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Andover Advertiser. Every Friday Monitor,



Post Offioe Blook, Lawrence, Mass. SUBSCRIPTION-Postal* Prepaid •-

•3&0 par year, from which 60 cants will be deducted for stitctly sdvance payment.

Tbe- Circulation of the Lawrence Amsrt- o«n la tha lare-est of any paper In tba County, and more than Throe Times that ot any other Weekly taper pub- lished In tola City.

Be* Ratea of adrertlalsg sent upoa application. |

Entered at the Poet OfTK.-e. Uwnnc. Mass., tor trensmtenios through tn* malls aa asoond-claea matter.



IOIBM, uheiakala, Tuilei \rtlul... ... J.C. *,OB*,MB*.«tx.oor. .raakl a.

BLANK BOOK MTrunil Com uflroUlslkti'iixcr, It..mi. Pnuer, II.-. II-M:'.II-

W. i. Rigi, iriA K'.a. 8lr.nl. IM.AIIK SILKS, V.•ln-lii, Ca-.Il



lhe Daily American Published Every Evening,

< laadai Es—etea ■>

1 the Largest Daily la the City, with Poor Time* the Circulation ot any other.

BUBSOSJPTIOM, In advance: On* \ ear, IO.OO I Six Months, 13. C O

When not paid In sdvacc*. WOO.

CEO. S. MERRILL, Proprietor.


lathe 1ST—stand mosttbotOMfbly tut. Dlahad In Baa tarn llaasaobuaatta.- With modern presses, and sonstat i additions Of the neweat styles ol Tl pa w* arc able to furnish the bast Quality ot work, at low prices. Orders by mall promptly attended to.

•200. PER YEAR.

A.SIIA-IU'K ml... 1 MHO t


/1AU1NKT MAKER and Upl*«> r"ii. r. UAiiMKK. Rases Sirs**.

pOOKlNO STOVES, Raul's*.

G ENTS' Furulshliig Goods, 11 at i, Dp

>. T. cUttTls, IMS KINI Street GROCERIES, Flour, Tea, Fw

OT (Jouil* and t'rmluiiii. SHATTUCK BROS. oor. IHH, Amsai.ar

HARDWAKE, Tools, Cutler; sesda and General Herdwsie.

N. 1*. II. MKLVIN.Mi K-4BI SI rent. MILLINERY. Mrs. M. Isador*

Whltuker, . Iw and IMS Ees.X ST. MILLINERY & MUUneryGotNl* Ha.ami Oouuel Bleauherv.

L. II. t.ll.jloKr-.;. .Il!i Keaei Mini.

MILLINERY AMllUiieryGood- Trlmuiitil Hal* sail HUDBCK. J. U.SUACKLKTON.Wa Kesex Street.

PAPER HANGINGS, Wliulev Btrtil.. and Kimirr...

*.. A.l'HKI, J7S Bias.Street. PHOTOGRAPHY, sole Hceir-*

FRANK RUSSELL MfBssMl* PLUMBING, Steaiu itntl <.*

ruling ami rialure., cloves. Kali get, A. Wll. rUUBKS A SON. Vii K..«a *L

SEWING MACHINES. TbeNov HuBI*, OoiiiB.Hi-, i.»li>lii.liu. rHO»«r •!

Maw Uo«e. W. IIAIJI.U aco,Agent* V sniTtr 'TAILORS, French, Eng;llMbea< X American NuTaiU*>.

t. W.SOUAAK.K SCO.,Peat OsafS bloc I TAILOR, Imported ILIHI Domr»

llo liood.. 11 DESNIE MOK4B, l** tSSSS Street.

UNDERTAKING Furnlslietl L ell 1U details, tumiial Uhaira* a, ec.BIl

WAl'SRHOUoEa PARSONS ilALue >l>fl>< UNDERTAKER; every tint

*pt>erlain'.n| to r unurali a In'inn i) to. U. J. MaUUNKY, SMOak Hire-*.

WORK of every description, 1* the Printing line, uaaily and .ueapo, ■



Btf Baaex Street, Lawrence. Ml, Btber SSI Oh eroiorm Administered.

COLHUHN BUD'S,- DAILY 1'AI'KK C&mmoi,EsKra*lDfi,Pcrtodluata.SulloneTJ

-rAncy liooila. Picture* Trained al abort oti.;. Me.isTfJaaexJtrest

DB.C. W.SVLVESTEH.Dsbtlsl.ty EmII BT . I,««rinc«, Han. t'erl.cul*>

suaatloapaid topreaertlBg NatuialTeeth. Ai IISOUI Teatb loacrled. Oai or atasr fl*as a. preferred. flyooll


Oor.'.awrsnes * Cemmon tti Bsa returned from Europe and raaunco urn ussslkla irofaailou.

DB. J. H. BIDDER, DENTAL 8UI UEOR, Ms. ail faees Street, Lawr*sa<

Mae*. Un«, Chloroform, or Itber fires, »■ pr ferred. Closed dunai Aufnal.

UBCKEB A WHITTIEK, OBOCKM Crockdry and Olaal Ware. Strlrtlrpnn

Oo Teea.Suloea and cholcnatTeaa. The beatilalrlei ef Butter and Cheeae. SS AmeabnrvStreet.

t? B. HARRIS, 266 BROADWAY, ol aWeSBS R, Hunt Msoblne Co. Turbine Watei Wheel., ruliing tlilla, Wakhrrr.FalllnirBlotat OIRB. RoBulatora, Ac, Aa. 1'lnea lurultbtOaoi ell islll work dose. lunUHl


Portralia and Lssdaoapea. uts Ksssi ST., LAWK

H: reauM


ULT A CO., ICE DEALERS. Offlci with Bnibee A Mack, 161 Eaaex * treat, L* a

Maia. aprMVly.

B8. DR. M. J.HILL bsa removed U Me. 10 Valler atrest, near the Common,

irr feblS


Lawrenoa.Uaia. ParaonalattcntioDto allbns< •sas rum tn

JOBN 8. QllJf. Attorner, Counssllor- st Law, and NoTXry Pnbllo. OSlee reraoted

to Saasdera Blonk, room tl, Lawrence, Man. taelO

at by thla aea ' LbelHCttha

Moil largi

CHOICE BAND INSTRUMENTS St the very Inweat prirna poialble, eatlafaellor Is each raaa twins auaraaterri. Theae are all

Genuine Imported Instruments rseelfed direct from the mantitsoturere, and warranted to be (trie )j aa reproaented. W, here. Is addition, all tbe cr.oice.t and moat

Popular American Makes ef Baad and OrchMiral InMrumenta, l>erldea ■ large llseoi apeeioltlea witch ws eon.rel, ano f >r whleh we uiv off*r apeclal prince,

Send lor iltur-traled caU Of ie, alallng partlc slarly whet elaea ef Inatrumrnla yon dealre. Cerreapoodence aollclted, Addie«>

JOHN C. HAYNES t CO., IICarttlr.il, - e BOSTOB, ■ ASS

Mil lv

CUT THIS OUT1 "£■."«;• »15 i»S40w.V«. WahaveetorealnIB leading Cities,

M.klAVELL IWetWtt tltmarS a

life, Accident and Fire Insurance, JOHN EDWARDS a cos Insurance Agency

ssrssania THI rou>owiso

OOlirdlP-rAJISriES Franklin,olI-Ml.v.ra. Pacnsylyanla. »i Pe»s. Osrman, American, N. T. wsstohsstsr. New York. 'Watsrtowu, New York. Orlsnt, Hartford, Conn, llsrlden, Conneellout. Commonwealth, Boiton, Bhawmut.lloiton. 1st NsUonal, Woreealer. swAwSB, Basiaad. ImswrlalSf Northern,Eniland. SU>yai, Enlliin.l. ■Astro lole i tm. Co., Parla. Liondt i Assurance, kniland. Ouard an Aasurance, England. ~>ondo andLancaetilre. Knfland.

■avel ere' Life and Accident ot L/oad Tr»T«

liar, l»V* Btata Matual Llls. Worceater J


Pott 0*tics Bon 38.

s Lawrence American.

A fi-w Jays since, we called stlen- lion lo Ibe enormously incressed exiwndilures of tlie alreet deparlment, under commissioner O'Malioney, for

The UndersiBeed has Oi>ened a

CARRIAGE REPOSITORY, At 877 and 279 Mcthuen Street. Pillabury'a Block tBdlnrlteaali theo.a m he are In need of a Srat claaacnrtlase, toeall ami siantae bla swUssttSS,

Tbeae carries** »re -innufacttiad In Marrlmaek, at my own ■ tnufaelery, ind are warranted Irat elaea IB ever* paitlcnlar.

ELMER B. 8ARCENT. K. A. Illlll.I.s. »luniit'.r. Ollli-i- ll.iur.. I :::<> lu n:,'IO p. m.


Special At-B^ABTNQNSi tentlon glvenj

:oBook-Keep Ing and Com- mercial Arltn metlc,

Special De-

partment ot

Short-Hand and Telegra- phy.

Stiul for Particular* to


Many men, I mm the electa of yontbfnl Iniprndeoer. I tin, ii.,a it-iiui ni the general ayatrm a« much aa lo led eel ■■aiiff ol Ibe tronble »csroel> erer aiiapeeted, anil SSI

Sriiwllhtlaediiia the S*n> taluable reBitdlr, ILm mc i( 'im- atsaa 01 lallenta, nooe of lhe ordlnaiy mLdra 01 tr< oi:r>r and iiorpital pieellre, seba~ "

The sseSmSSJ Ing preanript

ivr lirouiihl abonlaatate 01 weahneta u.te nlmnai ever* oibcr tllaraae, ami the loiril lorarrrjlhlnafaul the M.HL etir. iirtiM'un.'1'ti.Miiniiiir.l fur there'le> almrnt tlerl a rum. liy our ertenalre

I'tmi'i iiito iverdleeefertd si w and cnnrrnliattdierre' oSrrrd inOi.T.m AMI ackki T «■■*, a. hurdr.rt.

' rn-e. in urn praatlne Mara been realored topenect healtli by It* uae, a tar all .mar rssftSSMS

rerlertly purs IsgredlcBta ntaat be n*ed In tbe nreparatloa ef (bla preacrlplios i «—i m-« lii drum ErytliroxyIon ceea), 1 ilracliri. Ext. Ignallr asiarw lalnohellei, i xialaa.

Jt rulwLim, 1-1 drachm. Kx;. IrpUn-lra, i »orti|>lea. Ml i" i'h"a|ln eqnlnia. It drachsi. tilyoerfn. q.a. (tttlaetaln, B gralna. Mis, MBIP SO fills. Take ere pill at t p. re. and another on going to bed. In ioni I'M" it will be aeeeatary lor the uailenl In lake TWO pl'la al lnMilm*, mahfna H *

mnibf-r i hire a day. TSlaiSStSe* laadarled lo e»er>- awSslUsssM s*r»ou» debility anil WamfcnSea II riHicr SSK, ano a*|ie<-lally Is thoi>era<ea reiultlng imm Impisdenee.

The nrui-eraiiretoweraof thl,rr»<ti.taiheatetiiiiy i*it.i,»liii>«,r.»tUt*i.pe eoslit n»d Tor a hoi i llmerlanaralrir laRgoM, debllnati-d, ■SftSlSSSt onoltlnmnonr ol'rrsrwed ll(> aaiir'sor.

Aa weareronalantlv in receipt ol latteraol loqulry re'all*e to thU lemrdy. we would ray lo hom, * hu would prel'er to obtain II frvm u*. by retiifuin* St In poatofBre SMMtf order, or ret If

fr^dletlei.aaecsiely aeakd pact air, In lie pure it SiSlS, will beaent by Itiurn mail Irom ute laburatory.


*i. i.M MAW r


SkSAT.m Knai NII, oaile * guoil point In Ibe d«b*te in tbe .eii.le upon tbe propoiition to remove tbe tliiibil- Ity or |>eraoDl ictively engaged In tlie

! Mora Small Pox.

"VaiDiT «oK«ri«Q. aur.'..Tui. |rebel111'"' » ">*1 lbcJ- "W "• «*• | | pointed to positions in the fetlsrsi

There wsa tbs usual senU' Street Ex|>emlttures. army mental talk about tlie ^vindictive*

Weekly ISewn BrevIUcB.

Friday. As was am kip* ted by the Board if Au st cldtut nccsned tn s Chlc*i[o and j lleattb, new cases of small pos srs belsg

futorss on tlie part ot tssteople, of I all the alns of our way wardviowliern

His first three moBths of this yesr, brethren.wben Mr. Edmunds ssid ihst compared with s like period under

U I. kalkme tn.t a* >rt» Mil nt * f "'!!. '■""' «~ •°--*"-" «e l.«j»«l Imm L'oicnl lo Mtortee.|.*»»>*■*>> Tb. cool •..tb.r ol La Iowa. I waek bw bean eat hvorablit fur II e

<4U.IM. Vu:t.itl« II.N liiv.-.t.-o lb, Klng:>preed ol lb, dkaaaa*. aad proalni.it nr ine NnUi.i I.II.I. »iili lb. Ord.r ol lb. I pbTelclaaa auta ibai aboold laa (ara. ul

nen of allu.io,,. to tbe U* «.r. ,„d 0.rl.r . l0, Mmmt „„.,. Ml„ w,, . -_,„,

tbe deeire for forglv^ Ad kqee. | &»££%*%?£« g* MM. ... b. ...vlub^j 1 lii™ ..l.lltluaal iaa wasSkaVaaaaa

Hit Kil.li

L llKAIIlnl;]J.

loilin. Miu.. laifil-"lHot» brtllf r>r Kniahl-. AUlim. Cur. *l«Mt * • raW "d *l*pi ak*ly *Msa1 tSMaeV. I —uiUr It tba ha*4 »<Ntli

bait IJlTeir,! iciiilil) with Atlhai IJI n yr.n ■ but, till

•'■ K.hjnr. Allhtai Car. I. Iha IMM raawd,, 1 l-.„ , .,

rllnri-n. Ma**.. «ii«-"l ..( -..,,„, an.,.,... v-ae. I tall BWSStf walL"

nSBPH U.S1LU p>al|IBS. Coan.. hssasir* KV'"" J>I ««! nwk» *"«. .tt toiaTa ('a aVasksss Sfesa satwsswl i™ ' "" """* "*"

The L. A.KNICHT CO., Wo. 86 Court St., imr-

Piles! Piles !! P.lesM NO ONE NEED SUFFER.

A aura cure lor the Blind, Bleeding, Ilrhinf mil l'k-eraie.1 Pllea lie* been dlacovered by Iir. ffllllema (an Indlaa remedy), callrd I>r. WII- ilimi Indian Pile Ointment. A Uncle box baa :urtil the worat chronlo cseea of st yeare Bland, ios. Me one will auffer Ore mlnutea alter apply. ing Ihla wonderlui aootblna niriJInne. Wit.- LlAM'M INDIAN P1I.K OlNTUCNT abaorb* .be liimoi*. allaya the inter** IlohIng {particu- larly at nl.lit after gettlag warn) In bed), acla a* t poultice: gi.ua Inrlani rrller, and I* prepared JSI.. foil PILES, itching ol the priyat* part., mil nothing elae.

Bead what Boa. Judge CoBnbnry, of Clere- lasd.aay*: "Ihareuaed aoereaoi pile cure*, md It aBordi me plraaure to aay, that 1 bare -lerer rosod an)-thing which ga*a auch Iramedl ite ana perm*nest relief, aa Dr. Wllliam'a lot!laa Pile Ointment.

Por aale t>r all druaglata, or mailed oo receipt il prior. SIM ner box.

HENRY A CO.. New York City.

P» aale by CHA1MCACLARKE,Lawissci sods irr sag i



Chills ail Fever.

Sict Heatacbe.

| fltrr««t Pol PbmtB. fm BarLKSDii>i'**irniar i ^^«-r~«o»«»> I "SS&SfiEZ*.

12IWS1. IB1WSJ. Mi„r-la»falyt.)m..I IS ■ 4. SS 5. pcat-iaUdbiaU (tiiula 7S " 10. lOO " l*J "2

mvssgE Our New t.sHe, - •*-*■'— tT^PRFP ■aiiaaemWpp^ayenlls tlta-walifcaaiti** Haaa* THE DINCEK At CONARD OO.

BeaeUrawere, WeeCOiwe*^Ct>eaterCe.Pa



SPECIFICS. IauaaSJ7*«r>.-aUehniimbar Ik* tperlal pr»- ■atwSJSS "t *a anilaeet phr-n-Ua.-Th* oaly Sla»»lf. ".feani Sere M*driUfja forth* eonla

a so* ■

For the rellrf jreoltbladlatreaaing

affl ction take Clnmun. I,Her laegulaf DYSPEPSIA.:

The Regslator will poalllrtly core thi* terrible dlaraae. Weapairl nciil.all'all) ahalwrknow toUirsa,

CONSTIPATION rhonlri Bot he tegardol aa a trifling al'sieat Maiure dtmanda Lie uimoat ngularlty ol tbe bowl*. Thereitre araial Nature «y Ukleg MII-M im- Llrer KegbLtur. It I* harmleaa, mild andtSeolual.

PILES. Relief ll at hand ler thoae who auffrr day alter

day * Ilk Pllea. It baa cured buadud*. *M will

MALARIA. Per'ona ntST avoid all attack* Iir neeaaional'y

taKlnga d<w>e ol Simmnna User Rixulatortu keep lhe Llrer in healthy aetlna.

BAD IIIC LATH geaerelly arising from aolaordered BlOmach, ran b« <nriviUil by lading Hiiiinioua Llrer Regulator.

JAUNDICE. Simn.ona Lher Regulator aoon eradleatea thla

dlaeaae imui the ayatem, learlsg the akls clear and in i- luiiii all ImpurlUea,

COLIC. Chllilren auff*t Ing with ColleaooB experlenee

rsllel when Simmon* Llrer Regu a.or la edsitn- mi.n-.i. Adult* alao derlta sreat bentRt fruut ilii- luedmlae. Il la not unplraaaai; ll la harm- lea* acd e3ectlre. Huralr vcgetablt.

CAUTION. Be rarelul lhalyou set the genulse "Imtnona

l.liri kegnlat'ir in ourrnsiaied WMte Wrapper wlib n-i Z Trade Hark, Slemuand bigaature swanksVi

raaPAxii) ST

' i. H. Zf ILIN a CO., Bold by ell Druggist*. raiLADBxrau.

eodVlTeePlI 1

aimmnna Llyer Regulator la tout by r. oil ..WAY A> IO„ Apotheoarlea, -. E>*ei EL acd Dreadway, Lawreare.

a-l* Vial, n-a* of rhxrte bed for Dr-HaSifhreve .-.- 'let seg*a% alao I.luwralH t'

Addl***. Huninhreva1 Am., trine C» , IOS Pultun BtreeL ao,li Iff aut

w^m. i. Kaw


Klngaley'a Iron Tonic. It build* up tbe ayatem, alrea health and

alranglh to the ftame, Improve* Ibe appeille asd work* wonder* Wllh feeble children or wsthen, 8*an<r and arl tbe genuine aaillry IL it la seed by acme oi tba beal phyalclana -1 hotpluia.

nlev's Iron and Mandrake Fills

a bar* both for aale.




Member, of the Boiton Mining and

• lock Enchar.ee.

Simmon,'Bulldiaf. cpp. PoitC.les. ,18 Water Street, Boston, Mass

No. asfl Bssea St. Lawrsncs.sasssv Hii


537 ESSEX,cor. FRANKLIN Hi I Lawrence. Mass.

fly lantT

riAWIIR. SlladajatbotneeaiilT mad _ . 2 Cs-lly Outfll free. *M*&Jm

Zug'au, Malse. '»/ "»•«

PERFUME. Murray A Lanman's



FOB SALE IN MKIHUEN. I Tba Well Known Berjamln Blood Farm.

1 Situated on Howe alieet, 4 mile* ima Lawrence |» Irom Hater hi!', <t Iron, me *l lag*, | mile trosa *rIntnl. Said Farm oeuialB* about "Oaereeel HSda aullably iltUsd Inio mewlnr, lillue and riaaturug, and about lOOiordaof ihrlllT.grew ng wood,* never faillna brook running Ibrosgh

tbe paalure; sa orchard of sbout ItK) muni ' aj'ule ireet I .alnomn Into beanna, bealdr ueach

Kim, 11 ■. llulldlnaa nearly nee ,con»l>tlnr "fa irge t atory mn.lrtn built hoe** wllh L, ron.

talnlng II mama, guod cellar; barn mtuwiih .eslUr, all In K "'I repair. The bull lags and , about 3» ao.s* ol Umlwlllbe -M eewaraiely i if ilnlieil. A jrmi'1 pariui iinrebaaa mosey can remiln en mortgage.

aim. ABIGAIL BLOOD *if iiiai 10 klelhuen. Haaa.

ATIKNTIUSFAIKEH"! Aay ese nf Ural data help will and It Lo their

9 11 Co;tly OutSI free. *i,d.rV.,i ' .._., _.. ■ APPlttosSirsst, _

Mr. Hall,one.tear ago. The figures

st the oily hull, of bills paid the pres-

ent year, revealed tbs startling Tact

that not withstand ing lhe entire care

of iliv cess pool*, one yesr ago in lhe

street department, hsd since been

transferred to the Hoard of Health,

UieexpenscBof Mr. Hnli's administra-

tion, three mouths, wersonly $11,762,

whleh the present democratic official

bad contrived to swell to 115,462, sn

increase of nearly forty per cent,

which would be fiitv or sfxty, bod the

cess pools been retained ss fjrrncrly.

To this tbe government organ replies

as follows:—

In els zeal to discredit tbe present city administration the Americaii for- gets to be just, and its unfairness is so obvious Hint it is likely to excite iodignsllon slid uistmsl rather tbsn

spplause and credit for Its statements, ll cit2S ua evidence of unthrifty msn- sgement by I he street com mis* loner tlis fuel ilntt the expt'tidilures of the

depsrtrueul or streets for tbe first quarter of IHS2 were in excess of

the expenstrt of the corresponding pei lot) itisii. \csr. But the public un-

derstand That this added, cost was largely due to lhe extraordinary snow blockudea 01 tlie post winter which compelled the employment of an unu- sual working force to keep Ibe hitth-

wsys in passable condition.

Well, this is tbe aldermonic "any

so;" let us see bow il will stand ibe

test of tbe stubborn figures as shown

by the book*. There was compara-

tively liltlc snow in Msrcb, and only

lao storms of severity In February ;

here ore the expenditures by months,

in the yean* compsred :

Hall O'Mshoary 1881

Nssv Eva* 8SU1 6802

Of course there were severe snow storms lo 1 rouble* Mr. Ksll, no less than O'Mahoney.but the latter met his greatest snow in February, while the figures show an increase over Hall's expenditures, of $15H5 In that month, andot $2125 in March, wben there was scarcely any snow to remove. So much for the cold figures of ex- travagance, as compsred with the Sentinel "snow" theory. Tbo regu- larity of the increase, month by month, over lhe previous yesr, Is by no means tbe least alarming sugges- tion in these figures.

January rebrttarr March

1883 $4081

"lhe trouble lay In the disposition to lose glght of lbs fact that one aide or the other was right. There could not bo two right sides, and there ought to be some everlasting monument lo show that there was a right side and a wrong side. An tbe l.overntnent turned out to be on the right side,

a call next week (or all the unpaid cent, b reds of 1881. BBIUUUIIDK lo $11 OOS.OOO.

Tbe **J500 liilllai il match hetwreo Ja- cob Scbaelrf ami William 8. I'm, st tu.■

ought to be made clear that we knew | New York Ausdrmy o( Munlc. lust uiul.t,

we were on one side or the other."! gf •o.^0» lh" '•"*"■ lb« "eoru •»w!,B«

Rltfht, Mr. Senstor; no nation wss | B«M l-acbs haa been a-.)poloiod cblMf of ever so lenient and forgiving lo those I lh" new talulsiry cresud ror ibe piirtmM- _. _ , ,. ... ,,, ,1 "f carrying oet I.I.HIU- lu Aala Mmor. who made war upon its lire, as Ibis of; The ei^u- of Jewi.b C1B1IIis* from hi. fl

ours ; but il is asking s little too much. "" tomnii-nc. d.

uls« o'clock laat cTeatsa- rrioce Uopold. the yonnaeat aon err'1*1 "'ildsf. two st No. 10« Lowe;i

Queen Victoria, was married. yeMterdaj, j street, from whsacs foar patlfiits ars *:- tn Wiodaor. to Pnocess Ueks, or Wsl-{ready at the pest boass, and all of tbe as

" ' cases are directly traceable to lbs " wake" The Teniirarwe rpubUcans bave unatt- ...,.._,,., ,__».■_ ., ■

imoa.lv renoB.in.ted frr*. Il.wkias .a | °" lhe "»Mm> lh- psrllcalsra concers- their standard bearer In lbs coming; elec- i ,0I wotch b"e hitherto appeared Ie these tlos. < columns. Thu partlaa tikes from Lowell

The 8«cretarr ol the Treasury will haue : street, weru a man sud a boy, ' 'xprr; clerk Towey of the Board of Health

r * who haa had tba charge of tbs rwnoral ol

Ibst no distinction be made between those who were upon the side of tbe country and lliosi" who were against It. Whstever we forget, let it ever be remembered and repeated, and tatuthi j ilmouy beroieiheCnll'-P.ralDe.'iiigatl

to oor children .ad „,„■ chililie,,'. j SffSSEESiAifeul! children, that tliere was a dirlereiice ness sud Mr. Buunout,

Joho R. Lynch, lhe colored conteslant Tor the Mlsslaalppl tMiutesltrdseal. made a rpeech ID the llouae. leslerusy, thi lt'»i. time lor three yesrs that a colored nun •pokeu lu Cuugrt-gs.

Ex-S-cieUry Blslne concluded his tea-

smsll pox patients, was jot rlntj by lili

Kiiitay the city physlclao aad Dr. Ciss

funl pronotiDced bis Jiseass small pox 11 a mild lui 111 and be, loo, was taken to the

peai ho uae that forenoon. He has dwell wlib his family lo spariBsaals la Bwee

ney's block, sod tbe Boird of Bnsltb ordered the i in medial, vacctoallon

every occupSLt of the bfllidloa;, and after Mr. Tow.)'* fiiinivai thoroiutbly fnmlgsi

< tl tbs apartments occupied by Mr

Tows)'* ramlly, and ordered ail members

ihart-of not lo leave tbs bouas for tbs pieasnt st least. A son of Mr. Towe>>

haa been employed dally at tbe Central Telephone office nutli Friday foresoos.

between rebellion sud loyalty, that

our brothers did not die in & mere quarrel involving no principle, tlist Ibe north wss light snd ibe south was wrong; while we forgive everything, lei us not pervert history, truth, pat-

M skins Money out of the Scare.

Wortblogton aa collector; action Was rlotism and the eternal, principles of, postponed until nuxt 'i .iny-

jusltce, by admitting that the cause of rebellion was equally honorable with that of loyalty to t-ountry.

Colsnel Fornjlhe gtre haille lo Apache Isdhaa Sear old Camp Backer, I Thr-re Is no little Indignation rsprussed

i£$£ZuSS^-^-^'ui'"' "• "«■"■» »r "• »"■•'«-"'—- aecoouts be w*a *iiil in pun-uit. lo the block, fr im which Mr. Towsy

Bmators Hoar and DsWeS were heard j WM removed with tbs small pox, tiy Hie neuaie committee yesterday, In op-! at the action of Cur Pnyaiclaa M-if ie \ la

P""1_l.1"DtV_^b"-_conn.r,n,_"Uw0 •f..9^?*1! N« nrst plac«. Towey bad. aa clerk of the board of health, been exposed to thla

Kissnco upon a wager, Is lhe latent fresk of oddity in betting ; at Kilkheim, Germany, st an evening party, a young man otTered A wager of fifty dollar*, that he and bis betrothed would kiss each other leu thousand times within ten hours lime, wi.h lhe only condition that they may be al-

lowed to psrlake of light refreshment at intervals of half an hour. Tbs bet was taken, and to the amusement of the company the fun commenced. Tbe first hour scored 2000 kisses, lhe second tlie tally was reduced lo another 1000, and the third hour ad- ded only 750 more. Here the sporl ended; belli parties succumbed; the young man's lips were stricken with cramp, and the maiden tainted sway. Later in Die evening she wss com- pelled tot&ke lo her bed with a sharp sttsck of neuralgia. The moral would seem to be Ihst cramp and neu- rslgio come from excessive kissing.

TIIK BOARD or HEALTH are sub- jected to general and severe censure for their course in removing to the hospital, small pox patients, though piincipal streets, iu the- middle of the day, ami it la mere than nlimaled that there is gross careless-

ness in the conductor some of ibe em- ployes who sre brought In contact with the disease, and then mingle wllh the people wilh no preleuce at any effort to purify themselves from pos- sible taint of the infection. It would Indeed be s commentsry, should Utie scourge become prevslent through the -neglect of thu very body clothed by- law wilh the special duty of protecting the community therefrom.

THE CROPS in prospect for lhe com- ing season sre of encouraging prom- ise ; lhe New York Times exhibits commendable enterprise, In gathering stAtistics Irom all lhe states and four territories, covering one hundred and twenty different places, from which it sppesrs, Ibst despite freshets snd floods, the increased acreage and present prospects indica'e moat abun- dant harvest*, probably exceeding even tbe wonderful crops of past years. Great crops mean good business, snd tbe countiy may well rejoice In tbe prospect.

THE ADVICE to thi strikers to re- fuse to return to work. Is bringiog Its fruit in vet idle thousands ; in the en- forced removal of families, in the con- fession that want Is staring many of tl e operatives In tbs face ; and this Is but lhe beginning.

DUBIKO the qusrterly session of the Free Baptists st Somerrille, a resolu- tion condemning lotteries, theatrical entertainments, church fairs ami all similar secular means ot rsislng money for religious purposes, was lsid on the table. Wo suppose there would have

been no division of sentiment as to the lottery clause fn lhe resolution, and |>erhapa s general concurrence in the snli-theatrics! suggestion; but lhe sweeping proposition against the raising of money for church purposes, by scculst means, savored of fansti- cism, snd was quite naturally sat upon. Money is generally found to be a "secular" institution, especially in its getting, and it would pnxz.e tbe au- thor of the resolution, we imagine, lo find any raelhod of obtaining it. even for religious purposes, by means not of a secular character; in fact, while objectionable practices need not be resorted to, the churches are learn- ing that there Is a business side to re- ligion, and that this must be conduct ed pn business principles, ami wilh business sagacity; and business is a pretty thoroughly "secular" institu- tion.

THE BAPTIST clergymen of New York, have been discussing tlie ques-

tion of lhe revision of lhe scriptures, and there wss a strong expression of opinion in tsvor of procuring a de- nominational version, a Baptist Bible. If this Is to be done, why should not other denominations follow, and tliere will be Methodist Bibles. Congregs- tionalisl Bibles, and I'niveisali.-t Bi- bles ; and then, if each denomination is to have its owj version, why not every individual getouta translation to suit himself,—in fsct every man bsvo a Bible revised to please himself. We trust tiiose clergymen whose zeal out- runs their discretion, will be s long time in earn ing out their protect for

"Baptist Bible."

TIIK DISCUSSION of gubernatorial candidates continues, and "booms" sre becoming ss plentiful ss upon s lumbering stream where logs sre afloat; if Gen. Chsrles Derens would consent to the use of his name, ho would prove s candidate upon whom all similes and fsctlons could cordial I v unite, be free from sny of the petty local issues thstaro involved in lhe oonsiJersllon of Ibis question; his nomination would end the solicitude ss lo the possible or probsble candl- Isture of Gen. Builcr, and the com- monweallli secure a worthy successor to Gov. Long.

ANDOVER is unfortunate in lhe de- cision of the board of visitors of the theological Institution ; if this policy succeeds, it means that the institution s to live in tbe dry dust of the past;

is to accept tbe husk in preference to lhe kernel; Is to stand still or go I backward rather'.ban to progress ; Is to die rather than to live ; with the trus- tees vigorously in favor of a wiser and better policy, we hope this verdict of the visitors will be reversed, and be- i lieve a method will be found to accorn plisb this, even though the late elec- tion of piofesanr remain rejecter).

Ki-A<'jutant-tJ. tn-ral CuoattoKham haa been eltcitd, by lletiusiets, Rnpt-tln'.end- « it of the Masracbosetis Su'iiin,' Home, in Cbtlsea. Mrs. Lsnulugbsm will act is matron of lhe lnstuui|<>n, Wbicb will be (iptiieil mi lhe 20lh of Ms}.

In lbs Sbipherd Investigation, yrater• da), Mr. Blalne and Mi. DH-niiut n- changMl onrompllmentaiy rpliheta. Mr. Beltnout called Mr. Blalbe a bnlly and a coward, ami Mr. BUlue inlol.me.i Mr. Bel- mont Ltiai he was not a getJllemaj.


Senator lllt'r of N.'w

disease, and wben hi wss taken sick,

natural piodence would Indicate sums precaut on* even before '.be nature of his

«T..e.loii bad become fully determined j

one ofihe occupants of tbs bQlldlag.svsp, who bad haa exporlenca with the disease,

on seeing Towey, pronouueud It small

pox lhe day before the cl ,y physician to

deleiinlnedi bot his chlldrss Ware psi-

mltted to be with him. and than tu rim. bis at wilt around lbs preralasa, mingling

I frsely with others. I'p m lb* determlss-

Ilimpahlre, will [MOB of the character of the dlaease on lettlly before the CJ ll-Pern luveailgatlng j Friday, ths city pbystcUo entered lbs committee on Monday. I olnBr „„„, ,„ tba oullding, snd psi-

L'jula Alb-it's pawn Hop In Montreal .xesjajaxito forbade any OBS of lbs occs- wi< fobbed Iburatlay algtil of 61CJ0 In1 " , , ... cash and 3000 lb diamond*. I P"w '">* l«"ln* lh" P™»'*« ■««

Post ours Inspector WoodwstJ a»*HUl"* h"-M«n .Y>^tt8a^ ernts examined st great lenslh In ihe Ktr- i •*■"« ,hl" cm off irotu caUng la tbs pby- deil atar route csss yesterday. it j slclan of their cboleo. the alternative w is

A sconn Irel named Tim Crcwley. hall- - bvlug operated upon by lbs said city pby- \o\t from BialOD. w*a lynched at Mlnnt-J NiC|atl| whoiheu dewsnded s fee of ons apj.ls, early yerisrday morning. , ,, . . . , ,_,.

" ' „ * * , ■ 'dollar each, recclviuj fjurteen dollars as In the HotSS yiatcidt-y, lbs BwBStS r t - ,, , ...

solve providing lor biennial StsCtlODS, I n1- P"**"' '"« for lh" *•»'«. »■»■«=■• " ws* relectd by a vo e of 60 to 92. ' an officer of tbe city ti. bad thus forced

Tbs Cincinnati lluunr dealers have tit- u.mn HID tenants. There seemed lo be elded Ui keep their saloons open to-mor-1 00 avoiding thla bl'. of ap.culallon, and row, in dellat.ee of the Sunday law. | lU3 iawMM ltl ib« bnildlug snbmlr.ed,

l>r. Lamaot. ssffemt ts* penally otl^rdtsf arsftss in Ibelr condsranatloa death at Wandaworib |.ll, T»Ddon, yea let-day, for lhe muider of bis broUisr-lu-! 0I lbe aaiortlun.



WILTONS. * • *




ORIENTAL RUGS, aad every fa*.* aawl variety ef r*i.

elajw ana S»sssestls rarstrtlag, ull Cleth

aad Maltlwgj.

558 and 560 Washington Street. BOSTON.




Paints, Oils, Dye Stuffs. Chemicals,

A.leUreeaa, olive Oil. Oxalic AsM* OsAsai, .•aiaSJaaOII, 1'araflaaWax, Puny. Pen. While, Petaah. Pualoe Stone, Plseter Pai la.

iornur.a. aa.l «atlla Bheilan. Selpbur,

It la thnnght In London Ibat Mr. Par-' nell sud all tbe Irish members of Parlla- j mini, will aoon be released from Kilmalo- ham jail.

Coat Talef Arrested.

Tnestlay nlgbt April lBtb, Mr. W. K

j Keune, who kssps S livery stable on Vsl

A"train over the Bangor A Bockaport le» ■lr'*1' w"nt lnto hto »•» M* uklni railroad was derailed yeaterday afternoon, | "H" ht" overcoat threw It ou tbe back of sod somewhat damaged. No passengers ; a carriage and went to aopper. When be were Injured. j returned lbe c JBI WAS gone. Oo looking

A surveying eipedltlon lo Sonth OrgD, troQ()d he dld uol nnd ft ,„ lit mbu

Algeria, was recently surprlard and forty . . .. „ . * on., .uabar w.r. kill,* aad .. mar,? I »• "l">rl«d ■" '«•■ w >•« »»llM- * '•* more woundrd. ! (1*J» ago Mr. Qlldden, tbs pawn broker,

Plessant Adams, Joe Bortop and Rich ! noilbed ths police that a young man, glv- ard Bates, cbloi.d, weie hanged st Oreeu i Ingots deacrlplkon, bad pawned as over vllle.8. C, yeaterday. for burning lbs , cott wUb Mm for |L Uariht, 0'8olllv.n Academy ot Mu»lc at thai place. .■., . _.

. . : __ . * . .. „. I began 10 look lilin up and Thuradsy want John A. Burke, brakeman on the Shore 1 " . . „ ', . ' "

Line freight, waa found dead on lop or a Ito H«'l»ke. Mass., where be arrested tbe car at Providence, B. I., yesterday, hav ' young man who gave bla same ai Andrew Ing probably been struck l>v a bridge. ; Pawcett. Be hrooglit bin to this city

The h'-ll.T >• r the Dsllnn Pall Company i that evening. Piwcetl egplalna bow be atllaiwn N. V., exploded ThuraUay. klll-[ Cimeh fc Us said be was Is lug Newell Onley and Prang Baker, the 1 _ * . ,„ - . , pmprletora, and Injuring several others. Uwrtnce on the Jsth, havings lima with

Dwlght Bidder. Jr.. who waa tried at I4"* hoys. Late lo the afternoon, be d*- Sprlnglleld, Mass., for tbe muider of bla : elded to return to Middletoo, but foond brother, was convlcied ol man.laoghter,: he didn't have m *oey .enotiga. Oae of

ir,:"hT.u» ;:.".''••" """""I *■»«». ■ ">••« — ■•■«< >-«'• Tk t,„.i , „r 11. m.^-. ... mi-t .< ' whom be bad oever soon before, went off The boiler or Iljiuaiia saw mbl, al

Ooldsboro, K. C. exploded vestrrdar. < "d soon cams back with tbe overcoat, tearing ibe bonding to pieces, killing Fire- which he gave him lo paWo. Tbe Smith man Msyboy. fatally Injuring three, and ■ racksi wooldn'i work on the Judge In badly scsld.ofi two 1 Siplotee. ^^ 9Ma§ mMa{ng ^ be ^ ^^

Alouday. 1 over lo lbe sum of B500 to tbe Superior court.

Borax, Beeswax, Bn ek ttreoati, Oerts, Cswubar, Obs Ik. Ureesi Tartar. Cekoneiallanada Caibollo *i|i| CoeoB Varnlah, Castor Oil, i;ham H- S«ln«, Uhlerhleei Liiae, Uopper UiTct., CaaUla Seen. Oueperaa, t)l|ji>eia,woodas,

SBawry Psser; " CkHta.

realberlluatera. Floor Hruatica, Plab uiiif. ~ liter* Tarn I ali

at Hirer [Mil Olae.allgrailaa,

Arable, Tragseaeth, Leal,

Ur.1.1 Brents, Ulyaenae, UlauserSsli, Ualraniaed Iron ralla, Wmiregaa -oap, Han.a.aSoep, Williams' & iber Isdlgo, Soap, KalaOB.iae.ail lint., WhaleO SOS*, lx>ndon Parple, Whiting, LlghlOralnlagVarntah.Winaor A NMUi't t.iaaeetl Oil, Tube Uolora. Lard Oil,

tn quantities to suit at Lowest

Market Prices.

191 ESSEX ST.. LAWriENOF. llV lanl


rail A Mien. II 1'lttll'ItlKTOItS.

Everard H. Kelley.

Dealers la




CIGARS. Agents ftr S. 0. Dnshar's FlniA lanuii PBTSICIAM'S PBBSOBIrTIOFWCABBPrj LLT


A Competent Praaerlutles Claih in atf at all hour* of Ui* day.and Right,



WINDOW GLASS, PAINTS till". VarDl.lt.., Chemicals,

OrEITUF'.. —iau^


381 Essei Street - - Lawrence.

Steae Jaraand Bug*. Sallnetro. SewiSg U ark laa OH, Btable Pall.. Shall ttoubert, Srrub Bruabea.l Tar, t* u.i.len Dpnara, VlndowOlaal Water Patla, Wcat'a Raamel Dresslag

for Carnage Tspa, WltltewaabBruahaa.


. >. S. HALL. Via. sp!


W. E. SEED I CO.. Hare Jail rseelved s full lie* of

SPRING SUITINC8, o whisk thsv sail theslttstleseX the piabUs

Qosd Fill S Specialty.


The High Price of Beer.

Two hundred Jewish families will leave Wi.ni, Russia, for America to-day.

The Hon. Rodney French died yester- day at bis boms In New Bedford, Uasa. | Tbe present uouanally high prices of

It la spderstood that the President will I beef have led many of thoae who have elgn tbe ameodi-d antl-CMneee Dill. IU«o compelled to pay them, lo Inquire

JoboJ-Sulllran. s well known actor, I |nLo .b. mm of tBI| m„ua id„1M. dletl In Cblcauo on Salurday of cuusuiup- I „ , _,_. _. tl0D 1 Peraona la Chicago who profess to undei-

Jobn Charles Pr.der'ck Zo*-llner, ibf I •*■*>* HIS mailer, attribute the present German astonorner and natural philoso-' Condition of tbe market toaeveral casaeja, pher, Is dead. aunui- which are tbe following: The

Tbe F.mperor of Austria has accepted j winter of 1880 SI was one of aocb ui,- Ihe resignation of Bsiou van ISUVy as , „.„ .„,.,,,, lhtl ,5 p,r CIJDl< of l|w

minister ol fJnaiiie. ■ ... .»/_•■ 1 a. ^ «. J , I cattle on the plain* perlabed from ex-

Lleuteoanl 1) menhowir and olliera of; —u , ■ . tbe Jesnnetie party reached Mo.c .W on | *•**■ Th**B «™ '»'-v«IJ *"l"'»»i Ibst Saturday la gu.nl li.-nli.li. j wuu',1 bare reached tbe uiatgel last year.

A! Watts, the tloa, fsocler, narrowly *t-; The Immigration to lbs new Tertltoiles caped death Situ osf night st lbs fangs 1 haf been very large, causing an unusual of a leopard whit it be owns. I demaod for cattle lo stock new ranches

Foor thousand In.mlgrauli arrived el, a fjrin> The scmrclij ol corn lo msoy New York on Satordsy. and nearly IJOO ' landed at Baltimore yesterday. sections and lu price every whershas pre-

Ths House on LUtSf C«, VOtfd tounsea j v«"led lbu («dlu* uf •=•"'• '»f »»r*«- Chalmers of Mississippi, -whose seaCwil Such cattle will uol reach tbe market no- ne given to Lynch, tbe colored man. [t|| they have time in fatten oa grasa,

lofernsl machlnsa were sent by mail on J When ibero will be a declloa in prices.

to*t**7.to™y2>l?J™+*^'»i}t*riM»rmtr*, the demand for eiport i. William II. Vandsrllli. They were dli- ' , *\ covered In season to prevent damage. | *«rT glswA, Udtll tbe past few weeks tbe

Judge Lord of lbe supreme conrl waa | *««'J receipt* of cattle at Chicago were taken suddenly and seilously III at bis | larger this year tban In 1881. home ID Sal, in )eateiday afternoon condition Ie thooght 10 be crlilcsl, not hnpeltSf. _. v

The I'arr-elllles think all lhe lodlcallona Died ln Grou,D' ""*"•' 1PI" ,T' *l lBB

point l-s chaoie lo England's policy on residence ol her parent*, MlasKmmaJ. the Irian <|Ueetlon; also thst nearly all of Holmes. Mlaa Uolmea Was formerly em- tbe "soapecUi" Will laUortly be released | vioyrA |D lbe bral(1 mlll n-r#i 4Bd ltUr

from prison. employ of Mr. A. A. SpoBjrd, The recent vordlcl of 5100,000 obUiSSd 1 t , ■ T™. 11 J . 1

byllallett Kllbourn for i.tss Imprfsoi. »•">" P>«« •"» w" ««P«»-a » '"" merit baa been aet aside by the circuit ou account of falling health. Uli'i court st Washington ou the ground of! many friends, bur death will be a aevsre eiceeslve damages. I blow.^as sbe waa greatly beloved by all

A plot baa been discovered In Ilussla who k'MW bcr. sh# w,, » cooalsUnl 1 blow up the whole Kremlin dm lux the _ «.„,. ,-kll k ,,u.

Tesilvltl.a attending the corona. Ion o' Un n,emutr "r lQ,! ■** Baptl.t church of this c been ' city. Throughout her slckneaa aho was


STATISTICS show thst ot* lhe entire I to blow up the wbol number of persons crossing the ocean "^ ThM hUDdrM, „,

belween Kurope and New 1 oik. the I arrvsUd on suspicion. j cheerful, and only a few boars before ski percentage or loss ot life from sick-I > Tbe funeral of Ralph Waldo Emereon : died was slnglug lbs familiar hymn,

^^"-"^aeas,. snd public services in the Usltarlssl The futieral will take place Monday, SwB'oB, wllh addresses or Judu* Hoar and May lat, at I p. in., st the B^ptlat caorch Dr. Jeuwe Freeman Clarke. [D fjrutoo Ceatre.

Tbe canrt martial at Cairn, in the cor.-1 .•piracy against Arsbl Bey, finished Its 1

Id ness, is about one hunjrrxl litres 1 x^Vwei greater than from shipwreck or other accii tents.

TIIK STRIKERS are Irei/inning lo ap- preciate tbe value of the advice giv- en them to stand out and " victory waa sore."

Mr. sVaal Jones cap.nred a runaway ittingoo Saiorday, Forty three of the' team at He comer of Newbory and Eaat

accused were aanteured t>>ne exlte.i; aod I llswerhill streets, Sun.lay In lbs var- |Bs rest, bolog civilians, wer* sentenced rla*,e were two laioglraled m"a belong- to be bangrd by the civil saibor.lle*-. jlng la Andover.

Wanted. ACTIVE AND EELIABLE MEN Te travel as4 solicit order* ror KCBsEkf SrocK. Addreaa, ataMngage, aassBjgrag oecs- i-atlua and ssatea aa 1*1* aauaa,

h. T. CANKArf. ttia mart* Aagxta, Halse.

A PIEASANJ lEHER. It Rings ol a Orateful Heart snd Gives

Honor where Honor is Due.

Hi. William W. Cia-twlst, of Ilatokvllle. Cons., write* seder dste ef Juns 11, lees, to Dr. Keassdv. t» >ay Hn.t lbs u*a ol **l.assedv'a Favorite Beraetl)" ln» cured h aj a( oall Slsae, from whleh he had aipcrlenoed everylblag hut oomiort for a lesg tlas* Mr. Chadslok felt wholly safes) wbea he wiole, aad *aya:"I have had so sals for *i« n.oBiba, ami have alae re- gained my Aethaod oanat and a lair ilaj'a wsik- I riri.mmenil 'K' nm dv '• t am, lie ISi roei'i' l<> any oa* Buffering from a derasssd livi." (iraia ful paltsstasre commoa. Iir. Ksaaedr la dally In receipt of teller* free* lham, t xpra**l*g liml- lar isatlmenta. Tbete l*lier*ara (uoataseoa* and put In all varlaile* of pbraiaology. bat Invariably aetilng lorlh os« thi eg—ths value el ••Kennedy'* ravorlla lleme \y" fur many form* •Idlaeaaa. It may be |ual the thing jo lave, been looking for. I* your Liver ilieordercl; Itavejou derasg'stesl of Ilia Kldsaya or BUd- der, ssae-ibUett wllh Cewatl natloa ef the Bjwela? II ae, yea wasfKasne'»'* Tavorll* Remedy." Dr, Kennedy prsullee* Hedleias aad Surgery in all iheir branch**. Writs asd aisle yeorcaas Iraskly. LeUsrapiesaptlyaaswered. Addie.es Dr. David Kennnij, Bosrioul, N.T- HDr.Kea- aady'i Psvorlts lUncny" (or aale by all drug- gl*U."

Dr. Kannedv'* yavorlla Kt-uied v la sold by A.r. oHUtviV a CO., Aatetheemle*,

Cor. Besea St. aad Broadway, Lawresee

ALLAN LINE, BOYAL MAIL STEAM8HIPS. PatroaUed by Her Rntal Hlghsaaa Prise***



Extra weekly ships Horn CL*>v;oW, LITER- POOL. gUCBNsTOWV, LONDONDBBBT, sad linl.t. AT IS BOSTON dlreot.

Th* aleamrra ars snasrwnaaeil frr SAPBTT sad SPEED, aad ar* Sued up with all Impreve- uesia COBOBOIVS to tbe notniurtoi paaaenaara.

CABIN, 970, and 860. INTERMEDIATE S*0. STkKKAt.K t-'-■"-

*i-i IT TO JAHBS HUBPHT saw PATBICK Ml ttl'IIT. Or. I.KVK a AI-hK1!, *3sM*rel AgaaU.

MW VUHK.t.r - BusroS.MASl


76 State St,, opp. Kilbr, Boiton. Secure* Palest* In the UBI|*XJ stats*; else la taraal Hrium, Prass* and uibsr lorelgB ttoua- Irlea. Unplea ul the claim, m any Patent far- ulah.'d by r-iiilillug one dollar. A*eianuirlit> r*> Mirded al Wsahlnston. No Agency Ta the L'sl- [*>< State* p't*ie**e*auperlorr*clIltlc* far eh. kalnlng Patent* or a.ceiUmlng the patenMl.lllt* Minvsntlon*. K.H. EDOV.SollclloioiPateeu.

TIIT1MON 1ALS. "I regard Mr. Bddy as oae ef the moat-a pal.Is

and ■ irtcaa.fu 1 prsetiuooer* with whom I have

CHARLES MASON.Commla'r of rateeu. "IsveBtoracannolemploy* person moratruii-

eorthy or more capable of **• urlng for them aa early and favorsble ooaeideraUsB al the Palest

EDMUND BURKE. Lets Co tn'r of Patent*. Boaroe, Oet. IS, ISM.

B. H.EDDr, Ea<].—Dear Sir i you prooereS ler is* fa 1*4'1, ray Krai patent. Slnoe laea yos have acini for, and advised me la hundred, ot eases, and procured tsaay patenla, ri-l.aue. asd ettea- lions. I have ocraahmslly emulnjred the beat ursnclea In New Turk, Phlta.ielphla asd Wash- ington, but latlll give you aimoatlh* whole of toy busln***,ln vonr line, and advise others te employyeg. Youiatnily,

liBOKUEDBAPIB. Jan.i.im t,l ■

SAML'Kl. I.ITTI.K,Prea. WH.J. BRIDE. Tree*.

BOSTON LEAD MFG. CO. Office. 11 and IS Oliver Street, Boklea, Mas*.

oosaoDSSa ASD suM-n.cTra.sa, •' »OSTC./*j SJTAK HHAFIH-'


LEAD PIPE AND SHEET LEAD. TIN andTIN I.INKo PIPS, I'flies, SOI.UBK Ac OOl.D MEDAL kwardtd bylbe Maaascba- ■atui.iiaiit.uia BsSgaUaMS AaaoelaUos Is lStl.

IssifsU (i

Are yns aware that mnal 11 lbs lew priced sroOL LOTTuM la either

. jbgth.or only two-eord, aad poaalbly

Hues TIAI II LAasLLBoMuyakns DOSS SOT OMNTAIS ot as isn raana.

Dealers tell U beeaaae iher SBS buy liebees, and do nmeipiil thechiatiu be dlsenvereal.

You .huuld inslal upon i.a, lug HOI.TOKI THREAD, every Spool Si which la wanes led •■iree.ro,ii. ami lo contain IU) yatrta.

It I* eh.-a»-er lor vouatthisa casts B spool ihan.sio.t niakea are al two rente.

~tsa ibst s poorer arikw «a moat of whleh the masuUcturer* are, pruiwily, aahasted to aBa

tea, la eel imiiwni or yon In.lead ul n, rsated motives. ll.-i siaill


Ball Weekly lo and freat Nxw Yoix AMD HLASonw. via l.or nojrrjBiav. Cabis Pa*.age *tu .o S*0 Keturn*. SIR la SUV

Men,nd Cabin, **U. Itn ui n Tiekeu g:.'.. Bl**i age ps.aei.gt r* booted at low rales. rassrnger ac-umeiotlalics* us*Sce||*J.

All SLaieroom* oa Main Deck. Paaseng*!* booked at Inwealrate* leer freai

" assay, llsly, fcaswaS.Swsars l tea stark, a*. . „ Book ol "T»u<* in sroilasd," Rstes. Pk*s, Ae, apply to HKNDKKifiN HI101IIHi'. eKW York, or lAMia Al i srin. -.ua Esteisi^erto ft THICK kH'Ki'Hr.t.w Baaex bL. Lawresee.

VSm Boln

BLACK INK. Kline's Famous Violet Black Ink,


8chool and Family Ink IN THE WORLD.


A large atock or th* l.si-M alylea of rape langlsg*. Bomrr..l'a.'ee*>. Pklsre Monldisg* IB , reialling lor oi.r-thirtl leia MtOS SSV Other Le's Is Beaten.

T. F. SWAN, NO. lilt ori.liill. HOSTON.

MAW il*1' Utplaa !•

The Remit of a Llfe-Ume of ExpcrMseal. It Sow. peifertly. !><«* aut mould or gel thick by ilisdlkg. Doe* sot rnin.ii lh* pea. la sat Islurrd by froal. Asd Ie a*ery rrapeett* unru.itlled a* a writ-

ing fluid. The cheapen Ink of good duality evei sold:

give ll atria'. Address with stamp,


Maauiscterrr* of Every thing fur School*. a*rTu Introdure this Ink, ws sill .ell H virv

low. In uuantliy or aOalloi. oi h.ora, aad sl.l lurni.h It ■..11- . and lull Dlrecilnn. lor masiag, wilh laige Ten mn v. at low S*u>*». Sem' if our Agent* are doing sxoellenll), sating |lM o Ittt *e*k. Writ* lor ii'iiu- lo Agent* nr Jm A'raile. Inks of all color*. "' ti row maitl

WANTED, SALESMEN To Bssvaal far the aale et Naraarv "n**. Us- • qoalli.1 Iscililie*. No ei|>*riepre mirel, Halarv nsd esnenses piid, f*W acre* 01 pi alt

, and Orssmeaul Tree'. shrn"*, Koa*>*.*>t.i. Ul alt W. AT. SMITH. Messrs. B. Y.

C CC a weak la ysnr owa town. Tsrwm asd *•■ #D0 •etSt free. Address II HSLLATTA Cu ,

I Portissd.M*1-'



Lawrence American. LAWRENCE. MASS.


Weekly NewH Brevities.

THK SCAHE ID England over a pos- alble invMion of Uif Island, in case of the completion of the projected tnnnel, has bad 1U effect, and tlie an nouncement has been officially made that work will be auapended until ac- tion on fie part of parliament.

Tuesday. Twenty-four Hudson Tlver lot bens**

were baraetl yarterdav. Taere wan a reduction of |U 41Q,H8S la

tba national debt last moatb. Senator Blur was before tbe Sblpber.l

investigating committee yesterday.

Tbe clotare debate waa resumed ID ibe British bouse of commons, liat night.

Tbu carpenters of Cincinnati attack yes lerday for in iBcreaBeofflOcenteper day.

Heavy aaow alorma beve occurred In tbe Alp* recently, and tbe Ulmplon route la lrap****u)e.

Lieutenant Daoenhower anil party, ol tbe loat steamer Jeanoelte, arrived at St. Patera bar*., yaalerday.

Tea tbonaaad peraona attended tbe fa- neral of the late Uea. S. A. Huiltiurt, at Belvedere, Illlaola, on Sunday.

Tbe Brl'.lah government line atopped work on tbe Cbannel tnnuel until farther action la takes on tbe mailer by Farlla- ■eot

All tba bonding* of the Itlngbam 8Cbool, ten In number, at McLaneavUle, N- C, were baracd yesterday morning- Loaa, tso.ooo.

Freaideat Arthur baa resolved to take prompt and vigorous ineaaurea for tbe auppreaalon if tbu Indian outbreak In Arlaoaa.

It la reported that a mlnlaterlal crlala la Impending In England, growing ont of tba propoaed change of policy on the Irleb qaeeUon.

Otorge Spear, for an aaaault wlih In- tent to kill, weaaentenced, yesterday, at Beirut, Me,, to ooe year In tba Portland workhoaae.

A Dve-Trar-old lad named Leoioloe, at Phenlx, It. I., had a leg torn on* at tbe knee, on Sunday, In a carriage wheel, wbea allgbtlDg.

Tba "regular" and "Independent" wlnga of tba Penuaylvaala republican" met last night, and drew op a plan fur adjusting eiUt'Dg differences In the party.

A freight car Jumped tbe track near the Eastern railway alatlon, Salmi, yeater- day, and waa thrown acroaa both tracks. Travel waa only slightly delayed.

In tbe case or Edward It Ingalla. tbe alleged embcxxler, while actltu aa tress araroftbe town of Candta, N. II., tbe Jury coald not agree, standing eight to four la favor of lugalla.

Tbe worka or the Washington Glass Company at TJtlca, N. Y., were burned yesterday. Loaa, $60,000. Tbe packing, catting nndatocklng bnlldlng, the treatle aad two cars were destroyed.

Captain Jack, or tbe VYblte Klver Utei, who attempted to escape Iron. Port Wss- aakle, Wyoming Territory, on Sunday, waa fatally shot by tbe guard, tbe Indian having Oral killed tbe sergeant on doty.

Wtilnc-Hiluy. The Overghama tribe In Tunis baa eub-

■Itted to the French troops. Over three thousand Immlgraula ar-

rived la New York on Monday. A Baptlat cburch at Dover. N. II., waa

burned yesterday; loss 925,000.

John Nrlinti Darby, tbe rellaloua writer, died In England yeaterday, sued elghiy- two yaara.

Tbe upper bouae of the Prussian diet baa paaaed the ecclesiastical bill by a vote of 87 to 33.

Thousand* of the Inhabitants of Sins- loa and Campescby, Mexico, are dying of tho black email poi.

The President will lean* a proclamation commanding the lawlesa cow-boy• of Arlxona, to disperse.

Said Pacha has been dismissed from the presidency of the Turkish council, and Abdurrahman Pacha succeeds Mm.

The examination of Senator Blalr rela- tive to bis connection with the Peruvian Company, will be resumed to-morrow.

An attempt to amuggle valuablejewelry through the malls be concealing It In old hooka, baa been dtacovered to New York.

Tbe New York mualcal feallval waa In- augurated laat night, and waa only a mod- erate aucceea* either artistically or finan- cially.

Cnnntagham, who murdered Mrs. Sprague at Cherryfleld. Me., waa yester- day convicted of Border In the aecoud degree.

Tbe report made yeaterday on the al leged attempt to bribe a member of tbe House waa that the charge had not been sustained.

The aenate cetnmerce committee, yea terday, decided to report favorably tin nomination or Colonel Wortbington to be collector of cuatoms at Boston.

The motion to quash tba Indictments In the atar-ronte straw-bond caaes of Uoone, Cabell, Jackson, Donohoe and Henderson were all overruled by Judge Wy'.te, yes- terday.

One of Ike walla of tbe burned church at Dover, N. H . tumbled down yesterday, killing Jodge Varney, a prominent clll- i«u, aod perhaps fatally wounding four parsons.

Rev. Dr. Smyth has been Invited by tbe Trustees of Audover Theological Semi- nary to deliver a course of theological lactorea at the seminary during tbe com- ing year.

la reaponae to tbe request tbat the President furnish the correspondence rela- tive to the Israelites !n Husala, be sent yeaterday to tbe house a message. Which consisted of a mess of documenla, un- accompanied by comment or recommenda- tion.

The res It nation of Mr. Xoriter, Chief Secretary for Ireland, was announced In Parliament yeaterday, and, at tbe same time, Mr. Gladstone announced that the coercion policy would he abandoned for a time aa an experiment. Tbe three Im- prisoned members ol Paiilameot have been released, and other suspects will BOOB be Bet al liberty.

Tliurwhtj. There waa an SSOOO Jewelry robbery at

Springfield, Monday nlgbt. Tba Chevalier Nlgia baa been appointed

Italian amoaaaador to Vrauce,

Hartford people have been swindled by a fellow calling hlmaeir M. Hambleion.

The Halted Slates steamer Brooklyn has been slightly damaged In collision at Montevideo.

Tbe Massachusetts It I lie Team was victorious yealejdiv. In the contest with the Newport Bifte Club.

The jewelry selted at New York Which had baen,aaugK(ed In old booka, la prob aoly worth about fZS.OOO.

Tba Cltlxena' Republican Aasoclatioo of Pennsylvania will bold a state convention at Philadelphia on tbe 21th inataur,

Tbe President has Issued a proclama- tion ordering tbe Arlaona cow-boys to disperse on or before the 15th lost.

Hon. florace Mavnard died suddenly of baart disease at bla borne In Knoxvllle, Tenn., yesterday, aged sixty-four yeara.

Tbe forger. W. E. Gray of New York, whose fiauds have been exposed hefore. attempted yesterday to awladle a lawyer out ol 15000.

Tbe Jewlab exodus from Russia con- tinues, and thousands of the persecuted families are soliciting meana to enable them to emigrate.

Madams Gerater achieved a great irl* amph at tbe Now York musical festival yeaterday. All the other artists likewise acqoltied themselves creditably.

A destructive forest Ore started In Suf folk county. Long Island. N. Y., on Tues- day, burned all night and was In progress last evening. A lot of valuable property waa destroyed.

The Austrian Keicharath has adopted a propoaal of llerr Hoolwlck, permltilnu the ltn;>i>riatlon of grain duty free Into Tyrol, Gneiz. Gradlaa, Trleate, the dis- trict of Adelaburg In Carmola, Dalmatla and Hartegovloa.

Five hundred railroad laborers at Corn- wall, N. Y., are on strike for higher wa- ges, aod trouble la feared. Tbe atrlkera compelled a number of negro laborers to atop work, aad the sheriff waa appealed to for aaaletaoce.

Tbe change In Mr. Gladstone's Irhb policy la loyfulty received througbcut Ire- land. It la expected that Messrs. Psrnelt, Dillou and O'Eelley will resume tbelr seats la Parliament to-morrOw, Chamberlain la to succeed Mr. Forstei ■his? secretary for Ireland.

The si nate military committee made a report to Congresa yeaterday, on thert- •elleof their Investigation into the affaire of Iks National Soldiers' Home. The rherf ea of mlamantement are sustained, and Important changes In tbe future COB-

Out: of tbe Institution aie recommended.

THE SMALL BOY ought tobe reason-

ably happy this season ; a list Is pub-

llahed of forty two circuses on the road la tbe United States For the coming aummcr.

THK KXPEUT testimony In the Mal- ley murder trial is strongly in favor ol the fact that Jennie Cramer took a large quantity of arsenic tin liquid form but's ahort time before her death, and that life was extinct before the body WUH [thrown into the water.

MA TOR lii:i I s, at the Lynn meeting u aid of Ihe striksrs, said that the

reason why lie waa actively Interested the movement, was because he

owned property, and did not wish to see it depreciated by cheap labor. Well, there ia nothing like having a reason for one's actloo.

THK LADIES of tlieCharllahlerDion, have reason to congratulate them- selves upon tlit! complete success of their annual entertainment; the peo- ple fully recognize the value of this in- stitution, and tho May Hreakfast af- fords not only an opportunity to as- sist in replenishing its lunda, but one of the most pleasant reunions for all classes of our |>eople, of the entii year, and il is becoming a most \K>[ ular local institution.


The fj. U II. 'Hve their AUIIUMI.

Tin: MIUTIA of New York State,

having during: lite post year been re-

duced from 20,000 to 12.000 and the

annual expense correspond.ugly de-

creased, the legislature proposes to

invest SoO.000 in the purchase of a

suitable camp ground, and the erec-

tion of buildings, for au annual en-

campment. The national guard of t'-iat

state has given much attention to ri-

fle practice, n.ore than in any other

state, but the instruction which alone

a camp can give is a necessity for the

beat efficiency.

(it ELAND has gained one important

step ; the British government acknowl-

edges the failure of the extreme meas-

ures with which it has been dealing

with the distressed country, the en-

tire policy is to be changed, Poster

resigns, the political prisoners are re-

leased, and there is a hopeful pros-

pect that the future may bring peace

to the wronged land. Whether Great

Britain is ready for auch a radical

chunge as alone can ensuresticcess, is

to bo seen, but the present nlUtude is

t confession of error, and we trust an

ndication of a determination to strive

for a solution of the difficult problem.

Let us hope for a brighter future for


As has bees tbe co.tom for many yeara paat, tba ladies of the Charitable Union of

this city have enlisted the ladles la tbe differeat churebss. to assist In preparing

aod serving the annual May breakfast la

tbe city hall. Cash year baa seen so In- creasing attendance at these breakfasts

and tbls year It Is Bare to say there waa al the city ball, between the hours of

live sad tea o'clock, more people thur on

any almllsr oceaeloa. The ladle/ did their work well, and Lawrence can boast

<»f aa good cooks as say city la tbe Ualoa. Tberu WBS food for everyone and to spare,

the only dlmcalty being a scarcity of seats about 8 o'clock, when tba ball was

crowded, but Mrs. Kldder and lira. Poor attended to tbe seating of tbe guests aa

fast as vacant places were found. Each church was represented by a table

presided over by some lady, and assisted

oy others of tbe church. The tables and

the presiding genius over each were as

follows: Kliot, Mrs. Dr. Chamberlain.

First Baptist, Mrs. Yeaw.

Grace, Mrs. Necdbam, Central, Mrs. Cummlngs.

St. John's, Mrs. Sister.

Lawrence atreet, Mrs. Klmuall.

Garden atreet. Mrs. Dunning.

Unlveraallat, Mrs. ltuaaell. South CongregatlonalUt, Alias Mary

Smith. Free Baptlat, Mlas D. A. Smith.

Becond Baptist, Mrs. Faysoo.

Flrat Methodist, Mrs. Au-.Uu.

Unitarian, Mrs. J. D. Di«W.

Fancy table, Mrs. Wllcox. The pie table WBS controlled by Mrs.

Wickers and Mrs. Brewater, the bread

table by Mrs. Waiting and the coffee

room bv Mrs. Reed. Mrs. Corner and Andrews bad charge of tbe egg table, aod

a alight estimate of the number present may be gained from the fact that 75 dozen

eggB were disposed of during the morn-

ing. Mies Fallon bad charge of the (low- er pagoda, and she aod her assistant aold

a large number of handsome bouquets be-

sides a quantity of May floware. Mrs.

Uorrii, furnished the candy and It was of i.lie best. Mr. Leonard's Ice cream was a

tempting article. Collln'a •rcheatra fur-

nlabnd excellent mualc during tbe morn-

ing, being auilcnad In the tear balcony.

lly count there were 1300 tickets taken at tbe doors, snd with tbe waiters, there

were about 1500 people ln*tbe ball during

tbe opening hours.



Oeatlemen'a Driving florae Rates.

For some time itae question between

Or. J. A. Msgee sod W. 11. Keefe and their reapected friends hsa been, which

owns tbe best bone. A few weeks ago.

In a sort ofjokleg way. a match for |50 a aids between tbe Dr'a. gray gelding and

Mr. Kecfe'a black mare was made, and tbe

money placed In Mr. Joiepb 8 to well's bands. Since then tbe affair his grown

in Importance, and gentlemen who knew

both horses, snd tbat;the race would oe

a square thing, stsked their money on tba horse tbey thought was to be the winner.

It ia safe to say tbat seven or eight hun-

dred dollars lu large aud small bets was

staked Monday. The watch came- off Monday afternoon, at the Lawrence rid-

ing park. Tbe ".rounds of tbe park

looked Ilka the old time races; crowds of Interested gentlemen, well known In bus- iness circles here, bat who like to see a

little biush Oiled tb« grounds. Venders

hawked tbelr wares about; tbe French

pool, shooting range, lager beer counter,

aad other aide attractions flourished. At I O'clock the following gentlemen

were chosen Judges: O. P. Wlggln, Hen- ry Farrell, and Edward Harmon. Tbe

horses came on tbe track, end after

scoring several times tbe word waa given

wltb the gray at the pole. During the Oral heat It was evident tbat neither

horse was what a trotter sboold be, si

though tbe gray was In belter form, and waa the better horae of the two

track. J. h. Keens held the rlbbooa over tbe gray, and John Farrell performed

the same service for tbe black. The flrat

heat was won by the grav by about ten lengths, in 8 23 mloulta. The second

heat waa close, tbe black mare coming In a length snd s half ahead. Keen* claimed

a fool, but It waa not allowed. Tbe time

was 327 minutes. The third beat was aa

eBay victory for tbu gray, coming In a dozen leogthB ahead In .12* minutes.

Tbe race waa awarded to Dr. Mages'a

gray gelding.

r, la understood thst Mr. Keefo will have to settle for tbe suppers for tbe

Kulglns of 8t. Patrick. During tbs heats there was quite a

number of scrub races,but Judge Wright's

little gray borae, driven by Thomas Mc-

Elrath, walked away with all, and

tbs opinion waa expressed that bad tbe borse entered the race with the two con-

testants, he would have abown them both

a clean pair of heels.


Dedication of Tbelr New Banquet, aad Ball-


tis to be hoped tbat Dr. Smyth may

see it bis duty to accept the latest in-

vitation of the trustees of Andover

theological institution. It would be

a loss from which the venerable institu-

tion would hardly recover, if the de-

cision of the visitors,—really only

two men,—against the unanimous ex-

pression of the trustees, was to pre-

vent the accession of the noted divine.

If Andover is to sit down amid the

decayed traditions of a hundred years

ago, good bye to its strength and

usefulness. There arc men who never

advance, especially theologically, but

this famous old institution cannot

fford to take its placo with this class

of stand stills or relrogradists. We

hope Dr. Smyth will come.

HAKHIOAX! the model police officer,

whose services in the last city elec-

tion were rewarded with a position ns

day olllcer, has generously been

granted a leave of absence, while the

assessinii is in progress, and is devo-

ting his attention to keeping tbe dem-

ocratic lists,—not the voters,—full.

It will lieremembered that it was in

the virtuous Hannegnn's district, last

year, that the arrests for illegal voting

were generally made. This manipu-

lation of the police force for partizan

advantage, is one of the beauties of

Ihe present order of things In our city.

We have no doubt that Paul can be

spared from the force, but if not need-

ed 111* .v. why keep him under pay for

the balance of the year at the expense

of the tax payers?

I- THKI.IM, a muk's IKIM' ail ille-

gal act, Is one of the questions with

which a court in Georgia is struggling

it appears tbat a deputy sheriff at

tempted .<< levy an attachment upon a

mule belonging to one Charles Man-

sion ; the animal was notorioualy a

hard kicker, and the ottlcer anticipa-

ted trouble in securing the property.

The owner somewhat suspiciously of-

fered to lead the mule to a fence, and

hold it while the sheriff mounted, but

just as he had nearly accomplished

this feat, the mule revolted, threw the

otUcer off its back, and nearly kicked

the life out or hia body. The sherifl

alloges that Mansion maliciously

tickled the brute's nose with a straw,

and has sued him for damage* lor

this violation of the courtesies of ar-


Netribam Hall was packed to its fullest

capacity Monday evening by members of tbe O. A. H. aod ex-soldiers and sailors

not members of that organisation, who were present by Invitation. Commander

John F. Hogan, presided, and made a brief addreaB, In which be expressed tbe

hops that era long the name of every ex- aoldler aod aallor would be Inscribed on

tbe membership roll of tbe Grand Army of tbe Kepubllc. He Introduced Depart-

ment Commander Ueorge J l Patch, who

made a most vloquent (address upon the

Orand Army, giving forcible reasons why

all old veterans should Join. Tbe addree* of Commander Patch waa

I«tened to with deep attention, aod waa

frequently applauded. After a recitation In tbe Yorkahlre dla-

iect by Comrade Harry Barton, Comrade

M. J. Ferreo, of Slonebam. made a brief

address, In which he said bla associations

with the Orand Army had lieen of the

moat pleasant nature, aod expreaaed the

bope tho comrades present would beed the recommendations of the department

commander. After a duett, Bang by two members of

tbe Post, Comrade A. M. Tllton, of Poat 47, Uaverblii, made an earnest plea for

those who are not members of tbe Grand

Army to become such at once. Commander-ln-Chlef Merrill apuke of

tbe action of tbe Grand Army In cornier.

tlouwlth the aubject of pensions, adding

some Hems of geaeral Interest concerning

the organization.

Rations were then served In tbe oppe

hall, plpet lighted, and an hour of song, recitation, story telling aod merriment

followed. A large number of tbe old vets

preaent, wbo were not members, took ap

plications, and will Join Post 89.

Lawrence Savings Bank.

The annual meeting was held on Mob. day evening, and the following officers


President, Hoo. Milton Bonney.

Vice presidents, H. Flutamer, Daniel

Saunders, F. K. Clarke. Directors, vT. R. 8paldlna\jHx Her-

rick, W. F. Glle, R. H. Tewksbury, Chaa. Bbatluck, J. bldney Howe, Meibuen,

J. A. Wiley, No. Andover, J. e). Neednam,

fbomaa Cornelle, Charles Smith, Geo. B.

Merrill. Treasurer, William R- Spaldlng. The lioijk." of Hie institution Bbow the

following i— STATEMENT CLOBB MAT III, 18&1.

Deposit!, SUJ.3A1 W Interest, 31.0S2 49 Guarantee faod, j,168.;« Bank aioek, SS0.3O0O0

11.37H.V Rest S«. mortgages, 180 06'JOO

Pnbllc funds. 24.000 0C Railroad beod*. 5,000.01 Kaptaie, 7U10 Cash,

The Manufacturing Wheels of L*w- r.im-e All Start Togelhar.

For several years the Atlantic and Pa-

cldc mills had an arrangement whereby

the big engine, or wheel, or each mill was

started at tbe same time. Io tbe other

mrlls, for yenrs, the matter of starting tbe apeed has been something considered as

unimportant. Also tbe ringing of the

bells. Operatlvea io one will hear tbe

bell In another, rinsing, perhaps amlnnte

before tbelr bell, and they don't like tbe

Idea of being deprived of even a mlnote.

At the Washington II has been the cus- tom to atart the speed by stationing men

at different parts of the yard, and paas the

word along from the office by swinging

of beta, to start op tbe mill. Lately elec- tricity has been brought to bear and a

system has been perfected and put In op

atlou tbat overcomea the difficulty

spoken of In a vary simple way. Sach wheel pit, aod office of each mill, on tbe

north canal 1B connected by a wire wltb K

main line running the whole length of the canal, at each of the above polau Io the

mill, alao In the room where the man stand* wbo rlnga the large bells or

gongs, aod at a slgoal by a ring on the

goug, given la the Pacific mills' oftice.tbe belts on all tbe mills start ringing at the

same time, aud another signal starts the speed In all the milts simultaneously.

The system, although simple, and and aa heretofore unthooght-of la found

to be a great convenience.

t fit siVI u.s

Funeral services over tbe remains of the

late.Mlts. Emma J. llolmta, were held at

Grotoo, Monday. After prayers at the

hooae the solemn procession moved to

the Baptist church, where ths services

were opened by the choir singing "Near- er my God to thee." After a touching

prayer and the singing or another familiar

hymn, a very Impressive and comforting

dlacourae was addressed to tbe relatives

and liit-mli of the deceased from tbeee

words, "If a man die shall be live again.*'

After the closing hymn, "Ueaveo is my home," which waa selected by tbe de-

ceased previous to her death to be sung

at her funeral, the solemn procesaloo

Wended Us way to Ihe last resting place.

The floral off.;rlnga contributed by Law-

rence frleoda, eleven of whom were

present, consisted of a crescent, a pillow

with the name "Kimm," alao a piece rep- resenting Gates Ajar, besldea offerings

from frleods in Uroton.

Total. »36SJ03 6t «36«,fi03.M There has bten a decided Increase of

deposits for the year past; during this period one half of tho real estate haa been

aold al a profit, leaving (11,873.38, which la worth more than It coat; the surplus

and guarantee fund, with premiums on bank atock and bondn la nearly fifty

thonsaod dollars.


MONDAY, was mm day, sure enough,

in this city ; tho apprehended posaibil-

iv ol the passage by the legislature,

of the leslrictlve law, as regards li-

quor licenses, caused the Mayor and

Aldermen to rush through, with light*

ning celerity,the requests of nearly two

hundred and fifty liquor dealers, and

Firemen's Relief Aaaoclstlon-

Tbe committee from the boxmakera

appointed Saturday evenloa to wait upon Mr. Luther Ladd, agent of the Lawrence

Lumber Co., aad demand weekly pay-

ments, met that gentleman on Monday. He spoke plainly and forcibly to them,

making It evident that be did not care

for some of tbem to remain longer In tbe employ of the company; be gave tbem no

decisive answer to tbelr demand. Ac-

cordingly fifteen of them left work.

Some of tbeae have been given an op- portunity to return, aod oLbere of

them may again receive work, but there

are aome wbo will not be taken back,

and new hands have been engaged ID

their places. It is underatood that the company haa

no desire to hamper their employes, and

would pay weeklv, bnt when the Byatem

waa In vogoe, work waa retarded nearly

every Monday morning.

Surprise Party.

On Saturday ereolng a large paity of

friends and acquaintances made an nun

The followlog bave beeo elected trustees

of tbe Firemen's Mutual Relief Associa-

tion, by the several companies for tbe en-

suing year; Hook and Udder No. l-Melv!o Heal,

U. F- Dean, Frank B. Bryant. Waeblngton S-Z. T. Merrill, George

A. Bbowell, Samuel T. Chard. Atlantic 2- Wallace M. l'rleat, William

T. Lluitrtck, Cbarles F. Alexander.

Tiger 3—Samuel Sldeboltom, Benjamin

C. Lov.Joy, Harry M. Ksmea.

Essex 4—Thomas H. Asbwortb, Chae

II. Burnbam, David Brown.

In compliance with the order of the en glneers to Increase the memberablp ol the

several compsnics, John II. McFarlaos

and William T. Sawyer bave been elected members of Hook aod Ladder Company,

George F. Blood, Washington 5; E. H

Colby, Atlantic 2; Usrry'Tajlor, Tiger 3 James Roblnaon, Essex ^.

South Side Sunbeama.

The shutting down or the Pacific mil

does not seem to discourage progress la the southern ward. Mr. Daniel Reynolds

ia building a three story Mauaard roof block, of four tenements, on Broadway,

for Mr. Donovan of Carney Brothers.

Mr. Kellbau la buildlox oo Carver

atreet, a four tenement block, French

roof, for Mr. Dean.

Seven bouses are also appro lehlsj com

pletloo on SprlnzOeld streut. Audover aod Frye Village have contrib-

uted 8100 In aid of the atrlkern' funds.


A boy named John Roach, resldlqg at

[ So. I Brook street, carried In bis hip

| pocket a toy pistol.which Tuesday explod- I ed. projecting five bullets Into tbe lower

Tbe Social dab of ibis city Is loo well

known to need a great deal of Introduc- tion ; aafflce It to say, that It la composed

Of representative Irish American cltlseoa.

Lately the club bave aecured new qnar-

tsrn la the Bay Bute bank building, aod toe bave, with the exception of the Oome club, the most commodious aod

Qaeat snlte of s*artm«nte In tbe city. The mala club rlom la aboat thirty-five

by twentj-nve feet, la neatly papered,

and a baodeomu bmsaela carpet covers

tbe Boor. Doable doors lead Into the

spacious hall way. A card room Is con- nected wltb tbe front room, which la

fitted op wltb tables, mirrors, etc.; la the

rear or this la tbe pool room, where a

baadaome lloa ubl- and Us adjuncts are

at all times ready for uae. This room Is twenty by elghteeo feet. All the

rooms were rebuilt wit*; tbe building,

aod everything has a fresh, clean look.

Wednesday evening the fifth banquet and ball, combined with tbe dedication of

these new apartments, look place. The

rooms were haodaomsly decorated with potted plants from the conservatory or

Mr. Flyno. Aboat oioe o'clock the rooms began to fill, the members, their ladles,

and Invited guests aooo fllllog tbe clob

apartments. Tba geotlemeu all wore the conventional black, but the ladlea' toilets wars varied and elegant, aod it la safe to

aay that there has beeo DO party for yeara equalling thU la point of dress. The

handsome costume* of tbe ladles, bright

flowers, fiae looking men and a flow of

pleasant conversation, made Ihe rooms a

sceoe of pleasare. President Qeorge E. Hogan brltfly addressed tboae present,

welcoming tbem to the new quarters, aud

Introduced a literary programme. Mlas Katie Welsh gave a number of plaoo B«-

lectlooa with her accnatomed exqnlaite

touch and expraaaloo. Tbe Misses Far-

rell favored the company with aeveral

plaoo duels, lo which tbey excel. Mlaa

Dufff aaog Very acceptably, and Mrs. Jobo Klley rendered the song, "Tbe cows

are to tbe SOfS," Io a pleaalog manner. Miss Theresa. Klley aud James Murray,

lo a plaoo and piccolo doet received well

merited applause. Mr. M. J. Mabooey gave ooe of his beat songs, snd Miss

Nettle Myhao rendered a plaoo selection

lo a flolsbed manner. At 10 o'clock tbe company marched to

tba Hotel Branswlck, where landlord

Uanrahaa bad laid covers for aboat ae1

eoty couples, bat the number exceeded

tbat, and aome score were obliged to

wait for tbe second table. Alt tbe del cades that coald be provided loaded tbe

board, and for an hoar the knlvea and

forks played a merry tuoe. Daring a

ahort time after aupper, alnglog and so-

cial chat was Indulged lo, at the parlors.

At 12 o'clock tbe lloe waa again formed,

led by the president and bis lady, aod re- paired to Saunders hall, where the march

was to music by Marler'a orchestra

Then followed aa order of fourteen dances

with tbe floor management as follows:

Director, Geo. E- Hogao; aids, Maarlce

J. Currao, Jobo J. Klley, E. B. O'Connor, Charles A. DeCourcey.Jobo A. McOowao,

M. O'Mahooey, aod Daniel Solllvao. Tbe

terpalcboreaa exercises continued until

the grey tints of coming dawo warned tbe

merry dancers that another day waa

about to commence Its busy life.

It may ool be oat of place here to brief-

ly deacrtbe a Tew of tbe moat prominent

toilet* worn by tbe ladlea. A haodaome

costume was a combination suit of cream

colored ouu'a veiling, trimmed wltb white

watered satin and Spanish lace. One

Miss wore a very becoming salt of em- broidered mmllo. A very tasteful dress

was of nuo's veiling, cut Mother Hobbard

style, trimmed with lace and pearl beads.

Anptber wsa a black allk wlih lace ruffles, and a sasb OD which were painted violets,

Onp very noticeable suit was light bios

and tan colored silk; a beautiful evening toilet was a muslin dress, ashes or rosee,

trimmed with Spanlah lace and a cascade

of lace with flowera. A young lady

had so exquisite costume of white muslin

wlih cello trimming aud natural flowers-

Another waa attired io a peacock blue

aatln de Lyoo underskirt, with brocaded satin over dress and Spanish lace. Une lady wore a peculiar but very pretty dress

ol muslin with red polka spots. A hand-

some attire waa a black brocaded aatlo

dress with black lace and pink roses. An- other waa a cream colored combination

ault or oun'a veiling with satin to match and trimmed with Spaolah lace. A Use-

ful black aatin dress, trimmed with white ace, was displayed; also a black satin de

Lyooa trimmed with Spanlah lace. A very

beautiful coetume was of white French

muslin, with white Spanlah lace and wblte

satin bodice embossed with black Spanlah

flgutea sod sallo to match. Two pretty dresses were or peacock blue silk sod

light blue allk, each trimmed with Spanish

lace. A vary noticeable costume was or

white satin wltb red sash snd ribbons to

match, and another dress or wblte cash-

mere trimmed with the same. A beauti- ful cream colored brocadud aatln salt,

with rose colored trimmings, was* proa>

oeot costume. Another pretty drees waa

a black aatlo trimmed with Spanish lace

aod cream colored fichu. Aoother pretty dress was of white nun's veiling, wltb

blue sash aod cream colored lace; a snow

flike muslin looked alsgaatly; ooe lady wore a combination anlt or mulberry allk,

with brocaded aatln and Iridescent fringe.

Many other BBIU were pretty aod taste-

ful bat apace WlllOO tallOWOf an extended

notice. Among thoae present were Mayor Breen

and wife aud guests from Boston, Lowell

aod elsewhere. The cuomUue wbo had Io charge thin

fifth anniversary, a e to be congratulated

on their success, and tbe knowledge that

Ihe laat surpassed all former efforts

i part or his back. Dr. Chamberlain waa

tt, ***», ... kep. .o *, „ „,v-1 ^tll^»hi-^t: or fefer. ,n *, hi.torv Mb of g.th-1 .pp„clul,. „, lb. „„h „,,,„ ,. .t,c„ | Zg*J£g£Em -"■

It is a curious lint, that pub- '< they held the lady, presented her wlih a ] — enng.

lislied yesterday. Lawrence has not

been conspicuous for its superior ho-

tel and restauraut accommodations,

but the aldermanic notion shows we

have 21 hotclf, nnd 191 victualling

places within the city, with probably,

one fourth ns many more to bo licen-

sed at future sessions. What a repu-

uld have for \

and eating houses'

most elegantly upholstered easy chair. I A MIBIOAL Toc

Tbe gift waa a surprise lo Mrs. Byrne, ' At Milan, Italy, tbey have recently had a but she waa equal to the occasion, and ; *■£?' IDd^"^t•, **"»"»■ "JComiwmioo.

' __, , : under roTsl patronage, at wnlcu wtre collected soon bad tbe party reeling perfectly at ■odcornpartd.dsrKigaperlodoruvenilmoni home. A bountiful cotlatUa waa served, ; tbs largest number and greatest variety or ir aod Wlih vocal and Instrumental mnalc a | ilral Instruments, oW and new, ever brought moat sgreeable evening waa spent. to(r«lher. America waa honored ID ibe award . io lbs Mason A [larahn Orgsn Company of ibe — ~~~Z. ' niabsai medal aid iLe only one In ibis depart

To UOKBI'MFTIVBB, j ment. Cuaitdeiiag mat BSS awards were glv- , or tboae wltb weak lungs, spiitiae of blood, I en |dtogatbar, ibis diatlncttoa was very marked, bromblifa or kindred aSectkMa m threat or li is a coot!nustloo of the trtaaspbe of ISSBt

"i onaa — s Fain

wedAsaiA* , than baa bees a


—The Wauwloet will be lo readtoeas

for trips Monday.

—Work la brisk at the cemeteries, grad-

Ing aod aoddlog Iota.

— An additional telephooe wire Is to b* run between this city aod Boston.

—Tbe city treasurer's office ahoald be

condemned by the board of health.

— Flatting foraalmon by rod aod Hoe will be In order after tbe 15tb or Jane.

— Allmilk men mast see Inspector Neal

tbls month, aod take out tbelr licenses.

—Mr. Joseph Sbattock haa'.returned

from Florida much Improved In health.

—Mr. Msrler, flrat violinist of Collins'

orchestra, has severed bis connection

with that organltatlon.

—It 1B Kotlrely Improbable that aoy- tblog will be dooe towarda ailing up the

riding park this aeaaun.

— Owners of uollcenaed dogs should call

at the clerk's office aod settle, leat tbelr

beloved canloea torn op mlealog.

—There Is not a alngle prisoner lo the

Newburyporl. Jail awaiting trial at the

coming term of the Superior Court.

—It la the Intention of the Boston A

Maine railroad to rebuild the wcat aide of tbelr railroad bridge as soon aa the city

remove* Us foot bridge.

—The last week'a Issue or tbe Manufac-

turers Gaxetlr, baa an article upon tbe

card clotblog lodostry. Illustrating Sted-

man 4 Fuller's manufactory.

If the June parade of tbe 8lb regi-

ment la held at Haverhlli, tbe military companlea of Hewboryport will go op oo

he steamer City of Haverhlli.

—Our advertisers are crowding us pret- y closely again, Ibeir announcements

showing how folly tbe live dea^a appre- ciate the wide clrtolailou aecured In these columns.

—Mrs. Meyero, the widow of tbe man

wbo waa drowoed from the upper bridge laat week, haa beeo eorlched by a purse

of $20, from her late husband's fellow workmeo.

—The customary May devotions bave

been commenced at tbe Roman Catholic

churches. This month la set apart by the

Catholic church for apeclal honor ol tbe

Virgin Mary.

—Live dealers are always among the

best advtrilaers; tbe people who read,

learn where to trade, more goods arc sold aod fresher stocks aod belter bar-

gains follow.

—Rev. F. II. Ntbecker, pastor of the

First Baptist coarch, has removed to tne

residence of N. O White, esq.. Which be

will ocenpy during tbe absence or tbe

latter gentleman In Europe.

Tbe temporary fence aroood the

Soldiers' Monument haa been removed! a

quantity of atone for foundation for tbe

granite coping la on the ground, and work

n completing the surroundings, Is to be pushed forward at once.

—Hoo. Charles 8. Storrow, who has

been prominently connected wlih the Es-

sex Company since Its organisation, re-

tiree from the treasurersblp, with the beginning of the business year of tbe

company, tola month.

—Tuesday a four-year-ilu daughter of

Mr. Hatchings or Alden Court, while fol-

lowing a harrow lo a fluid near by, fell against it and cut * deep gash over her

right eye. Dr. Chamberlain was called

aod dressed the woaod.

—Some of the moat loollab baby talk Is

belog made about the cottco cloth foood ID tbe bed or the river, at the rear of tbe Pacific mills. It has been examined, and

while aome of It la proven to be what la called "leaders," which escaped throogh tbe sluiceway, the most of It has beeo

lying lo ibe river alnce the fire.

— Boating on the river has commenced

for the summer. These pleasant moon

light evenings ihe while sails dot the

river as far aa the eye can see. Row

boats are In demand. The boat bouaea have been neatly painted and aeveral of

tbem almost entirely rebuilt. It la ex-

pected that thia summer will eeeagreater Interest taken In boating than daring soy

prevloos year.

—Messrs. Sleadmao, Northrop A Smith, machinists aod manufacturers of worsted

machinery, bave leased a section or the

Essex Co.'a mill at tbe sooth canal, and bavlog increased facilities will be better

able to attend to tbelr patrons than here- tofore. This firm, sloes Us organization,

has been moat successful, turning oat

first clsst work, and numbers among Ha patroos lbs principal worsted manufac-

turer* or the country.

Tho walls or tbe new High School laboratory are up, and.lbe work Is golog

oo rapidly. The bulldfbg does not dark-

en the other school rooms In tbe front

bolldlog very noticeably, aa It la but two stories high, aod has a flat roof. The

ground flooi la to be used for chemical work. There Will be three rooms oo the second floor, a class recitation room In

chemlstiy, a room for tbe philosophical

apparatus, and a lecture room for tbe training achool.

During tbe time when ao many

changes were being made In town In

public achool superintendents, some or

tbe teachers did sot flod the existing or- der or Ibioga a bed ol roses, as the fol-

lowing true atory will show. A lady

teacher went torn well known dentist In

n to bave a set or fala? aeth mide.

When tbey were completed, the dentist told tbe lady jocularly, that she would be

quite Irresistible now If abe smiled opoo

tbe new superintendent when be aboold visit her achool. •■Hmlle, ' said tbe lady,

wltb a very grim expression of counte-

nance, "No teacher lo this town has thooghi or smiling since Mr. Blank Was auperlotendent of schools,ten years ago."

Andover Advertiser. FUIDAT MORNING. MAY. 5. 1882

Railroad Trilm

Leave Bontoa for Andover,;.30.1.30S.30. 10.1S ' M.: 11 M.i l'i.30, S.30. 3.30, 4, 0, H, 0.30 .._J7.bp. at.

Leare Andover lot Bo.ton. fl.M. 7.43, a.09, B.U t.M, 11.10, A. Mi and IS M. li.it>. i.OB, I.U. 4.8fl S3'J and 1.W I'. 11. (Wednesday 0.39 P .el.) (Tilday u.» P. U.) For ibe North B.lg, A. X.; IS.51. i..ii P. al. For tbe East SIS .A. SI.; 1.15,4.vO, ft.Sl 0.49P.M. For Lowel 43 V7.3J A.H.; ia.i!l.'J.«S.a.M.4.W,fl.30,7.09P M.

Communion service at the South church next Sabbath afternoon st 2 o'clock.

e Poatmaater General of Canada, Hon- Joiin O'Connor, <raa born in Boston.

A man should never feelprond of bla descent. li bis sscent lost entitles blm to admiration. 811st P. Froot or Dublin. N. H., has made

thin season 1700 pounds of sugar from 700 trees. A roune man wbo wanii to set up with (be

ana, mail not lit cp toi late with the daughter. The cetuuealLoni Branch which has been

engaged for President Arthur, bai forty rooms. A gentleman who declined to pick up a bad

nilf dollar, was arreited (or paaiing counterfeit money.

The lets Albert P. Ware of Ibis town, left a bequest or £200 to aid lbs cause of woman suf- frage.

A new horse illien), partaking of tba nature of both lock jaw and hay faver Is prevalent In Chicago.

Meaara. Hoosr A Trow have aold nice top buggki lo Messrs. W. a. Jawett and Sdward Howanb.

Why la the earth like the blackboard t Be- came tbe children of man multiply upon tu e face of ir.

Rev. Dr. Willard Srwoldlng of Peabody, will preach at tbe lower town hall, next Sabbath a Item oon.

r. ttpurgeou, wbo ta s great lover of ibe feaibered race. Invites tbe blrda to bla lawns by showera or crumbs.

Tbe "Oolden Legend" was written by Mr. Longfellow in four weeks, bnt six month* were • pent In correcting it.

John B. Jenklna haa been drawn jaror for the Superior Court, criminal term, to be held at Newburyporl May 16th.

ia Blahop of Rocheater, Kntland, lately ad- ministered the rite of coBflrmatlon, lu Chatbam " ri -ui], to sixty convicts.

What was ibe rnoii honest bet that ever was made?—Tbe alpha-bet. lu maker waa avl dently a man of letters too.

John Q. Saxe, has made more money In cat- tle In ooe year than be has made lo poetry lo twenty, says bis brother Peter.

Rev. Smith Baker of Lowell occupied tbe polpil of tbe South church lsst Sabbatb morn- ing, lo exchange wltb tbe pastor.

Tbe acbool committee at their meeting on Monday, voted to paint and otherwise improve several or tbe school bouses aboat town,

"1 don't mean to reflect on you," aald man to another. "No." waa tbe reply, "you're not pollabed enough to reflect upon anybody."

The oldest mai in Hlllshoroagh, Maine, Mr. William II (ijuNl, aged ninety-two, has voted at seventy-one annual elections In mat town.

Wiadom taSStaM not In tbe vast amount ws acquire, but In the absolute alailnctlon between wnai la good, what l» bad and wbat ia indiffer- ent.

Grass wears lu iprlng-llkc beauty. Your umbrella will keep lent If you don't.


Yeaterday, Mr. Tboma* J. Sexton,

or north Lawrence, waa united io mar-

riage at St, Patrick's church, with Miss

Kllen J. dreen or south Lawrence; ceremony was performed by Rev. Phillip

Snxtoa of Heverty, brother of tbe groom

assisted by Her. Fathers Denver or Bev-

erly, and McManus aod Sheedy of south

Lawrence. After the ceremony ibe twain

repaired to the residence of the bride,

where a floe collation wai spread, aad an attractive srrav or presents displayed.

The oewly joined pair were the recipients

of the hearty coograiolatiooa aod cordial

good wlshea of their many friend-, and

later, left for a bridal trip to Portland

The groia aod bride alike have secured

senalole pactners for Hie.


no*ai> OF 1LDXRMEB.

[lenidei the granting of lluuor licenses board ofikjermen transacted the foUowlag boat nea* at iheipvelal aeaslon i

rwUloM: Of A. W. Stearas and others forac eenueceof Baraloca etreet, referred; of John Keesaatoebeiroet street, granted; ef Ladles ChrUUan Teeapsrase* Union for free uae of cliy ball, granted ; of Ueerge Smith for sidewalk on tiMiandMarsueireeu, referred; of D, Bojle and other* for sidewalk ea Metroes street, r* ferrSd; of Anthony Gsllen for Jank dealer's I. cense, referred

Jnrori Tbs iollowln| were drawn Juror* I •erve al the Mar term of tbe anperier court a Jlewburrport, May 1* -Benjitaln llamor, Joh

As agreeable Dressing for tbe Ha'*, that will •top IU falling, baa bets lone sought for. Park* Sr'* Hair Balaam. dl*tln|si*ned for lu parity, tally inpplie* ibl* want. 1 .Imapll

Surprlaed Pllgrlma.

Wedneiday evening at Needbam halt, a ter tbe regular order or .business wss concluded, the doors were thrown open to invited gaesia. Tbe Brst number ol tbe programme wa* a com- plete surpilselo Governor and LadV Frye Pilgrim Congdon in a plenum manner. In be- half or Pilgrim*, Comradea of tbe G. A. R., Sons of Temperance, and other friend*, presen- ted for thblr acceptance an elegant set of parlor furniture, a handsome carpet, rug and hasaxk*. Gov. Frye wa* deeply affected by mi* unex peeled testimonial, responding in a lew brlel words of tbaok*. His lov« for coofectlonery was sot forgotten by Lady Bea.i, from whom he received a huge losenge weighing 2 poaod*. The literary entertainment rondtted of readings by Lady Snepard, vocal music by Mix May Raltoa, P*y*on and Parker, Cbarles McCarthy and Mr. and Mr*. Drake. Tbe charade, en. tilled "Keeping Uae." was followed by a boun- tiful collation. Dancing ws* indulged la loax cellentmniic furnished by Eastman and Ken ny. The company dispersed snoot 12 o'clock, having ipent a very pleasant evening.

It wsa Sydney .Smith who retorted opon some one who b .d called him an every day man1

Well, 11 lam au every day man, you are a weak one."

It is said by a poultry raher that a few aprii <f cedar mixed with hay or other material lor

heni' neau, will keep tbe fowls entirely free from lice.

A Boston psp:r Is In "favor of women voting tf they want to." A Western paper would like

_ <ee the nun who would make them vote If tnay didn't want to.

Tbe net pronu of tbe Oraaltevllle, ($. c.) Manofacturlng Company, which ewue two

were $179,339 laat year. This la nearly 30 per ceot. of IU caplUl.

A large Dumber of hotels and •nmme-rre'l- d*neei ore In process of erection at Old Or- chard and crowd* of visitor* aud board era are expected tbe approaching season.

A clilaen of Lodlow, Vt, captured a doable eagle tne other day—a eon of Siamese mon- uro.'ltv in tbe feannercd line. It has two bodies and only a tingle pair of wiage.

Mr. II. M Pennlman of tba eemtnaiTi preached for Rev. Dr. Plike at Newburyporl. tail Sabbatb. Mr. Pennlman baa the supply of tbe pulpit at Marlboro', for tbe preaent.

Rev. George £. Street of Exeter, N. H ■ Breached at the aeminary chapel laat Sabbath

lissnlplt at Rxaler was supplied by Mr, W D. liyUo of the aeolor class In tbe aeminary,

A conversation was recently heard In regard to ihe expoaure of a person to amelt pox, when a gentleman who happened lo be present, in- quired If tbe Individual referred to bad not been fascinated.

A young man wbo waa married In Providence last week, received among other presenu, a «ll- r*r cake basket containing glSOO in gold—fllty (20 pieces. Toey |u*t Oiled the cake baikel ■•level foil."

One hundred tacks of new wheat, grown In Arkansas, was received at St. Lonls on Satur- day aad sold at XI60 per nuabel. It la ooe month earlier than any ablpment ever before made to St. Loul*.

Jobo H. Flint will soon remove bis i laugh ter house from il* prevent location to a place more remote. Trii* will brlag Into tbe market some very desirable bouie lou on Maple avenue and IU Immediate vlclnliy.

The selectmen on Monday, appointed tbe lol- owiog board of engineer* ol lb* Are depart- ment for Ibe enaulog year: Ueorge O. Hill, John S. Surk, B. Frank Holt, Cbatlee W. Hay- ward and John L. Smith.

A pretty Woonsockel, R. I., girl of 18. who wouldn't have her name mentioned for any-

thing," ha* cut and aold bar luxuriant brown hair to a lady in Providence, for (200, to pro-

■-ire comfort* for a lick mother. Homer Foster, for many yeara a resident of

Bsliard Vale, died suddenly of pneumonia, at Lowell, on Tuesday. Ha wa* 74 yeara of age. and hi* remain* were burled Is the Spring Grove Cemdtery, in this place, oo Thursday.

English cropproiiecu are remarkably good ibl* aeaaon. Pouioe* and other root crops are In flourishing condition, wheat la vlgoroui, pal turage la excellent, and tbe farmers gcnerallv are In good ipirlit over tbe Improved outlook.'

Overaeven tbonisud persona In New York fity have permiu to carry concealed weapons, but by tbe new criminal code all permiu are re-

ked, and hereafter tboae who wl*n to carry weapons mutt expoie them io view or ran toe risk of a«tf°0noe.

The wooden tenement hlock back of the Union chapel at Ballard Vale, Is undergoing thorough repair* and will be convenient for eight families, it 1* owned by fleorge W. Sim- mons of Boston, and It to be pnt In order for the accommodation of employe* or tbe Day Sawed Shoe Company.

Nevada claim* to have the amalleai baby ever born. It I* a male child, and at birth weighed but eight ounces. Notwithstanding the dimin- utive stse, it I* believed tbe Infant will live end proaper. The mother la a (tout, healthy woman welghioa; 180 pound*, and the father, a miner, weighs impound*. Tbe child was born in ibe mining camp or Candelarfa.

Aunt" Sally Stockwell or Weat Brattleboro', , celebrated her llHtb birthday laat Sabbath,

1 la well preaerved tor a person of her age. A gentleman visitor recently aald te her be wa* afraid it he lived to he 100 yeara old ha ihouldo't

anything. She replied "if he alda' knpw anything when he got to be 100 yeara old tbe was afraid he never would."

Tbe Centre cbarcn at New Haven, Conn., _ Sunday extended a practically nnaolmon* call to Rev. Dr. Newman Smytb. Tbe Palladium aaya i "It I* oetewortby that ibe mloori'y vo igainit Inviting Rev. Mr. Smytb i* smaller tbi

tbe ifmilar vole at tbe time that Rev. Dr. Leon- ard Bacon was invited to supply tbe pulpit. Dr. Bacon, before bl* death, requested thst Mr. Smvtb tbonld be invited to accept tbe paater- eee."

A bear recently went to the bouae of a negro, Ell Crawford, In Ptke county. Miss., during tbe absence of bntb Ell and bla wife, and, walk ing in unmolested, deliberately look tbe largest of fonrcblldreo In bis arms and started to leave ibe house. The child tcreamed, and tbe bark- ing of a dog mad I tbe bear drop ibe child ; but at be was going ont or the door be picked up another, which, 00 ac lount or his being SO closely punned by Ihe same faithful canine, be waa compelled lo drop.

The following from tbe Meusen Transcript I* •PpllnabletomodlocallUea, bet an Andorsrcor. respondent who eaiU attention to II, feel. c.rUin that ibe editor or writer mutt b*Te been panMng through lbs latter town before 104 aesgasUOB* wrre p-onrd : ^

This is tne season or the veer when the high- way surveyor i. oorklng with hi* sent or men apeatheroada. Mare and there new palcbea ol gra-el are «pread to all aa bnevea place or to crown up lb* road and *aeke U more convenient for the walerlo IUB of at the aide*. And I* It not provei blal that nearly ail wbo drive teams gire thenew fiavelLlM *o-by. and travel Bpon Ihedde*. Horse* do not ears I o travel upon It

■■■ --lurally torn to tbe aide and avoid tbe

When it snjeitate like a watch ? When II U wound op.

Marriage make* tbe mam the woman wa* m*id before.

Rev. Dr. William B. Brown wa* In town a (aw days alnce.

new Arm or Raa A Abbott commenced builnete on Monday.

a chair be *aid to dldike yoof When |t can't hear you.

Protesiur Oulllver preached at Eliot cburch, Lawrence, Ian Sabbatb.

F. B. Makepeace preached at the almi- honte last Oabbatb alkrooon.

Mr. and Mr*. Chart** T. Richard* bave re rned from Florida and are now at Bradford. A aweet potato weighing nineteen pound* I*

Ihe proud olstinctlon or Hllla'>oro' county, Fla. Mr. and Mr*. Fred 11. l'errv, or Florida, are

In town on a visit to Mr*. Perry'* parsnu, and other friend*.

The Sacrament of tbe Lord'* Supper will be Imlnituied at tbe Free cburch next Sabbatb

afternoon al 1 30. David Jameson bat a lane number of younir g* for aale, and will mpply tocuitemer* about

100 quarU of milk daily. A Wettern paper announce' tbat upon tbe

occasion or a recent boiler explosion In in* neighborhood "between three and lour men ware killed."

Auction1 thle ol butcher* car', light wagoo, haroease*, farming tool*, luroltnre, Ac., at tbe lau residence ut Horace J. Dnrgln, in South Lawrence, Saturday Mar 6> at 2 r. x.

A chap, being asked to explain the paradox of bow It wsa poarible lor a laxy man to attain ao much education, anawered: "I didn't—at- tain It; I—jott—beard—It—here—aod—there, and wa* too lasy to forget."

bave beard, my love, that Amanda I* about lo marry Arthur?" "I know it; but what I can't under*tand I* ibat a woman a* in- telligent a« the can consent to marry a man itopid enough io marry her."

Aw, my good man, wbat kind of a reainence doyoutbluk would lull me ?" asked an ex- quisite of a houte agent. After Uklng him In, oye-ghu* and all, tbe agent replied: "Some- thing likes flit, I tbojId think, wooid bi mom appropriate."

ipplng with her bn*b»nd at a sea- ■Ida flitting village) "\nd I* Mr. Smith at home?" Uirl: Yea, m'm, h* ha* been borne, but bat rone out again." Lady: "Ob. did be aay where h* was going?" Olrl i "I don'l know, m'm. hut be usid *omeihlng about golag out to get shaved and bambooaled, m'm."

A lltlle mlc* ha* a grandpa wbo ha* taught ber to open and *hui tits urutn bat. Tbe otner day, however, be came with an ordinary allk one. guddenlv be eaw the child coming with bl* new *tove-plpe wrinkled like an accordloa. "Ob, graodpa," -he aaid, "Ibis one la very I. mi; I have tad to »it on It, bat I can't get Baatn than half (hot."

Progrea*. Tbe new two tenement bouae of Qeorge I - Afcbott on tbe corner of Bartlelt snd Cbeanut atreeta, and the aecand new house of George N. Patbo on Cheioul atreet, are up and hoirdefl. 'The residence of Mr*. W. Phillip* Foiter, oo Central street, baa received a very neat coat of paint. Work doae by R. H. Bar- nard.

At too meeUng of the Truateee of the Andover Tneoleejlcal Seminary bnld In Bo*lonTus*day, a vole ws* named Inviting the Rev. Dr. Newman Smytb to delivers e-urae ol lector** on theology at in* aeminary during the coming year, a* will be **ea from tba following iranicript of the

In milling tne Bev. Dr. Newman Smyth to lee- tare IIIIO i theology for the coming year, alter hi* election to tbe A boot l'i niXi.or.hip baa been neg- atived by tbe Vlcltora, tbe Trutteet deitr* to

Uceou record lb* following minute: It 1* clearly ImpotalbJe lor theTrude** to make

. new (election *nd nomination of a parton to be Abbot Profoi>*ur ol Chrltlian Tbeologv In eeason for him, 11 confirmed by thevitltor*, lo enter upon the discharge of bl* dulie* the emuing year. The Tru(tee», from tbelr prevlou* alMmp* at (elec- tion, would be at a lot* to know In wbat direc- tion to look for a n*W candidate.

The duty IR, therefore, placed upon them to pro- vide temporary Instruction In some other way, a* wa* done laat year. ■_■_-..

Twoqueitiont bar* arisen a* to Dr. Smyth In connecuon wltb bl* sppoistment to Andovsr— flrst, concerning In* doctrinal aoundnea* and the conformity of hi* view* to tbe creed of tbe *em- inarv: and, teound, in relation io bl* qualifica- tions a* a teacher. A* to tbe Aral, II ha* been de-

and opiniua both of lb*

.lame* II. Clark, a resident of tbe loan l"r about iwenty yean, paiied away, last Satur- day, after a long and painful Illness, lie fat a native of Wentworth, N. II. sod *'> years old. Hs bravely combeited th« di*ee«e.tbut to]|ittle avail. Ha was a man nl quiet dlapotltloD. and excellent character. Wltb hi* fellow-workmen ha win great favorite. The carpenter* em- ployed In tbe room ot which John Clark I* fore- man, and In wbicb tbe deceased formerly work- ed, ooutriboted an elegant floral cross. Ser-

s held at tbe houte. Monday evening, conducted by Rev. A. II. Amory, aod tbe re- malna were taken to Djver, N. H.. lor inter- ment, A wile and child survive him. VI be will or the tail fJen. Wm. Sutton ol Pea- body, which ha* been Hied for probate, coo- " '.n» tbe following bequettti To my wile, Sn-

■ M. Sulioo, tbe bomeniead estate and booie- bo'd furniture In Peabody, and two thirds or

_ residue; to his ton, William Suiton, Jr., ihe bomeaiead after bis wife's decease, tba bouse now occupied by hit tald eon In Peabody, tbe aword presented lo tbe testator by tbe Sa- lem cadete, ibe silver urn presented by lb? com- mandery of New Bedford, tbe allvcr preunted bv tbe city of Salem, and ibe bust* of himself end brother; to lbs grand lodge of Masons In MatsacliuMtU, his matoric library; to the Wcat Newbury farmer*' ctnh bis collection of book* upon asrlcolturei to bl* son John B. Button one third or tbe residue of his estate. Tbe will I* dated September 24, 1880, and the executors named ar* William Huiton, Jr. Qeorge Upton and Horace Brown of Salem.

Tba entertainment at Steven* Hall, laat Fri- day evening under the auspice* ot the Johnson High School Alumni Atsocisiion, merited a fa r belter attendanc iban it aitracteu, altbougb qaltea incceti, financially speaklnr, however. Parkin*'Urcbeeirs, of Haverhltl, rendered tbe mutlc, which waa of ibe best. A cornet solo was execuud by H. B. Perklna, with rare taate, and bo gave so addition*! number In recogni- tion of an encore, lo tbe reading ol "Ibe Ma- nlic," Miss Annie L. Downing conclusively proved thai she was competent to do jaerke io productions calling for cultivated ability, and'

Oerlie E. Downing brought forth peal* ol laugbur aa abe read "Tbe andiron" In a So* isbed manner. Both ladte* were encorea, bat dll nut again ascend ibe rostrum. Dancing waa then taken up, and so order comprising eleven dincea finished, Frank K- Davis, Fred N. Meaning and Harry W.Clark acting aa floor manager*. Relrdtbmenu were tor rod la tbe basement.

Once more baa Djuii entered tbe raaM or our older resident*, aod removed a lady re- (pected by all who knew bcr. Mrs Lydia O., widow of tbe late James Steven*, died quite suddenly, at her home, Friday evening, of heart dlseaae, wltb which aba h«d ncen afflicted for sons time. She wa* born in Beverly, sod ws* tbe daughter of Oapt. John Gardner. Alter ber marriage to tbe before-mentioned gentleman, wbo wsa postmaster at the t'onire for about W years, and an upright aod honorable cltiaen, the removed to North Aodover, where tbe baa unce raided. Mr*. Stevens wa* a lady or verv strong menu! power*, and great executive ablU Hy, while her amiability and simplicity of man- ner won ibe esteem of those with wbom she came In contact. Bbe wet the mother Of Henry J. Steven*, B*q., a lawyer residing In Boston, and Oeo. O. Slovene, of New York City. Uer age waa 7o year*. Rev. J. H. Clifford officiated at ibe luneral services, which occurred at ber late residence, Wednesday afternoon. There waa a very handsome display of cosily flower*. Tbe body wa* laid at rest in Ridge- wood C erne Wry.

An adjourned town meeting, to Uke action In regard to tbe report of tbe committee ap- pointed to ascertain tbe expense aod recom- mend plan* for beating wilb xrarn tbe Johnson High school building, tbe Merrimsc school building, and tba achool bome at the Centre, was btld at Hteveo* Hall, Monday evening

Hon. M. T. Stevens wss moderator, and I. P. Osgood, clerk. The report waa ac- cepted. It wa* voted to ralae and appropriate

[to of SOOO, to b* expended for Introduc- ing (team, aa recommended hy tbe com ml tie*, Hon. John A. Wtlev, R.A. Baldwin and Ja*. I'. Johnson. Dr. Morrlli, Ja*. T. Jobnion and E. A. Baldwin, were appointed a committee to

irry out Ibe project. It waa also voted to lay out Middlesex meet to a width ol 60 feet, at aa - expense or not more tbaa 8150. Tbe r. quest or James Howartb, that a committee of three be chosen to appear at tb« bearing, Thursday evening, and oppoee tbe extension of a road throogh hi* land, ws* not granted, Ibe moder- ator deciding that the meeting could lake BO action, as the original article relating to tbe subject was stricken from the warrant al tba regular town meeting. Tbe meeting then dis- solved.

lie tohimon tbat grouiU, and tbat bl1

opinion* are In oonlormlty seminary and of I' Utlool the Institution.

tbe aeoond, while we are not able lo cen

A TAUTV window la to be seen at W- 11

Qoold'n new boot and shoe store st 2?f>

Essex Btrtet. A sample of everything in

shoe wear is lucre displayed. Mr. Ooold'a advertlaemeot announce* aome excellent

bargain.-. Give blm a nail.

After many years of earefol study, we offor the public our several braoda of Beach's soap, that will excel all otbers la parity and emollient quality.

