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. J T-

¥he ^kwrernie. Smeridkq AMD

F.VBRV FBIDAT *H.H\|\,„ ax


I. A W It K N 0 E , MASS.

nrniu iiir-riox ■ »a.oo p,r y«„,,» ,d. •'""■ * " BM« In «<i v,.irr, »a.00.

The cl.c,.,,,, ,„.,,„.,.„ Llvrrnrf Am.rU '"" '" *he larsjct or.H) ...p.Hutl., route, .....I more than four Tim. "V Vf. "M •ll»'«- Weekly !*•«„■ p„b- li.hr.1 In 1 in. el», . ' ■" ■"•"-

fOT lUTBB of Advertising sent U|mnnpp]lratl.m.


I _


&&M tf&i BRI

VOL. -Will, NO. 15.


Auctioneers, Real Estate Agents and Appraisers,

No. 301 E.ien Street, Lawrence, Mm. Ahvrty* ready to give their personal service ami

serious iitti-ntfon to helling Real and IVrH.miii I. .1 .!!:■ l:i>!l or i.tlli'l-ivi.,-, oliLllning M.lllfV i*n I ! !' "': ''' ■ ■"'"' .'I riil- ,.,!,.. for all ,-,.,„.,.,,,

■ looking well .•l.lililllll-IHie. _. , ■■■lb entitled t»-tbu* Kmirim

'"■"■'■mc* of our frlli


¥1(6 Daily ^eri-an,. IIBUHIUI


(Bunds)- eixepted,)

[■ the Largest Daily in the city, with Paw Tim. tbe circulation of any other.


OM Tear, BB.O0 I Ms Month.. •*.'

When not paid in advance. #".00.


STEAM PRINTING OFFICE. I* the Urgent snd moat ihoroeghl- fsrnkawd In Intern Massachusetts. Having the moat base a v ed aodern I'mum, and wlUiconets*ttadeUuons of the newest styles of Type, w« are able to fernloh the heat quality of work, eipedM—ly, at low price*. Orders by mall ]>romptly attended to.

ml. m-guUnting Mortgage* ami looking ui, Title* Renting Proper!; and .oil... *£ |t,.„u, gJ. \„ Till.' I "d '■'' Property unli-H. lh« name lH- per. fee!; no M ) inw-led but U|ion the mom lm. ibiiii't-'.l seeurity. All hii-hit-..* lab-aitan to UH Kill lieiitlni.lid ID |iioiii|.lK, „I„1 MU will l,u li,,„. omu. uV:ihh with — strict tub "— lm, ti:biii element Df nurre**

■s-.li pi r and

o Hi., true lnU!re*Vol the T itniMl, anil that beget*

- —iiring ami * which 1*

aaOT taTJ lM«- •* *•* ^eSBTermal rt*.


Estate Office. 381 Essex St. rnperty for wile in many sections of New

.. ..ut more ..j.i-.itilli In Hi,, ,-ftv of Law- m<l vicinity. Vn lnlter city In "the Union llllilll.'Ill ill'.'."111!.'III. Kifll Kstatn column In Lawrence Sentinel


IJ08TOS AND MAINK RAILH« ■*-* Winter ArrangemenL

On and after llonday, Der. 2, 1871 Tr leare the Depot* In Lawwoee, an followi ■<i ™r n,1",(,n f""0"" ^"rth I)epot), at 8.V, 10.S0 *. H.; ao.| W.is, 3.40 aiXs.ai"■ «.

For Boaton (from s.,uth Depot), at«.« 10.M A. at. j ami IS.K i.« HnSasfetV«

Depot at 7.10 r. n. " . "uu 1

Tralni1 l«Te llwton for Lawrence at 7. 7.» " ■ UW.; ItM. M.\ 3J3, 4 and i KM. '

WM. MEKmTT.onp'L


A. KlsKi;. I'Al'KH HANGINGS, Window miado*. Artiat,- Material*, Lhun-

t, i.ii!'i|i-, V■-.-,, etc. 374 KM'I .-u.-.-t,

;{= I IFrUIr* fur Ut* Amrriean. 1



[jwrence, Dec. 1. ISM.

iwnrsiSe'liijaliiii: *""fa^*1' 'L~" rnalile, -nnji accn'rfflnir to the t H'''^'TIFl L FARM IN MKTHLES

B. DENNKTT. ('[GAII8 AND TO- 1 * BACCO. WholOftale and IteUlI; »l-o HaaW A Srookrrn' AlMfre. lleerwchauiu l'l|iea neatly

sd. No. 0 l.aur.'iicc Street, Lawrence.


» Manufacturer*. S>14 H-*ei M.. Lawrence.

e IMily AiniTicaii.

I L E Y & AND1KW8,



liifi Ntrret, (Ordw

WOVHI J,],;:J:,K »««-eeii th.- river and the road. 1 Toi Ar oSMISSF^SPi PyV'"*". 2'IOai.ple tree*. | Soal etc.

H. iil.lDUKN, KHI'IKUKT. PURE :* and i lii'iniraU, Patent Medicine*, .■I.--, 1'crfUroeiT, spouire*, id n .1

... ■ ™..« •,'^IIPII, miii ., Ltin* meaiiow liav — < herHe*. pwm ami *ma|| fruit*. Cam, lotif ami r ^ .' r.unnlnK •I"")' the river r,.r n half mile ««KI paaurnde. fwd tod of every variety "o

sUaTwasPVSS l*slni ,H-'Bl"'* ** «"•"«■■ U K!!2lnT.r.. P'" •li*0, •;>000 uf wUS can He an In Irflnlte time at an Intern*t of 7 per rent.

('■1 hnnn l-EimiCK A CI.orfisON,",,

r K*aes A l'eiiiberton HU.


lerintendent of Cemetery. ft.-, ill cue ».-i Tiaiuuiit HI.


i. 11ICKOK,

Forto »nd Cabinet Ortron Tuner,

naf fur many year* follnwct lii* prnfe**lon ■ tfiintof New York, Brooklyn, and vieinl- M kic-thil in MKTII i: K N . where he

"kkweLMti romdhnu to attend hi all call* for awl KcpaiiiiiK the above iiirlriiiiieiit* in

S. Irfl M 11YP.R ft f()'s Mualc Store, Law- ^ t Po*tt>ffleeBosNi>.H, MKTIII'KS. will

IT atb-nded to. tjelt-


Kter of Complicated Accounts AND

COLLECTOR. iff, j:l1t K.iri Street. l,.m(n„,

taVH, 5 to | and 7 to I P. SI. 1 ]8epl3

W A X II fi E C 0 N 1) HANI)

FURNITURE. ■ iih'i-il'i't ■ Imve taken room* In Ord» «y

■hL, W7 KIIO Street, where they will Re- am! Sell SftMMhl lUnl Furniture

<ai III^JHIII arti.'iei.. All order* proinplly at- tu, ami KOOIU *olil at auction when deidred.

HILL ft CO, renee, April 1U, 1372. Utf-



So. I D tlO AD WA Y.


r™—.. ^.Col?i*tln* of ,0° "c^e,■ W«H dlrided. i HU M DRKWB. ton* hav, keep* 10 Imad „f i^tu,. AIM le* iJlrV

MjVnf Rtrswberrie*. Tleldnii rich ininnte. N„ i ^?^.n"V"-. * Wm N«P- situated y tnllr

from 5ia m-hcU'r, \, H. (all on or addret* PK- Du. CHA8. A. tiOLIWlHTII.

Methnen, Ma**.




BBS Kli . rl, - - - I.nwlriirr.

lin*, and Cther or Chloroform «- NCKOFT, D. M. D.


.17 Easex Street, Lawrence.




Largest, the Simplest, the Cheapest, the Best.

Tbla Marhlne lum ju*i taken the Pmar PniH al he Lowell Fair. In tket it ha* never failed Ukinx .ie flr-t premlnm wlwrever exhibited In competl

lion with other machine*. It Stitche*. Hem*, (live width* without bailinx.)

FelUvTuoke^Conl*. .l|nn>, Uralda, Fringe-, Ri,f He*, guilt*. FaKpite, <;aCliera and Hew* On at the ■ante tune without luuunf. • «™ ■» «•

• THE DAVIS unlike other machine*, baa not been puffed into notoriety by boasting advertisement*, but In a qiilet way han earned a (treat reputation on account

orer other niaeli Please call and see them at the Agency,

192 Essex St, Lawrence. At Dyer «. Hall aV i'o'i Clothlnc Hlore.

H fiovl- JOHN WARBURTON, Aj-ent _ N: B^-MsoMaw Itetmlred ■"■ !■: vli:mK»il.


That what people hare IK III* after for the la*t hum * ind can be had at

FRANK KNOX'S Boot and Shoe Store.


ed thsaVwad ran warrant them wattar-proof. .IfftL Ladle* w e hate both

Lace and Button Boots,

looking for and * ,e lant humtred MtM IIBH at but 1

round and can be had at

Mr urn v. MANLKACTLRKR d Dealer In Hoot* Shoe* ami UUIIIHT-, of

Mlrable Style and yiiriltty. M> Kaaex St.,

'THI DAILY AMERICAN, BRIGHT, ''rv "'"' int'c'-tinp. All the home newii

an.I Inllent* even evening. Post OIBee Block, Lawre|e, Maxi.

HAlWHITNEY 4C0., APOTHBCARIKH, • (-'fner K--.■ x and Lawrenre Rt*. Truaae*,

Suppr -" full a.

rPARBtX A BRIGGfl, ATTORNEYS 1 am) OphflsBotl at IJ»W, "aundera Sew Block,

RIH>III« M t„| i7, Lawrence. Ma**. ■• K. TAkaox. i'. K. BBJUOM.

L. D. I)E MARS A CO., WATCHES, Clock*, Jewelry. Sllrer and Plate.1 Ware,

Kanr-y ...-I-, cuilcrv, Toy*, Ae. MO Kaaex St. Bcpairiug, Uold and silver 1'latlotl.

PEDRICK A CLO0BON, FURNITURE, A CarpeU, Cmrfcery and Cuderv. torether with

■*"" ' '.M»U generally. The l>e*t aiiaort. .1X1 baM street


M. tlonery, Ac. Heal* at all houn.

B\ KENNEYTM. DTTplrmciAN and SUTX i. Offlee VO K*aex 8t HnuM

No. 110 Newbury StreeU 1'nrtii-iilar attention paid to Cancer*.

8. JEWETT A,C0., AUCTION AND . Cuwimlaiion Merchant*. Furniture and

Carpet*. *B and *W F.BMM St. lawrenre, Mao. Sale* nt ofhee, Wedne*day, at 9 ■>. at.*

0. HOWE, 481, A88. 485 ESSEX - Street. Lawrenre, Ma-*.. Wholeiale

Manufacturer* of Chamber Furniture, Bent and Sitting Room Chair., etc,


MISS LIZZIE CARLETON, 250 ESSEX Street. Saunder* Block. May he found a va-

ried ami select niK'k oi Kanev I..HH1», to wbicli I would ruKpectjuJIy Invite HUiutlun.

rPH08. LEYLAND, DRY GOODS, 8ol .» !?*?;**1 KuJl v«'«<'. **»"• Oealing, "No waaTt^aJ? Tr,ck,-rj- <>u* ,Mce *« me« ( tpLBUBK BROS,-DAILY PAPERS, ^thromoi, KnHnS»ii Hji-riodl.-al*. SUdonerj-.

at abort notice.

,. A^T..»H\.D TO .«> K, T™^'

ii.uk Hnox'a DDOt and Nhne «lo] ■T.V.I Eaaex Stv«et,




TO Tll«l»

New, Store, Opposlt< tj

I'.i ..!■:■ i::■,!. m T.I ■ i. ,i i! !.•"''■ :

"Tl* ilniabed," aahl Old Time; he fnl.W j The moord ""h"1 yw- "What'* iloneef

What I* recorded here remain* unchanmj Till jM aaaa tw awastM

Till then snut thi- completed reeoi*tf Within the store-ho tine of eternity.

■ akeielt a HnVn earee* | And if it plea*e him not can make a di

Correet Id* iiiamnicrlpt. blut here and ■> And tuld iiniirovemetiU aa ault* Fan nil

A -Inner, lead through Buffering luai Or let a Mint, by ain, to hell be ilfhaj

"But all 1 thi* record here ran not bei Who write* hi* bUrry on the page

Be II u pure aa angel'B llvi The record or a »ad career of crim*,-

What'* written mu*t fhrevormorei Time'* roll, once Mealed, U opei

Ttau* he, jnliloquutlng, aestod the ml. And mark'd It plainly lSTS,

Thi* carefully he put slide, and the) Another parchment from hi*

The page, purr* virgin white, "Here all may write," laid he;


[HViWen/ortAe An



II r K L X A X O B

" Now, Johii, do jou thht creature In hereT" Sir veils, with a lit 111' jci lliiit the liiHic.st rsirmiT Mb

" It seema to mc, rool " that It ls'nt for ua to will take her or not. SI annwer your question b; do you propose to turn '

" WeH, she brought here; and abc can again. A woman with ui" winter, N not sight," was the rathi awer.

" Hut mother, wltei turn her away ?

"John Mrvciis. I any of your bUNlneaa, look out for all the i to your door, and ha' to .- This ls'nt a means."

" Well, mother, Christian's house o^ when there arc pooj t.r. It's my opinti ' share what Gotl hi pretty near lime woman and baby for the present at 1<

The word had go ■euH had called nil

.*•* iP^WW prepared to ^»onalFToperl.. nt ren'on-

IAN AND SURGEON, r, HB, 9 Appleloa NUT. I, t-




:s, -- 307 Bsaex 8treet,

:omw L..IHU* Htrp*L -H • . 103 Concord Stre.t Li.vr.nc

H. K 1 D 1> E 11 ,





1 ]I<H onlce all hour* ofatM nlghL

1AM POOR, UtWlhctm... of

*rB|Jr|l*j Butchor, Storo, Fitrm South-east cor' nd iSatnee* w««on..

Ita hranchec; ami all work

where will be

pletc naaurtun


live! ever »o many saWM" a^attiidhis have baeome.sa alarme.1 by the on precclentedly irrellglou* MtwtH of the Hrc King, that they darj not oocupy Ihelt usual place on the SablMtlh.

It 1* laid Uwt Ur. Morn preronted a conllngra- Uuh at hi* chureh lw>t RnniUy morning, by Iwlng on hand to throw a DUO** of water on the already Ignited materials.

Mr. Taliuage lias Uken hie eoiigreaatl"11 l" •"■ AcaJleiny of Mu*le. 1 hawnl "" *>•« hut Jhe «T- orendsantlemawU very well couteute.1 ""■■".! *houM auppoae »wotdd exuedy lull him. lite talK-macle looked nmrv Ilka a tl«>nlre than any thing el*e, and th« order of exerclac« there was too funny for n.tyUJng. Tlw organ was juet about In the middle of tins chureh, anil till*, or course rou nil know. Mr. Morgun atlen.hsl to, and In ex

The Hlngh* waa .ongregaUottal.

Ion lo the size c ig wltli tin- big i

That's WCndno farmerl

an well to ilntlfc l; \Aat she's baT

Notliiar but purl Ibaod's (rtiliugs, ke| lniioiiiiiE aloud at <M knew vfiy well tlm-i used lo tibor, aud thf tenderly] ind careful! or L'inirti:;iiH who, I

" coods, had a| dent totacn"*0™ 'to

1 IlTln J In mijnfetlon wltltl liu;r -.ii -.litlii'iilly l.i' '

:is Ill's. Ntei'i-

^mother," an* *aps!l would t she can do o doing."

£fbr her hus- pteverw from T*mnrk. She

t were nn- Hrl hod been ■I by pureuu l*ch In this J meaua aum-

Tlii snlij.Ti. aul n> du lies' not far out of the way J

For a intincnt thetfuq ^ kitchen. The new on sipped In i her aounfr tlxed on tfc eontenti " some eggs Into a yel beating drill vlgo waited (or/the bro' from ihi'lMwI; be as quirk al abe couli drawing »v*y from tl face nusWi, and her 1

have been kind oftrork. I ner< anythlif except,

" except a fei " course are w<

I have always talent for cnlh what's tli.it?

in teh leniiously

Itlfnl KJM vena broke and fell to

Mr." Stevena . Vi look away

:v-'"iil.l apeak "ft she said,

"■ri while her "V ied to any ight to do hesitated,

. iliflhments, 'thing to me

Ight that I hod work—" rupthd Mrs.

There right; I

. and Aiput to

'ertain kinds ol lied Fanner 8tov<

^course I should I could lei

•tinned "and I work, from the r.'ss making aw s taught yon

■i '-ii-, In aurpriNJ ) one," waa the

a things ours ►urn wtth one o iM is perhaps, th ■at use. There a 11 othl'tUingr

.' no leis oiirK; >urs oa- ■u'lcr o earned them, leglectl what

Lgnvc me to use In rst plaV and \ that which I had ght to.Vhat

P cause of my bet «." F*Took something tad no _ght " exclaimed Mn. tu, evldLtly |er the Impression her hush "

unawares " \ ' fugitive

she answeuptlng down la?r

was it deaf [ulred the far- r, whose aympatl' drtt hot! come

$2.00 PER YEAR Jwst thru play- .• i think," she answered, seating 1

■cb* again, "that the lew, I think abfche beautiful face opposite. Fare. all this the better. You know now.^aVtis wiped hia spectacles, and I

lose commnii le one before h ' Love." she | id still lower. 1 eloped with Qau IT, and sicknesa tune befel him

iih this baby, an ie continued, chi nil handing it ov

rrv, o „otltgomfry Pltcc, 2al dine street, and H Sudbury street. At 81 Howitnl street twelve persons were ar- restetl; nt * Montgomery plate, 8 men; at tl Aldlne street, sixteen men; and at n Sudburv street, forty-nve men. In^eacli or tlie Brst six named places the officers obtained a foil taro-bnnk, with deal-boxea ami chips, and lu the Sudbury ntreet place i nets Of props, 408 chips, furniture and other implements. The property cap- tured was worth about 95000. Among the parties arrested were a well know,, bank president, a clergyman, and u railroad en- glnucr. They were ndmltted to ball; on Thursday thirty-nine of the 0«^><«: ed guilty to gaming, and were each lined U mn eosts; the remainder pleaded 7ullty to being present and witnessing the Saines, and were each fined 920 and costs, "he tines and costs of all amounted to 11L ■■"" , . nm — t II,,, ,|l,.|i

DARLINO ? .}' Ml bless you forever and ever " write legibly or cc closed ten dollars, #>' < i I have in the

' I. and go hoAo i r lather. He forgive *atir41oU mce I know, ind o*Al- their testhiiouy lS'hifti

far as my history Is concerned, about _ much as I know myself; I am deprived ol the protection of both father aud mother, and must make my own way in the world. In one sense father U right. I make my own bed, ami I have no right to cry out If HU hard."

"Let me tell you one thing little wo- man?" said Mr. Stevens, drawing his chair nearer hU companion: " It lit a sin

—oJi^ulSE in tbem li*y* "fl'TOgrck^. snd

ijjfrpr uf tviiiimtvn/mlMc Si when -i I'tiil.i which way to lay the feathers. puuchlug'em till you makeVin control

ijahle, or eUe Invest lu a new ticking, ami ' Tfil In A<t fast an rtrminatances will allow.

Don't he cast down, my dear, nor dis- quieted. It's a long bine that has no turn; hut deary me, there's the habyl Gad! she's got lungs of her own:" and be- fore the mother could reach the little one, John Stevens had her In his big arms, and the baby waa looking wondcrlnglv In his honest face, as si ill as a mouse.

" So she Is a nice baby! so she is!" be crooned. The nicest baby that ever came squawking Into any body's house, alnt Itr and Tin blessed if the little thing atnt laughing at mc," he went on, quite as much pleased as baby herself.

"After I have nursed baby, yoit wiU please give me something to do, Mrs. Ste- vens," and the little mother took her little baby from the hands of her friend, bestow- ing on him a grateful look aa she did so, and walked into the sitting room.

" Now do you suppose, John Stevena," and Mrs. Stevens laid her haud impreaa-

..., Wely on her husband's arm; evidently the be taufr.1 UiuV i^y na(i ft (tubject of the greatest lm-

i>*\portance to aettle before she could go a eAwu further. " Do yon suppose," she re-

st*V*o pr\ ••thfct if I should give that poor peateof"! allitwv new ajpscB, dreas to make creature nrjsoit- NLely to BpoU M u that she'd be itrt t\ inquired ttte farmer, who

" Is that all? ' i .leiw......i ^........i,\„,T otitindv had evidently expel1

out of the ordinary nth "\contlnued, "after "Ko, mother, he 'tiotlWlf, I Hhonldn't \H-.

what she haa said of her "•«i,ythlng I wanted afraid to trust her with ■»•" well done."

So Mrs. Stevens decided tuy give her the " stun*." and waWt she handltd it. Mrs. Stevens pc of MhsAfSaaj self on biing a woman of uncomiJtws "^Xli- splcnlty, and in some respects hat ■Mrl"' mate was a correct one. She wan tinlU' sure that the could tall by "the way the

ew comer took hold of her work " wheth- er she would be successful or not as a dresNinakrr.

" Now iryou please, Mrs. Stevens, I ant ready far some work," said Mrs. Grlftln entering tae kitchen a few moments after, with bahj srowlng and laughing on her arm. Fanner Stevens held out his hands, and the tli,v Infant Jumped Into them, and Mrs. Stevina proceeded to undo the bun- dle of alpaca, which for the last two months had remained carefuBy tied up In her upper bureau drawer.

"I am rery particular," she remarked. as she laid the material on her companion's lap, " about my dreasca. I alnt so rich you sec, that I can afford to have many of 'em spiled"

Mrs. Orifllo winced a little at thla; but a glance at the farmer's sunshiny lace rc- ass«re.l Uej, and she niv*«eo>d M*»

t (ititl)*7^? her hosless In regardto her Rn the manner of making, volun- tome practical and tastef ' hen without tlu^djsdjlM

Ing the portVy

Ste- ■Mp

h the Ismp mat to the Imminent dan- of upsetting the huge kerosene recep- k loomiug up from the cents* niece.

id now," continued the shaker, if lly want to please me and father, ni'i ie# another stitch to«lght. 'rk Is dreatlful trying to theeVs."

"■ another word Oeraldlnc ft>lfttji the

Ing how mnch to home the little thing' - - - _ t . ff> , ... , acts- . Weekly News*lii'evitie^.

Geraldlne listened, then said softly, ^ • m , , flUnding very still: KaTtrnr.AY

"Yes, Mrs. Stevens, my baby U happy jSATUKDAT. In her father's arms." j The Berlin <;aiette *iigrutisMUM aitoostiosof

A mnmeut after nnd there was a scene

h that of the

dropping her d my Father, ved. He was kinds of mis-

he left me a ter; read It,"

vn a big sob, tovem

in>she would Kth W while n?skrVdV) jR.r.

lireadtli-. of silk, and laid thf | in the big work basket.

A I shall be very poor cf * "but youj

where—mv husbi »ld night!

in that alttuig-roout that Farmer Stevens ami his wife will never forget lo their dy- ing day.

"Love like that is very uurommou," Id Mrs. Stevens, blowing her nose vlg- insty, as she closed the door on the ipy'palr.

■ ^.nner, "IhU Is glory

. Stevens was partly right In her George <<rimn did have a long

knew, hat ho didn't die lu their nlIon Hint love could

■ be starving for all I knoV"^

Farmer Stevens made a vow ment that If daylight ever came . go to town and limit for this wonu band; but he only said to the little1

an peering out Into the darkness, pli hU big warm hand on her flaxen head

Let not your heart be troubled; ye bl, ..... c in God, believe also In me.' Youl Heavenly Father will-help you and yours out of>ll this trouble if you are only faith- ful Ask him when you go to bed for strength and patience. Ask him, too, to give Fanner Stevens sense to discrimi- nate, and power to execute; and mother, here, faith enough to believe that it Is all right. Cuddle right down In Christ's arms, my child, ana hell rock yon to sleep with a sweeter lullaby than you ever sang to your baby. Ill do all I can fur you. Yon believe that, don't you?"

"Oh. indeed I do," she sobbed. "May I go to bed now? Perhaps I will be better there."

"Of course," said the farmer. ."Go right along, dear."

For a monsent Geraldlne stood by the door, then slowly returned, set her light upon the table and walked timidly to Mrs- Steven's side.

"May I kins you?" she asked in a wfaU. per.

"Come right here," said the lady, open- ing her great motherly arms; anil Geral- dlne Griffin was folded In a tight embrace,

"Nothing under the sun hut a baby, fa- ther," said Mrs. HUvens, wiping her eyes and hugglut. t: -■.***> fif-rslU


the Pope, delivered at the ctulatnry seW lu Rome on the tSrd iti-t.. a* as tapardasshte Inaidi to the Oerman Emperor. "The eotoiMd hsfu- dence of the Pope," nya the tlesett*, " "how* tlus nereMty for the Immediate paaMss of a law denning the boundarirti between the Rowan Cath- olic Church and the Mtste."

Tnani—icr Adyer arrived at New York on ss^rsssa. Jaaving tsi huanl Mn loam tsr the Asss- ny penlWaitlan, convkte.1 or Ku Klnx outrage". Among use prVont-r* la Rev. John Kiell, Bs|dUt rlerty man of KonUi (nruliua.

The • mall pox, said lo liavet*

■r Stevens, wtoM*,/,,rl, made frequent vi-T^* the little group by. tlon to "receive cai'

could buy was lavished lloaloo, prevail*, to an alarmtog extent In rarion*

Timo will tell," >JX wer. . "T

Ssrah Stevens eait-n ir half. 'Tliat glr.#

"What do yon' a n al era I fool?1

e_V«ock New Esq.

i oracular an-

,' replied his lcr,"shecon- Wne for. John

illeil ii*

"^'a-:*?^ 11».' from of her troul nun Mn. woman nhe ill wu at tlie In .ti

™«'lvc<l a

n St'' «'l»r'"' '•i-unitefJSL .. "

**.m PK>JI«,I:! ^Forgery, and "together too

; J vV*">iherc ain't aaVhl

lie's s» Tight as a featner.

-\ Tl i:>»i Ntreet, Lawrence

roform or Kther given, aa prefi


ii w, w. Russall,

N 1 > K N T T

in- a supply of COAL of differ- , ounlitv, which be will furnish a reasonable price and ifeatt nnUee. |H. left at JOHN H. OBAXOLEIW

Sept. fl, 1ST*.-


Hlrlckcn a blow at the gambling sys- i carried ou In Boston, from which B

STT2^ ™;'^«:;:;'Z-^^u.:o;«'s»:' "By»!.-... c.P., «»„»»«

Aager. Wr- Morgan took the hint, and „' 'K he laid his plans, and for the TUX firs coHMsscKn. ioelss that followed their carrying out.

[always .ympitihlied with the twfaMlat, for I sal aometlisea the screeihh.K wa* unendiirahlc; l.ul he invariably had his little reveinje. He took It ontinopsraUeand }lg lnterlu.ii.*. SDBM of them *oll«gy.llmlit wn*har.l work for n dancer to keen kla feet still. When Chicago Immed, Mr. Talmase was reported us saying that it was he

- icked. Sodom and ten ii.i i 'ii burned.

Lo ogislatuf*.

r oi : ) Essex Street, Law rent.

Nltr. i Oxide Oas Admlnii

s,-/;,•/,. ,., . r,„;dtv. run ui'i)ihi.i pa

Net to. SKI Essex Street. (Old N^B_

M FK§^Hh

, D r H I T F r '*• altSSSSSl Alberl «as M L n- lATSamapAWhll. Slml No. aaB Essex p.ksB aa4 Csswlc* Wakiron

l{e*!ili-iiee, No. I.'. i ink M^rtlon of Us* bSfUdiiiK ngsimtl l.uvm.a:. (M nSUaV.sM, snd kmwked

unil.BsdbrosaU.1 in.-'l ' i -1

LAWRENCE lMlSTofOnHS) ^Hag men, Wfc* v 4|k«<||-,„iliul urwH,

rkeo, and, sss Ssolteineni pro- Foreign Postal MoisCssaikfcfa>ssiwbiebshedied.

StSly sAtrfiflBWadent. v, *, tskeu 1 ' msottl Illk.iTll Hospitiil, where he

"REAT intITtI\ \:. 1 el* OSSSS,' "W&* lliere, although ^nBkight recover, even

sic, and his marriage BSBpdS). anil again B>r

TWJSJI KElrhoiuhe waitotnar '..Tiimnj ,„.,, ,,.., ^.H/^^JJ jB> week* after the arrl-

! Ihini ,l,,„ -h. oonle*Bs*Uu.eeou her beloved OtS rrSSI SSrt w7tnK lUn-'--. When It lie

ii'iil ilikisihS TTlT* -"* )■'""• were made for Of the marrlase "

the lubtcrlber oBbn for inle a Urge variety oi CPjUBC the BSjas

Toya, Faaoy Ooodn, Initial 8U- ^Aindghty w cre'<u».i with numiwrim i«»l tlonery, land su«clent reasons. When thf Talsrrsaeto

and other WriUs, kUterhdi- wa* destroyedby m£-+*g2»**

«o~IM>rl*s, Paw^amesuaalos, MUl Hook., SO

CUTLERY, andallsorUof

Confectionery, Nuts and Fruit. GEKMAN STIDY LAMPS.

*TAll these artklsi are luiuble (or Hsllday

Preaenta. WALTElt B, IVOSALI),


Andovor,Dee.»0, BB» »

*t»pped In lhi« instance to give the

i i-.-i. -iHI■■ tax the nuwn cosmr.T OF MIS IIKAVBNI.V VATIIKB.

ittsn ii . for in.' U'ouhle How easy it I* to a of one's neighbors'.

Things are very lively now. There U sensation enough for UN pen of the duUi i seriiKi in tlto

in Wednes- niieeluboth' lied to order

ftulTblk, senior council being

^^een called to pin- In i,.lr#(| and the meiiiltcrs

vrlng WM uiiamlnoiisly iiitlil be a nnx| on ssHUtuIng the

dwelling on

n.atU..i s 'li bfl kit,

leless 1 I dc-1

nth r-nfei


Uuiu priv I


"Mich r,!"^,. ,.,,

'iiinnt i v-i i\,|

cheaper aa thB (WoH

through uOelala air... p«>ttge rmm (his hri,

fwilnj people at

whose pa**, ,(P]

"hsier or these

countrymen who

•■lety and eonvei

*l horoe, wiu ,

common nenso ns


Uto, sjaa ^■•rt (- Ahlmit was married Hjb, tlie Rev. A. S. Twomb- ^p»e falthfulneas of the lady.

| patience or the deceased, |g light. The sufferer died sea, ut the age uf :u years,

M« served la the late war

•Ian u»ry l, tam



in, i or Worreu .gimeot. His ooeopatlisi

loAdnl'i. and be worked for the IKpoi ati.m. Kuoeral aervloo*

a-ore bold st BBS IsWrop eJmreb, UbsrlosWwn, on Sunday appBi finlct Knghiwr Hamndl and lbs Boolooilrsassn' were present in large num-

BM.*M>.a**W«il'lv offlelatcl, and referr.il ^^tavory atthe (Ire, and itato.1

■a be hsd exporioneed re- aAer the funeral service* deposited lo a torsh. from

[they wore taken to this town ^■leil by the relatives of the

.lsnaaaai* and Sk« B"l la.kci .Vsms'latlou, and ■C\ s and 3, Howsrd w.-

hutotu Hook and ladder Paine nnd Wahlron, wh.i

^■kt sorldent, and WBtn bol

lepoHn this town, the oorpee inotindng frlssdi, ware s. V. K.

to the South Church, where aolenui cervieea were Usv. Lhariss "mill.. 'II*.

I In the fumlly burial lot. al Siiiiscjucntly the Andovei ie visiting Bremen to their

■Is bed them with a warm sad afterwardi escorted them to

wore ciutHem* of mouni noble looking Mt of mm, Tney

PASSAUF. socurod via. Aawlior, Msttonv-J, •r Wfclto atar Lines at lowest rates, between 1.1. .rpool •» Mlasfjew awl Boaton or Sew

DratU from £1 upwards; also, preisxld rerun catev to New forh or a*"*"1

for further pnrlleulura applj' B» Wkl. M AKl.AM'. Agent,

* AsTIKIVXB.SlAai. Andover, May 17, IffTfc-


The snbaerlber wouW rwpeetfully five BsflMtt tlie IdtUens or Andover and vicinity lhat ho has opened a new and

■•'rtHluQimltlo Hair P»«asjrins1 Hooiu

ri-eelvosad attend to the wants ol i iiHtomiT*. B> I «attention lo business. Ssd l.y ralthtlil en. ■-Iv-

or* to pleaee. h« "oi«w to deserve a lair PfpP% l"„ of imlill eim0.\ence anil iwtrmiasv. It wU be bis a\m to keep a flr*t rlaie eatsBi*lment. and the public are InvlWsl to give lilm a Iris .

si- rnrtleuUr atUmtlon BSM U, LuUlag UMSal aud I liil'lrenV Hitir-

P s.—Toilet shsmpoo, a new mndeorelesii-ing nsttatlr without soap or water. Try 1L

~UKOBGE H. OKBILL. Amtover, Jan. II. 1ST*. &

VpS. K. L. TAPI.EY, Having retnovod to lbs -tare, funnerly BASasM

EaMESSIieriiel ... public generally, to ul Winter styles of Millinery carefully

lier friend* and 1 Winter styles ip »l"7,,','-.'rz

. eonne-tlou ha* l>e«n s.1. e.1 » SSSaaayStOOS.Of fmiev flnmll We shall endeavor I" Sttssssi v

lH,o.r»*«. 1. »»b • -^'i. ,.. TAHU„, MKM. E A. HAJIBOK.

Antlover. Oct.», »?»■ "-



HVischuietlA, ss. „jly rho-en asslgnc* I I'HAMBEHLAIN




The ntibecriner hen . Andover and vlelaity that i-..u. .,.-,■ „iii,.,i by ^alpr

tanual Streets,

itountry. ' Onorahss and alnuglnvr hottseH, hotels nml ■»»

aeums see l.umlng. Servant girH are r.«stlng aUvSl poor women am starving to death, lying by the side of drunken husbands. Coroner* are .«■■ rupie.1 .lay and night. Juries am busy with mur der eases, ami such a stir hasn't been seen in New TsYh or Brooklyn r-.r many a day. Some way UrooklynUkeitho lead lately. The trial of Dr. Irish, for the murder of Mr. Anderson, ha* ended wmowhal farcically. Both the Dr. and Mrs. An dor-oe, aro out on balk What un.ler Uw MB «V ■a».le tub. ease out ol. Is more than 1SBB toU! hot 1 oonndently sasaajM Dr. Iriah would empire with | hli feet In the air. !a*n wsaa so ASXIOCS TO HAKU SOUS-BOHY,

that It didn't seem to make much difference wheth- er the man was guilty «r noL Stoke- U gotsg through his second triakand Uilngi

look decidedly tetter Uw him- llourl, the par- lor man at the (.rand Central,has brought tnrward ..nine valuable testimony. Henri Is a Frenchman, and one of the Iionestesi men that evor breallieil, aecor-llng lo my e«periem-e. If Henri savi te plckod up a silver plated pistol In the p-J~ d»j of the shilling, he <li,l pick It BD. t_ Plsk was armed. He always enrrlesl a plstoL He kitewlhats-.nei»go.heba.iln-ulte.l Stoke* Mf ISaaaOS tu make a mortal enemy of blm. Ha was determine,! to extinguish sSBBfB, socially and fl- nawlally. He was succeeding iM-yoml his most aanguineeiiKJctaUonsllieveryihiyof 111* death. Whv should te mA esrry a plshtl on thnt occasion r 1 don't know whether this is aeli .leler.ee or not- bllt I belie. >' Dial STOBSV u«rr auauu or nss is TIIK KILUSO

LIMB, hut about HVO ISSSB Stokeal nml pmw munlorer*

TtoyhsvosJf'jj'ienattlh'iilB Eai

Cuhloi to ni.i i k,■! ami dowj

t lit t I. ..... I would scold" Ing bow much V diversified arc bple 'tdertand Ithat by tnlnls- ■netimes enter- Jlh these sweet %-. klnr' hearted

l aud comfort-

tlie breath of Sit'\ na said

r ben at him noughts lo tha but he'll never orld, never! I plogut since 1

. worth all the of put together. iy me once in a

a go. 1 deal perhaps, Iny by

,ur old age; but lflbout Ihls busl-

Hjod* was heard on

It ting-room to 'eitc opened it to jing i«fore her. Two babies had ntschold. It did

wtil'bi" girlish fkee seventeen. An

crowned with a :ht that It was al road forehead; a Inged with long, Urker thsu the f the slrani jrir

Ind her halrj^h, a 11 formed^frVure,

■llghtjo juWv tow iianrltchcn, < Ing

Stokes' Btatement thst the accidental, that, iK-lni'down of the stairs, he OOOll not out danger to his life, W«J*!"j pure self-tlefeuse, inn* t* he lie Justlned. A itf dueed yesterday, who of two pistoU Inn shooting, the one of Ing silver-plated ow ("orley swore was thr Miss. Hall.

Wreck of a Barj

The itarque Kadi Manila, East Indtei last, for Hoston, and Japan wood, trance of Boston h I'olnt Allerton, eai US last. The vei

Capt -I- A. Mat! her first mate, tin who commanded ward voyage, the command to

The houtewai Cape of Good Hi until the vessel ■) land coast, when with cold wcathe ress was made M

in working the er that met tlie their hands hai were not so dlsal duty. On Suudi barque made tli but the south-wi tbe vessel to north-west, heave to und drl

After drifting the wind thai .[iiiii 11 I- and anj reach port. 0 vessel passed four o'clock, moderate br

The air w bearings t'n

she's a* ngh she contlnneil, "If this isn' good as having something of

' It Is our own, mother," HI

er, solemnly; "God sent It." "And what have you got for

Inquired, as Geraldlne arose, smij comforted.

•'Kiss him,"said Mrs. Steve**., never bad chick nor child, my th- in more senses than on*, has lie in appointed. You couldn't kHs a man would think more on it."

Geraldlne laughed and met the fkrmer hair way, who rubbed his rough fist-e against her soft, flushing check, and then gave her a smack tlntt txwud hav- *" heard for a Mock or two.

"Out of practice, yon Bee," he said, with a hearty laugh; "mother, yon see, don't"—

"Hush apr John Stevens," Interrupted bis wife- %

^■**& dine hr™ For

his Joy and gratlt deep for words.

Later In the il.iv Mrs. Stevens aside;" Hamilton took what her hush* demanded to know thing lu this Hvanted most of anv-

"The grac promptly..ri* God," she answered

"It's "that pinion," said the gentleman, meargot some of that to spare. I wiy world's goods, to be bought -aey." >ninn next to oars," she replied.

hat farm was John Stevens' Ksw present. Stevens has altered her mind about

shand'a never being "forehanded In

k*nn»d gold, te point the lily, a perfume on tbe violet,

', or add another hue sin in nv, or with taper light I b.iauteons eyc'of heaven to gnrnlah,

•1 rkuenknw eseeai.—BsaVkstosaVi

, and i said Mrs. Stevens, as leasurlng, and pinning

" yon don't mt tin to tetl [%ua»vcr learnt no trade: Why

i quick tnkes her

,' thins; to net on lite. " -st Agger to flt, that

|?*vhut beats all! you're I^Vtey Jtetchum. It '

tie one had s per-

I hearted

ridMre.v^l ■a moment WWi,.

quaint remnv*^!1*? Mmilc' at ,lh6

the work w«li* •w,Pa»Ion i**"* "V and row**lr',*L Mrs- "tevcDS*

Stevens with lisftftft. ■m' F""w

PCBraiice ^,W»*. to ■" »P- OtfrakUucMirlfliS;

elilereil the liuus. "■ fbctly ilestltuti man surveyed the elea?% she deftly imn^liHl CMtSh1"' " wondered what prnvisaJ-BJ"*' , for tlie comfo-t or Hie !v,C~ " n",tl'" (lenly thntwn upon his h<2***? .*""* stime questioning, he dlsra*^; ?n,'r

trunks containing Uie entln^*"?* , the family had been kept bvCWH whose house they hoarded, ktJ2? , two weeks',paymcnt, amonntiaT?■,

eighteen dbllars. This Vom Was so and so, sad abe lived

ind n miles

street and number, in the citj*V? *Vm«'r. 1.....I... ,..ll«- ._ Ft .*'"»lg J twelve


'Jjcgauthcstr-iger ' tlie house ruefully feel very much re-

*. Poor Flik, and i-oa op j BKVc hsd," and lorer* and munlered BBB/ ,nd looked down.


was 'eep it here; ill I.-ii-

_ In mid their coursoSerf" three or foujiawcred of Mlnot's l|i words, snow begnf „ jiatKj. wind lucrealyN very aalls werc|]K. jIIlai

buoy on Hr to leeward, S. < ■■ (n, quite densef-H |in>. leaving ML qfl-as. reefed spsnli bj|J u,e Though w*p nDi(,n. right coui tain regai the circt

IB Uir. haps flflei Ing H«" to iiini rletl Into iJ

forty-flv ' six and soon as uot hold, tl

by Mr. House

.'Gilbert of larv speaker. fo, .1. Raw- elect Of the

.^luncll shortly to sirs were qual-

and yesjeted speak- wrltlngHfrk. John fond of* at arms, sir." # »• lh5

"But m. I*ort. qnlred Mi Jlaptlsi band woul ■ tlon. Hr k-AV llletllil.il nfllT Mil Ing stroke tiSej the he was right. f4hr

" Mv roothkftor yeBrs," she ttiSlr> V^woi^brqr«i(lM, l,er face In h" in.I

"Did you-Eoui.i StevensWjjX t 'he "* t"9rne»n *tan«t. thftK- biisUess was "" Don't, motlwr. ,

im-iii aer wttn nii.ve. T he. Don't say ano»nr „».. feel like It child." * W*

Yes, my lather inarrted agr months ago," s .■»bed tho p George saw it In t us papet, sa-

lt home to me." ._ [.._'.' J,,.*- "Any body yon knew?" persisted- P.

Stevens. ■•.■«, L Wife, wife, wte!"bro*ke

lawyer tlon.

a la* ' Iffid tloat

liyni in.


Finally tbysarlng:

'Father, you've got something on your mind." W '

"YbB, mother, I liave." "Have you any objections to telling me

what 11s r "I think I'd rather not," was the kind

and hesitating answer. "You are going to .town to-morrow

morning?" she continued. "Gad. mother." said he; "how did you

know.thatr" . "Yon think ***>si can rind that baby's

husband; tun* £ v than that, yon think he Is ■ ;-k ami *v s taking care on. You know, John Stevens that that man alnt left the country."

'Sarah Stevens," said the farmer, "you Brea most uncommon woman. If you'd lived In witch time you'd a been I'tinig, snre enough."

"Well," continued Mrs. Stevens, "you'll And hint nnd you'll bring him back with you, and as likely as not hell have a long spell of sickness and die on oar hands i but J want you to remember, father, that whatever comes I'm reeoiielliil to It, and have, given up all notion of your ever gel- tingyforehanded In this world, because you canTspend a thing here und still have it, not by a lung shot; but I've faith enough to believe that Gotl will fix things right In the> world to come; and If we spend our

This w"n'tn»i*0T,Ba sJr*Btance for other fblks'a comfort"— . 'Yes, I understand, mother," said the

ler. "Making calculations for real ff*> BBSS on the other side, eh?" who couldn't

Farmer Stevens made a note sjft *>*»*r hU little joke. "You've always reader will not be surprised to hear ti ■*•■ * klnd ni"1 ™™hierate wife lo me," day or two after the above mentioned *he eontinued, "but never in all these long business? of Importance to attend ioJ°aiBhave you made me as happy as you

town, or that on the evening of the anm*Ti'*'ni',,''L

day he returned, bringing with him two"'1**" t*K' flr"t tlin(''" Bnc answered, scantily filled trunka. Mrs. Stevens said. ,S" OTtr -vou Rnd me looked Uirough when at last she comprehended the mat^ ^**-** l*lr of "PwtacJes. Mine has ter:—

"Well, I declare, lather if you don't beat all. I've no doubt we couU got "em some things for a good deal less money than you paid for these." Mrs. Stevens Would have said more j bnt a vision of her new alpaca, exquisitely made, hanging up in her closet all ready to put on, and the thought of the old black silk that Geral- dlne was turning, ami sponging, and pressing, which she "felt in her bones, was going to look Just like a bran new one, right out of the store," choked back the words which were almost uttered about extravagance, and foolishness, and never being, forehanded, etc., etc., etc

Omi thing tout ,1s visit troubled Mr! tcvona exft-edlfig..-. The landlady, in

whose house the Griffins had boarded, had volunteered some information in regard to Mr. Griffln that the farmer didn't know what to do with. According to her story ho had not left the city. " Ah," said she, " it would break your heart to see him! He went by here yesterday, and he looked up to the window where his pretty wins used to sit and watch for him, and Iwas enough to bring tears to the eyes of a stone. I went out and asked him to come

.etreea, and near sighted things, st "M had to get pretty well along In

before your, edited my

'\vat tell her about It, mother," Z, Ei. J"* ,Dr<1" ■"anner Slevene .aid

were* ^"* "'a*1' *1"1 llcr u*t *oM"

Stevenap ** ™" ror *" """'• J°,in

eoo'klo'.iTnS "*" •" "T !"»"• '""»• SS.Mf.rrjN." "W Mr.. Steven, to SSv. .,a ,5 "»"""«■ »lh- ~™»' fhrvahu „=™T,*e house In hia com- fortable carryai ,„, . „ ,

"" M, like to help mc

Sted the poor child

11 HI lOOXeu uoveit, iei be kind enough to of.

In and get a cup of coftVc, and he Bald, 'No thank yon, ma'am; I thought I'd come by once more to see where tbey used to he, yon know.. I'm looking for passage to California; but I'm too sick to work,' and with this he walked along.1

He's In a decline; that's easy enough to see."

That evening, as they all drew around the table In the pleasant Bitting room,

far!Geraldlne Bald: mer ami now quit ■ nervotis. ** Yjbn do**'Mr. Stevens, I know lhat with my ready beat Bll the women I \vnr heard tell Wish words I cau never make you tin-

> in tl ? h ■ "T0

CY. '■latrict of Massachusetts, si. lias been npnoliited assignee or

y.llltiHlK, of Mrlro-e, bankrupt- IJUDEKK'K I1AUNHES, Asalgnee. r. 18, WT1. SfflrUO-

rKRl'PTCY. District of MMsaehusett., si

derslgned ha* teen chosen BsatSBW of HftTIt C BKNNE'IT, bankrupt.

KDWAtlt) C. DL'IMlIl Dee. 11, urn. 3rt.hr.-

t.iriu stops, and ipVome young telyjasfi" tomcthlng to do In the UJh*' H,B' •■rsha be very thankful."

" Ah'. hsnatwf here you are," said Farmer Stevens just then entering with an arm- ful of wood, and a huge scuttle of coui. "Why you look better already, little wo- man You'd better take another howl of that chicken soup. There's nothing In the world so strengthening. Molliri kept It on the stove for you."

The pule face liiigbteneil at these kindly words, ami without a sign of protest, for (t wits plain to be seen that the child hud no desire for food, she seated In the table, and proceeded to do 1 toward disposing of the contents of a pint bowl of savory soup, In the middle of which swam a dumpling as big as an egg, and as light as a feather.

" Don't tackle that If von don t feel like laughed the larmer, bowing to the

You think I'm .aking tlcsc questions from curiosity, J">«» Stevfna! "'said the lady excitedly; " 1 can sea; as far into a grindstone as them that tufas am

" .lust about." said Mr. Elevens drily. " I knew her by sight/" replied Mrs.

Griffin, wiping her eyes, uM looking con- fusedly from the host to thr hostess.

"Was she a tartar?" continued Mrs. Stevens. " tall, thin, lattern-jawed, -*■ mouthed, dark


•hatand how grateful I am for all that 1 ~ d your wife have done for me. If I

,'OUgbt I should ever bo able hi pay >'olV*» tnc lltllt' woman buried her head ag. ^ hide Die tears.

ro|'1"'-tavchs was wholly unprepared to hear hl^ ,„ tom»mni* tender than he h, ^ hpin. h

woman or en j^,,.,,.

N.°\T'ulJ?tr,'rt yna "y another word ,ul heiiia «■.-«'„.'. , v„ about iieitm to us. I, eiusv -j", . .- nI,|rSWn u> Ul

'•■ ."^Irin'in,, uT* bHiTfi^*.*"-' cnu pay. Why

lor sake, I'll he

ml^ proceeded to do her best bcrm^r^ 4^^ |l(Wt

^K«MM, Griffi, «A*M|SS^W"^K If at I hastily, that Is she ex«r:ly; do you kuow f^^'^g, n^roffles and flut-

ithout I*" •/;v,*u ufi «*

replied Mrs. Stevens; " but I ttmk her daguerreotype as soon i» yon commenced to tell idKiut vour ftther. Mark iny words now. .loll" Stevens, that woman was at the bottom of that letter, and Just as likely as Dot tuld tb* man some lie or

Andover, June B, is; j of EDWAKD'W. DKAKK^ofJomorvllle.

,, Deo. BO, 1B75.

Mr, K:\'r"T*»-£"""-' *&E Mra. Stf.eiis, looking .ery . J I( . . -k

lna>. That :un I a half, ua! Betay Ketelium'. j ivau.a meal Ihrra "I"1 j„ don't hap,,,,, .oliave I'™{;",,a


»l,e'« a. inad a» a lia.tir.""" "" '"<">

That waa a jitrt.ire loni,^ M„,.„ bereil. Genildln,'. «or. V> assjm- wlille her jroat hro«-n eye, >» .»I.

^ apeaker. Mr.. weven», "•"T„!l think mart. In earnoat, had droppel'

know. Mi„ii!,i„ make aome pnmpkvT^S

Pumpkin Plea?!?jL| aorro.follyi . oh, Klr",!^" Y'™ fond my hu.band wi»?f*ii»ow„h?"

"Well. Ih.n. lea. *"*»2« pl« .„ ««," -aid Mra. 8levX*SE,.?her

•elfforamomenl. ^••SStUw l«'r- neraldlnc looked wo»w.,,n,„ h..

.ompanlon-a f„r, „ „ ,|„jl»'?'' h" mvl heard correctly, then. wtaTLid wen. ou with her preparalloS.' t£?£ There wu yery little a.ld IheJ ""ff " aldlne proved » I. a, q, i, „ the work of Hie moraine proeea. "2 monloualy. * nw"

"Yuuaet uueaay, ehlld,"aald Jll,«, vena lale In the aflernooii. n^jM youd beller go down the road and h" wMITof the freahalr; 1111 giVL. you v

Come, now. put up your work, a


( unaM llae, ,,„, |„u,;iM«», N. „ „, ^.^ --en of eo.1. a. W_ .««.„„ «,„ .„, t,^

Soaloa. and He Utter InerUn day. oul ^..j -- MW \ oft

ri^,nT I,|wU,m '°r P'?ll|fc" °"«" h» Tampleo. Mexico, a dl.turhaoeo look place dur-

S5ETI!£2**!*+ *nd •'**' P-rion. were klllod. Both BaUssM claim uw election,

I^ri KJag, of l^ibwnl*. Ky., mrdored Web- ■nl Baker, on Thuriday lait, by .tabbing hia, to

the heart with . knife. uw mitntarer ha* been ar-

BennaalUorCram. Kaq., prwUieia of tlto Her ehanti-N^ionallUmk „f Portland, «w a pmml- nent eltUen, died suddenly from apoplexy on sat. urday evening, ^

*"»«*' iklrtniihoi hare reeenUy taken place In CUbo between the Spanish troops and tlie |„MII- genti. A few have been killed on botti aides.

A Paris tradesman ha* hern aent to prison for WoyeMirordispUyb^plarardi in tail window Insulting to the national assembly.

tiy tlwui I* t* ftrni. and live estimated loss •l,iaT,SB0, tnsorauce, a|,W,Mu~

> i*neun.onia prevalU in an epklnnlo tlie border line of l'rus-la and Dekritim,

a eonMnue tn Maine snd Mew

In both countries.

Railroad btnrkad. Brunswick.

Bniigor Is vaerinatlng her olUsesa frea. GotdlH.

MONDAY. An lee jam on the kf Ualaalppl at Memplu. on

Friday deatroyed a lnrge nnaanw ofboaUand other property; a large quantity of coal wss lost. which leaves Mem phi. * vary small supply; the fjai) works an without a day's *nppl;, and ar. riona reaulta are spnreheaded; It |a e»tlmau-d that about SttKi.OOO worth of property waa de-

Wai niouth aceept. tbo situation in Lnuisia ni. and advises Use legislature ejected with him, not to asset again la January, but anbaiit to the aecl •ion of the court,, and tbe dctermination of tbe Preaidest to auarsin Penehbeck sod his leriala-

Siuas B. Anthony sad fourteen other women bare been held In Ire handled dollars each, to appear before the tailed State, diatrtct eosrrl st Albany, lo answer for illegal voting at tbe Pre*!

Buffalo la suffering from a water famine, caused by the irsaslng of tbe pipes which supply the rat- erroir; all manufacturing estnblUhaaeut* dstit-

been JJ

into th- r. direction or line rsj Bight. With tl instrument foffrly uajd by him he w unable to (let Luc (list Sirlus was recod- ingatthe ra f 20 miles per second; but now, by if of a telescope of llf- teen inches n jre, s|)eclally adapted to gather as 1 i light as posslhle. and i'ii—e.1 at his rice by the Royal Socletv

as determined the faettr irions grour- •i, arliins gnmps. Atnowts

ih ays of 1'rsu Major, (or the Hffl' Sso Aloor clotir by. nvi* BssBi C i impantou. which Mr.

■tor ilire art lug in ti .ni' t reeenll S]

inpantou, s ago malntaliietl to he ,ondtr

five stars arc rty mllr

whleh Mr. l'r, buloiiglog to spectrum dill common lo has n dlncre inher hand, i pmlnvlilti rate Other stars ha

Of I.UIIll.lH, j lU reirin,. ' these ur , Great 1. 'Si the tel.'-'- >\ Proctor Hire moving in ti pon ttirecthiii, and which more recentl fpredlcted would prov to be either sfllng or approaching to- gether, when rl>r. lliiggins was enab- led to test Hit testloii spectroscopically.

Dr. Huggin now Amis that all these edliig at the rale of Biwut second; while the star ir bad indicated as not net, is found to have a g in character from that

i. and though receding, rate. Arctorns, ou the

moving toward us nt a seventy miles per second. l>ecn determined as mov-

ing with eomixindlng velocities.—EDI-

TOBl rV'ia\T ; HKOoni), in Ilarper't Mitffitzinr for J isars.

The I >ld Sou i Clmnil in Boston is per. haps the moa noted chnrch edlflcc tit America- Thi Old South Congregational Society was c ganlied lu 1069, aud the first iiuildiag t>f the society erected the

year. If was taken down In 1720, when the present building was erected on the same spot, and religious sen-ices were held In It for the first time on the 20th of April, 18JW (0. S.). The sounding-board

" pulpit, Its high square box-pews, its double tier of galleries, and Its whole Interior, are quaintly antique. The Old Sonlh ■gurcd largely during the ..evolu- tion ; meetings of the cltlxcnB were held there, and stirring addresses delivered therein. In 1775 the British soldiers took possession of this ineetlng-house as a rld- Ing-school and phvro for cavalry drill They established a grog-ahnp lu the lowei gallerv, which they partially preserved for ipectatora of their Bport. The rest of the galleries were torn down, sad the whole interior was stripped of its wood-work. The floor they covered with about two feet of dirt. In 17S2 the chureh was thor- oughly repaired, since which no essential changes have been made In It.

Jurfng.Bte CbrlaBnss service* in a church at r»BCr. Ps., on Wednesday, the Boor save way mirlccW-tf tlve hnanlred (sarsoM lath. Ike eager. TVro.if.>sV4IM. s*>dae*>a*snrtjr asjerwd.

Thuradsy. ■ anseils*. b, PBIUdelfibls. B*H In on It; anitml>er of men

Presldenl Grant's Now t>*Vta the rsln. It i* asld, bo our of the most urilllthaajUlll, will the White HiWie,

The *mall-|>os hnsidlsl, which wsi pletsd, w«» Iwnnt. I In Huston an Thuradsy nlglil

Kainehnnialia tlie «nh kins of the Hsadwieh I. Und.. I* dOSil, snd lea1

Sew York had another Hri- on Pridai I'.ni'iiiK loss tn the sniount of B*0(i.0lW.

During iho month* of January, Pehruary. and Match, Boston w III give her poor, »oup. .

The Boaum paper* are discussing tlie revival of the | kali If Inlere *t.

OoM 112.

A Detroit man wants to sell a patent pistol cane or a promising Newfoundland fiup, he doesn't enre whleft. He went lome the other night and set his cane

lieBvlly charged, behind the door, and started In for a little romp with three bright little ones and the sportive pup. They get along well enongh until pup spied the cane, and going for it, started on a promlscloua run around chairs and table legs with It between his teeth. The doting father remembered the fatal effect of a slight pressure on a spring, and with rare presence of mind succeeded In tbrow-

dowu the cellar stairs

TIIK AM or Isvr.STios.—It would aeem tint Yankee ingenuity ha* really no litnil, when we scan the lilt of.piiteeUi weekly lasned from the l'- S. Patent Oflec, But many of these psteuta are virtually ueeWn to the partle* whose laveatlve genlui hsa eoncelveil these article*-, and whose numey has been paid to tolicltors of alight experi ence Ibr obtaining the patent- Inventors will do well to apply only l» solleltora of high lUndlng. wlto .niinot .ui... give all sruuired detail, sa to Blliag or caveat*, snd proeurlsjr of American end Foreign Patent*, but whoie juuginent and laige prsetire will 1-r of grnat value In determining the advliabillly of Incurring the expense of letters patent Ha lollcitor In New Kngtsnd ii io well known a* Ur. It. It. Rddy of Boston, whose card appears In thla Issue of our neper HU experi- ence of nearly a generation, and hi* extensive practice in nil dopsrtmenU reUUng tothe proeurr- mentor patent* render him peridisriy fltte.it" give advice ami promptly forward ail businr.i with energy and success. Ai tlie pkmeor la America r.rr obtslnrag pstSSU for Trade storks and Designs he luia had a marked success In ss curing the doalgner and msaularttirer from imiu- tlon, and invsotora will do well lu avail Ibem selves of hia extensile tssaesee.h In drawing ipecl- BoaUou* and avoiding eoalkUIng rlassu W the is- sue ef listen Is. m BSBB »

Particular attention ia called to tbe advertise- in snotber column of the greet isle of Stock

of the Boaton Lend Co., to take place at the Merchant- Exchange Heading Boom, Old Slate

II Wedneiday Jan. 19. Thla Ii certainiy ime of the most important which baa taken place for many year*. Of the great nrea comprised in the properly or lbs Company, thirty-flve millions square feel, or nearly sight hundred seres, are Within toe city limit* of leetoo, averaging leea than four relies In dl-Unce from State asreet-tbe balsnee adjoining In the tows of Bevere, and all within a distance of alx mllei from Bute streel. The properly poaaeiiiei al«o a very rxtenalve liai ■ borand ocean frontage, and in it" proximity io tlie centre of 'business, Its Uamy and henhhful ne»i of location, present, advantage* which render It rapsbleof a rapid nnd rery great drvelop- i lien I In value. Poll particulars are to be found in the advertisement nnd Ihe >nlc I* well worthv tha attention of our capitalist*..

lug the ehil.ii — ., a and placing liiniseir on top of the side-

1 m l'™"y jure that when you come lm. hoanl before the thing went off. The you 11 feel like another woman, I shoul^all only broke u hundred dollar mirror, not be at all surprised If we all spent a id the pup got a few scratches in Jmnp- pretty comfortable evening.

Geraldlne did as she was bid, and te minutes after she was out of sight. Farm- er Stevens drove up to the door and helped a tail, pale man to alight, who had about all he could do to reach the house, even with the strong arm of bis companion lean upon.

"Where Is sher was the Invalid's first question as he entered the warm, cheerful kitchen.

"Gone out for a walk, my dear boy," said Mrs. Stevens, giving him her fat hand to shake, "and I'm mighty glad of It, too. I wonldn t had her seen yon in this plight for nothing In the world."

Put him on tlie lounge, father, and er him up, and I'll briug him a bowl of

hot chicken soup. I made It purpose for him; that's what she had when she first ame."

•Kariner Stevens woke the baby out of a sound sleep and put her In her father's arms, mid between Ihe baby and the chick- en soup George Griffin didn't look quite so much like a dead man when his wile came In from her walk as Ihe anxious hostess feared

1.tA\'KHI'PTTY (dumpling. N BASIiK1 [^^.j or Massachusetts, a». " She wants I have been appolnled aaalgnee in bankruptcy u» do," said Mrs. Stevens, looking very . : (d

BBS, „."A„., ! much amused, and trying hy moans of sun- **«'>'»» J™ J,I-of the case little one?" ting, and looked bcnlguantly '*■"",,. a — -MV dry grimaces to call her huslWad'i attend of my wife a view ortne caao, sssssj one. un. -- into the baby has gone to him, and Its snrpris.

1 ' jjPf*"**-***?


•We've got company to tea and to stay all night," said Mrs. Stevens, meeting Geraldlne ou the very threshold. "And-

through a plate glass window. The •^(fr Bays the children will all recover. N'-Mgruncc.

—. «a mo m —- S-«ldoey Watcrlow, the new Lord

J'M.v*',r Esoiidou, began life as a printer's appreirej Went to Taris to seek work M a eii:i,«iiiir. and was for some lime employe.,| <Mllgnanl's. Then he re- turned tonadon. and Joined his father and brothti,! allitle shop, wlileh gnidu- ally grew in a |ftrK(. ami wealthy estab- lishment.

Here wisdom en. esvk virtue Ural, be bokl; As gold to ■ilni.hftt.e la lo BBBtes-lBsB*,

The venerable Hiaoe Blimey, of Phila- delphia, one of tlite-mduatlng class at Harvard in 17117, h:(*srllt gluts) towartl

latllig the losses cftte ctillege by the Boston Are. It has hen suggi-sted that the alumni get up a Hi er, v diamond wed dlug for him. Few meiillve to see lln levenly-rtfth unidversary c Uielr eollcgt heep-skins.

Emulating the good deeds mtlicir fath-

WAnr. Fors—The afll.lsriU of Jll repiihllcana who voluntarily came forward it a single meeting Saturday night, ami being hourly Increased In numbers since, make it clear lo everybody thnt

Ward Qfflrera of tlie fourth ward ('Idler made a lorry mistake ia returning M7 vote* In the ward Ibr Mr. Ihtvla, or that they peri iei rated s groei fraud. As their return agreea with Ihe cheek 11.1s, the former supposition Is hardly poaalbb-i V, as we believe. It will be ihown beyond possible question they committed a Inimt. tliat fraud shruibi moet with It* pen|»er punishment, and Im- mediate measures should be taken to give the SaaBBBBsBa defrsude.1 of the votes tn which they were entitled, proper rredlt n>r them. If there h errtaln evidence or fraud, Ihe question to lie df- clded wlllbewhelherlho|ie.iple,*hsll elect tlirea, ropresentstives, or s few wsnl ofltrers make lbs city government of whatever complexion tbev

THB ST*TS CossT.iill.AKV.—The re|*>ri »f thi doings of the State Crm.uihulary for the veer end lug Sovi-.n1.er »i- a- follows --Nuiiilier of Uquer prosecution*. ISSJI; BaT general offences. Mil. liq- uor irtinres, 3BM; aeiiures or gaming imple in.■ui-. .'m. lines and coats enacted, Sfll.lTtJrt; e\ pevdM^-fmr pay, HMBlvIl, contingent fimd, Btaflt. Total ex|ieiiM over im-onie lo the State. BBB.fattlf

Tlie report* thai Mr. OBBtjlB wss in ret*/ poor r-iillh are aakt to bo Ihlse. In ChanVes) *here In- resides, there U s gvnlleinaii mucb ohler Horn lie, Who i# "Sid to rrseiuhle.lil'0 eteest). and H bo is an

er. Matthew and John Guy Vaur, sons j invalid. It Is pn.hnlde iliai thla geutkmun has of (be founder of Vassar Colltte, have been seen in his walks, and by aomu vUltm ha. decided to csUbllsh at Ponghksjpsie a | been mistaken for Mr. t arlyle, wh-> hsa set the hospital that will COIt $100,000. ramoraBAsJ-

! *,

a In ihi; Er


Brge I. Hi





a -


I '

4 ^ •leTfc. '^WW^PWIJ^WI8*-*--

■ J>



Weekly JtfewS' Brevities. TUESDAY.

JUSuS^s ."afif"i,,u 5» '•"»" .■,..> <"'«" """<" in.™ «"£' Ev^'s's;,;",',';' iwr .„ w.„„„ .,„. „, ,,„„„,, s^KKlis;:

"..'.'. ' '' "'""■'itiltimi secured.

river is.i-nmplelelv bridged a-*.- »Imviii, N. \ „,„■

....!,. wuv: hl" i*olm Il,e ••»« i« wwi™ A man MMll Freeman Cnrtta, of Glum Lake

a»£ciS%"S55<£" i sr »«.AH.M ■i.n.Vh™!;;rSi,jS' '"""■ «1,™™X',7,',',' ,"•," »I1»«».-M An,,,,™ l,„„. -..-. ii 4 i omrui-t I it in v o, ■„« ,,■ .. o ., .

The St. tawm,,-? .,, • ill In- Una (•.,», vim-,. Kiw.«i. OH. At iu, |„i„, „,„ „,;:


""I" ■ »»)■«»• «rn»n'ihc Al'la'lui'i

OTVX',m''i-''",!''.'''" Aurtnllo u

n.n.^SaK.atS,1-'"' 1111 I },(/,„,•,,■ aiming


Win, thin tana, entering the eighi

year of the HVeWy, un<l tin- »|

yearly volume of the Ihiihj r urn] TrM-Je

ly), we present the AMKIIH■..

tin- new dress, every line and letter from tin.- liantU of the type fbuu

with other Improvements, iu rorru

ter which we arc wire will tH-appnVinti ly welcomed by its wide rtrele of fender*,

■nil weconfeUM to n mlr degree of person nl pride In tin- appearance of Its pages to

lay. The eflbrl t.. make n first-clana thoroughly i,,.,,] newnpniw, ha* been cor

""">■ t by the public, and 11K- rlrmla

fine AMUCK-t\ nweiied, ngninriy Uon

mill pt-nuuneiitlv



ter in i

(ear face

i> . (9 ' ^mmm**-**-m ru

di..\ ideate of public school,, bekl their id meeting ui Worcester, "" Thniw ttiitancltav the itorntn huge mind" perintuttdenta of schoola (row rarioui TO present; Gilbert K. Hood, R«q. :y, presided. The MMkm wu when

i-Dnsidrrotinu of a paper hyThmmo Newton, on "A Own* el' Study t inter? Oradea »i Sih<*.ls," and a |«apcr ley (■-

Howl. K»q., in' this city, on Compulsory luratk.n in Massachusetts. Both poia-m were

hie, and gave liN t« ronrtfcwWe dincu..- hlchoccupiedthe session.

[<oi<a.l Sfiaij I'I l.i

nf HIIH •

Ktntma, I r tin- Etc IMU

r. BLRCTIOM, by so decisive a vote, of Col II. Tiivlur, of Somcn llle,

house ol reprewiiWtlve*, wits. » al |oi much II surprise to liitunull',m

KotAuKm, "I '!.»' Miccewhif Ihl* »«•!- heer IUM pmvwl n mo»l rtrfctopt rlerh, -imrp erttiebtiiM «>t men mid putleR, I»H

me iruit. and he retiree. Mr, Teylor

anyofltHrontenipornrles, the Weekly nv- l*a\'"^"{ ,"" ll"u-1' »'^'' I"';1"'"1 '" „ ' ,miii*,-,iMii, lmdii..i»r N.w hncliind Home-, rmgliig JUW eople*. per week, n miml.er. waTlvTw Secretary to Our. Clattln, and la a

many hundred we lu-lleve, beyond Uty '"rtfilJt.viilal and popular jH-ntleiiiaii,

joaraaJ out of Boaton in tin- Kutera half of' bMt,i)\iM u( I"01 ill« tt ,omi l ■■* ,mvvU

the State.

puhlir l.il.t.ir -. tlieill.mry

(>t Hi, alwvc IMIII

day,.'«»il»eliiK^i unluy iik-HI, moi

'flii' ii l*rof uamw I lOtl. Tid. week H-RUII

' ly, nearly tlmt nnmber I tbrei' dn dad ID the colkKtfcq aaaetof theU-i

;-it monthi.

k-rk .if the I F;,!l ot *■ (

L„ttand, li.d.r, Ri>i>'lnl, Ho

,—Then- ■ a»l week, i 11..' t l-'M 'I "A

i tn H\

e liv.


thievM who etnli- til.- eearlng i*mi

in two young ladle* mhUnjt ('nr(Hiratii)ii, wen- liilUwiil wlm found them In Boaton- in thin city, and weir object 1 evidently to nee what they m

rlotldtifr, and otlu-r iirtiil.-- wtth tin in. Their nanu-

'i i U. o n H i V-

'uUtereil tiirtin- have been tu\-

lllirury reiiiitly, lUhed within IheuM

The Bb.

I'.K'IIIS Month

mparlMMi with

ProaoVa Englhdi in Ire- iwhb Anthora.a Ufcof nt Ihu I'i. .-sl.tii-i Tahiti ul, editor ot H*riluiiiJa

hy Oeorge HacUonahl, the 1' ('apt. Marryatt, A life of ti IJnyd Oarriaon, a Ireallae ( .-IN, mill many valnalile vol-: tin.- Uau of ibeao are ready

Tha Library l* Iu a flour- litl and Brcry daya experietm

that II luu met a -.->• .-.i waul.

Uood dye t.> 1872.

|Well, bow do you like it;

plowed up.—the city hall clock.

ffhe nmihiff mail,—ilu- lilll collector.

IInR out the old year,—rinK in the new.

r.Joiin Kdwardawll] soon lw ..utwt.il

| happy new year to the AKKRIIAX raa

our ft the county i rlK7'J. wu- 91,m.


Tllc "■■'X'u.?' iJ;-,"!.'?,'™ ,'.T miV,":." "1 I'lu- i-m* "' I-.1 "'i-,ri' ,','',1- *iii''inatid al

..eMuf"! ">■

II llavt-rM ,« IM.I..'5; I.I.HKI. lit,

retdn K

II llnverhl,

connkof week* at it aL-ain :\~ i|n i-unrac; 1M» it i> do well when |ie. tin- Sew Year.

nil. Thiii in hummi natui a ainHifft-vldeiicc of iiilod pie make |ood rceehitkme

Tin: Hi aiMnaa Itmtctouv, i

on the lir-t inifre of till* l-wui-, 1 II.lent, rum men 11 itwlf alike I vertfuer; it will «i compartlyW I

aen( the leading hualnew loaf* ■** **' . prove .. Kn-nt ,'onv.-uli-.i«v 10% I'"'''*, while] ttafbrm, poaUkmaiul cxecaV aWaaneau %

render It *u attractive that fladwther lord to have ;,i. card otnttjl tawrflw

vill be gin

>• eatth), Bet.

■thi in. Hope,

At Fortre . _ roldtfii nlnit- IH.5; kv.l

A Hun Fnn

[oiirta- tj„. wPBtl,rr hju lain the

verc ml.) j„ ,|i.. \\ death of a nnmher of penou II lWa nuiM.,1 |he


'«d aannfVoA IroW'tAriaiubas, day, report4 that tweuty-twn of Ida paw ■ lifil tin the p:i-»:ii.'r nut. '['liia rt'inarkali tnlity 1 wt> not DWmn to an epldetn ilentlu HaviiiK reaulti-d (rotn dJBhrenl dlaeaac*.

A privati- letter from Arhwoa, atatea, that a Ihmlly of clx peraona named lie, rtrcua |a-r- i'»rtiiiTi>, win- recently murdered by thv Apach- ua, while nu their way tn Mixim, IhmuKh Ari-

fJeorge Maediimild. the mtbof and divine, l<* in a very i-ritlrnl rum 111 ion. Hi- haa tunVred tu,in in,in,'iii hi-nmrrhniti- recently, and .'earn are enterwned that he will ant recover.

(ii-n. (Jrnnt lamina tin- vrar hv iaaiihiK an or- der to ull fi-d.-ral nlm-lab in tin- ilim-n-nt «iatc" and lerrttorlea, to utntaiu Irora Interfering with tin' pniitlr* of their reapertlVB kwalltiea,

Mr». Sarah Check, "f Alfred, Me., fell fr.nn a ladder whli-h -In- wan aao-ndliiK, on Monday, and Ktrikiiij.' nu |it-r In-uil re.vlved iniiiiu-- than whlili eh.- died in a lew boun.

The Btoko trial drawn near a cloM ; there in little hope ainiaiK the friends .it'Stnkei of hii iieipiittal, thnagh the fact that Kl-k had a ptftul leenia to la- proved.

A e. .111-11111 of tralni look place on the Indian- apoHaandHt. Lonla KailnHiil,..ii Tueaday, ami u lady and two children recelred Injuries.

The Ire-Jam at Cfatcinnatl «t Hi'veral o mn 1 ■■ havi- been eraahed, an ■Merablc araonnl of property ilamajied

All the priaonem eonDned In the FrankSal Kv Jail, i-neaped nil Mimdav nitflit, liv eiittinit their way ilm.u.rh the nail.

The new putille lllirury of Cliii-ugOi wan I'nr- maly opeHetl on Tneaday. It haa only llftcen hundred vnluim-n.

KuniComfort,aired«), ami KIU11 ('arr.iiitid 19, were marrlnl ut Cheater, Pa., the utber day.

Kdwin l-'om-al'a ealute is valued at -' . ''■"""■'

>f tha new type, and tin or ujrly tuts ami heavy display let

IverUalnjr, enablea u to use ainnll «r type |n the reading columns, thtw se

curing a greater amount ami variety mutter, while the new urranitenient , /, partmetitH, not folly complete In tld

lu-r.uuii additional editorial edoi wu truat, t,> the (p-nernl fnte;

eidumiw. We hope OUT read?

I with th<> change, ,u«' ntreraarlea, be met with

ear greeting of Tu THE N

Now that " Wiwriii(rton" pKttOBM the fur My.

11 NI-.W/TVI

year-, «u, 1

p. Oe%a||fnwi of n

> loin ■ii.dl.-.

'aea,(f Hie Oten- ebnnieti'r. A

C. Ilowker, entitled J^VftWtWaleome, whlck waa mllofflne

he period-, into which we l™\ ^Mti"^ ^1—1- MIM U0- JTII in «,. v nB.

I"ftnum'l,l''''"'bro withu teunH-rai.ee seiee- dlMiled he ireeka ^\,mwM,h „, w,„ „„.,,,,„, Aloafi0

nftacd, and atandlng up* Wtl read by Mr. Cbarlea Phyaon, which cieated J- coiiaideruhlc paal reeling, A verv plcmwni

ev.-nliitt wan pfjeed by all pnmnL

Auotli hare arhltrarll; the month the threshold of the new.vciir. We gb*, kindly and withe tdtedcof re1tietiinae|1(.. the retreatingM?,—jpino,—wlthjj uu_ on) or promltli unfliUllod, off. realised, mid (tlotlgeH all Its golden memorlw "r.t"re of Kimi ami exalted pnrpos.-s, llx ftu^^gij,^ friendship*, syu.pnth. ajh ftml >t ,h(,

and sealed •'■y.'iid off^ y(.ar wp tI)rn

open ilooref the ad raj 11(,nt anil wUh

Grand Army Election. annual meeting of Port 8t,U. A. K., ot

ivealng, the IbUowhaf eflVera wan ahoMi •nnuiiiK year:— lanilrr, S. ('. I'ai-BimH; ti. V. C, Jamt'i

Koonsn; /. V. C, it. A. Reaver; Quartennasti-r, A. M. Unit; (fr. sertrt. A. Joy; Meritt. Major,*' (i. Ken.lnll; MfBerri.r Day, John Mican; tlffleei of Quarri, C, K. Dnrgln.

Mryntn tn Ih'paniiieai Karanip Liitii-ncM, tiro. ». Merrill, 11. K. Chandler, r. *> Kendall, i h. II. Smith.

Altrrmitft.~.\. M. Holt, .1. Slienn, .1. C. tdhnaii, C tj fTllHBMWi A. I uynwi-ll.

*r-t— — <H. -_i— «- «»■ "-«*. H. i«- — lagjih, naaMaawm, nr ir Ban*, r na.-i# J*i V. KOey, Joka Bobhwon, I., n. Bargnu;

Uwranoe; A.C'o«Nwell,Methuen; WlraamMar- land, Amlorer; L. \. Duebeauey, Jtorth Aadever

It waa vouii to „■■,..,. ujmHiii uutoiiMhHi m. ITachMaday aveaug, January 8th, Comraile (ieo. i. ktarrlll haa been anpnlMnl Uua|i>rbig unleer brttuaPoat; the t.rnii.l Army will rt-lijflit tltt-ir aunpanaonthc Weduottbvy evening follnwlna the wataUaUon.

THI XI:W YKAuatfor.'1111""'1 »?i'">l»rlate

loecaaion for ■ubKribntltT" ham9 **'»papcr, ! and the new dm of IfcAaaiie*. .ncwe*e.

the deairaUlltyot murf ""*¥** 18'3;

■ onlera left at the roantV01" "r Rl1 ■* ■•*« wUlinnire the [«ee»af»<rmy, lk carrier, of

-ithori'dliloii, dally ur''^1.'

ODD rmjJomKttf"'.—' I)w. 30th. I'nlUal u^or',•' '■' ekwtad the RmawiaJ <r,'rKf' Uir> Mill lie ill-Ldlnr1"1'11

aryilth, 1873:-a.P."ir,,rtl1

kel, V. ti.; If. P. fk*T<» * Inn. Phillips. Jr., P" Munilay evi-nli

A SAO ArfAiit.—HI. Saturday btat.ayounfl k'Tit deakla l w"m*n ""Ptayed hi a mloon in ihh i itv. luunod

Nellie Gate, t.aik a dose of

Tit>. I iiuisTtiAH i-xi-relser. oflir »> -'I I t.».k plaee |T1 0 ),„

•moon, ami deeujy im.-n-.teu parentu ami otiiern , that wen- present. They roualated <>r recltatfiHu , by the Rtrla ami boy,, each recltinir paaaaceK from I Hie roapel or SL I.uke; recilatlnni b) Hie whale

not iufonii any o,,e of the tact until Sunday af- letuoon, when, ■anueatlag ilgnaof Ulnc

irlvingUie vi luas enrol.- wen- huiiK welhiH tbeliloriaiiiK lhc aiurelie eluuit, Uhn-

inawereal the e,.,,ulrieaof her friends by „,„!„, | JZjSF*1***' .

-he had taken ...sou. Dr. Home ai J Z^Z I ! T gJarS? ""' mon,Hl.whoa,l.nlnlMered nme.liea, and It was lowed b thought abe would reeoeer an ahe appeareil • '"aekanl.

much better. Bhegnulnallyaank, bowerer^nd ™ere were UB rhlhben present, died on Thnr-day morning. I nnaAer on the acbool roll beJag IK

-» ■■■ a . Tl"' alnatng «f the carol* ami el.ant.

—The rapid growth and ' Bl.""'y ft,N"1, aml ""' »"«*ma were /

i Shandey'n Minstn-h nt the citv Hall night.

| hundred and thirty-two doge were H- n thin city but year. |ff Of the prison ei>ul the jail lake the

a will they break out ■

[city hall clock has made u poor ii>m- with the New Year.

» fastest in i-oldest weather,—the lee | the Common fountain.

: lilt of original poetry, liy the reporter, on first page,

Kirattort of the eity Kovennm .. Monday next.

— Dr. Kuyllitrth'.* ullipator is grow ■ate of about the two thouaaitdili | >:) rl i in length and rireuinstaiii'es every in IcH-tui- thinks he will U-0 (food alnil l.j the tin.,

i.sins ;ii tin

—Why ill where, alkn

i- Hal


h.vl ...

Ill- to ; Street, l

lain i sidewalk- in front nt their tluora. We the Street ('iiiuini.sinner will duinpuearl of MI in I iu front of each atore whime occu fails to attend to this luatler.

—The llluiniiiiited calendar?, which havi some yearn la-en a feature iu the kpctimctia of

. line printing from the VMHHHA.V olhee, will la.> gjondtted this acaran, our preaaca baring bee

i kept sti


lord. The bulletin says ntown meeting««

culW he I-M,

/ens met and waited—and waite.l.aii.i t "he

ua-the mailer. Nothing,only lie h;u birjut-

!,n iilliilHint ii.

The State Consiahle-an- mnklnfl It

the li.pi.n- dealers at ,.,,-ent, notmlh


ll-'l K. K. I M- IW

with the onlera u

Jer delightful evening with Dr. Boltea ■eroseiipe, next WiHlncfchiy.

■rnnd Army will proladily net about ■he drama of Blue and Drey.

|of the aennon* at the rhurchea on e appro)iriate to the seusou.

r of the ton'* ray■ melted the he first time f.ir more than n week.

|ili<' twenty yean of our organuw , fourtetn pemoni have occupied

who promptly puyuth bin lerlly he

i nueet-saful at get-

< Bapttat

an to preclude the poaallhWty of giving tin , MWary care and attention to thi, work.

j —We notice the removal of the Ann i Meant*. L 1). deMon & Co.. jaweUu

nrlnloid, lxi ml dead.


The weather In New York ycitcrday morning wiw bright, clear and cold, tin atreeta were in giMsl enn.lltiou, tin- slush lining fn./eii. All ■tores and pliiees of luisinr-» miv eloced. Kv-

■ cry Is sly wan lukni u]«in i-njoying tin- holiday In making ealla,

The lee In the Mtaahwippl c Inuea toeuuan great losses tailb of llle anil |in.|>erty. The la- tent n-iHirt In that llle iee^gorge at Kandolph had iiiiised the total dentruitl f a Mutdmul with seven persons nu Isaird, all of wlioiu wen drowned.

TheJ'atlinlie .pieslioii In eaadag enu.-iderul.L' exdlrmcnt in Berth); the attitude of Hie tier. man Oovemment lowanla the Cairhollca of tin empire excltcl interest, and llle reeeiil IIIIIHII- Ikm of the l'i.]K- will la- far from mending inal-

(hcedi) Ita Inaa^gi, inspirations, new renn|tlot.s/l|l|t|lw nm| lhl,(|i._

move rongiri'Jvelvenioiith.

inamls*i,ranc)f Jiupplly become OIK- (lr The season IWbow many a heart,

congrutuhitloiiM. eW will be nude gloomy mid d-spoii**^ (.oriH

llicbtcr and

glmlnoim- <

Year;" we are so lurgi

each other, ami amid the hurry

of this driving business age,

forget or omit the many little tin]

that In so large a ilegree soften and

uir social life, that we are glad one _ , irlv _, Nimrinn Wai" Rl>-™^Tbe Report of jho Rellefj A"*l*f • "Wehuly UeeoraUal hi

ii-ems uppermost In the hearts jpfll men. W, l»72,givea the total amount of rharfty dla- \tWn '"»« labfca wen rend with the prbHW Let us eratcrtillv reeall lite 'ousaml burH«l,*>l!».77. From this uuiount r.-lief was , '"*•«.'-■ ami other good 1(ljnK, laamded for ti.e

'oust nrolbi ■ Ha lea- '""''"d"1 toalaleon taemban of the Order, or , ■,,'"' ^llirn'"- conatallngef alnmt SO l»r, I ami W girt,. Alter n few lntr<HlUsu>r.v n-.iiark,

\ ii'"' V' r' Kr"""'- «* P""bir ariba Uerman •nigregmion. he exam „„. ,-hJMr.-,. „, Z

prrwa I -1'lie engineer', re|a>rt on water work,, now I IrmJ^ 'T"™' '''""'^ M* *" '"" ''!«" rlt rrmnjhalut UMrlrmied by the city elerk. contains i „«,!."... '!'"r\ ..T'IC ,"W™L' Ww »»•» '"--

few gentlemen who

iliiel (ileus.

tliiu- ago, linn liiul bin seiitei prisoniueul for life.

The laal aeeidenl of the year. In Xew York, was an exphwion of a s.sla water foiiutnlu- MBV'B fkelory, OH Roau Street, late at -'">' One wan Injured, and tin- '.u!ld< damaged, .*■ York

The Firth Avenue Tlu-atr~nK- The Fifth Ounir.l I'll WYdin-dui ■■neniH-d dentrilelioii. Avenue Hotel iiarr-''' reacf The toaa by the ' mlltioii. ,t., Kpl,eo|Mil (')inreh, Ciiielnmitl,

The H"'"' "(nu lure on Spring Street, was a iu-at half-iMist one o'eloek, Tnemhiv mo |v. The Ion, is -.i.i.i.i....

At Cheater, I'a., Tneaday morning, a tenement

reusing prnjiortli

eatabllahment, haa resulted |„ the elVinge Va.'ifleTwiih ,1 a„,i;aunoum,..l „, another ,•„!„„,„, Mu. Cuvm, , , Ul^Z 'V\££

New f"-1 H.K-KKH pun-hasing one-half of the jobbing hol-l. I l.rinjr n.u K,„„i ti upon department, In whkh he haa been kmg aaaprl. "ball in- to all uem

• I Of which he will hen-after have imme- ' day In Hie elty of 1 [dbttc charge] Mr. Ctua, c. WUHWHT, for so jtlw ,*on,■

v years ,„ t|,u dejiartnteut, will from this Tllf. ,.,„ , bo nrnnecteil with the cohimna of the ) the.Jem."

dally and weekly AMIUCAX. ! |nff, JK

■* •■■* •»-■- j Whirfi w,i/

LA. R. Rn.ire.-Tlie Reiam of the tt,.ii..f !>*»"/


,- iu till'

latest thing ■

lifiBOflOa l*icka <l aiiiig sea-on; tl"''b- ause.1 l.v H.e ""*•

•a, ti me In

iMneaac. and how h rf myati-ry.

Newliurvport has ii lamalbpux. Newburv isirt is an had as Lawrence.

_.-,. a half do/en eanili.hites lor the Clt) ahalablp.

gooda dealer,, from their preaent loeattanl the acbool committee of Denver* haw

more iu 1'orterV l,hH-k,oppu*|te I'I «'h»«-l » ^[.^uf'^U^bEae U-non ,tr«-t. An extension of their ^U"1!/ 1 iiJ.

l^V^V.lr^^*.U,■Vvi^Vi^m.~.l»ll.l t** Im-llitnto ihi- i-tn). lilted, and tlu-lr new pn-uilnes aV i ,„■ uMroiiomy In the High Seluail, "'" l.illlile the spae

Mr. William F l.aslwn seriously III for a long time, ami i I* little Iwpo of hi* recovery.

A viuingiuan named John C 'lil.lv. i> r,,r„rK sv'.t to the lloi.se of Cnm-etiot. M month, for abusing his mother.

\IK B,.,I Mrs losenh B. Merrill relch ;&;,r^'::. S4,C;... 'KOV me:;';;;;.;:, t J!: ■ :^uL' '.„, F

panic, owned in Newl.ury]>orl. \ eeive.l many valimbie pre., urn Amesl.mv ha, had her flrat mn-iueriule [atll. The Sisters ot ( hiinty "is .

and the iieople liked It so well they think ol h.o- lana-i■ luiilding l-i I" ■" " hig another orphan eluldn-n inuler inur u

.,'iiative Oeorge Hatch of Marl.lehea.l hold a fair shortly for the BbM denlvouCliristnian evening of ma- The Sal.-ui ( Wenn e.,u.|.

In Huston mi tin- , volume with its k- • '-■

Thai the change in the type for both Hon*, dally and weehly. Including the r of the ,taliding advertlncmeutn, in vol1

small amount of labor, may bo lH-tteriippi iy our reiiiler, not versed In the iews|>npi-T will, l.y ilu- -'ui..... ui that iftaU-d the setting of over a half uilllkf-ioO,'

ooo) pioeei of tyi«. —There In i-oiinl.lendile talk itlmtitiC Clt

Manhabdilp. It nppcnnt that It isifMuji Brown after all, but (apt. Deaey, MfBraw ter says the Captain ought to have

1 place 'hieii Ii..-

dcneJL-u't without Then- are now living In Ttfarldchend fourteen

Dartnuair prisoners, and twenty-tlve prlvatis-rs- men, nil hut two of whom niirtend Imprisoimieiit .luring the war. Their uges range from rl to ».»

The market value of the stoek i-ompaiiles in llonlini, owned I

iiiryjairt, was nlaiut »24,fH«.;nier.w

.f the failed in-


fell knm

i Friday lust. ,'

,id ought Ifarnant ' Monday preeedlng his d

■A Ili< mill with higher

and more exalted el

vigorously mi, thai

our fellows, oven as we w|J


D R U N K E 1

[oUantt, s- .'. ti. i. In mi.I two ill tin- ll.o

Then' have been 1711,1 i use, of small-pox In IhiMun iu Uvi-ln- moiitba; ot tlie.-e.Villmve died The nnmlH-r ot Aises at present existing la tkXI.

F.lghl miner, jure Uully injured by tin- falling of u seattolil at the l-ita-riv Copper mines, ill Frederick County, Md., on wedueadny.

John Hanlniaii, an Hiiglinluimn, felt into n well at Fall lllver, while drunk, on Monday evening, and was drowned.

Oeo, Macd hi preached at Newark, N. J., ..u Siimlat last, so Ills In n It I. ruiuuii lie so laid a, ham I... i, reportmi.

It I* Mated that a large Russian loan will KS.II be pal u|H.n the Kogll-h Market.

I •■ -hi 1 Vi.

' R 1 D A Y.

■ tentlmoi on Thursday, l.v a waltli tiiiullv, whom Fink u.,-, Unit when Fi.k was ass followed with a pistol iu her gave to a geutlei saying si


Thl, hicreuae

W there have

i peraona tr- at not be ru like II II ess

p'f II la ueces-

' Influence of ; they are onty

I been drinking

Although for a feu

been quite u ling,- i|

rented Ibr tld"(.n. .,

thought tba/ii gold i than lUTnkc men nod ttirrr, to the ■tMtan b

aiife there. Men who at night And it difliqiit/ pick thai home, ami iltuier aiiet Ji-uinatanceN they are npt to neck tbeU|u-r of the flrat doorway, where If tbLay all night they would most certainly !-.■■.■ to death, It Is an act of charily to Ik a drunken tuaii or woman up in the -inn house during the Inclement weatheriren if tu*y have to pay four or six dolb fur the luxury.

The winter weather tnJrlngs an appetite

for warm drink, which*** '<> satlafy It- aalf with pttnehea. Mi an' also made

drunk more easily iu lid than in warm weather. < '..inin- ..ntt thr wunn. nek-

lug atmoupheru of i bourn ah

eold night air, the nffHU, strange to any

atuplfylng, ami pernof] who if the

remained in the wan

never have been euapied of Mug othe wise than sober, lieeoJ-drunk Ii

ly on reachingthu coUfreeh air. »nmk

eniless bus greatly dfreatwd lu this city

ami the rail lhat Hi

rests Minn usual at (n-seut, should not

ork, .,.,„■ w"1 '"" ''il'li''nl l,1-'"r-v "•!««.* h

I m,eh rahjahh. and Intcrctfng matter «m 'ill, navTii1 "'^ "M'^" 1 - are „,ten...e,l la ,„e mutter sliou,,' , ■ „ "," f^Ti?4 "<"»• « "'" »««"

ocmre-W copy. Mr line ti, ", ^ T,N'""'*'» d« or the •rrealag '..Ki.K.rofnij,;,,,,;,, ;,bi-■* ■»«,trr^*gfti-""^^ »-2

aide to tlieoe.-a-lon.hy it,.- denghlad THE KKVIRW or TUK Yriut„H«lL~~~ r , .""""'"• ""•'" J-'-'-'d by the poranb, or whom a

ryriopedln „f hl.tio-r. (■. t ' i "' """;" '""' - ' '^nM'\'"m^ »*<* I—"«. and who..,,. li-i-l h. the II,,,,.,, Vra e b-r ri I' " "' '""' ' ."^,''1

,' '" "'" ,lvH-1' ~"""1'" '" '"- to.utne „r •W ml. week. I* one or I the ftitherland. ewjoyed ti vening. U11,| liv. '

.huiikl be , uvwaaah preaeed im.

he is the greateat soldier of tin _. to be City Marshal, Isn't all thi, titlf little— j hi, anal health. just a little pn-matun-. The elty i*>luiMiip la not vacant yet, and not likely tot. tor It In I Third with a "brick.

—At the temperance meeting at dy Hall, on Sunday evening, Kev. Mr. Cuabmapahl thenr- gimi/.aliuu had to tight aguiusHthose who presned QoU'H npplea Into the dev§> eider, and Got)', grain into the devil", whisiy. Healao ■mid that a man never gives ctwacter to Ida business, hut the bimlnes, ptTef character to

him. Mr. Cnahman utters some ptugei in few words aometlme*.

—We hear a giaal deal at pres.nl about Intel- ligent dogs. A friend in forms u* that lie ha, II

dog that ean heat everything he ever aaw for Intelligence. While vbritaw a gentleman the other day, tin- dog perakacntly nfu-ed to fol- low him fhrthur thaiithe rote of the gentleman'*

ndn. He coaxed, swore at iiiui, and used f effort tn compel hint to lollow.luit without I. Wondering what could he the matter

With the dug, lie went up to him, and glancing ; hill- ye, in the direction in which the dog waa

looking, he miw the sign—"No dogs allowed on these premises." The eause of the dog*! rlngnens to advunee was I'xplained,

—A couple of Indies got Into a sleigh at the South Side on Friday, which waa itaitdtng with Ha ninners deeply imbedded hi the snow, near the sidewalk on Broadway, (me of them grasped the ribbon, with an air of nonchalance that wun perfectly delightful to behold, conald- eringtlie poainbn of the ,lelgh, and the depth of the snow; raising aloft a whip in her small gloved band, she gave the botaea cut that start- ed him off with a aprttlgi the sleigh did not start so lively—that Is, forward, hot raised one of Ita aide* high In the air, and In another men! both ladle, wen- in the middle of the road, with their heads stuek deep In the hlluw, while dm|M.'rien Innumerable Muttered gully In the eold north wind. Both anon regained their feel, shook the snow out of their hair and eye,, and embarked again—thl* time with better Inch.

No damage.

apnurelitlv in . greeting-, and tni-t that it v is iu the future an 11 has been Ii

The Cape Ann Advertiser says the fishing 1 Mrs. Abb? Sage KW.ar.lH«.ii BOAC liusitien, of Gloucester ban la-en pmseeuted the interesting n-udiugs at Mil. n present year, at aaaerilk* of alxly-three lm» anil twelve vesnela.

filoueester had a total .-use of Pnutll-pox laat Only i

nteresting reading* at natem, on www) . -m-

Salem has laul fourteen cft*e* of naall M- Only one death ha., occurred from the disi*»

A apectal meeting of .«^*^^M Salem Foundry and Ma.huie s>'''l\"1 \' *

nil gaajwo,i ants a Weather signal station. ■ Nnlcin

The Oioic-ster Fin- liiMiranre Company had I the■ Kaac a ri-k of SlWOO lu Mrs. A.hinis' stoek, dentn.yed . to mm by the lloston lire on Monday of lust weel

The Ca|M- Ann Advertiser thinks a new depot, heated wild luniuees or by steam, would he very fullv nppn elated l.y Clout-eater people"just id-uit tllin time.

OIKKI living I* fumi-heil at the Beverly Alma- house. The Citizen tells alnmt a hog raised there, whh Ii gained two and a half pound, per day all the time he lived then.

DanlclO. Marshal died ot Kuekport hist week, aged ninety years. He had voted for eighteen presidents.

Anu-nlairv ban an haunted faelory, and it Isn't one in a factory for making "spirits," cither. i» ***

A new mllmnd is propoacd, to he luillt from POPJJ j tt,ejumtionoftheNtwln.i-.,,,rtruelt, lljv r ^-^ .^^^nn.llng miraele if th,

tin- snudl-pox. The varloun parts of an Iron bridge,

plaeed aeniss the eiinal Ml Granite Street,

rapltal i hereafter »»JJ00.

A inmll-uou hospital ha,


i for the promotion is in u lloiirislihig i-

i-liiir.li. which his for * .„,„.-,nof construction, rill, I

ready far finishing next month. ,r uniinl.lv inslniiaten that the W hurge-l for vneeilliltioii 111 tliatt n the eve- of a gn-at inanyulr


The Mir

This in a shorter and a better mute than the present one to llaverhlll.

The Lynn Reporter enter* upon the twentieth ■arof'it, existence with the first of Jamil

from havinta lipl-ratlon |H-rfonned, and eheerfiilly nay, tan

vcariif it, exist, nee will, tin- lir-1 ot Jamiaiv ■■■ • » „vk„„.ll Mri. ■ eiigoged ll *■ mimlnr. it I- ., bright, spaikllug |«i|a-r, ami '"^ ; ' .,',',' Ml,., „r.„,"^,-ib.i-i one of the meet heartily welcomed to our ex- '« " ,,,„,, „ ill follow aamb

a, poaalbte, so that in i hange tab|. A Lodge >f Otaal Teuiplura wan Instituted in J.;,^. '^Vr'avv-

IVHIHMIV, i-i Thursilav evening of lust week, with ulsiiit tbirty-tlvi- charter meinlH-r,.

Mm. Benjamin J. l'hllllp, died in Lynn, the other day, of complicated vnrlolold.

The ihee Imalnew I, dull at Marlikhead. The Toung Men', ChiMtan Aaaoriatton nt

Marblehead haa been freed from debt. Then wen- thirteen locomotives mowed Up

■n Sw.tinpsi-irtt and West Lynn hist Tliur--

ate.llli.ii "

artsSi; the canal gut iiiitnl

ha. laen v the

unuaiuUtr (nng 11" 1111■.,.,, i, i „i

md curio mh 13 he ow, me b Hi aan ll * a* lie thick •bf On rim leday nonilng It felToT lit below, the ■oldest for muu her of yearn,

The gaa in the churches at Newburyport gav out on Sunday night, thu lighting material hu lug froten in the pipes,

Post t», G. A. It., of Ncwburvport. linn elected the followliip ottleers for the present year; Com- mander, 1'. C. Manon ; Senior Vice, C. T. Good- win; Junior Vice, W. II. 11. Currier; Qitnrter- ma-.ter, Thouuis K. Cutter; Surgeon, Hr. V- !'■ Cuiniiiiiig,; Cluiplnlii, Kev. J. 1'. Cleaveland ; Oncer of the Day, C. P. Oarie, Sr.; Offtcer of

Guard, Ihoilel Li

The CtiiversulUt Society C lug year with a dance.

The Citv Couueil of Miiiichester has |ia-* resolution' providing for a i-oinniitlee V - instructed H> prepare plans for n new Cl . pltal. It in pmlnihle that the .■iiternri-e *.« i-omu.eiieeil early In the spring, an the ii- taring cori*.rations have In.Heated a wll to lend their assistance to the widcrtukiiif J

The semi-annual Communication | New llani).shire Grand laalge oI'MaaoiiflJ plaee at the Masonic Temple In Munrheae" Fri.lav; there was a large atleiulanee, -I close of the exen-lses then wan a lxm<|uei I

In furnishing the City Hall with watcij engaged in the work have tupped thi-J main, iin.l nltlumgh the pl|n-s an- in, nnel tiling in gisal order, no water tan IK- kfj pipe not eiimmiiltieutlng with the :

The West Amesliiirv Branch Itullrond, whieli Annual Meeting of the Boaton &•] connects wilh the Boston A Maine Railroad at eii RaiirQacl Company.— Pre* Newton in New Hampshire, was oi.eiie.l on N Railway from Lawn Tuesday last. Thl, hnmrh Is^aw* four mOaa Bo3lon 3

ull.l Ihn


ii. nun htlgu " i frnTiuui 9120,- _ifcirJlli.,.laJllHij by the htbajtjp »i *

USflWM.tl)icsTiir.v. and Is leased l«- the Boston A Maine Kallnia.l.

A iMilitielaa in Essex county refused to pav an eleajlon -agi-rou the gnutud that he was in

■ioun state when he made it. The result f the election In auppoeed to have restored him i the Uonnul state.

il Mrs. Richard l'. Mill, of Bockport, 1 the twentv-rlfth aniiiversarv of their

. on .1 lav night. Thev wi-n visited nk of their friends, who gave them

presents icr Of vessels |>nwi|ng Ihroiigh the

■v biirv|sirt, on their passage ul "' during the year l«73,wa,us full. ' r of sailing vessels, 332; number

ber, a,5lH,ouO; number of ton* of ' -r of liarrels of lime, 8-100;

f,tnne, 700. There was an in- r the previous year of I0JKM)

lire in Newburyport lust re were two Incendiary tit-

llscovered In time to

L L. ry now iiiutaliin 18,- olume, were added

,erv of Ihmks for the year

Lawrence it II red bv SiUiirtlii> .

The annual nwtlug nf tiiAo#.„.n i,iiln>.i.| eras held in Boston oh W The report of the Director* for the nad and wanted, On motion ' ' the teases and run tract, lor new built to connect WHh and extend tlj including the extension of the Lex in j of the Middlesex Central Kallroad, from Iri-xington to t'omonl, and with the Miissnchn serfs Ci-nrrat rail nlsh them with terminal f.ieilitie, years, thereafter subjeet to jH-riodh a, the bushier. Increases, ' proved.

Gen, Stark slated that tin the Boston A Maine road, eiieouragii Ing Of a rival road from Bnllnnl Ynhl should call for'some action on f Boston a Lowell road. The thought it advisable to liuilil a Lawrence. In connection with th t ■ '-■- l road, by bulltllug Hire tiny would have a direct line inU not a mile longer than the Both road. In this connection he staled

hut emitted at the atateuiej the niinual meeting of the Boston ft the Novell nuul was their worst en

Mr. Cniwiiinnliielil, president of Lowell mad, said, thai in the earl Boston ft Maine railroad, It hint eoiiriiin-meut from the i ■■■.-,. -l ri that it had grown ttrong It wm - -Imielitsnii Hie Boston ft LOT

Id not want to seen railroad e felt It to he one of those ii

felt it to la- for his Inter* must (lu'llt.

Mr. John II. Oeorge, attorney i ulloii, said that one of bin first act* with railroads was to appear hcfoi lature rtfNew Ranuwhlre, on 1,-1 Ituilrond, to oppose the charter rhesicr and Lawrence Railroad. and Lowell) I,iwell and Nashua, niilnmils wen* several) v luillt as iiapciiuunt, by substantially the same parties, I the char- Mr of the last named contained aih-o thai no

el line, seeking to divert *ies, fr.nn , should la- chartered. Notwifinding all , within live years, tl„- M.iJcster ami renee, ,iip|,irte<l liv most |ir.e- and cor-

pcmlltiircn of nii.m-v on t iKirt of the ft Maine, carried its ehartjhrough the

ll.-iiii|isliii-i- Leglnlntiire. MWant la-are. ie. and will have il if «-,- |„, to light tor *" ■aimed that no two |hi-*i direct and

ompeiltlon for the santralth- could

llilllle \

I was

1. that ■

i\ | of the

It now

lilll .11.1. ■ ovei-v,


Rht, he

i,..,ii,,ii Vii Legis-

..ner, 1 s.|., o Bonloii. til d that the

is 111 I

."■il." ,",lr llrl.le llii.il

,., hud I'm with Bo-

1 Main had ot til llgt O the mat-

i-nhish reph sril, he Boston null Ii •verclv mi . hai 1 ■ bnncd its law

I'll to knon H tin v was no it h the iliil. , nees Kiwn i the two

[k -tut 1 Mini -I'IOI,' efforts ha.1 been !,■ il.,

-.1 i. ot N

it- pn

(,.'■' \

w li-



•■ halt me


HKni e'nte.1 the ft llowlt ■ preamble

,1 [In ,M--s,raIio.i

ii-.l, :. i,„ 1,1 ililer- and diree-

ft Lo .,11 i tin «n

in iir.~ to IK- for die interest ot

al'l ril,.,,,.- Il„. ,,.nn|«.,. ' ' " , ,»■„ ,.rl.-.-: «.' «i«W|«il,. .. .'.'n- [ ___^ »»*-"- / ''""'•

- -- ,,,».,■«,■,■,„ -I ■ 111V »„J l.n.p.-.- ,,,«%, """"«.„„„,'""- I'H,!,,. /ft„« M. r„„„,

•■■■■',« I'1''.'-'".' ..'-.''..I'I. "I ll,. ir ,„„',„ to,,' „,„.,i „„ s,« V,,,r-. o™i.g to 1,1. ..,,,-i„u..ui.l„ll,l.l.»J«.iii"l ll"'l".»l il.-"!™-:--^™-1' ..„■,.,■„, „„,,"" •>»«', „,,7 Ti,,.",-"' ' ""• ;;;;'I',',"!,;:.;II,,,',VM',,^, ::VI '■',-""' <"'■'■ TL »i...i.t.-««."i >•"" »^ "S*." n.,.....■■.n.i-i...H.wm,-.-..-,. i,,-™..,..... -»»«»,-,„,„, ■•"-■■r.i™.,-, *.„,- *;-I«I«„„,.

°aeaea w '''xutr..,-,... Ml



otaMflulea <>t Mi"*

•oriatf. The drc|ic»l immunity fin- Hit* n'

it wlilou nf ihe deceased, mi'l also i

U'lnvnl friend paihy Is Ml in ihi.

" , !!■■ tn Mgbter of Albert Bancroft, wre DISHTVWI al , E Himtli Church, on Holiday afu-nnsiii. The j

u-linnl school, ol which the deceased wan a j IIIKT, were present, ami sans; liitrotliictor*

}ul closing tivmn". Rev. Charles (tanlth, pa»- r of the church orndatcil. Ami In will chosen

Expressions of affection, cimiluleiiec, ami ex- ■ortation, addressed the nionruhie: relaHiroa ami |Miool.iiiaie* of the deceased. The auric on

occasion mu under lb* direction of Mr. u-s B, Murray, teacher of nweK- In thu lehnrd Bohool.

lea. Edward Taylor, of tlila town, luu »up- piled (Uc home missionaries in tin- West with

EOphM of the Boston Lectures, 1672.

Willinm Mercer, ■ luckier at Abbott Villain-, Ifcll, while iu a III, the whole length of the Main Pleading to the Urlicr"* *h*>l« the Second Story

of Brown's ImildiiiK, o-; J&aturduy afternoon. Dr. Xlnihell wax called in, hut did not Hud any

broken, eithangh then- were mere I bruise*. Mr. Mercer is nibjeet to ndttnf, lit*, I mid Is frequently Injured by thrill.

Amonjr the interesthiK entertainments of | last week, w*l that of the Frye Village Sabluttli f School, on Thursday evening:, at Knur It's Hall.

The weather was cxeucdlnfrly tmlcment, and | the travelling; through the dean mow difficult;

yet a goodly number of the little folk- and their friend* wen- present, and everything passed ol In a Knuifytajt manner. The hall wan tastcfull; decorated, and talwe—g, charades, and MiiKin:: Intel n dnglcil, occupied most of the time, and the LIT r iiuod humor prevailed. The ehllih were liountHully "erred with cuke, fruit, and confectionery, and although an extra effort required to fulfill the plaee, they felt well re- paid by the enjoyment furnished. The HtudentH of the seminary vvinced their deep Interest in the occasion hy droving such a severe snow norm to lie present, several of the nunilwr being teacher* in the Sahliath Mhool. On arriving, several of those gentleinen, nearly covered with snow, sung a retry appropriate, piece as the in- Itiary of tlie evening's exercise*.

Meaiirs. II. V. and I„ 0.-Holt, of thin town,

have bought of Mr. Yeaw, thu let business in Lawrence, with the real and perectul property connected therewith.

Joshua K. {'handler of flit* town*, hat 1 anight of J. D. W, French, of North Andover, the tbOtOOgh bred hull calf risen," months old, an by Herd Hook, Dnin, Jennie Orey, 177. Hire, McDonald, 3rd, Ml,

The factory of the Marlaud Manufacturing Company has iiceti shut down for the preeent. It is nuppoaed thu fttoppagc I* occasioned In part by the high price of wool.

Mr. and Mm. Charles M. Abbott, the newly married couple, residing near Frye Ylllagi'.were visited by a party numbering moro than a hun- dred ladles and gentlemen, on Wednesday even- ing. It was a pleasitnt occasion, both to the surprised and all present. Mr. Ahlmtt's class in the West Parish Sabbath school, with the ron- triliutlcins of, other friends, presented to him a very generous purse. It was well merited.

Some two or three weeks itlnue the Sabliath School of the Free Church committed the whole arrangements of their annual New Year's festi- val to a committee consisting of live gentlemen und five ladies. The sequel proves that they performed their duty in a most admirable and eucccsBfut manner, Thu festival occurred Wednesday evening, and the veatry of thu church was crowded with thu children and their friends, mure than three hundred persons heiug present. Thu Superintendent introduced the exercises by wishing all n Happy New Year, and then fullitwed singing by a quartette, con- sisting of Mesurs. Flauden, Wheeler, Ucnncr and Wood Worth) prayer by the pastor; quar- tette singing; rcudlug by Mr. Wood worth ; ('In i- tin.!- tableau by the children -, song hy the school, conducted by James It. Murray; cha- rade; song by the pastor; reading hy Mr. Woudwurth; charade, flour of the family; i|uurtette "ingiug; shallow pantomime, iu which specimens of several trades were exhibited; quartette singing; closing remarks by the Su- perintendent, iu which he referred appreciating- ly to the cmctcnt ami entirely successful efforts

of the committee in consummating an enter- tainment of so mm h pleasure and enjoyment to all present; and also In behalf of the school, thanked the gentlemen of thu quartette, and others from the seminary, who have always so cheerfully rendered their services a* teachers or otherwise, for the benefit and Interest of the echool. Refreshments acre then lllwrally dia- trihutctl to all present, after which all the young. er mumliersof the school, as they passed out, each received n generous pnekage of nuts, fruit and confectionery. It is needless to sneak of any particular performance in the evening' crclscs invidiously, as all parts were so well executed. No occasion has furnished amusement or better satisfaction. The children were more orderly than could l>e expected dcr the c I re ii ni stances, and although at times they were quite hilarious, they could look to their elders us simply following their example.

There waa a good audience at the Town Hall on Tuesday evening, to bear a lecture upon Freemasonry, by Bar, W, K. Algcr of Boston. He spoke of the significance of the emblems of the Order, and some of the I(clients derived from the organization, with his usual distinguished

. ability.

A man In this town recently traded n horse for a pullet, on even terms. It Is said the last uwiierVf the pullet got the best of it.

One of the most interesting and profit able lec- tures of the season was delivered In the Andover lecture conrr^c on Monday evening, by Mr. Win, II. Niles, Professor of Geology in the Massa- chusetts Institute of Technology. Subject; "Scenes among the high Albs." The lecture was an hour and a half long, and waa listened to with great Interest to its close. The speaker

* gave the results of his own observations among the objects or special notice seen during his late travels, and added additional interest by Intnl. •cu|ie paintings prepared by the artist, Mfr. J. U. Low.

1 A L I. A H p VALE.

1 pEOPLK*S LECTURE COURSE. The Fifth l.ertim- in the cnuw * ill !-• delivered

lit !{..». .J. i . WTiM Klili K, in i;i-' TOWN ilAl.l.. VMMiVKlt,

Monday Evening, Jan. 6, 1873. ,||-HJKI l \TJ1!'A>.

Ticket-, with I'IHTI. fur reserved seals, glcio.- : tor stile nl lli#i.l..rr .it W \1.TKtt >. I">\ M.H 1 mi and after Jan. f-l, law. II

t KiMMoswi; Ai/ni tip MA>t»*< m>KiT>.

I, to 1.0 .prim iT"

Iwrll hns opened a livery stable t the old stand of A. S. H*-an. Joseph know II that need* tn be known al.mil n (er here can be little doubt but he will be i onbuHL

It was eitcouraglitg to aee so large .1 nuntue: illenibUHW m tlic lecture on U'eslnesday evealng, j ind we nre xiire lli.-t were well pnl.l lor coming .lit. The It.'.. Mi. iiieen .n-cupie.1 the de-k. mid j leUvereiladbsrourae that wouliiic wHI worth leneallug ;ii any tiuic The HiihJFci was "A wont i., i1,, »■■ e i- -iiiij.'ii ni. ' The ■■-..■I .■ i.iplc-. in dnatry. lu—oary, rraaatlly, hoaaaty, temperance, ic, were each dwelt ■pON.aail forelblv lllustra- led; llM>Wb*| how much there was fur goad t» yonag people by Judicious tuaiuurenieut, mid in P»> ing a proper regnnl to their principle*, which I is. 1 governed ttwHvoaOf mrli men as Friinklin, mid athjBMWho had risen to puritions of Imnor Bii.i fame. Tlie hwtare wai datddadrj a gi«>.i one. Thaaetoottena idayed by the Comet Hsmi were such a* gained tor them fraouent appbuue. it was well msriteil.

H waa it nlrature i» see tlmt Mr. Wm. Karrlton i -., ■ .. r. i ■ ■ ■ --.--.--■.-- i i. - ■ -. - .. .---.. i IMuesH us lo oeeapy the ebahr again. ,

NOKTH AsnovBii.—A good itory Is told of a citizen of North Andover, who, n few days ago, was travelling in Wakctlchl, and saw u red nag Dying from a house, He Immediately called at the door atid inquired If the auction was over. The iimuites replied that there Waa no sale; but they had got the snail pox, In- quirer vamosed.

r.-tc. ..f kin,

IV Ul BMrhie Tin day wa ►1.1,1 ut er' this did nnl

< hr >UM< Bve there v :i • M.- umllwi uc in district S'. a bmaanl pi i ■ I'.ir Kit II W.l w?ll with n llll •h w.i C-llil MI.'.1 a

ri ,II v.. II • Is. T re -eiv UTII ai 1 ehah . Tl • Iciiche nub) 111 In her r ■h..lur.. nage , mid assei ogtoll

The Slokes Trial.

Tlir initft remurkiililf t'lrvmiintaiii't! of i tlie eleventh ilu.v i'f tlie Stokes trial wan the uppftmiuci' mi the witiuaa etaad of C.iniclliis Yniuli-rlillt, the crtut railroad Mug, and the weultliiist until in New York. The commodore bus already exceeded the

-t'OTT. late of Ansbn nw, ikiueaaad, greeting

ees, a certain ' , and Hi.- i.i i will and II put. been presented

dd i


sepb ' Mott, who pray* Hint letter Iniy nisy lie isniiiil to him, the rxei

V.iu 'nre h.Tcl.v cited

(estniiii-ii '

n'l.leu nl l.uwiciiec „lllllC>,T„IHrill.'Mlni .. .'chick ill Uic I'.irwi i, I,

I |ii-titi»iii*r Is heiv

neiil, IFUI ii.irlins: In lie of Mud deoeaaed, lias ,

Surely never were IIIIIV juvinn Chrlstaiaa f«- tiviiics. and neycr did Chrtslnni tree* yield m.in'

; tieantiftil harveat tlinn t1n.se in thb village a I'l.ilmle „„ Vie.linM.lji> evening. The liilversallsl" and „«ri'nr.i diHr ninner.HI- iVicii.t-, .iflcr mi I r of nn.-l en ucs.'-c it ji.y.hle Mwfa.1 mten-liauge .T thiaiglrt and iw-ling tji.wi- of the " father of U\> country.'

which wua that of one of the Frvuch Ca- nadlana, who, (liirliiu the -iimiuiT Mason. work lu the construction of the Men-wall bifoiv refcrreil to, which, UMI M-aaon, Ml nearly though not quite completed. The Kri-Tiiliniaii gave Utam n lnwpltablc recep- tion, Hiul beside bis cheerful Arc they wurnu-il their chllli-tl feet ami Imii.t-. :onl

;ptunU Hiiiitntii/n <Vr\hi *.r<Iiuarv hnnuin Partially dried theirirarmentto. lleofTcrwl . nnd vet dm-s not ahow anv HVIU|HOIII ""'l" '«»«»•'. '»»< judging hl» nsourcca to he Indlmitlon io leave his Iron roads for Hnillcd. they <lhi not nccopi his bounty, .scoflhe inikiiown n-alon. .\a he took ; '•',l'''' m Uic H.ncrinM>ii thiy want lit the seal Inside the liiiuh in tlie witness direction of Slrawbem Hill, where at the

lie wan drcfaeil In a very iiKHlu.it "i-eun lloimc they received every comfort. f black broadcloth, wllli n white silk [ijcludliia food. «oo.l beds nnd ptent) of

arf, abuvn aoUuin dlnnxnnl brcuMpin


•loth rabbtm. Ha 1* rather beli the middle height, with n well pnseiv frame, lithe ntrdwoiuierlullyactlvc fnro of bis a ire. Ilin coiiiplexiou is fair a ruddy, eyes clear blue, hair white, wb kent ditto aud <

ih iciit . to Boaton. re-

N-ted to give

. thri-e s ■iilli'ii the l.surt

printed st the iic««puper CHII Andover A.lveMi-i publleaUon

Willies,, (ieorge K. t Kwmlre, Judge <■ in. i».-nt\ third day of lleeciiilHT, It thuiisHiiil eight hundred and seventy

A. I . I.IH.I1K1.1.. Itcgi-lcr.

KTTs. . the licln

\V[\\ ■ -Hi.) com


UwFflHr nnl Awl>T*r Agm.U.,

The «uh«ciil>ers are now prepared to eni-uU' nil kind of wurk In Uic Lnun.lr; line, ia sa|>eriiir stele. M short ii»tici< .nnl ut mieei Unit defj coin- iH'lition. Tlie proprietors Imld thcm-clie,. re- s|HiiHllile fur nil gu.-h I.Ml nr in i^ In Id, whether marked or not. Satisfni-lion gunranteeil in all eases. Price |H-I il../,en, iii.-linhng three stnrchu.1 pieces, Tft cent-. K.ir rurtlur psrticulsr- inuuire ..four agent-. Kdunnl M.hin, lii'J K-sex rinri, Ijiwrence, and II. «. Whtl,-. iilHce at T. Henry's, Main street, Aadover,

A sbareiifpulilir pittroiimre re-pclfidU sulicil ert. ^(IWVsKMi, BI.OiM.KTT Jtt'l).

We.t AaMwbary, Nor. I, \"Ti. W-

S. D.—All goods sent tn risk, and free ••/ cxanur. (

Mnndnv giMMts r-tiirc nf K ItcKav, W despatch.


recently oeaapiad by Dr. <>.

M„ 1 to i. and 7 to 11', x. , IST*. Itf-


LLI Inw, next «f kin, nnd all Other nleiTMterl iu the i-«Ute of JON A- . MMillli h, Ute of Anilnver, In in, ilceeii-e-l. xreeling :

Wherciih, it i-i'ilaiu hi-trimtcnt. purporlitiK I» IH> UIC liifl will nod Icntnment of i-nld dn'en-icd, hns IHS'II pn-seiil.'.l tu sui.l r.iuri, fur prolule, by K.livnr.1 If. ll.iuiwcll. who i.rm-.tliHt l-t!?rs U'.'- tmneiitarv niav Is- Issued to him, the e\iiiit»r therein timmil,'

Von ure lierebv cited l.i ap|ienr nl n Pmbale - ■ lie iHildcu nt Lawrence, in -ni'l einmly nf

u tin' secuml Tiius'laj of Jnnunry next, at nine n'cluck In tlie f.ireii.Kin, tn show cmi«c, if

iv you lini c, against the smile. And wild petitioner ir- herein directed t.i give ' " notice Uiereiil, hy iiulili-bing tills citation .. .. week, f.nr Uirre. Kucciwslve weekh. In tlie

ii,u.|.:i|.v|. , idled Hn- tjiwren.e Aiucricau ami Andover Advertiser, primal at l.nwnmce, the last publication to lie two days nt b-asl, U'lnru paid

ifiiin- ■. tiuorge K. Chnati', K^iuire. .ludge or till Court, thin tlt.'tll* loilllll il;l\ nl Di. r ,

In the vear one Ciou-iiml .-iylit hundred ami sev- A. C. (HHiDELL. Itegi?ter.

si* Inii'iiiUsl for the Tuesduv, at the dry be attaaiHd ta with

!IBH taken the nDce i.. Braanrd,

ontoe hours till U A

pc IN U.I. ITH UlUM'HEN, ur


Fiin'iiture, M;,n. ■■ .-. Ilcl-, Bedding, Wlndi Shedes, Ac, Ac.

llatresses, Lounges, Snfas, nnd Parlor "els I limit to order, ur rci.nire.l and u|ilin|sterei|.

IleskK, Tallies, and islil piece* ninile as desired. Curtain* triiuiiieil un.l bung, Carpets laid, uiul ■ieneralJohhliurdiiiii'.

Second lian.1 luriiitnre Ixnnrlil and sold. li"i«l« of all kinds received mid ""Id m 1'uhlle Auction. KveryUiliig sold as low n» c«n be alforde.1, ami warranted as represented.

'■its for the celebrated JOSiKV PATENT IU TIKIl, I'.-' lu market. Vnrlous other

kinds on hand. S. B.—Mr. Woodman will render any assistance

desired, In purchasing goods iu Boston or else-

Andofer, Jan, I, WTl. *-


Hiioi.i;s.ti,i: AMI HI: r \n..

The buslnens of the late II emu HI AbhiiUbavInK passed Into the liauds of the subscriliers, they will continue tu furnish

COFFINS, (WNKKTS. ROBFsS, ami other articles connc proimitly and in the Litest


Annual Meeting ol Hie StK-kholders uf tlie Amlover Natloiial Itniik, will be held at their flanking H""n TIKSDAV. the h'niirtivntli ilav of Januarv next, at Uiree o'cliiek e. M., To the choice or lllrcctors, and tlie transaction <

cither liiiHlue.'K Hint nmv legnllv come liePir Ulem. IIOSKS HlS'lKlt, Cashier.

Ali.lc.ver, Dee. II. IH7S. Unll rtlS-


The Annual Meeting of the member* of the Amlover saving" Bank will lie held at their Bank- ing ItiMim on MiiMiAV, IheSiMhdavof.lannarv next, al Til lit K »' disk I'. M., for tlie choice ol OMiane iiil tlm UaiiianllnH nf mrh ntbnrhwehirai

s mav legallv come liefore them

>f their church, widen was rend en'. I verj UllrHcIive, not only to I he lilttc tiilks, I.lit lo children ..1 larger growth, bj lw« 1'irW irecf, ivhieii should he seen la be uppreclHtril. After ringing by members ■>■ rbe rbetr, aseated by I'r. I . P. Smith and Mr. V. W. Ci-ouell.an.lrecitntioiis by two little cblldri'ii nf Die Sunday school, the trees yielded al their abundance two hundred nnd arty ureaenta, nnd nil went home bright, Imnpy. un.l rejotelng.

Tin- Mime evening, ut the same lime, the liisci- pKS, With their friends, were having a I nippy time

AierVIIall. They,also,had two treea laden With throe hundred presents for young nnd old. Aside from thr tree* uud the singing wen. iwci

attractive features.In Iheir eutcrtahiineiit, Is-lng -' Imiiiaiiuel," |iei1uruie>l by chililren of Sunday schisil. carh . luld coming forward

willi A lettcrof tlun wonland re|ieuting bis re ■paetlve part. The letters being!*Vetoed nnd one

dibil, the interpretation of the WOUl, or Uii Uf," was formed, tlie children re|H'Hl-

big In concert on uppriipriule stauzn. The other ■aneraaee dinlngiie, illusirntinl by u paint.

ing In oil, six feel In IlelgKt, representing a wine iwly Itllcil with wine, within which a ser-

pent was eciilcil, his hend, with its venomous pro Irud ing tongue, nppeafbig above the tshre of the

Within Hie iruuis were also seen tlie qaaa- Who hath WIM-»?" "Who hath sorrow?" listh contention?" Ac. the glass being

funned III section* as Ihr rtialnfn Tills dialogue with the necoiii|iatiylng illustrallnn waa gotten up by the superintendent of Hie Klrst Baptist Sunday school in Worcester at the priim eost Of ilfly dollars, and 1* lei to Sunday school

Although the " Brick," nr Mr. Allen's church, Is not In AVer's Village, it Is so nearly oanneetcd with It by nur people who nllciid there, that it* Christmas festivities on Tuesday evening, should Iw in diced hi iln-. connection. There wen- re- marks, singing, the distribution n-oin thr trees of gifts, useful, ornamental ami iiilrlh provoking,nnd ii general Joyous nnd happy time.

MHJ- there lie many relunis of this " Many Christmas" loan, \.

ic.: hospitable trcf IU. The VfBBMl went to pttDog, but the hemp n,l nnd Japan wood li.riiiin- her cargo was lh. Baoatrj xectirctl iu a dainnffetl rinidltlon. „f' If n pilot bad lieen on hoard the disaster |u i Would have been snvwl. for if Hie vessel

gn-at fonmimlore In-ars u limre l,:ul ,Ml'n kept on her cmirsv Instead of >l riklng resi'tiiblancc to the great <•ciieral, l,,,|l'K '",vt' "■■ ",'1' would have gone right or at Iraal to Ids |«.|iitlar portraits, tlinn '"t" »*f Imrbor. Iocs OeorgC Wuslilnglon llofren, the i w ■■»'» lulniant of tlie .luinel estates. Tlie Com-i RCMtlK'g PROTWT ADAINHT STKAM-L(I-

in.iilore ciinie to tcstit) concernlllg Klsk's ! COMOTHHT.—It is one of HiHkin'a wtilm- chaiactCT, an to disposition ttud tempem- laical notions that modern mi ales of travel incut. It was very evident from the be- l mid conveyance bv sen ami land are the ginning tlmt the railroad king was nol nt \ Invention of the arch enemy of mankind.

In the witness choir, aud it was i To the same malignant source he ultrib-

Our New York Letter.

I with the business, nptlv and in the latest styles and finish.

. .itflns and Caskets Dnlshinl In oil, wax, or cov- ■■ i •■. i with broad cloth.

WOODMAN AND CltAIlTHKE, NeM North ofTown llnll.

Amlover, Qob to, 1B74. -1 ry K & K K VC K I1BNBT,

Ma mi (bet ure r of

Coffins, CaakeU, and alt kinds of Onrc (lotbes.

Also dealer in In all kinds of Furniture. Itl.nl. Walnut, Chestnut, nnd I'ine t.'lutmber Sets, constantly on hand, rpbolsterlug ami Iti'pairlng done In the neatest manner, ami nl reasonable trices. Picture frames. Curtains anil Curtain

im constantly on lianit, anil put up If de- sired.

Opposite Memorial Hail, Andover.

TKHHKM K HKMtY, AMetloweor and Cons mission MerrhBiil, Is now prepared to sell Itinl KsUtu or Personal Property at reason- able terms.


M n 1111 la e I ure r of

Eiproaa, Market, Butcher, Store, Farm and Bualnosa Wsgxma.

• ■ Hi |.siring In all its branches; and nil work warranted as represented.

dnver, March 14, 1B71. tf-

■*r»iN nur flsra CatMpimtttt Saw Vou, Dae. ai, IHTI.

DEAK AstKiticis.—It will scarcely be In order for me to say "Merry Christmas" to you nil! I meant to have sent this little compliment flying but Weak, hut Jack »*ront. tlie wretched old fellow, OnrrM altogether (on many guns for your corres- pondent. She opened her eyes one morning to ilml herself snowed In, mlnui lots oftblngsi.hr needed, among them stationary, and wllh surh a cold In her eyes and her threat, that she didn't care three straws for L'hrKinns nr any tiling else. The sun is shining brightly now, tlie ice has melted from my windows, which hist I am a little sorry fur.

SI'i'll UN 1 urir SHACKS AS IT ASSIMKI". such weird ami benulirul pictures as It made. Just at dunk the poor old lamp lighter would inmiii t and light I'u- git* riglit In front of my parlor win dows, und then the effect was wonderful. Kv qulsite himlscupes, heavenly figures, mountains, valleys, bowers of Kden, and 'Ac house 1 am go- ing to live in bye and bye, were nil revealed, "Hye

has reference to real estate on tlie other -i.le nr the river! but n truce to ipeculatlonn| al-

to wish you not one happy new year, bill agrealinnuy of Ihem! in short, as many as you want! that is, those Of TOB whonre not a. burden Ui your friends.

Homebody says tliat this Is the coldest weather we have had for the last ten years, it is tlie Bold- est weather / have ever eTpcrUnceil since I was born, and 1 am two or three years over ten. Sleigh- ing still eonUniies excellent. I haven't liecn. Shouldn't object to a sleigh ride In June, bill now the air Is altogether loo keen, t.'ome to think Uiougb, I haven't been In vital! wonder if It would

('apt. (icorge Iloyiiton, of the State Police Force, tins taken hold of bia du- ties In such n manner an must convince everyone ibilt as fur us he Is able be lu- te uds to enforce the law against gambling. On Wednesday lie made u raid In llostou, with the force under bis command, ou

any dlfferenreir I hml! Think not! though I aevefl gambling bouses sliuultaneously.

C0A The subscriber lias a supply of COAI. of differ- rent sites und ipiallly, which be will furnish istomors nl a reasonable price anil short notice.

(inters atay ha left at JOHN II. CHANDLER'S Periodical store or at my residence.

JOHN CHAKDLKK. Amlover, Sept. 6, JST2.-

11 \m I. i i.i, KAMI I. v.— On Sunday morning of the great tire In Beaton, Lewis Porter Abbott anil Albert C. Abbott of t'harleslnwii, started for the conflagration, and nohlv assisted In the of cithiguishhig the flames. Lewis was working near the store of Week* and Patterson, Washing- ton street, when the walls fell, and he has never been seen since. In the afternoon Albert waa working In Pout Office Arenue. and while i dur witli Thomas M. Paine and Charles Waklron or CharlestonII. a portlmi of the building against Which the i ■ i.In was resting, fell, and knocked all three on the ground, and broke the back of Ab- lniii. The mother of these two young men, wid- ow Mary Abbott, on hearing of theilrcsilful news, was terribly itrleken, ami. tlie raclteiuent pro ■ lured an iiii:..k of licuin fwer, of which she died. Alburt, Immediately after the accident, waa takeu to the Mas such u setts Ueueral Hospital, whore he remained until his desth. While there, although a great sufferer, he hope,I he might recover, even If he were to renisln a cripple, and bis marriage was set for Thanksgiving day, and again fur Christmas. The young lady whom he was to mar ry in less than three short weeks after tlie acci- dent, was In constant attendance on her beloved during his long and trying illness. When it be- came evident he must die, plans were made for an earlier consummation of the marriage, so on Suiulay, Her Und, Albert (.'. Abbott was married pi Miss Maggie Welch, by the Hev. A. S, Twomb- ly, of Charleslown. The faithfulness of the lady, anil the heroism and patience of the deceased, stand forth In a shining llghl. The sufferer died on Thursday of last week, at the age of all yearr, .' months, it days. He served la tlie laic war with much credit, being a memlier of Warren Phobias, Co. H. SUth Kegimeut. His ooeapaUon was that of a machinist, ami he worked for thu Itoslon and Maine rorporaUon. funeral services were held al the Winthrop church, Charleslown, on aiiuday Boon; Chief tngbioer Damrcll and the Huston ^flremen were present la large nnm- t.erv \l>\ Mr. Twombly nfflelated, and referred feellngl) to Ahlsitt's bravery altlsi fire,and slated that during his sickness he had experienced re llginn. The remains, after the funeral services ha.1 concluded, were deposited la a tomb, from whence, on Monday, they were taken to this town for burial, accom|iaiiled hy tbo relatives of Ui deceased, ami the Bed Jacket Association, an delegates .1 Iloae I, J and 3, Howard 8lcai Klrc Company, Massachusetts Hook and Ladder Co., and also Messrs. Paine and Wahlrnn, whu r- ii with Abbott at the accident, and wete both lu- .lui■■<! si Uic lime.

On arriving at thu depot in Uils town, the corpse ■ml btrge company of mourning frlaads, were re- c»|veil by the Andover H. F. K, Company. In uni form, am| escorted lo the South Ohurrh, where ileuply impressive and solumn serviees wcr ilHi'UHlby the 1'sstor, lUi, Charles nnilth, Tlie

l body was then Interred In the family burial lot, at the South Cemetery. Subsequently theAi H, V. L. Co. Invited tlie vi-itiuK ireineo to their engine house, furnished them with a warm and bountiful repast, and afterwards escorted them lo Ihu depot The flreiuen wore emblems of mourn. "- --.iSSAM ■ noble looking set of men. Tney


The subscriber offers for sale a Urge variety ol

Toys, Fancy Goods, Initial Sta- tionery,

and other Writing Materials. Srf-IMmrl*., I'ort.no-n.l,., Hill Hooks, ri

CUTLERY, and ail sorts of

Confectionery, Nuts and Fruit. (1KKMAN HTUDY LAMl'H.

suitable for iioii.i-y *■- AII tlieae articles


Andover, Dec. 90, WTt ;it




I' \.-.- M.i: secured via. Anohor, Vatioi.al, or White Slur Lines at lowest rates, between Liverpool ur Ulaegaw nnd Huston or Sew York.

Drafts from £1 upwards; also, prc|«i.l eertin. .-.it,-, Pi KeW V-irk or USxtoi..

i"i i in ii,. , i 11 in III.IL .■■ apply to


Andover, May 17, W7S.-

N °' 1 C R.

The subscriber wouhl re»|iectfully give notice to tlie eltlicns of Andover and vicinity that lie has opened a new and

l''ru*liii>iiul>lo llitir I>i'viH»tiiia; li.,.,iu

opposite lic.in'n Hotel, KI.H N|i IHK, next door Pi llurt's Livery Stable, where be « 111 Is- happy to receive and attend to Uic want* of customers. Hy s I tie t attention to busiaesn, nnd by falthfid cmleav- ors lo please, be hoi«s to deserve a fair propor- tion of public, eon Alienee and patronage. Ii will lie his aim to keep a first class c«iahli><nnicut, and the publh- are united bi give him a trhil. ir Particular stu-iiUou paid lo i uiiiim Ladies'

and I hll.lren's Hair. P. a.—Toilet tsliampoo, a new mode of

the ii ui wllhuut suap or wati-r. Try It >.M 'Ifl.F H. I Hilt II. I..

Anikiver, Jaa. S, >■■,:. U-


Mns.u. L. TAPLEV,

upied .... Main

nbeet, would respectfully Invite tlm uiu-ntion ' her friends and the public KemTiilly, lo the K and Winter sljles or Millinery carefnlly s.decU

1 connection hns been nthlml u choice stock Fa nc v Uooxta. We shall endeavor Pi present L most re liable styles, and intnslnce the novelties of the season as fast as they siuicar. Thu Worsb-d 1 )epai tin. ui Is maile a siiwlaHy.


Andover, Oat, M, IdTS. If

we are all such im-easlstunt crentures Unit hanl to pmlleatr.

Have you hennl thai

FOLKS IN aaooaxTM ARK AJnUfD TO <M TO ctibaoajf

True as you live! ever an many m«ml>ers In good standing have become so Manned by the un- preceilciilcilly Irreligious Iwhavior of the Klrc King, that they darj not occupy their ususl place on the Sabliath.

It Is nald that l»r. Hturrs prevented a confliigra- i ii .Ii at his church last Hmiilay morning, hy lielng ou hand to throw u bu-ket of wnlcr on the already Ignited mate rials.

Mr. Talmago has taken his coiurrcgnthiii to the Academy of Music. I have nu doubt but the rev- erend geatleiuan Is very well rnututitud there. I should suppose It would uxnctly suit him. The Uibcmnrle looked more like a thealru than any thing else, and thu order of exercises there was

funny for anything. Tlie nrgnu was Just about In the middle of Hie church, and Uils, of course

all know, Mr. Morgan atb'mhsl tn, and in ex- cellent style. The singing, was cnugrcgntiniiiil.- IIro. Talmage would step out and sing, song the hymn; [his Is the mosi excrocablc reading I ever listened to,] and then n gentleman wiilked hrickly

rente end of the platform, nml raised his linger. Ur. Morgan look the hint, and

THK Kt'N COX MRS CBI>. I always sympathized with the orpini*t, for

sometimes the scn'cchlng was imendurabie; bill he invariably liad his little revenge. He bmk It mil in nptraUo and Jig Interlude-, some nf them snj'ggy. that It WU hard work for a dancer Pi keep his feel still. When Chicago burned, Mr. T»linage was roipgtofl n» saying that It was IH


cause the paonit were so wleknl. BodoM and lininorrah were nowhere. When BoatOB humeil, lb.' Ahniitbty wn- credited null iiUtulH'rless gisHi and sufflcient raatoaa. When tlie Talieniacle was destroyed by ire, Mr. Tal mage simply Mild "liod built iii.-i .ii -i ,1 ■. i ■. nml Unitdetlloied III" but be never stopped In this iii-t.iin'e lo jrlre Uic

.■II ...ii■■ for the

-rniMii- OrarpsjoT OK HIM HKAVKM.V ni■in-:n

lluw easy it is |.< assign tlm causes for thi' trouble of one's neigh)sirs

Things are very lively now. There U sensation lough for the pen nl the dullest scribe in the

Churchep. aud slauglilcr linuseH, hotels nnd mu- seums are burning. Servant girli are rousting alive! poor women an' starving todenlli, lying by Hie side of drunken liuxbands. Coroners are or- iupied day and night. Juries are bn«y with mur

dur cases, and such a stir hasn't beta nan In New Ysrk or Brooklyn for many a day. Home way Brooklyn lukes the. ktad lately. Tlie trial of Dr. Irish, lor the minder of Mr. Anderson, lias ended somewhat farcically. Both the l>r. aud Mrs. An

r. out on bail. What under IIIU sun they minle liiii. en -e out of, la more tlinn I can lull! In.l I confidently expected Dr. Irish would expire with

mil ivmi: s.i IMIIIK TO II iMi SOUKBUHV,

that it didn't seem to make much differe nre « belli er the man was guilty or not Hlokoe is going through his second CriaJ.aud Uiings

look dechleilly l>etb'r for him. Ilt-ini. [lie par- lor man at the Grand Central,has brought torn nnl some valuable testimony. Henri is a Frenehman, and one of tlie hnncstest men that ever hi-rathed, according lo my experience, ir Henri says be picked up a silver plated pisbil in thu parlor Ihe day of the shooting, he did pick It up. uf course Fink was armed. He always carried a pistol. He ; ,!■ ■ Hi ■' i 11 ■ i.. ■ ii i'■ i i i .di i rltnloM tu* (Iclently to make a mortal enemy nf liim. He was iletenulneil to extinguish Stokes, smdnlly mid n naiiclaily. He was sueceiHlliig ln-joiul his most sanguine ex|iectaUous the very day of hla ileiiUi. Why should lie not carry a pistol on that nrcasloii > I doii'l know whether Ibis in self defence or not- bui i better* dun NTOXKH OOf 1111 in OP PINK IN THK Mil IM.

LINK, fust about nvc r-eeond-. Poor Flsk, and poor Nbikesl .in.l j i- miinlnrers and niunhred gen orally.

They have s new sciixutton in lit Sen York A verj wealthy and handsome young lady goes to market cvury morning on Milts. She gets i ami down without Um slightest trouble, mid Is graceful as possible— and dres-cs In coslunic.

Vniirs, with thu romplimunts of the eeasoa, UK


for two or Uiree years,



The Hutiecrilier herein Informs the eilliens or Andover ami virlulty that he has takeu Uw almp lately oceuuled bv Valpey Brothers, comer " Main and Central Streets, where he will keen t sale a large assortment of Meats and Vegetal.). Articles dellvaml when desired, frea iifcnnrgei

II. P, HOLT. Andover, June 0, i-,.'. Itf-

pretty evident thai he was perfect I v wll llnj; to tell ull lie knew about Ilia foriner iiiiiiioiinhi, provided It waa bad enough,

lie was not retry clear as to what Waa wanted Of hUn precisely, and' thought in cover the entire ground bv one sweeping statement to the efleot thai lie had beanl

rytlilog bail of Flak In bvery capacity and relation of life iiH-lodirte temper, din* poHltlon and every other Vilng. Counsel for the PrfiatHintllHI. Imwefrr, would not accept this even from his railroad majesty, and it pretty sharp cnisa-i'mtuluatloii fbl- 1.>we<l. The L'tiiiimiKlorc win forced to ac- knowledge that lie never ktrw or hennl of Flsk ever having rewirted t| peraonal vlo- lence Against any OHO. W1»H luavlug the stand the commodore tuned to counsel for tlie prosecution and I said, '■ You wouldn't let me tell nil 1 kiiclrabout Klsk," Ut which the legal gentlemen responded. '' No, commodore, you may take tliat with you fur .-tuck In tnidi-." Tbe,igmiiuiH[un- ratlrod smiling blandly, and tlie audience looked affectionately anil npprovlagly. also enioiiraglngly at the umiahle representa- tive of ado.uoo.lHNi aa be retired from the court but not by rapiiltrnnstt. fttutc Sen- ator Devena wan called for the Mine pur- pose. He -iiiit that Flsk bad u great miiny inlmlrers and a great many enemies; the former made blm out to be a demigod, and the latter painted blm as a derll of the darkest die.

The Keuntor bad never been able to de- cide between the two. Honcvcr he be- lieved Flak's character fur temper and disposition wns that of a rei-kless, un- scrupulous, bold, bad nuin whu would hesitate nt nothing to enrrr out hla ob- jects. Witness hr.inl of attacks organized by Flsk upon Dorman It. f-ntoii, (JriH>s- beck of the Albany aud Siisrucluuma rnll- lond, and others, but never knew blm to have rcNorted to personal violence. The (Senator alao said that he frut|Uciitly heard men apeak ofFlsk ox ageneKius, humane, tmpulalve man of very warn heart. The men who apoke ot him thus, he said, were, as a rule, the companions of bin amuse- ments, orgies and Immoralities. Counsel for the prosecution Intend to produce these witnesses (all the court will allow) TUIH, l.1* io IM' iii.l'l'il miHivii nu ii "inin\ ■ ., . „. \_ .7 ._ '

bunefll of Ihcii■rcpeciivcMii-bn s,-i„„,|: |l-> |H'..vc llnil [• isk was u ^inituml ].cr>on- ■■-■' ally tlmlil us a fawn. This It to subvert

the theory that Stokes dreaded personal lolence when lie tired, or tint Flsk had

drawn u pistol on him. Thin, of course ia a thing that enn be done, so tlmt the character contest will amount to nothing; it ts generally known, ana no doubt known to the Jurors, that Fide was per- sonally an arrant coward, Tilth- us the

Ituesses who hare so fur spoken ou the aubject, have teatlded be wag bold enough to attempt anything, from assault and battery to the seizure of i railroad by proxy.

Two other witneaacs hare been pro- duced by the defense, who have sworn that they heard the hoys Hart and Hcd>- inond (the only wltiiesaea who pretend to have been present at the shooting), short- ly after the comer's jury,nay, while awntlng the tint trial in the House of Detention for wltnesscH, i hat they kiirw nothing of the shooting, aa they wert uot present when the shooting occnrrofi, and were so scared by the shooting that they niaticd tn the direction oppofdte to the scene of action when they lieunl the first shot. They added that the boys said they got $1000 each for testifying «a they did at the coroner's inquest, and having done so were obliged to stick to It aftcnvnnln. Aa Stokes acknowledges that he shot Flsk, the only Importance which attaches to the ImiV umtlniony hi, that, if they ar* to be believed, the shooting was wilful. deliberate, and premeditated, while If their tesi IIIIMIIv |a mid out by the jurors, Stokes' statement that the meeting waa accidental, that, bclng,down several atepg of the stairs, he mull not retreat with- out danger to his life, nnd tliat he fired hi pure self-defense, must be received, and be be Justified. AuotlvrwitneHM waa pro- duced yesterday, who jworeto the finding of two pistols Imufdlntely after the shootlug, the one of ifc'jn being the shin- ing atlvcr-plnted onelwhlch Henry

SALEM, N. H. Iln Christina* eve the Methodist and Orthodox

societies met tcijrelher in I lie MeNimHst vestrv for the purpose ol 0Qa*fTaag tile t-imtiiinanr exercises of Ou) event. Alter being called to order by A. II. Merrill, Rev. M. A. i"ales spoke to tbe nudi- cnee. hrieflv calling lo mind the nativity of our Lord, ami die present anniversary of His advent, alter which he offered prayer. The hours were .pent in social Intercourse, uulil Uiosc having care ii ltie lie.ii ill l.i.t; u i lii i -luei. 11ee aiuiiwticcd it line to distribute the gift'. This pleasing faskoc-

'i' an hour, after which the liappv young ' - 'heir ho

for lh. The vestries were round to Is- more capacious and comfortable than maliv hud expected, and tlm gen- eral verdict was tliat it was superior to the dilapl dated town liall fur such gatherings.

A meeting Was field on Tuesday evening, to con- sider the pvoprielv of fretting up a" Hand lUsiivNl," iu tin- hileresn of Siilem Cornet baud. It was de- rided to have one, and Mr. Jt Mi>. A. 11. Merrill. Mr. West.ui Palmer, and Miss Alible I.niigniaid were clmscil to make Ihe iitvi'Si-urv arnnigeineiils. It Is to U'beld .fan. lllh.

The weaUier last wii'k wss extremely cold here, and the lowest that the mercury has fallen was ill degrees IH'IOW zero. We hare alsiut 111 inches uf snow nu a level, and sledding is llkelv to con- tinue for weeks to come.

It is rumored that the CiuigrcKationnl church in mlr town arc ciiiisi.leriug I lie i|iie-tiiin of closing \U doors for the pii'seni, Mr. liales, its late pas. lor. liaviug h-lt town to move lo Warm-.

The New Vear opened aiu>plcluu*ly; milder weather and brighter skies nugur a propitious year. May new and earnest resolves, for Iwtter demls actuate our fresh endeav


aud succeeded' lu capturing scveuty-five men who ware, cngagesi In gmubllng and looking ou. The places visited were at Nos. 2u' and HI Howard street, 85 Conrt

ontgomery place, 2 and 6 dine street, ami S8 Sudbury atreet. At 81 Howard street twelve pornon" were ar- rested ; nt :i Montgomery' place, A men: at fl Aldlne street, sixteen men; and at H8 Sudbury street, forty-tlve men. In each of the ttrst six named places the officers Obtained a full faro-hunk, with denl-boxes and chips, aud in the Sudbury street place 4 sets of props, 408 chips, furniture and other Implements. The property cap- tured was worth about ffSOOO. Among Ihe purtlcs arrested were a well known hank president, a clergyman, and u mltroud glneer. They were Hdmltted lo ball: Thursday thirty-nine of the number plead- ed guilty to gaming, and were ench Aued f£>."i nnd costs; the rcinulnder pleaded guilty to being present and witnessing the games, and were carh lined "GO and costs. The fines and costs of nil amounted to about 92000, Hy this raid Capt. Iloynton In. ■ stricken a blow nt the gambling sys- tem carried on in lloston, from which It will not readily recover, and he deserves the highest credit for the skilful manner In which he laid his plnns, and for the success that followed their carrying out.

Corley ■■ Miss.' Hall.

1 was the

Wreck of a Barque

Manila, Kast Indict lust, for Boston, and Japan wood, wan t -ecked at Hi

Legislature. The Legislature convened on Wednes-

day. There was a large attendance lu both- brunches. The Senate was culled to order by Hon. Martin (irlfltn of Suffolk, senior -., ■ 11; 111 if, II in l the governor and council being uotlltcd that the senate had been called to order, were received and the member* qualified. Or. Lorlng wax umtmlnously chosen president, and on assuming the chair niude n lengthy address, dwelling with some emphasis on the duties the Legislature Wig called upon to discharge : he closed with thauks for the honor con- ferred open him. Mr. Stephen V. Olf- ford was chosen clerk of Ihe senate. John Morrlsey of Plymouth was elected Ser- geant ut Anns, and Itev. Edward Abbott of Cambridge Chaplain.

The House was called to order by Mr. in. S. Hoblnson, the clerk of the House

laat year aud Mr. Addison Gilbert of Oloucester was elected temporary speaker. Prayers was offered by Kev. (J. J. Saw- yer of Duuvera, a member elect of the House. The governor and council shortly after came In and the member* were qual- ified. John ¥., Saiiiuril wits elected speak- er, and Charles II. Taylor clerk. John Morrlsey waa elected acrgeant at anna. The ■■■'■■■ -i i.HI aorinou was preached In the lleprcscntatlve hall, by Rev. Geo. I«orl. mer of the Hhnwmut Avenue Buptla) Church.

KXTHAOItDIN'AHY I'llKNnMKNON AT Mil AX. A correapondenl writes that on the fourth of last mouth, Milan waa rlittcd by a peculiar phenomenon much to the terror of the lower classes. The rain was fall- ing In torrents from heavy black clouds, when the heavens appeared to open, and the sun-light poured through In a cloud of color, lUumliiating the uuder-edgea ofilu clouda with tints as strange ns brilliant The whole atmosphere was tinged with a vellow glow for the spnee of a minute when it changed Into green and blue. then the rent lu the clouds disappeared and the sombre sky of the early morning was as Impenetrable as ever. The astron- omer Schlapparelll We ure told attributes the different phenomenon of wind and weather, to the contact of the atmospher- ic equatorial current with the polar cur- rent, from whose point of contact of the extremes of beat and cold, an unu amount of electricity and condensation of watery vapor Is developed. The peasants who sell vegetables on the Iluzzu del Ver- sleru, [-inn inee.l ihat the end of the world had come, ran screaming up and down, tearing their Hillr; others fell ou their knees, praying und beating their breasts while others ran shrieking to their ml able hovels to embrace their little one

Windham, N. H. The Hrpubllcaus met in Town Hull on die even-

ing of l>ec. Itoth, ami ch.w HM(Mowing gentle- men as delegates in attend the several conven.

Mate ('oiTvcntlon, at Concord, Jan. lllh, W. C, Morris, John II. Oinsiuoor.

Congressional Convention, al )!■■>■ i. ■(;m l.'.ili, Thomas W, Nlmpsou, W. II, lochnni

Councillor Convention,nt Newimirkci,'<eurger'. Armstrong, James Cocliran.

senatorial Cm vent Ion. at abater, Jan. "Hi, Hor- ace Berry. U-onnrd A. Hsirrlson.

County Convention, it' Kxetcr. .1 Hills, .1. YV. i ni.-,.,....,

FiUTKBN.ii..—<)u Thursday a number ,.f Udd Fello»'s |..i--- i through ibis dtv, from !:.'■. rciicc, en route lor Aiuestniry, having with them the lasly nfa brother, a tnciulwr of Pownw Kiv- cr Uslgc.nf Aiiu-liiirv. The brother was tnl.cn sick and died lu Isiivrcnrc, but although nivny from his home he was kindle cured for bv the bnaMicrs in lsiarcnce, who administered to his neivssit|cs iliiriug h|s sickness, and Ihcii tender- ly ia»ivc>ei| l|j« remains to their l.n nvting- |i|4"V, sonic twenty miles dlstuni, although the leu I. ■: storm of thu season mis then niging. AH homirfo sucli a frateniilv. t'pon their rc- tuni here, on lliiir anv home, thev were kindly cared fur, and provided with u warm inciil. liy nniiil" r- of the (ir.l.-r In Ibis plmi-, much lo the

hvi salisfiictiiHi uud conifurt nf the rcclplciits.- I Weekly Publisher.

The barque Kndosh hlch sailed from

trance of Boston hnrbo Point Allerton, early ng laat.

Cnpt. " A. Mathews

ne hiuiiled blm by

In Boaton Bay.

■ i Ii of August ill i cargo of hemp

at a place called Thursday moru-

The vessel v s commanded by ilm went out as

and of Dec, the Of Knee Point

captain to

passing -..ni nl- to windward Tore noon. The

her first male, the lllm a of Capt. Hedge who commanded the v usel on her out- ward voyage, necesslta iig his trnmrrerlng the command to the chl r mate at Manila.

The homeward voye c by way of the Cape of Good Hope, vis quite pleasant until the vessel approai icd the Nvw Kng- liiinl coast, when heav gales were met with cold weather. At n Uils slow prog-

wus made nnd front onstant exposure In working the vessel li the heavy wenth- r that met them, som« if the crew had

their hands badly fri it-bitten. They were not KO dlsabltHl In fever us to be nfl* duty. On Sum lay tbe barque made the iusld but the south-west wli I which enabled tbe vessel to paas the pi nt, veered to the north-west, coiiip-clltm th heave to and drift.

After drifting to lccwu-d for some time the wind changed tok more favorable quarter and another attmpt was niude to reach port, tin Thuijday morning the vessel passed the Itbidunil light about four o'clock, and enteitl the bay with u moderate breenc from t e K. N. fe.

The air was clear eh ugh to keep the bearings from the slit e, aud they held their course up the 1 three or four hundred "f Mill.lt \ light. II little snow begun to fall p ti> fust, HIHI the wlud Increasing, the re als and light stay- sails were Birled. i'.1 ■, wade the bell buoy on Hardlug's ledguaoiue 200 yards to leeward, and aa the snMftill was HOW quite dense, continued tl snorten sail, leaving nothing but tlie J Ing..topsails and reefed spanker, aud braced 13 the yards'. Though well aware that h was on the right course to enter the ha x>r, the cap- tain regarded the attempt ti risky under the circumstances, as noth lg could be seen through the driving sit w, and per- haps fifteen or twenty udnut s after pass- ing Hardtng's, gave orde i to heave to and anchor. The on r was car rteil Into effect, uml t|ie best boner, with forty-live fathoms of chain, 'its let go In six and one-half fathoms o water. As soon as It was evident that t e anchor did not hold, the other bower ins dropped and both chains were pnld nil, giving a scope of seventy or seventy- ve futhoms. Meanwhile the sails had been irlod; Iherc was yet sea room enough, hat the anchors held, but they did nut, and in i abort t line the vessel struck, the at temp to get off by setting sail proving | lortlve. the vessel beffaii ta break up istnnt prep- iij:iT i■ >u■- were iiuidn fur lenv ng her, and the two large bouts were o fared. The captain took the whale boa], with seven men, and the mute, with ellht men, the other. Both got uwAy ft-ohi the ship's side at once, and wetit lu hc|»re the wind, using the ours only to keep the frnil emit fore and aft wllh the sen. The mute's boat took a little different cuurse from the other, but kept the captain's boHt lu sight, partly astern. When about three hundred C;ls dlsiaut from tin- shore the captain's

I was observed ta broadi to, and when broadside to the sen was Instantly over- turned. An effort was niude by die oilier crew to pull for tbe drowning men, but It was Impossible to mtike head against the sea, und tlie attempt was abandoned i the surviving boat then kept ou for tin- shore, and inii.li- a good liimllng about knee deep In the surf. Seeing a hotly lu the surf, they managed by u-iug the boat, to drug it ashore, and found It to be that of their caplaiu. Slight effort yvus made for re- suscitation, but it uni seen to be useless, and the body was curried ■ short distance on shore and left In ihe snow.

Wet and freezing, Ihe male nnd hh men made their way to the nearest habitation,

utes also even- sort of stcam-drlviag ma- chinery. Like our own erratic Thoreau, be disbelieves In modern civilization, and especlully lu every thing which tbe world calls '-progress." With u sincerity un- usual In extremists of this order, lie tries to carry Ids theory Into practice. He will iff-ver Journey by coach or railway where • horse can carry hlni. nor by stcamlioat when be can go by snlllng vessel. Prom the little Utopia which he hopes to bnlld up In Kngland, to be a pattern to the age, uml the beginning of u new era, all the uhiiintnntloiis of modern Invention are to be banished. Steam-engines will give place to tlie motive powers ordained by Heuvcn from the foundation of the world —wind and water aud the muscular force of man and lvenst. Hand-work shall the.-e resume Its old supremacy, and labor-aav- lug machines shall lie unknown. Hills driven hy wind or water shall grind the scythe und sickle, the horse or ox drawn plow, nnd the old-fitshloned flail shall banish nil those Inventions which have raised agriculture from n dntdgcrv to n science, ir the I'topians have anv tiling

II. they will take It to market in horse-carls or boats. Inshort, Mr. Kuak- In, who has hud the misfortune tol>e born some hundreds of years too late, would turn the world backward aud upside down, undo centuries orclvilization and progress, and re-establish an order of things from which humanity has been struggling away through generations of thought, invention, ami discover)-.

But Huskiii displays the most earnest- !ss fn his dislike of modern modes of HVCI and communication. Kntlwavs and

steamboats are the especial objects of his fierce denunciation. He thinks the Brit- ish Parliament should have prohibited the construction of a railway through a beau- tiful valley In Wales, because Wordsworth WTOta a fine sonnet against the desecration of his accuslomed haunts,; nnd he declaims with great zeal ugalnst the railway which connects Venice wllh the main-land, be- cause It interferes with the beauty and romance of thv approach to the City of thu Sea. Hallways and the telegraph, he de- clares, serve only to make the world smaller, and to destroy all that Is distinc- tive In national character. It can not be denied that, from the poetic nud Imagina- tive point of view, there Is a great deal of truth in Buskin's ideas. Steam has un- questionably divested travel of much of its old romance: and to a person of ro- inuiitlc temperament the rapldltv und con- venience which now attend a Jouruev to almost every part of the world are dearly purchased at such a sacrifice.

Bui, In spite of all that may be said in favor of such views as those entertained by Mr. Huskln, the world is not likely to surrender the convenience of modem trav- el for the clumsy contrivances which stood our ancestors in stead some hundreds of years ago. Besides, If we once Wgan this business, where should we stop. How fur back should we go In discarding modern Inventions'. Mr. Huskln appears to set the limit at the period Just before the application of steam as a motive pow- er; but how can we tell what reformer might arise who would demand still fur- ther retrogression—ami so on until wt should come, on our backward pilgrimage, to the tirst rude attempts at wheel-car- riages which we find pictured on Assyrian and Kgyptlnn walls?—From '• Loromotloii —I*ust and Present," by H. 8. CoaTaRT, In //»r/wr's Mawitine for Janvarg. m sssss a.-

. Titivjj. IN AM IH\ I TIMKS.—Owing to the absence of roads, as well an conven- ient menus of carriage, there was no gen- eral spirit oftravel In ancient times. Now aud then some adventurer, athlrst for knowledge, made his wny Into thr coun- tries, journeying on foot, nr horseback, or by sea, and taking years for an expedition which can now be made with comfort and safety In a few weeks. There was less travel in Europe than lu the Kast, where the camel furnished a convenient means of transportation, mid whore the great treeless wastes of country offered few*" obstacles than the forest-aero wo regions ofthcWcst. Hut nil over the earth sol- diers ami merchants were the only classes of men who saw much of the world be- yond their native villages and cities. The great muss of people lived and died lu the place where they were born. Beyond their native precincts the world was an unknown region, where now nnd then an adventurous mnn returned with marvel- ous stories of the wonders he liad seen and heard. I'eople stnyed at home be- cause the means of travel were con- fined to the very wealthy, outside of the two classes Just mentioned. For many ceiiltirles there was verj- little im- provement in modes of conveyance. Kven the luxurious aud self indulgent "Hois Faineants," or l.n-i Kings, or France, who nourished lu the seventh century of our era— those were phantoms of royalty, who passed their lives In sensual pleas Qree while the affairs of state were admin- istered by others—were accustomed to make their Journeys from place to place In ox-carts of the rudest description, re- sembling a common country hay wagon of our time. The place of springs was sup- plied by a liberal prevision of cushions, which saved the royal good-for-nothIng'n sides from bumps uud bruises as the huge wagon thumped and Jolted over stones, stumps, and mud-holes. Under any cir- cumstances it must have been a very un- comfortable method of traveling. I'p to the middle or thfl sixteenth century the most common mode of traveling was on horseback, with curriers, and heavy goiKls were conveyed by means of pack- horses. In Shakspenre's Henry IV., Act II., two carriers appear lu the inn yard at Itochester. One has a gtimmoii of ha- con nnd two razes of ginger, to he deliv, en-il as far as Charing Cress; the tur- keys 111 Ihe pannier of the other are qiilU starved. We see that people traveled In companies, from one of the enrriers say- ing : ('nine, neighbor Mugs, wuil call up the gentlemen ; they will along wllh com- pany, Tor they have great charge," and that they were on horseback Is shown by (iadshlll bidding tbe hostler bring his gel diug out of tbe slable, and one of the travelers saying. "The boy shall lead our horses down the hill: we'll walk afoot a while and ease our legs." Journey foot were rare, even at that time, owing lo tin- Insecurity of the roads, although In the Middle Ages pedestrians on rellgoui pilgrimages were protected by the sacred MM of t|ie|r purpose.—From "LoCOtBO. tloii— past nnd Present, " by K. S. Coii- utit, lu //iir/M-r's Afooorins fur Jitnwrf,

A Lesson for the Season.

Adam Mac Adam (may In- • Isim im-renM1' A mike ai mlilnighl H ill. a liearty sneese. And as lie raised himself in bril he raw "HImet)]lug Uiat .trurk MacAdaai's suul wllh awe. Pan lifii'lins In llie union's uncertain light. An aired man. with lurk- nil ailrory white, sat makiii* cniHeif-in a ledger old. The abrbt uncanny marie hi- blood run MM, And scarce v. itli terror could Mac Adam ask The nature nr tlie M-rlne'- untimely task. Hcholil, 1 w rite,- the vl-lon au.-v.<-r«d then, The names nf liicwo who love Uirfrfallow-men." And pray," aaid Adam, with a li»pelul jrrin, 'Ynur Honor'i. honor, am I roiuitci In? " Naj/'spake Ihe I'reamee, with a 1....K of grief, Mi ia«k I-easy, for th« roll Is brief: ■eak throturh the M> but ail iu vain, I fear, ion seek yew ancient patronymic here."

Then meekly Aibuu said, "1 am ant one Wbn bnaats lu other- of the «... ..1 I've ilimc: I selilmii aastrtf tn the public call. With want* -n prrsslnf; anil with means SO -m.-ill. I |ily a sjeep atw lor my bread ami imrk, And half tin- time, you see, I'm mil uf work. So from my purse nu stream of largess lows; No loud subscription my sign-manual knows; But Ibis I a...-iinw lend attentive car,— Kach whit; y mornlna, wlien the ilawn grow- clear, 1 lake my hucket to tlie asli-luile dim, A II.I lucre I rlU ft to U> very brim; Then on the nldewalk take my sli|i|iery «tand. Anil M-aller ashes with a liberal hand,

my gate on broken head- I see;. St> cripple shakos his gory leg at uic; la kind ragard I'm held by rich and pisir— Have by the surgeon whu resides ne vl dour." Thus Adam tnhl his tale, ami thus tbe while Tbe great ss-rlbe listened wiUi a brbjliteniiiff ninile. Then vani-bed. The neu night tie came a^alu:

'ffeia hen'," Is* cried, "the 1I>1 of great-»uuled Ban Win. an-wrr prisnptast to sweet Herri's call!"

tl A Mar Adam's nainr n'ertoriiied tliem alii

l.itnis'i; l.iMtt AI.KS of un: WUIII.H.— A ivccnt .■iilculiitii.il relative to the prin- cipal Kuropean languages shows that En- glish is spokcu by 00,000,000, of persons, Inhabiting Ureat Britalu and Ireland, North America, the Ilermudas, Jamaica, Cape of (ioinl Hope, Australia, Van Die- man's I .and, Newfoundland antl the Kast Indies; German, by 1)3,000,000, In their own country, Kwltaerland, Austria, Hun Kry, Kusala, North and South America,

11aia. Australia and the Kast Indies; Kpaiilsh, by ">.',.OIHI.IKHI, |„ Kpaln, Cuba, Mexico, the republics of Kouth America, Manilla, *c, and French by 4."i,000,ooo, In France, Belgium, (Switzerland, Canada, Cayenne aud North America.

Mr. Abe) Albee of Mill'.-i.1 was found dead In his yard on Thursday morning of last week. It Is Huppoaed that he fell from a scaffold In his bam, and while at- tempting to reach the house died from Ida Injuries, or fell in the suow and froze to death. A fracture of the skull some three or four inches In length was the only wound fnuud upon his jwrson,


<.EO. 1). ARMSTRONG A 00.

hsvcMARKKI> nun \ (I

Itrra* l.uvda,




In our Mock. We praam i Wholesale Frirea, lew SprluitliiMnl..

All Wool i«.l .,., btColor*, innrkisl down fixmi ai.au, gi.iu; *i.is|iosTic.

I'lali, Wool, i. Ilrr., <;,.oiU. In h,,i i leiiKttlK, ironi SI-Oafii.'SH-.

A lanre lot «r Plalda *0, ±\ 1TJ ami Mr.

A KWHI aswirtmi'tit af SWrlpe l»i .. l.-.o.l. f.ir li|.i-i,JW,:i:iini.|.-s:k-.

In our stock of Dress Goods can be found many Barg-ains.

A larav lut nr SK otch IJlHajkams al Hie ynr.l.

FUHSMU, I'.lHI,, 4 uiiou, mid i in,i„. nt e.|uaUyl.(IW I'liii I -

White Table Lineni and Turkey Red Damasks

AT liltKATI.Y RstW&aS) PRM KS.

IfapklMs Klc, ai.f.1, 1.7.1, a.0U, j.jfi, y| |H,r ,\„Xm; livnit)-n>r (., ,- , rul. last Hi:,i, rnn lie I,.mKhl etsewhere.

BLACK ALPACAS It BRILLIANTINE8 we will sell at Uie same Inn rale.


The relations lietween l'ortugal aud the Vatican are Just nuw colder than ever, in cousequeuee of a reply made by Cardi- nal Antouelll to the complaint* of that Government. It Is even rumored that the Portuguese Minister at the Holy Sec will be recalled, and n ('linrge'Affslres sent thither lu his stead.

8u?UnesM jVotitie^. SnOUI. None*.—O. n. Armstrong A Co.,

open t..-.|iiy one case of woulcii sente sulihiirs, In nil the aea- sbasles, at 34 i-enls per innl, for- mer price 62 1-2.

['in: I'l IO.-I AM, KWXKTKST Con I.in.mm is Hatanl A L'aswcU'*, mn.le mi tlie seashore, from fresh, selected, livers, bv (,'aswell, Haianl A Co., New York. It la absolutely pure and sued. I'liliciit. who have once taken II prefer It tn all others. Phrslclnns hare derided It sii|>erti>r to any of tlie ulherulls In market. : I.'IMIU

f'uu-ri ii IUNIMS, line, rough sklu, plmplen. rbimvnrm, sail-rhenni, un.l ullier eutaneoui. sffre limn, eiire.1, and the -kin made soft and smooth, In using the Jnniner Tnr Soan. made by CaswHI, Ilaxanl A Co,, New York. Ils- certain to art tlie Jnniprr Ttir Hoap. n« there are manv wnrthless ImltaUoDi. made wllh eiiin mi in Ur. , t-.'ii nl.t

IivII.IN TSI-FIX h Co. have made a sweeping reduction In the price of worsted goods, scurfs, clouds, >liawls, Ac.

8 i r t lu*. MAIM.-KAUX.-In this •*>, on Ui. ■.".nl,

ilaiurhter to Mr. and Mrs. Marceaui.

>I kr' i: i ii ^ e f.

Is larirc ami tasty. In e-iuare and IAWK. ,-H>I al prliws UVU is ; l KatOWll in Ibis market.

WMUN I'lalH and Htripn Hkawla *-.'.isi. i.M, .'l.oO,Bjo14eeBI„|.vnf,; fullr OMi-THIRIl le - Hunlbiieci ;-icr«.



VKRY t HEAT In rswe out.


' shall make extensive liefore vie buy our Spriiut Ul

Our Present Stock will be Closed Out Without Regard to Cost!




■«• Ksaci Ktrerl, l.mirriiir.

ny iw,. r.. n. i-uner, iiev. A. I.. IIOUBII-

tfAaWKKiMSF**** i nltl.ls- —.■ATK.-lniliihcitv,.liin.

I f. II I \l. V.,.,,...,. U J ...II i m» I'llII.HKIl.K-WAI.KICK—la this eltv, ,1(

" Ker. L. 1,. Woo.1, Mr. Orriu I'hlliiri, las Annie K. Walker, both of l,:i» l-.-nee

•■MAl.l.ltllii.l. lil'CKMAN. In this city.Jan. 1st, by, Hev. I,. I». Barnia«, Mr. Knianucl siosll. rlibrcand Misn Msrthn lliiekmaii, Imfb of l.:i«

IHy, an, by Hev, ..., .n Joseuhiiir r -

flU, leitll Of i.-i V, i ,||. . .

MuMlBMS-tJHOMX.-ln lllh citv, I>ec. IS. the same, Thoimo. McNol.le to Ami L'ninln, Imlh Of 1.1,-rni

CALIIAXK. .1. II. Mddrnjn-. J. i:. nvliuv. mO^n* or l.n« rence, tn Mary A. Ilnlcv, i,f llaverhill.

Ilt'NT-KERMTKAII.-In this ellv, I»ec, W, l.v (Jen. K. K.IWC, J. P., lien. Hunt'Ui Kliaabrlii lui.le.lil, li.ilh ,.I l.iiui e.

KWK1.I^IIAI.1..-In UraiUon), u.-, . 3Wh, l.v Kev. Jnhn li. Kiiifuburv, Itev. .fohn I.. K«, II. nf I Hilton, Iowa, and Kinilv s., ilaualiter of the Ute Hon. William Hall ..f llra.ll... ■ I.

rAHKEK-HTOTT.-In Andover. Jan. Isl., =. „ resilience of U> bride's rather.Mr. J. II. Mtntl. by Hev. E. A. Whiuier. Mr. Ardtowe Parker and Kranrts A. Mott, IHIIII or Heading.

Ht:ST-VBBEM..-ln North Ah.lover, Dec. lltli, by Hev. L, Fluh, tiro. E. Hiinl, <-t Metluien, nn,| lllas Annie Verel, nf PiirUand, Me.

WII.CUX-IIAItl.EY.-In Korth Amluv Uth, JIIIIU Wllcni ami Jane A. Harb-y.

THTLL-TAYLOH.-ln North Tewksbury, l>ec " "onion, Mr. -fc-r

', IHIIIInfTewkK.


A. W. NTEARNH A CO. are openiua- lieriralile tio>Mls pnrtioularty adapted lor inakiag PaUCMEaTTIi for ChriiUuas ami Sen Year, . ..in|>i i-iiiK I .Tli--,. and < ,lnt.lrcir- Eurs, In Larveand Elne Variety, of tlie beMCualoni Made, -Muffs «.ii.l Neck IVc.ir Ladies'anil t .hlHrrir- Embrobhired and llemstiu-heil Handkerchiefs ami Heal Thread Collan,; Kuibroidcmi and Linen Collars ami -I.e..- in great variety, iiair isaods,—Mich an Eancy Thread Bsixes, Kin* Per- fume am) Extracts, Ladles' .-ilk Nnrk Tier, nrtv styles; Hand Knll Worsteil Articles, Holsvry nml Ulnves In areat assortment, of Erench, Eujtlii.li, raaaask and American; ladles', Uenla'and Chil- dren's t'ndi-r liannnits; Indies' nnd aoataol Miaa Is, Wm and Kleannt styles; LMIIM' Cloakk, or inirown make and deabma. Our Ntork »f La ■lien' nml i lilMn-n'- Droas UOSHIS Is l*r*v l IKIIIT aud VERY t.'IIEAl'. We hare a full ami Complete Assortment nf >1annels, all ..,|.,i - *,ei analtnas, l" the best mill.. I1.-.I lllnukri-. Cat rlajte Holies, etc.. eti*. ljidle-' Hue Scjsaors and shears; ladles' Kklrt*; Erlnjres, tmm '-Ini . Ilulton* and Eur Trlnrmhurs I NenUe.bonka. etc.

Ksr ikr UKXTLaUfKnr,

In particular, we aa\re a full stock or Mlk and Lin en Handkerchiefs. Neck Wrapnrrs and MufnVr. In RcauUmi Myteanml hamlknlf; Fnrand other warm (iloves; Cloth for I'siil-, Vest, Coat ami Overcoat, or we have a TAILOR who will take' your measure and make von a EulT -nil In a few days.

• ■ - We wish la inline-- on tl»e mlmls of Hie* pen pie that w« keep araioot article* hi mrh Depart- ment; (but Nil Pill lit or WllKTIILKnMi.NHl. are bought tx^-ause Ua-y nra I heap; ami la moat of nur Hepartuteiibi ue keep as due tlomla aa ran t>e found In New York, Boston, Lindiai or Parts.

aa-We hare llie tarfreat ami limit romplete as ortmenl of

Carpets A House Furnishing Goods

to be round. l'i ,.„i Hu-


itown th run itb Hie




Ami tbe most ( umiuon qualities


All of wlilcli we are dispoaeil toarUat

EXTREME i.ow H.vrr.s. We wish it dintlnrllv .ml. c t I that our stock larirc and rhoice In each s|ieclallty and Itepnrt

niciil, and tliat we pli'dae our [wlrmu aa RIHHI IMBHIH and desirable sly lee, at as low or lower Ill-ire- tlinn IWton or anv oilier market. Oenfle manly nnd honorable frealuieiil. Ac-

One Price Only. A. W. STBAENS ft OO.


The iinilerslfc-ned liavlnjt aali to Hr. CHAKLKS F. Cuot-KKU one luilf of Ihe j.AWao .fcj-irfi-r-.il of Uw American prlnlina o«re, tliat linslneas will tie continued by them umier the Ortn of

QEO. S. MERRILL & CROCKER, at the old location In Post noire Block.

Mr. CaUaX 0. WHITUKV. heretofore ssiniilllail la the Job prinlfnn branch, will from Ibis date lie connected with the dally nnd weekly Jmrrtan.

(JKO. a MKRRII.I.. UtWn e, -lan'y 1st, 1S71


Thr .-i.|..-i11n.-r-dij, heretofore cM-I,,,^ —-tsj- ih, name of B, 1 N-kiim a Co., eonlnw-tors, in Oils day illnnolviil |„ miitnnl e.nocnt. All pnrtuw In- ilelrted and nil ln,,;,^ e|-,i,,i-. nre rc-oiesteil to set- tle thr- name at once Wim i„ Me. IHHKIIAM, who is authorised to unr ttic rinu name in nrtUeincnt.


IJlwreuce, Jan. I, 1S7S.

Tbe htirtrmi f H. fUM'KIIAK A »«B«.

«t>i H. 1 M K h IIA M. I,.W. in K III AM

© e k t It ^. IK)RE.-ln this ear, Ihv. SOtli, Verliena nore,

aawd 7o yrs. FISK.-lnthis city, Dec. ai»t. Mr. llctijaniiii (',

■rink, ime.l«s yrs. ■■■'i i '.UNI. I.I itii-- city, He.-, wtb, Ann C, In-

rant IteaJnaW of Klcliariland AnnStandMi.njtnt 1 yr, I im«.

Dt'liOAN.-ln this rllv, I»ec. Wth, Judith Dw fan, ;i«.-il 44.

t- It. tin. In Mbldlctiui, Dec. lltli, of illaease of the heart, Mrs. Mi-aiiE,wifr of Kev. t.urlen H. Erarj, Sfrd » yrs, N in..-.

BASCRUET.-ln Amlover. Ihse. .t;ih, liracu A. Bancrofl, afe.1 III yrs, IU mo-.

F'KAJKilii . In Auduver, He, v.-ih. hiiddenlv, Al.lKiiM, widow of Sum,,.! (>,.„ h, |.ltl, „, \u .lover. IH yrs, II mos.

CI'MMINH.s. ■ In An.loiei, I ice :i|. , i„ Mr. a Airs. Jf artin Ciimuiinjrn.

|.li-a-aiit fiunlrhcd Hmmi ami KIHHI Itoaiil, In private laiiiily, or w here tlierr nre Tew boantrm.

in* Address Box I in, Lawrence I' i>.

II Y K 0 N T It V K I. I. A (' II.

BRAWHOUJ MAN.—"He a whole man ui everything," wan the adrlea of a oele* bi-iiteil KiiifHHhninii to his son ai MhooL It la JHHI tin- luck of tlila wholeness which ritHtllunilHhes the alpibby, hiiir*l|tarUtl,antl bhnitlerliiif—the nien who mskv fjie mob of Ufa—Iron U)oaa who win victoriea. in ahtwer limes success inliiht have IHWII won by the 111:111 who iravc but it comer of hla bruin lo tin- work lnhtmilt but luthc.se (lays of keen competition It ileiiiauda the Intensest appltetma of the entire ihinkiufr fiHiihy. Kxduslvc ib-uliiiK. BAtoAd un It 1M in politics, la yet, in worldly pursuit*, a principle of hiinilreil-heuileil power. Tlie Kreut llngnlat of lluhtKiia um-tcrnl a huiiilreil hutauairos by nttackliiK tbeiu sitiKl.v, UK tin-lion dlil tbe bulls. On the other hand, by IIIVIIIIDK 1,1- time luiinui; too miiny onrjects, u man of gealoa ofhaa baeomea diamond dtttt instead of i tiia- mond. Many men walk aa much idly lu Broadway or I'ull Mall as in a few years would carry tln-m iirounilthettbibe. Uauy n person misses of being a irrvat man by .-I'liiliiu: ini.. two Mlini£ ..II,-.... ["Oat* tug on in the World."

Wtlliam Clock, enmit-ted of the inurtler of his win- In jadlMta nml sentenced to be luiiioeil UMnorrow, t-uiiimltted Huiclde ou 'lueailiiy In io- cell. He eoniplnliieil of li-cliiij,' unwell In the morning, mil re- mained In bed, but nothing strange was noticed uuiii about one o'clock P, M., when a physician waa called to sue him, anil It WBN then found thst he bail taken morphine



Krerj one must be sold before steel lakhis;.

A Lu of Scarfs and Tippets, II I -■!c

Ml tin- 03, Klioi.lTSd.in- Cloudn from #lr. m »l. Alolof Oenln'Merlniill l.!i.|le.«„elll,l.-|ll„-,,,

V, luu few l|.,|uln> IMUMU we liave I, 11 over, will be n|esaj nul ntwap. A few llcmiiiiil llaml L.-e. hi.-t-, Urn. I .li-1, 11 l.t rts. I -I. .... > 1 • .1 in 11,1 our

irk, aud you »III Ibid u u) y,lllr .,,-. ,,„i .M,-. AH

■ arc .|< ii-i iniiieii nol 1., rum mer mi) nf our orsU'd Good*. We have nnine

OHOK'H DRHHfl OOUDH, The -io. k.

e A colored, 41

pvery urn.l< uf eve ry one, lltolMln. Wa

>-. 1 1. ui eon. It doei

have marked Iheiu a vert ii.. in nil to canh.

WchiiveaUr|reri.t.iikorsiiAWI,Kthaniinii«l ami yea n III luive a K'HHI o|'|"'rlioilty to buv one very low-rr.aii IJ, M, SJUa, at, U. the flnrnl Pab-ley nr ('ashmen'. Limit "r Sipuvre.


Han had ■i..'ii,l atlrnllim ; »c have a full line of Heaven., Broadi-lnUM, far-lniiren un.l medium ■MAoi Au.Un'. a|l n"«>l 1'nM-king in all width*.

c A H P r. T1 H « a. We never allow nur n m-iil In be hmken,

and ynu can atSTSJI anil smnethlnn which we Iblnk ynu will appnivr, l.-.ilt in ipialiii ami price.

-~.il. tn . ..mi. Jan. i, I-. 1. Call early lie- fore Ihe beM fouds are M-h-caart.




Watches*, Clocks Silver Ware IT



MUSK II. B. K1RL0ING Wlaliea to In- 11.1 ui HM Ijnlluniif Lawrence innl vicinity

Uml -he lui^ Jn-i reeelu-l ,i|l ihe l.«ii-i 1-Al.l. A WISTKll HI, fe- r. -,.„ , „,. , .,„ ,w „.'„,* to execute all on tern lor '

DRESS AND CLOAK MAKING at tier it.M.ni.. aai i-:».c, Nt., Lawrence, Mann.

•a Particular ntu-iillon i.tii.l to < flTIMi mid flTl'lNt; Luilie^' nml ( liililien'- HKKHftKM,

Sr.K Sri I.FJI recdviif every week.

in.lie-' nnrniM Cut nml Kitted for fJl.lN). Uaiblne «i ii.- bin)! ami llriiidiiiK done to order. A lilieral xliarc of nntronaj[c solicltwl, with

Ibankn for panl ntvum. lyltjal


The umlemlinied taken thin mi-tli.«l of reluniiiijt bin mnient nml hcnrtrell ttuoiku to his einphiycn for the beautiful mi-menlnnf esteem nml frleiiilntil|i

1 -II ■!,.- ■ 1. ..1 . 1... '...-. They feel annurcd nf bin benl winbei. ami dee|i In-

terest In Ihelr welfhre. !!• I„ M. srjaTNKK.



for Invention*, Trad* Marks, or Designs, 7« Htnte Nl., opuoslU Mlll.y Ni., Ilo.lun. after an eitennlvc practice nf iipunnlnnf Uilrlv yearn, continue hi secure Patcnl- in Ihe fnlleil StnU'n; alnn In I. real HriUin, Irani e, and otlu-r foi-i'bni cou 11 trie-. Caveat-, Mpecltleiitloiin, Asnhrn- mentn, and all |ia|>ern fur ratlin*. r\cculrd ini rianonabh' MTIII-, withdinpnleh H.warclienuiade lo ilcb-nuiue the vali.|in and ullllly uf 1'aleiiU nf I11ve1.tl.111-, nml lejml HII.I OUHT ailvh-e niiilenil In nil tuattiTn touclihijt the p-ainc. I'otib-nol Ihe cbilmn of any Psu-ut furninbrd In niulllliiit one dullar. Annlipiuiriiln rrcor.led iu U'n-lilii(ftoii.

