 Mr and Mrs* Cliarle-i W mnx-

u*an. - Ml, and Mi-i. IVaiik W. Manche;-

Mr" and Mis. 11 \ (igy u( Soidh l,;i\\ 1 mi e . Ml . i'lnl .Mis. », B ItuiMi'.in

Mi. and Mr-. II. II. f:imlM>

; ijs ^_„ __,


Let a delicate rhilil take ;\

little Sctitts emulsion t>f cod-

liver oil after breakfast or

dinner—not too much—too

much will ii])srt the Momueh.

Better too little than too much.

The* effeet will Be >\o\\\ it

Ought to be slow.' In a week,

you will see it began the fn>r

day. Don't be in a hurrv.

~"Sf- rrnir's ^iind;7;- fcCPOol l.'VS . ceted nri 'nvHation to attend a mi*- sioi arj ui'ctini: next Sunday after noon in 1,1 wrencf. \ ppecir.l .11 lea\es Oavis rti'.-et at ..Mi irclin4vj

Samuel Had Held and fan iy of LH'V

retire passrd Sunila\ with Ids 'ulster Mrs \\ illiani Laniiieri.

.1 _ N. Waiiner wat.'litn HI at 111■ .Osaood .mill. Is routined tn.lvis hoii'.c OH Mrrrlmail: street it*: illness.

R*>v. Or. +:. It. Ihorntllke presiding elder ol the Lynn district, pi -ailed MI able dNconrse on 'The Ahidi ig (Iraje Over Sin' before a btrgi <■ ■>:!- treaction ;t\ tne Siindaj mwning .-,■■-

IT in the Methodist church. Mis-. George w. Berrian Is sp< nd-

i'in 1 he w Inter in Klordia.

William Moore a jmSg time ■:■ ■*■ i.h-Tit of the Parish1 died Mondav it his residence, No, %\ Bevci b itreet, at an'sdvauced age. He had

been in falling health fmr about five years.

The deceased was a native of Ames- bury but lived here -practically alnce hw-4-hf'ldh<<Hl. . ■ ~

He \\:is -A machinist, anil had oe'i employed r\t his trade in dtn*er*ij tda-■( s for a number ol \ agcr* In ht'ld the position of foreman at t h Da\ is & Furher Machine eoni| auV. plant, and in his day was consider** a first-eiass mechanic.

1 When the rub rolls w.-i■• tfvf broushl out he ha I much En on *TW makinr important itnpro\e!;i"nts the invention.

He was 0 genial, Kindlj man anjd greatIv attncbwl to his friends. Ho was always considerate and iroof1 to those 1 niler I is <h n ye \vlni ,1 ,!<_- maii. *

A widow, and Qtiv son Georift1 Wi, and daughter. Miss I'lari. surviV-1

liin-.. AlflQ, three sinters Mi:,. Mar- tha Krelxe oi Hiis towni Mrs. laicy Thompson of l.o<- Nev Homtshh^r. and Mrs. William Lawson of Havor- hill.

The coming eonoarl and ball of the Burns cluh is looked forward to with ph-a.it'irahle aiil iripat ions by the puh- lii . Sinte-j-fut an the am:i\ erviric , in the past.have >>■ en, 11 is the Inten tiot! oi ijiis yefer'e committee 1 ma he Kriday evening'* iff air . eve* more enjoyable.

Lorlng N. Karnhan. lias boon awarded the contract foi' constiucttu^ an extensive water supply system ii Cuba for a Uoston company, ri'cently inrraetl with a capital Of lo.UOQjDO*. He will shortly sail for that'Island.

John Tiidx'ts a fMtijei resldent.no'A siipei'lntendertt of mills ;n West War irn. was a guefct.Sunday al the re idence of ■'■ li\ron fui-^nan ii. tin? Davis & Knrl'cr M chine company's works,

f'reenfan li. Coonry and MiSB I uin Oestrlcher were married Salutilv evening at 7'o'clock a] the inidt 'groom's hon»e No. Ii. Yrllow Hon. -K»v( .1 I'. Meats officiated A ph\o ant reception to whit h only relfl lives were bidden, folloi ed', \ nil-.- Wllatfoft "waa ^etvm. Mr. -and .-MV- ■ Coohej received ;i numbei of raluabh presenTs wTfh til? 1 :r^t W1»trfs ot" th donors 1

Walter L. Burn ha ro of Boston pa*a- t«d Sunday at the home of his parem 1. ('api. ami Mrs. Join. Burn ham. <

The ?van gel lath aer\ ices whicit hav- been so aucceaafiiU) conducte 1 at tlie Congregattonal church by .M|v. B. A. Lawrence of Boston, ulosod Saturday. 'Che meettega w«*e largely attended, ann a great deal of good ac- complished. The selections oi n. 10 Smith, the cornel singer, were in spiring features of the series1, A ijnn- emus free will offering vas mtuto the evangelist.

Cflp.t frank A . Coiin, .111 oltu-ial in tlii' HOP ton ctistiti house, resumed his duties Monday, after « fo . da.v.-i' illucsa. ___^

iiefc 71; On in |,n

487 hi x Ou

T, hi as M

ToUl »9:n;:i 17

Tbcip l» a steady call for tleketa foi- the Burnt anniversary to take place. Friday evening, in Onil Pel- Iowa hall. Only the regular fare, ave eents. is to Ite ehnrtreil on the elec- tric car to run to Aodover after ihe affair.

—¥hr— .lilnlor" suclery- Christian -K«- dearor, give' a social for present air! pa«t niemhers. Friday eveitltift, at 7 o'clock, in the t'on^erKiitioaal vtja- try. (lertie tlrowr.. I.llla Hamilton. PhlUl Hamilton -.nrl Mrs. V. P. Ilerry will he In charge.

.1. N. Wagner is Improving.

SgSSSSl^WCV S! <>»*C*^^V^^S^NXX<S\V\\'I

CASTOR i A Tli'> K)od Yon Have Always Bought, tinu which has been

"v imc for over SO years, has borne the slirnatiire of jej^ , __ - and has been made under his per.

w</- sonal supervision since Its Infancy t-cc<cAMi Allow no one to deceive yon in this.

All Counterfeits, Imitations and ".Inst-os-jrood" are but Experiments Ui.it trifle with and endanger the health of 'nlai.ls and Cifiitiren—Experience atraiust Experlmcut.

What is CASTORIA Oistoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pwrev p/orii', l>i'»ps and Soolliini; Syrups. It is rioasjint- it contains neither Oiiiiim, Alorphine nor other Narcotli" snl .nee. tt:t age is its gtiaruiiN-e. It •lisiniys Wuriiu and allays Feveriuhncss. It cures Diurrhwa and Wind Colie- It .el'eyes Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy mid natural sleep. The Children's I'aiiacca—The Slather's Friend..

GENUINE CASTORIA AI-WAYJ* Bears the Signature of


The Kind You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Yearn.

______ TM« <tw«n>w*|w, rr MURHAV «TH«BT, itw twn c-r»-

niarkel. N. H. "iatinn in the place.

Hansftn h irr N»'W- for a few days, olll- poit office itt that

Mrs. C. P. Morrlll ami Miss Si^i .\tnrston. "ujMnnill atarfiXI MoiHiay morning^ fy

I'hllaiU l|>hi;i. I'n.. where they ar- to visjt. Dr. Horrill aeeomnanied tnftn as far as Boston.

Miss M Kh/nli'tli PhlTTCtl has rtt repted a position i.- teacher in the I'ljilie schools <if Milton. :i **eti**.ii»' reshiriiTial snlmii) of Bonton. -h' graduated from the Johnson High school in '91 and the Stal"in N'.'-inal school in nit. .

Miss, ,|. Alice U'a.ilin wvived horn.' ■Mond.iy from u t!,r-''- wei-ii■»' visit to rehi.ives nirl frien-l- i-.i K-t.:i< t;tmk- |n)it jiml Cimtou. \|f.

■ I'M ward Carver pamon, f;i!f.n;i; i Robert G.'.Dathon, asitlatai ! r'ni'eiui- 'endent of Stevi>n* mill, Th"l 'a Con- cord. Sundaj . tli ■ -i-".'.- ■>■] witi for- merly u woolen n::u'.i::.!' .ir.-". au.l f»i:* malty years one of th'ioiemo,! hieti it. i he town, ttnd IKMI yhwiys Iwn prtnnrhem in its reffalix.

former Itupteseniutive .ju'l Select- man Prant w*. P^abee was rataorl UJI Ha the ppnftlon Of first warrior, Mon- day eveniuK, at the m>etlns( of Woeolaneet tilh. . N'(1. 17. I. (>. It. M.. in l^i;vri;nce

Tr.i.iras K. OHroau W nl h Ig ii'irl to hip IjBsiness iliiti«- nit" wish's illness.


UT'l A BOWNK, lutlt to try it PHI Ilka*

It I'l

Mr. ami Mn . Oj nis Hamllll U1*1

il-iiiann-r. Nriii'- bliGon'Btttwri- N- H-- who have been Rtiwr-ainhje rpsi \<'\w ■ pj E. R, Rohlnson. master iiLH^hnnif n smi'.arii uuii-*. iftiini'1'1 >V \v__y. ui

n ii'

i i.. his ppopI>. Fumia: r-ecneil two uiisol'eitecl ami In out-- iluiiatinm I'MHI' inTTi CSi PP or 1 Ii" in f! p;irn«'ti;al r''Khtj'lU'e.


ltev, R, g. Thomas came up I loin Providence, it. i. to exchange «nh Rev. Frederick I'almer of Christ church, Artdover. -^ niday forei,M>"t in the evening h■■ officiated at s^ I'aul's.

The Class! of 1902 J. T. B. F. rt.. will preaent n drama. ThU RiueU

-Plaraondi' -In the |?vniiwtBntl*'pa1 vm try. West Boxfofd. Friday evening.

In the abnenee at Miss |9adre i,. Piddington ot Andover, o*mg to ill ness. Mis^ Hlattte Ki-eler [i,• bided at the organ, Sunda; la the MethodIHI church

The scH-iiil. -muler th-' an;;i; <s of the Women's Chilli, ami jur*' i.t t'H' Wednesday feven'ma »i Si Paiil'a Pariah hon <•. has Ijeep.^poatponel' Th>' date ftlli be gtvan or.i iarer.

Rev. FT. ;(iild;i> was in Lowell. Monday afternoon on a vi»ir'

.A sleighing part) In a large puna passed through the Parish. Monday evening.

Stephen Re M. Oagn of Klmstreet. hlol .L'isi at the '•\[t"ilTn»MHiil staliou of the state Iigflr J .>t nealth lecture'! on the i'lote.ihui of Inlan I SVat"1

before the Lawrence Natural llistor> -oci"i\. \ioiiil;« \ evening ill I -i'trary hull

hi- trlcl i <• II ii; Ciaii.l Ma ChaileR II Uoiiin ;in. aaststed i«y folinwiti- suit ■ Installed th ■ ofi'r of Andover rodgV I, O. 0. P.. M.ot

|M '.ir I I .1 I ' 'T ■ : I f '.1 I I t .

hoiifth uVing in North iotdover ahohl eight months, he has won

■etHiued uiany CrttndS, who-while

I: in

W. rhi ■tut iii>>

S . Mallhcr II .\t;Hic|nvtei-:- Wti\ ,m M. Son .-. yilleyft, T.. (, \\rr. ti . M r'aii'ti. , -■'., I,i.wrc]ne. (i t (. ... ('apt. M

in L.jiiitioe m iniraj1 the * mpmlipTs of u D u ■■ mi't lodge . John it. I.< wl*. '.v. V: Hove w. EniineM

ro'iowini lU-.l'lcl

William -\nlis. who left town, t^aturilay to accept a responsible pOBl-

% yion" iii Fltcnliurg, will long recall \wlth pleasurable cniotioiiM ' the mvipories of the enjoyable affair at his residence pu .Main street. Friday evening.

HU/goiugv away furnished t.he op poriimity for.his friends to tender him a sarprlse'ahfr farewell party

Although LlVlng in North only and retsi regretting his departure, arc glad- to know that it Is for hi> personal in- terest .

A hiii!" hundred ladies and gentlemen had asKeinblevi. greatly to the aston- ishment of Mr. .Ardis when Officer James M. Cralg stepped forward, and in behalf of fellow clansmen tendered him u beautiful solid sold badgn ■'inhlemjwieal of the order, uml B handsome silk umbrella from l.au- j-etiee. Kojrtb Apdover and Meihneu ' friends and ahopmates. The gifti ivew tokens of respect and regard..

Tne preaejitgtl°n >i>epeh was \ >-\■>■ 'fc4ieit.ious and moat happily adapted

Th" re, ir,v ,'t while eohsiderablj vei'couit* by th'-- ai t. made a fitting

response. Then nl] hetofVK ilo'inselvea to th"

enjoyirieul of me.rxinaeni and inuhie. .sY !]:■-. iii'ir i-iinti ihnted liV S. A. Jep

•I-. Jobn t 'a'lM'v .Inmen A . KJibju noun. William Awlls. the latter I ir iii-hnii: pTeasIng gi ftpTfophone -elcc

\ wi ll ryelvfil ft-afnre of • in- . vw the renditlpn of an old 8 -HIII; 1'v Mrs. Al"\amler StuafY. m Mr. \rdi".-, who is in her

John S..Towne. who. formerly lived here l!ut ifos resides with his brother, .1. M. .Town,-, in the Scotland dis- trict. Andover, is Improving in health.

The Lowell, Lawrence and HaVeVhlll JiLHjeLiia;U\a.s .onipany has pi-t.i.i |■.>[,',-1 tin s.'h-(■i.iueii fur a fnuulii.-i- <ni the road in (he south part of the town, which is a continuance of sah-m Ktreet, Andover, it is the inten- tion of tile iijiporatlon \n run from Seminary hill to Mlddleton by this route.

At a recent election by the Christian Endeavor society these officers were rhoaeu:

Mresident SHss Annie CT Barrgfiht. . Vice piesith-lil. Mis; M,.hie S. ltoli- III -m>.

Secretary, Mis, &race I. Uai \nn . i ieasurer; Mi.-s (bora ('. HoM . Uioknut i (tninilttc-e. Miss Martha

\. Putnev, chairman. William M. Mc- Queatnn, Miss Emma Ward. Mrs kVIl 11am Kalllday, Mi's Elhtabeth M. Saunders.

Prayer no ettng committee. Mis- Viini.' L. Sarge*ht. caalrntan, Arthur W. Basjsett, B w. Kenderaon. Mlas Mai., i Morrlll, Miss Bertha Davla.

Social committee. Miss Cora C. Holt, chairman, Miss Nellie M. BtUllngi, Miss Cora A. Uassett. Miss Qeorgla J. Hosmer. Charles' T, Wood I any .

Flower commfctee. Mm. A. 0. Moody, chairman. Miss Qmce I. Bar ker. Miss Florence Davis. Miss Annie !.. suAyps^JJks,Sn 11ip K JTiidiL

■ ^ftirnr-^tmrlen ^M-t-'aetby uBle#nj| n pa It hearer nt the fijnc-ral of a rela- tive. Mrs. Marv McCarthy, in Law- reni Tuesday, *. •

\ vfhlst part\ is to follow the meeting of wauwtnet mdgo, I. O. O. I'., itt'xi Wednesday evening The af- fair will bo for members nt (he ..luanization. rhel, ramPi'-; - ___ friends. Capt, Henry it. Smith, Wil- Uan> 11- huiiu]vill"-aii.l s'iriiiml _j__ l.n the eni'-rtainmeut aaiunitU*eJU'Q to have thai i;e.

Kepalrs are being rall.olic cliiireh.

made on th i

As soon as A. J Wright Is bide [o leave the tAwrenve general hos- pital lie will go to Ills home in N'orlli Hart land. Vt.. for several weeks, US f""u|j--iate. . ^

There an i i>tu|ia i at i . -*ly |.-\\ ( gACa d grip in town.

Sumlay ichodl committee. Fred I Berry, chairman, Mrs. Fred P. Uerry A, (J. Moody. Al'Laa Ella Curri'r, Miss nii. (

.Alice Weston, Miss Beatrice PUil- Ttps: ■—

Relief committee. Miss Edna Unit. .'halnnan. Miss Ethel Watts. I). W. Carney. Mrs, w. M. McQuestOn, Miss Maliel haxis'.

Missionary comm4ttee, Charles T. Woodbury. chairman, Miss Mabel B. Robinson. Miss Bertha Ooodbue.

Tin- demit, i al lc town committp ■ ct. I'ri.hiy < venlng, uml organizeil

w,i.th the choice of Daniel J. Crogan as cnatrman. Alborl n. Taylor sec- letary. and John J, C dlins. treasurer, The dale of the caucus is Feb. 20th, in Stevens hall.-

The board of engineer* have pur- chased a lot of smoke protectors /or the ftben Suitou^ ftitd Cochlcnewleka,

At the animal meeting of the Broad- way Hmniss I'finli. I^awrence, Joseph H. Stone, A. A A'turier, and Superin- tendent of Schools Chlckerlng were elected trustees.

. Tin* in xt meeting Allianre 'v. ill take ■ Thursdaj IP Februar able l futon reomi.

it the, Wonic ii''; i - the second

ii the dim it

Former Stiperintepdent of the Ail in.Li-m Cotton milU (>oorgQ W..T«.\M..- and family arc shortly td mo\-- into Lone Pine ,;i the C« litre, which tlov int nil to make their perminenJ ree- Idem '■.

The committee Burns ,-lul coftcer Fid lows hall. IM'

in charge of the and lull, at Odd

nvnuiiii',—U*u prat Hi-ally finished the arraio:ciii"iit;.

the public may real asBured that ■ i ■ Wl » ill m- .in I'.\':,M;IU::1'

jdeasant o|)('.

*T. he' bound hand and footl -fo years hv the »bains of dlReaJEe is th worst form of slavery, fcieo'rge D Williams of Manchester, .\:i.h.. tell how such a slave was ma l« tree. II says; Mv wife has heenrsn helplesavTu ;, y.-ats that she could nut turn eves 'sviu(( of-P^s will permaiiciil ly nvt» 111 bed alone Artec iisinu •: buttle*, of '...„»,. Iialdtual ' mist it pat ion .well-in Electrlr FMtters. she i^ wcmderfiiw formed peoriie will not'laiy other la\ Improved and able fo do her own I atlves, which a t for* a'time, but tin


Peonje oVer'looked the Importance ot permanently, beneficial eftects . and were sat is lied with transient net ion i.nt nmv that it Is.genrally known that

Thi8<Jsmprerae remi Iy for fe- ally Injure msl" disease* quickly cures nervous- nine, mado b; nest, sleeplessness, melan-holy, head- nip CO. ache. bnckgi in-. . fainting giiil dl &$ swel'lSi ■ This mii-ai ha working nn-di

itu- is a sotlsend to weak si (own people. _,10verv liottle

■kly guari

Sold by lArln

system. Buy tin rtfr— California Pi

! fa <z

" K 'il TW Hgift! ijatli \ tjol

Mi-s Annie I., lld-fnn iinlvf-v.-H: l.il>li*'\. in Dm daj.

Sterana, claaa 10W . vlalted Mrs. Fred hibU'"'. tin' other

<>ln..| rhapter' ><i tlx- 1CI.IM.M1I L . 14'..- holds ;. suiii)l rnaetlntf with M.-. Kriiii.iiiii Hiicit. \. Beltnonl atre ■ \v. iinesday .■; .-iiiJ.n nexi.


..I l 1.i YH-.

Ar.lls Is .-lie. N'n.

n uetlva bramhor .. 132. (). S. ('.. pitclT

llrliir.. l.-ii) i«, I'..! their li.ini... iniitinv uling ;'Aill(l I.:IIIK Svnr.- -In'.l Mr, Ar<H» s"'"1 '"'I' and

..J*T *W"aSfi3jr 1


P. A iwnforll snil.-n-.l ii t..|i..1v a rrlshtfnl ninni i.nt wiit.-s that

ol taGrangp. ,jna.. 1)1 Bll illi'lltlls w il!, a soi« on Itis leg, Hii.'kl»n'R Ami, a

s,.lv" wliMly -riir..i! it in t.'n ilnys I'm' rir.-is Won nils, Bur.r.s. n.,ii. lrafn or rii.'s ii .s the ii.'st aalve In tli. world. I'm-f guaranteed, Only _':.' Si.l.l by Julin .1. Foreat, druggist,

'•I Oioil T..ni,>l;ii~

Am..).'■, tin. town ..Hirers holding liosil.iins li.r «.- :i Mtir iin.l WIHIS.

i.'iirs expired in 19(11, are; ' School rrVniiuill.v li.llllrl A i il I'-

ll 11 Parh comntisalouera Dr. 0. P.

Morrlll, • U.iti'l' r.imiiiis.MINTS— Hel'l;ri't \V.

ii.; i Plihllr lilirii'v nincis \Mlllani

M \t<giii'stini Hoglatmi'S OI POtJTB Julin I'. Han-


The reunion of the t .'-... n; and ;..i'i pii'r..l..'i-. ol lie*, te ftidce. I l), U. T., Tuesday 'evp'nlnir, lironghl to- "ctl" i a Ifltge i;iiiiili,-r

II |ir,.vi"l, H \ ,■)*.- , i, i ivtilii-, !),'ij:i ■ Sil'll

Arrong Hone "- attendance were promlneul WM,. in the temperance ..ins.- in iiilier ,1;"- ,ii,| ihe grnetfnga between tjioa" mil the active metn- hem ,,! the i),,i.-i were n.ist em-flii.t.

til" ,'oni.mittee .ii' arrangement Ii ,ii;. \'. Matli'li." t.'i Mfs. \l)t.ii' !■: 'Intis mill'Miss Lizzie Hayes perform- ed il.eli .iiniis credltal'ly ami aatii ii.ic.y.

I',, i Chief Templar Charlm vy i I in-, liiini prealdi'd over the exerciae ■■'■ hi I. were as tnlluws RfffTeOT ,'n W i.iini.'

Charles \v Hlnxmau. I h'l'all polo

Miss Mnsin Hin'Mi.aii

i.-ii.ini Ihe Ks- t, i.t lolls I 1'V'.. I'L'.I it i.e. ir,! thai ill lie- 1..-I ,,'s [n ti ly will lie I'.'iir,'., iii il. an,I i


nil ,1


;, i. -1 ■ i J Miss Rracn

Krank W

s II Mis

PKr.N'KN I 1011 \ TRAOKDY.

Timely Imormatlori given Mr i;,',, :■■ Lull'.' ..;' Kew sti ri 11 s v i M. ■ (Ml prevented :i dreadful traifedy** ai s:i\\l two lives \ f;k'li!f,l i had long Kept her awal.- , iii'.'i'i she had tried man> rj ii and i„ i.'is Imt si. ,,,tiiv ,-, until ID ;:,'il -,i n v | ii |- N;,

Ilisriivny. One I,-,i.i, ,... her. mid she r™ i II ,,- ,

llillT. A I,hi.




Miss llinimi lifts


■ \l.il I Mel

es M ' era

.„li H,

ll|,|,'l Hunt



I'l. hR...

VTr of of prison. Ainlii\ .'t

<■ progrsmibe i- Hfherlru partoo|j

m J. Forest i




nil. ■ mid

iluihif i •i'-f .in Banl

, booki library

' QIU '

I if I III




,i amUiywaj c. a fni u| .tug Aimriiii

931 l.v

" Wilful Waste

_____ M.ik-s Woeful W.'.r.t."

jf iV *j wasteful not to secure ivhat you need and mioht have as it tt to soun- der <what you already possess, Health is A priceless possession. You can secure it and keep it by taking Hood's Sarsaparilla 'which purifies the blood, cures disease, ana invigorates the ujliolc system,

"3wcd6 SaUafmx Never Disappoi,

.he Congregational ihurch


The gospel it 36.3



e<i aiuiii attention »nU toe judges BOOKS very highly of them. His birds have been Winners at .various poultry llwws in this vicinity. C. K. Young's white Plymouth rocks which took the Nfevlns'-*oup .were handsome blrda and attracted the eye <»r every peestw at* tending'the show. Mr. Ypung won itri quite a margin of points, although SSL K Whitney had a fine display of white Plymouth rocks. The coftipeti-" •ion next year promises to be much -tconger for both CUpa'. . There will

. undoubtedly in* move It bode Island Crittondon. A 573.9 , m|s ,in,i white Plymouth rocks entered

,;,iV-i t by out of town persons. Everybody ' «lio attended .the show just dosed spoke very highly of It. The only complaint was that there was not room enough, but the largest hall in town was secured for the show. Fin- ancially the exhibition proved a sue*

l#M»;W e<fes, but not so much so as it would Pre- I have had the weather been more fav-


Carnegie Audw of wealth.

«.'li:in i'n«;\, i:ii/aheth \V, Ko- mali'c of - the feudal Cll.lt' .1 til .

''nnvt'uii r. M. In the palace of the i ijos;, A

Do 14 tuna It • Palalap* it-'-' Rarle, -Mice M. Btage-cbach

ami tavern days.. A -<-"> Fowler, Kilrn '['. ' Cupid's

garden. , A 5N>. Vox, .Tiiliu Jr. Eraser. W. \ Harmi. it. I.. Apes and

molt key i . UHt3Vl« Qlbsuai W. U. Poatoral days. 876.47 Howclls, \V. Ii. Literary

fiiend.i and acquaintance*. A 413.27 Mabic, If. W. William

Shhki ipeare. Uoutgebery, Florence.

jbdfjeu. (*ti>. i Tames Lobster catch-'

A 616 Pen: lee, .1. It. Thoughts and

experiences, 1403 Uil/nan. Charlotte Concerning

children. " 1463 Reed, Hi kn i.. Bread*, her

school and her club. A-66G, . Smith. (\tary P. W. The

young- and old Puritans- of

' onihle. The onimitt'-e in charge art

llatneld, Spelluiann, M .1.. John Rus

I'll. ■' .'.

Thrasher, AI. L'.. Tuskegee. w.T.dfli- '- |.t, A lift rary his

'. worked night and day to attain u ,,; i cswul results ■ and the Grange is

I greatly indebted to the members for •r,:: i their earnest efforts. The committee

] was made up as follows: 50 President. WlUai.d it. Whitney;

vice president; L. K. Burn ham; Bec- 30 retarles, P. Ii. Park.-.I. Al. gutter.

trsasuror; c. K. Young: show super- Intendents.-P. K. Hark. n. D. Todd;

.try of America. Wiggiu. K l>. Smith, N. A.

The Htoi >' hour. ' <■ M 2 Wdlhtn .. 8. Through the •yea* with bird.-- and poets., 1L'1_.4;

\ 619.3 I executive noard. J, M. Rutter, L. & . Bnrnham, M. B. Hill, C. K. Young

. '.T.l. IS. iv a. Park M*l.tl -aiMh — st «


Wright, ^abel O. fns ^i.n v hook .

The dream 638.1:

■■'l-he fuvJiitiie. for the new court Yuuiu in the basemem—of the luwu

arrive*! and been placed In A bum

in,- ihr judu" ooMiptCH ii spare on the platfoi ra at i [!•■ north end of tiie room'and In front of this there.is a teftg n:if; table for (foe l.'iwvers. The p.- ■ -..iry ciulii's are supplied. A wlt- !ics :iaud is located near the judge's liench, The -.judge's desk, the table. witness t ind gnd aeata for prisoners and witnesses lire inside ot a railing which esJtencr* aero.-;; the room near OB . at..- in -the rear el this will |R< HTttpfS fpr sprrtatnrs. Til'' UeW roohv'win fwrnish n very, convenient- and c/nilfortilble place for the trial oj . ' The n"»in opens Into the poll '■ i.itIon n Dial prisoneTs can We-

Mrs. Mary K . widow of Mose lohnfioIT died rate Monday night ai the residence of tier daughter, Mrs. Harry E. Moore on Stevens straet. a-.cil 7:; years Mrs. ,foliti~oli had bPBn hi ferule health for. a lone tune. snfj

ferlng from the effects of a paralytic -ii-ndi (if late, however, she appear- Frt-etmmd*"fiibly- improved' .md

taktfW ii''" ' he • ■ an ! >\ ithoill leaving lh< ■ dliliuu! Heietorore there has been pn i ultable place for trials'. They h.^e either ItCen UeJil in the l(n i.ii-. or Uic judge's office. In pro- viding this how roitrt room the sta- tion lia ■ ' n clilargod, one more room being al-lt.l. Thb» room l.s between the old part of the lockup and the ue\« court room and in it there is one large i el) for tramps. -..

uin-wiNTunt siH'iAi..

ing quite smart when an 111 tutu ft desk or I'eu.h ' ,, rtj .A,u\ tha «-nd cam- Suddenly,

llcn-t dilH-iii;y "islj^TpXiin been the unmed'ate cause of deatu.; Mrs. Johnson was born In Peabody April IT, 1SJ7. She'passctt her early life there and in later years after be ing married, she resided In Pel ham. N. 11. She reihaineri th'ere until abou. ten years |go when her husband dred ;,u I she then came to th*s town and had ever Since lived here with hai daughter, Mr:.. -Moore, who is her only child. Mrs. Johnson since coming to Metinien had made many friends and** acquaintances all of whom will b< grieved to hear of her death. She was a rlirislian woman ami highly 'vt""in . ,| by all who knew her. She was a utcurbcr uf tiie Congregational church.

Tl,c Uidies -mutely In LI .

t'athuHc Tempenuir. -' Mlid winter stuial

the town i'all Krlduy even lug wliiOh pro<'d a fine success. Tim Nexinglon orche tra w a: in attendance and fui- ni8hfd_flne music mr Jen eld*. There-

*a: a ;:oodl\ utiuilier present, many people being in attendance from Law- rence. The grand march was in- augurated shortly after 9 o'clock, being led i'v John ilealey and Miss Oelia

"Healey, who were followed by Thomas and Margarel Hynes and .")0 other couples. After the march and circle darning was begun and enjoyed until midnight, with a short intermis.-ion about lo.,30 o'clock when refreshments v. i. HI i ved by Caterer |jnn>, The floor w.i not crowded and dancing u,i : Immensely enjoyed by all who piiiii-ipai'-d . The floor Officials were:

Mi** fYreiin He'aiey, grand l oli- diti tor, Wlas Margaret Hynes. assist- ant uonducjor, Mrs Daniel Ca vans ugh, Mrs. Klnnagan, Miss Mattel Rounds, M'lss Mary Italian. Miss Mary Ma- hjH\ Miss Cecelia Wright. Misa Evu spuiM.v.ood and Mi--- Gertrude Meloy. aids ■ ,

\IIK u*: those present were: . Mr. and Mrs. John J. Sullivan. Mr. and Mrs Herbert, Doyen, Mr. and Mrs, i >an;ei •( ,,\ anaugh .

10 Vunie l-iliaii. Mel lie ftkewett, .I'-.,.: - ■ n. N'ellle Moi lart>. Sadie Cur- ran, VI ii ml e Uilriii. Cecelia Wrlghjt. Katie Mahoney, Mary Mahoney, Ber- tjia !.e.-,.,;,i,i Ixjtjle nillippte, Ussje Uiwi.m. Mahei Ttoiinds, Maggie Ma- in i. Mary Maker, Annie Reardon, N*el* li.' !,■':. \ II; Ma. I; 1'i'iiiiii I'l-emh. |<»l . ! ■■.-■ v'\i MU-1 (Ha-**e. Mar* Mi Ke.ui.i Ka-thei ijje I"... y...- Mamie W h ■ ivathe.fine and Mary ClimVa, Hi- .■ ■ iff, w:,,!e MUM,,; I Miir.el H-oveil. Mamie S*'ke<. IJv.i [■ pot is wood .

Vlartla 'Klicourse, Patrljjt •ii I li-c,^r ^^r^.-l^i- Iniiii itnl llJ.nry I

Prank Blitier. charb-s Murph\ George Brook


Kx-Mayor u. II. Tewksbury of l*w: reucc read a paper before the Methuen llltitortcal society'Monday evening, en- titled 'The change's and transforms i inn of a century..' The panc^r wa- it carefully and well prepared one and u.i.-i closely listened to-by the goodly number of members present, at the i.-ecting1, " At HiiK meeting officers

■-.ere to have beep chosen for the en- suing year, but this was deferred for u\ 0 weeks. The society received ™:r pair of aid fasliione<l blankets from Mary White Hayes and Thanks were exiended to her for the same.

Mr. Tewksbury was introduced by President Sidney Howe. Mr. Tewks- bury made a general review of tht transformations that have taken place during the centr'y, contrasting the con- ditions of the present time with those of the past. He spoke first of th" growth of the country, referring to Meihuen as having only a few farm houses at the opening of the tilth cen- tniy and compared it with the pres- ent time. The customs of those days were far different too. No beards were worn and a moustache was an a!"iminaiion, while In dress and dom- estic habits the man was far different than now. The transformation in the customs and dress of the woman- kind were described in a most pleasing and entertaining manner. After touching upon the transformation in i'niuestk-life Mr. Tewlnbtiry.spoke ol the changes in religion. in this he

HI-idert-d the greatest 'transformation to ne the departute. I'nmi - the >ni"-f-

,.iiis of the |>a^f and the great free riom ami li^tter accommodations n«i» ni'oyefi in worship and the moredib .'■Hi'views taken on reHaloiiH subje-ts ii- spoke up.m changea In the mode jf burying persons, Sow an elegant' asket rs used, when years ago a board

LTrfltn was considered all that w.--- required to lay the dead In. He <aid : lie transformai bm has ■■■■•' "n no .1* -..> marked' in ibe departments <>f rnettt-

:-•. i-a- M pi an Ufa ;f;n-Mi". and id faTt aj! walks and paths of life. -\l,

,.11,-ln'- oh ■ ■■ if!-1

■.review i if .the century that; in. all rtgs there iias been gi eat prom .•** de in higher i i\ ili/at imi .tn'\ a high Chj'bitiatflty: At the drme of bl*5

S|n •d.

I ■

Mi \i .1 llwti

^ the speaker wn ■«l ■ A vote of thanks ■ i-liiui for hi,- excellent

P. d .Li Join


held re- eutly with Mrs. Kvcreti'H.'.Archibald he following officers were elected:

I'resideui. Miss Carrie j. Hodden; rlcP- ppejltdent Mrs. Helen' J1'. iSpuoner ecn^aiy and treasurer. Hiss Ktizu- 'clll .1. 'Morse; prudential committee,

Mrs. Sarali Davis. Mrs. Kmma Mer- rill and Miss Hattlc Stevens. Enter- 'ainnieiit, literature, calling and va- rious other committees were cbtnen to assist in carrying on the work of the society, which now nutubers "~ members,

District Deputy Gfaild Master A. 11 Clark and suite, composed of Eld ward B. Ceoi-KC. Je.-se J, Prescotr. George K. Bradbury. "Wilbur .1. tocke, Wlllje ,V. Hdwer and .lames I,. Mo\som w.nt to Havci'hill Monday Highland Install- ed the officers of Mutual Relief lodge. 83, l O. 0. F.

Dr. Kberline. of.the school of hng- uages of Hoston instructed^classes in German ami French at the school committee rooms Monday -afternoon' and evening.

.Hope lodge. [. O. O. P., held a Peg ilar meeting Monday evening. Tu T- *as a gehssraal of the first dftgrej),

-Miss Ida Hill or Salem. X. H.. vis- ted friends on Park street Sunday.

The executive committee of the Me- huen High School Alumni OSSOCla

"ion held a business meeting Monda> ■yeniug.

Charles Willett has lieen confine! to ils home by illness for the past few I. lays.