Sydney Smith being III. bi* pbvalclan g*j, Tl*ed blm lo "uke a walk aron an empty (torn »rii." Upon whose P aaked Sydney. Still beter step* lo lake would be tbe purchase of Dr. R> V. Pierce'* "Golden Medical Ditcovery" and "Pleasant Purgative I'tli.u," which are etraclal'y valuable to tnote wbo sre obliged lo lest sedeuury lives, or »re afflicted with any chronic disease of tbe atomaeb or bowel*. By diuggKK. weSAseiAl

paired place*, altogether, ar.d we cannot blame them; but how about getting th* gravel trod' down i* Some ***, "oh wait lor rain and that

how about getting the g >»e *ar

settle Ihe gravel.' • it wbat


ie what i* done? every point where the eslre, a traveled patch

rm ii .ni». ■ little more than the width of a car- riage. "And what barm Wilt that do?" some might ask. A great deal of barm a* we will (how Kit. A road from aeneral travel, becomes very

rd Just mm* edge oflhegra** ground, which upon country roadi, almost IbvsprUbly line* them Sow If you will closely obcerye that the wheels or a carriage running alone neat ibe gutters, si- waya from continual travel cut deep Into thn side of the road, raining a hollow place (or waler to sued after a ihower, Sow these ulaca* ■»>», difficult lo repair with fresh cause by tbe time ibe new grat _, _ centre of the road a week or two—In lb* mean- time a shower or two lo help settle It aad a few conscientious oltlSf'" *"" oad pasa*hl*-Uiei

laen* bave got (b* centre of |hi . ._i*n tbe sides are aba,ndnaed ant.

the freab gravel, wbicb ha* been added to fill up the dug-out places I* allowed te wash into ihe sutlers, ths Brit shower that come*. Thar* should be * remedy for Ibl*, even If the oraotlua of nutting down clogs of wood apoo the sides should lie resorted lo and sompel those wbo drive tasmstogoon ibenrwly repaired plaeee. This I* done In England and Scotland, atd were It not, their road* would be rained. A* li I*, all being oumpelled t-i drive over tba fresh • nwitle" (broken stone) II soon get* crushed and becomes aa hard and level as any pirt of the blabway. Is there not tome troth In Ibe above? Then all should du u Inile toward* making our read* bet- ter than tbey are, and could sot tbey consistently do much to keep tbem Irom being so terribly "gauged" out at the (lie* next ta the gutters? tiiv* tbi* smMana a lair trial aad we will all have less fault to Dad Wlih Use** wbo are try lag U "mead our way..- fT^ »i

er uf iho*e •objects, and tbat be is not adapted to thai work, and are confident ihtt the apprehan- ■lon* In this rrspeet fall by the vl*lt*ri woeld not be realised: vet further. ■* our present doty con- cern* only a course of lecture* to BOM lb* prea- ent exigency, aucb a* have been given by Ibe B*v. Dr. Hurves, Proletsor Ladd and olbsrs, and I*** Having that w Ithln the range of peraen* available we can select DO one wbo give*.promt** of so good servioe, tbe'efore.

Voted.That Lie Bev. Dr. Newman Bmyih be In- vited todellvcr a cour»* ot lee.tnre* upon theology io Ibe seminary during tne coming ytar.


The first shsd wai ukeo Monday. Tho?. Landale sailed for England, Saturday. The Wauwloet 1* to Hop at lha Point to take

aboard psueogers. Sabbath School concert at tbe Meiboditi

cburch, Sunday evening- Will Vlotoo baa been selected aa pitcher for

Phillips Academy Ont nine. Bev. J. II Clifford's discourse, Sunday, waa

upon Darwin and Emereon. Parties residing at ibe Pariah can pay tbelr

dog taxe* to Qeo. L. Llama. A meeting of the committee oo Fourth of

July celebration I* to be held lull evening. Wm. T. McKonr, a undent at Harvard Col-

lage, It seriously 111 st bl) home, Wster Street. Rev. J. H. Clifford and Nathaniel Peter* at-

tended Emereon'* funeral, at Concord, Sunday. The Hoar l of Engineers bave organised a*

follow*: Chief, J. A. Elliaonj Clerk, Robert Elliot.

Tho*. Somervltle hat been elected captain, and Peter Wllcox president or tbe Dew Sea* ball nine.

E. A. Baldwin hat been drawn a jurvraan for the next tenn or ibe superior court at New- bury port.

Tbe Selectmen bave appainted Cbaa. 8. Hill, Qeo. I. Smith and Tho*. II. Kalley,, apeclal po- lice officers.

Oeo. L. Harris. Chaa-S. Hill and Tho*. H. Kelley bave been appointed truant effleara by tbe School Commltier.

L. H. Downing baa leaaed the old Holly Tree Inn, Sannder* Block, Lawrence, where he la to re-open a rubber atore.

At the annual meeting or the Lawrence Sav- ings Bank, held Monday evening, Hon. John A. Wiley waa cboien a director.

Wm Hargravei, for two yeara the efficient clerk and treasurer of Cocblchewlck Company, baa levered bl* connection wlih the organisa- tion.

Collins' Orchestra baa been secured for tbe calico assembly, at Merrimsc Hall, Friday evening next. It will be largely aiUndsd, and a good time is promised.

Tbe County Comml*sioaera will give a bear- ing, at Stevens Hall, Thursday evening, In re- gard to continuing so old rood from aaar Third Street to Railroad Street.

Rev. Newton I. June*, of New Haven, Conn., will preach at tbe Coo g regal Ion al Church, Sun- day. Preparatory lecture Is the vestry, Satur- day evening, at J 4.1 o'clock.

The entertainment of the Senior Claaa of ths Johnson High School, at Stevens Ball, Friday evening next, will undoubtedly be aa excellent one. MI** Flndley, Ihe welt known elocution- 1st, i* to read, and tbe Phillies Olaa Club render tbe ilaglng.

Edward Cooper, Daniel Dwaoe, aad Ueorge Morton bave been granted commoo vlctualsri' licenses by ibe selectmen, and Charles S, Stealna and C. C. Tompklus, apothecaries' II- ccuet*. The price or the formsr,ara 9125, and the latter 91.

Tbe following Visiting Committee baa beeo chosen by the Farmer*" and Mechanic*' Club: District No. 1. L. II. liassttt, Walter Hay*. C. n. Darker; No. 2, Prank E. Nason, Jobo H. Rea, 8. D. Hlnxman ; No. 3, Lawrence O La- cy, Oeo. Avcrill, H. A. Long.

81. Paul's church will be consecrated by Bisbop Paddock, Wedneiday forenoon, May 17ih. Kav. Pklliin* Brooki of Boston Is to deliver Ibe sermon, and annmberut Invited clergy are expected in be preaent. The ssrvl- ces commence at 10 30 o'clock.

Tbe Eben Sniton Engine Company have chosen tbs following officer*: Foremen, D. W. Sotcliffe; AtsUUnt Foremen, John Burnbam - Clerk, E. D. Sargent; Treasurer, A. Badger; Bunding Committee, Wm. K. Dyer, Wm. A. Jobnion, Jaa. Woodbouke. It waa voted to recommend the rollowinir appointments; En- nineman, E. 8. Robinson i Assistant Engine- men, Geo. I. Smith; Fireman, Wm, A. John- ecu; Mewsrd Wm. E. Dyer.

Mr*. Elisabeth, wife of James Liggsi. died at her borne, Main Htreet. Pnday, alter ao lllnea* of aevep year*' duration, eight month* of which the ba* been confined to ber room. S.ho waa * resident or Ibi* place for abont g? years. Her native country waa EsglaBd. The deceased woe aod retained the respect and confidence of many fr^eodi, who will udlr roiu her. Her age was 70 year*. The funeral took place, Monday arUioooo, from ber residence, Rev. p M. Vloton officiating. She leave*, beaidea a hatband, s ion and daughter.

Anotbar one of those moil enjoyable ™- clables occurred oo Widneiday evening at U* ysitry of ihe Congregational cburch, uaeci Iks auspices, ot Ihe Lsdlei Benevolent Society, con- oecud wltb ibat cburch. The weather wa* One, Ibe company Urge, aad tee co Hallo* terved by brave men aud fair msids, w*i aba* danl a«d Inuicatlvool the- toirlt wblca. aaimatax Ibe enure company. After ih« sapper, set*. nlcie sociability rehgatd, aad by maani m Cmeiaod other mean* wai kept op until a

te boor, wsea lha glad company broke In rejoicing la ibe plesiure* of tbs evening.

Tbe following officers have beta elect

Mortsjaprte's Sale.

By virtue of a power of sale conulned la e mortgage given by Ambrose Ilowell snd E.'la- absth Bowel), hi* wife, to M. (Jhriatopbei An- drews, dated December liih, 1H77, recorded with Ksiex Northern Distikl Deed*, book 40, page W0. for breach uf co.ditmnof *ald sasf*> --- will be aold by public auction on lb*

~er described, on Monday, 'clock In the afternoon, all

Ibed lu aald mortgage, namely:

A certain lot of land with bnllding* thereos, ■ Hasted m Ibe village of Ballstd Tale, )a Andover, Ma**., bouided a* follows: Bealnnins; on tbe easterly >nlr uf Cm Ire for Central) street at a point on* hundred eighty feet southerly from llsiBlersenlioa with Uross atreet; taenco

Centre (or Central) sr

premise Msyttc

thence northerly one hundred twenty feet on said Marlund street; thence aeslerlv one hun- dred thirty three i*et to Ceatia tor Central •■reel at the point of beginning.

Term*: SAO to be paid at time of sale, aad balance on delivery ul deed within, tea day* tbereaiUr.

For tui-i .■■ r ; nrllcnlart spnly to Ibe mortgagee er bl* aiiornuy, u*o, II. Poor, at Andover.


April IStb, IN!. MB ft IS

Canssnoawaalih of Massarhus<tti.

I'UUBATK COURT. Eeaia, is.

To lbs Heirs-st-Law, next of Kin, snd all other person* Interested in tbe etlalu ol

LDCv HARDT, lau of Andover, in aald connU' (wli« oi Juiin Hardy), deccaeed :

USBXTIKQ : Whereat, a certain Instrument, purporttsg to

bathe laat will and Uilament of said B*|MMM* has been pretentedto said Court, for Probate, bv Ueorge Poater, wbo praya that lelteralteau- mentary may be issued tj *" therein s

i him the cxeoutor

Von Court L Essex, on tbe second Monday of May, next, Bl alao o'clock before noon, lo show cause, if any yon bave, aaalnat the tame.

ir three successive weeks id ibe


prlntad at Lawrence, the last outlicaliou to be two days st lent before said court.

witness, Uxosox t. CHOATS, ttq , Judge ol ■eld court, mis 1Mb day of Anrll, In theyear «0 thousand -•-•■• S™JKSJ -.J -I_L._ ""

ell MS

Commonwsslth cl Massachusetts- PROBATI, COURT.

Beau, a*. Totbostextof kin, creditors, and all other

persons interested In U« eslale of MAST G. BaxxKB, late Ol Andover, in said

county, widow, deceased, intestate,

tsaawMasvagf • Whereaa, aepllcatlon baa been mad* t* aald court to grant * letter oi sdtninlttr.lioa on tbe estate or aald deeeaaed, lo WillUm S. Wiley, of Soisarvilla. in tba count? ol Middlesex and Coalmen, wealth aforetaid,

Court, io be held _ Kiaax, on the third al nine o'clock In Ike for if any you hi

And aald ' to give public

E5*V . county ot* . May nexi,

, to show eauae.

tberroi, by publishing ibl* ™™™ „_„_ wack. for three successive weeaa a the newsi aper ealled the


Wllne*.., Uxoaox F. CBOATI, ■aqutre, Jadg* Of aaid «•*.*, ts>r* MM Hay ot A«H. In il* year one thousand tight hundred and eighty -

1S1II ml

NOTICE 18 HEREBY GIVEN tbat tbe aubaorlber ba* been duly appointed ei.-

rulalstiairla ol tba estate of A inaar AIBUTI, late of Andover, la the county

of Bttex, trader, deeeaaed. aad be* lakex upon berseir tee* trust uy giving bonds a* the law direct*. All MI- ton* having demands upon the estate 0» .aid d*c*a»edar* required to exhibit the »am*' and all peraon* Indebted to said estate arecaUed

FAHM FOB SALE. Jb« Ba,dwell Farm, In the Weat ParnB.l*

offered for aata. It eoatlst.or .Met «V* hun I aeojva of vowing, tillage, pastas* and wooa

gofahon** Of It roouis.'togn.Ml.iaieol

J..bD Wilton; l.ierh ,n0 Trt«ior.r, Mautlc*

SMjBtkM W .nl.,| ii„».ra, J0|,„ wn',,~ Bunding tommlibv, A. R. Doriin. P II.rb.ri w s Hound, [ EMM HO-S q.lTSS

Scon NeinoB, A. H. Klmbnll. J wi.hwcii

ojp rf cl.r, .nd immnr, oak. t. uU,

Co-Partnerihip Notice. Th, nabMrlbar, kar.bv 11„ notice Ih.-,,-,,

■mdIU( »..OTT and ba.ln, bo AC •V I"*,',,""'" "d b.t.».rl.« ol ji"n V nut, will oontinn. tb. hu.lnc,,. 1 Vh.r.or ..Ul. M>ro.M. I. .«W.tl.i;, ..ollcVu."'

wtttlO ( £ ABBOTT. tf *tyl

Pistil rag*. On lha "Joseph Holt l'|»ea." wlih shade **W

Iff, piiiewaier.aadw.lt walled. Enquire on lhs|.r.sBl***,er aildre** H C. HOLT, tax «rJ. ABiteeer, Maas. it apis ,

For Ha>le. A good Family Horae, al** an Sapre** Wagon

Al-ply at the *itlredg« Farm, North Andover,

FOR SALE. Aa ■apreaa, Market or Job Wagon, for on*,

oilwobors*,. JlliuuBiommade- Haa.l CHAKH8K.ABUUTT, Ando-ar.


Pigs and Milk. Tbe *ub*crtber offer* far Bale IS Baa<l*.ui*

flft, al.outelsrhl wef**oId, nnd will aupplr M outlumar* I'j uui 80 io 1" titan* of milk dailr.

u ms DAVID JAMESON. Ao.io**r.

FOR -ALE. At Prof. Pbelp*'* bou*< in Andover, a fancj

GATE, U« lent .eveu inoiiea Wide; i*n«ibi>i. three feet wide, taootl hiage*. II

F&ihiooftble DreBBmaking. Tha *nb*nriLer will contlaun lb« SOOT, l.uai

no** at tba incidence r r J. \\ . Faulkner, Puu • hard Avenur, ALICE U K1MBM.1..

POMP'S POND ICE, i loo ben in Iowa f->r all domestic purpoac

Clear. Solid and Pure.

LCKJKSTI1K BEST. UPKsiM Til K BIST. And the beat la toe ahaspest.

fteavtoo commence*, snd tests* will resume raiularly on Monday, May I,L.

Special Hollo* to Our new schedule, made up for leg], tu« been

withdrawn, and pnte. will remain at lait rear. And 1M following i, ihe scale:

» to SO Iba., each delivery, lie per liw lba. MMOtO* J*l' Pat n *! ■■■

facka^a Ticket* mar be. bad vl driver » lba Beta.

A liberal pan onsge desired. HetptciruHT,

WM.HAI waUDALO. a am

A LBTCRT 0. WOOD, JR.. Successor to JT%.t. w. loiiNAun, Dealer inBoou, Shoes and KuObsrs.snd Repairing dooa in the beat man

. thn lowest prices, liauk bjiliUnw tnyjlyr Main otrrrt, Audoi

BKrVJAMIN BBOWflJ, UoiUi m Boot*, ihoaa X Bubbers. Cut torn work a specialty.

llonalrliig neatly done at abort notice. Jones' Celebrate.1 Kip and Calf BooU uonslAntlvoo

' *""., Andover, am. Irian! land. Main

BENJAMIN B. TUTTLB bts bought ol JR. Parlin the local aapr«aa and Jobbing

business formerly of M. B. White, tjeoeral lobbing, moving of planoi, furniture, Ac., at reasonable prloe*. Fatroaag a aotlclHd. I*4iy

1>I;AI)I.KY 4 l'AKLIN. Mercban'

Andovar, Mata.

D B. j. C. PBNNINQTON.-Offlctortr Draper'* bookalore, Main btreetv. Bight at Air. Darlut Kiob*rdat.u'*, opposite o»r

DB. C. E. ABBUTT.-OfficeuJBeal- Hence at Mrs. Kben Tyler'*, Main Street.

Andoter. Olnoe hour* --lu a. ■., 1-3 and after p. an- tfdeos

EDWIN 11. BAKNAKD, Painting, Ola alof, oramlng and Paper Hanging, A

SI . I aaiorloieol ui Boom Paper ounelanily or: ai.diad lur *aU-. Bbop ICaaai St. rnTU IT

EP1KK, Tin, BartbeD and Wooden a Wan;; Repair* Pumps, Store*, Pnr-

nacei, eto. Solo afent tor Magec *to*ea, ran- ge* andli'tiroacen lor Audonr and vlclolly. Order* promptly attended io. Park meet, Andover. BovTIjr

GEORGE PIDDINGTON, Aortal and landscape gardener, Design* to aider.

Window and uedilmK plants, climbing buruj and tea roar- AfeBllor all kind* ol trert and anruln. Priinin*, and plant ma" attended to. Maartbe depot.

Andorai, April 1,1431-

HENRY QOFF, I'ftlntlag, Qralnlog. Papering and Ulaalng, dona at abort notice

and reaaooable mice- Peraooa wlihlngwork drop a poatal In PoetOMce, ootio t(

JOHN H. DEAN, HercbtDl Tailor, Dealer In Clotblnf and Uenl'e furnlablag

Uooda ot all kind*. Uarmenu made in tbe laUat faabion and warranted to tit. Hepalring,clean- ing and prouing done neallj. Main Btrett, AiidoviT. noTlBUr

McLAWUN A BAKER—Bcaldca our regular line of Bolldera' falardware, we

ohall makoAipoclalty of Parm'ng Impkuienu tbla taaaoB. Plowi, Cultivator*, Mowing Ma cbinei, Uor*e Rakta, etc. Alaoalull aaaorttoent ol Hbovelf, Forka, Uoaa, Bakta, Bpadea, ato. all at Ibe loweat prieaa,

M1S9 UKLSN D HOLT, Piano and Or«an Teaober- Special palna taken Will) begin-

■era. Healdenca Krje Village. Ij M

NATHAN F. ABBUTT will ruirjlr.li a to parlor quaiiiv of Ledge Stone* lor cel-

lar! and foundatlooaal tboit notkeandiea- aonable prliSee. Teaailng promptly done^ftal- lafaction guaranteed. Street. 1

Kealden' ecearUummer

SA0NDXB8 BROTHERS, Plumbera and TiBamllli*. Alto dealert In Tin, lilaaa,

and Wooden Ware.ntovea and Furnacei. Re- pair* for all kind* of rttovee. Main etreel, Ando- *or, Maaa.

THOMAH HOWXLL carrlc-g on tha rurniture and UpbUaterT baainei* Inallt

their branchaa.atbiiatoreon Parkatreet fur- ■Itur* reoiired and removed at »nort notice and o* r*a*nn»blaleriut. IV octlOKl



ml ir IHPOVEH.



V/nwaaatlo fathlsui and Barrett'aBr* Hutu, lumulai aatd •Inking.


C. H. wi;r.us, Steam P< lishing,

lommcntal Granite dud Marble Worvs. Wartroomiol Main Street, opp-the

Common and at 9 and II Court ft. Rearot City Hall,


Kjteam rollablng Work* and Granite Tard la Bradford. OOieealol Main St., Uarerltlll.

foreign end Domeatlo Qranltee and Marblea w-ongbtln any deaign at ■ burl nolle a- De- alfna and Katlmatea Urnlahed liee ol coat

ly foI7


Funeral nnd Furnishing UNDERTAKER,


eepir tiaorir M-«a,



11. F. HOLT.

ICk DEALER. faMlll»h;ai.do,nf*iiippliedBl lowett p-loe*. Urder boxe* at po»l «.Boea In Andoverand Ballard VaJiJ L nl at atoreof J. Bar net, Fry. Villa**. uj61


Fish of all kinds. Fresh and Salt, Rmoked and PiokUd.

Lobsters, Clams and Oysters. fancy Flah of all kind* In Ibeir aeaaofl. Fretb

Milk every day. Goodt delivered- PABK BTBBBT. ASDOVBB

Dae. M.liail. H"


Lykecs Valley Bed Ash Coal,


And Dealer In

INVESTMENT 8E0URTIES, 3*o. 82 l>«vonshire Street, Boston United MawM "tnl'.Counlv.Cliy and Bail ,,' ,l, Minla*. W*nul«c;urln|J, Uana, Inaur

rtaw? Saw*o.k. rhlladelnhla and Ban jTranclico.

Money Furnished on Mortgages ituiDuici. Ajrpora f ■ ti BOX i.e.

WOOD & GOAL White Asb ail Franklin Coals.

I1AH1) AND SOFT WOOD. l>r.pw.d,li4n*lrM.

,'w. S.l.l ill

JOHN CHANDLER. Andover. 0-d.rtr.uMV.d.andbllliaetUitCai


Oppotlt'l'oat Otlcr .

Mr. C. B. Porter, dragftil, Towaada. r*. For acvural yeare I bum been troubled witb Catarrb, I bare tried rcanv remedlea witboot nucfa relief. Kly'a Cream liiltu ua* proved lo IK- ii:'- article dtaired, bavlng wonaerlnl re- •ulti in mj ca*e. I beilev. it to be tbe onlv care. L. B. I uborn. lowandj, Fa.. May 14 1B7».

I cbeerfulljr add my twilmoDy to tbe vain* >< l-lj'i Cream Balm aaaipecinc in ibe cate sf my "Uter, wboba. been t.rlouily debilitated •rltb Catarrh for tbe paat right year*, bavin, tried InetTectuxrly Otbcr reaiedie* end levera ipeclalty doctor, in Boatorj. 8b. improvKi at ooce under ibi* dlacovery, and bn. gained ber bealib and bearing, vibicb bad been consid- ered incurable. Robert \V. Herrill, Sacreury ol tbe Pboenix Manafacturlnf Co., Uraod Rap- Ida. Micb.

In.. ,-iiM'eiiu. 5I3weod

PllUtord, Ma»f., Sept. 28, lB7i. Sirs:—I bave taken flop Hitter- and recom-

mend ibem to otbera, as I lunod tnem very MaiQcial.

klai. i. W. Tt-'LLka, Sec. Women'* Cl'rl*iUn Tamperance Union.

fln* ted

Tbe ladia* notvertally commearl Quaker Bit- tar* for 1L* tlrli-acy in allaylnf tb* nervou* bead- acb. and kindreo compialnu to wbtchaiacta** tb.y are ao subject. Illweod

LKAUIKO MtMBaa* or tbe dramatic and ram leal professions testify to lbs oeamiijinf influence of Boaodont upon tbeteetfa. rertonai comallncee la a positive capital to pin,in- performers, and tbey Hnd tbat tb. use of eksodout uuucrially second. He natural cbarm of a plena lag hce. Let all wbo wlsb to avert tbe disaster sure to overtake ibe neglected teetb, try a new departure and t-kanae tbtra regularly with Iblt agree"bir pri- aervatlva. 1! I weed

ttct>io,H. Y.,D*j". 1 1879. I am Ibe Pastor ol tbe Baptist Ubarcb beie,

and an educated pbyilcino. 1 am not in prac- tice, bui am m v sola Utnily pbysictnn end ad- vise In many ibronle ca*>*l Ovar a year ago X recommended your HOD Bitters to my invalid wife, wbo ba. ueen under medical treatment or *tx ol Albany's best pbyslclan* several years. 3bo baa liecome iliorouj<b!y cored of ber vari- ous rurnplicaied uiaeeiee by their n*e. Wt boib rscommend tbesi to oar (Heads, many of wbombevealho l*een cured of their vartoaa ailment* by tben.

Hav. E. R. WABRUT, *«Ow#od

Loon At Hi»! A year ago be wa* not expected to live, hirer complaint almo.t killed mm. He get great re- lief horn tbree bottles or Snipbir Bitten, and six batiks cured him—Weekly Sun-

law eod pBaU'ViAM tsTaU'r c.re* dyspepsia, general

dabilliy, liver complaint, boll*, bnmors, cbrcnk diarrhea, nervou* MBKCIIOUS, Icmala corupiaintf, and all diseases originating in a bad state of tbe blood leotlllyJjH'IO


And don't let tbe germs of tbat vfle disease, Caiarrb, take root and flourtab In your tyatem. Sulphur Bitter* will prevent ibis and will makt you strong and healthy —Kdiior. l*J3w eod

Wheat Biticr*" never disturb tbe siomacb, but promote digestion and nourishment.

nil, eod

Lydia B. Plokbam's Vegetable Compound, Ibe great medicine lor the cure of all female complain'*, Is the greatest strengtbecer ol ibe back, stomach, nerves, kidneys, urinary organs ol man ami woman ever known. Bend for cir- culars to Lydia E. Pinkbam, Lynn, Mass

«.tlw eod

I'AILOH DarjoaATioN. Horse shoes, painted plaques and sunflowers,

bav. aacli In Its tarn been tbe popular parlor ornament, but are now superseded by the Ism borlne, which wbt-n tasteluliy decorated is very ornamental. For flfteen cent* tbe Wheat Bit- t«r* Co., 19 Park *Mece, New York, will tend free a beautiluliy decorated Tamboriue. decors


Nir-inc mothers gain strength by using Ur..» i.'. Iron Bitters. It acts iUe a cbarm In r.*iorlng to healtb and strength overetrulncd oaiurc. Hlweod

The rl -ii pbosphatcs, combined witb the best vegetable billets, make in Wheat Biltere tba grtnttst blood, brain and nerve food iu eaitt- «■«*. Itlweod

Nobodv should neglect a cougb. Take Hales Honey of Hurebound and Tar lustanter.

Plkn'e Toothache Diop* care In one minute. Pbe nutritive propertie* of Colden's Ll.blg'i

Llauld Be*f and Tunic lnviforator suHtatn tbe body without solid food. Colden's; no .tbcr.


Paralytic strokes, beart disease nnd kidney • flection*, prevenied by tbe nee of Brow'* Iron Bitter*. 1;|

DacLixa OP HAM. Nerve us weakness, Dyspepsia, Impotence,

Bexnal Debility, cured by Well's Health He- nearer. VI. Depot, Ordway Bros.

■•BiCHLrAinA." Quick, complete cure, all annoying

Bladder ano Urinary dl Depot, Ordway Bros.

Pru COD-LIYUI OIL made from selected livers, on the seij shore, by Caewell, Hasan) A Co., New York. It Is absolutely pure and sweet. Patient* who bavs nnce taken It prefer It to all others. Physicians bave decided It superior lo any ol* Ibe other oils i n tbs market.

CHAITID HAN US. Pace, Pinnies andRongb Skin, cured by using Juniper Tar Soap, n ' by Caswsll, llaaatd A Co.. New York.

«tTljff3'»3 H1HIT'S CAUltOLIC SALVa.

The Beat Salve In tbe world for Cuts, Bruise* Bore*. Ulcer*, Plait Bbeuio, Teller, Chapped Hasde, CbllulaiBa, Uoraa and all kind* ot okln Bru|itton*, rreekleaaad Pimples Tbe salv* I* guaranteed to glvapenect sailamctioa In .verj ease or ateaey reftwded. Be sure you gel Hen K■ Carbolic naive, a* all other* are but lmlta.

ns and uouo terleita, Price SO cenU.

Da. Qnign'a OXVOIHATEU BITTKIS is the oiliest and be*t rerueily. lor Diapepij*, BM- lou*ne**, Malaria, laolgrition, all disorder* ol lb* auuuarh, and all illaeas«* indicating an Impure ooatillleo oi the Blood, Kidneys, Liver, Bktn, etc.

mil all

Allen'* Brain Food positively cares nervous- ness, nervous debility an.i all weakness of rten sratlve organs. SI, six for So. All drngglsts. Send tor ilrcular to Allen'* Pharmacy, 316 Plr*l Aveaae, New York. Bold in JUwrence by Ctarlns Otarkt. 179 Bates St. I«ljdecB

Women arn everywhere using aod recom- mending Parker's Ginger Tonic, became they have learned from experience that It tpeedtiy ovarcomce despondencj-, indigestion, pain or weakness In tbe back and kidneys, and other troubles peculiar to Ibe sex.—Rome Journal. See Adv. VlmsplS

M. IsTTtAMSDELL, /Agent for tbe leading


torlhe.aJeolallklnd* and el vie* for cash o_ on Inatallments, on ra»y term*. WMWH uaylng eaah. Machluta exchanard, b*.u(ht, aold. cleaaed. repaired and .g.at> J*J**l needles, oil, always on hand; also goodse^sd ■audsaaebines.hesp. Call end see them.

Caraar laumtr * Kim •!. A"dov«r. aalllv

MOOAU & TUOW, Ma nnfaoturers of and sealer* In

O ARBIAQES (OTexi ry descMption, Including

Bei Bugf>», Pheelons Cornin£i,Dem. Ws(*>n«,SJda Bar Bjtgle».

ANDOVKll MAS't. F, 0. B< x 1M.


noanaallh of Bfaaiarhuillli.


To Ibe Heir*.all.aw and others interested in «of

PATBIOK Nnsrrou. late of Lawrence, in ssid County, laborer, deoeau>ed,

t; a a IT i m,: Whereas, Thorns* Jordan, eieeutor of tbe at will anl teatameal of eaid decessed, hss

presented to said court his petition tor license to sell the whole or the real estate ol saidde- oeaaed for ihe pavment or debt*, legacies and charges ofadrainlKtrailon, end lor other reasons set I'm in In said petltloa:

You are hereby cited to appear at a probate conrttobe bolden at Lawrence, In "Id county on tbe **oond Mondav of Hay next, at nine o'clock. In Ihe lorenoun, to ibow cause If any yon have, against the same.

And sold axe-oior ja ordered toservr this ullatlon bv publishing tbe *ame once a week, three week* *ucoee*lvely, In Use


rlnted gt Lai be two dais at least be I ore se id publics

Witne**. George F. Choale, ■nwem Ja,We«f ■aid Court, this 19th dayofAprli, In tbe year •ae thousand sight Hunarr'l and elghly-lwo.



A morlexn built DWILLIKo HOUII, wllb four douule bay windows; lO.uoo feel.r isnd. Price gl.lto. i,and to the amount or gul fast sen he purchased with nnuse 11 deelred, Prtee '- .f-oporllnn ' '

ta or land n_ 10,000 reel i* FO.IUO. prlee* low

I bave al (*,Mun>ju

Location for icenciy and . -B not surpassed. Ala* other

sal.i Jocsuiy ranging from j "d Boston capital were |.


Notable linprovemeBle Koreutly wade by Currno & Joyee.

Bat n fesr yetra bave elapaed eloce Messrs. Curran andJoyce succeeded Mr. W. £. Ueald la tbe conduc*. or tbe bol- Ulng bualoees and la the manufacture oi aoda, tonlca aud other light beveragva. but yearly their bnatoeaa b*a made auch rapid airldta that tvlth each recurring aprirg they have found miennira lm< liroveracnm and eddltlooa necessary. The demaud for bottled betoragea, notwith- standing the lncreaaed dtmand for draught liquor*', la roosubtlyon th« locrenae, and though there are other Onus In the trade In tbla cliy, tbe claaauf goods In wb'ch Meaara. Curraa A Jojcn deal, aeem beat fitted toanpply thu popular demand ID

thla direction- And Hi Is la not to be won* dered at. Tor, although comparatively younz In bnalueea. these nomlumeu by Talr dealliK and honesty, bare made for i be ma el veti .n enviable name In mercan- tlle circles, while tbe article*) of their manufacture rank aa high as the highest In tbe country, and are acknowledged on every band to be superior lo the majority.

Tbulrea'-abllshmentou Hampshire Si. la tuu moat complete In New England, outside or Boston, and la provided with the latest labor eavlag appliances for the moat successful operation of Industries of the kind. A person unacquainted With this branch of buslnesa would at Hist be atrnck with bewilderment on vlaltlni> these works, but boon he wonld discover that the araUmatlc mode of op- eration pursued, the delicate nod Intricate machinery employed acd the ncrupult attention devoted to every detail, c tributes celerity of manufacture and al the same time articles In tbe line of bev- erages which can stand tbe rcoH scru lo- lling team. Each bottle la thoroughly cleansed by machinery and perfectly rinaed aud dried before being redded, and s»da tanks, no matter how often tl.led, are rendered even sweeter than when flrat thejr left tbe woika. To ibis fa<t every prominent druggist nil nt'eat. Their toiicx and cordials meet, not only here, a ready aal«, botoibMr cities nnd towns ID

the vicinity ere supplied by these genllt- m in, who io addition to tbelrbottllngand manufacturing business, make n specialty of fine table and family liquor-.. A large unmoor ofbanda aod teams are neceasar- ily constantly employed here In bottling, manufacturing aud delivering light and the stronger liquors, which I* aubVlent testimony that tbe boeloeag la" not con ducted on so large a scale without a cor- respondingly Urge expense.

Among the latent Improvement* gdded this aeaaon, with a passing notice of lba large Dumber of new ateel aodn tanks, specially mnnafactnred for tbe firm thla season, is tucCodd pstenlglobc-itoQpered aodn water bottle, tbe stopper being a anillglebe continually held wltbin the nick of tbe bottle, not going Into U.e liquid, thus ensuring perfect cleanliness and a more highly charged gaaeoas water. An Important .'eatnre of this bottle Is tbat it la Impossible for tbe ball or stopper to come out, even when the denlble collar la removed, tbe diameter of tbe neck be- ing lean than the ball, tbua It will be seen fiat the gas Is retained In tbem longer tbfto In any other bottle, jo emptying. the glens ball remains In the ahonlder or the bottle and allows the liquor to pass ont freely. Tbe Messrs. Curran A Joyce have purchased the sole right for the use of these bottles, which are an EnicllNh pateat and have been only recently intro- duced in the' United States, bat every- where hare given tbe purchasers of iu rated beverages tbe beat sstisfactiou.

ID conjunction with thla bottle tbe Arm has the sole- right for this vicinity' to nae Codd's patent lining machine, specially deelgned for effectually nod expeditions! y BlllngCjdd'sbitttlea. The bottle la laid on a slanting table, a gaard brought over It aud by means of a treadle the required quantity of syrup is Injected, while from acock at the nlde of the machine the nrnted water Is supplied. When tbe bot- tle is nlled, as Is perceived through tbe guard, which Is of wire, It la rained ao that tbe globe stopper runs to the orlflce and closes tbe outlet. This machine la A marvel, while tba bottle and IU unchange- able atopper are wonders of the glass manufacturer*, art.

Other and no legs important improve* menu have been made by the Arm thla year and they enter upon the heated sea- son more fully equipped and better pre- pared than ever before to anpplj the pop- ular desires In their direction.

THE PACIFIC STRIKERS. A meeting wan held Wednesday, lo Odd

Fellows' Ball, Lynn, In aid of the Law- rence strikers.

Uayor Loverlng wan Introduced as the president of tbe meeting. He waa heart- ily received, aud spoke as follows:

We have assembled here this evening to gtfe expression to our sympathy for our struggling brethren In tbe city of Law- rence, aud to counsel and advise together as to what aMpn we may uke to assist them to obtain wages sufficient to keep tbe strength In their bodies necessary to enable them to perform tbe labor demand ed bj their masters.

I bave watched this conflict which has been golog on at Lawrence with great In- terest. I have admired tbe unwavering persistency with wblcb they have pushed on toward tbe summit of their hopes, and the respect for taw and order which baa characterized their efforts thus far under adverse and trying circumstances. I real- ise that with them It Is a light for life and. tbe maintenance of their self-respect. Wbo will have the temerity to tell a Lyno andlence tbat a girl compelled to depend upon her own efforts for subsistence can decently board herself, say nothing of sneb matters as clothing and neceseary recreation and amusement, upon the mis- erable pittance of sixty-Bight cenu a day, thrown to these operatives like a boon to a dog, with a kick If It U not taken. Wa bave with us a delegation from La wiener, eloquent with the story of tbe wrongs of

operatives, accompanying whom Is tbe chief executive of'the city, and It gives me pleasure to Introduce to you U!a

Honor John Breen, of Lawrence, whom I know with myaeif you ht sally welcome to our city.

Mayor Breen, of Lawrence, Bald be did not desire to make a speech, but to It* turn thanks to the Mayor and the people of Lynn for the kindly Interest they had taken lo tbe labor crisis at Lawrence, and to bind more firmly the relations eglallng between the sinter societies. The strug- gle between labor and capital has been settled by the capitalist on the law of supply and demand. He drew attention to what government had done Tor the poor man by the pre-emption of 180 acres, but millions of acres had been glveu away to the capitalist. Bo measure had ever been advocated to send these neeple to settle ID tbe West. When speaklug of monop- olies, he said many of them remembered tbs bill before the recent session of tbe Legislators, tbat ibe provisions of Boston and oiber cities abculd ba Inspected by tbe Bute Inapte'.or. Railroad monopoly

the matter. It appeared to him. that men who aym-

rssra' pr»p«rity of Ihe Pacific Mills. The Mat or read a letter from Hon. John

K. Tarbox, regretting lit* Inability to be present. a

Mr. Jobn Ogllvle followed aud gave a deUlled account of the strike tu Lawrence. He was not a ptt,T\ asor of law or tocology. The persons responsible for the niilke were the maoagera. Tbey did not deign to meet the working people. He remem- bered when a boy, heailng s"red Douglas and Mr. Buffum speak In Englnod of the Injustice to the slave; hut If the factory Mst* iu was to coutlnue what was tbe use of freeing elaves to make while ones. They were beating the mills and would root the manigeinent out. They were sending the best help out of Lawrence, and the mills were being supplied wllb Incompetent persona. Tue atrlke la not over, aod before It is tbe Facldc Mills will be sick. Tbey are securing aid to fight tbe corporation, and tbey wlll'auc- ceed Iu defeating It. Tbtj propose to fight to the bluer end. He was the last to enter the tight snd would be the last to leave it. He produced a piece of cloth flailed out of the river when ae arching for a dead man.

A letter waa read from ex-repreeeata- tlve Joaepb J. NkhoN, urging Lynn to give aid.

Mlaa Ualley said she appeared in a role hard and unfamiliar to ber. Through cir- cumstances rather tbau desire she was rorced Into the position of a leader. They have long and patiently borne with the wrongs neaped upon tbem by tbe corpor- ation.

Mlas Polsom slso spoks.

WcddtDK Urll*.


One-Price Clothing Co.

Gent's Furnishing Goods.

Miss M. Csnle Stevens was united In mar- riage on Wednesday evening, at the residence or bir parents, Mr. and Mr*. T. H. Stevens, 215 Broadway .to Mr. Harvey O. Arnokl.of Me- tbuet,. Tbe ceremony was performed by Rev. E. A. Wblitler, the bridal parly standing under a floral borse shor, Tbe Lappy pair wars attended by Mr. I. i. Stevens, of North Adams, Mais, and Miss Eiini Savage, orthinl y, tbe former acting ss IJ ;»t man, aed also by tbs M **e* Arnold, of Mctbnen, and blaster Bully B. J*eobsand Miss L'sile Jscubi.of Amh.r.t, N. II. Ibe bride was taslelully attired in cream white nun'* veiling and satin, wllb veil and orange blossom*. Tbe biidssmalds were In wiut... Tbe attendance was large, and the presents nr mi rou*. aiming wh'cb w.re tbe fjl. lowleg: silver fruit dish from Mr. snd Mrs. B. C. Stevens, Apponauf. It. I.; silver naphl* rings, irom same; silver cheese dh>b, better knife, sngar shell, add mustard ipooo, from Mr. I. J., Stevens, North Ade*M,Maa..i silver dinner castor Blrna B. H evens; gold lined spoon bolder, a friend, North Adams tea spoons, father and mother of bride; breakfast

or, Mr. and Mrs. I. N. Arnild, M.tbnsn; deieri spoons, Mist K. Savage; salt*, Miss Be • ma Readlo, Oamervllte, N. Y-; better knife. Miss B H. Jacob*;large lamp, Mrs. A. Mnall; sugar shell. Master Bolly B. Jacobs; pair Una wu, Mr'. M. ttmilb and daughter; pair broass statuettes, Mr. T. H. Stevnns; glass pitcher, MM. T. II. Stevens table linen, Mr*. 8. B. Jacob*, Ambem, N. H.i bed sprtad, Mlas P, A. Fletcber, same place; table napkin*. Mr. and Mrs C. W. Arnold, fliontbam; ornamental stocking bag. Miss Lliala Jacobs, Amhent, N

walnnt brackets, M r. aud Mr*. C. II. Cole; carved holly card receiver, Mr. Oeorge Slllo- way ; peep o'day clock, Mr. and Mrs. B. I*. Bey. Mid*, Mtthuen; crystal bouquet auad, Dr. James Plere?, Metbuen; uble linen, a friend t

r*. and Mr*. Harvey 0. Arnold left for toalr new home In Pteasent Valley, Methasn.

.in-:I'll i K.i.

This department ot oar bucineis is the largest ot its kind outside of Boston, and is always replete with Hinging Bargains that

Defy OooiDetition.

CENT'S HOSE, a good quality, 5c. a pr.; 6 pr. 25c Fancy Hose, 10c. pair; 3 pair 25c. Better

quality 15c. pair, 2 pair 25o. And for 25c. a pair a variety of Fancy Hose

never sold le**s than 50c. SHAW STOCKINGS.

All kinds lower than elsewhere, qnd a large as- sortment of the finer (trades of Gent's Hose.


at Prices to suit the Customer. Our dollar SHIRTS are verv popular, and it goes without saying, that

no dealer in the country oau show bettor goods for tbe money, or better fitting Shirts at anr price,

A FULL LINE OF FANCY SHIRTS, FROM 50c, TO $1.25. UNDEKWEAR---A laree stock; prices range from 25c. to $3.50, A

choice lot of French Underwear, in whit* and fancy oolors. SUSPENDERS—Regular 25c. goods for 10c„ and the best SuBoender

in the world for 25, Gentlemen's HANDKERCHIEFS, in Silk and Linen. Cheaper than

most dealers can bring them to Lawrence, Neckwear, Collars, Cuffs, Soarf Fins, Sleeve Buttons, &c, All the

latest styles and designs. Dress and Driving GLOVES in all the Fashionable Shades.

The SuallNt n.br Alive

A gen tinman from Caodelaria In- iiiloniis us that tbe smallest babv ii Hit: world waa born In tliat camp at noun on the 3d inat. Tbe father la miner ID tbe employ of the Northern Belle mine and weight 190 pounds, The mother la a stout healthy woman, weighing perhaps 160 pounds. The child is a mate, as perfectly formed as any human being can be, but upon its birth it only vu'ighod eight ounces. Iu race is about the alia of a bone chestnut, and tbe alze oflta limbs can

| be imagined when we say that a ring worn on Ibe flngor of its mother was easily slipped over ita foot nearly up to lite knee. Our informant states that it waa the opinion of tbe attend-

| ing physfdtu that tbe child would tire nod prosper in gt*od bealtb, notwith- standing it* diminutive proportions. The midget Is ao small that three of iu size could play hide-and-seek In a oigar box. This Is believed to be tbe smallest baby ever born.—Carson (Xev.) Appeal.

A wunis enter* s dry seeds store, stepa to a clrrk wbo atand* n.ar tbe deer, ASH lil*u to .now har ihe Uteal aivlv, Ami tbe pull* uriT Use food* inMaweile. Hay. ahr, "I want a dreea Tor ssy alace; Vi ill rou plea** sbow re. that under ptecf l)li! I didnl are '(*., * polka *pot, Tbat I* too near Ilka Ihe BN sew** atrt. That piece with tb. .trip*, would Just salt i It'* Just aa preur aa It nan be: But *b« wanu a better oov.rval BTOUB.1, With a aotl of a >|u. ruanlajj air-roand. Hhe don-t want UM> iark, nor ret very bat.

A. W. Stearns & Co.

think .he'd IU. what you *JM>W*HI *M 1 ui do you tnlak 10* oolor* are fasti-



Polk, or Itjit.iri, waa ID town tbree day* tba Drst of tue week.

Selwyn Vsn Hart La* left the cotton mil. sad icmoved wito IU* family to Sation, N. Hi

Mr. Samuel W.htlcr slaughtered a cow a few daysafo which welibed when dressed 1013 Ibr.

Mary Wbsclrr has setared a iltnatlon in Boston, in lbs dry goods osiauilabeitQt ot S S, Hougbton.

Thellelbuen Co.lt building a ocw barn on Osgocd ittcet. for the accommodation o/aleasrs. Taylor and Merrill.

Cbarks W. Ilatcb has bongbt a dwelling bouse m Lawrcuct, on Manchester street, for fSOOO. Us will soon removs to tbat eily.

Sev. A. E. Wbltr, or Lawrjnee, treacbed at tbs Unlvenaltst church on S us Jay .reolnr. Sehject of diicour*?, "Tba Moral, of Shake- speare."

Mr. John Paae, of Boston, aod Miss Kite Pearson, were married on Saturday evening last, st tbs residence of tbe bride's brother, Mr. Prcd 8. l*rarson, by Kev. u. 8. JSaketal.

Messrs. M. W. Copp *r Sonar* doing toe car- penter work ol rrpalra on tbe town hail. Tbey will probably tinitb their work tba present week.

"Our Literary Club" met with Mn. A. P, Chase on Friday evealnjr last, and ware enter Mined by Mr. Hood, of Ly i very pleasing recital Ion f.

Tba Foes will ease was tattled last week, be- fore coming to trial. Mr*. Jobs I). Spear, In wbnse favor tbe will was made, paid the heirs 9200 each, making In ail 9000.

i, who gave aoms


Se' I^SS&S^BSl P-tblied with them should bo sent to pub.

wswawKS !llc "'"' He dld not ProP0•• "• criticise tbe 1'acifJc Mills, as he was not an opera- tive nor a stockholder; but he was one or those Who bad Invested all he had la bus-

Price SIDOperlet,

I dollars

isll n ay part uown, oai.nca .. iloieel, or t:n dollar* per m*otti until all I* aid. ■nq*lr*orw. WOOD, Ualon Heights, llarhle-

a«d street. North Andover. tin aarl7

BUT »ese*>'s WWS§ Botp'

A party of rmmniar school scholar* went lo Hampitcad, N. 11 , on Saturday last. In search or May Bowers ortralllna. nrbatus. Capt. Cor- liss (aniubed traaaporuuoa In otto of bis barfes.

Tbe selectmen have mads Ibe following ap- pointments for tbe cnanlns rear: Engineers of ihe nredepsrtmeot, J. O, Parker, John 8. Blckneil.W. J. Nlcbol*; library committee, Daniel W. Tenney, Jobn H. Morse Bed C. K. Trow; flsb wardens, W. S, Leach and Cba*. H. Ayer.

Rev. Mr. Snow, ol New Bedford, preached al tbe Baptist cborcb on Sunday last. <■,

Mrs. Elbridge Butler*, of New Bedford, n visiting her relative* and Irleads in ibis town

Mr. Char. Mann, on Howe street, has two hundred chickens, wblcb are leas than tbree weeks old.

Tbe reform dab praise meeting will be held st iba baptist cburcb, on Sunday evening next, al 7a o'clock.

Tbe neat mealing or the Unlversallst social circle will be beld with Mr*. Asa Symoods, on Friday evening next. Refreshments and an entertainment will be provided.

Tbe old vestry of tbe Congregational cbnrcb, baa been moved the presant week lo a location ot. Railroad Nine:, near Ibe depot, where II will be used by tbe Mission school.

Mr. and Mr*. William Love and son, Mrs. Jenne, Mr. Eli Moulton snd Mr. Oeorge Tur- ner suited for .Santa Barbara, California, on Tuesday Is*'. They Intend to make Ibai state tbelr home.

Mr. Elbridge B. Spear and Miss Cora E. Blott, both or ibis town, were married on Tues- day evening, at Herrlmsr, by Rev. Henry Jew- ell. Mr. Spear has worked la Merrlmac lor sever*! years, and now baring taken to hlmselt a wile, will snake tbat place hie boms.

Tbe anneal election of ora;eri of E. A. Straw B. F. engine Co., was held on Saturday even- ing last, with lbs following result: Foreman, Fred A. Spear; east, foremen. Gee. W RiM; Clerk nnd treasurer. J. 8. Tapley ; fireman, James Ruble; englnman, J. 8. Tapley; astl. cnglneraan, Frank Ing all.; standing committee, Oeo. Bradbury, John L. Keller, li. A. Lewis; steward, Ouilijnl A. Lewis.

Tbe aonaal meeting of tbe Baptist tocleiy was beld on Wednesday evening, and the fol- lowing officer* elrcted i Clerk, Lyman B.fJage; treasurer, L. U. Norris; collector, Henry w. Merrill t assistant collector, Cbarlea Eastern; standing committee, J. -Union Tenner, Charlea Easton and 8. W. Tapley i commute*) on made Jame* Ingall*, 8. W. Tapley, L»r. pierce, J. u. Teoney and Charles Basion.

Mr. and Mrr. Edward Farr were given a pleasant surprise on Tuesday evening, bv n large parly of tbslr friend* and srquslncaacei,

bo assembled st their residence lor an even ig'sentertalnmeni. Tbey were cordially re. nred and Ibe hours passed pleaeantly wjtbona

and all until tbs evening was f*r spent, Joe- fore tbe departure ol lb. company Ibe/ present- er! Mr. and Mrs. Fsrr with aa amide tbat is uselai In many lamilie*,—a baby carriage.

"How are you. John*" remarked a friend, A* be met Jobn ou tbe street:

'■ t'une In, mj boy, and take a drink. For It's rarely that ws meet."

"A fact," aald J one; "111 go with voo; For, a* 1 happen to think,

We rarely meet, but when we do . It le alway* meet and drink."

A lawyer is about the only man that ever made anything by opposing a woman's will.—Yonkers Statesman.

No, young woman you cannot stu- dy medicine at Harvard College. H'a all the faculty can do now is to worry a couple of boys 'through a three years' course in seven years, ao tbat they oan tell salts from or&ejic, without testing tbem OQ a patient, ('live the boys a chance, girls, and don't over- crowd ihe profession before they get a start.—llurlington Hawkcye.

New-laid and running over : Hester (who is accustomed to bave lie eggs well boiled)—"O, auntie ! here's your


One-Price Clothing Comp'y 224 and 226 ESSEX STREET.


Tbe lasot UHaaiiii Onaa & Ptaio Co. 164 TEEM0MT STREET,


j. at sw, > per quaitai « received MJOBBST

Offer tbe Unrest assortment (mor. thaslM style*) of tb. BKST UABINfft or FARLOK OfcUANS IN THK WoHLD.for oaah, al ««, |W, #:>;. See, fi, SSI, SK aod upward*, also lor easy paymasta, SI tS per Wards. Tbeae Organ, have - KOMOBS at KVBBY ouiE Of th* uaiST

DBI.D'8 INlrUtiTBIAL EXHIBITIOM8 ror 1* YB8-; ao orasa AMBKIOA* OBDAMB s.nsu •tw runsii VUITHI unties AT ANT. At tbe UKBAT ITALIAN MUSICAL BXI11B1TIOM, recenlly closed al MILAK.it which waa th* LABOBST COLI.BCTlOtf OF MUSIC*,!, IN STBDUBNTS BVBBBBOUUUT TOUB'IHBK after teatlng aod .ouspsrinf slda by side for savers! s*oinbs, Has.a A Ilamlin Organ* re- ceived Ibe UNLT HIBUBtT AWABD tor Inurnment, of tbl* elat*. Calalosne*. With full description*, lllmlratlon* and pri.ie, fKIE.

— -syi


known at tbe Jame* rrost Xatete, situated la ateibuea, 1| mile* frota City Hall, Lawreaee, Sa the toad leadlBf to Oemtsa iettl.in.ni, a few rods frees main road to Hav.rhlll. Land ■ earl j all under a geett stale ef eBltivatlee- tpleadld plane i.r grewlag early vegetables! benae, sheds and Senary, For particulars la- qnlre ef J. A. CBL'MMKIT.

It Lawresee At., tlw SSI ntys Lawrei.ee, Mass.

Spiritualist Meetings In Ooldea Cross Hall, corner of IMM and Ap- jilcton slreeta, Sosday, May 7. BuaarW.Bn- eraon, of Maneaeatsr, will give Spirit roeia anemooa Bad evsalag, at J 30 and T.3ti..*.nvl It

Choice Small Fruit Plants.

ae VAKIBTIKa OK BTRAWBRHHIBB, Ineludlni Bldwell, Bbarpless, Mcunt Veiaon,

Longfellow, Miner'* Prolifle, Cumber, lend Triumph, ete.


g. J. it A it K i: it. Small Fruit Grower,

sfBTUUK*. MASS. Usnwyl

MRS. CROWELL has to announce to tbe Ladles or Lawn

aad vicinity, that she tu Just

Returned from Mew York, with a very alee sad well sel.etei stock of

Millinery Goods, for tbe

SPRING and SUMMER TRADE We wonld be pleased to bavs tbe ladles call and exasaine tbem, as wa feel ooaadant that tbey will give eat Ire satisfaction.


M. E. CROWELL. I V«]S it

OPIUMBtliiS nrnrimii i wiM'■ iTTnl tllm all A

loses aod other pnrpoaes in tbs city of; tiresome cook's lieen and filled my egg Lawresee, basing his action on twenty j too full!"—London Punch,

Steamer Wauwinet HAVKHTY. Matter,

Will eontawace regular trie* from

Lawrence to Newburyport, ON MONDAY, MAY 8th.

Blop at Faatuehet House, Ko. Andover; Day's Laadlng, Havevblll; M«rrlavcporl. Borta Bridge, to las .ami laml p****Bgfr*, goiag and contlnaT. leaving Lawrence at 9 a. m. New- bnryportat 1 p.B*. For particular* enquire at oMee, loot of Canal street,

tlf mjl OaARLBB A- UOHAN*. Sapt.





For Salt U QLIDOIN • »* I.MI It.


SHOE STORE. The Greatest Success



Onr Sale ol



81.26 Per Pair. Tbl. II aot I. Solid and a Oannine


Our Stock i* of the Beit Style and Quality.


LAWRENCE, MASH, eed wivepe

off a bit, H*B< I decide, I 'li use tlie plec boa. aad have I bad a die.* like that la*t f ill. And tbe color* did not waab out at aa I like tlio*e patter., iber. on Ihe eed, I II lake a lew .ample* lor a li land. .Now one ..I this, it you'll be ao kind. and a Lit of that. If you'd not mind. They're th. nlce.l .trie. I'v. He. tb!. rear,

ioQ.ialw.ja do m* trading b.re. ' ' ha*, gut. jriaaa thai cam. fron, nere,

I forgot th. pnee-tws* pretty dear. It aa annul dark alpaca sinff, I WBBt to rn.Uh II, I've n..t enough Do you think rou bave It In the store' My drees is ipol i«d u 1 r.nt get otom. W II you put the*, aample* In a bill*

. H0* ■ ,,"e ' «°* t**™ » vo" will. v Baf1 tbem tmmt '• U ,D* wasiK «•»' II do. . ou'il see see book la n slay or two." —Providence Freee.

Old Slobson was rakiog In tbe front yard yesterday, wbeo bo noticed a boy gazing tbrougb tbe picket fence in a moat earnest manner. "What are you doing?" asked tbe old man. 'Watching tbe Rake's Progress," re

plied tbe boy, aa he dodged just in '.ime.— Rochester Express.

"Yes, this must be the ladies' cab- u," aaid a young lady lo ber friend aa

aa tbey baited at tbe door or the cabin or* Fulton Ferry boat and peered in- quisitively in. "Why do you think •o?" doubtingly aakod tbe other. "Oh, because there are so many men lo it," wst the anttwer.— Brooklyn Ra- gle.

"No, indeed, I'm not going to learn bow to make bread," said a New Ha- ven belle. "Girls who know how to make bread generally marry men who can't afford to buy flour make it with, and they have in work in a milliner's shop to help pay the board bill. I'll allck to my fanay work."—New Haven Register.

Adoleacent Impiety.

IV* au- sr

the brier fair

The churob*raaaUII,lbe aerasoe long. Tl il« vy wllb »ent ot bar .tola j. BUA

Thrnwn oj«n wid,, rotisj which to* brier fa

e5.!!!f^Vi1,,,,,b^,u'I"'""d «««»ort Slow Thrown by the ploturwd p*.e, fan dim around A guli.cn r-uilr bud, bung aleepy low. a *Jttfe"ff *uh ■ ■» crowned. A cblldl.h voice be«|a*, "Sue pw.tly llghir

1 hen uiothcr'a wh.aper, -H u.h. for til I. here. mis is tirwia house, my darties." Tliea ihe

Blue eyos look ■juesUoniair, unUI th* clear "weet^voloe says plalutlvely, while drowsy

Tbe little orb*—"Ood talk, too rourh, I lakf

A workiogtnan entered a street car witb a half consumed cigar in his hand, and sat down- beside a grim vlaaged virgin considerably paat the period of her youthful bloom. After a time the cigar went out, and the incense aris- ing from tbe cooling stump made the ancient spinster's nose heave like a Handy Hook buoy. She called the conductor to her and aaid sharply, 'I thought amoking waa prohibited

here." "So it is, madam." "It is, eh? Look at thin loafer." "I can't help It, madam ; bis cigar isn't light- ed." "Well, then." she shouted, "for heaven's sake make him light it." Women are not always perfectly logi- cal—Brooklyn Eagle.

A Mchool Incident.

That rod beaded Bill, aad the pin that 1 bended Atidcareiully iiuton tha bench under blml

And how I recall tb. aurprlse of the mailer When Blligaveayelt, and sprang np wllb the

«t on a pin I o Kews Leuor.

And so Darwin is dead? Well, he was the first one who bad the nerve to look in a mirrror and openly assert that man in descended from the ape. —The Judge.



Madame Madeline Schiller, Mr. Ernst Perabo,

Prof. Carl Baerman,

SATUBDAT, April U. Town Hall. THTJBSDAT, Hay t, Abbot Academy Ball,

SATUBDAT, Mar M, Town Hall,

All tbe Conrerts begin at Mon. m. Season Ticket* for the remainder ol lb. cour*e, tl >; Slaai. Ticket* SI, For aalo al Mr, Draper'.

City of Lawrence.

Orncs or TBB iBBpKrnn or MILS, ( Arai LIT, last. \

All person* who coi vey Milk in carriBgesor otnerwise tor tbe porpeae orr.lllng the .am. In th* City of Lawrence, are herein- nuilfled tt,al Ibe Inapoctor • III lie al the Police hiallon Irom ' to I a. t. , aad "■ to i> p ■ , during tbe month ol

ar.iorua poipoa* oi Licensing Dealers la

HIBAM li. SKAI„ln.p*ctor. [Cat. Art* IB: D, Chsp. we, Sect. 1.

"Whoever shall sell, or expose luranle.from carria***or mbcr vahlclra, or have In hi. cus- tody or posaeaalon, win, intent to sell, ml s, • libool betae Bret llecnatd. tball be fualahaa tiy a loe of nut le** ihn. Ibfcity nor more than on* hundred dellart.- n ti*i

CDBBDASO Tun's INVALID. h 423 Kutsw Street, Baltimore, Maryland.

Dr. ft V. rieree. BnlUlo, H. Y.:-D«ar Bir— My wife wa* a bopeles* Invalid lor nearly twen- ty years. Yonr "FBvorlts Prsscrlptloa" has cared ber. OraterBily,

ft. T. MC( AT. WslWM

BUT Beacb'a Wblte Pearl Toilet Soap

Our vast establishment la full of the lateat Novelties In

Dry Goods and Carpetings! Our Motto will be "Choice Good* at Low Prices."

Silk and Wool Roman Stripes. This Is the only line ot good* that we shall quote

prices. 44 Inch wide only SI per yard. Sold in Boston for $1.75.

■Ill HUE l.\ ■Elt'nUEIIl KllkS! Special low prices In Blaok and Colored Silks.

Extraordinary Bargains InfMolre Antique.

Linen Batiste. The Latest Novelty for Dress Coode Is Linen Ba-

tiste, nnd especially for Dressing Sacks.

Children's Garments. Our store is noted for the large stock of Ladies',

Misses' and Childern's Garments.

Nobby Styles in Hosiery. Elegant Designs in Scotch and Madras Clngham

French Sateen. We do not dare to quote the unheard Low Prloes. Laces and Lace Goods, fine stock. Ornaments,

Buttons, etc.



S25.9OOPR0FITin60DMS ICE CREAM. Hannibal & SI. JOSeib Common StOCk Th* Lawranoe Io* Or<*m Company

AiiKiiHt, 1881. Hill at 91. September, 1881, aold at 350.

AM iWUCIO, 259 per ot. In SUTID.II

$25,900 profiton each 100 shares 12,950 " " 50 "i 2,590 " " 10 " 1,295 " " 5 "

unaoi glO. MB, tBO, BB.OOO Invested with euual proport lonai* .none** by our MBW COMBINATION SYSTEM ol nperatms In *ionks Weekly abstract ol transaction* raalltd to share- holders:. proDU divided eveiy»da)s.

rui.1. laroasuTioB M*n.au reaa. Address

New England Stock Eichange, 63 Aiylum St.. Hartford, Conn.

Deposits received subieel to eheck al sight. Coupons. Di 'Mends, Interest, Notes, eir , col

laoled With prompt remittance. All la*ues ol Uovernm.nl Bonrl* purcbascd ami for sale free

■salssloa ahartea. HlvleflT

arepreoBred to furnlab loe Ciwaw, asade frees Pure Cream, st 10 coats per Mart. fl.U per gallon. Moulded In any for*n, Indiv.dualaveeM* 91 per dosen. Famine* can be snppJIed with aa j

vsrletv al their reel enoea oa regular days. Baetorr V.t Mclhuen Street, Piilabnry'* Bleek. oraoe. D. N. * C. M. Mar In, IH Eaaex street, 3Klib A Wheeler,oor. Haverbliqsnd|lila*lHsv*r- till streets.

Famllr order* solicited. Cream delivered aa luadays. *

A. J. LBQNKD I CO.. Proprlelei s. tl ttSS SI'S

111 It III-,

Morth Andover, Msj II, a son to Jsntee aani.

■*-'- iltyTMar Jd, * son to Mr

REAUAJI.- Mr. and Mi

UctilLLAN. and Mrs. John MeOUlaa.

KIMBALL.-la this nltv, April V. a BOB to M an<! Mr*. Milton 1. Klma.il.

MANN -In thl- olty. April Mlh. * daufbUr to Mr. and Mrs. l>avld C. Mann. ^^

BEDFOBI>.-In Bollon, daushterto Mr. ami Hi

-lir. . *i. a .on



:. M<.Sat. KSltiHT-HOrPAT.-In this oily, i

Mr. Jared Knight anil Mia* France* all of Lawrence.

HAYEBTY-COSNBLLT-Io Andover, April ttd, by Bev. M. J. Nurphy, Mr. Patrlrk Mav. erty and Mlas Knsabeth CoBaally, both of Andover.

WII1TK -m!RTT.-In Andover, April TAd, by Her. M.J. Murpby.Mr. J»*eph White aad MUM Julia Kuril, both lit Wilnlnglm.

MOONEY-WILLIAMBON.-In Andover, April S7, by Hev.M. J. Murphy. Mr. — and Mia* Mary Ann Wl.llawi


UlCIIAHDSON.-ln Andover. May Id. ofdlphlberla, YnA Albert stwStSM " aged IS yrs, 1 mo*, IS dys.

STKVENs.-m North Andover, Apr. Mth, Mrs. Lydia U. SUvens, agad 79 yra, t BUM, 11 dys.

LIUUET.-IB Nerth Andover, Apr. Jeth, Blisa- belfa, wife or Jama* Ligget, agod If jr», •> mo., Sdys.

CLARK.-In North Aaderer, April tSU. Jaasee H.CUrk.Bged 4S yrs.

Do not forgot when you are In Want of Paper HenjjTlMtri or Win- dow Shades, that the I>arr*>st Aaaortment can always bo found at K. A. FIHKE'H, 270 Kstex ,8t.

«lfi .

COKE! COKE! k Cheaper Fuel than Wood or Coil

LAWRENCE GAS CO | " " 7 '• '■ 1 M Perbarre., H ■ M Orriers must be left at the oBn* of the eorapaBy

No. tM BskeabL.aad loeCtke paid lor at tbe Hate the order is siren.

orriUE iiouas: TJOa.ss. tol.'ei., ■ ■ ltoTJIp.B*.


Fonoiti Wishing to Operate in STOCKS,

HENBY L. RAYMOND & 00., Nq. 4 Pins Street, New York.

Rtoobs rsr.leii on ■ In 10 per r.pnt. niargla. Fractional aril.ra p\eeul«1 aaltafi, tor I\J, Coni- plnte Inforwnllon relating lo Wall atrrM trasa- aottenB Btalled free; also our. Weekly financial teports. OnrJunlorpBTIBerl. aatessberol the Mining Block fcichaogr, ami orders for mlBlsg Stocks will also r.aalve *]«cla) atlaation.

Htm apiS B


CORNS. (bard or soft) Watts aad Cslloasea, will b* glad to learn that iheyuan b. warranted a ear* bar uilng tbe

Clant Corn Killer, Roe* not make the leal sore.

L" -le.ry A. Miner, newer* el l*,i-

For sat* In Ltwreace by Keller A Bnller, Jaa. B. Boetl, B. a. Yetes, Cbas. Clarke, Oea. K Chlokerlng, J. C. Avore, A. L. Young a Co., A P. Ordway A Co., Fred Berrr, C. II. Beedla a Co., HriTit Bro*., A. B. Olldden, Oee. P. Talbol. ILM.WhllBeyACo.



Tb* well equipped and pleasantly located

Hotel on Salisbury Beach, Maaa, known a* ibe Harriotan Hones, Isefaredfer sals. It IHN MM. m • l*t»rr :t itory houie, with twn Slablea, Bhrrl., Outhull.ling* snd a eoBVe- nlant Cotuge ail.'ninlns,, roan acted by a breed piriia. Tb* houaowtli arrumniedaU kboal M

erwanent and a largn number of transient gneets; it I* in good repair, ha* a large and -row.ng pslrnpane, and aitusted on the plena- ntc.l aidii of me beach. Horse Oars Blew B lew edsriossibehonsa. For particulars and term* apply to

II. N tlAKKltlAN, Advocate Office, UBOBUBTOWK, ma iri



[ the late WM I'UJ It, and situated a* lollops:


The HOUSE AND LOT, Bo. MCossaen street, aow n*ed as a Boarding limit.

A LOT OF LAND on Bradford .i'"t. Is.l WMI ol Broadwey, eontalning ta.lSSIeet.

A LOT OP LAM D on Lowell street, ooatalalaa lain la* about *OM lerl.

For particular* apply to

E. PERKINS, Executor, 1117 WASHHIIJTOB flrsiaT Bo*rou

thW. A. HOUSTON. 5SS Esses SI. Lawrence u thss«Usaar)7

Garden, Field, Flower, Grass Seed FEESH, PURE, RELIABLE,

Remember! Bow 1* tbs time to protort|jonr tree* with Ihe

Canker Worm Eiterminator. Per sale la qaantlUes to seit.

SCOTT * VIETOR, .1471 Common St., Lawrence,

feed 4m marSO


Flowering Plant, in Pota for Church Daooration.

Calla Li li.., Eaatar Liliaa, Splraaa G.ni.t... and Mammoth


EA8TER CARDS. In Variety.


SO Hl.ll SI., Aliilo.rr, fur


MRS. CNTHOMAN MISS KATHERINE A. FINDLET Will ireiups leaching sarr. t*!, snd wlU _., ... -- -

b* la Ijtwrroce, at Kooma 108 I ■*" ■*■ *»«•«•«• Beaex blreet. is AS*w*.

Tltanwiay, Friday and Saturday of eaek week for tbat pnrpo**.

or InformaUon Inquire.t ! Wednetday » r.d Sstltrcia, Alt.rnoons, T. A. Atkinson's Milliner* Store. | nr^mrii ■- i-,r,f. J. W, tBnrvhill. Theo-

110 CHEXtT. lo*le.al Somlnary, Aadover: Prul. Hrarr N. Aagual M. issi. Mm u Bndeoe. neboei oi Oiauery, iottoa.


.11*11 'a. U s«?


A BWreplMg 1.runt or Liquor I Jet nifi I STAIlUfcl* «N THK linn

(Don VlclnallerB, VI 10 LDUlluJJur*, U l-» arm IMS, li to wholesale dealers, I to

ewers, and 1 lo ft drtwglsL Toe ni"

wen' Died as (ollowsi Innhokiers, .-,'.",u ■ brewers, Drat elatt,

laviO; second tiU*,tf0v| retail dea.era, 910; wholesale dealeri-. HSU; cumniiiD

victuallers, -i.'.'.. Tin: cbaujie* as (roan Istlyoar are It

the brewers and wbuleaale dealer'* llc-n-

iwn, the fiK-mer [**flnsi hat "ear »300 ftoil UN lalli-r fiiiO. I .Howlne; are Ibe uamea t>r - f lauleil lieeiiaes, the majority of WMMi have i i'i.1 Ui.i House Tecs pre- scribed i

n six KB*.

Una* 4,H.i, l-i I'n abeel. Jiinit II.-adi.KI Wiiilr ilreet. II.L.IckT. Iirailli-y,5il.nn*tnul. .Iii.i-ph Cmil-'-ti. I" • immoa. Kdward Devlin, ;sl Oak. .('Hill taglub, *UO.t». .•_. Wm. Y. Iieario, ).'• • Lnealaul. Thome* Lil-on. ill Kim . Thorn** iloodwin. IUt ■«'! !»'■ Oak John r. Ifartanl, HI Kin. llOKan HriM . -'To Uu.ntMon. Km.n! ■. ■- Km. Win. II. keele, ■:< Cuinraon.

KOB DKAFriK«f4. M'lilv :. I'in ll' !>' Inlo Iha ear, rubbiDf In

HAY FEVER •""■** -A lair Ulil will coavlnco the meat **rptlca}-

ELYS' CREAM BALM, efuelually rleinio* tlie n**«l p«-»a» oi Oaterrfcel vlrn*. lauain* heal ellar. InnaminMinii "ml nnum . Wfllllln-ilH.il Iniiiu- ' I Hi" bead i "II ool li, oomnleMly heeia the mire* and rc*tot. i lb* lame "f taste »"'l ■mail. B<tnencla1 reeulu ara realiaeil by a lew a indication*. A .hori treatment ai directed will fine Catarrh, hoim-hiiiii rrra.tljr l>r cold In the bead ml i ■aa It la eacqiiaied. The Balm I* seas u ami eereeatile. Hold by drnatlal' "' " OtT recall* ol HMMawfU mail a pa

A* la getieiallj iuuwo theie la pending John Meekell and Daniel Mahunejr are

b* lore the leglBleto-e, bar log passed the , oelghbore. Their wive* don't get along

■fiiaie, a bill mulcting tba number of. together aa trn« women abould. Sunday

liquor licemea to one lor every tnousend I night they romineDced a word* dgbt la

Inhabitants or a City or town, aod a> j tba Kieel atreel alley, when the men of

there appears to be ■ fair prosutct that! the honaa cajae out and Indulged In Cat*

tba bill ma* become a !aw, the liquor j cuff*. Boon, Haakell eaya, Maboney

Idejlera ul" Lawreuce bvesrae great* atraclc at hie how eta wltb a knife cutting

alarmed. I Ilh» u™te badly, bo', fallii g to Indict a

A special secret sera Ion of the board i wound; h* ibeu brought the anira around

wl. held Monday morning, at wta'ca 1'iJ , nod cat him (Meakell) la thi back of tbe

iqoor llceta< a were granted, 19* toe >ro- head. Tbe t nkrra arrived on the npot,

■ ndarreatad both part lei. On Haakell'a

repreaentft-lon, Mehoney waa anircbed

lor a knlie. hut noiblag waa found aare a

pen kulfe ui it had not b«en uatd, nor

IMUU any loatrutsent ba found lu the vi-

cinity, thai ihe atabblng could have bet-u

done with. Hitth men were locked op-

Tbe officers nay that llabouej waaallghtly

latoilcaterl, hot aljakell waa/sober. City

I'byalclanHjgae wsa calletl, and dressed

Maskel.'* wonnd. During the evening,

Haboney waa billed ou>. In the pol'.ce

court next morning, both men were repr -

aenlcd by counsel, but on motion of Mr.

Barley the case of mutual aatault waa

CJUMnued until Wedoaeday morning,

alaskell being allowed to depart on bis

own recognlxince.

Diaaiittsflffd Hox Makers.

I'n *oratj time the oux-makTS em-

ployed by ihti Lswrence Lumber Com

l-ai-y have beendlaeatladed, not that their

wages have been InaofSclent, but tbey dt-

al re more friqueot pa) men la, and Haiui-

Jay evening held a meellog, at which a

committee was appointed to wait Upon

Mr. 1,»k!d and req'Jeat weekly pay days.

It was further voted tbat unless they

were paid next Saturday Tor tha work

tbe prevent week, LI ay would refuae lo

work lor ihe company until tbekr nqueal

was compiled wltb.

Th-re are about 8A employed at box-

111.1 king by tbe company. One of tbeui

waa sctrn liy a reprtsentallva of the AMXH


Tba Uriuid Army Urdar.

ha» lasued

and Army i


n paohaue. "i-U'i .nt ol I ilar with lull Inlurmatim

■l.Tn'CRBAM UALM CO.,Oweio. d.Y.

Kim -*ir. 15 Lawassca "-> H, U Whitney A Co., E. H.Kellry, Che*. Clark,

J. C. A etirr, at Ortlwaj'a I inn Stores,

and br DrwgRlets generalljr. sodltreca »

*t mli'i .V «-i . M -fl. TliOMaa Uliun, IM7 lhiiii|<>lni.'


H.i «'n A .-Hi>'pnr.l. 1IU Hru idway.

> t WHOLBSai.a nni.riw.

Jl. Lurney k Ilroa, corner ol CJII-U

amp.liire .Intel. Ford in..i. 11 i>horl. Win. ruMnralil.tei Valley,

gJeremlaliWy.J.-.. ;WH Kim. it at -iii.nii. «;■!ami i-: i »m».». Kjitraii A Joyue, it ll«ni|ilnr»

.i.i -i ih Huttrrworlh, SIT !-■■•■«■ Uit.nl r.to.ilun, W>BinlH; ll.ua.laay i .'in IU.Im.'>, III ll." li... ■!

J..(ui SullnMii, li: Uo.niM«n. 'ihi>raa* DiX'ii, I IB ami 4IH ('ommon J WLon-.:i.'t Common. W 11 H IIKK >i. '.--..-v ilou'M, M in 1 II H". ii in AY < " , H 'I.I 111 II in M I Ail'ilplir}liin.|l«r, »l I'ruapecl. al.C. Wmtly, 4Ma-i-UV) Common. A mo. I'. I*iiic rrn, :'.'J and Ml Cotanoi .Lu Ui-.l/»nnell, 210 Ue»

, Mannliu. 13! anil 1M Ci " .,*ll " lathee, 4

U.riM I.tii I t'nliii

A. P Cur.

Kh'., Cream llalm, fur aa'e by . OttDffVAT A C«., A|n'lii./ Kauri St. anil Broadway, La*retire.



Till Richest BLOOD,



iifXitm-F. I The Pboaphataa o( tha Wbaal era ita mpa« ralubla rbod P^Orrty, and ate, when piwp-

prapaaed. tba moat anwpuula nnartaiam i ■ h I oh 10 bulM 11 p tha aTatem.

_ ._• nood, ■eaiaaodaTarrae are the SjaSH IwUehbaaeUMeWelAofevaejdarworh and

- in erdarteBavealakaaaaltlawlaata III'ILDroRIIKALTM.

ihaaaa. whila iha re eliminated.

"JHlT»aba>la,>o*hlo Uabolaaat nadlatnal ■

■ lathe

M and muat net b>

otna la doubly •flbrtlva wl.rn UHd *Hl ■B aa to nimrlah wbila It oorracta. laid br dnatarta. It 00 par boiuav

wiiiiT arrrjow co„ Wtn. af.T.

¥ W Kkirb, liiKniaudCoUne Tlinmaa lloiikinaon, -H «uil IM Commoa. William llnlTiii in, L>i Kirhanie. JoDn Farrell, It au.l IH AiUn-T-urj. William Fllaftralii, WI Valley. Unliael rilSgwakl. Tl Water.

cuttaMM vie ruALi.aaa. t.ee An-liii, 'Jl ftroauway, W ilium 1> Adam". Ill Ilampalilre, (teurae flaalain. Wl K.trl. Jj-nr. Ilroou. Ul »'aier, John Bain, 17. Vallejr. .MI.-i ii.-i-i.-i-. ■>■' Uroatlear- M. lin.iii-v,:. i' K»M-I.

rairiik.Ureen,%i~. Clieatnut. 11 inB, LI A 1boliiii". 1.(5 K...n, M .iv HaitloT.lil l.oweli.

"-Hey. eiiUak,

.l.iiii i- II liui I.. l.v.-i Watrr, Marinrel llin kc, 'II llma.lwa*. Ureajeey Buriia, JlwOak. II in,,.,i. HL.WII. n.1 i> ., Juliii Hairy. IWCuiumon. Ilrnry ll««, IV Kim, l:i,..i..,.llru*n 147 Valley, Tliumna lli-alni-. I'i I'.iriUn.l.

I ■ 110 I....— H John r-Colnau.UI Valley, JerijOnrtla, -.: . 11 , ■ TiiuiiiHB J. Cariii-j, liu Cuoimon

11 iliiAii'', :."J K—«t.

Coamandai-lu-Chiel Merrill ihe fullowlog order to the tl


No 1;, I'.VIIH, 11.in 8q.,

H,.Mun April KO, IMS. General Orders, NJ. IS.

UaUfoMiaL DAY.

In sccordanc* wit1! the prctlaloM or tales and regulations, Tueeday, the llin- tletb day of Hay, will b« obactved as M,- IU.JIIBI Day.

It la hoped that tbe unprecedented gruarth of tbe Grand Army during the peal yea-, will be an Incentive 'o prepara- tlnn for such a uulvetsal observance aa beloflxs to his dsy of sweet memories and tender service.

Scarcely do we real!*.* Ihe awlftneaa of the dying years; that to a wbo>e genera- tion u.- lay, the atory of the war agalnei lebelllon, la but a bit of hl-iory ; year by year we are matching wltb lessened tread 10 the growing cirri* 01 Uie patriot graves wberu aleep theal.ent lorma of old coa- fadea In am a.

s ever lebsihealng r,>ii of tboae already paaaed fioai our ranka to Join the lavlelnle host bejond, the past jeer has addtd the conspicuous names of our he- aved ComradiB, Stephen A. Hurlbot, tbe Irst, anil Ambrose K Burnalde, third j Cammaiider>li-Culerol our oaganlxitlon; a ul our itreat uaiion has watcbud ihiough i Weary Weeks of anguiah at the bedalde, and wept bia'da ih - tomb of its atrlcktn soldier President.

Upon tbe bud and blossem, leaf and j laurel. We one year ago laid upou the 1 k-ram grown mounds, hap r«IUu tbe beat! ot summer and the snow of winter, and ibelr beauty aid perfume la gone; but an We Join In tbeae aad.y sweet cvreuionlts, tbe atory or valoi and patriotism we will keep as Iresh In our memories and aa fra- grant to oar hearts, as when for tbe tlrst time We came to bedeck Ibeae abrioea with the earlj off:rlo,[e of ah opening spring.

To country theae fallen cemradae off r- ed tbe aervice aod sacrlflce or their llvee; let ua reverently give one day iu luynl il. - voilou to tbelr memorlea; searcb out svsry one of their known restlug places, BO that lo all our broad land, wherever es- tate a J*oat or the lirand Array, uotaalngle grave of a Union aold er or sailor shall be uuvlalLed-nol one which willlug dngera

BAM, He iai.I that the beat pay received I And grateful bearta it > not unite to cover with myrtle and evergreen, entwined wltb in njht blossoma upou which the glad eui- <l|[bt bas painted something of eternal iji-auty, tokens of lilt's Iralliy, emblema of valor's Immortality.

By command of GRO. 8. MKHIIII.]..

Comraauder-ln-Cblef. W11 1.1.U1 M OLIN,

Atljutaut General.


II wlU eara aattratv tea ware* forai nt t'ae»la Ooaa- ifrilale,all uTarliu hniiMii lnr1ar--""-ii MSl Clean Hun, ratline Sad DtoplaeeneMi, and Ua eenaraeaai Ipluml TTIIBTITM, and hi pattleelait; adaptad U the Cbaatra of LU aw

It will dlaalve aad'ip«Miiniurifr<inilb*at»rBala aa aarl* ata«a ot daTtlopBMnL Ike Ui danrj to ran.

SBBMBJ kwaVAWawgH la chacad nn H-»»4IU W "• "aa. II niaiiai *-'-1aniT. natnksaT. daatniTaall naitBB

1 m aMmahuta, aad rallataa waafcaaa* at tha aaaaaach. It eaaas SJiasUj, ntr-*"h—. lUpmi rraalratlaa, Oaoaral In Wilt j, Bkiilmniii, Papuan an aad ladl

was «hl a week, tbe average pay 81 per

week. Until November laat the men were

paid weekly, but alnce btve been pild but once a month. The cbBDge was made, he

aaid, becauxe some of tbe men who re-

ceived their pay weekly would "go on a

r-pree" a:.d not return to work tha follow- ing Mom'sy. He fuither claimed iha at

every other sbop lu the Kaaex yard the woikm-o were paid wtekly.

A Kre-e Klght- . j~"

LYMA K. PIXEBIWB TKBETABIJE C«M- FeilNPilapr-parad a»«a aad Hi WaaUra A»-Baa, LTBa,ataaa. ineaaL KeejBaafaep. Beoik-rBuU tathafana ot pan, aha lathe fora oMoeteere, a* fSBShafaf aajBB, fl par Via for either. Mra. PlahhaaB feaalraaawariallMtaniorieaaliT- Band for paamaav Mt. Addreaa M abo*a. Maallea »t* iaaar.


Report of the Sup't of Drewlog—Tba j Child Wblpplng latc-lbf Commit-

tee and Terpsichore,

A regular meeting of the fvhool rum- tnlilee was held Friday eveolus, stayor

Brvcn occupying tbe chair. Tbe follow•


| waa read, and referred to ihe committee ■ On evening auhmila :

Tha arlMMl opeued (tet. IKIi, Usl wllb, Wholl) HUIIIIK r of puplit, 71 riral jear*. elaaa, SO >■■■■ nd IIMI'. iuai-1 i• i■ - elaar, Mecond yoar aarebl.ecluraii I iw, 7

Tha aahoo] rioted htereb H-i. U«. A'Un BBue br elaaaea. Firot yeai'a t-la-r, lit tern 'Incbine ami arehiltctural claaae. vajolbrr I

No. of iemtonf, 30 No. alUmlluK u-ii infill, or ul ,i.. 61 1'oa.lbla aeHrr|t«te ullen.laorr, lKW Arlnal • " IS3I Average aiteedanie per aoaaion, hi

The aeuonil i.um ihr CUM waa divided Inta hi lone and Arcbileolurai ulaasea.

Flnt jear'a otaaa, tod term.

« htacbineelaaa.

No. of aeaalona, 1* Nil. ■ucn.ilui live nialita or more, '-'. f,>aaliilu BCfirsHie ataeedasMsa), aii Aetaal " " '>•** AT«I aui' ntteodanee per aa>alor, --

,\|,-Ili[..:llii::l <. I..»J.

No. of ■ ,■ ■ ...n . 1" N.<. ol popila I rlougiof, 1^ 1'ii.aiu.ca^^'. tjjiv attradaore. SoS

Arorage attendanre per aeselon, li|

Si-, und yeai'a htachloe Oaaa.

No. belonging, 1" ** dole number of avaaionr, *S 1'jealhle auKiegalu altemlaoce, 1 1 Arliial .... 853 i Arnaee nuendanre per aeaal^a, 7k i

Mevoml yesi'i Arcbltictural Uiaai. -,.. .i ., . i, , to So. belonging, S | foiKlbk aggregate auenilance, 3S0 . Actual « ill Average attendance per aeaalon, 51 |

Wahnveigulto a large oaatber of BHlleeUOBS (


Lydls K. I'lnkiiain'i VegelalilsCompoun.l li aold

by A. F. OHniViV A CO , Apothecarlei

Cor. EsaRX ST. anil Baoaowar, l.awreno

• fl*Ah*

a W tin B llui,

i uni l.*7i K.. Mi.liai-lfarnev.M Uaohanb-.

,-.-.... ■

ii,,.:" i Kl.i. 1 Valley. in., it ilaininliliv

VI Hi.m.lw.K II, UO a,a» X.

,„!!'..II li,-. \-l K-, ..

J. Cumi ma,IMjsaaea.

.lull. 1 (ovine, «l Water.

Motbllf draws ancti a crowd aa % fl;hl on Sunday. Sunday Michael O'Oonnetl

and John J. Burke, two North Andover

bojs, got full of brer and wished to settle

a lltile difficulty wllb hats. Tbey went to the alley lu tbe rear of Comwuu street

near NeWbury, and Were progressing

finely mi lir tbe %%zt of nearly live lun-

.1 people who bad vaUiered, wln.n tbe

cry of "police" xaa raised, aod tbe cura-

batanta ran to Union street and laen for the liihk bridge. Un tbe way one of the

contestants Came very near being pushed

the canal, Offlcera Spauldlug aod

Sulilvao soon overtook tbe young men

and arrested them. Iu the police c<

next morning, tbey weie each lined |l and costs or ID days for drunkenness, ami fo

creatlnu a dleiutbauce |2 and coats or

miuibs In addition 10 ibelr former tea lenea.

* J.l'a lil^l

; II ii ell.


Whi'a: llitieri are for tale bv A.P. OKDWAT* CO., Apoiberarle*.

Ciiroar Kates hi. sod Broailwa)', I.awrenre.

?VROt Curea Dyipepsia, Nervous Affec- tions, General Debility, Fever and Affue, Paralysis, Chronic Diarrhoso, Boils, Dropsy, Humors, Female Com- plaints, Liver Complaint, Remittent fever, and all diseases originating; b a bad State of the Blood, or accompanied by Debility or a low State of the Syitem.

sod* ly let! ■ H

Peruvian Svruu la sold i>v A. P. OHI»**'Al* *ni.,*|io(lifrirln,

Cor. Haarx ftt. and Broailway. I.awrenre.

eRAlrlNBERG vi:t;i.T.\iti.i-:

PllAM Are the mlldeit eve:

) known, they cure HEAD ACHE, MALARIAL D13 EASE3, EILtOUSNESS,


Tone up the afatam an l rortora health to ,ho»eBuffori ig from gene.a' debility ani n*rvooanea*. Sold by ell Drugmts,

aa Ooiit.j per Sox.


i, 111■.11.■. ii.'i,,,-,.-■.-,.'■ ■ John ll.iiii.no,, w: llaverhlll. )'. It, lii.iiiiiiiii-.7i Kaaea.' .Mm k tiulH-rt»..W«Kaae«. Annie l>aulvl>, »(■ Coinuiun. T. Auaiut Uiua, il Newbury. Jnlin lloisan. lux Comoun. ,\. a. i»<nlar, :tn hum. I'ulikk J. iip.uio.i.l.aT.-i Broailw.y. t.iin.'i.m ll-ci'y, il Bevel. Timothy Iholiue. li Nearton. abcbael n m,,, i- i Kim. 1>..I. imnal.lson, imKaica. I ...n. H I- I'-'.'■■...'.. u.t I'ai.i.l. Kale)-. IW Itroadwar. I'all ltd U.mpoi-J, 7.1 lliuadwar- .Jnlin lianry.lt liainpah.rr. t'lilrlek llalr-T. M llampabirf. W liunra II. Kumivan. I lUra.blre. )'.,' i:. a I un, l.;'.i Vaili-y. I'alni'k INinovan, A Mm. » I. I'.i-.i i. k Dimri'ii. s Uowe. ■i 'in. 11.1i.-i, -' ',. Bioadway, Mi.. Kvaiia.tM Kim. Ktebaid i "■ '• hew bury. Mm-y riiagerald, IU Valley, t.on Kur.1, 37 ll.undwav. ,l.,.,|,iuiH. K. Kut, t; franklin. tllvn Karrluguia, 1:UI Llmuu. Jnlin r'. Ktun, iit Amuibury. Hifliael Klainilgan, IS Klng*l.)ii. Jan. H. rerun, W Uak. I'utrirk K..I.1, |,-> Lowell. II A i .nil ii... Il Alkinaou. at H ..,,."., 1 Mill. Mirnael Ureetey, corner llainpabl

John lieancy, 131 Lowell. Mn-hael Ueraughly, in Alleo. .1..11II l. li)..■■'- U .,.-!.,.,. Julin Uanloy. 15!» illir-flnuL M ■ ii-i.-i i.,.iii..'i.. I.: i ■ i-■ *u. Uiitin lilldea,;: Lowell. John II ■■■■,, '. »i "■.(■ It ■!..■. l Hey worth. -\i liii,.n. JohnIliHina,*aK*aex. Juxriih llolmei, II Ntwbnry. ,i.-,.|,ii Have., SS-HalTle. Kllt.il.elll llitblov, KUTremonl. .Imrplt Hiilmea. m Abboll. Noah U U'I.-I. il.: Coiomno. Jupcph llnnlmlv, till l uiiiiiu.ii. Carl n .ih.i.in 175 Union. John Hoffman, I.-..K--II i,« wjrni-4- liny, -M htaialon. Jiihn llannon, '.117 Mernaiai. htirhael llollhaa, lid Lowell, Angual Uillbert. XI Urook. h..i* .ii.l llewoit, IU Lawreace. Tlioiiian InKliHio, M7 Eaaes. alannKeeley.UHaaex. KilwarU Klllcoynr, ir- Kim. I'nomai Kenneily, lttt Kim. Joarpb Ketatiley, 1 MelvlnCouiL Bernanl Kclley, 111 Keiex. htarmi Krllry, JO Common. Andrew I.■Kiev, Wi Uak. Tliomaa Luuney, ififl Oheatnui. Miu rice Lyonr, II WnilK. Nani-v Luntlr. Us l«ain>ion. Mary LollhiH, i\ llaii-rhlll, Jerrmiah Lucy, I', U.\ Chmlnul John l.imereao, ,1 Itampihlie. tiuuiiti' Lnrter, l!Mi Comiuon. John Murphy, wl Valley. llUgll M.ri:l,l,„«. '.■! Vulioy. Julio M.l.lilJ. K'll II. Tnnidby J. UiCarlhy, M Oak. Jen m:ah MrLarlv. im Huuili Uroadeuy. r..tru-h HcCarty, i JaeJuten, WiliauiUclaiili), 1.1 A miter un. 4 I'liilhp J. Morrliury.nTI Kaira. lo-riih Mit.'iiavillr, Bl Oak. Janice II. Mi-Kvuy, HV llarotuhlir. William J Mill.innell, Juil-ark. Julin Mooiir-, II I'Mmmon. I'atrlek Hull-n, » Valley, Daniel IT-UiliboLa.'Jl Turner. I'alilLk Mil urmlik, 113 Houlb I'nlon. kllthael Mulvev, iHiCnainoD. ,l,.-,|.ii Milllnet (.vi K-it\ anil t07 Couimoe I'a.rl.-a llnri.lir. M Kuwr, William J.afi-Carlbv.ltll I'lrk. (.'in iirlin- Mi'tioon. 11 Ciniimun, MM stags il*, lot Lawrence. Loin* H*lhea,l(UK..Pi. .Ii.nn II Mi Ihinii.ll, Jl* llampthlre. I'etrlca Mullen, fH I nlnn Terence Uulilnan, r.» Park. .Lmriih II Mali*,'» tln.a.lway, Kil.-n Mi.riaitv,HI Valley.

■I ■■-.: Li. M.-li I-I , 118 I ■■ M.Nkhni, 3n Park. .lame* O'alallev, IU0, oornerof Hanpahlrc an

Kor ttio past two mouths negotiations ive been pending belwt-tn the directors

ul Hit- Itjstun A Northern Telepbore Com-

pany end «' u lemeu largely interested in the telephone bualotsa in Massachusetts

and counseled with the various conue it

Inn coatpanlea throughout New Uuglaud, fir the amalgamailob o( the Boston s

Northern Company with tbe leading trunk line com pan I oa, the object being the et*

Ubllahtuent of a syatem lhat will cito-

tuaily oowprlM all or the New Knjjland

aiatea. Laat week arringemtnis were [iiiily perfected Whereby the perpetual dancblae of the Boston A Northern Com-

pany was transferred to the new organl-

atltOB, and probably br tbia week the

new parties Vflll tnk« control.

II. ii] iinin Caitigr ssaaulted Patrick

Duliuriy on Kiliiay. but aftcrwarda Ilad-

ng Uoberty bad complained to the police,

he sellled li wllb him by paying dim

money. The erne caule Into court, bow

ever, and Carter had to pay «:i and casts

—Tbe granite edge sloaea to go around tbejbaBe of the soldiers' monument are

nearly all cut. Ai suon as the westbar Is

a little more open, work will begin In

H'.tlng up the sroands sroaind tbo base.


Are i "ii .li-,un 'ir.1 at night and broken ol Tour rant i.y a tick I'liiut Honoring and crilng wltti ' ' ezurui-lallng pun ul n.iilng teeth? lf-o, IO un,- v i,,:,i Ketubullleor MHB. WlnauiW'B SooTH- isu Himr li will itlleve the poor liitie auffrr- er Im.i.eitiatelj— ilepenilupon II; there la no mia- laku about it. There la nut a motner ou eartb

haa ever uaeil It. Who will uot tell you at that it will reaulate tha bowel*, and give

io Hie iii.'klirr. anil relief anil health lo tbe child, operating like roagio. li la perlrctljr aate lo oae In allcaara, ami pleaaaat lo the laaie, and La lb* prescription ol nneol Ibe o I deal am] beat Innule Liiii».'iun- an.l init.ri In Ibo Untied ntalei. Hoia aeevywbere: sleeeiB a bottle.


•>H THiair tlAVS'TaiAI.

We will aend Dr. Dye'* Celebrated glertro- Vullalc Bella end other Klecliln Appllanotie on

thirty ilaya lo young men anil oliler pei eon*, who are silli. ii-.l with nervou* ilcbllily, loot

llalitr, etc., guaranteeing rpeedy relief ami com- plete reaUiraUoo ol vlior ami manbooil. Alau lur rneumatlam, nriiralaia, paralyaia, liver and kid

■ iiMculilea, ruptures aad many otber dlaeaa- lloxlraied tiampblct lent lien. Aildreai

*' ihall. Mich. dwUocm

,1 be

VulUk Bell Co .

A Cot on, tot.ooa KoUTuautT ■lopped. Neglet:l Iiri|urnt1y reauUa I: able Long Uleeaae or Cuaauai|illon. IlKi.O'S I:KIIMIIIII.I«MUIH,|,. not .iitontertheetiMuacli like cough ayrupa and bnlaama, bu on the innamrdjparu, allaylns irritation, give re- bel In ■,,.ii.iiii, Hi mi. ii in*, i .111,-1,-. i ,in,i, n anil the Thniat Truublee which aingeie and I'ubllo apeaktreareeubjocllo. Fortblrtyyeai . HronihUi I'rochea have been recummeDiled by

iiiiin, ami have al way a given perieot """ log been teali d bv wide and nearly an entire generation, they well meiited lank scnone ibe raw

aa oi the age. Bold at U ccnla ire. fllrreodlauirei


Sinttll Pox Iffniovala.

Tbe lawa or tbe Sute KIVU to bosrda ot

health power lo remove persona rfllicUid

ainall poi, lo the city hospital,

whenever they are l.viug In houies occu-

pied by more than onefaailly, lu hotel* or

boarding bouses; where a patient la in a

dwelling bouse occupied by only one

family, tbe removal can be inadu by the

board of health, wltb the concurrence of

tbe attending pbjalcUu; If nol removed,

the bouse msy be Isolated.

—The liabilities of Edward Woodbead,

grocer, or tbls city, are Bbout 81,000.

—Beetl street alley between Applelon

and femberton atreelB Is belog paved.

— Several base nail clubs aru being

formed In this city lor the coming season.

-Mr. Daniel Lane h erecting an eight-

tem-menl block, on Sooth Warreo street.

— Mr. Uurant's second house lu Do-

raut's Court, la rapidly being erected.

This gentleman Intends to bull I two more

bouses tbia season.

— A woman who saw a noted liicj i-list

in town Wheeling along the otber day,

said she never could shear those hotrld

looking "beloclfudeB."

—Mr, K. W. Mcl.inaiban haa resigned

hla position aa pariah elerk of the Orace church, Mr. Burlon Whltcomii being elected to H 1 tbe vacancy.

—George E.Davis,Kao, .manufacturer or leather hoard, 3C Federal street, Boalou, factory at Pa:carappa, Mo., and formerly

or ibis city. Is reported Tailed.

Ibe brldgt builder, wbo wsa drowned

was namiid Caarlta Mejurn and not My- ■ re.-lilid UL No. 215 Elm street,

was a native or Copenhagen, D^ninaik,

And leaves a *lt\.- butno children.

— It Is a plnBsant lu-m or news to read that the ahuttorBon l'ortlaoil street, Bos-

ton, leading from the Lowell depot* hive beeu notified to vacste before Juue 10, BB

the street la to be widened immediately


— OT the new pastor or St. Patrick's

church the Lowell Courier aay a: "Father

McManii", when In ibla city, won the re- apect and eateen of tbe people or St. Pat

rick's by hla courtesy aod anility In tne pnlplt and out or II."

— Meyarn, tbe bridge builder, drowned In the river, had no toas ou either Toot,

tbey having been froieu off while at sea.

Ho was a most daring man, ami twice be-

fore had fallen into the river, but man- aged lo get out agalu. -

—The Unlveraallai Sabbath School are

preparing lor a Bird Convention, to take place la their church, Wednieday even-

ing, May 10th. Tula pleasing entertain-

ment, although a novclw In Lawrence,

haa been very sutc.awfully carried oui In other place?.

Building north ol the Spkket river Is boonv.ng. John B. Wilkinson In uulldlug

a Ihree story alx-tenement block, at the

comer or Hampshire and Park streets. Ernest Dick Is building a two and a half

atory double house at ihe corner of Park and Exchange streets and a doxen or more

cottages are lu process of construction bere.

—I). F RoblnsoD, manufacturer of card clothing, will build this season a brick

block, 106x40, four stories, on ibe corner

of Broadway and Lowell atreelf- Tie Drat floor will he used for Stores, the re-

mainder of the building will be used Jor a card clolblng manufactory by air. Rob-

Insub, who Will lucreaae his prtsent fee 11-

md Drawing, t ■y muat aed. Tin' I

fjvrryeiilij i wn i.i ii-,,-i

WILL CERTAINLY CURE Coughs, Colds, Hoarseness, Son Throat, Bronchitis, Influenza, Asth- ma, Whooping Cough, Croup, and every Affection of tha Throat, Lungs and Chest, including Con- sumption. Sold by all Druggists.

eod i|lv fe2) x a

*lfTERS Among IV

fBMI H.l.lO-tet'nBHimil. Il llllll' nent. It check* the firmer ilJaorrleie of Ibe alomenh, ill revives the viml ilswlna. I1

iliea cbilla and in"

il is IKlf-IH

■',11111! .1 i atiandpie-eral- UMgTMB Ol Mil r anil bowel*.

, :,(■ un.) reine sa the sctlvlty •nile .ry lo rhcu- id tolaoe lo agcit




l:..n,.,. f„r I,I„M'I.', 1..H,.. 1..i..,i hl,.|. A,n„„. a M:#»M>MIUI. i-irrnioAiiM -I-I«,I^,I i *illui<a e^nni-hi'iu-hta. It IIIVNIiN DMUANH. .' -.- .■■,..,. , ,i--1. li.i ■ r. r — i.u „ti (ii i" IAI.'IIIHI ' I MIIIVMHN MKTK W- —


■'i:.. I i ("Ni-ll. ..-■ Ii.lllh fin., h.i, I I 1'lh ■,.,,. 311) t .-II.II,.,1

nor* OTorni-ll, Hi Kim, ""' "1, 1*1 ti

K l,-n i '■lli.nni-ll, « llmailwny. Jnlin icilrini w llamn-tilre. ( aihetine ll'Limnnr, 1IUJ Common. i.-..iK" n-in.jii.ii. «< Hamn«li>re. .l...,-|.li<»-liiiHlnr. IM Li.minon, Hanlel IVBrie -, 11 l.*xln«lon. Joa»|ibW. Parker, injinarofOirord and Hel

vin itrerla, Mmi'ir-- Powera, 111 Hampahire. Frank Itotilo-.m. m Water. !_.». rU-yiiol,|f.l\Jg..ra. J,,-i],ii HuliL, SChealnut. Tlnaeabf Keean. It'll-mpehlre.

M. J. hyun,

For Dyrpepila, indigestion, Dfpretalon ol gptH'f anil General Uebilny, In ib<lr varlou* forma; also as a preventive sgalnat ri-v.r and Ai-uc and otber Inirrmiiuni P ver*. Ibe "Kerro-I'boaporsud hllxir or Cainiy." made •<j fmtweil. Hsisrd & Co., Hew Yoik. and told by all druagiets, i« tbe beat iimu-, and for psilenti recovering HOB itcknass it li*- no Bqusl. *Jt<uJan3lHl

N.pllllM. LlKB IT. Dr. Cbandier'a Jamak-a Ulnger Root Illlttri

rnicra tbe circulation of tbe blood iinmsdlalely, I'ni:il.—. vllallaea and rancbea tba vital 11 Hit, and reachinK every part of lbs buman iy»<eai, It tones anil la*l|turatef, itrengtbens and re- lit vtnatea all tba organaand tlaaueaol ibt body. It i< N'aiare'a great nealtb ir-n.^rer, and la nut equalled by any other medicine,

ilflmeod dei8

WnTAE'S BAXBSM OF WILD CIIBHBT cures i'..ii iin, ..,;.!-, biencbltla, wl crimp, Influenaa Conauraption i

|p» II. I ', Kll km


Mri IKirimtu Ko.tily. II Tyler. It W. Simon.]*,Ml CM**.' I....HK,' H -l.ll.ll. .':,.I r.-*r\. Diiiu-I Milliran,.M.'. K.rri. Il.iiiura Sweeney. H Vallev. Mm iv -Mill.vnr., 11" |.„w,it. John 1>. ■*■.!mean, tin Km. .1.11. Hmltn. VI ktssez. Tinicilhv Hkea, t«i Lummon Peter -■ . n 1..11 ■-■■' -ti.1.1. Ilanlel r. Sullivan. IU Kjtea. John Tairlej, SO Myrtle. ,lttiii<-*Tw<iiiiev.XSnuih llroailwar. i.«.re* Trotltler. *7 Fiankho. li V 'I'III-M-II. IHkiCommon, i.cm H" T..« i-v. 1 Nawliury, lliiinah Twonrr, fj' Kim. Anau-l WcBuel, JL> Lnwall. K, ,■,!,., i.-k Wanarl. im-Urksoa. .F.ilinU w»rm«i. ;-i luaan. I 1 in M.N.,1, '-,'. K..r, Wii lam Wniley, IIT Kaaea. John J. tv.hi ■: mil. ,1. II. Wehlrn, iSAmeabitry, ■laraarct Touiif, 11 (Joiumon. Nkhotaa Ynunf. i;« Kires M.holai Yoone, Mafhw.

MMth lungi and cheat. SOreniasntlg


269 ESSEX ST, COMMOa ii'Tiinm

Charle* at Currier, 13* Eases. Judo J i «|,iir«..',:« Kiaea. Kiiaetaiter, BR alarsin. Kloulae Mi-fai Intnl. Ml Caata.

MasaHan'a I'v.n.iMnu Baar TONIC ibe [only preparation of heel containing ua entire nmrliloulpropedlei. It contain! blood-mak- nif, force fcneratlna; and life lustalalng prupci

I Heel Invaluable lor Indigestion, Dyapenata, nervous proitntlon and all roimaot eeneral Me- iiiiuy ; aim, in all enfrebled coiidilioni, wheiLtr inr i.'.iii..; i ihan-ih.n, nervous prostration,

I uverwmkor scute diaeaae, particularly if re- I *oliln|[ Imm pnlmoniry corn p lain la. CAIWIIL,

Haiaau A Uu, vro|<rielurs, New York. s,.i.i by Urnrglaie, ts'lyfit

laroaTAKT io ALL.—Tn« mail gentrsl com- I plaint thai aeema to ip*re neltbrr claai nor 'on- 1 iiliii.n i,l penon, la ■ attd in tba liver. Vam- I wilb aiw henone countenances, dtapondem

apnilsanddeireaard leellnfa, exaageraie every | fimi until even aulciJs baa baen bnowu to rt* I toll (rum ibia raorhid condulon or body and I mind, yet Himmoaa' Liver Regulator Is Known 1 to Iw a'apcciflc lor allectiuna of tbe Liver, Spleen


irorjranlssd and sooa reaiorei ibe tmaclattd ami apl rileaa dyapeptic >u(I>icr,

, Li a more tiupcrul ciudnion uf III* itiao be could athsrwlae bupe to BIUJIP.

Pnrcbaeer- should be careful to ase that tbev i ettibeUaNtiaa, manafacturtd only by J. fl. 1 ZklLIH ft Co., Philadelphia.

lUnitod mail*

naM Ihe Waria

liri.i', which

,. ail jii ca.-li.


—Miss Anjle Alexander, uolll recently

a resident of tMi city, mil nlth a very distressing accident, last week, at ihe

W ahou at Man-fleM. where she was

emp!o>ed as an operator on one ol the

•>lng niachlues. 11 y some mlschanci

ber dress caught on the abarilng anil be- fore assistance reached bershe was drawn

under the sbaning and hJtb hones of her right leg, between thi ankle and

were hrokeu, and her left aukk badly sprained.

--Saiunlay nl^ht, Mr. Smith, th'! who!

sale I'M'inr dealer, left a kea: of lager bee in an entry way ou Ksaex stree', (or ,

person living lu the building. Tern yuunic

liois, Medaa I'dkle, and Patrick Pippin, found II out, and Sunday iiort-ri a h-de

in tbe keg and drew nil a quantity or the beer. They wrr* delected anil arrest.d. I *H*Ji-,oe

felkle la a st. te reform scaoul inmite, _

out on probation, and will IH nent Hack I NO MATTER to that InailMtluB. 1'ipplu will he trl.d i for laiceuy before the juvenile Couil, I WHAT OThEBS ADVEETISE

Weduwdsy. „ ,|,| ta [or , „u, !„!»,„! itt ea1| .1

.liiii.Kiini l,i 1.1 L .ir.1.1-. elivrrnlee beard <£nA I.IUaL, «e.,aal/ 99V 'm are aal eallnBea r»(.r» ilm.Ji.il>,] alia latereaa


ITLn.B4»3u.»l.i, ; »i I Mi.n.,1. i1>-HIM I., awn. prT- Hrautlful Jilualmtr* Cnwlvptitfr**.

DA5IEL P. BEATrY, VasUaftOa, Haw feeae,

pUpllt Who iillt-ml imi.'ii want and nmi Drawing, lor they Bml regular foime that MIU- I be draw: In asrealuiany caaea work la done irom ri.uan eketunea ralher tlian DnlHbed drawing* li a |.er-

ui-i-iuriii ha nr-i make* a akrich. marking each partwi.b Ita dimuntlona, then troiu Ihe .ketch make* an accurate drawine:. It la itiererore Im porlanl Unit a rneonanic or buil.ier ahoul.l have a trained ejelo be aUleio JuJ^e orformaud i»io- porllon. I i^epA'tiully au^aeat tint Ula *uljecl receive coufl deration.

Truant officer U^me submitted the fol-

lowing report lur the month of Aprl,: Number ol achoula vUlted, IM Abaance* without prrmia«ion, ao

" ■eaeoflil i.ff n >•, VB " ifeirq offence, l>

Parent* or guardl» a uotiHed, t<7 li.'iu. i.I'M to .-,-li ...I from (ha atrcel, -'• Alii'-l-. * I',.. ■(■■ H|l,:|l, s TariRnra* luvi.Hitiled, 117

The resignation or Miss Alice L. I,mi man aa tuacher, was ace. pied, and sties

Kva F. CbeaUiy or Dover, N. H„ was -levied to Mil the vactocy, al a salary at

rhe rate of $4Do fur tne remainder er tbe

ichoolyrar, and wl'.h tbe understanding

"■hat If 'li- provul satisfactory the salary

would be Increased lo i'' n next yeai. It WBB voted lo hold the High -1 h >oi

iraduailng exerclsia Monday aiteruoon,

July D. On the fiQenilun of appropriating

MUNKV mil ML' ic

I'.iUi- a lively dlscusaloo ensuud.

Mr. Hawjoii said ttiat-bo opposed It be-

cause be did not consider orchestral mu- <lc essentl i) to the exercises, and because

ot the dancing Wblch followed In the eve-

ulus. Ha would not vote Tor an apuropla-

Ion IT there was to be dancluu- Mr. MLCOIIUII) oppoaed Mr. Daw sou

Decause he considered daocinj a good

recreation, also btcsuae In bis opinion,

rniislc was a great addition to the gradu-

ating exercises.

Mr. Kol ini agreed with the latter.

Mr. Sweeney thought thai if ihe alumni of the school were in hare dancing tbey

•bonld pay the expenee or ibu music. lie thought It outside He province or tbe

school committee to appropriate money

for music Tor the exercises. List yesr an

ncbestra bad been engaged Trum out of

town ami the music Was poor In quality.

In prevluna years the music was furnished

'iy poplts or tbe school, and he conaldered lhat orchestral music crowded out or tba

programme of exercises TOCI! exhibitions iy ihe Bchoiais. Iu his opinion tbe school

lommltlee had none a goo ] deal out or Ita

way laat year to h«!p Ihe alumni inception

tvunlng. Saul,..it) said lhat to him graduating

exercises wliho.it music wou.d he an

anomaly. On a motion to appropriate 140 for niu-

i.k- Tor the duv <he voie stood T In tbe af-

firmative ami * In Lhf nega'lve. The matter of ri'viMni- the p'.an for ler-

mluallou o f OoQtreta of teacuera at the

schools, waa delegated to the superintend-

ent and the advisory committee to report

it the next meeting.


Superintendent Brewater elated to the boaiid that >,r had a mailer ul unpleasant

description to report, and It waa for them to say whether Ihey ahould hear It lo

open or executive aeaalon.

SvreeOcy O^JsCted U> an i'i.-i ul.'n i' seBslon. 11.: said that the mutter would

be as rrctly and BB sensibly dlacuised In

open meeting. Superintendent llrewster reporied tbe

CAM of Annie Jennings, who, Il was al-

tejud, waa puulahed excessively by Hiss Blrtwell. or the Amesbury aUeet school.

He detailed his Inveelgail MM hitherto

published In tbuse columns, and said that while marks of ibe raitau were plainly vialble upon the child's arm, he aid not

consider the punishment excessive. Said he: "I can say that I firmly think 1

would have done tbe same as the teacher

did, under slnillar circumstances." The ouly matter In connection with the case

tbat be could not agree with was the

punishment or ihe child before ihe entire school- It had always been bis expressed

desire lhat some lime ahoald elapne be-

tween the committal ol an offenau at school and the lofllctloo of pnulsbmenl.

Air. akCoJIum and McCarthy had In veeilgati'd the rase, and while they saw

marks of the ratten on the child's arm,

did nui consider thai the girl bad been

STRENGTH to vigorously push s business, strength to study i profusion, a.rtngth to regulate a household, strength to do a day's labor with- 38t physical pain. All this repra- itnts what is wanted, In the often heard expression, "Oh I 1 wish I liad the strength!" If you are broken down, have not energy, or feel as if life was hardly worth liv- ing, you can be relieved and re- stored to robust health and strength by taking BROWN'S IRON BIT- TERS, which is a true tonic—a medicine universally recommended for all wasting diseases.

yoi N. Fremom Si., Baltimora During the war I waa in-

jured in the stomach by a piece of a shell, and have suffered fromtteveraince. Aboulfour yean ago it brought on paraly- aia, which kept me in bed six months, ami the beat doctors in the city aaid I could not live. I iuffered fearfully from indigestion, and for overtuo years could not eat solid food and for a large portion of the time was unable to retain e * en liquid nourishment 1 tried Brown's Iron Bitters and now after taking two bottles 1 a ablet and a

BROWN'S IRON BITTERS is a complete anch sure remedy for Indigestion, Dyipepsia, Malaria, Weakness and all diseases requir- ing a true, reliable, non-alcoholic tonic. It enriches the blood, gives haw life to the muscles and tone t.i the nerves.

Browne lion Blilera, for isle ly A. p. oitmVAT * to., ApoUecsi lea.

GOT. Isaax St., and Broadwav. Lawienro.

JTHESEIBERT CYLINDER OIL COP CO. I ""^SJfSSST"" i..|,-iii.iiiii»'-iiirer.i.f THE MoTAMMAMY OIL core Tor Loco- Orxaaattsa, Btalopaea* and AniometieOrgafii, MUTiVaB, Mamtii Al "..aysffev ^saaa.


,i.v nodded la .la- the tne, maun:*, -

■ M"i ■ II ■■ I ■ I'll'-




KOUUE WILKES, Jr. tar, :-.-.:.■ A ■ i ,' .■■! every foot, lot hanlf,

welgliB 1KB lb*-,II )*art old. Took lt>e flnt

premium ut Me HOIK .let, S. II.. »nl- ra'r, A.H-

UffSj attest rim i.ml. vi. Hate Fair, lest.

Ketf-rtdiivinl II rili truck. Hiioa-a quartera ,y la-iaanti ■ li la HN

Salesroom S86. Kesideoce, 285 Com-

nioD Street. "lyr jan 1

mil-. a.lt

-.iiin.it, with be.i

o vKHC.IIlUN, Muli-oie. Man. , in IS Tri mtii,i l.,llo-lun.

I.RHOt 8II;TS0!*. Maoajrr.

(ENTAURJINIMENT Tha Great Healing Remedy.

fjASTORlA Old Dr. I'I tchar' a remedy foe

CbtklrajQ'a Complaint).

HOP BITTERS. (A MeeUslaw, aoc m UriaJi.)


IHII'R, 111 Clli:, JMAMUlAKi:,


ImiTH ruaaar ISO ilrnt MTIIH.-.I. QITHI- -ntiiir ALL oruaa IIIT i-aiin.

THEY Clilti: s SII lineaifKif llirStomach. Iloarl*. Iil..nd,

Liter. KIUu«T*.aiid Uriuarrlirnin, Ser- luaautea, blrrnlrMtieuaDtt e.peclaUr

r euiale Com plain «■

81000 IN COLD. Will tie naiit fnr a eaa* thay will ni

kelp, «r (uraiKiblUB Itiinura ( li.mill in Hi.

Atk T'"ir ■Inifilil fur 1!.

Hop Until" are aottl br.

A. I'.OItDWAY AL CO., Apolhararlaa.

■Joiser Eaaea Hi. and Bieadwajt Lawrence.



DR. DYE'S Electro-Voltaic Appliances

TO BXE1Z>T tuftVrlna (Mm 1»rvea«Wr*kOf** eral Heblllly, laaa ol uvrve lorce or any ill*ea*e rcaultl I'ii'.w. or lo aay ■ U-iii, Ni-uralKia. Vai til'




WllliCuraiwhan in the fewer of Medicine.

Dyspepsia, Indigestion, General Debility. Headache, Ftmile

WeaknMJ, all Dtteasee of thalBlood, Bladder and

Kidney*. for aaklit A. [LCLIIlDRN.SSBEsaea Street

U y. TAl.ltuT. IIS |:.n» ilrrel, U. B. BBAT- T0.1, 14 Aue-L.ur>' atrcel, and ill Sr*t elsas

r food im .in.

Dobbins' Starch Polish. (ffiwHSHii)::;~

every familr nav

give their linen

that beautiful fin-

ish peculiar to fine

laundry work.