SsN" Afency In the I nll.-l Stab-n ponm-Hncn nu|wrlor lai iiltle- for iiMslninit I'atentn or a«rer- IniliiuK tin- IMiti'iiUhllili ot Inveiitliinn.

All 11.1 en-lls ufa tounu-i l.i Wnililnjrbui In pro cure 11 Talent, ami 0 nml tm'al dclni Uiere, arc here fated Invcnbiri-.

if'ul iimclitloucrr BM oaVbtl iuti-rconrnc.

I'HAKI.HK MAMIN.I.'inumls'rof I'a tent-." "i have nn iie,H',ii.„, in ;, .., .■ ,,,,,■ n.-.t

they cannot rinpluy a man KUTI .„■■;»<,■/ Hml trmttr-trtky. ami mmv capable nl iiuttltitt Ihelr up pllcallimn In a form to MI-urr for tlu-m nu esrli nml r-vornhl., i-i.n-l.krnlion nl Iln I'alcnl IIMee.

KDUIM) III «KK, Late Com'r of I'aUuil- " •Ur.lt. H.Ki.ni ban imide for me over THIRTY

npplicatloiin rnr TulcuK, liavbijt ln-en neee-.tul in 111 -I l-l.li eil-e. xneh H1iiui-.il.k;,hle 1,1... I

.1 ability on hi- |»rt, Innl. an- lo

Die ino-t liilihiiiliili, mi,.11 I,.-1..«,,!.,ml, nnd al veri n-a-mniblc chances.

JOHN TAtil Ito-ton, ,1HII. I, Itli, lytisi,

U 'TIt>N.-Mv 1.111.1 ■ tcii

-.-l|. .1 )lll' 11 111 j< |M-| -"ii lull In 11 .,■ 1 11



ife, Florence M. Daw- it Ini) and board, Mini i|e

■bin IstiiimlllynU ier IUI my seoser' ;v o. H.(wixii\ IWHal


.! ET <!<)<» I> S. I MU K> •< Nlork,

llr.l iHiirtwoil, I.»li n» HI j Ir-.

I"" 1 -I PriceH. !■ It...ton, n'holesntc ■ml Retail.

A UBoa un o* Millinery & Hair Ornaments,


WATERMAN * GO'S, Ko. IB Winter fttreet, - - . - Boston

(I lor, Heslc Hall entrance.) BSBTDFOB Fates laar, ia*aaaab-

1 siitl 1 ■-. ALBUMS, lilFT HOOKS


Tin, Sheet Iron and Copper Ware. Tin, Lee*, Tin Lined nnd Neml-Klastic Pl|ie.

LIFT A"JT» FOIfK l'i Hi's

fur I em-1 or 1 .on er use.

a- Mnn but Maitiincn, Scales and Wrinplii • 11.1. inn,'.. Kepalreil. Plumbing-, Tin Rooflno; and Ooneral Job-

bing dona at short notice. liStlerlT-



Mjrhl Trottlna SW, land, Me., with shin Hilled Kafln On aides and dn-her,

WtaasW- J. g. A. IUHMII K.K, 77 llromlsay, Ko. Lawrence.

yt at. CHICK.

BOOK BINDER. 170 Wman.inn.tori St, Boaton.

I'nrtiriiiar at ten lion |inlil In blndlns; Msim.-li.e-. such as IUI-IHTV, Atlantic, etc., nnd also Mlirarv Work.

Also, Catholic luu, ... |,ire nf Cbrlnt, ami the llie-.-, ,| \ nriii. Price, full iiioroccm frinu $.* Ui •ta 4H,wo-


tlRO. 11 itli 11 \itn-. m tlie "Old t'oraer" (.'hrthhui H.,u-e, Nu«. aa and 84 Hoek Mqnare, Itonl.m, turn NOW 11)1011 the coiintcrn of his tarRc ••l.i.". j.- BU 1 en- e :i M>I Int.-iLt of

SEASONABLE OARMHNTS. For thr Winter of is? j ■■«- -r».

coiii|irlsiiur all dencrli.Uonn of jrood 1 huliina' IW


B O V 8 (' LOTHINl, enpeclally, to uhlcb lie Invites the all. ntlon nf Parent*. Tlu-ne ii.««|n nn- all fresh, Ihnhlonnble, B,ni *t L|H> |„..| i-innn. uni prices «v warranted


and we are delcrnilueil Ut offer evervthitur on blind at sui-li fljrures an will Induce tJEall lluvcr- to call un tic

aarBeshlenls of this city will Am) Il lo their ad- vantajre (■■

ViaiT THK "Ol.ll Consult,"

94 and 2S Dock Iquars, Bostnn, Mats,, .- lii th.- city. And V

■ CAN and Wlu, iln I ... l-euhen- in I .un. .'.I'.tf.ll-I,


Iln Unu alleiidc.1 |wrtlal1v to Insurance for some years, 11 In now un luicnilon tn sice rov entire lime lo orinuHiiK >*irc and l.lft- Pollrlr. in mime llrnt 1 In" I ..in|iiinicc-in-ii a-Iln-IHHAflKK JtTTI'Al,, Nilem. Mnn-.. nml others uf slBilbir i-taudiiiK. Also, tn ml nn Hi-nl Knlnb- Anetil, llm inn nml Sellluit Pnnwrlv, It, iitlnjc and t'ollectluK lletiln, Aceountn, Kltri'tinjt Mnrta-ajrrn, etc. I luu c UI011 nu < mice mil. Wa. If. UMj Knu., in t'sirrlrr'a Block, near Town House, n la-re I can lie fuutid duriiiK liu«liii». Ii,,m>. Protnutuen- aud cnn-ful dealini- will la- mi connlaiil aim. Tnni» ren-ouable. A,hire-. liA'MI.I, ( fltHIKII.

IfllJaJt Melhiien, Mass.



8 OO WiiH>iinSf..n Hlreel, HOHTON.

Now ;i.ii,,un-.i ta be IN



A at • at IC A.

an |o ouiilifv ^tiKlenl. nf either »e\ u> .llw-luirre Die dntli '~ Ki-ully.

lea iif n btiiim-sn Ilm rorrectl> nnd Inleill

Apiilicatlon for ndminniun iinisl l« ■ '■ isii'-c; an. 1 -iiel.-nt- mu) inter ul any lime when then' nre vacanclen.

Knr cataloa-iie eonlnlniuu intoiinaliiMi, term-, e|.., ui h lie— ll«' I'lineinal,

liwHilsMit.b- U.K. IMI'.ii -, in.

B " " K S.

A splendid inrletv nf Jtll.Mli: HOOKS)



B I I* I- E S .

All StrSM ami prleen nl I-'niinlv Bible* innl s

fblllias*of -I., in i'.n.1.. H


A Fl I.I, MlllM OF

(' II It <> M O S

V It \ M I', s . M-o. a full line ol


hlcb ii would In' ini|ioni-ihlc lo mention lu s


We have some NprcUl slnrsrarMs,

1 ALL AM* BKK l">.

Stratton'e Corner Store.

Hf -e-


THEAMERICAN. ;•;.»?' (iiniiit Scotch minister W (liven

The Popular Capacity for Scandal, not nwnrc •>, | next tlmi'

line i)f the moat KitihlenlnjE nrul lnimlll- ' atinjr exhihltlniiH which hiiimiti nature ever makes of itnelf, Is in Its greed? cred- ulity touching nil rc|nirts ttT the 'mimic tnennors of KIHMI men. ir a mini stand lillfh »* a moral force In

hilt tO i-MicucratliiK In the pulpit lilnmf it*!lll effect* or

the congregaUoo. lie repUed that he was >r it. and wl-di. I the

.lid It, to t|lv. fork tl<

■unith by wav <if n hint. Soon after he was de- ■crlblog Sanmsoii's tying ,tho r<>xc* toil* together. He Midi Tlie roxea in ttaote days were much Inrju-r than ours, and tltey hid lulK twenty fut loujr! Ahem! CUUO from the clerk- dole. That Is,


If he itand as the rr linker and denoiineer ' tl or social tuid polltlral sin ; If he he looked ' in tip to by any eoturidetaohl number of pen-! tc pleas mi example i»r virtue; IT the wlmU trend and power of his life lie In n liljrti mnl pare direction) ir liU personality nnd j Ahem!'Ahem I came'fron Influence render any allegation affultint his more vlgoroilitly, The [M ehmettr most Improbable, then most the pulpit, and Mliiikinir I

: to re

hat la to be—Why, a verb. hat In bet- ter than n promt* I n u youtiK man, —A paying one.

a skein of thread like the root When It in full of knots.

nils the little memoranda her nds In with the meat, " pencil-

readily doe* any such allegation tlnd cuyc liellevent. It matters not from what source the slander may come. Multitudes will lie influenced by a report agalnM. u good nun) s character from oue who would mil u* believed under oath In auv matter In- volving tin- pecuniary Interest of fifty rents. The »lnuderer may be notoriously lia«e — may he u panderer to the worst pasNlons nnd the lowest vices— may he a shameless sinner nfntlnst social tlrliic— may lie a tlik-r, a uolorlous llnr, it drunk- ard, a IllK-rllue, or it harlot—all this unif- iers iiotlilujt. The engine, thai throws the mini is not regardou. The white ob- ject at which the foul discharges are aimed is oiily seen; mill the delight of the by- standers anil lookers-on Is meitsnied liv the sticeess oT Hie stain aonglil to be in- Mated.

AN between the worldling and the ninn who prorcsscs to be guided and com rolled by Christian motives, all this Is natural enough. The man bound up in his selflsh and ■ en-mil delights, who sees n Christian fall, or hears the report that he has fallen, Is naturally comforted in the belief that, after all, men are allki—lhat no one of them, however iiim-li In- may profess, is iR-ttcr Hum another. It IN quite essential to his comfort that he cherish and rortlTv himself iu this conviction. So, when any great scandal arises iu <|milters where lie baa found hlumelf and Ids course of life condemned, he listens with ready ears, ami Is iinmlstakalily glad. We say this is natural, however base and malignant It may be; but wheu people reputed good- nay, people professing to be Christian- shrug their i Irluous shoulders and-link their feeble boada, while a foul scandal touches vitally the character of one ol their own number, and menaces the ex tlngiitshtncnt of an Influence, higher 01 humbler, by which the world Is made bet- ter, we hang our heads with shame, or raise them with Indignation. If such n thlirg as this Is natural, It proves just out thing, via. : that than men are hypocrites There is no man, Christian or Pagan, win can rejoice In the faintest degree over tin reputed fall or any other man from recti- tude, without being at heart a scamp. Al bhis readiness to believe evil of others, eipeelnllv of lliose who have been reputed to be eminently go<id, Is an evidence conscious weakness Under temptation, of conscious proclivity to vice that II comfort In eminent companionship.

There is no better test or purity i true goodness ihan reluctance to'th evil or one's neighbor, und absolute Inca- pacity to believe an evil report about good men except upon the most trustworthy testimony. Alas, that this large and lovely charity is so rare! Hut it Is only with those who possess this charity that men accused of sins against sneie'ly have an equal chance with Ihose accused, under the forms of law, of crime. Every man brought to trinl for crime is preauiued to lie Innocent until he Is proved to be guilty ; but, with the world at large, every man slandered is presumed to be guilty until he proves himself to he Innocent, and even then It takes the liberty of doubting the testimony. Every man who rejoices In a scandal thereby advertises the fact of his own unworthlueaa | nnd every man who is pained by it, and refuses lobe Im- pressed by It, unconsciously reveals his own purity. He cannot believe a bad tiling done by one whom lie regards as a good man, dimply because he knows he would not do II himself He gives credit to others for the virtue that is consciously In his own possession, while the base men around him. whether Christ Inn In name or not, withhold thai credit because they cannot believe In the existence of a virtue of which thev are consciously empty. When the Muster uttered the words. " Let him that Is without sin among von llrst

' he km

Huge i

Henry Ward llei-clier. Iu one or his re- nt lecture room talks, said : " I used to ve mv rather and mother, but I wasn't ways bubbling over with nflVct Ion. When was away from home I used to love 'cm ■wt (H It'll a deep sigh |. My father was

one calculated to draw out affect inn. My md mother was not, though she was a I. kind, clnlsilini woman. Sometimes 11 I was 'going along' I hnd no partlc-

hir desire even to see my rather, [(jiugh- r. | But When things were settled, and i mischief was forgotten. I hived him rv much [very eoftly, and dying


i may t

irdlug, to their When b liriiicni, but by ours, they were ill'- of an oak fnt long; Ahem! louder than he-: A lady i lint as you may think this is extra- ■, butcher si

vthev were ten fnt. Ungll by the weigh." ™!i"i!!I| How would you express In two letter*

] that you were twice -he size of your com- ugh there all the I I*»»i"«^?—I W (1 double you). iik" off a fnt more. ! A Western paper put* it gently by nay-

wld nnc tails at : lug that " tlfty-fiiur persons took up their : residence in the cemetery nt Lafayette last week."

It U a dad comment upou humanity, but soft soap. In Home shape, pleases moat rolks. and generally the more " lyo" you put Into It the better.

The queetiOO of where all the Smiths come from Is HUH we nil. A factory In a nelghl>orlng ''Ity hears the-sign. " Smith Manufacturing Company."

A Western Journal offers this Induce- ment: "All subscribers paying In ad- vance will be entitled to a first clous oblt- unry notice Iu case of death."

'• Happy Is the country that hrw no his- 1 never snld to him, that I I tory," as the schoolboy said, on being

remember, ■ 1 love you;' yet I did for all ' flogged the third time for not knowing ill. And I know he loved me; for he i who won Henry the Sixth's Wife Id me so every time lie whipped me. I ,,,„. ,(f „ nur,y of fviomlH, referring to

[Laughter] Vet I was never very eon- | „„ ,.xl|llUHis )U1U|ru- compoHltlou, •' Tluit song alwayscarrlea me away when I hear It." ' ' Can anybody sing It?" asked a wit in the company

•• The Irish frieze overcoat*," aaya an advertisement. " Well," said Fuunyboy,

j " there's no accounting for taati I people's grammar; but t*ear» overcoata."

Amok Illustrate* theodto ■ parlaons i Mm. <).— " I really must give 1 cook warning, Charles. She does use I such very had words!" Mr. tl.— " lteally. dear! What tort of worda are theyV"

llAii.no.il> SrriuK.s. —Killer a man, his wife, and little girl. The woman, full of energy, andwltb all the decision necessary when a Journey [N to he managed, drops Into the neat her husband selects, up agalu like nu India rubber ball, exclaim* In high, knowing, and emphatic terms;

" We ain't scttln' the right way, that's * ti 11 i n ! "

Husband. '• Oh yes! " Wife. " Wall, neow. I know better."

(7b a alninycr.) "Which way do paott say we're a-goln"r"

She Is assured tliey are sitting proper- ly-

Wife. "Be? Wa'al" (dropping luto her seat), '» never mind. 1 only come ■ nut o' the wrong end <>' the depot, that's all; but I kin ride as fast as the cars kin run, forerdN or hackerds; an' ef enuy o" yeou get there afore I deu, you're lucky, that's all!"



Hepnall» placed on liitere.-t the Find liny nf ench iii..inli.

t dollar and Ititereat :.!■'..■■ on nil <- upward*, ih*|M»>iteil m>( let ftuattoda* an wha* dl»UI

Tim amullcKt null recoil i are declared. on deposit ia


in nnd rerrnninciiil ihe

E11B3 Howe Improved Family Sewing Machine.

1. Ibaalj iin.l cviTlh.li.-,. „| Mitrli nlike mi lioih *hlt>« oriht! lubric-j. Mrenttlli, lu>nuty and ilnrn- hllily or oeani Hint »lll ti.-ltlier riti n..r ravel—:i ■ ..iii|>lrl.< ...ntiid nvrr l.oili thr.-»,tf.-l. An < i> tirHv n.H i..Niry UM.HUII lir Ule 111.1..T llirrn.l.

' tiillMllii-aiiiv- Hliii'l. i.iiiiriluin-.. M.

foriiiily nrnlu-h (hrnlilcl "Urn

lions i Vet I ■

any love Tor liliu. Iilng for him."

1)1, llHIK lllllT HllllM'l,

it llii' lililiiiK mmiiitiiili ) klWW tlieiiUHin [* iii-Hi IIIIIIHK iu her Hindow

But I loved '

DhrUande Will l»'lii(fle«.| .nil the iir.ifll- wlil.'h niav hnve arrrm-.l within il"- i>n-vii.u» M* monllip, all'Tilntiii'tinmHS-fwary (-XIMHIM-K.

Interest will imt Is* [inlil "ii fractinnnl |inrl» of ■ dnlUr.


ffrwMmi Jons FaLtox, V.M>.

A. W. Stennin. Thonuv Scott, H. V. Bacon, Mi>rri» Kmm Iu, J«mi>» A, Treat, •'■ maeMon, -Ir.

Trr**tirrr-~tame* I'uyilv.

■ Miiihn

Ii.Il' i ii mi

M Mrnijiln B

l'owKK OV TmOTATIOH,—I know from xperleuce that habit can. In direct oppo-

sition to every convict ion or the mind, am) but little aided by the elements of temptation, induce u repetition ,id the most unworthy actions. The mind Is weak where It has once given way, It ia long tHifore a principle restored enn be- come us nnu as one that has never been moved. It Is as In the case of the mound of a reservoir; IT tall mound has iu one place been broken, whatever care lias bean taken to make the repaired part a* strong as possible, the probability I* that, if It give wuy again. It will be In that place.—Fatter,

A GOOD HKHOHV.—" Well, my child said a stern father to tils little daughter after church, ** what do you remember all the preacher said?"

" Nothing,*was the llmld reply. '■ Nothing! " said he, severely. " Now I "badm; ui»a, be Be


■loan MniUi. K. 1,. KmutlH, s. W. KnlKlU. D. C. Hlrl.iir.l-.ni.

P-Ner sniiih, J. W. Siuilli, Pelt-r II..lid.IT.

Kirk, I>. M. Aver, A. J. Prani-h, C. H. 1'lllKliurv, P. (t. PilLbiirj,

The Hank will IN- n|ien even- .Inv t to 1 P. M., exiv'H Siitiinht}-. I m Til Salurdav Kvrninii-. IViini 7 ton, fur v pnniu --'■

ilntiiic take- 111 er.i--iiiK -tn.ni; oue.

nfc in |;if.-lnL- nvi-r hem\ M-Btns n^ do the em ve.l ne.dlen ..li.ther i.ia.liln«>. K. Mtii-r iii'i-dli-i. tor tin- Miniw tlii-uul liuoi auv •itlier iiin.d ■. -!>. sew mK r.(i,;,lb well with tuiv kind •>! t.in-tnl.-ln. Ki-ononiv nl tlin-nd lievnnd thiit nt■ .-mv ..il„.| iiiBr-hu,,..-..ii. A h.niiiH-i'llmi will make nay wnlth i.t ll.-m nr K,-||—u. Itndil- liiK the mnjt n|,lirai.-.l |u.11. . n, with anv iviiltli and kind m Hrnid.-- l;i. A IJnilti-r IIml w " iUeif to nni d.n-lne^ .,| n,.-,teri»l.-U. Tilekinit any lldirlr. willioni Injnri or nurkfr.—1.1. A i-nnl

I'ntrlrk .Miirnli

Dunlel Hardy.

UH .-..in

R ° ° " of ever>(iradi!

lAMKSl'AVNK.Treaiti I, 1ST*.- A

A 1* BBS.

1 quality, atlhc I.«wc-i Prkm at

STRATTOX'S DOOKSTIIRK8, 125 and 123 Essex St., Lawrence.


hurl i^nihlrmUil un to end around verv -1 mrifv, even t.i i-i[iiare i-onier-. —lit, spu-liur ..., line! Id* I I. uj|| , i,|j|„-,- „, nm-kl-r mid Ull henvie*t iiinteriHl.N willi die ureiiieM i-u-c.-i; 1 lilietliepf. .-llUj.lrrif, .n„( ,|m ;1l,ihl,. I-. t.,.., "I ..i>enili..a ami ni.-ii:^-. lnmr. m. [t',..| 11j|.-|,i„,- In the u in-ld liir Kamilv un>,

lull nil.' M-e the-.- Miiihiue.- w.irk, witli llicst1

Illl'Ki.VKI. Iltumi. in.wir. at llntiar' r>-, inn Basel *lr< t-t, U« renee

BBS K X s T It K K T.


WINDOW Painted Cgth, Hollai

r . f, i hii.ii i,-.

remember, the next time you te Hinuethlng he nays, or you must stny uwi from church."

The uext Sunday she came home, her frlea llsh tuitl ieyes all exclleiuetil. » 1 remember some-

thing," she said. Ah I very glud of It." replied the ra-

ther; " wliat did he Hay? " He said," she cried delightedly, * a

collection will now be made."*


SHADES. lie, ItiiHiid and Pap

d M"-t A|.|ir..ve.i kill.


Hope ,-. Ilk.' a heretMH tn-m1>llaK f Us hlrlh; j Mrs. U. Lor* to Uk* a rose, the Jo* "fiill the earth; |use!" faith In like II lily lifted IIIKII and white; Love i» like a lovely tout. Hie world'* dcllglit; i i:n rii.n- mi. i i-.i nt liiii-- ihon a UMndeat frawUi lint tlie run nltli nil itx IIIOIIIH exeebl tllrui IHIIII.

— ('. Hwtrlti.

liefpxsl.KW'ei'l maid, and let who will lie elever ho noble tiling', not dream them all ilay lonn,

Ami MI make life, ilentil and the VOOl forever line Kraml, iweet wn|,

—Chart** ^ >»:,*l,-».

The yeni-H linve llnlnasJuatasgobMsdoi The old yi-ar 1- I lie h i.e.... of the new,— filled M lid die wi f pneiOUl nieinorlex, The pil.liii ••••it ih'lli line tile -liver U.

—Nerfkntt'tfitr i.,,,,,-,,,

4 the /I

ui-il. i to lie !■...I t

A slmrl time since Mrs. M V. Ilaldgreu of Washington, In view of the demands made for equal pay by the clerks or the Treasury Department, culled upon Presi- dent (Irani, and de-lred him to suggest some means fbr establishing Its legality. The ['resident met the question warmly. responding that through the system of "competitive examination " several ladles had already obtained clerkships equal to those or men, and Hint he was entirely In favor of the door being wide open, so as to allow of free competition, and also that he was prepared to further any plan look- lug toward such a worthy object—that Is, equal pay to both sexes for equal work.

Tlie up* and downs of fortuni Irttted In the caree iright little widow City, lVimxvtvauin. nforinble fortune In lands. Itepreseutlnu

'PI'" she

she Induce

are pleas- or Mrs.

,vho lives She has

i specula* herself as

- well— the same an you

A country youth inquired nt a city drug store for ten cents' worth or " love DOW* dent}" something that wouldn't stir her up much, but make her dreum of him of nights." The urbane druggist'* clerk put up some magnesia, and cautioned the pur- chaser not to give his victim ti*i much of It at n time, hut rather win her affection by degrees.

A gentleman who had left his wife alone In the theatre while he went out to get ;i Whiff or fresh air, " apologized" 00 his return. " Denr me," said she. " 1 thought yon went to give me n chance to flirt with Hint man with the lovely black mustache." She has hnd no cause to com- plain of any want of attention from her liiisbnml since.

Max Adder says they tell n s*ory about n man who put the saddle hind pnrt fore- most Upon his horse, while In a condition of dizziness, superinduced by tire water. Just as be was about to mount, a German friend cnine up nnd told him to hold on a minute, because the saddle was on wrong and wanted roilxlng. The horseman gazed for a moment at the Intruder, as If In deep thought, and then said i "You let i lint saddle alone. How In thunder do you know which way I nni golngi1" Anil the gentleman from (Jerninny passed on.

If CangrM were but kinder, 'Twoiild i>'ii 11 <li 11 "in our KTUiind

The Itiillnn OfgBB.grinder WbocSRMW tim monkey 'round.

For U make.* ymi fret qtdta funky Wkn you think, if I now In V true,

That you ailftht have lieeu the monkey— And the monkey might hnve been you!


ndroa* I Inn,:.

ie last WOrdl spoken on the stage by Kdwln Forrest were "Ami so It ends," from the play of "Hlchelieu," lit which he nppemrd at the Globe Theatre, Itoston. The last words read by hltn In public were from "Hamlet," as follows: "The rest Is lileuce." The reading wan also given in Hi i-1. m . at 'I mm mi Temple.

but conscioi dell III [lie I I FIJI

dlsposlth 1 to do he ide this

rebuki e en tic ce accus r retinal iver-

whelm d, lie, tl > sinless wrote llii wo-

man's ■rl lie In 1 e sand l ir Hit- lieu enly rains i Hlice. IT lie co lid do Mil Ilia

case o| ■:nili not disputed it certalnl * be-

comes hi H folio iirs to stand tog ther am i" cry on of Midi nuiiiber i horn

malice >r rev nig assails lib stand. -s III

wh Icii ■Is or her thole lib gives tin-He.

In a V(i Id 'Mil d'lnrluci -cs and lei deil- cles t. e II, Mil ■re even good for ■e is

loty nnd Hie ""■"■■ i Have It wit

than n sound churn the highest result < our civilization, h those forces In so clcty cannot affiu destroyed, and Its lust«uci id sell'-pio vntliui demands lhat il shall not be * fereil. Then- Is nothing BO sensitive i iiotliiug so sacred ;is-character: mirt cv

t'rlciiilshlp. i fill s alleetii and linpulse, ought to Intrench the around every true character In II mitulty so thoroughly that a brcatl iiiunv shall be as harmless as an Itl irtheycannol do this, tin- > ma who refuses ti. mnkc terms with tl anil he Is at liberty to pick hh where he will.—./. (!. //..».«/»/, S fur January.

Thornton Hall.

This story of girl life In a large board- ing school could never have been written but by n gifted and observant Christian teacher In such a school." The reader would conclude this without knowing What Is the fact, that Miss I'hebc McKecti. of the Abbott Female Si-mlnarv nt Amlo- ver Is Hi.-vet liable author. And ir lhat reader has among his or her reuiiscencca any nf Andovcr and Alulover scenes, he will sec how this book. It' not founded mi faeta. Is reflected from them, ami sols true to ihe life. It Is hardly a connected tale. There is no plot, no heroine, no regular movement, no d

selves pletcd n a week, am 13,000, coin* gle dnv Three thin s IIS nun

ufcal- stamps (reused us.i all olhi

wind. tions PI inbined; mi. r Hum c

is sati- cent, iu d then the tw o and si

devil. -*-•. *»•*- —

I tl III

sketch.' of daily cs or charaele Idents hound t«i

single purpose, and Ii wh Imllvldi .Is figure wit lout mv on.

nt Ion. Tlie ikrl

inarkabl 'fidelity ton tun . and a

with a li-Xterons to nil Many chnracii rs are such a OIK has re

and hea d. Little to Brews her bill ertlv pi-iuel Its. Ihe u

strong 1 rae< Ja.ishaw, p. .r Mail Iin.l, . he slalclv \ Irgh la Bull '- Holly ock" the roi n- Hot

girls wl i live and i Ml VI and hi

being? Miss Di.ugla S, Il o, the

and Mr Me Bride, h II' Me not

them w< 11? In the p. rtra 111 Id'

Miss Mi Keen is C.,l ally Mleces

mil a Te v of h.-r r.-a. ers Who h

II, tin p


tsi laiiilllar t

rill id st |ji

llh he Is r



if their own

ook. yel a ~.


Z •lelices

lih u

abounds is dropped h re a nl then

r n fo is; lie nuj

lug Wilt > Ihe leaellel sp. iks.-*

Hill H.iM IN l'01-«..-F0| generate 1

rings In nh udaiice. some

every linger with them, su

their folly i i far u- In v

rings ouh a week, and tin

with mw o es. nh, I'cnd

pant .,

sell lid nlng I

Yet e That Time, w

y daj v i flail • file-, .i ;,!N,1

mien 1 to i i. paying a small

-inn down. She Immediately resold a part for 110,000, put down with the pro- feeds what has proved one of the most • siiccsshil oil wells In the territory, and! now nsks for the property a round luilf: iiilllb ('dollars.



HW foi

hipol b

Is i hack-drlv sublimity hack-drive shade, lb

e other dnv

i- In Vlcksliurg. r his eatortlous, i of nil other clt- got hold of an and charged him uiggnge from the

it. Not content with iiuuli-.l Ihe emigrant

he lurry- icrsonall

for declining to p for this brought before a Justice nnd lined I •g.i. At the last nccounls he was In |all 1 howling to the .lustier to remit the line, I which he refused most emphatically to do. When this Jehu gels upon his box again. , il Is supposed thai he W III have a inlllgil- . tetl Idea of the laluc of his professional I services. -m ——»■

Some fnels about postage stamps will Indicate the Immense; number used In this country. i»..,;,>,■. the p resell I year the National lb

b-feet bstund.

A CELTIC BUBTKBTUOK. sin- wore a monntnuiH ehlgnon—

The furl in front of me, And liedud twM not trai in parent.

Anil the Hiafte I eouliln't >-ee.

So 1 -.111.1: " Mo dear young lady. With tat lUHavui banabef hair.

It'* billing off, me darling, And it'll lu.iking mighty .|tinrr."

she i-ilainiiiieil like a [cherry, And ibc i)iil.'kly lelt 1ST Hie,

And than 1 WHaaaUad To view Horlaeehn fail.

nr, licg.ir, l |iald me immey For apian In the parquet, ml, thmiKli I love the hello, I wan hound to tee the play.


ed of II. I

Ips; lithin tin


Jvfotctl lir\d Quoted.

Mr. Howard's House at Auburn Is lllle with testimonials of regard from all quai ters of Hie world, scut to him alter his r. Hrcmcnt from public lire. There are spot linens of ore from western mined ; spec meiis from the Art Academy of Hexlcn canes and tmufl*-boxes from nil over crei lion. Hut the I tirlo

silk l r fn is present I China, such

IIS with lie portrait of Mr. Sew-

-nlre, llsSOIl'.s . mbrobh- •ed at

ill nroin Ithebon erngrot

111 lie leal ances ors.

gr< il

w fa mo l

ions pet

iru may de In 1

>■- incut nii'id

W littler Willlaui Lloyd i nirrl-

w II lu- Insou, C del. (Us iluK,


.Illllll li. son. T. Nathaniel Hawthorne, Albert I'ike. I.t Larcoin. Mary Abigail Dodge ((lull Hamil- ton), Kllxahcth Stuart llielps, Hannah K. liolil.l. Mrs. Porter, Lucy Hooper. (Jorge 1.UUI, VV. H. 1'rescotl, Professor Fcltoti. K. 1'. Whippie, William Winter, Rpes Sargeul. It. T. Paine, Theopbllus Parsons, litdiis (hoate. Itobcrt If ul, Harriet Present Hpoftml, and Mary N. Prescott.

A nice r.-rormatorv (he Jail In Kalaiua- /.oo must be. Miss Clara I mlerwootl, who had been for some mouths confined there for larceny, being discharged, went upon her way rejoicing: and well she might rejoice, for she managed to carry off with h.-r the sheets and blankets from tin- bed

ilr ell. She niav ha , thl

for a memento i but the stem jnili

property, and wh,

brought back flat

Mile. I.iebtmrl. n voe inpoi'led by Mr. I Iran. PW necessary light llttl

iiobllltv 'ought w


dred twenly-elglit larm

"iking after their ret r appeared, and mils! s examining the cm

a wild altitude, a Ions: was Is tlass? an Klehlergestell!

ie IhollL'hl its, for she e\clalllie.l.

M'r Men nlng lbsi Inlw and

"Abiding the Mouth, we an

by a small nu

icribed as tntiice

(lortnany mi.


Clairvoyance is m —actions In Spirits

Italy has 840 theatres Prance 837, England tflO.

Lucy Stone will not lecture this Her boy Is only four weeks' old.

Velvet boots nre now made to match the toilet, with heels also of velvet.

The latest nnme for the mountainous hats of the ladles Is ■■Mansards."

Princess Snlm-Salm, circus rider, then princess, now outers a convent In Tyrol.

Krupp's gum factory, al Kssen, Prussia, has tirty-six steam IMminers, the largest weighing liii.iHNi pounds,

Koliert Grant, a son or the President, now In the senior class nt Harvard, has just been elected class poet.

Chicago has had a wedding so grand n« to require four clergymen, twelve brides- maids, and n score ofushers.

Mr. John I,. Howes of London hun for- warded «SS, 000 for the relief of Boston '■More power to his I. Howe.''

lirldal trips are going out of style. Tin custom Is an absurd one. wltboiit a slngh sensible reason to recommend It.

A singular society has been rounded at Mludcii, In Westphalia; Its object give its members "a musical funeral.

Dubiiipie fathers recently swapped babies at the baptismal Tout,—a boy Tor

girl, 81.-. bo.d being given with the girl

Dr. Johnson used to say that the habit r looking nt the beat side or things wai oi-lh more than n tliousaiul pounds i !'iir.

[fa monument composed of old typo 1 retted to thu memory of Horace Orueley, will Indicate a pl-ollS regard Tor him Im-

printers. mied With Air are a Russian fashion,

nnd destined to become very popular among fashionable ladles.

Michclls, nu Italian composer, lias writ- ten an opera boutl'e. In which all Ihe parts are to he played bv the fair sex. The ti- tle of this ipii-cr work Is Vlhrmmtu

The New York Herald, having flnishile With Livingstone, bus now a special com- missioner engaged In exploring for the site of Prlinn's Troy, and he has round it.

Whltelaw Held Is to remain editor of ihe New York Tribune, therefore II Is filr to presume that the subscribers to that journal will have the.ususl amount nfgood Held-lng.

Grace Greenwood has purchased a lot at Manltou. Colorado, near the soda springs, ami will build n dwelling-house there next summer. ■« ^.— ^- ■ - ■■

It la estimated that four hundred yards or tulle went up the aisle on the six bridesmaids at a Tashloliable wedding In New York recently.


The beat Hrm.ilj ror 4 out,-In and Hinli

Ie i-i.n-ieii. Tlien'M nothing like It Ittrdbe Of Uie throat nnd tMSfS. Trial Isitllrs can

Is-had fVeeoTB. H. KELLET, I.nwreme. Haao., nr U. C. OOODWIN A CO., .is Hanover Street, Btmiim. sari (nttrb-



the mily medirlnpH lint Will cure 1'ulmonary

SiHiieUnieH medli-iiieH that will »lii|) a rough will often or.-anloii tin- dentil of n imtlent. It kx-kn tip Die livtT, vliipi. the rlri-ulull.in of tlie III.HHI, heui- orrha|tr l.illuw-, mid. In fart, eliiajritin the action of the very ursnn that t-nnurd the cough.

Liver eoiii|ilaiiit ami ilVMiieimia are lno n of two-thirds of tie' rii-ck , > r lon-unintinn. Many are nnw roinri

toUKue CO«UH|. }jNln in tlie Khoulder blade, fueling rtnmetlraen very re-tl.-s, mnl m nther Unit* drow- sy ; Ihe food that i* nikrn lie* heavilv.on Uie Bhitn- a.-h, acroni|iaiilivl with aridity and l»lehing of wind. These Kyiiiptritn-i IHUIIIII uriglnale from a ilioonlpriHl eoiidili in i.|" the -t nrli, or a tor|iid liver. I'lTMirm so nffts-tcil, if thev take one or iwo heavy eoltls, and If the rough iii these i-aneo IH>

" Menly sto|in.'d, the lungs, liver and lUninaeh .;, and re ma in lnr|iiil and Itinetive, and iH'fore

tlie |iatlent Is nwnie "i 111-i-iiuiiiiini the lungs nre -inasiiof ■ores, and oleeraUKI, and tfaatb is itiu

n-vilahlen-Hiilt. Srhenck's I'ultnonir. Syrup is an expectorant

which does not contain any opium, nor anything mil uh.ted in ehi-i-k :i cougli -.uihlenlv.

Srhenck's SeaweiM Tonic, dissolves the fund. iiiieH with the gastric iuii-e of the stoninrh, di- cuts easily, nnnrluhe* the svstem, and creates a iralthy eiri'iilution of the blood. When Ihe liow- 'ii are costive, skin snllnw, uml the patient l* of

a tiilioiis habit, Schenrk's Mandrake Pill* ore re-

These nicdi.-lup» are preiiarerl by Ur. J. II. SCHKNCK ,t SON. Xorih-ea-l romer'nf Sixth and An-h snwts. Pliiladelphia, Pa. iiKn.t'.cuob- WIS A CO., :is Hanover street. Ho*ton, John I-', llenrv, M College Pliiee, Sew York. Whoh-mihi \gents. ror MIIU by Drugguli aeaarallr. » lagta-


1.2(10 pain's,-W0 KngravltiKH. The liest enterprise ol in. ...,,r .,., r.t-iir. Kim imiiil, in, it. Xoiklm/ lit* il .«.«■ nuhlitkfi: ror i-lrculam Ml ■IK-ss II. S. (iiKJIlsVliKll A CO., a7 Park Itow, New York. t V-

WAMTKn-A«K.1(TMevervwhen'toin»\ass fin-the HiMlorvoI'lIu'. (b'e.it fil.'

ill ItiiHloii, l» (ol. Ill ssKi.i. II.CONWKLI., the k'rnphie wi iti-r ami e.-leliriiled "nitor. The writer


A«.KS plol

ituess. This will is- the oalv .V'v-

her, llo-.liin, Mass. [i-





Essex Street. i Clarke'i ApottMauur} Bu

T O It K.



CLOTHING AND FURNISHING GOODS l.nnrr thou the I.nwril,


UOOM i\ i ii i nt BUJEAMOII.

ron WIXTKB. ei-i-odt-, Thick I'antH, Vests. HITS* Coats,

H;ii- . Cups, idoves, Mittens, llojVClolhlng, Ac.

FOIt SCMMKIt. Thin nothing, .straw Hats, Ae-.

FOB ALL 8SA80X82 Koiaishiiig OOoda, Trunks, Valiws, Carpet

Itags. t'lnlirellus, Ae. WKII. Is nlways Bammd, and will .leal with von

on the S-tu,irr. in: sunn AM.

<A I.I, H R UK I'l ItS'l', aaruRE nracHAsisu.

For partleulan nee small bill*.




We hnve last taken the Agen I-...- un-

original Howe Sewing Machine, the best, Mi.Pt < plate, HIKI liei-lmble Machine in use. Ilo not punlia-e until \on hart- exumlned tiu-tnurt:.

183 Baaex Street, Lawrence. -1

I)OOTS .vvn

No. III!) Ksj



cSINliKltw.-i- iwiirded th.. Fnisr P \. K. Fair In SJI, as lieing Ihe llh

Sewing Maehn ■: ..ml aba tin- pre* awardi were s ver Medals. sne.1) K.T, KOVYF.I.I.,

At. -■t Nearetar)' N. K. Fai

Account Books and Stationery In every variety at


PK'Tl'ltK KIUMKH of even itoaorlpUna made to order at

BTIATTON'S CORNER STORE, ( iiniiinf Kaici nn.l 1'eniln i ion Ntrrrl-i

Umbiellas &. Walking Canes. \ CMreUni and PunuaU Repatmi. \ TllP RtXGER was

'I'.ij » and Futicy i.oo,U or rv«ry .l.-.i.lp- j N. H. State Fair. li. Oon. It- I URTTT over all oilier- ha* got j| In the hnhU nf

PUMPS, PUMPS.' sold for 85 por month, or for CaBh.by T. W. UKALD. AOINT.

!»■*■! Raaaa Strert, - - . . Niumltri Block. All kind- Maebine* Repaired, KxchangedFnnd

HaehhH stltrhinr, HUWiplna and Brahling In

.1. n. HERRICK AM» S. M. FRENCH, t j. v. FUKNCII * their lorm.-r latrnns 11 they may sllll 1*

..re-peell'nlli iinn.. I the piiblie ei-nei I..(.I:I'I ■;.■!.■

Biv( I thelllP I lie It'


Copper, /ton & Glass Cylinder Pumps. or all kinds. Also in





LAWRENCE. S.lmti.wM-


141 Lawrence Btraet, near Bridg-e. Nllki. Thibet!, Alporr.. nud all otliri-

llif.m.uoili., Mhawla, Snri|H|.», At., Ilri.il.. ,1 un.I lljnt.



Carpels Cleansed in a Superior Manner. Oentlemen'a Clothes Cleanoed or Dyed

wlttout ripplnp;, to jrlve entire atitlafiiction.

Baring till the latent haprorad machinery, awl kcc|iin|t not.- hut the lie I Dyern, we can do .air work eqnal tu the lient In the roinitry, ami hope to In- favored uilh n trial.

S^ *«^AEB, We i-ontlnue to dlipose of oar nlcelv awarteil

new rt.H-k of lli-t rale Keadv Made wearinn apparel for



La .<>:, OI-L 10, ISTt Thin Itttl rtif) lliatiiiav

the man! ^nSi-I'mlnry ninnn.-r l.v .IC.IIN T. TKKKM A Co, Can B-c-i.iiiiiiiiiil -,-iiit ( i.iiipniiv to nil tho.-e r.H|iilriii((Hiiitliiinr in I heir line, lorrc«e.inableiic.-ri of ilmrKC-. |ioni| — in exeinli.iii, iin.l onnlity ofwork. ItKV. L. L. WOOD.

LAWUKMK, Oct. 11, 1ST*. Htasas. Taast;—

1 linvtftrt-.it pli-a-nie in te-tilVing to ihe exeellenrc of your iljeiiift nml Clennlllfl Old < 'Igtlit'K. I hail no i.li-it ilmt Mn-h |>erfectloti un. r---il.li-. Voiirn truly,

JOHN KDWAHflS, lu-iiirnni-e Afn-nt.

MKSass. J. T. TjiF.fc OKAHSIIIH:—Ttie<

vour hand" liv tic. have lieen n-liirneil

I., HI:

l « Cl. : ■li-th-. nnd pini for clean-intt

JtlMH) ;,

;VK, Oct. w, itrra.

STM WAXTKD. - We fraaraabM sm- all, eitlier »es, m f.t a dav, or

•MOd or more a year. New wnrkn l.v Mr*. II. II. Stmrr nnd other*. Sliperh premlunis (llvell awav.

Ie rapldlv and in-ilv nt work for tin.— „ .,._.....,.... .i.„ WORTHDiU-

nther*. Heapeafull.T, F. W. IWiWKF.It,


Mr.HHHN. TKKKS.-- I take plenMrc In tenllMiiK l» the excellence

of your llyetiift aid I 'leandiiff Inili.M' th-iv-n-i-and Sliawln; Ulr-o, the .iijieimi innimer in wlilt-li COIIIH, PatiU" nnd Vest.- line In-en relhii-hed ill vinire»- Uililihhmeiil. Vniirx truly,

S. V. KNF.I.L. Lawranoe, OeblT, 1871

AdKNTS. f„ ;|l:l Kuan Klrrrl.

I 1.1., I.ftl Bases Nlrret. . Itr liwiv. South Side. Uethuen.

<, S'ntli Andover. ;s, Frye Village. foais-

T. TREES i Of).

LIFE. ..Etna, of Harvard, I860, »16,640,78e State Muturd(Worcoater, 1045, 1,370,011

ii... me

December, 1872, lie months of

nnd January,

(l.itlilnff. Our Mippl> of cverythliift


■su mine our Uargw, hcl'or

"THE GLOBE 1, *J, tl ito.i. H.tuni-c, - - l

y II K K I N K L K & L V V I N K L K & Mmiufaitiirlnit I'O'H

Now Hewing Mn "VICTOR."

n in: not HUT us li. H". I.OIII>, lo NargiH

Sole Afteiil lor Linvrenec, Andover




nor <>)' In form I ntf The unileriditiied have the honoi their friends ami the public tfeneridly, that they have taken chanlbei ■> in

Sounders New Block. Essex Street. for the pnrpom "f carrying on the biulnew. nl MERCHANT TAILOIIS, where tlie IH-I-I Clotluj, Cashmarep, Ve»tlii|^, Ac. will he always on hand, mnl even attention ICIVI-II in tlie Latest Styles nf Clii-toni M.uli I 1 .Ihlie-'. under Ihe Inline

71 Eaaex Street, (139 New Number.)

la-re thev will nluavrt he plca-ed to show their nice imd'eiirel'ulli ,', le. teil i-tnek of.Men'i, VY< ieii';, Hoy,-, Hiaaat,', Yoaths', ChildrcnV, ami li

BOOTS AND SHOES Al-o, at nil time*, a gUMMl assortment of

RUBBEROOODS. IV..I.I. I.'- nr«-n«al Rubber*.

not elsewhere to he round in the city. Tln-lr (loon>, as far ns pon«ilile, are made to

rinler, nnd ni-i-lv.-d .lireetly from the I I res poll- tilde mannMctunra.

•1 They nre SOUt \;-.-ni ■ oftho


idtlm; also

VOGLE GERMAN SLIPPER. asp-Havina retained the ■ervfcei ef Mil. It. It.

SMITH, la 1111111 ol'luentv venrs .-xp.irlence, hi the iiiauulueiure und sale of Kooli mnl SII.H-S, tliey solicit ami hope t erit a share of the puhlli-

Pleaso examine our Qoods before pur- nhaalng

j . v . p R ■ n c II A- CO. 139 BC3EX STREET, LAWRENCE.

.1. H. Ilerriek, It- H. M. Fren.-ll.

n ■ i. F. R T r r. v. n,

I T> O B E II T 11 A V, G II T 0 N ,

Tin. Copper, and Sheet Iron Worker. And denier iu all kimln of

. Stoves, Purnacea, and Ranges. Kepairiiift uently done.


Ami .le.ii, r in all klniUj nt

Lead, Iron and Brass Pipe, AMI

Fittings for Steam, Water and Gas. -An. -119 Rates Hlrrrt, I.Bivinirr.

Order* SOUclted nnd promptly nil. tided la.


The lifflileU mnl most limn imi- Spring MattrcsH ill the liuirket. A ftiHwl piitislitute for the old-IHsle

bed. Kierv l«-.l wmrunt.d to rive perfect vatiafhetkit

tola Agent*.

M 1' I-:CT A (' L ES.


PARIS EXP08/TI0N. 1867,

Whm-ler A W!l-nn awarded, o'


For Perfection of Sewing Machines.

They execute more rapidly, ami with LE8I NOOK thnu Kiiy ottier HaflMM In u«e.

No Soap ever made has mot with

auch auccoes as

BBACB'l w A H II I 11 li loir.

The Large Salea that ore dally made,

and the increasing demand for It,

are the Best Proofs that it has no

equal. -I


BURNHAM'S PRICES. Look nl hi* Lara* nnd Xew Bbwk of

FALL GOODS, lit priees that cnii't lie lii-ut.

...i.l lloj »■ llirirmti,

ItaatU.OO DnlUra.

d New Block of

■late siipen -Kl'l KIM, III!-- r tin-

Men's and Boys' Suits. NEW STOCK OF PANTS

In the Lateit Styles.

Shirts ami Drawers, Very l.'henp.

HATS AND CAPS, in ftre.it variety, for nil Often,

I mini llni, Trunka, Nuapendera, Bow,, Tlra, t-itlla.ru, Ulovea, I'. etlnfra,

everi thinic in Ihe furnishing line very cheap

ivagvft I'l'w u nir rcspcelfidl



(' C I 1) E N T S .

+ r\ (BOA l'Ci-dnv! Afiint- winded' Al \j\J iptQXJ ,-itt.K,.^ ,,f woraiiift people, n

irk for tti In their a time, lli.ni nt nnvthhifr el ilr.wHli.STlNMlN A til

nil'the Particular* free. An.

I'ortlaml, Maine. :-H

1823. JUBILEE! 1873. Hftttr tl..." PlFtnrea la Ihe '

NEW YORK OBSERVER. theGraal Ameriean Imaillv Natrsuaper.

tn • reeur. with tin- Jabllee V. ■■ Book. SlIlNKV K. MOK.sK *r(».,

:n Park Han, - - - Bl«w York. SEND FOR A SAMl'LK I'll


■« o o L r II E ST S .

B|dete Beta of Tool*,

Si.iillli. I nnlne. Tool. Illiintmtc.i Cbvalan •BBlftee.



i' nil Hi

.id nines


\n -mil ■it Fn di phvslelai nokers will die of

li the nnc nf nwat, 11

nfi.i . th

<• linlld ii|> their i

nmmcrelal (lnwpc

mil tlie milt lull,

inrlh, aei-epl ltw« -

•i.trc, lliose

(inini ahoi

itulustrlal a ,- li.Mrlllv K

Mr-, ■e1;in

Unit habitual rljpire .niisiini|ill.iii l.cfnre Mftv. Ills nrifiiinenl entlllK mnl |ilansllile.

The Sim Frauclsni Hoard r.r education lias liicreiwd the salarlea i>f numcroiia Indy teachers. In accordance with a Stato

! low dec reel nu Hint liiiisciillnc nnd (bml* j nine shall receive ci|tittl imj for ei|iml la- j nor. i Tlie Vienna exposition IN to have » mammoth aquarium, large enough fur

I tiixiil slabd whales; the nearest seaport rrom which a nupplv of sea water must i»e iironght, I- twenty [more distant liv a fast

a.l.nn,cl.es. Thev il ft Hie

BSOIN IIPMIKIII lln. pii lids mid dices Ike the Turin

curl their linli ■ ill ia II Itflcls

|.crniiiied -ill- :IIMI l\ in di-

kin ■ mg il e|r tre scs.

soft whisper* ■very

silly women 1 insntic rs mi.'

nmneiit-s—Kr •in " T ie nh

Home." hv Hi ison .1. [..is,111

M'lij'izim fur, mown -S-a«. a-#-

i I,-:.. 1. Watson, a lostou

returned fron II In ni: vnyagi

ii com m las Inn lllerchil ll the

Ids wife Iin.l died. ■ win the captain; ■well, 1 iw, .h

didn't Ililnk i lie was long freights? "

' In 1 1




11 \ Hie lll.il-


li- the npc

""111 1 <>r- II //( s III





S ||,





.1 111

T 1i:■ r


w. I

II 1111.1 lllte

mgli he h

I In! un, Hun nf -Sam nine time bc.-n a nr ..Ule.-. has Just. '.ssKimd Account- i \K>*\ worth Slti,-

Ide Of tin- Mule ,s I.fluid uml pi.

li is liflnllv v li-h iiiililpm:ui i nf Ijiieciishnrv un Knjilh.li cm

Mr. dick,'' who li lerk in the I ii-en..tiered 111 iiit-Oeneral in MM a year.

The eplaool Hpiwara tu have begun In li. North, fnr we Una heard ..r li in cau- itln: It is now In Culm, and making mplil imgrcss south, n u snid it is utduilijr -mi-ied by a rainy season, HO it Is probable i lit-gan North, nmong the rein-deer.

A Moslonst-hool-glri In Ihe horaa-enn, he i.ther .lay. -nlil -lie liked (h-urffe Eli-

ot's llhiT in

Would von avnhl being " hit" liv BonaeK. Swln.l. lerHHiuf rlumliiis*!' Head UMS"ST*B Si-AS.ii.KH IIANHKH." A hirite, lllin-lri.ted lo-eoluliie CpHite

Isityer -in: >|.len,lld Stnrii--, SkcU-hcw. ■—■ Wit, Htlliior, t'lirile-, IteeltH^, Ae.

n year, with I-I.-KIIUI I'ranit riin.iii.., Ai-Ti:na LKAVKN." m-« tu nil. i>SI,V*l. Tav 'iiNi'K. Sutttf.fliim auitrttntfftt, AgentHWftnt " Intfil r'tlEK. HtMi-linen, *

•> lli„.,1.1





FranlElln, of HCUVa, 1820,

UoyiU. Bnfflaid, 1845, K(dd,

AtDorlci Branch,

Ponnaylvnnl^, of Pa., 1825,

Imperial, Loldon, 1803, gold, 11,000,000

AnUFTMn Branch, I.WM.'tlT

Firemen's, a N. Y., 1825. 34O.606

WcMtcliOHttf, of N. Y., 1837, 640,086

Qorman American, N. Y„ 1,200,000

Oerman. of trie), Pa., 1867, 237,083

Queen, of E47laDd,1858,trold, 10,000,000

AnierlUn llrancli, iSaVtlS

AMI llii: KLl.OWlNti IIUMK f'liMl'.vMKs :

lBtNatlonol^Worceetar, 1868, 164,022 Glouceator, tf Glouceater, 1870, 117,850

CfPoUelei #r n IN MYOFFtclai

For inforninlbn, niter, ete., rail on or atlilrena


383 EB«X Street, Lawrence. I»*l <»ni. e Box 3M. V-

M' «;-,

A.i.li - HAXXKR* Mn, Ie, N. II.


«f nil kuxlsi nnd nt Hanunwtnrera PrieH

ALLEN & CO., 86 Warren Street, New York City.


of the I

kind; Irritation at the n .iim.-uitv ..r hoidiiiK th. Kcnilmd wenknenH, mnl in nil rnndlH pnrtx ii.-rom|Minie.1 liy dchllity, .III.

Ider, mid urinnrv I. ileiH.nlta ofiinj Ihe hlnihler, willi

illhrelreulamtnB. KK1TII A ret, X. Y. Kor -nh- l.v dnur holtle, or « for *:.. IJ- gi^U. ITI



Attarttd lo the-e pnleiiteil Speelnclei. nre t« elentlflillv eon-lrmliil l.nl.iiilie Ittltteller— II

i »li|i woni-deliverhiK IhroiiKh the nerve- die : «.*


Hoft aid ( .iiitlnnoua St■ mm or KlaalIrll j

viUdixinl and tuiiu- lu-altliv i- ,.;.ii I . t. II:-.- pit nnd r'KfTAINLV CfBINO

F>rtUll*>railjeta or Ihr li Xrrve, Well.... IHarurd Vlaloti.

AJ in*!«*■ of the Head or Flier. MarvaMU Twltehea tu the

Inn I. • ot Hi. Face. Kolaaalulhe Head.

I.I (Mlllllll IlUHJV

of Xervnii- li. r.i ■(■■. ariHinit fru


Merchant Tailors, en. t. 2 ind 3l3aunders New Block.



nittECTOK'Jl OFFIi'F, il f'OL'ttr STUFF'!

1'iiluliiinv, (oK.-tller fliir n-:,t:-i:. uml pr hMMa.maCealttlic

i-Atn TO iin.H v in ii. nt: n". large itlrMemU ef thi» nl

rilh .neellent e.i.iuiKeiiiei; Inlheiutjii-iuiii.t

iu Xew KlurL-ii v lorLndi in ni !'

.-. B. l.AWIIKM K, Agrnl Por LuHiein-e, lliinrliill, Andover, :in


■. K. &

A <'

Cotton &

MACHINE 1'illicit, lietiriiiH All k'.n.l. of Ilo

alH. nil kind* i>rK. liKXKItAL .lull

promptly and faith

.1. p. I'lLi.sniTtv.

II1N1STS. to Weh-ter, I'llrlill AC.) [annrartorera of

Woolen Machinery

WiiUK OENEBALLY. ir iii.il shiiftirtir, .liiek s

I Mill repairs IIIMM

fiulureri.' Supplic-

Foalcr'i Building, Corner of FranWim and Methuer ■treett.

liflep- uarafisrs.






No. 103 Kaaex 8troet.



si!laa ey;

ailed l)IA.\H>M, , .md lirlllinnev.

well known tlmi aueetaelea cut iVi.n - Scotch pelihleB are \trv Injurioiia i

I-, IH-CIIIIM- ol their pol.-irl^iuir liirln, llnviinc IHI-II tei-led «itli the |".lju-ipeoiH-, the .11-

- Illteen per

/.in;: liidil.

■ ion11 U-liM-a liave iM-t-ti fniiii.l lo inluiit 11: , eenU h>- hint.-.l i.-n> thnu on. ether pel.li. . I Thev nre around ivitli «-renl -i ieulille m-eurtev,

I.II- li, . 111. in i In..in:. 11. al.iii-iitiiiu-. nnd produce : n brlKlittiC!.!. uml dihliiictiier:. of i Ui.ni not U-ioru j ulitnlnid in Hpei'tai'ler.

Mimliiii' liivi.l \>y tlie

j Spencor Optical Manufecturing- Co. SEW YOIIK.

I'or Bale l.y Ilenpoiihlhlc Afeata tliroinjlioiil the

WHITFORD & RICE, Jewellers and Optician?, are Sole Airenu for Law- retire, alaaa., IVnui H hum the. e:.u unly DC ob- tained. No Peddler* employed.

The (rn-nt .U-man.l fur then- Sp^^tacleH haa In- duced iiuaeriipulour dnderr- in pi.lui oft all inferior

It K ' NA T i:


Silk, Thread, Needle* and


C'onataiiUy on liand.


In nil lb in mi I" -, dono to order.

bull- GKO. A. II A VIM-:*, ARrnt,

IDS Eeeex Mtreet, Dr. Parltr'i Bloeh.

It E M K I> V ,

TINE, I 111. 1,1., M

HI.ooi) Pt'RIFIKR. ' A valuaUe In.lliui eoiii]jound, for restvriiiK the

health, mid for the p.-nuaneiit enn- of all dUcunfa orlhliiK from impurities ol the MOIHI, mieh an

Scrofula, ■■, i;,,'u-:, /■■< /!,.,,■ i. Caiu-rr, t ,..,,■■ : llumnr, hryiiitini, (ViMi-ir, Salt Ithrum.

HMMMnmmiHuw*n*c*mn**. firm. f.nij/hf. Catarrh, HrtmrhUU, Xntml- gUt, I'aiitM in tht Stilt. Ilhrum/Miim.

Ihl*p<-pna, Constipation, CotUrr. wu, latefstat, fiUt, llKut-

Mow, \. i-1-..i-..m -.... Faint- neu at thr si,,,,,,,,-),, Faint in Ihr Bark, hitt- nry Camjitnintt, Fr-

tn-ile HV.rtiH-moFHJ tjrnrral DrbilUy.

Thin preparation II nciciitiu<al]v and chcuilinllT umblned, and an atronftly eoncentratiil froiii

rooLn, hertia and barku, tlint its RIMKI rffucb. are renllied Iniinedlntely ull.-t e nu-ncinn to take it. There la no dli>enae id the hmaaii •■yateiii for M-liieb Lw V^VL'IIXK eniinot l»> uaiil with Fail. ram unTrju it itoai not eontam aay im-tniiic

nd. ror eradlcnlina: the i-s>tc"in of nil liupuritien of the IIIIHH!, it linn no equal. II tin- later fniied to effect a .-lire, ttlvinjr tone mid itn-nalli to Ihe Htntem delillilated liy diaeiiMe. IU wonderful effecln upon thee e.iitipkiiuti are -imirialnif to nil. Slam h.ive heen i-ureil bv thu .KiJKTIXK that liave tried nuuiv ether remediea T IAS « I r i. I:I i M j i i.


BLOOH PtTRIPIEK. Preptired hv

II. It. 8TKVKXS, lfaia|(><i, Ma*#. Price »l.3.1. Hokl hy nil 1 iruiralnb.



The Hall)* Amcrirnn, n live local paper, jriven all the Home Incident.., Ktenle und Items. Pntillnbed every rveliillK at I'o.l Ofnee Work, hy Ueo. ti. Merrill A Co.



I have Just reej-lved an elefrnnt

LONG OSTRICH FEATHERS, which 1 am Helling at

HalTthe Usual JPriqes. I inn not Hi-lllnK Iheee low i .-.:III .- llit-y are out

nf 1-u.liiun, hut beeMu-ehnviuK |HIH-UIIII a bargain of them I can afford toaetl il cheap "

LATEST STYLES. < ,i i tliin.' thill I -ii.ii.- - i

THE VERY In Mlllini'i'v 1 hnve

i|iiire, and in prii-ea 1

Defy Competition, My atnek of Ladle..' Woollen tjider Wear lm»


nl the r ipuftt i > tell l rihutili). in il uio-t m-tnni,.hin|r degrc

Lify and Vigor and Health. hv the ii, .HI of the Mitt 11■ ■.-s. inr. ■■1n-.nn of Kiel- trieitj , 4. in,: HrlKlitnraa to the llye,

tli.l. I.... aa to the I .... I'm . Ki' ' " the Itrniii.

They a»e fr>t e. nh Ie tun', toxlt all KijtlitH, i


Till. BBST ! Tin: BBSI


Addrena pi THBsl'S, Sci

<>i»nM KAT i If you wlKh l« be cured of the hill , (LAIIKK, M. I).. MT. VRKXOK, *

;iU'.K SAMI'LI-: llllTTLK

I than frent

, York CUT.

i of the finest nuuiuJac willi tflii-non for tliOhi- rend with, but dealrins

„., lH-netlia to lie derived fr-mi uenrinit tlie Iliat terii-K, :M.I lo be had in thU city only of

HUMPHREY MOO All, Watchmaker, Jeweller and Optician.


No, 235 Essex Street, LawTenco. Dealer In Wn.-iiei., Cloeka, Jewelry. Peary

■ Latarut <r Marri*' Fr\

• nhtiK*. tte BKSTlnti

il jj lli-


PaMcngere l"nd.d nnd embarked at


Pttaecagere booked frinunrl-i Lomlon. Brl-lol. l...n.londerr>, (iln-p™ "r Ih-rry for ttld I ur.

Drafts for £\ and Upwards on

The Bank of Ireland. For Cabin l'aeMfN> nnpfj nt the Cabin OMee, an

State Street, and for MeeraKe I'aeaaco »t the Hleer- iifte nfflre, !i!l State street. lUmUm.

.IAMKS \l.KX AMiKIt, (leaeral AimnL

P. MURPHY, Agent,



It don't -inIn the rhrthe*. Will la»l fill) j-anm.

fr.ttol Bpeelaolfiami


Mldilleiimrcli. "Has any .me ever [duelled ^!;;!U''^^'n,^'7,.,','nl'.h,,|,!'.''' Int.i Its plllulmiN slimline-,* tilt- ...l.iv.-l, «,r ' KINS A ru.7 AK.-nt-, lVrll prc-matrliNimltil ac<|ualntancealilp!" Uee, m centa.

p RC1 A I. N DTI (' HI

!uHii'ci. ii iwiviniTor lio-oi

nlaet with tlie 1-i,.,. Vlni-ni W i.-.-M.

iu are re.|noted to anllfy iiimie.liiit.-ly,

MMli:i.llltV,Nupl. Fire .Harm, ;1iuov8- Ha. IU Ilainpahlrr Mreel

\lt. it llil.Kh

araHdeea*- ,i \MKS in in


ViillTllllV-s si OXK V M(I>,

n -,HiT NTIIlll-lT, ..IWRBMt'R

ukv Ki of- made Thjlil al liurl ll.itieC.HI>

■7-nnrinx the |Slrt bntaaja we have taken or•

raelan tn cull the attention of the public te the im

men-.- ile.truetion of rlotbhtK by Hie terrlblo enn-

i ■ .. - - ■ - -■= ■ ■ i" Novcnilier 1th und Mb, nniimnllns.

aeeanUnx la the lie^t eatlmalef, lo from five t» nix

mlllioiH of nollare, inatend of four million*, »H Wt

ailvertbm] it. So i--.ur.- and Maslen n loee In these

it mill, has enn-cd ii mark excitement, not only

amoni the itoalers, but soMmg theea who were

nl.oiil to (Hirchaae whiter fmnnenta for their own

life, ami our own trade ha» In.-rcnae.l even beyond

our expectation*.

r'oiliuiately our Murk waa iiuiiMinll) tartfc and

complete, and In nntlcipntlon of n irrent demand,

areatad by the scarcity of wlnU-r el.ithlun. wc I ni

medlaleb; jrave ontsri for tlie niiinnrnrture of new

fftnibn which are dnily added to our Block, ao that

OUT friend* nre See Bred they will find every de

IHuUaent n* compl.-u- se ever.

Our Prices will Remain Ihe Same as

mi .un Till-: i nti:,

Notwltiubindlag the .-nlvanee we are obliged to

pa) for nil roateriaU. We ipiota rrom theClrcu.

lar or t.eo. Win. IKIMI, A Co.. Wool tlmkera,

"Hint the hi-P in wind alone in estimated nl lieing

nl i.



■ ne. it. .i to examine

cr extra iniliii-emrnta In

■ASH ctiMotiiiTH.



Read; Hade or Cuetma Hade,

Inola, Mhora, llata, Tape, I'nibrellae,

Ti'iiiibtiiiil I'nrnlahlDK (ioodi,

llii) a' I lolhlnu-

ONK I'ltK'K.


OAK HALL, • ■ ■ BOSTON. twI.l-JTeodtdllKb

l-iii-i d ""

IcmiMipply Lndien with

P A P K 11 I'ATT E K N S

w f UTAH'S


of till kind*. I am making thin rv apeclolty andean fiirnii.il nil kinda of pnttema required.

In other .Iriiartna-nU tny atork of Koode cannot be - ni |.II--I-.I

H A I It QOODS, tteHl end Imitation. All klmla of brcai TrUmnlngi,

Real Laces, Hnmhurg Kib/lngi-, sii-te-, and Ser-h ttlbboiif, Jewelry, 1'erfumci., indeed Ladiea will And cverj thlnit thev need at my atore.

sumpliiR for Knibroidury. -t





Magee'a New Portable Range.


Flo. saa Keaex Ktreet. Uwriaft.



Parlor, Office and Oookintr Stoves. I'lumhhiK. Tin Hnoaaf, and all kind* at Jubblnf

done |.i .nil i li. ~H


11 Lawranoe Street, Lawranoe.


roruiiN, (iiLON, i <> \si ti i-i ]0\. A!«n


None (Pennine unli-ria elinied I. BUTTfl. JTT

J> H E U M A T I S M


arc beat rureii hy



whleh i.- nl-o the lwwt nntlieiitiint.il remcdi lor ■ many altlli-tlmiH of Man and Iten.t, au.-h a"«

Barae, t:ut-, Healda, lirnkcn Braaet, l.tuabaao, \ei(i;lalili-uii<l ln-eet l',>| -, Holla, Tuuiurr.

aeloiiH, Herein Sj.nvln, ltiuiil»ine, Sertilcli e». t.'bullii|.-iil llnrneM., t,«]]-., Soree,

lleiiiiinhoiiL, ( arl.utn-lL-.--, etc. Price Ail eents mnl «l per llox. lylinhiOM.

Sold by Irrumtl-K nnd Grooere eYarywbeie. WKEKS A 1'ilTTKU, (icuernl Afenla. Moaton.

I'OIt HAfJ'. CHRAP. Almiit a acre* of eicellent LAXIi-m the Hater

hill rued, ailjolninx "«' «Ttv Knrni, well reined, nnd a K"*«l l»t for jra-* or earli veaetalilea.

AftNafM IKISMKH. Lawrence, Oat ln, W71. » J-




A ml hla Indentured A ppreHtli r.

A Splendid




tplNK JO r ■peeliittf Dfflre, I'oat O


B JOB PRINTING 18 MADE A I at the AMitmCAN .Steam I'linlim uiii-i lllock. Call and exanilne apec



No. 6, Lawrence Street, Where will tie kept a* (Imt rlnaa atock of

•".warn. Tobacco, SniifT, Mm arhaiiiw , llijrr and i lay I'lpra



Ulllll.lllll A All Itl IVII..

A i-liin i- of public, luilinimjie ia aoliriled al the


NO. 6, LAWRENCE STREET, ;f tfn'Jl I.1WNF.MK, MAae,

t aTin.ar A aumi-a

N F, W YOU K W J'. I". KI,\,

Read "nOIHHKY, Loelt.naltai »-eyeryl«.ly. twtafajai

^CCRPTABLEpdjaiCAL PRESENTS To a laer rrien.l.

A Hweot Toned Mnalc Hoi, __ , . eiiMtliiefl.ini ».-. In |im. The larire bniea are wonderfully u.lWerf,,| »„,(

harmonlnii*. An FJeajant Gailtar, prlcea from MMIo eT.l. A Violin, (now a lady'a Inatrninent.) *.. to faO.

(tar uie Uoya and i.iti.;. Dnme, (oatirUaai, AeeordcoMa or Flu-

lliiaa, < larloncla. l'lulra, 1 laui-olrta, Fire a.

All th.-.-. of «n %m i. ti.--, and of the bent ntanti farlure, toitetlier with an un rival led stock of

BBND INSTRUMENTS, Are for aale at moderate prirea by lyllaplMi'Ii-

Jllll \ C H A V \ IN 4\ CO., MConrt lit., (opposite Court Hoiue), Una tun.

15 E H (» I 1> .

liREEVs FAMILY 1'ILW cure! Headache

&.T V "".' >""1wl" ""v" lM' "'"""» them.



BronchitlB, Oataxrh, Anemia, Dyipipua A Pulmonary Tuberclta

RADICALLY CUBED With the Elixir J. F. Bernard

Of Parla. liifiniiiMii.il nu ii Inatnirtlune aenl (free)

to nil who dealre It, hy nddreeahig . Bernard * |'o., Hale A-„ ""'

FI'. O. Il.iv *t«. 01 "£—•? «■' M- >• HSronoTlSj-n;





i is


Yhe L^wfemieaxiQ,efi£ai|

Rjf80Vli»| efflV^n'flSxffl, n in iciim

KVKHY FltII>*V llilKM.Mi,



SCRIPTHS-V 1-IS.OO 1 1I1IMT I II UOt lit llll'l

The circulation of thr UWNMM Amiil- '1111 !■ il.. Imni.i of any oaurr In *"' County, and marr than Four Tlinr* that of any other Weekly Psper pub- llshcd I.. Hit. <ll> .

g*T- RaTtta of Advertiaiiig Mnl ti|mn application.


VOL. .Will, NO. 16.


The ©aily Stneri&ii. i-Liujiinxi)

EVERY EVENINO, (Sauday exrcpted,)

■■ UM largest Iteiljr hi the city, with Four Tiroes the circulation of uy other.

*l UNI HI ITIO Y, 1M 44 UM ■ Oil* Year, $«.I*J I Mx Months, ti-00

When not |*L1 In advance, isou.

UKO. ii M 1 .Kin i 1. A CO.. Prop'r*.


STEAM PRINTING OFFICE. Is the Largess MUI moot thoroughly flu-nUbed In Eastern Massachusetts. Having ontjr modern Presses, »d with constant addJUons of the newest style* of Type, we are *bl» to furnish the beet quality of work, eipedlUoulj-, at low prices — Orders by mail -riven prompt attention.

UEO. S. MERRILL A CROCKER. Poet Ofiea Block.


iu>rrtr<t In Ihle e

E. A. FIBRE, PAPER HAMilNtis, Window Shades, ArtlsU' Material*, Chau-

lellcrs, Lamp>', Vuier-, etc. S73 Kit** Street, l.«w re net.


Auctioneer", Real Estate Agents and Appraisers,

No. 3BI Eitta Street. Lawrence, Mm. Alwav* rcn.lv In give their per1un.1l service and

serious intention to selling Herd ami Personal Estate ut auction or IHIMTMIKI', ulitiiliiliiK Money ami letting Uic Mime at lair rum* lor nil concern ud. negntuiUiig Mortgage- ami looking U|i TlUe*. Iteming Propcrti an.I collecting ItentH, etc. No Title passed of Pi opei-tv unless the same lie per- feel: no Money invested lillt upon the nlosl un- doubted security. All business Intrusted to us Hill lie attended 1.. prompllv, mnl all will tie lion- orithlc itealth with — strict mtegrity iK'hlg the one important element of nirrw In the Iteul Ksiaic business, prompt psiment* of cash proceeds, ileal- ing In all honor with the seller anil owner, at the name time li«ikllig well tn the true lntere-1 ot Hie purchaser. Dial his title- are good, ami that lie iteU all which he 1* entitle.! to — thu* securing and

■' -1 which ' dness. a

inllng to Uwjrp j. MfHPHY, MANUFAirrfUEli work mid responsibility, (all upon us. . X * ami Dealer In Boou ahoes ami Kubbera, of Real Estate Office. 381 EftSex St. ever)- desirable Style ami quality. *H> K**ex St,

X. n.-Propertv for wnlf In manv sections frfWew t Lewi-erne*. England, I m.'ve o.pcoinlti in I lie .in .if I.;.

1 ' illv. No C

LAWRENCE j TH E AM ERICAN. .33 BusinessDirectory.

Guilty, or Not Guilty V


HI). I>KNNKTT, CIQAK8 AND T0- a 1IACCO, Wliuleutlo ami itelail: aUo Snuff

AATHITFOUU & HICK, JEWELLEHH, TT ilealera In I'Sper, Stationery, Paper liauif-

■ Flaturen; Blank

nil Vlelnltv i pennnnent {live* end Iteul l.-i u. e Uwrmoo Dntly

i i-.-Ti.i- city In the I'uioi


PA 1 NTKltN.

tl»9 EMCI tl.eel, (<M,l,t,ty lllo.k




1). UK MARS & CO., WATCHKM. Cloak*, Jewelry, Silver ami Plated Ware,

eancy (iixMls, Cutlery, Toyn, Ac iiM K.sex St. Uepalrlnir, tiold and Silver PttUsf.

I 1 Carpeln, Crm-kery and Cutlery, toitel II -kri'jiiiiif lit generally. The lies

| int'iit in tlie iTty. 3M1 F."»ei street.

| brands of linn's alwayn on hand.

_ DREW'S OYSTER AND ICE Cream and UlninK Saloon. Ml KBIH-I Street,

-slilrnce 1KI Trtmoni t

I.AWItKNCK. a anil Kurfeon. No. 110 Sewbury HtrseL pKld to Caneera.

I'artii'Ular attention C S. HICK 0 K ,

Pisno Forte and Cabinet Org-an Tunsr. W? 8. JBWETT 4 CO., AUCTION AND ., , , ... __. .. - . X a Coiiiiiiifhi.iii .Merchant*. Pumlture and

i ,1i«vl"fj/l,r many year* fol ow» hla prorksakf cg-pgy, aaj Bnrt m K.UKCX St., I.awreme, H«H.

In the citleH o Sew ^ ork, Urooklyn, nn.l weliii- .J m w„,.„„.,... ,, y ,. „ ly, |we loeatol in MKTIII'K'N, where- he ""- Bt ""*• * wlweiHUy- "a *■ M- 1 ■ ■ 1-1-1 ■ In in-ell III i.'ml -- t.i attend to all rail.- tor « « y ,-, n,,njt" ja, JAM aur vuuw TimiiiK an.l lle,,:iii inK Hie nl«.ve tliM. ninelil- in V\ "■ ""V" "'* *„' *' ..fi , ''? the uetl ninuiie Tl i Street, Lawrenre, Maaa., W hole Kale

Or.leiH let! nl l»Y Kit A CO'S Mueie Store. Law- Manufacturers of Chamber Purnlture, lient and renee. 01 at I'.i.H llltlee II..s So. -. M) nil r.s, will sittlnj? Hoom (.lialre, etc. be prnntptly alteniled to. TT; ■'

mid Molly'a got enough to tin in tiftcr thin Vre chap;" and tlm softer

look cTOHHt'ri Hie father's face once more:, us he l:ii'l Ills ham) tenderly on the curly,

golden head,—:L II-IIHI that would bs raised to-morrow, should opubrtunlty offer, for the coimulHNioii of uuy ilectl of duriux, or of crime. "So don't let's hear no


Adjuster of Complicated Accounts

lives! The srwaker was >\ lutly, tail and slight,

wllh a um that was shown to great ad- vantage by a wimple, flowing, Murk scrgc drsM, neither loo short nor too Inng, aiid a dark gray waterproof cloak, which hung In grateful folds about her. A nest tie of blue ribbon round her throat showed that she was not in mou nil tig, and there was an air of self-dependence , a uulet, placid look, that Utmost told what she was,—a district visitor.

"What d'ye say?" "Can yo» tell me where Mrs. Hardy

llwsr* the lady repeated; sixi this time ■be lapped her foot with her amoralU u little Impatiently.

"'Ardy," echoed the man, leaning on his whip with one hand, am] scratching his head with hi> other, by way of assisting his memory. "'Ardy; widow woman— ItHigish fam'ly?"

"No," replied Miss ForresU-r, "I know she Is not a widow; she Is 111: she has been hurt by Farmer Johnson's cow."

"Oh! her!" and the man grinned; "Kill 'Aaniy's wife; It must have been a brave beast as 'ud meddle wl' she; ha, ha, ha!" and still chuckling, pointed down the lane. "She do live In that there cot, the red 'un; mid One mischief do go on there,. I count;" then reseating himself he cracked Ids whip and went on his way.

Miss Forrester wits almost sorry she asked the question. She had rather re- joiced that suffering gave her au excuse for a ilrst visit; for however much it may- be a duty, It is not olwavs agreeable to knock promiscuously at s'trangcrs' doors, when not by any means sure of a wel- come.

It wss early In November, about four o'clock In the afternoon, ami the shades of evening were gathering. Nevertheless It was a pleasant time to be out; some mln hud fallen, and the clouds were chasing each other qtdekl* through the sky, driven by a soft south wind; and she was accom-

MISS LIZZIE CAltLETON, 250 ESSEX | ptmlcd by a large mastiff of the Pyrciiean Street, Saumlem IlliK-k. May tie found a va- j breed.

hlch I ..j d|d flY V(,rv W(.n ,,ut , llghtcd !„,,!»

was the graphic account given by Ml

"Cau you tell me where Mrs. Hardy obout schooling; there's too many on 'em : tllOBC patlenls M '..... n ..... . ..'. .. I I . 1 .,i r i.... II.

very face, and llste Ml to every name, but learned nothing t heap him. Whin all had goue In, he sal ho w»- only a gen-

nil visitor, wishing u sevfto one in par- lilur, and passed on It was not the llrst line he had been in

the ward, aud he kuev Ills 111:111. At llrst alkitl about on-e -ssly, llugertiig by

to do nothing; ami tlnn't let that there tla-in; but llnally he hi l«4*y the bedside spy of the parson's be hanging about here, <>'" H'« sufferer next t< tlie one be was in- prying her nose Into what don't cousarn terested in. with his ick turned to him jH.r." • and tried to listen; led, for there |.

Then, supper being llnished, he got up '"'lldng so dllllcult as .0 overhear a con from his chair, swore lustily ul a stool versatlon when you mj-Jpf look; ami Ii

hlch crossed his passage "to the door, «"'J" gathered a word and went out, to spend at the public house At last lie turned

good portion of the time which must jet *«* ■ K("«' 1,,ok llt ■


1 id no one to

street, Sauni. rleti ami select sliH'k of Kalicy tioodn, to would re«)>ectriillv lnv^U< attention.

COLLECTOR. Onlee, 930 Kaaei Ntrcet, Lawrfuct.

Bonn, 3 to I and J too P. M. itSeplS

c OLBUHN BHU'S,—DAILY PAPERS, Chromoa, Knrravlnsn, Perlndlcabi, Stationery,

Fancy 1...-.-1 ■. No. ;H 1 Ki.i.i'1 Street.


Wm11 ss|l Periodical*, SUUionerv, 1. I'u'turi'H Framed at aliort notice.


FURNITURE. The -uli-.i-rili.-i-. have taken rooms In ttrdwiy

Block, (V»7 Raaex Atreet, where they will Re- pair ami Ituy and Sell Second Iluml Fnmltura and household articles. All ordera promptly at- tended to, and goods sold at auction when desired.

HILL A CO. Lawrence, April 111, 1ST:!. "tf-

1..'.--.'. 1-.■>..., Mans.

AMERICAN, lively and inleresUna. All the home new*

- . and incidents every eveul



fe*- -V.i. l BROADWAY.

->V«r Ito.loii * Malim and Eailwu nepot,


nR. 1). T. PORTER,


asej I:»,I Htroot, - - - Lawmnt*.

Vltrnu* Oxide tins, ami Ether or Chloroform nduiinlati-red. ™-

i' C. BANCROFT, D. M. 1). Oa


Office, 417 Essex Street, Lawrence.


PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Ofllcr, Wo. S Anpleton Ktreet, 11


l>r. Allans, U at o(llie all hour* of the night.

ATE S, M. D. E.


*« KasKX siiiKnr, l.mvrenee, Mi>f.

FRANK i ■: I ■■:■!. i. i. PHUTOUUAPUEK.


STilVKi, KfllNAI KS A RANGES, Tin,lihiHH nn,l Wn.i.leu Ware,

tin EMU ST., Lawrence, Maai.


Office niock, Lawrence.

oiln, Hosiery and (Jlovei, No. 131 Koei

DYER S. HALL, Ready Made Clothing, Hats, Caps, (icnt's Fumhlilnir <iood", eP^.

'" ithlnf Store. 11« south aide K«»ci,

branches, n specialtv. Call In ami Inspect c terinii. :ti!i Eaaex Street.

H.TSBBRT8 * CO., Dry end Fancy

EH. KELLY, APOTHECARY.—Pre a ■iTuirii.n- carefully compounded. Pun

l>rugaamlClieiiii'-.-il-. I'.-ifnt M.-.li.-ln.--. T.nl.-I mnl Fancy ArtlcltM, etc. Poet Office Block.


Office, -• 307 Edsez Street,

Comer Lnwreneo Street. -Tl

flendtnce, 103 Concord Streat, Lawrence.

1^ R. J. H. KI D DE R,

DENTAL. HURO-EON, \o. -J7I Kiin Street, Lawrence. -1

Qes, ChloroftnTii or Ether Riven, aa preferred.

l^R. A. W. HOWLANI),


283 Essex Street, Le-wronco. f-

Nitrous Oxide Oas Administered.

ea-Hr/h-eace-FiicuW*, rnilesnTflnl D*iUal follrg*

New No. SM BstSl StreeL [Old No. I«.)

either sex, young or old, make more money at work Tor us in their spare moment*, or all the time, than lit anvtlilng el-e. Particular* tree. Addreia l>. 8TINSON A CO., Portland, Maine,



PHtlBATK COIIBT. To all person* Inleresteil In the trust- niuler tlie

will of HEN IMrilAltlisoN.laleofljiwrence, 111 said countv, yeoman, deeeaaed, given for Uie benefit of John Itlr hard son, and othera, greeting:

wliereas, a petition has lwen prosenteil to said Court, bv Hlchard Womwkk, or [jiwrenre, in the county of Esaea, praying Pi lsj appolnteil Irustec under tlie uill ul i-ald .leeeHse.l, which has Iwen Sroved In said Court, in the place of.lohu Low, of

lethucn, (naiueil a* trustee in said will,) who has declined to accept said trust

You an- hereby Hied to _. Court, to be hidden al Lawrence, In said county of Essex, on the Second Tuesday of February next, at nine o'cliM-k In the forenoon, *-- -*• If any you have, against the name.

And said |>etitiimer Is ordered eiution by puhllshiiif the aaaie oner a week, fur three aucceanlve weeks, In tlie l^iwreuce Amen can and Amlover Advertiser, prlnUii at Lawrence, the last publication to be two days, at least, before said Court.

Witness, (ieorge F. rho-.le, Esipdre, Juilge of ■aid Court, this twenty-elglilh day of December, in the year one Ueuiiaiid eight hundred and see enty.lwc, JaS A. C. liOOHELL. Heglater.

T1AV STATE NATIONAL BANK. The Annual Meeting of tlie ntoekhiddera of the

Bay State National tlauk, of l.awreii.c, will lie held at Uielr llaiikiua K i ..nl'I'ESDAV, Janu- ary 14, 1H7J, at toVlock P. M., for the choice of Hii-e.-t.iL-, mnl the t ran sac Up u of any other bual uesN that uiav legally mine before them.

MAMLEL WHITE, Cashier. Lameaeei Dec. iu ISTJ. i"*u dis-

HM. WHITNEY A CO. a corner Rsaex ai


A potheen ties, .™ St.—Trtmsea,

Shoulder HraceH, I'erfumery, etc. A art of nil articles in our line.

flic columns, of tlie AMERICAN.

''P W. HRALD, Hole Agent for Singer' 1. • Improved So*'

Saunderi New lllock. .roved Sewing .Machine, 114 Em

Sew Block. sewing Machine Pint tings.

H. (1LIDDKN, DRUGGIST—Pure _ _ Uruga and Chemicals, 1'tiUiit Mcillcines,

Toilet Articles, Perfumerj*. Sponge*, ■ llrushea, Soap*, etc. Comer K*aex and Peinberton St.

Hardy of the accident, when questioned by her visitor; "and faint very often as I do go out nowhere, with all these tcrrifv- lug children, (live out, Annie, coming so close to the lady, and she a stranger. The dog'll bite ye, sure!"

"No, he won't. Mrs. Hardy;" and Miss Forrester laid her hand upon his huge head.

"1 do like to see people as Is fond of dumb erltturs," remarked the Invalid, In a querulous tone; "some can't Man to starve and Ill-use 'em; but my husband

Now, that there cat,—and she point- ed to a thin, wlxeued creature that was crouching under the clock, with eyes all pupil, staring at the dog,—"he'll turn him out, bless ye!"

"Hush, mother!" Interrupted n tall, stout, surly-looking girl, with red hair, who had hitherto remained silent. "Fa- ther don't starve and Ill-use the cat no more than you do best and starve me, when ye've got a mind."

"1 can't give ye what I aven't got, and I'd as soon ye were out of this, earuln' ye re ov*u i,.-.t,i, ■_ i.ut..„ u—., ,,,'n , , der."

"/don't want to bide at home," retorted the girl, sulkily; "and 'tis altus father this, and father t'other, when we shouldn't have uothin' to cat some days If t'weren't for he."

"If ye could find a place for our Jenny, ma'am, I should be glad," said the woman, taklug no notice of her daughter's words. "She's Just about a good un to work, If shell keep a civil tongue In her head; where she do get her sarce from I don't know, nor where she do larn It."

Miss Forrester smiled. She promised to do her best, but she thought she could give a pretty *hrewd guess from whom It was inherited; ami quite agreed In the mother's opinion that the girl would lie better away.

She had scarcely left the cottage, after paying her visit, when she encountered a big, burly man like a "navvy;" he had a scowling, dogged expression of face, small, ferret-like eyes, thick lips, and whiskers and heard all In one, of coarse, reddish brown. He was In s dirty work- lug dress, ami had a black and white tic, loosely kuotted about a thick, muscular throat. Miss Forrester was half inclined to turn back; even the trusty, well- schooled "Lion" gave a low growl and bristled up.

The man stopped, and looking at tin dog, remarked: "A rum customer that, to come across of a dark night."

"Yes," replied Ida mistress, timidly, and the thought crossed her mind, "you're an- other;" but she nerved herself to the In- terview, ami substituted "What is y name T"

"Bill Hardy, If ye do want to know,

Intervene before he could commence his pouching pursuits.

Bill Hardy was always welcome at these nightly assemblies, where the ulfnlrs of the parish anil the uelghlmrhood were dis- cussed qolte as hotly as educated men dis- cuss the affairs of the nation. His Indom- itable courage and during, mude him nil object of iidiiiiratlon, adtled to which he hud worked for many years In the neigh- borhood of London, anil had seen the

i world, lll-natiiied rumor hinted that lie hail travelled u great deal farther Hum that at her Majesty's expense.

More than n month hail passed n.way. It was the depth of whiter.

Many of the Inhabitants of the village of Bafton lay wrapped In peaceful slumber; but ul one cottage there was a solitary watcher.

It was at Bill Hardy's. The children had been in their beds long ago; a few mel- ancholy embers of the lire were still lin- gering In the Ill-kept grate. Mrs. Hardy's chair was vacant; aye, and her bed too, for the matter of tfiut. She was In the churchyard, sleeping sounder than her lit- tle ones, even with the clanging of Ihe bells so close to her.

Jenny, her representative iu the home now, hail l>eeii staudlug at the half-open door, on tip-toe, wilh her Augers to her lips, listening.

She could just distinguish, In the fhr distance, the well-known step she had been waiting for. It was coming so swift- ly ; what could huve happened'. Her heart beat high, and theu stood still with terror, us her rather, his face haggard In the moonlight, came up the garden with rapid stride, and pushed by her roughly.

"Money, Jenny! all you have, girl! I'm off to London; the bcaks'll be after ine afore morning!"

The girl was equal to the occasion: with trembling bauds, yet without a ques- tion or a moment's delay, she took some- thing wrapped In a bit of dirty newspaper from a lea-caddy, the receptacle for all treasures, and put It Into his haiul.

That's all, father," she said. Hardy snatched it eagerly, and turned

to depart: hut by an Impulse stronger even than personal safety, he run up stairs, snatched his youngest boy In his rough arms, am), with a heavy sob, kissed and blessed him, and laid him softly down again. Then, almost In the same breath, muttering a eurse ut his unlucky fate, he threw the money upon the coverlid, ami was down stairs njiidH. " I couldn't take the last mouthful of bread from the young 'un," he said: " take eare of him Jeiiny j " and then he was gone.

The affrighted girl sank upon Ihe floor, aud, hiding her face In her hands as she leaned against the comfortless wooden chair, sobbed aloud. Perhaps he would come hack, she thought, aud face It. She i—„i---i ..!.„ understood It nil. He had been caught po,...i-..,„, _ J .. ,..,, ger, so had lied. She would fain have Ibl-' lowetl him. for with all the devotion of her untrained heart she loved the bad. hard man, hard to nil save one; but she did not dare. He might come back; she would wait anil watch. But she wns young, hud worked hard ull dnv, and nature asserted Itself. When two policemen, at five lit the nioruiug, lifted the latch of the cottage- tloor, Jenny was sleeping soundlv.

The footsteps aroused her, and she was on her feet In a second, with the recollec- tion ofall that had happened clear before her.

" Where's your father? " said the fore- most of the two men, peremptorily.

" Gone to work," replied tlie girl stout-

ESEYFFARTH, ■ and surgeon. O

poiite WOm OlBce. ii- I.Iciii .- IM Newbury StreeL


11. KIDHER, DENTAL BUR- EON, No. JVl Essex Street, Lawrence,

MM*, lias, Chloroform, or EUter given, as pic


■J.s.1 Essex Street, Lawrence. Nitrous Oxide Oas



publish tlie only good Slereoacople Views of lawrence.

All kinds of Scopea for sale.


stockholders In this Hank are hereby notified Uiat the Annual Meeting for the choice of Direc. tors, and for the transaction of any legal business, w 111 be held at their Hanking Room on the SrcoMi TCKMUAV or January next, al t o'clock P. M.

JACOB EMER.SON. Cashier. MeUiunn, Dec.. U, IST1 'lialldll-

R" V V 8 REE I)


Office and Yard,

I :■■■ i Street, opp. Horse llallrnad Depot.

rHOS. LEYLAND. Dry Goods, 881 Es-1 was the reply; and the man stalked off sex StreeL Pull Value, Fair Dealing, " No towards his home.

— 0ns Price. Wo mean mN flm wl on entering the house wns, j not to Inquire after his nick wife, who wns M. 1)., PHYSICIAN hjiddlod up In the chimney-corner, with Ice No.'] Appleton Street,' her leg on a rickety chair, byway of a

1 a sofa, but to walk up the crazy stulr-cose to his own bed-room, which was a low, dilapidated looking apartment, with light pceplear In through sundry crevices whefa It should not, and In which were three woodeu bedsteads. Raising the mattress upon one of these, he drew forth a large and somewhat tattered net. "Mother!" he shouted.

"I can't coinc Up the stairs, I tell ye," was the answer to the summons from be- low ; the pain do go right d'roo my leg If I do mov'un, and 1 alnt a-comlng."

Upon which a heavy, blundering step descended the stairs, ami throwing the net down, the mau exclaimed I "If that lazy wench, Jenny, don't mend they holes afore midnight, It will be the wns for her;" ami the speech was flavored with an oath.

Father, take I up," pleaded a little piping voice, while two fat, dimpled arms clasped the man's leg; "give I kiss."

The father looked down Into the little chubby, ami not over-clean nice, with Its Innocent blue eves and rose-hud mouth, and softened. He lifted the little three- year-old In his arms, kissed the warm cheek that hid Itself In his neck, and the ferocious, hardened look on his face melt- ed away.

A loud knocking at the door disturbed Bill Hardy In his parental demonstrations, and hastily putting down the child he ad mined a short, thick-set, Jovlal-lnoktng man, who, In his own rough way, courte- ously acknowledged the wife's presence; and then a whispered conversation of some 11 ii nil inn took place between the two men; they were evidently disking some appoint- ment.

"The moon won't be up afore," said the new-comer, raising the latch as he spoke.

"All right," replied Hardy; "but stop and have a bit of supper, Jem."

"Not to-night, thank ye; the missus and the young'uns Is looking out at home," and he took his departure.

"We'll have s better supper nor this to- morrow night, please the pigs," said Har- dy, taking his place at the frugal board.

A large dish of potatoes smoked In the centre, cooked as only cottagers can cook them, and from which emanated in some mysterious way, a strong savor of onions.

"This ain't much for a man to come home to, after a hard day's work—nothln' but tatcrs; we'll better this to-morrow, mother, or my name alnt Hill."

"Take care what ye're at," answered his wife, testily; "ye'll get cutched some of these days."

"Not without a light for It," ye may take ye're oath of that."

"The new visitor do want these here children to go to school." salt! Mrs. Har- dy, wisely cbsngiug the subject.

"Theu the 'visitor' had better pay for 'cm, and flud the clothes to semi 'em In; I alnt a going to. What's the good of lam- ing? Jack do make s few pence bird-

T1S1N11 HKIHCH in Esaex County

MRS.J. A. KTOX, LADIES FURNISH lNlilioodit; also a large assortment or Cor

sets. Madam* Fine's .Skirt supporters alwavs or hand. Hoop Skirts made to order 133 Essex SI

NKKll and Surveyor, *** Essex Mice!. At office on Monday, Tueiday and Thuraitsy



Office, n» Essex Slreet. Residence, 1.1 Oak

18TRATTON, BOOKSELLER and J* Stationer, Account Hook Manufacturer —

l'liper Hangiiigi, Wimlon shades', Newejiapers, . moon .-,|iaucB, .,rv.,|.i^n S43 Esaex HI. llranch Store, 110 Essei St.


She did not in swer to the descrlpti<

Maybe she was a me who was afraid tn nothing daunted, the of the building,.u*d hind a pillar near the to follow the girl win

l(i and by shi nervously

rouud, aiid

lie particular an- ■ rJsrie Hardy.

sent bv one If: ami,

passed out

5*5 '•■■- , res ul veil

rr she should gt .me cdtckly out, looke Ight .ml left, and tin

, Esaex Dye livers of PieceliiHHls,

ml nil kimls of Job Dyeing. In dyed and put in marketable order.

W. r. Ktmliall.

WILLIAM RUSSELL Manufacturers of

ROOK, NEWS, AND MANILLA Canal Slreet, luwer end.



WHITTHEDGE A BUHNHAM, Fine Boots, Shoes and Rubber* of ever}' dearrlp-

" No, no, my lass, none of that; we've iteen a-looklng for him nforo we runic here; he's hiding somewhere, but I'll lay a guinea we'll unearth him."

"So you may, and welcome," replied the girl 'saucily ; "ye may take every Inch ofhlin as ye'll llnd here."

The two men then proceeded to search the house and Its surroundings; one going to the bedrooms, whilst the other exam- ined every corner and cupboard below, IB though he expected to find n mouse rather than a man concealed iu them.

Jenny Hardy stood where they had left her. never moving, until a terrllled scream from the children up stairs, recalled her to herself. Then, like a tigress, she was hounding to the rescue; hut the policeman who was descending took her coaxlngly by the arm, and led her down again.

"Come, now," he said, "don't be fright- ened, my dear; tell us where bVl off too; we alnt going to hurt him."

"Alnt ye, though:'" laughed the girl, rcdulously. Then suddenly she clasped

lier hands together tightly, ami looking eagerly in the speaker's face, whispered,

.(COM'l.l'liKII KIIOM SATIUDAV.) What d'ye want with him? What 111 has

he done'r" The policeman bent his head closer to T, and lowered his voice a little as he

pronounced the one word, "Murder." Afterwards, when Jenny went upstairs,

heavily, for years seemed to have passed over her In those few minutes, she found Joe, the father's durllng, sobbing and shiv- ering, stripped of the little ragged night shirt she hud put on him the night before ■ and on the pillow where the curly head hud rested was a stain tnnt mude her shudder.


It was one of the visiting dnys at St. Thomas's Hospital, London. About two years had elapsed since the ratal night, when, In a desperate poaching affray, Sir Michael Forrester's keeper hud been bru- tally murdered. Two of the gang had been apprehended unit imprisoned: but, from evidence given by the umler-keepui', It was decided that the cruel death-blows, Inflicted with the butt-end of a gun, were dealt by the ring-leader, Dill Hardy: hut hitherto all efforts to capture him had proved unavailing.

Now, after a lapse of two yearn, the un- tiring detectives were on his track.

Some few weeks since, a robbery was committed in a house at Wesimltisler, and suspicion rested upon a man who was mysteriously found lying In the street, very early Iu the morning, with his thigh fractured aud his bend it good deal cut. He was supposetl to have fallen from the roof of a house; aud, oil being conveyed to the hospital, either could not or would not give any account of himself, and re- fused to give his name for a considerable time. For the present, at any rate, he was safe; hut the police kept a watch.

For a week or two, no one came. Then a young girl made her uppearanec, asked for "John Smith," und each visiting day never failed to come.

At this particular Juncture, Information was conveyed to the detective In London, by the police at Seflon, that Jane Hardy- was missing from her home; and farther, that she had g away suddenly, telling no one where she was going, but gb lug a few shillings lo u neighbor, to k ' the children during her absence.

Ou liiquirv, It'wai found that walked to the station, and taken a ticket to London.

Once more the detective warms to his work. Now he will And out If Jane Har- dy, and the girl who visits the supplied burglar, are Identical.

Ai three o'clock on a certain Thursday afternoon in l-Vhruary, the passage lead- ing tti the nceidcnt-ward at St. Thoroas'i was thronged with the friends.of the va- rious patients. A man In plain, dark clothes, who was the first lo arrive, stood patiently by the porter, asking for im one, and not attempting to pass He watched

Walked rapidly uway, crclsed Westminster Bridge, went on by the Thames Embank- ment to the Metropolitan Railway, am took a ticket to Notttn[ Hill. Her un- known follower did so iso, and got Into the same carriage. On arrival at her den filiation, she walked on iguln for about i mile, ami theu entered » public house The detective went In rtso, watched her ns she walketl Into the lur, asked for pa- per and pen aud ink. srt down, Wrote a letter, walked out again, nnd, passing a pillar box, posted it. ly this time the evening was drawing In.

The girl evidently kmw that she was watched. The turned alout hesitatingly, then went back to the same public house, and engaged a bed.

The police officer, feeing more certain than ever that this win a new move In clinic detection, saw hfr go up to the room assigned to her, aien, calling for n glass of beer, he took ur a position In the bur which commanded uvlcw of the stair- case, and, drawing a pip* from his pocket, smoked away complaeeitly.

When the hour eamt for the house to be closed for the night he went out; and now loitering about, u*w leaning against some railings opposite the house, now sit- ting down on the door-step, he passed the time until morning.

About six o'clock hi* patience was re- warded. The same igurc re-apiieaml,

ml walked away mofe swiftly than ever, after the night's repose. Away, past the

at little villas, with their trliu gardens; the only break In the morning's stillness being the distant shriek of un engien, or the rattle of the milkman's can, or u maid half asleep still, shaking her mat outside the door of her master's dwelling.

Where on earth Is she going to'i" thought the detective, when suddenly she turned u comer, and, quick as lightning, jumped into an open trap and drove away. " Done, by Jovet" ejaculated the detec- tive, us he stared vacantly after the grad- ually disappearing vehicle. " She's an ni'iinl one, and no mistake!"

Then he wulkett moodily ou,thlnklug over ic events of the previous day. The let- •r the girl had wrlttcu was doubtless to

tell those who were In her secret that she was watched, aud to plan the means for her escape which had succeeded so admi- rably.

The eountrv-town of Golderby Is astir, revelling in one of Its few gayetles *, for

^OTRff*S« WMTttSr triumphal entry.

There are not many eases on the list this time,—Three only. One of embezzlement by n banker's clerk ; another, of willulty settlng Are to a dtvelllng-house by B wo- man : and the third, the one upon which

,11 Interest Is concentrated, the trial of William Hardy lor the wllftil murder of Robert Kenyon, gamekeeper.

When his lordship Is seated, the usual formuhe are gonethfough; lawyers pre- sent little folded papers, which nre re- ceived with the cusli nary bow and smile. The case of embez.z 'incut, which comes first. Is soon dispose* of.

The Incendiary can Is also nulckly de- spatched : the culprit to Ihe relief of nil, pleades "Guilty," ad thus leaves only sentence to he prono need.

Then comes the nugcd-for moment; nnd amidst almost lit uthless stillness the mngtRtntte's clerk, a a sign from one of thejudges.readsout t cIndictmentagttlnst William Hardy.

Then the stillness ives place to a gen- eral commotion, as the prisouer, with a policeman on either fide of him, takes his place at tlie bar. Ill those spectators who are seated nt tlulhack press forward to catch a glimpse [if the unfortunate mini; unfortunate at lllsdrentlAil moment, whatever may be his (rime.

Taken at last! No sooner have tie doctors declared

him able to leave thd hospital, than the pulic- poimeo upon hie. arresting him on the charge of being m accomplice in the burglary al Wcsttuliitcr; und while in custody, some of the 1 habitants of Si-ftim are taken to the prlsol, aud each swears, that, though he hasUn many waysills- gulsed himself, he Is i|me other than Bill llnrdy.

'i'lii' clerk of nrrukns addresses the prisoner, telllug him liat he Is accused of the double crime of tiirder and hurglury. to both of which liiiictuients he pleads "Not guilty;" and tlhi the trial for the wilful murder of Rthert Kenyon pro-

I cecils. The first witness i the uuder-keeper,

who states Ihut ain't half-pust eleven o'clock on the night her, he, In company and two inorewatchc They heard a hare lo the spot found to

well known, M

the ,11st of Decem «ItJt the head keeper

, was in the woods, cak, and on going ' men, ull of whom eolully Hardy,

ivlth a

lying, mm William ilm." When

liiiili and one

most notorious wacher. A violent struggle ensues; wit .-ss saw the deceased beaten down Into tli ditch at the begin- ning of the affray hjtwo men, of whom Hardy was one. Wiliest and the watch- ers succeeded in uiutuHlur ouc of the poachers, and were sfuggtlngwlth ai cr, when witness received blow w heavy instrument at tie ha< Ii of In- lie which half stunned hm, ui I he distinctly heard the sauiid f blows In tl: direction where Kenyan w I voice which he could swei ■ Hardy's suy, " I've fillshe 1 witness recovered hlliself, other had decamped, ami ihe other tWI were captured. Shortly aterwurds, tin police who chanced to healjSeiiiin ('mill on duty (as there wns a Ml going on) arrived ut the spot, and assided in carry, ing Kenyon to his home; hit he was quite dead, his skull having bee battered In with the Inn i'ii. I of a gun w(lch was found In the ditch close to him.. Witness has not the smallest doubt thutWIlllum Har- dy was the murderer.

At ten o'clock on the lnorjlng after the arrival of the judges, ihe eo»t Is crowded. Policemen guarding the st'is leading lo the doors have declared tint only Jurors aud witnesses arc to pass ; put those who arc neither, wedge tlslr wn in, neverthe- less, and the galleries are Ml.

On being cross-examlnedns lo whethei he could swear that ls)*iv> Vllllnm Hardy strike the deceased, le sayi, "No."

Was the gun with which the wounds were indicted Hardy*-. '»No; it was the keeper's own gun; tie pdnnhr-rs had no Are-arms wllh them that1 he n-iii thi

i. Wlln of."

Can he swear to WllAi. Hnrdv* He says "Yes."

Can he assert u|"i' his oath thai Ihe Words which Hard' liad used were " I have finished him. 6« might they have been " 11V have rtnlhcd him," or " l"o« have finished him:'" Witness cannot pos- Itlvelv swear.

Jane Hnrdv, daniJiter of the prisoner. la next'called. S|- gives her evidence most unwillingly ad hesitatingly. She Was asleep, she SlQ, when her father came In, and did no remark what time It was; did not remeiher that he was agi- tated; he frequentl came In, and went out again; she thou n't nothing of It; he may have been In to'hablt of poaching,

hut not more than utauy of his neighbors he occasionally brought In a rabbit: for got if lie went out again directly or not; knew he went up stairs; did not see him agalu from that night for two years, though he frequently scut her money sometimes two pounds nt n time.

The prisouer inulntnlns all lids while the same half-sullen look upon his lac occasionally smiling to himself as the ev deuce falls to point to him .us the man who actually struck the fatal blows. II. knows the clothes he wore that night can uot ba produced uguUist -111111. If they could, maybe it would go bard with him; hut they cannot. Without proof how can he be found guilty? And he knows now that there is none. They tuny Imprison or even transport him for the pouchlug business, or fur burglary; hut they cannot take away his life. They have no proof.

No proofr The ir-ollcc constable who cxumlucd the

r-uttagi is now brought forward, aud again there If. a rommnrhm ln*cotirt. He is known to be an liuportuut witness. Ills evidence Is a. follows :—

The cottage door was ajar when he reached Ii. ami the girl was sleeping on the floor, dressed, with her hend leaning against a chair, us If something unusual hud occurred. Il hud been snowing out. side, and then- were traces of nailed boots und snow UJMIII the kitchen floor, nnd up the stairs. Witness hud followed the trucks, hoping to discover that the inuii had concealed himself Iu Ihe bedroom but there was no trace of him beyond a small bed In the corner of the room. ]n

which ti boy of nhont three years old was asleep. On holding a lighted cniidh the bed, he discovered that the breast of the child's night-dress wus stained slightly wlth blood: there was a stain on one shoulder and 011 one side of the head, as If It had been pressed ugalust something that had blood mi it. There wus uo scratch upon the child's body auywhere from whence the marks could have proceeded. Witness had quietly ent off the lock of hair, aud also taken possession of the night-dress, awakening the child in no do- ing. He had naturally been excessively terrified, und was, moreover, too young to be questioned.

Here the ulght-riress ami two curly rings of fiuxon hair are produced. Time haw In some measure erased Ihe Stains, but yet they nre there.

No sooner are these two things brought forward, than tlie prisoner suddenly stretches forth his hands, gives a cry rather than a gronn, aud exclaims,—

"OG01I! who'll hit'thought us my hoy 'ud hang nier"

Many present ure moved lo tears at this piteous cry from 1 lie man whose condem- nation five minutes before they have been thtrntluff for.

It appears, too, that the Incident gives a new Impetus to the counsel, Air never was a prisoner's cause more eloquently pleaded.

Re represents to the jury that the blood upon the clothes was, tinder the circum- stances, nothing. It iiiii-iii have come there in the struggle, long beA>re the death blow wus dealt. In fact, tlie whole evidence of the witness Butler Is most vague. Could it lie easy positively to Identify nay one In the uncertain moon- light, under cover of a dense thicket'( And as for the evidence of the voice, could they condemn him upon lhat? When a man was stunned, could he be certain of any thing? Alt this, ami much more, he urges upon the jury, ami then thev with-

t.mev tn«il Mj0W^LSffLSSS»Si the breathless' excitement ofall present, give their verdict of " Not guilty."

William Hardy is acquitted of the crime of murder; but he Is (bund guilty*ou the second charge of being mi accomplice In the burglary that had bean committed irt Westminster.

Even In this Instance the evidence against him fulls to prove Hint he was a principal actor, und he Is sentenced in Mx months' Imprisonment only.

Now the punishineut also Is over, and new 1)111 Hurdv bus returned to his na- ve village. Prison ft.™ ami prison dis-

cipline, after such an accident ns befell the man previous to his trial, have thor- oughly broken down the ouce irou consti- tution, und a miserable, disabled wreck crouches over the same old cottage hearth

■ more. He will not pouch again, for he cannot. He will not quarrel with or sweur nt his wjfc, for he has He will not in softer moments lift the little Joe upon his knee, for the boy has liecn dead six weeks.

Often, during the two years of exile; spent half In concealment aud idleness, half In reckless sin, Hardy was rccoinnicud-

1 to go to the colonies and start In a new fe unknown. But he could not go. So

long ns he could sentl something to Jenny, he'knew his youngest darling Would not starve.

Many days during the weary hours of Imprisonment, ho almost fell he should die, but,for the one thought of seeing his hqy 0n{5i more, the only creature on enrth he ever really loved.

The knowledge that he returned a con- victed felon, with the stain of a grave suspicion upon hlin, did not trouble him. He hail escapsal hanging, a fact which amply satlstieilvils conscience. Home In his mind was Joe, and for him he would live.

Rut Joe lind been run over by a wagon, and killed on Die spot; and when Ilurdy rnmc. home that was the news he lu-unl.

The clergyman of the parish visits lilm occasionally, hut to him he Is sullen or actually rude; so the rector has thought It wiser to leave him a great deal to Ml** Forrester, whom he will see aud talk lo, because Jenny tells him that she tililght Joe his letters, and that he loved her.

Six weeks after his return Hill Hardy I* lying oif his hod, propped up with pillows, no longer strong, nor burly, nor ferocious, hut wasted almost to a shadow, and the lamp of life Is burning low.

Miss Forrester Is sitting by the bedside. She has been reading. Jenny is sobbing In a corner, und the children are down stairs, wry miserable Indeed, wishing they could have their dinners, or go out to plav, and, If the truili must be told, feeling heartily sorry that their father ever cameJiack. ^

llnrdy Is whispering something to Miss Forrester, and smklenly she falls upon tier knees beside him, aud murmurs sum words Inaudible save lo the dying man.

Then lie speaks louder than al Brat. " Tnln't no use to peach upon me. mist

in this world; I'll he at another bar afoi long, ami the Judge us Is there i-nmra."

Again she answers him, iu a low. MH.1I

lng voice, still upon her knees, and Ii replles,-

" Ay, "laln't no good to plead 'Not guilty' there."

Then there Is silence for a few moment ami when Hardy speaks again the wort are dllllcult of Utterance, hut Miss F01 renter understands.

"D'ye know, miss, I do think, nnd think ns I lies here, as there'll he H coun- sel a-pleiullu' for un then, ns the Lordil hear, and I huts Joe? When I come 1 that night wllh the blood upon me, an stood at thnt there bed, with the Innocei bnhby in my arms, I wished I had n't h; done'lt. Tears come to my eyes with tli wishlu', untl 1 says, for the first lime I all my had life, "God forgive me!' and I do think as p'raps Joe kuow'd 11, undil tell It up there, and 't will do some'ut for me. And now Hie'trial's n-eomlu' on ngnln. miss, and I looks to Jne and yon, The Lord knows as I'm guilty, but ye'll tell him as I'm sorry tor'l—I'm sorry ror't."

They were the l««i words William Har- dy spoke on earth, ~.JL——

The City Marshal of New bury jiort reportl hut MB uiTchts, cml.railiitf fourteen BSttoruUi itiea; of tills initiilsr 711 "err- dischariiiil, ninl but 1S-7 ,ii:n i- 1 bv line nnd Imprisonment; there were but nine tires during the year to call out Ihe department.

At the annual meeting-; of the O. A. R. Poet of Ncwliiiry-s>ri. Philip 11. Mason was chosen commatidcr, vice ("apt, (i. W. Crmrv. retiring. The Po-t han am member*, and la iu s nourish- ing cisitlitioa; they lutvc disbursed ft-tOU from their relief fitud thepsit year.

Inaugural Address DP


Delin-reil before toe City Council. Monday, Jan. Oth. Idol.

Utmln** o/Uu City Council— Much more Hum Hie spirit of courtly compliment prompts me to say, ou 1111 un-oimpUou of this official trust, thnt I 1.-el to felicitate myself iM-reuttatly tli.it I am to be associated and surrounded iu the municipal mag- istracy with a nod* of Kciiucmcn so creditably reprcsentaliic of tlm intellbrvuee and active puhlle splril of our community, und of so large practical acquaintance with affairs. The occsitnu Is made freshly wipresslve by the chair al tlie Council Bear! left vacant by death. I Hie who «u es. i.cinc.i i..r Judjrmcut ami iutearity In Un- lost ad- miiiisiraUon, and who, had be live,! lo rultJl the duly to which the voice of Ida fellow ciuaena turn. ■Mined hi- abilities, would have becm our honored ■ Mnntote, has paased from aarthly honors sad enrthty Jatmrs. To nt this solemn event may well ■errf to deepen our serious aenae orresponsihllit) for (he uprbrhl performance of the public duties to «-hich today we delicate our tnientu with fwWI of tldeliti.

< omlnic newly inUi the mayoralty nfflcc, wimnut previous oSlcial intimacy wllh [he matters that fall within Utc pn» lore of Us> City Council to deal' wllh, and wlui Imperfect knowleihre of Uic opera- tlonsiind necessities of the various depart men's, I .-un .|i-[...-e.| la be content chiefly with general comments on the condition aud inanaaenienl Of municipal affairs. I Ud I attempt n critical review, ] could do little more than rocnpltulate Informa lion which will appear, in nmpfer detail, in the document- ncce*>dhle to jour use, ami desiirued oairially for your guidance. But upon r-erlaiu iiLitici ■'■ at grave concern, popularly nglnile.1, af fectiiig nearly tlu- honor tuid welfare of tlie public, and concerning wldrli I have well settled eonvlc. lions, I haven feu s Ingres I iun« to urge,-and In- vite your patlenl audience.

rn-UMoa, Krom the treasurer and auditor I have stale-

meiits of our Mn.-iu.Jnl aniilm for ihe year closing Dec. 31, is:;, ns follows:

tUpentUtHrti. For city purposes, »M4,W3 Sx Payments on fill Debt and Temporary

Loans, ' HUH 00 Slate and Countv Taxes, U,SU ft* "lllitla pud State Aid. ifl.sr

Tota fwsi.it:. Ut

Peminueni Loans, #:u,i«si 00 ■ Tcui|K>rary " 100.700 00 \ *3«i,7O0 00 K.niil.iii.-cinciii. of .sum. Aid and Mil-

itary dram. In Ihe Common wealth, 15,817 30 Ordlnari revenue- of the several lie-

partnielils. ai,l-:l Ul 3*0,110 VI Fmnitaxei

Total CIV* Dfbt.

Funded-or Permanent Debt In "Vmpnrar.— or floating "

npaiil Drafts, allowed for payment,

♦.177.1 tl 3!

Total, Deduct a-uH-'l* frastli taxes ami valid

mis, f gi|,-*iN- 00 1W,U00 00 :u, (Kin SS

SMW.HIW -.'.'I

lo-v'iK) 00

Balance, net Debt Jan 1. 1S73, *IHI.SUS il ic net Debt Jon. I. ISTi, computed

on the same basis,—was JIS.8W St*

Increase for ISTJ, SIO.lHl 37

The total tax levy In 1R79 waa $341.0111 IS, the heaviest ever laid hit licit.1. and Die met that we have not l-cen able, wlUi 1 in- revenue, to prevent a material addition to the city debt. Is not calculated

rlknltogeUiurpleasursbleeimiUons. Our Us- able valuation Tor 1ST3 was </iu,',o:u;:u, nn Increaae >f •LSll.mH from tlie year IsTore— ratenrtaxatli.il n-r S1000, Sift.*, a slight reduction from the rate f some previous years, unhappily not due ton

I™I.I.I. ''''"'"" '""•*--■ !,„< 1,, ihe tamsaal iihuitioii. Tlie forthcoming rcport-i of our nnau

rial offlcers, wherein nil these matters will appenr ln fullness of detail. 1 am certain may Is- examined wilh cilifii'ntion. With the policy urged by certain of my pi-c.loi-e-.Mir, niralnst an Increase of our public hi.icii-c.ii,1 f-. exrept f 1 provide for really

< me:, c-ii and .-..;..,. .1 ,|,M ,1 ■. expenditures, I hearl- ily concur. Qua city debt cuuals the value of our entire available assets In ]sniuuient property,

dollar tuts, lu reality. Iiceii jiaid upon the buildings which .iccommislsl*' our schools, Are ilepartnienl, nnd other public Institution*. Their whole eo-l Is ii'i.resente*I by dels. Credit In Urn nursery ofsis'ndthrift hablls, nnd the op|>or»unlly

f comi-Mton. (Mllr In emergencie*. or Tor Ut* omluel of evi™..Y,nnnrv enterprises. ■ resort lo It

iusllilnhlc. When Ihe people see lu their tax lull- just sliat It costs, they wUI be more wnlcnftil lo

Mnl |>rii l< nee iu Ihe conduct of their Interest-. This year is the twenty-Srat of our municipal

Ifr. And we shall enler upon our majority ■« the 1.ul, liith city of Ihe t'nlun iu population. The ]■!■"■ p. ri is excellent for our vigorous inanhnnd

louonible rank In State and nation, If suhrle- ty nnd virtue reign lu our homes, nnd Justice and wisdom In Ihe councils of those who govern our public affairs.


• ofeily property, clnsaed n Thr -c I ic, 1111, ■bit, published with the auditor's report of lnTt, '-tollsl* a toial of over linlf a million dollar* In 'alue, exclusive of briilge structures. Valuable

lmpr«vement* on Ihe City 11:,If ediflrc were made I year at nn expense of .* | n.T itt :si. Four-flfUi*. thcrenbonts, in value of this property, I* In

biiMillngs. 1 submit In your Judgment wheUier it otild not lie wise 10 put this pni|ierty, etnbmcing

sonic thirty valuable elillc,-. Uigvihcr witli the 1.1 nit.-, In tl arc "fa superintendent of c»ni|ie tetil practical skill, rattier thin ns now in tlie mcas umbly irresponsible and apt to In- unwary clutrge of com 1 nil Us-* of the Clly Council, or of oltlcers

selected with regard to their ipudinraUnns flir the service. Tlie superintendent of school,., the

MI.M.I — i..in 1 of I (rants, the engineer*, may lie capable official* lu tlie legitimate duties of 1 respective departments, but they am not presuni- iiily 1 pi*.lined to discharge to nrcepUnce a duty prn|ierly iH-longing to a person of mechanical ktiott ledge, as a builder or architect. Among the rhirlpnl duties of an official, such a* sere tojg.

gestcd, would lies general oversight of nil Iherliy property In buildings or oilier structures, wilh a

II* prcscrvallnn In good order, secure from waste or ilelerioraliiui Irccaiisr of neglect lo repair ir other defect, and convenient for public use; Iso, and e«is-clail), lo exercise a critical super Ision ofall c'sitruris, expenditure, labor and inn.

tcrlals nade, done or furtiUlied by, wlUi or for tin- city in reepecl to rc-ialr* or construction, t'nless m) Judgment Is much at fault, as well as Uiejuila-

it of lint tor ttpersMMs* Hum mine, thi* plan, irously and InilliTully curried out, would save He Ircnsury ainiunlly Ihousaails of dollar* ex iignntly wnsled under Ihe present unthrifty

mnnagemeiil of affairs, lie side* subserving g.KHl moral* by cirmpelHng up-right dealing Is'tweeu the

»e employed InlU service. We cpen.1 large »mu- of money In the reparation and reenn

•tion of our old properly, and nearly every year brings It* urgent re.(uisltlon, usually met gciirrom l> If not lavlsbli. for Ihe construction of IICH hud lings to*.com late ourfroH lug waul*. Then Hie slip shod fashion in which til* business goes on under listless committee* nnd Inert ami iucup'ible officials, offers the -ipporluulli which 1* promptly sclied upon to gougr ttM clly of exorlil (ant profit*. There can Is- 110 just reason why Hie city should pay more Hum Ihe privsle cltiien lor the same lubor. Hut evidently II uiiiformly doe*, nnd the uiirgin of ilKTercnce I* tint Inahrnifl rnnl. Kffort* for renmn under tl Id ■ ... i--n, may produce n ti-tn|Mn-ary amendment, but soon affair* will gravitate bock, and flow on in the old sluggish channels, and Ihe mischief be grievous a* ever. I know no roiu|ielent remedy other than Du- nne I propose, and to your 11 Isdom I leave il.

or W4TUU.

I11 many res-pert* Ihe most weighty subject likely lo tax your Is-st delllieralioii* relates to a supply of pure water flir Hie manifold 0SM of our popuht Hon. Ainhorlii, therefore, -.1 a*granted by aei of Ihe bed Lcjrl-liiture. ami the popular vote upon It* ■I IH'laail. laketi at an election held for that |mr pose, mi* so emphatic (n its favor aa to leave no doubt of HMI public will. lnie*ugatloii* pros,, iiiusl b) the City CouuelD ot IsTl-a, aided Ly tlie Is-i iitinlnablc skill, set01 to esiabllsli .atisfacto rib thai Ihe avaUslNM and mlei|uauj source of sup- pi' is the MeiTinuick river, and tlut tkawatsvaf Ihe river, alter treatment bj flltialiim. which i* wholb fi-asible. Is of ev. cptlonnl purity, and ex- eellcntli adapted to Hie parpose. Tlie daboTStst re|s>rls of the several imiittoes.and of theskllhsl e\i«rls will greatly n*sl-l the labor* of youi in ve-tignlion. By Hie e.Umale* aubmllteii, thr whole cost of the work-, on the propoa.il basis, i* In tlie near dclntty.if nine hundred thousand dollar*. This, however, entirely omlla Hie Indeli uite <■ nccin c.,-1 ot aililitional mean* of drain

rprnissni of otaat cities ipiaiiiies im- nliability of Unwn

romineaced iu works on the baa* of ciMHofhalfnrolilionof doUars, ami finished tlsnu at un .I'lii-i! cost of conaiderably in e million. Our elder city and neighbor, LoweU, pursued toe plnn of supply now commended to our adoption, ami enjoyed a similar agreeable expe- rience. Perhaps, iu these and other like Instance*, extraordinary contingencea, wulrh happily we may avoid, unexpected to ordinary foresight, au l-ervened to defeat Intelligent calculation. Why the coat of works of thi* sort should not he capa- ble of reliable eaUmale by oonipetent eaperto, I cannot explain; and yet in spite or the reputation of the accomplbihed engineer for judgment and skill, the doubt remains whether our ronftdence can -afely go much further than the belief Mini the resUifd csi will not lull below bis esUmates. The difficulty lies largely, I suspect, in loenmiie- lent manngement ami extravagance, mnl this U within ihe province of our careful prevision to avoid. The estimated total yearly expense of op. crating ami maintaining the works with a distrib- uting capacity of two million gallon! daily, ioclu. •iva of Intereat on toe c.o«l of coiujlruction, is eighty tnoesaad dollar*, or the probabl* revenue ton enginaer wisely anempt* no calculation, shwe no estimate can Is- more than mere conjecture unUI Hie eslithlishaienl of water rate* auppliea a liaaia for c. mi], in .11 i. ,„. This branch of Ute aubject I* for fulitre consideration, and the dlsrusslou may well bide it* time. I will not anticipate It except by the expression of a desire that the rate* be fixed •n low thnt all rlawaea of our rifJ-tens may have access to it* benelll*. Water ought lu be free, and flow, unvexed by mxei, into the home* of Uic

Notwithstanding tin- Inevitable outlay ba* a for" mldable Imik In comparison the advantage* to scenic from it to all interests, private am] publlr, nre *n great tost I do not he- Hate lo recommend (he early initiation ami vigor 011* prosecution of the .01.-1 ,,> j,... Our needa make it more than a luxury or convenience—il haa come to be n reel necessity. The supply nfwater liuabnnded In cisterns and wells suitable Tor do. meslk use 1* iruide.|uate in ouanUly, and In some district* of the city, and al some season- of the

en 1 in- ucanly supply |H unfit fo ronrnimpHon. Thi* condition of ofiain, j, \*>mA

wnrse a* our poputaUnn grow* more dense, unlea* relief Is had. To compete with our neighbor ami rival eommunlUe* we must at least move abreast of them In Improvement and oppor- 1 imiiles. To lnnl.l up n Uirifty population and a peniitnirni prosperity we must make our city at 11.11-111.- to residenU by the cornforts and r*>nren. iences of life it afford*, aud invite tlm establish-

of productive Industrie* lu our midst by Hie facilitle* we offer. OT the result* confidently lo lie reckoned upon from tlie introduction of an abun. dant and cheap water supply, are better protee- tInn again* t cjsiflagratlotii.: * derided appreciation of all real estate; new and valuable facilities Ra- the employment of mechanical arts; and an Im

1 accession of comforts and sanitary lumen la be computed In pecuniary values, r

rtoubUt wl" *UmuI*,a 0UT "UT Industrie* to ihe slreiajfheiilngof our general prosperity. It wUl increaae Us? aggregrate of our permanent wealth by mulUples of iu coat; and, a* a proxinuue eon- sequenee, by tlie Increase of taxable valuation whence our revenues are drown, lower rather than heighten our lax rates. The conclusion I am led

by urn ueriuaHlou of its Ibuinclal aspect* alone, lor* It; and ] am saUioed, also, that I ugh con-

RldernUon* of public heallh. of hlghcsl concern M ua all, n'hilorro ihe urgent ImpnrtunlUei of^iublie, convenience ami eommerrlid policy to overwhelm all obJecUons tliut Umklity ornnrrowconaerTaUim

n urge. Whether the sissclflcVheuie suggested In all Its feature* the wlseat and moat econoral- I isiRslble to existing circumstances I will not

venture, with mv limited Information, tn advise; but desire wlHi you to make it toe subject of scri- ms nnd patient consultauon before anal dscliioti.

Should your Judgment coincide wllh tluwe clews Kteiauv ..„, ,fciu^.i_ ^^ ■a.-vr-. * >.-. Ic work ao extensive, Involving an expenditure so arge, cannot lie watched too vigilantly by the re. iponalble authorities. The danger from extrava-

gance ami Incapacity, nnd from the unscrupulous devices of Jobbery and combined sellUh Interest* In it* manngement. Is always Imminent; and only the slfoplf** vigilance of Incorrupt Ihle and saga-

agent* cau effectually protect ihe public In- tereabt from adroit pillage. The key-stone of tbe posillon 1* the ii...-,,.I of Water Cotnm 1**1 oner*.

it* captrclty and Integrity I* our chief rellanee. An* tn ,!,„ M.|e4,[|,iu or the person* lo .-,,,„],,,... ||

' moat responsible ilui/. |T| IHSSlltHl lion* ouULle the public, leaal or ull no poasiuie ,.- Illiral svinontliies, fbouhl lie taken into eouiuel. Kntangle this c.c, Lin .,. m u,» ,,,,..1,, , of partisan |i..iiri---, or commit II to the control of men v. I,.,

* personal ends to subserve, and II will breed corruption aud extravagance aa surely nnd naturally as spark* fly upward. Let us give lo this public scrvin'a commission combining prse- li.nl business sense, knowledge of financial Affair*, and if obtainable apecial profess ion si skill, with Ingle-lmartoil xeal for the right* of Ihe public and ru duty is H far well done.


No need exists, 1 gin sure, last f commend tn -our watchful care Ihe Intereii* of popular cdu

cation. The .state Its* Uiatatnke In the genera- tion* Uial rise up In successively inherit It* pow en end privileges and uphold it* honor, which make In II* right and sacred trast Ui cloUie them tvlUi Ibe preparation of intelligent cull ure. Nut

en Ihe paniit can liave the right to defeat this public claim. From It* ancient policy of univer- sal education enforced hy the authority of pnra-

puhlir good the state will never depart 'Ull 1 in- -111 me , ul it* lw*l tradition* ure despoiled nnd il* civilisation wane*. Our public school* rank

il for liberal public support and enterpris- ing management t Isdlevc can fear no comparison wilh the heat of isaer like communities. Vet dunbUeas here a* elsewhere Uie system of Instruc- tion and discipline, though In Hie main admirable, 1* 1 rill Improvable In many nf II* methods, and to attain the highest point of exrellence we must still cultivate a pnsrrosslve spirit -roeepUve of nil lien Irulli In Ihe science of menial development. While 1 yield amplest honor to Uie eminent utility if Ihe more familiar culture of the sclusils, which an want no tribute from me, I am moved (o make ipeclal mention nf one department of recent in

hi il ui ion. The act of t lie I ,Ki.hii nn- of M70 made It imperative on ciio- ■ and lowo* of mure Iheu ten tlmuMuiil inhabitant* lo maintain Instruction In

lianicnlor Industrial ilrasiiig as a regular branch of popular education. This pToposUiou early enlisted my symistUiy iVimi It* apparent adaptability to our practical life, the preparation fur which 1* the ultimate object education aim* at, and I was glad to aid II* cnnrtmciil Into 11 law. I HI 1 It bid Initial lo larger npportunities nnd

ore generous patronage for the useful art* in Hie iiefacllons of our comuiim ■ ■ 1 1 system. To

the Institutes ot Tcchuologt II sustains la some ilcgreelhc rein Don of a popular complement; Hie agent to dispense Ihe tressures gsmeretl by the larger re*ervolr» of knowledge. Surely, If New Knglaml preserves her proud eminence In the

■nil and Industrial aellvHIes of Uie nation It II lie by Hie almost magic of her teeming brain il skilled band. To her mechanic* and her art! •a, by whose , mr.ty skill her gresuiesslms been largely wrought, she should fling wkie open cry door of opportunity, mid All Isr arsenal* of

Inlclllgi-ucc with every Weapon culture can sup- ply to arm Ihem for Urn list (lea of etilcrprtse and

ihU-vcmeul they yet BUM to light. From scarcity Of competent tew-hcr* la art cul-

ture some emlwtTns*ineut was felt in the early In- 1riMlue1l1.11 of the »ludy into the school* of Uie ■Una, but Uie enterprise of our educaUnual ail Uiorllie* Is la-t iiiii-lciiiiK ltii» obsuule, ami iU patron* anticipate UM liapplest n-.tdU. In our city the success I* most gratlf>-iug. l*>ui as re spect* the Interest dcveloiiod in Um studies ami the progress of Uie pupil*.

For the iulen-st* of Um Free Kvciimg School I a*k your *j mpaUietlc fitvor. Though tl umlsT

ho avail of Us advantage* Is unl M-l)itlvely great, ie> an of a cla-s and represent au aspiring spi-

ll most worthy of chi-rtslilng by n com 111 unity watchful l" develop It* moral ami social caps hilllle*. The youth and adult- who form Uie pn pilage of Hit* iBkool are pereaaS wboan-deUninsI tb* privileges of Hie dnv sjtjwoll by Uie ncccs.i He* of 1 '.■ e employ nts. If Uiey hsve Ihe wor- thy nniblDon to forego the baser indulgence* of leisure, and devote Hie scanty hour* ■fatted by the

-lion* of loll iml mUiirc'*\re*l, lo 110ni.il Im cm cut, we cnimol In Uic pursuit of an en-

ilghleiied public policy do less Hum nourish mid gmttfly it. mie-aocominodaliim* n,,tt all«we<l to Ibe tsehont an hi sdapuil to Its pssa-aMga und I kopa beto-r may Is- provi.bai for It.

nii.i: I'l'iu.ic uiAtAuv.

ie e-labllshmeiit of a library, free lo the BSO- plc. Is bailed with universal taUafscllon. How rill-. It meets a public want I* shown hy Ussaild ily II* oprKnluuitw* are sought lor. We owe oBl-

lielt conildenco in Um rcllabl of Uswi Se» rial ami grateful acknos Iclgementa to Ihe Uls-r- The city of hsl-m, I tun unofficially told, I silly of Um Franklin Library A.«s:iaUon hy

which lu valuable collection, aowie six Usniaand volumes, was donated to ihe city for thi* object. The manager* of Dial benlftnenl trust, Ibe While Fund, Join bearUly In the endowment of Uie libra ry, and promise to Im Us constant ami genemu* benefactors. From this source we can rely mi an annual bounty of about a thousand dollars! which, with the fund set apart by Uie city, ensures a banlUomc revenue fur il* enlargement. The or- dinar) support, of course fall* on toe city so »n«- talu, ami In rousldcraUnu of It* berte-flu will lie ungrudgingly borne. Provision la already nude, with uw mean-, nt present command, to increase toe catalogue to an aggregate exceodhlg twelve thousand volumes selected, I am aaaured hy Urn charsclerof Iheimmagers In rliarge, with Judit' Ions regard to the need* and tastes of our rending public. The premises now occupied by the libra- ry are on tor ground floor nf Hstuulars Block on Essex street. The location consult*. Uie public convenience well, and the accominrs-UUon* under toe skillful disposition of the management 1* tol- erable. WlUi certain aildithma „„■*■ Is advlae-

l by Um trustee* Il -asi aerve to* pwrpose pkiNy for a brief aeaaoa. -as a>*«ii».L.L

eillnVe sulUhle to toe objent* of the llbrarr, and built with reference to other needed public accom mmlaiinn* must soon be reeognlxed as a neee*. slty. But In view of expensive pubne hnprore-

t* In progress and In prospect, that will weigh heavily on our resources ami admit of no poat. ponement, I am consrrahie.1 lo agree It shall wait.

Obi rwucK.

No oUier branch of administraUve auUiorlty louche* Hie right, and Interest, of toe people more

11:1 11, or merit* to he more clrcumspeet in it* exercise, than the one to which Is given toe lm- ■xtedlaie charge of domeiHc order. Kffleieucy In this department adds security to property, prnter tlon lo person, and benincent peace to society. A police is not unalloyed good, any more than is government Itself which ■ rose on Ibe ruin* of t be bowers of paradise," but toe moat radical of nmr si sun*iont*U confesses Its utility over Us evil In toe present social sute-sbouhl doubt linger, 1 he bludgeon of Die ruffian convinces toe subtle M 1 ■ ■in 1 -1 as weU aa the dullest dolt. Yet public lib- erty is valuable as public onksr, and aeoaununlty wisely Jealous of Its liberties will resistsU aggres- sion bj toe Insolence of office on UM (air bounds lie* of private right. The policeman may uae force to maintain hi* lawful authority a* a con sen iii 1 n- of toe peace, but not with toe temper <i( toe bully or aa an avenger of She law. To the law, not tn toe policeman, is given the attributa to pun Ish. ill* noweriilnrestramtofpei'sona] liberty, and therefore Its vindictive or exresslve use both affront* tlie genius of liberty and outrages the In dividual- If thi* language seems out nf pro],01 lion to so suUinlliiati' a subject aa toe local police, It suffleelh lo answer tool toe town Is parent of toe nation. American freedom waa cradled in our little municipal republics, and. If II perishes, we may look for the place of Its death In the place of IU birth. .

Our local police history i* not stolnleas or out ragei done by offlccrs.wbo from vice of temper, or other cause, exceeded the limit* of their tegiUmsic office, and became themselves violators of Ihe law they were sworn to guard. Smm; rases have IK-CII

dealt with by tlte authnrltie*. others by the court -, and met their Just deserts w bile still others have had only private cognlianre and met only private rebuke. Especially reprehensible is toe false r> prM .(., eoraif which prompt* Uie police body to shelter U* dellmiueni* In misconduct of this sort, Tlie 1 ur- official spirit is ever sensitive to toe hon or of It* craft, nnd prompt to purge itself of re-

Complaint haa been made, ami my observnUon confirm" it* Justice, of meddlesome and offensive Interference by the police in matlera of party politics in elections. Active electlonerring, hy the meth ods too familiar in our political contests, In behalf of a party, by public officers, especially by the pi, lire whose uoalUous uf authority (Svor Uie cm ployrnent o( arts of InHmldstlon, Is ItwssnrpnUhle with Impartial service to the intereat* of ssWfSjtV pie and (Sir-in bided JusUcc. It* tendency rannot he oUierwise Hum demo rails lug In the Integrity of the public service, and 1 hope (o see II reformed altogether. The freedom of elecUons Is Inrndcd when the power of official dfctanon fi mil at the imlls.

Our regular )iolice,u*now-composed, consists 01 ihe marshal and bis assistant*, a captain id the

atcli, useliil or uncles* according as IHI Is vlgi Isjit or neglectful of his duly, eighteen night pn tmimon, iwo who allernste on duty al ihe police station, and two assigned to day duty slmut ihe -Ity. -el tnrrr. h, numerically less In prouortlim 00111 Icrritoi) ilMi| popnlriii..,, (h<B Uie )■„„,„ j|(

;be employment of any other city to the Common wealth. And those conversant wlHi Ibe necc**l

Tour service deem 11 Insufficient, ami counsel ■reuse. Of which we shall consider.

Although the annual appropriations fur Uie de pa 1 ( nt of street* bavo more than doubled with in toe lost decade, 1 think It Uie general judgment

our thoroiighfare* of public travel are mil iu creditable rondlUon. The expenditures, which do not include toe pavemeut account, for ISTI, ware SaSJlU 40. -fin- 1H71 •IS.OU Ss; amouuU very largely In excess of Ihe expenditure* of any pre viou* two yenrs of our municipal life. This ex hllih excites surprise, and courts sn explanation if any ran be given consistent wilh n prudent nd

lulatratlou of the department Whether Hie fault lies In scanUneis of means appropriated for the ■ Li, 11 i no ,ir. or In fkilure to apply be menu* Judiciously, I do not assume lo de ■Lie lest possibly I might do InJusUcc hy mule

served censure. The duties of the ilej-srbnent are responsible and dllufull, calling for ripe skill slid

ulgiuenL Person* quallAcd to manage It* affairs HI. ability, and willing to accept IU rcapoiislhill us, are rare. Tire whole subject I* well worth; ggl InveaUgaUoa Tlie paving of our rhlrf busi MS avenue was liegun a one too soon, and lia*

been pusltetl forward none too !..■ 1 I hope to see be work carries) 011 wlHi reasonable despatch lo ompleUon.

in III '! 11 1 I I I II -

The business of thr pauper department, so far is 1 hare inforrnation, I* managed with discretion

and ability. The agent of the board of slate char- ui.-.- very highly compliment* the msnsgrmciit ot It* relaUon* wllh the state authorities, for efficlen

y and prudence, lu this respecl we are In tbe best i" .-eil de credit at Ihe Stale House.

The nre alarm telegraph hns proven unfaithful > it* duly on frequent ocraslon*. If possible we

should find means to make It a tni-lworthy and useftil adjunct of our well equipped and excellent lire department I wish aonie capable electrician may be secured lo lake charge of It I'nles* In rtgiiiuntei sn Hud IU announcement* ran be relied on, II is valueless.

Nature bestow* lu gracious gift* each year In aid of our effort* lo mnture Hie sttrmtlous of 0111 fine Common, The founder* of Hie city rll grateful remembrance for their wine provision for a pui.li. park which lui* no peer in Hie atnlo out side of Uie mrlropoll*, for site and beauty ami oonvenlenoi* of location. It U our clly'* Just pride. A hsndaome Iron fence to enclose n la tls-t*lemntid of gooil akBta. UN ei|ieii»e woulil Is- so BBSBBU

erable, however, Ihal In Ihe presence of public needs of greater emergency 1 forbear to urge Hint the Improvement be tindiTUken 1 hi* year. TSste must altend on utility. Hut t submit to your eon siilerutbm if it would not Is- well lo lay out broad mall* on the westerly sml soutberb side* uniform wilh Uiosc mi Hie nurlb and east

These, and all other Interred*, lea* roimplruou* perhaps, bid still lm|Hirtanl lo Ihe general welfare and good government of toe city, 1 commit toy sharing fully In the public con ft. fence fell In your wise discretion.

fJwifl-nsri 1 l»iilnot trench on your special prerogative W iUi miperUnenl counsel. Hut I sure ly violate no official nroprtely when I urge attaa yon Ibe wisdom of r(n-11ms pec lion in all sp|K,lul menls to i>o*I* of pntdh' trust Fitness for ihe special servic, as well as general inerils, enler Into Ihe estimate. No plea of ,„.,■ al or itartlsan obligation cau avail u>, ir, ns stewards of the pub lie, we entrust IU interest* iulo Incapable hands fiirtlmr. genUenwu, se are none of us set in toeso seaU of suUmrlty to obey Hie lieln-sU of parties or fkcUon*, bul to foster Uic welfare nf a communily. We are sxst*sM w IH1I11 U.e clrcl our solemn obllgatimi m serve Ihe whole poblh with Impartial faithfulness, and mete out nilb even hand lo even rlilseii, exaclJiistlee and entUl privilege. Finally, I unit*-wito yon Ins devout splratlon for Hie DewhtrsSSt favors of Providence.

In toe humble and revemnt spirit that spoke .1 d, •' except Ibe l.or.t kccpcUi Hie city Us- HIIICI.

mi wnkcUl In vslul"


So nigh is m ni'.l. in to our dual. Ho near I* tied w nuw,

When Duly whispers low, Taoe sessf, Tlie youlh replies, Icsas,

-It. W- A-«*fr*im.





Weekly tfews' Brevities'. WEDNESDAY.

i the

Purity of the Ballot Box.

TIIL- Is.n.lon llutlv New., commenting mnTimim of Kiokes, HI.V lien tin' .Iflay in bringing liim in a llmil Irlul »di a great NHiw ii. the ndiidulstnitlim ol" Justice. Tin' Inw-nhld- iug psopk of Kew Yeah must fed the greatest (uTaUnclhm at (In- result of the trial, whirl, is ,. ■ lU iliiii Irtnmph of tic law.

The i<egimatiire was In.Wloii only nlstnl tweniv-llve iiiiniik oil Tuesday. Among iliv IHtiiknih presented ww one tor a rhau*c In the lam law. In the Houm il.- JudlClari L'ojundt tec WITH IM.UI 1 tu i-.jij.-i.n-* wlmt further leg- Matton H neivsHury to pn-vent Ike vptMd of

■ HI iii I'.i■ nml other r,.:-n.n diseases. 'IVIcgrnH'hig iiortli-wc«l was interrupted In

Clii.-HS" .'ii Tuesdav night, hy atmospheric elis-- irir.il phenomena il'lnVrriit from anything herc- niiur>- experienced. It wna very heavy, and iimimmms charges of elcitrieity were experi- enced HIICII tin' ground "Ire un> opened.

'Flu- UHHCS of thr captain HII*I nil the WIPWI '...i one. of the hsmue Kudosh. MM loss of wlrh-h ii..- tulh reported III the AMKHllMX, llOVe IM.-I.-TI reiinen-d;lhcy wen Interred In tin- eeinelcryat tliugham, 0 lot lulling been ::I mili-.l hj tin- U.11- thoritic*.

Tin- Curltsls nn> ng.dn disturbing tin- trait- iltitlltv ..r SIKIIII l.v tearing U|> will", selling fire t<i railway stations, nml making prisoners "I railway oiHcinls. Government fmo'w arc to IK1

Mill again* I ilu-iii. A passenger car of II train on tin- Chicago,

Burlington A Quliicr lUllnxi'l VH Ihniwn from Hi.' track Ht«r l'curin, 111., on Monday, unit tell passcngi i ■ w.-ir Injured, ni/ni.- "1 :1M in. however,

tloth legislature* arc In session 111 New Of I ill*. No tTinil.li' Is apprehended. Air.i General Williams declares tin- President's ogultion nftlie Pinchbeck government final

It I- rv|H>rti.l In Lninlon that President Orant ha* i.n I S|mlii tli.i: »ln- ii with thr CuUins on tin- lands "I the ftUillt lUmj, or Mil CHIHI to tin' United states.

C.mnt Curl, the Italian Minister at Washing- ton, lias sen, a challenge to Donn Plnlt, cdltor ot the • ".ii.ii il, the l tin r having published un oxtmvogansn upon tin- Count iii hi" paper

Set.-nil i-'i'-.iii- Uhnigiug to tin.' International Si«l,'h hate U-cn arrested ill Paris ami the province*. Tin- police Ibtuul Qrstnl Unuls in pOWrtWltHl nt "OHIO of thr parties.

The driver iif n -mall-pox wagon In Charle*. town l< n very kind man, and Ircnts little l-ny» tortile*; thf |mreuts ill* tin' youngsters ilo nut n;ipr.-rl.itc his kindness.

Tin- l''n-ni'h Assembly dOM not rccn-iil/.t- iln- --11 -11 ■- ii" lawl'iil. un.l II lni" mithorl/i-il tin' i. llli I :l ih-|illt., illni Ititl'i II ITiir' uf honor.

A riHilntloii of tin- Liulii Hour l..-ni(ii. n| Bueluti, i>r.>t.-iin« .. ■ un ■ the ■■ ■ of tht I'renl.li'iit'i' "iilurv, wan nnnentiil In I'oiiKrvt-*oi Tur-ilav.

Stokni cxprw-wii a icrtit deal of MmnwM iivMlui-t tin- (ioviniini'tit wlniefwi', wliow e»l- ilenpc w.-nt «i fur in cmvlrt him on hi- trial.

Mr-, t'liurh- H. Holt of Lytnh'ImroiiiEU, N. H.. frll dowTl ittalm on Hutunlitv, ami wan -n in- Junil thai tihi' only llvnl two hiinm,

Chnrli--Center, n yimiitr man n i.lm- hi Clu>l- H-H, loiumllti-il mili-hh' liiKt nlv'lit hy nlnvitUix lilmmir with a i-1-.t..l.

The rrteH In Napotena'a ilin-— u rtaet, ami In- .imiliti.ni IK laviii-alilc to reeiirery.

Then wen 1J.'H« deaihi In Brooklyn laat

THK IXAVOVBAL of Major TarSox I ! irran'liillv written nml fviilently well ci

The probletn orawurltiK » Wr nml li"»-1 "Itleretl athlriiw: not iii.<inll.v oaptknta i return nftlu- npla|oilti ofUw people oaj inon- lliau nutnrnlly aeyon In ITUU-UIII

expWr<M'«l tl»ron«li thi'hlmllotn, 1« not one , merely aRVjotliig Imllvliluul* or partlctt; llu-rc N no ntugle eomlllloii no oaawitlnl in the iin-nenation mid |iiunpcrlty of a Ke- liiililliuii funnorKiiVfrninent, M that tin- voice or the nation or .•oniiminity alntll b* frei*ly eiptVMHKt, nml their vi-nllet <.-oti- KlenUonaljr ami bonestly i-cionUil. There IN no aafety Tor a republic, no aecarity Ibr popular government, i>ut In the nto-t;

iipiiloii.i care In |pini*lliig,electlve frnn- i«i' rnim snaplclou or frniul. The i|nea- u nf who la to KUccced, what party trl- ,|ih, or even the broader an,l nurc Ijlhty matter, what prbwlplea are to

eontrol ami -way Hit- jrovfrnnieiit. ate or liiflnltely lew inOHWOl than that the ballot, the power, the priile and the aafrirm.nl of the jicople. shoiilil no kept true Tr-nn tulnl or ri.titiiii. I nation Ity diahootaiyi the rotiimlH-ilon or n fraud upon the recorded will of any free count!taenry. !a the blaekeet vUhilny, the oioal IwuwtMOtanca In the eatnlotfiii' of pnlillc erlinon,—.iml II

IN to-day the <:iitiU'st oxhlbltlon of n 'ic- L

iiiurali/.liin tendency In pnrtUaiiNhlp, that | »re ■*•"' '" i. a .oinmuiilly like our own, a art of ward rethwlBg the .Illi-laU, who, by all the forma Of law ami

the Inmlliuj; fhrca of oiithi, wen- iobnanly lioutid to lioneitly illN(hitrt;c theduth-N Im- posed on them, can ha, by the ananlmotM voli-e of a urrat parly, linpemheil forwill- liil nml wicked framl In mMiluif the li-.llnt

fto iqe C| o s a' i ii.

e pewi- liH.Hlnl

the ailininlMr.iti'.n of political opponenta, whth- moNt bf H -i ■iiijm.-r-llons an- anih iut iiitailiii ml iliiiii-i lve« to the good Rene*, of iIn- public. In it-lalinn to the ipu>atlon of watvt', the Mpmtatawi of the Mayor will ajaet full and hearty i iiiiimmiiil. aud the utx-payera will be more lhau gratefhl if the advanced poaltlon should lie umliitalueil In the Initiation and pronecatloo or thla great iiiteiprlNe. AIIexcellentsuKK'-atlou IN thai fora auperinUmdenl of public prop- rty. nml which nhoald at onoa be given

practical fbrco- There are the nutttcni that Invite i-rltlehui, to which wc may al- lude lu another [sane, commending the uie-Mixc tueauwbile, to Hut careful pent>

itlzt-iiN of all chusea and pur-

Si.niiin.viN IJJIROR wai the Htateinent Interjected by Mr. Tarbox Into hb luuuir- ural, aa spokeu. hut not aiipearli>K In the

printed allpa, thai theatreet department WIIN overdrawn ft»,i>no; the recelptlOf the department were CSI.INHI, which, hy rule,

apei'lfh- aiiiiroprlatlotiN, payinentH to ft8,000.

TlIB ItKvm.t tio\ made by Mayor Tar- box in our police force, by BOhatltotlng • Net i>r largely untried and Inexpertenead imii (br tin- proverbially excellent fore, we had. will mil be relished except by hi

—('omini; iluwn,—irich-n and pedeatrlani-.

—Warn Irlenda art- durisiicd thla wiiitlur.

—There arc unite s nuiiilur of w.re heath in

lK,X(.s._t|l(. charge supported by an over-1 Immediate partlaaus and camp r.illow.n

hcimhiK iniiNN of sworn teatlnony, ami fur HH v lie* heard, not U ahoxle VOtCC

i-rltlcUliiB any In- dent, than to .1-

among the political asaoctates and adher- j Mmn of pnying cuh fur exteoilve public


ntN of the scensed demajldj nn im. 'ii-''. tloii, while ihe ofgjM or the party virtu- ally enilor»«i the villainy, ano grew lei entire moral -support to its perpetrMon, byaflbottng rldlenleof the ■eenmnlttlon of depositions, by which, anhaw three hun- dred legal voter, are deliberate- perjurers, a gross framl Is clearly established.

We cannot, however, believe that the olHflalN of the IieuiiM-ratie ,iErty are so blind or HO dishonest as to become spon- sors to Hiieh a c 'iiilllii i altidra, but we call attention

More Practice vs. Precept.

who II

i of diuiiTi'r ami IT

trkhl Inmii'dhitcly.

o have

Tin- Casmwlhi l- n lag,

ii..h- Tweed IN to h I...M III .VI.


Ni cretarv Kloli in rvporteil day that the Ciilmn n-volnHonint*, not h

■ -m .I any mure ground than they poasesicd iIn■ ■■ yearn uvo, nn' not any mure iiitltldl In Iwlllajcrent right* now than they were then. Hi- nlw. paid that onr (lovi-rnnu-ni hnt no srhenM of Hum xiilion in hiii.llnu :i niiviil 1'un-e to ll'i- Satui- wich lubmU.

A hill win he Introduced in tin- Maine leghva- tun', on Krlilav, provldbui tor the eompBUory v.ii-,'Illation of nil persons Oter two yearn of ni(i' in the Stiiti. A lanaltynf line ami Itiijirlii- oiiiiiiiii i'. ill In- imivl.il .i lor all I'.'v.Ti'. refiutnu to comply »llli tin- law,

.luilge Chnrlei. If. Lane, mte of the wealthiest and in..-I ruapeetiHl HtuMTJU of KaSTnttuWn, Mil., uiiiliil "iiirldi' a lew day- ago Ucun-c he had in-t hi-eii iniinird, whin n woman Ironi Ohio l.miiL'lil ii "nil aindnnt liim for In-each of

the people should not be ill Ihe mercy of a

junto of dishonest partisans, t-> the necea* of ilemnmllng a more stringent law to

Kimnl against the posalbllUy of sneh frnuda. When '.I'M ineti, as they make oath, vote In n ward for one ticket, ami their ballots are returned by the ward of- ficials at nearly a round hutidr.-d lei.i, it Is time either in put a stop lo such robbery by the moat stringent provision of law. or lo omit entirely the farce of voting! If It takes three ballots this year to coiiir. two, how many may be needed the next' The people will mil submit to such rrnml, and we do not believe any party can alii penult it Kiiojronts reckless politic! perpetrate It.

I " A Captain of Hie m/lit watch, imeful or lew according as he is vigilant or neglecto.

Ihlmluty." i No bravely asy* Mr. Tarhox in hi" Inaugural i meffsage, ami then rtnltiAes hlmnelf, ile^mid. i the entire lone, ami lUsgraeej the city, hy ap- pointing to this poaltlon, a man nruowai dw- honomhty dlaclurged from the night watch Iry a demuande uredcueaaur, Mayor Melvln, for n>-

t men of all parties, I peatwlly »lei-ptng on hit ta-at,—the Mamtial re- lieves the ballots or I moving how him while lhu« iifgl«tlng Id'

duty, the lantern, laubre, Wily and hamlcuffii, without illaiurlilng hi- wlnmbraS) ■■■■i ■■■"■ inilicti-ti and plead guilty to n keeand oahneii of Ikpior selling, and over whose head now im- pendi the nentenee nf not lent than three monfhi in the house of rorreetlon!

i'wii or three BMVe <ai- of Kinsll \x>\ an renoitog,

—Runaway" are frispient,—orcidenti aoldoin, fortunately.

—A UiiliWHIl New YeaiVgift,—a siiliaeriptioii U> the AVJXBICAN.

—The new jailicc tmi-o enleml upon their ■ IIIIH-" Tneadsy night.

—Mayor Tarbox desires low water rstus for the people. Sorny wc all.

—A ceattamau on Oak Street, aononneea that lie him a "atoor" to let.

—It Is -«id the Board of Aldermeii are hungry for u Joint — convention.

ide la ICM 1 .n-k than It vai a tWork ago; hut II is hy no meana dull.

—The MT-TC atorm enttaed a very thin ntu-nd- mii' at the churehea Sunday.

—Snow slidts wen- Ireuuetil OS l-'rlday, ami ml unattended with danger.

—I.adleN who an- fond or display, put on ad 11 tli ma! Jewelry thla i-old weather.

—Quite a large number of pcraon- win plain if a lack of employment In the city.

—Now U the lime to ratwerlbe for the Dally AucaicAN, a live and luten-stlng ha-al abeet.

—The fog mi Friday night wna an thick one eiKild almimt have nhovcllod It off the slde- walki.

—After the selentifle lecturea by Dr. Holies, It will be Ju*t the thing for our eitlienn to hear Nesby.

Il la ftuhlonahle for ladle- now-a-days, Hi wear a nsl hand around the hat, and the effect la charming.

—The Dentine! aRcett a nMUT at the nuggc«- llon of proaccntlon of the Want Four olHefola Wait a little.

—Severs! of our clergymen preached di* BOUrsea 0U Sunday, appniprialc to the advento the new year.

I —The rajM antalney of the ubjbt watrli, «!.l.ii Capt. De.i.'yderltneil. ha- las-il lillcd by

; the sisyahrtnmrt of Mr. A. Ii.«■arrtntj who will i make Un active imilHneiewt OlHi-aT.

—Tlie petfjksi of !>r. Prenrli for the soil in the U'gl*latun> iM-dpkel hy Horace C. Bacon. Kai|., waa taken fmn thj bible OH Satur.Uy, and referred to ihe ronjolltteon t Uetionf.

- tii >.t:i-. s ponlliol


—The public bnsry lias varlong inurrra of revenue, and Hie Uunury i» bomj added to by flues imposed uim delimpienla, who retain ilieir laxika longcinhiui tin- time ordcrrd.

-The null- of Un i;.nl\i grind ilowly, Rut Hint BWt M eannnt deploef;

i'l.r gi iu.1 sa usnl ill lues are eertaUi I" and, And i■: u-li ..ci ii- -c ri .....I In Ward Fotlr.

—Tlie nidewalt' were ••> aapptry iVrnn lee

! matter bow akllful in ill- iletret),,,, ,,|- ,-,: „,, h

to mnkr room fur the inr»t i.-niraiit .11.1 hid *•■ | bio, whOM only recoiumcniUii 1:1 i- that they can east a ballot Iherlgh: nuy.

—In hUclty h,-ill»i«-«ib,tli nlglit ntTi-r ■■!■■< - j ti.ni, Mayor'i'nrlaix Matod (bat he would got ui- lowpouooomeersto nnialn at the voting tii*- iiiet',011 election day. As representative of the 1 liemiHTiii-y, of rouise be would 11 .t. Such se- tkm would he very dmriineiitalfn the auen>ajfni mniil.Jiil.ittou of vote*, ai- wu- attempted vt.ii. e:r -iod out hi W.ud KugT at thv la«t 1 -l-eti .11. ,

—The -torin !i.i.- made way with iinite 1 |«e- \ of the " Ice nt.ilii" ovi r the fuimtuiu in

11 niiiii.iti lllsli'l il.,.I

ii.-ll-lf.' UOlV.lllI

■ntlrel; ball,

irysy.vetftrt 1 HUM with

in.in.;.11 ,.!■ i>'r

not MmiLn 1 i;inil. iliougli Mr.

-urn! cereni<.- ... .73. TheC.iy viators, when Hon. Icet, uali.'i-eil hi hv .. nail nt.'.iinpcoii.'.l ., K.'v. Mr. llnv.hti,

sivt rn rta:em -it. <>f Hie volt

ill I'lll I'l'l l."'lC I from Ward Fo Is. II ill F.ngl ii-l, 'nit has I"'''

Stiver.'nnd » - .,,/.-rtd. in 1 when- be lia- nipk-tin- )..- timi'il reiMvhig potetk*. Mi ili-ll baanever list-; he i- a iduA-i-r, nml hi lie worship*. t fjracu ehnr h.

NT. II. M iUiTK.—Mr. M elf; iii.m W rdliM.'. Hew lu lhJ7. Mri 1 m ftnatrnfri. in 1

City Government,

and snow, on Buolay, u» 10 necessitate prodei- j t[|1. Common pond. Tin- froxen imtw |»reaented | " triaiii-m inUisstt-i-u. Tliere were many snow Ln hnpo-lng and bamlfnl upiicaranee. laing KlIdcH, tuitwekmiofnodumsgetK-iiig done. „iK,m m.-nty-Hve reel in height, twelve .feet In 1

—Mr. John Kdtsnla, ihe inaursmt-agent, ha- , diaincur, and very ayamotrhul, Wc hope , I ao far re-a*amd font hi- recent BroeM iw to ad- ; >"""e enterprising pliuiographer lus brjiigli, hi- |, mit of bia wntkin, frian hi- houac to hbt offlee. ennicra to Ik-ar u;ion it, n-IIIM l«- n d m dn.iii-- , He will again liei-adv for buainess in a day ..r , previous winters, two. [ —Anticitinting a demand Ibr an iinusual 1111:11- '

v.C. A. H11 ir-'d lulu. ■ dellverv .a'

re in full:

il. n, of il..' t'nltsruin eliuri-h. Mr. Turbos then prim-cl. >l to

il- Imittunml sddreM., which H,

Hi IUO Ol Al.l.llHHIA'.

Tin- Hoard 11 Ihe Mayor1

■: immediatelv after tin' ilclivery ii.l.lr.ss, and pi-.,v. did 1 1 Ihe

ThTShiwh jp. ,i,...iih '.v.ii (in -,-uicd, and

lint ha- ll, -tre

rlitldreii. IVMil.'l

the -mi held

tAt.mi.Mi M.niis.—Mr. Suiinders was eler id AMennnn in Word six. Hewn" ln.ni ili.u (Kiiii.m of Nurih Audover known a- Si mil'.- Mill, St-|it. ttli. 1H.IS, and canN to Lai run*.'in \HVi. He was cducntrd lit tin IJI i-i-n.-e High Sihool, and pn.-ed through tin- re

diegUte .■ourse M Hnwdoin college. '

—Travel between Ihe North ami Snntli pOT- tlonu of the city, over the Broadway lirldge, lan'l

lbs very la-l. | luu, had eoii'fdjntlib- i-xperlemv as Janitor Mr. Moultiin Balehuider had been nearly , City Hall, nml will prove a can ml and t.ust-

.■i.rl.t eonnccntive yr.it- on the police fonv when : worthy oflli he was removed.

who ridiculously , h,- i|.,.M . hu

printed a largv extra edition of the Dai- 1 of ly of Monday cveuhi;f, lait they were hardly I oft the press hefwt overy ej.iy mn dbtposed off, ■'' sad there came up the cry of a hungry rnrwd N ftir more. The handrjda who went away pty and remidng M CM- eisnlbrted, can prevent 11 like J" dtaappototnten; i-i t!i- fr ir.- by ii-ivrntlng regii- lar rabscribert.

—There to a large dig,—i Hue canine aweel- incii.—it the Bbinou House, who an pendsteut- ly adopted tsUcer Jewell fn- .1 master. Noih- ing will tempi lha dog to leave the building, un- less accompanied hy the oiri.-i-,-, and no one can keep him there when the offleer departs. If the incoming police dciuranen'. winh 1.1 rcbilii the anini.il, thev niusi seenn- tl>j apimlntment of Ids master on the force.

I —Two young ladies were pasting up l'u.'tx ' street just about dusi; oil Sujiday evening, and Just as they were taking ibii Peildwrtoii ctrect

1 crossing, one of them sat down ninhlctily . thi I other laughed, and proci-idcd to help her frienil

to regain her feet—Inn HlduflUly ehaiiged lici j mind, and Nit down Inn. They SIM v. did Ii getting II|NIII llu-ir (vet, at last, and wit and ills

. giisteil, took to the middle ,,r tlie street.

W. Floyd, who baa charge or, —Thegas has Isdiared eory nnhandaom-Jj poll.c suitl|a by .lay, under the new regbno, | wlMu „ ,;,„. j.^-,, ritw0«atina Bi-kkmejia Itaell

1: has Hashed and Hi -kenil, Spnttored nml ex pired, like a penny dip hi n annuner ahowet

—There waa aoue hli.-ii mapping on Broadway on Tueaday aftciimni. that thoroughfari' lieing fairly -w.iniilii;- wiili teams during th.' after-

ism ; the us) in* kwery and mnch enjoyment an hud.

—The iiiunnci hi which the standard works, recently added » 111* OOUeatton or the pidillc II- lirury, are run uaiu is a nirong Indictiiion of the lore n claaa of ur emacni have for the higher literature.

—Tlmt man liwuiuan who ai tempts to g< or down CsnatStreet, lietwein Lawrence and Joekaoti Street* hen a little thuw Is |u pTOgre lui- a hold apirt and cannot fail to meceed In thin world.

—The llgbtraig rodn which were deluched from the roof 1 the City Hall, when it wna re- paired reccntlj.iiiiil alluwed to lie II|NIII the

dawj) like lightning Friday with the

A petitin

01 uardl.iur;ol l-.UjaL M.. ^r^n the studv of law In 1HW. ami lathe.-.. held by Mar.us S. »«!««•, |.UVver with the exception of the Mavor. hi Ihe

, ' pitsi-iii city gonniuinit. Daring the war he ronutofihr votes in \.iird|,TJ1 i:l c<| ii0,tli,- old Sixth Ilegiment, mid

„ nlsoin lite lltli llravv Artfllen1. He i- ninr- A pttltliMl for Hi. i-;-.i;i|n.hilliu-ai :-l lilr.iiu K. r),,| ,„„, |„,s tKn r|,||,i,vn. He «ns 11 mcmln'r m'e&ijsitci 'ft** 1-f.l'.' C"otu::siu C.MI::':I1 in 18C,- TO and 60.

M.l.t-I !««,—Saanidera, Lainpre; nu.l Mel* in (■a.- Kilter U.Hig,- un.1 iSauiider*. in. lt!i.t«.-t.anii-y, H.nlfte and l.aui

i.'i.Mi.i llV.—Melvln. Doilge, and Bsmstefa. ,..,lti mi.'week timii Wedn.'Sihiyeveli

Alter Mirrltl.T

[lie |ii

llmlili OK IIRAtlTI. ,ij,,,.iiiui,ii1 the lloanl ail., atain ■ nlli-. i»n nnord ot Health. llj,„^,.| 1.. >. l'tiil.-| tui.i.l. A. Hetni.l.l i.,liit..| uiidci-laki-ri-, were r. reived am

(....ulvii'li. ,1.1m .1. M.ilmnv, and -t"li 1, „..|iiiiiiuit ionlert:il.ii-s to Ihe rily. ,.11,111:1- mil,liniile. 1 loreili iiinlntiit.. iimii.-n Hi.' iinminalioii "as laid .-n Hi he 11 ..inl Mas then dissulved.

A. W lire. 11 «

K.M. and nn tab!'.

1 l,r lii.ii.l ol 1872 ■of the lioiird, iibo

In ptis'cedin.'to niaklng npixdntnicnts t.v till r, ihe Mavor i-ug- ge.-ted Hint tl Id incmi llces Is- n-ap]Miiuti d, v* l!i

might lie .suggest, d by tl The Mwwbig appoint! s Miie made: MKASI KKIISIII- PLIMII

C. II. I.lttl.ll.ll. 11,-ille.i son. Kdirnr c;. Pratt, n l.iuli'i'cld. li. K. t.'hadlii.ii

HftlXK.—C. 11. i.it-

Pratt, lieo. W. ( li;nidl.T.

1.1-1. ■r 1 a the eh ti;

mtide In the City Hall. ! ami has children, fie ami attends the Las)


esthlai Wli Mr. Ci

Hill. .—Nexl

itldge, oleetei

rrh-r by the Preal

Tie.- ronordi of the p« rloua meeting were re .ml lo.i.in.1!. iiltir uliiili Ihe l-i.-j-i.li-iil 1 miiiiireii lie John ttamnng counaltteea on ( •mil ..I ll.e t■mine"

(lnliii.li.in.ilT,,. Hie ( .iii.i-il adl-ui tliei:.lhiii-l.

llovuliiiK AuMtunx, ' Wedt lay Kveiiinic, Jan. H, 'TH. I

The bnsnl met ai ; \l I*. M„ the Mayor in the ehalr. i're,eni. the lull Hoard.

/H-cHMfrftiiH-Tli.- deeliiinliim nf Capt. Timolhi IJeacey as |»di-'i- ..nicer, if.ehe.l nml acrept.-d

r.iiva /CIIIM ».'■ ;r..M<--Thc is'lili.ii

—Tlie storeslu the new block, betweei I Bast oitlce andlachson street, ore nearly ready I for occupancy.! Mr. Bdward McKay I Into one of tlieij hi a few day.*, with a fresh ii j of dry good-

ot I'.lljr.h

Hi. Uilitt'.

warea, inn;, fairly he pn-sutm-d to right! mate their value.

—Then are not more than half a dosen ease of small pox In the city, and knew an' not of serloua character.

tire a

Within the history of on, city no .bier

magistrate has conic Into office with so

(.'rent an opportunity for Independent ac- , and none, sorely, bus \a nn hour so

utterly nml blindly turned Ms race from

tlie open door or manly nctioa, and so nb- Jeelly yielded his better Judgment to Ihi

beheslH or (both

Mayor of IH7:t.

lieu l*.i iirket bus set

of 11


LSII IIISCS of small-)Kix. Mcrks, ami ■ I■-r ■ that mi business, ilius ox.

iple. He thus made "■.>■'■■< and ImprlM.n-

Opportunily Thrown Away.

1 A CwrnXO VOTK.—At the exrcn- of tht- Mayor and Aldermen, tlie

former inbmttteil the nomination of Moulnm llatehelder as City Marshal, which the records stale, was rejected. It b nn.iiTst.nsl that Ihe vote mi ci mil rum I Ion was a tie, Aid. Kmerson, lewnprey ami Hanndora voting yrus, and Aid. Meb In, With (he IMII fraudulently sitting meui- I-MTS, Iiiaigi^ and Carney, no, Korwhtuwuthuj

I to I u|] the Democratic da r for the light of tin- Mayor to give even a casting ballot, Mr.TurUix declined to itMume the responsibility, and by Ids refusal permuted the nomination to lull ami Immediately nominated Mr, Ikstty for the place. Dues he concede tlie want of power, or Mai the nomination of Mr. Ihvtchelder only a luill for gudgeons •

We lean that the flyer Bros, ore having ex- cellent vh'ivs of tbll city taken. Mr, Frank Russell Is the artist.

—In accordance with our uitial custom we give to-day brief ■ketches of the membtri of the city government.

On Friday evenht * all the tigliis in Ihe T —There irjsjmt very Uttlc business done by j lice suddenly wen! mil. leaving clerks and ap-

tbe police deuHueut over ihe nehbath. Wc plkuuta in utter ilurkneaa; Iroat in Hi hope Hie close If the present year may tin.I our 1 ami then water in the metres is gii

ity n-hiliiiug l|i present wMe-Sproad i-eimtatiou ; plnmitinu. j FIKI'JI

.inlet ami gLd order. , _Th(. w.,nl.anmi,,i meeting for the election »f |..|.NI ,. v

■The lusmlM of Mayor Tarbox to lay mil looVom for the ensuing fix months, wna In. 1.1 by ■ erson, Nel-mn 11. Whit snad malls onlhe aotitli and west sides of the , tlie Tcmperatice Kcfi-nu club mi Titemhi:

ith pleasure by nil dtlsens. ling. Major John H. Brown WM re-electe We hutie the liiitter may receive early attention ■ president Ot the organl*n!ion—11 dese from the city

lilliliK.-Mnrl. Atai

■n-tiT, tl T. lliig«>, Matlirw IM.JII'. I,. 1 , A..-, imiik.-i, T.iit. II, Hall, cliu.le-1 ,, l-Caufv. A. it. Chandler, W. M. I'rk-a Wlnkler, •Inmea M. Wood. -I. U. Pieae

ic rt'lielHon he w iM.V. M. He lv Shout eight 1

.....I Mntthi'M Crti-nev. Here taken I'm I rel.-rnsl li Hie eomiiiill.'t- on el.flli ...

.r,,,„„ii,ni.»l<-I'-.li.e or.iier and cupbiin or th night wui.li. A, K. Currier. The inll.tviug M 11 :i|ipiuute.| S|nvhil |i..li.-e .illlri'i'-: I.cyi l.iueit Jiiines F. Clilinanc. Neil M. tjuud--. 1"alriek Hale:

David < , «'d 1 F01 ■. Willinin Ida


t the corner of 1'h

liil.lrt'ii. Hi is pnifcpsion church. Hit ant and Pros.

tl Efeytex County Itcnis.

1Kb. 1,Kij.._H. J. Hiirciu. Tunolliv Dot

•:HS.—H. J. Diiigln. Tinioili:, I "'ii

;ii;."ilidge,C.T. Kf

.\. vr. idle*, Miin

the COt m.—Mr. Hemet ard One, Mr, lb

- having' IH'CII bom In 1817. Ho [ 1 oiiiilry in lKki, and . cttlcd in Nn this state. Tic nftorwards retnovi

! ter, urn! siibsitpicntly to Oxford. ! l.nwn-iicc nlioul i:i years ago

Honnei.II. It. W IssHKiToiiiii- Mn.ii.—W.C. Ilyrlek. The Hoard then tooks reeesa.

ivemmcnt. 1 pllmcnt. Major Brown has held the position (l„ u-mg .'.ill,.I to order, ihe Hoard pro^. 1 small ami Hi it very' few ' 'hire the 12th of July is;-,', with honor to him ,„ ,],,■ t lection of n Ciiv Hnli.itor. im the Oral

lailles i-ould re^at the dtoruunw delivered at a ] "elf and the organisation. The eluh Men- unnii- Jwlloi: li. T. Hurley rr.vhc«M , 'dc.-, nj-^-JJ"

ruin clmreli in the Sabbath. Ol'onune this , buous for his r.-eleelioii. euwUd.'" ' , nuld not be elurpible to Hie presence of the —About the severest criticism yet made upon The Bonnl thuu proeeodedto ballot for Cltv

■The Boston nunen tauwacterise the Inaugu- lirtdeofthopop^acloinynian. Mayor Tarbox4! new police force, was in the j Phyak-lan. on the iir-t Inlknt Dr. f hudaud had if our city churches on Sunday honest Indignation of ■ democrat of some local

;il finisher, nml him charge of the wool Ihiishing department in the Wii.-liiinrlou

I Mill.-.' II. Isinnrrivd I ha- nvocliililren. He ; uev, r was in ofllcc In-fore, but has been a lueni-

h-il Is rof the city committee; he attends the Cni- ■ hu'rch; his residniee is 8 Tnrls.x

ceU-d In The Hon. <». ». Tenm-v has received the np- H a Her- iiotntmeiit of time-keeper on the (Jovemmcnt ira old, , quarries ut ltoek]sirt, ami will enter npon hi* to this ; duties nt once.

pton. In ! The Congreeattoosl Church and flortety, Bs- fforees. st,X| |1IIV1. pnnted to their pastor, Rev. Mr. mine to 1 jiorehouK', 11 relict from a part or his luls.rs

He is by pro- \ ,|urjllw the month of Jnnuarv. lint one Hrmou

ral sddnas of Mayor Tart thoufc-htful production.

HKMIII IIA'IK 1'AUTIIANSHIC.—Aeuucuaofthe ili'iiincrattc mcmlM'M or the City Council,—con- stltuliiig.it will IK- n'liiemls-n-d.Just mie-hulf the entire number Of the Joint convention, Mas held Monday morning, at which R. W. Colcord

nml party, as has tlie ■ was nominated mr City Trsasnrtr, to sapplant r coner-led nbilltt and Itobert H. Tewkaburyt andD, C.CrSnlUvsnfor

cnblg, there Vcre two oHleiatitig clergymen, —Capt, II. F. Chandler has purchased the j and an audit nee if just ten ; and considering the

residence of Mr. s. F. Jewett,ou Oarden itrest, dangerous eondnnn of the sidewalks, Ultle wou- —rather ilgulflcant, uh ? dcr hud it been a half aoorvlcaa.

—Mr. L. K. Ilogle Im-, Jast com pic Us I, and —There wen-simorx Friday, of the existence occupied a residence upon flrcen atrcct, that is | or u cose of stnoll pox 011 Broadway, near the

credit to that locality. j Arlington mills; hut the people living in that

-■• Nssby- will bring his Hannah Jane here ! vl,i,'">" ""Whatteuftr deny Hint there to any a week from to-morrow night. She to said i «*• ,,f M,la" !"« «Wlng there. to he o wonderfal woman. —Mayor Torlaix marclicd out of the City

Hint the rus« Is over, and the eltv gov- "all at the close of the ■ostkm or Alderm, enm.ent inaugumled, what are bar room pol- -•^•"-Ti attemled by martial miisi'

personal lin

aonwhow, - here for

The secrelari of ivar MIII to the House, Turs- day , a rejairt thim the chief uf engineers, show- ing the proposed cost of a ship canal from the Mississippi KIMI, iu.,.r Its moiilli to deep water In ihe tiullnf Mexico, ut .il-.nt )t7,.VK),UtKi.

Mrs. Sherman, the Conucctleul Itorgln, cou- J,'sses to having isilsoned IMII huslNimls and r-Mil rhUdren, She denies |sa«mlng her last husband, hilt states lint he look arsenic in mis- take fur aaleratns wltl te cider.

Prince fiismnri k has si-m to the Federal Conn* til drafts ,.!' tin- Convention with the Danish (iovenimenl to facilitate the rendering of assis- tance lo nci-essllons eitllcus of (Icnnnny and Denmark in either country.

The hale or cotton presented to Miss I.ydia I! I- '.:i hy cltlrciis ol Knvrtnuah some lime

ago, Mas sold live times over at St. [smb. on the 3d lust., for tlie iH-ucIit of Ihe |-"" . iculuilie altogether »i«ll.

In Full It'-', incsday evening, two hoys i„.i Dilmuge nn.I Winters were tiailbigwlth n loaded pblol, and while in Ihe hands of ihe latter. It was discharged, Instantly killing lb*

fin- Iniernatloiials are attnictlng the niten- li f the French government, und Its agent* have been arrested nnder aggravating cln - «lauiis In Paris.

A rramfttui Naahvllte,Tenn.,to Ismtovlllo, Kv., was thrown fi-oin the track when uciirthe hitler city, and 111 persinis wen' lii.|uml. No i.ne was killed.

Alfred t\ and James F. Ilnv, sons of Capt. It. It.iy. of Nantiit-ket, Mass., are 1. ...,«■.I hy a San Fr.iiiilsco paper 10 have been drowned near Valp.iniis...

James A. Wesloii was uomlnalid for Gover- nor hv the Sen It.i Ini.- lleiiiiH-ruts mi Wedtiesdrty.

Seiei'c storms are repollc.l III the iiortlnvest; ihe snow lies i.iv deep and rulbv.iv tracks are blockaded.

The preliminary Investigation Into Ihuuhie'i can I net at Met* Is VCTJ iinfavnralih' tothalgcil Hemuu.

There were 3XJU1 ihaths In New York last vr.ir, mi Increase of 0,171 merlhe pn-vious year,

Tlie ilrlit nf l'eimsvlvanla bus been deereasetl uearlv l.ro and ■ hall mlllkma Ihe [■ 1 t year.

A law ii'Min-l tin- sale of ll-pinrs on Sundav )■ IS'IIIJT enforved wlih ancceas in Cidlfoniin.

Small |mx lias nssumed the form of nn epl itenilc :it Won-ester.

ptlbllltv. Mr. Tarbox had,:'l,v ' ll'rk' '" i,lrt,v °r (J,■,'• "• U"WI- Thl" ' -an tdl ex u-ltv '''"'""'""miliou,—the sul.stlt'ition for that mislel

. ' tlaaurler, It. II. I'cwksburv, of the high toned, ,,r »by.-a. red reputation ^ ^.^ ltlinilH.oUlI^v |)Uri, )MT1IAI Mr.

legn-e or political In.lepet.di't..',', , Wiln|im (>(|| >)n| rf Wl(ri) Vim wj|tl m hgam

nml with his pleasant social qlialillcs, had ! ,„P„„irtes,—would Indeed 1H- a fitting conclusion

won from the circle of Ids political oppo- m thai mode! statesmanship that displaces cf- netits n number of friends who could Iw'Arlcnt police oaVvmwldirenWetcdcrimhuitol

relied ..p.... for their support at the polls. j^.-^^^^.jUry npon the meet. In an evil hour, persuaded agalust hU ^ of I)K. ftinn| (jf Aldtrn)fni on MomUlVi

will, be becarne s pawhtMi unndldaiv and ., _.,.,. snowuea to * ... was ehwled a Democratic lajror, wllh. ut \ Wurds One and Four, put lu petitions for ihe In- heels, ns hungry a eniwd of plure seals wrongfully held hy the Democratic silting sei-k.'i s us ever beset mortal, demanding members. As i- well uuderstoiHl iii the i-om- sneb tppolntmenta, and clamorlug for so miudty, this is no ordinary case of sueeounttng

absolute ■ "clean sweep" of •xperlenced |"^ ui-hnh-ullties, hut in

oilielals. as no honest Judgment cold ap-

prove or conscience endorse

No one could Rill to foresee this dilemma,

MHl tlie truest friends of Mr. Tarbox were llih-utly hopeful that his swutlittes*

would rl"* above dependence on party, and be equal to the emergency | hot natiinilly

and rightfully ambitious, h« political fn

lold ll-J

lileh the grossest

(mud has been established, and the fact mads certain that Messrs. Dodge and Coniey only received their certificates thmugh rohhery of the Isillot. Vcl these men have so little dcllca- ey as lo eontiuue lo act In the board when- their presenoe Is s Iraud, and to partlclpau- in the nn.st imuortuiu linsiness of the year.

Precept vs. Practice.

within the power of ihe Democ-

racy, and With tlie elements coioposlng

the hotly of that organization lu

Lawrence, there Is no other conscience

ur wisdom than to get when und

keep what they can. The pressure was more tlion lu- bad anticipated) the new Mayor yielded to the aenscless clamor of his partisan followers, ami to tin-cha- grin nml ilhappolntini'iit or Ihe he«t of his supporters, within nn well*nn without his party, after the fairest word.- in 1111 Inaug- ural, turned his back upon the opportuni- ty, nml In an hour utterly sunk tlie man lu tin- politician, by making, without excep- tion tlie worst set or police appointments ever misted upon our city. The possibil- ity of H bright record of Independence is lost, ami our municipality turned over to the mostabject partlaansldp.

We speak mil hastily, or without lull) neighing tho words i we asknnlyol the! „ „ ' ' DscLissa.—AJ render that he «ruu the list of jmllcc ap- , (f m )((s r,|3rU(t(, polntineiils else Where,—from that model I parkins declines | placed at Hie head of Ihe night watch, over ; Uni Manhnl to 1 whom hangs to-day, two criminal indict-: wisild Iwve hen

" Nn plea of personal or partisan obligation can mall us, if, as steivards of the public, we entrust Its mi. r, -i - Into liicapable hamls. Fur- Ihtr, gentle n, Me ure none of us set in these seats of authority to ulxty thclwhciis of par- ties or fiictlons, but to foster the welfsn- nf a community."—Mayor Tnrhox'a Inaugural.

Now turn from the read lug nf this high sound- ing protessioti to tin- practical working of Dem- oenitii' mm-partlsanship, in the list of |HI lice of* tleers appointed within the hour following its delivery.

Verily, consistency, tlioii art a Jewel, and thy host, n name U,—TARSUS I


nt: is A CnuMOTlOX In the Ik'tniwrath even tlie absolute surrender of Mayni

. to Ihe crowd of hmnmers nml camp fol lowers In his police BpuolutaicnU^lues not satU f. tlicm. Dixie is not n-i-i.iiii marshal, LaW n-uec is left lo kick his heels 01101111- Ihe tlinsli tmlil, AI. Clark and Ham have scoured their old brass buttons for no purpose, nml little Johnn; refiiscth 10 is- ...tuibrtcd heeause Joseph to no imnilHTi'd among the gevles.

pmltoTSnf thc|Tiltiuiic, ut ■ lllict- York on fhiir-ilav, iipprou-d of the

ill,11 each printing office in the te- contribute u puiind of old type or ihe ptirjMiM- ol making a statue to

living to rot « desiiiived. Iileagu with r

.ver Ihe value The tiger wi

■ucwed Vigor. d.s.rsi.fagn lary tell 111 [.1

ntents, down: —

some good mid

gardlug theinasn better Is It, on tli to have chosen Mi f.. W. Colcord or A. (

iiutultiing. or course, i that i otiest naniCS,—hut re- . sullen vbole, ask himself what }irn,i " ' score of purit/anshlji, '■ Tarbox a- Mayor, than

iw.l. This is Dixie'. refusing a auborduiate I'Uil. Deueey.

1 to have hern expected I reputation, Mr. Job I'j.t the position of Aisis- 1 he was appointed; he

.- among hawks hi

Itlchuis to do fur a subject •

Mr, Frank HHSSCII, the phntographer, has ohialiieil sonic lieantlful views of the lot moun- tain hi the Common Pond.

