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^hc-SLaiPrencc 'TKmerican JUCD

ANDOVER* ADVERTISER, Every Krldsy Kveuing, by

OBO. B. MERRILL 3, CO., Proprietors, Cor. Essex and Appleton 8U., Liwruci.


11.00 ln.Olr 80.00 80.00 SS.UQ MOO- iO.00.100.40 (3.O0 60.00 IOO.IW aoo.ou

1 Inch. • l.u llncb 4.00 fool. 7.00

eol. 11.00 Col. 00.00

Ko rate of lees that. Asalgnoea' and Administrator** Notice*, tz-tw-

l(MiMi|M',Di Probate aad otbar Legal Noticou, - -o fur throe InxrUumgrliMi,

*8 Pit 00B t, ~ 8* wr square for thro

SWlal Notice* ai p Bueineea Notice*.

Tbo circulation of the Lawrence Ameri- can Is more than THESE TIMHa that, of nny other Weekly Paper published In

tbla city.

%h« 9ai(8 -JWmcricon

Jk w

KVKKY KVJCNING (Baadeyexe+pted,)

U the largest Dolly I. tbo etty, sort bee rear the circulation of any other.


One Tsar,- • •bOOOjMx Months, - • VbM HOt paid lo SAvaale, SO,



STEAM PRINTING OFFICE It tbo largest aad soot tbotoBiblyferriiiil la •BOtOTBltUBMOlBOMU. a*TtB|tbBBM0tfcBaMOetf ~-'"**•• ~-* —ITI i iiiiiiiimniifu

"iwtir ITILII OP TTM,*

0*4 with o«r extensive variety ol wea-t, we bro Bbloto famish tbo feit Quality of Work, iBniM tloesly, til M loo briOM. Orders hy snail promptly SUed,

OBO. S.MERRILL* CO., ProprieUn,

" 1 M oo c. I

BOO 1—X 0T.. LtWRSMCt.



Sewing Machine.

Simplicity, Durability 8r Beauty, IT STANDS UNMV.U.ID.

For StltrhtDV, Hemming, Tucking, Fell- 1'HC, Quilling, Cording, Binding,

Hrsiillng, Gstlioring tnd Sewing on Oatheri,


in tbt* wo bavt all that Is practical 1B any Family Machine.

We Mil Machines upon the

INSTALLMENT PLAN, that putting them wllliln the reach of all per tic*.

Thorough and anti.ftclory Instruction glvi-n to aach purcliaat-r. and the Machine tcurranttd and kept in irnlrr three year* frte of charge.

Thanking our friend, for the liberal patronage •steaded to ue for the past year, «* would lav it* those who have not purchased, to call and exam- In. the IMPBOVKD WILSON, which 1. laat be coming t ha Itadiitg Machine of the United Stale*.

8. E. LAWRENCE, W. 11. HOOBB, Agenti for Lawrence, Ilavarhll], Andover, Me-

thnen, Bradford, Salem, Wlndham, ate, omdU OtTIOI AMD HitLMIM* AT

No. 397 Essex Street, Lawrence. Old atand of Moore ft Field'. Clot bine Store.


Soap and Candle Factory, L. BBAOU * BON, Proprlatora,

M»nn facto ran of

Scouring s Fulling Soapa For WoolOBHUla.Bkt Manafeotorlea.eto.

Hard Soap, Candles, Tallow, NEAT'S FOOT OIL, ETC.

Comer of Lawrence & Maple Sta., i- TI LAWRENCE,


Drain Pipe Co. w. A. KIUBALL &.co.

bavaheea appointed A cent* for tbe above Corn panj, and offer their .Stone Wire at

Wholesale at Manufacturers' Prices. DRAIN PIPE, the Terr bet'., at low aa other of

Inferior quality. ___

WRINGING MACHINES to arranged that any one la a moment can decide which la the bait. All kind* of Maohlne* repaired at the Hardware Store of

W. A. EIMBALL A CO., 217 Essex Street, - - - Lawrence

W.A. ElatllAU,. OXl J W. P, KIMBALL,



$3(J,000,000 Insurance Capital Represented.

LIFE. Aueti tis.no.ese

i are lower tban any other



Our Sales the past year will convince nil

That In part fouler the

American Cam Machine

Ii wanted la lull market. It

The Batten Bolet will not rarel or wear out, aa many Intireiied la the aale of other machines constantly report. I challenge the world to prove to the contrary. It li a

Staunch, Smooth, Quiet Running,

Batlly Managed and Adjutted Machine la orory partlonlar.

T B Y I T .

THE PLAIN AMERICAN le all we alalm for tbe cm except for

Button Holes and Overscaming.

Bat leta machinery, and It aaaler to regulate than any other maehlae In the market.

We give our wholo lime to the


And keep a

LARGER ASSORTMENT Than aoy other Agent thla tide of Boiton,

We ate aleo Agent» for tbe

HLow.e Mac] linos * For MaDnfaetnring and Family Sewing. We

.have, allO, the

WEED, SINGER. FLORENCE, And many other kipJi, aonetaatly on hand, rang,

log In price from $8 to $t.4it.

We WAXKAXT every Machine wo tell to give perfect Httitfactkm, We tell on tnttallmtntt. It detlred.

IN8TBUCTION furnlthcd cither at itore or reitdenoc gfatnltontly,


Weed, Singer, Floreooe, Wheeler A Wllion, Leavltt, and other Machinal, whfeh we will tell cheap at FIVE DOLLARS down, and FIVE per month until paid for.


Fruit and Ornamental Trees, AND


Order Sox at A. A. l.ANPREYQ €0*8, 343 Kite* Street, Lawrence.

OEO. W. OAOE. Mclhuen, April Mill, 1871. U



Good ai'ortment. AU arc now offered Low.

HATS, Beit tlylot, from 23 centi to H.OO, aicordlog to


Trimmctl Hals, 81.00, 81.2.>. $1.60.


arc to be worn much more than formerly, and wo arc now islllng Neopolltan, Leghorn, Chip, elo., at VKBV HODBST TDICES from former teatoni.— Oar aieortment It complete, and we again to lie it the ume'liberal patronage that baa been bettowed npon u) for the paat ilfteen yean by the people ot Lawrence, Andover, No, Andover, and Methnen,

MOURNING GOODS. A complete aiaortmrnt conttantly on hand.

Eemcmbrr the old ttand,—

305 Essex St. Corner of Lawrence St.


E. A. ARCHIBALD, M an u facto rer or

Oast Iron . Hubbed Wheels, By hbi Patent Press rrocess.


Ailro anil Running Tatto lor Tram Wngona,

Or Every Deicrlptlon,

UF.TIIUEK, at A 8 9 .

OS-Slnee theae Wheel, not only claim, bnt are proved to be to much anterior to the ordinary Wheel, and are MOT von* vxrxittiVB, BO OBO IntetMUd laO«ld fail •* l»»t tU" «..in t„ hlmtelf. apf



hat removed from Andover to F37S Essex St., Lawrence.

Nil runt Oxldo Oaa admlnlatered, , Beference—Faoaltv. lUrT.nl Dental CoUcfra- No. 371 Hnex St., (over atore of S. B. W. Davli,

mylO Tailor.)

BRASS INSTRUMENTS Of the Most Approved Manufacture.

Very Large Stork, at tow Price*.


FLAOICOLUTS, KIFKH, and all other Knelcal

JBtna, of Hartford, aVrThe ^tna'e rat


State Mutual Life Assurance Co. of Woioeeter, Maia,

Cliartercl 1844. Accumulated Fund, tl.OogjMU.H I>oaaei paid, 719,laO.O0 Dlvldende paid, 4dl,872.M

Principles: CASH In all botlnt.i.-CAHE In the .election ol

ritkt.—PKUDBNCB la Invcttlng the preml- rot.--A:

plaaof dlttrlbatlc-. All. rOLIOIBB BOH-VOBrBITABLB under

the law of Maiiaehaietti. giving to (bo am lallequlvaleatforevervdouarpardtothecon

NO HTOCBUOLDBB8 to make a profit the beiineai.all tnralm and the entire an

__g noloi or tbe deceaitd. The Intere.t alone received on tbe Inveitad

Fnndt of the Company, In the laat ton yean, bat paid all the lotaet by Death during that period, and lhlrty-flve(34)per cent, of all other expentrt,

What other Lite Company can tbow at good t

FIRE ' Franklin, of Philadelphia, Aateti t3,087,48fl

Royal, of Bnglaad, Hide and Leather, Boiton, ■ Bar Stato, Woroeiter, ■ntorprlao, Penn., riremon'a, Now Totk, Buffalo r. M.. New York, Woatoneater, "

0,178,778 438,808 10B.B17 011,054 SBs.oeo 473,677 485,314

I'ollolei I tuned and loaaei promptly and honor- ably adjaated at my OlBee,

8pecial lndnoemenla offered to parllet having la ten nee lo effect lu large or until amonou.

Give nao a eall before renewing your pollclei alee where.

Hide and Leather Insurance Co., of Hoiton.Mati,

Capital, $300,000.00 Asset*, Uo.806.00


S8S Essex Street, - - Lawrence, r. O. Box Sti.

Tbere were Sold In Ibe Year 1870.

8,841 op





General Sewing Machine Agency,

164 Essex tt., Lawronco.

Important, if True! There were told In the year 1870,

MORE THAN 10,000

of the Celebrated

CUCUMBER-WOOD PUMP, meaturlng aboat 160,000 foot In length,oranfll- olent In tbe aggregate for a

Well nearly 50 Miles deep!

They are olabple la r onslrnctlon! Easy In operation 1

Give no bad tnote lo ibe walerl Durable I

Will not freesenpl Reliable I


Cheap tit Water Drawer in the \Torldt

To any ■arson doubting the above att we miUQIVK A PUMP without charge, if, upoo trial, they fall to meet the recommend,

•V-Rc atTRK that you get your POMF from an AU rn.mir KI> Agent of oura, ai we guarantee the genulaeneaaof no Pamp but oarowa, Itapll

W. A. KIMBALL St CO., Agents for Lnwrcnce and Vlolnlty.


Hats & Bonnets Now opening at


Millinery and Fancy Goods. AloUllaeof

Dreio Tiiinminet, Uaslery, tiloveo. Jet Jewelry.

Ami SmallWarcs of Every DsiQtipUoQj

Alto, Ageat for the E L I A S It 0 W E

improved Family SEWING MACHINE,

199 Essex Street, Lawrence.


Paper Hangings.


PIANOS A MKLOlIKONS for Bale and to Let. liuile for Bandt, Umlc Book., and all kindt ol

Muilral Mcrohandlie.

JOUN C. UAYNE8 & CO., lrmb3Pb 83 Court St., Boston.


Northern Pacific Railroad. RAPID PROGRESS of the WORK.

(begun July hut) H being puihed torward with Ireat energy from both extremltlrt of the llae.

everal tbouund men arc employed In Mlnnoeota -nil on the Paclflo eoaat. The grade It nearly eoinpleted 'JlHi mllei wettward from Lake Supe- rior; tralneare running over lAOmllec Of flnlih- ed road, and track laying it rapidly progretolng toward the eatternbordtr of Dakota. loeladlng the purchate of the Bt.Taul a Paolflo Boad, the Northern I'nclDo Company now bat «f J mllei Ot oompleted road, and by September next Ihlt will be Increased to at leatt BOO.

A UOUU IflVMTMKHT,-Jay Cook* ft Co. arc now lelliiig.and unbraliatlngly reoom- mrnd, ai a Prolltable and perfeeity Safe taveit- men!, the Klr.t Mortgage Land Grant Gold Bond! of the Northern t'uclflc lUtlroad Compa- nv. They have 30 yeara to run, bear Seven and Ibrce-Tentbi per cent, gold lnterrit, (more than 8 par cent, currency,) and are aeeured by fleet and only mortgage on the Baffin ROAII and Ita ■QUIPMBNTB, and alao, aa fait at the Boad la completed, ~

,000 „,or8

_. J exempt lroro U. 8. Tax; Principal and Inter- e.t are payable In Gold. Denoinlnatlont;—Cou- poni, SlOUlo f 1,000 ; IteclMered, |100 lo 110.000.

LANDS FUlt BOA DM. — Northern paclfle 7-801 arc at all tlmtt receivable at TKK PKR CKKT. AiioYB I-AII, in exchange for the Company'! Landi.tt their loweat ca.h price. Thltrendere them practically iMTtnaar BEABIXU LAXD WARRANTS.

SINK I.\<i FUND—The proceed, of all aalea of Land" are required to be devoted to the re- purchate and e-iitcrllatlon of the Flr.t Mortgage flondt or the Company. The Land Grant of the Hoad exreedt Kitty Million Aorce. Tbli Immeote "'iking funo will uiidouhledly cancel tbe prlncl-

iii ibe Company'i bonded debt before-It lalli ih..l. ■mulu .prurllv and hlah rate ol

i the

'©he ^Cmmcatt. WHAT FR ANOB HAS LOST.

Tbe Little Napoleon. IB COL'XT ABO COURTir,AH* OF THE UaTIBB.

The world Is surely growing; more de- cent. A public opinion has arisen lo Europe which compels even kings to pay some external respect to the demands of propriety. It may fairly be questioned whether, at heart, Isabel of Bourbon U any unprovemeut on Catharine of Koasta. Vkto r Emaavael U aa p4oma and aa profli- gate as any of tbe Medlcis. Tbo Prince of vTalee Is as fat and fast as any George of them all. And the vloes of tbe empire leave nothing- to be envied to tbe orgies of the regency and the infamies of the Paro-aox-Cerfs. That Is to say, nothing but publicity. Here Is the great change from the older times. Tbe luxury and the responsibility of licentiousness. But tbe unwilling tribute which monarchy now pays to the spirit of tbe age Is hypoc- risy- Ike loves of kings are meant to be si secret as those .of hinds. They are no longer lifted so far shove mortality In the estimation of the common mind that the magic of tbe throne turns foulness to honor. Generals and Marshals of France would not to-day crowd aroood the car- riage of Hiss Howard nt Longehamps, as a hundred years ago they dkl homage at the sedan-chair of Du Barry. The most pliant of nnoclos, the soperservloeable Monsignore Chlgl himself, would scarce- ly hold tbe slippers of Cora Pearl at bar levee, as bis predecessor did for the neat little feet of tbe mistress of Louis the Well-Beloved. Tbere are too many Jour- nalists la France for a king to go masked to an opera ball. Tbe printer's power snd the brick-bat's range, that Halleck sang about, exercise, a most wholesome moral influence on philandering royalty.

Count circles are therefore put to a good deal of trouble to be vicious with discretion. Fortunately, every palace swarms with a crowd of noble lackeys, called grooms, cqueerles, and chamber* lains, who used to be busied In ar- ranging the ceremonies of tbe court. Now there are no ceremonies to speak of. The dally life of kings has become almost as simple as that of any wealthy citizen. So that Satan puts his work naturally In- to these Idle hands. The gultded water- flies that Ailed tbe Tullerlts during the last few years had little more to do than to arrange the»n*n»M nla/jin of their mat- ter and his guests. I remember a aavage word of a Turkish politician who accom- panied the Hultsn to Paris In 1867. He was tilled With Banavnm-nf aaut .lUffiiar at seeing men cf great title and biasing or- ders performing the degrading functions that In any heathen country wonld have been left to slaves. " Who are these Csux, these Gallferi, these MuratsT" he asked of a friend whom he met by chance in the street. "Are the nobles of France ill mackerels?*' The contempt lusplred In all Intelligent princes and ministers by these high born panders has doubtless been a serious Injury to French diploma- cy.

•i"1 - Company'i bonded debt brfora-Ti With tin ir amplo iccurlty and high r

Mill.' I

A WELL OVEIt 40 MILES DEEP, NiutnWJi aatMrF*ea»BW~<SWai Operation— Giv-

ing no nufffoiae fFulr-r—ihirabtt— KrtifiU'nn,l Ckntp.

Theae Pumpa are their own be.t tecomniendallon. For aale by Dealera In litrdware and Agrlenl-

taral Implement., 1'luu.ber., Pump Hakrri. etc, throughout the country, t'lrcalar., <.tc , lurnlth- ed nooa application, by mail or olherwlia.

Single Pumpi forwarded lo patllei la towni Kktrt J tort HO eatntt upon receipt of tbe regu lar retail prleo.

In bujlng.be careful thai your Tump bean my trademark at above, at 1 guarantee no other.

CHAS.G. BLATCHLEY, Manufr, Ofnoo and Wuoroom,

Intercit, tbere It no inveitment, aeceMll --opie, whisk it more r-nurlTABi.a or SAM, ■VxCllAMaiSfU V. 8. KIVK-TWKN-

TIK».—Tin: ancceta of tbe New Governments C'r cent. Loan will compel the early .urrender ol

died Stntet 0 per ceuti. Many buldera of tTve- Twentlet are now exchanging them for Northern Ptcillc M yen-1 blrtlet, thua reallilng a handtome prom,anil gnat'Y increaalog their yearly Income.

OTHKH fctfcCIUTIatrJ.—Ail marketable Stock, and llondi will be received at their hlgbeat curmit price In exchange for Northern I'tolBc Serrn-Tlilrilc*. Kxi'KXSri diAHotta on Money or Honda received, and OB Hcvan-Thlrllee cent In re- turn, will lie paid by the financial Agent., foil Inroimall'ii, map., pampblett, etc., etn be ob- tained un iLi-plu-ailoii at a*y agency, or from the nuder.l-iied. JAY COOK E A. CO.

Philadelphia, N«w lork, Wa.hn.xtuD, Kluanclul Ag'i" Northrrn I'an lie Railroad Co.

HKKlVHTXIt. HWKBT «t VO Hotton, tiemml Agent, lor Maa.achutotU, New UamnalilrrandUaTne.


Agenii lor Lawrence, n leoi^mieV UOM-S BWIFT, Caibtrr Andover National

bank. Agrnt fur Andover.

Gilt Mouldings, IS AT

383 Washington St. BOSTON.

DENNETT & BLISS, Wholesale and Retail Dealer!.

634 ft 626 Filbert St., Philadelphia. I t.„lto,» coantm p,p.r uutcr. «,w. SMfckcaPa WlBtMllb


Real Estate Journal The only Paper duoled eteluaittlp to lltal

Ettatt in .WIT F.najand.

Publltbed on the flttt and flfteeolh of every month, nt one dollar a year, by JAMKB G BAY, at No. in Trcmont Row. Boiton. H.mple eopld cent frrr to any addrete. UtitapMub


Uenl Estate Sold and Let. ^



anil Betldence, So. tl Oak Street,


It Is but fslr to say that the name of the Empress brs never been associated with these disorders of the palace. She passed a youth of somewhat discursive flirtation in that society of Madrid wblch could not avoid receiving a certain taint ol corrup- tion from the shameless example of the Queen. Isabella Segunda waa a woman of nature so thoroughly corrupt that It would seem Impossible for any rigid puri- ty to exist In her scandalous court. She was outwardly as good a Catholic, bow- ever, as she was a bad wife, and still fur- ther poisoned the conscience of bar cour- tiers by a debonair and thoughtless gen- erosity and good-humor which gave a dangerous attraction to her vicious life. Vet there were in this free-and-easy court some reputations without blemish. One of these was tbe Queen's own sister, the Duchess of Montpensler, and another was not Eugenie de Montljo. This lovely blonde was too beautiful and too kind to escape calumny before she went with her judicious mother to Paris to ensnare with her mature fascinations the phlegmatic parvenu Emperor.

Tbe golden-haired Andalustan'e flirta- tions ended with this enorm ova success. To all tbe left-handed offers of her sigh- ing swsln, she replied In langnage doubt- lees prompted by her splrituelle mamma:

For your wife I am too little; for your mistress I am too much." He was safely hooked, and she soon landed him high and dry before the altar, liar lire before marriage has been set down with the mal- ice of a sho-devil lo the Infamous book of Madame lUttsasl, called Le jafaHatrctrwNe JTsewfraoJo. This witty lady, woo Is cous- in to the Emperor, and wife of the First Minister of .Italy, has snatched a grace beyond tho reach of art, and gilds the re- fined gold or Bonapartlst scandal In this llbelous romance. We do not think so 111 or tbe Bonspsrtes as to believe what ihcy say of each other. Bnt whatever may have been tbe amiable Indiscretions of Miss Montljo, It cannot fairly be denied that Madame Bonaparte, as Bochefort and the Rappel style her, has been a good wire and mother. It would Indicate-, per- haps, too naive a credulity to imagine her lu love with her husband, but she has si- ways treated bloi with decorous respect and official fidelity.

On the oilier hand, he married her In a blind and unreasoning aoeess of passion, and has never ceased to love her with something near Idolatry. And yet his Infidelities have been gross and numer- ous. The enforced respect for public opinion, which has become necessary In this age of discussion, has prevented a renewal of the lively scenes of tbe reign of the Fifteenth Lmilt, but In his slv, fur- tire way the lste Emperor, Louis le Se- dsntalre, has proved himself the true son of his true parents. I make no allutlon to the sometime King of Holland.

This hereditary tendency to twilight adventures has long been known In the clnbs of 1'ari*. but, on account of Ilio rigid centotahlp maintained over the press, has never been the subject or gcu- eral comment. Kocently, however, s commission of the Provisional Govern- ment, In ransacking the private cabinets of tbe i'uilcrles, came across a package of documents tied with ribbon, and In-

1 dorsed In the Emperor's own handwrit-

ing, Lettrtt « garter, which contain suffi- cient written evidence to enable the fal r mistress of Calssatmrst to sue before Lord Penzanee with an absolute certainty of divorce. But where tbere is no love there Is no jealousy, and tt Is probable the ex-Empress will not cut off her name to spite her spouse, but will continue lo overlook the treasons she has so often condoned.

One peculiarity of these secret papers la that they do Dot compromise any la- dles of rank. The first Emperor, In his lion-like wooing, never descended below thn olrole of aristocracy. His relations with high-born ladles are photographed en the handsome faces of Count Walews- kl and a late President ot tbe Austri- an Parliament. But the, son of Hortense indicates his democratic affinities In noth- ing so much as In Ms choice lot sweet hearts. His eldest son, the Cotnte de Heche vet, Is the fruit of his liaison with the turnkey's daughter at Ham;1 and the two names most frequently met with in this gallant chronicle are those of Ma- dame Howard and Maguerlte Bellanger. Tbe former lady Is said, on the esoteric authority of Madame Bonaparte Wyse- BattaztI, to have been bar-maid In a Lon- don dance-house of evil report, where the exiled Prince met her In his shabby Eng- lish days. She followed him to Paris, and was anally discarded with a msgnlfl- cent endowment and the title of Countess of Beauregard not long after the coup 4 etat, and re-habilitated herself socially by

marriage with Capt. Trevolyan, In whose eyes her rent-roll covered a multi- tude of memories.

Marguerite Bellanger was, If the term be not obsolete, a grlsetta of tbe empire. Born of tbe lowest grade of the Paris pro- letariat, she grew up amid her mother's wasbtnbs a frail, delicate beauty, with that air of aristocratic lsngor that aomes rather from deficient vitality than high birth. She was too pretty to escape tbe oBsthetlo eyes of the students of her quar- ter, and almost before she was growu, she had gained t certain vogue among the soiled doves of the Left Bank of the Seine. One evening His Imperial Majesty waa promenading with a single aide-de- camp, by the border of the Lake In the Bols de Boulogne, and this pale, pretty crest urc caaght his eye—the well known eye of Badlnguet, tbe cold, sleepy, vli-

cye of a dead shark. He accosted her with his own Inimitable manner, where Jaojuee Strop tries so bard to be Robert Macaire. She did not recognize Cscsar in her Impertinent admirer, and answered with the ready candor j of the Latin Quarter, H i,„tw mot tranqntlte, M'H' eanaill'—T -t raU »"• "trie, hlack-

Common people cirf never know tbe delight which an honest Insult can give to the Jaded senses of a despot. This brutality from the carmlned Dps or a girl of tbe gutter, completely fascinated the autocrat of France. He felt the Joy which Browning's queen declares she would know If the sentinel at the palace should some day throw away his halberd, aud, seising hex In hi. rode arms, kiss her breath away. This street Arab treated him with natural scorn, and the Emperor was charmed and enslaved. Of course, aa soon as Jupiter came In his glory, this Semele yielded, and positively seemed to have acquired a certain regard for her munificent protector.

What female heart oan gold deaplac ? What cat's aT.ru lo flak f

As for the Emperor, he seemed to be completely Infatuated with what Balzac calls cette effroyabie ptuiton de* titillard* eorrompu*. Among the documents found In his private cabinet, Is one showing the remarkable trust and confidence he re- posed In this girl of the people—select- ing her aa tbe putative mother of a child bom In the TuUerles, under shady cir- cumstances.

Two scandals In rapid succession broke up the relation between them. The Em- peror was one dsy prostrated by an epi- leptic attack In Marguerite's houae. The frightened girl called In the nearest doc- tor, and he, with a commendable desire of making the best of the wind-fall, balled a passing cab, and took tbe strick- en potentate home to the TuUerles. The story was too appetizing to be kept from general currency, end Mademoiselle Bel- langer waa requested by an agent of tbe Empress to leave Paris. She politely de- clined, saying she found the air of the capital remarkably good for ber lungs. Her airy Insolence saved her lrom fur- ther molestation. But shortly after he: empty bead being turned with ber suc- cess, she bad tho Indecent effrontery lo drive across the head of the Empress's horses In the Bni|,_»r*d thla lime tbo Pre- fect of Police peeked$er out or the city

predate why Strauss was born and the ■' Blaue Donan" was written. There are women there so old and so sadly wise that they must have flirted with Mrs- beau snd danced with Egallie— but if you opened your arms and shot yonr eyes you could Imagine yon were spinning with a youthful sylphlde froth from a dewy vale of Tbeaaaly. It waa in this place that I last saw Marguerite Bellan- ger, dashing through tbe long hall In tbe arms of tbe Incomparable Perrln—danc- ing master and Corporator tbo Nations] Guard—her great tjtt aflame with the soul of the mualc, ber paMld cheek* Just touched with rose, home on In the rush of the walla like a slim comet dragging a trail of tulle. It was plain to see that her wild and vivid life was drawing near its close; that she would soon go, with her ill balanced ledger of weakness and follies, and wickedness and fitful useless goodness—for Marguerite was as gener- ous as the day, and prided herself, like Ninon, on being " an honest man"—to meet her judge and confront her betray-

'Whe mCmetican. LAWRENCE, FRIDAY, MAY S IJLJ LVL^I.U,.—LJ .■■ .1 i ajij

to Belgium, where she remained a. year; snd on her return, fresh fields and pas- ture J saw had allured her fickle shep- herd, and their relations never were re- sumed.

But tbe pale cheek ot Marguerite had like Lady Corlsande's received the seal of majesty, and she nover after lacked homage and protection. She moved through the little world of Paris with "oinethltig of a goddess bearing—a Ve- nus Anadyomeue, slthough sprung from the foam of the material soapsuds; there Is nothing so loyal as vice, and any of tbe prirta creees of Paris felt almost as much honored by having La slargot on bis arm as by west lug tile Napoleon's ribbon In his button bole. At the Bsaemblkts In the rue de la Vletolre, which Mr. Perrin used to call, In blsfioild style, Evenings of Youth, .there people went purely to danoe, you could frequently see this frail, fairy sprite, dressed with a rashness aud csre that attested how more tban Paeto- llan are tbe sands ot time when kings hold the hour glass, surrounded by little gaudlns, whom she snuhbeil and scorned, aud dancing all the wsluea with the flory possession of a Menad. It wss there one could see tho true " round dance." Not in Mobile, where hair dressers and street walkers skip over the gravel at two francs an hour; not In the CWMHM des Ltlss, where tbe grotesque It the only object of study; not In Hie iftloua of society where awkward youths snd maidens go bumping through ii, en inhered space In the touching delusion that they ere waltz- ing—bnt If you would ipend one fortu- nate hour'ansong tbe thoroughly broken goers of lAboruVj.you could then ap-


There fs little change In atrUrs lo Paris; tho commanttts are boasting of having gained sev- eral advantages, and silenced one fort; by mistake they have captured a Prussian battery. Thttra ssys the contcai it between alt France and the Paris mob, Tho official ttatement of the losses of tte communists to Tuesday, sums op 9000 killed snd wonnded, beslies 3000 prisoners. Oo Monday night a balloon started aecrctlr from College RolHa. Tho Mot a'Or- dro alleges that tbo people of Tonloaso have risen In insurrection, and thai many or the streets are Hlled with barricades.

Tbe colored people ore firing by hundreds from tho Interior counties of South Carolina, deserting their homes In fear of sttassiaatloa by the kn kb». Eleven hundred have fled from one county alone, leaving crops in the field. Many planters will bo ruined for want of their labor.

At the State prison, yesterday, a convict struck Joseph Trnetle, one of the overseers lo the shoe department, In tho lace with a ham- mer, crashing In the nose; ihe wound is s se-

vere one, and will lastingly dUQgsxe the face.

Capt. John II. Dike, of Stooehsm,oommsnd- ar of a company In the Old rilub. In the march through Baltimore, where he was wounded, died on Friday morning or pneumonia.

In the House of Kepreaen tali vet, yesterday, tbe ten-boor bill, after being amended so as to

SSSiMlS SWattaaWSr*'" * """* One of Barnitm'i show wagons waa ttrsck

by a train at Crawford, X. J., and fonr men kilted.

There art reports of more Indian outrages and morders ID Arisoaa and New Mexico.

The coal iroablss ore far from being settled, snd Che Oesa lock »t tka mines continues.

Tbe United States ceasoj returns, complete, show a population or 33,6i7,.vii.

Gold, yesterday, 111 1-4.


Tbe comotaniita die hard, ihoogh Ibey evi- dently weaken. Several of their forts have been damaged sod rendered untenable, bat they continue to rob bonks, traders, railway companies snd others, quite systemsUcally, and

plunder churches. The German authorities demand thst tbey shall release at once the Archbishop of Paris, and others whom they have imprisoned and threaten to shoot, or tbe German troops will take a part. The Free Ms- sons have turned out In a procesaion half a mile long, to stop tbo fighting. Thlor delega- tion has been referred by Thleri to the com- munists who are making the trouble. The Al- terably has pasted a bill to severely punish the communist, robbers of churches, banks, Ate.,— when they catch ihem.

There hat been an extended litigation be- tween Thomas Earle and hit wife, or Worces- ter, which resulted In giving the costody of the two children to her ai Salem. Sunday mom- log, Mr. Earle, With a relailre, seised the uirl, aged thirteen, and made on* towards Boston In a barouche. lie wss stopped by moans of the telegraph, m Cbarteetowo, and arrested for kidnapping. 'lie fought like a madman, and sold that be was Instructed by bis counsel, II. W. Paloe, to kill any one who Interfered, if necessary. Mr. Ivei, counsel for lira. Earle, prevented Ibe abduction of the boy with great difficulty.

Avery D. Putnam, a merchant greatly re- ■pected and Moved, In Now York city, wss murdered In cold blood by one Foster, Satur- day morning. The rufflsn was drunk and hail no cause for the set. The decant cltisena fear that the democratic politicise or the lawyers will get him off, and they want him hung at once. #

Two wealthy people in New York, bavo been held to ball in aojoo, on charge of hiring a ser- vant f' eiooo to murder the father or me lady and the nuher-ia-law of the man, whose heir they were. The attempt waa uBaueceitful. The parties Indignantly deny the charge.

George B. Woods, one of tbe editors of the Boston Adrrrlitrr for seven years, and a very worthy gentleman, died Saturday, lie wrote from "tbe front" under the slgaatore ol " Wachoaet."

The Orafion Iron works In Leetoma, Ohio, were burned Saturday night; luss 830,000.

There are X.000 Irish and 019 French, In Boston.

Gold rloscd Saturday at III 14.

You HAVE MKT Seen.—The conver- sation of these parents turned almost ex- clusively on tho superior endowment of

their ftl-tralned children. Poor, blind

parent*, who did not see bow awfully

their own example was operating on tho ductile young minds committed to their

care. True, they had many Hlbles In the house, snd sometimes opened one; true,

they frequently said, "Children mutt be

truthful, and honest, and brave, and In- dustrious;" true, they had a pew In

church, and dropped uoney (a little) Into

the contribution box. But the preaching

was of that mild form that Is bound never

to hurt anybody's feelings, never to lilt anybody's Imbby, and the bestowal of the mite from Hie crowded purse waa obvi-

ously a grudging one; and the children

MVV< i taw thst truth und honor often, very

often, di parted from the lips and deeds of their parents, who likewise expected

Industry of their help more tban of them-

selves, aud who laughed because a man In high ststion was brave enough not

only to with, but to work to save tbe fal-

len of all kinds, and with an earnestness

that could not be galnsaled.—Mart Amet Aikim.


Tho great gathering of leading cit liens st the Franklin House, on Friday evening, was a de- terred compliment to Mr. T. W. Hute, form- erly of the Merrimsck House, Lowell, but who hat been landlord of the Franklin House In thlt city, for live or six yean, andtoMrs.Uu.se, Mi lady, who hat been a resident at the house for a much longer period, she being the daagbter ofklr. Larrabse, the Immtdlate predecessor or air. Hute, sod the former owner, now de- ceased. ID ihe early days of the settlement of tbe town, visitors had to resort to the boarding bouses. The 6rlglnal Franklin House was built by the Ussex Company, at a time when the poBalatiou numbered some two or three thou- sand, anil of course wat not suited for s city of thirty thousand inhabitants. Mr. Hute, last year, almost entirely rebuilt snd remodelled Ibe boose, extending its area to Common street, aad more than doubling its site. It Is now one oflhehaodsomett and largest hotels In New England, outside of Boston. la addition to s heavy outlay upon the balldlng, he refarolthed Ihe home In the richest manner. Much of tbe furniture Is of black walnut, and tbe carpets and other appointments are of the most costly character, and very complete. The house wat thrown open for Inspection on the evening mentioned, and msny were attonlthed to find that such a palsca existed in our midst. Mr. Bate must have expended BSO.OOO to 130,000 In tbo improvement.. Mr. John C. Dow called tbe attention of citizens to this matter a week or two tines, and a large number of our most prominent cltlient thought It fitting to Join In a suitable demonstration In tho shape of a din- ner, to be given at the house In honor of the host and In apprtcitlon of his valuable enter- prise.

The large dining hall presented a magnifi- cent appearance. It was a perfect mats of Hags aad streamers, but lilt le of the walls or ceiling being visible. On the end of tbe hall opposite ths entrance were " Lawrence 181V' "Washington," "Grant." At the front end were the names "Storrow" (the first mayor) and "Bartleti" and "1871." On one end wat the coat of amis of ihe nation, and on the oth- er that of ths tlste. There were shields all over the room, and a bora of plenty on each side. Tbe large chandeliers were beautifully hung with laurel and red (lower*. Ths deco- rations were by Lamprel & Msrble, of Boiton. About one hundred and fifty gentlemen sat down, aad It is rarely thst to many of the chief men of Lawrence and vicinity arc gath- ered at one table. Col. E. J. Sherman, Dis- trict Attorney, presided, and Introduced Rev. J. B. Moore, who asked s blessing upon ibe feait provided. Such s table has seldom, If ever before been set in onr city or In ss good a style. The bill ol fan wss extensive sod elab- orate, including every desired delicacy and substantial.

Tbe attack, which wat a forrahUblo one, wai commenced at a little before nloc, snd con- tinned for a long time, with no apparent rosutl except weartneti.to the atsallanti. About ten, after some damage had been done, a trace was called, and firing, except lliat of a scattered character, ccaicd, and Col. Sherman addseeied

gathering was known to them all. Lawranet, fur a long time had suffered severely for the want of a first class hotel. We bad no build- ing of tufflclent site to accommodate our friend* and visitors from abroad, and we need- ed sneh an edifice as Mr. Huse has prepared. We are hero lo offer him onr congratalaiions

thankt for hit enterprise. As Mnior Davis, who was expected, was not pmtnt, ho should call upon Andrew C. Stone, Esq., Pres- ident of the Common Council.

Store sold that bo tupposcd that those who originated this banquet, did so with s view of showing to Mr. Huso that the people of Lawrence appreciated bis enterprise In tbe erec- tion of this lino building, to show him by their personsl presence and a beany shake of ihe baud, bow much they valued it. lie would not apeak here or the magnificence of the building and Its grand accommodations; they bad alt aeen lor themeelves. Who* traveller* visited a mange place, tbey were very apt to farm an Idea of It from the ityle of the hotel at which tbey stopped, and their experience favorable or Otherwise or their sojourn In It. Tbe reputa- tion of a plaoe depends materially upon Its ho-

From what we have seen to-night, we can certainly recommend our friends and trav- ellers to the Franklin House, and aivire them of a feait of rat things.

The Chairman said that laat year there might have been tome doubt it to who wai ihe legal representative of tbe city government, bat at that wot now settled, he should call upon Col. Thomas A. PsrtOni, City Solicitor.

Col. Parsons ssld thst we sll knew wby we hod met at tbla feait of fat things, with these decoration* around us. We had seen the great hotel with all ju splendid appointments aod fine acooramodatloDi, and buslneai men, who bad travelled far aod near, pronounced it with Its beautiful and complete appointments, a fit place of sojourn for the belt of tbe travelling public, and the citizen. Ile.ti ustcd that the ap- preciation of the hotel would be shown by am- ple and earnest patronage, and not by mere gatherings aod compliment! only. Such an establishment can only be run at a large ex- pense He thought that Mr. Hute, aiiiitedby aneuierprlalng wife (great applause), had added greatly to the prosperity of the city. They had covered empty space, with good buildings. They had in vet ted their money without stint, tod paid heavy taxes for the lupport ot ciiy, "•."in, ■ mi tiHtn inm-ruinI'IItt. iinr iin-i bad come to tbli city snd helped ui. It wat pleasant for ua to meet thus at the festive board, throw away our little differences and forget enmity, tympathi/o with each other, and unite in ooo- grstutatiom upon Ihe prosperity of our city. Col. Parwni, In the course of hla remarks, al iinled to the fact of hi* havlni; been a resident of Lawrence since IttO, end tq former land- lords of the Franklin House, Meaart- Huntress, C. Melvln. Larrabee and other*.

Hon. Moses T. Stevens, of North Andover, wat called upon, and ihcn Hub. Win. Stcvent, .judge of the police court.

Judge Steven*, tald Ihst it was a plly that the Htevent rock should be uruck and nothing gush forth. He wat glad to iee this fine array of the manhood of Lawrence gathered togeth- er. He wot pleased alto lo see the " Princes" of our noble neighboring ciiy at tho festive lioard with ui. Tbr two cities are brothers, father*, mothers, tlilen, and grandmothers to each other. Ho was always glad to see repre- sentatives from Lowell. A short time since he aaw a gentleman upon a seat In tbo railroad car. He ill down betide him, and covered tbe lips of both with hit shawl, which every one hot aeeo. (Shouts or laughter.) He asked, "Where do you llvet" "Where are you fromr" "Who waa your grandmother)" "Woe his brother a carpenter I" "Did he have throe tons and one daughter?" "Did the daughter die In early youth?" and a few other question, to all of which answer", were made, and the Judge discovered that the gen- tleman'! Uncle Carter wat also Mi* Uncle Car- ter. Ho hod made tbe discovery that night, that tbe uoclcof Mr. Prince was hi* uncle alto. In the good world to come we may find those living miles from ut un earth, nearer tban tboie most Intimate. We should know each other better here. He was rejoiced to see tucb a ta- ble, and that such a building, tucb a hotel and inch a landlord, was so near to the depot, aod that strangers would bo brought nearer to ui by us hospitality.

Mr. Prince, of Lowell, being called opon, tald that he heartily Indorsed all that had been

said In regard to the pleasant relattont or tbe two cities, and had no doubt that those of hit ancle aad the aunt of the judge wore equally so. He was glad to see his old friend and fol- low citlien of Lowell, Mr. Base, whom he hsd known and esteemed for many years, so pros- perous.

J. J. Doiand, Esq., wat called npon and read a poem at follow t:

Pair Lawrence, dear Lawrence, Ibe pride of my heart I

Mr borne and the hemt of reflnament and art; Bow oft would I sing of thy glor loua worth, To me, dearott city there It Upon earth I ' for bare We have lived autoa oar boaoaa waa young, Bar weals at onr heart aad bar pralae on ear

And yet Aw aB tbla, we eenrssa It with pain. Ai some of her Statures we oeuld bat complain.

Tho* much wc admired the architectural akltl Displayed la ber talMtOfs, mart, mansion and mill, ThedeatgB of har balldert, tbe lay of ber groeod, At BOOB from the hllla that eaclrclo her round, Where we could behold her In all of bar eberau, Surrounded as twere by a network of farm., Where Nature, rejolclag In multiplied bloom*, Could abed o'er bar bosom the cholceat perfume*.

Der two rival riven dance down I a their gUe, T..Jolnourawcctatrean*aaltewe.p«tothcaea; Yet no Inn had our Broadway aufllclrnt 1B slse, To give fame to oar city or Joy lo oar esta; ■ut, thanks to our landlord, the waul Is sappUed, Thla fine, atately manalon mutt challenge our pride; May hie builDeaa Inertia* Mil tbeae BOW spacious

walls Arc crowded with patrons who throng la these

balls; TIM Ihe waota of the public most plalaly declare 'I'M* building mast cover tbe whole of tbe square; Then leave all the Aster's, Hi. Charles' alone, We keep a hotel quite as good of our own,

And may our yonng city awake with emotion, Whew ber channel le cleared for her way le tbe

And steam Inga and barges thall fret ber dear tide, Aad TMMII unnumbered at anchorage ride, Wboae raaata stand SS elOse aa the trews In a thicket, Below that old fort st the mouth of the Spteket. Kxeuae ae, my friend., If exeess of my seal Should tempt me te tell ell I think or I feel.

I should paint you a picture, quite flirt Hog lo some, or what Law reset may la the future become: We sae her expand north and south, left and right, Till Ibe liorlzou'a line me Ha away from the sight] Methnen 'a absorbed Without aembUaei of law, And allll alie turna touttd wllh unaall.Acd maw; * The A ndovir. nest to aucceclon shall fall, And down goes old llavrililll, halt, gallsra and

alt I

One after anoihrr dtaeppeer from the atgbt, Aad Lawrence estends to ihe Plum Ialaad light, Aad as abc I* puihlng her eonquesi abroad, Old Lowell 'a brought In aa onr far weetera wsrd ; Por like a fair daughter arrayed In her ehatma, Shell hold bar old mother la matronly arm*, As now she adopts Lowell', daughters aod soot, And doata upon them ae her ewa favored one..

And tbcnoorpoalUoa will give ui some weight In aetUIng some matters of Nation or fetal.: Fur Instance, to Mormon'*, whose Ways we deplore, Wo'II send a com ml use that's bee* there before; With love for Ihe law not eqaalled elsewhere, Onr honored Chief Justice slill alia In Mi chair; JuilidlcUon mended,—"1 paaea to rrasark,'' A "Ttilmi ' lliumlnei some points that art dark,

While other, more tcaloua ml#MayUk MaH.r sratne nrrract. from Cab aft but lasaa of CawA. To enllgfalea Iboee members ftfesstly taught Oo [.run■,I,-;„I MHI/I trfitcft are Jtrrro* to b* hron(/l,t.

Knrccea lo at all, may our ally arise Aa fair and aa lovely at grcoti nurth.ru skit*, And ai f now bid yon a kindly farewell, Bucccts to our boateia, onr host and hotel.

George 11. Davit, a representative from Law- rence to ins Matt. House, wat called upon, and than John K. Tarbox, Esq. Tbt latter gentleman made an address of tho regulation (for Ihe evening) alee, throe mlnntef. Speech- oa or similar length were also made by Itev. W. !■:. Tark, Capt. Merrill. Jutilre Rogers, of Methnen, Dr. A. J. French, Ex-Mayor Melvln, Meters. Thompson, Hurley and Gilo or the le- gal profession, Rev. J. B. Moore, Dr. Oeo. W. Garland and Captain Langmaid. Mr. lime re- turned thanks at the close. Tbere wat much tharp ihootlng, alt in good humor, and plenty or hearty laughter, ciperisjly when a capital local hit wss made. Itev. Mr. Moore perpetra- ted a pun upon Paul, who be said might .hive been a landlord because we road that be went to "flll-a pie." (1'hilllpi.) Ho ssld that ihe Greek* used lo bare a skeleton at their dinner* to temper their appetite. The yankee tkeletoo v. at the anticipation or being called upon for a ipeech when the eating wss through. He ■poke of the minister who, when bit hotel bill wai presented reminded the landlord that be wai a clergyman and not one of " tbe world's people." Tbe landlord ssld ihst he bad eat, drank and tlcpt like tbe world's people, and now he must pay like them. He supposed that ht matt pay also.

Rer. Mr. Park alluded to remarks or Mr. Tarbox about the Joy or tbe ipoitms when ap- proaching Ibe three Inn*. If It wat Intended as reflecting upon hit profession, he should re- mind tho legal gentleman of tbe pottage, "Upon this htmift all the law, ic." He ipoke In terms of praise ol men who Invested their capital where It would do good lo ethers, inttead of aaltiog ll down In bonda aod itocks. Capt. Merrill luggeeied tbst Mr. Tarbox, who had spoken of the democratic character of inns, waa much more familiar, politically, with the "outs," than the "iatl" .luitice Rogers' re- tasrkt about "all are lattsfied," seemed to tickle the Ex Soot of Malta, present, hugely. Dr. French alluded but slightly, to the hotel In Salt Lako City, with many landladies. He evi- dently wat aware that the chairmen " koowa how it is himself." Mr. W. L. Thompson rt.uolr.rl the paaaagM, " Oh that I had a rodglng place lu the wilderness for wayfaring men," and gave Job as the author. This woe putod by Col. Partoni, who luggeoted Jere- miah, while Dr. French said Solomon. It was finally admitted, wa believe, to bave been tak- en from Shakespeare. Tbe chair, in reply lo sarcastic suggestions from Mr, Barley, replied that Ae waa running that dinner. "Col." Schaske wss ceiled upon to review his regl- meni of " gentlemen who had thehr tailors In Canada," as hsd been promised In the public print*, bnt be had disappeared. After an hour or two or fun and enjoyment generally, ths party separated.

Near the clote of the exercitei, tho following resolution wu presented and unanimously adopted:—

Itnotrtd, That In the midst of tbeae felicita- tion!, wa forget net our absent friend, Jobs C. Dow, Keq., to wboae spirited effort, we are ao largely Indebted for the pleelurea of thle gathering, and amid our congratnlatloBa, acre** the cea lint ot to him we tend a kindly resMsafcraaoe aad eordlsl greeting. _

Maternity has many crosses to take up some heavier, however, than those wrought by the disobedience of children; these the would not shake off If she could, because of her mighty, pitying love, love all hopeful and enduring. She mukt, from her very motherhood, stem the hsEsrdoua current of life, bearing In faith, hope, charity, her burdens, until, for he reel I and loved ones, the haven ol aafety la at laat secured.

"A mother's love! Bow tweet the name! What li a mother'a love t

A noble, pure, sod tender Same, Kukluilli'-I from above."

Hope thou In Ood, suffering mother, for thou shalt vet praise blm, who Is the health or thy countenance, aod as thy Cod I—Mary Ame* Atkitu.

-Rome C$oe»tp.

Getting ibsky-lbs carpet baeiaest about this time.

The question Tuesday, M To bt-ec or net to be-or.

The sew board of firs engineers came late office Monday.

TbegMtwaasaaof the Uwruer* •• club " are notatallbelllgereni.

The last April shower cssate about 7 r. at. Mew for May do ware.

There are harrow Ing spectacles on the farSas ta Msthuen aod Andover aboat these dsr/s.

Saahorn A Tuekoc are not great bores, bet their wellt are. They anger well for the oesl- nsss.

The gentlemen who laid down their princi- ples at a hue meeting, took them up ageis lut-

Tho police court meets, now Ihst May bat come, st 8 1 -2 o'clock A. it.

Scbaaks li a credit-able tailor, but ho doee not five credit. His breaches are not '*breech- esof trim."

Those who took pert la tho military drotaa, last week, make no pmeeslon to palming, bat they artw well.

No cm that we are aware of, hat aay ill will against the new Maunders Block, bat II la get- ting tiooed dally.

The pitying at lbs City Ball last week, wsa equal la Its way to that upon ths Common try the new lire steamer.

Mr. Halley, si ths Steams place, has a fine array or flowers of all kleds for sale, aad also Tines aud vegetable plants.

Imbibers on lbs laU hot Saturday, sighed for the happy days of sen, whoa they could get a chunk of iroaen whlakay for ten cants.

A. F. Colburn has been nominated by tbe re- publican! or Ward One, to fill the vacancy caused by the resignation of J. «T. Meg In.

When Talbot lavltae a friend Into his atore to take something, bates you, he doet'eJ menu pills or powder*, but isrsaparilla or soda.

The nsw firs steamer Washington, though generally luppOSSd to be B good machine. Was plsyed out on In first trial—on ths Common.

It It unjust to blame a man who dossn't sd- vertlse became his prices are high. lb has te make them high because his islet are so small.

Fifteen Michigan bones were offered at sue tlon at the Jacktoo Street stable of Stoweil It Hpauldlng, on Friday last. Nine were soM at prlcei varying from flit to M»u

Tbe man who read Ihe first of a story In a weekly paper with absorb—ing interest, and Toand that It was " to be continued In ihe I*dg- er," concluded that he hsd been iponge-d.

O'OaldwIn, the "martyr," hsd e compli- mentary flit IculT benefit «l Ibe Olympic Then. ire, Boston. 1-Vidty and Sainrdar nights. Of count there wtt a large and "select " turt I- ence.

One ol the legal gentlemen toys on a card oe his office door, "Will l»e Acer stir, at." Anoth- er In a document Baked the court tor ssuaa re - lief as It might he deem •'<"•[. Tali won't do, you know.

Kasiman & lliiail, late at tbe corner of Boat Harerblll and Haverhlll streets, have pur- chased the old atand of the Jordins, cornet of Newtmry sad Common meets, and have re- moved there.

Ths ittamei Koterprlie wss taken up Satur- day night, from below the lower bridge, where It has been moored all winter, through tho canal, tolls old landing place on Blver street, above tho falls.

The free matoLi of this city have finally de- cided to occupy a portion of Saundore' Block, at the comer of Appleton end Essex streets, when ll It computed. Tbtlr rent will be over 8)1200 per annum.

Tbe rooms of Major Jonet, on Bases street. near DrsWi saloon, were entered and ran- sacked Friday. Nothing I* mltsed but some silver change aod coppers, though several ar- ticles of value were exposed.

George G.Crane, who hat been express meo- tenger between Lawrence and Salem, Mass., for five yean, hat boon appointed messenger on Cheney's Express, and will ran between Boston and Laucatter, N. H.

The ntw sprinkler which bold* aboat tevea hundred gait, (not glrtt mil gallons.) It out this afternoon. It wss built by StowsU, is of great strength and tolldliy, and it tuggettlve of the car of Juggernaut that ws read of.

The Boston Time* iotlmatei that ths reason why Lawrence cherubs,—see Latham's advsr- tlsstnent,—have bnt one wing, It because "The qallle from the misting ones have bete re- quired to writs up lbs protptrlty of tbli enter prising dty."

There will be s neck-tie sod how festival, at which all the beaux will bo present,Wcdaeaday night, at lbs UnlreraalUl vestry. Tbere will be crowning or the May Queen, a baked bean •upper tad other tomanro and reality. The now popular " Irrepressible:" will furnlah nt sic.

A hone which had been fastened to s cross pole, broke away Jutt after noon, Bandar, car- rying the pole with him. Its daubed Into sad acToes tbt Common, stinging lbs pott about, sad out st Valley ttreet, where be was stopped. Ho wat Bomswhet braised with tbe weedse at- tarhment, but not materially hort. There were a groat many children on Ibe Common, neee of Whom were Injured.

The !aat perforsBaaoe of the Blot aad Or*T waa given Ssiarday night. There wen three good bouses during tho week, and four eel so good. Ths tableaax were septrb throughout, Had equal affect been given with tee senate, that is, I) it bad been of a character salted to the drama, and enough of It, there would nave been, perhaps, more fell houses. It la hoped to realise upwards of SHOO tbr tbo Poet try the representation*.

May morning was bright and pleasant ss could bo desired, but not many roamed about tbo fields to pick flower*. It wonld have beta rather a wot operatioa after lbs heavy ifcnwor Of Sunday, ami the ploature of ihe flower gate arars would have boon decidedly damp- saw*. A party of eighteen or twenty gealiemsa arose with the lark (BOI having been on a lark the night before,) and rode upon their trusty etsads, out to Melhuee, returning though the principal ttrecia and the Sooth Side by sis o'clock. Tboy attracted much mention.

Tbe Boiton Baptist Bethel Society celebrated Its 2uih snnlverssry, Sunday evening, SI their church, comer of Hanover apd Bennett strreti, or which Rev. Mr. Ceokt, formerly of las Sec- ond Baptist Church of tbla city, It pastor. Ad- dressee were mads by J. M. B. William*, Esq., tbe president, Rev. Mr. N'eale, Rev, Mr. Coofco and others. Ths latter gave a detail of the work, which It confined mostly to tollers aad their families. There are 400 members of ths society. Tbe Sunday School nambors 178 names. The society also manages a Misers' borne, called " Tbe Marfaen' Exchange "

The Bethany Commanderyof KnLghta Tern- plan, ot this city, have extended s oordlal lu. vit.ition io the Da win Commandery ot Ports- mouth, who entertained Ihem m handsomely a year or two since, to vUii Lawronco on the n or June, with their ladles, and remain over tbe 24th (St. John's Day). If ths tavltatloa la accepted, the Portsmouth Knights will ar- rive Friday afternoon, and after being cecorMd around tbe city, will be quartered, with their ladles, at the Franklin House, A prcestaads concert and' dann will bo the order or that evening, and the next day will be tasted at Policy, or tome other pond.

TSftie IDCmetican.





'USeM| OUTtfn>» '3Brevifie»


The flrtai by lb* lovernment troops npon UM Par*, fan* ii becoming fatl and furi.iu.*, ■ad th« cillates are alarmed ID proportion. Fort Ii' Issy wu imnmnneil to ■amiidcr, *nd a white flat WM boor oat, but the terms offered not being •miUUciory, the Urine; apoa It wu rarotn roe need- L*r«* ret aforce menu base, ar- rived, to eid the government. The editors of ail thei Pule papers which do not support ibe Cotnnsune, hare been ordered to laava. Mot only the Archblahop of Parts, hat bees Wrest- ed, hot hie sister and other friends. A stndlons •fort Is belDg made to connect Ibe Free Ma- sons .with the nob, bat then- only action will be for hnnianliy. Gen. Cluseret has been dia- mlssed from the oBlre of Hlnbisrof War of Paris.

Mr. Earls, UM fataer who attatnptsd to oh. Uin his children from their mother, at Salem, li reported as qnlte Insane. He bed married another woman after his separation from their mother. Barle has repsaiedlj' expressed bli rsfrat that be had not killed Mr. Ives, tbe conn- Mi for the mother. He bss been beld In til,- 000 for ibe kidnapping and assault npon Mr. Ires, and Gtflbrd, who married a sister of the second Mrs. Karte, In 8 -MKI for aiding. The driver li beld In 44000.

Jim r'like has addressed an intuiting letter to the Haror of Boeton, and tayt thai hli regi- ment asks no favors of that city. They wont be apt to gel any, or from anybody elie.

The editor and publisher of ibe Stoneham SeetHmet, Beading Chrotticle and WakeHeld Manner, has bacei sued for 13000 for llbe!, and nil the office* are closed.

The crew of tbe Bark Herri mar, run down and sank In Itassachueetts Bay, by a stsatmer on Ibe way lo Europe, were all tared, and are In England.

A man Bred tbrea shots at a prisoner In a New York Court Boom, whom he charged with having seduced his dangbler.

No quorum could be bad In the Mats House at quarter of five, ttonday afternoon. The prospect looks brilliant.

The " Drummer Boy " realized over f 1000 In all nights lor the Uarerhill Post.

The American Tontine Life Insurance Com- pany of New York, has failed.

Gold cloeed Monday at 111 1-4.


There li the mual amount of contradiction In to-day's Vrench despatches, bnt as lylntfit an Important part of the game or war, this rtmit be expected. The government claim that their troops took Fort Issy, and tbe com- munists deny it. The government, however. Is clearly gaining, though slowly. Tbey have curried an Important railway station. The Im- perial Cornell of Germany, bare decided that, though they do not wish to interfere in tbe affairi of any other nation, tbe disgraceful excesses In Peril must itop, and tbey hare notified the leaders of the agrarian mob that tbty mint yield to the Fiench government wl bin a o r.a n number of day i.

The tax pi yen or S< nt'i Carolina are lo bold aeon eml ■(-, one ol'je-i of «h eti Istostopihe ku k'ux tntrjgej. Toe law of Cougress is al- ready having Its effect, and respectable south- er, en ar J also alarmed at the effect which ibe outrages sre having In keeping oat northern' capital, u shown In Harper. Tbe democratic papers steadily deny their existence, bnt A. II, Stephens, Vice President of the confederacy, eays that tbey do exist, and denounces Die scoundrels without stint.

The beer rote or Worcester was 1368 yes, 1354 no; Lynn 41S yes, 388 no; Springfield, 726 yes, 300 no. Salem went prohibition by 344 no, 108 yes; New Bedford,849 no, 007 yes; Cambridge, 811 no, 8.10 yes-, Chelsea, .110 no, -■■•■■ yes.

Miiny or the democratic papers anxiously deny that Jeff Davis made a certain democratic address in Alabama, but Jeff and the southern papers say that he did, and the latter approve of it highly.

The Alabama cleanse are likely to be offset by the Joint High Commission with claims fur damage lo ibe property of British subjects al the south, during the war.

Seven men were fatally poisoned la l.oi An- geles, Cal.,by eating Jerked beef placed in their way for the purpose.

Another of the young villains who were con- cerned la the Lowell rape case, has '•ecu cap- tured.

Snow fell on Mount Washington, May Day. There are several Immense drifts still remaining.

Tbe Mack caterpillar* in Tennessee, are so numerous that they stopped a railroad train.

Qold closed Tuesday at 111 1-8.'


The question of extending tbe right ol suf- frage to ladles, has come up lu tbe British House of Commons. Tbe measure was earn- estly supported by Bright and others, Glad- stone WM willing they should vote, but wanted property qualification and proxy voting fer them, as In Italy, lie was willing to support a bill differently worded. Tbe bill was defeated by only SO votes. The House consists of 014 members, of whom tiW are Ktiglich or Woltb 105 Irish and 58 Scotch.

There Is nothing or Interest from E'nrls. Tbe communists hare a new general every other day. Tbe name of the last Is Rossel. Ths flro from the government forts continues heavy aud effective. Seven societies are to hold a monster peace meeting on Sunday, In Paris.

Tha Connecticut legislature met Wednesday. A committee was appointed to canvass the elec- tion returns, with power to send lor persons and papers, and an adjournment was bad for a week.

There has been a fearful storm of wind and ruin on the Mississippi river, flity miles above New Orleans. Several steamboats were badly damaged.

Major F.mory, of a Lowell hotel, has been sentenced to Jill for twenty-Ore days, for re- fusing to testify In the State Police case.

The vole of tome twenty towns and cities on tbe beer question are reported. A large major- ity arj for prohibition.

The bat factory of J. II. Prentice in Brook- lyn, N. Y., wai burned last evening; lois •850,000.

Mrs. " Prick " Pomeroy hss got a divorce from her h in bawl with 1-'",<N>U alimony.

President Grant Is expected at the Grand Army convention in Boston, next week.

Booms at tbe beach hotels are already being rapidly engaged.

Gloucester has voted throe to one to become


Gold closed Wednesday at HI 18.


The committee of the Connecticut legisla- ture have discovered tbat In Cheshire tbe dem- ocratic moderator deliberately threw out 33 re- publican soles on his own responsibility. In Jtnfleld 34 more votes were declared than there ware names on ibe list. It was found that Hfl voioa were declared for tbe democratic candi- date when there were but Til votes in tbe pack- age; ibe vote now stands democratic, 47,(70; republican, 47,478; scattering 11; the republi- can legislature will choose, unless tbe commit- tee find a " mistake"' lu New Haven, where it is said tbat 100 too many democrat!c votes liavs been reported-

Tue b.-sak In He) Bill canal,near Rochester, N. Y.,U very serious. A great riot and strike has occurred among the workmen repairing it; Ibe military have been called out.

Tbe penitentiary at Baton Itougc, was blown down by the late storm; other damsge to the amount of 91"0,noO was done, and several llres


Joe Cobura'e wife bss died, but he does not propose to let a trifling matter like that prevent his prize light wltb Jem Mace.

The Government troops are still gaining at Paris; tbey have captured Soynel Mill, with ten cannon and 300 prisoners.

Two lieutenants and six soldiers from Fort Niagara, were drowned by I bo overturning or a boat, yesterday.

The President cannot come lo Boston next week, as ibe Senate will be In extra session.

Major Kmerr of Lowell, has been released on

•5000 ball. Tbe president has Issued hU ku klux procla-


Qold 111 II.

Increased Facilities for Job Print- ing, --A Now Power Press.

To enable us more fully to meet tbe wants of

the public, we have this weak added to the

Atmatcsa iteam job office, another power

press, a new Cottrell 4 Babcock, first class,

fast cylinder, which enjoys a reputation second

no Other, manufactured to our order, and

especially designed for Ibe rapid production

of the larger kinds or miacellaneous Job work.

The press Is a beauty, runs like a charm, and

we shall be enabled to All the orders or our

patrons for tha bast quality or work wltb (be

utmost despatch. We have now six JJOUMT

}<rtw, in constant use, capable or turning off

sixty to seventy thousand Impressions per day,

and tbe public may be sure or the utmost

promptness In the execution of orders Tor any

class or amount of printing, and with a de-

gree of taste aud perfection unexcelled by any

office In Massachusetts.

CXOWDIMO AGAIN AND MORE.—We ought not, we suppose, to be displeased tbat Ad1

Users And the tempting circulation or tbe AMRIICAX more than they can resist, but this week tbey have overwhelmed ns wltb such a flood or ravora as lo encroach sadly upon reading apace; our New York letter, a half column of II. G., and a variety of other matter In type for this Issue, are mercilessly crowded out; next week ws will provide amply for both readers and advertisers.


• Tbe members of the masonic order In this city, are al last to have a ball worthy of the high position wblch tbey occupy in our com mnnlty. Tbey have for years been cooped up and crowded Into a ball at the northeast corner of Essex and Jackson streets, which is sufll clently uaoomfortabls at any seasou, but which In warm weather is often Insufferably hot. Movements have been made from lime to time to belter this itate of things. Land was even bongbt on Essex street, near Porter's stable, aud building was contemplated. It has been thought most expedient however to close with the proposition of tbe Mestrs. Saunders, and to hire a portion of the block now being erect ed by them on the southwest corner or Essex and Appleton streets, near the post office.

The building will hare three stories and a Mansard roof, wblch licqnal to a fourth story The portion lo be occupied by tbe masons will be divided much as follows, though there may he tome slight variation: the main hall will in' elude the third story and roof or fourth story and there will be no floor between, as in other parts of the building; this will give a fine, airy audience room, twenty or thirty feel in hlght from floor to ceiling; the halt will be forty leet front on Essex street by seventy feet deep. The order will have In all over ninety reel on Etsex street, of tbe third and fourth stories, and eighty feet on Appleton street. On tbe latter atreet, In the third story there will be ball for ordinary purposes, and another lor an armory for the Knights Templars; the balance or the space on that floor will be devoted to anterooms and other purposes; the space in the fourth ttory or Mansard roof over the two halls and ante rooms, will be used fur one large banquet ball, forty reel on Essex street by eighty deepon Appleton street; there will be a provision for a cook room in this ttory. Tbe whole premises will, like ail the rest or the building, be heated by steam from a large boil- er in the lower portion or the building. The rent to be paid by tbe masons for tbe whole, will be Sl'JoO per annum. »I«I>


The election, called at the request or several citizens, under the law providing for an elec- tion for tbe legal voters to decide whether alo, porter and lager bear should be told In this city, when such election shall be demanded, took place Tuesday between tha hours or ten and two o'clock, and resulted In a majority for allowing the sale, or 107 votes. The loliowlng wai the rote:

Pur the sale, Again*!. Ward 1, 163 i;o

" *. « Ul ' * » e, SI IVT -* Total for allowing the tale, 9TB] against al-

lowing iho sale, 8*1. Malority against prohibi- tion, 107. Whole number of rotes, 1,840. It will be seen tbat tbe democratic vote in Ward Due, fur prohibition, was quite large.

For Councilman In Ward One to AH a vacan- cy, J. Frank Gilbert, democrat, 178; A. P. Col- bum, republican, Ifit, DernoiTatl-* nsjawtiy 2.1.

The whole number of votes cast last rear Sept. Otb, was I,USA, of which 7fli were lor al lowing tbe sale of beer, and 7t>0oppotod toll. The number or legal voters in the city, at the election in November, 1808, was 2,007. rote In September, 1ST0, was as follows

War.l I For ths sale. Agalnal.



For tbo accommodation of the member*

of tbe Lawrence Choral Union and other lovers of a superior class of music, a

train will leave Boston on tbe Boston end Maine Railroad, at Hi P. H . on

Wi dries*] ay evening of next week. May lOtb, for Andover, Lawrence and Ilaver-

On that night tbe Handel A Haydn Society of Beaton, will give tbe oratorio

of Elijah at Music Hall, with seven hun-

dred voices, en orchestra of one hundred musicians, with tbe great organ also, at wbich Mr. B. J. Lang will preelde.

Among the soloists will be Madame Rii-

dersdorft, Mrs. Julia Houston West and

Mrs. H. M. Smith, soprani; Miss Ade- laide Phillips, Mite Annie L. Car* and Miss Antoinette Hierllnj/.con/ru/li; Messrs.

V7. H. Cumralnga and W. J. Wlneh.

ttnorl; Messrs. M. YV. Whitney, J. F.

Rudolphsen and J. F. Winch, bant; Hiss Anna Mehllg and Miss Marie Krebs, solo

pianists. The entertainment Is the grand-

est of any since the Boston Peace Jubilee.

Those who desire to attend, cannot secure their tickets too quickly, as there Is a

great demand for them. Mr. Carl Xer-

rahn Is the conductor. In addition to the musical attractions

that night, In the metropolis, Joe Jeffer- son will appear at the Boston Theatre In

his Inimitable touching and humorous representation of Rip Van Winkle, In the

play of tbat name, which be has made famous far and wide. There will be good

pieces also at the Museum and Qlobe Theatre, and a variety at the Howard



Hook $■ Ladder Co.—W. M. Hardy, tercman | J. P. 8tc*en«, ata't lorcman; P. li. Watson, clerk and treasurer; II. 8. Ham, steward; Handing committee, Samuel Daw, W. II, Read, Bnocb Houiton. The company, by Invitation of the foreman, partook of an oyster supper at Drew's saloon.

Atlantic Engine Co., So, 2.—J. Frank Gil- bert, foreman; Cbarlet T. KtnersoD, ass't fore- man ; J. W. Weeks, clerk ; J. ¥. Gilbert, Treas- urer; M. Hart, Geo. R. Smith and P. L. Ran- kin, standing committee. M. Hart was recom- mended for engineer; John Luby, ass't engineer; Geo. R. Smith, fireman and steward.

Tiger Engine Co., \o. 8.—John G. Robinson, foreman; J. B. Campbell, ass't foreman; Major Wbeelock, clerk; J. G. Robinson, treasurer; J. D. Campbell, William Smith aud C R. Biancbard, standing committee. Charles Abbott was recommended as engineer, William Smith, ass't engineer, and Levl Wood head, fire- man and steward.

Eiiex Engine Co, Xo., t.-Albert Gilbert, foreman; O. A. Lindsay, ass't foreman; W. P. Burnham, clerk and treasurer.

Wnt/iinnton Engine Co., So. ,1.—George F. Wood, foreman; Wm. K. lieald, ass't foreman; George F. Htearns, cleik and treasurer. A. I). r-.liol, J. A. Morse and K. II. rJroan, standing committee. A. V. hllot was rcco mil it; tilled fui engineer, J. P. Fletcher, ass't engineer. 8. B. Miller, fireman and steward.

Star-ami I' ii n ■■!!- );.-.. John II oil was taken by surprise! on Wednesday evening la*t. Tim member* of hla congregation met at Ui. J. 11. Lyall'* and procrrtlcil In a body to ih> now paraon- agp, rarr)lng wtth tliem Hour, tea, colTer, augur, ilry u mi.., anil n.i'i f loo In greenback*.

Tbo presentation opeech wna miila bj Mr. l.ralt, who reverted to the alrufgle air. Ilugg bad ciptil ■ Sheed alnca hl< advent among Ibis people; sod In appreciation of bit labora they bad lo i- ; i-. .- alth lilm uri lit* enlcilng hi* new home, and In pretesting titin these ■ubatanllal evidence* of thdi refard br Mm and hi* totally, Mr. Hugg, In re- turning thank* to hi* friend* for their uneipected klndntM, aald he had com* 10 Lawrence at a aacrl- flc« to hi* parional lnlerrat*, but hellerlng there was a guod Bald for labor, and he cam* with lb* determination to try what could ha dene, lilin- I" ■ i.uii'i.n hid b*en more than rvallied, but thl* wa* tbe crowning act of all lu evidencing tuch an appreciation of hla labors, and now, after ther had given him the** evidence! of their lot*, he li il.i y would glra the .Saviour their hearts, and that he could rail them bis children In Chrlat.

Aa tha ptraonag* waa rather imall for aurh number, ibey adjourned to tbe realry, wh*ra they Were entertained with aong) and rreltallona frum Me*ars. Olenni Walla, McUaw, etc., after which waa voted unanlmoualy to give Mr. Hogg laavo ab*ence for eight or ntna weeks, during which I will take a I rip lo Uurupe for ih* u.iutu of I, health.

MEMORIAL DAY.—Actiro preparation! are being made by tbe Grand Army for the services of memorial tiny. .Gen. Banks has been Invited to deliver the orntlon, and bas sent bis acceptance. The military, the lire department, and all the organlied societies are to he In- vited ; the Lawrence Brans and tbo Cor- net Bands have been engaged, and wltb iho cordial co-operation alvrnys given on this occasion by our citizens, the day will be appropriately and extensively observed.

Mnj. K. A. Fisko 1ms been chosen chlsT marshal, wbich is a sufficient guar- antee for tbe completeness and efficiency of the arrangements; we trust the city government will make a liberal appro- priation, and tbat this year, our mills will find it convenient to make a half holiday for their operatives, that every- body may join In the ceremonies in honor of our martyred doad. e-a a t a

ONK OF THE ENCOURAGING SIOHS of moral progress, la found In tbe act of many democrats, who, on Tuesday, were willing to rise above party tenden- cies and voto against the sale of ale and boer; that a large number voted to pro- hibit beer and ale as beverages, is very evident from the vote, no loss than the personal observation of those who were at the polla. In ward one,, as shown by the election for councilman, there were cast, 178 democratic to 1,03 republican votes, but on tbe beer question, there were 179 no to !-'>:' yes, and as it is rjuite unlikely that all the republicans voted no, a large share of the democrats must have joined in the vote for prohibition.


The frlaada of tstaperaese an much d la appointed al tbe reault of Ibe vote on Tuesday, although sot discouraged. Borne good honest work was dons In awaking a public assllment, not enough it now irrmi, j el It la a soorce of much saoonragisaant that ao larga a rote waa drawn put, a two-third* rote of the whole olty,—and that oat of ISIS rotes •71 Should be east from principle,—It la not to be woadarod at that a business la which *o large a

ipttal 1* Invented, which sorlcbea so many a*an by ths rjln of 10 many others, ahould put forth ev- ery eiertlon to have a free "ale. A few hundred dollar* was no objoet, and wa* freely rurnlah*d,and as many thousands could have seen bad If moeesev

We nodes thaaat peculiarities about tb* voter*; IheOenom vul* (and It I* quit* large), aud la* Irish rot* want nearly solid Aw beer; lbs lather Mat- thew Society ssada a little stand agtluii toe rash- lag Udt, bnt oaroTtmnstely their aaraber* ore but few, and many of thaws ar* wet legal voters. The EoglUh rota was divided; aoea* of the very best work was dons by the Kngllah tampereus* breth- ren. Tbe Ward where they do most congregate, la which there or* two l*rg» brswsriss, was the ban- ner ward against beer, giving a majority of dfty- ntnsoalorwilroiea. All ball Word Flvsl

Ward Two, w hkh was lbs banner ward last year, labored under tbi* disadvantage; only one ward offloet la Ibis strong republican ward could be round willing lo serv*. and It was some Urns be fore tha meeting could b* organlied.. Bafors It eonld be dons, throe af ihe temperance worker*, who had volunteered at moeb personal aaeriBee to labor daring lbs day distributing rotas, fcc , ware obliged to take tha office* or there would have sown no chance to rots; these office* were offered lo three "boer" men, and refused. Sometime after lbs voting commenced, much fault was .found that all the word oBLeere war* anU-beer earn, and ens of the beer aide waa added, who aerrsd faithfully all the feet of tbe day; this fact may account for lbs railing off of the temperance vole In thl* ward.

The most ■Ignlaor.nt fact about ths whole election a* tbe uiate* on the check list of tbosa who did it vote. Hundred* of name* can be seen to-day

on thoae lists, unchecked, who, If they bod voted would have voted again.t beer. Temperance men bod a right to espset their assistance lo thl* great moral question, and deeply deplore their want of

The aplrlt of the temperance men of Lawrence may be lllsalratrd by an Incident wblsh occurred at ward two, aher the result of lbs voting hod been declared, One ef lbs principal liquor dealer* sold to one or lbs temperance workers, wall Mr, I (oppose yon will flgbt at again next year; '■Tee so long ss I lira, te balp ma Qod f area ths Jubl- lent rletora appreciated tbat sentiment. As Presi- dent Lincoln said In on a of the dork dayaof the war, "Oenllcmsu, ihere I* another day coming." We belters tbe cause of temperance 1* stroogwr to- dsy for this defeat; it ia lbs eauss of Ood, snd mutt and will prevail. HayQadapsed lbs day. , W-tan Two.


EDITOR A MI BIO A*.—In tbe eiplanatlou In the Dally of lbs aswfaw defeat of tha prohlbltlonlals, one fact wa* not maollonsd, Hany American* who appreciate our qulei Oerm*n population ooald not understand why tbelr favorite bererage, lager bear, which even the city missionary will hardly say bss aver created mlasrj and poverty among them, should be placed under a ban, (the sals of It could not hare beau aupprcaaed whatever might have been tha result,) while lbs boldest Of bard older, wblch lifar more Inloalaallng than lager, 1* «llowefl to be *oid without objection. If onsTOted on Tues- day against als, be mual against lager. Had elder been Included, ths friend* of prohibition would have shown a little more CoMieTzJCT,

Aomj >O«0ip.

Chase Phllflrlrk, ehj marshal, chaie-d a fellow named John lU.ddlck, lu New liedford, and Dabbed him just as he was about to ship on a whaler. He Is charged with Stealing »0i fi "in a younir lady In a buardinit house In iln city.

THE STAIR POLICE.*—The testimony

Cir llio defence of tlto Slato Police, from

judges, district attorneys, anil the law

officers generally, is of tlto strongest

character, ami is letting daylight throngb

the rotten tvMenrw of l*OTwjoj'i gnng

of assmilants

SHOCKING ACCTDEKT.—A passenger who arrived from Portland, about seven

o'clock Wednesday evening, reports that, when the train was passing a point called

Oak Hill, between Portland and Bruns-

wick, about half-past one o'clock, the

person who had charge of the mall bag,

at that place, (where the train does not always atop,) attempted to band It to the mall agent on tbe train, while the ears

years. Ily some fatality, the agent did take the bag, and the one who was at-

tempting to pas* it to him, fell under the cars and WUH killed Instantly, bis body

being cut up and mangled In a most

frightful manner. The train ran half a mile before it could be stopped. The de- ceased, whose name we did not learn, was about sixty yoara of Ag<>.

THS (.'0N8TAiiijMnY IrivseTiaATlOrJ

wears a new phase since tbo testimony

of an array of honest men overwhelmed

tho manufactured tales of the sweepings

from the slums, who boasted of their

own sliiimclessness In corrupting the

officers ; a wicked degreo of perjury has

been dcvclopod, and although some of

tho police are scorched, tho force aa a

whole ia not weakened by tbe investiga-

tion, and Maj. Junes comes through it

without tho Hmell of fire upon his gar-


CATHOLIC FRIENDS' SOCIETT.—The following have heon chosen officers of

society, for the ensuing term:— Presldeut,

Rev. William Orr; Vice President, James Murphy; Secretary, Michael Dunne;

Treasurer, DayldBeatly; Board of Direc- tors, John Define, Manln Brennan, Thomas Kenney, Thomas Griffin, Mar-

tin O'Sulllvan.

Cutler & Harriman hare just purchased one thousand and one sweet, new, milky and tooth- some cocoanuts, and are modest In their charges for them. They are rolling out Ihe sweetest or confectionery, of all descriptions, by the ton.

Those who propose lo go to any place or en- tertainment In Boston nest Wednesday night, should secure ihclr tickets two or threadajs before.


On Friday STsnlng, rsgardleas of rain and mud, tbera was gathered at lbs boms of A. W. Allyn and wife, Clover Hill, a pleasant company or neighbors and friends, to celebrate with them their allrer wed- ding. Tbera were tendered Ibem, on that occasion, the usual congratulation*, log*ther wltb a goodly orraj or oeeful allver-ware.

A|iproprl»le eeremonlea were observed by their paator and friend, Rev. C. E, Fisher, who, s* I* well known and conooded oa all elds*, la particu- larly felicitous In hla performance of lbs wedding ceremony, whether It be tbe primal one, or, as lo thl* Inatance.npon Ibe twonty-Qfthannlveraary. lit. Allyn la well known lo bare been Identified with tbe early growth of onr city, aa one of Its more quiet cltlaens, but one potassaed of atsrllng worth, snd deep Integrity—known but to be respected. AS bo bos been under the cloud, tba post few months, from misfortune* caused by tha devastating ele- ment, Are, It wa* the more appropriate and timely that hla frlenda ahould delight to do blot honor

Long may he lira and proaper! And aa tbla srsnt la but the titter reflected light of lbs smaller orb, so wa trust tba present Joy assy be but tbf pre- cureor of tha full blase or sunlight glory wblsh shall Illumine tba happy coupls when wa meet again to celebrate wltb tbata thstrpolrfea wedding. f*oif mofata jubila. a.


SATURDAY.—The w ater-proof roan, aptly named, went up foralily days as s common drunkard.

A earner losfer wa* aont up for the same time. Two truants and four drunk*.

Moan AT.—Kit r.a Lynch, who was never known to draw a aober breath outalda at the noose of Cor- rection, and who Is coostonltr -dm»« t° in* popu- lation ur Lawrence In Ihe most Illegal manner, was •ent to the Brtdgwster Institution for one year.

Two fellow* from Ilaverhtll got Into a. light In Common street, on Sunday, and ralaod * large crowd. They wars fined $1" and oosta each.

Three drnaks. Four women were summoned for throwing slops

Into the street, and two men for keeping Ibelr places open on Sunday.

T UK an Ar.—John Hamilton was yesterday fined t3 and coat* for an saaaull upon a woman lu n mill at Andover.

A young girl of twelve was «reeled for larceny. 8b* will probably oome barer* tha Judge of Pro- bats.

A female common drunkard wa* allowed to try again.

WE n*F«n AT , — L. I.. Flanderi could not pay ISO and coil* for peddling wilhout lleenss, and went up.

Vary Mulligan drunk for ths second time, ac- cording to iho charge, msrs likely for tho twentieth, wss allowed until I r. M. to leave.

.Simon Sullivan for throwing *lop* Into a public way,was fined |3 and coats.

One drunk went an for thirty days.

THURSDAT,—Four drank*.

FuitiAr.—Two drank*.

'I IIK NEXT OOVEHNORSHIP.— The well informed Boston correspondent of the Dedham Catnte, spenklntf of the next jtubornatorlal oandtdany of ilm Itcpnhlt- oans, says : —

"The claims of Dr. Geo. B. Lorlns; are

likely to be pressed from Kssex County, if I am not misinformed. Dr. Lorlng has

been received as a candidate, as almost

all of us are aware, for several yi

now. He lias undoubtedly a {food many

friends who will uru;e his fitness and hi

claims. It Is understood that Mr. Daives positively declines to be a candidate. The

Lorli>K nien don't feel like walllntf anoth- er year. They are organizing; autl pre-

paring to send tin ir delegation!) to the State Convention, even now, I believe.

They toy that Ibelr candidate U an able

man, an oralor, a man of culture, and

has ttie leisure ami theambiiion 10 fill ibe office creditably to himself and the State.

They urge, too, that It Is unfair to remem-

ber bin earlier record against him, when so many have been absolved from this

species of sinning, and ono Is Inclined to

Hjirce with them on this point. Then they cite the Doctor's fidelity at all times

and on all occasions since he has joined the llcpubllcan ranks,—his liberality of

bis lime, his money and his talents in the

party service; and bis personal amiabil- ity and good nature under attack, added

as favorable points towards overcoming

earlier prejudice. It Is evident from their

action, that thtyrieaii business this year, and it would seem now that tbe only for-

midable new man to be brought out is

Dr. i-orlng.

Mr. A. T. STEWART'* store at the cor-

ner of Tenth Street itiid Broadway is re-

markable in ono particular: the base-

ment floor U the largest in tbo world ex-

■ce|>t that of St. Peter's at Rome. ID

flush surface (brokcu enly by columns)

It covers nearly three acres.

BOARD OF AI.DIHIIMM.—The Board held a mealDg Monday nurbt, at wblch several names were put upon tbe voting list. John Colby, E. p. Cbase, II. P. Damon and Hilton Bonney were drawn to serve as (raver to jurors at the criminal term ef tbe Superior court to be held at Newburyport, May l.lih. The Board met Tuesday night. Mayor Davit In the chair. Aldermen Kurrier and Pluramer were absent. Petition of A. J. Walker and others that Belle- TUS and Hlgbgate streets be laid out and graded, referred to committee on streets. John Dinneen was appointed special policeman, and Matthew O'Connor, Held driver- Concurrent action was had in the matter of a new alarm box on Prospect Hill, and the sewer wanted Ttetween Havetblll aad Bradford streets. Board of Healih arorodFunicatlon was received from cltlteus between Water and Essex streets, •he railroad and Tower Hill. In reference to stagnant water, which was placed on Die. Aa order was adopted for printing and posting one hundred copies of tbe new law concerning slaughter houses, Ac. Adjourned tao weeks lo May 10th.

■■i e> «e>e +

THE ELIOT CONCERT will be remem- bered, on Monday evening next; the

programme of selections Is varied and at-

tractive, and a most enjoyable evening awaits all who attend.

" But thou bast all seasons for thine own, oh I'c.iiii.' At the last meeting of the 8th IUgt< in'iii Association, the qtieitlan came up as to which lowu the next annual meeting should be held In, Stonebam or Acion. The former town was entitled lo the distinction, hut Acton waa selected, as iho captain of tbat company was more advanced In yean, aud there was more danger al his not living to enjoy tbe visit, on Hist account, lhan there was in the case of t'.ici. John II. Hike, of Stonebam, who was comparatively a young man. Capt. Hike coln< elded In that view of the matter and cheerfully yielded Uls right to Acton. He died within a week or two, and ihe captain of tbe Acton com puny is In good health.

Home of tbe hot headed persons who bring reproach upon any cause, charged Major Ben I'erley I'oore, of the Boston Jourmtl, with be' log dituiyal, ten jours ago, nod cut down tilt Hag staff In West Newbury. He said that Ae would never erect another. Ills lellow clll: have now complimented him by putting another and hetter one upon hi* rremlecs, and garnlthed it with au elegant union flag.

The Metrlmack Valley Dental association was in testlon at Manchester, Thursday, Sev- eral members from this cliy were present- Dr J. 11. hkldder read a paper upon dental matters.

O'llaldwlu is " starring" it and making mon ey, Hs bod an enthusiastic reception in New To-k of course, and It lo have a benefit.

ANDOVBR ADVERTISER. Bright, bsauiifu] moonlight night* and pleat-

ant weather.

It Is tald that democrats voted "no"on the beer question quite extensively.

The girls are hiding their pretty faees in the horrible scoops again, for the season.

Tbe Washington Engine Company Indulged In a supper at Crowell's, Monday evening.

A large accession has been made to our Ger- man population within a few days, by arrivals from Europe.

Strawberries were selling Monday, Mar 1st, In Boston, at thirty-five cents per box, whole- sale, and fifty cents retail. Tbey are unprece- deoledly early.

It I) estimated that there will be building work in this city, for carpenters, masons and otb«r mechanics this year, to tba amount of half a million ef dollars.

There wu a concert at the City Hall, Hoe- day night, but a* the managers did not take pains to have tba people know It, bnt about one hundred wen present.

The bill for the organliatloo of the Pembar- ton Mutual Fire Insurance Company of Law- rence, (Dr. A- J. French aad others,) bas been ordered engrossed, in tbe House.

Twenty-four large circuses are announced for tbe coming summer, bnt all are not coming to Lawrence. Tbo posters for the first aa* here, the New York Ctrcni, are already up.

Rev. B. F. Hamilton or North Andover, has received a call from the new Plymouth Ufrurcb of Worcester, to become their paster, at a sal ary of 14000 per annum, and four weeks' vaca- tion.

A visit it likely to be received this week In the mills, by His- Bxxelleney Governor Jashe Hlroba I:o, A*-l*uut Minister of Finance, of Japan, and his secretaries, Mutaee and Font ontsl.

It li more than tnipeeted that there are per- son- In this city, wbe capture and hide doga and wait tor lass o%vttf to offer rewards for thorn. Tbe police bave their eyes upon tome of these fellows.

The National Convention of tbe Grand Army of tbe Republic, will be held la Boston, next Wednesday. Members will be present from all over tbe United States. Post tt of this city, sends one representative.

Don't try to hurry up the season by meant of white pants and dresses. Of coarse gentle- men are referred to la tha former, and ladies In the latter, connection. Just remember last Au- gust and lu string of " nineties." "

The divorce suit of Mr. Messer, a resident of Melhuen, aged aboat seventy years of age, against bit wife, who It flfiy-eight years old, waa before the Supreme Conrt at Salem, on Monday. The decision wai reserved.

The meetings of the Board of Aldermen are getting weekly instead of teml-monthly at be- fore. There are probably strong reasons for the change. The member who moved the pre- vious question, hat been requested to put it back again.

Mlllard i Mats is to be meg at tbe concert at tbe Eliot Church, Monday evening. Tbera will alto be several choruses from Elijah, tongs, quartettes and other selections. Mr, Downs will direct, aid Mr. Fawcett will preside at the piano.

A flower stand outside of a church fair, It somewhat of a novelty, Mr. Flynn wilt bave one on and after Monday, on Essex street, op- posite Drew's saloon. It will be a great con venience lo those of our people who are look- log oat for inch additions to their gardens.

Tbe contract fox building the new brick de- pot at the South Side, for tbe Boston and Maine Railroad, has been awarded to Mr. U. J. Coach, or this city, at 913,000. The stone work will bo commenced at once, and the brick work as soon as ths bricks can be procured, probably by the first or Jane.

There will be a grand concert at the Bllot Church, next Monday evening, to assist ' raking loads to putt-haw a new JI000 organ of Hook's ntanafactire. There will be the best maaical talent of Lawrence and vicinity, and a quartette from Boston', A mass, and other floe selections will be sung.

Mr. Peleg Rankln, special policeman, wbo waa stabbed a week ago last Saturday night, Is able to be ont. Daniel Qllleraon has been usiu iii »iws», and JSUTv/iuinu aauipuj in »tuo, to answer before the Grand Jury cm the charge of the assault upoq liim. A mffe 'proieqid waa entertained la the case of Leary.

The steamer Enterprise will commence her trips between Loweti and Lawrence, for tbe season, on Sunday next, and ran on Svnaari only, unless especially engaged for other days. Tbe steamer loaves Water atreet, Lawrence, at S 1-3 *. M., and 4 r. M., and Lowell at 10 a. IL, and 3 1-2 r. M. Fare forty cents each way.

An old-fashioned ■torth-east rain storm set In Wednesday afternoon and continued through Thursday until to-day. It Is cold and uncom- fortable but the storm II excellent for tbe crops, and rain it alwaya wanted about here. The horses fairly tratle at the proepect of vast quantities of new, sweet and luscious bay to come.

Mr. Lufkln, an old photographer, hat united wltb Mr. Hamor, alto well known In tho pro- fession, and they have dtted np anew studio over Dr. Kidder's office; they have a double light of ground glass, and Bigelow's patent re- volving back ground tor Berlin Heads and Rembrandt lighting, wblch it a grand Im- provement.

The new board of Engineers of tbe Fire De- partment, attained the duties of their olSce on Monday. Mr. Jamas A. Hetcalf wai not pres- ent. Lather Ladd hat been chosen chief en- gineer, J. Q. A. Barrage, lit ass't, Stephen Kenney, 2d ass't, and Richard Worswlck clerk. The other members of the board are Metin. Melvln Beal, Monroe Baldwin, and James A.Metcalf.

The American office was honored Thursday by a visit from a clatt of young ladies or the 1 ligfl School, wbo examlaed the well appointed establishment and Its working! with an Intelli- gent Interest- The Information that acquired will be Incorporated into their studies of natu- ral philosophy, Into wblch the Judicious princi- pal qulatly introduces practical matters when- ever possible and expedient- All of at are alwayt happy to receive inch visitors.

One of the fiftr or tlxty greenbomi who went to the conjuror thow of "Slgnor" Rubin!, a week or two since, at Music Hall, who "prom- ised" 1000 prises and a |130 bone, drew tbe quadruped; but at he wai only hired of a sta- ble keeper for tbe occasion, that waa all the satisfaction obtained. The fool* are far from being all dead vet, and there are plenty who will rmli, upftw "ha neat "promise" of any VBg. aoouu wnu comet along, which tbey might know that neeoukiBot perform, aad did not Intend to. The prises nay or may not be all hairpins, one at each "priie." The Slgnor has come to grler in Manchester, N. H., being held to ball for violating Ibe law.

On Tuesday, a woman having drank blue ruin until the was very blue heiwelf, was urged in a friendly way by Satan, who li alwayt banging around, and on hand at such times, to leavs this gay and festive world, and take pat- ■age tor another by Jumping Into the canal above tbe Pacific bridge. Without waiting to be assured that she would strike bettor dig- gings, ihe plunged In; tbe water bad Itt effect, ber heated Imagination wai cooled, and every- thing that had appeared black and blue, ai- tumed a lighter atped. She did not sink it once, and a plank being thrown to her, the ea- gerly clutched it, and after floating down tome distance she was fished out, and run home as last at her legs aurruunded by wet skirts and other things, would let her, a wetter aud a wis- er woman.

Mitt Wheeler, tho accomplithed teacher of dancing, gage an exhibition of her school at tbe armory, over the police station, on Mon- day evening. It wu witnessed by a very large company of our most respectable people, a large proportion, ladles. Tbe ball was even uncomfortably full, and a repetition In a larger hall la suggested. Tbe young ladles and tbe children of the school tbowed great proficiency and grace In their movements, and evidence of goad training lu everr respect. Elgin of the scholar*, lo the vicinity of eight or ten years of nge.danrcd " I.t Cracovelnne " together must admirably. They were all girls, dressed lu white wiib scarlet waists, and icsritl forage caps. The dancers also hod belli and metal heelt upon their boots, tnd kept excellent time. Afterwards Mlti Helen Dana aud Master Draw danced a Highland Fling In costume, la a man- ner which created additional delight. The "German" was also danced by tba scholars, and afterward! by the visitors- Tbe whole affair wu very agreeable-

FRIDAY, MAY 6, 1871.


The collection at tbe South Church for tbe Congregational House In Boston, amo nted to upwards of tl.jOO.

J. W. Barnard has sold his house and land In Pryo Village, known an the '• Bea place," to the Smith and Dove Manufac- turing Co.

George Foster sold by auction on Sat- urday last, tbe " Stanley estate " on Back Street, for |1.0fio. Purchaser, Abby rJUmpeon.

Bee. K. 8. William-, pastor of tbe Free

Church, will preach to the children next Sabbath morning. Singing by the .Sun- day School.

Ten shares or the capital stock of the

Andover National Btnk, were sold at

auction In Boston, on Saturday last, for •iaO.60 per share.

J. E. Whiting, watchmaker and Jewel- ler, removes with George H. Parker to

Draper's building, Main Street.

John Pray has opened a livery stablest

the old stand on Main street, formerly oc- cupied by bis father, Mr. Cbarlea Pray.

J. W. Ward well, who has kept this stable for several yean, bas removed to South

Lawrence, where be continue- In the same business.

Mr. B. M. La.vrcnce, of Qulncy, will lecture on Temperance, at the Baptist Church, on Thursday evening next, May

Ilth. Mrs. Lawrence will assist In read- ing, speaking and singing. They are

well spoken or where they have lectured,

and have the heat of recommendations.

Among the subscriptions for tbe Con- gregational Home, In Boston, we notice

tbat Dea. Peter Smith, of this town, has given one thousand dollars.

The land belonging to the heirs of the late Edward S. Merrill, on Essex street,

aud of John Cornell, on Mala street, both

adjoining that previously bought for the Memorial Hall, has been purchased for

tho same purpose, and tbe whole together will furnish a sufficient area for all the

accommodations required.

Henry E. Hayward has been drawn a

juror for tbe May term of the Superior

Court, beld at Newburyport.

The commltt ee will proceed at once to lay out lots in the new cemetery, and a

long needed want of the community will be supplied.

At the town meeting, on Tuesday,

George II. Poor, Moderator, the vote

on tbe tale of ale and beer stood aa fol-

low! :—Yew, 44; No, M. Last year tbe majority against selling was 9.

The following report on the new ceme-

tery was unanimously adopted :—

The undersigned cemetery committee,

appointed July fltli, 1849, respectfully re-

port that since their r eport of June Kith,

1870, they have done nothing further than

to procure the services of Mr. C'rulk-

sbank*, to view tbe premises and make a

sketch of tbe avenues and paths necessa-

ry to Improve the same. That upon the

receptions of bis plans and after repeat-

ed and careful revlewlugof the premises, they came to tbe unanimous conclusion

that the magnitude of the work to be

done, and tbe unpropltlous nature of tbe soil for burial purposes, made It desira-

ble In the Judgment of your committee

to procure some other lot not opened to tbe objections above stated. On inquiry,

tbey found no lot of land ao favorably situated for this purpose as tbe one origi-

nally considered by your committee,

viz:—Tbeloton theeasttldeof the road

leading to Ballard Vale, owned by J. II Flint, ami other*. The soil of thli lot for me UIU»L pan is light and loamy, tree in a great measure from large rocks, and

contains springs and running water upon

It; la partly wooded wltb a fair growth of bard, and white pine wood, the cutting

and sale of which will help improve the othar parts of the lot. There is sufficient- ly open or clear land to be Immediately

available for burial purposes. The lot contains forty-one acres, and can be pur-

chased for the sum set apart and appro- priated by the town for tho nurehaie of the

additional lands in connection with the

original town wood lot. From tbe forego-

ing, and for many other reasons not here

enumerated, your commUtee unanimous- ly recommend the abandonment of the Cartnel Hill Lot, and the puioliesc and

adoption of the Flint Lotas the "Town

Cemetery." To carry the above Into ef- fect, tbey re-commenced the passage of tbe following resolution aad rotes

Suototd, That that votes of the town hefelo'forf paesed, ssttlaf apait a portion of ths town Ian J, and certain adJitiona to be narebassd of Massr*. FUal and Poster, he a esasstary, b* and are h*r*bv

Osa. ArrostroBK I* principal of tb* " Hampton Normal and Afriealtaral In*tilaU " for free man, situated at Hampton, Vs. This Institution ha* bsaD la sucoeesrul operation for over three year*. It Is n normal *chool, and la Juet b+ffnnlni to *end out It* pnptla a* Inatmctor* Into different ports of tba aoutti, and II1* becoming a recognised power for good. In eilebllahment la due largely lo tbe conception and labors of Gen. Armstrong. Having done faithful ■ervli-n as commander of negro troops

', having become (till more familiar wltb Use wants of ibe negro, a* oflloer in lbs Freed- voen's Ilure.u, after tba war, ha eonoslved ths plan of lalroduelng among tba freed men the aama ajalefB of education wblch bad bean ao inoeeeafnl in tbs Sandwlcb Islande, a *r*tam wblch combines ibe Indnatrtsl and ihe Intellectual. Under Ibe aua-

of Ibe American yi**loner* eoelety, a farm of OS* hundred ood twenty-five acres waa purcbaaad, oommodloua bulldlngaErected, all at on expense sf $1JS,U"W, aud tbs school duly lasugurated.

The •tudnut* do all the work upon tbla farm. Tbey do It ebsarfully and well, thereby enabling thssa In part to pay thalt way. By requiring iham to pay for wbat tbey get, eelf reliance and s.lf re spent, thote qasllUee In whlsb tho frssdmen are ao sadly defective, ore promoted. Tba demand for colored tswshsrs f.r esosed* ths snpplj; tba frlendi of educatlun and chruUanlty nro culled upon to aid, by tbclr sympathy and tbelr means, thl* grest work of Normal loatraeUon autoog the frssdmm.

Ia ipteklug of ths present oondlttoa of tba *ontb, li* general represented It aa moat doplurable. For tba post two years ther* has been ratroarsaslon. Tba common to boo I eyeiem I* gelling no bold of the south. Maryland and Taanaaas* have glvea np ths system, Kenlncky will uot allow it; It dossa' work In Soutb Carolina. Many of tba teachers ore not paid. Hut men from the north perjured rebel*, and negro demagognee bave mode leglali. ture contemptible, while many of the beat man, those wbo most cheerfully accept tbs altastlon, are dbftsnehlaed. Universal amnesty- Is imperatively demanded by tha trna friends of the aoatfa. Thirty per c*nt. of ihe violence perpetratsd Is do* to hos- tile leglalatlou. V*t ha prophecies rotors good as a rssnll of the Ku Hint Klan'i outrages. They ore educating lbs negro, and disciplining Ibe par- ly of progress now In tba minority, and compelling them to alougb off the demagogue* who have here- tofore coraed them, aa a mUalooary fleld noas make* so strong appeals u> the chrUtlan world as tbs south. Vet aalselonoiT labor ther* baa failed la aceompjlablof what It might, beeanes It bas not bsen psralitsnl aad eonUnaoua. Unlike laborers In other aside mlielonarlee and tsacasra have not gone there to star and ass tl oat. They remain 0 abort lima, and tben abandon the work or leave 11 In laeflcUnt or Inexperienced bonds. Some of the ageoclee heretofore at work, are withdrawing from the fit-Id, while those that remain are losing the mnch of the pecuniary support which they have formerly reoelred. Tbe church needs to be awak- ened anew lo ber obligation to ths degraded mill- ion, of lbs soutb. In view of these fact* ll 1* lm- pervtou* that such Institutions as that at Hampton, be encouraged and snatalned.

This U but a brief and Imperfect extract of Gen. Armstrong's very Interesting address. Hut hoping It will be of seirlce to your readers I send It to your

Yours, S.

TO LET. Ths Dwelling House on tb* "Major Blunt

I'laoe," on north Street. Apply to CBAKLES C. Bl.l NT.

Andover, April 7,1871. it

Norway Spruce for Sale. The aobscriber has 60 or 70 thrifty Norway

Sprue*, 3 to 6 feet high, which will be sold In lots to suit purohsitri, it low price*.

WM. LIIICKICHINU. Andover, April 7, 1B71.

Tba Chinese Government intend* to disregard Burlinsame's treaty, and make no hones of telling Hluliler Lowe, Ea-Oovernor of Califor- nia, tbat it is because of the out rags* upon Chi- namen la his Siate, for which no redress can be bod, eoutnuT to that treaty. It relutes all re- dress for massacre of missionaries.

NOTICE. BOOTS AND 8HOKU mode and repaired by thf

subscriber All Indebted sre requeated to mat. payment, JAMKH JOHNSON.

Andover, April 14,1871, tr

\ Jn'fortr.

rWsst, That IBS) semetary commute* be author. laad to purthas* of John H. Flint aad other*, Ibelr lot of tl acre* more or lee*, situated on Ihe oast aids of tha old road ioodlai In Ballara Vole, for a earn not exceeding 1*000, and that tha lame be dedicated to lb* purposes of a cemetery, tad b* Improved by Ihe oommliies for that parpoae.

r'ofnl, That all sums of money heretofore voted by tbe town for tha Improvement of ths "Cormsl BUI" lot, bs transferred and expended In tb* Im- provement of tbe new lot thiiday designated for a cemetery; aad that the Selectmen bs authorised and directed to draw their order on lb* town trea- surer for a sum not exceeding $1000, to pay for lbs above named land, tad lbs Improvement* to be mads upon It, wh*n requested so to do by the com- mltt**.

Voted, That lbs cemetery committee be author- ised to flit any vaeaados that may exist in their hoard. WM. O. MSAia,

For ths Commltt**.

Rev. Mr. Gruslo of Melhuen, gare a Tory interesting lecture at tlio Yestry of tbe Free Cbureh, leal Sabbath ereauig, upon Adam, the model young man of the Bible. He coumenced by speaking of the extent of the country of Eden; be thought we had too contracted wiewa of the matter; it waa the garden t>i Eden. Adam waa a king, an emperor, and a fanner, and not simply a gardener or horticulturist; he waa probably about aix feet in hlght, of symetrlcal propor- tions, great Intelligence and excellence, aad a very busy man ; he aroae early in Ihe morning, and was industrious. Mrs. Adam waa also referred to in terms of as aiuclt commendation as the circum- stance! would justify. The speaker drew aeveral conclusions from the sub- ject : That tailing is not work for young ladies ; It la not work for young inou to stand at the corners of the streeta wait- ing for something to turn up; all should work excepting Inralids and Idiots; ev- ery man should own a pieee of land. Early marriages were recommended.

Tho description of the country of Edeu waa exceedingly graphic, and Mr. and Mrs. Adam were made to appear so lifelike in the scenes tbat one could'al- most ace them In their loveliness and lnuoceucc. The lecture was Intensely Interesting, and wo hope It may be de- livered at some future lime In ihe course to tlto people, at the town hall.

For (a* strntrfotn

Onn. 8. C. Armatrong'a Addxeae.

Ma. BuiToa.—Oen. B. C. Armstrong, of Itamp- ton, VtrgUUa, addressed Ibe members and friend* of lb* Ttieu. Seminary hers, last ivanlag, npon lbs condition of in* soutb, sad ths nesds sf Ih* freedmeu. In an hour's talk be Inalraetsd and <!*■ Ilghttd hi* audience. If ibe view* wbleh be si- prc**ed wer* more widely known and dlaaamlnalad through th**ostb,lb*r* woald bs tnaoh less prejn-

and mlaeoneeptlon regarding |b* eon Ih, and tbe means used to Leaent them, In being more Wisely applied, woald bs much mere fruitful In


A communication in relation lo the stone post on Brook Street, came too late *"- Insertion.


Should Ibe stream be abut off which supplies and gives life to that machinery within lyttem that performs io regularly a certain amount of growling, what a tad condition to- eiety would be In; the occupation of half of the world would be gone; the other hair would sooner starve than stand subject to the knife tbat would ttrer ths tie of to dear a compaa lonihip. A steady run of this favorite element It useful and bracing to the nerves; It It only by a clote and partittent application that its virtue will come out; all other ordinary affair* tbat benefit or become entangled with the du- tlet of life mmt be laid aside to give place for this particular accomplishment; any lots or curtailment It embarrattlng, and drewi about us at once a tamo and unfeeling atmosphere. No claim It demanded Tor any special or local application of this subject, but when the ques- tion conies up for consideration, who shall have the contract for building a tunnel threugh Pole Hill, or how much shall be paid to tbe discov- erer of ■ northwestern passage around Pine Island, we shall probably be made conicioui of any existing superiority.

Mr. Cralg of Cbarlettown, la building a new house near the place or Mr. Daniel Heart; the Scriptural injunction about building upon a rock waa slightly overlooked at first, but by tbe application of Jack screws, tbe perpendicu- lar of the house has been made tare.

Mr. J. c. Holmes hai moved hit grocery ■tore Into tbe centre of the wheel that encircles •b. business IOSWIIUM «S 0ar nc law born ood. The store ii near tbe depot, and convenient for thoio who favor him with tbelr patronage.

Mr. George Sbaw and ton contemplate a trip to England, and will set sail tome day next week. The smell of Old England's beef will doubtless bare a salutary influence. We hope the witiilt will bs favorable to ibelr travailing, and that ikey way return safely after visiting Ibelr. friends and Inhaling for a time tbe invig- orating and bracing cordial tbatexUti in the atmosphere surrounding that portion of tbo earth's turf ace.

Thoie In onr neighborhood and vicinity who have not jet laid In a supply of plant* for dec- orating their flower beds, or tomato, cabbage and other vegetable roots for the garden, should not delay, but go at once to Mr.Bingbam'i and secure a Hock; ihey are going off very rapidly, and there It such a thing u waiting too long.

Blanej'i Hull, on Wednesday evening, wu the scene of festivity and much social enjoy- ment. The young folkt, wiibing to give ex praitlan of their good wishes to tbelr friend, Mr. Jotepb Sbaw, before crossing the briny deep, attain hied at the hall and spent a few honn very pleasantly. The programme was large and of considerable variety, made op of mnilc, mirth, May-flowers and an assortment Of good thing* generally. «I*I*

"Once lu a While" came "awhile" too lat< for to-day.

Dissolution of Copartnership. Not Ice i* hereby given that the copartnership

lately existing between the under signed, under the firm name of WILLIAM Conaa t Hos, |* this day dissolved by mutaaroonsent.

Andovsr, May lit, 1871,

WM.COilSK, W. A, COBS*;.

Copartnership Notice. Tb* undersigned have tbla day formed „

partnership under the Srm noas aad itvle ol Coa» ABravxnt, for the purpose of carrying on the Hoot aad Shoe boilnei* at tha itore form- erly oocnplcd by William Corse * Bon.