Ask your Grocer


swlf Ir manlT

i t.failing London Pkva- Idan eaiabllebra an lllllr'-ln Nrii Turk

I'nr ill - I mi' <•!

EPILEPTIC FITS. •Von* A i" - J-enwJ of IWw. solLooilnfli.whoiiiekMaepW;

r.r,ra M5 S*S ...T'-ll-r mm PaW#" JH,.*,uo*-"-,1

b...i,.,|.ljrm., 3*|3aaa .,li..-h.-rf'.U'««i'l awrJOfem'.Un.li'.a.tu '.II.HK .ur«l I.* iiiin. n« b.i |,mhll*liea . -,n\ ".. I'... .ti-.—. ■!."•" Iwa-nrl*

r-l...ni.K •"""""■ "";;;-"'•'^ addr«*


314 mmmi&fc •Vam

CONSUMPTION. e*JkMM i.»e of U.a *i ■ • ■ ■ ■ 1: . ,11 Ol I

*.th.tl viTle-al TWO h'Tfl...-- «irli i VAI.I' IHI.K I HI'AIISI . ii

laiailmaeeeiuanf anffrnr. 0(»" t" .!.-■ l>a.T. A.HUH'UM. -


T, iapMaaSI I" U. a,)- II Paul St, Na* York.

565 ES8EX ST. (Meat door to M. B. K. Station.)

before purchasing jour

Tbe Tre*Idem or tbe Andover Kum-i • t*lnH< 1 al Andover. Mas*., bat hean rxtmrnneniinit | wilb Pbo*{tbaiea, and riports tbe rolloolng re-

-I ixperlmented lait year *»lih Dradle>'a|.

%^M?E£%^?$S8Z:. SprtSJ Hats or Furnishing Goods 1 bs tlriit had a llgb'. coal of inanurr. Two row* I ~ ■ '~~ ZTir ~ arrs|Untedwlibeacbkind,allrmaiin|lbruui|b UI-.U. V. I'I ll'I'IS. ibe wbulc Odd. I ured almut a heapmt; talile- etTapT , •poopiul la tba hill, calcolaun* that I uand tbe j J — unit value ol aacb hind. 'I'm y acre halveaicil ■ <t£ fn Oft LT'.'1" *l *"">•■ ■ . mi-lei worth ■rpirately, and each 'at wrlahtd. Where I uied llradley'a rboapbaia, tba yield waa one hundred and eleven iiutbels per acre, callm* aevtnty its poaada ol tar* a bnabel of abelled corn. NalUiarof lb* otbaraiqualled ibla bv a number of baabeli, and the bome-mada article was very tar behind, lam aaiUned tbat 11,1. rboapbats la lbs bast and cbeapeat feriiln,r j ran bay ' ii C. AMKIH,.



Office Hours, I to 2 and 7to8P. M I lan SO ly

Uen- vigor,

UliiK Iruiii ASUiEaand OruKH te ufflli'tiil wlui Khciima-

_ .lyaU. Sj.lnal LrtHleultka, [idiiev or Llvvr TroUUaa, Lnrne Back. Rup-

..irea. anil other Dl*eaaea n/ the Vital Dtfauai A I*, wnnax troubled with diaeaae* peculiar lo UiulrSeX.

•ipet^lr relief and complete restoration lo bealUi Kiiamiitverf. Tbeae *r* Ibe *J*»ly Kieelrlr Anpllnnre* fhan havr ever b*i«'iicoiialriH'le*lii|»0*n.*-lenlllleprln-

L —iaesnesCTl*H*weaea«

Itie mnat woaHterfnl j Imvr Ihe b

a in.iu medical and -j„ aide meat,and imui huudreela who have iM-rn qiilrl4ljKi.il r.itllrnllr rurrJ by tbelr wae.

Henil ai onre lur IlluMraicd Pamphlet, pvlni all iiilonnailini free. Adttrca*.

VOLTAIC BUT CO . aTaribell, afiak

f 1 octSS 1 r a

iJiKfflilj abased,

Otber in-ill1..-,-.', of the board related tender rtmlnlecenceeof what they had ex- perienced in school days, and Judging

from their remarks they uuat have been,

tttreut phrase, "pretty well

clubbed." ID bis 2} yeara of school service Mr.

BreWBter said It was the lijibleal case he

ever beard reporied. Mayor Breen aaid tbat tbe remirka of

Un* siveral members of the board, and

the reports of their InveallUBllons, were

certainly satisfactory, but be desired lo know whether It was Judlciona tbat. It

should j>u cut i ni in tlie Bcbool bosrd that

they made no remonstrance te beating

cblldr.n upon the body at the public

schools. Mr. Herrlck ol.jucted to ihe continued

use of the words "beat" and "olows."

He had tin' utmost confidence In Mlns

Blrtwell, ami would want tbe fullest

proof to con maltreat any under her charge. Ho

thought folks wore getting "too mi'-ari.- Ish" about the panlsbmeul Inflicted on

children at schools, and be considered tbat It wooid bo beneficial tu all con- cerned 11 the ctiildren wore midi to uu -

demand tbat they tuuet submit to aothoi -

Ity. Maynr Breen thought that the whip-

ping of a child on the body, when there

wae a refuval to bold oot the haud, WBB

an Indication or "loss of temper'' ou ibe

part or the teac wr. He said ibis was

the third caau of the kind reporied to the school board this year.

It appearing that the fluid hsd noil

been excessively pgotahed, ibe board by | vole dlsinisied the entire nutter and ad- '

j lUIIMll-

The bridge lion bae all been ol t.lmd

THE WONDER OF HEALING! Pofflfrh Th* at*srw«s btha oerjjps- ^atHrr 11. eiao I.* thi* diaeaao. UU Ui

Head, kc. Oar" Cwlorrb t'mre,"*peclaity i .. i■-!' .1 lo meet

re proiiertlsa of the kwirwcii our il eyriwee Innlnable lur uee lu catarr*

hal affeotioua, C elwi>le and tnexpenalva.

Bheiimatiam, Neiiralgia. gj|£ I haa cured ao miorjuej et theae Slat-— com plain la a* "


Diphtheria & Sore Throat-,1,;;.',; promptly. It In a ruracnre. Delay I* dangcrou*.

Far Pile*, Bllwal, ffllre*1lw| *r Itch- !■■, It I* the (rcalrat auowu nmady. Fnrt1rrr.,OIJS*mtrOpya Worn

It* i,- nun HI- . ii I In *.-1* in ■-1 remarkable.

<■■»!■ rVTTJT XXTRACT tea own tmt-

him tbat she Would 1 KXTRAt'T"ltou>» la 'A* W<>**- noil «'»»*'' 1 mifrmail o* aarnmnrfl-a iff vtupprr. Vena

poter i»„mtnnf .tlmaae IwnMl DM A-mny POSP'8 BXTllAVT. TaJunolhrr yr*fMralin*.

H U Mtv ..„'.i HI bull er by neemrr.


Irate, StiDiBfia, aod

l>incJiaIlaik«r'aCia(*c Tonic, inio a medien— Of auch vaiiad power*.. to mail* il tha freilcat TtloiHt Punfter and in*

Parker's Kl«picnn*«, A diieatta csTiha iiimuck, Bowtk,

Hair Balsam. ESffiHr* Tta Uee, Cl—L *A r-iit*«, Cinear Km.

HoM k™wSWl itilr iw- nnd other Tonic*, a* k lo;. Nrrm fail. i. mm™ lb. never inloIKatev Hal00- T«<»(.i .1.1.p., t-ir. ft Co.. ChemiM*. N. T.

■«I.I—. jfXa*^*a--eitmalaama»-a

SUatlta inilaKiiiiauuii or Caiarrb 01 tbe ln-.i.li r Lrlabelra, lanontloeuca or tttluntlon, Utavil ul.meui. Brick Dm t Dipoall, btoi.e ia Iha

Bladder, 8irlcture, llu-mi. or Purulent Dla- oharrer, Dliearea ol the Pro, tnle Claud, Bil*r.i»

" laaae, II cannot i- ■■ i»'> blah1* recountenotd iboaenf etiber aafj MBatM with anv diaeaae

ol Ihe Klilaeya or Hlaildiir I'rlne i^r bolt la tl -II lor «3. Adilrei-NKW KNULA.SU MfcDl CAb INSTITUTE, Si Tremool Bow, Boatoa Mas*. l*TtNTiSF,OI< nVIHOBATOB.

. The Ureat Itestoratlve, mppllss power te urala and Drrvra, realore* IIIBIHT, fl»c* i l|or lo youaa aad old, ears* aervnui- <le|tre**loa aad la i liviaf, lal'avaa Ihs wnrat afllicml laatantlv. Pries $1. aildu-aam ralluu tlm

KBIT ENGLAND MEDICAL 1NSTITUTK, Nu.il Tremonl How, Hot ton, Bfasa.

1 ly lalS

BT PEDRICK Jt CLOSSOX. * tow lyrj-ir.il ■


TOPS, rstasaemal aairl Iwde-

atrtietlfela. lame varletv ul tUea A styles.



*e„ lo., *e.

Terra Cotta Chimney TOOB Prevent ChlmneysSmeklneT,

Terra Cotta of all Deacrlptlous.


Dewr Town Olllc, 62 Congr... 81.

^HI. I,M>

, Shin of Do.uty Is a Joy For.,., DR T. FELIX OOURAUD'S


mWu.." K*h..„ it evt-r* da}'. \\— l-oudfi■ H.

.T')i'iV"|,''^".|..'l'riip.^l*rl. II iTuaaiK. and (ao J ' Ml<- l,y ell iTliueiK- -nil I.u ' t lout la |H«W»

, uuen.Tlla«llH-»iiH'




QUAKER BITTERS. WbaiaraQUAKBB.BirraBB)' An niti Quaker

reoiedv ibal a*a done mora to retina SBJMHM bumaallj than all oibar neiliclnr* comlilaad.

Tuese celebrated Bitter* hra compo>ed ol choice fi.ot*, Herb* and Bark*, amonc wbloh BreiieHtlan. »ar.ai>ar'll i, Wild Cherry, Danda Uoa. Jualoar, and other berrle*. and are ao pre- pared a* to relata all tbelr u.e.lliUual on illllaa. Thej lavarlaiilr eoia or grratlj relieve tee tollowina complaints: Dya|<ei»la, Jaoadloe, Liver ComnlalBta, Lo*a 01 Aouellte, lleailscbar, Blllona AIMcta, Bhe ininlom, Summer Com- ptalaU, Pile*. Kidney Dl**atea. rrmale IHacul- tlea, I.a-i.|iiii1c, Low i-pirlm, lit-neral Debllh*' and la laut evervlhiaa uauaed by aa Impure Mate of ihe Blood or Mmejaad rondl Ion ol ihe Stomach. Liver or Kidnevs. Ihe aad Bed la the Quaker Bitter* a sarnie noolhitf (timulaat ao de-uabie In ibelr declining yeara.

Eminent Phvalelan* pie.irllw Ihtro.and re-

beat Cure for all Dlataaaa of Ibe Blood, Bt«nacb Liver aad Kldaay. No one eaa rtmain loae unwell (iinleaa aBlcteil with an Inciirabladla. pHie) uter latui* ■ lew bollla* ol ibe Quaker

ror *alabv Dn«tl»t* and Dealerala Msdloiaee verjwbere. aod Vlvsei; br

■rii'iii.iii< AM> niiiar aiTMrtaa.

POND'S EXTRACT Swa. Si.00, $1.75. roimtCrsam ItOwICatJ"* Cere 75 Dentifrice 50 Plaster 25 LisSatva -■- 25 IsrawrtQkuif1 -I--1.00 roilMSe*fi(3Cti>M).. M'rUtalSyni OMSMkn

Family Syringe, $1.00. Paper..

.1 *akj« .-Ml in pa i.i.. • a. I. b

ml M of out New

Hrrrowrorotra I'aariaaTio** Base JTBILE OK arruoanoa TO

POND'S EXTRACT CO., 14 West UthSt.New YorJr evHt"tr»epl9 s

I'ond'a Xalratt la sold by A. P. OB»lV*v * CO., Apetheearlea.

tor. MM Street and Ilroj'lway, Lawrence.

Or. E. Q. MAHSTON Haa raaaored lo

friim the uvcr tail, and been »tm away to, Mfc##tou'a Block. 301 U roadway be atralibteocd. I lesiiwiia

Chas. T. Emerson, ARCHITECT

Rooms 11 and 12. .

Essex Bi:ik Building,. Lawrence

a«r GIVEN AWAY. Zimmerman Fruit Dryer

MoiuR8.nr,, EPP-uvtuoq

metlfytoiudt , maaaandaOMu. roraalabyr r*„


VaVl '*"' WSShSSi KSaJea l.«.i1tTlc*a«.I.l


ItUlUsaU 1MT at U ». IU Stwi. ST. LOOTe, 119.

*f"jj'aga_af"SmaaeleDoe in lb. fiMim.'nro'i •o u.rh .ki)j.rii>r i.i thai ul ihr or.lliuTt MKtlti„ari. ihat IW) hire irqiuiHl a IKI .1 i.putal.ou iliiuuja taeM traalmeat efee^pl r.urt ma. *

■WPI^HlTJ^jlTtftrgSaM^.;. loa iiticiuj a* aw--^"" jlHlmae*

|*/||*iidlhwariiiiil.||F eaeiliaaie

litTE Ttctluia (or btulaee. ur bMrilaaaT


BMU fl.. le •■> IMIIII ee uajlt^iua.

tiaM U«e ■■■aitU* I* 1*-W *.ae**t^ Hi..«Vt^;l t*—.^"i - HM M aaln«5

•ft. RLTTB, IB Xertk Nik Bt, a*, lank at..

eed« mars

; - i.i, i

' 1 mmmmmml mmmmmmmi


Andover Advertiser, —nrMum—

Every Friday Morning-, BT


Post Office Blook, Lawrence, Mass. By??SRIPTION-poata.ir« PreDOld-

W-oO par your, from which fio cent* win be cloduciea for »ti Icily advance, payment.

Tbs Clroulnttori of tbe Lawrence Amerl- oan la the Unreal or any paper in tbe County, and more than 1 brae Tintfe J.hwl.?' *nv oth"r Weekly i aper pub- MMa tola City,

•i* Hi(es of «Jterming sent u,„>n uppncal'on.

■ ntared at the Poet Office, Livrtnco Mass., for transmission through tht- malla ae aecond-claaa matter.


MWRBIOE I'lie Daily American

I'ubliahed Everj Erenuig,

HUBSOBIPTION. ID UflM: Oni MT, H.OO I B1* Months, ts.00

When not paid la tdrano*. M.OO.

OEO. 8. MERRILL, Proprietor.


In the largest end raoatthorowCtUy lur- nlshed In Eastern MaawaODttsasgfls.— With modern prases*, and Mutant additions of the newest Style* of Type we are able to furnish the beat quality oi work, ut low priooe. Orders by mall promptly attorn *d to.




APOTHECARY. Draffs, Mrs]. Loin*., unsnilcul-, Tuilet Article-. Au. J.C. AVOKK.SJOKasei.uor. Frantlia.

BLANK BOOK MTraud Com- Uicrci.lal»Hunr>r, K'iniii I'ai.i r. lie, u> .: lor.

W.K KICK, tKA IC-exitl DM BLACK sn.iis. Velvet*. C*v*li-

meres, Milk Fringe*. Bulimia, «love*. Jx II A llfh. A CO., It! Ruet .-Mtfl -l

OOTH &, SHOKS, a full iMi-1 iulete stock, il prices to mil toe Hay »-

P. R. UOKINhOM, }i| K..rx Sire* , C1ABINET MAKER ami Cphol

./ Btorer. M. r. U..VKN ,vitl». KsttarSirtet.

COOKING 8TOVES, Bangs**. Furuuaes. Hole wm AIHU-'C Stove*

.i.Mr: r. in v. n ,\ M . SSii R.aex i<.

GENTS' Furnishing Good., 11*4, Canes, Umbrella*. Ac

OHO. F. GURUS, fujDKaaex StrSSt GROCERIES, Flour, Tea, FIMI-

oT Good* and Produoe. B1IATTUCK BROS, oor. latex, Amesharv

HARDWARE, Tools, Cutlery Seeds and Wdnei'itl lluiilware.

N. P. U. MKl.Vis. stti Easez 3ire.it.

MILLINERY. Mrs. M. Isadort- Wnltiaker. tW snd 1W tastl ST.

M1, .. it. QlLMuRt'. 311' K**ex Slrei t.

MILLINERY otMllllnaryGoiHl. Trimmed Hsl* snd Boi nets. J. 0, Ml Ai;K l.KTO.S. ilS i-.-.rs Street.

PAPER HANGINGS, Wlnd>W Brits tie a -ml I i am res.

K. A. FISKE. 37a •.■■6a Street. PHOTOGRAPHY, uole licm—*-

lortnectiviitrinaCarbuu Prices r>. ' FRANK UUMaLL ,';.tK: ,.,.■>!.,

PLUMBING, Steam and G*- I'ming end future*, times, Uaiiaet, A<

WA1. FORBKS a SON, MS fc..t i at. UEWING MACHINES. TIM-N*v> O lljirr, Duiuiiini, fctmloaiun, Muter *»> New Hoae. W. slaUaK « UU , AgenU b* IC«k«Z Bt. 'PAILOKH, Preuch, Engllttli anri X Annsrluan NoTsittei.

r. W.BJHaAKI.aCO.,Po*lOIDo6 Blur.* 'PAILOR, Imported and Doimr-

U DSMftl MOUSE, It* a*Ht Strerl.

JNOEUTAKING Furnished i, all IU .l.-Uil.. tuneml Clislr»s e, to tin

WATttHUOUoBal'AliSONM i I Au.ii! be, \ UNHERTAKER; every dnlj

»l>l'cf LKUIIIIK lo fuller ill* kMSBMted to. M.J.MaUUNI.Y,l»iOsb SUe-*..

WORK of every description, K .l.l,.?.*>.l'lnt,.!,*.i^lt'',1,c*1^ ai1'1 ''■'



isa Ksiez Strset, Lsirronce. ae»,Klbei sad Cb oroiorm Adminlitored.

("lOLBUHN BRO'S,— DAILY. PAHEKr JCOtomot, a nfrsvlnfirPeriod Lea Is, Su tlonerj

Tnury Uuo.ln. I'tcturei Framed al eboM notice No.ja'lKsiexJ.rsat

DB. C. W. SYLVESTER. Dentist. 191 Bsscx Sr..Lswres<io, Kit*. Pertlcnlar

atteotion paid toprcaerticg NsturalTeetb. Ai tiilolsl Xeoib Inierted. Us* orsUtsr gl*ca a* prnferred. llyoell


Cor.'.awrence ft Common ttl lias returned from Europe snd resumed pete liasoi m» irofeasioa.

DR. 8. W. ABBOTT, otllc* 1SI ¥.***) Sirci'i, i-oi. J;n h.in, U,-i.l'i.t- HUNes

urrBircel. H rjn«

R. J. H. KIDDEH, DKJSTAL 8U) UBON, No. 171 Kiiex Street, Lawreao

Main. Uu, Chloroforni, or Ctber giver, si pri ferred. Cloned during Augnet.

KCKKR & WHITT1ER, GROCERS Crocker; snd Qlaas Ware. Strict!v port

CiTces.Spicca and choicest Tea*. Tbebestdslrlee ef Buttersnd Chceio. Rfi Ameaburvatreet.

17 N. II Alt His, ailC BKOADWAT, ol Xll.tneK. Hunt Msvhlue Co. Turbine Wstei Wneeli, fullInK Mill,, Wanner*,rallirs-Block. UlK», Kegiilstor*. Ac, Ac. Pl:ins liirnislttdsnd slim ill work done. lunHeO


HOLT 4 CO., ICK DEALERS. Offlct with Bug bee * slack, isi itssex »tr««t,L*.s

reanc.sfase. aprUfly.

RS. DR. M. J.IIILL has remored to Ho 10 Vsllev street, nesr toe Common.


KIU, RKAI. ESTATE AGENTB, LawTeBoe.stsss. Persons!sttentloato sllbusl ssss riBttrt

I Lawrence American. WeeklT Ner *^nii"- Friday.

THIS SPACE Will now be used to advertise the





THE U'let:' q.liic dispslcbes of lie Boston Globe, ou Saturday, gave an account of tbe "celebration" ef the funeral of Hon. Horace Muvnard, at his late liome.




This House Is always alive to the wants of the peo- ple, and we certainly advise our readers to watch

their advertisements, which are always con- fined to facts.

If you desire a Fine Selection of



BOSTON BOYS have scored a victory, and hereafter the ua.ade grounds on Hie common sru to be open to bicycles and sports of various kinds; Mayor Green evidently bas not torgolten bia own boyhood days.

ONE member of parliament, in dis- cussing Lite new phase of the Irish question, allirmcd that the change in Uu' imlU'v of the government would not have taken place, but for the clamor of tiic American press find the weight of American influence. Good for Amcrici; she is quiUi willing to keep siritiglit on in just lhat sort of influence and clamor.

There is No Better Place in New England to ootain Them than at

J OIIN 8 GILK Attorney CotiDsellor-

to Ssunden ueio

ntr trnmpel *rir off, snd bid■ jm pie 'pare In leiuoirUlor Ibo aeaaon whicli li nesr st hand. Pmeae proflt bythi**es *onsl)le*UB<c*tiin, ssd note tbe iictths we are now pushing the isle of s Isrg, stock oi

CHOICE BAND INSTRUMENTS at the Terr l.jwi'i-t price* Possible, satlsfsctioi a escb rsse being luarsiitiH'd. These are nil

Genuine Imported Instruments reeelvoil direct from warranted to be *trl bsre. In BaSHMWi s!l i

Popular American Makes nf Band sad OrchoMral Instrument*, betides a Isrge Uneoi specialties wMrli we control, snd for which we cuinff-r *|M!rlal jirl«e*.

Send lor tliualrsUd CHla ogue, stating partlc- alsrly what cits* or instrument* you desire. OWmpSBMwSS solicited, Addieis


life, Accident and Fire Insurance, JOHN EDWARDS A CO'S Insurance Agency


ruuLiQylvikUi*. ui «TUB. German, American, N. T. Wo^tcbester. New York. Watertown, New York. Orient, llurilord, Cona. Mori don, Connsntlout. Commonwealth, Boston, aliawimil, Boston. " iHt National, Worcester, uuoen, KHgiaad. lm -erlal ft tf nrihoro.Kngtsnd. HOV»i,«agl»»" Metro >olo 'na. Co., Paris. Londt l Assurance, Knil"-d. Bnbsra »n Aasuronce, Ens und. I,..nd'i snil Lancashire, England. Travel om'Llfo and Accident of

tin l,Cm Btnto Mutual Lite, Worcester-!

THOMAS HEVINGTON, »,IH Essex ■tree*., - a LswrsiM

Post OttlM Bon 38.

8AUUEL L1TTF.K, Pies. ",v WU. J. BHIDE, Tress.

BOSTON LEAD MFG. CO. omcr. II snd 20 OltfeY Slreet, Iloilon, Mm,

coaaoniKi ANU MSKurACTt'iiciui. "BOATOn STAH ltltlMl"


LEAD PIPE AND SHEET LEAD. TiTao-ITlN |,|Kltl>PIPa.PUMPi.tOtDW £ UoLnwEl>AL,.w,,,|,dbTlho«a,*schn. settsClistit „.e Ji.T.li-.iiKnAbsoclallOBtnlseL

•SB) ftfil O

The Unrtersijrned 1ms Opened u

CARRIAGE REPOSITORY, At 277 and 279 MethuenStreet, Pillsburv's Block And Invite* sll theeae who are In need of s Drat class carriage, to r.sll and examine hi* collection.

These carriages are m sou fact Lied in Merrlmnck, nt my own msunCactoTT, and are wwrrsnted first UIHSB in every pin tleular,

ELMER B. SARCENT. E. A. BlUOOS, MiiiniKir. Olllce Hours, 1:30 to »:80 p. m.


Special At-

tention given toBook-Keep ing and Com-

mercial Ar it n




Special De- partment ot Short-Hand and Telegra- phy.

■end for Particular)* to

CORDON C. CANNON, Pilnclpal.

ASTHMA KNICHT'8 ASTHMA "-'--i, (Si.OO per bottle, or ts bolllei for Ij.oo. CDR1

inf Knight'* AMS* JOSEPH E1.WL1.I.. WH.IHI, Co**.. Mi

Hive liken r«ii t»n lMtiin. aarl »■■■ hat* lo id Orun>>> !•*■ "« ■■■*•.•'* AaAhaaa

. :—14 I Have mSerrd rervihly will

IS*. :-" Knlfhr. Atthmi On

r M U>'> km ivMaliiini I b.

The L. A.KNICHT CO.. No. 86Courl: 8t„ Wi8^ ■11m splO

FOB SALE IN MKTHUIEN. The Well Known Bsrjamlo Blood Farm, Situated on Howe street, t mile* from Lawi eneo tsi nun Ua*ertilll, *| Iroin tlieTlilsge, | mile Irou *Rtinol. Said Farm contains ahoni 70 acres oi Isml, aniuulr divided Into mowlns, tdlageand uaslnrirg, snd about 100 coid" of thrlltv. grow- ing wood,■ nei-ir i.nlliiK hrookrunnlns tlnougb the paslure; su orchard of about )00 yoong upule tree. I>i*t none Isio litisrins, Msmf pea^h pear, eti. Hutldlrts* nearly new, <ronal*llngor Isrge a atorj modern built ~

Wanted. ACTIVE AND BELIABLE MEN To trsvel and aoliolt orders for NUHSKar ■rrOCWi Address, staling aac, pieTlous txcii-

11m martt Angu .la, Hslne.

_., jarn w«*u wuli oelWr, all la gMid repair. The buildings and about M ecre* ol land will be s-dtl repsrately tl desired. A good part ot purchase MM* can

--'- es mortgsg*. alBS. ABIGAIL BLOOD

1 tfmarlO Matbnen, Una.

•TCC a week la iOD «KLS1 fret PortiSBd, sis In*,

jour own town. Tonns and »5 free. Address HUALLITTA to..

11 j dolt.

W. K HKAl.lt. £. T. HEBR1LL.


8TOCK3 AliD BONDf.. INVESTMflNT SECURITIES. Members ef the Boston Mining; and

Stock E KcnansT*,

Simmon„• Building, opp. Post Ci.Ice.

•18 Water Htreex:, Boston, Mass No. 340 Bsaez SS. i^awrence ,Uui.

*79*- WMK, Sllatsy Sir. *// Co.Uy.tHtsirra,, Add auguata, klsiiie. si,

THE.OOSIUCT of the counsel in the star route cases ia such as to indicate little confidence in their cauae; the imperlineut interjection by Col. Inger- soli, of nn offer to "bet a thousand dollm-<t" on some u.nttcr ot evidence, and hi* laltr course epithet of Hiar" ss applied to one of tbe government attorneys, appear- very much as if he had lost his tomi>er with the progress of the prosecution.

THE aldermanic organ, again de votes its leading column lo the AMUR

■CAN, but it abandons the attempt to exculpate street commissioner O'Ma- lionr.nn the ground of excessive snott falls, after the figures we produced showed that his greatest increase in expenditures was in the month when there was the least snow. Tbe at- tempt to carry February snow over to March, was a little to vast a stretch, even for the Sentinel.

RitPitFAEXTATivit SitiTir, of Ando- vcr, deserves the thanks and congrat- ulations of his constituents upon his ably managed contest in the legisla- ture, against ilit! attempt of Cambridge lo despoil the Shawshin; it was a fight against odds, but the Andover member so ably championed his cause, lhat he won a decided and handsome victory, as indued, he ought injustice. Andover should be happy, and Mr. Smith should go back next year by a unanimous rote.

THERE is no proposition, except that of the renominalion of Gov. Long, which would so easily, satis- factorily and surely settle the mucb discussed question of tbe next govern- orship in this state, as the AHEBICAM'S

suggestion for tbe nomination of | Judge Dcveus. Free from all petty , complications in state matters, intel- I lectually strong, exceedingly popular with all classes, bis name at the head of the ticket would iospire confldeuce and awaken enthusiasm, and tbe bug- a-boo of Gen. Butler need not enter as a nightmare to trouble anybody's vis- sions or disturb their rest. Gen. Deveus would sweep the board, and make one of the most elegant chief magistrates the old common wealth has ever bad.

It IS EARLY yet, to predict the ef- fect upon affairs in Ireland, ot the ap- parent change of front on the part of l lie government; it is staled that Mr. Kgan looks upon tbe matter with suspicion, but be is likely lo bold ex- treme views; this mucb is certain, the administration by this act ac- knowledge the fuiiuio of coercion aud of the land acts, to remedy tbe exist- ing troubles in the disturbed country, and we deem it to the credit or Glad- stone, that finding one measure does not Bucceed, he is willing to change liout and try a totally differentcoursc. We trust that matters will now be so suracged, that a peaceful and final settlement limy follow, and Ireland rise again to the position that ber soil, ber industries and tbe enterprise of her people, entitles ber.

LORD CAYENDIFH, the victim of as- sassination in Dublin, last Saturday evening, spent a long time in travel- ing in tins country loine 1C or 17 years ago, studying our institutions etc. He spent an entire day in our city, visiting tin- l'acitlc Mills. At tbe time In- impressed those he met very favorably by bis good sense and free- dom from any lliiug that could be Toostrued into aristocratic bearinn, saeiog be was tbe sou of the Duke of Devonshire, and member of parlia- ment for Pivston. He was accompa- nied by bis brother, the Marquis ol Ilartiugton, now a member of Mr. Gladstone's cabinet, and lor a lime leader of the liberals in tbe bouse of commons- Chatsworth, one of the residences of tbe Duke of Devonshire, is known the M 01 Id over as one of the most princely residences in Kngland. Its picture nailery contains many specimens of the old masters ; its library is considered one of the finest: its fountains are sail co equal if not to surpass (hose of Versailles, anil Us stables sue historic in England aa sur- pgaaing in elegance and coat all others.

Tbe prospects or a truce between Chili and Pern are growing brighter.

Michael Pavlttbaa been released iron prison uj the British gotsnHotat.

Tbe Italian senate ;ja**#d tbe tcritltn de iitti 1)111 yesterday, or a vote of Ilia to 71

It Is reported that tbe pretest session from Georgia will saou tender their :e»lj- naliont.

Tbe Bprsgoe property was pot sold yes- terday, and the sals WAS adj >urued to the 18th last.

Mr. Vorswr says that >* !'.imel| had ItettD allowed be Would ba*« become tue ancrowntd King of Ireland.

The lower house of the Prussian Diet has adopted the eccle* UtalM * I bill smendttd by tbe opper house.

It is bstieved that the recent d.r>iat of tbe Indian* by Co). Garcia will put an end to the outbreak on Mexican territory.

Bobert Dooaldaoa, of- Turn, Scotland, Is to attempt to J imp frora Hie Brooklya bridge Into the Last rlvnr, ou Siunl.ir, May 14.

Lord Frederick Caveodiih. has been ap pointed snd accepts the pualHon of chlrf ■ ecretsry for Ireland, ID placa of Mr. W. E. Foratsr, reslgnfd.

Cspl. Hiram Mansnll was Instantly killed at Oreenvlllu, Mi-., yesterday, hy Uiu wfaeel or a portable ssjpaej with wlilcb he waa sawing wood.

John Archibald, of Portland, Me., who cominlllbd a inurdoroua iMut with an sxe on his wife, on April z7, wssarrtsted on Wednesday, In Paris.

Col. Worth I outon'* nomination waa re ported favorably to the Senate, yealei day, bat sn objection csrrled It orer lo the nest executive session.

An exciting scene occurred during the ■tar rout* bearing. Col. Iuereraoll giving the'lle direct to Col. Bliss, o&tf uf thi counsel for ihe prosecution.

The motions tn quasli the Indictments against Dorauy, Turner tnd oibers In the atar rouie coospliacy users were over- raled, yesterday, by judge Wyllu,

Wednesday ar'*rnoon. John Cliarlebola and h)n two children, aged 7 and 11, were drowned While crossing the lake la the Gatloeaa (Out.) lumber district, on tea.

The anticipated legs) contest between the town of Acton and ■ unit :'."< soldiers of the late war, on account of tbs non- payneot of back bounties of glHS each, will be abandoned. Tbetowo will pay.

Mr. W. K. Former explained the rea- sons of bis withdrawal from lbs chief secretaryship of Ireland, in tbe honse of comruena. reaterda) ; Meair*. Psroell, Dillon snd U'Kelley were present, snd Mr, Gladstone announced that tbe cnarge* of treasonable practices against the foi mer would be withdrawn.


The old "FslI MuouUln" brewery was burned st Bellows Falls, Vt., aboat mist- nlvbt.

Admiral John Rodgers died st lits home, Georgetown UelgbU, last night, ag«d 70 yeara.

A fire lo the Cumberland l'sper Mill, st Westbrook, Me., last night, caused a losi of gaa.ooo.

'I'll.' luncrtil of the late Uorace Maynatd occurred at Knoxvllle, Tinn., yesterday afternoon.

Major William J, Twining, of the «ngic- eer corps, TJ. 8. A., died lu tVaabtngtoa, yesterdsy afternoon.

Col. D. B Henderson, of Dnbuque, la.. Is tbe new Secretary of the Congressional Campaign Committee.

There sLpears it be general Jlasaii'srac- tlon st tbe sppolntnteot or Lord Caveb- dlsh sa chief secretary for Ireland.

Petitions are circulating In Maine urg- ing Mr. Blslns to be a candidate Tor Con- gress on tbs general ticket next fall.

Thirty persons lost their lives on board the United States steamer Itodgers, re- cently burned In Northeastern HlberU.

The State Senate relnsed by s vote ol 20 to 7 to act favorably on the proposed return of tbs Bute Prison to Its old quar- ters.

A railway collls'oo in Chicago, yester- day, killed ode man, ctlppled two others for life, and shook up pretty thoroughly a another of others.

LleuL De Long and party, of ih- lost steamer Jesnnetti-, have been found, all dead. The books and psptirs of tbe ex- pedition hsve slao been found.

The Csnsdlan senate has confirmed the set recently pissed by the bouse of com- mons Itgillalng the amalgamation of tbe entire telegraph system 01 the Dominion.

William Richer la was arrested yester- day, at Waterbury, Conn., 00 the charge of murdering Joseph Jackson, whose body was found at Button, P. (j., s few weeks ago.

A s'.sglng on the new railroad btldge at Deei Held gave way last evening, suri precipitated alx men to tbs ground, 4 dis- tance of OS feel. All sustained serious Injarlea.

The conservative members of the Brit- ish house of commons will demand on Monday, that Mr. Gladstone'seutlie Irish policy be aubmltted to the houae for dls- CUMBIon.

Senator Blalr waa further cost-eiam- Ined yesterday, regarding bis coDnectlon with tbe Chill-Peru scsodsl, 4erllolng to state bow ranch stock Shlpberd offered him for bis services.

filonaay. LOR Morris, founder of the Morris

Brothers' Minatrsls, died In New York on Saturday of consumption.

Judge Lord cootinuss lo Improve. He baa an Increased appetite, snd alt hla other symptoms srs favorable.

Maik Alien, 36 years old, and a resident of Btitneham, committed suicide Saturday by tsklng an overdose of laudanum.

Daring April, British Imports increased, compared will) April Is at year, hy 18*7,- 000, and tbe exports Increased £243,000.

Tbe national bouse of ep reaentatives, on Saturday, passed the tariff com miss Ion bill as reported from the committee by a rots of Ml to S3.

Stephen T. Baker, aged forlj-oae, a pedkr, drove Into a mill trench st River Point, K. I., w,hlle intoxicated, on Satur- day evening, snd waa drowned.

Forty-four buildings and ten million feel iii lumber were destroyed by Die on Friday ulgbi st Bacine, Wisconsin, tbe property lots srooumtng to 9750,000.

The President has remitted the contin- uous psrt of tbe sentence of ibe court- martial which disqualified Fliz-Johu Toi- ler from holding any office under tbe government.

Michael Dsvltt wst releaard from the Portland prison Saturday afternoon. He drove to tbe station to take lbs train lor London, accumpanlcd by Messrs. 1'smell, Dillon snd O'Kelly.

Lord Cavendish, the newly appointed Chief Secretary or Irelsnd, nod Tuomaa llcniy Barks, Under Secretary, «*re If* ssssluated Satuidsy evening about 7 o'clock In Pbosr.lx Park, Dublin.

Tbs United States atesraablo Alert, Wbtle preparing m return to Sto Francis- co, collided April 18 In an inland sea with tbe Imperial yacht, Jluget Kan. Tb< damage Is believed to be serious.

The British st. am. r Mary Lttbsm, from Hong Kong for Portland, Oregon, with 000 Chinese on board, baa been wrecked on tbe southeast point of Veiz »■ The ciew sod paiaengeis were safely landed.

Itoi ert Bechter, a farmer living near Leona, Knnaas, was abotdead by bla wife on Saiutday, who then killed herself. She left s letter saying abe bad shot her husband because be Intended todlslaherlt tbs sou, and she preferred tnst both shonld dta thst the sou might enjoy tbs property uudlaiurbed,


Malicious Methods of Madness. as .—

Pestering a Pastor.

Geo. M. T. Everett la tbe specimen crank of tbla city; for years he bss mani-

fested decided aberration of mind, and

ought long ago to have been placed In an

lassne asylum. KversU's peculiar mad- ness consists In bitter persoasl vninlty to some particular person, and develops Itself in a mania few persistent letter writing In

opposition to tbe Individual to whom he

has taken s dislike. Some time sgo hs

became angry with one of the police of£-

ceiM of our city, because tbe latter be- came U red of Everett's ctmplainU thst

some person was ''operating on his brain" with a powerful electilcal battery,

at times In his imagination, located near by, snd cgiln at a considerable distance;

he sought bla lavoiiie revenge, hy writing

letters to the mayor, the governor and

others, miking savage attacks upon the

officer. During the contest of tbe Mc- Kay Sewing Machine coiiioany, over the renewal vf their pitit uis, Everett look bp

the opposition, and flooded members of

Congreas wbh tellers or denaoctalloo, and as he Is a man of education and able

to writs Well, the corporation were I'm fed

to send to Lawrence, snd procure testi- mony aa 10 hla mental condition.

Within a year or two, be has turued his

attention to a new victim; Rev. A. K. White has lor four years been piBUtf of

the Universally: church, durlug that lime

winning the respect, esteem and love ot not only his congregation, bat every one

lu the city wliti whom he bus come In

cobisct. There has beeu one exception,

however. In lbs person of Everett, who

sttsuded bl* cbuic'u; Mr. Everett for sometime after Mr. White succeeded to

ihu pastorate waa a warm friend, but af-

terwards incurred a dldtaa to him on

account of tbe chaplaincy of the Blxth

regiment, which be did uol approve of,

■ad lu-various wsya tried lo make mai- lers unpleasant for the pastor, lie de-

manded that Mr. White should resign the posl lou of chaplain of tbe tllstb regiment, stating that members of bit congregation

desired ibat be should. Enquiry of such persons showed the story to be false.

Everett clalm.d that the militia was an

•■undemocratic" laatltutku, and as he Is

politically a rank democrat he declared tbtt his pastor should not Iw connected with

the soldiery or the sUie. Falling In this

Everett wrote lo dlff.-rent members ol the congregation, tbe nusiees and standing

committees letters drprecatory to Mr.

White's character.

O.ie of these characteristic effusions

c.implahicd of the cbaractor of tbe topica

upon which Mr. Wblte preached, ca.led

the latter a "cockroach" aud other similar tor JIB, snd demanded that he be compelled

to resign. Whenever Mr. While weul lo

Other pulplis, Everett would wrl'.e to

members of tbs congregation abusive lel-

, defaming tbe paaloi'g character; be repeatedly Beat letters through the post

office to Mr. White, of the most Insolllog

character, and alibOJgb repeatedly remon-

strated with for his conduu, has perslated

In bla outrageous attacks.

Finally, oa consultation with members or the congregatloo, Mr. While reluct-

antly consented to an appeal to legal measures to protect himself Ciom the an-

noyance, and steps were taken lo estab-

lish the character of Everett ss su Insane

yeraou. But upon the matter being

brought to city marshal O'Sullivan, he procured a warrant for libel, baaed on Ihe

above mentioned letters, and Everett was

notified to appear In cuurt. Ihe case

was called Monday morning when Everett

pleaded not gulliy. He was represented by Mr. Glle, who desired a coutlnuance-

ThlB was granted ana tbe rase csrrled

over until Tuesday, May 10, tht bail be.

tog fixed st t*:'i) l, Mr. J. II. Flernmlng act- it g ai bondsman.


The following business was transacted

in tbe probate court, lo itfis city, Monday


Wills proven: Of Henry Spencer, o'

Methuen, Permelln H. Spsaier, executrix;

GeorgeM. Brown,of Uradford,presented; Michael Kennedy, of Lawrence, Mary

Kennedy, executrix; Anna M. Howe, of

Melhoeo, Josrph S. Howe, executor; Su-

san Klmball, ol Bradford, N. T. Klmbiil, executor; I'lm: ><■ Howe, of Kewburyport,

Moses Howe, executor; Mary lg>, of

Lawrence, Pattlck J. O'Connor, executor; Giles Peaae, of Lawrence, Clark Carter,

executor; Lacy Hardy, of Andovsr, Gdo.

Foster, executor; Uilss Urry, of North

Andover, Jane Urry. executrix; Edward

Muialian, of Ltwrence, John S'.ukes', ex-. ecutor.

Administrators appointed, James II. Eaton, of the ■ -'.ale of Nellie F. Saood-

srs, of Derry, N. I).; J-tmea B. CrotBley,

of tbe estate of II- p ixibeh Fi-h. or Liw- rence; Mary J. Troll, of the estate of

J. frutl. Ten iuvenloiJes sad nine accounts pre-


In Insolvency, adjourned third meetings

Were held of B. B. Humphrey, or P«a- uody, Joim S. Hughes, of Lawrence, aad

John U. Co'qubono, of Lawrence.

Second meeting of Tboinas Griffin snd Harry N. Chubb, both of Lawrence.

A Ilmt il Afaaislt.


Thursday rumor*were riles that aaotli-

sr strike bad beeu inaugurated at ihs Pa-

cific mills by weavers, bat a thorough )c- vesUgalion has revealed the fact that las rumors were without foundation. The

tale of Dams Rumor was to the effect that

when some ol the weavers received their pay bills they were dissatisfied with the

amounts credited to thorn aad stopped tbtlr wo-k. Going w he ovaraser thej ware told to return to their work and thst

everything would be made satisfactory.

Tbe above Is proven by tie best mt ••!-

dance to be a strikers' "bugaboo" ai

none of tile overseara of the Pacific nor the tuperlntendoBla have heard suythlug

about it, except what was told to them by tbe represent stive of the AMBEIUCAN.

Tbe fact is aisled on authority that tbe

Weavers at the Central Pacific evince no

dissatisfaction with their wages, and while none are paid lesa Iban SI 10 a day

some are making SI 00 aad even more. One weaver la the employ of overseer

Phillips has made gll.00 a wash, and oib

era are maklog STO, so aad SS. All tbs

Jacquard looms here are la operailui

now and qrflie a number of box looms,but these must be roa by the most experl

enced bands, and as new help srs taught on the Jscqmrd looms the older handi are transferred to the bos looms.

Great changes are being made at thi

opper Pacific. Tbe worsted looms here, 084 In number, have been moved lo the

Store Louse ou Water street, where Ihey

will remain until the contemplated

changes al ihe Central mill are completed

when tiiey will be transferred here. They will replsca their old machinery with tbe

best thst can be obtained, and In con0*1

lion with the erection or a new picker

house will furnish It with Knsons patent sysleiu of opening sad cleaning cotton,

which will consist of three section breaker-

Uppers and two section finisher Uppers.

Cisrke 4 Perbam's three roll atciloaal sveners will be used on tbe tappers. The

ptcksr house has been torn doau. and

workmen hare been eugaged In removing

the roof of tbe "big mill." About SO weav- ers srs still employed here aad will be

engaged until the work m hand Is com- pleted, bat the upper mill will not

Wholly started until ihe alterations on the

building and machinery are finished.

At tue Central Pacific weaving depart ment new help Is being engaged dally.

The majority employed here are old hands but there are many learners, snd while

ac 'ijuui of the Inexperience of some there

Is »omo Inconvenience, the msnagi inei.t la now m tie hopeful 1 ban ever thai

when tbe proper time comes the I'asific mills will be lu even better and more sst-

lafactory operation than lu their most halcyon daj s.

There sre comparatively few strikers lo the city and hereabouts, sad they dis-

play little or no activity. Tnetr commit-

tees ate la other manulscturlng places ao- llclitog aid and endeavoring to Incite

workmen lo bold mass meetings, but ihe

encouragement Ihey have received slie- wbere, ID a financial point or view. Is very meagru. They furnish aid to appli-

cants only after tbs m 1st searching luves-

tlgstloo, and In moat cases psrmlt tbe city 10 relieve the wants of those of thelr

number who can claim a settlement here.

The organisation of their union la by uo means perfected, but they remain hopeful

Ibst In csss they shonld return to the Ps

clflc under tbe reduced schedule or prices, tii'-y will bo better prepared than before

to resist fanher encroachments oa what ihey consider their Jlust prerogatives.

Saturday olgbl apeclal ofilc-ir Eugene

Donovan aod Richard Luny hired a team

Beua'B stable snd went iff Frost Luny* uccoani of It they drsbk consla-

rabU. When tbey came back Philander Aveilll, tbe night hostler, said something

lo them, when Donovan aud bis compaa-

tonset up in liiiu very roughly- His crita brought office Carey who arrested the at-

sallanla. Mi.Aveilli was taken to his home Insensible, and remained ao until Sunday

nlgbt, when he recovurde hlaseuie*. He has sustained severe interual li-J irlss and

il be unable to be oat for some time.

the police court on Mondsy, Donovsn

sad Luuy were flutd tl and costs each for druokennesa. Donovan appealed. The

ease of assault to which they pleaded but guilty, wsa continued one week, eacb be-

ing held In g*00 bonda.

—The Msasscbusella Benefit Associa-

tion, has now Issued over 7200 policies,

aggregating 133,003.000 of Insurance; a

pretty good showing for two and one-

half J eai s.


And Congressmau ltueeell'a t'onoectlon Therewith.

Among ihe various attractions to be

presented at the fair In aid of James A.

Garflsiil l'-jst. No. ISO, G. A. R , of Low- ell, commencing Tuesday evening, May

{lib, will be a valuable cane, ouce Ibe

property of the lamented President Usi-

fleld. It waa rtcelvsd yesterday by a

citizen of that city, who Is Interested in tbe orgnnlsaiion, through the kind eflorta

of Representative William A. Russell. Tbla cane '.a made from wood taken from

the Kesrstrge while undergoing tbe first general repairs, after sinking the Alabs-

ms, June 10th, 1804. Il baa a large gold

head bearing an Inscription, "Prensnted

to James A. GaiUdd," etc. Alter bis death It was presented lo Col. A. F.

Rockwell by Mis. Uaifield. This will be

quite ao attraction, as ths cane Is prised

both as a memento or the Kearsaigs and of Pre, I lent liai field.

I'otT 4x G. A. R , also of Lowell, Is In- debted to Hon. Win. A. Hossell for thise

volumes of the official record ot Ihe we:

of the rebellion,


On Friday fureuoon, one of ibe main

pulley* In lbs card room at tbe Central

Pacific mills bui st, the flying pieces

spreading grest conaternstlon among tbe

operatives 0/ the room, w bo fled In all di-

rections. Oau woman named Jennie O'Donnell, aged -'."i yssra, wbo waa at

work directly under the pulley, was

struck by oue of tbe pieces, aod her left

leg was fractured below the knee lo two

places. Dr. Dana attended her, and set tbe rractured member, bat ordered tbe

removal of the woman to tbe Maaasr.hu- eattS Oeneral hospital. She was taken

tbitber that afternoon, Mr. F. w. Bralc- ard.the overseer of ihe card room aicum- panylng her.

The pulley wst 34 Inches In diameter

and carried sn 8 lath b.-lt. Tbe bresksge

csused tbe stoppage thai afternoon of one

half the dresBlng, spooling, and warplog,

aod 00 spinning frames. It It remarkable that not more of tbe

operatives In the cant room were struck

by Ibe flying pieces vT Iron.


Mr. Rofas Clarke, aged 70 years, died

at IS Washington Corporation, Tburadty

evening. Mr. CUrke Is one or Lawrence's

oldest cltU.-ns, having worked for Itrlggi

A Allyu s loog lime. He formerly owned

a farm on Clover Hill. At tht breaking

out of trio War he euliued with hla aon In Company C 40lh regiment, and Went to

tbe front, but on sc.ount uf hi* age waa unfitted for active service ami waa dis-

charged. He waa a member of lbs Law ranee street church.

—Mr. Chas. Maun, of Heihnen, brother

o'.D. C-Maan, of this city, has jut re- ceived a patent on a cattle fastener.






ORIENTAL RUC8, Awrt ever* grsli aa* earlel* ar far-

elata BBS Ueau.atlt: Carpetbag, till Clash aa«MeUlBa>.

558 and 560 Washington Street, IIOSTOX,



76 State St., opp. Kilby, Boston. Secures PAIBBIB In the United Stats*; alas IS firest Brltsm, Fraaoe and ether fnrslga eeea- Irie*. Covias of ihe olaiets of Bay Patent tnr- nlshed hy rjSasstsag onedollsr. AsstgaarraUre- uorded at WuahlngUtn. Ma Agesey la the Cei- led Stats* |"t**ea*e**aperlor?* talnlag esteni* or asesrtsialag tL_ _ Xlavsmtloas. K.ll. BOUT, Sol toiler el

TglTIMORlALS. "I regard Mr. Bddy aa one ef the sa„

and aiisesesful prartltlonsra With WsM sasloaaelallBlercanrse.

UHAULBe MASOMJ,CasmsaU'rel F "Inventorsesusol enpiojr • psvssa BasrsSassst-

worthy or ntoreeHpshle of seen Hog for Ibsen SB esrlraml fnvorsljle cunsMrrstlos at IhsPateat HHs,"

BOMUMDBUBKB.LsUCoaa'r ofPataat*. II0.TO-, Oel. IB, IBM.



.... and arlvl*ed BIS la hundreds ef cases, ami nnttiuretl many uatenu, relasuss aad exiea- slon*. I have oer.sslonr"- - asruule* In Now fi Ington, hut Istlll any business, In vourlme, smpluy yoo. Yeui '

■ alonsllT esiploied Use Best oik, Phtladelpkta aad Wash. give you almost tha waastsf


ndaavita otherste

UBOBOI DBAPEB. Boston, Jan. 1.I1W lyl ■

TOMPKIN8 A MANN auoossBoaa to



Paints. Oils, Dye Stuffs. ChGmicais, Mixed Palata,aHaolor NesiaroolOU, NB.AIIM, Olive OU, Oxalic Add, oaknn,, rsiaslasOH, I'araaieeWax, Pauy.

Bn *b llrsuDi, f'srl* White, CertB, Pasask. Cansnltor, 1'nmloa Stone, Obalk, Plaster Paria, Cream Tartar. Paris Urees, Colers 01 ail ansdes, Pstoi Brusties, Cat hollo Anld Pau>. P.O.. Coseh Varnish,

Oil, is 3sIns,

Unleriileol Lisas, Copper klveta, Castile Boat), Oupperae,

nly two-coid, aad possibly


Dealers tell 11 ttecanse ihsv cat buy Itehssap. snd do not *si»-n the eheal lo be dl>eeTer#tt.

YOB should iu*l*t npoa bavlne H O I. Y O R a TIlKKAlt. every Spool 01 which is wsrraatad thrre.e'or.l. and 10 runUIn W0 yards.

It Is obrairr lor vou ai Ibree ess I* a spoel iiisu must itiske* treat twecrsta.

See ihsl a poorer arUele nil moct of which las isnuiseturers lire, uroper!y. sshats/d to atlx

li.eir ninirs, is noi imno.eu on vne Inslssd of II, lilt saarSI


Sail Weekly lo and from NEW VOKK AMI i. i.fs.i. w, via LornosDaakV. (Jaltin Pafsge «I0 lo geo. Hetures. *l II- to $U*

Sesoad Cabin, »t»- Metnra Tlekets •;». Bleevage psssssgrrs booked tl haw raws. PaBsenger sc'unmodsllons unexr*lkd.

AH Bialsroossa on Main Desk. Pasesager* haoked at lowest rales tear truss '— my. Itsly, >orwav,Sweden Isessaark, As.

sok ot "TSH —'- i«r«. a*.

lv.1Ui* York, nr 'AMBB Mtinrav,I(B) at**** St., ar te PATBICK Mt-sriiT, xSO Bssea rt.. Lawraaea.

vsw my is

Brooo*_. Baakotsorallalaes, Borax,

stock Salt forhnrsssand faille

Shellac. Snlpfai

Osal BnasbM, bsVary Paper,

" Usoth, reathsr Dustars. Floor Brashea, riab Qlas, Pare I tu re Varnish. Fi.iestSlTerl.esil, i'Ue.BllaraiUa, Una* Arsble, UuetTrajraoteth, UoM Leal, (sold Bronsa, t.lrcerine, Ulauntrsalt, Ualvanlsed Iron rilh liar a aa s Soap, Indigo, ■talsosalns.Bil tints, WhaMO.'aeap, LondoB Turole, Whiting, LlgbK.ralBlngVarBiib.Wlnaor A Nowtos'a LlBsead oil. Tube Colors. LardOU.

In quantities to suit it Lowest Market Pricss.


Bpoages. Ssl Soda, Stone Jar* and Mags, BsllDStre. Sewing Mschlns Oil, nishle I'ails, Hisn Bobber*. SerubUrushea,!

Window Ufa** Water Palls, West'* Knanel Dreaiiag

for Carriage Tops, Whitewash Uruabss, Waiiregse Roan, WUlsaswA' B tear Bai


IIIBOf BusT"r*iiTS Oil.. VarnUlie., Cliemlcal^

orcsTUrrs, »M'

MILL si ri-i.ii:s.

381 Essei Street - - Lawrence.

D.». H ALL. E. W. W It 1 < I III.


k || ritOIMMKTOKN.

Dneessaora I J

Everard H. Kelley.

Ueatera la



' oi.llklji.l..


Agunts for S.O.Danbar'sFlatd Magnesia


11 will be for your iatetesl to rail al

S6S E88EX ST. (Kost door to II. it. U. Station.)

before purchasing yonr

Spring Hats or furnishing Goods OKO.P. Ct'HT 1S.


tags to sail si

jaali ijwreare.Mass.

GREAT BARGAINS A large atonk of the Lai-ai slrlo* ef Paps

lisnglngs, Borders, l)a'*aa*. Plelnre HseldJags eto , retailing tor one-third te*s than sar otbar lies In Hosier..

T. F. SWAN, MO. lauornUlll.BOSTON.

asw IM- imitu u


Klngsley's Iron Tonlo. Il lm,. i - np tbs system, glvse health and

airenaib lu ihe i unite, Improves ibe appetite • ml work* wonders with feeble children or mothers. He ime nnd act the genuine aad Irr it. UU uaetl UY*I.IUOUI tbe best physlelnu aad hospital*.

KingBle v's Iron and Mandrake Fills are the beatealbarllnur RprlBg Madlslsva yen osn use. Has been ti led for more ibaa II years sod braved.

DruggUts have hoiti for salt.

W. E. SEED I CO.. Have Jnat received a fall lias sf

SPRING SUITINC8, lo which tbey call lbs attention of tbe |*siMss

Good Fits a Specialty-



TUc Mason & Htui.in Oman & Piaao Co. 154 TBEHONT 8TREET,


unvnno ■" A asn '■ ■ 'ivi .i», mi I.AB |Mi. »,T. *i'-. » ;, »M, #W) and up war fur easy iiajatsntF, 17 *.'> per oaaita wards. Those Drrsn* hsve rereired B

.— or PARLOR OKUANS IN TUK WHKLD.for cash, st |«.

---* upward*. Alse ter sad up-

..-._ BlUHaWT MUMUd t.1 KVtltV OvK of lbs I.KXAT VHkl.li'H IMHIHI'BMI, KXllIBlTIONSfor It US ; NO 1'iiiin AMSHIOAH "SOAK* MAVIMU BBS Htl'Mi WeiBTHI in HUM AT AST. At lbs

UllKAT ITALIAN Ml ti .AL BXUIBITIOK, ' *",st which WBS tbe


Her testing to.t comiiantig aid* by Bids for j torsi iinnnii", Mason a llsralla Organs rs- ealfed the i'M,Y IIIKIIIf*!' AWaKU ssr nslinmcnt- oflhl* tlss*. ralalcgosa. With rail esrrlptlon*, llbt*lrBI<»ns snd prioe, FKEB.

eodlJm layil If

S26,9OOPR0FITin60DATS Hannihal & St. JosEith Commoa Stocst

Auauat, IHHi, a.iM lit 1)1. September, 1881, Mid at Mil.

kn AIM.M p,",259Der ct, ■.HITVD.V.


$25,900 profitoneach 100 shares 12,950 " " 50 "« 2,590 " " 10 "> 1,295 " " 5 "

.■■sal s)to gai, |Bo, gs.s>a>0 lavessM witheqnBl |irniiiirt monie *ucre*a '.yonr NEW COMKINATIONKYSTKHolnperstiDglBSIoess Weeklvab*ir*ct(iilian*^rtlon*mailidtoahsrs holders; i>roni* ditlueseveiy SO dais.

I'n.i. IxrosMATlOK MAILSD rasa, aeahail

New England Stock Exchange, 63 Asvlt-'m St.. Hartford, Conn, i

Depuslta reoclveri tnhtert to ebeck at atgbt. Coupons, Dl /Meeds, Interest, Kotos, els., eel.

ISeIN mull t

ALLAN LINE, ROYAL MAIL STEAM8HTP8. Patroalxed by Her Boral llighnesa I'


POOL.. IJIKKN'-IUH s;, ] .OMtuS DERBY.. ., AI.1.AV to BOSTON .ilie.'l.

The slesiner* are flnsnri>at»a<l for S A FIT V ami nPEKt'. and sroflited upwllk all Improva- mcala rooduulve lo the comtorloi i-ssaeager*.


AmiTO JAMltJ-Jal'SfHV aetd PATRICK sHJHPHT, Or. I.Bt'K * SI.DKlt, tieaeeal Agssli.

Lawrence American. LAWRENCE. MASS.


Weekly News Brevities.


TtiMday. The towo of Waktfleld voted jeelerd»y

to Introduce water. The l'realdent bu signed the aotl-Cbl-

neia Immigration bill. Bald 1'echa hu been appointed Turkish

■ miller Of foreign affairs. Over twelve hucdred Immigrants ar-

rlvad In Baltimore yesterday. The Intention of releasing the suspects

it DOW completely abandoned. Theodore II. Sweetser, e well-known

Boston lawyer, died yesterday. O'Douoven Boaea lodorees Hie murder

of Lord Cavendish sod Mr. Burke. The United Slates training abipa Bera-

toge and Portsmouth, have arrived at Portsmouth, England. •

Fall River mill owners have been awln. •'died oot of a considerable aura, It la re-

ported by one L. Onto. JobaCallataao'scurrylngabopand Poor's

tannery, to Balem, were burned laat night i low about t^S.OOO.

A man baa bean arrested In Ireland atuplclon of being ooe of the nturderera of Lord Cavandlah and Mr. Bnrke.

Beaator Blalr, yesterday, admitted that be received 1000 shares of Peruvian Con pauy atuck, at |100 per ahare, for bla aer vlcaa.

An extensive forest Ore la rasing on Cape Cod. It we* alerted by locomotive aparke near Oaael Bay, about noon, yes- terday.

The leading Irishmen of Boaton have offered a reward of 9&000 for the capture of an* or all the murderers of Lord Cav- andlah and Mr. Burke.

Bcovllle wanta to put lila wife In an In- sane asylum. John W. Uulteau saya bla sister la not crisy, but that Bcovllle la a fraud and threatens to ahow blra up.

A bill waa introduced In tbe Ilonaa and Senate yesterday, aotborlalng tbe Presi- dent to appoint Pita Jobu Porter a colonal In tba army, and to place him on tbe re- tired Hat.

Peter Stebblna, a atone mason, agad 4.'., living In St. Albaoa, while in a bont nih- Ing wlto bla brother and another man. In St. Albana Bay, OD Monday, fell over- boaid and waa drowoed. All were Intox- icated.

Tbe United Slates Supreme Court, yes- terday, denied the application of Sergeant Mason for a writ of habeas corpua, decid- ing mat the court martial had full Juris diction and that the sentence waa not In excess of Ha power.

Tbs passengrr train up over the Bos- ton,Concord and Montreal Rallroad.wblch left Concord at ten minutes past three y eat* May afternoou, came Into colllrlon wltb a cattle tmiu golog souih, a few miles from Meredith Village. William H. Abel, of Lacoida, tbe well known Inventor of tbs knitting machine, and Hiram Jones, a drover from Vermont, were killed, ami aeveral othera were somewhat injured.


Mr. Trevelyan Is the new Chief Secre- tary for Ireland.

Twenty-one bnlldlnga and stores were destroyed by fire it Lincoln Cent.e, Me., on Tuesday afternoon.

Up to tbe Diet of March, «:'-' "suipecta" bad been arrested to Irelsnd, a large num- ber of whom have been liberated

Tbe English Government will offer a reward ot 160,000 for information that will lead to tbe coovlciten of the sins.

Capt. Frank B. Ames, a ablp owner of Bangor, Me., murdered bla wife In New Tors; Monday night, and committed ant- clde.

Congreeaman Alexander II. Rtepliena, while ascending tbe steps of the National Capitol yesterday, fell and received a se- vere apraln of tbe left ankle.

The nomination of Colonel Worthing- ton, to be collector at this port, waa con- sidered at yesterday'a executive aeaaloa of tba senate, but no action was reached.

AD Insane woman named Mary Konlg, wboaa husband had deserted ber, murder- ed one of her children yesterday morn- log and attempted to kill three others, '.n Boaton. ^

Tba receipts of the ladles' entertain- meat In the rotunda of tbe Capitol at Washington, on Saturday evening, In aid of the Uarfleld Memorial hospital, amount- ed to Dearly fte&OO.

Mrs. Scovllle, the sister of Uulteau, has suddenly disappeared, and her husband claims that she la of noaound mind and la being restrained of her liberty by ber brother, John W. Uulteau.

Tbe hearing on tbe Qnlteau exceptions was begun before tbe supreme court of the District of Columbia In banc yeater- day. Colonel Charlea Reed maklDg tbe ar- gument ID behalf of tbe assassin.

Boaton Irishmen held a public meeting In Fananll Hall laat olgbt and adopted resolutions denouncing tbe aasaaaluatlon of Lord Cavendish and Mr. Burke, and offered a reward of *MOO0 for tbe arrest of the murderers.


The Rerdell star-route caae baa been poatponed until next Wedneaday.

Colonal Reed closed bla argument la the Oalteau exception caae yesterday.

The reunion of tbe Army of tbe Ten- ■eases occurred at 8t. LJUIS yesterday.

Six hundred Moors have been Impris- oned for atoning the British minister at Morocco.

The Spanish ecnate and ibe Italian chamber of deputies have adopted tbe commercial treaty wltb Prance.

The bottaat place In tbe country at mid- night was Jacksonville, fit,, which re- ported 80", Charleston, S. C , ranks next —78".

Arrests of suspicious parties continue to be made In Dublin, out tbe excitement over the recent assassination baa very materially anbalded.

It Is believed that Boston partlea have lost at leaat Htlfi.OuO and the Pall River Mills 970.000 oy tbe dlsbouesty of L. Green of Columbus, Mi**.

A tornado swept over tbe town of Mi Alllater, tn the Indian Territory, on Mon- day olgbt, killing aeven persona and wounding upwards of fifty. Fifty-eight boneea were totally demolished ana thirty others badly wrecked.

Mr. Robert K. Randall testified before tbe house forelien affairs snb-coromlltee ID Mew York, yesterday, thai Minister Mor- ton declined to base anything to do pi" aoDslly with tbe Credit Industrial Compa- ny of Paris, aad the company bad DO con ■action wltb Mr. Shlpherd's I'cruvui scheme.

The Pennsylvania republicans venter day Dominated Qeneral James A. Beaver for governor ry acclamation, W. T. Da- vlee for lieutenant-governor, Thomas M. Marshall (or couitreaaraan at large, Win. Henry Rawle for judge of tbe supreme cotjtt, and Charlea M. Ureer lor secretary of internal affairs.

Kgypl Is virtually In s atato of revolu- tion, growing out of an attempt on the pail of the ministry lo depose tbe Khe- dive. The cabinet has summoned tbe chamber of notables sritb the avowed pur- pose of carrying out such a programme, and tbe prospects are that a new govern- ment will be Toinied under the lead Ol Arabl Bey. Tbe Khedive, bowever, de- clare* thai he- will maintain bis position at any coat.

FOBTT [>er ceot of the deaths in Vi- enna are. due to consumption.

RIVALS for the medal as the hoas crank,— DOMeta Wood. Manchester and Kverett.

WAKei--iKt.li, by a vote of marly two to one. has decided in favor of the introduction of water to the town.

FARM LABOR is in demand, but the Massachusetts" legislators are reluc- tant to leave pleasant KoBton for rural scenes.

IIAMHII., ex-speaker, and Morse of Massachusetts, were among the lemocrats who voted for the tariff


PROBABLE SI'ICIDE. Hximc Appropriations.

A Mill Olrl Feared to Have Taken Her Own Life.




KOH ■boitoxTr

The Discussion Which Took Place On

tbe Ulflereut Items.

TIIK IRISHMEN of Boston, through John Bolye O'ReiUy and P. A. Col- lins, promptly offer a reward of live thousand dollars for the detectiui the murderers of Lord Cavendish and I his associate.

TIIK MANAGERS of the strikers meetings strangely mistake public sentiment, if they think such personal exhibitions of abuse as was indulged in by one or two soreheads at the re- cent meetings, awakens anything but a feeling of disgust.

U'MAiioNKr in the street depart- ment, and Magee in the health, are pretty rapidly inaugurating a nice lit- tle Taminanv scheme of fattening on tbe city ; six hundred dollars pcraoasj perquisites for one olllcial in a single month, over and above his salary !

IT WILL 'strike the average mind that tbe stock fee given Senator Hlair, for services as attorney• of one hun- dred thousand dollars, was a pretty big one, if Ibe Senator considered the claim to have any foundation, and not altogether creditable to accept as a senator, if he thought otherwise

ANI> NOW, the strikers are advised to Bovcotto everybody who advertises in the AMKKICAN ; and the leaders of the movement have so little senBe, as to permit this kind of twaddle to be proclaimed in meetings ostensibly called to awaken public sympathy with their cause; tbe best cause in the universe would be sunk under such management.

DcMCAH has been making another exhibition of himself, and pros- tituting a strikers meeting lo in dulge in his abuse of the AUKRKAN be mouthed about his bravery, and bragged of his daring to meet some- body. Hut. it is not forgotten that the AUEKK'AN months ago publicly brand cd Duncan as a coward and a liar and be slunk into bis kennel like i whipped cur; he is a bold man,—with his tongue,—is Duncan.

THAT is a pretty little bill that City Physician Magee presented to tbe city, for one months extras, above his sal- ary ; a Bix hundred thirty-seven dol- lars claim on tbe city treasury for tbe month of April is indeed picking of which Tammany might seem content Now will the democratic government pay it ? We shall see.

Tux PEACH CHOP is meeting with its annual despoiling trom frost; the peach is indeed a most unfortunate fruit; no matter whether it be the early or the latter frost, the wailing is aiirc to go up, some time during the season, that the crop is ruined. Hut the peach, nevertheless, seems to thrive on disaster; and autumn brings around about the usual quantity, re- gardless of biting Jack.

Thrown Trom u Wmgon-

Momiaj afternoon, about five L'clock

as Mr Howard, the produce dealer, and ■la driver, Mr. Blood, were riding throngb

the alley leading from Com moo to Essex streets, oear tbe borsc railroad atatloo,

their horse became frightened an l Jump-

ing suddenly, tbrew both men oat. Mr. Howard was thrown violently against one

of the nolMlDg* and seriously cut shout

tbe bead. Mr. Blood waa thrown to tbe

ground and one wheel passed over his

body; when taken op be was found to be Insensible. Hi was taken lo his home

where Dr. fefagee attended him. It la

feared he has sustained aorae internal In

lurlea. The borae ran away directly across Essex atreet, sad fell In tbe door-

way of the Chinese laundry, breaking con-

siderable glass. No damage to any ex-

tent was dons to the team.

For weak lnng*t splttlne of Wood, weak stom- ach, night sweats and tbe early nagei of Con samatkin, "Golden Medical Dlscovarv"ls a i Site. Jiy druggists.

THE TAKIFF commission enactment must te recognized as a concession to tbe need of some revision, probably some reduction, while it evinces a pur- pose on tbe part of congress to act with a deliberation and understanding of tbe subject not always connected with legislation upon this topic. What ever changes are desirable, the tem- per of congress is clearly opposed to such a violent revolution as would l* sure to bring disaster and ruin; America has no desire to ptat her manufacturing interests into compe- tition with the pau]>er labor of the old world-

THE TtAuEUY in Ireland is most untimely and deplorable; not only was the assassination a bloody and altroctous deed, but it cutnes at an hour when it may prove disastrous to the cause of Ireland. We know full well that the act will receive only stern condemnation from true Irish- men everywhere, and that It could have received no shade of sanction from the organizations which have been fostering even a spirit of opposition to to the recent coercive enactments of (ireat Britain, but falling right upon the heels ol the change in policy of the government, it cannot fail to have a most injurious effect upon the result of the new method*, and may perhapa eutiiely defeat the purposo of Glad- stone. In all of its aspects, the foul murder is most unfortunate and full of evil portend^

1'HK STORAGE of electrical power for use as desired,seems likely to prove a successful accomplishment, in which event, the imagination can scarcely conceive tbe revolution which may succeed in many directions, tine has only lo erect a water wheel in some stream, or place a windmill on barn or tower, to secure by storage, regularly or intermittently, siillicient electrical power to be put in reserve for lighting the premises by night or use as motive power in various ways. These batteries ar« portable can be transferred toa car or carriage and there seems to be almost no limit to the possibilities of their usefulness. The process is now on exhibition in I^ondon, and seems te indicate entire and full success. Bye and bye. every person, may perhaps, by aii of a pri- vate windmill, procure power for the propulsion of bis carriage by day, for running a sewing machine or other light work, and for illuminating his house by night.

A most distressing case, the circum- stances of which point to the probable

suicide of a factory girl. Is the chief topic of comment among operatives of the

Wellington mills, at least. The woman

in question Is HIaa Lydia Botler, who Tor twenty-live years, wltb bat brief Intervals

of rest, baa been employed at a reeler at

tbe Washington mills, and was held lo

tbe highest esteem, oot only by her em-

ployers.bat by ber fellow operatives, sod

those with whom she became acquainted at her boarding place. Tbe facts of tbe matter, learned from the moat reliable

sources, appear to be as follows j Mlaa Puller, when but sixteen years of

age, obtained employment at tbe Wash-

ington, Il the department of which Mr

I,. L. Blood was overseer until recently, puriog the greater part of her life she

has boarded ID tbe family of Mr. Blood,

and daring the Illness of tbe latlets wife, tbo west a year ago laat September,

Mlaa Butler was at her bedalds, and waa ber most constant attendant, having sc-

compaukJ ber at tbe desire of tbe de-

snd her husband. Since then \ht

baa been regarded by Mr. Blood and his

relatives In tbe light of a member of tbe family, an I every attention has beeo paid

her. Bbortly afttr Mra. Blood's death,

Mlas Butler displayed slgna of mental weaknesa, bat not until recently haa her

lud been considered seriously affected. A week ago Wedneaday ahe applied for

and received her discharge from the cm- ploy of the Weahlngton corporation. Sin-

lntormcd Mr. Blood that ahe Deeded rest and wjnldniai visit a alsler In Fall Hlver

and afterwards go Into the country. Mr.

Blood, kuowloii ber circumstances en-

deavored to dls*aade her from her pur-

p jae, and told ber that If ahe desired sbe

might remain at his home dolm aewlnj;

until Juoe, end that Iheo she could go to tbe biach wlib his SOD and family and re- main there during the aommer without

expeose. To ibis sbe apparently agreed,

bat Mr. Blood was summoned out of town tbe following day and not returning

until Tuesday evening last, was aston-

lahed to learn th.it Miss Batter had ab-

ated herself from tbe home since Sun-

day and that nothing was known of ber

whereabouts. Knowing tbe condition of the women'"

mind, be at once feared the worst and be- gan an Investigation. He ascertained

that Mlaa Buller was laat seen at ibe

bouse Sunday evening shortly after eight

o'clock, and that on Sunday morning she

visited a lady with whom sbe was Intl

mate and placed in her hands for aafe

keeping $104, stating that nbe Intended to

visit a married slater in Fall Kiver. Her

trunk waa round packed at her loom and pinned to a shawl In It was tbe address of

tbe married slater. Mr. Blood according-

ly telegraphed to Fall HIv r to ascertain

If tbe unfortunate woman had gone there,

but obtained a reply to the effect that tbe

slater In question had.only a few minutes

after the receipt of his telegram, re-

ceived a letter from Lydia requesting her to send her effects to another married sis-

ter residing In Chicago. Tbe letter was couched In anch terms lb at the woman's

relatives In Fall Riyer suspected at once

that she had committed suicide.' Those who know the woman intimately

here, have no doubt bat that while labor- ing under a nt of despondency she has

taken ber owe life, by drowning. Re-

cently she attended a near friend, whose llloesa resulted fatally, and since that

time her inlnd seeme\l In a more disturbed condition than before. Tbe woman was

moat highly esteemed at the FacIDc Uouse, wbere she boarded, although

somewhat reserve! la her manners. Sbe had DO callers and anlll qalle recently has

seldom left the house after working boura.

She has married sisters ID Fall River,

Brooklyn and Chicago, also an unmarried

alater at the latter place, and several brothers. Her parents died some Jeara

ago. The following la given aa a good

description of her when last seeo

Of small stature, weight about 100, of

slender build, sged fl years, haa an Im-

pediment In her speech. She wore a .Hinall dark list trimmed with plush, a black

sacqae and dreaa, the latter trimmed with



At Salem, Judge Devens being called

to Plymouth. Judge Eodlcolt sat Tuesday

and Wednesday, Judge Devens returning

on Thursday. Tbe list or ODConleated

divorces waa finished, and contested li-

bels were taken np.

Mr. Charles F. Sargent havlog been

eiamlned and found qualllfled, will be ad- mitted to tbe bar at tbe opening of the

court on Thursday, ir no objection shall

be made. The following divorces were granted i

Martha E. Harbour from Francis E. for

adultery; Ellen Clendennln from Alick,

for dssarUoDi Jalla l\ Farrlngton from

John W., for adallery; Georalana It-

1'uuiiMi from Charlea H , for desertion) Charles Russell Evaos fiom M*ry Jane, for deaerllon; Eliza E. Bodwell from

Heney M.. for desnrilnn; Sarah N. Jewell from Charles C, for desertion; Francis

F. Rogers from Annie B-, libel dismissed.

Adelaide Woodbury petitioned for a de- cree of nullity of ber marriage with John

A. Dodge, which was granted. 1'eter R. Ayerfrom Annie M.Jor deser-

tion; Christine Hani from William F-,

for desertion; • Sarah M. Carrulh from

Ueorge L-, for desertion; Annie F. Small from Alfred C, for desertion and cruelty;

Charlea A. Loud from Harriet s , foradul

try; Loella A. Ayer from Smyler, lor de-

sertion; Jamea M. Allen from llattle M.,

for cruelty; Ella F. White from Leander, for desertion; Miry F. Edwards from Jo-

iah A..for adnl'.ery ; Lizzie Moulton Trom Jobu B , for Intoxication; Caroline Swan

from Joseph, for desertion; Aanlu M-

Hall from Jefferson Y., for desertion; Le-

na S. Young from Warren J., for deaer-

llon; Nellie O. Hall from Frank J., for

desertion; Emily B. Johnson from Wil-

liam, for desertion ; Rachael W. Reed from John B., for Intoxication; Eliza J.San-

born from Charlea E., for Intoxication; Margaret Sargent Irom Amos It., for In-

toxication; Mary A. Smith from Worces-

ter, for Intoxication', Alice M RuDdlett

from Oliver C, for cruelty; E'len J. Rob-

inson from Edgar P., for desertion; Sid-

ney J. Varney from Carrie A., for adnl-

try, Asenalh W. Wright from Ueorge E , for ile-Mrilon; Emma B. Wslke- from

Waller H.. for desertion; Mary J. .s.uil

from Charles A., for cruelty and Intox-

ication; IMary C Bray from William, for

desertion; Mary A. McCammon from John, for desert I on-$1000 alimony; Jos.

E. Friend from Emma J., forlntoxlca

tlon; Lizzie A. Knowlton from George H , for desertion; Lizzie A. Knowlton from

George H.. for deaertion; Carrie L. Hamel

from James, for intoxication.

i in i. '•' ' i' "■'-■* upon the steamer Empire Slate, which have been ao popu

lar during the past seasons, are to be re newed the coming summer; the Immense

steamer has been put In thorough order,

and will be ran from Boston, aa last year,

nodcr management of Mr. H. A. Mc<

Glen« n.

—Tse brick masonry baa commenced

at the I'aciflc storehouse.

On the 28th of February laat. the ap-

propriation resolution for tho year 1882

came before the city government, and on being passed to Its second reading waa

dropped for a lime. Wednesday, there was a special meeting of both brancbea

of tbe city government for the purpose of taking up this reaolotlon. The alder-

men wanted to let Ibe council do all the

work on It, ao they let It take Its second reading, sod It then went down to Uy lowei board, where the fighting took

place. The resolution waa read the sec-

ond time. Councilman Bell then made tbe following remarks, which were II

tened to with great attention: "There

are two ways to look at this matter of

fixing tbo appropriations. One way Is, to make your appropriations, and then

see what you have got to make them wltb. The olher Is to find what you have to

base your appropriations OD. The nue of this city Is mostly derived for

taxes and licenses, poll taxes and other little moneya due tbe city In various de-

partments. In making up the tax Hit tbe eaaessois take the appropriation resolu-

tion, add to It KM warrants for the stale

and county tax, and overlay rive per for contingent expenses. This amount

will be what will have to be raised by

taxation, ao mncb on a thousand. This

year the slate tax will bo |tl 000, an In- crease of S12.000 over tut year. Wltb this, and olher extra bill#the asaeaaora

will have to tax for about 950 000 more

than laat year. This will make an addi-

tion of over %'i mure on a thousand over lrt of last year. This will mike a larger

rate than for the last live years. The

rates daring this time have been aa fol-

lows : 1877 116.50 1880 $19.80 1878 IS 00 1881 10.00 !-■■< 1U.40

Our resolution sa read will carry tbe rate nearer $19 than $18. Tbe question

we have to decide is whether It la Just

and advisable to do this. We could «X'

pend Judiciously a half million of dollars but In tbe present state of business wi

ay raise too much, and thereby be dla astrons to the city. A heavy tax means

that every man's properly will sell for less when he wlabes to dispose of It.

There are Item* In this resolution that

we cannot get away from. When we

come to sift this resolution down, the

reduction mnst come on a few Items. I

would therefore move that we take up

each Item seperately and act on It." Tbe motion prevailed.

The first Item was tbe bridge depart-

ment appropriation, 82.000. Councilman

Bell thought with the present condition

of the lower bridge^ unsafe in every re-

spect, and the fact that an Indefinite pe-

riod would elapse before the upper bridge

would be ready for travel, that the ap-

propriation waa too small. It waa as- certained on Inquiry that the appropria-

tion had already been oyerdrawu, so It was voted to add $1000, and make It

93000. The next item to question waa tbe fire

department special, in which 95000 was

suggested for tbe purpose of purchasing

another steam fire engine. Councilman

Bell thought that while tbe approprla<

lions were running so high, ib.i'. this er gliu*, not an absolute necessity, might be

dispensed with. He favored having

another engioe, but retrenchment anould begin somewhere. Councilman Stafford

wanted the appropriation made. It was

voted to leave tbe matter until tbe ethers

had Deen disposed of, but later In tbe

nlog il was voted to strikeout tbe

entire approptlatiou. Next came the pauper department, the

recommendation being 91000. Couucll-

man Bell wanted Information In regard to

the new Insane asylum which was nelng Uulll, and not yet completed. Ooeol *.ho

committee on public property said that

the special appropriation of 96COO was

about expended, and the work not nearly

completed. That tbe committee on

claims bad now before them a bill for

architectural work lu making plans for a

925,000 building on an 9800O appropria- tion. Councilman Ellenwood aald this

■natter of drawing plans la; with the su-

perintendent of public property, He

drew ihe plans. Councilman Keleher said that it seemed that In the alterations

In front of the city hall, there were three

different bllli presented lor work on the

plans, each man having assisted Mr. Flaunsgan. He thought that the shoe

woold fit on either foot. Hiving wan-

dered away from the subject, councilman moved to lay this appropriation over

until a special committee should investi-

gate affairs al the insane asylum. It waa so voted. Councilman Ellenwood then In

brief speech asked If the com-

mittee on public properly knew anything about this work. None of tbe committee

canfesaed that they did. Hu then said,

are the different committees In the dlffei-

ent departments amounting to anything?

(A voice no). There is not a committee

In any d> partment which Is alive and do-

ing aniiinng. We must look after tbla

city, and have public spirit enough to at- tend to the particulars, and not let one

man have full charge. We sbonld atop

the leaks, and get the woik doce tin cheapest and best posalblo.

Tbe approptlatloos continued until iii>

special appropriation of 91800 for tbe

public library was reached. Councilman

Bell as one of the trustees, explained Ibat this was for a new catalogue. Thousands

of books had been added since tbo last catalogue, and people could not tin.I what

booka were m the library. Bids on tbe

work bad already be<u made. Council-

man Ellenwood thought this did not come

under the head of health, or bread and butter, and he considered that it could

well be dispensed wltb. Councilman

Kisber said the matter had been delayed

long enough and something mast be done- It was voted to waku the appropriation.

On the matter of sewers it was ascer-

tained that considerable work would have

Ite done, but Inasmuch aa ;ir appropil-

atlon laat year was SH,000, It was

thought that the work would not exceed

asl year's, and 11 was voted lo make the

appropriation $14,000.

There was a close fight over the addi-

tion to '.!['■ salary of the BgtrOt of ibe

board of heal Lb. Ibe resohiloo calhd for 91000, while last year's salary was

9»0O. Councilman Bell asked ior Infor-

mation as to whether the clerk of the agent was paid out of that salary or from

the department funds. Councilman Fish-

er replied that the agent received this amount and that bis clerk waa hlied and

paid out of the health department, fur.ds

at so much a day. He did not consider

that tbe agent or tbe board should be paid more than last year, Councilman Stafford,

Eitcnwuod, McCarthy and Connors

thought that 910U0 was none too large. Councilman Keleher didn't think then-

waa any more work to be done ihls year

than last. Councilman Fisher thought

there were t-nou^li men who would do tin

work for 9800 or less, and no troubli

would be had In obtaining a man, and

moved an amendment to make It $800.

Councilman Smith aa'd be considered

9800 enough for a man who loafed part of

tba winter having nothing to do, horses,

wagons and men idle. Councilman Staf-

ford said If a nan WAS obliged to lose

me be abbuid not be made to suffer for

. Tbe late ageot, Mr. I'lagree, bad

told him that Mayor Webster piom- laed be sbonld receive 91200 Instead of 9800, the pay then. That he waited a

time and found that the mayor coold not raise ula pay and be left the position, as

$800 was not enough. Councilman Fish-

er said If a raise of 8300 was given this

year that another wou ti bs wanted next.

Councilman Corwsn moved to make tbe appropriation 9900. Councilman Ellen- wood said a good man was worth ,98 a

day and a poor man not 60 cents. He

considered that tbe position bad been

w*)l filled ao far tbls year. That vaults

had been cleaned that other agents hsd not dared to touch, and that at a personal

risk. He favored paying a man satisfactory wagea. Councilman Smith

thought It was lime enough to raise a man's pay when be aaked for it, and Mr.

Fisher said be thought the time was when Ibey bad to hunt for a man, not when men

were bunting the Job, and council.nan

Keleher thought a man In that position wan worth what be coold get. Tl.e

amendment to make tbe salary 9900 was loat by a vote of 12 to 4 and the amend-

ment to make It 8800 was lost by a vote

of 9 to 7, and the original motion for

91000 was carried by a vote of 9 to 7. Sidewalks, councilman Smith aald,

needed more money and be moved to

make tbe appropriation 9C0OO Instead of

95000, and It was so voted. The principal fight cam 1 on the pro-

posed appropriation ol 940,000. Council

man Fisher wanted to know why 910,000

more was needed this yeer, when be un-

derstood tba* the present atreet commis- sioner claimed to do tbe asme amount of

rk that was accomplished last year at c in -third less expense. Councilman

Ellenwood aald be believed that tbs conn-

ed of 1881 bad voted lo raise tbe pay of

the laborer 10 per cent, and OD spay roll of 9900 a month It amounted to something.

Also that new bnlldlnga were being erect-

ed In the suburbs and new streets mast be

opened. People could not wsde through

mad and water to go to work. While the

council members Were lying In bed the

poor operatives were condemning the city

for not having suitable streets. Aii.nuur great thing was that it would bring taxa-

ble pr.iperiy Into the market and the city

gain thereby. If no streets were to be

built people would not come to the city

and conalrnct bouses, and they would

thereby hinder tbe proaperlty of the city. Councilman Fisher aald he should think

by these remarks that Lawrence had no

streets on Its outskirts. Taking tbe last

councilman's own figures of a raise of 10

per cent, in the laborers' pay that would

v amount te 91080 leaving a balance of 8H920 of Hit additional 910,000 to be

explained away- Councilman McCarthy

said that the numbers should remember

that last winter was a very hard one and

much money waa expended ID clearing tbe

streets of snow.

Councilman Fisher thought that last

winter was not much worse than tbe

former season), but If It waa all these

things bad been taken Into consideration each year and illowsncts made. Council-

man Bell explained that making this ap-

propriation larger was Just what would

keep property owners from comln; to the

city ; that while the rates were so high no

man would cotno here to build, be would go elsewhere, so the argument as far aa

building was concerned, fell Hit. Coun-

cilman Fisher explained that wltb the

Pacific mills abut down the poll taxes Ibis year would drop off several thousands.

That the people would go where the man-

ufactories were built, and if the rate of

taxation was low, the manufacturers

would seek Lawrence, build, and thea

our population and property holders would Increase. Councilman Stafford

said the Essex company were doing more

to prevent Industries from coming to this city iban any olher cause. They charged

so h'.gh for water rates. Councilman Kisber showed by figures that the water

privileges of Lawrence were fsr lowe than In any other city In Massachusetts,

and that It was only the high rale of taxes which kept away induatrles that would

build up the city. Councilman Bell made a motion, that allowing $2000 lor the In-

crease of wages, the appropriation be

882,000. The motion waa lost, and It was

decided by a vote of 12 to i to make the

appropriation 940,000. Councllmen Kel-

eher, Bell, Whltebead and Fisher,Lhu lour

republican members, being tbe only onea to oppose It. Councilman Keleher said

when the vote was declared, that the

members had now been put on record In

regard to economy in public expenditures. This closed Ihe meeting after a session of

nearly three boors. Tbe appropriations

aa submitted and as amended were fixed

as below ■.

no ii 1; GOSSIP. Andover Advertisei.

Ite loan linking fend

Oeinaterr (Dellevue) Cemetery (•petllsl) City enKlneering Ug tlBll

>'lro department » ■■ apeelal

peclal rreeeveotci feaapls lue public bsltia' Health Imluutrlaiirhool loterckt, water loan lateieat municipal Ivan liiti-rent bridge loan LhrtUtai

Park Pauper Paving l*olleo ['iililie properly Public library

'■[|«. Auei *:.".KI 83,i MM ]I;,IM>


.V>'i) 14 ] KIHI

20.UUU a.UOO itrlokeo out

Towey'a barber shop la again open.

Dog licenses are not being taken oat

as promptly as In past years.

— On the 1st of Jnne ihe police court

Will cornmencu at 8.30 o'clock.

—Lynn's contribution to the strikers Is

9850, of which 9250 baa been received.

— Work on the High school laboratory

progress**!. The walls are being raised.

—Prospect street, between Bast Haver-

hill stritet and the Methnen line, Is being


— A big seal captured near Newharjport recently, will soon be placed on exhibi-

tion here.

—The price of bricks haa fallen 91 on

tbe thousand, and further decrease may

aoon be expected.

— Oreen pcaa, cucumbers and olher

early vegetables are coming in considera-

ble qua milieu from tbe south.

—Duncan Wood is fast becoming an

orator, but he never will be a success on- tll be ceases to luterjuci "blc" between

bis words.

—It la expected that the alterations In

the IvtniM t bsnk building, will be

completed by July. Tbe furnishings are

being prepared.

—The Pacific mills have rented the lot

back of the Post Office, and are nalog It

as a place to pile up their heavy lumber

tor tbe store house.

—Mr. Wheaton, of the Haaaell Paper

company, la moving his family to Boston

as bis bnainess keeps him In tbat city

nearly all the lime.

The attention of the unoccupiedts

now divided between the work on tbe

Pacific storehouses, and tbat around the

aoldlera' monument.

The ordinance to provide a fund by cemetery holders, for the proper care of

their lots in Bellevue cemetery. Is meet-

ing with general favor.

Henry A Bee!ey. formerly employed

on repairs at the Pacific Mills, Las been

engaged as master mechanic at tbe Bal-

lard Vrle Mllla, at Ballard Vale.

—When the strike first occurred Dun-

can Wood promised the strikers 9*0 a

week. He baa paid but one week's dona-

tion and is now ladly In arrears.

-Get your dog licensed. The old li-

cense expires tbi* month and a new one

must be obtained, or doggy goes to that bourn from whence no traveller ever rt-


—For each day's service a brigadier

general is allowed 115.28 ; a private, 92. This difference prevails by the amended

law relating to tbe compeDsatloD of tbe


—Tbe HUM recommended for Ibe Im-

provement of rivers and harbor* of the United States is made public; 9*0,000 la

aaked for Newburyport, and 910.000 lor

the Men imac river.

—Mr. James Low, the efficient chair-

man of the relief coJamlllee or Post 39. Q. A. R, has gone to Heading, Pa., In

search of some army evidence in the caae

of the family of an old veteran.

—The Wauwinel, oa Wednesday's trial

trip, made tbo running dlatanco from Newburyport to tbls city and return. In

Just seven boars; four hours to Lawrence

and three reluming; pretty satisfactory


—Inventories were filed on ihe follow-

tsg estates at Salem Monday: Of Mar- garet 8. Fuller of Newburyport, 93848;

W. E. Riggs of Lawrence, 84850; Jesse

Harnden of Andover, 98940; Charles In

galls ot Methuen, 817,545.

—Oa the occasion of the Mesgber-^rls

coll wait in Lynn, on the 13lh. arrange- ments Lave been made to run a late train

from that city to Lawrence, to allow the friends of the Lawrence boy to witness

the race and return boms tbe same even-

ing. —The John Street Congregational So-

ciety or Lowell, have adopted reso- lutions to pay tbe retiring pastor. Kev.

Seabury, his salary to June 1, and

to make him a gift of 9500 besides. A

formal leavetaklDg of himself and wife

then followed.

—L. Q. Holt, the ice dealer, has leased

the Itiverslde Grove, formerly the Zoo

gardens for five years. He has a force of

men at work flfluit the place up In good

style, and will hereafter ron tbe park aa a first class reaorl. He will allow no

liquor to be sold inside the grounds.

—Mr. Levl Woodhead, of South Law-

rence, lost a purse of moaey recently, which was restored to him Wednesday,

by Rev. Father McMaous, of St. Patrlck'i

church. One of the parlabiooers round It on Saattuck street, and left It with the

pastor until an owner could bo fonnd for

MID IT M08NINO. MAY. 12. l»Si

HellroBd Trial**.

Leave Boiton ror Aadever, 1M. I JO » 30,10,518 A. V.: li X., li.SU, *.iu. 1.W, «, A. "• «■*» sail T.ioP. M. .

LesTe Andurer for Boaton. il.W. ..*3, H.oH.S.M »Si. 11.1U, A. al., and li S«, li.Wl.i.OU, S.4S. 4iA SSI* and 7.0U K M. (Wedneiday 9.W P.M.) (Friday Ml a*. M.) *\>r "1* harth Ma, A. atT; l*-5i. S-6' *• «. for the Ea«t s 18.4. M.; 1.15, (.i0, fl.si o.4W P.M. Kor Lnwel 43V7.MA.M.:li.iu,2.uo.B.tt.t.W.G.:iU,7-OttPM,

board of baa lib Salary

" SKCI School School house

■- n .■■'. h..u..r iucria Hiilewalk

Street Hlnklna loan fund Water 1... ■ ,i-,

I7.4US I,I.(Ml



H'."|" .YlMI

I.", (Ml

TIIK COMlRKS»!ONAL DISTRICTS --» As Proposed by the Legislative Com-


- W. H. Abel, who was killed In a rail-

road collision In New Hampshire, on Mon-

day, will be well remembered by some of our citizens, lu connection wltb bla fs-

RUHM "Abel loom," for the use of which

a local company was partially organised in Lawrence, a few years ago, engineered

by Mr. B. P. Boardman.

—Some or tbe paths on the common

need repairing, but It Is to bo hoped tbat

n > more shabby work will be done like that isst year upon the path leading from

the city ball to tbe Lawrence Hi. church; this job waa done twice, and la now In a

spongy and soft condition upon tbe slight-

est approach of warm weather.

— Four hundred feet of eighteen Inch

Akron pipe has been laid through Canal

street, from tbe Pacific store bense site

to the sewer wh'.cb goes under the cenal

opposite the Central mill. This is Intend edto drain the store boose basement In

case of heavy showers while Ibe bolldlog

Is being erected, bat will be permanent.

—There are strong Indications that the

Boston snd Maine will make another ef-

fort to secore a charter for tbe propoaed

Lake Shore road In New Hampshire next

winter. The roots will probably be

changed In some particulars, and there

Indications that the Boston, Concord

Hiram Wright of Weld, Mr., killed * bear on Saturday.

A bald eag's *«» *Dot kl Centre Rutland, Vl., on Thursday-

Kick your corn through a window glass, and tbe pane la gone forever.

Kev. Deorge L. Oleaaon preseu.-d at Plym- outh, N. H.,la>l Sabbath.

Professor W. J. Tucker will preach at the aemlnary cbapul next MaUbatb.

tVuf. ('. M- Mead advertises carpets, furni- ire, garden tooti, &f., at private sale, the Pope Is thinking or appointing s realdent

apostolic delegate In tbe Uaitsd Swut- 1 hr new Judae ol tbe kliods Island Supreme

Conn, Ueorge M. t'Afpentcr, Jr., Il only tnirty- faur.

A Massachusetts school boy, being atked to re tbs lam nine of tailor, replied, "Dress- aksr." The Uurllogton llawkeye advises thole who

are searching for Independence to look in tbe kitchen.

Ir. E. D. Cnnlsol the senior class In tbe ilnsry, preached at Bradlord, N- H., last

Sebuaib. Mark P. Burnbam of Enflcld, N. li., clalmi

to have made over l>00 pounds of maple syrup from 210 trees.

The Abbot Academy bas Juit received tbe balance ol (be 11,000 to eataoliah tbe Minim; Le<*l* acnolarship.

Rev. Selab Merrill, '>■ D., itsva an Interest- ing talk about I'aleatine, nt the South cburcb last Sunday evening.

Why lithe money you are in tie habit of giving to the poor like a uew born babe ? cause Ita precious little.

Thanks to some unknown friend wbo has aent na a package containing Florida, Nebraska and New Mexico papers.

l.nr.-,- anctioa isle of personal property of Jobn ll. Flint, next Wcdneadiy afieruoou. .See advert! 1 erne a l elsewhere.

Km ! rii--rHi,'iv lay. If bens are led so much or so obea tbat ibey begin to fatten rapidly tbey will soon atop laying.

A lady in Orange conulv, N. Y., lately re' covered a gold ring wblcn a lie ItwlUd years ago- it was ploughed up by her nepaew.

Mlis Fanny Everett, wbo bas been pottmls- tresa at West FoxOvruugQ, Mass., lor liny /ear*, is now paralyzed at eighiy-iuur.

It Ibat your litils boy i" "No, not exactly ; when be waa a week old be was left on BIT uoor etep, 1 am, you may eay, hi. slop faitier.'

The bodies or Mrs. William Corse and the child ol William A. Corae, have been removed (rum this town to Woodlawn cemetery. Maiden.

"Why la It," aaked a lady, "ibat people lose their Interest in cburtb going nuw a Java ? Be- cauaetbey bavB lo*t their principle," waa tbe witiy reply.

Charlea P. Kea has bought ol Jotepb W. Foster, a bouae I it on tbe aouth aide ol Park tirect, 100 by 2r> feet, and I* potting In a cellar lore teaidenec.

A borae owned by Henry Boynton for eighteen years raut, a few day* ilace, ilckened. and died. The"animal was live year* o.d when purchased by Mr. Boynton.

Kev, Pbtlllps Brooke will not accept the sal ary bla p -oflu wlab to give nirn during his aunt- met absence, preferring; it should be spent in »uuulil)- euppiying 01* pulpit,

lu tbepabllabed list or Inventories returned to tbe Probste Court, we notice tbs following: Jeate Harndea, ol Andover, ,88910; Cbarlet iDgalla of Metbuen, 9I7.M5.

It waa not tbe aon of Oliver H. Perry,former- lyufibls town, who waa aeverely Injured lu Lowell recently, but the ton of another geatle- man of tbat city of the earn* name.

Tbe Rev. E. 11. Richardson, D. i> . pastor ol tbe Centre Cburcb, New Briitan, Conn., will preaeb at Ihe F-eechurch nextSabbatb, in ex- change with Uev. Mr. Makepeace.

An editor received a letter from a subscriber asking to publish a cure for apple tree worm*. He replied Ibat be could not auggeat a cure un- til he knew what ailed the worm.*.

A silver ralUa costing one hundred dollar* wa* presented to Mr. Crow ley, a Congressman from New York, for bit Infnntton, the firm baby of tba Fortr-*eventh Congress.

Rev. A» Uuliard, D. D-, 1* to occupy tbe pul- pit of tbe South church next Sunday morning apeak to ibe Babbatb school at noon and ad- drtaa the Sabbath School and Irlend* at 7 R M.

Profes*or to child (angry at Inattention); "Another minutr, utee*. and I snail go and apeak to your mamma." Pupil: "Well, uk< care pa don't catch you at it, that's alii He'. awfnl Jealous!"

An Irishman wrote tbu* to the wife of a lick brother 1 "If Jamie lan't dead yet, rr.reolnd blm of the twlnty ihii:tn«« he owe* me on tbs pigs; and if he I*, tell hiria not to give himself aay comorrun about It."

An enormous bear was killed In tbe town ot oiler, Me., a abort time ago, whose weight ex-

ceeded MO pound*- There I* no record in tbi bear line tbat «lvea larger Qjurd* than this In aoutbeuiem Maine.

William ll. Rsyner bas bought of W. 0. Brown, tbe "Oilman Oray farm," In '■■<■' lewkabnry, and will aoon remove his family lu tbat placr. It I* the Intention of Mr. Itayner to engage quite extensively In me poultry buii- nea*.

W. S- B.irllelt Post 09. O. A. R-, occupied tbelr new ball over Smith & Manning'* store on Friday evening, for tbo Drat tlm*. It I* a apacloua, well ventilated, pleaiant room, and la well furnished wlih bandtome, neat desk* end

ber suitable furniture. Widow Hannah Birksr died at the residence

or ber daughter, Mra Henry Burtt, Erm street, on Saturday last at the * advanced age of BO years and 6 months. la years she wa* the oldest member of tbe Free cburcb, and there I* lupposed lo be but one older person In town.

Tbe highway surveyor* are making impor- tant improvements on the tide watke and streets. Tbe outskirts of tbe town are also re- ceiving their attention, especially tbe river road In ttta vVust parlth and tbe bill near tbe home of Elijah Utixton 00 lbs old Boston turnpike.

A movement In the right direction. A peti- tion to tbe selectmen, already numerouily Igned, ll in circulation tor tbe extension of

Chettnut street toa point near tbe residence of Natban F. Abbott. The opening of tbla svsnue

III prove an accommodation to the public and a beneOt to tbe land owners on tbe rour-

Thf latest mathematical genius turoi op at Eureka, Oa. He la a boy scarcely live yean ild, who doe* not know one letter of tbs alpbi-

b«t Irom another, yet be can add, lohirsct, mul- tiply and divide iums wltb wonderful accuracy. He live* correct amwera to all mathematical question! wltb but little hesitation. Such is tbe statement of tbe Monteiuma weekly.

Commencement exercHei at Abbot Academy this year are to be earlier than usual. Tbe Baccalaureate 10 tbe class or '82 will be preach- ed at tbe South cburcb, Sunday*. *., June. 4, by Rov. Edward O. Selden of Manchester, N. 11. Tbe annlvertary address will bs In tie same place on Friday A M , June 9, by Rev. Daniel Merrlmea, D. D., of Worcester.

A ladr who resides at Wbltby, In England, boeau of a lamoua rose tree, of tbe description known at the Marecba) Nlel.wbicb was planted eighteen year* ago and now bat an extreme growth boriiontal y of *8 feet u> tbe left and 64 feet to the rlgbt of tbe parent item. Tbe aver- age deptb of tbe tree 1* 3 orO feet, and last year 2500 roses were plucked from It, and tblt season 3600 dlMinct bud* in lormatlon have been counted atrssdy.

Save alt tbs ssbei wbere wood ii burned. William Whitman bas told hli residence on

Kim Squa'e to Peter D. Suiiib. Rev. II- K. Wilbur of tbi* town, preached at

tbe Secund Bapiitt cburihin Liwienee,last bah., b*tt.

selectmen have granted apoibecsrle* M- 10 Mrs. Jobn J. Brown anu Ueorge 11.

Parker. Oatmeal and cracked when! are excellent

dlabes for breakfast. U00J cream goea welt lib tbeni.

Mia* Isabel Brnnson of llii* town, baa been engaged a* organist at tbe First BaptUt cburcb loTawrence.

Tbeouiput ol coal Irom tbe mines or Ala- bama has increated from 10,000 lona in IS7J to 400,000 tons In ltPJl.

Biakway aurveyor Aeuott l* at work reduc- ing the grade ot bill opposite tbe house ol l-:iij in IJuxiou, in Scotlaoo DiilricL

_.. Hervey Q. Plllshury of tbe seminary has been called to Bristol, N. H., and Mr. Nebemlsb Boynton also of the aeminary incept* his call to Littleton.

Tbe society ot the Centre church, New Haven, on Monday nigm seconded tbe action or the cburcb lu calllajt Rev. Newman Smyth, aad lixed hi* aslary at 96,000.

A Portland, Me., man I* acourlng tbe country and engaging; farmer* lo plant cucumber* for picklct. He hai engaged ibe planting of tliteen acre* to cucumuer* In various part* of Andro- tcoggin county.

The banaaoma dwelling bouae on Maple ave- nue, and several desirable bouae lota in the l»" mediate nelgnborbood, owned by l.>hn It. Mini, l.-'i ,.;in: offered lor isle, 'lue location

1* pleaiant and ccnlrvl. The unfortunate controversy ov.-r Ihe Abbot

pruleasorsbip in Uiu seminary tuli coailnuei, and no reply Irom II . Newsttaa Suiytb lo tue Invitailoii to |iive let-tares m ihe Institution the cniuinit year, has yet been received.

Mr. and Mr*. SeUh Merrill left Andover on Weduoday and are to aad In the "Uelvmi*," uf the National Liuu, irom New York lor I. vcr- pool, on tUiardaV We I3;b. From L mdon tbey will ITO** lbs cuuinunl und go to Jcruailem by way of Alexaidiiauiid Jalft.

Tbe Methodist church at lltllurd Vale, which haa hi-.-ii cio»ed several w^ena lor repair*, will nereoccupled next ttmibatb. Prea'-nln*; in tue aiternoori l>y lUv. S- F. Jone* ol Maiden and in tbe evrning by Rev. L. R. Tbayer, D. U., presiding eldtrof the Lynn district.

At ibe ibird concert of the Abbot Academy 1'luno Herllal* si lhu loan ball Mav 20, 3 3ll ft

Professor Carl Hierinunn will play, aiuoo* __er nntitot* mmp<»iiiona, S?biiminn't Carni- val op- »• Conaistiiig ol tweniy-^oc members. It will display at almost no other composition conld, hi* ii-Miii-inii- technique.

Monday aliernoon Edward Gibson a Metbu- en lad, c>piured a family of tlyinif squirrel* on tbe Uuldiuillh tmin In the southern part ol Ibe

'"tiis. specie of iquincla are rarely do. inesiicatrd, a* II rtqulre* a large amount of ar- ilflce and dexteriiy to aurprtte and take captive tbtte Interesting litileroammili.

On Saturday laat Fred W. Parker lost a three year old Jersey beifcr by a disease resembling ihe "pink eye." Tbe eyes were affected and tbe limbs paralysed, but tbe appetite Wae unim- paired until a tew hours before It died. Sever- al uiiicm In tbe same herd bad a alight attack or the same dtteaae, bat with tbli exception, have all recovered.

Tbe Jumbo of ratttemakei was killed the other day by a plncky young woman ot Nnuga- tnck. Conn. A party of arbutus buuien waked up tbe reptile, and Miti Sarah Roswcll prompt- ly banded ber rivolver to tbe young man of the paity with comoilsiion i> fire, but c..- ma>e nerves were nnitrung by tbe noisy rattle* <- mi tbree-forked tongue, aad MltiltofWell snatched back tbe weapon and and emptied fnurabells Into hi* anakesblp'i neck. Sbe then finished bim with a club.

The question of taking the water of ibe Shawthin river by tbe city of Cambridge wai finally settled Far the present leglsismre on Thursday. 'Ihe previous day the report of the committee to refer tbe lutdact to tbe next Isgii-

as accepted, but on Thursday a recon lideratlon was moved and carried, and a mem- ber from Cambridge offered a substitute bill, la favor of tbe petitioner!. Alter a protracted de- bate tbe bill was rejected by a majority of 48 vote*. Mr. Smith, our representative, (ought

■e bailie very ahly and tbe matter now goes rer to next year. j New Booka added te Ibe Memorial Hall Libra-

, Gilbert A Rkhardion. who com lie manufacture i.f woolen machinery

j. Three year* later be diapoxtd of bla Interest to the two remaining partner*,-«wd lubeequentlr eng'j/ed In woolen manufacturing at Ballard Vale. Lelceater, and Webster. Mr*. Berne* wai 68 year* old. The fun, em I tool; place Thursday aliernoon, at 2 o'clock, from her IBIS home, Rev. Malcolm Djuglaaa, of An- dover, officiating.

Tbe graduating exercises of ibe Senior Class or tbe Johnson lllgb School, occur Thursday evening, Jane T/id, and tbe reception will prob- ably lake placetbe following night. The Amer- ican Orchestra, of Lowell, has been engaged fur the former occasion. Tbe following are tbe at- aignmenta. awarded In Ihe order In which tbey ranked: Warren B. Chad wick, valedictory; F. Etlclla Whinple, aalu'atory; France! Lacnck, cbmnlclfi; LUale A. Kelley, prophecies; Alice McKone, French recitation. Charlea Foye haa been cboten 10 deliver llie clan oration. There are fourteen In thu tegular ".ourse, and two In lbs partial courte.

Tbe bearing before tbe County Commliakn- m in ibe matier ot the petition of Willsrd P. Phillip* for tbs laylnir out ofs new way com- mencing at tbe corner of Third Street and an old way thence running In a straight line by said old way to Railroad Street. This proposed way wai laid out by Ibe Road Commissioners and submitted by them lo the town for tbelr ac ceptance at tbelr last annual meeting, but the article waa stricken from the warrant, and tbe petitioner now atki tbe County Commissioner* to lay ibe same out. Tbe parties met at tbe Town Hall, and after tbe formal opening of the ca*e, tbe CornmiMioaeri proceeded to view tbe premise*, then adjourned to the veiny of the Congregational Church, wbere a lenglby beam- ing wet had, taking up tbe entin forenoon. Tbe petitioner wn- rfpretcntid by hi* brother, Stephen Phillips, Etq., and Jumes llowanh.s rrmonatrant, by N. P. Frye, Esq. Quite a large uumber of witnesses were cxamlmd, and both tidea or iha iiueition argued by counsel, alter wblcb tbe board took ibe mutter under ad, Tlaement, and will decide at an early day.

Tbetidlngaof tbe death of Ml-* S.irsb E.. Tatteraall, wblch occurred Saturday atteroiun, brought polKnant grief lo a large numbir of Irlendtand sincere sorrow to ber elide of ac- qualotaticei- Ordinarily the final kumroort occa- sion more or less regret, but when attended by clrcumiiancei slmll.tr to those of tbls lesc, aad- neaa of a peculiar tendcmtti necessarily accom- periled'. Some three woeki tlnce tbe decease 1 complained ol ieelmg unwell, snd her IllpckS soon develoi-ed lute tyuhold lever lu its worst form. I)jrii'« tbi* Interval her Intense isffeilns; wai i-inluii-d With s conspicuous complacency, alibougb convduui to tbe last Whils ycuib- f.il In age, for ibe was only IS years old, Ml*s T, pcateiaed those grace* wbicb tmbeiliib true womanhood, rendering It to utirauiv.-. 8u ai- fahlo and pure, ■■!..■ wa* a great lavorlte wlih all classes, und ui.ivuiaally respected In tbo n.m- mnnliy. Tberu was a very large aiiendjr.ee uf lbo** wbo desired 10 nay a laat tubule of respect to the deceased, at tbe funersl service*, held at ber parent*' residence, Tur*day after- noon, at 2 o'clock. Kev. P. M. Vlnton, wbo

flklated, paid a beauiiwr trfnuie to ber nany virtues, snd addressed worda ol consola- tion to the family,*j IA quartette composed uf Edward Buttetwortb, Curti* L'bambcriaio, Mrs. Bdward limterwuiih and Mlta Mabel Keniaton. rendered several telecikmi. Tbe floral offer- ingi were ek'trant, and embraced a deilgn em- blematic of '■(lairs Ajar," a wreath, basket and mound. Tbe Interment wae at Aodover. a long cortege following me remains to the cemetery.


Horse Cars for No. Andover Centre. There Is a movement under way 10 extend

tbi bone railroad from Ita present terminus to the Centre. For a number ol years the prtject nil teen agitated, bui not until recently has It assumed what can be termed a definite ibape, and tbe outlook at present is, lo say tbe lean, decidedly favorable. Joalab Crosby, F.t<].. wbo It, and bas been, the leading spirit tn tba enter- prise, bai a paper in eh cuiation, which beers tbe names or Uon. M. T. Stevena and Oen. Rben Sottoo, for five shares of e'ock each, at f 100 per ahare. Other parties, it is understood, have also signified their wlllingne** to take ■ bare*. If the movement la successful, It would undoubtedly Und to encourage building hi tbe Centre,

Adams, ('. K A Manual of Historical Lltera

Amlelt, K. lie Morocco. It* People and Place*. Amort, M. B. Tbe Domestlo and Artistic Llfeef

John Singleton Copley. Blades, W. The Biography and Tvpntriphr of

William Caxton. England's flrst Painter. Collier, J. A. l-.m.i-i- ol An. 1 ■ > 1!: 11 -, W. I.. LaPontaloe, and other French

Fa 'in bit*. Conkc D, A, To-dnvi and Ye-terday*. Klelda, J. T. Yaautrday* with Authors. fJaldor.U. P. liloria. A novel. 1 v. Hector, A. F. Mra. Alexander. The Trerea. Lansdell, II. Through Siberia. I v. Latbrop, 1. P. In tbe Dlttance. yon is. W. Hopes and Fear* for Art. Morse, J. T., Jr. John qulnry Adimi. Noble, A. 1.. Eunice Laiaroii, Spinster. Kordeaakiold. A. B. The V< ' '

round Asia and Europe. Peabody, A. I'. Conversation; il* Faulla and ita

Pitman. It. ,l\ European Urrcaes. lUwIinaon, U. History ol Ancient Egypt It. Koasuttl, 1>. U. Poem*. -, Hound Kobln Sane*. A Tallahassee Uirl- (tliue, J. -Schiller. Slilpoen.lt AChnifmaaaism, Smith. W. H. Tbe St Clair Pis-prra: I.lfe and

Public service ol Arthur St. Clalr. 3 V. Sterne, H. Angela. A Poem.

Commonwealth of Maiiachuietti. ■saax ss. To all persona Interested In the eaUte 01 Charlea

II. Sergeat, 01 North Andover, In aald county, gentleman, a enendibrlfi,

OaaaTIxg : Whereaa, Kbcnexer B. Currier, the guardian

olaaid w—J

od s Yon are hereby

Conrl to be hni.trn at Lawi . id Mondavor Ju

in ibeti

Voyage of the Vega


Calico aiiembly at Merrlmac Hall this even- log.

Tbe Cochlcuewtck Coapany bu voted to partlclpAio lu ibe Decoration Day observance.

Attention it called to Ibe advertisement of Arit class real estate for iale on Church atreet.

Kev. Leula ll. Voorheei of Weymonlb will pisacb at th* Congregational Cbarcb next Sun- day ■

Tbe home nine will play with Phillips Acad- emy Brat nine, at Andover, Wednesday alter-

Kin next. Owing to hit lllntas, it Is aald that Wra.T.

MeKone will be unable to resume bis studfei at Harvard College.

Sunday school concert next Sunday evening ID the veiny of the Congregational cburcb, commencing at 6 o'clock.

alter Stone bat withdrawn from tbe bate bill club,and it it rrobable tbat Foster, of Me- tbuen, will Oil the vacancy.

Rev. L. H Tbayer, I». I) , ol Newton, presid- ing elder of Ibe Lynn district, will be at tbe M. E. Cburcb, Sunday aaernooo.

In connection wltb Ibe eoniecratlon of St. Paul'* Cburcb. Wednesday forenoon, a number of candidaiee are to be confirmed.

Tbe finding of a horse'* tall, wrapped up In a bundle, on Elm Street, by two watchmen. Tuesday morning, canted considerable summ- ing.

pnesrat a Probate " ne.tn rnl-l rounlv.

> next, at 0 o'clock e. ll am you have,

BT ibe same should not be allowed. And tbe *ald guardian 1* ordered lo serve

this citation l.y publishing the lame once *> week in tbe

Lawaanca AHSSICIM:, and AKDOVIK Ai.VKiii |"I:K,

newspaper printed at Lawrence, ihree weeka suooeaaitely, Ihe laat publication to be

*o daya at lenst before aald com 1. Witneea, liEOUUE F. CUOATK. Baqnlre,

Judge of said court, tbi* tcmh day 01 May In the year eighteen hundred and eighty. 1 wo.