—The contest for Councilman In Word Six Sutunluy, was pretty eloae, and considerable In- terest waa manifested in it.

—The demand for the Dally AkUUUCAKsl •teadily increasing. New Hiilwcrlpttons ant lw- ing added to the Hat each day.

—The weather does nut Interfere with the im- provements lining on at the new Paetflc. The work i - lielug jiroaeeuted with vigor.

—The Improved appearance of the AmntOAS in Ita new dresa, U the oecoakin of ssaa* naanw

icuu nun. „ui apprcciuuic readers.

llniM's, to be Introduced Into the drama of the Cataract or the Gangca, on Friday evening, will ba a novelty on the City Hall stage.

—People in Boston ore so nervous about Ores, that they turned a man out of a saloon the oilier day because he hail the heart-burn.

—Concrete sidewalks have enjoyed a great popularity In our city, but we hear of several leading rUlxeas down on them thla week.

—Mayor TarbOX was complimented with one uf the largest audiences ever convened In the City Hall to listen to the inaugural address.

—People have bean very generally vaccinated In this city, and to that fact Is, dim I it lei s, owing our Immunity from umall pox us an epidemic

—The petition of the Republican Aldemianlc contestants haa liren rrfemil to the committee on elections in the Ikwnl of Mayor ami Alder-

—Mr. J. P. Kent, the baker, was kindly rc- nu-inlieivil oil New Year's evening by his em- pkvyca, who presented him with a gold headed

—Miss Km n 111 A. J, Hunt ic.■. a graduate ol'the l.utt ri'ii.'i■ High school, baa accepted a situation as assistant teacher in Ihe High SCIUMI! nt Nash- ua, N. II.

'twas the band of Morris Bnis., who ap- peared at tlie City Hall that evening.

—The Miuiihe»terMlmirnuil A rlean slates that Joseph N. Base, Esq., of this city, n native ol Men-mark, N. II., has Inserted a chtsVC in his will, making 11 lietpiest lor the lieneilt of school education lit his native town.

—The memheri of Co. K, Bborman Cadets, held a pleasant assembly nt their armory Thurs- day evening. Akcmyd tt Stewart aim's land fur- nished excellent music, and idl participant! en- loved thein-rlvfs in a happy manner.

—At tho meeting-ol '■'■■> ■■! Will Ivalge, 1. U. O. O. T., on Monday evening, some excellent spi'.'i'he. were tnadc, und an enjnyahle lime was

o— u—k.r in his cawuitv Us AVorthv Y, make* the louge n 1101 tie mr nil.

■TbSreport of the City Marshal, as will be acen, shoM-sa large deennsc in the number of cases of dninkinnirs, ns cumpand with the previous quarter. No tttonge evidence of ihe la-netit of temperance effort could In' asked fur.

Mr. Aihln YCIIM has disposed of his exten- Ice business in lids city, purch ised luat year

ofMr.McFarlln.lnlhu Messrs. Holt.ofAmlovcr, who have bad foeaMovable experience, and will l>e quite smv to sine the public well and flillh-

I'UIII lb-

prominence, who, on ntnllng in the Daily A*t:n- l 'ihe Ilo'r.'d then ' x the names of the new appointees, protested for the apjs.ii-tiin nl

that it was shamefully unfair for the editor to following u;i|s.mtm make up a list of such notorious in coin pet en is, Cilf ■Wheaksl.—DJ

Insert them In the city government proceedings j ■l>"'''-"[' ■'""'

und thus try to pahii them off an u Isma tide set , "''" " MI'II..iuiii.in 'ii ■' |ill|n Vlll..,

—The Legislature has made nn curly start up- Wdlitun ■ the election frauds question; the judlciaT) .I'I-I.I -' \ muittoc law been instructed to consider what ■'■' *J ";

can Is.'done to pre serve, or rather, restore and i.u'iiii-r n. preserve the purity of the ballot Uix. Thl- is j ■b'liu *hni 00 late for Want Four, but a low may loon Iw ,,.,„'^,'. i„ itacted that will exercise n restraining lathi- . The ih

eucennon election hupi rtors, waenena und clerks! io-night. in future. The olfenc- of tampering With the \ bullut box should In mule 11 felony

Home I, and Dr.Oarhu

111 Into < of laiUrc


made: IIF. ATT \. u> n, Pnmtts

ffVwaf.—■fliuiilli) Denes]

d then ndjonmed until ae

Common Cooncil.


—A hoy fell ii| an epileptic lit opposite the -I. ii '■ of I., D- ' I11 ■ t il. on Bsspx Street, on Tuesday evening, mil gnllicred quite a crowd ; he was carried #0 Mr. Clinri'lilM's

il nml was nhle to go

pportonltj place under the

Tnr. I'o AfPii


ruKMi of Mi


Tarbox, compand lo'tl

ceed, nre weakness near Uess. Think nf exilian; Ibr David Hetty, who, personally honest uml was about the complete

lice officer, Lawrence


, for


nptnln of Ihe ulghl i superlnlend the pall

mil furnish them lav d precept.—Tim Dene

i\r roHHiaaioy.—We have been tcrestlng old do.'uineul, Is .iviug the l-ild signature of John Hancock,

(ioveruor of the C11mm1mwe.iltli, und dated 1710, being the commission as Sheriff ofEssex county, to llall'V llartlett, father of our Wcll- knoWli townsman nf the saute e; Mr. llart- lett, fenlor, "as Sheriff over forty years, holding II,.' filtli-e e.,iisei'iitheli. froill the time of Ills lip- pnintment, with the exccvirlon of n portion of IX'£\,under(iov. (Junj'i "hen he Mint out, but HIIS iininetlliileiy elioseli county treasurer,whlch office he held until his n-appoiniuu-nt Hie f»l-

""'"' '" I lowing year as sheriff, mid an excellent ufBiial ,UM" "f I he mode l.si. There H1-UU to Is' a sort of hl.anl abiding , t,„nlir|,-,,ii.in lor this p .-I h, the B.u-tlett family. >-. And II. B. Junior having been deputy sheriff for

I'hilbrick i-ulb'iiiuii

HIVC reproach. failure ns n po-

er had. Am!

ruga Ukt'R SS.IS eilly -Ugh:

[this is the high-toned. Democratic non- I in pr.-pnr-i parlUan.shlp for which deluded Kepuhll-

enns bargsluedl We eomaond to their stomachs Hie police list elsewhere.

arb 1 lint 1 is.'l.

ml the

Weihlf. ,1 III I i« iug

( Hi it all nUlnm


'llf 11 pol

Itini cri

h-iirn that

narily high price of wool, incut of the markets llV

grntloii lu Hoaton. the 1 in thl- city, have i-oniii material reduction In t their woollen depart 11 ken to be slopped Will tlir.




j men

; short dm We In.

iliou the 1 In ii

Wr regrc the extrnordl-l Sa\*-W< I ihe derange-' ■ ■ da great i-nnllu- Imd 1 xci

ihlngUtn Mills adlieren i-cd making a lJ'l"',l" production of In- machinery

a considerable tnploj -


onth of Napoleon.

Ilspuh-h was received ai the AMI;

eslerday. ininouiicing the death Chii-elliurst, Hiat morning. 1

st the njiidiili.n.ii' the rx-Emperor he grined liars of his friends and in Monday little hope* were enter- ivniveri, hut n change for ihe bet-

ter took place on lucsility. Mhieh did not con- tinue long, hiiMcvi-r; he pnssed a restless night on Tuesday, ami mi Weilnesday morning it was evlilein thai he ivas sinking, lie eontinucil lo giow Horn' until death terminated Ids -u lllgs.


iiinehlm- works. il.e Iron Iifbi, d,-i ■wing tl iliiiiiiiig uiill. ai .1 other s/kl.UHl. Hue 11 ut was

111 MUX UKftMtl Di-iiioerntle members

nre deserving public refusing to be blindly bm

support, uucipiiMicully, wl tlxan associates might I

s> Tut SAI

not ut fault, two 1 ndtteetttly I r the City Council mt year, by 'onimendatlon for oftbrasiudi

1.1 bj

nale fn

tlielr I

- the vnrbn oncsi Ju.lg.nei

Ihe selectl.m.

IVcahlllg as. |,


r their per-

il lo IIOlUl- -s, whether

Sunnier', nue of building th

■ children




is endorse

Such liidc|

their dull


l.lsihllg IlllL

i: l,u ■II AMI,1111 \N speaks ter In Haverhlll as 111

of ih


I lly* A kind ' who appr.i In

paper, w ..ur list.

ippi-nr- I n i\ In lls new dress. '

• your iiiighbui thai it'

i-otiie vis,i,,r to his mm-J I from .mr suhserib rs

e Improvement tn ihe!


is.1 light nllll.-1b.11. ilpswiih 1 T.a. much ma, oi-ttHirac. To riainly a no-IL'hl .illliulon.

I rliiting de:

I br vomits ..I th. iiierlally light

, KMKWS.—The ehaiigi' In Hie nrtmenlof the AUESICAK, ne y settleimtit of the outstanding old Itrm, and our patrons will

—The uddrcsa of Col. Sargent, at the opening of the Common Council, was generally com- mended as a model of terseness, perspicuity and good taste.

—The letter carriers during the month of Dc- cember, dehrered 444M letters, and UJhYf pa- pers; they collected W.IWi letters Iram the

itrest boxci. —Then- Is no If.', on the statute Iswlu pre-

ventlng snow tYom slkllng off a roof, but diere Is 11 city ordinance against allowing it to remain on the hldcwnlk.

—After Ihe mow, hull ami rain storm of Sun- day, Monday came bright ami beautiful, giving

Ity government splendid weather for their iiiiiiiguriiii.>u.

The Sunday evening meeting of the Tem- perance Reform eluh ut the City Hull, was nec- essarily poMpoiied on account of the inelemen-

■ of the weather.

—The horse of Messrs, Coffin A Meservc, gro- ira, attached to a sleigh, mil away Friday, uml icceedcd in thoroughly smashing Ihe sleigh ia>

fore It MIIS stopped.

if 7H33 gallmis of Honor ■etsed by the state police, between February and October of last year, only 121 gallons were passed by the State assayeniK pure!

—Mr. F.w. Colcord testified before the Legis- lative Committee yesterday, that he had ffiO net on the Presiileniial election, thai Lawrence Mould not go for (irnnt.

—The heavy rain of Sunday, caused stable keepers to grow despondent. However il ac- complished one good result, inasmuch as it gave ■• rcs[ to the weary " horses.

—There Is hardly a hotter Indication of paucity of bruin lhau the ridiculous haste wllh which some people rush Into a cheap Imitation of any enterprise their neighbors may inaugurate.

—Then) It mi fun In rousting when Itiaac- eompniiled with broken heads and limbs, mid Imys should remember this, and l<c osreftdfhi avoid public place! when puriulng thla aport.

—Mr. Choa. T. Kmerson, tho architect, boa laid the foundation for a line residence nt the comer of Garden and Newbury streets. He will complete Ihe structure tit an curly day.

—A horse ran sway on Rate* Street, on Tues- day afternoon; a high stepper he was, to.*, going up the itreet at the rate of nls'-jt 2.1fl 1-4. On Inquiry ws Bml » was not Mr. Ilesld's hone.

—During an animated aupper table dlseusslmi itfthcKsM-x House, a day or two since, u man came In who carried everything In-fore him.

He ivas one of the winters.

—If the Democratic party can uffi.nl in father Ighcst respect ,|„. Ward Four frauds, by a coarse of apologet-

ic approval, there fib less public virtue In the ei.inniuidty than we Imagine.

—One good purpose, at least Is served, by (lie new police ulnations; the notorious force during M-dvhi's administration is actually made to appear respectable by comparison.

—The Sentinel suys all tills hue nml cry iils.nt the frauds In Ward Four Is only Intended for ef- fect in Ihe fall elections of 18,3. Well it liaa something to do with Ihe tidl, bill not the fall ehelIons—the Ml «f "he Democracy we think, which, alter Ihe exposures Hint have Ucn luude,

li Inevitable.

The seh.sd e a-ork tor Ihe p recognition of 1 conferring upon y, south side, the .1 ihe late Daniel in the enterprise

1 gns is

after a short time home.

—Hilly K' l." has had his up|Niiutmc wna city 11 milertsVcr In a small way; that b, his WSS the duty In prepare for Interment ami commit to the diM all dead dogs, horses, &Cj out of the one hmdred applicants for the office, one received It.

—Mr. John <i ItoMnson, Hie Councilman from Ward six, l an active member of the iln' .l.'pLii-tiii.'ni, mi oil resident of the south M-anl, was one of the "ihi Sixth" boyi In blue, nnd at the pn'senmiine Horeman of BtenmerMo.8t--> a bale fellow wcllmet!

■The arrangelieiits for the cclebmHon of the Bums' Annlverary have been completed; the nflhlr nlll lie iiore than ordinarily brilliant. Several of nnrpntiiliient clllncns have la-en bi-

lled topurHdpiaIn thceelehnitlon which takes place at Ihe Frolkllu House.

—The eiiglucr's mporl on water work*, now living dlstrlhuUl by the city clerk, contains much rateable bid Interesting matter, and all who an' Interest^ In the uintter should not fail to procure a co(-. Mr. Itlce, the well known

gtuecr uf Ilostii, Is the author.

—Another Isrdius U-cn tri|i|s*il In an attempt wrongfully pivun- Uxiks from the public li-

brary by nhhliigntsuit his age, stating that he fourteen niln but twelve; he was quickly

caught, uml dlt not (1ml a cell in the station house a conifortMc lodging place.

—The sudden idd after the IllAW of last week so coinpletcly hhuted the water gutters that the ralu of Sunday skked under many caves, and there la very ■ '.mi compluliit of the conse, quent damage to he Interior of houses, some of which "en- is-arlj deluged in every story

—Mayor Turbos asserted thai he was In fa- vor of cluing thr ruin shops, and Judging from hi* nppohi|mcnt* <>u the police force, we should KSV he wui: for imuy of the successful csmil- .I.i.. 1'..;■ H . ■ hlttona luivc liecn taken from the ssirfhtil hauits over which they presided.

—Ws un infuriicd by competenl authority, that then'urc tw ur three buildings now in process ofercctloii. that an' unsafe. Thla mat- ter should recetrS promnt attention, especlnlly in the casinf n building hitendisl for iMiupa lion by htmlrcils of men, women and children

—The pildon for a recount of Hie votes In wnrd six, MIIS hastily gotten up by a red hot pnrtb.au rho n-,n fooled by his own party Into making lunuc!fridiculous; it MIIS done to keep him emptyid while the oAcea were dlstrlhutcd among idlers more fortunate, Ihough scarcely more dcurvin;.

—We iml-rstatiil thai the examination ol candidate; fur the police force was conducted on the cinipcthTrc system. No man, with one or two cxtcpliiiii-, was appoint! d unless he JSIS-

scaifiiloimrirnTary qualMe«tloua. This scema like noghuhuj tlk' work of reform us If It was meant to awry lout.

— flic stnidlngc'iminitter In the U'glslniurc were ■Dpphted or Saturday. Mcnulnr Hanuoii wnsapisiliileil on the Judiciary, mid oil tin committee*n bill, In third n<adlug. Mr. Iht vis WSS appointed pn the >»lnl 1 inuttee Ml manufaitiirk'i, aid Mr. 11. C. Bacon on tin Joint f.mii.ii',. 01 1.nil...id-.

—Mr. bmli W.l has taken Ihe store In Sunn ders bltsk, siiunl.l at the outlier of BasPX mid Applelon stiecls, dure he will MHIII open will 11 llmt-class stisk I g>-nta clothing and furnish HI.' giMla. The i-t|trgonienl isf Mr. Weil's bus fiiesslsthe 11 II.. I that energy and attention which always nmiilmids enore

—Mr. Charles Awe 11-,lately police officer,aud much retpodag fodito atcudy deportment, aftsiduniis itUntloi l" duty, will shortly open a grocery store, in t'A Parsons'new block, comer of Hn[|i|''hlieiiiil»ouimou streets. Mr, li.in lei Donovan, eho Mely connected wlthuepo- Um force, will he »-«*'inicd with Mr. Steven*.

—Tiie ■■■in,-'. 1 ■!' inKiss Issued from Ihe Puh- lie Library last week was -2,522, Is-lng nn in- ereasa of 336 over the previous week. Of these 73A were issued m Saturday,the Urgi»t I.IUII'...'- yet issued "ii n Saturday; 211) new names were registered, being the largest nutiils-r since the opening week. The Intul tiumlsrof nauiei regtotered up to Saturday last, wan 1,521; '2S persona paid lines last week for keeping nooks over the time allowed. The institution is in a nourishing condition,

— 1 in-[imposed hit 01 railroad to Complete a connection between the Lowell A Lawrence ami Boston railroads, is no new project; the route was surveyed sonic seven years ago, and a perl-

n charter, Signed by Ihe late Joseph Norris and others, presented tn the Legislature,

or three hearings bad, Capt, Merrill uresmttng the case Ibr tho petinVmcrs 1 but the |jurp.i>i- was not consummntisl. Less than four miles or new road will IM> requbed, and over an Inexpensive mule to build.

The Lowell CKIsen, of Wednesday, my a; icerfiil-hsiking ami Jovial company of young

ladles and gentlemen of Laureate, mostly scholars ofthe High bcliool, and better known

■, pcrbapa, as iliv " Drown Paper Soeh-ty," arrived lu this city yesterday slternoon alsmi four o'clock hi the "Kinglisher," drawn by six spirited grays. The company stopped at (lod- lards', where they took possession of the lower

parlors, and made merry with game, dun ring, it her diversions, hrtevsperstug uith a

iM.iiniiiii! collation, uml took their departure ut ulsiut half-past nine o'clock.

r," said a gentleman to another, re- cently elected to a high nosilliiu lu the eiti gov- ernment, " I've got a hot on, nml I want to ask you what chance I have of winning,"

What bf the lietr Well I wagered ten dollars that I mold

take 1111 ordinarily cross .log, mid lei him loose at Ihe baud of Essex street, giving him u good, healthy kick ut shut lug, and that If the dog

- way mad, and took u stnikht rim down Essex street, he would bite a hundred candidate* Ibr Office before he got down to the City Hull!"

" You will win—if—If yo.i don't muxxle the dog," said the official, a> he hastened awa) ■

—There lives in this city a couple Who are not ubvays on the most affection ide terms; the wife is 11 tody of somewhat hototeroua temper, and ihe husband quiet nnd submissive; her treat- ment of him, how over, grew MI imd of late Mint be resolved to make u stand against It. So the other night a quarrel having ensued over some trivial mutter,urn1 t':. lady having grasisd a broom handle, thr hn. bond, thinking II nn ex- cellent opportunity for showing his aathority, darted under a table.

"Come out!"cried ihe lady, poking nt him whh ihe broom.

"Never!" he shouted in 11 determined VUIIT.

"Come out here!" she i-ereiiiucd. "Never! Ncvci ." he ITIC.I. "AS long as I've

got tin-sjiirit 1.1 1 man lu me. I'll let you sec whose master In this house!" And he did stay Ikero until his wife went toned,

—Sunday morning us Mr George W. Porter, IhswcH'knomn li\r> st.dde keeper, accuiiipa- nled by another gentleman, was riding along Brooilway, his horse, which wu* a young and (lory animal, suddenly Income frightened when nenr the corner of 1 iwell street. While attempt- ing to bold the horse the bit was broken, inn I he dashed rapidly up the stn-et. The gentleman accompanying sprang front the sleigh, uml Mr. Porter toon though It wise to follow Ills ex.11* pie. Acrompnii.. in,; the parly, however, WSS Ihe faithful stable dog, who Immediately fol- lowed the runaway horse, ami gutting Infom him sprang f.sr his bend, and so pcrslslcnlly rolloMedthis annoyance, thai ls.-f.sre they had reached the vlilnlt.. of Hie Arllngl rillr, the horse bad been mopped. A young man hap- pen i ng along took ehirgc ofthe team, ami n- tnnud it to Mr. Porter, who waa pleased lo learn that the sagacity of his dog had saved bom horse and siciglufrom iiutterlal danwge. The dog to the onTtprMgof a noted dog IsHbug. ing to a brother of Mr. Porter, who also kwps a Hvery stable In Duabm, and or whom w tor- mi shale, are tokl. Be once discovered the rear portion of the 1 table ill Homes, und Moke the night attendant by pulling In- ijoihhig, n bo, hy.serere exertions siuid tlie building tfotu de- struction by lire.

The Council, after the Inaugural, repaired tn Ihelr own rh.imlier, and were called M order In Mr. Russell, of Word One; a 1 ml lot for Preat- deni n-snli.sh

Wholouiimbor of votes,



a-suiniug the el stanllally ns foil

AIIOIIK llmlln:ifii 0/llf fbaOS.

In neccutiug the \m

i.iii'uii ..ri.iiii-i-oinid.-ii. M.11 f„i- the ml th.i

■e, B

ID nn hy dniig:' Stevens,.md ddreased ibcCnmcll siih-

TIII: Fnsmomrr. ,m russeffi- .-Itiiin of I'n'sldenl nf this

"'lliiuik" lo'rthis inanil'e.-:

in re-electing 1 ne in serve I nasnis you, 1 spure-

id here aeknoM ledge the


. idgnii... . iitleri-l' nl'Hie Mienl.-I 1n1111l1er.tr our felloiv .-iii

lii.'sollln-1 |.|.-ortlii. eilj.loiiet mine holiis-th . and it illcut liar .>r eoneern iff n'-

Jiiilgiiient; what wllMie for the

0 of |iii|llical iiarty. ...... heili fvii.-.m I;, fn

Hiing the .-nlnmiiii- lidlhig mi oilier nuink'i|iali. fnrtiiiiale in ej

iigiiii other nuinlci|iBl. r',.i- the pence and gmst lies during the panl yrtiK:

tinier of inirellv WS urn vrrv tin i'Xceileii.-.-'aiel elll.-ii-uci ol'Ilie pnllee Ibree, than Mlili-h, for tiv.i war- past, im eltv hi the ( .iniin.inwi-nlth hn- had ln'tler. That .mr goml ein has Is-^ni spared frnm tin- llnuies. wc owe 11.1 ilk- t.i tin- li.Ml.il' ntitii.iis.

Fhuinrlallv, We mm f.sl proud "f the enmlilinn ot our eltv. In tlie r-lalili linii'tit "f n tVi-e ]iuhlie lil.ran, liuii-h has been awowntlslHVl br the 11.11 til,—tl lining lu.'ii 11 In, toe lo rlII nur |ilnri'H, but a large e\|.cinliliii. 1111.1 hie reared privileges will lie rminin-d in tliefnhin': the Hit Hall lias lus'ii tidiiruisl iiiel lieautilli.'d, tnul umde n source

Tint . rill lie th.il 11

lit. milt .ih Its ' ill I,

if.— liil and -sli-ftielii

tin 1^1 >erit.v anil henllli. The n'r-pmislhili It shi.nl,] he u'W'l. mid iiidiciim.lv assumed, am the ihillfs orili.- 1.111 hillllli-d n lib nn eve shirk l.i the public im.-re.t-. Mint the pre In- hi ull i-espects

The President eaUnl attention to the fact that one uicuils r hud noi hecn sworn, ami iviptesied (leu. S. Merrill to mhiiluisler Hie isith to Mr. Hu'ihiMin of Ward li, which was dime.

I'roi-ceiletl to ballot for H '-Jerk : Whole imnilier, 17 Necesasrv tosehoiee, fl

Win. II. Ilunihiiiu. f. I'.. II. (>Sg.NKl, II

ami Mr. Osguod ws* aworn by A. C, Stone, V idol h drat

The Pre, id. 1 Sri

ON Bins I Wood, llsiiral

r.Muu. i.mi 1 K l.la 'TIONS,- Adjonmed t.



ii.i.s.-I.itlkllel.l, Jovci Ritsaelt Cisilidge, Mis 7 1-2 r. M.

Tbn Ifew City Government.

Joiiv K. Tvmiox,—1 or elect, Is so well-known that there is aeareuly any particulars of his hlstm

'. Tnrhox, the May. 11 mosi of nur eilixeiiF 1.nl of our giving any

within lb. limit- nf wb.ri i< lion Ihe. iiv of Liw- ri'iicc, and has resided here all Ids life. He Is a luwver by prafesskin. His hueuti have often led his piirtv to I'laeing him lu candidai-v for otllce, nml he served lime terms in the House ol P.epre.-enta;ii 11, nnd .nic t. no ns senator. He has IMI-JC ts'cn an unsucivssfnl cniulldnte for Congress. He Is President of the new KiiihiNid Ciirisirallim. Mr. Tarb.x Will for nbout live yean n.-HH-late odltorof the Sentinel, and has idwavs liet 11 ilistingnislied for lib ubllilies; he Is married but has m. children; he irurshi|w at ihe L'nlveraalist cbnrch.

KI.IJIII M. Monies is an Ahlnrman cleet from Ward On., hut in cmisequoiire of the framlulent returns frniu Ward Pour, his sent Is at present occupied by Marcus s, Doilge, Mr. Moerei wns Imrn In Vienna, Mc, in irt*), and ciiiie lo Lnvell in IHIil. If. slaved there until 1 , lrt.il, when he cum" to l.mivme. He was en- gaged for some time 111 the mid subsequently went ti Mills, when-he is now iiupl lug department. Mr. Moorw tin- Oarden Strcol Metluidlst

i C'liAs. Hi Ijm.f:riF.Li>.—Mr. Llttlelield was a m.-mheruf the Common Coniicil lust year; he I, elected Ifoin Ward Two. Mr. Llttlcti.-ld wns

I Irim In Boston; he ciinie lo 1-nwrencc alinil tw.niv-slx years ugo.aud received his udocntiou hi thisettv.' Ho is a civil engineer by pnd'ession. hi which business helms IM-CII CIIKSJIII forolsmt si\ venrs. Mr. Littlelield is married imd ha.

■two'chlldn-n; III- n-idiuce Is nl So. tfl Ln-t 1 Haverhlll street.

UHAULSSC. WiiiTSfiv.—Mr. Whitney tothc viinnee-l uu-mlx-r of the city govenimeiit. and

1 wns elected to the council from Ward Two. He I was Isim in Nalnton Falls, Sew. tlauigshin', I und cmne to this cltv in IM7. Mr. Whitney entered thu.priiitlng ollli-e of the AMKHIC.VS In ISiii.aiiil h's iiniliuued with the establishment

1 up to the pn-rent time, bebig now connected ! ivffh the ituilv nnd weekly AMKHICAX. He ' served in Co. 1,Sixth Ilegiment, nnd nitcrwnrds

In the 1st Battalion Massachusetts Cavalry. Mr. Whitney bus never buhl uthVnlnfore, lie i- married ami lias one chlhl, ami is connected with Ihe Free Uainist church. His resilience )s Ot M'' Onk street.

(i. M. SToiniMin.—Mr. Stoddard was elected in the Council Ihun Ward Two, He. I* a native of Dover, Me., and BUM to this ciiv 21 years n*o. He is hi the employ id the Washington Ci.rporution, lieing siiperlntcudetit of thcwurs- ted department; he has been employed there twelve venlT. Mr. Stoddard Is manio.1 and bus. iMoeliihlmn: he nttenda the Unitarian church

J AMI:* W. Jovcn.—Mr. Juice is a member of theComici! elected from Wnrd Time; he was in the Common Council hist year. Mr. Joyce wns bom in Inland, ami caiuc to this country in 1HIH. lie served lu the army lor sonic time during ihe rebellion; he is engaged tn the bust- uc.s of carriage manufacture, hi ing of the thru Of FeTgnson A JOVIT, earring* maiilifacUircrs. Tlehiis lieeii in liuslne-s-idHiut three venrs. H, is rried and has n family. lie worship! at St, Marys church.

WILLIAM W, SMKRT,—Mr. Enwrv ims elect cd to the Common Council from Wnrd Three;

1 he has never U-cn hi otHcc Is (Ore. Mr. Kmcry wti.s horn in Portland, Mr,, nml is 37 years old. lie came to Lawrence in iwin, and Is employed as a miU'hlulst on the Atlaulle enr)HiiMtioil. He is married nnd has 11 f.uuilv. nml worships nt the Second Baptist church.

JAMS* NOOMAS,—Mi-. Kaaunn was elected lo the Council fmiu Word Three. He wop born in the County of Cork, Ireland, and came to this country In IMP, -cltllng in laiwroi served four years in the iini..:i armies during tin rebellion, first In the rwchh ithinlc Island htuiiilrv, and afterwards in.ihe 2.1 Moesnchu. >fti. Heavy Artilleiv; he was erven mouths in the AiiilciTonville prison, nnd knows something of service. He is at present lu Ihe grocery and provision laziness, nnd t( partner Inn store in the corner of nuwpshtoe ami Valley streets. He Mas recently married mul has tin children. He attends St. Mary's church.

Wll.I.IAM J. H.vNitAUiK.f-Mr. llauialuni is 11 memlK-r uf the Common Council from Wartl Four. He wns Imm In Irclnud, and came to this country about twetttysone yuan ego: be MIIS n mcmfier of the Council lujt year. Mr. Ilnurnluin Is nbout twenty-live years old, mid nns recently nuwrted. He Is a raracfltor by trade, nml worships ntSt. Mary's church.

Joux On.viAiiTts.—Mr. Olbuurtiu is n mem- ber of the Common Council from Wuiil Four. He Mas Isim in Ireland, and Is ulmut ■"•". years old. lie came lo this country thirty years ugo, and has la/en In -this city twenty years, lie keeps u bakery oil North link street. This Is his llrst tenn In office. Ho la married and has n family, lie attends the church of the Immacu- late Conception.

DrvOAM Wnoii.—Mr. Wooil is a uusiilier of the Common Council from Wnrd Four. He was Ismi in Ashlou under I.vnc, in England, In IH3U, and came to this country In lSo3. He mine to Lawrence lu Htf.t and Was one or Capt. Sherman's company which went out from this city in that year of the rebellion. Mr. Wood is mm engaged In trade, and keeps a itore on Ka- sex street, near the horse milnind depot; he also docs considerable lu the fon-lgn iiu*enger and money exchange Inisfness. He U married and has one child, and worships nl St. John's rliurch, Mr. Wisnl has given eonsidemble ut- tenllou tougiiculturc, and wc an- Informed on the authority of Mr. l*vi Knterv, thathei at one time succeeded in coaxing the soil of Tower Hlli Into pmdnrlng one ofthe finest emiHiof red cnli- liages ever raised then-. Mr. Wood has never U-cn tn .'iln-. before.

LouKMIO n. SAHOFXT.—Mr. Sargent Is n coimellman elected from Wartl Five. He was 11 member of the Common Council InFt year, mid Its President, to which position he W lieen elrcieil ugiiiu this ycur. Mr. Sut-.-i nr came to Lawrence atsuit twentv-thrcc years ago. He is the proprietor of ■ pinning mill on May street, where he carries on a large business; he was al one time chief engineer of the lire ilepart- mi nl of this city, ami has alwnvs hod n deep iuleix-st in munitlpul affairs. Mr. Sargent baa a tine n-eord ns a soldier; hn enure.I the army tni the breaking out of the rebellion, and eoinmnndeil the Hd Massachusetts Osvnlry, inn 11 in'in ■ lu all its engagements,—no less than thirty-one—At one time Ids horse was shot dead nnder him, and on another occasion he received a mlmile ball In bis shoulder. The regiment lost Ivi7 men In killed and wounded during the nU'llloti. Mr. Surgent is married. and worshii'sut the 1'ulversulist church.

sill lie ilelivcnd each Sabbath. Mr. -Henry A. Hurley, while al work upon

one of the gang saws 111 the match factory in lloxfonl, bad his left baud cauglil, and U-lbre he could extricate It, It was H, i-ompletely sawwl up as tn almost render ampiibition neccnuwy. Dr. R. 11. Hoot of Oeorgctowii performed the surgi- cal operation.

At u socluhle in the vestrv ofthe First Chim-h lu Dunvers, Muss., the other night, the pastor, Uev. Mr. nice was presented with an envelope containing nn amount equal to about n third ol his annual salary.

Ki-v. B. S. Bullev, recently of the First Par- ish church In Portland, has been Installed pas- tor of the Second eoiigrcgulioiial (I'uiturlun)

■hiirch in Miirhl.hcad. Tlie sermon wns preached by Uev. J. F. W. Ware of Boston.

On Wednesday nfleimiW Conductor Phue- ed's train I'nnn Boston run Into a sleigh at a rosslng at Topsllcld, taking the horse from the

sleigh upon the COM iiitchcr, killing him at The *lclgh, containing a hide and gen- frotu Bevcrlv.was thmwn alongside the

loeoiiiollvc, bin fortunately those in It escaped Injury.

Of the 310 deaths In Martuoheid, Ltel year. re Merc of persona over !l.) venrs old, U of

those U'twecil WI ami IW, and SI U-twcen 70 and so.

A Uiv In n sleigh tighth holding on to a clock, tli-, suggested the rapid night of lime lo ditor of the Newhurvpori Hern'' tin-

he is the 1 tin 1

list memlktrot pi

. lolhing bli- the Washington yed in the Jrcas Is connected with butch, of which ■si iii u-iirrluping of the- .--.il''. i-i. Common Com,. lied bllt hiis no

Cms. T. F.ni.iisoN.—Mi. Lmersoti was clect- Bd Aldci-muii In Wnrd Two. He Mas In th.* Comuioi) Coaqcii lust year an n reproscntntlvo froni (he same ward. Mr. Emerson wna Imm In Wlnttasm, % if. in HU7, and mnte to this city In IM-ifi. He aulw.i-picu.tlv went hi Califor- nia, where he Raided until l*iT, ulu-u he j*e- lurucd lo lids city imd bxsk up his residence iwruianently. Mr. Kmei-.u t mi anl.itect by proressiim, and drabfflvd Hie ultcrullona i||af were made hi the Cltv II .11. lit Is a I'nJrma- H-t by n-llglous |iroli-ssl.si, uml attends the L'ni- vcrsullsl church in lids city. Mr. Linersmi la married uml has our child'; his residence Is *t ,.i, 1 ii 11 112 Broadway.

CIIASIIMO AcciofiXT.—im Monday evening, A. A. Lvwrncv.—Mr. while some boyi were roasting at the South-shlc, one of their numU-r, Patrick Murphy, living nl 17 Durham Street, rauw iueolli.ion wlthslearn, frighteiiiug the li'.rs. --.Iii-h run on". The Uiy',-. J IKVl. ami entered

shoulder was broken, nnd he re eivitl iuumd | ^'jjjpur'n in* ifsirt Injuries. Dr. Young was called who slates thai Ltwv ,,„ F.s-ex -ti ihe Uiy is in u erilh-al ewmiltlow. The praetfsa ' gni of roasting hi puhrie placea cannot l« loo sc everly condeinncil, and ptiront- -hoiil.l nrgl upon their children tlieibtigcr t-i life ami llmti 111 iug IV-im siiih a [n-actlce.

nrpn Heeled Three.

, S, II.,

iv. P. UiciiAunsoN.—Mr. Mehniusou Is n Conneilmaii rroiii Ward Five. He was laini In itending, hi i.tv,', mid ruffle to Inwrence in is.;.,.

iiH-ssit.il i> that of ailr.iughtsonui, and be liellevc connected In that capacity with

the McKav Sewing Machine Coin[sinr. Mr. Itichanlsini Is married ami has one child; Ibis is hh first tenn In i.IllC'.'. He Is n Congn-gadon- alist.

C. I'. Mi 111111:.—Mr. Moore was eld ted to the C 11.11 Council from Wnrd Five. He was Isirn in Chclaca, Vr., fn 1S"J4, and came to I-iw- rence first twenty-six venrs ago; lie went to Boston nml n-stih-d there, ami rainc to Lawrence last nUmt three vetirs ago. Mr. Moore is a cnriienlcr nml builder bv profession, doing mi extensive business in this cltv; he Is man-led nnd bus a family of four, lie was in the army during the war, and was emplovcd in Hie Pro- vost Mnrshii's office, Mr. Howe is a Coiigrrgn- tloilHlisI by rcligkiUH profession.

f tin

TUB FUIKX 11 lo ivk mi you would Ilk I, muku en Inexpensive New Year's pri-Minr Mould heartily appreciate a snhseripiioii i 1 tin AMSBICAX. Try it-

- lour children. .Ml II ill., in.I new Lawn

Hun iustlorm

s'. He Is inarried s a director of flu:

iibo nue of Ihe directors nnd Host.ni mllrouil ror-

,. Mr. lsimprcv is a Metlio- di-t, ami atl.-nds the iluverldl! sirccj elmreb. Hi.u-i.l'iicelsiillTrHuvedgiistn'ct:

vii U:ILI..-MI. km was ft candidate ruuui in Ward Pour, uml racelved a ic vote. Taking from Mr. Omirv one

' giving them lo Mr. Hell,

Jons DAMP..—Mr. Dane Is a hlueksuiith by trade. lie was n meinlK'nif the CinmnoBCoini. eil last year, from Ward Six, nnd wusn-elected. Mr. (tune Was boni in ^ndovur, where he n- s|i|ei| untj] nUpit sit ycirsngi), when he came to Lawreme. Mr- iiitue is npirrjeil and has 11 large family, He attends the Uptfersalist eburch.

JOXATIIAV I„ M'I.NSTHH.—Mr. V,', t.i.i- was a memUr for Ward Six of the Council or 1S72, and war nselrctcdthis year from the saiir ward, !!■■ . ■...■ I., this city riion-lhau tavetito- venrs

i ugo, nnd for 11 long lime bus U-cn employed on |ii Jiiimicy, 1 tl|f, ihiHton AMalm- Railroad, where he Is now

l''"*'""" engaged ns an engineer, having acted in that uoarii 01 1 ,.„,,al.|n- r.ir-

1-1 n largt ■' In th.

r nnre tho

ham!-.' him.hi. elect- 1

Mr. Web ... Is inarrbMl and bus a fmnllv. lie la u Cougrcg.i- tlonallst by religloua nroiei.sl.iii, and attends the South Congregtitliiual ehunl;,

JwixO. HniiixsiiM.—Mr. Ibihinaoiiwas clei-t cd from Wunl Six, un Kntnrdav Insi.to till the vuciinev eausid by the .1. 11I1 or* Mr. K. II. Cut hr, who had been ru-*hunM from (hill ward. Mr. Itohinsnn was Ism 1 lu Naflina, S. II., In IKWi, nnd came to this city in lfti!>. il H-.-IH Co. I, Sixth Mjssiirhusells liegt. fuf a Year during the war. Mr. nolitnson is it gas litter bv pmressinn. ami ts foreman ofltge,- S.V. K. He 1-HI.1111. ,1 nml has three children; he intends

Intl.1 lo li'ipimtoritv.tnnd as ihe ' Iln- South CotigreL-.itI dlst rliurch!

Kowburyoori Harokl. The report of the 1'uhlie Lllirurv of Lvnn

shows that then'are lrt,«BO volumes In the Li- brary. 1,(W2 have U'eti added during the year and there have been Issued 08,748 volumes.

The Newbury port fishing Heel for this wilder numbers thirty'vessels, Including two steamers. The catch commences soon niter lha holidays and usuullv |mvs well, the en-w of one vessel re- alising S'HW each r.ir their catch last year.

The Ncwburyporl Herald thinks coasjmut on the sidewalks Is highly improper. Yes, lint die hoyS don't think so. .

The Kockport Omnlte Comptuiy arc working rget tea lly upon Ihelr cut for Ihe propond ■odd from their ipuirrici roud is talked of to nil

to Bay View, where the CaM Ann granite 10111- panlea have extensive ipmnlcs.

David Burk and Patrick O'Brien had a fighl in Lynn, on Wednesday night, mid O'Brien was so seriously Injured he Is not expected hi live.

There have been two ruses of small [HIX In To]i-iield. Uith of which have proved ratal.

During tho vcar 1812, 672 vessels arrived at Sewburyport, uml Mo* departed. Thirty of the nrrlvnts mid twenty-nine of the de| arturcs were foreign. The imports Uith foreign and domes- tic were as follows : Sugar, 1lKk"> lihils nml 170 bbls; molasses, *£» hluls; corn, 1 lil,ifci-i bush- els; oata, 34,iW>, bnshcls; salt't,20(lhhds; lime, lb\m Kirrels; stone, 1,751 Ions; nail, Sd.SHh Ions; lumU'r, o.;n..i,i . feel.

The UShlng IchODOer, Lucy Delvln, oftwump- seoll, was rim into off (ilomester, Thiir.-.lns momlng, during a dense fog, bv the steamer 1 il.'iiiloii ii..in SI. John lolloston. The •enoon- er was ludly dauiagcd though no lives were lost. She was siiltscpicutlv towed IlitoOlouees- ter.

Key. J. C. Foster closed his pas (oral 11.nn.c- tion with the First Baptist Church and BOctoty, nt Beverly, on Sunday lost.

Homy Hmit.n »OUOf Captain Henry Hunt, the lighthouse keeper ut Seivliiirv[sirt, has rap- tured two Iii lug eagle- within the* past flvedtus, measuring each tight feet from lipto lip of Ihelr wings. Thev nn- Uith liHiulsome birds, hcnllhv, ami flue Ipvcifflcn* of the American bird of free dam.

'I'll. p. urr iucourseor constnictksi upon Hi 1 Merrlmne two ahips or l,:i."si lotin eneb, one luinine of H00 t..n', one Isrig nf I:-I 1, n , tMn three muslid SCIIIKJUCI-S of lietween 100 imd ■'SKI Ions, .ml one schooner of 220 tons.

The fishermen of Swamps cot I run I u red dur- ing the ipinrter ending Jan. 1st, l.sno.0,11 ]),. ,,f tlsh, which at e ix-nt nnd 11 hnlf u lb., mnounis to twenty-seven thousand dollars, 1 <n Inrrcls of nil Mere oUuiiuil, whleh ■,,'.i nt twenty dob Ian per barrel, resibimg *liroo.

Smalt pox Is d|sap|n-artng tn Lynn. Cnscsorsmall pox are iiiultl|itying lu Olou-


The Cape Ann Adveriiser apoeari w lib a new I.. .1.1 , which given mi improved appearance to that model puper.

The Beverly Insur.inco Coniiianv have In- creased their capital stock from niwi'ono to fiiHl,- 000, nnd have jiald a divldeml of twelve per cent, to all Its present stockholders.

Essex has one BUM of small pox. The capital stock of the Rorkport mills I. lo

lie IniTenscd to one hundred thousand dollars. There were tn-cntv-nlne cases of small pox

and thirty-live of vurlnlnld In Oloucester fn 1872. Nimilier of deaths, five.

l'esUidy folks find fault with the itreet rail- way arrangements 1st ween Hint town and Sa- lem.

The Gloucester tHrgniph completed its furu- aixth year with 1H72.

The fur* on the Kastem Railroad from Rock- port lo Gloucester, distance finir miles, Is fifteen Cents, or 12 1-2 rents by the package, while fromSnlemto MurblHicad, the same distance, It (s only ten cents, or h cents by the package.

the shipment of bsota nnd shis" from Lynn lor the week eliding Sntunluv, was 12-'i!l eases, against lRtHi eases fur the eorrcaiaiiiding week of 1871.

Mr. Aitgnsins AbUitt, one of Ihe oldest citi- «cns of Sv..tni|iMi,H, died hist week in his

Ineiy-secoud year. He was a native of Ver- mont, nnd Ids remains Mere curried then' for harfal.

Tlie total IIIIHIIHI of eases Of Units ami si 1 shipped from Lvnn hi 1872, waa 219,071, an In- crease of 21,001 eases over 1871, or more than 11 million pahs of IKMIIM und shoes.

Rev. Thomas Driver, formerly of 1 In First Baptist rhun-h or Lvnn, died on Friday, aged 72 years,

Tho ice in Lvnn harbor It* «uld to be twelve Inches thick, lind Ihe vessel* lucked lu bv the cold snap an* likely to stop until the ice s'niip-.

.Sixty thousand, fire hundred uml lour tons of coal arrived at Lynn during the past year.

Sevmkvii thousand, seven hundred aud sixty perrons visited the rooniH ofthe Young Men's Christian association In Lynn hist year.

The city deist of Lynn !■ gI,.508/100. The debt of Ncwburyport Is #473,700. The report of the cltv treasurer of Lynn

shows that the appropriations ami receipts'Un- 1873 unwonted to 81,170,(1,17 78; the total ex- penditures, 1(1,0211,070 -"Si, leiivlug nn unexticiid- ed balance of gi 10,081 27.

V ■! ii-1 nifi-rii!" i.i Martitehe.id on Sutur. ■lay tlicru Was 4 warm i|clf4k on the demand nf the SHcctmcu Mr uu iddilfoital a)tprop)iulfim to meet town expenses, the upprn;irlutlon iiitble ... 11 iiununl uieelhig havingIs-en iixinnded and 11 debt of 'ftiniMl contr.irtod bv the Sclect- ilieii MJIS Mvorely crllleised, mid Hie article wns IMistpotied without action, ns were also three others In the warrants.

A gallant N'cM'htirvport man carried a iwo huudnxl pound lady ui-mss tlm wet •ttvet Ihe other day, for which he nieived ihe (bunks m Up fair and fob

A man in "Mewluirvport thinks he took the small pox frmii a cat which he tisik lu uml fed, U'longhigaln iielghUir's house where the dis- saje was.

A\\ Important biter awaits un owner at the salon post ofllcc, directed to Beiii'nmlb Eaton or his legal repreaetitstlvcH. Mr. Katoii is sup |<osed tu have resided In Salem for B short lime, abonl twentv vears ago.


The <Xr\ilover Advertiser; FlilDAY MUBNINO, JASUAHY 10, 1«78



' Win be -



Cio.M> I El


I'ltOltATi: < HI Hi'. ■ tin- Heir-, nl Inn , I'i-xi .if kin, nicl nil other per-

M.II- intcre-icl in the e-L. I' JEAXSETT M. MiiTl'. lull .1! Ainli.vi-r. In Mhl county,

i i 1 QJXJ.'^J ' The Ward Four Ballot Robbery' «j> , • , / \r , > , ("hsU l^ocal Aiiiaira. * I5u^mertfs JSotice^. !*» ATI HDAY XIHHT"


M EKltl.M.U'K Ml HAL KIRK INsl II- 1111 an hereby ,-.-.: In .IJ.I--.LC ;i!

Tin 1 ash of |>n In H1I1

very gcre.-.illy ( ^

Kuril, Meeting* have la-en j 11 lielileviry afternram In ihr Chanel, mul • rerj ■ evening nl the Boutli church. Tlw Went ,'. Church liojt held nltenwte meetlnge nflmitam* j * mul evenings. Tlw II.ipli-1 mul Free Church-| ,.. Inn,, milted in holding meeting-* nt their re- spective places or worship, ut Smith'* bull, Fry ■ Village, anil at the Sunday School room in Alt- Inn Village, Then- nierttngii have l*emi un- usually interesting, and luiu'b go-al fl i- hirped will remit from them,

Mr. Juraer T>. Eirton, of the lnt^t ct.v* In the Seminary, wan onl-iimil ul Lain wic., Winnm- •lii. on the IDth ult. He Is t,i l* wttleil ni pa*- ti r nl' tin- First Chunli in l'ortlanil, Urc-nm.

A wcoml street lantern «.i- broken on Friday llig ll.JlV S.lllie. lUllilTUilllt Wllll cllWJSLV. llarklll'**- rather than light, because hi*, dcedi arc evil.

Mr. Lewi* .(J. Hull luu removed bin tUiuily in Lawrence, when he U ongaged hi tin- leo lund-

Thoie w.w a party of oboul llrt v Indkn and gentlemen on New Yr.ir's night, nt the house of Chariei Clark, in the West Pariah, They had » Hue time, mul 1111 excel font oystei miptwr pre- pared liy Mr. Wiley, of I,n wren *, won par- taken i>r with KIKKI relish.

Oeorge A. Dane recently killed a idggmonth* and 30 dar« old, which, when dressed, weighed SS7 Iha.

Yfe have received a eony of the trnnaartloni of tin- Essex Agricultural Sorter 1H72, with the fiftieth annual addi William I>, Northunil. ItUi neat BtmphlM


r 12.) IUIAIII. ami iMiiLihilni* itiiieli valuable hi-

Ibrnwtlon for nil penonn Interested in ngrtcul"

Mr. M. ("'. Andrews- tia» removal his family from New Haven, Conn., to this town, mul fur the prewnl oeeuphw the " liulluni place" »» Main Street. Hi: is In baelneM iii Boston.

The fifth leetnre in the Peontc^i i-oun-e *■»» trlven on Monday eventnjc hy Hov. J. C. Stock- hrldRi'. Hulijeet: "Alliens;" ihe Kiienki-r In « very pbwaant manner, referred tit hi* early eilii-' carton, mul the dn*lro he then had to rtnttawMca nf ehualr lore. Tills ikslrc hnwevi-r, mi not axatlnod until within a tern yearn. He then timk his andlenoe over me Atlantic, pointed out mtneof the prigrinnl noteworthy objeeta of in- loreal after his arrival In i-.m .|.. . and un the tonr to Oreccc, and richly entertained Item by the experlenem of a wcek'a rerddenea in Athens. His desiTiutloiiN of the ninst pruiUmut attr.ie- tiuns nl" this ancient city, worn nraphleally )K>r- truyeil, ami his referenCM la the llloRtriaai man who have there limtted lit Iii -i-n \, were boaallfnl and eloquent. The lecture was evi- dently prepared with anal eon, ami was deliv- ered in 11 forfilile ami offeenhhl inaiuier.

The nciinul annual Inill of the An.lover Steam Fire Bnaina Conapany, No. 1, took place at t town hall, mi Wednesday evening. There Wl alxuit I 'HI ! i.li.- and gentlemen preeent, a among the number were peratu from Chart town, Niili.mi, Melhiieu, i^iwreneu and North

Andover. The number of Ketitlenieu pwdno* Inatet) w moat of thoce fi-om out of town did not liriii(j ladies. An excellent Hipper was letTet between eleven ami twelve o'clock. Platei were laid for I'M) porooni, and nearly that uum her partook. Evtrythlnjt passed off plea.-antly nml the affair I'nianrially was 11 niteecM. Fine niu^l.' wan thrnisheil hy OSKIKHI ami 1'artlow Quadrille ltnml, with H. F. Clark, promote) (juite. 11 nnmbcr of the Hed Jacket AaaoeJataa of Churlestown, wen present, nrni in appreiialion of the recent expreeiton ofUndnoH of the An- dover company towanl them, hroogvt presents of nine ipUmdld, toHH) fmiUOtl pirtnroti of lire H.'cni's and engines with which to decorate their room, The foreman ot our engine company al- so received a beautiful sliver ni-enkiug beuupet, as a present from the foreman of the old Muss, Hook anil Ladder Company, of Charlcitowu.

Mr. Henry L. Tftbot, n-eently of the semi- nary, wu ordained pactur of the ebureh in Durham, N. II., Jan. 1. Prof. J. L. Taylor, 1). D., of thU tiiwn, wo» moderator of the c ell. Mr. J. K. KiUxmni, of the MM «taM la the Hcmlnary, is preaching for the church In Har:land, Wla.

On Monday evening, Home pOfOOn attempted to aiMUihiate Mr. Clinrle* Slmttucli, who keeps a boarding booso at No.!) J.i.-k- .m Corporation, Nashua, hy tiring a ptatol shot thmu^h a win* dow, near where he wai xltthig In con versa tiim with hlo sou. The hill fell humiloH*. Nu ar- rest. Mr. Hhiitliick formerly resided In this town.

The Choia! I'ul m will meet Monday evening.

Rev. Daniel Sievlu (lltmodW) ha* boon lei-, luring the ntudents of the iwniinary upon "the elemeutH of success la Methmllsin, which Con- gregation all m 11 may appreciate."

|>E01'I.B'H l.llcn'UK COfHSK.


Monday Evening, Jan. 20, 1873. I

urn M IM- twu dayi*. al least, bet'oi

11., IJcurpt.' Y. rtiu.it.', K-iiuii-e, JU<1KI> or nt, thi. twnli :li'i'.l.liM ni IK'.-.iiils-r. in ..111- tll«ll-ai)ll I'l-lll lllllllll'.l UN.I rl'lrllll- BT- A, C. UOODKLL, Ki-gi-lei.


nunl Meeting of UM ofakhol lars of the Nnli-mtil Hank, v, ,11 !.<■ Ii.lt lit lli.-ir K...-11 Tl'KrtDAY, the F.nirt -.■utli

ROTATE NatlRc i:

>F MAKY riirilliAMv

h.-n-iil i .lull a|>poiiil' . ..

Mnry Coehrnne, ui' Amlover, in Hie c.iunti HI K.-SI-\. wlilnw.

. -asi-il, anil IIHM taken lipuu liiniM-lf tlinl li-n-t by giving Iminls, as tin- liw illni n. AM

liming .leiii.iiiil- iiiM.n i:,(. ,-tjit.' nl' mill I an r.-.|iiir.-r| in i-ihibit Mii'-aiiii'; an.lull

.. Iiiilclitiil tn -nli| r-t:il.' aie calleil IIIM.II t > ■mike payimiil I.. I'HAS. W. I'lKHItAXK.

" " ISTL JalO* Ailiu'r.


SAMUEL WOODMAN. Ilt-iik llullilinir next north uf the Tow

AXDOVRR, MAss., Wl,e be louilil a u- I assortment Of Kuml

ting of Kitchen, CliioiiUr ami 1'url.n Uatresses, Bisls, It-Mi,is. Wlndon hiiiuitiiii',

HI null'p. ,\ i Mntn'sses, Lounges. »o!Us, ami 1'nrlur Mets

nia.le t.i iinler, »r leiminil nml .iph.il-tercil. Ii.vki, 'I'nliley. anil .siil (li.'.-r. iiI:l.|.' :l. ,ii>i,-,.,|.

Curtains trltntneil an.I liuag, (nrpi'ts lalil, ami '.. ■ ■ ■ - r M I Ji ilitling diiiu-

Ooodi A ml

i Iw anor.leil. ripronu n lei I.

•Agent- fur t.ie crleliruUil .11 XK-' I'ATKNT HPBINU BED, i>esi In mnrkei. vaii.uis other kluils on liainl.

N. D.—Mr. W.HHiiaan will render any ueabrtance Jeslreii. in purcluisinx (cnodi in Ituston nr vlse- •■liere.

Amlover, Jan. I, im. n-


\VIHII.I;S \ i i: v \ ■> HI; IM I I..

Iha btHhMM of the laM Hanmu Abbotthavlng ]insst-.l into Hie liHinl, ol t'l- si|l.-iTlln-rs. tliev will eoatktna in furnish

COFFINS, CASKETS, HOBKS, I other orttelM eonawBtml with tlw hoetneee, ■u.i'lh I in Hi.- I.U.- I i. I ■ ■ nn.l lii.i ti. 'itdiiis nml CaskKs iinlsliiil in nil, wax, or cov-

ered with hroadclnth. The attention uf the trade resueetfully solieitiil.

I'i iif. a • Imi and gawMfOOa ns it In bu IViitiiil.


'p R R It E N C V. 11 K N R Y .

M V< lll'.Kt UI rl- Ml

folUo., CaafccU, «i«l nil kind* of Urara t'lothr*.

Al-io iloaler In In all kinds of Furniture. Black \\iihull. Chestnut, ami fine (luinilier Sets. riinstantly on hand. Cphnlitorlug and Kepnlring 11.nie in the m-iil.>-! manner, nml nt reaxtimihli- frl.'.'H. I'i.-tiir.' frames. Curtnlus mul (.'urtiiln

ixtuves euuslaiillv nn hand, and put up If ile- olrad.

Opposite Memorial Hall, Andover.

TEKUKXCR IIKSUY, Anrtlonevr and Cnmmlulii* Murvhaut, Is now prepared tu sell Heal K-tnU' or Personal I'rupcrtv at irim.in- Sble i-i in ■.

W A a o

w N I

LLI AM POOR, .Manufacturer of

Sxpreas, Market, Butcher, Store, Form and BiutlnotiB Wagrona.

ml all i i: V. ,..,ii im- In all ii ■ hn rnrrauteil u* rcproenliil. Andover, Miu.-h Si, INTI. If-

c° K h.

The suliserlucr aan n supply of COAL, of illffer ,.■■ .-.'■. flaw nuil (|unllty, which he will fnniish euiitomeri at a rcouonalile price and iburt notice. Orders may i.r left at JOHN H. t'HANDI.KU'M 1'erliHllcal store ur at my reidduiiee.

JOHN DHASOLBB. Andover, Sept. B, IMTi!.-

liy otli.-r I MOSK-i HISIVJI

George low n. I.KITIUE.—The lliii.l nf tlio "erle. ur leetuie-at

l.ilirai'i Hull, w.i. .li-liver.-l un Tiv.'-ihv evening, the :(lr-t nit., li\ >i-ntili>r I'ali.'iviui, of N. II. Tin- sulilerl wan '' A Trip Across the Cunlinrul." lu- ll ( luiurt'oi-iiimil .' mitt-.-e, in tin- Mimiuei' ■ If IN)7. The lecture iilKiuuileil In plca-iug ili'sciip- tlous nml |ii'itiiii'iil alieiilnlcs, und was d.-llveied In the Semitoi's eluqaeal nuimier.

The fouitli lecture Ivu.- given nil Mondnv even- lug, the mil iii-t., Iiv In-. Haver, and cnn.-l-t -.1 uf an neeiium of III™ e\|ilorutloiis in the •• Arctic Ifegloiis." The lecturer has a [ili'ii-iiig uianner, ill ill.in, hn! 7-nmdv if description, li'i

the eonne. 0. A. it.-The war drama "True to the Flag'1 as given l.ir the llrst time, at the Town Hid), un

Wednesdav eveiiiug, the Kh in-t. The piarl-are mostly taken Iiv memlsrrH nf Port HM. ami are

-II sustained. The tlll>liliu\ were excellent, d received uierited npplause. The entertain

ilient pioini-eH In be u siieci'sH. and ought tin ... lh,

stiilliitionofNeedham Post, No. .11*, of This city, ng t«|is-; WON lnrg.ly attended by the memliem and the

■] by lu- Ptl'Ue, on Wcdneeday eveninp; Cummnmler --iiiin.n- Prank Da^U preelded, excellent music was

j provided lf>* a volunteer choir, eonalottng of Probate | Messrs. Ell 1%, Cooper, Clark, Wilcox, and Mr.

iiy'nexi,' "'"' ^r"- "rake, a parlor urguti having heen cuiiM". if j kindly loaned by the Dyer Broi. Comrade Ooo.

I to give 8* Merrill, the Mustering ofHecr for this dis- lo- i-ltp- j trict, conducted the ceremonies of installation.

lean and ! "I"1 l!"' '''"""'ng olH.er.- were Inducted for the , til.' I.li-t ; 1-llMlillg 1 I'.i) ;—

r.»n,mni(ie,',—s. r. Boraona. S. V. ('.,—.lame." Noouaii. J. V.C.—11. A. Seaver. A.ljt.,—1). Ji.luiT.toii, Jr. UumleniUL-ler,—A. M. Holt. Surgeon,—J. O. McAlllsK-r. t'liapliiin,—SuniiiiTTliompson. (Hlhirol the Day,—John Bheeoa.

" ** Ouard,—Chas. C. Durgln. SeiM.-Major,—F. O. Ktmiall. (J. M. Sergt.,—Aloiiui Joy.

SiiIncipient to these ceremonies, short speech- * were made hy the mustering ufflccr, retiring umuiaiiilir, niuirailes Philiiriek, Ftak, Rargent

and Nooiiau, by Uiv. Mr. Wood and Judge Ste- iulwspen-eil with tinging, and a very

pleasant umbdon wax bad.


l!a' ftr-t I. |i|'- ..inn.- , will iiii.liiiililedlv diMttipear as Hie |HTl'oruiern liecimie niuri' ainilinr wltli lln- -ituntlou. Ii will lie given em-li evening during Ibe WtH-W.

tup KKI.1.UWS-The Installation of nfll >eri of .il.Mlii.il l.udge. No. 11T. nrre.1 on We.lne--

.hiv fvcnliiK. the l-l tn-t. N. O., K. s. Daniels V. ii.. <i. if (arlt-m; It. See., W. ll-lei; (or. SCC..J. P. Miekiwv; W., lieu. Hole: ton. M. P. Chase: It. s. X. (;., W. II. Harrlnwii, I.. S. N. i;.. W.O. WadleiKli; lt.s.Vl...J. ti. s.-aU-.; I.. s. V. ti.. Perley Tlimker; It. s. ".. It. Williams, ' S. s..s. it. While; O. <;.,r. P. Merrill; g. ii.;

s. Howe: It. ti. ti. M.. A. J. Atkinson rou. icti'il tile excrcii-es m itixtulluiion. A collation the IViitU.'ket lloiii.,', S|H-e.-lie> In the ll.lt. SI., the N. ti.. an.I others chiied ilie ceivinii-


City Marshal's Report. The Inllowhig la the report of tlie lily Marslial •r the uuarter umlhig Isoc. It, 1ST ' s, nop*U of crime for which UBwM hate lieen

lade: Fiirilrunkenuesi', IW; aafc keeping, MS; uceiiy.lO; assault H| raftrwots, it; Idle and dlR- nlerly.J-'; rtrunk, Snd oDence. IT. vlolution of Ity ordinance, tj; eummon Orunkanls, II; dls-

turliauce, 7: -i- -■.utt aglrers.'tl; breaking and tering, ■; peddling without license, i; i.ii-iar.U, triinnis, i- adultery.l; reeuiviuf Hohm' gooils, Insane,!: witness, I; fast driving, 1, mnhe-

ioiii mischief, I: IbroabJenioatof .town. I; total lumber of iirrcsti. -Iii; number of lodireni, 1711

titai amoti nml ledgara, T«. Paoalved from the lerk of the (Miliee court, and paid to rIty IIV:MII

er as ohteun and witness fees, aiwu.30; lines for :iliou of eity onllnane4-, OUI.W; l.anl. #-U.HI.;II.

The report (tar the quartet ending Sept. *Mi. iM7i. .in■« . £ls ..!-..■:■ uf ilritukeuiiuss, 4d more titan for

: ie ijuarlcr Just rli.iiil. The iiuinliir of eommuu Irmikanls for that ipuirter wua Pi, and Hie nitm- berof thrtee charged with u oeeond otUMWiU, Thus lliere i« shown a decrease of nearly W raocH

>t' drimkeimess. which ■peaka well for llic elTorts iiii.le In Ui.- work of tempernncc relOnti.

The Iteptililiinus of Salem held their nrrl meet- lagliir Iheconilii|[eaiiipMipi»t the Hnll, on satur- ilay evening l.t-t. Ih-lcgnles were clioeeu to at- tend the pending convention'. Tim oiieslinns arising for ilelilH'ratiuu were dNeusseil In a spir- ited n in liner, evincing a zenl am I earnestness en- tirely eompnlMile with the int.-i.'-l- ill i-Uik. . A lively i nnipnlgn is promised, and uilh Ibe old. time resolution of the pnrti csua.it Inll to ki*|i the ltepuhlienn partv in the ascendency Tor the cum- Ing year.

The Democrat-held their luitiatorv meeting in the lower hall nt the same time. Of course, not being uhtipill.in-, wi- i-aiiti.il report IV ir tiu-iuc--. but mav sufclv venture a little oracular prediction that their progress mid pmspiN-is will mnt.-rlnlli dimliilsb tu mngiiiiMiie during the oombu contort.

The :■!.-:..l> rtligliius interusl progresMlng in the Mctliudimt Hoelelv here, lint- Imnie its UII'KKHI tVuil In the uwakeuiug im.l (■•niv.T-i.ni nf w.uls. Threi. persons were, la-1 Snhbntli, hapliz^l at the nlL'ir, and nine ni*lv«l Into HK-church. The grai-luin. work continues in u quiet, though encouraging

The appearance of the AM Kit [CAN In its" suit," Id pleasing ami gmtil. iugto its uumel reaitew. The stories eiuih'lhulcd hv Its Klftcd New York . ■'■rn-jiiiiiil.'iit HIT r\i i-i-.liiiL-h rcli-licl. and Hie general nuiu c — i.in pi.-vail-that the fair writer's ''furh'" Is telling stories. Mav we lie lu- vnnilwltb more emanations from her Inimitable

Itnin fellropiouslv during Smulai afternoon ami evening, causing uiuch ill-oinliirt In church go- ITS. The roads were in a wretched plight, ami travelling unsafe.

VI ATI 111.

Cogswell was elected Mayo jr,M a majority of ten v

rHuiniiel Callev last year's Itiettmhetil.

'Police Coun.

Ballard -Vale, Tlioic Jolly rellows are about again, clad in ruli-

tier hnotii, anil earn ing with them ull «orti oi'siir- vevhig a|iparatu-. limiting up n terminus for the new railroad. We si lihi't like to sec, nnv niir- tike made hi Its luentiou, but our cltiiens are a little anrprloeil that it laiuiol lie brought mure witltln tin- limits of our village. Perhaps we have no just reason tu claim nnv lieneflt bv making our vllhge the point fur switching off. but U tliere not Iti'tthe lea^t hit ni'arlmnce for tin- nunl to grew In |HHiiilarit\ ami hwrense In usefulm'sn by com- ing near ua'r Our laisiness luteresU and fncilltles may lieenlargeil some day. so that weinav, it

|. the w other II blv', huv up the whole thing: then whn wi'ial.l in- to lav the track all .iveragah. _.. tion wliK'ti •eeni' Hie uiosl .le-lrahl.' juat now, an.I which will probable U- de.'|.bil iipmt, llea alsiut a mile from here. Inward Wilu.iii.il.'n Junction. We understand Hi" line w ill i im . LIM' to the houses of Mr. Cliarhw Mcara and Mr. t'ralg, Jmt far enough mrw, we suppose, to naiise nnha|i|iln am.iii( our people lasuu+e they cant have a I railroad.

In the place of a lecture, next \Ye<Ue#il«> c Ing, we are M he favored with a reading, by Kev. K. L. Hv.le. iiftuillosHaiThaologleal .4,... nary. The subject will be "Uofl nwuaratilp of

Some or folk* here have lengthened oat their gongrnphv leseon of bile, and after tu ruing a cur- nerlu Colorado.have oonojudarl that thnrels nnih iug more to lie learned; UM'} seera to think they have been s|tcelalIy trained to live In such a i II-

», and nn wonder, when we rand «f tliepeiiple


PASSAGE secured via. Audi or, Tfatloual, or White Mar I,in.- at loweut rates, between I.lveipoal or 4;u*K">> ami Ilostou or New York.

Draft* from £l upwanls; al-o, prepaid rertlfl- catea tu New York or Boston.

for further particular* apply to

W M. MAEI.ANI). Agent,

AMXIVKU, "-I '.■■■■ Andover, May 17, Ur73.-

A Golden Wedding. A plcusuut party of the children and friends Jonas II. Hill UIHI wife, assembled on New-

ear's evening, ut the residence of their sx.n-tit- law, (ico. H. Williams, .South Lawrence, to cel- ebrate the Httieth iinnlvcrsary of their wedding. Alter u season of social intercourse, aud pur- taklug of a l.mntiful supiilv of refreshments, their pastor, Be*, f,'. L. wood, In ls-lialf .it" a few of tlie (ihler mem tiers of the chunh, pre- Mllteil lllem, etch, with u pair.il gold IKIWCII sjiectiicles, uci-onipauied with u few appropriate remarks, immediately alter which, their chil- dren pi .mi-. I r h. III with an envelope of golil ■ i■ ■ 11 ■ i uml givenbacksf an a token ot their tlliul regard, with well chosen and feeling remarks, through Mr. Oeorge Kiiigmau of iti-udlng, u son-ln-luw. Trover was then ottered In* the Hev.Mr. Whltlier, ol the South Side, ami the Interview closed with n good old filshinued song, in which all heartilv joined. The lumoe- was very prettily trinliiH'J with evergreen, aud alto- gether, it was a must cnjoyaiile occanlmi, Ui which the vencralilc pair seem to take an Inter- est second to none; and they were ttld good night with many wishes that' their evening of life may lie lull of gulden * unset. w.

A DuoUTM SOIBKK, In cuurseot pre|iaratloii by membon of Phomtetan LoehjD »f Masons, promises an evening of rare cutcrtaininciit, at Saunden Hull, un Tuesday next; tlie admirable play uf the Merchant of Venice, with a right jolly farce, Is to lie presented. The eimt Include*

■h excellent talent in isur rity ua Mr. Thomns viand, John H:ii,:li. C. Alwri-ronihlc, K. W.

Clmrehill, Arthur W. Dyer, Mrs. McAliinter, Agnes liana, Miss. Low« and ntherH, with

am it en m of tons )de ruble reputation from Bna- ton. Tickets, with reserved seaU, for a*le nt Dyer's.


The fiUbserihir would respectfully give notice to the citizen* of Audorer and vklnity that he has opened aotew and

KiiHt.i. opiiu-it<i ii Hurt's l.lv

tiblo Hivir It.-. tllo Hotel. KI.M SgiAitK, next door to

livery Stable, where he will lie happv to receive and attend to the wants ofeustomurs.' Hv ihietatu.ulion In business, and by faithnil endenv-

lo please, Iw hopes to ilei*rve a fair pVOpor. - — -lOdence nnd palronoge. It will

Children's Hulr. P. «.—Toilet Shnmpoi

the hair n IUHIUI miap o

Andover, Jan. n, 1H73.

118. K. L. TAl'I.KY,

OKOItOK H. nltltll.l..


ladles on promenn.tc beiiur i ii-iinilicr«l wltlipara- sol», hydrant-i open. .1 li>i- sprinkling the streets, living with doom na.l window* open moat of the time In .fnnuarv nml February, with very "wie nneil of a lire; there seem- siirvlv U\ be a little cionee for a warm reception wlien one Ml there, were the* to he rredlted with telling liea. Several parties are feeling an Interest In these Hor.kv Mountain region', anil though I here are no ruses of fever that mav Iw repotted as remarkably dan- gerous, still It in.I. lend I-, im net hi ng like eullgra tlon,

NORTH ANDOVER. The North Andover liar Scales Corporation,

held IM nftv-sec'iml nuiiuul meeting, nil Monday evening, n't the Kim Vale Hnuie: after hearing the report of the treasurer, anil MM pavmeiil of a divldeml. (W per mil.! the i..ll..wlng were chosen odlcers Tor the vent ensuing. 4 u| Therun John- son, Preslileiil; Muses Foster, K-.|., Vice Presl- di'ill; I'apl. t:h»«. V. John-oii, C.l. J.ss. P. Allen nnd YVm. Fo*tor Ksip, directors. Subaei pie ally about taeutv.llve sal down ton turkev supper, fatten up bv tlie landlord, Cot. .lauucs, to which, ofrnurse, ample Juitlee wa* done. Ijiwrence was nut withnut repreiontatlves at tlin gathering.

Seth Farnbam a few days nincc, killed u hug which weighed, when dressed, HO poaadl.

il'i r.'-iHi-ll'ulh imiti- tin- nU.-ulii'ii lu-r friends ami the public generally, to the Full and Winter styles of Milliucn carefully selected.

1 1'ouncctlon has lieen added a choice slorli of Fancy floods. We shall emleavur lo ]ireaeitt the most reliable styles, and introduce the novelties of the season as last as they np|ienr. The WursUil Department is made n specialty.

Ml: ■ It. I.. TAI'I.KV, MllS. K. A. HlNSllN.

Andover, Oat, IS. I-V.v tf-


i or tbreo yearr,



The Huhacrllier hereby inform* tlie citizen* of Andover and vicinity that he hn* taken the shop lately occupied by \H1IM>V Hrotliers, corner of Mala nnd (S-ntrarstreei-, Mime h.-» ill keep lor vale u large a.-mirliuenl of M.-nts and Vegetables. Article* delivered when de^ii.il. free orclwrge.

H. P. BOLT. Andover, Juno 8, PJTi. Htf-


fiwrinit and And*-

The stihscrltiers nn1 now ii ,11 kind nf work In tlie L

tlee ami at or. roprletors bold Ihemselr gmwls lost or mislaid, wl Satisfaellon guaranlecd in all

UKPORT <»f tlie pondltlOU of "The Andover National Bank," at Andovar, in tlie

state of Nnssochusell-, "I tin- close .>! Ini-ine-s on thet7th dny of December, Wti.

Heaoureea, l.onnauiiddlsriiunls, /1:»',.M i"u I1. & bonds to teOUm circulation, «UI,IHIII ID) V. H. iMindsoiihiuid. , un.uon un Hue fruui reileemiug and reservi

agents, KRI HI Mi.iiUlii,; i-c 8,(100 «l Ca-b items-checks, Wl IW 11,11 of National Hanks, H,l 17 no Fractloualcurrctii-v,(includingnickel*) flft (« Npecle-cnln, Mtl " Legal tuuder notes, tft.tgjo

lltaJBl MahllitlM.

Capital stock paid in, 0100,000 00 Surplus funds, *.-,.;.;i ',- I',,.HI an.lloss, KM W National Ilnuk cir.'uhili.ui outstanding. 17S.HII0 00 Hivblonds unpaid. u-" "■' Individual deposits, i'.'«'" 40

08H1,t*tl 3M

1, MOSCH Foster, Ooahlor of "The Andover Ha. lioual Hunk," do solemulv swear that the above ■tatement Is true, tu the Is'st of uiv kimwh-lgc uml In-lier. M« l>f> K tsTF.lt. I ashler.

Correct-Attf si. JOHN FLINT, i NATH'I, HWirr. I Oirertors. .LW.HMITII, >

■i:ii ■ of Mn'.sachusetls, eouuty of Ks*e\. Hub nerlhed nnd -n orn lo bOtBM me this alxih day of January, UfOJ. J"M$ |T.I>T.

lieUtii ,.|i.,,i ,l.|- fur uiarkeil or ~-

r Agcnrlea.

.,- line, in superl.ii hurt notice ami at prices Hull defy coin

"" i uruprletor* bold themselves re- all K.i.i.ls lost or mislaid, whether

guarmii ling tbrr.. —

fiirtluT purliculars iiii[iilre ■ McKav, lltl Kssex aim ' "•vh|te, omce at T. Ilcnrj

or our agents, Kdu l.nwreucr, and It. ■■ Main street, Amlovl..

A share of public pnlrnuiig.- re-pectfullv soli. II ed. TOWXM'.Mi, lil.oix.K'lTACo.

West Aineshury, Nov. I, IsTJ. ttf-

M, It.—All goisl* »ent to our Laundry at 001 risk, and free nf fj-wnsr. dnnd* Intemiisl fur tin I.uuudrv if left on Miuidnv <<r Tuesdav, at Ihe drj SIHMI* store of K. McKay, will lie attended to with


W. F. KHKPAKI), M. 1)., Ht>M(Kt)PATHIST,

Has taken Ihr office recently in-cupIcil bv Dr. O. L. liradford,

i nil. .■ hour* till 0 A. M.. 1 lo t, and 7 to 0 r. n. »*-Fresh Vaccine Virus [Ram Ihe cow) con-

Manll. "ii hand. Andover, Nov. 1,1R71. Tftf-

Dut'NkM. - Joseph lluhbll, n Uatmi charged with drunkenness; he was let off by paying the eoet*. Kllen Hunt, whoa eaked wool she nnd to say to the charge of drunkenness, promptly replied "liulltyl I drnnk five gUUecool beer." she wu* third »l and cost..

LAIUXNY.—Mary Maiialum was found by oh* oat llunui, ou Thursday, prewUug urounil the drug store or Mr. C. llnrk, I Ile ilmw nf w tried to open; In- took lier to the stilion house when It was found Mint -he bad two pill JW cases in her possession, evidently Uikeii from n line, as they were wet, nml she could give no satisfactory reason for their possession; It having been ibown that she had no home, Ml Honor sent her to the House of Correction for three monthii.

llHKAKixo UtO KNTitiitNii.-Bernard McCorren a* arraigned on a complaint cluirging him with

breaking nnd entering the ■ tnre of Henry II. l.n- /I'llc un tlroadway. on the night of the 1:1th or

>ec. and stealing Uwrefrom three hoxe* uf cigars, alued nt f!l.; eight pound* Of I.ibaero valued Ol .-I; eight pounds of lanaagai a I; one box of tigs 1; one can of fruit *r nml copper and nickel

coins ol the value of *l, and all of the value of #31; he pleaded not guilh. and yitilving examination

held In a.VN). On another complaint charging him with breaking and entering the store of Alvah Webster, on llrou.lwiiy. and stealing therefrom, one box of tobacco, valued nl gli; two luxes of ■ ii:.ii , ■■■'■ ta o down of pocket knlvat, gll; livo doaen of suspenders, 00; eight pair* Of aocka, 01: copper and nickel eurreney, gl; nml nil lo the value of *I0: he waived examination tiud was" held In 0.100.

RaCSntKO ST.II.KS Pitril'l:tiTV.-Mr*. Calden and Mrs. Doyle, two women who were before the court cliargrd with receiving atnlOU property SOIIMHCII days ago, had their cases called again t» day, when the court granted0 further ciiutlniuinee tothcIh-Bl Wednesday In Fehrunry ; suntiea lie- ing reqnlred tn each in aaat),

AHAIXI WITH AKxiK»:.-Peterund Joseph Iler- lies. and William Mltehclt, wore charged With on assault Upon ime H illlaui Young, with a knife. H appears that a short lime ago the imi-lle.. were re turning late at nlghl fmni a dance In Hull-ville, when they got Into an nlterenlion about a young woman, and In the <piarrcl, Y g was stubbed. After hearing the oaaabJt Honor seub'iieisi each ifthe HartaM brothers to pay a line nfOlO, ami the nst* between them. Mil ■lull was dlsc.luirged.


Although there was a new Marshal, Assistant il uiv hill and onlcers, conducting the duties of

the court this morning, everything we . The tante good order was apparent, the old perfume Impregnated the utniii-phere he court—where It come* from, goodness

known—the prisoners sat in their usual planes In 'thO dock, the spectator* louagodaa usual op the lienehes, the lawyer, incnple.l their ifd seals within the bar, the re pre scuta live* of the press ihurpened their pencils with the same uld knives, nml behind .)es*c, who occupied his accustomed place, -at his Honor, Ihr old benevolent smile ra- diating his countenance, the same humorous twinkle In his eye. Marshal Itentty having got everything In order, Ihe curtain was rung up. ami the aharaetera came upon the stage.

Dairxga.—Patrick Diherty was. found guilty of being drunk; his Honor lined him fl I Put asked fur a chance. Ill* Honor Uked him If he bad any family, ami nn Pat rcritondltig negative, bis Honor expressed hi* regret Hint u manat hi* lime of life slinul.l mil know the coin- furt of having n family. He thought Pnt should not lie denied the pleasure any longer of not liv- ing In n family, mid he would send him fur B short lierlml to tlie tnotttulh ■ attuatoa oath* hank* of the Spl.ket, where, during hl« stay, ho

•led hy n pretty large Ihmily presseil his thanks. Kd. Foley was guilty of a great fully In getting drunk yarstarday, and of a •till greater folly in attempting to evade Mie pay- ment of a fare on the fl.iston ami Maine railrond. Fur the llrst folly he was tine.I $1 and naTtBrOI thirty dny* In the II. t'„ and fur the ici-oml, gin

I'liKHKNTATiox,—Mr. Clark L. Austin, wlmhai been iimnoutcii witli Um rucllTc Cutporatiim a'nee it* organ butt ion, aud is aupcrlitteiuk'iit of the spinning deimrt incut, wan recently presented with it lu-ntitifuily eurvcsl wulnut shlcltourd by tlie section hands under him. Tlie prei>entatioi) was made by Mr. A. Morse, In a neat speech. Mr. Austin, although taken completely by sur- prise, responded in an appropriate manner, lluinklug the A BOOM for their kind present which he assured theiu, wiui an unexpix'tod a* It was pleasing to him.

Sri'KUiN-iExnr.XT or SCHOOL*.—At the first meeting uf tin; School Committee uf 1K73, on Tuesday evening, GILBERT E. Boot), ESQ., the efficient Superintendent for s-cvcrul years past, received tlie handsome compliment of an unani- mous re-election to that iiosition for the ensuing year.

hi his Will he gave hi- relatives. lH-que*ts big to about atl.ooo, and the balance of OW.OOU j„ lertto the purl-li. for the '.upp.irt of the gosi«4.

V I I. ■■■. UILH l\

urish, for the ..,. " r Itarker, (hmierly of North Ando- jr. mi

...*. iu hi* will bequeathed his proiicrty. consist- ing of about *lo,i«n,_ror the establishment!"■■'

(loon THHPI.AIIH—Young America Lodge, I. O. O. O. T., at their meeting on Wednesday evening, initiated live new miMnlwr*. The fol lowing wore elected delegates to ntteml the tem- perance convention at Unstou, un the l.ith in-t II. M. Hatch, Charlee Pnyaon, and A. D

The imununeemcut nf the New England Con- servatory of Music, in another column, will be read with Interest hv music students. The high 'huracter of this Institution is widely known,

and It* system of affording t|ie in mi nf the liest tiiicherr, at a merely nominal price, has made It the largest music school In the world. Advanced pupils from this Conservatorv, lutve little illlhcultv In -r.niiiLi' nr-t class situations. The Spriug term open* Echruary 10.

ONE HUNDRED REPUBLICAN VOTES 8TOLEM, ■ nnilDOC nr I C n T II D C O rROMTHEBALLOT-BOX.ANDDEMOCRATlci 8PKC1M. Xorickv-O. D. Ani.stroilg A Co., 1 C U U H S t OF LECTURES. TICKETS SUBSTITUTED. THE RCCOftD AND ■„,„.„ „M,.,y ,„„. ,,„,. „f a«ih-n serge suitings I THf POft"c ftwnDN T"TIMn"* : in nil the new shades, at 31 cents raT viird, iur- ! a

incr price «14. ] Baturday Everungr, Jan. 18th. Saturday Evening, Feb. 1st.

Baturday Even's, Feb. 15th.


That a gross fraud wo* perpetrated iu the re- turns from Ward Four of thl* city, ut both slate j T|IK prjakH AM„ S,

d munlclpiil elections Ihl* year.—to say nothing is Haianl A CnswcllV, made on the seashore, orindicaUiin*ofpreviousles*er*uccei>ws,-lsui.w rr""1 fresh, M-lected livers, by ( nswell. Hazard A

iu..i., , , r i i ,, „_J ,w„ to., New \ork. Il I- ;ili-.iliil-lv pure and sweel. o clearly established as to brand the perpetrnior* i.ntion„H„„ h,Te one- taken it pmghr II to nil lith the mark or Infainy in the eye* of all honed oilier.. Plivsleluns have decided Itiicn.. la thin wanl, for full live years, the de- any of ihe oilier oil-In mnrkH.

Itooraey have had mibrokeu control, and—bin In ! ,,„,„„,,, tt.v„a ",. * T,.,.»i. the light of Um now proven Irnude, very «higu. hirly, the litqithiul oftl'Ul-,- Warden and all three Inspectors, have Inieii kept coiiiiuuonsty awocia- j'J"


ti:il a* eUBludiuu* uf ibe ball..!-, -iu.-e is.,,-, iVom w lu.li time the Demorratic column, in un- pre- cinct, tin- been swollen from a minority of lire at

BtOtfl election of law, b) a maturity of Thrr* , Httndrtd ami Forty, (3») at Hie city cL-elioii of

- A OLOSCg HACKWAMIt. And Just here, lei u* present a few figures, anil

Kt bow thOM reoent marvetm* l>eun,.T*ti.- raa. S irltles, at returned by this perpetual board of :ouiiUr* iu wurd four, will aUud the test orannly

•Is nml eompariton. The number or rateable paUf retiirneil by the Asm'ssorn i 1 lie city hi laW, was 3T31; 187*. 0977, an Increase during the four years, of ]tf oaf cent. The total vo(* or the city at the Presidential election of 1&V, via* 3087, nnd at the like election In Ittll, 37U0, an in,i-ea-e of H per cenL. being 37 per cent, gresttr tlian the lilerenau 111 poll*.

In Wunl Four, tlie number hf pall* In lacfi wu UM. ami In 187*,—till, on increase, of tit per rent. The total vote of thU ward jet the Preddcntbd election of 1M0M, wa* AUt, anfl in 1873,—H40, an in

e of tt per cunt, being LU gain over the In- crease in polls, id 41 per cni, only a trifle differ cut I r< mi the average of tlie enlre city.

Nuw turn to the politic*] ptaae of Uie figures, id see how far the return* ot tbe veteran rnanip-

,il:it,.i-,- In Wan) Four will *|md a compaii*nn. The total vote of tbe city for (lien. (.runt In IHOH, )7£I, and In IsTra,—1US7, at increase uf v> pof nent- In the entire city. In Word Four, lu MUX, be received 300 vote*, and in MX, by the returns, ,nl. ">i. a derreaae of 10 votet! That Is to nay, vhile (leu. IJrant received in 1873, in the city, *»

more vote* than in IN0H—in thti ward, with Hie growth of nearly owe tblnl of the W«iole rtly, he b. given hy Die retunia le*i votM than before; in

■boil, every one or tlie :tw no-, poll* luldod In Ward Four alnee lriGrl muit b. demonraU, and in

en. (iraiit's supporter* <f INRn, also went against him in i-.-i. Hut lurUer, toe IhimucraUc.

•te for President In the clt; hi 1**. wa* liVi. I in ]>•;:.■■ in'.i; an lacreax of 47per cent, lu Ward Fonr, In I--.-, tlw same v«e wo* Stfi. and In l*7i. us returned, It reached 000 an Increase of Itt per cent I

(irnupiug then) results shnw* more clearly the ignlfleance of the figure-:

inln of Vote over Polls—

In Mie rulirt rilg, .f; per cent. In Want Four, 4j percent.

■ ;iin of Itepubllcan Vote - Iu the rnlirr rtly, ]t percent. In irurrf Pour, IAII, 10 vote*:

11;.; II of Democratic Vote- In the niffrr city. In U-r.l Poor,

Place the closing figure* conella thorn with hoheat

ringivonii, •nit-rheum, an.! nlber cutaueo lions eunil, ati.l ihe-kin iiuidci-on ami emiH.

ising the .Iuni|H'i- Tar >-in,>, made bv Cnswt ... ifaauni 4_t'o., New Vork. Iki certain to gel Uie

i tint worthless tliwnli

BVIIIIN TniKLi. A Co. have made ■ aWei reductiim in the price of worsted goods, m ■louds, Ii-..1. &c.


I. 1.1, by UHANIUAN-TIPPLK— lu this eiti llev. Dr. Packard, Thomas tJranl, Ohariotta Tipper. Xo cards.

IIAI.1-: I'l.Ai us in ih, city, .Inn. Till, ut the residenre or the bridegroom'-, rather. Mr. .1. F. Hale, by llev T.. A. Whltlier, Mr. Henry F. Hale ami Miss Annie A. Deae ImlIi nf f.aw-

BTEVENK-KIMJKRI.Y.-ln Ibis cltv. .Inn. 7lh, by Rev. C, K. l-'i-tn-r, Mr. I l.ail,* Hi Ntevens. uf ijiwrence, and Miss Nellie 1-l.lnei l\, ofClilchea- ter, N.H. No rants. MAl.l.UllIIM.r:-Hl>CKMAN. - In thle cJtr. Jau. 1*L by llev. L. D. Harrows. Mr. Kmanuel Mninllhridge nnd Miss Martha Huckmaii, IHIMI or Lawrence.

JACKSON-MKHItli.l..-ln Uetlmcii, dau. ill.. by llev. Tlio-. (i. Ura-slc, Mr. ( Im . M. Jack, mi and "Ii- l.luh' Merrill, !.,.rh or Mcihuen.

PAtiK—HALL.—In Melhuen, .Inn. 7lh, by Her, Tims. (I. limssie. Mr. (ico. A. Page iiud Mi»» Lucy M. Hall, both ufMetbueii.

P]EKCK-H(>LMKS.-In Uetlmen, IK-c. Snili. by S. (i. Sargent, K.u.. Mr. < harle* A. Pierce, nf Mctlmen, and Mrs. Kllen Holmes, or Drue in.

(JKlFFIN-nrTCHINsON.-In Middlelnn. .Ian, 1st, bvKev. I.. II. Fran. WillLim L. (Irlflln to Miss Kmnia [. nill.-llllison, nil Of Melhuen.

47 par cent BO per cent.

Iieilde the others, ami 'muting ifynti can.

■-I'M'I KVIUKM'K 111 FllAI'D.

From several elrrumslaticei oltaehlug to Ihe voting at the late slate flclun, ih- lb-publlenns hail strong suspicion* flint fhry were cheated iu tlie count In thla wanl, and niTrr disc us. bin by tlu> -ity committee, the IUIHOU for u*e at the state elec- lou were pi mid <m pn]ier >f unusual wldtli, so is to lie easily .li-iliignislie.i from vote* of the or- Unary slae, ami prominent dttoaaa ograid lore uiaIn throughout the tiny b) tlie polling desk In ward four, one of them provided with a full list of

liters, witereoa he kept i careful Ully t* aa depoolted. Wbea tbe poll* opened In lombuj the Demorraili- ballots distrlhuUid in

the ward room, oa had bean aoticlpatc.l the republican, and th

wa* entlly kept hy Mr. A. V. Bag-lice, w list. Within threc-fuurtha Ofanhnnr

lot of Democratic ballots wa* brought to tlie ward room, or the prordee width or the Bepublii eU; Uui original ballot* were earefully collected from the dl*tributors, and only Uie v

of during the remainder or Die no other ward in the city wu* inch subitltutlon made' The tint of Mie paper, however, was

e, and a* , a* Um trick and It* .-■. id.-m pur|tosc wu* seen, hy a little mure cure, thu tick,

distluguiahnhlr In nearly every case. Al Mie close of the polls, Uie tally of Mr. llugbee— and our clUseu* know III* reputnUon Pin

gave Ur. Davis, Republican candiilam u r, 34ivute»; When thu ward oRtcer* maile their

diiTlaratlon, they only credit**.! hlm WtthUTI Prom morning till night, while wlUi a single ex-

ception Uiu outer ward* made frequent count* aud declaration* of thu mayoralty vote, the wanl fuur oOlctal* i.iu-rii. and their final declaration wa*

Ithheld until the I'ooUug* of all tlw oUier want* ere known In thv mma: Tte IHlUof* wwn re-

muvetl t I-OIII the table to a acttee In tbe rear, where they could not Iw aeen by tbe voter*, while a small clo*et at the end of this acttee, wa* Uie de|>o*itory or pile* or DemocraUr. ballot*, IVom which the distributor* were -.applied. At Ihe city election, Uie i [.'in' in.it ir warden, Mr. K. W. Coleurd, I* un- derstood tu lutve bad large sum* or money at *tuk ■, liet on the result or the content, the oeule- iiii'iii i>r which woe to he made up hy the vnto* he bad in charge, and un Uie following morning In went into one of the bank* of thee Ity, and shak- ing a pile or i.ill ■ In the foci of in ofllccrs, public- ly exclaimed hi the pres«ice of other*, tint it

ARTIirit.-lii Ibis eiti. Jan. ;th. ti sou to Mr. ft Mrs. David Arthur.

KF.NNEDV.-lu Uii< cltv, Jan. 7th, n son to Mr. ft " -s John KcniHily.

Illii iWV-ln thl* cltv, ou Un- slh m-i . u >Unghler to Mr. ami Mrs. I.adore Itrown.

lb it ■ IIN- lu this i llv, on the M lust, n dOWthtet Ur. aud Mr*. Peter llounis.

IlltDWS.-ln 4.anUirbury. N. II., .Ian. 1st. n daughter to Mr. A Mrs. Alfred II. Hrnwn.

}t %.jf f t&g e &.

5) e a 11\ £. DH.LWORTH.-ln this cltv. .Ian. lith, Tlmothv.

son or Patrick noil Mary Dillworth, agud 10 yr*. I.ADD.-lu Mils cltv. .Ian. 14, Hall)- IJiil.l.age.1

Hyrt. K'ALKER.-In this eltv..Ian. 1-t, l-:inr Walker.

aged ia yr*. WM..-ON. Ill tin- ciH, .lim. J.I. III:. Helle, il'fallt

ihtughterorHenn A., and t^ora A. Wflsou. 111:1)11.1. lu 11, !■..-. i>. .I.,., rtil, Atn-aham n-.iill,

aged M year*. wu.hi\- n\. n. this city. Jim. 2d, Alice Wil-

kinson, aged 31 yr*. .U'STrs.-ln this etty.Aro. M.GMrhMrO, AUS-

lin.ogcilSi yr*, t'ATK.-In tld* oil), Jan. M, Nellie Cute, aged il. NDDNAN.-Iu Andover. .Inn. 7th, Nancy, wife or

Edward KoOWVJh and ihniglileror.lohn I n .■■■ ■ II. agiil A years.

OUITI AUV. STAIIOKj.UIKItTy l.i 11 m^ (. O.li.T.-Wlien'on

It hath pleased Almighfv tlod mir Heavenlv Fath- er, to take auddrnlv from our midst uur lieloved hroUier, Jaaac Walker, haWOforo—

lltwirnl, 'i Inii in III* death we have lost a kind and faithful brother nml member or the OMorof ....... I Templar*.

liaolml. That we a* a Lisbje extend uur and heartfelt sympathy to hl» liereflved ents and relative* In their great JUtolml, That a ropy of those.

resented to hf* parent*, and a —- Lawrence America

resolutions I _ ,iv published

id Weekly Jonrnal,'

BV 11 O N T B U ELL & C O., 1IAVK UA11E A



Every oue mu*t be suld befnre stock taking.

A ltd or ■■.-.■ui- ami I :\ ■] ■■ i . 12 1-3 c.

i by him . .i Mie election or the .lay


and .'

Justice of Ur


At UM- Atuyool Meeting uf the members or ihe Andover Saving* Ilnnk, held <m UomUy. Jan. IMh, ihe billowing named getitlemen were chnnen

vhts- S'alliunlel Bwllt John Film, Moses Foster, iotomou Holt. Isaac Carrulli, '■'. i.i i hul., in. .

A tnie copy nf « It

John Abtint. Walter H. Kimliall. Joseph W. Smith, John I., smith. The run .lobnaon, Hoses T. Men i,

JOHN F. KlMHAI.l., Bar,


Tbe Annual Meeting nf the members of the Andover Havings Hank will Im held nt their Hank Ing Hoomon MONDAY, the sixth day of January nest, at i nm i. o'clock P, M.. for tin' ehnlee of Ofllccrs, and the transaction of such other business as may legally mine IM>tore them.

JOHN F. KlMHAI.l.. Trenaurer. Andover, Ih?c. 17, 1071. St-

J HETTH. To the lielrsaldaw, next of kin, and all other

person* Interested in Ihe estate of JONA- THAN A. HKKHHK. lute of Andover, 111 said county, vciniian, dc en.-ed, gli'ctlng :

Where**. a'oertaJn Instmincul, purporting to be tlie hut Will and testament of *nid deceased, hn* Iwen prescutiil to said lourt, for pmbaie, by Kdwunl H. iloutwclL who pray* that letters le* tauientnry may ba issued to him, Uie eteiuloi therein nnmcil.

Vou are hereby cited to appear at a Probate Court Ui be tnildcn at Lawrence. In said comilv of Ksaei, on the Oeeond Tuesday uf January next, at nine o'clm-k In Hie forenoon, to show cause, ir any yon have, against tlie same.

And said petitioner I* herein directed to givi public notice thcreol, hv pnhlisblug this citation ODOC a week, for three'succc*»ltc weeks, lu the new*pn]ier called the Lawrence American and Andover Advertiser, primed at Ijiwrence, Ihe htsl publication to In- two dav* at least, belnre BOM eeuet.

Wlines*, tieorge F. < hmilc. Esipilre, Judge said tourt, this twenty fourth day of Dcccmh in the year one thousaud eight hundred and s< ty-two. iW7- A. C. UOOItKLL, Regl-ter

II. I.I w

All Mie 03, ill nml A down to Clouds IVom M e. to »1. A lot of . .cni ' Merhio Hose at ljulles line rlblicd Hose,wldb'Acolored,

Is |


I left o

I.AWKSV.—Fred Do More was arraigned on a complaint charging hlm with the larceny of a vel- vet clunk from some person unknown. Ills II..u ur examined the giinnciit, tin.I opined thai It wa* a kuly's clonk, us it had so much trimming on It. The opinion did Justice Ui his Honor'* judgment, Tor everybody present W0I convinced that it wai n lady'* cloak, rred elated that he found It, but u* ill* an unuaunlthiugror ladles'cloaks toliely. ing around the street* prouii^cumish, bis Honor

.te. I Fred'* veracity, nnd sent hlm to the iii.ii-c of Correriluii for slaty dny*.

Thu tnlnbed thiibuslness.aad his Honor throw- ing bimneir back in his chair, proceeded to en- lighten hi* audience as to the manner in which they should eondurt thcin-elve* when i i.-iting Iha nfneo of the clerk of the eonrt. When u wnrran| wnsinprocesB or being inndc out,tliere shunbl lie no one prevent eacrptlng the clerk nnd thu rnuiplnhiant*. A warrant WOO a very important instrument, and roqatMd In I- earefully drawn up. The clerk eiuil.l nut well give il Hist Ihougld necessary for the product Itm of so Important a document, upon the proper Wordhuj of which .1. p. n.l.-I ," .i great measure the roinictinn of Ihe et imui.'i I. ir huir a doaen gentlemen m BIO ii.il lug a levee In hi* oiXee while lie « n- engaged In Mie process. Therefore he hoped thai Ihl clerk would not bo obliged lo complain in Ihh regard. He rnmpliiniiited Mr. Itcalty for Ihe manner In whiohhehad dlsclutrgeil the dutie- of Assl.btnl Mntshal when previously eiiitngeil In dint cnpocl ly. and he hnd nn doubt that In his higher ulMce, he would give Ihe same sat I "Ike lion.

The first hearing a* stated tn Wednesdny'a AMBTJIQAK, on the contested election ease, aris- ing out of tli*' perpetration of frond* in Wanl Four, In which Dr. Krench elniins the neat of Mr. 11. C. Bacon, wa* held on Wednewlu: Col. Mi. i in.HI appeared fur Dr. French, ui

i. 11. M. Morse nf Hoxlmry. (br Mr. Bacon. In Cni. Hhermnu's opening address to the i mittee, he claimed that u fraud exuded in Ward Knur, which wo* committed In the imssage of ticket* from the name of his client to that uf Mr. Uncoil; thattbo affidavit of three hundred and nine legal Rcputdlcan voters, sworn t< fore a Jutticeof the Peace, make I differ in the ^return* fur Dr. French of tliirty-uiue votes, yvhicb if deducted iVoin the return gl' Mr. Uncut) would entltlu Dr. French to a « In the ll.iuii.i llrjn'. riii.iiiii". Co]. Sht'tin.iti oald tlie roaaoa the matter did not coine enrlle befofl the public was that It (ffU not till utter the city election that the nispkions uf a fnind ut the prevlou* State election* were eouflnned ; lie said he proposed n> show that there were ground* tu licllcvc that during the day of ihe riuitceleelloiiu piurkagcof llfly HepuNican votes was exchanged flir the aame number of Dein- ocralii'votes j a discrepuni'v of thlrty-ulnc hiul lieen fimnd.

Mr. Itnrae n»ked lluit the charges Iw imnie In writing, nml that the panic- la? In l.l to answer lo Ihetn. However, If Cil. Sherman prnpor-cd to rest hi* case upaa the ailldiiyits of as parte contestant*, the defence would meet him on that ground. He did not wish fur any delay. Mr. llacon would not accept the teat were he of the belief Uml fraud hnd lieen committed.

Mr. Huminii yens examined at length, and test I lied to hiking the nllldaviu uf oltuul I'm naiintn. who hnd sworn to hnvlug voted fur Dr. French. He did nut know tlietu all per- sonally, i.ui knew over a hundred nf them. Mr. llnrmtm doacribod the wurd room of Ward Four to Ihe committee.

(illlccr Thomas f'urroll teitined to living on duly in Uie wurd room on the day of election; he saw Democratic rate* panned on to the ta- ble in which the iMll.it box was, mid u* they werc wonted they were parsed mil to the dis- tributors by the Warden, Mr. fJolaml.

Mr. A. V- Buglg*' tesllffod to hiking the of* l|davlu of a naanbor of the voters, after which

tt|e hearing was adjourned until next day.



believing a ftaud of Mie t ii»oc*t nature had been perpetrated, the Itepubllri is went to work Ing evidence Uiereof, and iidlng that legal vote lu ihe ward came for wanl voted I'.n- Ur. Davis Ihr k cecdiug by alineit a bunded, tbe total declared Ibf him Ity the wanl ulBrt ■. asked the Hoard of Aldenueuor l-7Jt.. dech-a the return* fraudu lent, ami throw Miem i-.ii-i i n.h'.ii of tlie law II it the liest legal tale lu tbe KUIe lias since declared ermueous, the At denuan derllned to art, ;il a* the Democracy immediatulj made reply ithat mere Blgnature*

H nut i."ii >, a ileitoj) 1.in was preparml, egplirlt aa to leave no p^slbhu-hauce rorravil,

and up to Uie prc*eiit tlui1 uf thelegul inters of that wanl, whose names te checked n* having voted at Uie city election, tk-rt kumlrft ait,/ hOfO. tu-fix(3*1) have sub*crilnH| and OMUta oath Ion Ie.- Im ,ii i.ni Mul they voted fl said ward for May - or Davis, while, a* we lianstatcl, MM- Deuusraf- lr Junto of counter* only gute him i37! There Is

attempt to impeach thl testhnuny, nor can then- lie: tlicie are ibe .-be. I luite.lhese names an- checkeit, and nearly a huiilred more Hum the Democratic ward onlcers ltum, (uiaklng nlmoat exactly Ur. llugbee'* taily)iwear thai their votus were for Uayor Davis. Ai I lie saine Ume, a simi- lar depo*ltiou has lieen uueured in relation to the State election, and alrjady SO] voters swear that they voted Tor Dr. A. J Wench for represen- tative,,IS more than Ihe nlurn* show, and new names arc itally added to IKh lists.

The re-count of the repreenlative ballot, showed that the uumlierof ticket* ailed upand ret timed, correspond* substantially tlth Uie flgures glvrn^ ami la lioth clecUous the gioeks upon the 11*1* used, agree with Uie total pte given hy the ward <inicer*, *o that whatever Hatter of ballot* tunlly cast were taken ftp the repuhlleani either elerUnn, the same nanber must have Iteeu added Ui the democraU'l pile. Are the Uiree huiidresl and twenty nr tiirty eltixen* Um* mak. ing oath deliberate perjiter*^ I>o iheoMmr Og- ures look like It? If not, these.« ant uMcers must ilKlile among themselvei the Infamy of a Is.I.I rohliery of the ballot boxM Uiey eslly to guard.

WHAT in TOM mi

AlHIKSTOK A Ml BHl.Ut.lt IM Wll.MIMlTUN -Oil Sutunhiv ulght. ruli. e »crgeanl Wler. and ..nicer. Hnlv and ilallaglicr.r.t Hiaiion I, Itosi.m.with c.m- etatile Nichols, ot is ihniugt.m, ;.i n-sUsl iu lb"''"' ti-r Iiinu, n man named Patrick Callalian, nllai I'.-lei (.nllagher, ("I Uie unir.ler nl I llllil.-s I urn gun, at Philadelphia, tiept. intli, IM7U. The mur- derer escaped Iroin Unit citl, an.I has niniiagnl to evnde the offlcer- until now; It appears thai he at once came tn Ma--u.'hil mlt. Ilr-t flndlag eiii|>h>>- nieiitlna Inn i aril at Pcaboily; several iimnim wen- subse.|iieiitly spent In Caned*, he lli.-n rc- tunilng and se. urud work iu Wlnelu-aWr, iciaov lug more Mum a vetir ago, Iwing emnloyeil in tlK currying establishment of Pern, Culler A < "■ He lidK.lt. haling .truck his yuitlm, hut deiuea any nttirdernrts iultnl; he I* n large, vicious I" Ing man, and ha* a wife and two children. W i» asleep in Isil when nireshil. He will I*' m mat In Peiin-vlvania.

What few Hulidny will be closed out Cheap. A few Hemmed Hand kerchieft, tumbled, K l-i ct*. Please examine our stuck, and you will find ft to your advantage, a- we are determined not to summer auy Of our Worsted ■...... 1-. We luve some

('HOICK miKSR (i()<lT)S. Tbe stock comprelieuil* Uie wanu nf everyone, embracing n* it does every grade of good*. We have marked them ail dnwn, as we wish to con vert iIn in all tn cash.

We have fl larger stock of SHAWLS than usual and you will have a good opportunity to buy one very low-from tt, »:i, ei.VI, at, to Urn finest Paisley or Cashmere. LOOK or Hi|uare.


Has had special atbmUon; we havu a full line Beavers, Broadcloths. Cusshncre* and medium goods; Austin's all wool Fnwklng hi all width*.


• never allow our assortment to In- broke you cnu always find somelhlng which v

think you will approve, ItoMi In ipiality and price. Male to commence Jan. -', 189. Cull early I

Tore the best goods are selected.



Tlie managers have Uie pleasure nf unnouuelii:; that Uiey have lutrodiiced a

Saturday Eretitng Course Of Lootatrea,

and have socun-d for the First lecture, y.i'..n-ilui I'.y.iilii^, Janust) ISth,

PETROLEUM V.NASBY who will pnxluie "HANXA1I JAMK," a satire ujion the Msom of the ilay.

Natwrdsiy Kvenlmic, riliruory 1st,

OEORGE A. MAHDBN, v.ill serve up tlial eKquialte dish known us "HA^H;" and the .course will be completed

fcatwrdar Kvcnlna;, Fcbrwary 19th,

When the "stlver-tougued" orator,

TIII:OI)OKK Tii/rox. Will deliver one of hi* ibuiling, enra)ituring uml unapproachable baosofoOi Subject ununnounci^l.



It has beatl the aim of the management to secure Lecturer* who, whlL- giving Instruction, would amuM'. Wo nei^l less owlhdi gravity and more genuine mirth and plja»antry, ami a pungent though! Is stronger riveted If It come* lu a pleas-

■satfrle tirkti., 'Jllr.

Reanrved tickets ami TOS*ft eomer store.

Reaerved .mis, oWsr.

plan of lull at HTRAT- « tnVIS )sti

I Vlosle Itiix,


To a lady friend, A Nwert Towed 1

The large bo

An Rlerrant Unltar^prlcea from »t..vi t.i #::.. A viniiii, (now a lady's instrument,) OS to ooo.

(For tbe Itoya and (ilrls). Uruiti*. Cmierrtltias. Arrnrdnioi or Flis-

llnas, rlavlonets. I'lntri, llB|reolrls, Flfea.

All these, uf all varleUo*, and of Ibe beat lunnu facture, togeUler with Ull um ivullc.l stuck of

BAND INSTRUMENTS, Are for sole nt mnilenile prices by lyl^pMW)-

JOII A v. ii A v \ I:M * CO., XI Court st, (opposite Court House), Boston.

HANKHI'ITCY. Ilistriet nf Massachusetts, as.

invo been apMhrkM assignee in liaukrupn v of EDWAItltW. UK \hr..,i -..inervllle.

ItKNItY L. DALTOS. luwimi. ii.-.. SO, isTi ;tti|a:i

I hiirnii-. ,. I.lola-s, <'riiil|*.|l Mass ■'uuer Miudes, Uoa Mtandanls, Tubing. I^tnterni ud Lamps reimlml. Jahn < . lion *. Co.

AajthTTJj lVAMTEIs.-We guarantee mm liloyment for nil. eltlier se\. at *-1 n tUy, or

more a year. New works bv Mrs. if. _.. .•.'mirr ami otliers. rmin-rb premium* given away. Money made rapidly ami easily at work for n*.— Write and see. Particulars free. WOHTIUNi;. To> IH>TlN*CO., Hartfhnl. Ct t *-


NLQRIM'8 PROGRESS Ihe most beautiful edition ever jiublisbed. Printdl IKI Hi-gnut pniH'r. with nearly r*Ai exipilsita lllus- tratloivs. Prodi-, large and safes sure. Everybody wants this noble cork. For circular ami (emu, address JOHV K, PiiTTEIt A CO, PultHshers, Philath'lphln, Pa.


GFA). I). AKH8TU0NC. & CO.

have VI A KHED now.'t Uurir WHOLE >TtK K

lu fact EVERYTHING In our ■Onefc, We pro to sell at I- .. OHIO \\hi.l...l, Tolan order to get ready for new spring t.mid .

All Wool (■■hmrrn, in Color.-, marked doun fn.iTi ei.i", t.. gl.isi. 01.13) to #71c.

Plain tVnolen Ibf.. (.ood*. !n short length'. from fl.00 to AOr.

A Urge lot of Plaids SO, £•>. 374 ami 30V.

A go...i assortment of strip, in... i.oo.i for lltl. --. SO, :I71 nii.i 50r.

In our stock of Dress Goods can be found many Bargains.

A large lot of fteoteh i.|B|th.ni- n| l.V yard,

Flanairls, Prlnls, < otton. Ri,.( Crnahrs nl equally LOW PRICKS.

White Table Linens and Turkey Red Damasks


\a|ihius DN-. *i.'j.-., 1.7.1,i.otj, MS) ajw perdjao.; lwriit}--iivr per rrsi. IM* than ran be I H lught elsew here.


we will aell at Uie same low rate.

Our stork nf


large and taaty, hi Square and I<ong, and at price* NKVF.lt BEFORE KXOWK iu Ihl* market.

Wearier* Plots] and st tripe Mh.nl. a-j.ou, "..w. 3.00,3..W, 1.00 and B.LM; fully tiNE-THIKItle,. than former prices.



VERY CHEAP lo close out.


We shall make extensive repaiia in our store before we buy our Spring tinods.

Our Present Stock will be Closed Out Without Regard to Costt

^ K W, CHEAP A N 1>



A. W. STEAR\S A. CO. lire opening ihirlralde Iktoit pMfHetijmlf n.|n|.te.| firnsoWaglTtihTatstisltal fm rhilatiaataaQjh'iiw Y«a»r, eoiunrislug Lo.lie.' and Cliiidrens Pars, la Ijirjn ami tine Variety, :.f:tM loitl » usl.sn Hade. —Muff* and Nek Men*: Lam,--.-nnd ( I.mhroJdiTnl nnd If.-ni-iir IH-I Handkerchiefs HI..,

Ih-al Thread Collars; LmbroM.-red nnd Linen f'nllara and sleeve.- in mat vg-i.-ty. Fancy ••••a, aneh u RHM > ttmetd rt..,. ■, lieu P- fmuc and Evtmei-. Ijsilivrt'.-ill, Kepk Tkv. n. v. otrleai H.oi.1 l.uil V.oi^.^i ,\r»i.irr, SkasNUT) i QJOTM in graal a-M.rtroent.crf KrHteb, Engli.b. Seotch and Amerieitu; i. ..lo . ihil*1 ;ml ChH dren's luiler (..vniieul.: Ladle-' ami Wrir sbaul', New ami Klcgnm M^M; fafflrI'TJhuk ot ournwiiiiinkeainl.le'lgii>. t»jr -f*-l; of La. dies' nnd Children's lsress floods U Large Choice and VKRVCHEAp. U ,■ h:ncn full and Complete Ai-snrliiiciK of r'lanii.-l.. all raslam an.l qiulitie*, tram the bast mul*. H<il JtUalwC, < a. ringe II..IHT. ete.. el ■. Lgdlea* tine ifadrsmraand Shear-; Ijidhv' iiklrU, Frhiges, Lsce*. I.i,.,. Iliitts.il. ami Ear Trimming* • BoasUjdaMla, et -.

For Ibe <.F.o.TLt:.Mi;\.

In partUmlur. we have a full iamMfe of «ilk and Lln en Handk.TrhW-, Meek rrrernrsrri and Mtimer lu Ih-miiimi Myleaand liaiiil lull: (ur ami other ■rarm Shwm; Ulath Ihr Pouts, Vest, Coal and ttvenont, or tie haven TAlLtilt iilm will lake your men-ure and make J nu :i r'nll hnit iu a ten

»#-M> wl-h I.i impn'-s on t\* mhuL nfllie \»-i (IsHJSlSl Umhesoi good antrles In .in ti nepnn merit; thai Nti IHHMt nr M OHTIILEss.<;,»*>arc Imngtil eeraWM they nre t heap: and In mist nf

Dcnnrmirnt* wekoepti-: Sgethmfn as enn I.. found In New York. lb..|,.,,, |<esjHtM or |s«ri-.

»*y-Wc have I'"' bu-gt-l mid mod cnm|il'l.- ti-

Carpels & House Furnishing Goods

to be rmmd. From tbe


HoWii thnnurh (he




Ami the most Common (Junlllics


All oi'which TTI)eredlihitaajl ioPiiint

RXTREMK I,II\V II A'l'l-'.s.

We Wish It di-tinrtli

ment. mul Unit ... 'IOOM and deslrnbli

11 tji ii Ho.ton or uui other nmrkel.

I Hint in lity and

luifnms Us g'Mil

prlri.« Ihuii llo-loii or im other aw in:.II!" iilfil lioi|oi:ilile tn-iitmeul. ftc-

One Price Only.



!£^!2?i^Kf^?±-A»n*f" AM SUMMER GOODS At HALF PRICE

WTINSOS A CO., PnrUaud, Maine. *



Having ntiemlrd inirtii.llv to ln~iuannef.ir».ouic years.lt i* now me intention in giie mv nulh.' time lo procuring Kir** and Life Policies in soineflr.t'l.i.i.1 .^niuinle-'. nu hii.ttt.'ll.il.i uhl. MLTCAL, Salem, Mass.. and other*, at similar -laiidliut. Also, lo nil a- Itiwl E.UU* Agent, llui lug and HcHlug I'mperlv, llculiiigaiidt'ollnllng Rents, Aceounts, Efn-cting Mortgage", etc. 1 have taken an offlrv with Wu. M. IKxiKUH, K*.j.. In I'srritr'. tllo*-k, near Town llimse, wlsre I can lie tumid during bushier* Is.or*. Promptness niidcureriddiwlinawill iH.uivei.ii'tantaim. Ternn rcasouabli.. Address UA\lKI, CCUMIEH.

tftUI Methiien, Mass.

■ lien iireveuusl by regulating the system with int. ii nines iiiMitrtiiY rowiDiits.

tlwavs cured by using his eeh brnteil COUGH POWDERS

In hoi Bran Uasbi'* twice eaoh din rere cases bathe tlie throat with

Dadd's Liniment or Liquid Blister. Mold by Druggist' ami Tinders everywhere.


Painful affection-, of the bladder, mid urinary organs, accompanied bv gvnveilv deposit* nf any kind; Irritation at Die neck or tlie bladder, with dlllleulii of holding the urine; in stricture, in seminal weakness, ami In all conditions ol tbe part* accompanied bv debility, .lii.liIM'a IIV- IWAHTIN CiiMliil NO will IK- bunnl n most rltlca. eious reraedv. Si-ml tor rlnular* to II. KEITH A CO., 41 Liberty Street, N. Y. Eor sub by drug- gl-tn. Price >l per botUc, or it for 03. t]-

§1(1(10 HKAVAKI)!

for any ease of Blind. Bhwling, Hilling or I'lcer- .iT.-l Piles tluil HE BINli'S I'll. It- i.ierly mil- ti cure. It is prepaml expresrly lo euro the Piles, and nothing else.

Sold by all Orugglsts. Price * I.no.


' ADVERTISERS" GAZETTE. n book of Pin pages, showing how, when and v. I to advvrti-e, uml .-oulaiiiiiia n list or nearly MUM) neWS|MIHt*. wilb iiiueb oil U..i iiuiti.ui ol in lurest to ndviiriWrs. Aiblre.- UKU. P. HOW- Kl.l. A. CO., Pol.ll.hers. •■ Pork Row, Hew York. 1 tlnlO •

AHI.E (X'TI.EHY. fnnn the i quality, worth one dollar per set of

die best Ivory and l'i-arl handle, -ii.. John C. Mow -v ('»'«. I'm Esses si



r I'i'sl.'-.'i',

By the recount of nek Mr. Baron wa elnred elooted over Dr. Erdich bj it votes; these ■.worn di'iiosltlmis already give ie latter X> more

i limn by the wanl oltcer* einm. nml thl* really represents TU; he las as ed I'm- his seat,

1 there can lie no doubt,uimri ]..■.,■ i.„ i -, that he will obtain It lutlic cty ele«imi, Mr. Hudge

ileclared etncteil Alde-mon *W Mr. Moorvs, Itepubllean, by 101 votes, win. , It more than wlptaloutby thedeposiUoiirdrasByaecured. kfr.

•iriit'j, in ward rmir, wast iorli.e.t elected over lell by only IVI. Which nambcrjlell largely ex-

The advice or Judge Hpar anl HUD. T. n iveutaer boa boaii obtained, anl the scat* of

Hodge and Carney are tlrat to he ualesteil beforn Inconilag board nf Mayor and Abler men, and II. I bin icl Saunders and Hon. >A a. ]'. Wright

lime buearutaiiieil to appear fur J is petitlniiers. I the manner In which the testiiany or fraud he adduced. Is met by tola Italy, w ill decide atlssr tlie eaae 1* to go la the jnpreme Court

The prooi, absolute and anlmpeafhable proof nr gmss rraud lus lieen i-.^an.l, ;u.l, however In-

dividual partliaiiH may ntutnpt trjlgnnre It with a sneer, wu cannot believe Unit a liuani or Pemo eisii.- nilii id., will make Inn i,|,n a. such, IU iponaora, by reliislug to rutdenut alike its spirit ir rectify the wrong.

T; toll at J


ily PHI* CHIT Headache. Dtl il Liver CompUlul-..


Ureru'a c«ti«h Nyrop ohotthl be kept by everj Eniully rorXmigh- and Cold*.

These Medicine* are the best ever offer. 11 lo the puidlc, aa tbousanda con testify.

Wold by all Ajioth'eearles. SiiiTi.s-i'i*

Mauufailurcl by JulIN liltEEN, Lowell. Mass.


\a. in I i.lon Street,

BOSTON. ■ This Bank lias never paid b— than si v IMT cent.

jK-r annum, tree of tax to Its dep-jeltafa. AH depodl* mmle on or tefate tin- llrst dny or

any iiHailli are Ihen ilii..l upon luleivst. nnd share In Ihe next dlvld 1.

Plfsdaa-da as soon as deehuvd arc nf oaee ad.hil to the areotints or depositors, Bud at orsowtieghl to cam interest, thii* glilngi'i'HIiiiM' hilcrest. ItimiillT MAIWH, UK". C. Till lllll'll,

I'restdenU Trrasurvi. A'^OCn/JCr r,.mmiUn.

Clinton Vilcs, 'i'liniuni L. .leuk), Harvev CariH-nlw, liuulel IL tViiitm y. Willlniu ltobiiiH.ii, tieo. s. IVrby. lyUJalO


I'lliHIVII cetHT. To the heirs nt law, ne\l of kin, and all oilier per

sons interested In Ibe obite of HAIHtls.ii\ O. HOsS, late of Hoiford, in "aid e.iuiily, yen- man, dis-i a***.l, greeting:

Wheie.i-. ii eertiim in-tfii il l-nvl "- I" I"' the last will and tefiiiin. al ..I -iinl dweased, hu-* been presonte.1 to said Court, for prolmte. by Martha A. It-iss, Who prni- tlnil l-lter* led nneil lary may be Issued to her, the cxc-uirlx therein

IpANCY QOODfl. Vaaei nnd Toilet Ht.'ts, l7 "-t-ipat Stands, Itlch Vases, Hater Dottles, with ilrinkhig glass. Jewelry Boxes and Stands, Cnnl receiver-., Mmi-lnrlie Cup., Mateh Safe*. -i,- ii- it-. n.l i I ui'.- linn of |ilafe.l fhncv giMMl*.

John C. »•« -fc, Co., IM Essex St



Cash Capitol, lah Assrt., aflrr paying;

Ito-tnii and all other

v i,a.l


A New KBATI-KK.— Wl learutliatn ing nsini |* about tn he i vned in the

of the Town Hail. Thl dedicatory cxcrciiea will is enr un Saturday ■> >,nlng, when short ad- drcaacs, ainging, etc., nl Oil the hour, which, we hope, will lie enjoy.1 by all preocnt. The public arc cordially n.lied to attend, mid by their presence give aid ml, support to thl

feature In our village, ildchruuHl prove au in tell.-ituiil lilcsstiiR hi nl who patronlie it.

AcrtngST.—Oustn Kanam, refilling un lYvbhigloii CorTMiratUsi lUppcd and fell itpott Ihe lee on Monday, in. .ing her wriit. She atended hy Dr. ToufJ Who sH the Injured

Vou lire lieivhy elted to apMar Hi II I'rohOH Court, to IH- Iii'ld at l.awi-1'in e. in said county of Essex, oa the Second Tueniuy <•" "

ii'elock liefort' UOOUi UJ i-ti ', against the -i

..... .aid pHlUouer public liollr*! Ibe , once a week, for three sueee—iie week-, in Hi' newsiwiier raUeil the Ijuvicuee A merit an Amlnver Adi .'IIIM-I , piinl.'.l nl !...» 1.1" ■' '

Wltiioss, Geurje E. Obeaui, Bsmure, .Indge or lid Court, thl- seventh day of .laiinnr.v, lu

WALSH, or Item lim:, (i< L-.-d IL b:iiikrti|il by Ih Ili.trlnt Court Tiir M...I di.lrlel.

H. K. SIMM-iNs.. Button. Jan. «, 1N::I. HJalu III! Wu-hlugtoii Si

IN BANKRUPTCY. District or Massachusetts, ss.

The undersign ud have IKI-II ap|>ointed a—lgn. <■ of MICHAEL II. inl It.i iinil.IAME- W.CilJ FEY, of Clinrle-towii I icon W. Itiilil.K'ls

JOHN I). IsONO, Btisbiu, .Inn. S, 1H73. • i ' I"



CARLISLE NORWOOD, Presldrnl. XtH'HAn MILLS, Viee President.

.IOHNC. MILLS, (secretary. 1Uw)aint.h-W-

A. V. Dili HI II i, A-rrnt.

No. *Jffil K--1 \ STKEKT, l.Awui.M-r..


141 Lawrence Btreet, near Bridge. Mlka, TttlbeU, Alparra. and oil other

thru <>sod>, Nhsiwls, «Mr<|iirs, lr„ Cleawaad and l»>rd.

Carpels Cleansed in a Superior Manner. Oentlonien'B Clothes Cleaooed or Drool

without ripping;, to give entire satisfaction.

Having all the latest Improved machinery, ami keeping none but tbe best Dyers, we cau do our work ciptal to the best hi the country, and ho|ie In bclltvorod with a trial.

LAWHCSfF, Oct. 10, |sis. This Is In certify that I bin r had « ork done in

tbe most satUthetorv manner by JOHN T. TllKKa ACu. Can reeoi -n.l m<l< niii|tany to ull those requiring unv tiling in Hielr line, lorreasonatileness of i-harges, promiilnes* iu execution, and .ii is lity

A large lot of ■

QRENADINES. good styles, very cheap.


••• Hurl SIrrrl. I.aiirnu..

IG0K00 L.


Kill Wll-4llil.al.il. Hlrcel,


iw niluiUcil lo bo Ihe




, Bocklligbai ( iROCKKUY, Frenc:i nml EnallMh ("hinn, \ 'VVhlb- tiranlte. Crcnni Colored, Buckingham, *"■-» and W-Aff.gwuod Ware. '

.1 ok.lt C. »•»

J^I8SOXI>TIOir^rC«P*\jtTli>titHAT Tlw eopartnerslilp li.tviofoi.- existing umler the mi'- of S. 11,.. i.in ,i A Co., . ..-.ii..- i -i is tills

av dissolved by mutual eonseuL All [lartle* In- debted and all bavlna claims, are rci|uf*t.-d lo set tie the same nl one.* with L. H'. INHHIIIU, whn Is niUhoriii'd lo use the firm niiiiii. In seUIeineiil.


'.awrenre, Jan. I. in;s.

The buslneaa will lierearter lie ennduetcit under the firm uamenf H. Ins hit vu A SilK.



Tlie iimlersjgned having sold to Mr. t UJUHJH

f. CltiH'KKK one half or Ihe JMrtitg tlriwrtn int 0 the American printing nlflcc. that hMSHIWI will be eontluueil by tliem under the grm nf

CEO. S. MERRILL ft CROCKER, at Uie old Incnliou in Post I Iflli-e in... I,.

Mr. Cltaa. C. WIIITSKV. heretofVire assorlatiil In the bib priming branch, will from Ibis dale lie connected with Ihe dully and weekly AiHrHnm.

OEO. S. MEKItll.L. Ijiwrence, Jnn'y 1st, 1HTS.


Watohee, Clocks Bilver Ware



Tlie Annual Mectinc of Uie Stockbobkra of Ibe Ijwrein-e Null.in.1 It.i.L, nt Lawi.itce, Mass., will be holdenal its llnnklug It.suus ITI>HH January 11, I an, at .1 o'rlmk I*. M.,rorth->piiipo-e of elmoslnga Itoard of Dirccturs for the ensuing year, and for the transaelbm ol auy other bu(liie-- Whleh may legall. enine liel'oi, ||,, .it.4>llug.

P.O. Pll.l.-ltl'ftV. Cashier. Lawrence, Dec. II, 1-7'. II jtmit dST-

/ 1AHT1IRS. All the Iwat |iuttoniN of Vvl'lafril, with rut end engraved l.iltli-s, ttfeai VIO.HI ■ Win-, and new, for one dollar, up'


ItX I.. I..

WIIRgl'E, Oil. it. 1HT3. TMKKH :— I liavi-grt'i

earellen.i. of vnur - , Clothe*, t had no Idea Ihil ruicb perfii'tloii imialhlu. Yimra trulv,

JOHN I I -ii M:H , Insurance Ageut.

LaWncscK, Del. 1.1. 1*7*. Mliasuu. J. T. i. i i ft Co.:

UKAKSIHS:—Theel.ith. nnd garments plnerd In vonr luuds bv us, for eleuiifing mid coloring, have rs-eii returned a* "good us new." We arc esiHH'iallv pleaded with the inilr..iialty or your I'ld.iring mid cvcll-ii.i ol otil-h. nnd -bsll lake t.le:.-ni. ; inneii.liiin ...ill n.i'l lo ..Ihr.-.

K. i-..n..ii.. v. w. mm i.ni,

MBWH. Tnt;i3i- I lake plea-iir.' iu te-lifving to the excellence

or your Dyeing nnd Cleansing ladles' Drcwc* ami Rhawls; also, the mperlor manner in which Coat*. Pants and Veel* have l*.en rellnl-hed at youres lablbdimcni. Vour- trnl.^ ^R>

Lawrence, Oct. 17, lttTB.

AGENTS. s. F. svm.i.. sis aVaaes so.-. *. Mr.. nil'HUr.l.L, lite K.«>«lr»it Mil*. WIOOIN, llrosdwav, South Hide. I,. O. MlltltlS. MeUmeu. JOHN IlltoWN, V..rib Andover. JORI, IIAHNES, Erve Village. ItcsrlH-

.lf)I!N T. TREKB I CO.



For Invantion*, Trad* Marks, or Dsngni. «t«t. St., sppoaltc Hlfb) Si., Ito.i..:.

alter an extensive practice of upwards of thiitt Kirs, continue* lo MH'UIT PaleuL. In Uie I'nileil

tm>l •!»> In i.'reat Ilritain, Kronr.., nml .,ihi- liirelgu emintrtes. Cnieuls, SiMTltlcatlons. A-slgn ments, and all |«i|Mr. n>r Paunts, en-uled oi reasonable b-rmn, with di-puleh. ItiMcan-la's made to determine the iitlidit. nml iilililiof Patent* "" Inventions, and legal and other advice mule re. In all matters touching Ibe same. Copies nl th claims or any Patent furnished br n'uiiltlng on "illar. Aasjgnnieiil- reeonle.l in Washliiglon.

a*»-No Agcncv In the IntHil sutes po**ePsea

N *E\V r.N(iLAXI)

Th* undersigned bare rolntment as n-i-lgiicc nf the

of Mas-nelm-cii , rs.

'KTKUS...I -omfi.ill. .

lb. ton, Jan. 11, 1IC1.

, titillLETS, TIMD- » 1 41'ir, 4 IHII.-O, I i,-r,-|, -. laiidb. Stick-,Cclen Olas.e-, spoor, lilobe*. Sliades Ibr vlax Work. Ac. uml cut glass. J, f. Boiv 4. ( s,,


LARGEST MUSIC SCHOOL IN THE WORLD. Pupils of Uil* Coii.eriatory erdoy |

The hislruction* of tin -t eminent masters; The gn'iit.-t inuiils-r collateral (free) advantages;

Tin- Irrvetl rale* nf TiiMinn; Cncipuled furllltlcr Tor |itm urlng ilrslrable situu

Huns, wheii .piallged; \ very n||ierior ibree.mamial Orgnn for hwiom

and pnicUee. Oi'gnu prartlce free.

four. a*l.ls1per'iiiarter. Circulars, giving full n

an) addren, unjahii.b

..Sl.Vntl; Incln-sc


'. Wow ,* Co


Esses si.

uliiK tbe leil.-iilabiliti ol iiiveulioas. Alln.M'csslly or a Journey to Wu-hluirton to pr ire a Patent, and the m-usl great debiv lla-re, a

lu*re saved InvenLirs.

TESTIM ■ganl Mr C.l.lvi." . ii-j-essftil pre.tlUont-rs wlUi whom 1 hmc

had oiBclal Intercourse. CHARLES MAsoX.C.anml*'rof Patents."

I have no lieslUtlon In assuring inventors ihai ttMiv cannot employ a man murr cvrnptlmt nn* irrisfa-orfltg. uml more capable •>!'jimtbig Ihrir an plkallnu* hi a lorm Li sex-un. tor tliem an enrl> and favoralilc eoin-lderalion at the PaUiil < 'fllcc.

EDMCSD III UK E, l.at" «' T of Patent*." "Mr. tt. II. Emu Im* iim.tc PirineoverTHUfTY

application* for Patents, having lieen successful In almust evnrj" case. Such unmlstakablcj.ro.il of great talent and ability aa his pint, lead* rati L. recommend AU. inventor', to apply to him to pro- cure, their patents, na they may be sure of having the in..'! l':i it III ii I ;L1I. -nli. HI bcr-lovi ii| on their, asc-. ami at very' reasonable rhargci

11..-I..H. Jan. I. i-V-i.

nil ommmi Engllst i to .pnilir; student* nl either sex M 0^*srtatfM ie ilntins oF a tiin-inc-s life romilt; and ii.lvil-

1-,'ini.L'iUvli H. E. HllllIAUD.

P K Y I T .

n AC it i:i, t.'*t CKLK miA TK i>, .Y,:I;.K y.tii.isn

COUGH MIXTURE. Sold by all llr-t cla-slirUKgl-l' nmliiioiti . Trvlf. uml vou will lie romiiu-cd •■! i: ' i !■ i llefreci.. limit ■«■;,

'P II E 1) A V I 8



Largest, the Simplest the Cheapest, ihe Best.

This Machine bus Ju-t Inken ih'* Elli-T I'm/I. nl the Lowell Eair. In fuel il Im never l.iiled UkiiiK Hie first premium ulielci.i eylilblteil In eumpcli tlon with other mHcbluc-.

It Stilches, Hem-, fllic width* Wit! I lin-l.ii:.'. Fells, Tucks, Cords, lllnd-. Ilrahl... Krlmre-. Hut lie-, gmlis. Faggots, dinner* and ssYsra On nl Uie same liitu- ulllioui Ixistlng.

THI'. I>\\ IS unlike oilier machines, Im* not hein pufi'.»l nt i noLiriefv hv Ima-ting adveriiciaeiils, bin in n ■inietum Im earned u great : "| illation on ;.•'■ ! of ||* many superior ami deslrtilile advai.tagei. iivrr ntlu-r mnehhici. Ploassj call and neo them at the. Agency ,

102 Essex St., Lawrence. At llj.i H. Hall -fc. ('*'■ . loll,In: More.

It Jnnvl- JOHN WAItHCl.TO*. igrnl. N. II.—Maehiiu " Itei.tiired or Evchniige.l.

I N ST 11 I1 OT I '1 N IX


,. I.I.i t, WilO stahl I


rtman*, lllli.hcd V.ill

1 mi High * ot Ibe lili.-t |l

share of the gage II




AITTION — My tflfh, Flnrcnce II. Ihiw- son, having lell niv bed and Isiant, ami de

aerted me without jn.i cause. Uil- It to notify all iiersnu* uot to triu.1 or liarlmr her un my account. ■^ HEMIVO. D.VWSON.

Lawrence, IK*-. 11. l»Ci. Mifljaa


J E T «lT> (> I > S. I.ai Rc.t Wtoeh,

Beat limrlmrsl, I.air.I SlyIr.,

I.nsnl Prlcea. In Itoston, tt hoi, »I. -n.l Kelall.

A i.4KtiE uvr. or

Millinery A Hair Ornaments. AT


Mo. 1.1 Winter Street, - • - - Birst.ili.

(Car, Music Hall entrance.)

SUM. torn Pnn.K LIST. tki-UotM,

.in.1 Erciicli lu'cuiab ly ami II Ily, will In lim pupils, either singly nr In cl.isse-. in MOdtni mi speaking tlie-o Itiiiiriinfe*.

I'binn [nsinicllon glrifu, With special ath puid to In-gtuners.

Mr. K.i-.in Iwif'iiuiul nl lie El.lOT I II Al'l-.l fromt Li.'ioclocl, r. M., ou Wislue.days un-1 Hal unlay*. HeteniiiT 1' made lo A. C. P.rkin-.l.-i MusU-r or IJHIII'IICO High srhonl, llev. II. - Wcnver.wid Mr. Wlesner, 1 I nl.-ii -1. Inquir mav be made al AHKRtcgii ofii.-e. tffeedaglfl

VltNF.lt ll'l-MI II

i..' I i.r I KALI. J k. .in.l i-II IM read;

DRESS AND CLOAK MAKING nl her It-oiii", UVi t:...v NI., l.ann-ii.-e. Him.

t. Particular i.li-n o:ii.l T'l IM. - ; I FITT1NO Ladle-'mid I bildienv mtl —1--

Nt:w sTVi.i;ar.i.ciM..i. i.-ty areafc. I^riles' Dretuea Cut and 1'iiie.i rnr*i.iHi.

Machine Silicltlug nnd llrniding.lmietunnler. A llla-ral i.ni" of | re -n|lrlh-.l, nith

IbmikHfor past Ismm. I.' i .


Copper. Iron £ Glass Cylinder Pumps, of sll kind.. AI-. In




CQSXEH IUMI --1111:1 if i*si X,*TIUI I*



Prr Chaldron, •». Half 4 hal-tioti. *■

*t ihr ITerka. Prr Barrel,

*iV.n. l». ctHOT. ten


The -irwt. were BIh-.i »ith j«< The .-uuuaer son Mlk dew 11,

W itll .Lulling tWMt All'I 1.:-!(■'« Behind titr bust lawn .

\i-!»w- Uv -UTrt frn.ll w iB-rv 1 A wiiwlom, <I»-H wStc.

partlt dra|.e>l ii sweeping Lawk nan

Weekly New** feeviticR. SATURDAY.

Mrs. Marv Ann Lainpkv, ai old woman i-f 72 rear-, **• f.wud dvfiig in her hiws- HI IUI- ttaaarc im TtiitrwUv night. She had torn hn»- tall> wwakgd by rnMvr*. who iim-Ti-d the ( h'ii-.fdun.ig the a)>*mre of her bii-'-i'nl. and : look tfl-.lM) in money, and all the .W-wrlry the > old lady »urr, front her person; there at BO h >pc of her recovery.

A woman named F.llcn Welch, bm y car* of v , ,hu. tttr „„,,,.„, .in appeared e^, while walkinC<.u the tr.irk of Ihr OW Co*. .,],..,,., lw, „„*.. ,,.-,*,,.„ .mv railroad «« Fri.lav.ai s™th B.«<«.Mrppr.l *" ,""'1 "*" 'hlb *"™ ■awfe t„ nwJ an .i.ward hMml tram, when -he Ami re-t.ng kiH.ll; mag* «t** was kn.trked du*a,aad ran over by u. .ml- . A pairofaaud- were •***»; ward Uiuitil one, K * en nff '**h bags, she di,-d j A leatraf ,|uiie mevea hum!-, in a frw boor*. Ii lulam-ol m a *ralr-.

In the Stair Senate OH Tuirr-day. the annual j gar ewe w»- tcr? lau-rid.ir. report of the C.-rnnii-stcatrr i» .-ciagw- di— . Thr .-thei very rtail- SawM uu(u catttr, n> prr*.-utr-J and .a-.k-r.-i ' tube printed, la the Hn*«e a» isroVr «n* But judgm* by the -.-in. I. a^lopcd for Un- aiHwantinctit at a fatal ei annul- | I r,

V snfruH.


a 'i (ST and notlll -■■ - to light

Mar.- AM Kane, a wwhwa, ami awry-lne rears, «** siRed tw Mm *UrP*..bci *a*>ta- laa. Jarta* a Jrwakeii risa TanrMlai uutat at i fTtsgfrry kept by the lattrr _u Nr«jii. N J. Murpiit r*.7apM

The artel t4 Mrv »fc*n.t. lur attriu^le^l ].o«.*i»it »■) i-ttgt IK Van St--*. rv^wur\nr» at Ai.na)«>b> <* M<o.la<. SV «a* arqaltte.1 U-t <w n. IW rlurcrm Ltffttic Of*. Ketrhnm.

Dr. (lurk* Ma*««M4. a ^--*ia' mntirai HIHIKUHMT of YurmtrT, «-a» am-iM an>) i .rloJ ai. t» H-ktai. rhanrM <n*h a frk^nm* a-waatk ■»« a It —aji f«un>l.

Jkl Xa*ifllf. Teim- .« VnVUv, Clucf JB*- iMt NiraWnM •■< the ScftT«M> (nan. t.-il ihi* it a feW <«* ttur* at the eaf*.^. an>l irnluml a tiurt >f«>r-

l.i iia Sfcrnaum of Dafejr> C«uu.. rantklctl «f tltf nnntrr <4 her ]i-i-<«ii-l wi April. Na- —Jta wrftHHoHof HwBfc of -m k>herla«-

TIi* psUfc «i*»J» at Bailee. Mr., .till re- mam eh»<e»1 <wi aoiainl i>f tW Mnall uux.altiril ih.iv ,- imly IM, riti -two aw in tin l itv.

lUnnim. ■•! liivii. DuCTM-ty, hail a M'»#" tlkt- m-mdHiti -tiJrn fTimi him while riilini! in tin Sew Tort ttnrrl mr« IIK- <H1HT Jay.

A in.i i naiiii'l J.-.'i'ti Ili-rtU-iiU i.-. ;i Kbuk>r, na.-n.rn lalhil to .l.uth bjrboj> In Sen York, in Ne« Vcar** .lay.

Mr. Ttvinaine hrfgui tii- arjrnm.iit ft* the >b> f.-nre In thv M»k.-. nw IH. rriilay . Stoki- i- 'aM to In- il.-i"""'hni.

Tlien-an- hi nMralimi in the 1'niteil Miitc- IVdMllrrfFi.. with a «Wly i,i|»i.it*..i 280,- tt'W Kalian*.

It la now intertill Dial William >l. Kvtiri- 'i,il MKcml llnniittnn KWi »- SvrTvtary ■•! HMte.

Tin- .h-.trm ti i u—il- l.v In i i the Mi- *l.ni|!|», iliiriu^' lln |ntM wirk tin- lievn (trnil.

Hjin.lol).'' Wi-»iirt, Hit- Ninth Karl ..I (iiill.m. ».iy, illi'.l in LMMIUN nil Thnr-xliiy, ngnl 7"i.

Wi-xlhurv t'.O.lKini'.iinolil anil rcaiH-ctvd I-I li.mi i>t 1'iirlUiiiil. illf.l tin l-'rliliiy.

Ibe Ormuui Rmnpfnr haa nnili.'.-il llipur- tier <>t tin in,i. i, Kojflc H|HHI Ultinank.

Vimilirl.ilt \* in lie .mil liy tin- Krte Dim*- t ir- fur tin- ii11■ J - of ilnllar..

Tpefo WIIM a tftrlll." tliiiii.hr-1'irin In Kng laml on Thufilay m-ln.

Beaton la-snn tin- tltv illatrllMltiun uf KOUW t. the DOM tifilaj'.

There are ni'i.'nil imi'" uf sninll [wx ttt Ijtki VlluiKe, N. II

Tb.' Qilllnl "I Hie handa I -i Hd-l iiH»t nawnHii- Ibree

H,- ...-■■ the Lanfe an<l MMl.UI 111.I -urh mi «*) «a>

I.M t ir It.

Thei |..u. It.-I—>fi»iir«e il »ai li» i Ami dune w itli i-a-y jrni.'i—

TIB- little lutu.l j.li.1 roylj Imi'k Mi-I hH l--iirath Hie lure ;

Tlieii |*e|iiiiK i.iil. ri- llmitah I" M>» Thai inii-t ant baupen wore.

It lioi.e-lJu-1 l« ir en. lemptbu V- ii hod lugkotl before.

-.i nfter iiiiiiii nf (klrmlanlruj. Vilinm-lnjr, niwl relrenl.

The twnla ..HMiiei-iilMit- way \ditiii had iluiiiee-l In nieel:

TbU time, with eaa) r«nlWeaee, The Vtrown hand held the white,

rlaawtaflH IIIHIIII »u eli.«e

ailame I^zlnoa travel^ l.luwK that poverty «i

crtnkes her.

How III ■lla'IT I Venetian lilnni—I'm .mi

» Ihtrwlfl, In hl> in" «ork. "Tlie Kk|in-a- sinii (ir Hie KBtotlonM In Mini mill AiiUniil*," ri.i- an iuterastlnx cbapter ou blu»hlii(i. Thla iwt. he tell* in. is flu- moKt peeiiliar ondtlie imi-l Iiiniititi ■>! all exprt-fsiiiii*. AiiliniiU nevor Uuah, nlilioiiffti inoiikeys

1 reililili IViim pajwtou. We MBMOl ttTO- ilih-c hln^liiitu l>> aur idiyaU-al int-nns:

, IL L> till' mind which uiti.sl bw aiTieliil : mill Inhutblng l» not only involuntary, bat the leniliiii-y. U'lilli- Hie young i>|ii<.|i more

'freely than the "1<I, itil'mitM ilo tint hllldtl; wnint'ii lilii>li mure than men; the lillnil and the lleaf.In lllit e>t-U|M'. It i- uHiullv

j the lace, ears, and neck only, tlud redden : (the tiin-h rtoca not extend over the body; ' inn certain race* that pro hitliitiinlly nearly ' linked lilii«h over their nriu- and'eliist.-. and even down l.t their ival<.t». The llin- ilatluii uf hluahlng in espoawd pnrtH I- ex- plalltetl bj Hie met that thcae nortuHM of ttie HOlfaCC Intve heen hnhlttially enKMed

|tOtlieaIr, light, ami alteruntlotin of tern- neratnte, by wblcb Hie -mull urttries n<- iiuire the tiiibit of rcadllv dllatlliK or con- tracting. Hindoo* blUHb but little: the CtilheHe rnrciy bhuh] the PoljUCalanbloah freely: VOIIIIK Wjttawa of our American ItilMM have been wen to blmdi; the ne-

] aro bas often an appearance resembling u Mnahl the Knflres uf Smith Afrlea nevi blnah, neither do the Austrnllmis. Afti

| tltette facbt, Mr. Dnnrln tfoea on to a\\ the chtuwa ortlie blush; but here wcmiisi i refer .1,.- unblualUug pl.il..~..rher and tne I "'nteborfy Inqalrlmt al the flprli.trHehl, ML. brlgbtly-bniHblng thunaela who overtook *»»> 0-WH f»r a letter roc Mike Howe, recelvad our page* to the learned » rlter. i the «ruff an«wer that there *w nu letter there

, for nnytrody'H eow.

ul«IFH™.l..-K™»no| g„e^ii|,l VotiliCfi. ' ()''U

and cMoaara. A *■ J * and CMonant, alrhlc»n MUcry.—Huvhi)!

ITIKS wiurii AUK l'F.fri.iAi:

t« tii'l reeoiiiiueiid Hie

I'olitencM' u. not only the rbcapcM, bat the liin-t powerful anromint 1 kno or.

Thnekerny atyi that a critic I* • Solomon that tfoi in jutlKinetit beJbn tia, and Cbosa up our ehildren.

ItmulU an' like eounterfeit money ; we eannot Under their batag offemt. tint we nr.- not com- pelled to lake them.

A I'lii-liin.- sehool-irirl witered a TenmaaM new .[iniier ofllce, the other day. and hiked for "the papers lor a week back," Pannier !

A lady Who was not a Shakenpearean M liolur, hearing the "Merry Wlrej of Wk^dfor" highly pentad, laintind bow many whrei Mr. Wlndaoi had.

A yiaaonrl la.1 eUntbed a tree after a aqnlrnl, and ii keen-eye.1 MportHitian picked him off with a mlnie rifle, at m-vctity-flve rarda, mistaking him for a turkey.


KKK'S MAtilC ( nMl'UL'Xd),

| \i* i:i i.'s ri.u'l'insi; STIHIK. I> n

183, Essex Street. 183. Ellao Howo Improved Family Se»':n|i

Machine. The he. t Hemcar for « ouajlia and (old. , nahhb/ and axorlleaoB of atlteh alike on imth

eaneni.r Uie tlin«i nnd Imw i ruii ootm - ..in ,„„;,,]rU. ,.,,„tr„| „v,.r |M,u, itiniule.—4. An en- l«;liad Frt*<>( K. II. KKL1.KV, Ijiwrenee, Mann., lireb new roury on-iin f-.i tin- upper Hire::.!, .,-1- i- ri»ii.Hiv * ro > Haunter .-ilreet. whleli eonlrthutes m inin-h t«> that Iwatiti amt iim

r.ii.U.n. 3'"* tulUl'li- lrt.rale.1.-:.. A | 1 iiiill-im I. n-i-u in III. .huttie whleh •). •■- n-t vnr\ fr.ni a lull t" sn

OS8UM1TIOS CAN BK CUKKn. ^g^-jgJS2& ^i.^in!i.^'mki-r

up that prerinle n'i--liif.' ••( -til-tie- in rr.>- in« i Iwavv team*.—7. Miorl,-tmiitlit nu-l ^irmu nv. ■

MHKVlV' I'll.M'iMi: >VUt 1'. die:-, not liable t.. brink In p.wliijf tm-r heavy -( HIM h- SKA" KKI» T'lNP . -earn-. n> <].i Ibe etini -I neclh- ..f ..iher inaeliiiie.-. s< MKNt'h't MAM'IIAKK I'll l.S. -. >"in. r n.-idl.-. l-n llie -anie I bread lliuii :m»

are the i.nlv niiili'-inea llml willrure l*ulin.aini> nther nuwbJlH>.—IL Hewing equal!) «,ll witli kind .if thread.-"). Kemioim ..flhread U>-ni.l

t* tue. Ilelneo lint will na.ji a efiuRti will that il »uv iillier iiiiiiblne. —II. A lieniuieJ lli.it ,„._^i..ii i|..-.lealli "I a |iaUent. It lueki n|- will make am width ..f lln K.ll.-I'.'. Krai.I

the liver. »t.tim lla- .4reuUilii.il .rf lbi> M.KI.1. hem inK the nn.-I . .iiiiiilirale.l i»lt.rn. W itii an; width ..rrliaire foll.'w- and. in I... I, eloKKi"K H'e aelimi ,,,,.1 kind ..1 llrai.l. ■ 1 i A guiber llial w ill a.Ji.-l ortlie vervorum JSteautM tlie enuaii. it-elf !>• nnv thiekiie-h of uialerinl — II. I iiekuia

Liver cmplaiil ami d)-liep-ia a if the eau-e- aitj labne with mjun or pu.-ker.—I.V A e.ir.l

HKIiKIll) PaUCKat.

CLOTHING AND FURNISHING GOODS I.niter tlmii the I.owrat,



fan irtxrxu. ereiMiln, Thick l-nni,. Vci-te. I>iv- I nat-. i,l n\ir, I.I ».-. Mill.nr, How'I lotliiiiit. *e.

FOR •< Mut:i:. Thin i I H!I in*, straw HniM, Ae.

/■(>/.■ ALL SEAS0X8. .iriii-himi i 1-. Trunk.. Vallnea, i t»r\vi

* \ 1.1. 11 I', li K II It ST. .... .j»i>epala are l_

af tWo^ntaHofttoeaaeaOT Mnaamptloa. M»«> ^r -.. e.mHtnieieil a- i .nl araand verj - are now eoruptauluv of -lull pain in the »ide. Ibe curve-, even M ni(U»n- comtr-.-ll Sea inti ibe lH,tst.|,-nirietiio-i" "^11" and,..iiiitiine. too l"o-e. ihie-l lalirii' wilb.mt iujurv m pueker. ami Ibe touir -oateil, |i<iii in Hie rdiouMcr l.|;i.|e, I'eelniK |ii-aiie>t material- u ill) the (.-n-me>l ea.e.-lT. .. . ., , ...

T^IUZ. 1 .. .-!.— .ln...-.l„„. . . __ ii..;., ami .liiT-nl.ilili 1-. K;i-c ' ■' ■inenl.-I!i. Befl Machine < Al.l. KAK1.V. ( A l.t. II1TKV.

1>KK I'ltll K


i i i i! . i. i: s

Mil.'.- ami [irievmrt Family Bibl

1 I) n B K l!T II A I! 0 H T U X,

JIVKVILK uooKtf Tin.Copper, and Sheet Iron Worker, Ami dealer In all kimb nf

Stoves, Furnaces, and Ranges. U,.|.airiiiK neatly ihnic.


Ami ilcaler In all kinda of

Lead, Iron and Brass Pipe,

il llie .' , flnvnrf, ami will deal willi


\ Ft 1.1. STIKH or

H 11 <> M <>

. Fittings for Steam, Water and Gas. A... 410 Kurt Ntrrrt, UWIMMt.

i ndeih lollelied ami prompU) aUenileil to.


t it.'«»>'- U' ii-

I: In. .lehl,

iverle." - Sit

V -lender dinm.ni.l riiiK- Thr -nu had haul dnee bi.ble

Imhnid the weatera Ireea; The eurtaina u'er tlw two elan

Mmed ldlj In Uie tnwae.

I INK I -<t-ii the old, ol.l »t.ir> I

\ taiiban ball a. line

It r tlie prlneipal l-.ples or gOHhlp in-.I now in London i- Ibe innirlage nfMr. T. V. Mitchell, A member of I'lirllaiiient, to a London bai'-malil. Tlie brldegrooni

I |M a wealthy merchant, and a inember .if Hie ivadlnit dull*. Tin- bride I. a young woman nl'^reut personal attraeiioiis, who hna tilled the mwftll poaltlon before men- tioned, mill is the daughter of the hall por*

'l.r or the Duke of Lelnster. It IN Mlfl that lie was Induced to this by the events that followed II ensoul visit to (he house

i where the la.lv officiated. The attention! I then given and tlie commiaerallon shown ! in a li-mporan Dines* that required a stim- ulanl, -o won the irenlh'itiim's heart that he -ought and Obtained her band mid the

; consetil of lite astonished parent. In ml- ■ dltloii lo the position to which the lady

Tins lite •ttlei id : The,

I.,M| I IHI iUl boblu <l HI Thr Ufffa all .imiUK )en

( la-|> UK ill lot id -MIIJIUll Tbc ■uub all Ol r -mile- an leal-:

1 the river, IIIII

< lu-p imuei.l. Nl Idurk ami -nil.

\s on u po tl '-III' II- )>T* «..- "

Wti >IIKII1I ri

Mi:sMi:i:i M. A

nrgoi u or ii ununbad. A yo

special Hi ai si. .lam.s Clitinh. Piccadilly, shortly

{afterelghl o'clock hi the morning, the earlv hour lun li>u been rhoaen In order to avoid the crowd which always attend* a mlil-ilav wcthllllK at a West End church. As an additional precaution Die venue also wan ehauKetl at the bud moment When It was expected that Ihe ceremony would l.e performed id Kt. (Jeorge'a, Hanover.

i SiiNitrc. the chimh was hair tilled with bar-tnaids. The "liest ninn" wtisilie bride- groom's medical attendant.

Yon nee that Tfinrlow Weed haa niven up ■moktnif, my son," remarked a ipmtleman to bin

Well. I mean to do the ■ame," replied ho|H'fnl, when 1 reach his w."

I wi-h you would pay a little attention 10 what I am Hayitijt, ■ir." roared un Irate lawyer

exaapeiatlng wtami. "Well. I am pay* lilK as little us I can," waa the ealiu reply.

Moral Triumph.—A popular essayist says: "Perhapr. the great triumpli Of all moral writ- IIIKS, in. In.liiii; aemions, is tlmt at least they have produced some sweet und Innocent sleep."

A young men who went Watt a few immlhii airo luis sent only one letter home. Il rume r'rlday. Il lakl: "Send me a wljt," and his fiaul pureiits don't know whether hufatMabped or married.

"You say," said a judjw to n witness, "that thr plaintiff retorted to an Inirenlous use of dr- eumsUutlHl evidence; state Jn»t exactly what ^ V"^ n*\"^ ^"fTi***^ fr.

Depot at T.'io E ».'

resiles,, aad at other times tlrio sv ' tlie food Hut ia taken lies lieat ib on llie sUilli- of oiieralloii and uiaiuon-liu'iil. - lit. [(,..( ylaelim. alb, ace.miimikiil with itei.llU and iM-lebiiiK i llie w oil.! for Kalnilt Use. wind. These *mi>ti.ui- imuallv orlainate fnmi a J t all am' see the-e \!a. him- w>rt. »itli ib.M.w dlsonlere.1 .-.iiditloii <■( the sbniiaeh, or H torpid mriiinin innni.t; i-mn. at Haa; liver. 1'ers.mt «• naVcled, if Uiev Uke .me or two ry, lvv Raaaa Htreet, Ijiwrem e. heavy .'old-, aid II' the eiiuifli in lhei.eeai.es 1* mtrtdenlv sUipict. the Innas, liver and stomaili \ eb*. ami reman torpid ami buutlve. and 1-efore Uie iiulient i- ;r> are "i hi- situation the lulls'- are a mass of sorix. ami tilceraUsI, ami death i- the ; hieiiuilileresut.

sibenek's I'lliu.mie Syrup la an ex|»snirani Which ibtes not e am any oniiitn, nor anj tluiiK raiealatedt.ieie.ka. *h sml.teiilj.

.Selienek'S Satifil Tonfc dissolves the fms;!, . mixes wiUi tin rn.trie Juice of Hie -tomaeh, ill

' • s the afster


Ookl 111 J-8.


In Ihe I..'/i-iaiii,.-, on Saturdav, tin- ttandlng romuiltteea were appointed. A IdUwaaonVreo In the Senate for the annexation to llo-ton ol nfleen towns and cities siirroumliim the "Hub." In tb.' House, the petition of Dr. fiench, of Lawrenre, (br the seat occupied by Horace C, llai.ni. was taken from the table and referred to the committee on election-. The judiciary committee were Instructed lo amend the elec- tion laws.

A .li-piit.-h from DeOatUT, III., says Ihe familv of A. I 'nip, seven [sTsolis, I Hill I lie violently sick hnmedlately alter breakfast on Friday motnllifl. symptnliis IHIIIIK lailson.' A physician Invcslitni- t.'l the matter ami linnnl a |ai|sr tuntabilnft ar- -. TI>■ uWpuaittKl in u pump from which water bad been used to prt'iiare eoffee lor the family'* breakfast. The victims are ver> ill, but at last uciiamiH were out uf danger,

' The la«t of the Ni wliuiiidhind Oahhm Keel haj retunied fnnn ijibrador. The cod, bcrri.iir, mackerel and sal a li-ticrio ban-not pn.ted U 'lessful us |» other seasons; but Ihe early repuru of a dlaastrmui ruyano wen' oreaity exai- Itemteil. No storms ufaiit iiiatnillmleiH'eiirreil, mid no wricks an recorded.

The Isnnlou Staudanl aayi the auuix.it ion of the Siimlwlch Island, to the I tilted States will U« no menace to Kmclnnd, but to Atistrulia, ami

grits easilv, n»uri..lu- B_ Fiealtln ciriulalun of the lilwal. W hen the Ism els are rrsillve skin sallow, ami the patient is ... abillmu habil sehenek's klamlrake Pills are re-

•These niediiines are prepansl by Dr. J. lb St'HKNCK tIDN, Ni.rlhea.ti orner of Sixth and Areh Htreets, •hila.lelpbla, Pa. tiKU. f. *-\*>\< WIN A CO.,* Hanover strut, lloalon, John t. Henry, 8 t:i.llig* Plme, New York. Wholesale ,

' l^aalebyliroiritistsifenerallv. ' tai*V

We have ill.-! taken the Agency fur the

[Original Howe Sewing Machine, j the Beat M'-r Complete, and IN-.in.ble Maebine

| ibe ti'l'llL.

1B3 Eeaex Street, Lawrence. -H


The ligbte-l ami most luxurious Spring Mattress in the market. A gmul sub-lltuU- fur Ihe old fasle I, 1 ilown li-.l. Kverv IH'.I w arranttil to irive IsTtWt -nt i- fa. -t , nr Ihe unmet refunded. rTur-


B° OSTON AMD MAINE RAILROAD, Winter Arranireinent.

On and aflr Monday. Dec. 2. HCJ, Trains will leave the Depots In Law renee, as follows :-

»\n-B.>aton(rr.illi North Depot), at A.V, 7M,fl.n\ I at in.ja A. M.| aad I*. 1.1. *.h>aml Mi v. M.

*effA3ts, ■**





I..Hik at hi- latnte and New stock of


'bn'i, Voillhs'


and l'.i'.-' <>

| l..#'il.wi Dollar-.

A Ijirge ami Sew Htock or

Men*s and Boys' Suits. SKVV STOCK OF PANTS

In Die l.ale-l >t> It-.

»'-'rib>sinn(^.msoiith]>e|H|.t ^ "i «;'^; "-^'^ ! Oecember, 1672, and January, 1873,! Sliifls and I )l-j|\Vfl*H. ;e'xpress'','lo.l;i'."a.' we propoM i« rim off our lieavj treshstoek orI Verj Cheap.

v ii ,,!..,. r*.... s... J..iuiii nt M-''I 9 1.1 ' Wlnler Imnnenl- nl price- 11 hich will n-toni-h t « I W 'il ' 'buter. who ,„,,lt .,■ n ia the J.anba.- • ■ . - ft AMn /*APQ A. »., l.n,tl,M. their riotliimr. inir >tiprb "I' everttfnnt; i.eeded HATS AND CAPS

i .^ . ■ — .L '^.... l.,,, ■ i i --.HI a ., , ,

V A I I II I) s II V. M E'l) V ,

V E G E T I N E, Tin: onUT

lll.f)i)l> l»l'KIFIKK. A valuable Indian c pound, for reatorlng the

health, and for tlie jiertiiaiieiit ■■lire of all ill.eases j arihiiijt mini impurities of llie hlon.1, slleh as

| Xrnifuln, Sreo/Mnvi Itumuir, Omtttr, funtrruv* llnm-T, hryilH-l.lf, f.tuktr, Sxll Mtvttm,

PimiilftimtlliiHHWHlh- fiKi.l'i'-m, <\,UIJKI, I VuVirra. Ilrwkitii. Stural- ijia, raint is Ikr SUIr, llhrutuntitm. htwi»i". r„H4tiimli«i>. r.ntire-

urn. IHiiiartu, I'ilr; ZI',,,1 mk .VerftMuaeM, Mat'

u.». n» thr Stlmuifk, /•(iii.1 in ihr Baee, Ki-i wy I V.in/i/riiiili. Fr.

muilr H'nitnriiiiinl ul DtbUUy.

, i Tills preuarathw U MlanUDealiy and chemkally Stato Mutual, Worcester, 1846, 1,270,911 . ,.,,mbinc.l, and >n .inmKlv cm cent rated fr.au

nails, herbs slid larks, that it. «O.H1 effects me ■nlii.d imniedialeb alter c 'luiuK to take il. hrl,. h-.'U-e "I lltr hllllljlll -I-I. -Ill I-I'

..hich the VEliKTISK caiuiol !-■ u-nl with I'KU rt..T sAKKTl. a- it .!.»■- n..l contain any iiiewllle

■ - nr all

r mimr Npeclal It n ri;n lin.

I Al.l. AND (IRE I'--.

Stratton'e Corner Store.

LIFE. jEtna, ofHnrtford, 1860,


FrankUIn, of Penn'a, 1829,

816.640.780 ■

i'. I-..I .

n by that."


: rraiuuiu, ui »-nuu a, .use, 13,365,740 j J.^^'p,,,,,;,! " i,„r eradicating tlu?

' ' Royal. England, 1846, rfold, 11,000,000 ""l-""^.;;' lu

J";i^V,;l **£ '^TlJ.1 and Aineriean ItralU'h, l.itSi.HOU ■ .trenirth' to the -v-tem ilebihlaliil by disca-e.

"Well," said thu witness, "my exact meiuiing Trains leave boston f.-r l.aMii'm.nt 7. :.:sn, ■'■■■". , i.'.,.*,.,. i„ ,,„, himol'

i*tl""'lllK'1- w».MERRnT,8npT i "THE <i\A ►BE" one slippery, frosty moniiiiK, K»- l.nwreii

i one of his elderly memU-rs, the ■lipped and fell. When the inin- \(* V. I

he was not hurt, he said : "My | ^-*

i t mltrellna. Trunks. Siiiprmlrra, lliiwa. Ties, 4'ollara, tilovr*. Frrtluic*.

and evert tiling in the runii-liliiit line very cheap.

the ir I- to Au-tralla. Is. of the W

A preacher, one lUppery, frosty monilnn, RH- ' [ ilitf home with one of his elderly meitda-rs, Ihe old itentletnau Ister saw that friend, sinners stand on slippery places."

"Yes," said the old man. looking at the preacher, "I see they do; but I can't."

A TanktOn (Dacotah) sheriff attached n show In that far awuy country, the other day, and

while tacJdnjt "p a "sale notice'*on the etopbant** hlndipiarlers, whleh the oftlcinl mistook for a snmll lam, the animal twang bis tall around. And now, when that county wanfa the services

sheriff they will have to elect one.

PC, Ice. ••,|IS7*. -


Pennsylvania. orPa., 1825, l.^ou.diu Jllri,rJ,illK i„ „]|. yunt have IKVII eunsl b> Imperial. London, 1B03, »old, 11,000,000 i VKt.KTlNK thai ^J;'^!1-"1 """IV "1,"'r mm-,li

icelvll KMItt.illlilN'AltY PllKNiiMK.So>- AT Mll.- tinng wo- ; AN. A correspondent writes that on the

twenty-four, Irourth of last mouth, Milan was visited by was married -ome twelve year* ago ; she. „ pemllar phenomenon much to the terror however, did not go to her huahaiMl'« I Df the tower classes. The ruin wits nill- hoiise for two years afterward. After hug |Q torrents from heavy black cfovda, stayLfiK w itli him lor elghl days she awl- j n hen the heavens appeared to open, and ^ deiilv became Inscmdhlc, and remained so j u,,. ann-llghl poured tnTOngfa In u cloud of| '*"" for I wo or three days. Site was lakeii .....lor. Illmnlmitlng the tinder-cduis ofthe!°" back lo her mother, and soon got well. (,| |H with lints aaatrangu as brilliant. KcroKiriun bus tried the "through without Then follows u very re rknblc history. !-rhc whole atmoaphere was tinged with ettange" etyle of travel linn, and don't like ii. During Ihe next four or five year- she ,, r-llow glow for the space <>r u minute, He savs on a long route nothing hi handier than

..erc.itcredherbnsl.aii.l'-boii-cwiihoui , wh„„ it ,]milxt.,i |„to green ami blue I 1|t,^ ll(ON, ,., ,„ I|w ^ket, Which one

liked him. but Whenever he came Into her , wa„ „. imnenetriib'le as ever. Theostron- , *• cn^"' '* watering, or in hiring the sweet be al otic sank Inlo this stnle. \ ollu.r Seitiapparelll we are tolil attributes ■■■*■*- cherub that Bits aloft on back ol the next on till -be became etmiNciatcd ,1^. different phenomenon of wind and •eat, toKftatn from dropping cracker rruaba

and exbaii-inl, and al lust her parent- up- ■ tvetilher. to the contact of tlie nttnospher- j inside of one's eout collar. |,li"""; ',"r lzV"r,u. s?h!1Zi''.ta i"^"ri"1 ;"r""i

l",ii1' u".'»to,™,r- w. »>..«•». i»„«, m, miic*,.- ..u nance lor her: winb-siie wa-in tourt tin reiti. froni w ho-e polnl of iiintact of the „ , ... ,- , _ husband entereil. ami -he instantly became j BStrenlw of i„,v,' llh,i co,rtl an unusual , *• nr"frMftr u' Mr"' ^^^m, pointing lo a

Mcctrldtv ami condensation or' sehmildumsc.


ptn.KJiT rnKn,

9, S Iiiirk Nqasrr, -


i-lble. am! was curried lot he hospital. eMleu

temled to lv.,t..rv vapor bt developed. Thepeaaanta Hen, in March la-t. While in ,t|,o sell veuclablcf. on the Pia/./u del Ver-

thls >iu . her pulse wa- even, breathing 8|cre, cunrlnccd thai the end of the world soft, her body pliant, but she could eat innl come, ran screaming up ami down, uothiiig. Experiments were carefully made t,.lirn,o; their hair: others fell on their to see If Ihere nil- lmj trick about It. knee-, pravitig tiiid beating their lirea-sts While she was In bed. her hii-haml was wn]|,. ltti^rs run shrieking to Ihelr mis.-r- muith'd up, ami made to walk through the j.lhll. |lliv,.|s to embrace their little ones, vanl. She said -he felt he was near her . ml sin- wan by no means well, bu( had not ■ —— — — * »■ een Id in anywhere about. Seat day tld- i lli:n titk tin.)'. CAHRRH OV A CoxtU'CTOR,

'I- 11 E FINK L E i I. Y O N I 1 .MaiiufaciuriuK <'..'.

Now Sowing Mhchinc. ; "VICTOR,"

its Bt: iKiiniiT of ' Kro-4- II. \\. 1,<HII>. lo Margin Ntrrrt,

Sole AgaatftH1 Lawrence, Amhuer and Melbueii.


Tlie undersigned bate ibe honor of Inlarming their friends ami the public Kcnmilly, that they have taken rhandier- in

Sounders New Block, Essex Street. r.ir the ptir|H>se or earrt ing on the buetoMMe of MKItt'HAST TAII-tiltS. it here the liesl Ibiths, la-hnien's. Vesting'. Ac. will be always »n hand, nml evert atk-ntlon given to the l.an-.t Styles ol 1'u.toi.i Made Clothing, under the ilium dlak;-uiHTVislon of JOsKl'M r'l.'HUi, lateoflhe Orm nf Savage A Flood.

You an- respectfully Invited In give us n cull. JOSEPH FLOOD & COMPANY.



Firemen's, of N. Y., 1826. Weatchealor, of N. Y., 1837. German American, N. Y., German, of Erie, Pa.. 1867,

i.aoMM*; 340,606





Prepnird by II It sTKVKXs, llo-nm. Mass.

rice »l.i'i. sold hi nil Druggist,. riiB-.-Jil6 2Ujaii:l I" ITl'b

|{ | |{ \ || \ \| * S . Queen, or England, 1868.gold, 10.000,000

American Branch, TK.I13 \ No. 103 Eaaex Street. -' (^ m |,„UllwlNli lHlMK COMIMM^ : ! A '


The Pi itish steamer, Mr I- R||| line iVoin I.iiiT|MMtl to llo.t Held tisltorc mi llampdcn Beach, N. II., on Friday night, ami is a total wreck ; the passenger, and crew Inn.led in the IHNIIS.

There were < hundred and lofty peraonti known lo have eoumiitteil saiclde in New York during the year jti-t past, Issides ithleh, of

, ..in . . there weru many not probably known. A German physician, Dr. Wiilhudorf, bus lil-

ted up a screw propeller as a flouting hospital for patients with lung disease-, to spend the winter in cruising Is'tween fJlhrallar anil Malta.

Dr. Mnnstield, of Worcester, arrested for a I'e- li'iiloitsussault on a female patient last week, has h.'cu committed In default of ladlfbr cxaudiuv tionon 'i'hursdav.

Mrs.(icorge Whtiekellof (iiriiiaulowu, I'elin., was burned to ileiiih, Saturday morning, by the iipsetthig of u lamp. Her hu-lutlul escaped through a window.

The Jewelry stove of Me—rs. Hcnjamiii \ Ford, In New Haven, Conn., was burned on Saturday, together tilth a iiilnable -lock ; the lo— reaches gaoeWU.

The Stokes trial vviisclo-ed on Saturdav; the inrv retunied a tenliel of gtiiltv of murder in tlie ili>i degi-ee. New Vofk IN'UIU- the tear a ell.

his law ter. in hi- pica, a-ked the juiv t« present hi- ii.'.piiltal to Id- lelatlte- as a Not Year's

ihe actually j Mr. .jiisel Tucker will to-day complete the became Inaetuiiblc'ns liefore. When the ; :tid consecutive year of service us coudiic- knocked out of him h husband left the place she recovered, lor on Die Host on A Maine railroad. For of KIICMS - The experiment a- to the Influence or the fifteen years previous to this engagement; "\ui, for Heaven's sake, tar, husband's presence was tried in all sorls ' he was driver of the mail Mage between ir you're going to stay of ways. He was made lo pass behlnil her i Maverhlll, Mass.. ami Hostou. The re- or are gnlogawuy. and to be near bcr In a-epertite ward, bill ' marknlile fact tonnected wllh Mr. Tuck-] That the proprietor- mar. this had no effect; but whenever he was er*a long connect ion with one line of rail- without further deiav, brought to look on lu-r face, though mill- road Is. that since is|o no passenger on ,i|re lh). newcomers a ray lied up or disguised us a policemen, as a his trains has been killed, and the cor- of hope fur tn-ilay, sepoy, ami so torlh. slie wits at once Intlii- pointlmi has never been called upon to And then all will be mv'" enced. The cxpurlunmta continued tor pay a dollar tor Injury to any person In the j • ' iihoiit a liioiiih.amllhecoiu'liislon was llial ears under his cliarge. Mr. Titckur en-1 the husbaml uuconaclonaly mesiuerl/eil joys robust health, and a stranger would i _ r . , .~v i her. The Conn ciiine to the conclusion hardly think his age greater than his yearn |\ utCvl «lll (1 Ull O'lC tt. that 11 was impossllde thai -lie could live of honorable service as slage-driver and ' . l m "*

itli hint, and a scparale allowance was conductor, lie looks as If. his vigorous j , .,,,,, ,, . rrtercd. The hu-b'nd wa- asked lo try |eonatltutIon would hold oui for another -C*-». Ui Introdudag the horM railroad

third ofa century on the same track. Is

"Did they r" -aid the old lady, with anhua- J Hon. "Then if they lit for the college Is-fore i they went, they didn't right afterward r"

"Yes," said he, smiling, and liivnring the eoa- j ceit, "bin the light was with the head not with tti' hands."

-Bntted, did they •" said the old lady. j gE"\T/ING MACHINES '" A well-known uml |Nipular iaiidlord ul a wa-

tering place, Mult with poetic rapmres, eraporat- [ ed ids burning soul in the foil, .win/ bulletin,! ana TBR noaT

inlnrrassliignilllsion I

Merchant Tailors, Ciuniberi, I. 3 and 3 Saundm N.w B



ITRKIA HtTTAt. . - - - flt.04IO.UOO.00

IK1TS I'Ain TO ISU.ICV ltol.lil.il-

n sup, i

i prei ai.i i rli


The rain fell In men miantlly hi Uoaton, on llidnt , llilil theicll.ir.. i Nil}' part-ol the in- inumlaleil. The lino of J F. Pawann a Co., of I m, have fullcl with linl.ilitie. nuiotiiitiii; l,"i,non.oiNi. ll.ct think Ihe weatlu-r mid In Sun Francis.

• at pre-cni with the thermometer nt .'SIal.it.- Go*. 11. firm/ liniHu'smi'.-iigetiiihc Missou la'gi-hiturc treat, eiitirclt ol Mate niliiir-. John Donovan, ol Uuimv. Ma-s., died on Irl

>ni the elbit. ol a drunken debancb.

be Imd lb'1 |siwcr to ei II. hill be oultll itightened at llie Idea of hating

Ihe power, and could mil control il in any .—IfaMt-mwt .Wo//, Iwliii.

here another railway conductor 111 the Initcil Slate- whose record Is so loug mid remarkable us that nf this veteran?—

-irdi.l. Ibougb mil .plemlld. r

lil-t t 'flier

Roahm lit the failure or a It

has loot gOWJJOO. Dot. Washbani pat

during 1873. Gold 111 7H.


A pht-li lun called to gor, M.■., (In- other da -until' \"'\. When Hi.

i Fiuall |M>x

iiahk, the I'.

A I'm: <u BlllDKs.—This momlug, ai ' i tin- Syracuse house. I breakfasted With a

pair of brides and a pair of lirldegriietlia— ■ a sorl of bridal i|imrtette, They were ' Irrom Cortlaud, I think, in Un-country. I "' know Ihet were |ust mairieil. from a va-

rh-li olrea-oii-. First when t her alight ■ from Ihe omnibus to cuter tlie hotel, I. v g ladle- look (lie arms of the

gentleman who mid, " Dear, let me curry .ltl-1 bell

—Gen-it Smith \* the only one of the seven signers of Jeff Da via' laiilUiud living.

—A Chicago female phyakian advertising as a midwife, nays, no extra charge, for twins.

—A Georgia woman has just Mulshed a novel of wMah Aluxundvr 11. Stevens is tlie hero.

—A woman hi i.a Sueur Comity, Minn., has just applied for a divorce from her sixth hua-

1.11,1 in: CnitMlssioNfli's IlKI'iiltT. IMIIIII.

The report of M. S. rndeiwood, the State ' —The rye whiskey in Ohio Is considered Ihe Lhliior Commissioner, from February 12 to "grain'elevator that works with the least fric-

'"'.'. has been tiutilc, and shows (i(jn

—It is ..si-! that the woman who neglects her

llctoher that the total amount of sales Is &4s,li W. The commissions on the same amount toK.110, :.:(. and the expense- have been 8'-'7ul s:|. made up mostly of clerk hire. office rent, taxes, loss by waste, Ac. In cmformiit lo the acts of ISJi the Com- inl«-1oiier bus received from State Con- stables i police officers, between Juno

. Ill lit. the

' ii. \\ I. fin

ittli ultima is i,„-iblc judgment i

I" Stoke- sat ihere i. no iuiiiiedb his being Imaged. There hat, FXrepHons taken In his counsel, II which to base mi np|a<al whicli

i is. sutt-niiie roan am, i- >-* point of di'iith in llaltuiior,. She i- about years old.

Aristocratic Filth incline. New York, is much latter oil Hum plebimi Fite Points in mutter of slush and .now. Many of tin-ai

fiait'of it, ami Ihe WMSfilgil are slushy 1 treacherous.

The trial of Mr-. Kli/.il-th (i. Wh.irtoii, dieted for atlc...|.nug to poi- lugctie ' Ncss ill J , |S7|,aa- coiiinieiiied in lb, < cuit t'oiirl of Ann. ,\r 1,1 h Mart hi Moiid.i>.

A w..nun a.in, I Mart June Wells, resh hi Albaut, -hot. and .lan-.r.ui.b iiniindei in aim.l T. J. Connor-, on' New Ye night, aim a if lor. ei.- an entrance int..

If "|d!

Old I Tlei pie. I kit I bet

ol forfeited The amounts thus received were

I bv the oillccrs ut ,1103 gallons mis ihpiors pud s;.'.:iof beer and i—c Ihrnors were examined by the

issayer. and about li's gallon- and sever- I CHMS were passed a- pure and placed nr-ale in ihe Agency. There hate been


ni been t loilm-e.l o tralghl to

pin slhp Tli i- hn

hii.b.oi.r- shirt I'r.ini, cannot be thr wile uf hi-

—A man In Davenport, Iowa, has just had to pay gHOOO to a woman, tor kilting her husliand with his little hatchet.

—IVnpIc who take imtall-pOX and die are un- fortunate, hut I hey who have It Iwd ami don't die, are surely to lie pilled.

—"l,et the toast be dear woman," was what u man suid to his wife, In a ncighlsurug town, when he wanted II all himself.

Gypsies are to U' expelled from Italy, on the ground that they are, a nuisance In the cities, dangerous in the country, and indcceii when-.

simple, practical and economical Rrwrag Machine




Wheeler A Wil-di uwsrded. over eighty ■tWOCnm- , iH'titun,


For PerfocJon of Sewing Machinea.

AI.I. TUB flu: The tow raw

Com, -gc dividends of Ihla

i exeellent uiaiingeiii. fair iWlnig and proinptm-, in the iidjii-tmoiit or losses, makes It the I..-I i -.rn|.niit in New r.nglau.l m Insure in, esptsiallt for Kudow mint I'.-bci.

S. K. LAWRENCE, Agent fur Uwrenee, Ilavcrhlll. Aadover, n




Cotton & Woolen Machinery


At;:e lie1 I ■ tb.'-c pat,',,:,',! speetai'le- are lit., elfiiliHi'iilli eon-tnictisl Ualvanfe 1latterlc--un- is'ii when it .irn—delivering llnongh Ihe lien es ol

Suit and t'oullmiuiia Slrrmii of 1 :i,i-t i. II j .

MIsot.t'TKI.V itali/ing ami giving bealt .eiiiiliful system of tlmse ndCERTAINM I I'ltlN.

Ibt National. Worcoater, 1868. 164,022 f „„, „ ( > j ^ S K Y -©1 Glouceeter, oroiouceater, 1870, 117,860


KM iaforniatinn. rate', lie., call mi nr nrtdre... AuiJ ,,,, indentured Apprentice.


283 Essex Street, Lawrence.

rarttal Paral)-al> nt Ihr Opllr Xtrrr, tVeah or niaraaed Tlalon,

.\eur*l|[la of the Head or Karr. \rrvoUi I'i« II. lie. Ill the

wjnaelea ..nii- Pace, RfOltM In the Head.

l.n.Millliiiliil KurrR] .

I a ho I of Neri.ui

J " I1M5

Post Ofllrr II... UN.


'."ZT ■>f the i

Life and Vigor and Health. l.t Ihe means of llie soil flowing stream of Elec- tricity, giving Hi'Ighlui .. to the I'ye.

Hulcl.iii -s lo Ihe I'.nr, i:iirig> lo the Bralw.

Thev an' scl with Icn-e- ol the Duct inatmfui'. tare, t'o-iiil nil-ighl.-.aml wilii gin—es for those tint needing -pei taelc- t.. read ti ith, bill desiring tw iH'tietiis rn he derived (rum wearing Uie iwt- teries: and lo 1«- had in Ibis city mil) of

MIMl'IIKKY MOOAR, Watctimalcer, Jeweller and Optician.


No. 236 Essex Street, Lawrence. Dealer in Watches. Clocks. Jewelry, Fancy

They execute nw re rapidb, an with MUSK than nuivitl ■i Maehlae In i

I ■>i .nun-1 Inif. r.ir I In' innl j,!.,,,, (ii.ir.i'vi.il us worthlm. —A Mlnon In Duhnqn. oantabu Iho fnlliminK. , liirilnir. IIIU'LM^.. in li.iml. I ^^ ivMrtonau'dhMnl.fflCMmltaMeMlomtaljr Macl.li.eM 'Hol,l

In .i.l. lenvlDR tlu'lr wive. I " """ *" ^ilt Ihunc, nml hnnjt behind the hw: "Ro.rlL-..'-1 i-lu-Mo 1'i.ll.m-. slnek III,. Illilliill,l,"\.-Tin' li.l.nli:niM..li .lull- | ,,. x„|„Kt...