Amos Hull is visiting his sister. Mrs leorge W. Plummet-, on Pelhani' n\ nue. Mr. Holt arrived here Tlini •

lay from Key West. Florida. ,U' lerved in the rl-vll war, First Maajfl

husetts Heavy Artillery; He e left Jd to

■nter the armv and has. been aboard vom town nearly all the time since, ie is a son of Knoch Holt, who i.fed icre a few years ago.

Buthl your houat not for M/i y**r onfy bttt

for fffty/Mrs See Msf tcor trihitectspeofe*

end your builder uses

"Neponset" %m Papers

_. 4S»dsr cJapboards and between floors. Xe»«lSC("RED ROPE tikes the pita vfise* fmtKSsm/miiHummm mttmftji totsyksddrbsns/cc&anrrciitptrptpijj. Cone yoerh\mejfdpotifnyMdtnas.n)ofs

--^"NEPOHSETr J^* TV Original and GnuiM M


Call or write for samvlss.

Treat Hardware & Supply Co. 582-584 Essex St., Lswrence.'

A delightful entertainment was gneu. The program was as follows: Mmdc by Mls« Pclrce. Heading, Declaration of Independence

by Mrs. Helen F. Spooner. Itespoies to roll call. Ka'.li wwlnli

gave the name of A signer. biographical sketches of the signers

by ten mem hers. Poem, 'Independence Ucli; Mrs. .Helen

..i. , itarKer. A delicious-repast was sewed cou-

sirtiug of oyster potties, cucumber sandwiches, calte and coffee. **.

The next meeting will be on -Feb. sUi in Phillips chapel. Mr;. Stephen 1. Piirker, Mrs. Dor ward, Mr . .'i\ ■least. Airs, ttemleft and Mrs., ltoot

■•.ill cuhrtain.

Johp Wilson, an old ami rt*povto<t .esident (),■ (Jage bill, IMIKMII. X. Ii.,

■led Jan. 8tb, at his home aged 7-' ears, Mr, Wilson had ben feeble

.or some lime. He was well i,n«jwu n this town, having occasion to conic 0 Meihuen two or three tin.is a ,.e-k or a number of years past! Uefoi'c .oing to Pel ham he resided- In Uaw- .enee. [le is .survived by .t widow lid one son. The fuiiual look plttco .stuniay and burial was in Peifiam

■entre. P ...

Mr. S&d Jrrs. FrCderlb D. Bars- tow have taken a tenement in lb.-. Archibald homestead on Central

Miss Helen T1 1 y Is Visiting re

The it'v. ' dm 1 fng 11 s' lit Hie Unptii

Nalb P.iile of


ut ip his" new positioii.yMr. *;Tir iad it general mill expcrieiicc In ICng-

\ nuiiil Hie orgni

rgiii Trin

: 1 llits luwti : 11 reeittil glverr b. II. ICnslMn of fhlH n liurch. Uiv rence, Wi


link part In the Spanish war. He dethuen when about 20 years oh

FtrKltS i\STAU,KI>

•mil. In bis*opening h * described the Avirk or the Salvation Arm. in Am- '"lea. There are Tim spiritual centres 11 the Fnited States and I2.0UG meet- irgs are held weekly. ;.uii-i,n.'U pooplt'

.Mending. The army Carries on ai :Xtensive social relief .vie \ and Co.n lander Tucker told of M, excellcn ■suits from this. He state I that ai

■resent there are 300 InsUttttions 01 ellef controlled by 'l.c Sah alinn ifmy and thousand^ of poor people ." cared far in these. He also re-

■ red to tiie farm colonies. Work in thj*. direction has been carried on

\ ery successfully for la ■!"■ yours. j any families have been 1 ifcen from I ti ■ tenements in Hie !ai■;;■■ cities ai

been provided with better lio&efi. lie -iid there was grreai. heed 01 reaching lire woVking-classes with the word-pi • bid and Ibis, he said, the Salvation

■i-my Is lining \t the .l'v' -of iii.

11 day.;, die. f his parents emains wjrc the [mmocu-

■Thf ofiiccis-eN* 1 of Roger WiUiaiii. olony of Pilgrim Fathers were pub- idv ipstslled la Orange hall Phursi day last week. The work was per

rfed hy Mepiity Supreme (Jovpinor lanies H. Hyiand and suite of Uiw

■ 1 ■ The tneQiltera of the suite were .1—>i—1_- k':.iiV-y (tej^ity ^mrrpme ■■jiff- ;

ermon a collection yns taken to as ■t those eijeaaed In the wink. Wbih

lie collection was helnfl taken Colonel osens of Boston mad" remarks, Ad ita.nl Hunting and Captain Nobli

1 :e also present, bill did iiot-Fpeak.


Paintor, deputy Kretl Kichar.dson ; . e;i-iir,Mc~'TfaTmiitg-rh;r

ptary lohn s • npreme poll«ct&r

~*Birpi I'lny Kletcher. deputy supreme 1 hanl.iiii Walter Morse, deputy supreme Ber- gepnt-at arms Manuel prey, deputy

: pre me deputy sergeant-at-arms Thomas Doyle, deputy supreme inside sentinel David Beatty, deputy supreme outside sentinel David McConnell;

• puty supreme ex-rrnvernor Cora I-. Morse, pianist EHla Mel lor. The work wa-.. bnely ilijne iind highly commended

y those who witnessed it. The offi- cers of t ILL' colony for the ensuing -. , ■ !■ .I] ,.

(iovcrnor. I'rmk \. Hordon; licat- • iiant -oveinor. MilUe A. Cluft; see.- rtary Ksta" A. Aver; collector. Oeo. \. Hunting, treasurer. Oeo. W. Copp; chaplain. Namy B, Douglas;

1 rgeant-at-aims. Julia A. Knur-uu; 1 pmy ;-eigcaiit-at-ai 11c . Mary M,

' 11 riff; -entinel of the Inner gate, Charlotte K. Hill: sentinel of the out' r ate. Beunle !•:. Hill; itlanlat. Myra ' Desne; trustees, Silas L. Hilmau tunes. Pclrce; John Ostler: represen- utlve to supn'inT colony, George A.

Ilont'ng. y" Aft«r the,ceremonies remarks were

made hy Siii'ieiue Treasurer A. \*. Puizlie. Deputy Supreme Set re'.ary Nih.ui Craw nnd members of the in-

S .in day evening ni Phil I e Hev. James 11

Atrrr-tbe-rrmai'k^ the -ludpml thiun adjourned to the bantpiet

,i!l where one uf I.each Bros.' excel- ■n suppers v.as served.. About 75 ere present-

tra-pet Roberts related thj

fcibja.: esrane frrvn i\aigan hina. during tluT r^eiiP" ft'otHiU' lire. Mr, Roberts was .1 ini.->i'*:iai y

' 1 China [or 21 years an 1 many -d* huen people being anxious to hew .::■! tell of his last experience.) then in- chapel was filled to overflowing. \iiy seat was occupied and man>

loreons stood through the talk. Mr.' .tbii'ts commenced bis story with

1 egiuning of .the tronbli lb ChFtie ■. bl.d'i was in the laTCet. poTl 0*1 May.

i"»n the; th'th of June tip- misfdouarle if the Aiuet'ii an board left for I'eliin ■tine golhg on bievchs and tdli-rs in

.ae cars. - Tiu-.-e wa; a threatened PtiiMaarre there -tud tire missionaiiea

iMcil upon Minister Conger for pro ,'•. lion, A few day., later the pirtj - aited for Mongolia witli horses oni

lands wiii.ii wire obtained . near ixalgan; They prucecded ocronn ;ie desert of Cold, being 50 days Uavel-

!■.. Maaj hardships were endured aud.ilieie was iniieh danger from tin Ifcrxers at vaslotis point,. The i-Tttv 1 umbciil ;';: in all. After i*uaching

;'■«• -ta the pai^y rested V-v-hii:' an' ! (!•■« proceeded^ to. St. Petersburg tiu.-sia, wiierc tliey were in safety I'bc rtusslailH were kind 10 the Amer ■ an missionaries at all limes am

A box car uontaining 1250 bushets < : oats billed to F..M. Vietor went over the end'of the* trestle at Mooar's coal neds Saturday afternoon. Th.e (ar as kicked in on the. side truck and

-:^e-4>ettkes were act. up—but Hie wh'els . slipped and the car went off the end. J the trestle. Harry Luther of this pwn was the brakemnn on the ear owl jumped just before it went over. Is escaped injury. Sunday the 'recking gang from Lawrence got the :r back on the rails. The oats had 1 be trans.vrrea to another car be-

|ore the work was . commenced. U

.■at deal.

Charles W. Mann has been making •xtensive repairs upon his resident» near Marston's corner.

At a recent meeting of the executive I committee. ,<»f the First Massachusetts Heavy Artillery association, it was voted-to hold Die annual winter re- union in the Cnited States hotel in Boston, wtthin a few weeks and the

nuual glimmer reunion at Salisbury beach. Tire exact dates were not de- . ced Several local 0. Av'"""rr. men belonged tQ ilii-fainous regiment,

Sal in day aftenioon the regular nn ntlilv meeting of'Saftinel Adams

, h ipter, D. A. Tt.. will !>'• held in Phillips chapel', Miss Alonso Howe, Mi s Camelta A. Howe, Mis. A. H . I).. hi Mrift M .. A. Kimbatl a d Mtss 11 in,. Stevens will enten.tiu.


At the Congregational? church Sun- day morning Commander Hoot1- Tuck* cr. leader of the Salvation. Arm) of the p. s., preached an ini'e,-..- ;n, ■ «ei

Sir. "Roberts spoke ;it Trlftity cjinrch 1 *s « rein ",. Sunday, unprning and gave Ihb story of his escape the same a i elated in lb" evening here.. In an oilier column it is reported in t'uii w. v \i\ prove Interesting reading.


K* vires Night Colds

How will your cough be to-

jiight? Worjc, probably.

There was a largely attended raeet- liig of Samuel Adams chapter. I>. A :... satniday afternoon in P-blliipa

iiapel. Between !<' an I 30 mem- b V9 wegv [iresent and the meetilife I roved a most ililerestito; "lie, Mrs.

I Alonze Howe. Miss Camella A. Howi ' \\ i, \. i; Davis, Mis. M. K. Kim-

l .ni. and Miss Hattie Stevens were lln hostettses. The meeting was called to ni'der by ih ■ regent; Mrs. I,ew! 1 K,

I C.irnes. Routine btminesii was trans ,ded and new niat'-Ts crtnsjdi !'• d

Delipgates eb- ted • t« iln V in ■ nental mugreas at Washington uexi month were Mrs, Lewis lv Hamc-

1 ftad*'Mfs. Sarah A Kimball; alter nates Mw, M. A" Root, Mrs. Atvlra (I. RHsWlt -Mis- &-. I H.«\ •: Mis.-

i Marion I!. Kmerson and MUs Seesle .■■wan. On motkui of, Mrs. Kimbali , evolution*"-of •&) mpathy were voted

; ..f! BOIII to national society, D. A. ieath of Mis* BHtgeuiti grand niece «>i CeoVg'

in! une M| the founders <■; i.»n»: iilsu to, Mrs. Roger

V il it) 'cci ;::■■ '. -;.[■■■ r.-ic.n.: .mi im. ieatli of her hushamf.

The n olutiim to Mrs. Woleott y.a, is. follow \i

HflfitiiYRtt-- nXliai ___^niMJ'!. Aiiioif ba|.;ei:, Methiu-n 1'iauuhtei ol Vtll ri an Ri volirtftin ejftenri th'roirgh in egept sympathy to Mrs. Roger Wol



oil tiie idiingtoi lELLUgtoil

Ti 11 X Wi

H . ■ilW

pn Soqi v. 1 ha!le Manton, tlobn f'homs If. ni--. Crank Alack,

n ' 1 irry; hid gar Samp.-mi. jck 1] Maiuwi-v John O'ltii-ui, Hern..

: • [ Iji.'ii h" and Joiui ■ ■ 1 . v '...-,

^J puuu i;v ^'ii'nv rt.osi;s

• ^ MiyJitVco „Oranae Poultry and lock bow was brought txi a lose . nighUln Odd Fellows hall *f- ! . in 1 e -f;ii run of [Htree days.

a largo attendance after* 'ii mill ijinliiK many being pre«-

bm' UiwrVnce despite the nn- BTiti wimtheV The •ffHvej' etipq.

.■ v ■■'.')"': Tkbog*5na Toml were h Ibli Ion in gns hall and were

.. biiii cl ny ail wljo'saw thgffi. P. It. r' 1 .1 ii 1; 1 liver cup which he unji Tccmitly at- llaveihill on exhibit timi. Mr. Park's exhibit of Rrode fslaild reds at tti'* local show -was an

felleni one and sev

Fellow*, w '11 ,'v-i here, mel ai their pleoHam

\- home In that town the oth'er eve- ,u 1 . ( ereb.rate p Ith 1 hem tb-dr iUK«) warming.' There was a £00\i u'psentotion of the tpwn 9 people .... wiionl w-.hed Mr. ami Slcfl

fellows many years of nflppin^s's In thiflr Inune. Maddens bccbostra pro

inn,'.' for the evening and j good line of refreshnffnts was served.

M. mid Mi- -YIIMW- v ate LlLS i-"'di»- iehts of a nutn'ter of useful and orUS; tiMfital presents, among which wa-. a h tnd.-oni" slli er serviee. different 1" e. of glas* silver, and Oilier ar

fi leu. The evening was a most en- lovablfl orr" *■> all.

ttrgements- are hi>tng' mgoT by iultd of St. Clizabftli and the"

V mi us People s society of the St. i'homas church for a fair to be held

sptpmff by ^heiG. e.ral prizes were

RTs FiTfds attract-

. SOCK for a

chanter house Febrnarv 12 and H- ,; J r**i

At the annual meeting of the Phil- in-; eiii'ta «»r the King's Daughters of

You can atbp it any time."

Then stop7it tonight. You

will cough lea&aniJ sleep better,

and bv tomorrow at this time

you will be greatly improveoV,

Ayer's Cherry- Pectoral

cures night coughs, day coughs,

all kinds of" coughs. Help

Nature a little and see what

sfie will do for you. Three sifts: 25c. Mb,IIM

for her gpsat loj • H death ■ of her- husband

■ ■ ml li i 111 good n4*h4—ft [he mot uing sun arose he jpc:i

da> The w And t

alii an i a\ u w, reaper s. i

■\ a- M>i"d to gr 1 en jn the in a/ Is to* he donated

aged peoph

ork is done e an Old :'"ii : HI .lie, -the r

to. tli ■ Wi in Jjawrruc ■

Alfred Delsardts, aged taturday at the home r ni High street. The daeed in the tomb in ate Conception cemetery Saturday.

Cadets Allan Castle and Iu!i:i, i; l.ea are suffering from tiie grip 01 the ti-aining -ship KuttTprise. Over

• iher cadets are suit en 11 <j, from tin ame ailment.

Miss Martha V. Snell has beei uite 111 at her home in the eubl par ( the town for a week iwist.

The good sleighing of Sunday woi ■njoyed by many local people, 1 a* table keepers had no dilnculty 11

letting their turnouts.

Alfred Sagar, of Meihnen, WO»->SS- le'dny made superini-ndent *«*f .th»' Arlington cotton mills to succeed .', „lr, ,,'. iuv lie. ftno I'eslgJtOii .1 li w weeks siiue.

Mr. mfgKt b7\* been with the mills since' l'S85v holding the position of '•^^.HVew*^*^w,4'-*«iW«*4}i. ton stapler. Mr. Sngar assum-d his in w duti-'s \\iiinesda)

He V. well uiniminled witii HTe var foils ib-pai 1 m ift . Iind I here is every iiiilK-ilion that lie will fn li

laud before 'epming to ibis cmmti" and after a careful canvass of tin many applicants for the position u eat en by Mi*. Towhe's resignation, tlr manageine'ul of the mills is ploaneil ti announce this appointment.

Mr. Bogar was born in Lancashire l.:m;l;imi. Dec. 81, l«62, and came I- this country in l&sTi, Immediately ai cepiini: a position at Hie' Arltngtoi cotton mills. He has over slnci bei n connected with the corporation

POT three years Mr. Sagar servei ns one of the setectmed ol Methuefi 1 .vo years being chairman of tin board. He left I lie oRii ly with a goi.d j iinrnliam. of this town, was award reoird. He/Is a prominent Odd Pel- third and FourtTi prizes on hmck fa low and a popular member of (he ; ii.jis ;ni<! |\ R; |>;,rk *v


ln.-;.|, eniny,.

.less In

■ M, Uuller en Id three l.lud, pniillrt' show ton and lie

PHHl Hoec .- laniail |4geti IOM being hi

have tak p» In tie

till ditfer,

HI -!(o about classes in which Wednesday the judges announced ,\|(- lip tier's birds the winners of live ftt>l prized, nne sitoud. spishil pvi'/e in best colored fantai' and special prize for best display of fantails. I-,. E.

cm late in tiu1

mk BQU completed. ■it the trestle was

The car which not badly' Uaiu-

?;ea. tt naving dropped "oilly slv or ■ig-ht feet. :


The officers-elect of Kearsarge alge. 124. K. t>f P.. were installed

I'uesday evening by Deputy %G'"and hancellor Walter H. tHln/an. assisted

U Craad prelate 10/ra E. Mhasur, and I rand Master at Arms Alvan K. Joy >f Lowell. The officers, inducted into dli e were: Chancellor commander 'ruik A. ' C.ordon; vie e chanceliOT, Mward R, Plant; prdlate, William \. Kmerson: master of work. Thomas >ow, p. C.; keeper of records and seal leorge A. Hunting. P. C; master of Lxchequer, George K. Xownsead; mas- er-at-arms, Loufs P. Hrousseau; in- ter guard., W. II. Ityerson; out-T Uiard, William A. White. After the •erempuy of installation the membewi tud visitors were regaled with dough- luts, cheese, cake and coffee.

MOW st'pi';itiNTi-:Ni>r;NT.

Alfred Sagar. for the past IB y -irs on nee ted with the Arlington cotton ni Ms. will be congratulati'fi by.hid

TiTTrrrj—friTntl«~-upon his pronftioa—to- uperintendent of the mills to succeed leorge w. Towne, who recently re i^ued. .Mr. Sagar is a thorough mill nan and his faithful service has won inn a iii^i^-tvu p<iuit|pp which ln» |. '.ell qualified to fill. Mr. Sagar has lived in MetbUen nearly all the time he has been connected with the mllU md has made many warm friend, alt of whom will be pleased to learn ol

is well earned promotion.

on secon m a Rhode Island redjjnen an

\ 1 d three honorary men IS. Mr. Park iias a fine dlspl.i Rhode Island reds at the slum re is sharp competition in (hi ■d and Mr. Park's stock had to l

i'\i'* I lent in order to be recognize by the judge?. The Heaver llroe Belgian bare company of this tow 101 k second prize on a belglan hai doe: Over 500 Belgian hares are on teied.

'prize also

Tin hre

Metliueu club. He resides on Irlige street In Me-

thuen. His family, consists of av.vlfe and three cliildri'li.

INSTAHHATION AND SVPPKB, * . Odd Fellows hall he* not neld a

larger gathering since the date of dedication than that of Wednesday c\ en ing. The occasio'n was the In- ytallatlon Of Hie officers-elect of Minerva lodge 20. I. O. 0. P. There wer» about ^".11 members of the onW present. Crystal and It nth lodges of I av:rence and Kenpsa ledge of Hav- ethill were largely represented. Spec- ial Deputy Grand Master Dora A. Kimball and suite performed the cere- monies TKe member!: of the suite wire W'illiamine Luflei\ Mary Wood- 1 i k. Alice Richardson, .Jennie Kim- ball. Carrie Brlmbleco.m and. Amanda Muse ail past grands of the—Haver hill lodge. ' The officers of Minerva Lodge inducted - Into office wee: \olde grand. Mrs. Nellie Magnire vlre grand. .Miss c.race H. Brown secretary, AHsT. Syl\ ia urer Mrs. Mary 3atinders-; financial j J*n. is. secretary, Miss Lena CoJittrn; right supporter to noble grand, George B Hradiuiry; left supporter to noble (.rand, Mrs. Amanda Price; right siip- ..oiter to vice grand. Miss Ura'e Paige: left supporter t<i vice grand. Miss Jennie l-angley; warden. Mrs.

^rrilP ""iid'",t'M' Mrs l.i/■ zie Rlodgett: inside guardian. Airs. Alice Marsh , out side a card tan .Inbu Ma; Hire. The wnfi- -v;:s ner'-.|-rme m a very eredltable manner. 1- the, ceremonies ther the grand officers and later the COPI pBliy adfonrned to the b-mquet hall wh^Te a bountiful supper was served.. A fencing class has been OUT ?:!." partook of the spread which at Phillips academy. omprlaed cold meats, baked bean-; ill. pie. fruit, and coffee. It was af m 11 o'clocK before the companj ispersed.

4- AND0VER 't>

J( j{ J[ -f ^ -f -l -J • sfs^M^i|^i

H. M. Hartlett has resigned as manager (ft th< 1 r»#»i football team ;.; Phillips academy.

The anneal meeting of the Soulu ~TtTII,"'tTe"d'»' y-hurch _wULJieJtteljLKlW^JfYTJ^Hi.

The vaudeville show given by tb dramatic club at Phillips aiadem will be held in the town hail Tueedaj Jan. m

An effort is being made to arrau;; "lips of gH»ps between Amlo\'

anil hixetei', Instead of one chimplm-— siiip game as has been the "custoin rtne gnme will be playeiTat TS^Tei

irow-land one at Andover. TnTtfsin was speaking by , He another game will be playc 1

e'i'hev at Andover or Kxeter.

John I'aison. '01, and J, K. Essex. OL', . havi'1 been elected to the editorial board of the Phillipian, the weckl) paper at Phillips.

Tteprrsontative Puswell of this town, bus again tiled his bill, of list ye;r. which provides unlimited UtiHle 1,'T of licenses for citii-s and towug who vote in favor of license. T'n- breweis didn't, like this bill last year, So it met a heavy defeat. Mr. Hus well isn't discouraged, and will fight ffgirtn for plenty 01 licenate.

The wedding uf Miss Bessie rro.ke ami Ervjns s Batehellor will laki;

place In t'hrisi chur. li Wcdiie.^lav : evening, Jan. 23-, at 7 o'clock.

Work on th"' new gymnasium B! Phillips academy will lie comraen in the spring! The- old gynitiT-i'Mi. has bean-repaired for temporary. 11

The 1 ■ 1.1 ! lb-

L is pow valued al $t_'iiu.

Wilbur J. Locke is confined to his home on K'rk street in the Arlington Ibtrict with a se\ere attack of the iiip.

Harry Jlunhain. principal of the Curpler school, in the east part ot .the town, has resigned his position to ac- cept a*more,Jtieratlve one at the High ■ I'htnd at Ameibury.

AI Monday;'8 session of the probate ■ourt in Lawrence administration was granted upon the estate of the late Henry H. Flttgg, Clara P. Hall ad- ministratrix and Nellie M. Spurr. ad* inrhisfrator.

Mbhaid Lallan of this town has bee 1 ; ran ted an original pension of $(i per month ^

A meeting of the teachers of th" -ei und ta n',11th grades was held with the .superintendent of schools Tuesday Thermion.

Th" regular monthly meeting of the Metbiien elub was held Wednesday evening, there being a goodly mini-]

[ Iwr of members present. President j THe annual meeting of the Amiov. 1 . 10. Barnes presided. The amend-1 guild, a local charitable an I 111 nieui offered al the lust pmciing !»YIprbvcmenl swlety, was held last ivei Kimball n. Cijlbj relative to nti in-[and a good record of work accompli 1 crease In dues was withdrawn, the e\ oil last year was shown. The i< ecntive eoinmijtee having reported ee|pts were $18*11.0-1 and the nxpcndj tTra^~jt-tW---not--*'iHi*-ide-r it aih isiiiil!j:_U.mx^$ 1 TiLiii! IM call upon the members for more than $3 per quarter other means will be adopted le raise necessary Mr.;. "William M. Wood and fanib funds to defray the club's iuercas -1 have gone to Paint headi, l-'la M i-s.penKi'».—it -.v:i>: voted t<i bolil a Hie winter. minstrel show in the near future. 1 z^z "~ President Lewis K. Barnes, Thomas H. Call and William Gaunt were ap- pointed a comniittci, . to» mal;e or rangemeuti for the saroe. ,\ com mi t tee consisting of rUmball <; Cidliy. Jului II. Bmerton and Char!"s V.. Collins was appointed to draw up resolutions on tin- death of -Krpest L. Holt, a late member of the dub. This completed the business and the meeting adjourned.

ida A bannei f rh" town for 1a-u mo

Ml, *■■!; :'.'.;■!•■. M' - '

her. The percentage i for this class during th 99, t. This is the htghea

attenda'm e month was in town.


' The railroad commissioners « requested to revoke the franchise the L.. L. &. H.. street railway h Andover snuare to Andover hill, in der that the Lawrence and Rei 1 r.:ilvmy may run Its cars down Al siree.t. the old road having shiow dtaposltlon "to tight the location Mia 1 street granted by the Selection

1 In

No trace has been found as yel of William M\ Gardner, who disappeared Troii the Adams house. Hoston. vrr- cently. ,, ^»q

The new roan room in the l>i.-e nuMii of the town house was us.-d I'O 1 be first Hum Wednesday aftei noon -■ben Philip Croteau and Alslde Ther- itault. each \M years old, were ,: raigneu beforwJudge Rogers for steal-* ing six loaves ol cake from t'l.ui.'s bakery wagon. The boys admitted their guilt. The wagon was in the shed In the rear of Mr. Clark's shop ■■ i1(1 aJUiual meeting of the M-i on Hampshire Street Sunday afternoon nmc Mutual Fire Insurance compa and the boys proceeded to help them- ■*„«, („.■,* Monday afternoon. r

si'lves to- Cake. They were eangbt ,.i,| b-.niil of directcis weie re-;dei t rmi handed by Frank H. Clark. The ,|n|in H |.-ijn, being chosen to succi boye were allowed to go b> Mr. ciar, and later were summon*u into b; Patrolman Gordon, Judge Kogei placed Croteau under charge of th agent <>t the state board of lunae; and 1 lu.rity for one year and The.- ria'ilt was placed on probation for si\ I y^ months. The bovs being hrought lie- rnft| ,|

Rehearsals are being held foi ; Twentieth Century milistre] which will take plgCO in the towjj on Friday, evening. ,>

■\V* S. Jenkins, deceased, and C. P, Bancroft to smeed James P. V'r terfiehl. deceased.


Mary (siting her

lcks on High street

!■: Adams of Kittery. py, Mrs.~Frairk^ rcetn*

It rourcmignNtcaiMiot supply yon senrt im $1.00 and *c will express a fur-re bottle to you, all charge* prepaid. S- sure and give ua your ,-^g^ »,<..

-wbi h ihettttiion Mrthuen .people are accessible, A i'ommiUee''Was eh'6ji-h ." BTtange for the same and report n a Bpeeial meeting tg he lu-id at -he home of Mrs. L. K. Barnes on Thurs- day cveninr,. Jitn. ITlli at. 7.:ii) o'elo ■!:. I'lu- committee comprises Mrs. L. R Barnes, Mn>s Ella P. Bodwell, Mrs. Dor Ward, Miss Marion Knie-rson. MiSS Pelree. Mrs. Alvina <:. Aussell, Mrj. W 1.. a Gllcieoet, Mrs. W. A. li ibelex Miss rje,tt!e Stev«ens, Miss

[Carrie Sails, Mrs. Daniel Stfwyet ami •lr. William II. Bawygi .

Mis.; Maty K. BeedlC and Mr- lh\ Hurley s/ers admitted to membership. Letters were read from Mrs. MfcTSton and Miss C,u;o|yii Cage from London Kng..*with gi ecting.--: also "rom Mrs.

-Tum-id \b•!,<■;,!» i-pgehl of the New [York city chapter and Mrs. Alice 'Morse K.ule. After the business

Miss Margaret Leggatt; the Entente.| ourano. will sing the beaui iful bal-

lad. 'Perhaps.' on Wednesday"rtvenin.v. Jan. 23, at the clty'lioll, LgwfeltCe, in the sixth annual minstrel show by .the Highland rlnb.

The funei'al of Mrs, Moses Johnson will take place "Friday mornin*: al 11 o'clock from the residence of ner daughter, Mrs. Harry E. Moore, on Stevens street.

A daughter was born to Mr. and Mrs. Lerov Howard on Morrison court Tuesday morning.

Court Methu.11. V. of A., held a reg- ular meeting Tuesday evening at which further arrangement * were made for its eominir ball in the town hall! The 'dale tfl Friday evening, Jan. 35,

There was a meeting K rtiielCon gregatipnal church committee .Tues'daj evening.

tin Sill ib ai !!;

Loifan lighter rod XT

Goldsmith Waldo, of the revolution, ens, 11 months. I

Im; "'arnmg ngaowt IWIH kiml. This* is not the first tim have stolen from the wagons of Mr Clark.


Ing the youngest daughter of Jet■ miah Goldsmith. »ho ser*eu in ti ■ war of the revolution. Her grafl'l latber:. Joseph Comers of Bedfoii

■---MiFR Helen A F-irreii tiie talented ' ami William Goldsmith of AIUIOVM vtoiinlste of Lawrence, and Mrs.'An-i also loli^M in that^war. M-rs--—^lahii dcr«on, 1 In- well known contratrn --of had resided iu Audo.vej- all bjEE Uh Hav-'ihill, and other excellent talent. Tin 1832 sin- married Jonathai have been engaged for the Mcthm n ' Waldo. Crlel;et club concert which v ill be She Is survived by several chlldrei' held In Nevlns' Mfrmorial hall on Peh, Sarfth c Waldo. Mrs. Ahble Russell 13th. The.Occasion promises to' be | Mary' K. Waldo, and Joseph Wgld'1

f Andover; .lohn Waldo, of Fnuikb'1 rare ,li C. ,\7,

Hit lor lovei'i; of > ij

Mr. and Mrs, Daniel T. Saunrti Inv" returned from their vibit to i Iftllvee in New York.

N' II.. uiiil Mrs. EIKtthStfi War.l. » IViitJoilv. She was armonibcr ot I" ' Adsuns chapter. 1). A. R.. of Barton and Phoebe Foxcrdtt Phillips ehajiW' li. A. K.. of Andover. t'or.'o yea.

I she was a member of Ufe Son" ' eliurcli.


I Dr.Bull's CiiAigh i Syrup ('nnn„,"!oti(fhrmfoldatome. (

Corumen t.'roan. Whooping- , Cough an" >*• -»le-C o u (c h | 1 WitJirmt fnii. - . • II.'I'M praise ^

It, DoetoMprcHcribe it for Bronchitis, Grippe, Hoarseness J and Consumption. Quick, sum resulls. Price, 25 cents. " Dr. Bull's Pill, cure ConAtlpatian. Plfty pill., I Oct.. Trial boi, 5 CU. ^

If-»»><.♦>»»♦♦♦♦♦»»♦<> »»»»^»^ ♦«♦♦♦♦»♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦«


An i:x<<-llci-( Conil.iiiiition

ulunil IKJI K'tlll ..II


:iill H-lil.-ilv.

I by tie

1" inn 11 v

I" lllXKtl' ..I

li.|Ui.l l:i n to

inp I ii-iiiinl.li -fiirin tn-fn-sliin rtoth . ■ .:■■.■! .i.-.-.r.t.1.' ■ i,,..n„. 1B|,.|„. i, i. llVnnc iH-ffoct htreiit;tlxiilh(t law- lu, . rl,-:i||.iT,;r t!H' SVNlc-Hl I'lt'ei'l Hill I V.

!IIT,.:V.|,|.. h.-nilnrlii . nnil fvveVr, ;• ■■'■ ■ N'1 pr i pit;, mill i n: :III'IIP:.",,II(. t" iiVt'l"' on,- liabil II. l! ,-.-;|. |i||jl1 p.,i, |„ r

....in. iri.i ii. |..-i-r,...| freedom f,.,,,„ , i ,-. '..l.j.-. ' i.jiirj I.1-- t)p,.i1itv mil] sii!. Mnucp, untl ii. ncting nn it-.- I. i In, v,., ■■ ■ >■ anil I "I •. ivit 1 v..-:ii, .in,,,,

■ irllatins tliem, maki- il (he Ideal ,r tn<i I"'" ,i»f itiiiniifii-tntiji^ lik.;,

'n,*o nsrd, its |l|,-v nrr pliiisnul I-. Mir II ',-liutl III- . . ill mill ilili.-.nf.tl,,. I-' 111 U .11 ■ i.li.tnil fr M-III1 1 otTi, r iii..iiiiiti,- plant*, by a met hail I. Tilt', 111,' (.'Al.lF.iltM \ III! KVRUT Cn nnly In m-.iiT digt-l ii>l.,.|i,ii,.i;ii - , ' inml tn ii'...LI imitation*. |,!,'.;is.. re i;il..T-i he full iiiiin..i,r I Ii,. i '..inpmiv printeil mi tin- fi-.ini of every paukapre,


i/vn.vM.1,1;, KV NEW YORK, N Y.

I i ,i; ibyalj Mnw-fistv-PnnitOi. per boltlQ.



CARRIAGE ROBES. I our stoc Wh&esalo

Btock uf osi Ituhes and Blankets at

I'll i ■Dili .

Light and heavy harnesses. CUB*

torn and -ready tnade supplies for the M;IM''. 'ami luu'ht' . repairing.

H. A. PRESCQTT, 138 Broadway Near Lowell Street.

for Entertainments,

Private Parties, etc.

*M"HHH* ******** * * HOME GOSSIP * * •*•

Barbara afreet has attack or the *-,i"p his stinlt -s at

ton's Commer !nl

ihtgene Han n

ami has resumed Bryant and Btn school in Boston. jinnies A. Cqhlth J>f Garden street,

an rmphiyt! at Bailey's Pantheon market'hai recovered from an atta-k of_the Kiip and resumed work.

k \> SlorrtH »f Pal-nbam street is seriously Ml a/ hts home on Far.*ham street.

William OUchrlst, of Kiiu^ton street has resumed his position in the fchoe shop after a prutrncpd ill- ness. Mr. GUchrisI was eoulliieif ti- the-"-general hospital for III week'*..

.l<«hn Ponlhi, of VYolrcfc»ter, i* visii- Ina relattveit in Smith, Lawrence.

Hart Mman is Improving from ra.i the Kiip. He expects to he around in a rew days. ]tr. \V. .1. Sullivan is attending him.

in the Yoiuig Men's Christian asso- ciation alleys last evening r<>\V l.owl- IflTgt-am defeated l»r. RmncrVfl l.wn id rings in one

\1 L*. and Mrs. Samuel Smith of Aims streel attended the' poultry;

I limv in Boston today.. Tho Sunday school board «f the lia-

ierhtri streel M. IS. rhuren H- t-d Hie Following dftlrcrs for the ennui tig year in the rhjireh Wedne*-(lay,evnnina: K. i1*. Childs, Winertntejideni; K. s. Itii.'y, assi.-iant BnjjerlntendfMU;.Krasih Vndrew, sei'retary ami treasurer, ^m\ Pred Towers, librarian.

Kx-Coiun ilman Walter A.Savaffo is confined to iiis homo with thr grip

Judge Kd»ar J. Shornlah.n'.tended tin t)artrnorH|] college lmmm" .ai tfte* \'i'iid'iim'. Boston. VVednesday even- ing.

At n Boston aucrnm sal'.' on Wed- nesday '•■> shares of Arlington tn"'!s stoek sidd at 100 and one I'a-'iii ■ mills .11 llMi ]-_'.