J.T.MAUUNBY.Kegiatur. vin-i y> llii)

Mortffairce'fl Sale.

itue of a power of Bale contained In ven bj ill, hla

wtwHlbkHa 10 M. ChrlRlupher An-

111 li« i- lltb, 1877, reoordrd i-"i Dleuict Deed*, book («,

page "MO, for broach of condition of a-" gage, will be sold by public auction on Ibe tremlaee hrreimilirr described, on Monday. [vfjM.IMl, at t o'elock In Ihe afternoon, all

ane alagu'ar ihe premises described In said mortgage, namely ■

A certain lot ol land with bnlldlngt Ibereow. situated in the village of Ballard Vale, he Andover. Mim., bonded n* follow*: Beainnlna on Ihe easterly *ldeof Ct-ntre for Central) street ata point one hundred eighty feet southerly from Ita Inttrseetlon with Cross etreel; thence running southerly on Centre (or Central) street, one hundred twenty feat: (nonce easterly one. hundred thirty three leu lo Marland atreet; thence northerly one hundre) twenty Test on aald Mnrlnnd street; thence westerly one hun- dred thirty three l-et 10 Centie (or Central ■'reel at the point or beginning.

Terms: »'-n to be paid at time uf lite, and balance on delivery ul deed within lea days Iberealter.

For further particular* apnly to the mortgagee »r his attorney, tJeo. H. Poor, al andover,

M.'CilHlBTUI'tlKil AMiftKWS, Mortgagee.

April ISlb, 1SSI. Vtt Sit

Tuesday the special committee of the

legislature for redlstrlctlni: the state, pro-

viding for l'-' Instetd of 11 concessional representatives, reported. Tbe Lowell

and Lawrence district Is numbered the eighth, and while Lunenburg and Northland Montreal Will aid ibe Maine In its re

Andover are added to it, Berlin, Hudson

Lincoln, Bndbliry, Marlborongb, Mayuar.i

aad Reading have been added to other

districts, Thu political complexion of tbe cities

sod towns of the district as propoaed are

aa follows: Kepub. vole Dem. votef

QMsroat Cong.e.* In leSU, Town* Population

i.T-.n ass m Andover ■.,171

■■It I.BSS

Mil 1,0UQ S-S

Ml llox boron gb SIS

1.AM S.BM I.Mr- *tt

irolon 1 Wit

J .<!•■■'


au,4t» .: 1.101 iy

v>->* SMe- Lunenburg 1KI it

■iW No. Heading >*XI M; IT reppeilli rthirley

X.MS 1,:,|'.

ISO IN 1:1.'. Si

Tewkakiiry Townseml

1,111 1*11 u l.fsi; ■wi it: n an M

We* Iron* 1.117 '.'17 Wilmington Bfif 111 ii

Total )!■'.:'.:- 1.1,1117 Mil Soatiei lag voteftt.

After msny jeers of careful study, we offer the piinlic oar ssveral brandn of Beach's soap, that will excel all others In parity and emollient quality.

newed sttempu. So says an Exchange.

—ratrlck Devlin went into H. A. Buell's

grocery sice the other day, and pretend-

ed to one of tbe clerks that he waa a rex- alar customer, and that he was running an account. Through misrepresentation

he obtained forty cents sod went away.

tie was arrested upon S chargo of obtain-

ing money under false pretences, and. In

police court Saturday morning was sen- tenced to the houtc of correction Tor six

months. I -The assessors will have their office open from Jane 8th to June 2'Jtb, lociu

sive, from 9 lo 12 a. m., and from 2 to 8

p. ID., and all persons liable to be taxed In the city are requested to bring to them

within tbe time sbove specified, true lists

of all tbelr polls and estates, real and

personal, held In their own right, lu trust

or otherwise not exempt iron, taxation.

—Owing lo a defective foundation at II.

K. Webater & Co's mill, a portion of the bolldlog haa aettled to such an extent as

to necessitate taklns down the entire front

and about 40 feet or the east side of the

outer wall. Fortuootely no machinery Is

located tn this part of the mill, and while a largo expenau will be lucnrron In making

the repairs, Cap*.. Cbedbourne, who haa

them In charge, intends lo do the work In a aaanner tbat will leave the Interior un-

disturbed and wltb as little Inconvenience

to tbe Brm and their tnlrons aa possible.

tbe latter part of the present month. Although tbe arrangement* are not yet complete, It It ex- pected that tbe cborute* will present more of Tanety and interest than at the previous con- cert, while tbe Instrumental piece*, a* well a* tbe aceompanininent*, will be more foil and elaborate. It li probable that Mr. Cbarlei Adamt, tbe celebrated tenor, will be among tbe

>toI*t*. Tbs venerable ex-Oov. N. 8- Berry, now re-

siding with a married daughter at Milwaukee Wlacomin, ha* written an Interesting teller 10 Capl. It. W. Musgrove of Bristol, N. H., ' which he speaks pleasantly of hit Weitei borne and 01 tbe kind people whom be meets there. lie tayi: -Although I feel that, ID view of my advanced years, 1 mail aoon meet tbe "i'11 ni')n" of death, yet I am bleaaed wltb a comfortable degree ol health and strength uf body and mind, and Improve my leiinre hours in reading and In writing to my frleudi and In seeking Hum snore (or wisdom to direct and grace to sustain me ss 1 walk down tbe steep ol life." Qovcruor Berry formerly railded in tblt town.

Lltlle Johnny Barry, living near Jericho Beaeb at Scltoate Harbor, received permission from bl* motber Bandar morning, tar* the Brockton Oaaette, to go out snd play nn tbe beach, telling kit be wa* going to dig s well. He proceeded with ol* play.snd after awblle his exeitadsxclamailoni attracted Bin. Barry to tbe spot, where tbe found tbat the boy bad dug 11 r> iron tbe sand bfteen watchsa, wblcb had probably been buried there hy some thief. The wan lies, >o'iie or wblcb were gold and some ellvcr, were numbered In regular sequence, in dlcatlng that they might have been stolen from tome manufacturer or Urge dialer. Tbe dls covery caused considerable excitement at tbe beach, and efforts will he made lu trace the property to Hi owners.

A correspondent of tbe Burlington free Prea* explains why there «re no old etumpi m tbe townabtp uf Coventry, Vl. It teem* tbat In good old tlmoi tbe streets were ao lull of them that trafttc wss Impeded and night pedetlrlan- lam became a daru'rouiaud devious exploit. Still, ib* good burgher" were ao laiy that tbey preferred trlppllng up a doaen times a day and driving tix miles for every Art, to taking bold and wrenching out a few of these primeval niolari. At last tbe village fathers, driven to despair, offered a quart ot whiskey lor every small stump removed, and a gallon far a large one. Tbe plan worked admirably. In leas tban two weeki there waa not so much as tbe iteik of a aapllni to be found in tbe whole township, and tbs amount of timber failed would ba*e done credit to a young cyclone When tbe supply of whisky al iait gave out, and tbe grand holiday was ova*, an old inhab- itant would have had to rub hit eyes twice to recognise tbe ancient borough.

It it said tbat V in ton performed some eff c live pitching lor ibe Phillip* Academy nine In tbe contest with tbe Harvard freshmen, Wed netday.

At Steven* ball to-night, tbe entertainment under Ibe auaplcei of the sun lor claa*. Jounso 1 High School, occurs. Doom open at 7, to com menee stfj.

A meeting of those interested In the 4th ol July celebration this year, will be held at Mer- rlmac Hall, Monday evening, si 7-90 o'clock. A large attendance It denred.

The photograph or each member of tbe Eben ittiin company i* to be taken by Leek of twreoce, and placed In an album, recently

purchased by the urganiuiton lor tbs hall. Tbe heautileil Scotcb Coiiij (Sbepbsrd) dog, Bon Bon," owned by Dearie ". (iitbert, K-q ,

formerly of tblt town, look tbe second prim at tbe Bencb Show of dog*, la Music Hall, Bof ion, tbla week.

All memtieriof l'oit 39, O. A. R . residing in town, sre requested tj meet at the corner of Water and Cburcb ttreett, Tueeday evening, at 7 JO o'clock. In order to make arrangements for Decoration Day.

The subject or tbe concert al tbe M. K Cbureb, Sunday evening, was "Light and LHe." The exercise* were well conducted, and embraced singing, recitation*, reading* and blackboard Illustration*.

Eva, a (our year-old daughter ol Benjamin Brlerley, wai knocked down by a borae aitacb- ed to a csrrhge, on the corner of Main and Second Streets, Tuesday afternoon. Shi escaped with alight injuries.

The consecration or Bt. Pau.'i Church, will take place Wednesday. May 17. at 10 A.M., instead of 10 80, as previously announced. Ad- mission by ticket until B..5.5, when the doors will be opened to tbe public.

For tome Sunday* past a number of young men and boys bare been accustomed to have base ball games in Sulten'a peitnree. l.sst Sahbaib, Officer Roblnton made bt* appearance ontbeiceue. which brought the game toa tudden termination, and tbo players, together wlih a crowd or spectators, decamped.

At ibe annual meeting ol the Ridgewood Cemeterv Association, held tn tbe Unitarti vetiry, Saturday aliernoon, Col. Tberoa Johi ■on, moderator, tbe following officers were elect- ed : clerk and treaiurer, 1. K. Otgood 1 trustees, Hou. Oeo. L. Davis, Hon. M. T. Hteveni, J. M. Stone, Motes Foster, Jas. T. Jobnaon. It was voted lo requeii tbe Overseers of tbe Poor to erect tollable gravf marks for the poor wbo have been boned by tbe town In Ridgewood Cemetery.

There was a very pleaatmi gathering al tbe residence or tbe jovial Captain Jobn Wilton, or Cochleae wick Company, last Satuiday even- ing, in observance of tbe birthday anniversary of tbat gcntliman and two other members of tbe tsmlly occurlng laat week, Sotae sixty guests, including a number from Lswranoe, were present. Hue attention was givea la well ladea tablet' in the early evening, and thea a season of dataing, VMSI aad Inatrusaenlal mu*r, recitations and ninth followed. Ueitri. Samuel Morse and George Smith, of LlWreoce, gave tome e*.eellrul sketches from Rlebard HI, and also admirably played "Tbe Moon Behind the Clouds," Inlroduclagaeenea fn Macbetb, In coitume, It was eminently a social affair, and thoroughly enjoyed by tbeee present. Fish's band furnubed tbe music.

Mr*. Mary P., wife of Mr, Charles Barns*, died surd iv arternonn, at tbe family borne- s'ead, after an Hlneeaof six week* duration. Tbe deceased was a most eitimab'e lady, and being a native and long resident of the bad manv friend* and arqnaintaucei. _ father was tbe let* Mosei Foster. The deceased leave* a hatband, one daughter, and a son, Mr. Hi .us H. Birnei, a*il*tant paymatur at the Washington mills, Lawrence; also two brothers, Hose* roster, Kiq., and Mr. David N. Foster ol Belolt, Micb., and two listen, M,n. Hiram Berry and Un. Jobn F. Kim ball of tbi* town. Mr. Barnes wa* a member of taw firm

Real Estate at Auction IN ANDOVER-

ill be told at Public Auction, on stondsy. May lid, at D o'clock p. m., on the pramlaei, the homestead of the late Natban Claik, deceaaed. It coaalata ot alHiut ul acres of mowing, Ullate, —'ire and woodland, with building*, and I*

ed In the vveat Parlab. In Anduver, near rd Vale Village, Co million s-gioo at sale; balance In thirty days, when deed will be deliv- er* I, oocupaney at once If pnrchaser desires, for farther par ilculara enquire of

lltoyl*. (.LUltUE rosTEK, Auelloneer.

Auction. Will be sold at Public Auction, on Tuesafar.

at*y M, al 3 u'ctocc p.m., on Ihe premise*, about lit acre* oflaol, with noose, barn and abed mown a* Ihe "Samoel ijllo.e.ist place," *jtuat> d in the aouth part of Andover, near the Hon.. Reading line. Conditions, |M al sale, balance In 10 ilayi, WIK-II the deed win be delivered. isuti can remain on moi Igage If deilred.

Ilosyll (itoaos FOSTKK, Auctioneer.

Dwelling Houto and House Lett for Sale)

In Andover. laiil* Avenue, a two story Dwcllisg limit

.__ elated Trench rool, containing lj room*. wlih lot or land 100 leet by US leet. Also 10 or more hou.e lot* oa same and High atreet.

II It JuIlN' 11. FLINT, Andover, Ma*t.

NOTICK is HEKEBT GIVEN that U*> aubaerlber haa been duly appointed ex-

ecutor of Ibe will of LOOT Ilainv, tale or Andover,

In tbe county of lianx, (wife or Jobs Hardy], decea*«d,teatate,nnd haa Uken uponhintsellthat trim by giving bonda aa the law direct*. All person, bating demanda upon tba es- tate ol aald deceased are required to exhibit

and nil parsons Indebted lo aald e*l*<« " nil"

AUCTION. WtnbsioMatPablle Auction on WElv.rt*

HAT. MAY 17, atlo'cl-x-.k p.m.,at tbe oeeaer 01 Uarmcl Lane and stable Avei.oe, the fallow. ing article* ol Personal Property, via.: Ooe Hone, iwe Cow*, >w.i borae Wagon wltb hay rigging, one-horie Waif on, two-horse Cait. Butcher'* (.art, Buckeye Mowing Machine, Dullaid Ilev-Tedder, Bay Slate Horse Bike, doable and sir ale Harnesses, Plough*. Cultiva- tor, Harrow, tH-Ydke, netthe* and Mnaiba Hakes, forks, Chnlna, Urain Che*t, Meat Block, aianding-Deak, Hay Cutier*, etc.

The arllelee are all In good repair, and some ol them have been but little uied.

ConaUloni—Cash. JOBKe.FLI.1T.

Ga-onoi ForriK, Awetloneer. Andover, 1 *y », 188J. II

FA KM FOR SALE. Tbe Baidwell Firm, la the West Parish.!*

Offered for aale. It consist* of about one hun drnd ac.r,* of irnwlng. tillage, pasture and wood tad. Far farther partlewmre apply to Ibe *ub- cribev. UKURUE i.. ABBOTT.

FOR SALE. Tba valuable Heal EaUte nt WILLIAM tf,

MSAN9. Esq., on Mala tfcc-i, Ancover, coa- •Istlag of a hou*e or U hosts*la good elate of repair, with lotof land containing abool ls.OOti *qn*ra feet, la offered for *aln. Apply lo Oeo. If. Poor, Attorney, at Andover, or IB* Washing. inn atreet, Boston. at npll

Co-Partnershlp Kotioe. Tbe subscribers hereby give notice thai tney-

have lorme.l a co-ptrtnevahlp under lbs Arm asms of HXA A 1 BBOTT, an.l having hoea-ht out Ihe meat mirknt and bnlcherlng of John U, Fll"t.wltl confines tbe buaineee. A ahare oil oobllc patronage I* reapeoliuliy sehclted. r taeons! sir*.


Pa it u rage. Oa Ibe "Joseph Holt Place." with shade. Hiel -

ter, pure water, and well walled. Enquire on the|.raraite*,or address K L. HOLT, box «'«, Andover, Ma*s. JU apis I

■ ■ ■ ._-. .... ■ .

Pigi and Milk Tim sulnr-r, iai offer* Tor aal

rigl, stwuleight

I Fashionable Dressmaking. Miopirtol Thfl eubonilber will continue the iliuvi' 1 u.i

l-tiini-nn-..•■iH.lk .IHIIV I "■•• at ihe residence el J. M . Fiu.kr-ci, fun 1U JAMESON, Andover. "''•"lAMiiue. ALICE U. HIM HALL.

11 banuVuns. i

POMP'S POND ICE, ; U lb. best in I ■■>■■ i. fjrsll domestic purpose.. !

Clear, Solid anil Pure. It. F. HOLT,

ICi DEALER. Refr Inert tori. tanks, water oooie

era Will remain IWMI,

LOOKS TUB BE*l. HI'KS1>- Till. BEST. And the beat 1* Lue cheepest.

Reason commence*, and tte.ims will INUJI* regularly on Monday, Mr.) l.i.

Special Notice loallCjcinmeri: Oar new ichedute, made up fur IMU, am* been

withdrawn, •n<l price, wilt romaln ■• U.t year. Ami the following i- lbs scale |

IS 1Q10 lb*., each delivery. Itto per 100 lbs, aoto&OO JT.H *■ •' Tor i *:.'.'. Package Ticket* mar be had ol iii l»er M lb*.

A liberal patronsge desired. Ee»p.clfullv,


ALBERT Q. WOOD, JR.. Hutceasor u. I. W, BABXABD, Dealer in Home. Hboc* and

Muober*, sod Repairing done in tbo beat man Mr. all at lbs lowest |.ii.'v. Bunk BalMlng, linn dtreal,Andover. 1077 hi

d pitch Families aid o, ners supplied it lowest p'lce*. • hddr boxt-a at Po*t > noes la Andover and Reliant Vain and at atora or J.Bsrnat, Wye


BB ilium a. Rubbers. Custum

kUualrinff neatly done »l abo Celebrated Kip and Calf Boi Sand. Main St., Andover. Mas

rkaspecialiv. notion. Jones'

■1 conitantlv on ivlunm

. tpreaa and Jobbmi bualna** formerly of M. K. Wbll«. tieaere- lobbing, moTiiiit of plinoa, furniture, Ac... reasonable prleei. PaLronui[« solicited. Icily

Jfailor* and Dealer and lienta' Furolaaii Aadorer, Mm.

DR. J. C. PE NN IN OTON.—Office over Draper's book-store. Main btreet,. Might

oallsalUr. Darin* Blebard.on'l, opposite our-

DR. C. X. ABBOTT. Idenca at Mra. Kben 1

Andover. TJnlca boura Mo /idenca, IllOVC:

Office anil Hesl- Elten Tyler'). Main Btreat, .iir. f-10a. a., 1-3 anil alti-i


EDWIN H. .BARNARD, Palming, Qla alng, tirainlajr, end .Paper Hanging.

KM d md MI salt:, bbop Kasex St, 1 1)

EPIKK, TlD, BartbeD and WoodcD • Ware; Hepnira Pumps, stoves, Fur-

nace*, ate. Solo agent ioi-Magee stoves, ran* Sse andjrurnacea tor Andover aad vicinity, rderaurooiptly attended to. Park alreet,

AaduTer. novTlvr

GBOROE PIDLUNQTON, florist and Undecape gardener, Design tf* »«le*

Window end bedding ulani*. climbing hardy ... A|entlorallkind»oltreia

■ nrub*.. Priinlna, and i.Uniii'a attended 1 Hear the depol-

Tado«r, April 1.1631.

HENRY OOFF, PaloUog, Oralnluar. Papering and lilutlni, dona al ahori notice

and reaaonablo prlue. Peraona wklit:if work dropapoaulinPoatOBee, ootlf tr

J" OH* U. DEAN. Herchaot Tailor, Dealer In Clotblni and Oenl'a ramtthlna

Uooda ot all kind*. Uarmrnu niada 10 Ida bm»l laiblon and warranUd to lit. Repairing,cran- ial and preatmit done noally. Main btreet, Andoyer. noTW 1 ft

MCLAWLIN 4 BAKER- retaUr line of Bulldcra' 1

■ mpeciallj <;!' ntmt* till. tCIIOD. l*li)W*. chlnei. Hor»eRak**,ew. Aiaoaiuuaaat ol Bhoveli, Fork*. Hoa*. Bake*, bpadea, at ibe loweat prlcea.

MIB3 HKLBN D- BOLT, Piano end Oman Toacner. W*fMH P*ln* takvn wi*li bem —

-—-ryeVlllai KeaidencaFrye illage. ly K ■'

N1 J ATI! AN T. ABBOTT will furtil»h a euperlor qualli;of Ledge Blonealor oel-

lari and founuatlon* ataboit mike aeuiea- aonable urloe*. Teomlng piouipllj done. Hat inaction Kuerametd. Bet ld«n< tucaiB. Banter Street. 1J" -


J'-;:i:v MC!'AHI\. *H old reildeiit, and

well known clllxen, engaged ID tbe liquor

bualaattj on Broadway, South Lawrence, ilieJ at eleven o'clock Monday forouoon, of

Brlgtil'e dlaeaie 01 Llie kldoeya.

Tbe manv Trleoda of Mr. and Mra. I. C Crocker, will ajinpathlia with ihem lu

tbe lu-. of llitlr aon, Freddie, aged aeven

J9V», wbodled of beart dlaea>e, Satur- daj Di^bl. Tbe funeral errvlce will be

on Tuesday, 1'. M., at 2 o'clock, at 898 Baiex •treel.

Mr. .. M:ic»i tm y, niuoager of Ibe Ooe

Price Clothing atore, mourna tbe loan of

11 liiilf daughter, rive montha old, who died ou Sainrday. The remama were

aken to Canada Monday.

Sunday afternoon, the funeral o lb* late Uafua Clajk look place, at tbe

Lawrence atrret church, Rev. Juahua Colt offlclallrg. 'Che choir fnroished ap-

uroprlale mu-n'. Four of hla old aoldler

mradea, William Martin, John Weaton.

Eben Willy and 8. C. Paraona, acted aa bearer*. Tbe body wan Interred In Belle-

vue cemetery.

Mary P., wife of Mr. Cbarlea Barnea, of

Nortb Andover, dltd Sunday afumoon at tbe family humeatead. Tbtdeceaaed waa

a moat estimable ladj and being a native

and life long resident of the town, bad many frleuiU an J acqatlntancea. Her

father waa itio late Moaea Foater. Tbe decease,l leave' a husband, ooe

ilauj-bieTliiN.ir!!) Andover, and a aon,

Cbarlea H. ttarne , aaalatanl paymaa- (er at Ibe Wasliluilou Mills. Tbe funeral

occored at Nor'b Audovtr, from the family mMevta, Tbuiaday al 2 p. m.

Margaret, nib of Mr. Michael F. (juea-

, clerk al A $.■■«< \>-- ft CoV, died MOD

il«.v ui u fliiiuiiaili'i). 'Ibe deceaaed waa

32 yeara of aiie, and waa well known and reapecttd. Her death la a severe blow,

leaving aa abe does four children, the youngest an lo'ant, and Mr. Quealy baa

the alncere atojpaihy of hla many friends

In bla sflt'ctlun.

Abby R.Spufford, wife or the late Cbaa.

Coburu, died at IWE home In iblacity May

'Jib, it the axe of aeventj-aaveo, bavins

aurvlvrd be 1 huebaud lesa than alx luuiha, Mr*. Coburu baa been conSned

to her bid for over two weeka with lure

fevfr, LhODgb death waa Closed by a dis-

ease of the hi'srt, from whlcli aba had uffcred for a long tl.nr. She bad been

very happy in ber religious life, ano afler

a married life of Oft]-four years, during

the abort separation from her husband, she hsd been ooly waiting the Msstor's

•mil 10 reunite them.

The Lute Theodora H. SwM-tser.

THOMAS HOWKLL carrka on tbe furniture and UpbUaterv bualnen 1T,A11<

Oselr branobes,atkia store on 1'arkalrert |>ur. ■ iiura repaired and removed at abort noltoe and • a rea*on*bleierina, lv octl0»l




i>o\\ & NI:AL,


Dom.Klc FaahlwMB and B.rr.tl'. Dy» Ilauae. ■l*SSl»ttn' mU* 1'lnhliiR.


C. H. u 1 ;I;KS.

Steam P( llshlng, lonnmental Granite S Marble Worvs

Wararooms 51 Main Street, opp- the Common »«d »' 9 and II Court It.

Hear of City Mull,


•team Polishing Worka and %riaM Tard-ii BrsdfOY'l. OBJce al it Muin St., Uaverbil).

Torelsn an*! Domesllo Orsslte* and slaibies wrought in sny design .t ahorl aollea. Ut> "ign'snd la-Iaubw lurnlahed Iree oiooat.

* lyfel*


Funeral sitdFurniflhiiig UNDERTAKER,

BU1DIH0B. SDMIII. 8T««T .. „,, i.di..r«.ii,




Fish ol all kinds. Fresh and Salt, Hmoked and Piolclod.

Lobsters, Olams and Oysters. Fanny Hah of sll kinds in Iheir aea.on. rreih

stllkeverydsy. Ooodadelivtted. PARK BTRSKT. AKDOVEB

Dee. 1W.1WI. tr


Lykens Valley Bed Ash Goal,

<MUe In Drepd'a Block, Hala Sheet. Andover HAY AHO 6TRAW. *lJ aU


Aad Dealer In

1TVE8TMENT SEUURTIES, No 92 Devonshire Streot, Boston UolUd Blatea «aU-. C^lI^LW.VlS.'iKfi

. KDITOB: All ibat I* morlsl falls before LUK; ii levels all Utsapl the strong sad tne weak RO down before It. All animste na- ture bow* io 11; Its uaebsngeabia law* moves alowly bjt Btruir, wltb no deviation. Mor- tals are on probation, wltb a limit dependant upon, and tu'Ject to circumstances. Nature bas been more pro'.nte and generous In Its gifts to seme, than to others'. Tbls principle has been sound through all knowledge of iDepati- Uay It continue sc. Inanimate nature has lit striking feature*—whoever, wltb One teellnit, wa.kcd and loitered la a grsnd old sombre lor- es!, wbn aid not admlra the noble and mejeiilc iirim'iiiiihlm, towering overall others, yet ■u wesk In their sireogth, are tbe flrtt tone stain In oneol nature's iflbrie, totbewondei-

it of not a few. Such Is tbe btttory ol tbe past; such will It be in the future; the are too often called early,—the Are cesses to burn, the silver cord Is sospped, and ha falls witb a crash before the gale, like a sturdy oak, thai has weathered many a wintry blast, to. the conitcmutton and admiration of all about [him.

such is the case with onr 1st* friend Tbeo Jore H. Bweetserof Boston, recently deceased. He was a man ol mark and attraction wbersver he waa known. Hewstatower of strength, intellectnslly. In every position lo witch he was called. HI*address st Worcester upon bis nomination aa a candidate for Governor of this Slate, was worthy of the man. His success as a legislator wai eminently saccetinil. He was an able debiter—hi* arguments upon tbe Erie Itailrcud in the Uoote were masterly; it was the i ifort ol the session; it waa learned, terse eloquent and delivered with great power, and

o be forgotten by those who bad the pleas- ure of hearing ft. Us had one of tbe best legal minds of this State. Hit arguments upon pure law questions before the Supreme Oonrt, In his prime, were models; he always went dlrectlr to the merits of thecese; he tried a case for all It waa worth. He was adroit and sharp with sHtnisa. In fact, be was a successful Jury lawyer. He would haae been a good constitu- tional advocate It bl* practice had called bim more in that way, Mr. Sweetaer was a gener-

end kind man; no deserving person In waot was turned away empty banded. He was genlsl and sociable, very interesting In conver- sation, and ti ok pleasure In making everybody bappv shout bim. In the language of Dryden, be was one of Ood Almighty's eentlemn. Hay the memory of bim be cberltbed And kept green by bl* Irleodt. T. A.

Roblnaon'a New Building.

Dins. Si tin u figuring, Ban

1 Boiton, J»BW iork, r

Insurance lumlaalon aad Ban

Money Furnished on Mortgages, - ..P. O. Boa lf«.

M. L. BAMSDELL, Agent for ibe leading


am-wwaaleofallkinda and styles, for cash or « KllMata, on easy terms. glO .»«! bf PaylnTr*.!,. 'Machines Kchsn.rO, b.ugbC rjrrt hasmatt repaired sud 10 let. cauer netdles~l.away.on hsndjai.o good,.™ ffi "whine* .heap. Calland.ee them.

Cwrwer •■■tuner sV ■■**) St. AaAwwor. BPtSlV

MOOAR A TUOW, 1 nannfaotarersofaad sealers la

|Ofev<ry dsseilpllon, ineludlng

Box ■wiil«i**h»»»«"1 Cornln|«,D»m Wagons, Side Bar Bugglet.

—Aism —

*MK)ViB WA31. P. O. Bi a «*.

(VsaUaWNOOfta GBO.A.TBOW too'M

Mr. 1 hailoa T. Emerson, architect, la preparing plans for a new brick building to be erected by Mr. D. F. Robinson, tbe wel'-known card clothing manufacturer, whose constantly Increasing business makes It Imperative that he should seek more commodious quarters. The building

II ba located at tbe corner of Broadway and Lowell street*, and will be of brick, 108 feel long and 88 feet wide. It will be three stories high with fiat roof. Tb< lower story Will be partitioned Into throe .stores, one of which will face on Broad- way, aud the others on Lowell atreet, tbe former to be 88 by 88 feet, and tbe latter 20 by 38 feet each. Tba opper atorlea

HI be occupied by Mr. Robinson In bla boslneee. The ulinmlngs of tbe bast- ment will be granite, and ifaat of the up- per atorea, ga.vanlsed Iron. Mr. Roblo- ■on will also make improvements aud ad- ditions to bla machinery,

Tttinniany Tactics.


Mr W. J. NicbuU' house hss tnrn moved is 1 new location near Henry N. Hall's resideoer. The people of the Congregations! church held

a social.If at tbe new vcttry on Tbartday etan- lug, for tbe tir-i time.

Ml** Hattie Crosby, a graduate from tbe He- men both school ol tbeclassof 'ti,l,i,aib

lag school la Salem, N. H. The wuekly pralte meeting or the reform club

will be bridal ibe Ciogregational cburcb.on Sunday evening, at 7g o'^luek.

Tbe Metbuen glee club took part at Ibe bird convention given at the Uolverssiist church lo Lawrence, on Wednesday evening.

Tin: remains of Mr*. Wadlelgb, who died ■uddenly at tbe isaierly part of tbe town, were taken to Maine for interment, on Satuiday

Quit* a delegation of people went Horn tbl* town to Lowell on Tuesday evening, to attend the opening ol tbe Grand Army fair in that city.

Rev N. S. Hill wi 1 preach at tbe t'nlvcrss- Htt cburcti next Sundsy.ontbe following sob- leclt: Morninif, A joyout religion. Kvauiug, Treaaurea In both worlds.

Miss Sarah L, Ssrgant's school, wenl to Harapitead, N. H-. on Saturday last, lor the purpo*e ol' Ksiberinc Msv Sowers 1 bey were conveyed In a barge by Mr. James C. Hatch.

A new soclsl club ba* been formed here with the following nfflceri: President, Charles It Ayar; secretary end treasurer, John S. Tap ley ; comrulitee to prepare a conMltutlon and by- Uwt, D. H. Patterson, W. 8. Kellers, J. S. Tap- ley, W. J. Nichol* and J. C. Neal.

Mr. Samuel Webiter hss run a barge to l.tw- renee several evenings ibis week, to accommo- date people who wished to attend the entertalo- mentsst tbe opera boutr. Ibe horse rallrotd company dun'i furniah car* enough to convey the pvopie in a comfortable manner.

Rev. J. H.Selden, the newly elected psitor ol the Congregational cburcb, was Installed on Wednesday «fiernoon. Rev. Mr. Burr, of An- dover resd the Scriptures, and the scimon was by Rev. E. O. Selden, of Manchester, N. 11., Rev. Mr. Riogsbury ot Brsdford, gave tbe right band uf fellowship, and Rev. D. P. Nojea ol Wilmington, made tbe installing prayer; Bev. Or. Seelcy of Haverblli delivered Ite charge to the pastor, ard Rev. Dr. Colt of Law- rence, gave tbe charge to tbe people. Benedic- tion bv Rev. Mr. Barnes ol Haverblli.

Dr. A. J. French, Sheriff Herrick end Rev. Mr. Pickles, ori.swrence, attended the rrfunn club praise meeting at tbe BaptUl cburcb, on Sunday evening, and were the speaker* of the evening.

Tbe Metbuen Company are about to build a new picker room for tbe co ton mills j It will ad- Join ibe old one and the foundations are already completed.

Mr. James Ingall* bas obtained possession or the list manufactory formerly owned by Cb.i, Ingaila & Son, and ba* started batting oeiloees on his own rttponkltillty. There la bat little doubt of his success, as Cbas. Incalls ft Son were incceaalut manutacturera for ro.nj years.

The bounebold effects or tbe late Charlotte Barker were sold at auction on Friday after- noon, from ber lale residence n»er iii«-u street,

tbe house of Mr. Olibert Emerson. The Meihnen be<e ball clubbave reorganised

for the serson of 1882, wltb the lollowins; list of members 1 Armor Crosby, Charles W. K.es- Iston, Frank Colrman, Fred Foster. Edward UcLangliliD, Charles Lrwia.Oeorge Tburaton, James Skefrllt, James Wright and Andy Law- ton.

Mr. Albert Smith has presented to tbe Con- gregational church a One clock, 10 ba placed la tbe new chapel.

8. a. Sargent, Esq., has been appointed ed mlaUtreturof the eetste of the isle Mr*. Har- riet Hsseltlne lurey.

r. Frank R, Copp bat sold hi* house on Park street, te Mr. Charles H. Tenncy, lor

The Mystic Hole Company has bald in sn- ansl election and choeen Ibe fullowlugcfflcers: FuremaD, Cyrus B. Osge; attUtant fort'man, Newell I». Leach; clerk and treasnrer, c Waller Douglsn; standing committee, W. G. Fair- banks, Henry N. Ha'l and Frank Cluffj leading pfpemsn, W. IJ. Fairbanks; eaoond pipeman, 11. N- Hail; third pipaman, George Johnson; hydrant men. C. W. Dougtsss and Frank Clnff; leward, C. W. Doug loss.

Mr. William H. Jsckman bos obtained a *U- latton In a hat tbcii at Brldgepoit, Conn., where

he bat charge or the ttiiahtnn department. Mr. Jacsmau is well qualified lor the position, hav- ing been engsged In the business for many years.

Mrs. David Nsvins, senior, bas been stopping in town during the post week, at tba Nevfns' hometteadon Hampshire ttreet.



One-Price Clothing Co.

Gent's Furnishing Goods. This department ol our buciness is the largest of ita kind outside of

Boston, and is always replete with Hinging Bargains that Defy Oomnetition.

CENT'S HOSE, a good quality, 5c. a pr.; 6 pr. 25c Fancy Hose, 10c. pair; 3 pair 25c. Better

quality 15c. pair, 2 pair 25c. And for 25c. a pair a variety of Fancy Hose

never sold less than SOc. SHAW 8TOCKINC8.

All kinde lower than elsewhere, and a large as- sortment of the finer grades of Cent's Hose.


at Prices to suit the Customer.

Our dollar SHIETS are Terr popular, and it goei without saying, that no dealer in the country can show better goods for the

money, or better fitting Shirts at anv price.

A FULL LINE OF FANCY SHIRTS, FROM 50c, TO 11,25. UNDERWEAR- -A laree stock; prices range from 25c. to $3.50. A

choice lot of French Underwear, in white and fancy colors. SUSPENDERS—Regular 25c. goods for 10o., and the best Suspender

in the world for 25, Gentlemen's HANDKERCHIEFS, in Silk and Linen. Cheaper than

moBt dealers can bring them to Lawrence, Neckwear, Collars, Cuffs, Soarf Fins, Sleeve Buttons, &o. All the

latest styles and designs. Drftss and Driving GLOVES in all the Fashionable Studei,

WOOD & COAL White Asb Ml Franklin Coals.

HJVBD AND HOPT WOOD. ('repared.UOs.J-ed'

root S»i.s BT

JOHN CHANDLER. Andovav. •0'dertreeWfed.abdblllisetUedBi


OppotltsPost OSIcc.

There la now before tbe committee on

accounts ol Lawrence, a bill presented by

Cltj Physician Mages, of #(..37, extra fees

for the month of April, over ami above

hla regular salary, for services In connec-

tion with the small pox epidemic. Of

tills amount 1100 la charged for attend-

ing two casei st the hospital, and #537

for vaccination. This la claiming at the rate of #7044 per year above ibe aalary<

established by law ! Tbe tax-payers will

watch with Interest the action of the

democratic city government upon tble bill of eitras of S687 In a single month. Sure- ly the physician Is thriving on dhailar nod fattening on dlaeaae, If tbls Is the tone to which be Is to be paid.

On Toesday, Mr. Noooan, son of Mi- chael Noonao, recently arrested for per- jury, hired a team from George L. Han-

toon, for s short time, and aa be did not rtturn at the time specified, tbe case was

reported at the police station. Officer elcCaJTrey went to Lawrence, yesterday, nod found the carriage at a ebop for re- pairs, and also found the botae. The team had received bad naage, and tbe smaab-up waa the result of * runaway. Lowell Time*.

COMUON OouaciL. *•■ The liuitnl met la regular session ilondsy

Veolsg w iiii tbe mayor In tbe cbalr and all prei- nt. Ttie lulluwliig business was tianaacttd. MswesH i Of U.K. Burkell to enter tawer,

granted; Laealllade Brothers for tbe same, gran- ted ; Mary Droyer to obstruct streets wbllemev-

mtldiog, granted! Oti* a later to obatruol Concord street while- building, greeted on the usual terms; iVIUlam Hcnr-eeser for a sidewalk on Common street, referred lo the committee on streets; XJ. F. Dolati and others tog a aldewalk on Cross street, icfirred to tbe lotntulUee on itdewelka; Oscar K. Carrier for six circuit* to the Are alarm, referred to toe committee on Ore alarm, John K Perry for a Junk dealer's li- cense, referred to iho committee on licenses; Patrick HeCarthj for tfio aama, referred to tame, Allen Harr and shirr E.LInuaey for abatement o[ ■ewerassessment, referral to the commute sewers; JI»DU It. Koiilns and others for a street II 'i ■ II.^ ou Fulton street, referred to the com- mltleeon street*; Timothy O'Connel and other* for a sidewalk on Turner street, referred ii tbe oommlllee oa *ldewalk*i John tthode* Tor a •ewer In Florence place, referred to the commit- tee on aewert; Ujnn 1* Woodcock lorsaldewalk on Dalsey street, reterred to tbe committee on sidewalk*.

Ordtri. That the aewers In Hay and Baat II aver bill streets, aad the large sower in South Lawrence be continued,

fJrdiiuiaee: That a aum not exceeding |300 may b* deposited with the elty treasurer, by any own- er of a burial let In the Cemetery, upon which aumlbeclty shall ollow Interest at Us rate of (onr percent., and the interest be expended an- nually upon their lull. Passed to lu seoond res line. ,

IflsMsttNMSM. The appointment* of special police officer* Kugene O'Doaoran and Kjward I'.miinii were ruvoked ned William Uemmelland Prank P. hfaraton, were appointed to All the'va- eancle*. JahoL. Ulle wu appointed a public weigher. J.E.Cram, flurmAi Gralcben, David Mctlowan and It, F. Cram were granted Jenk dealers' lloenae*.

/.sense*: Tbe following license* were granted I

D |0 o« 1 STB. Joseph C. Avore, .Vf'.i E**ex. C.H. Beetle A Co. »0 Ii road way. II. K Cblrkering, till Ra*ex. John W. Crawford. 187 Oak. Charles Clark. ITU E.-ex. Keliiiy A Butler, I3U E.an. 11. U. Whitney ACo., till Eases.

isasouiBiia. Herbert Gray, til Broadway. George P. Maraard, 43 Broadway.

COMMON V ICTUS LLEn* John Dannshy, Ml Elm. John J.Capllu*. BTJ K<«ex. < harles U. Currier, l»l Essex. Robci t Cartttr, M stsrgln. CornsllutCrowlcy, SSVslley. Cetherine Corcoran. rS7 O.k. John Donahoe, it Comn.on. Alesauder I»uj;gan. SAB Oak. Thomas Farraainer. lid Common. Edward Ilewett l(W Lawrence. Thcmin* Kllcourse, Uf Lowell. Eloiae UcFarlnnd.Ml Essex. John Bork-y, Jini C>mwo«-

rui*Bi: OF ALDSUtBkT. The board met In special session Wednesday

evening with the mayor in tbe chair, and Ibe fol- low I rig business wa* transacted:

FMitioMi OrJohnDacey Tor an lnnboldcr'ali- censesl II Hampshire, given leave to withdraw; Jame* Noenan and olhera fore ttreet croaaleg at

corner of Broadway and Croaa niiinii granted, -aad sn trdcr In aecoruance was adop- ted ; Timothy Dwyer lo enter drain at BIO Harer- hill atreet, granted; Patrick Murphy asking for tbe sppolntment cf Timothy Kane a* deputy col- lector of taxes. The request was granted, and Mr, Kane eppo:nIod and coudrmed. Ill* bond for IMO wa* accepted.

The appropriation resolution cam* np and teak Its second rending. Sinl down. AdJ turned Monday next.


One-Price Clothing Comp'y 224 and 226 ESSEX STREET,

—. Mr. C. B. Porter, druggist, Towaadn, Pa.

Por several years I bave been troubled with Catarrh, 1 have tried many remedies without much relief. Kly'sCream Halm has proved to be tbe srtlcle detirtd. having wooderlul re- sults in my case. I believe It to he the only cure. L. B. tobarn, 1'owauus, Fa., May 11, 11171).

I cheerfully edd my testimony to the value of Ely's Cream Balm a* a specific lu the case of my si.ier, who baa been terlously debilitated with Catarrh for tbe past eight years, having

d Ineffectually other remedies and sever* I specialty doctors in Boston. She Improved at once under Ibis discovery, and has gained her health and hearing, which had been consid- ered Incurable. Robert W. Merrill. Secretary Of tbe 1'1-irnlx Manufacturing Co., Urand Rap- id*, Mieb.

Price 60'centi. 1i2«eod

The council met In regular session with President In the cbsn and couucl!iuea Dick Buell absent.

The following bu a In esa waa transacted; Papers name down from ibe upper board and were passed la ooncunen:e. An order was adopted authorising the nport of the special commlllre on tbe Splcket Biver nuisance, printed for tb* n*e of tbe member* of the city internment. It wa* voted that a committee ol Sve be appointed inveatlgate the condition of anaira at tb* aew iDasnea-ylu.u In urooe** of erection, and eoun cllmen Fitber. Ostit, Elleowood sad McCarthy were appointed with the preti lent, as Ibat com mittee.

At the PatclQc.

Affairs have been Very u,ulel at tbe Pa-

cific this week, tbe only ripple being tbe discbarge of five stctlon hands, Monday, whom the management had reason to be- lieve were sowing tbe seeds of dissension among tbefr fellowa. New help Is belog employed dally and but little of tbe weav- ing re malm to be alerted, v!i., a portion of the box looms. At Ibe opper mil) about 10 weavers are employed Sofahing the Work left when thu tn)U shot down. The

ALMOST Klll.kD. I wot almost killed by the dociera, who treated

te for bleeding pllev. It cost me over 9100 Ithoat relief. 1 took Sulphur Bitters for two

months and now I am well —Gus Hall, Troy +«.2w cod

PKUI'VUN STRUT ceres dyspepsia, general debility, liver complaint, bolls, humors, ebrcnlc diarrhea, nervous affections, temelc complaints, snd sll dlicit.es originating in a bed ttate of the blooC teodllyjy 23112

Tbe best preventive of fever and ague and all miasmatic disease* It Wheat BUM-. One trial will prove tblt. Bold by all druggist*.


PltUlord, Hits., (Sept. 28, 1878. Sirs:—I bave taken Hop Bitters and recura

mend them to others, a* I found tbem »erj nencflclsl.

Mas. J. W. Tcixan, Sec. Women's ChrlttUn Temperance Union,


Sciplo, N. Y., De?. 1 1879. I am tbe Pastor of tbe Baptist Cburcb here | H id en educated physician. 1 am not In prac- : _

tu-u, but em my sole lsmlly physician and ad- vise in many chronic cose*. Over a year ago 1 recommended your Hop Bitters to my Invalid wife, who baa oeeo under medical treatment of six ot Albany's best physicians several years. 6be bat become thoroughly cured of ber vari- ous complicated olaease* by their use. We both recommend tbem to our friends, many of

m have also been cured of their various allmer-ti by tbem.

KBV. B. R. Wsaxasr. 112weod

Allen's Brain Pood positively curee nervona- nest, netvoua debility an-1 all weaknets of gen eratlve organs, f 1, six for go. All dmsglnt. Send tor circular to Allen't Pbareracy, 3)8 First Avenue, New York. Bold In Lawrence by Charles Clarke. 170 Etitx St. tilydec*

BAXBZBS IN TitK Srica ItLsxna are not laden with mere fragrance than a breath rendered pure and aromatic with Bosodont, which restores whiteness to yellow teetb and soundness to detective ones. Neither man nor woman can hope to carry any point by tbe force of peri oat Ion, witb a montbful of unclean, discolored teeth and an anpleatant breath. Si rollout remedies both these repuUlve phys- ical traits, end Is pre-eminently healthful as well as cffecilve. lrlwcod


to me to get their living. The only doctor I have Is Hulpbur Bitters. They cured me of dyapepsla when tbe doctors all failed,—George Paige, Rochester. *lt2w eod

Drngeltti H.y Ibat Lydla £. Pinkbam'* Veg- etable Compound I* the be*t remedy for female weakne)* that they ever beard of. for il give* universal satisfaction. Send to Mrs. Lydla E Pinkbam, 233 Wet tern Avenue, Lynn, Mass. or pamphlets. Itlwcod

Nothing II io good for purity log tbe blood in Ibe spring as Ibat world rcooweed Ionic Quakei


THECO.PABTNERSIIIP heretofore eilsiiag between CUABLKS IBOSLLS sad JAMB*

1M.AI.LS. Methuea, Hits, under Ibe Sim name of Cbarle* Ingaila A Son, having expired bv reason of Ibe dee'b of the senior partner, all claim* again.t tbe late Arm will be Milled bv tbe surviving partner, who will continue the busiao** In hi* own naase.

JAMES IKGALL9, May 1, Ittl. sit


Aa agreeable Dressing for the Hit, thai will

Liver disease*, headache end constipation, caused by bad digestion, quickly cured by Brown's Iron Bluer,. Vlweod

m Any physician who is acquainted wltb Its

propertiei will ssy last Glenn's Sulphur Soap ii a reliable remedy lor tkin disease*.

Pbyikiani preicribe Colden's Lleblg'a Liquid Beer and Tonic lnvigorator for the weak, worn and djiptpUc. Take no vlher.

•Jtl* ecd

Woman are everywhere utlnst and recom- mending Psrket's Olnger Tonic, because tbey have learned from experience that it speedily overcomes despondenrr. Indigestion, palu or weakness In lbs bsck and kidneys, and other troaoles peculiar to Ibe aex—Home Journal. See Adv. lilmaplS

"BUOStCFAlllA." Quick, complete cure, nil annoying Kidney,

Bladder ana Urinary disease*. «i ■ Druggists. Depot, Ordway Broe.

8BIMMT Man. "Walls' Health Renewer" restores health and

vigor, cures dripjpsla, impotence, sexual de- 91. Depo* "■ lepot, Ordway Bros.

In compliance wlih the provision* el faction I. chapter 111.Of Ibe Act* of tbeyear 1*TU, and sectlOBt, chapter 181, Acts ol 1*77, I hereby «ive notice to all Inhabitants or person* having a uiual place ef business in tbe cltr of Law rence who use scales, weight* or msainrar. for the purpose ol buying or telling ware*, merchandise, or ether oommrxime*, or for public, weighing, lo bring into tbl* once their scales, vreLsbl* and measure*, to be - lusted and sealed.

tad Common St . Lewi- . All persona nogleoling to complv Wltb the

above MISS will be llaUl* to th* peealtlea pro vided bylaw. vlwmylt

Common wealth of Maisachuiattt.

■MIX, SS. To th* H*lrs.stl,,w an! others Inlereited In

tbe estate ef Martha J Thoupion. laui ol Law. rence. In said county, ralaor, deeeaaed, la testate,

UBKBTINO: Whereas, Charles L. Lnce, lbs admlnlttraior

are hereby cited toappearat A Probate Com l to beholden st Lawieica, In said county, on the seoond Monday er June, next, at nine o'clock, In the forenoon, lo show cause, ir say vou have, why tha same should no' ' allowed. And said administrator I* ordered to eervetnls citation by publishing tbe ssme oneea wees, in the

LtwHXNca AHamosK snd AxpovH AllVKUTISIK,

anewipaper printed at Lawrence, three weeka aucoeaalvely, the last publication to be *—* day* at least before said conn.

Wliaesa. Usorse F. Choate, Eauulre, Judge of eahl Court, inla lUih dol 01 May, la Ibe

Dr. Pierce'* "FavoritePresCTlplion"perfertly and permanently cures those diiesies peculiar, totemsle*. It it tonic and nervme, ctlcituslly , pic kef house has been torn ij.iwn and the

Haying and coring ibose sickening sentatlom that uffact the stomach and heart through reflex action. The back ache and "arugging down" aeasatiOD* all disappear under tbe ti lengthen- ing efe«iB pi thi* grest reiloratlve. By drug- gists. wedA*at&*4

BUY Beach's Washing Soap.

roof of tbe main mill la being raised.


HOW TOBKC'-'SS HSALTM. It seem* strange that anyone will suffer frem

the many deraDKetnent* brought on by an In- jeer eighteen hundred andalghtv-ti— pure condition ol the blood, when ScovlH'sSat. J.T. MAHOSkY, itexlater. tapsrllla and SiiHlngla, or Blood snd Liver By. *mll » tt tup will restore perfect bealtn to the physical organisation. Itls indeed a itrsngthenlng sy- rup, pleasant lo take, and hasproven lucll to be the best Blood Purifier ever discovered, effoct- uaily curing cHroiuht. Syphilitic disorders. Weakness ol the Kidneys.Eryilpeis*. Malaria; all Nirvonidisorders sod debllii/, Blllooicom- pjaUiit *(Hi all ili-cases Indicating an Impure condition of tbe blood, Liver, Kidneys, Stomach, skin. etc. It corrects Indlgeiilon. A single bottle wilt prove to you Its merits Bl a health renewer.for ttactaltkeacbtrm, especially when the complaint H of an exbanitlve noiure, having a tendency to lessen tbe netaral vigor of the brain and nervous system.

BsKBa'a PAIN PAMAOKA enres pain In Man and Beast. For useexternlly and internally.

Da. Kooaa'a VBOBTSULB WOSM STBCT In Btaetly deitroys worm* and remove, the terra ton* which cauie them,

Mot a drink, not sold ip bar-rooms, but a re- liable uon-elcobollc tonic medicine, useful, *| all limes and in ail seasons, Ii Brown'* Iron Bitten. ■ *Ilw

CwsasweawMltls .fMsmfhsMlls,

JAMBS g. CAAB, Iste ol Lawrence, In said souu- ly, farmer, deceased, intestate,


Whereat, William *'. Bnxlon. admletslrator of tbe eaute of said deceased, bas presented Tor allowance ibe flr.l account o<lii.i ad ministration upon the e*tale ol'ta id deccatrd,

You are hereby cited to appear ata probale ' court to be holden at Lawrence. In *ald e tr. on tbe seoond Monday of June 1 at nine o'clock. In the lorenoon, to anoweause, If any vou have, why the aama should not be allowed. And the said administratorisonlrred to serve this citation bv publlabBg the same otvoe a weak, In the


a newspsper printed at Lawrence, three weak* •ucseatlvely, the last publication to be two day* at least beiore said Court.

Witaei*. Utorx* F. Cboat*, Esuuire, Judge ol ild Court, this 10th day of May, in tbeyear

BUY Bsach'a White Pearl Toilet Soap



(NaTHaNS rTTCOT) - |_»SM



Tremendous Sacrifice!

The WONDERFUL INDIA RUBBER MAN This living snlraolehan been pronounced by medical expert* to be ABSOLUTELT BOMLBetS

In your presence he will tie Mcr-sell in d< uble knot*, roll Vimselrinlo a ball a* yon would a .trip of yarn, nut his haad under bis arm, snd perlorm many other Incredible leal*. Your local phisl- uiaas hake promised lo be pretest and examine tbls Living Physlonl Phenomenon.

A TRIO OF TOWERING COLOS8AL8. Col. Ruth Goshen I Prince Ke-te-na-la!

The Plumed Knight of Palestine. ll.ir apparent to the Royal Throne and

SIGNOR CYCLOPS. Tho Sicilian Nobleman. Tbelr Combined Weight is over IBM pound* • Their Agere sale Height i* over K feet. They are BO ulltbat their Heads almost Collide wtib the Top of tha Vast Canvas TesL See thesa and you rill realise as naver before How Assail IM are.

Prof. Fryer's Troupe of Trained Ponies. These equine wonders will perlorm Ml LI 'AKV BEILLS, romp aad J jBn over each oihae —ou

pony WILL WALK ON MTlLTtJ, another will ride on the back ol a pussy. They will torn th,T selves Into tableaux ard present many oihsr novel acts, displaying unprecedented animal sagacltr and theTralnet'* power. -

A Life-Like Tableaux ef tbe

Assassination of Prest. Gatfield. and the trial of the


tea In Which President Uardeld those jroi-n by Guueau at tbe time of [he

i.loatlon and during hla tnai wi'l be on exhibition In Juke's Muoeum of Automatic Lire


Genuine Bonnet Black Silks, ever offered in this country. We shall open


Lot I, 24 Inches wide, at SI 00 per yard. Lot 8, 24 " " | 25 " Lot S, 24 " " | 50 "


Unheard of Bargain. It Is actually not more than 67c. on the

dollar. A chance to buy such Elegant Goods of this world-renowned manufac- ture at such

Fabulously Low Figures, may not occur again in a lifetime. As the supply Is limited, in order to secure a Dress Pattern, an Early Call must be made, as they cannot last but a few days.


Dramatic Company —of —

TRAINED DOCS, will present the stirring drama aslllled


contain* among 11* ilouble company nearly lou Star Artist.:

Madame Martha, I Mr. I'hllo Nathans, Sole Bis Horse Bareback Bluer of lb* Keith

Stand* alone, the undiluted Elng ol Arealc Artlats.

M1M Miranda v il

: bones.

Tht Hugt Eared Elephant. Mill Minnie IVrry, The AiMtmn

Tbe only lady barebaee rider in the Wot id. Her ' ,... presence Is the rery impersonation of sswrtsa )Tno,< <in"1»«"° exhibition* fa*** proclaimed and Uraoe. j ta*ul andutiutcd monarebi over all.

Not the Half Has Been Told—Space Forblda. COME I0AIII.Y AM) SEE THE

Free Mardi Gras Procession! The Glittering Pageant la a moving panorama ot varied spieodot. PEER TO EVERT BOOT


ol the side saddle. In her whirlwind Doublj Tandem kler.sge Act. Tbls charming eijua*;i leans ba*Ju*t arrived from Europe, and will present her Trained Arabian Stallion*. Thevars the Hnest Ibororiburtd h'r»eaever Imported, and tne.r evolution* are made with the Kapldlly Of Lllblnlnsr.

Louli Scalmst lit ii,

A Complicated Cu.sn.

Wedneaday Mrs. Margaret Sullivan, widow of the man who was shot In Ue- thuen two yeare ago while stealing apples, came Into the police court ni.il charged Dennis Herley with being the father of an unborn chittt. Mr. Herley denied tbe charge and the cut went to trial.

Mr. Herley, who le In the employ of Carney Broa., In delivering beer and liq- uor, testified that he had occasion to visit lira. Sullivan's saloon two or three tlmea a day, and that be never bad sny familiar- ity with the woman, alao that he bad seen Eugene Donovan, thn late special, around there considerably. Mr. Herley made a good appearance oo the ataod. Hra. Sul- livan tealiDed rather reluctantly on CTOSB-

examlnstlon. A woman named Mary Coosey who

formerly lived in Mrs. Sullivan's house, teetlied to seeing Donovan there cm. Usually, sod to aeelog bim and Mrs Bull I- van repeatedly In the name nom. Bbe stated that Sunday night Mra. Sullivan came to Ihe place where abe (Cooney) waa working and threatened to shoot her If sbs testified Bgalnal DDDOVBO. Alao that Donovan bad been to see ber to get ber to testify agalnat Herley. She for. tber testified that ahe never aaw Herley do anything to tbe saloon except, attend to bia own business. Tbu judge decided that tbe woman had provi d her condition and that was all that was necessary and that he should bold Herley In #400 bonds to tbe superior feet*. Qu'.nn for i be tie - feose and Paraona for tbe prosecution.

—Dalay atreet bridge is about com- pleted.

—Local bicyclists will be Interested In tbe mumi annual meeting of the League of American wheelmen, la Chicago, Hay 80, which will Include s grand parade act) banquet. *

-■Mr. Andrew T. Brackelt was severe- ly Injured at the Washington yard last week, being struck npon the head by a waste box, weighing 60 pound*, careless- ly thrown from one of tbe mill windows. After the blow he waa unconscious for some time, bat la now oo the road to re- covery.

' On* OSAKDNOIMUB Ungbt tbelr daughters that "A stitch In time saves nine." A pill In time laves not only nine, but *n Incalculable amount of suffering ii well. An occasional dose of Dr. Preree's Pellets, {lit- tle sugar-coated pills.) to cleanse the sioeucb anu boweli. not only prevents diseases but olien breaks up sudden attacks, when taken In time. By dragglitr.


Journeymen Tailors Wanted. A su-a-ly Job to the right kind of men.

K. N. WINhLOW, MerchSBl Tailor.


nAHRl"lGTOS.-lnlhl«eily.Mayiilh.a sen te air. and Mr*. Alfred Harrington.

U088. - In th I* oily. May 7tb, a aon li Mr. and sire, Laforest E. (iois,



Celebrated Pianist. will give tbe last of the


TOWN HALL, Andover, May 26, 3.30 p. m.

Ticket* |I, To be had at Draper's Booh Here

aad at Ibe door.

DAY-SMITH.-In thla City, May 10;h, by Rev. C II. Dunnlm, Mr. ,1 *rao* Day and Mlas Ids M. Smith, both ol Andover.

AWIOLD-STEVEm-In this nlty, Slav M, at the resilience of tne bride'* parents. Mr. and Mrs, T R. Steven*.by Rev. E. A. Wbltuer. Mr. Harvey U. Arnold ol Uelbucn, and Ul** Mary C. guvena, of Lawrence.

CLirrORD-SMiril.-ln thi* city,May llh, by Rev. Joshua Cnli, Mr. Clarence.). Clifford and Ml*s Nellie V. Smith, both uf Lawrence.


PRIEST. In thi* City, May 3d, Leon Watson, Infant eon of Mr. and Mra. Wslaoe M. Priest.

KNK*. In North A ILlove ite of Mr. Charles Dsrnes,

TATTKS8ALL,-In Notth Andover. May Otb, Sarah E. TalU-i sail, aged IS ft*, B mo*, 4 dya.

BARKER-In Andover, Mar Ms, widow Use- nab Baiker, aged HOyie.Gmo*.

BARRETT.-ln Andover, May lib, Patrick Barrett, aged IS yi*.

PIEE.-Ia Andover, May II, Wlllard Pike, aged St yr*. II raee, II dys. Puneral services st bis isle residence, Maine • Iree!, on baturdsy, May IS, at 1 P. M. No

JoiiN-ti.V in Andovar, May lu, Uartiet E. Jobaioa, aged IS yrs, S mo*.

Journeyman Tailors Wanted,

ill ID is sty

I>o not forget when you are In Want cf Paper Hangings or Win- dow Shades, that the Largest Assortment can always be found at E. A. FISKE'H, 27ft Eases .8t.

Illy l


ICE CREAM. The Lawrence Ice Cream Company areprenared to furnish Ice Cream, made rrosa Pure Cream, at 10 cents per quart. El Jo per gallon. Moulded le any lorm. Individual ntonMa gl perdosen. famllie* nan be supplied with any

variety at their real ences on regular daye. Paelorj ITS Mclhuen dlreet, Plllsbnry'a Block. (JAIeea 1). N. A C. M. Mar.ln. IBS Essex street; Smith A W heeler, cor. II*Terblll>nd}EastHaver* till dreet*.

Family orders solicited. Cream delivered on Sundays.'

A. J. LEBMED ft CO., Proprietors. 1" 6m ape

Choice Small Fruit Plants.


Inclnding Bldwelt, Sharpie**, Mount Tnino* Longfellow, Miner** Prolific. Cumber-

lend Triumph, etc.



S. .1. Il.VUKl.lt,

Nntall Fruit Grower, METHOEE, UN, llmniya

FOB^HALE. A modern built DWELLING HOUSE, wilt

four double bay window*; tO.MNJ feet er land. Price Bt.'ji u. Land to the amount of i-i.BOO feel can be purchased with house 11 desired. Piles In proportion. Location lor scenery aadensy acce** to Lawrence not aiirpixed. Alao •tber lot* of land near said locality ranging free*. 1M.W0 feel te r«,i ou. Vrlovi low.

I have also lor sale U*m*ll House Lois toils ttVWUft) Just she thing (iirooiuga* Bad parties or small means. Price Siuo perlM. IfdaelredeeB Cy part down, kslaix • in ill i"onlb* witbont

iciest, or Un dollar, per m-nih until ail I*



NEW GOODS. In Spring and Sununer Stjles-

Which are Beautiful, Durable and very Moder- ate In Price.


Our $i American Kid Button, Box Toe Worked Button-Hols.

Beet style and quality ever shown for the price OOMR A»J. ms.






MRS. C. T«7 HOMAN Will reinme teaching Bxrr. Md. Bed will

be In Lawrence, at Room* tod Essex toll eel.

Thumaaj, Friday and gaturdaj of eaeh week lor that purpewi.

•V in formation Inquire at T. A. Atkinton's Millinery store,

ZIOEMEXST. AagastM, 1MI. dAwtf


The well equIpped and pleswaniry located

Hotel on Salisbury Beach, Maar. koowuat the Hanlnan II-"*', is offered foi **)*, Il eoedsts ol a large It story bouse, will. two Stahtse, Shed*, Out-Buihliega and a ceo**- Blent Collage adjoining, confaseteil by a broad plrssa. TM house will aecomssodale about SO

srmaaeut and a large number of transient ■nieils; 11 I* In good reuair, hota large and grow.ng patronage, and aliuataal oalbapleaa- aalasl ildn oft h« beach. Horse Cars stops lew rodi from tbe house.

For particulars and terms apply to U. N. HAKRltlAN,

Advocate OtT.ee, UxoBoniowa, me*aM MAPB.

n, Field, Flower, Grass Seed. FBESH, PURE, RELIABLE,

Remember! ItW is the time to protect your trees with the

Canker Worm Exterminator. Por sale In quantities to tuit.

HCOTT *ft VIKTOIt, :Hrt Common St., I*awrenoe,

food 4m n.*iMI

City of Lawrence.

Orncx or TMBlumen.* or MILK, / A i-a11.1;, lass. )

All peitnns mini in rry Milk In carrla#s* or older*!** Joi ibe purpeae ol eelllag th* .lev* la ihe City oi Lawrence, are hereby naUaesI that tie I in-ii. .1. i still I* at the Police StaUssj Iross J ml*, m .and' ms t. n> ..during tbe messth of May, ior the puipoia or Lleenslag Desler* te

HIKAM It. NEAL.Ia.peetew.

, Ksi. Act. mo,Chap. KM, Swat- L '•Whoever slisll sell, or expose for sale,frem

carriage* or other vehicle*, or have In hla awe- tody or posseaaloB, with Intent to eel!, atllk. without being first liecnu'd, shall be fnslabed by a Dne nf n»i less Umi. ttility nor morelh*B one liundtisl deillsrs."

n l)el

EA8TER! Flowering Flsnts in Pots for

Otrarcb. Decoration.

Cslls Lilies, Easttr Lill.s, Spir.s. G.nittat. and Mammoth




20 High Ht.,'Ai,«l<.i.T,


to UeRataleof the lite WM UK, and situated a* tollewa |


A LOT Or LAND on Bradford stitetJaU was* ol Broad wi y, con U la lag tl.toeiael.

A LOT Or LAS O on Lowell itreet, oMtalaing taming sbont MOD laei.

For nartlcnlsrs apply to

E. PERKINH, Executor, HIT WABifiMUTti* BTUEBT Boert.sr


■•X tr* A«4*«r.

- -IS AT

Boom O, BBECHIN BLOCK. Wednesday! sndl Saturda/ Afternooni,

RBwaxxBcaa:—Prof. J. W. Churchill, Tbeo loslcal semiaary, Andover; Prol. Henry M Hndaee, School of Oratory. Bo* ton.



CORNS. I htrd or .on) w.ii- .n,l MtaM. will bagUd (i, I..MI III.I. III., UN M.UIIIWIIE.n ll, ■l.l.lllll.

Clant Corn Killer, No cure, no pay. Doea nol asaks the lent sore. Price Kta. prepireO onlr by Henry A. Mlaet, Pharasselst.t'smbrldge, Mass. Beware el lasi- Utloa*.

For sale In Lcwrancaby Kelley A Bailer, ias. II. Scott, B. B. Yates, Cbas. Clarke, Oe*k ■ Chiekeriag, J.C. Avore, A.LVouag AC*. A P.Ordway A Co., Fred Berry. C.H. Beadle ft Co.. BreenBros.,A.a.UllddcB,Oeo. F.TalbtM. II. af. Whitney A Co.

lllBi mart!

PersocB Wishicg to Operate in

STOCKS, to the extanl ol |M to gl.OWor upwards, should

HENRY L. AUTMOND A 00., No 4 Pins atreet, New York.

Moris cariled on I to IV per ccaL margla, rrartional order* e> pleta inlursnitioB i


kaewaaathe Jamea Froat KsUH* ettusledln Meihnen, U miles from cltr nail. Lawrence. on the read lending to Uermao settlement, m taw reds from main ro»d to Il.ierhlll. I.an I •early all Btaler a good siateoi euIlivnltoB. •pleadld nlflee let growing ssrly vegeUblea! hoase. *bwd* and henery. For particularsla- qulreel J. A. CEUMMETT,

II Lawreaoe St., tlw «1 asyl Uwreaee, Mass.

lorllt, Coo. i Wall *ire*t irane- Weekly PlsaBotal

iVyoria. Oir Junior partner I* a member ol the Mining Moek hs.nnaege.snd orders for miniSg stocks will also reoelv* spoe.UI stteslioe.

HlmapIS Br

Real Estate for Sale, A very dssbtble proi erty, on Chnreh street, uttt. An.I-vii. The hoes* I* *l •lorrS*. c*s-

uma if room* besides aitlc.w.ifa SnaeeBsseted cellar. Iteontsias all mortsra' IsntWVwmenU and is In Uorough reralr. Ihe I* alrtraass* abonl one-h.lf sere, covered with IreR trews a.dvme*. Admlableoelshborhoe^,*e«Vtedaai l„ mills, mochin* .bop, churches schools, bwrse and ateam nara. Price low.aod Urws easy. Apply at ibis once. ttt Mw ■]•

A. W. STEARNS & CO. 309 311 E88EX 8TREET.




late President of the National Phar- maceutical Association of the United Mates, says;

aud mi Jin 11 ji aatclUlK*."

DR. JOSEPH ROBERTS, President Baltimore Pharmaceutical College, saysi

"I indorse Itsia 6n* aasdiclnc, rsllaM* a* a itr*nath*nliur luulc, itcc fium akuhulit pvitum. *

DR. J. FARIS MOORE, PH. D., iWawXNJ of Pharmacy, Haiti- mere Pharmaceutical College, aaya:

Ire*'mat aU.uh.ilic p< b* trcummtndrd a* a Ionic for ma taioii|| ihuaa wbo uppoM alcohol."

DR. EDWARD EARICKSON, Secretary jUaliiiuure College of Phar- macy, says ■

" I htdorae It u an **c*II*nl Radii inf. ■ r,i,J digtui** ■pDI, and a Bua-intuaicani in ih« full.at

Dr. RICHARD SAPINCTOX, one of Baltimore! olilcat and most reliable physicians, says:

"All who hive ut*il ii prait* In ■tandard unuci, ami ilia well- known HmtMN die hum* which Make* It lit IURILICW guarantee of In bainf lUl thai ii claimed, for lha« ■!■ mm who . mild nut b« la* Uuctd IO offer anything clw but a raliaul* nadkiiic lui |.,.Il,. uaa."

A Druggist Cured. Boom bo ro, aid., Oct. I*, illo.

Ocnilaman: Brown* Iruu Bit- ten ■ I.Icl ma of a had sitack of Indifniii-ii anil (ullnaai in ihaitom- ach. Having mtadll, I take plaai- i " In rtco amandins it to tny cm- inairi, and am glailto say it jivea "■nir lallthction l<> all "

Oso. W. ll„i I'.MA:.. Dnigiciil

Ask your Dm^iM fur BROW*'* IRON HllTKKs, anil take no other. <)ne trial will convince you that it La jut »!ut you need.



: In our Issue of Hat unlay lu-', we did »u injustice Lo Mr. J. B. Greenwood, section

hand at the 1'aclUc, ID statlna that he wax the pt-rxon wbo endeavored to make i.i u -

self prominent at tne m.'etliiir, of section iiutih OD the common, by proclnfming his

f dislike of Ibe AVMUUf. We car/ now I cheerfully c-irrert itit) error Md at the

same time present to the pu'dlc view the pt-tfloD ID q'teatloD, who although vested

wllb some suihority at lliu Public, riuh- llcly < iMidr.iiii.'.; i;n piper, and at Ibe

name lime inantlestcd Ilia rjinpilbl-tt ait

with the strikers.

He la Thomas Manchester.

Who Is Thomas Mioclie-iet ? the pub

lie may aak. We will have recourse to '.he cilmlnal

court r> cords.

On the night of June 27, WW, Taotnas

Ma tic best er, Dow a amlmt hand at the Central Pacific Mill, entered stealthily, In

hla stockinged feet, a room occupied liy bis Wife, In a bonne uu Newbutv street.

Ilia motive wis murder. Creeping be-

hind the woman he had promised at the

altar to love aud protect, lb? cowardly assassin deliberate!" tad In cold blood,

r across her throa'. the sharp and kern of a razir. Afterwards, thinking

trial he had sacrificed luu woman on the tar of nil hate, li<- siteiiipteJ i-ulclde liy

.-I.;ii : 11:-i own throat.

But lo neither hla murderous nor aul-

cldal sllernpls wax he successful. Ilia survived llio dastardly deed, ami

Thomas MiDcruater. with a oaplnji wound

i* throat, was borne lo a, felon'* cell.

When bis wounds healed, bo was taken before the Superior Court, aud sentenced to three veers lraprls nitnerit aud served

m I-I < ■■ tbla : ■ :m. In ibe bou^e of correc-

tion at Ipawlch. Thomas Maucbesler Is. now a section

bund at the Central Pacific and tuihlicly

ms'ilfeets bll din.Ike ol ibe AMUUICAN.

Thomas Manchester l.i a "ipecjm -n

brirk" of bi-t claw.


A Mim.ui.ij


Brown's Iron Bitters, for asle by A. r. OKDWAT «, CO., A pother arlea,

Cor. Essex St., and Brosdwav, I.swrenro.

GRMFEI8ERG • 1:1.1 .T.VHI.I:

FILLS An th« mlldeit over



PI LLM Ton* up the system and rerlure health to .hoseiuffori if from genei.: debility and nervouinets. Sold by all Druggists,

Oexitu por Ifglltl

Ciiills and Fever,

sanction Uke Simmons Llff Kvaiilatoi DYSPEPSIA.;

Tbs Regulator will poslUvely cure this terrlbls illieaae. We a.asrl etnphaUoslli what we know tobsuos,

CONSTIPATION • honlil not ba regarded as s trlflHiR sUrorrit Nature demanda the utmost regularity ru lie bow-la. Tbarercre assist Nature "v taklig aimmutii Liver Ursula tor. It la riarmleta, asd effectual.

PILEK. Qallef Is at tut ml lor those wbo suffer da j after

day with Piles. It has cured liuodiedi, sod will csrs yox.

MALAIMA. Parana* saaj avoid all attack* by oocasionally

taking a dose ol Simmnna l.lvrr Itegnlstorto ksep lbs Liver in healthy action.

BAD BREATH geaerslly atlatng from a disordered Hlomach, i an be corrected by taking Simmons Llvei Regulator.

JAUNDICE. Simmons Lhrr Hegulator anon eradlestes this

dtaeaae rrnaa Ibe ayatera, leaving tbs akin clrar ami tree Irem all Impurities,

COLIC. Children Buffering with Colic anon experience

relief when Simmons Liver Hrgulatcir la admin- istered. Adults si... derive great benaflt rroui this medicine. It la not unpleasant; It is harm- less nail effsctlve. furelv vegetable.

CAUTION. Be careful Ihst you getlhr genuine Simmons

l.lier Ksgulalnr in Ml engisved While Wrapper With red /. Tnde Mark, Htacoii and Signature unbroken.


J. H. ZEILIN A CO., Sold by all Druggists. I'liit.iiirt.i'iit*.

nod* lvse»l-l i


Is a Pnsitlve Cnrs rar all ts>a«a Paiafal fWaasSatata a«w wfeajhj

■ IHMMI- i.Hiko rmil* saralkltax. llwUleurs aatlnlv Iks worst furm ■■! IHIKIH i'.,m-

ptalats, all ovarian tronhlaa, Inflaunwllon and fleers ttsa, Falllna sad rsaplarvmanta, uullka nmarqueat ■plnal Waakntas, sail at psrUoBaarlr sdai««l to tba i inn*. ,r Ufs.

II will dlamlvs sad rvpel taworsfnim Ibsntaruln aa early stags of devtlopmaiil Tha taadsnfj to can earoiu buafor* tbsra I* i hcuad vsryipeadUy by lla tu*.

II iHiiiiTH fsisssaaa, nstuhssry. daalroysall cravhig for BUniulants, and r-lleve* wsakasaa of tbastosurh. II sure* Blriatlug, Hasdaabee, H*r*oa* 1'nutrition, Utoml OtUlltj, H1IT)I1I—iin, D*pre*slaa sad Indl-

irall llwlUatslltlini banm >uy with Ibe law* that govern the fcusls syMco

Por shs earaof Eldaey OoaapkUals U stlsar ssx Ul* ODcapooad 1* masurpassn).

I.VItIA E. I'IMall vat-Si TEORTABLE C9M~ POCND U prepared at H gayj nt Weeurn Aveame, Lyuu, Maa* Frleogt, ^Uboule*rorai gent by Basil In lb* form of ptlls, sasslstbn farnv of loaecgea, on l^-.!ll ,.f pri-e SI ,«.rtK.I (..i ellber In PUlkhajB freely answers sU leStara of InqobT- aead fos- [MUSUHV les. aadrus as above. ATnlloa CW* "snsr.

He family ibosil b* wltljoet LYMA t nSZ TUW-i UVBH FILLS. They e-:re onieUnsUaa, hltlwianae*, and turpli^Ky of Ibeltrer. ■ cvul* p«r bos.

go- Held by *U l>rnggi«ts. -it*




NERVES. rri flTJPaOiiOB tiu'i'imvi lnDi-

ItaBB. RICH IN KI06PlL*.TaB AlfD HOT ■ ACBlLlF.AJ-COnOIJODSrtnt..eM HUhly Bi nmsI ill 1 hj rtiarslsll a ml Tlijilulxu* ss DA POSITIVE TOKIC, ALWAYS

ACC = PTABLff AND RffLIABLK. _ ItilDearotMimulatelliebrain or Lrrlbato ■IthoayitcaiaiidleavsdeLatertoHaeaaHt*. On

I III-; IM ltl.l> IKA<iKI)Y

How Loytsl Irtobmen View It AcUon of tbe l*wnd League.

Iff Kidney a, fortifying the and will b

mmiuoe. JUUUSTB 'SBAUS, SUBSLVU |]KQTKXH« and WXAXXi" CTLLLTlEErf ena Hand no remedy squsJ lo tab* healthful blood Hand narre food tonio.: WTor sal* by all I>™«- IgsstB. gl.CO per bottle, rreparsd only by

WHUT lOTTsnifoO;, a llgSBa, atew Tork City.

Whcal Btltera sre for auto br A. P. oiti* WAV A CO., A pother-, i-lea.

Corner Kasex SI. ant) Broadway, Luwronee.


Ljdls K. Plnkliata'a VegelableCompoundla snli by A. P. OKDWAT A CO , Apothecaries. Cor. KssKX ST. and Hmnnwir, Lawrence.


Simmons Llyer Kegnl.ttor I* sold by A. P. OIIIIWAV A CO., Apothecaries, Co'. Ksaes St. ar.d Broadwav, Lawrence.

fJASTORlA Old Dr. ntchei

u«#esooi, BarmUnand Wmdtrfuliy FJlcacUmi." Dr. A. J. Gltm, Koyerton, lad.

" IprttcrUnitaiiuinrlorli' any tnoun rtnudp." •In II. A. Arclnr, 83 l*ortlatid AT , Brooklyn.

Csvatorla, Ii uot nareotio. Motben, Nurses and Daelaffg agree that for .-nur stomach, Flalnteeey, Diarrhoea, and Constipation, aetaing i* so prompt M old I'r. I'lteher's Caatori*. lly a.'-iiniUtint the food, Cast aria gives robust health and a«t- wravl eawep.

(ENTAURJNIMENT The Croat Ilcaitiiff Kemedy.

A* Infallible euret fnr Rhoumnllam, Scl- ail. .. Netiralglis, Wound*. Tlurn*. Hprnlns, Stiff Joint*, Spavin, nod Lamanesa from

P.T. Bharanaa, the great Showman, .BT*'—

"Among my vasttroupeof E^ueitriam, Teum itara, Iloraes, Csmsls. and Klspbants, some an always at rained, bruiiod, or wuuuded. My Star- gssti* and Vsterinarlesall say, that for casual iiiss lo meat and animals, nothing Is « wstessUu* as Centanr iLiilniorit."

US nha AT., New York, May Mb, 197*.

Isnffwsw aivr s




SS7 EHHK.V, cor. FRAN KLIN 8t Lawrence* Man.


Ralber more than a wtxk ego, Frank

vV. (,'gsM'll, of tills city, aged nineteen,

une of the cr-j'v ol the Utilletl Sta'es

acbool ship New llamiishire, now rta-

tluned at Newport, dtneited Truni that

vetritil and walked to Buston, and Irom

tticre In' "footed It" 10 his home In this niiy. Alter staying hire a day or two he

returned lo BostoOi atid ;'."ii ; to tin

rrelght depot last Kilday bo coucealed himself amongst a lot of oil bain h In

DM of the cars. The doors of the car were lncki.-d abo~;'y iniman:.. und Ibi-

traln started for Fall Itlvt-r. Oo arriving

at tlio ftntiiin tho cir containing too .iti>w

i*.n «■■!■, .\ltcbed off on ft i nlda track,

.in j" to remain for several day*. The

vouni: man btrarre hun.ry and thirsty, aud 'Tied tu .el oat of the cur, but tbr

locked door resisted ruin, tiur tould he

make anybody hear bis xhoutH for aid lo

despair be lie.an cutting a hole throuidt

the door wllb bis jack-knife, god his

i Mnis had Just been crowned wilb BQV Oat Sunday monilDg, when be was ieeo liy a natchuiaa, wbo t'liuklng hs was a

baiglsr, uotlrled the polke. Olllccr llutee Greene came ant arrenled him, a lid I he

roung man. who had been shut up neerly wo days and nigbls without food oi

valer, wait tukeri to the atstlon, fml and

lot bed. lie has since been rotuiUedtO be ittlp wbero lie bt lunged.

Telephone Traueaciloii,

A meeting of thu stockholders ol ihe Boston t Northern Telephone Co. wan

iield in Salem, yesterday, A. Ii. Swan, [in Mil- MI. presiding. The ob,eot of the

meellbg was to complete the transfer of property, rights, •- c , to a pool compustd

of Lowvll, Uuston and Worcester gentle-

men, llesiunatlonn of the following offi-

cers Were off red and accepted: A. D. Swan; Chark-a Sanders, of Hsless, ueas-

urer, aud with tbe above as diretlors, W.

S. Kn.a, ThouiBa Sandeia, Jones Fruukle

and 1'iper, Bswyeti. Co. The new board oT matiagemert WSH th MI

elected, and Is made op as follows i W.

A. lajtbSBJ of L iweli, preslJenl; M. 0, 1'arKer of Lowell, vice president) Cbarlei

J. tillddcn of Lottol.', treasurer; Loren N.

Downes of Salem, gcteral manager. With

the above the following mre elected dl

rectors: 0. £■ Madden aud TLM0. N.

Vull, of Boston, A. V. Bonuey, I'-iul But'

ler acd Freeman U. Shedd, of Lowell Messrs. Vail and Madden are leading oiti

cera lu Ihe American Bell Telephone Co

of Boston. The Boston A Northern Co'J. capital (H

8500,OOU, Its territory covering nearly the

entire slates of Vermont and New llmnp-

Bblrc and Kssex Couoly, Massachusetts,

[i la the largest telephone transaction on record.

An Old Resident l>ca<I.

do Wednesday Mrs. Julia Un-nnaj died

at her rojtdence. 38 Cb estnut street, ol dropsy, at the age of 57 years. The lady

ban been quite HI since her husband' ■I ■.!' ti six weeks ago. On account of th

nature of ihe dlsea-e, it was necessary l<

bury her wilbout delay; accordingly tbe funeral look place Tbuisduy. Mrs. Uren-

nan has lived lu this city nearly thirty-

live years, her busDand being wutchman ui ihe Washington mills for many yeais.

She leaves six children in ibis city, all gtown up, one of tbetn linn; a teacher in

the tialnlng school, and two alpresent in

the South. Mrs. Brennan will be greatly

missed by her friends as she was a klud

woman nud good neighbor.

— Daisies and dandelions have made Iht-lr appearance,

— Bantam "ill he here July 0. bt> survives Boa'oa be wi.i also 1.


— Kxprussman Abbottis placing n Stone

foundation to bis a lab leg aud Other W lie Improving the grounds In the VI do lly

—There Is great need of contributions

or old cotloo and linen cioib at the li v lids' II.mi.', to be used for bandages, poul-

Ucei and the like.

Mr Henry Priestly, lately connected

wl'b John Foster «, Son's fnctory of >i irellsdiUI V. EuglSUd, asdeslglleT, Is U iW

employed lu a similar capacity at tbe IV cIL'c.

— A large number of the friends of

Mlsa L-ua A. Nicbuls, ejsembUd ether resldeuce on Saturday, Bud presented

her with S beautiful pair of gold brace-

lets and a morocco album, ihe presents- tlon speech being loade br Mhs Mabel Storer. There wu Instrumental music

by Miss Laurg Fuilllps. Dauclug, and

games were participated In, afler which s

I botiutiiul collation was se'Ved.

I —The following are ihe names of ihe

scholaig selecled from the Illgb School j class ot '»■> to Uke part In tbe graduating

exetclaesat the city hnll, July 3 I, The [class numbers thirty members, and the

Selection* depend upon the rank lu schol-

arnhip for the course .if four Jtsrs: Min-

nie K AjreT, Francis M- BlrtweM, Wm.

< II. Buswell, Clslfffl Chamberlain, Joseph Coulson, Ada E. Cross, Byron E. Crnwtll,

Ida L, DtWSOa, Sarah I. French, Isabel

| M. Uoldlhwalle, Manel A Kldder. Harriet ! B. Uobiosou, Edith St. L Satinders, Ar-

thur I,. Sfiell, Orste Wadswotlh. Charl'-r. W. Walworth. Miss Minnie E. Ayrey

has ibe TBledlctory addres«. Miss IK-len

, ChaiLberlsln tbe sslnta ory.and Byron E

iCiow.ll tbe class history.

WILL CERTAINLY CURE Coughs, Colds, Hoarseness, Son Throat, Bronchitis, Influenza, Asth- ma, Whooping Congh, Croup, and every Affection of the Throat, Longs and Chest, including Con- sumption. Sold by all Druggists.

®VROt Cures Dyspepsia, Korvous Affec- tions, General Debility, Fever and Ague, Paralysis, Chronic Diarrhcea, Soils, Dropsy, Humors, Female Com- ?laints, Liver Comphvint, Itemittent

ever, and all diseases originating in a bad State of the Blood, or accompanied by Debility or a low State of the System.

mi- iv (esi x m

Tbe principal topic of conversation throughout tbe city Sunday, was Ibe sa I

ease 1 oatlou of Lord Cavendlab sod ex.

under secretary Tbomaa II. Bmke, si Dublin, Saturday evening, and among

ibe Irish residents the dastard!)- set was j

generally deplored, and characterised In

the strongest terms as tonal cowardly. I

In the evening both branches or ihe i Und league held a meeting at St. alari'a ball, which was largely sttended. Mr.

Peter McCorry prealded, sod In Intro-

ducing tUe speaker of tbe ovening, Mr.

Joseph J. Kelley. East Csmbgldge, asld i

"Under ordinary cttcumalances 1 should bgve called npon you to glee expression

to vitur Joy oecause of the dawn of a new

day for hl-h lloerty. We have gained g

great moral vlctoiy. but g cloud of gloom

overspreads us; It Is tbe most lamenta- ble Dews ever flashed from Ireland to this

country; It was a most dreadful thing to

happen; It was never conceived, tolerat- ed, or unbelted by Irishmen. "

r. Keliey also deplored tbe assassi-

nation, and sail, whoever did the dotd was not s true Irishman. lie delivered a

very Interesting discourse ou ibe situa-

tion of affairs in Ireland, dwelling pai- liculsrly on the causes which lad to ibe present trouble*..

Tbe following resoluiloos Wire unani- mously adopted:

Whereas, a report baa reached us of the assasslnsilun ul Lord Cavendish,new- ly-appoluied aecretsry of Ireland aud of Hoii.Tbomas Burke, late under secretary, and.

Whereas, tbe set occurs at a critical period in M-ti sffslra, when every such act is construed adversely to Irelsnd's welfare, therefore,

llesoived, that we firmly believe tbe cowardly act was not InsMgsted or en- couraged, dlreoily or Indirectly, by the Irish Nations) Land League, or by any tuber representative body of Itlihmen. Furthermore, tbat, we hesrtlly condemn and reprobate all assassination and par- ticularly denounce the perpetrators or this dastardly and most on-l.-isb act.

About Ticket Speculators.

Out of ltt* own Month. m Tbe unjust and HHHUTIV spirit of

tbo AuEruCA* in its treatment of Hie municipal authorities is manifest in all its comments on municipal events. Our Board of Health have a dilllcult

i .IV.'IIIAM io ALL.—Toe nie<st senirel cum- plaint tbat aeema lu »uire oeltbfr elusn our <ou- dlt on of person. Is ■ ated in Hie liver. Many wilh woe I'l'iruiie inttnjn. *'. despordent apirita aud depressed Icellng*, exaggerate every event until'even tukida baa buen known to Is- ault frtii" tbn morbid condttlun of twidy and uiiiiii, yet Sitnnntna' Liver Kegulstur I* known to lie aaBwtdflc tor affectionsuf ihe Liver, Spleen

i and Kiduev. Utillkn mint preparatluns It and ungracious labor to perform. I'or, rull7 n«atattu -t-iiis ».f the puiem-uose the public protection, when tlia [yesll-1 or iwsisib is dt*»rg»nistd and soon re* lence stalketh fit nowiitlav, thev often

Peruvian Snup Is sold by A. F. tutu i IV at CO.,Apothecaries.

C lr, Knfx hi. and Brcndwav, Lawrenre.


I For Catarrh, Haj Fever, Cold n Ibe lle>td,r-it'.,laser! with

idllle it -i- .u DHttlule or the K.i.HI ITII.I ll.i- i-■'-'.'.:.-, drav strong nrrnlhs Ihrouph the », ll will, be BU-

,-.1, ■'.■.in-II,KH 11,1 liesllnc the Ulseaaed

POKDRAPKB^S, nntv ■. i ;i i inn.

have to act urbitrariiy ami in a man tier seemingly cruel to individual*, They have to'encounter the prejudice and hostility of the ignorant, even of some otherwise reasonable people who feel the private grief mure keenly than they gee the public need of stern mens* UICB. Ccrtaiuly, when the Hoard of Health sre so exposed to unreasona- ble prejudice mid misprescntnlion in the faithful discharge of their trust, they merit from just minded people a considerate and kindly judgment of their conduct, and immunity from falsehood ami partizan abuse.—,SVn- rt*4i, Mag ~>,jintt column.

The Hoard of Health catches it thick and fast appropos of the recent smnll pox enseg.—Sentinel, sttwie date, eighth column.

HAY FEVER ««.wushre. —A 1ST trial will convince the most ateptiral—

ELYS' CREAM BALM, pa*ragea ol rleinsea the

Othy .

THE WONDER OF HEALING! Ilu id, in: (hie" (nisrrh C w re, "*pec tally luliari'd In uim't serluus esses, mm tslu* all tbe • niaatte >■ <•<■■■• •'■'•< * of 11 ■■ K-iinn-i i our ,Nnaul Nf rtuge Inralualiln l.ir nan lu ratsrr-

Kheumatism, Neuralgia. Jji^ Uonlia-trnmliomany rsaraof Lheae Sktie«e> big curoiilsliila an tbo Evlrael.

Hemorrhages. 85Sf&!K Niei', ,,r (rui.i »: y I'uiini', lu *|.<MHlily I'.-I.I r. )i. .1

Diphtheria & Sore Throat E',;,^ jirtttopd/, UlsasnreeuM. IV.VIIIIJI,, :,.m.

Far l*i.( -. 11)1,1.1. 111,-iitiuK •*■ lewase iug, ul* ii.,.. [rushelfclwam ruoitnty. Per rirers.Olel Nerra irftiKu Wound*

(Inn -fOXITtl KXTRACT hi* own fm(-

il.a.; tu/ i.,ti|7Wi V'fcT Hl^iillWli. .11.111*4 ItMt nil l,jrl»g /"O.V/1'S t.V/7i Ity. /ul' rf/wr >>rr|aJr'*Hfiil.

it i» MNr saM >-i eiitt «■ kg Hkmsura.

i n. :i:.t:i.. /NO rmUCT rniCLfn.

POND'S EXTRACT -.50c.Jl.00, 81,75. fillet Cream I.OOjCatarrh Ctr* 75 DttiUfflce 50 Plailcr 25 LlpSalve 25 tnhalsr Gtosjf w)...|.00 rt„iet S>.i;t. .iC.kus'.- SOlNssalSvrlnge 28 Olatmonl 50 Modksled Paper . .. 25

flrnlly Sjringe, Jt.OO. Laoraa, r<-*il pages lit,IB, 11 sn.l M of oi

Paiujitilrt atiuli monii-ui.li* mcli bultle. Ur-ocnNgwp*wpni.B-r aiiBnta-ioaTOi

PaaruuTiossbKiiT s'ltr-K os svri.icaTiOsT TO

POND'S EXTRACT CO., i4 West 14th St., New Yor> tMnlfljieplS x

t'ooil's Kxlract ts aoiil i.v A. p. (uu*w* v * co.. AnaUeesriea.

Lor. K ■.!..'v Street and Brosilwav, l.awit'n

L:!I L'- - i'-:l ini-ii I'l'iu g .. •neuiuranal linings ■ r llie heail from ad'lilloi cot ;a, cooiiletuly heals the aore* and restoi< * t!i.' -."!-.' ii I < L (i -ml aini-ll. Urn. lir.nl i- 'Mill.- are rehlisetl oy it lew aimtii-utlnn*. A .horough Irestiiifnt a* directed will einc Catnrrh. Aaa hiuirhohl remedy |.ircnl<( In the Head and snnl- Ses it I* unr<itinlpc|. The Halm In ess* to use and sgreestile. Sold hy rlrugcialt ut'SOcenta. Oir ri"*fi|itoi .MI reni* will mniln jiaekage. Send or circular wilS lull Infoimallon.

Sl.rs' CIIEAaf. liAI.U CO^OwegO, S. Y.

r'on SALS IN I,I»HIM I nr

II, M. Whitney at Co., E. H. Kcllry, Chas. Clark, J. C. Avore, al Onlway'a Drug Store*.

and ii»- Drugglali generally, eodflrontS a



the a I dnv re, n> tin sllsin.ard I* ageni

r nr sule by all Druggl*!* ami Dealers genersllv. ™,l" x

rJOtletter*! Biitersareao -1 by A. r.OIIDWAY A CO., Aimllirnrir-.

Cor. Esaei tit. and Itroadway, Lnwrence.


II. in,


DR. DYE'S Electro-Voltaic Appliances

TO aacuN- MiAVrinetmm «rrti)H*T;i-Rknr*ap*.«en- entl lirlillll). !..•« (if m-rve Inrce or vigor, or any diio-au' ii-nlint* In-m .^ •iripa ami i rrin.a I'AI-ES, orto *t»»owPaltll-i<d aft!, ilhi'viina- ttiii, NriiMlnis. f*ni!)-l.i. fj'ilisl DiOliiillli-*, Kidney or LIHT TtiniWrn, I.i Itai'k. Rnu-

A.F.onusVAV aVCO,, A|iotbaearIae. Coiner rssei St. and Ilioa.lway, Lawrence.

Ears FOR THE Million Foo Cltoo's Balsam of Shark's Oil

This nil |« abstracted Irom |>eculiar si.ecleaor '-in.iil Wnlie shark, BangsI |g lbs Yellow Sea, kaown an Caichaiodon Itondelttli. Kvery


11.'mi.-i.i i-l..linf'l

0s set ve of hearing were discovered by a t Pi leal about llm year UIU, Its ruree niuiicioii* anl many so sei-minaly

■■■- th*l the reirir.lv wai offlolal'v pro- heeuilreli

universal that lor oter :.u year* no Dualnes- i oxKiud among llie Lninei-f |>eopli-. Sent, rgea iirepatd. lo any sdlalwaa at || oo par

Hear What the Deaf Say! 11 has ;,'■!i,'iuicl ii aiiracie Ii my case. I Save nn iincatthly noises in my nend, and esi amch belter. 1 nave by;n greatly ucnelllcd. sly 'I .uu,'.-« helped agtoat deal—think an

thet botiti- will c

f testily, . obaervallon VFrito at mien to HAVLOCK * JaiMtgr,7Dey Street, Sow York, eiicloalng SI and you will.rerelvo by return N remedy lliat will enable you to hear like anybody else, and whusoKui'HtiVe iffieia will br- |nrniauent. You Will never resret doing «o."—Kdiior ol' Mercan- tile Uerlow.

«S-I.I avoid his* In the Uulls, pleaieaend Bimey by Krslslrretl Letter.

only Imported hyHATLOCK A JENNr, (I.nte ([Alt. .is ft Co ) ;

7 Dsy at., New York. Cw>le Agents for AnKrlcs. ffl*nrrl1 o

Tbere hsa been, since the sale of re-

served seats for Lotia, considerable com- ment oo the-acllou of Ibe manager oT the

opera bouse, fur not controlling specula-

nloii so tbat every one could bsve su

eriuul chance.. After set-lDg the feeling

displayed, mgnagur Linergau has detei

mined io do all be can, and tbat is to

limit the dumber or tickets sold to so; one persoD, ul one time, to ten. Tbst Is

all be csn do; the rest remslog with the

people. Speculation In tickets caunot in

stopped. There Is no law against It, end

iitniujii the evil ha« been (ought lu si,

■tits ol the aulon, ll has uot, aud caunot le, ovtiicouie. If xi 1 ■ poupln will buy uf

peculators, |ust so lung wilt ibuy nour-

ish. TDera were over three hundred good

s nut sold for U.e Lotta performance ibut could bsve been had at guy time si

the bog ,.ill.-t, yet tickets gt su advance

of hum SO ceolg to 91 00 were secured from speculsiurs. A theslre goer lu g

cotuuiuulcaiiuu, complains that people I'.IIIIIN- late tu procure tickets went

ward tu friends in tbe iloo and had them

purchase additional tickets. This can be

coutrulled unly by the sense of fairness sod honor among those alandlng in Hue;

management cauuut stup It. Mana- ger Lauergau Is willing to do all lhal lo

justice to himself he can do, but he wishes all the patrons of hla house to un-

derstand tbal Hpeculuiluu can be stopped

my by tbetnselves. Let those wbo buy

up a large quaoilty of tickets be ■'sluek"

once or iwlue, sud they will disuonlloue this practice.

—All of iho sulking boi tinkers have tuturned lo work.

— Mr. Ueorge Chad wick has heeu

gaged as organist and iuu*lcal director al

the I'.u k :,i K-I i. churcb, !)u*ton.

— It is listed thit Judge Kndlcott i

lemplalea re'.irlug from the supreme Oei.ci] ou account of faffing'health.

— O. M. Jewell, of ibis city, made tbi

blithest score, 87, lu the sharpshooters match, si Walnut Hill, on Ksiuiday.

■The crossings at tbe orner or Eln

and East Haverhlll atreets were paved

Saturday; a much oeedid Improvement.

New ctsipools have beeu put in the

past week at the coroers of Lawrence sod

Chestnut streets and Shot t and Kut Elm si reels.

—John t.rjbourn, furniture matiufac-

rer, of tbls city. Is doanclally entbsr

rassed, ami Is asking so extension from creditors. His liabilities sre about

3-'G03, and be claims to have a stock of iome 8GC00.

— Ao extensive addition Is being built

to Mailies Hull and alterations are being

nde, wblcb, when completed, will give

ie entire floor as sn auditorium. Hither-

to s bar baa been located In tha south end of the building.

Mr. Downing, dealer Io rubber goods, has leased the [lolly Tree loo, lu Saund

block, and will soon open a rubber

store, where he will do repalrlog on an

extensive scale, wllb macbloery. The store Is lo be altered.

A short time ago when tarse lockets

covered with colored silk sod painted

were so much lo vogue, s yooog Isdy in town who hsd received one as a present,

eslled her bruiher's attention to It. "A

locket," said be, "why, I thought It was s

liver pail."

ROTHIKO L.1SK ii. Dr. Chandler's Jamaica Qlnger Root Hitters

enters tbe circulation of tbe blood immediately, purlflea, vitalises and euncbes tbe vital li ild snd reaching every part of tbe Lumen syatem, it touea and Invigorate*, strengthens and re- juvenates sll tbe organs and names of tbe body. [t 1* Naisre'a great health rc*rer,and la not equalled by any ntber medicine.

*' ".liirieiHi tleifl

1 Skin of Beauty in r> ,i0y f-cravat



| Bpseds relh'f and eomplelc rratorHtlon lo ! VHIOI glianiliti-rd. Ill ewe are the unit I 1 l<iHI.- A|t|iliiiui-e« Hun him' eves ■ lieeiiroiislruelt'tl iinoa Helentlllr iirlti- *rl|i1(-s. Th.-lr ii,.....utt, ,ni. ». y tin* t-eii pri.e ilindi (.invrii wtth die innal wtintlerlut -in.■.■-■». und tliej lin\e the- lilaln—t eiittorx'iiietit* (rum mestleal snd s*>len- llllr men,ami from hiiiiilreil* who linvr h,-en unti-hly ninl rntllenlly iiirnl b* Hi. lr nor.

-III.I i.l nn.e loi llliiKlrated Pamiililel, .Iviiiji all liifiniiiBilon free. Ad-lre*-,

VOLTAIC BELT CO., KarsaaU. atios. VlOclMlr «

ON ■[■mm i DAIS' TRIAL.

We will send Dr. Dye's Celebrated Eleclro- Volulc liellsand other Electric Appliancea o trial for II.-IV days to fuung men anil older net 9on*. who ate sllllited with nervous debility, loel vitulitv, etc., guaranleelng siieeily relief and com- pletu restoration ol vigor anil munhnod. Also for rheiinmllaiii, neuralgia, paralyals. liver and kid ney ililttcullle*, ruolures snd many other dlseas- e*. Illustrated |,anii>hlrt n nt [roe. Address Voltaic UeltCo., Blarshall. allcli. dwllOcU*

MsxBMAH'a rii'iiiMim BKBP TONIO. ibe only preparation uf bed containing ita entire n ir i II I.III. ufoperitea. It contains blood-mak- ing, force generating snd life sustaining propet tie*; Invaluable for indigestion. Dyspepsia, nervouf prostration andall formiot general de- bility ; alto, in ail enfeebled conditions, whether tin' i, • i exhaustion, uervoua pretti

ork or acute disease, particularly II re- lulling frompatmonary complaints. CABWSLL, HASAJL. A Co.,proprlelurs, New York. Sold by Drufgiiti. Irtlyfvi

HKlTKBgS! alHTUXMBl ! MUTHBltal I I u -li -I i:: I.I- I at nlghl and broken ol Tour auk fid Id niBerlng and eiytng With Ihe lug pain ol uuuingti-elh? If *n, go al gemliollleof HKH. YVlHSLuW'S Sotrrii

II nuJ". ll will relieve Ibe nour Huh) aulTcr- nieilialcly—ilepend u;ion It; there i* no run- about iL 'i line la not a mother ou earth lia* ever imed it, who will uol tell you si tnat ll Will reai'lale the bowels, and gun u Hie mother, ami ielief snd heallh io Inc.

(•crating like tnacic It la perfectly rale

Klectrlc Laanpa.

the emaciated und sptrtlesi dvapeptlc -ml n-r, murehouWui hi.nnul Ilia than be cuuld

othtiaise bone in attain. I'urrLiHsei i sliOJtd lie careful lo fee that ther

,-<■' -ii- ' i, ■-. I,. . ma u ii fact und only by J. 11. ZLIUS .\ t'u . Thitadelpbla.

• : .,i in.-,')■; — -m *-

For Dysprpila, indigestion, D>prrsa:on ol Splrhs and >>eneial Debility, m tbiir varlnii* fbrma , sl*o as a preti ntive agalnht Fevtr and

,Bue. and other lnlrrrnitieii! V vers. the K,ii i-l'lui-|iu'«te.| Elixir or Calisay," maile

byCaatrell, llaiard 8t Oo., »cw York, and Jii.d by nil druggists, la tbe beat tonic; and fur

irnts Muvi i mi: Irom nickn"i*i it has no at). ' :"i,M ■'*! Ml


OPIUM a ',,»HriiiM:

Chas. T. Emerson, ! ARCHITECT

ItooniH 11 ami lii,

! Ensox Bank Building, Lawrenoe

■ 11MM...ii ui


i !■.i-.ii.i [■, the tail I,I,I-i,i ihe olilest ami I., -i Bursts in ibe United Ststea. i-1,i - a bottle. eodlanltfBJ

A I'm i.n.t in.f nn 8OBK THBOAT ahould lie stopped. Neglect tietiuenily rciulu In an Incur- abls Lnng liiaease orConnnnipilon. Bao*s'l ll HIIM'IIUI.T HIK'IIKB do not disorder Ihe stomach like cough svrup* snd balsam*, but act dlrertlv on the inflamed part*, allarlng irritation, give re- lielln Aathian, Hioni-nIt)*, Coughs, Catarrh and the Throat Trouble* wbiuh Mn«er* and Public apeakeissresnujecito. For thirty year* Brown'* Kionehlal Trochee have been recommended by

, iiliy-nian*, and hiva alwaya given peneet aatus- tiiriiun. UaviBgbeen tesbd bv wide and eon- aiaat uie lor nearly an entire generation, they have attained well meilted lank arming tbe few

. aiaple i i-in.'iiii'H oi ibe age. Sold at is cents a ■tlvreodjaull's.

Jf wo exnmiDu one or the electric lamps In the Btreets, no rind it uon< slats of two rods, one pointing upward from the bottom of the lamp, the otli-

hanging downwurd. The rods seem to touch, snd the brilliant Katnc is exactly where they seem lo meet Once a day a man COUIOB around wilh a bag of the rods. He takes out the old rods that were burned the night before, und places a m w set in each lamp. Afler he has gone about, as if be were putting new wicks into the lamps, and each is ready for It's night

lc, all the lamps arc lighted in board day, to sec that every one is in proper trim. Thev are allowed to burn until the men have walked about in (the streets and looked nt each tump. If all aro burning well, they re put out till it begins to grow dark.

If one fails to burn properly, a man rocs to that lamp to sec what is the matter. The roils are made of n earl-

black substance-, like charcoal, tbat is culled carbon. When the

ip is out, the two rods touch each other. In order to light the lamp they nr.) pulled apart; and if you look at the flame through a smoked glass, you will see that the rods do not quite touch. There is a small space between their points, and this space is filled wilh fire. Look at the other parts of the rods, or the copper wires that extend along the streets. They have no li;;!ii, u<> heat, no sou ml. The wires arc cult), dark, and silent. It we were lo push the two rods in the lamp close together, the light and heat would disappear, and the curious hiss- ing sound would stop. Why is this? Let us go to the woodB near some brook, and it may be that we can mi- destund this matter.

Here is the brook, llowing quietly along, smooth, deep, and without n ripple. We walk beside the stream, and come to a place where there are high rocks, and steep, stony banks. Here the channel is very narrow, and the water is no longer smooth and si- lent. It boils and foams between the rocks. There are eddies and whirl- pools, and at last we come to the nar- rowest part of all. Here, the once lark und silent water roars and foams

in white, stormy rnpids, There are sounds and furious leaping and rush- ng water anil clouds ol spray. What

is the matter? Why is thu smooth, dark water so white with rage, so im- petuous, so full of sounds und tur- moil? The rocks are Ihe cause. The way is narrow and steep. The waters are hemmed in, and there is a grand display of flashing white fotim and roaring waterfalls, as the waters strug- gle together to get past the narrow place.

It is the same with the electricity llowing through the lurge copper wires. If passes dowu oge wire into the other, through the lamp, in silence and darkness, su long as the rods touch antl the path is clear. When the rods in the lamp arc pulled apart, there is a space to be got over, an obstruction, like rocks in the bed of the brook. The electricity, like the water, struggles to got over the hin- drance in its path, und it grows white bot with anger, and flames and hisses as it leaps across the narrow space between the rods.

There is another kind of electric lamp, used in houses ; it has a smaller and softer light, stcadv, white, and very beautiful.

In these lumps, also, we have some- thing like the narrow place in the brook. They arc made with slender loops of carbon, inclosed in glass globes- The electricity, llowing si- lently through a dark wire, enters the lamp, and finds only a narrow thread on which it can travel to reach the home going wire, and, in its struggle to gel past, it heats the tiny thread of carbon to whiteness. Like a live coal, tliis slender thread gives us a mild, soft light, as long as the current flows. It seems calm and stili, but it is enduriug the same fury of the elec- tricity that is BIIOWII in the larger lamps.

This is the main idea on which these lumps ars rnsde : A stream of electricity is set flowing from a dyna- mo electric machine through a wire until it mcel9 a narrow place or break in the wire. Then it seeks to get past the obstruction, and there is a grand putting forth of energy, and in tbi way the electric force, altnongh itself invisible, is made known to our eyes by a beautiful light.—Charles Barnard in St. Nicholas for May.

Said the gilded youth, "Yes, it's n mighty nice thing to be engaged to seven or eight girls. If you call on one, and she isu't at home you can go and see another, and if you find any other fellow present, why he's got to give wny to you. (let into trouble, breach-of-promise suits, etc.? Oh, no. When a girl begins to get troublesome, turn savagely on her and say, Tcrfld- ious woman. I know all! Denials and explanations are useless ! I break our engagement!' That settles it. You can be dead sure she has hrcu flirting with some fellow, and t.lic'1 think you've discovered it, and either give the real facts of her proceedings away, trying to explain, or else suv uuthing and let you go. It's a dead sure thing, every lime.—Boston Poet.

Mistress—"Foigot it! Why I told you to impress it on your mind." Bridget—It was on me moind I put it mum, an' mc moind went asthray wid it."—Harpers Bazar.


It Rlog-aof aOrutoful Heart and Gives

Honor where Honor Is Duo.

Ui. William W. C'S-lwiok, of Hatuhvillc, Conn,, wrilei nndcr date or June li, l .*", m Df. Kenned v. HM| that Ibe use ol "Kennc Iv'* Favorite Eemedi" h»a cured h m ol (Jail Stone, from which lie hud etpcrlenoed erervthing bul ooralort for a long t me Mr. Cbadwlck felt wholly curnd when be wrcte, and says: "1 tuiil no |,ii'ii lor slg monlhn, and have air gainedniy flesh mul cjml und aialr day'* a 1 ii'i-i.u in. II I 'Kiiitmh'* fumilte Etmtdi'io any one suffering Irom a deranged liver." li lul palientanre common. Dr. Kennedy Is daily in receipt of letters Irom them, expressing i lar eenilment*. Those IcMeisare snoolancou* and put in all vurietiea of phraseology, bul Invariably scttiug lorth une thing—ihe value ol ••Kennedy'* Favorite Itemed j" for many form* of diaeaac. 11 may be lual tne thing 50 ' I ate been looking for. Is >utir Liver disordered? Have you dernngiment of the Kidney* or Iliad* der, BsiO.daied with ConstInallon of tbe Bowel*? li ao, you wanf'Kiinnc 'j'* Ksvorit* Remedy." Dft, Kennedy practice* Medicine and Surgery in all llieir branches. Write and state jour cote Irankly. Letter* piomptly anawered. Addiea* Dr. David Kennedy, Kondoul, N. T. "Dr. Ken- nedy's Favorite KtiLncdj" for sale byalldivg.

GKOBGE MflLKRS, black, atnr, little nhite on every foot. IM hands,

Igha IK* lb*. 11 years old. Tooklbe flr.t -in,'.m. ut MSMbesUr. N. II.. Suie Fair. a.i>- e; alto at Biadloid. Vi„ stale Fair. issi. {ever trained tcr the limit, hhuw* gunners Ihull inilva everv any inlandi.i.' ■■''••« lied, kind,any lad' can <lHvr turn, hi 1 scare il ...1. genii.-. W IIX K A KB lh« Wiaon attriv

I'avilion.-Mock HflbU-*.M*lroic.Mii-*. **>ln men; li reproductive, no iharji" f»r next uu. .ate. a .Inv while w.iHuig, with ben*

WM. W.COLBY, USKItAI. & HllSIMUMi rMil-in.lKI.il.

M,i,-..-.-. PATCHES KINO. old. 1-iJ hand*. ■■" WlLKhtn, real liredbvU.'Vll' nare; Jusl broken to harness; gvS season

S S. HOtit;ilTOS.alelrose,

A ll.i-l

SaJeiroom 286. Residence, 285 Con nn.n Street. * lyr jtni 1



Dr. Kennedy's Favorite Remedy Is sold by A, P. (Mill WAV * CO., Apatlaecajllss,

Cor. Eases bt. and nrondway. Lawrence



DEFAULTED SECURITIES. I deal specially in Defaulted eeanrlile* ofi

■ 1 t 11 1 ■ ni ■ ii.-ii, or parti act ng ror lh*m. will ■ . 1..1 full dctcrlfllon will eudetvor to furniah inlormationsndsulu proposition* lor purchase or collection.

J.K. tr.SHKItWnon. nr. i.Miiniiii, Kxw YOBK

..Patentees and at'fr*. Hnnily Hook, Conn.

MEN &.. UUl||Trnaiparla>c*> rsqwlivd iiArl! LU-"."e«i^.....|..i.i. L Ml I.IMIIIU , Bos


Will Cure whsin i.! the Power of Medicine-

Dyspepsia, Indigestion, General Debility, Hedtr.ho, Female

Weaknisj, ail Diseasea of tha Blood. Bladder and

Kidney.;. For *al*b, A. II, (.1.1 it (IKS. M!i K"e\ atreel

a F.TM.IKJT. IIS Kr*e* street, «. H. I1BAT- TOV. ->t jaswMwwf* street, and all Irst class dealers.


Dobbins' Starch Polish. An important dtS'

Jcovtry, by which

every family may

c their linen

t licuutil'ul fin-

ish peculiar to line

laundry work.

I Ask your Grocer


mildt 1 IJlH l.l-l.l, I.II \. I out. M..ic in it ■

Stricture, Mu<-ou* or I'un HMMeSttf tUe I'n'-l -u t..m. ll cannot L-> ton bi.litv ret.

In'ID---•■! either acx ifflicUn with t> of Ihn Kidney* or BUil-li ,- Price per

MSW KMiA-AM) MKDI- l Itow, llitli.n CAL INSTITUTE, U Tn

I.%KT.li\T.I>KOI i l\t H.nlt.VKMf Tbe Ursat llestnrallvc, snpi.iie* power to

uraln and nerves, restore* VIIHMIV. Birr* t Isor in t .-ii 11 x and old, rurij nervnu- ileiirraaion antl la t livlna, lel'rveathe wnr»t alllicUd Instan iv. Prlestl- ,\,:.!:,■--,.: ■■■," ■ 1, 1. ,-

MW ESi.l.AMi Ml.Wi.'.M. IV- ITU1 !'!■:. v 11. 31 Tremonl How , Uodon, Umi.

S lylalS

BY PEDRI4JK & CLOSSON. t eow lyrjantt a


TOPS, Urnnotri.tal and ladr.



Terrs Gotta Chimney ToDI Prevent Chimneys S mo k I nat,.

Terra Cotta of nil Descriptions.

BOSTON TERRA'COTTA CO.. 804 il.lil.lt.vi. STltEET.

Sail's Ou alnti tmferToottactotK;!;. I '1 ks. twenty-flve cents.



JPECIFICS. phrsiclan.—The only

it Ijnrr ',.-,! .■.ii.'.Iiir Hi.: [, ,., I-

I. Fevers, longmtlon, Innaraatlonf, IS f. Worm*, Wm in lnvir, WuriiiColie.., .15 *. Irylas lollc. or'leethlaaof Infani* .fa I. Itlarrhvacf . hlbln-a ..r Stlulta * S. Dfcntart. tirlolnc Ulllloii* i_olit', «. thiilcra Mi "■""""


Ho MI; O

SPE In use » year*. - r.\e 11 script!..!- --* - i..iiU.lr

s everywhere.

Wtmi'i BaUts or WHO CIKKBT cures [•mi.in, cuMa, bteacbllli, wbooplng cou(b, cruup, iDflarnaa conaumpMoti and nil elseaiea of tbe throat, lung* and cheat. 50 rents and tl a botlla. teMllyfvXl'Kf

27 Ktmer lli-riM- ,to SO OT"; WcVkn^, UMt.n^ihebwd1.^ 3i Ol*e>*eofihellearl. I'altiliatl.m. 1 IN

-uliI hv ilrniqilVtJ.. ... . In VI il, fr*e of rharaa on reoelpt o

"•— ihr.-yi. flunk on rtlaeay talueiir l-'lt

lnmiilir II litn-

nWSBi Ida. Co.. 10* Fulton Si reel, .-few V.

eodS lyr nos

Piles! Piles I! PilesII NO ONE NEED SUPPER.

Aaurecurelor tl<o Blind. Bleeding, Itching and Ulcerated I'llca hn* been dlarnvered by Dr. Williams tan Indian remedy), called Dr. Wit- Hints Indian Tile Ointment. A single boa has cured ihe wm-*i it ronic rase* of U year* ilantl Ins. No one will suffer Ore minutes niter apjilji ins tbls wonderlui -.x-ihlTia meill.-ina. WIL. LIAH'S INDIAN Pli.R UiNTUKNT absorb* Ihe tumor*, allay* tl.rt Inlrmr llchlngr (|iarlku- larly at nijrhi alter gclllns waint in be.i), act* aa a iii.ultice: sivea Inatani r'-licl. and la iirepared ONLY rutl I'li.Ks, Ucbing ol Ibe prlyalv parts. and nothing else. -,

Read what linn. Judge Cntanburr, ofCleve- laail. sar*: '*lhaveuked icoies ol pllecutsii,

Oord* me plraaure to aay, lhal 1 hnve .nyllilr

. -Dr-Wlllisni'ii Pile Ointment.

for salt)by all drusgisis, or mailed on ofprlce, |l.inner boa.

HENKY & CO., Now York City.