I,,.|,l„.| Item Al l.r.»kr«». Ui, lirlil,,',,,,- Mi" ».r .1." J«r '-'-"'"»""' •»;™'1'" . ' -A My „r Il.Mld.mvlll,, c„„„., leu. „..v.'l

"•■ ,:?;!;:!J wm;t;:™;;; "i!:,:;^:, ;**?™££l££ •„" SX"! - - - • —e.——>■ lavender gloves. If J ever get married. Miimlcl in New VorkL'JH,;.7s:of llieseoiily I'n'r hand, alights on her shoulder, or hides It. Mrs, Perkins aliall wear (If she pleases) u HiUMl being destined for Camilla. More I the knot of ribbon at her throat, when he feels -ull of plain black, and then we can enjoy 'hull oiu-lialf of the new arrival-scl tied In , likeauup. our honeymoon In peace. The young the Middle State*ami New Kngland, moat —After a life of peculiar vicissitudes, hu-imiid- both wore hnnulrloth -nil- ami "* Iho reinalmler going Weat, ami a frw

i|. only South. Germany I'm ni-lies by fur Hit1

lars ami cull'-, uml , bo-inn. Ala-: ttlia thill must he lo o wife! Whv. in mv is no re Imlicaii

wore it pane -hock such

-.■ml-.. •,41.1

at ■ep- ; 1


hll-l.alul- iliil thev sat dotti lo the bride.

in than! Man t break 01*1 the-*c vouug Iptheniselvesfirstwheii ie [able, but they I

alii -.lit us i;:i..«i., froiii Ireland. n Bngtand. !»inn IVoin Scotland, Wales uml l,1| from the Isle of edellseiil 11,132, Norwav Mflfi,

■umark 11:7'_•. Austria 12.16, Bohemia 3,- i. lluiigary3>Ml,HwltBt'rlanil44tHE, France tb. Itii-sla'DI7. halv.'-od. Holland:il

Then they put uf tin- Sc r brides'piates said: "Thanl

rn happy to de

Moat bin* went lo Mlnncsola

ami Wisconsin, while with the Germans illlliol- was the favorite slate.

girls iii tlie ilrsi cb ! III I'ortlau.l. Malm d iiioveimul In fan ... The .'lass, belt

lavender lv: ■Haven roll dear.' s butter on the Invent and thev looked up an you. dear." wllh a-mile scribe. When breakfast the young hualianibt smiled sweetly, urn

■- Now. darting, niu'i I smoke just one. —you know you said I might. "Yen, Charley, just once." And then the tit.i ngVeeiltii adopt for school w brides stood ami looked vacantly f of plain, substantial, ami hicx the ttinilmv till their .ivcelhearl- cilliie terllll. Faiirlftll oriiamenls i back. When the oh| married | pic sat are to he used oitlv to a bin down, there tins a dillcrciil scene. Tlie „|,|Hi i-specitl.-.l and fullv mi old r.llows scooped hi I heir beefsteak ,t|1(.uhls. Mam |UI|ills lu the 1 I snuaagf, never looking up lo «w lu.it ;lre folloit Imr their example. I heir wives were getting along, and it lid m lo cause ihe young girls they got through, Uiev -huiiled oiriuio tlie lodres- slmplv is "nonht of hlgbc reading room, anil loiided ii]. nner-i'liiinm m, iulati.ui. D i- intintul to see ' pipes with the slriiugesl ciivemlidi. Theu'wlin arc fivsb ainl vouug. ami tilu they talked |s.liilc.. ex pec I oral lug on the inslensli.lv occupied in gaining an ei

-love mat. Hon.-o 'iln-unil as In show plainly rl 'wives ||„.|r tluiiights are lat'L'eh -pent lipoi

>f the Hlgl IUVC made u f simplicity i thirty ami


Without ome Ihliikiuir of I heir l - Who were left mil-e thel.i-elt ,- lielghlHirliood gosalp.—h'U l'<rkin*.

Dlt'KKNs It I- related mi the middle of the i

, Hie Bowles llroth

ugh i

The heinlesi snow Ibr iwenit years fell mi Frldui an,I S.ilni'dat our a large million ul Miss i and Kan.a-. Tram- arc .l.latcdet- ii'twh, r...Li,d wane are stuck lli-l ei tin -now.

The post offfee at S|k.|ieei»,rl, N. Y., was en- lereil, Fridai night, l.t burglar*, aim -lole g-VKI worlh of (si.tiige.tamps. A luitD--I -t unl offlre nml a bliick.mlih .Imp were also mlili-d.

The census.if France for l»:2 show-u p.p,,. j """■' laii.iii.ii WI,Uh!,<rJl— adecieas ' :i»iii,iK|.i .me,. I I'Uidicanon ot inrui t ,.,.,» ,;«./,(. hnp|Mii- tin liuih |M6, cin-ed hi the war, -imill pox, mid a re- \ h'g lo be out of writing, pit per. lie sullied i I'arla. lint ducTiou in theiiunila-r of miirrianV". \ flirlli otic morning to «-et a rreab wipnlv iiiionet en

TbeHt-keavenllet.lt Is -ahl. I -t di- "t the stall ■!*- lo lu-gin work oil Ida Ihf I'ai'i- hearicnmg cttc. i upon Seauncll, King, K,,-i,r, ncxl muiiber. lie stood aside U moment ' Thev Imill and other nlerers mm nwnithig trial in N. « ' al Hie thiesl.old to allow a la.lv to pu-s tl.ctn-eli. ^,rk- iln before him. As he entered'I icr- llvaclutb.

The I ...lelphi. IV.-.all- lor Ihe anncxa-' heard Ihe hull a-klllg lor Ibe new greell of her to tiou ot lb, S.ia.b.i.h I-h.ii.l-, it think- He number when it u-i- harnhd to her she York lull Hl"'1' -r""1" the asking. ,.,,,,, ,.,„, Ml|ll(. r |h|w. , wmx t|[i Ut |Mwn' Mh|. (|r h(.r „„„„,„„„

i lawyer: next one" ■ 'Listening lo ibis utim-og- ' iiionev lo pin for u cable trlt-grnii "'"•"> "" | nUiil." Mr. Ilickct.s allertvarilN „,ld. York'for a icull -e. etc.. etc.

"ami rciUL-uibcrlug tin I a word of the ' - -*•—»- A tioleul ram storm, a ..mpaiil. d ..ith nintilier -lie tta- a-kin- for it i- t,'l it • i

laVi'r*Vt,'.',|'.'ii's!md.it'",I,-lhi',~ ''''"" ""r '"'"! ten. forthe tlr-1 nml only time In nn life ,walvt] „I„I 'n,..rough i-xtierltiiei Ih.ta.it the pub!,,- -,.,...1. at itaagor, ' "" M*"*"-*1'" pure wale.', suulihl. chare .nil

,'..'unl ot the -mall |a It.'.obltioli. were.

e.pecii.lli wrong ladles. Two t'an-

-. had hist arrived in several venrs, saved -Il Klirojie t daln

.'.cut for I heir French. ib lion lev ami now rind II.--.. The ttlfcol Father

rider, anil culm hint big as a -s, Princess Salm-Salm doses her roman- cer aii a nun in a convent at Innsbruck, in

tlie Tyrol. —Cincinnati has a ritlxen, eighty-five years

old, who never rode In a wagon; but he has taken several rides nn rails, and was once tarred and feathcreil, so that he Is up better than the rest of us.

—A playful young mini named Luck, pointed a gun at a negro hoy In Fayette county, Tex., when, to Iw hi ihe fashion. U went off | and Ihe negro, from his bed of pain, says lie don't want any inure inch luck.

—Say* an exchange i—"Another woman in Spriiigticld, III., has committed suicide by kind- ling Ihe lire with the kerosene can." How a woman could kindle a lire with a kerosene can Is more than we can imagine.

—John Hurley, a young man living in Ulice, New York, drank three pint* of ram on a wager the other day. The undertaker who conducted the funeral arrangement*, ronaollngly remark ni iluit " we must nil die any how."

—Comets are now proved by astronomical [ observation not topoaaeae suftleicnt density i.

.1'|.,' ' withstand the attack of the smallest planet urn- I Kven Mights ol meteoric stones may sometimes llial ■tittle., to make two comets of one. out- —A rum I gentleman standing over a register

I lu one of our -tons attracted general attention fat himself by oliservhig to his wile, "Mariar, i gueM I'm going to have a fever. I feel such hut streaks a ruiinin' up my legs."—Dan bury News.

—Hill hoard* are lo he atajuahed hi New York. The delight New Yorkers of a-thelie tastes ex- perience in the announcement,,would hate been increased if Ii had Is-eii Uaird bills, which arc .aid to lack none of the clement* of greatness in that city.

a large pun _'| |„. |^„„|on Spectator*": estimate of Horace ni. A New.-, , lf u wt. oHcbnotanai. an. Ifeolllpelled


Mil Thread. Needle* and

MAt'lflM-'. l'IMHN<iS

(nnatantly iwl hand.

/ \ K T T II K

PLATTNA CLOTHES LINE. It d.m't stain the clothes. Will ln-1 tllly year-.

For sale til

No, M Margin Slreel. I.tiirtiiif,

SmUileefl*- JAMES HYliE, Agent.





Leakf aeofj madu Tight al short maice. tlltuijIT

C PEC1 A t. N 0T1 CK!

To builders, lannmtei. and others who may lie mot lug or rabllig hulldlngs.

If in vlnii nr rai-hig buildings you ne In • lael with the

l-ir.. Aim-in Wire*, Voa nre requealed to natJf) hiuneiliately,

NAMIKL PAW, H.ipl. Fire Alarm, tfnovf- »'o. I« Hampshire Nli-ecl.



Itjetll- GK#. A. HAYWKN, Agent,

aiM lj..-i «a-*el. »r. Poiter'a HI... L.

'.'44 K S S !■'. X S T l( F. K T.

. N. II., ..I -u.1,1.

, Hoi UI I,nu-

ll.. Indian-i J l-i i r I . nn i'i' ■ Gold Ml :i-l.

red in the I . S

. x-Kiu|K-r.ir Na >-t .ipprchciisioui

. fought with In

I.IUI I.MI.M u:.-.l i named tin* Anthracite,

i iilniir. |,.i ipi.lniiua'ltall

-.leoti'-1 mid carries Its " i lender Is thus

, appai "l"'1'- j Hun the Hi-,-- la-t all da

| i-hlllg, and the I'nniii damping OUCC a Week.

tlm I. in,nil

tills -ix .Irking wheel- inbotelbe boiler. A Mlt. Ill:

bus di-p.'ii-.-.l ttiib. ||,,. ilrlnir e| 1st, ha- I- slated [o be -o iirruiigcd | graduulii

In Ihe ordimirt sense of the word, bring viewy, inordinately credulous about new 'Isms,' mid very tain ; hut he was very lucid, very detached, ami pnaaeiaed a ken sense oflinnior."

—Ait Iowa i cannot remember where he hid a iiiftec pot lull of sllierduilng llie war.nml ha- scratched nearly every hair oat ..I his head

ilu-t, uml -amis of all i -olors ami j thinking about It. Helms bought a wig, and he e-. thai i lining- placed lu cacti. In j lumk„ ,|,H, |„- ihe time he lias scratched thnaigh am.' tciilperiiliire. footed aluiosl , ,hnI| hl. w)|1 ri.m|lect or give npthe joli.

, cpuillj tie The Karl of At lesford during his minority, ed gn.HUO which lie had Un-rowed ofuiurer. the extraordinary high rate of sixty per ecu

He ha* now euineofage, and lul


all : aiubrlilire We l"r»""'"»■ as I (Tiancery , '"" (ortune. and refuses lo pay the Interest

leluutg in lh"e|ll-e «»nrts have reiidcred a dodrton in

Tin, Sheet Iron and Copper Ware Tin, Lend. Tin Lined and aenddBhutlB Pipe.


»■ Mowing Machines, -Sales and Wringing Machine- Itcpaircd. Plumbing, Tin Rooflnn; and GeneralJob-

blng iloin- ot Bhort notice.


\| H, CHICK.

BOOK BINDER. 179 Washington St., Boston.

Particular ntR'iilioi, paid to binding Magaiiliet, UXh a. liariar'-, Atlantic, el'., and also Library Work.

,. Catholic Bibles, Llfti of Christ, and the lllessed Virgin. Price, full morocco, fnnn »s to

[omciAM I.owr.l.l., Oet. II, ls7J.

Mi Th.'MNUlIt Was awarded Ihe KlKsT PKK

These s.ieetiirle- are inaiiufio'lured from "Ml- A riF Cfll'.S' /'.(/. /■A/l/IA/.-'inelleil together. ami are eallett IHAMUSIl mi i.e. .mill ol their hardness and hrllliaa.i.

It Is well known mat spectacle*cut from Urn illlauor Scotch la'blilo- arc . en iuhirl.iii^ lo the m, he.«..s* irf their |<.darirli.» light. 'Having lieen t.-.ted will, Ihe p,.|:ill .npe, (he .11

amoiid lenses have la-en f. I to adu.it fifteen per cent, less heated rat.- than any "Iher pebble.

Tliev an' groiin.l ti ith great -. iciillllc accuracy, are II.-,' tinin I'lu-i-untti. ,ib.i, :ii i'-n-. .nut i bi'i' a l.rigbtlie-s and distinctness of vi.-ion not bed ire ohtahicii in ipeetactea,

Jlanufa.tur.sl by the

Spencer Optical Manufacturinflr Co. NEW YORK.

WHITPORD & RICE, r*W^aSrt W tV!X"m^ ''The grea'l d'e,i.'.a'n'fl''rJ|ihe-<' sp.rtaeles ha" 111 lined unsempiiloi... d.-alci - n, |udm off mi interior

■are should be lakeii t.. see that Ihe to.Ie mark .*, [which 1- pna.sl.sl hi America., better- Pa- eiil), isi-iampciloaeieit ],uir. IjHtiuybl


No. 6, Lawrence Street. When- will IH- kepi a first.-las- ttocfc of

< 'iirocK. 'I'liliacco, Snuff Mrersrhanm. Bryer and Clny Plpea


I K. E. fair in 1071, a- ladiift Ihi HEST , aiily stwing Unehine; and also live pre.enl ir ti* aartr.lt eere silver Medal..

(>ig,«^, E.T. KDWEl.I,, As.'t sei-retarj N. E. Fair


A share ..f pablie patronage i- ...Helled m U.e


Tin' slNUKKi*" given Ihe FtwaT rtnwiiM at N() Q ]IAW HENCE STREET, N. II. slate fair held al Dover, lb. Hll'EKl UKITV overall 4her* has gut it In Die habit ol ■ IOIIIK so.

Bold for 16 P'r month, or for Caab.by ^.yw ,{OOK j| ST OUT

T. \V. I IE A LU, AilKRT.

944 l-:..<-. Kirct. . - - - Nanndrra Blork.

All kind. Raeilm'. Repaired, Kaekwaaedfand

tfllfteil- I.AWUIX

A a j-Agent-, should send l»i

making any engagement..

Machine Wt.-I.iig, stamping and Itrsiillug to „_ (., HntVi: A to,, lio Tremont I


X. It. Alxi Ait -,'/,'(/ V;., ,7,u-/.s a


M *"''

•al Aw Isieoi i if MorriS .

ft I C K E R,

It-KKKH,! manuraetni


1 have Just receive.! an elegant assortment of

LONG OSTRICH FEATHERS, wliicli I am selling- at

Half tho IVuol Price*. 1 nm mil selling tiiese low because tint are out

of lio hi. HI, hut IM-CBIIM* having pns-ure.1 a bargain o| them I can afford to sell them cheap; they suit

THE VERY LATEST STYLES. In Milliiierv I have even tiling that Ladies re

.|iiin', ami iaprfrsm 1 Defy Competition.

ul iln hies' 'Wool leu fader Wear, Jackets, ete.

I can supply I .mli.-- wllh

t* A P K K P A T T K It N S

A Splendid

it'll KIS T MAS s T <> li V


llv the author ul Uie "Dot l>L4UUTOR,*ele.

*IH. it Mi"

j> 0 ti M I' A I' K It s .

>f erery tirade ami Qua lily, nl the Lowest Prices


125 and 123 Essex St., Lawrence.

WINDOW SHADES. Painted Cloth, Holland*, Rust lea and Paper

Shades; also, the Real ami Host Approved kw»la 11 I RTll\ FIATI IIKH.

Picture l.'0Kl and I'iiture Knobs Bt


Account Books and Stationery in every variety at

sTItATTllVs miOKsTllrtEs.

PICTI'HK I'HAMi.s of every .hwnriptlon nuule to order at

BTRATTON'S CORNER STORE, Corner i.r Baaea and PrnilH-rlon Silrert..

A full line of

Umbrellas & Walking Canes.

Toy* and Fancy I...oil- of every dr<irrl|i- tlou. t-

IliiiN IN THE Itl.noi).


Ily.uen.la, II. 1.11 It >.

Itrepay-, Humors.

The PEItlVIAN s. V It I I ■ make* the weak strong, and ex pel * di-ea-e by supplying Uia Mood with

NITI iti.'s ows ViTtuziN.i Aurjrr—IRON.

CACTin.\.-Be sure you gel Peruviiui svm r.

Pamphlet* [ree. J. I'. DIN-M'iltF, Proprietor, Xn. *l !).-> Sli-eel. New York.

sold hi llrligKi.l-gcuerallt. H |-

oi nil kinds, lam making Uilsa iiieelally andean Uinii,h all km,IK ol patterns n ,|Ulre.l.

In oilier departineaU my sUick of goods cannot lie snr|Missed.

H A I H ft O ODS, Real and imitation. All kinds of Dress Trimming*.

Real Laces. Ilnmhiirg Edgings, gfaae*. and Sash BlbbOaa, -l.ticlri, Perfumes, indeed l.lidie- will rlml eVurv- IbiiiK thei iiee.l at my .lore.

Stamping for Eiabnililery. -tl

196 ESSEX HTREET. 196.


\ RUN fl T UN It A N Q F. .


Parlor, OfBce and Cooking Stoves. I'lmiibing. Tin Risillng, and all kinds of Jobbing

done promptly. in KI, mm \ in. vruvt. KTonK,

11 Lawrence Street, Lawrence.

HT.ANK HOOKS nuule to order in any -liape.


Pllll H A LK.

tin Easterlt side of High street, ta-ivreen IJ rove am] Plait Htreets, a one and n half sturv. double tenement hon-c. -il rooms In each tenement, with barn nml well, all ,,u a flue lot or land -.-. t,-.i , HlKh Street and UO Teet deep. Itoi.m on lot

it. Said i -i ■ rt ■ u';,

liimdred .mlhi leu nionStn-et. Mmtb M-W.

i twenty-two

No Soap ever made has mat with such success as K i: A rR'i iv A ii B f if a Miir. The Largo Sales tlmt aro dally made, and the Increasing demand for it, are tlio Beat Proofa that it baa no

For Information ami Inspection or said propertv ltii.lv to HAI.IIWIN CfMli.ilMiK, < it'll RnglneeV ■ ml Real E-Uile Aginl, *•" Es.ex Street, I*W- reaee, Mass.

imice night*' M lav. Tiienlav I Thursday. itribs-r.-

\y v. & j. s. CII.K.

Attorneys & Counaellors-at-Law, aT4>. a:l« r.ini-1 Nlrarl. -1



N K \N' YORK W R K K I, V .

Read ■" ItOISiMl V. I.o. L.o.llb ■■.■..■!> 1....L-- twfahtal



on lnn-r.'.l the First Day of

»n all sum. uf one dollar and ...it ant less than one mouth lie-

the day mi " hich dividends are declared. The smalle < sum received on depot* Is live

DepoalU i■!.■!"

Dividend- will IH< made of all Uie proltls which iat have aeerueil within Ihe prey ion- ,\\ uioutli.,

afterdedueting iieecsfary expense-. Irdareri will not Is- paid Ml rnulional parts of a

PivrirfMr- .Ions Kti.i.ov, Eso. 11 e l'rf*Ulrittii

A. W. SleaniP. Thnma- Seect 11. C. lla. Jame- A. Trent, J. EroerM.n, .Ir.

Trmni ee—.lames Payne. Trnntffi:

J. W. SmlUl, PeU-r Hullhaii, S. W. Knight, P. C. Kirk, II. C iri. li.ii.t ..!,.

A, J. French, C. K. Pill.lniri. P. li. Pill.lairt, Daniel Hardy.

The Hank will IK to t V.M.. rxccpi snuirdnv. on Thursdat ami Salartlav Evening. in-ill < loll, fur receiving de po.ils only. A.MKS PAYNE, Treasurer.

1. ii v. i ,i i, ... Julie 1 . is:*.- *




Broncbltla, Catarrh, Anemia, Cytpeptia A Pulmonary Tubercle*


IWiththe Elixir d. F. Bernard Of Paris.

(infonuatlnii mm instruction* sent (free) a nil who rtedre It, by nil.lrt*shig

II. Il.i iiHi.i A. Co., Hale Agents, "iMi. Be* UA Rt William Ht, N. V.




UEU. IL RUHAIIDS, al Die "Old Corner" i lolhing H.ui-e. Nos. 34 and aft Dm-k Square, ll.-.ton, has now U|H.II Ihe counters of his large sale-rooms an hnuunise asa>.rtuieut of

SEASONABLE GARMENTS. Far Ihe Winter of INT* ami '73.

uprising all de-criution- of good Clothing for Mi:\ ami tut ill, ami a


It 0 V s c L o T II I N G, especially, to. which he invlles Ihe attention ot I'tireuls. Theae Hoods are all fresh, fashiomdile, and or the ls--i ela—. Oar prices arc warranted in I*.

Till-: I'llllM' 1% UllMlll,

and we am determined (., offer everything mi hand at such figures nn will induce Cash [Inter* lo call un us. J

• f-Retddrnts of this citv will find It to their .ul vantage to


34 and 9S Dock Square*. Boston. Man.. when thev are In llie city. And we assure pur- chasers that we CA* nml WILL do lietmr hv them than thev can do lliewhatl hi town, mdmb-

FOH S.VLK CHEAP. Alstul S acres of excellent I.AXIi on the Haver

hill mail, adjoinliig ||H> Illy Eann, well feared, nml a good lot fur grass or early vegetable*.

AiiNERHusMER. Lawrence, Oet. 10, l»7i. n (-

on tlie road-to la.well ami I.atTreure. 70 acres, on tlie river, lying between Ihe river urn I'the road. Wood enough lor home piirj.in.es, £(0 apple trees. Cut* IS tons Eujili-h, and it tons meadow liav.— Cherrie*, ara|ws ami small rnilts. Farm b.ng aiyl nBrn.it. niuaing along the river for a half mile. lioml pai-liirngc, food 1*ud of every variety. No trouble from trcidict-. I hie nf the thirst situations between Lowell and Lawrence. 4 l-j miles from Lawrence; same rtom Lowell, (.oo.l Imlldlugs, lu gmiil condition, well fen red with stonewall.— A gmsl Kann, nml oulv .old laiause the owner Is gi.ing t.,-l. I'M.-.- 4l.-s«i. f I I. hii'lieau lir an iiidcrtiiiie iiine si NII inieic-i or 7 |ier rent.

tall n i I'Eimil K 1 I I.OhSOX, l^awraaee, or at Ihe premise*. *oe(-


That w ii.it people liave been looking for ami seek. ing after Tor llie la-t hundred year* nasal last be. n found and can be li ■■ I at


Boot and Shoe Store. The Famous

WATEH PROOF BOOTS For Ladle, and lientlemcii, made of Uie Repellai.t Cloth, and warranted waterproof. We have test nt them and ran warrant then, waterproof. For I..eh.- we have both

Lace and Button Boots,

Frank HBOI'I Boot and Mhoe store. DBA Earner* Btreterfc,

f If- Ot'I'i MITE POST i IFF1I K. not


F. S. JEWETT A. CO., ti ti i; Kiiinii ii

TO TllklK

New Store, Opposite the Old Stand,

ON Tlllt

South-east corner of Essex and Ameabury Btreets,

where will Is' round al ull times a large and cum

plete BMorUneat of every kind of


PURNITUKE. «. Tlianklng their numerous ftieuds and Ihe

public generally RMF the lllieral patronage besUiwed

on them In the past, they will endeavor by honesty

ami fun ih idiiik-. to meril a conUiiuame or the same.

Lawrence, Dec. l, 187i. Smf-

UINOLE COPIES or the American can O he sceansl at all the news aland*. I


¥he Lawrciuie Anicric;u| '■ ...

KjTBov^ SuvtWriSKn. j KVllltY FBIIUT mm vi \i..

<u;< >. s. M i;ifi;iM.1v< < >. POUT orni v. iii.Di K,

LAW 11 !■; N c ]■:, M ASS.

ill. circulation of ll»r UWNBM AMNI- .ill. U 11,. largrsl .if i.l. J |IH|I< I -in II.. mi, aud more loan Knur Tliue* Him of -in iiihti' Hi.'Ui) I'm., i- [nih- li-iM ii lii i i.i- illy.




tf^c Dkily Smedviiuv

EVERT EVENING, (Sunday c -., ■i ■ ;. i i■ ■ i,)

Is U.* humect Dally In the city, with Four Time. Uif r Lrrulalion of nny .-lli-i.

M-HWnilTIIIV. In .1,1 vauer ■

One Year, ((LOO | -n Month*. *■--> When [ml jiui.l iu advance, •N.OO.

(iKO. a M iJUii i.l. 4 00* Prop'rs.


STEAM PRINTING OFFICE, Is the Largest aud nm*l Umroughly furnished in Knnlern Massachusetts. Having only modern 1'reases, and with constant adiUUou* ofthe new c-.t styles of Type, WB are able la furnish the best qnallty of work, expeditious)?, at tow HW»- Orders by mall given prompt attention.

WCO, 8. MKKItl LI. * CKOCkKK, Port Offltoe Work.


Auctioneers, Beat Estate Agonta and Appraisers,

No. 381 Ewe* Street. Lawrence, Mat*. Alwnvs rendv to give their personal service iin.l

serious nllc-iHi.ni to .-.idling Itcnl nnd Personal Estate lit aiieiimi i.r mliei-wisc, nlilitinlng -M<ni.\ ami Idling tin- .nine nl lair rates fur .ill cuu-eni <HI, nrgotlnUiig Mortgage* HIIII looking up Title*, Iteming Pnqiertv HII.I lollerling ItciilS, etc- Sn Title |IU>HI-II nl' |'ii.|H'iiv mile-* the nt U' per feet; mi Money invested but upon the nio-t un doubled ►ecurilv. All lni*ilic*s in1rn-l.il


BusinessDirectory. THEAMERICAN 'Very Odd."


E. A. F1SKK, PAPER HANGINGS, Window Shade.-. Artiit-'Material*, Chun

, Lnmiif, Vase*, He. SIS K-M'X Street,

[nli-i in 1, :■.-* in iln>

iiralilv ilenlth w___ important element <ii' Mircc.* IH tin- Ke.il K-tal. busim.'**, prompt [mi im-tit- nl iii-h proceed*, dcnl- ing in all liomir wilh (In* seller mill owner, at the Mime lime ImikiiiK ivell In tin-true iuterc.-t nl the piirrlia.er, Unit hi- til It- - .'iii- g,jn,|, uli.l thill lie gel* nil n In. li in- i- vii ml. .1 In I'm ■ -i -1111111' iin.l holding that i-oiillitcurr .'1' our fellow '* W ill -h I* .mil obtained In r-trtrl nlltnlioii In business, uli.l (he I agile.-1 h lie nlhonorable kcnling. ■V-Terms' reasonable, an,I nrii.i ding In the

work ami n-Hpnn-llillity. full u|«>n n-. Real Eata-to Office. 381 Essex

"" ~ — Prnprrtv ftir Mlf In many «CNitl. •I, but in

IJ I-.'-

II DKNNKTT. CIOAR8 AND TO- li I, Wli.ilesale nn.1 Iletail; ul-.i HtiulT \

Sunitem' Artieliw. MeiTKcliitiini l'i|ie» neatly i i■ . ■ -I No. . l.ntvreiiee Streel, l.anivnee.

fur a [MTnianent iiivi'-tuient, Iteml K-'al K"tnie eoiumii in L»

nn.l Liiwmiee l>uili Amerieun.

\Vc hitil ipeat tin- wliuli- iiiuniint: In talking and imi-iiiun. i WM *» dettgbtod to be with Cliitrlotlc uj-alii; utiil though I liked her htisliiuitl of nil things—who couh! help liking such ii good- look lug, gUQtlQ- niuiily fellow?—I don't mind couraasloa thai ] wits jusl th<' least hit in the world afraid of him: sol was eharmed when lie aUltOUIiced, during the lireukfaNt, that he

. had In ntteiid pcttv sessions at Kathmu- \\'ll!TFOKl> A HK'K, JKWKIJ.KRS, U-H. the m-urest town or village (IdM not ' * ,'!r:,,ll'r" '," '':,i"'r' r'-["","'V' !"llJ*' tffiSC know which) to Olerrtoch, and that, OOBMI-

Hi;;- ■. \\ 111' •"! - i;t"li--. Ull. --II.II I.- I l\llllV- , llhink . ' ... ' . .' U.M.k Matiufaeturer-. -HI' K-w< si.. I.awreme. ; <|Uetmy, we >hollhl have the whole morn-

ttie - i ln|c to ourselves. . \rV J- MlI.l'HY, SlANi:iA(TFKKH, 1 hail only arrived the previous nl-rbl.

_ St. I 1. • an.l Denier in lu«uggm ami ft-,W-r.., j>f | nur] I had never been In froland l»-fore,

Chnrlotte nniriled. was delleloiiN. ARBOX K DR10O8. ATTORNEYH 'And think of being married toamaghi- nii.l('<>iniselliiri.Ht Liiw, saumlemNnw HI.H-k, (rale, and bi-tng mistress of such a bouse.

T Tv'll'iiv' l"l"rt' ■ i- K. BK s. , lll»l M »•»«. '»"> >'"' ■«* ■ "-tie bit Of sKI'l- (lOHBiOXWKAtTII <

.' Kssex, KI. I'ltOl. .1 1 I 1)1 I1T.

Ti> 'til iierM.m iiii.'i-i'-ii-.l in tin- li u-t- iinili'i tin' mil .il ItKS lili II MfFi-i-N. In i--..i l.n«miee, in i.ai.1 i niv, i.-nmn -.u-.-.l, Kiven li.r j the tieiielli ..I Jnlm Hleluiril* ml "Ihern, \ arri'tiiix ;

\\ hereii-. n Jielilinii hll- li.-in |ilf-i-nle.l to >niil ' - '•li'liarrt Wnr-wlek, nf !,«»nine, In the '

' r In IH> !in|niinti'il trustee '

I), in; MAR8 i CO., V J, rloeks. .tewelrv. Sliver nn.l HI.-v Uoortd, t'utlerv, TUVP, Ae. -i ■|illlriiii[, tinl.i ami silver I'hltiilU-

ll.le,-' Ull- Ml In

, |iri!i inu In he H|i|n.in|. i ..I1 nnhl i|eee,ise.l. ivlii.h

nekeei.iriu'i; I - Vein Hill the eily. JIMl K-w

KLRNITURFT, lien, lonttwr wltli . Tlletie.lu—ort.

Slethnei _ ileellaed maaoeut »al'l n-um,

Vou are herein- elliit tn a]ipesr at a I'rnhnte l.'iiurt, to lie hol'len at LuH'reiiee, in iniil i- ill »f K«i'x, on the see.in.I 'I'lie-iini ..I r'eliruai v lll-xl, ,'1t nine n,,-l..rk in the 1nre1l.mil, tn "thiHV eauie, If mi- vou have. auaiu-I Hie nauie.

Amlnalil -H>llUfiner ii nnlerr.1 In BPTVU till- ellnliou Uv inihll-hhiK the cHltie <>nre a week, lor three »neei'-«in' week.-, in the Lawn e Amerl- .iin ;. in I \ leLiver Vili .-i li --ei. |iiintei| lit Lawreitee, tin- hwl |iiiiilii'tiii»n m tw i«i. iluy-, ut leant, beftn-e

Wltatat, lieorgr Y\ l.'linate, Kaqnln. Judg" of -iii.l I'mii't, llu- iiii'iiii .i;;liih .|;n "I I ii'i-.-inlnr, in the venr nm- ihnii-iin.l eixlu lininlreil nn.l *-v- entytwu. Jail A. C UfJOPKLL, Begbtn'.


s CROWRLL, _. ant, Kmil ami i

Street, Near titv Hall, l-awmm>, liraii.t- of <'ifnti> alwa>> nl) hiiml.

I ^». DREWH el • I'reaui uml Dinii I.nwrenee. lee (n-at t'liiilW-linm'ry, Ae. M>



, KKXNKY. M. 1).. PHYSICIAN it Sura ■ OflLee tU BaMX SI. HiiUKi' IIU New bury Stivel, I'arlieular ntU'nlinii

|ini.l to Cmieerr-.

And I hen iv e laughed ul the notion or her muallDtiw, and the blgneaa of even- thing about her. its If il was the best Joke In Hie world.

"What tun il Is being married!" said I. "It's very pleasant, dear," replied Char-

lotte, amlllng, "if you've sueb a husband a* George i hut it wouldn't bo nice to be married to Old Bo."

"Old Ito" was lite name we tiad given t'hniee., •„ a certain eldferlj baronet of our ae-

j uualutanee, whom we Itolli detestetl, and who bud been supposed to lie an admirer oft'liurlotte's.

"Qeorgc dmlretl me not lo wait Innch- eon." said she.

I'm awfully hungry," replied I, "and

1? S. JKWKTT A CO., AUCTION AND ■ L'onunlacton NerebanU. Kuniituri1 nn.l

Cann-lo- "WK ami :NU KHM-X SI., UW:


t-lti>ll fl I. (OMIT. 'I'.i Ihe heit- ;il l;iii. n.'M nl' kin. tin.I till utlicr per

Mm- lnlere>.|e,l in the e-tale of IIAltltlsnN 11. KtISs, h,le of lliiiifiH-il, In Mli.l I'oiilily, yen- mntt, ileeeu-eil. jrrii'tlli)t;

WhiT.-n-, li eertiiin 1.1 -n nni.-iil. iiuriiin-lliuf to IM- the ln-1 iMlli.nl te-ta ill m' KIIII Ueeeai-e.i. lias lieen iiresenleil to iuiid Cnurl, for |irnlinte, liv .Uni'tha \. U"-~, "Im |.i'iii- thai letter.- le-lainen tan inny lie ir-ue.l M her, Hie exi-mlri v llierein

Vou are heri'liv eileil to n|i|ieiii- ul a I'roliale Colirl, to la' hel.f HI Lnwreni-e, in -nl.l e li of KxrH'x. mi the Her nm t Tnt'Milay of Kehruary next, ul nine nVliH-k lx-1'orv iinmi. to i-liow eaiii-e. If aitj you have, tiffninsl (he i-ame.

Anil naiil pelllinner I* hereby illreeleil to five inilili.- nntiie I'l.-nol. in |iul.li-hinu ihi-.iUilinn one,' a week, fur three ulieee'-lve Week-, in Hie nrwnpa|ier e;illiil the l,nur •<• Aiueriemi ami Amlover Ailverli.-ei, |n inl-.l ul Lnwreiiee, the lit-1 niiblleatimi In IM- live wave, al leu-1. iH'I'nre Hiiiil

Wltnr-Mi., Uanm I". t.'luiate, Bauulrn, Judge nf ■mi Court, it'!- neveuth ilny nf January, in the vear one thou-ami eiirlii hiin.lre.l mill neventv- tlire'e. Jiild A. C. UOODKU, BesbtBr.

IN BANKRUPTCY. Hintrht nf fclanxarliUHett-., *n.

The uiulLTnlitniil liewby give-. miUee of hi" UL-

\Y >. nou'K, 4,-u, 43:i, 4;t.v i;ssi;x Street, Lntrreuee. V|afln., Wholesale

ManulniHirerH of CaaRlber Kuniiture, llenl ami Sitting Hoom L'halrf, ete.

shall like lo see whul have provided."

Charlotte rang ihe luncheon.

"The muster's just Mn--.' said the butler; "1 Hin

>nt this minute." lo we went In also, bed by the Inlbrmet] ' was there. Itowt

rt of a meal yo

bell ami ordered

him In the dining-

iiit spirits a 11' 11■ - i that "the inns- er, he was »i,t

\, ISS UaziKCAHI-KTON. 11=11 KSSHX ]m^Z!'ur"T'^i Cto'rtof.W"°° """ ill Street, .Mimulera lllmk. May lie fouml u va- '«m»,l,» '

ul -ele«:

voiil.l reapMiUnlly ...I-, Inwhleli I

/ H)l.m UN BRO'S,— DAILY 1'Al'Iv \ '('limning, lliiirriiving-, l'eiioilli'iil«, Mtntimi Fnnry I HUM in. rleluren r'rtilue.l at thnrt no No. '^I KaatS Street.

R8, Stntlinieiy,

Cora ale, t'nllnr", I'ntlei

>i-tr'iet Coi

leton, iai

ii'f the !■ i ii. of ¥. _... Undfefl

Ull Flli I ilinlrift. II. K. SIMMONS.

. -. 1ST3. ' i.il'i I hi \t a-liiii.rli.il SI.

JOHN nuee

hrnni-hiv , .

The unilerwlgnett of UICUABLII. < KKY, nf Clmrlentm

iu.|inin!i'.i in.-i^rieen n.l.l \M1> \\. . M| KKKV


tan, Jan. X, ICTS. TJalO

nf .Mti«nm-|iUii|-tt^, H, ' Tlie iimh-r-iifiieil herein given nollee of hi- aii- iinlntment an nHhifrn i ■ .mi IVItts k. l'KTKKH. or Soinei i ill.-, in -;ii.| .ll-trlet, liaiikniiit.

ANDREAS IIU'MK. Barton, Jan. fl. l«73. RfjaU

GI.AKSWAHK, OOBLKTS, TUUB- levn, l'itiher-, 1'renerve uml r'riifl hinliee,

famlleStlekFi.t'i'l.'ii tilun-en. S|„,on Hnlilern, Fi-h seU Df elieaii

i mti Basei 81.


llavliiK ntU'lnleil ptirlinllv to Inm vearri, H ii umv my lutentlnii to .. iinir to proruring I In ami i.lt. I'.ili.ii . in nmue ilrnt elHKn I'nmiianlen,-Hi'h an the HOJ.YOKK MI'TfAL, Snlera, Sltmn.. ami oiliern of similar i.|:iii.liiii-, Ainu, to Hit an Id nl Kulale Agent, Iluv

inii tur inn ■ •elliiiK l'n>iierl>, Hehtiiij: ami t i.ll. -'I iiic

taken an Olthe with Wu. M. ItmiKlW, Kw|., < in .iii'. Hluck. mar Town House, where run IH' Inuml .lining lui-inenn hntirn. I'mmplue anilenn-l'ulileiiliiiK w ill l.emv . ...miantniiii. Ten reuoituiible. A.hlte.-n H.\\IKI, t'l'ltltlKIt,

tfllaS Melhnen. Mann.

I^RANK c. CLARK, MUU small Wan'-, 'I'riniiiiiiijr.,

iery Goooa, l-;iiilir.ililerie>.

. No. ill K-n-ev

DYER S. HALL, Itendy Made Clothing, Unln. t'a|in, (jentV r'uminhliigtiiKiiK ete.

Priee L'lnlliing Store. l!« noiith niile K-f\,

. NORWOOD, General lusur- yenovi auutoj Ituunmw, in all n n|MH-(nlty. full in unit limiieet our iaaex Btrert.

Y? H. KELLY, APOTHECARY.—Pn^ 1 J» nrrliitiou- enn'fullv emuiiounileil. Pure MriigH anil Lhenil. uln, l':it.-iit Meiiirinc*, Toilet ami Faney Artlrlen, vU: Pnul Ofllei. Hloek.

HM. WHITNEY & CO., Apothecaries, • BOmae K*e«i a«4 iuiifMayr St.—I'euaaee,

Suiipnrti'm, SlinnH.1 Urn. i-, ferfniuerv, ete. A full nt-Hnrtmeiit of ull artleleein our line.

rr W. HEAL1), Sole Agent for Singer's 1 • lllilmiveil sewing MIL him-, tit Kimex St.,

SaiimlurH New Hloek. Sewing Maehiue Fin.lingM.

\H. ((LIDDKN, DRUGGIST.—Pare • OrngH ami CliemiealH, I'nu-nt Miiliiinei,

Toilet Arth'len, I'erlHiiierv, snonge-, Itnu-he-, Snap", ete. Corner LWM DIU) Pemberton si.

rrilOS, LKYLAND. l)rv «O<H1S, 381 E»- 1 nex Street. Full Value, Fair Mealing. "No

Itlowliig," No Trlekery, One I'riee. We mean


H. KIDDKlt, DENTAL Sl'K- , No. liTI Knuex Streel, Law rente t'hlnmfnri - Ktlier given, an pre

At) ■nple. of $5 to $20 SSSS„rASSSK7

either Hex, voung or alii, make more work for ll» in their spare ni.mienln, nr nil the lime, than at ativlhliig el-e. 1'arlieular* fire. Aihlre*8 li. STINSON A t'O., Porllniui, Maine.


I'TIFl'L PARM IN MKTIll KN, JJKA mi the road ■<■ Lowell nml Lawreuee. 7u tier en, on Ihe river, K ing lietween the river amltlhe mail. WIMMI t'lloiigh lor I il' |inrp..-en.'.':Hl apple trei-M. Cilia IS loll" Kllglinh, ami .'■ tnns meailow hay.— ('hen-lea, gm|H'n ami ninall IVtiit-. Farm long uml narrow, rnimlug nlmig the river for a hall' mile. (io.Hl naFtarage, gnml himl "I everv varielv. Nn trouble imm In-nheln. One ol the lllienl ulluiltl'iun

■between Lowell anil finu-riiee. | I-.' milenlioni Lawreuee. name friuii Lowell. Omul hulhllngH, in goml enmlitliili. Well femeil with hlone wall.— A gtimi Farm, ami nalv MI|.| lnt'Biine the owner in going w-nl I'riee *l.'-i«l. *:H»Ni nl « hieh. an lie an hiileDliite time at ail interent of T iier rent.

full upon I'KHHK K A t l.ti-stiN, Lawivnee, or at Ihe pri'inlncn. 1 an f


On Easterly able of Nigh Sinvt. helwiien lirove ami Platt streets, a one and a naif story, dooMa tenement house, nix nioiim in eneh teneim-nt, with bam ami well, nil on a tine lot nl' l.-tml s'> feet mi High Street anil lid feet ileeii. Komn ou lot to erect enltnge house In rent. Sniil premise* rt'nl now Tor eight ami a half per eenl. on twenivtwo hun.tre.1 .lollnrs, priee *i*m,

Altniniiil.'iutiil bullilitig lot for geiidi'men's ven- hteiire on Vniuii Stn-el, Sniith Shle.

Al-oagraml elianee for genlleim-n'ii renhleiieeo in InU tn null, west nff [over Hill.

F'ir lur.niiiatioii ninl lii-peetlon ot'-alil prnpertv applv toHAI.HWIN ( iloLllil.l-:, Civil Lnglm ■U U...I V.II.I.. Xm.nl 'MS ■■_■• -It, - •- uml Heal F.nUUe Agent, Ws

'^o'ailrnlghtHT Momlav, Tues.lay fttOeeS-

x Streel, Law

T hurt ilny



For Invsntion*. Trad* Marki, or Deng,,,. TO Nlate HI., opposite Hllliv Nt., It...Inn. RnW nn I'Mi'imhe prnt'liee of itpwttriis of thlrtv learn, < oiiliiin.n In nei-in-e I'at.iil. in Ihe I'nit. .1

i tireal HriUln. Frimee. uml other

W. ROWLAND, BURGEON 1IKNTIST, Stu-teSMir In W. W. Itlliorll. sex stn-et, l.nwn'nei'. Vilroim Oxi.le liss inU-re.l.

9 only gooil Slen-nsenpie View; ;e. Of Seiipes f.

KNOX, HOOTS. SHOES AND rs of all kind*. 11.-a.I..iin.l.-,- i.n tli,. lerpr ' Hoot- for Laillen, hnttnn ami

ippo.lU IM miiri

rite man lefl the room, but preaentlv retumetl to say he eoulil tin*I the matter nowhere.

"Sound the gong, then, anil ring the bell OOt or doors, too: he dislikes getting things half eold so very mueh."

So Ihe gong was sounded and the bell was rang; but no George mado ids ap- pearance. 1 was not sorry, but the good III tie wife seemed slight Iv \//gfrv, ilr.

•It's sn unlike him," she said, "not to k for me the mltiiile he comes In." ■Never mind, "cried I, "I nm still a iii-

tie bit afraid of him, and ever so murh happier when he is not by."

"Afraid or George!" anil she, opening her blue eyes very wide. "Oh, Latrm, what a goose you must be!"

After luncheon she took me all over the house, and then all over the gardens and into the yard and the stables and the ken- nel. 1 believe she was really looking for George, though she pretended that she was allowing me the place.

"Some one must have taken him out on business Hie minute he came in," said she, pensively ; "hut he never did such a thing before; It's very odd."

Just as Nbe spoke Mr. LaWaM C&gjD up to the house, and she sprang forward to meet Iii in as he got off his horse.

"Where have you beenf*1 she cried. "Where have 1 beenf" answered be,

surprised; "why, at Hatbiualecl, to In- sure ; you knew 1 was going there."

"Yes, yes, of course; but 1 mean since. Why did you not lunch with liar"

"My dear girl, 1 could not get away n moment sooner. 1 have not been any- where since. All the men have been get- ling drunk and breaking ail the women'! beads since lust session's dny, and 1 was kept pretty busy, I assure yon,

"But yon eame home before luncheon. Robins saw yon In the ilinlug-room, uml 1 sent to look for vou evervwhe

"Hobins is a very clever fellow," replied Mr. Lawaou, "If he taw me In Ihe dining- room when I was at, Ihithmaleel court house,—a verv clever fellow Indeed."

We hail all entered the hull by tills time and, the butter appeared to help Mr. Law- sou oil'with his coal.

"Why, RobllM," cried •Charlotte, "how could you tell ma the muster bad come home, while lie was kept at Ihitluuulce! all day r

"Sure, ma'am," answered lie, immedi- ately, "I saw him in the din lug-mom my-

r that I've givi that you would marry a and take your departure. I won't hav

you waning, "And do you remember, Charley, when Just consul you were so sure Scotchman? You never would hear of' this sort of thing going on lu my bom unyhody else, because of Sir Waller Now go out of the rOOta and any no more Scott."' about It." --

"Well, I do think Sir Walter ought to Robins Obeyed. have been Irish," said she; "I do In- "In my opinion," aahl 1, "it Is some deed." plot, and Hobins and re

That's oue way of settling the dllllcul- them Fenians." reter are both of

u'mul that," replied ' en nothing would

rythlng might be pre-

irled 1, laughing. ' "Eh. here's I'eter Dohc-rty!" said Char-

lotto, as a man appeared on the drive, strolling along lu that leisurely rummer peculiar to Irishmen. •' Why, I'eter, where an- you going in such baste?"

"Sure, ma'am, dear, I'm just hurryln' meeseif to call Joe to the master."

"To tiie master? why, the master's not at home, I'eter."

•"Deed he is, ma'am; 1 left bim In the tallies this minute," "In the Htnbloit?" • "No long. I Hat looked In an I wa«

u'to my dinner, aud the master wi

Oh, Laura, how dreadful''' "I am convinced of it," I repeated. "Yes. that will account for everything,"

cried Charlotte; "how odd we never thought of it hefbra! Oh, George, to think Hint even our own servants are Fe- nians, and with thli allocking plot among ten did you dunce them! < )h, what shall we do!"

Won't you send jbr tlie polli salt! I.

"But why? what? how?" cried he. quin bewildered; "why should they he J-> nlauar"

Charlotte looked to me to explain. Well," said I. rather taken aback.

"I'm not so si Charlotte, "lieca ever happen, for vented."

"Would that In- the result?" said I; "well I did not scorn to meuii tliat: bill never iiiiuil, don't let's worry ourselves with that stupid old Roblus any more. 1 want you to tell me all about your llrst meeting George us you promised you would, you know, when we got alone."

"Yes,'* said she, blushing ami smiling; "well, the Hrst time 1 ever sn whim was at a ball at Mr. Dncres'."

Ami wlto introduced lilm? nml how of- Ith 11 i to • ■

'Nobody, unit not at all. I saw him Mr. standing In the door-way of the hnll-rooin

itaodln' by Young Stcpptif-stoncr.. who by \ are iu Ireland, you know, and—what else

iclf." only Just returned from the MHS.J. A. KNOX, LADIES Fl'llNISM- "' ",v<* ■ .,

INIiliooiim also a large a-norttneiil ol'O.r ''"lll'l Initise, said Mr. IjIWSotl, coolly. ■ itared, .-. Mailani'.- FnyeV skirl Supmiiters aiwui

liaml. I Ion, i Skill, niaile nier. itl K*M


BALDWIN COOLIDGE, CIVIL ENGI NKF.lt nml Surveyor, It* Kssex Street.

" .lay. Tuewlay am) TIuirHilav "'' " "ol1" "But " ■veiling;

L. BTRATTON, B00K8BLLXR and Stiilioner, Aeeouiit Honk M an u fact lire r.-

■ Hanging.., Wlmlnw similes. Nev ■US Kae« st. Itrnmh Sinn-, IM K,

STUART a i .ks, Vine Streel.

Knilil- I all kin.I- ' realy^lumipu

lain-, I

\1TH1TTREDGE \> 1lo,,t-,sh.H>'<timt

X 'IL, Kssex Dye i;oraofPler«ao«V ■f Job Dvelng. IK in marketable nnler


HK1.1 N't, n iJaek-

Hobins ■Well, then," said lie, "I saw somebody

jisl like you Ihere.'' "There is nobodyjVrt like the master,"

cried Charlotte, Indignantly. Mr. I,uw.su11 looked steadily at the man.

Who, however, did not appear In the least infused, but repeated: "Il MUM have

ne jisl ]lke you, sir." did It once before," cried Ida

mistress: "you told ine the muster wus In the siiuimer-liouse, iiuO aeut me to the end of the long shrubbery walk to tlnd him. and lie bad never left Hie huv-lleld all the time I"

"lfthe master said he had never left the hay-llehl. ma'am, of course lie never had," said the mini, very respectfully, hut with- out lifting his eyes from the ground.

"Conic along!" cried George, address- ing Ids wife rather Impatiently; "don't lot Us stand here all dny."

And we wenl Into the draw Ing-room. It Is so very odd," said Charlotte,

Is. Platen Ware, Table t tlllery, Hill BUCK Street.

C C. BANCROFT, D. M. D.. DENTIST. li* lllllee 417 Knsex Streel. I»r. llniienifl will lie at the Kl.M Hut sn, in Amlover, WtUiNKHliAV m r-i.» inn sr, it

week until lie


.reign e lent-, n

. \-.-iga

iTUsiinahle tarau, with Alapateh. Befo lo ileteniline the lali-llli ami nlillli nl I'liUiiL. ol luveiilloiiif, ami legal anil other tiilvlee ri'mb-reil in all mailers I -hing the none. Copies of the elaims of am P.ifnl ftniil-lii'ii by remitting one ilnllar, AssignnuiitJ ie,'oi.lei| la Wtlshiliglon.

a4"Nn AgeiK'y 'n tlie t'ulle.i SUltes |KMSI*HM'S nitpeitni- liteiliiii'- tor ..liinining I'ai.'iitn or ascer- taining Ihe p;,l'-iilal,iliti of liivelillnnn. '

All nei-essity nf a jouriiei to Wnnhlngtnn to pin- eure a Patent, ami lite annul gnitl ilelai theie. are here saved Inventors.

TESTIMONIALS. " I n-garil Mr. Kil.lv n- ,.n.' ..f Hie nm-l eupable

ami sueeehsfnl praelitfoners willi whom I have ha.l ottitinl Interoonrae,

fHAKLKS MASON. L'nnimis'r of Patents." '■ I have no lienitalinii lu nspurlng Inventors that

thev ennnot employ a man inorr rtimpttrtit ami /rui(inir/Ag, ami more capable or putting their at,. plleatlnliH in a lonn in seenre for them nn enrly uml favorable i-.inni.leriiiion w< tin- Patent fiMee.

KlLMfNI) HI'ltKK, Late fom'r of Patents." "Mr. K. II. Knov has made formeoverTIUBTV

applii-atiom. Tor I ■..:-■-■■ i . having been Miceci.sn.il ill abnont every ease. Sueli tinnilntjiknlile pniof nr gn-at talent ami iibllily on hi- purl, lr-.il.- me t.i meoulinemi All, invintom to apply tn him to pro- pure their juiteiiti-, n.< the) niav lie mre of Inning tlie mo-t ralllilninlli'iili.in be-tmieil mi their rases, and at very n'asonslile charges.

JOHN TAI.OAHT." IloMton, Jan. I, 187a, Irllsb

ice M. Daw-

tin, II. ,1

JOHN C. IK)W & CO.. (successors to, "It I f 'lens. W Iiuall .V t ,,.,;( 1,,,-keiy. fill-.- plllllltlV

"I saw u gotul many drunken fellows nt the court house to-day." said Mr. Lawson, "I hope 1 have not come borne (n Uml one more. I should be sorry to think Bobbins had ttiki'ii to drinking."'

'■He looked IS sober ns a Judge," said I "Are von experienced In the loofca ol

ilrunkards, HhH Laura?" asited be, polite-

ly- I laughed, but had not an answer ready "Do you know, the hardest drinker ]

ever knew was a Judge." ctmlinucd lie: "he used to cat a plum-cake and drink a bottle of wine every day on the bench and be continued the drinking when hi got home, anil never went to bed sober,.'

"That was mi Irish Judge," said I. "Oh, yes, of course," he replied; "Eng-

lishmen never drink, do they?" Ami so we all chattered on till It was

/ 1AI-TION.—My wife, Flm V I son, having left njy I '

_... f, this is bi until .. nl in trust or harlHir her on inv ni-eitnnl.

IIKNKVO. DAWSON. «, l»ee. SI, IN?J. tttjal

Piano Forto and Cabinet Organ Tunor. Having for main vearn followi^l bis pnifesslou

in [lie .-iti.-H ,,l \,'ii York. Ilntnlliii, i,n,I viemi ty, has lornteil lu *l K T II V E N .where he hold* himself in retniiio'-" 1oi.li,-ml In all rails, for Tuning uml Itepalriiig the nlaive innlruineiits lu II,, I,.-l II inline.

Order* left m liYKIt A < O'S Made Sltirc, Law- rotiee, nr at Pout Office Boa No ■, MKTIIIKS, will In- promptly attended la, iijel*-

: John »'. How A Ci'i

surgeon. Ofliee. 3(17 K.-H eshlenee. 103 Cn

I hamlle. Silvei



ol Lawn


\V. A. Kimliall,



W. F. I,iinli,,!!.

SSKI.L & N ifaeturers of


D" J K 1* il A U8TIN, I )K NT 1ST.



' 1ST., I.* ris:,. ROBE it T

NTOVKS, Ft' Tin.(dtissun.lWm»leii Ware.

IIU I---1 \ ST„ La

.TEBBETS ft CO. MMta, IKS Raaea Sins- i Priee Store of Lawrence.

ml Fancy

BUG BK K 4 M A I'll INst'ltANfK AGES

a« KIMS Street,


Otllee, -as Eatai Street. lU'idilenee, ID Oak So-fat

pROCKERY, French and English China, V White (iruiilte, (team foloreii. Koeklnghalii, Stone nml We.lgw.Hiil Ware. Mnlil by

J oh I, I*. »ow A Co., iDii Bean St

time to dress for dim Two or three days passed pleasantly

away, and i began In like my host much more cordially. He was a reserved, rath- er silent man, more like an Englishman* than an Irishman; but be improved great- ly mi ncijualutauec. He had been educat- ed at a German university, and had recent- ly spent sonic years in America, lie wa» ten years oliler than Charlotte, hut ns she was only twenty this did not make him a very old man. And they were as fund of each other as ever they could hi snw a happier couple.

One afternoon he Invited us to take a long walk with him, tn call on a Mr. Mai- Inny, wfio had recently come home: but as Charlotte wan rather tired we deter- mined to nuiuse ourselves as best wi'foiild during his absence, and he promised lo be back In time to drive Usout before dinner. So we two girls took our work and books on to the Utwn, ami sat together very co- sily under the great cedar.

■'The worst of Ireland is tlie distances," said Charlotte; "things are solar apart) everything is such a way from everything else; a morning call, that would be the work of an hour In Kuginnd, takes a day- he re."

"So that there's no such thing us a trifle In Ireland," replied i; "ull things take i line, aud consequently all things arc of importance; but, oh, Charlotte! I th like It!"

"It's all so amusing," Maid she; "there Is nothing commonplace or Jog-trot in Ireland. Kvcrythingthat happens almost seems like a Joke."

token hurt his shoulder last fall day; an' I thought maybe Hie master wanted Joe, to tell him soinetldn' that should be done to Ihe crutur, so I wns runnln' to call him."

Well, I wonder what's made him conic hack," said 1. rather disconsolately, for 1 still delighted in Charlotte's companion- ship.

isn't it charming!" answered his wife, joyously: "ami I thought we should not

B imn these two hours." And up she got uud wns off to the sin- 's; Inn for my part I aut tin under the ilar tree, and continued my knitting,

rive minutes she came back, out of breath ami half laughing.

It's all nonsense," she cried: "Is It not a shame? He's not there, uml there's Denis lias been in tlie stables for the last hour, and nays lie has never been there at all."

Why, Peter must have taken Dennis for the master," said 1, and we both laughed tremendously at the Idea, for Dennis was a little hump-hacked man, employed to do odd jobs about the place, and the master was six feet, two Inches

high. We went on chatting merrily, notwith-

standing Charlotte's disappointment, Hll we saw Peter coming back up tlie drive, uud Joe with him.

Why, Peter, you have been dreaming," said the mistress; "Mr. IJIWSOII has not

n In the stable ut ail." Share, then, I saw him ineeself, ma'am,

not an hoar ago." said Peter; "I saw him with the sight of my eyes."

Did he tell yon the master was there, Joe?" naked Charlotte, quite puzzled.

ma'am," answered Joe: "he said the luasthcr was lookltf at Young Steppln'-stoiies' shoulder, and inaylir he'd want to be axln" ine questions about It."

"Well, the master's gone to sec Mr. Mullouy, aud be hasn't been In the stables at all," said Mm. Lawson, decidedly,

"Isn't It quaver" said Joe, uml the two men walked off together. .

Battier before we expected lilm George returned and brought Mr. Mallony with him. whom he lutroduced to Charlotte and myself. I think Mr. Mnllouy would not have been a bad sort of a man If lie had let himself alone; but be was dlc-awny, dreamy and dandified: afraid of his own voice and Ids own brogue, and apparently Impressed by an Idea that lie ought to re- sist all natural inclinations us tnucli ns possible, and make himself In all respects unlike what he was originally intended to be.

Charlotte told her husband that he hat) been seen in the stables, looking at Youug Stepping-stones' shoulder, since lie left Glenloch.

"1 was In Maliony's stable," said he, *'but lu none other."

"Peter saw you, however." "Aw, now, musii't it have been iu your

sleep, aw, don't ye see?" drawled Mr. Mul- louy; "ho went to sleep—air—lie did In- deed—Upon my Word be did, Mrs. Law- sou, while I—aw—I had to answer n let- ter." '"Yes, and I dreamt I was doctoring

Stcaiplug-stones, I suppose," said (lenrge, laughing.

"And Peter saw your spirit In Its dream." said I.

"It's an epidemic," said Mr. Law son; "they are all seeing tue; don't you re- member Koblns taw me on Tuesday?"

"Hut," said Charlotte, "were you quite well that you went to sleep?"

Of course I was," said he, rather sharp- ly i "what should be the matter with me, ami why shouldn't'1 go lo sleep?"

That nlglit Charlotte told me that her husband had hud a mil from his horse two years ago (before she knew there was such ii person lu existence), nml had bad a long

consequence, which hud left him for some time With a tendency lo un- natural sleepiness, nud so it always made

little uneasy when she h can I of his taking a nap at nn unusual time. He oc- aslnnally had headache and sleepiness

still, though not OftenI but she charged in,- to say nothing to him about It, as he

i i,i not'like Its being referred to. We had a great deal of laughing about Mr. Mallony while we brushed our hair. It

be had expressed strong admiration of ine to (ieorge—"a sweet pretty girl— aw, really, now, Lawson, nbe Is indeed— upon my word she Is, aw, aw,"—and Char- lotte entreated me to regard him with ffc-

rnble eye, because It would he no de- lightful to huve ine as n neighbor.

■I'll never marry a man who's not Mm- '," said I; "Mr. Mallony Is nhvnys try-

ing to be BOmebody else, and as he enn't succeed In that, he's just nobody, and I'll never marry nobody.

"Poor Mr. Mallony I" replied Charlotte, I think lie's very nice; and Just fancy

your being settled there, within a walk : " ' [.mini! it would be delicious."

I'd Just as soon marry Old Bo himself as that creature," wns my answer. "Why i-titit lie speak out with a good, natural, honest brogue at once. Instead of mincing his wonls, and aw-nwlng at Hie rate he dors, Jiigt as unlike nu Englishman as au Irishman,—in fact, like nothing nt all but

The next day we were arranging flowers for tlie drawing-room vases. The gentle- men had been looking at the horses, nml When they returned from Hint occupation they gathered flowers for us. Mr. law- son. after n time, came In through the French window, and sitting down, par- tially concealed by the curtain, fell asleep. Bnhins brought us In a Jug of water, and at the suine minute Mr. Mallony entered from the hull, his hands mil of roses.

" Aw — aw — why, where's I*awson?" asked lie.

Before we could either or ua nnswer, K.ii,in-- spoke.

"He's in the library-, sir," he said, He is not," cried Charlotte, eatonlehed. But he Is, ma'am," said Bnhins. "I

saw him just this minute, when i canie through with tlie water."

"How can you say so, Rohius? your master has been sitting there asleep for the last quarter of an hour." And she drew the curtain aside so us* to show Hint lie was in the wlmlnw.

Robins almost dropped (he jug; In- pot It suddenly down and turned quite while.

"I did sec him hi the library," cried he. "Robins, 1 won't bear It," exclaimed

Charlotte, quite excited. "You shan't go on seeing your master in this way; It Is intolerable!"

"Hilt what Ban I do, ma'am?" said Rob- ins, despairingly. "It must be something wrung In my eyesight."

"Hut the other men are hiking to do ft." Charlotte replied very Indignantly, "and that enn't be anything in your eyesight."

"Lord help Its I" cried Koblns; "we are au unfortunate family, but it's hard l<> blame mc for what Ihe other men ace."

"What's alt tills about?" ...iid Mr. Law- son, coming forward.

"Robins has been seeing vou again." aaid his wife, half crying.

"Seeing me again?" "Yea; bu says he saw yon In the libra-

ry, and you were ualvcp hi i hi- window nil the time."

"i';,ni'.,nn.I Ids Impudence!" cried Mr. Lawson. "Now, look here, Robins, I'll not stand it; If you see mc again you may

It be But why. If they are Fenians, should

they pretend they snw me?" "Well, that's Just the part of It one can't

understand." replied I. slowly; "If one understood it all then would be no eon-

Hled plot, you know." And there evidently Is a concealed plot,"

put In Charlotte. There Is evidently nothing of the

kind," said Mr. Lnwson; "my dear girls, don't frighten yourselves about notldng and be so very foolish. You really took

lu for a moment, aud 1 thought you must have some foundation for what you were saying; but it Is jusl nonsense. Fe- nians, indeed " ltohlns seems to be tnbor- lllg Under some delusion, but thut does not make him u Fenian."

And Peter!" said Charlotte. Oh. that was just a coincidence—a

mistake. And now, phase don't let us trouble ourselves about stub nonsense any- more."

II. r. Mallony sat opposite meat dinner

that evening, mid never took Ids eyes oft* ine the whole time. I can't think bow be contrived to cut or drink, for I am sure be did not see what lie put Into his month.

curred to mc afterwards that Mr. Lawson was amusing himself with the poof man's admiration, for he asked me. In rather a pointed wnv. whether I would like to live in Ireland. Had the Idea struck ine nt tlie time I would not have answered ns 1 did; but I said. Instantly and Innocently I

Hi. of all things! an Irish home* Is de- lightful, and Charlotte Is reatlv a larky girl!"

Mr. Mallony actually put down untnsted tumbler of foaming pale ale he was just

lifting to his mouth. -really now—aw,"anld he, "I nm ■harmed to hear you say that—I uin

Indeed—aw—aw!" I burst out laughing. "Why, Mr. Maihmy," cried I. "you try'

so hard not to be an Irishman, that I should not have thought you would appre- ciate a compliment to Ireland In the least."

'erhaps he lias his reasons for ap- preciating It," said Mr. Uiwson, coming to his friend's rescue.

During Hie evening Mr. Mallony never left my side, anil the difllculty of carrying on a conversation with him, without In- sulting him by either laughing or yawning sent mc to the piano, when I enchanted him, I suppose, with waltzes and songs till bed-time. He turned over the leave* of the music for mc, and made remarks which would have bccnliy no means unin- telligent, but for the aw-aws with which they were incessantly garnished.

The next morning lie fouml me alone In the library, nud uiiulc ine an 'offer of inur- riagc. I had never received a propoial before, though I was nineteen years oM, and I was dreadfully astonished.

"Why, you hardly knnw me!" was all I ■aid.

"Aw—really, but I ne now," be replied; "you nre more churning lu a day than nny other woman In • mouth—aw—you are indeed HO—aw—a (lay's acouuintauce with you is us much iiis a month's with anybody else—aw, aw.f

"Very clever hulctld, Mr. Mnllouy," thought I; "1 shouldn't have given you credit for that." Hiuj answered that 1 was very sorry; tint nsil had only known liim for a day, and could not i,-,l as if 1 had hud u longer acqitalniancc with him, of course 1 could not {lilnk for a moment of marrying him; and then I blushed very much, and fell extremely bold to be talk- ing to a man about marrying or not mar- rying lilm to hisTnce.

"But," snld lie, "1'1| tell yon what i I admit — SW — aw — tliit I hnve got a month's start of you, but I don't think I'm more than a iiiouili behind yon the dher way; so I'll come.hcre every day for i month, anil slay all An long, uml then, at the end of tlie time, you'll know tin- as well ns I do you now, and I'll ask yon for

i answer." He was so much lu earnest that he quite

forgot to say aw-aw out" after the com- mencement of the speech; and, amused al Hie Ingenuity of his plafl, I secretly won- dered why a man who, lbugan to suspect, was In reality bright enough, voluntarily umed himself Into nn idiot.

But I -li,",1. my head and said It would not do, nud I was sure 1 never should like him well enough, uud I did not wish, and I begged him not, until must refuse al- together, and—oh, dear! I wished he wouldn't agd sol ran away. Presently Charlotte came to me himy own room.

What n goose the mill Is!" snld she. Is he gone?" I naked Oh, yes; (ieorge His taken him orT.

There's a hunt to-day, and Ocorge has lent him a horse. He sals If anything will

' probably he

swain and ride home afterwanli "And not bring lilm back, I hope." "Oh, no, of course not. George la so

sorry. He desired me to.say he imped you did not mind, and that lie would take care the next man he brought here didn't make you an offer."

"What Idiots men are, Charly I Fancy falling In love In a day !"

We made ourselves very comfortable that morning, ami very merry, I am afraid, nt poor Mr. Mallony'- expense; hut What else could be expisfUl from ft couple or girls, under the clrcianstnuces? nml. ns we justly observed, if inen will IM?

idiots they must take the conirqucuccs. Presently Koblns entered the I drawing- room where we liatl settled ourstlvcs, nud In rather a flushed way asked i^ the mas- ter was in.

No, Charlotte aald; he IL-UI [gone out limiting, and wotrtd not he baift to din- ner.

"till!" said Robins, ami hUlconnteit- ance fell. "Yea arc quite aw out, ma'amr"

"Certainty! do yon want blsafrery par- ticularly f

"Oh, nn, 'mi- It's of no consequence;" and he watt Just Icaviug the roots when he turned back, and sajd Imploringly, "You are ijiiiw sure he didn't como buck, ma'am',"

Charlotte gave a great start. "Oh, ltohlns!" she exclaimed very re-

proachfully, "you don't menu to sny you have been swing him again? nod after nil we said to you. I cottliln't bavu si piioscd it possible."

"No, no, ma'am," he replied hu.-rledlv, "indeed I haven't. I wouldn't think of -mli n thing; I would not Indcod," ami he left the room very quickly.

We looked blunklv si each other. "He evidently hnsY'srdd V. "I do think It is tlie niOHL Incomprehen-

sible thing that ever happened In a tunllv, and I cant believe It ever .ii.1 happen be- fore to anybody else, "eriod DbarTotte.

"I wonder that yon put. op with ll.." "Why, what can I do?" "I know I wouldn't put up with It . If It

was niy husband." "It's so very easy M any that, Laura,

hut what would you do?* "Oh," I snld after a '.Htlepausc, *'.! cau't

quite say; I can't think all In a minute, but I supposo there ilwaja Is some tiling that can he done."

■meres a mini lo-uay. anil (ieorge n lent him a horse. He sals If anything w console a man that will And probal (ieorge will not, be htuv to dinner; says most likely he'll diie with the pu

il I thought he was the handsomest man I had ever Sean, aud I wondered who be vi a-., and wished 1 could dance with him."

Ami of course you made an equal Im pre '-.hill on bim."

Indeed, no: when 1 lohl him aluttil it weeks afterwards—when we were well ngaged you know— he said he had never

seen me. and denied Hint he had been there at all."

"What ihi you uieuii?" 'Simply that he had forgotten all about -he confesses he had an Invitation, and

meant to look In for ten minutes among other parties; and that, ofcourse. Is what he did. But he actually can't recollect having done so. 1 suppose, when people go to u half a dozen purtles every night in the week, that must often be the ease."

"And when did you meet him again?" "At a dinner-party, the very next duy:

he sat opposite to me, ami I could not help stealing looks at him; I thought It so odd to meet him again directly; and when- ever I looked 1 found he was looking at HI*'—just like Mr. Midliiny ycsicrday. yon know, I^uura."

Have done with your Mr. Mallony; it Is Mr. Lawson I am liitercstctl about Just now, not Mr. Mallony."

"A very different person, certainly. Well, then, nfter that we went ou meeting each Other everywhere, aud verv pleasant It was."

And then?" It was at Cohmel Townley's the affair

was wound up; we were staying there for a week together—and that staying In the name house, lamni!—well. I'M tell you how it happened at last. I was getting frightened." i

Frightened, my dear!—why?" I found I was liking him. aud was not

sure that he wns liking mc. Lnelejolm then, and wanted me to go away

wllh him next day, instead of staying till Tuesday: and I determined I would, unless

It was one of those foolish things 1 ■ always been doing till my life, l.unni

which are so very foolish, ami yet [ can't ? doing them." Hut what was It?" Well, 1 call them omen*. There was

a lii tie garden at the end of the shrubbery walk, where Unota John and (ieorge some- times went to smoke, and Itefin-c dinner that day I was going there to gel some passion-flowers to put iu iny hair, and I h-lcrmlued that if I found (ieorge there it vas all right, uud It would be a sign I hould stay; bill If he was not then- I i,nidi go away with Uncle John next

morning." But what a chance lo let tlie happiness our life turn on!" Yes, It was very silly, but 1 couldn't

help It, somehow; so 1 went, nud—oh, l.:i ni'a! 1 passed a bench in the shrubbery walk, aud there was Mr. Lawson lying oil

'"■ a newspaper In his hand, fast So I gave, up ull lor lost, and

went very sorrowfully on to gather iny flowers, and when 1 came Into the garden I could hardly believe my eyes, for there he was standing nt a little distance from ine—he was Indeed !"

And how did he get there?" Ah! that I never knew, for I Just gath-

ered iny flowers nml ran back to the bonne a short way, and I never knew from that day to this how he got there; for he had not passed me, and as far as 1 know there was m mi In- r way. Hut wasn'i It odd thnt the imiiii should QOtaC, ami all for good?"

And so you remained?" I rather think I did; nml next day afa

tcr I mli- John was gone (and lfthe omen hud been wrong 1 should have gone with him), (ieorge asked mc to marry hut,"

And when did you tell him iihoul the omen?"

"Never, mv dear. I knew he would think It nil so very silly: besides which, 1 didn't want hhu lo know I had been curing and thinking In that sort ofa way before you know"—and she stopped, laughing nn,l blushing at her own words.

Just then the drcssing-hcll rang, and wi went up m air-, to prepare for dinner.

1 was doing my hair before the mirror nnd happening tn look out of the window I saw (ieorge LaWSOn nt tlie cud of tin lime-walk, strolling leisurely towards tin house. He luul his hat In his hand, and Hie light of the setting sun falllugstraight ou his head and fine, I could not help thinking what a llne-looklug, batidsoine man he was. ] noticed, for the And lime, how mueh bis hair was worn away on his temples, and 1 though! he would enrly be bald, but Hint u llltle bnhhMss would not be at all unbecoming to his style oflooks. "I always did like bald men," I thought, as I looked at myself In the glass, "while bald women arc detestable. How glad I am to have such a quantity of hair! 1 sup- pose It will be gray some day. If I live long enough, hut I never call be bald." When I had finished congrntulntlugmysclf on these hnppy prospects, and looked out of the window ngidii, Mr. Lawson had dis- appeared behind some evergreens near the bouse, nml I thought no more about him. I dawdled so much lu my toilette that, though the gong did not sound for half an hour after Ibis, I bnd not gone down stairs when I heard Its sonorous throbs, and, In- Iced, was not even then quite ready; but ns soon as it sounded through the house I finished dressing In a greul hurry, ami ran down Into the dining-room.

Charlotte wns there alone, and we took i- -i ni« nt the table. When- is Georger I asked, looking

came straight home; and I Just did the ten miles In five-und-thlrty minutes, which was pretty well, let ine. tell you, ladles, after a morning's hunting; but Thalubar is a capital steed."

"But, then," said 1. puzzled—and he in- terrupted me to continue lii- own account of bis proceedings.

"I left Maliony's gate at twenty minutes to seven, aud reached the stable door at lift ecu minutes past; and if you had been but a little late'for dinner—as you very often are, by the by—1 should hove done It beautifully."

"But. then," erletl I, determined to be beard, "what were you doing more than lialfau hour ago, in Ihe lime-walk?''

" 1 lu the lline-walk." said lie; "I have not bean In.the lime-walk to-day-rccr- tuiuly not half an hour ago, for I was then gulloping on the Hathiualeel Road, as hard as Tlialahar could carry me."

"Bnt I foe you, Mr. Lawaou, I saw you myself: aud you walked up to the house, nml I watched you the whole way."

"Why, Laura, you must have been drcninliig!"

Dreaming!" cried I, indignantly; "no, Indeed, I was wide awake; I was doing my hair before the window, nnd there you were: ami you know you were there, for you couldn't have been there without knowing It;" then | sudden thought, al- most a fear, seized inc. nnd I called out:

li. my goodness!" Yon don't mean to say," cried Char-

lotte,—"oh, Laura! you never would— |MfW*r* not been seeing lilm? oh. It's ttsi bad! I never could have suspected you of such a thing—no, never!"

We all looked at each other. Robins grew quite while, ami trembled

ii"in head to fool. The I ni'. I be thanked !" said lie: "then

it's not a discuss In my eyes !" "It's much worse If It's ihe master!"

rled Charlotte, excitedly. •■But it's not me| it can't be ine!" cried

ilr. IJIWSIIII: "there's nothing In the world i do—r—

tlh," said Charlotte, "It Is so dreadful, uml nobody can help us." And she began

> cry. "Oh, don't dear," said I, kissing her:

perhaps he only does It when he's asleep. Have you been asleep?" (turning to bim). "Do you know" (to her), "I think it ex- tremely likely that It's only when he's asleep he does it.''

As If that made il u bit better!" said Charlotte, still crying.

"Hilt i'h'U Is It I do?" cried Mr. IJIW-

lon. in a voice of thunder. And that was n question not one of us

■ould answer.



Weekly jjewpi Brevitieii. SATURDAY.

Thu National Temperance -,,,-iri\ Iwve memo- rialised Coiurrosg, asking that the President Is- authorized to nppuint a iimimission of five per- sona to -crvc without -alary who i-lnill Investi- gate the -.abject of prohibitory legislation, ami to recommend if nny Congressional iegidaiimi tn prevent the trartle of Intoxicating liquors, —Mad Im lieneflcinl. K

Ttvcntv-flvc vacancies will occur In the I'nlteil stiii,- Senate on the lih of March, twelve of which have already ticrn Ailed. The Mutes yet

—~- Mew York, Penuiyl-

THS ■ii'.n i or OM: I MH ii,.. The miiriil of one fuir fan- -nl.iiin,- my love,

ir It hath n eane.1 my heart from low desire-; nr dentil I heed, nor punratorlnl Bros. Iiy banStVi nnlepasl of joys above,

Instructs me In the bliss tliat saints npprni e; ' O. ROW K'KW. new lieanllrul. must be

The t..sl that made nn Rood a thing a* Ihee, ilr nn Imaire oftlir heavenly l>«re!

Porn-ive me if J cum,,it turn away From those sweet eyes that are my earthly heaven. For lliey are ftuhlhiK stars. iMmignly given To tempi mv SjoMona lo Ua- upward \\n\ ; And If 1 dwell ton fondly In thy sight. I live mm) love In i hafl I"'.- iilinr light.

•.SBafcanl A»;rlo (Itnlian) ten nutation of J. E, Thynr.

Tim MIIII.I: Ml m .

It is not growing IIU a tree In hulk, doth make mini lietler lie,

i- Htamtlng bmg nil oak. three hundred yenr, i> fall a Ing at hist, dry, linl.l ami seer \ '

AHI> ofadfl) IK (hirer far In Mny,

Although It full ami die thai night,- ft was the plant and Dower of Light.

, Final! prnnnrlimH we Junt llfnUnJW Mti ml in iban niailMmi lUS may pflOxl lie. — lira. MmtOK,

rue, i .,,, ■ i- ,|i ■■ bnllnr IK to feel no sill; allkln naaa

Two Japanese priests have arrived at Berlin lo obtain In format inn about the Christian religion. The Rev. Dr. Usco Is explaining to them the various Christian creeds. The interpreters nre a Japanese acquainted with tlie French language, anil the sworn Interpreter, Dr. Olovanoll It was al first attempted to employ one o the young Japanese In Berlin as interpreter but It was soon discovered Hint he wns unable to translate lulo Japanese certain line theological distinctions with the ijiii-lto accuracy.

Mr Hailstone, lu tin eh on Education, sen are spoiled by abundancenftheir thev do m

Dourseofa recent -dared that Kng- he very faculties ippnrtunities, nnd

■om pared

ance In tlie ■hapr of benefits. He lit, - immHlLuely proceeded lo repairing the lilobe [locally the on

ikleatThontreliiltilsi-Uyl.anil wtilat theest ken) possible moment, repair Uillacr with lilt lal euted company. He has lost UV Ms. 0f several valuable [pecuniarily] play*, but strangely en ough.

It « ,,!,! I, -1 nev; i,|/i - KOT AT ALL with ihi.-In--; In point of faei, ■yenn rather m consider It as a mailer of congratulation. Mr. Italy's plays, popular us lliev uavo been, kete seldom won auyUihig kindlier than tnleram-e from I'riUcs. Of cnurse. no one pretend™ In know what wirl of drama a crlile would unreservedly appmve; to the l.c*i of my knnwieilge and be.

■e In,, at Vet bean none niich produced, but what be does tint like everybody understand., ami that Mr. IV* dramatic productions hate, for

jiasl, home. Hie full weight of hat BUM scorn- ful dls|ilen>tire, who would pretend tn deny? Mr. Cnarlei. (is) lor, hi a letter lo a promuieni Brooklyn paper, say. all hi- draniallr eM>erlen,-.- S*oa »o show tliat plmuMiil orllleisni UIH| full

ania, Oeorglft, Alalionia, Florida, lsKilslann, houses, rlo not go hand Tn Thrtrr,HHI mat

nnd. They both Insisted on mv calling bim

(ieorge, and I was gradually acquiring the habit, though I found ll one more easily practiced in bis absence than lu his pres- ence.

"(ieorge?" replied Charlotte; "why, did I not tell you he would not return to dinner?"

"Yes, but he changed Ids uiliul and has

"Not really?" "Yes, very really; I saw him iu the

lime-walk half tin hour ago." "How glad I am: but, Robins, why did

you serve dinner before your master was ready?"

"The master tins not returned, ma'am." "Did you nol bear What Miss Brooks

said? lie came In half au hour ago." "No, ma'am, I did not hear; but I ililnk

It is a mistake; 1 nm nun- Ihe inaslcr has not come in; 1 must have heard lilm."

"But he ha-." suhl 11 "I saw him come ■p the lime-walk to the house."

"Walt one minute," cried Charlotic. "I will run and nil lilm dinner Is ready.'' And off she ran."

"Well." snld she. coming back more slowly, "he la nol In ids dressing-room, and lie has mil been there at ull."

"Then some om- luis called him Off." 1 said, "for I watched bim as far ns the clump in the lime -walk, ami there, vou know, he is not two mi mites from the house."

At that moment tin- dlnlug-room door opened nud Mr. i-niv-mi came Im -i lb In, ti good deal Hushed, with his hnt ami whip lu his hand, and bi- ludr rather disor- dered, uud showing off to great advantage the bald temples I luul admired.

"Such a gallop as 1 have had!" cried he; "and 1 am not In lime Kir dinner, af- ter all."

"Hut you have mil bad a gallop since I taw you. surely?" said 1.

"Where have vou been, loje?" utiked Charlotte.

"We went by the moor il, Id, and through Macbrltle's Wood, "said be i "and then I left, Mallony nt his own gate, and

Ith tlie men Of the Middle Ages, nor with ic Scotch, who hnve far more self-tleny

Ing labor and unspalrlng energy In the punult of knowledge than the descen- dants of their ancient conquerors. Fur- thermore, he deprecated the system of ed- ucation which makes liruilgrlmN of lt> tender youth.

The following wedding card was recent- ly circulated in a Connecticut town: "Ami IMIHI Jesus was called and Ids disciples lo the marriage. So would we now Invoke

Unseen presence, and also Invite you, his disciples, to lie present nt St. John's Church, New Mlirord, at (1.80 A.M.. nt the imii-ruge of your friends, c. C. Carley und L. J. Clemens. To Mr. ami Mrs. John Jones, old and young."

There Is n man In Waukcshu, Win,, who always celebrated a rather remarkable an- niversary. Thirteen years ago lie was buried In a well, where be remained for seven hours, when he was dug out alive. He now never falls to observe the duy of his deliverance lu n festive manner: aud all who are burled Tor seven hours and then dug out ought to follow his example.

A barber, while cutting the bulr of u niral customer, ran his scissors ngutust some hard substance, which proved to he

whetstone. The old fanner said he "bad missed that whetstone ever since haying-time last July, and had looked alt

■n-ncrc Held for it, but now re- membered sticking li up over Ids car."

Apropos* of large majorities, there ah' bnt four Representatives elect to the next Congress who received ntajortUea exceed InglO.OGU Thev are CHrlleld. of Ohio Wltard, nf Vermont; Huribui. or uiiuoi (brolher of W. II. H. , of the World) and Crocker, of Massachusetts.

Arkansas, Illinois, WisconFlti, Missouri, Kansas and Nevaila.

Sir Stafford Nnrthcote made n speech, ou Thursday, nt a meeting of the Devimshire Chandler of Agriculture, la which he declared his Intention to support the lsillcy of the gov- ernment with regard totho Alnlauiuttrenty, and urged a iqicrdv payment of the damages award- ed.

On Wednesday afternoon, while F^lwnrd Par- row, an old soldier at the Soldier's Home, ncar Wnshlagtou, was herding cattle, he was attacked by a hull nnd gored lu the neck, the larynx lie- lug cnimilctcly severed. Farrow hied a few hours only.

The laxly of n muii named Cluirles Wlnhaiu, ns found lu a hole iu thu ice ni a place called

Deer Lick Creek, Watcrtown, New York, on Friday; It Is thought tliat the man wns mur- dered, and bin IHMIV -retried where it wus found.

The French army Is not affected by tlie death Napoleon. There are some lion ana rtista

among the officer*; but there Is no party In the army that favors the Napoleonic dynnity.

A fire ooeaaed nt Concord, N, H„ on Friday morning dcslmyliiL' a large wooden building in which wore n nunitK-r ot more* ; the loan reaches 840,000, |.mill Insured.

The Conuei'tleut Temperance party will run nn Independent ticket at the State elect km; Hen- ry 11. smith, of Plnlnvllh', has lieen nrmilniited for Governor.

The Common Council of Philadelphia IN tak- ing measure* to imncnrli William Liner, one of n- toi-inh.'i -. for keeping a gambling bouse.

A child of Mr. GOB, Rich of Buckiport, Mc., ightocn months old, fell Into a tub of boiling1

rater on Friilny, nnd wns fatally icaldcd. Placing a young lady at the stamp wlmlnw, in

lie Springfield poM-oftlre, increased the receipts 9400 iu n -Ingle month.

A man named William Crnig, i-mulcted of rape on nn nged lady, was hanged at Cumlier- luiid, Mil., on Fridny.

The health of Mr. Sunnier la very poor, nud his condition causes much nnxietv' among his friends'.

The young Prince Uui* arrived at Chisel- hurst, just fifteen minutes after his father ex- pired.

(ieorge flair, a well known actor, died at Al- my, li. X., on Friday night, from apoplexy. The first Protestnnt Church In Home was eon-

Hccriitcd In thai city, last Wednesday. Fifty-nine fishermen were drowned m the re-

cent gule. at Yarmouth. appearance

Gold 112 ML


The Washington eorres pi indent* of newspn- pem gave Stanley, thu discoverer of Livingstone, it t.;n,,|iu-t lu that city, on Haturday night. Among flic invited guests were General Sher- man, Speaker lilalne, Senators Wilson and An- ttioiiv, Representative* Hawes nnd Hale, Secre- tary Uoutwell, Assistant rterreautaa Hale and Rlchantson. The twnnnet wan awnereak,

Mrs. I.ydia Sherman, the reputed prisoner of three hUSMadS, nnd two or three children, but who wns only convicted of manslaughter hi the poisoning of her last husband, was sentenced to the Slate Prison fin- life, Saturday morning. She received her sentence with the utmost In- difference, and at ihe conclusion grarcfully courtcitcil her acknowledgment to the court.

The New York iwpers nqiort ns news, that there Is no lee nl Hell gale; we shouldn't snp- i«se there wns.

Several newspn|HTS in Milan hnve opened i.ulster!pilous Tor n monmnent to Napoleon. The papers stale that Milan was the And city liberated from Austrian rule by French tnuqis under Napoleon niter Ihe huttlc/of Magenta.

A iiltro-glvcerlne explosion occurred nt the lend mines of Crawford, Mills A Co., IlnrUe- grccn, Win, on Thursday last. Joseph Rog- ers, a miner, was blown to pieces by the explo- sion; no other person was Injured.'

U-uvltl Alley, the alleged murderer of Ahhuh Fills, wo* nrralgncd In Hie Supreme Court al it,, ion nu Snliinlnv morning, nml plendetl not guilty, and the trial was fixed fhr flic first Mon ilny In February.

The bill nf except ions in Htokca' case will soot in-incur,I IH'IIII-I- Judge Bnnrdinan, and If un uvalllngly, will Is? taken in mm Is?fore even one of the 31 Supreme Court Judges,

The manufacturers of American cut nails and spikes of the Atlantic Stntcs, nl n s|>ccinl meet- ing in New York ou Friday, decided a rciluc thin on wholesale price" of fifty cents a keg.

Mnny .li- a- h i - having occurred to vessels In con sequence of having no pilots whenuenrlng the const, the Boston plints will In future cruise off Onps Cod.

Dcspatchr! from Arizona rc|Hirt n seven- fight Is-tweeii the V. S. fiarr* nud the savages hi which 57 Of the latter wen- killed, and !W cap- lured.

Jumes C.Davis killed B. M. McNiilty with n club, nt Clarksville, Tenn., on Saturday morn- ing; the murderer (led, and has not lieen arrest-

Jncob In-own, un lnteui|sTutc num. committed suicide In shunting the top of his head iiff, at UrattlcUiro, n tew days ago.

Tlie cold snap In Maine has taken Ihe nier- iry down uil'nim 12 degrees lo 3(1 degrees .!*•-

low zeni at various points. The thermometer liidimted L'1 ,1,-i'i-ee- hclow lo ni ('oiicoi'd, N. IL, on Siitio.hii morning. The Irish Journal! gencrnllv extiresi aorrow

t'or the death of tlie ex-Fm|ienir Niii*i1eon.

his plays, which


il,,.,.' whirit hroiurlit him iu tlie greatest ■mount of hard cash. In proof of ihis.be men- tions a play where the journals united in praising. - was, if newspaper criticism wen-lo lie relied

,"far superior in anything lie or any oUier American play Wright had ever produced; they were unanimous in praising it, " nnd yet," says Mr. tiaylnr, tersely, " that play netted me Just SI00,OU," Mr. <i. written play for Kmmetl, ihe Hutch riiinmediaii. Kmniett played II here In America, realising large proSis from it nightly,

gone over tn England, but Unit (iaylor's •' Cousin FrlU" might be entirely In the taste of tlie public on tlie oilier nlde of Ihe Ocean, Emmett hire,) nu Kngllsh writer In hring it up (or down) to the English standard.

in THIS UatrjBU THU «tM or Slow. And this play the Kngllsh pteM unanimously condemn. Hut the KnglUh )ieople have long slnre made up to Kmmetl Ihe large sum ha expended, In doctoring this much abused production.

Stokes isconvlcte.1, sentenced, U to be hanged, ieg willing, on the J8th of next month, and the or Id stands astounded. Kven bis enemies, pew

ei lul and numerous, bitter as Uiey are, had not xpected this upon the first trial, with publlr

oplnlnn demanding vciigeftilly a life for n life; ihe jury disagreed upon the second trial, with public opinion demanding Justice, not vengeance, with a theory of defenr«, which competent wit

produced ntthe th t trial, swenr lo be . With u case strengthened tiy the

strongest of testimony, Irs- Jury find bitn guilty of murder In the first degree. Krer slum the Mnr. farland trial,

.11 Ull i 1IAVK III IS A Ml si I.Ill TO HI .

lo-tlay Ban arerurther lieyond tuy eompre hen-ion than ever before. Mr. Trcuialiieabsolves the Jury from all blame. 1 suppo*e Hint's Ihe prop

thing to do, bin I can'I. 1 think Hume two men who 1 „-lirv,-,i I,ini innocent, who would hnve ren dered a verdlrt of acipiltL-d, bill wlm gave In In the oilier leu, In nrdor to save themselves further trouble, nre Just »» much murderers In the sight of (KHI, as the most eold hi,sided .-■ ■. .-,. r, the country. Judge lloai-iIlium's charge made ine in dlgnaut too. When a man's life is nt . i,L,. to tell the twelve who are to decide npnn his guilt or In nocetire, that thev wnsf not disagree, that dlsn greement would be unreasonable, dishonorable, In other wonts, thai they hail belter sink their own Is-liri, tin,ii lo have, or give further trouble. Halt' ll makes ine shiver. As ever.

g, K.

home ou which the charge of Hi

ile six Hundred. of thirty. Lord

"Roland," the ruinous the Bar! of Cardigan let Light Brigade, Ihe "No has just tiled, ul l In- age C. tiled four years ago,

The mother or the Khedive or Egypt having been cured of an ailment by au Arab surgeon, the Khedive says "much obliged," nml gives the Arabian sawbones

HEALTH AT 11. mI . is (he title of the lau-si work from Ibe pen of Ilr. Hall, whose treatises have lie

no widely known for their valuable Inftir niatlou mid cnuunou sense suggestions. This work, which makes a handsome volume of THO pages, with numy mnstraUnns.ls n> embodi- ment of the lung experience of Ihe author, nml hows how, without the use of medicine, so to ne as to preserve health, to invigorate and .(lengthen the body, tO wear Ml of the system

eventually a variety nf forms nf disease wlnVh un i,tod--,in- yet known ran reach, lopndnng life, ami to wee nre the greulesl amount of happiness In lift,

thorough, comprehensive, plain, reliable, safe nml well adapted to nil classes. II treat-of

ery form of dboaaetO which man is liable, git ing In roimertioii wllh the description of disease-, and lio-lr •) mplnns, Hie suitable ivmcdles. Also lu gal latter |iart nf the i :. Is given over mm of the latest and best prescription,, nf the most end nent physicians of tlie present age.

Tin* following nre the leading topics dlsciisp-ed , .,u,-i.il principles for the run1 of disease. Whj one i,■,„,-,h in ,-. • un many ailment* npjian-nll.i of n radically opposite nature. Haiti* aud Isjlh ing; tlie philosophy of Ihelr action, tls-lr pnipev employment, and tlieir extensive pfflrietici. The arcldenu of life and Iheir limne treatment. Tlie prevention nf sickness nnd miAVrlng. The hair: Its nature, growth, cultivation and preservation. V.vet-rise: lt« value as a mean* of preventing sirkness and curing disease, with tlie IH-SI mode* or Inking ll lo the highest ndvanUge. Matenill) I Should the sickly nisrr.i :- Y,nithnd vice, in nature, philosophy, and ra,llenl cure In nil eases. Intnl. i-y: ii- management frnni blrlh nnd onwanls.wlth minute direction,, almtit bathing, dressing, I linn and sleeping, so ns to e-rnpe the ordinary di> eases or childhood. Hereditary iuflticnrr. Allo palhic pn'scripllons; Ihe Isrgesl In manlier, llu- latest nnd most valuable hilheilo publlslie I in any popular rending.

The iHmk w lit ba Mold only by suli.erlptloii, ami Mr. .1. A. Austin, of 3Iethueii, ha* the agem-v for thai town. Lawrence nnd lirnciil, and will shortly

ass for the same.

Baltimore was cului-geil lu Is*", ley the erec- tion of 2203 new houses.

A Jury hav lug ben obtained, the trial of it. - ■ ■ Tweed ts'glns to-day.

Smnll put Is steadily on the Increase al We*. ■tor, In this Mate.

A robbery epidemic prevails In Chicago. Small ;.'<•. prevails In Washington, Mr. Simmer's heallh is Impnolug. Gold 112 1-4. *

- Kgyptluu 1- si-iu I porpoi

fin at length t<i e see It stated led ml,, light-

llctlt nl'-nllorsnu the Nile.

SlUKsi'DAltl: prodiic

huill upwilhsiHSi; an, says till that II has in .

who can nol make a }i lige.l lo Tall buck on keep from hating then

Giovanni Bettlal in whose arms Loh In Ihe India HOui luunofscieiity-llvi

,1 nil hisphiys with Mill.m's works an- Hie (tUl Testament

rnlcicrl, Hie I Byron died, is , I lou, a h

With the single exception Of a greal- granddaughter. aged eighteen, all or Sir Waller Scott's descendants arc dead.

Co rte^\>o\\d c i) lie.

Our Now York Letter.

NEW YoiiK.dnn. nth, ISBL lU.Ait Am kU is. The New York Herald i* Is

glmiing lo lie regsriksl wilh rmnddrrahle awelii supersiiiioii* property holder*. Some two nroafcl ago, Ip Mitidai i noii; ■■ Issue, il gave an account nrtbe varlnii* buildings in and around the Mi tmpolls, which would bum like Under on the slightest provoaai ami prophesied deliriously cuiii-cniiug llsniiun > HIpportrOOM titnl Talmage's Brooklyn Tabernacle, falhatvery fhiuaata, the Tabernacle WB* burned to a-ln--. mid only a few days aUer Ihe Hippodrome was also ileelroyed,

Till s PROVISO Tilt: IIKHAI.n's i i m-

in have been bi in, mean* liuindalhiiiless. tint tn (he boat of my belief and knowledge.

naJounuuiaUe sight ever DrwUntad Ihi-destruc lion of Daly'* Filth Avenue Thcnlrc. Sofarasl can dlseim-r. even Ihe Li-uncl nl M-nsnllnmd srenl hoiimls wen' aslonished nt this disaster. (Inly Ibe day before. UwnMtrnpotlten jomiials bad rung wllh praises of In lire escapes, and Un1 can lion of It! prii}irieiois. In lad, ll was universally conceded to be foremost among Ihe perfectly »nfe phii-cunl amusem.'iil. AilgiiHlim, Italy himself wns in iHisllive a> to lit luiiniinlli from fire, IIIHI

HI: t rr Kit iv ASH ci;iismrt:vTi.i antl'san TO


nni nf tin- valuable |iro|ierty contained wllbiii Ha walls, such a refusal from so clear hciule.1 and caution-!i liUHines* man, tell* It' own slnrv. I wasthel lly n pie nf week* sgn, and I re mcinlier iHlng rerj un pleasantly nffisled by an eiinrninun hose, W hirh lay euilisl up in ll"' "rehe* Ira, wllhiti full sight of the sudleinr. I didn't like ll. nml 1 snld so, 1| wu* inlicll Inn suggestive. I thought il uiiglit bare IMMU as eotiveiilent, and serviceable. If covenii up. or even linked away a few feel under lh- singe, but Unlay I regard Ikel Sim ■! an InSaHiirj ithoornil and reasiuring affair. Mr. Daly, ll is said, bout for hiiuselfaml his company, refuses lo accept any ins-uuiary assist

frir fsitrrfiirr Amrrlmn.

"Urn, ye nne llier's burden,-, and an fulfil Urn w of Christ."

Hear Jesus, ns in death thou Is-aresl My weight of guilt upon the tree,

Wretched and sinful, yet thou can'«t My soul should saved ami happy a*.

Unworthy, though my heart ooanauata, li, orni Uiy lender notice,—fears,

Yet graciously Ibe love expreaselh A blessing fur my sorrowing tears.

This mair lii,-- Inn of love employe!!) My Saviour's yearning hearl tn share

With me, Ihe -IIVUM II tliat grace enjoyelb. My IMNH i eros* to hnivcly Is-nr.

If Jesus thus my palhway hlesseih, Aud .-'.mle, , .-ml ■ to prove his love,

My weaknra* on his strung ami r.-.letli, My tn'mbliug trust hi* pity move-.

Shall mil my brother, slowly rlhabtuf, To pea eh with me UH- lieaveniy gnMl,

Find ht'lp WhSU courage Is decliuhig, (Ir hunlens press bl* faltering soul;'

When lolleritlg near tlie chastii. buuiulllig The "narrow w ay" lo bMVeM'l gale,

My voice, a kindly warning ■oundliig, May save him from lh' I iu pending laic

Hrnlher* In Christ, yo heir, of bliss, (I, walch tin comrade's weal wllh rare,

Kager lo aid when hclple*sne*s Lay* burdens tliat he scarce can lu-m

And so In par), reded* the spirit With lender pity, Jesus till-.

< nmplele ia love and blessed uierll, And thus obey bis gracious will,


Is A Hi:ct:\T TSUL, the Supreme Court of tail stale have rc-afllmicd a decision in rclnlioii to tenure of office. The plaintiff wns superin- tendent of schools hi the city of,Salem, cirnscn for n yenr, under nu ordinance of the city ; owing in II quarrel between the school eoiumii tee aud the city govcrniiieiit, Ihe latter, enrly In the year, repealed the ordtaance, and etnUabed the office. The Suiarlnlcnileiit sued for un en- tire year's ialaiy,aad the oneri •oaMhted ihi claim, on the gnuiint thai Ihe power In ni»(«,int n sui-i i un. int. in having been legally eaerriied by the Bcbonl Committee al the heglnningofllu rear. Hie subsequent n-|sa1 nf the nrdfiiu a. did not iiffcct Ihe validity of Ihe appnlutm.ui. ur Ha- dtn-aii i the ti for which it was made.

Tin; PuoCBtmixoa of the Sew Hampshire

Editors' Aesochiilnn fbrlWI and 72, including a pithy iiccouiil of the "high joint" cxeursl.iii of the New Fngland Prew, bai Iwen prepared and very handsomely priulcil by the ludcfuttgn- blc mconllng secretary, C. F. Livingston, Man- cheater; K !■ n pleasant record, lu Ua prepara- tion ami presentation alike creditable to that

live aisociatfon.



v :





Alderman "«III

-led in the •■"

i ih. [imlir- inli-r

nil I

- r.m-i.lcraMi JU iniii''l OVi MiuMiviitU spreading. A ' " nVtrit -.1 M it In lb* disease : '" !,-.- IM I.I- idgfal .loth.-. Tiled. .1 Wandered through tin- ,1,-rmei

• MI.- mini ill' I'.ilktwmst x.j.-n.

— J On 1'riiinv evening, urtcr the prayer meeting

stud Aldermanlc Seats. ^ hvili ,„ tlll, IV,.B(I> t.-ruiii church, n large, num-

berof tin- i-migrcgtitinii u*ik |Wnf*»low of the

!■'"■■ of Rev, John Hogg, thefttstor. When

Mr. Hojgt came out nf the church lie HU not a

tittle surprised tn observe n stream nf people i if

tosth sexce MKI all age* passing Into lit* house,

filled, .in■: it

iHltriMIIHl MllttllCW ( 0 1)| C U 0!

Tin- holy

her the I will


. itol

r.>rll.c-cal-ii,'ii lull t" the "'.ml of A1.len.ien

I,. Mc--r-. IMdfeflud ' ariici, that Ilie coiniuill.-c

Would alien loaning ill ll.e matter ilnn.biy even

iiitr Tit. ...iii..ui.'-i i.ie.ii>'f tli. r-Hliin,.lineemu The fuel Is, every .room wiw -HOI. HIICU, aim n j

— ■,-tlo... tt..t having Uvn iiiml. lie, became » .mcMk.u with Mr. Hogg whether wtoit The ride, a

I'rcsi.lcul In tin. elmtr. f.l.liir.lun.1 KuOMlJ. The rc'-ord* of Hie piin<.

(M,r (ilml ii* he ■brays is

to HOP the membra* of hi. rongrcgnlhai visiting

, h!» house, lie could not conceive why they* lui)


In the U A Senate on Mon.toi. tHr i nf iii.iki'i.' html grant* to iigricullural was discussed lit li'lijtth. hltl li" .In I- reached. The How dlscii-ed ;i , mi. ur.cni remilnti.111, iiulhi.rl/.iiiii ilie up-H>uitiu<ut ul .1 uin., ■ ren li wa» jn~?' Y1

joint 1'i .111 in it let' tn invi»ti^.il.' tin toml-iana '■'''' tm/eii, mid M iiini.i In 11 1

I'crringthc 1'ie-nlerit'- in.—aj. on the -iUn.il h.-.u drawn as a juror, w.-nt to I of L...111-1.111.1 t.i the J11.L1.titrv Cm litre, mill day, Inn iiul.i1.,-I : ich win-h, instruct! Inn-port whether any fuel- in the nut able t" stand "hen tile judge CUM require action liy Congria*. He was pr nili .li-. Iiiiri;eil ln.ui

John llurke of Filchbnrir, a black.until byi'I1 adnnmltluii In -i-ck lib. run

iradc, was run over Saturday evening by the 1 ruin from lio-toii,nud *oterribly injured ihut i.e.lit.! Ill a tew minute-. It 1- mopiMnl thai lie ^itl H|HIII the train !••.'the p(irtMi«e i.l riilinu 10 the •■ Knuw-iiiilhini;- -1.111.111, neiii wliirli h. r.. .-.nerrmrn. uiiox i.ii«-'i »nn '■'•■ ,•"»■■- ■^•- \ . - , „ .,„ „,,, llve-,,111.1 while iittenuiltiijr tHJimi]. tn.in th- Ji.-eltliliie l»r.». lime - irl.-.-niiih- ,l'lh '''",,, ,,

„Vlin-,l iui.1 |,-l| U-,,e:,tl. the wheel-. Me ' tl.l.t he hu. M.irte.l ft* I'i-henMle with hi- 1^1- ' 1*""<*» )«*"•■ '«""«* "«' ' ■liiMreli. oiler: tllC tier i- errntmv inteii-. e\eiti-lnrlit .miriiiK 'he e:irlie-I |HMu>lhk ll

A larxr tin- .M-.-i.m-l ,11 Petrol to L'Hy. I'u., M »"-1 ''"■""'r l|''1* I"!"1"11" '"'• ll"1"''1 l'"'- "'- l-rtiw ...m l...Mi..K 1 -.wl Sun.IJH.IIV Hhleh lour tlioii-aml U-irr. I- Of oil The lir-t e\e. 11ti1.11 in Mmlri.l .lure tin- 1. -n- II.,I.II:.I1.. .le-ire ait enrlt -etil.-ine.it «f the nmlt.-r, ! their-uriirise, Mr. J. B. l.> 1e, one of the lea.

"- rnil I mil. I In x... .lerriek*. ■ I11tk.11

n- ilcatroyrtli llw town of the

.NIKV<I in tlu

K. Shei I

.epl ii.l-r.-UHl ,«rtie>. Wen- pTMCflt. j hf suw M1U1 „„,

;l,-eweivnll l>r.-eiil. POMlitlnK of \1 '

iilar>, Ijimprv) ami Melt in. Homn,

,„.,.^: \l.-.i". saumten MM) VTrtaht! I *" ",kl" il l",(' their Iiemi.« to »Wl bin *t the

„„l Mr Hii-I.>. wiT.' "I •■ |.ie,e„i; „ fet, pTMltk '",""' """'■ »'L wa> not iti the leii.l IrUhteitCil, ,'.1.1!- 1...» ..I i'ie f-'wii < inwrtl aii-l Inlf a >Uueu howeviT, hat utllhig im.i the crowil, iolluwe-l

■ H'"^ .,,„ uii-ir- ■-••nii>u-ii-l the MMpiuhly. I by an AHHBIGAN repntler, win 1 -insularly

.i- roll. rUr .tei.iiijt WM*oral b> tl uuel nn-etteo I enotujh hail iU> taken it into Ma hea.l »o vb.lt

iitli.jun. with ' p*rtv it. tiiak..i«il..-|.reliu.iii,ir> itriHti|,eroent.|..r Mr. 11.I««MI<HIW at the NW1U thne with the

al home; '-nt. the H.W-.IXI.I."!.. wliiel. will ne.fNHUrll) .«-eu|.t ,-„i,«re>,'.iti..ii, he mu.le hi- wuy n.-i.le, Wliurr thj 111011, lie ...• ^k,,:l| .,..., i-.r.,,,. 11, ainitee 1.. whnni , M|,,_ „, unhere.| into the barter,

IK,- m.ir.-i-1- rriem.1. Mr. Burlej n-.|ii.^te.| thm

lie. X.-ll.. >li" „„. ri,.r mirflil IN> |MHrfU.MM(l l»r a Week ..r ten ,-tl-t.Hly l.miLi' \iiM%w B, u wm, ,|e-lntl.le tluil he-luml.t IM-..ill ,.|*

.1 reKiiliili.111- irmernlluf the Ho.ir.1

—Tlie Ilitii.n lulhavurx

the-Jlth hn-t.

—A bill Miek-.- whn .lot

-11 muter— the iiiii.-'|iill<>.

- Hall, i.

nj.: ■:.-■, V (lie 11

uf tuT:' wen- n.|..]rte.l r.i

other* -Imiilii 1«. auhoUtutnl. ' r'

ThtCouoeJI went iul. uullleoM the nh.-le.

with t i>iiiii-iliuaii Mnnrnhmi m Ihe ehair. ini.l il 1 u,

MTU Voted tt> IBTJ a Bne »f twenlj tlve cent* IIMO0

ea.h abeenleo IroM the ret-it.ir loeeting* of the |

1t..n;.l, mxl a il rten eenr- liw eaeli m..' ..f tor *°

dliMMK. A due <>( Bfl.r ei-nt- tor each eiicc of ill. ■

xeiti-e. nmltweiits Ovr ...il- Cut tjr.lliie.-s wan iut- ,(

(MMWd UponlhH I'lenlikml mult'tort, ami llu-t'l.'rk .

oMliet .ii il 1111 mlmaiii Tniniiim

t'oiiucllniuii \t i'it.1 )ii.iie.l tliatae.iiiniiiiiee be | "'

ami the njwcUcle of a l> atitlful «-t uf parlor [ u|t|>olnle.l ■.■a-,,-rtain Hie rea Mr < ■■iiiieilniiui

furniture, conalatlng of B tOoWDhvloppeiJ walnut Rnhlm..ur, nn-eiM-e an.t n.-tioi. witli tin- braarii ,-,

—The three IHT-I iliiii|» (or •iiiall-im-.

imfttalf, VniYhtcitr, ami iKnate.

-There 1

train r-lit>|>*'.

,e.t-*t,i L'.miniUl m

Election*, Tliut'Mlny eveuiajM were -eli'.;i-il liir ilie mtidai

teaalnNa of the» oiincil. umluoartrr u> eiglrt «VPk „.i.».,„l,l ,!«.,„■ Mr. AMr.. Il,w tad fnonn.1 .-,,.,, ,„„.„„„. .„. ,„.„,„„

I'.iiiiicilmnii Wood ]in-eiiie.| a paper, -iiiiie.l by

Jiii.-eaml llniiruhaii. |ii'»le-t

table, ■ 1 u,i, half a iloien .hitlr-, en-

■ it limit Tre **'i B" "' "hi'k walnut, U-uulilullv liiii*he<l

laatlon; that ! ami urranejiNj in pktHiMque unter met their snae

uiually t'ul) eunuTcipitkmn ;i

eial I'hiirih.-.-, on .Suti'iay.

— We have Mini-.'tiling lietler thin a Miuill-[«i:

are now, ami that In, -null-|M.\ ,c.nv.

—The Mieee*^ of raeeiiiatinn oliow« that

cry little inittU;r will prevent the unutll-iMx.

—It take- mufr llian » tlmiisaml .I..II111- won

I i-oal antmully , to heal St. Mary '.s ehunh.

—The euiui) lire ..1 the OranJ Army, w ill ...

ur uiie week Irmimexi We.hie-.lay evening.

.■iiuty sheviir- i: liicTC.-winji aliitv Jjimjry tit -1

—TIH-M li.iven.it lax-u bulfnd.i*en |K-r

rrcated t'-'.- ilrunkeiinc-w, in thi- .-ity, thin year

ilurltui niie »f the


—Tile HUIII who iHiinle.l tin ;

Mr. N.wi the .v.-Mcti w.

liave had a hml »|»l! nt the

i utmn.e- Mr. X. i> .loitlg bin

hat lie h.iil jni^t 'feti

-.iiiitnon thing to

e at ni di

.1 Imiit-j


the Satnr.hti night nnirneuf K-eturealo-

» ivuilng.Ut lliet ity Hall,

.leirn wa- a elianniug iliiy, although the

1 muter hidie.itei! that the mercury win

lint Hind 1.1 force iti-elt down nne'n throat

,1 i.iglii was lovely, the »k> la-lug cluud-

ml the lull 111.mil -liiuiu^lii all its winter

■eilllti I ll>.>

,- In thi-

-WIllU : l.-t I !li.

, wlie the .li- ;

mnrl.t reh'N-e ItafUtM -li-'iihl a .lr.i-t..n I mg memlK-rt. Of the eniign-gilliiill. ste|.l».l ti.r- ! ( ..uiieibiieii K and engine IH«.,C. w-r,- 'lotroyed; the to«n jrf »«<«driMuil «» -' J^* '^t^U; warrant -t.ch a ra-Wi U»l the gentlrme - : „.,lri, „,„, U[|,|r,..,(.,| „„,,„ „ ,„„„„.„:_ | mg.-gai,.-, tl„

•eupaliii II tin-

—Mayor Taj

oogh inapii-thn

n-ile. 11.1 idr tli.)

nulehed with a not! neat ion of election, iim!- at-

teril Iwlliiu* -iar. h, IIIMJ Ilie man h.i- la-en

| dead r-cwv.il wwl,,-!

i —An el.,|Kiuetit I...* iiliinnrtl i.nl m.-t -ue-

iee>st-|illy earrieil on! liy Mr. Aiilmr W. l»ycr

[Olid Mi- Ague* li.iin.on ine-.lav e.eoiiig—

: a.- l..ni'11/.o mill Je,--I".l. ill the Merehant »t

A great i Siiinr.lns

Icimiii-lnill.iu v Madrid nf Ihe ,-■ ..II- whn


, In faitiritf Ihe |irotM..e<l |«.lllieit ! atlen.l llielumnil.il" Xa|i,t..m l.«ik with liiin "''"'' i.-er.».| e.cri t.

irtoHi.i.,.111.1 the nUdlliou of -In- -mue -ml din; fr..in lh.-\.ir.leti of the Tuil.-ri.-. nil I— Ha-te - hi taking pail in the wtileli lie utivwc.l ..i,-r the iinllii alter it win- |niwilgalliio .if theeane.

ehjht n-elia-k.


Hen|ulti-heH In iikii, India, iviNirl th. : eii'rth'iuiiki- nt Si-.11- .-.

ghur.B town lit mile, north of IIOIIIIMI . Fit- not teen hundred petWMiaan ""id lo lane IH-CII an l.ille.l lii the town nloiie, mi.I it la li-are.l man. net lurl their liven in the n.ljaeeiit country. ' '

One nf the linen of Hie IHIHIT Of the •li-almr ' hu Julia St. Cluir <-..ll.ijiM-.li.enr Ktifali. Ala.. Sat- | the iirdav night. Miihlliig thirteen ]HTWIIIH, imi-tiv i-.ilor.tl .leek hands mid Hreiiieii. One died Instantly, one wan dniwm-d, t« nallt Injure.!, and noe unae.iiuute.l l<<r.

Peter (iarv.v. ithurse ell|.|ter..l Me.lfor.l, Mai".., was insiiintl. killed at Wol.urii mi Mmi- tlav. He wa- linl.llng two h

i. ! ilil,-, u ....i.-eide-l; thai pnanptai-thin wan j ' ,

Ilie the eitt/eiM ul Lawreii.e ill H matter whk-b ... ' ''" llu-iie r.-a-..n- "**>•* whom they honor and reaped, ymir

in a thorough iCWHon have resolved to follow the fanl

In their name I beg to )i reset it yon with tltlt Met

itwn-.le.ided uf lundture, aa a token of mir love mid n-s|-e,-t I ^^ ( ^^ |(| ( (

.1 tlll T.,e.,l«y , for y.m. I .1., not believe there IK „ ningh met..- ! (Unit ln „„ ,1<:lil.

i: I.-I -•1 la n,it -1

ii the hearing -1

ml 11, tli,

-in -limild lie lii.iiiichi

.--III-, in iTgiir.l in their balhUs en-t

I'lerllon, It In-iitg Ihe de-lre nut to

t ee.—arily w ilt. ll.e te-tiiii..uy of

ire well known l-i l»>tli partkt as

the of »t.-|.,-.,

Km iki i li. Kvi I-, the Xnrthwrakl iiiiir.lei-.) Mi. 1

will 1 tr .1 next i IHIth; he mil U- il.-tended IK

I'm,,. ii I;,..Thill, ,n.d-Mollt-, .it Nell-

bury. nt Ihe deli ie, will IH'U pleu.rf in-iini- thai il

An u-e lent or el rred on the linstou A Maim thai i:

be an unJii-1 Imputation upon the wren.-.., to sii-|.e.i them of |.e

noi.nl in Hie rmirU, altlMtugli

ntritnileu anil llanraluiii. 'Iliei

smnethingtowiir.lH this meim.rlal; and at-It was -|H-ciat.ir-. ll.e r.nme

the work of many, ll was hut little that each in- excess. The record* of Ihe in

dividual)}-wan called upon to contribute j Imt rend and approved.

! we do Hot U'lleve von will esteem the gift for The report of Ihf ell) marshal ni r,.r .1... -ulrit ..-I.I.-I. ''udtllg l»ee. ::l-l. .ea- aeee|ii,-d

venlnir. .Inii IT. I I

ml hum, Ihe 1'ici-i [

■lumeihii. ll Uu-H.-ll :

large alien.Inn. '

mil < during (he [ir.'sei

r I In

—There were two li |n,.r idling i-jui^laintu

made hefbrc the cian Saturdnv mnrning, liy

Col. Deal.

-The Superititemlent of s.-hooN Migge-t- a

m w -ebtxildimise at the Smith Side, i-u-l uf the


—1'ickerel li-hlm: I* n if the apoH* of the

prufltnlik' s|Hirt if sinivs*

- ha Mlllervd l>< i bad set in

A g.l.s e\|ilosi,.n o.eiiried in the oilli. Western I'ulon Telegraiili otlbv al I'iu

ihiiiuigi- t.itlie-lnill.ling, Imt singularly i Minutely Injuring no one.

t'harle- <'hri-.iv, the keeper ul allow I...n in New York, wa-.liMlmi M la.

The rein Ma.-,ae1iu. ■Ill Wt due

Ils'l'i'. ';'. 1

AII.1.I.T thai thev vear- long* .ni., wl ll ll

It wax darkled to "" peeunlat) value, but lor the

hi!r...ineiiiir■erernl (woinpte.1 the offering, ami in wl

i. dered. lb.ring your stay aiming

i-ni'h w iiue-s -hmd.I uin.le many friends, mid Iheir enteelu for you, — , seiL-on, and

i} nthera who «ere ;„ „ s.mill nnv, flnils its expreKslon in Baking ., '. , "IL ', ». ,., „ is met uiili.

>'''•■■'■ ^'"^ Ivouraeeewatu-e of thi* gift; we tnist that y,m , ■ NallO.iai Bank EleCtiOllS. ^xniimi >Uli|1, ,

III long be ■pared to use and enjoy It." j ,,.,„, ,|jm.ri.llt NHtl,„^| »„„. s elected their »"iihm atreel to the railn

Mr. Hogg wan so overcmne l.y Bun.rlse. and ' ,ltTrvutt> o,i Tuesday fnr the .-..-.ting venr. | «« itwllllaw -.

. ton. tied l.y lite exhibition of Ml much friend- -,-,„. rv,ttherton U.i.d. elected as direi-lors, ' -It Is I

|g>vl .siirugue, lien. I). 1'IIIH.I, Milton Itonney, pk> ■honk

IteMkUlh I'lununer, I'ha-. Kuillli, W. II. Ul

A. A. Utuprey, W, It. Siiatilditig, ]). Sai illation upon eye, be wild, "collie gllld wife


cvtdeiiciil le Ilu

li; Ilie Mil.-i-rii

—The re-oiire.

meiit, happily em

increasing doiuiin

I., tn.ik u|,,,u the

IH-tiseil-w llh even

—During uren

H Hall.

Daily A iate.l liy loti-i.mt

■■ liajie


.i-it I,. Kv.-I.i ur wortlit

.iellt of :i

hu.-ly Inspiring. It was aprivilegi' t.. IK-

il ..II siieli .. iiighl. Sn mueli loviinesf wa.-

imigh ■•' dri.e even a Isiok worm l« taking a

iHiiilkhllintli. The rrort hardeniil mow lay

lil:. wbiieiic-s under the immnlbtht, and tin-

.■ sheets sparkled with mm "cations, which

littered with dim I l.iilliamy. What a

i.ted with ii -run eri-eui - i,iall-|,. .i. al the night lor -leigh riding Ifil hadn't Iwctl Sunday

a- i. hen the di-ea-.- wa- ut it- likln, knell at night.

i.e.l-ide and olfercd an earne-i prnvt-r lor —The " Cuinract of the Oaugci," wa- placed

rewnery ui ihe Invalid. The clergy man upon lit. City Hall stage Friday evening, and

I II. w-r ben afflicted with the di-.a-.. t|„. audkme witnessing its |ircseuliitimi nl-mt

-There are alainl three hundreil drinking hull tilled ihe hall. Pmlaiht.v many were pu-s-

.Mm- in Uwreiue. Suppo e wiehplinv lakes ,.ni, from curio-ity, to see bow the ■• hm-e liu>-

,■ dollars per .lay on an in crnge, whi.h i- u iue.-s" mi-i.. l«-at-.-oinplished. The t. M of ihe

;..-i. rmi-ly low il-nrta we hai, lilli-.ii linn- play amount- lo little or nothing, while, if

■d dollars per day; this multiplied hy :MI"I. -c.-nie elfe.-t- u-ualli nceotnpttny the ilruna,

.- u> i.ime ihaii halt a tiilllloii iifdollon> II ihcH' 1- no chance lor their display ti[H.u a lo-

rn ; .i li.it a iiiiigniiieent pulilii libmry luiild- ; ml Ktage. There were ftiur ponie* present, and

riii - ..-t nf oneie.ir'- lii.pliiiL'w.nild given-, they "ere up.ni tin si.ige during one seem-,

-The importance nf securing pure line, in Imt flw what purpi-i-. did not nnpenr. One of

iled; (he ngetll of Dr. W. ('. fuller, Ml.


nf Dr.

nl-i. in the hit

scene, and wan rode hy "the l'riueess," who

,oi.«/.c.7 up the Cataract of the (hinges, hy earc-

ri.u.'est l.'iiiimeiidiitimi- Im- made nr- ! •""I'.v walking in-r..-s the stage upon some raised

.ent-l.i which frcah vlraa from the lienl 1'1"">> ■ However, If the play was n failure,

■r can he nlilalned n< the drug stores "»'*' »™* «'<msi.lerahle a semeiit caused hy

II. M. Whilnei fc C ml K. II. ""''" liv'*1- »•««»« in which everything was

i tin- sidewalks foil

id utatlon.nnd likel

of Me-


—Dmihtless many people were

the City Hull Friday evening, l.i •Ilk lutt. Some |..i--, coi.sci ly j,,^,,.,-, .,|kiu, ,hl. ,-ltv, reproclilitu

appropriated the mi-.-i niari'- hat. mid Ml a ,,..„„,- ., „.„,„„„ .h^hlng up a wild caiarncl. , ottering lo leave a revolver as security. The

much Inner uiie in its phi. e. A, tlll, (l:ill some plauk- were laid inruss Ihe .proprietor of the place took the revolver nmlex-

-Ther.- are tint three ea.-e> of >III.L11-P .X al j atagt nii-e,l ii few feet, and U d. inure looking ati.im-d it. ami while doing so the weapon was

the in-t house, and two of these are in a fair cpiine gpcclincii walked aeru-s it, niueli to the : iliseharge.l, the hall passing Into the upper i-nrt

way of rc.ovcry. Only two or three eases are delight nf the small hoy* In ll.e galleries ami I of his loot, glancing around the hone, paaatag

known aUnit the city, mid we may he thankful . trout seal--. out uf Ihe K

lu-illiant '"« '1IJ

ig the during ' Klreet, u

wild cataract. onVrmg

ling man, somewhat thirsty, ami liav-

nouey, went Into u sahsm mi &MOK

Friday night, and asked tor a tl

I llirmigti Ihe H.BI

II—...I inn three IhteaH Par libnwlfand latnlly, that ll was some

inled IVom hear- "nie het.ire he nm 1.1 Ilml words t.treply. Tuni-

i. Hurley slale.l , lug to Mrs. Hogg, while II tear in.listened his

t hud (letter

rdly kind t

r tempi,-.

Ihe learliil di-e

thought Din the Willie-si

' nmlln i . r much ,.1-eeeilliiK le

n| hi- im HI bill Ihe mm *■ wipe h

■ei-h." M


. Hogg, as '.Jr.

The ill.-wing wel eleetwl di:. ■■ Of 111-

lug. ■ ukm.i Im

. whin i in Th

M-iicd on Moml.it

murderer escaped.

Albert M. Smith, Hu- We-lll.-i.l i tempted lo imumit suicide M la. iiimiiinc, i hi-cell ill the jail at Spiinglicl.l. bill wa mind hy the jailor, n lug to he.

A eoiispiraey to aaaawlnate the Pre*ideal of Peru, h. means of Inrpeiloes pb.ecd mi the railroad,oier which lie was l.i ride, ha- U-CII

frustrated, and the leader- of the vein, nl ar- rested.

ll appear* from her i-onftwhm thai, during her enreer. Mr-. I.vdia Mi.-ruinli, the Ci.lilie.-li- eu! Ittirifla, murdered eight pcr«on«. and two j..-! imlireetli e.i.ne hi their death through

The -mall pox is almllna. in llaniror. Fifteen N,-arli .10,0(10 11m. of old tv|w death- haie isciiired -ince the diseiis. de (I- tH1.n -ciil to New York for Hie (i

npiMMWII.e. ami III. .-re I lae.llialc.l ,\ „|,llling mill Oil We

mined the oilu i night, hm

v- f..r Ihe dead Kx-Kniia

1 tin

11 "nl-v llav Stale Hank : (trnrge I.. Davis, ll.-iirv Bur

-eye-. At length Ur. Hogg, mastering „,„, jo-eph Shaitock.-lr., Luther l-ntd. Nathan-

altbrcaard — ■"'""-"• *1,1- """ '"' *** leBmlug some- bd (i. White, (teorae W. Hill-. Da.id S. Swan

. ... thm* "''r>' llHV • '"' l"1'1 l,'Hr"'''1 *"l ""''"•,l Wlllhuu A. Itu-ell. Ch.ule- A. Rrown.

SIO.....W. ,,',mI,l k,■,'', " "vnt- ,"' ,|i'1 '"" l,,H "mI lK The Lawrence Xallonal Hank ele.le.l Alfre. IMJII tl.- ease of the eon '""'■' "take a speech, hut he lelt their kinduc-s , i.-1-,.lll.[l IVtet Smith IOM-I.1I W Smith

loi Aldermen, look putr-e "^P'J-. Such exhlliitimis ..f kindness did milch ,,'„,.„,„, «-_ Ml.lhnl',, Jn,'lw-, A. Tii-ai, Jain.-

aldermen'M room, betbra "' siremriheii ihe lie lietwccu paator and people. i.„v[lt. Kdgar .1. Slier Frederick lluth-r

anipnw. ul I bee..iiini Ith-e, He hardly knew what to do with such gm.nl ,Vni » ('tork

inn ahaeni. Mr. Iturb-i, funilture; he soppoaeil he would now have to

,'ct a piano to match it; one thing alwayi

imither. He felt thai bin eougrepitiou

iiu Willie.-.--. 'Ihls was nbleeliil m In . ... I he dr.liiialu eiiieiluiniii. nl M. i ll .H ."-.uiii.l.r- g I. I «h. tier was argued ,,. ™*"**m Would oAfl occupy .he chair-; |m|| ,„, .,,„. v

ngth. T , l,.,-,le,-l,b-,l„,llo,.,-,,„t ,m* ""'■'- ««" ''"lt l Teuucnlly. He Ma-o„s, tea- lar^el. al.,,,.1.,1, Ihe au.lieiiee I,-

I, t*Mr. Iturle... Ahleminn Melvin -Inl 'l"".k.-d them kindly f„r their token of friendli- |M((l4W.|y nude u| .11 r h,-t eittz.-ns. The

IIK Ihal the enunnlttee emild -<■<■ im la-.ielleial rv- ">''"' u'"l rc-pect, and would ever hold the gift ill ,.„[,.„„!,„„,.„, consisted oft be MerihuiH of Veu-

lilel. pit

prepiirutlu the close.

The Dramatic Soiree.


—Silver WtsJ.llngs. -urpi i.-e part

pleasant things are in order, glvlmi

the wbitir evenlngn.

—Tbursihty un. iiained atler tl

which is prolmhly the i.-a-.m wl

Thor every Tl.urs.hiy.

—Sunday floard the auniitll wee

devoii and Ihe clergy "gem-rail

upon Ihe -ulijeit of prayer.

—The re.isoti people kn-k theh

generally in winter than in sum

pose i-. tn keep out the cold.

—The demand ut late lor the

lieket- ha- been exinior.liuari ,—

the reporter* didn't get any,

—The Christian Cuimi presents


rapidly uniting.

ho uia.li- a claim nil die

for damages to the unionnI

n sewer through hi- land

id didn't get, is a-klng Ilie

fi.r the amount,

gi'ntly with the Unerring;

e Fun.

e;ll Hm

but wtiile.vee.in ilml no fault with ihe Boston

Globe for copying from onr Hmue Onsalp with-

imt giving iTcdil.we d....!iject lo alteration of

items so a- In lo*e the point of a goak.

—There i- no triilh in Ihe -tulcincnl tlial City

Marshal Urntty lias n-igiied, and we have pret-

ty gmiil iiiilluirity for statin a Ihal lie doex not

ent,-i1iiln any such proramltton. Hut one As-

si-tnnt Marshal lias yet ln-cn ap|Kiiiiied.

—The ,-... iul a-s.-iuhly al the Franklin House,

mi We.lues.lai evening, iva- n pleasant nflalr.

F.xeellent ill lisle was funil-h.-d liy Osgootl ft

I.-I S]1]

ral'le ii

ml 1 Mr,

el Is-

■r under In Sing pri—ii raptured.

iana mi Honih governed,

The Central Hotiwai Rntlnnd, VI., linllv .|c-tr.ivc.| l.v lire Mon.lui Hiort.l 9W0O,

While drunk, Wllli Whaleu fi-.i/e i.i a.-tweh in New Ymk, mi S lay ui

The .-in debt of New York in.re.i- iiud a quarter millions uf dollars in IN;

More Carlisi trollhles in Spam.

(iold 113 1-H.


■ iimnlM>r uf -.

i. exclude nil Ilu

The eoimiiitlei

in nil nf portii—

II. A. Wui.w.

lilled Hint he re.

,-nl ul the last u

•niirc Ki'ptiMwe

l-h-te *

tlrst-ela-s eater

which Is hy no

■ mi Saturday.

II is eslii

. perial ivat i

h.irli . 1'etcl


"" ' ' '. ""( '-»""•"■;'■ r| , ",;M"V':;,1'"r,.' ' "; ",V,'",■ l"l'f:m,.l" *m.pla.-ed.«.the-gage in a earcfui maum-'r.aml | !««*■ " «'-"»' ..i,,,,. r. .uired .. e.mipM.. he |.„e,l Mr. ft Mrs. Hogg ,,„ ll.e reception ... the „ rb„,u,h..ul via. cs.ell.nl. Mr. ilo- ' They have in, age ,1, imnllle-'ll Khl It Impracticable valuable gill. He hud l.eeii invited to mine In, , , „ , , . . , .... ,, .■-„.., ..„. ,,,H..II- ...J , glesSinliM-k ".I- ll lua-lrrpieec <>| aetllia; the — I here was nil liuinei ot ..in ni in- v. ii.il n.i- tin- mallei-, din ha v in- . .. . . ... ... . ..

*IOIH ut,xli bile ->..,. ■,. imhiiiluahti m ihe neinr wa enlir.dv o-i m th. Hairi Ulu-Hlgood s van

.1.- -,„-.,.„..,..I.;,,,,- -"""-:'lr"-l"""1"""';»■ '" '""' J™- ''• ■ "«•■ »■''■ •■■« "'■"•«■■' "- «-u*n.w«t. i ibob-iil made nltl.l-iiii-.if their """"•' ,1,kl' 1,lu,v; ,"' ''"tnplimeliteil the

, ,,„, |,lllMi,.i'„| ,.|,.,.ii„n* ' lu,li*'" "" ""' ,,ki1"'"1 manner in which lliev liml

un. wa. .Hilt sworn, ami ..- k^ '"-ir seen-.. It was, perhaps, well to de- yu|> ,„

l.-d iii Ward f.mr; he was pre*. "■'*• ""r tnend* Mimetlmea, espeelally when Mi|, j,,,,!^,,,.,.

iniiclpul eleeii and voted tile such pleasant deceptions were practiced. He ,, . J. 'it .["I'VI""* ll'r "'l "l "l1 —SlM,n'lu'M M,-vs "'I'1"' 'Idling has 1

ti.-kei. had lung had HI. Interest In the welfare of the . " ''.' " ' ". ' '"' urt"'' u " *o ini^.pnlar in thi-city that wiisherwi

i.i t.-iiilc.i that in-resided H> Preshyteriaii MM-iety, anil wae glad to know that J_ nol n-e wop if lib In the shape of lain

on, in Ward lour. v..i,.d at the ft wu iii.urishliig ami Increasing; the blood, V"'". * _ .'. ~ .. —Among the arHelea aold liv a rtrec

li wln-ew"^ wt whM ™»itjtl.e.rin*«rihe.u.i™v™«,t- ^hJ\Mr ,„„„„„ L^X^:tJlZ\,m*tu^^™*M,w™ .,.imh,r.l i-ame in ihl- citi in W" *«■""''"•'■►'"H «'■"■. ami in cmnl.ig to this I ^ Jlm ,., _,_ |t ,'-,,,„,„,. „„, m,A„Mr,, „wl we -lumld call "pcihlling his own cam.

edhere since; huv. m in I l.v l""nlr-v ""' ■«** I"'"!'1'' "«• '""itghi with , „ nvhfK ,,,„„. M,nrV ,, r. T„(., „.„-,;,,.,„„

this mailer -everal lime*; have U"'"1 ',"" "!""">< *I'WI of religious worship (hrtablj Mlled with a veri atieiitlve aiidieii.-e.

t slating that I loh-.l ft.r Davis, wWeh was us conspieiiouh In Hie new world us it The year l-Ti lias been a very successful one al

ilher-. Voted at n lime; re. had U-.-u glori.ius in Ihe old. ; Riverside. The -.abhalh Hehotil wi ver In bet

a Mr, I'onre. and L.ok.sl al ihe Tile cmupauy then sung to the tune of East- «tr eomiltlon; Ihe Hun.lay service* nl-o are rerj

lug; ba.e UI.I *e..|. (be ticket gale with lilu- ell'eel:

lie -aid Dial I voted the -trnighl llebold bow go.i.l a thing it

I; kuon PMIIV; Kvnerall) look And how beaoming well

av voting ii, un.l rei il.er Together aueb as urelhran i

ity Indwell.

■1 I-i i i.e the .-eats ia Sa

-cr than III it pr,

unit, and the repn-.-.-ntatimi-were a coin- -p||t, ,.jtv |,|L, j,,(lll

leeeas. Miss Agnes Dana sang ut inter- 11„|. week, the lust iri

evening to the great delighl of Ujaal,—Xa»l>r*n ledu

the audience. A duett sung hy Mr. A. \V.

Mi-s Dana, was well reitdeml ami

heartily aplilaiiile.l.

-i.le Mis- :

.ell attended, Ilu- friends

great 1iil.-r.-l In lb ,

The Missionary, hi his i

trilmie t.> tlie character ami

i.l iii-ighhor- taking

.tenth nt Washington, i Citi. 'flu work n mi the railwnv> sum-red ■ terfil.li.

(ieorge .Sherliurne, a iunrri.il mini, who re-j eeiitly ran uwuv IWim Conennl, N. 11., withal. young girl nameil Josephine Drew, wa- urn-ted . ■it Jerscv Citi, Moii.hiv night I Is held I'm .'. thearrl.al of Coueonl nlHccrs. Ilni Uuir.i.-.l ' tor a short time In Jererv .it., when the unl Ml.ldelilv died, uii.l Sli.Thuruc iv.-ni In I'hlbi.l, 1- ' phia, returning Mmi.hu i.L-l.t. n h.u In- -i..- ,.i rested.

The Hm -pii'lal cmumiil.-e on the Ihlllor law ' g.lle |l In-iirlllit lit Ihe Moil- ll.oi- i mi Tin-.I.l. , ■ ] on Hie peilii.ii. ..i ilu- Teutiwtniin . Alliance, for Hi.- reimil in* the clause in Hi.- |irv*cnt liipim I' hm, which alhiws thesah-of la-er. N up- pt-ared In re tr.it. . and ihe licariu:.' chawil; ' ' the committee w ill dmihtlc-s report f.i.nral.lv mi ,' Hie petition. j1

In the c. s. Senate un fue-da., Mr. Hhcmwii, i' frmii tin- Fi ee C. iltee, i le a return m- I eiiinpaiileil liv u re-iilutimi, declarili-; that the Seeretarv nf ll.e Trea-iin ha- not |M,IIYI- under' ll.e existing law, In i—II.- Inlinl .Male- iiolet- , for am |Hirti. f the frntv-t - nnlli lollars ' In notes earn elted II Hi lei' the act of June. IrJUfl, |'

When the C. M. Sen it.- n.i- .-.ill.d toj.-ih. r

Wl ar 1 nl | | VII nlnrd Hie ticket.

ll ir tl ul i. lid llll lb. mime, on

>r , In ... W ul : -Mr. Vbite t-ld

ourt II m- «l nial .. uautavh

,;:; lie

"" K Ing f.

.it 1 Hit si iilgt'l repuld -an ticket

le Ipnl

ii| " l; i-uted

it oi


for nil the

Jti-c-ii ed

ll. II -n \ . 1 fa ill'. Ward

hi 1 .-1 ell ml .r II ||w A Mermen

After liirlbe

ime spent in m


eial <


ml a short

itlon, the company

tl.lt cill I



■ Tamil


Also th. ,hi. some time OK1* left

cry highly -pollen

. addre

St. Mary's Church. It.ibiii.-tm, a f.muer ■uperlntendeni

A great w ..rk is being done nl Iti1

— ■ — friends Who .-nine from the city t-i

This magnificent structure, situated at ihe teachers In the Nolibath school, Iut

corner of Hninpslilrc ami Haverhill Streets, and ■ In lie eii.-ouniged.

one of the grandest am. most Imposing religl.

ciinecs in this purtiilMassacbusetts, has reef

ly liei-n mn.li Improved hy Hie addition

stained windows with ngnres. These wlndt

are nine in number, and situated in Hie east

S-nun; llnniiMtv.—The mark.', of Mr. Wiley,

on Newhiiry Siren, was broken Into Sunday

luorntng, alstut one o'clock, ami annul thirty-

ll..- dollars laken ir the inonev drawer,

tlie church, Hu- ul them la-lug behind mid wlllV" *

^ 1 above the altar. The cenire one of these 'has n •'•*" •'<■'

,. full length ligttre of the Virgin which is most l""'ii.ls

I laauitlAlUy executed; the window on the right "tl'1

IS broken Iron, lb

i.ster-, weighing

was removed Inn

ml tilings geiier

A 1



of this has a figure of 81. Augustine, ami the Marshal ll.-atty waat-alled In, ami atler careful

n-xt mi the right, lias a figure of the mother of examination, stated tut Ihe rolihery was prult-

St. Auglutlne, St. Monica. The window mi the »■»•>' mnun.tle.l l.y n.nio small laiy. Mr. Wi-

lett nl Hu- central one has u llgure of n't. Nil li- li'-v Ihought it must nave been quite a lualthv

..In* of Tnl.-iiiiiie. disilnguislied for his l«-iie.o-1 'hihl who could cairi a two hundred |HIIIIUI can

let.ee ami charity; the next window on the left [ of oysters fro e runnier h. another. Al ihe

has a figure nf St. Thomas of Villanuvu. The ^'"v "' lllr "dda-ry, Ihe lady residing over the

window hm lug the painting uf the Virgin Mary, j "tore heard some |n,-oii moving alsuiit to-low,

him thai lie wa- mil listen III it ft. u prayer. illll.ll.il..Ill- W'llll relu-i hi |..in in in Lou ll.e -Ir

'lb.- steamer Kdgar Stuart, which recentIv lite HI—ed tl bill for .he an- ^ ""r

-ailed Iron. A.-plnw.ill and Carthageiiu, uith n lull cargo of arms au.l .niiiiiuuiti mid -..m. 40 recruits fir the Cilh.in rcinlulioui-l-, umlel- thc t'nlii:. Ibiicr.il Agueni, lias suei-essftill. Inmled nil her cargo on the Cntoiii cui-t. • -M.J.M. ■

The piano stock imiuiilaetorv nl Parker ft !\i i nf Ilu h.igu- Ahler-

Vimng.of Lisiimi, X. II., was hnrm-.l mi Satur men, D.i.lge i '.1 rnrin-v i their Mills an. the same building wa. de-lro.ed, caii-iii^ a lo.. ■limting ui Int-

... aU.ui S!,'SSi. AUmttivcim men ,in lluowu -, 11 h.-n-111, rude* 1-llHIIKI* nauu- up

..ui ..I employment hi the lire. work in lb.

-eleel c ttee oil li-liipel'.lliee, M 111. h iolisi-l. 11 ( llllll- 1 1* I'. of live im-llllieri nil Ihe l„ll'l of the Senate, and Ill ../.-o did VI .Hi" ill in Im Itiug .Mr. Huh- the 1.1*1 ele

oil.-slions lel.lt imt In teuiiiei aloe an.llll. i.rnhih- 1 Instill In a ue.. IKIIII waul

,'nii law will to- refemd. 1 til Ilri.ge 1 i lln- nit.'Iii| 1 III i.lfsfl |l l.v |', '""' '''"'

A to.ud.iu Mtci stale. Ihal Iti-m.irk'- retire- chiirglnganot n.illee de-i

aighl l(e1 Ilruii I|*l

| was presented I.

Hint touring the llgur

n'longing to the

k'S ; the

iirr Hie election, In I.l 1

le-p.-Viilo cll'.irl l.i el.-.

Itillliriek, who, with tlie exeeptii.l

.ear, has l.eeii Citv Ma • hai of IJ

IhTJI, bus this week Inn appoint,-. stable tor Lssex rouflv, ami I'Utci

t. i hit otiieial Inmihaiar era will though lie will still n-i. ■ in Lain

crate in all portions nl .he conn Isoneol Hie most .Jtlei -nl mill e

Ijiwreiuc has everlun .iii.l we

In- Is tn enutiiiiic In II o-ilimi t.

seellm imiflirtalle ft ■rogue* <

eripllmi. Tlie HtllN I'm v lire for

curing un oltleialM.thoi uiglily c.i|


il Slat

at Sak'in,

e, mill op-

The Col.

■rl ollltvrs

glail that

i-r tin- lleniiK-r

i 1.11.HI in clu,

ngladiesofihe ehnrrh;

si. August hie by the

hai ..f St. Monica l.y the mnr-

herswere Ihe gill nf the eun-

ricgatlmi generally. In tVmii uf the altar ami

ni Ihe same lei el are two window each akin,

j"' '""" ea.h wmdow liaiiug a figure of two of the e.nu-

*l Fnur swlk'ts. The window on the south, toars the

-hatoln figure* or Matthew ami Mark, ami Hun un the

ill.a un* ' ""till of Luke ami John. Hie -work in these

■■ignited I wimhiws h exquisite, ihe heads being remark-

In rlgtit; I nl.lc f,,r the utteiitlm. given to detail; eucli of Ilie

'i"4 J faces wear* a benign expression; the .-yes are

| life like, and the whole eHVet beautiful. The

*"1'"'1 ''' I work Is hi a lluvarlan artist brought from

""" "", Munich for Hie purpose of doing sneli work, liy

*B1^j"*| the New York house wldeh funilshed the wln-

Ibc lulu- ' dows. These arc said tn he the Dnesl specimens

em,let nf glass painting In the conn try . Two windows

- ..count have al-u IH-CII placed lu Hie Imnsepl. Hie gill of

placed.: ihe children. These windows are of the star

Merrill. |N.tteiu with ligures of ung.-l-. That in Ihe north j Di'tunn Partridge. Ah

III* rc-i tnlll!.rl„ „„„ contributed liy Ilie laiys of the ! trhlge was smldenl.. -tricken with a chill, which

i-lolime „.||1B1|| ,„„, ,,,.„ hl ,hl. ,,,,,,1, trm.scpl hy the severely |iro.-traleii lim. Since that time his e„n-

!»TL!!!!!! i :rirl'- ''''"' "IIur "f l,lr church is a heauntul I dlthai has IMMMI SIII I a-. I . alternately excite the

f (lirthlc wooden work; the i-nnlng hopes and fears or Jls friends, lie is at pr,.-

edlngly line, ami giving evidence of enl very wenk, mil unable in lake food, and

■•I, bin lo Ilie la—I K'''ut skill In the execution; Ihe wood work is ' (ears are eniertaiii.il ol cmigc.-iiou. Although

luted th.- -n night coiered with gold leaf, and the effect, cn|>cclally | bis phj siclaii i- ...it iiitliuul hu|ie of hi* rtcui-

wheii the altar camlles are lighted, is rharte and cry, hi- ...udition ii very erllicnl.

ided in l.aiiret iM-antlfUl. The lover of art will Ilml much to in-

■e years in Ward ,,.,,„, „M,| ^t.|Uf||| him in the interim- of this

.ii th- Hc|i..hlieai. |nlljrn||((V„| imiiiiing. Father Ollniore, the pas-

pa hie ;

.-.., Mr. l'a

NIK ..Ilie.

21, aim hull

I this

Cllll ,ells pi. t-d in Hie belfry, wl cb i

Fun:.—The aliirn ft

past nine o'clock! on Thursday night, was

caused by tlie dlseiv. ry uf a lire in Hie chemical

room nf the Paciilt mills, sllmited at Ihe west-

em end or the inifls, When the lire was lirst

discover,.I Hie srmke was -a dense thai It was

nl -I itupossllae to nseertnhi iis precise locn-

Hon. The lire .k-partiu.-ni tunud out promptly

range. Wc lmpe to s,T Si. Ma

III ln-lls to-lore Inug.

<".ity Governmoni. Ibi.lllinl Al l.l.l:ill.v.

W.-dii.-.lai Kvn'g. Jan. IS,

-■•on s vded I inn:.- 1 e HAUI, It

ed ft

(lie -lore ;

ill In I.. I


—Mi. L. II. lb. worth has Ink

HI Fssex Street, ni-ently ...-.-,

lie Mars ft I'o.,when be will curn

tiom-ry liusim—. Mi". Ins-worth lias he.u

iicctci will this branch of trade to lore, a

quite C UC ten I to llUlliagC il sllces-lully

store presj.t* a mat mid uttrai live ajipc.it':

ami l.ls stuck nf confectioner.. Is large an.

rl.-.l, un.l iiiiiinices ihe to-st quail ties »(

■ kind, .fg.i«is.

rue-.lay night was iin.itlier.il'thoseglorioai

rr evenings peculiar to this climate, am

lovers ol'sleinh riding took Oil vantage nf it.

Partlnw's hand I

Huso was the snider

—Hi the exercise

by .leteriulu.itli.il un-

cial knowledge Of

might to- i-i-sihlc tn

Hall placed a little c


—It is an evidence Hint the tastes of peoph

; differ, when, even in snidile, dllferenl menm

are selected, lu the three eases Ihal have ...-

use.I i. mxor, auotlier arsenic, and the last i


—There was eonslderaMc dlwirder and IIOIM

made liy immg rowdies nt the meeting of tin

!i'empemme Hefo'nii Club, ul the City Hall, o.

' Sunday evening. This Is the lirst time thew

"■ —Spurqnes thinks ii unrensotialdc of his wife

der nf a ciinmauity de- to (hid fault wltli him for attending minstrel

peml largely upon the fear and respect the erlm- show-, and attending indie- to their bouies. He

iually .lis|M.seii entertain for the poUee fone. mVa no giutleman should allow a lady ueqiialn-

—In consequence iifill health, Mr. J. C. Bow- tanec to Inmvc the perils of a lonely walk to her

ker has toen compelled lo resign the Irea.-nrer- knlglngs.

ship or the Lawrenee Temperance Reform club, — Louis Well ft Co. are soon to occupy the

—If Mansard roofs were as bad in lire* as j eorner store In Sounders block, where I bey will

Mansard bats are at an entertainment, we tin ; make a specialty of keeping the liner class of

no. wonder thai they have IKKIIIIW unpopular. ; gentlemen's furnishing goods. Such a store

-It is complmicutury In the thrill of Clu '" """^ ■»*«*. «•■ *"' '"' '""»> "1'1'reciutcd

people, thai nearly one half of the inluil.itauts j ,IV ""' lm,,lic.

of Mfthsuehuselts, are savings bank dejwsltor*. ! —The arguuieiils in the contested elc'elion

-The .Vii/otc/l-ia-l- of the I it of pounds ten made on Monday. Those who read

In pork and beef represented by the new police Col. Sherman's eply' Mr. Mm will doubt

v little of its brain and at.lli- ilusH "-r''1',viI" « i" t,M "P""0" """ Dr' FrentH

: niitile ii happy choice in selecting Col. Sherman

■undue! lire ease.

lent given hy Uloodgood and

un.lei- Hall mi Wcdnesd;

—Dr. Holies in his lertnres, said little al.

the ton of gravitation. Hut people arc rinding*! ~~"K

out all alsiut ihls Uw, who ncramtailme u> side- illi" ",i,l!-

' „ . ,411 ,,,,-, ,, kind; the iiu.lieiu-.-wii-not large, hut it was in — 1 he Hoard nl Aid.-r;;u n . ml, lid. tinend to | , , .

. . ; ten-.-li ;i|.|.n , i.itue, and each pc.t.irmi'l ri make U Ulipiissib c 1..r Ue. -anti (iirls to p lav ..... ,

' . i reived hi- meed ot praise. truant,a- thev haie ap|. ted sl\ Iniaii! ot- ' Uivl., j —On a certain street in ibis city, in front of

the door of a ptiyslcluu, there is a lieuutiful

-licet nf the -in.H.ilii-si and most slippery let

that could isissibly to-seen; the street extends

tVom tie door of Ihe pliy.i, Jan In th.

late C i

lo to ..veil,

I th. Iinnmen-

id a sleigh'ride


Maunders Hall

other day, when -he had mi

—Our high s.l 1 -

in the |,owvll I'HUeii,

Paper Society,'■ when

Ihal city,

holars i

calling t

— Kven t.-etolaler Inrik

bar., on Tuesday eve

Inns uf music over wl

delight fu! l.v.

—The F.lceli.in Col

ing; im ich Mi-s

liieeH tin- —The ehandelk-r will Ire lighie.l in the

M1 Hall mi Kattinhiy night, on Ihe uevaslo

i Nasby's lecture. This will Ire ihe fust time of

e and up- j ibghtlng the ehnndelter nf a lecture. .An np|s.r-

-rtaiiiiiu-ni i tmilly „tn,|m. i9ath>rdetl of examining the

. Tuesday j „llt, i.m,i,( (j|- ,m. brilliant light mi the Iresco

I painting.

- what lire - —C'lanrlarM Cole i-nmmllteil n theft in a hole!

- suhl the ul Manchester, N. IL, a few days ago, ami I. .1

■ointment of a police other

Aldermen, Wednesday

resident of Venn, ail, wa*

United States s,

Brown, of this eli

lirst lleulenant.

tide Ilu

i lit II, v.



i luster next day.

—These are to-utilHul evenings for sleighing

parties, and they nn- being well Improved, A

bright niiimi, clear rmnl, fast nag, and mure

Hum all, a pleasant compunfon, lake away all

reali/Jitiiiii •,( Jack Frost,. Hut Jenks says II

is rather rough wlieii he is obliged to take bis

girl ami tor sister tiai.

—In the 1'opplewt II—Fisher report, al Ins inn

mis made to Ihe nssertimi of Mrs. Fisher, that

Mrs. Ptipplcwill complained lu c,,|. iteul that

-he, Mrs. Fisher, kept liquor for suit*. Cnl.

Heal denies Ibis statement, saying he knew

Fisher kepi liquor, and made Ihe selaure, with-

out any in format km ol Popplewell.

y large -I, ighing pany,

SI. Patrick's cliureli, toi

-siiieiil. all laid

killing i 111 III .in- lujUilu

The e 1 in,mi

goiemi cut. 1,1-1 .eill, ..

tor* le-- Hi.III urn

i Hiturilav last.

n t(e head, and Ilu



1'.. A ..Mi

KM .an. ..i N.w

riu i n. I.. rceill il.

kan-a- i r. s. no.ip- i

' illr. si IT. !H:

i. -i.-lii tariil oil i sing the Main

(he Poll,!'- Of

KdllillMllllll. special

tl.,.1. II Parker. Th

., William P. Fro-

■ other bud hi- stoaiId-

ler and sfniv of Ml rib- hmkcii. Dr. s.irgeui

is athii.ll.g Until. Notwithstanding these ar.

eldeufB, in.- allletsisl.

-Mr-. Ada Howies, ur Cambridge, « ill ireen-

' py the dllk ol the Ciiiicr-ull-l eliur. I Sun-

day; -In will preach n sermon In the ruing

, at hall ) U.I ten o. lock, ami in the evening al

half iia-t -is

us lot eim

I the Boston mid Maine

i set I tlie right, u.ul will at

- will, ihe Miller pl.iif.iru..

- .lull, the -eetie uf high i nriii-

niiei. nf fu.-t horses. Friday

slllliaU'il then- nere um- huii-

atliie physicians are moving for

I <>( a Suite in-titulioii fur the

pure an i ma I vi- I .11-1 1 1

pur) HIS

imephT. Mdi

i, .lames Head '

■Ids, .lame* A. I till

in Hyde. .I.ihii un

unlli, K.lw.-ird „|-

ietvclghrl il. ,.

M. . pr

e i.Il.liihlllec

llll me si,I' (In

..fit- liielho.l.

I she i


and Army

-vliigfund ,

—t'ul. K. .1. Shenimn and K.T. Hurley, Ks.|.,

are alIM<nt iipiinaii.il to Washington. Their

presence in thai ■ ity lias nothing ft. do with

the Credit Mohiller liivistigullon.

—There Is quite a revival at the Koulh Con-

gr.'ga.imial . linn h, nl which Hcv. Chirk Carter

has assumed ilie pu-toriite. This is a happy

r.-nll of the wick of prayer, just eloseil.

—A -ingle apolh.'cuiy istahlisl.ment in this

.ill, sell, live llmu-aiid cigars, ul live rents

apiece, eat li miiiitb. A-ide I null this, Hie linn

bine a large sale uf higher priced cigars.

-The Directors ul" the toiwrence National

Hunk mi Tuesday i leeteil Dr. French nt Presi-

dent, un.I the Interiors ol (he IVlulrertiHI Nu-

ll.-mil Bank elected L, ii SplllgUc I'rc-ltleiit.

—There ay Ihe I -mid eliildnu in tlii-cily


—A v


—Judge Stevens Is uf opinion Unit the doeUel

uf his t'ouvt will not sliow a larger number uf

cases .. I.it.ii.k. nn.— with the IKx- side of beer

than ii lili the sale prohibited. His Honor dues

not lake into consideration Hie weight of influ-

ence the temperance refnr veuieiit has lu

li.lciill. mil.ing their ride one nf Ihor- probably feeling ih

kiln H,i

,1 dauelii

se, and after sup|>er, music,

wire quite in order. naked the first cr

dim, cify.


uf live mid lillee

.ii-iiii. I lend H-IIOO th..,

ft,ii hi Mr ll-, in ,,;|,i-

e.m. l,.-i., , vhleiieSof

-labll.h :i .liiligerou- pr

H.I im. I..-I auk, tor keeping ;

the illloi.c.1; Ihe WTilTT

li.,. IK..

1 Ibe hull.,

la-l, ...'«

hen-bi ar pbu

... t.

city h. Tu.-d.i- -. th.- -uhjeci ,., "l"-1. - ,"|"V„i.-.

cd"!n 'o.c"hnnd- m , »tal W" Vsiopi, jual^s. '" ^Z,

m-mrLid r''L!d , -M,J 'i-truhblh^-nniland , „ ,h. A in . or K M Moor... ,ll'rk "' ''" ''"IUt ''' ""' '" :'l"','"l ,n '"' ctl-v '' '"'-'" "'"' ,i tl.ev iii-n he de i -'1 prerrtiT, lin'tl Mr.' tt 1*. IhqrhillS |wrfiinn» tli* j n|-pi'l''cl *»**

d ui the place. ..1 ' duties luctiiili.uc. lal.

iphll - in thi- city, -lumld Aqua

hr their .harivr, wbltb *le|

iiplutcd b> thai or-.ii.iiiiliou

liiiitgiw gentli in.-liimiics thai

'","1" - " "" hai, remarked IhaJ mi Hie day it

'"I:1,,,: It..a

. . ■e-w-iiHid a IIU> had .a mm

—Hcv. Chirk Carter, who xappUetl Hie desk

at the Central Cuugrcgulimiul Church during

tlie uliM-ncc nf the pastor, Rev. Mr. Park, the

pa'sl seas.ui, has iiceepted a cull to the piistt.rute

of ihe South Congregational rhurch, and as.

slimed Ihe duties devolving thereon. Ibe for-

mal liis.ullmiim w ill occur at nn curly day.

— lu turning the corners of streets, parlies

driving sleighs should he careful; Hu,

nf snow at lie ero-siug- :

dnngrnats, A genth*ninn was throw

hi-sleigh ihls luoriilng, turning the corner of

Essex and Ncwlairy streets, and ktrlkblg on his

faee received sonic injuries, nut serious, how.

—The nn-etlngoflhe TeinperanceRi-fomielnli,

at the . liy hall, on S lay evening, was largely

attended, as 11-1111!. Addresses were delivered

hi Major llrnwii, ami Pr..f, Krauae. Both gen-

11,1m n iiere curii,-i nod chNnient, and their re-

mark* were listened to with much atlcnii.m.

](, 1. Mr. llayddi will speak l>eli.re tire el 11b

next Sunday evening.

— A- there has lueii a desire expressed liy

main ft. obtain tickets fur theeelelir.itiun uf the

Burns* anniversary, al Ihe Franklin II.

tli, Llil, ins)., we may state that tie

the iieeuilou may lie bail by applying

Taylor, of Messrs. Taylor ft Bolt on, Mr. Koto

crt Chri-iie, of the Washington mill-

MeAlb-ier, tiur.l... street.

-An ngc I lte.li.aih ft Hull was in the .Ity

Moml.11 lor ihe purpose 1.1 nrnnigiug for a coarse

of le.iiircs lit Hie eminent naturalist, Dr. Lto II.

He ii-ii.,1 Hi.- Supt rinliiuhnt of school*, and

prim ip-,1 ,.l the (iriimiiuir sdlool, un.l received

tin..ruble .mi-i.Uriiiii.il frum these genUemeni

ll .- lls.il.ht Ihal it uiU.be advisable to ii.ue Jnring vacation.

—A geiillcinnii lu this city * holm* la-en in

he habit of wearing a shucking Imd ha: the

11.1111,1 Hull he. I.ili'l nltiir.lu n.woue, uas

ellghtcil h.iecive an elegaul ilnipeuu us n

resent from Ills wife, a few days agoj he i- as

mud of It a- u l.iy over Ids tlr-t sled; the Joke

r the thing i-, however, that the liul was pur-

tiii-ed with money taken hi small sums from

1 is vest iMickcl while he was usleep.

—S.oi-.-l.ce|iers ea I U' ton iiir.-ful in watch-

ing -liulige eilslotuers whn enter their -I.ire-.

' u.it sehl Hull unifies are stolen by |rer-

■ wl irtkenhul.il nf entering stores and

ing giaals, jllsl h. secure an nppnrliiiitlt tn

,1. in ihi* way -..me thief nr thieves stole

three pairs uf punts from the dialling store of

\V. It. Spuilldlllg this week. The pants were

missed until too Into to discover wh,. stole


■The other ilny a purty of young men going

m the train from toiwreuiv to Huston, Were

laying ,-uchre in Hu- simiklng cur, when the

oiuIiut.tr cm ue around In mll.-ct hi- fares.

'Tickets, geuHeiiien!" said ihe einuludor. Dm1

if the curd players was at Unit m,uncut engaged

11 exaiiiiidiig Ids cards, and lieurd not. Kuil-

Iculy he looked Up full at tlie cmiluetor, mid

i:„ 1 ims. ' N .;*-. tort real the :-on- The ,»'ber sat down sud.lcnlv. and put In

liu-ftir, -we ask half hire fr. lergyine..." ^^ u.niml ,„.,. w|lfk. JfAmy „.,.,„ „„ w„

—In 11 ilisc.mrsi-011 Sunday last, die pastor of t,j. 1,

me of our dty churches, ranking as the

Meal, remarked ;—" If a man

that ihe man was frightened is hut lo express in

a mild way Ids feelings. He looked at bis foot,

and then ut the pistol, and at length came to the

ivmriiislun to relieve his overcharged feelings

with a healthy scream; this was tin- signal for

actk.li mi the par! of the young man whn owned

the revolver; he threw up Ids anna and minted,

never thinking of his drink. Dr. Ordway fortu-

nately happened to to- lienr and rendered assis-

tance. We did not learn whether the young

man got bis drink or nol.

— A buy in a Sundae School class in thi.- city

was i.liscrved hy bis teacher on Sunday lo be

smiling w ilhinit any apparent cause. The

teacher—a young lady, by the way,—was not

disposed to allow such e Imt 10 pass unno-

ticed. During Hie period Spent in her class she

was responsible lor his manners, his moral* and

his religion, and feeling the Importance of thin

weight of responsibility she asked sternly :

"Wluii are you siiiilini: al, Jol y f"

"Nnthiii', muni," said Johnny.

'■I know to-tfer." said the teacher, severely.

"You were smiling at something. Now tell me

Instantly what it was,"

Johnny looked frightened as he stulterbigly

said, "1—I—s-.-ie yer n-newspapers s-sth-klng

strnlghtesl Kt

say tome,* I love the Lord Jesus with nil 111

heart,' to him will I extend my liaiul as to

Christian In-other; ami though lu tlie nes

iiiuiiinit he declares, ' 1 um n Catholic, a Un

tartan or a L'tiiversallst,'yet will I not wittolrm

Hint hniiilj if he really lines Jesus, his ow

—A couple residing lu this eity haveun iuter-

cstlng child alittleovern rear old. They have

lieen anvious thai the child should leu 11 to walk

alum-, m-d many hours have they spent trying

; to make tin-little thing walk unaided; but li

persistently refused to do SO, and unless grasp-

ing the hand of one of Hie parents, or a friendly

•hair, would not trust itself on its feet. The hear) tools in unison with thai m the Master, j ihtm.r d-T t|w 1|U)l)„,r „.„„ ()|]t vi>lti ||n<] „1t.

am! he is uiie of l.ls."

—Two very Important items were telegraphed

aeru-s the Atlantic cable utter the death of Xa-

puleon. One was Hint death was lln- immediate

result of a cessation nf the action of the heart,

and the other that if he hadn't died when he .11.1

his death was only a question of time. These

einiml us of a story told of a physician of this

ity, who, when vi-iting a patient whn was in a

longerons eondlthm, said to him, "It is now

nine n'eloek, and if you do not die before twelve

will to' living at that time."

The annual mooting of the Board of Trustee*

father was nt hmue enjoying himself with a

newspaper, while the child was playing on Ihe

Moor. Slid.bi.iy the child gut up and walked

towards him in the coolest manner p.,--il,le.

The surprised father dropped his paper, and lu

hi. dressing gown and slippers, without his bat,

rushed out of the house and op the street at a

fearful rale of speed, his dressing gimu Hosting

horizontally behind him. Hushing Into the

house in which his wife was visiting, wit limit

knocking at the door, or in any other w..y un

mum. Ing his arrival, be burst Into the parlor an

ns um, li to the terror us the surprise of the in-

of the Public Library was held on Tuesday mutes. His wife thought htm mud, and turned

evening, Mayor Turto.x presiding. Capt. Hoi- ' pale, us she rose with a frightened air, and

lins, Scrrciiiry, presented an interei ting report, "»**' «*** »'"■* Hieiuuiter. Pausing a moment,

which wa* adopted for presontatton to the city to catch hli breath, Hie happy father screamed

council, giving an historical sketch of die libra- ; triumphantly : "Hoi,/'* "'"Kerf aUue."

ry, ami Its predecessor,—the Franklin; the li-j —People often set traps for others In which

brarian's retain was also snlnulttetl, the particu- J they get caught Hieiuselves. One of the Isaanl-

lur-of wlii.h in-haveiintici|iiit,-i[ in our weekly lersln a certain bouse In this city is emirtinga

reports. The ollltvrs und eoininiltees of 1M72 young lady, and of course j* often lale in coin-

were re-clccied for lite current year. | ing home. Some nr the other Ixiarders have

—Tlie arrest of the two gentlemen from 1 'wen awakened by Ids nocturnal footsteps, ond

Oroveland for fast driving through ..ur streets, just !..r ihe fun of Hw thing the breakfast table

should receive 1111 ,-\plaiiuti as the parties fonversatlon bus turned upon Hie topic of the

were well known mid res|ieeie.t in their own 'over's hue incomings. One towrder—a gentle-

ill of thought-

lessness. There were two parties in two sleighs,

passing up Fssex street, nml when Die sleigh

ses House the party In advance were called ii|>-

011 tn stop, bul not hearing Hie call, the party Iti

the rear increased tlftlr apewl lu order to over-

take llumi, and while so doing wen. arrested by

the <.Ulcers fur fust driving.

-The memlK-rs of AtlanticS. F. E. (".....-

piin.i, enjoyed a sleigh rhle on Tuesilay afWr-

iKN.ii, - from this illy to Nashua, N. II, They

were uec..ui|inni,'il liy two of tlie engineers, Cnl.

Beal, ami Mr. James A. Met.ulf. They had

previously tclegriipto-.l in-lrtietiuns to Nashua,

ninl n turkey supper was awaiting them nt the

Trcimuii House, which was etijojcil, the drive

throngh the keen air having whetted th" appe-

tites of Ihe purly. Alter .-upper they mice

mure took ilu- mud, and after a pleasant ride,

arrived in ibis city at an early hour next morn-


—The Inslntineiitiil mush- at the entertain-

ment given l.y Pho-uieluu lodge of Masons, al

Saundcrs Hall, on Tuesday night, which was

furnished hy Akeroyd ft Stewarts,m's band,

was of an unusually excellent character. The

iiuipiininifilts es|n-eially were i-ouspieuuus

for their harmony wltli Hie singers, a deshlcra-

Imn always to Ire tlesired, but very seldom so

happily attained. Ii was certainly no ordinary

pleasure lo aeciiiiipiiiiy sneli slugi-rs, ami the

vocalists probably thought thai Hwa* certainly

nn ordinary matter to have such an aeconipnnl-

—Children will nsk strange nucHtlons, A lit-

tle tojy in this city, having to-eu called upon to

..die ' This 1

no*. i bul, uh!


ho ci



or woman'* resource* ? The mother patted lier

hoy un the bead and said i "I UppOMthal when

the i-hlldreuof our first parents need.il In lie

...eked, Adam anil Kve asked Ihe One that was

Ato-1 to do it." The hoy rabpaad Into a At of


—At Hie house of Mr-. Bailey, Nn. 2 Com-

mon striH-l, a pleasant party wa* gathered on

Monday evening. Ii was a reunion of all Mrs.

Bailey's obi Wilder*, ami then' were nearly

.me hundred and fifty young Indies ..,,..1 gentle-

men present. The evening was pleasantly

pa.-sed, with music, games and other amuse-

ments. Refreshment* were served during Ibe

all. Few are Ihe landladies more respected

than Mrs. Bailey, and this gisal feeling enter-

tained dwherhy her Imardcrs, springs IV,,111 the

fhi-t that her emisiant aim is to make her

house for them a hmue.

—The rxrellciil sleighing is bring well lin-

proved by both private Individuals and large

parlies. Tlie large .-leigl.s of our stable keepers

are in demand almost nightly. On Friday even-

ing last n large party of ladies, whose only nialc

attendant was the driver,arrived in thi* tit.

from Haverhill, and paid the |«roular .lining

si.looi. of Col. Drew a visit, where an ample

collation was discussed. A second sleighing

party from the same city, comprising many mer-

ehaiils nml th.-ir ladies, also 1 islteil the Colonel's

•lining rooms on Monday. On the tame even-

ing a lively purl", from Lawrence visited Lowell,

paying their respects to Mr. Goo. C. Prince, of

Mar-tmi ft Prime, formerly of this city.

—Tim following Is Nu-by'sitoscrlpiiim of Han-

nah June. "Hannah Jane was a girl of seven-

teen,—thai age at which no many maiden- re-

main sn many years. She was a glurlmis crea-

ture! of medium height, plump, but not gross,

finciuu nose, a kissnble liiniith, la|«r lingers,

bu/cl eye-, pure r.d and white complexion, the

figure of B Venn-, us graceful In movement as a

panther; in short, 11 girl for whom any matt

would dc~ert not only his father un.l mother,

tort htogrnndfuthertmil grandmother, and even

n-i-epl a mother-in-law, provided she was old

man noted for keeping good hours, and for the

general steadiness of Ids deportment, remarked

t miller, yesler.lay morning; "1 think you

ought to caulinn Mr. II. iigulust making such a

mils., at night, as you are usually up isle." "I

certainly shall, Mr. M." said Hie gentleman,

"whenever 1 gel a elmnee." True to bis prom-

ise he sat up lost night, ami as the small hours

uf the morning appruaeJiod he beard n stealthy

step coming up stairs. Nearer ami nearer it

came until ii reached Hie Boor upon which the

gentleman was watching; then suddenly llimw-

iug.iptu Ids dnor he said: "Aint you ashamed,

Mr. II., to lie coming I.nine so late ;" There

was u.i reply, ami on looking tn see who the

niHiiiriNil arrival uas, the gentleman fmin.l it

tins mine utlier than Mr. II. himself. And so

it turned out thai the early morning noise* were

not made hy Mr. H„ hut by Mr. M. Another

tuple lilts to-en selected for break fust table eliat,

nml Mr, M. swallow* his mulrlns with ml air of

sadness that touches tlie hearts of the other

—On Tuesday some excitement was created

hyadug light mi prospect Hill. In the first'

place, the dog.-—largely differing in size, by the

way—got to fighting under the very heels of 11

bom) atUclied to a butcher wagon. Their

snapphlg, snarling, biting nml toirkiug fright-

ened the horse, ami he bepni lo curvet around

in 11 prmui-ruons manner, threatening destruc-

tion lu the wngmi and Hie safety of livstnmler-.

The driver, thinking the Irest way to pacify the

home was to separate the dogs, used his whip

freely upon them, They did nol mind lids any-

more Hum they would have dune 11 lly's caress,

hm continued to tight. A medical gentleman

happened along ut tills lime, and jumping out of

nil sleigh, attacked the belligerent canine* with

Hie tout cud of his whip, gently- caressing the

ear of ll.e largest uf Ihe two, who, on this hint,

censed his howling nml lay iiencefully iluwii.

Tills gave Hie little dog un advantage, uud he

a vnilcd himself of ll, seising his proatiate oppo-

nent liy Ibe throat. The I i.«-tm looked sadly nt

the llllle dog n moment, than I.e raised his whip

ami the little dog thought he would also take n

sluirl repo*e. Hut all this had caused a deal of

notfc, which frightened the Doctor's horse, and

he nut away. The hatcher*! horse nut liking to

be left out, took ihe hit between his teeth and

started also. The Doctor started ufter bis horse,

fell and broke his whip handle, mid at hist ue-

eouiils the least injured purtics to the affair

were the dogs themselves.

—A gentleman stepped into a hat store on

F.ssex Street In-day, and desired to sec some

huts nf what he termed the "stove pipe" style.

He was shown a variety of plug h.u*, but none

of*them suited him, "What I want," says lie,

"is a very tall but, ami also of considerable di-

ameter." The storekeeper brought out his larg-

est, some of Which were large enough lo tit the

bead of Hereule-; bill the gentleman was not

sat is lied. "What on earth do yon want wltli

any bigger Imt than that ?" aaked the store-

kee]H-r, showing him one Hint might have served

as a cylinder for a freight locomotive. "Listen,

my friend," said the gentleman ; "I went to Ihe

dramatic soiree ut Saiindeis Hull on Tuesday

evening, ami lu front of me sat a lady; her

liend-ilress was ennposed of nn enormous ipmu.

titty of I.ulr; coiled around the top of that was

what ladles term 11 Imild, with several rats tor a

foundation. Above Hint structure nine n Imt,

which hud •everal stories to it, capped with a

Mansard root. Bnrmounting the whole was a

feather, which rose In the air like the half furled

ninill myul nfu three-decker; 1 con Id see noth-

ing,'IWt even the lop ul the stage proscenium.

I heard the voice of Ihe players, but Hint was

all. 1 might have been Inlnd for nil I 1 Id KM

of the stage. Now, then, 1 want to get n tall

hut,—the lallesl ilml wa* ever manutoetnred,

ami I'm L-oiug in watch that lady, uud when-

ever I find Ihal she is going to 111. entertainment

I am gobig to gel a seal directly lu Iron! of lier

und I will wear that Imt during the evening.

Itnr— -h-od morning. You haven't got the hat I

want; you havcn'i one big enough to suit inc."

Tlic Andover Advertiser I \j'rr,"N *AI.KS_BV ™ - • — OiiBrdiiura Sa

PRIDAY MoHNlNti, JAM AKY 17. W:i. B< riiiuenfa h..u- n in

'TEAMMill' I,INKS Sfcaex County Items', f _Aai!_"h_

The Free Drawing School In Salem, n



.IT. 11.11

;v,-: MUM: i.t X "■"«■■'

The sixth entertainment In ihe People's Lecture Jr'"'', roam-will lie reading* l>y Mi>* Jolii»i..ii, uatKeY,' ViV- Monday cvenlttg nest, Jan. 20tli. *"'«''!- ""

The present number of Inmate* of tin- House Kram-i- V of Correction ur lpswi.-h, I- .1* follow- .-M.ilo, .em.'1','.?!' 8"; females, |.i; total 82. In the Insane depart- making it ineiil, males, ,49; females, 17; total Jit. Whole \nilt.ye iiimi!»'i in Isith departments, l.W, Dr. L1 tivl i- an excellent i-uiK-riiitendeiti; Imi from a i 1 ( ' Ui" vi.-it in the hiilllullon on Monday, we should ,_,. judge thai he In rather rnuii|ieil for nann. tli;ink - in There ought m '«■ nn Insunc asylum entirely db- i„,r,..| n„, connected with ibe Uou*c uf Correction, mid Dr. friAay ei Uurd I* just Hie man to Imve charge >•(' such mi 1less than Institution. No one know*U-ucr Ibe duties and i cherl-died rospou-i 1.1 li ties of such • pmltkHi.

Mr. William J. Town of Newton ville, who hits ; N|1|.(]| . just resigned the position of local agent of the j \ a Silver Lake faetorr, haa i«rii presented bv those ""I IKED Til KM THE SECOND TIME p. s.-T..ilei ghann

nn.. «..,.i *J KVKN in:iii;it Tir.w TIIK iiitsiy- . ir- '-

e- ■— READIXO ROOHVOD Saturday nlghl In-i the * — I ■ Prohnt.-:<■"!". l'A>"Ai.K secured tki. «wan, National, Mc|HUVM ^^h™ V„n was dedicated. Thin T1»' Mny..r and Aldermen of Sewuaryi

at 1Y11'.,',[„, 1 °r **"*• S"" ''""■" "' '■'"'■•| ''""'-■ '"■"«*» . 1.... I,,,,,, PrfalilM,«|\hvihpM..ti.l. ..f tctntier ■'"><'"1'Mntc.l Win. H. Fltt* City Marshal", .Vhii. „i ,],,].,... '-»"<|,,.ol „r lilamw »n.| It.. » or S..H "■'-""'' tahli '»•!>»•} " Hi."!* "' " "I"-r- Churl,- N,.v,-~ Cap.,. f the Watch, ami aY ) .■<, iM-.l. York. "I"v '" Melhuwi. Dr. Oolilsniitli of-njili'il rlu> ; oilicru ax niirht wati-limrii, int'iva>hi); ihe |«< ' ■'' ■'■'-•■' Tin- i)r;,ii« fr.ua il ii|.«anl'. »l-.., i-r.|.nid certlll. chairdnriiui Ihe evening, and addresae* wen- . 92/J->fi>rc:ii<tain,aiid||Unn'nia^U lor the *ii

11 Methueii. Dr. GoldMUlth occuuled the other* ai nitriit watchtmn, itierea^n^'tiie'iwv ti> ■ertffl. chair dnriiut Ihe i\etiin«, and addrehM-* were *!.'J*n*nri-ai>taiii, an.l fr! |KT rilghi lor the walcli-

. <lelivere.l l.y Kev. MCKTK. Huywurd, OratMe, | men' .hi.lkii,. j,.i.j rhajtr, Mf^ri*. Jaeoli KmerMm, V. ,,.T,1";":l' ":l" A t'"'s'11'1 ""'1 n-ine factory, n( ,- T, „ ., ,, ,, , .. Ilr, «iM(. 1 T>!t-r, v.-,!, Iiunici M.airliiv evening, ! h *•, nnilJ. O. Parker. Over llfty m-«>- with Its eontent.-. U,^, P!(1.INHM,, SIL'.IMI; ,,„ ]i|i|H'i> have la-en cimlriliulnl, mill the riHini l* iiiMirnnrr, tin- |.iljcv liavinu e\|>in-il a ihun fnrnislied with inaviu-ines &<•; Tlils.il I* e\- i ,lmc *iHrv- T1"" «re in Mip|mwd t.. huve uri«i-

,u,-,ed. will lead I., .ho cUtdUk^nl of a pub- ""J? ^ " **T ^ . T2' lie hhrarr: ,],, .eleetmeu of the town bavin* ,„.I?OT\n,rr.'-|,,,lH:' J"l'.11 J".-'*'""^' Amea-

Small pox :■■ on the ilccreane in Salem.


.■ii.ipu-,1 hen-lii u-iun. their lira lie mmt) lri.-ii.lr. v. h kindly r.

■IRK hu.t, Tin- ■■iinlbil a I «l-l»--. uhiilantlnl irilL., » III I* ever m>\M\ i Itwlr ..lili(«''t i'rk-nd-,


..i.]...,ile_ll. Hotel, IJ.11 NH11-4 en rHable, where Iw 1 d atti-n.l u. No- want- <> itlonta bualm

; the Klertnwu uf the town kavi»K hl„T 5llll.i. wa-'i'.nrn;-d'on Tn.'T.v""^"^!^ niiniiiiix-ei] ilieir willingne** '■> co-oia-mlf with inn wns nwnod hv JOM-|I1I Chirk, Leaialer mid

■'■ '■' the m-.ver- "f the work in Ihe .arrvin ■ .n<\ of W1lli* ''""''ii, Cliarlej. Drown and ticonn' Mor- Mieh a Hehi'iuo 1 I it' I ii'L and wnn wonh nl*nit SKMl. ThetOMaf

„. proawn miiuun anil mo- jjr. 'ndklrw, |n itock and tooto, la uUnit 03000,

>lii ! ra'"-V* The next E*WX County A^rienllnral Fair will ,ri,' TKMi-cu.t>t-i'.—(in Kunday,evening lant n ,N' held in Gloaeeater. ■ t-> ; UHKC teiniterunei- nieelim.' WHS held in ilie town : a

A |*>rti.ni of Ihe eoiniiiiinion ner\iee of Hi

Lowell, Lowell want.- a new jaift nlllec. Dorhw twentv vean from 1UI to 1871 Inclu-

sive, Uwell t.H.i 6l,«:i.W9 HH hv tin-. The in- Mintncc on the propam dcvlroved wmt #1)77, SUM. The ]irow- - valued at »W,i7'.t, ranct of *.U,»7«.

with the vlagle exgoptton of a «reai- ^ruiuldunKliter. aged eighteen, nit of Sir Walter Scutt'rt tk-M-rndanlN are dead.


!!.!■!,■ ■ - ■ 1. r J . i.

0111 lu keep a llrsi .In,, eiuililiHlan elnrlted la give him n trial.

ade by Rev's Oranrik, Haymird.n , j Chn-e. Music wu» furnished bv Mr. Uco. A. coiuiiiunion last week 27 IMJV.S. and 28girl

■ Harrli \ the meeting was most interesting, M<

The Catholic church at Danveri adtuittcd Xo ^ 0 U R S E OF LECTURES. |ik'BM', he tioue- to ileserv

Idem-.' ami pal it cbua eatatHiahinent, ami | —*"™- "u"1

-, Particular at.enli'.m'Vai.l lo"«:u'tl!uK l.adie-- ' ^} ""' ^nit ™,nm« """"-""^ ««" , filouces.er will apply for n city charter thU j Saturday Evening, Jan. 18th. ( iiiidtviiMluir. thueii Uturaiiig a Mmiffimmt and out leituKT-! "Inter. ■*

connected with the fltctory. witb two line, . ii.:i.m\.: ■. i']i'«iintly framed in gilt, one Irom LAiidacer," The Forester'* Family," the other a companion piece, "The Hay HarveM." Mr. Town fontieily lived in this town.

We have received from Uev. James 1'. I.auc. pttator of the llr^t Congregational Church in Dristol, It. I., a pamnhlel cuutainlng iv|»>it> of Ihe ehiir.li for the year 1872 1 plann h>r Ibe year 1873, l.y the pastor. It gives the etatUtlrn, eontrilmtioiu, home expcnneii, h e ehariiie>, charities al.road, and various other UUIMITS of Intercut. Mr. Lane alway«gct» np such docu- ment! In an admirable manner,

Rumors have been in circulation, that Mr. Tllton, the Principal of Phillip* Academy In this town, had resigned his place. They arc un- founded. No Change will take plaee in the eorpa of instructors during Ihe academic year.

At Ihe an 11 mil meeting of the stock hoi. len> of the Andover National Hank, held on Tuesday last, the following gentlemen were unanimously reflected directors:—John Flint, Nathaniel Swilt, Nathan Frye. Francis Cogswell. John I,. Taylor, Moses T. Stevens, Joseph W. Smith. At a suhseiiuent meeting of the directors, John Flint wan re-elected President.

Some of our lawl turnouts have lately tried their speed on the Main Street (rotting course. The lime keeper has not yet reported, but about 2.40 Is thought to have lieen readied.

The annual Imieucm'ball will take place at the Town Hall the llrst of next month.

Messrs. Joseph Sluittuck, Jr., and Charles W. ml this spring

I .iu.l.:, of la

«' TIIK FIRS hair with.

Andover. Jan. .1, is;


..... a new made feteaii-iiig' nee loan. or water. Try i LlTKSAUl ASSOCIATION.—On Momlnv

regular meeting of the liter

There i- no imrtion of the United Status that ' bus pmditced so inanv eminent persons within ! a century, ns F.s-cx county. We doubt if there is any with an eipm! poiuilatfon that can 'show |

Saturday Evening, Feb. 1st. Saturday Even'ar, Peb. 15th.




';"'.'•"' j.!*'.; in WHTH AMXH-F.lt. A.1.1.-.-S box la; Law.

dent. In the chair. Readings were given by Mr ■ TllL'rL' w«" G- PriaonBTI In the House «| Cot- i tl"" ""'>' lM1,r '"tr.xin.-e.l JJodwell, a last year's graduate of u.e High ; r,'!'!i"" at 1,",,vil'1''l""ht "rM of Jn,1,"lr>- Saturday Evening C

-The lie-erl, Mt. Shuti, The Am •'i- VKW MEAT MARKET.

J.-rii'tilem. Head ><:i. The Rubarriher hereby inform

SH„.,I,;„„7H,y.™,. s'ta M«IC';: T!,C';;;;: 1 Ms;s,s;„'£ ™:s:of"""" ■»'ln

sic, which is usually a feature of the entertain- j ffafa uru |„

meiits, was unfortunately alwcnt, owing to the j bnryiH.rt two ships of i:Wl ions each, one lmrk sickness or one of the quintette. The topic of "I* '*Ki tons, one brig of i%) tons, two tl discussion for the evening was : Resolved, That j ,ni,*tnl,-'l!""111 r- "',' }*\"''''" i°° and 5M> t.