WM. COItfiK,

twawaWsay.MvM.fln. &iimvAa-

FOR SALE. A Small Farm ia North Andover, known as tbs " Bsnjamln Flab Place," situated near Marble Kldge station. Bald Farm contain* about eleven aore*. a Iwo-stary House, Barn, Shop, and Wood Bhed, and a never (alliae- Wall of Water; over V Fruit Trass, ete.,ets. Terms

i»a*1re on the premise*. ItVrayl* reason a bli.

Cows for Sale. -Eight or ten young Cows (four of then having

calve *) are offered for sals al reasonable prises.— Inquire at tbe late residence of W. PHILLIPS rOSTBtt, or Of JOHN ABBOTT.

Andovsr, April:«, 1871. tf


has always oa hand a large assortment of

Coins, Caskets, Robes, Platen. Ac,

wbleh he will I rail* at the shortest notice aad tbe best manner.

Also, having icveral Corps* Preserving c , he Is prepared to furnish las and preserve bodies when desired.

Orders left at Residence,on Hiou STniKT.wl be promptly attended to.

Andovsr Jan. l, mru.

FURNITURE. ••^^^"^^■anv Tb* subscriber continues tb* Furniture bnsloesi at hie ritabllibmiM on Main street, next to the Post Office. Upholstering aud repairing done In a superior manner, and 1'ietar* Prams* eonilintly on band or mode to order.- Coffin*, Caikrt*. Shrood*, and Platen of all varUtlc*, promptly furnished at reasonable price*.

TEKRKNCE HLNfctY Andover.Oet, 7 1870. T|

DENTAL NOTICE."" Appreciating the liberal patronage whleb tb*

cltlaens of Andover and vicinity have given me In the past, I would say that In mtnre 1 will ea desvor to merit lliolr confidential truit by guar- anteeing perfect tallefaellon in everything pertaining lo tha art of DENT1BTBY, wfasra ■aeb a thing 1* possible. J. B, in. A Kg.

Andover, March 14,1S7I. tl

llnggetl'a road Naraary. All kind* of Irultand ornament ul trees, twenty

kind* of choir* grape vlnaa, hemlock, Norway apruce, and baleam fir* and arbor vltaea for bedgre, at low rale* by tbe hundred or thousand ■tosh maple*, flowering shrubs, rose*, «*.— Urcenhoaae plants, cut fluw.is; large lot of to- watoes, celery, and other garden plants, wlHi or without pot.. s-uil.A NsifKK a HON.

Andover, April u, U71, It

vnilitlaji -i-K'ri'k-eo.

TBMPSBAKCB LBCTOKH, by Dr. B. If. Law- rence and wife, In tbe City Hall, neat Sunday iveiling, at 8 o'clock. The Doctor li an abla peaker, and Mrs. Lawrence adds noi a little jo he Interest by hrr swngs and readings.

Notice to Tai-Prtyors. To the inhtibitaitt of the Tvtcn of Andover, and

Per ton* limbie to be Aneited therein- Yon are hereby natlfled that the subscribers

Will be In sssilon st tbe Towa Houie, In said An- dovsr, on Thuraday. tbe 4ih day of May, neat, at nlneo'olotk A. *)., for Ih* purpose of receiving true and psrleet list* of the poll* and oil the es- tate*, real and personal (not by law exempted train taxation), wblsh you ar* posssesed of. In said town of Andovsr, on lb* flrst day sf May, 1171; which account you are requested to bring lu by ths nineteenth day of May, 1171.


Andover, April 16,1871.

Comuumteeoltk of JJaiiatJiuittti.

i the year one thousand eight hundred and six- ty-five.

CHAPTER 121. An ACT uni.ATiso TO TIIK AxATxagnT or

TAxaa, Be It enar trri by the Senate and Home of Repre

■entail ve* In (Jeneral Court *■*<'milled, aad by tbe authority of the same. *» follow*:

When ths Assessor* of the elty or town have given notice to the Inhabitant* tberewf to bring In true lists of all their polls and estates, not ex-

ist from taxation, in accordant* with the pro ilons ol ths Iwenty-aeeond section of tbe

eleventh chapter of Ihe General Btatatss, they ihall not afterward* .bate any part of the tax *•- ■eased on personal estate to any person whs) did

not bring in iscb list within the time specified therefor In sneb notice, unless such UI exceed* by more than flity P*r centum the amonol which would bave been ataraacd to tbat person oa par* aonal estate If ha had seasonably brought in said

and If said tax exceed* by more than fifty per centum the said amount, the abatement shall bs only of the excess above Ibe aald fifty per cen- tum : provided, however, that this Act shall not affect any person who can ifaow a reasonable ex- cuse for not seasonably bringing In said list. [Approved April l.lSUl

BKCKSTAKV'B DXPARTMKMT, I Boston, April 18,1871. (

A trusropy of Aat. OLIVER WARS Kit,

ttaptt .Secretary of Ibe Commonwealth.

Tomato Plants. sooo choice Tomato Plants 1st sole

by the subscriber, M. S. JKHKINB, 5tep','n- North Andover, Mass,

There will b* a aervlo* at lb* Unitarian ohursh next Sunday evening, commencing at T o'clock. Sermon by Ihe pastor.


ULLLVAN-BttRSNAHAN.-Io tbla city,April KTlh, by Ilev. William ll.ruMt, Mr, bl.rlln&al- llvan, of Brattleboro, Vt., and Mies Mary Bres-

,-April Mill, bV ths , of ftuckpurl, and M1*S

naban, of Lawrenc*. O'SULLIVAN—TBAINEB.-

■ame, Mr. John O'ejulilvan, ( Anna Trainer, of LswrcDce.

NICHOLSON-OILMAN.-In thl* city, April Mlh, "-MI A. Hie*;

C«-**utonwealth or Maaaactiuaelt*.

latnz, aa. PROBATE COUBT.

PUNOUABD, late of Andover, In stld county, widow, deceased. Greeting: Whereas a certain instrument purporting to bs

tbe last will and testament of aald deceased, bas been presented to aald Court for Probate, by Vdward Taylor and Ooorge B. Jewett, who pray that letters teaUmentary may be lisued to tb-" the executors therein named, and that tbey be exempted from furnishing saret' ofoetal bond, the teatatrlx having so ■aid Instrument,

You are bsreby cited to appear at a Probate Conrt, to be held at Haverhlll,ln aald county el Essex, on ths Third Tnetdsy of May next, at nine o'clock before noon, to show cause, II any you have, against the same.

And said petitioner* are hereby directed to give publlo notloe thereof, by publishing this citation once a week.for three aucecsilvc weeka, In the newspaper called tbe Lawrence American and Andover Advertiser, printed at Lawrence, the last publication to be two days at least befor* aald Court. , M

Witness, Ooorge F. Choat*. Esquire, Judge u. ■aidCourt,this seventeenth dayof April,lu ths year eighteen hundred snd seventy-one.

spit A.C. UOODELL, Uegttler.

-OT" A. a- O N s WILLIAM POOn,

Manufacturer of Express, Market, Butcher, Store, Farm

and Business Wagons. ABs-Bepolrlng In all Its branches; and all work

warranted a* repreiented. Andover, March It, IB71. tl

'^liiifSVitv'oo "TeTMic***.

T. B. CALDWBLL & Co., 2S8 Washington Street, Boston, have a splendid stock, of just what the ladles want. See ad vert li em en t.

SPXCI ai an copies or tho POXTLAXD TaANocxir-r tent free to any addiess, Terms, |3 a year, and subscriptions taksn for six or three mouths, first class literary weekly, which has Just been greatly enlarged aud Improved. Address lanifs23 I'.i.wsi.i,, l'n x \tti> A Co., Portland, lie.

Da. Baiaoa' Alleveotor cure* Catarrh, etc

Try Dr. Briggs' Hie Kcmedles, for Piles.

Conxs. —Brlgg'a Alleviator aud Curative, tb* only reliable and efficacious remedies In Ihe world for lb* speedy cur* of Corns, Bunions, Chilblains, inverted nails, etc. Bold by druggists.

Br!gg"s Throat aad Lung Hsalsr is reliable.

Use Briggs' Corn and Bunion Remedies.

60 Sower* Wanted. I want SO Sewers on Frame Work. New Begin-

■ers oan make good pay the flrst week. trjnibin W. 8. GILHOBE,

Straw Hat Manufacturer, 8W Essex St., Lawrence,

OenerouB Olfta Require Grateful Ac- knowledgment.

The members of the Catholic Friends' Society by a unanimous vole, tbe pastor of tha Church of tbe Immaculate Conception, sod the Sisters having charge of Ihe Orphan Asylum, acknowledge with alneero thanks the receipt of ens thousand dollar* for th* orphans. Mr. John Boyle, of Boeton, who died In thl* city, frequently expressed bts Intention of bequeathing to the Asylum for lbs support of tbe orphans, s generous portion of hi* Inheritance. Dying without a will, Mr*, Hyan, his unit, becom- ing heir at law, gave In hla name tbe above amount, fur wblch inn b* has lbs prey tr* of tb* orphan*, and she our grateful acknowledgment.'


Tin. Bxia (Ji r.iTioM.—A t the town meeting hsl d on Tuesday, the 3d inat., It waa voted unanimously, la prohibit ths ssle of spirituous snd malt liquors within the limits of tha town, fur the year ensuing.

BALK or BXAI. KBT-AT-K,—Mr. Harden has dis- posed *f hi* estate, allusled on Andover atraet; Mr, Charles Bpoflord, the former owner, was tho pur- chaser.

.Tba estate of the lots Oeo. L. Adorn*, hot been purchased by Mr. J. L, Klmball.

FXSTIVAI,.—Th* young people connected with tbs Klrst Congregational Society, held a May Festi- val at tb* Town Hall, ox Wednssdsy evening, tbe Id lost. Tbe exercise* eonaleted of soeal and li atrumenlal mask, dialogues, fce. An abundant supply of refreshments wss furnlihtd, wbleh ap- peared lobe well appreciated. Qutiean amoun funds wareoblolnad, which will be applied lo Ibe benefit of the Sabbath School.

WOODBX WEDDING—Mr. ft Mrs. Arthur N, Batcbeldcr, formerly of Gsorgetowo, bnt st pre*. enl resident* of IlsTerhlll, celebrated tha flfib annlvsraary of their nuptial day, al tbelr dance, on Locust street, on Friday craning, th* 38lh nil., in s manner thai hea obtained quite generally for the peat f*W year* throughout many sections of the oountry, and Is generally known a* a Wooden Wedding, (the appropri- able** of ih* word wooden will be apparent to any on* upon •light reflection). The prsssnls were quite aamerun* and appropriate to the occa- ■lon, consisting chiefly or furniture, Including ma- ny article* of ueefuln*** and beauty. Tb* compa- ny WM qalt* large, natwltbrtaudlog tbe InoU men- *y of lb* evening, numbering some two hundred, among whom we noticed repressntallvee of Steam- er aTo. 3., The Urand Army, Ileverblll city Ouard, A.J.O.,and a company float Georgetown, wbo all received a kindly greeting from the genial ho*t and boil***, and In return extended Ibelr congratu- lation lo ih* happy recipients.

Beversl choice selection* of motlc war* executed In a highly artlitlc manner, by an TrnprovUed qn ar- ietta, wh*n tb* attention of th* company was Invlt* ed to th* table* of re freshmen!s, and all "abandoned themtelvea lo Ihe natural Instinct* of lb*occasion," wltb evident satisfaction. It was resolved, uoanl- moualy, that It I* the manifest duly of til married people to celebrate Ibelr wooden wedding "early and oft so."

The norlheast rain storm continued through Thursday night and Into the next forenoon. Il poured down heavily much of the lime.

James Atkinson was arrested bj Ihe police, on Monday. He Ii wanted on a charge ol sev- eral small forgeries In Manchester.


Oen. Butler was counsel for Mrs. "Brick" Pomeroy. He writes a sharp Utter, glorying in getting even on Ifr. Brick P.

Wall***, HIC1IOLBON-Q ILM AN.-April "lib, by Rev.

Ueo. P. Wilson, Almou A. Nleaoleou and Klin Amanda Oilman, all of Law rence.

E. Adaaea, both Of Msthusn, AIiAMS-PIIILBBICK.-In Lowell, by »*T. WII-

■ J-'rkby, Mr. Robert Adam*, of Lawrence, Mrs. Jennie Pbllbrlck, of Lowell.

HILL— PIBBCE.-In Methoen.Msy Sd, by Rev N. M. Williams, Mr. Ueo. O. Hill, of Andover. to oil** Etta J.PIeree, of Keen*, V U,

3IWh». URPfir.-In this elty, May 1st, Infant son sf Patrick and Margaret Murphy.

DOWDINO.-April »th, Mr*. Eleanor Dowdlng Si yrs, t mo*, n dys.

QIBUERT.-April nit,, Mrs. Mshltabel til.Wt. SO yrs, 1 mo, ( dya. •

VS&HBnlt *"" d*U*bUr " J— "* SPKNOEB.-Aprtl Htb, Patrick Bp*neev, TB yre. QUIKLAN—April STus, John, son of William and

Mary ljulnlau, 1 dy. AUEKIf.-April 23d, Mrs. Catherta* Ahetn, U

Ml'BPCT.-April ITU, Ellaabslh, dangbler of Mi- chael and Ellen Murphy, 1 yr, 7 mos*

UAFFERTY.-April 38ib, Hugh Raffstty, M jr.,

MOBSrK-Iu North Andover, April list. Mrs. Me- Us*s D-, wife of Waiter S. Moras, sgsd 30 yra, 10 mos, H dys.

NORCR08S.-In Weavervllle. Cal.. April lHh. Oliver H. P. Noieroea, a native of Main*, aged •9 yrs, Banes, *

EATOM.-IO North Beading, Hay l.t, widow Ta- mer Katon, aged W yrs, 1 mo.

ABBOTT.-In New York diy. April Nth, Mary K. Abbott, widow of the 1st* D. Warren Abbott. and daughter of Abel Blanohard, aged tl yr*, t

H*r remain! were taken to Andover, bar former place of resldonce, for Interment, on Tuesday, and funeral services were held at the vestry of Ih* South Cbnreb.

Card of Thnnka. The undersigned returns his at ace re thanks to

his late osaoclatea of Eagle Ilose Co, for tha beautiful Silver Trumpet presented to hla on th* occasion of their closing anpper at tha residence ef Chas, E, Dyer, Wednesday evenlag. May 3, Be assured, my friend*, that such a gift will only add to the kindly feeling exlsltng between us, and that tbo " Trumpet shall give ao ascertain

CUA8. W. FOSTBB, Late Foreman of Eagle Hose.


Lawrence, Hay t^WI." it*

NOTICE. Notice Is'hereby glvan that the copartnership

heretofore existing between UKHKII.I. a DUBQIN, I* this day dlsioivtd by mutual eonaeut. All de- mands due by the firm, will bs presented to Oeo. W. Merrill for payment; and all accounts dae ibe nrm, will be paid to the some.


Lawrence, May 1,1671. 3t1my»*

White *& Urcy Hair Wanted. J. MEDINA A CO.,

P*»t Ofllce Block, - - Lawrence, Will pay the HIGHEST KICKS for

Long White or Urey Hair. Don't buy 12 or 14 oz. for • pound

of Soap, wrven you oan got BE AC H '8

WASHING SOAP that is full weight.

420 t f».7/.7/O.V ST. tUO

New Flouriarain Store. FLOUR,



POTATOES. All kinds of

Field & Grass Seeds. Platter, Ground Bone, Phosphate.

Oat Straw for Beds, and Reds Filled.

No. 420 Common atreet, Lawrence, (Betwern Hampshire and bh-auklln.)



NOTICE. This Is to certify tbat the copartnership htreto-

foroexislini between BUCK A PaaasoK, Is this dsy dissolved by mutual consent. All bills dne as well as bill* *Kalnst tald firm, will be settled by aald pBintoa, c. O. PkAUOIf.

„ .. „ CM. BUCK. Lawrenc*, Feb. 17,1871. ltlfmyS


Ia TIOABD or AMinrtms, May 1st, lSli.

Ordered, that dne notice be glvea that this Board will, on TUESDAY, the. ISth day of May ioatant,atBo>elooa, P.M.,tnke Into consideration the expediency of ooattrnatlng common hewers In Lowell street, from Hsmpthlrw laAmeibary street; In Chestnut street, from Jackion street to Ih* Bplcket riVnT) in th* alley-way between lit- verhlll and Tr*m.nt streets, from Hampshire to Kr.nklln street; In the alley-wey betwees Oak and Elm streets, from Lawrence street throngh tald alley, Turner and Short street*, te tha Sploket river,-ond of assessing a proporlloael part or tho expense thereof on th* abuttert aad oil ptrtant who may enter their particular drain Into sach common Sewers, or who, by any morn remote means, ehall recrlve anr bent lit thereby. Any person maklnt objselions thereto, Will then and there be heard, artrayi Attest, ago. B. KOWB, City Clerk.

SIIERIFFtfj 8ALB. Comnonteealth of Uaieathtueiti.

K«ux:*f- . *p»n -•*h, *.». 101. By vlrta* of an eseeuilo* which Issued o. a

b.n now lit.., and Ih. ui tb.t I. dc.c7lb.di. . deed (hereof from Kllen Sllll... to r.ihii.! S.IU..O,d.ud ibe iSSmSttSSSSSEt A. U. Hdl, .coded lo W&yuUSVKSi

r'L™™/t ?°fi' !■*>** K"»e* .tree,, la c.ld I.ewreore, 1 .hall ofTcc for .ale be n.hli. ....iTl lo II,. nl.,,,,1 bidder, ,.ia "J,I I'JSllit ?r,1 deap.l.o, lo XSX uid ...oeiloa Y.7.M ,".

Si"''.' "' "''• ™«- loSl, '"">' aiwa&if.



Tbe new and li.t aieatttr

.ENTERPRISE Will make Two Trip, to LOWELL


Lcaeln, the Toot or Water Btre.t

AI s i.i A. a. a.d 4 r. a. i..... I|l Lwwall M io A. m. * 5 1.. F. ■•

Faro, 40 centd.

EDWARD FLYNN Wishes to nike known to the cltlsene of Law- rence that lie hai enlarged his Green tlouie end ■took of PLANT!, which he now luvlt.e MM public to examine. 1 do boldly «ny Overs U nothing ID the city to compare with my «toch it n.iti, My

Verbena* and Geraniums are iplendld. I have a One assortment of

Flaata for filliur. Baskets and Roallc Stands.

1 hare One Urge Geraniums, of all slink* ol color, for ill lint Vases; also,

Bouquets, baskets of Cut Flowers, and other Decoration* for Fartlt *, Weddings, and FunurAs, arranged lo order at abort nolle.

Green House, No. 26 Meadow St., UWUROI.


Mr. Fly an will open a ttAJTO ron THK SALE or rUNTS.oo MonJay u it, on the aou[h aide of Essex Street, OPI-I»>ITK J. D. DREW'S DINIKO Sn.miN, HapWl

To Let. OB Summer Street, (Simmons' Block,) an u

stair* TENEMENT, with tire or ill rooms. Apply to S.A.JEWkTT,

UH Juiy'i «5i9 Essex Street.

Seaside House for Sale. A Cottage Home, situated on Hampton Beach,

In good repair, satiable for two famlllea, will be eold very cheap, If applied for aoOD, Call on

IH lapto CYRUS WILLIAMS, Near Depot, Lawrence, Mail,



Jtoont So. 1, City Halt. To the Inhabitants of the City of Law-

renee, and other 1'eraoni liable to Taxation

The Aaeeiiora of the City of Lawrenee hereby fire notice to the Inhabitant* of aaJd city, and all other partial liable to pay Taiea therein, that their office will be open on and after the FIRST DAT OF JUNE, UNTIL and ISCLUDIXO the FIFTEENTH DAY OF JUNE, 1BTI. limit llousa, 9 to 13 o'clock. A, ai,, 3 to I o'clock, P. H.; aad TUESDAY and TilUKSDAY EVENINGS from T to B o'clock, during the above mentioned time, than and there to receive the valuation of •slates; and all part lei liable to be taxed In aald Lawrence are hereby required to return to aald offlou a true and perfect Hat of all the polla, and aehadulei of the real and peraonal eatatea for which thay arc liable to pay Taxes,

The following enumeration mny serve aa a guide 10 the inhabitanta lo miking Dp their itatetnenti; FOILS.—All nialei of 30 vein old and upwards, RKAL ESTATE.—Land and buildings. STOCK 1H TRADE.—Goods, wares and merehaa-

dlie—a valoe riiusl to the amount of aMney aecsasary to carry on bualneai.

ALL Mosey. AT IXTIXEST, —(not depoalted In aavlnga banka In Haas., or Invested In United Htatea eecurttlee,)

IK<:OMa from profession or occupation, exceeding one thou a a ml dollara In amount.

B*XK,alA»t'rA('TCBISO,ItAll,UOAr) AM) PUBLIC STOCKI, not exempt by law from taxaUon,

lloitaaa, CABKIAOEI, AID NEAT CATTLE. HOUSEHOLD FfJRHiTURi.exoeedlnfonetbouaand

dolUra ia value. BLANK SCHEDULES for return* of peraonal

Property, can be obtained of the Aaaeaiora at Ihelr oflUe, City HtJi.

Parties bofdlBg Mortgagee reoorded on Seal Ee- tata Eeeorda, will pleiae report all payments or partial pejmenta on account of aame, to prevent taxation for the whole.

ay-Alt peraona who do not comply with tin law*, will be DOOMED.

HOSES PEHE1N8. ) Aaieaaora EDWARD r. POOR, J of the H. P. MERRILL, J City of Lawrence

ACT or IBS?.—SEC, 3.—No abatament ahali be made of the taxea aa assessed upon an Inhabitant Of the town where the aneeiment la made, heahall bare Sled with the Assessor* a list sab- scribed by hint of hi. cute liable to taxation mado oath that It I* a full and accurate Hat of the aame, accord!ng to bla beat knowledge and belief.

When iuch ll*t shall not be tiled within thu time specified by the Auction for lbu bringing In of each Hat by the Inhabitant! of the town, no ap- peal flrom the Judgment of the Assessors concerning aaeb abatement ahall be suslalned by the Conuty Commissioners, nnleia they ahall be mti.lle I that there waa food cauae why anch Hat waa not sea- sen ably brought In. Ikllm ml

Carpets. Carpets. Carpets. New Carpctlnga of every desirable kind, style

and make 10 be found in the market, now on exhibition, lor aale dally at the


BTRON TBUELL & CO. Oil Clotha, Straw Mattings, Huge, Hat*.Cur-

Ulna, CorUIn Flxturei, Lace Curtains, etc., In great profusion, e

DRY GOODS. DBY GOODS. Black Sllkf, Fancy Sllki, New Dreaa Oooda In

Choice fabrlca, Japaneae Sllkl In every atyle, Alpaca Luatrc!, very deelrable; Black Brilllan- tlnea, very cheap; Black Alpacai, very cheep; Mohair Luatrea, ittj cheap.

Gastoer© Shawls. Stripe

Spring Woolens for Men and Boys. An extenalvoaaaorlment of Bambnrg Edflngi

and Inaertlngijuatopened. Gloves,Ilo*lery,aud Small Warea In abandaaoe. sarWa would call «.j'e,«.i( attention to onr

Snnabaale and Parasol Department, it being itocked with New and Choice Good!, Alan, to oar new Spring nock ol

Black Kidsi the BK8T Glove In the market, ai many of the ladlea or Lawrenee and vicinity can teatlfy.

BYKON TKUELL & CO., No. 849 Essex Street, Lawrence.

A New Stoek, ».rj ch.ap. Pl.ld and WOOLEN 8BA WL3 la .ndlMl v.riny.

•q33]1g laisfT fifr,


A x I I v a t.

SJ8AOJ(J n«ef


M.W. COPP8 & CO.,




9 q g

< H


d N c a > p hi a


W H Q >

o w

4 > H r M ksj tt > k f1

P H >-! ID

09 w n H w 3 Q 0

■ >

Sncoriion to


Are now prepared to ahow (he Hoit Elegant Stock of DRY GOODS "tr offered In thla city, and at the iforf Popular Prlcti.

Our Dreaa Qooda Dapartment rundi unrivalled, and we Invite ttptrial attention to onr new and bcantlful dlislay of SUITINGS lor the eeaion,

Our Silk Department i- ailed with RICH Gooda, Including the new Sedan >-d BrUR- aela; ■'">. Japaneaa in plain, itripe. cheeki, and flfarad, and Black Silk* In every

grade and quality, and at nrfcet laal <1tf<j




Woolen Shawl* I* every color and ityle

to be found In any market,

(j-We are Importer*' Agtnti for the aale orthe

JOSEPH KID CLOVE In thla part of the atate, thereby enabling ua to offer them at 87

oenta per pair. Every one bnyi them.

Our Black Kid 1* the BEST In the market,

and alwayi glTft latlafactlon,

Juit received two caici more of those Lowell

Hosiery, and will be told at 10 M oenu a pair.

COTTONS-A full »ne from 3 4 to 10-., In-

cluding many brand! never hrrrtofore kept in

thla city.

jStir-LADIBS will pleaie remember that every

Department of onr itore la Oiled with New *nd PrOBh Oooda, and wa CAI and WILL AIAKH

IT FOB TBKin INTMItKST to glvenaaoall

before making tbelr parabaiea.



A. Sharps & Co's or

Dress Goods, Silks, and Shawls,

A. S. baa Juit returned from the New Tork Markett, ami we have nowopeaedthe LARGEST and FINEST Hock of DRY GOODS •*" offered in Lawrence. Oar

Black Silks oomprltei every grade from the cbeapeit to the beat Imported. -Inpaiu'su Silks, In striped, tilnin, figured

and checked.

WOOL PLAIDS. Btrlpea and Bilk Mlxee, a very flae anortmeot.

Also, Black & Colored KrilHaiilinrs, from 2,ri cents, np.

Wa won IJ rail KKPRCIAL attention to oar

SHAWL DBPAKTHENT, We have now In etock Four Hundred and Fifty

Of the IATEST SOVKLTItB la SHAWLS, which are worth the attention of every Intending

PARASOLS I8UNSHADES. We have there gooda direct lrotn the Manafae-

tnreri, therefore wa cell CMC A PER than II bought from jobberi,

"White Groods. ttne eaie of P Ka, Choice Patlerai, and at

prlcea ranging from 17 cente to (2 eenta. Plain, striped, anil Checked Xuillni. A fall Una Ot White Organdlea for Dreaiei. ' Buff Llneai fbr Salta. at


A. SHARPE & CO., i

213 Essex Street, - • Lawrence.

Agents Tor Essex Dye House.

Do you want to gat Pull Weight

not la or 14 oz. for a pound? Got BEACH'S WASHING SOAP, It la a •uporlor soap, full weight.

To Whom it may Concern. Thla la to certify that we hat* In conitant uie a

Tubular Well with SUATTUCK'd PATENT 8T11AIXER, and they work to our entire iatin- fection, giving a good aopply of water. We eon- alder It the REST Strainer In uie, and would recommend them to the public al worthy their attention. Lowell Manor's Co., by Sam'! Fay,Snp'l, Lowell. William Periotn. (two) Lowell. P. B. Smith, <• JameaMlka, " Adam Ambroae, « David MeEellar, " Waahlngton Mllli, by W. II, Hallibury, Agent,

Lawrenee. Boatoa and llaine Hallroad, by Jai. T. Furbcr,

Agent, Lawrence. L, T. Blood, S3 Waahlngton Corp., Lawrenee. W. A. Wiley, M Newbnry atreet, laaac Blnka, >l Oxford atreet, " llueh RaRerty, *< B. Dockham k Co.. *• Peter llollhan, " Andrew Moon<>r, •* Juicrph 11 eglabotkaaa,

The above certiorate aptaka for Itaelf, yet It doea not contain but few of the many nataea -■ hldi might be added — "

The aub down th,i

Tbla la a NKW STBAINBU, lately patented aad prreooa wliblng to purohaee the right to pel down Wella In ether plaeaa,or wliblugTFellaput down, will pleaae write to or call on tml!wleodepl7 SANBORM * TticKitn,

473 Essex Street, Lawrence, Mass,




Friday, May 12.

The Only First Class circus la America, permanently eetabltihed la a large city, conducted In metropolitan ityle, and which

hat aeoalred a metropolitan reputation. Prominent among the


attached to the New Tork Clrena will be found thenaaacoef

The Great Melville, (WITH aia CHABUIXO INFANT Boa,)

„»oae daring bareback Steeple Chare Act aai rendered him celebrated Ihmegbout the world, aad who hai won the liliheal hoaora ever awarded to any Kqecetrten from the rnott critical audience* of all nation*;— ■

M'llo Caroline Holland, beyond all qnettloa the moat daring aad aocom- pliabed lady rider Uvlng, engaged In Europe at enormoua expanae expreealy for the New Tork Clrena, who execatee upon a bareback Heed all the moat difficult teata accomplished byother lady rldera upon abroad eaddle or " pad."

Nathan Austin, The unrivaled, reQned and elegant Horecman. who haa gained the moat brilliant trlumpha In all the Caplioli of Europe, In hli auprrb act upon FOUlt BAKEUACK HORSES;—

George Donald,

illy dlallogulihcd --' ~ontu,B,,

BEBACK HORSE;—thua pre- aentlng the

Q7-4 BEST RIDERS IN AMERICA. In one company, a combination which cannot be

equalled In any equeatrlan troupe In the world. Alto Included In thla rnagnlllcent company are

The Levantine. Brother*, '

Frank Mell'tlle, The graceful Jevenlle SoBaertault Rider;

The Austral .en .Family,

Without equal* In the Claiale School of Oymaaa tie*;

W. H. Lester, The moat wonderful or Contortion!*!*;

Master Alexander, The beautiful Baby Hurdle Riser;

Jallea Keat, The trreat American Clown;

Nat Aastia, The rrople'a Clown and VocaJlat;

Ferdtaaad Magrino, The Sccalo Kquaal.lan;

Allea Rose, The Champion Leaver of England;

R. W. Beswlck, The Champion Leaper of America;

Uesirt. Organ, Coaklia, Morris, And a fall aad eflcleat Corpa of Auxlllarlea.

A great feature of the Hew York Clrcu ■ coniUli In thel.AltQtST AND HANDSOMEST

Stud at Olraua Horeoi and Pe>nl*a

oa tl.li aontlneat, aena of which are ever nerd f< any other pnrpoee than the exerdaeo of t he arem

20 LILLIPUTIAN POMES 1 The imalleat and Haadaomeit la the World.

First appearance In Am erica or


"The Popular Store!" 2SO Xaaex Street,

2d door from T. O.



We have much pleeeure la latlmatlag t* eaataeaere la Lawreaea aad vicinity that ear

that wa are anemia* a vary full stoek of the Moat Uealrable Uaafle, la the ttUMcM of which neither time nor troabl* have beea ipexed to meet the reqalreuneats af a pepular trade.

Jast reeelTed,

500 Yards Hl'k French HUllou,

Al ll.li, Dli.iMe.

A ,'.iii.iMor

French and Paisley



New, Striking,


Dress Uoods, Dress Goods, In Every Style and Qiulltj.

Black Alpacas, At We.




General Domestic Goods, AT

Boston Wholesale Prices I

CLOAK AND DRESS MAKING Depaxtaaeat will be aader the management ol MBS. R0LTON, [formerly with J. J. Steveaa, Roaton,) which fact ia a guarantee of the lady's ability to 111 the poiltiou.

Inspection invited whether you wish to purchase or not, by



230 Essex Street. Lawrence




Sewing Machine


188 Essex street,





335 Essex street, Lawrence.

MAUCU. W.Corn, Moas.A. HALL.


A Double Light of Ground Glass.



For "Iir.HI.IN HEADS" and "RtCUURANDT" Lighting.


Has removed from Slma' Bloak to

ST1 Essex St., (over Dr. Kldder's Office)

Where, la connection with hir, HAMOB, be lias ■tted ap a Magnlflo-nt Studio,all replete with PhetoBTaphle Noveltlei.

The pnbllo aro invltod to call. Iff ttnyt LUrKIN k UAUOB.

REJOICE, ALLI A. K. Walker's Fateat Fly Extern!-

mtor with It TOO can clean oat and kill the Kile* In a home In a vary few minute* without potion or erimafone. It will pay for Itaelf In year In saving paper and paint, Any one wlahlug to purchaic right* or examine them, can do eoby celling at the lion** of 8. W. TAI'LKY, Broad- way, btethuan.ata**.

Order* or Inqulrlea by mall, ean be addreiied to the Proprietor*,

Itmlapan* WHKLDEN A FEEDRICK, (Care 8. W. Taplry.J UxTHUU, Mea*.

Wheeler d Wilson's

Sewing Machine.

The Best in the World.

J. C. WlDLCIOH, - - Ak'CUl,

305 Essei Street,

Corner of Lawrence Street. Lawrence.

For Hale. Thebr.t l.AIMKS' fUKMISHIHO BTORI I.

naiasn Appij .t »S7 Xf* at. ufl.ps


Are opening, thla week, Ike Choicest Line of

Spring Dress Goods

81mnl*. Efflolent,



Spring Dress Goods AT


New Tork Store !

Extraordinary Low Prices!

Wa invite the Immediate attention of Ladle* to oar elegant assartsseat DRESS GOODS, BILKS aad SHAWLS, la w'-Joh department* we make epeelal effort to pleaae.

«*-Don't fall to sail aad examine before huyiaf yoarSpr lag; Salts,

Oar PBICE8 oa

Bleached A Brows lotions Ar* Lower thaw the I.IWMI, *nd comprise

all itandard anakr-*,


Slightly damaged by sail mtfer, worth la any retail Here ::■ esati, which we are selling at

SO C>ent« n Anrtl.

tyltemoral>cr Uie placo to buy your Dry f.oods is at


No. 323 Essex Street,

Ma. JOHN HARK ARD will be pleased to sea bla old friend* aad cuatomer* at the above More, when he may be found at all tlmea.

UommomotaUh of MattachuttUt.

Rssu, aa. PROBATE COURT. To tba helra-at-law, sad other* Interested In the

estate of DEHHIllDQliO, late of Lawrence, In aald aoaatr, trader, deeaased, (Iractlag:

Timothy Sullivan, admlnlilrator ol tot already aanalalrtered} of aald de-

praaeeted to laid Court bla petition for llneai* to sell tba whole or the real eatate ol

Ud desaaisl for the payment Of debt* and charg- i of admintitratIon, aad for other reason* set rth la laid petition. You are hereby cited to appear eta Probate

Court to be hold*a at HaverhlU, In laid county, oa the Third Taeeday of May next, at nine o'clock la thu forenoon, to ihow came, if aay you have, against the sane.

Aad aald adsalalttrator la ordered loarrvetbli citation by publiahing the aame once a week, In the Lawrence American and Andovcr AdvertUer, anewipeper printed at Lawrence, ihree week* *uc- eeativrly, the last publkaiion to be two daya at [east before aald Court.

Wltaaas, Ueorge v. Uhoata, Esquire, Judge ot aid Court, thla tweaty-lftb day of April, m the ear oao theweaau eight hundred aad lerenly- ne. apt! A.C. UOODELL, Reglilcr.

IB llankruptry, Tba aaderalgaea hereby gives notice of his ap-

- ,__.IAat P. PRYE, Of Unveihtll, la tba county of Eaarx and stats of Massachusetts, within said district, who haa beea adjudged a bankrupt by the District Court of said dl i tr lot.

JAMES S.FRi'K, Assignee, Hsverhtil, April H, 1871. ap38

NEW SHAWLS, In Pataley, Caabatere and Woolen, Kew rat terns.

New Dress Goods, la ropllna, Silks, Pongeea, BriUlantiae*.Plaids, Stripae, aad all the New Styles. Also.a fresh lot of alee

Piques, Suiting Linens. Seersucker Cloths, Cambrics, White Oooda in Great Variety.

Malta Lacre, Thread Later*, aad Dress Trias aHats

la all the Mew Styles,

asuEaaxa or it


A. w. c.n mnund thev lo ...,, ud, u.t w.iti A G()OI> KldUlor*... w.«Ak.lhtib«M. A VKCIALTT. . ll.rlln I.I.I. OloTM ».d Kid FlQl.h LUI. G lOTU At low prtr.i.

HOSIERY for Ladies, Gentlemen, and Children.


Ladies' Linen Handkerchiefs,


Ho. SIS Essex Street, Lawrence.

A.W. Stearns & Oo. Are receiving cases ol Kew Sly lea aad Rsssjaa


Spring Shawls,

la Paisley, Caahmere, Silk aad Wool, sad Wore- Ud—Ualqaa KaTeets la the Meat Approved Stytst —eosaa of which hare beea raoajvod from Pasts Within » days, making the Largsst sad Best Aisorimeut ever shown ia this ally.

s S S. s s M M M M M I I I I I

■r r T I T H I! H H H "8 ■8 'S •s •s

Unsurpssied for Variety of Use*.

ryuTcsu.tn nr AST OTBKRI

Farms for Sale. The subscriber call* the attention of all those

who wiih to buy a rerm.ioblm.es he has a large number of Karma In bla hand's to sell some ol which are situated aear PwpC%Bu)asfeVlltaaai, etc., the prices ranging from aiOO to SOOOp, all oa reaionabfe term* and liberal pay days. Alio.that he le a licensed Heal Kitate Agent and Auctioneer. immSl* OEO. E. riPlELD,Londonderry, N.ll.



Second Door West of Stone Church.


T> B 2>T T I S T , 339 Essex street, Lawrence.

Alter careful Investigation, I have introduced Into my practice, as a Base for Artificial Teeth, Pyroxylin*, believing It to be cleaner, etronger, and more perfectly adapted for the pvirpoae than anything now in aae. The HaisachuseUs Dental Society (roeettnir at Boston) have bad it ander

—'—sated w ith it jiiTtlng (this heard agal aat ■ that thus far of Dentiata;

heap and anaklllrd operators sfici'to Ihelr er." Specimens of the material can be seen,

and proof or Its worth had,at my oStee, v lapis Essex St., cover Dyer * Co's.)


NOTICE. Having sold my stock aad trade to EASTMAN

R BUKLL, 1 would recommend my ■uooeaeore to say former patrons aad the public generally.

Tbanhlng my friends for their liberal patronage far the past twenty years, I woald aak for them eoatlaaaaoa of the same at the "ad itend, Where I shall permanently remain.


EEMOVAL. EASTMAN fc BUKLL, having bought lbs Stock

aad trade of D, S. JOKDAN, bare changed their place of baslaesi to the Store recently ooenpicd by him, where they will oontlnuu the Grocery bualneaa la all Its branches.

Thankful fbr past favors, they will try, by aarefal attention to the wants of their patron*, to merit a share or public patronage, UllwUpW


since insi frwuyn , ■»« ■* ■ »» u,*., month) not an opposing voice wai heart the material, and the report *ay* "that Its use Is routined to the belter clans of I

0YNO0EPHALTJ8! An animal which rivals the greatest bassaa riders in feata ol EqueatrUnlsm; aad bat been pro. nonnoed by th* Press of Paris and London lobe the most remarkable novelty aad most powerful attraction ever Introduced la the Eoueslrlan

-■--• In /analbar, , J u AX Maw*.



C. C. FELLOWS & 0OMPTT, fe:i SSI Basax St., La

Arena, This animal was captnied lo /an; Africa, hy Ua proprietor aad trainer, Mona. ManTSLt. aad taagbt to execute an act of 1 maashlp in Imitation of the Mfforawsw -. huaian rldera. The CYMOCEPlIAI.UH actually accomplishes feata whleh It wauld be a natural iuepoistblUty for any human rider to achieve. Ia Paris and London, thla extraordinary animal at- traded the greatest crowds ever draw a to the Cirque Napoleon and Royal Assphllbaalre, and proved th, most lucce.sful feature ever latro. duced in a European Circus, la New York the OYNOCEPliALUB created a* great an excite ment aa In Paria and London drawing Immense throng* to the New York Clrcu* In 11th Street, during the whole period of Its otay In that oily. Nothing like It and nothing lo eompare to It eaa be found In any other exhibition In the world. One of the greeted feataree or the New York

l*i ol. Chas. Boswold's


SIHE PopllDi, French Diagonals, Hack aad WhHa Plaids. Poplins,

Pongee Mohairs;

Every Norelty el tha Seaioa In Oraas Goads.

We are Better Frepared than Ever

To give oar Patroai aa




Prices that will Satisfy All!

Wa opes to 'day

Twenty-five Pi. Colored Alpaci,

At the l.°>» /Vies of UO ceata, wHa widihs, and alarga


Best Machine in the market.



The Famous Home Circle Series!

ul least One Hundred Dollar*} Ic-oW*.' ■.ay be bought/or Ttn Dollar*'

HOME CIRCLE. VOL.1. «» •* VOL. a


The Marches, Oulcketep*, Willies, I'olkas, II•- xurka*,8choulacBes,Hrdow*s,lJalupi,0.uadrllte*, Simple Air*, Piano riecri.and h'our Hand l'lcce*, wbl*h cemprlie thla great oollfC.lun were fare- tally selected from an lintucni* stuck, each one being known to be popular and very lalvable.

Prloe of each book, In Hoards, *;.:<"; In Cloth, |3.00i and Kull tlllt.SlOO. Sent, post paid, oa receipt ol retail price.

OLIVER D1TSON m CO., Motion. C. H. D1T801* * CO., New York, l tanyS

We are now opening a very large and Baely selected stoek of

CARPETING8, coasioTiMu or

Body Briuseli, Tapestry,

Three Ply, Superfine,



Oil Cloths, Matting, Mnta, Kuga, AND

Window Shades.

GEORGE W. CHIPMAN & CO., 93 Court and 5 Hanover St.,

twlteodapn BOBTOa.

KaUte Deaala Loaf. Notice Is hereby given that the subscriber has

beea duly appointed administrator ol the eatate (aot already administered! Ol

. Denel.Ung, late of lawrenee, In the county of Essex, trader, deceased, sad baa tasea upoa Hran If that trust by giving bonds, aa the law direct*. All psreone having demand* upon the eatute of raid deseaeedarereqslred to exhibit the same; and el peraona ludebtrd to aald estate are culled upon t< make aaimaat to TIMOIII V at l.l.iV AM,

Apiva,!..-!. e*as Adaa's.


Read what $1.00 will Buy 1 BET OP TABLE ULABS W Alt K, lit piece*. ONR D07..UARD&OMR GODLETS, large Hie. ONE Dt>/., UARDBOMK TUMBLERS, " BET OF STEEL KS1V1H AND FOEKS. BET STEEL CAR v. KKIFR, FOBK k STF.KL. BRT OF ROGERS' TEASPOONS, Silver l'lated. SET ROGERS' DESSERT SPOONS, " BET ROGERS' TABLE SPOONS, SET OP ROGERS' FOBK4, Silver Plated. CALL BELL, Sliver Hated. OTSTER LADLE, Sliver Plated. DRINKING CUP, Silver Plated. GOBLET, Stiver listed. FANS, Bilk, Spangled, Ivory or Sandal SlIAs,

carved Saadal Wood, Carved Ivory. Feather Saratoga.

TWO PAIRS LADIES' KID GLOVES, lll.rse were formerly sold for one dollar a pair.)





Aad Hundred, of other Articles.


A Liberal Dleconnt to the Trade,


No. 14S Washington St., BOSTO;*.

The Only Cheap Store In Lawrence!

Coreet Lacings, te. Rooks aad Ryes, per eerd, le. Eleatle Cord, per yard, la. Spool Silk, le. Real Spool Cotton, 300 yds,, te. Plao, Ml papers, >e. Ladles' Sleeve Rattans, Se. Nice Toilet Soap, t oakae, be. Tranaparent Soap, la bars, loo. Pearl Sleeve Buttons, 10c. Linen Boot Laclnss, 1 i-g ysrds loag, 10c a dates. Nice Fort mo on ales, 16c, Better Me, better S7c, better 46c, better toe, aad ap. Winimantle Machine Cotton, t spool*, tec. Hair it rushes, toe. Set black handle Halves and Forks, TOO. Bet white handle Knlvee aad Forks, Si.«o. Ladles1 Shopping Bags, Isrgs alae, «1 00. S00 doien Ladies' Cottoa Rose, good quality, 10

aad 111 -v, B-bottie revolving Castors, #1.00.


Our Store is No. 151 Essex Street, Opposlto Washington Mills.

Tailoring, DEPARTMENT.

A. W. STEARNS * 00. are prepared with their MEW CUTTatB aad Caetom Tailor, aad a Large Assort meat of Cheap, Medium I'rieed aad Flee

German, French & English Cloths,

aad Hobby BVlTisas, to take Mrasares aad Make Up la the Latest aad Moat Approved Mode, PANTS, PESTS aad COdrr at Riaesaassa

aa-Ws are rcceivlag the Latest NovelUai la

Spring ESnmmer Dress -Swrtwis,


■oaralag Dress Uoeels and Nhaarla,

sll of which will be offered at Very Low Prises.

J A. m STF.A nsn <t 00.

Very Mack the I-argest aad Hast Caw plete Lines ol Krerytbing la thr

CARPET and Ileaae Fur- ■IshiBg Way,

MA tr.BTEAJtA'SfCO'S.udC all llsaee st th e LOSMSI Possible PHces Car the i|«allty; aad all Work doae and Bnlshed Is th* Latest and Most Stylish Manner.

Spring Fashions 1871. Ladlee1 sad Mlssco' Department for Dross

Ifaklng, Salts, aad (larmrnla, le prepared le do all kiadi of Family or other BEWINQ at Fopalar \#m Prloes. A. W. STKAUSS if CO.

Spring of 1071s A. W. BTEASNS ,f CO. are openln. a Very

Large, Attractive, aad Stylish Stoek of Titsvr Goods, combining whatever la Rare, Caique, Robby, or of Standard Taste. Oar aim Will be et sll times to present, for the inspection of Onr cusTOMTM.lbe Largest aad Best Assortment la eaeh Department of Well Made Articles, fally equal 10 representation, aad aa near the netnol coal of production as Is pose 1 '.le,


WHITFOHD at RICK art* th* sole agants for th* Watoh Spring Shhrie Fixture. Warranted to run any cur- tain, and superior to any of tha braes spring fixtures In the market. Don't buy sbrats spring when you oan get a ateal ona for DO ots. ' '

Did you ever hear anything about BEACH'S WASHING SOAP V If you

have not, get a bar and glva It a

trial. Crooera Rail It.

Dress Making.


Hss Rooms st


No. 305 Essei Street, Lawrence,

On First Floor, and Is now prepared lo do all kinds of

B1SS8 UAK1NQ In the most Fashionable Stylee and In Ibe best tanner.

Children's Suits nmtlo a specialty.

awltew ralterns every wcek.fR

Billiard Saloon for Sale. Situated In Lewrenee, Ro. 11 Lawrenee Street.

The above well known property I* ernlrslly locat- ed, has beea long established, and Is doing the largest business In this city. As the owner Is about to remove to tba Booth, be will oSer Ike aame for lale at a leaeoaabie price, If applied for soon. A lease of ths building can be obtalaad, If desired, tn tapir Appty al th* Prtml***,


And will parade the principal streets about 10 1-3 *. M. In tils LARGKBT.moit mnsslve, and

slaboratelr carved and deooratad


Twenty-Four Horses That lbs world ean produae. This Levlalbsn

EIGHT THOUSAND DOLLARS ia only Chariot la the wor

enongh to contain thla Mammoth Hand.

The U el form of this Hand la tha style of the Freack Imperial Ceat tiarde,

Being gorgeous beyond description, and costing the sum of

FIVE THOUSAND DOLLARS In connection wlih Ibis Levletha* Bend Is


t'tiiiiiiplvii t'orinl .nololet I

■tlDgulilicd ai !. The f alary Tork Circus

MUSIC UKIGADE! Alone, Is more In emonnt than the ent're salir; list of any oilier exhibition now travelling, am the Management feel ronfldrnt that the public wll universally pronounce this (trend Uuslral Con eentratlon of Talent more than worth the Price o Admission.

Admission W cent* | Children uudcr 10 U St", No Bunding Room. Keats far all. Doors opei

at S and .. Urand Rntraa at 3 lit and 7 1 >■ Tlekets for sale In sdvanee, at ELLIS ft ssi.w'a

Minle Btore, C, W. FDLLKB, Agent.



! <* Slack Alpaca

. Al r*ry Lor Prices.


T aassa Famoua Mass, at equal ly low price.

Other Machines,

Which we sell on same terms.

X$B!!tifij05l For Puriiying the Blood,

sod Clcsnslng the Stomurb, Liver, end Bowels

from sll Morbid and lillloui accnmulalloni.

TheDoie Isimall, and (he ('reparation pleas-

sat to lake. Price M eenta, Sold by

II. J, DrRHAM, 31° Basex atreet; CHAS, CLARKX,

i;u Essex street; JAMES R, WOOD, Ml Essex

street; Oao. R. Ciiicaasma, nnder the Essex

House; D. UOWAKTII, l'oet OnW llulldiag

TALBOl lino's, eoraer ot Kisex and Mill sti.

sold everywhere. a laplO

i:si\H1.1NIIF.I> 1M3S.

Tin'('lie HH-.I UIKI ltett I'l.tr.' htl.uy

Paper Hangings AKD




New Goods in Every Vnriely,

•alMplt At tta. V.r, LMNSt PrlCM.


Warrens' Roofing. Fa* nearly d/lsaa MSNil hsvs beea conversant

with the workings of " Wsrrens' Kooflng Mate- rial." During thla period 1 have need It upoa

Shawls, Clonk ings,

Hosiery, Glores,

la Great Variety.

Cloak Departm't It now open, aad we are

Heady to Receive Orders for Gar- ments.

Some afaehlnei on Work Finn



repl copper.


260 EBSOX St. Lawronoe.

To Tenement Home Owners. Caper Hsaglags, old styles, oa best aaalttv at

stock, at 1-ri'ci fj«k* f'rtl Cbat. Ia ptTataslu our stock wa aoaght a 4aaa«ityar HE 3571

5SJS to. •R^Saafife*


188 Essex St.,

OS HIV nilBiai uiaivii ..™..,. ~, ..|~™- - for Itcttvt yean wtlh Warrens' llooflus Is, that roofs coveted In a proper manner with It are as

it I am conversant with, ci itraly, J. t'HIMTOr., Architect.

1 have uaed " Warreaa'Felt and Composition Booing" upon balldlag* wblrh have coat Irom gl.OUO to glUi.OUO, I consider It the nex'. best to copper, and lar superior to tin.


The above testimonials, from the leading Ar- ehUecta la Boston, ladieate the value la whleh lbs above Rsodag la held la that city.

IB BO preceding year haa SO many rtxsT CLASS

IIWX 1.1.1 H(is beea covered with It aa during the last. Its aaperlorlty hue never seen questioned where lougeat la aae.

The public are cautioned not to be misled by any other material, similar in appearance, and represented ta be the same as WAS KENS'.

Bar-The aaderslgaed Is sloas authorised to aae Warrens' Rooting la this vlelnltr, where, during the past alae years, be has covered many valuable build lugs,—In the aggregate, hundreds of I boui audi eqaere feet of eurinoe.

Prepared with ample meant and facilities for Ibe ooallnned proeeentloa of the bwlaees, aad taaakfsi to bis Meads aad the public for lavors la the past, be will hereafter axeeata all work latrasted to him with fidelity tad dispatch,

GEO. W. HORN, Common Street, near the Depot,

sin* tsohss Lawreaae, Maa*.

You know howllls,yourself. REMOVAL. REMOVAL.


183 Essex St., I. A. Whitoomb's Old Stand,

2d Door Above Jackson St., Where we shall carry the LARGEST A VJHEST Hoc a of Meu's, Youth's, Boya'aad Children's

CLOTHING, Furnishing Goods, Hats, Caps,

Trunk*, Valises, Bags, die;, drc,

to be found In Lawrenee; and ao dealer la the State eaa UNDERSELL us, and ao dealer raa afford to, became no dealer oan do bualness at aay smaller exprnie tbaa we, and no dealer la Law- reaae sells ao aseny Goods.

Thanking onr customers lor their liberal pat- ronage In limes past, ws hope to merit a continu- ance of their favors la tba luturs.

We shall be beppy to eee yaa, one aad all, at oar aew stand,—


IsOI.'IR WEIL o% COMPANY. Lsoa A, OuronAS.

HOW IIIt'll DP ■■ THAT? 11 Aaswer— US Essex street,

Maahlae Is the World, will save time aad moacy by calling at

fill) Essex Street, Lawrence, DAVIS1 VEBTWAL FEED SHUTTLE

SEWING MACHINE. It does Hemming, Felling, Tucking, Cording,

nindlag, Braiding, Winging, Fsgetiag, RufHn. • ad BUlehlog oa at the aaaae time, without aay basting. JOUMWARBURTblf.Ageat.

Eaeh Maehlae li furnished with two hammers, feller, braider, qulltar, eelf-eeamer, oiler, acruw driver, bobbiaa, I doe. auedlea, aad prlated dlrec- tlons, frte.

Price IU.0S; with leek cover. SS0.M. . Tanas cash, or monthly Installments.


ORes at ths Clothing Stare of W. H. Brldgmao, t toodlyjelt SSa Baaax at., l^wrwafaaa.

April, 1871.

Ne-w Carpets.

i a 3B- TRAW A CO, have the largeat stoek of ICE

ever hoaaed In Lawrence, all from the Merrimae; belag harder aad morn lasting tbsa loo formed oa still Water. Pries law; sad customers served with promptness aad regularity.

lllmahiS orrtOBAT

Photograph Rooms 181 Essex Street.


of Shuttle fUok StUek) Hewing Machine*. For Family nan or Manufacturing, thay stand pre- eminent wherever known. Over TM THOOSAVO

In nee at the Weet, aad now, tor tha Srtl time, offered for Bale la Maasaobaasttsr. Ra tars aad tee the " Domaatlo " hefere parehaelag any Other; aad tor Circular eead to


(Cor. of Wast St.,)


Imteodlspnab A. R. LINCOLN, Ageal*

LAWIUOB, Jan, 17, 1871. C. P. OstDiasa:

Dear Bar t—1 have bad the Rheumatism for two years In' Its worst form, have taken a earl load ol different articles, and all to ao parpoee, About fosr weeks sgo a friead of ralae recommended your Compound, 1 am aaw taking the eeooad bottle, aad I am nearly wsU, aad ass aaw ready ta say your Compound It the beet medicine, Is the bast la the market for Rheumatism, aad loo ■ash eaanot be aald la Its praise; aad I mast say thla to tha public fbr their beaeSt,

Sue* taovU Tours, SAMUEL WOODRALL,

Csracr lieex St. and Broadway,

The attention of rnrobasers Is oallerl to onr



CARPETING, Row opealag for Spring Trade,

Lowest Cash Prices.

SWEETSER ft ABBOTT, 47 Temple Place, Boston.

m* leplvn

ASK roua oaocia roa liKNNICDV'H

Champion feGraham Biscuit. These dellsate biscuit are pat up la small Tlai,

adapted especially for family use, the ordinary slaecaabeln The Grab*!

x: lug rather large for moat hoes.hold..- _mRleeail are Intended for Dyaprptlca,

nd made of selected Graham. «»aulaa aothlug ill are lalernW for Dyi

led Graham. Ooatr'- Iniurloas to the moat drlicale. Also. i.rioi* 10 ins anwai Asrsicatie. jasaw,

ismi't's KxvaA MII.K, Hi rrsu, SODA, Wiaa sat) OTSTBB CaAcxBua, Oixoaa Sasrs, Our- ■ as HMKAH, AXI) BOSTON BlTTBBOSACiaaa.

The Beet la the Market. r. A, K E N S * D T.

tw*tod|spUlsb Cembrldgvpott, Mais,





■ >

Jprrial AotkfS. < ontumpilon,

!*• *-r«K*.4 Sfu"* 1T» 'rBETIXTITI, % * * By J. H. SCHEMCK. M. D.

jtor ■ hinun hflm hM r*aaed awav, ft*- whose deall

Mlaputahlr proved nieana of rurr. Thna* £r la Until v mil ftun.N an •ItcfliiHtin-

mhri ini.i w rui- h.ha.t tin) cairn)) adopted »■■ JUItl-ll II. H'HIM-H'I MiriK

TIIATHIIT, ■ ii.l availed th*ma»l'*a i-l lili •"•nderftillj rfllrarluu* uikiiiH, <hry w.,«u iinii«.«rmi«i.

in- tlchurk hu In hi. na n mi uroran thai whrr- «<« mrBilnu llMlilr rerualna. Hint vitality, l,y hit ■ lirMtvi and hla direcUuu* fin Ut*U uaa, 1* (jiili-itued IllUi liralltlflil tltJOf.

!■ iliia iiawiu-u, there !■ nuttiiiii prr*nmpiU'Hit. To llMrallhor th* Invalid la uulr n.» MfaMMMaM thai !• u-H * IbutMaHd HMM ani™t*jiU»l*d U Uvlnj ajid vlilbt* work*. Tba thaory ml in* run uv Iff Arhenck't tntdl- clna* I* aa tlsapl* u li It ui>[ailui«. 1U philoauoliy r» MMM no •afaMli Ilia tell aMurlna, Wknn lut'liw

16* laatTttt TOON and Mandrak* hUi at> il,r ant nruwauaa mid which ttw clladtl uf IL* auladv li ■ ■- •alkNl. Two-Utlrdaufthacaaaa ornuoaurapUon'ortt-lii- al* IS j;»|ii|U and * rancUooallr diaonlarnl llvtr WlUi (Ma cundllly- tin umadtUI tibaa - iJTnualhUt with Ui* ttomath. Tiny mpond In Ilia mufblllc ae-

.Tldtl .almam*1 lytup-


unfair 11 gin. — th* I'nfcf^iUluBt IMl*tuin, Thf . puc ••■»• all |b* Uuud aurvhlo*;. alurallv* prupcn'lct ui vat.ja*l. auluiiUkacakHua). they

"LUT1 at* STI*** BBHISfD." Tha work of el

It aruuaaa flun

llltV, I

Th* liver, Ilka a ia torpidity. Tim i palkuit LMglm u. it hu la f*t-

■ «trri*i,¥ or HOOD HI, >. Tha ftrawrad Tfaklc, In conjunction with the I'lll. per-

maau* and a.iluiual. a wllh tfa* fwxL I liylliu»n..i, it nowprrarraeafiif. MflktU in prevtona torture*. 1H***- tloa baooaaea palrUaai.aad tha cum It tacn ID La at hanil There It no DOT flatulence, tio eaacurtallon of tha atnmach. An appetite aett li

N*w conic* Hi.' h-i. .ni'i I by an luilulfent father i< rulroonle Kyrup non In In perform lit Junctlona and lo batten and rompl*!* llm cure. It citteri atone* upon It* work, Mature cannot lie eltcaied. II collect* and Ml Ih* Impaired and dlt'amil purilomof Itia luiuja. In luafortB of (alhcruifi II preuarci ih»m for ei.pec.to- nUoo, aad lu 1 In a 'try thoft liroe the malady la vau- •jvlahaal the rotten tlinma thai it occupied It renovated and inada n*w, arid the pallant, In all tha dl<nlty of rt- MM MM, MM forth lu en)oy tha IIUJIJIIKHI or wutuaii- WllutBM

•amor IT AS LOW. Tba aaeonil Ihlnf It, tha pallaaUa mint alay In a warn

ran**, until Ibuy act wall: li la aliuoat Itnpuaalbla to pravatit lakln* cold .whan in* limn arn dlaaam], hni It mull ba urnrnir.t or a cur* can ml be i-iti. i.-.l -- air and ridliiaoul, nuaclaJly lit Mil* an lion of I try la I ho fall and winter aaajon, ar* all wriHlf.

r palien

.■ In tl HUH walk aboul tha room at much and aa lait aa to* rirvitfth will b*ar, In ■*! up a (ivd rirrulailrni ofblood. Tba patlanla mutt k**P In (nod tplrltt— U'UVicrmined toMtwall, Ttilt hat a treat dcalludu with tho app*tltr, anil It tha fTr*t point to Nam.

Todaapalr of cure aflrr inch evldrnraof Ittpoatlldllty In tha wunt emu, and moral rartalnly In allolhrn, It alnftil. Iff. Hrliiiiii'i prraotial tiatenuut to Iha k'aoulty ol* hla own cure waa In thct* niodeit worda:

" Many wa a(o I waa In Iha latl atagrt of coniump Hun : cooflnnl lo my bad, and at DM tiun- mi phvtli lam tniiua>it thai I cuuldnotllvaa weak; ttu-n Ilka a ili.— n Int man catchluc al alrawa, [ heard of. and obtained the preparation! which I now ofler lo iho public, and thay mada a perfrcl cure of ma. It teamed to m« that I auuld fael lb*nt panelrata my whula lyilem. They aoun riponed Iha matter In fuy lutija, and I w,uld tpli up Mm than aplnlof OuViitK* yellow maltvrovery Duralui for a long Hum. At nun aa thai hecan to tub. ■Ida, my tough. r*v«r, pallia and night iweata all l>egan

.'"--.« m», and my appctlu liecam* to great ili.t "

i pouudt; a* „..- it hundred and twamy-iira (wo) p-.uudt, I hava anjoytd uulutorrupled h*a(lh." Hcjiam-k baa dbMiitilliiiiid Ida prufeaaloni

t'ei'i'l' wtljl

He*, No. II iJorlh HI.tli Hreet. Ililladalphla, unlay from ■ A. M, lo .i V. hi. Thoae who with athoroiigh tji am In a IP m with the lletpiromiter will Ixi charged ii.

Ut. J II I thalr of- very Hat-

*jat Tlia llaaplromaler doclarea tho tiatt MHUilai lunfi, and pallenta can readily learn wliathar Uie* arv ■Arabia or not. The dlrcclloiia for taking Iha medlclni't ara adaplwl lo Iholnlrlllgoncn eieu of a child, folluw llieandlredlutu, and kind Saiurv will da tlia reti, n- —I-iK'if ihm In i.-i id,. Miindrak* 111)* am to ■■* taken In Inrreaaud ilotet; Ihatlime mcdlclim nceiftio otlier aocnmpanlmanti than tba ampin int I rue Moot ilia I aooomjiaay them: tint, cmata appctlia. Uf returning health hunger I. Ihe, moat walcomn tymplom. When it nnnH*, aa It will com*, let tho d«tpalrui( at one* lie of good etiaar. Uood blood al one* fullowa, tho cough lonaani, the night awaat la abated. In a abort tuna both ol lh*an mortild tyionlonu are gona tnr»*er.

Iff. Hehanck'a medicine) are coniunlly kept In tent of (humanill of familiot. Aa a laiallte or purgalNc, iha Mandrake 1'llLi aro a Haiidanl pnparatlon: whlln

. If doien. Handraka 1111a, M caMU • bog. for aala by all ilninrlili and dealer*. .

« UV). C. UOObVYUt at 0>„ Af«iU, BoHai: IfUru ________



At Wli„le.»lf. GUTTED, HIDI A C:,

_« ]rb 13 CfaaDDrT Kirrrt, lloalOD.


Vac Prrry'a Moth anil Freckle £.oito>. aWrll li Hie duly reliable and harmleM It. mrdi

knuvn lor nrnoTlno Urown ditoulorallnn. (.old by drucjflili. \ i i) Hli. re, 11,?,.I C.p /,■,.,.,/ .,7 , .\ . i

PIMPLES ON "THE FACE. ,**c_ Comedouea, Hlark Worm* or flrubi, llm-

ply Kr»piI..*., „d Klotehed dliflgnratlOB* on 11 f

P*rr>- '■ Corner] one. <.u.l ■•lin pi* Hinifily. It la iLialuaMr lo tlic allllcled. IT. tinrrd only br Dr. B.C. I*KKHY, Ucrmoiolrgl.i, ivWfow.i St., N.T. Hold bfbrufKlatacTcryitlirrp. imTlmhuKti





rrom r.t.ol ...!.■)■ our HMtlMml of

CARP ETINOS liaa bean mud. qulla i omplete Our

Upholstery Department

I* well alucir.l. ■tii'l It under I lie liniii diatc cliarf* 0 ■>.**. WAKKKX WILDKM. iwho«er»ed hit llm* Witt the well known Arm of I.A WHOM A HAKIIINUrUN.) and who tin no gupcrd thll departmenl, In the ttlf. Mr. WILDK3 rvlera Wllh prlda to liliiucct-t during llie [>a-t )eira •id la prepared to make "ptclal dr"li;Da for ihoa. who wl.li to fttrolah with rich MfUt of DBA PCRY HANGINGS.

(ft IIIVL- mad.' I.i f| atidlUona to Ihe

Pap.-r Hanging Department

wlil.-h I* under Ihe ctmrs* of Hr.CIIARLBS O. %VICL.«-|1, atalainl by thnae well known ar- tl«t* Meatra. DVMSHBB *■ VKRHILL, who will five their apeblal nltenilon to New and Url(f lnil Btjlciuf rt'corailona.

\\r [.- I oonBdent (hat In nil tin »>■ departmenlg wa can offer untitual induetment' lo all clUMi orbuyen.aa our for.'l(o and domeatk order* hari been Rlroo with particular reference loQura- blllty In Service, Economy In Price, and Harmony In Design.


No. ll'J Tremont Street,

(Sairly oppOtlU lark Stre.-l Church,)

4tTinj» BOSTON.

T. B. CALDWELL & CO. Woul.l Invlle ultcnllon to their cxlcniltealockot

Hni-. Bonnet** Flowers, Millinery Material«, eic

Bonnets and Hats

French Flowers la UXSl'Bl'ABSKD by any prerloua exhibition. I.u'li. ■ are parlloularly inrlted to caamlae before pnrchaalng elltwhere Our mctlo:—

" It<-llHO mi I lit- I'IIC.H."

Having recently parrhaard a large invoke of


of Late, Hllk, und ilualln material*; alio,

Circular Cloaks ai.d Cape Coats In varioua «tylei, are enabled to tell them al

"tireatljr Rednred Prtfei"

from former rate*. *

Ladle* are Invl'cil to examine.


2SR Washington Street, (Two door* north of Bedford sirci-l.' ImmrSeb


f* a*ett all o

Ague ud Fet(-l. Tha only preventive- known for (hllla iu:.l Over

la Ihe M ■■■■ of WoKe'i HchlnUm Mrhnappa. Utillt'r. N. nil dun) NchnMlipn. llfOCHl fOr ]ll-)-i j Mil.

H'ulfe'a ,*"■■'. i• ■ .ii:i NchnupfH. lanprcvcnllveof Chlllaand fow,

Wolfi't ,SW.i>_<im tkhnapt*. _l* iood for all kidney and lilaililcr romplnlnli.

ll..li.^ Mchirdiim Hihuapim. IIP world by ptiyihlan* In their

prarilcp. ttolfe't m/iW.(i,t .•,■>,,,„,.,,,.

Ii good (or (tout, Wuifei MiiiSam Schnapp*.

lajnod for all Urinary oomplalult,

WultVa Si-liit'iiuiii Sfiiu:u.]is. la reeommended br all llm Hrdlral Kirulty.

il'ol/ft Nrhif.Utm .fehnajiji*. I • iromi inr lull.' mi.I |i*ln In the atomarh.

vVoHo's Schiuilnm Hclma|'|iH. I* Initial v.! and cnunit rlcln .1, and putchiirr* will hnva lo qae oauOon In purchaainR.

I bea leave to call the nttrnilon of the nadcri to tratltnonlal* lu lavor of ihe rlrhnapp* : —

I feel bunad to any thai I regard your.S( 11*14rin aa brln|f In every rniurl pr.' rmlmnily j.ure, ati't deaervlng of m. .11 al patronaur. At all event*. It I* the pureit po.alble aillcle of Holland glo, berrlolore unobtainable, and a* iuch may te lafa- lr pre-crlhcl by phyalclane. DA ll> I,. Mo'lT.al. |i.,l-liarinareuMc*l Cbem.

lat. New York. l.in ihvu r>. KT.. Bept. I. I feel that we hate

Sw ui article uf Kin mttable for *uch raar* at al remedy I* adapted to. DH. J. W. BattOUT

"Bobnarpi" 1* a remedy In chronic ratarrha complaint*,ete.: —

I take great pleamre In bra able leitimnny lo Ita rfflcacy aa ■ rcr In the ill..■*..■:. tor which yoa rrromnii Ing a natural tendenry 10 the mucou* lurTacei with a alight degree or allmulatlon, t regard It a onaof the Moat important rrmidlea In elironl oalarrbal affretlona, parllrulaily thoae ol Ui geBlto-urlnary apnaratai. Wllh much re*pect,

Your obedient aervent, CUAfl. A, LBAH, 11. I)., New Mcrfc.

Ml'mr PT., NBW Toll, Nov. II, MR -OJnoi rao Wnipa, \-:,,, , /'.....,i. / .„,■ sir,—I hat made a chemical examination of a aample of vour " tirhieilani Hchnapt*." wllh Iheinirntof deter mining If any foreign or Injurlou* aubatanre han been added to ihe almple dlitlllrd tplrlta. Th< eaamlnatlon ha* mulled In tlie cnaclmln. ikai lb* aample routalned no polionou

Ing hlghlv credit v eredl lal agri

ntlil.rr. I have b. en una'lili li. ,ln.. of Ihadeletcrluuaiubaiiaer* which employed lu the adulteration ..' n« not heiltale to u*c myaclf, n< other*, fur medicinal uurpom


hell 11. wlfttL. _

[MlgnedJ UMlj

1 lli'nt 1 i!i,.

'. \. .■-( II 1 . 1 :,. mln.

Cttmn-AI. »«D TaCHBICAI. UlUllTORT, IS Kaehatigr I'laoe.New York, Nov.as, IB*7.—tltxii^ f HO VTiii.ra, K*g.,-/J»«r Sir 1—Tha underalgned hava carefully anil thoroughly analyaed a aampl* of jonr "Aromall* rlohlrdam rlchnapp*," aeleilrd aouttelvea, and have fonnd the aame free from

organic or loorgaolo lubiUnrri, more or le*l Injurlou* lo heallh. From tha reault of our ex- amination we conaluVr the nrilil* one of mperlor quality tie Ithfttl a* a beverage, and eff.rtual ID It* medicinal qualltie*, Iteapecifiillv your*.

[Signed) ALKX. TRIPPEI., Chtmitl. kMANIlH K.KMjUllillD.JI.Ii,

>'or tale by aftreapeotablr. (Irooer* and Oruaitlit*. ClMJLPllO VrOLr-K'H KMT.,

iini Hni. .'iiikMny a Beaver Ht., N.T.

BOOT AND HERB BITTEKS. I hla medicine I*, without Ihe poMlbility of a

doubt, the very brit remedy known for the follow- ing and all kindred dlaea*r*:~/n<liurif<on, Co*. ffreneti, Uv*r Cumplainl, I'ilit, lltiul'iehr, litart Hum, Ilpiptptia, IHttiatn, Scrofula, Salt Hhmm, Lunyuor, lutmt'i. Iniitilu, J.iundid, rlatutnu-u, foul .V/i-eWJi, .;c.

By the timely u*r of Dili medicine, the blood la Rarlded. The appetite I* reatorrd. The lynem

1 itre nil he urd. The llvrr la Invlgoraled. The breath I* iwveteueil. The coutoli-alon I* beautl' lad. And the general health ii

HMBTOHKD. The beat RoeU llerba mil Harha enter ttilo tha

oompoaluon ol tin, Kemedt, making It a rlniple and **fe, a* well a* an unfailing cure fur all di«- raaeaof the blood.

UHi.i . 1 1'WIN A 0O„ Boaton. for lale by all DruggUU. imtlmhJeb

MIMllltt MlllMs. We have Juit reeelved from Ihe beat manufao

tartr* In New York and lloiton a Moat HealrabU Aatortment of SIIADKM for 1'arlori, Kllchco* L'bambera, .■!.■.

irWr challenge the puraha' cr lo nml a mon eomplrle and aelect amortmant In I »-. v. Cuuuty. 1'riar* luwrr tlmn v\ er before.

V, III I Hi Uli \ RlCK,3Ur«Mj> Bt,

In llniihrupli). The under* la tied bal l>-1 u appnli 1. .1 u-.-i..Ti.,

ofIh*>eit«tcofJ(l|IX K. rAKiIKII.ui JJ.itfor.l In the Dlalrictui Mi

Aoalgiire'a NoiJcc. Notlro I* hereby glvoii that th*> undertl^'tie.1

)i«« been *ppoltiti-il A.-igurc u| ihe eaute of JAKES A. M-NKII.. a baukrutu In bankrunlcy,

KUVVAIll- T. UVBUi-S, Aaaignrv. Uarernlll, April Mth. IB71. ap'ia 3t

In Bankruptcy* DlSTltiuT or alAia., ia.

Nolloe la Hereby given thai the anden'gned hu been appointed aaalgnre ofthe c«t«i,. „f

KIlKN VV. IIOVBT, at Charlciiowa, adjudged a bankrupt on hi* own e^y*te .. , ... LKONARD A. JONES. 'i-uimn. l.r.n.^AKU A.

lloaion, March 1 llh. 11)71. T»prtl

EUSTIC STITCH Family Sewing Machine

Cannot be bought la Lawrence only of

Mm. V. BARNICOAT, Aulhori/. d Afenl,

287 Essox street, Lawrence, Where It can br paid for In MONTH I. V payment*.

The Value of (hi» Machine over Ettry


by eiamlti ■tthlieiti

^ay-Hotrt Tall to exatnlno the Dresaw.

The •'flROTBR at IlAKKJt" I* the oat.r Uachlae that will Embroider a Pattern, amie!?



ff CAtmiroJ and Uedkal S-irnrr.


TAR riRST and l»M,V SOI.ITION ever made In

one mixture ol ALL TtIK TWKL.fR valuable aclite principal* of Ihe well known curative agent

I'INK TitEK TAB, UNKQUALKD in Cough*, Cold*, Catarrh, Aath- nia, in ■■!,. ■ atid Conaumpllon.

CUKBM WITHOUT FA1I, a recent cold In three to*lahonr«; and alao hy IK VITALIZING, PUKirVlNO. and BT1MU- I.ATINU rgcrl* upon the general Byalem, la re- markably effloaclou* In all

DISBASBM OK TIIK BLOOD, Including Bcrufula and Kruntlon* of Iha akin, li)*prp*la, Dlaeaae* of the luu and Kldueya, Heart Dlataae, and Qeneral Ueblllly.


Volatile Solution of Tar for INHALATION without application of HKAT. A remarkably VA!.1 AMI K diarotrry, aa the whole apparatu* can be carried In the teal pocket, rudy at any lime lor the uioai eoTcctual and pual- llvely curative u*a la All IHiu-Htn nf the SOSE, TBBOAT ami

Lisas. rut, coHfuiND

TAIt A.\I> MANDRAKE VIU., Tor u*e in connection wllh the K I.I MR TAK,I* 11 combltiitlou ol Ihe 1'viCJ moat valuable Al ■ IklltATlVK Medicine* known lu Ihe Profeialon, and NadJara 1 In- Pill, without eacejlion, lb* very

Hand for circular of POSITIVE CUKKS to your Urugglat.or lo

Ia. F. fiTUB A CO., '.iiiVn.iniiiv«ni> SUM rHiiPHisroitx,

IIP E. 29d Strt;et. New York.


Vi ii 1 ^ luooaioa TO \V to Ali? *• W • « U - ■ 1 L I.


, DENTIBT, ' 3ta Eiaax ST.,


aBTNIlroai Oalde Oaa Admlalatere.1.

#*rBef«renoo—Faoulty, Phlla. Dental Collega

New No. 2SS E.sex St., (old No. US.)

gnu &t\vttti$mni$.

(Spot , adtled a

" " Pi editorial experienced ]uurn*llat llltlory Of UHhodUm owaaaad conlri b utlo n* ■" WIITTAI.MAOI

liar of New Yorr, ha- at way* lb marked ability by Bet. Itr. Iliher* have Ju.t added lo Ita

ithor 'of tha bait , They hava alto none torn He,. T.

Da WIIT TALMAIIK, who*a aucce** and popular, preacher, writer aud lecturer, are almoit pled, and whoa* fiee Tabernacle In Brook

lyn, wltn tla congregation of over 3 0 0 people, ll une of the marvela of the a*e. Ite.v. Hunt W Am. HkiuiiK ha* a Lecture K00M Talk ovary

TKK UgTHOUiaT aboanda In good navar dull or dry. baa etorl** for cbll. for far me ra, and aomeinlng ior everybody. Mr*, Wlltlng't ureai aerial atory ia alm.ial ready. They Offer I.. 1 ih* urtoi. of one tear .auWrlplion (|i.Wi) to -end TUB Mkl.l.'iUM from now until July 1*1, tB?2. Kneulmen cut.li t Ire*. 1 t Nat*au otr'-rl, New York.

thing*, Irea.hia

Korwooel, K. J— |-r.-tea*lonai Men. ataaufaa- ti.r*ra. Builder* and otbrra dealrtng bnalneoa

aod home* near N*w York, thuuid ttialii Nor- wood, where I aril etta* and town lota at low.i price* and on eailar term'than can be found •!•• where, equally acoetalnle 10 Hie city; holel*, ehurche*. •rhoola, atorva, etc , In tr*ma dally; Norlbetn R.K.nf N. J,l al mllri from City Hall

J. WYKANJONKd.lVO Broadway, N.Y.


' Of a far Mletter Claa* Ibaa any other pro- prietary medicine or the day muda

Turrant't EftrvtMent Seluer Ap< rttmt. And for thl* rea*on : ll la an tlaat counterpart • or* of the moal valuable natural medlelnea In the world. We refer to Ihe groat Hal Url during ( ' llrrmany, to which Ihouaaud* uf ihe dyaprpllo, ill bMlou*, the rheumatic, and ihe victim* ol veui dl**aac* leaorl annually, and relurn lo lb* tiiini'» I'M].T,i|. a., ui or cured. The Aperient I. one of Hi.- Drat aud by far the i tucoeiaful of all the 1 11.'ii- nml.' in eepiiiduce, |n * portable form, tha popular mineral water* of Kuiope. Bea that you piiri'tuaar ouly lit* gaaalu' anlele.

Sill,]) BY ALL Dia'f.UIBTd.

Bishop Souli's Liniment.

.11*1, Ac. Ilirri FCUd e nothing

■ttutfit dittati. Sciatica. ¥01 aal* by Druggl*!*, price %\M | er brillle,

r. W. RYlHtll A aON, Cruprlrtori, Bo*ton, Haa*

Fragrant Sap olio no Cleana Kid Utove* and all klnda of Clolha aad Cloihlngi removea Palat, Urea**), Tar, Ac., In. atauily, without Ihe It-*.I Injury to the nnell fab r 0. Mold by Urogflate and r'ancy Uood* Dealer*. I'itAUIIAfHT HAI'OLIKNK CH., 11 Barclay, Bt., New York, 4« La Ball* Bt., Chicago.

OVKR 60,000 CUBE!) Without a failure, Ihe put IJ year*. In all the WORST etai» or PILRN, LicrRimr, BCRurui, SALT BIIKLK. DTHI-KI-IIA, CATAKKII. NHLBA OIA and all dlaeaaca of Ihe Bkln and Blood, by

FOWLK'S PILE AND HUMOR CURE Kntirtlu wuttai.tt. Vittlby mart than MHJ /'*»- • i.ioin la tkrir practic*,htr* amt abroad,at it t* the only mtdiciur tvrr Mtcovtrcd for f*« paTMO- ii' ui ran 0/ alt the DOOM dita*t$. Call aad re- ceive back your money, In all caaea of failure. Bent by evprea* (aa aome do not Itko 10 Boll It, be- cause It hai never failed to cur*, thereby loilng ■ be aal* of hundrada of dollara or remedial that never cure.) 11 a bottle, *old cvny where. Send lor circular* irer. II. U. k'OWLK, Cheml*t. Boa-

FOR $:i PER LINE We will liiaert an adverilaement

ONK SI O !N T II In Blxty-rlk Hr-t 1 laa*

Massaohusetts NeVspapers, Including tire DnUln.

Wa refer lothepnblUher of thl* paper, to whom our re* |> on • I blllty I* wait known.

LIBT 8BNT 1'TtKir,. Addre.i OBO. P. ROWELL At CO.,

advertising AaraMla. No. 41 Park How, Mow York,

Short Hand. ."Jg? tSJSSS circular. PRoy. UKAY, P. O. Box \JW7, M.Y.

THE LITTLE WONDER, Patented Jan. I, 1R7I. Agwata waited every

where. 100 per cent. proHt. .Samples by mall, .13;:. Heiut at one.! for clrcu sra and teatlmonlali. 1,1 r- tun Wn!ti.Kii HAKVII Co., 15 aad 17 Court Bt., Button, Mai*.

W" Agents! Bead This!


1: u u K iv II3| Or, Ladiet' Companion.

The mom baaullful Invention of the *ge. ,rty ihouid be wllhaul It. Price %•. Bent to any l-reai In perfumed bnnc*. Female agent* waav

■I. Bend for a circular. IJH. KLE1CI1KK, M7 Court Street, room 3, Boilon, Uai*.

* A t AIIP. A Clergyman, while redding In Bonth America

i a mli'lonary, dlfcorrred a **fe nnd almple rem- edy far the Cure of Nervou* Weakneaa, Larly De- cay, Dlneaaaa uf the Urinary aud Baminal Organ*, and the whole train of dlaurdcr* brought on b biin.lul and vlcloua habit*. Ureat number* hat ' een curad by Ihl* noble remedy. Prompted by

ealrc lo beni lit thu aullrlrd and unfortunate, ill *rnd the recloe lor propuriog and uairg thl ,1'diilne, In a •I'sl.'d envelope,to any on* wb eeda It, frit of charge. Addraaa Jua. T. hun

Btatlon li, Bible Ilouae, New York City.

PIIYK1CAL fcXHAUSTlUN and tho whole 8*1 uai Hclenea In man and woman. Bandatami

for pamphlet. Box nwu, Bodoa P.O.

To Let, April lat, 1871. L Mil.i,,3Jx rxifut,ibrc- itork* high, with

IJ Ilorie Power, •altabl* for any mechanical bualuen. Alto, a Railroad landing *70 feet. OB

Railroad one acre of Land, ml table for Wood and Coal, or any other butlnei*. Inquire at Shop.

tr*mbi7 L. D. .■"-■ if. i'.N i-, Hay Street, Lawretit*, Haas.


Mt. "Washington, Jn.it ri'Crlt.'d by

C. C. FELLOWS & COMP'Y, ii-:i Bit Raaex It., LawraaM.


Superintendent of Cemetery. Residence 26 Morton Street,



Essex Hall, (OVER rOUC OFJflCK,)

I urad.ti, Friday A Salurdrty KvpniagJ". IWOkOOf 11*11 I'oumlltee, ,1. 11. MOIIIjAN,

7* Tremont Street, or SAMCKL HOLT, JaBlior, -' Court Route. U*frlO

Agricultural implements AND

tt J± R ID "W"A. HE. \y. A. KIMHALL A CO,,

No. iil7 Essex Street, Lawrence,

{.Venn'y opponite the Pott Office,}

are Die Bole Agent* for


which are loo well known to rrqulre anyenmmea- ■I ui I'll, They bate, alio, the famous

Buckeye Mower, and Reaper, well knoan to farmer*. At«o, the


The Universal Clothes Wringer. Ilradlcy'i Paltjot


NSTW AND TCFFlT.CriVHi niRIMO TACKLE, of a ao»el ityle.

HARIiWABKof erery dcacrlptloa. lapis

FOR IIK.IIMIM. ■ ofthel.lvrrABowel ch and Purify the 1 lo

DB. TILTON'S Compound Dandelion Hitters

are the belt la use. Tin*/ act IMI the Bowel* mildly, and bv Hit lr line tonic, sromatlo and apr- rlent bropcrtfet, they rrnnT« all opprraalve aeca- mulatlon. Prepared by W. II.TILTOH 4 CO., under the luperyiilon of .). A. Iii.ion, H. 1>., Nrwburyport, llm.

At wbuletile br Ororge C. tloodwla and Hint

*9ur <9yirt-l*x. Good little buoyg— Cork*.'

What lax hurts nobody f—Taxidermy. The jaws of death—Spiritual meaiajren. Is a striking colnrhlence In anyway

puglllitlcf Bow to elevate thu human race - Send

them n|' In balloons. lie who baB plenty ol brass can gener-

ally j[t* ii 1,11 fur (told.

How doei the woodpecker tret Ira food* Why.lt "runs up a bill " for It.

Spirits no to the brain. According to Agasslz and oilier*, so does flth.

Euclk] has been translated Into Chinese. They call geometry " tot science of how much."

If a man gets up when the sun break*, can he be sal) totiave Ihe whole day be- fore him?

What la that which Is so brittle that If yon name It you are sure to break It '■ Silence.

Stime genius has written an " Ode to a Hoarding Ilouae." No doubt be owed the :n-ii!i,i mil a round bill.

" A couple of Belgian glant*,'^,says the Cincinnati iVIooe, "are now In the city for the purpose of exhibition. They are no Ions Mint It takes two dsyn to exhibit theui."

A dty rtmaik—''Keep your-powder dry!" Ye«, hy nil means; but If yon think you cuii best attain that object by keeping it In the oven, don't expect us lo call on you.

A wag, icelhg a door nearly off Its hin- ges. In which condition It had been for some lime, observed that when It had fal- len and killed fntne our, It would proba- bly be hung.

A hint for the dear " desavhig" crea- tures : The leaat conspicuous, easiest, and sa fest way of darkening the eyebrows Is by means of the bent end of a hair-pin smoked in tho gas flime.

An exchange tells of a negro who In- sisted that his race was mentioned In the Bible. He said he bad heard the preach- er read about how "Xlgg>r Demus wanted lo be born again."

" Lewis," said a father the other day to his delinquent ion, " I am busy now, but as soon as I can get time I mean to give you a flogging." " Don't hurry yourself, pa," replied the son, " I can wait."

A youtaK bitty at an examination In gt-ammar | was asked why the noun " bachelor" waa singular. She replied immediately wltb much naivete: "Be* cause It Is very singular they don't get married.",

A clever repartee Is attributed to the member from Uorraondom In the new Congress. A brother member asked blm how many wives ho bad. " Enough to keep me from running after other peo- ple's," he promtply replied.

A good story )■ told of a young man who applied to one or our hotels for a situation. The landlord Informed him that there was but one place vacant, that of lamp-cleaner. The questioner ac- cepted the situation, observing that he would like sopiethlng as remunerative as possible, as he was once a clerk, spoke four different languages fluently, etc. "Oh, that's of no consequence," said the unappreelrtlve landlord; "this business won't require you to speak but one lan- guage, and mlgbty little of that."

On a certain occasion Henry Ward Beecher preached a sermon on the Injus- tice of obliging men to work on Sunday. The next day, while riding down to Ful- ton Ferry, he entered Into conversation with a ear-driver, and asked him If be did not think some plan might be adopt- ed to dispense with the need of running the cars all day Sunday. The driver, In Ignorance of the namo of his Interro- gating friend, made a frank reply: " Yes, sir, I think there might. But there's no hope of It so long as they keep that Beecher theatre open In Brooklyn. The cars bavo to run to accommodate that."

A young pastor, about to be married, naturally bad occasion to be absent con- siderably from ins people. Tho lady to whom he was engaged, was living In one or those goodly towns by the name of Lebanon, of which we have more than one In New England. While things were passing in this general way, and the pas- tor was absent over th e Sabbatb, Ihe pul- pit was supplied by a stranger. He, knowing nothing of the above-mentioned facts, took for his text In the morning, 1st Klnga, Bi 14—"A month they were In'Lebanon and two mb'rith's at'Home." A smile passed over the congregation, but the preacher knevr hot what It meant

till afterwards.

" Brldgetj what did your mistress aay ehe would have for dinner?" "Broil

the lobster! " "Are you sure, Bridget?" " Entirely; get the gridiron." Mary got the gridiron and placed it on the Are. 8he then placed the live lobster on the gridiron. Intermission of five minutes, alter which the dialogue was resumed as

follows: "Did you broil that lobster, Uery?" "Devil the broil! Tha more I poked the Are, the more he walked off. The baste'a haunted. I'll try no more. No good will come from cooking a strad- dle-bug like that." "And where Is the lobster? " " Devil know I. The last 1 saw of him he was going out of the door with his tall at half-matt, like a wild ma- niac that he was."

Mr. Watts-hls-name having heard tba "Devil's Fiddle," relieved bis excited feelings and acquitted himself of a moral duty to the boys by Inditing the follow. Ing:—

How do the buay llnla brala Impror* upon thalr toy*,

And And new pleaaara atary day, In aome unearthly nolle.

What pain* thay lake to and a boi, Aliil rl( It wllh aalrlrif,

That ibsy may rack our %ult*rlng nerrra With the Infcrnal tliln*;.

Let doge dellfht to bark and bite, Tliclr discord we can bear;

Let lurkey-tobbUra, plfs and heat 1 In ir aenllmenti dealaro,—

li.ii. children, yon ahould ne'er b* 1st To lorlure thoao tin can*.

Our ear-drum* were not made lo spill, Nor any other man'*.

AKECDOTB OF DANIKL WEBSTLIi.—It ifl will known that the late Daniel Wobster WHS a man of luxurious tastes and expen- sive habits, which frequently brought him into pecuniary difficulties. Apropos of tills a friend fendd us from Washington Hie following anecdote, which we do not remember to have seen In print: A West- ern gentleman, shortly alter Ihe great slatestuan'a death. Inveighed seriously, to a mutual friend, against these habits, aud enforced hU remarks with a practical Il- lustration. "Why, Sir," he exclaimed,

I traveled all night with Webster In a stngo-coacb out West, not long ago, and In the morning we all got out i.t a little hotel to stretch our legs and get break- fast. Wt-bster took up a traveling-case, with comb*, hair-brush, and tooth-brush, all of which he used vlgorouslv. When he'd got through I asked him to lend me his topth-brush, aa there wasn't any at the siuk where we washed, anil Mr. Web- ster courteously compiled. After tiding and rinsing It oil 1 banded It back; and, will you believe It? tiro extravagant fel- low |ust pitched It over into the bushes. It waa a good new brush, too, a:ul might have lasted him two or lliree months long-

No wonder he was Always In debt!" EDITOR'S DRAWER, \nHbrper'n Magazine for May.

a-vzrw STOCK.


143 Essex St. 143


Hatejaal purchased a New Slock of

UenMu Worsteds, Hamburg Cdgllg ,

Csviium Bstf lags, Lace Collar*,

Llaen Cloths, Towels,

ttsagklMs Haadkerchiefa,

Oil Table Covers,

And many other Desirable Goods,

CHEAP. ( HKAI". Cllfc.ir.


143 Essex street, Lawrence.

O. C. Fellows & Co.




Unlfri la

Books, Stationery,


Chromoi. Engravings,

Lithographs, Prints,


Ladies' Traveling Bags and Baskets,

Albums, Mirrors, Chess Men, Writing

Desks, Knives, Razors. Portfolios,

Work Boxes, I'aas Books,

l'ocket Books, and

Fancy Goods Generally,

Picture Frame MANUFACTORY.

Picturei Framed in any Style of Frame,

At short nolle*. Large iiaorunrnl ol

Frames and Moldings

Coaitaatl* on hand.

Umbrellas Tor sale, and Parasols and Umbrellas Bepalrad at abort BOUM.

Door Bells, Door Plates,

Weather Strips & Moldings

Comiantly un hand, aad Iliad to order.

HSVS eyries ANI»


Boston Daily Papers Delivered

At reeldeaoss of fabeeribera, la I.*-rente or

Hatbnea, without extra charge.


A Good Farm of 65 Acres, Hear a Saw Mill, GrUt Mill, and WaoltnFactory, la Wladbam, N. H.; or 'would exchaafe It for cllrproparti. Inquire of WEBSTER,

tltiBbll IU7CoB»n0aStr«*tlLa*ireaee.

Pop Corn! Pop Cora t Th* atxeeuior Corn Cake haa talm-d a blah

reputation for the parity of lu manufacture, end competent judijea pronotmee It rqual to anr «rer inlrodacud In the market. Tbe proprlalora are now prepared to fill all order* with promplor** aad detpaleh. All orden ihoa.d be *ddrr**ed to

S. II. JACKNON, sp2OT*lI» Casabridgeport, Haa*.

Shade Fixtures. II la al Bloat nredka* to eall rrnewed attention

to th* Naletn (H'atrh Hprlnjf) Shad* Roller. It haa taken the lead or all inker Plata***la the market; and for durability and jren< ral eaorllaore, It eaaaot be ro,uall>-d. frtee only 500.

Thl* Sprlnf I* w<irrnHlt" *a:aiua1 breakage. WHITKUHI) A KICK,

Bole Affenta fur Lawrirnee and ilelnltr.


Conservatory of Music, BOSTON Mt'SIC HALL.

The Largest Music School In tbe World.

f.—lJoylHo ih* Matt Bminemt Itittrurlort.

Offers Unrivaled Advantages fur Pursu- ing the Sim!y of Music.

Fifteen Dollara per Tens lie nlfheat charcB la aay Depatlnaent.


Circular*, eontaiolna; full Information, mailed free on application to

ttfBpltab JT. TOVHJKK, Dlrtrtor.

Cabinet Making.

239 Essex Street, Lawrence, UP STAIRS,


H. F. BARNARD Tender* hla Mrvlee* to tba oltlaeaa of Lawrem anil * trinity for th* taannlactnre of

Furniture to Order. all branrhei

t aatlafaotloa • lurruHid to 111 in

nat Boobeaie.Eta E-re, Wardrobe. Sideboard, IJedatrad, Uureau,

Bdlea' Deak. Offl.ce l*»k, Offlc* Table, or uou*e or ofllca Varnlture of any kind, mad* of the belt or aeaiootd not.k with the beat workmanihlp I

CALL ON BARNARD. a want your Parlor, Chamber, i

REPAIRED, and Biadj« as good aa new I

• CALL ON BAKNARD. Co you want a new

1*1 A T T It r. ft N OB I,OIJN«E.

or roar old oa« repaired I

CALL ON BARNARD. »SrS*tl»factlon gnaraDtoed la all oawl. Hi

eoaBdeatly refer* to all who haro fa*ored him with their patroaaie.


239 Essex Street.

(Third story. Old American Office.)

Commonwealth of MaJUachuUtU.



Merrimack River COrtll'M, CIIAUI1KK,

■OSTOX, April u, 1871. wntr*at. By laetloa Iftaaa uf crMptar three

haadrod aad eUrhtj-foHr of Ihe Aeta of the year eiKhteen hundred and *Ulynfne,"Th* (Jo»*rnoi with tha adrlaa and ooment of tne Coanell, upon tha roeommandstloa of th* Co mm tat Ion era on Inland Pleherle*," li*mpow*r*d to " limit or pre, hlblt, for a period not exceeding flra year* at a 11 am, AahlBg la tha n*t If able tidal water* of *paa- ifled alreaau, *ud tat ia* Baaarlfabla water* ol *tr*a*BS, except la aaah portloo* aa nay be In- eloaad aooordlaf to th* prerlaloaa of UeeUon ilx- t**n" of lad Cbaptsr, "SBd whoever fit tin In itreams wboae aabary Is lhaa limited or probib- lttd, lhal] forfeit far lb* Srat ptence tea dollar*, aad lor ovary •uln«i1u*at ofene* afty dollar*, aad (hall In addition forfeit all Ash raptured and ap- paratu* oaed,"aa farther provided laiald chap •sri

And, Wltartme, Tha Committlonn* on inland PltbcrlM hare rt-conmrnded that, for the period or three) year* from the Iftaeath day or April, In the year or our Lord elfrhloea hundred and never.- ly-oas, all penoaa Bhal) be prohibited from fl»h lair with aelual la the water* of the aferrimack Elrer aad th* trlbatarid thereof, within th* limili of ta'd <;omioawealth, aad from taklag i aaptarlBtila any aaaaner aad by my maatit. ai Shad,Aa]moBorAlewl>e*lnthe water* afonald,

TiiBKBroxa IT IS •anaaao by th* Governor, by aad with the advle* aad OOBICBI ol the Coaa- oil, aad ODOB UK> reeoamendatlon aforaaald,

That >o perto*. .hall lih »llh a Mlaa Id Ihe water* of ilorrlmaek Hirer or of aay af the trib- utario* thereof, aad thai DO aaraoa ahall take taptare la aay maan.r, or by aay naaaa, aay BalahM. Shad, Of Alawlres la tha watora afore. aald, from th* BIManth day of April, la the roar of our Load oldhWatt haadrod aad ier*nty-one, until the ftfteeath day of April, 111 tha year of our Lord elghtMB bandred and teventy-four, under th* peaaltlea provided la Section fifteen of Chap- ter thr*e hundred and t Ifhtyfour of Ihe Aeta of tha year oighteea hundred and ilitynlne; bat thl* order thall not affect each portloni of laid water* at, belog nnnavif able, may be loeloied as- cordlnjf to tb* provlilon* or aeetloa aiateea of aald chapter.

Oder Bwoatnl April IJ, l«l, OLIVBE WARNKU, 5«r«lory,

BicaiTABT'a Uar*aTUKBT, Boston, April 11,1871.

A true copy. OLITKR irASNBB, Setretary of the Commonweallh.

(.'IIATO.KS V. jACKhtAN, I>eakr la all kinda of



M Opposite Talbot'. drag ator*.

IIONAPV VERBIAN WABH KltHUVKM MOTH PATCH Eli, TAN, *nd TRUCKLES. Natraa VAIL*. Eor tale by all DrBnrl*ti. B. P. BACBLET, Proprietor

»l1mbl7rb Dover, N.

G. K. A J. 1'. I'lLl.Mil'KY,

Cotton ft Woolen Machinery AMD


Falloyi, Uaaring aad BhaftlBg, Jack Serewa. All klnda ol Holtt on head, or made to order;

alao all kind* of Forging done. UEHBBAL JOll WORK end Mill repair, done

promptly aad faithfully. Dealer* la ManafBotBrcr*' Bapplle*.

Foster's Building, Corner of Frank- lin and Methuen Street!


Sewing Machines SOLD ron



m «10 PER MONTH, Uatll the Machine I* paid for.

Baal lewlai Mackiae la tha World for Family ■*•!

HAGER'S SEWING MACHINE AGENCY, 199 Essex St.. Lawrence. |


No. S71 Essex Street, Lawrence, B aa* the Patent


Of Cbloatto, ha* opened an ofHer lu Lowell, where ho li treating *nece**fully all

CIIBOIVIC DIIEASGI 0D B aew *yttem, which embrace* the beat and mo*t approved method* |n thlt and other eonn- trlei, for the cure or tuuic dittatet. He cure* all dUeaaet of the

Throat and Lungs. He cure* all

DISEASES OF THE HEART, If applied to lit their flrat sMMS. He ouret more caaeiof CUltVATUUEd, WEAKNK88 and


and all other derormitleF, than any other pbyal-

tlrely new principle*, and with a new SMtwataa. He ha* had an eKtrni>lve practice and wonder-

ful aacccaa In th* treatment ol CANCEIIH.

lie eare* all dliraaet or Iha


DISEASES OF WOMEN. red women wbo hare been conflued u Mean, He Irclured Oftren year* 1c

dlarair* of Women, which glvei

red women wbo hare been conOned ii Ihelr bedt lor yeart. He lectured Jill. Ladiea on th*} dlieaie* of Women, ■ him a knowledge and ri|irrlfiicr in lli< of tbrie dlaeaae* unaurp**trd by any other phy*l

Hi nenr lalla lucurt* USItll Mil ISM

itage*, no matter how long (landing.

Catarrh. He I* treating tatarrh on a N KIV »VHTBII, which

i a inre cure lor Ihl* terrible dlirnr, with which Imoaterrry peraon It motor leat attllct.d. I!•■ awIt.tlon Frea. Ilia conautlatloiii for ■ara bavo averaged from :.mi to TCOO ayeBr,

..'hlcb f're* him an raperlence unturpaiird by any other ptiyalelan, and euuallrd only by a few Hedoet not proiaiie to oureallttageiofdlieaaei, and DO caac will be received where there It auv doubt ol cure or relief.

Dr. Ku-ppcaa beoonialied in LAWMMtfCtttt EBflKX HOUSE,

HrdBt'Sduy, Haa/ :id, ITI la and 3IBI. OfleB Iloari f.om ■ A. M, till a p. H, )ti|,i

Boslta m\ RlalHC UallroHd.

bummer Arrangement, May 2, 1870. iiui.ii, raoM aoaroa.

A*or Portland, baco.lilddeford, etc., 7, SOrexpreea toLawreucejA.at., 12 M.,a CM.laurasate Bead- ingj and tlouday, W fdiieaday, >'riduy, at ii i- M

Cor tbiiter.Uovcr,t;rtt.tralia,aud alatlontealt aprvaato Lawrense) A.M., IS pruaa,; Alonday, Wedneaday,

b ieapret*j,7.tO(rl*Ueorge. 3.1a (via Ueori-etownJ.a.oa,

a UeorKetowo,. S, 6.la P.M. t lexpre**,] 6.16 ( (vla(ieor|[«toT.n.;

VorMaucheatcr, 7.*i (.exprei.j A. at

ordand Upper Hall road a, x.,s (raprr**)!*. m. 1 Sid.) ?, 7.3C, leapreai) ,.: .-x,.,■-,., [„ Vt aavUeld,) JJJJ'M

e.e.....n.a found I

Boots and Shoes.



from Portlaadn. 16,8.46 *.*t.,S i' .*., Monday, Wedneaday, Friday al S P. at.

Eroan Ureat Kail* S,to,7.IS, 10.36 A.M., *M P.M. Erom Dover «.60», o, io.U>, A.M., 6.0M', :.!»••

r. M. From Exeter S.30*, H.SO, 11.13* A.M., S*, SM'*

P. M. Prom Haverhlll 6.16. (via Georgetown) 7.1B'

7.30 (via liTorKetown,.' v.30, 11 (via Georu-etown) A.M.,l*.20*,3.30,6maUeorgetown,]d.ii>*,t).6e>* P.M.

Prom North Andover 7.25,9.40 A.M., 12.30,3,40, SJ0P, M.

Prom Lawrence (North Side) fl.M, 7.SO, S.40 A. M.,12.11, J.4U,6.Wt P. M.

From Lawrence(Sontb Side) 0 27, 7.W|,S.45 A, BI,. 12.18, 12.40*, S.40, 6.S2, HAS*, a.10** p. H.

*Or on their arrival from th* EaaL. (Or on their arrival from tbe North. ••On Monday, Wedneaday and Friday only, PaaaenKer* are not allowed lo carry bagi

above #60 in value, BOT over 80 pounds in aad that penonal.nnle** nollri' la itlveo eRra amount paid at the rate of a price of a ticket for every $600 additional valne.


KEROSENE OIL l^AMPS. 1 have received «omrNew Palterni

1)11 l.uiiii.H, lji.,tn In Glaa* and lln fine ;. 1 11 of

Chandeliers, 1'eDdaBts, Lanterns,

and everytblng connected With thi ... trade, making the BEST SK LECTION to be

toand In tbe city,


Al*o, aome new pattern* of

GAS PORTABLES, Which I am telling at Low I'rie-c*.

B- A.. PISKB'S Paper Hanging and Curtain Store,

No. 275 Essex Street, Lawrence, Mass.


I and atyle of J. Y. F It r N< 11 a ., respect full) announce lo Ihelr former pa'rona

" ~ public grneralb, that they may mill be the Old Maud,

NervouaiiBBB, IlaADAClII, NhniAi.111.1, etc How few there ar* who have not inf/erod wltb a leatt one or the above dl* treating dlaraeea. How few there are that have ever fonnd anything that would relieve—not to mention core—thoae pain- ful affliction*. flltlGos' ALLEVANTOB i* a bOBi'Hde remedy for each and every one of thoae prevalent complaint*. It not only relieve* In- ■tanily, bot poililvely enret every ca*e, when ured according lo direction!. The attOBlihlng aocoeia of Dr. Drlgga' Allevantor, a* a family medicine, I* an eatabliihed fact, to try It it lo be convinced. Bold by all druggittt.

Piles laitantly relieved and toon cured by u»lugDr.J. BB1GU3'PILBBKMKDIK8. They reduce Inflammation, toot he tbe Irritated parti, and have proved a bletilng to the 1 filleted, wheth- er Internal, external, bleeding, or Itching pile*.— All kind* In all itage* muat yield lo the wonder- ful Influence of theae never falling re rued Ita, Hold by Drugglata,

(leal umiit I o u, Bronchltii, Larawrytli, Congo, noarieneii, and all dlteaaei ofthe Throat and Lung* readily relieved by tbe magical and bealloL' influence of HKlUtiV TIlltOAT and u:Mi IIFAi.KK, Sold by Dragglatt.


arc.—It It an atlonltblng fact that nlneontof every ten pertont wo meet are lorely troBbied with tbeir feat. Very few are oxempt. Dr. J, HKliiiiS" Popular Bemediea—CBKATIVE and ALLKVIATOK—are reliable and certain In their effect*. Tho Curative for tore and tender Corns, Bunion*. Had Nail*, eto.,lt a lootblnf? balm for wounded feet, and rapidly cure* the wont caiet. Alleviator, for the cure of tommon Corna and Bnnloni, and the prevention of ill Corn*, laapui- ile to aclenllflc mltda. Sold by H. M. Whitney A Co., II. J.liciiham, Cliarle* Clarke, La«renea, and Drugglata generally, ivV jm)v.io

ft Soldier's Home. T. OGDEIf DR,

1 now prepared t< " ■■% Allen St., aKBlnil

• mmm •■«.•■• . hut ca ll be produced and will defy army doctor, dootretr, -Mao,medium »r- ' me. Then-la no

paper about Dr. T. Gonaa's

Kid Strengthening Pleurisy and Rheu- matlo Plaater.

Header, if you do not with lo be humbugged and duped out of your hard earned money, aa you ha> r been heretofore with the catarrh, headache, pile* and rheumatic ejuaokt and their "aure cure1' rent- edlet, make yonr way to Dr. T. OGDKN'S, th- Sou.imt'a Horn, where you will get more aatit- laclion fur'.'5 cent* ior Catarrh, Headache, Khen malic Pain*, Sprain*, Pile* and Glandular Swell- ingi, than can be found in Ihe city of Lawrence, andnomltlake. ^' ■

DB. T. OGDEN, Sole proprietor for the U. B. and Canadaa,

No. 18 Allen Street, Lawrence, Moss. Formerly of Ihe old Man. Volt., Co. I,

The Weekly AMIIICAN can bo bad at my itore, aa-Some ofthe beat PUBK UILB, brought into

Lawrence by B.P. llumham, will be feraale at the Soldier1* Home, by T, OOHKK, for the good ol Ward One,


R. HTEDDY. SOLICITOR OP PATENTS Fur Inventions, Trade Marks or Designs,

No. »6 State St., opposite Kilby St., BOSTON,

After eztentlv* practice of npwardt of thirty itlinuei to *eeure Patent* In the United

. Jlio, in Great lirltaln, Krance, and olber foreign eountrie*. Caveat*, Speculation*. A*- i[gnnent*,and all paper* for Patent*, e a ecu led

'lib dlapatch, Hraearcliea validity and utility of P

. lonable term

tent* of Invention!

uf 111.