George HUdreth of the Qrn of nil- dreth & Rogers publisher'!, is quite 111 with neuralgia

The St. Laurence.'fl minstrel will be ivt'ii in tho'city hall. fesh. 14. Mrs. Thomas ll. falrbaim of Wy-

m.an street has reeoveped froni her're- . fin illness'


nh-r ami "Wards off -ittar^s of d>s;

[icpsia. Indigestion and hlltousne ■ Everybody needs M to prevent ne;*- vouanew ami insomnia ami to keep :li • ho wets regular. Bee that our Private llevonun Stamp-rovers the neck -of tin hottle. ■ . *■

Try it for Jjostetter's

Malaria Stomach

Fever and Ague. Bitters

I give splendid phonographic exhibi- tion with a large Instrument and 'plendid ion.*. \ varied assortment of it- :ords. . M"; pile? will be low. Try it for an evt nrns^n entertain tneni Addn s-■•


i.uvun.wi:, MASS.

WE DON'T W4NT 10 BR\0, U'U \s<■ il., uii.li lii . ;i\ lli.it

WE CURL All. OUR BACON, Ami l,n,AV how I" ilu ii rlglil.

m Rl NOLRALUOURIARI), \ml there's none \>\\n-i- o. hjpt.lei sold anywheret

We were the Original Makers <if 'i',.niat(» Sausages l" yearn n • i

. and WhUfl wo bdfcQ ,'1"1 ■■ 'i"'" '■an eonal otir;..

OUR PORK 8AU8AGE8 AIT always-up to the - taidr-nl. Wi are as good Judge* of pni k ,i H. out- buying and you're' ahVayi i n'n <>' tlioice goods here

Peter Reeves & Co. 274 Essex SI.

.K mm i. win's Dancing School.*

+ HIGH SCHOOL NOTES * + * T *f *f *i-*f«?'+*!^•n-"i"f-f 4s

A meeting of the (Hea club was heU Tin-sday■ ™«-M-*?nii!g in seen I. The attendance was large a,it<l a fdeasani time was enjoyed by all. The musi- cal program consisted *of the follow- ing selections: Piano solo Miss Alien lomLiii- Reading ■• J. I); Home Piano selection Mr. Jewel Piano solo Miss Hrowti

Miss 'Grace Valpey Was the. pi-i.no aeoonrparrist.

Kdmitnd Ford resigned as treasurer of the club and George A. Hool was elected tu Utat position uAfter all business was transacted the members enjoyed singing lor an hour under di- rection or Mr. ' Home.

Tin- football caps were distributed yesterday morning.

The committee appointed by tb. president of the class-or titol to mtfke, arrangements for a slejgh tide to b* held it) the near Future me{ yesterday. Not hi UK of inipoitauce was atwem- pllsbed but knobber meeting win \+* held Friday.

Miss itita Ma< key. clans or inn;;, «r|*. nessed a performance or 'Ben Hur ,i the Colonial theatre. Boston, recently

V 't t.'i room j was held t'od.iv. Tlin-c offenders graced the dock.

The members of the sciejitilh m Terir division of 1902 had their i tpgraphs Lgken on the common re ently. Tiny were attired in tb<

aprons they wear in the chemical Lab- ratory.

Miss Margaret Sullivan. Instrueltj in French, attended the per formal id

V)f Pen Hur' at the New Colonial the- atre in Boston last Saturday.

All league pedo games have b?en announced I ■:> lie played at Salem on Saturday.

*+******4^*++* * * * * CITY HALL * * -H-4■■%• f *f -f•* 'FTT'I'TT'I'

******* ***£ it*** * ' '

WARD TWO * I -l>*H^f ^^^f <"t"ji||t"i|t'i

Miss Abide It. Shepard has been granted a widow's pension of $17 JI-I mouth. '

■Frank Wilfricb f>r Fall rUver' is Visiting relatives in this city.

Frank Hippler has Joined Hatter/ &

The lire, which could be so- plainly seen in the west Monday evening; was In Andover. N. H. The Proctor school was burned to the ground, ei.- tailing a loss of $10.000..

James Murphy-has recove ed frulh his recent illness and has resumed his duties at this oflice »n Pember- ton street.

The Indies Hencvolent society" .)f rrinlty church held its regular niomh- ly meeting at Trinity chur.h yostevday afternoon. ■ •Tire hish school football cap? have trrived. TJie uioitograin \t in White ind composed of the letters I,. F. B. T.', ** '.

Mrs. \V. \J. Steilinan of l/jguti street ;mtertaiued the Thursdav ^MTt-i:i n i; Whist dub today

Townsend and Nenhert are tied for lirsbplace with ;u; .points in the Voting Men's Christian association member* diip contest.

A large tree* has been taken up bod- ily and removed half avfoss the poni- mni by Superintendent Klynn and hi-l tmployes. .The maple now standi teal- the band stand.


Thrown Away Entirch

i.fi-tftiriitt'h il-jiJ. nltrAitlir*—*—*--*- * rTTTTTT TTTTI^rTT + ■ • * » WARD FOUR * I * JXI *

Mrs. Truadell or flunoook, X. It., has beeh visiting her bister on Brad* fi rd.street. * .

Mis. Qeorge Condon of Metliuen Ftreet is recovering from her recent illness.

Mrs. M. Mnlhare Ima returaed fmnj a visit at Salem.

John Crowley of lx>wHl street is attending school at Boston

Miss Mary Uagan or Tremoni street is visiting friends In Boston.

Miss Qertrude Donovan of [franklin street has returned to school after her leeunt 'illness.

Kany MeSPlt^i has accepted a p >si- ilon at l). M." Lane's shop on West I feet.,

has severed Irs o 11. K, Webster & Ob

John Slab nection with grain store.

The Jllsses Annie and Mury Mc- Carthy of Trempnt street xr> visiting 1,'ietids in -Boston.

Joint Lemlujt of Tremont street, : a.; accepted a position with tte; Archi- bald Wheel company.

The Misses Jhiwling of Sjutb Bos- ton an1 visiting friends on Tremont street,

Miss Urace Devlin has returned from a visit in lyiwell.

Kxcepi fo Ti-Titlrve TTf

it th dty

illation in regard t.

hall at oreser.r

11 is probable, notwithstau<ling i\\ hall that \accination, if ordered - the board of health. Is a duty to h performed by the city jhyslt ian. rerent ordinance is quoted , .It i probable the hoard will consider It.-'

idhrnees of the stomach sttfl'erutg . "."-"■ttci/;,:.

Hitters will pre\ ml 's.nch troubles. It cleanses the blood of all M i- probable uotwitbftandlng ; iinpni-iiic-. K5EDS USE BUOnSctl in gr^itl M'i'ii"U '>!' id-- hoard, that -f t-fee |*-W


The city hall was erowded $?ad'l.C8' daj evening when Ueland T Powers gh'v'e an interesring recittt m the Wntte-FVhd COUray. —tawt erenhr? he- ree(i«i Shakespeare's /..Taming >f he

-»b1'TWi-h■■ba-iuK-fn-'thp city, rwtu* ,n- n nw. The old stomach trouble ■ ■('■ Hhrew' with hi--usual aldliiv, nftei which he treated tlm atidieie"' tr< Rild* ; ard Kipling's :Msjjdalay;'

n iaj perl


intrapped . The reason odor SUP from snnie is bacanaii tlui watn- -> ,r have been destroyed*, l •vaporati.'ii a long drought but ihg- II-. t-niiy en'ieii. again many Lii dns have not lieen cleared out for long time, the, mas.- therein bt*u i htm dam reason for thesteneh.-


The following is the peraouel of tip -om-mlttee having in band the camp lire to be h-dd by Battcr> C; member, •\-ofllfio. Captain Sargent. First Men tenants Goldsmith aud?Powers an ' Second Lieutenant McGregor; Com Sergf. .1. II. Hid.bdl, Serias. T. It Vatea and L'rban Marshall, and J. F. Walsh. Corporals K. S. Heatd and C. \V - Wilton ami Privates Louie Si. Peter. Kred Hbyle, George Stanehflah.l iml George Whalen,

The general and ladies' committee upon the Company L fair smi bavar meet tomorrow night

Company L drills this .■veiling. Nine recruits for Company |, will be

examined tonight by jir. Butler »j Boston.


We beheve in adverii.-in. pry best and biggest " Vd" nit MIII

;s hie llitl t'iam.s i lllng Ibis week for $L'lv on • uy I.I v hii in,- \',\ cr> nun who has lotight one of these nlanos at)ver- !ses H to a frbmd, w|io'conies au I

The NBW _ Home" Sewing Machine Company Orange, Mass.

Mill,,- Hi-' Ni'W llnllli- S-vv.

inK MM Inn.- I H ' I - IUI

M iki- il.- l-'nvorlii- Sow Inn M.i, linn- r.ir :f . .I,"

Mill , ih- Ni-« T'I-MI ,;- iv in;: M.i- lllll.- I'I.I-. fill IUI

Mill,.- iin- Sew Natliiiml Snwlua .Miuliiiii-. .JJ.'I.II"

w. ii.\i;i:it & Co., Agis ,il •! i.u-.-iii for (in- I.kin KillllliliK lllillllTlii- S.-uillK

Mini - All kliiiln of S>>wlllg Milrllhl,',': I.nimllt ,ul'l. it puiii'il :iii.l parts rm: nil mafhln-R. Alao ilKi-ilts for ilu- Jacob Doll i'i i. . •


riu■..-!•< -rm- Xilvam-oil nn.i lli-nhiii'i |iii|)ll» will in- formad M lay pvrnini .inn,- 1 II ll . Ml I III- Uili--.! ilam •'. ;''.! ih,- ...UMIII will In- taujchi sp--- lal .-lli-lllion Will In' Si>'-ll ,\,U':l'|.i-'l I'll |,il-. Musi-- II, n> s ili',lii'.-vr.i..T-rni ■ ILM iimial. .»'"•'

W. HA6ER; 371 E88EX 51

DR. J. U Sanborn* fHYSICIAN AND SURGEON- Special "Attr-ntioj;. Given to Dtaeise

of Women and Nervous System.

Office Hours , ' II to 12 a. m.; 2 to 4, and 7 to 9 p. m gnndnv, 2 to '&■ P- m. _^

i- - * WARD FIVE 4

* ■*

^f"i*T't"t"l>lf"t' iM"t^|y'f'"l'€' The Epworth league of St. Mark'i

It is curious to observe how hard It \1, B, church bold its regular busi- Is for some people to give up coffee peis meeting Wednesday evening, ll Irlnking after they have become, at was voted to bold a sleigh ride at the least half satisfied, that It la the cause earliest opportunity. »f their ill health, but it '> -comes an Miss Katie Fleming, of Nashua. N, easy task to give it up when one H.. Is visiting at the home of friends Lakes I'ostum Food Coffee in its on Margin street. place, providing of course, thai Pis- John A. Crowley of Tower ht!I is turn U made according to directions, attending th-* Bryant and Btrattou'i" or then It has the rich, beaut If ut col- Commercial college, Boston, >r, and a satisfying taste, while the Miss Mary Garry of Broadway i.- rapid improvement in health'clinches spending this week with friends i|| he argument. t uiweji.

A young lady at cambridgepo';,! Louis Coates, book-keeper at the, -"^Whttr-if \v;ra -ihoirv-tt—: n \ Arlington---mi+ltt,

ne plainly thai my ill health and e\- -essive aOTvounneafl was largely 4u*j 0 the coffee habit. 1 realized thai I

ibust give it Up. but it was next to. impossible to do so However. I nade the trial ami took Postum Food Coffee, witb the mental reservation nf the 'pi i"> liege.' as I termed it. of 'rinkiiiL- BUB tip micM u, WeM.

Uttle «lid I dream ,yhat -TFTT rir*nd •l'i>*i'iin was-d«*»tiHt***l •** !Ku-<jime

the nervousness vantshe i. and good natural, healthy sleep came to my re- lie!'. In less than six mouths I f\i like anothnr person. 1 was so WeTI ttlid happy.

The 'raaerve privilege in regard 'i islng regular coffee was thrown to the A ind- '! have not tin- slightest ,!■ - -hv for it: In fart. 1 very much pr-^er nv I'osiutn to any . oiT.-e."

home in Methuen by grip.


[ntenti ins filed Jan. Id: Arthur Morley, 2S; operative

^ern .street and Ann' Rllza Beaute Mier.ii i\e, 84fl Prospect street.

TO ACCOMMODATE those'who are partial to the use of atomizers In ap- plying liquids into the nasal passages for eatarrhal troubles, the proprietors prepare Kly's Linntd Creapi P.alm. Price Including the spraying tube' is ".'. cents.. Druggists or by mail. The liquid embodies the medicinal proper- ties of the solid preparation. Cream Halm Is quickly absorbed by tbe mem brane and does hot dry up th. bOere- 'ions but cfaangta them to a aatuial and healthy character. STy BroThers; fi«' Warren Btreijt,. N, V.

Bargains! Bargains! Bargains! —


another. They won't lasl long, e i ida\ If J an. C, .Telll - m, or) Agent. W« Ksars streel

STRKKT id:e.\h"i'Mi;NT NOTBd.

Snpennlelldelil Umlsun has but HM.le com men I for an evening paper's i«iulh

■niMerniiia 'e\i>ffalde' KsseN sfVeei rn iftlug lb stftles Ui'- eiftrdlt -*n

have b-"-n ■ ii< b that it was simply mi losaJhle tolo'ep tin' croasjligs clean, Hie ,-now and slush being -UTOgged up- in OH* cross walks bj H'ciradb- HI- 1,1,ist as soon as removed if th* ivci- Hier had been colder the walks' wonvJ -ta\ cleaner longer.

The-.-iipeiititeudeni ha>l several men nil sanding today? M is a part of the summer work to prepare a stock o! screened" sjtnd fpr n^r in wjnter. Sn- leriutenilent McKeumi rnei^ly aecu- nulated .some gravel, unusable in tbe condition it is now In. ■ So men have been pi'tl up at the sand bank and advantage will lie taken of the mild weather to accumulate enough to carry brongn

A sower in Allen streel havin t! au.sA'i.l tcoe,iil'-»"4Tj,g«fft*?,"H uiie at w-uiV rleanhi", ft. The Row had backed

into at leas! one cellar and the matter iml i i ,..■ t .oked after al once.

Our New Store The Sale goes on to reduce our Stock. Will continue sale all this week. : : : : :

Cross Street

Laundry, 110 CROSS STREET.;

" *RrtfS*OTr Hii-il.tinK-.-H»"l-.'',fe.el-., I:, Idcnpo. 294 Hi midway.

Chapped Hands and Rough Skin

Vc.y Eksi Haxa'l Flour, per bbK

!• LODGE AND CLUB + 3T- —«t f ^;f-f-f,f-f-f •HRPIHRr5 *?

Tlii' Uadl 11 li.il.l J Lu- - n ,-i inn)

Miii.i.-.v .hall TOW ,-vi-iiiuir.

< l:i 1 I!


Ihiviii}; |iiitihaiipi1 il--- vlii'li is ,,n Ill,- l-i-.il PHUlppWl t"

,-ii.v.. I shall ,-iiiiiiinii- iis iiiiniii'-ii '. itll tin- bPSl i-lllss ill hplpl'liiHl Bi-l-vl'-''.

MHI guarantee to famHUa, ami all ,ilii-i-s pntii-p Kjitlsfai-tlon^



25c a hottle.

John H. Greet, Ph.G. . , imrcr.iST,

i59 Es?ex atrnpt. Cor. remberton.

•ii,.- i.ir--*!-.-- ,.r iii-i. i. i'.-iii. ■ I.IIIB''. KnMii - --r I'ythlas will In" install.-! ■.,„ 'hi in n i; !'■ Walter 11. lili „,„„ Jnil' ■; i.-.u,-il

Tli.. annual i-on, • rl anil liall if ilu- l-'h-i in.-n's II.-Ii,-:' i,s„i,iiili(,ii wilt be ln-1,1 lonmrrow pvenlni! in Un- ; ,-ltv Imll TlIP patlPtirt tljrs y.-iir .-ill i-ni- il«t of mnvlfia i.i-i-.i-.- MI,-I ill,.--.

A o. r . w . hill on Kri'l iv

FIX)WKHS IN NBW AND T1EA11 T TI'ITT. PESIRNa AT CHARLES R WINOATES- 1R2 ESSEX STREET Orponboiisea 8 Fulton Street. Ti-1- «ihon« U-J. . . ~ „.

W-rv 13csl llax;ill Flour, pt'i l>;ig. l\-,t Bread Flour, \Scr bbl. Voiy BcstPa't v-Kltnir. lui.libl. Very Best Pastry Flour, |iui bag, BL-SI Bread Flour, per bag". Cost Mishit and Java Coffer, 5 lbs. I lest Mocha and Jav.j Coffee, 2 I-J Ios. Best Mocha ami J i\ a Cul'l'ec.

_Siu;ai'. 'v theiaAJO IbiB.—-,—' ■■•■'■ S l^s'good Coffee, whole o ground.-lor i; 1-2 lbs. Fine Sugar. \ 1-2 lbs. Good Forinosn Tea, i lb. Good Formosa Tea. Good Black or Mixed T. a at \ (inml Mixed Tea, ,\i~l lbs for

ArioDirWheal Coffee, per lb. Newton or Fi^ Ba.s, per lb. .2 lbs. Best Cheese, Matches -( Portland Star) i-j gross. Sterling Corn Starch—fur this, week—pkge

M-7r. .60

4.00' .r>o .as .25

1.00 .50




' Th'-' pretttoat, brtgbteat and rh6*sl attracttvely priced lamp stdch in Tjnwienee. Most of these Lamps are NBWj were ordered fjr \h<> holidays and fame late. They're to he cleared OUt'jUst the same as tbe odd Iamp*i and slohas at greatly redi)&Bd prloefj -«-***WJJ

Now for the Bargains. Prices from $125 to $4.50.


The Family Amusement Resort,

Mr. Al Haynes, lH»ni»g„r.


Casto Theatre, l- il.I, KiVt.lt.

Seventh Week ami Phenomenal Success of the

AMERICAN /ESS BIOGRAPH Bestdos Animated Photographs and Scenes of Interest and Incitement meat all over the world and last chanre to see

THE PACIFIC MILL AND FIRE DIPARTMENT PICTURES Anil thp must realistic of the fall River I/M-al aceueB a

Procession of Childern to Conformation at St. Murv's Church. *•


Tho sfaootisg SUth .

FRANK AND-ttttmN SMI W Marvi-lmn* r,-iits or marfcsniaiiHhlp.

And company trom t"all Wver Caato


DALY & OEVERE. THE MAID AriD SERVAN i'.' Til a""sT(Ii>iiiiTTrrjng SKPtoh.

-Ann an— Al>l. STAR VAI'DEVILbE COM-



Ladiei to Best Seatii Afternoone.in Cente only. "CASTO"—Chftato, I*ur«— Kwflnmi lu Word i»nd Action.—fCentury Diction«ry.


JAMES T. REYNOLDS, Have removed from Blakeler Bl'd'g.

339 Essex St., Room 2-3 (Over Dyer Brae.' Store.)

Bargain in Heal Estate in all part* of the CU:\

INSURANCK OF ALL KINDS. Auctioneering at the Iowi»et ratee.

Remember tne place, 339 Eaeex St (live ?im & e«ll and wi» w"1 ennvlnee roa that ae treat people right.


Real Estate and

Insurance Agent, -CKNTRAl. BLD'G, 316 WJHTf IT.

I _ , ,


Clinton vs Lawrence.

Press Cutting ...SCHOOL^


Sawyers Tailor fystsms TAUGHT,

CiKtliii*. Kittliib- and KlnUbliiif TnnKht Th..'nn,lilj.


CASTOR IA For Infanta and Children.

1.00 1.00 1.00 .30 .30

1.00 .15 .10 .25 .15 .03

Tho Kind You Have Always dough? Bears the


If Interested in Wall Paper


El J. Clement & Co. 498 ESSEX STREET. \


Iw-fpre stoch tahim tliije, "-hrn 1st, and ive will ertl ilu* tei*> III tv with yon on man>- styiee j -■>' ov> from lust ia

f about 60.000 rot) t id ive must malt tylea eominff. .A

will plan- 25.11*1 'I'll, sc oai'Kaiu; i-si tit tractive j- . i .■ ■ and lesiBnji ai!l plw ■:• ' !iW! iift>i da"-: bet fit- ' i ' md ■- 111 Jin ii'iir over iM-rtfi'' i-\f. it ,v re t

in.mm roll* -**? gcndi 1.1. t. vean price ::,i . Sale price Klc.

iM.ne.. r,,iK. ruitular price in and :">i YOiire for. half pric^e ■''<■-

.nnn roll* re^mar price 30c Sale prlile 'J-'e.

\\c Boot hi the numb edi.eP of th- ,-. nil pap T Iwj er at this rodtn I ion ■ »tt v'nn'il mrHtt* no m-H*tftke in fol- lowing the'erowd. Out' atn] is ctni

t i.ntly tswardt the in u\ "f pai-u


256 Essex St.

lame' 'palled at S.30. Seats in aalo at Ulover'H drug fctorf

^^ ' -o 5^*

n IB

=13 1X1 tr-

■S — - *■• ■

3 1 f* SI 3 -30

n =3 •1 w

• 35» SP" C3

=1 33* --^H (A

3" 3- CO

*i ■3*-; »

IS f V)

r*T (A


8 > tk

. *s 3 ■ Vr Cl era OCTD 0) e? as

(ft 6) 3 n

3B> era Q Q

9 a. rn s

3 O 0 C-T3 -]—

—» M 6)


■35 "23

n Z 0»Q m S


How to save and itlll have a now rfult In reliable work In cleaning, re- pairing and dyeing cannot fail to pieatte you.

R. H. BALL 17 I'RANKL.lN 8T.. Lawreata.

56 South Brocidway, Corner Shattuck Street. | AT OIJB NKS? STOBB



Su<tmship Lines. ....B«twepn

lloaton. Newport and aliitl-nore. BeK way to reach F.lPhmoud. Atlanta Wii-hinmiin and all pclnta eouth anil weut.

APcomnindntlon? and Culalne nnaur- pnhsed. Far ptftrUeaSalri addrej.e A. M. HRAItAM, art., BilFton. Maaa.. J C. WHITNFV. Trafflc Manager; W P. TTTRNEB. Oen. i'WM). A«t.


tf^—*<a '



MACARTNEY .lEADS THE WaY! VVcAva wielded tin' battle nxo wTHTsi a,

our Kork "SilJ Ins t«. V,'.. u Mm aril ' '. PRTITOBH i;xfi«'T(iTUK!i' amptnw Roys' Clnthliig is tbe niie^whlrh evoi ,■ hotl SAIN I. i:\10l.. bat .When we, rut tin 10 in arc happy anil sellers dismayed. v\»-■ t •:- r i those p, ices say bey, luiy, buv today, ~*—r

1 "- (he heart "Hi nr. prlcmi- ami now the fruits o! ■ i..;. PI i.-. M ., No SHAM I;\TTU. AS mi; CUM

rm : neli ntlf |ni..- IHIIKI- mi Mefl'u, Voirt.li ml ! hfUg in llvlM etty would ■all (lie IJ iy-,'1 :.-;'!' BAR

ba..<■. ilo'iib for Nits/sale il Is no yvf/udej' mat liucm-n iaj luiy today, 5'<!ur needs, nay buy today. Alum: all,


NEPERA WELCHOR 25<teach'2 1or25$



Olvcn lly .MIBS Georgia It. At Trinity Chim-li,

All <nv.«( ec.iml lias e.U'-lt 7j.~l evening at Trinity i liurclt, liy M1i Georgia U.' Hasluii, assisted lu MU Helen, Varrcll. > kilinl " mid MIH l.aiun iln'iry ll( Ul«l ill. pianist;

'I'll. iollowiiir. i,i'",,i aiu was "ii-n Overture ;..," Ull Mi i." ■ Mendel-- a, III 1'niaj.l.i an.I,, ' ■ , illll .•! loam.I rfhui in- fil a Hal rialiilli" • I'asliilnXjj latins »ii, il,,i piano an I ,

1USKLT nu.i. I'LAYEHS - ./' ST* M-ellll.i'ls nf' I 1M' -Vnirfr;. Moll's CllilS-

llall 'Team- Telia.S'al'" a 'UtUKIUi'l, I.ii-1 Ni-'.lit. ■?'■■/<

'• -u.. I'iie'niefoKr^oi'lllc

loung Mi'

Men's Sty Hub *lo Oxford Gray Overcoats for-

Mrn'i fine lili'ie lilnek nud jray Overcoats, worth f\ llo, Jr.'. I1C for

Youtba' nobby bins ainl black Kor- Bpy Overcoats, size: 32 to 36; formerly *.].'..■ now

|13 Overcoats for J7.77 Jin Overcoats for $G.H5

Hoys' jaunty grey Overcoat, size 11 to 14; reduced from J'l to

' Hoys' ltslrrJ iiiile, brown and drab l'i|i Coals; sizes 11 to I".; from $i| to-

$6.63 $4,97


$5.00 $2.50


jhtyn' blue Koi...., ...id llglit Covert Overcoats from Ifr, to

Boys' Cover! Overcoats; for boys aged inycars-.ICST TWO; worth fl. -

Hoys' fancy lined Covert Overcoat; Blzea 10 to i:. years; reduced from Sin.

Hoys' fancy lined, satin yok'o i hie Kers.y Overcoats worth $1". now go at

Men's fashionable London Box, grey Overcoats; regularly Sin. 'or

Hoys' prey Raglan Overcoats, usiial Jay Jim for only

$3.50 $5.00 $6.37 $8.00 $7.77


ULSTERS REDUCED FROM $9.00 to $5.63 —i I-I ■ II I '——— i ' I ill,i. i


H***"** 1WM"H41 x. AMUSEMENTS '-

H^f^-R^-H'-M"-,- "SELF AMI LADY."

"Charles I'lioliiiiuii'.- lailtmdi.iua MI,I , Madh on Siiiiaie theatre, N "i

lork. presented llm I'VencB" ■:■.■.•■•• .11 and Lady" ill the Opel's boll 10 .ei evening before a fair sized aaiil- m-e. The company Is yery^slroua

mil each memocr of the east was a:; irtist. -The playVgavc general-unla- a, tioji. (w


The lliuvourt Comedy lonipeny nil present "Saphu ' at the opera bouse this afternoon. liy special r. - n'liest. ■ Kthel Pllllcn. .the Icl.Hm lady win appear in tlin- title role.

orgs .\Uss

l.'l in ami M

' rlo I : H il. a; ' \T for (1 slrluis. I>. Hungarian Ittiap i>*]i

.Mi.-s r'arri'll. anon in It .minor, "~

t'e^liv Maivh. \mlalil March .!■• I'ele,

ll.AUK i; \!N.s Ills till

llejena. Mom , .Ian. h. C'larl, was today rlo.;,.I In.'. senator tO sin a ceil Sc,i.i'ar

OVullnitn Ka.,1011. '

Han ii . Ha.l IIan .

Pile nc■nil.*.'■': oi, l.l bill Icamii iii/!ile- liyite- ,01 i- "'

< i'liflsHim a " ! tted ;ii the I'ara-o

Ilia inaiia.ii in. in of Hi lasl oniiin-.;. .

I iin-- al ll"'ir ■ nt'P' r and I'm .'■lirolie up al a late 'I

Ajmnm i hose who KI." i'd I ,., illusion liV 111- II' pic 'liar Wl'lp:

0. \| . Spriire. lolili llol.ie. Illiiiaril l.'ox. . ,'|r,|rrirL.I',r:;,ii Kranl, Sn'iilb.. . B, ChailiVlrK. I. - I'yr.

.1 s'liaw. ' C. tinnier II. I'ielillion .r. It. Hyson. William II l'.-f.e,:rll. 11. Sipiiri).' C. Weiss. \. l'|. I,111.


'.hum's *©? l''roit, I'. Halloiv. !■'. b'lr.rl

C. Ilnwo'r. Ii. Cii.ilinii;.' ,i; l.na-s,.;' <.<<m Itf.c. ..lame, liilborl .l..i Winil. - ,

'--Tllulirtfiilmw.' : .loim IT.,'.a, 1 Thomas I'ettee. ' t'br|.-,|..|dl. ■!' I'l'llrr.

.III;AI:I uv mail Licit -MI itoBiiED ..The 'iiody of


..a k, .Ian. ..Hi. - an a M!i In i lliioai

. ilii-r 'marks " of ni in a trait* ai He

I, K.i.l lliler. jm

II ami sliov l iolcili e W3| Imlkbeail n liofore Uiio;




II v..,- i.lriilil'io'l two hours tat' r b) a w,nil.Ill ,1.. the body •', .111 ha Wolsshui'BPr, an Easl Side Hebrew, etuployeil lo sell jaw,dry on tin'- in- ' a.ill in plan Tin- naino of the u niiiiii who -i.lriitil'uil lb■• iKldy and Uic addresi at whi'li lly y i, lini of

■• ihe 'iniirder bad resided the detectives' tel'ase to disclo.-r. .

Tlir. iJ the Victims Irani lert'i were kuorkoil*"ont.


Merlden Polq Team to Ho Trin-ferreii' to Salem.

Sab in. Mass.,'.Ian. 16 II was decided lies afternoon by Manage*' Ant'ort of the Merlden, iConn.i polo tram that he will transfer that team from the national league to Salem and play in the Son; lieasti in Icau n The teain"^wrn^inaT'1t5r^l"iilTlal imiue as a member of the Southeastern Inline on'next Alondav^night

Special Bargains in HEA VY UNDER WE A R.



A OfT'ROil^'l ITp OI F A C* A B\2 £* p of Stocks^in every way desirable to >oo. You sec just what you want at a supiisiiiflly low price-what do yoo care how

Infants Wear. We are giving

w. v. v. —. . ^.. j ,. ~-j ..w....v-_.v.u_TVWI IUU ovi. juoi iTimi jv»u vv .....

much or how little we have of that line, as lono, as you <jcl a Bargain ?


I •

1 '. r>lKll(l line ni ;-. i : P- !l\ HtylCB, s<> ir-.ilh l'li|i-ti".l

■i" 1 .-i' ri-a.-oiKiMf ill prtrc. ' lon'i bgttcvr I': 'I ** '• M '■!' li"l : W i ! .iimviii'v. n * now ;it the t. ,

.'\\ I/- RU>*S Kini hi il plain: ttii -i 11 i■ ini -I ss U h pinbi*oit|t»ry

[1 i" r»ir m*- LOXii t'Kl.^si;.' U ! iitiniltj .

I'M k«?d yoke, fftco trimniiugH, ii' m .mi lied !"'in. onjy .. .'19«'

V,.M. ■■■ ittiaMty: Hatnhnn; V»kr Uainl.urR SlimUdi r f'api-H .. 89o

llllUBl ' \.<><\jf\h >■>:.>:-:— Iwi' sf '■■ I' • it,,ii'". .'I;iti"i'."' I )

". 'Hi '.I. ■ I.I tni ii. iiii- -.lii'-r ii

G R EAT BA-RGAINS IN I \tu\ *ilji' best valitf for the price i

;Iir; i Ity .il. Mill' ll.'siri-v ;i,i I l.tutc ANOTHER MARKDOWN.

THE NEW DELICACY Ma^e you trl'-tl


l»Cj*n» WBOTW

,' ar ."illllris.

IToi'fl be i ill i In tl wilh Ii ., villili

;; ii ■ r i ii oney wi.H buy here

- - ■....» - ii i H dtdli.ioua. dessert. Made in . . ... ■ niiilltc All '(mil flavor- and Hte

^"^^tlT^r:,,^ PI.I-. LU' maUISg wine ; offe. - +o_all—oilier

nnd \\\-y • I I.d. ;i'lir>'.' ifi

Shoes thai wear (veil, look well and 111 romfortablyr-*in short llm

very besl iboe al the price tlial any one can "ell.


DorVt 3uy another Pair of Shoes "'•"■an until you examine these Bargains.

. i'1 11.MM; KtiiiKS Von J " will haiiUv go where llni" was (

iin. f lol . ' I'ri . *1 in t , .1 ifi

J.i IN ■; n. 'I IKS I'.ia.n.i.l ' . a

■Ull Irall Wool fir I

Hyawet , i r :;;' to lv revt lady fl.UU lol '10r

M.m's Camel's Hair Wed Shirts; our ir;;itlar "'■■< ■ ipialny I'm 10c

I. Scarlet. a|i 1 Or.-eJ Ml \. ool Punt . ,|l ,nn gar mi I f.ll' ■ Toe

■|to>-: Natural Wo3 IJCIWITS; all i • ,/r- . beat V v. ■•!; hi ; v.orlii

i:1 yjii i 38i'

111a1111f „ ru4vr~To~produce tlielii-dinp. siilislircdcgant'I'niit. euny nne new ! tliii .-raoiii and worth the regular pi i re.

Women.a $L.I/S ciiiils, $4-98. Women's $<J-T$ coats, $5*50- Women's $i 1.75 lOitts. , . $6.98. Women s $12,50 coats, $7.98. Women s $1 ;.so lo.Us,. $8.50. Women s $'5,25 coals, $2.98.

■ Women's $1*5.00 coats; $9.75. Woiitfii-s $tS.^n i'.oals, $13.50.

Ml of ■111 r :s; in Ii-foals and Limb Alllottiobilc Coats III'I ill and ll.'i haw been reilllced III

SilpcI'lOl"—If 1 lollies.

si 23 and .'I lit. The hem wi \;- ' Sit! _.a ,.... m, ^ „. 1 „ '..,,„■ „,.,„ ,-, .

r nvenl X.iiv.i sii.-illT.s- V sion rb disi.lai .'.■ ■ '"

-;;i ■•<»—UiOA Ii"'" qljllllll call frolu 1 in' moderate coiil tip ' ill ■ !■ 10 best.

■■-., ia,. ,,.'..<;■ '

:■ ' I '

l'INNNIMl I'.LWKirrs out- _ ,,.,-.,. v||»|i hue ol dancing slfiipei ing 1 lnfui"l I'nniiii" lllanki 1; " ;.,,„,, [„ ,;,. llic; I'ri in U riaiiml i;' •' u,, children' patent vamp .'• 1 Mr to *i :'i ; hllll,i,,|.i for in..

in,1 iprlflg v.-.. ti* vali.. (of .-I 'a a pair.

•ill 40. 1. ■,,.. ' 1 ..;• in leather dim .ri 1 and ivhTlo tv n ii n - lilli ' a-

llHc KiU' I 111: weather nothitir i.i.ii, ,' fail black Hose, .pllred II heat Olll IIII,..' Wilier |i.o,l| -|li|. . .,,|, Ha,. riUllo fill' <J5c |l

$13.98 to $20.00.

10c Package.

Beef, Wine and Iron.

Hnrnliairi's ltesl'Jia.live Tonic ol B' • ir,,n' ami Wiii.;'"of the extract 01 frei beef citrate ol Iron and sherry wltu I, is a wonderful lOtrtTTtir tile dels' imird and run dnivji systeni emuldn ing iii Just the riBhi Pi tlons '' lilllrllhe qlialltos of beef wilh

pail- Toe. I'n ';' .';' ■; '•/,;. <_■■•; ■■< m -■ n ■ mm rm •

.loiihlr Keel and loo IQv pi'. !-

-linililiilTiig pl'iiliertti-.i of win"

Large Bottle 35c.

I.■idies Pell UiTllon and la.' JhTOrt

$1 40, Uldi"S' li'~' n a.ll'i ii' : r . i i ■ 'a i.ilnr for $l, Ifl a pair I -

MISSES' COATS r,i Innrre !!'■ 1,1

.i!ic. dailkfT I'.i IJIIU'-M (jaiLei i; ii.Jly ',...■ n p;iir (6v ou$y S!'c,

08c. Men's An ties R'aviui'at o,vor.- :l.," 'I -I p.