1 for (In t'ovtt, M null. r single Lectures, 8S eei.i-. I at ihe 8lore of W. F, DRAPER, .1 ol .1. SI. ItHIIAHDs. Ml l-.s-ev -

Anilover. Jan. 17, itns. m




Lmtrrtur »i..l Aiidovrr Agruelrs.

ihe Interest* of Uetliitcn would w promoted ! , ,,.. ,.,„. „.|__ , , „ ■ ,,, .l.-eji!i Miiiili. tl.e oldest man in Ipsw e 1 In am,nation to Uiwreu.r r I his .(iie-li.-n , el,-1.rate,I hi- <Kn|, Mrllldav on Saturday htitt.

s argued in the nfflrtnativc hv Mr. P. S. War He has &\ descendants now living. He ha.s lived nearly seventy years In Ihe house that he built in Ipswich at the lime of his marriage.

The aggregate tonnage of the Dintrlet of Ohmretter at the dose of the year 1M72, a Shown by the Custom House ixiiks, was 28, 703,711 tons, comprising 418 vessels, :\m In the fishing business, B.i iu coaating, f'si in foreign trade, and I yacht—« decrease of 28 from tlic previous yenir.

flier-, c.i-ner i.i'[n'ii, principal ol the High School; be was fol-

and Veio^taVile^ ■ 1"WC<I '"' 1U'V' I'vnuui ('ha"1'. als" «" "'«' «"lr"'- i>n- »f charge. "' "l'1,v- Mr. C. K. Trow argued the negative side

II. P. HOLT, j of the nuostlon, and waa followed by Mr. W.

; M. Rogers; the argument* on liotli sides w.

HAIL, ANiniv f.tt. ,

able. The vote at Ibe close showed a large anti- annexatlon majority. The subject for next Monday evening Is: Itesolved, That Foreign

niTUn.r,.'Jr » ""i. "M' "."" ''"'""IP'1 '" ''v-ata \ emigration i* lienellclal to the Inltcl States. nil kiinl »r i. ., In Hi,. I.iiiiinlii Ilu., in >iiiH>rliir ; . _ . , Mnn^«.. Cu„„:„~ l-» Ort lOtt 'style, in sh.nl .; ,. „„.! „| ,,n,.,.- Hint delve ATTKMITKI. Sf let in:.—It is rumored tlult n

re i, ,8' V ^I'-i'ili.- ,!', .,i 'XTll']::^:^;:^r\ "lIlwn «rHrthu™.tt«..l«Mtornmn.lt.ulehle .bearish, .'or the superior the gospel.

thest,!re'..i w! >. i.ns"\ n'W.'n" I,'„'| ,i[, ,-'J .,',',,'ii'',' ,";lrt" r ;"' " ' -'"''"'i Kuaiai,., ,,l in nil '» liatigliig himself last week; be quarrelled The late Tvler lkirker, fonucrtv of North A, 1Mb, ItOt. itjalti ' '.',",;'."' '.:••:|\■•^ ,! ■'"'■ ">■ mKt!ii,vsiareliy,| ,vit|, |lh wjfe. and In a 111 of anger went and de- 'lover, lu his will lawpieathed his" pro,N.-rtv, eoi. I-Wi-t-ri- mv.Tii.v * i.L-u.,1,.,- :»r«ur1|iin-iii.. K.UV.M'.I 'M,-I"".!I

V'".«'t'"-\ "!?""}' Hlxrately suspended himself bv the neck; bis , sislingof ,IIM,UI 91U.IMHI, lot■the cstabllslmu 111 J^MAIl, J.i.\Al_HAN A. IIKHK1CK. •^^"-■■■"■MJ^-» »'!-■ "'»'. f T. l.enrv'-; wife dismvcre.l hl.n in time ami cut him dow« ! »»:! H"l'j^?f » ^hool b, Wr* Boxfcrd. The

i^'eeulurVf'ihe' willn't'''" ''^ i «!* **""'''" ' Tulrs'sVsVI'^u^.V.T'ia-'cV;'1.',!'' l Wl"c««-"''W"'"^A new ball Is talked off.- Rev. J. W. Cbndwlek, a Marblcheud man .ha.. \! lie,'.', k ' West \,„,-i,, > V , 'v'! ' *a "«•• w- »ll'«' 1|"~ PUreliawd the taiot and shoe has recehc.1 a W^KN! nl|l tr,.„. n lio-ton chureli,

...my «r K«ex, yemnan. | v '." ' .'. . '" . . "; sumd of K. Butler, and will cam on the land- ! ""IM"rbll'Ucnd Mowll«" f"^''"'''^ iulbnncd. The nuinlKT (.f eases of i.,,,,.. Hml shoes

been duly it|

late of Ami.1

■■■tl iliiit i .tale, 1 j,l,,, I \. II.—All g.

rlf llmi tiM-t hy in'i,,K lm','i,i-."iT\i;,. iViw i'li,■.'■,■!-. V"k' =""!/'■" ':' '-■*»««.. <■ I- ml.-tidVll f.lrlhe ill persons liuvii.^ ■!, IIUIIKI. (lie .-L ( Laundry " '*» M Ii'> ->r Tue..hiv, lit the drv

-aid deeeiiseil me ivuiiired |.> eMill.it tin anil all pels.ni- imlelit.il to Hild estate an

1 des|iale!

TtfWXsKMl. Itl.llllliKITJl 'HI

.nimilry at our

..-stlav »ofK. lliKiij, willLealienil

,r.,r,r,„„r„,,„rt„B „. ,.,„», .,„„ .*.s,„itr,s,rrI.v!;„'«;; .t';,::'..:;^

livelier limes. Qcii.t.. January II, was 2600, against 2080 eases for the

!!., II ml lust lire 1 the „ 21M) cords'of manure.

The republicans have latk-u npon perilonR times. In this town the votes at the late elec- tion were stolen before they got into lite ballot box; and iu Lawrence they arc said to have greatly decreased in number after getting into the box,

Mr. Joseph P. Morton ofthhl town had one of his legs amputated at the HaaeachnaetU Gen- eral Hospital in Boston, on Saturday last. He had a senii-iuulignaul tumor at the head of the tllaila, below the knee joint, and amputation be- came necessary, as the only probable means of saving his life. At last accounts he was as com- fortable ns could Is-expected. Mr. Morton is 11 very worthy young man, graduated at the Piin- ehnrd School in 1871, ami lias since la-en em- ployed by the city of Boston in their surveying department

At the annual meeting of the Mcrrluiack Mu- tual Fire Insurance Company, held at their of- flee, In Andover, on the 18thhut, Ihe following named pen were elected directors for the ensuing year:

N. W. Hasan, John Flint, Nathan Frye, Win, S. Jenkins, Samuel Gray, Jos. W, Smith, Ando- ver; Oeo. L. Davis, No, Andover; Win. J. Wightman, Reading; Andrew Dodge, Wenhum ; Heiekhih Pluuinier, Lawrence; Jonathan Ladd, Lowell; K. M. Clark, Methueii; John C. Tllton, Hnverhill.

At a subsequent meeting of the directors, N. W. Hates, waa chosen President, ami Samuel Dray Secretary and Treasurer. The whole amount DOW insured la S!t,0-»7,12H.IW Prevent cash assets 98,772.24

A return premmtom of 90,30 ami M per cent. is allowed on one, three and live year policies, at their expiration.

The death of Doctor Stephen Tracy of this town, occurred ut his residence on Monday last, ami his loss will he severely felt In tills community. He was IHHH In Hartford, Vt., Feb. 25, 1810, dud was the seventh son of Jo- seph nud Ruth Tracy, his mother being n rela-

tive of the late Daniel Webster, He studied at Dartmouth College, and with Doctor MttUy. In DUG he was married to Miss Alice H. Dona, of Pom In t, Vt., and the same year entered the service of the A. B.C. F. Missions, and went to Shun aa a missionary physician. On ac- count of illness In his. family, he returned to this country In ISH1, and subsequently prac- ticed his profession in Hudson, Ohio, Worces- ter, Man,, and Windsor, Vt., baiitg obliged 10 leave these places for on:- m ire congenial to his health, lit IKW be came to this town, ami has had a large practice during the past twenty years.

Soon after be came to Andover he became In- structor in Hie N. E. P. M. College, and was c iniiecte,! with it as Pmfesw an.l Dean of the Faculty until his death. He took pleasure in the measures recently taken to perpetuate this institution by uniting It with Harvard Univer- sity. Several years since he WHS appointed a coroner for this a ty, and held the commis- sion until his death. He has had seven chil- dren; three sons and two daughters survive him. One of his daughters, wife of Rev. Mr. Livingstone, has s|ictit ten years hi the foreign missionary Held, but Is now ilr this country. Doct, Tracy was very useful in his profession,

and became much endeared to many families. He gave Ids lulliiencr 111 favor of all humane and religious efforts, eepccially taking a very warm interest in missionary operations, and seldom absent from the monthly concert,

Kev. Oeo. W. Boawortb, D. 1)., of Hnverhill. will deliver his course'if three ]sipular lectures on Egypt, Ml. Blnal, and Palestine, hi the Bap- tlst church on Friday evenings, commencing Jan. 24th. The lectures are illustrated l.y maps and diagram*. Dr. BoaworUl is a distin- guished orator, and wherever these lectures have been given lias drawn large audiences. He generously gives the avails of the lectures to the Baptist society in this town, to aid them iu paying for improvements |n ami U|KUI their house of worship. The tickets for the course are but lh cents, and those who attend will lie amply repaid by the knowledge iieipilred, ami have the satisfaction of aiding a deserving ob- ject.

A sleigh ride party of ladies and gentlemen from Reading, accompanied by friends from Boston, bud a splendid slipper at the Elm House, on Wednesday evening. The hnoM was iu charge of Conductor Carter of Reading, who can run either steam or horse power with top speed and entire safety.

Ballard Vale.

Mr. Joseph Morton, a young man of the Himi land district, has been ill for some mouths imsl wltha lutimr .111 hi-leg, imil seeking mclicnlad vice, It was ileri.leil flini anipniati..i] wi.iil.l lie necessary In nnler t» s»i c hi- lite; cniiscpicuilr, last rtatiirday mis the lime flvi.l upmi to perform the .iperalimi. Mini while under the effect* ..I ether, the ll.nl. was 1II-J1.Intel at the knee. The operation was pcrfnruinl hv Hie surgenii* in at- tendance st the Mass. ticuersl II.Miiilnl. Nome i.f ..ur synipnlhuiiifc- nml kin,IK people have been tn see him, ami s]H-ak cii.-.mi'sglHKlv of his recov- ery.

The Cnion < 1111greg1.1l1.nnl church and snrielv willliulil thHr minimi ic-iivid on Wc.lne-.h,'. evening. Jan, il. The Cornet Hand have ten- dered tiieir service-, nml v. ill fullv siislalu their reputationhvlheii CM 1II1.1I11H1 ii .(performances.

8111-h things HS are asuiill. I,.mi,| i,l enlcrtaiii iiients of this kind will he for sale. The object Is fur the support of preaching, and nur resiuin'es areiint so large as to wnrrnul the refusiil of iinv Kntrniuigf lhat the goo.) people of tl.e town UIHV

•cl like giving. The "reading" mi Wedmwday evening hv the

Rev. ti. ]t. Hide, was liiglili iiilereslnig.' The siilijcci, ■■ ii-i.1", owii'-r-liip ol Die sea," wus ren- dered In o manlier tlial IUIS well npprcclHlcd. ll wnkennt one tun new Irsln uf thought hv open ing to tlic gate the inlglily wonders of Ihe .leep. Ilu- lioumlless re*..iirces, and v«»l multiplying forces thai arc conslantly ut work mid never teas- ing in their lull.us, In .|i-.cmlmitlng over the entireglolH- their mighty ]M.wcrs to the Uses nml loi the -n-l.-ii.mic ol 111.- hum.in race.

The, I .nun ll.m.l «iie- a ,..men tin-, hii.hu evcainit, in llradlce Hull. Thcv me deserving

r ticket. hut tficirgcii \ci the

.■well p ■i.ni/.c.| lets

In.luilye M'Arllmr's court In Washlny- tOll, niif day. a lawyer called the Judge's attention to the fuel Hull u certain caaehad been upon tlic ducket forndecode. I "know it." Nttid the imlnc. '■ but tin- 0AM haa not ibcnved."


Sluittuck huve put in it cellar will imihi a bam on the farm formerly owned I by Frederick Noycs, in the West Parish. It C*OUUOSWEALTH UV M

will lie KKI x 41 feet, wltli 211 feet post*. Seven- ty thousand ft. of lumlier will lie rr, pi I red iu its construction, and it will take lllty Ihousaud of shingles to cover It. Since Ihe Messrs. Shaltnek hmighl this place they have mode great Improve-



rituiiATi-: < in ttT. To Ihe heir- ill law vt of Lit., ami nil other per

so,M lalcrcslc.1 in the estate .if MAItV 1)1(184 1)1.1.. hit Hnverhill, In snid counlv, -injrk vv.ui.an. .Icceiise.1. greeting :

Whereas, a eerlam li.-U nnic.l, iiiiiiiortbiK to he (he lust will ami i.-imiiclit ..f -ul.l deeeaseil, has Iss'ti preseiilisl to said Court, for probate, by lieorge Foster, who prays thai letters Icslauicii- lary may he issued hi hun. the esecalor therein limned. *

You are hereby ciu-d In npi.car at n Prulinte Court, to he li..|ilcn in s.dem, in -aid county

Ali.I said (H-liijinier i- herein- directed In give pul.lle notice thereof, In puhli.-hing this i-ila- liou once I. week, for three -ueccsslvc Weeks, In


Witness, lieorge F. Chnate, Ksuuire, Judge . hi Coiirl, this sixteenth due nl .Imuiarv. I e year one tliim-mni eitfhl hiimlred and sevenli

thn*. Jail A. f. UOODELL, llegisii-r.'

PROBATE CtUKT. To the helrs-at-law. next of kin, and all other

persons hiicrc.-lcl in the estate of F.l.J/.A- ItKTIl II. IMiAl.l.s, h,t \, Anil.iiir.m said county, widow, deceased, greeting :

Whereas. eeiUiin in-lrumcii!-.. pur|iorllug lo lie the lust will ami le-lmnciil ami a cndieil of said de- ceased, linveheeiM.ic-eiu.il <« said Court, fur pro hate, by Stephen W. rngnll-, whoprnvsttuit letters teslanicniary HUM IK'issued to him, thecveculur therein named,

You lire herein cited In appear lit a Pmhutc t'.iurl lo he hnldeu id I.nil rciiec. in snl.l counlv of Ksse.v, on Ihe Second Tiie-d«v ..r February next, at nine o'clock in the forenoon, In show rause, if any you have, against the smiir. And said Mepheii W.lngalls I- hereby directed to give public notice the t. l.« publishing this cita- tion once H week, for Hue.- successive weeks, in the newspaper rnH.il the Lawrence American and Andover Advertiser, printed tn Lawrence, the last publication tn be two days at least, before suid

Witness, (ieorgc F. Choale, Ksrpilre, Judge »f said Court, this h.iirteenth il.iv of .Innuarv, ii. U.e ,,■:„■ one llioii-iiiiil ciidit luindicl mi,I -c ty-three. JulT A. C. UiVOHKLL, Itegisler.


Notice is herebv given that Hie subscriber baa I„■'■,. ilull :,;.|,.,i,,i.-.l ,..liniii.-n,il,iri.ftlic estate of

MARY .1. TOWN*, lute of Methueii, In the counlv »f K-sex, widow, dcccasnl, and has taken upon himself that Inisi, by giving Imiuls, as the law directs. All persons having demands upon the e-tate of sal.I diven-e.l, are re.tuire.1 lo exhibit tla- same; ami all pcr-ous iiulebl.il to said e-tate are railed upon to make pHviiient In

tIKllliUK FDSTKlt. Public A.imr. ■ Andover, Jim. II, IS73. . 1131


Notice Is hereby given Hint the inbterllwr has Is.n dull appointed .■\e.-m.ir ..t'tiie will of

HANNAH F. spilFFtlltll, lulc of North Andover, in the itv of Kssex, (wife of Heart Sj.nir.iiip, deceased, testate, nml has taken upon hlni-eh'thnt lru-1, lit giving bonds a-lhe hill direels. All persons having deuinmls upon the estate of sairl deceased are rciiuireil to evhll.it Ihe-i , Mini alt persons iu.lcbt.-d.to said estate are ciillol np-.i aki- luuuiciil to

OltlX F. Sl'tilVtlltll. Kveer. North And..ver, Jan. II, IsTli, TT;li

INSTATE OF MARY COCHRANE. Notice Is hereht given that the suhscrilier luls

Is-en dnlt ap| cl mlmiiii-lrnlor of tin1 estate nf Malt CiH-hrnne, late of Andover, in Hi ntv of Ks-e\, widow, deceased, mid has taken upon himself that trust by giving bonds, as the law directs. All IK-reon* hatliiK .Iciiiamis ui the estate of said rlerci.-ed are icipiircil (,. cxliibil Hie -.one; an,I nil i.er-.,u- indebted I., .-aid .-tale are called upon to make pa .mint to <ll\s. VA. II ll IIItANK,

liloueesler, Jan. 7, 1811. J«ltr» Adni'r.


SAMUEL "WOODMAN. lu Uriel Building next north of the Town Hall,


[lire, consisting .u lillcben, I hiunlHT ami I'arlnr lied-, lleddiiig. Window Kuriiilur.-, lb

shades, fte., ,v

Malre Sofas, and Parlor Sets

niiis. Iriiiiimsl and liiiug, Car|H'U Inl.l,

-.-.■■.n.I liiin.l Min.iliire hiiughl ami sold, (on*is uf all kinds received ami sold at Public Auction.

ythfaw sold n

• i.ir Auellts for lb.- cclebralcd I'UIM, HKD, iH-st in mar bids on hand. N. B.—Mr, Woodman will n

esireil, la poruhastng gooil

An. I, IMTi.



The busloeaaof the late llenaon Abbott having passed int.. the hands ol the sul.scrllHTs, 11 icy will continue to furnish

COFFINS, CASKETS, ROBRS, and other arlicles ci.iine.lciI wiih the hiirimwe, pnmiiitli mid in I lie L.l.-t ;-t. Ic- mnl ili.i-h.

Ci.rtl.is mid Casket- liiil-bcd iu oil, wax. or civ- .-red With hroiiilclolh.

The Hllcnllmi of the ti-ule respecUUIIr ■nllelusl. Prices a- Imi and tlnlsh as giasf»» ui be found.

WOODMAN AND CHABTREE, Next North of Town Hall,

Andover, 'let. i-., ISIf, -Ii

'rixH R F, NC K HENRY,

Manufncturer of

I olllos, 4'aikrts, mid all kinds of 4Jrave t'lalhri.

Also dealer lu In all kind- uf Fiiniiture. llhick Waliinl, Chesliuil, ami Pine Chamber Sets, constantly on luui.l. Cphol-tariug and Kepnli'lnx done in the nealesl imimi. r, nml at reasnnnlih- iwleiis. Picture frames, Curtains and (urtaln Fixtures rntistnnll. in, bniid. ami pill up If de- ■hml.

Opposite Memorial Hall, Andover.

TKRBBXCB 1IFNKY. in,, „, n..,i ( ....i..il--i..» »l. i. l.ii.ii. I* now prepared to

nblc terms.

\\r A (i (INS.

WILLIAM POOR, Manufacturer of

ExproBB, Market, Butcher, Store, Farm and Buolneaa Waguno.

•ir-K'-piiirlng in all Us branches; and all work

C" V L.

The subscriber luu ;, siil.pl) of t IIA I. of differ- ferent sizes and qnollty, which he will fumlsh cush.ui.-rs at a r. HHonnhh- price mid short notice. Orders may he kit at JOILN 11. ril.tMii.KK'.s Pcrl.Hlhul store ur ut my residence.

JOHN CHANDLER. Andover. Sept. il, |s?>.-


lias taken the ..nice recriitlt ... cui.ied lit Dr. II, I.. Bradford.

i mice boms till Ii A. )i., I u>1, nml 7 to lie. H. ■a*" Fresh Vaccine \ irus nVom the cow ) con

>!;mll. ,>ii hand. Anilover, Nov. I, IsTi. tin


Stiver Wedding.

On Friday evening, a party ntiiul>eriiig some Bfty or sixty of the fiietuls of Mr. Samuel Tat- tersal of North Andover, from Lawrence, South Andover, un.l North Andover, called at his house, mid very coolly took puroeaakm of It, It happened to la- the &ith anniversary of the inuniiige of Mr. and Mrs. Tuttersul. and the friends who rushed in upon Ihem on Friday eveiling, seemed to be aware of the fact, lor they brought with them some valuable presents III silver gissls, silver coin, and other articles, Including some Iwauttfal preoents iu dry goods. Mr. J, 11. Lyle, iu a few remarks, presented Hie tokens of friendly regard, after wtdch Mr. 11. llaincr read the following lines :

MM. TATTKIIM.II. ■ So donbl it seems .pieer to see u* nil here

Ala time of the week like this. Yet be ..f good chaer, you've nothing to r.-nr.

For behave me, there's nothing sails*.

But a word luul bean said, nml like lightning ll sped,

Involving a emmcil of war: The foremost division without any sclii-m.

Darkled to fix It up square.

So ii lady cnnUM over from old South Amlover, The l.nwrence division to meel,

Ami entering their houses, their teal she arouses, And wakes up some more on the Ftreel.

The litlx.r <>f love that caused her to move Wiih such willing and nimble feet.

Wn* to cheer an old friend, that we nil must coin-


. against 21130 cases for lln irreajioiulliig of hist year. This shows a de

crease of '270 cases.

The property of Samuel Marsh, who recently * died at the Astor House, New York, which [s

A Methueii Man Hangs Himself. *■'"•*.■* «MWJflOa,*lhi to BW relations in , Haverlnll iindTopsllehl.

H is a remarkable fact tl.ut when one suicide , Mr_ Ju|lu,s MMri|)( fur |imi(v g

occura in a community, others rapidly follow, nent and successful shipbuilder' HI Ncwburv- It is not long since a young man, reapeetabk, ls'rt. died on Thursday, nt the age of 71 years. HOher and well condnctcd, ami apparently cheer- fill an.l contented with his lot in life, killed him self iii Andover by cutting his throat with a m-

The community had scarcely recovered from the shock caused by Ibe tragic event, when a young woman living in this city ended her life by taking poison, giving ns her reason for com- mitting the act, that she was weary of life, and did not wish to live any longer. The painful impression left upon the public mind by the oc- currence of these suicides, one following so

■hiM-ly idler the other, has hardly passed nway ls-1,,1 the

haltt bridge" which S|KUIS the Merrl- mac ut Salisbury, is supposed to Is' the oldest -- ■ i - -1 ■■ ii'i'in i'i id-- in America.

Samuel E. Sawyer, Boq., has made a New Year's gltt of HOD to the Female Charitable Assmiutiotiol' Clourester.

The pniixirt'ion of deatlis from small pox In Lynn has l«-en much larger outside of the |*,-st bouse tlniii in it. Out of sixty persons who hail the disease lust year, only seven died.

Gloucester lias not had a case of drunkenness for a fortnight.

Beverly li to have a new depot. The Newbaryport ichool ghost, which for a

long time provetl sti trmihlrmnuceven to the closing of the sch.s.l, hn- disapiH-ared.

Ity again Is startled l.y a A Nl,wl)llr>. rt ,„„„ ri„tivm„l ,„„ baui

the other day falling down the hold of a vessel.

Il,i die ladies. ,t I., be beat

so not to delay. I will hasten to my That her efforts were drowned with »UCOOM ;

When a lady does pray, lei the gentlemen |iat .— No sensible innn can ilu less.

The food old limes past were too pleasant to last. llut yet we aye happy hi-ilay;

Though descending life's ladder mny make as reel sadder,

The heart Is warm, though the head's gray.

The unblamable life of yourself and your wife. Has gained you a great many friends;

Hay it ever bo ao^rour life's journey through. Ami so when your life's journey ends.

Now nn more need be said, too long I've delayed— Whilst the table the Indies nre spreading

With paatrlM and cake, this present we'll make, In honor of your silver wedding. "

The company then sat down to nn excellent repast, after which the evening was passed lu a very pleasant manner, the company separating at a hile hour, alter wiablng Mr. and Mrs. Tat- ternl long Hie ami happiness.


The u-unl monthly tonal r the Probate Court, was hclilhilhiscH. Tuesday,.IndueCkaata presid- ing. There waa quite n large a mil of business trnnsBcte.l. of Which a report Ii hereto appended :

A'laiinittrit'.inii upon K'tairi—Tbe estate oftilly Car lei,.n of Mclhucu. Kla-u s.itvver, a.liiilulstm- tnr; iifKd. C. Bates of swampsc.iti, Edward C. Hat.-, .ir., oilm'r; of Olive Ito.htcll of Lawrence, A. M. Iliilwell. udui'r: of Mart .1. Town-of Me t linen. I icoi-ge Fosi .-■■ of An.hu ,-r, ivlm'r; of Sarah Coburii ol No. Amlover, .Joseph inrlcion, adni'r i ofFnmkliu Hall of Lawrence, hilhum S. Purler, ndiii'r; of Daniel I.. Mu.lg." of Lynn, llohuul Ii.

Sogleol' Lawrence. Caleb rnlin'r.

11','//, ,. .1 In r>;J*it—The wills of .lohu A, Itluiiehftrd of Naluiiil, Jnhn A. Ilium hard and William 11. Hording, ex'rs; „i Patrick Cox, of Methueii, Patrick Cox, Jr., ex'r; of Jonathan A. Ileirlck of Andover, E. H. Iioiitwcll, ex-riofJean. nellM. scittof Andover, Joseph Scoll. ex'r; of Catherine Page of Mailmen, samnel Page, of Lawrence,ex'r; of .loim Wattraon of l^iwnmee, Margaret Waterson, exee'R; of Ueo. L. Iloanliiinu of Lawrence, Hebeooa L. Amilnglon, exec'x:. of Hannah F, HpogWNl of N. Andover, thin F. Hpoanrd, ex'r.

limiriliiiu* appofnM— Willlnm A. Shaltuck of Amlover. minor, Lbudc ('. Sluittuck, giiHiilInn; Alice r., (loo. K. and Lewis A. NTIes, minors, all ofUeotfattwn, Ly.lis M. Nlles,Huaidiai>i Asa A. Mullen of Lynn, Insane, Jnhn A. Stvwtser, guar- dian: Ruaau While. Haoan w. HnltiMaien. ami Clunlcs W. Huh'hliison of Peabedy, uiluors, Jo- seph C. Hiitrliius.>ii of San FranrWo, guaiillan.

.4i»./<ic»s Q/ Jtaav o/ Hnil Kktafe—Sarah W. (ireen, guardian nf Joseph W., Mnllhln T, ami Albert J.Uraen.

PtUHmu Jbr Weaaaa *..»,.' realertoto-Of Bam- ua|i.. Sargent, of M.-Utura, i'..r perm lssl.ui to sell QflV amie of Aaa WMBift tlHD worth tu pay <lcl.|. i nf Catherine Laahy, "f Andover, guardian of Kllen Leahy, penulsslou tn sell estate; of lllcliard Tenney.of OeOVgetOWB, permission lo sell real estate to pay debts of -..,»,.

WUttmf aBianiaot' Mary F.ederich, #jno from e-tato of Frani Fredelleh.

Afl&trilt of noUrr ntai>jit>inlmt»t—tiT Mehitable Kent, exec'x of Joshua C. Kent, of Lawrence; of Sylvester Chase, excc.'x of Catherine Green- on gh of Hnverhill; of John B. H. ( nlby,a»tai'r nf the estate of Lerov BV Colby, of Lawrence.

PjUimfttrpartition q/Mtats-Of the heirs «>r ih- partition «C the estate of Hannah W. nahrr, of An.lover.

.4c.wiii(sii/(..icn,~Nttlh'l Ambrose ex'r of Lou- Isu B. Wilde. lan-M; Edwin A. Brown admrea- Ute of Jonathan A. Itrown, aiw.i.ii; t;(.„. Foster, ex'r or Joel 1'helps. glWLTo; vntiiT Ambrose. ex'r.l.mcH Coiighlaii, Lawrenoa,tilDO,9li Joseph F. Allen ex'r of ClarUM Webster of N. Andover, ai*gi.WJ; tleo. Foster, adm'r estate of Jesse Hun. nels nf X. Andover. $:!».!».

Inrrulorin nf K*lafrt~V.stale of Louisa K. Wilde of Lawrence, s-,;-.r .:», or Nellie F. Wilde of Lawrence, *rA; of Frana rrederleh of Law reiice, aJU; .irCiiihcriiiciirccimughof Hnverhill. 9417,. Hi "f l.'eo. Nllesof Ij.-'prgelowa, ijiK.1!; of John Tyler of lioxh.rd. eaa.wo.n;.

OL'II NRKIHBOB, Hie Snittiift, in certain- ly II model of .piiirinillstli' courtesy; tiny critlclam by Dils pgpor that ft does not relish, h pretty certain to be nut by a fling: ut the editor, peraonally; aatatement or argument mny not Iw caxliy uwwerotl, Imi u pnrngnipli aasalUng the editor, ju-r- hoiuilly, SCCIUN nlvvavK to he nt luiiid. mid finite to ilu- tuslc of our contemporary.

IN (lltKAT liKMAKlt.— Notwitlisiaiulitig w.- priuiod n very large extra edition of the weekly AMHHCAN of yesterday, every copy waa called for before night, and a lively demand I'm- more; wo can but he gratified with this evidence of iipprecla- lion of oar new year Improvement*.'

similar.... «•■«.,.. , mi. orner oay i. ■ oow Boon after BOM Friday hist, the futnilv of Mr. We do not advise the general adoption of this

fluy Carleton la-came alarmed nt his absence ■ r«'»«'dy.-oiily strong iimstltulions can stand

from the house, and his sou, thinking he might ork some where ulsiut the stable

seurch for him, but was unsuccessful, ami it was tun till a second search of the stable hod been made, that the missing man was found. A door leading to the harness room was found partially ohened, and in the centre of the room, •uapended by a pair of reins, attached to the nock, waa discovered Mr. Carleton. How long he bad la-en in Hint position is not known, but lu- was last seen uliout nine o'clock.

Dr. Woodbury waa at once summoned, but to no purpose. The deceased had been III for se era! months, and during the past few days ap- peared very low spirited, mid it Is presumed Him fears of prolonged sull'cring from diseusi caused him to commit suicide. He was one of the oldest residents of Met limn, having conducted Imsl- in-ss in the town for nearly half a century. The day before his death he transferred his entire business folds son-in-luw, mid previous to com- mitting the fatal act he had carefully performed the usual work alsmt Ihe stable, and when dls- nivcred, his coat and collar were removed, thus proving that he waa fully determined iu regard to the sad deed.

Mr. Carleton wan slxty-elgh t years of age, a

widower, and leaves a son ami daughter, the hitter the w ilu of Mr. Lev! Crofnt.

Fashion Notes from New York.

CWrwtjKNMftnM ••/ the America*. Alter the flurry an.l formality of the holiday.,

there seems hut little alt plat novelties until the fresh costumes of spring burst upon us, with the unpacking and slinking out ol tin-best want robes. But after all there Is a daintiness in the little <lefitlt* of cnsluiues which freshens up those partly worn, and sometimes impart more style than Ihe llrst make up or Ihe dresses.

This whiter more than usual, this Is the case, on there Is nol a poatttfl novelty in style nf trim- ming or cut uf polonaise. Hut tin- hair (for In- stance) has taken u very decided upward tenden- cy. I think It Is really elevating. It relieves the diT-s from sll soiling contact with the hair, un.l relieves the bead lVoin the huge defurmitlcs ami dust catchers called ruts, but the humorous side of this Innovation 1-, where did all these quaint, old fashioned (looking) combs come from? Who knew long enough ugo.t.imaiiiilnclure thein, that every kind of a queer shaped • il> waa to adorn Ute feminine head. Not satisfied with ele. gnnlly carved shell in iiiagnlllesut proportions, but gold and silver ami precious stones, must lend their aid to this new freak of the goddess.

Arbitrary in even the llllle mntler of ties, fash l«u has discarded silk and rlhhoa, and smiles on- ly upon lace nml muslin, li cannot Iw denied thai while ties mi- a fearful revealer of defects of complexion, but thev are worn nevertheless all types of good and bad looking people.

Vuleiielunes Is Ihe uivorltc luce IISIH! in making them, bul line ctuny is very pretty on dark dress-

The desire t.. wear sashes with everything, ami in every possible way hul the old H of a ribbon pas-lug ur.. I the waist and tied In the hack, admits .if much display of taste, and is really In its nn it use, merely decorative, very effective if tastefully used. Fattened to the waist of (ne dress on the right side, mid falling ).«n-ely over the apron front, amlover the fullness ..r the polounlse In the back, and Ihe In.w resting on the left oak of the polouaiaa like a pocket with flow- ing iti.ls underneath; short ends with two loops turning backward, and the full width of the rib lion hungtug loosely underneath the drapery of the j...!.,n.-ti. c, B« If sup]jorlli)g it. Is pretty. There nre as many itMBrent ways of wearing Ihe wish as (here are IssUvhlual taetas.

The cord and taaecle thai are so much worn from the len •JWsaMer to the inbbtb- of the back ■t Hie wnisi line of ctoak-, |.r i -,- to lie rash ioiiahlc decorations for house .Iresses. and they are very useful In relieving defect* hi n|H-rson's form, adding grace to any bul Ihe most dumpy if: I.I ■ There is nothing nhnut ladles'dress nt present that reveals the artist so completely as the arrangement of Hie rrim.liiie.

If we may be allowed to aay a word ns tngen- tlcmea's costumes, the long travelling conk, with Its w Ide belt, and large, rnnifortahle looking hood has, until this winter, been mostly excluded from '• dress ncraslmis," but this season you see them made In the very Briest rough CIOIIH, and the most timje.tii- swell-, a* well as those men who look like preferring com for t to ihow, appear at thea- tre! and eoiic.-n-. in these splendidly ugly looking garments. I think the male gender are outdoing themselves in the wonderful arrang. ml of lies ami scarf pine, u. —i ■■■ »■

• WHAT TUB MAV.III KNOW A about the member* or the new police force, Is quite cleverly given; but Isn't the addition of " litisn't been iu tlic liquor business," very like it confession of weakness?

—The ward oln.cis of Lawrence Ward 4 kept DcniiiiTiitic Imllots in a closet lieldud the rail, and di-ull them mil, as required, to the Democratic vote distributors U-tiire the rail, the warden being Ihe person hating charge- of the M. ui,., i,in- liulh.ts ns Hit v came n the prin- ter. And these, we arc lol.l, are the principle- of JctTrrM>ii and Madi-on and Jackson.—fin..- imi Tninu-ript.

Tin: MAMIIKMLII MutBOB and Ameri- can asks the qtli-stlou i "Have we a police force?" Nol having; been lu Manchester for some time we cimiiot answer lire ques- tion, but we should think thai If Manches- ter IHIH no force, mill rnti be content with nch material ns that which compooea ours, we t-un send two or three hundred men who have been looking in an appoint- ment on the police force for years, as ihe HiHiimli of their liigheat ambition.

Since the beginning of 1H29, Kssex count lias seen no resident of hers chosen to the Seii ate, save that Mr. Ilantoul won thus chosen t serve lorn few .lavs in the Wlutcrof 1851,


The contract tor the new Iron bridge has la-en signed bv the ronuattteeaof Havel-hill nml Bradford, and the work is to he. completed by the lirst day of October next.

The following olMcers have been uppnlntcd bv the new city government: Cilv Pbvsleiau, John Crowd]; Solicitor. Ira A. AMH.II, Messenger, W. F. Tltcomb; Auditor, Charles H. Colfin; Superintendent of Highways, H. K. F.mcrv ; Chief Engineer, Thomas (Irieser; Assistant r.nghiecrs, Fred. 1'. Cheiicv, Kdwin S. Willcv, Ira II. Carter. Win. F. F. Austin; Marshal, P. 0. Raymond. Police force abOdt the same us last year.

A netillon bus appeared in Hnverhill asking f..r the removal of Ira Wnldrnii, I'rinciiial of the High School, for reasons set forth bv the latllioneni.

The Bulletin nays: A lluvcrhill audience is proverbial ftir Its coldness towards nrtlntii when tliey first appear In a ronorrt, but liefore the concert is over thev warm up with cuthnslusin Hint knows no laiun.ls. It thinks a little more evenness would Is- desirable.

Manchester, N. H.

Rev. Dr. Cvnis W, Wallnee, pastor of Ihe Hanover Street Congregational Church, ten- dered bis resignation to take . Ih-. i iu May next. He was the first paator who was Instalk-d in Manchesk-r.

Henry Harrison Nutting, of Mason, who be* came jealous of Mary Kcyscr, and became she would not marry him uMcinpu.l to take her life ami commit suicide, was tried at Manchester on Thursday, com It tetl, and sentenced to one vcar and six month* in ihe Mule ITISOII.

SiiyUnef^ JSTotitie^. Mr.J. K.Norwis-id, who represents the people's

agency at 389 Etaex Btreet, gives t!,e standing of the companies represented bv him, taken from the special re|s.rt of the' Commission, which can la- found lu the standing advertise- ment of Ur. N., ou first page,

W« still continue to sell our ttoch of dress good*, at greatly reduced prices. We have a few more pieces of those lerge suitings at :tl els per yard. O. i>. AUNKTUOMIA CO.

IlvttoN TitiKi.i, A Co. Imve made a sweeping reduction In the price of wonted giaals, scarfs, clouds, shawls, Ute.

TUB PritKsr ASH SWBVtBBT Coll LtVKaOlL Is lluxnrd A CHSWCII'-, mad.- on the sea-hoiT, fli.m IVesh. selectiil liter-, bv Cn-well. Har.ard A I .... New V ork. ll i- nt,-..hrtcl. pure nml -tteci. Patients who hnti ce taken'it prefer il to all others. Physician- hate .le.-hlc.l u siim-ijor to liny of the other oils In market. t'-«nli-

Cnifi-Kii HAMIK, fiiee, rough skin, plmpl. rhigworin. salt-rheiim, ami ..ther cutaneous nfft lions enr.il, ami the skin nutde soil ami -IH.H.I Itv using the Jnni|.ei fur -..ip, made bv Caswe I l.i '.u.i ft Co, Sew York. He certain j.. >n-t I Juniper Tar Soap, n- there ur.- many worUlle ~:n./r. r . .., .-.,,,. y, n„ l,„-|,. |,n" 111 imitation* made with ci.nniii.u tar.

Hr.AiiACifi:.—There an- various causes for headache, ns derangement of the clreulstlugsvs- tem, of the digestive organs, of the nervous sys- tem, fee. Vegetltu- can be snid to le a sure remedy lor the many kinds of bead in he, us It ads directly upon tin- various Banned of this complaint,—Nervousness, Indigestion, Coatjvc

Hheuiitatisin, Neumlgi:L Bllliousiess, Ac 111 never regret ll.

Evening Course or Lsscturoa, and have secured for Ihe First I.eetim>,

Natarday Kvenlng, Jsuu.r, mth,

PETR< >TJKI IM V. NASBY who will produce "HANNAH JANE," a satire niton the follies of the day.

Halm-day Kveiilug, 1 rbruiry l.t

OEOHOE A. MAKDEN, will nerve up tbal exqulsile dish known ;, - HASH;" and Ihe course will l.c compleie.1

*nlurcU> IvrnliiK, I. Iirua. > l.llh.

when the "silver-tongued" urator,

THEODORE TII/r< >N, will deliver one of his .bulling, enrapturing and unniiproacliNlile I ..-.-i ,,,.-■. laljwt unaimomiee.1.

LOtIK AT THE Tltlt):


Il has lieen the aim of the management to secure l^etniwra who, while giving Instruction, would amuse. We need lea* owlish gravity and more genuine mirth and pleasantry; and n puugenl thought 1* stronger riveted I fit comes In a pleas am manner.

Nlnglr lleketa, l.t.-. Ilr.n.ril seal., ;t.1c.

Iteserved tleket* nml plan of iiall nt STHAT THX'S eomrr stnre. II ;tf'-loJaU



WEAVERS AND PICKERS wauled. Steady w ork and good wages. Addc

MTat. HKATOX, Kftat; Lock H.n if, FHOVIDKM-K. K.I



begs lo lender to his friends nml the puhli,

generally his thanks for the generous support hj

has received Whll inducting business lu Law

p, and ills., to state that his business hai

increased to eHflh nn etleut ns to lead him I.

BRANCH STORE for the sale of

Oont'n Furnishinis Qood«, HATS, CAPS, Sic.

This store is situated in SACNHKHS BLOCK,

Corner of Appleton and Essex Bt,

id will be under the immediate elmrge of UEO.


•arhfr.WBlL will still continue at hit OLD STORE, where, with nn bwreaoed .lock, and

i-lnlly a



than can he RMUMI nnyula-re cite in the cltv, lie

pen lo merit a continuance of the patronage

lliat haw liecii so UliemUy evtsaded to him in the


pOUND. A LAHGE BKOWN I)0(J, I which Ihe owner can luve bv calling on Vnn Cosgri.ve. 511 Water Mr.i-1, ami pnvltiK charges. If "oleaihit form seven days from dale it will Is.


CHESTER, N. H., BY AUCTION. Notice i* hereby given thai linn nnderrigned, .signees of the eB(atc- of Wlllinm Crawford -lid

Tliouiaa J. Melt in. ,.f Chester, bniikruiils. will sell I" 1 he unction, nl llaehehler's Hotel, hi Chester, Ttaoadagi Frbmary It, -79, al 1* e'tl'k M„ the land and buildings thereon, situate in said Chester. Mnl.l Imil.llnu is now ,H-eiiplwl by John Melvin, nierchnnt. mid .lohn I n.lcrhill, shoe IIMII- ulketurer.-bNjrellier with all other articles hi our hands ns assignees. I.I.-. is HILL,


Manchester, N. H., Jan. li, 1H73. :iHl'jal,

/ 1 II A N 0 K IN 11 l_ S I N E A H

Ut Ills Wood noil < oal Im-iucss, at No. 1[ Nti*. .my Mrect, to .iLlto.Ml: Cltoss, who will con

thine Ihe business nt the old stand. All pnrtles Indebted to the undersigned, will

please settle I ie.li«tclv; and all having claims against him. are rei,ue-inl in |,n-sent Ihe same for setllemeiilforthwllli. Will. MiMHIK.

Lawrence, Jim. \i, I--,'; ic ml,*


, WOBMTKD lionlis.

Every one must be sold before ■lock taking.

A lot of scarfs and li i \ ■• i -, It 1-3 e

All the at, os and 73 down lo HO Clouds from 16 r. to tl. A lul of tier,!-' Merino Hose at SA Liidiesllueribbcd Hose.whlb-grolored, K

"Ti/u few Holiday Ueeda we have lelt over, will he .-I I oul cheap. A few Hemmed "Innd- kerehlefs, nn.ij.l. .1. IJ 1-1 els. Fleam' cut. ne our stuck, and you will tlml It to your advaiiLagc, us We are ,1.-1.-i mio. .1 not lo summer any of uur Woratad Ooada. We imve BOOM

('HOICK DKKHS OOODFt. The stock comprebends the wants uf <-•* ryooe, embracing as ll does every grade of £00" ,. We have marked them all down, as we wish to con. t eit thcm all i» cosh.

We hove a larger stork of SHAWLS than usual and you will have a good opportunity lo buy one very Lot--ii-uiii #■_', *1. ♦i.:»i, ai, n Hie rlnest 1'aislev ur Cashmere, Long or Square.


If.- hod special mii-m ; we have a 1UII line of Beavers, Braadclotlis, i i-nn,-,. and medium gooils j \ ii-tinv nil wutil Fnx-klng lu all widths.


We never allow our assortment to I,,- broken, and you ran always tlml something which we U.iiik you w III approve, both in quality nn.l price.

Male i.. commence Jan. % lnT.1. (nil early lie. fore the hest goods are selected.






Urea. t.oodS,


la ihet EVEKVTHINi; laom-Stock. We |.r..|>o*r I.• sell MI 1.. .. thaw Wholi sal* I'ric.-,, in older lo net rea.lv toi uew Spring Uootta.

A G E N (' V.

Fire Insurance,

In Reliable Companies.

*lus, 11-iir.ir.l. Co


Losaea In Boaton,

All Wool iHhuii 11«, in i olors, marke.1 down from |Uja lo •lu.; • 1.121 lo We*.

Plnlu Wool, u Itrese l.in.il., hi sliorl lengths, from -1 1.1 to .'Ok-.

Ailanre lot of Plalda in, fJB, :I;J and BOc,

A i- I ttssorttin-iil of Si. I,,. Ilrcia Iliads for li), t\ 30,371 and Mr.

In our stock of Drees Goods can be found many Bargains.

A large lot of Scot, h (ilngliama at MB yard, i

Flaunrla, Print*, I ...t ojai traakei al (Mjualtv LOW ritllKH.

White Table Linens and Turkey Red Damasks


napkiaa iftc, ai.**, i.w, a.t», a.ja, «.M per dee.; t". tn> -«>■«• per rent, less than enn he I..nnrlii elsewhere.

BLACK ALPACAS * BRILLIANTINES we will sell at the same luw rale.

Our slock of


is large and tasty. In Nuuarc and Long, and at pram Rim BKTOfiE KNOWN In Ibis market.

Woalrn Plaid and Nlrlpe. Nliavi la #j.0U, i..V), 3.O0, 3.50, t.OU and .VWI; Hilly ONK-THHHHi-ss than former prices.




ae.oo.ooo •1.500,000

Home Inoii.nir Co., \,„ Vorb Illy.

Aaoeta, »4,ooo,ooo

Loaaea In Boston, 1700,000

Xortfc Amri lea lnsuii.ii,, Co., Phil., Pa.

Aaaete. »3,400,000

Loaaea In Bootun, SI,000,000

Ao. ih Rrlil.h A Mercantile Ins. Co.

Aa«ta, aiO.OOO.OOO, Gold

LoBaee In Boston, £800,000

N|irlii(flrl,l Plre Inaurance t ontpan; . npringfleld, Mas*.


Our Present Stock will be Closed Out Without Regard to Cost I



A Img. lot or


Loaaea in Boston, ♦ LOOO.OOO



HMO Baaea ■cneet, Uwnan.


141 Lawrence Street, near Bridge.

fc ' j Hllke, Thibet*, Alpaceaa and all otbec lie. -s l.c.ml-, Nlm« 1*. Kaeqni ., A.C.,

9060,000 | t'lrauard ami lij < il.

Loaeea will not Impair Capital.

D. 8. SWAN & SON, Agentej.

/1A8T0RH. All ih.- beat pattema -»r Vyi'laliHl, with cut nml engraved m.llh-s, hher wmnl's W"- for OM d


WISH I'- Wire, ,o,,l lien. n>.|,t un.l clit-iip llnl'iniiij:,, '"•■""-dollar, 1.1 -;

J. 4'. I).... at Co.. I..'. ■)


Carleton, late ol Mctlmcii. In Ihe count) nf Kt__ deceased, nml bus Inkeii upon himself thai Irust by glviuif IMHIIIS, ns Ihe law directs. AI" persons having dcnuimls upmi Uw estate of sal. deceased, arc remind in cvliil.lt the same; am ill iH-rsons Imlchti-d to rail) eslatj., are called upon o make pnymcul lo KltKVIt NAWYKIt,

Metliueu. .luti'y IS, 1ST*. JnlT Administrator.


Try the vegeline. Yoi

Miss KATK Ft.vNN, New York., earned with n Wbuelcr ft Wilson Machine #1,.M1.77 lu H7# and 1-4 days, of nine hours.

B i r t li:

COOLIDQE.-IU Hethu Inn. Rh to Mr. A Mrs. Samuel CiM.li.fg,..

CBAXULKB-ln Andover. Jan. ntti, to Mr. A Mrs. (icorgi-W. Clunidlei

to Mr. A



jM h i r i k £ e ri. - - -1..

l»j;;»'-VN-HsH._l„ this city,.Imi. tth. bv Key. j!ftl,'J,,' """"'l'«- *'''■ "i'ha.,1 I. Ibiggiui and MIssLllen A. Klsh. both of Lawreiicc

WA8HBt*HN-DAHOETT.-ln tUxler Me Nov. i7, Mr. limn- Wiishl.iirn. of ijoversvllle N. \., nml Ml-* Amanda .1. iUL; . i. i,r ihl* eiiv

IHCKI'illtli—KITI'ltKIHJK.—In ill 1M eiiv. Jim 7th. In Kei. L. L. IV I, Mr. C. sUfklor-l and Ml-sl'atiny s. Kiilredge. both ot Lnrrciii.-.

TOWLK-GOODWUt.—Hv the aame,'4aa Nth Mr. Andrew .I.Towle and Miss Mnrv K. lon.d' win, iKith afLawranoe. ' llWMMJ-MANAHAS -Hyt sue, Jim IMI,. Jlc *- H. ll..Hiiin«,oi Sorth Amloter, ind Ml— Horn A. M.ni.ii,.,,,. of I. ,■,.,. „

COLLINS-HI1VAIIOK.—In this cit. ,l,i„. lul, by llev. l-'nUi.r liih v. Mr. .Mi,, Cdlin, „f Lanreuce. nml Mb* (mhuriue K. Honahin- nf

KWIMi-.|il'K\sHAW.-ln I!..II,-I,-.I Vole, Jan. IMIi. hy |{ev. ti. { , tlsK—l, Air. I rue Kivllig "M nil..H Landing, \. ' . nod »L-: Mnrgann Openohaw, of Andover, Mass.

D e a t 1( £ UIYK.--1,, i .it,., i„.,.. a, ,,r,.onh, [|0„ A,ln

K., wife of C. A. I'm, ni.. liljrs. IIKALH.-l,, this cire. inn. IS, Leom.id W , sou

»M.. s. and t :irrie fleal'l. ngvd I rear. HIIIUKln-ln Ihl- eli>. Jim. 13, Kill,-, iufiml

sou of h.lnar.1 un.l Ida llil.liert. 'H^H-H.-lMthi.ciM..l.u,.ll,Il(.nj u.iorrlir.

IIB80N—In Amlover, .Inn II. Mrs. Jean Ulbsim agedni >,..llni.is.

IlKltKV.-ii, Kortk Amloo-i, Jan. li, Jacob Her- ry, aged BByre.

THACY.-In Amlover. .bin hitb, Bleu) Iran M. Ix, aged tn yra, n m..-

Ll'MMCs.-ln Kntleld t.nice, poc. IHb, KUaa Is-Ul. ni|e..| Samuel [.mi, s, forinul-. ol \n dnver, aired » vcars, S mniitni;'-

.Icl.l.-il nml nil liinii.K-ilniiii-., lire in, ( lie Hi* same al once with L. W. IIIHKIIAL, ....

allmrixcd to use Ihe firm name in setilemenl s. IHKKIIAM. L.W. IMM'KHAM, J,. H.CAflTKK.

Lawrence, Jan, I, IH7.1.

The huKluess Will licrcnit.-r be eoii.fiirle.1 under 1 l.i' ill III m of S. ll.H'KIIAH A .SflK.


nog E. r o K K.

COKE DELIVERED. Per Chaldrou, f it.oil Half Chaldrou, a.OO Barrel, an

At the H'orki, Per Barrtl, to

' ii ■!.■,« ,,-. .-l.i-.I :,l Ihe IMIIer n| Ihe I.AWRKMC liAs COMI'AM, No. a-iil Ksaea ftlreet.

tlUoriH- UKO. D. CABOT, Agent.

MISS H. II. FIELIHNfl Wishes lo in- form Hi.- Ladleaof Lawrence and vlrlnllv

It'Jld"'. ""* r1"*' r,'"'i,l'-l "I" II"' l-Utest TALL A WINTK1I Miles from N.-it York ami !■ n-iw resdt tn Bzemite nil ■ '■■ ■ I, 1 - for

DRESS AND CLOAK MAKING -'it her it -. -Jin aaseea HI., Lawrence, Muss ..*!*:,l'",.,i;"';v »ii,''i,i"11 }>■<»* •»< i-rriMiatui HlllM, Ladles'and Chil.lmr- IHtKSSES.

KBW BTI UM reecive.1 ever) week.

Ladlee1 Draeoaa Cat nml Fitted for #1.00. Machine Stitching ,„,„ Ilrai.ling done to onler. A IIIHTSI shnir of irtirniuijre sollclu^l, wltli

thanks lor past fnvnrs. |rl |n3

licati ■ rmiii


\\'ANTi:i)-.\ Houaekeeper; Am T » or.-lerr.-il. (ioo.1 miire- i,uj,| |.„ u

person. V< Mrei-I. >

mrliculars, li irr n


hr.1- years, .latin,; 1,01,1 Felsroary 1st, |[<73. The i«l" l...vjc,-i;„n .-, - r nl., |* reservwl. l'r..|M.snl- in,,, 1„ ,1,,,, i,..ii.. ,.i,j„.r

.hills hl.LLY, Hiiv.-rhill.

i.MiKi.l. MisTintl^ndmTr'!'''"'1

Ivcrsrers of the II..11-. .,1 < ..rreetion at I.awr.-me. Lawrence, Jan. IS, IST.I Iw* tjali

U It 0 P II S A I, S

Will la- received bv the mi.lc. Igned until January iitli. 1H73. lor the inl.or ..I (l.c mnlc com id. In the House of Correction nl l|-nich, for a isiriod of ""]■■ >■■<"--. dining fi..1.1 r.l.ruary 1st. ls.;l. The ilKhl to ri-Jei 1 m,y or nil |. .......-nl-, |* reserved.

HVsli'l'. II -in hMiv, liroielaml HKMIY HllHII-. tVenhitni, III'KCS KIM It All.. I.tnn,

I'erseers of the Hou-e o| I ..rrceh' ,1 |,,»«irh. Ipawleb,Jan. [3, is?;). :wr ;j,iu

■■- huselts, M. I have IH-CII i,|,i.i.iiitn| .,■ ,. M ■■ m l.nuLriinni

ofKhWAHIlW.'nilAKK.ol - rvlUe. ___ HENRY L. UA1.TON. Itn»trm, l>ec. »n, Itm. nHja-l

•a-liurlng the pact ten days we have taken oc-

casion to call Ihe attention of the public to the fin

mense destruction of clothing l.y the terrll.h- con-

flagrntionof November nth and HHIi. nmouuling,

aeenrrllnn lo the liest estlniales, 1.1 rmm Ilie to sll

mllli.ais of dollars, instead Sf four millions, ns we

advertised it So large and sudden n loss In these

goorll has raased a mark excitement, not only

among Ihe dealers, hut among Ihltttl who Here

alsout lo |.ii, cl..-,-1- winter garments for their own

use. and our own trade lias increased even lieyoml

nur .-'I'.. I'.ii.-.i ■ ■

KorliiiiaUly our slock was unusually large and

complete,end in anticipation of afreet demand,

created hy the scnrclty of winter clothing, we 1111

mediately gave orders for Ihe manufacture of new-

goods, which are daily added to our stock, so that

our friends me aosorcd liny wilt fa

parlineiit aa complei,. n* ever

Carpets Cleansed in a Superior Manner OenUemen's Clothes Cleaneed or Dyod

w i; 11. nn ripping, to give entire eatisfnctlon.

Having all the hitesi baproved machinery, nml keepUUf none hut ihe best Dyers, we can do nut work enual to Ihe laui iu Ihe country, nn.l hope to he beared with a Iriid.

I.AWIIKN'K, Oct. Ill, IST'J. This is to cenll\ tlml I lunc tiad work done lu

the mosl satlsfnclor\ manner In .InllN T. TKKI.S A Co. Can reeomiN.-ml snl.l ( ..i.ipnnv to nil tl requiring any Uilnu In their line, for n-a si sun harness of chmncr, pr hllic-" Ill e\.-i llliou. I ■ 11 u, 1,1 \ ..fwork. IIKY. [.. I.. YVOiiH.

Mgaatia, Tam I.AWH <K. 011. 11, is:-.-.

_ . il Cleuiiiiij! "hi 1 lotiies. I hml 11.1 idea that such |«.rfecti..ii w |...-.-.ii.ie. Yours triib,

JOHN KUWAItlV, Insurance Agent.

LAWHKNCK, Oct. U, IS7". MKSSKS. .1. T. TIU:I:N A Cn.-

IlKAR Silts;—The loth- mid Kiimicnt* Jillli-ed in M.ur I111111I- lo 11-, fur iliiin-liii: I I'nl'.rinj;,

boan rclurm-.! a- "good .mi...

■Iu.ll Inkc

Our Prices will Remain the Same as

111 1 >tin-: THE rimi,

Notwitliitandiag tlic advance we are obliged to

pay for all material*, We quote IVom the CIrru

lar of Oeo, Wm. HONK, ,y Co., Wool Itrokers,

"dial the lots la wool alone Is estimated at baing

■■'--■*'-.'■■» ponnda, valued si *l,!Hn,0l».

DaaJen MpaeiaUr are invited I., examine our

goods, si we shall offer extra liutucementi to

CASH customer*.


CLOTHING Ready Made 01- Custom Made,

Boots, Nhora, Hats, Cap*, t mliolla..

Trunki and Pnmlablug i.nuil.,

lli.j s' Clothing.

ONE i*i(i< 1:.

.•■I 1 --11- i'at.KS;— I take ph-nsmi- In le-tlh ing lo the excell 1

of your livelog un.l < leausluK ladle-' Dresses an.l Shawls; also, the superior on or in which Coals. I'HIIIS nml Vest* have I..-.-U rcllalshi-.! at your c* tiihli-lmi.-iil. Yours Iruli,

s. V. SNKLL. Lawrence. Oct. IT, IMTi.

AtiKNTK. N. v. »\Kt.i., ;t 1:1 Haaej - ■ Mr>. BICH\I1I.I.. mil Ks.ei Ntrerl. M11- WH.i.lS, llroii.Hi'iiv. South Side. L. O. NOItKIs, Mclhuea.' JOHN BHuWN, Norih Andover. ■IIIKL HAltSKs. Krye Village. tloelh-


1 AMI'S. KeraaoDe mid tins Fixtures, JChnmlellers, IVudniit*. bracket*, lliirucrsiinil

Chlniuevs, liloU--, t rhiipol idn-s, porcelain ami I'aiH-r Simile*, i.e.. Ntamlni.ts. 'I uhimi IJIIIICIIM flint l.nio..- M-LII I Join. I . Ilu. *. Co.

1 ■"■') ">mr ,100 L



1 11 1. 11 1 1 1 .

admission .1

lor catalogue < onl.-iiiiinu itil-.i uialiou, term* I'lc. addrcs* lln-I'niii im.l,

i:ur,ui.ii, JI. E. HIIIHAIiD.




A. W. STSARK8 & CO. are o]>ening Derirahle (iisrsls iiartli-ularly u.laptnl for making PKKNKftTN for tjirinuoas ami New Year, comprising Ijidle*'and Children's Furs, i 11 Large and Hue Ynriety, of Urn hest Custom Made. -Muff* ami Keek Wear: Ladle' and Children's Kiuhrohlereit nml Heinsthclie.1 Handkerchiefs and Keal Thren.l Collars; Knilu-oidered and Linen Collars and sleeve* iu great variety. Footer t.aoda,-. in h ns Fancy Thread Boxes. Fine I'er fi and F\trncls. ladies'Silk Neck Ties, new styles; Hand Knit Wonb-d Articles, Ilolaer}-and Otovea In greut assortment, of French, Fngllah. SeoPh and Aniericmi; Ladles', OenU'and Chll dren'a t niter liarmenls; I .mile*' and Mlaac* Shawls, New and Ktegaul Styles; Ladles'Cloak-, of our own make and deslgus. t>ur Stork'.if Lb die-' and Children'* Dreia Uaoda Is Large < hoice and YFItY CHEAI'. We hare a full ami Completu Assortment of Flannel-, all colors and .pialitles. from Ilu- liest mills, Bed Blanket*, Cnr- rlogi. Ilolie*. elc.eti-. ladles'Finn Scissors and Shears; Ladles' Skirts; Fringes, Laces, (iliu., Button-and Fur Trimming*: "Tlillr frlffcl. Utrt


In particular, we Imve u mil -i„. k of >ilk and l.la an Hniiilkenhief*. Neck Wrapinrs and Mufflers in Ib-BUtiful Mylcsaml hand knit; Fur nod other warm Oloves; ( l.sDi for I'antH, Vest, Coat an.l Overeat, or we liavc S TAll.OH who will Uka your iinyisurc and make youaFull Suit In a fVw .lays.

atl We wish 10 Impress on the mind- ..rihe |.en pla ah»i We aaajl good arllrlea in en. h m-i.ari- menl; thai HO POOR or HiiltTHI.KSSlloodsare iKiughl U-ruusc tliey nn- Cheap; and In mnal 01 our Dc|Mirtiu.-iil- we keep as line Uooda at can ba round In New Y»rk, Boston, London or Faris.

a.-W<- Imve Ihe lnrgcnl and most euiuplete a«

Carpets £ House Furnishing Goods

to lie found. I'nim Ibe

Hist IM.I.ISII BOIIY llltl KTII.s,

Dowl through tlic




And Ilie moat Common CJualllles


All or which wu are disposed to sell nl

KXTREME I,<)\\ RATES. We wish il disilm-tlv uiider.ltsHl that our stock large and clinic-h< ,-ach s|s-.iallli and Depart

cut, ami that We pledge our patrons as gooif .....Is nml desirable sl\les. al as low or lower

j.ri.estluin Boston or an v other market, lieu tic maul;, nnd houmalile In-ntmciit, Ac

One Price Only. A. W. STEARNS & CO.

ry K"Y "i~r 7


COUGH MIXTURE. Sold hy all first eln** Druggist* an.l Qroeara, Trv II, nml you will Is- com I need of ll* wonder.

ful effects. . umlT tool

T N 8 T It II 1,'TKIN IN


raw. O. <i. KauWaVaj Who I parti IHIUI IJcmtail and French accurately nml UticnUy, will hstjUU pupil/, either sltia+r or lu ehi-ses, in rending nn.l IT analog these huwuage*.

FlnnoOtstniclloii given, with special at ten tl.ut 1 ■.■■ i.i to beginnera.

Mr. K. can la- found nt die KI.IOT CHAPEL, (rom * lo (l o'cloek, I-. 11.. on Wednesdays ami Sal unlays, llel'crencc Is made to A. C. Perkins,FIUJ.,

Itaatar or Lawrence High School, ltcv. ii. >, Weaver, nml .Mr. Wlesner, II I'ulou St, Inquiry may IK. made at Antmi,i> Office. •': |,.^.'.


CONSERVATORY OF MUSIC. Mnsle ltsll. Boaton.

LARGEST MUSIC SCHOOL IN THE WORLD. Pa-Jills of this Conservatory enjoy I

The Instructions of the most eminent masters; The grcnte*t number collateral (free) advantage-..

The lowest rates of Tuition; fnuuusled In ci lit la* for Hrncurlng desirahla silitu

lions, when ■• mi 1,ii.<.I; A very superior tlu-ec-niniiual fllgaa flit laaaohj

and practice. Organ praetlee tree.

Tl iTi.iv. In classes of »\\, -1 . .«. In , 1, .. „l r.uir, *iM.UOpei-(iuarter.

Cimilnrs, giving Hill i.uitici.lnr-, nmileil free In any address. 1t1lJnloe.li K. TOI'RJKK, Director.

I (III I LL Alt 1)


< 1.»li Capital, tlMMMHHt

MSaSB) 'iil.t.iicii

CARLISLE NORWOOD, Pre* Men 1, ZtiPHAK MILI.s, Ylrc 1'n'si.lcnt.

JOHN c. MILLS, aeeretary. ItwJoja^aaa. A.V. nn.lil.l, Agent.

S.i. -.tsl KaSSX sTiiKnr, HWIIKME.



PKIHHCK .tTl.i l-AI*n Agenl- (ur Ihe

ejsnriag HaUreaa lie for the ol.l-lash wnrranle.l lo give


The Imn. cosilua n.im».r. lo »H1

votidcrfully liowerftil ml

An l:li,-n.ii Guitar, prii'c from fl.MI lo #T.V A \ Inlln, (now 11 lndv's holreuietii.) r"> to iSf.

(Forthelb.ysnuiMHrls). ll. inn., loin, rllnaa, \t.... ,1, oils nr Fin-

Ilu-., Clarlui I lin... I UtSH < fits. Fire*.

All Ihese. Of all vnrietles, nml of the laMl mm.it fin-lure, together u ith an unrivalled -[•.■ k of

BAND INSTRUMENTS, Are for sale at moderate prices hy IrfarjfOI'b-

Jini \ C, DATnTaM *. CO., MC'nurl SI., (o,,|,.,-lle Court House), Boston.

A IJ l:\TN «A\TFI». - We guaraiilee en,

#-Ji»«J or moivB war. N. » «...k" l» Mrs. )/, II. .v/oimuid other-', "nmol. i.t.inlinii-Ki.cn 11 win. M nnolc i.,|.nll, nml ,,,.,!, nliw.ll |o, „-.'- Win,, mid see. J-,„ lar. lie,-. WnllTHIM. TiiN DI'sTlN A Hi., Ilnitfi.nl, l t. ] 11.



-ale.. , nre. l.icnlH..! uhiramlUim (l„ I'lil.li.hcr,

.\ If a. 0 liilnii Ntrerl,


This Bank hn* |«'i annum, free ■

ever Mas to 11

cssllnillsiV depositor..


All (h-|.o-lt- m an. in--i.il, an-tin la the next divi.i.


vt. Irefhre tbe 11 Icr.-I,

rat <Iar or nml share

Ilividcml-assiMiaasdcel tothear. tUof deuosltm earn Interest, Ihn- Khlng . .

, and al on.- UCII Xl.llll

re added 1.1'gm lo

rest Rnnain Mutui,

Presidi'lil. l.l.u. C, Tl 1 Mill II..

E* ■artre r.mmUlrr. (Hilton Vile., T llarvri ( ariicnlci. II William Itiihins l.

...mas L..lc ul.ljl.Whl



ffic *■« fiOfi p-rdnj ' \Kcirlsnanli-.|? All ISO LO JP-iU elMs-e-i.l IM.lkillK people, ol

work for u- in 111. Ir .(.i'tre 'im nt*. or all'Ihe liiii", tlniii nl nii-.ihiiin i-l-c. I'liHh tdar* (Tee. A.I Ir ;. -TIN-UN A n», Portland, Maine. 1-1


Dadd's Liniment or Liquid Blister. Kohl by Ill-Ugglsbi na.lTiaders every v. here.


' I'lii.ii ir...




OAK HALL, • • - BOSTON. 1wTja.'!codt<IIIKli




91000 KI'.WAItli

1 lawn known

KMIIII bn kepi In ■Ids.

svor i.ner.-.i io 1 l.c

i... . u's Cough S) . o|. every Pamily for < oiigii* nml I

Theee Medicines an-Ihe Is.. public, aa thousands riui i.-iii

Sold hy all Apolhi-cnl ic-.

Uuuufaetillc.1 by JiHIS I.H1.KN, Lowell, Ma*.

for any caseol llliud. Bleodlog, Itoldng or I'leer aled l-il.--ll.nl HL IIIM.S Pile Honed) li.il- lo cure. It Is |.re|.uml e.pn-**ly !•(, cure Ihe Pile*, nml n-lhliig else.

Hnhlb) all Itruggiat*. Price il.tU.


' ADVERTISERS' GAZETTE. I, book of lis |.:,gc-. -h..», ing Itnw. H hen and « Imi. lo ml.crti-,'. nml , ...IIMI.OH-.1 li-t •■! n.-nrly :«»«.

lerc.'l''l!!'n!lV.-"l'i*!i-" " Id'i'lre.. liWI. I'.HOH. 111 A CO.. Pnhllahira, 41 !•...«. linn. New York. " I JnlO



>I<1 TI f (1ft c'J\. A ft Kim s STOM:.-A M. Sl< wnrt. mic u .,, ,,, iMI _\i» Dlrkfton ncolniol ,■* ..i i> 1 l^eLfiiwi'eriCemnei'ican oru*locator*oftbe^1 p,tti ,hW ,,,;;.!:;,,!,,„",'■„,„.>,.„!i-..i."i.,'«.!' 0nr |S«icc -bo x.

■—■■ ' ' ■■ lln on the noi it of the Stern NeAatta wu r-|ut\fim one of Ids cuaiomrrs. a - — Mountain*. I'ntiritnilii. tin* shown ii- », r.-MH.tnlilviltixrii, mif iuomlQ|t( wheu ii *-, . rnrvhouy* column. atone that In .Ilt1.-r.ni from anything we Iconvcmatlu -curred lh.twe.ii tin- two 'llfcjtf1 "4 ic'sfaHfnjm Pnriul-.rlnoii-di h»veev«w»l ><■.!,. The MM* W«»|respectingMr. likksotr, former coinjec- r>**7 ,,l(Wll AlU ^ ,„(1 ft

«.u-"Vnrii«»«Vi»n""^ ■7™«,im,",'ti V.V".Viii !l r" ■• "'"l :" ''""'"l*" "' -ri;" thm with ti,.- colored . Iiur.li iii Hint place, flat ...... ,.,„, ,,„,,, ■ :i»> litormatl.m conc-ruiug tln-iii Mil Ulllll. Mr Sll.ivart ,,„, v,-,,r:.i iline-.; -1 Mil.„. ,,„, ,.,- connected with the 4K& wea^eat. ****

nyoyuilc than cur before, t lint I wish to u „,irrouiiileil hv n rlim »' ' WhH" -101 t ..Sn Mi, ,,,.1 U1 nil" «W 1 '> peculiar formation. The PM, vr central .whvVarc™w iiol'i inner of the Af- T^t>4'l

■hat fcaa E brnn ITOTO haw «w« x £ ,:, V ,,,,'_„; '„,,,.,.. ,r» t-ic :-J:I fk .-..-^M, :-"":' '' '':

drawback to tl..- plciiMircnflt, la the mola- w||||t. ,,,, lvtl()ll. sp.,-|,»..,i is about lit. ■ Not »tU V«r, *ah.

Intently watching inall hole In the wall.

of 11 Ir.iir-ilolitir. Thl* atone helmsI ■■ Why ilhi you lore thut communion. tun- whieh collect* on Hi.' |rbuM In a tii (ICW, MMlOften wholly hide* rroiu sight .-(ewcd Ihromrl mtrerful irhum -h the ■■■•aiilli-H within. It ...cured to m.- „„. M „.,m .^ , n|l.fc ,r liirht-nv. tluii ,.* 0 r.,w.t.,i..~ 11.1 " ."' ' nwmn.ni j ". 1.1.1.' >■•> ui«k,'

thtii rivaling th* Aurora Boreal!*, j -wjiv. i

A good tliiu^ tin' tii • Thai, -oi.-.i boot*.

thm 1 eowtitntOMM tllm ofmolntitn . thut.li.t • j OIIKT ilnv. Otii- tn-limge. joii. HUII," Huhl Mr. JMt-k- ,,irriv(| j,,,]..- niuuii, „t ,|,

nat-ldv^hell.but wu» unahte to makv im- „», riit. ^.Iliu-.. Dut'vJur th> clnm-h pvo- .-in ■ 1 ■tri.H I'"'"1"1 l ""' -"""" i,"',r Wesnw p|(. caUmc Mr. in.k-.'.i,. OU razor ban

1 the tflti*-. hnl tliol BOBp-WdJ inoat numevn wltb soon tenacity, 1 trte.1 lht. i,,,,,,,.,, uf „,,., |pift, „ Iim| , . -V=

IS^.Te.«*Mon^*^eSIir^^ ,!,"> 1"'1 ,,"t even »'»k—">'''• '«»' : "xoTVlr, It »*» l«l*rahlj welt." «."hi 1 IM.1 ■■„,„ Z w 1. VtV owu*roftlK'«onrin(briiww torn tbrW ..W.n, Mb, de thlrtl year I loel bciy UHNIIII ln-l.li- lhoroiiKl.l> nllin * t.mti ,lflll.r „„„„., ,„,,„. S,U1|1. kl|11, ,|r(. ,„ |Ju. ^ fcuillv—1 Lixl I air*

^ri'^o^ iMiM^loiiofth. liHltaiiH ..f thai region, n„tili„.. ,-,„ ftrWhlnjt. W?ll. Mb, after

.V»ni on i 1 ..« r,, . ■ s ,n , l ,,"'m '" -r,i" ,,■■|M',', "" l;,1U' ■ *•' "•« >"«■ oM Xi«er Dlefcaon ami I !u , 1^ w,n mvln, ^,1 '":"""'"1 r*fti«- 10 |»an with them at , „,,',-,,,■ s„ mS. Mr. Dl.k.oi,

Mr. Di.k-on. If I tuny be permitted to A ilojt with two talli Wr.a M«n in Turn the '. One hekmged M nn ox.mij iron

tlto cuniiii'.

ir :i F.[«M*nf*iij of JM win mUe tirty u-m«' worth of il'nir, IIUHnimli will it lake loralM nuiih cnounh 10 buy utothrr hnrrd wftliJ

A youiui fallow, I'.m.l of tnikion, iciunrkcil: ••1 nni no prophet." "Tnn-," replleil :. lady pn-i'iit. "iio pront to yourweb or anyone .lv."

A man not WM who ottered Uiil for a Mend, wai naked '•> a jnd« If be had in iaenmbrnnei mi hh> Ibrtn. "Oh, ye#," wakl In-; "m» ..I.

H i \" t . ; , , . :nr\i,rni;swiii''i[ AIM: i'i:t II.IAK I ( ; Roho (Special j\ ol iceji. \{ \*

XJLTRKK'ti MA41U' ('DMI't'INH. j Ellas Howe Improved Family Sev/inc ' V> Machine.

'It.. Ix» ll.n.r.i, for * iii!-;li- mill t otrt. |, |[...|N|y un.l 1 \.c]lr|](,-(.r-lil.li iiliLv ..11 1...IL '

dlauovaml. Then-*« itntldiM l'k.- II for ill* : fjjjj" '.'.V1"K1"I'VIV-'.t"»'1 ll"".Vt'-u',"lr'','T"»> ru.'i'- ...f Uu- tltroutnnit IUIIK-. 'i™l ImlUc. no. |< ..'„.; :, 1.', „i:in i',,i/. 1 .Pli "i|„,!',',- " I. .\ 11' tii .

I>«kail fVnrnTK. II. hKI.I.KV. Ijiureucc, Ma.-., [li'.l » r-i-tts t... r tl.. II,.,.<T (hi

,C.UfM>|i\VtS a to., .;■- Il-muvor MUr.-i, J*^",' ',''■'"•'■'."I'.'I ."1", >'■■' :l"j'i', ' 'Kr./'i'i'.'i' Ml. JiliiB \unr\t- „.,,. |,Lnii^l—V \|..-.'|. I m,i|..i'i,'i"|.i,»l.„, ii

A . II \ V IM. N . |) n 11 K S . I> (i It I! II T II A T (I H T O K,

,\ hpu-udid varieii •■» JI VKSIE.K iiuoHH Tin. Co pp>, tint! Sheet Iron Worker,



NCIlKNCK'n I't'I.M.iMi -Mtll", M'HKXl'K'- NKAWKHI) TOXIC, scilKNCK'i )!.\MHHki: l*II.I.-«.

NIL 1. \ 1 J ■: r. i>,

MM NT IT I'll,

Lim-uHiiitii'in. nilnHllUlii ntetllcli

"11.11 .MTH-i-m III.' .|l tin- Ih.T, ilnpa tlu-1

luffDtaa Uu- ii.'iii.ii |t. ..I Iht-vrn i.rnai. Hint .-iiii-.-.l Uu-1 ifh- ,.m i„|,,j,. „ JU,,,,,, ,,,,„,, u(.k,.. ,;, . ,.,,..,.

Liter r«in|.Iniul ,iii<l ,l\ |„'|i-u. niv Hi.- run-.- ' ■ .,, ,. .,. , „■ ... , ' , ,,,.",„i ,,,. . ... nl iM.riliiiil- !,| ih,-..,-r- ..1 . ,.ii-iini|.tti.ii. Many ,.„,.,.. ,.,.., ,,, i,,.,..,. .,„ ' ,. v, ,.„.,','■, . ."■' mm .■.„,|.|.!.. 1, ■ I ili.II 1 sin In Hi.- ■■.!.■. ih. ■ ' . , ' „■",', ,, ',

it in 11% piiK-i- tttftiin. or bbitehea of roam will IK l*n on tin- -jla--: )>nt thei will won illanpu-aroftheniHclvco. 1)11 lookliiK elonely tb* «m of miapy wa- lt-r Will IK! ili-lri t.'.l: 'nil It llOVN Hot lit nil

hide the t Im . An tin- air llvlihr It ilnnip and alwayit iletNndtlnji is- uwlntiirc, ii prevoiitM tlie Him irom lining lorncoti- >l.h-nild<'|. rlini. It la well known thai. Iroui ebaimoM uftomneraturo un<l other .■aiisi—. the KUWW, ora portion of It, 1»" rum*" iniirh dry nml Iree in ton for a n-w hour-, and I Dueled that, after ins

- tlins dried. It would r.ji--

ni |.rhi. Hi »li>.u in^ oiii' ofllii-M' KloiifH, hruithed hi

II the uuthern irlben of Indian-. The j'.-n Hi* ehureh lorn- In eiTliihilv njrreol eiirhwity, awl . . ' ^_„

■» ll.-v.- ibl- I- th.- only oue ever nern A (.1.r,.lin lll)r1„r •,-_ wlille

• Ha inaipilfyl 11 i- in tin-

ulam, '.ring tblrk ftb* <ly.

I'rvnhyterlnii, ami hln lady-love was as n lb* ii.id.ll.-. Hi- probably n quarter I atroUK runl dwiik-il a Bapttnt. They were ' lehlhlekin llie.ei.lre. Iho.i-I. -lit ; M|Min^ t«»|foti..r. evening, talking of '""" l"di nu lue llainoUT. Belnft thelra iiaehltiK iinptlaln. when the doe- ill on .me side only, ami | rly i-iit at tor remarked- lint, It 1- lunl in Judge ufthe ftill beaaty ..[ ,UI\ ,linking, my dear, or two rventa

which I -hall nnnil.er among th* bapnl- .tleeth.

* agreeal.l irprlM

.1 III NIV life "And pray what nut) they he, iloclort"

value of ill it a ml.t. Lut Ihlnk- it a .ton.-, unknown to the Ii

the dew tunlicathered again the luvlalble I ft,,";'J^^J^T1^}^ '"",[ '7?''"! ""^ l* ViVb»»V'wh'.iV7\hn'ii'nd"l y,! particles Mfsunp «blch bad drl.-.l .,„ the "'Lf "^ ""' U' ' A""f- my wife lor the Hrst linn - ataa* nnlieil witli H to form a new Him ' " . "And the other? nearlj a- perfect as at Hr-i. indeed l ..." .,", -'JL-A" TI„.«." 7 ...... '*!« I" when we aliall prc-enl our (Ir found id. Ii.-eil of r.'iie»lli-' il -ill vraH IN, .... .,.,.. . . , i ,1"1'11 l'"1' ''ajUi-in.'

;..,.n■wl.lel. t. U-1,1 IV-l M,.„ I,,,. -What: sprlnkl.,1."

for the dew.. 'I -V.s. niydenr.

mi. JIIKKN ItK-mui.—There Is -HK

1Blo'ry which, It la wdd, Waslilnglon hai ing -o much a- the wetting. , ,.,.!„;,,,! „|- „ „„,„ „[„, „,,,„ !nlll ,„, |n,

kta|fin1totllI!Sn!! S™ tZ i""i "-k,',,,,,"' n-dmaof drink rmni the -Never shall a hilrn or ini im It i.l.lnl t.. in s„i,p ■ .Hint's it an.l ,[[,,! M |„> pu^li.tl forward a wineglass ,, |„,,.Iur-

r.-nppllc.1. M1 1|1|)((|| tlllvM,.r„ rtmor* than halt'Uall bcnprlnkl«l."

Isi,,re ""' ^1^,'"'n, "•«•• '^,•, I'lllillonI said. ••Th.-v slmll I.e. I.ei r IIIOM nnnitis wmiii mposii inoi>iun "T|mi KIUKS uiii of which VOU arc drink- V ' i 1 "

SS5 mC'alSaSiIllrhri? aumcTu!' I»K I" n>rty y*arn old.- - Well." ,al.l the ! »Weri. nir. 1 can tell you. .be,., .hat 1 s In u. I , , „ Ik 1.1 e U>irM> "«vl-»"- '■•"'"■'"prating I.- ill- ■ v lwlnw „,,„-, l(1. mv „;1|niv s„ g,.„.| 1 stioiil.l .lll.lgctb.il OIK1 a week would lie ^i,,,,,,^. ,„-,,,„,rti,,,,,. .. | think ll Is the "

tnalleai Hi

-In--, till i.t b-iigll. it in II-.t I

ollse.|lleli. c of all this will he that

llollgb I

I so little Unit. II tie..—,i

IOI object to doing ll oft oni'se the glass should lie be aoap I- applied, and cnpcclallj free j Take the Irlsbi

iru I a brick a- a Kpecl n of the lions

ie bad lo sell; lake the Irl-limall Will

dm. hi- eyes and looked im.i the gla-.- I<

.ce Low be would look when be wa-deml

, .ake thi- li-l-liman Dint l.oiigbt a crow perlencc is that, soap or no noau, It la »| teal ntf that trow a were report, d lo lit

a have lb,- glass ink- L,llll V(.llr. W)|, ||(. ||1(-tll|| ,„ „., tlt|| „„,, Ir

oat Immediately re- , ,, ,.lk(. u,,. ir|,|„iian that met a frlein

wliosaid I., lilm, "Whv. *lr.l heard io

.Jlk'l.l, si.. lliat story! The lady left the room, the doctor bfi

astoi.ris given as a atory of Athens ::,.. ; ,,„. [|ouw., -|-|,,- H.-.piel was ii,. n.arriige tears before Cl.rl-l was bom. nil) * nil I _m, hlli|.||s

tb.-s,- IrtMli linll- are iireek—every one of m ... fc _

whieh II.M'J nni i-i.nii. ■iili-.iUitr.l l.i iliisk n ii.tiKli

s.■llelll■k,. Heaweed Ton tnlXM with tl.r K-i-lrir lui

"When I nut my foot down, ill have

idvn.tan.1," «y- Mm. Xo>.k.r. "tlml tl.,-,e'™ . ^^j;

iini'lliiiiu' Ibere." On invi-tipitiim ii uu. liiiii.d i 'l"ir. and rriiiin im-pfil :.n.l Inartivr,

tolica No. 11 aboe.

An old "uliHirllKr mites tlml they bavo lire-

lie- MI large In his nelffblawfaood Unit the)- use

i n> <i«.k t.y. They hntig Hie keltli- mi

their bind legs, whlrh are bent for the purpoae,

like t^-liooks.

Dennis CShnnneany advertlaei. ii« RIIIOWH in

the noHnabtu RepnlHican \ "I hereby give no-

tice that my ttite llrlilget has lelt my beil im.l

hoard, and thai I will m>t pay her debt*, a- we

■ire not married."

"My dear," .snid the aentlmental Mrs. Wad-

dim, "Imint, you know, is always Hie dwni-i't

s|K.t uu earth. "Well, yea," aakl the practical

Mr. Waddles, "It <li»i Goat me ahoul twice M

nun Ii us uny other »|")t."

A totally depraved Kentucky l«.y iv.rntly

thi.eiv a liamlfiil of n.rtrldge" Into tlie nml scat.

lie HI church, mid watched the fifed. I'resell Hy

the tire WM replenished, the enrtrldges a-ent .>»',

ami nl-> the ndnlaler ami rnagregation.

It : a pleasant livling, when you imagine

that you are aiuuslng ncvcral of your female

iicipiMiiituuces, to discover that they are littering

at a ham I ken-hie f willed has insi-rlcd it-ell

rween yon and tlie chair, and is peeping roguiab-

.'1* sonielliiK-1 " ii'- r im.l .iiwliiurs IIHI Ion ImilTiip ei.iiti'.i. (piitn in Hie -1 1'1,-r lihule, tWIii Miuictlmr.-. vert re-ll'-'s, mi'l at older limes ilr» si , 111,- r.ii„| tlinl i- ink. ii In-- Inniilv ,ni the i-l.i a.-d, aee,nu|miiliil wiih int.lilt ami helihliw iiiml. TlHisesviiiiiii.iii. n-ii:illt-iiriRim.t.- Iron iliM.rilcreii eoniliiii.il nl' Hi. i-tiniiM.-h, ni'a luri liver. I'erso.iN -.. mr.'. te.l, ll ll.ev lake .merit hiaiv cii|.|-, mi,! || -Hit-, -i.ii^-h 111 lhe-i-iii-e- lie,., ,, .. ,. , . .- . ,. , .

' .tunnel. Die hill/-, liter iin<< null I " »• 1- 1 •> K I, r. & }. \ -rimiiii Imiiiil :.i"l in.ietive.ni.il la'tttn-| » MaimfiK luriiig ( ..'..

I he imlii'in .- nu: I hi- -it mil UM IIII.L'S are i V.,,,. W,..,.;,,,r M.i,.l. i> nil,.. ..r d..re-, .in.l u|i,.|nte,t,ii.,.l itintli 1. Hie I -> < AA ^< N\ »"

TiaU wild tlie _._ ,.|li|,netlli-s, Kini|i)i. ill iii.il ,lurnl.ililv.-ln. Ka-e I mlmn nml i.iniiino-m, iil.-1'.i. Ili-I Machine

( .illnl.i' -eellie..- .Mil, llill'eB W„i-L, wlllUhe M:il* i tii-noii.ii Tmilil.l. pnwer, i.t llaa»''> AKHI- I y. IOM Kauri Ntrcit, l.nwri'i.i-e. A-


ii i it i, i-:, s .

All -i.l'.j mi I {.rleesi.1 Family Bible* ..

STKATTUX'S UiiiiKSTi'iti:.


< ■ ii i: <> M u

i i: A M i: s .

.\|M,:I rilll t< [

IF A X C Y li O O D N

not cling. In ventilating the f.-rn.-rt. 1 i-best l.> lake oft* the shade bill ii l.-i momenta at a lime, an that the s.mpt till will have no time. In dry. 1 d.

lit. ni:i...n- \Vol!IM».—What a pitiful thing an old bachelor is, with bis clu-.-r- iess house and rueful phi/, on a bitter COhl Ulght, wliellllle lleice winds blow, when Hie earth la ravemlamol with snow: when the tire is nut. ami In ahlv- crlng iheail, he slip- uealh the sheets of his lonelv bed. How be drilWs up Ills lues. encased In vain hose, and buries hi- nose Imn.-iilh his chilly bed .lollies-, that Ills

Her for the ri euoir daily nil. placed. Those who-.- frru.ns.sarefrimi- eil can cu-lli applv the soup nil a apongt through the ,|o..r. and swinging the door """.,'.",'"!' ','i",',,„ o'.'.'i •'"■•/ii!"" „., » ""'"':""1 "ls lm'"' M,llt"n,,J«l l">arn none, back and forth half: Zen time* cv.-rv " " m , ' ., ';. ,he „„ L ' '""X '"", 1

r"fl»1C "' *'\ f\"-' Then ,l'

mornlOK will give the veD.llallon wlthnul " , ':, ' , ,'k ./,„», P"* Wow"' 'll"' '" ^vt'urs -* drying ibei surfoee. remark r^vXu^ Sii"2!ta m.T.^Kkffifl™lbrS or more of, he, •tbepar. Irharaeler, ;, ', m ^ l', " i S n.^' hit nei.her

rennlrea conalderabte care. I do not wlah ,,„.,„,„ ., ,„.,„,[„,. r? vmikee n,-,. ■ ' ", ' " K " V , "" "" . to he held responsible for the sllppi-g ami ' hrid-V«nllUni. Thei little imagined [ ^2 t'nmUh''I.U VeT eloihe 'p ,,s' U.c critshllig Of mi eX|.el|siVC bell glass the . ., , IM,.!,.^,. , oiler dc I eon s,| „ul , ! , first time you put my -ugg.-tion Into _ „r l,t« cruMa.les ,ii,„,im tl„. orders ' 'm1

,ltt'orf ""^ ■ "'" \.»u mil) suppose. .......n,-,. _/,//,,)„ //,„•//■„,■,/ i ■„,„■„,,, ' ' " r,1>1"" "■ ■"'long tin mm rs w ,,.„ „. ,enrs i be wind blows, and aec- pi.ii ll... /.->/,, t^.tfo//..„/t ,„f. i,,iss,md to 1,1s e,i,,1p,,r soldiers was that „„. wht(lmv aI| ,■,„,,.. why, lm(.k ■„,.„„,

Am.i i KiMiKii-HiMis.—The Jev it-e.l the linnj*er-rlng In marnag ilit— purpoae they rcpiired It to certain mine, ami to he Snail)

Mil- dm

I hen-roost s|ll:

tnrretl mid reathenil. .Many a man wlm lived 111 Connecticut has repealed the slorv of taking children to the limits of J'',"'..;'" the town and giving Ibem a MJltnd thnisb-

puret.a-e.l. II It was hoiigm on credit or ,1)(, |(| ,.uiltri.<. ,|1(.ir meuwrj. „f the spot. inkeii ii- a gift, its power was dcslroied. „„, | he BurgUmlMliw In I'nin.e. in a law In I liny s tin,,- it was uui.le oi iron with a ,„,„. 11(HI ,.,.„„ ttUi attrllmutl valor In the h.a.lsloue insi-rlcd instead ol a gem i bill ,.„,, ,,,■ ymwc |K'cnuae ll hud n law that lertnlllnn -ays that In hi- day il hml be- (he children should l.e taken to the limit- cmue gold 1 l.e nun..ifM. Ant. ill ilolue „r „.,-.listrid an.l there s.mndlv whipped however, sl.utv n rude siller ring which ,„ urder lUat Ih.-i inlL'hl forever remcill-

■ sai Is the wedding rlngofSt. Ann , (ll.r „hl.n. „„. „m,ta

the cover pops the poor fellows lm for full well lie knows, if from the bed he

isc. to put on bis cotbes. that bed surelv

and St. gin Mai

11. the


inls orthe Vlr- eburch early

atb.pted the custom of the marriage ring. In ancient marriage rites it was placed ttr-t on the thumb In name oftbe "Father" ;hen removed to the Brat linger hi name ofthe-Son. " to Hie third with Hie name of Hm •llolv Uhoat," ami the "Amen" fixed Its pine the fourth. A ng the Anglo-Saxons, wht-u children were be- trothed, a ring was given a- a pledge or »wed" and hence our term "weddhig." When this 'wed" or pledge was made tlie ring was put on the right baud, nml when It wan redeemed by actual marriage, win] removed lo the lelt. Their eeremoin was ten iitiii-b like Hml ol'lhe present day— the bride was taken for ••fairer" ami ■-foiil-

erv few new things in • Ml I'hiUlj*.


The SI

T' .-ll..T.|lll,I..I IVtIStHII.II It oraenmi Hue In

What. ..rail IhlMfs, initUl III

Kdnuhl I litrlu tm, ln-1 a*lpe|

li.it the little itPMunateelf, The Ibl) trnlli.r.-l.i.ve liin...

lit llic til.lK- I liirelieil him

ict wax flower lair in vain,

r poet* rhyme ll nsthet it ill:

I Mil Hint II uiav I.Ii.it again.

Ami .im.i,.cr\ denrt iluth Rwl Its every 111:

.N«r IN n iri.e si.ul et.-r lawn (tor nanalu

Wherever ant sued hath lived awl ill.-.l,

There hnlh deen sinnethlna t'.r true Inssl-n

S.,me dlllHarb letelle.l oil Hie evil si-le:

Ti.il..... the.., i.mitne-f Hi. rl in the rljrltl.

Ili.tveier i.nrr.iW MUla .miv mil Dice wraaft!

lie as Hem it.. he in II,i ,w.i rlear -ik-l.t.

Au-lsi.thi Pur wnriillll

II in nil ni.i'.t. KtriimtleaM

■id'- i..i.^.

Like I eup

1 In "1,1 1.1 I 1.11,

i pr Tillge.

Mrs. Lyilla Sherman, of Ihri.y, Conn.. fiiuittl gulltv In April last of having pola- onetl her biislmuil. mid who Is to he sen tenced In a'few .lavs to Impliaoumen. I'm lire, has Improved the opportunity affor- ed since her conviction, to make a full ami complete confession of her liunit-i-i.il- crl .-. Aecording ... re|mrt, she no! only acknowledges tl,.- inunler of llornlb l\ Shcnnnn, but thai ofaevertd other per sons with wl -he Im.l bad Intimate re la.loii-. extemllug lb rough a i iber o ream. It will be remembered thai t

"VICTOR," . W. LORD, lo llarKlo

.1 Hetai



•nllliy eiri-iikUt.il ■■( Hie III'"M1. When H.e l«nt ■ il- nre eiistiv,., ekiu -ull.m. n.i-l Hie jinlniil i- i'l liiitlimis hnhit, s,.|„-„.k'- Mimilrake Pill- are n-.

Tl.ej-e iiH.ii-iiii are prepared In In*. -I- II. Sl'HKXt'K * S..N. N-.rtl. .n-l .■..ruer.if sixth and Anil SlrwHs. I'lulndelpiiin. l'a. I.KI). T. 1." M Hi WIN A I'll, .IM lliin.ilel Slreet. llii-tim. Jnllll I*. Ilenrt. s < ..11. LT,- I'ln.e. New 1..ik. « h..|.-nle A (rents. ; Aaaela o<

Koraahjb] HnidUtn-p-nernllv. fl lair-1"'-- '

TJOHTON AM) MAINE IIAU.UOAI). * n««;. t.*etl.er will. .\.ell.-Mt mnuaK

is K„,„, .™„ , ""„.1i:E.:,:i,,1!::;::::i-vs;j:;':;;,!;«l

FFIVK, ■:: 'ill /."/' ST/tEST, linnTOX.

BBI.T Ml Tl *(« ... -i, ,miii.iin

rs IMII. TO s.l II IIOI.IU'.MS. „„l 1,,,, ,1 -ill, 1,1- nf Una ..Id

t iiiRiinffi-iiienl,

ilnpniiv in New !■ ni I i ■. i (In and after Momlnv, llis-. -1. 1*7-1, T.iiin ■ » 1.. In-nr.. in, e-|i.,liilK liir Kmln" ni.-.K I'.li.-ie-.

leave Ute lli]sa- In l.awrcnee, as fiilloa- - Ki y LAWItKNl K,

KorUnstnn(tV«i]i Nartd l>e]j..l). nnl.i"., :.:!«.■■ I .„,.,., r„r , „,,„.,„.. Haveriiill \ini.nei mid KLWa.H.; ami i-i.i.--. UBana&au e.n. «in*|n

K.iritn>li>ii ilrom snuUi lie|n«). at (l.fT. :.:k\ II. .*, Hi.Ju A. tl.; and IM". Lt.". 1e\|.r,—.), 'U7. :■.:•«. a.I; ■ (exureaa), laiTr. n.

r'..r P..riLiiii|(iV..in .s.,,,11, iV|.,.r, al s.i,. ii.i.t 4 11 1. I X (1 T O X It A X (I K A.M.; I.I.Ui'.N. |/A

t'.ir lie,.r>i..|..wii and N,-it lm. t -mil I -inith Ih'pnO. at s.i-. *. U.; 1.1."., 4. Ill*, tl.

For Haveriiill (Irom Sunlit IMuMkal fc*l am. B.1S i. «.; and Li:., (, II v. ii.; aiet I N,,ni, I.. I'ni al T.lo I', v.




MMl Special Hm ^iil. 1-.


Stratton's Corner Store.

Stoven, Futnucen, and Rangee.


•food, Iron and Brass Pipe,

Fittings fur Steam, Water and Gas.

\«. till i:.»fi Ntrrrl. I.aurrur*.

Oi.lei- Miliellcl ami pn>nipllv altimleil In.

v A T r K i: ■ s li r. M K ny,

V E G E T I N B,

iii.oon pnnriKH. A valuable Indian eninpuunil, for reatorlag Hie

lenlHi, ami I'm tin- |>,nii;in.m nil.- uf all illseHkO oi-uiK Iri.n. iiiifiirilnv nl th. 1.1,„»l, such an

\.r.ifuln, >', i-,,/■„/,rt.s llttmiir, (Vnnvr, Cnuftrmi* iliiHHir. /■;>/■.««/.,-, IWiitrr. Soil llhrtim.

I'iuifilnutnl Hum- ■*••<■ n I In rue. I'lrrrt, r..ny/i», I'li/iirrh, BroHchitU, S'eumt- iii-i. I'uiut iu tin \iilr, Ilhi II milli'm.

IHwpniti. I iiiitlijhilii-11, Vnllir, ;,.-.«. lH-uw*t, I'itii, lleiul-

,!,■«,. A'ernawnrM, taint Hi-it al IM. Itnmnrk. fiiin, in th. I1.I.-1, KM. ,1,1/ fum/i/uiiil*. !■- malt ITmt-aMtflnd llruftvl IftMiiy.

Tin- |,i'e|>nralinll is seienlillciillv and (lie mi,-ally ronibuuNl, ami wi -trumtlv -entratwl iriau IIHII-. dell.- riii.l l.mk-. Il.ui il- gissl effn'ts are realu.sl 1 ie.liiil.lv nil, r cimmeueiiiK to take il. There Is im ili-en-e nl' Hie lininnn nt>leiii fur n hi. I, H,e\ Kt.KTISK ' '- -


_ o e'.pml. it lias ■ tailed In i-fli-cl a cure, n'\\iu\! tone ni.it

•■li-.TiUlli 1,. Hie -. -l.iii .l.l.iliCil.-d l,v .li.e:l-e LIFE. 'l" wnmleilid effeel- iui.ni Idee e.uiiplniuts art]

hlinirl-lnn In nil. "ilnni dine l.een ,-urisl liv tile .'EIHK, of Hartford, I860, ei0,64O,786 VK(.KI 1N1-; thm have trlisl inm.y ntder nnuslles

i Hotual, Woroaatar, 10-tD, 1,370,011


1 IT

T II [-. ii If K A T


H. It. STKVKXS, 11...


FiaQklln,ofPonn-.k,ia3ti. «3,y56,740 Prirt.$litt, £,ui*™I'.S-I',':1""'

Roy nl, England, 184ft, sold, 11,000,000 *'nn-» .li; ai iiin.'l 10 ITHe-

l,;' S"rUl Parlor, Office and Cooking Stovee. PARIS EXPOSITION. 1807.


11 Lawranoe Street, Lawrence.

HI.ANK ROOKS a.lel,.i.r.lerliialivslii,pe.



lll.l.. t. «.; !•«.; I'.*.. :l.i:,, :L:l-.,:,n,„|i.e. U. A icllt.il in Norwich tva, bitten hi a dug. As ! WM MKHH]TT -L

on as he n-envereil Ir llis fri«lii lie de, lured I.ntt renee. lie.-. '.'.llsTi. ■

■ it.,uhi kill the animal. "Hut the dog hint | ad." M.i.1 the owner. "Mud"- -limited H.e T H K A M K " ' (' V N '* h' p" ' <" el *ae|*rai»aty; "wbal in thunder haa ! ' '*"''""' l'r"'t'"K'

lie iftit ti> I.-' mud lllx.llt :" „.. , , , ... CIRCULAR This is the miv n Western b-cturer i'\t.hiimil i

a phenomenon - "Yon have acen a :ow t I I TIIK 1',ll,',t' (,F fcAWIIRXfTE.

■ »>»•" '-»■"»» '. ■ .-„, » zr*., ..,„,..,, , B *' '■K v V.it have -ecu mi apjile tree. Well, an apple their ftieml-. unl the pMWir iteaeralle, that thei :

live Is not a i.heimiii.-m.ii. Hut when ywi »ee l»ve taken elmmlirra In HOUSE, SlON & ORNAMENTAL

up the tree tail fon-um-t to pick up- Sounders New Block, Essex Street. i-\ i NT i; us. for the pnrpo e uf parrying oinbe Inislimwi »f ,

MERCHANT TAILURS, where the desl Clutlia, lt»1l Kaaea Htreel. (Ont«a> Illoek).

iHshiuere-, Veadaga, Ac, will lie nlwnya on | | MVUIM V.

I.ainl. ami even altci.tlim given t» the Linen! , ,„ ,. ' , Style-..n 'ii.ii.ii, Undel loUung, ■■ the imiiic WABSKH 11 uiil. Ai.uiKT \snnrii-.

ilialesii|ierti-ii.ii«l' .KIsKI'll I'Lixiti. lale .ifthe I

\\'II.1.IAM \V, ( 111,11V.

Poiiiidylvunln, ofPa., 18-2f>, 1,250,310 Imperial, London, 1803, gold, 11,000,000

Aaieriniii Itraiieh. 1,001317 eil-lititiv<l.',.ii.- j Fii-onion'a, urN. Y., 1825. 340,608

' Weatohoator, ofN. Y., 1837. 54O.0B0 Oornian Amorican, N. Y., 1,200,000 German, of Brie, Pa.. 1867, 237,083

A <;OI,I> MI'.DAI.

plea, it is a plieimtiiennn."

A little girl was scut to the pasture In drive home the cow. While thus engaged abe treated ! herself to climbing an unnecessary fence, Imui which she fell, nml win* aeverclr se rut .he, I ami , hniised. On returning home the waa naked If [nrmnrKuvaiw* r'lnod. fhe cried when she fell. "Why, nu," she re-

COLLECTOR. Ofll, r, JKO Baaaa Htreel, l.awrenrr.

mid hm c iseiuhe.is,- There .(nsKi'ii ii,. mi) & co M H A N V, j Superintendent of Cemetery. it as III.IHHII tu dear me!" (AORXTa,) -* Mealilenee l»^ Treinoiil m.

One ofthe fruit dealers of IV.rlland nn.ght an ■ Merchant Tailora, LlWUKNt K. iirihiii atealbtg nuts, mid proceeded tnadlUlnbt- i Chambofi, I 2and3Saunder»Ncw Black. I ter condign puniabment. Tlw boy liaggcil to he ; —— | C HlX-F Y A. .1 K VV F.TT. released, localise he hud recently been vaeri- \\\r I S T A »'« I... , , „ ... ... , nated fresh from the eon. ■•What th, has > » AdjUSier Of OOmfUCQWU ACCOUNTS that to do with It?" abouteil Hie infuriated frnlt AMI

denier. "She was a li.Hiklug eon, nml ii gn into my blood," was the whimpering repli.

Boawell once asked Jobnaon If there waa no j lloun*, ituSamil 71.11- p. M. tts«pi:i I.■ — i 1 ■'■ cfrcnmsia 1 ice under which suicide! "K —— would la- Justifiable. "No," was Hie reply. |> ll O A I> W A V II OT B L,

gi^r^dX!^"^ CHERRY EMEBSON WOODS- PROPRIETOR fimnd out." "Why, then," aaya Jobnaon, "let "*- -v"- ' RttOAtiWAr.

him nu to some country where he is not known, j Roar thsttan* Maine ourt Baetern Bwpat, nml mil to Mm devil, where he is known." j rOTUm, lin.lts, ( o\*U'MPTIIH, \Xn ! LAWREXCE. *-

There is on,. |ajy in I Inn tin r\ who didn't ftet anything in Ids rttocklng ChrlsUnaa, II.- left n I tt"»« DIREAMN,

pan uf ashes.,11 the front stairs, lo follow an or- I S(11„, uenulne unles. nlmiH I. IIi'TTa. IH (ran grimh-r, nn.t a nminent later his Indulgent ' lather nmie criiahing out of the front door and down the front atoop, accompanied Iry that pun and its contents, and looking, for all the world. Ilka a real god riding In tho cloud*, For a low momenta that Iwy thonght he had n pile-driver

QiiooD,orEosTUnd,1850,jold, 10.000,000

American Branch, T^.il'i


For Perfection of Sowintr Machlnoa. : lnt National, Worcoater, 1868, 164,022

OloucestBr, of Olou.oater, 1870, 117,860

They eveeule mnre rapidly, and with LBHS a^-poBulB* for ah the abore Connanlea written ;i»|s| than ant r Ma.l.lae In u-e. | lN H\-OFFICE, and LOJWIW ADJl'HTED.

K.ir Inforiannon, mv-. el,-., call r BihlrBM


:3B3 Essex Street, Lawrence. I'o.t UBlrr Ho. !t»i. «

i OR 1'. A I' HUM A X P K!

ri"H (i 1 s s i-: ^' ,-©5


And his I111lr11lur.il Appremtire.

A Splendid





No. 6, Lawrence Street,

Where will Uakepl u Or^t^lati sua-k of

if 'iit.'ii-r-'. Tobtwtco, KniifT \ o t c tl aii d 0 u 01 e tl.! ■•*«*»■* «r,er«..dn*,nip,.

lllltl l'r.—ehle."uii.| Sliilks|ieare ■ sllll, -filllieifi.ttmn: ,,,-,,-r. ,«.,,,-,,-1. -

In Ids "Two I.inHtliieu of Verona." th-

serlbe the ceremony. The custom „r in- noiuoon.

acrlhlng ahari nvntonoua, caltril --Posies.'' \h. ih.i, imw -w.eHi e|..M-,iii„,.,.,T..tv,!

on wedding ring—which luia laid) been Thembmies |Mnliw.me In ..ne lik.-.i.t-

revived—Is als it Iced by Klmkapenre That Dule upon a aimnner'a eve.

and other drnmnlNlaol the UIM century. Hm ■». ahatrlur r imnrii- n 1-

I'ollei'tloii-. ufJhcae iplallll proteslallolln 1 an give MM-, the m>nllc -hi.nl.er-

arc e 1 Hi ' k- of enrioiis I Hern- Thiwewear), linnpi dni-.li.l leave?

lure, m I'lhemo-l whlmwlcnl h Hint IVImi hj my hml I aaw my mother kneel Inscribed 111 the Inside uf the wcddillg! \i..| uilli her hle-,inn t.,,,1, I,,., niKhllt

ring ns.,1 In l»r. John Tlmmaa. 1.1-hop of, WluHeierTlme.U'air»j», >ainua thiai

Lomhin. 17:,::. for his I'.iurlh tilfe. li ran E'en HUM Hun ..un.eli— kl>. I led

tblls: -III .unite I'll illlike ihelii lite." IP ,„*,„„,,.„ IIIMIOH.

op.lldu.it regnnl Tlundliy'- miilriinoiii- The billowing isanrenutlbin supposed

al charge an strl.tli lilnduig. The tllin- 1,. be reported ,-,,-i„,ti„, ,1 in.raliui. will

mil ring, Whieh bus mel wllb great favor gin- an Idea how perplexing our use of """ I"'"11'

lately ns,1 uiarringc ring, la or eompam- |m>poslt|„ns tilth verba la to foreignci-: " '' P*™' ilvelj mod..n, origin, Ibe curltcsl niciillnii •■ I begin to umleratiiiid tour Imigtiuge l'U»ri'bcrchumcter.

of It with which tie are fainilliai' being In I..11.1. -id.I a Kreiichinnn 'lo hi- IVieud ; ' -•—»•.■- tl Heggars llnsli.' lit Ibaitmi.iit ami "hut your vcrln. trouble me Mill, you mil As K\. i;i.i I:M Ion—It I- suggested

Kb-icher. hi- eonipos,-,i ,,f n,,, 1 p> thing- up MI with your pn'Poaltlona. 1 that n mel Inal employed In lilnagow for

ithlchunlle iiutl form .me. and was ma.le i saw tour friend Mrs .l,„,„J |nsl „„n ■■ 1 "»• speedy deleciion ,,f l.urglnrles sin

Ilr-t In Kratii'c. Itlllga were ids., the em-I continued he: -s|„. sn,, s|,.' intends to ! ,M" I"" '" I'ftcH.e elsewhere S ,■ few

Idem of spiritual marriage ami dig,,In us break down In ■keeping. Uu I rliihl .veara ago the chief ..r the (mllce eatabliah- .arlt certalnli an I lie fourth e.nlnii. In there'/" ed Iu llhisgoti nu olllc-ti herein lornamall

the Itotnlsl, Chun h. the episcopal ring Is, -Itreuk lip liTm-e keep lug, sl„. .1 nnuuiilpai.nelit any mere I i- allowed ■>r gold -.-I with a rich gem—usually an have anld." t<> deposit the kei-of ids hu-im-s ,„-,.,„.

ninethtsi mid itm-ngratetl The p,,pe has "Yea, I remember—break up In >kccp- 1M'"* lu«etl.er will, such particular* aa I tv.1 ring-, one bearing the likeness ,,f si. , Ing." an lik,,|s '*' ' 'sen Ice to the | ml Ice 111

I'cter. n.-.-.l for onllitnrv bu-lnes., and ■•Win does she do 1h.11'" Imiulred the tnt" l"ol,',',i"" "'' I|W property. If the never except bv Ibe I'ope'a hand or In hi- ll-tcncr. nmatable on Ida heal observes nnythlug

iireaence: tl thcr Imam n n I he "llecaiiae her health la ao broken ItP" "I1""""1'11 '" the look orthe pi

heads ,.f bulb peter nnil Paul, ami g.-uer- "Urokcti down, will -I I.I aav "

allv the reigning Pope's Hume and arms. - Itrokeu tl..w 11-oh ves. Vnil Iml

II Is 11-e.l only for bulls, ami i- broken nl since ihe -inatt-pox has broken up iu 1

Hie death ofthe pontiff, and a new one city—"

given by Ibe city of Home In hi- -nee.— :- broken out, von mean "

I iirougbt about by the gloom of herprlaou cell, not long -luce restrained her n inn we I

1 fit.m making further ntU'mpta to procure a

new trial, declaring thai she waa entirely . -ui Ml,-, I with the verdict already obtained.

1■motions, nnil bra»en eBrmiterj- mi the

I part of criminals. Hi- mil 11-mil to tlml

I lliailV caaea like tlml of l.ullu Sheriuiitl.

Ami wlml a vuntraal her eomlucM.ear- .0 thai of the no less notorious I.iunnl*.

Kalr, who hit- Iti-l gone lni<, Court to try

and prove in ■ jury that ll la imaaible mr

.known .ni-ieiHiiri-t to

bis charge, he la able l» e r lb

..ni delay or dllhVulty, and the :.

ol'lhi-fact In-pires aim.ng thieve

some fear thm they are liable .0

of their pr.

—"Whlakey, ton Sandwich Marnier," ay*\sw>Kt:,ls *ltTWt.HS Of il.l. Mark Twain, -i- no ninaiger than eider i- loan : *T American." WIIOI.KSAI.I: AAII HI:TAI

—A tJenmiu uduister has IK in ctiiiik-iiined to

!"."!.'1 I *,3t montM Imprlaoi -nl at L'dlr for preaching lltfcal sermons Irom Ihe pulpit. —A Daubnry merchanl has made a cousin n rk iu hi- store. Than do we see how Grant'4 potlaui is ilehuocblng the laud. —lieu. Oranl'a pnpnlar majority uier Mr.

Orcclcy, now that the exact llgure* have laxit rrlved at, i- 730,137, mi increase t.l li!J..Vm over

Ids majority In 18BH. —A Unnlairy muu thinks that if it had liern I tended that women should la-eipial toiuell Ihev ' mid have been ahlc to whittle. There is err- 1

tahdy wisdom la this remark. Magec's Now Portable Range,

\ young woman hi western New York das 1

•d lluaaey, saying thai she won't la- railed j '"' '"''' ' "" '"

1 \ U . I) . T. V 0 It TB It ,

I > 1; N T1ST. OFFWSif BSSIDKXCK, I'tiliTKUS Hl.ittK

lltlN Baael Hirer*, - - - Lawrence.

Nltn.ns Oslrte tins, and Ether «r l'hlnr..f.irui

\I" P. & J. S._ tilLK,

Attorneys & Coxinsellors-at-Law, Eta. Jin Eaaaa street. 1



Mr-. Harr In tlohleu Age.

.—Al ilr-t sight Itieoilgrullt Let ed lo Ibe word "toll-l" Would seem lo Irreconcilable; It I- 1 .- the I.-.- Ir Ida. mm was bom oftbe other. Tonal l.rea.l and .ousted biscuit were as 11, c sarv 1 mv an old Kngll-b drink a- ro. ted apples were to Ihe waaaall howl. ({,,, eater carved a ilrinklng-cnp

She tliink-


Indeed: A

-be will dill,


H ro.

No: she i- afraid it ttil lie hi' kell-how. 0 I sat thai'/

Ill-i.keii In , ■'

I'el'.ainlt ; t i- wlml 1 11 emit Ii Ishel soli 1 ■ i.mrriei s |r

I ll. i-in- that The svstt-m nrklng .xpen-es. hill


nl. id Ibe

A poetaster, I na pi red In punch, .iesetll.es •lie gods assembled in solemn conclave to .isi tiie worth of ihe newly-Invented bev. eruge : Apollocontrlbnted water from Par- ua—11-. Juno limb, lemons, Venn- sugar

•Broken utf." 'Ah! I had heard tlml. she I- very ry about ll. Her -on mill broke the isdoiinlo her hist week. Am I right;

atlvloii- to sp,„k H.e Kuglish .■11."


will Ma . Sad

nl .1

Iheir united elf

(lie Hist (H-ti- of

clure thai h.-aiei

ke tl»- news; 11,

■It In hard 1 ideral I. That 1

Hlice. ,1^:r;n.W-so,,lsa,,,,elV,h,„ „ -,„

":""1 '""'^- "A looker, and a tert Him f,

'll'l-nmn'.',! iu Hie | S" ,",''[''' '',"' ""' verii/u l.mtl:

pnidliclng a liipior. [ A S

I' I'uiilc .luplier d,- paper-ni- \„ \,t,,-

■ m t.r line heaven ll IH Minted, been In ti

'.corf- ' ||c haa hit upon ,1 111

Ihcrcfore r niicieitl -landing, but broligbl Into ImniK

wns not until the beginning „f die la-t ; llis Iheury Is thai •iiiui-i thai "'


young linlt's parents retbs,.,| ; 1,1 11 , 011-eiil

, lo their marriage. In order not to be -epa-

l rated In death, the young lii.lv tied on.- of

her feel Ills) to one of her 'lovers, and

1 Ihev Hill- H.l-etl'tbeiii-elte-iiito Ihe Wilier.

Hut Ihe young man does not seem to Imve

lug thl-woi-ldTi-hi-ei.iiipaui.,11. and shout-

ed for help al the lop of bis Voice. Help

iva- lortiinntelv nl bund, and they were both drugged mil orthe wilier ami handed

over lo the police, w ho provided I hem

tiilhdrt elolhe- and put thi-ni Uii.lei'lock

and key,

Ttii-nii v.ars ngo, when Henry (lnt

was in Philadelphia, tie wn- called mi n't

bis hotel by Mr, Forrisi. ii m., after

measures, which were violent 11 oppos-

ed In Pierre Solile. of Louisiana.

Ashmen, ,i. .intrmuigei-- -lie., at the j ^ «* « » * * 8 T B K E T.


xii. c . I, A w it 1; NCI: si i; I;KT. ' rfttnril- i.iwiiuvei:. MIS..

\i At; K 1.' s x i-; w

\l)\ V\< I', (<MIK STO\ K

lluaaey for the U-.-t man iu .rent ion.

—A Bridgeport paper, noticing the death nf p

oulig man, remarks, patllelieallv 1 "Ills eon-

crtions ,,rc .uhlh. Is're.-peetal.le.aud hi- -I-

ir waa leeently killed iu I bin ford


No. (■"• Raaei Street. I.aivrc

lli""M PJ -A South l--aveiinorth, Kansas, dug '* -led

w*"wllh.aa 1, vim and etifoyn.i-iit IH any in town, lie drugs hi- sled ii|i hill, gets

nml slides down, to Ibe eitvy of k-M acciiiu-

-U'ells' mid Kin neiing property


a- e\pres. c pant ii II not IH' ■vupmiaihli' to lire, the mi- of ti.,,1, .,

I' K II S .

..1 every (iia-h- I (fiialili.al lla- l...we 1 pricei ni


125 and I'J.'.i ]-!HSOX St., Lawrence.


shade*; also, the llc-t nml »••-


Pietmvt <>l'.l mid I'iel.ne linn

1«FFU I.M-I l.,.W'l.l.l.,'.el. II, I-T-:

• tf Jhe-IM.LII tin, awarded (lii> Ulisr Pi

tin 11 al V K. Fair in laTI, as liehnt the 111-:

raniitj sewing Uaelilne; awl alan tin* present

leiir H.e aniii'ds H.-ie silver Medal".

i-igmsli F..T. IIUWKLL.

Asat Heeivlarj N. K. Pair.

The -dM.Klt HI.- Kite., ihennsr I-IIKMH 11 II

\. II. slide Pair, held 1,1 llnver. tl- Mt'PKBl

UltlTV "ter all nihers ha- gnl it in the iial.lt 1


i Sold for 46 V>or month, or tor Canh.by


M»el,i,,es S.,1.1 ..., ItiHl.dbnf

sill.. Thveji.l, Needles

MA( MINI. I'1M>IN< .


jinil- URO. A. HAThKI, Age.n,

iltO Haaei Btreet. I>r. I'urter'a Blork.


BURNHAM'8 PRICES. Loult at l.la Urm> and New Stork of

PALL GOODS, nl i.rh-es that cant las heat.

Men's. Vontli*'. >ud Boys' Orerroals

.K'r IXMIogSIJOnallara.

A l.iirge and New Woe* of

Men's and Boys' Suits, NKW STOCK OF PANTS

Shii*tH iviul nrjiwt'i'f-. Very Ubcap.

HATS AND CAPS, in great variety, Ibr all age*,


It I It \ II A M S, No. 103 Eauea Stroot. *;


liii; KSSKX NT"KKT- liii; sow et'm.iamvu is BTmtRT A sunn's


I have Ju-1 ma.le large aOdlllou- 10 1.1.1 : N K W V < I 11 K W K V. K I . A



THK AMEKK'AN la Hie BEST ADVKlt- 1 TlsiNi; MEDrTM 1» RsaeaCoaaty.

"I) It 0 A I) W A V SAVINtiS 11 A X K


Iliad •■ BOISSLV, I.oekMiiith"-everiboily. 4u'Hi:.ijul

KVKKY VARIF/I'V Ol-' (IOODH r.ir Lndies' wear.

In Millinery I have DVerjthbig that Ladle- re quire, aail In prices I

Defy Competition. Mv stock nf Ladles' Woollen t'nder Wear liaa

bccii largeli ailu.-l to. 1'ilees low. I'hil.ln'i.'s nml Bnlifcs' W.sillen I'ndt r Wear, Jackets, eti-.

I .-an sii)i].ly Ladies with

P A P E U I' A T T E R N S

—lte|H.rts Irom the interior of Kllaala slule

ie baptist si-el n, |H- making unprecedented

nigrcaa hi the act|ulalllon of cnivetta. [hneua sTII \'IT.i\s BIIOKSTIIRKM. 114 K..oW.,n, gawudcra Ulo.k.

nil scores are re-baptUcd iu Hie river* or the ! All kind- Machines Repaired, Karhanged ami u. despite the iiiting eoi.i. Account Books and Stationary | '■■' -l.ii|imr selling Is not 11 ver, pn.lltalile l.iisi

sin Illinois. The wife 01 a uiiia luunlcred

1 drunken row has sued the liipior dealer wd„

I him liquor, for lienvy diimiige-, also the

ler who wild liquor to his murderer.

1 la' lit. .1,. ..I 1

lih each olli.r. ' "' ' "ciriniHiigof ||„. |.|,T : III- Iheury I- thai tmri.ni- -i-tein- like ,l,nv-1'

..■ word mail.-it- ii,-i -i,p 1 alcal/ liistr cuts, ,„v all liable to *Mvb *'

-e.it iiieiiuing: for ii, 1,0:1 .bnnge of tone, and Ihi- change is,,r lit- ""I"1"'1

icaks nl 11 us a m-tv ni He Importance if all the nerves change to- !'" "',

Hie wits 1., make a lady- gel her. n* by attention to.lh-l ami tempera . ."," .'

age 111 n gla- Hire the elil nitty lie eoirecle.l , „ M,IM„. >e mWjil,

Acordi.lg lo bill Whcll. titling tii aeel.le ■ line te.l '.""' Ml', 1 '"'■ I' t-'"l- Wear. He general bar I.t of (he ,,. rt.- ,'rr, .

miirt spmug ir n-.-.-.k ..f a l.nlfimi- l-d.-trotci. ;, ,|i-, ,.,,.,| ,,.M,,M u ,,„. laugh..11

lle.1 worshiper ofthe -ex. ,V ...lebratedre-iill.auila-peihil, - .,f .,,,!,,.. n! !- ' k"1"

lali'dingiuihe public ttaler- i(| re.p.i.eil. of Which he prof,-,,- ,! ascs- '*' '■»«"» I

I'll a gins.- Ihe key, lie call-him-,.|[a-iiene-tun.-r '

bank il tu mule I'ncls lo keep lien,■- ie order hi -Toinil

Ihe in "llerve-llining." ami. like 1 li'diu m-rfbr- -etulit lo

■al-t M r I'compnnled .Mr. -mile's abilities.

the "Tattl round out name as ctf.-ni >t ben a limn 1- drink the same Kllthorllv, Hi

nl.-klt, - I mean a Trench

grape leave* nied in egg butler. A- rury remarks that it cannot coiieeiv,

thing more delhii.ti- than fried gnt|i

itiileaa it he a theatrical pnateron toaal

—People who rise curly nml walk iH ii„

hrciikfast, are >reiieriilly limit lived. Imlcc

tlii-y generally live out the al hit lei I three ncui

yearaand leu, If they d„ not eonlraci NUII

xiekne** la-fore I lint Hum whklt prove* fatal.

—A I., neu.lent st. I is man secured the It*"

I'hri-lina- lienclietions of the newalail a bv giv-

ing each or idem mint rap. Tlw pnmd ami

happy recipients ruahvil headlong to the niarr-t

liatvn shop and ".|«,m,,|" the new head -ear lor

s'l'IJ V'I'Ti.N's mXlKHTORKs,

I'K Tl UK l-'IfAMf.S

STRATTOM'S CORNER STORE, ritcr of r.aarv nml I'IUUHIIIHI Mln-els


F. S. JEWETT A. CO., IIAVK III um 1 l>

*""•■ j UmbreHas & Walking Canes. fuilmtlutiiHit l-iirit<vl* Itrpniitit. ""

T«>a ami I'aney liooils or every ilese, Ip- ] New HLore, Oppoalte the Old Stand,

\| V II I l' K t It IC K i: It ,

ii kit-

Tin, Sheet Iron nnd Copper Ware. Tin, I.eiil. Tin Li IniiilHeiiii.Klnatir Pipe.

I, I r T \ \ » I' » It <' 1: I* I >l l" s

-I !,. of the Irlah American U-adei

I'"" i-nciainigea IM fbla laaHlcul naitrilHitoni

Our waste hnsket liir original poetry Itaa AM

he fourth Mine within two month* beeneiinitle.1


it.Illi. | her udi,,in

one'-h.-al.li. Vlloll

like liipior he I!>i1 Wbll

idni|. i h

preieiitcd .um I Id cipiirc tb c- the irt. if

charm* oifci her honorw not. rlit mill

Vt no iri.i,

1 toast." Vri.utl

lite in ■ie-. Ilk. tlddli Sl III III I'd tint I he) tire l-e.l, a uiil el.lt

rve-llb .'"!'' ic'i IU\wl tl did ti inbl.lm -. led a :l-l aitioui 1 .

illhlc. »r ll cam .. lm cull 1 that H uu ipal -ull'erers VOID m •loll - dl-or let

of It* contents. Your clean

in its rnpui ion- depths."

—That waa luaa had replv KBIII rtivuih at I'liiii-tltnmatoa y ig am,.

,■ than wonderful u* quarter* of the globe. At 11 these narratiirs, he was k In tlie remark of 1111 <ili ig ninn, ain'l ymi nalimnctl t.i ro arc other older liar* on the

I a.-M,.uii,g Mnelilnee, seal.'- and U 11,mint: Machine, lfe(,„ii',sl.

' PlumblnK.T n Itooline and Cienoral Job- rjiu.- dono ut siiort notlco.


South-east corner of Essex and Amenbury atreeta,

ti here will he ft aim I at all limes 11 large ami, 1

plete ns.,,rlini'i.l i.revery hind of


r I* H N I T V U K .

niinn limb "i:ii(i-i:^.Kj:i:,n,-[[ 1 LAWRENCE 1 l.awrenee, 1 gnircliilii

c K. .\ J. P. Pii.i.siu I;Y, i)i \ s\ 1


S P HI"! A V 1. K s

who lunl he. 11 relating hi

' Cotton & Woolen Machinery

MACHINE WORK (IKNKItAI.I.V. .,.„', ,,. ,,riila i.inu.e " Tl 1..1. '"'k so 11 lieu tl-... . 1. II.. o|il ol his i.,p.| ,ll"'"1"

,ll:i..„...,.,. " ! lMII.'vs,..e,„-iegii,.ls!mm,ig.,laek epieltt uearlainllug, hut relalned ; -r"umi . A)| kli|il. „, iuAtr_ „„„, „r „„„„. , ,„.,.. (| („

tin- Siitnbi jell »l II kii.il- i,| L'.m: 1 undone. ■ ill Ian u H , liKSKIt.M. JiHt WOltK 1 Mill rcpnir, done ' ,.w., |,

nl.:" "Hell, 1.1,,,,', know.' repli,,. ,|„. 1 liml ,,,, n.,,,„, tll(, lni,mlIllin, ;*. ir if "" '" ' V"""""-' .|M-rul unili" ■■

r* fRYXTAl I'KltHLKH are rallii) PUMOXI) 01

ilneaaanil brllllnnei.

oiigbtonsk. -'Bin Toiniin i —I" ■pcakiiwoftbc rlliua .■ wants with a ! Island-, Murk Twain *uy»;

11,-ale..- in Mm

a-il.m'Hi'n 1W tne r.mr'"W " •"" '"" U""","r' V"" '" ' ""i,','" in:'' i '*««''• ■*"-■"» &>'"•' of frankda an, 1 ' ' ' where th.i do lint hum: Ihe thennoiiieter ! 51-edU.

ml ,<1 Ih.ii

tiu-leseul from ilrn in; Injurious In II,, IIK light e|..dnri-e.,i.e, the ,||. .1 c-■ 1.■ 1 u. 11 mi, 11, ,„.,


It," 1 Ml -I.I I n

The Kil-knl t iorlty of voie

e i-llI nail in..

ipilel pr

die. > 1II.1 .In


c'l tt.-r- I- led 1,1 ., ,..,- ll:':-l-;. ■ i:l'|--.-' 'l-iirc "■ -'■,-'- ■ I'^V tic Wb" "if'ra: k^.V,v ;,f ™;

'■ I Hielr 111 s Inscribe). I-, I ha gr.-nt est„l.ll-hi,i,',,l in N,.t |k,t'~!1|,,','',"',','■., ^ri^o'l'iorn, " i^ '' .i''"^'''

upon Hi.- drliiking-glas-e- ,.f il','. ',-'luh' and in* an cniei-reiicv" I'-I'II '-iim.lv r.'i'.iio '" ,l'""1 "' ,,'ln ''"' l'''11"" *l"''iti« up • nice iilllcil ... the phdtfltig of ,1 ia.li - nddllloual one-. Evervlblug baa'tohi wllhniuehliaaleaiidlr.pldatlon 1 blurt

health, ii iia-ea-.i for il„ word t,, -lip in- » biltfe acnle ...iiuike up -uch n ipiniillli of nl'MJ{ "'.

'" »- »'""' U'ciicral me Utf, .m.l „ pi.-ilenlt, i,w„vei f whlcb-ir '"' ' '■i"'"

tonal" camel -an any I, ■ -eiitlmeiil ll i-an be called an men—will buke I

evoked by Ibe comma 1111; pie-an 1 r; 11 range hig enough In cook I II .,lii,i. of |. hm tun nml 11 ev a* If

nail iK'caiisc Hie sold,-,-miglil melt ami Ihe in-!

striin.ent get hrokeii; or you should build lu

tlie crater of Kihiiua, which ft on hi he the -nine

A llnrtforil siihserilHT write- that lie |.i just

veiing from the small |MM, will Will I i

lew .lays to rinew hi* *iih*rri|rtlon. We

ln.]«' he won't mind n little thing like Hint We '


•um i.« f ,...|„ it gat. 11I I..1 He.

mill; the fan

Ie— me: m.t Hie-||g|,|. Hfll *einl Hie pnprr.ninl wall for tin We uiil unit ehecrfully. We are 11 that

>iis kind of [icople aim uiil grab fur life. We ih'spl-u Midi


N«. •* NargtM NtcHt, l.ai. renee.

,„I,I.,I;- 1 iMt.s IIVUE, Agent.

■ I.il- -- il.nl -li I I. I ll-l-a I'l'l.-rr ..l.iahied It, hjas-loeles,

MnuuAielureil tiy the

Spencer Optical Manufucturiiiff Co. NKW VflltK.

liir sale dt Ite-pnn-l.ile Agelils ll.ro.iKdmil Ihu

WHITFORD & RICE, .U'weller* ami Optleiaju.arr s,.|e A«.nt- |hr t.aw

inh!e.i. \,l t'eh'l'l.'r ,-u.|!|..t .-.l' The great deli. I mr Ih. - -,....._,. I., u

Tom II I |- t-1 things. Thpre'--nn earthly rens-nii for hi-,,,!,, j |-t '1;>1.|I'II J,",.^,' ,',',„„'' r/inthi'g n'mve. P.,H 'X' **MCK \"[*^<"M \* \™\wV\\H^Vn.

iiigoll; vt.- will it ait— Ai.,/,»ry V,lr, i)R|, ,-e ltd* k. I^wn- hntl, la stnmiK'd on every pair lifllmyl.'l

of all kinds. 111 in making this a*>pcclaltv ami run tin ill-Null knul. <■! |ialt.'in. reipiiml.

In other departments mv •,{..• V ..f (T.HMII raimol !«• aurpaaaeiL

H A I l( < I <) < > I) S , Heal ami .nutation. All kind-or Jm-ssTrh Ing*.

Real Laces, Hamburg IMging-. Kaahe*. ami Rach BlblHMIP, .l.-.i.lri. I'I 1H11111-. in,!e,d t.n.lie- 11 ill llud lien tiling lie-1 niidat mv -tore.

s|ani|iilig For Kmhiiiiiltirt. -II

196 ESSEX STREET. 196.


183, Essex Street. 183. Nmitli.t'h..keVApolhe.',iryS|,.,v.


\CL0THINQ AND FURNISHING^GOODS Luiter .hm, ll.. I.,.„,.,.


..onus IX l 111 Mt HRASOX.

*Y>/f WISTKIl.

11 ver...uf, Thick Pauls, Veal*, Dress touts, 1 Hat-, InpNiilnves, Mitlen,, Boys' nothing, Ac

FOR HtUUER. . TUn LlolbJng, straw llnU, A-.

yon ALL SEASONS. Purnbbina i..-.„i- Trunk*, Valliee, • ...|.i

Interest allowisl i.u all sums of o

Dividend- u ill IH- made ,.f nil the nrotU* which may have nee rued w it.ihi H.e previous six months, nllerdeilurlhii; necessary exiienses.

liitsn-i will m.l l.e |p,ii.l on lYaelionnl parts or a


l'n*iiltut-.hms KAI.LON, KM).

lire I'rttultnlt i

A. W. Steam*, Thomas Scott 11. ('. Ha. Morris Kuowles, .lame- A. Trent. J. Kiiiersou, .Ir.

TVnwwr—lames Payne.

Tmilm i

Peter Smilli, .lohii Sniilh, .1. W. sinitd. V. L. Hnuud. Peter llollhaa, s. W. KOIKIII.

I*. ('. Kirk, ll. V. ltiiliiii.t-,.a. D. .M. Aver, Jesse Iilover, A..I. Prenrli, Patrick Mm-phi, t . li. rillshurv, .lames Paine, P.»;. I'illslmry, Daniel Hardy.

The Hank n ill IH- npeii everv dav freiii 11 A, 11. lo 1 P. M., except Si.li.nlnv. i)i, Tl.mr.lnv ami SHlunlav KvcnhigB, m.m Tt.m, for receiving tie. posit* only. JAMKS PAYNK, Tmi.urer.



Bronchitis, Catarrh, Anemia, Ojfincpiia A Pulmonary TubcreUi

RADICALLY CURED \With Ike Elixir J. F. Bernard

Of Paris. iti"" ami im-ti'iictiiuis . in (Aw) mil ulioilivln-lt. |i] ■ililmiliuj

ll. Iteioaril .v. Co., Nolr Afaatt,

Itmi PA .« William H., S. V. Hitnumv liny-

No Soap over made haa met with Biich UUCCOHB an

it i: A Ofl'1 IV A K II I ,v U IOAPI

Tho Largo Salea that are dally made,

and the Increasing demand for it,

are the Beat Proofs that lt has no

equal. I-


ie Sniest nml Itcht in

FURNITURE. The aunaerlbeni have taken rooau in Urilway

Blork. n:iT Kn*x Hlreet, when- they w ill He

pair and Buy and sell Sec..ml II mil Furniture

ami hi.ii-elinlil article*. All orders promptly at-

tended t.i, ami goods sold at auction wliendesiretl.

mi.i. «,(:(>. Laa-renee, April 19,1873. 'tr-


FRANK KNOX'S Boot and Shoe Store,

The Famous

WATER PHOOF BOOTS | Hags, I. nilirellns, Ac. Km' I.iulie- nml (i, utl n. nuide „l H.e ttfpeilHtit | Wl'.II. I, ilivals lUmiiil. ami will deal with , I Inlh. and ivnrniulei. it liter -proof. We huvc lest- | i„i tlie s,;j,.„.,. ed Ihelii ll,nl ran Hiirraiil them iiaterpriM.f. »'„r j III. si I: i: AM.

" '■w'■",,,",""'' t AI.I, HKltK 1'iitsr. Lace and Button Boots, nK»>iu: eiMnuaixu.

Colin the late-l stile, ami warn ami comfort.-, hie. | r«r pariiclar. see small bill*..

ALL KAItLV, CALL OFTRX. I'mnk Ko.ii'a lln.,1 and Mine glare,

111 K-M.-X St......|.

K POST .iiK.tr. .ion;. 0rigina| Howe Sewing Machine, Hie lli-tt, M.ii-t < .miehle, and De-lrahle Machine

the Utl 117.'.

IB'1 Baaex Street, Lawrence, -a

MUST WDNDKIIFl'l. IXVKNTlll.N or i in. ton.

Allai'l.eil lo the-e pnlenled Mpeetaclea nn- livo seieiililleiilJv eini-ti nelid i.altmiie I latteries—mi. seen ll lien ivimi—delivering Hir.ingh Ihe nerves of the head n

Nan "lnt < on Million- St ir am «r h'Amai Icily.

liulizliig nml gliing henlHi) iieli.m to I lie entire heaiilittil si -t. in oflh.i-v purl-, V ItsDl.l I'KL V nrnlt KHTAIM.VLflt.Ml

Partial l*»i nl j «l« of the Wpllr Serve,

Weak ur Kiaeaaed VUloii,

>iinnlKl» oftbe II, .nl or Fare.

\, i i nu- Tu li, InKj In Ihe

lio-i 1. . ol 11,. I1,,,. .

Nolaaela <h« n.ioi.

I.oaa of lleiilal liiiiuj .

and a host of Xcrvuiis Disenses, arising rrom tie- pi-e-i.ii.il n| the inriiin-eiieriri "(Hie -v-lem, con- trihuling, lu a most aslonisliliig degree,

Life' and Vigor and Health'. I.t (lie 1111-1111. nf tde soil lh.lt hiK stream of Eire trieiti, giving

llrlghtnea* "> tin i:} . ,

Uu I. ko, -- t« the l-'.n.-.

I.im «> to ll.e Hi ,,!„.

Ii.il iin-dii.K -peitm |es t., rend u ith, I.lit ileslring Hie ucneilts In IK- deiiveil IVom wearing Um Hat- terim; anil to be had in this . ill only nf

lll'MI'IlIIKV MlXIAH, Watchmaker, Jawellor and Optician.


No. 235 Essex Street, Lawrence. a Watches. . Kan,

,v. ll. Alto Agrut fur CaaarH* if Uorrtjf Ptr. /.,-tt.l Sii.cl.ifIn ami Kft (Haunt, Ihi llKST in lht World. t|vla-

I'OU KAI.I-: CHEAP, Admit * acres nf esnUeal LA XI) on die llnnr-

lilll i I. ndjoliiliig the I It, Kin in, ttell lenecl, nml ng I lot I'm gin-- or enrlv vegetables.

ABHSK llnsMKlt. Uwreaoa, Oi-t. io, iB7i. 11-

T" T n i: i' i ii i. i t

Mm. Dr. SBCOK'S MEDICINES Will beftHHUl asim-eun. f.,rant t.r the diseases for w died Ihev niv put forth. I L ni [he name t.r Hie reference.-ttiei are Hie names of some of our in ii-1 l-cllahh' eltlxt'ii*. H do linle kimwn her nml l.er trcntiiicnt lm a iiimdier ,,l tears, ami wlm willinKlv an,li-l„-,.rliill> l.e mend her nml her medicine I...ill iii.-.liin; ll i. Am. If tills is not 'HI" it'UI t nni... I lie -t i-keplit'Ml, Jiiuean

call nl her unhe. i.Vi Warren Avenue, llosttm. When-siirtli lent le-tiiiioniul- will IH-sliown riiuu living w ilnes-ii., v, h» u ill IWd liappy to apeak ot her In tlie hlgln-Kl tcnii* as a tlmrouglilv nlurntisl ami p-ktllhil phisleian. Her fen- extensive and KtieresrHil prneti.e ..f mo twei.lv.live veurs |w* given hern viiilc Iliid UH-rienee ill Bie Irenl- nielli of those dl.-ea-es she i',iiii|Mi|inds her meill

Her ALTKltATlVK will lai found a sure cure fur -.,..ii,hi In It. worst form, IdnmlulHr Hwel lings, Halt Kiiemn, (lid or lmiii|i<nt fleer*, Hvph-

liujii, l.lmnllilni Sw,.| . . Imlnlimt fleers, Hvph

ills, llaiieeroiis I oil,-, thm-. Tumors, Smv Kyes, Nodes, lied, Scald llead, ])i,eharge, IViiln Kar-, King Worms, am. all K.vanthenia "f tlie akin, Mold, lllol.ilier, Pimples, Mesh Worms, DUeol orations, etc. Ladles who ti i-li n clear ami bentt- tlt'ul couiiili\ii.ii alll tlml li Ju-i u,e preparation Ih.'i need. It inn K.ull.'lncn li.i- Urn MII,|P,|,.,|

to tlie use i.f meniirv, etc.. Hie Alterative will li- found no.il ■:■■ in iloimiiig and purifying Hie

Her riSCHiiXA BITTKBa is a tun cure for dyspeptic.

Her NKltV.lls, MCfKAJ.uiA and ASTIUI V I'll. I.- are i ve, Men! I'..r till )H-|-MIII. n 111 hied with Neuralgia, fnlie. Delirium Ticineiis, etc.

Her CATHABTIC I'll.l.H are punly Vege- table.

i;ilel.ie ill 11. mill lirnl.sl I.IMMKN'f.

1 lit Using lier ei-|p.

Her CIIOLKRA SPKt'ipit Is a n'tni,,|y |hr frumps and sp,,-,,,,. i.-Unj,. ( holein, DiHiHium, Me,

Her SAI.V K fur (lid Son's, Hums, maids, etc.

A prlnhil clr.-iibirmeoinpa.iies encd, with full ■lirei'thms for use, food, treutnieut, etc.

sold hi till n-speclnblr Druggists.

..,).'.'>, I"'""'1 "isdlng lo oiiMilt Mils. IHt. SK- < (lit helore liegimiiicg In aje lu-r liiislleiiu'M, e«n dos.i dy addressing ,,r rnllim.- nl her uffler, No. StWAUtta Anonii ihaaMA.IL totcn.

Mrs. Dr. Nvi.r iiitro,luces, hy pennisslnn, tlu- following rclrrene,.. (fi'nilcin.ii trluweehnraeter 1,11,1 in.-Ml.in in -ni.jell elltille Ihelii In Hi,- h|K|ie-l c.mtlilem-.-.

BKramtrui-snuuui Burnaam,editor of th* ( on,(re^u-«,„»J |',,o-;w. L. II. Iluuiplirevs, l.|, I) J.'' K ". |. lollnit, k..,.. Iten^ulii^'uidW Ksip, !.(.. lliii,ipl,r.t>, K-i,.. NatluuiM frnweri, Ksip, »r. Tim-slier, Arthur < l.enei. Kso., Aiiniue Caverlv, Ks... Lewis lliee, K-.,., Amerli an H.,UM! of Ito-tnii; .Mm laver re. K-.p, I ainhriilgeiHirt, Maas.i 1'nif. ..ninn;. Anlhmii. I nuihrlilue llnsp I'mf. A. A. sieniii-t, Ciiiuliiidge. Sln-s ■ f P Whltnei Esip. Mill.nil, N. ]|.; K, Kiel.nulmm,

tonl'Mas" ' ,; """"" M"r*v- K"''' ( M"

IM tVarran Avenue, llo.ion, Haaa,

\ DVKKTIBRRB fln.l lt profitable toua* i \ the column* of Hie AMKltlfAN.




WKMT BTHKKT, I, A W It I ;\i I;.

Leaky Hoofs made Tight nl slmrt notire. It|yaiyl7


The I<kwreru<e American.


I:\KBV iniiiAT ifoiuvrae,



MCUM KITTIO* ■- -*!|.(M> i>


■. VJ..HI.

Tlia i Irrulatluu of ilir

FINK PltlNTINf..—Tin: AsiEitiri: HTI:AU fitixTiNU omen is THK UWWT I


¥lie Ditity ^lrierkaii. EVERY EVENING,

(Sunday rxceplcd,;

h the Largest Dally In the rlty, n lib Four Tlmn Mi. .■ iivul:,^.11 of stay other.

S1II-.HI|-TI>I\ lnid..n„.

DM Ymr, ss.au . HK Months, e-i.«s « iii'ii nol paid In i>d«nnrc, SAW*.

UKO. | VI KltKI II. * W)„ l'i ..,.■■ -.


Sffrl,*, PRINTING OFFICE. I* the Large*! >od mot 1 thoroughly furnished tii Eastern Massachusetts. Having only nimlnn Presses, and with constant additions of the MWI»I

style* of T) i>r, we are able to furnish 11M- 1MM

quality of work. exiiediiinindy, at tow price - - Orders by mail given prompt attention.

{.¥.<>. -. MERRILLA < luH KKit,


pEDRICK A CLORBON, LAWRENCE Auctioneer, w^etaw A..n« and BusinessDirectory. THEAMERICAN.

Appraisers, No. 3BI £•*•■ Street. Lawrence, Matt.

Always reu.lv lo give their personal service und serious attention to selling Itcnl anil 1'cri.uniil fcstate at auction or oiherw ise, obtaining Monn ami letlnig tli>- MM ut (ilir rale* fur all concern ed. negotiating Slortgiigcs mid looking up Tide-.

U, He. 1 TO|MTtv lUSllSt ---

leet; no Money invested but upon tin1 ... *— All business intrusted I

in., in. J.UIIPV Inv doubted security. Will llCalU-lliJcil In i orabl. dcullh will) will lie atU'D.lnl In promptly , and nil will he hon- ninl.b dcullli will) -Ini-I in[i>«i-in l..h>K the oiii- Important element of success- in the Rest I K-lutc bualm■--, prim ing In all hum sane time looking well to tin-true inn-rest ol tin purchaser, tliat 111- tit leu are good, UI.I that he gels all which IH- IS entiile<l lo—thus securing unit holding Uiat conlldencc of uur fellow* wlili'h 1- onljr obtained In strict attention in buelnc*-, nnd Ike h-ghcst tvpe uf honorable keatlng.

4*r*Tenn* reasonable, ami acmnilng «' Ihe work and responsibility. I all upou Us.

Real Estate Office. 381 Essex St. T

A. FIKKK, PAPKK HANGINGS, __ Window gjMldjl, Mill ■' Materials, Ulintl

rirllers, Lamps, VMM, etc-. T,S Essex Street, E

ilelil Law

II luidi

\,\*HITKt)HI> & HICK. JKWKLLEKN, V> di "

DENNETT, CIGAB8 AND T(i- • UACOa Wholesale and Itetnil; aUo.Hnuir

A rile lee. Mevmrhauni l'i|iea neallv >. II LawTCDM K tret I, l.mmii.'.

ii-■■ i. Manufarturers. I Ml.. UWHMd

K. B—Properly fW sale in many aectlona uf New , KnarlHiid, nut m.irc i-jH-i-inlli In the I'ttv of Law- rwnre and vlelnily. So letter eitv In the 1'nl.tn for a iieriiuinent Investment.

Bead Ke.il K-tnle oi.lumn In l.nwrem-e Sentinel and Lawrvnee Dally Aluurlean. 'nnlJ


I'HOII «j l'i; COI'HT. To the heirs nt 1.1 v.. next nl' kin. and all other |H<I

nons InterenUil in the estate of HARKIHIIN O. lt()S>, late of Itoxlord, in naid county, yen. man, deeeaied; jtreetinn;;

Whereas, a certain in- n MM tlie laat will and tustanient been presented In <-nld Court, It. ,... Martha A. It<>*», * bo prnvx that letti-rs tentnmeTi '— may be Isiueil to her, tlie exsoutrtl lher«iti

iery deslra!4e n

WlUtOX & HltKil

II). ])K MAKS &. CO.. WATCHES, J* Oloeka, Jewelry, Hirer nnd i'l:.i.d Ware.

Kniirj UoMdx, futlerv, Toi ItepalrhiK. (JoH and Silver

■>E1)K1CK aCIAlHHUKt, PURMITUKE, 1 tJaruets. L'rockerr and <.iitlerv, loutlher with

Joedl B>'Mff:l!l> - Tlie IH»I ;■-... Ml

iver Sun-

- genei il tWi

Ury m»>

Knsex. on the Nec-onil Tuendav of eVbrurvrv next, at nine o'eloek lie fore tien>n, vi HIIOW etime.'lf any you have, ageliiiii the same,.

And nalil petitioner i-. herein dire! led iDiim- (inlillr notlre thereof, liv |iiddI«hlnK thi«'-itntioii onre n week, for Uiree i.uetc-'.lie weeks, In the newsimper eaUed the Lawrence Aineiiinn nnd \11■ I■ Ji.■ r Adrcrtlser, printed at Lewrenee, the last fuhllcation to l>e two dayn, at least, before said

ourl. Wltnenn, tieorge K. Chnate, Ksiiulre, Jmlne of

■aid Court, this nevenlh day of January, In the viMir line thoii'itml eiitht hundieil nnd -eveiit\ three. iaiu \. < . «." 'el'lll if—i-n-i.

IN BANKHriTCV.' 1 District (if M:t~ -;te!ni-ett-, US,

The utiiieraixniMi iM-reliv jtivej notice of his ap- lotmelit as ax.lKiiee of the estate of W. W. ALHH. of Iti-ndlnj;, nitjudired n bankrupt by the

W I). CROWELL, •~* RoOMf, Krull and street, Near Citv Hall, brands of Cbjplri nlwnv

iinlutinent WALSH, of Heading, adjt. _. 111.tricl Court for -sid iU-lnei,

I! ■■■!..M. ,l;in. f, HO.

riTtof ChnrWIown.

Bootuti, Jam, >■. UB.

II). DREWS OYSTER AND ICE • Cream nnd liluintt Saloon, S.'ll Kssex Ht-eet,

nvrencr. Ice Cream, Jellies, Weildinn Cake, mleellonen, .te. Meal* at all hours.

\? S. JRWRTT A CO., AUCTION AND 1 • Commission Merclianls. KurnIlure ami t'ar]iet-. »B and Sfil Kssex St., I.awrenre, MUSK. sales nl olUce, Wednesilay, at 11: M.

Sireet, Lawrence, Mans,, Wholesale Manufacturer* of (huniber Kurnlture, Item and Sitting Room t.'hairB, etc

MISS LIZZIECAKLETON, 1'uU ESSEX Street, Saumlers Bliirk. May IH' found a vn-

A Good Name.

" Nothing! IN the meal all gone' " Every spitoiiful. I usetl the IMI for

lirt'ukl'aut ilui itiornliiK, ami now I don't oven Litow wltere tin- ihllilrt'ti's dinner Is to come from."

The word" were spoken In a dry, hnnky tone, .in.: tlie mother tflanced with a look almost of npfithy nt the tearful fheeH m her little ones wim, rrightened at her pale 1'aee mtd OOHtHMN wonln, hail gathered about her In a lerrll.eil silence, while her iridstt son, a stunly luu of twelve, replied flieerlly i

•■Nevermind, mother, we're lu a tight place, I know, Imt I guess we .imll liml a wav out aoiuehow. H'poaln* yo '!'• ilmiiy over to Mia' Hanltn's mmt a lew potatoes Tor the children's mi' I'll go rliflit down to the cornet ir I can't HIM! something to do NO

In in- home ctioiiffti to last Ul <Uy."

It liad cost the hoy no little effort to spcuk in that brave, hopeful fashion, for,

M0*K»tex*££ wltn ft m1"1' ln**Bln>^ and sharpened by an " : early acquaintance vtlth poverty and want,

the poor fellow lacked much of that un- reasoning bopefttlseM that seems .so natu- ral to a happy childhood, while the many rebulls that lie had already met with in his nppllL-utious for work, had long ago taught him the wad truth of the Haying, that the father's sins shall be vifiited upon the children t and none knew better than he, the bitter sense of Ignominy that linmitN the drunkard's child from the cradle to the grave.

IJut his hopeful words were not without their reward, for the mother's rigid luce softened, and a tear rolled over her faded cheek as she said In a more natural tone:

"You're rltflit, Dan; and perhaps Mis' llambllu'll let me do some sewing or knit- IUK for her Co pay for them. And If you do (lnd something to do—"

" We'll have smiie nice hot ginger cuke for supper," Interrupted little Bessie, whose Idea of supreme 1'eliilty might be expressed In B very few ivonls; "new shoes and hot {iluirer-eukc." but the pretty face was suddenly over-elouded at seven- vear-olil Tommy'* stem comment i

"How you tnlk. Beetle I Just as If we could mill]il frlnger cuke, when you know

e have to eat our Johnny cuke bare,

OYSTER A DINING Confeelloucrx, HI »«cx .awrenec, Mass. CttOtM

.lACOll W. ItHBKItTS J«HN I). L(»S«4. lTJulO


The undersigned Hereby givi-.- notice of his MJI- fnlntinent osnssignei'"f the estnh- or CVitt'S E.

KTEIU, uf .-Mineri ille, In snid dl-lrirt, bankrupt. ANDREAS I'.i.i MI..

Boston, Jan. S, 1873. :i(«Jal«

(i i' Candlesticks. Celcn t;ln-~e-, Spnoii llnliler- tdohew, Shades for Wax Work, 1c. rteU of ami cut glaBH. J. C. Dow * Co., IUU BaM


Having attended partially to Insurance for Home years, it Is now my intention to give mv entire time Ui procuring Vlre and Life Policies in some irsi olaas t ompanles, pttefa as the IKILYUKK HUTt'AL, rialeui, Sl.is. , nnd .ithem of similar standing. Also, to net as Real r'.stau- Agent, llui ■ injr and Belling I't'-iuib, Iteming and Collecting Beats, Accounts, Kifectiiig Mortgages, etc, I liave taken an lUuce with H'n. M. I tin. mis, Ksip, lu Currier's Blork, near Town House, where I can be found during business Imurs. I*n>i nut nets andcjireful dealing will lie in v ['ini,,uinl aim. I'.TUIS reasonable. Addre-» liANII I. I I ltHIKIt.

tfllW Met linen, MasB.

COLIU'ItN BRO'S,—DAILY 1'Al'EltS, Chromos, Knirsvings, l'erio>Ilcals, stationery,


Corset*, Collars, t'nder , Head Dressei, I.sec, I-, ate., a: r.-.-y si.

Agen eip All I'orklllg

either oex, roung or old, make more money nl work for us In their ttpnre moments, or all the lime, than at auvtliing rise, l'm-ticulars free. Address (i. STINsoX A Co., Portland, Maine.



on tlie road U> l^iwell ami Ijiwri on the river, lying between " Wood enough lor home pu: Cuts 13 toss Kngllsh, nnd .. - _..„^ ._,.- Cherries, gra|>es and small rrultp. r'ann long am narrow, running along the river for a half mile. liiHMl vuturaar, goml land of every variety. No trouble from Ircshcts. line of the flnesl sllunlloiiH between Lowell and l.nwreiice. I l-J mile- from Lawrence; «nnie from Lowell, (ioo.1 buiMlngh, In food cMidltlou, well feneetl with stonewall.— A gcsxl Farm, ami oulv tola MDauss the owner Is a-nlaa- wesL Price * laixi, a.«inn of which can lie an hidennite time nt nn Iniercnl of 7 per cent.

Call upon PEIMICK A CI.OssOX, Lawrence, nr at the premises. fm-l-


DYER S. HALL, Reedy Hade Clothing, Hats, Cape, t.enl's r'niuUliing timsls, etc.

hie I'rlee Clotliing Mmr. VH muth side l-;,r.-i. aanet Jackson StreeL

JOHN K. NORWOOD, General I nine Agency, make* Insurauce, In nil iti

limnelicr, a specialty. ~t'nll in and inspect our terms. :tiy l'.--e\ street.

1? 11. KELLY, AIMTHKCARY.—l're- XLia Hcriutions cnrefully compounded. Pure liiii|;..:iii.| rheinienl-, l'iil,-i,l Me.li. in.--. Toilet IIM.I l-'Hiiiy \ ■ (..I,.,., etc Post • mi-- Ilbiek.

HM. WHITNEY, A CO., Apothecaries, ■ corner Kssex nnd Lawrence St.—Trusses,

'P W. HKAL1), Bole Agent Tor Slngcr'i 1 • Improved Sewing Machine, -41 Kssex St.

Saunder* New Block. Sewing Mmblne findings.

_ _ Drugs and Chemical*, Patent Medicines, Toilet \\ ii'-le . Perfsmery, Simnaes, Bru»he«, Bosps, etc. Corner Kssex and l'cmnerton St.

Dun luughi'tl, mid even something like a Smile glanced for tt moment across the mother's face, but she only said, in her hublttial tone of forced calmness. While With one toil hardened hand she patted caressingly the golden head that nestled umong the folds of her faded calico dress like some bright huct! autumn flower smiling out from Its limp and frost-bitten surroundings.

"My deM little girl shall have tlie best that we can get for her; she shairt suffer If mother can help it."

And strong lu her maternal love, tlie long suffering Woman once more bowed her patient shoulders to the burden that,

'" i but an hour since, had seemed too heavy for her woman's nature to endure any longer.

'•Get your basket, Tommy, uu' come along with me ns far as Haiablin's," aaid Dan, adding, us the little fellow drew his worn cap down over his ears, nnd button- ed tlie only remaining button of Ids rag* gedjackct.'preparutory to starting. "Vou^d MttU get Beasto to lend you her mittens. The sun shines warm, hut the air Is sharp as a knife. I almost froze my lingers pic kin' up wood this forenoon."

As Tommy turned to follow his broth- er's suggestion, Mrs. Milton remarked, hesitatingly, while n faint flush of shame —shame for another's Hake—crept net mat her sallow cheek.

" Your futher has had hard work all the week, antl perhaps he may think to get

j The •tore-keeper drew on his warm fur : mittens, gave a parting look at the desk with Its heavy padlocks and Its row of leathern bound ledgers, as if to he sure that all was right, then advanced toward the tloor, apparently unconscious of the presence of Ids boyish visitor who, now fairly desperate, again ventured to Inter- rupt the great man's meditations i

"Mr. Skinner will vou let me have the Job? "

The man stopped suddenly, and a gleam of low cunning lit up, for an Instant, his somewhat Ntolld face:

" Yes," he said with an odd sort of smile that sent a thrill of vague apprehension to the listener's heart, "yesyon may get In the wood If vou want to, and I'll give you fifty cents for the job."

" Thank you. 1 will go right about It now."

Dan's face was all aglow with grateful joy, bat Mr. skinner deigned neither word nor look to his twice repeated thanks, as, locking the door carefully behind him, he hurried home to the dinner that the lad's unwelcome Importunity had fbrced him so unwillingly to defer.

However welcome the task, It was no llKht one for the half-fed, half-clothed boy ; and as the afternoon waned It was no wonder that the heavy, lcc-covercd logs grew heavier to his weak, boyish arms, while his mlttenless hands were so benumbed with cold that he did not feel the wound made by a sharp splinter, though the snowy logs grew crimson be- ncnth his touch, while a dull, heavy fklnt- ness crept over him, and he staggered be- neath his burden as he dragged the heavy logs, one hy ouc, down the broad roll- way Into the cellar beneath.

"Oh, look hero, Mlrandy! Here's one of those Milton boys getting out wood."

And little Ella Skinner, perched Up at c kitchen window, looked down with

childish curiosity upon the tolling boy, whose wretched condition, instead of awakening tier sympathy, seemed rather to amuse her, for she added, laughing i

Sec how ragged his jacket Is, and—do look! why his toes are sticking right out of his boots. What a looking creature he Is?"

Mlrandy looked out, a* requested, and her broad, honest face grew pitiful as she watched the shivering boy.

"I can't stand that, nohow!" she ex- claimed, energetically, as. In trying to lift a heavy log. he lost his balance and fell heavily forwartl Into the. snow. "1 give that boy a chuncc to warm himself and re- cruit a little before he gets the rest ur that wood In."

And lu a moment more the tired, half* frozcu lud found himself comfortably seat- ed by the kitchen Are, while the kind hearted woman bound up his wounded hand, and regaled him with doughnuts and a bowl of hot ginger tea.

"Now you drink It all, every drop," she urged, for. somewhat abashed at Miss i.ii.i curious scrutiny, be hail put aside the bowl half drained, and as he oheyed his new friend added in u sympathizing

make a fool of himself? I alnt his guard- ian."

Here* excitement Das had forgotten everything but his own arid fala aaiuily's wrongs; but with taw .atavrthat. came an overwhelming sense of hie utter helpless- ness to right those wrongs, that his boy- ish nature so keenly realised; and draw- ing his shabby cap lower orer his brows, ho turned away with the muttered but still defiant words, " You'll get your pay for this sometime. In a way you won't like."

The door closed with a clang, and the storekeeper laughed uneasily. ,

" Smart pup, that! ■ he sneered, with a sidelong glance at his shabby auditor*, none of whom volunteered any remark, while he added with an air at once confi- dential and candid:

' I'm so sorry as anybody to ae* Dan s he Is; but It alnt my

THEAMERICAN. denly confronted Ms employer will clenched hands and flashing eyes :

" Aud what Is this debt tor?'' he de- manded, in a tone which ■tnrted the " B* *~^" u

drunken loungers from their apathy, and LAWRENCE, MASS: brought an angry flush to the storekeeper-. FRIDAY MORNING, JANUARY 24, 1873 stolid fkce. " It alnt tor clo's an' food tor his sufTerin" half-starved family, let me tell! '■ ~ ' you. It's for what has made him forget, \\T„„1,1 "KC~ J £}_£ '±1 J

that he's a man, and put Into yonr pocket' W eekly JM CWyl DreVltierf. the money that ought to hare clothed an' I fed his cold and hungry children." JSATURDAY

. \V. C. Clark luu been expelled from tin A subdued murmur of sympathy ran

round the room which was Instantly iXew:yotfc-^Conferauwof"meMTmc^Ut'cburrti checked by Mr. Skinner s angry retort i j ror carrying on a lottery oau-mlbly for the ben-

"Clear out yon Impudent dog, or I'll | cat of a mhtnion bouse aud free reading room. kirk v. HI out. What business la It of mine I Clark continues to servo a elm rch of kU own In I'd like to know, If your father chooses to ' Brooklyn apparently lueeeMftiUy

THUS~ LEYLAND. Dry Goods, 381 Es- j something tor ua to eat to-morrow." 1 sex Btrect. Full Value, Fair Dealing. " So j ' erliaps—Ho may.

bam and well, all on a line lot of land *A feet on High Street and 1*1 feet deep. Itoom on lot lo creel cottage house lo rent, said premises rent now for elghl and a half per rent, on tweniy-lwo hundred dollars. Price fiJOU.

Al»o a splendid hulldlng lot for gentlemen's re*. Idenee on Union street, Smith Bide.

Also a grand rhaiicc lor gciitl.'men's residences III lots to suit, west of Clover Hill.

For information and Inspection of said property applf to BALDWIN <'linl.iliiiK, I i>il Kngmeer iimVBeal Estate Agent, Ms K-scx .Strecl, Law- rence, Ma**.

Oam nights: Monday, Tuesday and Thi Hlfdern-


DR. .1. 11. KIDDER, QBOK, So. *:i Bssei


DYER £ CO. publish the .

There was nothing peculiar lu the words I or tone, and the bitterly lncredulons smile | that accompanied them was hidden from ! his mother's sight by the folds of the old : comforter that he had wound about his j neck, but as they trampled down the snowy path little Tommy looked up with

' his blue eyes full of childish wonderment, i while he asked curiously,

"What makes you stump through the : snow so, Dan? You act. just as if you wanted to sinnsh up everything."

Dan paused n moment In his flcirce tramp with a half ashamed laugh as he

'. replied evasively, •• If I didn't walk pretty


For Invention!, Trade Mark*, or Design*, TO BCat* St., apposite Hllby Nt., Ho.tun, after an extensive practice of upwards of thirty Scars, continues to seeure Patents in the I'nlted latcs; also in tirenl Britain, France, aud other

foreign countries. Caveats, Speciileatlons. Assign- ments, and all papers for Palenl., executed on reasonable term-, v. lib ili-paleh. Ite.-earehea made to determine the validity and utility of Patents of Inventions, and legal suit oilier advice rendered In all matters t bing the mine. Copies of the claim* of anv Patent fnmlshed hv remitting one dollar. Assignment* recorded in Washington.

•aT-No Agencv in the I'nlted Plate* possesses tuperlor facilities ntr oliinlnlng Palcnl> or ascer- taining the paten la liilltj of Inventions.

All necessity ofajouruev to Washington lo pro- cure a Patent, and the usual great delay there, are here saved Inventors.

TKSTIMOSIALs. " I regard Mr. Kildy as one of the most callable

and successful prniilliouer* with yvhom 1 luive had idlclal Intercourse.

(JHAHLKS MASON, Ctmimls'r of Patent*." "I have no hesitation In assuring Inventors tluil

they cannot emplov a mini smrr cwnjterrnf and trtutworihy. and more capable ol pulling their ap- plications In a lonu to secure lor them an early and Mvorable consideration nt the Patent tlfflce.

KIiMI'M' HI lihh, l.utel nui'rof Patents." •■Mr. H- II. Eoor lias made for meov cr TH1IIT1

applications for Patents, having been successful In almost every eaee. Such unmistakable proof of great talent and ability on his purl, leads me to

i— .„ sutpiv to him lo pro-

I.'-ilANK KSOX. BOOTS. SHOES AM) brisk with these old boots all out nt the I Kubbers of sll kinds- Headquarters for Hi* , .,„.„, | g„ess I should a known how fro- Inmnus Waterproof Boots for Ladies, button nnd , ,■„,., c.i, t,„f„,,. ,|,t0 ,i,„„ " lace. SB Essex street, <>i site Post tUllcc. '■*"» Ip,'t "'It before tills time.

Toinmv liiughed. He was a siiiinv l*m- MRS..I. A. KNOX, LADIES FI'ltNISH- pered little fellow, and even frozen feet

IMifiocsIs; alsoa large assortmeiit ofCor- I neomcd to lllm father II funny thing than

^^anu^Braaft^'IffisL othenrhw just then, for were they not _1 . ... i Bure of plenty of baked potatoes aud. salt

DR. J. I). YOUNG, PHYSICIAN and for dinner, with n fair prospect or hoinc- Burgron. (Mice and residence. BSI Kssex j thing better Still for Slipper, from the. pro-

. H .. ceedsof Dan's pnispectlve earnings, ind— t But here for the first time, a doubt siitl-

DALDWTN COOUPOE, CIVIL ESG1- denly Insinuated Itself, and sliding up a 1J SKKIt and surveyor, 38S Essex Street.

hnnd. 11 ■ ■ -i ■ I

t. J. D Surgeon.

tlfflce hours, Ii UU 3 and

inings. , Tuesday ami Thursday

L. 8TRATTOS, BOOKSELLER and _. Stationer, Account Book Manufacturer.--

Paper Hangings. Window Shades, Newspapers, •>. -J i.i Kssex Bl. Branch Store, 1111 Rserx Bt.

Essex Dye of PieceCoods,

turns, llrnldi-, and nil kinds of .lob Dyeing. Ln- saiahlegocHlsrc-dyisl nndpul in markeUihleoriler.

ltl ItNIIAM. Fine1

ami Kubbers of every dcscrip- ipulnr Store. Ito.-ton I'nton Hoot ami Shoe '

S ttaaex street, comer Jarkson

i,-, ni'ii'i ALL inventors ti

little neanT.he nsked ccnflilcntinlly " What are you goln' tt) do, Dan? " Can't tell—tomfthinff, I guess." Rut Poor little Tommy's bright face had

grown suddenly grave, as all nt once he remembered the many bitter tllsiippolnt- ments that Dan hail Hlrrady met with while searching for work, and the proba- bilities of his sin-cess on this occasion seemed startllngly few even to the hopeful hearted child.

" I tin so hope you will, Dan, And oh, how fervently Dan's own heart

-chocd the hope ns he watched the child- ish ligure that, shivering lu Its thin, In- I, sulllcienl clothing, trudged soberly up the

OHN (. DOW k CO., {successors to |am, lhat |t.,i to ,he Hamblln lunii house, ChnrlesH. Woodman * t o.^lnvekery, <>1BSS . ,, , ... . . ., c„i|,,r„ *n

andChluaW«re,l.i,inpi,..i..l-,]'l«teilWau,Tal.le nnd reali/cil tbnl In last ol Ills lu.liu, to Cutlery, imi Kssex Sireet. llwl employment, the pftllgs of hunger

; must he atltlcd to the list of sufl'erlng* S- C. BANCKOKT. D.M.I), DENTIST. : wtt)l wn|ch the dninktinl's fainllv were Oi Offlce JIT Kssex street. l»r. Uamroit will ; |n>|||v i..., .... r.imill.ir

■ j twelve, which being Mr, Jnrcd Skinner's rp.\BLE (T'TLERY, rrom the cheapest dinner hour, that worthy had already

1 iiiinllty. worth onedolbir per set of Ii piece.. ,.ommcll,.t.(l („g preparations for the lin-

M ioh« r! uJw"* Co'.', m'tJ^r "",<"1, I iwrtant ceremony by carefully locking his . , money drawer, antl having deposited the

YATKS, M. IX, PHYSICIAN ami key 1B a safe place, was leisurely drawing the initiatory sleeve of his overcoat,

Boston, Jan. 1,1ST3.

HICK OK, s. Piano Forte and Cabinet Orgiin Tuner.

Having for many veara followed MM profession In the cities id New Vurk, llrooklvn. and viclni-

. ty, ha* locaUil lu MK'flli' KN. where In lolls himself in readiness lo attend to all calls for 'luning and Repairing the above Inslruuienls lu ihe bait mannc.

Order* left at DYKR* CD'S Music store, IJIW- nnee, nr at PosSOfflee Box No. S, Mum is. will be prompUy attended to. HJ*ti-


E. .surgeon. tllllre, -in; Essex Strecl, n;

llesldence, Ittl Concord Street of U


,t nil In

ANH st'HUKtlN. 1 Aliplelon Slrwl.

1 [111. nf i.iKht.


Q Bllaa Howe Improved Family Sewing

Mac bine, I. Bfatilv and excellence of Milch nllke on Isnh

sides nf Hie fabric.-*. Strength, beauty and dura hility of scan, lhat will neither tip nor ruvcl.-;l, (Himpletc control over ISJHI Ihresds.—i. An en- tirely new rotarv umslon for Ihe upper thread, whlcii contrllmles *n much to that heauly ami unl formlty of stllr.li for which Us- ■Howe Machine" 1* so celebrated.—A. A perfect uniform tension In the shuttle which does not vary from a full to an empty bobbin — an objection MI common i>. other machine*.—tl. An automatic sclf-rcguhiling take- up that prevenu missing of stlu-hcs In emsslng heavy scums.—T. Short, slralght and strong niH>- dies, nol liable to break la jiusslng over heavy seams, as do the curved needles of oilier machine. a. Finer needles for the same thread than any other machine.—B. hewing equally well w iih any kind nf thread— V1. Kronomv ofthreinl l.ei 1 that of anr other machine.—fl. A hemmej that will make 'anv width of Hem or Fcil.-li. Braid. lug the most cnrapllcnlcd patterns with nm w tilth and kind of Braid—H- A Qulller that will adjust itself to nnv thickness ol material—U. Tucking any fabric without Injury or pucker. —IS. A corn- er an constructed ns to rnrd around very short curves, even to square earners.—IS. Hewing the Hnesl fabric without Injurv nr pucker, and the heaviest materials with the greatest ease.—17. Compactness, simplicity and durability—Is. Kase of ouerathin and inatiagcincnt, - lu. ll«*t Machine in the world for Family use.

Call and see these Machine* work, with Ihe SKW lueunvxn TkFMH.r power, »l Ilaajnr'a Agta-


t j, )H Casts Blrect, lAwrenre.

/ 1 II. TE1 iTe Hood.;

The Low Price

when a voice at the tloor arrested his at- tention antl his arm al the same moment, aud the outstretched limb remained sta- tionary for an Instant, while its owner glanced with Ill-concealed impatience ill the boyish llgnre In the doorway.

"Well, what do ynu want?" There was n coiilcmptuotrs hardness lu

his lone, and the boy's wcathcr-brti fkce grew a shade redder at the implied Insult, but there was too much at stake for him tO take notice of trifles, mid he replied with all the coolness Hint he could muster:

" I see you have got a load o' wood in your back yard. Want me to get It lu for you?"

The store-keeper frowned suspiciously. "What, was you prowling rmmd toy

bock yard?" he growled. " Ifl ketch yon up tt) any of your thieving Irlcks I'll—"

He shook Ids head threntenlngly, and ! Hie hoy's temper for a moment got the i better of his prudence.

" I ain't n thief, an' yon know It begun impetuously; but that Instant a thought nf those helpless hungry ones nt

I'EIiUETS A CO., Dry anil Fancy I home crossed his mind, love conquered l*s Kssex Street.


F. Kimhall.




.uu KSSKX ST., LAWsWKK, MASS, Over Dyer* Cn>.


Portraits nnd Landscapes. XO KSMKX , I.AWHKMK.

HTOVKB, Kt'RNACKS* KANliK Tm.i.i;..- n:i.n\ .-'..leu Ware.

410 ESKBI ST.. Lawrence. Mass.

st.in- of Lawrence. ■ a call.



hi Real Estate.


tifflre, «C Essex StreeL Uoskience, 13 <»ak stm-l.

ml Wedgwood Ware, fold hv Joint t'. I'o!. * i'.i., l-i'.i Essex

anger, and he added, with an air or forced I composure, '* if you'll let me have the job ! I'll do It cheap an' well."

Mr. Skinner WU leisurely adjusting ! hlinselfto the comfortably wadded Intrlca* : cka of his overcoat, and vouchsafed BO : reply to the boy whose anxious heart ! throbbed and swelled almost to suffocation \ as he stood there In the dingy light, that, i fulllug through the dusty, cobwehbed win | tlows, made It drearier still, the array of ; dirty barrels, casks and boxes, the back- ground of a country variety store, doubly

I dreary lo the walling boy as he rcniem- | bered that somewhere In the midst of that unsavory mass was stored the subtle pottv son that had wrecked his father's life, am

-1 reduced his once happy family to shanW i. \ poverty and starvation.

"You'll feel enough better for getting nicely warmed, to make up for tlie time you've lost."

"Yes, Indeed, I shall work twice as fast after this. The met Is. I didn't know how cold I was till 1 got Info this warm room."

Ami Dau looked gratefully Into the kind face that was watching him with a look of peculiar Interest.

"Your name's Milton, ain't It? What's rer father's given intiiic—Hnvrfsnn?

"Yes'in." Dan looked curious. "I thought likely. I used to know yer

lather when we was children, for we both went to the same school when old master

iiikitiiin kept. I shan't never forget what the old gentleman said to us once. (He

n master hand for readin'character,) anil yer father and Jared Skinner and I

In the same clans together, and we'd liceti trj'ln' hard to see which would get to the head, and says he, "Y'on're all smart in you're way, nn' I'll ventur to nay you'll all do well, but 'twon't he In the same line. Here's Jared, now, 'II he rich

-there ain't no doubt o' that, for hell have the money, by hook or crook, somehow; nnd Mlrandy 'II he like Solomon's virtuoua woman—a prudent hounewife nnd n faith- ful spouse; hut Harrison '11 be the best of nit, for he'll leave a name behind him that his children '11 he proud of,"

She did not sec the hot flush of shame lhat mantled the boy's cheek as she spoke, nnd she added, with a good-natured laugh:

Jnrcd'a come out about ns he said, but here nm I, a homeless old maid, tloin' housework for other folks; and ns for your father, 1 ain't never heard of any- thing remarkable that he's done yet."

The blow, though cruel, was uninten- tional ; for having been for yearn a strang- er to her native town, the kind-hearted spinster hid not, since her return, chanced to hear the sad story of her old school- fellow's Intemperance.

Anil Dan went back to his work, wanned, fed, ami with new strength that made the remainder of his tank compara- tively light | but all the time, as If In lilt ter mockery, sounded in his ears the prophecy of the partial old teacher: "A name that his children will be proud of." And hot, blinding team, tears of mingled shame mid sorrow, bedlmmed his eyes he thought how sadly prophecy had missed of Its fulfilment.

"Does Ae rememher it, I wonder!" wai the thought that crossed his mind nn hi drnggetl the last ntlck down the roll-way, while with a sigh of satisfaction he turned nwny from the completed task, and with the half-ui uttered words, "Now I'm ready for my pay; the children won't have to go to bed early to-night, that's sure," he rudgctl hopefully away over the crisy

frozen snow, In the direction of the store, whose lighted windows looked out upon him with n friendly glenm that carried With It B promise of good cheer that not even the dingy room, with lls hot, close at Unisphere, reeking with the fumes of to- bacco nnd whiskey, the group of shabby loafers about the stove, or even the hard, harsh face of the proprietor himself could entirely dissipate.

Glaucnig furtively nl the noisy topers, Dan saw, with n relief, that his father was not nmnng them, and stepping up to the counter, he waited a moment, expecting that the store keeper would notice him, but, as that personage still continued ap- parently oblivious of his presence, he ven- tured a modest reminder:

" I've got the wood all In, Mr. Skinner," "Ah! Well, all right, then." And without even glancing at Ihe wall-

ing lad, the speaker busied hlinseir In packing away a box of herring, whose ap- petizing odor imiile the boy's mouth water, and lie asked eagerly:

" How "much are them Ash apiece?" "Two cents." '' Then I'll take hnlf a dozen of "cm, and

the rest lu Indian meal." "The rest of irhat *" And there was a malicious gleam in the

man's eye that Dan saw and trembled be- fore.

" The rest of my pay for my afternoon's work," he stilt) stoutly, but with a sudden .sinking In his heart, while the man laughed contemptuously.

"I hope you doot think," he sneered, " that I'd be fool enough to pay you for a little job like that when your father's owln' inc what he Is. I'll crtdit him with the fifty cents," turning over the leaves of a ledger as he spoke. " it's the only way I'll ever get a cent of my pay out of 'Im."

Dan stood for a moment silent, stunned hy this terrible and unlookcd for disap- pointment, while the big tears gathered slowly In his eyes nnd his lips twitched convulsively; but as he was about turning away in hopeless silence, his ear caught the half-muttered comment of one of the lookers mi. a bloated, ragged old fellow who, with his rhnlr tipped hack against the counter, and his feet renting compos- edly upon a big pile of salt codfish, re- marked with drunken gravity, between lib pufl's of tobacco smoke :

"Thnl'a Ihe talk! We e'u leave our <lil-!.- to our young 'nns, If we don't leave 'em iiuttiiif else." His words were like a spark to powder, nnd the boy turning sud-

going to the dogs as fault If he trill neglect his family, and dis- grace—"

He stopped suddenly, and his listeners looked with startled, wondering eyes at a figure that had been lying unobserved up- on a heap of bags In a dark corner of the store, hut had now risen to its feet, dis- closing the haggard, worn face of Milton hlmseff.

But there was none of the stupidity of Intoxication on that (ace now, as stern and pale, It confronted the abashed liquor deal- er, whose usual coolness seemed all at once to have deserted him. for be changed color, and fumbled nervously with the string of the package that he held In his hand.

.hired Skinner!" and the speaker's voice sounded hollow and far away, while the gaunt, thin hand that rested upon the counter, trembled with nervous agitation,

you remember me as 1 once was,— look at me now, a miserable, beggarly wretch a burden to myself, a shame to iny family, an object of contempt to the man who has held out to me the Intoxicating cup that he knew I had not the strength to re- fuse."

The other was evidently embarrassed and III at ease, but assuming an air of cureless, good nuturtil ImUU'ercncc, he said banter! ugly:

" Come, come, Milton! you're blue. Here"—pouring out a glass of the tempt- ing poison, aud pushing It toward him— "is something to raise your spirits, and make you A-cl as rich as the king on his throne."

There was a moment's silence as, lift- ing the glass lu his trembling hand, the tempted man looked longingly at the sparkling beverage whose subtle poison seemed already to penetrate to every fibre of his body ; then, suddenly, glass and con- tents fell with a crash upon the floor at his feet, and In a voice that his old mates scarcely recognized, so full was it of a new strength and determination, he ex- claimed energetically i... . .

" I've drank my laat glass,—so help me, Cm! 1"

Then, as If suddenly enthralled by the boldly spoken pledge, he added hopefully i

I've a week's wages to begin my new life with," and, turning to the frowning and discomfited dealer, he added, in a low key: "111 pay my own debt to you—yet Jared, so you won't need to take any more

' my poor boy's earnings towards It."

There wan a quiet but Intense scorn In the words, that even Jared Skinner could feel, and for once In his life he had the manliness to feel heartily ashamed of him- self.

i a long and weary walk home that night for poor Dan; a walk that he never forgot. Tired, cold and hungry an he was, the sharp, hitter sense of his help- lessncss and humiliation was ever upper- most, dulling and making him at times al- most unconscious of his bodily discomforts as he plodded drearily along, with only the cold, far away stars for company, and the crisp, white waste of anow stretching out on either hand, silent, pulseless, like a brood winding sheet above the dead earth' frozen heart.

He had, almost unconsciously, taken the longest way home, for there was some- thing so terrible to him In the thought mother's disappointment and the hungry children's tears, that he shrank from the meeting with a dread that prompted him lo defer the dreaded moment as long as possible.

■■Perhaps they'll be abed, If I don't hur- ry," he thought, and clinging to tils for- lorn hope he loitered aimlessly along the scarcely trodden path, slapping his hare hands or thrusting them into his pockets to keep them from freeiln(, stamping his cold feet, and rubbing his ears till they burned.

But put off the dreaded time as he might. It come at last, and for the first time in his life, Dan saw the cheerful light gleaming from the windows of his humble home without that feeling of rest- ful sstlsfactifon that ajl the discomfort and privations that he had suffered be- neath its roof had not as yet had the pow- er to prevent.

lie paused for a moment upon the threshold, and as he heard from within the sound of his little sister's merry laugh, his boyish courage gave way entirely, and nlttlng down upon the snow-covered step he held Ida face In hi* bands and sob- bed aloud; "She won't Uufh when she has heard my story, poor little thing!"

Rut what Is that? it Is the child's voice, and starting up from his seat, with " smothered exclamation, Dan pushed the door and saw a sight that sent such thrill of glad supprlsc to his heart that he had doubted, for a moment, the evidence of his own eyes. Kitting by till own fire- side, sober and with a look of igilet enjoy- ment upon his face, was the loiu estrang- ed husband and father, i.inh- Bessie, perched npon his knee, was nestling cosily agalust his breast I while Tonnay, sitting upon the braided hearth-rag at his feet, watched contentedly his mother's cooking operations, as, with a hopeful smile once more llluininning her long hopcti-t* face, she glided In her quiet fashion from tub- board to pantry', trying, with true wom- anly tact, to make the most of her hum hie store of crockery and table linen, to do all honor to the glad occasion.

Little Bessie spnang up an her brother entered, rxclaimlng Joyfully; "Oh- Dan! father's come home to supper, and brought lots of good things, and mother's baking some ginger cake an' biscuit."

The boy looked Into his falser'*, face and perhaps It was something he read there that craholdcncd him to speak out the thoughts that had lain so heavily up. on his heart through all those weary hours of discouragement and donht. "Oh father 1" and the young face seemed to hare, all at once grown strangely mature With Its expression of almost painful earnestness: "Wont ynu try to do what your old schoolmaster said you would, leave a name to your children that they can be proud of?'.

He stopped suddenly half frightened nt his own boldness, but he was re-assnred by the hearty grasp of his father's hand, and the tearfully spoken, sweetly spoken words i

"Yea my boy, with fiod'a help, I will henceforth live so that, while redeeming the past, 1 shall be preparing, for thone I love, the goodliest of all heritages n good aud honorable name."

And he kept his word.

Two cars attached to a train Jumped the track I the Little Miami road, Ohio.Frloav morning.

Injuring Secretary of State Wyckoff, three r«p- reeentauvrs, a senator, a lady-, and several oth- er*, bat none seriously. A broken rail was the

The bar tenders of the Rerere, Trentont,' Parker and American Hotel*, Boston, were ar- raigned befbro the Municipal Court Krldsv as common sellers of Intoxicating liquor*, and be- ing found guilty were each fined (ISO and costs.

The other dav, one Charles B. IIoyt, deposi- ted a check for BU.OUO on the Nassau Bank of New York In a Boston oank, but wheu mid that on Saturday lb could draw on lit* dcposU, if collected, he abraptly left.