Sal and other adric 11,; I he .:mi.

u nil Hi..-il l.y i _ Anlgntnent* recorded In Waahlaglc

ing (hepalentabMtp of invtntloni. All neeeatity of a Journey to Wathlnuton (o

procure a Patent,and the uaual great delay there. are bare *aved Inventor*.

TESTIMONIALS. " 1 regard Mr. Kildy at one of tha mott capable

and tueccaalul practitioner* with whom I have had official inlercourae.

CH Aa. MASON, Commiitloner of Patenta." ■'I have noheailatlon in tun ring inventor* tbst

they cannot employ a man ator* comprfenl owd Iruttworthy, and more capable of putting their application* in a form to aecure for them an early and favorable conalderatlon at the Patent Office,

KDMUWD HUM KK, Late Co mm in loner of Patantt."

" Mr. B. II. Eddy haa mad* for me over Til 1 It- TY application* for Patenta, having been luccett- fnl In almoit every cate. Such unmlatnkable prool

- — bit part, lead* me lo apply to him to pro- if hatlne

their ca-

ryoai of great talent and ability o_ reeommrod ALL Inventor* li cur* their patent*, aa they in the moit faithful attention beitowed c

join TAGQABT,"




ooitlng from t>~ required.

Send fur clrcu[i

> lo IXl, according to Ihe kind 8ml treZ7rb

, or call at the Office of the


71 Essex Street, (139 New Number.)

, Boy*', Mltaea', Youth'*, Children'*, arj Infant*'

BOOTS AND SHOES. Alao, at all time., a good aiaortment of

RUBBER GOODS. Women's No-Heel Rubbers,

not elaewher* to be found In th* dty. Their Good*, a* far a* ponlble, ire made to

order,and reeelved directly fronstibemoit reipon- alble manufactureri, ^

a*r 1 hey are aoLB Agent* of the '



mm-Having retained the tervlcet of Mk. H. B. SMITH, (a man of twenty veara experience In the manufacture and tale of Hoola >od bhoet, they tollrlt and hope to merit a share of the public patronage,

Er"Plesao oxamiiio our (JIHMIS bflfon purchasing.


1S9 Essex Street, Lawrence. J. I» Harrlck. B. M. rraaefa.

J. C. WAD LEI Un, DBA i. a it ia

Fashionable Millinery. LADIES' UNDER CLOTHING

Mad. to ori.r.

.1.0, Agrnt for Ih.

Wheeler A Mil.on Naiieletw

Sewing Machine, The Beit of all, Jytt

No. 305 Essex Street, Lawrence.


Dealer la

Ail kin tin of Wood and Coal, PREPARED WOOD,

Iaime.Calcined Plaster, Hair.Cemnnt, 11 aver hi II ttrert.near the Hall road, (oppotite Sew-

ing Machine Factory,) and corner Kiara and Jack ton atrceta.


Ma&BfBClurer of aad Dealer In

Sash, Doors and Blinds, WINDOW A DOOR FRAMES.

All klnda ot Monte Flnlth prepared to order.

Oppoalte notion k Maine K. H. I'atienger Depot LAWBBNCX.


New Advance Cook Stove-

Reaiont it-Ay if is the best Store m

Me World.

It has heavier Castings.

It haa a better Flue. (No other like


It has a better Frre Box.

It has a larger Oven.

It will bake quicker.

It will work in a poorer draft

It will bake with leas fuel.

It will bake with an old fire BETTRR

than any other store.

It has a new patent hot closet in front.

It has a perfect ash pit.

It is the only Btove that has a perfect

hot air draft.

For heating water for the bath room

it is unequalled.


In every particular.


E. R. & W. B. LAMB & CO., 10S ft 197 Eiaex Street, Lawrence, Mall.



To anal from Liverpool O.llel'llllown.

.Th* Llwpool, Now York aad Philadelphia B. 8, r Company'* Mall Btaamer**all a* followi:

CITY OF DUBLIN, TueaJ.r Mar a C1TYOFANTWKHP. Wedneaday Mav 3 9IX 9? WA8RINUTON. aWdB'rVa'y I

Halurday, .lay 11 Turtday, May it

Wedeeaday, May lr Saturday, Hay 20

*mtM3QES£i. »,", *IUraala TUESDAY and WEDNKSIUY. from Pier IS North

Hirer, New York, lit Cabin, e.:.i ft 100 Gold | Steerage, |M Currenej

A •t«aBnor«rtftUllMaloaT*aI,lt/«rptiall via. (Ineeitatovrn, to lloaion trtry alter- nate Haturday, l>rlnt|Bf freight mail paaamgera dire el.

Prepaid orrllrlratet from Liverpool, 4>*••■*• taw., Ola*,r*>w aald Deny at • hlrly-ronr ilollart.

DraAa OB Great brltaln aad IrcUnd, Handover. .i*' fLelfc'1,'or

QP"M"**< ■PPljT «t «he Company't Onloo, No. lot Slate itreot, Boatoa, H. S. CSIAQB, Manager, or

P. MI IK I'll V, MS Basel atrrnt, LAWBKNCS.

IIEVMlflVHEIICIIE Curen RtieumatisDi and

I.ivcr iliil'.i-ultics, Pleurisy,

Colds, Cramps, Sprains,

Bruifios, Summer Cum-

/ pluinu, Bums, Scalds,

ClillblaJns, etc.! ete.


1'repart'd bj'

N. PEA BOD V &. CO Satiborntoti Brtdye, N. fl.


Km .11,.

a W ll (

all ihe

dlgeiilve organ*. Containing Ihe beat Toxics and AROMATIC STIMULANT*In a aolld form, It It ihe mott economical

Ilcte In nte. It dlatolve* Inttantly In „ ._) or Spirit may be added.—

STOWELL ft CO., CbBrleatown, Ma**. Send Ior clreular. 3m*mb.-4r>b

Great Inducements! 1 PRICES REDUCED!



We have now the largest and beat aaiorted itooh Custom Made Furniture

In tbe United State*; aad in order to redace oar Stock and keep onr faetorle* In cperattoa, we

good* down to the have marked i

Lowest •V holeaatt) Prlceja.

40 Stylet Parlor Suttt, from $SO to 01OOO, Walnut chamber Set; $90 to $1800. Chrttntit Chamber Sett, from $40 to MSBO. Fainted Chamber Bet; from $SS upie-ardt. And every other arllele in the Furniture line aereuary to fnrnlth a houte complete.

Oooda earefully packed for traDtportatlon. We have an elegant I'atienger Klevalor to take

our cutiomert to any itory In oar bulldlnr. The One Frlce Svttein itrlctly adbered to.

HALEY, MORSE * CO., 411 "Washington Street,

13tmh3lr.b (Opp, Globe Theatre,) BOSTON.




Masta's Pulmonic Balsam

Masta's Pulmonic Balsam Coai;* COUGUR.

Masta's Pulmonic Balsam Craa. IIOAnsracrs.

Masta's Pulmonic -Balsam CURES 8QHE TIICOAT.

Masta's Pulmonic Balsam Ctraxs Enoijcunij.

Masta's Pulmonic Balsam

Masta's Pujmor.ic Balsam

Masta's Pulmonic Balsam

Masta's Pulmonic Balsam CiircKH nt.nci.iM; I'uoii Tim LVXM.

Masta's Pulmonic Balsam Masta's Pulmonic Balsam


te' Sold hy aOOPWIN te «'<>., Doalun, and by all Dealer* In lle.lkh.e. In Jlic Ntw England State*.

In Lawreneotold by H. M. Whitney » Co., and by all other Dealers in Sirdlclne, Cm1!d2S

Bcientifio and Popular liedical Vorks

Manhood, Womanhood, & Nervous Diseases,

PtrnusncD nr TIIR

g£ Tickets.


| originator ... i have diauove red

'i it more of Katurt't mott

^'rUL^"^" ,,!,r b,'B" »«ibined"'lTo'ne raedleine. The evidence ol thlt fact la found In . ht."he::M;ly ",' ?°" ob,,ln-" «"■«<« whleh il oaa heen found to eonnuer In th. - Ji »r».,»,ii,. .,>„« ajess uS".,%:,':.?

^*£jfcAJi.?g .V!0.nl*.he? th. B,di,.i


^ENTIST, Has Removed


3»« Kaaei strr-.t, * - Lawrence. Joll nea'.'y oppoalte old offlc*.




faculty, i

While. It c Cough*, em the system and Mrlloi iheblMd.' »y It. ,%"i and thorough bloodpurifying prapertJs, \tcur", aU Humnri from th* wortt Scrofula to .™,„,M, M0Uh.nmpUot_Krup,to\. ||CZ£ft&Sl? Mercurial Dlaeaie, M«T«KWiv*lu-,aa*V^rr.|,a,;„I. etand their effecta are eradicate.],and r.™V,,B,

Scalp or Jfeuei. SHn, In *hort,.„ , dlaeaae* (au.etl by bad 6/-W, are V"

powerful, purifying, and Invlt-orL '- -CamZlaMr lUtfou,<Dt\\rd^

■at produced hun- cures where other

■inrroai uered by ng medl- ... For "III.. „

ami lliibilual conttipatt. drcdtofperliTt andpirru meiticlaet had raited.

m&tE&LV" 0W?. •1tfw rtvrt,a ft* » m*d|. fine that will equal it in the cure of all the a?. eaaes for Which It I* re com minded. «,■«„„; counttrjeitt and mrtalM imitation: mmeTtmtt my private (lovrrnment Hiamp, which It an../ /(re gunnnUt of BMH, DSSfit UB& wrBpper. Tbltm.'dlelnola SoUbyDruaa^.ii*, jl.J) per bottle. Prepandby KV.ftSmmW'hT b Sole Proprietor *t hi. t'hemicil[S-SSR' i«S«*caifr*ct,Bat7aio,lf.T, jBi taps


The Diamond Glasses, ?;S"SKf b' J- R """CUR .CO., »,, York, wblrh ,r. DO. off.r.U u> ib. D.hjL ...

VSSXS a* "" '"""•"* <*»«!» S3 MOST PERFECT,

Emnu1 1"""■l Mi l0 "" <"•"' ».\..r Tb./' ut (round UDd.rlh.lrown .im.rvi.in.

t^LwJ^?-w«*»wsS aW-Thertre Moanted In Ihe Flnett Ha»» I.

frames of tha beat qualliv of all ■!..•-.? i * 5


4 Bulfinch Street, Boston, (Oppoalte Herere Ilouae.)

Da. W. H, l'AKRKit, AsiIiUnt I'hytlel.n. Medical knowledge for everybodu, StW.OOO eopUt

told in two peart. A Hook for every- Mam.

TJIE 8CIF.NCE OF LIFE, OR SEI.F-PREfl. EBVAT10M. A Medical Trrntlte on thtCBBt* nintlV*PSf£MP VI1AL>TT.rnamriKK

UKBILITT, UTPOCHONKIIIA, and all otber dli- ea.et aritlDg from tbe EBKOU OT YOUTH, oa ma InrnacBBTioaB OK Excasaaa of mature •MM. Thl* la Indeed a book for every mm. Fries only $1. 2SS parcel, bound In cloth.

A Book far every Woman. Xntitled SEXUAL PHYSIOLOGY OF WOMAN ANI> HEK DIStAStS; or, WOMAN niMU or PitTsioi-OoirALt.T AND PATIIIIUKJICAI I V fromlarABCT TO OLD AOB, with wifjaM |||u

^nl^r,a^an8Frtr^,e,' ^ '" ^"^ A Book for l:vrr> Im.ly.

Flattered by therMeptloBof.Bodareal demand for. the above valuable and timely tre.tl.P. "d ",° »•«•«• «reat need of the preient ace the

.ntbor has jutt publlthed anew boob, treatlna; *&VaT#1^ E^S^-Ul? «w*SW EASKfl. ISO pp. cloth, I*rice ai.oo. or BUT

""A°pra'id',pt or w tn "• oa" tW0 -»5K, Theae are,beyond all eomj

ifully explained, and maay mponant and Interesting

.-—Bed to which no tlluiion can be fouDd In any other workt in one Lu Ru.ae. All the BBV, UilouvaaTiaof ih. author" CSltllSfflSS?*?? " **"«*g e««r bo: tore ifJi lo the lot of anr man. are olven i_ e_n No^pcrson should he Hl^ tt?*Vytteffi

uSSa?M& "ooas.-W* have reeelved the valuable rnedleal works publlahed by Ihe VtibaAr Medical laatlttiltj. Thete book* are of «taa.

«o...r.l»|i .|,ieb l.„„„b|, |,„„„, ™"KB.

" The author ol ILeae bonka la one of the neat

THlnible prodoctloBB, It Induce men and women to avoid t

Ink, rarmitmton, Maine, Sept. 7. «« t*rw,i-

■p.for."""- tn be hit aim to

•■* 1he cause ot

a..D.-IPI rtuttior of the above named _mu.i

raw EffliESS *SSv?S

ey and eapetlrncr. " ?.""'• *" r«

SONOMA ^Vine Bitters.

Thl. rlah and dcll«htful tonic I. ,nsJe »<„. nnrm

ti.inf roolt, rctdi ,nd il. ...,...

1800 c«it. for ule bj Ibt l'mprlflori.


!>9 Wa.hington Street, Bo.ton.

*©he Sawrencc American "ASP

ANDOVER1* ADVERTISER, Every Friday Evening, by

OHO. B. MERRILL & CO., Proprietor*. Cor. Essex and Apploton Sts., Lawrenee.

TKBMS—91.00 p«r year, I* ADVANCS; if not Ik Klviui'f, tS.SO.


JJpnOe of !•«»_ than OM I tlianoueauusre, A AdminUuiture' ; wZBBSmUVk

— -W.HIJ-H.UU i li I.«.»-MJIIJJUJLI.1

Til* fflrOuUtlon Mjh Lawrenct Amtrl- c*n la more UJAII THR KB TIMBB that of •my Other Weekly Papaer published lo ______ this city. '

%hf tyaiiji American nauBB


(tiundsy exot»tcd,) I> the largeit Dally In the r-lty, aad bai four times

lb* circulation of any other.


Oee Tear, ■ ■ - (o 00 j Six Month!, ■ • ai «> When not paid la advance, #*.

L1BGUAL ADVERTISING KATKK. ; U. » ■ I 1 1 '.... I". 1. I..IJJHL-MH


STEAM PRINTING OPFJCK I* tht largest and most Iboroochly IMralsbed la eatteraMasiaob.uatti. Bating the most Improved —j-r-—.—— J—jT[) imimmiiiniMnfMii


•ad with Mr extensive TaHaty of week, w* art abla to laralah taw Ml Qaallty aj Worts, eaaedl- Uauly, aad at low prieee. Orders by mall promptly Ailed.

QEO. S. MERRILL & GO., Proprietors, SM laitX IT.. LAWRENCE.



Sewing Machine.

Simplicity, Durability If Beauty, IT STANDS UHHIVa.LLED.

For 8tllchfnn\ tiflmtninff, Tucking, Fell- las;, Quilting. Cording, Binding,

Braiding, Gathering and Sewing on Gathers,


la tht. w, hava all that II practical la aa, Faaillr Maehlaa,

w. Mil Ma.alaa. aaaa aaa

INSTALLMENT PLAN, that putting them within ih. reach of ell parties.

Thorough aad satisfactory Instruction glv..n to •Ma. ffpianr. and the M acblne •mrrart.iv. and knHimordtr three years Dm of ehwgo.

IhAijkUf ntt. lo as for Ui« past year, I

HIH lanvtMaii niioun.wnm uiuin Mal-C the .*«<*"•* M aeaiae of tee OlIMd Htataa.

H. B. LAW&KNOE, W. li. MOORE, AliBII fbc Uwrad, Havarhlll, Aadover, »»■

t*«M, Bradford, 4.1 em, Wludaam, •«. •ateXS OSSICS AMD SAUKSSOOM AT

No. 897 Essex Street, Lawrence. OM itand of Moore ft Field's Clothing fltore.


Soap and Candle F.wtory, L. BMAOH ft BOsT. Froprietore.

Scoxirinia: 1 Fulling Soaps For Woolen Mills, Bat Xauufeotortes.eto.

Hard Soap, Candles, Tallow. NBAT'H FOOT OIL, ETC.

Comer of Lawrence ft Maple St*., t-l UWXMCI.


Oast Iron Hubbed Wheels, By bif Patent Press Process.


Of Every Desorl ptlon,

KKTIli: KX, Kill.

earllAM theie Wheeli not only claim, but are praTtd to be ao much (•parlor to Ihe ordinary Wheel, and aie HOT r.om KxrxatlVB, no MM la tare, ted should fall to teat the matter for




Our Sales the put year will oonrinoe all

That ra part la-alar the

American Cam Machine

I. wanted la this market. It

Tba Bat tan Holee will not ravel or wear ent,ai many Interested la th* lalaaf other meeblaee coast ant ly report. I challenge ihe world to prave to lb*<x>airary. It It a

Staunch, Smooth, Quiet Running,

Iaally Managed aad Adja.ud Baebtae is every •mrttaalar.

X It Y I T.



_________ "■' reiaoved from Andever lo

^5BH^r373 Essex St., Lawrence. Nitrons OK Ida Qaa admialatarad. Eaftraaoa—IT-oalt-. Banard Daatal College. He. 171 luw St., (0»er .lore of S. B. W. Davtl,

»aUar.) _^__ n"t0


I • all we claim for th* oaa. axcapt tor

Button Hole* and Ortraeaming. BM !••• Machinery, aad H eaaler to fifiUli ibaa

any athermaablna In tba market.

W» give our whole time to toe


Aad keep •

LARGER ASSORTMENT Thaa aay other Af eat this rltta of Bo.ton,

We»real.oA«nt, r«Ui.

TTowe Mcicliiries, For Manafaetarlaf aad Family Hewing;. We

hate, ftlM, the


And away other kJada, eonitantly M hand, ranj. laf la price from »S to $i.4S.

We WAaaAKT ex*ry Machine we MU to .Ire par/hot Mutiifaction. We aell on inltallmtnt: II MatT "li

INSTRUCTION furalahed either at Itora or


Drain Pipe Co. W. A. SIHBALL * CO.

bar* been appointed A.enH for the abote « paay, and «W their SUM Wan at

Wholesale at Manufacture™' Prices. JUaftJB riPB.tha»erybee'.,aalowMOlheroi



To Whom It may Concern. Thle U to certify that we have In conitant ■*• a' nbalar Wall with SUATTUCK'a PATJUfT. THAISKR. and they work to our entire eatli- ctlon, itrlaaa aood Mpfdy of water. Wa eitn- der It the UtST Htiainrr In w, and would •commend Ibem to th* pobllc ai worthy tbrlr

attention. Lowell Maaaf'■ Co.,by 8amt f"ay,«Bp*t, Isowrll. WlUlaaa Peraon., (two) LMrell. l'.s.Hmlth, " JameiMllea, " Adam Arabroie, Darld MeKellar, " WaahUfWa Milti, by W. II. SaJleburr, Aeent,

Laerreaea. Roeton aad Maine Kaltroad, by Jai. T. yurber,

L.T.B^,aii^Wact«aOaTP^ Uiwa,

Tka abota MrtUeata aptaki far itieir, dMa not noataln bwt few Of the many which mlfht be added to It.

yet I aamei

dowa taeaa Welle la thle Tala U ■ NKW STKAINBK, lately MMBtwd.

. nd peraoni wlihlna to purchaae the rltht to pat down Welli In other plaeaa, or wlihiaj Welle pat aad per ton i wlihlna fa down Welle In other ptae ... dawa, will pleaaa write to or eall on

tmfrwteodapST BABatOBUr * TVCXBB,

473 Essex Street, Lawrenoe, laaas.


VAH€T «o@as,

Qaod Miorlment, AB are BOW offered Low.

HATS, Bait iiy lei, rrora IS oeate to ai.oo, atcordlagto


Trimmed Hats, 91.00, 91.22, $1.60.

are to be wora much more thaa formerly, aad we are BOW aaltraf HaopoUtan, Uihora, Chip, eto., U rear MOpatr raioaa Ova. Ibraur a«Moai.— Oar aiiortai* at la complete, and we again aolloit the lame llbaral paUonafa that ha* M«a baatowad op oa U Mr Ik* put Qftae B year* by tba people ol Lawrenee, Andorer, Ifo. Andorer, and Methaen,

MOURNING GOODS. A complete aaaortaient coutMtly on hand.

Kemember tba OM itanil.—

305 Essex St. Comer of Lawrence St.


Waad, SlBier, floreace, WbeeUr ft Wllioa. Leaxltt, aad Other Maehlne., which wa will aaU eheap at l"l V K DOLLAB8 dowa, aad FITS par •tenth aaitl paid for.


Ocnoml Sewing Machine Agency,

164 Eiaex at., Lawrenee.

MBBgjjg'Ba .tth.HarJ.ar. Slot, af

UaaU.f ataaaiaaa rapalraa

W. A. KIMBALL * CO., ,17 bMi Street, - - - L»wrenee.

WJL KiaraaLL, ant w, r. uataaix.

«to ro.w.no^f sr.-aae

New Flour IGraln Store.




All kind, of

Field & CJrass Seeds. PUtt.r, Ground Boat, FhM.hata.

Oat Straw for Beds, and Beds Filled.

15£h*? HiCmetican. TUI STATE POUQB.

The Investigation of the charges against

No. 4*0 Common rtreet, Lawrence, (Satweca Haaipahlra aad Franklin.)




en nsax ST., LAWincrs.


$30,000,000 Insurance Capital Represented.

Mtri*. af Uartrord. Aaaats ,18,lB0,eW sarTh. ^Uta'. rataa ara low** thanaa. otaw


Fruit and Ornamental Trta, AMD

• MALL rilllTI. OB APE Viaia at .p.ol.ltyl

Ord.r B.X at J. A. I.AUPRPt 4 CO'S. s*»

OBV0.W. OAOE. KiaaaStraat,Lawi

■ctaaaa, April IHh.UVl.

Farms for Sale, Th. aaaMtihtr eallt tha astaaUaa af all thaa

w»V.h lihaj a rarat.'ahi. a.hahaaalarr. 7a.b.r of Fanaa la Wl haaja la M^aaaaa at .hlsh ara altaatad aaa.Wu^Jato^lU«j,

WWDOW ■HAltH. Wa hava jaat raaatvad traaataaMauMaH.

torrr. In M.w Tork and Bo.ton a atott UailratOa A.inrt.aat of BdAtrU far Parierf, Kltehrai,


Is O "W 3B la T-l- Th. aaw aad fait ataa.ar

ENTERPRISE Will taaka Two Trip, ta I-OWBLI,


Laarlaf tba toot of Water Street

At M 1-1 A. M. and 4 P. M. t-oavo rayfl l.ewillatlO*.a.*liMF.li,

Fare. 40 cents.

State Mutual Life Assurance Co., Of Woieteler, Maei,

Cbarterad 1144.

taBBaP^' ,,'mffi:S frflaaadTpald, »l ,•?».»«

Prlnoiplaa: OA9B la all tra»laoi».-CAHl la the MIMUO* ol

TOrDMDs" ..rrJiT^cofiralBtiTtoil

iiL*TOLitSBf»3il»OErBlTABl4t aa^af U,. law af atai.^ha..


, Wa chal'l.n,. thtpareha.ar taaadaaaara ^pl.te and .elaot aMonm.at la I.aox Conntj.

"- '"1,'HrT?%y!S5c«, «. 1M.. «^

Warrens' Roofing, ror

Major Joues and hi. deputies cloted Friday. The fgllest opportunity has been attbrded bj tbe coii.ra.Ur* for pr» •cntlng* testimony- In support of the ebarves. Witnesses testtfylnv to Ijrlhcry In which they had a part, and to persist- ent violations of law, hare been ablelded from harm. Every Inducement that could be ottered to brinx unfriendly wit-' MSBes to the ataad hai been tried, and nothlny; haa been lost night Of that could In any way Injure tbe renntatlon of the police offlcera or Impair confidence in the merits of tbe syiteni. The proaocntlon has had these two objects In view, and the witnesses used for that purpose were either man whom tbe police In tbe dis- charge of their duties had Interferred with or who were directly Interested In defeat- pi tbe laws which tbe State police was •peclally raqnlred to enforce. Allowing the evidence ol these witnesses tbe full weight It Is entitled to, It goes no further than to convict certain offlcera not now on the police force of drunkenness and corruption, and the chief himself with a partial and very unequal enforcement of the law. So- far ai the Investigation has affected tbe Integrity of Major Jones him- self, or the character of his force aa a body, he has abundant reason to be grat> Ifled with the result. Tbe charges and the evidence hare proved to be alike frlv- olons and unworthy .of trust.

That tbe liquor law bat not bean equal- ly enloreed throughout tbe Bute, and that In Suffolk county tbe attempt*to enforce It bare been spasmodic and the effects temporary, It needed no sworn wltnaasea to prove. Tbe meat difficulties Major Jones haa bad to contend with are Inhe- rent In the law Itself. Re Is charged with duties which cannot in the nature of things be literally or even approximately per- formed. Tbe prejudices of (be commit nl- ty, the usages of Its people, tbe pecuniary interests of many of them, make a solid Wall which be and bis thirty or forty dep- uties are not strong enough to break through. He has no alternative hut to apply bis authority with discretion where tbe violations of the law are ntost flagrant and where tbe greatest Immediate danger to the public Is apprehended. Whenever be bas gone beyond this be haa done so at his peril, and has h:en ronjpellod un- der color of some legal flaw in the pro- ceedings to retrace his steps. Such ft stateoftblnrslstyottolMdar«Bdod. The

^y.nwtfij ar JftWewnflfr tf ta.r demorallalng and deplorable. Bat the legislature bas preferred that the law should stand, although requiring impos- sibilities, aod leaving to lti officers no al- ternative hut bo euforoe It with dlseeeUon. For tbe eilatenee of suadt a. Male of things Major Jones Is certainly not to be held responsible, and he is entitled to hare hla administration judged by the degree of wisdom It baa displayed and the amount of service It has actually rendered to the public.

That service there Is a widely preva- lent disposition to underrate, owing In great part to objections to tbe single law which Is the basis of the present prose- cution. The difficulties here encountered have been allowed to overebadow the really efficient and valuable service of Major Jones and his deputies In tbe de- tection of crime and the punishment of offenders. The time has not come when the state can afford to dispense with them. Tbe system Itself bas been fully justified by its results. The state needs It for the bettor enforcement of Its own laws, of which the liquor law Is only one. It would simplify matters a good deal, and remove one great cause of Jealousy, If there were a more accurate division of labor between the state and tbe munici- pal police. It wooid be better, aa has been often urged in these columns, If the whole detective business and the respon- sibility for the ptutUhment of crime lo general were made over to the state con- stable and bis deputies. That Is their proper function. The local police would ■Ull have enough to do In preserving the order, cleanliness and health of their re- spective cities and towns, when the laws of the state within their jurisdiction were enforced with a strong and vigorous band.—Boston ^drerttser.

A UKECIKB ILLUSTRATION—It U well known that Mr. Beeeber keeps a reporter In his church. The form of Mr. Ellen- wood la as well known as that of the Ply- mouth pastor. He has sat for years at a little table In front ef the platform, and takes down everything Mr. Baecher says —his notioes, prayers and sermons. These Mr. Beeeber revises before they aro published. Sharp, racy, biuaoroua utterances, keen remarks, seotencea thrown off In the beat of apeaUog, wlttl- clsma that shake tbe rlymouth audit-no*. as the forest leevee era shakeu by the wind, are often saltiwdBl In the publle re- port. Many of the Illustrations lose much of their point, because no reporter can take down tbe manner of their utterance. His familiar tllttstrairous ate drawn from his own family, and these' are constant. Last Sunday morning be brought bis stepmother into his sermon. He de- scribed her as a woman of great excel- lence, but aa a great martinet. Strict In her religious practices and teachings and like tbe mistress of Do the boys Hall, she gave bet* children weekly a stiff dose of the Catechism. She was the pink of pro- priety, and held in abfaoranee all vain and trifling amusements. Dr. Iteecher had a weakness—that of playing OR a fiddle. He miked up Yankee Doodle, a round country dance and' Old Hundred, and he did not exactly know where tbe one began and the other ended. One day be was amusing himself on bis favorite instrument and struck up a genuine jig, which uneanctifled had been running in his head ever slneo he wai a boy. Just at that moment the mother came In, and, catching tbe Inspiration of the tun*. placed her hands on her hips and actually danced a minuette. Mr. Baecher de- scribed the scene. He stepped back on the platform, placed bis hands on his hips, and showed the audience how bis mother did It. He described the conster- nation of the children. He clasped his hands, rolled up the white of bis eyes like a regular maw worm, opened bis mouth, drew down hie lip, and stood the person- ification of rustic horror. Tbe whole scene was irresistibly comic. He wound up with the moral that If his mother bad danced more and piled the Catechism lew he would have had a happier childhood.

patera ■ WEALTH.

Ban Sellm found a f»Mea cola Ma day. Which be pat oat at loterett with a Jaw;

Year after year awa! UD| hint It laf, Until hla coin to twenty plaeas ft**—

And tbaao to thou sen da—until paoph eried I How rich lien Bella. U!" and Mb* died.

Dan AdaaahadafoldeooolathatMj, tMa**M,aaW.S»ia*. -ieop-etwow-apr rea*lw*ae»i*",la*h

r.-ry dollar paid to thai... . "iitJa'aWitBOLUSlU to makeapradlMt

>h. d>atlra aaaeti

lelti, f Ivlai to tba atearad a illarpald I to mat

all -urnlm end the mil .oeej belonuW to tbe POLICY HOLD-

BB8 BMM/ TbV vrVaewa and orphan, of tba In ■""- •■ _>._JZ.A .. .-a.. ... pirl „f the I, la tba pre-

^Ta«*}aterMt alone received OB the Iaraetod p-adiof the Company.la tbe laat tea years, baa pud ail tba iMaaTbj' DMtb daring -bat period. 57thirty S.e (IS) par Pent, of ell fflSt tsj^eaf,

BSmaral m Company • a show aa food a

h' the worklnga 'of " Warren.' BooflBf Bate- .» Daring ttja pertad I bays> seed It upon

JTlaBMS^MMljIaj Ho«ar..atC(m-ord.rT.

. _ :t la Its xalne aad dura- f J. ¥. BRTAM1, Arahltae*.

I tba publle edlSeee, aneted aader my j, IS.k -materiel*, are

IW but 1 iti u f aapcrlenca

V**r, wllb'WamnVBooaaf Is,**-* rooft eovexed In a proper manner wlihlt a. parlor to aaythlni that I aa ooneeraaat will eept eopper. YMH flfap


Amoi Asaoaa tha paeite r-i--'«, '""■» .nperxlaion aad covered wltb year awl tbelaiUtaW of Teohnoloay aad tMJMS of th« Natural tlUtory Boejety. My I

I*, that jsJe.Sfj. With, ex

LBTOR, Arohlteet.

I bare aeed "Warreas* felt and Compo.ltlon Boedaa" epoa baUdlap wbleh baxe eoet from fS.OOO to »l5l,000. I eonalder It tba ne»-. beat te copper, and *

EDWARD FLVNN With**: to aaalw baowa to the ettlnM of Law- ..JM tbM be baa ealatRed bis Urew Beaae and ■toek Of FLINTS, which be MW Invitee tbe public to esaaalM. I 4a boldly say there la noihlnf la tha elty to eoMpare with aay >toak »t Flaau. My

Verbena- and Qeranluma

arasplaadld. I have a l»e assortatMt of

Plants for fill.m- Baskets aad Rsetlc •tanda.

I bar* Sne larga Oeraalaau, of all ihadta ot color, for S.UBf Vaeae; atoo,

Bququete, Baskets of Cut Flowen, aad other Decoretlorn for Parties, WeddlBfl, aad Janerall, arra Df ed to order at abort notloe.

Groan House, No. 26 Meadow St., LAWftBHCB.

IDffilD rLTBH. Mr, >*lyaa will opaa a iTA*n roa TUB ■ |i.a ov

I'UKTH.ei MoBday m at, en the eonth aide of Easea Straei, ori-oan* J. D. DUKWa Diaina BtL.ni.. *ap«i

NATI wa BBADUCB, A re hi tect.

franklin, of Phlladelpbie, A.ieli $3,087,463 ■oral, of Xafland, B,17t,77fl Bide aad Jbeatber, Boitoa, " ill, BM State, Wareesler. 1BS.B1T Baterpme, Pvaa., •"**?!! rtremen'i. New York, SW.BOO Buffalo r, M., Bew fork, 473.577 WMtonener, 4Bfl,»14

Pelldes lined and lonas promptly sad boner- ably adjected at my Office,

Haweial ladaeementi offered to partlee havlhf laaSiraace to effect lu latfe or iraailamouata.

Qtxe BM a sail before renewing yoor polteles elsewhere,

Hide and Leather Insurance Co.f •f BMtoa, Hat*.

Capital, 1300,000.00 Assets, 41A,flOo.OO


2S3 Essex Street, - - Lawrence. r. o. Box ss.

Tbe above teitlmonleU, frota lb* leadlni •blteeU la Boatoa. Indicate the value la whleb tbe above Boedaf is held la that etly,

la no preoedUf year baa *o many n asr CLAM DWBLLnoB beta eovered with It asderlaf tte but. IH superiority hai sever kets aaeeUoaed where lottfc it la aee.

The public are cautioned not to be misled by any other material, similar In appearance, and represented te be tbe same aa WABBEHS*.

•a-The nadenafaed I* alone authorised to i« Warrens'Booami la thle vicinity, where, darlaf tbe past nine years, he hai covered many valuable bandings,—ta tbe aggregate, hundred, of thous- and ■ njaere feet of eaKaee.

Frectared with ample attii aad nwtllUM lor lb* eonllaaed pnaeeaUon of tbe baalae**, aad tliiakfBI M his frienda and tbe peblls for lavors la the paet, be will hereafter •XMale all work loiraited lo him wltb Sdellty and dlspateh.

NOTICB flotlee I* hereby |lven that tbe copartnership

heretofore ealatlag'lmtweea Bnaaiu. ft Uoaoui, U tkli day dleeolvrd by matnal eonseat. Allde- maadadaebytbearai, WUI he presented toUM. W. Benin tor permeat; aad all atcoenU Me the Bit, a H paw iBW MEMI

BOBACK J.UUBQ11I. Lawrsuce, May 1, ISM. StTatyl*

BltKHIFF'n 8ALB. CaMaBXMteMHb of UauoehMitt.

Buax, M. April IStb. A. 0.1ST1. By Tlrtae of an SIMUM wbloh Usaed •■11

Judament la fetor of OgOBOB a:HAHBTOB

GBO. B Common Street,


. HOBlf, near tbe Depot,

>,IB said aounty.at the leettermot Saperior Court for aald ooanty, agalait

^M all tbe right laeqaltyAatUsleald arlaa Lahan bad •• tbetwdWl day of Jaaa-

ary last, (the day wbea tbe seme WM attaehed oa tsuea* prMeeSaJor now ha. to wdeeaj MMSS niorinfed real eetate lyin* in eald UtTir- betafiba alaM WIMMM tEe eald Catharine baanow Urea, aad the aaaae that» KBnrfkj1a deed thereof from KUen HBlllraa to CaUarlaa invaTaUtTa ftweentb day of »«fi£*> A.O. ISSI, iMOfded IB tbetnea Iteglatry of Peede for aaU eoanty, book 741, leaf 1SS. Aad en the BBVB1ITI1 day of Jane neat, at TWO o'asock. Fj M at my Office, Bo.SSS Beeex atrert. la seld


WHAT SLBBP Wlix CCBC—The cry for rest has been louder than the ery lor food. Not that It Is more Important, but It It often harder to get. Tbe rest comes from sound sleep. Of two men or women otherwise equal, the one who sleeps the best will be the roost moral, healthy and efficient.

Bleep will do much to cure Irritability of temper, peevishness, nervousueas. It will restore to vigor an overworked brain. It will buUd up and make strong

weary body. It will do mneh to cure dyspepsia. It will relieve the languor aad prostration felt by the con- •umptlvca. It will euro hypochondria. It will cure a broken spirit. It will cure lorrow. Indeed, we might make a long Hit of nervous maladies that sleep will cure.

The core of sleeplessness is not so easy. The habit of aleeplng well Is one, which, If broken up for any length of lime, Is not regained. Often a seveie. Illness, treated by powerful drugs, so deranges tbe nervous system, tbet sleep Is never aweet after It. Or, perhaps, long contln- ued watchfulness produces little exercise of the muscular system, or tea aod whis- key drinking, and tobacco using. To break np this habit, the following are re- quired :

1. A clean bed. 3. Sufficient exercise to produce wear-

iness, and pleasant occupation. 3. Good air, and not too warm s

room. 4. Freedom from too much card. ft. A clear stomach. 0. A clear conscience. 7. Avoidance of nil stimulants sod

narcotics. For those who are overworked, hsg-

gard, nervous, wbo pass sleeplesr nights, we commend the adoption of auuh hablta

1 af fa. I as shall secure sleep, otherwise life will •aWatiou an7aU(eee be jtt)rxt and what there Is of It, sadly


Bat whan hta BMI Could bold tbe wealih.le wbtob hie eeln lied


A FACT roit Mr. TBASK. In all his reasons and arguments against the use of the 0 vile weed." we think Mr. Trash nev- er beard before of this one, and so we " help nn the cause " by publishing It:

" A postmaster In Illinois chewed plug tobacco, which vile habit was directly In- terested In sending him to State Prison. As thus: A letter was mailed In bis office containing five one hundred dollar blUs, and directed to Chicago. When the let- ter arrived at Chicago the funds were minus, and a detective was set at work. That clever man soaked the envelope In water and loosened the gummed portion; he found on microscopic examination that the re-sealer bad been chewing plug to- bacco, aod In moistening the gum had left specks of the weed adhering to It. Then this detective went along the line trav- arted by tbe letter and asked everybody who could by any poealblltty have ban- died the letter, for a * chaw terbeeker.' Everybody was handy enough to furnish this masticator with the desired article. hut It was invariably fine out, until at the mailing office be sat down, and to tbe postmaster—who was an old friend—ho expressed himself that the thief would never be found. The habit he bad so In- dustriously pursued of asking everybody lor a ' chaw,' lustlnctlvely prompted him to say, 'Old chap, Rive us a chaw tobac- co,' to wbleh tbe friend replied,' I don't think I have any you would use; I never chew anything but plug.' The detective was pmr.led. An old friend, the man be- fore him was the thief. He stifled the promptings of affections; arrested the postmaster, tbe ease was tried, and now the tobatoo chewer la In Jollet, boarding at tbe State hotel."

TBB Appr.B IN THE BOTTLE.—On the mantel-piece of my grandmother's best parlor, among other marvels, was an ap- ple In a phial. It quite filled up tbe body of tho bottle, and my childish wonder- ment constantly .was, "How could It have got there?'' By stealth I climbed a chair to see If the bottom would unscrew, or If there had been a joint In the glass throughout the length of the phlsl. I was satisfied by careful observation that neither of these theories eould be sup- ported, and the apple remained to me no enigma and mystery. One day, walking In the garden, I saw it all. There, on a tree, was • phial tied, and within It a tiny apple which was growing within the crystal. The apple waa pnt Into tba bottle while It was little, and It grew there. Just so we must catch the little men and women who swarm our streets —we call them boys and girls—and Intro- duce them within the Influence of the church; for alas! it Is hard indeed to reach them when they have ripened into carelessness and sin.—Spnrgton.


TUmldDtfbl; on the mountain, brown Tbe 00id rouad moon abltree deeply down; Blue roll the waters; blae the sky flprwda Ilka an ocean bang OB Ugh, Be.pane.led with those lalee of light, So wildly, aprltaetiy bright. Who ever fated upon them ahlolng, And tarn'd to earth wtihoat replaldf, Nor wlah'd tor wings to DM away. And mli wltb their eternal ray? Jlyron.

. . ■■-■■■.«, ., a, a w


the algna of the times Is the lumber of amusements provided for the young by the churches. In almost all societies, In New York, now there Is a committee on Kntertalnineut, which provided once a month, a literary, musical, and humoroua ontert alnment for the benellt of the young people of tbe congregation, and which seems to afford quite aa much recreation to Ihrfvid asto the young. Tbeso enter- tainments are held In tbe church, and are graced by the presence of the pastor, who usually opens the service with prayer. Few secular concerts are more entertain- ing or are received with more genuine ap- plause. Some of the large denominations have a regular festival once a month, made up of speaking, singing, and good fare. The New York superintendents of all soots have a gathering which they call Superintendents' Sociables, at which they discuss questions connected with their work, and also dlsouss a fine eolation which lg-spread for their entertainment. The social features of the religious move- ments of the day are very marked.

lorK. *HM-ttvx^Sni^MK.th\n<T* In Sew Times, says there are about fonr hundred practicing dentists hi New York, and one-quarter of that number In Brooklyn (where the teeth are proportionally bet- ter). The Parmlys are notable In the protoMlon, the family consisting of Blear- er, the oldest, and four brothers. Bioan- er Is the rlohest toothist In tbe I'. S.— worth a million—mostly made In real es- tate. Doctor E. J. Downing is also a

H practitioner— about $30,000 per annum. Doctors Atkinson and John AI- cn, Dwindle, Dodge, and Maine are among tbe •10,000 to #90,000 men; after whom oome a crowd of Industrious fillers, extractors, etc, etc., the German ele- ment being quite predominant. Of tbe four hundred In this city about thirty may be considered first-class, with Urge Incomes. After these scramble along a goodly crowd who charge from #3 to 9110 for filling a tooth, and who make from •3000 to •guoo a year.

Jbe American workman Is not a child with a set task, not a slave with an op- pressive burden, but a free. Intelligent, self-respecting and self-guiding man. He lays out bis own life. He reaps tbe re- Ward of bis labors. His work does not mean simply bread-and-butter, and dance under the Maypole, bnt solid beef and pudding, a deacoushlp In the church, two weeks' summer board In the country. a piano for his daughter, and high school, and perhaps college, for his son. Set him running a sack race Indeed I He literally Is tbe populace, at least of New England. Tbe quiet country village, with Its one meetlng-honse and four school-bouses, may have a few exceptional tatterdemal- ions, recognized and tolerated, living from band to mouth—a little Bohemia, half butt, half burden, nut the mass of the people are such as tbe deacon afore- said.—[Gall Hamilton.

"<§Ch<? Hftmeviccm. LAWRENCE. FRIDAY, MAY 12,1871

^©fvehljj ^ero* /2Bretnftv-B SATURDAY.

Tbe free masons of Paris, continue tlialrexer- tions for peace. They bare Mat uolegatw to different parts of the country to obtain aid in their mission. The commnnleta alalm Itaam, bnt the claim is unfooBded. Tho aMprosalard to the gov«ramoot from the inside of Fasts, was not fortheomlDg when Mrtaeted. If SKI

eompromtto It effected, MeMaaoa will storm the city. One of the communist garrisons sold the pass word to tbe go vemmeat troops, enabl- ing them to obtain a victory. Tha rebels hare lost 2000 since Friday. St. Germain hai been occupied by the government, an] the forts con- tinue their fire.

The Fourth Ward, ballot boa la New Haven, bas been opened by tbe committee, and one hondrod lets votes foam! for Jewett, republi- can, titan WM first reported. There are ef courao inipicloni of fonl play as the represoota- hve vote la tbe ssiae u first stated.

A party of nrngbs were having a prlu fight at KroreU, (South Maiden) early Baaday mora- tng. Some ritlssns approaching, they took them for officer, and Jnmped Into carrtagM and Bod towards ty nn. ' Th«y feartil the fate of sBaamaarsal

Samuel Bellsloger tqtitwied the hand of Mrs. Mahony too hard, at a ball la Florida. Mr. Hahony followed him up after the ball, knocked him down' with a loaded cane,and was shot dead by Bellstnger after both bad fired several Braes.

Ao interesting, young .pan was rebuked from the pulpit a few years ago la Arkansas. lie left for Texas, and a few days ago relumed, aad shot the minister dead as ha waa coming dowa from the pulpit,

Another insane man lias murdered his par- ent, this time In Illinois. He also killed his sister. Ills brothers and sisters are ander arresl oa charge of Instigating It.

Tbere wai a severe earthquake In Chili, March Kith. A large number ot buildings were thrown dowa aad eeveral people killed In Santiago end Valparaiso.

A lemon box foil' ot live aligatora hai been brought 10 Concord, N. H. It b hoped that tbe Mcrrimsck river Is not to be stocked with them.

It It believed that there WM a " foul," in tbe death of the wife of Jos Coburn, tba prlM fighter, and a coroner Is to look Into the nutter.

The reported of the safety ef Dr. Livingston, the African explorer, Is confirmed try the Brit- ish government.

About five Inches of snow fell In rarmlnp.ton, hie., Thursday night, and two inches In fake Village.

The state polios Investigation closed Friday night, after forty or fifty sessions. S.1S, In ISacramento-

The Harvard students think It "fnn" to steal grave stones.

Tbe snow was quite deep on Mount Wash- ington, Thursday,

Gold closed Friday at 111 1-9.


Favre and Quertler liave been sent by tbe French government to ask Germany for an ex tension of time to pay the Indemnity. Tbe reply la that It most be paid at oaee, and that Fresco might borrow of Knglltb. t'rench aod German banks. Bismarck fnrtber says that If Paris Is not taken by the French government by Monday, the Prussians will enter ItTnesday. The Prussians Intercept provisions entering tbe city. Fighting Is going on every day, and sev-

il rebel pr Loners bare been taken. The com munists have suppraesed seven papers. It Is said that tbe communists' general Is preparing for an offensive movement wltb 10,000 men.

Imperfect.—JSMPs Journal •/JSTmlf*.

Parson O. need to tell (be following story with evident relish. As was the custom In those days, be had taken into hla family a poor led as '* chore boy." It occurred to him, (fire day, that he ought to Interest himself In tba lad's welfare. Acting upon tbe thought, be at oaoe called him Into the study, and with vis* age solemnly composed, according to the pattern then desirable when religion was the topic, *Jdreeted the urchin as fol- lows :—

" Sam, do you know you are a sinner* " " Yes," falteringly replied Sam. "Do you know what will become of

TOO, If you do not repent r Receiving no coherent reply, he

launched Into repentance and redemption, encouraged by the evident Impression made by hU words, uud feeling no small compunction the while, that he had so long neglected a "subject of grace" so promising.

At last a vacant ant) wandering look roused a sudden suspicion, to verify which lie Inquired :—

"8am, whatlsastnnerr" Imagine tbe situation when the " sub-

ject or grace " promptly reiponded:— * "Sinner, sir! Yes, sir; shiners Is

strings In turkey', legs, sir." The sinews of the parson's face relaxed.

A young gentleman. 1** months of age, residing In PbWturket, It. I., remained quiet the other day for such an unwonted period, that his mother suspecting all was not right, went In search of him. She found him sitting on the floor by an open bureau drawer with a loaded and self-oocklng revolver hi b|g band, and he waa amusing himself by ramming the inntsle of the piece down bis throat, working at the trigger, and hammering It upon ihe floor. Ai suon as the mother recovered from her M*ht, she took tbe weapon from the ctilld without any uu-

' pleasant result.

The act of 1S70 establishing a prison commission authorized, among other things, the separation of male and female prlaoi.cn. and removals from one Jell to another with a view to securing a better classification. There being no prison iu the State suitable for tbe proper cuatody of female prisoners, It Is understood that the legislative committee will recommend that one should be built at some conveni- ent place In tbe eastern par; of the State, and will ask an appropriation therefor. Sheriff H. G. Herrlck of Lawrence, has been sppolnted a member of the prison commission, In place of Joseph Story, Esq., resigned. Mr. Herrlck Is an expe- rienced officer, and a gentleman of high character, and also of sufficiently conser- vative views In regard to the manage' incur of prisons to commsnd the confi- dence of those wbo have hitherto regard- ed the commission with some distrust. Botton Advertiser.

A peculiar person waa Mr*. Judith Rust, who died a few days since in Ips- wich, Massachusetts. She was married on Christmas-eve, 17D0, and, although on good feints with her family, never after- ward slept In her fathers bouse. There were ninety persons at her wedding, yet she survived Ibem all. She left sixty living descendants. From tbe night of her marriage to tbe day of her death she slept upon the same bedstead; and she bad the honor of csrrylng tbe first um- brella ever carried In Rowley. In that respect she was historical.

PAnn.KU IIOI-K ROLLS.—Two quarts flour, one large spoonful of lard, add a little salt, one pint boiled milk—set aside till cold—half ctip sugar, half cup yeast. Make a hole In centre of flour, put In milk, etc, and rise over night. In the morning knead It well, ami rise till noon; then cut Into long, narrow rolls and let It rise till tea : inf.

A rise In mutton may be expected. We heard 300 huugry volcea shouting like force last night "All we like sheep." —Ixitctll Courier,

In the Hew Havoo fourth ward, bnt 470 re- publican rotes were foend la tbe ballot box, when It was recently opened by tbe committee. 5TB of such rotes were reported at tbe close of election day by the moderator. The ward has been carefully canvassed,aod np to Saturday, 030 persons have been found who voted for Jewell, republican. The work of canvassing is still proceeding.

A white man In Ban Francisco, meanly re- futes to pay the bill or a Chinese doctor, who cured blm.becaBM by tbe laws of that state the evidence of a Chinaman Is not taken In tbe courts. Tbe doctor will take the matter to a l". 8. Court, ander tbe Ku Klax bill, and it will then be ascertained which power. Is su- preme, the Called States or California.

While eighty convicts were marching to din- ner across a gallery, at Slog Sing Slate Prison, N. Ta, Friday, It gave way and Ibey were thrown to ■ pavement forty feet below. Some were fatally injnred.

The vole ot the fourth ward of New Haven, may be thrown out altegether, owing to the ev- ident fraud. English, the democratic candi- date for govemor.wlll contest tba election deci- sion, If against him.

Tbe striking miners In Pennsylvania still hold out, the assertions of the New York pa- pers to the contrary, notwithstanding.

A fire at Folsom, about twenty miles from Sacramento, Gel., destroyed about tm.1.000 worth of property.

Tbe dUBcalty between tbe Sultan of Turkey and tbe Kbodlvc of KuM't, has been settled without a war.

There was a furinus snow Stern, on Mount Washington Saturday night.

The break lit the F'rle Cannl lias been re-


Oold III 1-S.

Nxwa ITEMS.—It Is highly probable that Gen. Sherman never expressed tbe opinion In regard to the Ku Klux which the southern papers claim. It can be proved that he has talked entirely differ- cnt. -Cen. Howard, of the Freedmen's Bureau, fully confirms the painful atorlee of the Ku Klux murders, Republican voters, black and white, are Invariably the victims.—A Urge portion of the pop- ulation of Paris have done no work for seven months, but live upon what the communist government rob from banks, churches and merchants, and give them. The communist authorities forbid the col- lect Ion of rent also. Those who obooee to work are set to building barricades, but no useful employment Is allowed.— Charlostown Is to give #5000 towards the celebration of June 17th.—A rat fought a copperhead and a rattlesnake seven hours In Ohio, aod whipped them. Every time tbe rat waa bitten he would retire to a corner and bite oat the woundei part, and be did not get poisoned.—There Is a place on the air lino railroad, In Michi- gan, where the road has sunk out of sight for tbe twentieth time—A church fair In New York bas a bar In It.—A condemned murderer In Cheyenne eats two dozen bard boiled eggs a day.— Miss Lizzie Watson has been chosen supervisor of schools In PltUton.—Strawb erries soli at 30 cents-per quart In New York, and at Newborn for 15 oents.—Hilwaukie has

bob-tailed" street cars.—A dentist baa been sued at Lookport, N. Y., for dam- ages In Ihe shape of fits and dementia to a boy, caused by administering laughing gas to him.—Alum will purify water so that It can be used repeatedly on wash- ing days.—Four tons of copper In a mass, bas been uncovered at Lake Superior.— In Iowa, forty couples go fishing, and hire a brass band to play on the opposite side of the stream to drive the fish over.— Tbe news boys In Peorle. III., get drunk. —A Yankee fat taking photographs In the Garden of Eden .—Three lamp explosions and funerals food place In Chicago, laat week.—Jefferson Davis Stonewall Jack, son la tbe name of a lad arrested Iu New York city, for throwing stones. Ills mother accounted for tho name by saying that tbe lad's father was a rebel, who ne- glected to support bis family and passed his time In talking of Southern rights.— The main gas pipe In the avenue, South Brooklyn, exploded Sunday evening, tenrlng up the street and shattering win- dows. No lives were lost, but much damage to property resulted.—Some of the revised figures of tbe ssniui are ae follows; New York. 4.B74.70S; pennayl- vanle.al,.VW,e01; Ohio, •2,&iir.,ftll- Illinois. .>e«'r.ngiarni, j,*»/,4tni; Meradahasbut 13,401.


At a meeting of firtcen catholic temper- ance socletien of Boston and vicinity, on the 27th nit., tho following cull woa In- dorsed :

HaerM*, tbo iBeraaa* of iDlamperaucB In the State aad IhrartifboBt tba country demands tha aome aetlve meaeurce be adopted to destroy Its In- 11 iii-Bee, aad to promote the great and noble eanaeof total abstinence; therefore

Ketiihtii, That we hereby eatl on oar temperance brethren, and all latereeted (n ih.- cause, lo assist la Use work we have nndertakea.

llrgoirtd, That M one of Ihe meane moet likely to alliance the eaoae and preetlee of total abstinence, the nnderelf ned rrpreeentsllvae of tbe several Cath- olic temperance eoeletlee of Do*ton and vicinity, with tbe approval of tbe 111. HUT. Blanope of Boe- lon and Springfield, and of our rarpeetlva pastors, hereby eall on tbe different temperance eoeletlee of the State, lo aend five debfatas to a convention to be held oa Toeeday, Bay 90th, 1ST1, at S o'clock A, at., In tba Cathedral ebapel 00 Washington and Oaa- tie street, Boston."

In Baltimoro the protcstant and cath- olic sooletlea and tbe Young Men's Christian Association are cordially co- operating In tbe good work in the old fashioned Washington Ian style, by which the dram shops were closed by taking away tho customers, when tho Ucling of " Stand back, I nm holler than thou," waa not known among temperance men, and when tbero were Wnshlngtonlan dances, military and engine companies. The Father Matthew Total Abstinence Society of tbls city, which is doing noble work, will send delegates to the Boston convention.

A ai >o eo ip.

GOOD.—A Judge at Trenton, N. J., baa sentenced three loafers to ten days In tbe common jail, for making an Indecent re- mark to H lady who passed them.

THE IIIIJ. AND THI. lti tan.—On Wednes- day, Thursday, and Friday of last week, 3.14 inch.1 of ralo nil, and tbe rain of .Saturday night and Monday morning probably brought the aggregate up to 8.C3 or over. Of course, the water In tbe river was considerably raised. Its highest point was at about one o'clock, Sat- nnlay night, when the gaege at the canal gate Indicated sU..V.. The river commenced falling, and attiA. st. Sunday, .0.52 WM marked. The water WM 10 high oa Saturday, that work WM

•topped in some of the rooms In about every mill lo tbe city. 40.35 Is the btgbMt mark since the flood of April UOtb, last year, when ts.5J was reached, and the pier WM carried away the next day by the logs from above. Hareb .sib of this year lbs water WM at 40,90. On Saturday, a boom nt NMbua gave way.and abont tlO.OoO worth of logs, owned by Daos, Sargent ft Co, started down tbe Meirtmeck, bnt none reached this point. The river at tbe foot of the canal meMUrcd, Bay 1st, D.48; 2d, tt.lS, Sd.S.OO; 4th,fi.78i .'th, 10 n<); Ota, IS 90; B<h, 11; no. Tha guage at tbe canal gate Indi- cated at 6 A. n, May 1st, 17.44; Ud, 87.96, 8d, 8749; 4th, 11.88; Stb, 87-80. Friday evening, at Mven o'clock, the figures were r».M; 9 r.B., 38.S0; 10 r. M.,3900. Batardry,4 A.H.,39.-

00; 11 A- w., 8?.70; 0 r. M„ 40.80; 12, mid- night, 40.B0. Sunday, 1 A. »., 40,3.',; .1 A. K., 40^2; 10 A. a., 40.37. Monday. BaV 8th, 2 A.

M ., 40.80; B A. M; 40,98. The thermometer bas been from 40 to 46 every morning at tf

ftM SUNDAY NIOITT.—About U o'clock Sunday night, an alarm was given from Uox 12, corner of Oak and Lawrenoe streets. The fire proved to be In the long frame building owned by Mr. John Gear- In, No. 207 Oak Street, north side, a few buildings west of Lawrenoe Street, In which the well known Brldgman Hall Is Situated. The front of the lower portion Is occupied by the owner as a grocery store, and the rear ss a tenement, by his and another family. Tbe roof for the whole length of the building, waa about destroyed. Tbe book portion of the bouse was badly burned out down to the lower story, Mr. Gearln was Insured on the house In (he Republic Office In New York, by air. Bugbee, for 91600, which will not cover the loss. A great deal of damage waa done to the furniture of both families, and also to the stock In tbe store of Hr. Gearln, by water and smoke. He kaa no other Insurance. Water was very plentiful, as there were hydrants at each front corner of Lawrenoe Street church, one at No. 12 alarm box, and a cistern quite near. The new steamer Washing- ton No. S, was stationed at one of the hy- drants and did good service.

Mince the above was written, we have learned that tbe fire waa probably caused by throwing a lighted cigar Into a spit- toon tilled with sawdust, In Brldgman Hall.

■ 1 —• ess.ee> —


Henry G. Bridges, about forty-five years

ol age, was found banging In tbe barn about one hundred feet from his house,

the old, quaint and ancient looking Bridges homestead, near the residence of

Hon. George L. Davis, In North Ando-

ver, Friday, about one o'clock. When

discovered, he was quite dead and cold, and bad evidently been banging for aome

hours, lit. left tbe house at an early

hour lo the forenoon, and may have com- mitted the act Immediately afterward*. Hr. Bridges had lately suflered much from depression of spirits, though there waa no special cause, and It waa not sup- posed that be was Insane. Ha was a sin- gle man, and he and bis sister had resid- ed In the house, with a family, for about twelve yeara. It was tbe property of the Bridges family.

Tbe trees on tbe common are willing. They apparently bad M leaf sj not.

A great many modoat people made a spread last week—wltb umbrellas.

The new time table cards for the horse ears, will be ready for delivery on Monday.

Ifr. Woodman, tbe crockery-ware, dealer, It emphatic in blessing the piece— maeuirs.

People who ara bunting up watering places for next summer, should not COBMII the milk- men, it woukl be rude.

Them is to bo a Pleanoo party at Hutte Ball, to-nlghr, for ibe benefit ef Br. Frank Clerk, the musician or those parties.

Two new turn outs bnve haen made on the horse railroad. One at North Andover depot, and another beyond Cross street.

Bishop Eutbaro, or ihe Episcopal church, will visit Lawrenee next week, Tuesday, and administer tbe rite of con/"nation.

The steamer Enterprise made her first trip to Lowell on Bandar, bnt not at the boon pro- posed ; tbe boat will be on lime in fature.

A great many people hare an "understand- ing" with Bade Robinson, tba boot gentleman, that he shall auend to their understand,ags.

Mediae advertises for white and grey hair, for which he will pay a falgh price. Those who sport fhnt color nru not apt to have much to spare.

Tfae north side of tbe road oa which Is the bone railroad track, at the Month side, la being fenced for about two hundred yards west of the Sbawshecn bridge.

The price ot Ice this j ear Is about tbe average rate for some years. It is less than last year, and more than the previous year when there WM a strong competition.

Notwithstanding the amount of rain which fell during the latter part of last week and Suooay morning;, it WM necessary to have tbe sprinkler out again to-day.

Bay training, If the day is not altered, will oome two weeks from next week Wednesday and Decoration Day the day before May train lag; tba aoldier boys and the Grand Army are both preparing.

There Is likely 10 be one of SbakcspMre's tragedies at tbe Museum, with Mr. Walter Montgomery, and something In the leghlmsia line at tbe Globe with Mr. E. L. Davenport, next Wednesday night.

Two women with a baby, the latter iqualltun Itu tily, were seated upon a bench upon the com - own at two 4'ckxk, Sunday nlfrlit. Whether they had fled from, or were on the way to the fire, la a matter of conlecture.

The Weekly ^f MerVcaw of 1'rlday announced that the new sprfnklor was out that day. As it WM raining pouring all day, those who read It naturally wondered; tbe paragraph should bjtve hai (-r-iiitr-.ri to the i. .,/y 0r some day* before.

The iron pillars, capitals, and other iron ..any. ttiey are from the establishment of Klmboll A Co., New York, where that mark It made a specialty; the walls of the bnlldlng are rapidly travelling np.

The children of the rnlvcrsallst Sunday School, held a May festival at tbo vestry, on Wednesday evening, May Od. They crowned a Bay (Jnecn, and braided a May pole, and the older persons present enjoyed themselves In other ways, fitoo wai realised.

Dition advertises as music for Mctnorisl Day: "O'er graves of the loved ones plant beautiful flowers." Solo and chorni; Sol- diers' elemorla. Day, duett and chorus; "They ara aleeplng." Solo and chorus; "Silently, tenderly, mournfully .mine." Male qasnettf; " Where shall the beantlfnl rett"' Solo and duett.

The orange tree In Mr. Jordan's store, cor- ner of Common and Newbury ■treeie.bai been in full blossom; there Is considerable or last year's fruit upon the tree, illll. One branch which has been grafted on, bears lemons; the trunk Is two or three Indies thick, and tho tree blossoms twice in a year. It came from a seed planted twenty or thirty years ago.

Rain commenced falling again Saturday evening, and continued throneb tfae night, pouring down quits heavily at ilmes, until about H o'clock Sunday morning, when there WM a clearing up. With tbe exception of a •light sprinkle as tbe hells were ringing for af- ternoon service, and a few drops about six o'clock, fair weather scorned to be settled for a time. Tbe weather became quite cool as well M pleasant.

The nor'beast rain storm which bad been raging alnce Wednesday afternoon, subsided daring Friday night, and there WM a brief ann- .Illiie by 8 o'clock in tbe morning. A large amount of rain must have fallen. Snow Is re- ported in small quantities In Maine. The fol- lowing were the'■probabilities" from the United Slate.' weather report; "It is probable that the barometer will continue east of the Rocky Mountains, wltb clearing up on the Golf, Soull. and Middle Atlantic, followed by cloudy weath- er In the latter States. On Saturday, cloudy

; with light winds, are probable for Oblo valley, the Lakos and Eastern States."

Considerable alarm Is being caused by the proximity of (be small pi to our dty, aod wild storiM ore told of its ravages 1st Lowell. Those wbo vim Lawrence from oar stater dty are looked upon dubiously uulere they rode. down In tbe smoking ear. No cess iu yet been reported here- Tho tales of this disMse aro absurdly exaggerated, and Lowell people eould hear of a gnat deal of newa by simply leaving home for a day or two; tbese terri- ble tales bare been formally contradicted oaee, but they *eem to be atartlng up again with sundry frightful additions, and like most oth-

er sensations spreading very rapidly-

NovBiMO Barren YET.—Nothing better than what/ Why, Dr. Uwmice's temper- ance lecture In the City Hall, last Sunday night. It WM more than a temperance ler- ture; itwaia leetnreon chemistry, on medi- cine, on siiruula.ilti, on intoxication, on mur- der and Us eaasM, on the manufaelure and properties of alcohol, and its effscia on the ncrrom system. U WM one of tbe moet in. •tractive, and useful addresses ever given In oar dty. Tba only regret any generous man could feel la bearing It, would be that every- body could not bear and profit by It. Dr. Lawrence I* not a scolding reformer, does not abuse anybody, Is not aour, or bitter ascsui- iic, but sweet u a tender friend alt the time. Us deals In facts and principles, terrible facts and great principles- No man could bear and believe the facts be givM and again use intox- icating drinks, unless those drinks bad made bim a slave. Drunkenness be defines M a par- alysis of the mortal man, -leaving enly the brute In man to lire and act. Aud he demon- strates tba process by which tbe npper lobe of tbe brain, the -eat of moral power, comes un- der the Influence of alcohol.

Ills wife Is alt" a good lecturer, and It Is to I* hoped our aniseed may hear them again,

o. ■■ w.

MACCAHOOXB.—One ponnd of sugar.

whites of three eggs, one quarter pound blanched and pounded almonds. Sprinkle

■ugar on paper and drop In little round



USThe American. LAWRENCE, FRIDAY. MAY 12,1871

TUESDAY. The onr«nl«ed Paris mob, dignified bribe

nime of communists, have rerrled Mj ecciama- tion ttie priijHHUit to pat to death the venerable Archbishop of Perl*, unless une of their nun, who li • prisoner, I* released. Five more rler- gym-en hove been thrown into prison u spies- The robbei7 or the rich end prudent I» contln- ued. The pawnbroker* ire now ordered to give up the article* pledged to them. Ml lite owiwri in nut m|■lirnl in i«» l*'i lb" btM» rows, money.

The ten hour bill w** ordered »Dgro*s*<d. lo the WuNchuMtt) House, Monday; loo IMI,

o.nsv*. I1 provides that no niaor under i- yeare of age, lid BO female, ifae.ll b* eropioved OTtr ten hours per day.

The Irlih people ere pouring into tbelr sea - porti in torrents, bound for America ; ttiej are genes ally well-to-do person*, who here bwotM tired of itipportInf landlord!.

A man on the New Brunswick coast has picked np a bottle, in which was a slip, dated, Steamer City of Boston, March 2In, IH70, ear IDC that the ship was striking:.

All thejebopeof tbe rblledelphJe,.WIImlng Ion, and Baltimore Railroad bare been burned at Wilmington, together with 'JO locomotives

The dam at Rutland, Vt., baa been destroyed br flood. Loea, "WOO.

Gold closed Monday at 111 1-8.


There Is the uiaa) contradictory newa from Paris, fort Isay ha* been capiured, and an other fort was on Ore. Tbe Farle women ap< pear, If anything, to he more bloodthirsty than tbe men. and all aoem to be flendi instead ol human beings. The women demand the knife. The) sisters of another convent hare been Imprisoned. Tbe powder magazine at Maillot gate baa been blown up by goTern< menl ehelle. Several personi were killed. Tbe rouing or the dead bodies near the walla, la likely to create dlieaae, Napoleon's friend* ask for a plebiscite. A general attack upon Parli was expected Tuesday night.

At tbe Labor Reform League Convention In New York, a letter was read from Bumner, urging tbe people to drop tbe Sin Domingo natter. Wendell Pbllllpe Indorsed Bolter arid tbe Kn Klnx bill, ami urged President Grant to abow lo "the coward* of Carolina" that be was terribly in earneit, and we should heat more from the Ku Klux.

Three children, playing with malchee In n ■bed In Auburn, N. Y., where there were Bn works, exploded tbem, and all were killed. A lady died from the shock of looking at tbo dead bodies. Four children of Mr. Owen In Wisconsin, eat wild parsnips; and three died.

There ha* been a serlou* riot near Scran ton, Pa., tho itrlkera having attacked those who wlihed lo work. Several of each party were killed; the military arrived too late to be of service.

Barlo, who attempted to tulze bis children, In Salem, Is hopelesily Iniaoe, and cannot live. It I* evident that be was an unfit perion to be tbelr custodian.

It li announced that George Bancroft, Mind- ter to Germany, ha* MlgMtt.

North Brldgewater refute* to rbango Its name to Standlxh.

The New York hnr« con will not Inke on drunken men.

Gold 111 is.


The National Encampment of the Grand Army of tho Republic, took place at Boaton, Wednesday. Oen. John A. Logan, Com- mander In Chief of the order, called the aiietn- blage lo order at 111-3 A. M. After bis address en adjournment was had until 2 r. H., a colla- tion being furnlahed In the mean time , the af- ternoon waa devoted lo business; there was a grand banquet at Faneull Hall, In the evening, at whteh remark* were made by Generate Lo- gs*, Cogswell, Joa Hooker, ricaianton, »evena and KHpaUlck.Oov. »*airchtldof Wlsoonaln, MIBIMHJ,~SI. rr. o-iuKiey aim outer*, i.un. ..... Burnsldc, Cham>>crlaln, Underwood, Cunning- ham and other dlatingulshcd soldiers were alio present.

Tbe end al Pari* TfeeaeMng steadily. One Hundred aud twenty-nine cannon were captured

at Fort Issy by tbe government, and the tri- color Is Heating over tbe Fort, where the red lately waved; the communist* were mowed down and slaughtered by hundred* In (heir at-

tack upon N-i.:.>.

A most i■ r-1 L i ■ ].- and singular accident occurred ■t a colonial town called Victoria, In South Africa. A waior-*j>out bunt six miles above the vHlag<v-.*nd tbe water nublng down through a ravine in which tbe town waa built, washed half the borne* away, and drowned over one hundred of tbo cltlien*,—men, women and children.

The Investigating committee, who ware lo abollih the State Police, have almost unani- mously reported a bill for tbe Governor to ap- point three State Police commli'.loners who are to appoint one hundred Slate Constables. The commissioners chooie the Chief Conitable.

Tbe United State* Senaic met In extra ses ■ Ion Wednesday. In tho afternoon the I'resl- dent »eni In his menage with ihe treaty of Washington, made by the Joint Ctimtuiailon. It was referred to a committee who will report Friday.

lira. Julia Ward Howe and Urs. Stevens of Cambridge, have been appointed by Oov. Claflln, Justice of the Peace. The office I* honored by the appointment.

The Connecticut Home of Representatives, by a Uriel party vole, Vlt lo lot), nave declared Jewell, republican, elected Governor. He will be Inaugurated Tuesday.

The mow drift* on Mount Washington are the heaviest ol the winter; ihe trco* rive mile* off ate In full blossom.

Gold 111 IB


Uen. liiincl, ex-commander ol Parli, was ar- rested by the Commune, and placed In charge Of Glradtn. Both ran olT. The same body has ordered tbe demolition of the fauuie of Tbiers, and the didrlbutlon of his furnii tire; the com- mune liulst that tho rommllteo shall resign. Germany has made a discount or 9100,000,000 to France for rash, and will be paid fOOO.OOO,- 000down; tho n«w general or Paris I* named DsJeeclnse; tho Vendome column ha* been partially destroyed. A portion of the Nation- al Guard* at Paris refuse lo right agatnit the government. Fort* llontrogue and Vauvres have both been silenced; the Paris storekeep- ers paste paper over Ihe glass or their windows, that tbey may not be broken by the concusilon or the bombardment; the grand assault Is to be made npon the city " at once."

There are to be Hvo arbitrator* of tbe Ala haras claim*; one each Is to be appointed by President Grant, Queen Victoria, Kmpcror of Brasll, President oT Switzerland and ihe King of Italy; they era to meel In Geneva, Switi erland. One assessor each Is to be appointed by the Queen and Ihe President, and one by the Iwo.lulutly; tbey meet In New York

A vigilance committee has been formed In the coal reglona in lYnn , and mlnera who desire to work are to be protected. Fathei Hennessey e.tdre*«ed Iba Irish Catholic*, and advised them to work In dsuance of ihe strik era, and to (hoot them if tboy attempted it prevent it ■

Major Gen. Ambrose F- Burn side bai been elected Commander la Chief ef ihe Grand Army of tho Republic, etcs Gen. Logan re- signed. Tbe National F.ncampinent next year will be bold at Cleveland, Ohio.

Mace and Coburn " fought' forty-Are min- utes In Canada without hitting each other; then a battalllon of volunteer* appeared, and dispersed the prlaa lighter* and tbelr friends.

Thedlisens of Arltona, recently slaughtered 83 Apache Indians, aud captured 28 children. The redskius bad been committing severe! murder* ami robberies.

Jewell, republican, has been declared Gover- nor by both bouses of tho Conuecticut legisla- ture, and will be Inaugurated Tuesday.

Gold 111 1-1.

IHCKMDIABT FlRE. — The glum from

Box 16, Arlington Hills, al 11 o'clock Wednesday evening-, was caused by tbe

•light burning; of a barn attached to the house or Mr. Alvah II. Webster, 2-19

Broadway, flrat home north of Croat*

Street. There was about half a ton of hay In tbe stable, which waa set on tire by some evil disposed person, access hav-

ing been obtained through a door leading from the piazza or tbe home. The fam-

ily were all In Webster Ball, In the next

building, where a spiritualist dance waa In progress. As soon aa the light was

seen, there waa a general rush for tbe premises. Tbe horse* were got out In a

twinkling, and the kitchen pump set In rapid motion. Buckete, pans and other

articles were brought Into requlsltloD, and tbe lire, which had been kept under by blankets, was soon extinguished.

Those who gave tbelr aid are entitled to

much credit for tbelr energy and protnpt- nesa. Had It not been lor tbe fact that

there were plenty of willing bands about,

there might bave been a serious Ore, as

there was no engine near, though the whole Are department waa on band, with

great promptitude. As It was, tbe stable

ttielf was scarcely scorched. A few minutes before tbe fire was dis-

covered, an Intoxicated man attempted

In enter the hall, but waa refused admit-

tance. He was much Irritated and very quarrelsome. Tbe fellow was about the

first one seen when the Are was diecov<

ered, and he was led from the piazza by Sir. J. H. Reynolds. The man Is well

known. The offence Is a very serious

one, as tbe barn was connected with a

dwelling house; but It Is not certain who fired the place.


The horse cara now start from tbe Hone Railroad Dtpot at the hours Indi-

cated on the new time table, and persons taking the car east of (or below) that

point, must make tbelr calculations ac cordlngly. For Instance one who wishes

to take the one o'clock car at Canal street for Melbuen, must be ready by

quarter before one, or at the post office

by five minutes of one. As this has re- versed the old order, when the Methuen

cars started from the paper mills, It will

be well to bear this in mind. The one

horse car passes tbe post office at ten

minutes before each train starts for tbe north or for Boston. Tbls requires that

car to start from the paper mills at twen-

ty minutes before train time.

TIB BLIOT Cmacii Coxcaar—There was a moat agreeable muatcal entertainment at the Elfot Church on Monday evening, In which much of our home talent was displayed. The valuable services ol Misses Walton and Talbot, and Messrs. Daniel* and McFsrlane, a Boaton quartette, were also given for tbe evening. About five hundred ladles and gentlemen at- tended tbe concert, all of wtom were much pleased with Ihe least presented them. Tbe flrat upon tbe programme was Mlllard's Maaa, the ringing or which occupied about three quarter* of an hour. It was rendered with fine effect, and received with much applause. This was the first time this excellent compoaltion aas ever been given In Lawrence, and cannot fall to become popular. Of the other pieces, Meeart's solo, " Jehovah guide us " by Mr. McFarlane, (bass) waa finely executed, also the cborni, " Biassed are the men," from Elijah. The quartette " Their sun shall a*> more go down,'* by Mrs. WUcox, Mrs. Oh— berlaln, Mrs. Mary Oagood Sprague and Mrs. Kent, was moat acceptably eung. Tbe solos by Mr. G. A. Barrls, Mr. Peter Smith, Miss Wal- ton and Mrs, Sprague, were all well received. The latter was encored as was also the quartette by Meesrs< Osgood, Smith, Person* end Harris. The chorus from BUjah," He shall endure to the end," closed the concert. Those who took part were Mra. Wllcox, Mrs- Chamberlain and Miss LUsie Reed. Soprano; Mrs. Kant, Mis. Sprague and Mrs. Kendall, Alto; Messrs. C. T. Wilcox, D. W. Oagood and Peter Smith, Tenor; Messrs. E. P. Chapln, H. P. Parsons and G. A. Harris, Bass. They were assisted by the Boston quartette and Mr. 8. M. Downs act- ed as conductor.

Con BOM Course t L.—President Stone was In the chair Wednesday night. Councilman Mur- phy was absent. J. Prank Gilbert, tbe newly elected councilman In Ward One, was sworn, and took hi* seat. Concurrent action was bad In tbe matter of tbe petition lor acceptance of Bellevns and Higbgate streets, and lbs appoint- ment ol M. O'Connor, field driver. Petition of A. S. Jordan and others, for laying out and grading Bunker Hill street, north of the Sptcket, and of O. B. Davis and others, for (lag stone* on Canal and Union afreets, referred to com' mlttse on street*; of Thomas Ayray and Tem- pest Blrtwell, for compensation for damage by cutting down grade, referred to committee on claims. An order waa adopted appropriating •300 for Decoration Day. An order was pre- sented for a pump and footpaths InStorrow Park; laid on the table. An Invitation was re- ceived from Needham Encampment, Poat 30, O. A. R-, for the City Government to attend tbe ceremonies of ihe Post on Decoration Day; tbe Invitation was accepted, and Councllmen Miles, Couch, and McCoy were appointed on tbe part ol the Council to make the necessary arrangement*. Adjourned to meet at 1-4 of 6 r. it., Wednesday, May 34th.

y.iomc ®o»»ip. ANDOVER ADVERTISER.

i are officially report- FRIDAY, MAY 12, 1871.

THE NEW PATENT SCBOLL 8A*W.—Mr. Charles D. Moore of this city, has con- tributed materially to tho cheapening of all ornamental wood work, by the in- vention of a scroll saw, by means of which scroll work can bo cut in any sized board or blank without moving tho lumber but slightly, the saw travel- ling about It at the will of the operator, who seems to run it over or rather through tho surface, as easily and deftly as if writing his name. Indeed there would be no difficulty whatever in cut- ting out a nnme nearly as fast as It could be written. This is managed by two pedals, one turning tho saw towards tbo right and tho other to tbe left, and there Is also a hand wheel to aid in regulating the movement. Previously B skillful mnn could movo a short piece of wood about a saw that would only cutstraight forward, and cut out scroll work, but in this Him ■hint! a board twenty foct long and two foot wide, could bo cut into any kind of stiapo without difficulty. An eiport, and In faot almost any one, OBD

see at a glance tho advantage of tho in- vention. It U on exhibition at tho work- shop at tho corner of Margin and Med- fu-detweJj and will tirohahlv be shown Several of tho machlnos aro being made at Hlood'n machine ehor>, and It h hoped

Hint Mr. Moore will reap a rich reward for his vnluabl© invention.

OBM. IIANKS hits conseuted to deliver the address In this city, on Memorial Day.

NOT THE FACT.—We find the follow- ing In one of our Haverbill eichanges:

It Is stated that thn Boston and Maine Moad Foundry at Lawrence, Is to be re- moved. If this is the case, why should not our city authorities offer them in- 'ncetiietits to locate their works hore P

The paragraph contains two slight er- rors) first, tho lloston ft Maine railroad company havo not and never had any foundry In Lawrence; and secondly they

o not the remotest intention of re* moving that, or any portion of their works from our city. •» » e »•» ■ —

I'ltKSP.NT TO A PASTOR.—On the even- ing of the 1st lust., while Rev. George S. Weaver was ahaeut, speaking at a tcra- peranoe meeting, a party of his parlih- otiers gathered at his hoime, and fur- nished hl.H aiiiily with a new desk and chair, manufactured In Mr. I'lllsbury's best style, an inkstand, psjier, pen-rack and other Ktatlouery. When everything hud been arranged In apple pie order, Mr. Weaver was sent Tor, and was ad- dressed by Mrs. fleorge Tyler, who pre- sented the articles In behair of herself

ill associates.

MiLirABr Ei.ECTioM.-T-At a meeting of tho Fourth Light Mutiny, on Friday

ening, 2d Lt. Wallace M. Priest, was unanimously elected Junior 1st Lieuten- ant, In place of Jos. W. Gardner, re- signed ; and 1st Sorgt. Alonao Joy wus

lanimously elected 2d Lieut.

1'ATKNT.—Mr. J. 11. Knowles of this city, has received a patent for a weft fork fur looms.


Clltct r.vit or tho Grand Army Post, in following circular will be handed to o nnril pastors, with ihe request to

read the same to their cougrcgatloua: lUHtl*** anil rtl.-n.lx of our riacsaisd soldlar*,

MeBflef la this religious soouiy.araharaby noil' fix] »f iii.> .in.'i.I Decoration of solillita' (revr* on liaSOth Instant.

i .iiiiiilniiiiiii* of flower*, and a**lilaneo In ar- •ri*lii| tht-m, are soUeUed. A eonmltu* of r*e»p- Ion will bain SSoSleB St tho llMilqu triers of the 'Sat, at * o'clot-k, on Hi* morDloa of Hi.- 30ih. It I* •aeaeleq ibat bo^uits, crosses, and wmiin, <!■'. i*ii« for perUealer sr-*e*, ahould be properly imrL.-.l, anil delivered lo Ike llev. Sir. Uaore, trim rill i>,. ■! brad |QartmM 10 o'clock. Ptowsri de- lined for it.- aravra lu tbe Amlovor oemeter;,

mar be tent lo the Town Hall at" 1*3 o'clock, on the n i 11ht of tbe (nth.

The comrades of ibe Post take th'to occasion to ruturn lhaoks ID IMlSBtSSel this society,for ili.ir readj co-operation on Ibe occasion of decorating eoldlars graves In tbe three j ears tb at are pasaed; a coopuration thai •hows the nwssurr of our com- radre written In tbe bearl* of those palrlollo wu mm, who, durlnB the wa r. never failed to reader to the soldier the mlnbttrallons of their hands.

Pj request of tbs eammlliae of arronaementi, J. B.Mooaa, PoMChaplain,

Oen. .Sherman, of the U S. Arar, has made a ipeech before tbe Union Lesjue In New Or- leans, ID which be eatd that on another occa- sion la that cltr, his remarks had been entirely mlarspreseDied, and that bo was credited with words which he did not atter at all. He allud- ed to tbe reports which have been badly sent about Ibe country, that be had expressed belief In any Kn Xlnx outrages which the Southern authorities would not suppress. These democratic journals who hare written columns upon the ■trength of the flrat report, and nominated Sherman for the Presidencr, have waited their worde. The General says that be want* no civil position, and 1* no poli- tician.

It Is always a subject of Interest in the spring to know with certainty, when the reign of winter Is orer.and Kiog Frost li vanquished aofelaed, until ifcSLOomlQg autumn; the pre* ent spring fautnTcredit of giving as tbe la- test Ice forming day for the last ten years, if we except the spring of 1S63, when frost was reported on Hay 10th, Yet tbe lowest temper- ature we bad la ihe same month was M de- grees, wblcb 1B a measure, throws a doubt up- on the report of lS'v;. Thursday, we bad a temperature of;; I degreeS.BDd ice fairly formed, which fact establfihes the prtKnt tprinii at tht lalut for ten year:

Dates for the last ten year* of the last spring froiti :—

1ST I, Hay It; 1870, April*.; 1 BOO, Hay T, wrallaki; 18(18, May8; 1807,May4; ISM, AprllS; IBflD, April -I; 1801, April It ; 1 Will, May 10, reported In low places; 1803. Hay 8.

this wo«k, to meet the demands of our

advertising patrons; our ratBeni will

find in Its fourteen columns a variety of

Interesting matter.

The prison commlsaionera visited the Jail and House of Correction, In this city, Thai day.

ANOTHKK 1'iraa.—Mr, Robert Bower, has cbanited hit monthly advertising sheet, Into a weekly paper, under Ihe title of Ihe Lawrence Jowml, Ihe first nuiuher appearing last Satur- day ; It I* a well-arranged, neatly printed ■beet of twenty-four columni, and will be large)* de- voted lo tbe cause of labor reform; the field Is a wide one, and the new paper certainly offer* a creditable opening number.

Latter Prom an Alabama Unionist

Wo have received the foliowiag from

a person known to us for many years,

and for whoso integrity and truth wo

can personally vouch. It Is a specimen

of hundreds sent north detailing similar

facts. Tbo writer is no carpet bagger,

having been a resident at the south for

many years boforo the war. Even if

they were, wo fail to soo the consistency

of a party who pretend to bo tho ospcolnl

friend of foreigners, eternally sneoring

at natives of ono state who choose to

settle in another, if they think they can

do bettor there, even if It IJ a high

southern state with sacred soil, which a V iiiikco must not pollute:

" I send you a loyal and a rebel paper

that you may seo by tho former what

outrages aro taking place In Alabama,

which you know is under democratic

rule. You will soo by the papers that it

is tho determination of the democratic

party to Intimidate, with tbe aid of the

ku klux, the fow republicans who still

hold office, into resigning their places.

This has been done In several instances,

and the positions were immediately ailed with democrats, by appointment by the Governor. Mr. Do Brontz, whose coao is mentioned, passed through here on his way west with his family. He said that ho was allowed only fifteen days to dispose of his property and leave, and of course was compelled to ssoriflze it. Mr. HID, another republican, whllo rid- ing quietly In tho country, was shot at by Mao oonooatod party, but providen- tially escaped death. .Tudgo Hmith of Choctaw County, a gentleman of excel- lent character, and well qualified for tbo position which he holds, states that he has received threatening letters to in- timidate him to resign, hut docs not notice them thus far. In his absence re- cently, tho ku klux burned nil the build- ings upon his estate.


HATeanAV.-Jolii, R«4d)e*, a young thief, who, while scuffling with a young lady nsued Johnson, at S'o tO, Washington, picked her pocket of SGi. waa lo-dey held lo |1000 for til. appearance before Ihe Grand Jury nsil week. He had spin! al money wben arrested In New Bedford, A Tier then, Ihe fellow purchased a H« salt of elolhss her*, and treated every one wbo would ditok, on the hard saralne* of the pluudsrtd girl. *

Baroh A. Corsy got drunk and smashed In the window of Ihe premises, corner of Common and Hampshire streets. She was nvtltad lo pay Sr.so, bat not having ihat llille amount left, abu weal up for thirty days,

IM KMHAin (.'itAHUB.—-Ueuben Maker was Ibis morning charged in the l'olice Court with setting lire to tho ham or Alvah II. Webster, on Itroadway near Cross street, Wednesday night. The enso waa continued to next week Satur- day, and tbo accused was held ID $10,- (KHi. There are probably but few better men in the Fifth Ward, than Mr. Baker, iobtr.

Professor Howe's Grammar Syatem. EMor o/lkt Lawrence America*,

DiAa Sta:—Having attended, last evening, the Introductory lecture or Mr. Howe, upon bli •vaiem of teaching Grammar, and having been requeued by him to write for your nse a few words upon the inbject, I cheerfully tay: That while I have very Httle faith generalljr 1B

short cuti and easy methods to a thorough ed- ucation In any science, Mr. Howe seems to me to give a good outline of the subject, and to be able very simply and forcibly to present many useful suggestions In reference to the proper use of tanguaga.and Judging by the Brat lecture, I should think that those who have but little time for study, and desire to write or ■peak more correctly than tbey now do, might be beaconed by hearing him.

Tours truly, O. E. HOOD.

Lawrence, Mar l«h, 1871.

But 20 cases ofimallp; ed In Lowell.

Lamb wa-have always around. Green pees, wblcb go well with him, are about due-

Bunker keeps one kind of scale* there on Common Street, and Wlitgln, tbe flsb dealer, the other kind.

It I* *ald that certain young gentlemen, not eatlafled with their own, have some uf Ibe High School pupils In their eye.

Harvey, at the fruit depot on Essex Street, opposite the Atlantic Mills' Stock, bai a mil as- sortment of plaou to (elect from.

Tbe Tanner's Almanac has against Friilav, May Stb, ".Signs of rain t" there were but few "signs" of lu stopping, on that day.

Never take ahorss car on Ea*ex Street. The police will be getting after you for larceny, If you follow it up. Let tbe car take yow.

Tbe smallpox has been carried from Lowell to Naibna, where It has been found necessary to close one of ihe schools on account or it.

The tale train Wednesday evening, brought up a very large number or ladles and gentle- men. It arrived at about quarter past twelve

Mr. Nahemlah Simi and one or his daughters have engaged a passage of Mr. Mnrphy, In the steamer Tripoli, which sails for Kurope, May lBtb.

Married gentlemen seldom apply at tbe cir- culating library or Wbltrord t Kice Tor "Bat- tle* at Home." They know bow it la ibem- aelve*.

Tbe firm of James L- Jackson k Bros., Mew York City, furnish tbe Iron work for Saundera' block, and Joeselyn ft Bennet of this city that for Treat's block.

The woman who jumped into the canal, hut week, had got outside or too much whiskey, and came near becoming defunct by getting in- side too much water,

The vote or Lawrence In the Massachusetts House was solid for tbe ten hour bill. Bower

(labor reform), Davis (republican), and Tarbox (democrat), all voting yet.

At the Boston and Maine depot, in Boston, Saturday afternoon, Mr. Robert Thort-e, or Lynn, a native or Nova Scotia, wu caught be- tween two can and so badly Jammed that he died on Monday.

John It. Ferry, Esq., late or the Everett Mills, haa lost a Masonic ring of great value to him, either at the Poit UtBce or at the depot, or between the two. He will pay a liberal re- ward for Its restoration.

Rev. T. I. Munger will not be formally in- stalled as pastor of the Eliot Church In this city, until some time in June, as he la to be absent some weeks. He will.supply the pul- pit In his absence.

We are informed npon the best authority that there was no sawdust In tbe spittoons at Brldg- man Hall, as stated; they were filled with ■and; tbe fire wu probably caused by a de- fect In tbe chimney.

Three persons were baptised In tbe pood upon the Common, on Sunday forenoon, be- fore meeting, by the Free Baptist clergyman, and one In ihe Second Baptist church, after morning servico by licv. Mr. Wood.

Thomas A. Taylpr aud Annie Wentwonh were lodged In Jail in this city, Wednesday, on charge of adultery in Ilaverlilll. Taylor Is charged with abandoning a sick wife In Lynn; tbe pair are alleged to hare lived together as man and wife, for months.

The Bishops, (not chnrch bishops, but stove Bishops,) corner or Jackson and Common ■treeti, have a pretty miniature stove, which will get an ample supper for a little girls' little party. They havealso Moves that will prepare rood lor a whole Light Battery.

Two girls, one of twenty-five and tho Other eighteen, who were (trolling about at a late hour, Monday nlghf, were locked up for safe keeping; they were very willing to bo provided with a night's lodging, and were quite civil; the young women were allowed to leave at day- light.

Tbe IrUb Benevolent Society hold a meeting on Monday evening next, to act upon the Invi- tation of post 81i, 0. A. It, to Join In the dem- onstration on Decoration Day, and also to make further arrangements for tbelr grand ball, which la to come offer tbe Cltv Hall next Fri- day evening.... MM IU« new brick engine house, -for Atlantic steamer. No. Z, on Garden street, below Newbury, hu been let to Mr. A. A. Car- rier, for S10..170, and work will be commenced npon H at ouce. Tbe plans are hy Mr. Charles T. Emerson. They are slightly altered from thoto first presented.

Mr. John Hevwnnh.'» sieaduw street,about co/eon of age, dleil somewhat suddenly to- day, about C 1*3 A. H, He was about to atop out of the door when he Tainted. Dr. Lamb wu called, but Mr. Heyworlh died In a very few moment*. He wu taken III lut Thursday, and bad remained In tbe house during that time,

A« a man wu driving through Canal street a day or two since, with a mountainous load or barrels, he run Into a railing while attempting to turn a corner, and tho whole concern broke looio. The driver wai thrown out and severe- ly injured in the head. The load wai on the way to tbe establishment of Messrs. Davis ft, Taylor, at tbe South Side.

Two young men of Lawrence, hired a team here Sunday, went lo Lowell, got drunk, drove furiously about that city, overturned the ca riage, got leverely hurt, and locked up In the police station, flo or #20 wu required or eacb, for Middlesex County, and the doctor and the carriage maker are yet to be " aeen.

weet are the use* of wblikey.

Trouhlee are not apt to come tingle. The other morning a lady wu grieving over the low by nre, water and breakage, or a large por- tion or her furniture, when a breathless mes- senger arrived to tell her of the sudden death of her daughter, tbe wife of a former well known cltlien, now In New York. Fortunately tbe report proved false, but It had the effect to drive tbe minor trouble completoly from her mind.

Klmbasl k Co'i seeds and other agricultural articles to ornament lawns, have no reference o dress Roods. A fashion letter says tbst 'Colored lawns are trimmed with white edg-

ings; for Instance, a green lawn had a biu flounce headed wlthablu band; a ruffle ex- tended each way, and upon this a narrow white edge;" but it Is very doubtful If any of the flounces, band* and edging for green lawns are to be found at their store. Sbarpe, next door, has rather a "bias" for these sort of things.

The flage of Pott 3D, O. A. It., wen dfspfsyed Wednesday, In honor of the National Conven- tion or the Grand Army or the Republic, which assembled at Huston. The delegates at large from Maosachuietii, are Gen. J. L. Bate ; Oen. Joseph 11. Barnes, Eut Boston; Gen. A.

Cnderwood, Boston; Capt. G. S. Merrill, Lawrence; Oen. O. H. Pierson, Salem; Gen. A. B- H Sprague, Worcester; MsJ G. 8. Worces- ter, Boeton ; Col. C. B. Fox, Dorchciter; Oen. J.W. Klmball, Fitchburg; Gen. I. S. Burrlll. Boston Highland*; Capi N.M. Phillips, Spriog- lleld; Gcu. H. S. Briggs, Pltwfleld, Nearly all of ihe Oenerali of the late war were present.

There was a great kicking up behind or alt be hones attached to iho steam fire engloee,

Sunday night, for some cause. The new horses of the Washington steadily declined for some lime, to have anything lo do wltb a strange machine to which ibey had never been Intro, duced. The hortct or iwo other steamers In- lislcd upon having a horse dance before they would start for the Ore, like a linger In opera, wbo hu to ting a long solo, telling what great thing* he l* about to do, with a full chorui and tevrral fiddles, before be ruthea efT to save some perton from drowning. They got tired ofklcklng the heavy machine after awhile, and went off, tho drivers making ihem dance lo quite another tune, on Ibe way.

(l.i Monday afternoon, Mr. Caleb Saundets received information that a large bald-headed eagle had been prospecting around a meadow In tbe vicinity or his father's residence at the South Side, probably proposing for blmselta duck sapper, at the expense of an Irish gentle- man, owning that description of personal prop- erty In tbe nelgborhood. He loaded hi* gun heavily, with partridge thoi, alt the kind he bad In tbe house, and found hit majesty strut- ting about, u If he owned real estste In that part or the ward. The bird flew when he was approached, aud took refuge after a; time In a high tree, Mr. Saundera followed him up, Waaed away, and brought him down- Tbe stranger measured six and a half feet from tip tetip.


A large number ot the friends of Dca- and Mra. Joshua Blancbard, assembled at iheir residence. In South Lawrence, on Tuesday evening, to unite with tbeoa In celebrating the twentv-fiftn anniversary <>f their marriage, After cordial greetings and congratulations, the divine blessing was Invoked by the Kev. Mr. Ferris; the u^muauy partook of a rich and' bountiful repast, to which ample Justice was dona. Then followed appropriate remarks, by Rev. Messrs. Ferris and Williams, Mr. B. F. Ward well and others, and prayer was offered by Hev. Mr. Williams. Excellent singing was Interspersed during the even- lug, giving variety and Interest to the ocaaaloo. Wa noticed a large number of beautiful articles were presented by tbe party, as testimonials of their esteem for the host and hostess, consisting of butter dish, fruit dish, ladle, forks, berry spoon, butter knives, pie knives, salts, napkin rings and coin, all dazzling with silvery brightness, oil chromo. framed pictures of grand children, cte.

Joshua Blanchnrd and Thankful Hun- ter, ware married by Itev. E. C. Winches- ter, first pastor of the Free Church, An- dover, May 7tb, 1640. Some one remarked that there waa a thankful Hunter before marriage, and had been a tAoaJtfiil Blan- cbard ever since. A large portion of tbe party waa from Andover, the former resi- dence of tht) twain, whose presence and appreciative and affectionate expressions of regard must have been very gratifying to those whom they bad met especially to honor.

Forty or fifty young persons were con- firmed at the Catholic Church last Sab- bath. The girls, dressed in white, ap- peared very prettily.

General Joseph Hooker was in town on Thursday, and leftln the 4 p. if. train, If his presence had been known a crowd would hare assembled at the depot to do him honor.

Rev. Dr. Feabody, ol Cambridge, de- livered a veiy excellent address to the students of the seminary a few evenings since.

W. F. Draper has been chosen a dea- con of the Chapal church, in place of the late Dr. S. H. Taylor, deceased.

Mr. Joel F. Whitney, of tbe senior OIBSB in the seminary, who has been for some months under appointment by the American Board to labor in Micronesia, waa ordained at Wadbam's Mills, N. Y., on the 3d inst. After hla ordination, Mr, Whitney was married to Miss Louise M, Bailey, daughter of Rev. Pblneas Bailey, formerly of Albany, Vt.

Hev. D. P. Noyes Is giving a course of lectures on Home Evaflgel'zatlon before tbe students of tbe Seminary.

Messrs. John Smith and Frank II. Johnson, of this town, with their wives, and Mr. and Mrs. George VT. Coburn, of Boston, who have been absent In Eu- rope about a year past, are expected to sail from Liverpool for borne. May 13th

Rev. J. W. Haley, of the seminary, Is supplying the church In Alfred, Maine.

The twenty-Ofth anniversary of the or ganlzation of the Free church Is to be celebrated on tbe 31st lost., with appro- priate exercises. AH former members of tbe church and society ate to be Invited to the re-unlon.

Mr. Stocking, of the seminary, soon goes to Nestorla, under the Presbyterian a missionary.

Preaentsjtion erf the Freedom of the fiS of Brechln, Scotland, to John Smith, Eaq„ of Andover, Mavse.

Wo And in the Brecbtn, Scotland, Ad- vertitcr of April 18th and zotb, tbe fol- fowing ficooont ot honors conferred upon our townsman, who, by his mag-, niflcent charities, not only for the bene- fit of the town of Ma adoption, bnt as well in the place of his birth, has won the love and merited the approbation allko, of his early associates and present townspeople, and is practically demon- strating what elevating and ennobling, uses a generous and philanthropic heart may mako ol the careful acquisitions of a life time. Andover may well be proud of tho reception given her adopted son In tho place of his birth:

Brecbln Is one of the moat ancient cities of Scotland, although, under the present classification, officially ranking only as a town; Its records date beck to the tenth century, and it is one of the old seats of the Bishop. The "Freedom of the City" Is one of the highest honors granted In the old country, conferring, as lt does, extraordinary privileges, and Is only rarely given; Breohln conferred It In tbe 11th century, upou the Romish Bishop, and It Is the same honor granted by Lon- don to George Peabody.

The Town Council, at their last meeting, were unanimous In resolving to confer tbe only distinction |n tbelr power on Mr. Bmltfa, of Andover, to whom the ancient city Is under a deep debt or gratitude. Mr. Smith ha* read- ily acceded to the proposal, and arrangements have been made for the presentation or tbe burgess ticket to him, en Thursday first. We bave no doubt that many or oar cltltens {ladies are specially Invited) will be present on the In- teresting occasion, to show that the act or the Council meets the approbatlen of the whole community. The Tenements Schools, founded and endowed by the generous liberality of Mr. Smith and bis brother, which now educate 400 to SOO cblldren, have proved by their unexam- pled success, tbo wisdom of the design, aad have oonferrod a very largo benefit indeed, on the claeeee fo* whose benefit ikey vrare Insti- tuted. From time to time we have been grati- fied to being able to transfer to onr columns tbe Intelligence of the munificent donations the Messrs. Smith have made In the cause of the moral and materlal Improvement of their adopt- ed eouBtrymen in the United Slates, and the appreciation these bave met with, bat wo dare- say Mr. Smith will contider the honor to be paid blin lu fait native city as not the least be will have to carry with him across tbe Atlantic.

dover. (son of the founder), ocilnf M Senior Ward- en. Deputations from tfonlroee and Arbrnatli •are alao present. Oo ihe Sd day of September 1SSS, the bovs' sebool was opened ander Mr. Balchloeon, and tbe girls' school under U U. Bltne and proved eo saeceaeful thai niea*tve addltlun. h*al In be made In loSe. Tbe expense of thee* ed dlUaa* was defrayed hy handsome donailona Iron, Mr. Smith, his brother, Mr. Peter Bmltb. and their partner In baetneaa, Mr. John Dove, who Is sl-o ,. native of Brechln. Tbe MbooU, al Mr. Bmlih'a Of preae deetre, are of a tborouahly unoeetarloa char. ester,and are coodeeted In the mini efficient to mi- ner. Tbe Board of Management conalela of the three Senior minister* ot the Established , Pre*, and Untied Presbyterian eharehee; three gentlemen elected annnallr by the subscriber*; and three by the Town Council—ihe Provost being ona. Tbe worthy foandsr haa all along evinced rhe ntonost atunosty far low welfare and prosperity of the Insti- tution; aad that InsUtnUon, ea well as hla many other public and private benefacUou* to Brechln, may truly ha nold to have proved a bltantug to the M>wn. The proposal, therefore, of Frmet Beett i U>e Town Council aaeetlai, OS tba Utfa InaUnl, i heartily endorsed bj the other member* of lb* Board, to praeeol tbe freedom of the burgh to Mr Smith as tbs highest dlaUnctloa thay could ofle bio* In reeognltloo of hi* valuable glfta, was allk grslsftil aad hoaorabls. The Btatter sooa took i pracUcal form, and a Com ml tie* was appointed la wall upon Mr. Bmltb, who at one* algalUed

of tba offer. Tba necessary axrange- meata were then made, and a large number of la<

". gentlemen mat by appointment In the Town Hall on Thursday forenoon at eleven o'clock. Among those preaant were:—Mrs. John Smith, Andover; Mr. and Mra. Coburn, Boaton, America; Mr. aud Mr*. Kobert Duke, the Misses Duke, Mis* Klehurd, Mr*, and alls* J. Train, Kev. Dr. Foola, Mr. Charls* Mitchell, hll** Scott, Ml*. Mother, Mra. ralrwentner. Mr. D. Burns and Miss Burns, Mr. and Mra, Wbitson.Mr. Wm. Johnston, Mr, and Mrs. Lawrence, htr. Ireland, Bar. James Qow- ooo, Mr. Jamas Croig, Mr. J. Lawrence, Mr. John Don and Mia* Don, Mr. Gordon, Town Clerk, Mia* Cooper, Mr. Hutehlnson, arc, tc.

Prove** BooU occupied Ibe choir, and wa) sup- ported on Ihe right by Mr. Smith, ondon the left by Bai I In Duncan and Smith. Tha whole of tba Councillors were present wilh the cxcrpiloo of Mr. Dakar*.

Itoroet Scott, la rising lo proosed to the busl- ■eae of tbe day, said—at a meeting of tbe Town Council, bold on tba 12th Instant, It was unonl

IUOIJ resolved to take odvonUge of Mr. Bmltb' visit to Brechln, to present him with the freedom of the Ancient City, aa a token of their high esteem for that gentleman, bo being tbe original donor to that Institution, which ha* been af very great ben- efit to the families of the working olaoaea residing lo tha lower part of the town. (Applause.) The Maglilratr* were appointed lo meet Mr. Smith, and arrange with bun what time woaid be meal convenient for blsn to meet lb* Council. We ex. pectcil that Mr, Smlih waa likely to remain a few weeks In the town; and we wtre lalher sorry to Bad, When we met with him on Monday, that be had mads arrangemenia to leave Brechln to-day, bnt that In order to meet tha convenience of tbe Council, and give us a little more time to prepare the document, and get a special meetlag of the Council, wonld postpone his departure to another day. Tba Immsdiata object of onr meeUng to-day la ens which requires no lengthened speech from me. We have mat to honor ona, in honoring whom Brechln clllien* honor themselves, (Hear, We have met to add another link to tbe chain already connects Mr. Bin I thn name with Brechln, and one which we hope will loot aftar aost* other* will, in tha course of nature, have been savored. (Applauoa.) Onr respectad friend has many clolma upon us Brecblaer* which we cannot too fully knowledge; but I feal la Bis presence that I will bent conoult hla feelings by refraining from utter- ing the expressions regarding them tbey so well deserve. Mr. Smith has done so mnch for his fel low-men la snch an unoatautaUou* way throughout, that. Ilk*all large hearted men, he evidently pre- fers to leave the one hand Ignorant of ihe doing of tbe other. (Hear, bear.) I shall not attempt lo no- tice the many great benefit* Mr, Smith do* con- ferred on bis adopted countrymen in tbo United States; but I must be permitted to noUoe in a gen- eral way what he boa done for.tbe cause of educa- tion la hi* native city by founding ami endowing Ihi Tenement* school*. (Applause.) The Idea of founding a school in Brecbln for Ihe benefit chiefly of the laboring rtaaaea was first pnbllelj broached by Mr. Smith, when In Scotland about flftoen years ago. He then formally stated his views and inten- tions lo a letter to Provost Outhrle, lo the month of August, 1B6S, in which he oflered handsome amoonta for the building and endowing of thlo ed- ucalloual Institution In tbe town, In order to test tbe Interest taken by the cltlien* In such a scheme, he made It a condition of hla gin that a certain port Of tbe nttsssary fond* ahould be raised by local aobsorfplions. Tbs required amount was ooon pro- vided, and tbe elegant and commodious Institution was speedily erected and pat In operation. The foundation alone waa laid with masonic honor*, aad a public procession on the lllh of May, ISM, and tbe soboblo were op*"*d under the preset **•■*■"; MUS Sune and Mr. Itnlchln*aa, *> ot September, I ten. The rsanli *r*ia_r,**i part!** who aaasHsd to found the Instltnlton—so much ao, that a large addition wee made four or five years ago to the original building, and it now afford* an excellent edneallon at aa exceedingly moderate rate to nearly 6U0 children of both sexes. (Applause.) The In tare*! token by Mr. Smith In

he, lowborn l.m liMlrhird lor the men which the conditions were fulfilled by the n

merou* aubacrlber* In Brrehln and nelyhborbo oeeure tbe pli-dge I had mode. But I will i Inlnthat matter ony lunher than exprras I

rat obllgail'm 1 wo* tinder lo Colonel i.i.iln jli.g .

eg.rd li CMIKH

■ml .Mr ,-dll)

Auction Sales by Geo. Foster.