-1,1,1,1 for .. .. I He ,n. i:'"' ' I:""' W'

Lad,.-.' fa, I blink Wool II,

anil ol ,,'-i

titiaiity only 12 J $6.98 to $3.98.

MALT EXTRACT. Weber's c ■cntratod (Jerman I

li.i, l of Hop:; and Ma"' promotes ill . lion and i iirr.i dyspepsia.

10c a Bottle.

302, 304, 308, 310 and 112 ESSEX STREET, i-it. LAWRENCE,


Two Persons on Valley Street Afflict- ed with Dread Disease.

the n.i;i IH,Hi.- board ol health ■ r- - BBST CASE l-'LMSlIlili. Ii al . .: Itrlaiiarr luis 1 II WUl'k'h^ every dai'iin tin' Washington nut's Oiaurt Jury Will Probably Male- !fs am I i; i, po.-aililr that -oluo .if til, Report Next Monday .

sipli'ivrs iin.v have cauzht the dls*l case iron) him. Salem, Mass.. ,!au. Hi. - Tim grand

, inrv wlili'b lias been hearing the cv- Agcnl Smith lost no i lu Sailing -„,,,„,, |n ,,,„ ,..,„,. ,„■ Jonn ,-, ,u,^,

-.tops in ,,iruar the spn-iil ,.■• in.- eMrgbi with the murder, oi George disease. II Iglil laiuiln-, ,,, the ,, ,t.,u,.v .„ gauguB, Mass.. last t "" v'll!"> street stare alared 'O:.tol)el.; Bumhed its wank this after ;" i:>iaiaiitiuK Tina order rffei'tei „„.,„ .m,, wtll |)robably ma',;" its '" ""i! "-' i W|H ""• '■' sHowil . ,„,„„., ,„,v, jftnmnj

t i leave the house im- lu d»>'« at j^,.^,, offlcera Meal and n.iiuui im'.. ;'-' ''■ ■ together with several of the fonuo'

:I,.,I Miirpti, and \|. IMIII-- neighbors of the nuU'dered man ;avi "li'lil I II iiiin d miipiii ill", iiiili'iC-,.,iiLl,i,i1'i'-';i',ni''|ny-

olll .. r. !"a.-;ou _oiui;iii or out tto.ste louiis. ■ V ■ pt the limll.il otliii.ils "■ , 'li.iib'.v I'ai-iu: ami wltO i- an I""" -

: IIIII wiiii,-.-, iii the rase was held in .-.uprillilriilMil Kumsloli gave la. ill f.. -..MmriipiioiUMia. wlirn >l, . ,a

>',""h , '''"' ':' .III"-in"':.' "I .,.,.,...„ ,,-fal. ^siale Ulli.rr .'.-il " I y„" ' • siir.-li.

One Victim Has Been Working in Washington Mills Every Day- Forty Peoiple in Quarantine.'..

.ii11' r pi-o-airrii a ipiai'itdy ii I'm r; i to put 1(1 111" nla a .

T i . m .".-. in il i '! a.m.." II ill ii" .-.ai-iii ami POIIll u a l] Mr. nml Mrs. Itelnnger will, lie ; r :.■■,.,■: ". ' ., , ill |,. - ." . ' ' i ' ; | a;.,.

al"iof a 'ii: 'it'-i- - ( I' I el \ ,*, Co lirupiL.,; Tol . a,. ii thoiiKbl il.ai «T; and M. - |,■.!■

now.-; THIS' We ■ • ri■ -l- one hundred rto'iiirs i''- iiit for any case of Cntarrb' Uat lima be cured !'•>• lln.Hn Calai'Th'


It-Inn Ii- .

., no, I easel " ■:. iHp -s r. ' '' ■' P .,,-1,; i-i th.ls idtj ' "-"a i '' ■ m so

in'th' ■''''' ;""" t,r ,/'1" iim'l ■-Jon-oil La i'a

I oi ml Valb r Rl'i 'II' ifl I U' iaii ..'!.' a ' ' "

...ml M i ' . i ■. a II ■ I : a .'i ' a c 'I ,

, r, ' at a: i ami later il •'■*• ' l

. .ml a doubt Unit M"=<. H

at oiici I A-. al

. ipil-llllrlliirlll' KlIU -l'i,l, ' M '.-••Ii-i,-i, Linir. Am ill Winitli, In Ma, . and Hiriwll lllti/fi'b"! II

TH- i ' ■ I"' '

plans for p, ivf.lin a „ for Mr 11. lam

:, .a .. on till on i.iiid |'V.- aherfj iirim ri l'i.—Snm-n ivgvi . lined Will II 11" ■■ a "I I dllh ' w

" in worl for -o.ii" iiiii". Im !• es-.-d a Imp" In-I liiltln illlil lla : "on . would I,- held tor tiinm a

.ii.- all i i and' willinii'd work will as lb" lirallli oilii in I wall .1

them iii leave llm house.

■d ol In

i i i.in mid ni Mi- . Ilclan


■;T,wo iloi'lnrs will also—17*- . ;, . .I n aatr all the penple iii 'in Iran

we iii.» in ; I,m, II I'. .1 I'Mtn v I'm- I'm la I r,

■ "ai . and believe mi rtly bun- .1 ii- in nil Ini ilues:, I r ill -a. liolo

il ,| tin in, lally aid" to carry out any i ilma'auis mail" l.i i Ini i hrin. '*

We-i .-, I'laux, '.VI,.lie ni ■ druBghiii, I ■''"do II.

Wuldihg. Kiiimai' $ Miiriin, Wlmle- ■i.llr llrilggiSftl; T'.l"llo. 0. ' ,

II,ill's-I'aiarrli I'm is taken Inter- miiir, acting dire-Mr anam lb" blood lind niinoiis Burfi s of if"' system. l'i i.a- V".o per liolil -. S-dil ,l,y all IrucKists. Ti'tiliuiotlials fli ■'.

Hall's Family I'i'ls'nre tno host. •

CASTOR IA For Infants and Children.

id \i Holang'i' Iniv

,m ..„pi,ro, itr, \

The Kind You Have Always BougM

RELIABLE LIQUORS Constantly on Hand.

A First Class Assortment of



The quality of these goods is of the high- est standard. Our prices are always right.

Curt an St Joyce Co 433-Common Street-443

Order Early, -ii-

Order Early


ANOOVI^R AT3VT£RTISE>R. - i I ■ ■ in. i ■ ' '. ■■■<<• •=esssaatss:^==amB=



tfperifU Bargain Bale Display, of .Mien'* BOc Pariey shirts, Commencing Tue*>- iiiv. January 22, ami Binding Tuesday, January 28.


Local Bar Will Now Circulate Petition for County Com-


DAY The first display of Sl'RING GOODS made in Lawrence in the new century. Such style and such value never before seen in these UnitctT States at this


Land to be Taken to Jack son Street—Accommoda lions for All Courts

The Councilmanic Hearing at Boston Results in a Vir-

tual Compromise

Mrs. Alexander Stuart North Andover Died

Wednesday Jfcii




_ s MAYOR AND CITY OFFICIALS PRESENT ™ In ll.n Hdtlb.il i.il.i.lv J

Until Monday Last She Was In ComparltivelyGood Health I


Tin of Men's 50c Shir's ever opener) to mortal vision , is now on* exhibition in iftlckueil i Bros.' crystal

idest Atipli in this city, or'any l,tl maze window, s . „ . . , , . u' .. Men's and Boy's shirts, the very latest spring teltects, with twin detached

. collars and detached cans, all for 50c. fhfl collars and ctltff are worth tin* price.

£on S i"1^''111 pj »hlft to mutch.

Buy tlicni at 60c and we make

The,-following is the petition which i. i) be circulated about UawYence in the Interest of the new court house.

To the Honorable Senate and House oT Representatives of

' the Commonwealth oU Mass- achusetts, In g«heral court as- sembled: The ,irnlerslRne(l petitioners,

clttSSlld of Massachusetts, respect- fully represent petition for legis- lation to authorize the county commissioners of the county of Ksse\. to horroW*upoo the credit of said county and to expend -lor

-^-Lhil...piirpm4f of furnishing better ,

Lower Bogrd Meets Today — If Nothing is Done the "'7,la-v„afxer""°"; at t'ie1home °r hei;

* " neice. Iffr<(, William Anlis, corner of

Superior Court Steps in — Compromise the Only

Remely ,

for I


Mrs. Alexander Stuart, the oldest person In North An rover. passed peacefully away at 4.."i0 o'clock Wed-

[nediaeiMn these columns, the >CNI>.\Y SCHOOL TBACHKftS TERTA1VKI).

As appearance if the «t

oston faterday o'clock express waS as ll tht

city foAxrnmflit was migrating.


iKconuMlations for the courts and levisti y ot deeds in saitl county. a sum not exceeding $100,000. Representative A. N. -From hes

already presented the bjll before the bouse, which this petition bac The bill, among other things, pro

esponjaelto the genera

all of the the uenn

at t )cn \v generaj. tH? democratic mem^ Sew tof tn^'TjtHfrhon eouat il boarded rfi ct train 'n force. \< vompanyina were f Mayor leonard, City Clerk Cor- coran, Tceasuer Bailey. Auditor Shea, Oity Solicitoi Kane. City Messcngei

'. j Merrew, and -therw. The, republican

Two Things Go to Make the Price of a Piano.

First-tllc quality of the workmanship and .material. »

. viilcs lhat Che county commissioners may actiifli-e lalid. mm means thai Mir av(ia rrom the ,orner of Jackson a-ml Common street to inc. urc&ent court house will be taken If i>os-

nicni! nrrrtiJ

ns wen not seen, hut it is • re- tlrarticy-~wellT on an earlier


" Second—lllt' LXtr;l Pr.ic.c t,lc ni:lkcr asks

* -fW h'u name. .,—_L , It's good sound sense to pay tor the first, but the

second—? Wouldn't a rose siucli as sweet if called

.. ", ♦ by another nan

In the f

♦ you pay for the first—you get it, and the price is m J r • L \

Sterling Piano right.

I Call and see our immense Stock, and enquire into our E/ISV PAYMENT SYSTEM.


Telephone 425-3.

♦•*•♦•*•♦ •♦♦+••••—♦ ••••♦•»•♦

slble. I poti this will be built the new

c dut house. and commodious ac- commodations for the registry ©I

' deeds. probate and bankruptcy j courts, the law library: grand jury, witness rooms. consultation rooms and the aicomnrndations necessary;

| In a nuilding of this kind. t If the plan as .outlined ever ma- . Hires, there will have to be a corps 1 of janitors, and in that ease the many local aee&ers ot county posi-

tions" will have a chance to apply ai lead,

1 .lust What kind of a building will | he sreetetl, whether it will be sejr

'iirti' or conne-tcd with the old court house, and many other details I

' htrVerrtpt. at this early stage of the game, been determined. Hut let the nifl pass favorably and the ac- Uylly of the barristers, architects an 1 i

I contractors will be astonishing. When the addition is built il is ,

probable that.lhi police court ses- sions will bo. bchl there and also tho eivll police' court. I'ndoubtctlly

' work will liestartcd on the improve i tt-eitte early iii the .spring.

train There was ttle preliminary talk as

iihTTTnTtnoiT-orpTOerm^ all map|»e*t o'l His ln>nor conversed with I Clerk Porooran. Treasuivr Balldy setimei to be all about tht

with acquaintances, and had lit']«■ to say. Hantley was the centre ap]ie;ncil to be perfect-

pla'cej cjiattiiif Sollcftor Kan

CobnrUman of a gi'tuip. ai ly at ease.

On arrivingH Uusion (lie delegation went' at on«i to the state hbpse, where the teMbiic-ans wei1* found awaiting thSj* Adiournmonf follow- ed to the atbtney'general's Office*

Mr. Knowion >uiild not be pres- ent, Lcing defined by illness. Hi? as»m.ant« yard what w«B Etl be said and made |Ji, \\ ino.uiries as was njSC* jDSsary. TJ> outcome of the matter was, that tl mayor was aihiscd iu the Interest otliann my, to call another meeting. <»\ if nothing results, -the matter wtttbe^-puahed before the sn- preiue iiiui. -

The repilicaos desiri'd a ruling from the Uce as to tlie number of hours the [sptlnj! wotild be In Ke«- sion, hut v^v. told ^hat was entirely outside of (r aftorney general's jur- isdiction.

\ meet id will probably be calted fur Fridaylyening, The .vill be view with interest

enjoyable Event Held Wednesday at the Residence of Mr. and Mrs. 06b Id.

Main and Cleveland streets. Had the venerable woman lived -un-

til July 7th iiext, she would hav been 'IT ypftra old.

Up to last Monday, when taken sud- denly ill, Mrs. Stuart, had been In good health. In fact she never was ;-.ifk to any extent.

Her faculties, too. were remarkably 'preserved for the advanced age. Her memory was especially jfood. and she recalled events that happened long

'i?mrttrryirffrnlar accuracy


SILVER Complete £ine

Of Sterling or Plat- ed Ware Com-

prising Tea Sets, Coffee and Tea

Urns, Meat Dishes, Cake Baskets, Bread Trays, Black Coffee Sets, Lotlng Cups, Prize Cups, Candel- abras, All Kinds of Spoons, Forks, Knives, etc., etc.

As an in.stanee of her vivacity It may Mr. juiil Mrs ISriwan; s. (Joi-irl en be stated that within a fortnlRHt Hhe

.ertained the Sunday s. Iiool teachers participated In a surprise party and Uld officers of Trinity church at their rctnleretl a.Srotch sons in dialcci



On. \dmits XattM Quite a Sum of Money—Other l'ltads Guilty To BeiBC Wl« and Diwderly.


Nullee In Ulltisll SoclctioD.

.1.111 ;!l 1001. culinK the if i.;.w nee 1 iii meet

l.nv I'll The c-'immittee.. re

I i.il.n Hiiusll Si'iii'ti iinil ii.ii.ilv an- n-it'i' Dili iTImrsdoy mi • a.1 v l"'",' at rnlediinlftii hall, to take u.t.tri the ili.uili of Queen VI. t'liltt.

Per order1, THOi. B. VALENTINE

, ,, , s H '.'li.i.i-niin


Tfifr ^jdyttrts" nf tiro attorney gen- eral, who lU'd the case, were Messrs- Da Groose*;laah and Hurd.

T.i nifluy; looks as if th*' mandate of tt* couj if -uch should be oh-, tained. woit not solve the problem. The i-oiinclcannot be made to vote

ludge Rtone presided lit U»S B*"J°1n

i ] any desiretkjeasnre, and the supreme bench is i| engaging In the hoy's > play of colnually issuing write of ;natadftn>U8.M compromise is ths only -thing, mmns the democrats dislike

H willave to come.

'iome on Thoriiillke street on Wed- Msaavy night. The evening was pleasantly spent

:n niilsn niid games^ Miss Maud 'ole of Aii'in\t-r. pianist, rendered "A

Onv in Venice' interpreting the nusie with dfs rlptlve stanzas, Miss 3ete SiNe rendered Chopin's Noct- irlne. Watching questions and answers «>n Bible topics proved an In-' tereatlng tasl of memory.

Hefre^hmeiits were served by the lOHte^s aSBlsted by Mrs. Charles B-boul Walworth and Mrs. Mahlon Austin, of her

Among those present were: Mr. and Mr|. Page. Mr ami Mrs. Wilbur Row«U. Mr. Hartlev. Mr and Mra Wallace Abbott. Mi and Mrs .lobn Carter. Mi ai.o Mrs Krauk Hall- Mr and Mis Charles-,ytone. MIH, Mabel Austin. Mrs, Charles Walworth. MISH Hattie Walworth. , Mrs. CJeorge Dunham. Mr. Elizabeth Siaun-trd. Miss Florence Qrlflln. Alis.-^ Clyde Carleton.

vMi^s linrbarji Kill.. Mis^ Mary Bailey,

.Mi. « K lua MyrFO. Mi^s Margaret Young. Miss K.^S. Rogers Miss May Adams. Mha Helen Chandlen

She had not upoUett iince early Tues- day morning, although conscious am! realizing what we* transpiring.

-Tlie-mmogenariau was horn iu Bar n**ad. heavClAafcnw." SfOfland. "tier maiden name wan Mary Wllsou. she being ilf Hdest 4>f four .iiiidn-n, all oi whom a»-e now dead. A sister, Mrs. Agnes Hoiiald. two years hor junior, died about two. years since In Ottawa,. Canada.

Mrs. St-.jart came to this country 7 years ago. going to the home ^dVt^r. Mrs John Mouat, 0,1

Stevens Village. After the lattei-'s- demise irtvthis city, ehe lived with Mrs. ArdisVVho was tenderly devoted Li hrr. In Lawrence, Fitchhurg and Sbrtii Andover.

Tho ddeceased 'was geaeroua hearted of a kindly disposition, ami always-greatly ■ respected. „

Tiro only near rehi'livos beside Mrs. Anils, are two nephews. George Mow- it, overseer at Knahardfs mill, and William Mowat of North Andover, and :i neice. Mrs. Alexander Smith . of Htchburg.

Ftthera] Saturday afternoon. l'\t 'hb'urg papora please aapy_

Family Chests of Sterling Silver All Sizes a Specialty

Don't Buy Silver Until You took

line. Over Our

To Cure a Cold in One Day

kc Laxative Hroii.H Quinine Tan- lets. All druggists refunil tho money If It faila to euro. K. W. (Jruve's -itiiiaturo is on each hux. U Cents.

I'LAY 131) tiUOH « \.MK.

P HIMOGIIWHS and Graphonhones

from S5.00 upward.

Six Good Web Drawer^ steady work and Good Pay.

Apply to

Methuen Co., Methuen, Mass.

,iollce conn yesteri!uy. Only I two iilTeniiers were arnilKiied. Iioth I youths, and their cases wire eontln- i ued.

Kmlle Ijifmunlne pleaded guilty to . |, luit.e idle and disorderly. I'atrlomau , B'-init has the fads "in the raw anil on account of Ilia o'isenee the caHe went

lover until Friday morning. Patrol ; man Uenoit is attending - court ai Salem.

Henry llefll'inan. Iti ycurs old pleaded guilty ti larceny.

Iteeently Mrs Mary Dolit at II Common street.

rV. Molyneaux, 72 Haverhill St.



police that sin- had lost some money. She stated that she had been to the bank and drawn out some Mini. She'

, placed it lu bar satchel and returned to her home. As she reached (lie

! house, being qilile feeble she found ) II dilflrult to climb the steps and

isked the llell'einan boy. who chanced In W near to assist ,hcr. which he

idiil Wlien she placed the satchel in a table inside Cie house young

I Heffernan tisik it ami departed. Out- ilde he took out a portion of the nonev and then returned the satchel M Mrs. Doble slating he had found il in the yard.

lleflernan disappeared from the city latter the theft and upon returning iWednesday was arrested. He ad- 1 mttted his guilt . ajter being put through a close examination. He

rbm no mothir. and the whereabouts jl 1.1.4 father Is not known.

The viiung man was held In S.iPO until |UVOnlle court iffxt Monday.


"There ifcut one .inalVi^haiice t save your fe and that !* throng' an operatic* waa the awful pri.s pect *et here Mm. I. H. Hunt, o Lima Rldg Wls., by her doctor «l ter vainly Ung to cure her of

reported to the frightful ca of stomach trouble an

"My heart was badly affected by au .itlaik of grip and I suffered Intense

CterrrffP \VT I'iper. salesman at W. nguny until i began taking lit. .lilies' II. Codrrey'.-i store, played with the j Heart Cure. It made me a well titan." iv-.wrence polo team against Plymouth | —B. JJ. lloltnan, iraalmrg. Vt. \''cilnesdav eviMiing and put up a fine: ■ ■ game. II" substituted al centre for • \ big Investment it will iiuy 100 H ulley ami all through the game ' per cent on the money invested to on) iiuide an excellent showing. | an Overcoat at the One Day Special —— Sale that Mficartney Is going to have

What Shall We Have Far Dessert? ^iturilay. Jan. 2G.

This question arises In tho family - every day. l^t us answer It todny. Try Jell o: a delicious and healthful dessert. Prepared In two minutes. No hulling! No baking!' AiM honing water and set to cool. Flavors: ' em. on; Orange; Raspberry and Ftraw- iicrry. At your grocers. 10 cents


CASTO THEATRE. lit. Al, I1AYNKS Proprietor


yellow Janice, H« didn't couu on the mailous power of Kleetri Hitters to re Stomach and blvo troubles, mshe heard of it; . too' •seven hottl. waa wholly cured ivoided BUKUI'B knife, now we.'Kb more end fa better than ever. If positively'graht'eed" to Wire Stomach Liver and -Uney troubles nd neve diasapoints.Price 50c at John J. t. Forest's ug store.


Ai a »pc i meeting if lit-i. klayen rnlTm N^ a Tuesday nig lit. the following ion was la Ken in rt garil'l.' i sneinhei's: That m anil after May 1901. eigh l liiiui s shall TOBet'tute aavs work, the li 111 S 111

lal.bi- shal from 8 ii. in. in IS 111.

LIC! rrom 1. m. 'to 1 P in that If. cents F li Is' llllill per hi ur •Hi'! lor. all ovi paid ti'ne

e'e and hoi a a half.

ulays i ha 1 be


Gives Power to the City Treasure* to Borrow Money -to Paly Bills.

In the ho'iae yenteiMa.v K^p.Maloney il this city moved that the bill' au-

bboristog the oity treasurer of Law- "Pitce to borrow money Iw Riven Its everal readinjsai thlsSJine. lie WR-» .nioriued by the speaker that this tiuld not lie done as the matter had lot. yet been admitted by the wiate. •

Jall-O, US M««r D«M«rt,


Sacred Concert


Flowers and Plants of every variety.

DR. B. 3. CAITir.l

Veterinary Hospital If your animal la sick, from anv cause, yon can Im relteved from all care of It by having It cared for/ and treated at a reasonable price at th*

M.tkn.. Veterinary Bespttal.

F.dwln J. Castle, M. D. V. Televkoae.

WHY Are Morclio'.isu's

Products Just Like

Cook iiii; '"



ill Because thev use the same ma- terials that th ly « 'I! 10 their b".-'t trade for cooking P'lrpoS'


Illustrated Lecture. -si BJBCT


(2. The jioods if Clean Conditions i* Style and have the Home Cooking."

(3) ifrkm iu * s Straight Butter! and

) ftplces, Extracts, Kn . have the flavor and t Home Cooked Foou..

n nde Home


ibstilute Eggs,

muter • Mado


s 1M;1 Pure

SJOOdS be best

10ft mngn rfi rent utereopttoos vlen s Kopr<*aentlnK the principal events in

pleases ill the family. Four tutors:— the life nf the world's greatest mili- i.emon. Orange, Raspberry and Straw- tary uehlne- berry. At your grocers. 10 cts*

down, S'- week Often evenings. largest assortment

of .Records to seleet from. Everything new in stock.

Repairing nnd Supplies.


Telephone 7S1 :!. '


Your druggist will rerund' your OINTMENT :

Old Ulcor sud Blackheads or

li i, a I."I number: it melts the Ice h, thc'lli t and al! the boys stop li. warm their hands, by it. It talks right out In 'ineetln ' It draws the > -—- - p"^-- 0INTMENT Iaij3 to cn„v,!. It hypnotizes and paralyzes , money If PAT.0 OJHTSU^ I^^ ils audience They stop, start and cure lUngworm. mvei, si'ifre adiuiic ..ml wonder at Its ma.-I and Sores. Plmpl velous value, -tt "is tjle fiist of its lilni! to visit Ui'n'rini e in the new ctnturv. It is in: .'inly bird with the Eayesl iii miy" I'lumuKe. It is a ii.ndv vith H bla f> .hist Tmported , - r Dandyv1 • It you would I and -we will forwa.il same by mail

, from midwinter Into the balmy . and'at any time you notify us that April morn- ' the cure was not satisfactory we will

the I promptly return your money. Your

It you v.'i an Overcoat* for ui'Nt winter it vilay trig Interest on your money to R.me of tlioso liiKh grade nats at tlii'K'ial One Day'.- Sale at

Dandruff M.l.-uHney's.turday, Jau.-SU the face: Itch in i; llnuiors, and all Skin IMseases.' no matter ol'_____»»» wl> r r r r how long standing. Wfe 50 cents. « * ' « r "' '■ '■ * r" ■ w- '• w


If your druggist should fail to have. _ Foraet the it send us 50 cents Wnostage stamps " UOI ■ uiyci mc

atmosphere of a sweet lug and take u free bath sunsbino of up-to-date enterprise and donhle-i'ondenseil economy, cast your optics at Ilicknell Ill-others' Cor- ner and hie yourself into the pres- ent- of the grand free exhibition ie their Crystal Maze show Window.

*V — : ;—

druggist will liable, as oni-

on that we are IP- a LAXATIVE DUOMO ;»

QUININE Tablets, which have a nat- lonal reputation for colds are handled;» by all druggists. Address PARIS » MiSDIClNE CO., St. TUmis, M». %

txeitors Sale - OF- /


4. SHiPEA GO'S., I

•I'M. r,-.. » experienced bar- I & position. \pplv or address; iMit.t. Smith 18 Ahlen street; elti. 1 tai»n~

1-21 3t~a ' * (IL. -i.-O.C--. —. ■ Ina Kind VJU Haw Ww Bourrf


a a

I at * A A * *

I.ITTIIC IIKVVKS-Old time lOitrter a liox I'lirgeri are quitting the. Held.in whole kittalhms. Ur. \g- tuu'i I3itrte iTl-rer Pills at 1u cents a vial arc drivltin them out at'lifl points. Hiciiise they ail gnitly. more effec- tively, never pain, and arc easy to take Sick headache sneeumba -o one dose. 35", Sold by John II (Ireer.

Mr. J ALDR G» LIBBY The f-unous batItone !ias bs-Pi

peetally imgatsed foi* this OI-CJ aS?1 inutiv tit her uidl >u.<ivn .11 will kppear. Also, new picture the bloffrapfi. Moors open at concert at K.I*..


J.D.MOREHOUSE 159 Essex St.

& CO.

Branch Bakery Corner of Hampshire and Essex Streets.



I'ltOMP''. AT !l OCI.Oi'K. * * * * '« A ■«*■** *

I.'-II BsseM siiTt'l- ■


The Merlmack Cricket ' club iuild .1 general meeting at its cluii- blusi mi llinlr street. Friday even- ing at 8'o'clock.


BlggST Ir.i.nains. better bargains ami more of tin in tliati any other store can preseftl will characterize this overcoat Sale. We .have a migbty lletermiuatiiui witllin us which says that the Overcoats- must be sold This sale opens witli more Hargain audacity, flwater agKi-essivcnes^ and

never ceasing activity that will give use who seek to follow us the race

ol their lives. I: yon are n- money saver, or want

to be, vou'l! not fafl to be among the number at this stining Overcoat Sale.

It. J. Jilaeai'tney 131 EJssex street.

THE MERRILL PIANO MFG. GO. Has T.ikcn the Store at the Corner of Essex and

franklin Streets,

341E8sexStreet And will Open with a dill line of MERRILL, Trans-

posing Keyboard and other Pianos, on

SATURDAY, JANUARY 26 The Public Cordially Invited to Call and Inspect

Our Pianos and Salesroom.


'I ,



1..11. «■;;; qqiCKI? OUrVTOU of ftll DiT. iiivp nrguui, ftucli m I-oin M»nhrM.<i, nun*', .ni)aviit», Mvrvooi Upbiiiu- KXtbMlHlll) iTillFi.i, Vnrfcitoe..- *.l.i

. -. L.v tiny (.r ;il?ti(. Pr«MDN o/nlrk- ti If not - fii-kfil 1PIU1» l'i Spermntorrlifp* »n<l

).')-. * < »*II>»;M:-:. ....-^Ui.'livtr. Ute rtruna of nil llopui lUefc

n!rWv per rmt ire iroohlrt wllta ■.i.'ir u-i "V> .;:oi!.>x»ui*-nilinonl-


Thli ■ ijrnatui .

Laxative Bromo-Quinine w the remedy that enrea a cold ID «D« *■•»

■ is. A wrltt-'d IT" il «l.U0» boi.nii fwrfi

Addiru D1TOL MKItKIKi: «'0., I*. O. Box XTf,, Ha-i Fmucbro C*L /br <*!•»■ Lawrchei K. Bj (,. M Otlii Drug Store,



• ln-iiy 1" ilii' \'a!nf- ,.>r K'earl thin nun Destroyed.

M.inia.i .hin 24. i »: MI . on.' o!; Laxative Rromo-Ouinine T.I.IM. i iiir MUM disastrous lins fivm v Itiiis ctlty ti:t- ever Buffered began hi. ni lasl infill ami v.)lu'rtftsca«i««B-i M3K»: < ■<.( <.4;(i K<i|{ rnXli.lll \ he^ofc efforts 61 .tin- en tip' fire'depart-1 [menft ill*- nrngrres of ih-' ftataefl were 1 inn checked iin:,i 1 u'ctorl, iliis inolti- I ItlK. \t I liflnik UlB till' had ili'.i- I tropefl property. Valued m between

I2.fi00.owi and *'< .iiin.i.'iii iiini va/» still Lbucptngithoiigh the appeaNUMB u.i.. Itliat.thp firenien have in last got ii i nini": i .iiuri.i. .Include i in tfea prop- I "r'y ii< Hi' splendid boal:d of trade

iiiliiiii",, which o.-i ovt r half a mil

lllit.d Hi.ltl.sli Soi'ii'ii tloll (ill lli'illi

; Will Taki if Queen.

ill .Ii-.. Ml K 'Ml


i' (•..!> 11r■.:i n ii.' .-j.

Mi-i I ii mi iv ir.. |,| ., ,;,„n,nn ' :. .,i. ' (Heel STY Hejilllty. Iin interne i.ri.- M inlviiul : ml all prlvatt-diseases quirk

at •rim Wlj l'l HKIi by ni' ..risinaf and ni'v . failing ' trwii ■■-■ni Call nnii *a]k H ovc r

I li.N-l T.TXTIDX FREE, uYpra l.ii Health

III! ltOYNTON. ,^T Ease? sussta Komi^ 13 and ,s

, ., s ';„ |. M iiiiiri' ejoseit mi Monday of eaefi tvtek

f linn :ui.l/ litm -tlillni-'. Tin u't :n !i- r waa cold




Estimates Furnished.


lii'i !'!•■!! w>-\:> gff itly hamper BXJ Is till* nifpc ■: * On *ide «>!' th« boaiH of tnule liuft«rtn«i llicro was aot a unHld-M (ftructurp afH'oiit; those burn.- pil, The narvpfl Btri i ; . anttquaWl li'hliliiu'- ;IIMI the iLii'hiiinnMl'l.1 nature of the- -■'", |vS thpy i.-ontain^l matte y I'l'iiihinatii'" of materlnl atcalutft arhleh th«' deMrtmenJ was powerJass.


Laxiitivr BrOmf>QutAtae removes JJ»e


In all Its Bta^ea ttiaro BaoaU be cleanlinOM. Ely*i f ream 6.11 m

rli>anwB,flfintlic«nnifhi'.ilB |IIB Qitfft&Hd i," ■■ r.n v Hcnrcs. aUrrfa^mldi Ivi a :rv .. ft Coill iU lilfl ■■ ui quickTy,, \>.

Criiim Itiilm la ji.ticcd Into iho nostrils, Iprwdt over tlie lUfiiiVirmio and is abaorbed. Relief ,j im- inrdiaio'ami a cure follows. It la not dryine —ton if»t prodaeO||BMstn2< Large Size, 60 oen'mit Dtng- I'sti or bj iivii.; T-i"'. si/«, w^nti by t^mll,

;i. V iu:i.;nii;iis,.v, tt'atrei Blrwt,KcwTotk,

Of III' tl II I 5 til"■



OLIDAY GOODS To' I.-, found in tliis r).iy- Among ourr'oek of sensible iioliday gifts will be f.iiliid: • i . ; ." ft

GrajihsghfijfiO d Recor.ls, Electric Batterie^ Motors, En-

, Ingersoll WatefltiS,' Pocket Knives. SnlVtv Razors.

" l utlerx oi' all V, :i! ■. Carving Knives and Kinks. Childrcn't

in ale In1 life I'lirin M I ^ Co., amiim rnillcss a'sortmeni t :ir: of oilier'ilesiralile ;u\A appropriate arti

cv'crvbocTy. ———— les. Something fi

TREAT 582 anti

E 584

SUPPLY GO. Essex Street. ,


Only Direct Water Route from BOSTON, PROVIDENCE and



FLORIDA Fast Modern Steamships and Ex- cellent Service ? Three Sailings a Week from Now York, Affording Rail Connections to all Southern Resorts.

WMLP-iiLYJlE i-Ca^O»nq-Agte. TUE0. Ii. EGER, 0. M.

19 State Street, Nuw York


CLEMENT'S NEW STORE, 498 Essex Street.



498 Essex Street.

K---\ - Krwliate ('o ■ ' To til-- li ■;:■ i-al ':: tt. iiexl of kfn", awJ

i ir , pt-rftoiiH fnterested in the --s tat.- ul Nte- irni

tate of1 .lohiv^J. s:lx rig. ti i!|ii.-n. MI nlifl*ounts i-t\ >\f


■ aitit'iii ' cntPil t 'harle-s

I'tam lusl rumejl l.'-;#\v:ll and ■■■■•■■

iv it*has ; n i... mid oin i for |>robate. by

PotBO ■! « ho |tia\ - I \i-r jsmt'ii'twiv nun; tiiAUi

i hei'piu named a* '"Inn les Pel gold, "without giving a *iirity I'M BTI .>(Ti*■ ■.11 bund:

\-u\ :•(■(• ln-ri-iiy i-i'l-1'! in jEpfeSr 8' a i'i- >. -ni- i-fvttri i" in- heliral E^atem* 1n

mi. > ol Kssex, mi the I'mn :.'i iaj .'i i-'. liru'ary, \. I).. I9flh at nine

. ill tk* hM'--!loon. to -!in\v ,aii •■ anj you have, why tin- name should

not be granted UMI said pet it oner I« hereby < t i i *• ■ r -.l

i>ii I'M notice thereof by piib- Li diiiiis Lhla i-iuUim. outs in >-A ± w. &A Mr i hi 'i' Miri >;a8Jve weqks, in i!c l.iM wni p Rally Vmerit an and in 1 he \nzeljKer and Post, newapabera imii Ihrhr ! n I.aa fi ni ■-. th~e la.-i publl -i lion i" !■<■ one day at least, before ai I court, and "by mailing. (>oHH»a4d. or deliya'Jug a ropy of this citation bo ;>'l knerwn fiersnna tfttereated In Ike <■>- iate. seven days at least before -aid Court . ■ ' ■%

A\^fne>s »i)|,|,|N i; HAUMOV Ksi|iiw" Judge ti! said Court, this Hf- .teenth daj of January. In the year 6TF? HiuHsaiid B4U*> ininfli'fii and-onet,

i !i J: T M VHONKY Regfal 'f. i-l:-:'! ;;i a. *--

SATURDAY. JANUARY 26TH ONE WEEK--fXX2fflik?m*¥' New England's Greatest Favorite.

Talented and Petite.



lt»)yt's Famous Coinediah

JAMES B. MAGKIE Grimsey Me Roy j

In the National Success;'



ActfOtl I'll the death will he taken tonij?lit ni leieg^teM .repreientfri . sm jeiit'B *>r Brlilah-born reshiente. The meeting will he liel.i in Cale- I'lnian ball al 8 o'clock, and the call

1 iastied t-v Tlmni is S. Valentine. chairman of the commi'tteti from the United British 30cletl( a ■■ hi Ii 'inT-ied through «0 siii e.'sslni]\ tl. ■

1 i'' t'niol t-ini.-ei-i MI the C|KT.: di ■ i':< i..-i winter.