Sherbum, the abductor of Josephine Drew, s* arraigned at Flibcnille on Friday, sad

pleaded ffuiltv to a charge of adultery , lie wa* ■•iiminiticd in default of hail.

Napoleon Croctler, a young Frenchman late- ly employed in Lynn, committed suicide in Hot- yoke yeaterday morning, try shooting himself in the breast.

Pennsylvania railway i narrowly

_ n bad thefr Icgs broken.

The boiler of a steamer uxploded on Wednes- day on the Chattahoocho river, Fla„ killing two persons, and wounding several.

There is talk of an lamtigation tutu the management of Sing Sing Prison, hi view of the repeated escape* of late.

The first Congregational church uf Chicago a* bumed on Thursday night; lost 8170,000,

in*ared for fSO.OOO. The Carllrt trouble* grow more serious In

Spain, and travel i* suspended uu some uf the rail road i.

The New Hampshire editors and publiHher* held their annual meeting at Nashua, on Frl- lay.

flreat freshets are reported from various por- tion* of the country, the result of the thaw.

It l» IwUevcd that Congress will take no ac- tion this session on the currency question.

Franklin's birthday wa* generally celebrated throughout the country yesterday.

Father Burke, who I* in falling health, has been ordered to return to Home,

Kansas baa Increased in wealth one hundred million!- of dollars In ten years.

Boston will t.pen the public llbrarv on Sun- ;laya.

The divorce bus incus 1* dull in California. Gold 112 6-8.


An hour with Nasby In tlm Satur-

day Night Course.

out in bold relief. She went to sleep while her husband was making his grant speech on the Alabama Claim*, and that vexed him. If sho had slept while Jone* was speaking, he could have understood it. But what did she know ol the Alabama Claim*? AM, meanHmc, grew

The first lecture In the Saturday night course ; dally; his faculties were open to receive Impres- ■asgiven at the City Hall on Saturday ovening,; "km*; he became a favorite with brilliant wom-

by Rev, Petroleum V. Nasby, (D. R. Locke of' en who were a match for himself; he forgot his Toledo, Ohio,) lwfore an audience quite reaper-. wife's sacrifices; be only saw lu her a worn table In numbers, notwithstanding the severity | woman of fbrty, lacking in culture; her love of the woatlier. The hall presented alicanfiful grew stale and he neglected her. She lltth appearance, tiic chandelier being lighted, throw- thought, while she was making sacrifices fur Ing a brilliant light upon the fresco painting of him, that she was thus, patting him farther from the celling, giving an opportunity to tliose pre*- her. cut to examine the work in detail. For the con- His disgust grew at last to hatred. He cen

lence of the audience, a corps of ushers her home and plunged Into the delights of socl were engaged, each wearing npon the lap pel ol ety. He associated with brilliant women, with

Tlie best portion of * »".sl Man's life, Hi* Hule, nameless, uu remembered acl* •M kin. hies, .1 me

[Word* worth.


The walls of a new four story tn Irk liuilding in Poughkeepale, fell In on Saturday aftoruoon, severe I v Injuring three men. A portion of the wall* fell upon a house adjoining, crushing '- die roof, and burying In the ruins a Mrs. Baki who a ported to live.

A negro hi Indianapolis, Ind., has been vletcd, under the law* or that Mate, of the crime of marrying* n while woman, and sen- tenced to three year* In the penitentiary, and •1000 fine.

Samuel Payson, of Thomaston, Me., who wa* rutting strip tlmher in Virginia wa* found dead In hin tied near Richmond, recently, with a pis- tol shot through his head- HI* friend* inspect foul play.

Albert S. Piper, a lad sixteen year* old, has been sentenced tn ten rears' Imprisonment for burning the woolen mill of the Noone Brothers, st Peterborough, N. II., In February last.

Judge Colt, of the Supreme Court of this state, was taken sick with imall-pox on Friday, and at his own request was carried to the small- pnx hospital, at Boston Highlands.

Johnson, the engineer to whose Inebriety the recent terrible accident on the Georgia Western Railroad was due, I* confined In Jail awaiting trial for murder.

A doable watch was placed upon Stokes on Satin-due, to prevent any attempt to escape. Jndge Board-nan lias not yet signed the hill of except Ion i.

The boiler of a steam saw mill at Marlins, Ohio, exploded on Saturday ovening, killing two men, and wounding *lx others, four of them fatally.

The schooner, Central America, from Inagua for New York, foundered off Manguaysns, on the first of January; the captain and crew were saved.

A New York man was so seriously Injured hy being attacked hy an enormous black cat, as to

IIII]H-I his removal to the hospital. The British steamer, sir Francis, which went

ashore at Hampton Beach recently, went to pieces in the storm on Huuday.

An Indiana school teacher of brilliant ac- iuircments, has Isien arrested ten time* for runkonncss within the year. It Is now said that Stokes I* confident of n

stay ii»proceedings, and s new trial; he clings tenaciously to life.

A new disease, similar to the spinal meningi- tis Is affecting the .horse* of New York aud Boston.

The three convicts who escaped from Sing Sing prison last Thnnday, have ts>cn re-caji- tured.

Lord Lytton, better known as Bulwer Lytton, the groat novelist, I* dead ■ he was 07 years old,

The number of death* occurring In Boston from small-pox last week was forty-six.

Twentv-twomore Chinamen are nn their way to C. T. Sampson's, at North Adams.

Matrimonial bureau* are springing up lu Kansas.

The eplxootlr rages among Nevada horses Gold 113 1-A.


A ben Ing was bail before the committee on the liquor law, on Mondny, at the State House, when the evidence of the remonitrants was taken, which occupied a considerable time. Several physician* test Hied in favor of continu- ing the sale uf beer; they believed the prohibi- tion of beer had a tendency to drive men to drinking spirits; the hearing will Is' nmtiaued.

The startling fact Is published that at the present time the TnomlM prison in New York, contains thirteen murderers. Three are under sentence; of death, one i* awaiting a new trial from a disagreement of sjury, and the remain- ing nine have not been tried. They ure of every ehus ami ty|s* of society.

On Saturday night, John McConnlck, a street car conductor, «f San Francisco, was attacked

) the car by a man, Jack Cough bin, who drew pistol and tried to shoot him, when he tired

upon Couglrinn twice, each shot taking effect In the head, Coughtan died on Sunday. MrCor- mlck U In nmPaly.

A bill has I introduced ,,, the Michigan Legislature, which is designed to establish the Kngllsh tiekct-of-lcare system In that State. Inmates of the I loose of Correction are lo lie granted leaves of absence, on condition of good Miavior, any drench .of which will had tore- Imprisonment.

Mr*. 1-oiii- James, a French woman, was burned to dcstli si Fall River on Saturday night, hy the breaking of a kerosene lamp, which set her clothing on Bra. She wa* 'il years old, and leaves four small children.

The C. 8. Senate Judiciary committee, report- ed unfavorable yesterday on the pctftltHI to remove duties on materials lo he n*ed In re- building Boston; the senate took no Che report.

Payne Durk*, an Inspector In the Custom House at Portsmouth, V II., fell dead in th< Methodist chapel, lu that rlty, ou Sunday even ing during service; he was &3 years old.

The funeral sermon of Napoleon wa* preached at Chlaelhurit on Sunday; Clueen Victoria aud the Princess Beatrice sent flowers to he laid on the dead Kmperor'a tomb.

A drafUrasn of the Erie rlailroad named Jones, was robbed hv highwaymen in Jerarv city, Sunday night, and so Isaten that he died Monday morning.

Thirty-three mm aud forty women died in New Hampshire last yesr.who were over nlnctv year* old. They averaged alsint ninety-three and a half years.

The English isvot makers have challenged their French brethren of the awl to a trial of skill, and the trial has hocn accepted.

The President yesterday nominated David H,

ills coat a atrip of blue ribtivn, upon which were printed In gold letters the vy.rds" Saturday

<w*rse—CsJ*hr.* Tbosqf who held re- ■ervetl rickets, and those wbg did not, were alike attended to their seats. " Indeed, the ar- rangements throughout were ' perfect, and the audience were made to feel that, while the man- agers of the course had spared no expense to bring the best lecturers, they had spared no pains to minister to the comfort of those who rarae to listen to them. The lecturer wa* ac-

companied on the platform hy Rev. C. V. 1 bill- ing. Alderman l.inei-on, t'apt. J. F. Clark, J.

',. Bowker, Esq., of the Atlantic Mills, It. Tewkshory, Esq., City Treasurer. Mr. Nasby was introduced by Oeo. Russell Jackson, and in nn easy, conversational style, the story of Hannah Jane was told, the audience listening with deep attention, and frequently Interrupting the speaker with applause.

Hannah Jane, said the ■peaker, w as a girl of seventeen, that age st which so many maidens remain so many years. Beauty Is nothing—as 1 know from cx-Krleuce!—But Hannah Jam- was a glorious creature, of medium bight, plump but not gross, Grecian nose, a kissable month, Uper fingers, hnxcl eyes, pure red and white

implex Ion, the figure of a Venus, as graceful in movement as a panther, etc., ele! She was

girl for whom a warm man would forsake not tdy his father and mother, hut his grandfather

and grandmother, ami even accept a mothiT-iu- —provided she was old and subject to cli-

matic Influences! Then, too, she was genuine, whalctHmc or paint about her. All Ihe

i oung men ndmlred her, while the young Indies hated her with a perfect hatred; they were ready to tear her to pieces. They said she was I'rclty, tint she stooped, nnd it was a pity she squinted, and her hair was of a fiery red, and her teeth artificial. In fact, they made her

Is? a miracle of ugliness, whereae she was n miracle of loveliness.

They conldn't sex* what there was a1s>ut her to Infatuate the young men. Yet she wa- their matrimonial salvation, for her I ten uty lighted np

name of love In the hearts of the young men which nothing could extinguish save matrimo- ny—end that doc* it pretty effectually sonic- times. As they conldn't all marry her thcy iiui.-t marry someliody else, and even Jothum

idleton Smith, who was so ugly that his looks were Improved by his being kicked In the face by n mule, when he had proposed and been laughed at hy Hsnnali Jane, went and married a gushing creature who hail been twenty-seven fur thirty year*, who had cross eyes, wore num- Isw eight shoes, was thin where she should be thick, and whose mouth was so large that she conldn't talk without her teeth dropping onf, Hannah Jane was not only lieautlful but good. I will not say *he was free from feminine fanlts. No one could rush to the window with greater alacrity than she to see the latest new Ismnet go by, utmsr the style, and then go and buy une Just like ft. She would not hare been n woman if she didn't do that. She was accomplished In nothing, but she had great possibilities. Her brothers got all the education; her heauly would secure her a husband, and that was all she needed. She could read but indifferently, ■he spelled Am with one *, and her reading was limited to the new*papers, of which she pre- ferred the New Y'ork Independent to all other*, because It only tool, ti ve copies of It lo make a

sizeable bustle. Abel Merrlweiher was a young law student

who having nothing lu support one undertook to provide for two. He wooed end won Han. null Jane, snd married tier on the strength of tlie maxim than it costs no minre to support two than one. Horrible fallacy! You might well say that two ponndi of beef 0D>) no more than one, a proposition which any respectable butcher would reject with loathing and scorn There is nothing In love which is opposed tt roast beet. Yet marriage is an estimable Insll tutlon; 1 would not Imve II die out, I lit nigh that might iave us from such productions us George Francis Train nnd Sylvanii* Cobh. Abet married Hannnh Jam.' and their friends came out strong on wedding gifts, sending no less than nineteen cake baskets, and a great variety of other silver they had no use for, all nf which Hannah Jane traded off for a kitchen stove and a ocwlng machine. At this time Alad was lu the hair oil period of life, when the state of Id* shirt front preyed upon hi* mind. He culti- vated the wnvy masses of his hair, mid if he had taken to llferntiire, might have made anoth- er Theodore Tllton! Hannnh Jane had unlive Intelligence but she read nothing ami knew nothing. She lived in a lierpetnal state of ad- miration of her husband. She beUevvi he had a great future before him, and she was bent on helping him to reach It. All her little patrimo- ny went to stock their cottage, and she slaved that he might have leisure to develop his grea powers. He accepted the sacrifice, lying on the sofa of an evening snd smoking bl* cigar, while she took In sewing to supply their needs. When at last he tired of her company and absented himself evenings she accepted his pretense of

buiincis" with undnuhtiiig conlldciiee, und hen hv sometime* came home a little nn

steady she grvw fondly alarmed, and liejpjed he unlit til im- :■'■ baton he completely ex

huii-ied himself. Tims he continued to reecivi ind she to give; he advancing, she standing itill, !■■■■ ■ he did not try to develop her, mi- ll he Isrgnn In feel her Inferiority. At last busi-

ness runic, Abel got n murder ease. Tlie mi--

man who had forsaken her, went for him with a romantic little pistol, antl AM go< her clear on the plc.aof rmiKlonnl insanity. He got little money—though he took all she hail- but he got reputation, and he followed it up, went Into pollncs, got elected to the legislature and tlHm to Congress. All this time Hannah Jane was making con«tnnt sacrifices to help him along, cutting up her clonk lo make hint a coat, that he might make a good appearance at the convention. Close confinement lo household duties mode havoc with her beauty, but she was happy In the thought that It was all for his advancement. Ho went on enlarging his op- porttmltlcs, while she went on risking Ihe cra-

whom he discoursed on the illArl—tins of his

wife, and received their pity and coadolsnee. Hannah Jane, maantiaw, aoeeftetl Iris exensen, and was happy In the tswsLht that he was situ,

■limbing upwards. She hafl wiped. heneK MS

if the world, she was all alssortied tn Urn, and was only sorry ber sacrifice could not have been greater. She joyed to think she was the step on which he had mounted. And he was not at to- gether heartless - sometimes he felt a twinge of remorse,—Imt It didn't last long. Gncc. In a moment of tendemeaa, after looking at her por- trait as she was In youth, be sent her a cheap ring—he couldn't send a more valuable gift be- cause he had just made a present of a set of i.i lllliuits in an actress with whom he was just

then in k»ve. At last his wife discovered the truth. Abel had lost alt love for her, and did not care to conceal It. He deserted her, ami

mderstand that her death would lie an accoiumixlatkin to him. Too old to liend, she broke nnd died at the age of forty-two. She lmd a splendid funeral, at which Abel appeared is chief mourner.

Of course he married again, and thi* time he hose a woman of culture, who understood the 'divine natural," and had cravings alter the In-

finite, hut who, also, had longings after Parisian illincry, and who did not know how to make

sacrifices. She wanted a dress from Paris, and Aliel sold n cadetshlp to get It. This got him into trouble v, Iih his constituency, nnd he lost

his sent in ('(ingress. MM. M. revolted at the Idea of inking care of herself. They quarrelled, she left him, aud he ls<caine a lirokea, dispirited man, with no other resource than lo turn life in-

ranee agent. Thus was Hnnnnli ,Jimc enged! 1 fear my comedy has turned out u tragedy,

1 would make It n pica ftir larger opportunities for woman to Improve herself In nil thing* worn- anly. I won hi not have her a slave or a toy, but the educated equnl of her husband, i would givo bora broader education, closer contact with

make her equal in nil conditions of life with her husliand, and thus secure hi* respect and nve. I would strengthen her hands by sirength- ning her mind, making her self-reliant, and

able to advance step by step with her husband. The first step In the regeneration of our race and the perfection of humanity Is to tiring woman nearer to God, hy according to her two ottri- IMPS of Deity—intelligence and will.


The Committees' Report.

The following Is the report of tlie com-

mittee nn elections, to the House of Rep-

resentatives, on the petition of A. J

French, for the seat occupied by II. C.

Bacon i lb.i si. or nt rin.M M-.in is,

January 13, ISTS.

The i ilttee on KlecUons, to whom was re teri-e.l the petition of Alfred J. r'reneh, asklnr for the sent In the House of RepresentsUves now oc- cupied hy Horace C. Bacon, from I he Third Ks- sex District, having heard the petitioner, submit the following


At the request of the C'ominllUie, the petitioner filed ihe following statement In support nf hi* pe- tition :—

" BaSM Representative District No. 3, Is cm posed of the six wards of the city uf Lawrence, anil IIH> lown of klelhuen.

'• llv the returns of the ward and tow n olHeers, vonr petitioner received -.',Ki vote*, and Horace I'. Bacon Lt'-s vote*, electing vour petitioner.

" A recount of the votes ol the several wants uf the rltv of Lawrence (but not "f Methuenj, gave Sir. Bacon II additional votes, Increasing ill tal value to i,m, f

In ward Ibur, Lawrenre, by the return of tii-.- ward olBcers, changed only one vote by Ihe re- count, vour pelltt'iuer wa* given HTI voles, and Mr. Bacon -'1-1. im the check.list returned and cei-Uned by the wanl oBlcers as having tseen used al said election, and herewith produced, s,Vi names sre checker! ns having voted, corresponding with- in one of the aggregate vole uf your pelilinuer and the sitting member In said ward.

" Your petitioner presents Ihe deposition* of .110 legal voters hi said ward, whose names are burin- on the check-list, and all checked hy the ward oIHcera nsafnresshl, who imake oath that their ballots Ism" Hie name of j our petitioner ns representative to Ihe tieneral Court, be lug Ml votes in excess of the number given him b> the ward ollc.er* In their return.

The aggregate vole of the ward for represen- vo ns aforesaid, fully tspialllng llie names eked a* Inning voted, these an votes, ■>'

, -jr petitioner lias been wmiigfully d.r... -In.ul ■■ not only he added to hi* total, but taken from tlie numlser given In tlie sluing member, re- hulling In the election of your petitliitier hv a ma Jorily td tt* votes.

the ward oUcers conducting any election, ami they deckled that II was competent for them to judge of what weight they might have In eonnee tlfin with evidence thai might lie Introduced to establish fraud, and thai they would lake the re sponslbf Illy of deckling the rase, and If their judg meat should prove false the bouse of repreaeatit- th es la it* wisdom could reverse their decision.

From the record* of the city clerk of Lawrence, the return* nf vole* thrown lu the several wards of the city of Lawrence nn the 9th day of Novem- ber, IwTi, for repretentatire to the <ieneral Court, show that In

Wards 1 a S 4 ft 0 Total. AlfreilJ. Frenrb,hnd 31* "Msi Stfl 171 Stt 170 i.sfc Vole In Hethuen, .-.*..- S*ll

Recount by a Mermen

Reeoant, '. Vote In M<

MOT. ?, ana aa* a**, cm t


J= V - im

Gained. H I - I I - IM - - 1 - - 1

The evidence as it as-peered In year Cr—snlrtee wa* substantially OS follows :-

That Ihe want room of ward four of the city of Lawrence, used St Ihe hurt state etsellan, was a suite of rooms with folding doors ilmibir to Ihls diagram:—

si iniso IIIMII;-


I Ihe mag t thede

of .me parly, and during Ihe election were ciuis]ilcu<ius hi display- ing iisrtisan feeling and bias : thai the room ooeu- I'l'-'l hy lls- said wanl onlcrrs lu the custody and counting of the votes was separate and apart I'riHii Ihe ward r.»iin; that the ballots were re moved from the IHIV entirely out of sight of the voters; tliat the room In which tliey were kept and assorted was made the deposit.ify of pile* of nun-ill ileiiii.iT.iiie tickets, which were, hy said ofllcrrs from time to time, passed out over the l.sl lot !mx to their parlv vole distributors; that Ihe wanl onlrers refused a reqiu-sl to (st-milt the pa- lice otlleers on duly in tin- ward nsan, nrsny per soil ol the..p|Histie parti, In he stationed wllhln ihe room where Ihev could sec Ihe liallot* while being counted: that the uanlen and other* or Ihe «ard officers, while acting ns such, had several Int. of money upon Ihe result of Ihe Ihen 'lend- ing election.

"With the submission of these depositions and Ihe other evidence, all or which your 'sftjtjunrr "s'lleves lo IM- strict!v nnd trub In arconlaiirr sllh thefnet, he desires lhat your rnuiniluw .1 Id summon any of Ihe lUqiouuiits. concerning the truth of w hose deiioslilon Its' sluing memlsrr

doubt, pi o such numbers as may

] Patterson to I* F-oetimuler of Met linen.

a In New

die. A change came stealing over her, for hard la-

bor had stolen hsr lieauty, and many cares had given ber an sitxioiis look. Abel meantime, kept on advancing. At forty he was a Judge and had achieved a national reputation. He wa* continually " putting himself in the hand* of his friends," and hod made money in emi- gres*—though railroads didn't then pay a third a* much tbr vote* a* they do now. He was brilliant and ambitious, ami had developed much while Hannah Jane had neither Improved nor developed. The events of Ihe day were not familiar to her. She didn't know Mrs. Woodhull, anil If ibe had known that nn at- tempt bad been made last fall to beat General Grant, she would have supposed it won lu earn-

est instead of being a stu|«*ndinis Joke; of the horse epidemic, George 1'iatu'i* Train, and oth- er horrors she knew not. And, after all, I nm not certain If she was not Ihe better for It; s deaf man escapes many disagreeable noises, and a man with a wooden leg ha* diminished chance* of suffering from cold feet.

Hannnh Jane was Intellectually deaf, blind and hall, lu WashlngtonAet Innocence -iisal

tuny entertain seem reason*l>l _ , considered iHKsilile, or even practicable,—ell ** lnex|st-nse in Hiumioiiliie nnd paying, or time la examining,—lo Include the entire H

" Vour iHrttlloner, In Ihe interest of a A... nnd purr linllol, w 111 paUenll) attend nnd aid Ihe i iniillee In the ini e-tigallun.

" These fact- pro-en hv Whichever form of evl- ilenceor procedure unit committee deeinlodl reel, establish roiiehi-iveh s di-gn-e of fraud, er- mr or gross negligence, render lug II impossible Pi determine its tlirther extent or nmouiit. and 6s- mandlng that Ihe vote of this want should he tlirnwn out ol ihe ctuinl and the elrrtinn deter- mined hv the retunis from the remainder of Ihe district, upon which rest no taint of dishonesty or uncertalnlv, therein denting your petitioner by .1*1 majority.

* (silglHll), \i i in i. ,1. I III M ti '

At Ihe Drsl hearing of your Committee upon the petition of Alfi-rd J. 1'ixnich, the rounsel for the petitioner, presented .100 affidavits, a copy uf one of which i- n. follow. :_


- Essr.x, ss. 1, Alfred Ash, s legal voter in wont four, of the cilj of Law mice, and Common- wealth of Massachusetts, certify thai on Ihe 01th ilay of November, A. V- IS"), I detioslted In the ballot box. lu said ward, a ballot liesring the names of nil llie republican candidates for pre»|. ileulisl electors, and also the name of Alfred J. t'rcnrn, for representative to the general court [rum K-se\ District Xok\

ii i !■■! o ASH."


I, LAW st>CK, Uu ippeaied the nfon .mi. that II '

to, I-.-' Then red Ihe aforesaid Alfred Ash, lhat the fur ego I a g|* tale i u en t lo-

in ni ■ in.-, i ii...i Is true. Before me, '■ A. V. RrmiKF,

./.nfi ■■ •</ tkt 1'rmt."

and reipirsled Hint your committee present the af •davits, with a statement of the rase, lo the I rouse of representatives and let them decide the matter, should the committee enre not tn assume the re spousiiitlfly of Judging upon lliem, Il ltcing the Hiri case or an election contested under similar eiieiiioslsiiee., so far n. the. have any knowledge of, in lids L'mnmnnwoalth.

Vour Committee were aware of the dangerui precedent ■< might establish should a memlsrr of Ihe house of representaUve* lie unseated hy davit*, ii Miii.HI evidence of fraud on the purl of

At ihe settee, marked A, and nl the end* of the la We, marked B, the lu*pect-irs and clerk were seated In their oMrlal capacity ; upon the table marked B, the counting of the ballots w as dune: at the table marked f, Ihe warden stood or Ml ii nil the ballot-box uud received the Iwlloia during Ibe dny; lira folding doors were drawn up lo Ibe table, leaving an open spare nf hiur feel and eight Inches.

That the wnnlen did not empty the ballot -box for the drsl time till about one-hnlf hour before. the close of the polls, and that at the close of the poll* he sat at the table assisting lu counting the ballot* at the position marked If on the diagram.

That the warden did not refuse admission to any person lo the room where the wnrd oflleer* were nn ihe day of the last stale election, but the Janitor of the building van In and out of the room In hi* official rapacity, yet he should have refused the admission of any jierson had It been requested.

That aeon after tba opening of tlie polls In the morning, democratic vote* were passed out ovei the ballot-box to vole distributor*.

That it had been the custom hi that ward to keep liallot* lu tlie closet of that ward room, to be used by vote distributor*.

That some time, some* here, some en* hsd eel twenty dollars "that i.rant wonld carry Law icnce," and the warden who presided nl Unw cter (ion, Ell W. i nlcorri, " bet tf-*j he wouMnt "

Thai tn o |«ilire officers we.eslm . si by order of the city marshal. In tlie room * le n the liallot, were being coat, u> preserve order, u they seld, and to see that every man voted aa he wished, and that they were present all day with Ibe earee- Uon of being away al dinner, about nae-half hour each, and In the words of one of the policemen, that two other person* were stationed there, ** they understood It, to natch the ward nSfcers.

That a person wo* al the ward-room distributing republican ballots upon which was lbs name of Horace C. Bacon, pasted over one of the candi- dates for representative, ami there were around aii.mt the wnnl-room, slip* of psjier, known as "patters," upon wlilrh wa* the name of Horace (.'. Bacon, and from nu examination or the ballot. from ward 4, It wa* found that surh ballots had I seen i-itsl.

Thai most of the affidavit* were taken Dec. tr, nearly two month* after the state election.

One of the msgtttralrs before whom Ibe affida- vit, were taken, said that out of the 1U that he thought made oath lo him, he knew the greater portion of them. Another magistrate said thai ol the IM that made oath to him lie recognised IW> or IIS as belonging to wanl 4.

That of the three other witnesses tliat were ex niulued from this wanl 4, whose affidavits were shown lo them, one Daniel Donoran, nn cross examination said "he did not recollect wheUier Ihe ueket thai he voted had tlie nans'of AI trod J French upon II."

The Committee were requested to summon* ami examine persons who voted In wanl four at Ihe last stale election. The) could foresee some ol the difficulties that might arise from tlie exanrina. tlon of so many » -.-. but had Ihe diacrrpau-

greater, your Committee fell thai Ihej could have been justlAed In the expense and liine whleh it would necessarily involve, bat under the c I re u install ens of this case they ilecllueri to do

The < nmnilttcc were of the opinion lhat no evi deneeof fraud had Issen proved, but thai there were irregu In rifles In llie wardroom, and that Uie contestant, Mr. French, did have suspicion* that there had been fraud, and tliat he had Isren wronged; hut Inasmuch as Ii would lie s aangei- nus precedent tn establish, lo lei the affidavit of persona (lo a certain limit, at least) deride who w a* enUlled lo a seal In tlie house of represents lives, In llie absence of anv evidence of fraud nu Ihe pnrl of wanl ofllcrrs, yintr Committee M Dial they could report In no other way than lhat they recommend Hist the sitting member, Horace C. Use..ti. Is entitled to III* sent.

K.L. Btut-M)w. Tuosu* liraau* AI-STIS RAWUTK,

Jons W.BaoA*. (ir.oBor. Ontui ISO A. ». ATHr-BTOS. DKNMS BoNNKn.

Tam OmUT BAITI.ES. — Aa article In Hie Mllltalr-Wocnetiplatl oil the three great Isatlles—Konlggratz, (iravelotte and Hedan—contains some Interesting details regarding the relat h a positions and tactic, of the armies engaged, tiravelotte was purclv an Infantry and artillery fight. At Konlitgrnti, »« the contrary, the cavalry of both armies engaged In frequent small- er or larger conflicts,especially towards the end of the bstlle. At Sedan, again, the French cavalry only attacked m mam, and were invariably driven back by the fierman Infantry. The handling of the artillery showed a great advance at Uravelotte ami Sedan compared with Konlggrata. while In the artillery cotrrhstn of the centre ou the 3rd of July, 1«6«\ there Is no trace or any uniform plan on the part of ihe gene- ral In command ; nt (iravelotte mul Nidan the artillery was splendidly handled. Af- ter none or the three battles was there any protracted pursuit. The numbers engag- ed at Konlggrati went much Inrger tlian al either of the other two hnttles. The Prussians muatcred 216,000 men, as agalust 220,000 Auatriaus and Saxons, whereas at (iravelotte there were only 120,000 French agalust 200,000 Gcrmaus. nnd at Sedan 130,000 French against 200,- 000 Ormnns alno. Konlggrals was In point of number the greatest battle of the century, as then* were thirty thousand more men than at I-elprig. The losses In killed and wounded at Koniggrati were HO.Ooo Austrlans and Saxons ss compared with 10,000 Prussians, or a total or '0,000 men. At (iravelotte then' were 14,000 French nnd :'0,0OO QsrttsM killed aud wounded, or 34..00O men lu all; while al Sedan the total loss was 2*.000, namely, 14,000 French and 10,000 Hermans. Thus Koulggratt also shows the largest number of killed and wounded—much larger thati we find In the greatest engagements or the war or 1870-71.






Mayor Tarbox in the Autocrat.


whole question. If tin- Republicans rnnuot produce rot-

en for substantiallytheir n»t or deposi- tion-, they iini-t si-knowledge tin- wrong-

Our newly elected cMef BWtfUtrtte, I roJnea* of the durge*, and the skirts of win me elation ut personal silc.ee.>.!*, seems the accused officers w

l<oca,l Sffkifd. W;m it a Munlrr?

lady. The hatband took a good took si the frl- lu«, anil answered that the lady waa at home, and would stay then1, upon which the man drove away. Returning into the house, il.

On !-*eturdav77ln7Vst of December, a wo- I busband npbmktol all wife for deceiving him, Hdd he entirely clear. I mu« "med Bridget Fhmeran, re-.ldi.ig with her 1 ■* **< hrr,w^_r0_"l* ^^ W


Weekly KeW^ Brevities. ! publteotrfrtOMami common decency In his Juan would refrain from availing himself j"d J^S^f "" "klr

i npi>ointmcnt>.,he* evidently mounted a high [ of, under so (rare, so universally accept- ^ J2^S2?J^JJU" " | hone, ami crack* hi* whip of authority I a charge: wlU they do it. Dare any one over the In ml- of the City Government of them give tin- i(< publican* ;v legal up-

! with the air of a Southern slave-driver, j DortVtltr to ■bow that alll.lavll.i do pqnre- tsitt voters? Let us see boar far this pre- tence of injured boMfftv [« genuine.

aba had U-en do In it work for a lady, and that to have MiggeMed the jx.wer to defy alike Here u an opportunity that no honest j *on " *" Common atreet, stepped _- bii i™n„- h„ ._bi> Being old and ! ' M "f ledys hostler wu.j had drtv i her

It o n ( 0 lj O 8 S l p.

Tlie inhabitant* of North Falmouth. Mass.. are minimally excited hy reaim id' tin- death of two well known and highlv c-t reined n-iiUtit-. Cnpt. James Withcn-ll ami Mr-. Urn. Ilonmc. from ihe result* of vaccination. Captain Wllherell's linn ihv.in to swell in I'diir bourn from the time of vBCctnatfcm. In twenty boon lie liccarac delirious, and within a week he died. Il is cx-ietted that a scientific investigation of the circumstance* will lie made

4»f the lifting Board of Aldermen, prcMi ed over by Mayor Tarbox. two of the members, from the opening session three weeks ago, stand Impeached, as holding their position* by fraud liallut rob-

Aaasftngef train mi the Erie Railway, met bery: bat their aaaocUtoa, refualog either 'blent at Mundii, Tue*day morning

by a defective wheel. The express, tmggugc i':ir and one coach were thrown Inlo n ditch. The tonncr *«• badly broken. The ihicplux coach remained on the track; no person wa* im.tly bun. A lew persons wen a lltile uniised.

Two families, consisting ••■' two men, their wivs*and ftvr children, were isolated Monday on an Inland in the Sii-qmbanua river near Fort Duponl try Ihe ier irorge and H<KHI. Ktliirt- to reach them wi-re nnarnillnu, tliimirh their ■hri. »- for aaiiiMtaiiee were hcanl a long ilii-- tanee. Thry were drowned.

Some (if tin Merles told of the terribly fatal enVUi.f the tale utorm in Mlnne»oia are al- iiin-t iurnslible. One |'.I|HT report- thai n ■lelfhlmt party "f ate v.iutn.- aoaplea, with their . driver, wen' all found frtwn to death, buried who ha-* failed to cull togetli almo»t out nf ulithl in the mow ■taphm II. i

4 In urn i Oak

o'elmk. The wound will pnoahly prove I'jl.tl, JIIIIII Tnivirn, a lintkeman mi the I'lirt-immih

rallroJd, wan Ittatantly killeilmi Toesday morn- ing; he waa eweepbig now off the lop of the i-an when tlie train i■-» —«-«I under a bridtTe, hi- head eomiiiK in eouluel iviili the itructure.

A Callfurnla paper -|- .ik- of the i-i-.ti en- joved by a lew VDUIIJ II]I«HI» in niiiiiin« down a < 'liin.iiii.iiL witli ,, bull due; the vhtiui wa* «e- verely bitten.

The Senatorial election to nil Ihe vacancy i-.ui-i-il by the aJeratton of Hon. Henry Wllaon to the vke-ptThldenev, will take place on the 18th prox.

A IUI'IIIUT of the Portland, Me., police force waa amtHcd on Tuewlay for ftcallng hanm, Ac., from a |mrkin„' cutalilUiimcut. He waa j.iiln!.

A penuitt calling hininelf Dr. Mortcy, wan ar- T ■■-!.■■! m B'NitononTiie*dfty, and hehl fur trial in 9.300, for concealing a mw of onull pox.

The Hecretary of the TleaiUfy ha* decided that Amerlcin MMIIICII In foreign pon* rhall lie paid In gold.

The Indiana divorce law I- to I* made more stringent, actual residence lor two vewrs tieintt raqalred.

A new lletbodlat ehaprl rampteted at a coal of SHO.IMJO wa- dcdhuic.1 in Worecrteron Toea- day.

i'riti'v N.i|i I!I- 1:1 nriil the prince** (lolhilde vlnitcd Queen Victoria on Monday.

Three eriiiiinuni-l prlannera w thin rn..1 ni■!.- at rlalory, France.

famenm wj« yesterday re-elect attir.fr Pennsylvania.

A rhtflalo Klrl receiitlv held a I leK till the poliiTcame.

Oov, Hartranftof Pcmuj tvania, was bu gu rated ycterday.

Poster, the New York cur book murderer, to lie hanged.

The phrenological fever ha* broken out I In Chicago,

Pncumimiai-iili-tre-trijlvprevalent in W" terly, II. I.

Nearly at.oni) trrest* were made In Ikwi


The details of the recent terriMc bnrrii MlnueMiia, which continued tiO\ boor* ai acconii«iiit'd be r.dn and snow, represent thi over two hundred, ami po—iblc thn-e liuinln.l lives were lost, mosliy beads of bmiliea. Mow- ing nun coiiiiinie to )<c I'lin.ii, frozen, every day. Thousands nf bones, rattle ami other stock j-11-1.' I. The mow baiil,- were higher thsn tlir- boaaM in many place*, and many train* of ears were blockaded fur day*.

The remain* nf the ill Hated girl. Josephine Drew, were exhumed and uwenfrota the New York llav cemetery »ti Tuewlav. bv her falher, illu. ■ml taken to Fi*hcrvllle, N. 11., for Interment. 1 Not the idlghtcM -igu of dccumpiJMtlou wa* n|>- 1 parent. The face wore a calm and plael.l c\- \ prc*slon, a» if the girl wa- wleep.

Mayor Havemeyer of New York give* prom- ise of a vigorous effort to Tie made toward re- iurming the many evil* that have crept Into III 11- niripul oitlie* in the Empire City. All useless orliev* ure lu he abolished, and a thorough -in- tern of pollee i* to i>c Inaugurated.

A iiiil was passed In the I". N. Aennla on Wcdncaihiv, iilKill-hiiig Ihe gnt.le- of Admiral and Ylee-Admiml of the uaw, i<> tnke eneel when vacancies ueciir, tlmt I-i.11 the death ol Admiral Porter and V lee-A dm i nil Rowan.

VbMnanl Hniry, iiicml*-r of l'arlinment, de- livered a heture In I/in dun, rcepntlv, on the Trealv of Washington, which he thought was *etl)liu'torv a* increHning the friendship lielwecn (treat Britain and the liiiled State-.

Andrew C'nisanell of Fariuingtou, Mi., hail his skull fnv'tureil

Convenllon or Mob?

Section KlKbt of the city charter pro- 1 rides thut certain officers — Including street Commissioner—shall he choonn "by the i'it<f I'lmnril. hi convention;" the IM>

mid section of the same Instrument defines the 1 'iiij t ViMNCtf by providing for a lioard of Aldermen cotulating of six members, nml a Common Council of eighteen mem- bers, "which BtiAKDs,"—not the luenilient thereof—"In their joint capacity, shall be denominated ihe City Council." And fur- ther, that "0 MOjorifj/nf nit'ii UoAitn shall constitute a ijnonrss for tramtactlon of business."

(in Tuesday evening the Board of Al- dermen, headed hy Mayor Tarbox, having met lu their own room, proceeded to the chamber of the Common Council, which

Iwas iu»t in session; no officer occupied the chair, which, however, the Mayor coolly assumed, and ordered a ballot for various city officers, on the pretense that he was presiding over a Joint convention of the two Hoards! (July twelve persons, less than u majority of the membership of the two branches, less than .1 quorum of a convention, took any part In the proceed- ings. There had been 110 session of the

! Common Coirhdl, there was no pretence of a roll call of any members of that body; the clerk of that board was not there; no ■-IM.II- of a record exists that a single member of the Council was present; there Is absolutely nothing to show that the six individuals who joined their votes with the Aldermen In this farce, were members Of the Council, or had the least authority to net.

And yet this Mayor, who colls himself a lawyer, and who has taken uu oath to ex- ecute the laws of the city, presides over this minority mob,—for we defy a Hue of proof that It was aught else,—and goes through with the silly parade of pretend- lug to elect cltv officers. We are only

.1.., , us scaniiaiou* aiijoiirnnieiu. are aioue . .... . „ .,. ..„. surprised that such men ns Aldermen hm- erson, Lamprey and Saiinders could lend themselves to such n shameful exhibition. The iKHly gathered on Tuesday evening bad not a single element of a legal COD* vention, and its pretended elections have M much binding force as the edict of a ward-room caucus; no more. — «■« m

Rlther there was DO fraud In the State election, or this Committee, a majority of whom are Kepublicans, were false to their oath anil decided contrarv to the truth. Now, which will you take? Are the gen- tlemen composing the Committee per*

■as rightly jinlgeil that they were clothed with jurcd. or are you satisfied that in their " some little power under Ihe charter, and opinion no fraud was attempted or con

falling io find any provision authorizing the assumption on the part of the Mayor, of dictation when they should tin this or that, adjourned to the Ulgllt of the regular w',t-,,it presents meeting.

Tuesday, without shadow or pretence authority, Mr. Tarbox has Issii

the following notification:

died borne. Shortly oner tlie man cane Istek, and She had a broth- knocked al the door; the hushoud put hi- head

-tamed John Tiernev, residing In North Vss- I ollt of ""> "tadow, and asked him what he •nirs.ro, Me., who being apprised of her death, | wanted, and he replied that he wished to know came here to attend the funeral. After the bur-

the woman, Tlemey, who appears to have ls»n much affected by her death, drank I THE-BVSBASD smns rwe WAS. considerable. On the flth of Jnnuary.be apparently lnaseml

pel or establish them in the stand trilling with this grave question, their cow mittee adjourning that hearing tfii days upon the flimsy and frivolous re- quest of n lawyer who wished to make a pleasure trip to Washington, and by their criminal delay blocking Ihe wheels of gov- ernment, ami hindering the transaction of all the business of the year, while the Mayor arrogantly lectures the members of the Common Council, us (f they were n- iponslbte for the delay. Mnvor Tarbox.

ingle f the joint committees, long ago ap-

branches, and for whose action some of the most Important busi- ness of the year waits, sends a scolding message to the branch over which he has 110 special control, and Initiates the cus- tom—to he more honored In the breach than the observance—of a chief magistrate setting himself upas the official mentor and dictator to the members of the Coun- cil. Where gets our new Ciesar his au- thority to send this brunch of the tiovcrn- ment his edicts?

The (mcstlon of the legality of the elec- tion of the I wot contested Aldermanlc seats, Is one of ffar greater Importance than their mere doliticu! significance; al- ready the result In the matter or City Mar- shal has been decided by these fraudulent members, ami the division In the govern- ment Is so close that their rotes, ir al- lowed to count, may determine the choice of City Treasurer, Assessor, ami other of- ficers, and threaten the entire financial problem of the year—taxes nnd collec- tions—with doubt. Illegality and confu- sion. The shameful neglect of the Alder-

if the lady waa all right, lie wa* informed that : she wa*, and he went off.

riiF.-HcsBASii nsns THE WAN. Next day the husband went out early to dis- j

ir.; cuver who the man was who had driven hi- wife lag the dav lav down upon a sofa In a room in j homp °» the previous night, being now fully hU nephew's house. Shortlv ofter Ivfng down, j eonvlnced by Information received from bis

rphew discovered that ho was dead. An j children respecting their mother's coin tact dnr- alann was given, and Dr. Stowe was sent for, ! ln« h" «>»cncc, that all was not right. During , who, mi examining the body, sod bearing the , I"5 morning one of his children told him that a I cimmL.taucea connected with hi* death, deemed man was in a swre aero- the way, who bad

in.pie»t unnccessarv, believing the man had },Ken ln ,he lln,'il nf owning home with the ; died from the effect* of over Indulgence tamp "'other and staying in tin- house during the •or. The eircumrtanees of the affair were pub-' ""*«'» absence. Mr. Cook went aero**, and llsbed in the A.EBKA* of Jan. Oth, the dav "aw ,hc man, and recognised him as the sane |

hleb the man's death occurred, and no more *ho h*d driren his wife home on the previous | was thought of it. On looking over our ex- ni«bt. The man denied knowing Mrs. Cook, changes a few days ago, we found the following | * ^r\ng driven bcr home, but the husband

was satisfied tliut he was the man, and the children were firm in the asacrtlon that he had uileii brought their mother home, and stayed a long time in the house during the absence of the rather at Newhury|s>rt.

THE WICK KISArrEAB*. The husband returned to bin home, and

HAX MtkiiEBtn.—The Fuirlleld Chronicle says that John Tierney of North Va*.

— two week* ago received notice that his ,-sidlng In Lawrence. Mass., was dying,

.uested his presence. He at once set out, and hi* (Vierids heard nothing from him until

lay, Jan. lith, when Mr. John Mullen re-

men to determine the grave questions pre-

sented lu relation to their own member-

ship, the contempt of their committee by

it-, scandalous adjournment, are alone the cause uml reason for Ihe Impeding of the business of the city; and the publlc wili not -or-ly be slow to apportion the* responsibility where it Justly belongs.

The Common Council was In session on both Wednesday and Thursday evenings or last week; Mayor Turbox could then, at either session, have made any commu- nication he desired; he failed to do so, biit 011 Saturday issued a notification for a special session, to which he sent the In- suiting communication to lie found in the proceedings elsewhere. Thp Council

hieh lell fro: 1 which lu-

ll the it ■ork-

weighing seven pon to the cellar of a in tag,

A Panama paper of the 5th lost, itates that an agent of the Wlon lee Company hsd neeuretl five years' monopoly ut" the sale of lee on the i-lhnui-, at §HS per month.

The 1 .ill aiiollshing tin- franking privilege was considered in the l". 8. Senate on Wednesday, ami st. Iiaini-re \ with uiueiuhnt-iil* lhal II- JNI— -age is luiprolsible.

An explosion occofred In n foundry nt Pitts- burgh, on Wednesday, causing a loss of 910,- 000. Several workmen were slightly Injured.

The chairman of the House Cot htee on Territories tarrenden all hopes of Colorado and Ctuh being admitted to the I'ninn this year.

Mokes i- depressed. The d.fi-lim nf the Court of Appeal* in the i-iO-e of Poster, the '-ar hook mnrtlin-r, has east bis spirits down.

Resolved SonU- ot Pall River, who wa* as- saulted by Haniel Sullban on Monday evening, diet) Wednesday mumlng of his injuries.

A woman died in the Msssaehnsetts Oeneral Hospital on Wednesday, man the cffrt-i* of hav- ing her feet frvii n a month ago.

A salute of irsO gunt wa- fired in Albanv on Wednesday, in honor of Ho...,, 1 onkliugs's n- rleetkMi t., ihe I'. S. Senate.

Lie Prince Iin|srial has been led loadopt the moltii. ":Strength bul u.,1 iinpatience." There is something iu that.

An J'si-tani Alderman In New Vurk is under ismtls fur hmtillv assaulting the Clerk of the Board.

Foster, the New York car hook murden r, wai sentenced lo bo hanged to-day.

Franklin ft. F.vans, the North wood munlerrr, hai been imlicted.

will III ill Ho.

The twi -ct iu Con 111,011 Tt.

suminatctl?—.Snifi'nef. The Sentinel makes a very poor esti-

mate of the intelligence of Its readers. to flimsy a statement as fraud,"—did the Com-

mittee say? Far from It. Did our neigh- bor never leurn the difference between ••not guilty"' snd '-not proveu?" if the Committee were saftyted that there was

( ir\ or i^WRKM-r., } ..]|(1 fraud,-|i Was surelv 11 verr simple .lainian JO, lh,J. \ ....

brandies of the City Council ,hln« to sn-v %n> '" tw" Vt'"niH '• hat htr* iM

niiun ut the Common Conn- the manner In which they dfd preaont their sday Kvenlng, January 21st, 1 conclusi

t o'clock, for the pur]>ose uf electing a The Committee were of the opinion that no .sioncr of Streets, two Overseen of the whlenee of fraud ha.l l«en swri, bin_ihal

. ,.,,.,„ , , ... TIIHIU; WI:KF IHHKGI LAUITIKS in the wanl room. IN. selected from Ihe Hoard <H Alder- , Mili ltmt tllr ,-„ni(htanl, Mr. French, did bav,

le Assessor, tn serve lor Ihe term of three ' iu*piritint Ihitf thrrr had hreu fraud, and that ears, a City Clerk, and a Clt] ■ullectorof Taxes.

Ynit are requested to attend. Ily order ot the Mayor. Oao. it. Itowr, City Clerk.

Seel Ion Seventh of the city charter pro-

vides that the Mayor •■may call tperfaJ

ta'ttingtat the Hoard of Aldermen and

Common Council, or either of them;" and a Hue or two later, that he ■shall preside In convention." Section F.lghth provides I hat -ihe City Council shall •innwillif, us soon after their organisation as maybe

I hail been wronged; but miumucfi as it would be a dangerous precedent I" establish, to let the af- fidavit of [lentous (to a certain limit, at Icaaij decide who waa entitled lo a scat io the House

■ nf Representatives, in the absence of any evi- , denee of fraud on the part of ward officers, your Committee feel that they could report In no oth- er way than lhat they recommend that the sit- ting member, Horn, e C. bacon, is entitled to bit

onvenlent, elect, eiitlon," certain

"Of the opinion" that no/roHdhad been PBOVBD! There were gross IrregidoruUe*, ami Mr. French had grouuds foraiupfdoJu of fraud: Not a line or letter signifying Ihe belief of the Committee that no fraud slated, for they conclude that taasmsjca


inllot ln Joint con- u It might be a "dangerous jMVryn>*f,' ers. Shall, annual- [ they deem It wise to let Mr. Bacon retail lent; convenient to j his seat. Evidently Mr. Tar- Not a single paragraph expressive of 1

box so thinks. Throughout the charter ami i belief by the Committee in Htf Innocenci ordinances then-Is no line of authority by ! 0f u,,. Wftn| officers, but throughout 1 which the Mayor can order a convention; ch>arly defined impression of guilt exist It) Uw, custom ami usage, that Is u mat- U,K \,at nut proren. The Ward Four of tcr to ise agreed upon by the Hoards, rieials are .piite welcome to the endorse •• when - rn u boi

onvenlent;'' the law knows no : im.nt they get from this document. when the two branches

thus meet; there can be no membership In such, and it Is an act of the grossest usur- pation and Hlt-gaHzcd assumption for Mayor Tarbox to arrogate to himself the exercise of such power. An act reveal- ing only the desperation of an angry par-


Just I ■ hi

of Holly

Wont 11mlI A Clnlltn are airnln iindei libel.

Bmall-pOX is OK the Increase in I.itu New London, Conn., wants a city I The horse epidemic rages in I'tah. Simmer's luahh is Improving, (iold 113 U,

F R I D A Y .

The ■leepingear and reareoaeh oft Ker train going cast on the Walloon precipitated over an embankment leu and shattered lo piece* wlien near Wa 'pnesdar night. V luetor James Mi,- and I

..oh, III, Vail 111

ly Injun

uml tli. arrest* pected

ted, 1 lelnjf a

i Mr-. Ilriffl

The euiiirrant ship North licet, which 1 from l^ndi-n scu-ral ,!„■.- a-.,, was run In Ihe hiiu-lish channel bv a Menuisbip, an down to Ihe water's edge. Three It U ml ret tweiitv ncrsnns were drowned, luehidim

the Siirthrleet had tl'J ims-enm

lot il

board. N. A. Mnile, i:..|.

Ktate Satloual Bank pn

much a The l^ndim Time, nmi

at the close of Mokes'- trii li-h Judge would have to prorcedlugi si thee^ebanj that oemskm.

Alter an ititi nnlsskui nf aohVsrltles of Kan'Franri Mother ircneral mid upn

etcr. N. II., disap- ink} last, and has

liting on llie-cciies savs that no Kllg- Htcd snrh imleceul of |ierwmalltles on

era year Ihe police

aaaemhled undei Mayor on Tues,

men and the saint

four less than 11111

The robbery of the ballot boxes In Ward

Four by the Democratic officers, and tin

apology for the fraud by the party gencr

ally, finds Us natural sequence In the pre-

tended election of city officers, on Tues

day, by a minority of the City Council.

At this so-called convention only one-third

y evening, six Alder- i °f the Common Council were present, ami

lumber of Councllmen- ,mt ,w*lve members of the two branches

rum oft he latter hoard, | na ",an wl" pretend lhat twelve Is a ina.

ibers of the city council

the ninndute of the

and altogether one less than a majority of Jorlry of twenty-four, and nil bnl the blind-

both lii-nnches; but the Mayor hesitated [eBt parttaau will perceive the dangerous

not for a trifle like this ; I.e." the supreme J precedent attempted to be set up by the

authority, bad ordered an election, and «**dnes« <•' Mayor Tarbox in forcing an

•lection li

e veals t

10 ipioriiu

I'otild have ties pe rail

Ihe will .if their 1 Tarbox as one ol scrupulous jni ni/. of pretended fair

aiis, has

accused that can

1 law or 110 law, 1111 this action only

character of the been chosen to do , and stamps Mayor bitterest, most no-

li Hie city; Ihe mask with which he has

in hood-winking easy repoblt- Iropped under Ihe test or per ut, and he appears as tool of the crowd of democrat!) were, to whom law or decency 110 barrier or controlling inllu

ID Fraud Question a Tested.

ml officers of Ward Four of one of the grossest 11- committed; either threi

the Lew b-ton Journal;—■ Mil

iir'ded arums;-"in"d"rht"'oTber signed"lw~ oil',- \ had B°,IC' Md takc" "*" hvr "W "** "f

.■r parties, stating that he was dead, and re- dress that belonged to her. lie did nut think picstiug that his bunk bonk be forwarded. Sus- that she had gone awav pcrmanentlv, and for piclon was at once aroused on the lain of the M[n( lune ^ „„ iWtjofl ln „.e mailer. Two manna an VasaaJhoto, that there had iseen fonl. . , ,

amsvarsthatbewa- Ihe victim of or lhree '"y* ""'"* P■',"■,, ■»»T. however, rder. While snipping at the house of hia , without bearing anything from her, Ihe hu>-

—Wait s little.

—The twin frauds.

—The price of coal is going up.

—The sleighing is capital ngaiu.

—Severe colds are very prevalent.

—Sunday sras one of the best day* had of late.

—The snow lhal Ml on Monday en proved the-Iclghi.i^.

—U'tiiug "1 ilaie iioi, wait upon 1 s "slrtet eoiuinissitiner" llrewster.

—For Overseers of the poor, Dodge ami Car- ney ; ready made and groceries,

—Tickets with reserved seats are on mlcat Straittsi't, for Marden's lecture.

—The name without the game,—the rump convention's street commissioner.

—As far ns we tan ksnm there were no rob- berlcs or store breakings last night.

—In some of his police appointments the Mayor exhibii*. a taste trooJy moral.

—iThe(Islghug still continues good, hat It Is feared another thaw will necessitate wheels.

—Mr. W. P. Hopkins, of this city, has been granted a pntcri' for n workbnlder tor lathee.

—The (f -work upon tlie ceiling of Ihe new iddition to the public library is nlsiut com-


— Great ery and little wool,—the demon- trations of the rump convention Tuesday


■Four more new cases ofunall-pox re)sxted, tlin'e at M Common stn-et, and one at ?2 ("oni-

on stret;t.

—During the year 1872 the cost of maintain- ing tlie street de|>artmciit amounted lo $130.90

, afi 1 Cupt, Langnudd of this Incus at Chelin-fjrd, in this ni the ice and lell, breaking id limb wBs set, and l» now

—About a weel city, while on hu State, stepped up bis ai in; the injui doing well. family history.

—The Beach street bridge over tin Spicket i —A horse attaehe.l lu a sleigh, ran away to- river, lending from Spri'iit ttreet, 1* In a very day on Essex stree:, going from Ames bury to bad waHUtioti, and tt is thought the present cily 11 asreuos erreel on the sidewalk; the shaft of govenimeut »ill bull.I sn entlraticw itriture the sleigh struck the window of Pedriek & Clos- tUs season. son, breaking it, and damaging a twenty dollar

-Notwith-tantllng the lererv -torm of Tow- '-'"T catap .hair; although the horse ran such day evening, there was a go,*! aiidicn <■ pre- a long distance on the xidewalk, strange losay,

ent .11 the mliToscopi .1 laeture of Dr. Bolles;— nobody was hurt. larger, we think, than at any pre* ion- k-rturc ; —Mr. Charles T. Emerson, tin

if where the hog came from, and doubts the proclamation includes militia officers, it i* in tell ourselves, adding lhat he knows, thought this is not ihe spirit of that document)

not surprised; our correspondent would and Adjutant Oen'l Cunningham has commu-

irani indeed If lie didn't know :

of this conrse.

—spanpii the IMici.'rati.- i-inv<.ntion 11 T.ics.lay night, well kiien

farce, or they wouldn'l have v-tcr street - eonindssloner.

phewa in Lawrence, landannm was give1

him iu entice, at first In stupefying doses, and at last In such quantities that, notwithstanding the antidotal effects of the coffee, his death was brought about. He bad deposited about thir- teen hundred dollars, which his supposed mur- derers doubtleaa thought would fall into their hands.

An Axi.mi'iN reporter was sent to investi- gate tbe affair. The reporter went to the house of the nephew of the deceased, whoso name Is Finneran, where Tierney died. The house Is itiniieil at 244 Common street; the front room s used as a harlier'n shop and liquor saloon,

both of which we believe arey-iin by Finneran. Behind this room Is a kitchen, a dark, gloomy apartment. This is tlie room in which Tierney died.

The reporter found Finneran and another an sitting beside the stove in the Iwck room.

Fiiincraii's wife was also present. The two men were considerably under the influence of liquor, Finneran, however, lielng the least drunk of the two. The reporter stated bis business by in- forming Finneran that the Maine papers charged him with murdering Ids uncle by poisoning him ■■■.nil laudanum, and tbe reporter handed him tlie extract cut from tlie Lcwlston Journal. Fin- neran took the serap of paper, read It over as

■arrtiilh a- his condition would allow him, snd handing it back to the reporter, remarked 1

"It's a lie; we didn't give him laudanum." "Faith, ye did then," aaid the unknown man

tartiiig up. "I'll tell III Ye plsencd bim !" "Shut up!" cried Finneran, starting np and

BTasplng the drunken unknown by the collar. 'If ye say that again I'll murder ye!"

"Ye pixened binC" repeated the unknown,. jumping up and rushing into tlie front MODI;.

from fear of Finneran, however, for be '] presently returned with a match, and lighting 1 his pipe, coolly sat down Ir. the chair that had I been occupied by Finneran, and smoked ener- getically.

Don't mind what he says," said r'inncrnn's ■■to the reporter. "We didn't poison 1dm;

the poor old man died BV a liroken heart, and Fii he was going to make us his heirs and leave us l" all his property, but we didn't send for the bank nosh." (Tbe reporter had said nothing about a bank book.) "He liked me, and called me ! Margaret, and towld me he'd leave mc all his money."

Finneran here Uild hU wife to -lint up, ami \ drawing the reporter aside, made the following ' statement:

His uncle, Mr. Tierney, came from Vassal- bora. Me., to attend his bister's funeral; he seemed much grieved at her death. After the | funeral, he asked to have something to drink and Finneran refused to give bim any liquor, j Tierney then liorrowed £> eenia, and went out; I he came in shortly afterwards drunk, and Fin- I neran seeing that Tlemey would get drink out- side resolved to let bun have It himself. Tier- ney drank a good deal, and feeling l«ul, enkcd Finneran to get him nonic bfudaunm. Flnncr an pit the laudanum, and gave Tlemey some in Ms liquor; then he put the laudanum aside, ■in.I Tierney, feeling hat* during the night, gut up, poured out some liquor and put a large

quantity of the laudanum in it. "And," con- cluded Finneran, "that's what killed him."

Alter Tierney*• death, Finneran telegraphed to Mr. Mullen, at Vaussihoro, hut be denied sending for Tierney's bank book.

The case j~ Ivlng investigated by ihe author!- lies, and further developments may lie looked

luvietioti that the moth 1, and the wife of twenty years

bund was forced IT of his cbildrci had left him.


Desirous to ascertain whether Die man to whom all the ehVeumitances pointed an being In- timate with her, was the companion of her fllgbt, the husband found out where he resided, andflndhng that he occupied u n> >n New- bury street, went there. The man was not in his room, and his landlady did not know when he last occupied il. Mil with the aid of a skele- ton key, entrance to bin room wan olsained, ami the first thing that met tbe eye of the husband on entering, was one of the under garments, with the silk lined wrists and collar that his wife was HO busily rngsged in making, on the night he came home from Newhuryport, and wbh-h bcr anxiety lo finish would not allow her to mend a garment of her busliand's. There was no room for farther drralit, and the hus- band returned to his home with a heavy heart, and set bimself to tbe taak of maintaining and earing for the motherleas children.

Since that time It has been discovered that the woman drew tbe pay of the eldest daughter, who was working in the I'cmbertoii mill, baton she left, alao the pay of a girl who was boarding with bcr. She has contracted heavy debts, and hills are dally pouring in upon the unfortunate husband, and for a long time she has IH-CD lead- ing a dissolute life, her husband living in entire Ignorance of his wife's perfidy. The man with whom she has l«en so long intimate, and who it is supposed i* living with her somewhere not fur from thl» city, returned here on Saturday last, and drew some pay that was due him by a manufacturing establishment for which he worked. The husband will take no steps to re- cover hli wife, but will Immediately institute proceedings for a legal neparation from the wo- man who has rlioun henelf to Is? unworthy of tbe name of wife or mother.

I'l'ROFHIAtlONsFolt )*;;). — Al a meeting of tbe anee UonuuiUtv, Wedne-duv evfuing, ihe M- ingappropriations Were MCM mended: City Debt tilMQ Bridges fl,O00

City Hall axsi L'umuion 1,100 file Department l.-i.'n".

Incidental 30.000

Interest 3n.O0O

Lighting ejoo Police - 'S.0U0

I'super K.UO0

Kveoiiur sjehoui 3,000

Keservulr and WaU'r 1 '.|-..-. 2.000

Schools 54,000

school Houses .-,,..■)

Salaries. 30,000

Street* W.0O0

Sewers - I0.0OU

Mdewslks - 10,000 Paving 30,000

Counti-Tax l-.mm

State Tax ■ 33,000

Public Libiarv 3,000

Cemetery 000



Tilt: MOTJIK.H or Sn Ciltl.Iinr.S ooas oil WITH A Wiiiowni - - - ANOTHKU LlSTAMGI 01 MAN'S. COKSTSKCT AMI WOMAM'S FAITH-


'rimes I bou-

lters mid a Pill thousand Istakcn lu their honest 1. or ihe ballot box In

■ally robbed

election through such n minority setslon

- [fa convention can lie legally made up

with one-third of the Council only present,

it surely can with one-third only of the

Aldermen; ami if with one-third, equally

with one-sixth, and a dozen Councllmen

and one Alderman would have equal pow-

er and legality with Mr. Turbox's Rump

Convention of Tuesday. And Ifleaa than

a quorum U legal, then omit one Hoard

. : altogether, ami make up the ■■convention"'

,. land CIIOOHC the ofllcliils by member* of the

f I Council or Aldermen alone. To pretend

lhat twelve members of a body or twenty-

four are sufficient legally to transact busi-

ness Is alike senseless and devoid of law ;

yet Mayor Tarbox so far sinks Ihe man

uml tin- citizen In ihe partl/au, as to en-

tlonw the holding of such a minority con-

venllon. ami the election thereby of sev-

eral lity officials.

People living in this city, who are in the habit of reading the ncwspa|>cr*, and finding accounta from day to day of women leaving their 1ms- IsSDds and going off wlili olhcr men, and men leaving their wives and going off with other women, have 110 doubt frequently thanked their stars that they lived hi a community entirely free from such immoral practices. It appears, however, that Lawrence is to play no second lid.lie In this elopement business, for we have In our possession the facts of an affair of this kind that leaves entirely In the shade everything we have rend or heard of for some time, and these we place liefore our readers, not for ihe purpose of gratifying any morbid curiosity, but lo place ihe public in possession of the true fact' nf a case which has become the subject of much gos- sip, and concerning which, no two talc are told alike.

Of the Mill

Twelve Inn Ati'ither

Washing** gress

Hie faro sutured,

irhviril Investigation is . ! this time as tn what bill

Hi.- M-.ll . (IU

hllll I'-

ll IMt-ine Hnilroai A Portland |*iliceman

i|uanlliv or pork from a | has been sentenced lu *K of Correction.

deny the 1

lorloi npuiai

ilng testimony officials, andthi

NKW Nrpi'.itiNTENDrNT.—James T. Fur- her. K«q., the general freight agent of tbe Boston & Maine railroad, ami during the vacation or Mr. Merrill, fllllngl bis posi- tion, has been appointed rtupcrintendent, nod entered upon the duties' of that post. Mr. turner i- a wide awake and expe- rienced official, who will htrlve bard to please.


Mulcted of stealing S irking estiiblj-hue nl. t days In the House

.one of Ihe

eall-i ih.'

The State Senate has passed a lull, or provision* of which Imtsises n heavv anyone who tests a red Mag, hi.li.-aiiv '

The New V.irk firaml Jnrv have indii led sev. eral llhislraled ]ul|-r», im hiding the Police News, Ituvs Doing*, nnd W.«-lhall uml Cladm's Weekly.

A severe snow storm prevailed vcii-rdav in New Y<.rk, ami muiiv ■■! the Wc.tt rn Stales, impeding travel and threatening another block- ade.

enough front bungling to alloi se. their work or Iniquity.

Ko grave a charge ought to possible: irthe framldtil occui m-rats and republicans ought

" A MAJOUITT of Barn DoARUshallcon- ,ve tlie audacity to atitute u otW*ruw for the transaction of eh fraud, solely be- business."—'fty Charter, Htrdun 2. rascals wen- free Mayor Tarbox presides over a pretend-

10 one to , cd eonveinion, composed at best, of only one third of one hoard, and these acting

settled ir illegally: and altogether having less t

parties! contlei [rotors: if tin

iiitiou of!

ha nee en

dem- itc hi

ami the perpe- be tllsprovetl,

icterofthe men who are thus defamed. Il

■en fet clri (lie

llyros DeWnlf, well known n, I'nglsud us the Nashua wan<lerlu Weduesday nfeongesliou of Ihe li

Cant. John K. Chun hill, an nbl citlseii of Nil-1.11.1, and father of III, of A'l.lov, r.die.l mi \V..|n.».

1heS..:u/-h nwrt gra-s into 1 day. for Nnpoleon.

Hsverhill i> mm-h slar-ncd .11 vorlnloid.

fjold 113 3-4.

IIIKIIUUI N'c probably other;—1

najortty of the two branches.

TIIK Ittxoiiiis of the Common Council show thai no meeting wan held on Tues- day evening: and yet our doughty, demo- cratic Mayor pretends that his Hoard held a convention with Hint branch, on Toes- day evening.


KSWRX ST. ASnHorril LAWUKMK.—The Merilniaek Valley horse cars have made itrra'ngemcnts lo run their coaches through

let son 1 ic ol' those ward officers,—Mr. Wrtnleri fidcord, for In- sinner. — re-iirn his po»lllon. and the May- or and Aldermen order an eleelioii lo fill the vacancy, ■■ Affidavit!.ure not voters,' as the ilciiiorratie apolnglsta fur fraud as- "•■rt, and the result nf such an election would most easll) and clearly settle the hla Illness, und IN now recovering.

an- glad to J Cartridge has par

rittiansET. There has been living at No. 03 Common

Street) for a period of thirteen years, a family named Cook, consisting ol'u husband snd wife, mil six children. The father, Mr. Frank Cook, - ,., man well known to many of our citliens, ■ears an excellent character, and Is gcnerally

regardod as a peaceable anil industrious man, ....I . it 1/1 v.; he is a carpenter by profes-

sion, and has toiled hard during his life fur the support of his wife and children. Tbe wile ond inoiher appcari to have l^cn a woman fond of company, and good living, and the hard earn- ings ol' the husliaiul, were not always devoted to the cuml'ort of the family. The buslmnd, however, appear* to have had no suspicion lhat his wITe was otherwise than faithful to bim, nnd kind to the children, and Iselieving this be worked early and late to provide (or the comfort and welfare of the family.

ins arspicioKi ABOI'SLII.

For a considerable time Mr. Cook has been working in Ne»bury port, coming home oc- casionally and spending Saturday evening ami Sunday with his family, reluming tt, his work on Monday morning, At every visit his

wife, apparently, wa> glad to see htm, and In- tiinsted that she was doing considerable in dress making, thus contributing io the support of the family. Saturday night, a fortnight ago. lie esme home, ami during the evening she was at work on a sewing machine, making some gent's undergarments, the neck and wrists of which she Imed with nilk. The himblTml hail torn his pant* while working, and he asked her If she would In- "in.I enough to mend them for him. She said Hie garments upon which she was at work inii-i lie linbhed that night, and she could not lind lime; hut suggested that he should do the ruendhig himself, which he did. He did nut reium lo Newburyport, his work having been finished, and on the following Tuesday night, his wife having gone out, and not coming in at an early hour, he went out to seek her, going to such stores as she had in- formed him she was In Ihe practice of working fur. Hut he found that she bed not been em- ployed st sny of the places descrilied by her lo him. Finding out for the first time during a period Of twenty years of married life that his wife was deccitnd, and that the time she S|stnt out of ihe house was not spent In the perform- ance or work, but In the pursuit of pleasure, the husband returned home feeling very Imdly ; be waited anxiously until about eleven o'clock when a sleigh drove up lo the door, and hi* Wife

' gut out o| it, and came into the house and went I up stairs; the sleigh remained al the door, and

tale that j mehn*hand noticed that n man was in it. Mr. ■■'j Cook naked the man what he was wailing lor,

i ami hu answered that he wal wsiting for tbe

CornciLMAn Romxsojt, of Ward six, upon the legality of whose election, Ihe Srntinrl has attempted to east doubt, was the recipient of Mayor Tarbox'i summons to a special set on Monday evening, but with a petty attempt at smartness, in erasing the lirst word from the usual lorin of nolfee, " You are unfilled," nnd substituting " Members of the Council are," etc! We know nnt whether the Mayor Ot eletk is responsible fur this feeble effort at bril- liancy,—as ir the " form" of the notification was to affect the question or membership, II Mr. Boblnson is labored by Mayor Tarboi uoi to be legally a luemlier of the council, why it he nutllled; aud if entitled to any notification, to make such a silly change in Its personality, is a bit of childishness of which any city offi- cial should l>c ashamed.

Tin; J. C. IIu.un.FY COMI'ASY, has this week lieen organised in our city, under the general corporation laws, with a paid up capital of 8100,- 0O0, succeeding to the extensive business of manufacturing Portable Steam Engines, here tufurc so successfully conducted by Mr. Hoad- ley In his own name, hut which has grown to such a magnitude as to make a corporate firm more convenient. The following officers have lieen elected :

I'mident—Julm C. Hoailley ; Treasurer, Geo. I). I'.IIH.I. Superintendent and local Agent, Pardon Armingtun; these three gentlemen con- stitute also, the directors of the corporation.

THE NKW POUCB AIIIIINTIIENTS, made by Mayor Tart-ox on Monday evening, will create qnlte as much surpriie as did the original tele lions. Mr. Present 1, the Marshal, is or the linn of wood and cot! dealer*-, Is a man of bus- iness capability, but in utter stranger to tlie po- lice business or the baunts and habits of Law renee rogues. Dixie, the new Assistant ls,- well, no matter,—cteryt*nly knows the record of tilti distinguished patriot ami warrior, v snuffed the lattlc from afar, and whose " (HI

ties" knew no bonsdary this side of Canada.

NOT TO UK Dn.ntm.—No man knows better than Mayor Tarlsix, die utter Illegality ami

; farcical character of the proceedings or that mi- nority gathering on Tuesday, hut our demo- cratic chief magistrate has become so accus- tomed to dealing with his party caucuses, that he evidently thought he could play the ball] with such effect as to frighten the commoi council, unoa whom hi* scolding Message hud no effect, inti a compliance with his mandates But the 1 ■ ■: 1 n■ il is made or other stuff, and the Mayor finds himself a public laughing stock

CITY MOISIIAL UCATTY lias round bis position I -• congenial than the old, and signed; tin*new Marshal, Mr. I.yman Prcscott, is comparatively a stranger to most of people,—eve 11 ex-Mayor Melvln had to ask who he was, wben his name was presented by the Mayor,—ami, whatever his qualifications, it ii to lie regrelted thai all of the eflleieiit nfllccrs whom years of experience has fitted for toll position should I* thrust aside, and a new ami untried man placed ut the head of the force.

THE LAS- or A PARTISAN MAYOR.—The eft) council In ion vention number twenty-four mam hers; thirteen is the haul number constituting a legal quorum ; Mayor Tarbox presided on Tues- day, over a sham tswrd, only one third of tin Common Council being present, and but twelve metnlers prrscnr in sll, anil hud the audaeily tn declare the election of a Street Commlssiunet who received a total of only seven votes! See an votes a majority of twenty-fbor!

Tun NOHHAI. SCHOOL, at Salem, opens for the next term on Tuesday, Feb. lith ; exandua. Uon for admission that morning. Among ihe students registered we observe the following :— In advanced class, Mary K. Poor, lAwrencc: Irene 8. Wardwell, Andovcr; and Susan F. Kitnball, North Andovcr. In other classes, iiuiiiii A. Fore, Methucn, Sunn It. Carter, Andovcr, and Abhte .1. Small. lawrcuee.

IT (IM Y REMAINS, in order to complete the force, that Mayor Tarbox shall attempt to foist into power the officials whom his sham conren- tion preteudid to choose on Tuesday evening.

—Citi/.ens of Boston will probably.celebrate the anniversary of " Uurm" on the 9th of No- vember next.

—A store key, picked up on Essex Street on Sunday night last, the Itsser may have by ap- plying st this office.

—Sheriff Herrick was among the Bowdota alumni, at the annual festival hi Boston, 011 W etln e sday-e v etltn g.

—Mayor Tarbox yesterday removed the four cases or small-pox, announced in the AMKUICAX

Wednesday, ip tbe hospital.

—The majority of our citizens Iwgtn to re- gard Ihe Republican councilmcn as "these twelve good i ami true."

—It in generally babawed that the present open weather H the result of thaw-it-lcsiic** on the part of uld Prolaihiiltles.

—The Jollicst of mirth may be looked for at the Grand Army Camp Fjrc, next Wednesday, p" the programme is earned out.

—Dr. holies paid a watm compliment to the AMEKICA* for the excellence of Its rci-orts, in his lecture of Tuesday evening.

—Mr. Baldwin Ceolhlge is busily engaged in projecting a plan of sewerage for Ward Six, or. dcred by the last city government.

—There was a generous attendance at the va- rious churches on the Sabbath, notwithstanding the cold and threatening weather.

—Thepaitltkm which was token down in the sard room of Wanl Four by ex-Mayor Davis, hat been replaced by engineer Ladd.

—The Democratic members of tlie city gov- ernment are so strictly temjierate, that they won't do huxiuess with a Quo—rum.

—We believe that Old Pro!abilities had not predicted the vivid flash of lightning Interjected daring the hail storm, Saturday night.

—City Marshal Present! was present, attend

Halt. the} were acting

j eleeu.l Mr. It ■ Cruel Spunpics!

—In the b) lilslnn mi iTiiihti iiihij. nun pre- sented a petition from John C. Headier, Ksq., and others, of this city, for anew bridge over the Merriiuaii; riier, i.t tbe foot of Lawrence

■ street, we presume.

—Capt. l^iugmaitl is rapidly recovering, we are glad to learn, from the effects of the injury

, he received to his unu a few days ago. at Chclmsfhrd. am) will toon be in a condition to attend to Ids business.

—The poor are, perhaps, not entitled to much 'consideration, but It was certainly cruel of the

De eratlc member* ot the City Government to endeavor to play a Dodge 011 them by strate-

, gy, on Tuesday evening.

—There are one hundred and thirty miles of strceta iu the i-ity of Lawrence. To drive a horse at the rate of six miles an hour through each .-trcct, won Id require two days, of more

! than tin hours each day.

—An honest colored woman found, on Essex street, on Wednesday, a child's plaid cloak, trimmed with white sported for, which she

I placed in the hands of the City Missionary, fur recognition hy the owner.

— If thick and thin party services deserve reward, then the selection of the democracy fur

L street commissioner Is most fitting; we know of no more jealous, night ond day, in and out, pol- itician than Mr. llrewster.

—Since the publication of Whitney's Chriit-

ma* Annual, similar publications have lieen In- augurated in other places. We have received a creditable copy from Smith A Sons, llangor, called the Holiday Annual.

—Po*t to, G. A. K., of Newburyport, will shortly produce "Blue aud Gray" In that city. In ■[" al.nii.- of the authorship of "Blue nnd Gray," some tune since, we should have includ- ed the name of Mr. C. II. Cohh.

—We learn that the horse that run away on F.sicx street yesterday, was not the horse of Mr. Beald, the sewing machine agent. As Mr. llcald's horse furnishes most of tlie runaway items we consider this statement necessary.

—The various sections fanning the ornament- al centre piece in the ceiling of the city hall, have shrunk away from each other, until there is a space nearly an inch wide between the sec- tions. It has probably been caused by beat.

—L. Hcemian, so well-known ai a book agent, ban purchased the lariodlcat and picture store at ooT Y.wa street, and will divide his lime be-

eling with books.

nieated with Secretary Fhh in regard to the matter, bin with what result we have nnt learned. The decision effects Gen 1 Pierson, commander of the Second Brigade, and two of- nclals in this city.

—Un Monday evening some thieves snatched r and ran off with several clouds und A worsted lj .tucket hanging at the door of Wattle A Gibson. ■ Some hoys who were near, saw the act, and

gaic an alarm. The thieves were pursued down is Jackson Street, but they managed to escape.

caking plan* f,.r Important alterations of the i The hoys who observed them taking Ihe articles, im rior of the Bay State Bank, with a view to say that they will know them should they see gp ir.n ni >re space and accommodation = for the 1 them again; the police officers were uotillc.il of tanking rooms. The question of appropriating the theft. The prontrty lost was valued at (he store of il. M. Whitney .\ Co., I- under eon- about live dollar*.

-iderition. Mr. Whitney's drug establishment j _[„ lhl, ,-_ s. Senate, on Wednesday, the

has hcenine a well known land mark lu our clt- j coBBulttec on pensions reported aguimi tbe bill

allowing tlie widow of Dr. J. II. Morse, of this city, u pension of SI* per month. Dr. Morse was a volunteer surgeon during the early

—The ah of Ibc Father Matthew total ubsti- nence society at the City Hall on Friday even- ing, was nmosi enjoyable affair. The Society marched from their rooms on Essex street to the hall, headed by a baud of music. Each member wore hit regalia. There was a large number of ladies present, and the party lakes rank among the best that have been given this winter.

—Sparqncs Is now firmly tixed in the opinion that a woman who goes to an entertainment with a three story hat with a Mansard roof uml a feather reaching half way to the ceiling o'er- topplng all. is more desirous of attracting utten-

month- of the war, and died in cm 1 set pie nee of disease contracted in that service. The com- mittee concede the perfect validity of the claim, hut reject it because it wa* not tiled within rive years fixed bylaw; it Is inorctban likely that the senate will over-rule this technical objection ami pass the resolution.

—The three siores conducted by Mr. Lewis Stratton afford proof of business enterprise to lie

highly commended. At his "comer store,", so well known from being the depot for the sale of reserved seats' to nearly ever}- entertainment in

lion to herself than In tie a tainment. He has forced his wife to trim a soup plate, similar In those us«d in 1-awrcncc, lo wear a*, entertainments.

—The ease rsnfors the police court, of the lad Stearns, heretofore mentioned, grew out of a determination of his parents, following some itimplalnt against a teacher to remove the boy from the school where he rightfully lie longed, and transfer him to another; the school com- mittee had refuted permission, but the father Insisting, the boy wa- arrested on a warrant for disturbing the school.

—One of our ciiiiens, a man noted for hU integrity, his hatred of profanity and all

ed by the enter- the city, there is always a large stock of toys, pictures and frames, &c. At the "old stand" may be found hooks, periodicals and fancy goods generally, while the "loser store," in charge of Mr. Drew, is devoted to the same line of goods. Three live- stuns, conducted by pleasant and obliging clerks.

—Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Taylor celebrated their tenth wedding anniversary on Monday evening last, assisted in an unexpected manner by many ot their numerous friends. During the evening aiiout sixty persons took possession of tbalr domicile, and after presenting their gifts, many of which were quite valuable, a bountiful feast was spread by the visiting friends, and an hour

while going up Essex street on Saturday of-s-K'ial enjoyment was passed. Friends were night, was so startled by the thunder clap ami,'Present from Lynn and Deny, and several o

lied iiis lightning Hash, thai he a piece of ice and fell. " Thi iiing!" said he, as he got up snow off his pants. It was Ihe first time he was ever known to swear.

—A harmonious session of the Committee on Finance occurred Wednesday evening in the Mayor's office. The requisite appropriations were made, and the amount exceeds the appro- priations for Ihe past year by aisaut »J4,uW. This includes an amount for the expense of the I*ubllc Library, which has not heretofore l>een called for; also other items, as will appear from the report of the committee.

—There arc many ways of advertising, but we will venture to say that none of the AMBSJ- »n advertisers ever thought of being brought liefora the public through the medium of a microscope. Ruch was the case however, on Tuesday evening, when Dr. Bolles threw a copy of the AMMICAX, enlarged to an immense size, on the screen In the city hall, the advertisements

e unable to lie present, forwarded remembrances in the form of gift*.

Judge Steven* Is desirous that men who are

toe again*-! of town friends, who H

id light- r id tbe

brought up for drunkenness shall tie spared a much pain as possible, and that to tbe punish- ment he inflict* there shall not lie added that or iiciiic made the target ot scores or curious eyes, and so this morning he gently urged that when there is only a solitary person tmmght up for . I i • 1.1' ■ d. the spectators door shall not IH- opened. This la the second time His Honor has called attention to this matter, and bis solicitude for the welfare of the unfortunates who arc brought into Court for drunkenness, docs honor to him-

will keep the New V papers.

—Satisfactory! o debtors day or two .- his bill, was met with like and bland," an call next Monday, call again!"

—When the ordt liuti of the Board

irk, Boston and Lawrence I being so plain that they could IH- read with ease.

I —Auditor Os-gmsl has lieen re-appointed pay- ir collector called upon a ' master of military relief for the ensuing year. nee, mid upon presenting J No Isrtter selection could have lieen made, ss by a Millie that was "child- long experience this gentleman baa become fs-

1 the soft words " please miliar with all matters relating to pensioners, md I'll tell you when to | and late soldiers and their families, and by him

the matter of military relief has lieen systrma-

r proposing a joint conven "*ed in a manner that greatly facilitates the ttd-

f Aldermen ami Common J0*1** ■mint* by the Committee on Fl-

ing to the duties of his office, nt the session of Council, fur the election of city officers, came j ''aacc. the Police Court Wednesday morning. buck to tbe Board on Monday night, non-con- —The big cgg-eiicineiit ha* broken out afresh,

—It Is certainly true that times try men. enrrod in, each member heaved a simultaneous and Methuen still holds tlie palm; Mr. Charles Many a man, says Bratrones, passes for pure *'gh. Sail! Ku**cll sends us six eggs, laid by one Brahma

gold when he bos only gut the Jaundice. —Good Will Lodge, I. (>. 0. G. T., will give ! pallet, the largest weighing three and a quarter

—In the legislature on Monday, Mr. H. C.jw entertainment, next Monday evening, for tlie j ""nees, and measuring h"| by 7| Inches; Bacon Introduced u bill for the incorporation of jjcnefll of the organisation. The farce of "No i,I,L" •malleal being n quarter Inch less in rise, the Mechanics Association, of Lawrence. fPurc. noPay,"wllJ he produced, and there will : while ihe weight of the half down is eighteen

Is- a good time generally, An oyster supper ft!lli ;1 half ounecn; we think the six together will la- served. | «'1H be found hard to beat, even by the Methuen

—Ror. Mr. Traecy, of Haverhill, has been, for a few days past, assisting the pastor of the Foe BaptUt Church in this city, in special religious meetings. Mr. Tracry cacupied the pulpit on Sunday, and discoursed to fit audience for an hour or more.

—The follow who *ets himself up a* n critic of other people, had better get iu advance, a little reliable infonuaiiim as to the topic about which he volunteers his advice, or his rlonndcring mis- statements will only involve the one on win mi he affects to fawn.

—Mr. Henry J. Conch Is erecting a double tenement house upon the triangular lot at the Intersection of Cross with Franklin streets.

—The periodical and fancy notions stores are preparing for lively business preceding St. Vul- ciitme's day, which occurs the lith proximo.

— The two fraudulently sitting Aldermen were selected by their democratic associates a* the best men to take care ot the poor of the city.

—A lady in this city says she never enjoys any play as well as the drama of the red, white and blue; jt is probable she meant Blue und Orcy.

—It is s.od tlie baekmen ure mad ut the de- -The young ladies „( the Cinderella Club, eisiou or the MerrlnmckJ •^^J^^ whose efforts have brought two or three gener-

eontrtbnttoni to the City Mission, are talk- Company to run their ears, while on runners, to the South Side.

—The imall pox is not stamped out yet; evi- dently It seems to have broken out again with a view to furnishing the contending doctors with more sill dav its.

—Maiden, me mad wag who furnishes the ' nlng

chickens. —As .Spanmes was cleaning off the snow nnd

ice Sunday morning, which lay as thick noon the sidewalk in front of his house as the syrup upon n corporation boarding house flap jack, a gentleman rauuedon his way to church. "Don't you know you ore breaking the Sabbath f said the gi-ntleman. "Breaking the Sabbath I" echoed Sparoncs. "I am not," he continued, "I am trying to break this Ice." The gentleman smiled a sad smile and passed on.


ingof a Fair in the City Hali, for the benefit or this deserving charity; we arc sure our citizen would give It a cordial endorsement.

—Atlantic S. F. K. Company will hold a ce I ries ..I assemblies this winter, a* usual, liegin

1 Wednesday evening, 22nd Instant, am din to order for nil tbe editorial convention*, continuing on each Friday evening, afterward, wlU make a merry night of It, with bis bash, on 1 from the 31*ttothc 23th of February. These the 1st proximo. ( |«rties were much enjoyed last year.

—The Temp-ranee Reform club had a most ' _Cot Beat, In asking His Honor Judge Ste- suecessful meeting on Sunday evening, at the Tens, n> nuike tlie sentence of a man eon- City Hall. Kev. Dr. Barrows delivered an in-: v]eted of keeping a notorious liquor nuisance

■ as severe us the law would admit, entitled hiin- ; self hi the thanks of all true friends or temper- : mice, and they will not lie withheld.

I —Our old friend und long-time townsman, i Mr. Luther K. Stevens, sends us a number or j interesting relics or the Chicago tire, In the way

in a few | of charred remnants of city accounts and doeu- they are large enough to receive newspu- ments, and a blackened guard chain taken from

persas wellas letters. 1 die side of Olios Brothers, Lake Street.

—The Broadway horse trotters favor the an-: —The deed by which the city was made the poititmeut of Mr. 1'rescott as City Marshal,! possessor of the laud used as a Common, stipu- at Lyman takes the lead among the fast aid- j latrd mat no structures should he erected On It. iiiah upon that avenue. Has the city forfeited its right of possession by

-The correspondent who asks ns whether pemiilting the erection by Mr. John Frost of an immense tower lu the centre of the pond.

t cresting address.

—A wallet containing the princely sin thirty cents has Iseen found, and the loser hove the same by calling at this office

■* proving property."

—The new, large size mail Isixes have c and will be put Up in prominent place

Mai-deli'" lecture 011 bash will tie on meat ba,h or fish hash, Is hash-urcd that whichever it Is, it will lie worth hearing.

—On Tuesday night the clothing store of Mr. Burnham, at No. 103 Essex street, was entered by means of false keys and nine pairs of pants and two coats were stolen.

—We tiotiec that N. O. White. Fsn,., of this city, has given to the Congregational society in Hu [field, X. II., his unlive town, five I dred dollars ns a permanent fund.

—Another horse show has petitioned the com- mittee on licenses lor the use of the city hull. We presume circuses and menageries will want the hall during the summer.

—We were favored with l-.ih thunder and lightning und snow and wind, and tabseqjncntly rain on Saturday night. The weather was, to say the least, a little mixed.

-A little girl, with an Interest in the temper-j -Mrs. Ada C. Bowles.ofCnmbridge.preached muse her elders would do well m imitate, \ M the CntversalUt church, on Sunday, baviug

—Mr. George A. Harden comes next iu the Saturday night course, a week from next Satur- day night, when he will serve up tba! delightful dish of Hath, which has ken a mystery to American lsnanlers for years, and explain its ingredients. It will be a fearful revelation.

—The production of Ihe woolen department of the Washington Mills will not Is? effected by ihe reduction in labor to take placc.-^it least for the present. All (he looms will be kept in operation, although the niiniUr of operatives dismissed trill prolaihly reach six hundred.

The now orpin for Ihe Eliot church has lieen received, ami is tn-ingset up by tbe maountcrnr- ers. We understand that It Is a superior in- strument, and a concert is contemplated at an early day, when till community can avail them- selves or the opportunity ror lt« mspectkM.

has transmitted to the treaaurcr, tfl ed by her for ihe ftefurm Club.


—Keep a stiff upper lip, is a very good tldng in ssy to a man in truuble , hut Sjiuripies sayi it was bis stiff upper lip that caused his trouble a few mornings ago; if was fro/en.

—The Common Council meeflngs arc largely attended, while the husmc; Aldermen is conducted without s ipectatOT, ex- cepting li may be a solitary reporter.

—Il l* safe to say that no chief magistrate ev- er made himself so completely the laughing stock of tbe city as has Mayor Tarboi by his ridiculous farce nf n minority convention.

—Post .19, G. A. 11., will kindle a camp fire, al tlieirhea.lipinrtcrs.ini Wednesday evening next,

and it is desirous thai every comrade should be present. Several guests will be in attendance.

ery large congregations morning and her discourse at Ihe latter hour was a vigorous scriptural ilefeiice of the right of women to wider, higher and more womanly education and advantages.

—The.roofs of the High School Home and the Station House are In a bad condition, hou

of the Board of taking. We pre*ume ir the State pays rent for armories, ihey will require them to lie kept in proper repair. The fresco work lu the drill room or Co. K has been mneh injured by water from Ihe roof.

— An entertainment in aid of the Temperance Reform Club will he given at the City Hall on the 20th of February. Miss Johnson,favorably known as a dramatic reader, will gtie a read- ing.

—The appropiiatioi for the paving departu

plcthig the unfinished section above Ames- hury street, and also a good slice below Jackson

—The AuEsicAv is undoubtedly the largesl paper in the world; the copy shown by Dr. Botles at the city hall on Tuesday night mea- sured about It feet in width and IH feet In length.

—" For 1 am a man under authority, having soldiers under me . and I and he gocth; ami to a

—Our model police force are on their make. Monday morning of the force a iron 11*111 led a man to procure money for payment of Ids fine, and upon their return the man was charged one dollar. The man appealed to ihe judge, who said the officer had a right to charge what il was worth for such service.

—Young America Lodge I. O. O. (1. T-, will ci'lebralc their seventh anniversary on Saturday

eveniug, February 8th, by asocial party at Es- sex Hall. At a recent meeting of this organizn-

| ii. .11 n petition was opened, and obtained u num- ilie city government j Ier of signal arcs, for presentation wCougre

national prohibitory law. nt, will doubtless: admit

doeth it."

—At n reci ut concert in a town not many

miles distant, an ex.piisfte, huir-parted-in-thc- niiddle masculine sang" I love Thee Still;" a careless compositor in setting up the pro- gramme, omitted the last " e" In the line, not a

little to the iiietTiiuinl of ihe audience, though the vocalist appeared ill at ease!

—The case or the School Committee veriut tlie Steams Uiy, has been withdrawn from

this man. Go, judicial investigation, at the In it (gotten or tbe d he ; hoy's parents. Thus the np|«'aranie in court or

1 this, and he!a j.ortl»n or the School Committee, its Super ! Intendent, three or four lawyers, school teach-

—Mr. O. A. Ryan, who tm,k the jmrt of An- tonio in the Merchant of Venice, oil Tuesday evening last, Is an offocAs of the editorial staff of tbe Boston Courier, ill* acting was mneh approved.

—Sheriff Herrick has Inaugurated schools at the House of Correction, Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday evening is set apart for instruction. All pris- oners who are committed for the term of three months, or more, are allowed to attend the classes, and there are some twenty-live pri* who avail themselves of this privilege. The Sheriff kindly supplies the necessary books, and

the Instruction embraces reading, WTiting, and arithmetic.

—" Husbamls love your wives," says t good IsTok, and Judge Stevens Is determined do all in his power to niake lighter the burdens of wives who ore afflicted with bad comnan ions, The following dialogue is generally held "Doesyour husband drink,ma'amr" "Hi docs, your honor." "Does he provide for the iopport or fall taimly >" " No, your honor." " Can you gel along without his help?" " Yes, your honor." ".Stand up, Henry Hammond! Six months!''

—There is a man in 1 hi ■■ city so mean that he won't send a newspaper to his old father who lives In a rural town; If he can get one fbrnoth. ing he will send the old man the news, hut only then ; the olher day he was given a paper with a portion turn off ihe corner, and he sent it ti his fattier; but after the paper had gone he be gnn to think that the old man would tblnk him real mean, so he wrote a little note, saying "Father, when I sent that paper off the piece was not torn off the comer."

- Nine hundred pounds of pork In one lump Mr. Gen. E. Shetler had on exhibition at hi*- market on Amrtlmry Street, Ihe largest hog ever seen in llilt vicinity. It was raised by Mr Asa Bodwetl, at bin farm, and Is as fine a sgwei men, as regards ituality, as unusual in ipiantlty '1 lu' animal measures eight and one-half feet in length, and seven feet In girth, weighs as above, nml when slaughtered was twenty months old Its-ill 1« on exhibition for a day or two. Mr Parkins insists that It it nr the repnblican spc. cles.

—There seems to tie an unusually large num- '../..i burglaries at present. Within a week four stores have been entered on Essex street, nml valuables stolen. Worst or all there teems to lie no eiuc to these nocturnal depredators. Store keei>ers come to their places of business in the momiug, And everything as they left it on the previous night, with the exception that some of their goods have disappeared. People generally are wondering bow long this thing It to lost, and who sill he the next to receive a visit.

—Our citizens have liefore them a rare plea- sure In the exhibition or the new organ, recent- ly built by Messrs. Ilutchings A Plalsted, of Boston, for ihe Eliot church. In addition to s select chorus from the Musical Choral Union, the services of Mrs. Houston West, of Boston, and MUM Harriman, of Haverhill, soprano, and of Mr. Parrmgton, organist in Kings Chapel,

,1 Mr. 8. W. Downs, organist in the Old South Church, Basten, havcl<een secured. The concert will lie under the dkectton of Mr. Downs,

—We learn that the heirs of Mrs. Bridget Finneran have taken steps towards sueing the city for causing her death. It will lie remem- bered thai the lady fell ii)i.n the ice, near Ihe rear steps of the city hall, on the evening or Ihe 21st nil., breaking otic of her legs, and alter- ward- causing her death. The son of the lady is the |ierson mentioned In another article, about whom has been Moating suspickms nf

1 causing tlie death, by poisoning, of an undo who came to this city to attend tbe funeral of his mother.

—In consequence of the death of a child of Mr. Huse of tin- Franklin House, die celebra- tion of the 114th anniversary of Bums will not lie held at that hotel but ut Saundcrs Hall. Ex- tensive preparations have lieen made for the oc- casion ; Messrs. Powk and McConnell, of the Bile* House, will furnish the supper, and from the reputation or these gentlemen we may ex- pect thai the hnmpict will lie no ordinary one. As most of the ticket* are now sold, persons de-

of Uingpretent would do well to make

purpose — A c .respondent irifunn

among the animals

■s of law, was all to no f early application.

I —The recent announcement by the President 1 that ihe hog that no government official shall hold an office

—A citizen of the South Side, desirous of keeping some domestic fowls, and anxious that they should have comfortable ipiartcrs, built a nice hen house, which he finished on Tuesday; he was showing it to an admiring friend on tbe same day, when the latter noticed two boles cut hi the door at the bottom. "What are those holes in the doorfor ':" asked the friend. "Why, to let the fowls out and in when the door it locked." "Yes, hut why do you have two holes for that purpose ," "Why, don't yon see, the large one Is for the hens and the small one for the chickens.

—Several Democrats have taken umbrage at the appointment of Mr. William Gemincl on ths police force, because he It not yet admitted to the right of citizenship. Mr. Oemrael is a man of excellent character, was employed at tbe House of Correction for name time, and per- formed hi- duties faithfully, and will be entitled to his citizen's papers next October. If the

same wisdom which led to the appointment of Mr. Oemiuel had guided the Board of Alder- men in all oilier appointments uu the police, there would have lieen no chance to find fault with tbe make up of that organization.

—The affidavit business has been quite live- ly in this city during the past few weeks. Ut- terly among tbe dot en of physic. A day or two since, one ol the nurses at the pest hontc, went before a popular lawyer to make amdavlt to the care given the inmates by the city phy- sician. " When did you go to the pest house ? " naked the lawyer. A satisfactory answer hav- ing been obtained, tbe next query was," How long did yon remain there f" "I kft this morn- ing, tlr!" "TAi« awrnaayf" cried the lawyer, and darting to an Inner room, he at once show- ered himself iviili curls.lie powder, nnd through the key-hole gave orden for tbe affhlavlt turner to depart.

—Those who were startled by ihe peal uf thunder aud Hash of lightning on Saturday night last, saw and beard little to frighten them compared to the engineer and passengers or a train which bad just left Cbelmsford aiiout the same time. The engineer saw a large lmll of Ure, ".ii-.iut the size of a buthel basket," de- scend from the heavens, and lodge on t he track a tew yards ahead of the locomotive where it re- mained a few moments, then burst with a lond report, and illumined the darkness with a bright bine light. The engineer was not badly fright- ened, but the passengers wore, and the train was stopped for some time to wait for another ball, but none came.

—A short time ago a man living not far from this city, a farmer, died. Although in comfort- able cireuinstances, bo was a man of exceeding- ly dirty habits; those who knew him say that his hair was never cut or cum lied since he was a boy. Neither was he ever shaved; h never wore a collar, and seldom changed bis shirt; able to purchase good clothing, he went ahont in the habiliments or a beggar. At his death a city undertaker was tent for, who dressed the corpse, cutting the hair, shaving the chin, and dressing tlie body In a suit or I wick inperflne. A hrother of the decensed camo from a nelgb- lioriRg city to attend the funeral. The widow

met him at the door, and after mutual condo- lences she escorted bim to the liest room, where lay the remains of tbe departed farmer. At the brother bent over the coffin, the widow sobbing- ly asked: "Would you know him 1" "Know

him I" shrieked the brother. "Yon've ruined his eternal prospects, for God won't know him I"

—A young man In this city has been courtiag a young girl for qnltc a long time; he is in pret- ty good cireumstances, and could marry her to- day, and iiegin housekeeping and l»e happy If be wished to; but be is a sort of timid individual, and though he has sufficient boldness to Kiss his sweetheart when he leaves her at night, he has never hud the courage to ask her to Income hi* wife. She was getting tired of the monotony of sitting up late st night, and tbe parents were liegiimfng to reel the expense or keeping a stove going, and the gat burning until midnight;— (the gas hill has never lieen heavy, however, we may say in parenthesis) so tbe determined lo bring him to a decision the other ubjlu. me- ws* sitting with his feet on the stove, and bis arm—not on the bock of a chair, wben the whitpcredto him In gentle accents, "John, fath- er waa asking me to-day* when you and I art going to get married ; if he asks rne again, what shall I sayi" A light dawned upon John's mind, and,—well, there will be a wcdlmtg soon.

PuiNTi;n"s Fi STIVAL.—The birthday or Beu- mln Franklin was made the occasion by the

printers ami editors or New Hampshire of their mal gmheriug at Nashua, on Friday, and the ■asion was one of genuine enjoyment. The

officers elected were 1 IVcsidcnt, P. B. Cogswell f Concord; Vice Presidents, W. W. Miller of

Porttmuntb, C. M. Langley or Nashua, and E. I,, (ioddsrd or Clareniout; Rcc. Secretary, C. F. Livingstone of Manchester; Cor. Secretary, Howard F. Hill of Concord; Treasurer, Thom- as W, Ijjneof Manchester; Executive Commit-

Jolm If, Hill and Geo. E. Jcnks of Con- cord, and William A. Wallace or Canaan. Prof. E. D. Sanborn, of Dartmouth College, de- livered an address on the press of Hanover, af- ter a graceful and appropriate preface. Mr. J. T. S. I il.bev, or the Dover Enquirer, followed with a history ofthc Strafford county press, and other papers were read. In the evening, there was a bsm.piet given by the citisens of Nashua, at which there were a number or ringing speech- es, and a most social evening, such as our New Hampshire brethren know so well how to ar- range, was passed. < ■■■ a-

OKLV SIX LKOAL VOTES were east at tbe pre- tended convention on Tuesday evening; no record can be produced to show that more than that number or mem hen were present, or that the additional votes were cast by any one hav- ing a right to vote. S| SJ— »

Tsxts for 1873 will be paid or not according to tbe inclination or the assessed, if the man who was fraudulently declared elected by a mi-

into ||,e ark I under Ihe state government,creates quite a But- norlty of tbe city council, on Tuesday nigl by Noah, and says that people generally are ig- I ter in military circles. Although the letter of] shallassume to act al Maessor

/ I i^

The &ndover Advertiser ! ALCTI0S SALE!L"V Ma F08TSB-

or U lilt. Mm


— »-«—> Gutirdlttn'fi Sale.

FRIDAY M0RNINQ, JANUARY 24, 1*73 Hy virtu*, of u license frota thc 1'robatc C i . will lie ix.Mni puhlii no.■lii.n, <•» Mnndai. F.-l .. _ au.ivloek, t'. «., mi the premises, sU theinli.. .

ANDOVER ITEMS. *'' Kll,,n l-*nl" ■ ■' niin..r. .'i'*l '"di .hil.l "i H»- l<>''' Liverpool or «.!-.«... _ l'alriekl,*»h), (i-tlierwi-i..nll.-l Leihy A"-rn-i.J, Vnrk.

At the annual meeting uf tlie stockholders of [estate eansl«t-'..i' iU'iuii'i'.l'liiiVi'liiifM^Uiuilen on ! ■*«•**■ rr,"<' *' upward! the Marland Manufacturing Conipunv held the '. K»M ',r,''"n ^f'.-t. hi the >..uth Parish in Ami... I rale* io New Vnrk or IlosU

I ver. llie hind i- Wun,i.-.| ,ui tin- M.nili Ir, ,M.| For nirthar i-nitlrulars apply to I HKmiciit: that tli.- m.-st determined metis ■ m-l l.i- I:KH ..( It, M ■- n| h.ini.-l li..ii ' r '

luu.l nl | Wii. MABLAMt, ^vn!, UW« BMtt be luken uimn Its siHHjaruiH'O, AMKIVKII, MA** *'ti may sweep Ukea&vamtlngeeourffi:

inth*MileYiui will joln'ii; "ihe'r..»V."'Vii'ii".v, : A"'"""*. >»»> '"■ i*w.- Ihrough the muDlcipeJltj-. All author! t! r- inakiiiK the mle i-erfeeL

The Small Pox.

Author, itottoMi, Thc Md «P«rtene« ..f oar ulster city of lowest rates, between jUrtrril, more (liun H year ago, awl the

Mid Boston or Sew .fearful trial Boston la now undergoing, should tench erery community that thla dreaded disease Is to be trifled with not a

15th tint., the following officer* were eleetod : ; street. Directors, Francis Cogswell, Katlian Fr;e, Ill- ram Vf, French, George II. Poor, Amaaa Clarke. TreaMirer, F. Cogswell; clerk, O. IE. pour. A vote was passed empowering tlie directors to dispose of the real estate of the com jinny.

Joseph L. Lord, Ban,., of boston, recently read hit lecture OH " God's covenant with Is. rael," at the *emiunry, hy Invitation of the for* iilty and student*.

The Band of Hope i» increasing In aninber*. and interest, under the superintendence of Mr. Toiublen. On Friday evening at the tree church vestry, after a very Interesting and fore Iblc address l.y Mr. Hill of the seminary, seven- teen new members were added to the luinil.

Mr. Curtis If. Baldwin, for thirteen years the faithful sexton of the Free anarch, felt Unwell obliged to resign the first of the year, on ac count of ill health. Members of the anngrega- thin have presented to htm u handsome roll of sjreen bucks, as a token of their ujipreciatii his courteous and valuable services for su long period.

Thc now Andover Brass Band is progressing finely under the Instruction of Mr. Rink-v, of Wnkcilcld. TBS Choral Union will meet oik Monday even-

ing next. It Is desirable that there ibonM ba full attendance.

lerin.- I.eahy. wi.l.» i


.-mover, dan. 17, 1*7.1. r-Jt | V.' WHOl.j-NAI.i: AND ItllTtll,.

I IKED THEM Till. SECOND TIME] Thc bu-uicss of Uw tale lienmiii \l tl Imim •L EVKN IlKFTER THAN THE Fl RsT." ! vltl Inlo.hc h!,n!i« 1.,1-sJauh'. ".Imcs! 'Ihevwii

| continue w furnish C'OKI-'INH, CASKKTS. liOBKS

Since the removal of Mr. Lewis O. Holt to Lawrence, there lias been a vacancy in the Board of Selectmen. As It Is near thc dose of the present municipal year it has not liven thought necessary to order an election to till the va

Rev. George II. Hepworth of New York, has been twice advertised to lecture in thc Andovci course thc present season, and In both Instances the committee have bteS obliged to recall the appointment. It Is said that the first failure was occasioned by his lnstnllntion, and the sec- ond by the unusual religious Interest existing In his congregation.

The course of three lectures at the Baptist Church hy the Rev. Dr. Bosworth, commence this (Friday) evening.

Tho People's Course of lecture* and vnter- tnlmnenU closed on Monday evening with rands Ings by Miss C. A. Johnston. On introducing her, Mr. B. F. Smith, in behalf of the V. A. 8. Clnh, expressed thanks to the audience for the liberal patronage given the course. Miss John- ston then proceeded to give readings, both grave and gay, subduing and pathetic. In her read- ings she has a niscfnatlng influence upon her audience, frequently hushing them Into almost perfect stillness, and anon exciting their rislblcs by her imitatfrcne&s. She baa a full voice, which Is modulated into itweetnew, while her gestures arc graceful and effective. The lady is on the sunny side of thirty, has a fine form, Is good looking and drosses rich and neat, she ranks among thu best lady readers In the coun- try, and any lecture committee, by securing her for an evening's readings, wont got sold.

Some forty or fifty ladies and gentlemen, re- siding in the vicinity of Salem street, made a neighlwrly call upon Mr. and Mrs. William Smart on Wednesday evening. It was the tenth anniversary of tho marriage of this ven- erable and much respected Scotch couple, who are true representatives of their nntlonnll(j-, and they were greatly delighted In receiving a visit from their friends. Mutual congratulations were exchanged, presents were made, and the occasion was eminently social and cheery. A bountiful table was spread with good things, and notwithstanding the vigorous attack made by tho company, the quantity was abundant, and all expectation of an uttor extinction was eventually abandoned. During the distribu- tion of tho edibles, one of tho visitors, for whose special benefit thu repast had undoubtedly been greatly augmented, and who had already put himself outside of several full plates of palata- ble articles, on the last round or the attentive waiter, actually faltered ; a circumstance hith- erto unknown. Inclining slightly forward, and placing his hand upon his breast, he sold: "It always hurts me to take food upon an empty stomach." Thc company finally dispersed, having witnessed at least two surprises.

Capt. John E. Churchill, father uf Prof. Churchill of this town, and a man who was highly csteeinud by all who knew him, died suddenly at Nashua, on Wednesday evening. His wife noticed that he did not breathe- natu- ral ; he said be was In no pain, but she sent for a physician. He died before medical aid reached him, probably of heart disease. HI* age wa* aliout sixty years.

Charles Abbott, a few days since killed a pig nine months old, which weighed when dressed 430 lb*.

Sctibnor's Monthly fur January Is out fresh and crisp. Among the interesting contents of this number Is a story by Miss Phelps, "Since I Died," somewhat akin to "dates Ajar" In its spirit. Dr. HolUnd'i tmleudld serial, which grows In interest, and various other articles, some of which are beautifully illustrated.

Ballard Vale.

The festival of the I'nion Congregational rliurch on Wednesday, was quite a success; Culoa Hall has seldom roots inert so large an audience. The roads were Just In that condition for travel, that would nntnrallv sugfrest a rlrighrldc; consequent ly. iMgMag partle* (rnm out or town were In or- der, bringing host* of iconic from Lawrence, North Andover, Andover, Tewksbury, Wilming- ton and other places. Our own people too were out la large numbers. The supper was In tho care of excellent attendants, and wan substantial- ly correct in every particular. Tho clothing had a good luncrlnicndent, ami the rake, ei tlonory and Ice cream tablet flclent eorps or managers -'■'-'■ — ~- uch rt which ws have

their selections

ideran Our Cornet Band,

to be proud of.

) good and well performed

contributed largely to the enjoyment of the o Mion by their tine singing.

Hucuess seemed to attend the efforts of the c ttoe in everything, and.they are highly pleased

-hy An entertainment Is announced

talv plcaw raluablis a

>clsly. _d to lake place on

Saturday evening in Hradlec Hall, ennsbth

ii.ic!..I iii the (Heads of the ■<

panoramic vlows of the Hudson river, and a voy- age to England. A variety of attractions are promised outside.

The Rev. U. C. Osgood, the Methodist minister, will deliver a lecture in llradlee Hall on Wednes- day evening, Jan. 29th. " Pretexts and Pre- tences" Is the subject 1 SJSSJ *■

Thc most Important needlework ever done In the world Is supposed to have been done hy the mariner's compass.


The undersigned has returned to Ms old stand, •vsr J. J. 11 ttuU N'.- store, on M-.iN Htreet, where he will be glad to waft on hi* former customers and the public generally In all branches of HAIR ■>ltKHNl.\<;. ssrPartlcular attention paid to CatSlaisr Ladles' and Children's Hair. Grateful for'past favors, and conscious of always Improv- ing the personal appearance of patrons, all are cordially invited to call.

V WILLIAM H. SMITH. Andover, Jan. M, 1B73.

Essex. I'lumin: CODRT.

To the heir* at law, next or kin. and all other per- •on* Interested In the estate or ftTKI'HKN TKACY, late of Andover, In said county, phy- sician, deceased, greeting:

Whereas, a certain instrument, pnni llio last will and loxtamcnt of »aid deceased, ha*

purporting to be

. . . __n prays that letters Ic-l.iinc lary may be Issued to her, the executrix thercui named, and that ulie mav IH- exempted Jroni giving a Hirety or sureties on her oflieiafliond, the toala tor havfoj/ so requested In his will,

You are hereby cited to ap|mar at a Probate Court, to ho held at Lawrence, In nald county of Essex, on the ttecunil Tuesday of February next, at nine o'clock before noon, to show cause, ir any you have, against the same.

And said petitioner is herehy directed to give public notice thereof, by publishing this citation once a week, for three successive weeks, In the newspaper called the I.awrenre American and Andover Advertiser, printed at I.awrenre, the last publication to be two day*, at least, befu

Witness, George F. Chnate, Enquire, Judge of said Court, this twenty-first day of January, In tlie year one thousand eight hundred and sevent three. iaxl A. C. OOOIIELL ICcirfster.


PRUHATK < nl'Itr. To tho heirs at law, next or kin, and all other per-

son* interested in the estate or JACOB RKR RY, late of Kor-th Andover, in said counlv, veoroan, deceased, toUvtc, greeting;

Whw-ea*. a certain instrument, purporting to 1ST

the la.t will and testament or i-ald deceased, has been preientod to said Court, for probate, bv Albert llerry. who pray* that letters tctlmncntar'v iniiv be Issued In him, the executor therein named,

You are hereby eiu-d to appear at a Probate Court, to he held at Lawrence, in said county of Essex, on the Second Tuesday of February next, at nine o'clock before noon, to show cause, ir any yon have, against the same.

Attd said petitioner 1* hereby directed pi give public notice thereor, by publishing this citation once a week, for three *uee**«lve weeks, la the newspaper railed the Lawrence American and Andover Advcii.M-r. i ted at Uwrenre. the last publication to he two davs, *t least, In-fore said Court

Witness, George F. Choate, Esquire, Judge ol said Court, ltd* twenty Urst day of January, In the year one thousand eight hundred and seventy. three. jnM A. C. GOOrtELL, Register.

Tmtj.i: i-iiiM i.Ait I,I:ITIHI;N

on his Travels In


Jan. Mi itl, mid iYb. 7, IHT3, at 7\ a'rl'k.

1st Lecture— Egypt, The Nile. Old Ituin-. The

•Jd Lecture—The Desert, lit, Sinai, The Arabs, Tent Life.

Ticket* for the Coarse, TB cents.

For Single Lectures, ij cents.

To be lind at the Store or \Y. p. DRAPER, An- >ver; also, of J. M. RICHARDS, ><*j Essex St.,

Andover, Jan. I 1873.


Sollw U hereby given thai the aubacril-er has been duly uiqi-inic! cxerm„r ..f the will of

Jonathan A. Iterrick. late or Andover, in the county or Essex, yeoman, deceased, testate, nn.l lins token upon lilm- sclr Ibut trust by giving bomls. as the law directs. All persona having demand* upon the csUite of said deceased are require.! to exhihlt the eniue; and ul! |>ersons ludebu-d to taid estate are calhil upon to make payment to

EDWARD H. BOITWEI L, Andover. Jan. 14, 1MT3. Jal7» Exwup.r.

/ lOSIMOSWEALTH OE MAjsa^uuUirKTTS. V i.--.i\. an.

i-ncni \ri; coillT. To thu heirs ul law, next of kin, and another per-

sons interested in thu estate of MAKY l)ltlM„i)],L, late ofliavei hill. In said county, single-woman, deceased, greeting:

M heron-, a certain iii-tninicni, intrportlng to tie the last will and teriameotuf sHld deceased, has been presented to raid Court, lor probate, hi George Foster, who pravs that letters teslauieii'. tary may bo i-«ued hi him, tho exeiTiiUir therein named,

You are hereby cited to appear at a Probate Court, to lie holilen til hjlt-in, in aalil county of Essex, on the First Tuesday of February next, at nine o'l-lock in the forenoon, to show cause, if —iv you have, against the same.

Ami said petitioner I- herein-directed to give thereof, by publishing this cita-

-cted with the I t styles ami :

< and Casket, llubhed In oil, 'rid with broadcloth.

The attention of the trade respectfully solicited, ■rices as low and flulsha* good; as I* 6 IN- found.


An.!, ii

j-VT ANTED TO for two


three years,


in SOUTH AKBOVKB. Address box 157 Law-



have, against Uiu ■ hatalq

llfsrtng .eek. for three successive weeks, in ■r calleil the Lawrence American and

_ . -erti-er, prinU-.l al 1 .an reinc, Hie last publication to l™ two days, al least, before said

Wltne**, George F. f'hoate, Eujulre. Judge of said Court this sixteenth day of January, in the year one ih«usuiii| eight biii'idr.il u ' three. JalT A.CtitMmELL, , Beiflster.


To tin- helrs-atlaw, next or kin, and all other iicrniiiH ilili'ictcd in Ihe esUtc of KI.l/A- BKTH II. IVtiAI.I.s, late nf North Andovi-r.ln said counlv. widow, deceased, greeting:

Whereas, certain instruments, purporting to lie the last will and testament and a codicil of said de- ceased, have boen presented In said Court, fur pro bate, hy Stephen W. Ingalls. tvlioin-avs that letters testa me nbiry mm i..- i--ii. .1 i.. Iiun.'lheexecutur therein nnmcl,

You are hereby cited to appear at a Probate Court to be hold en at Lawrence, in said counlv "I Essex, on the Second Tne-ilai- of February next, at ulna o'clock hi the forenoon, to show cause, if anv you liave. ngnlnst the same. And said Stephen W.lngalls 1* hereliv directed to give public notice thereof, In publishing this cita. tiouoncea week, for three sliceoMtlvoweeks.ln tho newspaper called the Lawrence Ameiiran and Andover Advertiser, printed al Law renee, the last publication to lie two days at least, before said

Witness, (ieorge K. Choate, Ksqulre, Judge of said Court, thi* fourteenth dav of January, in the year one thon-and eight hundred and *cv. ty-three. Jal7 A. C. GOODELL, Register.


deceased, and lum uken np.ni himself that by giving lurnds. as the law directs. All persons having detuands U|HIU the esLali' of said deceased, are required to exhibit the same; and nil persons indebted to said estate urn called upon to make

P») ""■



HANNAH F. MPoKFX)HD, or North Andover, In the couutv of Essex. [wlfo of Henry Spofloril), ih-eeased, testate, ami has taken upon him.-ieirUi.it trust, by giving bonds as tlie law direct*. AH persons luiVlng deinnuds U[K)n the estate of said deceased are required to exhibit tlie same; and all person* Indebted to said state are called npon to make payment to

OWN F. SPOrtultl), Kxeer. .North Andover. Jan. Is. IwM. «H


* Notice is hereby given that the subscriber has been duly appointed administrator of the estate of Mary Coehrane, late of Andover, In Die county of Essex, widow, deceased, and ha* taken npon himself lliat trust by giving bonds, as the law direct*. All persons having demands upon tho estate of said deceased ars required to exhibit the name; ami alt persons Indebted to raid estate are railed upon to

lake payment to CHAS.W. COCHRANE. Gloucester, Jan. 7, 1873. Jalu* Adni'r.



SAMUEL WOODMAN. In Rrlck Building next north of tho Town Hall,


Matreise*, Lounges, Soms, and Parlor Set* aile to order, or repaired and upholstered. Desks, Tables, ami n.l.l piece- made as desired.

Curtains trimmed and bung, Carpet* laid, and General Jobbing don*.

Second hand furniture bought ami sold. Good* or all kind* received and sold at Public Auction. Everything; Hid a* low as can he afforded, and

ranted ft gent/

Andover, Jan. 1, I-:.'. «-


The subscriber would respoctmily give notice to the cltiiens of Andover and vicinity that he has opened a new and

KasjhionabU Hnir Dt^mnina Routs*

kit A an, next door to be will be happv to

receive and attend to the wants of customers.' Hy strict nUcntioii to husinesn, and bv fhlthnil enilenv- -— to please, he hope* io deserve a fair iiroo

Andover, Jan. \ 1873. OEORGK II. ORKILL.

rp E it K E N C E HENRY,

Slanufheturer of

< offlm. Caiketa, and all kinds of Grave


Also dealer In in all kinds of EiimiUire. Rlack Walnut, i N-- n,in. and Pine Chamber 8eU, constantly on hand. L'phnlslcring and lte|>alriiig dons In the neatest manner, and at reasonable prices. Picture frame*. Curtains snd Curtain Fixtures constantly on luiml, and put up if de- sired.

Opposite Memorial Hall, Andover.

TKRRENCE HENRY, Auctioneer >ud fnininbiliiii Itci elm ul, is now prepared to sell Real Estate or Personal Property n| reason- able terms.

■yy A Q ON S."

WILLIAM POOR, Mlilillliicl r of

Ezpreas, Market, Butcher, Store, Farm and Buslneaa Waff on a.

a*r1h?pairtng In all Its branchc; and all work Audi

IJOAL. The subscriber has n supply or COAL or differ-

ftrent slies and quality, which ho will furnish

customer* al a reasonable price and - I niitk-o.

Order* may be left ol JOHN II. <;HAXDLER*H

Periodical More or nt my residence.


Andover, Sept. a, 1H7!.-


Has taken the offlre recently nrcnpled by Dr. I L. Rradfonl.

llfflce hours till \i A. n., I to I. and T to * f. M. •srVresh Vaeclno Virus (troiii the cow] eo

itanlli on hand. Andover, Nov. 1,1B7S. ftf-


Lawnact and Andovrr Affenelsa.

The subscribers are now prepared to execute all kind or work In the Laundry line, in suporior style, at short notice and at prices that defy com- petition. The proprietors bold tbemselvet re sponsible for all goods lo-t or mislaid, whether marked or not. Satisfaction guaranteed In all case*. Price per dozen, including three starched

7ft cent-. Km nii-tticr particulars inquire ... agents, Elnanl ll.h.n, It]-} Kssex street.

Lawrence, and II. 8, WbJte, ..ill™ nt T. Henri V, Main street, Andover.

A »hare of public listnuinjte re-ncrtrnllv solicit ed. TOWNM.Mi. IIM>r>GETT'4 f».

West Amesbury, Hot. 1, l -,'J. ' ii

rlhk N. R.—All goods sent to our Laundry ■k, and "— sundry ]ods slo etna tcb

and frtt of tintntr. (ion.Is Intended lor the ndry if left on Monday or Tuesday, at list dry I* store of E. McEav, will be attended Io with

it liuli'-past two Wednesday morn-

ing fire wa* discovered in the upper room of the

jute department of the Metbueti Company. An

alarm was iiiven by the watchman, ami In n lew

moments the malinger* of the mill, and the lire

de|iurtiucnt were on hand. The mill is excel*

lertlly provided with lire apparatus, sud Ui thi*

fact is due the preservation of the entire estab-

lishment. Mr. Morse, clerk id" the company,

was one of the first to arrive u|mn the scent',

and be immediately turned on the sprinklers,

which grcutly subdued thu tlautes. Three

strenmn nr water worn tbruwn upon the fire

from the pomps of the mill, and the aflectln

of the K. A. Straw steiunrr was ut band,

one time it wus thoiight the wlmlt- ImUding

must burn, but bv three O'clock the fire was un-

der control, ami tlwactna] damage dime by the

Home* wn* oonflucd to this story whence it

originated. The roonu below, and their con-

tents were much damaged by water; one set

machinery was totally destroyed, and much of

the wood work on the remnlnlug machine*

badly burned, as also was the roof. The Jute

department imi not In operation this forenoon,

but, with the exception of [lie upper story, the

machinery was all started lids afternoon,

repair* will nt once ba, mode, and it is thought

the entire mill will be In full Operation in u day

or two. l'robably three or four thousand dol-

lar* will cover the loss by fire, but we are unn-

idc to learn of tlie insurance.

ACCIUKST.—A lad mimed Henry ltuslmell,

about twelve year* old, cangfat bis hand hi the

gearing Of the threshing machine, in the cotton

mill, on Tuesday, receiving n severe laceration.

Dr. Goldsmith attended thc boy, and found it

uecessnry to amputate some of his lingers ; thc

hoy is now doing well.

Nr.w I'OHTMASTEU,—There Is considerable

local feeling in regard In the announced ebangc

in the direction Of Postal matters. Thc present

Incumbent, Mr. Sargent, has a petition numer-

ously signed Tor his retention, while Mr. Pat-

terson's friends strongly endorse Hint gentleman.

Doubtless the public would !>c well Served by

either gentleman, as hath are passsyned with

excellent ability.

At a recent meeting of flic Good Templars,

ie following- resolutions were unanimously

adopted by thc Lodge:

H'Acrea*, The efforts of this LodflO towards the establishment of % free rending room, have In a measure boon crowned with success, and

lEAereos, Those ru"ortn have tiecu mab-tiullv Shled by the citizens of this village, therefore,

Itemtlved, That the thanks of this I.odge be extended to all, who, either bv their presence or —utributiims assisted in establishing the some.

CIIAH.A. OOI.IINMITII, W.C.T. Mns. A. it. Osnuurr, W, v. T. S.C.HANBOHH.T.

Is EitHon.—We nre desired to state Hint the reported attempt nt suicide Inst week, was en- tirely nnfounded, the parties most Interested being unable even » account tor the circulation of such a story. QUIT.!..

Windham. N. H.

Wln.llimn, ,..i the eveiiiiiK ..f Jan. ll._., _ auspice* of the I.a.lic. l.cin-M.lcni sia-lety. There were twenty-four gentlemen and ladles who con- stituted the i-iimniitiiv ..t in iiinncinenW. A com- mittee, consisting of .lame. Cucliran, Kdwin t>. Diosmoor and John II. Dinsmoor wen- chosen to Cocure music for Ih* occasion. I.eonnnl A.

orrlson was ch.i-.-n prenident nf tho evening, ul E.O. Dinsmoor treasurer. The town house Itself i- an mlmirahle place to

hold a festival. It consist- of two lame hulls, up- per and lower, with two ante-rooms,—Ihe iihrnrv room and selectmen's room. Tlie cases of the library are so arranged « ith doors, that it can be

urely shut, and each esae locked. This room is then used forth, ti. . .inumi.laii..n of all, in which to pack away clothing. The -.-l.cmien's is turned

1. In which tea and eoffeenre made ■ vticsnMieut c'r —-

— jbu 111 In n ilv si Sit -lien

WS*,) . - - parties. In the lot tables, nmnhiK .i" near the length of the room as is compatible with c».c nflo.- uiion uboiit Uli'ln. In the upper hall the people congregate, where they entertain th.-ia-eli.-- and arc inlcrtaliiod In rarwns ways.

On the evening of the pith, people began to ar- rive nt nn earli hour ; .telcttalc. from Nashua, Pel- lutm, LoudoudciTi ami salcm n ere present,-some Ally from the latter nlai*. Over four hundred tickets were sold. The upper hall was llterallv -" ked with people, *s then- were lielwei-n four

I live Immln.I present, win-re they were enter- tained by music ol a line order, hy SK-alea A liar- ris'Quadrille Band "r Nashua. The confectionary stand, tended by Ihe Misses Hughes, Dinsmoor

dmUtdoii Io the hull liicluded sugiper. Re- ween one hundred and flflv ami two hundred Siorsons could In- acc.iLmi.iiltile.l at the table at a Imp; Ihe same nuiulicr of ticket* was iHstrlbuted

lo guest-from the nelKlilMiriiid town-, A little after nine ..■.-l.sk Hi.- ini'i-tiiiK was itilh-d to order bv the president, who stated thst lie was happy to inform Ihe nmlicin e Mutt i. Iic-hiiiciils were pre- Ciireil, ami im itcd n~ m.-m ,-i- h.-l.l Li.-k.-r-. [,, ■,„....

i the lower hall. Tlie live tables were beauti- fully arranged, nnd loadiil with delicacies of which an epicure need not lie ashamed. There was an ahundnnee orgood tilings, and the guests appeared us thniiMli tl lines ha.I fallen In pleus- ant places." Three times were tho table* reset.


During the snowstorm of Saturday evening of last week a blinding (lash of lighloliig,' followed by a heavy pen) of thunder, hmkc Hie usual quietude -" --tiding winter storms, and start ted all who wil-

ed this unusual freak of the elements.

Smith or Methuen, I* largely attended. Mr. Smith Is thorough in bis mode or teaching, ami is meet- ing with deserved popularity and success in other -laces as well as here.

The festival of the Ba|sm comet band, held Jan. Ith. was a verv pleasant affair; the weather wa*

favorable, the travelling' c\. client, and thc attrac- tion potent In calling loajethi-r a very large assnu- t.li. The hull lit,- in,.-,1|iif1,i|„|,|v"cr...v.|.-.|, . ,1 the |icoplo present seemed UUIUKI to enjoy them- •elves. The various source* or pleasure and gratification Wen well cmph.ve.l, tlie music Very well chosen ami hiflih appi.-.-iated; the *upp«-r was the Inst we have ever seen or tasted in lids place. The mill ■li-)initurc hi in lie- pi..k;ianii..e as arranged by the committees and adopted bv the band, was in allowing dancing near tin of the festival; Ihe ostensible sj e-huil. the ostensible esrusc being Hint

i.i tmiti KIK'SU wouhl bedUappoiiiied ii ii >t inlrtxluced. If the same argument had

beea urged in Justification of selling rum on the premises. It would have applied with equal force. The result of the permission, however, demon straU'd the met that not in consideration of the wishes of " out-afdowners," more loan Sslemlbs, did Ihe Innovation Insinuaie Itself Into the closing exercises. The Aaanclsl results nf the festival will be noticed hereafter.

The MethodIM society intend holding a levee not month, andamnakingarruagementsneconl lugly.

The Sabbath school eon nee ted with the Hctha- dist church In our villafte, held a Sablwlli school concert in tlie church on s-Hlihmh evening. Jan. ]i. Tho exercises were or sn Interesting character; dialogues, recllali.ii... sinning, repeating verses of scripture bv class,.-. ,m,| u.(dresses bv the pastor and siiperinumleiii, kept the siteiitivr smlience profitably interested for an hour snd a hair. The choir and organ gave some excellent music in Ihe opening and closing hymns. VIATUII.

1 Vnl.'siy has four cases of small-pox.

Everylsidy is Wing vaccinated in Swauip*ctgt, at the expense of thc city.

It Is a bad habit to light matches on raw pant*; nt least a Newhuryrnirt ice dealer whn tried it inrly one morning, In-fore be strip)>cd to put on his pants, thinks so.

Intelligence has been received In Lynn of the death of Win. Porter, a seaman on hoard the whaleshlp Niger; he wus knocked omtamird from a limit by a hump-hack whale; he "a-a in. MI ■. i of I'osi o, 0. A. U., and leaves n »ifu In Lynn.

Coasting ha* been prohibited In QIMJCCSI.T,

hut the piidiibiiioii does not extend to the M-S-

sclsthal ply out ul iluit tlirlfty city.

We notice that the Goose Cove Dam case has been decided agiiinst the town of Gloucester, urn I the citizens generally when speaking of the ease use tin-last partof the name inure freoaeiuii than any other. As It was a criminal action ev- ery lit I Jen uf Gloucester will probably he sen- tenced to the House of ('(erection. The aliens arc liuppy though.

Gloucester wants a public park.

The Cape Ann Advertiser sav "« song of trust will tie published next week." We have nl- nays imagined from the clean acid lidv appear- ance oftbo Advertiser, and its evidence of pn»- perity that It did business on a cash Imsi-- nnd not on trust; Imi we mny Is- wrong.

The i 'ape Ann Advertiser asks, "Has a woman on foot any rights which u buy <m a sled Is bound to respect';" Certainty both right* and lefts.

now agree that whenever the imaJJ-pox appear*, isolnt Ion,-—I mm i*d late ninovnl of the patlenl licrfflptlK- rink ofcouUminm- tlou to others, l«lic only safoty. In rare cases ihii mny be done In ;t prlratc In but In most of the dwelling* In n compact city like ours this !«. Impossible, and 111 putlent must IK- removed, or thc ht-tilth and lives nf the entire comiBUBltr be en- dangered.

Ijiwrence is peculiarly fortunate—ihunks iu the wise foretbongjht of Uayor Arming- ion a few years ago.—In possessing it most ik'Mirahie hoapltul for this parpoiei u, new. conunodloua buUdlng, plotanntl; situated on the bunk of the river, with roomy, llglu apartments, while a corpu of careful and experieneed nurses has been obtained, aecurlng for the patlenta better treatment than could bo hoped for elae- Wheret uml In order Unit there may lie no possible oiumiMtlon, (he uuttioritlcH have ordered tho retention of the full number

■tune* for the present, whether there lie any eases In the hospital or not.

Everybody owes something to his fam- ily, his nelgnbora and the community, and it is a crime against nil to remain among them if uken with Hits diseaao; the ex- ample of Judge Colt, who refused all oilers In the houses of friends, nnd asked to be taken to thc City hospital, where lie now Is, wits alike sensible, innnly nnd worthy of Imitation ! The task of our authorities Is a stillk'ieiitly ilimcult one, nt best; we believe lltey are doing tlielr utmost prevent the spread or the epidemic, and they should Lave the cordial support of every good rltlzen: to assail, with person- al or partisan criticism lanblt of Igno- rance or ma'lee for which, through the feeling stirred up, hundreds of lives may be the sacrifice.

Mayor Turbo* and Alderman Melvin have visited the hospital—ami us their proposed call was entirely unknown to the keeper no unusual preparations were made—they gave the entire premises u thorough inspections. Investigated the care and comfort patlenta received, and express the most cordial approval of the management of tho Institution. And just here we wish to add, that this visitation by Mayor Tarbox, In order to lenrn per- sonally of tlie attention given to patients whom it is necessary to remove to the hospital, was a humane, manly act, for which he merits the commendation "f ev- ery eitlien, and we are sure the attempt to belittle his efforts towards keeping our population free from tho scourge of thi- dread disease, will meet with eimully gen oral ciiudcmnation.

City Government. MATTIK. K. ThNCAS, Rltclhvtille. Mo., has in eleven years made with her Wheeler & Wilson Machine UIKJIII ■>,.}<*> heavy dresses, coats, over- coats, shirts, nnd [iimtaUsiii.-. ami |>sid nothing

of nee- bi ,,

JilhffihgQ yi.

The Hoard met at T.ttj tin-Major in the chair;

present the mil Hoars'.

fllsslsjl Of MOWS llultenvorlli ,t Stan.-11 field

for a pawn broker's license; ot O. S. Pratt, Ihe

home tamer, fur die use of Uie City Hull, to give

horse taming rvhihiil.m-i: 'ifTlmnthi Qoldthwall

mr leave M keepaln.it stand on Esses street Wi\s|.MW-M< l*i\,\IJi.-lii lh-llk-t. Me.. .1;.... All of the above were lelerred t,. tls-couuiiilt.-c llth. b, It. i, He. I'allr. i, Mr. Kd«nrd N- Win-

IVlilhni. ir lohn Gale and ..thers; ''i"; ''!,' lt}\t il> ■ '" y""- '-u.-lla \ , M.-IK.nall.

for the appmiitiiieiil nl Albert O. Sortmi no Ha' ,„.._, „„,.,,_ , „. , , .. , i a • u lliii. r—I Hll.1.IPs. — In \\ ithiini. Jan. Ii.

reimlar p.dii-e fnn-e, and of James Noonau and ] R,.V. J. M. u;li|(„ _ wuiitin, 1*. II..It. '.f V lUhci-s for the n|.pnlnnnent of John .Mcln.rim.it ..,t . ItcuiliiiK. M Mi— l-jili.-ll-i' l'hilii|is, of Wob

UW police rune. WOTS referred lo Hie Mnyvi n ith j «' ASWK1 \.~¥ \lltll VNKs._.l„ \nrlh Itenduiu,

lull |H>wer. I 'V"1-

unlrr* jwsssrf—Tlial S mrSSS|tf lie sent In the I H. ¥

Oily Council proposing a Jiunt convention for Ihe luil.K-WAHOWKIJ.—In Andovei. Jan. Jl. Ii

i N N IT A JU S A L E - a- or HPSWIMIHU *as balance of Odds anil Cads





(.KO. D. AUMSTUOXG & CO. j «««wwmn A, W( STEARNS & CO.

Monday, January 20th, 1873. ""vew*mm — MW"»h,irWIIOLKBKKM

I l.lbil.inj

Tin-: IttM'ossiBiiJTY for whatever de- lay has oeeurred In the hUHincxg of the City liovernnieitt, rents solely with tlie Board of Aldermen, which, with one-third of Its membership liupeaehed tut -i \ i i 11-. by frautl, exhibits xurh Hlmuieful ne^llirenre In the matter of Inveatljratlon. The mom. ben nf the Common Council, upon whom the Mayor In hi.- peevish message attempt. «] to fasten blame, have uegleetod no business that detnaudetl early attention weeks ago the joint committees were an- nounced, nnd not until Wednesday of this week tilt) the Mayor roll together that on Finance, fur who in action nenrly evei tiling must watt.

Hut the Council have objected.—and to the ([rent frrutlftcatlou of the people who believe lit fair ifovcrameut antl honest elections,—to if"'''!! Into eonventlou with a Hn*us.UM»Q*«thlwl of whoaa numtberss axe believed to hold their seats hjr fraud and robbery, aud which their associates seem in no basic whatever to Investigate. Con- fident, as the mass of Ihe voters of liolh parties nre, that Uodge an.I Carney have no rljrht to the seats they usurp, the Coun- cil has the fullest ciidorsomenl. of the tax- payer* in refusing in imperil all the legis- lation of the year, and put. the taxes, reasury anil other public alfulrs ami

property In control of officer* to be foisted upon the city by the Me^nl votes of these fiutiuient members., contributing, as iiiey do, to make Just one-half of a Joint con- rentfon, ami banked by the determination Of a partisan Mayor to give ucnstinjj bal- lot if he secures nn opportunity. The Council are clearly light In this position, and if the Aldermen desire to consummate nil Ihe business of the year, let them purge their skirls from the fraud that now

ntamlnates the Bonrd; with tlieiit rests all the responsibility, nnd the puhllc will not be hoodwinked by specious, scolding messages of the Mayor. ■« ■■« »

Tin: HKAinto on the petitions nf E. M. Mooerssnd WlUinni Hell, for the scats occu- pied in the Board of Aldermen, by M. R. Dod^c and Matthew Comer, wa* continued on Thurs-

evening, before the committee on elections. nty-tme witnesses testUtoi to having voted llepubliean Ueket In Wanl Four, nnd the

majority of them recollected semig the names of the petition* on fhe ticket. The hearing wllll* ennttnued this efenlng,

MmoBiTY RCI.K.—The prossest outrage ever perpetrated upon the lax-payers of Lawrence, wa* In the pretended eloclinn, over which Mayor Tarls.x presided on Tuesday evening, of a num- ber nf dry official*, with an nuoruiu of the Com-

00 Council or the joint convention present.

THE HaaniXO TO HK- new Aussie**, which the engravers did not sketch quite to our satis- faction the first time, has been changed, and we Iscllevu ni presented to-day, will please nil

caders with its neatness and good propnr-

Tin; AOKUT lor Hall's new work, Health at Home, I* Mr. Qustln. not Austin, a* the types made us state last week.


((.\<KHT.-The concert by tile Obny troupe, at Library Hall, nn the li;tl, in-t., „,„ well attended. The euiei lainmunt consisted of pcrfonuam-cs up.

■ .-..' i, VOCNI ac- i Kri'sttarietyof instrm — The song In


l.MTt itF..-1'ror. Morse, ol .4aIan. will deliver

H»ll ° ":'h '"**•• " l'll'rnrv

"Ilanialse*" has Iseen engrured fur one even inn early In Kut.ruary llswillTie attended hyabl" asslsiniils, and a rich treat I* anticipated.

Messrs. riarsreul and ltrtekelt. of llaverhlll era i (five a yisr-al and in-fi-um«i(alroni<ert this even

"'*- ""'"'' ■''■■!■ in ll-M.-il.iM h;n,- !„-,.„ „(.|| altemleil and highly praised.

ls*TAi.i.ATioN.-Ti.e offleer-or ciuirles c. Dane »l)ie, of r. and A. M„ were installed on M.mdav enhut, the -Jllll, hist., |„ |(. \v. HmtlH-r Wvr.e. an Man-, il, ,,i Ibistini. Tlie onicers rbr the

eusmng I -. sic II. \. H.in H . M.. ..,,,. H.Tenney, \\ , Kdnord s. Ki, ■.,.«, J, \V; tV B. Tepne.. Trens.. It. A. ( oker, hn-.- Win. A.

S'K,U;n',r"'' f,,»""i A < h*|din,J. II.; Wm. N.KImluill, S. k, Kdward A \»,.>n, J H ■ lie" <>.^. Itntlcr, fhnp.; '■idoiiiim V, |.,,„ \t,,',-]i-it K. V. Wlliles, th-g!, ¥. ||.,i,s o s ■ wiT, i' llai-wlen. T> ler. 1'poii n*. conclusfun of the cer- iiinonlesiirbi-tiilt:.ti..n. ■-].■.-[],■„,linirs were irivi-n bvW. Marshall. ns-Mci bv Mi^ l.tipetle Weh ster. The readinxs in. In.lc.l sehwilona ft-.mi HlraksiH-are IVowbrldKc I'.-, n„,| ..thers, and went very finely reiiihre.l. Hy Stsjelsl Invltatinn.

liitiTv1""^ *" I"1',1 M"""'- "r '■mtectl.u.

mnS&L»M"">'* t9ffO <i. A. H—Tlie nlliceis 01 BveseU reaksnlv Ba-

n.inpmi-iil |,,r ih.- _ei,-al,w i,,o;,,,., Co n„der. -■• U. Hestes; ,S. t. (,'., Snmne llsai- J V C

£-ff5' J;H ^,

1",, r",nl' SB««MP? BJ'nn, lb*. R. ('. Iluse; Offlei-r nf Ihe day H N

Harriman; llntrer of the -nutrd, U. SJ, Arhlges; (hsplsla K»» Jewelt,./. ^rssMmt:.!. M. flar- vey; Herg'tMiijur. I.. A. \:i.on. -|-(ll. ,.,,„. , ol In .-1 a Until.n » ill lie l„ 1,1 ,„, ,(,, •,->,■ „t I -i, nl, bv Past Cninmnnder A. il I Mi ... ,,r llaverhlll.

A LOT of reinnnnts nnd short length rjre-ss goods nt n liarguln at llvnn-i Titt j.1.1. & CVs.

IfMIAs. BABOAINS.—We offer to our pstnms lor* fvw days a splendid black brilliantlne for do cent* per yard, fall and see If,

O. it. AnMKTno-tn A Co.

The new Colonna.i. Hotel, l'B., Is a favorite ■topping-place ftjr Summer Tourl.ts.

imnmsi'of electing city cb-rk and other city mil

cers. The order came back nou-ciiacumil In.

That Use Mayor lie imd liereby i aulhuri/.il

Utoean tlw printing of :i«U nsptsS Of the n'|Mirt nf

the trusti-es of the public library.

/■spwl—urtuetruslees ol'lbo Public Library.Ml

mot Ion accepted.

HmffMtkm-Qt DarU itcntty, asChy alarsaal, uccepted.

fUhra ./>•"•> •*• IbM* The petltlmi* ur ivirick

A Clusson, A. V. BUgnee, and Wolf /.lllenuun for

:m.'ii.m ■■]-.' Ilceuies, were taken fiinn the table

and the twn first granted, anil the last referred to

the committee on licenses with full pewer.

Jtirori fllastis Tin the Supei-iur Court to bo

hidden at Salem on the fourth Monday or January

instant. Andrew Russell, Amos W. Idles, W. V.

K (in Imi I |D serve a* liaverse Juror*.

.-tyij«ifttfs»'ii/<~( My Marshnl. IjISSII I'rvscolt;

Assistant Mnralial, Jume* T. lysullivnii; I i Ii

warden, Henry Noyes.

A.ljourneil to one week from next Weilnesday.

i II.MMIIS ooviHii*' Miin.liij !■: venliiK, Jau. -'", I -..I. I

A -i.e.-1:il sessl.miif Ihe('ounell, ejussd by nnler

nf die Mayor, was I ■-)■! at .' M o'claek: pn'sldenl

Sargent in the chair.

The records of Ihe last meeting were rend and

appro ved-

Tuu following message was received from the


*f M il < Hi'- milii. 1.1 wm-.M i . Mass, Jau. SU, I-;.;.

T" tlie J*M*jtSsnf ami fJrnMemm of Ike I'UMMIIII Council,

Hy Hie prnvlslnn* or the city cluoier It I* com muuile.1 that ■tliecitycouncilsAa/rannuallv,"*•«» us may lie couvenleiil after their tiraaiiualion.' do certain acts ImisirUnl to lie done fur the enter Iv nnd li.inuonl.iiis nruniiii.ailiin ami otiersliou of the several deinirhncnt-..l mluiinlstrntfon. Other matter* nf Importance to Ihe interest* of the rlty rcpdreearlv altcnti.n I ciiiimit have their Just ■■•Hisidemtidii wltbnut detlnite action of the cilv council.

Tno weeks have now claimed since the citv council for the current vear were ofllciallv .piali- Ileii. The Itoard nf Aldermen, in confonnily to map' nnd Ihe requirements of law, has addn'sse.l itrelrto the business or Ihe |.ill.lie Rut the board ol'Cniniiuiii Council has ]iersiaiinilly neglected and i-efused either i" take the Initiative in public business, or even to recogniie lbs usual and proper oflichd eoimiiuulcntiniis sent to It from it* asso- eiiiTe tirunch .it Ihe toneriiiiient.

Of thenuestlon nf nltlclil .ourtcsv, 1 speak not, as perhaps 1 have no right to Judge. Rut I deem It incumbent ni...u me, n- tlie chief executive oltl cerofthecltv, rJssrfSa In the extent of the power offlciidlv given me, with responsibility fur Ihe falUiful s.iml nisi ration of affairs, to call your at. tendon to the prejudicial consequence* to the public Interest- likely to result from thi* ronrsc o fort ion, or rather lmiclli.n.iin.1 to appeal Io vour just Intelligence and niihlle spirit Io jmiceed :>; |iili I., ihe .lc-piit.'hofliu*lueif.

Ilv lids neglect of Ihe Coiumiiti Council to eie- ils fuiictloiis the pNhlle business is embar-

¥. Wright. Mr. Joseph C. Ii.ih t.eorginniin, iliiitL-hr.-r i.l -ii , Wnrdiicll, nil nf Andover.

Births. f.AHiHTOV-Is this cllv, .In,.. III!

t-. Mr. A Mrs. to V. l.'ii[Khlon.

tiiMlli\VI\.-In iliimdiv. iutb Inst., , Mr. X Mrs. Tl in- ...*>.|* in.

nt't;AS.-Jn Andover. Jan. IT. n s -Mrs. Cluirles Dilguti.

KKVIXE^-ln this city. .fan. 9M.S .hiughlei

n ilnughter

II io Mr. H

Mr. ft Mrs He vine.


CAKI.ETO\.-ln Melhm

WAl.KWt.-ln Mslem. 4 fiirnierlj of Andover, 't

mi. 10, tiny Carleton

14, Alilwrtt Wslker

T ll l. T » A w


to sell at L*a* Uaau Wbalcsalc Prlrsa, ii

onler to get read) fu lie*- spring OOOOS.

Ill-ma (...nil.

Ws have placed on our Center ('..miter all our

lleim.unlB, and will ch.se tin in out * erj Cheap.

Al*u. s lot of

(Ire* stripe Dress (iood* at 17c

Alpacas, l'lsiii and Striped, at iv

Plaids, (Fine Ooesb,! nt STJc

line Kiiiurvss Cloths, at air

(t'ormer price, O-.'l ar J Ti.- >

ThilK-i*, all colnrs, nt si.ou

Initial Handkerchief-, In uhiu-and cdmeii

litters, at 4v

While. Clouds, ut 37(c

While Clouds, ut

All Wool Maid Skavkf, at sej.se

And all our Finer (inides an. redMeed, tocluac

mil helbn r annual stuck Inking. Keb. 1st.

issued, and the clll. ienci ..I ihe luunicip*! gm nieiit iiupnlreil: enterjirt-es of high concern

e ripe fur octinn and fur which noic 1* the favor- concern that '1* the luvur.

able season, are .Icliive.l; |.. tiiioners an' deuleil their right to a *|*Mtlr cuislderation of their clnlm* and grievances, in.I the general interest- iil'lln- |ic..|.lc ■ iill'.-r ilelrknellt,

1 am sure the public M large, whose servanl-i we are. care flu- less for nnv partisan dispute llisu lliet do for the or.li'i Iv uud j.rudanl maniuteiiieut of liieir affairs. And if their inteessts suffer Injun Ihej wlilnppf.rti lie iv-|"..i-ibllltv justlv.

.ItgiN K. ,i'.vitii..\, Mayor.

The onler passed by the upper Ilourd, author.

ii.lng the printing of 'MO copies of Ihe Librarian's

resort was received, read end laid on Uie table.

The order proposing u j.-lnt ronvenllnn was non-

cone urrC"I in.

The upper Hoard was notified of the uppolut-

meut of the Joint special committora on the part of

Ike Council, n list of the same being

Adjourned to TtinrSUSJ evening.


Itlinvinglicetiunnnuiireil on Tuesday afternoon

that rlii- Mayor had palled a ■ i - . i..l meellng ofUiu

Rounl of Aldermen nn.l ('.million Council, for the

purpose of holding u Joint convention for the

.■I.-, linn of elly clerk, city lieiSUJIIM'l. and otticr

city officer*, there wus n large crowd gathered In

the corridors of tliecity ball, on Tuesday night,

walling tor the opening of Uie door* of the conn

cil mum, long lielnre the hour sppolnted for the

con von lion. The rrowd swav'eil to and fru

pushing and yelling, and In other ways giving

evidence of their great solicitude1 for the welfare

uf the city.

When the doors were opened there was a grand

rush for entrance, and Uie huge mans of humanity

surgjal through the doorways into the council

t alums t deprived those

in the centre or fhe mass, of breath. Tlie council

linmlH.'r wa* crowded to such an extent ns in

eave room—fur dnuhl that tlie members of the

Ity government would find entrance; aud It was

nut suiori-lng that OS

1st tne Board of Akh in,; entrance.

Thu Mayor occupied thc chair, ami after .-ailing

the convention In order aniuniueed Ihe obji-el for

which It luid been celled, vl*., for llioeleelhm or

city clerk, city treasurer, nnd other ofllcers, The

convention then iirm-eclni to the election of com.

missioner of streets, Aldermsn l.amprey nnd

Couueilmnn Kuiery being np]ioluleil n ci.miulUec

to receive, assort, and count ballots.

The result of the first ballot was as follows I

whole number it Xecossary Ip * choice 7

J. I.. Hiitchlnsonliud a

. A. It. llrcwsler had 7

and A. It. Brewsb-r was decbtreil elii-leil.

The convention then proceeded to the election

of two overseers of the |s.or, to be chosen from

the Board Of Aldermen.

Councilman (Tottuui asked If they were io he

hallnte.1 for separately, or bigethcr.

The Mayor ssid that miles* olij,i-tions were

offered they would In? balloted for together.

Alderman Kinersmi moved thst llie orerseers ol

the poor be lialloted for M'linrntely, and the mn

tinn Was earrlsd.

On Ihe first Imllnt IlieUllole uumbeiof votes

iru Ii

Necessary to a ehnic* 7

MatUiew Carney bad ft

A. A. I.smnrey, :l

M. M. Dislge, :i

N. 1'. II. Melvin, I

Ko choicb.

OB the second ballot

Matthew Carney had n

A. A. I.iui'ii-. in ■, ■-'

H. rl. Dodge, 1

nnd Carney wa* declared electfl.

The first ballot for second overseer of Ihe poor

as as follows.

Whole number li!

Xecossary to * choice 7

M. S- Dodge had *

A. A. Lamprey, *

and M. S. DedgS »*s dcclnrc4 elected.

The next business was Hit election of an as-

■smir for three yean.

On the Ilrst lwllol

J. It. Howard had 3

C.J. Tlghe, n

nod ('. t. Tighe was declared elected.

tin motion of Al.lennan Mehlo, the election Of

'ity clerk, city treasurer, and outer nlliceiswa*

jHistponed. The cnuvenlinn w|* thru dissolved.

,.ii en IU i January Al, I*;*.

President In the chair.

Absent Cnuncihuen Dane and Joyce, i:. ■ , i-

of previous session read ami uppmviJ.

The following pajiers were leeeln-.l fr.iiu the

upper beard, sndsotsd upon. Bepprt of Trus-

tees of 1'uhlie Library, accepted in concurrence I

Joint rule* end orders of last year arqepted; elec-

tion or <:eo. W. (iarlandas City l'h)slelnn. con-

curred In; order for Mayor to print IM copies

I.ihrary Report, amended OJF snhstltiiing I'rlnl-

iiiu c liit.T nn- ihe Mayor, as anlenasd ami

adapted J order fur Mayor to print "nil co|ilc* of

Inaugural Addresf, amended by milsjliiniiiig

l'rlnllng Commlltee for Ihe Mayor, ni amended

nnd adopted; the various appointments sent

limn from I lie other hoard were ci.s.-ur ml In.

[Previously published in tl**- paper.)

Klectiou or K.T. Hurley n* City suite 1 tor, non-

The f'ouiuilllec nn Klections reported tlmt ( .inn- ■IIIM.I'I John < i. ','"i- i. » ns .-ni 11. |n a sent in

Uie Council. AeoSUSBd.

A rest.]nil.in, ni imeuded hy He fliuiuce

nointulltee, aulhoriiing the ln-a»un-r %• prm-ure

a temporary loan Of »l.',i*"l lor the |*inieut .-r

Rllltary Relief uss passed through kit several


A ballot for City Kullciloi resulted In Ihe choice

m*W. H. Kuox. Sent up for coneuin-nee, Ad-

journed nun week.

J. It. WHITMAN will be InUfrrasjee, Jan.ttth ii the tiur|Hwe nf limliu.' | iano*. All order. [flat Dyere; Co'* Hill be promptly ullciulc.

RliaCMATUH.—■Ithctimntisiii II s discaic of the blood. The blood, In tbl* disease, is found to contain an excess of (farm. VEOKTIM arts liy converting the I.I.....I from it* diseased eon- luion to a heulthv cln-nlaiioii. VKOI:TIM: reg- ilnies Uie tiowels, which i- very fmi»>rtaut in ;lds complaint. One Isittb of VBOKTIM: will 1,'ivo relief; but, to eflbrl ■ pcnnuient cure, it mn*l be Uken regularly, and mny take several

"*, especiallv In case* "f long staodtno VMiatiMKlssnldhvull ilni|.vi'l*. Trv it and vonr verdict will Is- the Mine as thst'of iboii- undsbsJbta yoo, who ioy, " 1 never round so much relief as from the use ..I \ HOETIM-" which is coinponnded exclusively nf bark*, root, and

The olllcers mid tnembers of -K. A. straw S. V.

K. wish to i-i-tum their nlneun< thanks -to Mr. snd

Mr*. HoliKitr -IIIDIJIS for the iMiunllful supply at

hot coffee, etc., so kindly furnished the Com|>nny

on their relurn from ihe Hre mi the morning of the

Md. N. D. LKACII, rilllisas KKEHHI-K.UI, Clerk.

Methuen, Jnn'y il, i«:.t. tit


The next Ksamlnatlun uf Candidates for

admission to Ihe Normal Sefeool at Salem, will lw

held on TIKSDAV, February llth, rmumwu-liig

at DA.M.

Tuition is m-e. I*eeunlury nld is given to

all needy pupils.

For circular* and other information, apply Ui

SttJaSI |l. II, IIAtiAR, l'riiici|inl.



School Iu Lawrence, TCK-HW. Jan. *H tbs I-ot adjoining sACMiKUS IH.tK'K, and n-- iiiu.il for 10 days, giving Let-tuns and Kxhibilions twice each day, at » and 7 P. it, handling all horse* free of cluinrc. Fanaer* liuviug vonng horse., in c.ill., :,re re.|ll.--l..| k> hrlliK thciu'lii I'm education nnd to IH- broken, «o in rn*e ofncciilent they will sbiji the carriage.

The Professor's class In Lowell numbers MB, Im. nith one accord, pronounce It Uie IIM.I

tnranr system ever m-ndmed, and so sbuiilc id easy to com|irehiiud lliat * child can under-

stand mid apply It.

Let every young Farmer improve this opporlu oily, and Join the Class. :,-. the upiiorluidty bail. liens but once In a lllrtime.

e*-t'ome one nnd all, and see the F.vhibitl.m of Iteiiutiful Painting - and Ildnralcil Horse*.

Ailnil .-Liu 311 rt*. Hrservetl Heals BO ets,

I08T,—In the 10.1.1 train from Boaton, J Jan. inth. nn unrtnisiicl |i|r-ce of WORKTF.l!

WORK. Tlie lln.leri „■ -uilnl.l'. reivnrded In returning the. I , Mr. IIOItSK, I >,..,, ,t Master. Maiden, m- Uf.n.ti. llAItSAUO, 111 lleverlv St. llnstuu. 11II f Jail

NOTICE.—All persons (ire hereby rau UoaOd not to harbor or trust mv wife, lion

Ii. Abbott, on mv account, ns I shall pnv no debt- Of her ei mtriu-ting after this date.

CRAKLE* W. ARRiiTT, Lawrence, January is, l^Ts. lHJalxlill

> it 0 P 0 8 A I. S

III tc r Ived In the undersigned until .linninri ittlh. IKTit. lor Uie Ulmr >'f the male OODvlMs in the

of c.irn-.-ii.ni at li-Hiili, I'm ,i |.crii..t of . ears, .luting front lebruary 1st. I*7H. Tlw

right ti> reject anv ur all pniimsak. is n l*i..]....;d- m:ii be dire ' '

I- I'-ll-! II. HI;M!V lie

-V, firmi I.MI

'.. r HDHBa, Wenliam, Hi:r|-SKIMIIALL,Lynn,

cis of tin- House of Correction nt Ips« i. leh.Jan.ll, Ok. «wt|«ul4

p II () r O t) A L I

N-HI-I- "t I i il reel i.Hi III l.llll I ell.-e. I'..I ;i |,e||...| ,,[■ three years, .luting from rVlmno-v 1st, IsTt. The right Pi reject .nn m nil pnii h Is n'servcl.

I'i'.]..i.|.b inui l»' .lire, led I.. cither JOHN kir-ELY, llaverhlll, SIIHKMAN \KI.-(i\,l.,ors»toivii. tlKOKiir: FosTCIt, Andover,

vcrseersof tlie House of C'umi-ilonat lawn-m-e. Lawnnce, Jan. IS, 1873. int JJali


I under the

this dav dissnltcl In mutual consent. ' JF.SKK IIAsiSKTT,

JOHN II. WliTllM.ios Lawivuce, Jan. 2U, l*7S.

The business wl JKSSK BAoflETT, Street.

.1 A I. I,.

at He--olds


.' contlmied 1 ml, :m Cou

art jisM

S II IVIlll'S llllll K, /

Ijtwn-iirf, Mass., Jan. Itl, IS7.1. \ Tullie I'enuU. uf lAirrrHf >~i'\w nidi- prevalence of the smnll-po>. e].i,|,-niir ihi.iii-huul llie couutrv miturallv eicltes an anxious and nppn'uensiv'c f.eliiiK In the in unity. Our elly has Urns fur felt but llghll.i, iii ciuipiiilH.il, the stroke of the -eonnre. and mi e.iu-e for alarm cvl-ts. Vet Ihe rcenrcorihcili.eii-c immr nii.bl. however lllu'- led, -CM-II h a.iiii..ni-)n-- ihe riiie- ,-IH.I J..-.. Ie 1.1 vigilance and the sdnptloii nf the bs>t pro. i-i-live measure*.

Ity the statutes of the Coinlni.nivcnlth it Is iiro. vl.le.is- follows:

"heel. 47. Wlien s householder knows Hint a person iiithiu his family Is t'lkeii sick of snuill- iio\, or any olhir .|i-eii-. .liiiigenm. t,. the public health, he shall |[iv lice there..] to the Select- 1I1CII..I- II";.Hi uf llcill ' (liel.HMI ih Hlli.-hll. ilwetls. If IH- n-fu-es ..r neeleel-. t.i give shell no- tiee. ho slisil forfeit a sum not less than one hun- dred dollars."

"Sect. IH. When a physician knows that nnv person wlumi ho is called Io visit is Infected wllb sinsll-pox nr iiMier dii-i-n-e ilaiiKeroii* to the pub- lie health, lie shall hiuiuilli.teli give notice tlicn-o, in tlw Selectmen or llosnl of Hcsllh or Ihe town . uml if Irn refuse* or neglects to give such notice, ' e shall forfeit fur each ••«<n. e ;i sum not less Ibnii

ftv nor more than OSS) hundre.1 didlsrs." 'IhegiHHl n-a-i t)ii. Ian, nn.l the luiporue

llg.-m ...the earliest pnicllenble ent. nnv informn lion Uiey may nlilain of the i-xisleueeof the db-

In the end thai bv enrli nnd Judl'-lous trenl- thee —"

•at po-slb Authority 1* given the lu-altb nfflcers by statute remove patients H.mi their lnnnes to the hospi-

tal iu cases "of persons n'sldlng Iu Imai-dbiK houses, hotels, or n here Imi ..r more families .H--

rupv Ihe ssme duelling, uml In nil other case. Hherc iu Iheophi' - l!i«-1 mliiiK pliv:

ily Iwilalcf" The Hoard of ll.-ahh will not ell rcltc tills sutllnritv .if n-luovnl . -iii|ilibiirili, e\ .■pt in cases when- tin- nl.-uliii.' necessLilcs o lllillc snfetvdeiiinnd Il.i.n.l nnli where it can Is

and ihe abilitv ami the milt.lulu. -- ol the nurses. Al.lennan Melvin, ulu. m i um|.allied IIH-, e\- pres Ilkeiainrahle "pini t ihe niilnl.li- ncss and faithful iminngciuc I the hnspltul. When 1 visited It them were three i-uses und. r treatment—two .if the patient* have ibsee left,

1 " other cu-e lei niliui. .1 Cilnl . far

ivalescent, r

small |M>\ nnd v.-irii.hii.l in Hie citi an- hill few. and none ol u inaliguaut type. While Mn- is a most hopeful stale of nn.iir-it .Inc. mil Jiisllfv

iv reliiMili.m of vigilance. T.i prevent I- ull.il i !l ■ ea.ler lluiii lueinc. Nearly if nut all the death- fr.uii small po\, «...

shown by tin Hum n-poiu ot commuuliies when- the ci.iil. inle rages, hnve l.een nf UMVacci- nated iiersims. Vneeinalloii Is enj.ilimi alike In legal ohligHtlon and Ihe dictate of e.iumioti pni-

Il i nil..i elhni

of the success u Ihe Hour.) nf Health In the Mil

. epidemic- me due l<. (I and skill nl Ihemedicnl tend bv Ibis Io uUNtJUOO, In lie- Inillifnlne-s .>r ability of t eurwhoslill.il e-'.I II, tut, evidenlli. 1 he Hoard »f He

mnuacvrorls ..i. I... Ih

.■'.■m-ralloii nt : II' iu...l|.-;il ||,l,- er u Im

F..r Ihe It. o.li.l Health. .Inns K, T \un.i\. y


Notice I. hen-lij Klreli Unit the suh-eiili.r has •en dul> ap|»-liilc.i n-li i-trntin of the e-tnle ,.l

late ol Methuen, in the ciniti nf Isses, trader leceased. mid has tato-u upon bliio-elf timi iril-t by giving IM.II.1- . :. (Ii. law .tire. 1 - \1I I-ITMIIII haviuK <leinin i- . i .. tlHiestststri -ml ilecense-t. arc reoiiin-l '■ ■ ■ .'"Ml DM .nine uml nil IH-mons ln.1.l.te.| |-. ,, . .,;, , „|], ,|,,,.,,,, In make pniiiu-ni to I 1:1. VII KAWVKH

Meihucu. .imrj i;., 1-7:1. i.l." Administrator.


CHESTER, N. H., BY AUCTION. Noti.-e Is bfTSb* given il.m llie undersigned.

n-iKiu-cs nf tl .i;,i... ,,i WIIII.INI ( run lord und Tlniiiirt. J. Melvin, i,r I hi-fi. "■.inl.niiils, will -ell St pul.llc auction, nt Itm-hcl.lei i H~1rf. InfThtsilli Tin -.Ii. > . I.l,,.,,,,, 11, -7:1,

llie land ami buildings tli.-i-..... -in Chester. Said building I- mm ... copied by Jol Melvin. iu.-rch.iul, mid .Mm I ml-1 lull, shoe inn lifaclurer.-Pigeiher With all ..Uiev iiili.lr. In ,,, lian.lsnsa-sign.es, i:iMi\ IIII.L,

,I.V. ItMtltOS,

CARPETINGS. Usseb, Tupi'Htrles, Three- Plys. Two Ply*,

lagraln and He.bum ( llirir*. ■o. Coeoa, Hemp, oil and Straw Carpets.

HASSOCKS AND HUGS. Tlu-bnlaureofalolof

I.AC R <* U Jl TA I N S at 11 Unrgala I


■yy * t u p A !• K u s.

Our New Goods for 1873 are now be ins: rcc.i»e.l. We shall this season have a




•J(l iiti.t -Jin BUM Ntrecl, Lawrence.

WlMioW SHADKS. A Pull nssorlmeut of

VVitiilmv Nlimln,

Fit! ate*,

I'onl und r..... nlwnys lu stock nl


All Waal Cashmeres, lu Colors, mailed down

from *T.ii to *1.UU; (1,1^ 1„ s;>-.

Plalst lVaalea ssrras «lsss«U, in fhwt length*. 11 "in SLOUtoaOe.

A l-i ry.- lot of Plaids -JO, 31, :'i: I and :*>■.

A gimil SBBortineut of S«rl(.e Dress «.o...|. fur

l-'l. ».au, 371 and 30c.


: for making FilKsiKSTl*' for < hristisa* and Sew

Tear, ctmiw-islmr laSSsV and Chihb-en's Kur*. in

v ] I-iiisc and 1 -lite Variety, of the best Custom Made,

t : -MoJf* uud NoeL Wei.e: ladies'and Children's

tlaalss| I Kinbr.adere.1 nn.l Hems!Vftssl lUndliercldetsand

jitetil Thi-ead Collars; .mbroideted and Linen

k. We i-- - I Collar* nnd B|sssnM in gnat variety. Kat.rj

'- Uoatla.-su, j, aS fancy Thread Ibnee, Fine Per

fume and Ksuari*. Ladies'Slli Neck Ties, new

vtykw; Hand Knit Wor.ied A Hi. les, Ilobcry ami

Glove* in great assirtinent, ur French, Kngllih.

Scohh and Ainerican; l.-oiie--, Oents'and Chll

dren's lender (iormeiit*; Iji.iie-' awl aUsse*.

MiawK New amlKlegant Style.; Ladles'Cloak*,

of our owu make and dctigu*. Our Hlonkof La- diet' and Children'* israaa tiasxU 1* Large

Choice and VEBT CnEAJ'. We have a full ami

i '.nn|.l. t j AsHorUaent of Flannehi, all colors sad

■[tutiitic, froui the best mills. Red Ulrtuktl-, Car

riage lloues, etc., etc. ladles* ITue ftclssors snd

Shears; Ladle*' Skirts; Fringes, laces, (ilms,

Ii ut i, ,ii. and Kur Triutmiug* i Needle-uuosis, etc.

In our stock of Dress Ooods can be found many Bargains.

A large lot of sk-otrli lllHghams al 1*1.- yard.

Plaanel*, Prints, < OMOMS and Craslies ul


White Table Linens and Turkey Red Damasks


If apkln* Wc, |I.M, 1.75, J.00, t.li, 2.M jier BOB. |

livrniy-nvt- pet- i-etit. let* tlian can be

bougiit elsewhere.

BLACK ALPACAS ft BRILLIANTINE8 we will sell st the ssme low rate.

Onr -I ". k of

CABHMKRE SHAWt.8 I* large snd Wsly, In fiquare and Long, snd at price* NEVER HErORE KXOWN In till* market. Woolen Plalst and atrlpe Khawls (i.fW, ISO,

3.00, 3.50,1.00 and .'..00; fully ONETIIIIil) !,.,,. than 1. .j 111. ■ i-11 i-i r e,.



VKKV CHaUP to close

Far the iilVTf.KUl^,

in [.articular, we have a full sloes, uf Silk and Lin

en Hamlkervhief*, Neck Wrapper* and Muffler*

1 llenutifiil Miles und hand knit; fur snd other

ami Glares j CluUi for Pants, Vest, Coat sail

Overcoat, or «« Itave a T A IU nt who will Lake

Jur measure nnd make you a full suit In a few ITS.

••-We wi-h t.iim|iiv-s on the mad- of the iwo

pie Ihst we k.K-p sraoal artlrlrs In each Het>art-

ment; that \0 ltJORor WORTHLEBSOnodSBre

bougiit t>eeau*e they are Cheap; and In most of

1 ie, ■:. 111 1 - we ken> as fine Ooods as can be

found in New Vork, lteeton, L.imbm or Paris.


We shall maku extenvive repair* luour«ture

baftm we buy our Spring (foods.

Our Prosent Stock will bo Closed Out Without Regard to Cost!

WK Witt


Carpets & House Furnishing Ooods

to be found. From die

BEST EgUUsn BODY nltlsiTl'I.N,

Pown through the







And thc most Common Qualities


1 Itl Mb CLOTHS, Ac.

All of which we are disposed to sell at

EXTREME LOW HATES. We n i- h It distlueUv understood that our stock'

is Innp. and choice in each sfHt-ialltv and Depart, "leiil, and thai we pledge our pafrnn* a* gootl tuods aud denlrnhhi stylos, at a* low nr lower

|nl than li.ist.in nr any oilier market- tAenlle. manly and honorable treatment, Ac

One Price Only. A. W. STEARNS & OO.


nf every deserlptiim Hindi- to order al

NTRATTO.Vri < OltXKtl sroill ,

J.iJ li.-ii Ntreel, - - - . I.uwrewre.

M A I, I. V O X .

Vaeclnatuwlth Pure Mailer. TAI.IUIT IIK11IH

Kits, A|H.l)n-.-nries, eomer Essex and MlllMtreel,

mvcoiilinuallvr.-eeivingl'ureVaecimiiliijt.Mntlei-, lukeudlreit n-oni the cow. Hit


COURSE OF LECTURES. Saturday Evening, Feb. let.

Saturday Bven'g, Feb. 15th.

Hie managers liave the pleasure ol announcing

that they have introduced a

Saturday Evening Oourno of Lectures, Natnrtlay lCtrnlug, I . srosr) 1st,

<ll>:i>U<lV: A. MARDKN, will serve up that sxqnlsite disk known as " HA«II;" nnd the aoUTSO will be com|.lelii|

Nnlurtlay l:vriiinK, Irliiair) 1Mb,

when Ihe "silver-tongued" orator,

THKODOp TiiyrpN, will deliver one or his dnzrilng, enrapturing and

un:t|iproarliahle Lectures. Subje-I unannuuii.-ed.



It has iH-en the aim of the uianagemenl lo secure

Li-.-tur.rs who, while giving Instruction, would

se. We need less owlish gravity snd Store

genuine mirth ami pleasauliy ; uml ■, |,uugeut

thought Is stronger rlv.-ie.i it it IMIMI in a plssa.

sanuer. NluKle llckrts, SSa, Itr.n vr.l seals, MIK.

Reserved ticket* uud plan of hall nt BTBAT-

IIN'S corner store. 1! Jtfi-lfl Jafl

/ i tl K ]■:. f (> K E.


Per Chaldron, MI.IIII

Hi. I. Chaltlroii, rt.nii

Ha err I, 1.1 Al Ihe Works, Per ll.tn-l. 111

;■ I.... .!i UKO. D. C'AHOT, As/afst,


r*o IT IS WEIL the pnbue SUp|Mill 111'

liegs i<> lender lo his Mead,

rally his thanks for the go

ha* r.-eelvi'd while . omlui tinp

||, and also to state Unit

eil I

GRENADINES. good styles, very cheap.


van snassn mmt, ramsnss


ir Bridge. fSllks, Thlbrls, Alpaeeas aud all other

Urea* Uoodt, Nhswli, Haeajnr*, Ar.,

Ilrmiiril aud Ityril.

Carpels Cleansed in a Superior Manner. Oontlomon'a Clothes Clnannod or Dyed

without rtppinp-, to R-1 vo ontlre

But lo ruction.

Having all the latest Improved machinery, and

k.-eidng none but Ihe beat Hver*. we ran do our

work equal to fee l*t*j in ike eoaaary, su.i hu|H- to

In' fiivnixil with n tlial.

Lanrnanm OCLIO, iuri. Till' Istocerllfi Hint I linn- had work done In

Ihe most ■kllslael.ni nnuoier bv .burs T. TIIKKH

A l 'I. fun i.-i oiien.1 Hii.l < ..|i!|>imi (null llu.-e rei|tiiriiiK anything hi their line, lor reusonuhlene** ..| ii ui:. -, |.|..iii|.iii.-.- in eve.-uti.ui, and uii*lllv nluork. KLV. I., I., wifon.

LAWsUtMBsj 0*3. II, UTL Hgssus.Tnus>

Clothes. I hml no l.len thst siieh w-iTwti.iu possible. V.mrs indv,

.lilHN KliWAItfiM, Insurance Agent.

esiieclally pleased with the unlfomiltv of voui en lining and exeellencv ol flni-lt, and shall Uikr pleasure In eouimeudln'r "




'tiih1l-.li II

BRANCH STORI for Ihe side ol

fientV I-'tiriii-sliiiijj

HATS, CAPS, «<c,

I* store Is•lluatedIn s.M AliKlfs. III.IK K,

Corner of Appleton and Essex St.,

ud will lie under the Immediate elisrgr ,.l IjKO. !

'. <TltTIS.

OS Mr.WBIl. will .-nil continue m l.i- out j

Tom:, where, wlUi nn hi.

work lo others. K. W. ItllWKKK, -l,C. IIMWKKR.

MKSSU*. TMKK* — I take plea-111"- In teslili iug to Ihe excellence

of your Dvelngnnd Cleansing I:..lies' lb-esses nnd Hhanls; also, the sii|»-i■Inr miiuner In which CMIIS,

1'ant* and Vests lime I renhbhed nt yuures- Uibllshmeul. Your* truly,

S. Y. SNKl.L. Lnwreuce, Oet IT, 1*7:!.

AOF.NTS. st. F. KHOit, aia BSOOS Mtreel. Tlrs. IIICrl\r:i,L, 1.VI K.sn Nlirel. Mil-. WH.I.IS, llni.-i.luiu, -..ulh-ide. I (i NOHKI*, Methuen. .IOIIV IlltoWS, Ni.nti Aiiilorer. .lOHL UAItNKs, Fryu Village, Toels-



JJIMI WliHl.iiKfioii Sti-er-l,


Nnw admitted lo lie the


(' O M M K RCI A I, RC 110 0 I.



Hie course of tun HsCuU i:ngll- ;S. rand^ls'suilh^ebed


Apiill.-allon nn- a- ■nre; and student TSS^tnt

nisi lie made in s.l- r ni iui> time « hen

lor catalogue ri e., address the I'ri eli-air*

iifiiiiuallon, Isnas,

|-iw"i|MKb f. ... HlltllAltH -. l.llll

NEW (iMCKEKY.—A lanre sU>csi of I'ri'iieh Chins Tea Ms iu plslnguhl twml,

kdlt and eobiri also, Plain 4 liltitt In Dinner sad Tea Wei* and singlir niece*. A large varb-ti ..| Mugs In gill, gill ami .-..I..,-, ami pis in. While '"■' 'I "del I-.-I-, (.Iniiiiiml .Ic-,.ral«i. JOHN * . IMIW A CO.. 1.511 Essex MI re* l. Ijiwrenee.


H A I ll i; i. l, ■ H

r El, K II II ATE V, X EVER EA Itl If a

COUGH MIXTURE. Mold hy nil first class Druggist* and Urooers.

Try It, and ) ou will be convlneeil of lu wonder- ful onWIs. ilmTi t'N>A



I'Btir. Q,O, KaAVah Wfce speak* both Uermao

snd French seeursbdy and flurnUy, will laslr-ari

pupils, either singly or in .-i;i.--e-. In reading and

s|leaking these language*.

I'inno iustnietlon given, with snecuil sttenlton

paid lo tiegitiuur*.

Mr, K. can lie fuun.l st the KLKIT CHAl'KL,

from 4 to .1 o'clock, P, Jl., on Wedne*d*y» and MM

unlay*. He fen-nee i- made lo A. C. l,erkhi*,Ksq.,

Mash'r of Lawrence High Kchoot, Rev. if. H.

Weaver, and .Mr. Wle*ner, 8 Union W. tui|ulrj

may lie made at AKKRICAK oil!, e, V :e.«|,igl.'i-


Iierlbel ssllsrueli.iii, m- the uioiit-i refundeil. riiutnl i>rrl^rllj/ „„i.,/,.,.

I'KllltKKI I l.(»SsM)\, Mole Agent*. a*rAlso 1- :-..: . f„f ih* Patent Woven Wire

Mallrc**. Ifjdec;-


r'ine Corclgn and American Watches.

Ilronneand Marble iWkn.

Ladles' Bets (sJJBSSi, King*, I'lns, Collar and

Oaf IlnUnn*, Hluds, Charms, etc.

Molld and I'lated Hilver Wnie.

Urn I'liiiu ll.iil.l-j ■ .men.I in llie eili .

WHITFORD & RICH, 3S5 Essex St., Lawrence

ki ILK

WEAVERS AND PICKERS waatVU. Steady work and good wsge*. Address

WM. in: \rn\, itl JalT Lock Ben 1.1, PiwviiiSMX, R. I.



WHITFORD t% RfOB'B. I AMI'S. Kerosene and (ian Flgturt-s,

JChnlntellers, I'.ndai.t*. Ilraeket*. Durner* ami Cliliiini-vs, lilohes, Crlnipe.1 (.lass. Porcelain and I'niH-r Shades, i.ns Ntainlnnls. Tuhiiijr. I.sntern* ami l.siu|i* repaire.1. John C. B*W *S *"o.



Xo. -.ii I nion Nlrrel,


Ilrst dav i al 11

\IISS II. ||. KIELIHSO trlahea to .11 form the Ladies of 1.mi re nee and Vleln

ttl.lt -In- hn. ill-! l-ee.-lu-d .ill Hie l.iltcst FALL A WISTFK Mile- Ir \en V.. i l.i in.ll.iiowrea.il .

DRESS AND CLOAK MAKING in i- Roams, 'JMi Rsses M-. Uwrenoe, Mns-. . I,i I'lillielihn- nil.-ni„.i, p.iel In CCTTlMi mid ' ITIM. I.ii.lii-.- nn.l ( liihir. n - tlllKSSK

II till city, he Thi- llnnknasi ■\.r piiid Ie-. Ih:"

All d.-piislts nu de ..n or l..'l>ire 1 n in the

llftl in the next divide

lililiii-ud- as -. m a* declared are


Copper, Iron & Glass Cylinder Pumps, ■if nil kind*. A I ... III





AfHUV-m HA*TKI». — We gunraniee em- ploiuielil f.it nil, either srv, at #.'i B dav, or

S-Mcin or more a vear. New work* bv Mr*. U. It. Stow- mid other.-. *u|M'rli premiums given swsj. Milliei llirlde l.(,..,l|l .111-1 i;.-lll III Hulk I'l'l' 11-. Write nnd see. I'a'rlleulsi-s if**. WOUTHIMi TON lUsTIN A in., Hartford, Ci I *-


PILGRIM'S PROGRESS the must lieuullful edition ever published. Printed on eti-Kiml pniM-r, nllh nenrlv amiempilslle llltis- trstions. I'mlfls lsif-eiiml sales sure. Kvervluslv umit" Ibi" ii.dile innl. F.ir .-Irrulnr snd lerms, address JOHN ( . rm ll i: A CO., I'nl.li Im-. ITiiladclpbla, l'a.

OiK f-. jno/\perdny! AgSsstSWSSlSdJ All ©O TX) OsiU !|,,-re. ..f working people,, -f .illnr se», v.miig or old. tank or* money at Work for U* lu their SINUO ini.inents, or nil the liim.ihiin nt anvlhliigelse, Particulsr* free. Ad- ilressi-l. MTIltSoB l CO., Pottisnd, Hsata. 1-1!


i. nfleii prei-nte.) hi regiilntlug die sysleiu wilh

■III. IIAIMI'N t'OAIIIITIO.a I'litt Hilt-.

ll i- iilwni - eure.1 hi using bis relrbrntcd

COUGH POWDERS in hot H. -in M.. -I.e twice each day.

In r.-i. re en-en bailie UH- throat wilh

Dadd's Liniment or Liquid Blister.

Ilcmyrsnienter, William Rabin



Tlioiua- L. .links, llanlel H. Whitney, i.|... ", llerl.v. li^iln

H,;|""" ilrlwlwll'*'^!!; GREEN'S FAMILY MEDICINES.

(' II A N 0 E I N t.'rrru's F-mll) 1*111. i-uri' Hesdsrh

pep>in. Kidney and Liter I tnuptalnts.

MHiiihestei, N 11 ,.lai I, I*' Ultjalf

ounce-loth nl he has sold ' I.I--.II'« i nngli Nirnp shoid I No. II Sew- ■ every Family for Cough, ami I ..ld-

will con- ■ r||Wi(( „,,,„,.,„„„ liri. „„, |„.,| ,.,.,,,

Hesdsrhe, Hy

SO kept I

' Mold by all Apothei-arie*. am'in**-.*

Hsnutaetnred by JOHN tillLKN, Lowoll, Ma.-.s.

1SKASKS OF THE KIDNEY. I) I'niuful aff.-eli s of the bladder, t

ed by gravelly tlep .1 urinary


el.ui-. n I'll., II gi-ls.

1 efllea- I. Ml I 11 .'- lie bv drug-


lor any case of Riled, IlleeillnK, In hing nr ITcer

aled files that l»K IIINTJ'S Pile Itrsard) falls

t.i eure. It is prepared expressly to cute Uss

Piles, and-nothing else.

Hold in ail brnggtiU. Pries •!.«).


' ADVERTISERS"' GAZETTE. a Imokof l-INpaKi'*.*li.mlugb"u,-aliensnd where to ■d>i-ili-.-. :iml e..ii!iiuilii|t n lislol" IM»rljrS00l» newsnaiicrs. vilili mini. ..tin r uiKiniisiinn of In ler.--lt.in.lveili-.er-. A.hb.-- «K«. I*. HOW- III, a CO., r..lil(~l.. ■-. 41 l'..l Haw. StnVstk. " JJe»





I'lie T^awi'emicSii^eridan THE DERBY POISONER. I HTABVED TO DEATH.—Kor sonic time : pasi n voiing lady named Nellie Majrernie

n of" Mr-, l.idla Sherman, the has IK-CII morning Hi the house or William ..r throe hu-hiunis ami nmr ' Allen, carp, ntcr mi.I builder. No. 88 Port

street. Mi'- hns been In v.-rv poor health, i mnl lets been in tin' habll ol taking; opium

Coufimi * ninrttereai

A Young Lady Falls Dead In Church ,-iai|alr«-M ■£•«■«- *»« Being ^-IjtoM^V^&e^^t™* -n]|rvilllv|MllllV,llllwtliWl,ll,W(WMir. o»rhrlst,i.nsm,.rnl.,g<.uc.,rthcs«.l.tesi UlUn Nll(.rillllll, ,,„. ,,,.'rhv ,,olstHVr, llPjr.rlna. on Tuesday morning. Mho.. M«K-

mill mod appalling Inclilctils occurred at ,,;,. i,|lll<r ln Xl.w Haven." liUn fearful ' ,'rl1"" complained <u lines-, aim urn noi ChrtM Church lltal has been known in g^J- or crime an.l is as follows Mr- come "town stair*. In tne evening .\ir. Hilarity. T1wn»niUl*m'n ices had licen Ul,jB sii.rnuii.'viii.nrresicd In June UTI. \ A,l!l1

l W,'MI V1.' "',""' ^i''' ",hi,^ i tohWMl, and the nuKllttotcfl (tor eonflr* af- NV(V .tnil,MV|,.L;, \. j the charge ,l,ll,i ■*•■■■*>r*-*! if *»]»■ V „/■'!.. v... .

L.nliu Sherman at New Brunawlrk, N. J., on the chugi

UIAU'IU. train number, were Invited to ■ lin„lvl|l, Uonlereri her husbnn.1. Horatio .— . .. ... ll»- attar. Mtaa Louie Npeurer-a won V Sherman, in Urrhy lu this Mat.-. In ! '"»■>" »»' wrvanl .-inplojel In Mr. Alton istlnubto young lady, ghost W yearn or „ ,„-, shl. „;„,,,,„ nineteen will., '"•"*»' »'■»> »i» >" > '" *'"*.' u! '".'A" k""" " "'llor' "'""^' *'"' ba' age, .laughter of 'apt. W. II. »P«i"*r-r I mnnliTlmt two of hi* children, Tmt wani3'"1 ,rlnl'" _**■' >•>, "". "'."; J.. ." ''""'^' wa- occupying B •"■"t hi tin- middle (lll]v trU~i , of the gallery to I lit- right on

Our $pi.ie Box. j gpeiiiiil >[otiiies:. IJMBKI tint.