House and Land I.V BALLABD VALE.

mi- of .i lie■!■,..- (nun the Probate Court, I l BI uuMI.- i.ueiliip, no Smurday. May U7lh

the institution, Md, I may add also, by hi* brother Mr. Peter Smith, and thslr partner in busli Dove, haa eon Una ed unabated; and I find that tbeoe gentlemen hove contributed upwards Of JtSOOO to the founding, endowment, and extension of the institution. (Applause.) Mr. Smith ha* therefore been thought by the Maglilrate* and Town Cvuacli worthy of ihe only honor lo thslr power to confer upon hint. (Applauoe.) A native, we are proud to eay of Breohln, he left it wben comparatively young, and boo olnoe, by bis own exertions solsly, risen to the high poeitlon he now holds among Bcotcbmeu In America. (Applause.) though he was early away from onr town, though b* waa thrown among strangers, among now aaoo- elation*, and engrossed with tbe eoreo of buslnens, he never forgot Brechln, bnt boa remembered it In each a way as will Insure hi* being remembered by Brrchlnera for generations to come, (Applauoe.) Indeed, tbe esteem for our townsman will naturally go on, extending In the future aa year by year the young folks of Brechln succeed each other In filling or vacating tho bench** or tbe Institution ha haa founded. Wa admirs hla gene rosily, w* can re.

In It* efficiency, and we may leave Its sppre- ciation lo tfaoae who am being trained (here, eonh" dent that, If gratitude bee mast return forklad-

**«, Mr. Smith will notiose hi* reward. (Ap. loxtae.) Her* Mr. Gordon, the Town Clerk, read the

Burgess Ticket, which was Inclosed In a beautiful velvet covered

I) filled b) Mi

t» Dr. Kuole In Starting it. I h ive br.il In Hreehin

ihlng dona of o public chorooter for the boneflt of ihe people. Tbe appear once of tbe olrccta, and ev- erything about show* to me progreao, and ibere I* nothing more Inlerettlng than what you have don* to tbe old klrkyord. When I waa a bor, the kirk yard wot a kind of common on which the boy* ployed at ball, and I am aura this waa not a proper ptaoa for aach omnaement. The whole place, and especially at the back, was lu a sad condition, full of thorns, briar* and nettle* ; and you might even *e* pteceo of coffin* lying about here *nd there. Bat you have mode great Improvemeoto in tbe klrkyord. Mr. Block Is one, 1 believe, wbo has taken a great Interest in the Improvement*, and I must tay, 1 feel very much gratified and pleased. My father lie* there, *nd 1 feel a deep Interval in vtaltlug It. Any Brechiner wbo haa been away, on returning, will, oo visiting tba Old Klrkyord, b* highly gratified at what baa been done. It It now an honor to lb* town, and a pleasure lo those who have friends lying there. You have progressed with yonr manufacturing; ond your establishments bora, I hue* no doubt. Stead high. 1 have every rkaoon lo believe that thay ora aa well conducted aa any In Scotland. (Applauea.) Than you bave your Public Park, opeued not long ago, the newa of which won Interesting to me, as well as the speech- es mods on the occasion by Ihe Karl uf Dalbousir, and to my brother Petar aud other friends. (Ap- plausc) This lo another mark of the progres* yon

i making, and calculated lo benefit aad adi working closac*. Hut 1 will **y no moi

aa subject*. The honor that you havo conferred mjoi'lf will I bopc be worthily uphold by me,

and wilt certainly ever have a place lu my affecliot white I live. For one of my years I enjoy good health, and am a wonder to myself, being nearly To yeara of age, so possibly I moy yet again have the pleasure of visiting thlo city, of which you hare

iw mode me a burgher. (Cheers.) But Chair- man, Magistrates and friends, I cannot bnt believe that In *ome measure tha cause of my onooeas la lo be attributed to the ds*lre that I am a Scotchman, might be looked at ao a man of character, acting al- wayaon principle, Thl*, along wilh the goodn*** of (ioil, has greatly caatribntad to the aucceao tbi bos slwayo followed me. My aim bao aver but so to live that I might benefit my fellow men. am warmly Interested In their , wd 1 belog, and will here eay that the time not devoted lo baoincst, gather with the mean* God haa given mo, boa been freely spent among tbem. 1 fuel my plane lo be among tbe fowar claaoeo, among those who are poor and often neglected, and lo do something to help tbem forward.. I havo received my greatest hop pine** from anch actlous, and the prooperllyof the working claaoeo la Iho dealre of my heart. root, Magistrates, and all preoent, I thank you for yonr klndoeaa, and for the honor conferred, and I bop* that obonld I never again visit Brechln, I may leave behind me a character which young ond old may esteem; and a course of life which Ibey may imitate. (Qrcotapplause,)

Bailie Smith eald he wlihed lo speak of a s Ject upon which Ihe Provoit had not touched, then referred to the foot of Mr. Smith having gi £40 towards tbe erection of a Temperance Hall In Brechln, provided the Total Abstinence Boclety could ralsa alike sum. Tbe society had dooe oo, and now, through their eicrUoDo, and also by Mr. Smith having contributed again, Ihuy were In pot- leaaiou of a Temperance Ball, which was almost free of debt, and bod proved o benefit lo the town. (Applause.)

The Provott then tendered tbo Ibank* of Ihe Council to tbe ladles ond gentlemen who hod graced Ibe proceedings with their presence, and the meet- ing separaied.


—On tbo evening of Wednesday, In the limit utIon, a cuke and frnlt soiree waa given to all tbe children attending these school*. There were nearly boy* and girl* present, bcelds* many parents. geuerons (bonder, Mr. John Bmlih,of Andc wbo provided the treat, and bis family, accompa- nied by tha Directors and friend*, occupied tha platform; which along with tho rc*t of the school was toatefully decorated. The chair wee occupied by tbe Bev. Dr. Foole, In ibe absence of Dsvld Lamb, Esquire, Chairman of the Directors, ceedlngo began at half past alt wilh a hymn and prayer by ibe Kev. Mr. Gardner. The cUalrman, In a few well choien remarks, then Introduced Mr, Smith, who wished to say a few word* to tho chil- dren. II* cboae for hla subject " Habit," and del I v ered an excellent, practical, and snllaole address tc tbe ohlldren on the importance of forming good bant to—dwelling on and Illustrating some of tbem, anch aa early rlilng, morning and evening prayer, obedience lo parcnl* and teachers, fcc. lie warned tbem ogolmt the noe of strong drink and and similar bad habll*. lie anforcod and lllnolroted IhAZ-Kitc-wdJCh batt'ebmo under bis own observe U*B. Mr.Cetrurn.of Boaton, (Mr. Smlth'a eon-ln- law), afterwards gave tbe children a very Idling and happy Impromptu address on the advantage or making a good st.rt in lire. Mr. Huiohlnson, teach. er of tbe boys' school, mado some remarks, enforc- ing on both pupil* and parunU tha batiefll PenDj Bavlng*' Bank*, recently ImUtuled by His* Slme and himself, which were calculated much good. Mr.D. Duke propooada vole of thank* to the Chairman, and tho meeting separated, conrae of the evening ■ wercglrcn by the pnplli

Tbo Town Council of Brechln melon Thuroasy for ih* purpoac ol conferring Ute blgbot honor In their power upon a gentleman whoa* hind remom. branc* or and princely liberality lo hi* a*tire lows. Justly entitled him lo lhal reward. The name cf Mr.'JohuMmltb, of Andover, In tbe state of Mao- soebuiotts, II, 8., boo long been* synonym loth* Anclenl Clly for generosity and a)nnlA**aoe. Mr. Smith, who lo a native of Brechln, esslgratsd In IMS'to lb* t'nlled Htatea of America, and auk**. queatly sent fur his brother IVter, who followed him In 1SI3, and has since beau *m1n*nlly tuecesa- fill In business as a manufacturer. In tbe midst of his prosperity he bao not forgotten his birthplace, and hi* memory will be lung cborlabad for hla band Som*|l|| of tb* Tenement* School*. Deoiroua of slii.ning his latcrtst lo the welfare of Brrehbm and or devoting port of hi* worldly substance fbi tha furtherance of education In lhal city,Mr. Bmltb, In August ISta, Intimated hit Inlrntlon or conlrlb- nilagXiaoo towards th* rreitlon and endowment or iwo schools—one for boys and another far girl*. The only condition which h* attached to this mu- nificent offer wo* that Ih* aura of XHOIn aid of the schema should be raised by aabaerlpUon In Ibe Iowa and neighborhood. Tb* genvruu* proposal w«* latmedlattiy token up, and thn condition am- ply fufllied. A government grant of £100 waa also obtained toward* tbe fame abject. The locality se- lects* by Mr. Bmltb to bo mur* immediately b*n«- fitrd by Ibe schools was the Upper and Lower Ten- enMoto. Tba lllh of May IHtu, when tba crrrrao- ny of laying tho foundation stone or tbe aehoal* took plaoa.wlll long bo r*m»mb*r*d oo one of tb* grsslasl geefj dsyt la Ih* el'y slue* tb* lima of Uums's election. The various lodge* aad trad** walked .In procession; and ih* stone was laid,la pr*s*ne*or ihoMoaus, by A.M. Thomson, R. w. M. of St. Jam**' Lodg*-Jot*pb W, Smith, of An- | *nd I *rt*rw*rJ* •ntrnoted lb* aiattar to Provost

eighteen hundred B-eaence of Davit.

eoar*. William Duncan ana James Smith! Bailies; and the remonent members of the Town Council of the lloysl Burgh of lire- •bin:—

Which day the Magistrate* and Town Council, arms of a unanlmou* resolution, dated 13th of

April current, ham given end granted, and hereby give and grant, the freedom of told llurgh to John Bmltb, Saqulre, merchant, Andover, United Slate* of America, In token of the estimation tbe Council ond community of Breeblu entertain of bio high character; his generous effort, for the moral el*. ration end Improvement of tba people of Ando- ver, the town of hi* adoption, ao woll oo this, ths city of his birth; and particularly In testimony of their gratitude for the Interest h* baa shown in pro- motiag Ihe cause of edneallon In this community, by his munificent ooutrlMllon* towards the erec- tion and endowment of tb*' T*nsmsnta Schools,' With power to no* tha whole Mbertl** and privi- lege, competent to a Barge**, a* folly and fre*ty In all respects aa any other Burgess do** or may do: In tcaUmooy whereof, ■ registration of tbla odml*. slon haa been duly entered In Ihe roll of Barges*** kept for said Burgh.

" Extracted by (Signed) " J. L. aonnon, Town Clerk."

The Provost, In handing the ticket to Mr. Smith, sold—Allow me to odd Ibat Braehln ho* been bene- fltted by her son, and we desire blm lo accept from her hands Iba freedom of Ibe burgh. Tha tribute may be small, yet ii U not without It* meaning. Addressing Mr. Smith the Provost continued—We dealr* to enroll you a* a barge**, and whllo w* ohall feel honored at bavlng yonr mint there, we bave no doubt you wilt e*t**ra It an honor to have your name added to a list which contains namta deserv- ing of honor—(great applause)—and may yon he aparod many years of comfort aud enjoyment, and If you again b* «p*r*d to viatt Brecbln you will get - h**rty welcome—(opplanoc.)

Mr. Smllfa, on rising, woo received with loud ap- auae. Be said Provoat, MaglotroUa, Csnncu- rs, ond friends —I cannot atand op hero, lu thlo

the ally of my birth, and th* plec* to wblcb heart cling*, without expressing to you my loterest

the welfare or Brechln, and the gratitude I now >l. It appear* to ma that, in thn* ooooeiatlng my ma In your record* with man of various posi-

tions and worth, yon hare certainly gone out of tho ordinary track In honoring, by tha presentation of tb* freedom of Ibe burgh, on an Individual like my. ■•If. My falher wm* a working man In this city; bnt long since, when 1 waa a boy of thirteen year* of sge, be pasaed away to hu not, I suppose * good deal of tb* inierest which I lake In Brechla 1* due to my mother, who re.lded hero. As tiro* went by, I found that there were other things in Breeblu beside* my mother In wblcb I might laka an Inter**!; and I wished that I could do oosne- thlng for Ibe benefit of tb* working clas*** of my native town, or their children. (Applause.) Bo- fore soiling from America In ISM, my brother and I hod a conversation about what wa might do for Brrehln; and It occurr*d to in that the beat part of Ihe town would h* lb* Lower Tenement*. I may any lhal my mother lived la tba lower part of the town. 1 waa bora lath* West Part, and my falher died In Ih* Nether Wyod. Wben I cam* here, I opokato my frktad, Mr. David Duke, of What I intended to do; on J ho vary wisely called aa

aounatlior, Dr. Fool*. V* cunf.rred tog.tber;


The evangelical Sunday schools f Andover anil North Andover, unite inviting other evangelical Sunday schools of tho region, to meet them in convention, at the South church, Ando- ver, May 20th. Rev. Kdward Eggles- ton, editor or S. S. Teacher, Hev. li. M Parsons, of Boston, and other distin guiahed gentlemen will be present. Sunday school machinery, ao called, will bo fully discussed, Tho claims of "the Bible service" will be championed. It will be a basket convention, and all aro invited. Mass meeting of the chil- dren, Sunday,May21st, at J p. w. Fur- ther particulars next woelc.


Mr. John Morrison was made the recipient or a large and handsomely bound Family Bible, supplemented by tome autographs or U. 8. Treasurer Spinner, on Thursday evening of last, week, by the members or the Union Con- grefatioiial church and society, In considera- tion or his invaluable services at chorister and organist In that church for several year*. Al- though the evening was very stormy, a large delegation assembled at the home or Isaac 0. Blunt, Esq., and proceeded to the residence or Mr. Morrison, taking that worthy and hla goon lady completely by surprise; the company pro- ceeded at once, without Invitation, " to lay off their things" and make themselves at home. After an exchange of con gra inlet Ions, Mr. Mor- rison having bean maneuvered to the centre ot the room. Dr. A. II. Brown stepped forward, and In a few fltly chosen wordi, rehearsing the obligations or the church and society to him for his service* Tor s series or years, In conduct- log the praises of the sanctuary, presented the ■acred volume In behalf of iho donors.

Mr. Morrison made a reeling reply, thanking his friends for tbelr kind remembrsnee or him, end appreciation or h\, services] Ihe Rev. H. 8. Green christened ths present hy reading tome appropriate passages, and Invoked Ibe Divine blessing, and the company sang " Ho- ly Bible, booh divine;" the evening pasted pleasantly and happily, despite Ibe storm which waa raging without, and. the viaitora sep- arated for their several homes with the hope expressed by Dea. Brown lu the presentation, "that as wo bave often tang the songa or Zion on earth, to may we one day together ting ibe songs or redeeming ove In Heaven."


At the annual meeting of the Sbawsheen Engine company, Ihe following officers were choien for iho ensuing year: J. 8. fltark, fore- man, William Finn, assistant, U. O. Donnel, 2d assistant, John Filten*. clerk. Ambrose Iloneil, treasurer, A. E. demons, steward. Standing commltiee.IIenry Blngham, R. Nich- ola, P. lloran. Onr firemen are looking for- ward lo a visit from the south parish company with their steamer; should they come, aud our two companies turnout In full force, we msy look for tome tall eaulrung.

WILLIAM i-K V :. ■ i!. UuardlsO. May >, Itr i. St

Commonwealth of Maanachusetto.

Eosiut, as. <>ollp*reon*lDl*r**trdlntheestotcof MUMMY UtlLMfc.e,of Andover, In a*iil countv, an Insane

Where** John It. Jenklno, tb* guardian of sold lion* person, bo* prracnted for allowance tin- toount of hi* gaardlonohlp, You are hereby cited to appear at a Probate

ourt.to be holaen at Salem, In said twenty, oa In- First Tueadav ol Juo* nent, at nine 'dock In the forenoon, to *how cause, If otiy you ove, why tbe *ame *bould not b* allowed. And the said guardian Is ordered to oerve this

citation by publishing the tome once a week, three crsslvely.ln the Lawrence American er Advertiser, a newspaper printed at

. tbe last publication to be two days at leaot before said Tuesday.

" -«•, (it-urge >'. Cboate, Esq., Judge of sold Court, this sixth day of May, lu th* year and-'-1-



TO LET. Dwelling Hoase oa tbe "Major Blunt

Place," *n North Street. Apply to CHARLIES C.BLUHT.

Andover, April 7,1*71. tl

NOTICE. BOUTS AND SHU KB mode aud repaired by the

i itr.-rii.il r All Indebted are requested to mak* pojmeat. JAMKr) JUHNMON.

Andover, April If, 1K7I. tf

Notice to lax-Phyew. To tlie inhabitant! of the Town of Andover, and

I'trtone Unite lo be Attested Ikrrein • You are benny netiued Ibat the subacribar*

will be In essloo at Ibe Town House, la said An- dovt ,onThur»dey. thetihdey of May,next, at nine o'clock A.M., for Ih* purpose of reoelvlng trn* and perfect Hot* of th* poll* and oil tb* ••- tote*, real aad pcraoaal (not by law •s***o**d from taxation), which yen are possessed of, In said town of Andovar, oa Iba first day of May, 1171; which account yon are requested to briar. In by th* ulnrtecoth day of Kay, 1*71.


Andover, April SJ, 1*71. And,

Andover, May 13, lc71.

FARM FOR SALE. Tbe subscriber offers his term for onto. It eon-

slats of about twenty -two aere* of mowing, til- lage and woodland, with home, barn and shads, sad is piesaamly situated In tbe south port or th* town. Upon tbe premises are aboat one hundred excellent trull trees. The soil I* protective, and the building* ore In good repair. For further particulars Inquire of Ueorge Foster or of tb* owner on the premises.

OUABLEt W. IIAYWARD. Andovar, May 12,1871. 31

Notice. .. Ifc, Ph*be B

bed and board without Just cause, all persons ate forbid harboring or trusting her oa my account, a* I shall pay nodebts of her ooniraoilng alter ml* d*t«. JACOB BROWN.

Andover, Msy It, 1171. 3t*

Dissolution of Copartnership. Notice Is hereby given that th* copartnership

lately existing between the anderautned, under the Arm name of WILLIAM Const; A 8o.t, Is this day dissolved by mutual consent.

All persons Indebted to ibe above Him. will confer o favor by settling their account*.


Andover, May let, 1*7!. :iirayi

rwaawMllts/ i

In Ih* year ona thousand algbt hundred and alx ty-flve.


TAX aa. Be It enacted by the Reaate *ad He as* of Kepr*

■enlotlvea la (Jrnerol Court ooaenbled, and by the authority ftf tba same, aa follow*!

When the A meagre *r the nlty or town have v*n aujejas to th* Inhabitant* thereof 10 brln g

in true lists of all thalr poll* and estates, a*t ex- empt front taxation, la oe*ord*ne* with the pro- vision* of the tweaty-oeeoad seetloa of th* •laventh ebapUr of tba General Itaiut**, they shall not aft*rwards abate any part of the lea as- aeosed on personal aatate to any parson wbo did not bring In such lut within the time opeihtsg therrfor In saeh aollov, unless such tax exceed* by more than nlty per centum the a»—al which would have been sssetted to that pares** eat per- sons! estate If he had seasonably brought la oeld list; and If said tax exceed* by snore than Sfty per centum th* (aid amount, tb* obotrment shall be only of tbe ezaesa above the sold fifty per cen- tum : provided, however, that this Act shall net atTset any person who oaa show a reasonable ex- cuse for not seasonably bringing lu said list. [Approved April l.lloB.j

A true eopy of Act.

Copartnership No tie e. The undersigned have thl* day formed a etv

portnerihlp under tb* nrm nome and style ol UOsaU BlflTIU for the purpose or earrylag on the Boot and Shoe business at the store form- erly occupied by William Cora* A Son.


Andover, May Ut, 1671, Strays


svlog pt WM. CORSE A SON .will for th* next ninety dsyi

The subscribers having purchased tbo slock of m. CORSE fc SON ,wlil forth* next ninety dsy*

close out the same at price* which cannot foil to meet the approbation of all. They would politely re<iue*t the public to call and examine the above.

They have alao added largely to their stock and feel confident that they con plsesa the public In both price and quality.

They will do custom work and repairing In oa good slylo, aud at as low prior* ao any one.


Andover, May 1, l*ri. lmo-mll


od Hares, Uur tth*

Elm House Stable, Andover, Ms, This beautiful young animal Is S years old June

8, 1871, lo of a Jut lliaek color, IS 1-1! bands high; weighs 1075 lbs. He was brought from Mali -

Sir. Danlrl Lane, of Tewkobury, Ma**,

Dan Lane was slr*d by the famous Stallion Uen, Sheridan, raised and owned by Doct. Bur- lelgb, of Dexter, Maine. Gen, Sheridan was sired by the well known 'Broiling Stallion Hiran Brew, Tbe dam of G*n. SOStWan was Kate, I mare of great endurance, well known In Maine she was out of the Karrar Hare. Hlic wo* sired by flrste, a 1100 lb. Stallion, Imi England.

TERMS, 1-5.00.

Ten Dollar* to be paid at First Ssrvlee, Fifteen Dollar* when th* mare prove* with Foal. /" escapes and accidents at the risk of tha owner,

anrDoii LANK received th* First Premium Baugor, Holnc, in 18SB, lor boot :i y«or old, and trotted 1 mite In 3 minute*; be also received the Plrst Premium at the Hlddleiex Agricultural Ex- hibition, at J." »-!'. In tarn, for turn Knot * -*■* old.

toTai nppreelat*"i"" "*"'' ™ *? """ '**MJl*1

8,0. BKAN, Proprietor. Andover, May 13,1171, tl


One yoke of Working Oxen. It* Apply toO. W. TUCKER, North Andover,

-A. Great Bargain Wxen'a Sowing Maohlne at a aa>

DL'CXD price. Only a few months In nse. Apply to the subscriber, (ireene Street.

A*.«.avB.WI. M L'WOLF8EN

of Maaaachutelts, a t close of bus Iocs IlAprillrVtfri Hetanreei,

Loans and discounts, U. 8. bunds to aecaro clreulstion, I . S. bond* and securities on hand Duo from redeeming and reserve

agon w, Banking hons*, rash I turns—checks, Hills of other Natlooal Bank*, Fractional curreocy, (inducing nickels) ' SO w Specie, via: coin, a W 75 Legal teudar nolos, iiyjoo 00

♦ WS,lSfl ot tcoo.uuu 00

61,000 00

38,713 SI b,uoo oo a.o7i so

,M:t oo

Liabilities. Capital siook paid in, gmorx. 00 .Surplus fund, 47 wi* S3 Profit oad loss, iiJOl " National Bank circulation oalaUudlng, 177*13 00 Dividend* unpaid, " S 410 SO Individual dapoalta, rign as

$SW,0«1 93 ,ih Mo"V'0.,t<,r*,<i?ahUt or T"8 Andover Na- tional Bonk, do solerdoly swear that Ibe above ilatcmeut is true, to tbe best of my knowledge

MOSES KUSTlLit, Cashier. and belief.

.State 0/ ila*tncku*etts, CoMS* of Kttem, Subscribed and sworn to before me tbls M day

-f May, 1871. JOHN KLINT, _ Justice of the Peace. Corrort-Atlest. "^


OTUFT> iDlmto"'

OLIVJtB WA11NKR, Secretary of the Com

"W -A. GJ- O 20* S . WILLIAM POOR,

Manufacturer of

Express, Market, Hutohcr, Store, Farm and BusineM Wagons.

•*T-Repairing in oil Its branches; aid all work warranted aa represented.

Andover. March 31,1871. U


The Motbnen company ore alerting np then- n*w ootton aud Jut* mills, and are gelling la a vesy good claaa of help. We learn that they bev* of- fered a premium for all cloth got off over aa over- ege quantity, and lt enables smart, active people to mak* tb* bast wages paid anywber*. This show* a determination among lb* owner* to h*v* **>*al help, and to keep them. Bush a esmree argue* wall for tb* good of our thriving village, aad b**p**jks for ike company, mllr* aaoe***t. Twee* coming here to engage with the com pan y, east b* assarts of tba bast treatment and itaady work, with ths highest wages paid anywhere. The mills orsanSer th* supervision of F. B. Clark*, K*q., tba popalar agent of tb* F*mb*rt*a, and all who or* annotated wltb him will readily believe that anything that come* under his manogamsnt, whethar mtmmimeeT or help, must necejaaarily ran with eloekdlke pre doloa, and without discord. John tl. More* la employed aa aulotaat, and tba long experience be ha* had In this and other mills, together wltb *np*. rior nmtaral capacity, admirably flu him to *«a- ebarge his duties. Operative* wbo oome bar* tu work for tb* Hetbuen Compomy, will find them- selves under the direction of men who will etsflatrsa* to make It both pleeaant and profitable to laborers, oo well a* owner*.

On Botnrday nigh!, an unoccupied homo belong- ing to Ulchael Deoicond, wa* burned, undoubtedly tbe work of an Incendiary; wo* laesuad far fSOO, at Andovar.

Dr. Lawrence, of Qulncy, Haas., will lacltir* this, Friday evening, In ihe Town Hall, on Temperaae*. He propose* to tHot lb* temperance reform In all lU medical, moral, and phjatcal aspect*, tfa ho* devoted much tlm* to thl* subject, and tb* spatial -iy~<ia of alcohol upon tba human ayotran, and will nndonbtedly mak* hlmoolf louroollng to hi*

singing, oad • pea It in*-.

BOOK BiiTDinsra-. The subserlber* take pleasure tn announcing to

th* people of AXDOVXR Ann YIOIOTITT thai they havo opened HOOMS In DBAFIB'S BLOCK, for tho Book Binding business, aad ratpectfully solicit yonr patronage.

*•*>»» Book!, Jotirnati, Ledgtrt, Catk Boole, Order Book*, lecture Books, aad Scrap Book* MADB TO oaUKB.

Mngaxlne*, Pamphlets, Mualr. *«.,

Bound at reasonable prices.

A.N.DATU. ommyll* A. J. CALL A HAJ*,

Draper's Block, Andover.

FOR SALE. A Small Farm in North Andover, known as the " Benjamin Floh Plaee," situated neor Marble Itidgc station. Said Farm oonUins about eleven aeree, a two-storv House Han, Hhop,ond Wood Bhed, and oTevwfaHD^"™1

of Water; over 35 Fruit Tree*, etc., etc. V reasonable. Inqulre on the premise*.

[ Well Term*


Cows for Sale. Klght or ten young Cow* (foar 0f them having

calve*) are offered for sale at reasonable prlee*.- Inqulre at tha late residence of W. PHILLIPS POSTKK, or of JOHN ABBOTT.

Andover, April US, 1871. tf

lUi.i.AOi. VALF, May II, 1S71, Tb the membert of the Union Congrei/atlonmt

Church and Socittu, and otherfriendt: You have pr*o*ot*d u* with a eopy of th* Book

of Boohs, a mognlllaant volume, a rich treasure' elaboral.lytiJ.irtn.il, ond beautiful In design; for this, many, vary many thank*. The "notes of promts*" are strongly Indicative of yonr kindness and our f**]log* In this, prompt u* IC. B grauful re- membrance. W* ION not, In tb* vain* or the**, our estimate of a gift w* prise more highly; th* cordial groap of kindly baada, and tbo brighter rays of sunshine Ihot spring from a purely honest and warm-hearted friendship, w* cbarlth above all •I**. Tb*** sr* tlu blesoooss that adorn *ur path- way, aad lightly map vr» tread, lest lu our feeble effort* to merit tbelr fragrance, ws crush a alagla had, Jti-axn tsDLiasTR.


haa always on hand a large assort m> »t a*

CoUas, Caskets, Hohea, Plo,t«, A-.,

which he will 1 rni.h at th*shortest aotkwtwsd *■ v. • the best moaner. Also, having several Corp*. Prmrvlu Case*


May is compensating uo for April tl " Aquarius" tip* his urn, and th* Hoods pour down In relinking *how*r*. Posaeseora of light and dry soils, rejoice at tbe offariago of Ibe " Water god," while owner* of heavy, lau land*, are supposed to slightly grumbts at that* w*t favor*. Tbe ralna of loot week hove filled the springs to eieeoa, aad tha ttraamo and adjacent meadows pr***ut S oeoa* analogous to freshet*. It 1* quite poaolble la smaw sit nations on low, heavy land, that wb*r* Mtol tool lieen pnt In, It will suffer, and perhaps fall Mttreiy from excessive moisture. For grot*, thee* rolno will pro** highly desirable, and no douMamnma. heavy crop,

Mr. B*alah Palliagill, of Uoverhill, has a helfor ono ye.r old mth uli., which weigh* «SS pound*. This An* aalmol was got by A. H, Morrlli's, Agr- ohlr*boll"Komso.» Oth*r farmar* In this vtclaily aro tbo fortunate owners of young etoak from " He.

f. Charlss Bod well 1* Improving the appear. aoee of hi. building* and aarroundlng*. Th* bo***, a substantial, sqoar*, two story building of axewat otyla, U fast being metamorphosed Into a msJlia styl*. PUaoas, new Mtraaoa doors, and a general fixing up, go to mak* It ona or tb* meat phosshog end Iborongblmproveroenulo our village. A SOW born, large and lmt«etag, With cupola, baa been eroded. It won id not be a baud mailer to eoajarw up It* proprietor's self grotulolion and **!l*f*otlou When all I* completed.

J. 0. Bwla, Bsq., ba. newly painted his house, )d oa It occupies a conaplcaous place non* can

fall tn notice th* plowing trnprovem.oL

" VIATOR," ■ situ

NOBTH RBADINO.—There is some rtaUf- lous interest in the Baptist society In North Reading. R«v. J. K. Fofd has been laboring then for a few weoka, la special efforts, and haa beon assisted by neighboring ministers.

WMTHAVEBIJILL.—Ten persons were admitted to the Congregational church in West HaverhUl, last Sal.bath. *-»*)**> ...

IUTHBILL.—Her. R. H. Seeler, D. D„ of HarerhiU, haa retained from his California trip.

Ths Joint High Commission of Great Britain and the United States, bavs flnbibedlhelr work at Washington, aad some of tbs British Com- mlsslonen have left. Ths treaty provides ws I for tbs In tares LI of Ibe MeasacbuMtU isbsr- men J It agree* to pay ihe Alabama Halms, aad iho claims of British mbjecU for damage* at the South during the war. It waa necessary *- •ell 118,000,000 worth of their property, iud ihe money wu placed ln (he Untied Slates Treasury. The matter of >ha disputed bland of Han Juan, near Vancouver's Island, I. alto disposed of. ■


rtmt. n.nt to th, lfinU»tt3SEg "V M,JI

m ci^dlg ggr^ffS m^**MBe\VgRj&gfi Andovar,Oct. 7 laro,

Tomato Plants. topW M lilnH* „„',.

3Bi>»»ne»* 'aUc-ttc**. Cntun FOR STO«I urn S.o. Wnnmn.

B»ron Tra.1l .»d Co. taM j„, Mtlnt

tod .r. no. pntml 10 pin ,p 0,, wabnM »p«iil,b, blu, window Mad,,. UWrUl In ,11 wWIn, and length,, from 2 lo 18 feet.

»•■ a** UnSnmijilmiZ .„, •HnVTWi ul i.,n, „„,„ „ ^^^

?*">. *W* &■ M Oirant tw SfirJlP' ■*■*■ "-••i- a tk. «M «_H"E7'.!'"*" """■ i"1"". ekoaoav ******'**, ** *>UbT4ranMa.

Tr, D,, j^. S^^Kjjjjt^' "" **•* on mt w, *•*•*>*,

•O S.w.ra W.ntod. ■ rat ■*■*«• nmaaWott. BWIMOV

vtak* „,,. raruoiSs, «n» u.t aaauku...,.


...trmtoawadd,.... Um^titSKi

"" •'«■ stem ••,ki,, wi.kh i,.. ,„, „„ ImTaM -LWBtl,Pica, sap o, pp., tor tland, Mr,

EW-Th. but place to buy ladle, fancy goods !■ at Palmer'*, 391 _IIt, .,_- •"""

viumVin iocri'tced.

i'KI«nlT«KI*\ Cm B, H.CoilOOrd HfOOl. I tig earv lea on Satihnlh at: o'clock. Hut I : UH and abut* of Qctlon." Tli* R. Y. Ledge racelve WDC ooivai deration.

Pior. J. II r suv TIIATIR, or AnJovertkinlnary, will preach at th* Central Church, M tlin nril Sab- bath nmi Jili K, and n!r ti.


From onr otra c.irreiponttrnt. NEW rote, M.ij 9, Wi,

DEAR AHMUOAM:—Wbn I Un wroto U >■■■■• with the hope and expectation of hnvlna *n abun- dance of d"<"! new* to tell, brtnre II waa time lo con BOD lea t a if tin. I tr naiad that Iba eland* whloh bad dripped taara of sorrow all llie week, would bare given plaea to tba mi rry aunlblue, and tbal tba nark* and peatilantlal, atmuapbert- of crime, wblcb for the laat few wee*, baa ehrouded our clly, would be once more beckoned away by the band of a kind ProTlderu-e. The *|in do» shlnr avail), ami tba *by La ao tat*B**ly blat aa lu duule mn'i *y«*. Oreat wfaK* flawy bank* of cloud float eracefnH) H9X tbla background of mrnlrati—once In a*till. bordered with black—aa If to make ua i.n.ler.tand, ■■ if wa war* not to loae algbt of ibt fact thai la the fflldat of lib aid beaut j, death !■ hovering near, Ilka the ribbon* which float from our door* when lb* blue eve* of Baby are cloaed In coath. Now thla Ian't a Joli j view to tab* of Nature, tbla beauti- ful morning, and I quite agree wlih you that I ought to b* aehauie.l of oiy.cir. It I* a iln 10 b« perpetu- ally holding daub up to the view af poor dying hu- manity—mean to twit Nature of making nob auggea" <lane, when aba never think*of auch Dilu g*. Come l4 think Of It, though, we art not apple tree, or race bawbee, that can come to the end of oar bio*- ■naming and fruit bearing wilhoul thought. It la at- tortthor probable that with thla ao.nl endowment a oartatn amount of oonalderatlon la expected, ao I gfjaea I will talk a Hit la more about It, Let me tall roa what I aaw fa Fifth A return the oilier. Plr*t,a brine and groom, deacendlng from tbeitepiof Ihe moot faahltmaole church in that faahionahle thor ota**mti-c. Then followed ibo wadding partj,—» tew kwg blog andohaulng gaily, the olhari In tear*. A beentlful, middle egad lady, whom I look 1t> be Ibe ragHiir of the bride, waa borne, fainting, to her carriage. Bald a btatandar, If "aha waant going to lira In London," pointing to the earring* which bad Jaat rolled away with the newly made wife, "ebe wouldn't take It ao hard, though tbey any abe can't endure Ihe man ber dnugbler baa married I"

Jaat think of tbla, mother*, jon who feel aa If yon bad all you could hear when n man you can en- dona cornea Into your family and pick* oat yonr aweeteet flower, transplanting It lo hi* own gardcD, only a tton*'* throw from your ruideaoe. Wh*i If you bad a aorrow Ilka thla to carry round with you month after month,—euapictuua of your eblld'a hoaband, not knowing whether the darling, *o com- fortably reared and cared for, !• iu future to be pro- vided with necoaaary comfort", to lay nothing of the affection which haa been more than food or rai- ment, nil through her young Ufa. llelgh-ho I 1 waa mortified to be aeen oalng my pocket-handkerchler, bnt I waa Tory glad I happened to bare one ready. Sometime* I forget the little aquare article, and when I do, you may be euro there la alwayi occa- sion far It. Aa I turned away, a email, cadaverous man attracted my attention. lie aerated intently watching the bridal pageant, but with auch a lugu- brlona aipect thai I waan't qolle tore whether I ought to laugh or cry.

He looked to ae like n poor fellow who bad been Jilted by all the girl* he ever made love to, and had been regularly whipped and put lo bed by the wo- man be bad atlaat married, beoauae In deapalr of *T*r being naked by anybody *!•*. If yon eonld have hoard the tone, and Men the tipreialon of that man1* countenance, a* be ealil,

"I'I.L oive ■EM OBI rKAB roa A Devout:," jon would bar* laughed oren If yon had been com- log home from a funeral, aa I wa*. If h* bad laid divorce, I might bar* k**p from enplodlng.bat "di- TOM" wna too mnoh for me. How lb* ludlcrou* and lb* and, tbe'patbetlc and the ridiculou*, do got mind up In thla world I Twenty .top* farther on, and I wa* (topped by tome bearera bringing out a ohlld'i ooffln, covered with beautiful flower*. I halted n moment to glre the crowd time to dtaperae ■ lliilB, and held on to my pocnet (we alwaya turn to do that la Haw York, at a funeral a* wall aa any other place). Then the mother of that baby came •lowly and aooblngiy down tba etoop. Oh I what a twWaf woman aba wa* I Ev Iden tly not a day over twenty. Two ladle* accompanied her to the ear- ring*. Whcr* waa the father of that baby, th* hue- band of that heart-broken wife • Bad he gone on before lo the apirlt world ? I naked myaelf. That matter w** *oon .etiled. I beard one lady nay to another: ''Wby.ie It pooaJW* joudon'i know ? She got a divorce at l*e*t all menih* ago."

I alnaoat wlabed th* cadavcrou* gentleman would come along again, and any aomathlng ridiculous to rout* m* from the atate of gloom which thli tut incident had thrown over me. Bo young, *o beau- tiful, ao bereaved, and ao good, I know, to b* tfaua oOaolata, waa more than I could bear I Ob dear I what a mliad up putce, it la 1 It muat be that tbla world la really nothing but a groat aehooi-bonae, where le**on* are given out according to the ean*<-.

Whipped Into knowledge and obedience. It ink** a good many atrip** to keep tome of ui

nt the head of oar el***. I am not tore if thla 1* really ao about th* aebool hou*e, but It wl II have to b* called

THE LADIES auiHAiir, for " pon honor," It don't aaetn to m* that half ao much attention la paid to the moral and aplrilnal education of man aa of women. lie may have been very ranch nearer perfection when be wa* manu- factured, hot I don't believe It. A little farther on, Jail a few block* down Broadway, and I waa con- fronted by another crowd, and a policeman wbo tald," Yon had better *t*p In tba doorway her* n minute, until wa gat thing* atralghlenod out." " Why, what'* the matter now," I Inquired with an aooent on th* but word, wblcb had th* effect of making th* offloar p**r earlotuly into my faco, ** Obi" he replied nonchalantly, a* men are aecu*. tomad to *n*w*r. " Another row about n woman, A man haa Jaat 1 tabbed another man, that'* ill I A vary common oocarreucc, I *a*nre you," I dodged Into th* iton. Jut In time to avoid n light of th* unconacleu* form being carried paat to the nearvat drag ahop, I warned to go home then. In fact I n*v*ralghed»o profoundly for the uutet of my own family a* at that particular mornamL IT I hod had atrength, and con*ld*r*d that polio* man worth the trouble, I ahoutd have endeavored to remove that an*** from hi* face, when he alluded to woman *• the prim* mover and Instigator of all flcndlihae**; hot to tell tba troth he hadn't any bead 00 to apeak of, and I didn't consider even If I waa a icholar In thla bug* tempi* of learning, that II wa* my bnal- ne«a to pat on* on, ao I deet*t*d from argu- ment, end balling th* next itage, rattled down Broadway, wlthoat once looking out of the win- dow. Wb*nI*rrivedbome, I had neither pocket book or pocket—th* latter having b**n vary neatly cat out, probably while I wa* morrJlilng.

Plytnonth church yesterday, w 1* Ihe *oene of con- aldarabl* excitement. The flr.t Sabbath In May, ha* alnoa 1IM, been called •• Memorial Sunday," booante In that part of that y«ar one of the great- est revival* ever known In tbla church look place. Yeiterday, one hundred and twenty new member* WOT* received; the new eholralao allowed them- MIVM to be beard for th* Ant time; tbey w*r* In good vole*,bat *o evidently embarraaied that It wll1

be but Ju*l lo defer crltlolam until a cloier acquaint - anc*. Mr. Beeohar'* *ongr*g*U0D 1* acarcely lei a critical than lmmanee.aod on* can *o*r**ly wonder

• at votoa* trembling upon their flrat appearance be-


A.. Sharpe & Co's OK

Dress Goods, Silks, and Shawls

A. B. ha* juat returned fiom the New York Market*, and we have now opened the LAROEST and FINEST itoek or DRY COOD8 WBT offered in Lawrrnre, Our

Black Silks compiiiea every grade tromllie cheapest to the beat Imported.

Japanese Silks, in striper], plain, figured antl checked.

WOOL PLAIDS. Stripe* and Silk Mix?*, a very Due a-.ortmc.it.

Also, Black & Colored Hi il Hani hie* from 26 cents, up.

We would rail RirFciAL attention loour

SHAWL DEPARTMENT. We have now in itook Four Hundred and I'iAy

or tha LATEST NOVELTIES In 8UAWLB, which are worth the attention of every Intending purchaser.

PARASOLSISUNSHADES. We hare the.e good* direct from the-Manufac-

turer*, therefore w* aell OSXdPRM thnu 11 bon^lil from jobber*.

"White Goods. One ceie of I' Ki, Choke Pattern*, and at

price* ranging from ir oenta lo OS oehti. rialn, Striped, and Checked Marlins. A foil line ot White Organdlra for Drei»ei, Unff Linen* for Sulta, at



213 Essex Street, - - Lawrence,

Agents for Essex Dyo House.


InternalRe venue.

Sixth Mais. Dislrlcl.

Annual Assessment for 1871.

Nulloe I* hereby siren that on

TUESDAY and WEDNESDAY, the 23d and 21th ilttys of .Hay. lull,

from 10 o'clock, A. M., to 4 P. M., appeal* will be received and determined by the AiMiior, at hta Offlee, IS CITV BqirinB.Uharkitown, "relative

ny erroncoui or exccialve valuation!, auegi- li, or enumeralloaa by the Aeacaior or Ai-

■litant Aaioaaari returned in the annual U*t" for th* j-.*r 1*71.

Said l.lin will contain Aaieiamcni* for In- >mei of 1870, and Special Tune* for 1871; and on

the afuri'iaiil day* and llmo named, laid 11*1* will be opened for the Impaelion of parlie* who may apply for tint purpoie, wlioeo name* r.n- ceiiliin- cd npun said Ilitl,

All appeal* muat be made in writing i^ned by the Appellant, and muit " ipeclfy the particular canae, mnttc, ar ihiea "■•IIKWIK wulcb a dec!*-

error cumplalnrf of!" * """" "r "' "•" " * "* P. J. STONE, Assessor,

ASHKBSOR'S OrriL'E, Charlratown, May 0,1*71. 3tm]12

w E n n i JV & TRESENTS.

A choke letictlon of Sliver Ware In Ice

Pitcher*. Cake Raaketi, Dulter Dlibei, Tat

*0., with an aiaortment or Table Ware,

Ladle*. Napkin Rlnga, Crnmb. Pie, Cake, Fluli,

and Bultci Knirci, Fork* and Spoona.

Also, a good line of CLOCKS, In llronarj

Iloiewood, and Walnut, aul'able for Parlor, Oln-

inn Boom, and OIBcr PIP.

A apeclalty m*dc of WATCII UKfAiuisn In

all it* branebca,

Yonr favor* are rcafcctfully lullcltrd,

THUS. II. OtaAPPi :iti: 1113 1- Wateh Matter unit Jeirrttr,

209 Essex street, Lawrence.

Carpets. Carpels. Carpels. New Carpeting* of every deilrable klnd.ityle

and ntuke lo b* found In the market, now on exhibition, lor inle dally at the


BYRON TRUELL & CO. Oil Cloth-, Straw HatUap, Hu**, Mai*, Cur-

toina, Curtuln Klzlurea, Lace Curtain*, etc., In great proroelon.

DRY GOODS. DBY. GOODS, Black "Ilk., Fancy Silk*, Hew Ore*. Good* in

choice fubric., Japanrae Sltki In every *t*l*, Alpaca I.uitre*, very deilrable; Black Brllllaa. tinea, very cheap; Blaek Alpacai, veryoheap; Mohair Luatre*. very cheap.

SasJuaepe SMwIs. Htrlpe

Spring Woolens for Men and Boys.

Anextonalreaaaortmeotof llambur* Edflni* and Iniertln*;* Juit opened, Olovei, Hoilery, Small Ware. In abundance, ««rWe would oall ttptrial attention to our

Sunshade and Parasol

Department, It being • locked with New and Choice Goods, Al»u, to our new Sprint; itock ui

Black Kids, the BR8T ti love In the market, a* many of the ladle* of Lawrence and vlelnity can teatlfy.


No. 249 Essex Street, Lawrence.

A New Stork, very cheap. Plaid at WOOLKX SHA WLS In endle** variety.

"The Popular Store!" 230 Essex Street,

3d door from P. O.


Suooeaior* to


M.W. COPP8 & CO.,

Succraaora to


now prepared to ihow the Moat Elegant

Stock of DRY GOODS *m offered In thl* city, ind at the UM Popnlnr Price*,

our Dress Goods Department lUnd* unrivalled, and we invite etptclal attention to

our new and beautiful dliplay of SUITINGS

for the leaaon,

Our silk Department U Uled with RICH .Good*, including the new Sedan *>nd Brus-

sels; *i*o> Japanese in pi*io, atripc*, ohdeks, and Bgurad, and Black Silks !■ every

grade and qualify, and at price* thai defy


CASHMERE SHAWLS, ' New Stook throughout.

Woolen ShawlS f" every color and ityle 3 be found in any market.

*T*T*We are Importer*' Agent t for the ial* of the

JOSEPH KID OLOVE >■> thla part of the *tatc, thereby enabling ua to offer them at N7

cent* per pair. Every one buy* them,

Our Black Kid 1* the BKST In tbc market, iand al way* gfrn aattificlioB.

Juat rceelred two C*ae* more of thoie Lowell

Hosiery, ""J will bd iold nt io l-3 cent* n pair.

COTT0N8—A full line from SvtolO-i, In- cluding many brand* never heretofore krpt In

■thl* city.

JTW-LADIRS will plcaac remember that every

Department of our store 1* filled with Hew and

Fresh Good*, and we OAX and WILL MAKE

JT FOR THEIR INTEREST to give ua a call

before making their purchaiea.

RAX ■RdRAT fltv*OAt T.tfwwrmannn


We have mnoh pleaaurr In intimating to onr

caitomen lu Lawrence and vicinity thai onr

arrangement* ar* complete for the *e**on, and

that we are ihowlog a vory rail atock of the

Moat DoalrabU <Jooda, In th* Mlectlon ol

whloh neither time nor trouble hare been .pared

to meet the requirement* of a popular trade,

Juat received,

500 Yards

J31»U French i<i 1 KK,

At 9U2t, 23 lu. wlilc.

A Full Line or

French and Paisley


From $8 to $3f>.

Ezekiel, 47th Chapter, 12 Verse. *' By Ibe riven upon the bank thereof .hall

grow all tree* for meat whoae leaf *b*ll not fad*, and tbe fruit thereof ahall be for meat and th* leaf thereof for medicine." Onr great lUdeemer baa made a prorlalon for th* cure of dlaeaaea or man and bea.t. Yet thoaaaada apoo tnowaand* ■re overtaken with ilekneil, without auiplcion that It I* oaniod by mercury or other anbtla pod- ion* that art 10 freely naed la many medicine* and remedlei of tha prelect dan.


■THt CatAT Bmnp PwinriLay

New, Striking,


Dress Goods, Dress Goods, In Eroiy Style and Quality.

Black Alpacas, At Mh




General Domeetic Goods,


Boston Wholesale Prices 1

CLOAK AND DEESS MAKING Department will be nnder the man»gewout oi

htsa, BOLTON, (formerly with J. 3. Steven*,

Boiton,) which fart la a guarantee of tbe ladv'i

ability to SU the poaillon.

Inspection invited whether you wish to purchase or not, by


Huoceiaors to


230 Essex Street, Lawrence.

A.V D.inK ur i**iaua*r at at«««Tii, iu mr Slate of Hamachaiett*, at the doae of bualnea* mi th. Mil. H.» «r MBLaflHl Loan* and dlicouut*. (UU^M *l U. S. bondi to iccure circulation, 100,000 00 Other etocki, bond*, and mortgage*, 6,*00 00 Uae from redeeming and rciervc

agenf, »r»* g Current expeniei, _«MH CbMbi and other eaah Item*. f,in, ,47 Bill* Of utli.. HaUanal Bank*, 1,330 00 F'raotlonal currency, (Including nickel*,] 16 70 Legal tender note*. 7,200 M

Plants i ^Plo-wers a for Mil \ on A. v, it the Green iloua Lawrence at reel, hall

• It. Aa e Ki.tAKon KiriK.

, Th* aubacrlber haa Tor nit, on A.W, BTpAWft' pla«, at the Green Uou»« which laaltuitcd

, fr'nchal**, Calceolaria*, Ceuerarla*. Hoi Vcrbenai, Hetlotropea, Petunia*, Lobelias, Vln- alia, Unineae Trlmroie, Aohyrnnlhu*. Coteu*, Kogllnh lw*, Panale* Dalalea, feverfew*, Cut Flower*, Bouquet*, breath* and C'roiac*, etc., etc., at vkiir itit Aeon \ ni.a: iniOKtl- Atao, extra Sood Strawberry, Grape Vine, Tomato nnd Cab-

age Plant*. T, D. 11 AI.I.I.V , 'Jtinttrnvl"1 UardeoiT and 1 iui, i.

0 < 0) HI

w 0 w Ijat* CD ►5


If VnokTitiaj W||| rellero pain, clean*-, purify, and cure *ueh dUcaaea, r**torlng the patleotto perfect health after trying dlfar.nt phyakJan., many remedle*, .offering fcrytan, I* It not con- olat.ro proof, ir M are a i*frtrr*r,">on c.n bo eared 1 Why la thla" tnedlolne performing each great care* f It work* in ihe blood, In the clrcu- Uting fluid. It can truly be called tha Great Blood PurlBcr. The great •onreoofdlaeaM orlK inall.. In Iha 1.1 1 - .....A ^* A _


Sewing Machine


188 Essex street,

iii.tr;, |n tha blood; 1 ao medicine that doca not act directly upon It, to »««*!> gad renovate, hai any jott claim upon public attention. When the blood beoomet lifeleai and tUgnant, either from change of weather or climate, want ofexer. clae, Irregnlar diet, or fro* any other canae, the Vlurriar. Will renew th. blood, carry of the putrid humor*, clcanao the atomaeh, regnlato the bowel*, and impart a tone or vigor to the whole body. To* oonrtetlo* la, in thopabUo mind, a* well *■ [a tbo modloal profetrion, that tbe renae- dle* ittpplled by the readable Kingdom are more ■afe.mor •noce**n],lntbeenn Ofdlieaae, than mineral medlclnee. VEULIIP* l* eompocej I 0f roota, bark* and herb*. It La pleuant to lake, and la perfectly .ale to glr* to an Infant. In Scrolul*. the VKO KTINE hi a performed wonderful earei, where many other remedle* b*ve fallod, »i will be teen by a few of the many teillmonlal*




BORTOX niaiLD orricK, Boa I on Sept. 19, loTO.

;. STkVKNa, K«).:

■ atl.factory than my own. I have been afflicted ~ rofuuvSalt III

In tbe blood, making Ita appear*ace on my wbol* body, burning out in different plaoea, and painful b*yond deicrlptlon, Hli of th* moat popular blood-purlfler. which are advrrtlied to cure Hcrofela and like complaint*, I hare faith- fully tried; bnt my dlaea.e wa* ao deeply leated a* to reiitt alt. f laid my oaao before aevaral prominent phyilciana, but nothing traded toalle-

January laat, and toon alter 1 experleaood a ten- ilblo rcller.acd coald feel It working la my ly*- tcm very dlgarenUy from aaytldng 1 had ever taken before, and »tonce dl*oov*r*d that btaru aoeompllahlng the object ao earneitly dealred. 1 rontluaed, following direction! for thro* month*, and the flrat of April found me a well man; have paaaed through the hot *ummer,aud have con- tinued to be tree from any appearance of it to the pre.enl time.

My general health li cxccllrnl; and my recov- ery, of which 1 had about deapalrad, I ascribe entirely to the aa* of VuQETiMk. 1 could never bare been convinced of tbe marvellou* reaulta of ■■'■ wonderful VxarriMg

6,000 0

g'iOO Oil) 18

LiaUUtiti, Or. CaplUl itock paid lu, #.100.000 00 Surpluafund, 88,000 00 Dlacoant, $I,BIA.48 Profit ana lo*i, fl.kTO-To— «.?M » National Bank circulation ouUtandlng, ffli.iao 00 Divldenda unpaid, t,0lS 00 Individual depolitl, M.'M "V Due to Dalian*! Banka, 1" U

thl* wonderful VnnaTisr. under any other eir- trWlKSHvrrH.iftW. 1 i^flrrflf wflnWf't.M li will afford me great aatlataotlM to ahowthr mark* of my dtaeaae, and converteon the merit* of YiturriNK, *a none will dlaput* wbo owe it what I do.

I will here make mention of my child having a aevire attack ot heart oonrplalnt, whloh Vnun- TIN« haa entirely cured, and aball alwayi be happy to make liavlrtne* known within tbe range of my Influence.

Yoora very reipertiully, *f.li. YovKn.

Young haa bran In the employ of " The lloaton lleralil " during th* paat elgh lean year*. Many can vonrli for tbc above atatcment.

•ato.oio is I, Jacob Emenon, Jr., Catbler of "The National

Bank of Metbuen," do «olemnly awear that the above atatcment It true, to th* beat of my knowl- edge and belief,


State 0/ .Vultachuiettt- Count* of Eutx. Sworn to and inbieribed before me, thla «h day

Of May, 1871. SAMUKL G. HAUUEMT, Jaat lee of the Peao*.

Correct—Atteat, jmiN DAV.8, 1 JOSKPII BOW, [Director*. JAMXS WALTON, >

To Tenement House Owners. Taper Hanging*, old ttyle*. on beat quality ot

Itock, at Price* littom Firtt (>*(. In purchaalng our ttoek wo bought a onantity of tola elau ol goodt, which can bo told at pricca to pleatt the cloaeif bayer. We muat cloae Lbem out to make room for Hew U*odt tliot aro br-lns dally rc- o*l**d. W1I1T1 ORD & KICK,

NATURAL RESULT.—ID Chulogtewn, Saiday, oightoen state coastablca were about town looking after people who keep opea abopg on the Sabbath, and as a malt there was not a single eommit- tf.l to the ■tallon-boase durinp; the day or evening.—Boston Advertittr.


n th* 5th Inatant.a daugb-


CHAMP—CUNNINOnAM.—In ihla city, on tbo lib laatant, by Uav. L. L. Wood, Mr. Joaeph II Champ and Ml.. Haiti* Cunningham, all of Law NM,

AV/TT—BHIERLY:—In North Andovar, April 3d. by Kev. L. Flah, Joaeph Anty, or Providence, It. I., and Ml** Rebaaea A. Brtarly, of Mo. Andovar.

HEVTH-DUNHAM.-In Andover, Hay Tth, by M*v. K. B. William*. Mr. Illlman R. Heath, of Andovar, *nd Mia* H.r»b Dunham, of Kllaworlh, M*.

ABrlOTT-ttATHER -In B*ll»rd V*le, May 10th, by liar. Mr. Greene, Mr. Oeo. T.Abbott and MUa All** Rayoer, both of Andover.

■HAW-PRIEST.—In Bollard Val*. May lOih.by R«v. Mr. Orew.*, Mr. Benjamin Haw and Mia* Martha R. Pria.t, bolb of Andovar.

Masonic Ring Lost. The fludar of aOold Maaonlo ringer Ring, the

property of JOHN R. PERKY,lott at the I'oat Office, tbo Depot, or between ibe two, will be liberally rewarded by leaving the *ame at the

AMEKICAN OFFICE. Lawrcnoc, May 10,1871. til J


Co mmonvealth of UanachuMtttl. EIBKX, M. MAT 11. A. »., 1KI.

By virtue or an execution which ii.ued on a Judgment in favor ofCHAKLES W.CUFFIN *nd ASA M.KNOXbothof Lawrence, In laid county, •o-partnera, atlbcl**t term of iho Superior Court for aald county, aialnat MARY LEVELLY alii MAH1A I.EVAL1.Y of aald Lawrence, 1 hat taken all tbe rillit In equity that the aald Mary L*r*llr alia* Maria Levallr had on th* eleventh day of February htat, the day whan tbc lira, wit* attached on mean* proor**, or now haa, to redeem a certain mortgaged real eitaie laying in aild Law- renca anil the t*ma thai I* ile.erlbed In a mort- aaare deed thereof from Maria I.arellar to Ambroae Ko.slier,dated July iSili, A. I).,l«fl«.*nd record- ed with Easea D*ed*. Soatharn Dlttrlct, Booh 778. Leaf VB7. And 00 the Hth day of June next al 3 o'clock r. M., at my efflae No.inu Klin *lre*t, In aal.l l.awrema. I (hill off'r far aalelothe hlgheat bidder, at publle auction, aald Ightln equity of redemption, to aitlify aald »■*■



•) 1 f > DOWN.



Your choice of any in. the market.


199 Essex St., Lawrence.

Seaside House for Sale. A Cotlag* Home, iltoated on Hampton Beach,

in good repair, aultable for two fnatUlea, will be aold vury cheap, If applied for aoon, CaU on

ttl ti(|iJj CYRUS WILLIAMS, Near Depot, Lawrence, MM*.







BontBY, **ob, IT, 187!. Mr, U, H.BTtVKM.:—

Dear Sir—1 have been a great »ufl"eref for Ifleen yeara, and, though a (tranger to you, I want to tell you bow 1 waa cured, and what did it.

"— thlrly-oiie year* of ate. and 1 inherited

eat* In every form during the paat gftcon year*, and during the past eight year* bare been alanoat entirely covered with acrofula-*orea; there being aerenly-two large running nicer* on my body at one time, I have b«*n attended by nv* pbytl-

lio.ion and other plat mghly triad

In Kniil.niptry. DlitrletofMai*., •*.

Thl* H to giro notice that I have1 llila day b.en appointed anlgnec of the c.tnte of MERUIA1I,

CO., of lloaton. ' JOHN C.1IAYNES.

lloaton, May 0,1*71. m>13

Deputy ether I IT.


DOWNlNO.-In thla city. April OTth, ElltaDown- log, aged 31 yre, 8 mot, 20 dyt.

BRIDGES.—In North Andovar, May Bd, Henry a.

rLTST^In Norib Beading, Way 2d, Major Dan. Ul Flint, ag*d TO yr*.

N AVILI.E -In North Beading, May loih, Patrick Navllle, aaodUyr*, omoi.

WHITTISR.—In Portland, U*„ May, Itb.Moae* S. W Muter, aged 40 yre.

HARNDRN.-ln Wilmington, April lllli, Mr. ll.nry llaraden, ayi-d t'.:i yrl, 3 mot.

OABTEB-—In Wilmington, April 11th, Leroy Car- ter, ageil tt> yr*.

NICHOLS.—In Wllmlnaton.Aprll Stih. Eni only *on of II. Brawatcr k I'hebe Nlcho 11 yra, 10

Coparlnerablp Notice.

Tbe underlined have thli day fnrme.l 1

rhlll itroet, Lawrence, Man,

May lit, 1B71

J. D. >" 1 ■ -■---, A. K, BrriVEN*.

1 in i-

lugeoen.. iota, nged

■UTTEBS.-ln Wllmlncton, April t*lh, Mr. Wil- liam A. Button, ageil li yra, 0 mo*.

CLUFF.—In Vethnen, April 3Tth, widow Anna P, Olaff, *g*d TT yra.

SllHtll I 'S NAI.I:.

iMMOMNsUh of Ma*§ac\uietti

reace.ln .aid county, at the laat term of Ihe Saperinr Court for laid counly, aialnat JEIIE- MIAH J.O,eU*,LIVAN,orialilUwr»n«,I)iave taken all tbe right In equity thai iboald Jrremlah J.U'Sullivan bad on th« ^lat d;iy of February. A. D. 1H70, the day when tbe anmo w*s iprclally nt- tached on mcane procraa, or now baa, to redeem a certain motIgagrdreal eatate Ijli rence, and the "


Ihe public, and n\>r,-itiUy Ihoae Interettcd In OrnamenUl Carpenter Work, are Invited 10 examine thli new Invention by which a gig aaw la mid* 10 travel throagh ■ tatlonary boardt or plankt In any dciired direction, cnltlng out thipct it li plaaiuro of the operator.

It can be *eea at the Junction of

Met!ford and Margin Streets,


Salcin Shade Fixture, Spring War rented, only SO.

Bray's Spring Fixtures. Clock Spring Fixtures.

Putnam's. And all others in the market.

WUITFORD A RICE, BueecMor* lo John C. Dow & Co.

IOB. YEA W *. CO. have tbo largeat itock of ICE.

CUT booaed In Lawreacc, all from tha Merrlmac; being harder and more luting than Ice formed on ■till water. Price low; and out tome n oervod with promptnCM and regularity.

11 t:inimhlii orrtOB AT

Photograph Kooms 181 Essex Street.

Ctmmeiuoutth of Mauachvtttti.

■■tax, SI. PROBATE COCHT. To all pertonl Inlartalrd la th* at.

tru.t. for the b.o.m of HANNAH C daagV by lb* of l.awreno*,

aaho), d*o**i*ea, laatau, uaiain__. . WHKIMI, .law* W. Btraard, imite* of tald

pr***al*d t* aald *ourt bit iivlltlan powered and llcented

aal citato held In trait at afore*aid.

You are htrebr elted to appear *t a Probate Court to a. b.ililen it Salem In aald aoanty of Inai, on th* Hral Tueeday of June nent, at aloe o'clock In th* forenoon, to .how can**, If any yon have, again*! the tan)*.

And aald petitioner 1* ordered lo tcrve thl* cita- tion by dallvaring * copy thereof to aaah of you fourteen daya, at laait, before aald court, or by publlehlng th* *am* onaoaweekfnr thrcatuccaa- ■lv* weak*, In lb* Lawrence American and Ando- ver Advertltcr, a newtpaper printed at Lawrence, rbn laat publloaiion to b* two day* al Ira.I, baforo ■aid Court.

Wlloett, GiiHUi F. CHOITB, Kaqulr*, Judge of tald Courl, thli nlolb diy of May, In the year eighteen hundred and


To all peiaon* InlweMed la the eatat* glvon la ..•ml. for th* b*nafli of HANNAH O. BROWN, daaghtarotlhaUtUirli.andMARi' B.PBBLPB, bylh*l*atwlllandle*um*ntof n Alt All rASHO j, In aald oeanty (win of Henry 1\

l'aaho), dac*aaed. H.lata, OKlalTIHO :

yrrii.ru lor luc uIUOU, HI cure ocrtiiuia, nc, i pa proprietor* of two of theae remedle* called on me at different time* and both told m* tbat my oaae wa* Incurable. One of them MM it wa* the flrat c*<* Of Hcrolhla he had found that hi* medicine would not cure; and ha gave me ap a* a hopelet* - About -'-- • in] ' to elbow. .. . pain and anfferlug were dreadfal . .

— allnit, .ufferlni day after day, and

not cure; and ha gave me ap a* a hopelet* I bout ail month* ago, a atrofaia-ior* cam* my left arm, which aprtatd from ahOUU.IT IW, ltwa* borrlbl* to look at, and tba ud tufferlng were dreadfal to bear, with

my arm In a «Ui>it, tagerin* diy after dav, and panlng tkcpleaa nlglitt, with violent pain la my head, and palplution of the heart.

The »or*i all dtaoliarg*d fearful quaaUtlea [ but the pain left me very rapidly. 1 kept on Inprov- InR.aad can now aay after taklag thirteen bottlei or VKIIKTMC, that I have not felt *o wall for fif- teen yeara. The VEOKTIHK worked differently In my caae from anything which 1 ever took, and Idohoneatly believe It to be the beat medicine In the world: and 1 with all lugerert knew it* vain* a* I do, There I* acarcely a plaea on any bod the bltneaa of my hand, where 1 have not got peroclrable acar of a teroiul* aore, and I ahall take pleaaare io giving any Information a* to whit tbli good medicine ha* don* for me,

1 am very gratefully yonr*. lE MAT M.Taoxraos.

3 Malboroagh Place, Boiton


EOITO*t,P*b.21, 1871


Unsurpassed for Variety of Uses.



Best Machine in the market.




Spring Dress Goods AT


New York Store I

Extraordinary Low Prioeat

We laviu the Ismadlata altentioo of L*dl« to oar.lagnnt aHOrtaaant DKtSS OOODS, BILKS and SHAWLS, la w-Uoli departmenla W0 Duke *l*cial anToK to pwaa*.

Aar-Uon't fall to Ml and exaala* belbre buying yonr spring tart*.

Oar I'BI CHS oa

Bleached & Broun Cottons Are Lower tkaaua tka Low**!, and cemprUe

all alandard makr*.


Hlljtlm, dwiH b, MU iMIer.wortfe la aa, rrt,11 .tor. 73 ont,, wW,. w. ar. ..Illn, at

<SO Oenta a Yard.

WRemombcr th. jtlace to buy yonr Dry Rood, la At


No. 323 Essex Street,

Mil. JOHN BAX5AKD will beplra.cd to.ee bll old lYiead* aad MltoOMra at th* obore otore, where ha may be found at all time*,


ir you want lb*

Purest & Strongest Saperphosphate

I a tbe market, call at tha

Flour, Grain, and Seed Store OK

M. D. RICH A BBS ON, (Snccettor to 11. II. Prince,)

345 Common Street. Lawrence,

Where you MB alway* And tbo 1-argeat and Beit Selected Stork of Good* la any line to be fou ad In tbeelty.



(.round Bone, Ground Plaster, Flour of Bone. ALSO,

All kinds of Field Seeds. BarprUe Onto, («• Iba. to bnihol.) Nor way Oat*, Backwheal,

■oat Oat*. Barley, Spring By*, rodder Cora, etc,


■M. I). K I (' J1 A It I) S () \ ,

No. Ui Common Street. Lawmoo, March 7, tttl. Veuwlawd



NEW SHAWLS, In raltley, Catlimrr* and Woolen, Hew ratierat.

Mew Dress Goods, la 1'opllna, Bilk*. I'ong*.*, Brllll.nlInf., Plaldt, Strip**, and all th* New Btyln. AUo.a freah lot Ol nice

Piques, Suiting Linons, Beorinoker Cloth*, (Cambric*, Whit* Good* In Great Variety.

Malta Lat-f *, Thrrad Laces, and Drets Trimming*

In all th* Now stylet.

nsHaaaca OUR


a. ar. aaa rMaaiaf ta«ai to MM, lad, that waata a UOOD KldOk>ra,a, w.auk.tblibraaeb A apaciALTT, Barila Luie Olo,., aa. KU Fl.l.b 1.1.1. OIOTM at lav prtM*.

HOSIERY for L.die», Gentlemen,

and Children.


Ladies' Linen Handkerchiefs,

8. F. 8NELL,

No. 813 Eaaex Street, Lawrence.

Fine Goods and Stylish Work, A. rT. STCAJtlfS * CO.

are opening Fin* tier man, French, W ait of a*n*> land and American Clothi and Suiting*, and bar* a competent Arllit Tailor, one who U LAPAMLK and DEHKBVIKO of a LIBERAL FATHOM. A0E; and wa woald rARTICCLARLTlmrm ihe Yonng lien, tha Middle Aged Men, and Old Men to examine onr Work and Price; . fFwrk and Trlraralaga warranted to be of tba Far* Beit, and a PatHJICT FIT and tatltlaoUoM gaaraaioed la all oaaot,


s s S S s M M M Jl M I I I I I T T I I T H H H H H •s •s ■8 •s 'S

The Only Cheap Store in Lawrence I

i» 11 i t • i: i. i M ■ t •.

OortOt LaclOf*, K. Hook* and Eye*, par card, lo. Elaatle Cord, per yard, lo. Spool silk, la. Boat Spool Cottoo. «W yd*., X*. fin*, fnll paper*, lo, I.adlea' Bleeve IJultoiia, So. Mc« Toilet Soap, I cakes, Bo. Tranapareat Soap, In bart, lOe, Pearl Sloere Bottom, 10c Linen Boot Lariat*, 1 M yard* long, 10c a Joien. Nice Portatonnalea, ISc. Better Sfto.bctUr 37o,batter Ibo, bolter Mo, and op, WilHmnntio Machine Cotton, 4 .pool., r-e. Hair Braih**,SOe. Bet blaek haadle Knlvet and Fork*, 7»0. Bet white handle Kaltei and Fork*, ai.oo. Ladle*' Sboaptng Bagt, avg* al*o, $1.00, 500 doaaa LadMi1 Cottoa Hote, goodo,nalllT, 10

and 12 Me, s-bottie roTolvleg Cation, ai.oo.


Our Store is No. 151 Essex Street,

of the great

_.. I»L._. hope yon will tell other*, ur make It known to

ire and happlaott whloh I now ujoy In taalag nar daughter'* life **ved and

1 bytb* a***f yoar TaoKTiaa. 1 Itb reatored byi will toll *• yon think brat, aa I have no donbt

_. niiny anxiuu* mulbera who woo Id *- ric* to hav* their children en red of tbat

A.C. (Kit: OUBLL, R*gl*ter.

May litb, IbTl. til 1

Wo are prepared to close oat

5000 Rolls of GILT PAPER A.t COST!

(and It nn:m m.vi) to mako room for New Stork for Fall Trod*. WUITFOltD k KICK.

. In tald Law- tbat la dcacrlbrd In * roort

■an deed thereof, from .lulla K. O'Bulllvan lo William rhillltn Fotter, dalrd Tcbruary 1Mb, A.D 1870, and recorded In the Northern Dl. Irlct ol Kuei l(c(latry of in-e.l. Hook 9, Leaf HO And on th* fourteenth day or Jane next, at . o'clock in tbe afternoon, at my office, No. 999 E***X St.. In tald Lawrence, I ahall offer for *ulr to Ihe lilgho.it bidder, by public auctloo. aald rluhl In rijiiliy of redemption 10 iiilltry lalil i-xecutlun anil all tcca and chtrgts of Mle.

CHA8. B. QOUS. Stum Depnty Sheriff.

Assignee's notice. Nolle*" la hereby given tbat tbo aaderilgoed

h** bean appointed AMlgaee of the etltt* of JAMBS A. O'NKIL, a bankrupt In bankruptcy.

EDWAKU ff, millOlS, Alllgnee, HarerhtU, April Mth,lB71. SfSS-n

LOST. On Monday eyenlDg, May Sth, between Ptnell'

Dry flood* Hlor* and the Everett Corporal WAI.LBT eonialnlng »W. The limi.— tutiubly rewarded by leaving th* giore, or at TMia nrricK,

laj atHNKLL'S

ii'i Itnyll

For Sale Cheap. naajsa. A datlrable UOUBE and nearly anacre BRLof Land, flluated on Clover lllll.adjoln- ta.a.Blug the realilence of John Ftllnn, Kit].— tOBiSModern tlyle of bnlldlng. Lower floor Giupri.enlivi' aiiariment*; upper, Are good charo-

ra well mpplled with cloiet*. eU. A good i»w Stable I* upon th* e»t*te. Eaeellenl Waler>*u[>e- rlor Drainage, and tbc laad well iluddcd with Fruit Treat.

Thl* property will b* iold eh*ap,«nd ImwedUt* KNSaalon given. l>i*t»ooe 12 mlaote* walk from

iCommnu. Key al.I. 9. Rlira,Ple*a*nt Street, Clarcr Hill. ' It

ConxmnMVratih of Vntiachutetti.

Kaaax, n. Boprame Judicial Courl, April Tina, A. D, 1171.


In Ihe abov* *ntlll*d libel for .11.or... It t* BOW ordered, thai a deer** ot dirore* from ihe bond of matrimony be entered in favor of tbe aald Kllitbelli Iln.' for the eaaeo of the adultery of Hie tald Jamca Klne, to b* made abtolute on notion aflei th* expiration of ilr, monlbi trom th* Brat publl cation of tbli decree, upon compliance wlib Ihi term* therool, unl**a .uJUcirut caute to tb* eon irary ahall appear.

And tha libellant la required lo pabllali a* aooi ** may b*, an altetled eopr of thli order la Ihi Lawrence American and Andover Adv*rll*er, i mwapapar printed In Lawreae* la laid Coanty of HNI,*Mtl week foralz aueceaalv* week*; that all per.i in a Inlereattd may, wll bio aald alx montlia, •bow eauie, If any ih*y oar*, wby aald d*rrr* ■bould not lie mada abaolute.

Ily th* Courl, A. A. AUBOTT.ClBih,

Copy—Atttat, OimlS A. A. ABBOTT, Clerk.

Eaaex Company. The KhsKi CovirAav hereby glre noil re tbat

tba tmeant of the Capital Sirck of the Company It Bight Huii.tmi fhonaand Dollar*, all the aaaratmenta apon which liaro been actually [i.i.l In; and that on tba tsth day of April, I8TI, when th* annual **COBOU wtroelooad, the book**bowed th* Company to be Ireo from debt.


Uwrento, May », IITI.

there are many anxiuu* molhera who would glr* anv price to hav* their children cured of tbat hor- rid dl.caie, Scrofula. While my child waa

ick, 1 heard of many othert with the __ plaint. My little daughter I* now t\r year* old, and Inherited BOTHlal* from her father. When about one year old, icrolula-humor. came onton hei hemd,— flfteen or twenty .ore. at a time.

She wa* troubled Wlih humor* In Ihla way aatil about lifn-en moat In ago, whra large lorofala- aor** made their appearance on diflereat part* of the body, She beoanie reduced rery low In health, loat tba u*c ol ber limb*, and n* one thought the could lire. She had icveral good phyaiclani, but ■rew worae from day lo day. Tbey aald If ah* lived Hhe woald be a cripple, due of my frleadl

aald a he I ilioafbt

away, and oi ..HIT taking It a few daya

pain, hiraaae nior« iiulet, and ■ icg atronger, i-1-'1-

illo fftred leaa 0 be grow *rd ireelj.

-«ora on long, Iho bin, the larirrat piece about one Inch long.

SOIIH' I'll). If Ian* Mr* the pirn, ofboue ram* from ihe hip. other* from Ibe iplne. Aficr taking live or *!■ hot le*,th* tore* com me need to hoar.



._JatJ about the middle ol 11. and lO'day *h* can ran up quick aa anf one. One oflli , . innli'il ber met rate on the .treel with PIT little daagbUt a thott tlma tlnee,and i.id that »be wa* * llrlug miracle. Uh* hu) btkcS iblrleen bottlea la all.

Mr huaband died three rear. ISO, wlih Scrofula Con-niaptlual and I have nol ill k**t doabt. If be t'.'Uhl have bad thla BMdlrliir lo take, It woald havi rured him, and he wuitld lit*" aWfa alive to- day. 1 wlah I aamld let erery aoe aiSbrted with •rrulula humor* know that ihei mn be cared with tliliundlelae.

I am gratefully inur*, MRa.XI'. KHBkMAK.

I a- ,'ii-!, u EMI DrookllM St.


Other Machines,

Wliicli we sell on lime term,.

Some Machine* on Work Plan

QE0.D.ARM8TR0NG&C0. Are opening, Ihla week, tb* Cbolceit Lino of

Spring Dress Goods Ever offered to the I jiwrearc Irade, la

Silk Poplins, French Diagonals, Blaek and While Flaids, Poplins.

Pongee Mohairs;


Kvi-ry Novelty wl the Season In Dress (.OOtl *.

We are Better Prepared than ETW

To girt oar Patroni an




Prices thftt will Satisfy All!

M> open to-day

Twenty-five Pt. Colored Alpaca,

At the Low rrie* of DO cent*, wide wldthi, and a largo aiaoriBunl of ear




Black Alpaca At r«m IMH- i'ii<-.-«.

BLACK BSILLIANTINE, Of i«m. K,.„> Hak,, .1 r,|B.iI, low ,rlr..


Yon know howltIs,yourself. REMOVAL. KEMOVAL. LOUIS W E I L


183 Essex St., I. A. Whitooml.'s Oltl Btnnd,

3d Door Above Jackton St., Where wo ahall carry the l.AUiiK.ST k FINKST 1100" of Mea'i, Yoath'i, ttora* and Cblldren'i

CLOTHING, Furnishing Goods. Hats. Caps.

TrMMltS- Valises, Unga, Ate;, Ac, to be found la Uwrenoa; and no dealer la the State can 1IN0EK1K1.L ui.and no dealercaa afford to, booaata no dealer can do builnraa al any taaaller eorpoBt* than wa, and ao dealer In Law- rence aell* a* many Uooda.

Thanking our onttoaaera tor their liber* pat- ronage la time* paat, we hope to merit a conlinu- aaoe of their favor a In the I a tore.

We ahall be happy to to* you, one and all, al onr new .taad,—



HOW HIOH VV M TBAT? ■It Answer—Its Essex atreM.

New & Elegant Shawts. Wo bare lo ttore tin Largeat, Moot Btyllah, and

Ueautiful Aiaortment of Mow Colorlag* and fatlern* or SllStWl* whloh II ha* *v*r b**a oar privilege to dliplaf, and at pilot* BO LOW fbr tbo qaallty and atyl*, thai aVvorr Parebai. or aboald vlalt 8TEA1M8 ft QO«,


Dress Goods for the Million. Sat-VTe would eaporlally *ah the Ladle*of Law-

renoe and vicinity (who ar* th'-tjiag of havlcg a New lire*, or Salt fbr themaelret, Mlttea, or Children j to an examination of oar Exlenaive and Ilrllllant Diaplay of Cheap, Medium, aad trnlr glee DRESS SUIT1NQS. *WTh* Low rrlee. and Chatto Sty lei will wall repay the**.


Citizens of Lawrence and Es- sex County

Will And very maoh the Largoit sad Moit Ccat- plet* Uae of Kverj Ihlng in the

And House Furnishing Way. "t A. W. STEARNS ft CO'S. aad Uaaraatoed at kU tlran at tba £ote«ri i>otitele Prim for the qaallty; and all work dona aad Baltnod lathe latett and atott tlylith manner,


A. W. STEARNS & CO. hart li itore a full Una of all the Boot Make* ot aUaaohad and Brawn COTTONS for i'amlle or other u*e,la wldtha runalng from 17 loWHnehe* wide, and will be aold by th* piece or yard at the Iow**t qnotailona, whole**]* orrei.il.


A. W. STEARNS & CO., /.wcVrt aad OrtgUatori of Style, and Agent* for

Bntterlek*a Patters*., Btfllerlek's CKXBBRATlfD Fatlflraa.

Bntterlek'a Pattens, Bntir^iick'* CELBBRATEU Pattens.

Metropolitan and tjnarterly Report In advanre, A. w. atTEABHB A CO.

Spring Fashions. aVLadlet1 and Mlttet' Department for Drota

Making, Saiti and Oarmeat*. 1* prepared to do all kind* of Family or other Sewing al popster row Mot*.


Me, lloticry, Snifill ll'iirea, and TrlmailDga.

■We are al nil tiato* prepared to *how oor patroni the t.argftt and J/orl Compiet•


I:SI .misiiin I«:.-"..

TlicClicniiost and Hent riseeloiliir

Paper Hangings ASD




New Goods in Every Variety,

Smlaapll At tbe Vorr Low**t Frlo**.


3D B 1ST T I S T , •139 Eaaex direct, Lawrence.

Dress Making.


Hat Hooai* at

J. C. vVAIrLEIUH'l1,

No. SOrt Essex Street, Lawrence,

On Ural floor, and It BOW prepared to do all hindi of

BRKSS MAKING la tbe moit Fathloaablr Ply lea aad la the boat manner.

Children's Suits mado a specialty.

•aTNaw 1'atterna every wr*k.f4

KfwSafMa*, believing It to be eleaner,*troager, aad mort pcrfettly adit'Uil for theparpoao than aaytldng now In u*r. tb* MattaahaaeUa Dental




IRS Essex St.,



Hosiery, Gloves,

la Ureat Variety.

Cloak Departm't It aow opea, nod we are

Ready to Receive Orders for Gar-



260 KiHox St.. Lawrence.

1712- JS&187i Worth IU Weight la Gol«.

try Han hla own Dootor by ntiag Dr. 1. ittjt»Cel*brat*ml3la\oltlM»lV«, which

.__ rarranu to oar* all kind* of Old Korea and Bmloa*. Caaoara, Oorna, Kama*, Ft union*, ftnrni, Holla, ScaUd*. and for Ibaooaae*. Sore Nipple*, Broken Hrra*t*,tad every olhrr kind ol lorn Ibe human frame I* heir to tbat I* rurable internally.

Society (netting at lloatoa) have bad It nadir lh*Ir tperial oar*, and bar* anperl*Mnt*d wlih It ■IBO* laat December; aad at a lat* meeting (thl* month) aot an oppoalag voice waa beard agaloat lam material, and tb* report a*y* "that Iba* tar Ita atelatonflnad to tha orttrr elate ot D*atl*l.. th* cheap aud uaakllled operalora MM to their rabbrr." Sporlmeni of lb* material can beieoa. aad proof of Ita worth bad, al my ofloe, VJapU

Essex St., (over Dyer A Co'l.)

Billiard Saloon for Sale. Situated lo Lawreaoo.Ko. 11 Lawrence Sireel.

The above well anowo propertv I* oentrally local ad, ha* beeo long etttblliheo, aad li doing Ihe largeat builnet* In (bit ally. Ai the owaer I* about to remove to tb* Soath, ho will oaTer Ihe tame for **]r at a leatontble prlee, If applied for aoon. A Irnr or th* bulldlag ran be obtained, If detlred. tf• [apU Apply ■( tfc* 1'remlOM,


A Double Light of Ground Glass.


It i:voi.v !*(. BACK-OROUMD

For "BEBLIH HKADrl" aad "RKMDRAlfDT" LighUag.


Dat removed from Sim*' Blook to

371 Esses at., (over Dr. BUdor'sOm.ce>

where, lu eonoeotloa with Mr. DA MOB, ho hat Bttod ap a Magniaarat Studio, all replete wlih Photograph I* Novell le*.

Tbe public nre Invited to call.

til )m)4 111 KIM k 1IAM0R.

Lowell Street, Lawrence. Da. T. Onnas—Dear .flt-r-Thl* It to oartlfy

that I have be* a * minted over HO yaarl with a Mr* Modme"— mr body

i deirrlb* abkb tia.lroiil.li-.!

aore It ao aear a permanent rr -*■*-

calibrated Blaek Sale*,

My aor* I* *o ae.._ our* that It doal trouble aae -any aow, aad 1 feel

'OBBf MI, through tbe at* of yoar celebrated Blaek Bale*, which raooU all o.hor ramedle* ever oftrrd to the publlo. All pa rile* eaa have refer rue* to thl* oaae throagh Dr. Ogdaa.

Da.T.OODBV—DmrMir— Wa hav* u**d thro*

ar* tb* boat IB th* a market, ** they do not eraek and dry ap like all thereat, and H irk much longer.

~ OMlr— H BBAR, Its Valley *tr*.t, Lawrono*.

DR. T. OODEN, Hole proprletorforth* U, R. aad Canada*,

No. S3 Allen Street, Lawrence, Mass.

Don't buy ia or 14 os. tor a pound of Soap, when you can got BEACH'S

WASHING SOAP that Is full walght.

IMaaolntion af topartaerablp. Th* *ODarU*r*hlp heretofore exlatlag between

lb* aaaoralgatd, BBd*r lb* Bra* MSSS of Louia WBH.aOOMfAair,l* thli daydlaaolvod by mu- teal ooaooat, LODIHWKIL,

B. A- OIHQKAJ. Lawrence, May S, 1*71.

All poraoaa Ind I Mad to Loalt Wall a Oompaay, ar* b*r*bv aooa****l lo aut* payaM-ai to tha aa taat*jWaW*f| and allpaWao&a hotdlag claim, .falo.t •aid frm. aro reqaeated to preeoat them to


White & lircy Hair Wantfd. J. MEDINA «V CO.,

Poet O flirt* Block* - - I.awnnir, Will pay the HIOHRIT MICRO for

Long White or uroy Hair.

REJOICE, ALL1 . A. K. Walker's rateat Fly Ktterml-

aaatar—With It you can clean oat and kill th* Kite* In a bomto la a very few minute* without potion or frriai.fnnr. It will pay for Iteelf la oar year ia ta.lng paper aad palat. Any oa* wUhlag to pnrchaa* right* or examine them, nan do *o by calling at tbe Home of S. W. TAPLKV, Broad- way, Mathaaa, Maaa.

Order* or iaqulrUi by mill, o*n bo nddreited lo the hroprletore,

tarefaptS* WHELDEK k PRSDRICh, (Car* S. W. Taploy,) MBTHOUI, Matt.

Do you wont to got Pull Weight not 12 or 14 oi. for a pound ? Cat BEACH'S WASHING SOAP, It la a

superior aoap, full weight.

To Let. <>a Saauaor Street, (Slmmont' Block,) an ap

i!air* TKRBMKNT, wlih Sr* or tin room*. Applyto .-■ A.JEWBTT,

t(f |myi ''lw K.tea SUoot,

I ■pfrlat latin*.



C oil a is in pt ton,

tin: I>D ITS rmr.vr.tTivK,

B, J. H. SCHEJtCK. M. D.

•Wee wu no oil ■trtierrotaMr nrr.1 wl metnt 'if rurr. Thote "»tr and ^•t to family (ml frleri.it *re .ieeprn«the ilreeaalet. mtts II lin -*•' * *■- * '*'" ^elnily adopted »>- JO*JI:*-II M. MHUCK1 UBPLK


l fur their

it there It nothing pretumptuout. T.i Talld !■ aiad* on rrimHiiUU-Hi lliat I. |>1 • ul.ilailllalrd fej 11. Ilia *IUl ll.ll.ii;

7 M id* cur* by Or. Jkh»in.»» uieul _ almule at It la uufaUlnf. Id phllueophy rt

outre* bo aQratatnt. It I. aalf marina, *rir-i.-uuiuir Int- ro. Iwhll Tome and MaadiuhaFIUi an the Or.i

lw»wee#eei with it hk-h tha citadel <A Iba malady I' ■•- aaUac. Two-Swtwi ffl csioa WgWjBBfl oflSXV

sir AWXS« ^SSJ^SSUSS'' wttli tin itoma.li. Thar impuuil to Iha murtlUo at- etao uf Ik- ll>«. IU". (ti*D woiaa 111- eUlmmaUrw r.ialt, IDJ It.- i.itlna Is, wltb all Its .duir...tns ij u|/-

Wheeler A Wilton's

Sewing Machine-

The Beit in the World.


305 Ewi Street,

Cornnr of Lawrence Street, Lawrence.

9*w ^flvrrtlsrmwtji. TIIK MBTHOD1IT of New York, he- always

been edited with marked ability by Be v. Dr. C BOO He. In pabll.hera have Jun added u> Iti

fa. Mandrake Pail liAUil .nil - ' • ati aU On b

amuamBuj, oTon* of Xiwr.i * Ilium P.lialuie. Tbar aut-

attaratlv* propertl*. "'

'• LKIVI; ■* tine ■•:itIMM."

The wort of cure la now baainnlot. The. vitiated ami aiuouBi depualu In tha bowels and In tin allmantari

It aruutea from Hi l.>rylillly. The iimnaih ecu* r» iHUUlvalT. and the [iaUeul beglui to leul thai tie li *•!■ iLrij, atfaa*.

A avrriiT or woom ■I.MB. Tha Viirol T.mlr, In irntijonrthm with the tltl*. par-

ra-atea ami ■ttlmilalei with the fund. Chyl"—' lie email iilnf. wBbnuf lit per-'— Una fa Branca palnlaai.and th* CO Than I* no more flalult-iitt, i

'-" Mi appetite wa In. B*f»**»

" J^nip e In wort. Satan cannot be cheated. II rofuwia rtpe»a the Impaired and dtaeated t-irtlni.i of iha li In the fl>rrA ''f |elher1n*-»lt prepare, ih"in for (apt radon, and lol In a very tliurt tin- •*■- ira+thed, tha rotten throne that I rni.l made new, an>l the patient, r*Jn*d vbjor. ilapl fortH to myy

.*-«-u|.lr.l ll » i all the ,ii..i ,i i.


Thi aorond Ihln, rnma, unill lliir f«l wall: It 1* all anvant Ullna i-jild wlwn ika lunfa ■ muithe prtvfatndor ■ rurf rannol ■ iTainlrfdinaimt.Mt trvlnihe rail and wl

b* efforted. y,r,i-.

li thmrluiimanha.., - an In Ih" home thay ■ mutt walk thmtl the rwnu *i mu, ■, mu ■« u atretujth will hear t" art up ft nod MWlallM TU Mllanli rautt a«*P In a.m.1 tplrlta—kf ile _ to ml wall. ThlihuafnaldealtuduwlthUir appetlf. an-T It t!i« HT'tt pulnl fi lain.

Tn ilMualr n( rure after turh HIMM "I la Uta wural ratal, and aioral oertalnt)- 1 tlnlul. Dr. loiltVat'l partial tialrnunt of hit own mm wat In tliata tnodeil woril

•'Stanr riart ar> 1 »« In «"'•"•*■■« im: oairlnwl H inr bad, and at one time mr

I; then III

> I now o(T*r to tin 11 teemed !<■ n

1 ' _.. couUi

lof nun eatchlna t ■he preparation! "I. liter mad* a p^rferl •'•Mid Ml them peuotiata my wholi IVL tu-w ripened the maitT In my lun«t, and I would *pll up nori than a pint of uflVmlve ytlluw matter every tnnrnlni for a Im* t IIIH>. A. n-m ■> that l-'ai n (o iul>- elda, myomifh. fertr. paint and nl^ht tweatt all hrian

■■ayaaw.oiul -

'l|hedihorlly a ■n luutlna Ilka

_, ..In.■!> ■■■■>.■! p twii hundreil and twauiy.n»n (I

' itamiptrd • ean I lit., enjoj iw. HrLantlt hat w»»»

to Maw V>irt and Buabn Sohanck, Jr.. ttlll coulinui rtca, Ko. ii North m.ih - urday frooi II * "

■e.>Terj,"»dSBd the Ulatwitmywaurnt

pouodt', my prwtent welkin - -i (tA) pounda, and fur 1 |.-.ui.1


Iir J II J lualr of-

I'lillailelpbla, ntr> S>1 *ea pitlinti

.u .M™., I'bllr <-'■•■'- 3V.U. Tbuae Miiir..!!,1,

iar)r»l ti. ... _ imlltloii Of li..'

Iiluft, and pttlenu can reaillly learn whelher lhay am oufftUa or not. The dlnetlout fur latin* tti.i madlrlun art adapted in tha Intallltaoca e»ett of a child. Follow that* dlracllunt, and kind Satan will da Ihe raal, ei- oaptlruj that lit aouie run tha Xandrak* I'UU — -

nlii ; IhaU _ ample Jtulruclluiulhat a appetite. Or retumina unetymplom. Whan it deipalrliia at onra he of nice fhlluwi. the cuu|h

lime boa

•Mhararu-mpanliuautt than I aco-iaapaiiy tha«: rirtt,eiT. Majulurawerlt the mwt w (toa>M. at It will run*, let t toad chew. Uood Wood a> UUB. i»iw> looaeiu, thn nhjht iweat It ahatad. Inatl of rhaae morlild lymptnni* are rm" fcnw.

lit. fkhenck'i medlclnaa an comtuitly kept In t> of thuuiandt of famllle*. At a laiatlra or pur^aU la* Mandrake lilla an a atandard nnparf' ~ tha 1-almonk' Hyrup, ai i tort of w-1

, Moa "th* PiUawala Hyran and aeawaad Toavle, USD a aottla, or VIM a half dua-ti. Mandrake I1IU, X oeDU a bvX. ror Itla b* all dranliu and daalara. a •

f) OEO. C. OOOLWm A 4.U., Agaou, Bottom? lyuo-* , ,



At WliOli'Mlr, Cl'TTKH. IIIIIK * Ce-t

:m."' [rb bt Cbannt; Hlreet, Uoiton,


vj ani£fitia ttirrwhort. iif.*t to !>**.< fc'r.^*.. y

PIMPLES ON "THE FACE. For Conedont*. Black Wormt or Orubt. pi-,

ply Kropllt.ua,and Blotched dlidf nratloue oo the

Parrj'a I'matiliiK tad fiat It li Invaluabla lo the aflllcied. b» Dr. i.O.nllr, Drrmotolenlr i, i. „<>*., at., If.Y. tiulrl by UruftKltli rvrr>*li(rc. Imlt luilnit-.b


Agoe and Jnjver. Tha only pr«vi*ni lie known Tor Chilli and rYy.

11 the nirof_Woirt''« Nchlrdam Hchnappj.^ Woite'a H iiii'iliim Kcnnnppa. I* (rood for Dyipcpaia.

Wutjt'M Schiedam Nchnap}*. lit prcvcatlvr of Chill* and Kt-rrr.

Woiji'^~ Sttiiedam tichnappi, :

_ ll Rood fur all kidney and bladdrr romplalnli. ~ "Wolfc'a M'fairdum rtcbiinpiio.

la wad all o**r Iba world by phyitelana In their practlre.

l*ol/«'« Arhirifam flr/ir«ij>j>a. ll Mood tor (l ■ >111.

?a bchtedam tkhnappi ..//,'. 11 aotid for all Urinary oomplaliili. Wdlic'.t St'hit'iliiiii Si'litinj)]tH.

1* rrrunniM ndeil bf all the Mt-dlt'ul Karull fVolft't Schiedam Schnappi.

It Bci.i.l Inr Colic tiul j.aln In tlie etomarl Woltu'n SctiietlHm bciiuu|>|>a.

ll Imitated and coanterfettrd, and iiurrlimi f b%f* loj** caution In purchasing.

I br« icata lo call the attention of Ihe reader! to teatlaaonlali la iin.r of ibi Schnappa :—

I feel bound lo lay that I regard your BCHKAPri ■ mtlyparc

Ij pretcrlbed by phyalelaaa. DAelD 1.. UlrTT.at. U., l'birmafeulloal Chen-

lat. Haw York. LODUVILI.B, KT., Bept. 1. I feel that wa litre

■ow an article or gin till table for inch rate* ■* that raatady It adapted to. DB.J.W. BKIUUT

"Schnappa" li a remedy In chronic ratatrlia. eomplaluii, t-ie.: ■ ■

I taka gTeat plraiara In bearing highly credit able teilltnoiiy to Ita cDoacy ■« a remedial ageni la the dlteatet lor which yoa recommend It. May lag a natural tendency to the mucmia enrfaoei. with a illifbt degree of itlmulation, 1 regard It ai ana of tha aioit Important rcmedlei In chronic catarrkal afrotlona, partlealaily thoao of Ihi aenlto-urlnary atiparatDi. With mnch reipecl,

Vour obedient eervnnt, tJH AS. A. LEAD, kf. I*., Near Notk.

M Pinit ST., WKW Tuak, NOT. tl, 1B67.—DOOL r«u WtH f i, K«J., rrmtnt.— Iirar Mr ■[ hti made acheraloaleaamlnailon ofa umpleor yoni " SCwMan Schnappa," with tha Intent of dater- mlalag If any foreign or Injurlout tubetanrc had ■MI added lo Iha almple dlttlllrd tplrltt. Tha tiaaalnatlon hai rriulnd In the couclualon that tha maple ronlalned no poltonou* or tiarmtulad. mlature. I bare been unable to dliaorarany trace of the deleter lout tubatanrea which are tnnet Intel employed In the adulteration ol llquori. I would not heiitate to ma myaelf, nor lo recominend lo othera, for medlolnal uurpoae*. tile "Schiedam twbnappi" a* an excellent and uuohjrctlonabli «arletr of gin. Vary reipeetlully yoare,

| Signed| Oil AS. A. HKKLT, Chemlit,

OaraMKUt, axD TBOHatoai. LanoitAToaT.ii Xxchanjca Vlace, New York, NUT . V5, IW17. -IH..[.- PBO Wot.ra, Ktt.,— l)tiir Sir .— I lie underilaned have carefully and thoroughly aaalyied a eample of your Aromatic Hchlrdam dchnappt," aeletted Si ooTielTei, and bare found the lame fk-ea from

I organic or Inorganl — >iult of c

if auparlor nVctual lr Kallty, he.nhlul ai a bcrerage, and cSecti

medicinal nualltlei. Iteipectfully youre, (»lgned| Al.kX.TKIIM'fcl.. Chemlit.

VBANGU K. kNUKl.llAHl), U.ll.

I'or tale by all reipectable (Jrooeri and Drueuliii 0TN)LHIIO WOLI'K'tf K.tT.,

in* ImhMHfeMny n Beaver St., N. r.

"Boy Sir, nnd I'll do yoa fiood." DR. I.ANOLEY'H

ROOT AND HERB BITTERS. Tbli medicine la, without the ponlblllty of ■

donbt, Ihe very belt remedy known for Ihe follow, lag and all kindred dlaeatei:—fnd>{irtlton, Cot- ItVeneit, l.n-rr Cvmplutnl, HI**, llnul.n-hr, Henri Hurn, hytpepita. Hit •turn. Scro/uln, Salt Htitum, Languor, Latintit, V*atlilt/, Juundiet, riatuttn.*, /out ^.oatara.tfc. EBr Ihe timely uio of tbli medicine, the blood It

■trifled. Tha appetite li rratored, The iyite.ni i nrenalm-ned. The liver I* Invigorated, in.

braatb It iwcetenrd. The compleaion la beaut I Bad. And tbejraaaral health li

HRKTOHKD. The beat BoaU. Herb* and Barki enter Into thi

oompoiltion ol Milt Ktmedy, maklag It a ilmpla and aafe, ai well ai an unfailing cure for all Jli- aatei of ibe blood.

OBO.C. GOODWIN 4 CO., Boilon. For tale by all Druggim. tuiipiiiai-ii

Eatale llennla |,oni;, Notlaa li hereby given thai Die lutiicrlber hai

been duly appointed admlnlatrator ol the eiUle (aot already adnilnliterrd) ol

Dennli Long, luuty of !i>it trader,

lakrt trait by gli _ Krtoai having demand* uuoi

ceated are required to eahlh peraoni Indebted

■elf that r direct!. All




Sewing Machine, Acknowledged to be tbe Beet Sewing

Mm-hlne in the Market.






11 Temple PUce, Bonton,

Aganta wanted, in''rodlmySr.b U.K. Agrnti.

sr»s if tha bett

(t have alio e'd eontrlbutloD* and itumoni fiom Kev. T. rrr TALBAOB. wboaa aaoewaa and popular-

ly ■* a preaoher, writer and lecturer, are Miff manaaipled, *nd wboaa fiae Tabernacle In Hrook- ya, with 111 congregllloa of over l.OCO people, la

Ml of the marveli of the atre. Bav. ItkaRf WAIU BaacHaabaaa Lecture Boom Talk every weak.

Tun MUTHOIUBT abound* In good thin ft, li never dull or dr,. ha. etorlei for thtldrea, hluti for farmer*, aad tomHblng for everybody. Mra. vrilllag't great aortal atory la almoet ready. They offer for tbe prlee of one yrar'.euaicnptlon (VfAu) t.» tend TMBBUTHnmer from mow anIH Jal> tat. laTi hpeeimen vopla* tree. Ill Naaaa* ettrwat, York.

Ltivf.od. N. J— riwfewetonal M-a, MaQufao- I turer*. Ualldef. and other* de.irlog builneaa

_oJ aome* near New York, tboold •lamlne Nor- wood, where 1 **U eltae and towu lot* at lor

.... equally acoeialble ihurchea, tcbool*. etorea, Northern B. K. of N. J.

T. *

e. sod town lot* at lower m* tbaa can be loerad uj«e> Ibte to tne city; hottli,

• "I dally:

wr ir.. 1* tr.int j u mile* from 0H]

YUAN JON B8, rM Broadwav,


Or ■ fkr lllatter Olaii itiaa any other pre prlatary medicine of tha day tlau.lt

rarrant'a Kffercetxetit Sfhitt Apt Hint. And for tbli reiion I « li an eaact oountarpart of one of tbe moil valuable natural medletaei la tha world. Wa rarer to tbe great Seiner Spring of Uermany, to which tnouaand* of Ihe dyepeptle,-*— bllloui, the rh.uouttio. earn the vktlm* of n dlieaae* raeort aonually, and relura lo their home* ooav*le*eent or cured. Tha Aperient I* one or tha flnt aad by far the moat aaoo***ful of all Iha effort* made lo reproduce, la a portable form, the popntar mineral wetenwf Ru«o*>e. •)*>• Utatt yon piiech**e only tK* gaialai


PAINTS For House 1't.tnting.

PAINTS For Carriage PainteiH.

PAINTS For DeeorRtire Artist".

PAINTS For Lttho^rrtpliin Printers.

PAINTS I or Every Depurhnent in I'aintiiig.


Coach Varnishesi At Wholeiale or Batall by


07 Water Street, Huston. tw-rodtm/SKb


I) R AT-» E RIK8.


l-iu-ii r.cf ol .rrli.U our M*orlut,nl ol

0ARPBTINO8 be* been made qolta complete. Our

UDholitery Department '•'",l •■■*"•.••• !• «»darthet.mediataebarge of-tr.-T, -r.iN.KA WILD KM, (Wweaarttd hi* lima with tha well known firm of I.AWHON * UARKINQTON,) and who haa no aaparlar In

tWfflSnhXl iffioe^u^li^de-piW rtfcgi and it prepared lo make ipeclal dealgna for tboie who wlih to furnlih with rich ilylri of DRA- PERY HANGINGS.

We have made large addition* to Ihe

Paper Hanging Department,

which li ander the oharge of Mr. CHARLEI O. WKLIII, atilited by thole well known ar- ttet* Maun. UUNH11KK A VKRR1L.I., who will give their iperlal attention to New and Orig- inal ittleiof Decorailoni.

la Ilnnhrupii-y, The underitgncd hereby glvee noHco of bl* ap-

pointment aa attlKtire of tbe ritale of WILLIAM I\ riYat,

of Hare.bill, in the county of Klira and •tale of llaaiachutelt*, wlthlu tald dlitrlrt, who ha* Ivru adludfc-vd a baokrapt by tbe Diatrlct Court of lalddlitrict.

JAMK8 9. FBYIt, Aiitgnee, BaterajJl, April M, UTl, apw

We feeloonndent I bat In ill t lute department* we can offer unniual Indaocmeati to all clai ofbayera,aaourforrlgaanddomeitloorderihi been given with particular reference to DllTot* blllty In Service, Economy In Price, and Harmony In Deelgn.


No. 116 Trenton. Street,

(Nearly oppoilte Park Street Church,)

etTfmye BOSTON.

T. B. CALDWELL & CO. Would Invite attention lo Ihalr calenilve nock ol

llnta, Honnt't*. Flowen, Hllliaerr Materlala, ete.

Bouuots and Hats

French Flowers la UNSUBPAUSED by any prevloui exhibition. Ladlea are paHloularry Invited lo examine before parchailng elaewherv. Our motlo :—

" lti-iiHOiifi l.lo I'l-lft-et."

Having rrcrmly purebaird * large In vole* of


of I.are, Milk, mid Mu.I in material*; alia,

Circular Cloaks ai,<t Cape CostB la varloui itylei, are enabled lo icll them *t

"Greatly Hcdeced Prlcea" from former rate*.

Laiflai are Inviled lo examine.

T. B. CALDWELL & CO., 288 Washington Street,

(Two door* north of Bedford Street,) imayanb BOSTON.

Vrtxwtfn Chromos. A L*\RUE LOT JUST RF.CXIVBD


C. C. FELLOWS & COMP'Y, few Ml Keiax St., UwriMI.



Second Door West of Stone Church.

Gbmmonuc-fiiEA of MauacAutetli.

laaax.aa. PSOSATS COUST. To ihe brlrt-tt law, and ottrrn Inbrraatad In ihe

ealateuf DENNIS LONG. Ute of Lawrence, la tad county, Irader, drceaied, Greeting: Where**, Timothy Bul'lvan, a-lmlnlttrator of

the aetata (But alreadv admlalttrrcd) of tald do- eeaied, hai prc.e. tr.l lo laid Court bl* petition for lleanie to i*ll Ihe whole of Ike real eitate of tald drceati I for the piymeut of debt! and chare ■ e» of adealottrrttlon, and for other rratMai let forth in laid petition,

Yon are hereby cited lo appear at a Probate Court to be holden at llav.rhlll, in *ald county, I on the Third Tucaday of May next, el nine I o'clock In thi forenoon, to ihow eaute, u any you hare, agalaii tbe lame,

And Aid a dm la i ■ Ira tor ll ordered toiervethlt ' rlntlon by publlihtng the MM once a week,In the Lawrence Atnrrtean and Aadovrr Adverrlter,

Blsbop Smile's Liniment. Invented by !»• late Blt.ir.ir BODLK, la MglgJfM eeoolnflod fn the care of BoiATtCA, R » *** ATlan, NaiaALOlA.KiDBkT and Sr-lnALCOJiFt^lJITa, BOKK THROAT, Ht-RAiaa, Ac. The cnrei effected by It are almoit boyand belief. Try It, see nothing .ilte, and yoa will be oared. It li lAe onlp rare curt for thai rfrroW/W •tlienn, Sctaticm.

i ne w-ntper printed at Lawn Ytilvrly, Ihe luit publication to

laid Court. .—., George y. tihoate, Baqulra, Judge at

•Id Court, tbli twenty gftb day of April, in lb* year one thoaeam oaVght hwnalrad and ueeeuii- •' Ihouaani ea-st hwadatad a

aswl A.c.i.ooDlU.l.,

Fragrant Sapollene na Kid Ulovei and all klndi of Ololhi and

Clothing; remove! Paint, Ureoae, Tar, Be, In- itently, wllhout the lea*l Injury to tha flnail fab- ric Hold by llroiflal* and Vaacy Goodi Dealer*. VHAGBANT B.VI'OI.IENK CvJ., M Barclay. Ht., New York, 46 La Bella St., Chicago.

NATURE* fimtfir


Without a failure, Ike peat 11 yean, la all the woaar riaxa or PILKB, Lnraoar, UCKOTULA, SALT BIIXDII, DrnruretA, CATAKBH, NULBAL- UIA and all dlaeaiea of the Skin aad Blood, by

FOWLE'S PILE AND HUMOR CURE atWMff vtaftttLU. pnwffM "Wire tkon IW /•**■ rician* in their prattle*. Here and abroad, mil it th* oot/f/ eirdicine rttr ditcoerred for Ike perma- nent cur* of all I A* oeoa-e dlteatc: Call aad re- ceive back your money. In all caiet of failure. Sent by expreel (aa aomu do not like to lell It, be- came It hai ntver failed to cura, thereby loelag the tile of hundred* of dollar* of remedial that never core.) $1 a bottle, *old everywhere. Bend lor circular* iree. 11. D. KOWI.lt, Chemlit, Boa-

FOR S3 PER LINE We will Iniert an Bdrarilaament

ONE M O I* T II In Slxty-ilx Pint Claaa

Massachusetts Newspapers, luclurlinjr Flea DaUlea.