The sof.ieiii-s' repreaeuted' at that time were i Clan Mfl'hersoll, O, S- i the rab'ilenian iTub, th ■ Bhlgifsh .^eii'il club, Court City ot Ijawrence, \. 0, K.. Friendship and Merrloiack

Ii <! i*es, Sons ot Si. t; e'orge, I A iyaJ lUatte of Oak. Essex, Victoria >nd ^■i.tvliington lodges, I O. O. TV M. i ., Pioneer and vJaitiidp Weir lodges, L O. T.. the lunar. ci.Ub. and one or two others.

It l.s the in ten tli ni that the eatne iiicniitees M-hlcli s>'iv'd for the wai'

fund concert shall aerre at tonight's (netting. .

POFsibly othei' club." and or^aniza- iiuns will send delHtates.

Just what niim oj action nmy be utcided upon lV^i:t>ldemafit'id. but the gen'i'al ^opinonJ Beenis to ia\'or ,i liH'iiorinl service <p be held.on the -i.iy nf* the funeral.


■ I'apt™ .1 .C. smitli ba> requested all ■friii tr army and ftvy veterans in LawrltvScc and vicini, to meet tonight at S o'clock, aft, the New (Vnu-al. t. take action reganlnR the qneen'a

How to Tell tie Vxeuulue.

The signature <.'[ {, W. Drove up eftrs on evory box of tie- genuiur .a\axive ■^•oufOsQuuiae.

OAS'JTO ;ea*tha ^fltieKiii -ijrnatn.

ava Always Bougfr- th« _yf m KM wtr Have kmp.

For cFlip |cht*s uso

Dr. Miles' \ ,im ills.

Sold by all Qruggiiti.

N till-: I'lSTKKT ('OL'RT f)l T-HR I'M'llHli STMI KS FQR TMI-: DISTRICT OF M/feArHrsHfrre

In.,the matter of

C. Kin:; ( in Bankrupt

the creditors ol L; wrence in

Bankrupl \n. 3918,

Leary V. King y.e County "'

UESCX; "MMI (ttetrict .it'»v»-ud. iiank-

Notl ■■ i- !;. reby giveilthul on th l^h day of January. A. {».. 1901, tb • iid Mi nry <" King CM was duly uUudicated bankrupt, 4<l that the II ■ i-iiH'itiiu o its i i- ■iiors will be '■id -'t the. New Countylourt House.

in Falem, Maw on slurday the id day ,of d''t;liruary, \ In., lani. at' 10 o'clock iii the ton n#]n at which- time the* «aid oreditorslniay attend jmivc th'-ir rhiihis, appejit a trustee,

tininc th.- liankriipllud tranrtci h other businesB Rsftay properly

hoVeb'y glv ipl intfiulh i

.■M unnecnreTl claims IH>er cent ■omposition KettFement

WILLIAM L. fQMVSQN Referee Isjlankn

Li wreme. MA-.. Janu rf 23, T9o'l

Ami iinlhry sald banic-

eHlenient pj rn



Three Linet Three Tirse in Either Paper, 25 Cents; Botl papers, 35 Cents; Six Times, Ettbf Paper. 35 Cents; Both Papers, 503ent».

TO LET ni urr T'lii'inni

pantry anil. ' ti'. •■ roome;

ij ■••i'i, '.uii-ni", in lilt* \v\- ■n'.'i'.iruurii-i- ...in ».;.", net weeh also nn» nt v..j.', •!<• Jreok. Kur

j.i;vrtIritlarii h"iii> al •* w.-i si I •-'!'■-'" It

TO l^ET—Room, furn aed or unfur- alshfd; alV-convenlene*. at 121 II.

vprhill atreet. near the Common Rpferencei. 1 * tfa

in ia:T fellow! i+werv i i.i'l.. t I M Intili

. is:. "Me

1 M.'i'ten t"i it'il- - II lllltt tt t'.'H-J'lll \,,,.\: o'lH llini-y

•■Ii r.i rin i



:•<• II " II Rill ril.llt, I Ii-- (,'t-ll i:.-'

"K S.M.K \ It

\ .

■i .led jliiafr^ il+.-'i h'ini'; t-nn he n.-e,l

■ f 'Sti' '' -. \|»|llV' IHSI aii'i MltM *

* • v p r r v >» *"w r * v r *

Ptices—10-20 and 30o \k


Matinees 10 and 20c.

■ Evenings 10, 20 and 30c

FOR* SAL15- \ new t<0 story cottig. bouse rnru>iFting' o-fight rooms; bath 1i->t and roTd vat' r; electrjtt ?nMlglitiii2 ')|(rr»'lumljinK. \a. mte at ts Mfddletm ^ '• I a tf

KQB BALE \ Brat olasi l°t of heavy drift Horses constantly oil hend. \\ib p\coi hand borsfti bough.t sold ami f'.;han^c'l. Dan lei' Lane and s( n. lliSouth Union street Routa hfta-fe -el 5 2< aff


Doore and Outside 'Ind outtbe rolrl "and di f. billy. Call or MH.I lo.-dal to Menr\ Ryder. 2 JAPKROC t. H 'Tantf

ow«, J*Ceet Bave ' com


Attracted Large Audience at City Hull 'a4--! Night--.loke.s and Songe Were We'I Received.

The sixth annual performance ol the Hbzhland club was given at the ■ IL.V bail last night.

Ovet loan people attended and they wove highly pleased wit h the excellent numbers-

The stage setting was elaborate and artistic. Behind, the circle sat tin chorus on tiers apd in the rear wen three niuhes throiiRh which could lit seen the American colons. The fln- tsingB wet" in white and blue which Mended harmoniously with the man> colored electric lights The decora- tions were arranged by Dennis *Oon- MOI-S. trotn Held' and Hughes' store. interspersed about the stage were pot- : ted plants and' ferns furnished by C. PL Wln.;ate The cOfltumei worn In the participants were rich and tasty.

The (totam rolled up al 8.IS re- vealing an ever popular court scene The first edition liegun with a tfharui and overture arranged especially for the "occasion 'l»v Whitmark of New Yurk. ^ '" - .

Theodore Schoenland was the first Soloist anil his rendition of 'Phiny. Come Kiss Your llahy,' brought forth Well merited applause.

Miss Margearei U'ggntt sang 'Per- kaaps,' in a touiiliin^ manner and tn find a response In*the entire audience. Miss Leggatt has a sweet, well modu- lated voice, itnd- was a great fav- orltei

Miss \oi-a. O'Briens song was en- titled i Certainly Didn't Know You When Von Cirst Came In ' The song took well as did a cake walk which' Miss O'ltrieii performed wi-th- ea^e"and grace with 'a young colors* gentle- man \

William Barcroft, baritone soloist was heartly applauded when*, he uing X'ay by l\ay.' \ jlThe firet ''dft^cm ended ^.wjth tin sThjjIng of the tjueen tit' Ctuin-na1

Mley: by James Robertson. Tin chorus Joined in and as the- audienct had the words of the song in souv- enirs,' Mr. Robertson made a great hit. ' .„ •

The second edition, began with th( "iTHjctduetlnn.-TTf-^ntlmen Harrty—arrd Begen. r

Mr*=- Lur-y Vi»tef saSM 'My Mnoti beam k ftahe.' Mrs. Vatter has a strong, dear voice and was en- cored ."'

George A. Harris sang,, a-, topical song and this old-time comedian and

iu*tjs#-^w>ved--4»^i»»^~ati. big a favorite as ever. His song was cnti''ed_irecuUai:_:.. isnX.it;- YcYtv and tn<\\. rses fflin like this: -1 ' tlov. the vnters-'pot "ttPUws*m by mm

or move... . ',;. Ti-atis peculiar, isn't It.^very.,

Unon - the ilenwcr it.< thene* are mimi rteatts Rial an- ).-"',,

vwfully son '.-> T- Tliat's pecul: ir, isn'l ''b :A'ery'

\h-IVTMI.- illdti'l seem to 'mind the < a;«.\ Carey talk. '.

Ie. thou<;!iJ the gang * as-with him ^ta» noH,d as a r&ufc. But Hudeon knew his number and

\> iin out in Q v i'tk. i. Th-iiV occuliar. isn't it. very!

Misses «addc ruddy. - -- Kthel HolBngs. Mabel Sievenaon. Mary Leonard. Metla Miilhaiv. Mamie Hughes. Delia ERther Beaartee Corkhill. , Carrie Mullen, Mamie O'liMCli Grace L. Towle, Ka'ln line Sw.cetie> . Mamie Dovle.

Mi-ssrs, Morton- Taylor. John Cannon Ai|.'Ill H r- Pati h. Thomas* WUson, Clarence Tiiwnsen,! Roheri Kcougli. James lla'nlev. - ■ * Will'airn O'lKuintdL John Tavlor. Paul L. Mulhare. Joseph Robertson. fJeo. K. Archibald. .lame., 1L Mitdharj. Chtis Flanagan. .»

RjoecuthV* stuff .1 Joseph King. Chairman. 'William S. Lane, Serretary (;.jiii:c- n . I loi ne,_ X/eas^Her George H. Lord. Walttr H. lladlev Gen, K. \robllmld. Qoorge <;. Paisley l-'ivd 6. Sivaldi\u,' B. I/. WeelS. \r ■'' 'f Thomas W. Begft. \ j

Musical Director and 'Stag/ Manager Oeorfip H, LonK ni '

< \nninilieM,-'./ ." '"^Staue, '/

<; 'oraej \l LurVl. B. L* Weeks / J, QfiQ -f\ Mvh-hald.',*'

iThAiiAs'w. Begins .Vilivenlsli\g anij PiHutlug

I. Joseph Kini; WiiliamVvS. (Lane. ; Fred OM Snalrtlng. ,

x. Dance. Walter H. Haiilev. - . ii.,.. F. Kn hlb«lf|S Hi ...■■ c. Paisiej.'

ea^iv,'. "

brcnlh of 1'lac Balsam In every cane.

. n .''■«■ J-L- 'MW win,.— fWN .I'....I..IIK,.„

A Product of Perfect Purity ;•■'" "


DEAP, Itv ■■'■ '■•■■ ■ bj ... irvlnlll, d.vi, r . hell)

hrln erri. Muso- ■■■iivi -I'I-.I In R»lf'.iilju*ttng UMd and indnnrd byphyil elaai. Wrn.-fn f. Ml-" "\.« .: !;■».,,. s \. [at itluttnl«l l««'» "i trtbtnoalaU, W WMP*



$2.00 la all we charge to'paper ;i room. with elegaai paper, border to match First class work. We sell paper a factoVw .prices, We also do paihTlng

■- Mt' il H! ■ ,". Fetid a p k*t:fl- ■, ... ■ wlii on yn.


f ;-0(i,mix in politics you have in pay the price

That .- peculiar, isn't it- virv! Lewis thought he had a liolt bin he

duln't cut much i :e. ■' hat's peculiar, isn't it, very'

.i'-h en*- i'i1 oft tone.- remarked he alwavs hoped be might

te bnflf-d here in I .a wrence when his s|)ici' took \^ HiglH.

Ie was burled here election day all > right.- all right all righf.

That's pei uliar. Isn't it. very* Oil Times.' was sung by Miss

Julia Graham and She was obliged to respond to an encore^ f

Thomas W- Begin was very popu- lar with the audience when he sang .Ittrt Meeause She Made ThOSC Coo

Huo Kyes.' Mr. Begin introduced e\,i,ii features which were enter-

taining. ,■ In the flattie -I dm DowHng sahg

Sopd.Bye Dolly (tray.' Mr. Howling ,vaa assisted by the emire chorus and i Very pretty tableaux was presented LIB! before the curtain went down. The jokes "were wilt> and Impressed

Lhe iiudieni e favorably: \ Say George,' said Endma'n Harris.

■ i Interlocutor .Afchibaad. 'Do you rirbw/1 think Mr. Morris, the tailor, ntgW to have been a rough rider.'

'How's tbir" asked Archibald. ■B.'iause he charges- so -well.' ra-

llied Harris. •If/Be you noticed the tine'weather

A- ire- having sih.ee Hudson took of- ii." comInued Hairis.

'Yes, How do you aceount for It?' interrogated Archibald.

'Because MeKenna's reign is over.' aid Harrl •

Lndman Hani declared that there was n new ■monopoly in this city. He iplainpd ihat. SanliiH-ii ami Romnson hail secured a 'corner' in the hard- ware trade meaning the corner of tmeshury and Ksses Btreets

One of the be-i! jokes of the evem mi. wa.- sprung by Mr, Begin. He ,;•!,! the city made a mistake in hav- ing Hiipf. Kingston build; th* wind

. in ir said the contract should have lieen awantetl to Ca'pt. RusselL \sk-'l ; i give B reason Begin said rhai iLi--eN \\n\~ h (champloa wind I'-M si

Bt -Oi &rj* :!;'";:■!'■ '"a!!! J. hU . '!■ si|,i ,,.,,. plu>W not tihe hall and ia\in ;i D"Vlin-o!' HH old drive. M-

II-MOI'I Hadley nine tn Turner befOH hi bsll v a- k.ni'cke.i t« Ti'hWii; i L'

"1''iQ*nnrn 3 'J.1 eniaud s«4*l tl .. ...ii the road the other «',,...

ttl gM mi i Ii" olli'-r aide, mil be- - he *S*f N f'hi-- H I < inning the'ofto 'lie Comedy duo. Quins

ml musi-


Alva « kings i: iL.

aentcd. ml Lb h

tHafford '


\\'ilrl Wni' \ ,i Win

T !l. ITadley.,!Chlef| IL Russell, Assistant Smith. y

s. McGregor. \\ illinm T. Wilson.

-(.•(•Pit" r'"CiH!iHjr. r-tr-

George <;. ''Paisley, l-'red (). Spabling. '

■I. Joseph Klnp. William 1*. Herbat John Doody. ^ dmriea Bssffw.

Floor Director. ■lames A. MeCilbe,

\ids »/b'orce^(;. Paisley,

Charles Rugaii.

I'rci ti Spalding. William H. Russell.

Bon Ami

Is ttst-o! iv»r- all- kitt-lifit cleaii-

injr and polish in g. Paint, tins, pots, knives, agate-ware, etc.


Alii; 'I iii'Mi AT oin STORES.

498 Essex Street, illll Ilil.iiV'j NfiW BLOCK i

56 South Broadway, it'OKNKH SIIATTl't'K STREET!

Read and be convinced that we are the Lowest Priced Grocers in Lawrence. \ <•!■> Beal lliixa*! ;•' ■ |Steep;

Kyi per itlil ' *4 00 \'i'i.- Beal lliiMill i''li Bleeps

live I per bag , 59l' Vi'i.. Beai Bread Flour I Golden

I.Mjii:'"]i.T lilil .. $4 49

\'IIJ ii... i Bread Raw LGoldea l.itim lier bag .",4,

v.r. Beal Pastry Flour, per iii.l j(4 00, v. i'. .r...-i i'liMr, I'ltmr. l-fi bag ' SOe V'.i'v n.'.-.i t r.'iii.i.TV iinttcr. per

lb I5c '. II... \'.-i> lirst Creamery But-

ler, fi.i' $1 >r> 17 I.-.' Hi. Revere Pine Branu-

Itiietl Sinja'r . ,.' tl 00 lll'i His. Kevere I'i lit- t'.innii

iiii' .1 Sugar .."..,., ss.oo •iii- 25.


ii II..

li' I!.- •:/•%■•: ablled oats

li'i.lli.ni- l-'l.iiir

Hi. M.'iil ■.,-.!.,. • .i.'.i.l lib,,-k HI Mixed

. .. *i oo IHJII HUt. k ,»■ Mix.,1 Tea HO. i"l i Ti'ii. per Hi 1. 43t-



I, Mr Mrs

|i it i ;i'i|.,i ir- ■ Iin 'il, ■,

li K \i.liiliiilil. i ....i - ■ .im) i; Ni.ni il'lti -i

;. \ llnni '\ lt,.i.i'i;ts.iii.

- II. Mulhare. lillrv. V.'iit.'i .

'J'l't MM- W ll.'itili. I'. " ! '! N -ItiWIllMlld.

t'lni,. I''li,iian,'in. -..loi.-t-


.i.iiiii Datrllfuj. \li;.- -Margaret Uggftt. vviiltain Hii.vr.iit


.' (*l,lllttllllH|.

If follOKB


st.iiili Sterling liii.n.I

':-.■ Ilii.lii.il, per

Greatest Bargains ever offered to the people of Lawrence. Call'and exam- ine our goods and prices.

E. J. Clement & Go. 1W IJsttes si . i Bradfevs \i w Block 1

and ni Sootii BroadWsy' corner of sbaitiu k SCraet, ""

l-'f ' t)f M\ Pry Tel i,In :; nl;(j [59 (| _

Boston & Maine Railroad.



St Louis, St Paul, Minneapolis .AND. ALL POINTS

Wilt Nortl.w.'.t SontliwMt

Ptillmaur'urior or SleepingTari^on"" all Through Trains.

Kor tickets and Information apply at any principal ticket office of the com- pany.

D. J. FLANDERS. Gen'l I'.-isa. ft Tkt. Agt.


1 ciilUHKfi rn lorn, rit*r» in Ac Souih. Hwr P»uint? wrio

for proof* of viii.'-. W .. ieit tlm mont olMtiaa'* OtWm. W« liitvn 1 ureil til. tjr»t CUM* ill 1.. to K1I111" ('«pit»l.*5(iu,.i«i. l-jn-t'ttrft. I100L FKEK, So tirnnt-iiOnic* COOK REMEDY CO. 1181 Maaonic Temple Chicago 111,


Insurance 2fi3 ESSEX STREET


OASTDHI tV. liMmti, .^feKiiiiH'iiHMkliii.i,. Irtjld


£. Woodbflry I Co. J::G—Propeity on Centre atreet near

Broadway; also two tenement house near Arlington school. l^ot larg'i enouyn to build another house. t .

IVI— l'l tie tenemejit property on Cheat- nut street, nenl l^wrence. ■' 1

\'l\ Pswhii f'TftTigi at 16 rooms. Mod. ern corner lot Tt'xllS feet.

isi Boarding hottaaof 3"» roomsi goud repiiir; low price. Also aeveral food paying places on Essex street.

:lfi4-Two tenement house on BaJley street. Modern improvements. Corr ner lot. n

876—A U-tenement block on Oxfor* street.;

^*'~ A eood Inveatment property **" Oak street. We have renldentlal tnd lnvestmec*

property la all parts of the city *"d n^fctitbs. Rents collected and estat4« iiaiia»'cd.






An Excellent Combina. ion Tht' plvMMtnl I net bod and beneficial

ejftteti "f tbij jVell Itnoun .remedy, SVItTI* l>K l''jOB. iniiiiufa.tiivrd hy tl'ic t'Al.lKoHNIA l-'Ur SvKI/i: I'll., illilsl ntt<- 11n- viihioof nlitaiiriuLr the liquid IIIMI-

live prinotpltjft'of plunta known to be uH'ilirinullv laxiitivf ;nnl presenttng t'liera in the form tnuft nt'icsliin^tu tin* tastu and acceptable to the .vst'-in. li is the one perfect ntrengftlu nintr laxa- tive*, rh'ansinjr the system ciV.-ituall.v. il'iMpelllng -colds, ht'iitlaihis ami fi'Veri gently yet promptly and Eflitibl1n(r<tme to overcame ItabitmtT odbstliwt ion per- manently. Its per feet, freedom fri.ii, iverjj objectionable qu,i.li1v anil sti!.- ■ ntanefti and Ita acting on tlie Uiclnejra,"! ltvir and bowela, without weakening

'or irritating them, make it rfii; ideal laxative.

lit the process of nann fa (Staring nCB

nrp used, ns thev are plefUBtbt to the ta ite, i-nt thel^edieinal quof.ttoftof the remedy are obtained from Bonnttand other arotnfttlv planta, by a method known to the CAuroBMiA i-'io BYBUP Co. only. In order t.. get its beneficial effects'and to avoid imitations, please remember the full namooft be Company printed oil the front Of every package.


LOOTSVII,L,E. KY NEW YOBK. H. T. I'nrsalobyaii PruggiiU. -^PtfoeBQo. per bottle.


Body of the petti Xjuwm Rests on a • HUT in .improvlyil Cmtpel'at Os-

j Coww, lute of. Wight, .lai I a> m At 11 odoeti this mouth, : he lArfcabers of the coyal faint 13 w\\{ RKvhei aroittMi th" body of the late tpieen, whMi lies in .1 iimple cofliu in tie' rhnpelle ArUent.. festooned with red and white hangings. The Bishop of Winchester, standing be- fore an aMar removed for the occasion from the private chapel, will read a bunion of the service for the dead.

Thi fifth, rests upon a spe -hilly erected platform, draped with royal purple, the feet lying 10 the east Tin- ■iei,i faces the simple altar. 'Over the feattlves la a 'thin veil.

Tor ft f.*\>- hours-after the conelu- um of tli's service the public will

trtmtjtted to the room and allowed


'X^ctt': P0N5ETT DELROY 25$ each1 2 for<25<t-



1.1 to view the remalni}. of the sovereign who so tons reigned over them. The body will rest there until Sunday an I it |p.possible thai no removal will oc Bur tar ten days. 'Tip correspondent learns tint th"

eailSjP of the odeeii'ii death ;IK official- \\■• given \vjm ■senjle^deeav .'

Tji" doctor■; hove adopted this ex- pression aaivosi ■jtiitiil.le and truth- ful. They attribute tftie paralysis whirl, attaolted her as secondary to ttreymera. weakness* of her condition, nor is ii considered advisable for rea Ions of state to Intimate that her in- tellect was dimmed by lids peculiar Cc-rtn of the disease,

Retail* of the, dying hours were noi obtainable until late .last evening. It appears thai the Queen was moved til Sun.lay from her big bed into u

.1 .all r-M *pe< 11II5 built with ■prl.ttgi riie col was surrounded by a screen This was iioii" to enable ihi doctors fo Fdarh tne patient easily on both d*|esf*w4ieh *as impjssilde when she it) in a bed six feel wide!

In this email bed sin passed


Defeated N'ewhurypuri at Baikal Hall Tuesday Night.

The Uul* Y. M. C, A. went "to" Newlmryporl Tuesday night, and showed the down river people how to pi.i.v basket ball.

' The local team was made tip of ft'llkeS' and CusTtlng forwards; Tior-

■ney r; Front and Smith guards. The stole: l,awrenee Hi; Newhury1

port r;i- >. Baskets'for Lawrence: Cashing -,

Willcs, I'vosi. Tlerney .and'Smith. • Ifeftkjsta 1 l'orni ^ouls . >T>rst :i„ Wilkes 1.


»»)Hs^4^»14'44 lr* JAMBA 11 MAi'kn:.

Jamejj' It. Mai-kie. on* 01 Hi« ftm*' ni">i little eiMiiediiiiis now appearing In fart* comedy, together with a 1 mi '

ipany of clever fuo-niaiters headed :i

that charming eonwiieohe \ilsi IJOOV Ise Sandford*. will appear In the* laugh- tag i'.iii'c-of nrlme'fl Cellar Door at

"-sUiy opera bouse, oi, SatutMiay after noh&and evening Phe llatest and '1 riglwst^ speoiSjltie^ will U1 ifHtro- Fmred tlironsh the >res«ntaiinir.

Soup is the Criterion ol a Good Dinner


IT (Formerly Junior Oyster Crackers)

YVh Wl!

A hi investment; It will pay HlO m the money investeil to buy

an overcoal at the (tin1 Day Special glair thai Macartney is going to have Saturday, Jan. -■'<■

Mi-;rHrv:N NEWS ).vi'V(;i-: Koru

ci.osKti THE sr:\.-d.\

The Krnnltii- Cirpente^ Dramatli cmpjuiy which Recently pljyed an piUragehtent «t tie .opera bouse. 1 'osed Ita season In Fitchburg i»u Sat- urday night. ThecH'ise of djlS dis bnrutanent of the [ompanyc is Jere Cradys illness. M1. (Irady haw been ir. very poor heath* for sonir Unit-. Next reason Miss flarpcntei- and .fare Orailv are to proilice "'1 he Carrisoi: Girl" on nn elahorrte seale and -i) wil he the prinelpit plav in their repertoire. This play was written especially for MtssCarpenter by Bar- lui-ir and Harkhw, it is hoped thai :\Iiss rar|>enter wil be seen in tins ci'y, early next esaon, as she i- a big favorite here

INHALERS Now in Use in Boston anc Druggists Report the De-^

manj Still Increasing.

lam -iiiIved -Iv Cftklnc ,,fI W*

inw-Vi it li> licr lii'ilaJ-'lf f".' UK £1 v..id- hw eaW WIT worts SI rsgfel Uiut hta mother w« unftbta ta

V .. nun■luiircil the mi.-.'ii I wl»h "\ A'nkv •.mill in' here, nsiiiK a pel

Tninii1' M' 'lii-r I'HII'H ^ ilttimliLi'r. 'On Tuesday afi* nirtnfl-»ll the-^nemoers ol ilif~"r.rni''t\" w'"■■■ m i-'Mihii'^s I'M ill.' .'nil M four tin' Prince of Wale wae -itnnr'ni'''! Half an hour later i". wan '"iin'il by Mi' other member ,; ;'i" family: SI 5 u''l.irl< tin llmlli'^ of Voi'k anivi-il an.I thr llll,.'.'-Jjii^;L l-'i'l; ;::1>1!,L;_: ' '"" ^!-" ,-ini II.I -' ' 'ini' ""''. ' "

The l.isli.iii ..f \Vin,li";i"i' 1" gaii to i ii" I'lTT. 7TrH*m7'«aillt -ilH'l IHI^.I^

<i'liii'..iiii'<s. At ii 13 li. in- the .'ii.I


.l'i;',"l IONS.

rn^" was though! i" have IMIH I'riiii'i' of wales ii'inl si'voral others ivalknll mil of ,the room But the v-jialiHH of the nni'i'ii ini''' more nto ,;iil. .! K |r an. in.'i' I". 'iiiniih'S «:'li mil iiii- Princess ol Wales and a fe« I'IH'I-S in'i's.'ii! iln- feeble Bpart at Irfe 4>a maintained At 6.80 with Bmper- ifWillltam. til" I'llll'i' of Wall's anil tit. ■ nlVifef ■



Overcoats and Ulsters amp. ■ 111,'iiill h.i.

liln veil co riurliirrnr

I'nt. il.-alli in tuallj

IPORIJ I tlin Mi

I iIn- face ami lln ,1 ti'i'iihl.' il.'.l'i.'ts I'llV l,i'vi'lli'i' 'I' nit


Price, SI.

Inhaler you are ini voui-si'lt ar yoni iiom.

i-i". iim iloctora' leeb, it ifoeg awas »'th nil int-' iinlilrasnnl rtoaea Into tl" slomaoh anil rendeH irmreceiiaatrj ■a y ruttms cauter)«atl66 "or burntng The seat of the ilisiii^" is directly i,nn, ked nn.l the germs; iii-sin yeili

At All Druggist or mailed froir. our office.

If M,r II.n. -i Gold. II'V if. if >'oll li ,,,. ill.- t'.lil' lr> H -:Jt '""■ W t'nlu'rVn,' n> it li S!>u have f»f' ■I■,,,.,,,, ,,'v i, if you have any I In'.' ,„ i.,,,.;, Ti-unl.l'. in it H poaltlvfl)

nemoustVaJlous or . | it, will •'" Hlvel Ktiirn of IDI'N I ICssex Street.■_

\j-.in oin ' i'.i;ii\n\v\\ HI


Ihi.- wull.l.l'l'lll i ,n 'the ilfii- ii:t:itl'.-.T -li

li: I ti:itl Crip I \votiUl

use Dr. Miles' Paw Pitts

and Ur. Miles' Nervine; Sold at all Drtiguisls


Mr-; i: ■ I. Ma ten in Monitor, ImtJ, use N"iv ,.l !'i!'.. I .lli'.l:. of alili

• M

'■«1 li.'i-'Win' :i ,i I.., iii'.---;

Miles' ■ I.I V.I 'I-

,\.,i-;, i...|«".T. .in iii II Muileita, Miim. its'-'l I I'aln Pills and Serve I""- ami

Hi, h-i lovingly ami. as the la.-t Hi'a'i.iii of nature has been merd- llv mltlitaiod. so als i have been the inn arid glory tfhlch accoropany the

,-inn nl iln' king. ! ailaj ninln m liber jtc nor iii-

«||fe would afliro their SnTouPag? CO Ireas tln-ni hy their correct titles,

Tin' large I'oi'ii' at ilatectlvei ircegeut l.,,n,Inn i- a ii:-. i-iniliiin a«a-insl I-,", i,i-i attempl upon the iii- of

niiiTor Wllll&ht and not mi accounl new king. Measagi - of cqndoh

lo not cease to pour in iiom an .arli'i'H of the woi'lil. I'ri'si.lni

JcKlnlev's early lablegram i reatodl a favorable Impresaion, it was I 'I'.ninil ain.nia the royal per-

lorrtuces n' ''"■ lireakfaat >-eatertla> Jiorplng with Ittie general ini American tovmiiathv g rai to I"- .'''rt-ivi'ii


TIV Fl\ I 17 ON


comment s fitly tin


The iinillfs ni Corporal Philip !-ar- 1(... (nd li'ihai,. Mii'liai'l K. i<am ,.,-,. received in this city last IUKIII .

j-'i..> were kilted,In the Philippines ' a year ago Private Kane's body was received li: ndertakei: M L **!*i > anil n-iioiai' laijiM'''- bj I nli'i-t-ik.■!■

en Tin- boillce ar.' Iiarlly rteComno

n | ,„,,' ii.ix win not lie l"l"' ' i nii.P vi-ui' vrrangetnenta ar.'Jn lig iiiaili' i'\ li:n" a military tMlieral ,i.il,i'.'.,l\ li.niiirri'ii


Will often cause a hornMv. »P»I " gcald cut or Bruise, run kli-n's Ar- 'ii,-a Sslvo, the best la the world, will till tin- pain and promptly be il II t'uivs-Olil Sores. Fever Sores. I'lf-Tn Boll Felons! GOTIJB; all Shin I'viii" ion.i. Ii'-sl Pile Cure on earth. Only

:r, cents a box fere guaranteed. Sold u John T. l'oiv.t. Hi'i'gBist.

•siili'lil M'-Kiiulv iug I'roiii grjta a


i leorge .1 Flannery .' iln- ii\M'iil pains in his t minutes, liy the use i I'Hiu I'llU N"» recovering al bl an N . V.

gpeaker II'-iiil'isuii is agal i-hair in Hi'- Hopes of Rejire* all.-i' a i-i-M-ri- alliirli' of Ihi


ii i it i " Kill'-

"My .i.iiiiii' h was affected 1 y' grl .inlit'iiii nothing inn ii'ink."

.in.l mill. 1 began taking Dr. Mil viivin,. and Paid Pills and the '

'.,IIP ... I >!".- i ..,,1 .. j

Munlros Miilin.

CASTOR IA For Infants and Children.

The Kind You Have Always 'dough!

,uture of U[^/lfiGrfcXi&

We will divide our Overcoats in 2 Lots: v

All the iVen's $8, $JO and $12 Graces and all the high grade Boys'and Youths' Overcoats we will make the price on thtfn

i$5.50 for choice. 1 ' (

Then for$10 each, we propose to close the balance of our $15, $1J $20, $25 and $28 Coats.

DON'T THRC7 THIS ASIDE LIGHTLY1 We mean just what we say: A $20, $25 $28 OVERCAT, on this day only, Saturday, January 26th, 1901, for



.1. II ell'1 foreman fti

had a seVere ;n usoii Dr. Mile I'ills; an.I IIII- iilin-c:

N.-i-v in.- and mm bark i»

Itev. C. Iloily was in a SI .- titii>ii .in bis Iniiiii' In Si. ] II. inn Dr. Miles' Nervine] Serve ami Liver, PHI; pulled through all rigiit


Don't Forgel the

Executors Sale or



\* 4

* x


PROMPTLY W " "l'l-<,l'K \

** «* A* * ■>»*•* 5

I'lllll i.

431 bsex Street? Lawre*\je9 Mass. NO REBATE CO-OP .CHECKS OIVICN \\v u' IT Al.K. if




The ulli.-t'is elect of Hop** lodge. 34. 1. (). 0, !•'.. were "Installed Monday oventjifi lij In- trlcl (iranil -Master K. M. Smith of Andovtr uatsted by G. AI.. K. I. Ht.t!, (.. W .. B. H. Knight, Q. S. George U. Millet. (J. F. S. Da- vid Mav, (J, T. William Knife, G. G. Fred I iil1- Ttierc wan a Large atlemi- ; to. im'mher* aud many visitors were |n'••■ir ii'in l/iwrenie and the Vndovet'i 'I'll'1 ttli.ers installed were: Koblo yrii.ii. Charles Ituwer; vice grand. Georg* VV", llarues; secretary, I.dm I', Hi Hey. IV (J.; treasurer. A. N, Riww: financial Becretary, fc*v1 U. Lowell; warden. George Wood; con- ductor. Jesse I'lesiotl. P. li. ; inside guard John Mev; nut-side miard Wil- liam pow; ft. S. X."O.. Frank Bow- er, P. 0;: \>. 8. X. <;, .George N. Bhx.jtvtt'; I. S. V c. II. F. Willett; chajilajti; James L. Woksooj, p, G.: It. s. H. Wjntreii Xowell; L. S. 8. Uiwrn-mV' Itumiik.: marshal. John ij. Tanlev. p. i;,: (maneiaf committee, William Latham, P. G.;' George W. Barnes, V. 0.; John Hey.

After the ceremonies there was Hpeakjug by Che grand officers follow- ed by an oyster supper served by Leach Bros, in the banquet hall.

The funeral of William P, Robin- son look ulace Monday afternoon from his late home In Pleasant Valley, ser- vi. es being i^iniluete I at ^ o'clock by the Rev. W. K. (Mobs. 1>. I")., -of

; .L:iwei!i <■ M.niy win .of town rela- tives and fi'iends were present aim iteleefMI ins fi'jtn the United Order ol Gold it Cross and tfotwdnoek todgi of Oiid Fellows of Lawrence atao. at- tended, The renuiiiM iV'sted in*« black broadcloth covered casket which w:is surrounded By beautiful Moral tributes lnelndlnff i( pillow, ins.■ribeu 'huaband;' from the widow, wreath ii'id sicUe in.MTihad 'r'atlifr.' hi ;un Mrs. >. i. Robinson. Oharles A. Rob- inson and May A. Robinson; spray oi pinks. Mr. and Mrs. Colin Karri sprav of pinks. Mr. and Mrs.-A. S.

■ WiiisniiMr.' and Mrs. M. 1. Kim ball Mi and Mrs Otis 4/reeman: baa

kfit, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Morrison: h/iskef,' 1'*r. MtuiML 17 Du kwnrili :ni.l employes; spray pf pinks, Mrs. W.' <;. Aargent; cc.iss.^ 1'niled Qrtler Gold pp Cross; three links on base. Mon KthrOi k lodge. ! Hi I o o. F. ; sheal Of wheat and pinks. Mr, and Mrs Ricbani l)"u iiii'.-i After the service^



Mi** hdiis- !he intU was taken Bellevue, cemetery In Lawrence Coi rntrrmewi 'I I" bearers wtSPB A!Ii.-it Wal -oiT~aTi7r~rm^-t^r?Pina1l fiom Mun adnock lodge of Lawrence, Colin Ken and,Charles Morrison.