}\>r sale by til A RI.K8 CLA UKE, Lawrence, cod* lyr aua a

Mr. Horace Searle tells huw be raised profit able crop* without manure, He Bays ;—

"Two yean w. 1 ulerd Bradley'* Pboipbate on one and nm -lourth acrei uf corn, using UU ton of It lirond-eaat, wltbonl manare.| From Ibis, I harvotrd one humired bushels of good, sound shelled corn, Last year 1 lotted this ti.-i.l with oats, j nil nn- on no manure , and I had a very good crop, as much as I should have exn-cien lo fret Irom a liberal dressing of barn j«rd manure. I am latitfled tbat tbe strength of u.i. rboapbale ii not exbausud by tbe first crop.

"Tbii vear, I u ul six hundred poundi of Bradley * Pboepbate to tbe acre for cum. no Otbtr manure being umd. »nil I bad av good A crop of corn as any one lo love."

„ HOBACB SBSLB. Townsend Harbor, MM., Hast. Nov. 22,1881.

COKE! COKE! A Cheaper Fuel fa Wood or Coal


Perbarre., " " ,m Or><er* must oeleftat(heo19*eorihanonipiny

So. 143 t i \ ■ i., Mi'i i in t i he paid lor al ibe time the order la given.

OrriCB HOUBB: 7 JOs. m. wl.'in.. I to7.Mp, m

fill mar*

AnKER'S GINGER TONIC Ginger, Duuhu, Man-

'ai.e, StiDircLV and myof the best medl

. ^JinraiaaVsoSS I Toni-:, into a medlciOL I ofsuth varied power*, as ff to ri.ilo il l)ie gieaten ' tile-d IWwr an * '

UeittIsal:hAtt UtistortrKvar _ It cum Rhcuirtatlun,

Parker's 3S /™^|S ■ | ■ n I taBKn l.ivtr & Kidneyt. Hair Balsam.'-i:-,)"i''irn'f~m

ii^mtiil lu, fin-u- and <^l"r Tunica. nluhiimi'iHila i-.everiniostiules, lliacos «l.. it t™, luilr. fi t-„i( ChemiOi, N. Y. *l|' ■'» I.'-.- ••j ,-.,.! i. .1.^ Si^.


LOST MANHOOD RESTORED. A viotlm of yontbfnl imprudrnco canning Prema.

lore Decay, Nervous Debility, Lost Manhood, eic™ having tried in vsln ev.ry known rrmedy, bss dls- eoven-da ■ltnpln stir cure, which ha will send FREX ID bla M1ow.»uE»ru-, addivsi J. U. HLEVDa, «3 rhatliaiu MI.. \. Y.

eod*t ly aeplO B



3B*I I8l-r»3.

Ktroiiit I'ot Pl"li!». for ltd safely by iii.i.l I mat i-id to all pom '-•

i.rii-e. tj I fiITiaiiajlnit

■THE DINCEE *■ COHAHD CO. |MDllnw<n, Ut^llr.»p,CI,,-^rr|-u.l'.

CUT THIS OUT1 *£.".;* S15Q S*tO w?.V Wo have stores InlB leading Cities, S™n whirh our a*-enM obUlo trmir ■iii'jllwuiuliltly.

,ir Kiirtnrlea ar.,1 NMMJKM an at trie. Pn. rkrnj lor our New CatalMas and teruia to atreuts Addrua

M. N. LOVELL ^I?Si!.X"sS' flyrmar3 A

Arel the Mott Effectual Remedy in th* Known World for the



TJJBV are [neii llrected, never I Jl-filsii-nu lit". O

Ui] I i Trouble

ml If used aa , imt ..'., til.;itc and Chronln

sstof the id. _ ..II.UU.II ll TttouaaniU U ladies alt o b-ar witness to tbe curative virtue of Iho Pill*. Mantes fiirniilieil Bpoti s|'iiliu[iU0L. Indorsed and used br phyaleisna,

1..HII-- ID the moil refined clrela* d im-lely ive arnepte.t them aa tnu beat remedy .11 me

singer*, hear wltne-i to lh< llcal,'a Tunic I'IIU. inalrenal weakened by eonatanl use, Incidental cl'siol prolesalonal*.

»ol.| by Druiriiuts nr ^enl bv mall iim.n re- .'i'i|ii 01 lull--, tiperbos;*lx bnttlea, as. Lel- tera are read and answered bra *killful ienialo ehyslDlan. Send siamp lor answer. A valuable pamphlet malted Hie. Addreis H. P.TUAV&K X CO., M Temple p:., Iloston,

lien I Ion this raper. teow ITt lam


QUAKER BITTERS. What are qiiAKRR BlTTKBSr An old Quaker

remedy ihal ha* dona mota lo relieve suffering humanity than all oibar nediclnes combined.

Tneae celebrated Bitter* am .-..■rjio-.d ol., choice H-iota, llerbi snd Hark*, amonx whloli are Uentlan, SaraaparillH. Wild Cherty, Handn lion. Juniper, and other barrlea. and are an pie- pared a* to retain all their BSwatWMl qtisliUea. Tbey Invariably curs or greatly teiieve tne.

dlowmi eoetplatnts: Dyspepaia, Jauadlne, ..iver ComplainU, Lou* ot Aopelitc, Ueaduchea, IliHoii* Attacts, Khemai1i.ni, Summer Com- ilalota, Piles. Kidney l>Ucsies, r i-male Dldcul-

_les, I.a.-Hum'. Low Spirits, lii-neral liciuliiv and In fact cverythioi caused by an Itnputo ilnte or the Blood or ileranared rnudltion 01 ihn Itomach, Llvor or flidnevs. 'Iho :.: <-.i iir-1 n. theQuaker lllller* a Renlirt aoolhiar atlmuUnt - - desirable In ibelr dsullnlon yesea,

Eminent rbyslclnn* pieacuiit' them, and re- mnirrid tba r u««, ami prniioiinre tlicm Ibe at Cure for all !>,-, .. . - ,1 1:-. itiootl. Hi rnnch rer and Kidxev, No one csn rrutsin long well (unless ntliictcd with nn Incurable dl* •e) alter lekins a few botil. s ol ihs Quaker

Bitters. ror sale by Drmjlitssml lichlert In Hedlolnes verywhere. eodvtvsulT br



f I


f. n


■' ■


Andover Advertiser, POhUSHBO—

Every Friday MoMilnff, —»T

GBOHOK 8. Mi.ltlMI.I.,

Post Office Block, Lawrence, Hasi. BUB30RIPT,ON~Poata«TS Prepaid:-

•250 par year, from which BO ouQte will be deducted for itilctly tdvuc* paymeat.

Tha Circulation of tho Lawrence Ameri- can le the Lirirti.-tt, or any paper In the Oouo.tr. and more than Three Times thit ol anv othor Weekly t aper pub-

, llubeil lii nil.- i-iiy.

W llatas of a Irerlialng sent upao uupiioa Ion.

Entered at the Poat Office, Uwrwco Maea.. for tranamlaaloa through the- mall* aa aeoond-olaaa matter.

an--m-- - ■ ■ i

IilWH The Daily America!.

Published Every Evening, (•a*

the Largest Dally la the City, with four Times the Olromlalt—eW aavs- other. f ^*

aUBSCaiPTlON, la advance: One \ ear,' BQ.OO I Six Mont ha, »S.0O

Whan not paid In odvanoa. M.OO-

OEO. 8. M l.Ultl U.. Proprietor.


lathe lara-eatend most thoroughly tur- nlabed In Baatarn alaaaachueetta.- Wlth modern preaaea, and cone tact additions of the newest atylea of Type we are able to furnish the beet quality o( wtrk, at low prlcee. Ordace by snail promptly attended to.




iclne»,Uh-"'"'*,i,THlel Article-, Ac. J. i;. Ai ORK.SJ9 iiMi.nor. I'rauklia-

BLANK BOOK MTrnml Com- Hi ijrolalilsliouiji.llooni Taper. Decu'BlUiet

W. K. KICK. W8 K-n Mtreel BLACK SILKS, Velvet*. <Ja*tt-

mere*, Milk rrlnges, lluliona. ij.otr,, i* A.SllAlirfc. .« CO.,IIS Essex 3lre*t

BOOTS & SHOES, u hill UM'I oomplete •met. it prices to suit ihe ll*»**

P. li.ilOlllNSON.'J'l EascxSlroe'.

pABINET MAKEIt and UpM. *Mr<U. y. UiUNiBn. Essex Street.

COOKING STOVES, ICm.**. ITureaeea. Sole ajienl fciag'S Sluree

JOHN K.lllSi.HAM,.1-!ilt»iei'-

GROCERIES, Flour, Tea, Ft*ti- ev Hood* and Produce.

MUAITUCK nuns. cor. Essex. Ameabert HARDWARE, Tools, Cutler j

—' Jaala.as.iU Bad Uenernl Hnnlwaie. N. P. H. MKLVlN.Jai Baeex Street.

M1LLINEKY. Mr* M. laatlore Whltteker, Slat and 1SU Sea** ST.

MILLINEKV & MilllnerrGo«Ml« Hal and iionnei Bleacher*.

I,. It. UllMuKB. i In Essex Btrei I.

PAPEB HANGINGS, Window Simile, anil mitirn*.

E. A. N SEE. 9TB Bt*e* RffM PHOTOGBAPHY, sole llcen-***

for the CUT lor tha Carbon I'rrcw c*. rBANK BUSH ELL USBaeexlt.

PLUMBING, Steam and <•*- rittlnr aad fixtures, WOTM, Kangra, A<

WM. rulings * SUN. £13 Saaax 44, SEWING MACHINES. The N> v

Mew IIo E**ax St. 'PAILOHS, French, EOKIUIJ and X American Novumes.

P. w. KM AAKE * CO., Poil Offlce Flo- a

TAILOB, Imported and Domnr- lio Uooda.

11 UBKN1B UOH4K. It Basnx Street. UNDERTAKING Furnlalietl If

all lie detail*, tuneial Chairs as, email t WATBBHuUaEA 1'AliaUNs II lint be>?

UNDERTAKER; every tliH« ai>ueiUln'.ng lo Funerataaucnilud lo.

M.J.klAHU!«KY.alUUak aire-t. WORK of every description, 1».

tlie Pruning line, neaily ami cheapl; AMERICAN orricK. P. U.»L(»IK


Lawrence American. LAWKENCE, MASS.

Weekly New, Brevltlei. I "«>« >"">» *°« THK MUSKY."







ISS Eaeei Street. Lawrence. «»t , Eit.er aad Ub oroionn A.lmlnlilered .

C0LBUHN BKO'8,—DAILY PAl'KKt Obroaaoa, flni

Fancj Mood*, f Xo.lilKiiesJtreet

DB.C. W.8VLV£8T£H.DentUl,t91 Easax ST., Lawrence, Maia. Parlkulai

aitanllunpaidtoureaerTiag NaluralTectb. Ar tlaolal Teetb maerled. (In oi other gl*r preferred. llyoclS


Car.'.awr*no* ft Common Bti llaa returned from Kurope and resiiniei.' prae tlaael bla irofeaalon.

DR. 8. W. ABBOTT, cAlce ]»1 KK.V Strael, cor. Jackttn, !:.■..,,i, i ,-,. iioMaar

11 rv Mini fl rjjiii

DB. 4. H. KIDDER, DENTAL 8U1 UEON, Ne. 371 Eaaaz Btreet, Laarrm.

ataai. Ma*. Chloroform, or Elber given, a* pri Jarred. Cln.^lihlnnr A"T"ffl' DBCRRB ft WHITTIER, OKOCKI^

Croekerj aad QU** Ware. Strh-tlr yun Co reea.Spioe* anil eholeeilTeaa. The bentda rier *f BatterandCbeeae. as AtneibnrvStreet.

I? N. HAHRIB, 'Jiit; BROADWAY, ot J-'j.lhe It, Hunt Machine Cn. Tnrblne Walei Wbesl*, rulllng Ulll*. Wether*, t alln■, Sioili


PorUaltiand Landeoanea. EM Kltu ST., l.Awaj

>■ B OLT ft CO., ICE DEALERS. Office wltb Bug bee ft Mack, SU EIMX at reel, Law

MM*. aprHfly,

M R8. DR. H. J.ilILL baa removed to Mo. 10 Valtev iireet, near Ihe Common

Ivr l'*l»M


Lawrence,Maa*. Peraonalalttntlonto elUiua1

MII r in

JOHN 8. GILE, Attorney, CmiDiellor- at Liar, ami Notary Publle UOcc removed

to Bauader, Block, room II, Lawrence, Ma.a. Ml

11 rampet afar oB", udWda yon pre

pare In icaton lor tbe Maaee which [| nearattiind. Pleaae inofit hylblaaea. aoaalile *iinreBili>n, anil note the (art thai we are bow puabiog Ihe aaleoia largi

, tlocko:


Genuine Imported Instruments received direct from he naauraotnrer*, and warranted to be attic have, IB addition, all 1 '■ r -r ■ i and mntt

Popular American Makes ■jC Bead and Orcheilral Inatrnmenla, be>ldeaa large Imeoi a|»ol»lllra witch we ccnirol.aad fur which we C.MI offer tpeclal pi Ice*.

Seed lor illuMraird eala ogLt, alallng partic- ularly what ili,» in Inatiumenl* jroo dealre. Cvirespondent r aolklted. Addie**

JOHN C. HAYNES S CO., •S Caarl Btreet*

eelllT. ■ OITUb, Mill,

Life, Accident and Fire Insurance. JOHN EDWARDS A CO*« Insurance Agency

aaraiatnii THB roiAOWiRS

Franklin ,ot Phils., Pa. Penney Ivan la, of Pena. German, American, N. v. Weetoheeter, New York. Ifretertowo, New Tork. Orient, Hartford, Conn. Meriden, Coeaeetieut. Commonwealth, Boiton, Bhawmut, Binton. tat NaUonal, Worceater. Queen, England. Imaerial %1Portliern.Knjrtinj. rloyai, Englnnd. Metro IOIB Ine. Co., Parl*. Londt i Assurance, England. Ouard an Aneuranoe, Knaland. l>ondO and Lanoanblre, England. Travel n"1 Life and Accident o(

liar. i. ■', i:..rni. State Bdutual LUe, Woro«a(er.|

THOMAS UEVINT.TON, SAD Heeez Btreet, • Lawreaee

Pott Office Box 38.


BOSTON LEAD MFG. CO.. Oflce, SI and TO Oliver Street, notion, LI an.

riiMRODtHi DD M*NIT.icri am*. •• BOITON STAR BRA mil"


LEAD PIPE AND SHEET IEAD. TIN and TIN I.INKl'PIPE, H'MM, BOLDER *c MOLD MEDAL kwjrdrd bv tbe Maaaachn- aaLt*Cuarlt"ole Mechanic* Aaaociatlos In lsti.

Wanted. ACTIVE AND KELIABLE REN To travel an.l aolk-ll order* for NUBSBkY STOCK. Addroaa, atailngage, pravlone occa- jtatlonaad naaea a* refeiencee,


BEAUTIFUL, [BEWILDERING BARGAINS, Beat Them All! We have juet placed on ourCountere the


SPRIN6 SUITS! m i..M c.r

All Wool, for $6, $8 and SIO. fver altnearrd in one retail tlere in Maaiarlimdi,, Thelargerpi. there good* are our owe menu fail tire, made Ireei ►lilrlly All Woo. Cat . which we iiiiivha'eil la larae tola, direct from Ihe mannfacturera, ate lot M whlih enniati • T.i-oo laida. Tbe aame nuvllii if good* car not be had of anv aholi tale Clothing ll oai* la Bet Ion al a Uaa price than we hare earned at retail. .


We dealre lo call ihe mention cf ibal clave af men who krwayl want Ihe very leal gocda to be bad In tbe mart ei, (but don't like to pay Hie lilra roil o tavlng them cnatom niode) to the fad that we have tbe moat


FINE SUITS! We have evtr ban ea oar ceaneere. We do not propose lo tire eur readrr* wtih a PMgM^BtlMeAWfr"• ^"li* i.or ailat ol pile*,, rontltlerlagjbe Largo own eeode ead if • miay eonveakacea frnrd^eurcuVloMerV"eVeerB4W*Mre we Peal Bjre I bat there It on better place In New England lo get year apt lag Bui', and at the *ame lima gel the value of jour wooer, than at

Bicknell Brothers. Prlcee In what we call our


The Undermined halt Opened A

CARRIACE REPOSITORY, At 277 end 279 Methuen Street. Pllleburv'e Block Anil Iniin-1 all tneote whe are In need of • Brat claae carriage, LO call and examine hi* i-ollectioe.

Theae Carriage* are ■■aafaolKied in Merrlmaok, at my owe manufactory, sad ere wan anted Oral date in everT paitlenlar.

ELMER B. 8ARGENT. E. A. BHIUOS, Manager. olllce Ilonrn, 1130 to B:tiO p. m.

ttlmaU r


Special At- tention given toBook-Keep

ingandCom' merclalArlth metic,

Send for Particular, to

Special De-

partment ot Short-Hand

land Telegra-


GORDON C. CANNON, Principal.

mmm T'S ASTHMA pcrboMIe, or •> bottle a for #9.00. CURE.

nlkf and .l«i* JLSIJ -IIEOUI labtllnr I ■WgaawS II tba"tm» nintitlaTl kf"i

lOSBril r.l.WEl I.. Waat.iiK, Coea., taMlaaai-" Kalghr, AMhaia Cure h tha teat raaaedr, thanevrr triad It*,, take. I— Co h.*ll«, aa,l ni« »•« Will up ao a.o.« » n|(hl. and aa> Unfitly, t,„j d.vV

II yarn n~ttl<i ltat aoi KBigaP* AMbaaa Can, txd« direct fr,.-i •

The L. A. KNIGHT CO.. No. 86 Court St.. 1W..."-

•Jure. I •allBtwir w»IL-

$66 rotna

a week la your own Iowa. Terma end BJ oeltl irae. Addreaa H HALLaTT* CO ,

BJtai tlydel*

ALLAN LINE, ROYAL HAIL STEAMSHIPS. I'alronlaed by Her Boval illghneia Prlnccn



aadGALwAT 10 BOSTON dlr The ateamer* are nnaur|i**»ed frr SAFETY

aad SPEED, aad are Sited up with all Improve- tat* eonduelve lo the oomtortoi paaaenger*.



NEW TOBE.M Broadway. fiOBTOS, Mill., is Bute Street.



Piles! Piles!! Piles!! NO ONE NEED SUFFER.

A *are cure lor tt>o Blind, P-leedleg, Itching and L'lceraled Pile* ha* been dl*covered by Dr. Wllllama (an Imllaa remedy), called Dr. Wll- II ima Indian Pile Ointment. A alatle bei hae cured the woral r.brnnlo rate* of t» year* aland tng. flve minute* altar apply

niieriut aoolbing medicine. WIL- DIAN PILE OINTMENT abaorbe LTAM'S _

ihelumoia. allay* He Inlenee urbiog (parth larly at night alter getting waiin In lied), act am. a iioiiltlee; givea Inalanirfllrl, and la prepared ONLY PUR PILES, Itching ot the private part*. anil nothing elee.

Read what HOB. .lodge CoBnlunt, ef Cleve- land, aar a: " 1 have uaed acoiea 01 pile care*, and It aBorda me uleaanre lo aay, that I have never fuaod anjihlng which a»' • aocb linmedl ate ann permanent relief, aa Dr. William'* Indian Pile Ointment.

For aaie hr ail drniglata, or mailed on receipt of prloe, 11 IN' oer Itna.

HEN BY .ft CO.. N«w York City.

For aale by CHABI.EBLLARSE, Lewieuce. eodl lrraugl

w&m*& home. Samplca worth Addreaaartmoa ACo. "dell

TUK SENTINEL cull* nttcntion to the fact Itiat tlie present year demfttvlB tome extrsordiuary local pity menu, Bad justly appeals lo tho city govern- ment to n? I'm in from iucrciwing appro- priation- for ordinary matters ; its ad- vicels Bound,but not likely to be heed, ed. Property owners must prepare for E big tax this yenr.

Tiir-r ARE aupposed to use woolen rags lor paper stock in Waddington, N. V., at leust it Is alleged that tbe tags they Imported liotti Morrisburg, Ontario, Tree Irom duty contained in 1879 and 1881 n large percentage of woolen. An ex-Inapcctor has inlereat- ed himself in the matter and brought the Secretary of tbe Treasury down on the customs officers.

IT IS Tut that the stock-growers of Montana realized something on ibeir Investments In thorough-bred cattle, and they seem now according to tbe Heleuo Independent to be gel- ting their money back. It says that a man in (isllatin county recently sold to a man in Jefferson ccunty, their ranches probably cover a good [tortlon of each county, twenty bead of thorough-bred shorthorns for $4,- 000 an average of S200 per head.

MESSRS. IlEziox.the eminent miuing engineers, estimate the length of tin dergroiind tunnelling in the mines of Great Britain as not less than 66,744 miles, and the depth at which i work In coal and other mines ia In aoxc cases not less than 2,800 feet and in few coses less than 300 feet. In digging the channel tunnel the depth of the excavation will be no- where more than 180 feet, which ia encouraging, and among other Bchemea roranbnnriuc communication now on' the tapis is one under the river Mer- sey, and another to connect the laic 01 Wight with the main land.

■ ne. v ..x..,i, wni>. alter serving a

sentence for a brutal attempt at wife murder, makes himself conspicuous upon the public park, in loud mouth- ed criticisms of other people, is wel come to all tbe sympathy be can net from the effort ol our neighbor, tbe Journal, to crown him as a martyr because attention Is cslled to his rec- ord of brutality and crime. And the Journal is welcome to the credit of its swift espousal of the honor, and tears for the good name, of this class of criminals, who seem to bave its special defence and friendship.

THERE IS A NEW DEPARTURE In the carrying trade of the coast,, which, may not be a safe one, but will probably do well enough in a smooth* sea. The first barge of coal that was ever towed around Cape Cod. arrived In Boston May 9. It is called tho Manhattan, it sailed from lloboken, and broiigbt l<ri57tonsof coal in tow of tbe tng C. M. Winch. It took her three days to come from Newport to Boston, and the passage has been watched with considerable Interest; It is announced that a fleet of barges will be employed in tho coal trade this season to be towed from port to port, but if the line parts In a squall who would be a li;. rg etnan ?

THE DESIRE ofthe British colonies in America to nsaert their commer- cial independence and to withdraw from the mother country which la of no earthly nae to tbem now, is mani- fest not so much by speeches In par- liament, as by the cordiality wltb which they receive the overturea of capitalists from the United States,and the facilities which they offer as an nducement to come aod abide with

tbem. A charter for a graving deck In the linrlior ot St. Johns, Newfound- land, has been granted New York cap- italists by that legislature, and an an- nual subsidy of 130,000 has been granted for forty-five yeara. The government also indorses the com- pany's bonds for 1600,000, and gives tbem the land on which to construct the dock, erect buildings, etc. It will accommodate the largest vessels and

HI give the jiort of Si. Johns an out- look mto an enviable future of com- mercial activity.

I'nK GERMAN' has acquired a repu- tation, as the champion beer drinker ofthe world, to which he is not enti- tled if the truth was known. The Bavarians drink mere beer than any other nation. This fact was established by the Brewers' Congress held lost year in France, and they bad every op- portunity to form a fair estimate. Beer is drank by the Inhabitants of tbe British Isles nt the rate of 143 litres for every Inhabitant, tbo German (not counting Bavarians) :> f litres per head, and the Austrians 31 litres. The Bavarian now has the credit of drinking three times as much beer as the Prussian, Saxon, Wurtemberger or Hanoverian, and twice that of Kng- lishmen. Russia is most temperate ol all European countries In regard to malt liquors, consuming only two li- tres per head, but tbey do say that her head will stand something much stronger without being paralyzed.

| The Great Harautn aaawj London Seven I Combined Hhows-A Seaaoa or Re-

doubled Wonder, Orandeur and Senant ton.

The New Yoik Herald baa entered (be ao.tl coca plaint agalest P. T. Birourn sad bl« eo- pertnerr that •'the only drawback lo tbe per- loraMiice wa, ihal the tpeclaior waa compelled to receive more tLan bla incut)', worth." Bverybcdr k«.wi Ibte unprecedented mikum to be tree, aad no protect •aid be'tntered Bjndaat It, as ii convey*a co**|Ja,«nt acvtr paid to any'other entertainment hi tee world, taoega Knaay bitalil la explanation, ibetaomuib i> expected of any Bbow wltb wbloa Mr. Btrneni'a aaitie !■ IJea'tflcd, that it I* com elled lo give tbe put' ic not oely many limn a* mucb aa an) Other, but alejye a greet deal mere than their moiitj't worth. Tbe coloml rumbinailo-i of aevea minuter aliowa. whirl. 1, to i il.i'm lo Lawrence on Thortday, Jaly B, Include* ibrce circutri ID three separate ring*, Iwo menagerie* to two lenla, a muaeum of lit inn human rurl- oiillci, and • Horoan Hippodrome, wild ■ contto nearly half a anile roaodt alt estihitid under caovaee* of aeoh aaormou* ante Hint Ibry woald •wallow up all other menagctiea aod ciictiir* combined. Of foreign tcaluraa there Ii B'DIMI

a anlveraal expositloa, and all ire new ttala (ide tbe Atlantic. Con*plcooo*:y prominent among hundred, lowers "Jumbo," tbe tremendou* elephant—or, poMlbly, mattodon, a* many iiirnlltta are Iniliaid lo clidlfy blm—about whom the whole world I* talking, and nndoubt edly tba l*rce*( beaat In It. O.ber rare aonlog. ical notable* are the ten (lately and delicately beautiful living <lr*FI<«, tbe aotwiiona S3O0.OQO native-bora Baby Klepbenl; twenty two Kl phanta In ponderous march; twenty trained Camel* anl Dromedailt*, an tmSaeaae caravan ot wild beeaU k-d aid driven; t'x'een "pen dent, containing more rare animal* than ant other abow own*; aix big lairs. Ailed with lion*,

_flecTeX'rii7 BoTtWell .Vicfl HewToik I "»*"• "™"' ,,,1"-»' P-nther. and fl|.n,lC

and Mr. Claik la nodeiatoed to be rirtart-[ •■■»"»'"J ««» perforated in proccatioa by lux froiu Hit: wuat to bl.t liomo la Am i dauiilraa male aud female trainers. Threerlr.

cu, ring, are tilled with iqueatrian sen tailor • athletic marvels and uproarious fun, and on Ihe grand course ul the tiupenJoui Itomen Hippo- drome are presented four-hoiee chariot races liy lady rivals, Indian, Jockey, Standing F.lepht


There was s #10.000 ote at Poll River, laat night.

Parley tblhks that a vote oo the con- flrmatiooof Col. Worthlogtoe will not be reached this week.

By tbo etploeloa of fire damp ID a coal mine la Weatnhalla, yeaH-idaj, IlHy-al. pcrsoDa tost their Itvea.

Fnur haadred and alaty^wo agrarian outrage* warn commuted la Ireland dor- lag the month of April.

The hotel which Is to be brut by Mr. McKay, the Aowrlcaa uililloaalre. la Loo don. will be live tlaiee aa tbe laraeet LJB- don hotela.

In the tiuiieau Okcrpllnoa caaa yester- day, Colonel Heed concluded his argu- ment for the prlffouei, ami Colonel Cork- hill and Mr. Davidge eiioke ID hehall ol thegoveroient.

It Is sllegeed that William 8. Clark, once Pi■ Side-it of Iba Auriculiural Col- lege, aud J. II Bothwell hive mlaapprc- prlated the iDtrds of aeveial mlolog coa.- panles of which they were ofl)-:ers.

Tbe rive- ai.d appropi latloa bill will be rrporied to Congress to-day. ll Is under titood thai exclusive of ••i.OOO.OOU Which Ii approprlaus to carry oat tbe plane of the Miaalaalppl river cooimlBBton, the ag- gregate amotint appropttated la about BlO.frUO.OOO.

George T. Bllaa gave details of Uie coo- tract beiwei u the fiim of HorUia. Bli»* i Co., and the Credit ludattrlal Company oefore the hooaa foreign BtTalro eub corn- roliue In N.w York, >eMenlsy. Mr. Kaodall was rvrlber txamlnvd relative In tbe objects of the Credit Industrial Com- pany.

Tbe mining firm of Clark 4 Bothwell, New York, U dueoclel.y tmbarrafetd. A large Dumber of people low*atera Moaat- chDsetli, who have luveetsd la the van- one enterprises condoc ed by the 0 rm.a

herat. The matter of the delay la Ihe settle-

ment or the Lick eeuie, which has been tbe cause of much complaint In Han Frai - clrco, was brought op at a recent meei- Itig or the Society or California I'loneet--, which U pecDDiailly lateieated, when William Sherman, one of the Iroeteea, iiiatle a atatemeDt, ahowlag (bat tbe delay wan owing to the deeire of the trnsieea lo avoid aacrldclag tbe preperty. II.» explaDSlloD waa deemed aallafactory.

Hnturilay, Tb« Pension Appropriation bill calls for

• 100,000 000. Nothing hopeful la reported of the con-

dition of Senator Hill of Georgia. Benato^*tfrown is tuu h better, and ia

expected to return to Washington next week.

Mr. WonhlDgton'a noralnaUoa Is again poatponed; oo tixecatlve seaelOD wea held yeateiday.

BeooeU's yacht met with a alight acci- dent yesterday, while leaving tbe Horfolk Navy Yard.

The Howes passed lb* Pawn i Award bill jcitterday. as reported by the majori- ty committee.

Tbe Commissioner of Indian Affair* proposes to disarm all Indian* found off tbelr rest i vat Ion*.

Patrick Devise, the murderer ol Aaron Uoodfellow, was banged In the (all at Clinton, 111., yeeterday.

1 be supreme Judicial court. Judge Dor eon, altllDg at Helen, finished lia bai'aeaa yealerday and adjourned.

Tbe Hygienic Exhibition building In Pottsdam, near Berlin, was destroyed yeeterday, together wltb its valuable con- tents.

It Is now thought that James II. Barnes, atruck by an Kasteru railroad train at Lynu a few daya since, will Pt- cover.

A 2 1 z year old boy of Mrs. Samuel W. Bucknam of Faloooatfa, Me., waa burned to death yesterday, while playing, with matches.

A runaway locomotive In Kansas yea- tenlay, collided with aa excaislon trsla, and actions lots of life was narrowly averted.

Petitlona are coming In fa large num- bers, for the pardon of Sergt. Mason. It la believed tbat be will Dot be kept In pi (son long after Qulteaa la huag.

Wlthovt having amended It the 8eoate has t.aaaej to be cagroased Its bill pro- viding for the red (vision of the Commoc- Weolth iDto Congressional dlatrlcis.

The Buffalo Bank Kxamlorr charges B. Porter Lee of the First National Bask of that city, wllb syateaatlc embtiilement ever Mince he had control of Its affairs.

Secretary Chandler has commenced some reforms In the navy, fie baa til reeled the discharge of 80 clerks, must of whom held slat-cure places WhUh had been created by former Secretaries for the benefit of politicians.

Mr. W. 8. Clark, who was charged with dishonesty In connection wlih mining transactions, baa returned to New York and fscee his accoaeis. lie aai* hi* con- duct bos been above reproach, but tbat Bothwell, bla partner, has misapplied at least |M,000.


A warm wave la said to be moving this way.

Ex-governor C. C. Warlibarne of Wis- consin died at Eureka Springs, Arkansas, yealerday afternoon.

A Tuikiah transport was auok lo the Bnephorns ytalerday, aad fifty soldiers on board were drowned.

Colonel Bull Frel has been appointed Swiss minister at Washington. He form- erly aurvetl In the United State* arms.

Alexander II. Stephens will accept tbe poaUioo, If nominated, for Kovcrnor by the Independent democrats of Georgia.

The Mexican coDgresa baa granted the exclusive privilege to lb* Bell Telephone company lo sell and operate their laalru- uienlt throughout that country.

The senate committee on female aur- frage. by a vole of three to two, hoc agreed to recommend a coDantatlonal amendment glvlog women the right to vote.

A disastrous fire swept ibrongb ibe >wn of Mania, Ecuador, on April 31.

The buelneaa portion of tbo town was completely dtsiroyed, Involving a loaa ol • 130.000.

Ihe ateamei Pliny of the Liverpool, Brail I and River Plate Llnr, ras ashore on tbo Nuw Jersey coast Saturday morn- ing, and will prove a total wreck. No lives loat.

Congressman BpMnser of Illinois chirgtsthat a large part of the claims allowed by tbe Vent nets mixed commis- sion were fraudulent aod were obtained by bribery.

Tke crisis In Keypt la eald lo have ter- minated for Ibe present, Mali mood Ita- rosdl having resigned ibe prealdeacy of the council The other ministers, bow- ever, retain tbelr positions.

Abiaham ficbodeld of Piltafleld, 7J years old, for some time an Invalid, at- tempted to commit suicide cn Saturday olgbi In bed by cutting hi* throat with a knife. Be will probably die.

The rear car of an op-town Third ave- nne elevated train In New York Jumped the track on tha carve at Whitehall and Front streets Hondsy. Owing to tba stormy weather there were no paiaangera In ibe car, aad no one was lijared,

Camel, Ottrlcb, Stag Hound, Deer, Thorough bred and oiber dsiblng races and t x-iiin c con tests. Twelve kinds of music, tblrty-'hrce Oassliogly gorgrona chariots; Sinta Ciaes gi crossly dlttribating prcseou lo tba children from bla giidid Curlm in i* thigh; Ibe old woman and her Iroubiltuma rhd.iren, ia tbelr gigantic Oolden Sboe home, bandied* of armored men and richly captrlaoaed bones and, all together, A consolidation or graiuitoua shows worth a least ball a doa n times tbe price of admualon, ere feature* of tbe gorgeous sired parade. The five elegant advabce advertising Mrs, tbe tons of couiien, r.c«rp iper* and programmes, ihe hundred* of lithographs and tba thousands of feel Of artistic poster* must tell lb* real of the story.

—Miss Alice L-iutiitn, who has been a teacher la the Olivet School In tble oily, fir the past four year J has been appoin-

ted assiatanl in Ibe PhllCpi School, ii n

toa. — George 11. K ilon, a seal ir of Mir-

verd'college and a sou of Mr. James

Katon o.' Ibis city, carried off the second prtza at the Harvard Boylaton prlai dec Isolation* on TburaJay evening.

—County commissioner Colby In hi paper, tbe Valley Visitor, aays tbat he no- tices that "the gap between tbe moat

thickly settled section and the.peopled part of Lawrence le rapidly dlmlnlahlrg,

and at ao distant day Ihe la.ger will awa!- low tbe smaller. Already Lawrence, M

iboen aod North Aadover are virtually

one, with a population of more than 50, 000. ■

—Mr. Charles II. I) mum. formerly local manager of tbe telephone exchange,

but more recently in the treasurers office

at Salem, has been promoted by ibe new management as cashier of tho Boston aud

Nottbern telephone company and will bi located at Lowell. This la a well meriud

promotion,as no < mployee of ibe company has been more faithful to Its Interests

than Mr. Dentnan.

—An old gentleman, evi luntly onacco • tomed to aMeodlni ibettires, wentti aee

Uncle Josh last eveulng. II- told the

usher that be thought be cou d Aid his

seat,*o the ootiglng young man let blm try. He soon found the old gun lemin some-

what puxsled, Irwiklng for hit aest. He

spoke lo blm snd the genii-man said,

"Please see If I am righ', 1 believe lie In Ibis pew ■itmi'Where."

— Our adveril*ci s are pressing upon car

spsce In s macner Indicating tbe appreci- ation of tbe boaloess ptrb lo of tbe value

of the AMRHICXK, aa a medium through which to reach tbo public, and it should

not be forgotten that this ptper Is folly six ctlumne larger than any other

Lawrence dally, and we shall endeavor, by aslng smaller type, to give our read-

era tha fullest rep >rta, as always, of local

sod general events.

— Sopeilulendeiit Flanagan wlsbea It

underaiood tbat be had nothing 'bntever to do wllb ihe making of tbe plate Tor

the new building for the Icaane at tbe city

farm, lurthermore 1'iai the matter of drawing plena Is not a part of bla dutha

and ao mucb aa bodoaa In thl* respect la doss gratia. The only assistance the superintended bis had, lo tbe making of

plane, be state*, waa when he employed

W. If. Perkins: all other bills for archi-

tects'services were contracted previous to bla election aod be la not terponalble

r tbem.


I bave examined samples or "Cleveland'* Superior Baking Powder" and ' Royal Baking Powder," purchased by my self In Ids city, and I And they <oni*ln: * it avi t isn'e M I-KMUK BABIXO Toworti."

Cresm ot Tsnar Blcarboaaie of Soda Kloer

Aval able carbonic acid gas 12.61 per cent., Mattel ml to 118 2 cubic licbsi ot gaa per na, i.i Pow l.r.

ROTALBXEIXO Pownaa." Cream of Tartar Bicarbonate of sods Carbonate or Ainminl i T.narir Acid SUrch

Avalkthle csrboalc acid gas l.'iu per cent., equivalent to 110 2 cubic inches ul gas per n at Powder.

Ammonia gu 0.43 ptr cent., eqalvalent to 10 t eublc Inches per ''. of Powder.

Note — lot Tartar ic Ari.l w.i doubtless tn- troduced asfr.eacld, but suhseqiientty eoea- blued with ammonia, and sal *u in tbe Powder AS a I arliaT- Of Ammoni

Naw Ybrk, Jan. In

The above shows eoBClntlvely Ibat "Clevc- lanu'a Superior" h a airlctly pare Creesn ol TaUar Baking Powder. It bai alsi been an

It IS how reported from Duhllo tbat lalysed by Professor Johns ja, of Y-la College; twelve persona were engaged la tbe Pbos- ■ Dr. Oenib ol tbe University el Peaoaylvaula ; nix psrk tragedy, and It U believed ttao | Stre"diot

r,?f?rten •tH? P^S.iMl'lfJ ,.,',,„. -..ga-aalla ,. _T _^.._ «i_t., ~^.r Wm. M. Ilablrabaw, r. (". 1., Analyst for the asaesBlnH Intended to murder eight per- cbtmiemi Trad. of N,w York ,nd „,„„ em,„ sons. Tbe government has offered MOO jat^nfu. all of whom pronounce It .beo- for tbe arrest any peraon harboring the |„iely pure and healthful -ll. ii'i Journal of murderers. 1 Health for April, IMS.

China Mattings.

We have this Seriate; reserved ■■*•

anally larga ektlgiSBeasSe, dlrawt t, ean

Cl.laia, eff every grada aavel ajMllir ef «IIMVW K. illlhsl wo •firhiii

■ Iwtpaitad thl. eeeteeiB, aad are

Had* fr, in freah grass W* eeatahew.a

large eetlaty of liar, F^lteres ■».*

Plain Wlille, aad war •■••li-mt la

w/elt wcil*) tha laepeeaiota af alt par-

Alee ■« laiMiai, eeeartaaeat ef avail-

vaiiaij ef Ferelga aad DewaeatleCABU

I'KTl.tt.s, Ul l.a, OIL CLOTHS, far

ale at


J.H.Pray.Sons&Go. 558 and 560 Washington Street,

A PLEHS1NJ lETTER. It Rlngraot aUratofol Heart and Olvee

Honor where Honor la Due,

Ui. Wllllaei W. Q atwlsk, <•( Uilohville. Cone., write, nnder date of Junt 11,1.<S0, to f>r. Kennedr, to aay th:.t the uaa ol "Kennedy'a Favorite Bemadi"hta curetl b oa ol liall Stone, from wbleb be halevpcrlenoeil everything but comfort for a leee Una Mr. Chadelek fell wholly cured when ha wrote, and aays: "1 have bad oo pan for all months, and have alao re- gained my flash and canal and * lair day's wotk 1 recommend 'Kenmrit'* Favoille Beme.'i'to any one Buffering froaa a dereaaed liver." Uralc- fulpalieotsare oommoa. Dr. K eased j Is dally lo receipt of lei Is r* from tbem, cxpreaalngainil- lar aanUmenta. Thete leti.iaare sikoeMveoua and put In all varieties of pbraaeology, but Invariably aettlng iorth one thing—tbe value ef "Kennedi'a Favorite Bemad)" lor many lorass •idisease. It may be |ual Uie thing yo lave bvn looking for. It your Liver disordered? Ilive'jou dcrang.nienl ol Ibe Kblnera or Blad- der, aa totaled WllhUirnallrtatlua ot the Bowel* r If ao.you WlufKiane >'a S'avorlta Remedy.' l»r. Kaonedy prtoiloei Me llitne and Surgery in all tlaaut btawekaa. Willa aad »*■•* i«r »».. fraukly. Letter a piowptly ana war ad. Additas Dr. Uavtd Kennedy, Beedoiil, N. T. "Dr. Ken nedi'a favorila Baatrdy" lot- sale by all ding




DEFAULTED SECURITIES. 1 deal epeelally la Defaulted Seeurlile* of all

deecriittlons. Ii hold, i, »i inch, or petlle. aet'ng j«r th*m. wilt send lull iie-ri i.iilni', 1 will elide,ver to farnl-h iaiurmstion Bad set rail piOpiMltloBS lor pit let ■■■' Or ■iill.rlli.il.

•I. K U, HHBUWUun, IIS SsoiliWj t, Maw VoaK.

Ml VtHntR"*"1'*** »*•!■'•«"*■ atalarw nRHI CU.M«,iii».i...|i.ld. LaXLAOBh Mt'caMuK., Boaioi., alaaa.

St rhg*. Par Week one be made In any lo a*siFma»V|'*1'tV- Somel! H'g cnlinli new lm aarui-. OA outSi iree. U. W. IStiltAHAM I to , Boston, Haas.

U/A iTKS. -I.*.llea to do llahlartuks WWhome Sent liy mnll. AdUrets: I, II -II 4 II.SUN . Pall lii vi-1. Haas.


76 State St., opp. Xilby, Boitoa. lecuroa Patents th the Dnlted SUUa; also ia .reel Brilaia, Fi-aecc and other forelga eweat- ilea. Coplea ofthe ciaiau of any Paieal far- ■ lahe.l by rvailiting oeedollar. AatigaaaeeUre- x>rded at Waahlngloe, Eo AgeacvTa the Vat- e-l SUtea poasasaes aupeilor fsclllllee fr a*. atnlng Patenta or aiceiUlalag tbe palrBlablUtr .llnvsallona. 11. II. gllUY.Sollcllotol —-


ref "Inveeloraoanaot employe peraon aaorslrasl-

rorlhy or moreeapiitita ot aeiurtng for thee* aa >ar)y and favorable oonalderatloeal UePateal inloe."

EDMUND BtlBKE.LateCeai'r ofPateaU. BOSTit*, Oct. IK. tfl7t-

R. It. EDPT, Eso.-neardlr.-yea areeera^ ler an lu |S4t, my Brat aateat. dlaee thea yea bave iobul for, and advleed me la anadrea* el caeee, uid proiMired many patent*, reissue* aad ei'ea- IIOBS. (have occnsleaally emplujed tke beet urrtiniea In Now Tork, Philadelphia aad Wash- ington, hut I still give you almoal the wkoleef my bualBess.ln vour line, and adviae ethers te employ yon. You.airulv,

UEOBOE DBAPEE. Boston. Jaa. List* ijv -or

GONSUMPTEOK. MaiiaJna- kara baae c j.pniL.-j^»5ji«£?**,,',",-Ai; i rHt B.Ww.h» wllb. V.HUm., TtKATlBR....





Dm 1 at ryvm Dr. Kennedv'a ravorile Bemedv la *old by

A, P. OBtDWAT aa GO., A path seat I.., Cor. Essex *U.and Broadway. Lawrence




o-n- BRAINl


■valuaalatMdpi 'I'^^iM^iraaiaHt-

Iwllh which to faalld up Uaa Brasses. " *mood.aValnaaUWarvw»a«waeSa**aa

mbsart^aanalaaareewrj aay work and

. m UJ> rest MKALTfl. ■ Whea*»H*i*seeiwaaaaawav«a(StArei*iil* ■ lion but ty selataaa aeal are HsaasS ah She

■aalvas a bests, w> Wtdeh Is sAaad tea h * ■ L«.t wadkXnal eaalltaaa, saoaaa . oltatoalaasMlbMe*. IlHatoaoa Bful,pleasantWaw>twa*e endaiaat ao*

1—kS." ■ doaatf asssetiTa whaa sees a a> aiarlsh walla H sonaaka

wii XAT awriaa co' i ■ r ™. a. y.

Wheel llillera are for sale by A. P. OK Ir WAV A. CO., Apolher.aHea.

Corner Easex BI. aad Broadway, Lawrei so.

HOP BITTERS: (A aiewlataa, set a Uriah.)

oo XT AJ as


• ■iiTXl'irxriiii Itaar ilirfBkn.ytrai.i

THEY <i;iti; , AH lllaeaaraor tlieSlewtaeh. Ilnwtl, Hlnad,

l.ltir. Kllii'V'.aue Irluarj n.itn,. N,r. tuaaufit, akrniraaneaaaiii! rinrclallf

1 rii...* Ceaaplaliita.


Aakymir drngrlit for Hop lllltfra ami try Uiam i-elui e yoa aleup Taba n* aiker.

I Bean ran Cmceti


Tbe Mason S Ham.in Organ & Piano Co. 154 TREMONT STREET,

BOSTON. Offer the Israeli aseortaient (mere than ine

atylea) of the BEaT i:Ait)SK. or PAKI.nit ulttiaNrt IN THE WORLD, (or da ah, at I*.', Bei. S'-'T-Sar, e «. eat. eeo ami uuwanl.. aiaC- ler eaay pajaaonts, ST IS per uuaiter and ■.* ward*. Tnaaetb-asaa haterecelTed UliallKnT HONORS at EVKItr 0>E or the UKEAT WORLD'S iNl'UalRIALBXtllRITtOM for It TBa.i ao OTIIKB txiHicti oaoAMB staviau ^SBK r-irni) WORTHY OF SUCH 4T aav. At (he UKEAT ITALIAN Ml?-M Al. K \ II11111 lov recraily cii.aed at Mil.AV.al a lib h was Ihe LAR0EBT rol.l.rci mi Ol' MIlBICM. IN- BTBUBIBNTB EVER RKOUtillT ToUElllElt "Iler testing and enmiiarmg tide by

* Ur-""

COKE L COKE! A Cheaper Fuel than Wood or Coal

THE LAWRENCE GAS CO. la Bulling COKE at Ibe loilowlng price a;

Per CnalgroB of It bbl*.. dellvcreu S" U-J I "I " i " " ais Perbarre., ,aj_ Or.iers muat he left at the on -e of Ihe company

No. mi Et.rx St., tmi the Ct he pal a lor at the lime the order i*x'»en.

OrriCE IIOUDA: 7 JO*, m. to l.'m.. I to 7 10 p.m.

'Ill marl

. i.or only iwo-conl, aad goaalbly

Mi i ii TBAT ii i.*iii.t.t.iu:jt/iABinDoaa Bar COKTAIB ovaa tsoraai>s.

Dealer* rell ll krcsa.e ibei ran buy ll aheap, dad do imii'«|iii-l the flu hi lu l*a dl.c.vered.

Vou .liiiiilit nitlrt upon IsMi.g H Ol. Y OK B 1HKKAH, every Cpool o< which lawarranteal IhreaeSr*', and to euntein '.On yaitl*.

ll la chaajer lor vouatlbie* veatsaapeal linn inori Biskra are m twot rnl,.

Her hat a (iiuici- siilcla • n mi»l or Which the ■I'limilat luieiP ui r, pre) el ly. athaut d to BflU iheirmmrs, as not leii'Oaed on \«a latusd el I!, ir< m mii retted metitta. V)H suiSl


Ball Weekly le and from NKW Vni'K AMD *-1.tHi' w, via 1*1 nowraaar. Uaum I'a-.sge*iUio|e0 HrtutB*, 0)1 IC to #1*0

fa run.11 ahln, (40. Return TlrkaU • ». Bteeraae parseiiger* bouhed at low rale*, faamiign *c-oaioiodali< n> unearrlkd.

Alt ataleroomB ea Haia Deck. 7atsengera booked al loweairatea teor from i.erinanv. I lair, Vtrwar, Bweili« Oeamark, As, for Book i.i "TiMnaia arotlaad," kau a, Piaa*. *,: , ain.il in IIIMik:Hrrt;\ HLOTUk R*. klW York, or UMIS kltirii HY, ;oa fc*>ex St., or le firatr-a sWwrWV.SJB Baaex at. I.awreaee,


GREAT BARCAIN8 A large stock of the Lat-al alyle* ef Pane

HangInga, Bnrdera. Da-'eaa, Picture MeuUlage etc , retailina tor one-third less than sat alaar

' <e In Boitoa.

T. P. SWAN, SO, 1L! < ■ornlilll, BOSTON.

MEW veer-latsrtaave


Kirgsley's Iron Tonic. I It bulkla ui. the M.t.ni, give* health and Ittrrnitii lu tbn ham', improve* tha appetlle

and a. i.i. HI,mi,it wlih feeble chlltfrea or mutlieia. lie tuie and get ihe genuine and try IL Ills naed bj ,..nieoi the beil phy.lolaa* aad hnaptl.l*.

Kingslev's Iron and Mandrake Pills Bra the licatcalbartioor rprlng Medlclae jasj Canute. Use been tiled lor more than IS years

Druggist* have both lor tale MM ayga

W. E. SEED £ CO.. Have Just received a fall lies of

SPRING SUITINC8, to ablch they rail the alii nllnacf Ibe eebate

Qood Fits a Specialty- Oil UAMPSllIItGeeTUBRT.


Ears FOR THE Million Foo Choc's Balsam of Shark's Oil

' shark, < ini haioiiun ■(■juikliiii, irery < i in in known It. Its vlrleaaaaa

i.toratlve <■! hearing were dlscnverod by a ; Kuddhlfl IMi-ii.i t HIS, if c

Owii'i "F i ita i» ai-i tiiHi or Mil H, J AraiLlT, last. t

All person* who ro. rry Hllk la rarrlagvaor Ottierwlae loi the purpeae olreltlnr ihe tame In Ibe City of LsWrenrr, are herebt notified H-ai the Inapeoter Bill lie at the l'obce Sin nun from

ktar. ii i n.r paipete ef Lteeealng Itrslera In

UIK*.at it. NEAt.,Inipector.

[Eat. Ai la ]N 0, I bap. SOV, Sect. 1. ''Whoever shall eel), or eipoae for aale, froci

oarrlageaor other vehlclea, or have la hlacua- lo.lv or poaaeaalon, wltli Inienl to tell, mi k, without baioa Brat Ik-enatd, shall be ptialaheo by a Boa or not leaa b.n thlity nor morutlwn one haadred dollara."

. -J seemlaere IBC.IIIOUS, Iht the rciiii iti »i ealelBllv p.e- Imelover iheeallra Empire, Its use beeea.e mine>■*! 11.»t i,,i nrr.n jeer* no Deaiaeo> ■ exi-le.l JIII on K Hie Chinese people. Beat. • igea piepad, lu aay address at II OS per

Hear What the Deaf Say I It tua peri'ormed a miracLe It mi case I have no unearthly noises ia my Bead, a

hear a ucb better. I bave In; *n great' y bSBefllOt).

neaa helped a groat deal—think i ii.n tile will ■

JCSKKI , ; Dry nirret, New TOih,



having tried in vako erery kunwn rn:n.;.. baa n.»- eovavrdatlaaplaselfeTira. which baalll semi FREB to tU laUow^iOVrara, addraaa J, II. bttXYtia. aa Caaalheiau Mu, W. T.

eedViyaeplB a

Hop niilerasiranld by A P.OnnvTAT aV TO,, Apetheearlre. •Joiner Fssex St. and ll. railway, Lawrence. WEHRS 30 DAYS TRIAL



DR. DYE'S Electro-Voltaic Appliances

TO Btf£IX%r n"i>rIne fmrn EervetmaWrmhsvreaee, tleei-

erstl laebllMy, foal of nerve force nr vigor, nrany disease n-miltlnr Irom Airsrsaiid OTHSS t:*i-i.-. or In ■»» ewe afflicted with Rbeiima- tt-til, NruralKlB.Varalr.il. Bjitnal lMfTl. nlil,», Kidney or I.fver Trimble*, Lame Rack, Rnp- tnrra. and nthcr Dlacaaea o{ the Vital organs. AI*o wiiax.i troubled with dlseaaiv peculiar to tlni

I. f ,


rallon 1 * are Ihe enlv Skat have ever

be. ticonalrUrlrU spas M-traHIBeBtriaV rlplea. Their IhnmMif h cfneticy li.i la-en prae tirally piorrn with the aataral war-"— anceeas. atatl they Have Ihe I rial wane awe ate fruru smeslleal sni

id al once for Illnstratrd Pamphlet, giving all Information free. Addrvw%

VOLTAIC SILT CO.. aT.ar.kall Eith. lloetNlr a

11 tlrlvo the I Itim- >r from ymi 11] item, bad nir.to your tklnH ~* ea and amootn. Taearll

Fampfca end WotehfM

iiybody elaa, Bad fl-i i. wilt bejHTsaaaeal. Vee

'—Baliiorof Mercaa-

BlallB, uleaseaend

Mm in hear Ilka wlmau curalit'f i g.-rU i will u'fi-i rogiel doing tile Review.

«*-1'i arohl loaa Ii money by Registered I.

ii,.tv tropo.telhy HAYLOCK « JENNr, 1.1 '■ it.ii " K At...- r

7 OeV »t., New Yo.b. Oete Agrntafor Amtrlca. Vlyatyll o

835,900 PROFIT In 60 DATS Hann bal & SI. Jaserh Common Stock

AiiKU.t, IHHI.MililnlWI. "

Bc|,tembvr, 1881, .old at 3AO.

«»"-'">'259percl. ■»«■"»■"»• ...Ira

$25,900 profiton each 100 shares 12,950 " " 50 "i 2,590 " " 10 '' 1.295

aol BIO sai. B«o. av< 5

lave* teA w.lh no us I jir«|inrf ionna sucevsa '. j one NEW COM Kl v ATION SYBTBat of operBliag la ttnrta Weekly abatraci m trarni mlien* mnlbtlto abare- boUlers; prodts dltldeiieveiy SOdata.

r t II. iNrtlRMATloW HAIUiOlBia. Adilcesa

Now EngtaDd Stock Exchange, 63 Asylum St.. Hartford, Conr.

t >■ |io.ita received suldecl lo check al tig' I. Coupons, Di /iilenla, Inte.. al, Kates, elc ,ret>

Ic Ii .1 with All Istuea "■ ■etisacd sod for *ale free

■■ * wiu-r,

Bei'tNBaaalar.tirTMOKki^.S; Prlee. twenty Srs ceuia.

1 commission si

FOR BALE IN alEIHUEN. The Wall Known perjaroln Blood Parni.

' I on llnwe aliert, 4 mi ie« I mat l.awtence tverhlll, .' from It.e al.lsge, I mil* ireat SaiilPann rnnlama Buout '■" acre* er

iil«b:j dirtJcd mm mowlnr. Ullage aad • g.autl about I0U roid, or ihrlllv.grew- ><l,a never faitlnr brnoK ruanlng ihioagh lure; an orobard ef a -. lOB yoeag era I lelnoms into hear ma, bewMf i*ai-h :. Rnlldlnas neurlv new. ronal-llng ef n atnrv asodein built limn a wlih I., roe-

geod call.r; barn SSilewita _ id refali-. The bulMlngaaad

at mii so aces ot laud will be a»ld teparaiely tie. tie.I. A good part ul purchase money can main OB moitgage.

■alia. ATJIt.AlL BLOOD iLfnStlO Meibnaa. alaaa.

nlng IS .

LTTKNTIO^ PAENBEAI Any on* m waa % of Bral elaea help will And It lo their adraa go to eallai BS StHmiLL'SiatelligeaeeOaare

1 AptlttuB Street. SlVjaall l^wrta.e.alaaa.


■BH ■


Lawrence American. COLLBOTOB Worlblngton, if yoo The Krturett Cos*.



Weekly News Brevities.

Tuesday. Ns*rly nm thousand Immigrants ar-

rived at New Yoik, yesterday. About hair of lbs vllltia o( Danville, P

Q , hu been doalro jidby rite. Col. Wiithlogton was confirmed a* col-

lector cf ibe portof Boston, jealerday. The DlUriel Huniemu Curt li unani-

mous ID overruling Ui« esoaplloua In lb* Uulteau c*M.

Mr. Gladstone Introduced tbo new At- rears of Rent BUI la loo House of Com- nans, last night.

Tba new throcgh Hoe to CHIcigo via tba Cantral Vermont and Grand Trunk, waa opened yesterday.

Tba Tennessee senate has passed a bill tu land tb« Slste debt at slaty cents, wllb three, four.fife in 1 a.i per cent, Interest.

Tin' leading Independent democrat* of Georgia u*ge Mepary to anpport HOD.

AleieuderH Siepbeni for governor of that BUI*.

The Longfrllew Memorial Association baa laaoed a circular calling fordollursnb- acrlpilona to tba fund fui tba proposed memorial of tba poet

Dr. 2. Is*. Toner, of Washington, baa contributed bla medical and aclenlltlc library or twenty-thousand booka to tba Coogreaaloael Library.

Tbe corporation of Cm k baa offered one tbouaaud pounds reward for the apprt beoaton or tbe murderer* of Lord Caver, dlab and Under-Secretary Burke.

William Itlcbarda, who la under arrest at Hartford, Conn,, cbarged with morder- lag Joaeph Jack»oo, whose remains were ftinail aaveral week* ago at Abercom, Canada^ ba* confessed tbecilme.

Tba Boston Civil Service K'-form Aaio- clatlon net laat night, and adopted reso- lutions cen-orl-a tbe President for dlare- gardlng ch II service reform bv appointing Col. Worlblngton Collector oi tbe Fort ol Baaton.

. Twelve peraon*. were drowned la Lake Calumet, Boatb Chicago, on Sunday, by tba opeeiilug of a pleaauri boat. Tbree oflhe vltituw were Captain lluckllu. an Old MI captain, formerly of Maine, and bl* two tons.

Wednesday. Tbo UnUed HUtea iqnadron baa ar-

rived at Gibraltar. Thl'lyaevco bouses ware dcstioyatl by

Ira ID Stewart*villa. Mo., yaterdey. George W. Piper, city treaaarerot New-

bnryporl, resign* to become treasurer of tbe Boaton Suburban Telephone Company-

Tbe Philadelphia Fresa Maimi fond, amonotlng to 81 M2, was presented to Mrs. Sergeant Haaoti IU Wastdoglon, je*- lenlay.

Bishop foal, of the McthodUt church, wbo has bean cililcatly 111 at Minneapolis, Minn., for aome time past, is slowly Im- proving.

Six thousand Swedish and Norwegian emigrants passed throngb Hall, Eaulsnd, on Sundsy and Monday, on their wsy to America,

Qieeu Victoria's youngest dsnithtcr, the Jarlnce»s Beatrice, I* to marry Prince Predeilck William, tba eldest son of tbe landgrave of Hesse.

Two hundred lannora yesterday atrnck at Chicago, for an Increase of wages from • II to |ll per week, and the proprietors acceded to tbelr demaods.

At tbe session of the court In tbe Cra- mer marder trial "l New Haven, yesler- dsy. counsel for too government. Intimat- ed that the case lor the prosecution would possibly be nalah.d by to-morrow.

In tba Brltlah bonaa of commons, yrs- lerdsy, Mr. Gladstone denied that tbe government had entered Into any compact wltb Mr. Parnell or any of the ■■suspects.'' Tba debate wbtch followed wss st times quite animated.

Ei-Seostor John W. Puraey, sppeared before the criminal court of tbe District of Columbia yesterday, and pleaded not guilty to tba indictment found against aim In cunoecUua with ibe star route con- spiracy, lie wn placed undar glO.OOU bonds, and th» «>»•« was adjourned aoill the 2Sth InsUnt.

Tba trouble between tbe Mjsllc Rubber Company and its employes la not ended. Tbe getJs engaged In the strike deny tbe reported statement uf the manufacturers, that of tbe iOO stitchers wbo stopped work. Hay S, HCI) returned to work last Friday at the reduced prices. They ssy ibat up to Saturday night last none of the girl* wbo struck had resumed w<


Dip anjixxly bear tbe cretb? No?

Why Col. Worlblngton was Monday confirmejJ a* collector.

Tint or-roitKMTs of Collector Worth- ing ton, bare harped not a little on the anticipated assistance„'of demo- crata lo confirmation; tlio rcetiit

shows" that just one half of the votea (tf/ainsf Col. Worthiugton, were dem-

ocratic 1

IT if NOT altogether fair, to charge upon the striken or their friends, as did our Salem colempontry, reaponsi- hility for the attempted Incendiary tire at Uanvers, merely because the Pacific

Mills bad an interest in the coal there stored ; tbe Lawreoce^etrlkers have manifested no disposition to resort to deeds of violence, ar.d are not In the least likely to become Incendiaries,

TUB KmcDJVK of Egypt personally may not enlist the avmpathy of Amer- icans, but it ought not to be forgotten to Hie eternal honor of the orrlce, that

that ofllcial with tbe emperor of Ruasia were the only beads of nations who did not la tome way jrecognize Or take measures which might lead to the recognition of tbe southern eon- iciieiney. Among the bygones which,

are to be forgotten this fact gains lus- tre with advancing years, and it be- hooves the American people, in re- membrance of the action of that time, to refrain from drawing obnoxious

nfcrenceu from the apparent state of affairs in Egypt, until they shall have

assumed a more settled phase.


Mary ;Ward Stone, widow of Aaron

Btonaof alarlhoroo^h, N. II , and mother

of Hon. Andrew C. Stone of this city,

died at the residence of tbe latter(on last

Uaverhlll street, at half past eighto'dock Monday morning, after anllllness of two

weeks, at tbe age of aeventj-3ve years,

two mouths and six dsvs. No special disease can be ualaned as tht caase'of

bar death, which seemed rather thej»-

sult of that gsnara) breaking up of nature, which) may be expected from long years

and a busy life. Mr.-'. Stone was a lady of

sterling Integrity, and tin ■ CbrlstUn char-

acter, which caused her to be loved and

respected by all wbo knew her. Her strong puritanic principles, and firmness

of religious convictions were Iu strong

contrast to many of our oaay modern ways of tb'.oklng, and she lived very near

the great Exemplar both la profession

• nu life. Duty, with her, was tbe great incentive, and to speak i:i of another an

unpardonable aln. She was a woman ol

rare Intelligence, a great reader, and a!' waya kept up wltb the limes, tu this re

spect (turpasalntc many younger and stronger than herself. She died calmly

and peacefully, surrounded by her child-

ren, who did all In their power to soothe her last moments and alleviate ber suffor

lugs- Three daughters ami a son sur

viv«. Miss KHen U. Sumu fur many years a teacher lu the Boston public

achoolS) Mrs. Eiizi A. Bruce, wife of Chsrles B. Brace of Maiden, Mass.; Mrs.

M Jvin.U: Stevens, wife of Dr. A. J. Stevens of Iloliiatoo, Maat., for many

veara a resldeot of our city ( and lion

The case of Geo. M T. Everett has b< - come wall known from tbe fact of bis

having been arrested on a charge of libel-

Hag ltev, A. K. White. Tbe question has bean raised as to Mr. Kverett'a sanity. Ore. Magta sad Kenyon'examined Mr.

Everett and both pronounced him Insane.

Mr. Everett, through bis counsel, W. P.

Ulie, Esq , asked for an examination by the court. Tbe case was therefore set

down for Monday afternoon. There waa a large attendance iu court. Mr. Otis

opened the case by reading a petition for

a trial by Jury. Hr. Olle spoke on the case sta'.lug thai public oplnloa bad been prejudiced by the newspapers and public

talk. He took the ground that taking away a msn'a liberty was a serious matter

and six good men as provided by statute,

■liould decide as to his client's sanity. Tbe court decided that In exercising

sound common sensa It could not fairly

Issne s warrant to summons a Jury.

Mr. Oil* examined the pbyaiclans who -dgned tbe certificate. Dr. Kenyon teall

fled : Graduated from the College for Phy-

sicians snd Sorgeona of New York. 1 hsve lived la Lawrence one yesr sad a

half; came from Weetboro'; waa there three years. Hsve known Mr. Everett

since last Tuesday, st bla residence 70 Elm street, where I made ao examination.

My reason for ssy lug that be is a proper person for treatment at an Insane aiylum,

la that ha Is now suffering from a halluci-

nation. We questioned aim la regard to

electricity. He explained that bo was suffetlug from telephone rifles. Thai In-

iitvestlgation he had made had assared _ blm that persons wbo had charge of these I Andrew C. Stone of this city Funeral

Tliuratlay. Michael Davltt baa arrived la Paris. Seven steamship isnrteJ st New Yoik

yesterday, S3T1 emigrants. The Canadian Pjrllament waa pro

rogusd yesterday afternoon.

The Kerdell star route cue has been continued until the 23ib Instant.

The annnal drill of th* nnh regiment took place yesterday on Boston Common.

It la expected that tbclilah repression bill will be considerably modified before lu enactment.

The bill for tbe dlvl»lon of Boaton Into Alderaerlc Districts was defeated yes- terday In the House.

Tbe Circassian officers under sentence of exile Will come to Constantinople at tbe request of tbe Salian.

Lieutenant Danenhower and party have arrived Iu Liverpool, and will leave that ally Tor tbe United States lo-day.

Orlnnell, on trial for murder at New- port, K 1., was yesterday found guilty "as charged." Seoleuce was deferred.

Numerous application have been made loscaOoltesa buna. The assssvla be gins to exhibit t-ymptoma of phyalcal weakness.

A seilons railroad collision occurred Bridgeport, Conn., on the New Yoik and New Haven road, yesterday morning, but ■o lives were lost.

Mr. George Otto Trevelyan. the new ehltf secretary lor Ireland, has been re- elected member of parliament forllawitk wlibont opposition.

A Little It«ck, Aik , despatch SaySt It la reported that Payne sod psrty, en route lo Oklahoma, have beenselaedby the United States au'hoiltles.

Isaac Gardner and his three daughters were drowned whlln alteniptln^ to ford the Toscsrowas kiver, at New Comers- town, Oblo, lu a wagon ycstertlsy.

The news of the amicable adjustment •f tbe Egyptian troublea In conflrmrd by later despatct es from Cslro. Five Turk- ish men-of-war s/rlved st Suda Day yes-

DttMAooauB logic is beyond com-

prehension. According to the l*a- soni.ig of our neighbor, tba Journal, it is a "gross and wanton abuse" for this paper to call attention to tbe criminal record of a released convict, punished for a brutal attempt at wife

murder, when he Is making himself conspicuous by public denunciation of tbe AUEUICAM, but it is perfect jour- nalistic propriety for our neighbor to

pour forth coarse and vituperative ep- Ibcts upon the Superintendent and

Treasurer of the Pacific Mills, in Its efforts to abow abundant zeal in be half of the strikers. It is all pretti-

iii".', for tbe Journal to abuse Mr. Snltonstall and Mr.NLonc,hut when the AMERICAN publishes the official court

record concerning a brute who at- tempts to murdcrbis wife, it becomes,

in our neighbors unprejudiced eyes, a "grosa and wanton abuse." Verily,

what bats we are.

OLH < KITJCIBM upon the mad baste

with which the Mayor and Aldermen rushed through hundreds of liquor li- censes, holding a spedal secret •caaion on tbe morning or

tbe first day allowed by law, while the legislature ^was discussing restrictive laws,—was sharply ar- raigned by tbe Sentinel, wbo asked if WO WOuldibave tba aldermen daisy to

await the possible aclion of tbe gen- eral court? Well, perhaps our alder- men arc wiser in their day and gen-

eration, than any one else, Lut this delay, so questionable in lite eyes of

our neighbor, Is JuBt what bss been adopted by the Boston police commis- sion, presided over by that veteran

Democrat, Dr. Jenka, who have an> notineed that no licenses would be

granted until the reBull is known as to the bill pending iu the k-islu.

lure, forbidding the issuance of a li- cense to any place within a specified

distance of a public school. The Boston commission awaits Ibis quea tion; but not the Lawrence alder

men . oh no!

rifles were, or had been In the employ of tne government In tbe navy, and are BOW

living on a pension. I consider that, al-

though ha may not be dsngero-j* to hlm-

s-U now, it may grow on blm and later

he may be dangerous. Ue may be able to take care of himself as well as a great

many Insane persons now at large. Tbe on'y reason that I know why he should be

I,eked up, la that be may soon be dan-

gerous to himself and others. Dr. J. A.Magee testified: I cilied on

Mr- Everett laat Tuesday. Tba Judge ob-

jected to a qaeatton put by Mr. Olle In re-

gard to wby be considered him a subject to be locked up, and Mr. Oils did not care

to aak any farther questions, bat called

bis wltoeeses. Dr. Sargeut first testified : Have known

air. Everett for tbree or four years; have

been his family physician for over a year,

Recently examined him In order to testl

services were held at her sou's rest

deuce, East Uaverhlll street, on Tuesday aflernoou at four o'clock. The remaina

were taken to Marlborou^b and laid by

those of bcr buababd, wbo died June 80tb,


!>eiUh of Ki-Uepraaruiatlvc Nichols.

Es-represeolatlve Joseph J. Nichols

died Hond 7 Of disease of tbe liver and Jaundice, st tbe lamlly residence ou Elm

street. Although In III health for some months be waa not conflued to bis bed

until about two weeks a^o, since which

lime he began to fali gradually but sorely.

His last momenta were made peaceful by

the kind ministrations of friends.

The deceased was a native of Coauty

Cork, Ireland, and c«mc to ibis country about 13 years ago. lie was tbirty-'.biee

years of age, and for a number o[ years

waa employed as a bookkeeper In the

fy to-day | talked with blm an hour; from , weaving department of the Oestral Pa-

The arrivals of vessels at New Yoik yesterday, reached the unprecedented number of 110, as follows i Eleven s.i-am- era, S slips, M barks, n; brigs and 18 schooners.

Secretary Frellnzt>u>-»*n has received tiformstlon thai Commissioner Trracutl H on his way home from Houth America, having sailed on tbe United Hiatus steam- er Lackawnnna, on tbe i.t ii Inst.

Albert (J. b'yraond*. employed nl Snl<ni on the ahlftlnj: engine of tbe Eastern rail- road, bad bis right <eg eru-hed la»t tven- Ing. He was taken to ihe ho»pllsl, where bla leg was emputaud beiweeu the knee aad ankle.

Mr. slilphenl before the boute foreign affilra committee yesterday, declined lo produce the documents and correspond- ence In his po»ei-lnn relative to the claims of tbe Perovlsn Company, and the m-stis employed to enlorce thcin, and Was peremtorlly dlamlased from further attendance by tbe commune.

WE ARK AUrJRKD by a distin-

guished physician with an R in his

name, that an oyster, when its glyeo- gen and its hepatic diastase are crushed by human teeth, Is as much

digested as If it was cooked before eating. After this those wbo take their oysters raw may feel sure that the distinguishing attributes above

referred to, and alluded lo in the med- cal dictionary at some length, are suffi-

cient for all digestible purposes ; but when they condemn our little fat fa

vorites to a rnartydom of slow torture by fire, they rob them of their natur- al prerogative, and substitute an op posing force, instead of an ally, to

work discord in the department of tbe interior. It la necessary, for the purpose of making this process per- fectly intelligible, that an experiment

should in1 made with Blue Points on the hull' shell and a half lemon. Tbe glyoogen diastase combination is here illustrated by an object lesson of great value in determining tbe scien- tific basis on which rest the claims of the American oyster.

A Young Ketscit).

Tussdsy, district officer Ustcbelder wrni u Lyea an>l arrested a man named Walter Mor rill, on a charge at tbe larceny o' 99 irom Mrr. Mary K. Hardy ol tula eliy, on tbe 18th day of December, 1N7B. He wai arraigned in the to lies esuit next mornine,|and pleaded not (niliy 10 ibe charge, lie waived an examination ai d was placed undsrf ">)) luaJa, M hold bicn un- til Ihe October term of tbe Superior Court.

Horrlll'i career baa been a varlel one. When bat It veara of age, be was ronvitted of larceny at LVaa, and ten Kneed to tbe Reform school, but bilore ibe time cime to be laken there, fat escaped. Tw» years after, manual It in -in: iiit r arrested blm M tbl* city for ibe lar- eeny fur walcn be was arraigned tbli morn'ng. Tba Lynn ofneers wanted to send blm to tbe Reform school, so bo waa delivered into tbelr

THE BORE of another tunuel

through, or lo use the hyperbole of Mr. Aim; of Salem, speaking o! the Hoosac, another "bore has tit tered tts voice." Tbe workmen ftom

the enBt and west extremities of tbe Big Horn tunnel on the North I'acitlc railroad, II.'JO feet long, connecting

Gleodive with the Rocky Mountain di- vision, met May 3, and It is expected that it will lie In readiness for tbe

passage of cars by the middle of May. The work has been accomplished in six months, the laborers working nfgbt and day, and at present .1,600 men and 2,200 horses and mules are

conManlly employed. It Is expected that trains will run lo Billings, Mon- tana, by July 1st. In respect to the naming of towns of which the rail- roads lay the foundations as they pro- ceed, the Bismarck Tribune says that the post office department doesn't in- tend to recognize the syllable "ville" any more, ar.d a "metropolis" whieh has recently been named Maldenville

lias to be called plain Maiden, without the-f'ville. on the Yellowstone division of this' railroad will be built on eight piers

bat 1 know of blm and from found In my examination on Vrlday laat,

I don't see any reason wby he ahould be put In custody, I think that such con-

anement would be injurious to blm. If be la mentally unsound, I don't think that

be ever will be any better: be la much better than he used to be. I don't think

be la at present dangerous to himself or

community. Cross examined by Jadge: I can't say

strictly that be Is of sound mind. I think

be Is sufferlog from a delusion. He la

oot ao unbalanced mentally that be re-

quires to be c jiiflu' d lo an toaane asylum. A hallucination or delusion Is certainly an

evidence of menial unsonudness. Dr. O. T. Howe testified thst be made

an examination of Mr. Everett In regard to Insanity. Front my examination I do

not tblnk that ha la a proper person to bo confined In an insane asylum. I do not

ihlnk tbal be la at present an unsafe man

either to hi.use If or friends.

Crosa examined: 1 do not find blm a soundman. He has a delusion In regard

to his head. From tbe fact that ha has experienced this for many years and there baa been ao violence, it has a strong ten-

dency lo establish lu my mlod that be will

not become violently Insane. John C- Banborn testified that be bad

known Mr. Everett for many years and

tbal with the exception of a slight hallu- cination in regard to a sound In his aar.

be is a sound man and capable of taking

care of himself.

el. It Hayden, Mr. Edward McCoy. T.

H. Richardson, T. A. Kmmons, John M. flamming, Ablel Morrison, C. K Pl'.ls-

bory, A. W- Blcbardson, Caleb Sanndeis, Mayoard Eislngton, George W. Cbllds,

Davll L. Annan, Charles Morrison, all

corroborated tbe former testimony. The government called iir. Pbllbrlck

who testified aa follows: Known Mr. Ev-

erett 10 or It jenrs. I have received let- ters from blm. Hsve aeen letters be has

mien to other people In relation to tbe

matter of electricity.

City marshal O'Sulllvan produced a let-

ter written to blm on March 8th, asking

blm to stop certain persons from running

batteries lo bla head, and lo have thei reeled. He bad received twenty similar letters during the past five or six years

1 bat he bad a talk wltb Mr. Everett re- itly about iheae letters, explaining that

this electricity was a fact, and also told

blm the story In regard to bis former In

c irceratlon In the Insane asylum. Mr. Jonathan Sleeper read two letters

from Mr. Everett to tba trustees and

standing committee of tbe Unlveraallst

church, asking fortbe removal of ltev. A. E. White, on account of the falling In the

ataodlng of tbe church. Cross examined: Tbe cbnrcb baa not

fallen In standing since Mr. White came

there. The cbnrcb Is not gettlug fast lo.

lo debt. We have a mortgage on the church, but we do not consider that the

debt la Increasing. Mr. Everett baa been

consulted aa one of our members In re-

gard to church matlera. I have seen

nothing about hlmj^o lead me to tblnk be

ahould be shut up. Mr. Olle addressed the court for a few Inutes, and the Judge after summing op

tbs evidence, said he aaw ao way for him bat to Issue a warrant for tbe confine- ment of Mr. Everett in one of the Insaoe aaylums. He partially baaed bla decision

Ol tbe poeainlllty that some lime In the future Mr. Everett rolgbl be Insane and do damage tbal would be laid to tht court. It Is understood Mr. Qtlv will ap ply for a writ of babeaa corpus.

iflc mlila. For the past five years be bad

been active In local poIMc.il circles, aod

tbree years lo succession, 1878. 1679 sod

1B30 was ekctcd representative to the

General Courts of 1879, 1480, and 1881 on

the Democratic ticket from tbe 20ih dis- trict. In ihe House of itt-preseoiallvea,


The funeral of the sate-ex-repreaenU-

tlva Jon. J. Nichols occurred on Wednes- day, aad It can be said ibat DO obstqules

conducted la accordance wltb the Roman

Catholic faith, has created more general excitement. The facts as learned from the

moat reliable and a o ihentic BnthorlUee are

as follows: Tbe widow for the deceased, Is left

In destitute circumstances with flvs child-

ren depending on her for support, the

oldest of whom Is but nine years and the youngest one moo lb. Tuesday she paid

to Hev. Father Funny, associate clergy- BL the Immaculate Conception

church, $5 for s reqnlem mass, which was to have been celebrated Wednesday at 8 o'clock at tha above church. Tuesday even'

lag Mr. James Lane, acting for tha Fath er Matbew Temperance Society, wilt

which organisation tbe widow lall all ar- rangements for the funeral, aa tha de-

ceased waa for years IU president aod

most prominent member, walled upon 1U v. Mr. Faney and requested that the

services be held at 9 o'clock Instead of 8,

which reqnaat waa granted. Tha funeral cortege consisted of

ibe Father Matbew drnm corps. Father

Matbew society and the United Sons of

Freedom. Tho drnm con* aod Father Matbew society, ware In full regalia.

While in llae.before tbey proceeded to tbe cburcb, Uev. John II. D«vir, tha pastor,

informed some of tbe leading members

that II they desired to enter the church with ibe remains they must remove tbelr

regalias, The InnaVal precession went to

the church where tha marshal of the

Father Matbew society, olfl-er P-iul Han-

negan, was Informed by tha pastor Ibat

none could ante: who wore regalias. The corpse WBS borne to tbe vestibule of the cburcb by six bearers selected from tbe

Father Mather society. These were mat

at tbe vestibule upper lauding by Rev. J.

U. Devir, wbo noticing tbem in regalia said, "Stop, I can't receive yon." They Immediately proceeded to bear the corpse

back to the bearae when ibe clergyman asked whiru ibey were going and be waa

answered that they were going to the cemetery. Tho corpse was retnrnad to the bearae and despite the remonstrances

of some membern of tba United Sons of Freedom, tba funeral cortege proceeded

lo Ibe cemetery where the remains were

Interred Wlibont niy funeral service,

whatever, althougb nearly all In Una rev-

erently bent tbelr kcees In prayer while

the body was being consigned to tbe

earth. As the sff-iir csus-d considerable talk

Hii oughout the city, specially among tbe

Catholics, tbe principal parties In Interest were interviewed by a representative of


Mr. D. J. Murphy, president of the

Father Matbew aocteiy, asld thst ha wait-


he was conspicuous for bis i (Torts to se- cure tbe passage of laws, lor weekly pay-

ments for mill operatives, aod tbe aholl-

lioo of the ttuatee proetsa, but although

he labored earnestly to carry these meas-

ures be was unsuccessful. Mr. Nichols was a young man of more

than ordinary ability, well educated and possessed of facoliiea,wblcb,had ho lived,

would doubtless have secured fur blm

otbc* positfooB of public trust. A legla- who became acquainted with him

during his term of service la the general

court, In speaking of blm recently, said

that be was "a born politician," and

prophecled that In years to come, If be re-

tained hla health, be would make bin mark. By tbe worklngmen of Lawrence

he was regarded aa a leader, and his ser- vices were always ai a premium In times of political strife by the locil leaders or

the democracy. As a man he was honest and Arm In hla convictions ol what he

considered right, generuos in disposition

and upright In .'baracter. He was a

Btroog temperance advicate, and fur a number of years waa president of the

Father Matbew society. He was also al

one time president of tha United-Sons of

Freedom. He leaves a wife and five chil-

dren, tbe oldest nlno years of age, and

the yoohgesl one month.

The funeral will take place Wednesday

forenoon at 9 o'clock from the Immacu-

late Cooceptlon cbnrch, and will be at-

tended by Father Mathew society and Ihe

United Sons of Freedom.



Yesterday one

Death or Cnpt. Klwell.

Many of tbe older residents of Law-

ace aod vicinity will regret to learn Ol

tbe death of Capt. Chirles W. £ well,

which occurred early Sunday morning, of apoplexy, at bis residence In Brooklyn,

Y. A simple funeral service was read at

Brooklyn Monday, and the remaina were taken to Kennebunk, Mc, for interment.

The deceased lived In Lawrei.ce In 1854

and wss active In our local politics .in |

1845, '60 ind '57. While ho re he was Ic- cal sgent for lbs Hone Review, the Brat

Know NutUlug oritan, and through his

efforts the publication secured a lar^e clr-

culatloo In this vicinity. Capt, Elwell was of a most genial disposition, smart

and active aod had many warm friends here wbo will bo eurprlaedand saddeoed at the announcement of Bis death. He

was emphillcaliy a New England man, at.

ton;!) the greater purilon of the late

years of bis Ufa wan spent lo New York

In 18Ct be waj'one of the most tlllciint

Agents la recruiting <he 3ltli regiment, M.V. M„ and entered the service ai 1st

llcutens.nl of company F of Greenfield, afterward being promuted to a captaincy,

and holding that position until mustered

out In June, 18115. Cspt. Elwell then em- barked lu the cutlery business, reprc

lag tbe Jjhu Russell Company of Tui

Falls, Mass., as New England agent, and aubaiqtiently became ibe New Yoik agent

of the same company, with headqusrters on Chambers street, where he msosged all

of tht western and middle slate business uf the coiporatlon. At the time of bis

destb Capt. Elwell filled s similar position

with Lambkin A Co. or N< w Yotk. Capt.

Elwell waa a Mason of his" standing aud was once a member or the Ancient and

Honorable Artillery company.

W. Wright's

two horso teams, attached to s heavy

wagon was eogsged In removing machin- ery from Carter's hosiery mill at ibe low-

er end ol tha north, canal. Two loads bad been removed and while the horses were backing for tha third load, they be-

came unmanageable and deepltelhe efforts of the driver, continued backing until the

cart went over the embankmeut, 23 feet high aud fell into the raceway, taking the j Scbeizi horsea with It In the descent the horses Chopin,

were turned completely around aud fell ^»^£-JJ. »H«»;

facing lbs cart. One bad its neck broken Ki>reambnie, nerrot. Arl.q Iq tbe fall and was drowned. The other | D|0ia, £aaebiu>. Florestnn. was promptly removed from the raceway, l Keplique. Papulous. Lettn

suffering only some slight scratches. The BhWllib

driver had a very narrow escape, lumping

from the cart only whan It approached the

water In Its descent. 1 he borne drowned wss valued at el30, bat Mt. Wright's loss

satire Is estimated st gttO. The drowned

Tun FISN'UI-UKTR RlGITAL, In tbe At> bot Academy concerts, lo be alven st the

town ball, Andover, by Professor Carl Bseimino, or Saturday Afternoon, 'May

lOlh, at 3 30 o'clock, will pieseut ihe fol-

lowing programme :— Sonata, F. minor. Op. 5?. Beethoven,

a. AMBI allegro, b. Andante con tnoto. c. Allegro ma nun iroppo. Presto,

Berceuse, In I) fill. Op 37. Third C Bbsip minor. Op. H».

s for | lano.

lo. V.lse Coquette.

dannnntw. Cbopto. Bsirwlht, Rtconuath-

esnee, Psntslou el Colomblue. Vslse allemBude, Faganlnl. Av.u. Fiomenade. Pause, M-.ui-hr des "Davldsbundlui* coc- tre lea Fblllsllus.

The Carnival Is n singular medley of little pieces, of various stylus acd parSotv

ed upon Fsther Devir, Tuesday night. The clergyman, he aald, when he spoke

about the Father Matbew society's connsc

tlon wltb tbe funeral, refused to have any

conversation with him whatever, snd he left blm after bidding blm "good night.

Tbe widow ws> Been and she said she bad paid Father Fahey $5 fur a rtqutei

anu bad left all anangementa for

tbe funeral with ihe Father Mslhew ao

at*. A call at tbe Immaculita Conception

parsonage was made. Rev. Mr. Devir

WAS absent from the city, but bis col-

league conversed readily to relation to he matter. He said that Mrs. Nichols

had paid blm gfi, the uacal stipend, for n requiem mass, that at tbe suggestion of

Mr. Lane tbe hour for holding tbe aer Icea had bees changed, bat thst Mr. Una

ihoroogtiij oqdwTSiood »w« ai^ *w. Father Malbew aoclety attempt to tuter

the church In regalia, ibey would be pro- hibited from eo dolnir. Ssld bei "Tbe explanation of tbla matter is Just here-

There Is a diocesan law, made by ti«

archbishop and bis council that no society

csu be regarded as a society by the chnrcb

unless auch society has a Catholic clergy- man nn chaplain, aad any organisa-

tion wearing n regalia which not a Catholic clergyman

spiritual director Is debarred by ihe dlocessn law from entering the

cburcb, on nny occasion. Tbe committee

who watted npan Father Devir were |V> pl.c:tlj told that If the Fa'her Matbew

society removed their regalias tbey would

be admitted to btbe church. Wednes-

day when tbe .procession wss In line

Father Devir saw them In regalia and

again gtve them to understand thst they would not be allowed In the church.

Tbl* Is not our IBWJ It Is the law of tbe

church presented by the archbishop.

Notwithstanding all thai was told them,

they came thai morning and attempted to enter tbe church. Thay refused to re- move their reaallas wbsn requested, and

carried the corpse for burial without a maaa. Tbe wbole fault has been wll'o

themselves. Tbey knew the tbe cbnrch aw, and from former experiences lu this

respect.tbelr notion can only be consldem J

en a gross lasu.lt to the pastor of tbla

burch, aa once before tbey remained on

tbe street while requiem seivlcs was go- lag oa, refusing to remove their regalias

when requested to do so. Prominent members of tba Father Math-

ew aoclety were interviewed. Oae.among

tha oldest In tbe society, said that If It

were a cburcb taw tbal societies not bas- ing a Catholic clergyman aa spiritual di-

rector could not attend service In regalia, It looked rather peculiar thai the Grand

Army Post, on tha occasion of the funeral

of Cspt. Dency, attended tbe services nt ot. Mary's cburcb and were not even

asked lo remove lb* Insignia* of their or-

ganisation or belts, which constitute their

regalia. He Intimated that the matter would not end with that, but that legal meana would be rtaorted to, to compel the pastor oflheihurch In tbe future to

open tbe doors of tbe edifice on all occn-

thai the society desired to attend In

a body to pay tbe lut sad rites to a de-

ceased member. The Father Malbew Society has Tor

years been tbe strongest Irish organisa-

tion lo tbe city, and lu members have at all limes been foremost In furthering the Interests of the Catholic churches of Law

reuct, hence, considerable feeling which may not die ont lor years us* oeeo engen-

der) d by lbs course punned by the pastor of tbe Immaculate Conception

— A new telephone.line from tbla city

to Boston Is to be built.

The Liwrene* base ball elub hava re celved an Invitation to play the Brown University nine May 24th.

Something which baa uot occurnd

hern for years In two clrcoaea placarded

at once.

—The annual May procession at Bt

Mary's church will occur next Sunday,

weather permitting.

—J. T. Wheeler baa been appointed su-

perintendent of the Lawrence aod Uiver-

blll Telephone district.

—Dr. Mage* Is having a coupe made

Tor blm which when completed will cost

gfiOO. Vaccination pays.

—Delinquent tax payers are being

served wltb summonses to step np to tb*

treasurer* office and settle-

— Tb* base ball field on the common Is being graded, and ibe bank al the north

aid* of the city ball is being resodded.

—The pfaent term of tbe State Normal

school, atfialam, will clos* on Tuesday, Jan* 27, with ihe usual gindnatlon exer-


—Mr. Haurabstn, telegraph operator at

tb* Keith Lawrence depot, has accepted

a position In tb* Western Union office at


—Mr. Thomas B. Coowsy, late with M.

N. Howe 4 Co., Is now engaged as clerk

at Downing'* rubber store lo Sannders


—Tbe roadway of the three spann ol tbe new bridge Is pltnked and tha

planks are now being laid on the foot-

paths. —There la a convict st tbe Lawrence

bouse of correction serving bis Slsi term

of Imprisonment, and be Is by no means

an old man.

—Brlggs A Ailyn have been awarded tbe contract for lurnisblog tbe doors,

sashes and blinds for tbe Pacific new storehouse.

— Letter cnnler Adolpb P. Vorholx re-

signed Monday,to engage actively In bnsl-

naa*. II* Is one or tbe experienced sod

faithful carriers.

—Col. Avers, commanding tbe 8'.h reg-

iment, baa appointed H-v. Gilbert C. Os-

good, of Bedford, a Methodist clergyman,

chaplain of that regiment.

—At the "cremation of mathematics," by the Dartmouth Sephomores, Saturday

night, tbe responsive service WBB by

Thomas Baker, of this city.

The congressional river and harbor

bill, as completed by the committee on commerce, contains an appropriation of

99000 for the Merrlmack river.

The Haverblll ateamboat companies

will be al "loggerheads" no longer, hav- ing come to n perfect understanding In the

matter of excursions, picnics, etc.

—Tbe Lawrence base ball club and tbe Phillips Academy seniors will play a game

at Andover, Saturday. The Lawrence clnb wilt play tbe Melhuen club. Decora-

tion Day, —Fred Morgan's new bouse, on the

corner of Uaverhlll aod Betel streets, Is almost completed. It Is a two tenement

frame building. K by 30 feet, and an L

IS by 14 feet.

—L. H. Mitchell, Methuen's constable

who shot the man Sullivan while stealing

apples, mat with * aerloua accident at

Lynn a short time ago by the running

away of a horse.

— Mrs. Toomey has employed architect

Adams to draw plans for a large four tenement building, to contain n store, to

irer-ug nn Kim street. Work will soon be commenced.

—Bmlth A Wheeler will extend tbelr building on tbe lot now occupied by Frank

Qrinu's provision msiket. Mr. Orlffln's

building will be moved to tb* Spsldlng lot, corner of Kim and Newbury streets.

-By ibe way, Duncan, pay up I Tbe

strikers' fnnds are running low. Yuu

know yon promised them tzt) a week, and

you've only come to time with tbe first week's darn. Keep the ball rolling, Dun-

Andover Advertisei. Ut-ucrol Oraoi lalendi vlaliag Vermont ihli i tbe entsristnmenr. which wei under tbe ana


Florida hat eonimcn:.d the iblpmeni of ripe

w It-four feel JJ«:> ai the beta of Jay

HBllrond Testae.

[ peach The

, Peak. VI. I John 11. Plint;tias auld the "Chandler Uooi

Place" ou Iligb ttreet^io William O. brown.

pices of tba Senior Cists, Johnson H r'> •*• '■""' The banal S.,udav icho.,1 roicert was held In

tbe vestry ol'tho Cungrestilonal cburcb taal ■■ Jii-t.i\ '■*■.' i .. . ■ tne anniversary con* cerl, celph-Htinff the forty ceiith yisr uf the school. Tbe Rttldecl was "BieaacU," and IU-J exe-rlies wrre very tnteresti'm. cunalfct'ni: of recitations ry MM Elie I'. M. Cm.', Wjlter

Leave Boston Tor Andjver, 1.30, S WS.itoL 10,» , A, V; li M.I 11.30, s.10, AM, t, 5, a, MB Wff? anil T.to P. M.

Leave Aadovei ' Bl-'. 11

Bcv.Dr. Willard Snauldlnn of Feabodr, will ; Cblckeri..*, sort other cnl'drci lbs lower tjwn ball uext »ibJttb

-ading ly

id*>vor for Bo.ton. «H, T-41, a.oa, t.U pruachloa al Ibe Rnuih cbnrch next BsJ IO,*.al.,snJlJ*«.lJ.^.*ou.3U,»M »„„,„„ 4, ;j 0*vlxk, preceded bv a ball K>3 ¥• St. nfiP^^JHLfrl? prarer meeiiV ■

The .sab win

Sao and .— (riluay BJ4 ?. MO r*f the North A. H " li .li A.0I P. M. K.ir tbe K.i-l 8-IB.e.. «■; 1.IS, 1.10, fl.ftiu *itP.M. ror Lowcl li»; a A.M.:lJ.|u.1..os.S.itS.*.«.o.8»,:.ouPM,

horse, snd cart war* r*mo?*d from the i al allusions, strung upon the suggestion raceway this afternoon after consldei able j of the four letters composing tbe name of littor.

care. After Haying a iboit llm: at thli laill- IBSSSah* mads bla escape. Aft rwsr*a H was ' costing $200,000, tho superstructure

captured ami returned tolheactoo'. Oo gs> [ ^ te CODJpo*Cil entirely of tlie btit eonolof good babavlcrb. was rele«sad*ndj d , ^ dUtilciofflosr BaMbsldsr hesrlaeof », bunted P*""' J ^ him np wltb lb* sneosss before mealionid. « rom 1500.000.

lb* residence of a lady friend. The let tera are A. S. C. H ; II in llrumi stand

log fur our B nalutal, and s or is, for G


Composed lu 1835, it represents the Bd

ventures that might bef-tll a party of

A IIA.NDSOMX pamphlet of nearly a hnn

dred pages, or the premium list of the The Snake river bridge j coming Minnesota State fair, come* to us

from ihe office) of Mr. C. C. Whitney, st

Marshall, aod a most creditable specimen I frknd, who werc n0ning in the mad reTel

or good printing It Is, auch as few tfB:es , whlch la Cwbol|C eonntrle* precedes tb*

on side tbs large cltl*a in any BUl*. can mortiacaiiona of Lent. produce. We are glad to note (this evl-j .. ■ ■.„ a dance of our lrlend Whit's prosperity and -Mr. A. F. Urdway, of this city,

old time excellence of work. ' i<cel ved a patent for an oil can dnct.

church, wbo, however, bad no other cooree lo pursue in obedience lo bin In- structions from tbe Arcbblahop.

■.•Pierre Tiles i« Xssape.

Wl en Joseph LaPlerre, of this clty.who was Tuesday sentenced to seven yesrs

In I bo Stale Prison for breaking and terlog Gliddeu's pawn chop, was taken

to the Jill by Sheriff Ayers ibat evening,

and (ho bsnJcuffi removed, a One scheme for tbe pilsoner's escape was spnlUd by

the Colonel. In the prisoner's band,

HgUily closed np, was n small Iron rod, n

tin key.some bora* hair, and namnll box,

of cayenne pepper. These Brlleles bad

been furnlabed him In court by a friend,

wbo la prcbably known.

cant The trustees of the Firemen's Mutual

Belief Association have organitsd by the

choice of Col. Melvln Beal, president;

Samuel T. Chard, vice president; Z. T.

Merrill, secretary; Wallace H. Pi lest,

treasurer. —Mr. Clsrk L. Austin wbo has been

overseer of tho cotton spinning at the main Pacific for about 26 years, has re-

tired from tbe 'poaltlon, wblcb Is now

filled by Mr. J. K. Boss*!!, late of Wllll-

mantle, Conn. Mr. Samuel liar wood, overseer of a

weave room et the upper Psclfls, retires

from the employ of tbe corporation a

week from Saturday. Mr. Frank Sargent will hereafter bave charge of tbe I'acitlc

cotton weaving.

—Col. Wm H. Olio, Adjutiot General of tbe Grand Army, and Military Secretary lo Gov. Long, Is to be private secretary

to Collector Worlblngton, at the custom bouse, a deserved promotion; tbe new

collector could out bava chosen more

wisely. —Bev. L. L. Wood, formerly of this

city, wbo waa recently teodered Ibe pos! tlon Of secretary or tbe Massachusetts

temperance aKIauce, baa decided to accept

the position for three months. He will remsln nominally the pastor of the Bap

list church of Feabody.

Mr. Peter Scaclon, tbe well-known

liquor dealer,and Miss Margaret McGratr,

were united In matrimony Tuesday al-

ter noon, In Boaton. The bride la wet

nnd favorably known here, and many at-

tendtd the wedding reception, at So. 30,

Sbort street, laat evening.

Tbe Dnck bridge doubtless ennnot

remain safe long, If fast driving over It continue*. No heed Is taken to tbe post- ed notices st both ends prohibiting It,

and It appears wiso that police officers

should be stationed In the locality to look

after offenders in tbls respect.

— Mrs. Myra Peters, wife ofCbarlea H. Peters, died Salurlay, at ber husband's

residence on Haverblll street, of cor sumption, at tbo age of 33 years. She

leaves tbree children. Deceased was a

member of the Central church,

Mayflower Colony PllgrlnTFathers

—At the annual meeting of the Odd Fel-

lows Usll Association, held Thursday

evening, the old boaid of directors waa

re-elected aa follows i James 8. Hnlchin-

Bon, Alex B. Brute, John H. Stafford,

Dyer S. Hall, A. D. Bwin, A. A. Sanborn, John Ssger, A. H. Salisbury, and Thomas


—The Campbell Priming Preso camps

ny established s manufactory In Ttnnlon, three years ago, but business has In

creased to snch an extent that tbe com-

pany have found it necessary to make ar- rangements with the Lawrence machine

abrp, of tbla city, to manufacture ma-

chines for tbem. This is sn Indastry that

Lawrence ban bad nothing to do wltb be- fore, and it la hoped thst It will atay with


Mr. Adolpb Vorholx, the ws'.l known ljtter carrier, having mired after eight

yeais of aiteniivs service In tb* local post office department, bla associates la the ofQce presented him oa Tuesday with a

costly sgale g>ov* ring, a* a token or their esLeeru and In recognition of kindly associations. Tb* presentation was en

llrely informal sad unexpected by the

grateful recipient.

—Mr. Henry Byder, for some time sn

employe* st Butterfield's cabinet shop, la

about 11 remove to Mnlone, N Y., wbern be la to take ct-arg* of a cabinet shop.

Monday evening a number of his young friend* called on him at bla residence 'J Hi

Essex street, and presented him with s

beautiful autograph album, in which were Inscribed tbelr names. Mr. Ryder's

friends wish blm God speed and prosperi-

ty, in his new bom*.

To get along well—DIJ it desp. T>wn meeting nsxi M>n lay, He* tbe war-

rant elaewUrre. four ysari Mr. It W. Em*r*on bad aol

written saytblae. Profesiur Tucker wilt preach at tbe Somlnary

esapel next Saebitb. Tbe only kind or Sag* cblldrsu don't cry

alter—a ciks or lisp. Chsrles P. Posts/, of.sil. >uh. bas been lu

town oo a short visit. |«bl Dshmi hen fn Brockton bu laid sn

*g( «1 inches by 7 7 10, sod weUaini. iix ounce*.

Morumeea'a iale nl hn 1 and nulldinga at Ballard Vale, next atoudiy a: i r. at. Seuad- verliiemeni.

An economical farmer In Windior, Vi , hue extracted elgbl lestn with s pilr of UUtk-

iltb'i pincers. The Nathan Clark place tn tbo Writ l'irl»!i,

near Ballard Vale, will be *old al suction next Monday at 0 r. M.

When HawlaOflS wai buried bl* nnflnlibed romance waa placed on bli cuinu, and bit urav waa oiled, wlto flowen.

In 181H Sydney Smith write: "TUe.e dors not seem tu be In America at thl* moment ooe man of say cjaiiderable laleni."

Loosfellow'a life lone Ulead and blofraphi Professor Ueorga W. Greene, I* now pirtialty Dilnd snd In leetjle health biiueell.

George S. Holder tie* , upholsterer, has taken the eoop on fjsjsjg ttreei formerly occupied by Jobn it Lorlag. Bss tiii card aiaawhere.

Ao slds-de-camp to Governor Blsckburn lib tho reiik of colnnal, 1* Muter Crlpp Beck-

nain, or Btrtlitown, Kentucky, ofed twelve. A young lady, speaklngof herself ss a part

of ioeecii, aaja that aba's tb* Oral peraon ungu- lar present Indicative of tbs verb to receive.

Tha snug little farm recently oocnplcd by Samuel Gilcreait, In tbe sontn part or lbs town, will be sold si auction next Tuesday at 3 r. M.

A young lady being told by a friend tbal tllk dresaea were very much worn, asld Ibat ibs knew It, fur bers bad two or three boles In li.

Little Gertie (after waltlntj same time for desert.) "Uncle, don't you bare anything after dinner i" I'jrle: "Yea, dear, Ihe dyapcpila "

B. M. Firman formerly ol this town, re- ceived one of tbs hlfbeat prtaea of g40, fbl ■peaking al Harvard Colts** ou Thursday Isit.

Tommy, seated on his mother's lap. and ret d inisboui Bve snd lbs serpent: "She wasn't like you, uumma, for you're afraid ol a moute.'

Young clergyman st a cierlcsl meeting' '1 merely throw oat ibe I lea." Old clergyman, "Well, I ihlnk that in the b.<it thing you can do with It."

"Why did you n >•. lend for mi inner?' stked a doctor uf a pet'ent. "Well, you ice doctor. Icjuidn't mike ap my m nd to di any- thing desperate-''

A Michigan man told bli daughter that If sb* learned lo work he wonld lurpnaj her. She learned the sil, snd be inrprlttd her by dii- cbamlng Ibe hired girl.

Putting it neatly—3ii«l tbe Hills p;tof the bonaebold on bcr last binlnliy. "Iu a lovely don, dear eranrtpa and grandma ; but, I've been hoping it would be mm*."

A Snback wbele was abot by James Beat! at 1'juTlncetuwn l-*t week, while feeding. The

bale wai hugely enjoying hit lunch orafarlmp. wltb mouth wide open, and the bomb wss fired directly into tbe npenlag.

Charles B. Mills or thii town, a student at Aiuberst College, U one of Oiteen from the senior elsas, to speak tor tha llydeprlars be- fore a committee. May Mr- At tbla contest six are elected to ipeak at Commencement.

We undera'ard that tbe committee of ar- rangement* hsve engaged prof. J. W. Church- 111, to give popular re*dinii at the n*xt meet- ing of tbe American Iniiliute of Inetruction at Saratoga. Thla will undoubtedly add largely to Ihe attendance.

A Montpfllier man, foiling to hrlng down a fox with bis llttts gun, determined to reaorl to ■ore deadly means, sobs diverted buntelfof bia boot* and most of hi* clothing *nd gsve chase. After an exciting lltue run ha over- hauled II'ynard, and caught him by tba bind leg»-

Tbe strong wind of Wednsidsy morning. Mew over a baby csriiage with an occupant, in front uf the ptal cfD?e. A load oat LIT pro- ceeded from toe Kens of tbe dtuiier, but It wat soon founa ao boas* bad been brukea snd tbe nsasl opisies and palaiives promptly made things loveiy.

The Mount Washington Rsllway Cimpany,

is President, earned laat aeaaon 10 QO0 persons, being s considerably Increased buatnie* over any prevluua veir. Since tbe Jlne was pnt In operation la IMS ibera bss never been s psasen- gcr Injured our a person killed in lu operation.

Over twsnty children, grand children and other*, relative* of Mr. and Mrt. Jovbua 8toll, vltlied tbelr re*l lencn nrsr Frye Viiisge, on tbe lOtb Inn., It being tbe sixty tint snniverssry uf tbe birtbdjy of Mr*. Stolt. Refreshments were served, snd tbe « v.ul in was mids mutu- ally pleaiaot and enjjvable both to Ibe bosluta snd guosts.

Lasdlord Carter of tbe Mansion House, has obtained plsns and (peciflcations Tors un qte cottage bouse snout to be built ou tbe '1* ue Hi!." premises, a mile from me town ball. We hsve tbe best ol authority lor ssying that tbls li tbe precursor ol an elegant and extensive boatiery to be built upon this charming aud conspicuous locution,

What oo earth bave you brought all tbess things home for?" contemptuously askol a woman ul her busbind as be spread a lot ol pictures oo Ibe table. "You hsv«olien told me," be answered, "of never havtog any vluas onsny subject, aod so I've got a lot or views here oo all sorts of subiectsi and thay are my views. I paid fur tbem."

Bev. Asa Bollard, D. I)., representing tbe Ssboaib School work of tbe Congregational Pnbllsblng Siclety, preached at ibe Sonlb cburcb last elabb4tb morning, at tbe chnrcb In tbe aliernoon and gave an Interestlnr talk at tbe South cburcb la tbe evening about tbe Sahbitb Bcbool Ceotensry held In London, winch bo attended as a delegate.

The well koown boras "Morgan" for thirteen yesrs past owned by 8. O. Baan, died a few days eince of old age. He wu formerly tbe St)pertyof Hon. Frank Jones ol Portsmouth,

11., and in in* prim » was a fust troiter and of gre it endurance. Mr. Dean paid g6&> lor itieanim.il. wbo at bis death Is supposed to hsve been over thirty years old.

Tbe steamer engine company bad tbelr annu- al supper at the engine house on Monday eve- ning, K. I) Hatch, caterer. Tba gnests of tbe occasion were lbs selectmen, engineers, building committee of ibe new engine buuse, and past ofllcers and enjlaeer*. S^clsbiliiy prevailed and pllby rein irks ware made by .1. I, Smith, J. a. Surk. Charles Greene, M. B. White, M. c. Andrews, J. H. Flint, O. W. Hayward aod others.

One of tbe witnesses In the contested wl'l case or Miss Sarah Burr of New York, wbo rf> cently left very laxfieium* lo hmevotent Intn- miionn. testified on Friday tint Miss Barr dim d In tbe kitchen, and during the winter sbo also ■at there; there were no fire* la ibe parlors; she did not dedre tn bave any raids there; In ibe kitcbeu where Miss Uurr dine I tbero were only iwn tshles. s wash tub and four chair*. She took coffee In tbe morning,and It wss mads

■sacs pan. She never hsd sry hgbl la tbs buuse and utuslly wore a calico dress.

Tbe advance sheets ol tbe catalogue of Phil- lips Academy, for the current year, abows an aggregate of iU students, seven more tb.ui lael year, distributed over 27 slates, urrtioties and I ore no countries as folows: Ma. It. N. II., 23, Vi. o, Mas*. 71, K I. 1, Conn. 12. N. Y. 28, N.J. 10.Ps. 17, Uel-fl, W. Vs. 1, U.S. O. B, Ind. 2, III. 12, Mo. 7, A'k. 1, Wle. 4. la. 7, Col, 2.Cal 1, li.k. 1. Neb 3. Minn. 0, Auiirls 1, India 1, N. B. 1. It will be scea t" it about one-half the numbvr belong to tbe New Kng land stales, and a little less ibsn a half to Ihe regions beyond. Tbe senior classes ore 28 respectively.

"Tbe meeting of the Congregational Union wss noticeable for the presence uf many wbo bad come from Baston, Cblcago, and points be- tween. There was oo discussion of tbe msin questions st lawns, but a new snd somewhat btrger hoard of directors was substituted for the old board (wbo were renomlnated by minority report uf tbe nominating oommlttee.) by a vole of 67 to 25. A large number spparently re- frained (ram voting under tbe Impression creat ed by tbe reading of a legal opinion, which bed been pronounced by tbe out going board, ■■ tn tbe necessary qnslideations for voting. The re- sell, however, is, and was designed to be, as empbstlc rebuke of lbs course punned by last year's board lu unseating Secretary Brown. Tbe Issue, we trust, will be lbs renewal of confi- dence in the mmagem^nt. TJO other officers were elected, tbe same as last year, without op- potlikm."—From "Uar Cbarch Paper," New ark,N. J.

Tbe fifteenth annual speaking for the Means' Prlies will take place at Phillip* Academy, Friday evening. May 10, at 7| o'clock, to wtilch.as n*ual, the public Is invited. There are ten speakers sod six subjects, u follow*: Expediency snd Conscience lo Statesmanship,

Porter Wcsnlsley, Auburn. N. ST. Tbe proper Attitude of tbe Pupil toward tbe

School Government, KrneslBo'lomley, Norm Biilerlcs. Precedent si related io Progress,

Eugene Calvin Coulter, Brookfleld, O. Imagination In Sclonce,

Hammond Union, Hillsuoro' Bridge, N. H. "Three Wlss Men ol Ootbsu) wsnt io Sea io a

Bowl," William Morton Fullerlon, Waliham.

Doss tbe Newspaper Educate r Cbartes Hel Iwell, Lxwrence.

Expediency and Conscience In Statesmanship, Samuel K'mbill Brcmner, BoxfbrJ.

Tbs proper Aiinud* of tbs Pupil toward tbs S.faool Government,

Cbartes Spronl] Tbompion, Toptham, Mi Imagination In Science,

Jossph L. Q ilmiiy. No. Stndwlcfa, N. H. ■Tbree Wise Men of O nn >m wast to Sea In a ! tor. Tbe 'I

H iM," •''Bled William Irvin Swoope, Cu-wenavllle, pa. I Cb th

Committee of Award:

prayer Hireling. There la still good sleighing in tbe Province of

■nl tbe Saguunjy r,ver Is reported ss Iroisa over,

A robber In Giwrgia dlig>ii*cd himself In the tin of so alligator, and succeeded In stealing planter's bos* froui tbelr pen nuar tbe rive*. A banJionie B ble, a gift frnm Dcs. L. K.

Bower', lor the vestry of ibe South cbnrcb, wisfounJ upon ibe desK Wednesday evening.

Tbe frame or ibo n * two story dwelling bouse of Messrs. Abbot & .In kin near Ibe depot, I* up, snd the bidding will be completed

Lrdis Adams, asld lobe 113 yran old, died at Edreks, Mo., on Friday. 8bs ulalmud lo nuve been an attendant In Washington's tent during tha Revolution, sad to bava sold peanau to bis soldiers. *>he *>• bora in llatitsx. Vs.

A mild tempered rssllani of Clinton, N. Y., Iverilic* in tbe local pap-r to tha following Net: "rtiBparilea wbo took away mr j-ste

last Saturday nigbi will think Hotter of ihem- ■oino 10 years bcuce if tbey will reiura It

unawares to it* foruior position." Alfrel Binni'tt. Us log n the West Parish,

on the river road Isitw o • I. »-«.■ 1 suJ Lawrence and about thn-e IIIILC* rrom tb* latter city, oi- lers bis Unit lor i»i . li Is plsassul y located, deilrshie as s ri-sl ten or, and producilve and btilldiiiits la'good repair. H-M sdvertlstmom.

Tin weddoig.—The lenlb aunivtrsiry of ibe mmi.ti'i.i Mr. snd Mr-. Jobn C. Hover was I-I 1 -i.r.n, il i-nji-:i burns in jtcatlsnd District on 1'aesilsy evaniog. Oie btii Irud Inviiaiion* were sent on, a 11 wjre w«ll r -pru>ente I'T)-' friends on t r.-in *■/■•• lion lbs W«n« of Cn«t- bam, Lynn, It niloj nnl Andover. Tu- spacious f.irin'j-iow was ain,ile for IIM o^cul >n,

■*r ibo happy IntasratlM m tie boar, mirth HM) nl ilinii i■■]."!■.( ■upre.ai, and n pleaSiLtor com may I- v..,.n i Ue bird tn tiu I.

--'■ l of gilt* •moraesd s . n.: ■ nurnbir ol ar- n tiu, nrit-aaU, n..m snd silverware,

* sovural doliari In coin; tduielied and tirown cottois, prlntn, w.nd^tw shade*, and a

■ ■ .ii =it uf i I'-ii- clubs, IMJMIH, anil towels werj pr >fuse'y disjlsveil, wblH to> nturir,-.-. I-. ••-.- ■ .II'■ !■■■■'> ■■! UyvllMlS boUil'lelS, presented by (1 orge I' Milleti, 11 wktl. At t*n o'clock ri-lrci bin jut* Wern Served, tbe qtalliy and Ojaanilty ol which rtllected credit upon tbe hoiioas for ii T ••!.: 1 in tbu culinary depsrtniant, and brr executive al>l iiy la miking provision fur as 1 n it- a num'ier ut giti'S's. Tos host aud hostess were sgreevdy surprisad by the nurn- <>cr and valuu ol their presents, and in a few wellchusea words Urs. Uovey thanked ber friend* for visiting ber hums, and ins tanglole proof Ibey had given of tbelr kind rcgirds for Bsrself and faraity, making this anniversary bright wjlb pleossal recollection*, wblcb no stress of time or cbjogs could obliterate trom memory. As Ihe last words fail Irom ber lips, tremulous with tbe deep emotion of an appre- ciative heart, sba wss greetod by tb* warm ap plans* of all who stood within bearing of ber

olee, snd ressiartd by this mtalfeatstl poroval, she regained bcr self possession, tbe good nmht.i" were exebsnged, and the gussts

took tbeir departure, earnest Id tbrirexpresslonr ii v hap.>v rourns of a similar anniver-


Gerirnde Downlnr, which for iu ir. I,m-c needs no comment, aud singing t>y Ibe yonng ladles connected wiin Mies Liailu Snnn- dcr>' . 11»-- Mra. O. E. Hatborn saux n solo, s'ter wblcb Rev. 1,-mis B. Voorbees of Wey- oioutb, wbuprencbod In tbe forenoon, addressed IbecbildreP. The report ml.united I y Mr. C. K.Silllings, tbe sup'i, thossd tie scoonl to b* out ofdebt, with a tins surplus In tbe treasury, Ibst its member* bad been «.ll krpt up nuring Ibe past year, and that It aas in a Hourlahlng condition.

Tho Memorial Stone ordered by Ibe Congre- gational society, lor tbelr lode putor, ltev. (i-o. Pierce, will bj planed in pn.iiion this week. Tbe following IK M brief destrlptlnu of il: Tbe lab-

of Q-ilncy firanile about thrive and a half feet bign and KIX Inches ibick, and la inuunted oaab 0* ul U.i..li ml (;NII,II re foot blgb [ the width ol tbe tablet istwofetttno inches, tbe top la rounded and ibe odges beveled, tb* whole face Is polished except a narruw bolder line which runs ciiticely round It. Near the top I*cat a Maltese cross, snd lmoi?.;iuicly below It tbe nsroe, dsle of birth snd deuth, and st lb* bottom is ibe scripture quotation, "Yea, saltb tbe tiplrfr, ibat tbey may rest from tbelr lanon; and ibiir work* Co lollow tin in." On the re-

ars* |* cut tbu places ul bis dliKrcni p.iHomles wiib tbo year ol ln.iallnil.m ar.d di»nil,ial as follows: Drarul. Mass., 1CC.1 ISOr. I'otierson, N.J., 1867-1S7'2. Mi: I N II, 187J 1878- :• on!, Andover, Msia., 1079-1881.