Wa refer lo the pnbllahrr af ilili paper, to whom oar raapomlblllty I* well known.


Aitvertlalnej Aerrnta, Ra. 41 P«rk 11*w, Haw Y.r

Short Hand. {^.;:S" KUSSi rlrcoUr. Pio,. QBAY, P. O. Box ifitT, N.T.


Agent*! Bead Thi*I ■TajDUjut A(IKNTS . UUII or

CO., Mirihill, Mich.

'Kxpenieipnld, H. SUAW, Alfred, Me.

EU O E N I E | Or, LadU*' Companion.

The raoit beautiful Invention or the age, lady ihoaldba wllhuat It. Price fa. Senile _„, •.idreil IB perfumed boxri. Female ageatti Want- ed. Send for a circular. Da. PLKlrJllER, 147 Court Street, room 3, Boiton, Mai*.


* Weakneaa, Early lle- aalOr

SB Pre

av« lope, t Addren

for pamphlet. Box WOO, Boiton P.O.

To Let, April lit, 1871. A MILL, JO x 40 feet, Hire* itorlet high, with

la Hone Power, ennoble for nny mechanical baalaeii. Alao, a Hallroad Ut.diog 170 feat. Railroad one aare of Land, lultable for Wood aad Coal, or any other builnei*. Inqulro at Shop.

Iff *th!7 L, D. SA BUKNT, May Street, Uvniri, Man.


!Mt. "Washington, Juilreceived by

C. C. FELLOWS & COMP'Y, few BS1 ktaaex St., Lavrreuiee.


Superintendent of Comet o ry, Besiucnce 26 Morton Street,



Essex Hall, (OVKU POST orrioB,)

Taearlay, Friday A- Kniurdny Kvrulngn

.HOBQA: i,T, Jaalh

tl« feio

Agricultural implements AND

H A. R. r> TKrA-IwE.


No. 217 Essex Street, Lawrence,

(Xtnrlu opposite the Poaf Offlct,)

are the Sole Agenti for

HOLBROOK'S SWIVEL PLOWS which are too well known to require aayoommen

datlon. They nave, alio, tba famoui

Buckeye Mower, and Reaper, well known lo farmer*. Aleo, tba


The Universal Clothes Wringer.

Bradler'a Patent



of all kledi. Drain aad Water Piped, Alio. a great aaeortaent of


It AEDWAEE af every deicrlptloa. lapU

FOR REGULATING the Secretion* of tba Liver A Bowel*, to Strength- en the Btomaeh aad Purify Ihe tlood,

DR. TILTON'S Compound Dandelion Bitters

are the beat In nee. They actapoa th* Bowel* mildly, and bv Ihelr One tonic, aromatic and ape- rient propcrtlri.thay remove all opprrniv* accu- mulation. Prepared by W. B. TILTON A CO., under the lupervlilaa of J. A. TILTOX, M.D., N.wberjport M—

At whole..!,. I Brother! A Bird, Boiton.

Bold by all Grocore aad Dragglit*

ear apirr-Si*. Net-|»rocetds—Kiab. A tale of misery—the cocktail. An attached couple—Oyiter-ihelli. Self-decaplUllon—A person lifting his

bead up. The best thtnir to il*e to the poor—em-

ployment. CAD a sblp with two owners be called a

partnership * A tea-totaller—The man who drinks

nothing but tea. Be praised, not for your ancestors, but

for your virtues. A straight line ll shortest In moral* as

we la iri geometry. "A sure way to make an Impreaeion—

fr.ll dowo In tbe mud. Human la what nvtry man Is; humane

Is what be ought to be. When Is a fowl's peck like a bwlir

Wfcen S Is rung for dinwr.

The Mln,r of a bee carries conviction with ll. I; makes a man a bee*leaver at once.

Why are rypealike criminals? Became It Is not proper to lock them up without proof.

Printer Boy lode Is " on It" again, yielding £V ounces of gold from one pan of dirt.

When dees rain become too familiar ■lib a lady ? When It begins to patter on

the back. A Newark man's wife has had twins,

and he Is going to have bar arrested for repeating.

A New York merchant bills bis remor :—" Gone to a Bettor Place Aboye—

No. 17(W." The man doing business In Chicago

amed John B. Poor, la a man who does not advertise.

A female lecturer says the only decent thing about Adam was a rib, and that went to make something better.

A conclusive argument against suicide Is, that It Is the height of Impoliteness to go anywhere till you are sent for.

When Is a fashionable rally an Inexpe- rienced printer? When She makes a a great boslle In correcting her form.

After all tbeie la little choice between tho man who bet* at faro and the man who dot rni'i, bawaiiae toe latter Is no bet-

r. Is It proper to say of an artist Jiut verg-

ing on tlellrluaa tremani. that be is put- ting the usUkligt touches to a colossal bust?

Rarer than the ptK-ntx." says De Qulncey, "is the virtuons man who will consent to lose a good anecdote because It Is a lie."

A minister not long ago preached trom tbe text, '«Be ye therefore steadfast," but the printer made him expound from " Be ye there for breakfast!"

A Georgia editor explains that the title be gave an article was M A cut and dried affair," and It was the lyper which made It read, " A cut and dried apple."

Somebody mentioned the other day something about Jokes that are ten years old, whereat a party across the room sang out, inquiring whether such bede* cade jokes.

A London merchant, lately deceased, left a legacy of £i0 to a Gloucester school-master who " once gave him a thrashing that had been a life-long bene- fit to him,"

An Illiterate farmer, wishing to enter some animals at an agricultural exhibi- tion, wrote to the secretary as follows: " Also enter me for the best Jackass, I am sure of taking tbe premium." ..4 najtej. Jstflg.ajuiQujcriUhat.ATJUUVf cently, a well-deserved encore by the ex- quisite way In which she sang a song called " An Angel's Whisker."

Whiskey Is your greatest enemy. " But," said xlr. Jono*, " don't the Bible say, Mr. Preacher, that we are to love our enemies?" " Oh yes, Jones, but It don't say we are to swallow them."

A tanner having married the daughter of a butcher, the bells were rung In hon- or ol the occasion. It was asked wbat tbe bells were ringing lor. "Only a union between skin and bone," was the answer.

A countryman was observed on Satur- day In front of the New Have n telegraph efllce, listening Intently. Be asked a passer-by If that was a eloek -tore, aa there was suoh a ticking as be never " heard."

" Why don't you give us a little Greek and Latin occasloually ?" asked a country deacon of a new minister. " Why, do you understand those languages?" was asked, " No, but we pay for the best, and ought to have It."

A man lately made application for In- surance on a building situated In a vil- lage where there was no tire engine. In answer to the question, " What are the facilities for extinguishing Ores?" he wrote: " It rains sometimes."

"That you believe you have a call to preach Is all very welt as far as It goes," said an old doctor of divinity to a theo- logical student; "but," he added, "we most wait and see whether people think that they have a call to bear you."

In the following strain sings a sighing swain:

" I light my cigar, and W ben |ha amok* rite* Up lo my eyesea,

I think of my true love, And Ut*n I ilghaea."

A Chicago man dreamed that his child

would be scnldatl to death. He took ev- ery precaution against sueh a catastro- phe, but precisely tn five weeks and two days after the dream, the little boy was run over by a wagon and escaped unln. Jured.

-Martha, my dear," said a loving bus- band to his spouse, who was soveral years his junior, "wbat do you say to moving to tbe far West?" "Oh, I am de- lighted with the Idea? You recollect when Mr. Morgan moved out there be was as poor as we are; and in three years li*; died, leaving his widow worth a hun- dred thousand dollars."

Tbe Boston '/.'tne* is rather hard on Boston lawyers In tbe following story: The other day an old lady entered tbe oflUe of a distinguished man of law, lead- ing* a vicious looking youth. She said,

" Squire, I called to see If you would like to take this boy and make a lawyer of him."

" The boy appears rather youiig, mad- am," ssld the lawyer. " How old Is he?"

" Seven years, Sir." " He is too young—decidedly too

young, Have you no older boys?" " Oh yes, sir, I have several; but we

have concluded to make farmers of the others. I told my old man I thought this little fellow would make a first rate lawyer, and so I called to see If yon would take him."

" No, madam; be Is too young yot to commence lite study of the profession. But why do you think this boy any bet- ter calculated for a lawyer than your other ions?"

Why, you see, Sir, he Is just seven years old to-day ; when he was five he'd lie like all natur; when six he was sassy and Impudent as aay critter could be; and, now he'll steal everytblng he can lay bis bands on."



143 Essex St. 143

Qeriaaa Worsteds, He.tr,burg Edgings

Cotton Edging*,

Lace Collar*,

I.laea Clothe,

terwela. Napkin.,


OH Table COT ere.

And many other Deairable Goods,



148 Essex street, Lawrence.


k*OOl., CALLINQ AT yrtmiHTowK.

Tha LIVERPOOL, NKW Tonx, and I'HILAUBL- rHIA rlTKAMtilfir COatrABT'H MAIL BTKAMKRH are appointed lo aall from Naw York aa follow* : CITT OP BROOKLYN, Saturday, May IS CITY Or-LIMKKICK, Tueiday, Mly 10 CITY OK BALTIMORE, Tburiday, May In CITY UK PABIS, Saturday, May 30 CITY OF BRUSSELS, Saturday, May ft? CITY OP BRISTOL, Tueiday, May 30 And every 8ATUBDAT and alternate TUESDAY

and TIIUKSDA Y, from Pier 43, foot of I harltoii ttrerl.

Prom Liverpool, via Uueroitown, every TUCKS- DAY fc altcrmte TCIIWDA Y AHATUHDAY.


To Liverpool, |73 and #100 Gold. r'rom Liverpool, g7S and goo Hold.

To Liverpool and return, ftu and »s;i (Jold, aeaordlng to location of room*.

Tba noovmaaodntloni by thi. line for Cabin Paaaangars are aneqnalled.

STEEBAOR. To Queenitown, Liverpool, Londonderry, or

Olaagow, HO Carreaoy. Children between 1 and % half fare. Infanta free.

Motion A in nine ICnllrond. Boots and Shoes. Summer Arrangement, May *i, 1870.

r»Aim raoH BOSTOS. For Portland,onto,Blddeford,ete.,7.3o^eznreat

loLawreuccjA.ai.,12M.,3r.M.(rxprr*,to Read- ing,) aud Mouday, Wedneeday, Krlday, at A P.M.

ror k.xeicr,Diver, Oreai kall*,and itatlonieaAl • I Maverblll, ;..'■» irapreieto Lawrence) A.M., II Hi, 3.00, n P.M. (oaprcii,) Monday, Wed acidly, Friday at • p. M.

For llaverhill :.st> (eapreti), y.tS ( via (ieorge- town) A.M., 11 *., 1.1S (via Georgetown], 1.M, ft . expreii,) ft.IS (via Georgetown,) S, A.16 P.M. (via Georgetown.)

For Manohcitcr, Concord and Upper Hallroad*, 7.(0{expre**i A. M.,12 M..B (eapre**)P, K.

For Lawrence (South Side) 7, 7.3C, (express) 10.IOA.M., 12a,,3,-VSu,ft(expreiato WakeSald,) " "■. M.

T. at,

from Portland o. 14, g.46 i M.,I r.M„Moaday,

_ Great Fait*, 10.U I Prom Dover MO*, a, lo.oo\ A.)

Prepaid eertlfloafee from Liverpool, Queeo*- ' P. at town, lilaaaow and Londonderry to Boiton, %Su Children between 1 and IV, half fare. Infunt* *b.

Pate age Ticket* laiaed to aad from any pert of the New Bnglaad otatea at low.tt rate*.

Draft* payable In Great Britain and Ireland free of dleaoaut.

For freight or pauage, apply at tbe Co'* Office, 103 State itr. tit, Boiton.

M. S. CBEAQU, Manager. Or P. MUHPHY, 34ft Esaei street,


C. 0. Fellows & Co. hMMm to




DMtara I.

Books, Stationery,







lidiei' Tnnllog Bag, ind Bjikels,

Albums. Mirrors, Cheu Men, Writing Ilaik,. KnrrM, Btzon. Portfolios,

Work Boies, Put Books, Pocktt Books, and

Fancy Goods Generally.

Cabinet Making.

239 Essex Street, Lawrence,



H. F. BARNARD Tender! hli lervloe* to Ilia cltlieni of LawrcBM aud vicinity for the manufacture of

Furniture to Order. The experience of nanny yuan In all branches

of tbe be tinea*, enable* him toaaanreaaUifhotion with the execution of all order* Iniroitedlo him.

Do you want a superior Walnut Bookcase, Kta- gere, Wardrobe. Bldeboard, BediMad, Bureau, Ladiei' Desk, OOce Deik. Oflee Table, or houte or offloe Furniture of any kind, mada of tbe best of eeaaoned etoek with the beat worknunahlp I


REPAIRED, and aaada as good as aow I


Do yon want a now


or your old ona repaired I

CALL ON BARNARD. aarSatisfaction guaranteed In all oaiei.

eonndently refera to all who have favored hire wltb their patronage. a


£39 Essex Street.

(Third story. Old American Ofilce.)

Prom Exeter fl.SW.B.M. 11.43* A.M., «•, B.aB»* P.M.

From Hav.Thll! «.IS. (via Georgetown) 7.16* 7.30 (via Georgetown,) *.S0, 11 (via Georgetown) A.M ., 12 .!»•, 1,30, S (v I a G eo rgeto w n,) • ,«0-, IM"

Prom North Aadover 7.U,v.40 A.M., is jo.s.to, S.S0 P. M.

rrom Lawrence (North Side] S.1S, 7.10, S.vOA. M.,ll.li,l.tO,S.SOtl'.at.

From Lawrence (Mouth Side) n.Z7, 7.W|, S.4S A, at., 12.IS, 11.40*, 1.4ft, ft.S2, (1.14*. o.lil*- p, at.

•Or on their arrival from tha Kail. f Or oo their arrival from the North, ••(ID Monday, Wednesday and Friday only. Panenger* are not allowed to carry bagr

! above a*) . tiaggaie

W0 pound! In weight, and that pcnoi extra amount paid al tbe rali . for every tBOO additional value


n: ffajri i^« *» avt r\


Pictures Framed in any Style of Frame,

At short notice. Large aaiorunenl of

Frames and Moldings

Com Unity on hand.

Umbrellas for sale, and Parasols and Umbrcllai Eepalred St Short notice.

Door Belli, Door Plata,

Weather Stripe ft Molding! CMUll* n feud, tad ItUd lo ord.r.



Boston Daily Papera Delivered

i of sobacriberi, la Lawreaoe or

Pof Corn I Pop Cera t

impotent Jadge* prouoaaee It equal lo aay ever troduced in tba market. Tba proprietor* are

now prepared lo fill all ordera with promptaeee and detpatch. Ail order! ihoald be addreiied lo

apSOTttl* CaeabTldarport.'M***.



mhli Sasldoaoo, No. ll Oak Street,



A Good Farm of 65 Acres, Moay a Saw Mill, Grist Mill,aad Woolen F.oiory, la Wladbim, ». H.; or weald exchange It for eltyproperty. lawalreef WKB8TXB,

tftmkll 117 Common Street, Lawrence.

CUARLK3 V. JACKMAN, DesJer la all kind * of



M Oppo*lw Talaot's drug .tore.

HOMAI'S PERSIAN WASH BBMOVEB MOTH P A T C 11 K H, TAN, *nd PSKOKLKB. Nxvxa FAILS. For tale by all Urtnuti. B. P. 11 ACBI.ET, Proprietor,

BiSmhl7Pb Dover, N. h.

Commmiwtalth "f Mlaumchuaetti.



KEROSENE OIL LAMPS. I have received lome New Pattern! of Keroarne

Oil Lamp!, both in Glaa* and Bronac. Also, a flne aiiortment of

ChaDdeliers, Pendants, Brackets, Lanterns,

and everything connected with Ibe Kerosene trade, making the UF.BT SELECTION to be

found In the city,

AND AT THE LOWEST PRICES. Also, lotna new pattern* of

GAS PORTABLES, Which I am icllli..- at Low 1'rkei.

E. A. FISKE'8 Paper Hanging and Curtain Store,

No. 276 Kssex Street. Lawrence, Mass.

\n rottttiett, BBAOACHB, M:l'ltAnm, etc. II ow few there are who have not inflered with at Irani ono of the above dlitreiilng dlaeaiea. How few there are that have ever found anything that would relieve—not to mention con—tboie pain- ful affliction*. BKIGQa' AI.I.KVANTOK I* a bona-Sde remedy for each and every one of thoao prevalent complaint!. It not only rcllevea In- ■taatly, bat poilllvely caret every oaae, when Uiad according to direction!. The utonllhlag •nooeas of Dr. llrl^gt' Allevuntor, aa a fumlly medielne, 1* an eiubllihed fact, to try It Is to be convinced. Sold by all drugglita.

1*1 If M Initantly relieved and aoon cored by ailng Dr. J. BBIQGS' PILE BKMED1BS. They reduce InQammatlon, loothe the irritated parts, and have proved a blening; to tbe afflicted, wheth- er Internal, external, bleeding, or Itching pile*.— All klndi In all *Uge* muit yield to tbe wonder- ful Influonooof the.e never falling remedial, Sold by Dragglit*.

Com umpilon, Bronchitis, Laranccytls, Cough, Hoaraeneii, and aU dlieasei of the Throat and Long* readily relieved by the magical and baallair Influence of BKIGUb' THKOAT aad LUNG 11 KAI.KK. Sold by DniUKlitl.

torn*, Buaions, BAO RAIIA, CAi.LostTtRa, ETC.—It ll an aitonlihlng fact that nine out ol every ten perioai we meet are iorcly tronbled with their feet. Vary few are exempt. Dr. J, BB1GQ8' Popular Kemedlea—CURATIVE and ALLEVIATOR—are reliable and certain la their eBecti. The Curative for tore Snd tender Corai, Bunion*. Dad Nalli, etc., li a BOOUUBK balm for woonded feet, and rapidly curei the worst easel. Alleviator, for the core of common Corns and Bunloni, and the prevention of all Corai, laa pas-

llnds. Hold by II. M. Whitney Clarke, l-ewrenee.

l*x taovlO

Merrhuack River

COUNCIL CHAMBEB, Bosrroa, April IS, 1871.

Wktrtxu, By Beotlon IReea of Chapter three hundred aad eighty-four of the dots of the year eighteen hundred enditxty-nlne/'TheGovernor, with the advice and content of the Council, upon the reeommendatlon of tbe Commtailoneri on Inland Fisheries," li empowered to " llnitt or pro- hibit, for a period aot exceeding five years at a Oaae, Sitting la the navigable tidat wet era of spee- htad streaau, aad la the aaaavlgable wateia of cloaed according to the proviiiont of BectloB .1 x teen"of taitl chapter, " and whoever Sshes In itr«Am* wbote flthary Is tbui limited or prohib- ited, ihall forfeit for tha flrtl offence ten dolian, aad for every inbieqaeBt offe noe flfty dollar*, and stan U addiHou forfeit all lilt captured aad ap- paratui uied," aa fnrlaer pmelfad U *aid chap- SW,

dad, lfk*ruai, Tbe OommlsiLoBaii on Inland Pliherlvi hive recommendid that, for tha period af three ysars from the fllteenth day of April, la *ae year of our Lord eighteen hundred and seven- lyone, all perBom ihall be prohibited front (lin- ing with aelaes In tbe waters of the Mcrrlmack Elver aad the tributaries thereof, within tke limit* of ia'd Common wealth, and from taking or captorlag, in any manner aad by aay mea.ni. aay Shad.Relinon or Alewlvea In the walen afonald,—

TMaBBrOBB IT IS •BDBBJtD by the Governor, by and with tbe advlee and content ol the coun- cil, aad upon the recommendation aforesaid,

That BO person shall Bah with a salao In the water* o( Merrimack River or of aay of the trlb- atarlai thereof, and that no aenoa ihall take or eaptare la any manner, or by aay means, any Batman, Shed, or AJowlves In tbe water* afore- said, from the fllteenth day of April, la the year of oar Lord olgbtoaa hundred m« »*v*aty-oae, aa til the SHeentb day of April, la the year of onr Lord eighteen handled aad seventy-four, nnder tha penalties provided In Section flftean of Chap- ter three handred and eighty-four of Ihe Acts of the year eighteen hundred and ilxty-nlne; bat this order shall not affect aueh portion* or said waters at, being uxnavlgable, may be incloied a*. cording to the prwvtatoae or seotloa sixteen of •aid chapter,

Order adopted April IS, 1ST l. OLIVES WARNKlt, B*cr*tary.

BBCaBTAaVS DnrABTMKHT, Beaton, April It, 1671.

A true copy. OLIVER WARNER, Seeratary of tha Commonwealth.

AOov* order trill h* StHefray M/Vreed. Vlmo-apll HKNBT NOYBS, Flih Wardea.


No. 271 Esse^x Street, Lawrence, Having purchased the right to a*0 Ihe PatOBt Flexible Edge oa Artificial Teeth, It prepared to apply the Improvement to new or old *eti, a* patient, may dcelre. Itf 1 IradeelS



C. K. da J. P. PlLLaBUBY,

MACHINISTS: to Webster Deatln A Co.)

Cotton ft Woolen Machinery AND


Feeler*, Gaat lag and ShaftlBg, Jaofe tierewt. All klndi of Holt! oa hand, or nude to order;

al»o all klndi of Forging done. UEHERAL JOB WORK aad Mil] repair* done romptly aad faithfully. Dealer* la Manufactureri' Bapplleo.

Foster's Building, Corner of Frank- lin and Methuen Streets

irt.M LAwaxowB.

Of Chicago, baaopeaad en eaaeeIn Lowell, where hai* treating laeeenfully aU

CHBOrVIC DIICAIEI oa a new Iyitem, which embrace! Ihe beet and moit approved methoda la this and other eown- trin, for the owe of theie dliniei. He eoree all dtseasosof tha

Throat and L'uncs. Me oaros all

DISEA8ES OF THE HEART, If applied lo In their flnt itigei. |f« cam more ease* of CURVATURES, WEAKNESS and

OISKASKS OP TIIK SPIRE, and all other deformities, thaa any other phyal- eian ID America. He treat* theie tflteatei on en- tirely new principle*, and wltb a new apparatu*.

He ha* had an exleniive practice and wonder- ful laecc** la th* treatment of

CANGEftN. lie eare* all dlaeaeea of the

EYE AND EAR. He ha* had aa extensive practice aud great mo-

tet* la the treatment of all

DISEASES OF WOMEN. He baa cured women who have bean confined to

their bedi lor yean. He lectured fifteen yean to Ladles oa the dlieaaci of Women, which give* Mm a hBOWlidg* and axperlenccln the Ireatmeat Of theie dlieaae* aniurpantd by *ny other pbyil-

'an. Its never falls to oare nut f MATian

iall Its ilagei, BO matter how long (Undlng,

Catarrh., He la treating Catarrh on eaaw ITSTXM, which

1* a *ur* cure for tbl* terrible dliea*e, with which almoit every penoa I* more or leu afflicted.

Camawlt.illent Free. 1IU eoatallaUoas for yeir* have averaged from ftOOO to TWO a year, which give* him an experience aasarpeased by any other pliyileian, aad equalled only by a few. He dori not promlle to cure all tt.gtt ofdlieai.i, and no SSSS will be received whare there I* any doabt of sure or relief.

Dr.Knappean he eon tilted In /. A YTR KXCEit ESSEX HOUSE,

Wednesday* Stay 3d, ITlh and ;iiar. Offlce Hoars from I A. at, ml t p. u. ]Vapi

■le to aclentlflc ft Co,, H..I. Ilcnht...., Sad Drugglttt generally,



MOULE'S li an

ooitlng from %Vi.Wt mum id.

Bend for drcolin,



|35. according to th* kind* SmI I felTrb

call at Ihe Offloe of the



J. D. HERRICK AMD S. M. FRENCH, nnder the name and etyle of J. Y. FRENCH A CO.,retpecifully announce to their former pal ran* and the publle general!), that they may it 111 be found at the Old Stand,

71 Esaex Street, (139 New Number,)

mea's, Boys', Ml*.*.', Youth's, Children'*, ard

BOOTS AND SHOES. Alao, at all Uaaei, a good tuortmant of

RUBBER GOODS. Women's No-Heel Rubbers,

not elaewbere to be found in tba olty. Their Good*, na far at poiiibl*, are made to

order,and received directly from tb tlble manufacturer!.

AaTThey are so La Agent* of the

most retpou-

BHEUMATIC" MEOICIIE Cures Rheumatism and Liver difficulties, Fleurisj, Colds, Cramps, Sprains, Bruises, Summer Com- plaints, Burns, Scalds, Chilblains, etc., etc.


Prepared by

N. PEABODY «fe CO. Sanbornton Bridge, N. H.


KlD»i!":».,T5N.«rMttWa disease* arialag rrom derangement of the dlgeitlv. organ*. Coalaialng tha beat Tonics and AROMATIC STIHIILABTSla a solid form, It I* the moat econemieal article 1B u*«. It dliaolvea laMaaUy la water. Wine or Splilt may he added- STOWELL A CO., Cltarl.itown, ijae*.

Send for circular. ImVmhrtt'b


VQQLE GERMAN BL1FPER. Sur-Havlag retained the servlors of Ha. B. B.

SMITH, (a roan of twenty yean experience la tbe manafectare and aale of Boot! and Shoe*, they •olldl and hope to merit a ihare of the publle patronage.

ESTleiwiH Qzuniine our Goods before purchasing.

J. Y. FRENCH & CO., 139 Essex Street, Lawrence.

J. D. Herrlok. 8. M. Preach.

CYRUS WILLIAMS, Manufacturer of aad Dealer la

Sash, Doors and Blinds, WINDOW k DOOR FRAMES.

AH kind* 01 House Flalah prepared to order.

Opposite Boston fc Main* R, B. Pa lie age i Depot


Aanignee'a Net Ice. Notice le hereby given that tha nnderalgned

haa been appointed Anlgnee of the citato of JAME3 A. O'NKIL. a baokrapt In bankruptcy.

EDWARD C. DUBOIS, Aiilgnae, Haverhlll, April SStb, 1S71, apis at

J. C. W AIM. K I (ill,


Fashionable Millinery. LADIES' UNDER CLOTHING

Made to order. Alao, Agent for the

Wheeler dfc Wilson NoUeless

Sewing Machine, The Best of all. jyxs

No. 306 Essex Street, Lawrence. a d\* BROW IT.

Dealer U

All kinds of Wood and Coal, PREPARED WOOD,

Limc.Calcined Plaster, Hair,Cement, Eaverhlll street,near the Ballroad, (opposite Sew-

lag Machine Factory,) aad corner Entx aad Jaaaaea streets.


New Advance Cook Stove-






,__ The originator of this wonderful medicine claim* to have dltoovcred and combined in Aormo-

*t tovereign mtdiool prop- _ before combined In one

Idcnce ot thi* fact 1* found In ' —it obttlnate diieaiei which

cooquer, la the cars ol - —JpA*,snd the early *tai

of ContuntiKlon, It hat attoniihed the medf faculty, and hundred* of the bett phvilclam n

of Nature * trtiet thai

the great variety of ni it ha* been found II ... Hromfcifi*. .Vet'ere Cough*, and th* early itage* of Cbafumtiflon, It ha* attoniihed the mrd".l faculty, and hundred* of the bett phyaloii nouBc* it the grtattit medical dssmWBJ- < While It cure* tb« eeverett Cough*, It itreagth- eas Iha lyatem *ndpuriflei the blood, lly Itiaraof andlfcortxiiik blood purifying proparUe,, It curt* all numnrt from the wont Scrofula to a common Btotck, fimpleor Kruption. Mercurial MsSsnw, Mineral Polioni, Syphilitic and Venerlal Diieai- ea.and their effect! are eradicated, and vigorou* health and a louad conttUutio* eilabllihed. Ery. ripela,, Kalt Rheum, ScaUt Haad, fewer Sor*,, Beat* or Roug* «"». la ihort, all the namerou. dlieaaci cauied by 6od bl,>od, are conquered by Oilo powerful, purifying, and Invigorating medf. da*'™r,or """■ gssjammf> StaTsmS DveVder*. aad Habitutd Coitttipatlon, ll ha* produced hua- dredi of perfect and permanent cure* where other medicine* bad failed.

The proprietor offer* $1 000 reward tor a medi- cine that will equal It In the onra of all the dli eatet for which It I* recommended. Beware ol counfer/eifi and icoWii*** imitation*. See that my private Government Stamp, which I* ■ p„l- tir* guarantee of Utnuinenti*.]* upon th* oaulde wrapper. Thi* medicine I* Sold by Drugatit, at fUiAptr bottit. Prepared by R.\" FIERCE. M I)., Bole Proprietor, at hi* Chemical I-boratorr 111 Senecattrt.t, H.rr.io, N, Y. ail^pJrr7'

«JW 35B Rase a •treat,

rail Nearer oppe*


DENTIST, Has Removed

NEW^OFFICE, Lawrence.

ELASTIC STITCH Family Sewing Machine

Cannot be bought la Lawrence only Of

Mrs. V. BARRICOAT, Aataoriaed Ageat,

287 Essex street, Lawrence. Where It eaa be paid for In MONTHLY payment*.

The Value of ihU ifachint ottr Every Other.

Can be iiiiiiniy iwa by examining th* rtady made DRESSES at thi* •■lablifhmeut.

KST-Doii't fall to examine the Dresses.

The "tiHorKIt A> BAKMM" 1* th* OXLT

Machine that will Embroider a Pattern. Smfel7

Reason t ichy it it the best Stove in

the World.

It has heavier Castings. It haa a better Flue. (No other like

it.) It has a better Fixe Box. it nas E larger uven. It will bake quicker. It will work in a poorer draft It will bake with less fuel. It will bake with an old fire BETTER

than any other stove. It has a new patent hot closet in front. It has a perfect ash pit. It is the only stove that has a perfect

hot air draft. For heating water for the bath room

it is unequalled.

EYERY STOYE WAKSAHTKD la every ptrtlcular.



E. R. & W. B. LAMB & C(\ ItSfclST Eaaex Street. Law reaer, Max*.


NEW DISCOYBB In Chemical and Medical 8ci**C«.

DR. x. r.^QAsvnra

•■eoeui ooiu in tares tOuauvart' m \\i3kHm\l**** WRtKiptrUsBTffl i££K .**!.»??" «• l«« J B7«s», la


In three toiixhoan -..:INI., PURIFY:

— **«**- eRaeM upon thi markably eflcadou. In all

DISRARVS OS- TIIK BLOOD, .■eluding Scrofula and Kraptlon. of the DyspeasTa, LHM.*** of the Liver aad Midi Heart Dtaea.e, had General lability.


Volatile Solution of Tar a*'"]f 5wL A,TI°* ?^««A»daatloB of nEAT,

J« Mw ./ Of KJME, TBKOAT, «« Ll'.VOS. '


_..;««».'"•"""" •"•f~.ee oSS'i.'t', "fr^'"0"1"' <1"EM "

L. V. HTD1 * OO., ••Tabfelitnu mi nvritiruu

110 B. Hj 8tre.t. ge» Tort

Groat Inducements 11 PRICES REDUCED!



Wo have now the largest and beat aeeorted Hoc* Custom Made Furniture

In the United Stale*; aad la order to redaee tar Stock and keep our factorial In operation, we bare marked our goods down to the

Lowest Wholesale .Prices.

40 Style* Varlor Suit; from $SO to MiOOO, Walnut Chamber OtU, $00 U $1X00. Che*tnut Chamber Bete, from $40 to $»MO. rainted Chamber Bete, from $»B uu-mrd*. Asd every other article la the Furniture lin. accessary to furnlih a home complete.

floods carefully packed for transportation. We have an elegant Passenger Elevator ia take

our cuilomen to any Hory In oar building. The One Price System strictly adhered to.

HALEY, MORSE A CO., 411 Wt»hingttra Street,

UtmhllKb (Opp. Olob.Tb,MM,)t0»T0K.


Pulmonic Balsam, THE (HtSAT NEW ENOLAND

REMEDY. Masta's Pulmonio Balsam

Masta's Pulmonic Balsam

Hasta's Pulmonic Balsam Cuxx-t UoAasixtnn.

Masta's Pulmonic Balsam Ccaia fionc TIIKO.IT.

Masta's Pulmonic Balsam CVBJE.V naoncniTi*.

Masta's Pulmonic Balsam Ctaxa CBOLT.

Masta's Pulmonic Balsam CCBCS floor iso Co ton.

Masta's Pulmonic Balsam Ciai." AaniwA.

Masta's Pulmonic,Balsam Masta's Pulmonic Balsam


Masta's Pulmonic Balsam Ctlir* ADD ItELIBTI, AU, DlNBAIWI Or Till


ScienUf c and Fopnkr Modical Workt

Manhood, Womanhood, & Nervous Diseases,

4 Bulfinch Street, Bgttas, (Oppo.it. B«m* tooH.)

D,. ». a. rAjuuu. atjtett Kaaat,

un. a. r. amTnra A «... r„ .„„ a... SOLUTION & courousD KUXIK ,^HS,.ra5X,2It!1SL?.*»*'.r.r*i,

A"A™ toll, A Hetek for aver* Waanaa

SJ?S^fc»raaafeo--. aaa. ttmjJBim;^ joat.

A Booh for Kyeryb.dy. »^JtaTed by the reception of, aad great demand

for, tbe above valaable tad tlasety .reattse Till

S 2r;" af Uta ssoii import |' are Introduced M lAMlOTa^1Rs^iixaJ ixperieaoa la inch a* I—-e-keV...... £!'

VALCABLB nooas.-Wc hare ■--- ,,.. aablemed lea 1 woeha i.JKii.iT*JT/••*2N. '■•



'■■"•r- •oejarei ICchMOordar <w..

wife tSSS", .'u%TW£l"?.K."""•

iSSs "ibir.°! "*M '"•Ki'OM.rth...,,


sucoasoa TO "•■'tmiiii


OENT1HT, an Bssaa ST.,


ajr-Niiro.i BnaAJg Oas ' '

SarBafereaoe-Pacalty, Fhlia. DeaUl ColUge

ItewNo.SwSKaseiSt., (old Wo. Itf.)

The Diamond Glasses,

fee Mannia fared by J. E. S

■* —a xow - ■ lllba RSrSwwaV

MOST PERFECT, ».»™i, trtl„ui U, ,„ ft, ta_ v, „m

They arc ground under their owa tarjer.t.in- ^IAJSXLfflt?" MB»^■Vts7TOBar, ^adftiilJmnrTBBexw. *^tfmul^m\jaffiSTa and dertve their name. '■ Irbimoad," .VmXRA*-

thHr bardnen and brilliancy. ""*»BBt of The flefeDtlSc Prloelp], on which lhav are «,.

reetl^.'rrS? axrV^ "~»W ei tt. Lt.s'al:

f ti impoissdl *"■ i«raauitjr

IJ" mVm,3"1 B0W•■* whmTosWrr vole, rarmingtem. Main*, Sept.T.tmM'

Either book seat by mail oa receipt of price

jtrjggg ■„„„ „D CMtlSaSJw.



GIN. . ^ .f""' "d "—"TTa«aihi,i w»u_ Spg?,'/,""11 "'" «»« nnitai.

KIDNEY COMPLAINTS^ Imporua snd Bo»u.tl only by


»» V/tshingtoa Stmt, - - Boston. *» fej Aw H Ap.ii™,,.. ,„ BmtMl





ANDOVER* ADVERTISER, Every Friday Craning, by

OEO. 8. MERRILL eh CO., Proprletore.

Cor. EIMI and Appleton SU., Lawrence.


LwVJSwkajl M!G mo

tl.UJ 11.73 gl.ooj S3 :,< ..CO S.OO S.UU a.M T00| 9.D0 10.0H K.OI

13.00 11.00 lS.OQt i.'. » M.00| 13.00 33.00) 43.01

I rao. fl mo.

#.-..0.1 SI.OO $13.00 10.00' ).'..'«> woo 1H.00-' 10.0(1 30.00

- -1 100.00 ,*ju.l)0


M,UB1 »U.UI a.i.00- 3u.oo WJ». 100.00,:

Xor&UoflAla thano

•»jwr tquar* for Ur** liuertaon* or &•». Spieffl Not [CM n per cat. extra. BnalAMa Katlce*, praoadlnf Marriage, and

Death*, 13 ceata par Una, each Ineertlon..

Th* circulation of the. Lawrenc* Amerl- oa.n la Bon than THRHB TUIB that of any other Weekly paper published In

thlaelty. 4IS@?SI 4&?IifI§Ii,

j^he Sail,) 'Sfmeriecm IwBtjBBBBg


(Bandar *xc*pt*d,) l» I h» largeet Dally In the city, awl hat four flu*

lb* etrewiatloa ef aay «h*r.


Oae Tear, - • • g* 00 (Six Month*, • - »a » When aoipiid la ad react, •«.

LIBERAL ADVERTISING KATE*. ».iuujuua.i.u.u(H.o nuJW-ajJf-'j. i .eje


STEAM PRINTING OFFICE I* th* large*t aad moit thoroaghly fsjmlaftad la aaitua MaMaabaaatU. Hai-lag taa moat improved Btodarafttaaca.tadwitbaaattaataMltloafoftBa


and with oar extenatre variety el work, we are able to farnlah th* Beit Quality ef Work, expedl- lloe.ly, and at lev price*. Ordera by Mil prompt!* ailed.

GE0.8. MERRILL * 00., Proprietori,



Sewing Machine.

Simplicity, Durability Sf Beauty, IT "TANI1S I.NHIVAI.I.FD.

For Stir.rnimt, Hemming, Tucking, Fell- ing-, Quilting, Cording, Binding,

Jlrxluliig, Gathering and Hewing on Gathers,


in till, we hay, all that la praetloal la aay Family Machine.

We aall Machine* upon the

INSTALLMENT PLAN, Ihm paltlaf them within th* reach ef all par dee,

a for the put year, WL — * ehaned, to call aad HlW . iLdON, which le fait be

omlni the trading Machine of the United Statue. 8. K. LAWKKNCE, W. H. MOORE,

Aftruti for Lawrence, Haverbltl, And or* fim lor lawreict, ntiirum, uu tbaea, Bradford, Salem, wiudham

tmdz) ornca AXD SALXsaoom AT

No. 397 Essex Street, Lawrence. Old etaad of Moore t> Held'* Clothing Store.


Soap and Candle Factory, L. BBA.UU * BOH, rroprietora,

ataaafaotarera of

Scourintr s Fulling Soaps ror Woolen Mill., Bat Maenlaotoriei.eto,

Hard Soap, Caudles, Tallow, NBAT'S FOOT OIL, ETC

Corner of Lawrence & Maple Sts., i.l LAWHEIICE.



Oar Sftles the past year will convince all

That la partltakw the

American Cam Machine

11 wanted In thli market. It

The Batten Hotel will not ravel or wear oot, a* many interfiled la the sale of other aiaehlaea eeastaatly report. I challenge the world t« prove to the eeatrnry. It la a

Staunch, Smooth, Quiet Running,

Bully Managed aad Adjatted Machine la every partlealar.



FAIHY «eess,

Ooad aaaortaieBt. All are aew offered Low.

HATS, Beet atyle.,rre* St eeata to BM*. aeeaxdng te


Trimmed IUts, • 1.00, 11.28, • l.M).


are to be were much more than formerly, and wo erenow idling Nec-polllan, leghorn, Chip, elc, at vrav IIOIIHT raioal from former eeaioaa.— Onr eciortment !■ complete, and we tgala lollctt the aame liberal patroaaga that bat beea bestowed upon ui for tbe pait fifteen year* by the people ol Lawrence, Andover, Ne, Aadover,and Methuen,

MOUKNING GOODS. A complete anortmeat ooaatantly en head,

Kirnemhcr the old .land,—

305 Essex St. Corner of Lawrence St.


E. A. ARCHIBALD, Manufacturer of

Oast Iron Hubbed Wheels, By his Patent Press rroccsa.

Axles an* Running rarts few Team* Wagon.,

Of Beery Deaerlptlon,


aaySlaea thaaa Wheel* not only claim, but are proved to be io mneh taperlor to the ordinary Wheel, aad era WOT Koai airaauva, ao oae latereited ihoald fall to teat the matter for hlmaelf. '»7


haa removed from Aadever te

TS7S Eseex St., Lawrence. Nltrooi Oxide Oai adminlatered. Reference-a'acultT. Harvard Dental Collefie. Ho. in Biaex St., (over etor* of 8. B. W. Devta,

Tailor.) mm


Drain Pipe Co. W. A. KIMBALL A. CO.

have b*«a anpolnted Agratl fcr the ahove Com paay, aad orfrr their Stene Ware at

Wholesale Bt MBnufacturers* Price*. DBAJK PIPB, the very beet, aa low ai ether o!

tahrtor qaaUty.


wvsraa B "Tu°Eaia «aaaw^J*-4- S the llMdwu. Stor. of

W. A. KIMBALL * CO., J17 E«i«x Street, - - - Lawrenc*.

wa. ii«..i.r,. nil w. »■ «■»»»"■•

THE PLAIN AMERICAN la all we elalm for the earn eaeepl for

Button Holes and Oyersesming.

Haa Iota machinery, aad li eaeler to regelate than aay ether auohtno la the atarhet.

We giro onr whole time to the


Aad keep a

LARGER ASSORTMENT Than any other Agent (hi* tide of Boetoa.

We are aleo Agaata for the

For maaahetaring and Family Hewing. We have, alee, the


And many other hlnde, eoaataatly on bead, rang. lng In prloe from B5 to 01.4S.

We WAaaaax every Maehlae we e*H to give j-er/ecl -tu/actto*. We e*USBmw*mmaemt»tt dealred.

IKBTBDCTIODT laralahod either at atere or reetdeaoe gralaltoaaly.


Weed, Singer, Florence, Wheeler * Wllaoi. LeavtU.ead other Maehlnee, which w* will aall cheap at FIVB DOLLABS dowa, aad FIVBper month nnill paid for.

We are prepared to cloee oat

5000 Holla of GILT PAPER A.t COST!

(and It MtAliS 0«aT) to mahe room for Hew Stoek for Fall Trade. WillTfOBU t BICX.

EDWARD FLYNN Wlehei to make known (o the cltlien* of Law- rence that ha ha* eolarned hit Qreen Hoaae and ■tock of i*i.ANTH, which he now Invitee the public to examine, I do boldly aay there 1* nothing In theeity to eompare with my atoek ■! riavti. My

Verbena* and Coranlums are iplentliJ. 1 have a floe aieortment of

Plant* for filling Buketa nnd Rantie Stand*.

I have nn* largo Qeranlomi, of all tbadea of color, for fllllng Vaaee; alao,

Bouquet*, Baskets of Cut Flowers, and other Deooratlon* for Part lei, Weddlnge, and Fanerala, arranged to order at ihort nutlce.

Green House, No. £6 Meadow St., LAWKBxCrl.

KD WAR D FLTMH. . htr.^lynn will opoae iiwnrn* THS.aALa

Eetei Street, orrooiva J, D. DBBWS Diano SALOOF. neawl

Ctmmoritei*Uk of l/tn*ich>ntlt:

Baaax,as. PBOBATH CULRI. To all peraen* Interfiled In the eemto liven In

tmat,nr the booedt of HANNAH «. HKOWN, da.i»teroIthewiUtrli,«ndMAltV B.PHBLPS. by ibe It.i will and tenement of BAB AH PASHu ef Lawrence, In *ald connty (wife of Henry K Paiha), aeaeneed. teil.te. mmBBfWj

WuariKAa, Jaeob W. Barnard, trustee of *ai<l aelate, bai prnaenied to *ald court hli petition praying thai he may be empowered and lioeeeed to Mil and eonrey certain real eatate held In treat a* aforeeald.

Ton are hereby .Ited to appear at a Probate Ceart to he bolden at Saleta in mid connty of Bnanx, on the Bret Toeeday of June next, at nine o'clock in th* forenoon, to ahow eauee. If any you have, egaloit the aame.

And eald petitioner li ordered Io eerve thl* cita- tion by de.IU.rlag a ropy thereof to each Of yen fourteen day*. *I ***»■ oefore aeld conn, or by pablleblne tbe eama oae* ■ week fcr three ene.ee ■We week), In th* Lawrence American aad Ando- ver Adeartleer, a nawenaper printed at Lawrence, the latl publication to be two day* at leait, before eald Conrt.

Wltaeat, Saoaax F. CBOATR, KenuIre, Judge of Hid Conrt, thli ninth day of May, la the year ~i-*iteeo h-""*"


CommontMattk of Vauachuitfll.

Eaaxx. aa. Supreme Judicial Court, April Term, A.D.HTl"


la th* above entitled libel for dleoree. It I* now ordered, that a decree of divorce from the bond ol matrimony he entered hi favor of the mid Blueaeth Bine for the eanee of the adnlt.ry of the lead Jatae. Blue, to be made abaoluie on motion after the expiration of >li moniha from the tint publi- cation of tble decree, upon compliance with the tarn* tb.reel, nalea. mfflclcat cam. to the eon- trary ahatl appear,

And the tlbeilant I* required to publlih aa aoon ae may be, an atteatrd oopy of tble order in th. Lawrence American and Andover Advertlter,

■hew oeaee, if eny the* have, why eald finer* ■hould not bemad* abaolat*.

By the Conrt, A. A. ABBOTT, Clerk.

Cerr-AtUal, •tml) A.A. ABBOTT, Clark.


Co ftmonKxalfh of iiaitachutttt, B«*KX, *■■ MAT II. A. n., 1871.

By vine* of an execntlon which litued on a Judgment n faeer of CHABLB8 W.Curt'lN and ASA U.KNOX both of Lawrence, la laid count j, eo-p urine re, at tbe leet term of the Superior Court lor aetd eenaty, aralntt HAKY LBVKLLY alia. MAKIA LBVAL1.V of eald Liwrrnre. I have

-that the eald Mar; md on the eleventh

taken all tbe right In equity that Ibe (aid Ml Leeellr *Uaa Maria l.evallr had on the oleveL.^ day of Febraary laat, tbe dar when the lame wa. attached on meiee proceee, or now haa, aoenalnmertgegedrraleeutelaylui In eald Law- rence, and tbe e.m. that li deicrlbed la . mort- gageaeed thereof from Maria Laeeller W Ambroia Ko.aller.datcd July Mih,A.D.,lMD aad record* ed with En ex Deed., Southern Dlitriet, Booh 778. Leaf .07. And on tbe Hth day ol Jaue aixtatS o'clock F. M„ at my office No. 330 Bieex etreet. In inld Lawrence, I ahall offer for li!*. to the hlfheet bidder, at public auction, eald right In eqalt* of redemption, to latlify laid exe- cution nod ail frei and charec* of tale.

C1IA3. K. OOSS, Deputy Sheriff,

Wheeler <t Wilson's

Sewing Machine

The Best in the World.

i WADLEIGH, - - ABetst,

305 Essex Street,

Comer of Lawrence Street, Lawrence.


CoMittnnweoith of Ma*tatkuutti. BaaBx.ai, H«T lit. iwi.

By eirtue ol an execution which limed on a JadjmentlniaTorort'ilABLKHH.MKBKILL, ol Lawrence, la laid county, el the laat term of the rJuperlor Coert for laid county, anelnit JKIiB- MIAU J.O'8ULLlVA-t,of ialdl*wr*nce,l have takea all the right la equity that the held Jeremiah J.O'SullWan had o. the flat day of Febraary, A. D. 1S70, the day when tbe name wee apeeUUy at- tached oa meine proeera, or now ha*, to redeem a eettala mortgaged real eetale lying In aaJd Law* "yiM !g ggjL«M i^plrtfiiaHHKfe A. D-, ie7t, aid reeordei la the "orObm Me- tric* of Bmex Begwlryof Bwoda.Booka. Leaf MS. Aad oa th* fourteenth day oT Jna* next, at J o'clock la the afternoon, at my offlre, Ivo, BAiax St.. In aeld Lawrervoe, I iball offer for .... to the hlgbeat Udder, by public auction, laid riant ineqeltyof rcdempUon to eaUafy laid eiecuUou

»*•"*""" •""•'""%•.,. .. OOM, Mil 1XV"I ».wiff-




Are opealag, this week, the Caolceet Line of

Spring; Dress Goods leer offered to Ike La wren* e trade, la

Silk Poplins, French DlsgonaU, Black ami White Plaids, Poplins,

Pongee Mohairs;

Hvery Novelty of the ■«»


We ere Better Prepared than ETST

To give oar Patron* aa


Prices that will Satisfy All!

Twenty-five Ps. Colored Alpacs,

At the Low trie, of SO eeatf, wide width*, aad a large AMortmrat of onr



Black Alpaca At IVry torn Price*.

BLACK BHILLIftHTINE, Of tarn* Famoa* Make, at tonally low price.


Hosiery, Gloves,

la Great Variety.



General Sewing Machine Agency,

164 Euex it., Lawrence.

$30,000,000 Insurance Capital Bepreeented.

LIFE. «Wfc.fH«t/M., iM«.»i».110.«M

jVTb. .Bin.'. r*t.. w. towwthMMjMWr 00BPM7.

State Mutuil Lift Aswrance Co., of woiM*t«r, H..i.

Chartered 184*.


«... -pmiuKBi,-. a n«.iia. 'Jl{B?i I»1VU>KNL>3 "' ,urplu..-C0»THIBUTlO.

AtMuCW'»"»-roRr«iTiBLj«:«. .. I— nt y.ii.chnietti.iivlagtelheaieeareioa


SSnfimiSmtinBmS S5 all li. liaa". ", U«ll ourll, U,H *•**■

Warrens' Roofing.

prtvat* Vree City

INSTJKANOE AOBNOY. I jg^jgZtt&SOSJi m. «.«X IT.. LAWREftCE. ^^^S^^^

tor ti«(« «»r, with WarwM" HO«.i| «. »•» riifa ao..K » ■ pry fSJJJEjSjsiS 1! Srto, to aiTtilil tlVal I a" ~iTara»t .lib, a. c,pt«.pp.r. '"""CTiKTOK.Ar.mu.l.

!»'**" U0UMII., ooppor, and ^"^ WBABLEB, Arohltart.

The above teeUaaonlaU, from the leading Ar- •hltect* In Beaten. Indloet* the value in which the ahove Beodag I* held in that elty.

I. ao preeediag year ha. *o many KM""*" DwaLLliva. beea mrv.rrf with It sadarlagtha U*t. IU luperlorlty hai never heen cjaeetloned 'where longeet U nee.

The pnbllo are cauUonsd not to be

misled by any other material, similar In

appearance, and represented to be the

same as WABRBMB'.

ai-The naderetgned I* alone anthorlaed te ae* Warren*' BooSag In thle vicinity, where, daring ibe pa*- nla* year*, be ha* covcrad many valuable bail.tln|er-in the aagreiaie, handred. of ihoui-

id* iqaara feet of aorfaee. Prepered with emote mean* and faollltlM for

the continued proeeeutlon of the boilnew, and tfaaakfhl to bla frlenda and the pnbllo for lavon |D the peat, he will hereafter execute all work louaited io him with fldelii- and dlepnteh.

To Whom it may Concern Thli li to certify that we have > "•"•**** *" •-

Tnbalar Well with lUfWJ^fjS; srfiAf.V£«,and they work to eueatl»*"*-*- faotion, gtvlaga good lopply of water, wee elder li the BBST Strainer In uie, *»*WO raoommend lUem to the public a* worthy their attention. ■ ■ „ Lowell Mannf f Co., by Sam'l Fey.Bep't, Lowell. William Paraoni, (two) Lowell, p. a. Bmlth, JameiHllei, Adam Amhreie,

w'a.hliSo'n'lKlu, b, W. H. Sallrtary, Agent,

BMtoo'anT'iuine Railroad, by J... T. Barber,

SIIEHIFF'S SALE. CimmonttalO. of tfattachuttitt.

Baaax, aa. April »th. A. P. H7I. Bv Tirtue of an eiecution which limed on a

JudKB..nl in faror of OBOBOIC H. HABSTOH of Lewrenoe, In *»ld ouontj.at the Uaiurmol th* Sanerler Court for eald county, agatnit OATBABINB LABAN, of *>ld Lawrence. I

taken all the right la equity that Ue ma „-,-»tlue Lahao had on ibe twrtfth day ol Jaau- are laat, (the day when the earn* wee attached on mean* proceei.f or now ha* to redeem a oertaln mortgaged real *«ate lying la ..Id Lawrenoe, belne trie place whi-reoa lie aald Catharine La- han Sow llvea, aad the lame that la dewrlbed in a dead thereof iron Allen Hulilean to Catharine SnlliTan, anted the ilxteenth day of Ueoember, A. 1). 1*01, r.corded In the then Keg lit re of feed, far wldoouaty.bootrtl, leaf leO. And oath* aa.Vi.NTii day ef Jane neat, at TWO o'clock, P. hi., at my OiOee, No.KIi B.aex etreet, In aald Lawrence, I .U.U oSer for iale by pabUoancUoa, te th* hlgheil bidder, aeld tight In eqaltr ef re- aenulien. to latlafr eald eneeallOB and all fee* aad eharg'e.of aalef CUAS;B. OOSS,

Htuiyl Deputy Sheriff

C®hc ^Crner-ican. LA WHENCE. FRIDAY. MAY 19,1871

Cloak Departm't 1. aow OD.1. aad wa are

Reedy to Receive Order, for Gar- menta.


260 Eiaaz St., Lawrenoe.

W. A. ""'J,'» ■"""*" ..." leaae Btak*, SI Oxford il reet,

Peter IIolihaii, Andrew htoeney, Joieph Ueginbotham

The above certUeate ipeahi for Iteelf, yet « doe. not eonuin but few of the many name*

NOTICE. Motion la hereby given that th* eopertnerebrp

heretofore eaiatlPS hetureea ktaaati-L a Duxoix, la thli day dlaHlVed by mntnal coaieat. All do. mandidaeby the Srm, will be prelented to Geo. W. Merrill Ibr payment j and all account! da* the arm. will be paid te the tame. _ * ^m ^ OKOBUE W. MBBBILL,

BORACB J.DDBQIB. Lawrenee, Hay 1,1ST1, Sllmyl-

Conetrtaerablp Holies.

The uuderilgned have thli daj formed i £,rtaeri*lp under "

Co,, it number •der the firm name of J. D. Bdioa tnher IIS Broedwav, corner of I

erhiil it reel, Lawrence, Mall. J. D. BOSON, A. K. nrxVEXB.

Mar lit, 1171. ltno-mlJ

which might be edded to It. The inbicrlben here the exclude* right la pnt

down IMS Welli in Lbli etty and vidnlty. Thli It e NEW STBAISEB, lately ?«•»***.

wd peraona wUhlag to p.robaae the rlgjrt U, pal down Well! in other place*, or wUhlag Welli pat down, will pleeae write to or call on ta.T3wleodepl7 tAMnWmM A TCCKB.M,

478 Essex Btreet. Uwrenoe, Msss.

Atelgnre'a Nolirr.

"BDWABD C. DUIiOin, Aialgaor. nararhill. April S6th, 1871. apSSSt

IB Uaukmplcy. DletrletOf Mam.,*e.

TbU li to give notice that I have tin. day beea ppointed aaalgneeof thoetuteof MEBBIAM, KHK8 a CO,, of Bo*ton.

JOHNC.UAYfiEB Boetoa, Mays, lin. m>l!

wi!Sfli*rff PRESENTS.

A dole. MlMtt.. of JHlwJJar. ti fa;

Ptfaar., Caa. tuM. SlUar Pl.t.,,, V...,,

ko., with w aaaartaaaar of TlMa Wat*, aa

LU1... Wapkla .laaa. ftra^.. PVpOaa*. «ah,

aid BatUt Kal.aa1 Porlta aid Bpooaa.

Alao, a too. Uaa of CLOCKS, U .rtM*.

BoMwood, aid ITalaat. aaltabla far Partor, Wa-

li. ROOM, .id Ofo. t*t.

A .oaH.llr aada of WATCH RarAtiiat, !a

all It, branch...

Toor favor, ara rMportfoll, aolldt.d.


300 Eaaex itreet, Lawrenoe


Common Street, near th. Depot, aaaf ]■!•> Laarmaa, Ma...


1.8..17 eu.eM JM.BOO »73.»'7 <as,3i<

PIBE Fr..klla.orPWIad.lpl.U, ."•"♦^■^; BOTH. °f aiaiaid. Hid. aad Leathar, Boitoi Bar B*a»a, Woroaal.r, Bnt.rprtaa. P.aa., Ftr.tnoo'., N.w York, Buffalo F. M.. Haw York, Woatctia.tar, "

PoU.L. lafaad aid lo.~a Pronpllr 'id •"■«■ .hi, »ojo.t.d at »r oa...

1..51S.." ™a~< if '•'.• «•-•ri aaaaaa* mZ -a • "il '•'•" "aaaaae raw P."""


Hide and Leather Inturance Co., of Boatoa.Haa*.

Capital. »9OO,O0O.0O

AlMUi 41.1,300.(10

JOHN EDWARDS, 1883 Eaaex Street, - - Lawrence,

sTEMEoaacorEei. " ALBima.


E. * H. T. AUTHOR» * COM1-V,

691 Broadway, Now York,

lo.Ua tb. alt.iUo.of tk. Trad. 1. tf '''•"£, ,l.« aawrtnint or th. .bo™ lood.. of tarjr <H™

Alao, PBOIO LAaraan •"»«-BO,com. HKW VIEWS Or TOBBMITE.

K. a II. T. AlfTHOMT dv CO.,

Hi BnotDWAT, Baw Yon,

imf IfeSS Oppoelte MrtropoUIan Belel,

laroaTaiu A»D MAiirrAcrunana or


Ton know how It is, joorKelf- RBMOVAlT EEMOVAL,


183 Essex St., I. A. Whltcomb's Old Stand,

3d Door Above Jackeon St-,

Where w* ihall earry the LABnEST ft riBBST .too" of Men*., YontVi, Boj*' aad Uhlldren'e

CLOTHING, Furnishing Goods, Hits, C»p»,

Trunk*, Taliaea. Baga, Ae., 4r.,

to be found In Lawrence; »nd n°d"l» .nth* State can UNDKIMKLL ui.aod no dealer ran arrVrd fo, beoau.e no Oealer can do h.«• nea. at --T ■mailer expend tbaa we. aad uo dealer In Law- reno* *elli »o many Uoodi.

Thank!** SSf *o.tomrr* lor their "bera pat- ronige in "me. part, we hope to merit a ooatlna- anaa of their favora la the luturc.

vye .hall be happy to *ee JOB, one end all, at ir n*w eland,—




liiioninlHovonuo. Sixth Msma. Dlatrtet.

Annual AflscsBment for 1871. Wollce I* hereby given that on

Tt.KADAY and WEDNESDAY, the 93d BBS, 31th day" «f Mar, l«H

from ID o'clock, A. I!., te i P. H., appeal* will be received and determined by tbe Aiteilor, at hi* Oatee, IS CITY BQi-ABX.Cbarleitowa, "relative to aay erroneoni or exceailre valnattoni, aaaeii- mettli, or enumerallom by the A.tea.or or Ai- alnant Aireaaor. returned In Ihe annual Hit" for the year 1*71.

Said i.irt* will contain Aneiimcuti ibr In- oomei of lt;o, and Special Taxei for IB7I; and on the aforcaald day* and time named, *ald llata will be opened for the Inapeetton of partlee who ma* apply for that purpnae, whoae narari are ooaialn- edupoa aaldlltl*.

All appeal* muit ba made In writing ilgned by tbe Appellant, and muit " ipeelfy the particular eauae, matter, or thing reipeedng whleb a dreli- Ion II reqneeted, and gad ground or principle ol error complained of."

Salem Shade Fixture. Spring Wtrrexted, only SOr.

Brsy's Spring FlxM-ma. (Hoot Spring FiKtures.

Putnam'a. And all others In the market

WHITFOKD * miCJK, *%!» to Joha «3. Dow ft Co.


Fruit and Ornamental 'Frees.

now nion UP is THAT •J t Answer—183 Basei alieet.


OR APE VINES at Sfta-BaBltyl

Order Bon at A. J. lAUrMBTfCO'8, MM ;m«Str*rt,Uwr.«*. ' ^ QM

Methnen.AarilUth.iri. U

1JS«wh(j ^twroe ^reintieB


The fealnre of the newt, tbla week, hat been the army la-aolont In Beaton. At that of the Army' of the Potomac, at the Globe Theatre, there were present Oeas. Meadc, McDowell, Hooker, Login, Buratfde, Cottar, Kllpetrlctc, and oiher well known heroe*. Kbcrldtn ar- rived aad waa introduced aa "a young man from Germany.■' Uij. On. Hooker wa* circl- ed president of the Society. Gen. Sherldea, Who comet from Europe, If poulble more jolly than ever, wet elected Pre,,dent of the cavalry Amwlatlon. There have been leveral other gatherlnge-

There (■ nothing of Importance from Pnrta. The commune b "getting even" on Gen. Boa. sal by declaring hfm a traitor, and tarrender- la| Fort Issj at a part of the programme to betray Paris. They charge him with belag bribed. They hare forbid all religions intlrao thin. The goreniraeni conUnnee to gain,

The N*w Torfc Union Uagve have adopled retolwioo* taankJag the Connecticut Leg^ala-

expotlng the groti and traoiparent desKKfatk riwod la New Haven. Thar acquit

Tammaay of Hew York, altogether, oT bavlag anything to do with It, became It was to craaully exfeated.

The sherllh of Contra Ooeta and Monterey conn tie*, In California, with a party, aarroond- ed a gang of Mexican robbers aod murderer* la the Ceatt BaaBe ef monntain,, aad captured them, after a tatwparaia ftght. Aiaa Sow, tbe leader of the robber*, waa killed after he had fired five *boi*.

Cambridge, at the recent beer election, de- dded, by a nsjortrr of renrteen, gggbnt beer telling; but la the first cste that came before the Court, ft was mled that (here was no pen- ally attached to the offence. Coniequeoilr, all the townt voting so, have voted In vela.

A young wife waa Indaced to detert a good hnibaad In Newark, N. J., and ran off with hit "friend" to California. Newt have been re- ceived that the hat ibot her tedriccr dead, and committed tnlclde.

The yellow fever It raging fearfully In Btfe no* Ay re*, South America. The accounts are frightful; 000 died April U. Two-tblrdl Of Ihe Inhablanlta have fled from the city.

An extra freight train ran Into another, near Utlca, N. T., Friday. Five children were killed, aod 13 adalta badly Injared. The Sit- ten of Charity cared for tbe latter.

Tbe Cobure and Mace prlxe fight, which *■«, luterrapted in Canada, will come off among Ihe heathen of Kantaa City, Mo., where there il not likely to be any Interruption.

/ohn Sawyw, a contractor, wat robbed of 9*300 by three men on tbe highway, near Por- ter, He., oa Twaaday aoon (May 8th).

The tea hoar Mil has been defeated In the Maaiachuttttt Senate. Eigbl yeaa, 33 nayt.

Snow I* itill three feet deep in the vicinity of Maaeardle, Me , aad *lx lacbea near Dslton.

A block of etoret la Ryan, Teaaa, wat bnmed Tharadey. Loet, »1»,000.

MOirn AY.

Fort Vanvret baa been captured by the tov- ' erament txoopa, with fifty cannon aad eight mortem; thegarrlaon made their etcape by an underground pateage to Fort Montrogae, another commualtt ttronghold. The Pan* vaadeJt have deetroyed the elegant home of Tatars which coat #100,000, and alto that of Fern; they have ordered all the furniture of the palaces to be aold, and wilt pocket tbe pro- ceed*; the rebela attempted a aortic by the Daaphlne gate, but tbe column waa blown to piece* by the government gune; tbirtr them- tand men are ready to make aa entry Into Pa- rti, and Galllfet'B cavalry aretoclaariheitreeu. The Tillage* of Itty and Autenll an la (ho hands of the government; tbe clerki of the Bank of France propoae to defend It from further TUIU of the rebel*; tbe decent people now feel certain that the government will be able to aid them quickly; ibooa of ihe Na- tional Onard who have anttained Ibe rebela are getting dlecoaraged, and are leaving lor their home* In great number*.

Fighting Joe Hooker gave bl* Irlead Oen. Cowdln, a leading democrat, and the old llrat

regiment who are nut leading democrats, a piece or Information SatordaT night, which everr reasonable man knows is correct. He laid. •' Uwaa well oa (ke whole that the war wat not acmaer ended, aa It would have broken oat agala, but It was ascsesary that every man of the rehelt ihoald be eent, and every dollar they could raiae,expended; these tame rebels weald go (o war again now, bnl they have nothing to go with."

It It aaid that the treaty of Watblogton waa stolen from the detk of a senator by hit clerk, copied, and tbe copy told to tbe New York TWfcw»« for 11000. It bad been agreed that it ihould sot be printed. Several " eaterpriilng" New Yorh rerretpondentt bare given teeret aeolon tpwechea of Mr. Simmer agalntt tbe treaty, which be utterly den lei having made.

The Emperor and Empress of Brazil will ar- rive In thli country nest October, and remain two months. Be hi a very tall gentleman, tbont fifty yeare nl •<*, in* very unpretend- ing | the Emperor ha* been a iteadfait friend of Americana during hi* long reign.

Two Bpanlardt were bung In New Qrleana for the ronrrltr of a aallor. One of (be cul- prit* ipll upon the crowd at ibe gallow*.

Baron Qerolt, Iale the German mtnlrtcr a( WsabJngton, |i on hit way horns, having lieen recalled.


The Lamentable, Failure of His Flret Expedition.


(wk-li is In tbe State of Kentucky,) April 10th, 1671.

WB her our distinct clemenco wlcli go

t otnake np the sum total uv sosiety in

this immejit visinitj, namely: llegler

oltlxons, dlggore, carpet-haKgern, and

scalawngs. Tho rogier citizens are

Uiem which ore white, native and to tbe

manner born, and w.ch either served In

or bowled- foe the ennfodrit army^ the

scmiawaBS ore white natives uv the sa-

cred soil wich disgraced theinelres

sympathizing with the North dooriu' the

late Trstrisidle struggle; tho niggers are

niggers of ali colors, and the carpet-bag-

gers are unsettled Northern men who

come here and buy property and im-

prove it and stay—who are not in ackord

with thvprevailln' sentiment—which is

to say who are not democrats. Joo

Blgler Is a scalawag, Pollock Is a carpet-

bagger, and Elijcr Lnbbock, tbe post-

master. Is uv course a nigger, and these

are fair types uv their class.

The corners hei alms felt justly irri-

tated against these laat classes, for com-

bine them and give them a chance, and

they retjly hev a majority in the town-

ship. It took the most vigorous and

vociferous oountin this spring to keep

Issaker Gavitt from beln beet for asses-

sor by a nigger named Joins, notwlth-

standin that our challengln committee

all stood at the polls with clubs and

kept more than fifty nv om from votin

at all. Tho closenis of this eleckshen

and other causes nv Irritnnhcn deter-

mined us to clean ont the entire billn uv

em. We ooodent lire with cm. They

bed got a just la uv the peoeo and n con-

stable over at GarrctUtown, and the

nigger wlch workt for us would suo us

when we refoosed to pay—they woodent

palcmlso Dascom, and stubbornly re-

foosed to vote the ticket wo giro em.

Wo wanted no trouble. Wo wanted om

to go pcaceablo, and when, and after we

gave cm wunln to leave (he country,

and thoy refoosed to go. we Improvlzed

a teroprary knkiux ktan, uv wich I was

yoonanlmously elected chief. With my

accustomed rigger I called n council,

and selected the ground onto wlch wo

win to operate first. Tho north rood

leadln to Garretlstown wuz settled for

five miles ont with niggers, oarpet-bsg-

gers and scalawags exclooslvely, and it was resolved to clean that crat, and I

TnaShawmut building and other property wat burned In Marlilehead, Sundae; 1o*i, «J V 000.

Two New Jeney women commlitfd SBleMa Saturday, by kindling Are. with kerotrne.

afoore'i hat factory at Bellvllle, X. J., wa* burned Saturday; IOH, ffM.OOO.

Anber, tbe great mnilral corapoier, I* dead. 11* waa 89 ytart of age.

trnr clothed in long blaok robes, wkh

white skulls and cross bones proloosely

stitched on all orer em—onr bate wus

nv the oonfodrit slouch style, with same

cheerful Insignia onto em, and our faces

wnaklrered with masks onto which wus

the loiters or the order "K. K. K." We

won armed with rifles, shot gun* nnd

knives^—each man hevln of course a bot-

tle. Wa wuz all'mounted, and that ous-

sid idee uv mountiu was tbe okkaelon uv

the ftilyoor uv the expedition, so far es

I wus consented. I nni not it horseman—I despise a

horse. I am Afraid uv 'cm, and the

broots, with a sagacity bard to account

for, know It, and tako advantag uv It.

I wantld Basoom's mule, which UftBtld-

dy goin' animal, but ho wns a goln'to

ride that hisself, and I wus compelled to

go to Pollock and hire a boss uv blm.

Cusses on that boss 1 cusses on Pollock I

and especially cusses on Joe Blgler.

When Joo offlshusly offered to saddle

that boss and bring blm out to me, I In-

stinctively felt that there wuz trouble

ahead. Ho brought her out, saddled. She

wus ft tall, gaunt animal, seventeen

bands high, bard bitted, bard-trottin',

and with no more Idea uv a gentle am-

ble or gallop, than a hog has uv Sunday.

She trots—a hard, uglj trot—with tho

bit atween her teeth, uB>po kin no

moro stop her wheB*sfi» gits agoin* than

you cood a crowd of Crossroftders when

somebody sez "Let's tako suUiin."

1 mounted bcr, however, and struck

out at the head uv the company. I bed

on a Cooledrlt saber, nnd notwithstand-

in' tbe fact, that I bed to hold on to the

mane uv my warlike steed with one

hand, to keep on, I managed to ride out

with a tollable marshal air.

"Prldo goolh before a fall." Wo lied

ridden four miles when I observed ft

restlessness on the part uv my stood wich I didn't like. Bhe wuz ft sl.yln'

from ono side nv the road to tho other;

she wns a hlstin' up her hind legs and

snorthV AS though sho was possessed.

At tbls ralnlt I tanker Gavitt sejcsled the

propriety of a halt for refreshments.

"Certain," sez I, "ef I kin ever git t

j Ilii« cussed mam to stsnd still long onolT. j

and the botttle with tho other. Kite

abed of me wus Garretstown.and I cood

soe the niggers, alreddy in the streets

watohln' the strange apparition that vu

oomln.' Into tho village X rods, when

the vlshus broot turned a corner snddin-

ly, sllngln' me from Us back ez a boy

throws a stun. Over and over I went,

landln' Anally In a ditch aside uv tbe

road, where I lay olutohbV my bottle,


There wuz about thirty or forty nig-

gers about sue, and I was s ly In' In front

ol the town pump, and Immejitly under

the spout thereof. Ono gray headed

niaTger who preaches to the rest uv 'em, remark!:

'Bredln, dls yer misguided man Is

one ob dem dlsturbln ku kluxes. Wsl

she! we do wid him?' 1 Hang him, bang him!' sbontld they

all In korns.

'Mercy! Mercy!' I sohrleckt insgony.

' I ain't no ku klnx. I—'

* Don't go for to add lies to your od-

der sins/ sed the old man; ' of you alnt

no ku klnx, wat does you wear dat y con-

iform fur? Why dls sword and plstolsp'

There was a brief conaultnahun uv

the eldor ones, while the young nig-

gers wus riggin' ft rope to ■ tree. I

laying the while shiverin, with an ague

St uv fear.

' Hang him V shouted one.

' Barn him!' shouted another.

' Bredren,' said the old man, 'dem

punishments Is too lite. I'll sarre him

out. Put him under the spout,' said the

hoary headed old wretch, • and—pump


How long that cussed stream wuz

pourod out onto me I know not, for I

wos in a state of somi-uuoonshusnus,

all the time. When thoy bad nmoozed

tholrsolves sutllihantly In that way. the

white boadod old villain (ho ought to

bov been chief torturer In A Spanish In-

quisition) took a quart cup and filltn it

with water, sod, without relaxiu a sin-

gle mussel uv his stern face, ' Drink il."

' Mao! man!' I shrieked lit agony,

' hcv yoo no rooroy! Hev yeo no bowels

uv coinposiiun! Do yoo know wot yoo

require ur nn .' Take nnd hnng me and

bo done with it. I will not drink It. I

never did—I cannot.

But wild with laughter ilioso grluniu

fcomls eeescd mo and holdin upon my

jaws poured a full quart uv that floold

down me, and peltln me for ttftecu min-

im with mud and slcli tblnga. left me.

of BaaconVs dellrous, that I was put to

bed with Inflaniasheu ur my bowels,

and that my life was despaired ur for

two woeks. I did not lack for attend-

ance. I owe every man In tbe Corners,

and they wntched mo with lender aoils- eltood. Tho only gratification I lied to

to know that after my horse run awny

with mo, the rost uv tho party made it

lively for tho niggers and carpet bag-

gers on tho other road. They whipped

twelve uv cm, shot two who resisted,

and burnt thrco houses and four bnrns.

I hev written out a nut em cut of the

outrage inflicted onto me and sent it to

Washington. Bnt I her no Idee that il

will effect anything. I don't suppose

that when that butcher Grant reads it

that he will admit that we hev to desl

with dangerous classes, or will tako any

steps fur protection ur us, or glvin' me

redress. It will be jest like blm to send

a squat! of federal cavalry down here to

arrest and Imprison us, rKTBOLSUK V. NiBBT.

(wich wuz Postmaster.) p. 8.—I have jutt learned that lhat

villin Blgler, aided and abetted by that other villin Pollock, pat n plaster of Spanish flies under tbe saddle of the hosa he give me, which article will make a blister In about twenty ininniti! That akouuts for her cavortin—that nkotinla lor her klckin, snortinand Infernal rnn- nln away! Blgler callod on me and con- fessed It. lie said, with a grin on his faco, that the maro wss dull and lazy, and he desired for my sake, to Improve her ncksboii! Tho scounercl.

r« v,!».

-£) a m e (S>o»»ip.

Spinners are advertised for at ihe Arlirigton mill..

The ladies were ont In full bloom Sunday, and the lilacs will be, ihortly.

Jobo Medina m Co. may be called "Tired nature'* tweet (Lair) r*at©ren."

Col. Heal never Interfere* with the ben lo the rnuilc at the Choral Union r rbeareali.

The Baaex Company bare set o*» trees all along the eoith aide of the South Bide Quasi.

Toe Common It an amiable laathatloa. Il never gets out of temper w ben any oae croeaci It.

Mr. Kmerson, ibe architect, though an hon- «tl gentleman, will turn ont a navooawof Uises daft.

Joha PennJman don't think bo has a right to keen open Sunday*, beoanse be rnnt a moating bouts.

.The couplee who tangaUb on the teati on the Common Sunday nlgbt, evidently don't believe In lbs rule or three.

Hodg—man It a man who tell* at Ion- rate*. Tbe Boaton Anna which adrerltat to Immense- ly cheap, get SIS for a garment which our neighbor only pretend* to a.k So for.

Mr. Phillip Teaton left, Tbnredty, (Utb) for Hampton Heach to get tbe Ocean llonte ready to receive tuu.mcr visitor*. Us hat already bad a large nnmber of application* lor roomt.

Tbs iplritoallau are holding some vary pretty and agreeable dancing parttee at Webiter Hall, corner ol Crote ilrcci and Broadway,and tome very pretty end tgreeable female partita attend them.

Tbe large tent of the New Tork Circus «u well ailed In the afternoon, sod packed In tbe evening. The performance waa hardly a* good at that of (he *ame company, but year, and the big monkey, the "Cjnocepbalui," wa*

decided failure. Tbe uthert packed and Jammed Ibe people at If they were ctille In-

read ot litiman being".

The wooden tcboot honte building st tbe rear of tbe iTIgb School, wat aold on Saturday for S790, to Mr. Thorn** Cfteilley t the church lot on Morion street, 60 by ISO, went for fif- teen cent* per foot, 7300 feet S82A, al auction by Ptdrick He Cloiion; (ho tame flrtn hive told the KUIMII estate, llaverhlll "i»r+i, Towr III)', for SUO" to .lames Conner.

tin. Sarah Clary, who ntjj found drowortl In a hogabend of watt r Mink In the ground, at No. 10 Common Street, early Haturduy morn- ing, bad been employed in the kitchen at No. 2D Atlantic. She left the honrt (he evenlttg before; (he woman ba* leveral Hmea been Im- lore the Polko Court lor Intoxication, and via" about iliin.v.iiie yenrtof age. Mr.I'ort«r, the undertaker, took charge ol tbe remain*. -

It la (o Its regretted (lint Ked O'BaldwIn, tlto prize fighter, did not remain a mldont ef I-aw- re nee tome time longer. He behaved Itlmrelf very well litre, but at toon at he got within the limlti of that wUavable New Votk, ha li

P. J. STUMK, Aiieivor. iiimoR'a Orrion,

Cbaricitown, May B, Wl. atmjt*

Essex Company. Th* Ettax r.ijij'ANY hereby |lv. notice that

th. auioiiot of ttie Capital girth ef Ihe Company Il Xlght Huodred ll.un.an.l D»lll ■aiiaaineuta u|>o» wlilrli have bnn actually paid in; aad that oa the WiU day of April, th* annual account! werecloaed, the bo aha allowed tbe Company to be free from d.b;,

WU.W. TUOfigK. I'r.-.i !--■■.

c« A?.-. B: B.T5.).1?.lto.^' )


GHAI. A. GOL1WM1TII, ■• »•!


Second Door West of Stone Church.

Your choice of any in the market

W. HAGEBrt 199 Essex St.. Lswrtnce.



Uwrenee, May S, IM1. :ili,;jl .

W11H1H>W SHADES. W* have Juat received from the heal manutae-

lareri In W«w York and lloitom a Mu»t l«eilrabl* Anortmeat or BUADKB for farlora, Klieheat,

SSrWe challenge the purctia er io Bud a more MmpleteaadMleetaaeartmeat ID kiaea Couaty. fricei lawerthaa ever before. _.

WHITrOBD ft B1CK, a« *••*» it.

4«o f«.«.ifo.v *r.—m

New Flourf Grain Store,




A il kind* of

Field «fc Cirass Seeds. Fleetm, Urauad Bone, Bftiwyftau.

Oat Straw lor Bcdi, and Beds Filled.

No. 4*0 Common street, Lawrence,




The " Hpri&g meeting!," which mine of our cltrgy are attending, are not >oppo*ed to le hortc race* ot that name.

MUI Minnie 0. Sway**, late of Vaitar Col- lege, bat taken to ibe roetrnm, and Swayne her audience* a* the brocass away lbs treeatt.

Very warm Fritter and friday night, warm Saturday forenoon. Cold and du*ty, though tuntbiny. Saturday afternoon and Sunday.

It it evident that (be organ grinder under our window, (hough apparently healthy, need* change of air. He play* one tuna eternally.

Pedrlck A Clotton are reapootlble for many I of (bs land illdct uhlch occur In tbla vicinity;

they elide off a great deal or it In the courts of

a month. There were tome fifty i>r slaty dlvorcea In

Bieex Connty, at the last term of tba Supreme Conrt. Lawrence leadt ibe column with tix or eight.

Binds? waa "HoeetJon Sunday, and tbe three dayt following art BotMloa dayi, tba days for etpectat prayer* for tbe crops. Thnrtday ol thlt week U Aseanaton Day.

Who. Too broot!" | I tied jest got my liotllo out un.l hetl

I gnt ll uncorked, when Hint InfooriaUd

1 nnlmul torn in en ftt n series uv gyrnahens

ticlicx the world never witnessed itfore.

She would elevate her kind legs. Uien

por the air with her for legs, toes try to

lay down, and all this with a mnnin' ac-

companiment uv the most feendith snort-

In'. 1 wus compelled to relinquish my

holt on tho bridle and seeze her mane,

to hold myself on, but she kicked more

than erer. Here wux a dilemma. 1 coodent bold

on by Kript.li.' the mane with one hand

any longer, and my spare band wuz em-

ployed In holdin' the bottle. I coodent

cork too bottle and put It In my pocket,

for In the melee I bad lost the cork, and

to put It Into my pocket uncorked, wuz

to lose all It* presbus contents. Never

wuz 1 In slob a strate afore. Ef I held

to the bottle 1 shood be throwed; ef

ttayed on tbe enCooriKted animal's back,

IM lose my Hkker. The horse decided

the matter for me. TakiiV the bit fo ber

mouth, she started down the road on the

keeuest kind ur a run. She made a run

in about live mfnn.ts, leaving my com.

mend far In the rear. Another mile, ylt

another, apsd that frantle animal, 1

holdin' onto her mane with one hand,


committee appointed to arrange for the

wcurslon of the Maine, New Hampshire,

Vermont and Massachusetts Editorial As- sociations, hare so far completed tbelr

arrangements that they can say that the Massachusetts and Maine members will

etart from Uoston on Monday, (ha tenth of July. Taking up the New Hampshire

and Vermont members ou the route, they will proceed to Waterbury, Vt„ where

they will be met by Mr. Dingbsm, the proprietor ol Monnt Mansfield, who will

lake them to Stowe. where they will re- main over night. On Tuesday ihey will go on to (he mountain and spend tbe day

there, returning to Stowe Tuesday nlgbt.

Wednesday, go to St. Athens and dine, and In the afternoon go to Montreal.

Here they will remain until Thnrsdsv, T.

u., when they will take the cars again

for .Newport, Vt., where the party will break up with "appropriate ceremonies," Thursday evening. Arrangement* will

be made so that those members of the As-

sociations and their ladles who wish, can go through tbs White Mountains at re- duced rates of fare. Tbe excursion will

undoubtedly be a delightful one. It will

be confined exclusively to members of the Associations and their ladles, and tickets will be Issued to no persons whose names

are not on the Auociatim'M bookt ns mtm-

btjv. prrrfotit fo ffte /rst of July. This re-

quirement Is absolutely necessary In or- der to seeure tba comfort and conven-

ience of the partr. Circulars giving de-

tails, will be tent to the members of the Associations by their respective flecreta-

ne*, In a few days. The Secretary of the

Massachusetts Asaoclation is J. A. Dres- ser of the Webster Tfeaes.—Boiton Journal.

Nover attempt lo form an opinion ot a

woman by ber tlgbs.

hi* avrael, and he tied to I'bllndtlpkla to avoid

the officers. Tbe man who hat managed In fourteen year*

to accumnlate tix or eight pound, of dotiwl* chin, vihlch If blackened wonld pars In th* dark for bags whwkert, may be teen at tba corner of E**ex and franklin ttreeia. Tonal- ance thl* heavy weight, he hai toft protubtr- anott at the back of lit* head, Uebu uteri, alto all over ihe upper portion of bla body (o the aumbcr of bslf s doien or more. There I* some (wenty or thlity ponnda of It In all, a* toft at (be material of a double chin. Surgeon*, and phyelclana above all, ».bou>d not loio ISO opportunity to examine tbla phenomenon.

Dr. HcBrlde, "KlngofPaln/'who flourlehtd around bet* a year or (wo *incc. In a barouchr, proceeded by another «Hh a band of niu.lc, It dead. Ue wore very lung batr, and »oid bit medicine* a night or two to a gaping crowd of creduloui and corlou* people, In Iront of the Franklin Beats. RheumntUra wa* io be cured by him in t«ro minute* and a half, neu- ralgia In three mlnuici, and other dltratci In proportion. He has been In many »crape* tinea then, end oncn In prl»on. HcBrlde bought Ihe Klngflaher, and hornet, of St owe) I A Mpauldlng, and paid two or three hundred down, bnt tbe balance nor being forthcoming, bo did not get the team and *>*• oul what bo

bad paid. One of Pr. Darwin'* ancestor* ot the human

race, who condetcend* to attociate with an Italian organ grinder, no throuih divert per- fotmance* and ptcl* up ibe pennic*, *n*pped a platol Satuiday afternoon, at (be Appfeioo Rt- corner, Il being a pan of the monkey ihow. The borte attached to Ihe wagon of i. Menlll Currier, which wai Handing ibere, wat frlghl- cotd, Drone hi* fatltnlog.and dathed does lbs meet. A ion of Mr-W. A.KImball, Iht hardware man. had jurt mounted a none, when iht animal wat ttruck by ihe wagon and tits rider pitched violently off Into the- *treat For- tunately and almotl mlraculotuly, lie escaped ttrlom injury, "ad picked hln>»etf up and cap- tured hit hone, which bsd started off. Mr. Currier', wacnn «"■ conridcrahly damaged. The organ grinder *>•« arrested, lined about

ten dollar* aod allowed to go.

Work hat commenced upon lbs tall eplrsot fit. Mary'* Cnorch, snd It will be carried along until It I* flnlibed, which I* expected will be dont In about two momht. The targe gilt croii which will lurmonnt the spire will b* two bnndred and fifty feet from tbe ground, or tlwnt thirty fc« higher from (be earth tbtn tbe lop ol Bunker Hill monnment. There I* now one hundred and fifteen feet of eione work and (be wooden *plre on Ibe top of It will be one hundred and ihlrty-flv* feet in addition. It arid be covered with galvanised Iron. Tbe croti will be a*«S for an Irnmen** dlttance upon a Talr day. The height of the land It of conrte greater bv t«w»l hundred feet above tb* krv*l of tbe its than that of tb* bUtorio bill referred to. Tbe height of the cro** Of the new cathedral in Dotton. will be three hun- dred feet from (be ground; the work of palm- ing and decorating the Inilde of St. Harj'il* alio going on, aod the beautiful picture penn- ing will aoon be commenced. It I* hoped thai It will be ready for dedication by ihe (bird of

September. «.

There wa* quit* a Inrge audience at tb* Law- rence Sireet Church on Sunday evening, lo II.- ten tow* addrtet of Oen- 8.C. Arm.trong, Principal of lb* Normal and Agricultural In- tUtnt* at Hampton, Va. The Idea of the Insti- tute It io t**ch tbe colored people by meant of teachers of tbelr own race, who can be well

prepared '« *• work " lb" »*l»mm«mw>t. Tb* Inetltui* la mad* tolf •attaining ai far aa notelta*. to* pnpll* goi"S °™ o«*.»onally and earning money by learhlng, farming aod mechanical labor to pay their war. It li claimed that tootberneri who atrenuoutly ob- Ject to the employment or northern teacher., ax* vary willing that (hoa* aeut from (be ln«(i- lute ehonld glv* Initnictlon, end tall i* tb* way by which the Ireedmencan be reached and tengkt wlibou( oppo'ltlon. It la al*o ataied that tbe elate of Virginia It » glv* heavy aid to tbl* lottitntion In time, bat aid for It it warned at once, aod Ibe' toooer that It* operation* ar* enlar«*d, tbe better for tb* fraadmen.and for humanity generally; tbede- A wise man advertises extenilvely, be- fraadmen.and for bumauliv generally

cause be believe* that many columni fur- | mand for colertd teatUrt It ta aacws *f the

Dish ft good snpport.


ISThc American. LAWRENCE. FRIDAY. MAY 19,1871 one






Leading men la Perl* havo on hesitation In openly drx-larlog tbe fall of ibo commune im- minent; their soldiers refuse lo march, ■nd talk oi admitting the (IWMIH troop*. Gen. Dotnbtow-ki, the vagabond Pule In rommnnd, order* all soldier* who du nut obey to bo ibM, but no on* obeys bl< order*. Ureslay, Ih« father of th* commune, haa retired from It In disgust on account of in wAnton destjualoii of lb* bouse of Tbiart.

Tha kaklnx law bat Ixtin put in force In N'ortlt Carolina. V. S Marshal Hester wlih tha aid of U.S. troops, arraated •lateen lead- lof cltiicni. In Rutherford County, and banded tbetnoTer to tbaeberitf, wnoat «ure releaaed them; the eoldiere then returned to Raleigh; tha governor of me Mate ba* i*tned hi* procia- nation agalnat the ku kin*, reciting, their in-

human o u i r men.

Usury A*tor, tbe son of tha rich William D. Aitor, of New York, ha* married the daughter ul a poor fanner.

Soros of the New York Crispin* pot drunk on the pltQlc grounds Mondnr, and Intuited and beat the women. Nome of tbe leaden were ward politician*. Several arrest* were made.

The copy nf the Washington treaty, allotted to have l>een stolen, I* now said to have been different from the real one, nnd there win im theft at all.

The German* In Philadelphia have had a two tl.iys peace festival, Rnrnmcm-inR Monday. Then were 20,000 men In the procession.


Tboutand* of people a**crnl>led Momtay if- ternoon, In Parli, to witnoa* the demolition ol the column Vendomc, l>ot iboso having- charge nf tbe aoik were nubia to overthrow it. Tbe Herman* aro concentrating near Pari «, hut 10 certain I* ibelr government that ibecummune rflun 1* about oter, that ihe Rotal Guard* have been recalled to Berlin. There are at least three breaches In the wall* of Parts, where tbe uovcrnment troopa can toter, »nd tomeoi

tbeao troop* lire repurU'U alreitlj inside of the wall*.

Marshall Jewell (republican) was on Tu>:i- dxr. at Hartford, Inaugurated Governor of Connecticut. The pro, e*»lon wu a* Urgent WM ever known upon null an occasion. For ihe first Miiir, roiori-ii iroups were present, mur eomuuilM I*II.g in tbe line. An Immense niiiiitu v nf ptofilu ibronued the Itmu, and GOT Cluflm «nil Speaker J -well of Massacbu- ae'ta, were arming ibe guest*.

A Cmhullr priest and a lasmaii got Into a light si the Chuteh door In Bridgeport, Conn, la-t bun<B); the priest wai turning out ahead, when ihe lurnian tlrow a revolver, and bl* opponent retired-

Tne oppotblon In Mexico huvo clot-led a president and vice prcki lent of thclrown. The rebels huvo robbed the Custom llnuso at Tain- pirn and foreign merchants ol 83j<),000.

Jenny Llnd'a hutband baa iwectcned anoth- er London paper [or copying a libel from a New York paper, upon himself und bl* wife.

Tbe establishment of Mill*, Jobnion & Co, In Cincinnati, was burned Monday. Loss, J30GV 000.

Gold cloied In New York, Tuesday, at 111 -


JAW.—On the night preceding Thanks-

giving, 1860, Mr. W. A. 1'ierce, of

this city, whilo in Knieraon's saloon, In

■ cellar on Pemberton airier, wo think,

wm nssuuiteil by n Mrtndit-st.r rough,

and atabbt-d in iho cheek, with it bear?

link, nearly an Inch and a quarter of the

blade breaking off, :inH remaining in Ibe

jiivr, just beneath the left ear; a turgeon

in.nil- an [ntffeetltn] nttetnpt to extract

the trugimnt, and during tlio wa r.whlle

serving in Lhe mvv, I'ICITI) lint) three

efforts made tor its withdrawal,hut with-

out tnceeft*. Th<- piece of blad>, tin-

pyiut proj>-uUug itiahfo tin- j ,w bune,

wain SODIUM annoynnvx, and be-i-uining

m*tr* troublesome froin working about)

Pier ppllwl to tbe nlaaanehuaetta

genentl hospital, mil mi Thur«hy of

laatwpek Dr. IMg<-s skillfully ;tn.l sue-

ceaafully retnortMl it. cxtraetlngthe fmg*

nnl tbrongh the nriflea '-r the ear; the

blade, which bus been shown us, looks

ragged and worn, and an altogether

ugly ornament to iviny for nearly a

dozen years.


inn of (Irovnland, who had been some-

what ill lor pome time,lltongb lie kept

at work, eamo to tins city last Tuesday

night, and stopped at the house ol a rel-

ative on ihe l*i uiVrtun Corporation.

Ikretiml early, but by Ova o'clock he

tiled. The Monadnoek iodgo of Odd

Fellow*, bearing that deceased WHS n

roomb< r of Mutual UtlU'i Lodge of ll:iv-

erhill, ai'iiui nud a I'ommlUee, consist In,


The New Catholic Cemetery.

Tbe cemoiery of the Church of lb* Immacu- late Conception, containing bat about two acre*, having been found insufficient for tbe u*e of tbe Society, Rev. William Orr, the en- ergetic pastor, al>out Au^utt 1MR, secured an adilitiunal tract adjoining the oilier on the north, containing about eighteen arre*. which h«* beau duly laid out, and in which tevrral Interments bava already been made, though there hit* been no extensive ornamenting of the ground* a* jet. The iract was purchased of Hose* Coiter of North Anduvcr, and laid nut by Mr. Ctiarlea il Lltiletteld The *omh east quarter of the jrround ba* been hearlly sown In graw,clovi-r and rye, to treats a green- sward. 11.. i. will be a plain gaie at the somh east coruer, on tbe old Heibuen road, but tbe main, ornamental gat* will be at the ml<ldl« of the fence, on the same road. Tbe latter will

be surmounted by an "O, G." arch and a cross. There will be two side war« tit the main gate. Tha alcthuen road, at this polm, i- not tat from parallel with the Manchester railroad, and ihe gate, oi course, Mil front that road. A wide path I* run Ir. m the niuln gale entire- ly across the ground, and nnother nf tlio seme else, croisei it at iiLl.i nngli-". intersecting It st tbe middle of ihe tract. There h also a driveway entlrr-lv around the cemetery, Inside of 'in- fence. At tbe Intersect ion Of the two wide paths, in the centre of ibe proposed gath- ering place for the dead, will be reservi-t a cir- cular lot.

At thii pUce will he constructed a circular tomb, eight feet In depth, and twenty-five feet In diameter, In which tho remains of tho clergy of the church, who have deceased or may be deceased, will ba placed. Ii will be built of brick and granite, and Iho door at which tbe tomb IN entered will ho of ornamented marblo. The circular apace will be surrounded by gran-

i lie, insidu of wlilVli will be a concrete walk,

painted portrait of a Udy school teacher of this city, and as the likenesses are said to be quite areuraie, and ta>lly recognlred.lt ran du no harm to mention that tbe onglnala are Hiss II. E Norrls.and Mb*E. J Worthen, of the .Smith Side Primary school, Hiss C. E Bar- nard, of the South Grammar school, and Mi-.« Wiihlngton, or the nonb side. These are

<n about the centre of ihe rounding cor- ners, and at ihe mp are prettily executed land' scape*; tbe car COM I'-OOO; there la another new car, housed, and also a smoking and mall car, ami baggage car, all new, whtcb within a wotk will be pat upon Conductor Smith'* train, and run botween Portland and Boston.

ol llossr*. rarker, Smith, Kerahaw and I e'8bl f*rt wi,le- At tho ,,,,ille °r "l0 w,llk wi" be granite steps, which form n base, and from



The < nmn mil .!.■■ finally ovenbrew the (rroat column ot Vi-ndome, In Turl*, Tuesday alter- noon, about bnlf past five, In tbe presence of many thousands of people. A* It did not tall at tbo lime agreed upon, the maniac* demnnd- Cd tbe head ol tbe poor fellow who managed the fall, charging that he was leagued with tho government. Fortunately for him It fell In a few minutes after ; tbo column wo* well ■mrtbed up, and tbe statue of the Kmpcror, '■-.■nil the bead knocked oil', was tbtown several leut from tho m'uinn. Several persons were Injured. The tradesmen of Paris who havo es- caped to Versailles, demand vongencu against I to the excuvelon. tbe

MM., lo „,„,•,,, .», ,M „„„ might bo 3KEST,™J required. On Sunday the remains were

tuken lo (jrovelnnd, alUndcd by Uie

committee and other frivuds, where fu-

neral services wero held. About one

hundred Odd Fellows were present from

Haverhlll. 'Ihe remnlna wero bmiod in

I)) field. Deceased was nbout tweuly-

four years of age. and leaves a widow,

Tun SHALL. I*OX iv IX>WKI.I.—Mayor

Bltetmanhas mode an ofllrlal if port, as

eha'nuaii of the b >ard of health, which

»howK that tbe reports In relation to this

•Usea-n In our neighboring elty, have

been greatly exaggerated. The entire

number <>f ('.;.,>■■ oi small pox, reported

to May lftth, was SI. wilh *3 deaths; per- haps there haee been a few adilliloual

cases not reported. There are nov isl

easeif tviitt one or two new ones dully ;

three eases are m the altlislmusc, llte-re-

niabider scattered <" 1^ different streets,

Tliuroujfh vueeitiiuinti IIUM driven the dis-

ease eutlraly out ol several localities

where It first appeared; 7ffl30 per suits'

huvo bu.'U Vaccinated ut Ihe cspense of

I lie c)tj!; over iO'lT by tbo corporation*

and probably enough additional by phy

slelaus In ordinary practice lo awell the

IOf:il to I'l.OOO.


tenth of July, by the four Nov/ Kn^land

Association?, promises lo bo thoroughly

enjoyable, and ts,awakening nn almost

universal Interest among iho fraternity ;

tlio parly promisee to be 10largo, that it

will bo exclusively confined to members

of tbo Associations, and tho timo of ad-

mission will extend only to Juno 25th.

Any editor or publisher In this state

may join the MauaohnHtta Society, by

sending his name and iho admission fee

or $8, to tho Secretary, Mr. .T. A. Dres-

ser, of tlio Times, Webster; and to all

members will bo ut onco forwarded

circulars giving lull nartloulara relating

. who have robbed them, r-nil then (•*•** tkaan tasa tha rrfw.1 rank*.

A tndy of 10b Ku Klnx TUltad Kewbnry Ommn Uoi«, kotitta Carolina, Ruad.y *\t,±\, f»y the purpose of mnrderluK republican olll- rials; they u»t find Into tbo window of the house oi Simon Young, Cbalrinnu of iho Coun- ty Commissioner*, and ibot hi* wii'o and child. Young lircd back, bluing one of the asnAiIanis, and ihen (led; they aunt after several others but ihcy had *etreied them*elvc* or fled. Une Faulkner, a Ku Klux, who wa* wounded, tv,i> arrntad.

Forty Ku Klux entered Pnnilac, UllS., for Iho |iiirfti-e ot inurilerin;; a repiibllcan editor, I!|on In IPK balled, ihey Drrd a volley, which

tho clutns reinrned, woundins: one ol them. Ho was pli fced up end toon died.

Two bundled Itclsh striken attacked two 1-jhoriT* at MciunlQn; the soldiers guanling them 0 red, and two of ihe strikers wero killed.

Tbe Alckbans ate task Inn aimed raids Into Teiaa, stealinit cattle. A bad spirit RgaUUt Americans Is said to exist In that country.

Tbe store* of Mr. Cummlncs and other* wcte lurr.td In lionet dale, Tinn , Tu»stiay nluht; lots VJ.-.K e.- ,j.

A plan lor a verr powerful rallrond nation has been foimcd in Sun Fraarbet

The wiail.er wes very cold anil snow fell In Ibe north ol Eogtal

Gold 111 7-8.


A eanrhljio factory In Paris exploded on Wednesday. The Ion* of life Is (liven all the war from 5'i m 600. A large amount ol neluh- hoTin*' properly was destroyed. Tho caplo- ■loii was accidental, th.mfth the rommunlsi* oi cm ,. chame It upon ifie uovernmi nt. An arrest or I5n persons wa* made at an American restaurant, lor cailnjr luo it nod a illntirr lor Ihe

lira-*. The mannti ol the commune l» Inertia* ln«. It is Boalilvaly asserted that ihe fjerman* will Join in the MiaDll upon Paris. Tbo KOT-

ernment explains Its delay by *a*lntr ibut It fearo itiJuntiK ihe lenorent. *ml hoped that a tarrcntlor wu d remove that danger.

Rnloll. the Icirncd mtirdcri'r, wasduly ttran- (lleil at biii^liatnpion, X. V., Tnursday. A* he wa* nut a m'-niiier til tho Tammany Democrat- ic coatniiuee, Got. Hoffman declined pardon- Init him.

The I; ,,;■-■■,i,,t ,]||p aiiou. [be si/a of a raoder- ato ilied boat, I- to sail Ironi New York to F-0 rope, wlih two nun and u dop. Il h*s made Ibe eoyasjs once.

Two correspondents ot' (h- N. Y Tribune are nnder arrest lor rclaslii| to answer questions of the U. 6. Seuate.

Tbo bill to overthrow ibo State follco bus been signally defeated.

POCKET 1'ICKKO.—On Friday In»t, as

Bev. George Packard was returning to

the city, by the, 3 P. M. train from Bos-

ton, on getting out of tho car nt the north

depot, in the crowd that always attend.*,

ho Was by sumo skillful pickpocket, re-

lievnt of his iiorlmonnuh1, containing

about thirty dollura.

ON THE FOURTH PAOB will he lound,

In addition to our Uiual column of Spice

Box, a pleasant three column story.

lie monument. In honor of Father TiialTe, tlio cross of which at ibo top, will be twerjty-sevon Icet from the ground ; the lower portion of ilio monument will be 4 feet S In. inu-irc, nml taper to I feet, 'I Inches square ina distance of seven feet, and then tho usual monumental taper will be observed for the bal- ance of the distance op; the plant for tho monument nnd tomb wero drawn by Mr Mosea Perkins. Father Orr calls for proposals to build the structure.

Father Taalfe, In abase honor the monu- ment Is to he erected, wa* a Prior In a convent In Ireland. He came to this city In lfljO, to visit hi* friend Father French, who had cbarice ot ihe llrst Catholic church established here. During his visit Father French died, and Futh er I'aniTe succeeded him. Alter a luitb ul pas- torate of eighteen your*, during which bis anarch met wlih unprecedented prosperity, and in which umc the prc»em Isrjro building nud cm orphan asylum wero built, the venera- ble priest wa* gathered to bl* lathers, deeply mourned by his people and fellow citlien*. fhuugli luherlunji; cyjsaiderablc property, he die i comparatively ponr.having literally given on-ny about all bo possessed. Father TaarTe died on Sunday, March Mtb, 1303. and was hurled on the succeeding Tuesday; tbe monu- ment will be a deserved tribute to his memory as well as a flue ornammu to tbo ([round, and the croris which I* to surmount ft, Is an emblem suitable for all who bclievo In Him who immor- talized It. The remains or Fathers Taafle and FreBah will be removed Irom whero they now rest, to tho new tomb when it is ready for their reception.

ANOTIIKU SUI'1'I.P.VIILNT, this week af-

fords a variety of interesting matter.

lbs n ThnrsiUy adrrnoon was struck from Box 2:1. It wa* caused by a spirk from a locometivo setting Are to a pile of Inmher in the Maine IUIIroa.l yard, at ihe rioaib Hide. Tbe Ore wa* extinguished wlih btickata of water. The alarm wn* correctly giren by tbe Pacific hell, hut tho cliy hall bell, from some unknown disarrangement, (truck, flrsi " two," lb*n "one," and became dumb; two of the steamers rushed to liox iwo.

Tbo Lowell fire alarm will cost git.MID, and will lie ;iiii-iir,[ |n (our months. Th-re will be thirty boxes mrd.and the bell* of the Court House, Market House, Franklin Hebool, lhKh

Street cburc'i, and Si. Patrick's church will be struck, v v . box is to havo five keys.


The replevin suit of Charles II, Crow- ikar to iN*ni IMNB tss* 4-»a.4.l*Mi

.■■:.■ i-n.l.ip Ihic, UR ■;.!■;.' hoblcrn, fJuuOO

wortbol braid claimed by the Lawrence

Worsted Co., but of which MalniilT, for-

merly employed by them as a dyer, had

(•nlnvd possossion. wai tried tills week ir

the Superior Conn, In Boston, resulting

hi a dlaairreemcnt ol the jury ntier belnn

out twenty-fonr liourai they SHH»II two

for the plaintiff and ten for tbe Braid

company; tho ease was very ably de-

fended for Ibe latter, by Wm. S. Knot,

Esi).< of ibis elty, in opposition to ('.

A. F. Swan, and that admit counsellor.

T. II. Bweetjter, of Lowell.

TIIR Cirv 1 i.ui'iuvT DISPOSED or.— Thanks to the establish meat) by the state cam- mlsaloner, of a corrert meridian tine, tbatmsx- niiicent nitinuuiciit of depuncd wlidom, the hriten ina-dial, which since it* purchase In IS.A li :■< rcniiiintu hurled nmonn tha mnntv recordi or the city clerk's life, has lteen brought Into the ninll|{hr, and placed where It will at lea« tie of a Hole acrvh-e as a curio,by, on ihe front ol ttiu ln/h schoo. house.

Ft w of our eltlsen* probably hsvohern aware of the posMcss:on of this dial, by (he city; d nowhere appears, from vcar to year. In the pah. lit bed "ehediile of pnUln property; the city dark ha* not been repaired to furnish adilt- tinnal bomls for its *aie kecpintt, nor hure the police detailed un extra guard for its piotection. Dining tbn>car IBW, an nlly-tongaed traeel- ling aaeai locceeded In peraaadlax a commit- uoofthe city council to Invest 5100 In one of hi* magnificent dials, whkh was to afTonl tl;o citl/en* lnv*lti:ib;a nil in rc^uUilnic tbelr clock* and watchct by ihe exact standard;

pocketing the money tho a^unt went on his Way rejoicltu:; lauihacitf fathers, upon com- ing to the practical aspect of iba question, found they had very like un elephant on their hands, and the question wbtit to do with it, Ituw to set It so a* to protect Irom Injory, and yet be or the slightest Intcrtst,—not to men- tion rains,—was a problem not ■■■■ >-.r ■. lolved, aud the S100 dial was tenderly consigned in Ike sunless depth* of iho bltj safe, where It ban sinco remained, only to be brought out on the occaaiunal re-election to the board of Al- derinen, of one of the comioittce by whom It was originally purchased, and whuse blends are loud of aiiributing to this also act of his early official Hie, bis constant popularity s|ncu. This week, a fur sixteen jenrs of repose, the Miu-dlal ir.M been permanently and aecuraiely placed over tbo ecnira! entrance to ibo high school !niil.ii;ij:, where, amply protected from injury. It may be made of tome little u-e to iho scholars, Ijeing on the sill, and In full view from one of ihe window* in ihe second story.

nrr.aiou foonr.—ThuOr*nd Jury of Ibeprei- eut trim ban- u iSrur.t bill* of Indicto»i ni •|..lt>st ihn folio wine person* ■inoiijtn other*. They ««r« Brfalgned on Ueiids) ami plead nut fairly: John Wil.un, Lawrence; assault U|><>D U girl, wlih f.i.iu- luus IDIL-III. KI"«I.I Din**, Lawrence; larceny at u lire. Dau'l Ulili-rsuti and J. Murpliy, Tawtfucu, assault upun (Ullcvr lunkln. Dau'l (JUbnnn, Lawian—l as*»ull with dcsdty weapon. 8, A.