Beginners' and advaiued claasAB ir. Fnmil aud Gorman were Instructed at the school committfv rooms by Dr. fijjerltn of Boston Monday afternoon.

John Q. Hill ami the Lawrence let i.ouirihy i i iiiiinn • 1 clrttllW i.e oi \iy.-i :,• IHUUI Monday morning, but work was soon eti&oendsd as the ic. wi-i nitt-tp-i.K. thi. k 1'iHWfthi—Oiuv m- two i ,'pi.l niihw -vill make the ice suf- l:r;v-ntl> 1 hifk I" liai'.est.

\ •ui'C.illg of the cxeriitive commit- tee of tin- Methuen Imiirovemeut aoei-« el> will Ir.' htild in the Office of ih. school board on l-'fidav evcnilig at t o' clock.

The BPCOU I annual hall of Court Me thuen. i-l''. Fore.-,tei-- ot Aineii.a, wil' b" held in the town hall nr\t Fridaj «1v. ion!;' I aft Amcri-an orchestra will fur-iisli music

Walter Rich aids of BaJem. X. H., baa been vlsitng his parents here,

.l din l';irr rif Krwlerhk & BQWejft drug store in the Arlington district ha; been detaiucd at his home en account of illness for a few days nast.

Mr. and Mrs. Sidnev V. Gage art both victims of the grin at their homf on llarkei street

Patrick Doran. outside watrbman at the Methuen 'ompany's mills is ill at hi. home on Railroad street. Daviri Gordon, one of the niniit watchmen ii. i lit 'Mill is taking his nlace and Thom- .i Mnh.ui.'y is watching for Mr. Oor-

Gt^orgc W. Mlanehard is . stifT-rin^ Hum an attack o.f the grip ;tt EB home on i/»\vcn street.

For-some time pa-st John c. Iteed ' inpl-.v.'d by (be CorU'SS Kllgilie coill- panj .■;' Providence, rt. [., has been ffett'ng up and milling in place a largf er.gin" a' t!i- \iliuTt.fli cotton milL off [n gal id Bti'eel. ' Th-' engfhe i>, ot I'.oo horsepower, tli<> largest in this- rown 11 ■; cyllndsrs are :I,\.".I lli'li.-. The-tly»vh«H weighs ?:. tujl- and [H "n !'■■..• in (Itametef. It has ;i fai • >•■ ]<> feet and will |h driven «.*, revorutlnnu a minute. Here Inform .two Binall engines have operat '■d tl." machinery at tin- cotton milt One win he taken md bur the othet kept fn -i time The hew engin<* will !>.'.!-'ai i" i v if inii .t ilav or two t; 'orgi It Mellen is 'he enghteer a: i he mills

WaHIade. Wrigiit \- confTued to hi. home on Hark'M Miwt l.v illne^-

Charl -v F Wilb-tt has sutYrnd a i'1'laiee <-i his refient sickness and i- quite ill'at.liis liom- on Park street.

"Take Time by The Forelock."

*&&*< *aMui until sickness overtakes you. When thai tired feeling, the first rheu- matic pain, the first warnings of dnpswr blood are manifest, Uke Hood's Sursap*- rUlA and you <wUt rescue your health and probably sa<ve a serious sickness. Be sure to get Hood's, because


Mrs. Frank A. W'ardwell of Gage street ha.s been quite ill with ery sipelas in the face. She la now some- what better.


The Hev. C. H. Oliphant gave an Interesting lecture ,OD What t:hris- cianity Has Dens for Japan,' in Phil- lips chapel Sunday eyeniug. The lee- ure was illustrate^ with the stereop-

cicon. The pictures thrown upon the .•anvas numbered about till, all of which wer Interesting to study. They included groups of natives, several missionat/tesj scenery ' a,ml roany buildingH in the foreign kingdom. different towns where American mis- sionaries are located "wero also plc- tuxedi Mr. OUphant spoke of tne lapanese as soldiers, stating that they ire skilled in war and a powerful set. \ wedding scene was shown and the nethods of jt>inlng man aud woman 'vpleined. '"he mojt eaered part is he di inking of beer by guests which

LIOIIP means that the couple has been nade one. i A funeral procession was Uso Illustrated. The dead are purled n a square casket of sufficient size to illow the corpse to he placed in a ■hair in a sitting position. This cOS- ;et is carried through tin streets_ on he :i!mulders of narives and also :i> ouipanied by many others tarrying hanilnc-th IvmniiMfr on""priles. The trand work carried on m klndergar- ens there war veferred to and |*1e- iir-s showing ihe children In atten- lance ai these instituions were

upon tju- i ;i iii'il- M P ,01 i thant spoke of-the higher educational us'i'iitions and of the noble work ao- ■unplisiu',1 in 'lum. In .dosing he re- erred to the missionaries who have ttboeed in tlr* for-ign land fof iTiany •ears and spike of their success In esebing the gospel to the natives.


Funcrfll tappvlcpB I'M- \ii-- Kan nob •. I-'. I, iii r. danghter of EK? Uev. .1. •'letcher. of Salen"iT~N.. II., were-hetd- Uindav afternoon at the Haittis, hurch, ftal m Depot. Prior Ho the ervices al th° church prayers were ift"ivd at the lnmsc by. the Kev. Na- han Ballej' of this town. The sei- nes held at 1' o'clo'k at the church

were conducted by the Rev; Xathan tailev a.-s-usli'd bv '.lie 'R<L'\ . »J.. K, Juimby of tin- M. B. church, Salem iepot. The Impressive sehvices were irg'ly attended iiy relatives and sor- owfng friends. The„church 'choir en'lei-M'Uimi'Ml" i.ue'aele< tionn-tHH^iw- he services, The remains of Miss, 'letciur rep.i^ed in a white plush ^a-s- tet. silver trimmed. The plat?"" bore ier' name, year of her birth ISTIJ and 'ate of her death, 1901. The Moral of- erings included a large pillow from he family. ".M white pinks from Mr. nd Mrs. John (J. Fletcher, a mound pray nf pink? and othrr flowers. Ai he close of the services the remaint rare conveyed to pine Grove cemetery

■t Salem Centre for burial. The liear- rs were Charles Mill. John Keefe, Miinne? Foster and Gwrge Webster, 'he death of Miss Fletcher waa'par- ieularly isad as -she was 111 only a hbrt time. While visiting in the vi- inity of Boston one day about two

veeks ago she received a seven' 'hill n an electrk' tar which became stal- ed for an' hour or two while she -\va-~ i ►jawsemrei' unop it and when she •eturned to her home-in Salem she was aken wick with the" grip. She was i stronn. robust girl, but the [llseasj »ad T strong hold on her and in ahou1

i week's tini" she passed gwa>*. * She vas J1 years lid and a highly respect- .1 young lady in the town wlo-re sh*

his home since >rdhday with "quite a severe attack-M£ Jhe grip. He hr.s been attended by'TTr. James Peirce. Althouhg not entirely well he is so far recovered that he is able to be out. ■ .''__.'

At a meeting of the Rhode Island red [poultry dub held at the poultry show in Boston y.-.day, P. H, Pa*.'h of ilns town, «fts elected a member of the ''xsottv .mmittee. During (he show Mr. rark has been award ed Heven prizHs on his Rhode Island reds, which speaks highly for his birds. .


A bran h of Hibernians was ir gani/.ed in town Friday eve'nlug/ Th meeting was held in Grange hall and was attended by about 40. Several uiembcrs of the Lawrence division: were present to assist in organizing the new branch, which is to lie known is division la. The division stait.- >ff with a membership of about 40. The officers ehosen were as follows lames I£. Donahue, president; Kdw^ro i^ihan, vice president; John Healey Inaneial secretary* Patrick' Half rev recording secretary; John J. Suinvati, freasurer. The division will hold it* next meeting two weeks from the uni >f organisation.

The funeral of Mrs, Moses Johnson vas held Friday morning at 11 o'ctocE rom the honie of her daughter. Mrs tlarry K. Moore on Stevens street P-he Rev. C. H. Oliphant conducfe. .he services which were largely ct ended by relatives and mouruii i 'fiends A most utting tribute wa laid to the memory of the decease* iy ihe officiating clergyman. Beat! iful floral designs testitied to the be eem ih which, the deceased was hsltl Vt the close nf the services the^ re nains were conveyed to Pelliam. N I., for burial. The pall heaver vere L. C. Hall of Unveil. J. Sidur; -lowe. Dr. George iOt Woodbucy run lacol» Kinersuii.

A large nuiulier of local people a; ended the firemen's ball i.i city Pal Lawrence, Friday evening

S.dcm thf** weeJi. One wUI. t^-tkat ,r>i Wednesday evening at which- routine V. J- Kermon for alleged abuse <>.r business was .transacted. icmale ehfld and the other that of. Ishmal Gunnirighiim lor alleged lav-J An enjoyable sociable was held at cepy of hens. Patrolman Oliver the Baptist parsonage Wednesday, eve- will he. the principal witness in tills ning by the Young People's society of

tL&C**P»jap .v It v;iU <w ivs«i<»(ttber. d the Baptist churcU. The evening was tu#*;tHmningham was caught at mi l pleasantly passed Verities ^wsetK.-t niglit j*otne months'ago with a bag The gathering numbored about 50. of hens over his shoulder In the rear of the residence of ex-Postmaster Mr. and Mrs. \V. H. II. Dodge b-gfilll on 'Broadway. Patrolimin ►' this town uill leave Xew York. Jan. j Oliver saw Cunningham by the Nght 3*tfe for Xaplea on a tour through.

»f the moon and gave, chase. Ife *>uthern Kuropc. had to dlseharge his revolver three : .

four times before he could convince The condition of Charles Willett, liiinninglmm that he must -*• give up. who is seriously 111 at his home on It was a clever capture for wl'i'li |,;l|h stn-et. remains alsuit the same,

t.rolman Oliwr received u,':.h uk R.. IL Lawlor is attending him. dit at the'time. The present.. n of only twti - e:mes oefoiv (hd The R«v. Nitbau 1'iiby will speak

gram! jurv does noL show much vm-k '*" Opeen N'ietoria at- the Haptiat- in the-part of| the poltw.- In '«ireh Sunday evening. iVe\ious ve'ars ni much larger numl ■ . if easea has beel presented, uho'ttiny Several Methuehltes attended* th-j he activity of tie police! 'alhoMc infers banqtfei in Lawrenco |

rf+— ~ OP Wednesday night- ., ' N. A, Gates, ih" has b-en elected — »

irinclpal of the Currier ichool t. The barge party of the choir on aiceeecl Hnrrv bunham. realBned, is St; Monica's1 church haa been post-

graduate of fie Gorlm.n Normal j">nei1 unti! nest Wednesday ' even-. .chool anil has jliail sevYM ' ear?-*^^~"*- ■>peiieuce teaehiig. For some 'ime ■*— ie taught in taiaster. but of late'' ■'. H. Beal of Braihtrei was In IP has lieeu teacjing in tn■• grammar " wn Wednesday on bueln,eas.. He in md high schools] at Halifax. Mass. 0 grand-son of the late J. W Carle ie win begin hisiduties at the Cur- "•',- rormerlv a well-known resident ier school next londay. '»f this town.

Slating is gooillm Mystic pond. I J»el Richardson wko*e remain^ L_ s-ere brought here Wednesday from

Mrs. John E Rnkham is confined ^ilem. X H.. for burial in Walnut]

wi i Ki nest Wagner, formerly ; illow n resident ol fhis tow iT." \ i^;" ■ icie Friday. Mr. Wagner.Who now. esi.les in Maih heater;' X. H,. wa ailed to Lawrence by the serious ill iess of his mother.

There was quite an illumination it. 'entral pia< *• (Exchange square* aoqu; 1-o'el<u-.k .K-riilay night. It was u.ra.

•d. I


-\\\^ Kiorerii •■ \. RaTTe-pry is'hllin'.' the vaeau ■> of prl icjj»l a: the C irrlei

■ »ti.iiool until the i*ucces m of flUsrj Dunham arrh -■-. Mr. Ounham b w commenced his duties as instruc. >r at tli" Vfucibur: si ho il. The achool committee a|eit.ed Mr (iat— of llali \i\. Masa., t.. succeed Mr ' Dunham. H(* "'Hi piMluiidy beain his duties aj luadachool next week. .

I ^ nog )■ ^ \r '■ DCC iity 'if. the ,: •!,'i ■' hurch ' win hold a social at

'* i .'.• naa^e Wea^nwrtay evening,

'I';■ ii■- ! iy evening the fjnaj -ain"s ia ''■• tonrnauoir am on K the member e o| ,ii" Methuen Cgtholic Temperance •oiieiy will he- hifiyed and the pplzei awarded. . The same evening the.first ierics of games, in the tonmomenl

between lha Ringle ami married mem- herd '>■■/ le'Mei'.'ien club will be pla>-

m»* \b-Uiea K. Puffer"Wfcs reaumr-J ' itMes at Mount Holyoke .ollegc.

Mi Jgmes H, Lypns of BrotulwVv hal* rpturnad^from a \ Isn with '■.■■ rtter in \'.'«

The blaze"over Frederick and Mow •r's drug store in Washington block tat it r day nrom-tnig was a brisk one vhile it hasted. - For a few minutes it. «nker! as tdoimh the flames would get he bem r of Mn.se fighting thein. but bey didn't The Ore was .imflnnl to ome boxen nAr the chimney. Borne i| these boxen contained exeelalor and t is Biipposed that some of this In* lammable material was Ignited by a park fior. th-' chnnn' v Walter lower was hi the drug utore when thi- .la'" wiia dfs ovired and as it bap icned Jeremiah O'Brien and (bore Jordon. m-inlM-rs of the tire depart" ii nt wqre within cfttllng di-^tiu'c and hey ave'stefl In extinguishing tin flrp \ smalt hose was naed and a part of a yphnii of soda was used to quench the bunes ,-«Mter. a few rpInuteH of hard v.irk the blaze wa.- under control and oon aftepwardR was entln Iy ex- Ingutshed. sNot much damage was Ion nside of the dpi'tructl >n of niie boxes, a small pie •• of 'ioae ini\\

bb^er articled atored in iltf ruom.whci e tie fife ni curred.

Tiie reading oi nie pTuw es £yli nil .lieu-it missions b.v the Cnma-pegotlonr I SiindHv school was posti«>ned from

snudaV until a J^PelTyatwfalf'aeuouai- rf ti ■■ Bhaenee of "i. if of the Judges ■

Mr and Mrs. Tlionias SpOttliWOod id •■ returned from their weiding tour .ud ire r\ tiding on fLowetl alreet.

\t lie Sunday morning service at Ii- Cougregatkmal cfiuivh a cotleetlon vas taken for foreign missions.

Sumiay lyofnhig ^as,°.the coidset of c reason }n t.liis town. At the 'Pre nont, worsted mills on Gsgood .street he mercury was 17 degrees below xe-

i. In se\'enil other place-, it was rom (I to VI below .

Mi-s Marion y .. E:n T^nn has re urned from her visit to \h>. Kdwu4:ri (J H. in llrooklyn. N. Y.

lYi'm < Mai;nii" haa heeij eouflneil i* bis home -oil Pleasant'at reel by an

i,* ta -V ot the grip.

ioned >)>■ tne iiurntng er oh an chv-trie ear. The i ar wa ni th.- curvet in front of Castles nTiTi tore goini; in the duecfttnT of th"i erminus of-the road when the i ,i lent occurred, The mntorman hat. ■topped1 hia car near the curve-and it urning on the pOWTT to proceed then vas a buzzing and then a bang ■iparks Hew from the front corttro\e or a few geco'ndfl and it looked a

■f the entire end of the car was oi ire. The illumination ceased whe- the power was shut off. FooMBgeri became1 frightened and some leTt th-' ar. Several attempts were -ia*it»t

"var.ls made to.Mai i the tai.—-4>w- iroved futile and the disabled car had 0 IM

I towed back to'lAwrence by the

11.30 car.

Deputy Grand Chancellor A. H 'lark went to Ix>well Friday ni^rf md installe<l the officers of Middl^o: odge( Knights of Pythias. He WOJ Lccompanied by Sidney Poore as grant' prelate, (ieorge -A. Hunting as gran' deeper of re-nrds and seal, and Charle,- H. Emerson as grand master at arms.

The offlcers-elect of Bplcket Falls odge. Ti.. A. 0. F. W , were Installed 1'uesday- evening .by District Deputy

; ra nd Master Work man , Ed wa id lowirth and suite of Andover. 1IIi 'nbtlee is Hie Master WorklllUll fo! be . iisiiiug year

* n 'assault case was heard before Judge Rogers Tuesday afternoon. The parties Interested reside hi the \rlmgton district The judge alter iieartng the evidence was convinced t.iat the assault. il^there was an> committed, was provoked and in discharged tile defendant in tin cASO:

'ViSH Elizabeth .1. Howe hay as her xu< st. Mrs. May Howe- Sanborn ol Medfor.l.'

.loel ttiehardhon. one of Hie old »st residents of Sa'em. X. H.. di<<. it lds home In that town Monday tged 82 "eais Mr. Riehards.'n Had ■cell treble for some tiuie.x He was sell known in Methuen. having fre lUently -onii fo town" on business. rhV'funeral was ir'pi JI Salem Wed net;da\ and tb,;" remains w.>r" itrhitghl tn Methuen and Interred in Walnut Grove cemetery.

0 her home Mness.

(Jleason street

\ horse attache! to CallIIIs vn 1 tui Osgood s

> Cab ill's milk ,n fell down 1 on Osgood street lay evening. lr?aklng one of hatts of the wtgon-

CJrove cemetery was R res: lent of this town for many years before locating, in Salem

No 'ninuge resulted.

A good time is [tend the eoncei dethuen, v. of A if this week in t

The Bus) Workers of the I'niver- ; lit i i.urc*i will hold a sociable >

tiicr il their hall on Hampshire stfeat.-H .l-'rida1, evening.

| —. i jomised ill who ■ K. M. Woodman has been .onfiic ind ball of Con,; to his home on Charles street

I'Yiduy -Meier..' * Mtlael; et the .urip. town hall.

Jt\%p« table PrcparationforAs- slmilalinfi thcycoUandRegula- ling the ?k*riflchs andiMwels of

Promotes DigcsUon.Chcetful- nc5snrKirvest:Contains neither OpHim.MuTphine nor rfinerol. NOTNAHCOTIC.

JVmfUn SmJ' M.vJvw* ■■ /.,-*..'; .v- T* - Arutt Sfd. * i\pf*mt»t - JhCm*m^Jt/»*

fife^ ntrm

Apcrfoct Remedy forConstipa- lion. SourStomach.Diarrhoea Worms .Convulsions .Feverish- OC3» oiid LOSS OF SLEEE

IttSimiie Signature or



CASTORIA Torlnfanta and Chuaren.

The Kind You Have Always Bought

A special meeting for. prayer ami onforence was hen at Phillips rchanel a,,'l t'uesnay evening | After the .r.eet- , njg the- pastor r.iei with the *1 ■nirrmfrrae;—: 1 , ^_.

(;.-ori;e. uaruheld of th'1 TranserijH ilotalned ai Ins home with, the

The atouuul ftadyil of the h> 1 if the Coiigregafitnal church alem, N. il.. wip be held In tfi<


IR Use

Over Thirty Years


et|] rom S lISUHl

Bcnnitet 'irWvlolet*. Mrs .('. .lelli ». L^- , St.ray t.f byaclnt

this town w I clmil,tl..s.- at.en,, I TTTTTTT TTTTTW ; ln,| A. I. FulUers.

I MltMIAKI.--Tin- ttmewri at K''niam M-ichae] was held at 't o'clock Wfii:n-s

Bpray nf hyacinths, from .!'. n. Knii'sl ('. .Ii".\'i-li

prson. Spray ol Kaster [IHes, Mr. ■ and

; M'-s. t'unis Dearborn. Basket o.l l-lnl;^. roses and liltea, E.

tflirp |)M1'1>«S(S. aaklng.

« ,ave Has, wassaidly HfvT,, Vi„,s. 87^-^™,*'. ;"";;• Rev; 'J'r

"ii 0 ■

lock are tor rent i The room ni-ate.1 on the so()id flour an.. f;u-" ;.,,,| [IV :lu. Itev

1 ft r Iress he ilferton Bn>a Je»tt was suns By

■ the rhoir. After mass Ite PrDfundis ■ ' is rendered l>y Mr. Domlngue, with

The rtnlilmtr Ars. Mlllon A .ho/us hv. th.. . h.jir. The hearers trown-on Brook st1 >.i wits fumigated

I •

Reno- and I . H"'"""' ";

lea-..,n " \! '"""'J11' —■— Cut plnlta. Mien U

le;s. Mrs William

Aonday hy -.he lic^,1

ret of tdtis ihonth|! vith diphtnerla ither ehild and t t. Mr. Browti de nonths ago


fnmlsate.l weii Napoleon Hindu Nor Frechette. healtlh 'I'l' ..in-;., piergefon. \ fllracd. Edward

"ehild dlrikthere B-^usae and T. I.artini''. There were since then an delcgatlous tioni, the St. Joseph so-

liother have hail . irty. the Catholic Foresters, tin tn- .tilv only a inc. .,..j,..ii,ie1it £orcatera_ajiil_,S.iyi Intlem-

ilty society.' Vmong the tlowers werei

I'I'.ISS rut haso.; Jac(|iic4i .Carticr. S.

A. NVwciU Bouquet of IOSC.-. and plftk-s, .\frrt.

Kliza Smith. Spray of roses, Dr, Susan E-

Crocker. Sjo-in. Miss T.. S. llalley. Spray of pinks. Miss Ma. dm ild

NEW itn.Kics AcrKssmx.

sIN-CN-l MRETrXfi.

.■i»pt.t r>. A. n.

Two Melloien cases will he pi -epted before the grand rin

Makes Hair Grow

Pe.rbapg YOUI* mother had .'hiii KairJ hut that is no reason win vim must u<> through life v. itli half-starved hair,. ,1 f you want long, thick baiij feed 'it. Feed it with Aver's Hair Vigor, the onlv genuine luir tood you can buy. .Your hair wTIT^grbw thjck

jind long, aiui mil -he sott ar.d glossy.

Aycr'a Hair Vigor always restores cp'^or to gray hair; it keeps the scalp cle.in and healthv, and stops tailing of

* the hair. On? dollar a botltr.

Samui l Adoma cli tehl o special meeting W^nesday eve 'Ing with tho regent. Mis- l>"wi- E.

retfent .Tlif meeting vvi dolled irin- IpaDy to decide <m au fii'.r.-tainicni n aid of tht' Wood 'Hope "or fce I 'eonlc in Lawrence, buj otheP wsi- a< Bt w as tniii.sactcu. Three lew m nil" t . Mrs Kdwin .1 Castle. <^|rs. tennit- K Hill and Mrs..George A Poylor. were elected. It was oie«i o contribute jio to ihoWolcottfi aoi iai hind. A letter from Mr r Wolcott was read, witob exn/ ier apprecfatloo p/ tnj reoolul •asscd '->■ th'1 chapter BJ Ite la.-^ t^*t Dg. The committee appointed 'angn for a concert sibraitteil ■ort whii-li waj qccept^tl. A Uijji liscii.-sitin followed after t wis votPil to hold a eolonlal 4$- tig i^eeiins Ip the towa hall on Id: ioMtl:iyJ rv»Miiiig. Feb. -*'.. .1 ! a i>■ Smprstfri will be director. Tli-(o- tmhian*orrhextra will furnish n.a ■ "■< ket« will if issue l ai once a i'l lloced on salt'." The pr0C*©d«"iW IP lopftted to the Wofad home, ■■mt he im^inew ineewng a dainty ion vrtcs srrved \i\ Mi r. Han r;

.s>M Monday ev^atug fhos*- rhi re -i ajng at the wwn-iBg event wiiu t| u riiillips rhaiwl for rehearsani fe jaanmlttee in charge of th*" entea i- >>ent '■"•nnnsi- Mrs, Barttea. M: l U. gavyer, Mra.^V. 1,. s ttljcl t. \trs \\ . H. Sawypr, Mrs, W. Aj i' jeler. Nfi > Alvira' 'J Rdatetl, I I

■I. B. Dora-aril. Mi-s MaHon B On. T«ni Wn I artir S ills. Miss tli< ■r.-v tl>. Ntiss Rlla r Boil well lh>

VJab*»l 'I, I't'iiw. .

|J • jM11> (Irani! Leader <:>■ n; M 'oli'.v of Ijiwrt'iicf, assisted lr!rf. iioiyt'Ai Colby as grand gu-ft'iaad rtn Frank S. HlaiiwHi RA in l io#t Icadp'i lust illed the irfflciv •> \l ■ , •■! HIII. il, dome Tirol* ed i'-.y\ evening. A large numf>im ireapnl to wi'W- - tin; v :rpii «f ■ the pffii er* i..i\lii- "it-MMi,: vi»- re Leader. Marj A I 'athnni: vh-e il. \lie- M. Mafah Insiru tor. S\ IH.' Magiiire: pasi loader, ReS . N '.'■;.'. ''•'T'.-.'Viy j, \ |.iiMi-.u; Ijfc ier. 'yro--. c. »»oH-v-4 i;«iMH3*t;f. V\' '! 'er laid: '-njti.' .Ymandcl M. Pj ie»J rd- •'ii,. Klw.-il .-:h c SH. II; HenliirlRi

'Mah K. l.vniiin. rui .tr.'ti. IC.^.Dot. ;s. .1 ,,1M- li

1 -»ni: i' ;n-> tentatl Jo- Ittv Nathan Rdwird K* M.wi- lation an ov'MtMi* >i i.f.i h Bros.

ior, V.irii'ia an- '• to i;raii'l c i ell. Ballev; af aU

Vffl th.. :'al- i.Ht-i was m» h;

Mjnerva.«Hehekah lodge. I . o. Q :> arranging for an entertalnti 1^ Md Fellowa Hall l-'rl lay p\'<*n1n|4 I. If will" ';<■ tor rh.> j. it»U- » :>: Dgra>B] v ill lit' i>r.'s(;nted . i

A >*egul ir meeting of FrlW| I' ii,i.|f Rnthbono SlHtoi 4, wa ' '

A. S Anchor oa base. Court Lauriej*, :;7i;

F. of „\ ■> Viiiov. (jtuii't St. Anne, No. 'i&%, O.

0. 1-. Cross on 'r>ase. Inscribed 'In Itemem-

branee,' from a frieiui. = spray, from frlentU-

Intcrini'ii; was '!}i tihe 'Intmaeiiiatt- '■t'.m. tt'ry, v f\ .

RYAN Tin- fninM-al of Mary. Ryan v.as Held fnnn^iii' Immaculate Con- eeptlon church at 9 o'cloeic Wednea* day morning. Hev, Fr. Drlscoll .said nuufe- The bearers were J. P. Joyce Thomas .1 Ryan, T. .1. Jo*yc"e, ThomOj \i •J'.y.r''. I iiarh's !■:. \llman and T '' \ilinaii.' linrial was in the Inima utntf cemetery.

Issue of the fJaa^ttsB this mortilnf! pears with blarh hordera and an luiniHTs ih,- dfiit.h ni OIICPH saying:

• 'The event hoa-'cahaed one uPlV'eroal feelhig nf regret and ^■.■■n,w \ , her lat.p mojeaty's faithful subject*, to whom she WHS emleftred by thfi deep UltewBl in -their wdfan- uliitdi a4w Invariably manifesed, as w*U as by many algnal virtues which marked and adoNied her character.'

■Then follows the proclamation Jml Edward \"H. tire aoknowledgemon*ol allogfanap hy tne privy council and thi kind's sjieech ai his aeci ■ m

PO IliK HONORABLE THE^JnsT^ TICKS OF THE SFRKRIOR COiIRT WITHIN SND FOR THE COFNTY oi- EfiilEA Respectfnlly libels and re'preseni •>

Demi's Hesslon of Lawrence, vn sain aunty, thai he was lawfully marrieii

to Nellie ilossion. alias Nellie Mills. n<lW ..r_PawiH<-.kttt iu.xUc. jitate jj£. Rbodn l-lami at Lawrence, on The™ •ei'Mid -\ny gt .tuly, \ I . I8ffi>, and ill-■(■»■'ftf:-wardt;..i.unr llhellnnt ;ind th said Nellie Hossion liver together as husband and wif^ in this common- wealth, in wttj at said Lawrence, that yenr liludianl has always beerf faHh- nil to his marriage vows and bTrffgn-. ,:.m... but the' said Nellie HeRSlon h.- Ing wholly regai Hess of the same. ;:- i awrenco aforesaid utterVy deserted yon* lihellant for three conaeotttlvo

Ijsndr.-n ,Kn. Of- 'An |KtraordInayy ^-110x1 pri<ir to tae-ilate-a)jC.JUu.s

"When 1 was prostrated with and my heart and nerves were flnba.1 shape. Dr, Miles- NerVIne* and Heart Cure gave me new life and health. ' - Mi.;. Oeo ColR*. Elgin, Fls,-

libel and since to wit: June 1st, A. [J.. ISIti, and further the said Nelli"

■Hession has connni^.'d at divers tt'hob and places the crime of aumtery wtth divers pei's.nis whoss names ana to your liiellattt unknown,

WherAfore your lihellant pray* Utot a divorce from the bonds ol inatrl- iiiimv iitay 'ie decried lietweuii your h- b dlant and tin- said Nellii Uesason and fr*r Btvch further and other orders as to vour Honors aeein meet

DfUted this^teuth day of Mari h. A. D. i!»ni.

Dt nnhi Hesglon

I CoiiiiuDuwralth of Manachnsett*.

Bsai x 86. siijt rlor 1' lurfe, lapi 1 '•■ i'1'1' F|)on the foregoing Hhel, ordtrcil.

that the aald II be Ran I give notice to said N'ellie Hessjon. alias Nellie Mill

LEAR—All that was mortal of the by causing an""'at tested copy 51 h


'f the I Ajjit > i >>>)>> * 1 1 isaiailbeL and of this order thereon :■ Mrs. c a Lear was on Wed- : y*V^' **k'X'*k*?'i-I t I I V ,.. pnbllsVd In the Lawrence Datlj

4* Auu.-rJL.i". a newspaper minted f, I Lawrence in the county of Essex, one

», , j wepk, ''.»r threp weeks' succes.-*ivel> •^ *JJ»J *««•*••* X'1'1' l»«l pnMir'U'ou to lie fourteen TftftfTTTrtTTfr |daj a leas* Uefon thi return day ,

I this e'orttt, ai Sai-'in. within the oum Tne R.-v. Dr. Riles Rlgga. the old-! of Essex, on the first Moadal

ni'-sday consigned to its last rpyflne place in Bellevue cemetery, with sol- euui and LmptflQSSlve servit-es. oon- rlwfeM hy the Re-v. F. II. Page, ot Trinity chur-h

Tli ■ body lay in a pure white casket mounted In silver, the plate beario- the inseiiptian ...>. esl mlsBlona'rv of the American bi ird March I'lext, and U\ mailing, foi

Ldiod In Constantinople on ThursdiC; .with, bj registored letter, to the libi

ClarlsSa Lear.

The well luiowii features bore That w.eel ex p res-ion. found on the faces

if those who have Pound repose in death/

Mhs ll'dene vVetmore of Bostotl was present, and tveauctfully rendered The Homeland' aud 'Lead, Kindly Light.:

The hearers were Wallace Abibott, M.^e.; 075 iHbtiry. Oonzb Whridey and Vbt-oU Roore.

Friei.ils and relatives were present frim Brovldenee, Lynn. Ha.verb.tll and ■■:.\"!'i'. \. -11.

The taste' t was covered with How ■!-. gifts from loving friends, annum which were:

Wreath of Easter Hlles and maiden hair fernsi from the datiffhters.

Four sprays of.East'er lilies, in the handle- r»f the 'casket, from the Jaifuiiters

SjU'av i'l' C!r';e-e lili-es; Candine and .Franklin r.dh.ws.

KjHtty utf ■)''.'. 11.intiis 'and' EireVish i.de-.. "M,-. and, Mrs, .John L. S.u-

■eranca,—Mx. and Mi j, <;<-j»i-gt'- H.

rope and Asia Mlnm*. 11 world-fnmetl ltmtnl«i

A special e.die. tlqn to M Ip ■ oul thi church debt will 1 ■>• trfk 11 ■■■;■ Sun tai Feb. IT. R| the S01 tli hi* -I,

M r. ■id Mr Hlpln.


Milton \.

John T.

'7, aged 91 years ■lied from flif'tlleolOL-h-ll this town in IS::L' ami sin

■nil: ii" ai Pawl-ticket in ihe

" strode Islaml. an attest,ed copy Of ouid 'bai tin1 ' in,, pind urcTer thereon: ihar she nray

lad labored In n Isslni] fields In Eu-Jlippear ai -aid 3alerti within ons D

Fornni, one of the dehatllhT) at Phillips a ademy, [ite. 1 lO] ted resolutions condemnluiK Fh ■ spirit Ol \ ife-rre.-ddylll-t |ee| \imK veil In kilUns oiiimajs for p|pa •-■. •■

1 Til ■ Me 11.> ],| i/.. 1 n;i.|: -tiling ;i! Phlllltii iirailen.y flu* -. Marcli t 'I'l". ittbj or In essnvi ii.ll.i... Tli,. I.|i.r.iisin of Dall) i.i ■ ' Tn ■ 11-- »1 <"' mill tin. Human UM', TIJI

HiiliKi'ii '■ "I .. !■',. •■ Pf •- Iiirli-1.1 .ihii Patriot: Ti... Si in'i.ii-. tiie i.< adti 'I 1) 0 Ni. 1 \ liny tl ih.. Pafla

1..111 sai.l fir.-1 Monday ot Mamlt aji.' >!itiw 1 .in..- if any slip has. v.liy tli ■ praypr <>t saiil libel shoulil not lie* Krant^d.

Ail...1, ' R. It. llEOROE. Clerl The foregdiixR h. a ifiir copy 'if aa' '

libel i^nil nf ttif firili'i' tlii'ii'im. .-..I.. • E. It IIBOROB, i'l. ii.


Anniial. v.wm m Tain. ria.:c in GU Mall. -Friday, ilan. 25.

Tlr.' anniversary undeftbe Join* an ' plrei nf Clan liiPheraon and tlii> Cale- donian . !nli. inoini.M.s to outdo all ni'.\i..iL- .iiiair... The program:

PART I. ' in.i:n.. ;Bonnie Seotlan,d' ... Catlln

I'nlnniiilair orohaitra. Qaarlet, T*li.-i-,- was i l^ad Was En«» tt: Social i:n,n„;;> „, \n-.-t-lw";u",V ",:l",'1.

v';'s " l'a" u,ls„ ..a is ,i DlsapnearlnlH ' The ;'',■ ,'"''" "' K;v1'; :, - l,m" ...id Mism of Popular M.i.r. \ . B««toii Snottl* Concert Oo. Plea for the Preservation ol .)i„-'~,""s rhe M*r of ftoW.16flurns

\lii*.s I'owler ('ii.is. ..- years HSU, bell- to about »l.UI)ll.il'.lll Is deli.

mil> <i


eil In.an agylum In Paris,- .md h-s father; it prominent laWyer ..r i.:.f- ityitte. Inii., is 1 iKJng si,..,, to h.a" bint .brought bach to . the llriit. I

K. r- . : staii.;. Chase is w.dl Known in -i.M. nti.l ni galaxy, vlojeta and j town, having Bpeht a terra or two

'iva. mills, from the family of ti... late I at Phillips Antlover ai.-iniin.iv. N..tliaiii( 1 ;l.'-ir. of Lin.. '

■•Mound ol fjpglifrfi \iolnts ami fersa. Talh \B nojv bit regarding a- ;..\.- ni..|..v. Kodgdpn. Bradley. 1 at ritllliiis academy. Spnie of the

rrai'y. .Nl.-lru.-. -. ami It..liinsun. of the ; stiidi'tils lavi.f Ida iim a -hell na i-.,.,. tef-'s hontt, which has hseti mai|ej.u,; ily ai.'essiiii.-* l.v the opening of tin-

Phillln (I. .Brown. Sou; Xt Whistle, and I'll Came

to You \fv lAd' Burn" Ma<iaiue Hanttlo.