Tin- Fourth at Hit. An.j .t cr. A meeting of Ibe HthsswS ol No. Andover,.

belu at Murim.il' iuit, Monday cvctlng, to conaldur ih) mKli*oiiity uf having a cehbra- ti'jii tbe coining 4M of July, *i> ea'leil Is) ordSr by H P. r*<ye. E-q.,wbo >va* chosen cbu nuxn, nud \V. ¥■ K 11 lay, sec clary. 11 wss vol.,I ut bar* a celebr.ilio'i, and Ibu following Commute* ul arrangements, with full power, was cbosen: N P. Pry*, K'l , W F. Kelley. OJO. Sewall, J -iii Ufowther, .■' .o L il irrlt, Jobn K .-i -ii.iw, H. U Smth. W-Mor (J irdncr, J. L Tatier-al.', Waller Stone, d .tin PfSSttM. Js*. A.Dsme. I't.i- i- trintti!!.-: ■.!. i..(.| i.Tit:v I,I;,I; i , an lu - Iowa: 1 n i :■ .'. N r. Piye, B*n.| BBirctary- W. P. K iiioj ; rrsassirar, t* o. L. Harris.


IUB31UB1AL DAY. Tbe folluwiiig Is the proerau.me of Humo-

rial Day orwervancu at North Andover: Tne |.J"• -.— i, i .:.-'. :.: or the U. A. It.

drum n rp» of Lnwnpi e, member* of Puat j|9 >i A. It., i-\-t li li. I". «» I S4llor*. 1. i.-u Sil'ui aud Cotbicbeuiik engine ciunpai.iii. wnti John Morton a* cbkl mar. hsl, i. in lurm at H uVliitk s. no., nn Waier sheet, rltflit retting at ibe P.uen Suitmi engine bousu. It will then march tb ougb Winer, 1-1 in and M dn meets, to the town hall when service" will be bold, i,s fol- low*, ■ ■ ....■! n , . i.: stS.ll o'clock: Music,

> Drum C irp», "Spirits of our Falbera"

Chorus of iii ii volets. Singing,






K*v. P. M. \ .i.t .ii. "Songortbe Fatherland"


Qeo. N. Cross


On Tuesday night ih.-re was a heavy frost In the village and Ice lunu, d la several places.

Charles Fred Foster Is shingling, painting and otherwise beautifying bl* dwelling house oa Cebtre street.

John Ashworth who ba* been at tbe Sand- wich IsUad* fur a year and a half past, return ed home a ten day* since. His family has re- sided In mle place during bia absence.

Tbe Methodist society hsd a day ol njolclog last Sabbath In reoccupying tbelr mueli Im- proved and beautified church. In ibealierntioD ltev. Stephen Cusblnf of tbs City Pulot Mis- sion, Bostoj, preached an earnest and trapref- slve discourse upon tbs tbeine: "Ut. Paul a pattern of B-tlvatioo," In iha evening lUv. L. it. Tbsyer. U. 1)., presiding slder, Wok for bis -m | -. i: "Joy uiuong Ihe angals overrepenllng tinners," and presented and discussed bis topic in aa aide and eloq teat manner. Tbe active participation In tbe *crvic:s oi Rev. II. It. Wil- uur, Hipii-i, "I Andover, snd ol ltev. Judson W. Sbaw, C ingrrK^'lonaliat, at present suppli- ingthe pulpliof Ibe Union chapel In tbls vil- lage, w*a a gratlfjtng leaturs or tbe occasion, and tbo lavortd socleiy I* to be cordially con- gralulated on Ibe liberal benefactions ol wblcb Ibey bave so opportunely beco*nc tbe recipient*. t'be singing was excellent. Tbe choir ha* re- cently Urn organised and It was tbelr drst ef- fort la public. J. Arthur Sbaw ■• tba leader. David Shaw bas beta engaged ai organist for tbe year. The organ is one of George Kyde ' make, with a nest and modest style of nnii and It* else and volume Is admirably adsptcd io tbe cbnrch. Tbu ...»»ni-t brought out its va- riety ol lone wiib pleaalng tffeci. Tbe ladles rfowerV'sboetkili'e"'aItBr and pulpit, the *■"■-

anrs.'S were escb ul marked ability and received. Tne bouse WHS flilsd in tb .• aitemooa ind nearly fall In the evening, notwithstanding he e.dii. Tbe following omoers have "

cbosen: Joba Feilowa, culleetori TbomU Matthew*, Ireaiurer; Waller Murray, srxton; Jobn Fallow* aud Tbomas Mattbews, ashen; Charles II. Klbbse, lecretary uf tbs boaid of rustee* and district and recording steward. J.

Artbnr Shaw baa been elected a trustee. There l* quite a demand for pews and persons wtshlng to hire should spply at once to John Fellows. Tha paator will preach next tlabbaib at 3 P. K., and that will be tbe regaur hoar or preaching service. Tbe following resoluiions have been adopted by the trustees oa tbe church :

Tu* Trustees of tbe Meibodlst F.idscopal Cbarch, at a regular meeting beld May 12, 1832, adopted ihe following re*olutiona and or- dered tbem to tie recorded on their journal i

Resolved, that we bcrertv gratefully ackonwt. edge our obligitlons to tbe Hon. J. P. Uradlee, proprietor ol the llallard Vale mill*, fur tbe great lnteret.i be ha* manifested In Ibe welfare and prosperity of our church ; and especially, for bis generous effort* In repair in =r, futnishlna and beautirylne our house of wonblp, sad tsaielally laving out and grading the lot oa wblcb It stand-.

We would slso place on record our apprecia- tion of bis kindness In perpetuating ibe memo- ry and worth of our respected and departed lrlend, Jame* Sbaw. late superintendent of tbe mill*, by placing a memo Ul tablet la the ebnrrb.

Hesolved, Ihnl a copy of these resolution* be presented to lion, J. P Uradlee with our best wishes and prayers for his prosperity; that be msy sboand In all ibe excellencies of tbs Christian cbsracter and rcCL-Ivo the gloilons-so-

ard or a laltbful disclplo of Christ In tbe Kingdom ol Heaven.

C. IL Kinnsn, Secretary. Rev. Mr. Hoyt wbo has supplied the pulpit

of tbe cbnrch ibe past year ba* been trans* ferred u South Fraraingunm. and Rev. R. W. Harlow of Maiden, will ofBclaiu tba *b*ulog y«r.

_ Jr. Vintor. Thi proces*lon will ra-form on Main street,

math to lbs <dn ometcry where a sbort step will be made to decorate tbe few grivo* of comrades there; the line or march will then ha resume I lo It Idee wood cemetery, where ibn Isrgestpart of the comrade* are burled, com plating the srork of decor, ting. Tbe proces- sion will then be reformed, and return over ibe following rouic; SsUtn street to Uarfleid Square, to Lawrence, itreet, tu M tin, tn Towu Hall, where a collation will be lerved. Re-form Oa Osgood tireet, Osgood to Plesssnt, to Wat, r,

the Kben Sntton engine bonse, where the procession will ue dismissed. All ex soldiers and sal ors are earnestly requested to partici- pate.


St, Paul's Kplscopnl, Uhurcb, Vurm Andover.

The chaste, yet attractive, St. Pan I '* Episco- pal cburcb, North Auduver, a description of which has been prevluas'y given In ibis piper. was crnseciated io the service of ibo Alnvghlf hy Right Rev. iwjuii.n H. p.idoch, '.nu . of tbe diocese, WedmsJay forenoon, lit tbs prafen;e of an audience wLlcb Illkd the church Ati. in 10 oVIock, ibe bishop, minister la charge, and visiting clenry la procession, were nut iii tbe enirancs to tbu grounds by ibe offi- cers ol ike church, snd escorted in lbs door, where Ibe latter formed on eliberilde. nnd tbo profession passed into tbe cburcb. Tbe servi- ce*. In accordance with tbe pretrrlbcd form of Ihe cburcb, ■*** Impressive.

Wilhln tbe rlmncel, heside* lite blabop, was Rev. A. 11. A-I..H i, minister In charge, Rev. Wm- Lawrence, Re». Dr. Arey, of Salem, and Rev. Mr. Fales, of Waliham. Outside tbe rail was Use. Phillips Brooks and Rev. L. Parks, rfe?.T'*.SfarrV, or'WrTJMrine' *Tn-Krd.r.M to the above tbe following clergymen were present: the venerable Rev. Dr. Edaon, of Lowell. Rev*, K. L-Urown, of Newburyport, O. A. Rand, t,l llsvtrbill, C. H. Hatcblns, of Medlord, W. u. We K of Lawrence, B. A. Brown, of Lawrence, J.J. Crsssty, of Lowell. D. J. Ayir ■ ' L'.well. 8. llodgklss, of Wake- JeM, H.S. Has*, of Walthsm. A. W. Uhap- man. of Amcobnrr, A. Wssbharn, of So. Bos- ton, C. WInfstc, <>!' llavf l-iijii. A K. Oturge, of s-i. Qrovclarid, C. L. Sbort, of M, im-o, N. Hi-hup. of Somervllle, T. Nlckenon, or Itocb- dsle, J. A. Bevingtnn, uf lloiton.

Tbe Instrument of donation, presented by Snrgeon-Oeneral Dale, ws* read by Rev. A. H. Amory, and Ibe formula of ronterraliou by Hev. Wm. Lawrence. Alter tbe roniecration service, thirteen persons were confirmed.

The sermon, hy Rev. Phillips Bn ok*, was a ti'bidsrly product-tin. A hrlefabilMcl follows|

At last the liiile cburcb has betn flniibed sod consecrsird. Before we wculd cntir tbo bit- tory of ibe new church, we might say a lltlle as to it* surrounding*. Tbe town of North Ando-

er, with lls hesutlful scenery. Its running ireana*, ***** lined rivulets. It* aiocmala lew* and plciurrique landscnpc*, contain*

little wblcb seems to weary lbs eye. Here ibe Puritan looked for hla borne, and the wild In- dian swept down upon the delcnceles* Inhabi- tant*. Here also dwelt tbe old fanaticisms of tbe past, and later, tho snil-alavsry f. eilne. Not the leosi characteristic personsgeefiis post blttory ws* Jcbn Gocdbrldge, wboee term of mlnlnry la conjunction »ith IMS of olhir min- ister* reached i-ver a leng period. I would not meniinn tbelr names in connection with tbl* con*ecr*(lon If by to doing I waa throwing . .11.1,, .,,.,., ,!,..„ ... ....I ..■ .1 II... i. , ,


iimaster Pilling la canned to bis residence by Illness.

hn Rnache has been appointed sexton of Of St. Pnui'. Chnrcb.

_ ». O. F. Wa'en of Bethel, Conn., Will prracii at ibe Congr^stional cbursh next SJB- dsy.

Any person cm'.em plating purch n'nj a cab- inet organ sbiuld read the advertisement m 'tis asjrpar,] The new bell At St. P-inl's Ciurcb, weigb*

impounds. It wisa praieat from D-. Appie- lon.of Bostoi.

Tbe 4ih of July C,,mmlttse m-tl tbi* evening Bt Merrimac Hall aate ruom. A lull atien- d an re t* desired.

Julian Wall, formerly a resldeil ot this town, ws< or lamed B It im is Catholic priest, Bt Woodstock College, Mil., recently.

Tbe standina committee nl tbe Congregation- al sodeiy, hive appointed Mr. Clarence Prince a* aexloo, lo place of Henry Waterman, re- signed .

A hlcy cle club b.is been formed with the fol- lowing offlcirs: Captain and president. Jobn E. Smith; Secretary sad Treasurdr, Oeo. L. Wright.

Tba base bill game bjtween tbe Phillips Acad- emy nine and tha North Andovers, set down for last Wednesday, ha^ been postponed until

Considerable Inlrrest Is manifested In ibe wrestling match between D. W. Snicllffe and Michael McDonald, on tin Acre, tomorrow af- ternoon, at 4 o'clock.

ll.-o br>p bl Merrimac Hall, 'ait Friday evening, was attended by «i..iut rUbiy couples, wbo arparentiy passed a v-ry hippy nfgbt Collins' orcbesira lurnlsbrd ihe mask.

Tbe horsa owned by Henr.v O. Russell, of Lawrancb, Wblcb susuined a lirokrn leg sum : Iim« iln^'e Is reoverlng from tba effocts of ibe sccldent si rapidly as coald be expected. Tbe animal la sni: at tbe Meadow Brook Farm.

T be following articles draw al tbe Odd Fel- lows fair, await claimants, aod will be sold un- less called fur wit bin a week: *llvercakeha'ket, Nu. IS*; toilet HI (NO. 1 combination tlcSei), No ViM; toilet let (No. 3 combination tlckst). No. Ul.

At Ibe annual mntlng of ihe Congregational Sabbath School held la ibe veatrr of tb* Congregational cburcb. ths following offi- cer* were elected for lbs ye ir ensuing:—Presi- dent, N. P. Frye, esq.; v|c* prjsident, Doacon J. F. K nn'nil, superintendent, Ciarla* H. 3tl>- Ing*; a**l*tsnt *upjrlntend*ni, JobnWikli- ■on; secretary, Frank I) Foster; treasurer, Oeorge U Wright; lib.arl<o, Albert W.Crock- eii; directoif, Mi»s Lncy Klmbill, Mi*a Annta L. Sargsnt, Mm Alice Godfrey, Mr. C. C. i ■ ■ - ■ and ! • ■ > J. li. Stone. Tbe re- nort* ofibeiupe.lotendent, trrasarerand libra- riac were real and acceidBd, all of wblcb showed the school to be la a prosperous coadl-

Tboe* wbo attended the entertainment, at Stevens Hall, Friday evening, were richly re- compensed In point of srjijnifnt for the dis- comfort experienced fn gulni to snd Imm ihe same. Ms* Kubenne A. Finoley effectively brought out ibe si rung pnlai* In her fir- ~ lags, and I* sire of* Warm welcome should she again read here. A pleasing ponton of programme wss the exceedingly gord singing

"— PblNtoiOleeC'uh C. L. Merrlsm, dlrec qaartette of Phill ps Academy ex.

>a sdmtrable Instrumental pieces, and Carter gsv* cello

Hev. Malcolm Doug- I Pa mer presided nt lb* piano. The andlenca

light upon those grand old Puritan*. I he leve that In consecrating tbls church, to-day,

we do honor to those bemre n*. If * voice conld come in in the grave* on yonder hill- sides, where Kit thrsr prcscber* of tbe past, ibey would pruneurice a blessing, fur tbe aama work wblcb In their own days and la their own ways. lb. v bare done Bo well.

I may not ill uses fw minutes by fprnklng on tbe Epiicopal doctrine, which con MM* In two things, Inward and outward help. Inward help consist* In prayer,Inward tower, while out- ward help cues to form churches an d further cbnrcb work.

We rejoice to-day at the extension of our Cborcb, but we should also rejoice In ont es- tablished In tbe Mm of our cburcb; and when I ipeak of that I menn ibe wbnig church of whi'b we ire a lorion. Tbe church of Cbrlst I* a roneregatlon of men wbo BIS t 'tmed togttbur la Ibe ime cuurch,—a body of believer*, who unite together in Ibe true church. Tbo Roman!*!, tbo Calvin 1st, tbe Meibodlst ami others, make op ibecburtb. Ourcburcb msy perish, but n tbecburvhof Cbrlst should neriih ihert Is no room tor us anv longer. The quest! in is asked what I* tb* principal character which our Christian church proltssesr I nimwer Ibat she bold* fait tb* connection winch mat ct tbe ciiurcb to-day Ibo samoas tho ciurcb In the time of tbe Apostle*, and that In all sur* ibere h*» been ooe conito-

cbuicb, wulcb church I* more cbnrch ly than msny of our sister cburcbti, because il 1* xempltned In tbem. — , — ■■■*■ Whoever comes Into our cliurih »* a stranger

will ire tor himself that worship Is the principal character ol our cburcb. And soother or lb* characteristic* Is III extensive toleration. Now ■& one c'.urcb U narrow because It ha* no formula i another because It bs* no direct besd. Our church stands upon tbe Apostle*' creed, *o an member of our body enn lake upon blm lo tell snotber member that ba Is dialoval and untrue That I* ibe ime Idas of toleration. There are In Ihe Epiicopal chorch, high churchmen and low cbnrcbmen. If tbe Ides of tbs cburcb Is B* I believe it lobe, ibe word mean* neither high church nor low cburcb, bat simply men who are trying lu get out of tbe deed Issue* of cbarch psriln.

PtOplc. wbo do not understand tbe services, come into oar cborcb and sit In iha stats; Ibey turnover ibe psgtt of the prayer book, snd listen io s n.ini-tcr In a ratber oufsmlllar dress, and suppose that lbs service I* veiled In mys- tery. There 1* nothing thst would help oar church more than to have other* challenge bar, SOBS she would be able to show that *be was tbe right cburcb, and ibat she bad power to bring men to Jeans. The man who Is a Cbrlst- Un will do honor to tbs church by iteartily joining lo it, snd doing his best to promote ber growth In religion, for we believe In wb*'. she II, and what abe may be.

Tba sneaker also dwelt at tome length noon the charitable work performed by the Epiico- pal cburcb.

Concluding, be si Id, let u* **k Christ to take possesslob of thi* *anrtuary. and of hi* ser- vants ss they come together year after year It tbl* lanctusiy of hi*.

Communion w*i administered to a large number by the bhhop, ais'iitd by Rev. Dr. Arey, Rev. Mr. Fales. and Rev. A. H. Amory.

Ibebiibop nnd visiting clergy were enter- tained at Hill Ciesl by Oen. Kben Sutton, after tbe service*.

BUY Beach's Washing Soap.

Beal Estate for Sale, A vary de.lrable prorerly, on Church sheer,

Noiii. And-ver. The honse Is 11 Morten, eon- is,ns U room* beside* aiilcf.w.iii flna cemented cellar. It contain* all modern Improvement* «nd |t in thoiouih rerslr. Ibe lot eeabiaces about one-half acre, covered with fruit trees and erne*. Admirable uclihboihood,convenient to mil!*, machine shop, churches, schools, here* and sie*m nar* Price low, *Dd t*ra>* estv. Apply at this une*. in ttw m\

A Msson * n*mlln camsir Oaour, nearly

las*, D.D,:il*v. F. U. Makepeace, RJV. C. A. I encored SLVSMI ol lb* **Iwlc«s. and! IwtaaW I £IV **.L± • a, —..a rest, Ms. Andovort •ncoreu iiiciai m iu* aeiteiKMia, aua, uy nearif

I applause, told plainly Ibat thay kssnly relished I

A LB1KT 0. WOOD, JR.. Hticcaeaor to XX (. w. lit tt HA BO, Dealer In Boots, Mioei end KuOben.and Uei>alnug done in ibe beet Ban.

I the lowcatpnuea. H u,. 1; Hiding, Haln street, Andover, my! Hr

DK^JIHI.Y HiUMV.V, ii ■...,-,, „ |.u,.t, EP Ihoet ft Kuuuert.Ciialoin »m a a aueclallr. ateua.rln/ n.Mil) .(■»«••*! *.Uoii notice. Jone*1

lelourateil kip ami Ua.ll Hoot -.,,.,,,, r.. , Sand. Main St., And«eer.M«ta. jM*»)V»

BENJAMIN B. TITTTLK bMbtwuktot J. R. Parlin Itio loeai atpreaa an.j jobbing

buafaeae formerly or H. R. While. ■, i lobbing, moving of oiaoot, fun.iiiii*. £ , . reasonable prlcea. Patronage aolicl.eu ntiy

BRADLEY 4 PARLIN. MarthSB failure and Dealer* Ir Clothing, liaK,Ca,it

and tienu- k'urm.biug Uotd*, Main Street, Aadover, Maaa.


ESSEX, i*. Toaltbsrof the Cotuiable* oi Hi* Town oi Andover, Uitning ;

In ibe naaueoi the CO amoawealtb ol Mat**- ehuaeltt, jot, ere hereby <|,recle<l to r.olilfaij • am the inhabitant* oi (be Town oi Andover, ij'mliil I |o vole ID I .w ii aEatra, lu meet and aaieuttilea'IheTuwu ll<m*e In sail Aod.,v.-r.


Rev. Nathan S. Hill pria?hed at Anrtevcroa Sunday afternoon lac, at ibe luan kail.

DR. J. C. PENNINGTON.—Cfflceover Draper-* booe-.lore. Mam Street.. M.hi

call* at Mr. 1»JHU. bticbard.Lu'a, oppoaitc Cor- ner mime. ~

DR. 0. B. ABBUTT^OmTe^J"SaT. HMII at Mrs. Kl.en Tylur-a, Main Street,

Andover. Once hour* "-Iba. in., 1-1 and after P-1- Ifdeiv*

EDWIN H. BARNARD, Palming. Ola slag, Graining aod Paper Hanging A

EI ■ I a.* irtnieu t ol. Boom Pa^er c >n>Uiaily ot IMWini eale. iiinil,fri si. (..■, nil

EPIKE, Tin, Birtht-n and Woodcb • Ware, Uepaira Pump*, Btovea,

U»OOJ. oio. Solo ugenlforUagcc eloTce, Mi. anajfurnaeea lor Andover and vie I ordure promptly attended to. Park >ti A ,d>ver. nov7lvr

GEORGE PIDDIKQTON, fljilat ild landscape gardener. Hi'>l<n< to order.

Window and oeildin* plante, cllmblbK bar.I) and lea roae. Agon lur all kind' ui IIH> *i.'a aarub*. Pruning, anil pliuitio*; attendad lo. Near tbe dapot.

Andover, April 1, 1*31.

HENRY OOF*. I'alotlog, Graining. Papering nnd Ulating,doneaiehorinotlc.4

and reeaonable mice. Ptreon* wlthlng woiL drop a initial in Poat Ufflca, octlu if

JOHN H. DEAN, Merchant, Tailor, Doa'er In Clothing and Uent'e rarnbhtuy

Uood* ot all klnde. ».*rm.-iit. mad* la the lalrai fatbton ami warranted lo lit. Repairing,ateen lag and prcesiag done neatly, fctaln atreet, AadoTar. ii.iv ;■> i i i

McLAWLIN ft BAKER — Bsaldea out rafular Una of Uulldera' Hardware, wi

•ball make a specially of faim'nf Implement, ibla aeaeon. fiomi, Uu HI valor n, Jtowliftala oblnat, Horee Bakta, clo. Alto a lull aaaorttncni oi Mhovel-, Foika, Hoi., Bakta, Spadea, ah), all at tbo loweel prlcea.

Mlbs HKl-KN D UOI.T, Piano andOraan TMOber. Hp.il.l paina takenwilbbcaln.

nara. BaaldancaPryeVllliiia. Ijr U3

NATHAN 9. ABBOTT will furnUfa ■ • aparlor qualliy ol I.edfa Stone* for oel-

lara and foundation* ataboii noliieaadiea eonablepilcia. TmOilng DioropUj done. Bat ItfacilonaruaranUtd. Ettldto-1 ntai M mmei llraaL lj- -

SAUNDER8 BROTH KKS. Plumhert and Tiaainlibi, Aleo dealer* In Tin, Ola at

and Wooden Ware,Stove* ar.d furnarea. Ile- palrt for all kind* of (ttoTea, Ham etiaet, Andu- rar, Maaa. Ivr ecplT

THOMAS UOWELL carrlt-a oo the Furniture and Uphulaiary buelneaa Inall

thi'lr braaebee,albl**tore on Park etreet fur- niture rooaired anil renoTftd at abort nolloa ami oa raaaooableterm*. IT octlOxi




-ASEMTaV )« l>om«illii Kaalilau* and Barratt'aDpi

Ilowaa. Klaaupln* and ' luklat. MAIM ItaHfi AHDOVER. Ir mylt

G. U. Wl.EKh

Steam Pi listing, MoBumental Granite M Marble Wcrvs.

Warn room t 51 Main Strati, opp>th* Common and at 9and H Court St.


Bteam Follahlni Work* and Oranita Yard in . Bradford. Offlocalll Main St., UaTorblll.

Forrlfn and Donn^allo Oranltna and Maiblrf wrouablln any Main at * hurt notice, be- •line and Catimalea lurnlabed tiee ol coit.


/■IIIA8 -H. PAIt-lKK,

Funeral T id Furnishing UNDERTAKER,


HP (I Andodr M*a*.



UAYol MAY. A. n.iHftt. al U o'clock iu,u. lowing Arm I**, oamelT :

act ■ the foU

Article Id—To arc If the Town will pay Iba PouiUoa It liauOorlaed to par un ler ibe pio- TUiona of Chapier lit ol Iba Law* of Maaaa.hu aril*, pataed and mat lei lo Ibe year Ufa* and mi*' and ai'propnaie iba aum of -itiv t\t<- llundied Dollar* tbar lor. In vo.lng oa tbla unrm.u Ibe t-bevk Hat ma*t be uaed, and the poll* krpt o^ua at leaat lour hour*. Tbirot* rou-i be liy rr pa rate ballm, and the Lallol* abail u*v"le*" or"ito", In aaawar to Ibla qoeaKoo "W.ll itaToun i.ay a Huuuly of Ono tlnmired and I wrnty r IT* boiler* to each aoldler and the {•MM r.-pie.CLI*ilTi-(ul ra.bdecej.K.l .nl.iirr ol Company H, F|,.t Oaalmcnl ol Ueary AruMi-ry. Haaaai'i,ueatttVaiunieir*tB,ho r«*Llt*tod at a "■"I'm under tbe eall ol tbe Pr< alik-ul of Iba United Mai-*, dated October Heypntranib, Kightteu Hundred aad aitlv-lbree, and wa* oredliid to ibe Town, nnil tut* nev> r rr'eiren any Iloualy fur re-anllaianenl Iron lie Town, and raaelbe turn of Sii'y fT roll uadreil Djllat* and auprnprlah- tb* eameio Ibe paymenLoiaalJ llouMnt 7*

Article Sd-Tj art nn an* other hut no.a ibat mar legally none aaforeUiaaaaatlag.

Uoteol fall not, and make due return o( ibh Warrai.i, With rour doing* ibereoo.io Ihe Tonn Ulerk, in the time and plane ol meet eg.

Ulten under our baniaai Andovrr, ihla tth dav nf May, in ton /ear ol oar Lord one Lhouaaad nKm humirtd and aigbiy-two.

OKOit-jE L. Minorr, ■ tl*l*etmen SAM'MI. KOL'rWKLL.f of CtfAKLetS OUB*.MK, ) Aadorer.

A ti tie aopy.—Alteal; JOHN CI.ABK,

Cooalableoi Andurer.


The aubaerlber onTora hla Farm tor aala. It la altuatcd lo tbe Weal Pariah In Andorer, and eonalite or 14 aorae of mowing and tillage In ml, •ml It aajaa ol pa*lure, with a iwo etory houar, Minted ,iid blinded, aad a barn Waal feet. The iiui'd.iiKJ. are logood repair. Tie Farm 1* loca lad on the rlrer road Wineea l.owrll nd Law rence, I mile iroot del oi, and but a lew iod* iri.iiiB »rhool hou... Land good. Leal apple oi op UU barrel*.



Practical Upitolltcrtr and Furniture Rapjirer.

Parlor Fel*. Ka*> Chalra aad Lounge* made lo order. Maititeic* made over, Feaiber Bede cleantrd. baidnfr'. !'• rlorated Heaia aatHc- ialty. Can.i, elrantd and laid, and abadee hung. Keata MI..I, neat Memorial Hall, An. do'er. Order* ao.Micd and prom .illy ailendad

la ay lb

Commonwarllh of Manachuiatti.

■wig aa.

To all icrFOninteiraleiHiilhee'lateol Churlee 11. Hargenl, oi flior.h Aodorer, In aald couatr. geuUen.au, ■ apendlLitft,

Uitiimil: Wbareae, Ihrnraer 1. Carrier, Iba guardian

of aald ward, bai ir a, rated for altowan-e tbe ercond acoouni ol hi* y jaid.anihlp.

You are hereby clind to appear al a Probate Lonrt lobe htl ten at Lawrence, In eald county, in the teeond Monda* of June teas at t o'clock in U.e loicnotn toihow cnuae, II am you have, why ihu earn* ahould not be allowed.

And Ibe aald guardian la ordered lo aerre ihia citation by poMirb ng Ibe lame unoe a week In (he

l-Awaaai'n Aataercia, aad Amiovig ADVMK-liaBt,

a newtpaper prlulrd at Lawrence, Hirer week-aucceaanely, the latt publication lobe two dara at leaat bernrr aald court.

Wllneaa, OKOBUE F. CUOATE, Eaqulre, ■lurtne of aald Court, thl* len'h day ol Mas in Ihajaarelitbtean hundred and eighty.[ wo.

.„.»,.« KaOTaaaCTSIK Mortgagee'!! Sstle.

By virtue or a power of aale ooaUlned la i morlgeee given by AIT I.rone Ho well and Ella ibeth llowelt, fa la Wile, to M. thrlalopher An draw* dated December lltb, 1*77, reoordrd with tteaea Northern Ulatilot Deedn, hook 19, page law, for breach of co dition of aald mort- gage, will be aold by publla aaoUoa on Ibe

tiara hereinafter dcacribed, oa Monday, lfJ-1, leJl.at 4 o'clock m the afternoon, all alixa'ar the premiae* deacribed la aald

■MtllM namely: A certain lot of land with building* thereon

•lluiti ii m the village of Bali.nl Vale, in tndorrr. Mat*., bounded ae follow*: Be*inning >n ihr i-MUf-riy aide of Centre <er Central) *ir**i .in i.on.t OL« hundred eighty fiet toutkarly I'm in ua Intir. o< tlon with Croea atreel; tbence running auulhi rly oa Centre (or Cenlrtl) alreel, me hundred twenty feol; tienee eaiterly on*

■ uu.lii-d ll.lrtj- Ibiee feet lo Uarland alreel; -.I,.'me northerly one bumirel twtnty fret on • ahl alarland atreet; thence a eaterlr one huu- lini tblny three l*ei to Ctntje tor Central

* reel at Ibe point of beginning. Terma: * MI to be paid at Hate of aale, and

balance on delivery »i deed within Ua day*

..^HrOirii1ttF.ity&"1r.r''oBWil?,'!!«oH«t««« M.UHKI«l'Ul-llkU AMIKKW'S,

Mortgagee. Apiiii»:h,]ggi. ffgmi it TT


Fish of all kinds, Fresh and Salt, Fmoked and Pinkletd.

Lobsters, Clams and Oysters fane* Flab of allklndaln their aeaeon. Freth

Milk every dar. Uooda deliveied. rAEK STREET. ANDOVSB

Dec. SO.leSI. • If


Lvkecs Valley Bed Ash Goal,


And Dealer »

INVESTMENT SEUDBTIES, No, S3 Devonshire Street* Boston United fttatee Clai*, Counlv, City and Bailroad Bonda, Mlnlnir, Hanui.i'-.urlnf, Bank, Inaurance andlotker titouk* Bought and .-old on Comutiilon

' York, Philadelphia aad Ban Fiencl.i

In Button, New '

Money Faraished on Mortgages. BnjIDXXCK. AHDOVkK I* O. Box lid.

H. L. RAMSDELL, Agent for ihe leading


lor iheaalnol all kind* and aiylea, lor caabor OD Inalallmeoie, on eaay terma. |lo aaved by paying eaah. Xlachlnta rxchanaed, bought, aold, cleaned, repaired and lo ici. catlere, need lee, oil, alwaye on hand; alao goodaeioad hand machine* aheap. Call aad aee tbeia.

earner ■mnaawer * Klam St. Aadaver. tPMlT

MOOAR ftTUOW, Ma nufaoturera of and scalar* In

O a-BBlAGBS tOf avi rj deicilptloa, Including

Boi Bugflei, Fhittona Cornlpft|Dgm,

Wagoni, Side Bsr SUfgiga. — il.SU —

Falatlag and Repairing p.omptly andneatlp

AM)OVr:n MA93. P. 0. B. a 1M.



WOOD Sr COAL Wbite Asb anil Franklin Coali.

HARD AND SOFT WOOD. Prepared,I Ue*i red.

roa sail HT

JOHN CHANDLER. Andovtr. 0-der»renelved,at.dhni,*ettlt<'*i

J. H.CHANDLER'S Oppot 11* Poat OSr r.

POMP'S POND ICE, la the be*l in Iowa for alldoraeiUe purpoaee,

Clear, Solid and I'uro. Sefrigaratort, tauka, water ooolara and pitch

art will reoaaln awtet. LOOUTIIE BEIT. 8PKND4 THE BEST.

And the beat le toe cheapeel. Seaeon eommeneea, and ileaaaa will retuate ragnlarly on Monday, Maj tat.

Special Notice lo all Conauntera: Oar new echedule, made up for Ifun, hat been

withdrawn, and price* will remain a* laal year. eTtwi the following I* ibe aoale:

MUM Iba, eaah delivery, i«o per too ibe. SO to BOO l*io *' " Per ton. •* » Package Ticket* may be had ol dilver IS Iba.

• eta. A liberal patronage deaireil ■

He* p* ctrnlly, II. U. HA. A A 111) A CO,


Plfi and Milk. The aabecrlbar offer* far aale l.i baadawme

flge, about elahtWMke old, aad will aupply to loaterafrooaanto lHOqtaria oi aillk dally.

If mi DA VI l> J AM ESON, Andorer,

Real Eftate at Auction IN ANDOVER*

Will be aold at Public Auction, on Mo ad ay, way lid, at S o'clock p. m , on tbe premi*ea, the home.trad of the late Nathan Claik, deceaied. ilcoaalileof a,boul*4 ac ea of mowing, tlllate, paalure aad woodland, with bulldlnga.and le ocaied In Ihe Weal Pariah, lo Andorer, near Ualiard Vale Villaga CondlUona-glOO at .al* ualance In thirty dayr, w hen deed Will be dtliy f*li occupancy al once if pnrchaicr deiire* for farther pan Icular* er quire or

ttmyl* UBOB(iKrU3TEB,Aoctionecr.

Auction. Will be told at Public Auction, on Tueedar,

»ay«, al)o'clock p.m., on Ibe preml-ea. about U| 4creaofland, with bouae, bam and ebed, auowu aa Ihe ".Hamuelblloieaat place," ait'ialed h Ibe aouth part of Aadover, ne.r the North

Reading liae. CoadUlona, HfU aale, balance iniodaya, wh.n the died wlil be dellverad. •SW can leeaain on mortgage If deelred.

llmyll UaoBiie ruaTKB, Auoitoaerr.

Dwelling House and Hou te Lett for Sal*

III Andovar. On Maple Avenue, a two etory Dwelling Hoaaa with elated French root, containing 11 rvmu-, wlih lot of laml ltd lett br KG leet. Alao 10or mote hou.e lota on *atae and High atreet.

11 IB JiUlS B. FLltT, Aadover, Man,

NOTICE 18 HEREBY GIVEN that tbe aubecrlber hat been duly appointed ex-

eeuioroftbe will or LUCY BAMDY, late of Andovar,

In the county of Eaaex.fwlfecf John Hardy), deceaeed,te*late,and hat taken upon himtell that truat by giving bonda aa tbe law direct*. All peraona having demand* upon tbe ee- ute ol aald doceaied are required to exhibit the tame; and all periont indebted lo aald eatale recalled upon lo make paruti-nl to

OEOHOE FooTKR, Exec'r. Aadover, May lo, IMS. myli is ss

FOR SALE. Furniture, Garden

Prof. C. M. MKAD'a, Andover.

FARM FOR SALE. Tbe Ba,dwell Farm, in Ibe We*t Patl.h.ia

offered for eale. It ooaelale of about one bun dredaer-a of e owing, tillage, patlura aad wood

Co-Partuershlp Notice. The tubtcrlbera bOrcbr give notice that ihey

have ioiaied a co-p.rloerthlp unoer Ibe Ira name ol Ka* A> Anaxrrr. and haiina bouaht onl ike meal mirkei and l>u(cherlng of John H, riln, will continue the builne**. A a bare of nublic patronage I* reapeclfuliy aollclted.

IXBfiS (I. ill


Fashionable DreBsmaking. be anbecrlber will continue tbe above I eel a al the meldenee of J. IV. Fanikner, Pun

eanrd Avenue. ALICE O. HIMBALL. ifmaiBl


IC. DEALER. Famtllea ai.d o, nera mpplied at lowetl p*le*a. Order boiee at Poat t-oice* lu Andover end Ballard Vale aad at eloreof J. Uarner, Yrye vuiae*. my St

Tbe Paclfla ImproveiaetiU.

Io abOQt two weeks, It Is expected, the butiu'Dt of tbe Pacific storu boaee will

bo completed, H far aa tbe excavstlona

are concerned, ri.d Ihe ledge removed

Tbe found at ion la more Loan half laid and • large gang of maaons are employed laj

lag brick for the building proper. On tbe •otlre Improvementa at tbe atora hoaae

alia, upper and central mills, tbara are 240 men engaged, and 80 hornet and caria.

The Improve mania contemplated will oc-

Caalon tbe aae or between six aod icven ajlllloDg or brick.

'■OoiPt* MBDICAI. I)i*covaaT 'forail acraf- ulout and blood-poiaona, la ape cine. By drug. el,i. wadAialAV

ALMOaT KILLBD. •aa almott killed bv tbe dociere, who traated

me i.-r bleeding plkr. It coat ma over ilOO wlihoat relief. I took SulpOnr Bltiera for two naontbi and UJ» I am well — Oui Hal1, Tror.

tn2« cod

CciaioifBD in ROOT ot'tta, Incloaed ID llpe that part In imllea Ilka the opening roaeudd, the teetb gleam w«ih daa allng wblieneei If tbe cbarm'aj potaeaaor uaea i eauitlylog Suaodont, Wblrh cleenaei and biaocbee ihe tceita wlibcnt abrad.ng ibelr en- amel like mineral preparation! detlgned for tbe tame pofpot*. Tbla agreeably oJorooiand •aiurarj anlcle not only beneOU tbe leelb aad enhance* iba beauty of ibe month, bat remove* canker, and remedlea Miceratlon or the gurne.


Mr. David Bu'eyha* been In town tevcral davadurlngtbe week.

alri. Able5pear ha* been appointed execu- trix of tbe will of ibe late Samuel 8- Pot*.

Mr. Eleaier Culler baa removed frem Law. rent* to Atuherai, N. U-, on account of LU health.

There will I* an adjourned pariah me tine al tbe I'aivi i, di»t cbutib, on Saturday evening. May 2Qtu.

Rev. N. 9. [111! wit raited to Woonaockrt, It. I., ihe 11 m ol ibe «ick, to cBHaUBl Uiu luuir- al of an aged friend.

During the put week three lamlllei from aweaaa, N. II., bave moved Into iblatown, and more are txpecled to arrive In the courae of a

I few day*. Mr. Samuel Wtbatir bai bleed the livery

atable onneit'd with tbe Bxe.baageHoi*', and will traniler hie buaiaeee to Ibal place tbe Urn ol next monib.

Hr. Daniel Meaacr baa obtained a altaalloa In a bat raanufariorv al Balilrjure, ale., at a g-od tilaiy. and win |Uve for that illy In the lourietfa lewdava.

The Grand Council of Ihe Royal Arcanum have appointed Mr. Fred A. Spear, DUtrtct Dtp. niy Urand lttgenl or tbo 10ib Dlitrlet. Haver- hlil and Newburyporl are lb* dtlat comprialcg IbadiairkL

Mr. Henry C. Nevlni bai aavaral very Una ■Ulllona thai will be oa exhibition al ibe Eeo- oaa trotting park. In Hevrrhlll, on Decoration Day, when ibe Drat race oflha aaaaon at ttat park, will lake place.

Mr. Alum.) C. Monty died oa Saturday cnuniti-R. alter a weck'i lllneu, ol pncnmoola, aged 60 yearr. The luaeral wa* held on Tare day aftarnoDa fium hit late rcaldonca, at >ha weai, rly part of tbe towo.

Mr. IJ.'ij iii.in P. Hoytdlnl at Meitere Cioae- lag, oo Saturday lait, aged 7» yearr. tje bad heen employed lor nearly thirty yeare by the Pacillc Corporation, In Lawrence. The lunera occurred un Tuesday afternoon.

Mr. William K William* and Mitt Kale Aaatla ware married on Thortday tveuing, at Lawrence, by Rev. A. E. White. Tbey bave eet-sred a tenement ni Pleaaant Mract, aad will COB ratnee huuae-keeptaf at once.

Mr William P. Potter died on Tbnrtday morning, of paralytlt.ngcd 73 year*. He bad been in feeble health and hit dealt wa* not aa expected- He baa reafded ha tbla Iowa tlnre 1860, and waa well known by moat of oar e,tl- aent.

There eeema to be quite a lively roanp-iiilon going on between Mr. Samuel Webeur and Cnp>. Corllta, lo the matter of horte Milne. and on tevcral evenlag* riuilng iba put waak tbey bave can led paaaengert on their barges to and from tbt Lawrence opera honta free of ax - pente.

Mr. and Mra. Jama* Parley cettbraied tba twenty-fifth annlvtreary ol their married life on Tuetday evenlag, bv receiving intlrrelallvca and trleadiaitbtlrrtaldcnceoa Howe atreet. Tbey were tie reCpier.tJ of a variety of prta- enu, among which were many aerial art',<■!«. A collation wat aerved and vocal and laeiru- mental mutlc added much to iba entertainment of tba evening.

Tbe eeleclmen bave called a town mealing to bo Laid al the town ball, on Wtdnetrity aiiar- noon next, at 2 o'clock, lo act oo the following article* :—

Art.). Tocbooeea mcdtralor to pretlde at ■aid meeting.

Art, 1. To hear Ibe report of the committee appointed at the annual meeting In March, to invettfgala aad rcror! la relation lo building a ■cbool houte on Merrill tlraat, near ibe Arling- ton Mill*, and act thereon aa tba town may think proper.

Art. S. By rcqnett of Jamea A. Treat aad oibere lo aea If tba town will acxent aid allow aa a (own way a atreet laid out by the eelect- men, running easterly from Broadway atreel, pern St. Tbomat church to a atone wall, or land of N. D. Piper.

Art. 4. By rrqueet of Joeepb 8. Howa and otben lo aea If iba town will accept and allow at a town way a atreet laid out by iba telect- mea, ronalng tooth from Brown iireet, paat tba arhool boat* lot on Center*treat.

Art. fi To tea If ibe town will vote to build a ecbool boute on Merrill atreel, ana appropri- ate ibe money for the tame.

ArtC. Toaeoil tbelowo will vote to baild a aewcrftiim tba eornerof Ibe atreet near tbe ttore of Cattle & Steven*, acroat Broad1

PL a hlrly- three feet, and appropriate two hundred and Unr dolttrt [or the uor.

Art 7, To tee If iba town will appropriate tbe sum of one hundred dollar* for elge none* to be act mar tbe bulldjngt of V. Uorllei and

Taken for Another Year.

For the pax week the queatlon aa to who would manage'be opera bouae In tbe Boaton A Lowell depot, during next aeaaon h.ia been an open one. Tburtday evening tbe preaent laeaee and man- ager, Mr. Ltnergan waa notiled that be could nnvBine nouae for an ither eaaaon. One year ago Ihe BM of tbla month, lb* opera bouaa waa opened and alno* that lima there ha* been with matinee*. Sunday concert*, eta., about SO aatar- ie in HI i'nt* in ir.c h ...n. Manager I.anorgan baa brouglitmany excelltnl companlca lo Ihia city. and alnce the new year eaae la tbe people of Lawrence have begun lo appreciate bit endeav- or* to provide for their arnu.i meat aad butiaeaa baabeengeod. Enowlng what to expect next year. Ibeatra goer* In tula city aboubl look la that Manager I.anergaa la well anpp >rted la h.* place of amu*eaent.


Aa Mrs. J. A. Naab, rvaldlng at No. 84

Union alrect. was aboat to descend a

Sight or atalro, at tar realdebce. Tues-

day afternoon, ahoallpped aod fell bead- long to tbe landing below. Rim waa tak-

en up In an almoat Ineenelble condition. Dr. Sargent has bean attending ber, and

while It Ig thought no bones, sra broken, the lady inffera Intenael*.

—Supt. Samuel Barlow, of the Pacific mllla print works, hu been Boabla from lllneaa, to attend to the duties of that po-

sition lor a few daja past; and daring bla abat-Dce, Mr. John Phillip*., Jr., la acUaaj

aapertntendent of that department.

—Tbe Young Men's Christian Aasocla*

tlon are to bold a strawberry festival at the city hall Wednesday evening. May

24th. Tbla featlval Is for tba purpose or raising funds for tba association, and It la

expected that all who hate the good of

tbe society at heart will try and make tbls leatlvsl a sacctu.

—Aod Bill) the pressure opon our ad-

vcrtliiogcolomoa continues, c impelling

the process of condensation In all aaws matt era, bat we are ar angina, to meet

folly this demand of onrenterprlalog mer- chants, who appreciate tne AMBBICAM aa

a means ol reaching the general public, without trenching npon the local aod gen- eral news departments.

Hoiaa cleaning lo et atora than ball it* terrore wbenyoonte PTLB'B PBABUPB. Be tore you are not deceived by the vile Imltatlone wblrfa flood the market, hut aee that the nime of Jauxa PYI.B 1* OB each package. da It

It will be eeen by thetr advertlaement, that Messrs. Hills *a Powera have secured

the aervlcea of Mr. Louis Well, who will

hereafter be found atthla popular clothing boots.

Qood health la impoailble witboal pure blood, and tbit it belt anored by Ihe ute of Ani'i SAStAraniLLA, ibe moat powerful blood purl ■er ever produced. It la a highly coocentratid combination of Ibe mott efici live blood purifi- eti, alteratlvet, diuretic* and tonlct In ibe ve, - elabla kingdom,combined with potaitlum and iron, and bat no equal.

.Sold by all drugg'ilt. Atk for ATBB'B BAB-

■AffAJtltVbA, and do not bo penutded to take any ottier. Price, $ 1; tlx bottlet fur ffo.


Bitten beneficial

"illll't Hair and Wbltker Dye," M eta.

The weak, wnrn and dytnep'lc thnnld Uke Colden'a Lleblg'* L'quld Beef and 'Ionic la- vigortlor. Take no •ihrr. *Jllwecd

No DooToaa Naau AFILV

a to gel their Hting. Tbe only doctor I bare li Halpbur Biltera. Tory cured me cf dytpepila when Ihe doctort all failed.—George Paige, Rocbeater. Iflm eod

There are more of the cnraiive propertiee In wheat thin any other of tbe cerealt. All tbcta are found io Wheat Bitten. IMweod

A YOIOB raoht TUB Paxat. 1 take Ibla orwormntty to bear leatlui'my to

tbeeAcacy olyour "Hop Bitter*." Kxp.-tting to Onl Ibem nauaeoui and otter and competed of bad wbitky, we w< re agreeably anrprlted at tbeirmildiaatr.Jutt like a cup of tea. A Mra. Crcwell and a Mi*. Connor, irlenj*. bare like- wise trier], anJ pronounce them the beet medi- cine tbey have ever taken for building up tirenalb ard toning up tba ayncin. I waa iroabled wltb cotiiveneaa, headache and want of appeilie. My ailment* are now t,ll gone. I haveayeaily contract with a U>cior lo look alter tbe health of myself ai.d family, but 1 ■tag bim not now. P. QILLILASO,

People1* Advocate, Pittebnrg, Pa. July 16,1878. ajrtw cod

Always at the Frent The moatk of May And* ut la pot teaeion of our uaaal Vantage Uroand. the l.arawtt, Cheapen and

motl Varied Stoat la Keaex County, rapraaeailag ever

$100,000 Worth —OF-


At the Lo wett Prlcea for which reliable gooda caa he bought anywhere la Ibe eeuatrj, at at dealer oa ihl* eintlaeai poiaeaie* ad vantage* for bavlrg or telling which arenot onrt.

Seme of tee Daigaio* offered tbla weak:

Men's All Wool Working Pants, 1,500 pair* at 1,000 " Better Quality, 1.000 " Extra Fkw, Buaineu Suits, worth $8, Fine All Wool SniU, worth $16,

THE NICEST LIRE OF YOUNG MEN'S DRESS SUITS, ever abown la Ihia clly; lau'tteat Siting; cut, utda aad trimmed la the belibl of faablon, al

prleea flfty per teat, under enema tailor*' charge*,

An Immense Stock of Children'a Clothing I

Indigo Blue Sailor Suits, for $1. For $1.00.

MSSSSIS 11 yeara. All tbeaeSallt ere made from a *uperlor quality oi Plaanal. era flatIv trimmed, have illk eabroidered collar*, aad are worlb many Hmea

what we aak for ibem.


BOYS' SHORT LEG SUITS, 82.50. Made !■ lb* La ett Stylet, etroag and durable, aad uaaquailed for aebeol wear. Wa ha

Many Other Styles In All 8ize8, Both In long and abort leg*, guaranteed to anil all la quality of malarial, style and SI. a* wall aa

iBpriee. He trouble to abow gooda, aad aoene will beurgad tobur. ivary garauat marked la plain l.aroe aad ana price alrietly adhere.) le.

11 25 per pair. 160 2 00 6 00

10 00 ..


One-Price Clothing Comp'y 224 and 226 ESSEX STREET.

-J..I> more io relieve ihe , - Fied. O. Merrlatn, for aome time a pain el aunvrlng humanity than any remedy •.!.._. *. nowl*i0tetbeputflc;ibegrwtnumt»rofpVr- -,lb"lltot« carrier at the post office, ba* torn relieved are loud In It* praMes- VI w

Lydla M. Pinkbam'a Vegetable Compound baa rapidly made lit way to favor among drug- glall, wbo ba»o obienad Uteff-.ciaonthe health of Ibelr cu«ti oier*. Send to Mn. Lydla B. Plnkham. 231 Weatera Avenue, Lynn, Maaa., for pamphlttt. t.l w

"ItvcnvraiBA." Quick, complete cure, all annoying Kidney,

Bladder ana Urinery dlteate*. SI. DtugglaU Depot, Ord way Brot.

Well." an

Witty, ft.

Allen's Brain Food positively cores narvout- naae, nervous deblliiy an-i all weaknefs of gen entire organa. f I, six for go. All d-Bgariau. Bead lor circular to Alien'* Pharmacy, 315 Pint Avenne, New York. Bold In Lawrence by Ctarle* Clarke. 179 Essex St. tlljdecfl


The Beat Salve la tbe world for Cult, Brnlae* Soree, Ulcrr, Salt Bbetm, Teller, Chapped Ilaada, Chilulain*, Corna and all kind* of -km Kruption*, Freeklea and l'lmplee The aalve la guaranteed to give perfect aatlaiaction In every eaae or money refunded. Be sure you gel Uru- ry'a Carbolic Halve, " a I other* are hot Inilla- ttont and couuterleila, Price Id cent*.

DB. Oaxas'i OXTOBMIATXD BiTTxaa 1* the olileM and beat remedy, lor Dyapepala, BU- louaaeva, Malaria, In.tlgealion. all diaorden ol th*«tomach. and alldlaeaaeaimlu-atingan Impure condition ol the Blood, Kidney*, Liver, Skin, etc.

Many oi the Bitter* advertised at Ionics art tlmpty cathartlct. Wheat Bitten It not a calhartlr.-B. P. Kasaall. M.D. Vlweod




bean promoted to be a regular can ler, la place ofA. P. Vurfaolx, resigned.

—Work la progrtsaldg OB tba Soldiers monument lot, but tbe granite will never be complete, or free from defacement by

careless feet, until « light granite cutb tjDcloseB the entire lot.



Paints, Oils, Dye Stcffx. Chemicalx, Aleobol, Mixed rain t*. all color \I„M. Keaia Foot Oil,

■Br**h Ammonia, AtleUreaea, Baaalne,

ofallsltet, Borax, Baeewax, Bn ab llieom*, Cork i. Camphor, Jhalk, Cream Tartar, Color* ol all abadea, Carbolic. Aold Coach Varnlab, Caaior Oil, Skin*.

Olive OH. OxalleAeld oakum, r-araSlnaOl, faraJBaeWaa Potty, Parla White. 1'oUab. Pumice Sloae, Plaatar ParU, ParU Ureen, FaiatBruehes, Paper Palls, ateaiLead, Rubber Wagon Surlaga,

Cblerlde of Lime, Uopper Kiveta, Caeltle Soap, Copperas, Dipper*, wnodsn.

Holloa Stone Bock Se It

lor boraeaaad cattle ShelUo, Balpbur

Oowaer'eKerotaBeOlt, Baad Paper lhiil Druahea, Bmery Paper,

" Cloth, roaiberOuetera. Floor Bruabe*, Fith Glue, FurnilurcTarnlah, Poreal Elver Lead,

Sal flioae Jar* and Mage, Saltpetre. Sawing Machine Oil. Stable Fella, atbafi-Knbbera, ScrnbBruahee,!

Uum Arabic, ulutsTragaoanlh, iJold Laal, lioid Bronae, Ulyeerme, UlauberSali.

Window Ulaaa Water Pall*, We*t'» Kttamal Dreasiag

for Carriage To a a, WhllawaehBruehea,


t PROPRIETORS. Socceaaors t >

Everard H. Kelley.

Dealan la



of aU klcda.

Ualvanlted Iron Palis, Wauregae Soap, HarnenOoap, William*' B ibei ■ndlgo. Soap, , Kaleomlae.ail llela, WhalaO.'oap, l.onrlon Purple, Whiting, l,lghi',--;«ingVaral*h.Wlntor A Newtoa'a '.In.edOll. Tubetolor*. LardOU*

In i UA ititios to suit at Lowest Market Prices.

191 EE8EI 8T.. LAWBENOF, tlv laal


Uenti for 10. Diobir'iFlnU laiieua i

Ceaauaaonwettlth •' Maaaaekweeila.

BSSBX, SB. To tht>'Helre-at-Law and other* 1 al area led in

tlie eaUta of JaHKaS.CABB.la'.t ol Lawrence, In aaid eoua-

ty< farmer, dercaaed, mieatate, * GBBBTiaO:

Wbarea*. WiKlam F. Baxton. admiaitUator ofthe estate of aaid deceased, be* preaeniad for allowance the Aralaocountoi bit admin let ratio a upon ibe eatale of a* m iiecuated.

You are hereby cited to appear at a probate eourlto be nolden at Lawrence, In taid conn- tr, on the aeeoad Monday or June aeai,

i al nine o'olock, lb the forenoon, lo tbowoauae, ; If any you -bave, why the *ame rhould not be allowed. And lb I taldadmloUlialorliortlcred to.eni thltoiiationbvpublitliBg the tame once i meek, laiha


a newspaper printed at Lawrence, ihree waak. aueaea-ivaly, the laal public*HOB io be two day* al leaat betore said Oonrl.

Wllnea*. Ueorae r. Choale, K'quire, Jadgeof said court, this lot* day or May, In the year eighteen hundred aad eighty-two

J.T. MAUO""' fafHMSa-


A Competent Pntorlntlon Clerk li at all hour* of the day and night,




Merit, laws, comidlance wl'b Ihe provielon* ol Sewtlua

I. chapter Ui.of iba Ante of the year inTn, aad rctionl, chapier IBI, Ada ol IHTT, 1 hereby ive notice lo all inhabitant* or person* havlag unual place Of bntlncea in Ihe city of l.aw- ince wboaaa tea lee, weight* ormeaaare-.for ie pnrpeae ol buying or aelllng any goode, ana, merchandlae, or other eommodlilea, or ir public weighing, to bring lalo thl* ofltoe lelr *c*lea, welahle anal meaturei, t> be ad- i.led aod seal* J.

A. B. Imilj Sealer of Weight* aod Meaturea,

IS4 Common St, Lawrence. All peraona n glecting t> eoaplv with the

above aeilce will be liable lo tbe peealtlea pro- vided by law. 11 way It

Commonwealth ol Massachusetts.

Basax. sa. To the Helraal-Liw aal other* laterestedla

ihe eatale of Martha J Tbovpaoa.lateol Law. rence. In aald county, minor, d*eeaa*d, la leaUte,

flaVMTOMtl Wbarea*. CharlaaL, Lace, the adwinlatraior

ol ibe attala of aald deeeaaed, baa pretealad f jr allowance the Sral aee <uatof hie ■diniuletrellon upon thaeeUle of taid deeeaaed.

Ton are hereby cited toappwarat a Probate Court to beholden al Lawnr.ce, la taid county, on the aeeoed Monday of Jane, next, al ulna o'clock, la theleienoon, lo ahoweanae. If any vou bava, why the tan* aboa-d not be allowed. And aald adenlaletrator Is ordered to aerve Inl* ulatlon by pubiithlng tbe mat one* a week, lathe

LAWBBXCB Awtair-in gad ANDOVBB AtivaaiiBBu,

answspaper printed at Lawrence, three weeks aaoeeeelvely, Ihe latt publication to bo Iwo dart at least before aaldco-irt.

VVIlaeaa, ueorg* F. Choale, Baqulre, Judge of aald Court, this 1SU ehu ol May, la the

s**lt at M


AM Aildltlon to the M»ntif*.'torle* of Iattwresire.

. SB Lawrence la alwaya willing to wulcome

wlthla It* borders any Ind vldaal eutet- pria-f which will tend to Increaae the baa.

Ineta of tba city, aad whlcl.li bringa with U a killed labor. The latent addition to

tbe ladaairleaof Lawrence le an exteselve ma, blue shop, now being eniabllsbid un- der the BA*jg*j of tbe Lawrence Macklae

Company, and owned and run by 8. 3- A

W. O. Webber. Theaa yoxng man ar« BOOB of Bamael Webber, one ol tbe Orst

settlers of Lawrence, now eogsgvd In

power teatlng about tbe country. Both served appreaUcaahlpa at the Am .skeag

Workt, In Mancbaaler, and are piactlcal asachlalala. Mr. 8. 8. Webber ba* Tor

several year* been coBuacted wiih largo saachlae works, and baa recently coma

from the United Stales of Colombia, where be baa been cooaitucilng engineer of the

Atrato Mining Company. The other mem-

ber of ibe'flnu, W. O. Webber, has beea

for some time In tbe employ of the Allen Paper Car Wheel Co., of Pullman, III.

Tbeaa yooag men have saaoclated them selves together, aad have started what

now seems to be one of the principal fu- ton Indoatrlea ,of the city. .'They have Isaaed the building formerly occupied by

Messrs. ArmlngtOB A Slavs, St the lower end of tbe canal, and are now polling In

machinery; fio.ooo worth bas already ar- rived, and more, to lha extant of gW.OOO,

la belBg made and wilt aoou be set up and

in operatloB. Their machinery U all new and some of it tba finest In tbe city, They have planers from the Aims of Pratt A

Whllaey, Seller* A Hetblugton worka.

Their lathes are rtirolabcd by ihe Plalher

worka of Naehua, aod Blsladell A LUrrlng- lon, ofMaacbeater. Mott or ibelr tools

are from tbe Hendry Machine Company, of Woolcull, Conn . and Hi -Ir drills from

Prentlsa Bros. Tbey are having two

planets made which will be larger than any in tbe city. Oae will plane 71

Incbea square and the other 113 inches,

both from tbe Harrington Mscblus woiks of Manchester, N. II They elso have lu opcrallou an immense drill Ti feet long.

Some of ibelr machinery u of English

make, bat nearly all of It from Amerlsan works.

It 1* ihe Inteniloa of the firm to do |ot> Wjrk, and confine themselves to flee gear cutting, and at preaent tbe mauDTaciarv

of the Campbell Printing Treas. They are slso contemplating ihe manufacture

of Dynamymetars for testing power.

These machines are not at present manu- factured In New Englaad, and there seems

to be a market for them. Tba Arm have Jnstcloeed negotitlosa with the Camp- bell Printing Preas Company lo furnish

them six machioea a month, and aa soon

as all tbe machinery la In ronblug order,

work well uwi-r way, It Is unite probable that tbe number turned out will be twice

as many. Tbey will make live sixes, both for Job and news woik. Every part or tbe machine will be made here, sat up,

rua practically, printing dona under ibe

eapervialon of an inapector from the home

office, and when accepted, sblppe I direct- ly to the offlce destloaMon where they ate

to be used. A tight and airy addition has beea built connected wltb power to the

salsa shop, where lha machines will be set op and tested. Tbey will also roanu-

factore all tbe roller moulds for both the manufactory at Taunlon, where there

presses are made-, aod themselves. An

addltkn at the rear ol tbe shop has been

built, and ottllxed partially aa a bltck- smlth shop and for a tool work room.

The firm have started out wltb energy, money and brains, and they are boond io make I: a eucceea. Tbey bave a reputa-

tion lo build np, aod Judging from tbu delicate machinery ai.d apeclmena of woi k

already produced, It will only be a short

time before tbe Lawrence Machine Com- pany will be looked opon aa one of the leading flrma of New England In Us tpt- clal business.

Peter McUovern In Trouble.

Iwo Point of Pluet -*B_

This summer retwrt, oo Che.aoe beach, which obtained anch deserved popularity

during the last Beaton, will be opened

soon, wltb ajlet of attractions which wilt

be certain to eootlane drawing crowds of pleasure naeker*. The locatloa la SO

acceaalble Troa flJtilon by ateamar and rail, that It oulj needed tbe spacious bo ul last year erectad, to make it] lbs

aoituf lhouaaad*. The (lermania baud

has been secured for the coming aumner, giving their famous conceit*, brilliant

displays of flrework* will be gives em-

logs, and nothing omitted to *dd to tba

popularity of the P.-lat of Pines.

The Lnwroneextlectrie Light company

The aatwrance Electric Light Company organized Tutaday by the choice of Iba following- as director*: James B. Simp-

SOB, William Otwtld, M. P-Merrill, Ca- leb Seuodars, William K. IteeJd. Tbe

capital stock of thu company Is Sta.OOO divided Into K0j shares of 4)10 each.

The company will commence operations

BSBOUB as practicable, and v. Ill offer Ihe

stock at subscription, it its par value.

Tat BILL io vi, dyspeptic,orcouatlpa'ed,saoB!d addrcti, with two atamtxand blalorT of cata, for pitaphltl, w orld'a Diapenaary Medical Ataociatlon. Bul- f*ll»._N. Y. watUksaiAB

BISUOP-KBBBUAW.-IB thl. FIIT, May Uth b* He*. Augnatuae An.ory. Mr. Henry W Bishop oILawreae*. and Ml.* Anal* r Ber abaw of-So. Andov.

JBWKTT-BUCKLBT.-IB Lawreeee. Api by Bev.BeUnoA.BrowB, Mr.Joba US. of Aadover, and ill,* M— ■ Law i en o*.

BIDLOw_TUTTLie.-In North Andover, May II. by llon.(*eo.L.DavIa, Mr. William Khlloa of S«. Aadover, aad Ml*. Avis Tattle af AUarat,

II tt, Jewell Icy. of

Extraordinary Bargains I —i_—

A few of the Leading Drives for the present week, will be the followine:

5000 Yards Hew Choice St>les Beit FEINTS at 5 ot*. per yard.

6u00 Yards 82 Inch Fine 0AMBRI0, at 61-4 oents per rard. 200 Doi. LADIES' HOSE at 5 oents per pair.

200 Doi. CHILDREN'* HOSE at 6 oenti oer pair.

100 Doi. GENTS' ft HOSE at 5 oenU per pair.

These Qoodi have only to be seen to be appreciated.

The Tannton Oaxelia baa tbe following In re- gard lo a man formerly a well known tailor and mechanic lo tbla elly, Mr. Polar MeGorem. While here hla habits of Inloxleation loai him Severn good posltlooa :

Peirr McOovern, of Providence, It I., waa art ralgned belore Judge Fox Ibla morning on two chance—one for having been drunk, Ihe other lor carrying nonocaled weapoaa. To lha Srtt he pleadedgulptT a d wa* fined tl aad ooata; to the other be pleaded aot guilty, but wat found prob- ably guilty and placed under g£00 bond* lo keep Ibe peace for ala month*. It appear* Irani the eteiy of Meyer*, who work* at the Wblilenton mill', that aome year* aco the Iwo were engaged la maklag Improvement* In cotton machinery, *,t which bualneaa they were Una luceetarul. t'pon oae place which tbey had worked *ome time, with a lair degree of tucceia, tbey quit work, having learaedthat atbeithai perfected a similar *r- riagemanl Which mlghl poaaihly compete with tbelrr, and they mutuall- ——'• *-a"— —J- altotainer uponilielr pn.

"bualeif It. " quile awhile

reged, Mciiuvoru took np tt whlcblhej both bad woiked. and Ihlnklna he undcritood lb* plan* of Merer* peifectly well,per. lected tbo machine, got out a palenl on it and made money from It. Meyer* enme back one day and waa aomewtial eurpriaed to Una" tbe machine which had been MM an.le hj inulunl coi.aint In good working order. He eaamined it carefully and then found that ", e ol die Mast important thing* la connection with Its durability anil chance ol tuces* was lacking; ao ho informed Mrliov- ero. Mcliovern aenl lor him to come I o Provi- dence, but Meyer* being rutlier airald, aa he Hated tbl* morning lo get lot* close uuartert with blainrmer partner, did noi go, sccordingly Mo- ll or ern yea lerday name over here, tie went to Ihe houte of Meyer* >e*Krday en n lug, In an It- to lie* ted ooadilMMi, and toon lort hi* temper to each an ritaal a* la di aw a revolver oo Meyers,

onl a .1 ve,n|or

lirunkrnma-, ibe other charge waa made alter III* arretl ) A* soon a* Cotter took him in charire McQoveiw threw hi* revolver away, but Ihe cer quietly, and wiihoul In. knowledge, pli —Bj found It wa* loaded, aad put it '- *-

id it wa* good evl lenee agalnil

"■ u.r >"■■, .iBurew i. ntoae, aw it. rtavereii tlreel, Mra. Mary W. atoae, allow of the late Aaron Stone, of Marlboro, N- II., aged 71 yr*. I moe. 7 dye.

iTKV*.N5.-lo Andover. Mar lttk. at taeietl- denc* ol ber ton.In law.Mi. Meary J. Newman, ki-lm-c*. widow Of lha late Daniel C. Staveai, loi raeriy of Andover, aged Tl years.

BIMH.tLL.-ln North Aadover. Mar 1Mb, At- .,toa of Mr. aad Mra. c. . Slutbeil,


I>o not forget when you are In

Want of Paper H nnginga or Win-

dow Shnuetj, that the largest

A its or tin ent can ulwajg be found

»t B. A. FIHKE'N, 275 Ruex.Bt.



Clotliier, Will Hereafter be found







BUT Beech's Wbite IVari Toilet Soap

"BEST or ALL."

Dr. It. T. Plcvce, llnffalo. N. T , Dear Sir i- y family have a*ed yoar "Favorlta Preterlp

lion"and It has done all ibat is claimed for |i It It Ihe best of all preparal lone for female com. plaint* I recommend ii to all my cuttomtrt.

O. S. WAT.IIMAN, ilru*-gi*i, Baltimore, Md. wed&aatA*!

THB Color aad Luttreof Youtb are restored to faded or gray hair by Ihe me of Parker's Hair Balsam, a harm lett drcstlef highly te-

ed for its pertame and purity. >;im null

MSXIT near BahVF IT* BBWaub." Ol tbe many Oaurrfa and Hay Ptver remediet we keep in stock, tbera It none of which our cnt- tomentpeak more highly than of Jjiy'* Cream Balm, comparat vtly a new discovery but one which from the many reports aod evkjtncri ol caret produced, tt detuned to be a leading article. We bave nt*»r hand ltd a remedy which baa Iocreated to rapidly in tatci or that hat

Bhlvrrsal tailtlariioB. t . N. Critt-nton, MS Pulton alreel. Ni w York.

Meatrv. While & Buroi. k. DroggMs, Itbart, N. Y.-My daugbier and my -elf, great "iiflVr-

Irom Catatrb, bave bten cured by Kly'i Cream Balm. My tenteofimell rettortdend health greatly Imprond. I'. M. Stanl*r, deal-

la boot* and tLoet, Ithaca, N. Y. Price 60 cents. 1*2* tod

Nervous debility, lbs eoia* of tbe Araericsn people, Immedlaiely ylclda to Ibe action of Brown1. Ii Iron Hitter*. liswiwa

FaatviAX Bxavr cares dysptptla, general debillij. liver complaint, bollt, bamort, rbrtoic diarrhea, aervoaa alfection*, female complaints, sad ail cltcesee originating In a bad stale of tba

oae'. :eodeiyJ}U113 at

Pi *a UOD-LIYBB OIL made from selected llvir*. on lbs set tbore, by Uaswsll, Hatarii A Co., Keav York. It It absolutely pareaSd tweeL Patleara who have once taken It prefer II to all others. Physicians havs decided II superior lo any of the oi her oils 1 ntbe market.

Pinnies arrt Hough by aalne Juniper Tar Soap, mads

by Caawell, liaserd A Co., New York. tIllifva"S2 •

TllBBB IS UAkDLT AM ADCLTpSBSOlt living but It tometlmes iroabled wltb kidney dlHculiy, which is Ibe most prolifl^ and dan- gtroa* cease ol all dlaeate. There It tori of need lo bava any form of kldmy or unnary troublt il Hop Bittet* *re ukrn occatluoally.

'13* *od

IT IB WOBIB RBMBMBBBixe Ibat nobody am. Joys tba nicest sarroandingt 11 ia bad health. Tin re are mlterablc people aboat to-day wub one foot in the grave, when a bottle or Parkei't Ologer Tonic woaid do Ibtn more good tBaa all the doctors and medicines Ibey have svsr tried. Pee Adv. lilmmayia

Millinery! Having Just reluia-d frem Hew Tork, we nail

-heatteniionof ibaLadlatof LAwrenaa aad vielalty la our very large end

carefuily aeleeted abaak of

MILLINERY GOODS, coastBTiift* or

FRENCH CHIP HATS (BONNETS All eolort andttylat.


Fine Porcupine Hats and Bonnets ALL SBAOKS.


1 A M'V Jilt AIDS



Bl.ok and Colored Plum*.,

Bibbona, Laces, Bilk* and Satin., PLAIN AND FANCr.

W, lu,, ,l.o , riM 8«l«ell*. or


Plea** rail early and leave year order*. which will rocelve prompt atl*n tioa, and wa Will guarantee awrisot eaU.uetloa.

Tbankiae you for your'ran pitroaage. we hop* a eoBiinnaaee or Ihe sasae.




BONNET Elk! SMS 34 Inches Wide, at Sl.OO, SI.25, 81.60

and S1.75 Per Yard.

A Beautiful Line of Sash Ribbons! In Block, Polka and Watered.

Parasols £ Sun Umbrellas, Latest Designs Trimmed and Plain, at

Popular Low Prlcea. LADIES' AND CHILDREN'S

Cloaks & Cloakings, VERY CHEAP.




Celebrated Pianist, ■111 five the ia*i of lha


TOWN HALL, Andover,

Saturday, Ma; 20, at 3.30 p. m.

Tl*k*t* Si. Te be had at Draper. Bjob Store

aad at the doer.


Decoration Day.

Bouquet,, .B**k*t*, Mounds- Wreath., Cromi,

■ d ,11 ,tb»r P..I,.. .uiUtile for lb, t'.nirlrrj n« J, lo lb. b*,t m.n.rr. *

Qrton ntr b. kft .11, RRLL., * BiTIUR.


ta High St, AuloTcr, H»i. tai




A rOOA TENEMENT BLOCK,« and SI Ut ranee street.

Tbe HOUSE AND LOT. No. SI Common Street, Sew naed aa a Boarding Hoot*.

A LOT Or LAND oa Bradford el'eet, jutl weal ol Broadw*y, contain *g tB.tOO leet.

A LOT Or LAND na Lowell atreet, contain lag laiaiag about Mot ieet.

Far particular* apply lo


Garden, Field, Flower, Grass Seed. FRESH, PURE, RELIABLE,

Itemember t Naw la Iba tine le proteet rour tree* With Use

Canker Worm Exterminator. Per tale In quantities la tint.

SCOTT .*•* VIETOB, ;ll."» ("oinnioii St., I.awreiioe.

tend tin m 11 mi



NEW GOODS. In Spring ami Hummer Style*.

win u are Beautiful, Durable aad vsiv Moder- ate la Piles.


Our *2 American Kid Hutton, Box Toa Worked Uuliee-llol*.

Beet n> le aad quality aver anewa for the prtee



»*> Bra Aadover.]


BOOMS O* BBECHIN BLOCK. w/edaatdayl tndl Saturday AftarnOons,

Cbnreblll. Thee __ IT; Prol. Henry M.

School of Oratory, Boston. taa IS Sat 11


c MR8 Will Wi

he la La

N. HOMAN SaTT.tfd.and will at Boon** jus

TliurMioy, Friday and Saturday •feaeh waak for that parpoe*,

ae lafervaaUoa laqulra al T. A. Atklnton'e Millinery Store,

110 EfBEXBT. AagaaltP. 1BSI. .IAw U

Choice Small Fruit Plants.




I ,.\ « ICHNl'K, HASH.

WINDOW GLASS, PAINTS Oils, VstrnlBlies, Clirmlrala,



381 Essex Street - - Lawrence.

I>.H. HALL. "<a.a»I

as VAHIBTIE8 OF 8TJU.WBBKBIBB, Inaladlag Btdwell, Sharpie*., M, unt Vaiaon

Longfellow, Miner's Prellte. Comber. lead TrleaapA, etc.



S. J. BABKEB, Small Fruit Grower*

MBTtJUEX, MASS. flattt)!

FOB HALE. A modern ball! DWELLING HOUSE, win

fjur double bay window*, tonoo foeiaf land. rrlce SI.SI*, Land to the amount of ft'.Sou feel can hepurchaaed with houte II d**lred, Filee ha aropertlen Ltaaslloa lorteenery aad eaay aoeeaa le Lawraaco aol torpaated. Alao oiber lota ea* laad soar raid locality ranging from le.OOOftHtaeO.iee, frlo*. low.

1 ha>* alto for eale II tvaall Home l."i.40ts» (S.MM ro latt the UtiBf feres •Stall aaeaaa. 1'rlceSloOj- nar aart dowa.walaaae is

[•■l. Ir. nerlle.ol aired aea

IE. W. W1UGHT. i bead street. North Aadover.


It will be for your Inleteal t* call al

565 E8SEX ST. <Natl door to II. R, B. SUIioeJ

before purchasing 1 our

Spring Hals or Furnishing Goods OEOT r. COITIM.


CORNS. (bardoraofl) WaiU and I »lion ><», will ha glad lo learn thai tbey can be warrant** a cere by aelag lha

Giant Corn Killer, No enr*,no pay. I>oe* aol make the leet tore. Price lee, Prenired oalr hy Uenry A. Mlaer. Pliaruttifi.1,1 amUrii'ge, Mat*- Beware*I laal- Utloar.

For sale la Li.wreaee by Keller A Bailer, Ja*. it. Scott, K. S. YaUt, Cbss. Clarke, Oew. B Cblck<ring, J.C.Avore, A.L.Yoaaf ACe.A l*.Ordway A Co., Fred Berry, C. H. Beetila * Co.Breen Brot.,A. B.Ullddea U.o. F. Talbel. II. M, Whilney A Co., A. V. Halt. M. T. AaLite* John W, Crawford, E-twia Woed.C.C.Talbet.


Hook ii.n-r.it of Fane

varnishing, pall hiar. Book of Alpha>ai»Si*. ,

. .-JSJI alybabet', to. alga, Carriage, ' Treeeo aad Decorative ralnllag. AS. Ja»-

aneee Oniamentatloa, gt Siandard San Writer. SI. Stan UN Seioll Book, SI. ttjsTM and Ureaaaeaia (Loudo'ftl fl. CalJiaghaw'S ftlga Willing and tilat* Knnoaalag. ft Of bookseller, or by mall JES«E HABwT AUO.. ltattiaeeSl..(ietell[> Nataaa.N.Y. ,




! -AND-




TheWONDERFUL INDIA RUBBER MAN In )'iii'. preannr ..[ y tf'i. pal li ■ I wians have urorota

i, and iiorlorm many

iLUTKLT BOVRLK-Ot 7'nmiielflnK.n ball aa «MI Would B •koin mhir Incredible leal*. Your local min- ing I'll>■ ileii Phenomenon.

A TRIO OF TOWERING COLOSSAL $. Col Ruth Goshen I P-ince Krlrwlil

SIGNOR CYCLOP?. The Sicilian Nobleman. Tb.lr Comblmd WrUM ll 0HI »"> |«.uitd.' TMlr A„r»..l. IliUM I. o,»r »I K.I. Th.I .r. "uI,!bVr^',llT,o:.la....c.,........l. .... To,,., MMIWM «.lb...«l«. #111 raai'sanihever before ""** Small youar*. ^

Prof. Fryer's Troupe of Trained Ponies. n willnnrlormMil.ITAHY DULLS,romp and )u nape ver each olb.ei.-ons N KTllTa.*iii'll.ci»ill ill*on ihe bacSurnpouy. Tney will lorw lb-*

nt trim ••*•• novel sett, dlajlsjlng unprecedented aMiiial These equli .

poaf WILL WALK UN aelvsa Into uLit-.i x a •again. aodttrTialnei »|iu-B1.

A Llfa.L'keTabkauioi tlio

Assassination of Piest. Garfield. and the trial ol I In-

RED-HANDED ASSASSIN, With correct atstRSS *ni'' "'''^"^[f*";/".^*

a*«a»*lnalh>n aa.l during 111* trial MI! •tahiblilon In Juke's Mmcum of Automatic Lbe


Dramatic Company

Oh.MyBack! That'» a common expres-

sion and has a world of meaning. How much suf- fering id summed up in it

The singular thing about it id, that pain in the back ii occasioned by so many things. May be caused by kidney disease, liver com- plaint, consumption, cold, rheumatism,dyspepsia,over- vvork, nervous debility, &.c.

Wliatcvcr the cause, don't neglect it. Something is wrong and needs prompt attention. No medicine has yet been discovered that will so quickly and surely cure such diseases as BROWN'S IRON BITTERS, and it does this by commencing ;it the foundation, and mak- ing the blood pure and rich.

Logantport. lad. Dae. I, itta.

Tor a long tim* I hae* b«n a tufferar bum nom.Ln and kidney dttcaaa. My appatitawaa »;ry pour •»d (he very tinall amuunt 1 did aal ditagraad with raa. 1 wai annoyed very rnuth front non-retantiuo of urine. I tried many remediei trim no .net™, unt.l f u«d Brown . Iron Ilillert. Since t uied thai my xoauch doe* nut bother aa* any. M v appetite It .Imply immeaw. My kidney trouble n DO more, anrl my general health it ■uch.lhat 1 feel he a new man. After the u>e of Drown') Iron Bitten for on* Month, 1 bav* caiaail twenty sound, in -. i.i-i. U. 11. Saaoasr.

Leading physicians and clergymen' use and recom- mend BROWN'S IRON BIT- TERS. It has cured others ctifTering as you arc, and it will cure you.

Brown'* Iron Bltttra, for tali- t-y A. P. OBDWAY * CO., Apolhecarlea,

Cor. li.fi St., and Broadway. Lawrem u


Awarding of Prises.

The school cloned with Maul), hot the

pupllafwere given a moulh In which to

'■■ conp4t« tbelr sheets. In iho ilrat year*.

j machine class there are Qvo nhtels of

; drawing to a set, 000 geometrical, 2 pro- jection. 8 screws. Bills and holt a, four

cams, Are details of machinery, la tb«

first year's architecture! clan there are seven, oo* jeomttnci1, two projection,

three details of bulldog constrncUoB, four

fi tor plans, Jve si d >lx Iramlng plans,

seven elevations of a woolen house.

A prlss of tlO wits of-Nd In these classes tar tbe btSL set In \hu flVat best

ten see, SO fonts bitt aet la tin- stcand

best tea sets, and 91 for the next -m In

tho third best Un sets. Mr. Frud E.

Clark, agent of the I'- in'iertoo, Mr. Win.

C. Richardson, architect, and Mr. K. H-

Sllsbee. draughUman at the PacIO-:, klndl*

consented to set aa Judges. They report-

the name of Fied A. lia.ll, of the nrcb1- tectural class, ss being untltleil u> the

Irst prlie, aud L S RQ}0«I of the ma-

bine clamt, to the second. Pred A, Hall lit memhurof the High Htlionl, ti.i--. ol

and takes oiachlno ili:\wln«. The

Judjres recommend Arthur A. Wlukk-y, f>,

H. fhelps acd Qco. Maraton, of the ma-

chine Class, W. A. Klmhall aud Mivbael Uolding, of the srclilteciural olate, for

honorable meulinn There are mverul

partial Sijts In, which itun'. be completed

before the poplin can cetfr the second

year's class. The second feat's wartime ard art,b'

teclnrsl classes show s good quanllly of

eicelleut work. Tbeie were no piiicts

eflkfPf d In Iheae cta«*cs.


Mt-MM. I.VUI A 1(1 I

Her DIsappeHranoe Htiti ■



i Uuiler li

Chills ant Few.

TRAINED DOCS, , ,il I'rfufiii the HlttlBf Jrama Mltthd


nmonj I la i

Aladamo Murtha. Prlnf.eaa.inf the IMI ai.l.lle. In h»r whirlwl

Doubt- TakUaiB HeaagS Ael. Thla rhnrml HUH >laanaha> fast arrived trom Kui»i>e, a Will liTeaent her Tjaln .1 Aralilim Slalllu ThtT ■<• Ibn Hoed ihi.rui slil.rul h-r»e« •' Imyitrleil, ntnl I «tr etolnliuii* am tuaile w lbs Rapidity of LUblnlng.

LOIIIM Scubaritlitn,

MiHH >Ilmile Terry, The «nl7 Istly barebai e rhltr la Ibe H'm I ■ rneeni'f la the Tory ImiHTaontitloii ul 1

i .m SUr

Mr. rhllo Nathans,

Mlis Mir*utla e only living rutiestrlenno artlat who riiiei nnah a booji of Are on LUe Ua<-ka ol two

The Huge Eared Elephant, The Aintons

Whoae .'vin.i.t-ii ■ exhibitions ha*e ureulaiiDeil ■•> KTruna.lk 1 -i ti:. 'I ii

Not the Half Has Been Told—Space Forbids. COMB i;AICI.Y AND SEE THE

Free Marti Gras Procession! TM UIHMrlng Fair-nut la n mo*in* panorama O

TWO EXHIBITIONS DAILY. Hour* Open at I ami 7 p, m. TAKE Til

HtM -i-len.loi, FKEKTO K.VKIt V IU'DY



TOPS, Ornamanlal a wrt linlr-

atrurtlnlr. A targe wrlet*oTeJaas A»t»l*»



Terra Cotta Chi mnty TODS Prevent Chimney* Pmokinfl-.

Terra Colta of nil DtMCliptloni.


Dawr Town Ofti;e, 62 Corgren St



Dobbins' Starch Polish An importan. iUs-

covcry, liy which

every family may

Bi,c .heir tin™

that t>eaulifu! fin-

ish |if 11, ii.u lu tine

l.uiii liy work.

A«k your Grocer



il effect

eoflblidi'tra in take fllmmoDa Ll»er emulator.

DY8PKP8IA.; ftegulslor Wilt poatUyflf cure thta terrible i, We atscrt emphatically anal we anew

CONSTIPATION , not be retarded a* a inning si nenl ! tltmandi ue ulmoal r.gularity of the

Li»i auuto It la haruile l.y las Ira-

ni lid

LYDIA E. PINKHAM'8 VBaBtitw.*! nnirpomrp.

!■ a Poaltlve Cars

It wLtl cur* (iitlrelT the ptolnta,aJla»aTU»UooUiia,InflairiniaOon and Uto«e« tlon, Falllna and PtoplacerOMnU, and ta* eooamv—* Splnai Waakneat, sad la faittcukarrj ada««ad to

It .ill dliaute* and eapet tawum from lb* atari as t«rl j ataa* Ol darrlopaMnt. Tkn tenlrnry to i e«rou» bnmuraUwnla thruod 1*17 ii-edlly by It*

II remoTee faintnaee, aaluleury, deMrvyaaU erarlnS foratUnnlanta, and wlleven waaknf atth It cure* BloaUne, Bcadwbaa, N*rr<raa P Qgunl DtbUUr, SlaarJiaanrl. Dapraaaloa

utly earad hj IU m

ewaaoa. That (eellne "'

Hi bnckaeha, la alwaya parmi It 11III1I illllTirrl uii.t.i

tArn,..r.T witlt laatawi tlat inreni the f*n*l* ayatei For the mr*of Kidney ComrJaloU ot ettaa* aaa U


Ibe Lawrence lioy Victorious.

PILES. Belief la at band lor thoae who infer day all ty w lib Piles. It baa eured hundred*, and wiu

MAI. A It IV. ivrt.in* may avoid all allacbi br eeeasionallj iKInita doaa el ftirnnum* LIWI Uesulatortu

beep Ibe Liver in healthy action. ItAlt BREATH

JAUNDICE. Simmon* Liter Regulator soon era-Hcslea this

diaaaae from the ayatem, Itatlsn Ibe akin clear and tree irom all ImpuilUee.

COLIC. Chihlren suffering with I "I"' toon eiperlenra

relief when Simmon* Liver llrgrjlaior I* a-lmln- uleretl. Adulta ilia ilerhr treat benefit from ibtsmedieloe, 111* not unplratant; II la harm- less and elective. I'urelv v< ittable.


■ sr us 0 TO v * x 1 IT t * 11

jei*rS3. i,V,'r,.|™i,l, I ' in.1 I I t^w.L i'i'Ii.iiLli 1' it-: ■

6 ft*1'!: » WE GIVE AW A YMSrttg

,»,*, K1,K,7un..^^,*(ii-/i"t''<'-i.'-"T'll ****** THE DIHCEE A COHARD CO.

Bwelirawrrm Wr.lCr..,,-,* h- ^rrl.>l'a

'ARKER'S GINGER TONIC Cinjer, Buctiu, Man-

drale. Stillincu^ and many of the best medi

Lined in l'»iltcr'i(Im(er Tonic, into a medicine

to II...'.e it i:r: create Uloul IWict and the

UeitllaallhAlllreaatk lUttortrKvarUaea. It cute* Rheunuiiun,

. leepici> n«-n, & diicat« e/lhe M".n.vh, Kneed, Lune*. Liver & Ki.lney*.

irely d.Harenifrom


rareful tin _, rHefnlnlor wlib r*J I Tn mbroken.

deHark, Stair tad!

The disappearance of L till shrouded In mystery,anil ihure li not

.single clew which the officers ciu cou

Uter plausible as (o her whereabouts. On Saturday, taklnu our Dracut corrree-

pondLMil's description as a clew, < 111 -H

Neat went to Lowell aud Dracut, and f.iiiuii there a woman who lu some partlc-

nlars answered the discrlpllon ol Ml; Duller, but who proved to be a Vermont

lady natmd Whlukr, who was locking

for huuaework. The canal was riiawu off Halurduy

n!ghl and a ihoroujh search made o! 11

bed, but no body was fouu.l. It Is tb opinion of Mi-, lllootl that she his throwu

if iulo the ilvor, but o hers bold

tbe beller that sh*. is In mmi country town tsklug ' li : much ueedetl rest she

rreqienlly ciprtsitd a desire to ei'j

Tbe f Ulcers of other Ijcsliiies bsve been

no', il ii of tier dlssppesranc', and are ciuLelly maklug LavesLlgatlons.

A »2,O00 BlASSK.

Miuiilj buTore (right o'clock, Thmsilsy. an nlarm ol firu was ritnit In Trom box if8,

Tiger house, Boutb Lawrence, for a Bte

at the mill of the Merrlin-tc paper compt-

ny. Tie dre orl4lnalud. In the ntotebonse where a q'lintliy of rags nire packed.

The department responded promptly ami

tbe ftimea were toon extlugulfhed, but

the damage, mostly by water. Is placed uy repriduntatlves of the fnii | any at 82,- 001); this Is fully covered by loMimr.ce.

U was plainly evident that tbe Are had IXM n -a, and as a man named Thomas

Qlnnovan bad been peen coming out ol

tbe mill only a few mlnutt<a bi fore the die atarttd, su.iplcloa WAS st ouce attucbid

to hi HI. l-'i-mi Hi ■ I'.tv-t that Glnnovsn

ho hsd been working for l he paper com- pany for some lime, was dlsibaigtd je*>

telday for laOdleDL causis. It wss sop- posed that be did the dud out of re- venge. The MiiieiLiiti u .ii i.1. COL.Did Iht

police, and bo was anesied snd LrvULhi

lefor* Ihe court Hill lr.diulrg. lie plesd' d not guilty, ami at l be n qt;i M of tht

roiecuilon the CBS^ W SB M nil uidont

week to allow him time to obtain ev i


PI!fSHAM'S TEOWABLE COM. POi:\»L, pretax*! at U and SS.WaM.raAT**"*, Lyn>,Ma«. rrkWt* aiihotUe»roe|l. Bantbytnall In the form of pUta, also la tb* (orra oHomtf. ™ rtaelplolprl-lliwrboafov-lhav. Un. MM tr^lyaruneerjaillettaraorlaqnlry. Band (or [wpk- 1,1. Addnaa ar above. Snwllini tkf* Pnaar.

Ho —bar ahstdl b* waUaoat LTDU B nKIHJBfS LITER PIL1A Tkey art a—atltiatlira, H" u4 torpidity of U>* UT*r.

BT B*4d by a:l I eod *l*)a

l.yitia K, Pinkham'a VejreUbleComponniTI* sold by A. P. Oil l» WAV A CO , Apolhecarlei. Cor. ESSKX sr.au-l BSOIDWAT, l.awreno*.


WILL CERTAINLY CURE Coughs, Colds, Hncrscnesa, Bon Throat, Bronchitifl, Influenza, AstLv ma, Whooping Cough, Croup, aud every Affection of the Throat, Longs and Chest, including Con* sumption. Sold by all Druggist*.

rni.i'Aiii.p I1T

J. H. ZEILIN * CO., Sold by all Uragglsla. ritii.ji.ki r

eodf lvsetil.1 1

aimmona Liver Refulstor la told br A. P. llltlllVAY * CO.. Apothecaries, Cor, Bases B(. and Broadway, Lawrence.

Snurdav evening lbs long talked ol 29 pile walk between John Mtagber, of this city, and Dennis Driscoll, of Lynn, look place In tbe Colesea-n, at Lynn,

special train took down , a large

crowd of Lawrence sporting men, who it afraid to bst their money,

tlO to 67 an.l 83o to S20 on their man.

waj plainly uvldent tin' It was to be a

tight match, and Ibe S1000 stake was not

an assured matter by any means. Eu-

gene E. Merrill, of Uoston, acted as ref- eree. Tbe men nppeared on tbe track about 7 if o'clock, and A moment later

the word "Oo" w n glveu. Drlscoll Im- mediately sprang to ths front, steadily

opened the gap mull tbe sixth Isp, when be was one-'.hlrd of a lap ahead. When ten Ispa were covered, Dilscoll was half a

lap ahead snd »tlll gaining. Drlscoll was straining evt-rv nerve, aud on thi nine-

teenth lap he was at Meaghci's heels. Uriscoi: tuatie bis first mile lu 7 minutes.

4 seconds. After Kiltiin- a lap on Meag-

her he seemed con'.ent. At the beginning

or the second mile Mrsgher commenced to

quicken his sU-p, but be was unable to ehakt Drlscoll. At(the beginning of the

four lb mile Meagber made a splendid spurt, but he was nuable ta obtain any

lead. After completing five miles Drls-

coll made a spurt, and for a lap or more

bob m tin went aroun I lb'!, track at Ike

height of their Fpeed. Drlacull finally managed to get ahead, bnt was allowed 10

retain his honors bst a few momen's,

ben Meagber resumed bis old posltlou.

On the tenth lap of tbe seventh mile Drl*-

coll made another spurt aud went to tbe front. Meagber did not try to regalu bis

lost position for two or three minute*

and theu be went to flrat again, spparmt

ly very easily. Drlscoll completed bis seventh mile nineteen seconds nh?ad

tbs best record, and Meagher five seconds

slower. From this Urns up to tbe tenth mile) tbe wslklng was comparatively slow.'

At the beginning of the thirteenth mile

Drlscoll's trainer gave him a little n-

freshmen', and while he was partsklng of

It Meagher spurted and gained several

yards lead. D.lscoll dropped bis dipper, aud then commenced one ol the livlleat

spurts of the evening. Lap after lap the

uy.. men went round like the wind, Drls-

coll slowlv gaining until li ■ had closed up

up the gap. Alter completing thirteen

nJlei Meauher bfgan to draw away from till competitor, snd soon he was half a

Isp ahead. On tbe sixth Up of the four- teenth Meagher bad gslned a lap, aud

then be went 10 tbe froniag&ln. Drhcoll was unable to spurt, and seemed all brok-

en up. Mesghet continued 1o gala and aoou had gained another lap. Drlscoll

seurmd dazed. After walking fourteen miles and seventeen laps, Drlscoll left tbe

track, b 1 b Ing nuable to walk longer,

examining physicUn prononcced him unable to see. The Lawrence boys "raked

n" their money and citue borne on a late

special train, as lively a set as one would wish to see. Every man wai a winner,

(or all went prepared to come borne ahead broke." Mesgler's walk for lb'

championship of tb'i world soon to lake

place lu Boston, Is excltlug much Intel


S37 ESSEX,cor. Kit AMI I.IN SI Lawrence, Maes.

,1, lan 17




BATES LA BO It, TIMK and BOAV AMAI- lNtJI.V, and Rive* unlverawl amtInfection. No famllr, rich or poor should 1M» without It.

SotdbyaltUrocer*. BEWAUBof iniltalluns wolldo*ljrnfl to mUlenil. 1'IUKUKR It Ibl ONLY 8Ali: UlMirnnrlnft compound, and si way* uetvr- the abnvn •ymbol, snd name of

JAMBl I'VI.K, .NEW VOltK. Veow I. " I It' mi 1."





An Old Ki nldent Leuv ban , nee.


Murray & Lanman's



CUT THIS OUT1 "SIX.* S 15*3 840 «/.*."« UVat stows stores InIB leadlnfr Cltlos,

urenUnliUtii their nit't'llea(|"l'-»lv. I and IVInrliHil IHMrea «r* a) EJnSr .*'' K,'» ttatsf


In "••' :«i.v.i- ' «'h niniilier tkn apwlal

r4'lmp'le'.'r*irean|idei.re''«1e!i rMue*""r th« p uar i HIM ti At. n'>*. ortaaa. t i. Pevsra*cuaissUja.B*fA**aHena. ,., * Worm.. W..HI1 lr>«. VC.,r (!■'. . S. Lrrau t'alie. nr r**thin««r iti(-ni" ( marritewori 1.1 id™ or Adolt. .... 0 »,.entari. (Iilulng M1UMM (oik-, «. ( I,,,!-.* Mnrbtte. •.HtllUUS, 7 t'.luatie. j i^aSlaaVSsnrsniinni'' ' 8' llna-larbr*. ■*•* "•*!**n-*" eCtijC

1W. llVvnsaU. HMdoiiS JSwaaV ■■■■

II (r..tin.'""sh. IHtBcttU tk-Hihlna.... 1 | Hull ftheum. jejsllJiJSS. Kru,.

It hr ii mi. I jem. laieim

"ST Uel D

3;.^r^7;M;^;w«;;na.j SJ rrUe.tr nfihnlTeart. lalpl ai

,,|.| |iv d'.ia»i-n. ..ra-ai t»T "a I ■I* Vial, fra* of rhnnt*, on r»w*h>


PILLS Are the mildest ever nown, they cure HEAD


and IKDICESV10N. Those

P1X.L.S Tone up the nystem and rnrtwre health to hose suffori ig from geneiu' debility and lirvoiisncs*. sold by all Druggists, yij OoutB i>or Dox.

«*!..! fur Dr Httflf hrev »o^ti *» ™**Kk&t «.,aIaorii«traled I'alalnSM PKRH.

■ Hinmh^t*1 llortifi.aallilr Ha*. I OS Pull.. I...- '- ■■ . lot a Stri-eb r/^u:

(.r.oicci: WILKE8, Jr. hUik, atar, tittle while on eTfrv foot, 151 b wslgbs io-.;, in* ,u j ear* ota. TookUti premium si Mam-liealer, K, II. H tit, Pair, MS; slsosl Brad lord, Vt , Stale Pair, l«l

Never trained u r ibfl trarir, Show, nna anil ball inikaevei* day l" -il mid i 11. I" ■aiu-d. Sind.any l.i.H ran ilrle.- lum, III. a< KM *nu xenlle. 1TII L kJAKB ""'



i tab*

He Mil

i or i •alti

Helroae. PaTt'tlKN KIN old, IU han't*, SSAihtf a-BMin. WU.KKS. IMI ii.iv.n. ::>4 ha -Hl'll.. -. W\ ■■ ■, .1 . ■ . IU MSre; Jnal broken lo harnee*; • -'.i.i

S s Mid ii H I us. Sfel

WM. W.COLBY, rOwMAl A y^RNIlillllili UMlUKTAKKB,

M, Mm, erUTi

.TI'.rsoN. llnnaaer,

@TAUR]INIMENT The Great HeaUns; Remedy.

The deptriure of Dr William D. Limb

from our city, which lakes place In the

course of Iwo or Ihiee Wtcfcs, Will take

Trom Liwreucc Its oldest physician, tbe

doctor having come here In the 'prlng

of'47 from the office of Dr. Jsaies Jack- son, In iii.ii..ii u was ibrousb the in-

Qnecce of Hon. Cbnrles Storrow, thu fltst

mayor of Lawrence that he was Induced

to tesve Boston and come to tbe ' N « City," as Lawrence was then called, and

for flte or six years he was the most prominent pbysklin of tbe town ; he was

a member of ihe first board of school

committee, aud has since been Identified

wl'.h many public In tor eats, bavins sees treasurer of the Old Residents' Associa-

tion evei'Nluce Its formullon. Ill* health

was much Impaired by Injuries received

st tbe Norwalk railroad disaster, snd be

will now give up actlv.; tuslnes* and re-

lire to Sjuiblnlt'g', MASS , to reside; with bis sisters. A host of old fik-ods regret

deeply his dipirturc, as It breaks many

ties which bind them to the past. Dr.

David ' ana will then be the seVor physi- cian of our city, having come here In the

all of'*7, a fewin».T.'M af;er the advent

of Dr. Lamb.

THE WONDER OF HEALIN6! Iload, fi.i mir" 1'niairrh €'urr,"e[«Tiallj btsaatad lit mwit aeetuna raaea, ounultiaall tha mratlve protwrlle* ol Inn l'Jxlrnrli our "I'MBII Nrrluwe IIIT.1U.1IIO for OSS in catarr- Lal affection*, I- simple and iueipeiialT*.

Rheumatism, Neuralgia, ggg tlon baa rend no many caaas of thane cUatnir. Ing eomplalDta an Urn Bat met.

Hemorrhages. BS'i Note, or fromai y efias, Uipewdlly ci and «|..|'T...I.

Diphtheria & Sore ThroaV<Tr*.c« prompll/. His *Bnn»riiro. Dilavladatigemn*.

Far I'll' -. fllinJ. Hlreding nr Ileh- iag. It 1. UM gresliel kuovu reiusdy.

ITwr l'leer-,014 wwre* «r OwsTVasaat . i ..!,■.„ -ii apoutbcM 1* m. ■tremarsablo, r-ni.Koit._ro.VC 5 EXTRACT A*. tm.'Mj' (nfed. la* ««.,,»* fcna IA« word. " IW-OS UTJtiCr" tfaarai *» »' jta**.ond irur pfchw* riw-|*-»Mr« on ««rroii«*i«., *t./ *"»FP^- ^J*J t-n-T U <r*nt!.tt«. A lawp« <n-i*( on Aut«K POSD H KXTllifT. Tttkr*aatt-rr rvrrwr _'




rtaedy'hat tias done more to relieve suffering ' umanily than all oilier iinllclnea combined.

Tneae celebrated Kilter, am compored ol choice ■VtOtt, Herb* snd Bnrka. amona which areUentlan. Saraaoarillii. Wild Cherry, Da nils lion. Juniper, and other berries, snd are ao pre- pared aa bt retain all their medkinal (|uiliUea, Tbey invariably ours or greatly relieve Ine lollowina: romplslnia: Hy.iM*|.ti*, Jsimdloe, Liver Comnlslnta, l.oaaof Autieliw, llaadachet, BtllODB Atlaokx, Ithe matlam, Hummer Com. id* in la, Pllee, Kidney Difcsiea, Temnle Ulflcul- lie*, l,a*»liuiie, Low MpirUs, Ueneral Detillliy and In fact everything caused by an Impure • late or the Blood or deranaed ronditlon ol the Stomioh. Liver or gidne*a. Tbe aged ind In tbeQusker Bitlert a gentle aoolhiay atlmuUnl *o de.irHhle In their deel Ding jeara.

Eminent Phvslelana preac.lbe them.and re- eonimind ihe r >n"', anil iirnnounre tbcm the best t'urn for nil Uiacase* ol the Blood, HI mufh Liver and Kldaev. No one can remain long unwell (unless ncllcted with an Incurable dl* i>»'*) after taking a few bottlea ol lbs guUer

Por MM by Druggl.t a nnrl Drnlera la Medicines verywhere. eod v Iv sol. br

rst. Arm Broken In the Mill.

Tremendous 'Jumbo, Will Inaugurate, with Pomp, Power and Magnitude beyond concep-

tion or description,

The Glorious Annual National Holiday.


II.,ay Rot rrtd.

fJASTORlA Old Dr. PUaher*s ramnly lor

Children'* Complaint*.

Saleeroom 286

moo Street.

,.■■,.I. i.' .■. '2n't Com-

*lyrjan 1

and, Bright* li...... Il , . i.....: 1,1 Ion falghl* i .■. MiiiiTi. ti.ii II

... in..-.-..r either .es eOlttteil wltl.anv diseaaa H lltet Kid net a or liladder Prlr.e per boille |l ,11 tor SV Addree'NKW KSIil, AN D HKDI : \1. INSTITUTE, 11 Tretnoul Kow, notion Haa*. I wi t\i i.tn-.m s nviuiiHmiH I The i.i-.-ii Iteaiorative, supuliea totter to i.rant snd nervea.reatorua vllalltv.glve* rigor

SEW I.M.i.iMi MEDICAL INSTITUTK. Ho.it Trcmont Bow, BotUn, Haw


?VROt Cures Dyipepiia, Verrotu Affec- tions, Oeneral Debility. Fever and Ague, FaralysU, Chronio Diarrhoea, Boils, Dropsy. Humors, Female Com- plaints, Liver Complaint, Remittent Fever, and ill disease! originating ID A bad State of the Blood, or accompanied by Debility or a low State of the System.

sod* Iy leli x a

About 11 SO Sunday lurouoon two men

nsmed Boirdmsn aud Lird discovered the

body of Charles Meyers, drowned on the 36ih of April While working un tbe sew

bridge. Il wns found ueaily opposite the 1'eutucltel house. The men brought U.e

liody to the shore and U-b phoned to tin police of ,jtbls city, and mayor llreeu'i

vehicle, uVuslly used lu SOCb cases, wai deapalcbed to tbe scene, but the iiitu etu

fOBlld the body refused to tlcllver 11 to (hi undetlsktr*. They teltjhont J to the pc lice station to learu what they shou'.d dt and Were Informed bv irarnhsl t.kWullivai

that the body was not that or A. T. Stew art, but the remains of a poor labmlng

man, snd if ihey did not desire to dellve

H io those whom he had sent to bring It

to this cltV they might keep it Si d aw tbe decision cf Uic widow as to whtre would bu Interred. The mm evidently

eipccled a i w.t'.l for U.e finding of lb

body, but after the mars ial'* plain talk to them delivered Itjgihe undertakers.

The body was viewed by midlral txorr.. iner Lamb, and afier a brl«f Iuner*l scr vice at Brees's undertaker rooms, con

ducted by Ret. 8. C. Bass, was Interred

Tempers are Meeting

,,.,.,-,,. TM, OKA TOIXBX aSTICLia.

PONO'8 EXTRACT. 50t, $1.00, •!.?». 1,00;CatarHi Ctre 75

SO'Plaiter 2» UpSalvs - 23lnhaler<GauiP a-LOO Foilet SodiH3C>kes) - SO Nat.il Syringe 20 Olntmant . 30 Medicated Paper. - 2i

family Syr+npe, $1.00. i.l .■■..■■. 1 \ 1 s. ai and W o( our K«

1'.,I,.].!.;,■[ v ,,. i. k....iiiiai.i. * . ul. botde.

irurn Jiaw pAktrnurr A-ITII Hirronvovopm PaEFiaaiioss Baaz lUtKK ON arrucaiioa to

POND'S EXTRACT CO., 14 West 14th St.. New Yor>

cnd'lyaepU x

1'ond'a Ealratt is sold by A. P. OBUWAV SCO., Apotbecsrles,

Cor. E«ex Street and Broadway, Lswrenee


On Friday afternoon, Mr. Lewis Ho Ir-

an had his arm caught and broken by a bo't which slipped off a pulley In the Cen- tral Pacific Hill: be was taken to tbe new Hospital of tbe Charitable Uorlety on Methuen street, where an accident room has been titled with every needed appli- ance, and Dr. Dana, surgeon In charee, attended him ; this new feature at the In- valids' tome. Is certain to prove a bn- mane convenience lu cases of accident.

—People are pretty busy )an now pot- ting gardens In order.

Cabbaftissre retailing now at eight ceils |»'r pound i ami the fa mar who luccaeJed in rsi~ ing furiv iboussnd plant1, and having evn_ pin in makes rolld li...i, rnuei have mads a gootl Hutu-. We have it.tiv.tl tbe following letter :—

EAST DA* VBBS, HIM., No*. 2d, 1881. I W-med Brndley'a 1'bcfpbats nponourcab-

bflfrti again tin* year, using It a<cording to tbe directions This rtqulres sbont eight tiundml ' pounds ptr acre. And wiib ibis amount wa

r*t-e :he iarveat crops ol cabbages ibal we ever grtw in any wa*. We bad ovtr foity thousand piauts, end every plant made a guod, solid bead.

We also raised a good crop of iqnanbes by nilng ibla ['nosphata in tbe aame way on them, snd we gel larger crop* of potatoes, and better pott un a, where we use ihe Phosphate In Ibe drill than we ev'r got by any other mttbud. We recommend it io our neighbors si tbe belt and cheapetl manure tbey can bny.


WtMAB'sBALSialor WlLU ClIBltaT COTSS eougb*, cotds, brencbltls, whooping cuugb, cronp, mil jet./.i, consumption and all dlieaai s of Ibe throat, lungs snd chest. 60 rent* and il

:s bottle. teodliyfram

ON TlIIBTr DAYS'TBIAL. We will aend Dr. Dye's Celebrated Elertro-

Vululc ItolU and other Elerlilo Appliance* <"> trial for thlny daya to young men and older pei cons, who are aOli-leil will, oervoua delnliiy. lout vitality, sic., guaranteeing apeedy relief and com- plete reatortiuun or Tigor and manhood. A leo Tor rhuiimall.ro, neuralgia, paralyala, liver and kid nay diffle.ultlen, rupture* and many oilier dlreas-


aiti«i:ltl 1MT it UlTlttStsirt, ST. MK4 W.

1 *<,!' iL.n art T-.ni il if ill iilii.ii rf i" »«lie.u* ami

*"o'vo l>t*aa*** 1.»* uado Ibeit (kill and ability u n.eeh ..iMIiuf in lk*t "> U '.bnarj | : *.-tiili*ei, n*l tbey baee arnulrett a aal Inn il rapaUtiuu Ikioui*

LTOIiIBHiBJrli^llll^ Ihoa* "T nitiM It- ae> r

in* lir biiaineea « mat „,.,.,. . .; < i IU..I, it lO-i-tn' m *■».

*H*| An anUrely W*-eae "eeUle-1- -■

iiTiTJIjiSinai jsig&tei&SBBVL fcfcj»


Voltaic Kelt Co..

IsiroaTAWT io ALL.—Tne msit general com- plaint that eecmi to ipire neither class nor ion- d It ion of person, li i ated in tha liver. Many with woe begone countenances, despondent spirits aud depressed feelings, exaggerate every

it until even mill-He has h 'en known to re- if.mi ibis morbid condition or body aud

mind, yet Sunmini' Liver Regulator is known to beaspeclBc luraffectloniof the Liver, Spleen and Kidney*. Unlike most prepsrationi II Tally meet* ibe wants of tbe pillent whose liver or nonioeli is dltorgsslaed and soon reslorei the emaclsttd sndspinless dyspeptk-sufferer, toamnretioverulcjudillonof lllelban he could oil.era he bope tn attain.

Parcbaseri ili.ul.I be careful Io tei that tbev geiibeOBNCiKB, maDufacturrd only by J. 11. ZstLtH k Co., rhilsdrlpbls.

H3meod marlS

die* ehilN an of the kldntei na'ltui.aid li

loonterncla • Irnrlenry tp genuine ttty and aolace It

HB^SMAH'S ParTomssD Basr TONIC, the tu'lv i f].ni- i '.i' heel containing its eniln iiuiriin.i.i properties. It cjuuins blood-mak- ing, run-e gssersting and life sustaining propet ties; invitiuai.le fur ladlge*tii>a, Uyipepala nervuuiproal ration and nil ruimaul gaasral ss> billiy , also, tn all enfeebled conditions, whether ibsrsanltof eabanitlon, nervuns prosirstion overwork or acute discaae, partlcnlarly II re salting from pnlmonsry complaints. CASWFLL, HAIABU & Co., proprielurs. New York. Sor by Drnglsts. *Milyit4

Iloalstlei'a Billet* are mil liy A.P.OKDWAY A CO., AiiolhecariM.

Cor. Raaea St and Broadway, Lawrenr*.

Peruvian Hvrup 1* sold by A. P. OHli.VAT ACO.,Apwlheenrles.

Cor^Esaei 81. and Broadway. Lawrence,

Dr. E. it. MAKSTON Ha*rrsmoved Io

Maraton'sBlocli^SAl Broadway ftlliwstsi

Por Catarrh, Kay fever, Cold 0 tbs Head, eicloaerl with llile nnser I particle

MOTH las I MOTH ana i I MomKiiB 11 1 Are yon dlaturbed at night and broken ol

»t by a -i.-k child suffering snd crying wllh the critclallng imin of culling teeili? If so, go si

wane and got a bottle of MHS. WDiSLOWB SOOTH tao Bvsur. It will relieve the poor lulls suffer- er immediate! j—depend upon It; there I* no mla- lako about it. Theisi* not a mother ou esnh who haa ever used it, wbo will not tell you at once that It will regulate the bowel*, sod give rent to the mother, and relief and health to Ihe child, opsrnUnglkgeniasio. It la i>crleetly eafe to uae In all caeca, ami pleuaanl lu the lailr, and la tha preecripilanof onf ot 'be oldest and beat female iihyaleianaand nui aea In Ibe United States. Sold even wlierr: Jo rtml* a bolllo.


eod V lyr martT


3 Oircusea in 3 SeDarate Rings. 2 Menagerioa in 2 Tenta. 1 Miiaenm of Human Miracles, 1 Colossal Roman Hippodrome, making

Besides a Stupendous Pro* Street Horning Exhibition oMl Elephants io Battalion, a Buse Cara- van Menagerie of Bare Wild Beaati Ud and driven In hsrn.i- through the *treet>, 'Optst

Double Lslr* of Co. Ily Savage Creature*. 0 Open DfM.or Meat Perooioita Beaala. all pub- licly fei tarSaaaL ■ Arl Oloriotii Jolden Chariot*, 11 DH-rei,t Kind* or of uslc,A Plome

Topped ridal-Waveof Lavlah Pageant and Badlant Ulaplay.

10 Towering, Delicately-Beautiful, Living GIPAFFES. T1 TlV/f RO THE LAST OF THE IUI0THL J U M t)Vj TBE LEVIATHAN" LORD OF BRQTE CREATION. The Wo, Id'i KM. Won.le.ful lcf.nl r,odl,r. lb. OMI.T AMEB1CAX BOBS BABY ELKPUAMT

200 Supremely Great Equestrians aud Athletic Artists, Over 60 New, Brave and Brilliant Acts.

TFREIHO 4-HOESE EOMAN OHAEIOT EA0E8. Po'deroua Elephant Raeet,Qassel Desert Baee*, Dashing Thoiongbbred Races.Wild Indian Races

lisrae snd tlladistorlal Conie'taol Anoienl hallona. Mote ihitn lebO lonaof Enlertslnm*nt. Unndndaof Hignal Poieiga Pesla and Iratore* there la rot rtpie.e 10 Name. A Solid Mile

of Ktth-oad Train*, UepreeenllngThro* Million l> jiUrs Solid Capital.

• Bain SUM strong

Ul eatni through tht ii..-.-. It will be ab- •orbed.c.lssnelngand bealinP the uiaeaeed nil'i um-.

Mr. :;■'»• i; Orahttn, for m a^tntof the Manchester dlsti

church of l.n-i .Ml li :n ■ 'nr

delivered so address on tempwrnnce m the ■ HS^SS^^- ^ ^7* "fino^jefVoi Q>iet<bUrebgOBdSyeVettlBgbef>rei i«eAe^l^J^\tJ^''> ,

frilr'PrVi 'iibbing in

audience. He explained the method 0 HAY FEVER"""""*1,1* ilug the Kplscopsl unions,

thf principal being Hut wben a man latli

to keep Hie pledge he will lelurn 1. to the

society, anil he ii put on probation and

etimu one delegsted to louk af er bin. Mr OrshSOB delivered a very Intciestlng tempersoce leciure. lie hopes to return 1 are

hire soon, and form a uuion under his

peculiar theory.

A fair trial will coavlnce the most skeptical-

ELYS' CREAM BALM. eff.ielnally eletnsoa U.e ssafl SaWsSys Catarrbal ,-. i-in mn « hi- .

joflammtllon snd lirllatlon. tiroleolat1

mvmbrsnal Imlnsi f the head from ■d'UHoi. colt*. et>mr>lel*ly heala the anres and realm

.aaorur-te-nil sm"H- Beneflelal resti tsed M B rewappileatlona.

Iv rori lied. The Balm I Sold by dn

—Dr. Cham be rial ti's residence, on the

corner of Common and Lawrence s teets, la about to be repaired. New cornices

will be pot on, the window* have new

ssshes, and the (runt generally changed Architect Adams la preparing the plans.

-Alt!. Msnderson bid nn arm caught betwetn an elevator and tbtt wall, at ii*

Washington, Thursday. Ihe member

wai broken. Dr. Bsrrj*iit,atieurJed him.

h..;.l remedy loreolil In Ihe head "" " Balrr '" "

tall a package. Bend and aereenble, Od receipt ol M or circular with lull information.

EI.Tb' CREAM BALM CO., Owego. R. Y.


II. M. Whitney A Co., 1. II. Kelley, CtUB. Clark, J.C. Avore. stOrdwsy'sDrng Stores, ■ tad br »rHggtal* linir.ll,.

rod'HyoclS S

Klv's Cream Balm, for sala by A. F.UK1IWAT at CO., Apothecaries. Cor- Kssva St. sad Broadway, Lswrases.


Will Cure.when Inlthe Fower of Medicine.