Triktns, A adorer i binglury and Isrci'sy. O, H. Brown[ embn/letnent (thraa connla). Thoma* O'l-unnur, Lawrence; »etilng lire to his billiard su-

.Isaies ltur|diy of Lawrence, plead fullty lo l-r.-iktin and etiierln^, Tsu j par* and .■.. munihs

llnlireor Cnrreeilon. Wllllasn Cttasa, Lawrence; adultery; pirn, null.

i Itoileilek, Lawrence; i building. One year I

ton titled of lareenj

; plead aunty of ad niter

in, La reiractid Ids plea i t iuilty of adultery, and plaad guilty, Klghia* nuihs House afOvrteeUon,

John Wilson, Lswrenca.relrartedblspleBofni idly of feioDlnut aaMurt, and p|a«4 aelltj.

and ■ i Muruliy, 1

A prnptisltiun that elder wa« intoxicatini; crH.,n an. .1411 * Harphy.ol Uwrvaea, were f

was voted down by a large Dtajgetty In ihe aranollnn(ffleer Rsnkla. J. II. 11

legislature, Wedotiday. LeaffiB| prohlbltlon- I i f IsU are mid to havo voted to that elteet. A -nn. d • .■ ■■' , w** coiDinnnrsd. U votemli(hl be taken now on la^er to advantage r. Wri| .1. II Uiowa f..r MM oaftnae,


Tlio oftlccra and members ol Co. K, Oth Reg't, Cast. Smith M. Decker, were called togothci on Wodnostlay evening, for tbo purpose or electing a First Lieutenant, la place of Seth C llildreth, who resigned a few weeks since, previous to his departure for tho south. Hclvln Deal presided, and about thirty-five members were present. Wu tsko much plea*, urn In announcing as ihe result of the election, iho choice of Capt. L N. Duchesney. Tho company will find In this selection, a gcntlcmai admirably adapted to tho office, a sealons worker, and ono whose past military career, and more recant activity In public matter*, have won for hbn n host ot friends.

Capt. Duchesney entered tho army nt tho outbreak of tha Into war, and faithfully served tbe country Until peace was declared, and sol- diers remind 10 iluir linnus. Kiiljstins; in

Uuiiin.tiro with the regiment, and noon after arriving «t IVaablagtoa, was detailed for aer- vlco In the Telegraph OPJce at h-'arlipiarters. At the ciplmllon of iho three montfas' service, be rocnlleieil In tbe 1-t Hess. Caralr*, and at Frtdrli ksimrg was promoted to 2nd Lieutenant. Ite nerved la ihu army ot iho Potomac until ihe oatiic nt Abllc, .lunu 17th, when hu wa*

taken prisoner, and Kent to l.ibbey Trlson. where he remained ten months, after which he wai placed In tbo dungeons for nearly three months; he was ncxi sent to Salisbury,N. C-, where he was held as ho.taKo for il* months. for rebels s>bol by (ien. Uurnsldc. On the IDib of October, 'ill, while returning from Salisbury prison, ha made bis escape by jumping from the cars; and inter eighty-seven day* of hard travelling, narrow escape*, and severe trials, he succeeded In reaching tho onion lines, on tlio |3th of Jan , 'tVi. a worn-out and footsore, but happy soldier. Hero ho obtained a leave of absence, and reinrned kerne; ho was at once prutuoted to ihe rank of Captain, and attached to the 1st battalion of Mass. Javslry, where be remained until ilei close of ine war, and was mustered out oT servico July 19ib, ISOj, Out or oter four years* service, one-ball of the time was spent In rebel prisons and dun- geons. Capt. D's record Is full of interesting incidents, and if written would make a volume of fur mure thrilling interest then most works ot Oetlon.

After the elecflot, the company occupied a halt-huiir In drill, nnder the direction of their popular captain and the colonel or iho regiment. The company was ihen dismissed, and by in- vitation oi iho newly elected lieutenant,repaired to Col. Drew's naluon, ttml sat down to an ex- cellent oyster supper. Speeches being next In order, Col. Deal opened tlic ball b> stating the plcuNtiro it gave him to ste •tich unanimity and good leollng existing among the nicmlicrs o(

the company ; ho took occasion to giro an In- teresting account of tho above war record ol Capt. Duchesney, he having lite honor 10 com- mand iho Warren Light Guard, when tho cap. tntn was a member. 0:hcr remarks were mono by many present, whicti bring mostly confined tommy reminiscences, were of much interest, and disclosed lite lact ilia! nearly nil the nient- btrs of the company were connects! with tho nriuy daring tbo late war.

Tho Ruernun Cadas have never presented better organization than at present; well dis- ciplined, and chicle nt In drld,'|uict and orderly, they have won Ihe esteem and respect ol our eiiiaeai. No littlo crttlli is due to (Jupt Docker loc iuo present ndmbahlo condition of tho

company; and with lbs Valuable assistance he will now receive from his first lieutenant, we predict a future fjr the company, cviin more successful than the past.

Anotber Now ami Beautiful Cor.

A spits'-d-d cur, jusi completed ar the Boston and Muinu raihead shop* at tho South Side, made iisflr.t trip D Boston in Conductor I lam- Hum's train, Holiday afternoon. V is over

fitly leet In length, and icut* sixty-eight pa*, ■cagem Ike cur Is (ltilic plain without, though handsome, hat within It Is decidedly gorgeous, being IIDished with curled inuplo and satin wood, and bl*M k walnut trimmings. The hcail linings and the monitor portion are very ele- gantly decorated in ureen, red and gilt, the work being done at Tauntou. The rick mould- ing* wero obtained from New York ; the car Is furnished with Iluutln's iron seals, tho sprint:* of which arc from the works ol the Salem bed spring company j they are covered and lined with rich crimson plush j the car I* abo sup- plied with London ft Tower's patent nickel plated racks, which tun ho rut up and taken down at pleasure; this is thvlr first Introduc- tion here. Huh unison'* patent ventilators, which are getting Inio general use,aro In the monitor; the handle*, to ihese and most of the bright work about the ear is of nickel, which is found to be an Improvement on silver plating; the ear lsrvril roofed; the painting Is by Mr. Warner Bailey, and the ear generally was built uoder tho Immediate ruporln'cndrncoof Mr. D-C. Itichard-.m; the (tytoand execution of tvory part of the work reflect* great credit upon him, and npon all oi the mechanics, un- der his direction. I.awicu.-e hn> certainly good reason pi bo proud ot inch workmanship.

We must not forget, however, one pleasant feature of ibe ornamental work upon the eut- skle ot ihe car, which Is by Mr. George A. Lttghtoa, whose .'-sill in the art is well known. On each coruer li a ve-y ran and band.oma


THU HAQKKTIC MUST U AND till. TRI1K NORTH. Ur. Bdward Prevcar, of Leominsier, tbo

State Commissioner appointed by the Gover- nor and Council last October, In aecordauce with Section 'Ah, of ihe act of 18T0, provklins;

for ibo establishment of a true meridian line in each county of tbe ainte, and for re*iDlailna tbo practice Of *urvcymir In Ma**acbu*elU>, has been In this city durlns; Ihe week, taking the necessary astronomical observations, veri- fying them, and dlrcctlntr, the placing of mon- uments upon tbe Common as the result of hi* labors. All of these monument* are upon the Jackson atreet side of tbe Common, from sixty to seventy-five feet inside of the fence, for the

fence doe* not run exactly north and south. Tbe first I* nearly opposite. Summer street, or rather two bonaea south of that street, tbo second about two hundred feet exactly aonth, and about opposite Jackson Court, and .the third two hundred feet - ■-;■ -■';■ nh ot the second, or opposite Garden street. The Ural Is about ilxteen feet nearer the fence than the third. Tho relation of these monuments or posts to each other li exactly north and south, and thl* Is declared the oltlcial north and south of tho county, and the true north and loutb All surveys must be regulated by ibis or some

:her established mcri Man lino In the county The law nys;

" It shall be ;!■•■ duty of every laud aurveyor n the state, at least once In every year, to ad- ust ami verify bis compass by the meridian

lino so established in the county whureln hi* ttrveys are to lie made, and to insert In bl*

field notes, the trno as well a* the magnetic tiearlnns of tho lines of bis surveys, nnd tho ilny on which tho lines woro rnn."

These posts or monuments are set In the ground to the depth of six or seven feet; they are ot Rockport itranlto, worked in Salem, and are eight feet In length, eighteen inches square at the base, and one foot square at tbo (op. They are set ihas deep and firm to forbid up- heaval by the frost; ibe top of ihe foot and a balf of the monument or pillar which Is above ground, Is tapered down to a circle of eight inches, on which Is firmly secured by hobs a round plate of a mixed metal resembliog brass, and about half an Inch In thickness; tbe four bolts bv which it i* secured ore of the same material. L'pon this plate I* deeply cut an in- dcx representing tho lour points of the com- pass wlih iho four letters " M.S. E. W." A tiiiu not exceeding Two IIOULKL DOLLARS

U tbo penalty for Injuring or tampering with these monuments, one half of which goes to the complainant. Tbe lourth and filth sec- tions ol tho act ore as lollows:

" It shall be tho duty of the commbsionors of tho several counties aforesaid, to procure a booh of records to be kept by tho elork of the courts, or any person appointed by tho county commissioners to keep said book of record*, which shall bo accessible to all parsons- wishing to refer thereto, and every surveyor, on having adjusted his compass as aforesaid, shall enter therein the variation of his compass from Iho true meridian, whether east or wott, aud shall subacribo his name nnd affidavit thereto.

Any surveyor who shall neglect or refuse to comply with Ibe provision* of this act, shall for every such neglect or refusal bo tubject io aline of ten dollars, to bo recovered on com- plaint msdo before any conn of competent ju- risdiction, one hair to bo paid to tho i>erson making tbo complain t t-.nd (ho oilier hall to the county within which Btirh complaint -hall lie made."

Air. Prevcar, the commlf.iioncr, has for some timo been ongaged In tbe manuiacturc of tran- sit Instruments, which requires accurate astro- nomical knowledge. Baioro-comtnenring tho work of scttlnir the monument* alto, be bad dally consultations with Ibo professors of some

f Ihe college*, nnd studied with thorn

ham Common; Plymouth, Agricultural Ground, Uridgewalcri Bristol, Agricultural Ground, Taunton; Duke*, Ednartowni Barnstabte, liarnstablo Common fleldi; those of Worces- ter ore to be placed in front of the School or Technology. It i understood that a line will also be estnhllsbud In Salem In ihls county.' At tho meeting of tbo School Oi/mintitco of thl* city, ith, C7th, It was voted to recommend to the Cliy Council to request tho County Com- missioners lo establish one of tho lines In Law-

rence, tar the convenience of Ibo surveyors or thin part of tho county, and abo lor that of tbo pupils of the II;.;!, School. Tbe law requires tins county cnmmisslooers to establish one or moro lines of Iho kind In their respective coun- ties-. The monument* ore tbo property of the county, and In the custody and care of the com mis* loners. The state commissioner took his first obscrvaiion at mcridun about noon on Honda*, from that most reliable of objects, the nun, and verified It at night by thestnrs, and this has been repeated. On Wednesday evening ho confirmed his previous observa- tions by tho planet Mars, and fell fully Justi- fied In setting his pillars the next day.

The necessity [or tbe establishment of this sort of official true north and south, wa* canted by the continual variation of the compass, by i. t:i !, surveys of land have been previously made. Of course surveyors have made allow- ances for the variation, hut the theory Is, that the chanties aro so frequent, Irregular and certain, that It is lmpo**ible for tbe operator to keep tho track or them, and the more su re ■an and »tor* must he depended upon Instead. The compass h a very useful and almost indls-

pcnsablo instrument, but where c-frerac accu- racy Is required.cannot always bo relied upon. The needle has varied about four degrees in flfljr year*. la this locality it now points about eleven degrees west of the true north. It'll would remain at tliut, no astronomical ob- servation would Iw needed, but as wo have be* (bra remarked, it changes, and la surruys of lots, and especially of farms, a very Irliling va- ii.ition of ihe compass will mako a serious diff- erence In a line. In a fenco of ono hundred feei a degree of rarlation win mako a change of »omo Mran or eight inches. On a Urge t.ii in the line will of coursu vary ID proportion, perhaps man" foot. Many juries havo at times refused to bo guided by the conflkilnx evi- dence of tho compass aud surveyors, In law cai-es in which boundaries of land wero In- volved, and accepted other testimony, -patilng from lots to greater matters. If wo aro not greatly nilstakeu, the President of iho United States not long since called attention lo a tine between tho 1'nitcd States and the British pos- sessions, which being hundreds of miles In length, and rnn by the magnetic or compass lino, placed flourishing towns within British jurisdiction, which If tun by the true meridian or astronomical line, would lie In ihe Tolled Slates. The compass variation in New York

cuy Is but about half what it Is here, and be- yond that is a track or belt of country where the needle nolou squarely to tho north, and there are inch tract* or belts all over the world, which-bare been laid down m cherts and at- lases at different periods. Tho variation of (ho compass is probably different in dlfTereni por- (ions of our own stale. Ilallcy, In lTOO, dis- covered points where tbcro was a variation or ID, li, and oven 30 degrees, for many years after the ..-■■., i ■. nns. first adapted, the bo- lter was that the needle pointed steadily and squarely to the north. About tbo first record or a discovery lo ihe contrary Is that of a Chi- nese philosopher, Keou-tsoung-cby, who in iheycur llll, ascertained that the needle de- clined ono sixth towards the ra*f. Tho alarm of the sailors of Columbus, when on the 13th Of September, HW, they found Hi el r compass fading them, and tha needle polnilng six greet west of north, will be remembered by the readers of Irving'* life of that navigator.

These variation* are still a mattor of stn to the seicfillflc, anil ot present are obnnt much a matter of etysttry a* the movement and direction of the needln Itself baa always been. The fuel In both care*exist* and ha* existed, without latlsfacrory explanation.

Over one thousand claim' lor usunege*. have already hern presented to Ike commissioner* to examloo tho claim* of loyal southerner* against Iho government for damage to tin ir property In iho war. In all cases « here % iuoo uud upward* Is Involved, witnesses must BO


The stakes hare been driven for ibo new South .'Hi-.' depot.

Bldwell'a Theatre will be at ihe Cliy Hall next week Tuesday nlgbi.

Tbe Brougham Dramatic Troupe give an en- tertainment at tbe City Hall next Monday night.

Tbe Irish Benevolent Society hold their an- nual ball at Iho Cliy Hall, ) relay night. 0*- guod lurnl*be* ibe mn*lc.

O. Saalue Buckley, the famous mlnatrel manager, is lo he *riih the Bidwell Theatre company, next Tucaday m^ht, ai the City Hall.

Tbe chief atatsaorof tbl* district, p J. Stone, Ksq., will attend lo all complaint* of excessive or erroneous taxation, at Ctiarlwtowa, May 23i *nd 2.1b.

'■Little" Minnie Foster bad a house quite

correspoadlng to her title, Tuesday nbrbr, at the theatrical exhibition at Ike City Hail. It was a llttbt audience.

Mr. 4 Mrs. Isaac ricicher, and Mr. A. Mr*. T. K Whiting, sail tram New York in the Cal- abria, on Saturday, for Europe; they are to be absent some mouths.

Barnura'* great abow was In Hartford, Tues- day. We have no intlmatlona as yet when that or any other tent exhibition I* to vl< city. There are over twenty, travelling.

Messrs. Clarence Dyer and Walter Bowe started on a trip to Omaha, last Saturday They will capture and bring home as many buffaloes a* they can without Inconvenience,

Tho jury in the case of Thomas O'Connor, charged with setting tire to bl* billiard *a]oon, in Amesbnry st reel, were oat when Ihe car* for Lawrence left Kawbnryaort, Thursday aficr-

r'lve oT tho seventeen deaths In Lowell, last week, were from email pox, making twenty- three In all, lince January. There Lave been eighty eases In that time. About twenty ease* still exist.

A civil enainoer civilly objects to ihe level of flaverhlll Street botng -IWJI as " several hundieu" feet above that of Bunker Hill. Anything Tor ft quiet life. I^aveetit tbe "hun- dred," then.

The Salem Qttcfte cal'i for a visitation from ilssloner* on the "hoof nnd mouth''

disease, a* many of tbe urchins In the street* aro badly alHietcd with the mcmti distemper, and "swear owfnl."

A Matt* Convention, under the aujpicea of tbo Eight Honr League, for tbe consideration of the labor que*tlon, Is to be held In Boston, on Wednesday, May 31M. morning, afternoon and evening, at Horticultural Ball, Tremont Street-

The committee on Fire Department of the Lowell City Government, have voted unani- mously to award a contract to the American fire Alarm Telegraph Company, to put ono up In that city; twenty-fire boxes ore proposed. Lawrence has fifteen.

Kate Foley, a notorious drunkard, wa* locked up in tbo cell at tho police station three or four days since. She has had several severe rnm-tlts, from which she barely came out alive, ond then relapsed Into delirium tremens, In which condition she still remains.

The new company, tbe Lawrenco Zouaves, Copula Salisbury, numbering some thirty or forty lads in full gay zouave uniform, passed np Essex street on Wednesday, with dram and life, presenting a very handsome appearance, and attracting much attention. They marched by fours, nnd showed great proficiency lo drill.

Ttlght Rev. Manton Eattbnm of Bostoo, Bishop of this dloceie, wa* at St. John's Church In this city, Tuesday evening, and delivered the sermon. Afterwards ho administered the sacrament or confirmation to five yonnc; peo

pie, and addressed them and tbe congregation upon iho nature of tbe ordinance.

The alarm of fire from Box 4, Garden Street Church, Tuesday eveniep;, about qnarter of tcven, was caused by iho burning of a chim- ney, at the lower end of Common St dromon worn quickly oo hand, bat the Ore wo* rquelcbed by the Salt Brigade, who poured that material upon tho flames in large quanti- ties until they were squelched.

A despatch from Lowell says:—Daniel Call*- han, a young man from Lowell, was arrested last fall in Lawrence, charjred with adulierr, and held In 1300 for trial. He did not appear,

a*j**a^*J**As*ut1a»aai -


Dr. Lawrence had * full aadl oca on Friday eron- ktg, at the town ball, and nor* than s.ti.fl.-.l tb* rxiH-ctatioD* of lit* hearrn. Ml* treatment of tin. t. BBprraac* qarallon wa* totally different from what w> ha*a been ■ecimiouird to beating, and quit* a r*ll«rrru*a. tb* uI • araumenu and lllnslration* *o *pl to find (balr mmy li.lo such ■ leetur*.

Wa Irani thai Hn. C. A. Bradley, tinea bl* r*a- hfnaUon frerB UM p»»t.,r.l* of the Unl*rr*adal *o- •rteiy, baa l-catcd In Morth Dana, Worcoofr Uoun- If, this .,.(„. i|r, Bradl*)'* eoaareilun «tih ihls church ba* bean narked t,j a must eurdlal and unanlmoua good ratllna between bulh pMlor aid l>e..|He durtioj lit. enltt* MOJ ■ and TJre Impe to h.-r that ha la aa heartily rtcrl*ed and aaatalnrd In Ida new Ueid of labor. He) ui.d ib* ohurch eoDDeetlon* be w*a niBcb r#*pe*t*d a* a oltliea, and ***r read* to live bla ueleiance and Influence toward* any object which Landed to promote Ibe moral, spiritual or educational welfare of our place.

Tb* usual Sabbath Behoof monthly concert of the CongrefatlOBat society, held ita monthly aa*. ■Ion la the church, on Bebbatb r*eDlng, Instead of Ihe *e»try a* prevtoudy. The constantly Incrtuliif Interest which parent*, taachera, *ehol*r* and friend* have manifested In this branch ol Christian lustrnetloD, fa** be*n a moat xratirylof and encour- aging feature of tbe church. Upon thl* eocailon Ibe church wu well filled at an early hour, a* It waa expected that Kev. Mr. Wilson, City Mission- ary from Lawrence, would addrraa tha children. Mr, Wil.on !■ »cry popular with our people who yield blm no peer for hi* ability and adaptation In aildreaalng Juvenile aeaemblU*. The rieret.ee of Ibe school paaead of very commandably, consisting of reeluilou., of scriptural versa*, poetry and ilng- lng by tha children, nnder the direction of Ur. H. S. lllckok, to whom 1* du* mach er*dll for Ih* »« ilJuous ear* and attention In haa bellowed upon thl* branch of lha cierclae* by thorough aod re- peated drilling of the** young volcae. Mr. Wilton never appeared to better advantage before our peo-

or to eiblblt a warmer affection for tbe Bab- balb .i-l;no], and moral and aplrllual welfare of tb*

ran whom h* addre**ed; hla therm was pleas- In*;, bla Illustration* forcible, and deductions *neh

aid not fall to leave their Iroprcu on the plea- Do heart* of all hi* yonng bearora. We hope to

iv* the pleasure of llsienlrg to him igitn at no distant day.

Fief. Lincoln of Xewlon Theologfcnl rii mlnrtry, officiated at the BaptUt church last Sunday, ami It alto expected In two wreka from that dale. Xexl ttabbalh a mlnliter from li nt in I* rxpeeled to •>■■- enpy tbo ilrik.

. Kara tbst Key. Ur. Williams, their Isle pas- tor, I* to local* *Oon over a pirl'h in Ithode Island.

In accordance with a pnbllr notice, n meeting or perion* lotcrettcd In decorating lha grave* Of the ■otdler* and (altnr*, burled In llcthuen, on Decora- tion Day, met at tonn hall, Tuesday evening, May ICIIJ, at T 1-3 o'clock. The meeting wa* called to or- d*r by Charles R. Ayer, aud organ li id by electing II. C. ltlchardson chairman, and appointing a sacra- tary. On motion of Mr. Dame, a committee of tire, coaaUtlng of Cbarle* B. Ayer, J. S. Tapler, AI' ban Dame, Adam Cog*well, and Ueorge Bmlta,

appoloted by nomination, lo make the nec***a- ry arrangesaenl*. On motion of J. S. Tapley, a commlltoo of throe ladle* from each religion* eocle- ly In tbo place waa appointed lo procure flower*, aod attend to tho making of wreaths, An,, Wlih wblch to garland tbe grave* of our ilumtterluaj comrade*. On motion or J. B. Tapley, tho sec ra-

ws* Instructed to prepare a notlco to bo read In **oh church In Mnihuen on lha follonlng H*b> batb. Tbcre being no farther busloe**, th* meeting

■-J-iii rnrii to meet at tho *ame place, Tueiday even- ing, Uay :'■: I. at T 1.2 o'clock, to bear the report* of the committee, at which llmo It Is hoped there e.-i;l

general aiietidanceof all Interested.


FRIDAY, MAY ill, 1871.

of him and caused hi* arrest lust night, and bo will be taken to Xewbnryport to- day, where tbe Court Is in session."

Major Fiske and a parly planted elgbtv-four of thu iron wreaih* and stand* of iho O A It upon the gravo* of soldier* King hurled it in ibe Cliy Cemetery, Tuesday. A bright new flatf tnrmonnls each. Forty-six moro were placed on craves in lha Catbollo cemeteries. Tho Post ha* seventy more which will bo used In tha Anduvcr and Hetbnon cemeteries.

Tho Board of Aldermen held their regular mcetloRTucsday night, bat transacted no busi- ness, and adjourned one week, The timo occupied In hearings in regard lo sewers on Chestnut Street; between Haverhlll and Tre- mont; iho alley between Oak and Elm; and t hat onl^well Street There was considerable opposition to that proposed on Cluatnut St.

Has vacelnatloh been properly attended by the authorities? The laws In that respect are suffli-iont If they are well enforced, havo escaped ibo imall pox thus far, though we are very near to Lowell, bat It I* well lo guard continually ngainat tho disorder. The measles have been uncommonly prevalent In this vicinity, within the past two or three mouths.

A late train will be in* from Boston, starting at qnarter pa*t eleven, on the evening of Dceo ration Day, Tuesday, May 30th; this will prob ably )>o the last of the season. Tho only en- tartalnroent Which Is already announced for that nlgbt, is iho Opera BonfiTe. at the Huston Theatre. There will bo performances at the Globe theatre, at the Mnwm, and nt Ibo How- ard nl*o, on that evenlnjr, ot which due notice will ho given.

A. Sharpe-St Co. (iiotlUV'A. Sharp'' by lite way, mentioned In Wednesday'■ Daily, J hare Impurtod a now set or hands fur the Esecx Dye House. They arc all French hands, and made of wood, for co'.orlui; kid glove* upon. The ladles can thcrcforo have thoir soiled gloves made as good as new, a! short notice, by meaus of the now Importation, by leaving them at tho dry gooda store of that firm, a little below and opposite the post oftlco.

It 11 understood tkat Iho board of engineers, on Wednesday evening, discharged the fore iiiiiii and nearly a baif-aearo members ot E**cx englno company; tbla action, we suppose, grew out of on active and decidedly expressed opposition by the company, to an oppolmmcni a* one of Ita officials, made by the board, and a* there appears io havo been no shadow complaint against the fallbiulncae of tho men discharged, It seems nnfortnnate that so good firemen could not bare been retained.

Tho reservoir lor ihe new I.owell water- works, Is to bavo a capacity of thirty millions

of iralloos; it I' being constructed by Mossr*. S Dorkham & Co., of this city, who, aays tbe Lowell Court, r, have thus far made rapid progress, and perform their work to tbe entire satisfaction of all concerned; they now em- ploy about fifty horses and mules, live yoke of oxon anil nesrly one hundred men; fl.'i.OOfl cu- bic yards of earth have already been removed; they have itotll .Nine of next year ;■> ronipleto iho work.

Tho preparation* for Decoration Day, ono week from next Tuesday, are rapidly progress- ing; the procession will be In no resptel Infe- rior to those of former years. It will include the Light Battery on foot, the two Inlantry eompanlei, live companies of firemen, nnd sev- eral largo societies; thu Zouaves, the new com- pany of l*da, have al*n accepted an invitation 10 lake part, and thry will he <luiie a feature. The ladle* are already prnspeeiing for the best place* to Ond (tower*, and there teems in be n general de terminal Ion nn. n all, lo ihow ihat iho deed of tbe great war Inr litierty arc not forgotten.

Amnng the cntrle* for Narraganaet Tark for the Juno races, la that of " Kastem Roy," by Clark Spaulding, of ihe firm or Htowell & S^iauldlng, ol thl* city. Ho Is a lmn.i-.,r,;,. white gelding, formerly owned, we believe, by Mr, Charles Clark, Hoi* rained by hi* pres- ent owner at $10,000, though il I' doubtful H

he could U: had for that. Itisicrn Hoy I* en- tered fur the first day 'a t roftlntr for horses that have never trotted a mile In leas than three minutes, first prise, ICSO, secee*. ii".o, third 8100. There are eight entries for this; the an- imal Is also ■ i... i for the fourth day, for horses ihat never initclu ndte In leis than 9 30. Ural prise fMO, second |S», third fioo. Here are also eight entrle* lor this.


JIIIJII Corde]! has nnimnl his office

to the MI.re ol Gi-orgo II. Purker lo Dra-

per's build injf.

H. P l olt la to occupy the ment mar-

ket, corner nf Mum unil Central streets,

when vnCaU-il bv tbe Vnlpejr brothers.

Dr. Liiwren e ot Quinev, guve a tem-

perance lecture at the Baptist church OD

Thursday evening of last week, as by

previous notice. Although the attend-

ance was not large, the logically eloquent

words of hla discourse will long be re-

membered by those who attended. Tbe

original songs elicited applause, and the

recitations by Mrs. Lawrence added

much to the entertainment. It Is hoped

that they may be secured to apeak here

again under more favorable circum-

atancea. D.

A lMHBBTIC TSAQKDV.-A. few week* since tb* many personal friends of air. W. H. U lli.it ralased him from hi* u*oalwalk*of life, and a few day* *ub*e(|eenlly bl* name *■■ oUlllenled fruir Ibe ■l|n of Call it Tuttle, la which tailoring firm be wo* tbe Junior partner. There were myeierloa* hint* of ihe cause* whleb had led lo tide euddea ebtence and Ihe fact ili.it he left a wife and child Siv* nee lo many rumor*. Ue wa* laat seen In

osti.n, mi Sunday, April lOta, when ha left hla rceldeuN and disappeared. H was *ut>*etinently ascertained thai he went lo New York, and stopped «t th- Aster House under an assumed name, aud the dav following tie look pssssge In bis own name, to a Herman steamer for Hamburg, which aalled on tho IBlb ull. Tbat hi* financial affairs were not In tha least connected will) the cause Of hi* abrupt departure wa* evident from the fact ihst be lefi be- hind him a few thonuud dollar*. Within a few day* a letter baa been received from a fello. eenger, statins; the lad aetjnel to thl* account. a-enih-tiian writes that h* observed Hr. Mlllett In a daepondloi mood, and appeared very much de- jected, rhoue-h oat acquainted with blm, bl* de- mranor attracted bla attention, aiid be wa* In- lunned that Mr. Mlllett b«d confessed lo Ihe ameers ihat he wa* laboring under deep mental afflloilon, and he wished Ihat ilify would keep watch of him, us he did not know what he might do. Un Sunday, April -jJd, about four oVIork |a the morulag, atr. Mllhiit dressed himself and went on deck, and *l- moat Immediately Jumped overboard. He waa ■ren to make lh" leap, and the *lcaro*r wa* Imm*. dlately slowed and etlurts were made to *ai* blm, which were fruit!***. Ill* waieh wa* found lo his

' room, but what little money ho had wlih him probably In his pocket at the time. Ur, Ulllutt a >uung man of good character, popular lo his circle, nud possessing the full confidence of

Ills business associates. What cause* led him thus to seek relief from sfBietiou* which were too heavy for him to b*ar, we know not; but hi* friend* feel

bl* life was blasted ilirmijjh no *rrort of bf .— Potion Journal,

It, lh


We are permitted to use the following

extract from a letter received by one ot

our citizens, from his wife, who Is now

enjoying the recreation of a visit to Hie

Azores Islands, which arc located In the

Atlantic Ocean, some two or three han-

dred mil js this side of Portugal, which

governs them. Quite a number ol our

residents bavo preferred this pleasant lo-

cality to any other, for a sojourn:

April eth. We arc at anchor at Fayal. Tetter- day morning at lids time, we were within four mile* of II,bat being enveloped ID fog, was not to be seen, io we sailed twenty-four mile* north, only lo re- traco our course; but we had a delightful e»ll,— Pico on tbe one hand, F*y»l oo Iho other. Dow eaalde*erlue tbe beautiful iceoery Ihst 1* spread before our eyo* I so green, to lorehja, so unlit* ev- erything (.mi's eves have ever beheld I Tbe hills laid out lu terrace* of tho softest green, with here and there a field of darker color, where vegetation la not so forward. Tbe irees to gracefully grouped, or set out In gardens, the tree* themselves forming lb* moat beautiful of hedges, some of Ihe large*! of deep brome green, sitting off, by oomrael, the

while, with only three egcepiloo*,—«no red, two bright orange.. Ah I I tee one other, a lovely biifl'. Two windmllts.-one In full blast.—aro on our rtghl, aurmounttng ihe loveliest hill I ever aaw. It I* a moist, foggy day; what mutt It be when 111B-

mlued by tho bleaicd auo? Tbcre I a* I look te an- other windmill atwoik. I only see the whlw wing* ■a they tpmsr, disappear, and re-appcor tn the mtdst of foliage, Ibe hill* behind so eofteiicd by the cloud* and m!-i of ihe d*y. Then th* tones and language of the tailor* who have com* out In the pilot boat, are to *oft and *o*tranga, and yet thry do not bring a panicle of home*lckut*a.

April St ft. On oar lending, on tbe nib, we found ibe quay waa covered with people, all regarding u» with tbe greatest Interest. We passed along, the crowd aeparatlng for lhal purpose, and found our- (elveiin the Cu*torn House, where tbe mcuth* or our carpet-bags wer* opened for form's take, our name* were ifgned, and we were free io pass on lo oar hotel. I pa** now from tbe house out Into lb* open air, where everything that can delight the rye or gratify tbe lenit-t, meet* u* at every turn,—mag- nlfle*ut tea view*, ever varying at every bend o road, Out how ran I convey the falntKtt Idea of the delight* of "s donkey rlile lo Fayal 7" The mo- tion I* most agreeable, we are seated, grnllemin a* wall a* ladles, on a cushion placed between two crupper* or inpporli. Tbe donkey boy* hare lbs wbolo responsibility or driving, Ih* ilder* having nothing to do but keep their seat* and enjoy the sigbl ur the loveliest icene* and Sowars, tree* and ■hrubs, vegetation springing from every crevice and crack la Ih* high wailt wbk-h frequently badge In

, Ihe road wherfon we are driving. Bealde* tb* brac- ing, toft, aalt air, tbe easy roektng motion, oi brisk canter of the donkey, Imt gin* tbo fragrant oraoga tree, clump* of fuchla* and oxalli, bod* of the rankest pcrrlwlukle In full bloom, nasturtiums, Star of Bethlehem, honeyiuckle, trumpet (lower, pinion flower vines, coliseum vine; something liven sprouting from the baldest rock*, where would think nothing could, by any poeilblllly, r,nd atiTthlnrr li live upon. Then Uio quaint llltlu tSgtS, tbo very Darrow ttrsctS, tlio low wl.lt* hot the ladle* aud children* heads to bo seen at almost every window, tbo poasant women la their blue cloaks, with enormous stiff bood* far orcr tbelr face*, tho little children with their bright, black eye*, lb* i;olck!y raised bat or cap of thorn the tirangcra paM.-cvervlOlm, :. to furfign ae-fl pietnrasqua. J wne interrupted In lha midst of lb!* lait

IcuccUy Ihe arrival oT a most Mslefol basket of the most Borgsuu* r.n»in tbst tbe aye ever r«*tcd upon.)

To-day the two Boston gentlemen Started with u* to stall aomo or tho many bill* that eommatid tho city. Wo woro gono about three hour*, and li would bare dooo any ono good to have seen us, to young sad llghi-baarted as we were. Wc eajoyad

Ah! tula donkey riding la something toenjoy; the fresh, invigorating salt air, tho cheery voice* and m*rry face* of the doaksy boy*, the hard, smooth road, wilh iho beautiful gardena or culti- vate J fleldaon tither aide, or grand view* of lb* tea, or perhaps Borta spread out below tit, the rough l.inea partially paved with large and small unsqu*l-*lsed atone*, over which lb* patient, snn- footed animal plod*, giving ut, st avt-ry turn, some u*w sight, each plcaaanlcr than tbe list. . We tee lb* womuu in torue ravine, w**hlng ihelrclulhe*,or carrying tbo ism* lu a basket on their heads, or again w* Ctune upon a group of tin lo children, with their wonderful black ijlfS. BneHtd III Ibatr play by the approach of our csvalcade.or it may be a psuatinlwlih blsllrkinor Jar of milk, or both, one on t.i:i-l aud une in hand, looking ao alrauge and foreign, or Iho same pi-taaiit, with hi* courteously raised cap to the passing stranger. Then on tb* road we meet tbo wagon of th* country,—aloud, conilnuos* ehrlek, something like a eteatu whittle, announcing Us approach. A* we look, Am appears a yoke of cowa drawing an enormous wicker bas- ket, a great deal larger and dctper than any of our cart*, placed over lha nfle, wblch I* Immovably llnud to tho two wheel*; the axle move*, making Ibe unearthly *ound of wblch I h*ve spoken; after the wng.ni, comes another yoke of cow*, to hold back, or prevent the too rapid descent of the concern when golt.g down hill. Then tho house* are to quaint, built of stone Invariably, never a chimney,

id roof* ill her of tile or tbst r he J wlih straw. We frequently tee tbe smoke coming from Ihe door, or perhaps forcing II* way through lb* rouf; Ihese

i-s are our greatest dull) pleasure, but will llo. 1th by aaylng what ill tbl* rout,—that 1*, coming

I to ihe plain pro** bfluV,—thirty SMI*apleet, that InHudeta Mule gratuity In the dunkey

Noxtll ttEADlMQ.—Daniel l.onry, ol

Xt.nli Heading, was arrested at Lowell,

00 Sltud'iy i.i;.;iil. nud on Moods; taken

buck (*»r [Htil for oxcoaelve driving, nnd

titiiin"; iln' death of a hone belonging

l» Henry Portntan, on Sunday, April


Mr. Wtu. H. Mlllett above referred to,

was a native ol' Andover, nnd tho eldest

son of tho hi i' Wm. 1'. Alillett, deceased.

He wns a worthy young man, and be-

longed lo the popular and successful

firm of Call & Tuttle, merchant tailors,

Boston. Domestic troubles nto said to

hare been the causo of liU untimely end.

IIi.1 numerous lricnds will mourn his

oarly denme, possessing as he did so

many excellencies of character. Ily in-

dustry and frugality he had accumulated

a lo-vr thousand dollars, proving clearly

tbat financiully he had no reason for de-


Mr. James F. Morriam, a graduate of the U.st clasn |Q tno seminary, has re-

ceived a call Irom Farmlngion, Conn., to

succeed Prof. Paine, now of Bungor.

The filth annual declamation for the

Draper prize', at Phillips Academy, will

occur next Thursday evening, May


A citizens' meeting has been called at

the lowu IIHII, to-morrow (Saturday) af-

ternoon, for the purpose of making ar-

rangements to receive and welcome home

our distinguished fellow townsman, John

Smith. E-q., who Is expected to arrive

on Monday night.

A Union Suuday School Convention

will be held at the South Church, Ando-

vet, on Saturday and Sunday next; Rev.

Edward Eggleston, Editor of tho Nation-

al Sunday School Teacher, and ltev. II.

M. Parsons of Boetou, will take part in

the exercises; the following will be the

prugrxniuie: Morning section at nine

"company." so It became ns to stand erect and I toe the mark. Onr ln-at* band live* out of town this season, so tbat In service* were not [ obtainable; hut wc may bave reason to console

vanity that our friend* did not Hud us ! wholly destitute of all other element* tb*l par- take or tbe brassy; but we are only required to do the beit we can, and If our work is done honestly, what matter* It, though we labor lo the gilded carnal chambers of bl* royal faiscb- neaa tbe Duke de Chelsea, or engage our ser- vices aa high secretary to a hook and ladder company. Well, the steamer with in gentle- manly officer*, came Into oar TIIIUKO Just like any other every-day folk* that know their busi- ness*; no extra squad of police wa* necesiary to keep back the crowd, and tax-payer* had the privilege ol pay ine; tbelr respect* to one of tbe town* valuable institutions, and realizing

how wonderful are tha development* of mod- ern invention. Our villager* were highly grat- ified at tbe exhibition ol the steamer« capacity and power, anil were perfectly satisfied con- cerning Ita operations, when told that tbe fellow who holds down tbe safety-valve with ibe poker, didn't run with that machine now; thi* manner of putting holes through theaky may be criminal, but II nevertheless seems open to Improvement. Th la la the first, bat of course not the onlr visit we shall bave from them; we are only "poor folks," we know, but some amllei shall bo tiered up, and we shall rehearse our most gracious bows in anticipation ot their next call.

The hand engines were arranged In a line be- side the mill pond, and each worked a* though the wasting of water was their *ole enjoyment. A spirited contest sprang np between them, bnt not having any appointment on the judges' stand, we are not allowed to say wblch party wu entitled to tbe prise. It all terminated very pleasantly, however; our proof of this, I* that no scalp* havo been found lying about since. After tbe trial, the companies with their guests, marched to Dinner * Hall, where the;

partook of a collation. Several of our young men are getting up an

entertainment, the bill* say Thursday evening, May -."nil. Huslc, tableau*, recitation, farce, burlesque, 4c, will be tbe subjects for consid- eration. Of course we need not Inform our people that the patronage given to boms Indue- trv and talent, Is not like giving to those from whom wo expect nothing In return ; It will not be tost. Tbo, programme looks well, and ihe entertainment will lie ofa good character.

Our Sanday School* have been Invitetl to share In the exercises tbat take place at tho old South Charcb, next Sunday. Shonld the weather be fair and pleasant, quite a delegation Irom here will attend.

TO L £ T. Th<i Dwelling (louse OH the "Major Blua

Flaee." en North Street Ai>piy lo i II Alt I.rn C. BLUNT.

Andover, April 7.1B7I. it

Uomtnoawealth ot Maaaactiuaett*.

Whrres* John B. JenklD*, Ibe guardian >f said

account of hlsgu'rillanabip, You are hereby died to appear at a Probate

Court, lo be holiH-u at Baiern, lu aaid eauntv, oa the Klrst Tursdiy ol June neat, at nine o'clock In the l.in n.mu. tu show cause, If any you have, why the »» should uot be allowed.

And the said guardian 1* ordered to M rve Ibla dlallou by publishing the same unce a week, three week* successively, lu ibe Lawrence Ataarleaa and Andover Advertiser, a newspaper printed at Lawrence, tbe laat publication to be two days at least Ds-tore said Taesdav.

H line** George r". Cboatr, Etq , Judge of said Coart. tbl* sixth day of May, in tbe year one thousand eight hundred and ei

uiia A. C. UUODKLL. ltegl*ter.

ay 1 lie la its will find son.eihlou' n Il'Its unlnC Tartar ft Boiioo.

i-nae. How may tee Interest our children

In the iiublic unil fcocliil Servlceaof the

t'hiirclir Introduced by Itev. J. II. Mcr-

'III. Written answers by female teuch-

«*rs and othert, Hro solicited. 10 30.—

Prayer and PraUe, 10 45.—Question, la

dundiiy School Machinery (B(, called;, a" evil or itoud? UIscusGtid by Jtev. Kdwuid

Eggtcston, Htid others. 11.30.—Quentlon

Drawer. Written questions pertinent to

the Bamlaj School work will he called

lor, and referred to Itev. Mr. Rgfleatoa.

Afternoon settleU at ii o'clock. Open*

log cxerclsts. 2 15,—Teaobert in cotin

fill. 1. How do yon prepare your Sun

day School lesson? 2. How can thi

preparation of lesson* by our scholars be

secured? Hf.J.II. Williams of the .South

Church Sunday School will open the llrst

question for consideration. Mr. Charles

A. White of Abbott Village .Sunday

School, will open ihe second question.

H.—Pastors' experience |n Sunday School

work. Opened by Rer. H. M. Parsons.

4.—Answers to question!—oral or written

—upon Sunday School topic*, by R«v.

Edward KgRlesCon. Speakers will he

limited to five minutes—except those who

open the questions.

-*1"- Efrjrloston and others, will address the Sunday School children In the Sonth

Church on Sunday afternoon at 2 o'clock.

All are requested to corar. Snntlaj School hymn! will he Pied.

The quarter centennial gntlieriag of tho

Free Christian Church and Society is to

take place <m Wednesday, May 01st, af-

ternnon nnd evening. An historical ad-

dress will ho given by Kev. William II.

Brown, I». D , of Newark, N..I., a for-

mer pastor of Iho Church. All persons

ever connected with the Church or Socie-

ty are cordially and earnestly invited to bo present.

Sjlvoster A. Parker, just tried at tho

Superior Court, at Jt'owhuryport, for

stealing a horso about a year since, be-

longing to Henry Doyuton, of this town,

was found guilty, and sentenced to the

State Prison for-three years.

Memorial Day will bo observed in an

appropriate manner In this town. Ar-

rangements are not yet perfected, bnt

further information respecting tho pro-

ceedings will he given next week,

The union .Sunday school convonilnn

on Saturday and Sunday next, will no

doubt be very largely attended. In ad-

dition to the speakers meuilnned In the

pretrramrac. It U expected that Rev. Mr.

I'I.UI ■, of Stonoham, will give some

LUt-kboard exercises, and Rev. George

P. Wilson, of Lawrence, and llie zealous

friends of the cause In this vicinity, will

take part In the discussions, and add In-

terest to the occasion. Tlio gathering at

Iho Soulb church on Sabbath afternoon,

at Iwo o'clock* "ill no doubt be a very

lar^rc one. Ucv. Dr. EaTitleitou, Is said

to be one of Ibe most elllelent, Interest- ing, und aiieeesiful laborers In the Sab-

biili school enterprise in Ihls country.

The llngiug ol sunn a large number of

children will greatly Increase tho sttrac-

renesi and Interest ol the meeting,

Messrs, Davis and Callahan are al-

ready doing quite a lm ■hn--- nt their new

book bindery. We have seen some splen-

did specimen* of their work, nnd bclievo

•nyJobs In tbelr Une entrusted lo them,

will give emits satisfaction both In re-

L'urd tn workmanship and price.


Our 11 rrmen lisd s sort of a .inblles day of It I-ist H.itnrday afternoon, on ihe oecas'on of Ibelr general muster and vblt from ibe steam- er- It tcqu res no Unit courage to "man the lirakai," as ihe Hnalo to ihe labors of the week, though the anrac;iven«ss iha'. Il ■» tw/'ml tbt mere tuusrula. (x<rdse, ibou d povs ever so rsmitna-atlvj; Lu: co OYi o ento-i wa had


Thero wsaanioft brilliant (ratbcrltif at the rest, ■IiTn-t Of Ban. Oco. I.. DavU.on Wednesday, at tbe reception following the marriage of J*me*II. DavU; tbecoremonr wa* por formed, In Ibe pre*, enee of a large parly or friends, at ibe Congrega- tional church, al 2 r. at.; Uie bride wa* charmlngl* ■ttlrej, and not a little onvItMl \>y lomo ol Ihe n en* prcsaut. Tbe spaclou* manilun of Mr. Davl* wa* soon after crowded, tbe gaest* being welcomed wlib lha beany curdUllty wblch crer Invest* till* household with *o genial an atinoipbcre. Tho In l- dalpruMnt* war* of the most elegant and costljr cbaraclur, and amlj brilliant toilette*, tho pcrfumo ol flowon, and the brfghlett of (outhlne, the fair twain ware glvan the heartiest of congratulation*, aod bidden an oarncal and cheery good tpe*d OD ibsdr new relation* of life.

Mr. Ueorgn It. (filbert, of New York city, ha* •rocted a beantlfut monument in the cemetery In North Andover. Tho material 1* Iiallan marble of ih* rlcfaeat quality, and the workmanship la not *i- celtedby anytblngof the kind In tbl* vldnliy, Ca- rew of Boston l» lh* buUder.

Jcwepb Y. Alien haa been appointed bj llov Claf- ■In, a Justice of iba Tea ca, for tbe couuiy Of Esaei.

Oeooratlon day la to be obaerveil In thl* place. An efficient eammltue baa been jthoiro, the Law- rence Bra** Band engaged, moory raised for all tbo espouses, aod an occasion of jro.it Interest I* tlol paled,


■■ rtqueitrd to meet

SATURDAY AFTERNOON, MAY 20, at rotjjj o'oloek, V, M., for the parposo of making arrangemente t* receive and welcome home out dl-tingu!efaediuliowrl'lzen,JOIlN > Ml I 11, !:■ .:

who la ezpeclcd to tnlvo home on Moi.iliy neat Slay Shi

ABdover, May It, IMJ. It

Auction Sales by tJeu. Foster Will be sold at publlo auction on Saturday. Hay

'.'Oili, at 2 o'clock r. St., at the late residence ol J.ilwin Yonnghnsband deceiaed, on Harding .treet, a great variety or household article*, — •lailugof Stand roaalSf and other oh*lr*. tre and card table*, bureau*, book ca-es, staad*, matirssses, iprtog .ottoraa, refrigerasur, btewtrt'i cook and psnor stove*, carpet* and mat*, towel*, eartalu* and Bxture*. tecretary, tete-a-tete, bat-tree, crockery, i;la**, tin. Iron and wooden ware, a superior London twist double barrelled gun with wooden and leather S*J powder and shot daak* all In perfeot order, fci

Andover, Hay 10th, IbTI. It

House and Land IN BALLAKU VALE.

By virtue of a license from the Prabate Com.. . •hall sell ttpnblle auction, on Saturday, May ITUI lust, at four o'clock, P. M., on the premises. The "Bell I'lace," stiuateo un Oak street, Ballard \ ale. li consists ol" a smsll house, and the land connected therewith, and isowned by Alfred Wil- liam Hell, and Ami<ili Butler Bell, minor*. %t& it sale other condition* than ruled.

WILLtAH 1'EAHCrJ, Ouardlan Hay o, 1871, st

House and Land for Sale IN AMlllVKH.

It in sit uuteil about une mil* and a quarter from Ih* depot and poat offlce, hall a mile from lb* Academy and Seminaries,and I* delightfully lo- cated. Th* estate consists of atwo «tory par * * dwelling house, with eight room* and cot louces, and s shed and barn together with about three acre* of excellent Und. Upon the prom- lies ire many thrifty fruit tree*.and a well ut ex cellent water. Frto* rea*on*ble, [and term* of piymeot easy. Far farther pattleulars raqulre of

Andorer, Hay 16th, 1ST 1, ■It

Coauugiiwralth arMaiisiIiiiirtii.

ESSEX, *s. PBOBATE COURT. To tbe halra.*t-law, next of kin, and all other per

■on* Interested lu the oitatc of I1KNKY U. BUDGES, late of North Aadorer, In said county, youmin, deceased, (, reeling:

Whero** * certain lostramont parporilng tn b* the last will and Icititncnt of said deceased, his been presented to tuiil Court for 1'robalc, by Uose* Foster, whoprays that letter* of adminl*. tratlon, with the \.lll annexed, may ba lasaed to blm, tbo executor then In named in said wlil hav- ing docllrii-d io accept old trut.

You are hereby cltad lo appear at a I'robate Court, to be held at Lawnnc*, in said county •> Ks-n, oa tho Second Tusiday of June neat, at nluo o'clock before noon, to abow rauie, II any yon have, Ngaiosttbcaamc.

And said petitioner Is hrroby directed give publlo notice, thereof, by imblishlng this citation onre a week, lor throe successive weeks, In the Ufwspape real Ltd the Lawrence Smericinand An.li.ver AdvertUcr, printed at Lawrence, Ih* list publication to be two days at least before f 11.1 Court,

Witness, George F. tboat*, Ksnulre, Judge ot said Court, thl* srventeentbdajof May, in the year eighteen huudred sod seventy-oar, ">£*_ A.C. OOODKLL. Register.

Ettalta Manila L. PaBcktarsC

Manna L. I'unchard, Ut* of Andover, la the county of Essex, widow deceased, testate, and have taken upon themselroi tbat trust by girlag bond*,** the law directs, Al Strsuus having dimand* upon Ihe estate of said

i-ct-ased arereoalred to exhibit thesamo; and all persons I mh bled to aafd estate are called uiion i. mak*pa)nient to l.i.u*«n TATI.OR.

i.invAitii iAVi.ua, QEO.B.JCWKTr,

Andorer, Hay If>, 1BT1. Bxeouior*.


i, in

Elm House Stable, Andover, MB. This bi BIIllliil young animal Is 3 veers old June

S, IH7I, la of a Jet Black color, IS 1-tf hands high I weigh* lfi;5 lbs. He was brought Irom Maine by Ur. Daniel Lan*, of Tewkabury, Haa*.

Dan Lane wa* aired by the famous Btallloa <>rn. elierldan, raised and owned by liini Uut- Itlgh, <* Dsattf. Halne. Oen. Hheridan wa* aired by tbe welt known Trotting Stallion 111mm Drew. The dam of (Jan. Huerluan was Kate a mare of Brtai endurance, well known Inktilne: she wa* out of the farr.r Mar*, ahe wa* sired by l^1"1'' • ll0° lb, Hlallloo, Imported from

TKRHR, fi.l.tlfl.

Ten Dollars tab, paid at Klrat Service, rifttan Dollar* wh*n th* mare prove* with Koal. All escape* and accident* at tbe risk of the owner,

rn« Lan NMlrH the Fir*t Premium at igor, Maine, in IMV, tor beat ^ y«ar old, and jted I mile In 3 inlnutes; he also received tbe

Klrat I'remlam atlhe Mlddle**x Agricultural Ka. hii.lt lu ii, at !.ow*ll, in IVTO, Tor tbe best t year old.

Thia Dorse need, only to be ae.n and examined tub* appreciated.

8. G. BEAN, Proprietor, Andover, Hay U, inn. (|

FARM POR BALK. Ths sobsorlbar ofera hi* l.rui for sale. It eon-

slits ..f afcout twenty-two acre* of inowlna til- lage *nd woodland, with house, b*r"ald at«ls aaa I. pU.san.ly .int.ted la ,h» \omh "H %ffil town. Upon iho premise* are about one huudred rWHSi.!™!1 ''",'• Tbi,0,,1sproductiva,aBd the buiJdlnga «rc in good repair. Kor further particular* Inquire of lieorgc Ho>t(r or of tha owner on th* prcmli**,


I J (.it: si nix:-! All person* owning or keeping unlicensed Dog*

■re hereby nuliQed ihat they aru liable to a line ■od ou.ie, and wuat bave uelr dogs licensed at oi.ee, or suffer tbe penalty, on complaint.

K Kr.NUAI.I. .li-.Nfii.N.S, Andover, Slay 13, JH71. SI mil

^ Great Bargain. Wiiu'i fesieiarlnir Mnolilnn at a na-

IH I'KII price. Only * li w month* In use. Apply

to the nuliorlber, Oreeur fit reel.

L. WOLFBKN. Andover, Uay II, 1871. It

■w" A. a- o N s. WILLIAM POOR,

Hanufaclnrcrof Express, Market, Bulchcr, Store, Farm

and Business Wagons. SVRepalrlng la all its brunches; and all work -

warranted aa represented. Andover, March at, 1H71. tl

NoUcr. Whereas my wife, Phcbe Drown, hs* left my

bed and board without Just cause, all perioni are lorbld harboring or trusting her oa my account, a* I shall pay iiiiilebts of her coniracilng after thl* date. JACOB KR'iWN.

Andover, Hay 12,1*71, 3t*

DIsaolatlOB of Copartucrxhlp. Notice 1- hereby given that Ihe copartnership

lately existing between the undersigned, under the Arm name of WILLIAM Const L ftni, la thla day dissolved by mutual oonsent.

All persons Indebted to the above firm, will corner a favor by settling tbelr accounts.


Andover, Uay lit, WU atnjyA

Copartnership Notice. The underelgned have thla day formed a co-

partnership under the Inn name and style oi OOaSI ft tvrr.VKBS.for tbe purpose of rerryiue, on the Hoot »ndstme business at the (tore form- erly occupied l; y Willlum Curie ft Son.


Andover, Uay 1st, 1871. 3tmyS

HOOTS AND SHOES. Ih _._ ninety d*JS

close out the same at price* which cannot Tall to meet the approbation of all. Thry would politely rt-'|ue*t the publlo to call and examine tbe above,

'1 hey have ul*o added largely to their stock and feel conddunt tbat they can please tha public In bolb price and ijitallty.

They will do custom work and repairing In as good stylo, and at as low price* aa any one.

WM. COBSK, O.A. 8TKvr.ts.

Atdover.Uay t,U*I, imo-mll

BOOK: Biisraiisra-.

Tbe subscriber* take pleasure In announcing to tbe people of A SHOO van aai> victniTV that lacy aave opened BOOH9 In DItAPJCH'S BLOCK, for tbe Book Binding ^business, and respectfully solicit your patronage.

Day Booli, Journal*, Ltdgtrt, Caih Boolt, Order Books, l.rctur* Books, and Scrap Hooka MADE TO ORIiER.

HagnzlDCta Pamphlets, Music, 4c

Bound at reasonable priors,


Draper's Block, Andover.


has always on hand a large asfortmout of

Coffins, Caskets, Robes, Plates, At.,

waloh bo will < rnlib at the shortest notice and the best manner.

Also,bavin*; several Corpse rreacrvlng Case*, hels prepared to furnish ice and preserve bodir* when |i ..Ireil.

Orders left at Residence, on Illotl Hmi:rT,«lil he nr.'iuptlv attended to.

FURNITURE. s subserlbcr continue* ihe

iMiriiiiuie i.u-ir ,-,.. „• l.i- rstabliehmenl on Main street, next lo tbe I'ort OIBce. Upholstering and repairing <foae In a superior msuncr, and Picture Frame* conttantly oo hand or made to order — I'offln*, < aakrts. Hhrouds, and Plate* of all sarteile*, promptly famished al reasons*!* price*.

TKItKKNCK IIKMiV Aodover,Oct.7 1870. Ut

Tomato Plants. OOOO choice Tomato Plants for sale

by the subscriber. U. B. JENKINS, StapTS- North Andover, Mass.


SninuAT.—Since oar lait reporU tbare have been about a doicn drunk* and disturbances. To- day waa qulto business like.

Mary Ann Ward was up for conlonift of court, having comptalnrd of a person for assault, and then refusing to appear when summoned lo testify. She hud been locked up twenty hour* Ina cell, and ao sentence wa*continued.

Annie Allan, about twenty year* of age, bnt three time* Ihat In *ln and iniquity, nlgbt walking and ateallng, wa* **nt up for picking tbe pocket of Mr*. Eugene (Sullivan, of her wallet and money, on tb* lltb of April. Hoe ha* since been dodging th* officers, aod bumming about Lowell and Haver- hlll.

Catherine D*«D, a woman ■bout forty year* of age, who keep* a rum shop *n tb* plain*, w«nt Into Mr. Rodgman'e clothing store on Esaex street and stole a shirt, which she hmded lo her daughter about fifteen year* of age, who wa* wilh ber, and told her to bide It under tbe counter at her *bop. Mr. Hodgmta detected tbe theft. Th* girl wa* dls- chargid, but Ibe mother for thu* leading her daugh- ter into dubious paths, paid about |M lo aave her- self from th* House of Correction foe *lg manth*. The woman hid plenty of money, and poverty wa.

OrBcer Griffin aircsicd one Jantc* Cannaughtor, on the plain* for dlsturbiccc. It waa utoeatary to bandeufl him, but when he was landed at tbe sta- tion huu*e and hi* handcuff* removed, be struck th* officer a violent blow, blacking hi* eye. For ibla little piece or raveng* be wss Invited to pay Sti-M.SD.dAi.S') |o addliloa for the disturbance

Three drunk*.

MosDAT.-Tbom*. DotMbM was *cnt*nc«d to thraa month* Home of Correction, being convicted of ilaallng a pair or sboc* from *tlor*on Esstx Street.

P*t.lck rJamlll, who peddles poison for bodbag*. rats, and other oallle, had bl* own peace of mind poisoned by being arrested for doing *o without a license. He wa* warned, and allowed to go on pay- ment of Ihe costs of tho atrtst.

Altoalo Dmarbl. an Italian grinder, waa ground himself, by tb* organ of ibe law.to lha tune of SB SO, which ho paid. Bla offence wa. violation of the elty i rdlnsnce, and Inflicting cruel (we wish wo coold -ay unn.uai, pnD|,bmenl, by grinding th* -sine tun* for many hoars. Oo earned other ml*. chief, alao.

John Con way paid SH.S0 for lewdnc, and the notorlou. K.U Ha.1ncrb.n7 went up for tha «me, In default of $10,

Mary Gambia, for gelling drunk and kicking D„ big row on Common Strott, Sunday, paid »0 ho

One drunk.

TnDBBDAT.-J.m..Marpb,WM fined »M and eo*t», amountlngto f it.so for peddling good, with-

Michael D. Reddy wa* cb.rge.l wlih an Indecent ..aultupon tbo wife of one of hi. n.lghbor.,cn

White ttreel. A. the wom«n wa* unable [0 b. preeew, the o*a« wa* continued fur nine day* „(,, Ihe iiecused being held In |1M>0,

Two colored girl*, si.tars, on. twenly-flv. .nd .he other *li...nye.r.cf .«.,*,,„ flrl0d. w ,nd

.ne half the coata each, for the larceny of a aklrt taehfrom .he atur. of Hr. Stanley, on tb, Mu,h ildo of l..sei «roei.

I'airlck IleffVrnan, an andeot tinner of three wor. and icn, with on* atocklng off and 00. .lock- tag o. »n. h.t, „u* coat ,nd ..„ nwy other ar- MSS o( dr..,, w.nt up for thirty day. for drunken

i'ARADKOP TIIK LAWIIPKCK ZOLAV1S. -This fine appearing; company of yoDrjff

soldiers, psradtd on Satuida*/, lully

uniformed and fqiilpped, hosded by fifa

and drum, and commanded by (apt.

Warren Salisbury. The company Is com- posed of about thirty little follows, froni

sight to thirteen years of njrP, and 1ms

been organized some two or three months.

They have the regular stottavo uniform consisting of blue jackef, red pants, an.!

a close flltlnit red cap with blue ISRSH.

Thfy carry a handsomely formed spear

Instead of the musket used by older mill-

tary organizations. They made a mmt

commendable appesrance.


rrr*c ■„■;*., ■--.- -P-...T '■' ::mv V«i iK. U \t w, IWI.

DMll AMI -;ir\s -'I n ■ :'i: I.'V<I .ui.j-M of-cu-

vertallon In N'> w York und ih.nlij 1* Ihe fimlwr-

eartteoflxil werfe.ai .1 i».-r>i-a|.»r'Blly ihe wuinui>'.

CJ UCllilf III o,

Sun&aj Scrricee. j Carpets. Carpets. Carpels. r. l.onir.No-. TIMI'KB.'


ivlng f,r I bi- pre:

t'l ti iid >>. ■ I.JN


i.p,-d r.,..i .1 iu New Yoik, What iilumi.li awaited ih« r.iltltfui Mia. Bunt an confessed brrsclf " lA/r.i v M by t;.c comlLK glory''—n.J ih. whole spjiltuf tbr meet- Ins* tj> eminently andj.j fully pro|>li»llr. \Yorat-n who hud ii'.t only never vialii- 1 am h place* before, but had toi' JIMM cuiiM-ifi-tlKiipl) ilUCOltUI naUced every a,.nilinent Loideilnr iij.«n the- mi-l ■.■! ol woman's right*, worn out 1" large I.I inbi re, Ju.l wliel It means 1* bald I.. Ull.i-r bow Ihla »..,„!..■ (ul revolution of principle *<II brought iibuut. ilowever, etlch 1) the CM(| UI.J the lui-l* bit ml DJiltid by oppoeers u« HtllM lilli'ver*. VVbi'ihei wl.u or Otherwise, one ihlnf In ns certain a* ibat Ibo ND glvi-e il.lu by iluy, ibht women aie to have

batlut, and THAT BBTOIft LONO. "1 in; editor* mr prominent dtlilire understand tbla recent

progress, -I-..1 while IOCII of I him ere vlohutlj op- posed to the mi'inuir, do not ht-i-linte to declare that " t!n: i.suo !■ certain," and to ul] appeaiauc. might) near. Having had iliu good fjrluiie, or the nilsf.iMim« (:rulj 1 duu't know which it la) to have, mcntlouij ii. ■ name* erilicniljiMouv or two women I wua not e»pnUily drawn to, who arc llgatlng conspicuously In iho movemumt, and to have brought clown upon my devoted !■■.-.: the anathema* of mure than one woman, ami the very ones of all other a whom |0«d Opinions I would not for the world sacrifice.! begin lo think that my thoughta

'on Uio aubjeet were super fielel, unit that I really oiiffht to be m-hnmed ol myself. Of course yon all know thai Ultra li.ii been a trmt pow wow madu nil over the country in rrgttd to Hrr. Woodiiull being nllowcd to take her eeat on the Woman's lUxhtii Platform; men bare denounced, and women acolded I although, atrange to relate, ea I atatcd In the beginning, more to called "respectable" ladles have :L: ;, i I the convention, than any oilier since HI.' all Important auhjeet rras tint mooted.

An evening or two before Iho meeting at Apollo IInil, 1 met "Husau" (bless her dear haurt) luaatreet car. After a pleaaatit aalutallon, the oulipoken woman remarked: "Eleanor Klrl;, I nm ashamed of you I How In tho wjrld you could ever have made up your mind to utter a word, or nrllo a lino agalnet ono of your own itx, la more than I CM lma|;lne, even ibou/jh ihnt womin wore o parHaet devil."

For a moment I felt U If my gallari held (lie Urgect part of me, hut alter a mou,o:it of hesitation I rolili'l, und anhl:

" Hut I !'.-.■■ been lud lo believe thul euch and Euch things were trno of aueb *nd ; u.-Ti a woman; and certainly, this belay the caic, It recms to mo to be tho IruperaUro duly of every botMat woman who can wield a pen, w declarj banelf ORWllUng to he represented by 1Mb."

'■Toll reprcsentntion ihnt you trt no cloqucul ubuut," replied Suean, a<)JusUlt| her apaoMdtt, "toad] In your iyr. Ur<-. v. ■■•■■;:. .ii, ■;, throwing herself Into Iho gap last winter, nominating her- «eir fjr I'resMont, wblcli n:.y fool ml^ht know meant any thing hut that; by going lo Washington, and preicntlug her meir.f.i!.-.!,—by the very bt-hlncM of tho step, acconipllrlud more than Ilia u'A liitm drum v.iy could aval 1. .ic brought nhou>, £up- paao n man from either of tlio poliiUal jiLiiUceoI tho day, should purfjrm uueb elanal t.tivl.'u fur bla friends, do you aupposa they would aloji to rub whether Iiu was a divorced man, or n inuu with Otle wife, and threoor fuur women that woro not wives? Would tbey ask vheiher he stolo bla money ttiim tho city, or nn-du it Iu honest trade ; "

" So, of course not," 1 repliedj •• but (wo wronss don't make a right! oughtn't wuutcu to Insist upou a ,!i:'. ,. M atLtto of Iblnga among womuu? Are wo to follow aucl) precedents as tbcsu? "

TliU I was rldloiiloua enough to consider a knock down ;us .:'i. -A: ; hut Qtuan vil ready fir me as usual.

" Shall wo refuse to walk over abridge to liberty, because that bridgu ll catmlruclod by aolled bands i- You sic I have met you on Iho assumption thai Mrs. W. la what abo Is represented to bo. I do nwt bulltvo it word of It, howuver, aud tho beat anil truest worunn In tho country do uot bollcvo It. In tho coming campaign yon women bavo [jot to taaru (his, and It will bu au oxeollcnl lesson tor auine ol you that if yuJ am unnblo lo say anyihlng good about euch other, you hud best beep your uioutha shut. Our pluilurm I* brued enough, ai;d alroug enough tu hold Ull who ttuilt to ccuu on lo It; uud If you wunt to go v>Uh the 1'bailsces, to! but It i-

Dear.gojJ, loviug, dlplomitlc, chrlatian Baaan. A must terrible IrtaalDf doWu hud *lM) glveu me, but Hilly, I never c»rnl >u much f.ir hi r ea at thai Uucaeut. II I Hud bvcli a ruun, and u little older,!

She would bavo retard of coui're; but It Wunltl fauv* been oneway of ixpns-lng my gratltud< How plain and how Irut) and Wouii.nly was In. position ; ns fjr ulio've me and lltu ret.', of tliu enrp- m at the heavens ore above iho ounh. Tliu ueai day 1 sa.Ud ill the Oohmau IIJUSO to a.ea fewoi tho iiutuhlea aloppJug there, l'roi.iiiniit among those I mi not acquainted wllb,waa lir,. la A BELLA BXKCUBR U<K)Keit,OOo of the lovalleit Utlte women I eft r hud the good luriuim to meet, l.ikf the reel of iho Hecchers, ihla lady U eiceeulngly prouonnced In ber opinions, but as gentle and ..■■!.■■:■■ un aha :■■ earnest and duelded. lira, Iluok. r la [■.'..;■■■ Iu Dguro, and charmingly aatkella In tho manner ol dress and personal adornmer.l. Her manner*are cultured and exceedingly almplo, and her expres- sion, though eminently Uecchery, Is sweet beyond description, Ilcr hnlr Is light, mid eurl* nniursliy, giving her u youllif'tl appenmnei', wl.li-h In coiiver- aatlon . h< ulteily dlsclBlnied.

Ingoing over the ground which Ml-i Anthony and I had travelled tho ovunlng before,tbe said: " My dear, I nan senrec'y hlama you for lb* aland you have taken. I b:,vu ail (ho patlenc.i In the world wltii Ibo younfr In Ihla MIU] and Ihcn 1 ex. peel everybody to act up to Ihelr owu Ideas ul right. 1 am u grandmother, and perhnps (an afford to do things which you cannot. Bvtrllnaa lean remember, ibo cry among mtnhas been, why do not women aland by each other? why do (buy not try to hold up their all tor (.Instead of hunlloa Ihem to destruction ? I never could tell why, hut ll la rlaln enough now, There are very few "irong enough to risk martyrdom for such a caitnn! but let me Im- prcaa upon your ml.id ono thin;;—woman baa a grand work to pfrfiiim In tho futuro of this coun- try— and this work must ho dono by love, and pa- tience, and fidelity. We mint welcome all those wbo waul lo come. If they aro not pure, we mual elevate by our example; ir llioy provoke us by aln. ning, w« mual consider their temptations, and lend thorn up higher,—bul not a word azalasl any wo- man. Silence, when thero la nothing good lobe said, mnsl bo tho motto of Iho women of Ibis coon- try." Uow tho Beecher tiro sparkled In tho Illtlo woman's eyua, and how resolutely her lip* wcr< compressed. There was Iho Mult of which mat tyre aro made. Henry lTwd In his pulpit, Ii bla beat moo.ta, KM never more eloquent limn this dear elalcr of bis, who preached the doetrluo oT Je- sus Christ to astnallaudleucool her own sex. Long lira such; and Hod h!e»aevery woman *lio works fnrllierlehl. As ever,

Tin- fiuii.irii Sen on.l public invellng 1 Wedaoaday nm, lb*

<>S Will hold Its see-

ulveradllai church on

. The alri-riio.'ii ses- k, and, the drat half

hour be devoted 10 a prayer meeting, alter which an isaay will he rend upin tho BObJeal of a abb nth >' in il organlrallun, followed by a dlseuaaiim. The eviolngaeaalon will commence at a quarter before right, and tbe Ural Dfleen mlnulea spent In a praise aervlce- A teaching via re in. will then bu given upon tho pee*ag* found lo Luke, luih chapter, 2(1

Ting auhjeel: " The leaeber's !a- nailon h.iur," f.ilinwed by a dls- .ylLid iu attend.

■Hid upon the fulie

KATHHIXA, or "My muJ,union of thcesball ito sweet," Is the title ot a new line and stipple = L ■ i.■ - 11■ ■. after a pulnUtiK by J G. 'I ■>.:.■:..i r, in. ■ ■ ■ ■ iJr = ri■_- thu bcruineol Ur. Ilulliind'u ebarm- log puciii; the enitravlagj which is publif-bed by F. S. Fuller & Cy., Spilnifleld, is of unusu- al excellence, no less In ■:.-.', H than execution. Ii rtpraeentl a iwe*t, pure, aitraciive face, witii A calm, thoughtful, expression, ut an ui en window, lulovr which la upreml n wide see view; the maiden 1ms before her u Bible, openotl at PMIIDI, nnd Lcr line, expressive cyca are turned meditatively upward, as if in tbe sweet- est of communion. It Is a really charminK pic- ture, and upon which the eye dwells with de- IlKht. Mr. Swart/. Richardson, formerly of our city, is now canvassing for Ibis engraving, having the sole agency lor tula vicinity.

On Sunn-iiiiy last, some roughs went to n pic- nic near Qnincy, III., and tried to break it up. Not succeeding, they ]■■■:..! the spring. Nine persons were poisoned, rlvo fatally.

'aft.i SiliCSO ^ITo( I ceo.

J. 11. WHITMAN, Piano Toner, will vlait Law- mice JJay COih; and all persons doilrmg tils aorvlcca, ecu leave their orders at Dvxti h. Go's Mini; Slure, and they will ho promptly attended tc. myl71T ttmjHi

DyEvcry one in want of carpets should visit Eyrcn Trucll & Co. Their styles ore fiplcndid, qtinlily A No. I, and |- !■■*■■ as low as tlio lowest.

' Allevnnlor ci

i Throat and Ltisg Dealer is rellabl.-. Brln

CO*Xn.~Brlfg*a Alleviator and Curallve, the mly rotlabto and I filccclous remedies In the world for Iho speedy euro or Corns, Cnnioni, Chllbislns, ivorted nails,c'.c. tnil by druzglsla.

Tiy Dr. Hi ifcV rile lieiuodka, for Plica.

e Dftffgi'Com and Hunlon Ilemedlr*.

GO Sowers Wanted. .-am 50 Uewcrs on frame Work. Kew Defti can mrl:r pood pay lbs first weelt, ftmhil W. a. GILMiiui:,

Straw llat Manufacturer, 2W Essex St., Lairrchcc.

fri.fiviE copies of the I'ouTLANKTiiAHftcitirr sciit tree lo any add.ess. Tvrma, $2 • year, and -ubscrlpttona taken for six or three months. A drat class literary weekly, which has Jest becu greilly enlarged liU.i Improved. Addresa ;iiii"'ii"i 1 :..\ }■ it., PII KAstrt L Co., Portland, lie.

^3irtl.e. i son to Mr, onJ

^Ti av: tatjeo.

KowCarp'tii't'sof rvrrj desirable ktud.i and it'.ite to hi found 111 Ihi market, no* •Hb I bit Ion, tor sale daily at the


BYRON THUELL & CO. 1>II Cluths, Straw Malthga, Itugs, Mats,Cur

talus, Curtain Fixture*, l.aer Curtains, etc., ll gmt prolatlon.

DRY GOODS. DM GOODS. Mark Silks, KanayBllks, New Dress (Joods ll

choice fabrics, .Ispauci-e bliks In every atvle, Alpaca Lnstrot, very desirable; Black Brlllian< tinea, very cheap; Hlack Alpacas, veryebeap; M■ i.. : i Lnsires, very cheap.

GasRsnero Sliawts.

Spring Woolens for Men and Boys. An extensive nsforlraent of llamhurn KdflnfS

and Inserting!, juit owned. Cloves, Hosiery,and Mmall Wares In abundance. 0fV-'e would call rfptrial uttenllon to our

Siiii>lui<i4- nnd Paranol Dcparlment, It beln^ stocked with New and Choice (ioods. Alno, to our new Sprlni atoek ol

Black Kids. the IIKST Glove In the market, as many of the ladlea of Lawrence , iul vicinity can testify.


No. 219 Essex Street, Lawrence.

H LH bd 0 0 0 w % * fej Q Ul

K O I. T>


239 Encx Street.

Sewing Machine STATISTICS.

The r.'H.i'.vin,; I* fi-omsworu statements of the eadlnx Sewing MaoUne Compenles for ibo rear 1870:—

Ilono .'T;'.c!iiin' aoltl -S,l5<i Crovrr &DakO- 67,101 Wccd " CJ.OOJ

Wilcox ft Clbbs >,HsJ Florence " njrnt Amerlcnbllu'.tonHu'e" ufin ColdllUdnl " 8,013

Xtna " Bjm Empire, " ,;,r.rrfi

llnklek Lyon ■' a,«M

WILSON—SMITII.-In Ihla cltv. Mar 17th U-V J. II. Mi.ure. Mr. J.ihn V. lHor. and HUs rjiniih, boih ot this city.

FAIIKIKGTOX— BC-*SBLL.— In this city. Mny 13ih. bv H..w. L. L. WfMid, Uio, U. Farrlnuwn " Atinte Buaseil, both of Lowell.

QOOQINd-GttKEX.—By iho a-.ino. tnnir di ,l..hu ll, Uuoglua and Alroal Orem, all of Li

l.'I.onill —IIOWARTTI.—Mnich lib, by Rev. J. II l..e. Ml I... ILI-Uijh.uf Urwui.Biid Mlaa t^u'-ti llnw-nli, t4 Lnwreiicu.

iTEWAHr-F.VY.-Ha*Vihtb*R«?. 0. E Pish- IT. Mr. th..iie* K. Sitwart und Ulrs JI. Loul.o Fay.

COM lNfi-yUl-l.lVArJ.-May vlh.hv Rev. Wll- li.1111 <>rr, Ur. Jerinil.h Coilli.a and Ml» Joban- 11a Hulllvan.

VTALKBU—SULLIVAN.—afaySd, bv Rev. J.P. Oiln.ore.Ur. Abraham Walker and Miss Mary J. rjutllvmi.

ABTIN—BRADLEY.—May M, by Rev. J. Nc- Hiiane, Mr. Thomas Aatln and UUs Mary Brad.

DAYie-rArTKIIDRST.—In the CouBreKatlnnal ebiirch^orlh Andoeer, Mav 17. h, by Rev. tt.F. Hnmllton, n-sl"ted by llcv. W. I. llrlais, of East Douolss, Mr. .lamiF.ll. Hm-is and UUs Ida I'ark- hurtt, both of North Acdc.ver.

KNDWLAJJD—SITAN.—In North Andnver, May Kith, by Rev, II, F. Hamilton, Mr. Humuel It. Know-land.of Uarblchead, and Miss A. Fannie Swan, i.f Nurlh Andover.


Wilson " :oo

From the above, It will bo seen thai the HOWE Co. sold 40,1(14 more than the Weed, or more than 1* Ice as many, and H'J,:,;.'! mure than the American Button Hole and Over beaming Co., or more than five times an many.

Any ono not Interested In any Slachlne, readily in which Jlechluc is AUkAD ln the above lisl.

Only Ac. nt for tho Hone Machine Co,

is AT

HAGKE'S General Sowing Machine Agency

199 Essex St., Lawrence.


A. Sharpe & Co's or

Dress Goods, Silks, and Shawls,

A. S. has Just returned from the New York Marked, and we have now opened the LAKOEST and FINEST stock or DRY GOODS ever offered in Lawrence. Oer

Black Silks

JapaneM Silks, In striped, plain, figured and checked.

WOOL FLAIBS. Stripes and Bilk Mixes, a very Doe Msortmeat.

Also, Black k Colored BrIIHantiiir«, from 25 cents, np.

YTc would call KaritciAL attention to oar

SHAWL DEPARTMENT. We have now In stock Fonr Hundrrd and Fifty

or the LATEST xovEirina in SHAWLS, which are worth the attention of every Intending; purchaser.

PARA8OL858UN8HADE8. We have these goods direct Irom tho Maaniee-

toxers, therefore we sell CUKAPKlt than 11 bought front Jobbers.

"White Goods. One ease of P Ks, Choice Pattern*, and at

prices ranging from IT oeats to 63 oeata. Plain, Striped, and Checked Muslins. A full Una ot White Organdlea for Presses, BnlT I.inam for Salts, at



213 Eisex Street, - - Lawrence,

Agents for Essex Dye House.




1 Truil* is flliarhtr and will pre-


Purifies the Blood


General Dobility!

General Dcbilllr.

Debility Is the term need to denote deficiency of blood. The nutritive eonstltnenta of the blooa aro In less than their rrsulsr proportion, whllf the watery part Is in exoraa, beblltiy Is of fre- i|«eat ooenrrrne*. ll la Incident to a variety of ulseases. The lower limbs are apt to be swollen. The patient is feeble, and caanot bear mnch ea- ertloa. The circulation la lrregnlar, but almo.1 weak. I'alpltatlon ot tbe heart is a very common symptom. Violent cxtrtloa often throws the heart Into the most tomaltuons action. Tbe vital

agitated nnder exertion,as in iuunlng,ai hclghu,elc. Tbe nervous system is often greatlr disordered. Vert go, dlttlacis, and a feelinx ol lalntness are v*rj oommon. Vlolrat and onstl- nata aiuraJale pains in the head, side, brrmat, or oilier parts of tbe body, are also frequent attend- ee a opon the disease. The secretions erv some- tinea diminished. In females, tbe meases are almost always either suspended, or very partially performed, 1'he bile Is acuity; and eostlvetiesa. with unhealthy evacuations from the bowels, and a dyspeptic state of the atomaeb, are extremely oommon symptom a.

In this complaint the good effects of the VEO- TIXE are realised Immediately after eomwcaelng to take It j as deblUty denotes deficiency ot the blood, and VKO«TI» acts directly npon tbe blood. There is no remedy that will restore the health from debility Ills the VEOITIXK. It Is nourishing and strengthening; parlSea the blood; rcKulates the bowrl. 1 nui, tt the nervous system j aeta directly opon tbe accretions, and arouses the whole aystem to notion. It baa never failed In ihla complalui.as will bo seen by a few of the manytestimoolals given.


Sewing Machine


Did you ever hoar anywilng about BEACH'S WASHING SOAP? If you

have not, got a bar and give It ft trial. Crocors sell It.

Clork Wanted. An active, willing YOUNO MAN, 17 or tr. roars

of sue, vl uurxcijitlousidu character and good ptnmauahlp. Must have he !■'■ 1 of iclrrrncts.

Address li-.r 437, Pott "filer,'

Kntnte .(urn' Lord. Kotlools hereby given that tbe subscriber has

been duty appointed administrator of tho Lord, in the county of V.vrx, skun upon himself that trust

... _> the law directs. All per- ini; demands upon the estate of said de-

ceased are required to exhibit I he same: and all neraona Indebted lo said estate are called upon to make payment to JuHN LORD, AdmT.

— May 10. 1S71, mylO

late of Melhuri dcoenaed, and has by giving bonds,


COUTIIKU.—At the April term of tho fiuprem Court In Uakoi. Aoguittua C'.iulh.T fr.ira Hide Oottlbar,

WIL1.IH.—Sneie A . V," ,'i- 1': m William M. Wi Is; desertion,

ASDHEWS—Lydla A, Andrews from Ador.lrat

DANlf.I.D.—John 11,-nry Dnnlrla from Mnry Lou- isa Danhdaj adirttery,

SPAI't.lilNO — Samuel C. Ppauldlng Irom Julio tspuiildliig; desertion.

UlLLICV Gustnvus II. Cllley from Josephine fl. Clllfj; adultery. (All of the above were of Lawrence.)

nUTCniNS.—Kliialielh T. Iliitchlns, Mcthucn, from Ueorica N. liuichlns; ndultery.

KIK£.—BHianeth Klne, Andover, from Jcrci Klne] adultery.


EM t Kir

WE coll tlio at!ciilion ol nur SahbSUi S-:hool workers to tho Union U. B. Convctition, lo be held at Andover, la iho Booth Coarco, next Satardny forenoon and aitcrnoon. Ttov. Ed- ward EKtfluuion, formerly o( Chk.ii'O, now ot tho Ho* York Inttptstfynt, trill ho ilterc; bo U ono of the mobi laieroatlsg nml skillful Bon- day Suliool workers In ilia cuuuiry. Also, Itav H.M. i'ursons, of Doitoo, formerly ol Bprlntj- fluid, a very :\i ■<■<■: .-n\i SsobMb hcliool pastor, Praoilcal quentions will bo disiu->sed. Lei Lawrenco teachers attend. o. r. W.

PEDRICK & CLOSKON, Ancttoneert, Real Eatate Acent" nnd Appralsere, tio. 381 Eanni nt., LawreDce,'Ha"fl.

Always ready to glvo their personal trrvlee and serious attention to selling Keel and fersonal Krute it auction or otherwise, obtaining Money and letting the aam« at fair rates lor all concern- ed.uegotlaUnK Murtgage-i and looking Bp Titles, Renting property und collecting Kenta, elo. No Title passed of properly unless the tame be per- fect ; no Money iuvtstud but upon the most on- doubtid security. All buslnaia lntrusled to ns will be attended to promptly, and all will be hon- orably dealt nlib—atrirt integrity bring the one Important element of success In tbe Real batata business,prompt p-iymenluol caih proi.eeds,deal-

with the S" '—

Are now prepared io ahow the Most Elegant

etock of DRY GOODS «« offered In this elt7, and at tbe JWotf Popular Prices.

Oar Draa« Qoedft Department stands

unrlvalicd, and we Invite especial attention to

oar new and binutlfui dlrrlsy of BCITIKGB

for the season,

our siik Department n "Ued with RICH

(loom, Including the new Sedan nnd BrUft-

■olo; aiso, Japanese >» pi»'°. strip**, checks, and figured, and Black Silk* ■■> 'trry

grada and quality, and at pricts that dtfy


CASHMERE SHAWLS, > New fltoek throughout.

Woolen Shawl* U erery color and style

i be foaad In any Market,

«eTWe are Itporttrf Agtntt for the saleof the

JOSEPH KID CLOVE m this part of the

aUte, thereby enabling as to offer then at N7

otnts par pair. Every one hays them.

Oar Black Kid Is the BKST la the market,

and always gives satisfaction.

Just received two caera more of those Lowell

Hosiery, and will be sold at 10 1-2 cents a pair.

COTTON8-A full line from 3 4 to 10-4, in-

cluding many brands never heretofore kept In

this city.

AW-LADIES will pleaae remember that every

Department of oar store le tilled with New and

Frefth Goods, nnd we CAJC and WILL MAKE

IT FOB Til MR IXTMMKUT to glvensaoaU

before making their purchases.

Ing ntaa.pre in all hoi owner, at the

Merest "" " ...,_4dthal

nililed to —thus secnrl:

Dr. 0M>. W Garland, while riding to Melon- en, rrcetitly, *as deialucJ In ..>,.-.. 1 hy 1 workman upon theruad.ninr the Arllnginn, In ii.i- un .1. in:"- In. hoi so Oy pay,—well known to ibo citizens generally,—ln»d moved n little tonuidi thu niiio of the road, lo erter Inio (■(ir.ii'ti with the workman'* horse, inking nti rtotlcu of tins dowit-tomInn train (horse carO until itmrivcil Hin tnroruLiie point tor her tu leap into Hi jaws. This Bacepntlas, thongb of a nentle spirit, ordlnarliv, clio.-c to loco the worst nt oaoti and loult abut might huvu been tin: i.n .!.■ ui; :.,..:■ ■■'i bom and ridefwere

thrown hkh In nlr. Tho Doctor was tv^ll shnkoa, but it Is 1101

Ktipposcd 10 bu tho "null •■'■!■■ '■ "■' hoforo bakon" that ho pule npon his prcMriptions: however, he was taken by the workmen, nnd Bided i;:io hli rarrinpc, which they hud prcvlcui-ly re-

overturned. I tin iiuuitrous fiicmls will l"o plud lolcnrn

that bo ciCtpod ill icddont Ibftl nilgbt IIAVC

had inch lotioui result*, with only n bntllj m;iii'.i 'I foot, end Irom lliut quilt- severe injuiy be Ii rapidly recovering.

UOWICIX,—In this ..it)-. May 1'Jth, Kunlee, d.unli- tci- of ICdward and Allen UuWker, 6 dya.

JIcAVOV.—May IStb, Kllen alcAvoy, ;u yrs, klUUFUY,—U:iy Oth, John, ten of John and Mary

Murphy, i: in-, lmo,2 dye. STAI'LIia.-May Hth, Isfant daughter of Charles

and alary Klupin. ili.'RiiULKJ.—il-i loth, ilis. Ann Dorroeka, OT

jrs. ATlIEm'OS.—May lllh, William, n.n of Wm,

and ilsry-Athc.-ton, I J r, u woe, li dj". A11U01T.—Msv loth, Ltiile, daughturof Joslali

M. ami Mury V. Abbott, la yrs, 4 DM*, 4 dys, (-iloiTKIt.—May 1llh, Barah B., dauahicr or

Vouog and I'alella Cropper, 10 mos, la dys. CUCKROFT.—May I3ib, Thomna B„ son of Thorn-

aa and Kllzabelh Cockrofi, I yr, WO dya. NEWTOS.—May Htb, Chalks A. Nuwton, 31 jrs,

6 mua, 39 dya.

MUHAllY — alay dih, Mlchii'i F., son of Tlcjo- thy und iirlcget alQlcaby,7 moa, ddya.

OA'U"-.—Meg Tlh, Mrs. Angelina Uate, 13 yrs,7 mo-, HI dya.

COHJIILlN.—May lal, Jsmcs.soa cf Jeremiah aim llsniiahCoUk-hiiii, 1 yr, 1 mo,

.,UNI>k.Ul.ANII.-sla}l'h. Aut.a J.,(laughter cf lieoi) and lin:;i.b*ih auLOorlaud, 11 jm, i mos, 1H dys.

UAYWilUTIl.—March Oih, John U.iysrtrtb, :,'• ir», lo mos. lidys.

McKKKUIKO.— April 1Mb) Mrs. Rose McKccriiig, TO jrs.

(JAIlV.-ApHl'-.'flih, Hnnora,.ljniibler of Thomas and llouoia Lu'ly, I yr, I mos, i> d,s.

UUACI1—May 3d, Mrs. Margaret Roach, t) ym. I1AUT.—May 3d, kllchuol Hart, Co |ts, l.lRlirY—April-.-Uih, Nellie r\. daeshlcr of G. W.

ami i iiiiiii-.\.LIbb»y,kmos, uilys. JOHNSON'.—In Aiid-ifi-r, May Hih, Vradarlek,

ig a

oniy obtained by etriet attention 10 business, and tin- M.ftii ■' t)i»J ol honoruhlf dealing

(fi'irmi runsonablu, and according to tb< work and responsibility, Call upon us. Heal Estate Office, E«W St., No. 381

H, ll.— Property for sate In many sections of New England, bui more especially in the city of Law- rence und vicinity iio better city In the Union l^r a pormanoot Investment*

Ui-adKccl Estate column In I.nnrcocc Sentinel and Liiwreuce Dully Amcilr.ili. limjl'J

djs. cf Wll 1.. Jolll [cdSyrs

i a E. YEAW k. CO. have the M ;■ ; stock of ICE

ever bousiid In Lawrence, all from the Uerrimae; belns harder end moru Willing than Ice formed on atlll wtltr, Prlae Ion; and civ" "!■.!■« served with pro-nptncii find regularity.

0 J3mmhl8 orrti.li AT

Photograph ROOOU 181 Es-.cx Street.

335 Essex street, Lawrence.

MAKCU.IW. Corn, KiasEiA.UA

He Kciommrnds It. SOOTH ftMTOlt, Feb,t, laTI,

U.B.fiTBvana,Kt«.i Dear Mir—1 have beard from very many aoarw

of the groat eacorsa of TeorrtKI la i

to bo tho most rcllaula remedy for catarrh and general debility,

sly wife h., been troabled with Catarrh for yrars.and at times very badly, fthe baa

-*■'- trie* — )r,B

year* been gradually growing worse, and the dls-

188 Essex street,

GREAT SALE INEW SHAWLS, QP I In Taisley, Cashmers and Woolen, New Tatterus.

\iH Dress Goods, ID IMi'llnt, Silk.. I'OII,",, Brllli.nllc.., I'l.lili. stripe., .n.l »11 i *>,■ \- ■■\ si) li... A i.o, . fr.-ti l.n

Piques, Suiting Linens,

Spring Dress Goods AT


New York Sto?-e !

she ha, for several —„ worse, and Ihr dis-

charge from tbe head was cxeeeslve and fan of- fensive.

r-he WH la this condition when aha commenced to take VHUBTISK. I could ace that aba was Im- proving on (he second bottle, She continued to lake the VEUETINK umil aba bad taken float twelvo to lliteen bottles. 1 am now bappy In in- forming yon and the pnbile (If yoaehoeseto make

'-■- eared, and Vaoa- after nolhlng eh

lagyo It pobilr) i TI» He- woald. uenoeireeijuMiflvdlasaylag, is Hie most re Isble rimed,, sod would advise all

1 feel Juatlflrd In saying VaatcTina

iastht a good^boneet, vegetable medlalne, and 1 shall


suficrlng bumsnliy ti t, for I believe It ti

1 hesitate to recommend It. 1 in, ete.,respeetfolly,

I , D.CAkiiaXL, Store 40i Broadway,

now Vcceilate Acu on the »Ioo«l. Onr food furnishes material for the growth and

nourishment of the body by absorption and as- similation. In like manner VKOKTIVK acts In the eare of disease, wbea swallowed It I a ab- sorbed, taken ap by tbe reins, and circulated throuuh the system with the blood, reaching the moat hidden and remote parts. It la evident, by this dlrecl action, thai tbe whole system must feel the en>st< of the remedy.


February S3,1S71. .. R.STEVKNB. Esq., Boston: For the past flve years I have Billeted with

Dyspepsia, caused from a morbid state of the liver, loss of appetite, raising of food and wind from the stomach,a acnes of diitcoslon la the stomach, oostlvansas, palpitation ot* the heart, rmeral debility and languor. For a year poet

nave taken your hORIM or Blood Fariflcr. I am now well and able to attend to say bu«ines«. It la one of the best remedies, aad lean heartily recommend It to all sflllcted with similar diseases. I have tried other remedler. but found none that afforded me any relict, until I found It la your VMIBTIME. Qmo. n*icso».

Any person desiring further Information oan eall on hla aon, Wllbor r~, Hanson, apothecary store. No. ('■■• Itrosdway, Houth Boston.





Simple, Efficient,


Unsurpnssd for Variety of Uses.

IN KAt.l'. T11K

Best Machine in the market.

Stone Contractors.

A. TOMB To be built, and

A MONUMENT To bo erected.

SPECIFICATION'S furnished, and proposals received by larl Imyli

itrv. WM. oitit.

.A Card. Jnut »pened nil be; Popular Stnrr. Tay-

lor A[ liol.Oii, (■■iii-i or.roCiiiini- bell A Taylor.)

We ha ulgn-

NOTICE ExTRAORDWAnv.—Ww find In tlio ILiverltill ttanmr, Uio following curious Catdl—

Tlio public sra htToty nutlflect Hint Mrt, Jenolo A. Ttttoa, Id ;ti Ubctly to marry ngftln, a dffgrdH "i tllvorco Irom iho luthsurlbttr baTUfl bvon (tntutctl at liio Su|m'iiio JudiCAi Court, holtltin ut Haloni, mi Uoatlnj lit. Clituge, adul- lory coinniiLliil in tho Stftlo ol Ohio, witli BOino pttfsoas unknown. No ny- iicarnnro o'.' itoft-ntlaut. ' A. J. TlLTOS.

mrrii of the latest deaiaae In new Sprlni; Summer I)vy Uootlas, to which an mrfj (ntpcetftm isiollciied.

«ar-Onr prices Htc lowm ttmn boftHt, ahlle our nasortmeat Is oomplete in every ietall.

Our Btoek Is tho Largest, Neweed md Most DIveTFilled ever shown in Laurence, at prices that nr.tr eniavntton.

Uemember thu " ii.irhlc Cront." No. 2^0 Essei ntrcet, - • l,titrrruo«,

(Sen door to IV»t Ufliw.) T A V 1. (> It & II O h TON.

Pfrtfttf) l.oroy M. i.'olby. Noilcn In hereby given thai iho tuhsoribcr liar

been duly aripoint.-d nduiiuit.inili-.r ol" the esial* 0t laroy N. Colby, Intent Lnwr»ncc, In the eoumyof Essex, clirk. deceased, nod has taken upon himself thnl trust by giving I ui:d»,a» the law dlreits. All per sons having diinaiiil-upon Hie estate ot said dc erased are required to exhibit the sann jirrions Indcbtrd mnke payment io

LawretiefT Hay If),

1>IM„..U INI'Mlllir, arm JI.I

aid csiate arc calloii upon lo


Do you want to get Full Weight- not 13 or 14 oz. for a pound? Oat BEACH'S WASHING SOAP, It Is ft auporlor soap,full weight.

Tho Finest Btock of Satins and Blanks

To be fouDd In J :■■ < \ County, at very tow prices.

Hordrra, Molding-, •><'•

A large assortment of

WINDOW SHADES, New Styles Fhadca made to order, nnd put up in Lawrence,

Andover, Hnnti Anddvir, and Meihucn. »i'A epeciollv nti:iii' of Store Hhsdra. M'lSDHW -CKKKNHof siiprriur quality made

mrl put In. Ta»*<-!«,Cord,rlc. WniTFOKD ft RICK.

For Bale, or to Let. I 1-1 ncre of Land, with II he sr.ld cheap, ur let

■i,ii ajpllcd for soon. Also. r.-.l Ilgildnig.m.'i'i umare. Uood riii'. Must hi- ru'vrrt witl.ln two WA,s::IM,|i)N MHItltll.l..

How btr.rt, llcihurn,

LADIES* KID GLOVES Jast opened at

75 CENTS PER PAIB, as good a Cilovu as yon oan buy lo this city for

One Dollar.

We are telling tliem Cor 75 ccuts.

Remember, only 73 ceala »«r Mir.

Also, a fell line of


At ill.00, which we warraat.

And we will five a raw pair In every ease af they rip er tear In putting on.

We have also just opened a fall lino or

Better Kids, in Black and Colors, to Which, with a larae stock el I.idlee' and


Cotton Hosiery, PanuoU,

| PiflllCB,

Jewelry, and

Fancy Goodn,

Wo invite jonr nttention.

POPULAR PRICES. (leinai Coraeta* fit ecftta.


No. lftl JEMCX St., Lawrencp.



Extraordinary Low Prices 1

We Invite tho inunediato attention of Ladles to onr elegant assortment DRESS GOODS, SII.KS ant) 8II AWLS, In w. loh departments we make sneolal effort to please.

ftarDont fall to call and examine before bnylnf yonr BprtafoWtt,

Omr ritlCSS on

Bleached ft Brown Cottons Are Lawer ihan the Lawrst, aad comprise all standard makes.


Slltfhlly damaged by tail tenter, worth In Any retail store n cents, which we are selling at

SO Gontfl a. "Vfii-ai.

Eirltcmember the iilaoo t« liny your

Dry Gftfiftt is at


No. 323 Essex Street,

Ui;. JOHN OARXAKD will ba pleased to ace bla old friends and easiomcrs at the above store, where ho may be found at ail times.


L O "W ELL. The new and fast Steamer

ENTERPRISE Will make Two Trips to l.uwru.

K V K EC v sumnAV, Leaving the foot of Water Street

At 8 1.2 A. H. and 4 P. M. Leave >)3 Low. 11 at 10 A. M. es> 0 1-9 P. M.

Fare, 40 ccnlft.

"The Popular Store!" 230 Geaex Street,

2d iloor from V. 0.


Successors to


u liire luu.h i.i. .i.-'uii- In ratlmallog tooar

eaitontcrs In Lnwnnrn and vicinity that onr

arranKctacDli arc ccinpletc for the season, and

that we are showing a very full stock of the

Moat Desirable Goods, in the selection oi

which neither time nor trouble have been spared to meet the requirements of a pepnlnr trade.

Jut recrlicil,

500 Yards Ili-le. lTi-onohKilKH,

At »I.3S, Ti 111. Wlitn.

A full Lint of

French and Paisley


From •* to ft 3:..

Malta I.acf *, Thread Laces, nnd Drean Trimming-i

la all the New Styles


aa we can t-eeoasMcnd these to everr Udy that wants a GOOD Kid Glove, aa we snake this branoh a SPECIALTY, Berlin Lisle Olovea and Kid Finish Lisle (Jloves at low prices.

HOSIERY for Ladies, Gentlemen, and Children.


Ladies' Linen Handkerchief!.


No. 318 ESRCX Street, Lawrence.

Dress Making;.


Has lioonis at

j. c. \v \I>Lt:i<;irs,

No. 805 Esicx Street, Lawrence,

On ].'tr»t k'ioor, and Is now preparrj tc do all kinds of

in the most Fashionable Sljlea ml In tbe beet manner,

Children'*. Suit- made a npccutlty.

ftaT-Xcw ratlin;* erery wcek/Vft


A Double Light of Ground Glass.



For "BKRLIS I1EADB" and "RKMnitANrT" Llfbtlne,

itiR. i.i riii!\

Uii« nmovfil from Sims' Block lo

■'.', l i:.- i-\ »|., (over Dr. Klddor'nUIUcr)

where, In cuiiucction with Ilr. llAHOlt, he baa itii..l no a Msniii.ic.nl ;-.iiidin, i.n refill wl"» l'lioli';:rs]i|ilc Novelties.

Tlio jitililic nro Invited to call.

U'-m 1 U'iKiN ft lIAliutl.

Kit?. f°o«\ ^^ ■ .. -i. i.-i ihr sen


Wanted. A ftwViret Close Hl'INNF.US at once. Inquii


Woolen Mill for Sale. An elfhtset Woolen Jlill Isoferedforaale,1

Riachtiiurv alt roniplete and In rnanlag ordir, and wllb a water power ansurpsawd: ahualed close bs the Erls Canal and ft*** York Cialrsl Hallraart, and near to the city of Utloa, A larRu portion Of the purchase asomr sens rsaula un bond and SBortgaie, A rare opportnailj for a bataaln. Innalraof

AXDalHW DKXTKH, OtrftV, klay 17, WL HfttflMtl| Cttea, ft. V.

No Medicine ftsjataiior.

Bf.arn)»,»*eb. 1.1, IK 1. Ur.\ar It. 8rE\a\s, KMJ.:

Dear Blr—About one jvar since I found mvsrlf la a feeble condition Irons Osneral Debllliv. VKGETIHB was stroogly reooosmrnded to mo by a friend wbo had been mnob henellicd by Its ass. I procured the article, end after nsUf aeveral bottlaa, was restored to beallh, aad dlscontlnard IU ase. 1 leel quite eoafldeat that there Is no ossdlalae luperlor to it for those complaints lor which It la eepeclallT prepared and would eherr- ialljrrooMiacn* It t« Ibas* wka feel Itsai ib*7 need somrthlni to restore Hires to perfect health.

Ilespartfully yours, U. L. PKTTIRUILL,

rim of B. M Hettlnalll * Co., So. 10 Htate Street.

No Doubt About It.

LrBABon, If. II., Jaa, ■-'<. loTO,

laforot you of itie sffrrt Of yonr " Biooj I'urlArr " apon iuy -yi- ten). When! commenced laklna li a year a|0, I wae verr much debilitated. My limbs were swol- len ao that II was las possible for me to get into er oat from a carriage, and very painful to go up er down atalra. Indeed, 1 eoald scarcely stead an aiy ti el. U* appetite was gone, nt strength falling rapidly. After aslm four mi-dlcla* for a lew weeks, 1 began to laiprovr. Mi appetite improved and a> strength returned. 1 eaa now perform my dotirs as a nurse with my worned ease, and I leal I owe It to year remedy. I should not wish to be without t.

Yours ■ralciullr. stiss.C. A, II. In i.s-f.

Uirea Health, ftlre»|lh and Appetite

My daughter has received srrsl beneflt float the Hie ot the VIOITI.M. list drcllnlng heaJih was a source ot great anility lo all heririeade, A few bottlea of tbe VHIKMM. restered her health, strength nod appetite,

M.H TII.PRN, Insarance and attai Ketafs) Ajftrftt

No. «W bWara Uulldleg, llotton, Maea.

Heioanaend it llenitlly.

Km HI Batroa, rrb.T, 1*70. I hutUss of eoar

It a valaabkhaft. v tut Dyar«p.ia, Kidney cuiaplHlin.end general hiliiy of ibe system.

Other Machines,

^Vhich MG cell on same terms.

Some Machines 011 Work Plan

New, Striking,


Dress Woods, Dress Goods,

In Evely Slvlp nnd (Jimmy.

Black Alpacas, At 23c.




General Domestic Goods,


Boston Wholesale Prices I

or »

OLOAK AND DRESS MAKING nm;.. in, lit ol

■I. eteveaa, ii thelndy'a

White & tircy Hair WnnM. J. MEDINA & CO.,

Port Ofllce mask,- - Laivrt'iitc, Will pay the mniirsT rmcKa for

Long White or Urey Hair,

REJOICE. ALL! A. K. \\ ullti 1 *i- I'atoat I'Jy Eilcrini-

Hfitor.—With It yoa can clean out and kill Hie Klles ln a house lo a viry few mlnutee without ;tf>ltt(in or erfMsfcnr. It will pay for Itself In one year in sating paper and paint. Any one wishing 10 pnretiase rights or examine them, can do so by calling at the House of 9. IT. TAPLET, Drond* way, Ucthoen, Uois.

Orders or inquiries by mall, can be addressed to the 1 roprtetors,

.m"ap2H* WtlKI.DEn ft FBEDB1CK, (Care B. W. Taplry,! Un m VJI, Hais,



ol f-huMt fLorkStifeh) gewlag Uaohlnce, For family nee or at a au fartering, they stand pre- eminent wherever known. Over TEN TuouaaxD Ln nse at the West, and now, for the first lime, offered for Hale In Hassaehnseita, Be sure and sco HID " DOITIftfttlO " hefore purchaslns any otli-r; and lor Circular tsnd to

U7 TREMONT S T B E E T, (Cor. of West Bt.,)


lm^eodlnpltlKb A. D. LINCOLN, Agent.

To Let. On Hnmmrr Htreet, (Simmons' Block,) an up

Hairs TENEMENT, with Ove or six rooms. Apflyto H.A.JKWhTT,

ti^ imya an Essex Htreet.

Fine Goods and Stylish Work. A. W. BTEARNS i CO.

ire opening Fine German, French, West of Ear and and Amerlean Cloths and Suitings, aad hare

a competent Artlet Tailor, one wbo Is VdFjBlK and DEalKVIKO of a LtliKKAL fAllturl- AfJE; aad we would l-Airririi.AM.rimrtu the Yoang Men, the Middle Aged Mrn, and OM Men to examine onr Wort aad Price*, work and Trlntmlugs warranted to be of tbe Fer« Btit, and a PERFECT FIT aad eatiefaetlea guaranteed In all cases.

A.W. STEARNS ft 00.

New & Elegant Shawls. We have In store tbt> Largest, Most Stylish, aad

Beautiful Assortment of New Coloring* tad 1'atterna of Hlialvle which It has ever beea our privilege to display, and at prices SO LOW for tbe qnality and style, that Kvery Parebat- •r should visit STEARNS ft CO'S,


Dress Goods for (he Million. ftaTWe would eapcelaUy ask the Ladlea of Law-

rence and vicinity (who are thinking of liavlcg a New Drees or halt for tbciusclrcs, aUaeea, or Children} to an eaamlnatioa ot oar Extensive and Brilliant Ultptay or Cheap, Medium, aad truly Fine l>ItKSS 8UITISOS. fttTThe La* 1-rices and Chaste Styles wlU well rsn>sy theea.