Song. *Afton on Watot^

I >,.... Qnorge Svie-s.

•Hilfhland filing' ... Miss .Mamie Sin -lift'.-.

fflgh sellout Spray of pink- M

ton, Mi-s Al.ltti' Cox C Leal.

. I, A em p|ovi'

Hani i of R.

. -The 111 I pit lav

Itev' aj tin

Ml I'll.

Polk up ■il >li.

»♦♦♦«♦♦«♦♦♦♦♦♦«»♦»♦♦ «


|t a i bej

... .. ,|.: ' pre*. :i bottle -o y

I r .ie* ailit si-■•■ oiSce ,< II. i owett.'Sf,!.

il'ill mtrartd I-".:.

Dr. Buls Cough Ti® w-itli,.u(.r..il. J,l#»,'"'us.- »eT e*^

L.^X* j. : t...Xi.,:

nie» aroiitrhfiOMMon. iip.e.s t n«v^k.'.>|>iii)t-

"<le-c nlK'i «*▼ Jfc-

1 li-oii. liitis, tliipne. Uonrftene.sH J ;,'s'.ie results. Pl'iee, :>5 (,'enl«. 4

lt(,||-9.l»ilK jjr«*|'i|'i.ii'-n. Ihly pills, lOctB. Trial box, S ctt. ♦ ♦**♦*♦♦♦>->« ^^,*^.*»*e«>M5e'. t -K>>«.<,>♦»♦«♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦

Lawrence ti Reading Htreet i-allwaj

The annnal in. atlug of tile ilidiau Ridge a-M).-union v:.s held in th, lower town iiati Tliiiri.i.iy e'venins Th" 'iihee. i Ie. ted were a - ofHowa: I'l-i'sidi-ae Wan.-.- Buck ii: i vice- luesideni. rharl ■ I. Carter; nei-oi-.fi Tlce-president. Dr, c. F„ P, B*h-

I croft; clerk, Mi-s \ii.-c Buck; treaati- rer. Mrs- WTllliara Maiiand. ktv-Car- ter was ehosen a truste*-to sucreetl

The I'nneliaril MumBl II-I Ue held l--|-dlay eteaiiti:, Jan

lUion will

M.iiff,"i''or the sake of Somebody1

4 ...::•, Burn Mits. Annie c Taylor.

Qnartet, "'li n GPOM . tin- Bashes' Burn

Biisinn Seottisii Concert Co. PART II.

Son,.', ■Cotuiiiir Through tin1 Rye*' :' Burns

Madame Ba.'i.tio. Song, 'Scots Wlia Hae' ' Kill.. -

Mr Brown. Song, 'Gala Water' Burns

Miss. Taylor. Soegi '(.f a' the Aiit..' Burns

Mr.' Sykes, Duii. 'II Wert Thou in the Canl.l

Blast' Burn - Mnrlame Haiutlo ami SflSB Taylor.

Bunco, 'Sword Dance' Miss Mamie Sulilift,

Quartet, 'WlIHe Wastle.' ... P.m ■ h.-hrie I',',.:. chiiieliillUn'l Howard V"' ',„ 1 '*' "V'"ff; ,' ,' '■'""" M. I' W'riKh, to -ii.eeeiriim la,e \:- m-fe'V. S-":':>]''^ '? , bert Poor. ' \ r. l-«« .,ii. . Children 25c. Can In.

procured from :mwtil>ers «r commil at Tio\ office eyi'Tili.t; of'ctui-

1 '.'.l-lss-s-aTn. i+rr-

«frM'-»#t"l' -M-H--****

Cat and Run. Then- isn't ;i man who would lie seen

running through the street munching a piece of pir. Why „0|> Because i, «'<!«!< mem, dyspepsia ami stomach trouble? Not at all ; but because it wouldn't look writ. As a matter of fact manV a business-nwn snatches a lunch in such a hurry that lie might as well

town , !' "" ,he "'"' T1"lt is "lle reason rlri.s.lav iis.ll.ic his mifantl bo- I 'ol""" prevailing •• stomach trouble ' .■!■ leaving lor u|„. N. V. "SS2L"g 'l""""^ ,

1 bete is a certain remedy for disease;


»<!.»'t"ii»ljfc* 'i"H"f "H» Mr -na! .VJ*. .lame* \ ftgycraft

wH JftfflgMTV; IJOIS Abbie, who have hi i h visiting ai M. I,. Reaps* rfl«< idenec. lefl town, today, for th-ii home. In Easi Hampfttead, N. H

Walter I-. Burnham was 'hursdaj


Tip numerous friends of !-:'. C, Mnughton are glad to leant that he v ill legume his duties as conductor mi the street railway next Monday. H^.^wurallUu. courtesy to ha&t&ngera made htm much lik.-iV by pirtrou-; of ihu road.

Tin' residences <»r t>. w. I'iini-v. uporintehdeui of Hie stutvlur I Oil

r«nji) any, and DP. Smith in" t ■ hav li [(•phone conneel Ions.

Viiiotfg llif guests -ti Mw> ■ >| VII '. i '.itlliTiu.' Fiances l' i i.;.\vnMnc ' and tiv, " Ellol

■ i'nickell of Boston> in MarV. ht-ad -I'hull-fifty. was \jolm H\ Mar.,".

The roof or Hi.- Catholic I'h.ireh -x tension i:;- being retinned by tVOrkmei iron. Town Clerk Leitehs establish jueut.

i; W. M mily's Ice hO)M*e IK'SI liar beetl filled by Vdams*.

tV 11 tram H.ibhard was installed as masti'v-fu-arnis of Blank Prince lodge, '< . of Rt, Thursday m. tier-. id

A (.oafereuce was held* ih-* ■ ■ >xli■ • :•;,-' iwt'M'fn representatives ol tie

Snlisbut,. and Ann-shiny Mutual Fin 4nsui'iin.f company ami a commute from t,he Massachusetts stale Grange relative to the proponed j u..ims. M i- ,<>rn < r's interest-,

James O'Brien of Oagonri street 'titred an owl in West Boxtbv.4, TkmVf d;.>:' , the hlnlt «n- perch* >1 in small *nnple uw . la n Mr. <i Briei

- a.zci

of the stomach and other organs of diKL-Hiinn and nutrition, it is Doctor nerce's Golden Medical Dbcoverv. The worst eases of dyspepsia and catarrh of the stomach have ly-en cured by this medicine, It cures where all other means have (tiled to' cure

lm? «o much good thai ■ didn't

in N .

leiessly " approWhe*1'-'- u"ti°t(

i eal '""•' anvthinx now, 1 :n.. . W*11 pli-utied *ilh it I Ijardlv v 1">«* l(i (hank v(ij» fi/r

kind information. ' i triwt a wlinlc lot ol'trillion l>eloic 1 wrote to you. Thrre was'a Rfntlnuati told oif ■ bouf vonr medi- cine, ami how it had eared hi» wife, I thought I would try ■ imttir- -of it. Am II^V K\mi i did, for 1 don't know wltnt I would have dour it it had not ix-en for Dr Pieree'i Golden Medical Dl»

Doetur I'ierce'a I'leasunl Pellets cure biliousness. T h cv itimulate the sluggish

liver, and cleanse the sys- tem of Impurities. They should always be used with ''Golden UedicaJ Discov- er\ " when there is need of a laxative.

Many Water Pipes were frozen in imiisov Saturday night. : .."

i'ii\ate John W. Mu-jtly. a uinrine i from the I'nltKI States recelvtue ship ■ Wai'ish. isv apehdlug the afternoon ) and evening ui his horn.' on Hfp irtreef. In the (Jentre.

John M. i^'oiuird. overseer, of carding in Stevens mill, lias resigned^ His successor Is Martin Peeler; for- merly second hand, in ^he same de* | P'lrinieiu.

..Richard Button, with F A. PostsJ and compapy, cotton converters, Boa-1 ten. nursed Sunday at' his home. He, left In the e\enlng for Peabody,


farmers! Poullr^fnen! A dollar saved

is a dollar t fiarned!' I Xou can save

money by cover ing your new and

repairing your nlo* buildings with

"NEPONSET" J Thf Oriqinal rind Cenuinc


"PAR0IDrR00FING. NEPONSET'ferrtr»,M r'i/ looting andSfd&tf maHr and i.

Treat Hardware & Supply Co.' .582-584 Essex St., Lawrence.


fjev, (•'!■. tiilday 'made iiis i'nitiui ■ fluancrftl report al Si Hienaei

i.'httrch. siii,da\. !t dated from I-VI IJ. 1900, when lie lasttmed the rlutic of pastot . ' Then s mortgaie ti '■.'.■ eh t a\en:d l!u- |ni perly, 'I**I»M^:

' v;i^; hoWeVe)'. - !| II He of JJ.l Irom Si. 'Patrick'!! paii-di, (?otUh

the cuarcn I "i ■ I', in ■ TFTS hti ■ sin ■<■ ■ heeti P ti''1- ^ hoese-tt house eollertion reiHred ttver |27nti lias Mini, together .vitfi lint ■111m, from the note and othei -'*n»■. in :ili anionhtlne io ?■ .-"|h a'a* »SH in pay H portion 01 the debt Inciii ri'i' in erwlTRy rot iii.il res'dt nr HI..'■!■■ age ii ?-•'• the fd.nr. h ftroiwrty

handsome pa 'I'ln original I le.ni.llll: on

Prom thes' t tets 11 will be seen Huti Uw pasTor "iiii Hi.- heaity co oiieia'ion of hia peoph>, '.ml geai roail y of IHHI-

1 Catnoik-s.-Wfis '-JmatlMM "rn —j't'inU'r ;■ itplendld leereilit He eM yrt-^r | hlraselt as gneatb gratifletl and ideas.-d al l'ie cor UsJ and klttdl) treatment accorded him by all classes. The pa'rlehlnri«*re v«-i-,. dfelightwl. too

10 barn of ih ' very re.iitabb prog* re..., made.

Mis. Joseph l-'intniain was the victim "f a genuine aurpi Ise part; Saturd r evening, al lier home on Water Iftrt el

She was let! to believe thai Mr. I'.. i" :ijn an I no] ber. was- to bt KUrprist ■•. and n >l U»it1l the arrival of aboi/f ;;n frlpnd:. who mel al John NH mil H resident "■ did she snr-

11. ■■ ftitytlUtiw din"' '" ';

Roon aiiTr the pe«»i>ie' reached flti house, Mrs, Kiianiaiu was presented with a uMii' Vud beairtlfully flgtired ebfue dinner ■ I as a n mem-brance PrTTni ib > v ■<•'> • rWp PI ind esreem her.'

-,\ nr,■jr..in of uiii.M - and games tol lownl The instrumentalists wen Ocorge H Bhgv ncco'-denn nnfl Ed ward Mitchell »ioliu. IJliTerenl mejn hi 1 of the party, whieh Included fepi't'scntalives from Lowell and Law'' I'M. as well as Ihis town, contribut- ed v.* al niHubeTir ■—

''he company |iaito<-\ of a rhoM tidlstlnn, itnri the evenlhj was passe1

Mi ;> most > n inyiihh njan n't 11.-fore midnight the merry-makan

tlepnrted- for their homes. dellghtet' «u b the pleasurable oceas'ton

To Mrs. Walter W Hayes wht admiiai^y managed the affair, mu i. credit is tlito for ii success

Mrs. Richard ft ^niith of garble heau Bt., Visited In il.i rfhill 'Si tur ibv

'Prlnelpnl Woodintry of tin bdmsoi llieh school. *;i- ill Bo.dOl -■MiM'.lav on business.

The NStolsE, Lewis !■;" Siniti,. 6 Boston, wa# most suet essi'ul in hi BbPtstnnce nl the ' '011*1 • natlona 1 h'urch on yesti rtut'y i tornlnu in tin chdi't'h vrvlee. al Surnluv school, a noon-, at 11 serial meeting al 0 I'lruK, and at the rhnreh seri^- it, 1 In* o\ eni: ■•- -Tin, p.^i.a. H.-v. |,r. I •allies

pi";ieheri morning and pMiiitTi ail 1..hi; ; Mr ■-'', Ith's sirtgtng v,pry heii. ltd • !'■■;• ihe . ,!»fi ' . • Mr

hi I'l

. Aei'lb-nt 111 ton. rid with his . heart


IV. and Mi tlawiitiii S ill MklfiWu, V. M. -'peni :!'■ the lepldeu T of In r ."nie 1 . I,.."l!ieil. ' "

|l:i id Mis. Prank Desvotdei ■Vllle It. 1 . patent- ol HaM

|IPC,.,IS|P*«. 1.: Kn -i Wid'T stieet re ti.rneil lumie tliis I'unniiia. alter iini's \i-ii tl the lalter's home.

:dt hi tin ill observed on Krldui Vvenhrg; ' Jan. _' - n. Wi\ hall I .iwiynee. (be OC- en ion ""ben.a the 1 t2d birtlehn un- nlt eri-ary .-i the ptgnghman poet of Scotland th* program has been irratme.i umb-r th« t"'tit msptees <o

1 fan \i. cin 1 ton '><• I ':<■■ ChTi rioniurj ".'■'hil. li will' in In.i^ nii,i)'li. rs ol

1.1 re.. evelleiH?e. Norlh Ando'.ei will be veil represented ai tb. evenl iii recognition o{ the Inrge patronagt

ays esteHfled to pnt^rtainmenb tie luc tl lbir;*s ,|-ih b> noli,

•■ ol 1 he prganittatfottH in charge,

1 Ink poster Of real merit b> Leonard i' Johnson eh ari»MUi'Hi i'. .Pi'.k.nt

T71F ReV. Ilrr S. IT" V.i-M\- \. wi import evehanued Sunday with R**' . Charles Ni v. s. oiinist.T ai th" Old,_Noin, .hurel,

The North tndover patients of-the UlWryil ti' 1 era! !u,spit:i! aie ;,|

■ In-nu: '' iJJ—aiul ■•,■•.^01,.i,..| ...^ lunger.

'Die -terond in^t it utt- of the K*;st:\ Agi h-ultural w>eiet«, fot the >.■., ':.11'. will lie held jn Urnnge hall Andi'i ei. on Prldaj* |*>h. lst; at It o*t lo. U a. m. MIN|.'< I lor fmeiiooii 'I -u minu 1 wler :t*l«Hs; the llais au of ('neiinibei^ ■.; Let tut e^ ami Tomajcw's' umler glass, Afternoon ai I 30, '-Tie Changes which have taken ph In MU. Ma.-sa' hnaetta Soils and ti" li - Si i upuii Plani Qrowth ' bj Prof, rieoge E. Sttrnn ol iln \nvi .•Mitral m'ltfste.

. That the BurilS club ih' uni ei^;J|y iiopular with all blaases was oon- Kpjeuoitsly shown. Kri lay evening. when-the fourth annual convert and ball, under the auspices of tne organ- isation, occurred^

The event celebrated an anniver* siir>- of that immortal poet, Hobble] Burns, and enjoyable"' as other attain* of the club hiue been, the; observance surpassed them In every respect, i

Odd PeltOWS halt where the festivi- ties look plate, was filled to repletion Lawrence, Antlover. Methuen, North ' Andovor and Ballardvale were Rep- resented in the assemblage.

A happier erowd ne\*er gathered there. Everybody seemed determine,! to have a good time, and that they all admirably succeeded goes wit ho a, buying

The foi low int.- committee of at ngements worked like Trojan*, and —XiT£. Samuel Digtli

richly deserved the many compliment . JJ^' |',avi(| Mitchell they received: HttRald Campbell adiairnian 1. James M. Cralg, (seer.' tary 1.>i)avi(1 Orockett (treasurer), \\A\ liani HallLiiay. Alexander McKitan>n. Oeorge bjrweil, MISH Mary Crocketl Miss ib-.i Cto.ket. Mrs John Nt I- snn.'Mr-.. -James M. Cralg. They d. sir.-, in b. hiill uf the ehtii, lo i xtau i their grateful rhank-s tti'-llte public for

1 lie peiieroti* |iatronagA, The ball. wa_i profusely and hand

-uun. ly decorated. Large flags, grai - fhlly * arranged draped the stag.' from The word • 'Welcome" formed .1 centre piece,

Abdul a large pic tare of Burns ami ■fiig-hlaHd .VIu-ey—a--flutter of—national


Mr. and Mr* Oeorge,I, Dickey, Mi. anil .Mrs \\'H'iain Itrndie. Ml and Mrs! Qeorge M i-h.rv Mr' and Mrs. Peter Ward Mrs. James A ■ ('ob;ilhnilii." Mrs. Koberi Crocket 1. Mrs John Melntyre.

slaehislTSd been grouped . .. Kehav up geared t Ueac line.- _.„: He'll ha'e misfortune- greal an' sma.' ibn aye a hen;; ,nniii" theni a. He'll be a credo" tae us a.' \\. II a' be p!,ni,i 1. It.Mlble.'

Iii the absence of President Dugald I'ampii 11. on account «»f illness, t*ast- iT.'-i-ll-t:. .l.ina^ M. t'raiu. ilirerted th

iii li!u tistiai V IVlst an:.


Mrs. Harwell. Mrs. John Ctowther Mrs P. Lynch. Mis. Plora Morse- Mrs John ConnoHy. Mrs; George Woolley*. Mrs. Lewis C. Wentw-i; ih Mi.:. Wallace Rennie.

' St betinan \\ii,lliaut I la'iidav . Town Clerk James W. I>»ltch. Li. .1. Ca::t-v. William li. Klllaon. Edward Curie ■ Joseph Hickell. Alfred Jensen. Charles .Hichardson,.

JbUlll .MclMl.VI'f. —— Wil'ijin ingles. Uexnnder Barhfc

Joftn Stewart. William "Mitchell Edward Mitchelf Andrew Cdlrjuhoun. William Dunlap.

■JosBph Lteyd. Ill eh a rd Lamb

Miss I^enora Whiter—«—-<-■-»---- Miis A-ghes Coheihomi. Miss Nellie Kclley»

'Miss Mabel Tlsdale. Miss Katherine Cronley Miss Annie Lookhaad', Miss Annie Boucher. Miss JvHtlierine Urotlie.

K'unipr Superintendent, of the Arl- ington Cottpn mills George W Towne and family are now Occupying his house at the Centre.

Constable George [,. Harris was in- stalled*** .reconiiUK scribe. Friday t>vnningTof Lawrence Sncamproent, i 0. o r.

Corp. Qeorge IT. Wilton flosigning ovi'ii-eer ;it Btevese mil'. Itiis been chosen a member of the committee pit arrangements for the animal campftre of Battery C, Lawrencft.

Mrs. A. C. llfiwes is convalescing j Irom a recent illness.

• .Mi. and Mis. Joseph Brown re turned to their home in Qloudester; Friday, after a visit at th-- reside;" of J. Byron Marston, n foreman In the Darns' & Flirber Macfiliio com- pany's works.

Renresentattve Isaac ('Day of. West lloxlYrd was Installed as eomi.innder of Post 101. 0. A. n.. In Groreland, a few evening's since.

A number of people from this town attended the concert and ball of the Lawrence Firemen's Relief associa- tion, Friday evening.

Cap*, John Burnham b. detained at bonvj by' illness.

A large number of_ boys and giris present and past members of the Junior society Christian Endeavor, greatly enjoyed the most successful social In the history of that organ- izntioii. Friday evening, in the Con- gregational vestry.

The efficient committee of arrange- ments consisted of Lillian G. Hamil- ton (chairman), Gertrude Brown, Phfllp M Hamilton and Mrs r. P. HPITV .

Women as Well as Men Are Made Miserable by

Kidney Trouble.

Kidney trouble preys vpon the mind, dis- courages and lessens ambition: beauty, vigor

and cheerfulness soon disappear when the kid- neys are out of order or diseased.

Kidney trouble has become so prevalent that It is not uncommon

, for a child to be born P afflicted with weak kid-

neys. If the child urin- ates too often. If the

urine scalds the flesh or if. when the child reaches an age when* it should be able to" control the passage, it Is yet afflicted with bed-wetting, depend upon it, the cause of the difficulty Is kidney trouble, and the first step should be towards the treatment of these important organs. This unpleasant trouble is due to a diseased condition of the kidneys and bladder and not to a habit as most people suppose.

Women as well as men are made mis- erable with kidney and bladder trouble, and both need the ■ same great remedy. The mild and the immediate effect of Swamp-Root is soon realised. It Is sold by druggists, in fifty- cent and one dollar sizes. You may have a sample bottle by mall free, also pamphlet tell- ing all about it. including many of the thousands of testimonial letters received from sufferers cured. In writing Dr. Kilmer & Co.. Binghamton, N. Y., be sure and mention this paper.

Home i>f flwatup Roof.

Mrs. dooi

M T. Wadlin Is able to go out 1 some after ber recent Illness.

H F. Holt -f AndovM- has. for live ye u's the Ice ho 1.. s dam to v RJ, DeC'OSt of S"'.v It is understood that the latter harvesting .today

Heui.v \. VVdbctar, 5r . ant-! E. ("uiley will attend tin Street theatre. Boston, :i- evening, to v'rnoss iC.im tad" land's masterpiece, ."L*A*(gl. which t'h irles' Vv^u ii m" _r, Maude Adnnis.

beted it ih" .vi'.lc. begun

I ward ii. 11 HTday

fios a, in

' 1,1 s

The programme over which Mastei Hamilton presided, is give-i: Ptano duet,

Hallie Wills. Nellie' Hruce. Piano solo.

Clifton Carney. Recitation,

Winsiow Btowers. ' *~ rraiid amo. ~*—

TIIM .■tHH'i.ft- nrovwt. a UKWtiMidH'

_ NoUltel 1 lat-reav es. lohn Nwrtoir—"*

U was Intensely »oW Saturday ghi The mercury ranged from ■;

Ki 11 degrees, Sunday niornitu it I o'elof!: t!l" \*--> ]}• r tt lit e re;ic!iei:

;ii. I'i-t named Httureti at fonstaMi George !,. Harris' . tore,

K«\ . t>r, .1. 11 \' in Karen'. « ho '.is 1 .-]_iii t| 1 he ru.. ■'»...'lip ei . s;. b"nh"ti s church, l.yin. to a cepl i -ill as missionary t^i Porto Rico, is vi 11 fnov. 1 to Not 1 b Andovt r • hufch non.

A daUghtef was vet nth- horn to Mr and .Mi s. A. P. I 1. . i"i' of Pre eott street.

Mr. and -Mrs. Frame A.' Futetiiai of the Centre, attended the funeral >>' his nephfw in Haverhlll. the othe^ ■ lay.

— # All ei I I. .lev PtL^a machliilsl h

ti:i chttflestown navy vard, was H town over Suudfty.

K I I 'i'lia.ver. . tt l.o :...„.i^" iate< it li Kiancia R Hlgrglnfl in conducl

...can extensive potiltrv bdslhess al I*ariist;ib|e. went home this n ornin attcT B few days visit here, is tl. grmst of Mr Htggins

»! ," [uest the rl-Wi I '".'. 'J, T, H. !■'. EL, Weal Bt \m I will preeeffj ■ 1 . :' 'nr.i. Tae Black l tianvmd. at an early dare In'North ^Auduver,

. Mi . and Mrs. laid1 61 Ongc 01 >'. . market. \'. H . ■ w«ddetl ( ,. aj

1 Hi nit hard. Me '■ ■ in'id'reau ■ an 1 Miss \l ind Boiihni'd ol Balem

gtt«ets : <>■ i. - -• at tb- -,i. tn <• ..i i1.- Soia \. section ford M tin t lie pastern division tit Ih

ir.,c.Mit a,,.! Maine. . .; 1

The Infalil son of Mr and Mrs \iw I Wagner N" 1 Steven, stree Hed s-.'urduy afterjjoon Hboul i\-lot.k. The remains a'ere plaee.t n the i.nub H u i '.••■-' ""d . meter siaelay morning

Charles \. GltleHpfe a clerk foi W, ]i. mil itnd ■ ompai y, ai \h-yi\: S II IKlFSed Staidev al hie home nn

■ti\ il street.

Indie and Mi>. N "P- 'Hryp—- a* ,,,i, , . he ialh ftPddinc .■atnivei sa-. ,| ;;, find Mr- II. II L-avi'tt ~tin'dav In SMin.i t ilb-.

-, i '|.. -t.' i'ai tiev v nil Lewis-" J:

,1 ns x i bnd - Iktauiu saiie

■V, '"j ',.,, ., ■-!„ n ol Knihn i ,,; | htl MM-- tl HI li" VPOJ » Uj I,. \V It.'iliu .lr . •>: it"i!ai At ('wtn'j (\y in laa ■ gl o Bj? I in, Wb<i

l-Thttlind - . .

pupil from fit Pa tl"- Sunday icheo ,n,.,.,...fi • th" mi-: lomn s mating S.a:d:.v ufjji rii",ui In Hi <■ i lair h. i..a\M'"iicc.

■\-\ ias \V. WaHwork DI Rpxbury -town Snndi'v

i ...MS re, Smith, Ho- gospel soloist Is ni slug nt union I'apfid nervtca \u iia\ehtii. beginning next* Sun d:..vw —t~

ftj - VJoJfl Mellor ho has . returned nfter a WTepk*S \ Isil at Jan

ml prelude to the daaclmj. The taleni was first claas* the numbers heiu^ freely applauded and encores respond- ■d Mi in a nuinlicr. of euses.

After .a. oveiture, Ktchiuond, by iliV Alnlne orchestra, which rendered excel-h nt music during the evening. Mr, ("raig ilellvpred u .velcoining address very fitting to the occasion !b.- ioi..iiali> thaftked the audience for their presduce, and aptly Intro laced several quotations f'om Burns' tWenis, His speech received the ap Hioiril j .n uf t'i" .listeners

The i emaind. r ol' the splendid pra- fraa>me was as follows: '

Soprano Bold, Vnale LaiuuV Miss. Katlmrine.A Wljite.

Organial and chorister Immac^ate Conception i lain h. Lawrence.

Tenor solo. "Star of (llengarry J B, lOwart, liawrence.

Reading in Scotch Dialect, Sanrtj McDonald's'Signal'

Miss Agnes H. Melntyre, Ballardvale. Cornel solo. Blue Bells of Scotland

Ernest L. Traey. Bariione solo'. 'Star of Robbie Burns' James Pr'lhgle. former chief of iClaii

Mcphersoii. Ch s. c.. Lawrence: Solo, 'Jessies Dream

Mhffi While. , The Anbl Plaid ShawT

~Jnhn Davis. * Frank Smith. - James Elliot

■William Little. H:.lph""I-\ Robinson George Oils Joseph' Derby. Frank Mttekle. '. Kied Leach- Merle White Willlum Lelteh-, William Htirrell Richard KnowlJh'g. -Harty K Ciaiuiimhani lletirv H. Schniendt i i .i i nard P Johnson , Ernesl Johnson. J. i: Raarl James I'ringie bdin Couie John Gotnlay. James Dick. John Uenilic . George Rennie. William Dick. Murty Coppinger Thomas Walsh. James McEvoj Frank Suiith. Koberi Wardrop George c. Dlcke: . Harrj i.ymb. ^

V'H'Hl st do. Philip Mammon.

r Gertie—Borwn: ~~- " Piano SQ]o,<

Matilda Jensen. Piano solo.

Bern Ice ■ Fersbn Vocal solo. Minnie Ktewav. with chorus by Mnv."

Stewart. Jassle Bfewart, I^ettie Drew, Liiia c. Hamilton

Reading, - ■ Mica Annie \,. Sargent

Piano solo. ■ Blanche Hanson.

Blanc solo,

'Miss White. , •Willie is My-A-tn- i^athtteH


Solo. Mr. Ewart.

Reading, 'THh McNah's Spring ('l"auiiig

Miss Melntyre. \dlh'ess. Chief John Gourlay of Clan McPher-

soti, I), S. C. Solo. 'Where


llarrS W.ii' Willani Putnam Dittord JJat\e; n

luis Scotland


I'oi'.nd Her

Pingle. Situ::,,'; "Aulil Lang ^ynr

audience, William Lynch acted as accoiupaTv- ■

isl in u very credltitble ihanin'r. The floor waS then cl&lred fpri

ii'iiclnc,. Grand, Cooductor^ [George Barwell With Miss Mary Kennis letl !

h" grand, march, James MeKechnle I wan asslsiftnt eonductorl and* Brnent Mill. Janes Taylor William Mitchell. | RolterI Law and David Taylor wen ibis, 'r

\|..\ nub r J ''.illespi" made his ens- j loniai y favoralde inipris-.ion as prompter.^

\t i: termisslon Cat ■:■-■■■ W 11 John MM nerved a choice collntlou.

\t i o'clock the happy affair earn' In a Close, bill |M t eeollections will lotu b" cherished b> ihosc attend lug-.

Among these present were: Mr and" Mrs. .lamet M... Craig • Mr and Mrs JSmps .1 l hom'tn.n Mi ;,n,' Mr.- ift'Ullahi it Johnucn. \l, ; •(,' Mi.. Dugald Mc'Ph ill \i- and Mwt los"ph i:i:".'r.-. Mi an I Mi John Wils.ni.' "

William Anderson. John Lyons Peter Phel ai.

, I'ixd Phelau James F. t'ostitllo,

V.David Bfffwell. 'C^Tidin'H'enton.

Edward F DitUunrortb. James H. Ctitig

! Alexander \U Ktuuon James Taylor. Davtd Hell. David Crockett. Hugh Shearer, Ernest Hill. James yeang- Rbfii r1 jjn1

Clarence Cane rt>n. James McKechnl •.

1 David Taylor. George Patuell Miss Nellie (Hndsay. Ml Dagm.n Jensen. Miss bin Chrlstensen. • \i\ hiPa i use?. Miss \Inia ' .ristens.'u. Mil i Matthews \D-s Ncra t <n'tin. VIIsi M'iv i Kechnle. Miss Harmiri I Curtfln M;-s EH ;■ IM ■ ■!'■ 41isj Mai v u nnlc \l|i nimma i rovthei . STIHH laahol Wanlrop. Mas Vi. !a Mellor Miss So He -' jftervlM. Miss Julia Connolly. Miss EUKI Kami, MihS Cci-r-tia Wright. . .

( hnrl >tte Qotffrey. Remarks.

Rev. Dr. Barnes Uecitatiou.

Pauline i-'ci uubt 'o*al ftOlo, ,k-

Gertrude Brown. I'iantJ solo.

Blanche Hanson, Selection,

Quartette. Recitation.

-, Marion Keren !d. !'i,am duct

Bernice l-'« rsou, Inez ,d;t:'aa,i IteuMIng,

Mi--. Stugeul riaiio BOl i.

I'l.Ill" solo l'hi lfp HaniiltaM

Mrs P. Den

• ori Watts and Blanche Hanson .-a ted as accompaajsts.

i lu'tmiK Nt (son and ' harl's Dote M . re ushers. -,. -

During the evening games were played and refreshments serve.].

Robert Bixby, who mysteriously tlis- (appeared frani thir- place4 Saturday

oveulng, returned home Tttesilay. He * as met at the Sutton streel sta-

j Don hv his father, wno hatl b^ariieu J of ilia intended coming.

Virum JL Watt* resumed Ids duties at the Dav;s end rurtnV Ma -hino

NEXT T»> Ml K1M-;R

A doctor, who keeps Iii-. l).i-

Kent at home, when he ought i to send hiin away—WfTBbriey

—cjujjlvt tobe held i<>|)<m.sible.,

So n'ui.'ht \v,-, il «<• nii^leaif.

()m- offense is greater than

hfg, bxicausc we endanger

th.msaiul^ nl HM-> II) one ad-

7t'rtiM'i)iL'iit—niillitms read it. : . Sonic few niu>t go for a ihuiv^e. of climate, or die; but, to thouaanda, Scott's emulsion of cod-liver nil i> .■nrcat hoiiie.

W, U -^n<l v,.u ., Cult- to in il .'" like. SCOTT7* MilWNI. ,„ l'.\.il -trret. NtwAork. '

Stjiffl Cnii'i'. Mri.ili.- M;..^ Mai '■ J. DU80U \]j.s Sai '■ C'noppr.

-Mn-'KlllliiirilH' \ WLU, . \;,.s n. .-ii ci-ocfcett.- VIISH ViaV) Cinrkl'tt. . .. MISH Bmll) Iuiynea Mian Ho- M'.ii'iM'.

Ciirlstri ■ It'iiUin-. Ml - Maj savi < Vtlali \!i-> I IMI:. I'ul'l .T. ' .

MISB i,ia Ucntlpy .M'-. i.izvi.. sti'wnrt. Mi:M Maii'l ToiWlmon, MiSfl M]!:i ..lii'i'i'lliv. MIS* Knllrlllllf'A. Ilmi. I \i:.. \li... r.HliiTwnrtii. V|ls» N. 111. Mil'-hell Mlu lll:,in In dough. Mis 1.17-1' \n,lamii. Mis'- T1M '■• - I'llili.i , Miss Itll-ilr- WIII.I1 Miss'SiiHi.- Taylor.' Mi.-.- M;,iv Hrmllp. Miss An;.' il . Mrlnlyn- M|P« Mu- '.inuT ■- Mi.-: ' M ■■■■ iifljn»r. HI \, llii Hi 1* .

] < ompaiiy'fl vortta. - Mnnday nftpniooii alter :, weuk'a illiu-si \vi»ii iho Krlp

| The iHii-srion rif •--laliliHliinR a iioal IIM'W is agala belnn aKitati>il TI l-liil- jJ^i^AliilniPr uml II li"iks us Ihiiu^li

the Ullie was mu far off when this hraneh of aiimi - will b* utke'n up. in paae a crawla Forme"d ii is i,,.iii-\.

jo! ili.-ii when the iimnoseil electric I mail :»tw«ti .Mi'lover and Ha»erhlU

Is hatlt, l.i,k--1-.,. lu liewttHj »iir la, th lilii'lipsl jilru'i fur * -mit-'.. • •

Amoiii; the Hal HI' .ii.p. in 'im i>- ported by the craotl Jue> hi Hi" Vu-

j parlor court, it talent, Mn-i t.-iy. v.,,s tlu liill.iwliis Willium M. Tuohor.

i hreaKlng ami pjilarlup and larceny, i-(" . i.iini - ni Wforgery, two-i-ninta,

i !!•- iii-iiii.'-i mu guilty, "Bill" Tui-k.i .II In- is I iniili.illy

l.iuv. ii. I.'Imms iif iln- -i'%miiiri'n ■! 'tin iiiii -Hi' iw maaqueratied aa Jon-

Uthau Tiil.l \V " II. U1I,I,-I,:■!,!, al 'I under other ali.wea. lr. IHS5, T'leker

....is ml' l"i •■■: selling |eni,| m. ..j,

s Miss Mat\\ .ui-s Katharine (Tl ,,iss Vint, t ni.k MifS Vic .lit Little


: i \ ,,IM iii : si- tii ir ukhi ' Ml I -■iiiii im. a dwelling In th" night.