Dyspepsia, Indigestion, General Debility, Headache, Female

Weakness, all'iDieeasea of the Blood, Bladder and

Kidney*.. For aale bt A. R. (JUDDER", »9 Esrei itreel

(i.r TALBOT. IIS Kites street, U. H. IIBAY TOM, it Aitchiuiiy atreet. snd ill flril elasa dealcri.

ll. o.| i io deft


In. Chamber's Jamaica U nger Hoot Blltera enters tbe clrcalaiion of tbe blood immediately, purtfle*, vlia:isi» and innrbti lbs vital flild, and reaching every part ol ibe liuman system, II tones snd invigorater, »lrengitiens and re- jnvsnsici all the orgsnisnd tlnuesof lbs body. It Is Nalnre't grcst besltb rcitorcr, sod Is not tituallsd by any oilier medicine.

il6meod de.O

A I:..Imi. i in ni'H M.iut. lintiMi tiiriu: i be itopped. Nenlr.-i fi i iiiirnily rrmil.i In an Incur-

able Lung Ulieaae or Conanmptloo. Baown's It mist iiui.l HIH 'IIKMIIO nctoHordenheitotnaeh like cough ajrnpi and balsam*, bnt act dlrectlv on tbe iiiflanieilunrte. allaving urlisllon, give re- liel InA.ihui", llroochltl*, Colighi, Catarrh and tun Throat Tiuul.lc* which hinier* and Public anealieii areauh}eeilo. Por thirty yeen Brown's HromhUl rroclieihnve b«wn reoommendeil by uliyiician*, snd hive slwsy* glvsn pariect istla- ractnn. Having ueeaiestid bv wide and e.on- ■lant use for nearly an entire generation, tbey have atuinedwell me: ited lank among the '— ataplerernetlieiot the age. f»ld at M cen boa everywhere. Htlvreodlanll



ICE CREAM. The Lawrenoe Ico Cream Company are prepared to furnish Ice Cream, road* from

D Cream, si 40 cents per qisrt. |1.19 per gallon. Monldetl In any lorro. Indlv.diul noukJa gl per dosen. Pamillea can be mpplled with any

variety st their real ences on regular days. PeelorrSTB Mtlhuen ftreel, FHUbnrj's Block. OfBcei D. M.AC. M. Mar In, IU SMMl Street; Ssith A Wheelcr.eor. lIuverblll>B(lfKasiHaver till streets,

1'iimil)' orders aolielled. Cream dellvsredon Suodari.'

A.J. I.EllSED SCO., rrrprlctori !'■ '■HI aliS


MKUK I 1 J, aft HEAIaD,

STOCKS AND BONDS, INVESTMENT 8ECUBITIE8. Members of the Boston Mining snd

Stock Cxchann-e,

Simmon ■' Building;, r pp. Post C,ice. 38 Water Street, Boston, Mase

No. 240 Ksasx Bt. Lawrenoe .Mas*.

iDj^iriY: EiXF^JisrsES S4800. Returning Ten Time* More for the Monsy, than any other Ten of iho Largest Show* Combined.


There is no Room for such Another 8how. And It I* Svei j wl'eri Patronised b* Thoutandi, wbo Neter Tialt any Other Trarellvg lablbtlfc

You cannot Afford lo be lnpatlent,and to Patronise Shis 8Sow Shadow*. Beltrr WtUiar New Bogland'a Most Colossal Catei prlss.



Will alio Exhibit in all ita Overshadowing and Undivided Vaatneti at






Andover Advertiser, Every Friday Morning,



Post Office Block, Lawrence, Mass, 8UB3CRIPTION-Pontag'r> Prepaid:-

9300 par ---- will be dec! payment.

The Circulation of the Ltwrcnoi Ameri- can is the largest of any paper in the County, and more than ihre-e 'llin*! that ol any other Weekly t aper pub- lished in tots City.

M" Bates i>i:. trertislag gent upon appltearon.

■ ntered at the Post Office, Lawrence MASS., for tranamleHlow through tl» malle an uacond-ctaae matter.

The Daily American Published Every Evening,

I the Largsst Daily la the City, With four Times the OlroaWkw *I uf other.

SUBSCSIPTION, In Idnao*: One ear, *0OO | Six Mouths, MOO

When not paid In advance. *a.0O.

GEO. S. MEBB1LU Proprietor.


Is the largest and moBtthorowsrbly fur- nished In Eaetern Uaasecbueett*.— With modern presses, and constant additions Of the newest styles of Tj pe ws ere able to furnish the best quality of work, at low prtoea. Ordere by mall promptly attended to.



POTII13UAKY, Draffs, M«-*l- Icines, Chaaikul-i, IV.lot Ariiolea, Ac. J.O. AVOKB.MiiBsafli.oor.Prunki'e.

LANK BOOH MTraiul C001- meruialdUtiooer, KOOIL Paper, Dssataflss*

W. K KICK, snn K--i>» sum. LACK SILKS, Velvets, m-l, - meres, >4ila s'rin^u*, Button*, IIIOIIH, A*

A. 811 AUra. a CO., Hi EH«I sue-l OOTS & SHOES, a full and coin pie in sioek, ni pnoo* tu iuli Ibe inf


■estsm, II. p. B AbVN ARDi Essex Streit.

COOKING STOVES, Banff *a, Puraacss. Bole aseot UitK'e atmei

Ji>HN r. UINi.UAIt. a** K,»eif '- GROCERIES, Flour, Tea* I-Vn-

cvUoodsanri rjsdses. •HATTOCB OBOs. o«r, I11M, ISNLUI

HARDWARE, Tools, Cutlety •seele ami U.-neral Hani ware, -

N. 1*. II. HBLV IN. 5*3 B*S«X Street. MILLINERY. Mrs. M. Isadtire

WbitUker, *«i and 1M Bastx ST. MILLINERY & Millinery Goods

Hat am) Oi.nnei Bleacher*. L. H. UlLHuRK, J18 1C**6X Strati.

PAPEB HANGINGS* Window Bbsdeaandritiures.

E. A. KHKE. iTS gtiei Street. PHOTOGRAPHY, sole llcen«*M.

for thecilviortbe Carbon Procesi-ee. KKASK ttUASELL All Essex at.

PLUMBING* Steam and <**.* rilUnn and fliturea, etuvci, Baujtc., *< .


Home, Domualiu. iteiaunalcn, ainser IM New HOWS. W. HAUhl* ALO,Asunt* Wt BsseS St. TAILORS, French* English and A American Novelties- ., .

t. W.HOH AAEE a CO., Post OOee Blort. TAILOR, Imported and Domic-

ile Uooda. 11 DBNNiBMOitiB. l9aBBBBl;Btre*i.

UNI>ERTAKI:NG FuruUlied in all 1U details. Punei al Clish* a s, rciOin

WATElliUJll.lKA 1/AltSONd HAB.U butt. UNI>KKTAKER; every dnt>

appertaining to Funeral* attended to. M. J- MAHONKY.iii-l Hak Slro-t.

70RK of every description, li WS AMERICAN


1U Essex Street, Lawrante. Has,Ether tad Ob oroiorm Administered.

COLBUBH BBO'S,— DAILY l'AI'ENr Cbronaos.Euaravlnsa.Porlodleals.SlJtloneiy

Psacy Oood*. Picture* Framed al abort '•otic* Mo..elBssex:)tre*t

DB.C. W.SYLVE6TEK,Dentist,tal Essex flr., Lawrence, Uxa. 1'artlcuUr

allaiitluu |>ai<l topreaerTlni NaturalTeelti. Ar tlftoial Teetb inaerted. Uaa 01 ether fl««a al prnforred. 1 lyoulS


Cor.-awronce * Common It I uaa returned from Europe and rammer piae Useolhla irofeaaloti.

R. 8. W. ABBOTT, office 161 Kin Street, cor. Jackion. tte»ldrnre 110 Nee

ur Btroei. II rjn IT

DB. J. II. K1DDEK, DENTAL titn- OEON, Ne. ST1 Eaaex Street, Lawrence

afaaa. Uaa. CUlururunn, 01 »ih<. *!■..-, — femd. Cloned durina Anguni.

DBCKEK A WHITTIEW, QKOCKHb Crockery and Glaia Ware. StrlcUTpure

Co feea.Splcei ami cholct-atTeai. The bratda.rlea •fBattcrandCbeeae. SAAmeabar*Street.

I" N. HARRIS, 266 BROADWAY, ol iietheR. Hunt M.icbine Co. Turbine Wale

Wbael., rolling alllli, Wanhi-rf, r'alltna «toiki OIK>, Ilo^ulatoTi, Ac, Ac. rbnoluinlnbidand ■ llmill workdone. lunllH)


HOLT * CO., ICB DEALERS. Offlct with BUIDM a Hack, 1U E»»«x ilreat.Law

rasM.sfaaa. aprMtly.

M BS. DR. M. J.tlILL has removed to No. 10 Wler atreet, near the Common

Ivr ■■■!' ■■■


Lawrence,M»*a. ParaonalaUcntior to allbnii asas rintu JOHN 8. 01LE, Atloiney, Coonaellor-

at Law, and Noiarr Pnhlin Oflce rrmoria tobaumlcri Block, room 21, Lawrence, Mai*,


11 bar truaptt alar off, indblda yoa prr. psra In nn>m for ibe iraion whlcbli near at band, l'lra-c profit l>j Lbli ica niDable,URa«alli.n,andnoielhe inctthal a« are now puthlri Ihe aale ol a laffa

, lliirku!


Genuine Imported Instruments rscelTed direct from the nanuraotnreri, and warranted to be Pirle ljr aa reLrcienled. We fears, In addition, all ihe cDolcetland moit

Popular American Makes of Bead and Orcbetlral lii-inniifnl«, bet idea a large line oi ipeelaHHt wlkh wa conirel.aad fnr which WP c.n offi-r ipcrlal prlcea.

Bead lor lllunral.d cata •Cl*. alalinanarllo- ulaity what tlaaa ot laitrunrnta jou dcilre. Csrreapondeace aolicltcd. Addiaaa


life. Accident and Fire Insurance

JOHN EDWARD8 A CO'S Insurance Agency


Franklin,01 Ptilla., Pa. Pennsylvania, of Pens. Qerinan, American, N. T. Wisstohsstsr. New York. ■Wntertowo, New York. Orient, Hartford, Conn. Merlden, Conneelloul. Commonwealth, Boiloa, Hhawmut, Boeten. let National, Woroeatar. Uusen, KnKiand. Jmasrlal ft Northern,Koflaad. ffo'ynt, Enilnnd. Metro iols Ins. Co., Parla. I.onili > As«uranc«, Knilasd. Ouard an Aanurance, K<i«land. Londo and LancwOiire, i-'ialand. Travel nr*' L,lf.i and Accident of

Itar- o .l.Conn. _ Btate Mutual Life, Woreaalard]

THOMAS J^EVINOTON, •a» Baaaa Street, - - LaWreatee

Post Office Bo. 30.

I Lawrence American.

The boy Hood on 1 lie burnlni deck, HI* brveubei weie a perfect wreck; He left tha thin and a*am ashore, Moaibt oaw oaea at ear clothing Store.

In the*e new pantt be round a back pocka Filled wilbjjy he waol np like a loehri. Such woniltriul l<li*i nouiaooan erj.i*, A a pookati wilt |lre to ihaayeraie boy.



And Uu* ,offr iiui inn. at blukncll Bra..


v.'e riniro to rail the aitention of IfeaA eln** of men whs alwaya wan t tkt T-ry i a «t good* to be had lathe market, (but ilm't l.ki to pay tbeektraoost o hating Hi. IH cuitom madej to Ihe fact that we hare the moat


FINE SUITS! We bate ettr ssu an one coaneera. Wado no-. uropo*e to tire ^nt resdira wllh a deaoilpticn ot thc>a Cult* noi aiUt of pricoi, ooa*.ideriai be Lirge Sto.k «e bate leSe*eet From, Ihe large per nent. aated by niinuia.'.im I ( Lur own inmli ai.il the naa* emrenltmea ' go-de.l»urrn,t,»mei - in oar new'tore we Feel Sjre >hal therala no lieiter pace la New England te get your spring sali, and atlbeaana time gel the v-Jueorynur uunej-, than at

Bicknell Brothers. Prices In what we call our

FINE SUIT DEPARTMENT, Range from $12 to S25.


BEAUTIFUL, BEWILDERING BARGAINS, Beat Them All! We have just placed on our Countera the


SPRING SUITS! All Wool, for S6. $8 and SI0.

ever wIlnaiLed in one retail atote In afairarbuartl*, Tho larger porlton of Ihne foodi are our own mur.nfariiire, made nom rtjinly All Woo< Cafilmere, which we purebaaed In lame Jolt, dlrn-t (roa, tha nunuracturer*. one lot of which ooaialni f.SWrsrda. Tbe aatrtr quality of gooda cannot be bait of any

IT IS RKPOHTKD iLtat Gov. Tabor of of Colorado announces himself a can- didate for the long term senatoraliip. and will spend $1,000,000 if ncceasa- ry to bt. elected. In order to secure a franchise, mining companies some- times cheerfully spend thousand* of dollars. Tnrce years ago it was said tnat the IIomGHtako and De Smit mining companies in the Black Mills, spent between 140,000 and $50,000 each, in order to secure tbe franchise for putting in water works at D.;ad- wood. Headquarters were establiaed by ward leaders, and men met there sod sold their votes to gangs num- bering from 100 to 150, at $$ and $10 a head. The Ilomeitaka company had the longest purse and elected its man. No political interests were involved and objections were raised as to the irregularity of tho proceedings. Ter- ritorial politics are always of a differ- ent shade from ours, dependent as they are on tho distant government for what we enjoy by virtue of our rights as a state.

The Undertng-ned nun Opened a

CARRIAGE REPOSITORY, At 277 and 279 Methuen Street, Pillabury'a Block And InTltea all Ibeome whaarelo need of a flrat elaai carriage, to call andeaamine hla collectioa.

Tbeie Carriage! era atencfaeicied in Herrlmaok, at my own manufactory, and are warranted flrat olaaa in evert particular.

ELMER B. SARGENT. E. A. mclOGS, Manager. Office Hour*. 1:30 to ftt.'IO p. in.

"•""<■ UIT""'""»■...,. BI1ID..T,«.

BOSrON LEAD MFG. CO. OMoe, II and JO Oliver Street, Boatoa, klaai.



LEAD PIPE AND SHEET IEAD TIW andTtv I.IStCI) I'lP*. PUUPP, BOLDER Aa. 3nCD MKDAI. I. warded bt the Uaaoachn- •etUCbarltBide aiechanlca AiaocisUoaln USI.



Will be given at

CANNON'S COMMERCIAL COLLEGE, Brechin Block, Cor. Broadway and Essex Streets.

Commencing Monday Evening, June 5. Termifor tbeooarae, Sl.tS, laelndlng Sutionary. Thla course la given merely to adverdia the

School, and Special laduceracnta are oflVred to tboat who engage alltlnga

for the Fall Term, comnenclng At p1, 4,

COKE!_ COKE! A Cheaper Fuel than Wood or Coal

THE LAWRENCE GAS CO. la ndllnpr COKE at the following prlcei:

Per Cbaldroa of II bbla., dcllvrrca »'■ 00 j .. 7 .. •• 1 to

Per bsrre., " " ■** Onieri mini be left st tbe ofd'eof the company

No. tA) E aesei.,and iheCtke t>aid lor at U>e lime the order la gives.

OFFICE HOUDB: 7 JO a. m„ to li ■„ - - 1 to 7» P- w.

»lti mar*


S87 ESSEX,cor. FH ANK 1.IN SI Lawrante. !*»»».

fir lutr


PatrODUed by Her KOTBI Hlghneai Prlaeeaa


Shorten Ocean Vnyage—Ooly Flvs Dayafrom Land to Land.

F.Itra weekly ahlna Irom UL tt'-OW. LIVES POOL. QUERN-TOWN, LONDOKDEBKT. and UAL WAV to HUSTON dlreet.

The aleamera are nn*uri>aaaed for SAFETY and SPEED, and are nued up wllh all Improve- meatacooduolve to theoomtortoi )>aaaaagen.



THE FAKCIFCL distinction between the individual and the officer, is pleaded by our neighbor, the Journal, in defence of its attacks upon Su- perintendent Stone, while It was so sadly grieved that we alluded to the criminal record of a wile assaulting brute. U admits calling Mr. Stone 1 'an ass," but justilics this mild man- nered and sweetly courUOUM criticism, upon tbe giountl that he is a "super- intendent, "' and per contra, the record of attempted wife murder must not be quoted by us against the brute com- mitting the assault, because he is only an "operative." Verily what logic a logician can evolve.

A NEW KOLNTAIM has been erected on Tauutou Green which is called the Marvtd fountain, uml is the source of much critical comment, based on the discrepancy between the fountain and its underpinning, which was designed for better things. The dislike of the people springs from the diminutive size of the fountain compared with the elegant foundation ; the structure bearing strong points of resemblance to a heavy man with a too small head, or a potato tiie Ivetter part of which is under ground. This U not the trou- bled fountain to whlfeh Shakespca re compared a "woman moved," but on account of what it calls "a collection old iron," which perhaps it looks at in the light of something "ill-seeming, thick, bereft of beauty," the Tauutou Republican is "moved." The Amer- ican public is very critical in regard to fountains and statues in general and what the Tauutou folks tike is the "poetry of motion" in the old town pump.

IT IS INTKRESTIKO to observe the ilillerer.ee between the shipping of Kr-gland and our own country. Think of the capacious woodeu coasters we are building, nnd compare them with the woodeu ships on the other Bide of the water. According to Lloyds Rcgistor from Mareh 23, 36 new ves- sels were ulasscd by the Society, with a total tostage of 49,M5 tons, viz.: four wooden suiting- vessels, 1013 tons gross, 1 wooden steamer fjf, tons do ; 4 irou sailing vessels, 0,163 tons do ; 3 steel steamships 7,751 tons do , 22 ron steamships, 34,822 tons do. The

largest wooden ship was 463 tons, the smallest 68 tons. The largest iron sailing ship mis 2,002 tons, the smallest 725 tons. Theirstcelst?am- ahips arc however something to be proud of; UMI Thames of 4,101 tons for the Pennsylvania and Oriental Steam Navigation Company and the Antonio Lopez 3,969 ton for the Companio Transatlantics of Barcelo- na, Spain. Their iron Bteamships too verge on ihe superlative, notably the Stirling Castle of 4,423 tons.built for the China tsa trade, which on bcr trial trip loaded with a cargo of 3,000 tons, attained a speed of Is I •-' knots (21 1-2 miles) per hour, her machinery developing a power of 8,500 horses. The London Times calls her the fast- est ocean going steamer In Hie world. Her length is 430 feet; breadth 50 feet; and depth 33 feet; and she registers 4,300 tons. She has steel boilers, which present a total heating surface of 21,161 feet, tbe grate sur- face being CH7 inches, and the work- ing pressure 100 pounds to tbe square loch. The hull is built of steel, as tbe London Times observes, "on plans ap- proved by the admiralty," with a view to national requirements, "whatever that mav mean," and is capable of carrying cool for a 24 day's cruise. If it means that Bhc is going to cruise alongside of us, and' run a race with some of our decrepit men of war, it is time'our ingenuity was exercised in making something faster, for we. are, it is hoped, soon to compete with her In tbe China trade. notbwilliBtanding tbe late division of opinion on tie Chinese themselves. Tbcy don't want to get along without us, and we would Hko to cultivate a little closer Intima- cy In tbe tea trade if ia all the same to them.

Weekly News Urevitles.

Friday. A caas of a mall pox was discovered In

Fail hirer, jeeterdav. Gloucester talks about IstroddCinf tbe

Gameaell lire alarm atateoi. The KreDcti and En^llah *qis«lroas hare

Sailed from Suda bay fur AlrasDdrla, Egypt.

It la eailraated that Hauls will Ins* by tbe Jewish BXOwM tbe euorarubs tarn of £22 000 000.

Ih* Northern railroad of Mew Ileror- eb r<: baa declared a svnil-SDtiusl dividend ol S3 a ibsre, payable June 1.

Tae sew Utiited M aim ailiUurto Ger- many presented his credeuttsts to Buipei- or William at llerlin, ye.-erday.

Several residences were burglarized at Kihtii iiiii'ion, last Digbt, sad staall sans of muuey ami walcbca were taken.

All the forge men la lh« IfcCullosgb Iron Company* mills at, Elktos, Md., haw aiitjok, aid tbe mill will sbaldowu.

Lieutenant Dinunbowur and party of tbe lost stesmer Joannette, ealltd from Liverpool for America ou the a tea me r Cel- tic

The Northwet-tern packing sad i.rovl- slon eftabllsburnt at Beat St. Louis, was humid at uildulahL Lola eailDBiUd at tfiO.UOO.

Ills. Betsy L. Hatch, wbo fell on a aide- walk In Dover, N. 11. last *\ hruary. Injured her hip, baa aued the city for ft.) - 000 damages.

Tbe telipse of th > Km was seccessfiilly observed BT fiohaiu, Urner Ejypt, on Wednesday, oj Kogliah, French and Itsl Un as-ronomers.

IrIota peassnta wbo desire to travel on'- aldu their districts, provide thenselvee wltb pulice pASHporm lor fear of being ai- reatid aa the sovpic.cd mutdereta of Cav. eodlsb and Oarke.

An Individual arrived at Mew York on Weloesday, from Irelsnd, wbose move, uientn gave ilae to a nusplclon that he might ue one onbeaaaaealoN, but tbi tectlvta decided not to srreet blm,

Tbe niram T Progress, which left Qae- iire mi the 16th luai. with coal and pro visions for tbe steamer P<iuvtan, cgogttt In Ui-lee. was bamed the aaiue night. Losa, Aioo.OOO. Three of lh« crew per- ished.

A subscription was started ID Daa Molnea, Wednesday evening, which bss reached B2300, "lor Information leading to the arrest of the Irish landlords who hired tbe murderers of Cavendish and Burke."

Tbe debate In the second reading of tbe Irish repression bill was begun In lbs British bovse of commons, yesterday. Mr. Gladstone, Mr. Trevelyan, the new chief secretary lor Ireland, and o'bare, making speeches. - Tbe weavers of tbs lluckaosro If Ills at Hockvllle, Conn , have struck for an In crease or ten per cent. There are sever i)-the hands out. This makes three woolen mills and one gingham mill whose bauds are on a strike.

George Wilbnr, of Stony Brook, na rowty escaped a cost of tsr and feathers Wednesday night, he having ebductedsia child from ibe arms ot Ms wife, wbo re- fuses to live with blm becsuss of bli In. tlmscy wltb another woman. Siiliiriiav.

Ez-Govrrnor Waabburo of Wisconsin made public b'queats aggregating over half a million dollars.

It Is onderstood that the case for tbe prosreti'lou In the Cramer murder trial al New Haven, la practically closed.

Tbe freight Bleanur City of Lawrence, running between Norwich and New York, la aground on the Thames river.

The bill providing for the extension of national bank charters, pvssed tha House by a vote of—Yeas, 125; nays, 67.

The President bss approved tbe forllfl cation appropriation bill and tbs agrlcst* tural department appropriation bill.

The Irl*h repression bill passed Its sec- ond reading In the British bonne of com- mots, yesterday, by a vote of SSS to 45.

Lord Spencer, lord lieutenant of Ire- land, fears that the murderers of Lord Cavendish and under-Sccretary Burke will escape.

Commissioner McBride of Long I-land City, has absconded w 1th a woman. It Is atld, having collected romeAOOOOof the clty'a money.

Mr. Holden. the liberal csndldste, has been elected a member ol tbe British house of commons, In place of the late Lord Cavendish.

The question of appointments on the tariff commission was considered at ye»- terday's Cabinet meeting, but no definite conclusion WSB readied.

Comptroller Lawrence decides thai whtti a married woman purchases United States registered bonds her butband can-

01 control ibem nnless by her consent. Tbs threatened hostile meeting between

Senator Williams sod Congressman Blackburn of Kentucky, has been averted, an amicable adjustment of their troubles having been rcade.

Is reported that Messrs. Rerdell, Brady, J. W. Domy snd B. W. Poraej bsve been Indicted by the grand jnry ot tbe Drlstrlct of Columbis, for complicity 10 tbe star-route frauds.

Ex-Secretary Blalue denies that he took soy Improper liberties with tbe report ol jls t< alimony before the Peruvian Invea- IgsMnir committee previous to Its trao--

mlsslon to tbs press of the country by telegraph. ;

Mrs. L'zzie Wall, who Is Indicted for manslaughter In shooting and killing bet hosband. u. rge Barry Wall, In February last, In New Utrecht, L. I., baa beco ad- mitted to bull In the sum or •25.000, pend- ing her trial.

The misery of the Russian Jews at Brody, In Eastern Gellcia, Is said to bs indescribable. It Is reported that tin thorfaand of tbera are without shelter, and that It is Impossible te afford the ref- ugees farther relief. Monday.

Over 23.000 emigrants have arrived ID New York during the past seree days.

William Lee, wbo belongs In Cbelaaa, was found In Jersey City Saturday ntgbl, almost dead. He Is supposed to have tu en beaten by roughs.

The United Slates steamers Lanctster, Galena, QuInBebang snd NIpBlc srrlved at Tangier May 10, Bud sailed for other Moorish ports yesterday.

Tbe leaders of the league oppose Mr. Parni-ir.t contemplated resignation of bis seat, though he bas strongly urged hit de- sire to remain on tbe continent for some tine.

The democrats In the national house of representatives on Saturday succeeded, by IlilbDoterlns. in preventing tbe consid- eration of tbe Mackey-O'Coouor contested election case.

John Woods, an English thief, wbo robbed a couple of New York messenger boys receutly of large auto*, was arrested In that cl<y yeslerday, and evidence of his guilt found on blm.

The decision of lbs Supreme Court of tbe Dietilct of Columbis IN SSM OO the Guitesn exceptions will be rendered to- day. Tbe motion ol the prisoner's cooo-

I will be overrulid.

About 200 men were discharged Satur- day from tbe wholesale departments of A. T. Stowart A Co., in New York. From the present outlook Ibe wholesale, depart- ment* will be closed up by July 1.

New Indictments have been returned agalnet Metiers! Brady and seven other parties, chamlag ibem wttb conspiracy to delruid the United States In connection with the awards of sur-route contracts. Bench warrants for the arrest of tha In- dicted persona have been Issued, returna- ble to- morrow. ,


Expert Thieves Enter Three Bnildfnffg.


It bas been some time aince Lawrence has been so unfortunate as to bare burglaries of say extent within its limits. bat Friday evening taeichy was visited by two young men, wbo although Dotgeltlng away wftb a very large amount of money, BDeceeded Is i ffcCllng aa entrance asccessniily Into three bosses, snd secur- ing U each something of valui. At each place locks were picked In a skilful man- ner by means of ulppers, tbe tlneyes prov- ing ihennelves to be a brace of profes- sional burglars. Tbey were seen Fri- day, or st least two yonug men were seeo by tbe police Who spotted them as strang- ers, and nezt morning, before the police bad been made acquainted wltb the breaks, officer Carey saw the asms two young men al lb<: depo'., seemingly going away ou tbe train. Tu. ir description, as ■ear aa It Is possible to give, Is as fol- lows: The older of ibe two was a abort man, shout 5 feet 0 Inches, sum', smooth face, dark complexion, wearing a brown •tit, and dark stiff hat. The older WAS

younger, apparently twenty-two years of age, slight,with small black side whiskers and moustache, wjre a dark salt snd be.khst. They were well dtessed and strangers.

About ten days ago, and for several days after, there was a series oj hreska In and about Saagui and Lynn. Houses Were entered In tbe s.ine way by means of nippers thit tb >se ho uses here were, and two young men answering tht de- scription of the two wbo were hers last night, were seen inedty b,)foru thi break, and the suppjsillon very naturally Is that hey are the nmu wb> operated so

iQCceatfnlly here last week. Nollflca- iot was received at the pillce station

ut>zi|inornlng of tbe three break*, and the mafer was Immediately looked up, and It was found that tbe burglars bad catered the following places.

At 73 South Uulou street they picked lbs lock of tbs front door and went In to the apartment of Ambrose Gadln, the well known grocci. They went Into ihe bedroom and secured two pairs of trousers and two vests, In which was about gjj la m im«y. They took tbe wssrlng apparel wltb them snd It was found next m.nnlng near ibu Packard atreet sebsol house, the packets emptied of all valuables. The bouse of Edward Bryaut.47 Faraham street,was entered by tbe aide door, by means of nippers, as marks abow, and, as at Mr. ti i.ilus, money seemed the object for wblch tbey sought, aa tbey made their way to ibe bedroom and searched Mr. Bryant's clJibcs. But fortunately they (oand no money. A gold watch and some valuable Jewelry was In the room but not touched. A child's pocket book was taken, however, and after four cents, all 11 contained, had been extracted, the pocket book was thrown Into tbe yard.

The same nippers' process wss used to force open the side door at tbe bouse of E. P. Abbott, 87 Farnbam street. Tbs btirglirs again evinced to desire to obtala anything but money, as no room was dts. turned bat the bedroom- Mr. Abbott's trousers were subjected to close scrutiny, sad |G was secured, also a painter's dia- mond used for culling glais valuel al about |fj. Nothing else was disturbed, sud the burglar* left.

Al each place tbey wen*, directly Into the rooms where people were sleeping. Tbey probab y did not know who or what tbey ahould meet, and tbey thereby took great rlika In tbe Way of detection, li Is highly probarie lhat tbey went prepared to make a determUed resistance In case tl.ey were detected, and if at any of the place* tbey visited they bad been mole.- ted, thi-y Would undoubtedly have forced their way out by menus of weapons of some sort.

Foitunaltly the burglars psssed ths Ighl In breaking and entering did not Be- ars ovel *7J In money ncd valua-

bles In all. and no one was Injured. They look a dark and atormy nlgbl for tbe I r operations, snd It la not strange tbat ihe police did not delect them for they very likely watched ibe ofBccrs, and took ibe opportunity * lu n ibey weie on distant pxru ol their beats.


DraftgiBur tbe Canal for a Hoy wbo j WAS Alive..

New Medical Kxaaulner,

Dr. Wm. D. Lamb, In consiquencs of III health, proposing to be absent some months from our city, bss tendered bis resignation of the office of Medical Ez- amluer for this district, and Gov. Long baa nominated for tbe vacancy, Dr. O. T- tlowe, of this cltr- Tills h a moat excel- lent selection, and will elicit general commendation. Ur. Howe la ons of our moat promising young sargtons, well educated, stndlous and eulbunluilc In bis profession ; he la surgeon of ibe flisl bat- talion of light artillery, and w LI makes capable examiner.

nt-balf tbe entlra*)rroDt of H. K. er's Hour milt Is torn down. It Is

Hill sod snow fell on Hay leib. Put thai down lu your diaries.

-Rev. E. C. Donnelly will sail for Eu- rope on Saturday, May 2ltb.

—Over <29 000 baa been received by the City Treasurer for liquor licenses.

—CUy Treasurer Piper, of Newbary- port, who has Just resigned, Is a brother of Mr. John U. Piper, late of this city.

Onr We bete I Intended lo strengthen the front of lbs structure by new work.

—Tbe class hymn for graduation Is written by Miss Lsurs K Nelson, and tbe music for the same by Miss Alice M. Smllb of the High School class of '82.

Tbe Enterprise boat club, of Silent, has arranged for a series of boat races at Smith's Grove, Haggetu Pund, on May SO. One hundred dollars Is the Oral prize for lour-oarcd boats.

Poal 33 O. A. It. la organising s com- pany of soldiers and saliors' sons to par- ticipate In the Memorial Day parade. Sons of soldiers and sailors are requested to meet tbe committee at Needham ball to-morrow afternoon al 3 o'clock.

—Mr. John Farrelt has Jaet part-based s new family horse, Kuox <-lre, weighing ten hundred snd a h«H. He paid B400 for him, and alihoagh be i* &• for ladles use, be bad a record or 2 *0- Hi FarreJl Is also having made for Llia a handsome new doable carriage.

Sunday alter noon a report was made al ibe police station tbat the four year old son of Mr. Sweeaey, residing at 13:> Vsl ley street, was drowned la IbecaasL Mr, Sweeney said his little son had gone off to walk with two companions, sad later, tbe two b>ys returned, sad on being questioned as to lbs whereabouts of Ue Sweeney boy said be bad slipped Into tbe canal. Of course Ihe police look thslr irons and west lo the cinal In front or las Peciac mills, sad begaa dragging for the boy. Soon a large crowd e iltected. Af- ter searching for nearly a half beer, offi- cer Hannegaa was seen coining down Canal street tead'og ihe missing boy by ibe hand. When ll was round who lbs boy was, tbe laugh was on tbs police. The boy hsd became separated from bis companions snd kad waadersd over to the south side where he was found cry- ing, and taken lo Bean's stable; as (.Ulcer Uannegan was passing by he was called In and tbe buy given Into his custody Oi course the boy's parents were ofeij >y*d to see their child alive, and were pro row in lb. ir thanks 10 Ihe police-.

Iiiiiiruveiitriita at tbe Monument.

Tbe wok of grading and embellishing the grounds arouad tie Soldiers' rojau- ment Is progressing rapidly unJsr the su- pervision of the City Engineer. A gran- ite fence alone, one lout wide,' has bees placed around tnehaeesn I eight feet from it, fo'iuing a hesagonal figure, sack side being o-ju continuous stone with Its ends reslLigon missive pjsti, While tbe latsr mediate space li supported by a mortar wall roar rest deep. The parts are all clamped together and every pjiilble chance Is precladitd of tbtlr ever being moved by the fruit or lateral pressure. It la proposed eveutually to place upon this curb s auWtantlal bronss rail, wh'eb wilt not only serve as a protection, bul prove highly ornamental. Ten Inches of this stone will be s'lown above a walk nlus leet wide, which will im rjuod ih< whole stractsre. This walk la bordered by s low, rouadlog curb, seven laches thick, and on thi alternate sides, facing tbe figures, opeolngs nine feet wide, BiDked by granite quarier-'.aras, are left tot the approaches lo the mala avenues.

It Is luieuded to grade these paths With yellow rotten-stone, sacb as li used on Boston com nun. The effect wllh greeu lurr la much more pleasing sad harmoal- ous thaa thai of conc.ote. Ojr common as a whole would bo improved If all tbs paths could be graded wltb in!* materiel, as some of ibem st present are far from pleasing to tbs eys or comforubls to tbs foot. Toe limited means at the disposal of lbs committee will prevent the sccna- pllshment or all ihey desire In tbe way of besutllylng tho groouds at ibe monument. It is doubtful if the whole of tha plat can be grsdud ai preseat, but that portion be- tween ibe monument sud fencestone and M much ouuhjj of lbs walks aa the ap- propriation will allow, will be tnr.'ed at once. Il ia hoped lhat the work now laid out. If the weather permits, will be com- pleted by Memorial Day, when It Is In tended by the G A It Post to clothe tha monument with beautiful and appropriate decoiatlons.

Another Small Pox Case.

;Oa Sunday Dr. Chamberlain reported to the board ol beil'b there ealstsd another caae of small poz at 23 Allen atreet, tbe patient being the 9 year->ld daughter of Patrick Faber. Tbe agent of the board ot health and city physician Maje0 went at once lo ibe li mm. They ascertained tbat the child had bwD unwell tor Dearlj a week. Inquiry rivealed the fact that several Weeks ago a family lived In the same bouse, one member of which, a woman, was qilte sick for sons time. Her lllDess was kept quiet, but sow the neighbors say tbey are sure she hsd tbe smalt poz. Oue evening lbs woman

loved away to North Andover, and ef- forts to find her Sunday were fruitless. She must have left the germs of lbs loath- some disease about the house, for the Fa- ber faintly have lived there bat a few weeks. The patient was taken to the pest house Sunday, and the house on Allen street thoroughly fumigated.


■ undiy afternoon two young men, Louts Betland sad a friend, were en- gaged In rowing op tbs river Jest above the dam. Beiland was seated ia aa "out- rigger" but bis efforts to propel li Showed Ibst be was s novice. The other wss seated In a shell. Wli U both crafts were oesr each other, Bstlsod missed a stroke wltb one oar, and immediately bis boat capais-d. Ue tried In vain to cling to hie own boat bnt falling, he struck out for lbs shell s few feet distant and la desperation alexed the fr'glle boat and Instantly over- turned It together with lu occupant, who awam to shore, bnt Beiland had to cling lo the shell until ht-'p came from the hore.

Lawreoce People In Lowell. -as-

Saturday evening, despite ths rail storm, loity friends or John O'Caaaell came from Lawrence snd invaded but res- idence on Meade street, with tha svldeat intention of auiprislng John sod his fam- ily. Some one, however, gave the host an Inkling of whst was proposed, and be prepared to give them such a nearly and hospitable reception, that they had no thought or the storm wkbout. Tbey pre- sented ihe host with a handsome easy chair, In which be can rest as he passes away hts declining years, while the host- ess wss remembered wltb a beautiful inarbli -top table. A substantial supper was partaken or by the guests, wbo past- ed the evening In dancing, singing, etc.— Lowell Times.

It Is slated tbat nearlr, If Lot quits, 100 paienls have been Issued to tbe 1st* Mr. Abel for Inventions or improvements, and more than half or ibem are new ap- plied to the knitting business or to day. ID this and other countries. At bis Isrgp

notsctory In Lsconla, from 50 to 80 bands have been conatantly employed tor tbe past few years.

—Mr. James s. Abern, formerly a reaf,; dent of this city, bet now la tbe regular rmy lo the weal, baa been promoted to sergeant of d. E. fllh U. 8. Infantry. stsilontd at Fort GsStua, California.

China Mattings.

We stavo thlsBwrlag rsaelvsd ■»■-

, .aa*eT l*re» ekl>saeiate, elare** fraaa Chia», of every are** a»A aiaatHy *>r

■■raw Manias;. All thai wo BAawSBgaaj* •sseai l■.■•it*at ski* eeasoa. *■■! are

saaaefreaa fresh ajrasa. Ma eas>ahawa

large variety •' faaey •Pattorwa awd

Mala White, •«* ear •■.•rtin.al I*

well warthr the laspseUasaef all par-

AI■• aa Isasnesue a•ssrlsnaa,t egersry

vaalaly at* r*Ml|ii>ill.nii:|iClR-

ratTisius, auui, OIL CLOTIIB. far sale at


J.H.Pray,Sons&Co. 558 and 560 Washington Street,



Il will be for voer laterest to oall si

865 ESSEX ST. (Nezt deer lo II. K. U. Station.)

before purchasing your

Spring Hits or furnishing Goods OEO. V. CURTIS.





Paints, Oils, Dye Stuffs. Chemicals, Mliad I'alais.alteolor Nuala KuOlOll, ■aphtha. Olive Oil, Uialli: Acid Oeeef

AxIsOraass, ssaailnsr,

■aakeu'ofallil Borax,

I'aial • Oi

On ali Ureosss,

Casspbor, Obatk, Cream Tartar, Cnlarsofail abaJet, Caibollc Arid Coseb Vsralsb, Castor Oil, Uasasols SBIas, Chlarbteof DM, Copper Kivau, I'ealileSoau.

Dippers, weed es, PswWe aUroaao soil. Oesl Brassass. Eaaarj Paper.

" Cloth, reaiaer Dusters, ■ledr Brushes, risk (Has, rarsilnr* Varaisa, rereslBlvsrLesd, Ulae,atlBTades, Unas Arable, QursTrsAaeaalb, ttaM Leal, Uold Broaas, Ulyeeriee, tilsebar Sail. Ualraalssd Iron Pslts, IIameit Soap,

Paras.* a Wa*

Parla White, Potass, resales «tese. Piaster Paris, Paris Ureea, Paint Hrmhes, Paper Palls, Bad Lead. Kubber Wagon Borings, Mosla, Uottoa stone. Book Ss It

for troraaa sail cattls Bheilar. Bulpbnr, Sand Paper,

no Jar Bluae Jai.aail Mass, Oslisatr*. BswiasUaehlaeOll, SUble Pall., SbaftBabbers, SrruliUrukbta.l Tar, Wooilrn D ewers, WsadsrvViaM Water Pall*, Waal's KaasaetUrasala

for Cerriaaf Top*, Wliitewaih Hruabe*. Wauregns Soap, William*1 B ibar Bar

ns.ail Hats, WhsMU!'4osp, uu—iun Purple, Wiiltins. LightUraialegVarBlaa.WiBaor a Nawtoa'i Linseed oil, Tnhe Colors. Lard Oil,

In quantities to suit at Lowatt

Market Prices.




Bsoeeaaers to

Everard H. Kelley,

Dealer* Is


TOILET AIITII ,.i;s •rtiiuaah


OIGABS. Agents for 10. Duiar'i Fluid la mm raTSICIAK'SPBBSCUPTlOKgCAstBrVLLT

COMrOUMDEII. ACewseUat Preierinttos Clark fa attendance

at ail hours of lbs day anil niiat, Sir marts


76 State St., opp, Kilby^oiton. Secure* Patrol* Is the Uallsd Stales; alae la Urcal Brilaia, rrasaaaBd ether foraias or— trlaa. Conlea of tha claim* of any Pa teat alslsWbyressllUBaTeasdoilar. Aasitassesk.. seeded st wasalagtoa. Mo Arvnes Ta the Cat- lad slate* posMsaeaaiipoilorraellitlss for Ob-


BLBB M ASUM, CoauaU'r ef P isvsatorioaBBoi employ a persea sietSWast-

wortbr orMoreujpablvnratMurlBirorlsssB aa early and favorable ooaaldaralloB it lbs False t OBoa," .

■DMUNDBUBB:B.LaUCeai> of Pat as U. Bosrow, Oet. IS, ISTo.

R. n. Elipr, K.q.-DsarSIr | yes preaarsd U~ «s In into, my flr.l paiaal. Slsoe lass yea hai scleil for,ami srlvlaed me in tiBadredi ol rate in,l i-io.'iire.l many pa teals, relssass sad Saisa- llon*. I have otira*loually rmploiad lha heal Wriiele* |B New Vera, Phfladeli'lilB aad Waafc- lagt-B, bnt UlUlslvoyoaaletootlbs whole of my buaiaem.tn voor lias,aad advise other* te aaspinyyou. Toaistrvry.

UKOBUKDBAPKK. Boston. Jas.l.isn Ijf ■

LADIES Are you aware that most rf Ibe low priced SI-OUL i.iiTTuN la eltksr lalki or only two cord, and possibly

Dealers tall 11 i,n-*uie IIMT eas buj it eassp, and <li> nol r»i«. i tbe cbiat lu bs dl.rovtrwl.

It I* chrsrer lor vmai this* ccslsas|*aal iban oi«*t make, are al twe i eala. .

See-hata poorsraillela aa saotiofwbUh the manufacturer* air, i*rai«rly, aahsaaed M sals Ibeirmrtiet, li bo I tmpoted on jea InaKsd of If, Irom iuictoated motives. flat aaaill


Sail Weehly to aad fress Nsw Vows axii (■Lssoiiw, via Losnovaaasrv. Cabin ra-s«r |iu lo »t0 Relnrii*, gill lo g|JS

ho-e.n.1 t abla, |IU. Rrtora TlrkaU »ia. Bleeraac |ia**rssrr. uookad allow rSlse. I'a**rnsei iCKusiiaodatioa* iineaewlled.

Alfswierooms oa Mala Dreh. "s.reoaers booked al loweatralra to or fross lir.rmany, llnlr. -Narsav.Swedes Dansssrk, As. PorttLo^ in "Tuuriln Krotlaad," KM", Pleas, ae , api.ir o. til.MilEH.il. lil,OTHkK<,kgs? Yurk, or l.sn slixi nr.'.'A k.,*a St., er te p*rsicK.lt('KrNr,<uiBaasi kt-.Uwrian.

flllm mils


HaDgini*, nonlera.Ds^s**, Plater* MeaM elo , relslllne lor one-lhlid lai* thaoasr oiau ■lii'i In Hoi Ion.

T. F. SWAN, MO. 12CornliUl,BOa>TOK.

MAW issjo latptaa IB


Kirgsley's Iron Tonic. It in.i-.i. un tho umii, sives bsalih sad

ireiiaie to tho Iran-, Improves tbs auaeilie Bil works wonder* with feeLio ohlli'rra or.

sad boaplt!.!*

Kingslev's Iron and Mandrake Pills n the beat eatbsrtlr or spring Hsdlelae laa ia n*e. Itss bstm tiled fo, mere tbss IS vstra M proved. DruaaliU have bulb for sale.

W. E. SELD a CO., Ilsve Just received a fall Use ef

SPRING SUITINGS, to vfalcb tl.ey call iti* aiuniluaof Iba pabllo

Good Pitt A Specialty. en liAMi'sniM.; HTHBRT.


Ears FOR THE Million Foo Choo's Balsam of Shark's Oil Pssitlvelr ii... i,,,-,.. ihs Haarlsg.aed I* lbs oily

Sbaotuta Cure for Daalaia* Kaoac. To.!*iV1,1' "''straeied from pseullar spscUa ef

mall While nbarfc, csualii in in* Tallow Sea, ;I?*B Va.terehsrodon llondsklb, Biery JMSSSS a.hit mas knowa IL It* vlrioe* aa i ro*lo»allVB oi bearing ware dlaoovsred by I 8uJ lion Prio.l abuultha rear HIS, llseera

Hear What the Deaf Say I II bja psrformed a miracle la say ess*.

hesrYnrhVUu*'tl''r'10'*** '" "'**",L "a

«bsea groailv btBcatod.

'Ha virtues an Cnqueitionab:e a. 4 lie ears- ivo riiarartt-r al>aoluir,a* Ihe willar eaa u*.t- wnallv teill.), Uotb j.ooi ea^rieaes ail >b*eriaUou. Wrllo at ones In IIATLOCK a Jaa*sT,7Dey street, BeV Vork, eaelealeiai SH-I vuu will rsswrva by reiurn arcaaedy UMI

■Is vou In bear like BBjliody *'- -

UWBavVaw7 »»-To avoid lots la the Hails, slssao asad eaSS bj hVanirrnl l.etlfr.

o.i, ,.„,,.,j.,M.YtoeA»ijfNMr, 7 Day hi., New Voih.

Bole Agenia for Arrrrlea. llyayll o

FOR SALS IN UKTHUBN. fha Wall Known nor Jamln Blood Farm, Sllusled on Howe atreet, 4 mile* 11 on Lawrsne*

oa llaverhili, i( from lbs HJMB, 1 mils irom ihool. balii Panu eonisina about 70 acre* ol

Uml.sullsMjr .ttviJCd inio mowtnr, UUase and in. a, aiHlabutillOOrorilsof tbrllt. |r«rw- ooil.s iiiTi-i raiiina nrook ruBnias tarowsai

the |n-i.,r--, an orchirrl of abeat IBS yeesr spulvireei I istaaaia laia beBrias.SsaMeawaeh Csar, eto. Bui1ellBi*nssrly naw. contl'iloa al a

irso **lor* mni.ui built house with L, cos. ISiBlng li rrriii a, ■<.<>,! sSBStJ bais sSiiewilh ■;i-li-.r, *l) In ( *il ropair. The usIlrlBgsaad aboui so aeras nl hn,| will bs *-i.i leoarairly

ile*|reil. A s'K>d ijanol (urebass kaSMf caa .mala OB mortfaBe.

UBB. A III*.air. BLOOD III marls Ncthsss, llaas.


VOM Ar, th. mlidvlt «vor



PIL.L.S Tone up the system and rsrt«rs health to hose tufferi ig from genei 4' debNity and

nervousness. Sold by sll Druggilti, aa Oonta per Xtoa..



ORGANS. The Mason ft Hcim.ln Or£au ft Piano Co.


Oger Ibe latmM saiTtmrnlfmoro INan ISO »l»les)i>f the IlKHT CAIIIVK. or PAHL<>B oatiANS IN 1IIK WiiKi.l'.ror ea*h.at $tt. Bts, p,7, •«, 1 1, BAI, IM anil upwards. Atsa

It'.'' per uusiler sn-l up.

■■v. i-„:h ■■'..,. .i at a: ll W.. 1 whfh was Ihe I.AHOKST rtil.l.RCIlOX UP MU*IC*L IN aTKLslhSTB KVBK liinili.tlT T0UK1 iiKK aftcr leallns ai. I •eimiiariur *ids by »lde foi sareral momli*, Mnon A llimliB Orsans ie- eeiveil tro o.Nl.T niBHK->T AWaKIi IOI la*lrumenl< of Ibis class. I alaleaosa, w-th lull description*. 'llu»lritoni aad pin" PliKB.

eodSlan>l n

ATTKNTIUM |-AHUKK4| Aaysessswsa orBr*t ais.* Uelpw.li ami li 10 thslr advaa

tagsloosllatM*;llHII.I.'Siniclbf*br«Oslca 1 Api'ktos Mvrect





Weekly News Brevities.


There wasa W1.000 Ore at Alleodele,

H. I., yesterday.

The coronation of the Csar of Russia

baa been postponed one year.

Tbe Court In banc formally decided

yesterday, adversely t>» Guiueu.

Collector Worthing ton assumed charge

of the Custom llou»<\ yesterday.

Turkey baa demanded the recall of the

tilled fleet from Kjyptlau waters.

The Pacific National Bank of Boston,

baa gone Iota the timid* of a receiver.

M. Laoo Say, the French minister of

finance, ban tendered bit resignation.

Mr. Moody, the evangelist, will prob

ably remain In Kngleud anollier year.

Senator Logan la said to be completely

restored by bis visit to tbe Hot Springs.

A Jealous husband sbot his wife at Straf-

fbrd, N. II , on fiuti-Uy. Inflicting mortal


Abraham Bchofleld, of Plltsflold. who

cut bin throat several days ago, died on


John Hartnelt, aged 23. was drowned

at Oarduer, Sunday, by the overturning

of a boat.

The Postmaster -Seriersl recommends

tbe abolition of postage on newspapers

■nd magatlnea.

Tbe Crlvosclan rsvolt Is at an end, the

revolutionists having surrendered to the

Montt negrln troops.

The Supreme Court ot Missouri has de-

clared tbe Johnson Isw. making gambling

a felony, constitutional.

Hon. Thomas Marshall haa declined the

republican nomination for congress man-

at-large for Pennsylvania.

One hundred and Ave houses were de-

stroyed by Ore in tbe Jewlah quarter of

Kovno, Russia, on Sunday.

Many of the cotton mills lo Philadelphia

bave decided to shut down for a time, on

account of uver-productlQU.

The British House of^Commons, yester-

day, dU-cossed at great length the arrears

of rent bill, ami will coutlnue tbe debate

Ks-Senator Cookllng denies that he

aver made a bargain, corropt or other-

wis, for the pnrpone of securing bis re-

turn to tbe senate last summer.

Deplorable scr-ounts of Jewish auft\jr-

Inga In Eastern Osllcla continue to he re-

ceived. Btarvaltou among tbe refugees

Is on the Increase, and thi sickness is


The British authorities have received

Information of proposed attempts on the

llvis of several well-known' 'politicians lu

London, and tbe resldtnces of all ibemin-

laters are guarded by the police.

Owing to the backward condU Ion of the

appropriation bills and other Important

bnalness before Congress, a final adjourn'

incut, of the present nei-slon is not gener

ally looked fur before the middle of July.


Arebl Bey continues bellgerent and de-

clines to leave Egypt.

Tin1 metropolitan pjllce bill tits been

killed In tbe legislature.

Tbe dead lock In the national house of

repreaentatlvea continues.

Tbe Brltiab bouse of lords has

Journed until the 1st proximo.

There are rumors from Russia to

effect that a ruvolutiou is feared.

The senate passed the Geneva Award

bill yeeterday aa It came from the house.

Uround was broken In Washington yes-

terday, for the Oarfleld Memorial church.

Tbe tornado In Arkansas last week de

stated tffty farms and killed severs! per-


The steamer Peruvian, which ba« heen

twenty nix days out, arrived at Qua bee

last night.

The Life Saving Service tbe past win-

ter aaved U15 Urea and »1,700,»23 worth

of property.

Secretary Folaer contradicts that

bad dlacovered frauds in bonda given

distillers. lor whisky lu bo'nd.

An effort Is to bu made at the nett elec-

tion In Virginia, lo Increase the republi-

can representation In Congress.

The house has re|ected tbe Senate bill

providing for a division or the city of

Boaton Into Aldermtnic districts.

TbaPeruvlsn, which for along time

has been atuck inthe Ice In the Quit ol St.

Lawrence, arrived at Quebec laat night.

Commissioner Treacott and Walker

-Blaise arrived at Panama from Sooth

America, yesterday, on their way lo


Reporta from Iowa and other western

points stale that slight snow and frost

occurred on Monday night, but not much

damage occurred.

Tbe French chamber of deputies hsvlug

passed a vole of confidence In M. Leon

Say, minister of finance, he has with-

drawn his resignation.

The comptroller of the currency has

called npon the national banka to render

an accountor their standing, at the close

of bnalness on the 19th Instant.

In tbe Cramer murder trial at New

Haven, Conn., yesterday, tbe testimony

for tbe defence m be^un. without any

preliminary argnrneul by counsel.

It Is rumored Ibat Prance and England

will send an ultimatum to the ministry,

sod If Ills refused, ell objection to the

landing of Turkish troops wII'. be with-


Tbe arrears of rent bill pa«ia.1 Its sec-

ond readiOK In the British house of com-

mons yesterdsy, by a vote, ut 269 to 157.

Tbe repression hill was further discussed,

but no vote was reached.

Tbe Hon. Alexander H. Stephens de-

clines to accept t.t." nomination of the In-

dependents for governor of Uforgle, but

Is willing lo accept the regular democre 1c

nomination for that position, IT tendered

tO ii'iii

A German who for nearly nine years

inn resided near Lafayette, I (id , nnd was

S naturalised tHIt-SD, recently went Oe^many on a visit, end was suited and

Imprisoned last Saturday, as tit

the point of ie-.un.iui lo tb


Thursday. Meaars. TrescoM and Blelae left Aspin-

wall for New Yolk yesteidsy by steamer.

David Evans, a Quaker farmer of Wake-

il.'M. N. U.i was lul years old yesterday.

The House resuintd the contest yester-

day over the South Carolina election

Journal, still thinks K only aceordii g

lo tUe niccBt sense erf iiewspa[ier pio-

prietyl to assail in ila editorial col-

umns,a prominent corporation olticial

aa "an asa", but a " wanton anil cruel

abuse" Tor tbe AMERICA* to recall tbe

record of a wife beating: and munler

attempting brute, recently graduating

from tbe pcnftVntiary ; well, there is

no accounting for tastes. •

TUB KHKDIVE is well oft in one re-

spect, ho has a very smart wife. She

la a princess and ber name is Kail da

Haaem- She is said to have "a

strong mind and a stout temper," and

brilliant black eyes. She is a shrewd

politician, keeps herself well posted

on passing events, and speaks good

French. One of ber favorite coslumes

is yellow satin and plusb, with dia-

mond ear jewels of great value.

FIVK PEB CENT of the entire exports

from the port of New York last week

were domestic cotton goods, valued

at nearly $350,000. Goods were

shipped to China lo the value of

HCVlOO.^Tbe value of domestics

.hipped to Aden was 166,000. Thct-e

figures ore rather small for the metro-

polis of the greatest nation on tbe

face of the earth, but in our exporta-

tion of manufacture 1 good lies our

l.ope for tha future, and as fast as

factories can be built, and goods be

made is excess of tbe home consump-

tion, It is hoped that markets may be

found abroad"-

WK SUPPOSK the selection by Col-

lector Wortbington, of a well nmler-

■tood warm friend of Senators Hoar

uiul DftWSS, as Jll con fl den tin I clerk,

a the initial movement of this bold

man of bad political method*, in that

atDpstgoof machine politics, of boss-

Inn and of a raid upon the junior Sena-

tor, which has been promised us, as tbe

result of Ibe change in collectors.

The nervous newspapers which have

l>ecn in such a porlubed state ol fear,

have not yet had time- to note this

preliminary movement of Col. Worth-

ington, in the path they have maiked

out for him. Being truly Independent

anil truthful journals, with no tenden-

cy to wicked machine Btslwsrtism,

they will »l course, show up the real

inwardness of lliia early effort in the

coining campaign.

The Mystery of Her Disap- pearance Solved.

Her Hoily Found Lodsiecl '" theCanal.

Tils PRonssokU) of mathematics, in

the Navy nrc lighting over the posi-

tion of Superintendent of the Naval

Observatory, and it has been deter-

mined lo select a line officer of high

rank To: the place. On this subject

the Army and Navy Register soys:

"It is worthy ot note that it has al-

ways been held by otllcersof the line

since it was established In 1844.

Commander W. F. Maury, who was

appointed in 1844, continued in the

position until 1861, and the supeiii?*

lendcnts since-that timo have been

Lieut. James M- GUllS, April '2*2*

1861, to February 9, 1865 ; Kenr Ad-

miral C. II. Davis, from April 25,

IrtG."), to May 8, 1867 j Hear Admiral

U. F. Sands, from May 8, i«G7, to

February 23, 1*74 ; Hear Admiral C.

11. Davis, from PsbrusrySS, 1*71, to

February 18 1*77, and Uear Admiral

John Rodger*, from May 1, 1*71, to

Uie time of his death."

The mystery surrounding ibe disappear-

ance of Lydla Boiler was aolved Monday,

by tbe Undine; of the body of Ibe unfor-

tunate wouisn In the north canal, lodged

beanie the Everett Bills' raceway. The

body waa dlacovered at ibe noon hour by

two young ladles employed at the Braid

mill, who gave notice at ex-Mayor Web-

ster's grelu end flour mill. Willing bands

promptly removed the body from tbe

stream and before a quarter of an hour

r:ad elapsed, hundreds of mill operatives

gathered at tbe scene, rodelyjoaulingeach

other In their morbid anxiety to obtain a

view of the isanlmate form lying on the


Tbe police were notified, but befjre

their arrival the body had beea Identified

by Mr, Lucas, lor whom Mlsa Boiler bad

worked, aa her remains Others alao Men-

tided ill' body, analog them tbe younger

Mr. BlooJ. Tbe remains were given In

cbai ge ol Messrs. Welerhouee 4. Parsons


Lydla Butler was laat seen alive about

8 o'clock, two weeks] ago Sunday. The

cause of her suicide is geaerntly consld-

ered InsanKy. brought on by overwork,

but there are rumors afloat, especially

among mill <perallves, that unrequited

love had led her to deatroy herself. The

cinal w is drawn off and thoroughly

searched a week ago Bnnday, and li la

quite evident ibat ahe drowned herself ID

tbe river, and that Vhe rise in tbe water

by the recent rains, bore the body into

ihe canal when the locks were opened

this morning. There were about the head

several abrasions, Bhowlng lhal in tbe de-

scent lo the canal the body eucounlertd


The deceased's two sisters, one ol

whom belongs In Fall River and the other

In Chicago, are still in tbe city, and IdeL-

lifled Ihe body. There being no coro-

ner In this city, Marshal O'Sulltvan

telephoned to Dr. Cogawell, of Bradford,

to come lo this city and view the re-

mains. Dr. Cogswell arrived about

4.30 o'clock I bu examined the body, and

after hearing the testimony of those who

knew her beiore her death, and of the

persons who saw her taken from tbu wa-

ter that day, be aald he had no bcalla'.lo

In pronouncing It a case of sulclile. I

be: pocket were found a pair of gloves, a

pocket book and one cent. The pock it

hook was opened and In it was found 85

in bills and 81 C.I in change, part of a

locket chain, several postage stamps and

a check over ihe Boaton. Revere & Lynn

Beacii Railroad to ihe Point of Pirns

The insney and valuables were given to

her Irlends. The body was placed In a

andsome black walnut paneled casket,

ud at 5 30 o'clock was taken lo Bellevue

emetery, where tbe friends had assem-

bled, and after prayers by Rev. T. M.

Miles, all lhal was mortal of Miss Lydla

Uuller was committed to the grave.

t the meeting of ibe Common Council,

Wednesday evening, the appropriation

resolution again came up for action. It

was reported correctly drawn by the com-

mittee on bills In a second reading, and

report was accepted. Tbe various

Items on which there Is a dlasgreemsnt

between tbe aldermen ami council were

read, when Councilman Vlshsi look tha I WhTmJ**TW&!iJ&!*J* SSffi&aSZ ""»•"" , , , . l.loubt hot the city will tiavv to pay for Uieirlu«l-

floor and asked for information, why I (.hoc*. lo via*, men, oi'ine*« f»r,i«, Itbvbooye* laUu

SS000 shauld bi approprlau-d In the pau-

per special department.

President Hutcnlna answered that it

Wat understood to bo for the completion

of the Insane asylum.

Councilman Fisher said 11 WSH under-

stood that when tue appropriation of S8.-

000 bad been made, It would be aultlclenl

to complete tbe building. Now U appears

to take as much again. He understood

that tbe ichema was to glvo ihe asylum

to a permanent department. In order to

flod offices for a set of superannuated pol-


Councilman Bell catted for the report


The* Wolfe-Mitchell republicans o

Hennaylvania nominated a full ticket yes


It Is reported lhat Cnogn ssman Joyce

of Vvrroont Will not be a candidate lor

re election.

It Is reported ttat ex-Vlce-Presldent

Wheeler will be selected as president o

the tariff commission.

The Senate voted piUe money to ibe

eitent of SiOO.nOO to Admiral Wordeu,

cillivrs and crew ot the Monitor.

The reported eiigagvmeiil between Hie

Princess Beatrice and the eldest son of

the landgrave ol Hesse Is denied.

'!*«• Russian government he* resolved

to DOnlih "'I outrages awalust the person or property of Jews In that coantry.

The Duke or Westminster's Illy, Shot-

over.won the English Derby race faster-

day in two minutes fortj-flve and three-

qasrleri seconds.

Congressmen John Anderson and Thos.

Ryan have been reuoniinutrd by ihe re-

publicans of tbe drat and third Kansai

dlatrlcts, respec Ively.

,The .trial of James Fitzgerald, alias

"The Kid," allss Monlson. who swindled

Hen. Charles Francis Adams lu s Uuco

den, waa begun yesterday.

An etplosloo of anlphur gas occurred

■l the Kohinoor colliery, al Hhentndoah.

Penn., yesterday, killing *lx men aud

boys and fatally lijiring two others.

It Is believed that ex-VICt-l'iesldenl

Wbe^ler will be President of the Tariff

Commlsslon, and that Mr. John L. Hayes

of Boston, will rtPieitSt Massachusetts.

An attempt to wreck lite "owl" train

from Boston on the Shore Llnu Tuesday

night, between Msdison and Hist River,

Conn., was fiustrjted by a brave young

elation agent, who nearly lost his HTe In

saving tbe train from destruction.

Hru. TiiOMi'-sos BuTLBH, the artist

vho haa been w successful in depict-

us; war Bcenes, has recently placed

on exhibition in London n battle piece

intitled "Scotland Forever." The

scene is drawn at the moment the

SeotB (ireysaro charging at Waterloo,

and the view is Irom the front. Tbe

trumpeter in the net of raising bis

trumpet to his lips falls back dead,

and is held in his saddle by the lclt

arm of a trooper. On the right tbe

spectator can see, over the saddle of

a riderless horse, Lie heads of the

Highlanders who are following the

charge down the slope toward the

French infantry. The regimental

colors ate distinctly visible

grey masses of cloud, nnd prominent

in the foreground is t'spt. Barwarifc

The following from Mrs. Butler ap-

peared in an English publication:—

"My chief attention ha? been directed

to the horses, to each of which I have

given a separate character. Tbe only

horses in our service approaching to

the size and heaviness of the greys

of those days,tue in the Army Service

Corps, lo which corps I am indebted

lor the loan of my models.*'

Si nrru ISM as to the motions of fie

lh is gathering force among the

clergy, and disciples follow each

preacher who disbelieves the theory.

Jasper, the Richmond colored divine,

goes farther than all, and says the

"sun do move." The Hev. Adam

1'flucger, a Lutheran clergyman of

Perry county. Ohio, is a full pledged

skeptic, and lias provided himself

wim a sermon in which he takes the

same heterodox view. Mr. T. A.

Klrkland, of Franconia, Alabama, de-

that the earth rotates. He

proves the reverse to Ins own satis-

faction by certain experiments with

birds and balloons. "A bird' he

says, "if the old theory is correct

ought when Hying to pass more rapid


The commitment papers in the case ol

George M. T. Everett, adjudged Insane

were Isaued by Judge Harmon a week ago

Monday. At ihe request of Everett's

counsel he was permitted to remain at

large until Saturday noon to tratsactsi

Important bnsioess. With bis counsel be

went to Boston Batarday forenoon, with

the avowrd Intention of returning to this

city In orderlhat be might meet tbe podce

officer holding ll'e commitment papers,

In time to take tbe 1 o'clock train for

Danvere. He arrived In the city too late

to lake ihls train and ihe officer was given

vo uuderataiid that if he called at Everett's

residence Monday ntornlog that gentle-

man would be prepared to accompany blm

to Dauvcrs In the 8 10 a. M. tralr.

The officer went te Ihe house, remained

there until after train time, bnl could see

uo Everett. He went again at noon, bul

no Everett was litre, although the latter

was seen on tbe street after two o'clock

Monday aftcrnooc. The officer made tff iris

finu Mm again Tuesday, but l

out success, aud the general opinion la

that Everett has left the city.

Holmes' New llonis.

J. S. Holmes and Son, as will be seen

by their advertisement, have opened their

boat houses on the river, above the dam,

for ihe season. They have recently pur-

chased several new boats, among which

Is a receul Invention, Haclne boats. These

boats from tln.-lr keel lo ihe gunwale are

all one piece i uo seams or laps. Tbe

piece is of tares si parate woods glued to-

gether With the -i.it. 11 i.i grains ruunlng

opposite BScb Other, and the whole bent

to form the sides, wblle the two sides

are J'iined at the keel being riteled to.

gelker. Tbe boats are IC feet long, IIS

hes beam, and will « >. I four persona.

It Is Impossible to alnk them as there Is a

water light compartment lo each end.

This is a boat never before seen lu these

waters and is made only in Chicago. Mi

Holmes predicts for them a general use,

and thinks they will be liked by all

Who try them. It Is expected that boat

ing will be more universal on the ilvtr

this itesson Ihan ever before, and Mr.

Holmes Is prepared to meet the dumauds

'ho may call on blin for boats.

.i-.t.li.-d of $300.

Tuesday there cama to Ihla city a man

named J,me* MeUoIre, who at onetime

was au auctioneer here. Recently be has

lived at Chester. Vl , aud left that L>lace a

few Weeks *go, yoiug lo Lowell. When

be arrived hero he claims he bad S300.

but wtii-it arrested, drunk, Ibe officers

found but 40 cents lo his posseislon. He

itates that ou his arrival lie went Into

a liquor saloon where ihure were women,

and that after be became Intoxicated be

was ij cted from the place, aud being

found upon the street waa taken to ibe

police station, lie does nol appeal to

know lo what locality tbe saloon Is. Next

dty, In default or money to pay a flue of

SI and costs, be waa taken to Ibe house

of corrtcllou for ten daya.


Mr. Hiuilelt A HjWirth aud Miss Ed-

na Clarke were married In the Tower

Hill Corgregatlonal church, on Wednes-

day, by Hev. J. V. Hartsherne; after the

of the special committee, appointed at the

last meeting, lu rulatlon to the asylum.

President Hotchlns called Councilman

Staff.rd to the chair, and look the Door.

He aald that tbe commlt-.ee had consulted

with the Superintendent or fubllc 1'rop-

rty and It appeared lb it tho ot laInal ap-

proprlallou ofSoOOO for the bstldlQI had

been overdrawu Sllfi and the suueture

was not yet completed. Tbsra was on

band, however, between 81700 and |1«00

worth of lumber. To complete the build-

ing, tbe superintendent estimated that It

would cosl •7.C64, exclusive of furnish-


Councilman Fisher ashed what was the

estimated expanse of Ihe furnishings.

Councilman Uulcliin* answered thai

Superintendent Elanagau could give

tlmate ln<relation to them. They might

cost SS000 or even StO.OOO.

Councilman Elllugwood said that Mr

rianagan told the 0)»mlttee that S5i)00

would be Insufficient <o dui-.li the building

and that $7:C0I would come nearei

completing it. Ttiu Luildlux lu H» pres-

ent Stale, tbe superintendent had

was ol no use and would be no better by

expending SJ00O more ou it, so the

mlltee bad thought that if the council

wished to make the project a succes.-,

now that It was begun, a sufficient appro-

priation should be made to complete tbe

ilrucltire and "hav« It dedicated.'1

Councilman Hiitchins said ibat the

plaos bid been made !W a |So,000 bulld-


Councilman Fiabee. said that It seea.s

Mr. Adams was not very far out of the

way In bis estimate''. It seemed to him

that S25,00O would be used up htfurc the

bolldlng was done. At Urst It was to be

built for SB000, now It seems that il will

absorb S8000 more, aid even then ll will

be left unfinished. The total expense, It

seemed to him, would bu not less than


Councilman Dell said Ui.it. It could net

be good policy to leave the bulldlug half

done, and he did not see whit the council

coold do except to complete it; bul he

Old not think the city should pass over

socb an apparent breach of faith &* had

been committed In the construe.Ion of the

building. If an appropriation of 981)00 Is

ueeded to complete 11, he IbOSgbt thai

under the clrcumstauces there was uolh

(ng for the council to Jo bul to make It

with as Tew wry faces as possible.

Councilman Kell-iher s»id thai his un

derslaudlug of thu appointment of the

special committee was to asoattats who

was responalhle lor thu breach of faith

Couucliman Hutchins haid that snch

was not bis understanding or the purpose

of the committee, but Hint they ehould

ascertain how much had been expended

on the building and how much would be

needed lo complete It. When 8H000 bad

been appropriated, Supt. Flauagin com-

menced work according to plans made by

himself and others, but alter be hid the

building started, the overseers of Ihe

poor bsd Architect Adani* draw plans for

s 025,000 building, which necessitated the

demolition of a large portion of the build-

ing erected under Flanagan's plans.

Councilman E:l1ugwood said '.hat If tho

committee had good auccet-a IJ securing

attendance of members, there would have

been an lnveail»a'loti.

Councilman Lyons enquired if the ovei ■

aeeis of the poor sought plans from Arch-

itect Adsraa wlthoui cossalllaj Supt.


Councilman Hutcliins r. p.led that, they

did. Councilman Ilell sited 11 the appropri-

ation was made, would It be uui'er tin

control of iln committee on public prot

erty or the overseers of ibe poor. H«

said he hirdly dared to trust Ihe overseen

of the poor further in Ihe matter.

Councilman Kaiener said that he nn

.!<■■ ■ i... -1 the special committee was ap

pointed to ascertain who was to blame I

tbe premlaes.

Councilman llntcnloa replied that he

did no: so understand it.

Couucilmau Hull read from the ordln-

ices, and said that bu did not s?e how

the overseers of the poor hid anr rlsht to

actaa they did.

this point the report of the

llUea w»> accepted, and Councilman

ilutchlus took the floor an I read the fol-

Ing address to the cuuucll:

__ir I* concerned, ll ecttftomlcal one. Toem la oat ot 1 deair* to uall your attention to. Tlio Overicer* of tho Poor la*I year atUSM out. [oo Ui« appro- priation of MSN) lo uidld a liulo "Uunvers In- n.iui' A-Yium." ni the |ioor farm, anil Nd ul*n» made without con.uluilon wlih Ibe Buiil o' PuU- li's Property, rornbulldlBJ to co.l imne SOO.uou. Ihulnaanabudneiabai culminated in theclty beina aued wlibln Uie Lut *S boura for »1UOO lor the plans, ll tbe Uverseera ol tlie Poor bad a risht to Make contract* foi buildings to -<•-'

look theleM.0«> «r even t*\0Bo, Uiere ■■ —~ doubt but the city will ha" to pay

'■-istefai . ili-u ol taxation w'll

ideaa haiit aa posaible lbs prsaent year. When mum of prosperity wsrrauU IL an.l when ■bare are no extraordinary eiuenditurea like thorn- I bavs enumerated, sod wiisn there la no .^liy debt laltlna due, tbs cily connuil can Iben SS rord to make larger appropriation!; bul unu ilt«i, U>« iMople, whwe aerranla we are. demand the moat rtiij economy In every department ol Ibeolty.

If ws wast the citv to grow, we nail inv.ta .nplul hero by low luxation. Dm ma- the pan »w>r wa have loal three maiialaotunea, whtnli in lime would aU aa grtaily, Tbla loaa «.i aolelv on account ol our liinii iat« ol tixuilou, and Die dKceaalve ral«a rharied by the Kaaex (J. foi

r. I rtler to mo Arniimlon A slnn Co,'hi UalsLlne Co., and Uie Lawreucn Feltloa I'retidenre la now reaplna tha ben-.-Ut of

SlBtlSSSM * Jiimi Knxine Worka; Uatilen the 11. H. Hale a Son.' w<n ki, and HilUille the I.iw- rance Keltum Uo. Tbe-e were all amall lodua- irli-i eoinpar.d with aome lhat we haveatitl with u*. butlf Lawrence Is togio* in tho future, aa It hm ia the pa-i. It siu»t be throu|bJuatau<h in- du'trieaa* we bare laat Uie pad yaar. Cipital will nol seek iDTCalmrnt where tasea are hl<n, and the pre*rnl eft* council haye It in their i»wer U>.... lOBMUdnf in tliia direction.

Councilman Bell followed Councilman

Kinchins. He said that be waa In entire

accord with tbe sentiments expressed by

Flowers are likely to be scares for

Memorial Day.

— Second lieutenant Ducaesuey of Co.

M has reilgncd.

— A cake of Ice six feet tquare, floated

down the river Friday.

—the pest house will not be closed ac-

cording lo programme.

—The hay crop oughl lo prove extra-

ordinary the coming season.

—Plentiful—pleaasnt compliments upon

the eight page AUKHIOSN of Saturday.

— -The outside work or the asseaaora

bas been completed In words 8, 0 and 0

—A fltgstonu croaslng Is being laid on

Canal street, opposite the 1'emberion


tbe previous speaker. He thought the

better course to pursue with the appro-

priation resolution was lo refer ll back to

tbe committee on nuance. Last year,

said be, the rate oCtaxailoo was *16 per

thousand. I don't think wa bave any

right to expect thai the rate will remain

the same thl* year. I propose to set Itat

S17. That will make the lotal approptla-

tlons, Intspective uf state andcouoiy.tax

and water loan about $390,000. The

grand total should not exceed S45<),000, I

therefore move that the resolution be re-

ferred back to the fluance committee, and

that they be Instructed to report the total

amount of the appropriations not In ex-

cess of 9300,000.

Cooncllman Fisheraeconded the motion

and It was unanimously carried, after

which the council adjourned.

No further business wss dune during

the session other than to advance IU con-

currence tbe papers from the upper board

previously reported.


The Jurkt relumed verdicti ou lbs following

catei Monday

Ami re w SLiannaban, Lynn; vagrancy} not


Ellen Tburber, Sakui; uhjbt walker; guiltr-

Willlam T.-l.iii. bWd: Megal sales of

iiquon; guilty.

Charles F. Shaw, Uroveland; liquor nutaance;


Arihar L. Keyea, seillns liquor illegally, 'and

iiaihi Chase for larceny, both of Haverblll,

retracted ttelr pleai of not gullly and pleaded


Mary K. Claccy, Lynn, larceny,retracted bei

pica of not pullty and pleaded sulliy.

K'li'ii Tburber Salem; night walker; two

-nn ID the iL-furmatory prison for women.

Uraclc Miilikin, Qloucester; dliorderly home,

x montbi In tbe Home of Corrctlon.

MOICH I'm v, Salom ; fornication . S30 Una and

010 com, or three moatba In Ihe Home of Cor-


John 11. M-..KtIMUIN. OloncciUr; lelllng

liquor illegally; Hntehce of lower court con-

firmed. 1 i:;u I. - 11. Momi of Lynn, arralnged for for-

rery, embcaalement, etc., was sentenced to

three years In State Prison for forgerv, two oth

tr conut* being placed on flic.

Mary E. Clancy, Lynn, larceny i sixteen

months In the HODSC of Correction.

V- Augustus Swssey, Gloucester; adultery;

three years in tbe House ol Correction.

John Coney, Nawbaryport, adnlterj; two

years end nin* months In tbe House of Correc-


William Wbflrflcld of Groveland, arraigned

lor manslauKbttr, was sentenced to the Slats

Prison for leven years.

Cbarlei W. Evani, Ltwrencc; obtaining

money under fal.u prelsnces; two ye«ri In the

House oT Correction.

In tbe Superior Court, at Newboryport, on

I'm idav.the folios Ing sentences were Imposed I

Tied. W. Terry, of Salem, breaking and en-

tering, two and a hall' years in tbe borne of cor-


William Tobcn, Beverly, inrae casei of liq-

uor scllinx, three fines with costs, and three

months in the bouse ol correction.

John McSanker, Qloucester, assault with a

knife, ten months In the home or correction.

IE ■ i.. I-1 Murphy, M.trblebead, liquor lelllng,

Hoed, 8100.

tUnie! Keiiebcr, of Lawrence, Illegal viting,

Hncd S->0 and coits.

Charles C. Collins, Lawrence, adultery, o:ie

yesr In the house of correctioc.

The whole number sent to slate prison : Four

men to Concjrji, two women to Sherborn, and

leenty-four to the house of correction.

Adjourned HM aV*.

lint l

KM i.ir nd 04-

.i ,ti-L |u IDC li'm IIIOK" "I llii! p.lft I he •a llial nhould eulde our sclion^, k-ai-n i-■:i ■ 11111111 nl oni' • it)'" tlnniici-a, ami f:iin i i 1'iiryiinB for its proper iuiiuii«i-iiit-iit.

ire procecdinR, ldcnii nind ti >lhe

lriliii--l ol iinv oiii- lU-iuiilinent of our cily, but mi■ tur i'v-i iii'i-rr.i. of all eom-arned; ws are here aa aervanta of the people, "not master's with nohopeof rewtnl,. xiepi Ilia rood ami uittilul aervauia." There i.' ii..>n» whj the a;iproprlationa i n


iBsrs.1.-! dMyhuik* fset. a lympalhizc ""■*'

Them in

' rl.c-U.ly

at the

residence of the bride, 819 Liwell b'.reet-

The church WAS well filed, aod the

couple were tho recipients of many cor-

dial coogratulatlouf.

At thu Immaculate Conception chnrch

Tuesday afternoon, Rev. Fathey Faliey

ami let it stand 24 hours, and at the Joined In marriage Mr. William McCarthy

expiration or the lime the balloon will f«'» »'•• «"f ■«•• A< ^22 1 , , , . „ ,, are very wdil-ltnown here, the church

be dlWOtlj over your bead. I^w.s fllled with friends of Ihe contracllng

says lie haa studied the reasons given I p%nlM# They w„| er,j„y , brler wtddlrg

n astronomy and lias found nothing n,ur.

to refute hla observations. The l.al- v^twiirt BtUaaerCoDJea-wSd.

Iv going west than when it flies cust, eireajoay, there was a reception

but SUL'II Is not the case. A ball

thrown against a house in a westerly

direction does no', reliotind any more

t'linn when thrown cant. You may

1 a halloou up above your head

mi.- i ■ ilii-.-ll; .wnaailollir'a By llic hllriii"

ul only SI <>r uhu-li

!!!K' * !'!»:V' Sftff""" I I I

h we may H, ,1 til. Illl-lt-ollt indiiii-tly every

111 Ol |-i '■!»■( 1 y in I tho Ilion.lway i a li«a m irum

And lion- Id me esll the nt- IIIK-II io ihu fiiU that up to

i or the in I kt- I- . n waK ex ■ .Uib^W ol it wna u>e.l lor the iu lo.ni Sm nC)(OIluted, leHT

liourd or Heillb Matters.

- - - - m—

Since Mr. Towey of the bosid ofhcslth

IISH come from ihe hospital where be has

been for several weeks, agent McCarthy

has been rather bard on Lewis and has at

times almoitt failed to recognize him lo

aoy capacity bs In the employ of the

board, lie has claimed lhat moneys col-

lected by Towey should be turned over lo

blm, and Mr. Towey, natorally, having

colkcted the funds, wishes to be respon-

sible for them, snd see that they are given

to the proper person. McCarthy claimed

lhat Towey should hand the money col-

lec:ed to ihe city treasurer, on ihe day of

collection, aod If loo late to give It to

him. On Monday last, Towey refused to

give up a sum of money, collected by him,

to agent McCarthy, accordingly the laltur

gentleman reported Mr. Towey to lie

board. Last evening the board held a

meeting aud the milter was brought up,

and it was Unally decided to employ Mr.

Towey as clerk of the board at a salary of

*1* per week, ToWey to collect all bills,

and turn over Ihe money to tbe cily treas-

urer, and, as lie Is responsible for tbe

money it was decided to place him oodei

goOO bonds. Hereafter Mr. Towey and

agent McCarthy are to have '.heir respec-

tive duties, both to act under orders from

the board, and there seems to be no need

or further clashing between the two.


lie Admitted to the IjawrMW*

luduelrlHl School.

main. Un 'iiy ■idea lhat IJ per cent, ot ihe

:1m Inidae will h.ivu to he raised I , 1'iir. aa wi-il HB llii Intercut Spt— -.with the T --. eipendad laat

Mill DJtLl' Hlll.lll »HI,HI raited on tlutkaci omit alum . There city uewtt.i oe pad on or Lelor.-Jm

hi) and fiom tlialUini- Until A lull J.i oILhoHir dcht will lull dun.

The DsslwSlI and sSSsl iduima B|ai wlnihhinelieen iniiliaauon lor M<

have or will ba pahl lids year, uklt- 0WI out oi the city lnn-.ury.Tin: >Un tuxes Ihla year will atao It- laiai'ly •

The si.

on the in


imer C- L. Mather was placed

line railway, ai Newboryport, a

since, lo see If It was worth

loon test would be more sntisfncloiy

if aomo one was set to witch

it so we would be sure where it was

in 12 hours, It might turn over with !wni:e io repair ber. and It was decided

the earth in "J I hours. With many that It was not. The steamer was tak

stars and coraott traversing the Anna- to the dock and the machinery aod bollei

ment there should be nn ovcihoulitig vrlll be

The Irish repression bill was discussed ! of the enrlh's log at once. Some one

^..^^nu'ilr.M^jSJS: iDgib. ..„.,»bouW Mt<n right OT wort Md^Mt. U.U W..H.

"BTM1 Ilhe Chrllj'9 ('0UI"sci or wc sua11 ^ ru» —The walls oTlhe new Paclflc slore-

, as the steamer will co

longer be of use.

Toe legislature Is striving U> finish Us

inent ol agrsfUn outrages and bli

tu assist tbe government lo paas the prct

moie. Thtalawhai dlnary expenditure which lhi< pri-arnt (-i trol.oniv providing UiuTar""1 noway i ol depression In Inn

Inft-le dollar olden*

iHllUHl , and

;HKI ,

upossible. I'iriix seaioas aes*i tho prudent Oiifiiie.H L-ni-i'i Hint doe* nol Spend ;\ l ■■.».-■ -, ■ . io mi. il. and liiVo laUvn a roleniu iver lhe Inlereitsof theclty i I,.ran Ibe i-11 ■. JI- li L in .- Ol iii v i'ii' |i-i -i -. wnlch comes thi:Clly Louncll, we a'bonld

In vi.it ol HI. -,■ facls. It 11 propi la!

r |i«e,w

The sub-commltteo or the Haverblll

school board, who have been Inveallgat-

log tbe matter ol truancy, bave received

a favorable resp inse from tbe Directors

of the Liwreitc: Industrial Hcbool, to

Ibetr application for accommodation

t' tho liisiliotlon, for habitual trnants

from the schooli of that city,and Wednua-

ds* evening ihu school board accepted the

report made by the committee. It la

understood that thu proposition Is Ibat

uuauu from llaverhill will be accommo-

dated at the *chool, at Ihe tale of S2.C0

p< r week- THe Haverblll school board

will sfply tdihe gorernment of tbit city

for Ihe psassgo of en ordinance giving

them authority to dlsposj of truants iu

ibe manner contemDialed.

■i i,nun.v.

Dies ol Ihe city, a» rii'omm.ndeil

K. .1 KaUte Skies.

snt bill. into, by Jupiter! 1 house are climbing iky ward,

Among rec-[i. aales of real estate, Pod-

«.oiutio'n.'*>»uhi i- cut .lowh aa '«* ■« • tlc* A Ciosion ta.tfs dUp^eed of tbe fol- „,.e Bi-ononn » iii prirrtil. 1 In- =-ir« -cipjiropua- i r

lion can hfculdowii fS.ww born IRS amoiinl re ■ lowing : —

BSKMi!S«%ffi%XSr&*r",«& Tb. F.rd,. *,m;«lo. b,.„. .Hb Lilirary, wlil.lM.li.loi «n..i»n'iH'<itoi ,l.i«. 00,.|,t|f m, lot Of Und, U Mr. K. V.

srtHMio^wSi»Pi?»^i *»• w""°r "°r" ""»• ■"»»'"■ ■rT.SMenaiHiir.wiii.il 1 luv. .iiiwn y.m mii.1 ASjOVer, lo J. I). W. Fr«oib. for *3000.

SB V"K'.','£' .°!l"™» taiSF&l »r Tb. onrlllbi boa,, oo lb. .bo,, f.rm

5avitt!£{.y.r."o.!'w'.' sj.aly»;if., «> "»»• «»«• T- 8»«»- ••«°»»ed- ihu..r«liiuii«n.-n.i I li.'1'i-iii.iiiit.i.un.il will ' Xho Eul.n. A. ATOM »»Ulw lo Il.Yul-

\SmlS&&ff»tmSllSS^SiXli I mil. to Job» L. p.j A Co., for wow.

District officer Bstchelder assisted in

tbe seizure, of liquor at Boylatou, on


Tbe C. L. Mather was takep off lhe

marine railway Sunday, after much need-

ed repairs.

— Assistant collector of taxes Kane Is

busy serving lummcnaes on dellcquent

tax payers.

The water It the river Is quite high.

Tbe rain bas had a tendency to All up the

smaller streams.

The ■: li Infantry will occupy the

camp ground at Framing-ham for Us spring

drill on Saturday.

—Wlihlo three months, about 200

French Canadians have returned to Can

ada from this city.

—The double number of the AMIKICAN

on batardey, was lhe largest duly Issue

ever printed in this oil*.

—Special istes will be ulven for adver-

tisements in next Saturday's double num-

ber of Ibe Daily AatBsUtUK,

—It Is quite probable that Lowell bicy-

clers will visit this city on the occasion

of the Memorial day meet.

—Duncan, the strikers have less than

9200 in tbe treasury. About time to cay

upl Another |H due laat Saturday.

The Lawrence Electric light compa-

ny, having inspected various systems of

lighting, are now looking for power.

—Teamster SpolTord has disposed of

hla Job business here and baa leased a

hotel at Juniper Pulni which he will open

June 1. '

—T. Brlgbara Bishop & Co., have

closed their office la Haverblll. tbe busi-

ness not warranting a continuance of that


—Mr. Lewis Towey Is rejoicing In his

release from the hospital, aud yeaning few

marks of the disease Irom which be has


—Ex-mayor Armlngton has sold his ia-

tate on Jackaon street, excepting Ibe rear

lot of laud, to Mr. E. V. Cress, of K. M.

Cross & Co.

—1 o those who are Inclined to growl at

the weathor, t; may be comforting to

state lhal in 181b1, there was a frost every

month during the year.

As usual rain the first Sunday that

the May procession at St. Mary's church

is proposed. It has heen postponed nn-

icxt Sunday afternoon.

Thomas O'Connor has resigned the

Janitorshlp of the fark, Atcesbury snd

Valley streets schools, and goes to Hew

York to work at stone masonry.

—Longfellow's Memorial Day poem,

one of the last productions of his pen,

published In tho Jnne Atlantic, Is among

lhe sweeteat and tcuderest things la


—Rev. L. L. Wood of Peabody, form-

erly of Lawrence, has received, but not

accepted, a call from a very fioutishlng

society at St. Johns, N. B., to become

their pastor.

—About fifty dollars baa been cootrlhu

ted by lhe workmen and employees at the

Sargent box mill, lo behalf of the young

man, Lapham. whose hand wss Injured I

a planing machine ou Saturday.

■The rear of lhe building occupied by

Cross & Co., on ifssex street, Is being re-

paired. A new top light and roof are

being built. Mr. Lawrence Is doing the

wood work and Oro. W. Horn lhe roofing.

—Geo. Ellis, a colored brakcunn on lhe

Boston aud Maine railroad, died this

morolug of consumption, at the residence

on Tower hill- He was 83 tears old. He

was a widower and leaves three unsli


— Mr. George O Adam*, architect, has

sued the city lor 81000 for plana furnished

lhe overseers of lhe poor for the new lr.

ssne asylum at tbe city farm. The writ le

returnable at lhe June term of the supe

rtor court.

— A man went to a medical school io a

western city and was absent three months

He told people on his retnru that he was

a practicing physician, that he had a dl

jilunia, and bu'd like lo aee anybody cal

HI a quack now.

—Dr. aud Mrs. A. D. Blanchard of this

city, celebrated tho tweulj-flfth anniver

sary of their marriage, ai their residence

in North Andover, Monday evening. Many

friends from Ibis city were present and

B delightful evening enjoyed.

— City solicitor Tarbox has given It as

bis opinion, that under the existing law

recently passed, tbe aldermen cannot

grant licenses to patties owning saloons

within 4U0 feet on tbe street where

there la a school boose.

—The calls for aid from tbe pauper d*>

pailmt nl since the first of January, bave

been 80 per cent, more than during tbe

cortesponding portion of last year., dne

In part, to the rigorous weather bat inort

especially to the Pacific strike.

—Tbe same gang of baralars who work

ed this city Friday probably split up, patt

golug to Lowell, and part to this city, (or

several bouses were entered In Lowell oi

Friday night by means of false key* and

nippers, and tbe same plan of searching

clolblng for money was gone though with

—A large number of tbe friends of Miss

Lill'.e A. Mitchell assembled at ber real

deuce, 211 Lowell street, on Friday even

Ing last, and pretested her wiilishand

some gold ring. Trie presentation speech

was made by Mlts Alice S. Koblnson.

The visitors afterwards enj >yed them-

sclvcn with music aud games.

— A chorus of about forty voices has

been formed under Mr. Charles Saauders,

leadership, lo furnish singing at theclty

halt ou Memorial day. An anthem by

Calkins, "He Giveth the Country Peace,'

will be "ung, also a piece written express-

ly for Ihla occasion by George W. Chad-

wick. A rehearsal was had on Sunday,

aod ibe chorus sang fluely.

— In the llsl of deputy Supreme govern-

ors of the Pilgrim Father*. Is found the

following gentlemen of thl* city and also

Lawrence lodges: Mayflower Colony, A

C. Sprai-ue, llaverhill, Kogdr Williams,

Helbuen, II. YV. ltojera, Itose Standlsb,

Cbss. G. Bean, Haverblll; Colombia, Jas,

H. Koran, Lawrence; Granite, Salem, N.

II., O I: Cougdoo, John Wlntbrop, Bos-

ton, A. V. Uogbee; Samoaet, D. B. Lat

tine, Lynn; Whatcueer, Reading, Henry

W. Rogers t Webster, Manchester, N. II.,

James E. Bbepard, Gov. Dudley, Boston,

II. A. Wadawotlb, Gat field, Lowell, M,

F. Umchlns.

— Have you seen the Comet?

—The welcome west wind.

— Has the surshlne ccme lohtay?

—And yet lhe furnace lire llngereth.

—Agent Fted E. Clatko is lu New York


—Tbe ground around tbeSuldkrs'Moa-

ament Is being sodded.

— Mrs. W. II. SaUVmry, of Chicago. Is

visiting In this vicinity.

—St. John's Day falls on June 24th, and

the Masons will bave an excursion down

ibe river.

—Tbe scows belonging lo the Penincket

Navigation Company have been brought

to this city.

Memorial Day, next Tuesday, being a

I holiday, tbe public butldioga, olUceB

aud banks will be closed.

Dr. Ausiii! recently spralnod his ankle

and bas beeu confined io his residence for

several dayB, but hopes to be out again


-Mr. Richard J. Shea, for years In the

ploy of A. A. Lamprey & CJ., hat ac-

cepted a clerkship lo the local ufllce of the

Catholic Herald.

— Ex-Congress man Tarbox delivers the

Memotlal address in ibis city, Senator

Stone at Groveland, and Clerk Uopklna

at Londonderry.

—The street commissioner Is Improv-

ing the suburban roads and walks, leaving

the more travelled thoroughfares to look

out for themselves.

— Numbers of the new five cent stamps

are being sent to foreign countries for the

excellent little profile they bear of tbe

lale President Garfield.

—Agent Battles has purchased the Bai-

ley house on Summer street; It is under-

stood lhat Mr. Webber, son-lu-law lo Mr.

Battles will reside there.

—There were tweuty-lhreo snow utorma

laat year, smaller than the average

many years. The amount of snow that

fell wss live feet four inches.

—Mr. Sherman Ladd, for several years

foreman at ibe McKay machine shop, has

severed bis connection with that company

snd will nslde with his p.rents iu Cam-

bridge for a lime.

—The Merrilmnc stiver Towlna Compa-

ny has been Incorporated with 825,000 cap-

Hal. Henry M. Crdsi Is president[ J. V.

Felker, treasurer, and those two sod W.

E. McQtltlio directors.

—There Is some question as to Ihe

dislrabllliy of the material of which tbe

paths around lhe monument are to ba

constructed; ll la thoogbt they will bave

hue solidity In wet weather.

—A clrcna "sharp" received a deserved

pounding at one of ihe local atables Mon-

ti.y, f ir defrauding persons, In Issuing

counterfeit passes to lhe show, sod ob-

taining money by false pretences.

—Mr. Goo. E. liniwti, of Aurora, Illi-

nois, formerly of this city, waa In lowo

Wednesday. Mr. Briswn Is shortly to make

another European trip to purchase cattle,

in which business he Is largely engaged.

—The statutes require lhat any person

finding anything of the value of»;l or up-

wards, shall post notices of the same be-

ng lu hla posaealon, and shall also file a

notice with the City Clerk within seven


Comrade James Lane, of Needham

Post, G A. It.. Urea not of telling of lhe

very cordial reception and entertainment

be met from tbe members of lhe organ'-

zitlon, on a recent vis l to Newark, New


The completion of the work on the

grounds surrounding the Soldiers monu-

ment, will bring oat tbe real beauty of

fie structure; we doubt if there Is a

in innmeni any where of belter symmetry

or more isnltless taato.

—Through the effort", of Mr. Patrick

Murpby, city treasurer, a free pass to

England, by the Cunaid line of steamers,

has been secured fir the widow of Chat.

Meyern, drowned In tbe river receutly

while working on the new bridge.

—WelU' comet cin be observed with

an open or Held glass any (lie evening,

until June li), wh -ti It reaahes Its perihel-

ion. Its nucleus Is quite bright and lie

tall plainly discernable. Its location In

the heavens is uear tbe ciiir df Cassi-


—Tbe steamer C. L. Mather will now

keep company with the Orient. They are

both utterly worthless hulks as far as

navigation Is concerned. I*. Is reported

lhat another steamboat will be Immedi-

ately purchased to take tbe place of the


—There Is significance In tbe tender-

ness of lhe illy council members aa to

curtailing (he reckless extravassneo of

the street department-, this haven of rest

Tor democratic workers must notbeclr-

cumaciibed, whatever the coat to the


—Workmen are engaged la making

preparations lo raise tbe ioof of the Cen-

tral Pacific.mill. A tower addition Is

bilog built on the east side of the mill

Uoo of tbe wooden buildings In tbe front

yard has been torn down, and the other

will soon be taken away.

—Passers on an east end street, a few

nights ago, enjoyed a pretty oil of panto-

mime on the w'ndow curtain, where a

brilliant light was burning within; only

two figures ieetn>d lo be participating In

lhe pleasant pastime Inside, and someone

had forgotten to "poll down the bllcds."

—Tbe mailer of electric lights seems to

be stirring op some of the prominent bus-

oess men of ihls cily. Ills quitu prob-

able that we shall hive two rival com-

panies soon, as It the case In Balem and

Lynn. Bolh companies co itprlsu solid

men and repreaont a considerable amount

of money.

—There bave been leased from Ibe city

clerks i it; r, thus far In the month, 100

common victuallers'and Innholders' 11-

eriiM-s. The brewers, wholesale grocers

and dtugglels are still lo be counted In.

By tbe new law in relation to a saloon

within 400 feet of a acboulhousc.

Leave Uoftlun fo A, al.; It at,; and 7.10 P. U.

Leave AmUmr lor llo-lon. O.r.t. 7.IS, S.Ow.H-tt »W, 11 iu, A.M.. aud lixK, ».i».i.Wi,3.6S.4.» o3ll and TiW l". M. (Wednesday U.3U 1'.M.) (Friday s.M 1*. al.) For tlio North 8.1s, A. M ; 11.1.', 0.51 I*. U. for me Kftal B.lH.a. U.l 111. t.SO, 3.11 It. Ill I', al. For I.owel 4SS7.1J A.U.:lJ.2M.i.W.S.M.I.*i,3.:JU.7.Ul»r»l,

Ti» an ill wind Hint bloffi snow good.

A bslf lo.il l* better than a whole l.ulcr.

A wide sphere ol usefulness— Toe world.

"Food for tbotijcui" rtiioiren Mow CUOIIIOK

Let us respect c.r*y hair*, especially our o

It is easier to run iu debt Hun to crawl

Always Judge a man by tils dcpih-instesd of h o lec-stu.

Two men in Kirby, Vt., have caughUS foxes (hi past season.

Arithmetic: How many percbei are there in

a chain ol lultei f

No men can afford to put on airs ualeil be can raise tho wind.

Mr. and Mrs. Jjbn II. Flint are speoilng a wieli m Unit/linen.

Thanks to Henry It. Abbott of Norwood, lo a package of papers.

'True ui I'stI" i* a good mono, If you de no1

pell steel With an u. -

l.ile is losbort ii.*i it Is tbs W0T.I ul stupid! ty townsman hour ol it.

It U niiiu-t ii-'cri I ■■! nature tlut can betray

an honorable coaAoesce.

If cinnnnn seme bis n.it the brilliancy of the sun, it bad the fixity ot tbe stars,

Little m nds »r« lame I «nl au'iiued by mii- fortunr, but gr*sl in n t» rtts e'wvw it.

Awsn used t.» trel'iC, firs Inueli co-inler,1

was remnly sdtrtlsed for m a city paper.

ttav. Viirnuiu Lloco'B will proicti In Ibt town u.ili tlt-Xl Miil.iv .iH.-riM >:i at 2 o'clock.

IUV. W. V.W. Di'Nof MincUjiter, N, ll , will preach at tho s;-mtniry cbup.-l next S.i'>


TbesclTim-n liiv: ar iniei a dm join's li cense to IJ.". Curiei 11. Mull, k uf Ballard

r-ma-k'-d HI ■ gi>t th:

i fairly "My wile, crated over IDs Wlintiiiti'. '

For ilnit.'-ooe yetrs !>.-. Uin-r Wenlel Holmes bas njen proiusiur *( the Harvard M si- tes! Sebcol

Prole nor J. II. Tluyer, or the t?mlnary, ha

resigned aod will remove u Cum irklfs li September.

The oyster d>es nit n ■; «-i •: :• > the iiunai race. Iiiera are saisoai wtun bo keep* hi ■numb sbui.

Many a man owes his success In life to tbs biases of Ills •ncuildi, Instead of the plaudili of bu friend;.

Jusrpb T. Lovij iv has been drawn juror for the 8uperInr Court, civil term, to be held at Salem, Tuesday, June 6.

Florida tomatoes are nearly as large aa co coaouu, some ol them measuring fourteen Inches in circumference.

Orea-on's wool clip last year ws* 8,000,000 pounds, and this year's yield is expected to bt 1,000,000 pounds greater.

In a western mine there Is this notice: "Do not lull dyvii ibis shift ns there are men at work alSne bottom of It."

The fly and Mosqolto bavs opeotd their busi- ness season, and the latter presents his little bill at the most unseasonable hours.

Put pebbles of different sixes Into a box, shake them un, and ibe largest will be loand ai ibe bottom. It le dlfcrcal with strawberries.

TbelanJand buildings of Ambrose HuweN la Uallard Vale, were sold by mortgagees aak on Monday fur 91130. Parcbater, William Allen.

Governor Planted bas cotnmisiloued M it Ktlber A. Coo ley, of Dingbam, Mai no, to aol- euiniio marriages, take acknowledgment Ot deeds, and administer o.ilb'.

K. Piku'a barn and storage home, hu bjen removed Irom Park street to tbe sontb end ol

a premises, on Btrtlett street. Qeorge Wilson,of Melhuen, mover.

Dear me!" fxclalmei a landlady, "It does seem iniposMMe for ma to nuke both

eet." "Well tnen" aald lhe hoarder, suipoie in makoono end vegetables I"

Joseph Jenkins of Birostead, N. H., 88 years oft] recently walked two miles to visit a danitbter, and white UI.TC sowed two and a half acres of grain Jast "io show tbe ooyi how to do It." i

\ UTP. Kinnia tj. ['jil a ho removed to Mils loan j some moiitin -A,.-,-, n-.n, Newcastle, Me., bss - riturned |o tier lorrunr btimc.

Une hundred and f.mr thousand, two hun- dred and seventy-four itnuiicntnts arrived iu ibis country in lie uinnih ol April.

The engineers of Ibe Urn dcpsrltueut bave or- ganixod by tbe choice of John L Sinitb, chlel enaiaeer, and U Frank Smith, clerk.

Ira Eastman, who baa charge oi tin- Sialttri* am back of the Seminary. iiL-eupies tLe newly titled ii|i liuiitL of J. I*. Ilui-eifield, on Salem street.

Patrick Cunway a few d.tv-i since, rnuRld in a small stream near bis residence lu Btllur.l Vale, six brook trout, weighing In the aggregate about two pounds.

Tbe base ball game played on the "Campus," Wednesday nficmooo, re-nulled In a victory fbr ihe I't.i Hi i IH>VS over th.- N -i iti Andover nine ' r a score of 11 to 8.

Mrs. Dr. J. C. Pennlngion has been danger- inly sick lor ncnrly two weeks and although a

little more comfortable than a few days ago, ber friends atill entertain serious apprehensions ol the result.

Tbe second oncerl of the Andover elmra! uni in will be BIVCI In \ki town hall on Fridav evening, May IS, at 8 o'clock. Cborus of 7fi voices siidsted bv Mr. Charles It. Adams, tenor; Mi- I. Outline, soprano; Mi. Wulf Pries, 'cello; Mr. J. Herbert Davis, piann. Tbe wbols under ihedireeilon ot all. S. 11. Whitney.

At ibe town meet m bjld on Monday, Uba*. S Parker, w.is cbo«en mo Itralo*. Tbe lollnw- Ing question wss vot<d upon . " W III the town pay a hoantr of one hundred and tventydve dollars to en i. soldmr aud the legal representa- tives ol each deceased soldier of ccmp<any II, First Regiment ol U-.-ivy Anillcry, M ii'tcbu- setts Votunieert. wno rv-enlnte.l ass v-teran under tbe CJII oi tbe President of thij U died States, dated O^iobir seventaenth, eighteen io nd red and -Ixiy-tnree, anj Wat credite! to

tbe town, aid :u- nevvr reelvelany Inunty loi.re rnli-Iiii-'iH I'ro.ti tbe Dvn, i:nl ru,3 (be lumnf sixty-live hundred dollars and app:o- priate the same t > tin- payment of said boun lies i" Tne vow ■:■■ -i. yei IU0; no 8.

Tbe til e -n' ti annnal r,- nlm / at Abbot A ■ 11-

■Tiiy. occurred ou Tuesdiy eventne, wltb the niifowln* proitrnitiine: Ojr Travelled Parso<i, Will M Uirleton— Carrie A. Bronsen, Andover; Tuo llifh Tl le ut I. n. - m-.', Juan Iugelu«~~ Ade K. Cnsnt, M IUI V.rnon, N. Si.; Sqiirs

Host- Terrv Conke—Atlei M.Siubblui, N■.-*:..irv. Vi ; Tbu UilerBose, H 11. lljjeien,—Lucia A. V.'.tklns, Newbury, Vt.; A L trend ol BffMUfj, Aik-liide I'l-.t-n--- Hi le M. li. linen, Davennort, Iowa; Lilt's Bjmiwv'i s,-in.i.:-iluv.. D.ekens—Annie F. Frye, ftiekbutd, H« ; Tne O.J Sirgeant, For- :eyihi Wlllson-K:lie J. Pre-sc-r, Portunl, At.; SmiMiitha AHJII'S Seinpaib xcrs, Maria

lollcy-Ltiiic ,v. Wilcox. H-ntun; The Oaid^h ; ■Icen-, from "Miry Stvirl." Schiller—AUble J. >Ii.Cjtcbins, L udon, N. M , Little N>-)l as the Wax-work Girl, Dickens—Annie K. Tyler, Andover.

Tbe hall of ibe Aculemv wai completely i.li-it by those who U e.l tbe g»od fortaoe to i<■■ ■eive the coveted e.irdi< of admission. O. the entertainment It maybe sail ibat It was fully up, If not eupesrior to the eievaled standard Mill- art} sustained. There was a variety of eabje is •elected v.y tbe fair re.tders, i.ut unllormit) In he excellence ol their rendering*. Tbe cordial

ddmnnstraiions of applause a tie* tad the crati- rtcatlon of tbe audience as each successive young lady concluded her part, indeed some of .be numner were Interrupted by expression* ol tpproliallun and pleaiure, durln' ibe execulloi of their selections. Tbe single tinkle or a bell introduced the several readers to the audience, ind on retiring from the platform each received a profusion ot choice flowers io elegunt dealgni. it wa* I ultimate that no award of prise* was made, a* all participators received *ucb iquai oraise for tbe lellcitou* and gnilfying winner B which tbey performed lh) several parts al- igned i t.i. i".

The following Is the programme of Memoria I Day oiMervajo at Andover; Gen. Wm. F. Bmletl Post 91), 6, A. Ii„ will report In mil O. A. R uniform at Post headquarters, May 30, at cVfil A. u. All so'uler* ind sailor* who desiro

untie with u* are rtqietted to meet at Pott headquarters at tbe lame hour. At M o'clock ne line wilt be turned, and march to the depot, tnd escort tbe orator to Memorial ball and town ball. Ibe following are to bo the exer-

t tbe ti ■i ball:

on the

same street,at least a duicn or fifteen ar-

pllcants for licenses will bo refused.

Tbe band wai out for practice on Friday eve- ning,snd It Is hoped tbu gratifying music Tar- nished I* hot the prelude of what msr b* ex- pected Irom iii_3f band itsnd concerts during the lesion.

Tbe annual Catholic feallval will ho held In tbe town ba!) Tuesday and Wednesday «w- nlngs. May 30th and .Hit. Vocal and Instru- ments 1^ music, lltertrr exercises, refreshments

Stirapiott, of Brooks, Maine, nnc hundred years old laat February, walked a mile andabnll'tately, lo visit a son, and wblle tbere sawed N .m- wood, and picked over beaus with-

out spectacle?.

Tbe Catholic society of Rallard Vale, have purchased of Menrs. Tenney A Little, a piece of land ou River street, which glees them tbe entire frontage from Hi; long block lo Ite 'old ■tone bouse.''

are charged with stealing tbil man'i watch '' said tbejudus to a prisoner from Cork.

Are you sjniliy or nol guilty ?" "Sbure an' bow wud I know, yer honor," replied Pat, "till I bear ilie evidence i'

Dual our talk diilurb you?" said one of a company of talkative ladles, to an old gentle

inn lilting In a rallroii itttion tbe other day. No, Ma'am," was Ibe naive reply, "I've been

married nigh unto forty y<

TbeCbnpel congregation sie making efforts to send i- -'i i ii lh i starving pe >pl* of Cesarsa, tkli Minor. Several barreU ol clotblns have Ireadr bean forwarded and Rev. Jotepb Rmer

sun bai :ii out 0123 upon a subscription pnper which he his in clrculailjn.

Tbe Catholic society wlfl bild a feitival In town hall Tueaday and Wednendiy evenings, iheSOtb so I 31 it ln-t. An cnturtslninent con silting of literary and muaicsl selection! will be given. Refreshment!, consiitlng of 1'raw- btrtlH, Ice cream, &.-., will bust hand. Tbe affaij i< In Ibe hand) of an tilt lent commftte*.

According io lhe Injjlanapuiii Heniinet, a shower or stones fell un a farm at Iledford, Ind , un tbe night of the Gib hut, The itone* are of varltius die*, sums a* Urge as a man'* tin. Moat nl them are of wbite (I :r. u stone nol I'ijin.il In that I'm or Indians. Msny windows in tbe fsrmei'a bouie were broken by tbe Hunts

Tbe committee chosen liy the town fur the erection of the new engloe bonia, hu made choice of John II. Flint as rhsirraan, and Joba L. Smllb, clerk. Charles T, Bmerfun or Law- rence is the srcbliect. The bjllding will 1» of brick 42 by 66 feet, two stories. Tbe specifica- tion* are not yet completed but Hi* expected that the work will bo flaiibsd the present

Pcwman Smyth ha* declined tbe inn >f tbe Trustee* of lb* Aemlnarj io de- our*e ul i ■ ■ ii- ■ ...ui in;' lbs next year

but tin IT li ifi'ii'i to believe 'b*t another pisl- tlini In connection with Hie Institution which

n 11.1 blm win be accepted at no very diitant dny. The llin-bi-ovk Professorship ol Greek, wbleb wss oir.ired Prnloisor Curt *■ of Chicago, ha* been declined by that gentleman

Tbe will or tbe late Ilermon Abbott gave to tbe American Missionary Association and other henetolcnt eurUtlex, bis real ests'e on High street,nt tl.o deviate of his sister Lydla, who died a few months •**>, The legatees In be lact* In (he case, Tor tbu consideration of

twelve hiiiniii'l dollar>, have coiivered Ihe properly iu -Mrs Caroline K. Smllb, anises of theiestatur, wt,i.'h seenrr* a bum* lor ibe r«- inaining members of tho f*m ly.

Thirteen *ta lenis llcouiod to preach tbe tint- pel, Twelves udcnls nf th- Tbeotoglctl Sera- v hiiIT '■'"'■ i I'l'.n- il mi Tueaday, May 16, by ibe Woburn Association, which met al Winchester, Mai*.: Fourth year clan, Arthur P. Dins. Keniur, Joseph 11. Cbandter, Ang. Francois Illverd. Middle chss. Klward P. Allen, Harlan P. Bearh, J .-i.ih II. Ileatd, ChailesW. llnlbrook, Ktnii.11.. Uuugbtou. George W, Mitchell, Wnllsm J. Parmtlee, Wesley F. Price, James T. 1'jke. Clarence Tike was li--cnsed by tbo Pucuuqua Aisocls- lion, which met at Durham, N. II,

Tlio inueiiili anuuil spoiking of nrlclni '

Keadlngof order Opening remarks by Commander, Dirge bribe band, imglng by male quartette, Prayer by chaplain, Rev. J. II. Ltlrd, Hinging by male quartette, Addreai by Col. C. D. Wright of Reading, Mais. Sinning, America, by qiarietteand audlsnce.

Immediately alter tbe ex irnsea In town ball, the line will be formed un Main uroet. near town hall. Route of procession. Main, Green, School street*, to G.d Hjulh t'smelcry, wbtm the following programme will lie carried out: Dirge by tbs hand, prayer by cbaplalu, remarks iy commander, decoration of grave*, A de-

tachment going to Bplicopal cemetery, then ■imriii to it A. It. hall, and lake turgos and proceed to Wen cbarcb where the line will be formed, and march to cfmilery. The fol.ow- ingaretbe exercises: Dirge by band, prayer by chaplain, remarks by commander, decora- tion of graves, re-lorm and return to Post he.nl- • I'linieis where tbe line will bo dismissed.

Previous lo the meellua of tbe Pott at 7.30 detachment of three comrade* wilt decorate

the grave* in the Chapel, Soring Grove and Catholic cemoterle*. Person* having flowers

town ball a* early "ai «.« o'clock. Wr'eaNn*, iMuqueis, crosses, eic, designed lor particular grave*, sbould be carefully marked. A com- mittee will be at lbs town hail io receive sad look after all donations.

-NJ.:ill AMIOVK1I.

Jstne* I iii hns returned from tbo West.

Tbe Board of Knglneen meet thii evening.

Tbe Fourth of July Committee meet to night.

A large u inner of dog* (till remain unil- cenied.

Monday afternoon, while John Duffle, conipoiiiljn* for ihe Means prise*al Phillips , , . Aredemv. "Ccutnd nn Friday evening. The

a ti..; 11 years old, was putting laps Into ■ A

a bag, wblch stood eight fejt fr. m tbe

door, In the aplnnlnji wm at tbo Arling-

ton mill, a boy pinched him lo the leg,

causing linn to start; be lost his balance

and fell to the floor, and was picked up

n an unconscious condition. Medical aid

was summoned and bis left arm was found

lo be broken In two placdt, at tbe w.lnt

and elbow.

— Mrs. Lydla Plnkbam of Lynn, the

vegetable compound proprietress, his

been cited to appear at the Court of In

solvency upon the execution of a Judy

ment against hor for *s 10.70 due a Lynn

grain firm. Mrs. Pinkhaji refuses to pay

the bill, because she claims to have sign-

ed over ber business to her sons aud

daughters In l»7d. She desired to take

tbe poor debtor's oalb, although she came

to aourt in an elegant baggy and span

.il wm nHod wilb a deeply Interested audience „bo evinced \helr prattflcntion with lh* eiioiu ol the young gentlemen speaker* by Irrqueni demonstrations of applause Tbe commltie? ol award gi«»e the Brut prue of #20 to tiucene C ilvlu Couller.ol Brook Held, » ; BJIIJ :et. Precedent m related to I'rogre**. The second prise of 812 to Joseph Langdnn Qiim^y, of No, SandwicU, N. II.; suljeei, Iiiiagmatlon In Science, and tbe third prisoof *JB to Wil lam Mor'on Fullerton, nf w.iiiiinri!; auliject, "Three Wiie Men of Gotham went to sea in a bowl.''

Profeaasr Biermann'* Piano Rrcllal on Sat- urdav aftetaoon, wss a great *ucces*. In spite of tbe bad wcatner the ball was well lilted and rot only were tho best people or Andover there but a goed number Irom Liwrence and L->well. Somanyc.ime from th* latter city, that Sup't Forber kindly allowed them an extra car Irom the Junction. Mr. Bearmann'* playing was nugnlliccnt In Ibe extreme. It i« Impossible to Imagine a clearer, more artlitlo reading of the Appaailomda Sonali, or one more thorough- ly devoted to tbe larae and lofty character ol the composition. The biauliful andante was dellciouily played, and tbe tremenduoui flnale wa* a rerelatlon, not only of feebniquo hut or phrasing and Interpretation, It wa* taken at a fearful pace bat never lacked ctearneis. 3 bu-

' - glorlr- I mann's ' Carnavsl' was —A very cheerful conversation occurred way. No one but Mr, Biermann could give

b...... ».b.« at .b.«.«.. ™.ci! ;;• j.K^.Jb'trTI.XJS. X-t in tbe cloak room at the close of the ses- < persUvely demand. Under Ll* fingers ell its

slon Wednesday evening, which woald ! nnsurpiwod puwtr.lia brilliant and Immense * ... .. * .t dlreriitlcs of style, found Ut handdnt. The

be Interesting If not instructive for t*W 5gt DIltni)cr/ whera Un entbnsiasik

street commissioner to hear. Some of, David*, marth agalnit tbe dull commonplace

uncomplimentary termi, and there was j naid ol Mr. Dserrannu's t>laylng of Cbopin's

none to do blm booo appears thai I Berate i> To call I .-. 1 ii'i.ci of n i lendernesi Is not enough; It wai tbe maternal

those who helped most to elect him now ■ tenderness of a raoihir who was likewise | poet,

wish ibat they had permitted him to re- 111 ret-pinie to lhe long and bud applause. Mr.