Citizens of Lawrence and Ei- sex County

Will and very much the Largest and Moat Coea- plete line of Everything in the

Ami House Furnishing Way. *i A, W. STEARNS ft CO'S, and Guaranteed at "ll times at the £osnesf Poiiiblt Prlet* in tbe quality; and all work done and Balahed in tbe latest and most StyUsh manner. ■


A. w. 8TEAKNS & CO. have ia store a full line of all the Best Makes of Kleaohed aad Brows COTTtiNH for Family or other nse, la widths running from UT to M lnebi-s wide, and wiilbosold by the piece or yard at the lowest 0, notations, wt oh sale or retail.

A. W. Sl'EAUNtf A CO.

A. W. STEARNS & CO.. Lender* and Originator* of Styles and Aacnta for

Bailerlcb'n Patleran, Unttcrtck*! (II.I:IIIIATHI Palierftt.

Batlerlok'n Patttiraa. Bultnrick'a CEL£BBAT£U PatlarBi.

atetropolltaa and Qa.rtvrly Ileport lu advanre. A. If. STKAKX.S *t CO.

Spring Fashions. AerLadloe1 and Ulsaer.' Department for Dree*

Making, Sulla and Garments, 1* prepared to do ail kind* or Family or other Sewloe MpopaJar Xoaj Prifft,


ttlnvrs, iti'-ii i>, Bmftll sVatcs. aad Triiniiiinvh.

ftjrWu ore et all lunee prepared to show oar I«trona the tar/e*i aad Afoaf foi*plefe assortment of i.n'Ti ,-rti.v 1 of the above kind- at Zetret/ rrtee*.

A. W. Sl'EAKNS & CO.


•TaUatHk' fur Hie last rovs VJ:AB», Lai opeud Rooms al

301 1.--1 \ attcct, Lawrence.

arfHTB be will he glsd lo unit his frltads and


tar>Farl!t:tii;tr ntlcnHoii i>niil in BOYS' Ulotblng.

Itcpairing neatly done. fanylB at»l K««rx rlireel, Lawrcaos,

Pr,illM»riKD IMS.

HiO CliottpouL and Kent L'taco lo Huy

Paper Hangings AXD




New QootU in Every Variety,

flmlaaplt At tbe Very I oaest Pricee.



lln. STKva<i*: Dear Mr—I have taken _

VKOBValSfti and ara runTlni ul ll edjiiorDjT- -

—is-Utr reeo'mnead II to all suffering from the above coin plaint*.

Vonra reeuseilully. **:-'■. i-t, MIIS. MI'BMOI Paaaaa,


18H Essex St.,

Drpartmnt will bo aider lb* mi Han. BOLTOM, ffotmiil) with ,1 Boston,) which tart Iangnaianic. ability lo ftll the poelliaa.

InnjiciTtiun invlit'il whrtlir to purchase or ni>t, by



gaotf *■**■! to


2.10 Essex Street, Lawrenre.


The public, aad MpevMlf tbose interested Ii Ornamental Carprnter Work, are Iniitid lo .-gamine this new Invention by which a gig saw la made 10 travrl through atatlnnary boarda nr plank, in any dralred direction, catling out shsprs at tbe pleasure of the nperator.

It runbeaeeaellhejunct.onor

Metlford and Margin Streets,

LAWRENCE. Uay 13th, Un, 111 t

liavlng bonome Bails fled, after thorough investi- gation, that Elastic Sponge, aa now and Inlil) manufactured, I* nan of tb* best of ell tbe *nb* 1- tutes for curled hair, for many If not most um In Upholstery, we have accepted the Agency of It, and Intend to make It hrreefter a .|>*risiiy ib oar business, Tbe objections which have been made to It, and which It Is well known we oureelvre have thought were well totinded, we have ascer- tained eaunot be urged against the article as now perfected. The prooets of roennfaotnre baa been entirely remodeled under the ad vice aad superin- tendence of one of tbe most eminent chemist* 01 N«w England. New ehrmtral and mechanical appliancia have been Introduced In e causing erode Sponge, and In chanting It with glyocrlra with snob entire sucoess. that KlaetlcRpoagr may now be *ald to be rhemloally pnre There la ab- solutely nothing In It but tin- clean libra of sponge ,ail tin mii-aii) pureglyoerlne, Tbe oljectlone to li I aaile Sponge belne thai re-

movdd, ilni c r, main Ita undisputed merit s, which otrtaluly entitle it to be considered one of 1)1. most valuable as li is one of the moat curious and interesting of lale diaeoverlea. Chief amun* iiH-i" ntvrlisla, lhat It taproot against moths—the Kriet scourge of the business—and agaln.t ail uiber liMHts. Then Its elaatloity ia prrmaoent, 'j.1-1 d as It ia npon tha Doa-evaporable property ol gjtyaerlM and tlielndr.traeilblliir of spoag* III rr Wa liave alwava been aail.llrd upon these two points, which are the esavnilal requisite* in such material*. I lie evidence Is now i-Qually elear that it is whoWome and sweet. It la certainly Until und soft, easy to manipulate, and cheap enough fur ull eaoepi tin- lowest ela** of gooda. > or tlir eushloniagof 1 hurilna, TUtaire*, I'abllo Italia, Kallaay ntatloaa, Umuibueseo, Carrlates, Hieaei ami lli.rseia'i, and Ibe like, it will probably br found, everything ooDaidered, the beat artlele In use. For ell uses, and especially for Heddlog, we air now prepared lo reoommead tbe public to give It a fair irlul, as we oursvlvr* Intend lo do — We arc ready also to answer tnqalrlr*, make r.ti matrs, and lake orders fur every description ol work tn Hponoe, as well as lo supply the iradvlhr artlule In bales.

HALEY, MOttSB ft CO., twteodlmylHfib 411 Washington St., Boston,

hole Agent* for New 1

Kaaonic Ring Lost. The finder of a Hold Maaonla Finger Ring, the

Croperty of JOHN it HKKhY.loat at tha Post


X) B 1ST T I fci T , S39 EMCX street, Lawrence.

rHroryltne, bellnln* It t and o.ore perfectly adni.ted for the purpose t anything now la use. Ill- Mas.achu.etls Drntal Society (nevUng at Hu.touj have had It andcr iheir speelslcarr.snd h»W eapirimrutsd with It since last Dcoctnber; end nt a late meeting (tills month) not an opposlna; voice was heard against ihe material, and the rerwrt ajy* "thatlhuslar Hansels confined tu the tivlter class ot Deailsis; the chi-ap and unskilled opcralora sf let to Ibeir rubber." Sieeimeaa or lb" material eaa l-e area. and proof of il* worth bad, al my •Wet "lapse

839 Eaaex St., (.over Dyer A OoV)

A« Ulrlmrrlnan't .Veer Mtlhoil 1.».!« all tilhrt. es an liiatrucltaa book fur tbe I'ianofurte, so

CLARHF.'M M» ItillOl)


REED ORGANS s the most populsr of all booka used la learning

to play on these favorite instrument*,

Ur. Clarke Is a fine musician *nd brilliant or- gani.l, and, In tbl* work display* food taste a* Will as taleat in ot-inliinliig good musk with Well graded and thorough laatrue Kin.

Ptloe a-:. iu. Seat, poet paid, lor Ihe above price.

OLIVER DITeWK ft CO., Boston. C. II. 1UTSUH ft CO., rTew York, 1 |mj)"

You know how U U, yourself. REMOVAL. BEMOVAL.


183 Essex St., I. A. Wbllcomba Old Stand,

3d Door Above Jackson St., Where we .h.11 carry the LAitOEHT ft MHI8T atoo «■ of Men's, Youth's, Boys' and children's

CLOTHING, Furnishing Goods, Hats. Caps,

Trunkn, Valiaen, Dana. Ac;, Ac,

to bo found In Lawrence; and ao dealer Is the Htate eaa liXDKllSEI.I, us, sod no dealerraa aftord to, because no dealer can do hualueesai any smaller capense than we, snd no dealer In Law- rence arils so msny llooda.

Thanking our evutomera tor their llbera pat- ronage iu Hints pest, we hope lo merit aooatlaa- eaee of their favors In the future.

We shall be happy to see year, oae and ell, et


LOI'Ifl Mill,.

HOW HIGH IT IS THAT? •It Anawcr-183 Enafx atraet.

For Sale Cheap. A desirable HOUSE nnd aeatlv au .cr*

nf Load,tltaalrd on Clu»er lltll.edjOln- log Hie r«lden.T or Johu I'sUon, *•;-- Modern stile of bulidlm,'. Lower finer

romuri-*aU*eapsitm.ni»; upper, live good chin- her* well supplied wi h elo»its, r|a. A K odmw HUbtf I* upon tbe Mate, ■■Otslwl Weler.saue- rlor Hr.li>n<e, auil the laud well sludded wMii ■"mil Trees.

Tbl* proptrty will he .nlJ rhrep.and 'iHatedliU' noeera.lnn given. Instance \t mioetca wale from lb. Common. Key at J. S. Hill's, 1'lrasaal Mrerl, Clover Hill. »

Don't buy 12 or 14 oi. for • pound of Soap, when you can get BKAOH't WASH INC SOAP that It fult weigh?.





»ur Jlftrr-fax. Handy thing— * glove.

Joint proprietors—butcher•.

A leading article—R dog chnln.

A flimsy substitute—notes for gold.

A volume of love—your batik-bock.

A constant gleaner—Tin* tax-gatherer.

What sport 1« like girl*' trrntlp. —Dcrr-

a talking.

"Tito trlfe'a sccrpt." II.T ntltilon of

her husband.

When U a ui'i'her n fmlufi r-M'hcu

■bVa a aljiher.

OM Hannah la shortly to ),■: executed

at tbt VrVti. That's whaiN (he mstr-r

(or wilt be) wlih Ham ati.

A correspondent say* '■' " haro • ■! the late war, that III* sword was Utter draw n bnt once—and then In a r. ill.'.

A little llllnolt girl threw n match Into

a paper of powder. She may recover, but the house will have to In? new plas-


Fanny Fern having said tbat 'the men

of the presi-nt day were fa*'," Prentice

replies that " they have t'> be to Mtell a


1'eopie aliould never Interpret maxim' too,literally. Tu "speed the partli.K

guW" U I- not necessary to kick blot

down titaira.

If a man loses hla breath It I- of no use

to run for It. He nan catch Ir quicker by atanding Mill.

A Doaton paper aava tha New 1'urh

teamsters keep very cool iiow-A-day*.

There li a nice Uergh lh*ru which ac- counta for It.

'I'll" question of the day la whether It is

more difficult for a girl of tbu period to

get bar clothea In her trunk, or her trunk

la her clothe*.

A bachelor friend tUggetU th.it in most

marriages cnualtternble " -nil soap," with ■trong lye, is used, and tin- whole opera-

tion, enth In alluring'

A Connecticut school-boy bRi wilttei a composition mi the horte. In which he

aaya It Is an animal having I >ur lega,

" one at eao!i comer."

Nasby Intended to call hi* baby Ai.ui

Dleklnaon. Nature Intervened to prut re*1

tbe helpless Innocent, however. ItWBtn'l the right sort of a Imby for thai purpose.

A eorreipondcnt, who bus evidently beard or the Putnam murder, a<ka ua it

he would not bo jnstllled In can) big a "pocket pUtol." Ho oertalnly would

provided he kept it corked.

"I say, S.IMI. 111'v tell mc ilare Is a mun down East ilat Is so Inibiatrious dm be

works twenty-five hours in H day ?"

"How i* dat. Cully! Darn are only twenty-four honrt In a day." " Why, ho gets up au hour beforu daylight, you *tu> pld nigger!"

A man who was annoyed by e!eika lu the cuitnm-hoiise, ««< bdvUrd to com-

plain to thu collector, which he did, ray-

ing: "Sir, I have been abated here by

some of the rascals in this place, and I

name to tell you of it, as I understand you era the principal."

Tin- miles- ninbt as Edwin Doolb, a*

Richelieu, had ftnlahed the line*, " France,

my mistreat, my wedded wife, who shall

proclaim divorce'twlxt thee and me?" n.

deep voice from the audience answered. " Chicago!" Them waa great conse-

quent " latture and applawa."

A Frenchman stopping at a tavern. asked fur Jacob. "There la no such person

here," raid the landlord. " 'Tin not a

person I want, tare, but de beer warmed

wld dc poker." " Well," answered mine *»"», "tvhai It flip." "Ab, yees. sare, you lire In de rlgbt; I mean 1'hillp 1"

Not likely to bo shown.—Talleyrand

used to be worried about his autograph, and to one of Mi persecutors ho thus

wrote: " Will you oblige me with your company to dinner on Wednesday next, at eltibt o'clock? I have Invited a nuin- ber of exceedingly clever persona, and

do not llko to bo the only fool of the lot.'

If It were necessary to cite a case- to show how advertising pays, wo might mention how last week this paper alluded

to the lucnne uf A. T. Stewart, amount-

ing to the sum of $2 iU per luluiito. In leas than twenty-four hours half a dozen

men o tiled nt bin establishment tu borrow

his Income for a few minutes. He was

down town at the time, or he might have granted their request.—.*/. 1'. Democrat

The late President Lincoln was some- what astonished one day when Inspecting

(he prison lu Washington. A prisoner

Bald to him, familiarly, " How are you,

Mr. PreMdeut? I'm glad to see you. I

believe that you and I have been in every Jail In the Union" Mr. Lincoln replied

that the Jails at Springfield and Washing- ton were the only ones be was ever In.

" Very likely," responded the rogue;

" but I've been In all the rest."

The following highly appreciative "tribute" to California strawberries, Is

from a Western paper: " Strawberries

grow In California all tho year round.

The strawberries attain a considerable

slae; It In not uncommon for an ordinary

family to subsist on one for a week. It mutt not be supposed that all of the var'- etles are of this size; tome are much

smaller, and It Is not an uncommon thing

for a healthy man to finish onent a meal."

Greclcy wroto a letter to tho Iowa

Press Association, In which tin said: "I

have hominy, carrots and It. IE. ties m re

than I could move witli eight steers. If ells aro blighted, dig them early. Any

Insinuations that brick ovens arc danger-

ous to hams, gives ms the horrors.

Greeley." That Is, they read It so. They have since learned what he meant to say

wai: "I And so many cares and duties pressing upon me, that with the weight of

years I feel obliged to decline nearly ev-

ery Invitation that takes me over .t day's

Journey from homo. Yours among them. Horace Greeley."

In an Eastern town there Is a woman

who is extremely deaf, and her affllctlnn

has caused an extremely unpleasant mis- take, of which her Infant child Is the rlc-

tlm. She took the babe to church the

other day to have him bap.lied. While I

she was wailing tn tho vestibule, she

thought she would keep him quiet by

feeding him from a bottle of milk. While

the child was still taking his substance the mother was summoned to the church

with the announcement that the minister waa ready. In her agitation she drew

tha bottle from tha babe's mouth hurried- ly, when the gum nozzle came off, and a

part of the milk was spilled on tqp child's

new clothes. When the clergyman took

the child In bis arms, he looked down at

It. and asked the mother what name

ahould be given It. She, with her mind

troubled about the accident, thought be

was asking bow the clothes became soiled; so she answered:

" Sozzle came off."

Bather surprised, ha asked again for

the name, and the. thinking he did not understand ber, bawled out;

■* Nozzle came off. 1 say I "

Whereupon that astonished divine poured water on the child's head, and


"Xozzle-came-off Ferguson, I baptize thee," etc., etc,

What tha woman wants to know is. whether tin Ic-l-Uture or something

ean't have ilitt ihlltl'l name changed to

Henry or Lucullus, or William, or some

other more euphonious appellation.

JJjwrfal Iirti«*. Consumption,


" By J. H. SCHENCK, M. D.

Kin* hit iNi—ct am

'h".'"'7ho. . LII* .ml irli-Mt. an- i.it*-|>Ji*ihe

aluuilMriiii<'V>Iitt.'li.!iitJ il»',v calmly uUuiitril I.it j.,-,1 ill SI. N.IIHIK* SIMPLB

•rguuniaunr, and availed shaaaaetve* nfbfci " ■ f.-i.-irn.i» tmc*< lout ardinnf>, Ihi-r »..ulj iMImr tall-ii.

lir. brheiwk haa in I- mm i""- proem Uial wber-


kJ. TtM I) iltfl, fba tb«K3 af the cure in Ur. IMipcki m, rfrw. It aa tlnij.li *» " !• unralUBf. Ill philoaophy u.iirci no arrimant. " "


._.. iiitKir Tha SaawecJ runic and Mandrake rtUa ar« lb* Or>t n.«u9umwlih<>tilclilliao1ladalur UianaUdy I* a.

T» j-UmJi "filircaaaa nromamnptli-ii urlglii- J.-I.I ami a nincltonally dltunkn.il Itvcr, jinliil.iii the bronchial aw " •yiupaUUiu" IILJIIL. Tli- v rupuod tu the muruuic ai- laaa\ Here. 11 eifcni-B th.. cukxiiLaaUa^f

,iUitraialiii tynip- ■HIIII, m.a Ui<! Mftlus la, wlih uU li

ronnrnoi. Tta* Mandraka I'lin ara .otupoa.J of una -t Nature i

tuMeil |IRa — lh<! I'i'i1ui>lill1u&i 1'allalum. Thty poi- MI all tl» blood ■aaruhlng, alltrailva [iroparUea u) aluuiil, but uuUkt caiuuwl, idcy

■ l.KHI. SfO atTlHO BKHt>D '• The work at cure li n.iw lirirlnnlria. Tha vltlalnd an.l

inuruua dauualti In the IM>».1» an.l In the alimentary i anal ara aiecia.1. The liver. Ilk* a clock, la wound no. k aruiiipt Dun Ita tmyldliy. The aiuuurh acta rea- |mti(li»ly. and u,< pailcnl Uiglui ui I.. i Uuil hu li „■.■:

A sirri.v or UOOD BLOOD. tha ReawaeU Tori.-. In r.miunrtl.m wlih the fUtt, per-

mraiei and a.iltiillai.a xilh Hie fimit. (hyltflcatloii la Ml iiri*rea«[u». wnMI In p«vh«i f Hun I ran |>alnli

Bfw %&vttt\$mnU- THBl MhiTHOI>IHrof Nrar Yi mi, ba alwayi

irtrd atnliiy br Key. Dr. 'BOOKS. 1M pnmianrra IIITH Juat addrd lit Ita dliorial raipf.Vr*. sill. STI.VMS, ■■ rquall. Xprrlaocd Junrnallat, and SUItivr of tha beat ll-ITV at Hrlhodlaia •NIBPt lliey bava alao 'tiirtg.il ■■i.i.i ni '■'!'■ i - and arirnoni I K> v. T.

i' ni i • i « ■>'•' ■ whose- aueri aa and poi ulsr- Db WI1T T-H.**"". ' Hjr al a prrarher, *rlt«-r >nu UTi-iari'i'l. d, and wboar fioa l.r-. with Ua 'i.i'KM *-t'l n al


>cla In Hrouk- !■ u people, la

QI inr mi-, alrr. Hi ■.;■, ■ a 1 enure lt<iom Talk i-vrry

abound! In (nod tliinji*. U IIIK Mtrn aM«f doll or , lor farniara, and aeassUrtiig Inr m-rybody. WJUlas'asrai

^hc HiHlTrtcricari.

t ■ I mi MR 1D7J -iiecliiu-n N«w York.



"Will *oit let me have I', John!" '• No, Oeorgle, I can'i." John Randall utiernl hi- refusal < t h\*

wife's rerjueat very decliltfliy, as l( he felt the rHiucat was unreasonable, and yet there was an under current of grieved l.n- patlence In his voice, a look nf perplexity

... and self-dlssallsfactlon In hi* eyes. He »!.!'/Jrri^J'(»\!«) : proceeded very slowly to button his over-

iiJnij lai, coat, lie wanted to sec his wife rise ' I from the breakfast-table, and thereby slg-

~~Z TJa! n,fr ner acquleaceaca In his decision, be-

and homra near Mu« York, 'tumid eiamlna Nor- •rood, »h.-lu I aril ellt-t and tova luta at lower prir-ra r,nd on aaaler lerinK than raa he loand sf*S> whera, e-|i'ali> -r. n.u.lr to trie city; hole),, ■ liurche., Mfcoola, StofM, if.; IX tralna dally; Nurlheru R. It. uf N..I,; 21 ml Ira from i;lty Hall.

J. WValAV .I'iNK-, IrO Broadway, S. Y.


j. wUhnot in alnleie.andtli

Saa JW: i S\rti;> i.-..ru.'i In in ju-n'.riii lit imiLtiuii-. and

in 11Mien anil ciimpleie the run-. It eiurra atnnca upon IK work. Namre cannot h* clieau.l. II collecia and rlpcnt 111" Impaired and dlarate.1 purllona .it lha lunnt- lu tha furm >>l lathering! It pnpaitt them (or expecio- railon, and In! In a eery ahnrt lime I lie malady I* van- quished, the niilen Ihruna that ll mcupled li rennvatcd and made new, and lha patient, la all tha dignity Of to- tllae.1 vlgnr, «i<r' l"rth toenj.iy ttM maubood Of wumnn-

ood that wu' 44ITES IT AM LOST,

Tbu locond llilui It. I mom, until they set w prevent taklni MM wh< nuil b* pr—-■ alt aud rid

wt IM i■,: 11-1 >ii in lecilun ot lha COBM-

ra all wrong. I'in.i- llnirait.eepeci

Mil au.i * Int. rkm trho recimmand Ihal coume loae ihelr patlenti, If Ihelr lunaa are badly dlteaird; and vel, liecauaathay ara la tin houia ll.ey wuat lint alt down quiet: thay mult walk atxiui tlia room ai much and a) fad ai thi •irunrth will hear, lo get up a good circulation of blood. Tin, patlenta niuat keep In good tplrllt—be dulermlned to act well. Thlahaa a great duultudo ttllhUiaappollte, and It lha greal p,.lni to gain.

Todeapalrot rurcafler ttuli at Idene* of IttpoaalMUly In lliawural rim, and mural rurlalmy Inalfoihcn, la •liiful. |Jr. Mrlieni-k t [.ervHial utai. in.nt lo lha 1'actilty <■( 1,1, own i-ute waa lu tbete mc-liil wurdl:

•■ Many lean ago I waa lu the laal atagea of conaump- ti,.ii: f'jiiftnt.d lo mi bad. and al onattina my pliyilclant Ih'Hlglil thai 1 could liul live a week; thin like a drown- ing man catching at ttrawa, 1 beard of, and obtained !'■■ )■;■ ■■■ ii itiioiii which I now oitir lo lha public, and thrv iiwJe a pcrlbct earn of me. It aevtuud to ruu thai 1 could fuel thctn pauirtrala my whole ayattm. Thcr loon ripened tliu matter In my liinkt. and I wauld apit up uvwu iban a pint of otTtu.he ., lluiv mmi.rcvery luorulng fur a long llmo. A* anon at thai began lo tub- tide, my cuuah, lnur. palna and night awcau all bogan toluateine. audiny ei't" HO' 1,,-CJII.' S■> t,-n:al thai Itwai wild dinicully that I could k. tp fruui aatliig loo much. 1-.don gau.i'd myalrun^tb,andhavuuruwn InHMbavar

puunda; my pruaent weight It two hundred and Iwanry-flva JJ-JJ( p..unda. and fur yeart I bain . nj,., ,1 uulm, rru|jt<->l h^afib.1"

lir. Scbriick lui dltroullnu.'d hit pruit ttlonal vlallt to New Vurk and Hottun. Ila or bit lun, Ur. .1 II. Nchenck, Jr.,atlll rontluua to aee patlautt at their of- ili-e.No.IS Nurth SIMIi .tii'.'t. l'lnladilpliia,.-very 8al- itrdav from U A.M. to J I'M T).,.v Hliuwl*haibun>iurh raa ml nation with lie li, .juroim-ii-r will bv cliorged t&. laa liraplromeler d.tlar.-a Mm exact toiiilltlon of lha Isaai. and pmlentt can readily bam wlicther Ihey ara rurahlonr not. Tim dir.-clloni.fi* taking Ihe medlclnea aroadaple.Ho ibo liil'lliui'iire even uf a child, follow Ihetedlfclluni, and kind Nature will da lha real,ex- cepting that In louie caiea the Mandrake 1111a ara to bolakeulnlncreatcl iln»i->; ltn: three iui.ll. iuea ueedlio uiheraccoinpaiilmeiila Ulan the ampin lualnictlonalhat aci-ompany them: I'lrat,civala appatlte. Of retunilng health hunger It iri.- ni-.tl w.-lconn-t,inplom. When It cornel, at U will rum', lid 11m d. -iialrlng af once tie of [noil cheer, tiood WIBXI at nnco followi, Ihe cough waeiit.ttie night iweat li abated. In a abort Uma both

,,f TILOI-- morbid mgMoM am r,nn fTUVtr. 1M-. Bchenck't nw-llclnri am conalanlly kept In lena

of ill,.ii..tiuli of famlllai. Al a laxative or purgative, ilu< Mandrake I'llli area ilandard preparation: while tha Pnloaonlc My nip, aa a cure- ofeougha and coldi, may be reganlrd aa n prophyUclcrlc agaluit cuniuuip- tlon In any of lit forma.

Prlea ol the Itilmonle Hyrap and Seaweed Tonic, SI JO a bottle, or S7.A0 a halfdoien. Mandrake 1111a, H (toll

L boc lor aale by all druawlata and daaUara. "IN X CO,, '

■ale hy i >. C. OOOJ >1>W1H* CO., JgratiU. Uottoe."

'Hny JHe, nuil I'll do ynu I.DOII."


1 Mi mcdirlnr. la, without tin- poaalblllt* of a doubt,the very beat remedy known for the follow. IUK and all kindred dl»iaara:—JnUtgrtlion, Ca> tn-ri.cii, /.(ror tompluiut, PlttM, llttutache, Ilratl flttrn, Dyptpiia, /', :: im'.', ticro/ufa. Salt HhruM, Languor, Laili-t**, iHbrtitg, Jaundice, Flatulency, f'oul Sfitnac/i, rfc.

Uy the timely uar of till, mrdlclpr, the blood la uurnl.it. The lopetlta li reitored. The ayateni la airrnitheDtd. Tho liver la iBrlgorili-d, Tbr breatb it aweetenrd. The eomplvaion la biaiitt- fluil. Aud III* telii-fal In ullli ll

HKITORED, Too ben Hoe.li, Ilrrbasad forks ciidr Into Iho

eoroiKiittiun Ol thla ll.-mi-fly, ""ilna It a alawwle ami aale, at wen a* an unfalllDg cure for all Jit- -a-.--.ii lha blood.

QKO. C. OlMJUWIN* CO.. Boatoa. Tor aale by all DruKflats. tmi'mMi-b



KIltKWOHKS, At Wbolcaalc,

CCTrKSI, IIVDBB * Co., Imfllrb S3 Ubauncy Blrr*t, lloiton.


I'*(• Perry's Hoih and Freckle Lotion. 0fU la Ihe only reliable; and liaimleaa (timed)

knuwo lor nniovlnu Itn.wii ill«cul..riitluii. Hold by druailalaaitrjwbvrr. Vrfcl tv Uernl.■it.,A. Y

PUlPLhS ON "THE FACE. lor t'omedouia, lllacg Wot ma or lirulii, l'lni

ply rlrupttODB,aud Blotched dlaUguralloUa on Ihe

'. Yl Moid by Oramil


Ague and Fever. lie only preventive known tor ( hllli end Fen

"■-"-le-of WoKr.'i Schlidmm Mehnappa. Ytoile'a it bit'duin M:t>uni>tia. la food Tor Uyapepna.

Wuljt'a Hchietfnm ArAnojijif. ll a preventive of Cbllla and liver.

Wolfe'* HfhirJum .Srhutij.],*. ' good fur all kill ni'j and bladder .-oiiiblatnli.

WoTle'a'Mchitdam Schnapps. 1 allo ribs


orld by phyilclaai In their practice.

eicfiaed.iM ArAn-l'l'l. ■ M"oil lor <ioni,

ll'i'i/f's iofAit'ihint Schna/ipt. Is good for all Uriuary oom|>lalnla.

Wolle's Schieilnni Bofanappa. la rrconimrnded by all tba Medical rarnhy

H'ut/e's Sfhieiiatn Mchntipjx, tigand t,.r folio and pain In the tt.imach.

Wollu'a Sihiliduni bcliiiu|i|in. lilmlUtnlandcouDtrrlclIrd, aud puichaiiri will

hav to %ae osntloo in purcna>t

Mlb H.lM... tha

ill. iiilini nt ihe rtadcra f iIn- brhnappa: I regard your 8r liHAFra

—-lypi ai bi'lDK In i'wry rrrpi draervlng of nit-dl al pntionacr. A' It li the pnreat possible artlile of Hollniid gli . hrretoloir unobtainable, and as iuch nay be mla- ly lirr-crlbcd by iihyalelani. HA ■ III I., HINT, M. II., I'liiiriiia.-.nll.'nl Cbtm

1*1. New York. Lui MI ii i K In.. Sept. I. I feel Ihat we h.,i.

nuw al arllcle of pin aitltable for antib cure a> Ibat remedy It adapted lo, DR. J. W. Uliiull I

"Schnappi" li a remedy In chronic catarrh*. complaint*, etc.: —

I take gti *i pleaiore tn bearlnf iii>il.iv rredli able trailtimoy to Ila rtnoaey as a rein- dial »g, ni In ihe dlaeair* lor which you recommend 11. IIBT Ins a natural tendency to tha niucoua mrfaca* will, a -lii,In degree of allmulatlun, 1 regard It .. one of the moat Important remi'dli-i In chronic taiarrbal a(ferlloii*, Jiartlrulai ly Itioae ol t. g.ulto urinary apparalu*. \> lib much reaptrt,

Tour oliedl.nl aerTint, CHAB. A.LKAS,M.I).,KewI»ork

■JO I'IMI; FT., N BWToaa M IT |1 1M7 -UINII.- rilO Wni rs.Eso., / -Hear Mri-I have

imple of lour ■■ Si'hlr.lnm Hchnap. «, ttlih lha i t.at of dater- uiiuiui; If be. n ad.l 1 to aplrlla. Tin ■ v.llllillil the ("ii, lu-ioi. II.ni

T lnriiilLil.il

,,l lll.'drl, ion. I Koulc

nut beilt In to or to oil,era, f a,', ii- ".1.I11.1U11

lolijrcilonablc variety ol t\ fSlaa ■«l i liA:- A LY.Cbetalit.

r«r MUtter Class than any oilier pro- prietary medicine of the day utauda

IbtVwHf'a Kffrrrfw-itt Beltinr At*,rient. And fnr thla rcaaon : it la an exact connlerpart of

or the mutt valuahle Dstural medlclnea In Ihe ■Id. W« refer to the great Sallaer Bprlng of many, to whleb tlvniiaatida of lha dyapepllc. Ihe

b'llom, the rbaupatio, anil ihe vleUou ol Tenal dlieaaei teaort annnalty, and return 10 their I. ,1, ■ - ■■■•■ >. ' ■-■ ■ i" or ■■ .11 • Tho Aperient la one of in- Urn and by far the moat anooaiaful of all llin eBorli made to rrpiodiira, In a portable form, 1 be popular mineral aiWn of rial op*. Be* ilmi you pnrcbage ouly tho gneiiltw -1: 111 '.-


liisliop Soule's Llnlmenl. iBfWtSd by lli-i late fttnlinr rJ.in.K, I* creallng a revoluilodlo ihe our-of h.:i AIIHA , KIIKUMATIBN, NairaALau, Kinaar and SriaaLOoMPLAiiiTh Si)lti:Tl1KOAT, HrllAIMM, ftc. Ibeeurca effected by It are alnoit beynnd b> Ifef. Try It, uae nothing el.r.ai.il you will be cured. It la (A* only**,-! enre for th.t tUnulM ditenn, Hctuttea.

rot aile by Driiifwlita, prleo #1.40 y«r bottle>. V. W. itrPKltaciiOX, Proprieture, BoaWrB, Haas.

Fragrant Sapoliene Cleans Kid (llovea anrl all klnda of Cloth* and 1 I.,'I.in.-, I-II.O... rttnt, llrrtao, Tar, Ac, In- •Jauily, wlilmut the kail Injury 10 lha flneat fab. rlc. Hold by 1'ruggUti and Kancy tlooda Uealere. ritAI.UAN T MAI'01.1 KNK €■'., IS Harolay, St., Nut* York, id La dalle at., Cblaago.

OYrilt 60.00U IlllliS VTIIhout a fai'ure. lha paat 13 |mn, In all Ibo woiiHT l-inaa or I'll 1; <, l.l.i'i:" 'i, tiCROrDLA, SALT HUM H. UVM-M-IU. CATAKKM, -N I I in I.- I.I* and all dlaraava of the Kkln and Ulood.by

FOWLC'S PILE AND HUMOR CURE kHtlrtl* reo.f.i fe. I •*■> Ttt mure (Soft, *«U fAjr- tii-ian* in thftrpriiflU:*. ktr* and nbronti, 01 it ig Ihe <mlg midicl»r if. r iliwrerid /or Ik' perma- ••■m car* 0/ alt the «6ove ditetur*. Call and re- ceive back your money, lu all caar* of failure. M. ut by •Xpreaalaaaomedo tiOtliketOlelllt.be- i-auac It lo.-. in v. r i.ii.ii 10 rnr«, tbireby ln-iug thi'inleof hundreda of dollar* ol rinWii'i that nevercurr.) II a bottU-, »old eTeywhere. Bead lor clrtulara irre. 11. U. KOVVLK, Chemlat. Boa- IO0.

FOR |3 TKR LLNE We "ill Insert an adver liemeat

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UassachusettB Newspapers. Indii.llii,; FUeDallle*.

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A.IV. lll.l.m :>t|.llt., Ho. 41 Park ltotv. Haw link.

.Short Hand, circular. 1'm.f. UK A V, I'. U. Ilox i,»l7,

IftU word* per in 1 miln I 4 weeks, bend .lamp B

THE LITTLE WONDER. Patented Jan, I, 1*171. Agcnta wanted every

where. 100 per cant, pradtt. Sura pie* by mall, Sao. Send al onec for circa are and teatlmonlal*. LIT. TI.K WOHDKR Hiit'r'i) ('..., IS and 17 Court Ht.,


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Or, Ladiet' Companion. Ths mom heuuiifui invention of the ago. t

lad, all.jii.il 1-1. HUH,,m 11. I'mr »;. .irniiuii adiirei* in perlunied boni-i. Kiinair afnnta wai ed. bend lor a e.rcular. IIK. t I.K1 ( 111.11. 1 Court Htreet room i lluilon klaai.

A I'AltU. A ilergyinati, while realdlng In Soath AmeHea

aa a ml* lon*r>,di,ooturad ■ aafi-and aimple rriu- edy far tbu Curu of Nirvou* Weakneaa, Ivarly De- cay, Ulaeaae. ol the Urinary aud Humlnal tii tuna, and the whole train ol oi.or.l.r.t brought on by oan.lul and vlcloua habit*. Ureal numbcra have i»**o ourwd by tbl* nohli- remedy. 1'rumplcd by * deSltO IO ton. IlL (lie .lllleted .11.1 ut.liiliuil.il.-, I will lend the ncipe lor prepurtng and ual> g tbl. nudlclna, In a »i-akd envelope, to Buy one wh< ueeda ll./ree o/eharge. Addreaa Jua. T, IHNAX, Utatlou l>, iiitn.- Hou.e, New York City,

PHYSICAL KXllAL'BTlON and the whole Hea- ual Science lo man and woman. Send itamp

for pamphlet. Iivx moo, liu.ion I'.U.

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Mt. "Washington, Juat received by

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Suporintondont of Cemetery Besidence 26 Morton Street,

CimuiCAL *nn iniiin »i I.iaoriATORT, is i:ieli.i..; • riat'.-.Sew York, Nov.vA.iao?.—|;IMH, run WULFB, I- -ij.. 1'i.ir .sir —The undrraigneil hava carelolly and thoroughly atialyn-d a aamplc of your Aromatl.- Mublidani Mi'linuppa,"*elet|ed by uuricltea, and have found the line free from all organic or Inorganic tubttanrea, more or I. ■■ Injnrloua 10 health. From tin- remit of our ea-

quality, he Hhiul aaa biverngr, and i-ff-eiuiil In II* medicinal iiuallllra. It.aped fully youn,

[Signed] AI.N.X IHll-1'kl , Chemlat. ritAMCId K. KMitl.llAHI), M.l).

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Plant s i Flowers. has for tat*, on A, W. . at the Urrrn llouaa mi Lawrence atreet, halt l!Uge, Choice Seleetloli*

J*vffSTKAitNh' p. '■DSwhlch I llta J-*3*.) MMili.ti, of Meddlng 1'Uiit*. -i nlntn*. Vucb*l..,Cak Verbena*, lleiioiroin rlat.

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l .Yearly oppoxite tfir Tu.'i Oflirr,)

arc the Sole Agent* Tor

IIOLimOOK'S SWIVEL PLOWS, which are loo well known to reqalra anycommen.

datiiin, Thry have, alto, tho fumuui

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UARliWAUEof every deicrlplloa. HapU

FOR IIII.I i.uiNt; thef<i'crc1lon*ofthel.lvrraUowel*.toStreTjg1h. ca the Stomach and Purity tbe i lood,

nit. TILTON'S Compound Dandelion Hitters

are lb* beat In me. They act upon Ihe Boweli mildly, and bv Ihrlr Doe tonic, aromatic and ape- rlent proriertfr*,lhey remove all oppreMirearou- mutation. rreparer] by W. D. TILTOH SCO,, under tbe tupervtilen of .1. A. Tlt-TOB, M. D.,

the mill. OeorKlf, hovenr, itld not rise. Her

looks ill'l not i-\|>ri'S4 acquieacpneo. She was a pretty vrnmsn—very pretty; tall, alight. Very fair, with lame, clear, steady eyes, and profuse brown hair. Besides her beauty »he tind an air of delicate and

j graceful composure rather peculiar, and a voice that suifitested alto flute-notes. For all this she was limply the wife of a master machinist In tire great [lallbiirton Print Works In Millvllle. and mistress of one of the small, white factory tenements whose long orderly rows conslltuted Mill- vllle proper.

Hut Oeorgle did not belong lo tbe fao lory element, although she had married into It. She had been brought up by a relative, upon whom she bad been left In- dependent, and whom she called Aunt Appleton. Aunt Appleton lived at tbe other end of Millvllle—the w«*t end— amoujr the II all burtons, Dlllownys, and Veres.

iYih.'i'-, antler tho dicninstanco*, Georgia might have looked a little higher than John Randall, Out then John was asgo<id ns gold; strong, steady, manly, true. Aunt Aippleton's prelty dependent prottj/6 bad the sense to see It, and Aunt Appleton bad the senae to see It, at her peneptlon, and Hie generualiy to glvo her a liberal oulflt—her furniture, a complete ! wardrobe, a nice wedding.

It had been very agreeable to tieorgle to have these things. She was fastidious to tho core. Hha enloycd advantages of posltloi—ber good clothes; ber prtittgt among the wives of the other officials In the Print Works. She was fastidious— perhaps only a little too fastidious for ber place.

John Kandall had reached bis laat but- ton—a somewhat shabby coat. He had neither time nor pretext for lingering At this last moment hla wife raised her eves clear.*/, unfilnc-hlDgly, to his face. "Why not?" she asked, In her cold, sweet voice.

It Is never pleasant for a man to be called to an account—to an account about money—and of course It was money Oeorgle wanted—by a woman, and that woman his wife. John's face flushed a little; a hot retort pricked the very tip of his tongue, but he did not utter It. fie was a quiet man naturally, and then he had that deep, sure love for his pretty wife which over-reaches ail slight shocks. '" I have exceeded my nalary every

month since we Were married. Oeorgle,'' he said. '* The first of January will be here In a few wet-k*. and 1 shall not be able tn meet all tin- bills that are due. 1 don't feel that we ouebt to trifle away a penny of money. I don't beliovo you do cither, dear.1'

" I shall not say any more about It," she returned^ " I ought to wear a new pair of gloves to call on Paul'* bride. But if you can't give them to me, 1 must do without them."

John Randall's grain was line enongh to understand that this was not tbe acriul- escence he wanted. He would have liked to Indulge ber, but there waa a fact, that If he begun It, he should be always behind- hand, always poor.

This waa bis fact. Oeorgle bad hers also—that she was always to be denied and disappointed. She didn't mind so much wearing the old gloves on thla par- ticular occasion; that which troubled her, whlcU waa wedging Itself painfully Into her convictions, was, that sho would have to give up all the little luxuries and ele- gances that she so craved; tbat her fu- ture was to be a plain matter-of-fact rou- tine, deprived of those gratifications In whose absence she felt a sort of moral starvation.

" It don't seem as though you ought to be disappointed, Oeorgle," said her husband dually. " You know just what my salary Is, mil Just bow far It will go. Wo used to talk about saving money every year, so tbat I might better myself one of these days. I don't like to deny you."

" No matter," she answered Thing. Sbc was one of those women who say

too little, rather than too much, any time. John went ofT to his work. Bridget

(the girl of all woik) came In to clear the table. Oeorgle dusted the parlor, and maue the pudding, fed tbe canary, aud then placed her aewing-machine tn the window, facing the dull, leaden light of tha November day, and sat down to stitch wristbands. .She bad been married more than a year now, and waa making her llrst fbirt for John. She was very thoughtful, a dogged puln In her face all the while.

" Perhaps I shall stay at Aunt Apple- ton's to tea," she said to her husband at the dinner table " You will come for me If I do—won't you I"

He reflected a moaient. " I told you last night, Oeorgle, that I

should have to be away Irom home an hour or two this evening. There Is to be a meeting of the oflHals at the mill at half-past seven. I should be too tired to dress and go up to your aunt's after- wards."

" I had forgotten," she said quietly—so quietly that he thought she did not care.

When ho was gone, she went to her room to arrange her toilet for her call. She put on the best she- had, of course. Sli.' had a genius for dress; and, despite the mended glove*, ahu looked as Mvli-h as she did pretty.

Juat as she approached her au>it's gate, old Mi . Ihililniiinii. In her velvets ml sables, and steeliest of sieel-culured ■ilk-., was being handed Irom the canlage Ly ber son. The Ilullburtons were tin- own- ers of the mill in which John lUndall was employed. Stephen, the only son had jitxt returned Irom a live years' resi- dence abroad. The*e two facts caused Ucorgie to serullul/c the mother and son somewhat closely; and, doing so, Ste- phen lluliburton rui>nl bis hat to her.

" A pretty face," he remarked careless* ly to his mother. " I suppose It Is some one I have known, or should know

Old Mrs. Hallhiirton, with her keen eyes and beak nose, glanced sharply back towards Ooorgle, whom she had not perceived, and nodded slightly.

" It Is that young person tbat Jane Ap- pleton brought up. She Is married now to one ol our men, I believe."

Oeorgle found Paul Appleton and his bride holding a sort of Informal recep< lion. The rooms where her own wedding bad been, a year before, were o,uite tilled with guests. A very dainty and grace- ful bride was tbe new airs. Paul, In her lavender train and point luce shawl Oeorgle tried to feel the least tinge of en, vy as she looked at ber.

Aunt Appleton had always a nense of gratitude towards her protege for having foreborne to fascinate either o( her own four marriageable boys; and this grati- tude cropped out lu Htitlvn kindliness,

under the exultation she felt over Paul's match.

Oeorgle moved easily about tbe well-

furnished rooms. Somehow she seemed iuat fitted for such surrotirtiilngB. The

Mlhdned. well-hred in nnera, Ihe tabu perfumes, the reined farea and >lel

dieaaes, were like u aitmulant lo her.

She needed such qxlekenlng t» be full) IUT-I-11, Her composed, d'-llcatf beaut}

unfolded to pei fecilon In this atmos-


She had been talking with one and another. Inking lu shapes and trimmings with her qultk arllst'a i-v-- and, in a

pauses was Jim r« fleeting upon the bang

of the new curtains, when a voice said,

near her:—" I seem not to be able to re-

call you at all, Mrs. Randall. Yet I

must have known yon before I went I misunderstanding or coldness between

awav. My mother has Just told me your | them. No suspicion bad come to any

knew that she seemed to be living apart

from blm; and once—that was when the Iron entered bis soul—when he went to her little desk—a present, he had made

her during ihelr engagement—for a sheet

"f paper, and lound it locked, and atked h*-r cardraily *>niin/h f. r the k'-y, she

tl'i-hed and said she would get the paper t'Thim.

But he kept true to tho promise lie

made blmaelf. Ha kept on, --flighting Id- way against It as best he cmild." hoping.

with a sick heart, that she might see it [ right hy and by."

The months wore away. The second John's hand. year of their marriage was nearly com- " U) dear fellow, It Is toobud! I feared

pleted. John bad been very careful—aa | It a little, once or twice. Of course I

careful aa Oeorgle herself,—that there j could not bint tn Mrs. Randall."

should be no outward and visible sign of "What, John? What, Mr. Halibur-

responslble position, with an Increase of salary."

The very glory of the heavens seemed to be opening a way to John Randill out

of all hi* trouble. " I HID too nappy, Mr. Ilaliliiiriun. to imk much." he-.,1a. in his

atral.-luf ir.v.ird. mini} way ' I ll»V been depie--siii h.ieh —the Hiiddun rtimiv-

He Stopped iliort. TWO big tearn

rolled down Ida ebet-ka. Stephen lluli- builnti alone i erOttlVed, vihai Oeorgle

never Buepveted, that her Fecret had


' made her husband Jet He grasped


name, and I have come to reclaim ac- quaintance, If you will permit me."

" I remember you perfectly. Mr. Hall- burton," Oeorgle returned, quietly. " I was hardly grown up when you left us, live years ago."

" Five years? Ab, true enough I Won't you take this chair? What a lovely lily! Why, It la not real?"

" No; these wax flowers are very like nature, though almost a plagiarism; don't you think so, Mr. Hallburtonr"

" Why, yea. It must be quite dilflVult to moke them. I dare say they bring a good price."

Under her serene smile a quick thought weut through Oeorgle Randall's mind. She began to examine tbe gentleman be- fore her witb Interest.

Stephen Halibut-ton was a gentleman by habit, and a man of the world by fotce of clrouuistatjocs. But nnture Intended him for a diligent, painstaking, persever- ing man of buslnc).

If ho was not a greal or a very good man, It was because ho had foinneh time, so muah money, -o much flattery. He

that the second year of their married life j know.'

1 Xothlng, Oeorgle, that you will ever

bad been less happy than the first. Xor had he ever omitted to give her any little Indulgence within his power.

He had prepared a surprise for her upon the coming anniversary of their wedding day,—a present of twelve guin- eas, his savings during tbe year.

The anniversary fell upon Sunday; and so their little commemoration of the day must come the preceding evening. No allusion bad been made to any celebra- tion by either of them, but John felt sure that she could not let tbe tlmo pass with- out some sign. For his own p.irt he had resolved to attempt some explnualion of their estrangement. Anything, he thought, would be hotter than this chill- ing reserve. With Ida mind divided be- tween anticipation of relief and jealous dread, he went to theoountlng-houso ihat Saturday night to receive his money. The cashier looked up with a certain em- barrassment ni his approach.

"Ah, Mr. Kandall, tho accumulation you have left in my hands? To be sure! And by the way, Mr. Hallburton spoke

as spoiled by bU opportunities, yet he to me tu mention to you that there wero needed only tho right touch to elevate : somecbanges lo be made, ami ml luu him beyond himself. He was thirty j there be Is himself, air." years old now; he was past the age when a man dl-datns to be led by a woman. But Stephen Hallburton bad never dis- dained It. Ila had always been led by the keen-eyed, beak-nosed woman In the steal silk, who, aa Georgle talked with the heir, sat, holding her wine up to tbe Are light, not far oil.

The heir seemed to Ilka Mrs. Randall's talk; perhaps because there waa little of

In return be waa rather unreserved— goaalpplf.g about hla plans and his pros- pects.

Ha said tbat be waa glad to get home. He meant to settle down at Millvllle now; look after hla factories and the opera- tives; Introduce some new improvements. He wanted a better class of work, more tasteful designs. He bad not aeen a pret- ty print from the factory. Didn't Mrs. Randall agree with him?

Yea; she agreed with him. It waa a strange basis for parlor gossip—oils, chemicals, designs for calicoes. He was surprised to find bow much ahe knew about It; and she—ahe waa a little sur- prised herself. Tbe delicate pink began to flush her checks, tbe Irises of ber eyes grew Into great black flakes, full of lus- tre. All at oncet at last, she turned a casual glance without the window.

** Why," she aald, with a tdlght Hart, •* It Is almost dark. And I believe it Is raining. I must go at once."

She stepped towards the window. Great plashing drops were falling upon the flagstones. The dull November day- light was almost gone.

Mr. Hallburton rose also. " Did you walk ? " he Inquired. " Let

ua take you home. My mother will be going aoon."

Tba tittle atlr altrar.t#d Mr*. Appleton, who—moat of her guests having gone— waa devoting herself to Mra. Hallburton.

"Stay to tea, Oeorgle," ahe suggested. 11 John knows you are here —does he not? '*

" Yes; bat it Is raining, I think I bad better not stop."

" I have been asking Mrs. Randall to take a seat with ua, mother," Interposed Stephen Hallburton.

"Ah, yos," aald that lady, with con- tracted nostrils and prolonged lip again: —•' I shall bo happy."

And then the keen eyes overlooked Oeorgle aa if to ask If there was any Just cause why the Hallburton carriage, the Hallburton horses, and, It might be, the Halibiirton heir, ahould traverse the length of Millvllle to take borne this young parson who had married one of the Hallburton employees.

Georgia stood unmoved, little concerned as to whether her last dress and bonnet should walk or tide, not at all concerned as to her own disposal.

The factory bell bad done ringing, and John Randall was In sight of home just as the carriage of h Is employer stopped at bis door, and hla wife stepped from It. He did not, however, overbear her say to Stephen Hallburton, M If yon will come In to-morrow afternoon, I will show yon What I nicau."

"Had you a pleasant afternoon." ber huaband aaked, by-nnd-hy, aa they sat at tbe tea-table.

" Very pleasant," she said thoughtful- ly-

" It was very polite In Mra. Hallhiirton to bring you homo."

" Yea, I should have spoiled my dress." It was always with a little eflort that

John Randall got hla wife to talk, and she seemed peculiarly silent to-nlgbt, and ab- sent as well aa silent. Her eyea were brighter, too, than common—her cheeks a little flushed. He waa too generous, too uncelflsh a man to begrudge her even a happiness] in which be bad no part; but something In her abstraction filled him with urrajail#t#*h». The urteanliirj*jB waa not decreased, when, reaching borne a lltlle before the usual hour the following after- noon, ho met Stephen Hallburton just leaving the bouse, nor when he saw Oeor- gle with the same brightened eyes and liela-hteued color aa tho night before.

That was the beginning of John Ran- dall's trouble.

It was not so much common J-alousy— a man's Instinct o( revolt at another man's admiration of his handsome wife—as it was a fear, a desperate, death-like fear, tbat Oeorgle needed something lie could not give her to make ber happy. He could never give ber luxuries. He could never say such things as, he fancied, Stephen Hallburton must be able to say to women. Hut he loved her so! Oh, heaven! he loved her sol How could he endure that anything should come be- tween them?

"I won't wrong her and tease her with suspicious," he aald to himself, lu the depth of the night. " I'll just tight my way tbe best I can against It- I'll keep on steady; perhaps vhe'll see It right by- and-by.'

Poor fellow ! he did not realize how his own determination Implied the dreary thought that her heart was turned from blm. He raised himself on his ami to look at her M she slept; and all through what followed ho retained the expression of her pure.''aim face, as It pressed the pillow, whitened by the iLvionliglit that glinted the frost on the window-pane* and flooded the room.

She seemed to blm colder niter this; and be kept rllent. He knew that she met Hallburton at her aunt's; be knew that when'she went to the sea-side the en- mlog summer, tor a week's visit to Mrs,

They were alone together, by-aod-bv. with their new-found happiness. Per- haps Oeorgle was equally relieved tbat there was no more need lor mystification.

" Whut mado you ever think of It, Oeorgle?" her husband asked,

" Why, John, It was that day about the gloves. I set myself to considering why you should have all tbe toll and I all tbe indulgence. I pondered how I could make or save something."

•■ I am happier than l ever thought I could be again, dear."

"■ Do you kuow, I have fancied you were unhappy lately, John, bocaueo you thought I was longing for things you could not glvo ate! 1 could hardly wait for to-night to come, to tell you all."

" My darling! " And he folded bis arms about her, and

hid hi- face on her shoulder; and, In the brlghtne*4 and silence of (he room, with Its odor of flower! and blow of leaves, they felt their way through the coming futuro, safe, confident, out of reach ot any bitter trouble, since they loved and trusted one another.


143 ICssex at. 143


Have Jmt pur.;liuifJ a New SUMk of

Gemaa Worsteds, Ilumtiurr. Edftaga,

Cotton Edgings* Lace Collars,

Lint ii Clotha, Towels,

Hapkin*. Handkerchiefs,

Oil Table Covers,

And many other Desirable Goods,



US Essex street, Lawrence.

Frldi ror lli

town) A.M., 13 II

John Randall turned, with n feeling akin to desperation, to meet bis employer.

I> had gone through bitn like a thunder- bolt, aa the cashier apoke, that ho was to

be displaced. Stephen tTallbartou sim-

ply said, as John faced him, '-I'll not de-

tain you now, Mr. Randall. I shall call this evening to let you know of tbe change I feel obliged to mako."

And tbe owner bowed and left him.

With the money In his nerveless hands,

John Randall walked homeward like a man dazed. lie was to lose his place!

For what reason he found It Impossible

to conjecture. But to lose It was to lose reputation, courage, — everything. He

bad never Imagined such a possibility as

that. Tbe money that he carried.—lie

should not daro to make a present of It to Georgie now.

lie might havo to wait for other em-

ployment. It might be needed for their bare, every-day needs, before he got work

again. A chill like death struck to bis soul.

Oeorgle evidently bad not overlooked

the recurrence of their wedding day. The cosy rooms of the cottage all wore a

little air of festivity. Some slender vases

held the gleanings ol the flower beds,—

chrysanthemums, blood-red, white and

purple, verbenas and scarlet geraniums.

She came to tbe door th it night to meet him, with one of her "company" dresses

on, some knots of velvet fastening her

collar, and ccemlng to give aglow and

brightness to ber white Bkln. lie took

her hand, she raised her face, and with a

wild heart-bound he kissed It, aa he bad not for a year before. She was coming

back to him! Tbat was tbe thought tbat thrilled him. His Infatuation—ir such it bad been—waa at an end. She was bis own once morel And then, close upon

this new happiness, came the dreary rec-

ollection of his lost situation. lie thrust tbe money in his pocket. Ry and by he would tell her all.

"You won't mind waiting supper for an hour, will yoo, JohnT" abo asked, as

■he led him In, "I am going to give you something nice, hy and by, and—and—I think Mr. Hallburton will be In."

John Randall's blood froze once more.

It was not for him, then, all thla prep-

aration waa madel Oeorgle had never spoken Halibiirton's name to him before.

He could seo that she was embarrassed as ahe did so.

'•I want you to dress, John,*' sho ad-

ded, coaxlngly. "I have laid everything out for you."

It seemed to blm that he would have turned upon her but that ho felt so broken

by tbe thought of losing his place, and resented ber gayety, ber secrecies,—all

that made blm so miserable during Mils long year. But he had uot the spirit.

He went to dreas as she had asked him. When he returned to tho parlor,

Stephen Hallburton and his wife sat upon the sofa side by side. It was rare indeed

to see ber face so illuminated. Her

cheeks were glowing, her eyes so spark- ling.

As for Mr. Hallburton, be was always

tho quiet gentleman, with no sense of be- ing out or bis place, no apparent sus-

picion of what was rankling In tho heart

of his employee.

What a nice little supper Georgle had ready—yet nobody ate.

Finally It waa over. They went back to the parlor.

Oeorgle disappeared for a moment, and.

returning, approached her husband, glancing shyly, at the same tlmo, at her

guest, whose face brightened beyond Its wont as bo caught her eye.

" We meant to make It all very formal,

John; but Mr. Hallburton thinks I might as well tell It at once In my own way."

She paused, and a sober pallor over- spread ber husband's face.

" What waa comingr " hla eyes aiked,

with no faith that It was anything to lighten his secret burden.

Oeorgle folded and unfolded nervously a slip of paper she held—

" Thla is for you, John," and she held

It ulyly towards blm. " My anniversary «lftl I have been working for Mr. Hali- biirton. too. ibis last year. And I have

thirty guineas here—the price of the de- signs I have made for the calicoes—''

"Georgia]" "You never suspected It? I did not

want you to, till I knew whether I could succeed."

John lUndall had no voice in which to word his amazement or bU gratltiulc— gratitude lor his restored faith, which, though lila^wlfe knew It not. was her far most precloua anniversary gift.

She went on, " I could always u*.e my pencil nimbly, you know, John, and It occurred to me one day, why I conldu't do something with It for my prolit. 1 spoke to Mr. lluliburton, and lie was so klud — you must ihauk him, John—be took so much trouble with my crude at- tempts, he did so much to eucourage me. And now I am fairly In the way of work, I shall work better, too, now that you know ol it. I want to design for carpets, by-aud-by, as well as prlrts; that pay* so well—a percent age on t lie sale—"

She stopped short—suddenly conscious of how much she was saylig.

"I have my little surprise, also, for | ~* yoii, Mr. Randall." added Stephen Hail- DEN T A L burton, quietly. "1 imps It, too, will prove agreeable. The universal le,tlmo. ny of the mill oltlclaia, as to your efllcicn- No oj and trustiness, makes me feel ihat 1 am not showing you a proper apprecla-

Boston * ITlalDe Ballroaei.

iM *smvNS._A»ai

Summer Arrangement, May 2, 1870. rn.'i.Nh I'BOU BOBTOX,

KorPortland,baco.blJiiflord,>ic,,?.30 expraa* o Lawrence) A.M,,11C M.,3 r.M.lnpreakio Uead. oar,laud Monday, VirdncnUv. Friday, at u r. H. Star ttxeter, Dover, (i real aalla.and aiatlomeail

ot Uavrrtilll. 7.10 («xi>re**io Lawrraor) A.M., la It,, S.OO, a e.M. (eKprn*,) Monday, WedoMdar,

erblll 7.30 (espreu),7.«(via0Of»*> 1., it M.. 3.16 (via Geurk'f|o»r.),l.M,

a ,e«pre**,] 0.16 (via Georgetown.) 0. (3.16 *>.**. (vlaUeorKetown.)

For Lawrence (Houth Sl.ir) 7, 7.so, (expreai: 1.16A.M., iaM,,J,3.ao,S(expre»ilo Wakeneld,1

6 P. M,

A.M., IS M P.M.

urn BOSToa, Vrom Portland 4.16,e.46 A.M., Sr.M.,Monday,

Wrdnciday. Friday at fl P. M, From Uraat Fall*fl.40,7.46,10.S6 A,M..ajOP.M, From Dover fl.60>, 8, 10.66*, A.M., MB*, 7.J8"

P. M. From Kxetar 0,SS*,8.60,11.13* A.M., **, 8.28"

P.M. From naverhlll fl.lfl, (via Georgetown} 7.1B*

From North Andover 7.25,9,40 A.M., 1140,3.40, 6 JO P.M.

From Lawrence (North Side) A.M. 7.30, 9.40 A, M., 12.15, 3.40,6.301 P.M.

From Lawrence (South Side) 8,27,7.SJt,».« A, M., 13.18, 12.40*, 3.46, 5.32, rt.5S*. M.10" P.M.

•Or on their arrival from tho East. (Ur on their arrival from tha North, ••On Monday, Wrdneaday and Friday only, Faaaenireri are not allowed lo carry ban

above #.*) In value, nor over BOpoandaln wel and thai personal,unlea* notice Is riven, an, extra amount paid al the rate of a prlc for every B50G additional value,

WM. MKRttlTT. BaP't

'Km. ri'ljht

CD,and at of a tlrkat

KEROSENE OIL LAMPS. I bare received mme New Pattern! of Keroaent

Oil Lamp*, both In Ulan and Bronte, Alac, a fine aaaortment or

Chandeliers, Pendants, Brackets, Lanterns,

and •vexrthlnrf connected with tha Knreirnt trade, making the 11F.8T BKLFCTION to ha

found In the elty,

AND AT THE -LOWEST PMCES, A I'o, aomo new patterns of

GAS PORTABLES, Whkh I am irlllng- at Low Frlcei.

13- A. FISKE'8 Pap*r tlanilcf and Curtain Store,

No. 275 Essex Street. Lawrence, Mass.

>n vou.nr.t, !|r.AHA(-ii|-, Ni-fHAi.i.iA, etc. IIow few there ara who have not auflVrcd with al leait ono of the above dUtreailnf dlaeaara. Do* few there are that have ever found anything that would relieve—not to mention cure—thoae pain- ful aminlon*. II 111 li OS* ALLBVANTOH la a Ixina-tl.le remedy for each and every one of thoae prevalent complulnU. It not only relieve* lu- •tantly, bnt poiltlvel* eurea every oaae, when u»ed according to direction!. Tho aitonlihlnv aucceaa of Dr. Hrl,;*-*' All. vainor, aa a taii.lli medloluti, I* an eautillihed faet. To trjr It It to bs oonvlnced, Bold by all druggltti.

Plloa lnatantly relieved aud aoon cured by ualng Dr. J. BUIGUS' I'lLK HJCMKDIKS, They rcduea .Inflammation, aoothe the Irritated parti and hate proved a blSSsUg to tbe alBloteil, wlieth cr Internal, external, bleeding, or lulling pile*.- All kind* in all stage* inuai yield lo the wonder- ful Influence of them never falling rrmedlei, Hold by Dragglita.

Coiiiiimptlan, Uronchltli. LarangylU, Congb.IIoarfeue**, and all dlaeaaea of the Throat aud Lung* readily relieved by tho magical and hraliUK liiDuenee ol lUilOUS' l'UUUAT and U;NU U1.A1.KB. Sold by Drogglttf,


Bic.-It I* au aatonlihlng faet tbat nine ont ol every ten perioni we meet are sorely troubled with their feel. Very few are exempt, Dr, J. BKiOUH' Popular Bemedlce—CL'UATIVS ana Al.l.r. VIATO It-are reliable and rertaln la llirii effect*. The Curative for aore aud leader Corna, Uunlona bad Nail*, etc, It a aooiblnir balm for wounded fee',aud rapidly earca the worat caar*. Alleviator, for tbe cure or common Corns and Hun)on*,and the prevention of ail Corna, Ita pat ■le to aclentlno mlude. Mold by II. M. Whitney A Co., ll. j. Uenham, Charles Clarke, La*renct, and UrugglBta generally. It* tuovSO


MOULE'8 EARTH CLOSET I* a perfect mbstltuto for the Water Clotet, ane can be u*ed In portable form,or a* a fixed cloict Dating Irom tl2.60 to |36, according to tbe kind

0m* ; ir.'.'rl the Office of tba




mis ..•■ifn "M.l ..In. 01 III.- n.,i, I, ii.,, ., ,

olalm* to have dlaoovrrcd and i-nntMni-ii In haritf- nj/ more of Xaturt't matt loeereign medical prop- trlttt than wat ev*r before combined fn our medicine. The evidence ol thla (hot I* found in ihe great variety of moat ubitlnatedliraict which It ha* been found to conquer. In the enra ot iirrnikith, Severe Cough*.and the early Ha**, of ■,"ii*KiFi;.(i.>n, It ba* aitonlthed tli, medl-al faculty, nod hundred* of tbr heat phvatoian* pro- uounet \t the gruittU medical discovery uf the ape. While It curea the trvereat Cough*, It atrenKtb- ent the ayMera ><nd pur)p>a ,be blood. By Ittgrenf and tjkorwgk Hood purify* an proper Or i. It cure* all f/umnr* from tba worm Scrofula to a common lllotth, rimpleoT Eruption. .Mercurial Ulaeaae Mineral foliona, tiyphllitle and Venerlal Dlica*- ea, and their ctfeeta are eradicated, and vigorou, health and a *ound couHitution enibll.he.l. Jfr*. tiptla*. Salt Khtum, Scald Head, Fever Sore* S.aly or Hough Skin ID *hort,all the numerous dWraaca cauied by Inid blood, tre conquered by till* powerful.purifying, and invigorating medl- olDf ■» K.°,r ■. , <'"'"'''"■'".■' Riliime mSordert, and Habitual C oiull/wflon, ll BBS produced bun' dre.li of perfect and p.rmaneat eurta where other me<Ilclaet had failed.

The proprietor offer* #1.000 reward for a medi- cine that wll equal It in the cure of all the 01. '*"■, ™I*wM°3 2 '■ 'ecommeaded. Beware ol emin.er.ri,* and vorlhlt** Imitation*. Bee tbat my private (tovert.ment Stamp, which It a petti- fire yaaruntre of t,eHoiaene>*,\* upon t|,cout*lde "rapper. T hi* uv.lklna It Sold bo Drvagi lit at fiw per bottle. I'reparidbyU./riKrlCE. SI. II., bole IToprletur, at hit Chemical Laboratory 111 aeneca atrert, Buffalo. N, Y. 8ml jape

Paul Appleton, tliare he was also. Ht' (ton. awl I ileslre to give you a simiewhat


1 Essex Street, Lawrence, il*fiua; purcbattd the right ta BM tha r.ient FlMlkT* Edge onArtlfleta^T«th,li,IrViNi^tO Imnrnipn...! IA - ■ S Lp 'Cj *1",

1 tf tSmdMi*' **


POOI., CAi.t.iin AT QiaantTowx.

The l.ivmr.iiii., NKW Ymrx, and I'HILADBL- I-MI . ,-i> i-i-ii [■ ( OMIANT'* MAIL HTBAMBBB af*- appoint <■ to -nil Irom New York at followi: Mf Mi mci'li IV, Miurd.., Mi) 11

. I ■ "H.HKKIIK. Tur.dAj, May S IV • * If ITtilliKK, Tbu-day.M y«

■ "I' r>AhI> rtaturrtaj Hay JO ITl «>■ »«' ""•"!.», MHiiri., Mi, iff

(VM SFBKl^TilL, Tu.-id»>,lla>:a A.,d every -UlHUAl aad alteroai. ll LH>Ai

■.DdTlU'rC-L- .1,11 I'le. 4i, loot Of . birhiin *teel

r'r m Liverpool vl* Que. tut.>w> , every Till KB. HAY lUt.ftl.lflif.-IMV A -A ■ IKIMY.

Tu II w r |... J, ».;, an $ 00 ...hi, rioii. I ivt-ip ol,«:Said IWJOuld.

To I.i.e.. u I and return, $IU and |171 Uold, according to location or muni.

tlona by thla Uae for Cabin

IS, half far*. Infant* free.

frrpald eertlBcatea Irom Liverpool, tjueem. town, Ulaigow and Londonderry to Boitoo, |J«j, Children between 1 aad 13, half fare. Infant* at.

I-aaaaga Tickett leaned m aud from any part el tbe New V ugiaud otalra at lowect raten,

Drafta payable In Great Britain and Ireland fret Of .1 In ,111 ot

Kor freight or paiiage, apply at tha Co'* Office, Wi Hlale .trial, BoatOn. ,

M. a. CKKAGII, Manager. Or P. MURPHY, 345 Essex atreet,


Cabinet Making.

239 Essex Street, Lawrence, UP STAIRS,


H. F. BARNARD Tandera hla tervloet to tba oKlaent or Lawrence and vicinity for the manafaeture of

Furniture to Order.

0.0. Fellows & Co. Succniuri to




DMlcr. I.

Books, Stationery,


Engravings, Lithographs,



Ladies' Traveling Bags and Baskets

Albania, Mirrors, Cheaa Men, Writing

I>osks, Knives, Razors, Portfolios,

Work Boxes, I'uss Books,

Pocket Books, and

Fancy Goods Generally

Picture Frame MANUFACTORY.

Pictures Framed in any Style of


At thort QOilce. Large atiortmrat of

Frames and Moldings

CsaiUntly on hand.

Umbrellas for sole, anil Parasols and Umbrella* Repaired at thort notice.

Door Belts, Door Plates,

Weather Stripe & Holding!

Coaitantlj on band, and Ailed ta order.



Boston Daily Papers Delivered

At reildencet of mbaerlbert, la Lawrence i

Methoen, without aztra charge.

JQBBJDL For Purifying the Blood,

and Cleantlng the Btonach, Myer, aad Bowels

from all Morbid and Billons aeeamalaUoai,

The Dote leimall, and tha Preparation, pleat-

ant to Ute. Price SO ceate. Hold by

H.J.DKNUAK, its Kiiex meet; CKAS.CLARKI,

m KttfX ureel; J.MM R. WOOD, Ml lues

■tiaet; Uio. I. CmiKKatta, under the Eeeex

Home; D. UOWABTH, Poet offle* Building;

I.n.auT Bno*i,,ornir or Eteex sad Mill ru.;

■old everywhere. i ]a»M

Farms for Sale. The iBbteriber calla the atteatlon of all tboie

who wish to buy a Farm, to hi.,., fce ba. a Urge unmb.r of Farm. 1. hi* aeadt toie]|,Mar"l wbleh are * lute, ■«, Deiwti.SchMlt.VinTA™ etc.. the prlcee ranging from $hot> to MOM, alfon reaionabre term. »,d liberal ptydajt. Al.o.thet be ll a lleenied Keal Eitat* Ami and Anet loiVi-r ^m-31* titO. E \WB*V^SmmWtTfnt

Do you want a tupertor Walaut Boohaaea, BU- t.'re, Wardrobe, mdeboard, Bedttead, Bereaa,

adlet' Deak, OtleeDtak. ODIce Table, or hoaee or once Furniture of an/ kind, made of the beet of teaaoned ttook with the beet workmaaeblpt


REPAIRED, and made ai good as new 1

CALL ON BARNARD. Do you wait a a ew


or yoar old one repaired I

CALL ON BARNARD. **TSatisfaction guaranteed la all oasee. He

ooatldently refers to all who bar* farored him with their patronage.


239 Essex Street.

(Third story. Old American Office.)

a a




g I r r M

> K M W M o

r a. [

f E g H D ► I i 9 H * 3

to B,


t I 1 B

GO q

> 3 , 3 3 ' J* b

I M -1


I 5 n

ta 1 9 8 o a ► no



I < cc f f H

CO la


g s O



Jtoom JTt), 1, City Halt.

To tbe InbablUnU of the City or Law- rence, and other Fereoae liable to Taxation therein :-

The A or* of (he City of Lawrence hereby giro noUce to the Inhabitant* of aale] elty, aid all other panic* liable to pay Taaee therein, ibti their ottoe will be open on aad after the FIBST DAT OF JUNE, USTU. aad IBCLUDIMO the FIFTEENTH DAY OF JUNE, Mil, Omu Uot aa, s to 11 o'clock, A. M., 1 to I o'clock, r. ■., aad TUESDAY and THURSDAY KVKN1NGS from T to 9 o'clock, during the above mwtloaed time, theft and there to receive the valuation of ailtlea; and all parlle* liable to be taxed la aeH Lawrence are ht raby recjalred to reiorn to aald offlea a trne and perfect llet of all (be petit, and ichednlei of tbe reel and pertona) eelatce for which they are liable to nay Taaet,

Tha following enumeration maveerve aeignlde to (be Inbabltante In making up their atatementt i NUfcaiAll male* of M yeare old and upward*, HEA u Bar ATI.—Land and balldlnge< STOCK in TSADB—Oootte, waree aad nun tea

dim—a valoo ecmal to Ihe emooat of moaty »eoeeeary to carry on botlneei.

ALL HOBiT AT IaTEaa«T,-(BOI depoilted la laving* bauki In Maaa., or inveeled la Untied State* • ecurlllei.)

Iftcom from profeatlon or oeeapetlon, exeeedlng one tboneand doilira In amount.

BA»a:,MA»icrACTt7ftHfo,BAiLaoABAitnptrai,io STOCfta, not eiempt by lew from taxation.


HooeftiioLDFuiutiicBB.eBoeedlngOBetbouiand oliat

I comply Khh the

I l-ANK •CHEDULESforretorneof pertootl I'ropeny, cao be obtained of .lir Aaaeetora at their Ollae. City Hal.,

Parilee boldln* Mortgagee recorded on Real Et- (ate Keoordt, will pleaa* report ell paj meute or partial pa)menu oa eooount of tame, to prevent teaatiOB lor the whole.

**r~AII perion* who do i lawa, will be DOOMXI),

HOSES PERKINS. > Atteaaora fcDWAKU P. POOH, , of ihe W.F.HERRILL, icily of Laarenee,

ACT or |ajy._Sao. iv-wo abatement .hall be made of the taut ** ataeeeed upon an Inbabliaat of (ha town where the aeteeemeBt U mede, ami I he thai I have filed with tbe A laetton a Hat eeb- eerlbed by him of hi* etuie liable to taxation, end made oath tbat It It a foil and aocorato Hit of tbe "ime, ecoordlng to hie beet knowledge and belief.

When inch Hit thall not b. filed within th* lime ipeclfledby tho Auction for the bringing In of ouch Nat by th* Inhabitant* or the town, no ap- peal from the Judgment of the Auction eoneeralng tuoh abatement thall be iHtlalned by (be Counij CommUelonere, nnleee the/ thall be taUefied that there wee good eaate why taeh llet wae not et* eonably brought In. "fcllm-ml


ot Shuttle (Lockstitch) Sewing HachlBea. For Family mt or Heip. faet Bring, they ttaad pre- eminent wherever known. Over TSB THOCBABLI

In aee at the West, aad BOW, for tho first time, * «' **'* '* ■•■saehiietii. Be tare sad M DomaStlO " betbre parobatlag any olher; and for Circular tend lo

147 TREMONT STREKT, (Cor, of West Si.,)

B O I T O N .

im1*fld;ep»gb i, B, I.INCOI'N, Agen(,



Sewing Machine.

Simplicity, Durability Sf Beauty, IT JITAHDB CNBITA1.I.ED.

For Stltcllmr. Hemming, Tucking, Fell- l«C, Qalltlnfr, Cording, Binding,

BrnitliuK, Gathering and Sewing on Gathers,


la thl. *i hst« nil that I* practical la am Family Machine.

Wt Mil Machine* upon tb*

INSTALLMENT PLAN, thai potUng them within lb* retch of all parlie*.

a la ai for Lb* put year, we would IBTI those who havanot purchased, lo otll MM exam- ine tha IMPBOV1U WILSON, which Is fast be oaUaf in* Hading Machine of the United States.

B. K. LAWEKNCE, W. H. MOOBK, Agents for Lawrence, Haverhlll, Andover, Ue-

thoen, Bradford, Salem, Wlndham, etc. tmdxt OFFIOS WD HALMBOOM AT

No. 897 Essex Street, Lawrence. Old stead of Moore k Field'* Clothing Store.



Oar Sales the past year will convlnoe all

that la particular Uf

American Cam Machine

Ii wanted In thli market. It

LAWRENCE Soap and Candle FAOtory,

L. BIIAOII * BOH, Fropriators, Msnufhoturers of

ScourinsrJ Fulling Soaps For Woolen Mllli, Hat Mnnufectorlea.etc.

Hard Soap, Candles, Tallow, NEAT'S FOOT OIL, ETC.

Corner of Lawrence A Maple Sts., t~% UWIIBCI.

E. A. ARCHIBALD, Manufacturer of

Oast Iron Hubbed Wheels, By his Patent Press Process.


Alias nnd Running Parts lor Team Wagons,

Or Krery Description,


asT-Blnee theae Wheel* not only claim, but are proved to ba ao much superior to the ordinary Wheel, Ud are HOT XOII BXPEKSIVX, no one 1*ter**t*d ihoild fall to teit the matter for


Sews On, *—^

The Button Hole* will not ravel or wear on many intereded In tha aale of other machines constantly report. I challenge the world to prove to tha contrary, ltlm

Staunch, Smooth, Quiet Running,

Kailly Uinignl and Adjnited Machine In every part 1c alar.



Oooil SrHOMUlell e now offered I.OW.

IK ATS, Beit styles, from 11 cents to 81.00, aerocdJiig M


Trimmed Hats, $1.00, $1.25, $1.50.

Bonnote are to be worn mnch more than formerly, and ws arsnow -riling Nsopolilan, Leghorn, Chip,etc., at VKRY stoni ■. i rttiCES from former season*,— Our assortment Is complete, and we again solicit the same liberal patronage that hi, been bestowed npon us for the past fifteen year* by the people ot Lawrence, Andover, No, And over, and Hctbusn,

MOUBNING GOODS. A complete assortment eon.tmitly on band.

Remember the old Hand,—

305 Essex St, Corner of Lawrence St.


T B Y I T.

THE PLAIN AMERICAN Is all we claim for the cam except for

Button Holes and OverBeaming.

Has less machinery, and is easier to regulate than any other machine in the market.

We give our whole time lo the


And keep a

LARGER AS80RTMEN1 Than any other Agent this ifde of Boston.

Wc an alio Agents for the

Howe Machines, For Manunctnrlug and Family Sewing. We

have, also, tha


And many other kinds, oonstantly on hand, rang- ing In price from BJ to $1.48.

We WARBAFT every Machlao we lell lo give perfect tatle/acUon,


ha* removed from Andover to 873 Essex St., Lawrence

Nitrons oxide Qu administered. Beference-kacultv, Harvard Dental College. Mo, *7t Essex St., (over store of S. U- W. Davis,

Tailor.) "■**>

We arc prepared lo close out

5000 Rolls of GILT PAPER .At COST!

PEDRICK * CLOSSOrf, Aactlosieera, Real Estate Agent * and Appraisers, No. 381 Buei tt., Lawreaee, Mae*.

Always ready to give their personal service and serloui attention to selling Kent sod Personal Kstate at anct Ion or otb er wise, obtaining Money snd letting the a ewe at fair rates lor all concern- ed, negotiating Mortgages and looking up Titles, Iteming property and collecting Bents, etc. Ho Title passed of |>roparty unless the MM b* par- feet; no Money InveMod bnt npon Utssaostaa- dutibted sccerity. All bnslnet* intrusted to ns wtll be attended to promptly, and all will bebon- orably dealt wlib-airiet integrity being the CM Important element of ******* In tba steal Bitat* business, prompt pstmeat s at cosh urot*cd*,d«sl- Ing in all honor with the seJer and owner, at the sanso time rooking well M the tree tataraat of tha purchBMr.ibathUlUleaarwiMd^ndtbatbeKcU all wbluh be IS entitled to-thus treat-lag and

set eoaflienec at oar icllowa which I. Howe which Is ob**la •**,**>*

ork and responsibility. 0*11 upon us. enl Estate Office, Essex St., ] IT. B.—Property for saleln many sections of M*w ngland, tm more especially In the city of Law- men and vicinity No batter city In the Union

log to the

No. Iti.

Common teentth 0/ Jf«s*acA*s*ff*.

bill, SB. PBOBATE COORT. To all persons loter-stod la the salats given la

trust, for the bsocBl of HANNAH O. BSOWN, .UuKbter ot lbs testatrix, and MART K.PHBLrd, by i IK last will and testament of SAKAH PABUO of Lawrence, in said county (wlf* of Usnry »', i's.ho), deceased, testate, UnBBTlBa :

WHKRBAS, Jscob W. Hsmnrd, trustee of said estate, baa presented to said court bl* petition praying that he may be empowered and licensed to sell and eonvey certain real eststs held In trust as aforesaid,

Von am hereby cited to appear at A rrobaie Conn to he holdan st Salem In said county of Ksscx, on tbs Hrst Tuesday uf June next, at aloe o'clock In the forenoon, to show cans*. If any JOB have, sgalnsllhs same.

And iaid petitioner is ordered to sere* this alts- tloa by delivering a copy thereof to each of yon fourteen days, at Isast, before salt court, er by publishing lbs same once a week for three enece,. ■Ive weeks. In ike Lawrence American and Ando- ver Advertiser, a newspaper printed at Lswrenos, tba last publication to be two days at least, before said Court.

Wltnesc, GKOKOK P.CBOATE. Ssfnire, Judge of ssld Conn, this ninth day of May, In the year eighteen hundred end sev*«ty-o_-

" "Ot)l A.O. OOODBLL, Xsffistsr.



OE0.D.ARMSTR0NQ&C0. Are opening, this want, tha Chattel Une of

SpririgDr*|i»3rQoqa Km oWmi I. tk. I*wr»af. tnii, in

Silk PopUai, French Dbgonab, Blaok and White Plaid,, Foplloa,

Pongee Mohaln;

Krer, Ha.city el the Seaaoa ia Draaa (Into,

We are Belter Prepared than Erer

To f I v. on r I'.tro.a aa



m„ Fricea that will taffy All I

EDWARD FLVNN Wishes to make known lo the cltlsens of Law- rence that he has enlarged hi* Oreen Honse and stock of I'LASTH, which he now invites the public to examine. I do boldly say there Is nothing In the city to compare with my stock ii ristfi. My

Verbenas and Geraniums ore splendid. 1 havo a nnc assortment of rinntri for filling Hatketn nnd Itnstic

■tnds* 1 hire Une Urf[S Oirnnlums, of ill ehsdes or color,for i;'!i:'.; TMH| alro,

Bouquets, llabkets of Cut Flowers, and other Decorations for Parties, Weddings, snd Funerals, arranged lo order nl short notice.

Green House, No. "6 Meadow St., LAWUEXRI:.

nillVAKIi f L T B S, Mr. Flynn n 111 open a BtASO run THE MI.]', or

PLANTS, on Monday u > t, ■ n the south side of Essex Street, orToeirs J. D, DitKWS DISIRO SALOON. Har2i

Wheeler A Wilson's


Drain Pipe Co. W. A. KINUALL A CO.

have been appointed Agents for the above Com pany, and offer their Stone Warn at

Wholesale at Manufacturers' Prices. DSAIN TI HE, tha vary beat, a* low aa ether oi

Inferior quality,

WRINGING MACHINES so arranged that any one in n moment can decide whin* Is the best. All klndi or Machines repaired at tha Hardware Store of

W. A. KIMBALL at CO., 917 Essex Street, - - - Lawrence.

W.A. BIHIALL. nils w. r, XIMRALL.




$30,000,000 Insurance Capital Represented.

JBtna, of UnrtfOrd, Assets tin,130,088 «ej>Tha JClnn's rate* era lower thna any othei


State Mutual Life Assurance Co., of Woioester, Hs>l.

Cnerteretl 1U4. AseumuUted Fond, HflMWM Losaaa oald. rm.loO.oo IMvldTneipald, M,t7!M

Principles: CASH lnnllbuslneis.-<;AHE In the selection ot

rianer-PaUBBNCX la Invcitlng th* premi- I^^-lWONOMYinmanageraent.-ANSirAI. DIVIDKNDS oi aurplus.-CONl KIBUTIOS

imtattmenti, II desired.

IKSTBUCTIOH furnished either at itore or residence gratuitously.


Weed, Blnger, Florence, Wheeler * Wilson, Leavltt, and other Machines, which we will sell cheap at FIVE DOLLABS down, and FIVE per month until paid for.


General Sewing Machine Agency,

164 Essex at., Lawrence.

REJOICE, ALL! A. K. Walker** Patent Fly Eitermi-

nator With It you can cleaa out and kill the Flics In a bouse Is a vsry few minute* without poison or ertnisioiic. It will pay for Itself In one year in saving paper and paint. Any one wishing to purchase right* or examine thero, can do BO by calling at th* Hooa.1 of S. W. TAPLXT, Rrond- wsy, Methusn, Mas*.

Order* or inquiries by mall, can bo addressed to the Proprietor a,

taaTepSS* WHBLDEI* a FBKDKICK, (Car* 8. W. Tapley,) HXTHUKK, Uasi.

Sewing Machine.

The Befit in the "World.


305 Essex Street,

Corner of Lawrence Street, Lawrence.

Commonwealth of MauatkuMtn.

Kl.l/ADKTH KINK, libellant, v* .JAMES KISK. DirOBCB.

In the shove entitled libel for dlvorse, it t* now ordered, that a deer** of divorce front the bond of matrimony be entered In favorof the said Elisabeth Kin* for lb* can** of tha adultery of the laid Jatnra Klne, to b* mad* absolute OB motion after the expiration of sli months from Us* Brat paell- cntlon of this decree, upon compliant?* with the terms thereof,nnles* sufficient cause to the con- trary ahall nppear.

And th* IltMllant Is required to publish ai a ■ may be, an attested copy of thl* order la th*

Lawrence Amirlcan and Andovcr Ad newspaper printed In Lawrence ta said County of Kssex,oncee*r*ekfor*lx*ueoe**lv* wcakij that all persons InurssUd may. within said six months,

A. A. ABBOTT, Clerk.

- Estate Jew* Lord. Notice I* hereby given that th* subscriber hut

been duly appointed administrator of the estate ol Jane Lord.

late of Methnca, In the county of Essex, drceaeod, and has taken nsea himaelf that trust by T ' e.a»ed'arc"ir*qaircd'to exhibit the pevassan Indebted to *.td*s**tc sre 'nl,k, pur— • •" iiiill* If


dail JOHNIOBD, AdeVr;

May IS. 1S71, my 19


Co m men wee It h of JfautwkutHU. Essax.Bti. MAY ll. A. ii.,is;i.

By vlrtne of an execution which Issued en a judgment iu fsvor ofCIIAKLKS W.Curs'Ut and An A M. KNOXhothof L-wrsnec, In »ald county, co-narlnera, at ibc laat term of the Superior Ceurt lor aatd county,kgalnat MAItY LEVHLLY alias a i levaii v A* ..iii i..-..ence f nave

be said Mar the slivntl the same was

Twenty-five Ps. Colored Alpaca.

At lb* Lou rriee of 30 cents, wide width*, nnd n large assortment of ear


Black Alpaca At 1'rr, £** nim.

BLACK BRILLIANTINE, a Make, al equnlly tow price.

Ezekiel, 47th Chapter, 12 Verse. ■y the rivers upon th* bank thereof shall

grew all tree* for meat whose leaf shall not fade, and the fruit thereof ahall be for meet and th* leaf thereof for medicine.' Oar greet- »*d*«m*f has nude a prorislon for th* cure of discuses of

i and beast. Tet thousand* npon thousands overtaken with sickness, without suspicion

that it 1* caused by mercury or Other Mblle pri- sons that are so freely used in many medicines and remedies of the present day.



If WEOETIXE will relieve psln, cteanse, purify, and care soeh diseases, restoring the patient to perfect health after trying different physician., many remedies, suffering lor yean, 1* It not con- clusive proof, If ynS er* a •offerer, you eaa Be eared I Why la thl* medicine uei-ioratlae; such great cures I It worka In the blood, In the circu- lating fluid. It can truly be called the Orent Blood Purifier. The gnat sourorofdUeas*©rlu,- Inates la the blood; and no medldae that data not net directly upon It, to purify ami renovate, hoi any Jut claim upon pnblle attention. When the blood beeomei lifeless and stagnant, either from change of weather or climate, want or exer- cise, irregular diet, or from any'other eaa**, the Vaorrrjut trill renew the bioed, earry of the putrid humors, cleanse the stomach, regulate the bowels, aad Impart a tone of vigor lo the whale body. Tha oonvletlon Is, In the public mind, a* well a* la the medical proleaslon, that the reme- dtea supplied by the Vegetable Kingdom, are more sefe.mur successful, In ibe cure of diseaae, than mineral medicines, TKOCTIKI I* compose] of root*, bark* snd herb*. It U pleasant to take, and la perfectly snf* to give to an Infant. Ia Scrota)*, the Ver, ETINE has performed wonderful care*, where many other remedies hern failed, aa will be aeea by a Tew of the many teatlmoalal* given.



___ Among the teaay eure* effecti-d by the esc of Yt.tis.Ti.ii:, I have beard of none morr

owa. I have been afflUtc,


Cloakings, -


la Great Variety.



Warrens' Roofing. For nearly d/reea pearl I have been conversant ith the working* of "Wsrrens' Booting Mstr-

rial?" During this ported I ba«n»e41 ft npon with tb* w'orklng* of " Warrens' Booting Matc- rialT" During this l«riod I have.used it npon many costly structures, erected for public und private use.snioug wblcb mny.be. Included the Fi Iht* city, and the Btate Honse, at Concord, rj. B I have treat confidence In It* vsluo and dnrn- bllily. 'MR J- F. BBYAN1, Architect.

Among th* public edlBoee, erected under uy supervision and covered with your MtarUla, Ate ihetnitltute ofTechnology sno the new bUldlnK of th. Nataral lll.wry Society, llyexpcrl.net lor iicetw MM with Wsrreus'Roollnu Is. 1 lint roof* oovercd In a proper manner with It are su- perior to anything that I am conversant with, ex- ■_—. .JS.■■■ i ,,„.■- truly,

J. PBEMTOS, Architect.

HAUIA LBVALLY of said Law: tit* r ' lybi

day of February last, the day attached on meeae preceee, or 'm. ■.«■. >w p— a certain mortgaged real csist* laying in laid Law- rt'iice, and the i.mi that Is described In » mort- K(r,j|.,(un>riiiflrom Hsrla L*velt*y to Amhrois

.nltcr.dated July 2«ih, A.D..1UW. aad record- ed With Essex Deeds, bo ul hern District, Book 778, Leaf .57. And on th* 14th day ot Jo>* in M ii 1 o'clock r. st., at my ofllee No. 13* K-*ex ureet. In aald Lawrence, I (ball offer for •Nlalothe blghaat bidder, at publlo auction, amid Ight In rqulty ol rsdimptlon, to •atlsfy said exe- bd nil feet and (bargrnof sale.

lUAd. B, GOSH, Deputy Sheriff.


Com HI caw so Ith of IfaltachUHttt. EBSKX, 89. Mar 'St. 1B7I.

By virtue ol an execution which Itiuedona Judgment la lavororCHABLl.SB.UBa.RI" Lawrence,la said county, at the laat term Uuperlor Court for said county, against ■ IIIAU J.O'SLXLIVAM,efsald Lawrence,. «... taken all th* right In equity that the aald Jeremiah J.O'Bnlllvan had oath* ilst dsy of Kebrusry. A. D. 1870, th* day when the asms waa ipedally at- tached on mesas process, or now ha*, to r*d***s

LL,ol of the

Cloak Departm't I* now opea, and we are

Beady to Receive Orders for Gar- ments.


MO Baaez St., Lawrence.



U. B, B t«.% i.ss, Ksq.: —- tflr—Ai

af v*o satisfactory thin my owl with mWula-Halt Hbeurn for many year*, herlted In th* blood nut. I at; ft* appearance my whole body, burning out In different pled and paiehlocyond description. rJlx of the most popular liload purUlrra which are ad.trtlHnl to car* BerateU and like complaint*, I bsvo faith- tried, bnt my disease was H derply *e-it*d > re*iat all. I laid my one* befor* eevaral prosBlnent physicians, but nothing tended to alle- viate. Finally, by the influence ol friends, 1 con- sented to try VaiiEtina, commencing the first ol January last,and soon alter 1 experienced a »tn- "-" relief and could feel It working in my lys- very nlferently from anything 1 bad ever taken before, and at once discovered that It was accomplishing the object ao earnestly desired. I runUnned, following direction* tor three months, and itir aratot Ai.tn ttiuud me a well man; have passed throuuh the hot manner, man In v. con- tinued to be tree iron, any apptaranoe of It to in* present time.

My general health ti excclli nt; nnd my recov ery.or which 1 had about despaired, I ascr.be entirely to me use ol Vaoai tan. 1 could never have been convinced of the marvellous reialu ol this wonderful VxoaviXK under aay other cir- cumstances, but now 1 recommend every une lo turn to this loeitlmable remedy! and that all la tree as Is represented,lam a living wltaess; and It will sfoiti me great latiilactlon to show tm- inarksofmy diaraar, and couvrrse on tb* merit, of VnOKTiHK.Be none will dispute who owe II what Ida.

I will here make mention or my child having ■ aevere attack Ol heart complaint, which Yxua- TIKB ha* entirely en ed. and ahall always be happy to makv It* virtu*, known within tb* range of my Influence,

Tour* very reapcetlnlly, JC. U. Youxo.

Mr. Young has been In tbe employ of " The

TtSeMV Ttcvpe ^'.rci.i^ico 8ATUBDAT. "

Affairs lo Paris are growing dally worse; It Is rumored thai the German* dap aad aa ar- mistice for tba purpose ol liking a plcbl*cltum on (be fain re I or m of government; the valu- ablea ta all the rbttrtbee are to ba aalsad wy the roentwne^. Th* foecee of tha left sac claJsn -cveral small vk'torlee. The Verialtilsis car- ried Itro eery strong position* near afontroage on Thursday, and Inflicted a heavy loea on the InsargMt*. They had previously attacked the fort aad beea repulsed.

On Thursday, la Paris, the mangled remains of tha victim* of tha explosion were exhibited la the church ol St. Plerse, outside the railings. Aa immense crowd assembled Inside Of tbe ed- ifice. Including a large band of the nations! guard. The men amoked, drank, conversed and laughed as ir they wan at tha Jardls Mo- bile.

In Ibe United SMtnt Senate, veslarday, Mr. Suiuncr made a lengthy apecch npon the trea- ty, auvocatinu ■•feral amendments, hut leav- ing tba impression that he Was favorable to tbs treaty. Another hour was spent la tba lolly of explanation! la le'.tl on to the publication of iht) treaty.

The IIOUH of RepreieolatlTtg, yesterday, ptsttad to engronmenc tha new State Police bill, after being amended no as to reduce Ibe number to seventy, and ttrlklng ont the clause making tbs force specially executor* of tba li- quor law,

A lire In Alexandria, yesterday, destroyed tbe town bonse, market, aad other public building*; Lo the Masonic Hall, which was burned, were many revolutionary rellce and ar- ticle* associated with Washington, which were loat.

The Erie railroad ha* just delected an Im- mense ticket fraud, by which, through bogus tickets, exact duplicates of the genuine, they hare been swindled ont of $35,000; ont of Ibe chief operators has been arrested.

There Is a complete reign of tcrr.ir In Peril; no one know* when their life It safe; the com- mune has ordered the execution of all their prisoners, and there Is hardly any limit lo lbs excesses of tbe rabble.

Emma Clous, a young German girl of 10, committed mldde In New York, on Friday, by shooting herself, alter being deserted by a worthless fellow who bad been paying atten- tion to her.

airs. Wllllsta*. tha Worcester blackmail op- erator, has been found guilty, bnt Ibe case awaits decision on exceptions, she has also bean sentenced to a year's Imprisonment Tor stealing.

A severe hall storm passed over New Kent County. V*,, yeeterdsy, doing consttlcratrlo damage; In aoms ptaaas tba hail U reported as being eight Inches deep.

Tbe southern outrages Investigating commit- tee has voted to appoint a anb-commtitcc of eight, to sit at Washington and take testimony at once.

The communists declare that they will rase Paris to tba ground rather than surrender: vary similar to tbe "last ditch" avowal of tbs rubs.

The Dnka tie BrogUc will replace r'.ivrr In the ministry of foreign affairs after the ratifi- cation of tbe treaty of pe*ce.

Tbe government In tbe Kngll-b House of Common* yesterday, had a msjorlty of B28 In favor of It* Irish policy.

Tbe attorney* of Mrs. Fair, the C tllfornla murders**, have fllsd a bill ofaxccptlum.

Horace Qreeley has been seranadsl at (It!- vsiion, Texas.

Gold HI.

gage deed thereof, froi William Phllllpa Poltci, gam r.uraary anu, A. D., 1670, snd recorded lo the Northern Dli-

mm the law of fall* jl aoalvaleut for every dollar pnld to the company.

IlJj STOCKUOI.DKUS to makeaprofllouto Z k».alB».aa. all lurvlua *nd the entire asset* ot the business, all lurplu* and the entire aisets

the snSS ^longing to the FOL1C, HOLD- BBS alone. Tb* widow* Sli orphan* of the la- ear**, are not reoulr.d to take snv part af the lasurnaee, Wb*n It become* n claim, In ■laat antes of the deceased.

The later**! alone received on Taadsof th* Company, 1B the liFt ■— , . ■spXalllClssses by-Death during th.t period. and Iblrty-flve (14) per oenl. of all other expense*.

What other Lit* Company can show ss good a

Fran kiln, of Philadelphia, Assets S3.087,463


the Invested years, ha*

Royal, of England, Htda and Leather, Boston Hay State, Worcester, ■ ntorpriae, I'enn., nraaaaa's. Mew York, Buffalo F. af., New York, Waatohastar,

0,878,778 488,801 108,017 1511,084 S 09,060 473,077 480,814

Policies Issued and losses promptly aad honor- ably *dja*t*d at my Omee.

I have used " Warrens' Felt snd Composition Hooting" upon building, which havo cost from %\ us) to $100,000. 1 consider It the nex*. belt to

»«"' ,HjSwrrtt&u», A,.Mi«t. Th* above tcsllmoplals, from the lending Ar-

chitects la Boiton, Indicate th* v*lue to which th* above Hoofing Is held In that oily.

In no preceding year hss so many 11 n» r ct.Asa uwKtLtxus been covered with It seducing tbe last. Its superiority has never been questioned Where longest In use.

The- public arc cautioned not lo ho misled by any other material, similar in appearance, and represented to lie tlio same as WABBENS'.

aar-Tbc undersigned I* alone authorised to use Warreas' Booting in this vicinity, where, during the past nine years, he has eorered msny valuable buildings,—In the aggregate, hundred* of Ihoo*- gnd* square fact Of surface.

Prepared with ample mean* andfacllllle* for tha eontlnued prosecution of the holiness, and thankfal to bl* friend* and the public for larors

the past, he will hereafter execnte all work Intrnited to him with Gdellty and dlspateb.

6EO. Ws UOR.f, Common Street, nenr Iho Dopoti

Seal lmh» Lawrence, Mai*.


JCootn \t>. 1, t'i'll nail.

To the Inhabitant! of the City of Law- rence, and other Persons liable to Taxitlca therein :—

Tb* Assoifors of the City of Lawrence hereby give notlco to the Inhabitants of **ld city, and all other parties lisblo to pay Tax** therein, th»t iaatr otBcnwlll beo[<en on and after tbe FIBBT DAY OF JCNK, time and IHCVDIKO the 1'IVTBBNTU DAY OF JUNK, 1811, OrriCB lltiuits," to ia o'clock, A. M., s to a o'clock, r. a. und TUESDAY snd THUBSDAY BVKNING8 from" in n o'clock, during th* above mentioned

then and there to rcooiv* the valuation of ■s; and all parties Hani* to bo taxtd in aald

Lawrence arc bercby required to return to said chic* a true and perfect list of all the polls, end *ch*dule* of the resl snd personal eslste* for which they are liable to pay Taxei,

The following enumeration may serve a* a gold* to Hi* Inhabit tut* lo making up their itatcmenta; POLLS.—All males of 30 years old and upwards, lUAI. KHTATE.—t and and buddings. STOCK IN Tit A I.E.—Goods, wuros and merchan-

dise—a value cqnal to the amount of money neccaiHry 10 carry on bualneas.

All. MoXr.v AT IMIKI.ST,- (mil deposited In savings bank* In Has*., or luvoittd In United

UictuCKeiei ltrglitry of Deeds, Book 1, Leaf JOO And on th* fourttenth day of J ana next, at S o'clock In the arlemson, at my omna. No. 1M B**ex Bt., lo *ald Lawrence. I slisll offer for sal* to Hi* bighist bidder, by public auction, aald right inrtvuiiyof redemption to iaUsf> said execution and sli leas and chergta of aal*.

CHAB. B. OOSS, StmW Deputy fih.riff.

Copartnership Notice. The undersigned have thl* day formed a ee

pirtnenhlp under th* Arm name ef J. D. Sdeoa a Co., at number 128 Broadway, corner of liar- erhill atrett, Lawrence, Mass.


May lit, 1871. lmo-sslS

la Haaknptcy. DUtrtet of Mass., a*,

Thl* li to give notice that I bsva this day MM ippolDted siilgneeof the estate of MEBBIAM, lilNK3aCO.,of Boston.

JOHN V. 11AY.NF..H. Boston, Msy 8,1871. myl3

?»• E n m i -r c? PRESENTS.

A choice islecilon af Bllvr War* la lo*

nub***, csto Basket*, BaHsr Dlahss. Tases.

Be., with aa assortment of Table Ware, a*

Ladles, Napkin Ninas. Cmssb, lie, Oafca, Fl»h,

and BatUt Knlve*. Pork* aad Spoon*.

Also, a good Baa af CLOCKS, In Broase,

Boseweod.sad Warant. —liable for Parlor, Din-

ing Boom, and Omo* nee.

A specialty made ef WATT*. RSPAIBIFQ IB

all Its branches.

Your f«vors are respertlully solicited.


StlsaylS W*st«* jr«Aer«si«r Jew tier,

209 Essex street, Lawrenoe.

Btatei rl'.l.s.)

PHraiCIANfl IHBPB19ED. Boxacar, Feb. IT, 1871.

Mr.H.B.STiVESs:- ^ _fc Dear Mr - 1 have been a great sufferer for Dfieea

year*, and, though a stranger to you, I want to teU yon bow 1 *a* cured, and what did It.

lam thirty-one year* el age, and I inherited Scrofula from my mother, lhar* had this dis- ease In *very form during th* p**t flfteen year*, and during tbe past right years have been almost entirely covered with scrofula-to re* j there being ..••■■ty-two large runnlag ulcer* ea my body at

at*. I have been attended by llv* physl- Xthis place, aleo six good phyilclana from i and other place*, lie** thoroughly tried

ntrtetoraof two of tbe** rein, dies called on me iffVrent timea, and both told me that my oaae

was iaeatable. Oaeot them aald It was the Dot cas* ol ncroftila hr had found that his raedltin* would not cure; and be gat* sso up a* a hopeless cas*. About six month* ago, a ecrofula-eona came oat oa my left arm, which aprrad Irom shoul er to eibaw. It was borrlbl* to look at, aad tb*

Salem Shade Fixture,

Olve me a sail before renewing your pollelei elsewhere.

JSde and Leather Insurance Co.t of Boston, Mats.

Capital, 9300,000.00 4l0,a06.00


No. 871 Essex Street, Lawrence,

Raving porchaaed tbe right to me tl f-lexlble Edge on ArtlSclal Teeth, is pi apply th* improve*.-- ' patients may deair*.

.1 m ta, ■ 4tf ISmdeelA


JOHN EDWARDS. Street, - - Lawrence.


MKraUKN, Mas*.

Second Door Wait of Stone Church,

ulit: from profi-iilon or occupation, exceeding no thousand doMsra ia amount.

BABB,*teBlTACTOB!Ka,IUtLBOiDAII> Ptnt.lC BtOCKS, not exempt by law trooi taxation.


DmiSIUIOI Ii Ft r.!»lit.'riK,exceedlngone thousand dollars In vntue. BLANK 8CI1KDUI.KM for return* of personal

Property, can be obtained of.he AMIS ISIS St Ihtir ofAce, Ctty Halt.

Panic* holding Uortgagi * recorded ou Ural E«- tsto Beco'rds.wlll pie*** rcpoit oil pnymcntior partial pnymenl* on account of sumc, lo prevent liistlon tor the whole,

eat-All perrons who do not comp'y wllh lb* laws, will be I>(>OHF.>,

MOSK8 I'KHKINB. ) A on r.DWAltD V. I'OUB, [ of ihe 11. 1*. MKKIlll.L, > Lit v .if Lawrence.

At'T (>V aWa—SBC .1.—No abstemenl shall be mido of Ibe taxes aa assessed upon an inhabitant Of tho town where the ssieaamant la mad*, until br ahull have Bled with the At*e>*or* a list sub- scribed by him of hla estate lUble to taxation, and made oalb thai It l» a full and accurate Hit of tbe aame, according to hla best knowledge and b*U*f.

When soeh H*t shall not be Sled wltbta th* lime specified by Ihe A**r**or* for lb* bringing In of lueb list by th* Inhsbltsuts or tb* town, no ap- peal from ihsjudgmant of Ihe Assessors concerning such abatement shall be sustained by the County Commission*", nnleae they aha!I be sallsled thai there was good cause why sueb list wss net s*a souablv broogbt hi, 'it; imiui


InterimlRevenne. Sixth Mass. District.

Annual Assessment for 1871.

Notice Is hereby given that oa TUESDAY and WEDNESDAY* tha

33*1 aad 21th day* of Map* 1«71, from 10 o'clock, A. M., to t P. «., appeal* will be rvet-lved and determined by tb* A**e**or, at hi* Offlec, IS ClTT B','A*a, Chsrleitowa, "relative lo aay erroneous or exce«*|v* valuation*, mess- mcots, or eaumeratlon* by the Assessor or As- sistant Aiisisors returned IB th* innaal list" for the year 1171.

Bsid Lists will contain Assessments for In- cornea of 1870, and (Special Tax** for 1871, *nd OB the aforesaid days snd time named, ntd Hit* will be opened for th* Inspection of parties who may apply fbr tint purpose, whose name* ed upon isldlliti.

AH appeals muit he mad* in writing signed by the Appellant, and unit " apt dry lb* particular cause, matter, or thins respecting which a decis- ion Is requested, and lb* ground or prlnclpl* oi error complained of,

Bprtag Warrepss Fiat lag]

I'atn era's

Bray's Spring Clook- Spriag Futures.

And all others In the market w II i T rom BT ex R1*JxS,

aasavavSBf t« John O. Dow k Co.


Fruit and Ornamental Trees, ' AM>

• MALL FRUITS. CHAPE VINIt a specialty!

Order Box at d.J.LAUrMMrfCO'S, 343 Essex Street, Lateral

Methaea, April Ufa, 1ST I. OEO.W. GAGE.

P.J.HTONE.Asi As* gsson'8 O r r ten,

Cb»rle*towa,M*y6, U71 simii::

Eaaex Company. Th* Essex ConrAXT hereby gtv* notice that

the smeuot of lbs Ciplul Btcck of the Compaay Eight Hundred I'honiand Dollar*, all tbe

Siarsamenl* Bpon which have been actually paid in; and that on the SPth day of April, I8TI, wb*a the annual account* were aloasd, the books showed the Company to be free from debt.

WM. W. TCCKEIt, Presided-. Ill AH. B. BTOBKOW, 1 JAUKB LAWllKNCK, I *.,_-„.. DANll.LIJAUNDEK8,JB., ?*"""*"* UBOKGK BKMIB, J

Lawrcnse, May I, UT1. Slmyl3

WINDOW SHADES. We hair j mi received Iroai th* best msBeme-

tortrs In he* York and tloslon a Most Desirable Assortment of 8IIADKB for Parlors, Kitchens, Chambers, *lc.