I-,i anil in- •" iv tl^-i'.-r.-ii'ii 11,- a4judKed a eq ti in I n, t u >ia LLiiei, and - ]■'' need to t-he ■•,■■.,' liiisnn tor -.,in yeurs. 'mt win par

■ ii,., iii 181,3 with the proviso that u ,i a ,[- ■ siiiisiii.'i nilv i -IT :■ .i -i i-:'

■ ih,:.-. hi' hhieild serve tin- ii.-.l.u-,-.-' \.t Hint ,.1-nl. ' I

riie .us.,.'-.'.. i "iitin.i' ii ; H . n


'■ Oestroying Ita victim, i« a type <t : Ci'i'stil::Ulo:i. '1 ho power of till

murderous tn^'uly ;a felt vn—,.r:.m i and nerves ana wuseles and h-j'n \ There's no health till It's overecme. ' But I'r. Kinga New Ufa l'llls avo ' sate and eertain cure. Uasr !n ' th i world for Stonnu'li, 1.1 ?,.,-. Kidney

and Bowels. Only 26 cents at Joh

(;AS3'ion.i.A , , B«nth. /> I;s':" I™ ll»"J *!»■! Bt 9

The mld-Abi'.ei' reunion or the Johnson iit'-ti School Aluaiui i si. iation ifce'M's m Ste\i:is. :•■]), Wed- nisduy fvcr'u,: \-\-b. KttT 'J I Colin iblan , or >b tstra has been • • paired for the acm don.

Mrs. lohn .Vewlon is ill nt hotpt- .'tt hernnd-wtfeet''"™'—■"--*••


. The Mnalii 1'*-^- itr*mil>yri-r

• Inb hold.- v*m i tat-r—4J*-

the ( otaat Lationiil jrestr) .

Miss d,i:> ii Stone un.l Miss Ab- iii' \V:: I n-.s.i.-d Saturday and Sua day in Allstan. visiting trtepda. — -~

fieorge l 4are«nt, who travels for Willard and Willani, special tiea, boston, has returned from * three weei.s' dip tb'.nnii Main.'. ep in

• Areas-took ■snnw is three ;

mnty, deep

lie says, on a levul


Monday i their met t England T*

■ the selectmen a riantcd tit • N* \

ne M-A Taiegrapj company permission lo erw poles n- Merrlmac. Thatd ami Middle-,-: streets, as f.t: >is iv ',v. Carney' residence.

The \udta

\vt births in "North

Overtime at Stevens innorhllj su-.'i■udefi

Ihe ,. Cochichc

some (it "tfl • ol Mala i-, a foot ii nr \u .-s

\ Q, MootI;v hah disposed of the Tfir^- nF',,hai1"-"rn--thT yecninmr.es at \Vtsl Andovec, to K. Flynn of l>;iw-

Mi. Moody is to aevQtc his ai tec lion .wholly tq^liTrT-iTiiWIsh meiit on Main strei t.

Jamea H Mat.kte, Ko>t's famous comedian who appears Saturday at the |,;i>' reiie OOfta llOHs-'. ■ Ml (iiiincs' Cellar Door," has a apmber

ol friends: in ibis town.

Uussell McQueston , oontluues to Improve after his loh-B iliv.es.--.. He is n,.\v able lo go lilMUit tie lionse.

Rev. IM-- Milday'w-elebrated the j-.-.p.i'-in mass' "■'Tu.'-.day- .at St Miehanl'i tlna. b i'u Me I ,t" Miss Susaq jieniv. . -. ■

Miss (.on Wittts is delaine,1 at her bom? b>. M'e grip.

Ooor&e Mhiacb has sul*h iemly re- i nvered tt< m bis illness to be able to return to bis employment in ibe biacUmjMauc department in the Davis and Furlwr Machine company's narks

Tm M i> i- ^ -eta dy i " I .*, Frlda> eening? In Stevens hali, presents an opportunity to pi '- few hours

i'l rare enJoymfciV , li will be un dpr tin te-ai-.'-' ■ .i of Ciat-K 1?0> loinsuii limit -s■■haul, a.I the money

Ample pro- far ' he pleasure

Ml' ,\'lMr. nn-! thpjr a«n

rotiH support, nr- the tjbjtdj detor\'« llh'.l mi ■ ll PftCOfirjlar'(»0 • li .

vision luts beeii mad iif Mi m patron i in

i ■:" \ I,.; Tracy is 1 \ si Eo noston. r )it day for thai ■ Its wi. ■ to secure a situation. present <■ will >e T' it! l(yfn*v' li« a >: ; >ai fs torn

t on \v M 'fljiv,. Frl


'.Awful anvLcty was"f«lt far-the wtil- iw t;f 'h-> brave CWnaral Itnrnhatn of Mailiir..-. Me., when tliCfdoctors sairi HIIP could not live \\\\ jnornine.' writes Mrs. s. H. Lincoln, who attended her thai fearful nltfht. All thouaht sh« Bttint soon die f'fin Pneumonia, but nhe begged ior Dr. King's New DU- rtiverV; shying that it had more than once Hived her life f*w ftad cured be? of Coianniption. "After three 'Htmali' doses she slept etoily all night ant"

rther Uae completely cured her Tliis marvelous medkaup ■- Euarawtes ic enre all Throat, Chest and Dun? Diseases, Onl> 50c ami 11,50. Trig battles free at John J. Forest's drug Store.

—" '_ . -—-.-•* The annual meeting of the Andover

Mpfitn of"'~ Chrihtiari 'Endeavor met '1 uasday evening with the society at Hallnrdvn.p.

Twenty "three attended fconi tho local church and society,

A cordial address of welcome waa given l>y-AU*ert Greenwood, presi- dent of the ballardvale society.

The speaker of the evening was John Willis Baor, s^retasy of tho United Society of Christian Kndeaver. IDs; tahc was moat practhal. and, the union was highlv favored in having lain with them.

The utQcera chosen for the eusuints ■ar were; Miss Florence I. Abbot! o| th'o

South church society. Andnver. for president; tor secretary. Mt-s. j, n. Smitli of Hallardale and for treas- urer. WHlam Trow of West Andover.

A very'eujt yahle social followed tho. services in the .church, refreshments were serveil; auu ^ the local aoclctv returned, fouling that a profitable evening had hern spenr. The, bronchi with tbetn the banner " oi Ma union, which is awarded to tlie HOI iety that tins had the hu%e*1 per centaKc of attendance at tho coinecration meetin« for. the last (niairn-.' The twinning pe>r Kientago was se\enty-nine.

Resc,ue lodgfe has sroaelved an in- vliaion to attend the Grand lodge fair, in PUflim hall. Mae ton. Feh iff ana ggth and March 1st and -tt.

Contractor Ada,as has finifdiedl filling .the Ice bouses on liruin Hill, lltmlacl; drove sad Kose Meadow farms and .1 Frank Foster's place.

Richard u. Smith, a well-known and popular employe of the Standard Oil company, U eonlined to his home

u Marhleheai' streel by an attack of the unp...

Mat a Hadiey has i tvi^neti bis posl- tton as janitor at Odd -Fellows but In-

Offlcei Hollli C. rinkham Is his successor

The final le.-tmv in the Johnsoa li:c;h School course will he given rhnrshay evattfoa;, Fehnmry 7th, in Stevens hall., by Henry T. Bailey of North ycltuau*. ft nmnil cr of the State 'Beard of liduca'tion. , His sTTblecT wllf ti?T ^Thp- ^caropTTtisr,^-- r—

Miss Genrwde Hnmliii is ill al her home on Third street.

't is expected lhar A. J- Wright will be able lo leave the Lawrenco Gencial hospital an SaUirday.

AmoaK the tributes ; . (e,,,,.',, yu - toria's memory. uu'-i!.-.ti'i.l in ~tml iSttttun;papers, -wasr win? •from Ma.t. J* M. N. Dtiche.,ney7-ji past coflimandri* of The Aliciem and lion .rable Artll- ' bry. who formerly^ .'.Jt'd in North Andover.

In the llsi of those attending Yale a iniiior iirouieuiidc. the great social event ot the year at the collage}, held 'I n. .-day evening, was Miss Helene- Baldwln with J. W. Burdlck.

The .iniauil conference . of &SS6JE Count-v I tiifarian ehtircfaes "ill IH- held -w4t4r--t4.e First rhuivh society—in-— Salem, Feb. sattd. The Old North puvUdi will be ^dpreseated meeting.

at the

Thomas Hrcien. who hail the .non- tract for constructing" Si. Michael's paro.hi.il residence, died Tuesday at his lionn in SotnervilJ<v aged ,*i(i years, lb laid been t.MHns for some Mme. While in town In connection with his business he made a number of trieilds, u iio regrel his demise.

Chattel N. Vlbl-woad is setting up m idHinery ai the Atlantic mills far the Uiwcll Machine shop.

William G. Brooks was an honor ary pall bearer at Robert Codman'a funeral, Tuesday. In Boston

Arrangements are being made for birthday reception. |o take placn la

tin1 Method I si vesTiyi

After the meeting of Wauwiuct lodge, 1 O O F, Wednesday evening, the members. their families and [fiends had a most enjoyable whist, pa ii;.- •»*•«-/

Nine tables were occupied, and all the players entered with zest Into the happy spirit of the affair.

Captain Henry R. Smith, chairman. William II. SomervlHe and Samuel ll.tmlin. the enterprising entertain- meal lommfttfce, limited after tho ar- rai'M'tiients.

Thomas Wright win accompany his brother ia Vermont

\ special cm Is to .leave "for I<nw- rence after the hnrdy-gurdy party, under the auspices of Class 1901. lohnson High School, at Stevens hall or Friday evenllig,

Mrs. N. v Wednesday.

Frye was lu Boston,

The Cocblechewlck Ldke Ice eom- i-;it> finished harvesting the supply ot the hottaes here. Wednesday. Phc i, r Is of ArttHilass nuality.

Mis ft B. \larsion is detained at home by the grip.

The i.adies- Benevolent society 'met, with Wrs. George M. Barker, Wednesday afternoon. it was de- ided to have .. sab. but the time

i:t' QPJ >ei been fixed. The organ 1- mtios is to bold its u.'xt meeting at Mr. \ M-;;MI H; Watte' haaie o« Pleasanl street1, Feb. 6th. o — * Rev. in- IMrttesand Rev. .f. F.

Hears exchange pulpM> next Sunday.

stsfiggrapher her Machine

Company's ofib», is covvaieaetng,

Miss M Kdna Hob il .tile -DftVlSj arid

" It |H-unileri=t'W'd 'hat the board ol aacHKers will reeom ni '.d a Hfe alai.c, tystrini in the;jt a'tnijal report to the town.


People avevIooUetl, the Importance of permanently benetlclal eitecui and Were satisfied with transient action. ait now thai it is genrally known that iyrup of FlgS will pcinmnehtly over- oinr habitunl cottstitpaMOn. well-ln-

■■^rm^i-iH»>f>ly---wiil'--not-.l3ray^oiher lax* ar.'s which act for a time.'but fin - illy Injure the syj-tem. Buy the gen- 'line, mad by the California Fig Sv- rup Co,



Annual Banquet Last Nigh at the 8"-

I s<-\ Boost "ires svv« Mtenfled.


OVERCOAT "CD rait* sn*


We're wloWw) the luiiUe. axe with HI:

(iur work will i>(' Been. When Marartne; PETITORS KNOW TO THBiK SORROW Bpys1 'Clothing-la tl ns which every hoi (IAIN LEjVEL, i.HI when we rut these pri

,a)s i RJ i v a.,,1 gel!, IH dismayed. Weather these priii's say buy, buy, buy today.

lily, r.. i

i rig tin' heart oiit "f prices, sjrot now 111-■ fruits i.f i., ar,i i, pricesit'a.-'NO SHAM BATTLE-, AS ol It COM

Mi Biiu uh flirollgh inn- pri',; range mi Men's,: Youth,; anil rcfu lug clothing la this tii'y would 'all ilia wiWUST BAH

s';is >..■ hini''Mon« tor "'is sale It la uo wonder.thai buvers undltfoSs a) buy today-, your-needs nay buy today. Afiuvc nil.

(Hi Oxford (iaiy Men's Stylish Overcoats fur

Mrn's flur* blue black and Overcoats, worth JS. Jut. $12. »1

-ray , for

Youths' nohliy blue anil hlaek Kcr« sey overcoats, sizes 3- to U6; formerly

■$ir>, now

(it; Overcoats for )lo overcoats for

J7.77 $0.83

Boy II to 14

' Jaunty grey Overcoat, size reduced from $tl to

Buys' light liliie. brown and drab Top Coats; sizes li to 15; from $0 to

$6.63 $4.97


$5.00 $2 50

[Joys' blue Kei..<- Overcoats from jr. to

Boya' Covert Overcoats; for boya aged 10years-JUST TWO; worth $pj -•■

Boys' fancy ft nod Covert Overcoat! ttHfea 10 to 15 years; reduced from |t0.

Hoys' fancy uned, satin yoke'iiue 'Kersey Overcoats worth $12, now go at

Men's fashionable London Box, grey Overcoats; regularly $10, 'or

Boys' grey Raglan Overcoats j $1C, for only

„d,lghtC„vo,t $3^50

$5.00 $6.37 $8.00 $7.77

$10.00 iLsual


R. J. MACARTNEY, STr 431 431

, The ushers or the various Carbolic Ichurrhetf held thejlr annul banquet at

the i''..-'«.'\ lions.- lasi evening and It \$as a successful affair. The concert, which i-aiiic first, was as follows: s lection, Ortiestra ^•ong ■' Herbert MillingC'ii RimarlK Rev. .1, T. O'Reilly Piano sol.'.' Mi's Winnie Harding Song. B. ■'• Keavimy Violin solo, Herbert JHHIngtuii It. marks. President Mas. r

ourtlit (••urnr Kcrnon's-best repasts was then in order alnl after doing full HI tics to It. the dining room- was cleared an<3 dancing was Inaugurated and Vimiinnisi iinill midnight, Among ill so present were:

Mhwi Margaret Roche. Miss Grace Conliu

i \II.-S Margaret A. Donovan. MUs Nellie Kennedy, Miss Eleanor Raid*. Miss Mary M.illington. Miss Julia Casey. • • Miss Theresa fJoliincy. Miss CleneVlcve C.ilnau. Vllaa Mary lluleoek. Miss Margaret Haltoran,, Miss Minnie Harding. Miss Bridget Tloimijigs. . . , Miss Margaret Hypos, Mefhuen. Miss Mary Laban, Methuen. Miss Agnes Aver. Methuen. Miss Sadie Cm-ran. Methuen. Joseph I.ainonil. William Dorgavn. I*. Joseph Karrdtt. lames A. Conliu. Hubert Kane.. li. i. Keaveney. John Carr. John Pltzsimmons. Patrick Itaily. v Herbert MiUington. .lames Maher John Praiser. Charles O'Connor. John Watson. Fred Nightingale. l>anlel Minalian. John flarvey. Bernard Mulholland,

--rVrt^r—Me4vi41aget, Thomas .Mel'arron. Thomas llynes. Methuen. .lolm I.alian Mefhuen, .lotin SpottlBWood. Methtieu

Dr C II Crawford Called to Attendl The many friends of Mis* Hollcm >»un--Cirl Who Mas in. :vl Disease.'0f Tr-uiom ftreet. ggtlieiofl at u

p . i.„TO^ svwtos evetvtns m li"""1 '" '"' Wl.al is prolial'ly an nher C«M of |!„h hltlhday anniversary, | Sli- was

smallpox was i in u Mrs. !fteeented with several beatil Margaret Hums house. :".i'.i MeriimaeU ,.nts. IIUIIUK the evenlm streel last night. ' indulged In. andvscmgs »

Early in the evening Dr, C. H. Miss Christiana IRMan, John an Cmwford was railed to the house to Richard Morrtssey..Thomas aml «it attend a young woman wlio lives ii;i;1, o'Dounell and Mait.hm uojii


.! In

there Dr. Crawford Heumli: rtho yotmg » 'man was alTlli !'"l With small , ixix and imhwdlatelv notified, \g "'■ s'e.iiii. ■ -1'iie latter '■ visited ""Hie i,remi,i' and had a talk vitli thrr -irl \;- ■■' BmHh will have Bevi ial m-dieal exiicets niiil.e an examination

today. The :';rl works In the Washington

mills where IWlani 'f was employed before ho was pnl in quarantine.


I'a'roltnan BheedJ is confined In liis jhi.me on Cross ■stre.'t and is reported kittle ill. Yesterday morning he

unit. rwVnt an.operation for-a growth on the licel",. Tin I.ysi.ian., were

! in attendance when the operation was


preeent worff; .\liss llolleltr. Mi-s I'lmn. Sliss lltegan.| Misa Venn. Mis llilliiieliffi . Miss l^awlor. M is '.juinlau.

Miss Young. Miss llarkeii'vs. Mi - Itoss. Mis. liar; Miss Hell'sl". Ml liriiuHier. Waiertowii, Misses M'l.'artli. .Donovan

roll of Sontli Andover. .Miss Cloin|ll..ill. .Vlelliucu. John Morrlsaey. Itieliaiil Morrissey. Mr. 'Mellonalil ... Mr. Iioyl" Mr. O'Dounell.


Mi-. PalllslfT. .Mr-. vYiun. . Mr., Uooley. Mr. Harlow.' Mr. ■ Burba. \ R-.W vwtfation «'«-■* .servi'il_

"drip rolilieil me of.my sleep and I was nearly craay with neuralgia ami hcaitirlie ' |l|'. Mil's- I .li'fl 1'llls U'l'l S', ni ureil inc." Mrs, Pearl Buali, llollan.l. Mich, •


larv Stai ■ ••■111 Poll'

; to Probe Hi Aiiiioimii'i nt i

Tin /raail jury began an invest .MM .:• vest 'l-day in ' Ihi itories In ,.„ii" lion v.i:li' the i "'nt l'"l an

,, ini-ni- ins in this • ily. , n clerk Corcoran was on the

-lanfl nearly an hour. \ h tanl Mi s,'U"er Dennis Shin-! te lineil aim then Policeman Marshall was called. lie was on the stand only a [ew luge, utes when the jury ailjournerl uh'.il lliis morning when Marshall will be

|,e,.lll.',l. Pi.lii-i'llian MeKellegrt ami several-

lller willlcss.es will l)C asked to tcs

-: SILVERWARE. Tea PiUf, Cre.i m ,-.■.. svrui' Pitchers. Sugar Bowls,

~C<k" Slainls. Hill I"! Hi lies Hegol I.' $1. Ill quality for L. C. MOORE

Women are not Finding Such Unusual Money's Worth in Other Stores.

i CLOAKS. Continuation of Our January Clearance Sale.

\u.\ .distribution oj tit" greatest harsnln'a In I-adles' and Chll-

drens coats, suiti, waists, fte-., ever>attemTi'ti;d in ■ Hawre,,,..

Ladies' S5.00 Coats for S2.98 Children's S8.98 Coats for $3.98 ,,.:;

Extraordinary Reductions in the


Men's High Grade Waterproof Shoes. Perhaps you-dCu'l care tor a-eot,i pii'te wi—)nai'ju"i'.o|'le 'l"nt. Then

this Is Hie very won' you've been wailing for. - . We have four Sleek I'.-ittcrii Dinner Sets, each a ycry beautiful pattern,

a,„l at Hie prices ir.ark. 'I thA~n.prose.it the lugges. aarsains in Dinner , .. s,,s youn find .iii.w,,,,',, H,t you n In'l buy a wi, set-i-uy jusi »;; in. ■• j ^ ^oughr^.lot f,,*3^,,^^^ M!„„, hy t M„„

II,,' |,i". V",, w,nl it you Ilk" thai »;„ j

I'll.' T. i edgevale" is u very popular set—Hi pieces lor

„,,., „-, ,■ „i meat Kanutation and Every Pair WARHANTBD. Thls-En-

$2.49 m/^i HO tire- lot will he placed-ftr-one lot un.lsolil tot «t>y.yO See Our show Win.low For SAMPLKS.

Prices of Silk Waists.

"Araosy" :s ano'ttier pattern Hist all Lawrence

loV'l! W if hj full set 0fJJ4 pieces

The "Ci"a" is one lit" the finest li.nier sets «" have - A<r AA ,-.,.,,, i.aiin nml iii le.orutioi, itvalliui: the i'eli-nrated..l,lavi- \l *l hU tand-112 pieces.,', ee WIUiUU

S5.58 Silk Waists for $7.00 Silk Waists, Tucked all Over; Black and Colors •

S3.98 The "Ciroml,

oration- - H- piece.

■ipiii',1 tlohl

$10 98

SI5.69 $20.00

LADIES' ."'He and Otic uriuil.tis.

MEN'S lll.AVi Iti'iKl.i: ARCTIC ,



39c 98c

$2.00 75c



§4 98 But We ve Cheaper Dinner Sets. Full Si-is tor as llnlc as ...: $6.25 Others for $8.98

,\ i,MKH: I.I.NI: of I'ANciNO si.ii'pi:us i-tm i \mi.s: 9oC



Thrs ■ Slippers are Hand Made ami equal to any Siipp'r on the .narhot

i,.,. tl ,M,. See Them.

1 ALL COLORS. LATEST STYLES. /|n(f you can't ueat our values wherever you go.


C. M. EVANS, Manager.

Infants Wear. \ sjiieiuiid line of garments: ""''"

it.etty styles, so neatly finished — and so reasonable ill price.

Don't believe that we ever had Bitch a good showing as now at tlH prices. INCANTS' SUPS—Finished plain;

also Irimracd with emhroidory ruffles for '-iac

LONG DRESSES Oood quality, tucked , yoke. ■ lace trimmings, hemstitelied heni. only * 40c

Better quality: Hamburg Yoke Hamburg Shoulder Capes . «9i

In|anls' l>mg Dresses—two styles very line iiuality. elaliorately trimmed: one with lace trim in,"I skirt; the other heni Mltelliil II. M

CHIHSTENINd ROBES — You could hardly go where there was a liner lot.. I'ric'es ; »1.49 to W.

I.HM: CLOAKS Bedford Curt and Cashmere Coals in fine " M'Vtmcnt ...OS.- I„ .17 U

i.nNii SKIRTS—A supurb display from tin- Moderate cost up te the very best

■j.!; I'.ic; 70c; 88c; 11.86; *!.'.'' ' 12.49.

PINNN1NO BLANKETS — Out- ing flannel Pinning Blankets 19c; l'l-eni'li l'Tannel lll.mkets 1'Jc to |1.

302, 304, 308, 310 and J12 ESSEX STREET, LAWRENCE.


|.4„t..|i.|44h^'T>,t- -fr-K r Mr- Charles Clarke of Lowell and

' Mrs. Janiia fair of Tewkabttry P nl \v. dneeday with relative l-'1 "

Mi - Ida Seddon will retiirn from a - isit iii Boston tliis -v. nlng.

The saunil'trs street extension hai i„ ,„ bniu-as far >, i'ark sir."-;. The i, malnder ol I -aril, nnuoeil wj I ."

,, oil Hi" .'M,-ns,on of llruce i ., i from I'ark i" \v,,n streets.

M,- ii ,,,iev ,,f -Metlmen ft ill soon ,i,,l"ipy IllS U'".V I'OSi'Ul.eO on JacKSOO

■ ■ ■■ '

Mi- nn-l "'III'" ■<' Oanlni street , eonlrneil to tbe t< ncral iinsBiuil wtth typ-i...',,! f, v, r. " , -ti„ is,i„. of Trinity ehureh beld Ihi ir recii'ar monthly missMi,.,'.'.

w ettnffittaj afternoon >-#**• if Lli. eonoUlbll Turkey an I of that is !,"ii,s.'

,;,,. , it,,; Tl "i-e Wire about 20 to-'

• -:,', '•:', ait': pl.iy lias'.,", hall viit.'a ttl< local hoys at the Y. ft. ''.' Vv til I IfiiJ on \pi'l,'i,"i sti t Saturday evening

-!„,. .,,. nthletlc ela.-s met "' 'Burn

» SaT^l-eterlio, N fj ■ ..',:„': M" r< •' ll"l""sof L' sirs'f t.,iLl>

--....,..-. r- sld i."' on la tosofi -,'s , | ■ 'sens vaca" '1

' cjiS'.OKIA. . ._,.„ * ''"• K'lll'Li Ut »'W3v: B00Jf)I

.-i-,,- HrHe. -4-*+*-l-+*» NEAR THE TOP LITTLE IMPROVED.


ANDOVER reii-i' Wins Clnmo Eroui PTymniltll I' iiolman .lames Sheedy

K T to ■' White Clinton Defeats Brock" *'rom the Ope.ralion Winch lie "■""■ " ' iieiciweiit Wednesday. Ion

I hi ir refill1ar in,,,,,,,,.- in>'i:in_- WednnKtaj afternoon

i W. Partridge Udil of the eon



* •fr^<f"i'•fr'H~^ •M"M"lU^;fr Plvmoiith Mass.. .I'in. Ji - l.a'« I'alroluiau .lallies She, ,ly. who was

r ■„ ,-iefeafed the home team ai pdlo opev?te,i upon Wednesday for the re- lonighi 7 to ", I'lvniouth cojed nioval iii a grov.tli upon his neck, is in. hull, il.ai roll,"' HOI . tlavitt and rnTTylng fr th■■ tffectB ol the t , rlin or lie visitors and Lincoln uioii. t'unnliiKliam ami Mono for th

M this ....ek^sessi',,, ,"■ the pro- ! '"'- l'1^"'1 f"sl ""'" Tl" '■■■"■ .,!,„ court belli In Salem the will ol "''!'!„,,,„.,. T„,.„.., ,.,,.. K N'lr.li'M »..s proved, I'v .11

U|U'"1 .'"""

H" «l""'s^,"":,lln"l lo the -., I,|"|;.1.',;„1;'1",!,. I,,,,,,,.;,:,,,,",,'",.„. ,„.i,..,.s on the force and oneof the "". [or Die Prevention .t t.n e| , ■ . , , ,ai. als0 „ i;; w?„ mtni

',,.,,','s. AI the sane' session III"" - ■ ' |. V his fellow llienilll'l'S of Hie IOC Inventory •' the estate of Inaepn v. . ,,'.-;. S; I,. , «as til'"l. '!'" aniouliL h

II dnri h Cehhard, pianist, will glvi i,ei.,ii aj ih.. N'.veml.'er ij"l, lions,

i n ' ai I o'clock. Ill; pro- gram « fll '"' "" elaborate one.

ig |10,'4I5.17,

i ; - ii'|.;.iiiv hjoj are di ■ u i \ r. n* of row ill", and a IT,

,,;. j to I ■ organized in II

Hi II ll, 'J ": ' ■ i • ii in. . ,;.',.:i . I.UM rt-i,,..\ . Turn,', . I.i r '.n -■ Till in-i il'vui, mil l.ii:i'„li.

Ir- Gavltt -'r. Tilihills.g.


owever. ami it will be some .lays lie- ■ re he will lie very strong. He

,-fls badly eui by the physician's per- oriiiiim il peration. Patrolman

Sheedv is on., of the most efficient

ami all wndl tor his speedy ami uiniilcj.e rogovery.

. p.

Ive'r Isi'ilv ,1 ir- Mil'"' .

:.iv„r (Mis,

» \. Ntli'l

&& ' m. r„,, jfl , , „T1 ever- hox of •(» p^nuio

Laiat'rve Brcmo-'QuSSfiie ******

Tin be i el ball '■ .i.a (data -.le-si-r i his evening, .

An athl, ii,- tout uait'iit. "iv 'of the regular monthly events, will be held |S 111, :r\ I'la.'l i'llii .ti'is evening.. Tl"'

, M ,:,. u running tiroad jumii. sl:i|, . IB i ,i" and Lap 'PUl| "up.'

I ::-

I tu 1.1.: 3-.Tr.

IIK Mi.ii'ii .■; eree Ijulini.

'I inier—Beatnnn Attendance- BJO.;


A rertieily'reio'iilbielnlud' for path1 ills .nil" "-I with the Grippe is KEMP'S' l: M.SA.M. Which is esperially ailan'"l lor the throat and lungs. Don't, wait I"!' 111" Ill's' symptoms Of the (li.se.'ls,- gel il bottle 10,1a:.' ami keep it lor use the moment it is needed. 1' neglect- ed the gi-ippe lias a tendency to bring on Pneumonia. KEMP'S .BALSAM prevents this hy keeping the eougli lontfn and tlie lungs free from iiitlaai- mation. Atl druggists sell KEMP'S BALSAM at 2uc aud 50c.


Mr Arthur Lowers of Spruce stre'i is-'seriously ill with pneumonia

Thomas Condon ol Saratoga street will enter Holy Cross college at the beginning ol neat month,

-i -. Pali "I. Ryan of Willow-street, one of the pioneer residents of the Arlington district, died at her home Tuesday morning. Te ,le,-easiy|. came to I'"' lonnlry from Ireland and set- ll, i aeross tiie spieki't' in the early

Mi asceotle surgical ilressing depart- ment w it li all tlie acshmpanytlig as- e, pile rnrnitiin' is being huih. at the residence of Dr. Catalll on Havcrhill

Mi.ss Laiii.-rin,' (iiiiliii"of Spruce street Is'det'alnedt'al her liotuo bv a s, vi r" attack of the giip;- .

The lamps of the lieu are lights, a' iiitfi'i'Mii points on Alder street have Irs n plaeiJiT In position.

Thomas Tatham of I'ark sti- ve In hi. been ill wtth pneumonia, has su: I 'ieuilv recovered to lie lip aliout Hie l„,u.,..' Hi Will lie aide to be out ill

a few week ;->.i, ■. -While Is ill at her boai i Willow street:

"When Die grip left ine my nerves and 1,,'illl vvere I, oily alTeeled; lull I begali faking Dr. 'Mifes' ls'ervliin an I lleai-tfur.' all,I was soon ;ill right.

Win. Hoerii lit, Kail Claire, W, .


\ i:i-:Mi;11v for \s : : .■ , , ■.,., - drying and exciting to the ,iis<'ns

'■ BhOUlfl llOt t„- Used . WJ s in" il :,t is thai \\ III II IS eleilli.

; had griii

...;,■,, '.prolectie :.l„d healing. Su, 1, JJJ«« \'?>" ",'.',. N(,r,

I i.'iii.'-ly ' • s C-aui Balm. Pries ,,„,, ,.,,,„. ,.llu ,„ade-me well."-.Mr

An investment uE $lo Cash ami Ll "" ■'. Hi',,, I - cents a day for la months ami V",C

will own a good durable Hraa New " 1259'"upright piano, fully warranted, i'all at '.'*■; Essex street, (Fellow's*

r- ..'-^ Jewelry store, i Open evenings. 3J

and lieailailic very .^ ^^ : , *

vr Pills inade-m*iWclL - llouihv. W*t'yrlbo,'11nd.

'' ' and Liver Pills made ,u cents at ,lrugi:isLs or i: -will be ., ,. itaiUsl by Elj Brothers, '.'. Wnrreil " ir,.':. New Vork. The Bajfti when i

,.,,, .". uos,trlls, spreads over I ,,ok out far the hie orercoal sal" nrdiig Dr. Miles' Nervine, H;iin pills he ;,',, eihr ine and Is absorbed! \ at the Lawrence One Price Clothing and Heart f'ure." Harpy Abbott, Cli-.

M in the haad vanishes nulrkls f'o.' 3atnrdayt ' i innatl, Ohio. ^ - * , _ j£ J;*H

"After suffering fur l-vo in,mi In from; a severe attack of grip I foun- ,|iii, ft- relief anil a lasting ,i:re h!

FLOWERS IN NEW AND ijEAlH'- IKI'L PBS1C.NS AT CHARLES E. WINCATES' 182 fciSEX STREET. Greenhouses 8 Fultou Street. Jfaf- epbons Vi t.

CASTOR IA r'or Infants and Children.

The Kind You Have Always Bought

* LODGE AND CLUB * ,!- * •i •t■■■^"iMf••!,W, •HfMM"fr'f*li

W ||. Whit talon-of Ij'xingtoii. dis- trict deputy., will install the officer*of Pacific lodge, li. A. 0,. I . W-. this evening. Refreshments after Installa- tion.

Sim.- or i >hio, i.'ily « Toledo; Lucas fount. ; ss.

Frank J Cheney makes oath (hat bn is s..,,i,u- oai-lner llf the til-pi of F. J. etienev ai,,l i-,,.. (loins buSilU'Si In the riiv ,,r T,,l.,l,, County an,l pay (he sum ,-t liNK ItCNI.tttvI, DOLLARS.for each ease and OVery >'',s,' of I'.ltailll thai ,a ,1 I... eiileii l,\ the US" ,,f Hall's I'atarrli 'I'lii'".

FRANK J. ITIKNKV. S\...,ii I" l,.'t,,r, lie and Subscribed ill

III. 1'1',-s. in .■. .Ilils tlh ,l:,v ,lav of I ,. mi A ii. !.■:. A. win. i:\sii:

s. ill. NoWrary l'lih 11,,11's I 'atarrh ' ',,," IS tak|

,1 a. i. iliiii Ily iiii-thy-hlimd of ih, em, Send

F. '.I. CHUNKY » ''i'. l',,l'..n,V, s.,',1 i,v all frnunrlstK: 75e. Hall s I'ainil. I'HIS are lite best:

CASTOJIIA. B«i--,tli« ^lln Kind Ynu Han WWB Bong)!


atatfl House, iJoston. Jan. gut, Itfftl, TlH- (.omnvittee o*i Qquor PJAWB

will prtve a hearing '<» parties inttr- <^h'ii in th*- Qetttlon of Joseph E. BuBwelt, with accotupanytog i>iii', (KOUSQ No, -144) for legislation t'» provide that the number of liquor lii-iMiiics sliall not |M? limited iji eueh r!t,i<v, and towns a^ vote to license iti" snl" <yf intoxicating Uquoiy,- at room N". 489, State Kou^e, on Friday, Jan. lioLli. at HI.J0 o'ciock. ;i, in, r, KranciK \. Harvinpton. ('hairman.

Thomas 1,. Davis" Clerk of the Com:

mlttpe. j ut .Vn. 1.

FOR MALK—Cheap, two hen cogn one 10x80; one 10x40; a lot of "iii Darr6d I'lvniouth Ruck pallets fli hens; also lot of mixed -IMT.

►large lot of wire. William Dtcvl cornw Clarendon aiiid tVater Btreei North Andover, or 406 Essex Hi Lawrence. 1-24 bt B-;I

* >I * N* I * A sum of money which :h' owner cap have hy calling on Ml- Kan T." Brown, Mi spnu «■ etreel tweeii 9 a. m. and ti p. m.; prov- ing property and paying for tW* aiiveiti.s»>raent 12-24-iisn


D.,„; £«im«eun«. trsln I»K, PrjV - Ssa'h station. Pojljn '.' " at * P. m. Monaiy (lflnPP Wednesday anil i ,1 UlllbO day. No Uckets sell! On at station- SUterooic

11.00 u<4 n.ro. TleSsti IfU ana sl^lfroom, secure ww and fu.l Intormali'ii

rtVdQ on a.u.l-calio', (• actrrl-.-nwa.

Lowast rates and b..st aeeoalmol1«,. Ion." by an;.'Hptf. nout or r»uj u ^*' points In FLORIDA: TKX-\8; «'J tthe South aai Southwest JAOa. BONVILI.K; FL.V. aad OALW.S 'IOI5; TKXAS GSIOHOB F. 111- TON: City Pa»a «sciit; Jor »Ja,: mi Consrwia 'i?tr*al. Boafea

•t «r. *i. *. w, *. tr. r, li r. », * * * 1

Don't Forget the

Executors Sale -;- „ —OF—




M H tl "■* * '* "« "* '* ■*•'*** I