I "Will.*—The prolaito Judge. |

hi? Arrolmiii of every I lout...- Thf test Rrm.d) for Couih. and folds \

tic ll—Till' I'ili-lirr ill.it lUUI-

inierina the ihiinh. Sin* CBItlf ilown aUlra ami uwivi'il up tin- BINIO with tin- otln-r., brr vniiii« ran- rrvraUnn tin- deep iwrloojrom" which her h.-nrt ft-lt. alUr

liii-lmiiil- ami ■

Tlu' trial

';J | and trlnl to ii'l in. but -*|i ilrsi crime. BealTle- •'" rwyowie fton Hie Iwhl"

Mid to hare polaoeed two ;\Ir •>,l^'i^,Lt!?f'. 'W!^ ■al or Ihi'lr ■liil thr

I ii|.< I 111! oi' iiiidiiv. ui

uml tin' IHHI, ami ah

n.nrly lu-

iiUlolitnlu Hlu told

in lirnki' Open nit i^i rl extra- . tl"

evi-r•li«rnr«>ml. Tb«rt*l nothiiift liko It for.H*- | rant?* "f ilif Uiruat unit hum-. THnl txittl** • an | MM Imriux Uie |'a.i_|iii ilajn ■*• li

; ht'ha.l FrrtotK. II. KKI.I.KV. Ijiwri-ni-o, Haw., bt hvarttc s..i1(( of the Sla- or a. c, OOOOTmi 4 LD.. 3B Haaovar fttr^-t, | BMWTwlDJ' "WewmbOTI ll..^i..n. Sml IUIUHK . n>raMiitr«triirtl»n<ir rlothinn tij Ihfl U'rrllile r Cogathar."

ropodll« do noi reullv mt|>; we ; ( KiNSlMlTION CAN UK CURED. ' nrrnrilinK ui HIP IM?»I r* lima la*, m iVom Bvt

illy wirp; we j / Hj aKn "haip'i v>

ion lo rail In* altcnLioa or the |>ul>li

»M iltvtu,! ti■ -Ti i*r i-lnthitiK tiv Ihi' U

; flaa-raU'tn of MOfrtabet tni) am) 10th, i

(i Kit 11 fi K A. I f} O O K 8 . DOIIKHT n A U Q H T O H,

A kiiiwiiiiii varii-i* i.f JI■fiaii.K uotiHH, Tin, Copper, and Sheet Iron Worker, ITNDKB I'KlCKal


An.l.lealer In all klu.U ol

Stoves, PurnacOB, and Rangea.


. i i i v i n. tr...

t hi -iiilr.

»Utc Mi'.l'.- Mini

euMMl iiiiuuriani nradlework enr done In rorld N aanpoard to have iwcn done i>r 'In-1 nrc iheoajj nwdhhiu

n.irlTK r'- rumpaM, Coeaaaipllea. ■vnui-tiim-r. u

Wullabfr ifavc ,i ii'iv .,MHI iva>on Ibr |iiv- '>n>n iB-.s.i.m (1H> ilimli nfn |>nii<-nl. It Wki up

scilKNCK-s i-Li.MOML SVHLP. »(Utoa.ef dnltaw,tarteadof IboratlWoMaawa :l MhM I'.; ^V^uVKL'V-n.VX |«d««U«dlt Ho..rf,alll..U,Mp-....«.n tW

run- PDlmouarj- j KI(OI|H [^ ,.aui(r,| „ „,„*. rtru»ni>M( nnt only ■nnuftmich uii'ilU'hii-- Uial will -l»|i a cuuuli * ill t till' ill'OllT!.,

"inis:„'„::""^::u::r;;::SJrti;;r*';:;,:rt,r."':,V£"rXTSi-"'ifwS.J'r ..,,„,,,-,,,■!, .r. «•«• •>* - ^ Kw*.t-wsESL™~:■*■ —■—'-■ - ~<■"-■> LariU Itcv. ill-lioj. Berkwilh. Art.Tilif ,;, ........i,,,.,! ti„. rvnialM or ih< three Ifrnimti. "*>• ,,t iMl. u,inh .It i ■.,-.-"..t •„m1,iion. Munv ,,„.[.,.,„, .Illlmialiol. , iri'inoiil,-. Ml-* Sn.'m.T "1.^ I, . i...!..' Ml' . -,. „. .... \ ■ —■-« '"'<' ' xniultasit wa- l»-hl A .,«.,» um.l «l,o WW .««.«•■! I.. L.V...I. ■»■»'.■» •■■■m|.laa.inlr -I -I..II |.:..» IH tt.r .illy. UV oi'rrM^taUon.


nun- MOMMI III low ai ■"' '""* ''"niuUtluiiiK »l 'Inll (iain 1» III* ulile. Hie iliii-. Ill- i*» Idem •',.* '„.„,.„, ,,. i,i- Mumliv iinl Smith , crowed in wn »t- ,„,„,.[. „„,„.„„„ lira and «!SaUam too looae,

Iri'lllllotUUthll i-vl- ■ M" ' - "> ' . ■ ll,lrl".* ■" "»i"- |,iiipu,l -iii.ni,- recently by takiuu a doar ol l..nSiir eoal^i. ),Hlii In natatwUldW bMO>, fMlhiB . IK-.TOUM 0.'. lliv oldv .|lli-siion was '.'"', -,"lll:"'1' " '"l1"""'1 '" '"■ 'l"''' , '";. vo*,i uuwik-r. He lmim.iU.telv ro^-abo.e Ui, *»'"^h»M v.n r.,11.^, anJ at "Uw HIM- ilrow- , ,, . ,,, ,,,., . ,;,,. |„. t ri'h ilium. :ii" without a .artli'lo of , ' ~" "' sy; thi> foo.1 tliut i- tak#n I,.- heavlH ou tbratuni' , to Hi.' motive thai in UI lea I a sail. ' v, , . . -,., , , vvn„ ,,.r. trout.!,-. 3,„. atwoaraanliHl with aeWity am. Iwh-hiu- ... r-on to-U<-l. asl.-ji. lh.- trial r.-ull.-.l ' ' "' ■"'■ M" '" '' . '!",. ' ... . . .v ,, , *<«'l Theile -VHIUMH,, u.milli urlaU.aW ftsTn. a ■ tt verdict of murder In the -.•.■..nil .1.- i n,,l> .•ma.-hii.-.l. ami tlie liiferente drawn "\ou .an ,h..rteii that stl.-k a KO<J.I .leal. : .H*..r.leml .-....'.llii t -il.mneh, oraurpM < ■e the lurv unitlii" in conalderinx her l,v "*'' phyalelaua wa* iMl llie ladr haul John, a» ll will haarruttingal l-.tmn.li>." -I | [|T— ilty. but allowing thai the elrconnttan-; literally -iarve.1 to .hath, the -y-t.-tn IK- cut my dlteh at both I iraluro of the evidence permitted „f« i'»?-' too weak lo -lan.l■*»■** ''..-e or opium I1|t.,, „ im.w .. ,.j11K_ I'li-oual.l.- .loiilii " I -oUlrt not tall It I »he Jiatl taken. Mr». Hanboru. Ulid other | _i _t _ the path-M I* aware ..r hln Kituation the lunxa are viul.orn. and other

i,l with the Home or the! ■ taken rharge »r the re- nee 1.1 IhelBrdecciri Intcr-

ri'inonl.'-. Mi* returned to her -eat In the nailery, and 'w' hrnl acaarely taken it when her head aank j, forward on the railing. Thoa* In the vl- ((i

elnlty attached no -ignifleuiiee lo thin, itmii/iiiiiiM that It was merely an act oi'de- totlon. when suddenly the lady -unit' from her seat, ami would have fallen up- ,, on the floor, hut Ibr the promptneaa of ?. Dr. W. 11. Klllot (next who-e pew ahe ,, was Hitting I, who.aiiu-ht her in 1.1-arm-. „,.„„. „„, ,,,.„,, lhreeorrour«.ntiemen hiiineillalcl} np- „„„„._ „,,,, wu, s(.n, t<1 ,,„. ,nM ,„ New

prou.h.tl ami a-i-l-d in carry tnc her jjaveu. ami she will he laken rn.m thence Irom th.- church. * nu-Mcrahle lniere-t ,„,]„. superior t oun to rerieve Inr -en- was occasioned in the coBgregatlou, ,,.,„.,. ,„„„, ,\liy |tlis ,vi.,,k „r n,.s, Whose attention was atlra. led h.V ll.c. om- SilH-f< -he lia- lieeil luilirlsoiu-d, her motion In the gallery, bul the gene ml In- mlni( |||(ll ,„.,.,, „.ril„l;,lv iroubled, and n- rerciice wa-. that the yoOng lady, over- i.i.|l|h. s|l(1 ,ms lli:l(|e u" m|| roilR-aalon or come by her reelings, hail fainted. Alas. |i(ij. „|]il( .(|l(, ,.xlir,.^|1H ,K.rM,|r ^ |1|t|rh

such was not the ease. I he (£.-!! Ic.ncn „,„„,.,, ,1,,.,.,.!,^. on the *Ht|| ,lav of who wen- carrying the almosi liicicss ■,Jt,oi| r_\^-r^„. (ll.K1 T -tory to ronn. noticed OH going down the stair- ,,„. i,,!,,.,., ,„,„. w.i.-t.r. Mr-. Sbermau Kmt the gasp, whl. I. now and then shook .H „ IgnanM woman. She can 11,.. mm.,, jzrew Mntcr on r.-ae g the ' ^Iir(.[.,. wrlic at ull. ami like many per- ve-ul.ule. A conveyaiicc was at onn a01w who liave done lea* than hcraclf lo procured, ami the lift-lea* form ol the u^e hlrtorr, abo Is uiialde to r. ,u.u.l..r yonngladar waa taken to h.r rather- resl- , (| ,-, m-curacv, s., - In, dene.- on l.ll.erl) street. , part-h.r urlrra.iw-Is vague.' All through '-1'1 '" ■•'"'"'"7 ■ l"ecarlo.,s lvl„g n

The announcement^r.l.is sa, and m.l- „.r lrllil ln , „llrI. ull,| „, h,r own ,,(11„MI ! |l»H»fllUg wax lowers, an ar which she ..in IMPK cuilliigora llf '■■

\|«s u. I imi-.

t'uitiiliaU-1. u.ir

uu.pl,'te. and hi 1

reateil hy Ihe arai

k wa» iiiuiMualU l:iIK.- :,,,.l

U.cipatiim Of a irival .leman.l,

Itv t.C winter elolhing. »,■ iin

I'eraum. HI. mt.-.-ie.l. 11 ibey bike 01 . heavy rohl', nml it ihf ,-,,,i>;li iii Ihear .-auei. I*,

. a.i.l the more I eui .wtdrarr afippiil, DM lu«f>, liver n1„i 1 $*h : #****> *hl<"h »'* ehiK. anU remain |i>n>itl I Ilia,-live, ami (wt'err j

Mjihiiii-i' (who Iin- Inn! jo. altaik ,,!' im.ih. r. 11 im'.-- i>f m.re-. »n-l ul< IT:II>II. nml tiratti T» the

iiii-iliiiii'h nave iiHt.T- f»r thr mantii'iiiiii,.- of 1

,1*1 I., our atoek, ao

nli-ml. ure a..ure,l they will Dm) rVer;

Miss Magemle was hoi . Mass.. and wa- about twe i ol age. Her father wa- 1 wealthy man. bill diet im

in ri:i-nehi.

time a

daughter In niv wife. Non ! It i* la- which .Iwr. ni.t .'VmUiiii ,in, ',.|.luin, mir'anythiiii

!"■"""' n.t.»wh™,,„. .rt,,ii'«S:°^'„;,"ai;'S™,i:o. .. M|A„ Prices »/// Remain Ihe Same as

A writer phyitojnioniy 1 rely tayi "A n.liPHwItli thr K»-[ik lake .if tha aloinael,, .11 Eestn eauilv, nouri-lie- ill.* »v»t.-iu nml rival** a

ealthy eIn,illation nf llie I.IIMMI. When tiie Imw- eut. leaving hinnnn face without anoec doeanl amount lo

,.,,,,„, a hllii.ux lial.it, H,'U.'in'k'> Mumlrakr Till* are re his daughter, who had received a apleiMlid < inach; whereupon another writer obeetrei tluit qnfawL eilucalioii. 1,1 the cold churitle- of the n hmn lose wllhi.ut a fare .liH.sii"t amounl to Ttiene nuslielaeii an- prepared by I>r. J. II.

mS^4S5Z7u£. •""■"-■ -" ,.....„,. I JVVtn,..,,,,,,,, n,,,,.,.^^,,. 111. Lilt her want of skill

cam her lh

and liij(li-l< veil led her succeeding III (Ills walk of life, ami she trl.d. and did for some time BWS

'anting a precarious living In

"Please tell «!,.,.i the time li little boy of an apothecary, who troubled by such humirieN.

"Why, I i,,l,l you the lime but ago," -utipped the apothecary.

"Ye, ulr," salil the hoy, "but thie , for atiotb-

UKFOIM: Tin; li 111:,

lite a.lvanre we are olili*?nl to

pay for nil 111" 11 ■, 1 ■. We .,,, ■ .i ,■ frnm the Cinu

"«.,. to Dram,.,. „.np™„v. I M» I """' U" lo" "■ """" ■l""0 '" ' "' " I "' M"«

•oleum grief through the congregation, j tl; , j lilsho|. lleckwith alluded to tbla vbtttatlon to 1)ll( ^| of Providence In a moat reeling manner, ,.,,'u,,,.,,.| and expressed the hope that all preaeni n,]|owll'.

,,-li,-, I the young I

lek, N. J..

r having poison- . ami -he begged to In? allow- j the -tand and swear there- was not allowed to h\ her

Mrs. Sla-rniaifs alory la as born in Ne

few minutes before had stood before t altar III the rresbiie— ami glorv ol'vi.u Ills remark-tombing the unccrtalutj lire, as Illustrated l»V thi- -ad Iuehle were very inipreaalvc, and were dee felt In the < grr-gallou. Hill a I month- -inee It was our painful dill s In eon! llie death of Mr-. Spelieer. tuotl ..flhls young lll.lV. Who.lied Mhl.lcllh her re-idcnie. ..f heart di-.a-., «1 plavlligwllh he,' little child. The dei ..r her daughter Mas produced by -nine terrible dl-ea-e. She had Ihe c ofthe IMlle slater since Ihe ihcca-e of I mother, and wa- the umiiisiav and com I 1.flier lather! he was absciil from

liappv youth, when no i.resha.low lug or premonitory warning or A jovial but pUlosophb: French writer once he fearful close of her mortal career gave the Iblhnrhig advice to a .liHmiiHoUte mas- h.iided her young lift. enBae Irlend: "My good fellow, von mast op* Her tmnk was opened this morning. ■,„,„. ,hl. ullliwl|M of mdMhreiwe totbe atomu

V lll'Un— "'"' ""' eolilellt- found lobe only a few 1 1. tl ■ scrap- of bread and butler, and fragments

>rnhan. A, .he age of "^1 i ^.-'Jt T^L^fK^^ the Methodist-, and in a love-fta-i 7r ■ there she met Kdw. s. HI ruck, whom -he I """' ., . ,, . . u,_.. , *, eon d diges . ) « Magem 1 .... •. Ib-ei, letl V uarr e, . M *lIf k li lllile , i i , . ■ ,. '■ - ..oli.c.nan at \orkvlllc one of mnrkubly luttuls e young woman, and;

ha or New York eltv i ine ui-'ht "' ;,n''1 ,V"IJ1 '"'r I'1'.1'1'"1' lonftinnatlon, *, i ■', I, ,, ,, lo be one who might liave reached a green

age If her lines bad fallen in pleu-aut

of thin life, m„l in.lint.mi the trowaer* of your lunehoiv present with the iirawpi nf 1, more

-iUS,(M» ,,..1111,1... valued at f 1."-"",'on.

BOBTXMi AND MAISK RAILROAD,! ltemlm eaperl-llj are lnrlte.1 to e«mlnc m winter iinmiaasni

On ami artrr Monday, Dee. tr 1*7*. Train* will iwaa, a« we »hall offer extra Indue* me at. 1 leave the I>e|x>ti. la I.awrenee, an fbllown:— CASH t

V.n■ li,.-i«ni iVora S,«nli lh-p.fi', m n.'i1., T..W.».I0, ! Hi .',1 .. *.; and U.1A :t.4U nml !t.W f. M.

11,-1,,11 ■ Imui -..nth lH-jn.t ■. at MI, 1JB. '.*■ I-. and itlH, 1.45 (expreaa), 3.47,9.ai,«.4" ,



have lice

10.SH (e-tpre**), 111. 17 P.M.

I'.ir Portland (fn,o. smith l>e|i A. at 1 1.13,4 P. at.

K,ir (ienrget.iwn anil Newhiirv|inrt (fnan South iie)H>i), HI -.■::. \, a.; LIB, t.ui-.M.

K.'J:., w.is

Hie -11I111

Hits kll . Me li tr,

Si ruck

I'd him 1

The follow lag epistle U from a fond, doling j „ **>\ ^"V,"" n!.™ Sfl"|,thM1>rioi!i' fr..in*N *rth ' other: "Mr. Teacher,—If my gal (tltn ronfre- j Itepot'atT.'lO r.n. ■, doul uiiai.i' reapeeterabte, and don't leni : Tralnp leave It.wt.in fur LawraoeeatT, 7.30, a..* -t, and don't git inter gngrafy, take the hide i

her if she , - In and kicks up a nuts.

,. a.; tiv


wing Machine Company t lll-lieultll prevented lie) It Jo her bUNlUCaa.—St. I 1 PI-JMl

city 1 ,1 We . lltlelllllUg hl- •atcil 10 her thai -he

inlc friend of

in Die I dhl not rite thl. of ihe singer yonrs, Polly Peterson. I in Ihis city, up like the Yniikr folks."

Kate Stant.ai, hi her lecture on "The Loves of (ireai Men," asserts that the planets revolve amund the -mi Iw the Influence of love, like a child revolves about it?< |Mrent. When the wri- j CiiLCtll'M, Tobacco, Sliuffi ter was a l»y he used to revolve around lib. |ai- ' M Mmh,nm, Bry«r ....1 flay PlP>a nat ,i good deal, and may have Iwen Incited j A|Ji((

thereto by love, but to an unprejudiced nlwiTvei it looked powerfully like a trank-atnuv-Oaa

It is rotr by verv Irollv ! have h.r gr» \ NKW CI« A UANJJ TOBACCO STORE I


No. 6, Lawrence Street, Where will lie krpt a Brst-clasa Htork uf

AliTHI.tlS OF ALL Jf/.V/J.f

I ...id III. 111.' I will morn a

I a-IUatawtnfl Vor in., heart A...1 Uie taiaal shall thrill all

and -I,..in. up lo ble-

ed 1:

1 «a).l. 1.0 l.fci. nlerrll le lliing, Ml rntanl, an.l l,,-i. am rru»he<l,

1 will U.-.i|, ii- B»ura uw 1. in. head, 1 will wall lur inr Jtij an 1 NIV darlti Till Ihedrean dirge Par lhe,bl.-1h -llr- liiiui Ihruuaii (he . till. .1.111,1.,

Vn.ti.verl and 1 ...T ihl' -Id forever and ever llie wi Vis. n.lle.l.

1 -aid. 1 wn* i.ri.ii.1 In 11 I I...UI ..1 11 Ami urn,i In niv first de pair: N.i.i, 1 know nor earth. ...r-ki. m, Ila*hee.1..rliel|.lnit I't.i ..ne likeou. l'he-1 11 or Ihe laam < -. let ll

Derbv had pleiiti

(lull I.

ibll gel Id,

imrllciilurly -ai

after his death ■ hill there wa- a .ratio \. Sherimi

-k Mi til inanage ird lili-haiiil. -I

Si ITI-II. -10 Miirun.il;.—TO people ol il -lati-tlcal rather llian a -entiiiiehl.il

'turn the mul hematics of marriage in di lie-

In- llienie 1. ir. v.iimg mild I live 11

Mil Ihem-ehe-. but ' until 11 lev are IW ir. old. their -poll-.

e.i her, am

drill.' Ada tenntned 1 -lie .11.1 no intended |, nil- i ehll.l

..-IllelllU -be sllccfltlf.ll He bad two -mall chll

rankle, and Hie-e ahc 1I1

t IV Hoi

I'm II111 V A\ [.1:1.1:11...—It would be Impossible, wllli mere word- alone. I,, convex any ud.ipiatc idea ..f the action oj

1 iii- new-born ehll.l of Hie Arctic froats. Think ol' a -olid lump id' i.e. a lhlr.1 of a mile deep and more than half a mile in lateral diameter, hurled, like a re toy. away Into the water, ami -.1 lo rolling i.. anil fro by llie Impetus of il,ea.la-if it wen- it foolball: now down aide, un- lit the huge bulk was nearly eap-1/eih I hen back again; lh.11 down the other-hie once

11 < > ii

he Iniii-i* as tell a- to kill lh.- ciirretiee: bu' it i-ainu-ing to ilnd In the . and pnrcha- • Mi in New Haven ibive mulches of b.iva Hull the statistics sdnig-siore. i r It the llrst nan- In-urotit thi-«iit Ires «r Thackeray and llnl- object. Mie t..ok lh.- package 1 me. Vgnin. the bu-bamls or voung mi-

-belfbe-ide 11 -iml- jmeli aged Iweiilv ami under average a 111- iilge of snler lu-. .Mr. Sheriuan itlc 11I10M-twculv-llve veilra. anil the 1 He- drink a great lical of elder. Into ipialitv of age .limini-lics ihenceforwar.l. e Would pill aleralus to make il . till for w 11 who have reached thirty I'lil- was his 1 ivurltc drink. The Ihe respective aces are ctpiat; after thirty- - and ar-ei.ie II the shelf became IKc vein's. Women, like men, marry those 1 -oun- iviii h 11 she did not mix younger than themselves, the Ulapropor- it -aw the) u er one night lion increasing with age, ill] at tlllv-llve ends were pit sent, ami they li.t.l | il average- nine vcar-. The greatest num. laldy" lo ilrln . Her husband in- ; her of marriages for men lake place he- 1- to lake si.ui , but -lie cho-c iii ilween Ibe age-of iweiilv and twenlv-llie 1,'e 1.. drink -..me of Ui- cider j in Kngland. belw.-en Iwentv-Iive and thir-

1 lo foam. S 011 after -lie lonki lv lu Knuiee. and between tweiltv-tlve eui out of the lion-. 10 call upon land llilrl v-llvt- in Italy and Del glum. ■or. and wa- 1 ikeii siidileult verv r'lijiillv In Huiigan Ihe mm r of Imiivi- ba.llv mat -li wa- utterly iiuiible dual-who manv 1- *evciltv-twn in 11 ihou- IVlllillg I'ol' he -elf. and luul to be s 1 each tear; in Kngland ll 1- lit; in into lb<- boll-, Hut -be rallied in Denmark. .'.:>: In r'rniice. :,: : the <it\ of while. ! fail- showing.'.:!; in the Netherlands, W:

tmSATBD—( IttifiH'tihui .inn iNajM

What a vllealHiiiiliinlii.n I* Ihl* awful vaccination! Half the :,,,,,- of half .reatim.

'11.1*1 be Hi-nrrined and ante. Mine id ilchiiuf, iwelllag, n.-hlnw. Torture* new forever making. Ami I wonder—"Is it taking!'"

And I mnr r—"Waal s law

Xutawonloralcnofpli) Can I nmlinnlllhe.il>. Kvery fool who would be witi>

u.il,! remark* IIIH.UI IU> am - With heart* Hum leel«-rg* . In their mnlire growing nouter. Seise nie ri.ughly by Ihe >l,.iui.|et

,l,i~l |., |,i.i;rti at 1111 nlnrm.

nyiauatk) 1 win ntaa so was; Hill with e.i.iriiKe trail It..man.

I'oklng, itil.hing,JnslUnji hv me,

-hade nf .leliner! long .Iri'arle.l. Had 1 our ami *.. ai.he.11111.I snutlieit, I.I-H severe sad softer hearted

You'll liave l*en lu life below. Ilnd y.ni known 'hi- pain lUstressJng Which Ihe world Is all ronfe,.*lnK. 1 ..ii'.l liave left some infl.ler blessing.

Witha little lesa.if woe.

Life IHH'UUII-* hut vol.1 and IrhtktAtl i ll..rri,l vialnna Oil my nkthl mil; t.ieu ...mil |.o\ hcem- delighll'lil,

Malrhed sgaiaal ml* little sore. Would thai I were .lead .ir dying, caaaeil beyoud thl* torture trying. T'i> -..im- h>,me ..f angel* hieing,

Where the. vaccinate no more, i'.M-.ri.m

A\II..I.1>H,I, \M» RETAIL.

A -I,.,., ,•!'inilili,' patronage la Holleited at the


NO. 8, l.AWRKSCK STREET, tftfnxl- usraaaoK, sues.

Itea.ly Usila or L'uatom Made,

.(■, nitoea, Hata, Caps, rsnbretlsl

Tiuiiki aud formatting Hood;

Bars' 1 iQthiug.




Siuin'e. practical sml <.-[iu.omii.-BI ?Sewing Maohlne




A (i01\n MKDAU

For Perfection cf Bewlns M&chlnee.

Tlwy oxecuw awre rapidly, and NOISE than any othar Ma.hiae in UH

H I B L K S .

All »t} iea and prlosa .»f Family Blblea nn,l a

! full linoef Small Prtnb, it



(' H H <> M <> H



I t> V s,


IV r have ■o.i.r Apeelal Bsra;alDI,


Stratton'a Corner Store.

OAK HALL, 4w*ja.ten.l pill Kli





ilerrdgnnl luive Ihe honor "f Informing ! IIOSTO.X. . Ilieir fri.-n.1- ami the public generully, iliat the

liave takra chamls-rn In

; Sounders New Block, Essex Street. I for the pnrpoee of earrviug on the In,-Ine** of j MKItl IIANT TAILORS, where Ihe !«■*! Cloth*, ' ('u»haiere», Vi-llagp, Ar., will In- nlways .>" ; hand, and everv attentimi given lo the Latent Style- ar('u*tnni Mii.ie Clothing, under Ihe imtne-

j dial.- KiipervUI.nl nf JOMRPtl PLOOI1, late ofthe 1 tlrni of Sariiar A H'»sl I Vnu are re*iHH'tfully invited In give „ ■ a call.


Merchant Tailors, Onsmbsrs, I 2 *n,1 3 Saundert New I





s.*S,hr«Ti«;.Ta«>'UNI!"!;: «*•;;^nh.,;s,,,,1i;lt^z?s:;;IiiC'iuM-uii'm'^-'iiiit''.1";:;:; N"°{ea :L^tl Qu°*e**• 1

.?.,i!!m.,..*!.!!r.,!!.,.V.!ilM,.,iV!!'!.>...!'!.!,M |U.i!".?o',' "n-beci -'..fttiking more ..fa -imiiarlln Kiiglnn.t. land of Mr-. Itnrtlell) there —Kngland t us llH.OOd emigrant« test! greal Violence again-l the gla. ler. cover- " Ing ii with sprav; billow- rn ue tearing v

down Ihe nonl, their progre-s uiarki'.l Itv ' Ihe crackling ami citimbllng ice. which 1

lllle-l ngl- lalioii for the -pace of set ral miles. [ liver the smaller iceberg- the t ntcr broke eoniplet.lv as If it temped wa piling up

,1 Mr-. Ilnnlell) th lgi-s of widowers ni/nlnst al II Belgium there are 4* to Hi: lo 12, iihl Mr. \V


Tin, Sheet Iron and Copper Ware. Tin, Lead, Tin Lined an.l neuii-KlaHIr Pipe.

Lii'T A :% u Cellil rriirs f.iiiu.ii.1 or power use.

S»- Mowing Machine*. Scale* and Wringing Machine* Repaired. Plumbing, Tin Itoonn? and General Job-

bing dono ui. short notice. irndec-'T-


r. K. .v. J. I*. I'li.LsmiiY,

MACHINISTS. (Sneeeasom la Webster, Lhutin * 0o.)

rURXLf HtTCAL. Assets oTer ... - .^O.000,000.00

ALL Tin: i-in-j 1 1 - PAID To roi.irr lloi.i.kits. The low rate* and large dividend* nf thl* old

COIUMIIV, b seethe r with exrelb-nt man age men I, fair denllnic ami iirmuplne-.* In the a.IJ 111.1.11.-1,1 of |..*He*. u.nke* it the baRCOManyni New Knulaixl to laeiue In, especially for Endowment Polli-lec

S. K. LAWKKS'CE, \.. in fur Lnwrrnre, llaverhill, Andover. ami

',mi'' Methuen. OFFICI 373 ESSEX IT«E T, LAWRENCE.


Adjuster of Complicated Accounts AMI

COLLECTOR. OsVi. aSO IIIHI Mtreet. Lawreswe-

li.iurs.JU>3 snd 7 to M P. SI. IJtteplX

1 \ R . D . T. PORT K B.

DENTIST. owes4 HKsmr.xrt:, PORTKKH BtoCK

*HH i:>.ri Mtreel, - - - l-iwrtnrr. NitnmH Oxide Gas, and Ether or Chloroform

hot dl'l 1 rack.

ik- wi This

Hid i - all

. s|,c 11 erelv icgh'c



llie seas, and then heaving tliem agalnal the sbore. Then to add tlo-rto Ihe i-klsttugcoumiolloii eiisloued. Ihe greal. wallowing which wa- the cause .if it all. 1 plug rraginetils from its sides 1 oscillation. Ihe report- of Ihe

aching the

a-dr.,:- '"'Meall. ft..

Ill, each ,1;'1'1;',''' 1'"' rio.t.ire -holll.l be ||in

I'Uietiibe'r ll herself i- ' American lady'snlnh 1 of her bating taken i ami her iraiisportall

lll-curlous that the if fact. 1- much -Iran del, -lie could mil he fiction. Thl- ladv. I .cording lo her at on". Mis- [lertha Iligebe - Which -he ba- la-en Hcinv K lllgel

-The weather has urea iHghiiy chilly in N.w Cotton A. Woolen Machinery ". Hampshire, recently. Cold Is quote.I in some1 un

ideiiieiih .1 "bv't' l,,",'M Hf forty-t*",H'1""- • I MACHINE WORK QEXBRALLT. OW.T-. — I.ifi-ii'- —The Sew York Herald alludes u> the siiditen

elrvath fa nunils-r of Congress loan cdlto- — rial |H wit ion o cwspaper. llie del alls of an —due of the members of the Maine Leglsla-

, from Marsellie- t„n. wclglis 8701 id*. He ought tohavrsi • ■ Ktfypl. wbich

il In:

,lai by the

lithe l.ergs le! Ill

clash or cymbals, and of Nature's grand m-li berg near the middle iwo; and above the waters and falling Ice tilled the air with a p.

f the ilor.1 sound of li ihis last ills

pill lu caking upilon

the bergs ami crag-, a 10 bill, died awav oult

.1 echoing fi 1111 bill

Ihe 11 Ulnln lop-; Vhlle lo tin noisy

r fall. - French rl tiered ; French

l.leiiteium tal line, lei lllilll-ked ll

married a wenli llllel. With Who vcar. Al the ,

' I weight in the settlement nfi|nestlons. ' 1 _(iaribiil.H's second wife i- iloserlhcd a* 11 J'luia.lM.ine woman, thirty-live years old. with

1 tl.-r.-c, dnrk eye*, and a similar temper, l i _-i now pronnunee you man and—hand over

I | the ten dollar* before 1 go any further," I- the 1 ■ way Connecticut i-lerjrymrn have of eliciting

j j their fee. —The Inmates of Hie prison In which Mrs.

lier failier" t~ : '•ydle shi-rniaii I* ronflned lei their coffee settle e siiil etiangi'd now. and |mnr ll into the saucer before drinking. that Kervel was! Kxrasable caution. ivoul.i make hi-; _ic Knpaleon'i tleai^ was only a question of she marry him. | time, ns the telegmphU- correspondent* across

mtldenilally Infonns us, we fear there

it plac, id Kel cllles

\1i- mill. J01

0 of us fate.

ll : ami when, at lei uili. , ip

Ihe other Iceberg- b upon Hie troubled -.

In beholding Ihi- 1 rll'i" bad beheld olle of 111 ■ lie lllolls of Hie greal on*. was. In ti'iiib.a it //>■;* I..U..I ..1 lh.-.,l. tifi<

Hi;- iv. v Nm. .al work- are 1I01 ill, ■ those cases h, vv In. 1 the iirter having 11 v 1 1. aiiccessrulh repine. I — after 11 dog bad run iwnj

..mature in -m-h ai 1)1. Malfaltl. of Ihe Vllsl

thi- shite the calm

berg Hull

oniau's Highl- .,. io iii Hi.- I'rovideii

r Kngland w, l.av. given the wire j ,|

for a ~A m'lttn'" Jut'k,"lM ('",m'v- K? ■• »nilertook il of Hint lime the ladv ! ""' job of burying imull-pox eorpse* at JtlO a -leriously dl-appeareii. ' niece. He made 030, and then was himself the ysteoiiilic ami faithful next one needing burial. al Inr. l.asi November —A Nashville negro, applying for a marriage ling for an urn) 11 In thin of: license.on U-Ing Inforuieil that It would cost him ce. when a lady stepped (j,,, ,|((||lirh) |(.ft tlie risiln, remarking nadly,

1|"~ "Hat* a mighty sipmr price ls.»s." .I.., —T>r. Terry of 1'obmibn*. 0c, recently re-

mine the wound of a man who bad

"'' the rlglit of dower

>cntfd lb.- b Ills lleriha. Then -I iii.' walking in her gn disappearance she wa- IM-.-U slu.t, lest the lawyers should say, in ea*

and the man died, (he doctor killed him wiih The sou

atlellll. prob

Pulley", (ieariiu; :uid -hailint., .luck screw*. All kind- or Unit- en I,nml, ,,r made lo order;

Sl*.. all kind, of Koruing done. . l.KNKItAI. .Hill vv.iUK MI.II Mill repair* done omplly and (pilhrally. Healer* in Maniifactiirers' Supnlie*.

Xtir'i Building, Corntr uf Franklin and Mathuan Itrssis,

\Y F. L ,1. S. OILK,

silk, ■rini'Ud. Nenllen



l|snl- i.l.:o. A. IIAYIiKX, Ageul,

as*) 1;.-. . mem. Dr. Portrr'a Rlsek.



Look al hi* IJirge ami New Mark of


PLUMBER & GAS FITTER. And dealer inntl kind, of

LeaJ, Iron and Brass Pipe, AMI

fittings for Steam. Water and Gas. \u. 1111 Bases Klrert, I.avvreuec.

Orders swllrllrd and urosspU) atleuded to.

t il l< I! A T HUM A N C K!

: ter™ H < > I S S E V , .-fif


Auit lil. Indentured Apprentice.

A Splendid



By the author of lla- " ROT liLAWAToa," et«.

I nl l-ins,. IS LIFE.

^Etna, of Hartford, I86O, H8,640,786 State Mutual, Worcester, 1846, 1,270,011


Franklin, of Pann'a, 1889, •3,266,74© | n,.^ .. DOIMHEY, I.oeksmllk "-everybody. Royal, England, 1846, gold, 11,000,000 I 4w«KbJsi

A nifi i,-iiii Hrsnrh, l,:t3!,0OU

N K \V Y t> It K W K DKI.V,

PennaylvanU, of Pa,, 1826, 1,260,316 Imporial, London, 1803, gold, 11,000,000

Aiuerlesn Hrsnrh, l,US4,u47 Firemen's, of N. Y., 1886. H40,006 Woatcheatar, or N. Y., 1837. 640,080 German American, N. Y., 1,200,000 German, of Erio, Pa,, 1867, 287,088 Queen, of England, 1868,gold, 10,000,000

American Branch, ( 7«,41S ASH THR rotxownni KOMK coirPANiBai

let National, Worcester, 1808, 164,022 Oloucaater, ofOlouceater, 1870, 117,860

Km- InforniaUnn, rattu, etc., rail on ur addres*

JOHN EDWARDS 2S3 Essex Street, Lawrenoe.

Poat Ofltee Box 9M. v




MARKED EVERYTHING DOWN! upnn niv tJood* are

EVERY VARIETY OV t*OOD8 ' for Ladies' wear,

lu Millinerv 1 have everything Uuit Ladles i-e quire, and In price* 1

Defy Competition. My stnok of Ladle*' Wisilten Under Wear ha*

heen largrlv adiled lo. 1'rlees low. Children's ami itahle»'"Woolleii In.ler Wesr, Jaekela, ate,

I rsn iiipply 1 ..,.[i<- ■ with


IvItM.- I-

i R I. I N G T tl N K A N li K ,


Parlor, Office and Cooking Stoves. 1'liiiiil.ii.K. Tin RoaaBft and all kin,I* of Jnhblng

.lone promptly. -" 1:1, IM.H v 00 KTOVH sioiti;,

11 Lawronco Streot, Lowrence.


FURNITURE. Tlie ruliserlneni lave taken rooms In Ordsemr

Hoi k. .1:17 r..-.i mrrri, where they will lle- ualr and Hay and Sell Heeoad Hand Kuniltnre ami household nrthles. All order* promptly ai- leniled to, and g,,iwt« «JI<1 at auction when desired.

HILL A I'll. IJII 1. A pi 1, IsTt «lf-



with edd "nnhi

A week liner the I., form, tul c\ Lbl.e days .Her Healing uenl on

|> A 1 I. K V ft AN H II R W S.



saw Ksaea atresi. («nl««j Bloelc).


rale lute-rests, bit- Kxpi-rleme hit. in vvell-lolimhtl. nb!

—A ili.-i-i.itioi. In flirt. Inn woman. In er -In- was on ,]lil.l.|| ,,.. ,|lr ]»llttl. Indians; they 1

her She'was bl,niwl "'>'""»« «,rl R»r Jilting several iml i.l'u-cd Ilia"1'""1'1 l""''1 * 'l'"1"111 obiaiu among dvlllied I lrealcil with people, bow mighti scarce w 11 would la-. well watched, i -A man named Mitchell, at Leeds, Kiighmd, to Hie harem : umltrtisdc to play Santa t'laua while inloxicate.l,

oiiud to be an revciilly. He eot lwlf-wa> ihiwn the clduiuoy I lainiliar wilh «ra house, when a Are was storied from below, im -In i.il.lbir wlll ,|„. )llh irerwaslainii.il to a cinder.

"'r ""' —The Hlnghampt iN. Y.,i Itepubllcan ,„. ,: ,.,„.,, tl ks ll.-men that Congress I'coming witha _

,„!■ ,,,„i,r.,:, ,».rtnmi. u. .»„,«, »„„,, COHSE/IVATORY Oh' MUSIC remarks Hint Ihe time for thank- a.i-i. n,.n. 11...t,.... not ulien Congrcw I- itimltig, lait; LARGEST MUSIC SCHOOL IN THI worn 0.

Plipifc of Ihis ( .m-.ervat.iry eajny : j The hir-lrmltlnii* uf lh sl eminent masters ;

111,111 dri.p|n .1 a lllile note t.. n : T(ll, „,.,..,,,,,,,.m,,,,],,., olhiternl (nee) idvanUgo* : . in. lling her I eel him under TtM. |,wmt rale- of T11IH..11: r moon. The husbaml got the I'ueiiuslwl i'|cillllc« fur procuring.h«¥lrabls»llui h.pl the ap]ioiiiluieiit. Two doc- , limit, when ,jimll(le,l;

men, in ! A very sii]*rl»r three-manual 'irgan tor lesscau

Attorneys & Counseliors-at-Law, \.i. J:lU Eases Mtreet. -H



\\niJ.lAM W. COLBT,

Superintendent of Cemetery. Residence on Tremoat St.


11 K T Til K \J


lt.l..ii'i*uiii uw clothes. Mill ia*i Uty years. Kor sals at

\n. M War(jlo Ntreet, Lanrtsri,

;lmltdecS*- JAMKS RtOB,AaaBt



Ilyapepsls, Debility,

The I'KIH'VIAN BYRUP msken tha wesk ■ tn.ng. snd expel* dlsasaa hv supplying Uie blood with

NATtisWa Own ViTAuaua AOMT—(BOX. lAl'TION—Be sure you get Peruvian Hviur.

l'ani|>hlel» free. J. P. IHSHMiHtK, Prnprlstor, Ni.. M Dry Htreet. New York.

Sold by HrumisU generslly. » I-


--. rejek AflNKllHiisMi:i!

Auniit s seres of excellent I.AXIt on the Haver hilt mail, ailjiiinli.K Ihe City I'sun, well fenced, sml a good lot for grasB or earlv

let. IU, 1K7J. I :■



id liarii.i „.i ., , the Kale *a,l mine.

in worth Imui tell l.. llfli'.-i, tlioiiMiml icnih went Into a store at Unlsr :ht n ]iipe and naftl a cent for it, and list the proprietor to give him Itdsu-cu 1 lill il I lierausc the .torckn-pcr ii li.' weul off in a hull,

II-),,,s ha*


fore/ III and. whili

doe- li.il liil linger . ha rlu w,

all inkt-n n aiiolher.

.ill gl.e II,

> palb-lit w.ick ol

ngli le— -killiul,

Hint Hie - I of r.-li-ioll- people klli.l

Mi. VVillln i-b l.egnll.

e Icil Sad Ilmi-h-

\11.l Hie ri'iiiii, ijirn.- ,. "Mm I .b. tin- f..rthe, -1 1 doil.' liasH-hlc.se.


lauding w him-cir

- Of III.'

t'a.lld e 'ihe

Is bell glilsJn \\

in. They, not la-- iiugesollhe disease ilml nlsaii imt'lna-

—The epitaph-"l Dnkr.ui pap. l„ ti,. Jim Barrett had la-en sniveling -now, riiiii wlih-li be raughl « had .old. which turned nto fever, lla- i.-ver settled Jim's mundane illair*, and a local paper sni * >-t allectlngly,

nil .■li..-. Ili'gnu prsrtlir ft-er.

1Trios, in rbvseii nf M\. •13.011; in eUssea of *. iWJn aerqnarter. rrusv*. giving full imrtiriiiai-p, niaile.l Tree lo nd.liT-. IIUiiiHu:!. K. TiiriMKl;.I»ir.-et.ir.

I'lKITABLi: Ml'HICAI. PRKRKNTR A" Ti. 11 ln.lv aleml,

A Sweet Teoeil Hil.l. Bo

The li

a*-TheStNi;K!t was awarded the Fnar PKK-

MII'M Bt S. V.. 1 .,11 hi IHIl, B* la-lng the BEST ramlly sewing .Machine; and st*o the prasei year the award* a ere silver Medal*. "

signed) E.T. KUWKI.I., A*'*l Heereton ^- ('■ Fair.

■1 lull' •rful 1 Tke slNI.Lllwa* given ll

N. H. Male Pair, held al I ,.si 1', over all others has

1 ii:-, nuouuMai t-r. Its MI'PftW

H II lathe hnt.ilef

"11, u't ba<

, < If,,. '

Biting lh.

,1 ut Mar

11 Hit- pub

House Worecste

lh: a ph-usiinl and |

pie. ,1 ,b- —The New York Commercial Advertiser, in mlv.imi. We an nrtleleon the Hmi. Henry Wilson and hi*

, «0.1 Id never .oinieeiioii witli the Credit Mobiller, says his ,-y heen -olur, life will long Is-held by the struggling classes

r a woman dt- , ..lihis ronntry In afTcrtionair rcmemlannre 1 his v.nre is.-aiiM' HI I van.'.'men 1 will eneonrage the ami dt Ion of . and pr.Klucc.l uiuny 11 young man who think* hlui-i If ei|ual n. alia! -he says, greater things than his own limll.tl npucrc run •nl.I have mar- oiler; tin- popular regard for bin. proves thai mes. character -.till rule- the I'nite.l Stale*.

An Rleajeul UnUar, prices Irom li.vu,, * A Violin, ns.w 11 ln.li'- iu*trunienlj «■*> ■•• *■

,K..riheH.-,-an,H.lr.*|. I**-^ in in..-, (oneertloa*. Acroideona or Flu- ' . __ .

Unas, < larlonets, Klnie-, Plagealels, . Sold for SO pet' month, or for Cash.bv Fires.

.fall vBrlrtler.andor the hestjaaau-| T- W. HKALI), AORtrT. S44 Rases Ntreet. - - - • Maunders Block.

Ml kind* Machine* Ue|,aire.l. Kxchange.1 and h. Let.

Machine Min-hing, Mamping sad Rrsiding to order. , t«-


llle.1 HbH-klif

BAND INSTRUMENTS, sale nt amdersle price* hy lyTiapjarh jiilll c. HATaTBS *, CO..

:Wti>nri ft., (opposite Court House), Boston.

ry\lV. IHIKAT l.nt'Al. NKWSl'APKH. 1


1...1. u. ii-. ill 1 \ t'sv., -


The. Largest, Cheapest ai great.'-l eireiilatii.,, In Tiii-lerl

I/OB SALE, A NEW TWD-KTORY 1 ltOtf E, wlUl French ro..f, containing tweira

r,»m>, UnUlie.l with walnut and chestnut. Is Ihe li.i*l manner, and convenient In every respecL situated «■ High Street, fomting llie nsrk. snd ..iiesf the nW*t place* In the citv. Lot of land 111 fesS deep sml 00 feel rrunt, or more it desired.

- *hav* uf the money ma. remain on aniort-


I A laige -ha ] g.igelrde*l lr..1

it prl * that .- I'l he Il-

l's, Youtha*. snd lloj »' Oveeroali,

Knuii MM to m.m Hollars.

A Laige and New fUeekof

Men's and Boys' Suits, NEW STOCsToF PANTS

in the Latest Styles,

Sliii-fM iind I srawern. Very Cheap.


I'mbrelU*, Trnaki, Nnspeudera, Bowa, Ties, t'ollars, Glovei, Keetluaja,

and everything In the furnishing line very cheap.


R r R N H A M'S, No. 103 Baaex Street. -1


Thai what people hsve !>eoti looking Tor and *eek- liur after for the la*t hundred vear*ha*al last Iws-n found and ran be bail al

FRANK KNOX'S Boot and Shoe Store

The Famous

WATKR PROOF BOOTS for I,ml i.-. and tienllemcn, made of the Repelbint Cloth, snd warranted wnti-i privif. We hare test- ed then, snd csn warrant theni water-proof. Kor I uih, ■. we have 1H.|I.

Lace and Button Boots, Cut In the latest style, and warm and . ■ -nii.-i i.ii.l Call and Methem at

Frank himi'i Boot and Hhoe Nlm-r, QR8 E»oa Stc.-,-t,


No Soap over made baa met with auch aucceaa aa III li its W A ■■ I It fl SOAP. Tba Largo Sains that are daily made, and the Increasing- demand for it, are the Boat Proom that it haa no oqiiul. 11-


Tlie ■■..(.! and Bast in Die world.


M A I II 1- I, I, <N CF.LF.HnATKIi, H Mr Bit F A I L I S <1

COUOH MIXTURE, sold by sll dr-i class nrtuTgiiu and Qtaeara, Try it, ami you will be convinced of lla wonder

lid effect*. find! locfl




Uepo.-ltH placed on Interest the Flrsl Hoy at irh month. Interest allowed on all Rums of one dollar and

upwards, deposited nnt lo* than one Month be "ire the day mi which dividend* are declared.

The - - ■ -1 -- -k 11. - r. aum received on deposit l« live

Dividends will lie made of Bit the prntUs which • may have arrnied within the previous sis months, slter deduct lug nerenssry expense*.

Interest will not be paid on fractional parts of a dlar.

omccBSi fVesMsafs-JOHN KALUIS, KSQ.

Vie* i"re*idtntt, A. W. --1,'IIM,-, Thomas ttcott, ii C. itarou, Morris Knowle-, Jam.-* A. Treat, .1. Fmerson, Jr.

'ii ■■,-io' ,■ .iiiuii-i Payne. VV..U

r Smith. ,1. W, smith, - r Hollhsn, P. C. I.MI..

A, j'Frene'h, C. K. Pillshurv, p. u. l'iiisbun,


John smith, ¥. L. Kunal-, g. W. Knlgiil, I). C. I'MI. ■! i ■■'■■ .)e*Be Glover, Patrick Murphv, Jauts. Pavne, . Dsulel Hsitly.

to I P. If., excrpl saturdav. 'On Thursdsv sad Satunlay Kv.niiu; . I'roii. T toll, for receiving de-



Bronchitis, Catarrh, Anemia, Dytpepiia A Pulmonary Tubercles

RADICALLY CURED \Withthe Elixir J. F. Bernard

Or Paris. Information mm Initmrtions aent (free)

lo all who deilre it. by addressing ■ A. Bernard A Co., stole Agetats, "P.O.Box 44m. at William «:. x. y.

'■.;,.IIi.ii i.'ic.i)

T° THE V I! B t I i

,f nil kind*. I sin inskiug this s specialty and can furnish all kind* of pattern* required.

In oilier departments my clock of foods' cannot In- Mirpsssed.

H A I K <r <> <) 1> S, Iteslami imitation. All kind*, if Dress Trimmings.

Real Laces, Hamburg Edging*, Sashes, an.l ?>nsb Illhlmn*, Jewelry, Perfumes, Indeed Ladle* will find every- thing liiev need nl niv store.

Mumping f»r Einhrnlitery. -«



Altarhed to the*e patented Spectaeles are Iwu iri.-nlinrslly cim>tru.Ted lisivanlc list ter I e™—tin- seen when worn—delivering through the nerves nl the head a Man ■ii.U.iiilliiu, •trram or Kla.tlrlly.

I'-rtl.l r«r-l j .1. of the Oplle Ifarro, Vfsak or DIseascA VI.Ion,

>>nr«lal« of thr Head or Fare, ,\moin TwltehSS In I he

Muselss or the Foes, XOISOB In thr IIrad.

I«ii of .Menial KMSCgy.

and a host ..f Nervous Ilueaieii, arising from (1e- 6cession of the nervous energy of the s vsteni, con.

Hinting, in n mohl astonlahing degrei>,

Life and Vigor and Health. by the means of tlie *nft flowing ntream of Klec triciii, giving Brightness lo the l'.j e.

tlnlckucss to tka Ear, i:.ir. g) to tha Brain.

They are set with lenseH of the fluent manufac- ture, to suit all wlghi*, and with glasses for those not needing »peclacle- to read with, hilt deairing tlie iH'lieflts lo )H? derived from wearing Ihe nai- leries; andtohehsd lu this city only of

HUMPHREY HOOAR, WatchmakBr, JeweUer and Optician.

CKNTKAI, its ui i,.

No. 235 Essex Street, Lawrence. Dealer in Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, Fancy

A'. B. Alto A'jtut /or fainmi ij AforWi' Ter-

fl.-ittl Sp*etacUt '"id Eyt (llntttt, Ou RKHTin tkt

World. Hlvlft-


These Bia-cla.Te* are nianliriictured from "V/- MTi: rfl ) STAI. I'KIIIII.K.-i" melted logellier. and see called IUAMOXI) on account o? their hardness and hrlllbinrv.

ll la well known Ihat upertarle* cut ft-oni lira- (Ulan or Hc..lrh pehhleii are verv iniurlotia lo tha eye, tavanw ..f their |...l.i i/.ing light.

.... lass healed rays than nn. other |*lilile. They are ground with greal Hclentifle accuracy,

are free from chromatic soerrnllon*, and urndiir., ■ i i„■]..,.

»,V ,M-r H .'111 IUH ■IH-liniHI.il', 3 s hrightnes* and dlstlnrtnees uf vision a hrightnes* and dbtlr Mi.i.iin.,I In -I..-, iie-li'*.

Maniifselured by iho

Spencer Optical Mamifacturina' Co, MEW YORK.

For ..sle by Kenponsihle Agent* throughout the I'nlon.

WHITPORD & RICE, Jewellers an.l Opticians, arc Hole Agent* Air Law renre, Mass., from whom they can only he oh lalnod. No Peddler* ctnploverf.

The greal demand for theae Spectsrlea hss in lured untcrupuleus dealers lo palm off anlnfe tnd spurious Brtlcle for the "Illamiind." Oreal

onld be taken to *ee that the trademark

THK FINKLK A LTON 1 ManurBciurlng I .,'. Now Sewing Machine,

"VICTOR/' OAK UR BOlttlllT or lof4.

D. W. I.I1HII, IO Margin Htreet, Sole Agent for Lawrenre, Andover and Hethuen.

lira. Dr. BBCOR'B 11BDIOINB8 Will be found store cure for siiv of _ for which they are pul forth. Look mil,,,,: of the reference.—ther are the names of some of our most rellshle alliaeos, who bare known her snd her treatment for a niiiiitier of years, and who

medicines to all needing them. And If this Is not sufficient to convince tlu- mu.l hkeptlenl, you can call at her nfflce, IMl Warren Avenue, Huston, where Miflli-icnl teatiinonisl* will lie shown from living * line**?", who sill feel luvppy lu speak ui' her in the highest tennt as s thoroughly educated and akilllnl physician. Her very extensive and iiiccessful practl.-e of over twentv-llre years haa given her a wide Held of experience In the trest- mem or tho*e <ll*ca*e* -lie compounds Iwr me.ll

Her Al.TKIIATHK will be found a sure mie for Scrofula Io it* worst form, liun.diilir Swel ling,, Salt Rheum. Old or Indolent I'lrers, hypb- llls, L'SBi-en.u* Collections. Tumors, Sore Kye«, \odea. Itch, (it-Bid Head. DisrluiraTs from rirs, King Wornis, sml sll K.v., ,M, n Moth, Blotjhe*. Pimples, Flesh Worms, Disr.il oration*, etc. Ladic* whu wish a clear and beau- tiful complexion will And It Juat the preparatlna they need. If any genllctuen has la-en autdec.ted to Uie use or merrurv, etc., the Alterative will be found invaluable In .-learning and purifying the ■Tiiem.

Her CINCHONA niTTKKa i* a sore cine For dyspepUrs.

Her NKBVOl'!*, NF.l'KALUIA snd AATHUA PILL* are excellent for sll person* afflict*.! with Neurslgis, Colic, Delirium Tremen*, etc.

Her CATHARTIC PILLS are purely Vege- table.

Rneunu>ti*m may IM cured by using her eels bratsd LINIMENT.

Her i lliii.KUA NPF.CIFIC is a remedy for Cramps and Apaamr, Astatic Cholera, Diarflnua,

Her S A I.V K for Old Sores. Rums, sosldi, otc. A prlntetl circular arcoinpaniepi each, with full

illrertlona for use, food, treatment, etc. Sold hy all respectable Drugglats. Any person wishing to consult UKS- HK.SK-

CUItliefore Iseglnnlng lo use her medicine*, ran do to by addressing or railing at her noire, No .VJ WAHUKN AVKM-R from 10A. M. totr.u.

Mr*. Dr, ttoour InlriMtuces, by permlarion, the following references—gen I Is men whose character snd iiosition In society entitle them to the highest coojkisuce.

ltKI/EHKM'KS:-Samurl iioiohiim. suitor Of the .'oi.prrpnO'onni fs«H|l K. R Ilumphrein.LL.il M. D„ R. It. tillhert, F.sq., lleniamli, Crishlns, Ban,, F. C. Humphreys, Ksq., NsUianlel CrowelL Esq., Dr. Thresher, Arthnr Cheney, Raq,, Ramuel Caverlv, Esq., I^wla Rice, Esq., American Hooao of Boston; John Livemiore, Esq., CainhrUlgeptat, Mass.; Prof. John (J. Anthon., Comliridar, Mas*. Prof. A. A. Htcws.it. { rinilirl.lge. Mass.; C. P. Whltnev. Eat}., Milford, N. II.: E. Klrhnrdann, Esq., Clinton, Msas.; Wilaon Morse, Esq.. (It,.

JOirS J. - I. 11:1-.

SLATE AND METAL ROOFER. Office and Yard sl


WKnT »|-BntKT, UW'IIOCui -

Leaky Roofs made Tight it ahurt notloe. llymyi:



(Ws- -Vo. 4 BROAD WA Y.

Afear Boston A Maine ond Bnstsrn Oapot,


R"° V A L .



New Stora, Opposite Uie Old Stand,


South-east corner of Essex and Amesbury streets,

where, wilt be found Bt all Limes a large and eon. plete assortment of every kind of


F V R N I T V K E . eg- Thanking their numerous frk-mla sssl the

public generally for the liberal patronage bealowed

on them In the past, they will endearor by honoiiy

and fair dealing, to merit a continuance nf tha Mm*.

Lawrence, Dee. i, Mn. j,„ir

THK AMERICAN OPflC M Steam Job Printing,

*f he Lawrence L\!n(«ucai|!

rvsLumo i:vF.nv i-nn>Av uo*txi*ff*a,

Ui:< ». S. MF.HKIMi&<',0. INIKT I'HH E BLOCK,


The rltnilmloii.if llir l,an can la thr lnra;r»l i Count)', und more ... thai of auj other lVnlily rupee pub- II.lied In ibis city.

*W KATES "f ■'■■ ll 'I I ising trill

F' I X K P R I X T1 X G.—Tut: AM I. *TW**\M fnrrotoOiron 11 mu LAKU

fcABTESLV U 11*11 Hi II

Tip J)ai.y &a\Gfv&Q> MSUWIKD

EVERY EVENING, (Sunday rxrepicd,!

1( tlin Irfirjrcrt Dally |p tier city, wllli Four Time* tltc circulation of Any olhi r.

si nstrnirrioiv. in ,|,assat ■ On* Taw, as.* | ^Months, *,.:.»»

'V din ii'.t paid In ftilTinn', »-.nn.

■«JE<t. k M Lil BILL A UK, Prot'r..


STEAM PRINTING OFFICE. I- the Lm gc-i end ni" i thoroughl] furnished in Eastern Hassaiiiu«etts. Having only modern IV.-—"", Mid «. ill. run.laivtaddition* of the urn-eat styles or T))ie, iti- are able to furnish UM beat quality of work, ex|iedlUoua)y, at luw price*.— Order" by mall flroti prompt attention.

UEO, «. MKKKILL * CHiXkLIt, PoetOfl.ee Block.


p* D RICK « (LOSS ox, LAWHBNCB Auouoneem. ■aM^BMM. ABeQu and BusinessDirectory.

i. 381 Euan Street. Lawr IWBT


Mil letting the Minr ed, aegoUatlug Mortgage* noil looking up Tiller-,

Always readv to Kirn their personal servlc -IIHII attention to selling Heal and Porannal

—' ', obtaining jlunev


a at • "> per fu

•act: no 1 doubted , ..... All buslncts Intrusted to tin will ba etumdi-.i I.i |.i..!ii),tlv, und all will 1* lion- mkjrdeallh with -atritsl Integrity being the i

t '■!.'■].ii-nl ii ffli Heal Estate

- u owner, at the same time- looking well to the true inlrrt-tnt the •erchaaer, that hi. title* am good, and that he gel* all whlrb he U entitled to — tit tin securing and holding that confidence of our fellow* which in OtUy obtained by strict atAaaawM tu IIUBWMH... anil tteh[ghe»t lype ofhonornbtoaataUing.

aWTemia reasonable, anil errurdlna; to the work and responsibility. Call upon un.

Real Estate Offloe. 381 Essex St. N. *.—Pro- N. at.—Property Tor nal* In many eectiene oTSew i every deaJl

. atadMd, hut raiu-c especially In UM nty of Law Lawrence, rtmc* and vlclnllv. No better cttj In tin. Cnlnn '

1. TIIK WIIITK I.MBllKLt.A. 1 MAXY pleasant transformations were

AFEH HANGINGS,' '*klnB place around him, A.-*l«a' Material.. Chan- <#»«• » procession of strange little

duller*, Lamp*, Vanes. Mr. S75 Reset Street. .T.JII u ti-4 JJIIIHCII thtr iiftist :\x lie sut tin n-, Lawrence. ' nt the edge of the I)lcuerUa»art nnoils,

HIL nkNNKTT.CltiARS AND TO- 0,ldir.hl" wh"e ">»l»r,-*'l»- They caimi . BAI'C'O, Wholeaate and Beh.il; alao Huuff «* •«« ""' other, like to many tleputa-

BII.I j-iii.ikn■-' AiticlcH. Ueerachaum Pipe* ouatly tlonn from n fairy kitmilntn.yet thev ftlleJ repaired. No. S LnrMaM Street. Lawrence. to rouse hlni to |» intereat.

-rwTrnn>mra»t\ A. ntrs JKWKTTKaVaT ' lL WM ll"' llllrt' wl'L'k or rather a cold \\ ,J2£,1.".^!LL2^5S «* "«i»" ""I.- r..ta-™l..rVl l«ve. huja, Window shade, aud tsiuute rixturr.; Illaiik ■ of 'he oak were still ill a trraiupetl, crump- lioiik Manufacturer.. *JS Kt.es SL, Lawreuce. I )y condition, like the liatllj -parked clothen


Itoom- HI anil IT. Lnwrenre, Ma...

ID. DK MAHS « Ja Clock*, Jewelry. Ml

r'ani'T Oooda, Cutler" ™" ain'y tiomlx, Cullarv, Toy., 4. .■i.'i'ii i»K. <i»lil and silver PlaUi

C. K. lluiooa. i

', WATCHES, ( ii<l Platrrl Ware.

1-10 Kinei St.

>r a permanent InreKtraenl. Bead Iteal K.uto rnlunin in l.awrencn Sentinel !

and Lawrence Hally Atnerknn. r 'ani-

tll-AHSWAKK, OOBLKTH, TUMB* Here, Pitches, Preserve and Prult Diihon,

CandleatickK,Ceh.|vilh1B-e-..S] II.il.ter-, rii.li liLokea. hbndei for Wax Work, 4c. net* of dual and cut ghu*. J. C. Dow JL Co., ltl» Baaex St.


Having attondrd imrtiiilh to lii-innni'e fur noine Hoiiirkrr|iiiit( Uoiid. jrenerallv. The fieit amort. ra«r», it 1* nnw my intoution In (five uiv entire ment in tliu elty. Sol E.MOK St rout time to procuring Fire mul I.ire 1'olJclaa In — J — — — - Mim.i ii.t.:lA-.-c.>iinianles.«.'liBstbeHiii.VciKL O D. CROWELL, OYSTEH & DINING Ml'Tl AI., Salem. Ham., nn.l othem of eimilar r>, itooma. Fruit and CoiifocUooery, «S K«»ei atandln*. AUo, tiiacta. It.-«1 h«ut« Aarnt. liny- stvw.t Srftr (.[ty n„u, t.avrrtnre. Ma.-. Choice | IM anj .selling Property, Uoiit,nt m..| (■■ !!.■. t,„K i,rll11(|, of ClKari alwaya on hand. Bwata. Accounts KfTecting Morlxate.. etc. I have ^ . . taken an Office, with Wu. M. HoiiKita, Kan., in1 r TI nnrii-o OVSTEIl AND IPE

aadoarel'uIdealinBwilltH-n.vron.ui.inim. Venn. ";**«""■ ,c\ C"fr'i ^ Thol^ * ' reasonable. Addren. IIANIKI. ClItltlEll, , Confectionery, Ac. aWlaM aU hoar..

UfW - Methuen. Mann. ! ~

M $5to$20Ktt0,A5: ■king people, ake aioru ninnev nt nionienl.'t, or all the

I'niti.nlar* free. U-.n.i, Maine.


B. KENNEY, M. D-, PHYSICIAN a and Surgeon. Office 183 Eiaex SL Hnu.o 110 Newbury Street. Particular attcntlnn

paid to i .ii- ■■< ■.

1y S. JEWETT 4 CO., ATCTION AND a Commi.aion Merchants. Ptirniture ami

Carpet.- ;»W and IM K.aex St, Lawi-ence, Mu... bale, nt office, Wednesday, at 1 P. U,



on the rnaif to Lowell and Lawrennt. on the river, lying between Ihe river aml'the road. Uaattfttettirer* of Chamber Pumlture, Kent and wood enough t.r lionn. pnrpoaM, i^OappIr tree*. ' silling Koom Chair., ote. Cute 15 ton* KiiglM), nn.l .*. t..n- luw linv.- ' — - -: ■ ■ ■ Uherrlea, trai^e. und .nmll fruit-. Farm long and \ J 1SS LIZZIE UARLETON, L>50 ESSEX

tronble from rreahet*. One of thr llin^t -ini;.ii.in between Lowell and l-awrrn.-r. i 1-1 mil.- iron Lawrence; name from Lowell, liood bulldlni


their curloua «lol>t-s, ami unfoldinK tliosi -AO;:Z j crolwer-Nhnpeil stems from which the tue-

u v in ip ] ttlaVVaal Jeweller* must have tterlved aotue 1 of their devleei*. The lline-lenves, limp, and of an ei'iutalte tranapnrt^tit ^reen, danced in the wind; the nharp tufts of the ash were imfbldln|{ In the soft lilue air; the-.chestuut was espuurliiio; Its fans from a i Ii >/.!■?! places nun mc the suu-dappleti heech trUOkJ. The blackbirds satij; their frank \Mt songs, and the thntaheH fluted their more varied and subtle caprtcclos on the old theme* of love, hope, and apruur- The cuckoo, too, that strange African exile cnuiiioredofhlsowtiiiame, kept repeutlne; his one Idea; and from the larchf* on the

xt hill another cuckoo answered like an echo.

lint the fairy deputation* sent to cheer the expectant lover, let us not forget thein; for any mm but Frank Prohyn would have taken ploaanro in obacrving them. First came a little gold-green beetle, who, after staring a moment, with almost adentlflc Intereat at a twig near Probyn's easel, suddenly darted oil' at a railway pace into a hole among the grass, like a elty man late for a business appointment. Next wavered by a great colored butterfly, who skimmed by swift as a swallow, then fell ci «|itetilsli ly musing over a little blue flow- er on which It alighted, with quivering wings, and u bearing much grander titan your mere lowborn white paplllnn, whose home is a cabbage, and who, from sheer light-headed Inadvertence, flutters straight

good condition, well "fenced with etoneVa'l'lf- I ( 'OI.Ill'HN BRO'S ia I V ' in inn ml ..nlj A good

King w*ai Price a, woo, a:iooo of which rlertiiKe time at an interest of 7 per cent. Call upon PEIUUCK A CLOSSON, Lawrence,

or at the preml.eD. tfori-


On Kitnterly elde of High strw.t. betiveen and Platt HtreeU, a one and a half story, i tanatoeut houne, alx room, in i-ncli lenemeut. bars and well, till on a due lot of hind V ' High Street and 11V feet deep. Boom erect cottage boune to rent, 3i' ' aow for wight and a hnlf per hundred dollar*. Price giMOO.

Also s aplendiii biilLling l"t for gentlemen', ret- I'laaeo on I'nion Street, South Side.

Ahoagraud chance for gentle men'" re.idenci" la lota to eult, went ofC'lover Hill.

For Information and in-i.rrti.in nt -i.i.l ■ JI-I>■ n-i-|s apply to ItALDWIS t <lOl.IlHiK. Civil Engineer aad Heal E*t*te Agent, tin BsstX Street, l.aii

Street. Saunder* Bit _ rled and .elect mock of Fumy tiood., to which 1 Into a hedge-sparrow's mouth. I'rcHoiitlv woulilraa|Meu\illr hivlte attention. ( ln flery un(| rt^Vaa haste, like a little din

bollcal estafette, trotted across the ualh one of those Insects called by country children the devil's coach-horse; and to

>o. m Eaaex Street. ! him succerdrd ft water-wagtail, that qulck-

II l'tfli UPS lla.uT-kuH~Wo^it4Kl I est an<l dalnllest of birds, who, with a llt- , 'Lrmenul'sLlrt', ColUCollar.!ToS! ^MfiSfi T t^T "«^r snapped up

Sleeve*, Honlerv. tilovc, Head Urwaae*. Lace., and swallowed Apollyon a .iff-leader, and Embroiderle.. WlUte oood*. etc., W7 Eaaex St. j then shivered, as If It had slightly dlsa-

■"»' ■w^naw *-. " *>» .«. ».m. A" "• * i (freed with him. Then a nightingale lu story, double:!, »ANh t: < LAUk, Millinery Goods, ' [he hrntlt .,flTC one of th(Mr low delicious nemeut. w Ui a Small Wan-.. Trinuuingn, tinbrolderirn, , . , ...fY.L „--i, KI^I- , „„ii.„ -,.™,. id ss rcct on ' white Uooda, Hostsn aid «■!">.-. No. tii Enex , ™kw which soch birds practise some-

times, when the wood is t|Ulct by day: and a goldflnch, with a glimmer of color,

DAILY PAPERS, Engraving., Periodical*, Stationery.

i, I-. Picture. Framed at ehort notice.

Hand-knit Worsted

i rent, -uii'l prenil.e. rent ■

I Thureilay

1AYER S. HALL, Ready Made Clothing, dnppod from a lltodw DB»sil^bMb 0Tt»> ^plfta^rSS^;: Wt"™ ten feet lower, while it still

JOHN K. NORWOOD. Genera) Insur- ance Agency, make. In.urunce, In all lu

lnun.in-, a -I.CI'I'HIII. Call lu and Iu.perL our tei in*. :Wii Eaaex Street.

1? H. KELLEY. APoTHKCAHY.— Pre- kJt ncrilHion* cHrrfulli cniniiounded. Pure

FOREIGN PATENTS. I>nig*aii.lliieiiiicul-,, I'atmt M.-. lie I nee. Toilet and Fancy Article*, etr. Post Office Block.

renee. Ma.*. inter nlghti: Mondav, Tuiaday .




For Invention*, Trade Mark), or Detignt, T« Ntot* Nt., oppo.ltr KUby M., Boston, after an exteimlro prartlceof upward* of thlrtr veara. rontinuen to M-cure Patent* In tin- 1 nitcd SUtea; al*o in Urrat Britain, France, ami oUier foreign countrle*. Caveat*, Nnerlllratlnii*, Anabrn- ment*, and all paperr. for Patent., c\ecute<l on reaaonahlr term*, with dU|uilch. I(e*earche* maile to determine the Yididiin.ini oiihn or Patent* of Invention*, and legal mid other a.Ii ice rendered in all matter* touching the *ame. I ople. of the claim, of any Patent fiimi^hcd liv remitting one dollar. As*liniment* recorded lo Wi.-hington.

•BjNo Agency In the lotted Stale* poeae**e* •uporior laellitlis for oliniiiilng 1'nicnl* or an-er. MlnlnK the p:Uin1;il,iliiv ..i- inv.iiti.iii' .

All nee«Mlty of a Jouniey to Waaldngton to pro cure a Patent, mul the here Mire.I Inventor*.

UM. WHITNEY & CO., Apothecaries, a rorwi Kiwi utH U.raw. Hu Trwwr,

Supporter*, Shoulder Brace., Perfumery, etr. A

rP W. HEALD, Sole Agent for Singer's JL a Improveil Sewing Machine, lit E««e>. St.,

Saunder* New Block. Sewing Maohlne Finding*.

A Toilet AKIclea, Pertamei Soap*, eU-. Comer K**ux

■al great delay thcrt

TESTIMONIALS. " 1 regard Mr. Eddy a* one of the moat capable

and .ne.CMnful praci it loners with whom I have had official Interroumc.

CHAKLES MASON, Comml.'r of Patent*." "I have no hesitation In assuring Invenlora that

they cannot emplor a man more nnnpttmt and Iru.heorla,, anil mo're capable of putting their an- pllcaAtoii. In a lorm to secure fur them an early and favorable con-lderation nt the Patent Olbre.

EDMI"N1> in HKI-: l.-.i.- i ..in'.- ..i r^i.-m-.'- "Mr. B-H.EODI hasmadeformeoverTJIIHTV

application, for Patents, having been successful In almo.t everv e*»e. Hurtli unmistakable proof of great talent nnd ability on hi* part, lead* recommend ALL Inventors to apulv to him t cure their patents, a* thev inav be *nre of I the Moil faithful attention bestowed on their ea*e». and at very ren-unufole charge*.

.mux TAOOAatr." lln-ton. Jan. L 1873. lr«Kfa


to and reconimeiid the Q

it of all articles In otir line.

H. GLIDDEN, Dltl'GGIKT.—Pure >rug« and Chemical*, Patent Medicines,

"iponge*, Kru.he., iWibcrtou St.

JMIOK. LEYLAND. Dry (rm>ds, Ml Bn- . aex Street. Full Value, Fair Dealing, "No nwlng," No Trickery, One Price. We mean

what wa say.

, SUB- ix Street, Lawrence. r Ether given, as pre-

DENTIST, Sueceesiir •2£\ Essex Street, Lawrence. Administered.

DYER t CO., publish the oi

No. 337 Essex Street, ilj good Stereoscopic View*

of Lawrence. All Wind- of Scope* for sate.

I7RAXK KNOX.—Boots, Shoes and Hub- I bera of all kind* sold cheap Ihr ra*h. Re-

MHS. J, A. KNOX, LADIES FCRNISH I S ".!■ . nl .i ii 1.11 K■ ■ ii'-ii.i mi.-nt ni i ,,■

' Slip band. Hoop Skirt* mndo to o tU Essex st.

Bllaa -How* Improved Family Hewlne Machine.

I. Beautv nnd excellence of stitch alike on both •hies of the'fabrlc-i. Strength, lieaun- and dura- bllity of .earn that will neither rip nor ravel.-a. Complete control over both threads—4. An en- tlrelv new rotarv tension for the upper thread, whirl) contribute* *n much to that beautv and uni- form) tv or stitch for which the "Howe Machine" Is ■o celebrated.—<k A perfect uuifnmi tension In the shuttle which due* not vary from a lull to an empty bobbin — an objection no common to other atachiaee.—4, An automatic self-regulating take- ■p that prevenU missing of stitches In eron.lng aeav v seams.—7. Short, straight and strong noo- dles, not liable to break in passing over heavy seam", as do the curved needle* of other qiachine*. I. Finer needle, for Ihe .nine thread than any ether nmebine— U. Sewing enually well with anv kind of Uiread.-lO. Economy or thread beyoml Uut Of anv other machine.—II. A hemmej that Will make anv width of Hem or Fell—1J. Braid- lag the most'complicated patlernH with anv width and kind ofBrald.-l3. A Oullter Hint will adjust rtaelf to any thickness of material—It. Tucking ■IT mlirlr without Injury or pucker.—13. A cord- -j ae constructed aa to cord around

' ft

TAR. U si

Office hour*, IJlill ■! and i! till 0.

j. .*EEB and Surveyor, tM Eaaex Street. At office on Monday, Tuesday and Thursday


curves, even to square eornera.—Id. 8ewin| Ineat fabric without injury nr purf heevlast materlaui with the greale

ompactne.., slmpllcltv anil durability.—IS. Ease of operation and management.—111. HSHJI Machine la the world for Family use.

Call am' see these Machine* work, with the srw

LTEW CROCKERY.—A large stock of ~ na TeaSr '

I-.., I'hin gilt and color; _. Tea Sets and Mngle piece*. A large variety

-** vnrl eolnr, and plain. Whl Mug* Inrllt, gilt ami color, and plain. White Ornnlte Toilet >rl-, pbiu nn.l decorated. JOHN C. IK>W A (;o,, lfis Essex Street, Lawrence.


Fine Foreign and American Watches. Bronx* and Marble Clock*. Ladles' Beta—Cameos, Ring., Pins, Collar and

Cut Button*. Studi, Charm*, etc. Solid and Plated Silver Ware, •ar We have tlil* year the Flueat Holiday

liurk nil of It new—ever offered in the city. WHPTFOBD b RICH,

306 Eaaex St., Lawrence

BOOKSELLER and nt Book Manufacturer.—

I'aper Hangings, Window Shades, Newspapers, 2W Eaaex St. Brunch Store, lift Eaaex St.

V> W( STUART & CO., Essex Dye

Works, Vine street, livers of Piece lioodr, Yams, Braid*, and all kind* of Job Dyeing. Un- salable good* rc-d) *d nnd put in marketable order.

.-. si,,,,.-, ui,11 llulili.-is iii'e.tcij iicmri|i- ijmlrtr Store. Boston I'nion Boot and Shoe "0 Essex Street, corner Jacajoc.

_ riiuiii'.- S. Woodman * Co..) Crockery, <iln*. and China Ware, Lamp Oood., Flated Ware, Table Cutlery, 106 Essex Street.


WHITTIER, GROCERS, and tilas* Ware. Strictly pine id choice.! Tea:. The host dulrie*

vibrated and quavered a little uolig of wcl come and warning, and was on* ngaln. A few minutes later s harmless green snake moved in the warm grass of the nearest bank, and a rabbit scudded over u narrow track that led up Into the wood.

And all this time the great brown-eyed cows watchedthcartlst from the meadow as they munched among the gilt clips and the clover, nut yet foaming with the big dalslea of June; and the rhafAnch, " ptnk- plnklng " ammigUir rjpfnilMHMay-Woeistiin, eyed him with little perl head on one aide, as a cltlxen of Lllllput might have regard- ed Gulliver.

But still stolidly, almost savagely, Pro- hyn smoked and pnintetl on bending no fairy messages, bis quick eyes caring for no spring sights, his cars heeding not the unstudied music In that May wood, whose trunks bothered him, nnd whose foliage his right hand wsa alow that day to ex- press. There was Nature singing, danc- ing, fluttering, talking with a thousand nimble merry tongues, of hope, of love, and spring, caring nothing for him and all his troubles, nnd as careless as his color- niiin whether Harriet Blcncrlmssct ever became his or not. Ah, selflsh Nature, selfish In its boundless happiness of spring! The result of which agreeable reflection was, that our artist strode off over the ground Ivy, and dipped a apDIUN in the brook that flowed close by Ihe edge of the wood, Just to spite Nature, sponged-out half his morning's work in a hurt'. Then he viciously squeezed a load of bird's eye into hut briar-root, lit It with a fu»e that went oft" as loud as a saloon pistol, flung the little firebrand Into a damp of pretty Innocent dog-violets that grew at the foot of a beech three yards off, nnd smoked sul- lenly for ten minutes, except once when he paused to hum, " I awake from dreams of Ihee," which seemed to do him good, because he had once sung it to Harry- Harriet—at a certain moon-light.water- party when they were down in Devonshire at that mutual friend's where Uiey had first met, and where Dan Cupid had, from be- hind the blue circle of Harry's eyes,- shot a sheaf of Ids keenest arrows atrijuptain Frank Pfobyn of the Sclnde Light Horse, till his heart was stuck through and through like a plnciishon, and a violent flt of Hint temporary Insanity called love had supervened In Its most alarming form.

I'm a blamed Idiot, that's what I am, by Jo," said the amateur artist at last, " and as great a duffer as ever lived. What Am I doing, skulking abont here, sending Harry letters by the fourteenth cousin of her maid, and no more chance of getting a moment with her than 1 have of seeing the Emperor of China! I know what it'll be; that old pompous fool of a father, and that old mnlch-maklng mother, will tCasc mul worry her till she marries that fool of a young baronet. Just to be quiet; and what Is worst of all, that fine fellow Tremain, who was to help me, has evidently uot been asked down. Like my luck; and they'll go and keep all news of me from her; till she'll think I've forgot- ten her. mul ibeii she'll marry In despair, Curse the tree! there's a froah light on it every three minutes. There, you beast; out you go! that'll tench you; and this

and rattling happv -go-lucky conversa- tion.

Mr. Blenerhsssel, slopping to look at tiie strange creature's sketch, with double eyeglass superciliously held up, exclaimed In a loud voice, aimed at the young haro<

■'How extraordinary- It Is that people can ell ubout fur days In these woods of ours, making sketches which are always so excessively green. I don't see things so green; do you, Sir George?" "No,It llh vewry gween .awltilly gweeu,"

said the young man of fortune, simpering as If he had really said it good thing.

" Come here, Sir George," said the al- derman, from a point some yards farther on. "Come here, and I'll show you where the Marquis's shooting forms a sort of promontory, as it were, and abuts on the Blenerhasset estate."

That moment, as Mrs. Blenerhasset was turning to join her husband and Sir George, Probyii twitched Treshaiu by the coat.

"Don't cry out," he said. "It Is I —Frank. Keep Harry back to have u mo- ment with me, mul lead on the old birds and that fool of a baronet cub. Why didn't you answer my note?"

"It must have crossed me—never got it. Fancy you hear! What a make-up! I'll send Harry back lo you, Send word to me where you're putting up. Thought you must be down here. They're going to have a fancy ball up there to-morrow

ilng. I enn get you in as a friend; but Harry will tell you all about that. I'll send her back. Good-by, old man; good-

Ill keep them all away, especially that old dragon of a governess. It will all go well yet with you and Harry. Keep your pecker up; never say die."

With which profound philosophical con- iiifttlon, Tresham darted op the path

through tho wood with the speed of a deer, Just as the last glimpse of Mrs. Blenerhansct's purple silk train swept round the corner tuft of fern.

rV moment or two that seemed years, ami a little person, like a civilized fairy in shephertl's-plnld silk, came gliding down between the larch sterna furtively, both little hands stretched cautiously before her, to press hack the soft-green tufted boughs. A moment more, and she was in the arms of the artist, who whippet! off

heard to kiss ln-r. -'Dear! darling! my own! " were words frequently uttered during the next three minutes; and then, holding both her tiny hands, he looked Into her eyes, us if he could read the fu- ture there.

"Oh, do take off those horrid green pectacles. Frank," said Harriet; "they

make you look like a monster lu u panto- mime."

The green-eyed monster? Harry dar- ling, I warn you I sha'n't let you go again. Let's elope now, and leave the cruel moth- er, the obdurate father, and the spoony baronet of boundless wealth."

Ah." said Harriet, whose I.mul was burled In Ihe thick brown hair that curled over Frank's forehead, "now. If It was the good old times, your charger would bo feeding close by, und you'd call it, and mounting, me before you, sound your horn, und gallop me off to your mother's castle. Wouldn't vou. Frank!"'

Wouldn't I Just, Harry! and If that boo- by baronet tried to stop me, I'd give him a prod tn the ribs with my rapier, and teach him not to interfere ngaln between a Pro- hyn and the lady of Ida heart. I'd spoil his beauty, the humbugr"

•-IUH, l-'rnnk dear, we're talking HOU- sense. What I came for was to tell you that Ni d and I say you must come to this ball. It's a fancy ball, nnd he has got a dress for you. Mind, I've set my heart upon vour coming, anh von're down for lots or dances."

"I'll go In Tor it, whatever happens. Hut, Harry, mind you're to run off with me If they 1>r ■■.-* you much more about that baronet fellow, or some day you'll he consenting from sheer worry."

"Frank, how dare you talk of my ever marrying any one bnt you!"

"Oh, I don't know what conatunt worry might not do."

"Frank, you'll make ine angry, and I'll never kiss yon again."

"Yon could not be angry If you tried. Harry."

"Ah, you'll see some day, sir. ! mustn't slop."

■-One more kiss." "There! Now, you've had quite enough

kisses. Good-by, Frank; good-hy. Oh, good gracious! there's Miss Venables coining buck after me, and you've got your beard on"."

"Like my luck," groaned Frank. "It Is too late; she saw me. I can see those green eyes of hers steady on me. Y must coftx her over, Harry. I don't like the old cat a hit; but perhaps she mayu'1 have noticed, after all."

It was too trne. There was Miss Ven- ables stepping gingerly down between the young larches, with a sardonic simper on her plnched-up mouth. She eyed with a cold malice the artist, whose beard was duly on, and green spectacles adjusted.

"Your mamma has sent me to look for you, Miss Blenerhasset. Tim carriage is waiting at the lodge. Your mamma Is rather Impatient, as she promised to be at Barkham Lodge by four."

With one look at Frank, who rose nnd took off his Iml, Harriet departed. Frank followed her with his eyes till the last glimpse of gray had passed out of sight. He then furled his white tent with a groan, lit n cigar, packed up his easel, and strode back to the town.

The moment Harriet got round the cor- ner, she begun to try her coaxing powers on the stem Miss \ enables.

"May I ask who was that extraordinary- person?" asked Miss Venables dryly'; "and what a very remarkable beard !"

Harriet gave the dragon a glance quick as a swallow's flight, yet penetrative as a rifle hullet. She saw in a moment thai Miss Venables knew all, and at once de- cided on the line of action. She stopped and threw her arms round the governess's ueck.

"He loves me very dearly, and I love him. You mustn't tell mamma; you won't,

111 you? for you're a dear good creature

MERCHANT lOSEPH ! I null A ( »> Tvll.oits, Block. V:-.,-i 8L . - of JosiEl-H Kim ni. (late of Savage A Flood.}

r? s. Hie ( irgeon.

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r of Laurence


Office open at all hour* or nlghi

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Chlmnrv*, (Untie*, Crimped (Jl.i**, Porcelain and Paper Shades, Bai Wanilnrde, Tubing. Lantern* and Lamp* repaired. John P. slow *V Co.




i that the subscriber ba* or the .■ ■:. i r- of

Ony ("arieton, late of Methurn. in the rountv of K*sc\. trailer, deceased, anil ha* taken upon himself that trust by giving bond-, a* the law directs. All > having demand* upon the estate of said

"" in Iml tn exhibit the same; and led to said estate, are called upon

.o make payment to EBEVIt SAWVEtl, Methuen. Jan'y 13, 1*73. JnlT Administrator.


CHESTER, N. »., BY AUCTION. tlnticn Is her

assignee of til. Thome* J. Melvln. of Cheater, bankrupt*, will sell at public auction, nt Baebi-ldei's Hotel, In Chester, Tweed*,', February 11,'T*), at IS e'cl'k M. the land and building* thereon, situate In anid Cheater. Said building la now occupied by John

' l, merchant, and John t'liderhfll, shoe man —together with all oilier article* In ou

awuua M aaelgneea. EDSON HILL. J.V. BARKON,

Assignee*. Manchester, N. if., Jan. II. 1873. ;tt-i J-.IT





JIT Eases Street. Klmball, W. F. Kimball.

SON, 11,1,1AM RUSSELL Manufacturer* of

BOOK, NEWS, AND MANILLA PAI'KHS, Canal Street, lower end.


Esssx ST., l.nwar.M I, MAS*. Over Dyer A Co'a.

Portraits and landscapes. Ml EBHKX ST., LAWSBSCK.


Tln.OlassandWooden Ware, no KasKX ST., [.awrenee, Mass.

/ 1 H. TEBBKTH A CO., Dry mid Fancy ' ' . Goods, IKS I ■■*. Street.

The Low Price Store of I-awrenrc. (•Ive us a sail.

c RLES T. EMEltSOX, ARcinrttT.

|, K-'S Essex Street Residence. IS Oak Street.

tobacco's as damp as old boots. By Jo. If I know It U very wrong, seeing him like I haven't half a mind to go straight hack this, but our meeting was accidental, and

they want to murrj me to that dreadful Sir George."

Hiss Venables thought of the possible ward of silence, for Harriet hud receive

ed a handsome check from her father ouly n few days before, and she thought she

her way to something like half a year's salary. It would be easy to betray ihe affair at n later stage.

Place yourself In my position," she said, "Miss Harriet, nnd remember the dreadful responsibility which devolves on me. If your luaminn only knew I ever connived at such an Interview, 1 should instantly lose my situation. A poor friendless woman like myself must disre- gard all sentimental feelings, and act on a rigid sense of duly."

Harriet saw she was yielding, and kiss- ed her with an outburst of girlish grati- tude.

"You wont tell, dear Miss Venables. will you? It wasn't my fnult; and who knows when we shall meet again? Reside*, you know you had no share. In ouremeel- ing. Ah, you dear good ereature, I gee you will keep my secret."

II. TUB FAXCV DAL!.. llaitii i was watching every one who

entered with the deepest Interest. There was no sign of Frank yet. One or two Ttirka, n doxen dominoes, an Elizaliethstt courtier arm in arm with a stout Ophelia, an overwhelming ijidy Macbeth In black velvet, and several Chnrles the Second courtiers had arrived. The baronet was a crnnndcr, Mr. Bhnerhasset was strutting abont In a George the Second dress, anil Mrs. Blenerliasset was grand and Impres- sive as ijin en Anne. Harriet looked very graceful nnd pretty as Juliet, and Ned Tresham made a very- manly cavalier nfll- c*r. As for Miss Venhles, atlnsel ere*- cent over her forehead, and a gilt bow which she held In her hand, sufficiently ludlcated to the world her dignified Im- personation of Diana—"huntress chaste and fair."

Chambers, 1, i A 3 Saunder. New ' to India, and get polished off in some 110- t iiiier iiicminic.iii^*iipri>Lri..ii tlve ftlTklr right away. But hush! By Jo,

here's some of the Blenerhaaset people

YATES.M. IL. PHYSICIAN a'nd i ">"»■"«■" --__.. Yes, Indeed there were. Two or three

gueBts at the house above, led by the fussy nnd Imperious Mrs. Blenerhasset, had suddenly appeared on a path that wound down through the wood to the sloping open meadows on the edge of which I'ro- byu had planted his white tent. It was possible that object had attracted tbem. and they were making for It.

" By Jo," said the artist, at one* roused from his stolid sullenness, " here's a go! But I'll be ready for yon.my old girl."

He had evidently come prepared for such possible emergencies, for In a mo- ment he hftd snatched from a havresac he wore, iv false heard nnd whiskers of the last Bloomflcld Rush pattern, nnd had slipped them nimbly on, disguising his eyes also with nn enormous pair of green blinkers. Then he buttoned up h's grny shootlng-jacket and turned up the collar, and turned up his trousers. From a handsome young officer he had shrunk up in a moment Into a miraculous old Ger- man Jew. Ah, Frank Prohyn, those pleasant private thentricnls down in Dev- onshire, when you were always the lover, and Harry the young Ingenue, were uot lost upon you. You did not look n very natural Jew; hut then, who says the stage has anything to do with nature?

Down they came, like wolves on the fold. Mrs. Blenerhasset In purph' *'") gold; the young simpering baronet doing the agreeable to Harriet who looked tttt er and prettier than ever, but rnthcr w the obsequious little husband of the III erhasset, nervously anxious to please the young baronet: a sharp, cross-looking, young-old governess; and last of all, tc Probyn's delight, though all his eyes were for Harry, cainc Tresham, with a


cldedly to enjoy his good natun-d jokes

The first dance was Just over, the inu- *Je of which had been grotesquely broken In upon by the roll of wheels up the drive, and the Jarring of steps, and every mo- ment fresh groups of country people were arriving. "It Ith pothitlvely a motht exhilawatlng

thlght, and wcally vewry enchanting," said the young baronet to Harriet, whom he closely blockaded.

"Yes, the mixture of colon and strange dresses is very pretty; bnt I really don't see that as yet any one even attempts to sustain his part."

"It Is awfully hard, mind you, Miss Blenerhasset. I can't keep going about all night cwying, * God fry de Bullyon! huwah for WlcnaVd Coeur de Lloir That would never do, you know; and thith tin armor clatters so when yon dance—It lib wcally awful."

■■'liieii don't daace.s. "Not dance! after looking forward for

months to the pwtvllege of dancing with the belle of Hertfordshire 1 Now that's

11 a 11 v too bad of you, Mla« Blenerhasset; you're weully « gwvat deal too hard on a fellow."

All at onco Harriet turned round and saw by the side of her cougla Ned a gray- headed colonel of Lancers, who wore the uniform of the Empire. His gray eye- brows, worn, tanned face, drooping gray moustaches, formed a complete tout en- semble. He had been introduced to her mamma, who was smiling graciously on the new arrival. The colonel had a hol- low, deep voice, and his manners were formal and of the old school. He spoke In admirable broken English, from which he never lapsed.

Who Is that gentleman who arrived with young Mr. TreshainT" aaked Lady Macbeth of Queen Anne.

A friend Mr. Tresham made In Paris,'' said Mrs. Blenerhasset with dignity.—

The Vlcomte de Longjoomo; French nobleman of enormous wealth. Delight- ful person he seems; quite an acquisition."

Harriet was the vicoinlee first partner; fts they prepftred to slurt, the vlcomte suddenly whispered,—

"Here I am,—Frank; dont cry out. I told you I should he lure. The dragon is watching us."

It was nil Harriet could do to prevent uttering aery of astonishment, but she lid do so; and as they revolved past

Treebain and the fair nun, his partner, Tresham gave them a look of recognition and of triumph. Mr. and Mrs. Blener- hasset were charmed with the scion of the French aristocracy, his nflhhiUiy. and his condescensions. Every time he danc- ed with Harriet, Mrs. BleuorlnWflet point- ed him out to all the dowagers round her as a pattern of aged elegance. The bar- onet was mad with envy.

'I positively must introduce him to you, my dear Mrs. Llssomer," said Mra. Blen- erhasset to one of her richest and most Influential neighbors.

1 should like H above all tilings, my dear Mrs. Blenerhasset. My girls are dy- ing to dance with him."

But I don't see liltn auywhero now," said Mrs. Blenerhasset.

'Oh, I'm sure Miss Venables will go and tlnd him for us—of course you will, there's a dear thing. 1 think he and Mr. Tresham must he in the conservatory."

Of course Miss Vstiftbles would, and off Diana, ever blooming, young, and fair, bounded. They were not, however. In

conservator)'; but the conservatory doors, that opened on the terrace), were bright with moonshine, and into the uwu. shfne Diana very approprlBtely^enTr " '

Like the ghost of nn elderly Diana seek- ing her Endyinlon, Miss Venables stole along the terrace, skulking )n the shadow cast by i in- lime.. ■ Gliding as softly AS a weasel across n brourd blanched surluce of moonshine, she stole into the shadow of a huuTc stone um full of flowers.

"Oh, don't be angry with me, Frank, dear," said a soft gentle voice. "They are nil against me here and I had no one to tell I have given my heart already, ex- cept Miss Venables."

"What, that old cat!" snid a manlier voice. "Hang her."

If lynch law could hure been instantan* eonsly effected by any temporary compact with King A]>ollyon or any of amiahln Miss Venables' enemies, It would have gone very hard with Frank I'robyn; for Miss Venables' lean (lagers clutched at the um, and the tinsel crescent on her sennty hair trembled with rage,

"Don't say that, Frank," Aiatvercd the low, sweet voice; "she's a dear good old thing."

"Old, indeed!" Internally groaned the listener; "very little older than you, you vain creature!"

"And would give her very life to make yon and pupa and mamma friends."

'Nonsense; she would not give a tuft of her chignon. She'd sell all you have told her for a sovereign.*

"I'll chignon him, I'll sovereign him!" muttered the fair queen of the night, |ust then behind a cloud, "I'll spoil your game, my young man! Pair of fools!

No doubt SHss Venables fully Intended to win the odd trick at this moment. She had long before this resolved to sell her secret to the best bidder, and had In- deed thrown out several prepftratory hints to the young baronet, whom they alarmed without enlightening. The conversation, after several whispers and a faint sound as of kisses, was resumed.

' "They hardly speak to me. Papa frowns and bites his lips, and mitima affects not to hear what 1 say. 0 Frank, I nm so miserable; and they watch me liken thief. Mamma says It Is killing pane,"

"Killing! rubbish! He l^oksos Jolly as a sand-boy. They'd say anything to turn you from me. Harry, I se{ It has rome to this—we must dope, and get married at once at Gretna." (It was some years Ago.) "It Is only nine miles from here to Heading, and If we start aa hour before the ball breaks up, we can utch the Arst train to I,ondon, and the next after we start for the north."

There were several moments' silence, then Harriet said plaintively,—

"Is there no other way, Frankl" "None." "None." "None; either that, or they will hurry

you abroad, and we may never meet again."

Yes, I ii ill \i<>." M.hheil Harlet. "I would rather die here, as I sit here by you, Frank, than marry that man.'

The fly wilt wait for us at tie park gate at half-past two. We wll meet here."

A kiss (several) ratified the agreement. Miss Venables stole back into the} house. An hour later, Tresham made His way through a crowd of Venetian i nators, Spanish Lcavallers, general office s, and Waverleys, to his old friend the V comte. who was chatting to two blonde sisters who were dressed as Spanish dom is.

"Frank." said he, drawing hln np»rt. "look out. That spiteful old sj ) of a governess has been playing Hai y and you false. She came Into the upper- room and began whispering tc Mrs. Blenerhasset; and I heard your na no and something about half-past* two. The old bird seemed to color, and nearlv (Topped iff her perch."

" The deuce!" said Frank. " Now what yon have to do I* lo start

just half an hour earlier, and let the horses have It the whole way. I'll rontrlve to get Harry out on the terrace, and start her without being suspected. Oil you roman- tic beggar, what a Romeo-and-Juliet busi- ness you're inuklug of It I And when the discover It all, won'i It he like young I.m iliiuviii. and the old game over again" By Jove.lfl wasn't afraid of the malrimo ulal lottery If I wouldn't tffilp off that pretty girl In the sea-green aflk, and race you nil the way to Gretna. Mind, ot two to the moment. They'll watch Harrv an cats watch mice; bin I'll make it diversion to get you off."

"I am afraid It Is all tip now," said I'robyn. "You're n deuced good fellow. I know you would do all you could to help me and Harry, bul I shall never be able to get off with Harry. I ai» standing here like a fellow on the drop waiting for the bolt slipping, expecting '• very moment old

and politely tell me to get off the prom I sea."

"Nonsense, cheer up, old boy," said his good-uatured rattling friend. "I allow that old dragon of a governess bad played you false, but remember she did not see you, and she doesu't know that you are here lu masquerade. She- won't know you; keep on disguising your voice, and It'll be all right. The old bird has Just been Inquiring after that agreeable okl colonel, and she doesn't know you from Adam."

" Hut how will Harry be able to slip away? Her mothcrkeepg her by her side, and never lakes her eyes off her. She has already declined two dances. Oh, It Is alt up, Ned."

Don't be chicken-hearted, Frank, and I'll pull you through, ae sure as my neon- Is Ned Tresham. I tell you I've got a plan In my head that'll do the trick. You take Mrs. Blenerhasset down to supper, and when you are well fixed there, I'll contrive something that will give you a good chance of slipping off with Harry ; but mind you look sharp for the moment, and don't inlss yonr chance."

They had just aat down to supper, and Frank was wondering what stratagem Tresham would employ, and whether it would be successful, when there came a shout and a rush through the door leading from the hall Into the supper-room, and two spiteful pampered little terriers of Mrs. Blenertuuset's darted in, pursued by- two smart, strong, pugnacious terriers of Tresham's, and followed by him and one of the page-boys. In a moment the dogs Joined battle in the center of the room, and were at it tooth and nail, yelping, barking, and growling like so many mad things. The page-boy. In his eagerness to part them, knocked down a tray of clism- pagne glasses; a footman, running In an- swer to Mrs. Blenerhasset's screams and Tresham's cries of mad dog, leaped up and knocked a bottle of sparkling moselle from a footman's hand; he recoiling, struck another effervescent bottle from another footman. Up started the guests; the ladles

reamed and jumped ou chairs, one or two on the table, to the devastation of Jellies and the confusion of custards. Never was

h an uprour ever raised lu u supper- nii before. As .tor the governess, with

one foot In a bowl of lobster salad, aud another In a Slraslmrg pic, she stood like an Andromeda screaming at the approach of the sea monster. It was at this mo- ment that Vlcomte de Lougjooino, with Harriet on his arm, stole through the con- servator)' Into the garden. There Tres- ham, doubled up with laughter, joined them with cloaks, shalws, aud a bonnet procured from a lady's maid whom he had bribed, and tn ten minutes more Frank and his alltnnced were rattling off In the moonlight ut full gallop for Reading.

Blenerliasset will send one of his flunkeys , care to bother them with different notions;


At nine the next morning the first ex- press darted Into Stafford with Its usual mad triumph. In the first-class carriage at the end of the train, pale and sleepy, were Frank Prohyn and Harriet Blenerhas-

They were safe now; they could not have well been missed fqjr an hour, and that hour would liave prevented any pur- suers catching a train for London till two or three hours later. A few hours more and they would be at Carlisle, and then hey for Gretna! Hitting hack In their little podded compartment, Frank and Harriet shrunk frexn public obfvra-atlnu, she with her vail down, he with a newspaper con- cealing his face, the umber now washed off, the long grey moustaches and bushy gray eyebrows removed. Occasionally—that Is to say, once In every five minutes only— he leaned forward and pressed her hands In his, and she returned the muic expres- sion of love with a look of entire trust, which would have almost softened the heart of even Miss Venables herself. There was no one else In the carriage, so that a kiss every few minutes behind the newspaper could not very well excite any special notice from the world at large, and under the circumstances was not un- justifiable. They had paid the guard to let them keep the carriage to themselves, aud he took good care to ward off even the most determined commercial traveller. Ifauy one said, " Thla carriage for Prea- ton?" he said, " Farther on Preston;" and if any one asked for a Penrith carriage, he snld blnndlv. " This carriage for Carlisle

ily." "My own darling, we ure safe now," lil Frank. "A few hours more and we

shall he one."

At that moment a party came bustling up to the carriage next them, and the lovers to their horror, heard a well-known voice say,—

"No, they are not here; this next car- riage will do for us."

■■ Very sorry, ma'am," said the guard; "hut a gentleman Is suffering from low fe- ver there. Must be alone with his wife."

" Fever!" screamed Mrs. Blenerhasset, for she It was. "Come along, Edward; for Heaven's sake, don't go in that!"

"That was u narraw go," said Frank,as he pressed Harry's hand between his nnd observed thnt they trembled; "but what •hall we do now?"

"Frank, we ure lost," was the tearful reply; "they ore going straight to Gretna after us."

They remained silent, looking at each other.

"Lucky I twigged you, said Tresham, at that moment looking lu at the window; " quick, come out, there's only one chance for you. I told them that I was going for the two next stations In n smoking car- riage, and they are all safe now. Quick, out with you, there Is only one chance.

Frank demurred." " Don't talk,—out with Harry; there's

just one rliance. I'll pull you through now."

Frank collected his wraps, and the two lovers obeyed Tresham's emphatic order like two children. They were lu despair, and they succumbed at once to the strong- er will and final resolve of Tresham. A moment more, and they were ensconced In the last carriage or the train. The last ruck-load of luggage hod Just darted

down the platform; the last arrival of scared-looking passengers hurried lb rough the already closing doors of the booking- office. The last newspaper was sold, the hut glass of sherry drained, Ihe last ticket nipped, the last door slammed, the white flag waved | the hell rang, the train gave a sluggish Jolt forward, then conquering rapidly the n» fscrfte. gradually gathered Itself up, and panted on with Its usu- al untiring vigor, wrapped in clouds of Its own victorious breath.

"And what good U this, now we hnve done It." said Frank, doleful enough. "Here we are in the train with Harry's father and mother, who are pursuing us." He spoke low, for there was a guard In the carriage readings paper.

"What a curious carriage this Is, Frank! It la not like any I have seen before," said Harriet. "Why It's three sides glass, like a coupe lu a diligence! Why did you bring us here, Ned! I know In Unit look of your eyes yon had some meaning in it. See how he is laughing, Frank."

Frank looked, and shook off his despon- dency, aud bis eves brightened,

"Why, this is ft atip carriage!" he cried.

The gunrd looked up over his paper, caught some Impression of the group, and said to the lady,—

"Yes, nm Hin this I- n slip carriage ; we slip nt Dunsford,"

"There's no danger. Is ibcre?" "Danger, miss! none In the world . you'll

go off as easy a* slipping a greyhound." "I see It nil. Ned; and you're the best

fellow In the world!" cried Frank, taking both Tresham's hands. "Harry, behold our benefactor; it's all right; we shall be free, and oh the road to London in hnlf an hour."

"Such a lark when they found you had stolen away!" said Tresham. "Gad, it was like a kennel starting for a fox-hunt! Every one was bowed oui. Out came the horses, off we pelted; but, by Jove, If we djd not miss the track, after all I Consul- ting which wuy you had taken, I took

but the Dragon was too much for me, she stuck to London and Gretna; and I'll be hanged if the old boy, Harry, did not go In for an express train'. £40 by George! and we came up like princes."

"When do they let ug go? I feel quite frightened,*1 said Harriet, clinging to Frank's arm aa If they were going to be blown from a gun.

"It's about time now, miss," said the guard, who, from a front window which he had opened, had been reconnoitring the swaying train in front, like a sports- man waiting for a shot. Whiz went the telegraph posts! They were going thirty- eight miles an hour; banks In a golden glow with gone, white slopes of nodding daisies; then some chalk cllfls, a clump of firs, and some corn-fields; now a " taut steeple across a line of low mead where the red-brown rows lay deep In the grass In luxurious ease.

The guard opens the window. "That's the signal for slacking spued,

gents." said the smart guard, now hauling at n RMgMi chain and band that were hooked b-..iw the window; "don't you feel It

lackenr" All this time he kept dragging at the

chain, as If the train was a huge greyhound he was going to slip at a deer.

"Tell nw when It is going," said Harriet, closing her eyes.

"Two minutes, miss." The guard pulled and tugged at the

chain aa If he had booked a huge fish and was playing with it, trying to tire It out. AU at once he gave a grand drag, as If he had struck the flab, and let go tha book. Wbiz-g-g. Away, like a bullet from a gun,

if indeed he had pulled a trigger aud discharged the train at Dunsford; away with a rush and whirl of freedom the train darted off on Its war-path. This moment It swayed before the looker-on, the. next It had grown smaller; smaller now, smaller, a speck—out of sight! Onwards but slowly after it, though the speed seemed scarcely to slacken, the slip car- riage swept along the rails; till, a little be- fore Dunsford, Its motive power gradually lessened. Eventually worn out, and Jolt- log down to the speed of a mere market- cart, the carriage glided Into Dunsford Station as quietly as If It had been driven by an old fanner, and drawn by a sober old pony.

The slip carriage had saved them. Great was the delight of Harriet when she found herself safe, and loud the grati- tude of Frank. Tresham, by a judicious telegram to Carlisle, explaining that he liad been accidentally left behind at a station where he had got out to get a glass of sherry, brought the worthy but not astute Blenerhaaset back to London by the next train.

Immediately ou which, Frank and Har- ry, who had been stopping at the bouse of a married friend of Tresham's slipped off to Gretna, and were there quietly married —thanks to the clever use of a* slip car- riage. The Blenerbasseu were soon rec- onciled' to their new aon-ln-law, who is always pronounced likely to lie made the next Associate of that generous and re- ceptive body, the Royal Academy.



Weekly Jsfew^ Sr'evitiefy

THK naa or LOVE.

/reel At "Learnt* .Ulsccuoam*.," im

The ire of lav* In routhlul blood, Like what i* kindled la brushwood,

Bat for a moment bars*; Tat In that ran ■seat makes a mighty eolae; It rTswalm', M u> vapor nun**,

And toon Itself rleatrovi.

But when crept Into aged veins, ft slowly burns, ana then long remain•.

And with a silent heat. Like Ure In bov*,1t glow* and warms ere long; And though the flame lie not so great.

Yet la the heat aa strong- (Ear) of Dorset.


Life I I know not what thou art. But know that thou end I must part; And when, or how, or where, we met,

a to me '■ a secret vat,

Ltfe'. we've been Inug together, Through pleasant and through .loud) weather; TU hard to part when friend* are dear. Perhaps '(will cost a *lgh or tear.

Then sic*! away, give liitlc warning, Chooee thine own tune; May not good night; hat In some brighter clime _ld me good morning. jA.L.Barbnuld.

C o i4 f e ^ p o i\ tl e n 6 e. Our New York Letter.

The Mysterious Death St root.

mi Common

The Investigation begun by an AMttlrAM re- porter, Into the cfrrumatanrcs coniteiled with the death of John Tlerncy, or North Vassal- l«.tn, Maine, ha- been followed up, and witli the result that It Is now plain that Tlerncy came to hi* death by poison, administered Ivy Ids nephew Patrick Flnneran and Finneran'i wife, either by mistake or deilgn. The following are the particulars of the caau a« gathered by the reporter:

It appears that Tlerney was lu this city fonr or five rents ago, and was at that time addicted to habits of intemperance. He was arrested and sent to the House of Correction, and ac- cording to a statement made by him to a Va»- salboro man, this same nephew at that time robbed him of 9300. When Tlerney wo* ar-

my sincerity, then after a second explainod pon derou.li, why, be wrote " Home, sweet home." The Fauat, aunuuned by the mviou* black balled, "the fast" dub ofthe city of churches, 1* a sort ot* literary dramatic, affair, which, within a few month* has attained to greet popularity. It members consist of editor*, writers, reporters, ac- ton, supea, end amateur*. Tike " Faust" Im* 11* enemies. "What organisation be* not?" aayi one of tho« indignantly. " The Idea of that col lec- tion of aiuall fry loafer* getting op a Payne me- morial. Much they know about home, half of [SATURDAY. them don't peases, m* a thing, and those who Th^gy night six men attempted to cross do wouW the river at Evamvllle, Ind., In a skiff; their cossiDxn IT 4 OttOBAca TO im SaUUt THESE i skiff got Into ihe floating iceajid wa* overturned.

naroRk DATUOHT ' Tuo>' wvtt heard to shout fur kelp, erring uut Th*,* >M ■ im „f «-,u_™ - v™ t h.„ r. ,. ! **•« tiieT win freeilng lo death. None of the

■ ™ ' *** ' TrSffSl ^^ •(earners or otlmr craft at tho wharf cnukl get H in the Faust Club, and I hare friend* out of the j them, and their voices ceased after a tew mtn- Fsust club, and because of their conflicting re- I ulea. All were drowned. ports, I have been at considerable pains Jo dis- cover hist what 'I* the matter with nils much abused society. I And that It eommenoed with poker pla ring, that It saw the error of and abolished poker playing, and that it Is now a club whose reception* the moat eminent clergymein of New York and Brooklyn are not ashamed tend. I act down every one of these, three fact* tn ft* credit, I think it was very much better that the Faual should commence wllh poker aad go up to clergymen, than that it should ■Mix WITH THK cutanr AM. I ..MI UOWS TO

POKER, aad think the generosity, consideration and energy it baa displayed in tula matter of the Payne statue, It* numerout retractors would do well to Imitate.

One of Payne'* tragedies Is being played this week at Boots'* Theatre, wait Booth of course a* the central Ogure. Tu-uigtil Daly opena hi* new Kinh Avenue Theatre with the play Of AUxe, a dramatic production of the Frou Frou style, ll la likely the bouse will lie well filled for some time, aa the MetrepolKan heart I*, a generous one, and wonM hasten In do Its sj-mpathetle IM>*I

inward* the replenishing of the burnt out pocket* el* Dely A Co., even had ll no rurioalty to see the new piece coacernlag which *o much lias been ■■■• i n " BnHber Ham" still run* at Wallaek's,

and Atlierly Court nt the I'nlnu Mquare, Is to he replaced by ■■ One Hundred Year* Old." an Kng- llsh translation or " Le Centetutn." Al Mr*. Con- ways, Brooklyn Theatre, are thla week to lie pro dured standard play*, alternating with Ihe drama nr " Time and the Hour," which for the last two week* has lieeii presented im.-i -n..e - - - fully by this larix 'a flue company.


The English >erwU eapreaa la _ the strongest terms at the heartless conduct o_ the Captain of the unknown stct, HT, which sunk the . .nrrhfliv. The (ioveruiuent has of- fered a rewurd J"i the dlscoverv of her name. Sixty survivor* of the Ill-fated emigrant ship have arriv. ■! h Lomlon.

At a public meeting in Binnlngluun, England, Thursday night, the mayor presiding, resolu- tions were pasacd condemning the slave trade, and urging the British government to aid flic United State* in their demand on Spain air the aliolltiun ni slavery In Cube.

The Ht. Louis Board of Trade, yesterday, adopted a resolution protesting again11 ■ re- peal of the lamkrupt law bv Congn . ' tte lioaton Ihatrd of Trade are In the same In i. nf mind.

A telegram from t'hsrence, Italy, annnuiu,* tho death In that elty, at eight A. M„ Hmmlav, of OscarC. Shufter, fbmierlv Judge »( the wii- picnic Court of California.

The Cltiiens of Milford, Mass., are to bold a public meeting tills evening lo agitate the ques- tion of the location of the Mate Prison lu that vicinity.

A man named William D. White ruuimftted suicide at Providence, IL l„.ni Friday. Jeal- ousy Is reported to have l*nen the cause.

William Dennis, eolored, convicted nf an out- rage on a woman In New Castle, Delaware, hi March last, was executed on Friday.

Seven prisoners escaped from ihe Psttenuai, X. J., State Prison, last Thursday nlgbt.

Q*tt F.n*tmaii was killed at On Id.rook, X. It., on Friday, by a falling tree.

The Spanish force* in Cutsi, are to Is- reln- fbreed by lUiO soldiers.

Cuba is to have u new i-splnni general.

MONDAY. Prince Rlsmark appeared in the German

CluttnI>cr ol'Deputies ruuurdny, and was warm- ly received. In response to their greeting, he made a speech explaining that hi*, retlrrmeni from Hie Prussian Premier*hlp waa occasioned solely by 111 health. There waa no disagree- ment Is'tween anv of hi* colleaguci. and him- self.

Mr. shin., the mUsliig hunk cnsliier of the (iralille Male National Hank of Kxeter, I* found to lie a defaulter to the tune of tfl L'i.doU The I* nk will lose the whole of this sum, aa the cashier'* bond* expired some time ago, nnd sueh wns the ciiiifldeiiee In turn, the Director*did not

ik to have tbem renewed. Hon. William Caasldy, editor ot the Albany

Argus, a man of tine character, and pnaiilnent- ly connected with public attain, W)KI died re- cently, was hurled on Saturday; hi* funeral wan attended by manv of the Htste' official*, and tho flags of the Hty were hung at half matt, and Ihe 1*11* tolled.

Mr. Charles K. Pemherton, one of the oldest locomotive, engineer* In New England, and fur thirty-five year* connected with the Boston and Maine nijlroad, died at his residence at Ureat Falls, N. H„ Saturday evening at the age of M years; he leave* a wife and six children.

i'liere was a sensational report spread on Set- rested the monev was in Flnneran's possession, ardey aHcmou-i nf the n.soastnatlon of Presi-

dent Grant by Men. Itlslr. The report is sup- posed «o have been circulated hv *omcitn«iTit]*ii- Inus stack JoWicni to Influents' the market.

Tin- Town House at Holllston, Mass., narrow- ly C-CH|«MI burning i.ri Friday night, by the fall of the liiaitdeller containing 'fifteen iniiip* which had just liecn lighted. No serious ilmuagn wa* done.

SEW YORK, JAM. list. ISTS. D*us A-SKRICAX.- Tweed's trial still pn>-

greasea—(Jarver has told bla story, and given his experience of municipal Job* and jobber*, with a

placency almoat as startling as theexperlenre Itself. The world expected

REVKLATIOSS MOST ASTOI'MHMl, but they did not expect these revelation* lo be made hy those who had reaped the greatest liene flt from the crimes revealed.

flays Mr. Carrey, with fbe ubnosl noncual|iire. referring I believe to tl.e building of the Court House, " I asked Mr. Tweed what Die bill* should be," ind he said, " rliarge fifteen per rent over, and he would see that 1 waa paid." which request Mr. 0. rnmplled with, peas log the extra flfteea per cent, over to Mr. Tweed, with the ulmo*t peg ularlty. Mr. < .arvey explained this little arrange- ment wllh an equanimity unsurpassed even by the most Ihorougtily corrupt criminal within Ihe routine* of the Empire City, not even Mr. Tweed' piercing, reproachful gate, being sufficient to disturb tils composure. The Metropolitan pub- lic say dial honor am«ng thieves I* played out. No wonder they think so! Mr. Tweed la reported to be much discouraged b) hi* n.lleagur's 111 time.I promptness, and Jobu (Jrahaiu, according to all lie.-(Hints, Is well nigh frantic. Poor (iraham la fighting hard, but His LINKS xut: -<OT CAST is IIJuUtUrT i't i. i », this being on many aerniuu* the most trying trial he has ever been Interested in. .fudge Noah Da vl* is tin- representative arbiter nf the law nn thla .in-ii'-ii.ii. lathe Ma.in.inn.I trial,Judge Davis

il Mr. (iraham n ere opposed '" each other, Ihe m -t being private couusel for lite pni.eriill.ni, the last, a* y«« are all aware, being retained by llie defrnae. Many people pretend to nay that (iraham cleared Marfarland hy bla abuse of Judge DavU; however this may lie, I be fart re main* that Mr. Graham'* mint suereaefUl points wllh the Jury, were hi* tirade* again*! thnee who opposed him. especially the gentle Davla. Kvery

lered at thl* gentleman's self control— they were sure he could give (Iraham a* good as he senl, and censured him for I IK In Bnme, and not doing a* lloman* did—by forgetting the gen tleman and playing the hully. Hut Judge Davla t.mk outside reiiatire Juste* he did lirahsea'a abuse, that I*, paid II m> attention, and now thla turn ha. come. Very gently he vetoes i iraham'* objection*, most avavnly he Interfere* with lira ham'* Intended swoop*, aud most decidedly dee* just exactly as Graham doesn't want Ii mi lo. flame of the new ape | sera have


playing wlUi a mouse, he la an w tiling that lig'reiit opponent shnuld believe liini.elf i til the last moment, bul In iu> opluion U

parison Is unjust. Judge Noah Ibivi* i* ironi all accounts an ei

reedlngty upright and cmaclenliouH man, and u. .-neb an one a decision In the manliest matter would tie impossible, without * careful review of l.ntn side*. Well, the Tweed (rial ahows what a seesaw Ihe world Is after all. and the pnorrrra- lures now nn the low end of Ihe plank, may con- sole themselves with Ihe reflection that If Ihey ottrh lo their seat they may some day Und then selves triumphantly suspended in mid air.

John Howard Payne I* at present attracting much attention la IsHh Sew Vork and Brooklyn, that la to say hla memory It, for the man him.elr 1* dead; of course If he were alive, who would trouble himself abont him ? I'erhap* all don't re member J. It. P., ami don't know why hi* ashes should lie honored by a broni* representative. I confess that for a few momenta

IT WAS » Ml -ll in TO ME. f haled to confess my Ignorance, hut after a mo

ment muttered snlfirkenl courage to ask my In. formant why the Faust (iui. should put a *latue of John Howard Payne hi Prospect Park? He looked at me tn eonilematlon, evidently doubting nets

and when he was rulcaied from prison, the nephew refused to surrender tt. Tlemey then swore an oath that lie would never again taste intoxicating liquors. He went to Vassallioro, Maine, and obtained work In one of the mills, and during tho yean that hnve passed, no one in thai place ever knew htm to taste liquors of any Kind. He was frugal and industrious, and saved up a considerable *mn of money, leaving at hi* death olwui 81.300, in the Watervflle, Me., savings tienk, and considerable lint ou note*. Ho was highly esteemed by all who knew him In Vassallioro, and when tho report reached that place that he had died In a drunk- en debauch, the people refused to believe It, and were of the opinion that the roport was Incor- rect, or that he had been foully dealt with. There were besides other clrcanuUncea that aroused the suspicions or the Vasaallioro peo- ple. On the 6th of Jan., the day of Tlerney'* death, Mr. John Mullen nf Vastaltiom, re- relvrd Ihe following telegram from Ijiwrrnrc:

" To John Mullen, North Vessallxtro, Me. Send my trunk along as soon as you get this, to 33H Common street, I.aiu.-mv, Mall.


When thl* tejegram was sent, Tlerney wa* tying tn a dying condition on a lounge, In Fin- n.■run's house. The man who wrote this tele- gram wrote It at 10.30 A. TS., on Monday, Jan. 0, and wrote It at the counter in the office <>( the Western Union Company, In thl* city, on one of the Company's blanks. At the same hour, Flnneran's slater went to her brother'* honae, and saw her uncle, Mr. Tlerney lying on her brother's lounge, breathing heavily, and she was shortly afterward Informed that he was dead. Consequently the man who sent the telegram, was not Tlerney, all bough the mes- sage puriiortrd to come from him. Hut the man who sent Ihe telegram was Tleniey's neph- ew Flnnrrun.

It i* probable that Mr. Mullen would liavi sent on the trunk, boi he received a telegram closely following the first, informing hlni thai Tlerncy wa* dead. Upon the reception of thl* telegram, Mr. Mullen Immediately ci.mintinlcut ed by telegraph with Mr. Williams, of the IVm berton Mills in this dry, avklng for Informa- tion, and tn reply. Mr. Williams cut Ihe no Count of Mr. Tlerney'* death from the Astr.ai CAK. and sent It to Mr. Mullen. In this ac- count, drunkenness was assigned aa the cansc of Tlerney'* death. Knowing Mr. Tlerney to have leen strictly temperate for years, this ac- count wa* doubted, and Inquiries were set on foot, which led to drvrloprneni* exciting MI«-

picliin that Tierney had laseii foully dealt with. Flnneran'* siat. mem as given In Thursday'* Annan is, 'hows that Tlemey died from the effects of laudanum. Did Tierney lake this I tudanmn himself, or wa* It administered by Flnneran and his wife, and did they administer It with the design of causing his death, or mere- ly to enable hitu to sleep off the ssfMsafa

drunken spree ? Let u* see what thr I'oi't* ure I Flnneran and his wife are the only person*

who saw Tierney drinking. Flnneran's sister, an intelligent woman, saw

her uncle frequently during his stay here, and did not see hiui drunk, and will nut believe he drank anything but tsiflee—and laudanum.

Flnneran Is found sending for hi* uncle'* ef- fect* under ill* uncle'* signature, while ihelal- i.t Is dying.

There Is an indecent haste to bury the body. On the Monday night of Tlerney'* death, two

children, who are supposed to IK- sleeping lu the room in which Tlerncy's body Is lying, hear Flnneran cursing his wife for refusing to give him tome whiskey punch, and hear Fln- neran's wife charge her hiuliand with poisoning Ida uncle, by giving hlni laudanum enough to kill four men.

A gentleman In Vaasalborn writes to another in this city, and lays, alluding to Tierney i

"He told a man in Vosanlboro that his folks In Jjiwrence tried to roll him twire, and tried la kill him once, and he didn't waul to go near

Then the character of Finncran should lie taken Into consideration; he keeps one of the lowest mm holes on Common- Street, ami tli.it Is say- ing a r"."l deal. Thl. I* the tnnit whom Col. Deal urged Judge Steven* to sum! u> the House of Correction the other ilay, for keeping a liquor nuisance. Moreover when this loan's naotber was dying in her own hunsc,al381 Com- mon Street, he had her removed In an enn chair to his house, at 3.1K. the old woman suf- fering excruciating pain from a broken leg, so that In the event ofhlsmother'* death, he should have the right to *ur the city for ilaniagei, and at he termed it, " make a pile out of Ihe hu.l-

Thc engineer and foreman «*f a train mi tho BoaaM and Albany rsllmnd. were killed On Fri-

eiitiig bv the train falling through n bridge tt Mlddlelleld, SIHHII thlnv miles area] of Spring- Ac-hi.

Mr. John Ohmtteatl, father of Frederick Law Olmsteod, died at llurtffird, Connecticut, on Friday night from Injuries received bum railing on nn lev sidewalk. Deceased was HI num okl.

Andrew Griffin, a track repairer, was run over and fatally Injured on the Boston A Albany railroad near Westfield, on Saturday; he was tying on the track drunk.

The widow of Napoleon has derided to leave Chitelhurst. She will not leave Kiijdaml how- ever, but will settle In some other |iortioti of the country.

The Maine legislature refuses to authorise the Congressional re|ireientatlrea of the State, to uid the bill endowing agrtcultnralcolleges.

The bells of the city of Boston, were tolled M ■Saturday, during ihe funeral services over the re- main! HI iln late Mrs. Harrison Gray Ota.'

The 'i. nn, i Morro Castle of the Atlantic mall line, was selied for debt on her arrival til New York from Europe, on Friday night.

The dispute Is-twecn Russia and Great Brit- ,in on the Afghani.tan uuestion, i* causing iim i.lei .ii .[.■ uneasiness In die latter Ciainlry.

A brutal fellow named Frank Gripe, living at Charleston, Vl., rcceuily whipped ly- child so severely that It cannot recover.

The California legislature ha* passed a bill divorcing Oov. Satlord, ut that slate, then his wife. Incompatibility.

Judge Tracy, ofthe C. S. Marine Coaft* '' I nt Washington on Saturday ; he wus ilm : - years old.

ll naa* seem strange, bul New Yorkde*pa'ili- st Inlonn us thai Hell Gate is lil led with ||.,.*. Ing ice.

If the New York World Is to lie Misted, I00U diseased sheep were sold lu that city last week.

William fallen Hrvant made a sis-ccli at Ihe Hams' .eh inaiion at Brooklyn un rrlilay nlghi.

Cincinnati slaughtered :WJi.>i hog* last Week. Tweed will escape wllh a light ptinl*hnii-iii. Boulwcll will get the Settatorshlp. America liar «Tj,(WL! churches. Gold 113 3-4.


A Geniutn family, consisting of five ncr*on-, at the village of Nassau. N. t., were la.t week poisoned by drinking elder which ll 1. believed, was luqirrgtiau'd wllh coppera* by accident,

liter and two children are dead, ami HO- IK I remaining child are stidtoba dy-

ing. Ilnn. )■'.. N. Urlggs, B prominent lawyer of

-■ nn, ill.-.I nt hi* residence In litauibm ou Suildav ei.nm- ni the age of Hvriilv. Il.im.l been Speaker of the House of Represents!ivr* and was President Of the Senate nt lls tret of ganUatfnii.

Two car* on Ihe r.astcmcKpri** indu mi tlic Mlchlgiin Central Itailrond were llirown from the track at Chelsea, Michigan, on Saturdai evening liy Hie dropping down ou tin- track of a broken brake; several iws-etigers were In- jured.

Isaiah Furl, a watchman in the Newichi- wnnnick Mills, lit South Berwick, wits found dead, lying ..n his face in the weaving nsuu en- try,on Minnin morning; lie had evidently shot himself accidentally.

There have been slight eruption*, from MI Vesuvius the past few days. There ha* been nn damage done, but the resident* of the vil- lage* at ihe lis'l or Ihe volcano are greatly alarmed,

The legislative committee on the liquor law reported a bill yesterday for the repeal of she beer law; a minority report wa* presented, thai no legislation Is necessary on the question.

Dr. l.i-n Brook*, a druggist In i Ian muni, N. IL, committed suicide on Sunday, by taking strychnine mixed wllh morphine; he leave* ■ wile and three sous and llirec daughters.

Mr. Paul Mi MUL a French Jouruull*! of suine prominence, ami once ou the editorial stall of Km lid.m'- laiui.us I..iui...... dud on Sunday at Long Inland city.

A large house and Isini were bunie.l at It.. lOl, N. 11., on Monday nm.- together with lour valuable horser.; the loss I* csliiunhd al -t.. si. Insured Pot -i'i">

Charles Grey had Ids right arm cniigtit In ■ picker at Ihe licit imp mills nl Ucouiii, N. !(., mi Monday, und Hie arm torn oil from the d- bow.

David Duncan, one of the wealiale*! men hi rrmldelice, died In Cnniles, FrSOlT, SrttUldilv, whither he had gone for hit health.

A Manila )Ht]HT inilt WHS l.uincil near West- Held, Ma**., on Siindav evening. The !■■■ - I* ■Kffl.ulJO, Insured tor «U.oO».

Kvans, the Nnrihwixid 'uiuiilcrer, wa* sr- rslgned on Monday innmlng. si Bxeter, N. II., and pleaded not guilty.

Francis Warren, of the firm of A. T. Slew- art A Co., of New York, died In Psiis ou Mi m day mi IT n ing.

Small pox ha* made iln appcarmo-e In the Slate Prison, and the prisoner* ore breaking out—wllh It.

The defalcation, of h'hulr, the Granite Stale National Dank Ctshter cover 8190,1100 thus far.




THEAMERICAN. He Brldg. ..v., Ih. M.,rlmi.ck. r<oc;,| Affair. Til.' rVv


Weekly KeSvrf Brevities. WEDNESDAY

Unhriltt poHcd bate eel tcin. A isdiceiiiaii I- tit IK'

" elUerillK the place. These ' ly UN witnesses III ill".' i.l un

proprietor of tin house, |

Iif .if,',

Imperative demand now extati l additional bridge nvcr Il»' Merrliiiuck, liidi should i»- centrally toeatwl, Pre-

liminary step*, toward tiio erection of«w> a strurHir-'. have hern take* by n large number of ov public- spirited citizen*, with John ('. lloadu-y, Eaq.. at their bead, |H u petition tn the l«guunkar« for thin |iiir|niH<'. mill we flee) uasured their efforts Trill l»- ln'iirtliy seconded by ritlr.cn-. noon both aide* nt* the river. The, two bridges, now exUtlns;, am located at the extreme bnslneM portions of the city, but, while Herring the people In their locality, nrv entirely Inadequate to the wanu of the central mid business portion* or (he city, mill full in afford our citizens upon tin' other aid* or the river, with the means or direct communication dcalrable.

The moat famlble location lor abridge wotilil lie it ntluoatlon or Lawrence Street, fhua leading From the moat cen- tral portion or the city to the very heart of Ward six, giving direct accem to all the public buildings, and a broad mid direct avenue lo the northern suburbs, and through to Methuen. By adopting tail location there would lie aome Imid ilaui- itltes Involved, chief of which would bo that owned by thel'uelhY Corporation, up- on whleli It one or their amnllcr mills ; but

aim, N. U-. de- lt "IMWM he lmrne In mind that whatever il"f the Lee into the Winillpe- : m:ly |„> the amount llfsiiell damages ut the

...uh.-c r...., ... K-.t Tilt..,,. N. )!.,<« Tuesday, | , , vd ((f ,,,„, ^^ ,„ uml drowned hlmscli. ' , . . , , .

The National Ibeatm at Washington, the only i i»P'""y Incraaalng, and that to secure land In the eily, was wholly destroyed by tire on for the projected avenue at an early day

uld be n matter or wise economy.


I XjrtiT WM HLRSli.'~- SfOTlAAlfS MM ASI* VAiaBTKRS PBLXBMATK THt: iilRTttHAY A.WltKRSARV OP Tilt: Hum >>r TUKIR rorxriiy.

Iiy savins: tins ii to- bey wi Of (tie ••l.nlr.l"

I Kentkniiiii npem-l Lil- ir-i-wf ' VITAL STATISTICS OF THE CITY nine '-llei-liill*

He: ado i brillier B l.nkirk to .1

Inn' rer IN vr trill it.



le which hnidetli Van too cbimnev

II o ii| e t{ o s s i \i.

II » lUl II

name. «T all p are t.. in- e*ed iniliiiTin'iit in which I- prct later.

Kd-.ni Hunt. i. hoy of thirteen . i« timgliii! to Cmcord, Mil**., whili t,i school »n Tuesday mnmiug, walking on the railroad, «n* struck ley a tmin ntid killed. Ill* bodv VM thrown up by Ilic cow catcher in front uf the ■agtne, mid was not discovered until tb^ tr.iin arrived m Ayerjanerlon.

A dllflcultv occurred on the Jltli InU., In lor- -vili .-.iiuitv, Oeotina, between a nnmberof the t nitnl Ntiuw. Uepiitv Marshall, and rirlxen* cliarirrd with violiitint' the re«eiiue INHS. Se\- etit\-ilvefcbota »in exchanged. n-indiliiK in the ■lenili of (oie rithten, and the wounding of nm dvpniy m.ii-iin'-.

\ ,'.,Hi-lon iieriirred on Tue-.luv nlteniooti on Die New London and Northern Kallninl, mirth ..i Palmer, Maw. A mixed train •ml n freiabl train lame Ln eolllxlon; wvrrnl pernoiK were in- jured, one it i- WPpoOnl finally.

There 1' an epidemic of rateklc jiml now. Two, vei-terdnv, in New York, one in All«nv, and oiie at namtoga, tbe la*l on Hunday even- tiijr, oocot ManelKMier, S- II., Monday, and IO

Thonuw w. Sawyi

. i.uii.i ■ II i>

i, UuhV troll | ■«' I -tali momma. tlicir witnlrolN-.

A Montrail denrUl ha- anclalady Rirbieach I Not only would the larger number ol ol pronitiH'. Jillin« linn l«e .■ a chronic din- (,ur people lie much helletlttcd 111 the ac-

eu,r,eh!'rnn'tl'",>',nnd ,bl" ""'"1"'1 '" *** *Uulaltwn of a new bridge, hut It would ""JJmw Ton'pay was drowned In rYeth Pond, P""" » «"■* iMontlW to populate the near lUlinont, Man-, hy the lee break log tin eeutrol portion of the wanl south of the Monday moniltut while lie wan em f. \t\rn. Ill the past, the larger portion of

The Coln.Tc.-Mi.nil I I'lnalice t'unilliiltec will j , i I ,.._„. l .„ ,„1i„,.ll,. lTOl«l.lv ni-.ri a lull l..r .In' redemption of| Imaluena and social Interval has imturall) ■peck payment! on Ihe l-t •>! Jan. 1874. j been In the locality of liruadway, where

A illHtillerv wa* litinied ill Nu»hvllle, Tetm., | tn_ weight or travel Is; hilt with the cs- n.i Tnc-d.n IIKIIIIOIJ;. Al-mi HXW ImrreU or! wlii-key were c.ii.-miie.l; II.H, *MU,l)0t).

ilh Atnerlni bring* newa

The State Hell low the bureau In print.

A liar (IO. .1 la. I7ili of Hie pver, lliili.

tn have tin* .-

11 llvei

TuvMbv. renwrd tlmlif of lalHir iii

e Mrth to a ehlhl •

,■ pri-e IfHIl wlllil.i their 11 m-

the .-riHj.iiir. ..I KaM Hlouahtiin, MOHR, hnvi tnrtid n co-o)»raHve oboe nnintitact..ry.

The Shah of IVr-irt Will IM prt-ent at tin n|KniliiK "f the Vienna exhibition.

The lri-h -oel.lles of Brmton have voted in have a pnrmli St. I'lttrlekV dny.

Itev. Adam Kclgwiik, the well-known Kng< ll-h irrohttfisl Is dead.

Ikwtuu now vaeelnate* free nil who eiuiuoi nffilTil the luxurj ■

AntrlopeM In KaiiMW are .1 on Ihe pluim 1'ri.ni the epUootlr.

klgned tli

tnhlismcnt of the bridge In iiuestlon, the heart or tin- ward would soon be occupied for both residence and business, and new- lire would be Infused Into the entire por-

| tlon or the city, upon that side or the riv- er, while convenient acceas to the niutiu-

, lecturing and business Interests would, doubtless, attract many people to lhut

1 ward as residents. We would UTge early ' mid earnest measures In support of the new bridge .project

. Tin-lin Snow In .i\ and wren fw

N. 11. Joale Man-Held ban lieooo The t'arlloti have again lx Yellow fever rnjes at ltlo Ofdfl 113).


'I'm; ALDKmtKM did so surprisingly well

In the choice of city messenger and super-

intendent or tire alarm, that the public

will be hair Inclined to forgive them even

that ueudleaa act of parUiauahlp in re-

moving the efficient, gentlemanly and pop

ular Superintendent of Cemetery, t.

make a place Tor John I.. Hutchlnson; ll

n.reialtreHtywithKnK.i would seem, however, that Mils office, of

On Krt'iin cieiiiiiK the BoOtlbh r.-i^lenU .if Uila rltj. Aadover, NarUi Audever and Memneo, IM*.

•tino.ii ti»' null aaeavereavy ofn^Wrth or UM

DAHef t'H-lr eoimlry, Robert llnriiH, Iiy a ben. quet nt Aaanden IUH. The RMeurianea wa* ■|uile larne, lli.-re ln-i»K prulmHy tw« lilliiillfd la- ille. amI genUeBiM |ireMmt. Jowuh W. smlili, K.M.. Aodom, |.re-l.ted, (Uld Mr. ThOUUM M.-Ctil.. but, ..rtlii- rity. acted at mart maiiar.

The supper ««> fu^DUibed Ly I'owhl atel Me- Council, of UM Kmex uotifc. Ihwo leatlemm

.nit been tavuraU) known for tlin excel, leoe*. of their caderlnff,. Tb« tauten were tn»ie- rnily laid, ■ml n-Ueile.l ere.lil .in ihelr e.Ulili.li- inen-.. The ...mpany »at ilownat etgU i.Vlnek, and Rev. Mr. QtauW, "f Methttfn. Kaked ■ bJOMHIg, ii,. tUDpvt wa< dtoruaaed wit* roUoh amliUt Iha tow of AoufaraaHou. in prcparinf the haweeat, thethoiiKtitnile«U-rer» hail mil lorgoUMa tfw M- Honaldbh, «n.l during Ike prafreM .>rthe neper the i-oinpany were plenontly Mirprl-ed at the n vent of n Mnokina ltajorU. from which ar<.*t frairrant inieii-.'.

"It w»» n BogOU of princely .lie, KlllliiK with frnKTBiiee both nose aud cyan.

In Hie Obeenea <>f Mr. JaDi«n Bogle, who WOI have ((iveti Uiini-' ip»ltrO|lhe to the i I.N.-^I-, HIM

OddfOM WOi mod by UM ltu««-ll J»ck-on. "fair fa') er h.meHt, ronnle faee, lireat rliit-iuiin o' tlir |iuiltlin(t-ra«re! Ah.M.ii thviim'vc tukyoiir |il«ee,

I'aimh, tripe, of thnirni Hiel arc ye wordy o' a Kr*'-" I

Aahuuri my ami." The tUggla w«n •erved.afmr which, the mato- a) man jui.l weuum t«-iiii: aqrlidia, preparation.* vre niaile for Ihe «■ - ■ r of reanon nnd the How ol

Tlie fln.t t..n«t nfttir evenlna win, "The memory or Robert Hum*.• reaeended m by tieo. guaMU Jaakaee. The Itollowlng Ii an auatmet of the re- a|Hin*«:

ri-i-ne llallerk, write* of him, the niinl- veraory «r wnote birth we i u- ■ i.■ i.' celebrate:

"Such (crave* a* hi* nre |.il(n-lm "hrlne*. nlirinen to mi eisle nr rreisl e.mtlne.l,—

The Deliihlau vnle-, Hie I'ul.^tinei-, TheMeceaHortheiidnd."

The truth or thl-beniitlfnl -t.inrn I. fnllv Hint. at.sl In thl* ualherluK- it I* not left to scoteh. jeu alolie to do holier M I lie memory of Hie hard

of their country. As lie wrote for hiiauinlty, ever itiiei" hiimainh niille in lionorlnn h<< meim<rv

d the NMOeaUttlvea of all nations amniallj Klhrr to deal anew the loinb. -Oil ROgrant w Itl

■ lil.wt.om* of his pm-v. Wliile we admire an. honor the Imrd for hln Wtllfn to every form., deeell, and for Ilia elort* U> pfaee reality alxiv. ureleiisloti. lo lirinjr xsi.-lv lo Hie condilinn Uia wtmkUiiahleiltudeteeian.il plnie It. true vahi< Upon the gold rather than to areejil coin for tin Klamp H bnrcpwe onli love him it lien we e.unmiin. with htm In hla lenfterer IIUMKI*. Aa we liehold I :il Hi" (II'HIL-II. in Hie un ..1 Hiiumk'.vi-i-a Hi I'I .l«l*y, thatc

.1 tin Ihe k'alheiiiiK le (t-ihi d«v, iiinl they tne

i.i nonor .me oi KM nt llritain'- |.n.iiile.t .lav, The Inure lioiiltr,- .'aiixlil an iiii-weruttt ffteOIH fnili even liill-i..].. the Is.on of the tira»e» Uir.wt.d .uniH.li ».■ Iieanl BI..I aii^uevcl frowi John miroiiu-h't., |,n,id» End. ami ore* Ihe elinnii.l (iilirnltaraMitf.il Hi lur tliui.'l.r.ui.-re*i»mae. r'nr Aii-tralineaii|rlii no tin- t'la.l refrain: the t'n|.e, t al.ntta, Madra.. paateil it on. Old Halifax n- £lii .1. ami up hv i-rag crow ned uneliei- Hie cannon

Hinderedefear aerne-i Hi-' ..iitinent Hint theumi.U en V iet.irUlui.l lieen cmw n.-.'l ihe- girl Uueen or I,real Urltaln. >nl M inm h ««- Uil- tril.nU- pel.l

f-ymlioli.' of |i»«.r. plaee.1 (ronl m. dally labor, wearied and anxious for present. )wn, the , phjilc(ll ntt mn<x mM1[a| cojovment. Imagine. —Hoaton l-ntra.lually rl*lm{ from her radu

j him after tea throwing himself at eaaa upon a MnaU>|KH[. mil cult- , lo]]|1([Ci Ml1> whlkl „ ,„„„ „f roinfort atole

Ilaeometli Unto ■ children from play and "Id I ionier.-.S"(r PkUip Si-lntf.

wtallatica are valuahle, bol they are far from be lug attractlre. They come un.ler the dtnoraina-

sUjl'x tribute paid tion of "dry reading"' Fancy a inao coming home |

—Whew1 30 below.

—The firth gaeeaatrra week of sleighing.

—'I he police (tree look well In their new coatt

—Vicinal Utatuitica— 1'rorlai.m deaknV Mils.

—Mayor Tarhox bai retained from Wnahing-

—lee i* eheapeat nimmg table Inxurlc*

rua a|Hjaker Waa el.H(ti.-ut nt time*, and euii- uciitly happy throughout, nn.| eloaad u rhomlng r.- I ■■:; ■■ hy paying a ilellghtful tribute to true

omauhood, in .-..t or pabtee, wherever found. Mr. I'eler smith snog the well.known mid beau-

tiful ftong, a . "t.i|....-iti..ii of Huni*. "Joint Audei. MIII, my Jo;" It WHM emiuUIUly given. Mr. elmith Im- ;. line toiee, and hnSuHN much feeling tola hi'

Mr.. McAlll-terand Mr. T. Leybnd gave a Kp.

ut the 1'ir hearing H.e wood rmrklluc within the \ -Tnm' " '^ ,wn l«,lrtil

.tore, ,.r aeeing Ike bright glow „r the ontUwclte ** •»■«»• «" »«*V- tkrougti the Uluglva illnminatora of hla "Jforn-I —Franklin foal is 511 per

Ulory." and coiilraaUng hi* |ioaltlon with that | kinds of coal ¥12 per ton.

■Tins •pirits of the \xint are ileUTi

—It 1- proliahlc Hint Dlnrlrt Atton will prosecute the IIIM- ut Flnuc wjilt murdering Tiemey, by poisoning, U'fore j ,|n

i the imli -e court, at an early day. The case i* \ fv, a^uiiiiiig a pcrhma nopcct.

| — Xt# have beta Informed hy pretty go.nl aa- I thcrity Unit Kev. Mr. Wis.d haa not received a I enll to the church in Boston. The Hateajenl

woe preraalure, although a call to the pouter ll by no means Inipnlaihle.

—nnaeran, who has bern charged with mua. ing the death of Tiemey, by overdoing with lull dun um, pnriiH-ely or accidentally, wa* ar- rested Sunday hy State ConMahle Heal, and lodged in the Math

t of tin Hlaeh i,n and

i list*

.Sherman meat from the fearful muddle of last year.

charged j —Opera nhuwe* bevo taken an upward te ry ilnce the announce! i.k tutermiiiiucut, and already I

oilier* have ordered a large lupply, and we un- dentond the field viewing inrtruiueut* of lin- guiear* Littleiichl and Ccollilge will la-placed in the gallcrica tor the U-nctit of Spnrniu -!

—Some of Ihelauberaof this city complain that th.y nre compelled to. I weak the Kablatb by people who pcrxUt hi waiting until that day Ui get shaved. They My it is not fair Hint they slinul.l IM- driven to n violation nt the f-airlli oiimiaiidiiii'tit in this way, etpeclaUy when they want to go—slelgh-ridlng or pleUerel lish-

—Th« untieipaieil urrtval of Prof. Prat I ho» in"-

of Uw Ian* fortunate individual abroad, flounder. lagthroughsnowdriaiBnilalippingun siuewalka , w laea - " rrort had "een made to renitar aafe, and P**" U> «« rii" ■ ,ta l>rl" "« '"«' ubaudonlng liim-clf to Ihe com fort ing liinuenees —ltapidjy increasing,—the nub-ciipli. ■nrrouedlug him. -ay Ing, "uTIfc, ahunn read me of the Dally and Weekly Amums.

Teazle. The eueellenee of the ae.lng was ver, I [^^ ^^ ..wjl„ ^^ , wl|, ^ . IH72 waa a Udy, aged niuety-Hve year-.

■narked, and the pleee .rent, d « great .leal ol i TOU ,„„,, K|lltMi, ..-iinw would Hiat mnn feel? —An alCitabhj citizen waa heard to My ainoamaat We jlnafml, „.,, BC4. lne inilivldual nlmott bunting j Thursday moruing that it wa« told aa Maun.

::;.. i„ a £2. .:;,',»„.;.:»; *£z. >,.,, **•*<*•b*— i-""M»- *°*»-"> -■ .^w ^ ,!,»«„. ^ .* «i b. or. The Judge, although taken by surprise, wai fully e.jiml to the ouraslnn, and in response to thf toast, spoke at ivinshlerulde length in eulogy of the elty. alluding to her magnlilcent puhlk liulld ing'. public frhool*, her ehurelies, mauufaclurlng establishments ni.d puldlr Instinition-. honor to respond to anch a -ei.tiineni evidence* of thrift and progrea* were the growth

caused horses, and i their -uw Im take to tame

—The (Inind Jury, nt will probably eonilde

l-hitl:.- ill' iU'tnent among »xi dealer- arc I l*rof. l'ratt d.ies not antler- revolvera. v, now III arhsii.ii In Suk-iu,

{.leuee ugainst

„f Health tit that 11 Ian.I,

i-ep at t

in Kpisciiimllu "ITU "lie. I."

nil In the elty, mlftlil he kept aacred from the greed of Imrnoeratlc plate aeekera)

| luit lirevvster or lliilchlusou,—<»«■ mUflt ; In- provided for.

The ilimeull <s hetu •en LitMia in.! Oreat llllliiln on llu- Uiilnin ■tan i ii,-ii..ti Ins

iM'ltig iii ii fair mv tug -atl-l l,„ loelit, are lucreaehuT, lllll ll an Id Hie (j. of Fran..-, All trm. 1 il. urkev. De ininrk

iniliei lo Ml| i-ltt-.ii in the

.ptestliin. (ien. filluiore. win. eiin.luilc.1 the bom

im-ni of Chiirli'-tim during the war, Is no nerlntendlng Ihe uneratlwia Ibr Itnurovemi its hurlair etilrance*. He expresses cmitl that the work now in progT*"* on the I i-hi twill given ihlrtli of IIPivll feet •■ bavat low water.

i on tilt

irpln a watch ci II for i business nun ..n M St.. New V..rk, dli I Weilnes- hn from pja ■I -hot in . He was

-hot tvhili lilt* Tiles. i. night l.v Juines lanaiiL'li eli - Ni.il iheahont-

ni. m.il. but [lie elective thiuk nili- i-rw Ise.

Three .,t 11- Wll.l mve la-en iiia-riillog in mi. iiroiiu.l 1'ort Jervls N. Y„ fur ..line time an rated <i i S la

.unit uf stolen mud nt i le resid nee of M.

\V. U.....I um- < i the gang (111 Wed , while Tu iTiluasmnl,,,:. the

■Vldellce n Hal. .re the i re. lit Mil- ■ili.l-1-..ln..iin... he aahl: - Thank ' on ui.r II f --.nan. \ .III, till! 1, me of clling my

Aec. noils i.i l 1 Hie lute ice H.H's md Hunda ll Ihe turies n| the llela. vare river, -how Hint large amounts ii Inmlwr

live.] I - Hie

Tur. Kaanx Noam Haoicai. Bociarv held its njuarterly meeiiiig on Wedneeday, wtth Cant 11. (i. Herrleh, of lliln elty; there w«a n gaod* |y attendance of tin- fraternity, Including a number of our resident physicians. The Pres- ident, Dr. Dauii, presided over tin- session ut Hie opening of its formal meeting, hut being called away, Dr. Hen. Cogswell, of ilradford was called to the chair. l>r. Garland, fr a committee submitted B report in relation to measures Ibr increasing the Interest of the melting-, audit was voted, in HCfnrdancc with hi- suggestiims, to have an »My hy'sonic

IHT at each meeting, topics presented therein,

Among those present was Kev. Dr. Packard, rector of Grace church, who received his medi- cal degree hi lK2i, two years In-fore the venera- ble Secretary of the Society, l)r. Hoot, and practiced medieine seventeen years, when he evcliangi'd that profession for the higher one of the ministry, Dr. Gee, W. Sargent, surgeon of the Prison and House "f Correction, conducted the visitors through these Institutions., the evi- dent excellent management receiving warm en- i-omlanw; a (wuntlml repatt was served by Bherlff llerrlck, whose generjous luwoltallty added largely In the interest of Hie occasion, and which received ilcsctvcl recognition In the adoption of the following;—

ItaB/reaf: That the members of the Raacs Nurtli lUslrict Medical Societv having, hv Invi- iaii.moffapt.ll.fi. llerrlck mill I>r. Ii. H*. Sargent, iiis|«'els*l the Jail and House of tor- reeti I Uwreiice, herebv tender their thanks for the courtesy thus extended t" them, anil e\prc-« their high appreciation of Hie excellent mnnngci t of the Institution, and of Ille gratifying evidence which this visit afforded ilieiii.'that the Important objects for which it was .rented have iieen secured In such a high degree, under the skilful direct Ion Of Its |aipu- lar sii|ieiiuteudciit. .«a ■■■. a-


ugh, in tin- net nt turning' nillar wlhi (lower wlilch alway-as-

soclales itself in the Me.olehniaii'- mind with mod. esty, and listen to his apn*troi>hc, he stirs nut hearts to their deepest depth-:

"Wee modest, erimsun Iip|><->1 flower, Thuu'at met me in an evil hour: For I maun crash timang the slotire

Thy alender stein. To spare tlieii no., is past inj |«>wer,

Thou boniile gem.' Was there ever anvlhlnr tenderer than tills? Is

H possible that man ei.ul.l feel n- love for tint beautiful though lowlv, m.ident and unassuming in nature, than tlnils exiiression in this exquisitely tender auo»tro|.he to the mountain daisy. Hums naa religious, and of his Inner religions lire we eaten MOW ounipaea In hi- noenti ** r 1 hi* "l.'otter's "— fei'llng that the ffU ti.i.eil il uill'.t tune Iieen. in whleli IMIII, but only when we flit ourselves drawn awav from earth an.I brought In close communion • Uli heaven. »..me .leiir that he was rellghiu-', his |HH>in*dlt|in*i- of Ihe eharge. They wen- his tlioughts; thought* are deed-; most deeds am but iH'trltle.l ini|.ul-e-.

He luul his faults. Who has mil? Tlw besi and -lireat of our race have nil..wed the linger tips «r charity to seal their eve- to them. He Was Hit to rorgiie, oniik ti. i..'knowledge a fhull:

gratltu.h for kindness was as hnuml- as his spirit was sensitive to slight.

He had manv gracesofeliararti'r. He was a Ian- elartnr to his race In thai he let! the rich legaev of hi- works to humanitv, and the gratitude of <>o-.

-' gather-

of twenty.«ven vears,_« short time for such a | *T«*I* »" ^ ...,.._i _ L. ,„ ' where can we loot f. magnificent city tn spring up; it gave him pleas- ;

nre in think that among the hands that Iin.l helped j lu build ni' this substantial city, were those ofj

i.tchmen. I*a*slng from the elty, His Honor like of »ome length on the Scottish character.

In speaking of Burn-, he sold he wu one of the greatest and best mru whoever Heed; whoever

dies his life and works, conies from the task a better and a pi.': man.

Mr. Wnshbum >ang next a spirited piece enti- tled "The Storm Wind." This wa- followed by a reading by Mr. Joseph Smith, a Sroteh piece, and humorous of course, entitled "The llroken Howl." The reading caused uiii.li merriment. given in Mr. Smith's Inimitable style. Mr. 1 1.- man gave a soli) on the plrcolo, which WM MS core.1. Mr.lt.H.lhman has few ei|uals hi manipu- lating this iiintrmiicnt.

The next on the programme was the l.m-t. "The Press." The liaud ap|.roprlaU'ly played the "Devil's J Ji ■■:!in " the toast was rusponded to briefly by Ueo. itussvll Jackson, of the Anr.aicAN j

Mr. Taylor sang that beautiful ■■■ing. "Annie ! Laurie," with line elfe.-t.

Mr. Joseph W. Smith gave another reading, entlUed "John ami Tibbie's dispute," in whkh j John nn.l Tibbie had a dreadful >|uarrel over what sin- believed t'> lie rat aa.l he a inouae. hut which , i in in-. I out to l». neither,

The. last toast, but not tho least, the ladles', was \ reapoaded to by Kev. Mr. Darwiud, of Methuen. The ladies could hs- fcund nn worthier or more eloquent exi'- • r their rirtues and grace-. Mr. Ilii>wiiii. i ii.ad hla listeners as he de- scribed ihe iii. - of tba b-mlDlne rhanicter.and .In .'ll ii|K>n the many Instances in which WOUUW had vimllcnteil her claim to Ihe ivteem anil re- apoct,—aye, tin.... i i of ninn. Aller listen- ing In Mr. Ilayward, tin. genlleiniin almost felt sorry they were not holies.

protection. Talk as you will, there Is a prejudice against

statistics, and that prejudice we beliere to lie un- ! reaaomvuhf. Wo live In an age when peoplo desire

Information. Knowledge is as essential to exlst- II rood, though It unlit he confessetl |ieopte

.take less paius to procure ll, and we have no iL<inlii the majority of people would rather waul


Lawrence pay - to the State nearly 81003 per

But If we want knowledge with a greater certainty

f being-ati.ll.il lliau to statistic-,- -tati-ties are ..the mind what roast beef rare is to Uie body.

They ar« staple intelloctuol diet, and though some. times hard of digestion, Ihey never mil to promote Intellectual strength- Where would the politician lie without ntatl-tlra? What would Ihe orator do without statistics:' The temperance lecturer preaches from a platform of atatlstica, and it is a ktiowhalga or the statistics of tmdn that enahles the merchant to please his en stonier* own iMM-ket.

How la it, than, that staUstles are dry? Simply because Ihey are sent to the public aa skeletons. A akeleton Is always an object or aversion, unless It Is a akeleton key. and a wife wants to open faei husband'- deal t" read his lellers. Statisttci

! should always lie clothed wlltl the raiment of wit ' orginsln, as the resources of the statlelan will al low; and falling of Ihe former we herewith pre sent our-keb-ton In the garb uf ihe latter.

Our birth Is hut a sleep and a forgetting. The soul dial rises with us, our life's star,

Hiith el'i-whvrr had 11* setting, And eouicth from afar.

Heaven lies about u


el | Wit

1 eluuii-t- in ami night I

Aaolyttn rxenuuatui

X. It., have htm

William Law murilciv.t hv Tl Sluiwne,., p.-rr.

Ml-J.tHNI pa The l.lleri

FRIDAY. An lluv.mn I.

Huston nre uinklng imi.li of Miss I In 'nth IV r'lahervil t.. see If her .linth u

meeting.if the Archibald Whee h.1.1 on the Slat ltist.,ut their w at which Hie following uttleiTs

i.—The annual Company, was rks in this city, rote elected fur

M lay nr drinks.

rin phiinincr, '"" Direelurs

I. |n It.

Hundley, lYesidcnt; Jneol. Killer- •erj JoliiiC. Hundley, John (iale, II James Wight, Jacob Kmi-rsoii im. \v. Mummer, clerk, puny has been In uperotlun sluei id eon.-l.lering that moal of the lime -ut in experiment and ureparatli iiifacturiiig has been ihuie has lawn ssful. The wheels muke a uprwskm wherever httrodueed, uml e I- en proved superior lo uuy in the > will im doubt work thru" way ver

upidly into public favor. The company an low ready t imifacture on un extensiv< tale. Their works arc .ptiie rxteuaWc, uml the iiaehluery well ndiiptiil t.) what is rc.piircd of i, nn.l it i- the determination of ihe company to mi.li the iiuiiuif.ii'iuriiig deportment with en- rgy. Mi. Arrhtlaikl, the Inventor of many of In- machine* uml processes of maiiiifueiurc, and he general ngellt of the I'I>tii|iiltiv. will Is- etu- di.yeil fur Ihe present iu putting this wheel up- m Ihe market, and Intrutlueilig; il tn Ihe trade.

It Is a usual custom with newspa|>er Halting the daily nr weekly HUtlstics. tol hlrth-, follow with Ihe marriages, and the deaths. Thli Is the order of IM Khakcaprnrosny*:

"Al met the Infant, Mewling and puking In the nurses | Then the whining aehoollsiy with hli And then the hirer." And after love follows marriage, of course, and

. then after that eimes the last scene of all, a* Young ipany then snug "Auhl Lang Syne,' j ^ ((.

"The knell, the -hroiid, UM mattock and the grave, The deep, damp vault, the darkness ami the

i»gin with


The Manning, w hieh rlose.1 the festivities of the m ing.

The niii-ie. ivhieh was furnished by Akeroy.l ,t Slew art sou's band, was eKeellent tlirniiglioiil. Dr. Hnse i it-la ver presided at the piano during the evening with much ability. All present apent a very pleasant evening, and Ihe Elurn-'anniversa- ry will be treasunsl among the most plca'ant rec- ollections.

'xpresslon Ii MO annual galhi

"Then, while his fat.- auld Scotia minims. Wec'll meet whcn'cr Ilii- night retiirns, In mrmorv- o' Robbie Hums,

Here about and far awa." After a selection by the band, Mr. Peter Smith

ang ■-.).- i". the Flower o' Humblanr,'' u tender .Scottish song, with ni lie Ii feeling, ami in ■"■-■-■-

ofca. «» This was followed lo a reading by Mrs. McAl-

lister, a very humorous pleee, entitled "That ugly I I'H'in," which ri L-iio-.l a great deal of uierri-

ment. Mrs. McAllister, who does everything of this kind well, was in excellent voice, and ren- dered the piece with mure Uian ordinary fidelity to

i peeullnilliaH. The next on the pro«ra mine was ihe loasl, "The

land of lium-.-Si-oilanil,'renponili-d lo hy Mr. uas Met ithliin. The following is mi ebttraet

of Mr. Mct.'ubbln's address.

Goon Ti;MILAIIH KNTKiiTAiMir.Ttr.— There wna a very pleasant entertainment given by Good Will Lodge of Good Temptart,ai l-Isses Hall on Mohiluy evening. There was a large attendance notwithstanding the severe storm that prevailed. The entertainment consisted of songs, recitatlims, and the farce of "No cure no Pay." Mr. J. C. Dowker, W. C. T. gave an Impromptu welcome, uml in closing, he alluded tn the various organizations as follows:

So we place our statistics betUVt our readers :

The, total number of birth* last year was liW. Of this number oil were males, and .■!- females. In tour eaaealwiua were born. The birtha occur In each month as Pillows I

In Januarv, IM; February, 11T: March, ISO; April. UH; atav.liw; June, VH: July. 117; August, Hit; Srutemher. UP] fl.itober. list; Soveinber, Wt; Dcifiiili.T, J7.

In looking over the nationality of the parents wa tin.I them froui almost every country. Nearly ev- ery nnt inn in Kurope is represented, and almost every State iu the Cuion. Among Ihe names given to the arrivals during tho past year are soma very peculiar Among them Homer and Kuclld iliul a place; the uneomuion name of John Smith la also met with, and there is no end of Mury

, Janes. U.-'lla Jeminelto aud ticnevive are con. Wberevcr»OoodWlll b,tlien"Iurmony must .,.,„„„ „,„, tll, linUKU1„ lllim„ (>r Hanuah ., lie. Whether by yonder "lUvemlde," revelUng ; giv^„ t(l „ „ullll„.r Ilf tmti* children. Tills isavl- in tin- sparkling waves of "Aqua I'ura," orguhl-1 j,.,,.^ „„ off year for twins, the number being ed hy that brilliant "Star of Liberty," through ! only one-fourth of what It was last year.

year, for the care of minors In the reformatory institutions.

—No bill has yet bean introduced into the legislature, legalizing Mayor Tarbox's rump convention.

—There was one death resulting from vacci- nation In this rity last year,—that of a child -it months of age.

—Of twenty -five admissions to tho House of Correction at one time, this week, all but three were physic lam.

—Crossing Broadway bridge Wednesday gave one a realizing sense of tbe severity of a Massa- ehusctta winter.

—Cold contracts almost everything, but It als. expands tbe sympathies of the Inmavolenl for the suffering poor.

—There were a hundred and fifty children under fifteen years of age, arrested by the poUc - In this city last year.

—The stock of the new Ilniadwiiy Hank has risen to pllfl, n pretty gi,od showing upon only eight months operations.

—During the curlier days nf tho venerable ReV. Hr. Packard, seventeen years wore passed In the medical profession.

—A eoUCO ball will be given In the City Hal I on the evening of February 31st, In celebration of Washington's birthday.

—Mr. Kowe, the lily cktk, states that al" though he sole men iz.es many marriages, he doei not !'■■'" ■".. • salute the bride.

—A beautiful stand of state and national col- ors, Is being prepared flu*the Blgth Regiment. bv order of the A.IJntant fJeneral.

—Vedneoday was n bleak,blustering day, one of the "old fashioned" sort, recalling the early memories of the "oldest Inhabitant."

—The lumps on Broadway bridge were left burning until eight o'clock Monday tnomtng.— They didn't help the dny light much.

—The police t\n laid to lie in search of the fellow who oils true ted so many of the windows .in 1-:-M'\ street, yesterday morning.

—The City Hall is bespoken for an unusually large number of t-ntertalnmciits in February,

iclnding several lectures and a reading.

—A gentleman of seventy, and u lady of tlfty- two years, of this city, are recorded al attend- ing the Hymenlal altar daring the past year.

—Mr. Choi. II. Uttlefield Is engaged upon plans of sewerage constructed duriag tho post year, to lie placed upon the, city record hook.

—The court room was crowded Monday after- noon when Patrick Flnueran was arraigned, l'herc Is a large number of witnesses lu this

The Toast w bleb i um called upon to Scotland, that land, ns Sydney Smith

as OUM mill ■ winter ami three in weather,—that land of poetry and song.


rand lo .■". Hint

Hum :iiuI II I, "I barren b od. It I spe. i the 1

.111 t ...linn

orl.l, but milder hlslorv; even spol h hallowed hy -ome lent, either li.r oppression or Illierty. \* u may

visit -oiae renowned -|s.t where >i>uic old lmroni- uleurlle stands, ruined ami wild, or the tie I, I of llauiiiH-kliurn. where Uu- brine .Irove back Ihe Lentous of Kdwanl '.'.I, and settled forever the i|uesllon whether s«<4taiid w

with molt

lv hillside where ■llgl I.).

Edt-iis of l.lgly," far over South Lawrence, pinnacle of success and prosperity, on-

ly to find "Young America" there just ta-foa-'us, seated upon the dome of the " Temple of Hon- or," 'juietly discussing the frauds of Ward Four, and the late municipal appointments, or prepar- ing for her own anvanlh anniveraarv, and though we nre all bound to the " Qnlilcn Kule," still we have taken up the " Hefonn Club," and arc determined biever battle against Intcinpet- i- ML .ill it. i ■i ■■■:■■. The Battle Hymn of the Republic wtu

singing the solo; this lady also sang the solo In Shun the IM ...i.i Rood." Mrs. Hlconl of ll i

VUtUIAUK*. Marriage, when rightly understood, Urret m the rbtuaai ami the good

.1 paradise below.

Daring the past year, it- roupleslaunched their barks upon Hie sea of matrimony. Considering thai Wi year wualeap year ihla number la not very freaL That 11 was leap year may account for Hie fact that fifty-nine of Hie eouplea married In which the bride was the senior, ln one ease UM

, I bride was :« anil the bridegroom 13. Of those liming, Miss Maggie I nmaek|mn|Tlri,Wmoli„,|a(| ,„.,.„ mnrrlP1| before e-oe,

nn I 40 females once; 10 males had been married twice, and I female luul been through the mill

verhill recited Sheridan's Hide with much pow- ; twice ln-fore. The oldest bridegroom was TO and Tin-farce of " No cure no pay," was plea- jtha oldest bride ii. Tlie youngest bride was

singly produced, the parts being taken bv Mrs. j sweet W, ami Ihe youngest bridegrom Dowker, Mrs. Black, Mm. Young, and Misses | youth OITU led to the a

Uumaek, Harris, Ad.lie Iltuck and Mary John- uhMsanl evening was passed.

There were present beoklei ihe general publl. represenutives from " Harmony" and " River- ilde" Uaiges of Haverhlll, " Oolden Rule"

Dr. He

l.lviliototl Is til d Ille


Ir l.'-d in tirl tr ion III-- Jt iiit.ri.ii.

h. and



night, lo iinding H

ilTS With 1

ill the ng the . ithing


I Mill.

I 1»AV IN TWKN lay the cold rciielu i known In this i it

The thennou \i il thirty f/c./r,

1 the coldest Ibi

v-Kivr YKIIIS.— I a degree of iu- slnre Ih foumia- ter ut ihe canal j Mote itm, at 7

Ibll winter < ■ twenty-liv.

- It

UtlMTUX FlItK sinner appointed en id Iheurrnt IIr

mini.' their report.

In Ho pprcss

-The lattgute nn. uml

Hided the "-cillish eharneter. 'revious to the advent or John Kti'.v, seotlaml s a |H>or, barren cnmilrv, loll of continual

broils. A people Iii the Insl -talc or rudeness uml . Fierce barons fleeced the mmr aerts, were nolhliig lieller. and murdered each

hen thi'i had in. ll«htingoii ban.I. Knm gnthered the drv bones together ami lnaile them Vive; to him we' owe our national existence as a people; his spirit and hln work has It-It it-, impress round the world. his was the voice Hint uiu«fil the iii'HM f tbe l.nlllillll- I lli.I lie "il- :. In I'llli.n. - lhee.|usl lu the light or timl with the proudest billon or king thai bad lnuii|.leil on hliu or his lorefnllierH; lu- it was Hint moulded the -erf. of hi. eountrv into a stem and ruicgcl people. Tbey iiiighl l»- liard, nun mi uml -u|..i -titious. bill Hies wen- men who neither kiliK, noble or pru-sl could force again t" -ubniil to tirannv. The men who went on their knees l«'iii.c the battle, healing their lirea-ila wilh their iron gauntlets and r-iilirmtf in full chorus a prahuol Havel before Miiituijt f l-hili-iine-.bii. ami thigh. The -pirltwhich Ru< en-nu-d saved "kottanit.

Kiiox has made il pm.sll.le lor u Kolieil Hums or ll Seott lo huve u being, hi.- -pirlt is al work iu their whole lives. Who but KiTo* put such thought* into Ihe poet Hum". ■■Ilh Is.uucl ici'teiillv 1- laid aside,

lli- Karl ban. I- i.eniiuK tlnu ami bare; Tb.-e ^ii-iilii- I hat .nice .lid -weet in /inn slide.

lie wale- u poiiion wlltl Jmliclou-euiv; And "let us worship IOHI:"he sav>, with solemn

The spirit of Ku.>\ has Wretched icrosi the broad, stormv Atlantic and setlleil In New■ Kng- laml. There were a lew stragglinit scllleis be- lure, hut the spirit, Ihe -mil ->l New Knulainl. laud ed 'hin.iuth It-.. I, n e Mavtlovier. The-e

irilnn pin is had a hard work before ihrm, it Iliev were re.olute t>. Ilicht the wild beasts and ihler men ol thh continent inllier liiuii have i-ir soul-' iihie.l according to the lilnnv of !■ land. Thev thought ihe earth wtild viehl em f.HHt tin.) tlie eveilu-tliut Heavens would ver them. The weeds that grew in their wav ci .Inn up thai a lllode "f u-.-fnl gras- might nw In It- -lead. Mr. W'.J. Taylor followed wilh the n water." Tills was well sung, and i1

ii|iplau-e, h W. Suillb. of Andove

with a pathetic reading, "The wee will t.. his drunken master." An exc losltioil, which we wish we tin.I sp ntin- le're s

of Isiwell, also " Young America,"

i-. The hlushhmgirlofW. A

number of marriage* oeciirreil iu which bride- groom ».ui bride wire of Hie same age. Nineteen mated w itb nineteen, twenty -Ove with twenty-five, and so on. -The mnniagrs look place In Iha mnnUisas follow.

In January. 10; February. 4h; March, 111; April, ' Ai|Uil ;«i; May, ;tT;'

Imrn," » Star of Uhorty," Eden "f Light," Noiitb laiwrenre" Lodgei, aud the " Temple

of Honor," and Kefonn Club nf this city.

THS CAUP PIBK lighted hy the Orand Army on Wednesday evening, biased with unwonted brightness, uu.l the hours until toward mid- night, were made merry with the genuine en- joyment of the occasion, and the entertainment provided was such that the sociable was unani- mously pronounced n very king among jolly boyl. A capital band of musicians under lead Of Mr. James Sanderson, kindly volunteered their services-, and enlivened the exercises jKr" throughout. Pipes and tobacco were aluiml- i aiitly supplied, and the hundreds present must ivimiiily liaw '" . ii pretty thoroughly fiuntgii-

l.-inlier! :(-'. her.r

The following clerg)men were Inslrumeutal In making happy the couples aforesaid:

Kevs. L. 1- Ferris married I; lien. S.Weaver, W; I, I.. Wood. K; -'ohn Mrshane. I«; James If. l,ee, II; Tims, A, Mehl.U; J. !'■ liilmore 'Js; Jaa. Murphv, 11; T. Mlinger, S, lie.. 1' Wilson, 4; Win. rtir. *t; Win. Ilametl. 10; < . K. KISIHT. «; Wm K. Par*, a; .1. A. Lowell, a; .1. II. Moore, I; I,. P. t'ushiuan, H; John Hogg, 11; P. Leenmle. II; ticn. Packard. l:i; T. i.i.lbvery..(; I . A. Hav den. T; C. C. l»uunln«,T; J. II. H. Pliljte. «; 1-. I>. narrows, h- K. A. VVTiiuier. 3; J. *.. Mlcbau.l, ll; A I., iloughloo. B; Clark Carter, 4; Ueo. K. Itowr, Esu-.iS, K. II. OsRoml, t:s,,.,3; Wm. Stev- ens Kso 3' 11. ll.Tewk-liuVv, Ksi|„ 3[ J. S. Ullft Raq., 1: J. H. UHdlng*. Esn.. 1; A. C. fitona.


'stalk of graves, of von


origin of the lire. i.l spread of tin uld) uvrlng tu the u> In arriving, uml iislnictlim of Hit f tin- tlie Depart'

of fuel. Depart-

should !»■ sptrlally isl nn ted In the us Ivllllllllte or gllltll | MVlll'l which Ihey s the best exploslvi lined nrlhlapuriM iml u ijimuiltv. uf I sdl.i lid he kl-pl

and epitaph*. —Shakespeare.

melaneholv part or the •tatlclan'a task la

t •ommandrr Parsons acted as master of err- I that which lead* Win to the record or the deaths,

ies, ,u„l introduced rt medley that elicited ""'»'"" """""'^ "f l1"' '^'^ l" " ',lrh n,!*'; " : heir. When oae rumes to read over the number and variety of the dlteatea by which people die, It mini ninrtellous how to many people 11

w. nn. .i.- lj dull,

■ liluk ll.al makes ve ■ di.)i think .hame;

freejics love, it kills i

mnnlj ihouajhl, i

i happy haine, a

Act. Ihe Ms mid lab

Tin oinuillt n> tinniilnioua ih.it .In his full duty,

ml. Hut i.red r/ultlifiilh In that Messrs. I'lillbrick uml Klrtli. of ihefniii- mltlei- of InvcNlliratlon, ihtnk In- railed In give thai mi i. In HIT. unit v uml eltiilciuv lotlii.eirortsniii.il' In stuv tlie lire whleli tin- occasion required, and which the pub- lic luul a rL-lu to ixpi-i-t from the Mayor. Hut the majority of the Committee thank turn fur bis coolness, int. Iligeiiri' anil tlrm- ncss, which he ill-phiye.l In the perform- ance of bla dmv ut a tn..st tivltiL' tune, ami especially fur the Hrnineaa uitli which he wlUutootl the HulictlutlonH or many eminent cltliena, who, In ihe excitement •>f the moment, demanded of dim nn un- lawful and disastrous, course of action.

Wa again.

- The

i.- .1 111-

Um llieic

...ik- ing mini, gives that dignity to labor with which Hums sought lo inve-t it, and In the ili-chano" "' his high ullti-tul duties, the President bad shown tliut ni.Mlestv. and unostciiiiition that chnrurlir- lied him as (lie simple clliieii. In him Wa- found an Illustration ol Ihe truth of tbe lines of the poet, "Tbe rank Is but Hie milnea stamp. Ihe man's the

puid a Kb'W>ng.'iilof<> m Ihe 'ding fl.itii Wldttlel-

the iin.-t hearty npplauac- Those capital slctani, Rhaimahan, Wells, Wetherbee, Hums mid Pnnnt.and Algerand llewei of Biethuen, contributed songs, clog dances, banjo and Isme solos, and other diversions, and u jolly lime was had. Two expensive ami ■pptoprbvtely engraved pipe* were presented during the even- ing tu comrades Xoonan and Johnston, fur em- inent services; an nhuiidance of rations was

e IJiiurtcrmnster Holt, and the pasrers tilotia EMCX street were constantly attnu-led by the laughter uml jovlidty within the hall. Short speeehei were made by Oonanander Rhode* of the department nf Rhode Island,

ho Imppcned t" ho present, by Judge Stevens and a. K. Hood, Ksip,—Comrade 1-arrak-e con- tributed a reading, Comrade Clark a n-ariug story, Mr. I). P. Holan a recitation, uml others added tn Ihe feast nf fat things. Altogether it was one of the merriest of fun enjoying com- panies we have ever ■■ ■-. —i ! the hall will hardly contain those who will desire to be pres- ent at thenextcamp lire.

PLXABAXT KvrniT^iNviKNT.-r'riic Temple of Honor held another of their public meetings Thursday nlghl; the hall was full. The exer- cises were opened by rending tbe usual ritunl service, and selection from the scriptures. An eliterfulunieiit followed which cnoailled of speeches, recitations ami Mngiug. Major J. II. Brown, President Temperance, Reform club, re- cited iu a most beautiful and touching manner, " The Dying Hebrew." The song and chorus entitled " times .Ajar,'' was a gem; the solo was sung In an admirable mid Impresaive style hy Miss Maggie I'timatk. Mr. .1. C. Howker rend an original hum.irons paper, entitled " Mansard Attic Degrees, and how to take tlieui." I he reading was several Ii s intcr-

ed by bursts of agadause, mid the entire leticc were kept in the liest of humor thioiigh- llie whole of It. Before the meeting closed, announcement was made that another

lil lie held in two weeks. These meetings largely attended, very pleamut, and pro-

live nf great good.

That dread illscasr. imalhpox, has carried off comparatively few vietlms. Conminptlou Is the king destroyer. < holcra Inlianlum come* second ■moan the li« of fatal disease. This, together with the large number of still-liorn children, explains Um hifh rate of mortality amnng single] perions. AlnuH one-half of the deaths occurred umoiiK ehildre* under live years of age, so that the rale of mortality ■raoau matured single per ions is nut greater than that aiming married per ■on*. Tho ntliiwlng are the .tatlhties or Ihe deaths:

Whole number of deaths. 731 Males. jJJM female*, ■J*a

Hex unknown, » Suuteer of *>*ths under one year of af *, W

—Major Brown, in his address at the temper niice meeting Sunday evening, stated that he should not probably again address a similar


—The butchers of Andovemro busily prepar- ing for their aunual bell, with Gilmore's bund fur muj>ic. The gathering occurs on the 13th of February.

—The Barns" anniversary wo« generally cel- ebrated hy Scotchmen throughout the country, hut no where on a more extcosive scale than lu Lawrence.

—Those who desire to secure goisi u-aU for Maiden's lecture, will do well to secure them as early as possible, for there will tw u rush to hear

this popnlar speaker.

—People should not wait for a thuw Is-'fore clearing the snow from before their sUires or residences. Il 1* much easier tft remove light snow than to cut away lee.

—The team of Mr. Ingalls.of Methuen, ran away on Broadway, on Saturday, crossing the bridge at a rapid rate. The horses were stopped before doing any material damage.

—At a meeting of the finance, couiuiittec of the elty government, Councilman Chat. H. Lit tlelleld was chosen clerk. Mr. Geo. W. Rus sell occupied the position the post year.

—People arc generally becoming luureoted in Ho- new bridge project, proposed by Mr. Road- ley mid others. It would prove a convenience ami diminish the death-by-accident list.

—Skill' and Oaylord'l Minstrels will give ar entertainment at the city hall on Thursday evening. Feb. 6th. This is an excellent OOUtpa

,-, mid will doubtless draw a good bouse.

Kaundrrn' corner store will lw opened on and after the Drst day of February, n* a furnishing

goods establishment. That corner has worn gloomy aspect since the block wa* erected.

—Sparqnet, who has just stepped in to look at the mammoth eggs before mentioned, nay that however other hens may fall, he can pru duet u pastry cook able to b*at them any day.

—From the evidence of witness*ft In the word four fraud hearings, It appears that the republi- can liallols were distributed by two staunch re- publicans,—Judge Harmon and E. P. Poor.

—Tho enlargement of the Central Paciflc Mlll progresses steadily, despite the severe weather; work Is con tin tied a* usual while tbe roof Is rained and two additional stories built.

Flnneran, tn the Common street poisoning case, No examination of the suspected |ioisiiiirr wll take place in the police court.

There is a most estimable lady residing in i.iu II, who states that during a conjugal pe-

riod of twenty years her husband has never given her a cross or ill-temiwred word! We know hliu; he ll deaf and duiiili.

—An en tb UF hist h' Democrat ultline- thut the visitof Mayor Tarbox to Washington is to se- cure a proclamation from President Grant. In- stalling Mr. Brewstcr, tbe nominee of the Rump Convention, as street commissioner,

—By nil means, Messieurs Aldermen, let tbe prayer of the petitioners It granted, anil our street corners lie kept free from the intolerable nuisance of itinerant peddlers, and vocifer- ous pea-nut and lolistcr merchant*.

—The laying out of malls upon the southerly and westerly sides of the Common Is earnestly contemplated by Mayor Tarbox, who will re- ceive the hearty thanks of citliens generally should the enterprise Is- coniummated.

—A young woman named Buruhnm, at the South Side, had the greater part of her hair buiiic.l off on Sunday night, hy her head Ing lu contact wilh the gas. We suppose she can claim to be one of the Bum'cm h(B)li

—Mr. John Edward* and family contemplate a journey to F.tiropc at an early day, and will ■ :■ - ,i a few weeks among their friends, rela- tives uml early associations. We learn that Dr. I.ongee also contemplates a Kuropeaii tour.

—Our reporter's office library consists of n bible, hymn book, and a copy of the CenunJi sinners" report on Agriculture for 18IK; un dust accumulates on the former works, and the lat- ter is the source Of supply for all dry jokes.

—The Superintendent ol" schools has suggest- ed an additional appropriation from the city, lu Hen of the amount realized from the dog tax, formerly used for school purposes, hut now transferred to the support of the Public Library.

— The Battery Ball, on Friday evening, was an enjoyable adair; despite the storm a good company was present, and a merry evening was made. The arrangements were carefully made, iiiiiltlir duneers had u most pleasant occasion.

—We have heel Informed that Ihe Befex Company ore ready to plnce in the hands of the city, the lot of land Inward five, known us the "Ampithcatrr," whenever the city are ready to make It Intou public park, and properly rare for it.

—Mrs. Keid, residing on the Pacific Corpora- tion, provided the 1 LIT n - Cor the Bums supper, on Friday night. The praise awarded the ca- terers Ibr the excellent manner air which this dish was cooked, should have lain given lo Mr*. Held.

■We trust the call the Rev. I.. L. Wood has Ived to a pastorale in Boston, will not lie

accepted; the city em hardly afford to lose the services of such an elu punt preacher, and faith-

id effective worker la the cause of Chris- tianity .

The unanimous re-election, by the Alder- men, of Wm. H. Mcrrow, as rity messenger, is

deaerved compliment to one of the most faithful officials the city has had, and it is the more complimentary as coining from his politi- co! opponents.

managers of the Bums' anniversary celebration, made a happy selection in thelr rhalmuui, Joseph W. Smith, Bag,., of Andnvi Few men fill such a position so acceptably. genial presiding officer doei much to tuakc gcninl company.

—It is quite likely a ppodal appropriation will be made for the de fired improvements upon the Washington engine house in Ward Three. The matter was before the last rity government, twit it was thought i ■■■■ i to defer the alterations un til the present year.

—As you like it. The largest number of marriage* during the past year were recorded In July and November, forty-six couple* desir- ing to celebrate our country's Independence, and forty-seven OOUplM preferring the time of Tlinnksgivingaml praise.

—Rev. L. L, Wood conducted the largest numlier of marriage cere monies, of nny person In the elty, during Hie past year, the iiumiiei being thirty. Next to Mr. Wood stands Geo, R. Rowc, dry clerk and Justice of the peace, who (Kilcmnlr.ed twenty-eight marriages.

—The suggestion of the School Committee im apartments 1 tetter adapted to the wauls of the free evening school for men and boys, .-mini,I receive the attention Of the city govern- ment. The necessity for more commodious quarters, in « m<irc retired lomlliy, is evident to

—At the meeting of the Hour Wednesday evening, Ihe Mayor the newly elected • ity pbyitriau, would pr.dwl.iy decline ti,.- office. lie al stated that the be*l pouibhi measures were i iu^ adopted to prevent tie: spread ol small im ami that the city hospital wa* lu charge of ex- cellent, faithful and competent nurses.

—We arc Itilbruicd Hint a dutiful husband gut awfully jealous,;! few iluys since, and start- ed out with the detenu in a tlon to "smash" the head of u prominent ( -\ citizen, hut upon arrival at the house contented himself with smashing In the door. It is of no use for InquUlrJve peo- ple lo seek the subjects of this Item, for no one but a "clairvoyant" eould surmise them.