„„„ kM p.. o. n. wool ,ut. ..a ib« i&^J&TSUSZJSSL

public icem* to wish so too. ' more tban two hundred year*ago.

Second Lieutenant Joi. C. Ducbeioey, of Co. M, Lawrence, has resigned.

Joslab Cros'iy. K ■], has m uie Improvements on bis property at tbe Centre.

The cemui oi the (ebool chllJren ii being taken by Tiuant Officer Kelloy.

There will probably bo aome cbangci in the North Andover* before tbey plav again.

There 1* talk of o.-ganiilng a nina in town to meet the North Andovera tbe coming Fourth.

Tbs North Andover Bicycle Club will psrtlc- mate in the "meet" at Lawrence, Memorial Day.

Ilev. P. M. Viulon will preach al South Law- nee, Sunday, In exchange with Rev. J. D.


Rev. IL II. Loavlit, nf Andover, will occupy le pulpit at the Congregational Church, next


Tbe largest subscription, thus far, to the 4th of July celebration fund is that of Davis A Fur- ber, 850.

Invltaiiooiaro tobelsiu?d to all lbs prom- ent clliaena to be present at Memoiial Day


The N irlh Anduver* will piny the Phillips (Bxeter) Academy nine, at Exeter, Wednes- day next.

Dr. Mm i i:i wai called upon Monday evinlng r a large number of lileudi, who wished biiu

a pleasant voyage.

Memorial Day observance* occur Tuesday, In accordance with Hie programme published in this column last week.

Ii bai b'en voed to hive ai anlbi'isand h- r- tlbte procession, a go-iayon-please and a baae t*ll match on the Founb.

Tbe wrestling msteti, announced 11 ocrur on Saturday alternoon last on tbe "Acre," bsa been Indefinitely postponed.

Wlib characteristic genrrosliy, Oen. K'len tiotton paid the employes of both bl* mill* IT the time the woiki were impsnded Ian moi li in ropeel to bis dccuaitd father.

At tbe Roman Catholic Cburcb, Sunday, Rev, Fr. MeMaiiiM compllmonted tbe congregation for tbe work iln-v bad accomp'labcd In tbe pu*t, and said that, financially, tbey were in en ex- cellent eon a it ion.

A family who, it ii supposed, bad the iraall oox recently moved into town from Lswrence. -Since their departure from the latter city a girl who redded In the aame bouse ba* b.-en attack-

I wltb tbe di*?aic.

Tne iwenty-lllcli annlveraary of tbo marriage' or Dr. and Mrs. A. D. Bum-haul, wa* cele- brated at H.-'i him i.-nii ■ reildence, corner Main and Him Street*, Motday evening. Tnore wa* a large number preaeni, nnd a delightful evening enjoyed.

The work of preparing for tbs selebrattm on the comlnt Fourth ol July bai commenced In earoe*'- Tbe committee bave Isiucd their ml - ■criptlon paper*, and will no doubt receive gen- erous and substantial aid from the public. Tbe programme ol tbe sports lor the day will ba ar- ranged shortly.

The North Andovera were taken Into camp by tbe Pbillsp* Academy boy*, at Andover, Wednesday afternoon, Ibe icore stand In it 11 to H. On account of alleged unfalrnets by tbo umpire, Jennlng*, a change was made. Carter being *ub*tlinted, wbote decision* were elm- acterlx^d by unilorm lairncsni Iho score ly tnniuf* follow*.

Innings, 1234JJ678B Phillip*, 1*10 3 0 0 2 0—II NorlhAndoven.O 1 0 0 I 1 0 0 6 — S

A cabtegiam received by Hun. M.T. Sievens, Friday evening, rooveyod lhe Intelligence t:mt Mr. Samuel D. Stevens, bis son, who I* trav- elling In Europe, wltb several companion*, was III at Milan, Italy, wltb giatrlc lever. Since the flrat announcement a cablegram bai been received dally, reporting blm a* steadily gain- in*:, wblch has buen welcome n^w* to bl* msnr friends. Dr. Morrlll was lent by th] ii -i named gentleman to Milan, sailing on the Scytnla of tbe Cunard line, Irom New York, Wednesday, lor the purpose ot attending ibe patient.

About flftrofths Ltwreuro and North An- dover friend* of Wm. Allen, paid him an un- expected visit at bl* bom i. Silicon Street. Sa- urday ovealn; l.tii, ml, mi'li Io bll suin i ■, presented blm with ahtnd*ome cameo ring, Mils' Mary Colcord, ol Lawrence, mnkt:ig a capital preiontt'ion speech, whkb war hand- somely reaponcd to by Mr. Allen, alter be had ■nfflcieoily recovered fiotn tbo em.iaimint oc- casioned by ibis proceeding. Tb e company tben partook of a dm class tollitlor, ami en- joyed themselves, until nerr midnight, with dancing, vocal and instrumental music, and

games, li was a gathering ol great ploscuri, a'lke to the lurpnted and lurpriseri.

FOR SALE- Carped, Furniture, Uarden Tools, etc., at

Prof. C, li, MEAD'S, Aadover. la Is *}


lll'l p

A ii.jn-f. L» ii-!i and >li

are liter u room* in I are nil l<i ( I K'|i DK'iU*. nml L!ic litll*

Por rurtBei panici

lor Sale, 11 o-i Pun.lai

llDll hit!

Whereat, Elieiieaer H

AOKUr. r'O'iKrt.

A latVIBT Q. WOOD, Jit., HaoceMor U ■fVJ.w, UtRNim, Dealer mil , shoe al1l Uubber*, mil tteiiali in*- dune in Hie tn-i t mm: ner, all iii the lowcil prices. II ink Ujililin. Mala .ill eel, An.Mn. mi ; Ivr

i Boot*

Uouairlnx neatly done at atioi i notice. ,Jnm. Lolebraleil KIJJ ami (Jail Hooli ,:inirUnih 1.1 iand-MalnSt., A:ulo»or, «»>. Ivl.m] MS

BENJAMIN B. TUTTLfc ha. troagbiof J. It. Parlln the local excreta nud lobbiiia

bu*1ue*e formerly or II. K. While, i ■.. lobbing, murlnn of uianot, furniuirn, ti'..,nl reasonable price*. Patronaui eoliciietl. IHiy

.*-» tailor* and Draler* ir Uiointnt, l-at*, C:i ■ml tiente' rurnlsblna; Uoodt, Main blici Andover, Hui.

I Common wealth of Mattaehuitm.

ICnSEX oa. To ,i| ,-erte,

11. Sariien ■MIIMMI

UlltllKo; rler, tbe smrdlan

. ..eutrd for alluwai..-* tbe • IT >n I ncr.ount ol Ills luaHlianahlp.

1 mi in •■ Inc. iiv Mir.i in appeal ai a Probate i "ii- i ID be li'il ic i at Luwrence. In iaM county, "ii the iiMiii.i Monday ol June nest, atlio'clock in Hit- lorcnoon, to *bnw ceulr, II au. you have, » In ihu aamr thou Id not bo allowed

Aod tbe laid guardian la ordered to eerve "'■■- ' iiii" II by puMiatung the Mint once ■ week fn 'I...


ii in'II • i>a[■< r prlnlnl at Lawrence, three *iri Mi.'i'i'.-iii-'i.ilii' lail publication to be two.| in a I !■■ -I li-(.,,,. ..,,1.1 ri.1,. I.

«'u i.MHU.K r. CHOATK, Kaiuire IIII,.-.- "I mi.] Court, IM* ttnlh day CH Ha]

In Ihd i ear cli.li et » liunili. d anil eighty-two. J.T.MAIIOXEV.Hcgiiter.


DR. J. C. PENNINOTON.-Cflleeov.i Drai-er'a book-itore. M.nn street,. \i in

call* at Mr. Danu* Uluhardx.11'1, opposite car- Htlknli

DB. 0. E. ABBOTT.-Offlceiud Hu«T- llenne HUn. EL>en Tyler'.. Main Street.

Andorer. Onioe hour. s-lUa. m., 1-3 and alter .P-m. if deal

EDWIN U. BARNAUD, P.lrniuiToU iln«, Urainlnx and Paper Uanajng A

t St. mi ly

EP1KE, Tin, Honticn aud Wooden • Ware; Bopaira Pump*, stove*, Fur-

■"'",0(0. ilolo agent lor Uagec atovea, ran- ■ijiiii ii.ni'M ior ando.tr anil vicinity.

a promptly attended to. Park ilreeL 'or, nov7 Ivr

fes l>nl

J gardener, Dei Ian ■ ... I podding plant*, cTnubina; ban

and tea rote. Agent lor all kind. 01 tree* ai .innIJI.. I'riinloa, and planting attended 1 Near the depot.

AHd.JVCI. A], 1 111. If -I.

HENRY GOPF, I'niDtlng, OralolDg. Papering and Ulailnf. done at abort nolle*

and reasonable urine, t'eraona wishing work drop a postal in Poal Ufflue, octlU 11

J~OHS II. DEAN, Merchant Tailor, Dea'er In Clothing and Uonl'* Kuiiilxhlim

Uoodi 01 all kind.. Uarinenu made In tbe late«l laiblon and warranted to lit. Ilepalrlng, elcan- Ing and preaaiug done neatly. Uaio Street, Aadovcr. norlUlyr

l.UI I regular line of Uuildcra' L_

.lialI tuakea r-peclally or Kaim'ug luini.i ttii. teaaon. Plowa, UultiTatot., Howli chlnot. Ilorio Uakce, etc. Aliioaiull aaaor 01 Hbo*el>, roika, llaea, KaUa, Hpadca, e at the lowcal pi ice..

NATHAN F. ABBOTT will rinnl-an auperlor quality of Ledge otonea for cel-

lar* and foundation* al.Loit t itlit UI.UK*- •onable pilcia. Teaming inoinj.ilj iloi.r. Sal lifactlon suarantucd. Ittildei" i ntai 8. mmei Street. ly--'

SAUNDER8 BROTH HUB, Vl'imh«i> and Tlniultbs. Alao dealer* In Tin,Ulai>«.

and Wooden Ware,Stove, and ruinai'aa. Be- pair* for *U klnde ol Btovei, UalD»(re«t, Aadf Tar, Mai.. ivr teplT

THOMAS HOWELL c*rrk» on the rurnlture and Uphi,l».erv baaluei* Ir.al)

lbelrbrancne*,athla*tore on Park ttreit >ur ■Iturerooaired and removed at snort notice and. on raaaonabUterma. lv octiotn




DOW & \ l: \l .


Domaatla ta.lilou. and 1! m i»tl'. !• 1 • llouae. Klamul n.3 and ' Inkin*.


<j. H. \vI;I;KS

Steam Pi llshtng, Monumental Granite diifl Msrl)le W(rvs. War*. 00m* 51 Main Street, epp-tha

Common a»d at 9and IICourt St. Roirol City Hall.

HAVERHILL, MASS. Steam Pollahlng Worka and Qranlto Tard In

Bradford. OlllcealSI Main ST.. lUveihll!-

foreign and I>ome«iio Uranlte*

1» fe!7

_ __J -I. ■■ -Mil ll'il.'- ' li'- -l.lll in 1- ■ I '-'-it

nilAH.S. r.vtt^r.i.,

Funeral indFurniahing


KkSIpIKCI, SUKXlli STHSET aep If gadevir KMi




Fish of all kinds. Fresh and Salt SuK'lu-'l itnd Piclilnd.

Lobsters, Olams and Oysters. Fancy Flab of all klnde In their aeaaon. Freih

Milk every day. UoodadeUveied. PARE STREET. AKDOVEE

Dee. SO, 1W1. tl


LykenB Valley Bed Ash Coal, Hard Wbita Aib 1 oal. Free Burning Whit*

Aib Coal, Hard and MI t YVocd.

Ottee In Draper* lili-i-k. Main Btieet. Audover HAY AND STKAW. 1 ly al


And Dealer In

INVESTMENT 8EUURTIES, Mo. 83 nrviiiislilii' Street, Boston United Ktatei f tale, Connir, City and Eailroi Bond*. Hhim*, Hanuf*c:nrlnjf, Hans, Inauran and>otfrerri|<K'ki, [linir.btunilBolilon Lomml..li In Bmt.in, New ITorK, Ptilladelphla and San


Mono? Furnished on Mortgages, .-_ .P. O. Box l.U.

M. L EAMSDELL, Agunlfor the leading


lor iho aale ol all klnda and alrlo*. Tor eaaho an iti.inlliiii'iit«. »u t'in-\ term*. »m navrd

1: leaned. excfaat,acnl, baught,

hol'd, Cleaned, repaired m.d lo lei. raMera, aeedlea,oil, always on hand; IM goodae^ond band macUinea aheap. Call and »cc Ihom.

Caraar Mamu.ar * Kin* St. Andovrr. I- ■■• I'-

MOOVI: & TliOW, UanurnotQreri of and jcalert In

[Ofevirr deioilptlon, Including Box BuciieiiPhaitoni Coinirgl,Dam.

Wafc-on*, Sldt Bar Bufgitt. ALSO —

raiutlng and fiepairlog p.-omptlv andneallr


: -nM-1'i-ii..'i- i.(T..i ■ bl* Farm lor i-ale. II I* • <1 In in. u.-i rarl.h n, A . ,i.,-.-. ,,.,,- : -l.ui Jt aurea of 010wing anil llllage land, ; aere* ul paatoie, with a two atoif huu.r, nj iml Lhoded, and a bain WHS l Imt. The mga are In good repair Tl • Farm 1. loca- 1 1: i' MI 1 1 -11.. 1! beiaeen Lowell MI I Law- , I IIIIi.- iron iii-pii, and but a lewioil* 1 i-liiinl-lioiin-. l.und good- Laal apple iio barrel*. »

ALFRED BINNETT, at i-:- n On the premlaa*.

laihionable DresimakiDg. The •■

ehnd A vi

. 1 the above bsal roaidence if J. W. Faulkner. I'm


'•toiti.l H. HOLDKRAK.i.

Practical UphoUierer and Furnitures

Repairer. Parlor Pet*, Eaay Cbalr* and Lounge* made lo order. alailr.»ea tnacle over, Peailier Bed* elsamed. Uaidner'. I'lrioi.ttd Meal, a a per.

. Caruel* cleaned an*] laid, and **>ade* J. K.i.a ■■,,. 1, 1,-1.11,- n;il||.,l!, M,

dovei, Urder. aollutted end prom illy attended 1 a myiu

NOTICK IS 1IKKKUY UiVKN that tne lubacrllx-'i- baa buen duly appointed ea-

eculoi oflbe alllol Lifer lUki.i, late ofAndover,

in the county of E*aex, (wife of John Hardy),

tate 01 *ald .1 the same; and 1

ro called UJIO

An lover. Hay 1 r, teas.

ICl . F. IIOI.T,

DEALER. _ itn' n ii lit 11 ■ ■ in||iiii-d ftt loweit p-lee*.

Older l.ok«* ai P.nt • ajoen In Aodover and li ul ml Vale and at hiu-.nn J. Bar net, Frye

A Havon A llamlin CARIKIT OXUAH, nearly ■■; ha. Leen tiled but vary little. Apply to

a. r. i»U#NiMJ. Kim « reel. No. Andover. ■-'I my.li

POMPS POND ICE, 1 lli.i belt in town for all domeilic purpoaer.

Clear, Solhl and Pure. Refrigerator*, tank*, water cooler* and pitch -.will remain aweet. LOOK! THE BEST. I'l'KNDi THK liEST.

And tba beat 1* tn<t eheapeat. ■MM commeaeei, and learn* will reaujne

regularly ou Monday, li*r lit.

Special Metioe to all Conauraera I Our new echedole, made up Tor \t*l, ha* been

K-nliilrawn, and price, will remain ai la.ljeur. And tbe following U the acale:

as i 1 .vi lb*., each dalivtry, l«o per 100 lha. BO to BOO '• " '• !;'■• '• " l'a'k«i.e TliLeU may be hadol driver M lb*.

Sou. A liberal palronage desired.

KaipectrnllT, II. U.llAVWAKDACO.

If gay]

Plg« ind Milk. The aubicrlber offer• far'.ale M bandaemo

iboutelahi week* old, and will *uppiv to ■■—in 80 to 1 Kiuunri. of milk daily.

1»AVII) JAMStK>N, Andovar.

The IIom« of the Corset.


ANDOTiilt P.«. 11.

J. WARREN MOOJB... too n


WOOD Sr COAL White Asb and Franklin Coals.

MAUD AND HOFT WOOD. Prepared, 1 ■ dialled.


JOHN CHANDLER. Andover. O-deraracHvod.aadhlllnetthrai

J. n.CUANDLEE'H OppoiUePoat Office.

FARM POB SALE. The Baidwell Farm, li

nffered f re* anri


he We t Pariah, le t of about one hun

log. tilage, pattureand wood

Co-Partnerehlp Notice. Tho Biibicrlber* hereby glre notice that Ihey

have lormrd a cop nuwi.hiu nncer the Arm name of BKA A * 11mm, ami timing boual.t ont lha meat tairkel and tiiiii'ti.iriig of John " t'li-t. will continue the builne.i. A abare public patronage i* rrapecliuHy *ol.cited.


r.nvni in lias been called the borne or Lbe corset, and allbougb Kngland, France, Germany, and America are

rBAiuifaetaring tliem largely, Uavarla :-. .11 Uotds >" • UWI> >>• ll"" 111.1.K. t. Tbere were imporifd to tliis country in 1HH1 about 15,000 dozen corsets, valued aL not less than 86 i>::v dozen, and over :(0,000 dozen of an average value of i'J per dozen. On these tliere was levied and collected a duty of $1^7,500, or about thirty five per cent. The cost price of tbe best quality landed in this country was a fraction less than seventy-live cents per corset, which adding the duty, made the cost over $1 each. One-third of the total value of all tbe exports of Wurtemberg to the United States since 1HG5 has been in woven corBela.

The total annual production in 1680 of corsets in the kingdom, was 1,'250. 000 pounds of cotton yarn. Tbe in- dustry requires sixteen distinct proces- ses in the change of the raw material to the finished corset. There are the weaving, cutting out, stitching, stamp- ing, embroidering, insertion of whale- bones, punching eyelet holes,washing, starching, Bhaping, ironing, eyeleting, clasping, measuring, and boxing. In the manufacture ot these goods 1,700 hand looms and 4,500 persons are cm ployed. AbouL 1,700 are male weav- ers. All the work except the weaving is done by female operatives at borne. Following the close of the late war the export of corsets to the United Stales which had been about 1250,000 a year, rapidly increased in 1H66 to 1986,000 and in 1872 to $1,119,000, but since then declined to $317,000 iu 1880, and rose again in 1881 to $500,000.

The Brewers' Convention which met in Chicago some time ago, unanimous ly resolved "that we oppose woman suffrage everywhere and always, f.»r when woman has the ballot she will vote sol id prohibition,and the woman' vote Is the last hope ol the prohibi- tionists." The woman's vote in Kvana- ville, where twenty two women voted for license and 2,42G against, is taken by some as on evidence that the brew- ers were right.

As to serving the Lord with cold hearts and drowsy souls, there has been too much of it; and it causes re- ligion to wither. Men ride slase when ilicv hunt fur gain, and snails when they are on the road to heaven. Preachers go ou sec-sawing, droning and prosing, and tbe people fall to yawning and folding their arras, and "then they say thai God is withholding his blessing. Every sluggard, when he finds himself enlisted in the ragged regiment, blames his luck, and some churches have learned the same whs. ed trick. I belhve that when Paul plants nr.il Apollos waters, God gives the increase ; and I have no patience

ilh those who throw the blume on Sod, when it belongs to themselves, —0. If. Spurgcon.

Humanity has many vicissitude?, but none that equals the shock thai aoraesto the butterfly when it sees the tho caterpillar which is tba result of its existence.—Puck.

—A man on being acensed of being an atheist soil tndtgnant'y, "It Is not so. I am aot an athaUl, sir, I am a barber."

BUT Beach's Washing Soap.

He la B iiin.iii.iini. For all tbe world haa (aid II And lv'* greaUy to hit credit

i I.Ii be la a mai todon I Kor he might have been a monkey, / ja '.I. - nr n IliinLi,

Or mayhap a unlooral Hut Implieof nil temptation*. He prefrrrcillili griutaml rallum,

UK < OlJtt \s |,|.;i | I |(|:

Engravvlag, Delivered at llie 11 **>

Ir. K. C. Colby, BDperiutendvnt i.f- drawla* in the public achuule of our city, I nave big last u ciurc (or lbe anmuier leim al till) High -i l.nu: m, Tu.i.-.!,H . l!.i; iii I-

are being a cuailtiuailon of tbe eub)tci ut •Ogretlng. Mr. C'ulby t<poke as follows:

U my last talk I inentiuoed that under •■ bead of plate engraving there are eur-

eral procesaee, two »( wbicb we conaUlut- ed, etching and line ergravins.

-Another variety, gllpple encraviug, I*

eiecuieil with dots Inalead ol llne». and la practlaid Iu counecilon witb etching.

It la BornellwrH combined with line ,n

gravlug, aud I* heat adaptid li> p^rirall- ure.

Meiiollut engraving Is unlike any oth- i.-i .iiyli', ii.ii.ti ;u ini'ii u in.: t.!u- ptate aud

In the print produced. It la neither line

uorsilriple, but resimbie* an India Ink

v.ng made wuh a brtiBb. Tbe snr-

of Hi" plate I* roughened wlih a

toulhed Instrumeiil called a cradle; It would give at Ihla stage of lbe process a uulfoi .iiiy black print. The gradation*

re proiiucid by burnishing and scraping

lbe rough surface, leaving it smoother

for the lighter and rougher Tor tbe darker parls of the deblun.

Aiiuatlut en jnvlwjui are mads by eicb

i Hie OStluH tn the plate in the uaual way. Tbe surface Is then covered with a solution of i<-on ami alcohol, and the lat-

ter evaiorailng leaves the reoln In gran- ulations on lie surface. Tbe grsdsiloni are otitalned jy biting and sloping out,

an explained under the lit-i.il ol etching.

Another way is to drsw lbe design on lbe granulated surface with a gummy syrup

cilkul buMlIn^ ground, after which the

whole surface is covered with varnlah and soaked In water far several mluulea. The

ind and therefore lbe design bursts

through the varnish leaving lbe corjpt-r

bare. The plate la then bitten with scld, as In the process of etching. Aq-iailnt is

4s not much used now, as lithography has iken us place.

Wo ul tngrsvlng Is tbe simplest and

cheapest process. Tne wood u«ed la gen- erally boxwood. Ii la cut across the

grain, and planed to a uniform thickness of 15-It! the ofan inch. Kor large prints

veral pieces have lo be j lined together.

After ihu surface has been made smooth llllie fltkr-wblte Is rubbed on it, and

the drawing made wltb peucil, pen or

brnah. Tho block Is then given to the

engraver who cuts away ihe wood, leav- ing the dealgn In relief. Various loola are used lor ibis purpo*n, nonie purs

being done by machinery. When latge

prints are nquirtd lo b* made In short time tbe block la divided lulu tbe pieces

which compose It and given to different workmen to be engraved at the same time.

To prim a wood cut tbe Ink Is rolUd

over the surface exactly aa with type, aud It Is called surface pilntlng.

Plate printing Is exactly the reverse ol

this and Is a much slower process. The priming Is done by 1KII.I1 wilb a roller

press, as this will furnlah the immense pressure rtqnlrcd.

To print a steel or copper engraving tbe plate la wsrmed and covered with thick Ink Hiliiiji up tbe lines. This Ink Is

wiped from the surface more ur luaa ac-

cording to the defect desired. When wiped with a cloth a filar la left which la

often used In etching, but in line and stip- ple engraving this la all removed by rnb-

blug wilb the hnnd.


Kt-v. A. lv Wblie, the funeral of Mr. Wi hut.

M.J.h. D. iik.ia.nn. or N.»-|>...i, u. 1., has been vliitlng friecd* in town during the week,

Tbe l.iwrenc-r i"rn* band will lurnlib manic for lbs O. A. It. 1'uit ol tbli town,on Menioila) Day.

Ir, Hcrrwrt Hope* removed bis family to bburg laitweea. He has been employed

there lor serinl week*, Rev. K. T. Tolk was in town on Baturday,

making caiii on hi* former \ arlibionerr. He preached on Sunday at Arlington, Man.

The linpt 1st Sabbai h school gave a concert at tbe i iiim h vc* ry. on Sunday evening. The central thought or lubject ol the concert cxer- clssa was "Rigbteoaineu."

Tbe ladle* of the M. E. cberch will turnli.li a dinner at lbe n- try of Uie cliurcb on Memorial Day. A mbitanUal meal will be provided and tbe price of admlialon will be moderate.

Metiri. Tealiody and Rnusll have the con. tract for building tbe new picker house for the Metbuen Company, alto lor building; an addi- tional mory to one of tbe lute milli. Work was begun on tbe picker building the flrit of tbe precot week.

Tbe new club has completed its organ is it ion, which li as follow*: President, Chsrlta R. AMI; vice president, W. J. Nicholi; tecretsry end ireanirer, Jobn 8. Tapley ; trusteei, I). II. Palttrion, George B. Bradbury, 0. M. Hirkou ; i nance committee, James T. Wall, W. T. Sell- er!, Henry Durien.

Ur. Rolni P. Harvey, of Waterloo, 1' <j , and Ulsa Addle C. 8argenl, of Ibn town, wtn ■nairUtl on iuosday afternoon, at louro'clook, at tbe residence of the bride'* futher, by Rev. Uberle* 1.. Mitchell, The newly married couple left town on tbe evening train for their " in Canada, stopping by ihe way Tor a ibort vtilt gt Concord, "

—Tbere Is hope of the completion of the Broadway bridge, witbln a year from the destruction of tbe o'd structure by

BUT Beach's White Pearl Toilet Soap


Itieemt strange thai anyone will Mfjkf frera the many derangement! brought on by an Im- pute condition ol tbe Mm il. when ScovlH'iSar. aapinlla and 8tl!lingla, i r It noil and Liver f»y- rup will reitore pcrltct healin la ihe pbyilcal organisation. Ii la ladeed a itrengttciiiog *y rup, pteaaant lo take, and haeproven Itself to be the belt u.-.i I'unQerover divcoverrd, effect. ually curing bcrnlula. Syphilitic diaurden, Weakneii ot tbe Kidney*, kryilpelai, Malaria; all N.ivonniisorderi and debility, Dillouicom plaints and ell di*eaiea Indicating an impure condition of tbe bln( d, Liver, K idaeya, Hiomacb, akin. etc. It corrects InatgeJiion. A lingle bottle will prove to } ou lu merlu BI * beslth renewrr,for It acts Itkeacbirm, especially when tbe complaint I* ofan cxbaiistlve nature, having a tendency to lessen lbe natural vigor of the brain and nervous system. .

a Past pain In Man id internally xtemlly

DH. KOOBB'B Vi:oBT*m.a WOKK SYBI'F In • Uiulr destroys worms and remov.i tbe i«cra> tons which rauie them.

nXBHI'S I unii.ln MIW.

The Itrsl Salve In the wcrld lor Cuts, Ilrulsee Sore*, n,■■!■.. KB'1 Ithttm, Trtkr, CiMppdl Hands, Chilblains, C«VM and all klnda ol ofciu Kruption>, Frcckli'* nnd rimplee The salve ti guaranteed to give perfect aatlatnction In every aaaa or money raluudcd. lie turn jou gel Hen ry'a Carbolic aalvn. aa a I olhera are but I tin la- tlou* and counturleit*. Price i& cent*.

lOI l.Hl.i- s's (l\ 1 .> s i I I n niTTBBS ' M1 -..., 11,1

Uuiiicr* ot IC an impure

Tbe trlainal "Little Liver Pllla" are Di Plercs'i "Pleasant Purgstivtf PsllsU" and ait eatcaslvsiy imitated. They cure sick and bit Ions btaaarhe. Private Qovemment stami with Ur. Puree'* signature and portrait mar the genuine. By druggist'. wedltaat&l

i I.IVKB PILLS ure tbebeatCalhartlc

Summer Underwear! \\K Mil All. OPEN ON



LIGHT d Mllll WEIGHT 1DEREIK Offered for rears; being our quota of a rcanu taetart iV stock nurcbaeed ssily in March for

our Lawrence, Lowell and htaaobeeler Store*. This stock wai lecuied e.heati, and will be dlipoied of oa tbe same nrlaeicle.

lOO Doz. CENTS' GAUZE SHIRTS, 25 ots. each.



A. good value for the money ha« never before been offered by our-

aelvei or nnybody else, and our retail price of 20 cts.

Is lower than the goods can be bought

to-day at wholesale.



Identically the eame goods that other dealers sell for SO cents.

Gents' Balbriggan Shirts, 60 Cents.

Gents' Balbriggan Shirts and Drawers For SI.OO.

■ *


Underwear Sale, Ever lnnuiftirutbU la Lawrence, and Intending purchaaierti should

not fall to avail tbemHelvea of it.


One-Price Clothing Comply 224 and 226 ESSEX STREET.

New Maple Syrup SUGAR.

At H. A.-BUELL & CO'8, llt.olT

CHICAGO REAL ESTATE. Loam i-lari'.i promiitly. Alao buy, sMl snd

manage pre perl* on commission, Correspond- ence solicited, befcrent-e* on annllmtion.

> . I . t I Kill I'-',, ltd UlAklsoKM fer.. LSICSOO, ll u

i-ii.i ray 10 L


The programme or eiurclaes will be as follows; Music, Lawrence Cornet Baud Prayer, Be*. Joshoa Coll Kinjtliii; under the dlrcciloD of Mr. Cbas.

O. Saanders- Oration, Hon. Jobn K. Tarboi Slnglns, "Amtilca," song by tbe choir and audi-

ence, standing. Benediction.

After lbe benediction the flowers will be d'atrlbated and tbe order of procession

formed aa follows, on Lawrence atroet,

right resting on Kssex i Platoon or Police,

Capt. B. Small. Lawrence Cornel Band.

Mllltarj Bscort. Punt 89 lliiiiu Corps, C. Coulliard, leader.

Needham Post 30, Q. A. U-, lu sis com- panies,

Commander, Jobn F. Hogan. First Companj—Capt. O N. Arcber.

Secoml Company—Capi. Cbas. Coulliard- ■Tliiiil Company —C:ipt. Win. Cross.

Fonrttt Company—Capt. II P. Parsons. Filth Company—Capt. JaraeaLane.

Sixth Company—Capt. John Curran. Tbe roots of procession will be as lol-

lowa:— Down Essex to Jackson; Jackson to

Ua»erbillj Uaterblll lo Franklin, where there will be a brier halt; Franklin to Crorg; Cross to Manchester; Afkncheater to the O. A. 11. lot lo tbe cemetery, where after a brier service the various com- panies will perform lbe service of decor- ating the grew*. Il baa been decided to hold lbe eXcrclsea

and have tbe oralton lha. day, lu the cliy hall, even IT lbe wealber Is such that It could be held outside on tbe Common The following special order has been Issned :

NKEDHAH POST 39, O. A. B. Si'gcui. OIIIIKR, No. 1,

IOMRADK:—Report at Necdbam Hall, Sunday noon. May 2Hih, al 10 o'clock, to attend divine aervlce at Ihe HaterM-l St. Metbr>dlBt afcucb, Itev. V. C. Bass.

K;pori at 6.30 P. u., to stlind divine service at lbe Lawrence sireet chnrch, 11*v. Joehoa Coll.

Ueport Tuesday morning, May .tOih, at 7.SO, for memorial hcrvlce al No. Audo- ver. Car li-avea *.l S o'clork sharp. Be- port at 1 80 p. *i. for immortal service at city ball. Oration at a sharp. Uniform dark clothes, bat belt and while gloves,

Per Order, J. F. BoOAV, Commander. F. O. KENDALL, Ad|utant.

—The abolition ol postage on newspa- pers to regular subscribers, as rccommei • ded by Postmaster Qeut-ral Howe, would reduce the revenues of the Lawrence port office about 0000 per year.

—The wsler In ihe Merrlmack liver waa tho highest Wednesday afternoon that It baa been at any Ume durbg the recent rains.

— Mr. l'iiiiii-i J Harrington, aentor pub- lisher of tbe Lowell San, died Wednes- day ol consumption at tbe aye of 80. Tbe deceased was very well and favorably known here.

—A gentlemen on 1 Besoat laal killed a amke five feet long, lo the bnabea beside the road In Smi'li Lawrence. Nice place for the children to play.

-Rev. Mr. McM'inus, '.be new pastor of Bt. Patrick's chnrch, Is fast gaining tho affections of hi-* parlshoners. He Is an e'oqaent preacher, and his church Is crowded at each rervlce.

In hospitals Glenn's Sulphur Soap is largely used as s dfilnlectlng. aud purifying agent.

i*ike Toothache Drape cure In one mloute. A remedy for indigestion, consumption, dys-

ptpila, weakness, lever, egae, etc., Gulden's Liable'* Liquid Beef and Tunic InrIgoratOT.


A VOICB moat TUB Pass*. 1 tske l bi* opportunity lo besr teitlmony to

the efficacy of your "Hup Bitten." Kxptctlng lo tlnd tbi m nauaeou* and bit cr and compoaed of had whisky, we w. re agreeably enrpriscd at their mild taate.lmt like a cop of tea. A Mr*. Crewell and a Mr*. Connor, Irtendi, have llke- wne tried, and pronounce them tbe belt medi- cine they have ever taken for building up »lrenglb and toning up the lyitam. I wai troubled wltbcoetiveneii, headache and want of appetite. My ailments are now all gone. I naveayeaity contract with a doctor to look alter tbe health of myself eud family, bat I ni ed linn not BOW. 9. On.IJLAN n,

Peoplea Advocaie, ritlihurg, Pa. July ■!'; 1878. *Jt2w rod eg.

A BLBSIINO. I f you are troubled wltb plies you should use

ftulpbur Bitten. They cured me when ell other medicines failed.—Dslly Eagle. Itfweod

TuarasJiDBMT Of the bank or Warerly, Iowa, lays I Bitter* sated my lire. Kor ten yean Iron Catarrh and Liver Complain!; I loet lony five pounds and waa growing worse rapidly. 1 bad lost all faith in medicine, but hearing yosr Bitten ao well recommended, I gave incm a trial. Six bottles cured roc—Smlih P. Hunt, Wayer'y, lows. l!2i*ood

When your wife ■ health Is bad, wbeo year children are sickly, when yon feel worn out, iiiinin n aii- iieaij, wui'ii uie Brown'* Iron Bitten. ltlweod


Xo 373 Essex Htreet, Lawrence. OHiee Hours, 0,30 to 5.3J.


Tbousands ol women lilesi the d*r on which Dr. PlercVs "Fnvorlte rrescriptlnn"wa* made known to them. In sll tlieie derangements earning backache, dragglng-donn sensations, ncrvuui aaJ general debility. It I _» aoverelgu remedy. It* *octhing and bealifig proprrtle* render It of tbe uimtxt vain* to ladles anffertag from "Internal l-ver," congeitlOD, Infliininat'on or Blctratlon. By dragglsis. watiattslAl


living but 1* sometime! iron bled with kidney difficulty, which is the moet prolifl. aod dan- gerom cause ol alt disease. There I* jorl of need to have any form of kidney or oriaary trouble ll Hop Ll liters are takea occasionally.

«*2w eod

IT te Wornm BBMBMBBBIHO Ikalnobody en Joy* tbe nicest surroandlngs It In bad health. Tbere are miserable people about to-day with <■■!* i.mi la tba grave, when a bottle of farhet'i Oinger Tonic would do them more good than ail tbe doctors and medicine* they nave ever tried. tieeAdv. i;immayl3

Tn K Color and Lustre of Yoalb *re restoreu to laded or gray hair by tbe uie of Parker'* Hair Batsam< a harmless dressing highly es- teemed for In pertumo and purity. \'.\m my) 3

, sj l.y.'.la B. Plnkbam'* Vegetable Compound

doubtless ranks Drat as a curatlre agrat la all dlseaaeaof tbe proereail*e ayatem. degenera- tion of tbe kldnrri, irritation of lbe bladder, urinary calculi, Ac, Ac. Send to Mrs. Lvdla K. nokbam, 133 Western Avenue, L>na Masi., for pamphlets. • ;i»

Ladle* who bare used Wheat Bitten say they are wonderful In caae* of naivoos debility and olher trouble* of tag sea. l^lweod '

Remarkable fer overcoming diea.es csond by impore waler, decaying vsgeutioi. etc., it Brown's Iron Bitter*- Itlwsod

Head all tbe advertisements of Spring medi- cines, an I then me AYBB'S 8A«« araatt.LA

which contaiDi more real curative virtue* than all the others combloed. It radically curei all dlieaie* oflbe blood, and I* ihe best alterative, Ionic, diuretic and blood purifier ever pro- duced.

Sold by all druggiil*. Aik for ATBU'B SAB-

SArAstLLA, and do not be penuaded to take any other. Prke, 91, six bottles for as,


■■KiiH.ii OK RATS.

Clean ont nil, mice, roach**, files, anil,bed. bug*, ikuuki, chipmunks, gopben. IA ccat*. UrogglsU.

DOK'T DlX*lK mi. Hoi'IB. "Rough oo Rita." Clears out rats, vales

Ojaehea, bedbugi, flits, anti. moles, chip- munkr, gophers. IS centi.

Allen'i Brsln Food positively cures nervoni- ae**, netvou* debility an.t all weakness of gen erstlve orgsni. |l, six for aft. All druggiiti. Send lor circular to Allen's Pharmacy, 316 Pint Avenae, New York. Sold la Lawrence bj Cterlea Clarke, 179 Essex St. '11, deed

After meny \ears or careful study, we offer tba public our several brands of Beach's soap, that will excel all olhera li parity and emollient quality.


Board of A Mermen.

The board nset la regular ****lon Monday evening, wilb iltc Mayor la llMcbair and all preaeot 'lliu loltowing bualoea* WA* led.

Jufun The following gentlemea we a* i' -i.i Jarora n th* Jane term ul tge buiferlor ilvJf conn to beholden at Salea*: Jimas U.adl JaaieiC.r'i.ber, E. ".MI- I, Parley Ayer -mi e C. Campbell.

fWiiiuM i Of Oavld Walker to a Her *ewer. re- ferred; II. It. Drer et al>. fur a cm.lng oa Bradlonlalreett referred; C. A. L'DUICb, tor a street croaalng atltha Juael on of May and Haverhlll etreeu, referred; J. C. Crombie, II. r. Hopkins,O.B. Currier aad W. II Stone to eaier tbeaaat Haverhlll itreet sewer, grauted; t'.sl. Morganand Wm. A. Illaohuliffe l> enter sewer, granted; John 1. llrewsler et al* for a a Lie walk on Jaokaon street near ihe Bpiaket river bridge, referred; Al»i Urant for lbe uae of toe city bat May SI, for a walking malcli, referred to the com mllteaoa putiUe property; Dyer A Co., to Mil firework* at their alore fur tin week io e■■i-ln f Julytlb, granted; Ueo.H. ffilaon for leave U obstruct Cast Haverhlll aud Elm itreeu while moving building, granted; ¥. M. Morgan for leave to obalruct Haverhlll alreet « hit* bullJii g, granted; Jboun* i.van* for leave 10 obalrucl rarnbam ai.d Emmet elreale while saovlai building, granted; H. M. tVbllney, Joaevh 1*. B*ttles.J.H Kidder, EH. Lor J, U. > .Cham borlsin, Joseph B ha Hue k, James II, Mat and F. E. Clarke le.- leave to conetruct and miiutali aa electric light eystem In tin* elty to be known BI the "Electric Light Association ,.i LawreBoe," al»o that Ibis oompaay be granted a bearing be- ror* tbe exclmlre right tn use an eleeirie *y*teai waa grsaled. It wa* voted to glrs thl* company, also the I.awren.u elecbic light company, a hearing neat Monday evening.

Appropriation FetotiUion: Waa laken up and the following changes were made; 910,000for water work was s trio See ou-.an it wa* provided forby ordinaooe; #1800 public library apecla!, and »];..wo ulary department, were adopted; 91300 for lire alaimipeolal wa* adopted, also a epsoUl approprlatlna or SMa» tot the complellen of tbe .nsaae asylum. Tbe reaolulion ai amended was passed ts be enrolled.

Matajg**ga*nji Auinyitalion irom I'oetSV, U. A. H , lor tbe oily goventwenl to be praaeet sad occupy sssts on tbe eliy ball stage oa Memorial day waa aeorpted. h waa rcled to defer notion on the re*e*labli*biaoni of the grade of llmip- ihlre atreel, until the abuMor* agreed to eign to welve all claims ror damagoa Hist might occur by reason Of aajafe change. Bam.ugn .ireet wa* ac- cepted and tbegradoeataaiubcd. Il wag voted to inatruot lbe committee on llueu*o* lo look Into the matter of the expediency, of requiting the managementortheoperabouic to tike om a li- OSBM for aaeb entertainment.

Edward Burgess waa granted a licence a* a •eoond ham1 elething dealer.

Liquor LictMttt: Hruggi«t»,-Kitd Berry, 111 Broadway, Ueo. II, Brayton, tl Ameabury aominon vlotBBler,-M.T. Wlnetun, 1ST Valley, all granted. Jamea Twoomey petitioned for a change of blacoiumon viotuallei'a I esoae atu A S South Broadway, loan isBholdar'a license, re tarred; Thorns* log bam Tor a traairer or hi* lb oense to Breuimcr A Kerthaw. reTenrd.

| Quaker Bitter* I* lbe "friend Is seed" mhie l liecomes tbe "Meal ladsad" wLea it slleviAte o ir siifTjriogi, a* it never fatli to d i so at ones


Pl'BB COD-LIVBB OIL mads Irom MlCCtM liven, on the *s t shore, by Csswsll, Haaard k Co., New York. It is absolutely pun and sweet. Patients who bsve once taken it preftr It to all other*. Pbyeielani hava decided it sapenot lu any of tba other oil* I a the market.

CiiArpaD llAHne, Fsec. Pinnies Bed Rough Skin, cared by using Juniper Tar Soap, made by Casweil, Heaaid A Co., New York.


AMOXO TUB POLAIBB or TUB Asa which the introduction or Soaodont long slaes exploded, was tbe uie or abrasive and eorro*iia tootb preparatloni, wtiicb cither oonuine min- eral* which scratched ibclr enamel, ot aetda which dluolved it. Bosodont, a health p.o- —jtlng subetiiute for these empirical article*,

cieanie* and Inrlgorsie* aaffren-colored and deiectlve teeth, bat divests the breath ofan ob- jectionable odor aod restores lo it that of health.


TWBKTT Yaaas aSupraasa. Dr. R. V. Pierce, taTalo, N. Y , LHar Sir:—

Twenty yeara ago 1 was ablpwrecked on 'be ai'sulie Ocean, sad tbe cold aod exposure caaeodalarge absent t> form on each leg. which kept continually dl*ch«rgtDg. After ■pending hundreds ol dollar*, wltb no henellt I tried your "OOLDBK MSUIOAL DISCOVBBT," and now, In lea* than thru* monthi alter taking the (lr»! bottle, 1 am ibanklul to say I am com- pletely cured, and tor tbe flrat time lutenysan can pat my left Heel to the ground.

I a jour*

PaasonAL! To Msui ONLY ! The Voiuic Belt Co., atarsesll, Mich., will

sead Dr. Dye'i Celebrated Blectro-Voltaic Bell* and Rleciric Appliance* on trial lor ihlny day*, to men (young or old) who ire afflieicd with Nervcn* Debility, Lost Vitality and Mac- hood, and kindred trouble*, guaranteeing speedy and complete reiioration of health anu manly vigor. Address a* above. N. B.—No rise la incurred, ae thirty days' trial '■ allowed


PBBVVIAH ttstrr core* dyipeptla, general debility, liver complaint, bolls, bumora, eurculc diarrhea, nervou* ageclloos, lemal*complaint*, aud ail diftiiH* orlglnstlng In a bad state of (be oloocJ lcodHTJy231U

Three reason! why the Celluloid Bye-Olaiaei an the beat: Flitt, becauss ibey are tbe lightest; lecood, becaoee Ibey Bra tba band- souicst; and third, becauss they are tba strung- eit. For uie by ail leading Jewelers and Op- ticians, tiw cud

Pla-s for Sale. Bv L. d. HOLT, i;u Water fitreet. Lawr-aee

l>OLL FESTIVAL. There will be a OoJ raelival given by lha

Children's Million Circle of Lawrence Sl.est Cburoh, in tbelr veslnee, oa WEDNESDAY- Msy II, from 4 to 0 aad 7 to ■ p. at., whan *OBM

Mliilonary Hull- will give a Farewell Keoeptlon i llieir llllie Lawrence friend*. Adtnla* on id seats.

The proceed a ol thr cniei 'alnmrnt are lobe lent witn the Dolii to their foreign deeltaetla*.

n.-U* It dangerous. Thousand! die yearly Irom Heart Disease iu It* various forme. As a certain reseller Ibis most dreaded of dlleaaes, we offer you Dr-Orsnes' Beatt Ilegulaicr, BI ij.,.».,Mi(nni|«r mtiiir. You can obtain a pamiblet Iree. treating on aympiotnior llean Diseair, of F. B. lugall*. Conrotd. N, H. For ssle by Druggistr. vim ,..,*.■.


Tbe following Btatement of Willlsm J. Cough- lln.of bomervilir, Mass., Is BO remarkable that we beg to aak ior it lbe attention ol our readen. He sayi i "In the fall ol 18701 waa taken with

iolent bleeding oflbe Inngs, followed by a ■evere cough. I toon began lo lose my sppe tile sud flesh. I waa so weak at one time that 1 could not IBBVB ray bed. Iatbeiummsrof 1877 I wa* admitted lo tbe city hospital. While " ,i the doctor* isld I had a bole lu my led

g aa big a* * ball dollar, I expended over a idred dollars in doctors snd medicines. I i so far gone at ons time a report went

aroand that I waa dead I gBve up hope, but s friend told me of Da. Wit. HALL'S BALSAM lor ths longs. I laughed at my friend*, thinking that my case was Incurable, but 1 got a bottle to satisfy them, when lo my surprise and grati- fication, 1 commenced to (eel better. My hope, once dead, began to revive, aad to-day 1 feel In batter ipinti than I have the paat three yean

"I write ibii hoping yon will publish It. to that every one afflicted with Diseased Lungs wlii be Induced to take Dr. Wm- Hall'* Balsam for ths lungf, and be convinced that consump- tion can be cured. I have taken two boitici andean positively ssy that It ha* done more good than all the other medicine* I have taken ■Iocs mv akknea*. My cough ha* almost en- tirely disappeared and I ihall soon -be able to go to work.' Bold (0/ druggists.

"MaaiT MUST use* ITS KI.WAHH." Ul lbe many Catarrh and H*y Fever remedies we keep In atock, there Is none of which our cai- tcmen ipcak more highly nan of Kly'a Cream ttaim.comparal vely a new discovery but one which from the many reports and evidence* ol cures produced, n dunned tn be n leading article. We havenev»rbat.dlidarimedy which ha* in created so rapidly in tales or that hai sui b unlvenal satlilaetlon. I . N. Critttnton, US Fulton street. Miw Yoik.

Hessn. White & Burdlck, DruggUli, Ithaca, N. Y-— My daughter aod myself, great nifl.-r- en Irom Catarrh, have been cured by Ely's Cream Balm. My aente oriineil restored snd health greatly fmprovid. C. M. stank"-, dial- er in boots and iLoee, Itbaca, N. Y.

Price AOcenie. V2weod


UOBKIBtET-lDthia elty. May i.-l, a daughter to Mr. aod Mr*. Tnomaa Moirtasey.

8A.NBORN.-In Medium, May J3d, a son to Mr. snd At,,. .I 0, ftanboru.

WARD.-In Andotcr May ISth.a son lo Mr. and Ltngdun I,. Ward.

BANCROFT.-In Andnver, May tt.a daughter - " r. P. ttancioa.

Do not Jot-Kit when you aro lu Want of Paper Hangings or Win- tlow Shades, that the Largest

Assortment can always be found at E. A. FIHKB'8. 270 KM.:*..St.



i ITS Andover.)


VVwdnsadayltndl laturdt; Aftsrnooni, BirSBanciB:-Pref. J. W. Churchill, Theo-

lo.inal Samlaary, Andoveri Prol. Ueary M Undloa, School of Uraiory, Boston.

tan 10 eta 11


BBOAOWAYand J 1st ST., X. Y.

A Select Fanilie Ilotel.wuh Elevator,OOfttaiB- tag about lit) very .line, room*, tingle and ** suite, a'l bested witli ttea-r, aad supplied wlih hot and cold waler. bathi, ew. For bmlltoe tho I ..-ai'on Is nninroBsaerl, being In the Immediate Tieinlly of Ihe leading stores, plaoea sf aasuse. meat and Madison 1'aik. Aoceeaibie lu hone oar and omnlbua lluea lo all parta at too ally

C. II KINO, A. W. FOSTER. Formerly o-e ol the proprietors

of the Kt. Nicholas HotaJ, N Y. 1* 11 mytt a

For Pleasur:, Health or Exsrciae take a row on the rlvsr. la ons or

HOLMES' BOATS. which .Bdude




RACINE BOATB, aTU>. af*Ne Baelno Boat ever soon In Lawrence

before this aeatoo,


R«ar 4 Water Street. Ltwrtnc:


5 Lota of Land, on the East Side of Broadway,

Opnoalic J. B. Pennlmaa'e, will be Bold at Auction, J BBS t, all o'clock, if not previously •old at 1-riTale Sale, by rEDIICK A C'LOg SON.

Inquire of J, H. 8TAKKAED,

■ y Leave •UudimfPrsb.i.Cssrl,


Adminlstratoi'a Sals Of a nice t-teaemenl Dwelllcg Bouao end big lot of land, lise IOOBSBI, hstag numbered III Park atraet, at anetloa, on Satnrday, Juno loth. at I o'clock p.m. Haa been bulk but a few

baa a vety gno etono cellar, dry and thor- oughly built, el'y water, etc. Thl* le one of tba beat eatate* of It* claai, la this section of tba

ni be aold to aattls the estate of ihe late Patrloh Norton. Splendid Garden Lot cos- temlog 90,110 frit, «nder a good stale of cultiva- tion. Rale oosilit*. Terms ea*y, oa satnrday, I o'clock, Juae IlHh.

THOMAS.IDKDA.S. Administrator. WM.S. KNOX.Altornay.

I 11

A CARD, Wedaaireto return our ilaeera Ibank* toall bo In any way mantieaied ooncara lor the di*-

BiipeaiBnReorouioecieaaedilatar.LydlaBntlei, especially to lbe police and olhars who aaalaled in the aeanhaud cure lor the remalaa.

Mr*. H. B. STOWB, wilt


AWN MUWBK1 Bepahed and Sharpened el ■im Common at.

A.I BUNKER, ttltnyll mm

Commonwulth of Miiiichusem.

EBBKX, SB. To the Hilrs.st-t.iw BOB other* latereitod In

Lhu estate of Mai lha J Tboapsoa.lateof Law. reuce. In sanl oountr, uilcor, deceasad. In- testate,

OaaBTiKo: Whereat. Charles L. Lure, Ihe administrator

ol the estate of aald deceased, haa presented fur ilowaooe the Aral aooiuntof tilt ad ml a la Ira lion pon tbe estate ofaaid deciBted. You are hereby cited to appear at a Probate ourtlobeboldea at Lawieoce, in said county, n lbe reeoud Monday of Jo re. neat, t nlneo'clock, fn the forenoon, lo show came, I any von hare, why Ihe eame ahou'd not be .Mowed.

And said administrator II ordered to serve tai* itallou by publishing the tain* ence a wees, i tbe

LAwaxaca AwraiciAw and AVDOVKS AIM KKTIIBH,

a newapniirr printed at Lawieoce, three wseka aueoe**i*ely, the Utt publication to ho two

i Bt least before tald conrt. Ilnets, Ueorge F. Cboate, Rsuulra, Judge of

said Court, ihla loth dm ol May, In i"— eighteen hundred and eighty-two.

J.T.MAIIUMLV. Reglatai imn nan

• 1th of Maiiarfcuaetla.

To the Hefrs-at-Lai theoeUtool

JAMI* g. (Una, late ol Lawrence, la said som ly, larmar, detested, ID ten ate,

QaasTtso: Whereas, Wllliem F. Builon, admlaittrater 'the ettata ol said deceased, has presrated for lowance lbe Hui aecouulol bis adminUtraUoa

|> in the estate ofaaid den tied, You are hereby cited to appear BIB probate nirt to be holden at Lawreaoe, in aald conn- ', ou tbe noond Moudar of June neat,

J nine o'clock, In Lhe loirnoon, lo abOW Cause, If any you bare, why tbe lame should noi be allowed. Aad the said adninlslratorliordered

ret thl*citation I.i publisting ihe sameOBCC ek, la tbe LAWBBXCB AManiOArt ABD Amxiran

ADraatisaa, a newspaper printed ai Lawrence, three week* -uc*c*>iveiy, the la*l publication lo be iwo lays al least before aald Court.

Wlineaa, Ueoiga F. Uhoale, Kiquire, Jndgeof "—; thi* d'th day of May, In the yeat


MRS. C. N. HOMAN Eases o

'I'', II i-Miny, Friday and Baturday ofesch week lor that porpoan.

or Information Inquire al T. A. Atkinson's Milllnsry ttorst '

210 E8BEXST. AnguilSO, livtl. ilAwtf



A LOT Or LAND On Hia.ltor.i ilreet, lost west ol Broarlwt y, eontalBiBg U,U» feet.

A LOT OF LAN li on Lowell street, eoatalnlug taialug aboul *000 issL.

For psrtlcular* applj to

K. 1M;KKINS, l.xt.uicir,


Decoration Day

Bouquets, .Baukat9, Moundf

Wreaths, Crossts, and all otbeFTJcelsn* initable for the Ceeaetery,

made In lbe belt manner. Orders may be left wilb KILI.IT A BCTLBY


30 High St., An lover, i tit

To Lovers of the Beautiful!

Thar* la nothing more admired shout a Lady** Dress titan a iaadsuass

Offrjglgl«m Ths cold weather of the past month haa compel led many to reduce their itook of AM high eoet

Shade* al a great sacrigos. We bayo been fortnaau In sri-urlng a besulifui luotlnttl of lac, oboloc now sty lei In

Satin Brocade, Salin Stripes, Polki Spots, Watered Effects, and Plain Satin, Lined and Unlined,

At Extraordinary Low Figures I These goods are ins Boss: Maanfaolflrod in tbe Country.

Special Bargains in Satin Merveilleux At.Si.ia*. worth SI.42.

Third Week of our Great Sale of

BONNET REEK SKIS 24 Inches Wide, at SI.OO, 81.20, 81.SO

and 81.75 Per Yard. The cheapecllUkieTer pat on tk* market, all perfeel, and warranted lo glre Bgloaakl

s»Hal action to the « carer.

Second Week of our Great Print Sale A low cease more ol Ike Boot Prints to te glrca a wiy at Ida. per yarl. T bey are a* eld * hog

worn good*, bnl new eloln* work worth I sis per yard,

We bsve deeded tsoleee onl onrsatire stock of 11 Ibnb Prlaled Cambric* at* eta per yard. Wo reserve tho right lo sell not over ktglM yards lo one customer.


A. W. STEARNS & CO. 309 311 E88EX STREET.




The People's Shoe Store

WILBUR II. oorl.lt,

S70 KIHI St., Lawrence. M4 Wlr.l4


Clothier, Will Hereafter be found




Garden, Field, Flower, Grass Seed. FEESH, PURB, RELIABLE.

lawn Dressing, Bone Fertilizer, GUANO.

StncEttridjce Nature, Ptouiate of Uie, LAND PI.ASTF.lt, Etc,


HI ~» Common Ht., Luwrrnce, *.o.l in Mirio




Millinery! llavioa Jut ntirn-d from New Tork. weosll

Iheaitenlijn of Hie Lad lee of Lawreaoe and vicinity lo onr very large aad

cBretu'ly talaited slock of


FRENCH CHIP HATS £ BONNETS All ml an and slitas.

EN0LISH MILANS, all Shtdtt.

Fine Porcupine Hats and Bonnets ALL SHADES. \



A'l' VKItV I.OW I'llli I-:H.

Choics •mall Fruit Plan's.

30 VABIETIEB OF 8TRAWBEHRIES, Ineladiag Bhtwell, Sharplee*, Mount Vsraon

LoB|fellow, Miner'* Frolile, Cumber. land Triumph, etc.


g. J. BABKBIt, Small Fruit Grower,

atErilUi!*, MAMI. limmyl


A modern built DWELLIHO HOUSE, will fear double bay window*; te.ooo feeler land. Prlee SLlre, Land to iba aatouatof Oi.OuO fert r«at**unrnhaaed with hoiiaall daalrod. Pike is nroiHirllnn Location tor tonnery ssd easy aoeeaa te Lawrence not niri>a»*cd. Also other lota of land near sni.l locality ranging Hum 10,000 feet 10 "0.100. frleei low.

I hare also for aale 10 imtll Uonao LolelOiSO , i,M" ft) last the Hi ma ■'» noitase* and partieior eatallmeaa*. 1'rlce Siiii j*-r lot. Ifdeeiredeaa pay part dowa.bslaaca inn* months without [steicd, or tin dollar* |«r nvHilh until alii* paid.

Kaqolreof W. WOOD, Uaioa BBlghla, Marble head *lroet. North Aadover. SOm marl; |


Blick and Colored Plumes,

RibboDB, Lacoi, Silks and Satins,


H. in.. MI.II. riM lcl.NI.. ol


P'rase eall eatly Bod leave your eidere, wiiluh Will iii-r|re tirompt ailenllon. aad we will guarantee uerioct ».. u.i etloa.

Tkanktas you ior your pa*t i>atr<>as|*. we hojie a con! I nuance of the same.


M. S. ANDER80N, 338 ES8EX ST.


WINDOW GLASS, TAINTS OMM. Yarulftlieit, <lu.ii.U-al.,



381 Essei Street - - Lawrence. U.S. 11.VI.I.. K. «. WKIU1IT.




WfiS German Remedy. TRUTHS FOR THE SICK. Tor those deathly »lri...» □ .._!!« J« Blissus Spells, do- Health, who r.ro nil

Mod on fci■: :-m;jaVondoiTn,(hotillcje BriTEiie, It mD i:ur«(jL'Li-:i!-n Brnms-

__ $1,000 will be paW Tlie Glunt Dyepep- rornci-ovrherse:'!.-

eiaiteiircil by using nun HITTKM will K'Lnn-s IltiTKiu, |>iott-■! turcure. It

I'M 8I:LI_ . ram, and yon wlL rw. not be troubled. ^^

will not regret It.

Lndlne In delicate I

...._. tlievlliatod la andwork ilocilvhrn JMSM

suopa-, C!,:rkt, Vim IS Impurities bur t- ilo not procure tuf- ug 11.rough the il.iu Octant exorcise am! 11 I'lmplcs, Bkitchu, lifbout eonOnec uvl riur.f. Tklr on In doom, should im jf.'I-i. I' BiriEns,

BULFUttn llll I'l ii'l General IXiUUtj will cm "

needs agentl.) tonic plaint. " rlrarn "—

SrLFiitin jirrrr-irj

8ulphur Bitters. ]


i |,irii.lc liilo ll.i

US3J"n*w iu?h tin

>eall«S the dlacaan liru.l.. .!"•'.

rOEOBJ FNE"H, Vl.lv n

,io, >,<

HAY FEVER -A (air irlil will roavln. e the mot skeptical—

i ELYS' CREAM BALM, .!.«*«•» Ol •fftictutitlr

OaUrrhal allays HIII imin itui

-nlthT I i'l l I. I l( li. nil. I'luli '■'

aietabranal linln«« 1 the head frnms.Ull •Dili, completely tnials the »nrea and ret Ibesenseoflnslesnil smell. BcnefJe.nl n are realised l>y a la* Bpnllcailor '


knuirhold remedy t» IM It It nn<<.|«jiii>.l Mil nsreeablc ■-

■led will i nln i. The lljilm la easy to use by dru.sal.ti atSOeenta.

wlllmnllapar.k.ige. tiend Uir receipt oE SO .nil. will mull a | or circular with lull information.

ELYS'(It RAM IIAT.y CO-.Owego. R.Y.

futs »ALB IN ULwmci nr

U.M. Whitney A Co., v H.KeHey.Chae. Clmfc, J. C. Avore, at Oidwa j'a Prof BlorCr.

Xlv'a Cream Balm, fur aale by A. P.OHMWAT * CO., Apothecaries. Cor. Eases St. and Broadway, Lawrence.

Cure« Dyspepsia, tferrons Affec- tions, General Debility, Fever and Ague, Paralysis, Chronio Diarrhea, Boils, Dropsy, Humors, Female Com- plaints, Liver Complaint, Remittent Fever, and ail diseases originating in a bad State of the Blood, or accompanied by Debility or a low State of the System.

eoH ly ttK x K

Peruvian Srrnp I* aoM by A. P. ORDWil A » (»., Apnthet •Hn.

U )r,.M**ex at, ami Broadway, Lawrence.





_ __■**, ALCOHOLICOIUIllC.^I Utchljr lnoani»Hl«l bjChrii:i«U mnl rtijweUuia** IA POSITIVE TONIC, ALWAYS

ACCEPTABLE AND RELIABLE, KM It do4»s not stimulate tha brain or lrrltala ■ ill* «yit«m t,id lcuve (1sleH>nouaefH>otJ. On

- contrary, it fumuliM Just Ihnt which ti ■MU-J loIhabi-Kia.cilntictlienaBndqulcta

_ otrvr-, purli! ■■ th» h-rnrt'a blooJ, anil flUiartby m»ke« only tho bn-t fl»»h, bon» «na fJma*ol*. | ■" It "ITVI wai'drrB, eurtiur llMIIMtl - unJ OKMIIII. 1)1 III Ml >. H MALitUlA.nVKft I'KIA, IXsOHVH, ■Prodaoaaa hetUUiy ooUon c( ilia Ll»<r ai.it IlKldnfja, fiirtlfyiint lfca ■.¥«t.,m a«.tliint tha

'nHuoneoi, and win tofOund In- ill pulmouai j*"<l I.nt.dilaldiffl-

■ ouitlaa. DELICATB VSBtAUE, NUIWINU laxOETHaRA and WEAKLY CIIILDRKN om ItnJno rrnipvl.r *i|u i. in 1l:l» h"i'lli(nl hi no. I Y —'u-HTfor

I I How Iln Wallnl fur U«r. ^ gl

tt*M iqolet occurrmco. with a atd conclualuD, to one, at l«aal. bat quite loo

good a tlllle aturr not to get b«youd lb*

llttlu circlw (o whom It baa uetm tmparled

In conllileDce. ArnvBS tha h ill score ul aaltswonirD ia an Eaaex ttmat Etore, Was

Wbo bad altracttil tba AtttiuiloD ol A

i's: JOUDK mm, IcsdlnE bliu to become

in r I'M'niL OD several occasions, until,

b great regularity, hi cilltd at ihe store, about ibtf bour r >r cloatag, even-

ng«, to accompany tbe lady lo bur b9me. A few evculnga since, he came in, a little «irll«r tbsn Qsnsl, but flailing bis friend

OUST witli enstomert, >auaUT«d out, and

walked arouad Tor a wblle, rooming just

before nine o'clock, ami sealed blmsclf to

awslllbc ll'ue of dosing, Tbo asaod stes of tbe yuung lady la qncstlou began a bit of good nsinred cbafHng wlib tut,

concerning b«r waiting attendant, until, becoming a bit annoy* d, >hu tbongbt only

e for In-i I'', and retreating lo tbe rear spsrlinent, quietly put on tier

outer garment*, Mi| |> il cut Cf the door

st lhai end of tbe store *nd in n' home.

The ynur.g man walUd with wbal pa- tience be might, as one by ono tbe gas

light were turned off and ihu prcprleior, who dbi m.t or woald not, pircelvo the

wondered why the remaining at-

tendants were HO long In pniilng the

goods at Hi' counters la order for the nlgbt. Flually, after the flrst nvuilbiitd

young laJy had been gone a full half hour,

and the other saleswomen had retired to tbe cloak room, every light but the one

near where tin* weary waiter sat had been

shut * it', Ibe latter thought he beard a

bit of suppret-aed merriment among tbe

knot of young ladies, and bla fair

one not appearing, he muaund up coarjgu to ask Ibe proprietor, "where Is

Mlas r "Why, bleas you," was

Ibe n ply, "she went home hnlf an bonr

Agot" "Hon.e," exclaimed the woulil-'ie escort, "why, whii didyon suppose I was

wallluif here fur T Tin- proprietor said he giivo up the conundrum, and sadly, but

kly, tha'. young man but a retreat. Ihs h..|.r- wii- '-ru-li-.1. in. lalur fit- untojil in

Ilia slatsreil arm no mure anukiorli bcr walk ...,','■ the i I in


Paetak (Jentrul Mill In Full Operattou

With t'rlday, the end of the slrlke had

come, so far as tbu Central pAOlBe Mill Is concerned; with the new help added that

in i ii. iii;, Iho entire macbluery, AAOsptlM

a Tew iuoms upon which changes w<re bt- Ing made, was In operation, as fully and

coinitletely as bciore the Inauguration of

lot strike. Tbe sdvlce aud predictions of lliu AalUUCAM are proilng entirely Ju-

■ ';: ..'I- ami correct, while the fully o( tbe

lutiii muiiMiiii pretended ftfeuds to the working people Is eipojiid In til Us ohar- lataiiiim bT the stfru uAcreo of events.

A I'liliiful Accident.

Saturday morning sbout 11 80 o ■at*■ as a

young man mmed Klward Lanham wa

at work In II. A. White's wood shop Ii the K.-SII yard, li-- cut off two of his Ai.

gets and the tip of a third on litt> kit hand on a planer, lie was attended by lu -.

Chase aud Flanders.

— A letter WUJ found In a ctrialu posl-

olllce the other day directed as lullows "JJosuinn iitate O' Maine, Nnw York.''

—t, 0. Holt, proprietor or ihu Ulver

able Drove, his just completed lu ibsl [i i; i, ii ii mil -..rue new date lag psvlii

— Mr Oeo. E. Davis cime up froi verhltl the other day, with his new

in 31 minutes. Pretty gooJ lime for a five year old colt.

—The new MWei recently laid from the I'.niil ■ alorebon«e aite, Is sstlsfsctorlly draining the oa^enmut sod has already

proved a paylug audertaklng.

—It was theotlglinl Intention that St. l»«iri,-L'* i i,IIII ti utSjutb Lawrence would be completed by Ihe flrnt of June, but II

wlil uot before the eud of July.

—The managers of the telephone ofllce

havo received a commuulc iilou from

heuili|iiarlers ordutlng ihem to realrlet Ihu use of the telephone line on dcfpaicb

business lo Qve minutes. If used more

than that length of lime, double rates will be chargrd.

-On ei-represenlatlve Nichols" death his family were left In destitute circum-

stances. They consist of a wlfo and five children, the oldest of whom Is!) years

and the youngest one month. Certain ii'./ ns have Interested th. mielftl In tbe

family aud subscription papers are being circulated. The appeal* fur aid a Ing ivlth a if■■■■■'i • ■ u» response ai.d leas a comfortable an nt will be r<.aiiied for ihe fjinuy.

» PLEASASJ LETTER. It Rings ol AOratarul Ht«rl and (Jives

Honor where Honor la Due.

. Willlsai W. C.ialwiik, of llalohvlla*. Cona., wrllai under date or June It, USD, to Dr. Kennsdr, e lay UuttflM uaeol >'Krnnei1*'a l*a*oilte Ktm^i!" bi» cured h in ul Uall Stone, from which be ha I eiperleaoed arerythlnf but comfort for a lone lisse Mr. Cha'lelek rail wholly cured when he wrole, and iai» : "I have had mi pa'n for all BQnlba.anil have also r<" fainedmy Saak and tAnet sadaialr Jay'a work t rei-omuitmi •Eenntdl'a Favoilla Ktoifiij'to any one auffsrlag froaa a deraaasd liver." Qrale- ful pitieatiare oomnoa. Dr. Kennedy la dally In receipt or letters from tbe is, eipreasiaa.* ■ lar ten'.lmenti. Theie lellerasra apoataneous and put In all varieties of pbraaeoloyy, but lovariablr aettlBA lorlb oaa thlai—the value ol "avennedt'a Favorite B*ir><iJj"f»r aaany foraia Iillseate. It may be lull tbe thins yo I are

beta looking for. Is your l.lver disordered? Hare you rieranf > men) or theKldneri nr Blad- der, at >o■■< mm w lib Coastlna tlon or Ihe oVi t/ela ? II ao, you *IHI"KIIM,)I4 Favorlta Beniedy.' Dr. Ken.icily pnetlcea Me llnoe and Surgery in all Iheir brandies. Write and aisle your caae frankly. Letters ptonptly snswered. Addiesa Dr. li.ind KeDnedr. Bosdoul, S. V "Dr. Ken- nedy'a Favorite ttiuicnj" lor sale by all drug- ■Uts."



Dr. Kennedy's Favorlla Itemedr Is aold by A. P. OMnWAT * CO., Apatheeas Us,

Cor. Eases Bt. and Broadway, Lawrence




IAVEB LABOR. 71)11! and SOAP AM A /.- INdl.V, and gives uuiveraul anUa/atlIon. So family, rich or poor should be without It.

Sold by all Grocers. HKW AUE..f I mil;.!,..in well dctlipiwl to mislead. PBUEUNE |» tbe ONLY BAFB Uborsavintr oumnoaud, and always besrr the above ■ nnlml, and nnma i.f

JAI1H 1-VI.K, MEW YORK. ' Veow laod ly HITII H X


la a PnsltlTf Cure

lallaa. Vm*la Coaa- 11 will aura antlwlr tba w

11-'-**. all ovarUa trovblea, Uon, Kalllnc and Dwplaean Spinal Waakasss, and to parUeulartr adapted to Ul CLana-a of Ufa.

II will dlsaorr* and wpel trnnora fmtn th« uttruili SB aariy stag*of dsTalopcwnl, li■■■ tndaDry local oarouhunorstbaralscaaciuid TWTJ tp«dilj by 1U ina

IS ranoTva fslstaaas. aatulenrr, dfirfroyaaU ■ for atlraalanta, and t«UaTes_waalinun of tbo si II tmr— nioatlnf, Raadashsa,■ Kerroni I*n- ' Osoaral DtbilltJ, aaWgSafAWaai 0»I>rsaslon sal UuU-'

Thai faaUna' of baarlno1 dswa, raniiitf pale, wrlfhl aad baabaebs. la «lw»ji pcmanfotly rcrad by Ita aaa.

II unisl all tliaa anil under all • Iriamatancaa art ID barssoej with tbs laws tbateoTprnlbwfaniSlaSTSitm.

rortbaeBraof Eidasy OBaaJaaMi «' attbar sax Oils Oompwind la —1 pal iL ,

LYDIA F- PINED AMI VCGRTABLE Cwkt- PACNDIs pisparsi al «■ and StJ Waatprn Arcnoe, Lfua.HuL FrtoaSL Bis bottlaalor |A Sent by null In tba form of pllli, also latha fi.na o( loiecK«, en raoatp* or prtoa, SlpasWi 'orelOiar. *:■•. rr.th«:n riwalyansirars aillettars of Inqnlrr. S*nd for pamsb- la*. Addraas as abora. AVndoa tin* lu/*r.

Mafamllr anooll E wlUloal LYTiIA R. PlirEBAJm LTVUt PUXA Thar sn cmiaUoaUan, bulaaawaat, and torpidity ef IbaUTor. M cents par bos.

Star- s»Id by a :1 Draujatsts. -*• eod eivjs

Lydia K. Plnkham's VegetableCompounills aold by A. P. ORD)VAYAvCO.,Ai>nthecailes.

,0n> BSSBX St.and liuutinvii, l.awrenee.



KiT-Cl'T THEM OUT.-^*1

People take nanaratlng doses (er everv pain ml ache, wbirb ruta Ibeir aloninchs out of r.lir, siul ihcu a pbyaiclan la called to attend

to luem. This la nil aeedleii.rir II Ihe HOP

FLAM an Is uard, it la absorbed Into t te rvslcm In J ul the way lo cure without bringing on other iruulil.-s.

A medicine lo be popular tnvst be both agrec- ablr saslcni.'Biiioii', tlic Hi'I- 1'i.iiiit.ii Is a rare union dt]ve*rUble agenla combined with safety, reliability and effect Irenes a. The Indiserlmlnaie use t>r medicines taken Inlernally It far more ptodacllre o(Injury than benelll.

The most pOWfnAsUf reedlcaled andrffecllTo plasisr .ii.i Invented la ibeHor Pi ABTrit; li i ml id ci all Ihe medicinal aedsedsilje propel tleacfthe lion In cumblnalion wilh ihe mosi highly approved guma an! balsams known i. modern iitiarinacj.

Tim Hin- PLASraslsniade porous, thus allow- ng !<•■■ i i:i| u.n) of iiii.i .in"', stlmulstint

the innumerable po^es if Ihe b >dy to a heaUb; nctlon and giving tone and vigor (o Ihe Whole avslem. It's s discovery ol a Yankee chetni

The medicinal virtues or Ibe Ho? have been utilised for centuries ; they are all concentrate 1 ■ ti Hi.'Hoc I'LAaTsK, and do more real good relieving pain than any root, drug or berb liquid medicine In Ihe whole domain of nature.

HOP I'l.ASTBasaie told by all drugglel a in the United ritntea and Canada, M ceult each or S BM |l, and BIO anarantetd to be ILe best In th( maraett, Avoid cheap wui thlcaa m™'"

>P l'i.a>TrR Co., Manufacturers, CAHTXB

Ills A II* Bill, lienrr.il Agents, UostOD. IV mil hn my.-O. li

a f.iod to

Art Note.

Wheat Ttillera are for A. P. OKDWAY A CO.,

Corner Kaaex Si. and flrnndi



-lion i:i!-" ■ ■■ ■■ ■ by A.P.OBDWAY A CO.. AiiolherarWa. Loiaar !■>"■• et. und Uieadway, Lawrenett.

City of i.;i wrencc

Orrica or TiiEIssi-trmnur MM.H. ApaiLiT, IWU.

All :<ITMI'» • Iiii '■" vrj- Mi"; in i ,.ir.;ii;i-- i.ii.ri « i..' |oi the jiurpese .-i ■ ■ n ■..-. ihe MID» »!!■• Lit) ul Lawrence, :.,,- herr>br notiiled I tbe Inspector will ne at the Police Stniim Ir •' ii> Sa. ra .and 7 to* |> m .during tbe m mtt May, lurine puii>oee of Licensing; Dcjleri

II1HAM lt.SRAI„Ini>i'c<to

|BxL Acts!* S, Chap. tM, Sect. I. "Whoever shall sell, oreap>"e foraala.fr

carrlagrsor other vehicles, er linvi'in ln«. i.i'iv HI pessesalon, wnh Ininnt to sell, m wllhont beina Or.l licenml, ibnll bo 11110..' by a line of nut lers Umi. litiitj nor mui K tj ons hundred dollBrs."

tn 1 lei


LOST MANHOOD RESTORED. A vtatlm of youthful Imprndeni

Sara Decay. Serums DcbUl

In the pi ■Him store, 108 MenleiACk street, Is to be seen a fliiu marine picture of ".Steamer passim; Sandy Hook light -hip," painted in 18J8, he Mr. tVillis l'lumnmr, or tho freight depailment sf Lawrence depot. Several of Mr. Plum- met's paintings are owned by Ilaveihlll citizens, ibis one being ihi property Mr. C. ¥. Morse, who hn,.t hsd a new frame fitted by Herman If, Morae, giving the picture a neat seliluu. Any one hav lug a le>ur« moment while si Lawrence, south side, would be InleresU d In looking over Mr i'loinmer'* productions. lit wa/s has something attractive ou the easel. — Haverhill Uaxelle.

The flnest piece of ore ever seen In thii camp Was broutih' down Trom ihe Matllt mine, one of the lloosac company's prop ertlus, by Cspi. lionehne, on Thuisday last. It was a solid chunk of tnlueral neaily two feej sqnart, auout ten loche thick and welgLlni: 230 pounds. Mr Dontbue, who Is looking after matter dm in- tbu leiUDurary aliseucu ni th manaultig director, Major Vsudenburgh announces the preaeol ahiiwitig lu ihe *baft to be simply wonderful and the mine t* declined lo rank as one of the rlcln silver bearing lodes lu ihe Ktstc —1>. ver World, ll.h.

Dr. Chandier'f Jamaica (iingtr Hoot Kllteri enters the circulation of ihe blood luinipdlately, purities, viiajucs and enriches the vital Mild, and reaclniiK every part of ihe human system, II l.inrs ami Invigorates, strengthens aud re- invenstis all the organs and lii'iiesuf the bod v. It ivrfsture's gicst bealib restorer, and la not

■■ .1n.i..r,l by any other medicine, liomeod deiG

For Dyspepsia, lndigcstlun, Dt-Lrcsa'on ol S|,lilsund deneral Dchilily, In their various l.iiini;sl-o si a prev.imve sRaiiin Fevi r and It in . and other Intermittent F vers, the

"Ferro-Phospnrated Klixir of Calisay," made by Caswoll, Haaard A to., Nuw. York, and

1 -..l by all ''.in.';; -I-, ii Ibe best tcinc; ,01 I lor i-.'n ni-, rucuvertug li m ikknsss h has no

equal. lltuJanaTbT

\ ••■• mi, 1 ni 1 .>.IHI 'i 111.1.ir ,i,„h;:,i be slopped. Scglei'l fniineniiy rciulis ia nn Inc iililu l.uns Disease ur Uuii-mmpiion. BROW IlKosi'iiui.TaiiciUNiiii nciiiiniiiderihuslonn

ps and bilsams.bul it. 1 direr 11 tin- II .. ullmi

lii'l inAstlnna, Bronehitli-, I OUKIIS, Cnturrh nnd tin- Thrust Trouble* whleh Slnaera Bud Public speaker* are tubjeetlo. For thirty yes'ri Urown'i llninelilsirroclieahave been reexntnended by iihyth'Uins, and hsve always given purleot aalls- liiilion. Having been teilid by wide and con- slant u*n liir nearly an entire generatlun, Ihev have sltaineil well mm ited tank SIUOIIK the lew slsple rcmrilica ul the age- N>ld at Jj cent* u buseterjwhere. "|lri eodMnll'S*

WiaYAK'a BALSBM or Wii.ii I.'IIBKHT curei roughi, colds, brencbllls, whooping rough, crimp, Influcnaa, consarnpuoTi and all diseases of Hie throat, lungs aud cheat, fiucsntssnd tl a bottle. I.-.MliljtvJ-i'SM

iHrOETAMT TO Ait.,—1 no meat genetal com- plaint that seems to spare ncliber clasi nor ron- titllen cf person. It 1 alcd In the lifer. Many with wos begone countenances, deapond.nl ■pi in nnd der ressed feellnes, exaggerate evrry event until even lulrlde has been known to re- sult tf'.in (his morbid ronditlon of body and mind, yel Simmons' Liver Kcauiaior Is known to he a "pectflc for alTeriloos of ihe Liver, Spleen and Kidney*. L'nlikn mist prrparailirns it fully insets ihe wantt if tbo puicnt wbuic liver or ttouiocb ia JoorgsBlsed and soon rentnrrs tin- ■ in ■■< Mie.i snd iptrtleti dyspeptic tuflerer,

11 nn ni i 1.1 . ml !■ 11. ii,num.I ills Iban be could illy, Lost Mil.!,..--]

ZuSJSSkL'^thA ru5 I otherwise hope 10 aium. anrara, adtlreta J, If HLIIVLS), I'urchstcrt should Ire cartful lo fee thai tbev Ht„ R. r. BettheOaKtina, manufactured only by J. H.

•wdV ly eipio a | ZI.II.IS A Co., Philadelphia. 1 .llm.odm.tll





Agenu waata

n Patanlsss and M'rri, Sand, riook, Conn.

MEN WAN"" NTED::."-' ■11 ' II*..Hi . llo»:

.gent*. ( 011' CU, Boston, U

.la,, tin I

Wffk 1 r. ii.,1,1.1 ni tree.

U/tvi ff home nTI.SUS.Fsli Klv.

OONSmViPTION. I hsve a pnslltva rwnwdr f"'

f worn kind ami "II.

rlSL. Now Yuri


taallfy to Its dalicacr oi taste and amail. For aaia by Dnartia** W.B^hldminlCol

. Skin of Boauty I. a Joy Forovor DR. T. FELIX GOURAUD'S


iKiltle "HI l«-t .1 ..... Onr-lmlt I-IIIU il 1 v.r. .lav. Alto pDUdn I 1 -inn. haii H iin,ml injary tuthr.ktii. use. X. B. T. 01 'iH.ill'. M).k> iw , It Bond St.. If. Y. r»r -nil- t.n all [irurei't* BSSl Fmn''J Qoods Dsals

l..i.li/ln.ill Ih-' I , h , I aliiulu 1.11,1 liuropi- |e"H.'».

Chas. T. Emerson,

lEooms 11 ami 12,

E.801 Bank Building, Lawrence

E. 11 K U.I >. £. T. MEBUILL.


STOCKS AND BONDS, 1N,V|;8TMK\T BECUB1TIB8. Member* of the Boston Mining end

Stock Eichanri,

Simmon," Duildinir. c pp. Pott C. ice.

:)8 Water Street. Bostou, Msvei No. 34S Kseex Bt. Lawrence ,Maea.

WILL CERTAINLY CURE Coughs, Colds, Hoarseness, Son Throat, Bronchitis, Influenza, Asth- ma, Whooping Congh, Croup, and every Affection of the Throat, Lungs and Chest, including Cos- sumption. Sold by all Druggists.

end " ly ii'.i 1 it

ff| " COEflMTEO ^ l|X

1-wW STOMACH __, /.w1*

«ITTERS minx ll=e madiclnal means (if nrrrstlng dli nog thL _.

iuluvler's3li ent. It checks the luriher nragrsss 01 all laordeia of the slomneh, lirrr ar.d bowel* •*ivo« the vital itsmlrn, proVenisaMdreraa lea chills anil lever, lm.reai-ei the iit-livlly fthe kldnyes, counteract* ■■■■-..,,:.■., latltin.ard In a geniiine stay and solace lo aged ill im and nervous i<i m.

For sale by all Druzc

Iloatslter's tllitcrs arc- sod by A. P.OBDWAY A CO., Apothecaries,

Cor. Essex St and Broadway, Lawrence.

THE WONDER OF HEALING! flotOTarVl 1',° Kxirsrellathennlyspe- vaUUIll, clfio for thi. diseaao, rold In

ill <' ore. '■■]..-. i.lly dno fi

Heed, '.' o,ir"«--ti prrpared ID lunet s»rn,iia eases, rnulHliisail tha eiirattva prouertlea uf the lilnuii ott NHBSII MyrlMnr Invslnablo Inriisn lu catarr* list affeelloua, B aUnpln and Im jpenalve.

Ehcumatiem, Neuralgia. Jy* dlsli. an many caaes of these d

Hemorrhages, gfeg*, Kose, or frnm any cauue, iaapecaily coulrullrd

Diphtheria &, Sore Hiroa V,;™," promptly, HI* a*urL>rpr«. Lhbyl. Uugerees

Parr Pi lea, Rlind. Itlo-li,:; er In b ln«, KtatiMsjteekavtBJSDwnnuieer. ■Vwr I'lren.Ald Narr* sr Cp<■ nouaili

Caution -raxjr.1 KXTIIACT *ns b'fn (mi- MtrhrS nu* the Mere's " roXD»B

Kxrti.tr fm-fa-nirt/1 on twm fl'A*r II, ■ A I EXTRACT. Inter ••

pk-mrt iujf ifnrr^T. .Vona


srirnLTim *:.o TOIOCT /Tirctr*. POND'S EXTRACT 3Pc . 51.00, $1,75. t'liiel Cream I 00 (Catarrh t-re Dsnl'frlce ... SO Plaster 25 <-!pS-l.e 25 IflhifciriGlaMF ^-1.00 r«letSoap(3C^kot).. 50,NJMISyringe .28 0'ntmenl 50 Meilicakd Pupi

faml'y SyrlriRa, JI.CO, lamri. read panea 1:1. JM. 31 '-.-.I ;i*. nf onr Mew

Pauvp rotreKai II RUTN

PaarasunosaUi^iD IT.Ei: on snuaiuni 10

POND'S EXTRACT CO., 14 West 1-lth St.. New Yor>

I'ond's K\ 11 :n i ia sold I v A. P.OBDWAVaxro.A|iotheeariea.

Cor. Essex Street tml Rro.nlwar, l.nwrenci



DR. DYE'S Electro-Voltaic Appliances

TO MEIIvT w.»;, II.

;.-e ii.' h 1:1 KertousW

er.tl 11^1.IIII, . |,«* <,f in nranyltaWeirnsMlllns fnm l^m'^eura'uial'T'iu Kidney or l.lver Ti tures. ami oilier IXteaatm^)' ti.e viim nrxan*. Also W..XX.N Uciidili-l Midi ,11M II:<» peculiar to Ihelrsrx. ■peiKly relief and mmplcio rett'irntlon lo

henlth xiiumiiteed. 1'hrae nee the onlv Kleefrie Apaillnnee* tlml hate IH> brrnronalrurleil HarM nda>utitle prltl- rl|>tsna. Their ihoroiiali eWcs-cy bss l>een iTue tiinlty ptureii «llh die ttinal stonili, lul anerree, nnd ihey hsir (lie tilnht-ht enilsroenienta (ii.m niedir.,1 null -el. o- line mew,nml fr-nn hnnilrril* vt ho have h.tn qiilrkly nnd null, ully cunil by tlielr li*r.

VOLTAIC BI.LT CO.. 'loclttly

OMI Alarm Clock.

Nathaniel Qreen, he'smy pnrdner, we've

lived tosetbar nl«;h on to half a century,

be's been a pceterln ma for over a year to

buy one of them new-fangled notions called A alarm clock, ao thai we could

know when lo rise to git up In ibe moro- se we've been rather backward about

cotnln* forard fur some time past In that line. I told Nathaniel I thought 'twas ilt- ilul »llly at our time of life to go Into

such fuNde-rola. bnt when he's once got bis mind aot onto anything, there's no

whoaiohlin, so to pacify him I went

down street the other day and bought one

oftbcellly (binge. Tbe name of It was be box It come In, It was called "The

Sprite," bnt before we got th.-ough with

tbe concern, we thought it bad better be called "Joe Imp," for If ever anything waa poasrsatd with a evil aperrlt 1 do be<

leve It was that horrid clock. It was a

Innocent looking thing enough outside,

bright and ahlny, ''nickel plated," the man said, called ao because it acted so Ilka the

old Nick, I suppose, and It sot perched np on two brass lees looking es peait and

nassy as ever you see, and It licked away

with a vengeance too, I tell yon, and seemed quite chipper. Nights we kept It

n tbe floor onder tbe bed In oar bed" room nn.Ill d np in a pair of Nathaniel's

I lilue overhauls, for It made such a Tui racket a ticking away all night for

dear life, that It broke me of my rest

worse than Nathaniel'* snoilng, and

that's enough to raise the roof moat of the time.

Nathaniel, hn ain't much onto machin-

ery, be couldn't whittle a elder tap round

to save his life, and when I see all tbem IIU'II and screws and cranks aud plreta and buttons and springs on lb* back of

that air clock, I knew he couldn't do notfa- ln' with It DO tnom'D a Guinea nigger.

The fust ihiug he' did wan to begin to wind it up tbe wrong way of tbe nap, and

It spluttered and snapped end wbeeaed till I thought he'd ruined It for life. Then

be tiled to set It by screwing round a

brass bunch on the back, and such a rack- et as the old thing set up oo lu Insldes

Was a cantlou to cripples, 'twas a wonder

that the whole concern dld'nt bust like a iiif.'t-nal mschtne and kill us both as dead as 2 berrloa.

Says I. "Here's a arrer that tclla which

way to turn this crank," bnt Nathaniel,

bu's such a booby, ha ouidu't till which

way the arrer was beaded, go It did blm

about as much good as tr'twas a crab and conld go backwards aa well aa form's,

for he couldn't make snt head nor tall to

It no more'n a Hottentot I spied some

ettcra oo the back, a and f, am', says I, "I believe these letters must have aome-

hln'to do with regolatln' the machine,

low acid fast, or some auch thing," bo'. Nathanle', who doa'tknow no more about

some things than If he'd been born yes-

terday, laughed at me and aald them waa he Inltlala of the man's name we bought

t of, Samuel Fellows, I believe, a jeweler down onto Essex street; aald that bad noibln' lo do witti the Insldes of tbe

clock. Then he tiled to torn the braaJ

ring oo top, he said that must be the reg-

lator, but I stopprd him Jest lo time to kotp blm from brcakiog thai all to amaab,

it you'd believe It, 'twaa nothlu' but

ihu handle lo lift the clock up by like a :sator. After we'u got tho thing to go

ng Hckety wbew and ctlolng about 20

minutes every hour, we begun to work on

m. After wrench-lii' away at uearly all the tcrewa and cranks that was

as thick aa warts on the back of tbe

lock, we ili.fliiy got ihe alarm aot for six >'clock, and weal to bed When II went

iff— rattUty-slam -bang-fism-de-whang- hang — neatly Bearing ua out of our aevea senses, I thought 'twas the shot lest night I had ever ex- perienced; Nathaniel, be got up aod Ilt a Until aud got half dressed before be

looud oot 'twas only half past twelve by

that piwky clock. A madder critter than he was you never see. It seems he'd aot

the butt end of the hinds at nix and tbe Nllin end st half past twelve, that's Jeat

the gump be Is. Ha aot It agin and wi

never got another wink of aleep aftei

that, expecting every minute would bi the next, and It would start op and go off like a tornado.

Tbe next night I thought the clock had

got a conniption lit, for when we wound

the alarm, it kept a goln' off and A goln" oil', and wouldn't stay wound up at all, 1

thought the old ihlng had got up to con-

cert pitch, and woold never let np until

all was blue. We couldu't ael up all

in-lit. and wind that air clock, so we went

to bed, mad enough. Tbe next day Na- thaniel uot up early and worked on it

uearly all dsy, loudly atopploi; Ion-

enough lo eat his vitllee, iryiug to see

WIK-II you could set that alarm aud have Il atay sot. He got pretty well beat ont,

for he hadn't slept much the night belore, and the neighbors heard ihe racket, and

kept n-comlng iu to eee how we liked our new telephone, for tbey heard ihe bell

yanking away, and thought we'd got one

of ihem new fashloneil concerns into tbe

boose. Once in a while he'd git It so li

would stay wounj up a little while, and

then he'd beglu to tell me how easy il

was to rejolatu It: "All you've got lo do, Mat la," snjs be, "la to torn this crank to

the rliiht and this nub to the left, lift up

this button and press with your thumb on

this screw, then move ibat pivot a Itelle

to the right, keeplu' your eye sharp on Ihe arrer, aod If the clock stopa when you wind It, take the bull concern, aod shake

Il like all posaeaaed op and down, and up-

aide down, and round and round," bat I

tod Nathaniel I might Just as well try

to learn to play ou a planner, as 'o try to

got the hang of that clock, for 'twas bard

a-learnln' old dog* new tricks, and

watchln'In sickness was a posy tobeln' the slave of that old clock, night and dsy.

Jeat then the alarm looted up agin, and

downded my wordu, and the hat I see of

thi old thing Nathaniel had It under his arm, hugged up to his wesklt, looking as

If he was a pmceaalon and was a playing

onto a bagpipe, only he waan'l barelegged, and be was a tugglu' It down to the store

where we got It, tbe alarm banging away anJ all ihu boji lu the neighborhood at

his heels yellln' aod hootln' and peltln' him wilh n ii l. and It nerved blm right

too. He waro't easy llll he got the old raltle-lrap Into the house, and I guesa

be won't be In a hurry Id gll another. MORAL.

Its a good plan to let men have their

own way once In a while, for tbey gener- ally i'U (Mine up with a.'ore ibey git through, lo pay for It.


-The Btesmer Startled Fawn Is on the marine railway.

—The pipe for the extension of tbe

water main lo So. Lawrence by the Droad- wsy bridge Is being laid. This will aun-

I'V a much needed want, as the fl >ur milt

and several f-irulllea living between the

South -anal and tbe river had not tbe ad- vantage of city water btlore.

— Ihe Lawrence Electric Light Com- pany directors have organised by the choice of M. P. Merrill, president, and W.

B. Healfl, treasurer. The directors hive \ .•..:.■■ I l'.i:!.l in 1, l.yni), S iIt,ill and Low-

ell, Inspecting t!i<» operation of electric Dints in these places.

—The indications are there will be that

no Fourth or July celebration here this

year.as far as tbe City Government ia con-

cerned. As much of tbe city's money as

can be held from the street coonmlseloner will be needed to aend tbe Breen boom

marching on for another year.


no longer from Dyspep- sia, Indigestion, want of Appetitejlossof Strength lock of Energy, Malaria, Intermittent Fevers, Ac.

BROWN'S IRON BIT- TERS never fails to cure all these diseases-

Poet HII'I I'eiis.inl. -*»v — rsHjM i

l Jn.t buttoned her ab)»e. --- hsdV-'-

Dosion, November ie, iSli. I!..-

•■i, i li- i.i UyipEpoj, ;.nJ tuuld (tl ■>■> i=li.-llt'"H'K inrd everything which ».n inuiiiinrni!. tdl until. nCliii( nn die a.lntr i.f t fnend, whu lull b«ii bench tied by

I Ia< as, I ti Uillle w h minHurj.ri.mtf re,iild

to inking »».,*%'* ls..« Previuu,

; luflertiT greatly from a me, and

w'j ISUM llirrss*. all mj reatincnd. Can man]

i.i any disagreeable re suhs. 1 «m practically snotlm

r Maverick It,', E. bosom

BROWN'S IRON BIT- TERS acla like a charm on the digestive organs, removing all dyspepllc symptoms, such as tast- ing tho food, Belching, Heat In the Stomach, Heartburn, etc. The only Iron Preparation that will not blacken the teeth or give headache.

Sold by all Druvjgiut*.

Brown Chemical Co.


Rrown's Iron Bitters, lor sale by A. P. OBDWAT* CO., Apothecaries,

Cor. Essex St., and Broadway, La

__ _ Ctllll 111 TflTO isiries ihe

C ASTORIA Old l>r. I'l

Chi Id r«

'PUajant, tzaVwalstJ

■ri.i.'ily for pluints.

sufs Itfuttv FJlcaclO**-" Qraen, Itoyertun, lud.



. ...tvhai mrxed. -neu week I can nioi'e. e blnine wlnftli-'Lie-'s lived;

S II.uii- made ■! ■ h,, I.i in ii

TlirniiMli the • ther so clesr. liv this Hark of his hoof

On iuy ebi-vH ) uu Will know- 'Ihat—the bay mule atnst go.

Cautorle. la nut narcotic. Mother*, Nurses and Doctors agree that for Sour-Sloma**, llitulcnry, Diarrhccii, and Comllpallon. nothing i. to prompt as old Pr. 1'itoher'a Caatoi-U. Ty atticciUting ihe food. CastoriaY glres robust health and nat- ural aleep.

in ra

i Li in.

affllelion take Simmons Liter Urgulator DYSPEPSIA.:

The rtegnlator will potillrely cure this disease. We asatrt emphatically * hat a to be true,

CONSTIPATION nhoalil not be regarded as s Irlflirjr al'uei.t NaVijre demands lie utmost ngularlly of Ihe bowelt. Therercre ssaist Nalure by Uklrg Simmons Liver Megulslor. II It harmless, mild and effectual.

PILES. Belief la at hand lor those whe suffer day alter

day with Piles. It haa cured hundreds, and wlil care you.

MALARIA. Persons may avoid all allacks br occasionally

takings doae ol Simmnna ..ivrr Uogulatorto keep the Liver in healthy nctlon.

BAD It HE A III generally arising from a disordered Htoroach, can be corrected by taking Simmons Liver I teg id a tor.

.JAUNDICE. Simitioni Idler Regulator soon eradicate! this

dlseasefroru tbe syntrni, leaving the akin clear and Iree tram all Impurities,

COLIC. Children suffering with Colic soon experience

latered. Adul thia medicine, less aud eSectl

d.'i benefit from it is not unpleasant; It t* harm- e. Purely vegetable. CAUTION.

Ite careful lhat you gel I ho (run nine Simmons Liver Itegnlslorinoiircngiaierl White Wrapper with red Z Trade Mark, ft la ml) and Signature unbroken.


J. H. ZFILIN A. CO., Sold by all Druggists. PlliLADXLPBI*.

eod V ly sen lit g

mnions Idyer Regulator Is sold by . OI1DWAT A CO.. Apothecaries, Rssex SI. and Broadway, Lawrence.


Murray & Lanman's


Hi tnl.-i ul'o:ils : Angelina (wbo has ever seen a revolving light before) — How patient aod persevering those

anilors IOJSI lie, Edwin ' The wind tins blown tliftt light out six times since they first lit i*„ and they've lighted it again each time !',—London Puneb..

When a man ean make $30,000 talking bosh in this country, it is no wonder that hnlf ihu idiots in Europe art) thicatoiiing to overrun us with lec- turing toon.—Commercial Advcrtis-

s there such n thing aB luck?'' nsks a cones[joiident. There is. For instance, if you <-rohomc at two o'clock in the morning, after promising your wife to be in early .and find her asleep, and don't tumble over any chairs, that's luck, but it Isn't to be depended on.—Oil City Derrick.

SamucL Colon is Lhe name of one of the members of a Western athletic club. It is a wonder that Home hall club doesn't get hold of him; they ought to make a good fihort stop out of n Sammy Colon.—Home Sentinel.

Professor to classical student—"If Atlas supported the world, who sup- ported Alias?" Student—"The qnes lion, BIT, has often been asked, bill never, so far as I am aware, t factoriiy answered. 1 have always been of the opinion that Atlas must have married a rich wife and got his support from her father."—New York Post.

"Then you don't want to rent me your house," said a New Haven man in search ot a rent. " Yes, yes. But you see the family in it now owe ine a little rent, nnd I don't exactly see how I can get 'cm out—" "Hang il all. Warn 'em out. That's the way they do mo;" nnd then ho wondered why a curious expression came over the fa'je of the landlord.—New Haven Register.

AB one of the wittiest critics in the musical world of Paris was leaving the opera house ou Friday last, ufler the Ii is t performance of M. Ambroise Thomas's new opera, he was nccoslcd by a fiieml, who asked him if he liked

Krancoise de Himini." "Very much Indeed," said he, "only itisbomewhat noisy; or elso 1 have a headache, I hardly know which."—London Kra.

And now tho soft, sweet, balmy days come limiting along, showering roses in the fields, itnd making the birds sing on Lhe budding boughs of tbe orchards. The brooks are begin- ning to purl, and the stage driver is laying aside his army overcoat and getting his straw hut in condition. The farmer is raising lettuce, and the hotel man is raising his rates. The wood- man is cutling down the maple, the old lady i> suiting riomi llio iittteiual overcoat to make tbe boys trousers, and the yellow dog is cutting down the street with n kettle. Hut never mind, it is not necessary to go into details ; summer is coining, and that is all we started out to say.— Puck.

They were spcuking about crnnia deformities down at lhe corner grocery last evening. "I hold," Baid a lly young man, "that a man with a big head is just as apt to be u durned fool as a man with a small head." "True/" replied an elderly man who was hold- ing down the cover to lhe BUgnr band "but he ginerally knows it and don't give himself away." The young man ordered a small liottle of spruce beer. —New Haven ltcgislcr.

A number of promising candidates for the npeakership have been placed in the chair this session, and all have had Borne friends to admire them, but giving them nil the credit tbey de- serve, the speakers nnd their subati- lutea, which is all very well so lar, who docs not know that the source of all their Impartial rulings and Bound reasonings, lies In that clear headed Clerk Marden, nnd without him the wise occupants of the chair would lie like "Moses when the light went out." —Ksscx Statesman.

@TAUR]INIMENT The Great Ileaiiug Bemedy.

An Infallible earn for Rheumatism, Kol- ntli'.i, Neurnlglis, Wounds, Ilurna, Kprelna, btlnT Joints, Spavin, uiul Lameness from

P.T.Bnriiuiii, ti i great Showman, lays t— "Among my vasttraupoof Kiuestriani, Team itan, llortci. t'iiue!.'. ami Elephant*, sums are alwaystlrnlneil. braised, or v.-. united. My Sur- geons and Veteriaariet all say, that for casual Itlet to men and animal a, nothing it BO

efficacious as Centaur Lduinicnt," 413S Fifth Av., New York, May 1Mb, 1875,

tu th aa 18m apl

Dobbins' Starch Polish.

nni^aTes> every family may

give their linen

that beautiful tin-

ith peculiar to fine

laundry work.

Ask your Grocer


PilesI Piles!! P.les!! NO ONE NEED SUFFER.

A sure cure lor the Blind, Bleeulng, llohing and Ulcerated Pllesjua been discovered by Or. William* Can Indian remedy), call.d 1'r. Wil- llsau Indian Pile Ointment. A tingle box haa cured the worst chronic rases ol' f» years Hand lag. No ono will tutTer fire uiiuutes alter spplv lag this wonderful southing medicine. fYlL- LiAH'S INDIAN Plf.K OINTMKNT absorbs the tumors, sllayt the Intense Itching (particu- larly at nlgbt after getting warm in bed}, acla as a poultice- xives Instant relief, and IsprepBred ONLV roll PI LBS. itching oiiho private parts, and nothing else.

Keadwhalllon. .fudge CoBlnbiirr, ofCleve- laod.aays: "Ihaveuted snores of plleourea, and it aflords me pleasure to say, that I have never found anything which gave ouch Immedl ate ana permanent relief, as Or. William'* Indian Pile Ointment.

For sale by all dmAgialt.er mailed on receipt or price, 11.00 war boa.

HENRY & CO.. New York City.

For tale by CJIAni.KSCLARKE.Lawrence, eodl Irraugil

ddtr _ inl or. i.rav. I

HrpoBit, More in ll.a Bladder, Slrleturu, Utijiui or Turulent IHa- . Ii.n-.f, Diseases ol (be I'm* .n i.iiuul, Blights Ill.unsc. II CHIIIIOI br ton bif;hlv teconimeniied lolbosenf either s»rx ittkletl with snv disease oftho Kidneys or madder Price per bnllle *1 alx fur »}. A.ldrre-NKW KM.LAND UKD1. CAL mriTL'TB. il Tremont Bow, Botiva afaas.

IOVS I "it li. IIIIA l oil aloratlre, supplies bower to *. restore) viintjiv.gnrs ilgor cures ncrviiu- deyre*»li.a am]

asllie wnrrl • ill.. I. ■[ n..- i.nr ly. Pries |1. Addrean or call mi the

NEW BHOLAMD MEDICAL IVSTITUTK. No. llTranonl Row, Botlon, klsts.

1 ly UH

The Ur. rain and a young ni




I. f-ya.f, qn«asf»t>n,InisMasaaas,.... .»• S. Worm*. Wi.i in tc-i-:-. W..rm Colie... .t* 3. rryliii ('id"'."ri"'«blru(..rmfaui* .1.1 .1. IILirrl.rn of > hti-lr-n nr Adults il ft. Itveriia v. Urlplnrf Itllllotis tulle,.. .11 «. i bil- a M'"Im'. 'iiina il 7. Couah*.''.il H...nrliltls. SS H. .\4-Hralal>. Timthachi*. I aceaWha, lit • Hn.laehrs. r-kk liaadarn-a. Vartlgn .1.1

111 Annpreacti or I'aliiful rerloSs,','... .XS IJ. \lhllr.. ti«rrt>rii«r--rlo,la, .' .f»

•( I'blll. Pfvar t Rheusanth

rteraaJ ., Pile*. BUn. I") I'a'nrrh. aciilo or

Ii, l.xneral IseMlllr, 11 Bllner fSSSX

If II|H><,«-„rihcllr.n. l'alpliai SON by ilrucgl-t*. or sent by tha <

Bla Vial, fre* of rhargi., on r««alpt of pice Sen.I r,>r|ir ifunn.lirry lloi.h on ntaee-.e *c Mil ,*„-. ..iln- I lu.r.,i. il t .taioaaVNtFtf-

AilJr—*, || imnliTV* M..inn,.j.*U,lc Havk telneTo , lOO Full-in Slreet, New York.

. fwjtitii —fiikism Iff All

ae*.'aW atli.n. 1 U( QamarJC


TOPS, Oraanifslsl ami Inria-

alrstetlnl*-. A lnrge vanetv ursites A ttyl es



Ac, Ac, Aa.

Terra Cotta Chimney Toot Prevent Chmneyi Pmekinff.

Terra Cotta of all Inscription*.


t"iii in in i.


MaxsKAh-'* rui'iDNimii Bear TONIC. only pr«partition of heel containing us entire nutrlilout properties, It contains blood-mak- ing, force generating and life sustaining propel ties; Invaluable fur Indigestion, Dyspepsia, nervous prost ration and all forma of general de- bility; alto, in all en trebled conditions, whether iDereaultnl exhaustion, nervout prostration, overwork or acute disease, particularly 11 re- smilng. from pulmonary complaints. CaawtLL, tlAiAHo & Co.,proprlelort, New York. Sold by DruFglsis- tsllyfy*

Morirsial UOTHKUSI I MoiiiKHt I t ] Are you dlatnrbed at night and broken ol your

real by a sli k ciiii.l suffering and iiylng with tht exeruclailiig pmn id cuitinii leeihr if so, go al once and get a noiilc of MSB. WiNBLow'a SOOTH ISO i-1 HI i-. It will n lirvr ihe poor IllUe suffer er in ii.ii.-ij ■■ ii |.i-n.| iii'nii li; there la no nils tako about it. Theie la nut a moiner < who has ever used il, who will not toll you once tnat it will rcKulaic lhe bowels, snd gl rest to the niniiier, snd rebel ami health ta the child, openitnig like magie. It ia perfectly to use in all casrs, ami pleasant to the Uale, anil Is tbe prescription of oncol 'be oldest and beat larnuleebyticiaii* an I nui ses In the Uuited Stales. Sold everywiiere; K™iUi Imllle.

■lUreod lanlirnl

CEPHALINE. No Discover.! ol the Ag-o Equals It.

Pliyfsiclaus Indorse it.

The Public Extols It.

IT relieves Sick ami Servons Headache al oaoe I and prevents Ih iirrecurrence Is invaluable jr Liver Trouble?, tlnr in.c l.idlgeatioe, Nerv uis Dvspeu*ls, and Conatiiiallon. llloedstnc Iraln and Sorrc. nurea Kpilrpsj ami Convul- iona, prevents Insanity am) I'araiysir; allnys lesirn for opium ami stl*r>iiraoti; removesoV ■ tritciiii!.* (I the brain, insure* al«f)> to the vakeful, strength io tie iei ble, snd health to all Nervous SunVrer*. (>iud stamp st ones lor plini.l.l-lt cenLiliiiiig posit! w pmola.

Buy of your druggial if possible; 11 not, we will mail ll, i> aipaiil iiiioii rccitpt of price, SOe

)oiialx boxes, f*.n». Addrcit, U. r.TIIAVKK A CO.,

12 Temple Place. Uotton, Mass. ntlcn till, paper.


tohi&ffi&M taaleow Sllat ull.l


QUAKER BITTERS. WhatareQUAKKR niTTKasr Arnold Quaker

remedy ituit nas'lout more to relieve suDoling humanity thun all other nediclncs combined.

These celebrated Hitler* era enmre-ed choice H nil., ll.i in and Ilnrks, tiunsf wbleh areUentlan. narsapnnlbi, Wild Cherry, Dande Hon. Juniper, and oilier b-rriea. snd are an pre- pared aa In retain all their mclirloal qmltUes. They Invariably cure or greatly relievo tee lollowinc ro nphilnt*: llyrpejisla, Jauadlce, Liver ComnluinU, Loss or A npellle, Ilendiebes, Biiloua Altaclis, Itlie mallsm, fummer Com IJUnits, Piles, Kidney Diseases, Female DiOscul- llet, La-i.iiii.ie. LOST Ppirlls, Urneral Debility and la u.n everyibinz nniised by an Impure slate of the Blood or deiangcd condition ol the Stomach. Liver or Ktdneva. The aa'd Und In theQuaker Hitters a gentle eooihikg sliraulanl so desirable tu itielr declining years.

Eminent riiyslcliins presciibe Ihem.and eommiml ihe r u-c, and pronounce ihem beat Cure (nr all Dis>asea of tbe lilood, AUmach Liver and Kldaer. No one can remain long unwell (unless aaicled with an Incurable dls ease) after taking a lew bottles ol the Quaker Bitters. roraaleby Drugslatssnd Dealers Is Medic verywhere. eodfllvaelT I



ICE CREAM. The Lawrence Ice Oreani Company areprenared to furnish Ice Cream, made from Pure Cream, at 40 cents per quart, • 1.19 per gallon. Mnui.lr.l In any lortn. Individual moulds t' per dosen. Families can be supplied with any

variety at their reel lances ou regular days. Factory 3TB Urthuen eiirect, Plllsbury'a Block. OAoea D-N.AC. II. liar,in, lu Essex street; ■mitt A Wheeler,cor. Haverhlll|aniI|Easl Haver- till streets.

Family orders solicited, Cream delivered on Sundays.

A.J.LEHNED ft CO., Proprietors. H 6m BUS


Hat;removed to

MArstton's Block, 301 Broadway let liw ISm

rflSaaJl A


CORNS. (hard or soft) Wai tt and Ca I tou set, w 111 he glad to learn thai ihey can be warranted a cure by ualng tbe

Ciant Corn Killer, No cure.no pay. Does not raske Ihe leel 1'rtne SKI. Prepared only by Henry A. Miner, PbarmncUt, Cambridge, Atss-. Beware ol Init- iations.

For sate In Ltwrence by Keller A Buller, Jas, II. Scotl, K. S. Tatee, Ctiaa. Clarke, Oeo. E Chlckering, J. C. Arore, A. L. Young A Co, A P.Ordway A Co., Fred Berry, C.U.BeedleA Co, Breen Brot., A. It. (.ilidden Oeo. F.Talbol. II. M. Whitney A Co., A. F. Holt. H. F. Snlllvan John W, Crawford, E.iwln Wood, C. C. Taibot.


S25,9OOPR0FITin60DATS Hannibal & SI Joseuli Common Stock

August, 1881,sold atOl. September, 1881, aold st 350.

i..i,v.i,c.o.259p6f ct. '»8i»"ii*" K.KIHU

S25.900 prnfiloneach 100 shares 12,950 " " 50 " 2,590 " " 10 " 1,295 " " 5 "

Himaol tin SJi, g.lo, fl.ooo invc-i-d Withei]iiBl prnjiorrionnie success 'y our NKW COM HIN ATltlN HVfll Elf ol operating In alonka Weeklyabslrsct oi trantietlonsmalUdto share- holders; profits divided eveiv SOdaja.

FULL isriiauATioN Uni.iu Fnr*. Add rets

New England Stock Exchange, 63 Asylum St.. Hartford, Conn,

Deposits received tuldecl lo cheek at elghL Coupons, Dl /Mends, Interest, Notes,ele , i ol-

ler.ted with prompt ramlllaeoe. All laauea of Oovernnicnl Bonds purchased and for sale fras of commission sharget. Vtlf lssfT



Looking Glasses




Scow'ing .

POLISH Aw ™* ruLion^ f mm

eod V lyr marJT

TO LADIES ONLY! I Wa will «S I IU..IIIVI MI.,r.lsl»S S.lUr t.Us, 1 ■

SsaaUfBI ailtH-.iBteS Sacsr Shall ,1 IWM.IC, -Laanaaal ntMaatSStSMaaWtsA. r«ui Ettl f» as te ciws at™ *

ti ,n , sad i ivsuiiful HHntrauS -i.iil i. tki aasSht, pwt-paM If IS il..«irtl iuaa si. n_ •uimmtmSSXi*.

Augutla, Maine. AiMreis Taun ACO


ROSES ■J.yaarCBOICBAl Strong Pot Pliuts, fee

■ anu-ai iininnJlstnWiKioi.il'- ....... i I

■ aa » u'j P-»-P*WtoiuPolu->

WAYlJtilalXI r New tlnlste, a nai.M, rrWtas-OtE'

e* i*, H-—MPl..s'ryo*J(|i dluSr-UI^aal I* KCb THE DINCEE A CONARD CO.

avasseUrtrwcra, WewtlJrevcClteaicrCe.Pa

intrcit ay

Salesroom 286. mon Street.

F.csidcnce, 265 Com- UlyrJAn 1

BY PEDRICK tk CLOSSON. t eow in.ii M m

CUT THIS OUT1 ,fii!T.,S15i2S40wV.V We havn stores In IG leadInff Cities, ] mm which our agent* obtalu Iheir rat-pUni unlikly. Our Frirtorle^ ami Principal tlHlee« u« at trie, l'n. K.-ud for our New Catalsigne and terms to agents Addnss

M. N. LOVEIi ioSWS. Vs.T 1 lyr niai :t t

<;i:oict:i; WII.KHS, Jr. black, star, little white on every foot, IM hands, weight 1079 lot.,'11 years old. Took the flret premium at Manchester, N. II,, State Fair, A, II.

it.;.., also at Riadlord, Vt„ Slate Fair. UBi. Never trained rcr the track. Shows quarters

and halftones every day in S3 and i.li. la pore galled,Kind,nny lady can drive him, hit ge'.are feat snu senile. WII L MAKE ll.eseason aimv Pavilion Stock Stables. Melroio. Mesa. gAOlo advance; If uotprodurlive, no charge Tor next season. 9flc. a day while waiting, with bee* eare. We take charge or mares al Boston or Melrose, PATH II EN KINO, bright nay,9 years old. ml hands, SJJihc senson. "IK IIKCTOR WILKE8. seal brown, :r.| bands, I y-ara old, sired bv«. Wiltes, Jr., dum the John Shrpard maie; Just broken to harness; can trot la9.(0, |%B aaaaon.

S S.nOUGUTON.Ueliose, Mass., nrtiTrt- moot l., ll.i [mi.



Will Cure,when inl tha Power cf Medicine.

Dyspepsia, Indigestion,' General Debility. Headache, Female

Weaknfis*, all'lDiseasos of the Blood, Bladder and

Kidneys. ■ale l.i A. I *

...fALBOT. 1 _ TON, 14 Auesbnry street, and all flrst class eaters.



•iralc, Still.ntU, and many of the best medi-

K-JMMUI I Aomc, into a medicine I nfaivh varied powers, aa to Btjfnj it die 6rcjte« ll|>d l'ni,r,. r snd the

UestllealthA-ttreagl Beston r Ever Uari. It cures R hen mat inn,

Ekeplet.neit fie diiescss of tlic M.wuch, Bowed, LiinC*. LiverA Kidneys, r- icniire!/diAavsntfrosn

tc.T, (linger Fja 1 wher Tonics.

ia* never i^ioxkjles. BMH r-fk""-- fi l'a, Chemitts, N. Y.


Parker's Hair Balsam, fi

I IT Jos



a-asrsn suss Vh oroioi

$66: Poriiaat

week In your own town. Terms and SO OulSt free. Address II HALUTTA CO .

Hi dsis * otnand, Maine.