—The many Mend* and acquaintance* of the gciulciuuiily conductor upon Ihe Concord and Lawrence railroad, Mr. Joseph 8. Doolittle, will regret to learn that while attending tu his duties he was badly crushed between the ears and depot in Manchester. It Is Imped his inju- ries will not prove fatal. Hi- hii> the wannest sympathy of his many friends, In his mlafbr-

mpony occupying it full to Uml courage to i-rp the hall looking decently. The d.impnes* uses the muskets lo remain rusty, and It is of

but little me to clean them. The entrance to the hull is l.y a narrow, ungainly stairway, which would afford but slight means of efcapo

use of flre'Or trouble.

Somebody send* ns an original poem, wldcU begins us follows:

"Tbe snow, Ihe snow, the beautiful snow, Killing Ihe sky, and the earth below."

We think wc have Men those line* before miewhere. Hadn't our contrllailor bettertry i- hand in soinethiugelse, such as for instance:

The rain, Ihe rain. Uie beautiful rain, Palling b> earth with might and main. All .1..wn the*pout* It gently ran, Pltling up brimful the milkman's can; Then a siirr north easier 'gun to blow \nd frfj-. the rain m beautiful snow.

Dor contributor is welcome to the above fur a tiirt. No charge,

—There has been a pretty large degree ot personal freedom in military rxartment* tn tbl*

r; but Ii Is bring demonstrated that inem- , of militia companies cannot exactly do a*

ihey please about ulsiying regulation it. A mum- ber of Co. K., fith Regiment, of tin. city, having neglected licing present ut the annual encamp- ment, Cupt. Decker brought a stilt under tbe statute, procuring a trustee against the wage* due the member, who was fined 95 for each of the five days of muster, nn.l compelled to pay -J'I aud costs for his delinquency. One half of this amount has Iieen paid to the common- wealth as required by law, and the example will doubtless have a salutary effect upon the ralli-

r ilfty


Tlnouali The hi

It his lutiefiil art I mil feelh.K gushc- m....nli)ilit i.fhi- M wilh .miles and 1

I',!,.i ■ riui

t, i) ih] iiigbi

eu rang ; Mr. Washb Bell Ringer; T Lev land followed wilh an porn Hums, Mr. Ley Uml line reader, bill he infu-ed linn splrti Into his effort mi till* orca- wn. delightful. the beautiful pis lernivrii.

The next mi tlie programme « guevn of Urtat Britain," reapi vr I.L, :■ ■ i il. H n.

si.ii)[ elitili. i iielv rendered adlngnf H'h

> the Last, --Tin.

L.weKxnt liiainoiiv roe IH72.—The cam vusscrs have commenced the work uf collecting Information for a new City Directory, which Is much needed. Rvory person should sec that their tiumes an- correctly Inserted, ami in order lo insure this, thev must give Ihe canvasser (heir personal attention when he enll*. The new Directory will contain a map of Uwreiice, and, is'sidcs all matters of local hnportance.it will embrace many thlnga of general interest- No pains will be spared to make it Complete and reliable,, nn.l It should receive the |iatioiuge ol

all huilnen men.

Tin: Bl:>.u Ci it si;—The section of Ihe llq.

nor law, permitting town* I cities to vote u allow the side of la-cr, wa* repealed by tin house of reprrsentfitlvM, on Wedneeday, by more than a two-thinU vote; rcpivsetitidlvi

Davis uf this elty voted yes; Mr. Bacou am

Mr. FOii no.


d |iersou», 1 romltiou in life unknown, !'•

The allowing are Ihe diseaaea ami cause* pro- anciagfceath i

\ici*cnti It; apoplexy, I; Mlh*ao,*i Idllon* fever.* bruin .lisin-es, l;. bo bills, I; conges- lion ot lungs, li: convul.ioiis, .'.. consumption. 1CI edicer.l; childbirth, Hi; cramp. I; cholera infitntln, Md- canker,'J; elds, i; cholera nmr- hu", l£ drop.v. 11; dlpllierla. it, decline, *; dia lutes,T diBCtiierv. II; erv-i|»--la^, i; lever, i; K-ll 1*1. i ci. I , gem-rid ilcluhn. J. heart .li-noe.

' iniiuinialii.il of bniln. 1. iiimiioiiuitli.il IHIWCU, 4 'itisLiti. I: InU'nipi'i'auce. I. Infantile, tl; kid nev .liea.es, 1: limit fever, -r., ltveieouipliihit.il; iiuiliglnit M'aileti I, mm tiflcati I, old age, 1.1 iiifuiiionin. 4: pariilv-i-, 11; rbeuinutic fever. ,1 'rudure "t I.I.HSI v.—cl. I: spinal disease. :1; •toiipate. I: siiudl-i«". ii; itilM«iru.*l; scarlet feverJT M'n.lUla, I, sun stroke. I. icclllll.g. IH; tumuli; tvphold r.'M'i. :C: tvphu- fever,!; vae- chialln. 1." water on tbe brain, i".; worm isver. I; who-sjlng cough, :t; croup, W.

Thi following Is ihe number of death* which eeennedduringamh n*aathofthe year:

JattMUT.M: Februarv. 4rt; March, IB: April. M Vliv.i- .time, *:i, -lul. IU. A.i«usl, l.s., s,ep u-i'uiia,7l. October, ■•••: Soveml '" , P., Deee

I'oltiu ng ire plai-i - ofnatlv ly of perei

dleil: MS; I nltedamte . 147, lr.li

i;njj;«].| ■M, New tun Kaval, 1; li 1; Nova H

imkuilwn, ll


Is iiitl.r.it Hist the airnngments of the content- plated onjan come,! al the Klhn rhareh may lie made more complete, and the entertalamenl more attraetlve.'ll ha- been decided lo defer II Until the evening or Wednesday, Feb. Mh. Prof. Tarring- tun. of tbe IkHli.u t ..n-crvabirj of Mu-lr, one of Ibe mo-t skillful orgonlM in I -untrj. will ex- hibit tbe new organ. The distinguished soprano* Mrs. Houston We-t and Mis* llarruuaii have cm- sentcd to asslit. end With Mr. Down, as rondnc b.r, aud e'rboru- nl sixteen of Ihe tlnesl musicsl v,.ices In this rity t" n-ndcr tba choice nelrctloin ormusie. Ihe enteiMiiimenl prondse* to lw one of

the im.-l invillng ever presented lu Lawrence.

—"I^i!" He with straight, black hair, high cheek bones, and withal a dirty looking Vaga- bond, was sent tu the House of Correction on Monday, fur indulging too freely m lire water.

—There is a mania fur fur hats this season. Considering that most of the seal skin conies from the northern regions, Tur 1* not very high; indeed it is much cheaper than moat fur-in


—The route of the Lowell and Andover rail- road, through the town of Andover, ha* been ■iCuptial by the Selectmen of the latter place. The work of construction will soon Ix. com-


—A child died on Monday at the city hospi- tal from smalt pox, Before being taken to the hospital this child received Imd treatment, and it* death was less the result of small pox than


—tine of our prominent cltlten*, well hnown for the i.'.i-i' i ■ in- ■ of his disposition and gener- al rmhlieduess, wa* beard to get off a Joke the other <.lay ; Ids friends nre seriously alarm td fur his health.

—Patrick Finnernn was la Providence, B. I., when his uncle John Tiemey wa* »ent tn the House of Correction lu this city four nr five year* ago- It Is denied that Tiemey lott $4», ut that lime.

—thirdly undertakers charge ten dollar* for lUmlgiitlng houses In which have Iieen small-pox coses. A* It talus but a lew moment* to per- Ibrm the operation, the inaterlnls used must he

quite expensive.

— Kev. C. W. I'.nl.in of I-VIIN. .iiiiiii.i.il iii

the l'uivcr*ali*t church In this city, instead of Kev.fi. W. Perry of Lynn; tho latter had de- cided to leave Lynn, and preached hi* farewell

sermon on Sunday.

—The Ice crop Is nearly hiirveiled, and has of course proved most abundant during tin continued cold, although the unuiuai quantity of snow has impeded its cutting, and Impaired some what Its purity.

—The steam poet, Byron De Wolfe, well known in that vicinity, has passed from earth" trials and trllailations. Mr. De Wolfe wo* a man of excentric habits; but withal a klfiH and

genial friend, and ritUcu.

—A well-known gentleman, allied tu tbe tern prrancc hitcmt* In this elty, a lew evening! since was discussing Ihe merits of a certain or guiiiintiou, ami asserted that it was not arc formntory institution, facetiously remarking that

Inbor of reform was left to tbe clergyt the re- Dru DKMoriiviie Ni'.ioniiou Is qulto wi

erne l« the credit nt pleasure derived fro_. rlmtever purely pereonel Inamnattaat may *p- j liglou. jocletli-s.the city Mlsslouarj", and the

war congenial to hi- Uute or Incllnathm. I ward odleurs of Ward Four!


—While the two branches of the elty council dUagrce in uu election ofHly Solicitor, Col. Par- sons, the Ineumlient of last year continue* In of- fice, and is serenely contemplating a continued n on-concurrence for another month, which would fix his stain* a* law officer for the en-

tire year.

■There Is a very strong movement taking tbapc among our eltuetis, In support nf the proposition ft ir a city Institution for homeless

minors; there Is no want of our community to- inipi nitii e than this, and wc are

-un- It will meet favorable consideration hy the

city council.

—The common council promptly concurred In the election of the Democrat proposed hy the Aldermen for city physician, but we regret

that when Ihey In turn substituted the name of a republican for soilelior, they were met with n on-concurrence; by the ending vote of Mayor Tarbox.

—Our city hall, since It* recent Improvements^ M cini to lie miii).led lor every kind of entertain- ment, and we now blu*hlngly announce the advent of the Black Crook, with "Thirty U'liuti- fnl v ..UN.; ladies," for Friday and Saturday evenings of next week. Ala*! Two nights.


—The selection of Wm. S. Knox, Es.|„ for City Solicitor, on the part of tb.< Common Coun- cil, was an excellent one. Mr. Knox is aiunnir Ihe mo*t promising of the ytmngai in ember* of the bar, and ha* already won an enviable repu- tation as a courteous, skillful and thorough-go- ing |>i net It inner.

—GOT. Waihbom has mode a most excellent appointment In the selection of John C Hoadley, Em... of thi* elty, a* n mcndier nf the State Board of Health, in place of Oapt. O. V. Vox, resigned ; if Mr. Hondtey's private business will permit his serving, he will make a valuable member of the Hoard.

—An Important cu*e was argaud In the, (J, S. Circuit Court, Thursday, wherein the Washing- ton Mill* entered a suit agaluit the collector ol the port of Boston fur the recovery of dulled paid under protest. The suit involves the sum of four thousand dollar*. The decision of the court has not been received.

—Thrre Is nn active religious work going ut the See.nnl Baptist Church, nnder the rharge of Itev. I,. L. Wood, assisted Iiy Be Whittler. The meeting, Sunilay evening, was very Intereitiiig, und old and yuuug sought the prayer* of Christians, nnd determined to turn u new leal" lu their life'* journey.

—We forliear mentioning the name of wealthy rural citizen who attended a gathering in this city a few evenings since, and upon be- ing called upon for a speech, said: " Gentle, men and women, I alut no speedier; more'r twenty year* bark I came hen-, a poor, idiot boy, and now what are- I)" etc.

—While the medical fraternity were Inspect ing the House of Correction on Wedncnlay three memliers entered an empty cell, when a wag among the party, ipilckly swung too tbe catch lock, and they were snuglr caged, while he vi'iilkcd off to another portion of the prison with a Liuuli-likc air of Innoecmv.

—The Aldermen certainly made awltechoh in the election on Wednesday evening, of Oscar K. Currier n* Superintendent of the fire tele- graph alarm; Mr. Currier Is an experienced op. erator. and If given a sufficient salary lo lecure the necessary time, will rescue tbl* depart

—The hot Imste with which Aid. Mclvin of- fered nn order iu opposition to the propoaefl new bridge in the centre of the city, while con* fcMsliig that he knew nothing about the project, Is suspiciously suggestive of |u-rsoiial anxiety

lest by such un enterprise a portion of the public travel would 1*9 diverted from Broadway, on the corner of which Is Mr. MelvinV little


—A gentleman In this city owns hieh IH regarded as a line pacer, am

horse generally; hta owner In aneaJttng or his qualities ii few day* ago, sold, " he has only one fault, nnd thatls he has » derided objection to

lieing harnessed Into a sleigh with u dasher, lor I never harnessed him into OUfl yet, hut he kicked the dasher out. That's the only fault

Messrs. Christie, Taylor and Dun can were the managers of the Burns' Anniversary celebra- tion, and to them Is largely due the success nl

hole affair. These gentlemen spared no cllbrt to promote the i-otnfoH of those present, and they are entitled to ihe thanks of every Scotchman who hud uu interest In having this

-tebratloii pal* off with credit to those eonncet- I with It.

—Uev. L. L. Wood was nward.il the hand ■otne writing table set, voted on nt the enter* mlomont given by flood Will bulge uf (mod Templars nt their hall on Monday evening. There were four candidates: Major Brown of the Teni|ieranee Reform Club; |fr, Vntter of the flood Templars j Dr. Austin nf the Temple of Honor, and Kev. I,. L. Wood of the Temper* ■nee Union. Major Brown hud thcaeoond high-

est vote.

—The declaim or the director* of the Merrl- utack Valley Horse railroad, o run their ears to the south side, while, on rm.ners. doc* much to lessen profanity. A well-known ciiiien of good habits swore fourteen timesovhlle crossing the Broadway bridge on foot during a recent snowstorm, and was just blurting out his fif- teenth oath, when' he fell on the Ice near the Broadway hotel. Impossible t" keep count af-

ter the fall.

—It is alleged that people who have been fa- vored (!) with the small pox, and who act In the capacity of nurses, are very extortionate In their prices. Wc know of n recent case when- two men were cniploved, each charging nine dollars per day. No newspaper man afford such uu expensive luxury, considering the additional expense of medien] attendance, and If brought to the teat wc shall quietly mb- mlt to Hie city hoipitnl.

—On Satunluy last, Mr. T. W. Heald, of this city, while on a visit to Carlisle in this State went into a utore to purchase a Igar; hecami away from tlie itUN leaving nil |iocket book, containing #901), on the ennntrr. He was no1

made aware of his loss until Saturday evening on Monday he went to Carlisle, and his pocket- book und money was returned M him, the store kcr per refusing to accept any c.im pen Dillon lo his honesty.

—There was a good at ten dunce nt Prof. Pratt'* first exhibition on Tuesday evening. A vicious horse tielonging to Mr. Taylor, the sta- ble keeper, was sabdaed by the professor In a short time. The anlmnl exhibited considerable spirit when lie was given iu charge of Mr. Pratt, but after he left hhi hands he was gentle and obedient. This art of managing the borne should lu-known to every one, who need* the services of thai valuable nnluiiil.

—The Boi-ton and Maine commenced oifMou day mnnliig freight trains over their new exten- sion, from South Berwick to Portland; the even- ing passenger train from the East baa been made a little earner, being due in this city at (LiSj this is also made a way mall train, so that let- ter* from the East will hereafter arrive at the Lawrence Post Office in season for distribution same evening; since the former change in time, for some weeks post, the mall has come on the late train, not being received until next morn-

ing. An advertiser In the dally aud weekly

AuanicAN, who conduct* business not a hun- dred yard* from this office, ami who has a curi- osity to prove inve*tmenU, Informs us, that to uatomers who have slated that his advertlsc- neiit ill this paper led them to his store, lie has

sold his wares, tbe profits on the same amonnt- jng to ten times the sum paid for the advertt'r-

lle stated that be presumed many come to the store on account of the advertisement

ho made no mention of tlie met. This in form- UlU WUS llll-ulieit.il.

—The bndnCH at the Public Library is in- creasing. I9Q additional names were registered

eek, the total number on the Imoki Saturday night, la-lug 3800. There were Issued last week MM lusiks. of which HHI were

Saturday. SH-tii were paid for lines. With the school vacation the business of the library receive* an Impetus, the children licing trans- ferred from (lu- care of the pehnol teachers to the Librarian. Mr. Fletcher believes that with hi* present facilities he can Issue 1U00 volume* daily If the demand should reach that.

In the police court Tuesday, Inn BOM where a catholic woman was called an a witness, Mr. J. l\ Ollc a*kcd to have tbe woman I worn on

angellsts, Stating that unless sworn In that manner, catholic* did not place any value

t ait oath. His Honor, Judge Steven*, In ply, said he had not for a long time caused

i-. itin- ■ -i - in Im sworn aa Mr. Gilo desired, and ver should unless there was n special and

imperative necessity. "It Is left to the disc re tlon of the court," continued his Honor, "and I shall deny the reipiest of the counsel."'

—A fire occurred on Tuesday in No.'2 pick er room of the Washington mills, causing coti- slileruble ihinuige to the stock, machinery and woodwork of the room in which it was emifli By energetic und prompt action, and excellent tire nppnrntuN the Manic* were subdued lu half an hour. The Hre was probably caused by some hard MbttUlOB passing through the pick- er and Igniting the wood. Itl* thought Hint tin. e*nr four thousand dollars will cover the loss, upon which there is ample Insurance, general alarm was given, the fire department of the mills la-mg efficient lu ordinary eases ol lire.

—The Athletic Club,now in successful opera tlon, urr making arrangements for Isiating as SIHIII as spring opens, lilt pro|>oard lorxprni almnl five hundred dollars In boats and upparn.

—SporquWwM reading the other day that a celebrated Philadelphia pbyalclan ate two ap- ples every night licfore going to bed, for tbe rea- son that they supplied strength to the brain aud health to the entire system. Sparrjues tried It liiKt night, and with the result that ha dreamed an apple tree grew out of hi* bosom, and th* gunners of the Fourth Light Battery carried

bun out and placed him on the Ice in tbe aUdxUa nf the Merriinaek, and shirt at the tree fur a tar- get. t)ne of the shot missed the tree and hit Spanpies, and he awoke just a* the gunner* were preparing to stick the pieces of but body together with mucilage. Spanpies think* be hod nightmare, and that the man; had the epi-

OOtle. ,

—We can scarcely wonder that Urea ore to promptly extinguished hi the Washington MtUi when they occur. By mean* of perforated pl|ies water can he immediately thrown aver

Ion In which a lire may (tart. Added to thin mean* are a numlier of boat- which n«

y* attached lathe hydrant* ready for u*e. e, worked by skilled men can he brought to upon a fire os soon a* It Is diacorcred. The

lire .li-partment of the mills is compoaed of the i and heads of department*. Those

are nil drilled to ihe work. They have Ju»t fln- inheil a course of three week's drilling and ev- ery man knows just what he haa lo do when the lire alarm is given ; with their well drilled hre company the Washington Mill* are safe from a large lire.

—Considerable attention is paid to musical culture nt present; the parent* or the rising genemtlon are nut Ions that their children shall lie ncpiulntcd wilh music,—that they shall slug, play the piano, fee. There in a family living in town, the father and mother arc dreadfully anx- ious that their children shall be musically ed- ucated, hut none of them have an ear for marie uml none of them have a voice to ring, the hoys are anxious, hnwever, and one of them getting a music book laat Sunday, ascended to

the garret alone, In practice aome (acred times. The father Is religious, and a strict ohaerver of he Sabbath, im 1 when his son hcg.in to ring he did nut know what the youngster wasdutng; he heard the uoUe, however, and rushing to the g-arrel stair* he sang outwrathfully, "Boy, boy, what me yon didrig up there, sawing wood on a Sunday tH The lory has exchanged hi* marie book for a small terrier.

—After the dl*lK*jal of Klixa Lynch and Ma- ria Daley Tuesday, they were aaked when they got their Hqnor. Maria Daley Informed state constable llolierts that she procured *ome whbt- key from the liquor tataon of a person called Chcatliiim or Chcjt'uui. A warrant was pro- cured, and Mrs. Oneatham wo* arrested and lirougbi Into court, and wa* fined ten dollar* uml the cn.t., $i:..*j in all, on the leailmony of Maria. Thi* Is working the rule in both ways. Mrs. Cheatbam sold Maria llrptor; Ma- ria was .-. i ■ ■■!■ .i for Mi mil. .uu .-■■■■, caused by taking that Honor| Maria narrowly teamed go- ing to jail fir her offence, while the wjinan who ■old the li. |ii >r was free tu do as she liked, stand behind her Imr ami sell to others, or go out shopping, as the wives of rumsellors do, buying the best. By bringing the rumscllors Into court with their victims, there 1* no dooht but that the Itcjuiir business w III lie lesi at trait Ire, Im* profitable, and less damaidng dun It 1* at pres- ent.

—There IH no doubt hut that the List night'* anow storm was a genuine ono— what may IM

termed a regular old fashioned affair. The old- est Inhabitant was in ccstoide*. A* Uie young- iters entered the house and shook the snow off their clothing, as a dog shake* off the water af- ter u swim, and ejaculated "What a storm!" they were met with a scornful curl of th* lip, and a dtgnlucd toss of the head, and tbe word* .'nothing to what I've seen, not a circuiuitunco to It." Still, even the oldest Inhabitant wa* wj'- Ing to admit that a little snow had fallen; and that the appearance of thlnga out of door* did remind him of hi* youngrr day*, and ufcoene this led to a description of the mow storm* which gave dignity to this section of the country, hair

century ago. But the mow came down all the time, and when the rosy linger* of smiling morn opened the gates of day, and the noUe of the shovel brigade wo* heard in the laud, the old-

Inhahltant chuckled gleefully over hi* tueit nnd muttered " This I* like old time*."


Tbe present winter has thus far been a vary favurahle one, esphclallv for UIOM whose hvoor* require much travel. Never ha* there been bwtMr sfelghl'i ebiselv il

Tbe wood biui.

larly employed hauling fuel lo i liiada of iKtanN pass through our . daily, en mute for the Lawrence «__ i;i i - Iblnk we shall have an early spring, and that, by reason or Uie snow laying so long «i the ground, preventing the rrnal itrtklns The tni-t lias rear""" a spot of average exiios nearly twice this depl however, * further

Irlklna Into it. The friift lias reached a depth now. of IT men** in

— I.a.t winter it want i> do not propo*e.

r. to reaki.n ourrelves beyond lb* reach of attention* from thr-'rrost King." W«

,.«••- II jnif.1 bis temper In former rears, and and tliai Ills icy wrath ufkm wreck* It* boreal patiion upon the vernal hedge that bounds the (rein d. mains of sprint-

The Baptist Society »t Salem Dane! h*ld Ihelr annual social fenlivulnt the town hall, on Wrdner- dayeveninjj "oMasl week.^ Those praaent were

hfsMBMBl 11 pleased with the ocra.lon; tbe proceeds

>" be ii-.'d iu Biting up a vestry in the of their pretty chureb.

ortunely, and will enable ll lo meet Its expense*

For good work In t Mr. (.'harm* (I. Kelk»'* a*uAll*h—ni; E Ha a Hmrough workmau In tba perann of Mr. Wu. II. tftoot, whose luof experience has made hlui prr.II dent ID every department of the builneti.

The Grammar school, in District Ha. ], wa* closed by the *uperlntendiiu{ committee, but week. This action anticipate* The usual lime for closing, by three week*. The immediate cause was liisurbnrdlnalloii among tbe larger pupils, making nugatory all efforts of the teacher for the proper instruction of the classes. There i* alack Miiucwlu-ru, ami this muni (caution uf irresolute. ne" iu uniting and correcting the lawlessness nf a lew, titl ieln;s, piirrhaiiee, to uuarter* generally eonsiUeriil, liey.uiil *iu>plcltni. That Ut* teacher is responsible |.>r nil (hi„ deplorable rlalc of tilings, we can not believe, The disposition among *ome i ■ in .-i among ■<

a teacher a "scape-goaf for all Hie short eoinlng-nt Hie Juvlnllcs, I. at once wrong and foullah, as we look at it. "Ilireh" ha* -vied so much ami so long in our corutrv school*, that MH tbe parent* now davs, think a tcarher Isn't

- mil nun Ii who Ignore* lit us*. There'* surely i lu-tter way ti i. obedience and attention.

ludk-Mlhlliking i ill's flight. While K-witch. Half their tnrr luslles dance to the flying SI

our modern dunce- owe their paucity of know! they

Poranb in governing our tcho md and approve all ' Iml

rater wonders for the welfare of the youth, t combined efforts of teachers and committee*,

without ft. We lielieve the committee ha* don* the best it could muter tin-1 li-■-iiiilabmce*,

.... ,jr.".Si'k-.'.,r;r;'iU"s!i;!-,r£«ri;°.w -idem Cornet Band I* engaged to furnish music, ll Is probable that the proceeds will be apporprb ■led In paying for fumhhing the chureh wldi cushions and carpel.

Wednesday was a very disagreeable day to ba nut. Tho wind was violent, and Uie llahf inuw tilled the air. drilling hadlv along the high wav*, impeding travel, and making- traveling very nn

club lo form a llrst class isuiting organ]uUli Btnetti arnaomiOB the Morrhvuek river, above the dam, to he one of the finest places for a boating regatta to lie ton ml in thi* sect ion of the country. The wab-r Is brood, of sufficient length, finely sheltered from the wind, and has no current to trouble the progress of 1*Mt*. Wn ho|« the new enterprise will lie siiccesFful, and If our citliens are culled tt]>ou tu aid the club in any manner, they will doutales* willingly re- spond.

—The armory ol the Light Infantry is In ft very liad condition, ami should ll come to the notice of Ueii'l Cunningham, would ipilckly lie condemned, and no allowance mode for rental. The building I* covered with a tin roof, and nearly every storm Ands iu way through. The ceiling Is coveted with unsightly patches, filth and rust, and It lino wonder tbe member* of ihe


An unknown man wo* (truck by a peNliut train at a croislng In Lynn, on Monday even- ing, and pitched some twenty feet, falling into a snowbank. Utrangeto «ay he received no se- vere injury.

One of the most rei|wctable firm* in Newbury- port, of three generation* standing, hu let a nine days' talk going by failing Ibr a large amount.

Capt. Enoch Hale, one of the father* of New- bury.aiid for some year* lu representative in the legislature, licfore It* annexation, died lion- day, at ihe age of BO. ■—«*—*»«■«*. ——.

Harden, to-morrow night.



^h,e Si\dovert&dverti?ier FRIDAY MORNING, JANUARY 81. 1878


opposition, the selecUnen gave it tii .. approval, 'flit* roiinectlon will be mad* in lh- i limitv of the in mile post, tome J of n wile from our village.

1 to hni'o taken liirli wa« post-

Of tin' weather,

N0' City Government.

■ 67

Tbe Andover bras* band gsvc Mr. and Mr*. Joseph C. Dole ■ very pleasant serenade on Thursday evening of last week, in honor of their marrtoge nn that Jay. The vihtl of the hnnd was very courteous, and they discoursed llieir l*« air*. The music was no nmrb more euphonious than the usual ttntlnnatnilum on inch ncr-salmi* that "Joaaph," with hi* uniformly bland man- ners, gracefully hulled the company In, and tbey were treated to an abundant re|>ust, ac- companied with a bountiful supply of "Old Orchard." On passing round tin* IM article a numerous company of Cnlithumpiant pat In an apprerau-i:, aud there wags; "« "LOJC dUmrd-

The first lector* or Dr. Boa worth'* GOWN, in the Baptist Church, wu* postponed but weak in CODas-qucuce of the severe storm, and given Ibis (Friday) evening.

Mr. A. VT. Moore was ordained at Black* time on Wstiuesdsy of hut week. Serinou by Rev. Join I.. Taylor, D. I>., of this town.

Dr. James Howsrth of till* town, advertise* a substitute for vaccination a- a preventive tor small-pox.

The golden wedding of Mr. and Mre. Jamea Oowtng of Wilmington, was celebrated on Thursday of but week. A large number of person* were present, and besides other valuable gift*, the twain received more than two hundred dollar* principally In gold. The whole affair waa an exceedingly pleasant one.

Henri. Abbott and Jenkins are creating the passenger station*, and other building* required for tbe use of the Boston and Maine Railroad, act tbe line of their extension between Berwick and Portland.

ftlooas A. Bailey of the West Parish, recently caught a wild goose, which hod become bewil-

«rere weather.

•f the Congregational Society at Tewksbury, are to hold a fair and festival at their vestry on Wednesday afternoon and even- ing of next week. Norton's Quadrille Band will be present, and all the usual accompaniments of such oceoaions may be expected.

Tha Committee of thu Legislature upon Water supply and Drainage, gave a hearing on Tues- day morning, upon the petition of the Setoctmen of Arlington, to take water from Vine Brook In Lexington. Hon. D. W. Oooch appeared for tha petitioners, explained the object of tbe peti- tton, and called several witnesses. One of the gentlemen testified that land in Arlington Is now worth from 8300 to 93000 per acre, for cultiva- tion. This does not look as if the town re- quired more water for Irrigation, as It produces a greater quantity of early vegetable* than any other place In the Bute. Remonstrances against diverting the water as proposed, have been presented to the Legislature from Lexing- ton, Bedford, and Burlington. It it hoped An- dover will also send a strong remonstrance to a project so injurious to Its vital interests. If Vine> Brook is tapped, as proposed. It will seri- ously Interfere with, and divert from their nat- ural course, the sources of the Shawshln river. Too bearing stands adjourned until Tuesday next.

Tbe vital statistics of this town, for the past year, are as follows i

Number of birth*, males, X; female*, US; to- tal 7*.

Nativity of fathers—Ireland, 37; Maasachu- aotta, 'JO; Scotland, U; England, I; Maine, New Hampshire, Nova Scotia, France and Sweden, 1 each.

Nativity of mothers— Ireland, 33; Massachu- setts, IS; England, S; Scotland, 6; Maine, 2; Naw Hampshire. New York, Rhode Island, No- va Scotia aud Sweden, 1 each.

Number of births in 1871, 82; decrease, 7. 'Marriages registered, 39. Nativity of grooms— Massachusetts, 13; Ireland, 7; Scotland, S; Maine, 4; England, 4) N.-w York, t) New Hampshire, 2; I Vim. and Vt., 1 each. Nativity of brides— Massachusetts, 20; Ireland, 6; Scot- land, 0; New Hampshire, 4; Maine, 2; England, 2. Number of marriages recorded in 1M71—15; decrease 0. Number of Intention* of marriage in 1871, 43; In 1872, 33; decrease 10. Oldest couple marries!, each AS; youngest couple, groom, IB; bride, 21; also groom, 21; bride, 19. Greatest disparity In ages—groom, 50; bride, 34. Oldest person married—groom, 54; young- est person, bride, 18. Marriages solemnised as follows;—Revs. H. S. Greene, 7; C. Smith, 6; A. A. Mullen, S; E. S. Williams, 3; N. C. Mai lory, 2; 0. F. Wright, 2; J. Thomson, A. J Padolford, C. Fletcher, J. Hood, W. H. WUcox, «t. H. Clifford. A. M. O.good, J. W. Churchill, J. N. Short, H. N. Hudson, J. T. McDonnell, E. A. Whlttier, O. C. Osgood, S. F. French, and Q. Foster, J. P., one each.

Number of deaths—105. By consumption, 35; old age, U; cholera infantum, 8; croup and infantile, each 7; heart <il*ease, 6; paralysis, 4 apoplexy and dropsy, each 3; brain fever, ty pbold fever, and congestion of the lungs, each 2; drowned, wblte swelling, Injuries at fires, suicide, dropsy or tho brain, heart complaint, lung fever, general debility, water on the brain, u Iteration of lungs, tumor, dlarrhuea, liver com- plaint, slow fever, congestion of the brain, 1 each. Number of deaths In 1871, 88. Increase 17. Tbe folfowing were more than eighty years of age:—Sarah Pearson, 81; Mary Clark, 81; Abigail Peabody, 82; Susan Jones, 84; Mary Abbott, 8-1; Lncy Abbott, 86; Anna Fambam, St); Mary Lynch, 87; Mary Kershaw, 87; Solly Low, 88.

The winders in the factory at Frye Village aontamplate getting up a tea party at Smith's Hall,

Tha flute band, at Frye Village, composed of twenty member*, are making good progress un- der tbe instruction of Mr. Oeorgc Lesley.

In ccaueqhtneo of the storm last week, the lectures of Dr. Bosworth did not commence as advertised. Tbey will be given on Friday even- ings, commencing this week.

' Mr. Thomas D. Black of North Andover, ad- vertises a nice steer which came to hi* premises a few days since. It boa a brand upon It, and prahoWy belongs to some drover or butcher in that vicinity.

J The committee of the legislature upon water supply and drainage, will visit Arlington and Baxlngton, Saturday, Feb. 1st, leaving Boston by too Lowell railroad at 8 A. M., to Inspect tha sources of the Shnwshln. The selectmen request all outstanding bills against the town to be presented for payment on Monday -next, as toe fiscal year will then l>e closed. Tbe audi- tors an to he commended for their determina- tion to issue their annual report, at least, a week or two before March meeting.

Widow Hannah Franklin, formerly of Ando- ver, died in Lawrence, Jan. 22nd, aged nearly

Her remains were taken to this town interment.

Mr. John H. Williams of the senior class In tha Seminary, has received a call to settle as pastor of the North Clmr.li In Marblehead.

Notwithstanding tho driving snow storm of Monday evening, a surprise party of about eighty ladies and gentlemen visited Widow qhorlotu Battles, at her residence In Frye Vil- lage. All the previous arrangements had been adroitly made, but nothing appeared upon the surface of affair* to excite the suspicions of the food lady until tho numerous company over- stbclmed her with their presence. Ample ta- bles ware spread with a bountiful collation, of which the company partook. Mr. E, F. Holt, m a few appropriate remarks, in behalf of the contributor, presented Mrs. Battles a roll of greenback* amounting to 960, a* a slight testi- monial of the esteem in which she I* held by her friends and acquaintance*. The recipient, although quite overcome by this unexpected expression of good-will. In filling words re- turned her heartfelt thanks for the generous gift. The company spent an agreeable and en- joyable evening, although the elements without were quite forbidding.

Prof. J. W. Churchill will give reading* in the Andover Course at the town hall, on Tues- day evening next. Tha Professor 1* always sure to draw a full house.

- Robert Kirk, aged 23 years, was frosen to death In Lincoln, Minnesota, on the 7th Inst. Ma bad gone with a team fur a load of wood, wid on his return perished within eighty rods of bis fatbtr'* house. It was four days before bis body was recovered. He was son of James Kirk, wbo formerly resided with his family in Abbott Village, In this town.

Ballard Vale.

The nauil concert annouu.-e-! place a wtek ago or more, but « pouod bv Hie uiiinvurablenes* came off mi Tuesday evenin*-, and wn ■ unite II. i j erallv palronixed. Sir. lUpiot, ihuir instructor. wa* present ami-llrer-tcd the performance!! with o; a great deal uf .kill. Tbe programme wa* made " Up from selections, characteristic pathos, galop*., national quicksteps, .serenades, etc., nnd WOTS rentleml in ■ manner that gave entile satirfnr lion. The baud wan relievednl Interval' by ro ral music, the |ierl'oin in lice of which reflect."!

mill i'1't-tiii i] | ■ ■ ■ i r ttai.e who took part. Itcapite the sevcritvof the weather on Weilnrf

»y evening, u goiMtly jsumber turned out. and

The subscriber would reapertfullr give notice to the cltiiens of Andover and vicfmti thiil he nils •poaoda new and May.

Mlu nablsj Ha ■ !>,■ rlt« cd IV-

lyjumllr 11 tBTTeeti were in stleiniiiiire M meTectiirc delivered

Kev. Mr. Uxgimd. The -|.eaker did not favor any preteuUon* to clausing am- remark* which he might moke under the head •■ a lecture, but it was evident from tbe elnfe ulti'ntion and luteiefct manifested bv the audience thnt, whatever the ti- tle, there ws> ia II the -ulj-uie-e and reality tluiI wa- worthy of the hixhexi e-timillion. " Pre- tests and |>reU'iice»" was the nuldecl. and Uw truth of the matt«i in It «JI presented, win .ueb as to exhibit in a cleur and forei 1,1-; manlier the utter aud abtolut- lolly ui livlii* under uu aimo ■ ■ ulwre of pretentious aupaorance.

The lime wheu hoiie.tr was to be ih* rule,

im a trial. > paid to ( nlthiK Ladie*'

here he will l>r liapp: ■ire and attend lo the want- id eii«piiiier*. Itv

Strict attention to bu*lne-s. and by faithful endear- or* tu plen e. he hones to deceive H fair pnip-.r- linn nf imhl c - Mtlll-lelir ,- iturl patn. " lm hi* slni t-i keep ;i III -I el.-in*. e-tnli. .. the vilhlle are invited ui h'ive him a trial.

**-1'nrti-ulnr atteiift'-n pa'-" and Children's Hair.

P. a.—Toilet Shampoo, a new mmle of clean-lug the h-iir wiihout in>a|i or water. Try ll.

RBOBGE II. OBKH.I.. Andover, Jan. S, li*M. if-

'p I'.H I! i: X C K II R S 11 V ,

Mnuufa'.'lurer of

C*>mm. CsMkeUi «isd all kl»d> or Otmvm 4'lutbc*.

II kind- uf V

doptieai of UH- Joint rub The ioll.mii.K joint cm

.) tbe U«yor: uu ftshlfa ProavWs. tii

I. Iviu end Kmer^i'ii.

Ilieni employmeni nnd strive t-i refor Hit- Honor thought the only tiling

Hn v NII ui UJMUatKX, i ""' '"'' chnn-hes from taking l>« ■ 1< I of I i< Kviiiintr, .l;in. iu, WO. i ' pride,—the pride of prole-ring rhrlatlaiia kept

lirr-i'iii Die full Hoard. So- thcui from getting down toil. Another reporter in tbe oilier Board < ■ their j iulemipled the jmlge by umtllng. "1 was *ick and


m<l balNwr* of udsl* as*«l KaMta


January 20th, 1873.

W PA P E 11 8 .

pre) . llayi

>, llayor,. MifuVrrs aad .

e;. and I'odge,

Aldi ir Centi'r I 'omiter all our I'II-III out III) <hl.|l.

On faiem <>»•! /train 'in nnd snuioier .

On 1-riHlinti, Al h-nue • 'ii Shtuh JVars, Mayo

The lime wheu h-iie.tv was to U* die rule, and ' ...vV" ■""'" "' •" "" *»»"•»> ' "' ,:'"V' '"'" - when Mopls would b. .bleaad wiUlng_ to throw j W.hmt the t u . , , fe ^ aside all cuveriag I ilinral'se u hi.-li lliey If

, live, rhouM utaiul up l-cliru meu Si> they were, not a. tliev preleuded, would lw uu event bv which the world was t-- be greiitly brucBtled.

We would not advire any harsh measure-, but the committee would do well In pin lln- II,-i ireu- tlemaa for another disrourne.

There was inmethlaa unusually attractive on Thursday mornlug hi those corners where ther- mometer's were hung. The mereurv did it* level best to get out of .Ight, and everybody wondered whether or not the olde-t iuhahltaiit would be able to nee it without the aid of a smoked gl.ue. Report Bxes the mercury at *f and -Mi belnw, from two aectlons of our village.


•,-lutioii OUtiSorUlng ihe tren-urer lemporafj loan uf rit»,uiw, in ant

and flipaliinV ; '" li,XU!-' w"" ■,•'»"•■l w ''e niroll-d. in the nei.te-t nisniiei. nnd ;ii rea-uiiiible I the homls of Lm-an Pre.eott, Cilv .Uarnuul . Picture frame-, turuin- and Curtain | « Furter. umleruker, and J. J. Mahonrv. mi ru* entistanlly uu baud, au-l put up il de-

iinl orders. I in prfoon, and ye visited Ittiw* wereaanouneed n. Ii.■:..., continued, nuylug he would like If i

some one would lieiome aurely for the ghia and j Monday il.no. and Ahf-rnran be would give tlieni a chance. On this a couple of

ilie re|M>it-rs immediatety offered llieii.-ehe-.ainl lieu Melvin and l-aui- the girls were released. ( '

AasAtLT—ISnuirl Murphy m. iirraJgsjVl oq a We hare plared 1 \l>leiiii:tii .»aun-lcr>. j charge of anaoltiag his wire, Mary Murphy. It ■ Remnant-, and will »i»-iV., Mayor. Alileroien I C|i|<enrs that Ihe parties have been se|iarateflW

' lew weeks, Mr-. Murphy stjq itig with her moth. J ' " i Emer-oii and j er. on Valley »trwt. On Saturday last, Murphv '. Ur*>" "''■I*' '*"■** iio°*' ■'

' went to the hou-e where his wife wm. Ifajfcyj wt(| ! AaloMM, Plain and Striped, at Mayor, Aldomien Mel. ! iwenulled Iter, rArtklng her in the face several ] '*»«*. (Kine t^>o.l*,) at

lime-. Thl- was the .tory o^ told b. Mrs. Mur- K,°* ^"ipre-ls Cloth.., at l>,.,lir.<. pbj this morning. On tin* otVr luind. Murphy (Formw-isriee. «,and »c.j M'leriiien S.iunder- and grrOS hli wife a hswl -'lu.rw-i.-i'. »ays she hn. been Thil»et». ad color-, al

i eorehMS of hi* comfort; site lias not been fklthful i I"ttu*' Handkerchiels. in while and colored him: they have hod trouble; be wenl to teener j lei tern, at

ipati'iu OJI the day in question, but did not strike her. Tlw I WWI* Clouds, at upled tbe Court during Ihu roreuoon. "'hl1* Cloud*, at

All Wool I'hl.t sibawJ-. at



The undersigned will be In sesision, fur bueinen*, at their room on MONDAY A»TKItNOOS next, February M. All outstanding bill* against the town must then ho presumed for [my in mil, a* the book* of Hie present year will then po-lllvek lie closed. JOHN II. FUST,

BENJAMIN rJOVNTO-N, .Selectmeo of Andover.

Andover, Jan. 31,1M73. It

l?OL'Sl».—Came Into the Incloauro of tho 1 subtKriber, on ti

fat .STKKit. branded. ittiir bv proving property and paving charge*-. THOMAS O. BLACK, to be round at his Wh.»l wrlgbt Shop, l'uar-oii Street, Andover.

•sWvth ABdo.er, Jan. H, inn. St


subceriber has

Opposite Memorial Hall. Andover.

TKIiUKNl K IIKXKV. AaetioDcer mill ConinilialoB Merchant, is now prepared 10 sell >:-al Kstatn or Fer-onal I'ruperty at reason able tenns.



SAMUEL WOODMAN. In Rrlck Itnlldlng next uurtb of the Town Hall,



DMBSDA1. "" "*™" "*"■* '—•"-• — **■ *•*• Tliere was only one caw before the Court to- ' *snl all our r'lner tiru-le- are nSund, tocloM ,

■lay, In which Fat Mulligan wa* charged who an a mult on John Near*. Pot entered the plexor, nol/t amiemirt, aud the uaaault liaringbesss shown to be of a light charouter, Pat waa lined el with- i

out co»ts. BrnosOls, Tape'trle*. Three Fly*, Twn Pryi I'm USJIAI . | Ingrain and Medium CABPKTfl.

There wa* a goodly attendance this asnuisg be fi ire the court. The grantor portion of the audi- euee being comprised of ladles. HASSOCKS AKD RUGS.

I. on KM. -Ann Keating wa* charged with wrongfully taxing articles at wearing apparel be- longing to one Ann MoCavret, It aaenw that the j L. A C E CURTAINS

at a Iturn*. I u I

Our New Goods for 1873 j urn now iNPlmr rveived. We shall IM. M-a«m

have a




j 1SS «i..l *lt S£a*«a HIT I, l.swr.ais.


j GEO. 1). AUMSTROX(; * CO.




in fan fcVr.KVTHINiiw our Mock. We propose i to sell at »** lh.*> Wkolra.lt rrstwa. In order to KM ready for new rtprtng Uood*.

Where may be found a good assorttneut of Furni lure, const furniture, Shades, A<

Jbe found a HOd iting of Kitchen, <

Furniture, Maltese

Matrei.se-, \ iimiglr. Solu*, and Parlor >et- made to order, or repaired and upholstered.

I i.'-k ■. Tables and o>l-l -dece* made as desired. Curtain* trtsninr-i and bung, CarjsnM laid, ami Uenural Jobbing done.

(jocund band luniiturr bought and sold. Hood* of nil kinds received and sold at I'ublie Auction. KvcryihliiK aold a* low as can lie afforded, and

lit,. i-

Notice l>een duly _,„-

flANNAU F. SPOFFOKI). late of North Andover, in llie >-ountv uf tissex, (wife of Henry Spofford), ile.eueed, testate, anil has taken upon himselfthut ti u*t. hv giving bunds us the law direci-i. All pwratMa* having demand* upon tbeestat* of said deceased are required to exhibit the same; and oil person* Indeblod to said estate are called upon to make payment to

OWN F. isPOrrORli. Fiecr. North Aadover, Jan. 14,1*73. fit

E e is tisreby given that the it ily appointed executor of the



IU of Jonathan A. Iterrlck,

late of Andover, in the county of Essex, yaoman, deceased, testate, and ha* taken upon him. >elf that trust by giving bonds, a* the law directs. All person* having demand* upon Ilia estate ol sold deceaied are reuulred to exhibit tbe same: and all person* indebted to sstld estate are callc■' uiion to make pavmeiit to

KDWAKH H. DOUTWKIL, Amlover, Jan. It, Itm. jalT* Executor.


MAltV J. TOWNS, late of Methuen, In the county of Essex, widow, dec eased,'and has taken upon himself that trust, by giving bnud*, aa the law direct*. All person* having demand* upon tbe estate of said deceased, are required to exhibit the same; and all person* indebted to,snid estate are called upon to make

dillc Admr. fit


ritOBATK I'OIIIT. To the heir* at law, nait of kin, and all other per-

eons Interested In the estate #i STEPHEN TRACY, late or Andover, in said county, phy- sieiim. di-ceaai!"I, greeting:

Thereas, n certain instrument, purporting to lie the last will and testament of aald deceased, ha* been urcseiiiud to *ald Court, Tor probate, by

fl. D.Tracy, who pray* thnt letter* testamen- tary may be issued to her, the executrix therein named, and that she may be exempted I rum giving

surety or sureties on her olBclal bond, the Isatn- ■r having so ivouettol in his will, Ymt are hereliv cited to appear at a Probute

Court, lo bo held ut Ijiwrence, Iu said county of Essex, on the heoond Tuenday of February next, at nine o'clock before noon, to show cause, if any you have, against the same.

And said petitioner Is hereby directed to give public notice'thereof, by publishing this citation once a week, for three successive weeks, in the newspaper called the Lawrence American and Andover Advertiser, printed at Lawrence, the last publication to lie two days, at least, before said

Witness, Uaorge F. Cboate, Esquire, Judge nf aald Court, this twenty-first day of Jauuary, in the vear one thousand eight hundred ami aeveuty .,—-. 1.3. i c ciuini'M *■ --■-- —

mted as „ cekbraUHl .HlNftf rATsWT

!». DKn, tHM U *aarl»4. VisHwi. .sUser kind*on hand. \*"W

N. B.-MT. Wmidinaa will remler any assistance I "'■>' tnalred, in purcluulng goo.ls In Ito.ton or else- : j"1;,1

laker, were read un-1 npproviM. A petition iront M. N. How.', lor an auetloneur** ;

licen-e, wa* granted. • Aldermen ^aimder* ptonilllsil a me i nor la 1 from

Hi-, ■ehiinl comnuMIee. asking for action In ictcinl | M tmant children, ami presented an order for the ' .■! i'!"• uu uu ui of a committee to take the necessary measures for establishing a house of reformation ', for truants, whtrli was adopteil, and i loin... was ap|>ointed *OI the part of lids Hoard, consist- !

luguf tin- Mayor, and Aldermen Satmder* ao-l Melvin.

Alderman l.amprev iinw.-nie-l llie i-dliuing lie- j . ,:,, . . ,., ,. ,, , V whole matter arose from a noer .wrape. Ann, the

To the ILMwrabl- Mayor and Aldermen ol the i *•>l" "«•■ M"i-»r ">"•»> npnssnrod for the defend ellr oi IJI « renc. : onl. The Coart found the defendant not gulliy. , The uad.'i.i.nie.l. U«.[N)M an-l cltljen* of |„Lli ASI> i>,ot>BDMil.V.-Jlota Barry wa* com-

loS« CTBt'JEfeBft »££; i totato-l «f for being M. S SS, «d w.. portions of the mo. l inominent .-tttH-ts and able- I oislerad to reeooniae ueraonallv la the Hum nf a ma walks in theeily for the pun or exhibiting and vending arUch-, goods an-l nierchnndiae, esseum- berlug said stn-s-ti ami sl-ii-wnlks with iwrkages ofiuen lutndise, laUinds, Uiblesand veliivies, there- by nli-lnieilng puhlle travel, ami I jsktlrhrirril rltothep-Wi.goo.1, * ' "L" '

Theirftsre, w» respertmlty petition jour luidy

r annual atosk taking, Feb. 1st.

CARPETINGS, »el., Tapestries, Three Ply*, Ti i and Medium CABPKTM.'

Also, Cocoa, Hemp, Oil and Straw ('*■ pets.

SSOCKS AKD m: The balance of a lot of

An-lorer, Jan. I, IBTT «-

WT A 0 O »V 8 .

WILLIAM POOR, Manufacturer of

Uxprsxro, Msvricat, Butcher, Store, Farm and BuslnoBB Wafc-ona.

aar-Kepalring iu all Its branclta*; and all work warranted a* represented,

Andover, March M, lxTl If-


Guardian'a Sale.

Iu -iieli place-, nnd forbid Ihe sticli n prnetire, An.I n- In dulv

l-.nnsl will ever pray. .iiinte.1 bv Heekrr ,t Wlilliinr, au-l one huudr-ed

nud fortj others. Alderman Melvin offered the following re.olii-

linshn which a-ero Uid on the table for further eon- sideration:

Hwntsri. .dm. *o, 1*7*). Wherea-. a petition lias been pn-M-nled lo the

Legislature, praviiur fur the right lo cmutruct a luiage across the Merrimnek river in I bo eitr of

By virtue of a license from the Probate will be sold at public auction, on Monday,' at * o'clock, r. M., on the premises, alt the of Ellen Lenity, a minor, and only child of the late Patrick Leahy, (otherwisecalled LeHi)}.rtecea.ef1, in and to all the real estate or said deceased. The entnte consists ot land and building* situated on East tireen Mreel. In the South Parish In Ando- ver. The Land I* hounded on the aoiith by sai-l street, on the east by land of heirs of I>nnlel l(ou- "viii, and on the north and west bv land of fraud* Williamson. Catherine t.rnhr, widow of said deceased, and lluardlan of his only child, as. seots to the »alc and will Join In the conveyance.

And, wherea-, the cost of constructing and maintaining sai-l bridgi st neee.-.arllv lie home bv the eitr, Uierel'on-lNill

Benoived. bv the ( ill Council of It itv of IJIW- rence. that the two bridires nou established ami mnintnine-l are sufll.-lent to meet all our reouln-il want-, ami that a tliinl liridjtc is imprai;licable and matiecesMirv, nnd it i- ftirtber

„ , K-'-oli-'-l. Mini tin- M;nor be, nml liereh) is.au- Monday, Feb. llil. thoriae.1 nml ln-tnti-t-«i I.I i-emon-irate in lieliali

■ ' ol thi'Cli\ C.iun-il nitniii-t xi-antiiijr llie pravers or -a hi petitioner*.

• 'ante up, resolutions from finance conunltti-*', forcoiicurnmre with Die oilier hoard, foramina! appropriations; lni-1 on the table.

Noii.e fiom the other Hoard of coururrenee in the election of I o. Qno, \Y. Uurlnnd a* city phi -i


rn o K s o R I A 1, - Ids old stand.

ier fits tensers he-of HAIR ntlnii paid In dr. -.in'..-In i

three. ia-.lt A. C. UOODELL Hexister.

CCOMMONWEALTH OF MAsriACHl iKT'1'.-i. ,' Kasex, no.

PROBATE rontT. To the heirs at law. next of kin, ud all otto nee-

arms intereated in tl.e estate of JACOB JJEH BY, late of North Andover, in said county, ■eoniau, deeen»ed, testate, greeting

Whereas, a certain instrument. uurporth._ _. the last will and tc>tament of said deceased, has been presented to said Court, for probate, by Albert Berry, who prays thai letters lesUinentari may lie isaued to him. Che executor therein

-.'..,, ■.,.. i..,..i,- ^1-- *

nt;u\ iroed, a Protiau*

Lawrence, in sold ruunty of

The undersigueil ha* IT turned t- •▼•r J.J.nROWNs store, on MAI:

be will lie tfnd to wall on hi- tot and the public generally hi all hrnn< DRKNOirgU. sysT-Partieubr u't Cntf ing Ladles' and Children's 11 for pa*l favors, and ronsaiou- of c ing the personal appearance of p cordially invited to call.

WILLIAM 11. SMITH. Andover, Jan. 34, 187a.


'for two or three year*.


pOarVntS AND CA8KJSTS, *i\ iii>i,t:s \i.i-: A-VI> itiiTAit..

Tlw builues* of Ihe late Hcrmon Abbott linrliig poased into the h-mdn af the v.-lvn ii.er-, they will continue to hirnlah

COri'TNM, CAHKF.TS, ItOHKS, and other articles conoeeUil with the busliest, promptlv and hi the latest styles and finish.

Coffins aud Coxkets duUlied iu oil, wax, or -o.

Tne attendan of the trade reai-eetfuny SOHelte.1. Price* as low and finish as good as is to be found.

WOODMAN AND CRABTHKK, Next North of Town Hall,

Andover, OcL SS, lSTJ. -1

Notice of nim.con.Til-mice in the election of K. T. Hurley aa City Solicitor.

Hallntted for f Ily Solicitor; resriltiug in the choice of E. T. Hurley, by the ci«ting vnt« or tho

Notice of roncui-renee in the election and ny pointmenl of Fence Viewers, Surveyor* of (.um- ber. Pound Keeper* and Field Hrlver-, Mrav urersof Hriek nnd Stone. Wood nud llarh. Ptfts- terlngnn-l Palming. Public Welglier.

Notice of City Man-linl'* report Iu and

for his appearance from lime to rime, C-muus Dm SK— A young nsui. must respect.

ably connected, and who has been repaaladlv ln- earcerate.1 In the Mouse of CWisjeXtoa fflr the crime of di^gagMunV, wa* to'dayrmnpLiiiied of as a common'drunkard. HU.rss)ewns continued [en -lay- niii, under n'oognlxgnos af gAUO.

ASMAI'LT.—Mary Ciillcn waa allege I to have committed nn assault im one Mary Nicholson, on Ihe :. i , I inst. This was a tronbleaecnrrlng In the carding room of tlie Ererett Mil*, between the two women above named. Major Bronn appeared for the defendant. Found gSnlty, and sentenced to payment of * !■"- and cn*U eg *|xly days In the House of Correction, from which an appeal wa* taken, and the defendant held fat anretlea for CIOO.

Till: H lit mill ill the contested clcCtlnn Cttse progresses. On Friday and Saturday nights of lost week,aud last nigh t sessions wore held by the election committee, and a large n*un)M*r of wit- ness^* wera examined. The testfmony elicited from moat at th■■ witnesses is, that they voteil

| on the day of election In Ward Four; they j \ uteil the straight lUpubllcaa ticket, which

ticket *TIM beudi-d-with tbe naoar of .S. II. W. | Dnvl*. Many of the witnesses forminlier see- j ing lue naniee uf Helland Muversuu the ticket. ! The bearing wiil 1m continued to-night.

Ar s™ uTON'* news and periodical depot, may lie found all the illustrated papers of the week, niHgaxinesand miscellaneous literature.

Essex, on the Second Tucs lay of Fehruarv next, at nine o'clock before noou, to SIMW cause,' If any

dire Ml public notice thereof, by publlhhiug thl*

citation once a week, for three successive weeks, in the newspaper called tile Lawrenow American and Andover Advertiser, printed at Lawrence, the last publication tu be two days, at least, before said

Wltne*H, Oeorge F. Choatr, Esquire, Judge of •aid Court, thl* twentv-tlr-t day of January, In tbe vear one thousand eight hundred and seventy three. Ja*l A. C. OOOOELL, Hegister.


To the hein-at-iaw, next of kin, and all other person-, intcre.trd iu the esUte of ELIZA- BETH U. INOALLH. late of North Andnver.ln said county, widow, deceased, greeting.

Whereas, certain instruments, pui-porting to he the ids! will and testament and a codicil of sold de-

testanienlaty may lie issued to him, the executor then In named,

You are hereby cited to appear at a , Court to he hidden at Lawrence, In said ci Essex, on the Second Tuesday of Fehruar. at nine o'clock iu the foreuoon, to *how cause, If anv you have, against the same. Aud said Stephen W.lugalU Is hereby directed to Slve public notice thereof, by publishing this i-itn-

on once a week, for three successive weeks,In the uewhpgper called the Lawrence American and An lover Advertiser, printed nl Lawrence, the last publication to be two day* at least, liefore said

Witness. I

jalT ODELL, Beglst

Haunted School-housi) In N«w- buryporl.

Notice of IIIIII-H IIN'-II;.. to the orders authorising the Mayor lo pgoolHO copies of Iiutuvurnl Address and lt.'|<ort< of Library Trust***, by iuserling "Printing Committee" Iu Stages at "Mayor," re reived and ennenrred In.

Notice of Resolution authorising Trensurer to procure fiiml* for the psyin.mt of St«e Aid, liasseil II) several reading-, niul uu- adopteii in

Ballolte-I for City Me-seuger, rvHulIlug Iu tin- iinaniuious nssotoo of Win. II. Metrow.

Rsllotte.1 lor Sii|>erlntemient of Fire Alarm, re olliiiH In tin' choice of Oscar K. (.'urrler. Monday cveniiiKi nere selei-tcil For MM regular

meetings of Uu- BnnnL Ailjomiied ill Moiiiiay evening, al '\ o'clock.


FKgTfYAt. - Tbe ladies -if Wilstington held their annual festival In Ihe vestry of the Congre- gational church, on the evenings »f Thursday niol tri-tin hi-l. for tlic pui|i"--' of .i"frayins tin- . \|iiii-i- ni painting the church; It I* much cre-t

- ii.-.l to tbe ladies that ther have aoconipllslie-l ..(.i in.'., i their object bv raising nboui six hiuHSreil dollars.

Miti'iilHK.—Mr. Jonathan Carter, fad, who has run a retail moat cart to Lynn (or t number of years, waa completely surprised haw week, hv alioiit twenty of his numerous friends from Lymi. who made him n call, riding over la * big sleigh with four ImiHen; they presented Mr. Carter in token of their re-pert with an easy chair, Mr. Carter's ftsmllv bad received some htlnialion of tho contemplated vi*il ami hail, wltlMXIt Mr. Car- ter's kuuwlcilge, preiiored a turkey supper, of

isunt that they had ail made happier by the pic •O richly enjoyed.

OTX.UKN vt Kiituvi,. .Mi. and Mr*. James Unw- ing, wtio have mijojcd married llie torelh" fur a half century, were made happy last Thursday evening by a Call from alxmt one honored nf thrir frieiuis und relativi's, to remind Ibutn that aeronI lug lo custom the lime hail arrived for them In lie more llmdv unlteil In binding the raids of love and friendship hv their liberal -lonati-u of about two huudrwi tloilan In gold coin.




Wednesday Evening, Feb'y 5th, the Organ recently pUrad iu Ihe Kli.it Church will b* exhlbitesl. In essanes-tlou with a Vassal < ■iieeri, under the dlranUon of Mr. ti. II. Doas*.

Sat-The irruiv. of the following lliatlngu'slied M usiial Artists have been secured :—

ti. Bf. OOWlta-, MhlanalaBSaaafi


/ Orgaatlsta.

MRS. H0U8T0N WEST. 1-1IT1VM1 s-11.. list,

CM* .is.

Ticket* for sale at STRATTOK's} Music store, WHITFORD * HICK'S Book Htorc. II. M. WHIT N'KY *. CO'S Apoihii'siy store. Bad at the dsur.

ii. .1.1 ■. open at 7 o'clock. Concert to commence at 1 of a. r it; jaaH-el.it



I'ltor. PRATT will open his Kxblhltlon and School in Lawrence. TCKSIJAY. Jaw. »■>, on [lie Lot adjoining fAIXDKB-S I1L(K K. an-l n-- niiiiii for IU ilavs, giving Lecture* an-l Kihlhltlons twice each >Uy, at 9 and T 1'. U.. bundling all Inn-..-.-, free i*r charge, r'nitners liavlug young horses or colts, are requested to bring theiii in for e. In,at i. >n and lo lie broken, ao In rase of ace ii hilt tliey will stop the carriage.

The 1'rofesHor's class In Lowell nuuiliers 3t'>, who, with one accord, pronounce it the uVLt i-KiiKtiiT system ever pr-slu-'d. and so simple and easy to comprehend that a child can under stand and apply It.

Let every young Farmer improve this opportu- nity, and Join the Class, a* the opportunity hap- pen* but once in a lifetime.

*sT-Coine one nnd all, and see the Exhibition of Heautlful I'aliit)iiKs and ran en ted llnr.rs. Asmlnlsa Sfl et*. Heaerved Nrsl, SO ela.


II- "I I'll -O 111. .11 111, I

it,-. ii ii,:. Even lug, Jan. W, 1073. i V h . i.i Alderman Saunder.'.

Itsllotted for nuperinlcmlenl of < i'.llnu inu result:

Whole uumlter of i ,.i..- , a N'ecesrary Ibr a choice, 3 J. 1*. llumbuiu had •, 1 3. L. Hntchlnsun lutd S

and Mr. Hutchliuon wu* dclared ikcied. After remarks of Mayor In relatl-m to thr du

ties of tbe Boor-1 with regard to tbe rare au-l pre veulioii of small nag, the Hoard dbsnleod.

' Hoxnnil).—An unusual r I re limits m occurred i at Boxfonl last week, lieiug no let* that tlie celr-

hratlon of three wi-ildinx* In the same house on I Ihe same dat. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Hnwyer cel-

tvllh i rbrateii their silver welding on Maturdai evening I l.-i-l; on Ihe some evening » a-married their cMc-t

. son, Mr. Thomas K. Sawyer lo Mis* Nellie Twin- { ileu of Danvers. Also tltelr el-irst daughter. Miss

* i Kvu ». .sawyer, to Mr. Stlson K. Ifnrrbi Of Law. fence. The oecaalun wa»ol BSIK'hrntcrest ktlhusr

., ■ present There was a ss*jkaa> aad spsssnas. 3 ' ('resent* were given all three brhles. air, Elien

-uu in -f \fiitni,ii, lii-.iiii-i- ut Mr. Thomas Saw-

s pleasant.


PalOBATR COC11T. To the heirs at law, next of kin. aad all oilier per-

son* interested In Ihe estate of MAHT D1U9COLL. late ot Haverhlil, in aald county, single-woman, deceased, greeting:

Whereas, a certain Instrument, purporting to bo the last will and testament of said deceascd, has boen a res—ted to ssld Court, for probate, hv tieorge Foster, Wbo prays that letters testamen- tary may be issued tonim, the executor MM win

You are hereby cited to appear al a Probate Court, to be hidden al Salem, In laid county of Essex, on tho First Tuesday of February next, at nine o'clock In the forenoon, to show cause, if any Urn have, against Ihe MIMIC.

And sold petitioner I* hereby directed to give ubllc notice thereof, by publishing this eita- IOU once a week, for three successive weeks, in

_tie newspaper called tlw Lawrence American and Andover Advertiser, printed at Lawrence, the last publication to be two days, at least, before said

Witness, George F. Chonte, Esquire, Judge Of said Court, this sixteenth day of January, ,_

the year one thousand eight hundred nnd sever three. JalT A. C. GO0DELL, Hcgistei

A hearing was had befhra the selectmen at tlie Town House, on Saturday last, eonramlng the lo- cation or the Aadover and Lowell ltailraad. As tbe matter was somewhat of Interest to the Vale, •event 1 or our cltiiens look the pains to attend, ■explanation* war* given showing the necessity ami convenience for making Ihe cauueetion' out- side of our village, which seemed to ha ess the whole satiifactory; consequently there being no

r\ o A I..

The subscriber bos a supply of COAL of differ- fereut sUe* and quality, which he will furnish customers at a reasonable price and short notice. Orders may be left at JOHN II. CHANDLER'B

Perlodical Store or at my residence. JOHN < IIANIH.Klt.

Aadover, Sept. (, 1*7*.-


Ha* taken the office recentlv occupied by Dr. O. L. Bradford.

i mice hour* till a 1. si., 1 to I, aud 7 to v r. II. Calls attended tu dav or night. tor-Fresh Vaoelne Virus (from tha cow) con-

stantly on hand. Andover. Nov. 1, int «tr-


I.awrewea and Aadover Aareaalea.

The subscriber* ore now prepared to execute all kind of work In the Laundry line, In superior style, at short notice ami at prices that defy com- petition. The proprietor* hold themselves re. aponaible for all goods loit or mislaid, whether marked or not. Satisfaction guaranteed In all case*. Fries per doien. including three starched pieces, 7S cents. For further particular* iuqulrc of our agents, Edward Mcksv, 11) Essex street, Lawrence, and II. S. White, office at T. Henry's, Main street, Andover.

A shais of public nabronage respectfully solicit- ed. WWKSENUTBI.IIDOKTT ft 00,

West Araeebury, Nov. 1, IHTf- W-

S. II. —All good* sent lo our Laundry at our risk, and frtt af izotnt. ('oods intended Tor the Laundry if left nn Monday or Tuesday, at the drv goods store of E. McKay, will be attended to with dea patch.


PASSAGE secured via. Author, >atten or Wfeiite ■»•*■ Llnsa at lowest rate*, betwi I.lvrrpool *r i;iii|ow *m| Boalon or New York.

Draft* from Al upwards; also, prepaid rerlifl antes to New York or Boston.

For further particulars apply to

WM. 1IABLAND, Agent Axpovga, MASS.

Andover, May 17, IsT;

In Nuwhuryport we have n wlioollious- that the Kctiool I'-'iminiic-' have l>een force*! to ■dTOrtloe) BH fOOMd to visitors, berouse curt HUM rrowila waited wltliln and without, to MM 'IK- inyatcrloUM form of a j.-.11..-1 bor, who has been trnttliiK arouml then; fVir nion* ihnii u yinr. aetri fiv-iui'nt!> by the teficber— who I* not a Spiritualist—nud by mott or the vrbora flfty puptls, who are too roOHR to niyMiry and tlccflve the people.

The .-■ 1 l 11"ii -■ Is on Clmrlis atreet, a one MHI'V liniUlini:. thnt wotiM lie the last place In town for n, spirit from any happy abode lo wish tu reiietv hi" chlhl- li"i>'l in. There Is an entry to tin; build- | leg. where there la a flljrht of stnlrs lb Pie j attic, nml a window looking; Into the actiool-rooni. The teacher's deal lirontfbl her hark to thai window, where IhepUpIb) told her a stran-re boy wns playing his tricks, soiiietlincs putting; Ill's heM Up to the irjuss anil other tliiH-s looklug In: they deacrlbed him, and when seen lie 1ms al- ways been the snuie In dress untl Appear- ance. To verify -tuii'iuent- she chatie;i-il her seat to face the window; ami by nml by the face appeared—the .Ittrk Frost tip- on tlie window ptme. Not d.minim: but it rraa really a boy, stie took her ruler, the emblem of' her authority, ami made for the entry, and there she (bund him stand- ing quietly In Ihe corner, our of the pret- tiest facea ahe had ever seen, with a aweet smile oil bin beautiful lips, and needing a klaa more than a blow. Ills hotly, dresst-il in iicttt wlijie clothes, bore the appearance of one Just pnssed his first decade ofyears. His hair waa almost white, a little tow- head; his the*.' was pole us death, ami bis eyes a aweet blue. His face was older than bin years, and ho had tlic appearance of wisdom heyond his age. She advanced to him, and then he dodged to the ftetlc atatrrt. Hhu followed, Is now near enough to take hold of him. reached for hltu, hut he is not there; he seemed to sink through the stnlrs, and where ihe would grnsp tils person her hand struck tlie floor; lie was gone.

Sow we have s veritable ghost—what is to be done? The police thought they could capture him. They arrested u Ind u the author of all this commotion—the town through; and be bad bis choice to confess or take his chance for the reform school. It was not only the old witch- craft, but the old test. " Throw her Into tlie river,*' said they of olden times, "and we shall find out whether or not she be i witch. If ahe is innocent she will drown IT she swims we'll hang her." The boy partially confessed; but he was not pun inhed, because his teacher mid nil the pu pile and his parents knew that he waa not the strange boy that looked iu ut the. win dow and the face continued to re-uppear when be was away.

Next a carpenter was sent to nail up the passage to the attic; but If 'hive laughs at locks," much more do ghosts. The I ii i li' tow bend even made more uolse than before, lie turned the attic Into a carpenter's shop, where he, too, aawetl, pounded and nailed; antl as If to ilcmon- Ktrnte the futility of humau force to shut him out. he put Ills head down through the ventilator and took a survey of the achoul. Home of the children Itavi- been

iituieil, and one dav one ofthem faint- . but few Of them are excited nhout it.

The teacher has spoken to him, but he only laughed from his happy face. The children looked at him whom not one of them ever saw before, nud he returns their glances) with love in his aoft mild eyes; but as yet he has not told who be is, whence he came, or what his ntnlon. This comes nearest to a real ghost—n day-light ghost—of anything we have had ln'thls city for years.—-Vsr. Pal. I'Wfor.

One of the Newburv]>ort police Is being ex- Tlta COMMON tt*CXC«. un nowaday evening umlned before the City Council on u charge of

im .NI'II in concurrence several poi>er* front tlw ny. j stealing. |»er Hoard. The ch-rllou of ((-.ear K. Currier as Superintendent of Fin* Alarm, aud W. H. Marrow I'Ily Messenger, were concurred In.

Tha election of K. T. Hurley a* City tJolictlor was uon enneiirwd In, and three bnilnli were had, A I.UT of remnants nnd short length dress when Win. B. KttOX wn* elected, hating U votes, | good* at a burguiu at Ilvuos Tut I.I.I. & Co's, wllh 3 for E. T. Hurley. 1 for C. II. Moore, and 1 | s—«—• fur J. c. ssnhorn. (3 Itepubliesn Couucllmen al. | Nrixui. UAUOAINN.—We, offer to our patrOns

11 l^uriinertti Votiticti.



HT.roitK gt'DOt BTsTVSats,

| lor u few tla.v* tt splendid block hrtlllantlne for * JUT yard. Call and see It.

ti. Tt. AKMSTHONU It Co.

KHIl.At. Ihe business of the Court Iwgan till, mornlug

Hli the disposal nf a couple nf vagranti, Kdward can niul Kiel Baasett* the ease, of both Were initialled for sentence, Thorns- Donnelly pleaded guilty In a complaint luirgllig him with keeping Ihiuor* with intent to II; he was flii.il Sin und costs, which la' paid iHsTi'muxo;.-John nineen, a ynuag man llv

lug si (he South rtde, Wtl chnrged by ex-onleer .leiry DiHioinn. nilh -reallng a distnrluim-r. IH-

en pleaded n-l guilty, but the Judge lielieved ■ statement inndo h) Jerry, and John «a* llmil

■i" in;-1 trssbs. He appealed, and gave bend* In • J00 to npi-e-ir at lla- fiiperlor Court.

: Mrs. E. A. MarHae, Shra- Heel, N. C, has 'used her Wheeler tt Wilson Machine since : IH.57 with perfect suites* in every respect, stltch- | ing the clothing for 3D colored servants and a

clothing and

slightest repair, i ...ii.-in.

II Is * at good n* when




No. 103 Essex Street, Lawrence.

Ovsr (oats, Men's and Boys', at Cast I

We can sell Men's n* low as tft-AO, ami

Boy*', *J,rto, a* we want to elaae out tbe

Whole atock to pre|HtnL for tlw Spring tradr.

Hlsbrls at S4J MaaUs

II.ti and Caps, Me. Ie> gl.


as we have a large stock which munt be sold.

•S-tsil and astlafy yoursulvi* as to the truth

nf onr statement*.



AEPETH. CARPETS. iWHl'ET.S. (' A MIII.1. Pox M'Ecii-ti', which has warm ree

iioinieiiilaiioii-. Is advertised In another column hy Dr. Howarth, Andover. It! t !

V> i r 11| i.

There nnn a large attendance at court lo-lny, Hit news of the arre*i at 1'Hlrlek Ftunersu hat1

lug got wind. There was not uitich business before the conn.

Frank liliddeii, u red Issired young niah, toed the iiuirk''M ll ■li.'itKe--I -liTinkooSsesi.. iiiiil was lick- eted *i nnd cost-. Unulel Enaeii-n Has ,,)■ a few lays ago on n eluirge nf idle and disorilerly . on

that lilnsjlloa he wa- scnleuce-i bo thirty dsys al the house of rorreetlon, inn the millimnt wn- stnye.1. This morning he appeared in the role of a drunkard, mid it having been sttIIsfaetartly shown that hi- wife and children noul-l derive i.: . i, ■ i. i :......, tii i.ilii!. ■ ...,i In III** hou-e of eorreetiim, he was given Ihlrty dny, i.n tlie old

charBe, and twenty mi tbe new. iNatNK.—rlanies Hofiiin, an old mail a|l|m*Jill

ly insane, wa- arraigned ana charge of drunk- enness. When interrognt.il as lo his KUIII or oth- erwise, he could give no Intelligible reply; his case was eontluucd ten day* nisi, and he was sent to Ihe bouse of rorreetlon menullme. to have his menial condition determined.

Lo: THE Point Is-oia* was up toilny, charged wllh -inrtnkiug nf dre water. " tiullty. or not guilty clerk. " Cgh," said t.o. "Were you drufsk'r" J ; ■•otvtinued Hopkins. ■'I'gh," sai-l ibis slnirUsvflll'SK child ol nature. It was evident tlie fume* of the bentlila were still clouding the aborigine's brain. As he slooil up In Ihe dock, bh long, block hair rising pn-i'endlriilarly from Ihe crown of his head, and hi* eyes flsed ii|sm H>e Judge's scalp, he re- minded one fori-ibly of the lines of 1'iipr:

^-SS8NI BelVtBtsJ. I you druntkl" 1 \—

Mrs. Samuel Colt's Income front her inauufaeturlng property Inst yenr is -mt- ed to hare been tfWO.OOO, and some news- paper man has intimated that her fortune oftje.000,000, more or less, "will be In- herited by her lovely tlaiuihter." part Of it la ruthlesaiy punctured Hartford ft>sf, which says thnt tin daughter happens to be a son wli of his own.

Tlih iv the

The pretty Madame t'atacHxy ll possessor of a large portion nf the jet and wardrobe uuee owned by the Bnonn Eugenie.

" To lir content '■ hia nnluial desire, He asks no angel's wins, no seraph'* (Ire.'' " The seraph's fin* he'd nilllmib forego, Fin* water is a better Iwvernge for l,o."

The authorities nil! endeavor lo eiiitlvsU' hi. untutored" mind during the ueM thirty dsys. I.sRi.'LNY.-John O'lirien. a bay iirnbably ibt

wen years old, was eharged wiUi llie larceny »l flve kHM of cigars, and other proper!) amount Ing In nil lo the value of gjn..'sl, from Ihe store o: John HoldgBle. Heuasheld In eVMiO hj appear befoie tlie PauwIUT Court.

Tlie ease of I'nirlek Flnneniu u n~ no! ealleil up,


There was the usual large altemlan-'e nl Com! ils morning. ilaHllllllaailllsg Hie deptli ol llie »BW ami the dtfllculiv nit ending, iieili-trlsn lor,,

motion. There nere onl» two prisoners in the dock,—both women whose face* are us familiar In the Judge, reporters and otliers, as tlie fare ol the unfortunate Mary Ann 1'tiffey. They were Klira I.yiielinnil Maria Dairy. Kliia lias been out ui'Ui House .if (omi-tioit atswl a month, and Maria rente ont only yesl-ulas. Helora *y*t*0sshg ■ these unfortunate girl-, his Honor railed gttei lion to Use fart thai Use) bad Wo punched lino

Ithunl number, and Hpiinrently niihnut aaV

H It K-■ ■■: ti-i in-1., a son ti Hicks.

SAXBORS.- In this citv,. A Mrs. A. Tt. Sanbom.

HOHt;AS. In ihis citv, Jan. Mb, a daughter tu Mr. Jk Mrs. John Ibirgati.

ir. aud Mrs. John

i. lfth, a aon to Mr.

]tf ii t f i ii g e p. l.-n hi. In tin. cltt, Jan. '-'.Hi. bv

. Fisher, Mr. James K McUlnrv and ' holUwr -"

HOCLART Rev. <:. „ Mrs. Mary J, Locke, both

ririltl llll.l.-WKlsTKlt Int •■iil.TVill,.. I.— ell, Jan. J.'iili. bv the Ret. Mr. Dane, Mr. liar euce K. t hurehill to Miss NeUie A. Wehsler, holh of [.awn-nee.

i:(>XANT-HRt»W\.-ln NewhtrjiinH, Jan. list, by Her. Mr. I'owell, Mr. Win.l laionl and Mi** Sarah A. Drown, nil of Ncwbutyport.

IIAItHlM>\-ilCVT.-tn Methihm, Jan. Will, bv Rev.tien. J. Jmlkhis, Mr. Wiljlani llarri- Mr*. Julia J. Hunt, both of Mi

OAT—MrLACnilLfN.—In Amitver, Jan. i'Ah,

'I'll-' uuderslgnod tutvlng


CARPETINGS at a dealer, st a



i all and eiaiuine before purchasing elsewher

F. S. .1EWETT A CO. Lawrence, Jan. SB. 1*73. Bmfrlersj

/ i 0 w POX VIRUS.

n. II. ii-. HI- i iintii1- n. neniTn > Ml-- RiknmoiHl A. M. " lt,'uii)."'i

Laughiin, of Andover. - I|II;K in iio.i: in Methuen, i|i utii,... _

W.W. Hay-ward, Mr. t*. Freniiilstr au-l Mrs. Lucy A. Ilodge, both of llamlltj

WIW-HOWARI).—In West li-.n-o-l. Jan. «Sih, by Rev. Mr. Park, Mr. Tb-mml H. Wlnn and Mm. Saudi J. Howard, both of Mnrth Andover.

Iu order to meet llu-roiistsuUvliicrensingdeiiuind upon us Tor AMttsi. Vims, welutvernLnldislied stables for ils propagation upon carefully seleete-l heifers. The lymph need fa or the well known

....„ ^IJH-IJ, Mna| imported hy oursel- geney' -it im this j.iii ;..i ,-

... Iiitl.l-i ■iti..Iah.,»iid,K]iial.eth|Iarralii'e1 daughter ol T. W. and C. Iluse, ogel 3 yrs, t

DAVA—lp this eftv, Jan. U, or hesrl dlseaie, Harwood, nnlv sou of Ilr. David and lira Dana. aged 7 yrs.

RI'r,<;.-ln North Amlover, Jan. M, bethjT., wife of Hatiiel II. Rugg, M II dyr-

. II.nun i Fault ■r AI l.KMJI, 1„ this ellv. Mt ncr, aged W yrs, o ran*. OniTlMBV.-Mr*. Jane Nirholsnn, age.

on the morning of the JBth, nl Ihe Mr. Rlehard Iiiie'In llff.'. ...Ill.ir o[' ti lounial; she wa* Mrs. ilin- b-'llffev „ has lieen *l rears a widow; she lias liei" dent in Mr. liinchrllhVs family r .Al the lime of her death she was her lied a single day , she had no pain, al 1 reallv

i . ■'■ •■■ ■! ■ i .--injt sway oseelnih "*

FAKN'HAM.-In North tndover. . soph II. Kaniliaiii, aged ;s years.

IlCtiti.—In North Andover, Jan. unli, n)iiabrlh T., wIDe of Dnulel R. Rugg. aged ii yn

f of ri'foniial-'ii It appeared that pun ■ j' Ishment by Impri-oiitiii'St SI- Ml III SI In their '■NT What should lie done with them:' It a|> peered to him that one of the Assistant Kawshsh sbnuhl bo eharK'"! nidi the duty of looking lo these unfonmiKt"-. Whea their lime of Imprison- ment wn* about expiring IheAssisUnl Mnr»lisl shuul-l know nud Is Llie look on,i for ihrlr aom- Ing out of prison and procure them employment. It wu* fuicgc-Kd In "tu of llu* n |Kirlei- lhat ll»- work was more in the line of ihe cltj mlss|nnur> . that it tra* a mission wot* sod noi the kind of -In ty i<> tie ixpeele-l lr-m au -■fti-. i of the bin ; thai tlie ehnn-l.es of Ihe eily ■Iwuhl see Hint some one Was appointed lo ears fur tin -,- nnfortiinsles. lln-l

IOST—On Sunday, Jan. 19th, in J en, a large NKWFnlNDLANl> I

swering lo the name of "llmi.a." TI will lie sulubly rewarded lir leaving UH No. -Ii Newbnry Stmet. I ■ -,.<-■

'V O L K T,

We, tbe undersigned wlecluten uf 'iletliueii. hwreby sullell bids fur the i-eutof die room* on Hie (-round Door of Ibe Tenn House, 'now oeen

by John Low and 'B. H. Harris. Jr.,) for* lenu of three years, at so iniit-h per year. There are two rooms, from ami hack, and they will lie let separate or htgether- liiosJera will go I'li-iii-elve. errordlngly. Ii '|">ssU (to lie marked lot llesstar Ktore) will !>.■ rcelveduntil Ssiurvhr February Mli, I NTS. II I'lKRi >;.


Melliuen, ,lsn, 31. IS73. II llaWIUiSSi

N OTII'K TO TUB 1'1'BLK'.-On and to 1 wllliiotbereaponsihle for

Sloe by any person

l.nwreuee, Jau. IV, is;

'l he e„t:iiill-linieiil is

l> lit I.I MU prepared



ford >»d Tateeela,



of every deMrtptteu aaada to order at

- Lawrtos*.

k-HE LATENT STYLES OF TYPE con- L .UnUy received si tlie AMI

■ '»..■.■ Block.




% ITAL law* or OmiAMi': Lira, snd so nxHliae*, matures aad ehonges Use latent conditiooa snd morbid »usre|iMilHlles oi the human svsteru render It no longer subject to tlie influence of thl* Hrw inc i:osr*<.Io.\, or Ils- Inva-l.-n of this dread aeourge of I unit j ■

The sanative nature of Ibis pivparaUon la such lhat It ran lie taken without thr least leer or re strfeiion even bj the mnel delicate invalid or Hie tendere-t Infant: and, a- it- stltuilonal eflecl. are perninnrnt. It will netrr o.e.1 Is- repealesl lo secure entln* humunlit and protection |gf llftt.

It will lie prepared with due e«re aud purity, id dlsjieiised in 'inaiitllH-s adapted to Individual

esses, ami aeciirely mailed, with direction*, to anv ->nrt of Ihe Tnited States, for Iwo dollars, in I'ost Ullfle orders, or ( urrcnei In ltegistere.1 Lctlm-*; mil to Foreign t -nintrii-s for UH. mire, with eatra harge* prepaid. All order- with remittance and full nddreaa.

plainly written lo prevent mistakes, lawt paid, will receive prompt attention. And, a* it I* de- signed for lite good of human)!', will not, under any clrenmstnm-e-, lie made en article of mere


I7ANCY 000DS, Vases ami Toilet Arts, Cologne Stands. Ki-I, Vases, Water nottlea.

With drinking glssB, J.-welrv Hoses snd Mtnuds, Csrd rtieelvers. Moiislacho Cups, MsU-h .SaTes. Ststuirv, nn.| a lar*-e line of )ilate-l laini g-Hi.|s.

.Tolin 1*. Dow St «'•.. n::i Essex fit

Job Printing Office.

CM A I* Is P

All WNI t>ahns«r*s. In Colors, marked down from «1.U lo «]■->. tl.lti to -;i-:.

PLalst KHISU ssress fcenan, In snort length' n-om gl.OStoMe.

A htrgr lol of Plalsls 10, IS, 17) and Mr.

A good assorttnent of aahrlpe Dress Uesssls fur isl. •**, », H( and fine.

In our stock of Drees Goods oftn be found many BariTaina-.

A large lot of Beateli (dB|ksais at Me yard,

Fln«a»ela, Prints, t >tt»Hs al,.l Craalses at ciually LOW PRICE*.

White Table Linens and Turkey Red Damasks


-gapklma »c, $1,33, ITS, t.00, !.»,!.«* per do*. lw.Bty.gr. pas- «■!. lass than Can la bought elsewhere.

BLACK ALPACAS 4* BRILLIANTINEt ws wUI sell at the seane low rat*.

Onr stock of

CASHMERE SHAWLS is large and tasty, in Square and Long, and at priees NEVBB liKFoiti: KNOWN in this uiaraot. W«e>lea>PI»ldanillilrlp*>l*ls.wla (i.OU, rJ %us* I M

l.an,ijal4.ooM(]r».o«; fully OMETRIRIi lest jjt] than former price*.



V KHT IIIKAI' to close out.

feeling In lies .ommiinin. Ihu- city has tlnis far — 'ut llghllv, '-

re, and s» presence of ■ !bib srverstr ai

midst, however llm In-, the iiiitli.iiil i,-- nn,I iien-

of thi' best |s*Mj

N-llhil I

•mall-pox -o- other di>i " ■alth. he shall Immedlatelv give not tlie fielecliuMi or Hoard ■>! Health of tlie town;


We shall make extensive repairs la our store liefore we buy our Spring Uooda.

Our Present Stock will be Closed Out Without Rajard to Cottl


g A bugs lot of

GRENADINES. good styles, very rbenp.


•■• Essex Mr««s, Uwrsass.

-ve in _. Hv thestntnt ' tin- < "tnim

rtdi-da* follow*. "beet 47. When s householder knou ■ thai a

lierson within hi* faniitv is taken slek of -.mall- m,^fft.<^".■""'«: "■y-.-y i»'"" T AWKESCK *T*AM UYK HOI-SK. man or Itoanl of lleallli of the town In which he *J . ,. . „. dwells. If lie refuse* or nej,-le--|. to give such no- tice, he sliall forfeit a sum not less than one Imn dr«l dollar.."

141 LsVWtwnoe Btrosrt, aasnr Brtdsja. Hllka, ThlbeU, Alparrsssnilsllullirr

arreSB «;oi>ds, Shsitl., Sarqur., Ac, < leansrrt a ud I»r nl.


Bftv nor more Hum one tiinnln-d .lollars." Oentlemon's Clothes Claaoaexl or Dyed ""'--good reasiuioftlii^ Isn , ami Id., importance

of pruuiiil cmnpliani-c *ilh lb. mandate, must lie Bpl-aretil to all. I lli^refore -all U]HIII Ihe iiiedleal fseully, in especial, and Ihe |.cil.li.- general]r, lo la- diligent to eommunlcate to tlie projier authorrttes, at Ibe earliest praeiteaWe moiiieiil, anj Informa- tion they mav obuiu of llw rvlstcuce of Hie ills- ease; to the end that bv earh and Judicious trval inent the eontagton niav lieeontlne-l lo tile natron . .--,[ [,....11,|.- Hniin.

Authority v> given tin-health ofileers bv statute to remove patients fr»in their homes lotlie hoapl- lal in ensea -nf persons rentding In boarillng hiiusi-, hotels, or n tore In » or mon- ISmlllea oc- cupy tlie rauie dwelling, and In all other casea Where, in Ihe opinion of Hie Hoard of Health and

erelse till* author!:. <»f removal I'oiHpulsnrUv. ex. cent In i'sw« where the ali-otiite neee-sllles i.f publl-- safely demand II. and onlv where it esn he iioncsith-.nl |ieril lo tlie patient's life.

Anxious to be aide ot peisoiisl knimle-lge to asiuremyselfand Ihe nubile af the eoudltfiin ol Ihe small pox hospital I visited linn Monday last and (nsi-'eie.l It. Tin- result was *all*farinrv. I found II in all re*|ieei« well adapted to Hie i-oni- fnrtahlecarcofllie pntieiil*. and t us* fully sat Islled Iwth iu reitnril lo the medical attendance ami the abilllv and the faithful lies, of the nurae*. Alderman Melvin, wbo ace oiu pan led me, ex- presses a like favorable opinion or the suitable- ness and faithful management of the hos<iltal. When 1 vlsiu-l II Ibcrc were three casea under

of the patlonls liave sine* Irfl, c oiu al esc cut, and Hie other ca.e leimltiated fatal 1- I... tint tie' hospital I* tn-day eniptv. »*o tru- ss I hsve been able lo ascertain, the cases of small pox nnd vnrlolold In the citv are hut few, and none of a malignant type. While this lea most Impend stale of affairs It doe* not Jusllfv any relaxation of vigilance. To prevent la often vastly cooler than to rure.

Nearly If nnl all llie deaths from nnall pox, a* shown hy the niortiiarv report-of conimu ill ties where Ihe e|ilileinie rajtes, luive been ol inivaci-i- nated persons. Vaccination is enjoined alike hv legal obligation and the dh-lalc "I jniioii oni dence. It I* unfortunate thai the Cilv Council neglect to rhts.se a Citv Physician. Verv much nf the -iicce-s and efllrUucv ol' the measures of the Hoard of lleallli in lb-' supprrsaion of r- ni*. ginus epidemics are due lo the enlernrise, Judg- ment and skill of ihe medical nffleer. I do tint In- tend by this In ■pjeatlon, In Ihe slightest, either the laidifiilues. or alnliti -,f ihe |.hys)elan of last vesr win. still dUeharges the dtili f that nMre. But, evldenlly. hi makhijr -inn l-lon for the fultire, the n»anl M Health -h-nil'l have Ibe counsel and e«-oi*eratlon of Hie medical adviser who is lo aid the etc-utioh of the men-ures tlstet mined IIIHHI.

rW lh.*n.Mird of Health. Join K. i' -i \ Mayor.

nod Ht'itr/anirle, which nea're tin ni-li 1 III -11, IIAII.T.

llo/Ul ' ' HUN

from in M nti plivslrians of ui

TKRMS. From ili.- Il.-ii.-i . rial

10 Largo Ivory I'-iiuts, si."-". 1 Crust of 1'riinary >urination. 4.00. Fv«>m Hcrtlthy Ii.iiints.. v-vs. ■

10 Small Ivory Polnis, *\M. I Crust from unruptnred Vrsleles, a.in.

'e will warrant even pnekage of points and every crust, giving a rre.h „umdv in case of fail- ure, rsported within fifteen dsys for point* and thirty days fbr crust*.

Orilers hv mall or telegraph answered bv return train.

Also, Vacclnatora and Vanliiallng Ism-els nr every desirable kind.

i "H'MAN St -III III I.i.i 1 .

Makers ami Importera of Snrjrl-'at slid Denial tuTJ.i.'Hrod'Jia lnatrumeol".

IS A IS Trent out Htrrt-t, Itosl. m.


COURSE OF LECTURES. Saturday Evening, Feb. let.

Saturday Btven'g, Feb. 15th.

l*he inarutgera have the pleseiire m anuonurhig lhat tliey have intr<»luced a

Saturday Evening Course) or Lsecturea, Nstunls) IvrnliiK. >>a>ru-r> let,

GEORGE A. MATtnKN, Will serve up that riuulsiU' dish known a. "HAnlli" and the course uill lie roinpleleil

>nlaur*U*r livening. IVbm.ij itttt.,

When the Msllver-toiigiied" orator,

THEODOKK TII.Ti IN, will deliver one of his ilaiiliug, enrnplurlug and unapproachable lectures, -.object iinaniiuunce.1.



It has lieen the aim of the manage"unit tu laimg lecturers who, while givina iustrueUott, would amuse. We neeil less nuli>h gravity and more genuine mirth and |dea>anln . and a pungrut thought I* slnmgrr rireled II it come* In a plea., ant manner.


• h Office

IT Y 0 V L A W K B K01

Hating ail the latest Improved machinery, sad keeping none hut the Itcst I ■., , -. we csu do onr work equal to Hie he*t In the country, and s-ape tu- be rarored with a trial.

the iiiosl -ati-faciory manner by JailK T. Tntno A Co. Can reeomr-iend said Company to all those requiring anything in Ihvirline, lor reasouahleni*ss of ehsrges, |iroiiiptm<s> in •'•.<< ittlnn, and quality

' "'OO-

I i« in -.' r. n,i. u Mi:>ntn. Talks


I.AWBENfS, (>n.

1 hare a-rcal pleasure iu testifying to die excellence of your Dyeing and (leaning Old Clothe-. 1 hail no Idea lhat such perfection was possible. Tours trulv,

JOHN 1.1 iW A III').-. Inaursnce Agent.

I,I*«I:MK, OCL IS, IKTT. Mttaana. J. T. TRKI:S A Co.:

DkARKiRs:—The cloth* and gonuenta placed In your baud* by ii*. for cleansing and enlorlng, have beeu n'lurned as "giMMl as new.'1 We in.- specially pb-asrd with tlw unlfoniiltv of your olorlnx and excellency of Inish, ami shall tnke

' r°W, BflvVHr'jIt. J.C. IIOWKKR.

Ml -i:.. Tu) i » I— I take uleasute In ti'-tlf} lux to the exrcllence

of your Dvelng an-l I ieanslug Indies' Dr»*ses and flbawls; sl-o, tne -n|*rlor manlier In which Coals, I'anu and Vests lone lieen reflulshed at vouret- r-ii-li.-lin.ciii. Tours iruly,

8. 1 SNBLL. I^wrenee, 0ft 17, Ult.

.UIBNTK. N. r. *M;l.l„ Sia Kun Mtrrel. Mrs. DltntKII., irta Kssex Mlrsal. Mu*. WH.t.lV, Hroadwav, Houth Mile. L. O. X0RIHK. Methuen." JOHN HR'IWN. North Andover. JUKI, BAtmU, ri v,. Village. Hoal»-


TABU ( I TI.KHY. from tbe rlieaprat 1 qusllty, worth one dollar per set of II rdeoe*,

U> the Isaal Ivorv aud 1'earl hsn-lle, Silver f-laied, St gadhst t, ■«•«* A €'•'•. I*v K.srx HI.

Nlngle ttckels, J.l..

Ua*erred llekrl* a in I TOVS corner store.

Hesrrved seal.. :l.1r.

plsuof hall M NTHAT ' tirelSiaH


80(1 Wiis.riina;toii Street,


1 lo (lector. All |H>I

law and < lo Hie Inspector, ol

of anj

Now sdmllb-d lo IM UM»


» it i it 11 i.

Kor rslslogue containing information, terms ptc., address Hie l'rfuci|«l,

lln^il«j».l, H. K. IIIIIIIAHD.

lowest I-rii-rs. A. W. Strata. A Co-a.

"liKI* BLASKKTS ami fOM>oitT' ;s 1J CHEAP. A. W. Ntr-i us A C >.

DKKSS (,(,« IDS ut .,, Urgv Disc-' i by A. IV. ftteartu A C

VLL OF DI'H CC8T0M MAD!-: Fl will lie MddalusacriOre.

A. « . tO.srn. A Csj

JAIUKS- Kill HiriKSS. Fur WrTs'-, J al half prie.-. A, il. si..rl. a. i ..

l/I.ANNKLS ,,f nil klud- Clunp. 1 A. IV. M.srsi si Vm.

BLACK SHJiS—Full a-w»rtmii»t at bast oil H<Hh>l. wairaulci M-T TO miruh

rbe clH-aisrst IM »C have offerc'l Ibr llu- rgkr,. I'lckwl up in Xe» Turk.

A. IV. Mtr*J-M> A «■•.

I OVa AKD rrOTAsTK CAMHMKItK J sHAWI.s,. . Ileerkiuarter* at

*. » . aHaaursss sV «-••..

FOB LONG AXI) sui'ABt; TLAlb SHAWLsi, ii,.i Variety of J(ew I'atten.,,

A. v* . st, aras A t •'».

F'OB KTVLISH DHKScJ A.ND SIIT MAKlXli, l. IV. Sttara. a (•'..

BEAVKR8, Broad ('Ml!--.. \V..r>n-.i Coatlrur. snd raataloonen-, Desl Btylet.

t.U.IHe.rs» AC*.

PL'BE hILVKK Nl'DONS-Wnrrajiie.! A. W. atearia. * Cm.

FIXE CT'BTOM TAILORING, f* A. W. ahlasuma * C*.

BLEACHED AND BKOWN WTTOSH. all of onr Beet stake*. Oreat Kedaetlon. ah *• W. aH-sjssrtss * Caw

FAMILY SEWING Of t¥sttodi. t,V),Wrsrs>*ls.

'IMIILK LINENS £ CRASHES—HotH'iii JL STins*, A. W. sHssarSas * V.

BEST ASSORTMENT OF WIIITK liOOHS. alt kind-. A.rV.»te*r*>>* Co.

WHITE QCILTNI BED FURMTIRE As ssft'sttssnasaa m «rn.

IPOR NEW DRKSS Bl Til INS, Trim- odiig. aud IJUWS,

A. \V. Mtearrsta A Co's.

HOSIERY ANlMil.nVES-ljullos'aii.l Uenrs. Hc-i Variety, lle-l I.IHNIS, Cheni-.

A. IT. strarns A •'•*.

Llm-ii ami silk f', forge assortment, ahruya '-, MresAsaai

A3'. «» SI. am, *. «ta.'

tH»B BUTTERK'KH CELEBRATED L PATTKRVM, for lisriuents for sll ages.

\\TOOLEN YARNS, Beat Ttaadn, Tv Keedle*, Pin*. "r»pe» au.1 IUn<Ungs.

17INE I'EllrTMKS AND COUX1NK.S. .1. «. Mrsra. g I..

CTVLISH CUSTOM TAILORING—For kj Men snd Hoys. A.W. MestrsM A Ca.

AOK1TS WATtTKIS.-We guarantee em ploymcnl for all, eltlu-r sex, at t-% a day. or

•***! or more a year. New work, bv Mrs. H. II. .S'fotee and others. Superb premiums give* away.


PILGRIM S PROGRESS the most iH-aiiiiful edition ever published. I'I int. -I

ml pBjsi*r. wHh uearlv ftisiet-itil.li.-Ilhi. I'rotib. large ami sales sure. Kurt Is sly

■■- n,,1,1.. M.n-k. )/or I'llciil.tr itn.I i.m

|J«-.i|ill-, of either sex. young or old, make mart' inonev at work for u- In their spare nx nl., ..r all'tin- time, Hum al a nulling else. I'articulan. frSc. A.i dress ii. BTtanafW A CO. Port Ian. I. Maine. M

npOT HOItSK D1SKASK Is often preventetl by rrgulaMug Hie ayt-trm with ISlt. IsAlslVN IU\liinii\ POW1H Its.

Il Is always eured by using hi- isssnllliiil COUCH POWDERS

in hm Hrau HaSwet Wlag ennfc day. In severe rn.i- Iwlhe the throat M lib

Dadd's Liniment or Liquid Blister. sold b\ DniggUls nnd Trsdera cvenwhere.


1'ioiiiiil affection* of Hie bladder, and urinary organs, accmpaiiieii In gravelh dctxi.il-. of anv kind; irritation al tlic nei-k of tlH- bladder, with ilifnculiy of Itokling tbe urine; In stricture, n. srniinsl weakuees, and iu all c-.oilitioti. ol Ihe _

tES»?iss3^'&'t»'j:,£1'",.;!i' clous reme.lv. Keni for circular* SB H. hKITH A <«»-. ""NF "tesat, y v. lor sal- bv dfflf

■i- l*rh-oal|ierl»ottle,ornror»a. ij-

*1000 REWARD!

my case of llllnd, nierdliig, Itching ar I'hw- Btetl I'll..-, thai UK HIM.". t»||» Memrrfj, tall, lo cure. It la prepared expressly tu rum the I'llex. and nothlujr elan.

Sold bv all llritaghnV I'lbe Sl.l.'.


ADVERTISERS' GAZETTE. a book of IN pages, showing bow, * ben and u here lo ail vert in-, and containing a lift of uenilv :wso news|ia|H-rs, with much oilier M,[-,MII;I1I--II m in terest lo sdverti*or*. Ad.lre.s UD, P. HOIV- III. A CO.. Pwbllshrrs, 41 Park Hot., N*wT*rk, i : | ,(„

r R T I T . ■ ICHRLL'I

"KI.KIIRATK It, A E V E R f .4 I I. I ,\ U

COUOH MIXTURE. Hold by all ftratrlaasllruggiat* and Urort-r*. Try it, and you will he convinced uf 11. wonder

i.i -■ n.-'i-. iin»* jsknl


COKE DELIVERED. Per t li-l.li ,.u, 'gll.iili Half (lialili -ui, :'.oii llarrrl, 45

Al lbs IVarks, Per Rarrel, KI

jr,i,.,-ii «KO. ». l-AIIOT, Agtisl.


I-Oil IS WEII* I..-:-.- to tender to his friends ami Ihe public

generally his Ihanks tm Ihe generous ssSsneM he

has recelve.1 while cmuliirllng Im-lnes* in I.sw-

reuee, and alm# In stale thai hi- bu-Utes* ha.

Increased in -.,. 1. an citcui ». u> 1.. -t iuai i<>

eslsblish s

BRANCH STORE for the sale of

Gent'a I-,uiiiir*liinu Good*, HATS, CAPS, tc.

Thi* store is silnalnl hi HAI'MIKILS llltu'fc,

Corner of Appleton and Essex Bt.,

harge of (.to.

iirniK 1 ■ -i in- MILS.

January *7, I ITS. Notice Is hereby given lluil Ihe undersigned tins

i"-ii' ai'poluted Iniperlor or Milk for the city of l.awrencr, and all person* selling Milk within the city are bert-by rei|Ue>ted lo coiiibnii lo all tin- iii|iiii,-ni.-iit- of Ihe low Slid < ill Ordinances relating to the same.

All person, will observe lust ii,.- urn rcuulrrs I (.' OMMKKCIAL SCIIOO lli-it dealers In milk.nl wholesale or retail, from ! ,. wagon., cellar., atnres, ifcnesi or inarhel placei ullhlii the limit* of the city of Uwrrnce, sr* i.-.,n---i,-,l |o leglslur Iheir name, uilh Ihe I _. , . , , ,. ,.

- ••"•tne of study embrace* tbe I oinmci 1 11 'Mi Knalish biaurher, and is so directed " -udenls or ellln'r sex to dlsrharse

. business life correctly and futelil- ; gmily-

tlHM < 'onitiioii Nlrix-I. r Application for ailuil.slcn must Is* made in ail- , , . An Aciinnmend -An Arlhirch|i,.uloilN-Ke|e I'•■'■'■■^ ^ W>" "ARI10 AIIOflTMCur

nnd Inspection of Milk." He 11 enscled, etc., a* follows :- i»K(T. I.—Whoever sell, or rsehaiisrf. "r basin

his ]"■■ -.- ■- i.-n with liitenl tosell »re\c|,ange, or offers tut -ale or evchause. adulterauil milk. <.r ! X'ORTII KSD SAVIXUK BANK, milk lo which water or any foreign-nhstsnee hn. la-en added, knowing lhc'**me ■» I"'adulterated **• "n ' "■'••» anhraas, or lo contain water or any foreign -nli-tanee, shnli | HUSTON for Ihr Hi-1 offi-n-elx-puiil-hnl lo a llneof one1

humln-d dollar-, and Tor anv snbseqllsM n-l This It.,.a. tuts ucvrr|>*ld Ir.. Hutu sit per cent. a flue of mu h— tluin < I bed dollars, nnr ' I"1" annum, free of las to it. depositors. exceeding Ihnc hundred iMiHsrs, Impri..,,, AH de|«t-l|. made nn or twfon- lit- grst day ol

. ,. ,, „, .. _,.„, „ , . .. am iiioiilhalt llien place.1 iii-xi Inlen-sr meut In llie llon-e ST ( nrriftmii nut less than hi W atlt f)||halsir| hlrty nor sMWe lhan ninety ,U) - llividowis aa Maw IS de. Ureil are al oacea.lde.1

0K1 T. S.-The peualtiea proviibil In Hie pm-ed- to the a-1 -,uul- ol dep.,-llors, aud al once Itegh lug seelioo. and II ■ provided in Uie aci 1.1 which •,"™ Interesl. thus gli ing (iiuiiHM> Interest. till. I. In addition, ma;, la- recovered on complaint **£*£*!** ,;""- £■ tsnTanWIX, befoi-e sny court of competent lurlsdktiou; slid onelialf of Ibe amount of tine iui|x.^-<| .hall no la Uie . omplaiuaul or inlo.uicr. and Hie remainder , to Hut Treasurer of Hie ell] <>r town nhevelhe ■ WUlisui Uoblnsim, Oaa, ti. lVrl-v. h" IsH- offense was ci.mniilted. : , '. . j

KVA7T. 3,-lt sliall lie Ihe dull of every Inspector Ij " * ™ ,J *' ' X BtolKlSS

and will IHS BSSHW HIS Imme-lial


•apWr. W'KH. a ill illll con tin «♦ si his (11,11

sTuKl:. where, ullh an Increased slock, ami a*|«cUUj s


\Z»' il IIIII -ili-i.- elselnilieehi.il*

ci.uliu us lice of tlic paliouaiiu

lilsurallyestendedu. him In the


I're.blent. . Treasurer. /.'ir.-uh'i.- i:,mmitt...

I Ihibm Vlles, Thorns* I.. Jenka, llarvet(..irpe,iler. Daniel II U hitn.-,. tVilliaui lioolu-.m.

of Milk 10 Institute c..m,.|:uiu on Hie iiiformatlim - _ •.-.»>i»r.™. ),.,,.,..r.i.i,~...,.r„.u.r>t.j*^?£..r:ws,™«zz!r^ evidence on wlileh lo sn-laiii tbe -ami'; and he . out hi* Wood and Coal business, al No, 11 New. shall be eulilbtl la recei i.-halr Ihe amouut >*ur> Mtreet. Iu JKII11MK < KIMS, who Will en- of.,,, |H.nalli.reove,v,i.l,er.ror..ndbe.liallW tlmie tlsebueine.-at In-old stand. ,.„„,/ „ ' , ,,u ul«.i... a, i_i A" I'arties indcbieit to the iiaderslrnetl, will

over the -am.- lo Hie i» Who lie* first given - pi,.u,p' „,„,,, |Mtn«,nM(4>li : and all harTnjr claim. Ihe Im..--ii,nix..1 nn H hi< Ii Hie r<nu|ilalnt was again-l hint, an- ri'ijiiivied to |ir*»rnt the same Tor

wtlhrnteat forthwith. WM. MINIMI mad*. [ Approved May 17. 1 :ju<: WM. < MTItKk. t.uwnince, Jau. I urn. M«)sl

i.|*ctor.rtr Milk. t 'Koi'Kl'.HY. Fri-nc:i and EfiKlishChina, „ V VVblle Ursnlla, l icaiu I olvred, Itoekhui U-w-kuiKlissa,

Ibr John C. II..H A In.. Ills Rsssa Ht.

l.-nll HALS. .1 N'KW TWflKTOHi 1 IKK'S-K, wlUi Krench r-if. containing tech- mom*, tin I-(oi I wllh itnlmil und clic-lnul. m ihe

Mt11al.1l mi ilhrti Mi.el. Iront in,: tin |wi k.-in-l oueof Hie llue-l place- ill the cltt, l.ol of land 11.1 feel dec 11 and Ai feel front, or more If de-lred. A large .han-nl the in t mat »■ maliusu aiuori ...... 'i ■'.-■ 11 .1

AllNKH IH'-MI l; Lawrence. (M. In, IgJB, fj-



iTi-ii Q, O. hat 1 si., ,1 ii-. speaks taith Bernua and greneh Becural'lv and fliirulty, ulll in-trucl (inplls, either singly or In ela..es. In rendiiis an.I speaking thc-e bnirnage-.

I'lunii iiislrucllim given, a lib .(secial ntlcni.,,, |Htl-l tu lieglnners.

Mr. K. can be found at the RIJOT CHAPEL, from I to .1 "'clock, t: M., on We.lne.dav. nud Bal untats. Ilererence Is lusde lo A. C. I'erkins.l'.<.| . M.,.|-i of Ijiwrenee llijrb H-b"..!, Ilcv I. - Wrarer.and Mr. Wlcm-r, a | nhm ft Inoulr) ma) IHT made si AMFIWMX t'fllee «;en«lat: a

f lie Iyii^TeneeAnieriean Church and State.

ms or T« . |ii MUST I* THI I Maw... Ri MeftVAIMS.

A Sivi.ii.ut PSDTLV- OVKBUMMtBi Bt (-.IPTAIN lin-UVKK.—A recent traveler deacrlt.es s Mate of society ninons; a stn- Kiii»r ]MM>I>K>. Hhiiii in nan ii«ij asspoeea Dint it i- both etTHtaed uii«1 humane. Tin*- MOBhh Hi- invs. e*|iee|slly pride

MHl In- il..11 .Lull, ill In ( rill 111 I..V

II [ till ire.inlie- pur-ii* ■ il.-. 111.■!!■!.■ lu i nil I the Uiiiul the paths lhi.il


| With short-sighted

•VHIA»TOA» Bwiioi- tbma&tm spa* Ihtur Mparlofty lb all Though tie, others, ami ii|«m theirirlmnjili* in-eiencu '^-' „,,,_„

. . ,,.1.1 wist the* Mil modem Improvement. Oaaaeelne.rfnier«j ta beesy oriiod. ■T MT. w. J. nmutoBH. UfflDn, auss. (svHaln t.tllllver does iMit Nii-ni to have . Ilhill4<t ra,„llp ii.-rnl.lim nilh Hglu It wan in the summer of IM OrsM had retched (how In Mstraveta, althotijih It Is i Tte I^IM,^,,-b,,,,.,, that t«tak*ua my .ijrtii,

hejnin his "On to Jtlchmiilld" movement. -;iiil that Dcnll Swift himself hoped al one A,nl, ,,,JHI bur-l-, through the lowing .Lies. He had imniMll th« RnpUhut, had pMMHl time to lie loot out a- " bishop WOOIMt I Aod IMrta wUM Tbhmi thai *WtfUr «ria«. thmiiKh the '-WlldenieaB," had «nld : " 1 tlirui: nmMt would appear that they are) shall fljrht It out on Oil UM ir it takes all sadly in uvc.il uf bUlmjx. or or aoim- other Not splendor* of summer," and, on the other Mil.- of tin- tnihhuiii.mlzInK Influence, Tor the travel- When bright con.iellaU.ms gli_. .lames, hstl plsced likhmond and 1'cters. er's Mtbftd pictures of thnlT condition | Compare wHS tht mM, Ineffablelass

1','SWirii HOUS*

Wc iiiui.i Mime iMniii- from ■ repnrt ul" Dr. Y. (>. Kurd, innate i of Correction at Ita-wlch,

. | Institution: awst, //.fl

r ihc gloria* of heave

how a NitunMon lounl ofKorelKH n settdUSSj out ml

hunc under *te«e, and wan there ■■poihual the enemj" when the following Inildi " occurred nt the War DoDtrtOMM In \V« Irtgtou : mere are iv

The reader who U MUUMJltod with the tlinis of the War Ifc'partmem hull'lliiK will readily call have not 1)L< to mlud the arniUKemeiil of the rooms of unl '" usually occupied B« tin- .Minister of War and Ill's Immediate socrcUirkv, They are iiiu lu number, and directly opposite each either, with a hall between. One of thOM is known at the (Secretarj-'H private otlicr. where but few ties Ides hluiielf enter. The other It occupied hy the private -iecn- tary ami tilt asilstaiits.' and H the DM In- focath to which Important visitors are usually | thmooca

of the Seen'

which altoulti lead tin Missions to lone no time . -touary reinforcement*. '

i new and striking lllustra- 111:11 Ion of these peonto, who ' the llouylmliiiius. the fzices ut »lmt they may luive for

Hearts. a< I lie traveler aptly mnafka, 'mercv only knows."

It Wone of their mutOOM to take a man who has killed another ami Htramilc iilm with a rope. They pique theinselvesj up- on tiielr aclenec, while they resort to Iho must limtal and ihocUag method of auf-

The raccx wh6in thlt people s M-ml-liarbarous kill their erli


ushered to await the leisure of the Seer.- I IntlS with fatal eertalnty, anil with no ; lary. that thev mnv *M him. other shock than thai which neeeaanrlly

On the occaslon'of which we ure speak- arises rroin a »lolent death. This nation inff. Bishop Mcllvalue. of Ohio, had IM'CII of Ugh pretension until recently made the shown Into the wiiltln^-room and was occasion of capital execution a public fcs> scaled at one side or the table facing the ttval, hot now it has changed Us custom, door through which the Secretary nronld and Issues Invitations to the atrangllng to come, with the writT of this article—the a select parly only. Our adventurous only other pemun present—at another side, traveler, who congratulates himself upon Thus an Interview was being awaited. It ' having ISCBINd safely from their shows, was au Important dav In the hhtorv of the aaym that but a month or two since he was nation. Telegrams had been coining all the present at one or these terrible sec ins, morning from bam* Hlchinond telllug of and that the wretch who sutlcred. Instead a blo<nlystruggle then going on between of being destroyed at once, was two ur the contemllngarmies. Hundred* moiiicii- three times swung up by the neck before tartly Were being sent to their Jong home (life was extinct, while the invited guests, by the leaden messengers of dealb. and mad wllh the tlery liquor which is the hundreds more mode orphans throughout ! popular drink of the country, shouted ami ' \ »torj thni angel* the land by the same strokes. The hosrt I swoiv In a rrci«y or glee, so that the fr- oftta«uatUml*alhlg>toknowthen:*Uil. r.slly oftlie tbrnng In the old Coliseum 1''- ■»'"? '""•'«- »* h"* "» *"'" We In thai offlce were waiting. It came, when gtolthKor- slnnghl.red etch other, , ««« re-^arf and ami n»d>r,ery whll e4MH and this was the mi a rustling was or of the Spanish crowds at a bull-tight Through DM wondroes o».ofJ««, my Khwj, - heard, the" greet, .loo'r" opened, and. at- «hen the animal disembowel* the man, 0 raptun.. sfflwyl orillra *ill I dn«. most before the Bishop could rise from his ; was ta and aprtUeaa In the ooanparlaoii.; nvm ,wml> [ dWl.n M Mrh OJMBJM °I HU love, chslr the tflWH IkWetWf, In shirt-sleeves, ^l Is but just to these people to say, says < TiI| | awm m tatfsnnsw that raasaa rrom alwvr, without eolliir, and vest tlylng. ias Jn [this traveler, thai some ofthcin are shock- An,|h-|)|,v in H|m ,i nwaaon thesamw,

k he might ever be wrfl^j cd be this traditional custom, and_protest | Thricr tmnj to wh,,p,,r ^ „,„„,, „r ,,,„ B.11W.

Thai Lines pieiiaee bright.^Ibdilfiillt shiw«.

Ku I.. in .[ In tlir heart. MMfc ltt*S b a Itlane That burn* lull In Kbulileu, 1" rliivr ami Ul aave— BMIpaaSgdr-lrvs tliat -iin.nl.I.T In<X>HHU

IIU the altar »X lu-l. that tmiti- l» roiiiuinr.

i>li. M lial mii-l tlw r»iinlaln. Ilutl (imhes i-< The inrcm of dm i.unl, hi ka aMaaaiettes Wto, To my nttbhed -isiit be, glen IMW i«k>« so aweinrei m> •■■ul with in rlnuet now?

nil, iweet 'Us to knew dun loveae ihe earth Free* Ihat -.*>ui■'•■ in 11H> iklSS liail its nubbr hirth; That the ripples that play al our bet as *a plod, Are wavelet^Clove from lb' areas oftiist.

nioeeeftae Rejheatl ■ rain would imiite,- liut lenteneii fail. eKpfeaaionJeu qntte, To utter die neMMe lliat nulls m in; breast For word* 10 eenvey the bur-leu haiBtesaia.

"Kai-h wi.nl or Ills !.>*« Is a volume Is me," ; ''Each tear ofllls pity an .s-*an ■■■. hss*," h -Laeh stance ■•! hU eye, ■ajprevnggv given."

"A (.inn i>-.' i* torse of lbs Heaven efhajtvess."

, "gseh touch or UN baadfi ail wnaaneil. inspires' "My soul, Hk« It* sauli of heavenly area;*' "Kaoh SUniml I !."■■- In Ills >aiih>and Ills Tear" "KxpaeOS (a HIP lull millennial year.'

nilnglisl am

, Number cimiDiiltnt ilnring ibr Transrrrrtsl from l^wrenre II

! I... nj.i-'l ronvlrt* raplureil.

TnUI, .•■r 'li-i-lis „

Tram-fprreil In ].■■ KaeaiM'il.

: IHisl,

Total. < Nu 111 In; 1 reuiaiulng Jan. 1st, \t~.-U 1 Avenge number far tlte year, - lilscliargisi by expiration ol ■euti-m-c. ! i-..ui..ii..| by '...ii- ,. I Discharged by overseers olleiusr.

" payment ul' iim- nu.i ■ ■>-

1 The ■ .in— ..1 l.-.nh were, I ilrarl ■liseaM', Drliruui Treinen.,

; 1 >i.| I i-i inn Ii ■ftni-ii ■■ cnmpllrateil » Ith pi

RerrUl, Shrrif, SIH —l aaiaellli

concerning thi

J^])ioc box. iliiielookiiwltliiinli'p

reveni Fh>^Buy n:i.U' bOOlB,

f'Ireiiit—Walking shoe ith bain' in the eight.

to Hull in WnSjiV Tier ■ a riili carriage.eaakcr'i

daughter. When ba lm»' IUM a 1MI

Ml ■ hnot. Mill. /.•'!. Crmnnut as;

ter and iniereai nil work 1 Wc«balir-ml<

Kl j they inik'HU.r

"sdroRletngi a M Sunday."

to forgive our delif im wl ■ w.— ionkrrt Clssaffe,

npeiiiUl \otiiievi. VVKEK'N HAOIC COMPOtUD,

Tlir beat Hdi.i.ly tor I ou«l.. and C.l.l.

eTerill>i<-overe.t. ThereV nothing Ilka it for die- OSsesef lie- throat and lungn. Trial l>oUlea ran IH' bed Fv't at B, 11. KKM.KV. Uwreeee. Mam, ..r u. C. UIWHUVIS * CO., M Heeaeer Rtreel, llnston. ;inii tsttrh-



are ttn- only nusllrW* tliat will run- I'tiliiionarr Con iiii.oi.

.SutiicUiue- ni«Ji.lue- thai »ill.t..|. H rough will .-11.11 nri-:i.ii.i: Hi,, ili-ntttufa |uUinii. H ln,-k- ul,



LIFE. \l «■' « « jEtna, of Haitford, I860, «ia,640,786 State Mutual, Worceater, 1846, 1,270,011 'W. CoPPei

u v r niiTnx,

and Sheet Iron Worker,

\ L I. a O O D

«> 1«. ihai .11 ,11. 1. ••• Vonlh*' ....1 i„„ . .. rrw la v. 1.. 934.00 I...1 ,r.


Franklin, ofPenn's, 1820,

Royal, En(fl.tnd. 1845, ffold.

Pennaylvanla, of Pa., itl'Jb,


11,000,000 i^n.oso


Stovee, Furntices, aaid Rangon.



l.ivrr romplaitit und ilvs|H'p-la ait- die eaiiscs oHwi.-lhlnl-ol tlH-easenof cnusuiiipl ion. Main are now rnmplalniiig of dull pain iu tlie side, I be lK>wtl.»ometiiii.r. ..-ti'.i LiHil-i.imiiiin... i.„,l ,-, tongue eosusl, pain In the ahouliler blade, reeling ■oiHPtimes very rent1eii>i, and at other times draw *y : the I'IHHI tliat i. ukrn lie* tieavlly on thr «t»iu- ach, ai-euuiuaiiii'il with aclilltv ami Iwlrhiug 01 wind. Tin viui.tom- u»uallv orlgi ' lisonlensl condition of the stomach

I |ST< sot claaniSi-d the utrpm'n or HMM I'l'tn ;i I .(I.;I 1 ■, in iin- Report of tlie Itoartl

unuallv orlgiusle ltn -- tlie stomach, or a torpid

...... ....... m, satsetih tfthsytsks one or two i.iiu, -■..!.|.. ;ii,.l If lliecnugh in UleM- ra.ts. Is' ■•ud'li-nly "lop]H..I. die lung-, liver and ~f.nin<-li (.log, ami remain lorjiid ami Inactive, and Itefi.re tlw patient Is aware of his situation die linm- are a mnsH or sore-, .mil ulcerated, and dvulii U tlie iinnr.ilili. re-lill.

.sVhenek'syrulmonir Syrup la an expectorant opium, nor anything

"In die whlrlwiu.l llial Hllf-il the Me«l l'enlero. , Ami die song I would sing Is a Hog) to cheer.-

u .iii inu lo hear.

Au OI1I11 editor -|.i'iil-. • of one who has been a peraeveriuii contributor to die otllce waste bes- : "V'"^.".'^".11"1 J'"!"*^ 0u'"^1"*1' , ket hryean |w-t.

Editing a inifpuper b Wf much like rakhlf 0 lire,—every one thSUci lie can oeil'omi the o[<eratlou Itetlcr .linn die mail who botul the poker,

A Ucuritia Bftfro was ureraaU -'«■■> on a check by a hank, ami he returned die muney. Tlte I'UHI psprrnu>- Hria'U anotlier evidence that

! the race can nev er Is- civlH/tsl.

A wife, having lost her huslsmd, was Imiui- aolable. "Uaic mc to my Brief!" she cried, „ sobbing 1 "you know the extreme sensibility i.t which ihWwot contain

| nerves—a men- MJtbhcJ upeeta them I"

Tlie editor of the Toltshi Made I* trying to mould public optnloa -> ■'• I" acisinmiiHlaie Mg poeket Isgik, hy rtatlag thnt tlie time wilt --HI

come when men will neurone KHnuciit, n> did the |*uule DfoW,

"Minim, a bTOgkbrt means a little brook, tlors it not - and an csgkt I little eagle :''

"Yea, ray darling." "Then, ma, does an ejrlel menu n llrtle eve,

and a hamlet :i llrtle linm :"

A palleabin who waul not w*lct offorod a young lady 9100 ir she would let Mm bag her 11- loin 'Ii n- tha man did who had Just wnlUed her. It WU*H KOis) olUr.ltnd abjased dial mon- ey ws- no object to hit of Iho li"ii ■:■ ■■ lii,.i thai hi' black.

Men's and Boys' Suits. NKW SlOllToF HANTS

In ill.' IJIU'-I ntjhW.

hii'tn iiiid Drawer

HATS AND CAPS, In great variety, lur ull age-.

I lubrtllai, Truaka, siunpruricr*. Bowl. Tl. ., I otlai .. Ulovca, Fcrtlogi.

tvcrythiiig lu the mrnUhlng line very cheap.

■iili-iilaltil to rli.f k H cough -uddenlv. Heheeeka Seswsed Tonic IIUHOIVCH the (bod

mixes with the gastric I nice of tiw stomach, di- gests easily, unurlsls's die sv stem, and creates a healthy circulation or the IIIIHHI. When tlie bow- els are c.wtlve, skin ISJODW, anil the palient is »r abllloiH haMt, schenek'. Mandrake I'lll* are rr-

These mrdicincri arc prrpartsl by Dr. J. II. SCIIKM'K t SOX, North-ca-l corner or Sixth ami Arch Htreeta, I'hlladelpbla, Pa. GKO. (J. dOtlll' YVIX A Cll., 38 lliiuovcr Street, Boston, John t.

(Jn)leaw I'larc, Naw York. Wholesale Agent-.

I of sale hy I>ruggUt genera Ur.

Imperial, London, 1803. irold, li.OOO.OOO

% lira

Firemen'!, of N. Y., 182fi. Weatchaater, of N. Y., 1837, German Amorlpsji, N. Y . Oermun, ofErie, Pa., 1887, 237,083 Queen, of Bne;l»nd,1858,KOld, 10,000,000

American Branch, HS.1W

Lead, Iron and Brass Pipe, 340,000 ANJ)


,200,000 Fittings for Steam, Water and Gas. \o. lll> i:..r. Stl*rt, I.IHOatl,

Order* «olleited ami inomplly stleaded U>.

nil K0I4XI llMlll. \ 1 t -.

1st National, Worcester, 1888, l64,oaa ■ ■■ ~ Oloncoater, of Gloucester, 1870, 117,860 j>


aawibial hln ilint betnhrbl everbeaeriitU <d by this trndiiionsi custom, ami protest stood In-fore Idm. «rnsjM«l his luiml wlflT' aRnlti-l I he liumilliif,' horrors or surh one of Ills own, j.!:!., .Igjesos^jr ui"io lilV ^,, n,-.. Hut Ihej are derided aamilksops should, r. 11.i.tueuJed hfflillWtti. nTr.ls'iii.,1 si-mimentnl fools who all

■ n


should •■ BbsVofi >,.i-jhi; a,HI. uhnnmri Uiwri i* tht* *•«/ itrkirriwt a gnat rlbtorf:" when ihe Bishop replied,' -Thud '.'.-'. T1ianlt O00T and. boarlaf Ibelr heads, iioth ""i* W*> cAfMrre.

We rooked at theta rbra inotneat, when, oven HI bv the Mlgtlit..we, too, wepl. Surnl.v hen-was a Unit)OK at ('hurt-Ii and state". QeneralOrant did achieve a vicio- rv, and still lives 1.. bless 11 nation lbs.1 hives I || him son. The great Secre- tary Is no more. Blshon Mcllvnim- has remsim-d !■> he u mourner, in rmiiMnn with the whole Auurlciiu |..u).l.. ut his uruve, while history, abrae able to do |tis- tlce lolhe cause, seeks her every opportU- nltj to UtUd the nai t the irrcnlesi man ami actor In the late war for liberty and rliiht.aiidto whom the nallon owes her greatest debt or grntltade, Kdwln M. Htanlon.

We have written tills article at the earnest solicitation of friends lo whom, from time to tlmu, we have related the In- cident. It has never before uppinnsl in print, as. besides the actors, we are the ontv person that witnessed It, and we were permitted the pleasure (hroiurh hav- ing the h'liini- HI' in-ini: cngnged during the

npaihli's for poor dear inunlei And such is I he seiisliheness of this he- roic people that tbej nn^ more afraid of a sneer ihiin of an argument. For there are man among tbem who put an enorm- ous apeaklng*trampul hi their mouths, llllit with their own wind, and itum call, Its blast puhtle opinion.

This Inlcst traveler illsodi-cril.es anoth- er fact about this singular people which

lib. thus i.c II ever: through grace u ill I pn Thu deepening tide of Jesus' love.—

salr-ii. (. II.. Jan. Ufa

He savs 1 Iin.! Ill the ibolldluga cu

l.eigli nun-

.i.lut.'h Incredible ■IMOS Ihi'll.lllldel •d hotels, which mil arc lllled w Ith-tiunu'ers, who happen to hi- In Hie town, who are lodged In little ■ells arranged upon corridors, «,> that the whole resembles a honey-comb. These .iniettires are built of solid material in the lower stories, from which aaeape Is always easy, should n fire break out, and vhleh can reiulllv be flixHled with water.

A 1'I.KA mi: Niiiiir Ant.—Hut In Heav- en's name what air, as Miss Nightingale •ays, can we breath id night, except night sir? The choice lies lie twee 11 pure night nlr from without and foul night air from within: most people prefer the latter, It la 1 rue, but It Is night air all tlie same, though they may noihc. aware or the fact. Did

you ever teat these two kinds of night air by going early lu the morning Into the room or a person brought up to sleep, with closed windows, and Immediately af- terward Into one where the sash has been lowered six Inches from the top, and rais- ed six Inches from the bottom? Well, what did you find': In one, however pret- ty und well arranged, however healthy,

U.VMMI AN ASS III Ur. Hireh (ID koprlfiln

, "Did you hear what I nal.l I a stupid donkey ! Dmi'l vm anilpaasv.] (''Use, what did I say :"

Pupil (r'nvemfV •'You're a stnpd ilr!"

An ovcr-icalou* sastuia killed ai

they put Idm out at» A. M * eyes w re fpttte TniUon

ill seedy

HIMSKLr. NMttrHltra stusil).

Knr eir. Sl-Ja-

rsttom] You're [Kbwee


The nest Kunmlnatlon uf Candidates Tor admlsslmi lo tlie Nonnal School at salem. will be lid. I on TlKsiiw. February litb. r^snesssMrsf


years IrtGt and I8U lu the ottlce or the Secretary.— M ■■■■)•■„■ '■■.■■ uirlr.

Meaauring tlie ll.iliv

We metiKiired riotous laiby Agolnsi tlw '"ii. IK' wall;

A ill- grew at the lltrr-n.il.I. And the boy wn.Jn.lu-. mil.

A roval tiger lll.v. Willis,,,.!, or purple and gi.l.i.

And a henrt llle a Jewrltcd chalice. *l'he I'ragraiit dee to In.1.1.

Without Ihc hlaekblnl wblMle.l, High up lu theoldrm>(lrcr-.

And to and fro at Ihe wind.iw The red rose rocked lier lice-,

Ami the *"SS, pink ll-1 • sf 1«b) Were never a uioniHitt >lill.

soaU.-hln| at sldne and shadow Tisl daaecd at Uan laiiiee -in.

Ah, me? in a darkened rbsSBber, with im- sunshine ■ t'.n awaj.

Through tears lliat lell like bilU-r rain. Wc inen-uict Ihe baby IIMUV.

Ami Uie little bara rest that were illmph A ud s» e,-l a. :i liliikllng rose,

Lay aide by side together In UM> liush of a long re,.i>.c

('|H>oni tlir dainty pillow. White as the ri.cn dawn,

A Air little Awe bu .millng With the light ..1 Heaven thereon ,

tnd Ihe dear IbUa kamls. like rose leav, Iiropped I'rom ths rose, lay lUIL

Mover to catch at IS* nm.huie 1 in' rrept U die hhrouded alll.

We measured the -hs-pliig baby With ribbon* wUWaaanew.

lor the shining rOSSWOOd ca-ki-l

1 IMI wslleil 1,111. below, Ami out or Ih,' darkened cliumbcr

We went a lUt a . Iiilill.--- momi, for IJ Hie height of the sinless angel*

1 lur .tear little one hrnl grow 11-

.n,.i mo hither pw« .ro con.m..io,i ..rj c"1 •";5"■"5'SJL.'SSS";J'52 Z llKl,l,r ,„„1 ni.iro l.m.iin.i.lilc .WIT.. Which ***££• ' L,, '. ^1 In.lL.I, ' r i x i •■ ui ,i„ „_ i,„,,,,,,i ik. i carpet—a slight, but a Indlcalh a Ol ,l,„,l.l il,..; Ijk. ««,. »''«"' '"« ,,ml „„„,.,„, ,"„„m„„„r me.lmo.ph.ro „.„,l, of <|M, am 11, htahnrjoll |... ; M- ' ,„ Jj h.

•-'■"I''1'" ' '''""'" ' "' ' <-r. .... 1„ It.r .ltu.to.1 or ntml.l.ed. oo el..- .""I'II" "ZnVri.; of low clvlllatloil, ofl"«.a.l, ..porfom,- of Mm which ! course, such lofty hullillngs would elthet he really fin'-proof or they would be so amply pmvklwl with means of escape lliat there would be the same reeling security Upon the roof as In the lowest rooms. Hut our traveler says that In one ofthe largest and most renowned ofthese buildings there was a room In the very roof, hcyond the reach of water, ami ae- cessrble only by a wooden staircase. The passage In Which It wits built was « huge roaring draught the momenta tire began below. There were windows In Ihe room covered with Iron netting,

: which could not lie broken. One night during his stay In the country a tire began near the staircase, und swept roaring up to Ihe roof, and eleven poor women, ser- vants ofthe great house, sleeping In that cruel room, were caught, without chnnce or succor, and so, l.od help them ! perish- ed lu lucoiirelvuble ngoin.

As Ihe traveler remarks, this Is a khsd of catastrophe which la simply unnecessa- ry. An honest and eflfltrnt regard for hu- man lire would inaktvttabsolutely Imjms-

. alble. But, be adda, .then.- is something ghastly In the liiet that a people which permits such needless human slaughter disdains, with apparent sincerity, other times and countries, and actually plumes Itself upon Us civilisation and knowledge. To us who are truly efvillacd and humane, und lull of all wisdom, the tiles of such a traveler. '.( we can realty believe them, bring only a mingled gratitude and pity. " Mamma," sold the good little hoy, whose toes were peeping out Of His shoes, " what do poor children do who an- out ai elbowsr*—tiarptr't Magattiitfoe *>©•

l-h |. Id medium know.

ncfru~euti it glow.



Tlie weak have rcineillc, Ihe «uparior wisdom i. >up,r|or

BOHHOWMW | seem as Ifthe c|ii had been districted by

borrowers, each district having Us lides. i ters. The leading hotels, or rather their | patrons, are lefd under contribution by these financial pests, who take their posl-

I tlon at stated hours, nnd ply their mi.I. Holing- persevcrlligly from season to season.

"^ """ *" ! I'bese are the mlVowa who. having cxhaus- rsjjut (i siiiMi.—with the single ex- :i,'d the metropolitanmlm.arefollowing tin

caption or Mr. Admin, 1 never met a gen- j stronger lode. They are better acqualiv tleman, In Congress or out. whose fund . ted with tlie arrivals In town than tin or Information was so extensive, copious. : drummers themselves. They scan (lu and exact as Hint of Mr. dishing. He >. registers u- uiilhpiarlaus would" a moulder writes and speaks most of ihe btngliagrs Ing Inscription, and greet with ftllsoiiM of modern Kurope with the mclllty, purl-1 flattery nnd conllal haud-simking even lv. and precis) >f the most aceompllsh- pnivllielallst lhe\ have ever rnconntcretj ed native, and he la a thorough classical Their accidents'arc chronic: their mis scholar a- well. Mr. rushing came fo fortunes unvarying. They have nlwayi Washington when ijulte young, mid his lost their pocket-hook or left It at home appearance was more youthful than his j UK-J have been suddenly called years. Allhough a gentleman of great personal llrmuess. his hearing was mod- est, subdued, and deferential. He spoke readily enough, and wilti uncommon ac- curacy ; but tie prepared whatever he had

with greal He ap- wrote his speeches mil al length,

predated the Import a i of being e Ids statements, liml regular, conseeiill und logical In arrangement and argumi He was superior to the weakness often tdhlied by men of distinguished ability profession to speak from the liiKplrsl ofthe moment. In fact, he was free It affectation of every kind,

dispatch rcipdr- ng Immediate answer. They have failed

lu receive an expelled remittance: their Wife Is very 111, or their child has Just died: I hey must have money or go mud. (ll may lie noted here thai they rarely JJO hiilT so mad as the credulous creature' do after lending them.

\ gentleman blessed with a good niem- orv, and cursed with freoncnt approaches

ill-loans, declares thai one ofthe

dnrlng tin tricksters has

til.il o oral Hforts. spt ■ell, ml i

I the labol Sometimes imslonlH. iv In

lid hi- dl-l

ud give, much study, he spoke without notes o anv evidence of preparation. Early lu hi llrst session Mr. rushing nnd a CO refill I; written argument on a subject of mor than ordinary Interest. The great ablllt' displayed, und his appearance of enlrem vouth. attracted general interest. It m happened that his views run comiler tl those of most ofthe Western members and old Hen Hardln. of Kentucky, acoarsi rude man id greal Intellectual ligor, lik ened by John Randolph knife sharpened on a brickbat," replied to him In a strain In which Invective was mingled wllh argument, and which was Intentionally cutting and offensive. He evidently supposed rushing to he a mere bookworm—a man of It loaet—whom he could alienee by a sarcasm. He knew (stihlng's speech had beeii written out mid thought :i harsh Impromptu reply would crush the young man. Itut to his astonishment the rejoinder, made on the spur ofthe moment, turned tlie ta- llies, and the House, which had heartily enjoyed the vituperative eloquence or Hardln. relished sMIl more rushing** tart ami effective answer. II.n Iin Hew Inn passion. Imitating a resort In the lode du- ello, and assuming that a Ne< mini would not respond lo a i satisfaction, said gentleman wl recognize the doctrine or personal re slldllty should l><- special!) coutlnu ivs-rv'ed In their language. ITthelr I rlnclples or the sentiments ofthe

Who can 1 a mortal uiulntlon

f offspring nety-elghi. and lias lie-

dower tiol less than sixty times. regard without profoundest pity truugling under such un nccu- if sorrows, and not respond po-

rhetorlcal questions are

made breathing pleasant. Was It not so? Or did you ever compare your own sen-

sations alter sleeping In fresh air with those produced after sleeping in foul? How many of the failures, the mischances ofltfc, the morning dullness which hin- dered this or that, the refusal of the brain to work at a critical moment, the apathy, the blindness of perception, date back to that unalred bedroom which scut ua forth tinrefreshed to our work, and ushered In a depressing and discouraged day. Hut It Is useless to contend with so deeply rooted a prejudice. I.I-I us go back to our exiled friend, who certainly has a day clulm, though he he denied a nightly one, to our sufferance. How few of us fccogulae, a* the long Winter creeps away, and shrink- ing from the outward chill, wc cower Into fireside corners and warn) wraps, day by day we are Insenslbba content lug ourselves with the same breathed Which, scarcely n-mn nn-il since, supplied our lungs yesterday and thu daylTerore. "Open the windows, Indeed," we cry;

! "why, It's all we can do to exist with them tighily shut."

Yes, hut paradox as It seems, there i- wannlhlnthe vcryeold which an open win- dow would admit. That Is. Ihe oxygen of the purer air, quickening the circula- tion and bringing the temperature of the head, hands and feel Into proper balance, will of itself luduce a glow which helps the tire to rewarm the room after Its air- ing. And with the equipoise of circula- tion, good humor comes, and cheerfulness anil the capacity to he amused. How we lose these things—how dull we grow stew- ing over register*, or before anthracite

| burning stoves. The winter seems to get I Into Us—our M Its stiffen and freeze; we

,| don't laugh or enjoy, we .simply endure j life, nml with desperate longing sit vyalt- , Ing for the Spring.—Srribnrr'i Mngannt.

i tUvgn «v A SHIN.—The many thrilling Incidents or the early nnd vcniurcsome lire of Dr. CoofcO, the celebrated New York urgi'on, whose death occurred recently,

give s decidedly romantic coloring to his record, lie was a great traveller In his younger years, and visited all parts or the world before locating himself In Albany, where he attained fame nnd wealth an pro- prietor of a dispensary. On one of his voyages he acted as surgeon of n British man-of-war, and while, cruising off the Tonga Islands he went ashore with twelve or the crew to gathrr herbs. The whole party were captured by the cannibal na- tives, hound and thnwn into a cave to he kept till morning. During the night time the unfortunate victims heard the yells of the savages, who were preparing for the horrible feast of the morullig. In tlie morning lliey were brought forth, und nf- ter having been bound, thrown to the ground and drugged through Ihe burning sand, they were brought to piles of wood for sacrlllce. Each ofthe savages marked with his linger upon ihe loins of the trem- bling doctor the portion selected for hlm- seir, and Just before yielding hlmseir up Ihc eyes of the doctor and the Chief met. lly a spasmodic action of the muscles Cooke gave a seml-Masonlc sign, which the Chief answered, and uttering a cry of

nved | amazement, ordered the victims set free.

mil mi. of State i Imi im-. The com ml invents I" ennesr., drunkennesn >ecnmt offence, and common drunkard* in flirty per rent, or Ihe whole. Add to ilutl the conuutiuieuts for violetioa; the liquor law, makes the total tumiuitinenta from liquor flltv per cent, ll' there were added lo tlii* all the : .'s-.'s .,ri,--*iiHnii,l lan-euv thereault ordriuaina. ue should And that Intemperance lias tspdosd U wllh alxty per cent, of our prl*oner».

UelltftoiiH services have l>een held in Uie chapel every Sunday iimming hy the chaplain, followed hy s -inliliatii school, except Hirer months In die summer, when the teachers could nol convenient- lv attend. An average or shout forty of the con- vict* attend Ihe -Sabbath school. Oil' exercise be- ing voluntary on their part. The laaclirv.t are In- dividual* In this village who !..! raftctsM luter eat in Ihe sork lo give their time fur the purpose. Ths .ervii-.K. ur the ll«. Teams* Morong, our present chaplain, are very acceptable, and I think not without pront.

The library )i:n been well patronhied by the rontlcls. The hooks are oeesslonally abused) but this |i rare. Bealde the information acquired, and Ihe habit of reading Initiated. I consider the library an invaluable aid in the dlm-ipllne of the prisoners. They are raore contented, and are tor le.s likely lo bo ploUlng mlaehier when they an pereabtetj Wl have useful and rnlrrtaiiilnK '■■■■■>■

We have now three hundred volumes In the prison library, t would sugjrant lhat a small ap- propriation for now books would be Judicious.- A„ ov.T^enlosir. hoMcs- killed an irritable The nastd or Hute Charities, In a cin-ular to the M w|,h kUldM.,., untl,, W.)[1R u^ust-kable A.ael. several prisons In the Male, recommend the entsb- . , . ■■ , , , . .., '

ihment or an evening -eho<.l for Ihe Instruction \ *** "f ^"rinea. upon his fa.*, she sshl 1 "I , tu. T ofprlsosers who have h.ng aentencea. and maybe >>"l* t*^» »***•* cosr." "Quite at case : | The |. disisv-isl l» learn. Tbia could he.lone hj iluiiig : no, ma'am, I'm not—heeaaaa you are." The aiT $*" up a sch.Hil room under the shop, and employing lady pondered kmit ami psiufnlly uver It, but lm-e., nisi a Maehar. The ■uhjeei is refemsl tn your with no mull.

lideraliou. ,Jf]l]| M(itTii Mff[ nfn SeoIl.,, |u,| m n miiiury

hnol who went up, wtih a drawing of Venice, whirli he had hist Hnished, to nhow It lo the master. OlHerving that he tiad printed the

■as' -Chrlalras* Carol.- There was alngl»K I nftB,c "■*• > **■ two "n's" (Vennlcel, the and gentlemen rroin the ritlage. The m.i-n r Mid : "Don't you know thnt there's onl;

Inmates were delighted with the entertainment. one 'AMI' in 'Venice ':' "Only one hen ill Veil isfncn 1 eotnmeiired writing this report, I have ' |r.,.!" citelalmed young Randy, with nalonlsh-

•een in Ihe newspspera abilraels of the re|torts „,,.„,. ..j.nl TJiIsaltJs**c they'll no hae miiny egg-, or Uie -rv.-i ul itste Lunatic llosplUiU. Tlielr 1[[i.|(

ii-,.M.l.'il condition has led me to more earemi UHSaflhl concenilng increased Bceommodallons i "Ma" w" |H ,,llt ",tll; '"'"' ,HII,W

- ""r W,M" for insane here. Ul1" lil"'' asajfi" '* :l bls'l, Josh llillingl onscrts. I

Would thl* be feasible? Make the whole of thi* ; "Man wan* everything he c:in sec or hearov. . huihllng a llouae of CorreeUon, without material and never k a illing to hi go of biz grub. When- * change. Vm the present insane warda for a better ever ya And a man who Is thoroughly vit hiir. I . ctassiHratlon of prlioners. Send there the lens , wllll whBt hr fMX p(t, ye will find ellher Ull id vlcioua-dmnkardji, and Ihom wbo'_by K00*1 ; eot.or one who ha* tried hard

snd rouldi't do It. The older s man growi the Cbeuhtrs, giving full particulars, mailed free inure wanmi! he Irekumn; as hiz hold on IIH any address. «Tt]aioKt. K. TOCftJEK. Dlreeloi

slacken*. Ilr pinch on a dolhw grows grlppy." ' p|IB8OLLTI0N OP COPAHTNEnTsHIP

uisi.OM ix SMALL LOTS.

We've pot lots of men svlth toweren Intel lex and briltyenl guuins, and all that, but then, you thi,Tiny ilis.oiVed by mutunl

need Just n few men of go*! ramniim- iensc lik«.

There nuiy IK- MBBS svivet sudne's In ckeftiOg Ihc hitter cud of ailveralty ; but the iiiont UT 'em in llils KUtion would rut her have ter backer, you kimii.

Bf wisr men never made mistake this would ' a hnal work any arc which ll don't take as much sense lo pick u lock or rge a lock us it do to not do it. When it rains piuhlcn you hold up your disli;

„ l I.I i don't spend your time watchcu for u show or.


R I R \ II A M'S, No. 103 Bsaex Btreet. ■»

BOSTON AM) MAIXK KAII.KOAl). Whiter Art* igemenl.

(in and after Monday, llee. i, lif7». Train* will leave tlie li.-i".1 - in t.awrenee, an Tollows :—

I'or Bo.ton {from North DspotkSt H.43. :..W,IU0, I0.S0 a. M.; snd 11.1A. 3.40 ami 9.30 P. M.

for 11.,..i..!.. i south i i.-],..i i. at O.iT, hi..'- t. «.; and 19.18, i '■■ ' M"-> -■■ ■ ■■>'•■ (express), 10.K r. u.

Pbr Portland (Inno Mouth Depot), at M5,4 r. M.

Km- liironualion, rates, elc, call on or addreaa

JOHN EDWARDS 283 Essex Street, Lawrence.

Pit.t Oflli-r Box IN. l-

I' ILK I'HI N T I N O Al V. It C A N > i*l at the AmwH


Fur lleorgetown an.l New Inn \ poll li.-ni s.inlli Depot), at H.-J.1 A. M. ; I.in, 4, U P. 8.

For liavertiil! (rrom houUi I•t-y>i", at -.-.'.1 ami 13 A. ST.; iiml i.i:., I, IP. v.; and from North

Depot at 7.10 P. H. Trains leave Ito.lon for Lawrence st 7, 7.30, tt-.Ul,

10,15 A. M/; H«.; It.nO, .1.13,S..1B, 0and H P. U. Wat. MKitlllTT, BasrY,

i.ii» i.■'.■■.■. Ihv. 1. 1ST!. -

Tn builder*, L'arj»-nlers ami oiberri who may , moving or raising buildings. I If In moving or raising bvJIdtsfl you come

7.33, 0.18, rnnlacl with tlie Fii-.. AIH.'MI Wirosi,

i are reoueateil lo notify Itnnieillately,

HAniEl, it i tv. S..,il. Fir* A l-i '.ai,ai3

laanl episode In the monotony and regular in prUou lire was a moetlng In the chapel

Christmas day. AH the Inmate* were assembled, | il lter. Mr. Morong, Ihe chaplain, rend to them

'» nnd other liifi>rm*lloii, apjily t-> Ii. 11. IIAUAH. Prtserpsl.



ll.rr .... SO.OOO.OOO.OO

i puoriTH I-AIII TO roi.icv iioi.Daiia. v rates nnd large dividend* or this old . together with excrllrnt mnnagemrnt.

ina ami promptness in tha adjustment nf takes it the bent Companr In New Knglanrt

ripeelslly ror Kndo'wnienl Polieiea. ft. K. LAWREXCK,

Agent for Lawrence, Hsrerhlll, Amlorar, ami SrnvlO- Methnn..


behavior and Industry, i higher grade with mnre cotnrorts and privileges than are granted to those who are of n worse ehu*. Remove all the women, and give the room now occupied hy them to n middle grade or pris- oner*. ThU plan recognize* three grade* of

I -. ■ - ■ - - Tlie lowest to lie of Ihe worst rlaaa kept In that part now occupied hy man. The , second to be id Ihe hsHJ hardened, through wlilcl any one. by good i-onduri, might work his way t the lilgiie.l grade. The highest grade to oeeup; the preneut iunsne part ot the building, to lie \ compOHed of ■ r who are ih-«lrou» to reform, to drunkards who are nol otherwlae V Other wnnli, m lliat class who reach us irlore ' unfortunate Uian slckcil. HOOH such every keeper or a i-i i tlnds among hi. uiuuber. This

d do all ili-- general work of the ■ ii".'. work on the land, eta. Booh a plan would j

fire Increaaed room for prisoner*, which the county uhsolutuly reo,uirei. with *ach -un n ntngemetil tlie present Imnw could taLo ti


CONSERVATORY OF MUSIC, SSnals Hall, lloiion.

LARGEST MUSIC SCHOOL IN THE WORLD. Pupils of thla i ..ii-en .ii'ii > enjoy :

The Inntmctlona of the moat eminent maaUr*; The greatest number collateral (free) advantages;

Hi.' lowest rale* uf Tuition; equaled facllitleb for procuring dualrable *Kua-

tiona, when <|Ualifle«l; A very auperiur three-manual Organ Tor leaaun*

aud practice. orrrm praatle* rVec.

TIITION. in rlaaaea of sir. S15.0U, In claiae* or ii get nome more fu„rj %vtM ,,„, (|1|llrtl.


it>|i.hire Street.


s s That whal people have Iteem looking (br and seek- ing after for the In.t hundred years lias at butt been found and can be had at

FRANK KNOX"8 Boot and Shoe Store.

The famous

WATEB PROOF BOOTS Km- l.adi«s and, Gentlemen, made ofthe Kepsllant (loth, and warranted wateT-proof. Wo hare te*^ •d them and can warrant them water-proof. Kor I .mill-" we have Itoth

Lace and Button Boots. :omforUlilr,

Frank KMI'I Uoot aud Shoe Stars, 988 Ressoat Street,


l'OH HA1.K (HI'.AP. A hunt i arres of excellent LA S'D on the Haver

ill road, adjoining the I'lty Farm, well i.-n.-.-i, id a good lot for grnss or early vegetables.

ARNKIt HOSMER. Uwrwass.Oet 10, ISTS. * i-


Adjuster of Complicated Accounts AND

COLLECTOR. Ufllre, 03O Ka*ea Ntrrrl, l.mrnirr.

Hours, 1 ta S and 7 lo S P. M. *[HepW ;




licpie.it* placed mi iutcrc-t Ihe *'lr*l l>ay or each mouth.

Interest allowed on all sums of one dollar asd upward-, deposited nol lean than one montk be- fore Ihc itut on «liich ilinidemls are declared.

The smallest «um received ou depMlt 1* a*a rents.

Ilividemls will In- made of all the pronl* wklok mav have ai-crueil within the previous ilCnaoatka, afterdeiluctingncresr-ary expeuaea.

Interest will not he paid on fractional parts flfe dollar.

OmCEBS: IWrtkltnt-— lolls I'aLLOM. Kao.

i'lrt I'rfiUtetUtt '• A. W. Steanu, Thomsa *kott. It. I . llacon. Morrla Knowiea, James A. Treat, J. EmeriiOD, Jr.

Trraturrr—.lamea Pajrne. Trtlltrrt: .»

John*S miui. f. L. Kusal*. s). W. Kuight, ll-t. Hlihardsoo. .)■■-•■ i- i ilovei, I'atnrk Hurpbr, -lame* Payne, lianlel Hard;.

Peter Smith. J. W. -..null. Peter lii.lihun. P. C. Kirk, I). U. Ayer, A. J. Freuch, C. K. Pillsbnrv, P. (i. PUMmry,


orrtcxif RgnirmxvE, POUTKKH BLOCK ] aaa Kaasm Htvcat, - - - I'SIMI".

Ninon- Oxide '.:i», and tidier or Cldoror administered. f-

"7 F. IL J. R. QILE. \\' Attorneys & Cotixisellors-at-Law, [

oT«. aSS Bases Straat.



Lawrence, Juno It, 18?.'. -



Bronchitia. Catsxrh, Anemia, Dytpeplia h Pulmonary TuSsralea RADICALLY CURED

\Wifn the Elixir J. F. Bernard Or Ports.

■ information ann liistruclinu* aeu*(ftea) :n all who deaire it. by addreaalnf

It. Bernard * Co., Sola Agaaita, 'l*. O. Box 44B9. 81 William at, 1*. T.


Superintendent of Cemetery. •> OS Tr.monl SI.






i. JO, 1HT3.

Tlie buslmvs will hereafter IM conliuiii.il In JKSSi: BASsKTT, at the old stand, :M I .un ii

1 Street. 3tHJaM

Wsusjohl Plira JEWELRY. , a meat Watcheaf ciockfl SUver Ware



It don't take u sutart man t» inskr a foul.

,lo ih

in tlmt diui't k t time In-gstri i

iilnmt dlflleull! Wliat then shall lie done with 0M ISjsaMl

bTii.n A NKW nosi'iTAi. rqj IIILKHM spesovui PUuW. M»KK IT lIHDTCI.VtHIVAti. IT* AI'IUIMT Mfarrs, Large enough to conreQlenll) acrummo- [ . r - _ _

one hundn-i and HHv clients. This might , \ 0 t C tl 11 1( tl LJ U 0 t C tl. Ire -ome rhnnge In the statutes in regard to ,' _ ni.iiiii'iii-. mid ili.' i.'|i.-,il of the i-hapt<T erning ■■ Keceptaclea lor Uin Insaue." If wc

had this, who In this cunty would think of d lug tlielr insane friends M Tkuntos ur Worcester :-

These suggestions prpsf^ oeir one of many i-l-in ■ which in ouUlur, without Ssking for them more than your rniiHiileratlim. Kviilcnlly r. nine thing

thln«wlll tell ll WINTKH -.nfe.. ii-i.in Vew York,snd jsw

prisons and hospital. To do this In a manner hat shall meet Ihe wants of our advancing Ivillratlnn, and wiOi due n-gard Ui eciHi.nnr, I. .,

prohlem which requires more wisdom and fore Mlii than I ran offer for Its solution.

y.ii.lltun. Master II. trf V. Il.-wl.h. Jau'y I, 1HT3.

—Milliic-iits l.iriners drive int.. town with red- ... .... iinrnine -uirnni.' ; IKII atoves lu the Istck pun oi their alelgha. A liberal ihsre •■(

-Lnuls Ikiis, a Canadian bnuer, has just ihanka farp«R| ntrst* baptised his tlilrtletli rlilliL Tweaty-als are

ii.lin.W- t'watc them only I living, nnd ureiiurse, all "IUd"." . —A Culiiiiruiii woman, just hefbrc comnitnhuj I suicide, wrote tn n I'rlcnd that "it nearly Itillcd

DRESS AND CLOAK MAKING at her Houra*. SOI Kaaas 01., Lawrence, Mas*.

•arPnrlicular nttenUou paid to CI'TTlMi an U'I'I'IM. l.;,.lie..'i,n.|< hlhfren's imE-l-SKS.

NKW STVi.Ka reeeiviHt every week, Ladles' Dresses Cut nnd Fitted fur 11.00.

leiteil, with

' enlarge the n ■


GREEN'S FAMILY MEDICINES. ! her tu leave lu-r |*air children."

The receipts for die y r are as follow ■< sajnisi



II e pocket-bo

rernelnailr k nuiy <h to I'nilll

Vork thotlsaiKls nl' n'Kiilnr rmrrowers, nnd volunteers arc entering ihe stratcfrle army daily nml hourly. The rnnks nre always f>ill to overilowinu;, und masterly srlvances are ronstantly niuklnu; outhe (o«, who is hood winked hy the pretext llllit he h n il ii ml. The Toe Is

kltehcn miy arnll or Rcoeroua fellow who hates to say no, or (rives in his pomceutor Ihe benell of the riouht. The iho ran win little iilory hy realstaneei his wisest course Is retreat, mid he Is apt in dn so finally, thoufch mil before his porte-mon-

nnmlliatlnii ■ II- « I tint* , in , Wfcn

Kniiland iiiind Tor

did not

I respn

rrgifUiua) rartonal) iHaposr, e 1=.-i r-1 ■;- cidle.1, unhappy IhOW . - jie-t halunie equal Will a|i)ienr

re plaeed In *!-/«■. and liie-e In flat | Pope.

."ing n e yranuurweigbi

i»r. Choke nnd his own stayed upon the i-liiml t'.ini- dnyi, nnd when lakllifr their departure were aaeortod to thu beach, where their bont lay. hy « prncosalon of savajres. It aeaioa that several years pre- vliiua. an Knglbh eaptnln wits raat nshore

innI i-crtine; Into the good BTSCOI ol' the chief, gare lilnt ihe first two degrees in Masonry.

A SKWSPAPBK of Iowa City givei adls- rouraglnja areounl or what the funners in those ■illgi'infiii "ure doing, or rather not doing. Here Is the Price f'lirrent: a. pair of Winter boot I lusts two load", of pota- toes: a night's lodging, u load of oats the wife wears live arres of wheat; tin children each ten mn-s of corn; the prlci of mi overcoat Is u good four-year-oli steers ofaHiinday 'tilt, twenty fat hogs- The farm, too, wears a mortgage that Ii worse Ihnn the hard-pan lo the sol), nnd tin1 .iiiini.il tax rois the roof faster than ruin.

-.ii inu the total cash Income far there u, S.1.IP1 •I

i .mi into the County Traararj, •i.tsu

riie retSM lug is Ihe amniinl ..( Ihe •vopi rala r thu v*nr for the use o( Ihe in lilutlon. n eluded in article* Huld:-

100 " i.iiiii'i turnip-. S3.0D

IU tomatoes, i.'i.no 13 ■• green peas,

Tl ■■ turnip beet*, .17 .%.!

1 lmi sugar beets, T tons mangold wurlt. I«. SI.Hl

.M..'«. 10.0(1

.VJU heads cabbage. .-rii.iai SQO " celery, .Mi.lNI i.-' lbs. pop com, I'.'-.SI

11 i I-I- applim, '.11.1.1 III bush, pears, 90.00

."■'■i lbs. pork, HN

1II I lit H bav

Miss LIZ/H; HIKIKII. Miss Alice lingey nml Miss Knte Jsnuary.nl the Murfrees- tioiii'. Tcnii., \i..i ii iilini.il liiiv 'li'i con tend rbr preeminence iu the high art o cookery, the prize being a line rooking- stove. Earh young woman came nt the appointed lline, provided wllh provision! of her own selection, nnd in turn took charge of the rook-room. Mlvt January was the winner; uml ITU would be an ob- ject to nni young fellow contemplating matrimony, she has, at least, n nice stove w||h which to start house-keeping.

Ii.emoo •an make no rorrerl estimate or the irosll

n oil . Miiniuii.'i --. melons, be%ns, etc., which were n-eil In their .iii-i.u. 'the H(II:I-II crop wa* u fkilure.

Wr I'lMn TIIK lollowing in the Kanex roun- ty Men-ury, which we have no doubt sill In- to re-1 many of our readera:—

Mr. Ncheminh I'erkini, of TopHleld, who is bordering (mhistUJlh year, recently took the cars iiluiii' and went to Ijiwrence to vliit hln son, A. ('. Pcrkln*, A.H., who 1* the Principal id' the High School In that city, and Intends to return l>v tlie way of Salem, ou a visit to his sou, J. w, Perkins, A, H , who In the nriucipul Of the High Sehtail there. What makes ltd* event one of interest ia that Mr. ivikm I,.I, never before liecn In a rniiroad car, though hav- ing lived within the -mill.I 1.1' thi-iii since they

Kuaed through the town, lie In n man of ex- aordlnary vigor and activity, and carrle* mi

In-. I'nrui uiiii-.'i-i.'il. excepting by one mini dur- ing the Miiunicr and autumn season. He could lie found every day during the pant summer lining u dav's work with The sevthe and rake, and known but little of fatigue inore than most men lu Ihe prime of life Iii reply to a remark by the writer of this, that he wsa too old lo mow, he ;n l he had a* Main go through his li lil culling n '■■.-.;u il. ns to walk without it. He Is found In his scat nt church nlmoat every IhuV hath, going on foot a distance or one and one half mile. He has a daughter, the wife of lie v. A. Pike, who U self led as pastor In Hank Gen- re, Minn., whom he may visit alter hi* return nun the prenrnl journcv to Lawrence nml Ha- cm.if he likes travelling in the ears

Nrdaliii, Mo., lights its streets with nniifs- plnslve Oil, and old soldiers *dy il -nit in Is like war times lo hear Ihc lamps go oil.

—The fun a little Patterson, X. .1., boy ex- pected toenjnv by pouring imillng water into the car of his little sl.-tcr, was tntcrnipteil ley her death.

—A Western paper aeruses .i eonteMporary of "dirty meanaes'," and rrsnkly adds: "We want Iilm In nnilerslaml that two can play af lhat game"

—It has heen Ms^tested that an Kngllah de- t>alfng club, which has been disputing shoul the

r,>! tme resting place of tlie ark, had lielter leave il 1,30 | tu Ihc urehieuluKlf-t-.

- : —A lady of Peurin, III., on returning from a neiglilmr's house, found the family cow in her

s I parlor, chewing; her end snd cnutcntcdly ilow- i | ing in I-I i: i the mirror. t ! -Mr. Henry Well* of l.v.msvlllc, Iwd., ex-

plodcd ii cap between iwo cosnter weight*, and l watched closely to see il oil'. If lie sstcsej an- ! oilier it will IK' wllhinio eye.

—Funr girl* iu Auguata, Me., were married i II IKmt eighteen mouths ago nt ihe same hour. Two have since separated from their hnahsnda, and the other two want divorce.

—The ceremony of "under the mistletoe" Is LI-MI/ it* romance in England. A young man who lately trier I il, and kissed a lady against her will, had lo pay half a crown and cost* I;' court next ilnr.

—Some nidi never lose their presence of mind. In ririrngo, lust week, a man threw his iiintli.T-iii l.u out of n window in the ilfth *tory nl'a biinilngfiiillning, and then curried a feather tied down in,his arms,

— \ Cluclaiati invention consists of a hou*e telegraph. Ivery well regulated ItouasJrolder i* expected to knvc one nt tin- head of tn- bed, to summon crfand-i■•)'*, poilceunu and lire en- gines, OK ocavton requires.

—A bill Li liecn Introduced In the Indiana UgiHlaiiiro prohibit lug marriages hetweeu per- ■oni Of dllrerent color*, r'ngagements between hrunetes and blnnden are declared oir until the line Jtbe hill Ii rtsrerudned.

—IlLslinrgh get* re a ky every year; ami iiw the city Igtrher* ■and*psprr the nesdi ofbal-headed nutomem, so that their liahleii iTiinijin- will not look like un overdone ru>k Mteul when at aoctety gathering-.

—'lien' Is one lailv lu Indiana who docs not gel tlagged all around the room hy the hair of

1 .ud, when lur buabaad comes home ligin. I t hair restorative* have reuderetl her cx-

iioiii plsyfal trick* of lids kind. Shei* Is-ilil i- nn egg.

ic, Oa., lay down iu a damp ■he other day, and her tall trine ill nib to , tiiej

the ■ ■■■ i ■!. A Southern paper, lu giving a fi.i

'■ rough Nyrup -hould lie kept mllrf..r"ougli'ali.lf

ed hy JOHN (iUKKN, Lowell, Ma**.



Hend Tor Circular.

sitini. K»»T( Jr,

Oaaaral Agent,

O Hay in ark at Square

Cor. CharlealowTi 81.,

*.m*eodtJallKb BOSTON

[in. II SIN* sol the ltible. 1- the

nml Ing di'iuoiistriitcil that cows llvliigou very fuses of s singular and fatal iljscn.se iwn scanty did silll secreted milk containing have occurred at Logan, lu Cache Co., on- butter, ll heeame evident that tin- butter i i'tnli. Tin1 patient Is attacked hv ti pain

stltiients present.il from ticcoidlng sulls- must luive been prepared rrom the fully In the left knee; the leg below (he knee. give or- Unities of Iheanliniil. This led to s series j down tn the toes, becomes much swollen, itrahlr In of experlmenison splitting up animal fats. | hardened, ami red: the pain then abates t ant prot- which have resnlled In I be preparation of I Hie swelling recommence* above I lie knee, ■y. wllh an urtlihlal butter from suet. The suei and extends tip lo the body, when In- i' House Is drat dnely divided byalrcuJar saws In a nammation seizes the bowels nml ihe inotajap- cvlinder. ll Is Hun t'r'eaieil with water, [intlciil soon tiles. Three cases of this his Con- carhoiiute of potassu, and tlnelv i|lvble«l I disease have occurred: and the medical rued bj fresh nheep's stomachs ai a temperature j man, who has had forty years' practice,

lie should j nf I.", degrees I'. Thepepaln nml heat sc- | says he has never known anything like ll

faclii rVnae. Cushtng's reply "was i tone, and unanswerable In llsi estntlon. He spoke with 111 greal animation, and carried with Iilm rrom Ihe start. Me •ponslblc Tor llli- sellll ut>. stltueuls, in»r should he be « them In personal matters. avoid giving offence to hoiioi hers, not from sppreheni ' iible conseiplenc


Mrs. Dr. BBCOR'S MEDICINES Will lie roimd a mire curt lor any or Iho .i.-.-i,-..-, for which thev aru put forth. Look at the name* of the reference,—they ore the name* or r-onieor our most reliable ciiiicn*, who have Ituowu Uvr nnd her treatment fm a number or year*, and who willinglv and ctiwrfldlv reeoinmenit her and her lie I» :<\\ ii-nlmn llii'iu. -\iiii if tin- is not .uirirleiil to convince Hie most tkepticsl, jou can call at her ofllce, I.V.i Warren Avenue, Boston, wheie suflicleiit l.'silninnlaU will l». shown rrom living witnesses, who w 111 feel happy to apeak ol her In the highest terms as a Ihorouglilv educated and skillnd physic-Ian. Her very extensive and successful practhi' nf i.i er tivculv-tlro Years lift a given her n wide D>ld of experience in tlie treat- ment or tho-e ili-i'ioe. .he eompouiidt her medi- cine* f,.r.

Her Al.TKUATIVK will in- ii.nml a rure cure for -.i ..lull in Its worst I (.landulnr Mwrl- lliigi.,.Sait Itlwuiu, Did or Indoli-ut I'lcert, Syph- llis, I'ancerous I nlh-i lion-. Tumors, Wore I've*, Node*, Itch, rienlil Head, Discharge- rrom tar*, King Worms, and all Kxnnthenm or the Skin, Men, Uouasfi rlenples, I'lesh Worms, niaeol- oralliui*. etc. Ladle, u ho wish a clear and beau- tiful complexion will Und il Just the preparation

rr need. If anv gentlemen ha* been subjected totlieu*eor mercurv, elc, the Alleralivc will be found invaluable In .'teaming and purifying Iho

svisi-. title of a new hook jiial Issued: Ilia nil excel- lent work, and must be ol great value lu fami- lies where h la desired that the children shall have an acquaintance with llihte history, and know something of the extraordinary charac- ters who llgiire In the sacred writings. The

book Is bcaiillfully Illustrated, and la sold only take It intti tin- hy suhsrrjpttoti. Mr. John Kasoti is the agent. ; t||l|(1 M)l|, „.||(l

thrt iiiromii of ihe :-ii m. nays that when the j system, cow tot up there was another .old snap—the Her CINCH" IN A HITTKK> I- a sure cure for

r „ . , ' \ drspeptler. tunlli nrokc. Her XKItVOt's, NKt'ltAl.t.i V and ASTHMA

i - Ihc jury hate declared hinoreul, Jenny ! pll.l.s are cMcllenl for all person- afflicted with , the Cleveland girl who stint Mavor r'iak Nenmlgla, i oik. IMirhun Tremen-, etc

rsago. M.e h... nil along plcnledgiiil-^ CATHAIlTlC HUM -re purely Vege-

what l«a young gtri aupptawd m know , Raeumatlsm m»j lie cured bj using her rele. Ii an important matter eompsrefl with brated I.IMaJllNf.


itegrees c. Thepepaln nml heal hie mem- i pirates the fni. which floats on the surface. disagree- | whence It Is decanted, and when cool

hut from consideration placed in a hydraulic press, which lepa- or sell-respect ami whal was due to his Irate* ihcsienrlnr from the senil-lluld oleo- ■H-ers In Hie House. While lie should not j manrlue, whlrti is employed us follows Intentionally wound Ihe reelings of any In the preparation of the butter: M kilo, 'n 'irmly, he should exact Instant reparation . of the fitt. M liters or milk ami HO liters wlien remarks uen- made derogatory toiof water are placed in a churn; to this his ehtraoler or Injurious to bis nrelings. liai grammes of the soluble matter olnain- r'l-oiii thnt lime forth Mr. ('lulling was ed rrom cows' udders nml nillk-jrlunds i-, treated wllh marked respect ami forbear* added, together with a little anoila. The mice in all personal discussions,—From : mixture is then churned, when the butter ■■ Recollection* of an Old Stager." '.;i I separates In ihc u-oml lnuiincr.—NrrUimw'i liartxr* Magatiitf/or Frhru<ifj. for f\*l-n»nrjf.


SHXI.I. POX, contrary to the geticralli scecpi rd belief, doe* not id way* leave it* victim M-

rurc against a second visitation. Ilr. flreen, Ihc eminent city pbyilchm of Hi is I nn, tins had

— rsrassssasst-. already ttilrty-nix rases of prrsona who hnd the U'lKNUWail Is aWSW. The Rtlhlnstel!) ( small \*>X the second time, and flve or six cases

troupe having had thin audiences at the [that had taken it lor tha third time. llnh, he remarked, "Our only trouble Is —*>—>■> i lest. If we slat In llosioit much longer. —It i« pteassnl to deal with a |irompt and we may become unaccustomed lo apinar | po|pr ninll „r bminess. Mr, John Boson, the 1,1 P"1*"'*-" ' weil-known h-sik ngent of thla district, has both

ciorern^lhrtrsiTftr.T. rVnu^fwnla, "^*"**?eharar^and Is,, monwel. proposes to Introduce u polite civil scr- \«**»«««• wherever be goH, Fewmenhsve vice reform, by Introilurlng lemale clerl- jll,m* ,ui,n "' 'otnaiucc religions literature into ral Inlmr in the various department! of nunlhea, ami we eonuaandhlni to tha conttidai*y Ihe State government. tlonof all who wish to add to ihelr llhrnriei.

'twelve gixal men and ti —)\ short time ago a in.m entered n ainoklng ir pn a rennsylvanla railroad with a nin of

.glycerine, and the conductor made Idm The lender Mdlrl-

hauilled on thai j car An- some Hmr liroufhl leara to the eyes of a vetenoi luggage .«iiiaaher.

— A vouilou priestess fold u New Orient

mother that on Wednesday . the third day ail' the death of her only daughter, Ihe young won ■n would revive. The Republican tsym "Tl Wediu-Mlsy named by the voudoil the matin was allow.,I to VI>M ill'' toluli. Slid St quest the vault was iiiwtieit. Huddenl: sound oT loud shrieks . snd tearing open tlie ctifflu the mother clasped ^„,^. her frantic child in her amis. She had just Pror.

AI.VK for Old Sores, Hums, scalds, etc. jted circular iieenespatuea rnch, w ith full ns ror use, foml. irealment. Mo.

ipectabte Urngglsp.. .nn wlahlng t« consult MUS. I)H. SK

(iiltlierorn beRiniiiiig tons* her midlcines, nan do so lev addressing "r ratling at her nffl.-r. No, -id WAIIIIKS AVKVI I: from 10 a. M. to 1 r. U.

Mrs. Ilr. Se-eor Introduce-, liy pemiisslnn, the following reference" -gentlemen w hose character and position In aorh-lf mtlUe Hiem lo ihe highest riinndeure.

liiriiiiiH':—M I iim nn.nn. .-hi..i of the mother ,-0|,«eri/«fi(trt«f Ymrlg. I- H- Humjihreys, IX.lt., her n- M. 1'-- »- "• Ullbert. K-'|., Ilenlaniin Cushlaa,

, , Ksq., V. ( . Humphrev, K-.|-. Nalhanlrl Crowed, Kan., Ilr. Thresher, vrllnii i h.-ney, l,..,.. s«imlt.|

Cnverlr, Kso., Lewis tike. i:-n.. \tneriean House - ton; /■' "

iteraml the young Isdj jgJ^fcjS Hie terrible rate of ton. Man. would have blkn ■ »lcllm

the burled alive. How- did the voudou know

Stewart. Camhrldge. Mas*.; l; p. p. Mllfonl. S- II-: K. HirhanUon, , Mas..; Wilson Morse. Ksq., Clio.

1.1» Usnni A.rmii, Ho.lon, Xiu, l"1mnovlJKli-


PLATINA CLOTHES LINE. H don't stain mt clotlie*. Will but aity year*.

For sale at

no. aa Xarula MIrcat, UwniN.

hilfdsei!*- ,H,M i;s n YHK. AgSnl.


F. 8

ADVERTISERS flud It profltable to use tha column* or the A MKRIC AN.

JOHN J. « I.A Jlh.




| Leak; Hoof, niaile Tight st abort notles.»IjrarrlT



il-;. .YD. 4 BROAltWAY.

ITcar Bsatsa * Maine asd Easfarm asapal,



Magaa'i New Portable Range.

nre, and to HtJySl-



J. P, BINQHAM, \o. all* E...I Slrrrl. I..wr...r..

BLANK BOOKS made to order la any ttiane.

I.OWKLI., CkOfc M, ls,_'.

S»*-The.-,lNi.,K:ll was aaarihil the Kills I PU> its at N. E. Fair In 1HT1, a* being the BEST

Famllj Sewing Machine, asd also the ]>rearnt year the sward* wera Silver lledsl*.

(^Igiie.1) K.T. ROWKLL. Ass't Sei-retary N. E. Fair.


he MM.Kit was gh II. tat* Fair, held

OKITY over all others doing so.

Sold for *f> rer month,

■*> i i II-i i-ituniMat ■over. It- Sl'I'KKt- goi ll in the habit of

T. W. an I...

Tor Cash.bv


I, . . . . Mauudrra Block.

hanged and

llraldlng to

All kinds Machine lte|.alie. to Let.

ichlnr -lil. hlni.:, et.iiiij.in;




Lawrence Street, ■ kept a flrtt-rhM* ttock of

Tobacco, Snuff, in . Dryer nml < Uy Pips*

No. 6, Where will




A share of puldlc pUnsaSSS I* solicited at Ihe



tiuriti- uiraoot, auaa.

VR1CK 4 K I C K E 11 , M (fast

Tin, Sheet Iron and Coppor Ware. Tin, Uad, Tin Mued and -- l.-i- ri.- Pipe.

ill'!' AW I o it i • 1 P I' M P ■ ror bani1 or power Use.

*W Mowing Machine*, -Siale. and Wiinjflng Machine* Repaired. Plumlilnir, Tin lloolliiir and OoneralJob-

bititr done at short notice. Iffdecr-




I'm I AX!) WM i.i.i.

Ueo. m. Merrill * f'O., - - - Proprietor*.



To a ladv (Mend, A riHfrl Timed >l ll.l. II... ,

roitlngri-uiii «}tn aiuu. Tha large bones are wonderAilty powerful and

harmonious. A II i:ir«ai.t U ■■ liar, price* 1 1 #1.511 U *7.1. A Vlolll

lliuiiin. I iiin-n linm, Arrnrilr.im or lln- ■ luas, < lai-lourt*. I luH s, I'li.ui ..I. i»,

ruts. All these, oral! rarletleii, and or Ihe I i msntt-

racture, togefbrr with an unrivalled stock or

BAND INSTRUMENTS, Are Tor *ale ut moderate price* by lyUapStleb

J v <'. iiivviA a. co., :'.i Court fsl., (opponlte Court llouae). Ilnsum.


FURNITURE. The mhwrihers have taken rooms la Ordway

nioek, H3T Kaari Nlreet, where thi-i will Re- pair ami llur aud Hell Be«Mtt Hand Km inline and Imusehnld RVtirwaBi All nriler* promptly al- ■.iideil Ui, and a Is ^abl at auction when den ired.

HILL a CO. Lawrence, April 19. MTS. Stf-



Copper. Iron o\ Glass Cylinder Pumps. al .11 kind., AIM In

I.K.lll PICK. TIN 1.INF.1I l'll'K,




w mm un i A itii.n.

A 1 1. K Y A ANDREWS,!



•Jl» Kaaes Ntirrl, (Ordway Block). 1

li« ■■■Will

W ucsKII Bill.Kl

Tu i lil.11:

< New Store, 6pposlta tna Old Btaod, us TUB

South-east corner of Essex and Amesbury streets,

I where will be found at nil time* S Isrfe and coin-

' plrte sasorUnent of every kind of

HOI si:noi.li

j FUBNIT IT H E . I a*r Thankim their mnn. rasw*frfend* sad UM

! public generally for tlie liberal patronage treitowed

ou them In the ps*U they will sndesvor by aonaaty

and lull dealing, to merlla continuants at (a*

LawTeaee. Dec. i, IH;*.





Parlor, Office and Cooking' Stovee. Fhimhing, Tin Knoflnir, and all kind* of Jobhlag

done promptly. -e i:t. miituio STIIVI: NTIIIIK,

ll Lawrence Street, Lawrence.

C. K. A J. I*. 1'ILLHBURY.


Cotton & Woolen Machinery


OKNERAL JOB'fKREt and Mill repair* done promptly and ralthfully,

Dealer* In Msnufseturer*' Supplle*.

Foit«r'. guilrling, Corner of Franklin and Mclhuen Stra*U.

lyfep- umiiMi.


, mads laruc addliloH* la my

STOCK OF (iOODS, and hare

MARKED EVERYTHING DOWN. The price* I hare ael upon sty Uooria srs

unpreeedentedly low. K\l-JtY VAIUK TV 6l* (lOODH

rbr Ladle*' wear. In Millinery I liave every thing thai I>s4l«* re

rjulre, and In prices I Defy Competition.

Mv -t-i.'s or Ladles' Woollen fmler Wear ka. been largely ailrted lo. Prleea low. ChUdrss'* ami Hahles' Woollen t-'nder Wear, Jacket*, etc.

feat *upply Ladle* with


No Soup aver made lias met with such aueoess as BEACH'S WASHING SOAP. The Lars/e Bales that are daily made, and the Increasing demand for It, are the Bast Proofs that it hie no eaual. i-



I'OI'UIIS, ini.lW, t 1>\M rll'TlOY, AND


None Ueuulne unle** *igned I. Hi i is. )-


moiled .__. nnd are called IHA.UO.Xh rm seronnt of their t.'.i'ini"... and in iiiiiim- v.

U Is well known thai «|iei'la< les cut from lira- alilau or Menleh i^hbles are ran injurlou* to tlte in.', l.i-rnii-i- i.f llieir imlarlilng light.

Having been teited with lbs* iinlarlscope. ihc di- anioiul lenses* have lie-eu MS In admit tllti-en per rent less lieated ray* than any other pebble. IM are around with great scientific, arcurarv,

are rrsr frotn dirnnjallc alierratkina, and pnatuee a brhfhtness and dl-tlnelness of vision not heTore obtained In i■■ ■■ ■ ■■ i■ ■

M.umrin-1 IIi-.-.I hy the

Spencer Optical ManufaoUirirnT Co. NEW YORK.

t'..i ..I. i... i:,■.[,..„. ii.i.. \.;,.ui.. ihrousboiit the 1 nina.

WHTTPOBD & RKJE, .liwilh-r. and Opticians, are Sole Afrcnta for Law- rence, Mass.. from whom thev can onrj- ba ob- tained. No l'eddler* smployail.

Thn great deniand for I hem SptM-tscIa* ha* ta. ihni'il iiiiscriipidniis ili-aliTstnunlm off an Inferior aud *purlou* aHlrie ftw the "litamoml." lirrat laiesiiolild IM taken IUH -t- (which In protected In bant), at *tauipe<i on every pair.

of all kind*. 1 am making thla a *r fuml-h all kind* or pattern* reo.ulre.1.

Is other departniHita my itock of goatla csusot be surpa.suil.

HAIH GOODS. Seal and Imitation, all kind*of Flin TilJwkiii

Real Laces, Hamburg Kdsinsr, sa»her, and Sash Blbbrau, Jewelrv.Terfumes, ImhMd Ladle, win aawl every UiliiK llwy need at my store. •

Stamping for Embroidery. -f



THE V I N K L E a L tf 0 M I Man u lac luring Co"* Now Sewing Machine,

"VICTOR," CAS SI in.I -ill i <jr T'i,e*

D. W. I.UI11*. SO S*r|la StTSSl, Bole Agent for Lawrence, Aadsrsr ssd MilSana


Attarhed to tlteae paUuUMl i|ieriark* are iwo •cientiflcally constriutcd liaivauic Itatterie* -un seen When worn—delivering through the nervei of the head s

slaft aavd 1 oiitluraou* Sf renan af KlaaUeltr.

THslltins nnd giving healthy action to the entire ■ I -iim uf thoar usrt-, ABHULVTKLY


Partial ParalsaU af the Optic Meres, YTaak ar ntaeaaad vi.iow,

\caralsrU of Ihc Head ar Pars. ■1'non. T»ItrkM la As

H n.ilf * of the Fare, Nairn In the HsaS.

!.*>*» sfHeatal K»*rg>.

nf Nervous Dlaesaes, arising froni lie tlie nrrvouH etiersy M the system, eoa- i a most aatonlahlng degree.

i.ressii.ti ..i trlliutlng. h

Life and Vigor and Health. liy Uie mean* of the »ofl l.isin, .traaru 0/ Kle.-- trlrlty, giving HrlarhlBaaa ta the Kr««,

*1 n Ic k mm t« tha Kar, Knrrgy ta the llralu.

They are *et with lanaaa of the ihuv-i mssufar lure, to suit all *igt>U, nad w llii glaaaaa for thosu nol needing spectacles to read with, but de«iriruf the henellti. to IH- derived from muring thi IlaT tsrlet, and lo )>e had In this city anjy o7


Watchmaker, Jewollsr and Optician.


No. 335 Essex Street, Lawrenoo. Dealer in Walehna, Clocks, Jewelry, Paney

Oooda, etc.

X. U. AIM Agent ftr loaars* J1 Jbrrtr* Htr-

J*M .Vprctocfn mis' s>« dlm-ei. Ihe MMBTtm Ike

m>rU. _ • i, u