**-\Ve cliallenga tbrpurshasei

■t'lO « 1t.tt.UO.Y ST. t*a

New FlourlGraln Store. FLOUR,



POTATOES. AU kind* or

Field <fc Cirnsa Seeds. Plait* , Groand Ben*, Phesphat*.

Oat Straw for Beds, and Beds Filled.

No. 4f0 Common street. Lawrence, (Betweea Hampshire and PraakllB,)



.. _ Bad a MM oemplete aad telect a**ortm*at la k'sssx County,

-"--- lower thaa ever before, WUITFOBD A BICE, tM f *s*a Bt.

dn and snffsrlBg were dreadful to bear, wit yaroa In a sling, suffering day alter day,as

passing sleepless nights, with violent pain In m head,auC

tb* patn left ms very rapidly

s, II U'*n year*. The YwiKTijte worked differently In toy case fr 1 do honestly th* world; and I wish allsuffirer* kaewltivalue a. I do. There I* aeartely a place OB my boot the Li,...a. of a-j- baud, where I bans eot got k f.ereeirable scar of * scroluta sore, and I shall ak* plaaiur* in glviBg aay Information ■* '

what this good medicine has don* for me. i am vtry gratifully jours,

Mna MAT M. TBDMISOX. 3 Malborongh Plaoe, Boiti


losTOK.Feb. II, ttfL MR. BTEVKKSI—

Dear Blr—1 consider II my duty tt Inform you of the great plraiure and happiness whloh I now enjoy In seeing my dsugiuer's life saved and health r**lored hy the uieofyonr VxoKTIBK. 1 bop* ion will tell other*,ur make II known lu the public II yon ttalsk beat, ai I hsv* no doubt i here are many Boxknie,, mother a who would sirr aciy uric* to b**o their children cured of l hat hor- rid dl.eaie, Berofala. While my child wa* *o ■iik. 1 beard ot many olhera with the Mine com- plaint My little daeroter is a-JwBve years old, aad Inherited Borofula from her father. When about onr year old, scolula-humor* cam* out on bci bead,—flfteen or twenty aorea al a time.

nlie wa* troubled with humors In this way mill about ttaeea months ago, when large icretula- eorn made their appesraoce on different pane of the body Bbe became reduced sery low In health, loat th* use ol her limbs, and no on« thought she eouid live. Mir had several good physicians, but grew worn from day to .iai. Tbry aald If *he lived ib* would be a cripple. One of my friend* advi*ed me to try YanaTiaa, as *be aald ah* knew of some greet rare* by Ii* n*e. I thought It beat to call ou sou; and you aald If her set* wa* rtcrofBla.tha Vr.nkTiHK would help her right away, and euro hi r In Has-.

/.Her taking It • few day* *h* suffered let* pal*, became uio.eu.ulet, and BBSBJBf to Le grow- ing stronger, while llie u'cers dlichsreed freely. Kive pieces ot b*uc came from the larger sore o* Ihe hip, tbe lar^eat piece about oae inch long. home physician a aay the pieces of bone came tror the hip, others irom the (pin*. After lal' rive or eta trot lei, Ibe sorea eon my child gronlng itrenaer lr« _. _ Last Auguil ahe was able to creep about room; about the middle of October began lo walk and to-day ahe cau run up a Sight of stairs *« qalrk a* any one. One of the physicians who at- tended her met me on tbe meet with my little daughter a thort time mice, snd aald that aha was

living miracle, bbe has taken tblrleaa bottles

will. Scrofula


The troops of the government of France en tered Paris on Sunday afternoon at four o'clock.; the gate of St. Cloud having been battered down, Gen. Donai and bis troops rushed In, followed be those of General* Ladmlrault aad Ollnchatnns; they held their position and cut tha telegraph wires: th* tampan* being raked for some distance by a terrible Ore, hare been abandoned by tbe rebels. Forts atalakoff and ttootrofue are occupied by th* government forces; two government regiments entered at tb* gale of Antenll meeting bnt feeble reelst-

BeTeralof the rebel loaders have fled In dismay, ant! great panic prevails. Rochefort Is said to bare been arrested In an Interior town i tbe government troops have not jet at- tempted an entrance upon the south of the city, though a terrible bombardment Is pro- gressing ; tbe city Is ten or fifteen miles across; tha rebel generals Dombrowikl and Wrobleskl are still outside of the walls, tmt must soon re- treat Inside; the rebels are greatly dispirited, and bave sent a flag of truce to lbs govern- ment.

Tbe abuse ot the police milters in con- nection *lth the East Boston riot, has great- ly comforted and etnboldeued Ihe roughs and rowdy portion of tbe Boston population. On Sunday, two young rascal* deliberately went to a stable and nearly killed Michael Rrowlop, lndlc*i*g * fatal Injury. Olflccrs Oarrlty and Drew went to Ibeir residence In a rowdy neighborhood, when they were aisallsd by a great mob of several bnndre-Js, who at- tempted to rescue lbs prisoners, tbe officers., though badly Injured by the mob, clung to thna, and locked op the fellows t two of (be assailants were slio captured.

Conal Johannes," alias George Jones, or New York, made an appramucc at the IwAton tbcaireln Richard Third, Ssturttay night. It Is reported that his performance would have been tolerable bad hs bsve l-een allowed to play In peace, but be was hooted throughout. Onr New York cor res pt indent spoke well of hla ettiirt In that clly.

hun.e of the Naval Academy bulMitigs at Annapolis, Hd., were burned Sunday, loss B.'iO.MXi. The candy factory on Kldredg* street, Nashua, N. II., and several other building*, were burned Saturday night, loss, 830,000. Went worth's stable and two,, large dwelling houses were burned at Rochester, N. 11., Ssiur- day afternoon.

Tbe (.metal reports of the military authori- ties of Ariiuns, denounce lb* recent affair at Camp Grant, a naming account of wblcb "bat- tle" was glvsa by telegraph, as simply an un- provoked massacre ol eight quiet Indians, and

taking obesl.

insll. My' died three year* Si «

hats cured him,and b« would have b*ea alive to- day. I wish I could let everyone SBUoted with arrotula humors know that they can be cared with this medicine.

aae. .1 . a . pun.Hafl. nitut Brest Until,

William A. Glovar has been arrested as a robber of the Hoylston Bank in Boston. Dan. lal Doekarty has baa* arrested In Maw York, aa a robber of the Oration Bank. Re draw a revolver and showed fight.

They have eleven Jurors for th* horse car murder case lo New York, sately locked up, and are BOW trying to capture a twelfth.

Vallandlgham has managed to gat Into a ter- rible row with his party, by bidding too high for republican votes.

Tb* report of ihe Spaalsh Cortes criminates on* of their body as tba as****la of Gen. Prim.

WJnthrop, He., celebrated Us 100th aanlvsrsa-

rr, S* ni Hay ■

Gold Hi a-i.


Th* OBM of Reuben Baker, charged with settlag flr* to tbs barn of Mr. AJvah Webster, attach** to hi* bone*, on Broadway, about eleven o'clock en th* night of Wednesday, May loib, wa* before th* police euart sMUerday, the elimination having be** postponed on •ccount of the abaencc af the Oily Marshal at tbe Newburyport court. The aesawed baa bean at Urge on ball or • 10.CO0. W. T, Oils, Ksq-, and Colonel Thomas A. Paraona appeared a* count*) for Baker. A diagram of the premises Bred, drawn by Mr. I.liilrflrld, wss exhibited In court. Tha charge wa* setting fire to a bat* at- tached lo a dwelling bouse.

The first witness eaUsd was Mr. Alvah H. Web- •ler, tke owner of lb* property, who unified ia s*> g*t4MiAaMiBMMn*f*d*b*dMls«*.**4«e«*rll>*d **•**! *aMth*S*r*lssssa*, s^ th* hsn ab*v* H- Wsbeter Flail—on th* corner, about one or two hundred feet dlalBBt, WIlBesa wsa al a tea patty

Bt tba hall on lb* night of the Ore; the itore under- neath waa closed at T r. »l. Heard a cry of fire, nti.l

mlnule OT IW* alto, heard tt Waa " Webater'a house," sprang down stair*, aad out at tha door, which was OB Broadway; saw lb* light or Bra lo hi* barn, w*nt lo iba bam and entered at the door leaillng from hi* plus*; found three or four nerr- •on* there; ibe Are waa about all over Ihe hay, eov-

ilng a space of ill or eight feel; taw Mr. Samuel Stearn*, but no one else, to know them; the plain door wsa open, bat not the others la ihe barn; ta* hay had beea reached and fired, probably by mean* of th* door from tbeplataa; sprang for water; al th* ball, shortly before 11 o'clock, *aw Baker BOSS

leg up Lb* ttalra; wliaeaawaa at ibu bead, taking ■leket*, It wsa par hap* ten or flfteen minutes before lb* cry of Are; forbade him going Into tbs ball; b* ■aid hi* girl waa In there; offered to call her oat;

|" aa'd hla girl ran away the Bight be- fore; told Dm be Bad bettor go down stslrs, and that It was a pilvat* parly, sad they wanted no disturbance; b* waa under the Influence of liquor, SBd lalklng very loud; h* loalaied Upon going In,

id wltnes* told him be could not; took him by the m, and ltd him down stairs, aad told him li go off

peaceably; when t went Into the bsrn, I went np stairs Into ibe loft; saw Baker with ona mot on a small platform pan of lb* way up, and lb* other OB

Ib* Hair; einltanged no words with him; B*V*r him before to hi* knowledge; have b**n told

that he lived about quarter of a mils off; Lurat open lb* kltehen door leading from tba plena, to get at tbe pump; there wss no cbancs to sat Bra lo th* barn, bat by the plena door.

Croat examined by Mr, Oue; helped Baker down stairs, partly beeansa I waa afraid he weald fall, aad partly baesBS* I wanted to be rid oi him; be want readily, and there war* no barah word* down stain; thlewaa abont three to five mlaulea before the ery of fire; those ahead of m* were stamping

tbe Sre; don't know of Bak*r*i having bard feelings towards me, nnlru oauaod at the ball.

OreenlBsf P. Smith; was letting dowa tb* win. dew* at tha ball, aad adjusting a curtain; a little girl said something abont a Are, aad Annie Jonei ssld It waa ib* stable; saw Ihe Are In the stable; thought I aaw a man there with a lantern; gave t he alarm, andseversl rushed dowa stairs; when 1 got there tbo lire wa* through tba roof, but tl waa qateklyextlngultbed; went back aad told those IB

the lull last li ws* conqnored; It ws* my impres- •lou that a man rtood there with a lantern; can't

rear to It. H.tmn; 1 Biearns, wa* lu Ibo bat) oa the night of

tbe lire; Mrs. Wcbater own* In with a pitcher of water; *hi ssksd MB to step Into lb* entry,■* ihe feared Mr. Webater might have trouble with a man there, W*ni to the head of lbs stair*; aaw Baaar trying to got into th* ball, and Mr. Webater oppos- ing nil rmmime) tb> f.iria.. *jea*Sfjmmaj ■•**> •»-*, aad Insisting npon going In. Mr. Webater ted htm down stairs; I did not go dowa, but stepped back iBtobsll. Heard the alarmof Are; want (sli barn through the plsrra door; al fint, Jumped upo n tbe Die, hoping lo put Ii not with my f**t; do not know of Shy one hilng ther* before me; aaw no ooa; could *•* bnt a few feet from lb* bias*, eouid not sny whether any on* els* was In tbe barn er yard; am pretty seretliat I WB* iberedret. Mr. W.bster cainr. next, and then hi* son Charley ; found.the plans door open; then wa* qott* a dense smoke, sod there might bave been one or two other* about, whom I could not tee on ascouoi of It. Did nol *c* Baker s* all; my attention wia e outlaid lultly lo the tire; triad 10 eillngiilih It firat with my hands, but found It too but work. The Or* was some ten or Alton minutes after Baker WA. st tb* hall. When Baker waa refusad admit, lance, be looked np and said, "Well, If you will not let me go In, I will have eat I* fact Ion."

Croe*-examln*d by Col. Parson*; htve known Baker about two year*; he I* a carpenter and build- er; built and owns his own house; thought weU ol him before ibat night.

Chsrle* Webater, wa* In th* anteroom of the hall, taking sharge of tbt. clothing; beard the alarm of Are and aaw Mr. Stearn* atari; I followed. !•*%• lag Mr. Plynn In charge; went Into tba plaits door aod np the *t*p«; met faihrr eomtsg down and stood aside to 1*1 blm pas*; on tb* way up lb* Hale*, which were sarrow, aaw Baker atandlng on lb* plslfotm, part of ihe way np; found Mr. Stearn* on hla knee* si work; b* told me *om*tblng about not Mattering lb* fire; went down, Inside tbe bsrn, snd got ont lb* bor**s; Baker appeared as If be bad lost a at"p and eoald not And tt; one root wa* •wlogtag; b* waa facing down alalr*. a* If on tb* wsj oat, aod bad his hand on Ibe sill; be would not naturally aland on th* platform unlna to allow aoms en* to put; rather aad Mr. flyae hav* chars* of the atabl*.

James H. Baynold*. saw a man Intoxicated, the heed oi tb* *ia1r* at tbabnll; lie waa helped down atalre; Bftsrwsrd* ssw an Inleslcated saaa Inside tbe barn, on tbe first platform upon which one steps, sad not uptbesialrs at all; think bs WSB

the same man ai the one at tb* ball; think tb* ae- cuaro I* th* man; cannot iwesr, but have bnt little doubt that h*l*i be *lood io a corner, leaning c ball sitting, sapportlng himself; ordered blm out; he wss not willing to go, but 1 pushed him by tha shoulder, holding on all the time; asked him what bs was there for, and b* muttered aomatblng I did not understand; b* wa* not a**l*tlng to pet out lb* Are; there may hsvs bean shout Ira people there st tb* llms.

Oeorg* H. Btntth, *sw Mr. Reynold* taadlng Baker from th* barn; hsvs Bo doubt It was Baker; b* wss Ifllontsssad, and eouid not walk wall; saked blm what ha was therefor; Baker sstd b* want In to put ant tb* Are.

Luther li.ee, eawaman on lb* pIMform, (part of ihe way ap lb* step*,) holding npo* a atatr; th* man wa* drank; don't icragniie him; ssw Mr, Clif- ford tbar* among others.

I. C- Dennett; am a polle* oncer oa that b**t; want with ofilcer O'Connor, Mr, Smith and Mr. fitearn* le the bou** of Baker, about II o'clock, U arrest him; b* ws* In bed; aroused him with acme iiifOi uliy, snd held htm up wblls Mr. O'Connor pst un bis sloths*; Baas* wa* tatoxlealsd; nothing ws* aald until we got near W*bstar's, whs* bs sskad If 1 went to th* Are i I Mid " What lire r" be replied that Wsbtter'* place ws* burned; I aald, "Not Ib* hallT" b* a*iwired, "No, hli barn ;" and remarked "I waa tbs Arsi on* there, and wss la there before tb* alarm we* glv*n;H ha aald be "didn't do ad—d thing towards palling out lbs lira, snd didn't lift a hand;" Mr. Bmlib laid "Why didn't your" here- piled that b* "didn't ear* a d—I v.hither tl burned or not;" but **ld "I did tall them whan to throw th* water;" Smith Mid, "Why did yon do that If

did not ran?" he replied, "I did not want lb* oth*r property to burn;" left bins In ebera* ef th* [.filter it tb* Station; hs IN let out la lb* morn, lag by rnlitake, and officer* went up 10 hi* houa* and got him; talked with him la th* Mil, to *e* weal be would ssy whs* sober; saked blm what hs WM ther* for; sold be waa arrested for setUng Br* lo Webster'i bam, but ha did not do tl, though he waa to there the first one; thl* waa about I 111... tb* twit morning; think be eouid have atcod up lo be dressed, ir be bad a salad; he walked well enough, though ha WSS Hill drunk.

John P. O'Connor, polio* officer, corroborated the evidence of officer Dennett. Bahav aald that be kind ofbaml" Ufjob or pulling out lb* Be*; he did not care If that burned down, but did aot want other property dsetroyed; Mw him eesrebed at lb* pone* station; ha bad aoms BJShmm* aad two kulvM la bis pocket*; *sw no pips, When w*

t hire I all he did not appear to be fairly awake until be got

Bt oa th* road. The prosecution WM here rotted. Th* d*f*ns*

ssnnot bs Introduced uatU next Haturd.y, to which ilw ease WM eontlnued.

A Malay steward, on board a steamer bound from Ban Francisco io Eureka, ravished a sick

girl of eleven, who waa s passaswsr. Upoo errivlag at Eureka, th* Malar was taken, pm Into a small boat, towed ap river out of sight, shot aad thrown overboard, th* dUsen* drew lot* lo tee who sboald tbae act as executioner*.

" Mills" that Uwrence doe* not want; th* O'Baldwht kind.

How to get a—long wall; let Baaborn a tucker bora on* for you.

At the parties at Webster 11*11, U. gnat be- fore T. Taey si* Tea Psrtl ss.

Sing'lar Sharps sboald bo so healthy looking when bs bas been dy elag lor years.

Tba fallow who ran from she poUossBaa the other night, got tired, aad coociankkjL an lak* ar—rest.

Mis* Wheeler, tbs lad* dancing teacher, learneyoaag people how to pat ta*k«o«tia It, gracefully.

Measles aresalJ to be ai catching as polios sincere Just BOW. A great many people ar* getting overhauled.

Cutl*r m Harritaaa, tne fruit and cOnfectloL- ■v men, ar* very liberal, indeed ther give

moat of their goods a—weigh.

Tbe assessors tax everything legal lo be taxed, and have to tax tbelr own Ingenuity sometimes In finding proper objects.

Tuesday or next week will ba Decoration Day for the soldtsrs, but Sunday was dtt-ocatlo* day (or the ladles. Tbey were out la all tbelr glory.

Saturday waa a warm 'un and Ssnrtay was more go, M being confidently talked afier BOOB.

Several desperate Individuals tun linen coats, sad there was lond talk of white pants aad

The Zouaves had ont fifty-three i Saturday alternoou. and will turn out sixty bo- lides officers, by Decoration day ; in* captain t Warren {Salisbury ; flr.t Lieu: , Arthar Clsrks; second Lint, Henry lionney.

Tbe flagstaff opposite the old AMSBICAJI of- fice, from which was swung tb* Grant and Col- lax flag In November, 18GS, is to be removed. It li si the centre of tbs new Ssundrri Block, aad Interferes with the work going on.

The Grand Army Post were ont on Sunday to attend a fnnaral. Tbo thermometer stood at U la the shade. The last time they were out for s similar purpose, It was en a Sunday January, when tbe mercury was below lero, snd tbe cold most bluer.

Tba Lawrence Drum and Fltu* Corps war* ont Friday evening, practicing. It U presumed, for Decoration Day. Tbsy gar* a apeclmsn of tbelr peculiar music In front of the Post OflJce for a time, and It really sounded good aad pleasant at well as spirit stirring.

The mercury waa a lew degrees lower Mondsr than on Sundsy.bnt not many. Tbe thermom- eter is reported at 75 In Boston, on Sunday. It is strsnKe ibat lucre should have been fifteen degrees difference between ihnt city and onr own. It was tho aame ihoreaahrreon Satur- day.

Fivnn h*s erected a temporary green- bouse on Riiex, opposite Pemberton Street, at the west tide of Armstrong's store, a little back from tha street. He bas a vary large as-,. w

lorlmcnt of plant* to select from. "»A tasmvsnx s heavy basinets Just now. Tbe depository Is a treat convenience io onr people.

A week or two since, a bins enamel lockat with a photograph of the owner fnsldo, was lost between St. John's church and the owner'* residence on the same street. Tbe finder will find It to tbelr advantage to band It ta Mr. Bat ton, at tbs drug store on Essex itroet, be- tween Jackson and Appleton.

The wooden building corner of Lawrence and Common streets, lately occupied by Mr. Timo- thy O'good for a meat market, Is to be re- moved to Ncwhury Street, near tbe bridge. A largo two-story wooden building, with a Man- sard roof, and two stores la the lower story, I' to be eroded by Mr. M. S. Dodgw, tb* owner, upon the spot-

Four Encampments and 40 Lodges of OJd Fellows bsve signified their Intention to b* present st the great Odd Fellow*' gat her log tn Boston, June lath, tars* nasks from next Tues- day. Eighty LodKca and Camps sre to be beard Irom. We are not Informed as yet, whether Lawrence Is to be represented, bnt it probably will be, In some sbspe.

Tbe ball of tbe Irish Benevolent Society, on frlday srenlug, was a very pleasant affair, and probably a great pecuniary suocess, as over two hundred tickets wers sold, though not much over tbree-fourtht of them were repre- sented In tbe hall. Otgood furnl'bcd muilf, and the dancers tripped It merrily over the floOr until a late hour. lheo>Jtetof tbe ball was understood to he to obtain the meant for Ihe purchase of a new and handsome flap, to 1« csrrlcd on Decoration Day.

Tbs cenans report gives tbo popolailoo of Uwrence at 58.921, of whom lo,uv> wbltes, and 109 colored, ar* oatlre bom. nnd 12.713 white* and one colored, are foreign born. One of ta* foreign bora also, a girl, l* a native of China t tbe natives were born as folio**: Con* neetlcnt, ltxl white, 3 colored; Mala*, S.37S white; Maryland, ft white, 8 colored t Massa- chusetts, 10,071 white, 12 colored; New Hamp- shire, WS1 white; New Jersey, 17 whits; New York, 0T7 white 1 North Carolina, 4 white, ft colored; Pennsylvania,so white; Rhode Is-

103 whits; South Csrollos, 8 colored; Vermont, .'Al whites, I colored; Virginia, 8 whites, M colored 1 all othrr sutes aod territo- ries, 101 whites, 0 colored. Of lbs foreign pop. ulatlon ana colored person was bora la Cana- da, and on* In China. Th* others srara bora st follows 1 Canada, leOCi New Braaswiek, 103; Nova Scotia, 110; la British America not siated. 19; Total llrhi-li Amerce, l«i; England,ttM; li eland, 1431; Scotland, SB1; In Oreat Britain not stated, 19; total In Great Britain, 10,811. Germany 418, ef whom 811 are Prussians, All other foreigners, 80.

Tb* aanaal Mar religious cerataonr, festival and procession, la honor of Mary tha Motbar of Christ, took place at St. Mary's church, oa Sunday afternoon, and wai a most attractive spectacle, more so than ever before. About three o'clock, siter services In tb* eliorch, the procession started out of tbe Haverhlll street door, sw*d*d br lb* Lawreaee Cornet Bead. First cares a peaceful religions banner, fol- lowed by a hundred or two of liitls fellow* of six or eight, with wblls end blue rosettes, then more of a larger sirs with while and red, sad than those with red, while aad bine; the* cams hundred* of little girls In whit*, with green wreaths and red roses, white roses, and other styles of wreaths, accnrdlnfl 10 tbelr age and site. Many of tbe larger ones wore pink tarlatan sashes aad wa think oversklrts. Vol. lowing next cams llv* or six hundred young ladles lo whiu, with veils of tbe aame with light blue ribbons; there wsre several men with suhes also; there must hate bee* from t«n totwelv* hundred persons In tbs column, snd several Unnsrs. The band played Oretr- vllls," Saving Host Wa Easel Before Thee," the air Irom tbe Mass known to Protestants as "Coins ys disconsolate," "Hall Sweet Msry," snd other appropriate music of the church. tb* young ladles singing Ibe latter hymn a* they passed along- Tba Cornet Band contin- ue! to Improve; tbe procession proceeded through Haverhlll, White and Hempsbtrt streets, around th* new church through Brad- ford, Whits and Haverhlll streets Into Ibe church again; tbe ceremony, which wa* very Impressive, was witnessed by tboasands, and there was a most gratifying quiet, and analr of respeciabtllty about the whole affair. Tba month of May Is especially associated la th* Catholic church wUh ibs Virgin Mother, aad any favorable Banday I* selected for tbe deav oiutriiJoa.







"Lord, keep my memory green," Is the very natural prayer of the (.-oncrality of mankind. Men (llilike the lite* of parsing from ilie limy scones of life and Iwinj; at ante forgotten, like the mariner linking bencnih the Wive, leaving nothing liut * temporary ripple to mark the

f*VT( I f /TiT _ '"^iT* *i' .* 'P"t of hii going down. Mont people have TS5f«hlj TttfWD ITJrtfPtfitf* SJ frdlnK URd * „ (jr,en „prJS with the

UThc American* WITH Sl'Pl'i.EJlKNT.


A« in t w o * • i p.

[ warrant bis eg« coal to


The government troops were inarching into Parti ahout all or Sunday night, und Monday morning found some 70.0UO ID the city. They entered through six dilfi tvi.i nates, mrettng with but alight mMMM, and .peedlly occu- pied about three-fourth* of the city of Paris, Many of tbe leading communists have been taken and at once put to death an a puniihment tor their heavy erlmci. The commune con- tinue Uielr horrid deed* to the laat. On Mon- day morning tltey killed one of their generals who was not successful. ,

UaJ. Emerr of Lowell, who refuteil to tetttlfy * before the Massachusetts Leglalallve eommitlre

on the liquor .[uealion, and wn arrested by the order of the Senate, baa been dlacharged by the Supreme Court, lie waa released on ball, by means of a habtw corps's, three or four weeks


The Ku Kim, whose existence was so stout'

litert breath. The (lend «f the I alt iu-t i

Bulus Otfld il< batch.

These ore what Charles Lamb used to call the all-day-long days.

A new dam la being built BCTOM the Merrl- mack, at Amoakeag Falls.

The criminal term of the Superior Court was

rich and me*. *tlieoppress***, earned ck"'od "l Newburyport, ffednesdai

the right to be remembered, by ibrii stem rlflce, and their lit lag comrades will see thai! their memories perish not The great astoda-

I lion of the survivors of Hie Grand Army which I accomplished xmh mighty deeds In the four

years' strugule with wrong ami Injnitro*, ahout j toiif years agti itgreeil that once in each yesr

the attention of the entire nuiiiniiintiv abould lie called to this matter, and the memories or ihe paat, and its actors, revived. It waa not only a mailer of gratliutlc, Tiut one of patriot- ism, for. In arousing inch reminiscences, Its fires are innilu to burn anew, liltlldren are Im- bued wild it by (he meat.*, for It could hardly lie oihenvl*' while they see honors psld to the patriotic by placing- llowers upon their last rest- ing places upon earth; and those who were blessed by the sacrifice* or the men who fought or fell In the carnage and the roaroT battle, will bo reminded of Ihelr obligations >o ihe

Iv denied, are now getting to be the terror of ! Ilvinit. Tho very act ol decoration with flow. uJf respectable cltfxens at the Sooth, as welt as | era is in n ,el i humanizing, and as bent llclal to of Ibe union men; the Influential men have | a couiiniiniiv us the lost control of it, and now they ask the Govern-

ment to save them from it.

A block of warehouses in Sharp Street, Bal- timore, occupied by W. II. Brown and others, was burned Monday morning. Loss, 9000,01)0 Steam Are engine No. 1, exploded, killing Hen- rv Wehr, a member of the City Council.

Tho iteamer Paraguay from London, for New York, run into the steamer Webb, sunk her, and caused the loss of thirteen lives. The Par- aguay put back to London.

Vice President Col fax waa struck down with something like vertigo, In the Senate, Monday, hut he la recovering.

The horse car murder trial Is proceeding In New York.

Oold 111 3-1.

/.in),', and as bencllclal ultlvation of sweet mu

sic. The :0th day of May was set us a suitable

time of year for Ihe performance of this pious and pleasant duty, and on the flOth day of May IrttiS, the Jlrat observance of the day was held

On that day, anil on every anniversary of the day, people of every ranU and condition of I of all sges and Iwih sexes, have heartily joined the comrades In their demonstration of reiuetn lirance, and it is hoped that the duy will l>e far distant when this graceful tribute will be for* Rotten or omitted. We have been Invited to publish the following ■

PKOOIAMME roi TttKSSAY. The lino of the procession will commence to

form on Essex Street, at 11- v. *., with the right retting on Lawrence Street. The column will move promptly at - o'clock, In the follosr-

1 log order; Platoon of Police.

Lawrence Ilrass Hand. rhhf Nanhat, B. A. Flake.

! MtU, Chase I'hllbrlrk, Mulvin Ileal, C. C. ! Whitney, C. II. Smith, L. D. Sargent, J. 0. Mc- 1 Allliter, W. Murlund, .1. A. Bartlett.

ItCORT. Co. U , Sherman Cadets, fUh Regl., ('-apt

They were slaughtered by thousands ^—i., y ,,. k - upon thousands, and the retribution hits been fearful.


Tho Hunting in Paris, Monday and Tuesday, was terrible. It is seldom that such despera- tion Is shown at that displayed by the commun- ists, lint as they were lighting for their lives, forfeited by their crimes, it scarcely enn be wondered at. No quarter WAS given to the murderers and rohbort of churches, banks and citizens,

The ladies of Massachusetts, not those, of Boston only, arc requested to meet, or send j delegates to a meeting, to be held next Tues- day afternoon, at i o'clock, nt Ilonirultttral Hall In Boston, to make arrangements for a grand State fair, to raise means lor the "Socie- ty for the prevention of cruelty to animals."

The question is mooted whether the rufllan \ element of New York may not at some time ; obtain complete possession of that city, and de- fy "federal bayonets," niter the fashion of the IMrii roughs.

Tho Spanish Cortes ore quarrelling about i the king. One portion Is for a Carllst, and an- other for a republic. A majority sustain the Italian importation. Ainadcut.

The bodies of fifteen infanta wcro found In the reservoir at Pltt'burg, when it was recently cleaned out.

forty thousand acres of woods have licen burned over In South Jersey. Loss, ffHffll.lKHi.

Fifteen buildings were burned at Trumnns- tmig, N. V., Monday. Lots, MoO.OOO.

Oold 111 5-8.


The fighting In Paris was continued all day Tuesday, Tuesday night and Wednesday. The latter was a terrible day for that devoted city. The lighting was for life, and irantle, murder- ous and desperate. The wretches of the com- mune set lire in every direction, and the roar or ruiillatcration added to the horrors of the heavy cannonading in the streets, continual firing of musketry, the ahrieks of women and children, and Droans of the wounded.

Democratic California refuses to allow China- men to testify against wbltci. A party of vtidle highway-men recently robbed some Chi- nese miners, In broad dajllglu, with impunity, as thelnjmeA rmiu .«u *m gl*« .,.;,!..„.,_. Outrages of the kind are allowed daily. U Is bl|[h time that the L'nltcd States government Insisted upon Its laws and treaties being re- spected in retry state.

Mr. Knrlc, who attempted to kidnap his chiL dren, assigned to flirt!. Kaile by the court at Salem, a short time since, died In (ho Wor- cester Insane asylum, Wednesday.

Hon. J. M. S. Williams t,f Cambridge, was elected, ut Chicago, President oT the II..|I.M

Homo Missionary Society.

A bronte stattio of Walter Scott is to he erect ed In Central park, New Yoik city, by the Scotch Society,

Two hotels and other buildings wore burned at Phenlx, R. I., Wednesday. Low fiOO.OOO.

Tho population of 1-otnlnii hn* been found to tic three and a quarter millions.

A dry goods store, In Provldcm or IWO0 m silks, Tuesday night.

Oold 111 !■■.',


The venerable Archbishop of purls, Darlioy, ten hostages and fifty clergymen were put to death lit cold blood, by tho communists, Tow day night; they are fiendish to the last; the horrible nri has aroused the whole chlli/ed world against them ; two of the Commune lead- ers have been tried by court tu.nN.il ami shot.

Foster, tho horse car murderer In New York, has lieen convicted, but "recommended to mercy," Moran, who murdered Officer Pack- ard in SiouRhton, has been convicted of mnr fltr "In the second degree."'

President Grant made an extremely neat though of course, short speech, before the Young Men's Natloii.il Christian Convention, hi Washington.

Tlio Baptist church IllKast Concord, N'.II., and other proborty.wai burned Tuesday.

A twelve-pound aerolite fell In Scnrsrnonl, Me., Sunday.

Joy Cookc often J,T:II,O<NI,<)H> O( the new- loan.

Oold 111 I ".'.

Co. I., Lawrence Light Infantry, i t'apt. Timothy Deary.

Necilhnm Encampment, Post "'.', with tlowers. In tt barouche In tin Ihe Post, will he (len. N. P. Haiifc«, of the day.

b Regl.

I* Capl.

fi. A. It, centre of

ibo orator


il robbiil

Salisbury. Disabled soldiers und invited gliesl

riajr.e<. City Government In carriages. Liiwii'iifT Drum and Pluto Corps. Liiglnccrs and Fito Department, including

llrcmen oT Andover and North Andov ex momljcru of Essex No. I.

Lawrence Cornet Band. Irish Bencvolont Society. Ancient Order of Hibernian". Father Matthew Total Abstinence SOC Knights of St. Patrick. Fourth Mass. Light Battery, mourned The Bat'cry will form on LaWrenCt Street,

with the riKht resting on Essex, and take Its place in tho procession after the countermarch.

The route will be: countermarch down Bl sex to Jackson Street, through .latkson, Ho vorhill and Cross Street to Bodwell'l field, op poslte the city cemctcrv, where the exercises will be held.

The exercises will consist oT singing, prayer by the Post chaplain, Uev. J. H. Moore, music tiy the Band, remark! by the Post Commander, Capl. L- N. l>ti(h«ncy, who will introdi orator, Oen. Banks, sinking, music by the Band, and then the decoration or the graces in the different cemeteries. After the decoration tho procession Will return by way of Broadway and Kisex Street, to Ihe Post Beatf •quarters.

Organizations will please report to the lleml quarters of the Post, in season 10 conform to ihe aiinvc arrangements.

The Light Battery will lire minute ganj dl log the ceremony of decoration.

E. A. Fi^Tir., enter Marshal. Bodwell's Field Is on the right of tho road

which passes up between the cliyand the Cain olc cemeteries, and just beyond the latter, li Is very large, and there ore slopes in It well calculated Uaccommodate n large number of peoplo with laclliiles (or seeing the demon-din

Last rear tho stores,were nil closed in the «f tcrnoon, and they will probably bo this yonr The Washington and Arlington Mills wcrtfalio stopped.

Thu Lfghl Battery will have out about si horses. It is itTcllrsi time they hare appeal mounted, on Memorial Day.

Probably none or the lehnoli wjll l>e in I ■ion In the nlternoon.


On iht! erenlog oi Deooritlon I >uy, next

wnk Tueiday, ihero will be a Ulo train

run itotn Roiton, starling nt quarter past

blefen o'clock hi tba ovcnlng, front that

city. AH a Broal tunny people Will bo nt

leianrc In the latlcr part of that day, this

will afford Hum an opitortunltw to visit

llio capital nut] ^jiL'iid the evening. The

musical attracilona on that night arees> peclally (treat, AI lbo Ulobe Theatre,

the Italian Opera Troupe will present

Halto tn ItttKhttft. The pilnu donna of

the troupe \* Waa Clara Loolae Kellogg,

sailor Ottlaeppe Vllianl, signor Kuglerro

llnn^lorno, Sl^tmr Nicolas and Mndni

Kontancai miU other ladles are la the co

puny. At tlic Boston Theatre ibo Comic

opera Troupe, or Opera Boufla will be

ibo attraction. Mile. Altnee, Monsieur

fJausltis and others will lake part, and

there la also ballet, with Mile. Albertlna and others lor dancers. The Operas are

said to bo very amusing. At (he BIusc-

i:ni will probably be the new comedy

wrllten by Byron, (ho successful play

wrbjbt, "Walt and Hope," In which War-

ren will have a prominent part. There

will be the UMial variety at the Howard,

and many other attractions.


■loued stall ol this regiment has received

The late warm weather and the rains have, together, made vegetation (alrlyjump.

Htone A. Murray's Circus and free balloon as- cension will be along here about the middle of

Coming from Boston in three quarters of an hoar ID the express train, causes people to ex- press much satisfaction.

The firemen recently discharged from Essex Engine Company No. 4, by the engineers, bare appealed to the City Government.

Next week will bfjfcl Anniversary Week In Boston. On at least one day (Tuesday) oar people can remain at the evening meetings.

John K. Tarbox, Rsq., of this city, has been announced as the orator, on Memorial Day, at Lynn, and Capt. George S. Merrill at Wey- mouth.

The gentleman who went to Plllabury's fur- niture store to obtain tables of statistics, was respectfully referred to the census takers and assessors.

There will be Italian opera at the Olobe The- atre, Boston, as well as Opera BouHe and bal- let at the Boston Theatre, late train ni^ht, next week Tuesday.

Oliver Pearl of Lawrence has been awarded a patent tor guide board for spinning machines, and also for spindle step, and cover for spin- ning machines.

Rev. .lohn Hogg, pastor of the Presbyterian Society, In this city, sails from New York, on Saturday, in the Australia, for a three months trip in Europe.

Chas. A. Brown. ESQ., and Dr. C. N. Cham- berlain, returned on Tuesday, from their Eu- ropean trip, having enjoyed an excursion of uninterrupted pleasure.

Daniel Glllerson of Lawrence, has been ien- tenced to fourteen months House of Correction, and James Murphy for etght months, for the assault on Special Officer Itankin.

If you want a beautiful and pleasant subject upon which to rest yonr eyes, just look at the rich and elegant card Just Issued by George S.

Merrill A Co., at the AltXtlOAN printing of- fice,

Tho counsel of Iteubcn Baker propose to prove on Saturday hit whereatiouUat the time the firo on Broadway must have lieen set, and that he could by no possibility have commit- ted tho act.

The free ciiy pumps wcro kept on the run Sunday, and it was gratifying to ice to exten-

sive a taato for that pure element. Every one put up spoils a doaan lieer shops. Therefore 'set 'cmup."

Will not (ho Street Commissioner ie-con- struct the half-made tarry abomination at the Essex and Pembr-rton street crossing; on eve- ry warm day It becomes an Intolerable nui- sance to all persons.

A rain commonclog about half-past nlno Monday evening, was most gratefully received, and tho dust was well laid. Tho sun arose the

next morning, however, lurid as before, (hough the nlr was perceptibly cooler.

Hagcr, 109 Essex street, between Appleton and Jackson, gives the Bgurea or the sales of sewing machines In 1370. Ho claims that the Howe which ha sells, is ahead or any other to the nttmlicr of 10,131, and that Is Howe it la.


FRIDAY, MAY 20, 1871.


Rev. E. S. Williams la hi Washington,

attending the Young Men's Christina


Mutura. Julia Smith, F. H. Johnson

and George W.Coburn, with their wltwS,

arrived in Boston from Europe, on Sat-

urday rooming; last, and reached their

homes in this town, in ■the afternoon of

that day.

Public Welcome and Reception to John Smith, Eaq.

At u meeting ot citizens of Andover,

desirous of giving John Smith, Esq., a

hearty weleome on bin return from Eu-

rope, held at the town hall, on Saturday

afternoon, Rev. John L. Taylor, D. I).,

Chairman, the following gentlemen

were chosen a committee to wait on Mr.

Smith aud uropO!»e to hhu a public re-

ception : Rev. J. I,. Taylor. 1>. D., Chair-

man, ltev. Messrs. Charles Smith and

James II. Merrill, Hon. (jcorge Foster,

W. Q. Means and Moses Foster, Enquires,

and Messrs. David Mlddleton, E. Francis

Holt and John H. Flint. The Committee

ROT. Dr. Eggleston. during bis two i ln pursuance ol their duty, visited M


orders of tho revenue departtnont nt

Washington, the Lnwrenea and Hnvir-

hill Assessors illstrUta hnvo been sob*

■tantially consolidated, anil Henry O. I the following 'n'l^ntions an

lltirr, Esq., ol IlftverhUI, succeeds Mr. I Commissary Sergeant Jus. L, Davis pro-

Harraon of this city, and Mr. llltuiL of j motcd to Sergeant Major; Sergeant Chas.

Havorhill, as Assistant Asacaeor, tho 11. Warren of Co. F,, Havcrhill. to Hos-

now district comprising Lawrence, Hnv- I |»lt«l Steward; and Chas. U. I Jttletleld of

erhill, Melhuen, North Andover, Brad- j lllls c''y ha* I een Appointed Commissary lord ami lioxfonl. j Sergeant.

Mr. Harmon, whose services the gov-

ernment lose, is one of tho oldest, most »i- 1M

experienced and best posted revem

officers In iho district, nnd Mr. Blunt

has received tliu warmest praise front

his superiors for the efficiency and faith-

litlness of his labors, Neither were ap-

plicants for tho position in tho consoli-

dated district, which Is altogether too

largo for one officer to properly control,

and Mr. Blunt has twice tendered his

resignation, but 1,1a superiors insisted

upon his continuing.

Mr. Burr Is :i member of iho present

legislature, active nml energetic ami

will do all that one man can to secure

ihe Interests ol ihe department in his


Hoot) AiTomJiKM-iim leglalaliire

having wisely authorized the appoint-

ment or n Deputy Insurance Commission-

er, IteorgflW. Sargent, Bsq., formerly of

this cily, and so long iho fiiitltftil and

efficient Clerk of ihe Com miss ion. bus

been appointed to tin- position,

AMOTHKR SUPI-LltMKNT this week, nf-

ferds relief from the continued pressure of our advertising favors, and contains

several columns of Interestitiir reading,

and enables its to give, without encroach.

ment upon other matters, an extended

account of ihe Intensting exercises in

Andover, o t Tu-st'ay.

AIM*M!—In (ho Supt.

iior court, on Wednesday, 'Ihog. O'Con-

nor, ronvlct.il of setting tiro lo the btilld-

Injr occupied by him, on Amesbnry St.,

was sentenced, by Judge Rockwell, to

one year In the House of Correction! New York justice:

i ii in >B CO -Tho lury, In tba 'I'll in O'Connor, sharfe4 win* salting Hi blllUrd naluon, on Amesbury street K<b. -J"ih, with Intsal tu defraud *n Insurance ran. pany,retired about three n'oloek Thursday after, nmm, ami rrlitriii'.l nt s 1-3 Kildny moMiIng, aftt-r biiiiB out nineteen hours, with a verdict orKuHty. The jury sioo.1 len 11. 1*0 si Brat, then «i ml.lalfht the foreman «oi brought oitr to guilty, aud early In Ike tnoruliif the other |uror. Tba tsient of iho punishment U t»i*ly jean .State Prison. Ill* rounst-l have Alad exaepOoDs. There I* another eharse of arson lu setUng ilrs ton dwelling house,

Janes Carroll, who, while drunk on thu Nth of lih a knits, and thru at-

Doslon has appropriated S'lOOO for free mu- sic for Its peoplo on tho Common and else- where, this summer. Is it not setting to he tlmo lor our folks to make a start in that di- rection, say a lentb of the way or thereabouts'

Some of our riti/.ens went so far as to go to far as to Hampion Beech, to got out of tho hot weather Saturday and Sunday. The weather ikur.'H are reported at '.•! at Concord, N\ H., Sunday afternoon, but nearer the orean they wcro at a great deal lower mark.

Two of tho most desirable lots In town will bo sold by auction, Saturday, at '2 p. »t., by Tedrlck £ Closson. They nro (hose on Haver- hill Streci, nearly opposite Hie Methodist Chun-h. Tho eastern half of the house oppo- site Ihe church will also be sold.

Tne stranger, who, In bis comments upon a city notice, last Sabbath, Torgot the courtesy, duo tho Society whose pulpit ho occupied, was causelessly troubled; no one, surely, dreamed of yoking him with their oxen, however ranch ho may have stood in fear of it.

Harvey, on Rssex Street, opposite tho Atlan- tic blocks, has strawberries, nnd a wonderful ttnnmu nirnaco and (l.it-iron henter for sale. They can cook tho bmios In it, unless they pro- pose to eat them raw, with rrenm and sugar, SJOIO have a prejudice in the latter direction.

There will be i|ultc an exciting meeting of the stockholders of tho Manchester and Law rente Railroad, at the former place, on Friday of this week. Parties who wish to obtain con- trol bars been buying up shares, and they have gone up from 1110 to f ISO within a few Uays,

The Mrrrlmac stable, in Ihe immediate vi- cinity of the Maine railroad depot In Coston, nnd other property, was burned Wednesday evening. The locality has always been noto- rious for large contlagratlonsj tho flro origi- nated in the loft of tho New lingland Hay Company.

It will be seen by tho report of tho Aldur- incn'e proceedings, that the business men of Kssex Street and tho police department, are determined, Ifposiibh-, to stop the organ grind- ing nuisance, which Is good news Tor the suf- lorers, who may now hope to lie rid of tho in- tolerable annoyance.

After the discharge of eight members of Es- sex BflfiM Company So. t. a new election of Ofootrswas held, and C. H.OUsf was elected foreman. A charge of fraud was made, and ihe onglneers. on .Saturday night, ordered a now election on Monday night. The result was tho election of Mr. Giles the second time.

Robert ButTum has been sentenced to Ihe New York State Trison, for life, for the mur- der of Mr. John L. Soaverns, in Newbury, N. V., last August. Mr. Seavorns was formerly a much respected resident of this city, engaged In a paper mill. Bottom was a dissipated, drunken rascal. IIo has been insane much of the time since the murder.

Mary Klupatrick, a woman ahout thirty-two years of age, was brought to the police Italian after midnight, Monday night. She was sent

to the Asylum at Worcester n few weeks since, as ln»ane, hut she says that sbo was set (0 milk- ng and managed to escape. She came tlrst to

Lowell und thun to Lawrence. Tho Asylum authorities have been nntllio I.

It Is the e

(lays' stny In this town, was truly

labors more abundant." Orr Saturday

he took the laboring oar in the conven-

tion, and in the evening addressed the

young ladles of Abbott Academy. Sun-

day he spoke to the l'ree Church Sab-

bath School. In the afternoon he ad-

dressed very large audiences at the

South Church. His superior ability,

felicitous manner, aud largo experience

in Snbbath scltools.enables him to impart

much valuable information upon their

Importance, and the proper modes of

conducting them. The cause has re-

ceived a great impulse by his faithful

and earnest labors. The ■■!■! ruts and

monotonous ways of doing things in this

direction, have been pretty thoroughly

shako 11 up.

Itev. Francis Homes, who lias mado

himself quite useful in this town for a

yoar past, especially in the Sabbath

school cause, has removed to i.ynn.

where ho was formerly pastor of a church.

The union Sunday School Convention

assembled in the South Church, In this

town, on Saturday last, nt 0 o'clock A. M.

Rer. Charles Smith, the pastor, welcomed

the brothers and sisters from neighbor-

in:; churches, ltev. J, II. Merrill, Rev.

F. Homes ami ('. M. Abbott were made a

committee to report a 1LU of ofticerB.

The comtnltlce reported as follows:—

Tresident, ltev. K. S. Williams; Vice

Presidents, (ton, George Foster, Mr. K.

Francis Holt and W. O. Means, Esq;

Secretary, Mr. S. C. Smith; Business

Committee, ltev. F. Homes, Mr. Dana

and Dea. Kdward Taylor. - After a short prayer by tho president, Kev. .1. II. Merrill began tho discussion of the ques- tion—" How may wo Interest our children In the public and social setviccs of the church ?" The speaker said that the necessity of restrain. Ing children from wrong doing Is admitted by all. But he thought that (his was not all. Interest chlldreu, we must go ourselres to the meetings; we must manifest a deep personal Interest In their welfare, and not only an Inter' est, but a IOTO for them. We should pray for (hem constantly, In all the arraugements, the good of the children should be in our mind. The sentiments of the speaker were advocated by others. Rev. Mr. Crafts, of Stonoham, thought we must '■<<<( not drivt tho children. Sermons ought to be given to tho children as often as once a month; the first Injunction given after tho commandments was to tho chil- dren. Qov. Berry related In a very Interesting way tho experiences or his yonth. The dis- cussion was further sustained by Mr. Katon nnd Ilov. O. P. Wilson, of Lawrence. Itev. K Eggleston thought that a compulsory attend- ance to church was wrong. If we Old not in- trust them when there, our object would not be attained. The people are to be blamed bo- causo their ministers do not preach more II children. Such preaching is not allowed. 11 agreed with the English Divine, who Ihlnk we should have children's churches. His dls cttsslon was followed by a prayer and pralso meeting, which was led by Mr. Crafts.

Her. Mr, Egtt'eston opened the discussion of the question: "Is Sunday School machinery (so called) an evil or good.'" He said II ho were speaking to an audience In Ilrhols, bo should say that the machinery Is a sham ; but hero In New England, If there were more than there is It would be a good thing. Churches here do nolTnuke ruuch account of the Sab- haili ai-ln.ot. And It Is only a Tow years, com- paratlvcly, since It was considered necessary to have any juvenile literature. He thought that we cannot have too much machinery, so long as wc can keep the spirituality in oxcesa machinery shuuld he such as commoti senso wonld dictate. Mr. Homes agreed with hi: Mr. Dana thought that the noise ■ >:' Ihe ma- chinery would drive away all holy impressions, Mr. Wilson deslrsd Me Otssras to state how he had iibtnined such great success In his school. He did so. Mr. Eggleston suggested that a great deal depended upon tho man. He men lionet! the case of Major Whittle, of Chicago, who hag ono of tho most successful schools ii tho country; and yet he did not believe he could use tho same means. Uev. .1. H. Mer- rill thought wc should have to establish Nor- mal schools where preachers could attend as well us others. Tho discussion was very Inter- esting and instructive, ft wos marked by earn, estnoss throughout. Dut the most noticeable characteristic was the careful avoidance ofcv orything that smacks of sensation. The last exercise of the morning was tbo answering questions by Mr. Eggleston, which was done to the satisfaction of all.

■Smith, at his roaldence, In tbe evening,

and through their chairman proposed a

public reception for the purpose of ex-

pressing personal regard for him.ami ap-

preciation pf his liberal gilts to tbe town

and Ha Institutions. In reply he slated

fiat while he would avoid any thins; like

ostentatious display, if his fellow cltlzem

were desirous of taking him by the hand

without much formality, he would accede

to their wishes, and Tuestlay evening was

mutually fixed upon for the purpose.

On Tuesday evening, at an early hour,

the people began gathering at the town

hall, the centre of which was speedily

tilled, the settees upon cither side being

reserved for tliw young ladles of the Ab-

bott Seminary, and the lads of Phillips

Academy, who marched down in proces:

slon, about half-past seven; the Law*

reuce Brass Band had been engaged by

the workmen In the Smith A Dove Mills,

and a procession trtl formed at Fryo Vil-

lage, marched to Abbott Village, belli"

joined by f^ie employees there, and to the

number of nearly three hundred soou al-

ter .entered the hall, crowding it to ex-

cess ; the band were stationed in the gal-

lery, and the platform was occupied by

the leading citizens of the town.

About ei^lit o'clock the committee of

arrangements entered with Mr. Smith,who

greeted1 with the utmost enthusiasm,

the band striking up "Hail to ttie Chief,"

nnd the audience rising, and with cheers

and waving of handkerchiefs, adding to

the heartiness of their weleome. It was a

cheering spectacle, an audience crowding

every inch of available space, with glow

Ing faces aud.glad voices testifying their

welcome to the friend .and benefactor,

who, with restored health nnd Invigorat-

ed spirits, returned, after n year's ab

senee, to those for whose Interests he so

deeply felt.

After quiet had been restored, PROF

•i in with tome business men tc keep a "thief account." and charge npon It ev- erything lhat Is stolen from them. When ■ thief is caught in the act, ho or she is offered I the choice of paying the whole amount charged, or prosecution and exposure. It the culprit has thu means, ho is generally very glad to I The exercises of the chlldrens'meet luarc Hie account, nnd the loser pockets ths | WM very interesting. Prayer was mndi

The afternoon session began at two. Uev Mr. Blaln offered prayer. Singing was fol lowed by a discussion or the tint question

*' How do you prepare your Sunday school les- son i" Mr. J. II. Williams thought we should understand tbo importance of tho work. Sec- iHi'l, wo need to know all that can bo connect- ed with the subject. Third, the great object of a Sundar school should over be kept in view. Key. II. M. Parsons, of Boston, thought It was all wrong to spend so much to mako children experts in tho sciences, Ac, and so little for their souls. We ought (o be more earnest and enthusiastic In (he matter, and have fnhh that Cod will bloss one efforts. Tho teachers should know the character of each pupil through and through. Rev's Wilson, Homes, and Eggleston also spoke,

Mr. Charles A. White introduced the second question,—" How can tho preparation of lea-

holars be secured?" His re- marks wcro Interesting. He was followed by Mr. Eaton, of Lawrence. Mr. Tartans then poke earnestly and eloquently on the theme, Pastor's experiences." He answered sever-

al questions wtltlcn by different persons In the audience. Mr. Crafts illustrated tho use of the black board. Perhaps there was no moro In- teresting exercise In the afternoon than this. Mr. eggleston answered questions as tu the morning. The following resolution was adopted:

liisohiil, That wo extend our (hanks to brother Crafts, Parsons, and others who hove coino from (ho neighboring churches to help us. The doxology was sung, nnd Rev. II. S.

il tho benediction.

Jons L. TA

evening, said:

iltc chairman of ilie

Before n

money instead of (he c

Ainl the " cry Is still they come." A "Mas-

vo Combination,' tho "Grandest Enterprise of the Century,'' as the bills have It, styled the New York Mctmtrerle and Circus, is likely lo be along early In lunc. Among the features

be two dens of performing lions and other wild beasts, who are stirred up by Miss Minnie

Williams. There are also a drove of itacklrian camels, and a buffalo. A circus Is apart of

e show. Prof. Rcnno also goes "up In a illoon, boys,'1 every day, soaring above the

clouds," even when there is a clear sky. Low- | Wo arc Indebted to Kdwanl T.iyli

by Rev. Mr. Olgood, of Italian! Vale.

Remarks, Interspersed with hinging o(

appropriate selections, were made by

ltev. F. Homed, Moses I,. Johnson, Esq.,

of l.owcll, Rev. 11. F. Hamilton, of North

Andover, Mr. i-.A. Shaufller and ltev.

Mr. EaTgloiton. The ■pacloui house was

crowded, and v^lnx sents were brought iti

tu nccotntnodnte Hie lmmen.se number

In attendance. It was n meeting all will

wlstt to remember.

■ed Mi i iths Hot oft

■»;i t ebjktet

in ait i- a [■ li.ril.iu- a» nil upon lit-r Hareh'ltth, sentenoe loUir are Stale PT son • Miir •hr, l0 an ns-autl ujn> Ure. Oocft-

2 1-3 *ea Vallej

■ llous ■ of Franklin ■< eoia, Mereh

mea tire », 1 H II . V . for ad lti-ry. Ilatt on tli. H. 1.'. for adultery. Iian -i Ullleraon d uulliy i f an as au with nknif upon spec-

<■' K.IIlli;, llo and da > also ran Iclrii i> an ...suit up ,0 an oMeer.

■'rank I„ Stevens of Andover, hns I ei'ii

itenced to the House of Correction fur

l year, for stealing from n building.

ell will be Isvorcd wlih ihe sight, June . und Ijiwrcnce.juno sth.

On Thursday a valuable black hone, at- tached lo the wagon ot Mr, Allen Wilson, Iho Iwkcr, on Oak Street, becsme frightened on Ihe Washington Corporation, by something about the vehicle giving way, and Started at full speed, dashing up Mill and Rates streets with iho xhalts and two forward wheels. At Lawrence -Street be sheered, and would have gone through Wndlelgli's window, bad not the wheel r-aggbl the post, which throw him down upon the sidewalk. It was found that ona of his fore legs had been badly broken. He was gut out Into the street, and in a short time was killed by bleeding him in death. The carcass was then taken to the horse (tolling establish- ment, The animal was valued at over 9'.llKi,

The expression upon his face as ho lav upon

the gronnd, before being put nut of his misery, was decidedly painful and pitiful, almost as much as II he was human.

Ksi|., for n catalogue of riiiliij.- Acade-

my. Number of student! in the classi-

cal department, l.vi; English depart-

ment, 7 l j Total, 228. Peter Smith, Esq.,

has been chosen a trustee. The vacancy

of Principal, occasioned by tho death of

the late Samuol H. Taylor, LI. »., has

not yet lieen filled. The school is nt

present in charge of William (I. (ir>ld*


Thr seventh lecture of Hie e line to the

people will be given nt the town hall, next

sabbath evening.Mitv V*th*eommenelng at 7 o'clock.

The additional liberal gilt of |ii,nno, by John Smith, Esq., for Hie Memorial

Hall Library, makes nit aggrcgato of his

subscriptions for tbo building and libra-

ry, of #88,000,

the proper exercises of the o to give. This meeting Ii

lathered upon Ihe Invitation of a committee of clll- reus who have laid down this rolo for Iho evening: There arc to be no spoechea made here to-night, [Applause.! There la to be a little familiar talk, no speeches. Even the chairman Is not allowed to make a speech. Wc shall grant a little special In. dulgeoee lo our friend, the guest of I he evening, but even he won't raako a speeob.

If there baa anybody corns bora to-night whofeeli moved to begin "I rlw with mingled emotions," wc •ball feel Inclined lo say lo him, "Sit down and sort out your emotions," [APplauss.J And If any. body has come to-night with a speech all written □ut ln Ills pocket to deliver hero extemporaneously, we hope he will keep it In his pocket; but II there should happen lo be two or throe have n speech put Into them by Ibu occasion, which laey cnimot contain, wo aball allow th< a lltllo of It, If they will only do It well and bo short—not otherwise. (Applause, notice, friends.

.Now, then, I huvc.a lltllo Information. And.by the way, nothing or all this Is to count upon an llilug 1 have to say. 1 have a little Information give. This gathering Is duo chiefly to Ibe very great Intereit will. Ii our friend, Mr. Smith, t.ir niuny months In the erection of a Memorial Mall here, to commemorate those of our fellow cit- izens who fought for us, mi.I fell for us especially, as well aa the band of living soldiers that remain. Wo know what air. Bmlth can dSBMtbo band and by the tongue when he Is anion^^a, bat we have not known so well what he could do by wbuc he U away from us, but we like the style of bin curreaptindein-e wile* balsabeent. [Applause.] He aaya he wrote a eorkaln luttor. which baa Its appropriate impreulon In Amlovcr, wl consulting any one. He Implies that It was In and hid to come out. ITo reminds mo In Uila of the description which Jobn Bunyao gives of the origin ot Ihe famous dream, "t'llgrlm "It roiue,'' bo «ny■."from my owu hei head, and Into my ilngcra, and trlcklt my pen, whence Immediately on paper I did drib- ble It. Manner and matter were all my own, not wai It to any mortal known, until I had done It.' That la a good blitory toglveofa latter or book whether wrllten by John Banyan or John Smith [Applause.| And wc hnvo no doubt that Is ax actly the wny ho did ll. Well, the citizens of An. dovrr took hold of Ihla matter, as you know, and Ihe tabserlpUon WU rained tu iIn- tull amount ami more, of what he de.lrod should ho added to hli own gifts, and that of other members of the family and 1 mu glad to say lo yon this evening, that that sum of nearly lifiy thousand dollars, with the ceptiun ofsli ur seven hundred dollars, at most, Is all psld and In the treasury, at interest Tor tho ob- Jeet for which it has been given. [Applause.]

When Ihp eommltlea was appointed to whom thli whole matter of the erection of a memorial hall wai committed,—yon may well imagine It was a very Interesting position to bu placed lu,—n splendid ball to be erected,with largo accommodations, mill clcnt for Iho present, nadsuOlcleut for the long fu- ture; an ripsnslre building sits tobe procured,and not a very abundant provision for accompllahlag the objecl. Tba lint feeling of iho eommln that wo must have moro land, and somo other that we ought to have a lltllo more Well, through tbe liberality or our friend, am bound to tell you some secrets here lo-nlglit— through the liberality of our friend, deacon V Smith, and Ida associate. Mr. John Dove, wc some additional laud, wlih a little help from other el (Jams, And we have to thank them tbal the building site Is enlarged suulolenlly Tor all the pur- poses of the building. [Applause. I

But the committee were lu trouble aUII, and they did not llko to tell Ihcir troubles either; they wa ed more money. They were perfectly witling to eipected lo build a very nice building with loo lie money, to disappoint themselves and everybody elae, but lliey preferred very much to put up suet a building as ought lo bo put up, And aomehowoi other a bird of the air Hew over Uio water just wbei the committee wero In this perplexity, I don'l know i-isctly what Iho bird waa, or bow it flaw but It Hew over there, and almoal aa quick as tin learner could return, tbo bird came back. 1 told ou wo liked tho stylo of Ur. Smith's correi nco from abroad. I.o t mo read hero his very brief t'llor addreaaed to the chairman of the

committee, by Ur. Joseph W. Smith, wli Juiced from Ihe beginning to do everylhlni

i tbe 6 Uc.lsi:(

[ Applausu] It read aa follows I

pledge for the memorial ball building fund, of rive Ihonaand dollar*, payable on Ihe Aral day of Janu- ary, l»:-J, or on the completion of the building, If finished before Ihe lime above mentioned; to be paid by you forme, and charged lo my aecount,

llesp't your father, [rtlgncill JOHN SMITH.

[ Applsusej

That is Information, and that U not to count on my ilme >o fsr. Now, white wo rejoice rroro our beam, ono and all, we express our thank* to every man by the njme of Smith, who I* ronuected with Ihla Mr. timllh, and lo every Dova that flits among lliem.and to all the people interested In this inc- mento.andwho have given toil freely,this meeting, Ibis hour, la due to ihls Mead or all the frieada who have engaged In this enterprise. [ Applause. |

Now you msy begin to muni on my lime: for after having given you the notlflcallnti Bid the In. fornutlon I shall be v-ry happy, lu Ihe fewest words loeipreas Tor yon, one and all, our graiillon- tloii al seeing Mr. Smith once morn smonjr us; giving ut nn opportunity, not only lo look on Id* face, but lo take hi in by the hand, and hear hit vi.ke, [Applause.) My dear sir, wo are very glad that when loo wcut to Htra»burg yon did not get caught there. You enmo very neat II, but you got away «nfe, and wc are glad, i Applause. | We were very gUil when they gave yon III.- freedom of jour native place, Brtehln, ami ihsl on* pan of lliat freedom consisted in Ilie freedom to eome away from there and come here.

Mr. Joseph Btnllh puta Into my hand,-and In- temple me in ihe glow of my speech—• ticket which ilr, John Smith purchased lo leave linden nnd go to Slrasburg, and nick ngsln. Ily iho lime he got Into Strasburg, ibe fate* of war shut down Ihe gate* ■■,,) he could not get tuek, *o that his Ikkel Is now good agaln'tllis French govern-

young ladle's school, who rejoice to unite In tendering you their congratulations,

a goodly band of young mun here, who ure familiarly alyled. In tho dialect or the place, "The Fbllllplana," who rejoice to aee you, from the acad-

<y to whoae fund* you have eoolributed, and Whose needy young man you have *o often eheered aud helped. [Applause,| From that oilier Insti- tution, from thai tlrechln Hall, which t* full of as. eoclallooa for you, of your nallvu borne, there come fraab and cordial greeting* from the oHb'er* and atudanta of tba Institution. Kvery book there with every other book wonld gladly clap hand* to aee yon with n> here to-nlgbt again In health.

On behatrof Oto memorial hall committee, I wl*h •apeolally and profoandly to thank you, out only for lha great corner-atone which you have laid in Ihla movement for .a hall In tbe memory of tbe sol- diers, but for this new and cheering aadaiance by which you relieve u* from our perplexity. I* Il too much to believe that the whole band of living sol- diers that still reside ln Anduver, gladly unite In ibl* welcome to you • That out of thoae more than forty, nearly fltty grave* that were laid open by the war, there come alien! bui yet eloquent congratula- tion* to yoo, that you have remembered those who h*ve laid down their live* there, and are walling here to do what you may lo commemorate them through ull future lime. One thing I know. 1 feel stir,-1 he parents who*e *ona bled and died, the represented vea 0| Ihe famllle* who were cilled to mourning and *orrow by these deatha, will tonight, with tenderneia, and yet with joy, take this friend by the hand and Invoke the bh-aaing of heaven upon his head.

iw, *lr, In the name uf all these classes, of every class among us, for you see there are no lines Irawn between CIBMCS here toalght,—thte Its Culh-

ollc, Episcopal, llaptlst, Congregational, Orthodox, American, Bcotch, Yankee affair, from beginning loend; we are all here, and In the name of nil I bid you welcome to Andover and homo, Let ui your face and bear your volco. [ Applause,J

i i •-• i ui,.. or stit. gem SMITH.

If there Is anybody paaslng In the street, stranger* going by, I think they mu-i wonder this fn.rt la about. (Applause.|

-.Chairman, and ladles aud gentlemen, tc , Andover people, brolhera and alder*, , thank God, In health. I left Andover a little ] than a'yoar ago, out of »orts, but In the good Idencu of ti,i,i a little time brought me tu my.

•elf ogain ; and when I came to myself I came lo Ihlnk of Anduver. [Applauae.l I did not forget that Ihla plattbrm wa* occupied, and people*' ear* were open here when bullet* were to be flying, aod when aoldler* wero warned, and when Ihe country had to buckle ou lu armor; I did not forget our ling and lie noble bearers, who as one waa ibot down, another was ready to bear It onward, and make victory *ure. [Applause.] I yearned In nn-!,:. for Andover, and I rejoiced for America when I knew what had been douc here. Tho itlgma when I vlalted tbo old country before, whon you told them obout whiskey, and about Intemperance, was, *' Tsko care of your glares, and wo will tnke care of our wbl*key." I told them a different *tory Ibis last winter. [Applause.] We have taken care of lharo; wu have got them here encircled lu the tnsom of liberty. Now. you gentlemen, take away tbe whiskey bottle. [Applause.]

Tbero has a good deal been sold about Ihls Dres- den business, aud It is aa true as I atniid a living man hero, 1 hadn't begun to count the cost of tho re- bellion until I begin lo think about It in Dreaden. I thought I understood It; but I tell you, gentlemen and ladle*, we don't begin to know now what the worth of Ihla great druggie ha* been lo tho world. ii" Into Kuropc, and Inatead of pointing to yon a* a *lave trading nation, they pre looking lo you for liberty there, for principle*; aad thoy are calling now on the flag, the American flag,—for tho Amerl can flag la the Hag of Ihe world. [Applause]

There I* not one thing that mars my perfect hap- piness, I may call II, bul the whUkcy and beer drinking people on tho other tide or Ihe You may confer honors, what you pleate, but If you drink whi*key,lb*y arc not half aa good a* they would be If you let wa'.er do the job. I tell you the world, a great portion of It, ha* got to be emincl. paled yd, capcclally on Ihe. other aide of the water,

But I need not say mnoh; I believe I nm forbid- den lo *ay much. There are lo bo no apeoche* here, and I nm very glad of that. There was refer- ence made to tho classes of peoplo here; factory people, students, young men, young Indies, * rlei, etc.; now I will Just *ay a word or two young peoplo who are here, whether they the academlea or any whore elae, and 1 don'l at feeling lhat I am a teacher; but I have I tho race-course, of tlia world almoal aeventy-flvo year*, aud two or three days more, and If I could ■ay a word that would hare the effect ofsilrrlng up ono or more young men to do tbelr port ln life, ic travel la this race-cour*e, und lo canto out as nobli spceimens of noble humanity, I would feel lhat thli meeting, although It Is numerous,although there It a great deal dono lo make me lomethlng more tbar I am here, I ihould feel that It It not lost; and 1 would say lo tho young here: Young mi in Iltc frco boot of life; you are launching out Into this world, nnd everything depend* upon how yon start In that life, and how yon act lhat lire, so that you will be a Messing lo your country, and a blees- Ing to the world. What la life ? What arc honor* ? What is anything or everything lhat Ihe world can srlseto you, If yon have not a character, manhood, Ihe living principle of right and Justice and truth In you? What will It be worth? Nothing at all.

We nro living In an age, I am *orry to »ay, the habit* of which arc some of them not very good. Avoid bad habits—tobacco, drlnklnu, had language, rudu speechea, improper conducl, anything and everything lhat goea to drag you down, and mak< you grow up to bo a man without principle, without anyiblDs that Is noble, or exalted, or worthy of humanity. Be virtuous, young >n>», hearted, be palrlots,be lover* uf your country of the world; of Uod, nnd of nil mankind, and then you will not run your roce-courso lu vain. I about closing up mine; I would to Uod I could •bow a belter account than 1 cau »how. There an old lady told me—she was a Scotch lady, and pretty nearly r*hu>d to nio; said ahe, " Ah, Job I have seen many errors of my life; I have icon great many mistake* I bare ninde." That cottuiel I took homo lo my own heart, and I may say the ■ttme; bul still, If wa can net our pan and bh mankind by preaonllngcharaclcra to HID world that are worthy of belli.* imllaled, do It younj rejoice In doing it. Oo on with It, Un your live* bo lovenly-llve, eighty-five or thlrty-tlve year*, If tho work I* done right, and trail done, then you can go and look al It in the fnce, and leave behind you that which will be noble and worthy of mltallon. | Applause. J

l;i 'i t!ik i .■! nn CIIAIHMA*

There are one or two man here to-night, 1 have a strong *u*plolon, who have tho aenae of a speech within them, but who might ho too mod ed them- selves to volunteer to let II oul. A good many years ego, Kov. Dr. Becon.of New Haven, whom many of you know so well-apologized whon he came forward to address tho alumni of y*]0 Col- lege, by alroply stating that he was not u*ed to pub- lic speaking, Wo bare one hero tonight, who might, In modesty, be inclined lo put fori *amc exouae, bnt wc should.be very glad to try him for a few minute* thl* evening. I mean Professor Park. (Applaoae.)

IIEUAI1KM OT I'ltOrKFSOIl PAHK, MR. ClIAIISUtT:—I certainly rise thl* evening

wlih very mingled emotion*. (Applause.) I have no ipeeek In my pocket, If I had 1 could not rood It. My pbydclau has charged mc over and over that t mutt not make a ipeccb, especially In the evening, and I am told by Ihe rbulrman lhat Hie word* I un now utteilng arc not a speech, ind nil those things confute rac; and my Ideas are very much mixed op. Bnt It occurs to mo that lean give a few item* of Information with regard to the ludebtednea* ofour land to Scotland. Many of our middle nnd western state* have derived a largo por- tion of ih.lr character, their mental activity, and terllng principle from the Scotch Immigrant, In

whe bled and died for their country, but also a memorial of the generosity of theae far.seeing men one of uhum we meet lonlght to welcome. I think we are very apt to make auperflclul remarks In re- gard to rk-hu*, and rick men. For my own pan, 1 think that any man who by his honcMy.itnd Industry can make a fortune Is a letielaclur to the Cutuniunl- ly. Hts honesty and hi* Industry furnish model. for all the people lo Imitate, Hut ono thing more ; a man that can make . fortune and keep u fortune I* doubly a benefactor to the community. To earn money,that require* sklil mil tact; hut to beep what one has earned that requires wisdom, that requires run-tight,thai require* .. Steady and lonx continued ■ludy. Dut above all the mun who cm make a for- une, and keep a fortune, and give a fortune uwnv un*t be a benefactor lo Ihe peoplo among whom he ivoe. | Applause.] Il Is In Ihla view that we bid t-elcomu lu our friend ; wo bid him welcome from mr heart*. We remember we have all of u* heard uf (he wonderlii! changes in Ihe history of Ihla man. FH'tj-lh.- year* ago he led hi- native city unknown,

and unhonored I tllty-llve year* ago he reticbed the harbor oT tloilon unknown and unhonored. lie wdked to Water low li In aearch of employment. In search of work, In aearch of hard work; and now hehu* rcvlahed Iheeiiy of his birth, and baa been honored with an ovation of which a l'rince might be proud. lie come* bark to thu town of hi* adop. lion, and young men and maiden*, old nnd young come forward to honor hlm. The young ri*e In their ptaeea, and the old stand lo do him honor, fur he ha* been eye* to Ihe blind, and feet ha* be been to the lame; he ha* been a fattier to tbe poor; and ctues which be knew not of be searched out. So Will wo ull gather lann-la from our wooda to adorn Ills brow ; an will we gullur flowers from our gar- dens to strew In his pathway; so will wc ell say welcome, thrice welcome, venerable man, welcome to our homes, Welcome tn our heart*.

UKMAl.KS Uf TIIK (II.UUltAN. A llltlu village aprnng up on our borders n few

yeara ngo, and Andover contributed a genero'u* slice to *ct It up In builneia. It got on very well, and on the whole bid* fair to be a respectable place In slse, and to do a very reapectablc bualneta In the world. They have a newspaper there, nnd lonlghl

i that I the "

very dale of our land the Sec i among

Wei « verygUd Ih.it 111 11 Ihe cloud OT gluoni whleh wa Ml us, 1 irnd.andthc SOI beaming upon you while jot thai you come back In ncnlt h

There ore hero to-night, tin lions representative! of the mill Interest, who re- joice locomewiih banner mid band lo grert you here u K u*; I, t„ are those hete who have sons from Ihe hall which your generosity helped tu ei.ct; teacher* and pupil" In large aumheH

l'rov|.|r.i,cetfOod, upon yon when you Ight of joy hat been invobeeii gone, nnd id dretigih. mill haadi, and v,v

tagacluua and enterprising of ibo bu*lnct* They have brought from Ibelr native country

Ei for nsinril scenery, nnd a taste for Ihe bean- fan. Koberl Burns ha* luiplred them, they been ln*pired by Die preience of tbelr uld eai-

llee, their old abboya, tltelr beautiful mountains, and tbelr charming lakes. Hence we nre Indebted lo them for no *m*ll part of tho ta*to which adorn*

Thoy bavo alia n greet amount of •torllng *en*o, and a very racy way of txpresalng

ilr *ouud and good ib^iiglu*. Indeed it hns been I by a Scottish writer, that Ihelr Idiot* In Scot- d have made wiser rrmsrkt than the wise men

of some other nation*. In tho memorial of Iho roeord I* mado of an Idiot Scotchman dog iho ground of Ihe Karl, making

what we call a *llort elil over hi* benullful The Karl was displeased that thl* Idiot should tresd down his gra*t, and ho died to hlm,"{'omn back *lr, lhat I* not tho way I that I* not Iho way." Tito Idiot replied,''do ye ken wha I am gnelng?" "No," said hi* lordship, " Wed, if y« dlunn ken wha I am garli>g,how do yc ken tlila Is no lite way I" That Is MM instance of tho cagaclty, ihe metaphysical In*. i.Lily that ebaraeterlasa the Individual* of Hint laud. There I* annthrr Instance, which 1 am »orry lo **y placva a elergjman In rather a ludlcroua light, There wa* u clergyman who waa preaching In a congregation one warm day, and .t large part of the congregation fell Into a aoun.l steep, bul he saw Jamie t'raier, Ihe I,Mot oAbS lown, ellllng In the gallery wlih hi* eye* wide open, and nil atten- tion. Thl* wa* too much l..r Ihe clergyman to hear; the. Old Adam got lbs stall of young Melnneihom and heaald:—" My friends,more than half of you are In a toiin.l sleep, while there 1* Jamlo Praaor tbe Idiot, he I* wide awake, ind Is a reproof to

■■!■,::■ ■I round to see what he could find In Andover :o look at. He beltings to a daughter of Andover, ind he 1* lo bo very careful not to *py oat any tpeelal fault* here. And Ineimuch a* he Is col- lected with a child or Andover, he owes a tribute lo tbe mother; m.d Inasmuch as he lake* ft upon himself to report all the spoeche* he can lay hands on, mndu by other people, he U bound to maki little beginning of a f peech himself. I mean mi parUeularly, a* he ll aioldler, and ho* got Into thl* trap, ho dc*erve* lo pay tbln tribute. I refer to Captain Merrill of the Lawrence American. [Ap. plans*.]

RLMAl-ILS HI' OtO. S. IILKKILL, Chairman, and ladles und gentlemen. How-

ll may be personally, I feel under the deepest obligation to the chairman Tor his exceedingly terlng endorsement of Andover'* daughter down by tho river. I rise, not with "mingled emotion*,' for whatever emotions I may have bad. the prelim Inary remarks or the chairman were enough to quilt " *ort them out " a* he suggested. How could It be olherwlac? Coming with an elaborate speech, bla very opeulug words chilled whatever of cnlhuela* I had. [tut when he added lhat Ihero might bo little talk, my hope* revived again, bccauie on A dover Hill what (laoU of word* may noibe crowded under the guise of" inlk." Icamo over, my friend*, •Imply to sen how the people of Andover, on n ting occsdon like this, tender Ihelr congralulall lo one of their distinguished and deserving clllz upon hi* return. I hardly feel entitled lo share In your public welcome, although, as the daughter o Anduver, Lawrence I* almost envious of *ome o her mother's possessions; wo envy your anclen fame, your pleasant surrounding*, your Institution! or learning,—and, as 1 sit here, to-night, fortunately upon thin aide of the hall, with these fair fat fore me, I quite envy you Ihe Inmates of *c the*e ludltullon*. [Applau*c.| And especially are you to be envied tho poaseialon of ro gsneroi and public iplrilcd a clllxeu, as you meet to-night to weleoma borne.

Certainly, my friend*, ll ta llttlng that you ihould thus gather, from all ctanac* and avocation*, It U., -i great number* to.ulght. Fortunatu Indeed h he, who, like your lowmmnn whom you delight thus to honor, hns retained until the evening of IITe the rreshnes* and dew of Ihe morn! through years ofpatloot loll, frugality aad lalion, and a long, earnest life of budnc**, retains In his heart the warmUi, freedom and generosity of tho days of hls.boyhood; whose henefactlonr, lured so thickly.In the homo of hi* adoption reaching across tho ocean to tho laud of fala birth, have now culminated during hi* own absence, It tbla crowning act, through your co-operation, of i grand memorial to the nearly thrco quarters of . hundred of your brave son* who gavo Ihulr lives i, pcrpeluatu the republic which our father* had bo queothed them; lo tho nicu whose patriotic follow I ui* of lit., old flag nut only preserved for us scour try purified and redeemed, but made our nullo through all the years ur tho future, the bright beacon of enlightened liberty, luwnrd which the ey thu oppressed uf mankind In nil sge* may lApplsu.e.i

My Friends, nut alone in theae benefaction* I blessing which your townsman hat so bountifully

Kev. \V. B. HIOWU, I). i>„ o( Newark, N. J.. will preach nt tho Free Church next S il'lai!i.

The quarter centennial celebration of

the organization of tin- Free Church will

tnke place on Wednesday afternoon and.

evening, Muy HI. All persons ever con-

nected with the church or society are

cordially and earnestly invited lo be

present. Ai the sociable in Hie evening

all pcrrtoiiH having nay Interest in Ibe

church and society are invited. Kev.

Dr. Brown, it former pastor, will give

an historical address, probably in the af-


The subscriptions for the Memorial

Hall Library are as follows i —John

Byers, Now York City, $3,000; John

Smith, Andover, fS.UOO; total, 16,000,

Other subscriptions will bo acknowledged


Mr. John L. Kwell ol the last clal

tho seminary, was ordained pastor of

tho church at Clinton, Iowa, May 1th

Decoration day, Tuesday, May SOUt,

will be observed as follows: —At 8

o'clock, A. .ii., all the schools and people

of tbe West Parish will assemble at their

church and form a procession, which,

preceded by the Lawrence braes band,

ill proceed to the cemetery, and flt-

HiiK ceremonies will be performed. The

band will arrive nt Ihe town house at '.*.[

o'clock, where a procession will be ar-

ranged in (he following order:—Soldiers

and sailors, Lawrence Cornet band, Hljih,

or, and Ballard Vale schools,

Steamer company, Fryo ami Village

schools, young ludies ol Abbott Acade-

my, Holt and Scotland schools, Thco.

Btudents, Centre and Phillips schools,

Mailanil engine company, students of

Phillips Academy, Ballard engine com-

pany, and cltlxens generally. The route

of the procession will be up Main street,

and down School street to (ho South

Church, where nn arluress will be deliv-

ered by George H. Scott, of the seminary,

Detachments will be detailed to the sev-

eral . cemeteries, after the address, tt

place flowers upon the graves of the fal

len soldiers. It Is hoped Ihe entire com

munlty will take a lively Interest in this

important anniversary occasion

those who have laeriflced tbelr lives for

us, be remembered gratefully and tender-

ly. Place beautiful and fragrant tcstime

nlals of gratitude upon the green mounds

which cover their precious dust. Keep In

remembrance [heir patriotic deeds aud

heroic bravery. The lapse of timo should

increase rather than diminish our rever-

ence and affection for the martyred dead

The fifth annual declamation, for the

Draper Prizes, tool; place at Phillips

Academy la^t evening. The large ball

of the institution was lilted throughout,

and the speakers received the closest at-

tention and hearty applause.

There were sixteen declamations, uni-

formly excellent, and meriting through-

out high praise, the judges Justly remark-

ing lhat there was no poor speaking

during the evening; the young men were

warmly received, ami greeted with nn

merous choice boutpiets. The Commit

teeol Award, Prof. J, H. Tnayer, A. C

Perkins, Esq., and Ceo. ti. Merrill, an

nounccd their decision its follows:

First Prize. §2.,, to Walter 8. Latting,

New York City. "Extract from Win, Tell."

Second Prize. 812, to Jarvls Dinsmorc, Sterling, III., ''John Brown."

Third Prize, 8S.00, to Sunnier B. Stilts,

Mlddleton. Ilata., " TUo Kevolutloiinry Heroes."

Auction Sales by Geo. Foster,

House and Land IS BALI,ABU VALE,

rluc of a liceti-^ from Urn Trabalt- t'ou ll at jufh, aim lull, on r-inui.laj , May /.tur o'.-ioi-lt, !■. --I....H tin- premises. Ilatte," snuaii-tl un Uak Siren, Ball

tid therewith, and isonurtl by Alftvd W -II. und AiN'li-i Butler lit 11, iitluui,


litnl. • ^

wn.LIAM i-i'.AKii:, UuardlsD. Msy li, 1171, at

IIOUBO and Land for Sale IN ANIXJYKlt.

It is illumed about one mile and a quarter from Iht-di-|>ut and pnal (flic, hair a mile inn, tbe Aosdenr and tsrmlaarlea, and Is UellKlitfully lo- rutrd. The istali- consists or a two atorj painted dwelling house, with i-lglit rooms and oonveB- It-iioea, aod a shed and barn together with about three acres of excellent land. Upon the prem- ises aremauj thrifty fruit tree* and • wall of sx- oellebt water. Trice reasonable, fand term* of payment esiy. for further particular* enquire of Georue roster.

Andover, May lUlh, 16T1. at

TO LET. ll.,- Dwelling House on the "Major Blunt

Plaoe," an North Htreet. Apply to CIlAKi.r.ri C. BLUNT.

Andorcr. April 7, 1871. ■ It

Commonwealth of Msumachusatta-

inf.-rr.-tl; but , it I i tho dial ■ mpk

lion, to yot Aif his birth, ur*,'ei of Hi., In..- wuirh a

'prosperous life; an hi* honor, that you wit li your brarta' greullng your fullo absent from y

warts. [Applause.

•ll Iw give* lo tin- rlstng Beni topic and thit peoplo of tho land erom heart, antt of tlobludc.-.l iid best uaeaor the riches of lil is no less tu your credit lbs thus gatherl**re, nnd warmly

ttost earnest welcome, Join r citizen who hua been *o Ic Mat,though never forirolten

ut; i AIR:

trltttd o only i, elty.and knuw how to do It

He and pomp, wu might here tonl^hl present our friend with the freedom of ||,G city of Andover, but rcnlly uhoul all there I* to It, la tbo freedom to dojust a* much ,-ootl the very end, and Hint freedom we cheerfully accord lo him. And we lin'iw this, lhat Uod who has gj. ou hlm the atewurJshlp lio* given him a wl*c nn right heart In ordering hla Stewardship. Thankful for all he has done, wc iruat that the wisdom and grnec of Uotl will tnldo him In all he has yel to do, whether It bo for our Institutions or «" lions. He ltu* caught the aplrll of Mr. I'eabody.the getm of pilncelybenllleence,-educallon,adebt frot Hi.- pr.T. i.t i,. future genera Don*. He ireagnla that debt and he hua been paying large Inalallmcnta on that debt. The) i-otitro lu;Urechln far away, and In Andover at home, and In rome wcatern In- stitution*, and elsewhere. Msy Ood guide him and ble*s him. We hnvo no ijuaaera hero lo night. Among Hi* other denomination* wo fall to rocog- i.i/.M any of Hie Friends, a* Ihcy aro called; but thoy have uno very beautiful practice, which oan copy from lliem.for when they hsvo got thro with a meeting, without any more word* about It, ihcy Ju»t rl»e, and shake hand* all around. If you cannot all eome and ,!..,!.,■ hand* with Mr. Smith, you can shako hands with each otfa together shak* a* many n* we can;

with him. And *o the meeting nded.

here I* i \I:KS i 'u:. ■ HI i

,Jal honcit rice mun, .nit disliked to receive mere honor Ihun was Ills due, and In-**ld, " (ll.nl, but If J*"ii« ">SSir hadit'l been mi Idiot be wild ha been In aa sound a

[Ap nly our .bled ti

i toi n.l ilnt rltlch I the Beoleh Immigrant) this luwn nian.a* tesrd to-night, owes u> ihcio Immigrant* a

,1, Ll ,,i ! !.-iirM gralllude. They hnve oreclrd hmlac* and the* hive rtsfnlsbtd us wlih gardens, and beautiful Inwns, which they pay for but v. hi. h It enjoy. On the hill of Andover ta one moit- t lo the graerosiir of these mea, the Abbott -my, uMeh fiirnhhes lo all our assemblies to

mneh ot t.enniy, and of grsee, (applause,) Ihhl prrienl* ai.i.thir monument lo tbn ihoughirul klnd- nisaoflhe ien; and when Die memorial hall la reived It v. ill be a memorial, not only In the hero**

thought I deiiro to prcarnl. I wish to do homclltlng more about thl* library. My heart was moved wheu I read In the public prlnli Of ll). noblu deed of Hie New Vork man, formerly Of Andover. I readlt, and I looks long brcalli, and I said to my travelling companion, " That li good." Now I wain tojurt duplicate that to-night, I will, or If not me, my tun Joseph will BL.0 to It thst three thousand dollar* i» given lo tho town 11 brary for lite town's people, aud I hope the men women and children will all a.., It. (Applause.]

After a lew doting words by the chairman, tho blind struck up it lively nlr, and as the meeting dissolved, largo numbers crowded around tlio rostrum to take Mr. Smith by the hand, tho young ladies of tlio academy ell pass- ing over the rosirum for that purpose, and be- ing greeted with pleuaat words from the kind- hearted old gentleman. After leaving tho ball, Hie band escorted the mill operatives to their homes In Abbott nnd Frje Tillages, and subse- quently tendered Mr. Hrnith end family a sere- nade, nt Ihelr residence, thus pleasantly termi- nating it thoroughly appropriate and enjoy- able occasion,—a demonstration alike credit- able to tbe public appreciation of tbo town,

id honorable to tbo generous hearted pltllan thropM, whose benefactions aro leabandaotlj

ICSSIUK his townspeople, now and hereafter.

ItittbiT Stuiiti iia.s removed to the pleat*

nut anil gpacloUfl room over Uio Moro of

John J. Hrovni.

Our Springfield exchanges gjvc reports of tho

trial of a new .lutkct steam tiro online, similar to Hint of Andover, until for the city of Spring- field-, the-linhct nut hlno was placed in com- petition with the "Water Spout," a llrst-class An,,,-1.,-.!:■, nnd tho former threw n handsome stream Feveral feet higher than the Water Spout, nnd tho Republican odds to Its report; 'Tho Improvements shown by the new engine in tho trial, were iho quickness with which the sieam can bo made available, tho steadiness ami power with which It nets, and the distance ll throws, being in all on ucnttisitlon of which the (Ire. department may justly be proud."

Tho young- la*Jtea of tlio Abbott Acade-

my give a vocal ninf iiistrtuiit'iitnl con-

r«rt nt their ball, on Tuesday evening-

next, May 30th. It will be tinder the di-

rection ol Mr. s. M, [totvno, a sure gnar-

ly oi it.i cnilro.gueeeH.

'>ii Wc.liiustltty evening1, soinu young

gentlemen presented to Mr. and Mrs. Georgu T. Abbott, it beautiful chromo

picture of Mont Itlanc, superbly framed. The i. , ij.i.'M- have just embarked in the

pftine boat together, lor the voyage of

life, nnii tbelr friends' desiie to make the

|iai*age n pleasant one hy providing them

with d**Hi;hlliil scenery.

Estate Charles Eugene Hillings. Notice Is hereby siren, that the subscriber

been duly nppuinte.1 admlnletrairlx of ihe estate ol Charles Kusene Billings,

of Andover, In tbe county of ISMS, (ren dees hai

All pcraoi said deceased are requited to eihibit llib «„ aud all persons Indebted to said estate nro called upon lu make payment to

JKkllSHA W. KDWAIIUS.AJm'x AmloTcr, Slay Si, IDfl, wyvt)

Singer Sewing Machine. The Subscriber gives notice lhat be will be

Andover once In two weeks to attend to the bui tie<s. I'crsons cau leave criers and obtain inform- atlaaat the stoic of John H.Desn.Ualn St,

M. L. BUUDKLL, Travelling Aytnl, Andortr, Hay uo, itro. Tawmpni*

COW FOR SALE. An eicslleat Cow, 5 years old.iioflerod lor sale.

Bile gives n quarts ol milk a day, last week m : pounds of butter, and Is warranted sound. ttulrcof CilA.IU.Ef} E, ABBOTT.

Andover, May «, 1»*1. Hlfmytt

CvminvtnoeaUh of Maitachmetts,

To the Helrs-at-Law >i i, I otheis Intrrested In the Estate of KllhNE/.KIt N. EASTON, late ol Andover in said Comity, Juiutr, deceased, lei- S*dJ, „ Ureellnir: Hhircas. Mo«e* roster, the Executor of tbe

last will and testament or said dceesseJ hi senlrrt fur allowance the account ol his nil tratlun upon tbe oatatnol said deceased,

You aro hereby cited to appear at a Probate Court to be hidden at Laurent* ln said county ou the Second Tuesday of Junflnril. at nine o'clock In the forenoon, to show cause, If any you bs»e, why ihe unit ihould not ec allowed,

And said executor is ordered to sen*. .u rltatlon by publishing the n.uur once a week. In the Lawrence American and Andover Advertiser, a iiewspaprr printed at Lawrence, three weeks sue- ccsslTi-W, the last publication to be two days al Icait before said Court.

Witness, Uoorge r'.Choate, Esquire, Judge ot said Court, thl* twentieth day or Usy, in the yrar one tnousan i eight hundred and icrentr one. tnyiifi A, U. ""'


MIOODKLL, K*Klaler.'

Common**-caltu or nTtsaacnn.seMa.

KSSKX, SS. PROBATE COURT, To the helrs-at-hiw, next oT kin, and all other p.

sum InliTml.tl In the r«utr uf 111 NrO llRllXiKS, late of North Andover, in said county, yeoman, deceased, lirectlns :

Whereua a certain Inclruiiienl r.urportim to be the last will and tt-sinnn nt of said deceased, has been presented to said Court for Probate, by

on, with t llm executor thorcli

ins declined to accept sal roe art- hereby cited lo appear al s Probate

Court, to be held at Lawrence, In said county ol Esses, on the Second Tu**day uf June next, at II inn o clock before noon, to show cause, 11 any yol hare, ,i;; m.-.t the same.

And ssld petitioner Is hereby directed to Rive public nolle* thereof, by ptihlUhiua this ItHtlon once s week, tor three successive week* lu

ispaper called ihe Lawrence American and .uuu>er Advertlier. printed at Lawrence the 'id f ub".c"'l0D l0 De two *•*•• Bt '"st before

Wltncsa,' Ijeorgc F. Cboate, Eionlre, Judge ot uld Court, this seventeenth day of stay, In Ihe

year eighteen hundred and levei'ty-ooe. ■fill A. <!. UUODELL. Keiteter.

Estate Martha I.. Punohard. Notice Is hereby given that the subscriber* have ten duly appointed executor! ol the will of

alartha L. Punehard, late of Anduver, In the county of Essex widow deceased,leolste. and have taken upon themselves

by giving bonds, a* the taw directs. All persons havluff demands upon the estate of ssld deceased am required to exhibit llioaamo: and all

-rioni indebted lo said ealule arc called upon to akopayment to EIIWAKII I'Ari.on.


Andover, Hay 111, Wl. Executon.

THE STALLION D A. 3>T Xi A IT E, Will Ittrei limited number or good Marcs, dur-

ing lite aeaiou of Wl, al tbo

Elm HOUGO Stable, Andover, MB. Thli beautiful young animal la 5 years old June

H, 1*71,la of a Jet Illaek color, in 1-2 hands hlsh; tretobl I0»ib*. lie was brought Iron, slain* by sir. Daniel Lane, or Tcwkabury, afasl.

DaniLtnr ws* sired by the mmoni SUllion Ijcn.tJtu-rJdin, raised and owned by Docl. Hur- lelfh, of Dutsr. Maine. lien. Uherldan wai ■Ired by the well known Trotting Hlallion III rum Drew. The dam ut Uun. t>lirrldsu was Kate a maro of jjrral rndurunrc, well known in Maine: aha was out uf tho K«rnir Mare. She wa* ilreij Er hind " lb" 8,*mon- "»PO»ed from

TFit .US, rM.IHI.

Ten Dollars to bo paid nt Flr.t Service, Klfteen Dollar* When IM mare prove* with Foal. All escapes and accident* at the risk of tbo owner.

aVln" LAMM iceeWrd the Pint Premium nt

., allpi-raun* Interested In the eit; HOLM Els, of Anduver, In laid c<

tnted for allow

teof LIBERTY luiity, an Insane

enon, UKKKTIiiu I Vberea* John R. Jen ana parson, ha* pre Luiut of hla guardianship, uiu are hereby cited to appear at s probate

Court, to be holden at Salem, In laid Bounty, on the Flr.it Tuesday ot dene next, at nine

cloak In tbe forenoon, to show cause, If any you ive, why the same should not be allowed. And the said guardian is ordered to aerve Ibis

citation by publinhinp; ttie-ssme once a week, three wecka auDoeiilvely, In the Lawrence American and Andover Advertiser, a newipaper printed at Lawrence, the last publication to be two days at least bdorc laid Tacsdajr,

Witness, Ueorgu F. t hoate, Ern. , Judge of said Court, this sixth day of slay, In the year

thousand eight hundred and icveniy-onc. niLi A. C, tiUUDEl.L. Register.

nousI DOGS! All persons owning or keeping unlicensed Dotja

are hernbj unfilled that they are liable to a nue and costs,aud must have tbelr dogs licensed at once, or suffer the penalty, on complaint.

¥,. KENDALL JENKINS, Andover, May 13, lb71. :n mi:

A. Great Bargain. WKED'S He SI-1 iifc 3rn»,l»lii*5 at a wc-

Dvelt) price. Only s few months In use. Apply

to the subscriber, lircene Street.

L. WOLF8KN. Andover, May 13, 1871. 3t

\V I L

a O N 8. AM l'OOB,

Manufacturer of Express, Market, Butcher, Store, Farm

ami Business Wagons. Witt-pairing In all Its branches; and all woik

warranted aa represented. Andover, Mareh U, 1HT1. tl

Notice. Whereat my wife, I'ltcbe Brows, ha* left my

bed and board without Just ran**, all pereohs are forbid harboring or truating her on ray account, aa 1 shall puynodebts of her contacting after Ihls date. JACOB BROWN.

Andovcr.May IS, 1871, 8|*

BOOTS AND SIIOK9. The subscribers having purchased the slock of

WM. CORSE 4 SON ,wlfl for the next ninety day* close out the lame at prices which cannot fall to meet the approbation uf all. Thry would politely request Ihe public to call and examine the abuve.

They have alia added largely to their stock and feel conrldaut tbal they can please the public In both price and ijusllty.

They will do custom work and repairing In ss good style, and at as low prices a* any one.

WM. I .■ I. I . O. A.BTKVENS.

Andorer, May 1,1671. lmo-inlfi

BOOK: BIlDTTOliisfGk .

The subscribers take pleasure in announcing to thcproploof Axnorait A»i> VIOlMTV lhat they have opened ROOMS In DRAPER'S BLOCK, for the Hook Binding buidncM, and respectfully solicit your patronage.

Day Booli, Journal*, I.tilt/en, Catk Dot-It, Order Books, Lecture Books, and Kemp Hooks llAlilt TO ORDKH.

.llii^ii/hif., I'amphlets, Muslci Ac.

Bound ut reasonable prices.

A.X.DAVia, ammyli* A. J, CALL All AN,

Draper's Blook, Andover.


has always on hand a large assortment of

Cofflttfl, Caskets, Robes, Plates, A.-.,

which he will 1 rnlsh at the ihorteit notice and the best manner,

Also, having several Corpse Preserving Cases, be I* prepared tofurulibloe and preserve bodies when desired.

Orders left at Residence, on limn STIUCKT.WIII be promptly attended lo.

Audover Jau,l,lt*70.

FURNITURE. lie subscriber continues tne at hla establishment on Main

:'ost OfQce. Upholstering and superior manner, and Picture

S* a™ ^ntnmmmi on hand or made to order.- Coftlos, Laikds. Mhrouds, and Plates of all varletlcs.promptiyiurnUhed at reasonable prises.


Furniture buslnei*

repifrlng done In s

* ,i,io, r.Oet.7 J870. It

i \un i ..it s VI.I;.

The lubscriber ofTers his lsrm for eale. It eon- aUtaor about twenty-two acres of mowing, til- lage and woodland, with house, barn and ahcdi and li pleaianlly illuated in the south part of the lown. Lpon the premises are about one hundred excellent Irult tries. The soil 1* productive, and ths bulldlngi are In good repair. For further particulars Inquire of Ueorge Foiter or of the owner on the preroliei.

CHARLES W. DAYWARD. Andorer, May 12,1871. &

.......,.,uir., ne aiso rccriitu trie til the lllddleaex Agrlcullursl K«.

veil, in 1870, for tbe Ceil 4 year old.

S. (i. BRAN, Proprietor. Andover, Hay IV, 1871. tl

Tomato Plants. 6000 choice Tomato Plants for isls

•t.H.JlNKIKH, by the subscriber

Slap'.* rib AnduT-r, sui<


The depot portion of tbe town, or rather the localitj between tbo depot and the centre, wu made lively, on Wcdnosdaj evening, by tbe

Lawrence Brass Band, one of tbe finest In tbe state, tbelr services having been secured by friends of Ur. James II. Da.vli, who was re- cently united to an estimable yonnn lady of the nof(rhborhood. Tho band were conducted to tbo Hodges mnnilon, on Front ilreet.whcre ltu ncwly.murried pairare nt present residing, and at a llttlo before nlno o'clock, the dulcet mask sounded out upon tho clear night air, to Ilie frcat delight of ibo neighbors and friends of those thus complimented, and a crowd of two

or throo hundred people wbo had been uaem- bled outside. The first piece played was the Albortina galop, written by H. Tlsiinffton ; then followed Suloctiona from Torqnato Tasso, by

DonfzotU; Fantasia, from Stradclla, by Heln- leke; ono of tho " Women and song " waltiei of Strauss; Remembrance*, of Newport, by Heiniikc, and the march, 800,000 Tenfclj, irf G. Michaels. At Ihls point tbe bridegroom ap- peared upon tbo plana, and thanking bis friends for the call, and the baid.for their Una music, Invited them all in to refroih themselves Tho dialog room was soon filled, and the mat* ter wu faithfully attended to, the savory cof- feo achieved by Mrs. Hcnston, furnishing fcy no menca tho least agreeable feature or tho en- tertainment. Afterw-irda tbe band gave an. andante and walla, by Heltzel, and then pro- ceeded to the residence of Mr. James M. Slooe, a partner of Mr. Dsvis, senior, where tbey played tho air, "My own, my guiding atar," rrom Itobln Hood. Mr. Stone. Invited them In to Ibo bouse, but as the hour was getting late the Invitation was declined with thanks. Ur'

John A. Wlloy, ihe olher partner, was then rls'- ftetl, nnd favored wlih " Ye Marry Birds " by Gumbcrt. Tho family of Hon. George h. Da- L"-Vlng by this time returned to tbelr home

n that ot thejr relative, tbe band called upon them and played Oon. Chamberlain's quick- step, by Itlnglebcn, and closed with tbo air which will never wear out, " Homo, sweet home." Tbe ex-senator of the district pre- sentotl tbo band with a handsome gratuity tow- ards the purchase or their now uniform, In M knowletlgmsntof tho cull. At eleven o'clock

took their departure for Ut. rencc, in the horse ear, alter having conferred a great deal of p|eMuro apon lbo mMy tjtkn _

era to their excellent performarce.

Konb Andorer docs not propose to be be- hind In the demonstration in honor of tbe un- ion dead, next Tuesday. The following i, tl e programme of tbe day:

THI reocaiaioK.

L'A/./Vors/W.Msj.Kben Button. .i-.A 0. O. Davis, W. J. Dale, Jr., J. ft Davis

G. 0. Dari«.

Uwranre Brass Band. Merrlmnc Engine Compnay.

. Kreampment, O. A. R., Post St, 0f Law rente.

Returned t>old[ers. Clergy of Norib Andover.

Ctchiccwlck Engine Company. Solettmen of North Andover.

tagtantl of the Fire Dcparimen*. School Committee.

Johnscn Hlgb School.

Merritrac Dia'riet School, Cent eD'itilct Stfool.

Cltls?ri gen-ally. - : '" TT,

N'uo I but

The profession will form :it the Town Hall, at 8 1-2 A. H., and will movcui U o'clock pre- cisely. All patriotic rfiiseni an ri-spoi-t fully Invited to j.iin in the procussri.n, and they nrul their ladle* to contnbuM (lower* Tor the orca- ► ion. A committee will he in a'tendanrvat the Mvrrlntai- Kngfnu bouse, lo recvU'c ILIWCTN,

Momliiy afternoon sn'i netting. The cacn-I.e* at ilie ctmetrry will be con

dueled by Hon. If Met T. Stevens, mil all! consist of a dime, praj rr i.y tt«v. Mr. IL.iiiil- ion, and on address by Be*. Mr. li-h. At the close, tlio flower* will l:n riif »-,!■■ I upon the ■ ni" of the union soldiers.


The members «| the Grand Aunt of ih: Re- public, at a formal.meeting lull in ibe Town Hall, on Tuesday, rotcd to turn om > with such frlcnils ii- dentrrd, mid under escort of the Methnen Brass Ha ml, whose special ser- vice! they have enuifcYil (or that dir, visit Walnut Grove Cemetery, on the N.-.II

Decoration day, and pay a flora! offering to ihe memories of their slumbering comrades. The exercises will necessarily be of a brief character, to give those partaking ample oppor- tunity to visit Lawrence, to engage In the exer- cises of the day, and listen to the oralor, Gen. Bank*. Next year it Is expected that a largo delegation from Lawrence will visit oar town, and engage In the exercises of decorating the graves of our lamented heroes. The present year a detachment vlsils North Andover for that purpose.

The Ueibuen Company are putting in the foundation for an extensive store house, on the east side of the street leading from Osgood street to D. II, Peterson's box factory. The structure is to be 200 feet In length by 40 feet in width, and one story In height. It will be constructed so as to be fire-proof like the giber ■tore house now in use.

The town meeting appointed to ur.-i Monday, had a Terr meagre attendance, The business principally before the meeting, was, to see if the town would approve the rules and regulations or the Are department, which had been drafted by the board of engineers appoint- ed for that purpose. And also to see if the town would appropriate a small sum of money for the establishment and support of a few street lamps.

The firat article wu easily disposed of by a unanimous approval or ft by tho town; and the second by an appropriation of 8150 for the purpose specIGed In the article, the expen- diture of tlio same to lie under the supervision of the selectmen. There could bo a no more Judicious expenditure of money, or one sup- plying an actual necessity in our village than the above appropriation, and wo hope the work will continue until we possess gas works oi our own, or become attached to Lawrence, and receive u aupply from that city.

The remains of the late George Harris, whose death occurred on Sunday afternoon,wcro hur- ried on Wednesday, In accordance with the usual rites and ceremonies of the Masonic Or- der, of which he had been a member for many year*. The Methnen Brass Band performed escort duty, and furnished music appropriate for the occasion, Mr. Harris being n. member of that organization. The funeral services were held at the Baptist Cnurcb.

[A longer communication In relation lo Me. morial I>ay,came after the first paragraph above was In type.but too late we regret for Insertion]-


For a few mornings post, the sun like a hall ol Ore has sullenly rolled np through tho hori- zons mists, portentious and threatening. Mid- day's sultry glow, suggestive of Leo's burning sign, or Virgo's ardent moods, fairly surprises and overpowers tho unguarded toilers who are the objects of Its fiery wrath. But like the Impassioned kisses of a lover, it arouses to pleasing consciousness tbo " senses of tho sea- sons," which but fur bis warm advances, were doomed to Insensate Indlfferenco and passion- less existence. The baze of declining day, gathering lazily before tbo sinking sun's broad disk, changes its glowing glory, and wrapping its transparent pail around it, drops solemnly down, its face suffused with sanguinary blush- es, as If disgusted with the murky veil that dims his waning glory.

Caterpillars hare made ihcir nppearance, though not so numerous as in past seasons.

Apple tress arc deficient in.blossoms this sea- son, but Judging from tbo appearance or thoso In our vicinity we may expect about half the usual crop.

Col. J. R. Wheeler's cow got lost a few days ago. After much search she was iound in a field adjoining her pasture, unable to stand ur walk. She had sustained serious injuries, ci- ther In consequonce of jumping the wall, or through the act of some ovil minded person; suspicions have been entertained of foul play, though it seems unlikely that the Colonel should have an enemy capable of so mean a way to show their spite.

Tho next exhibition of the Salom Literary Club has been fixed to come off June 2d, prox. A capital time may be expected; tho plays selected cannot fail to interest and amuse, and prove a source of attraction that our good citi- zens can hardly resist.

Mr. Augustus N.ltuss has bought out the grocery store of Mr. John Austin, and has tak- en possession of the promises. Mr. .i.e. Ca- rey had arranged to take the store, but his sud- den and severe illness made it necessary that he Shonld relinquish that intention.

We hear that Mr. Mart, the now landlord of the Salem Honso, has " backed out," end that In view of this, Mr. Robinson will soon dispose of his property about tbo hotel, and close the honso, unless some one wishes to occupy tho place.

D. N. Buss has started up his shoe factory again, after a lull of two or three weeks.

Unite a number of houses in our village have been or are about to be painted by Mr. B. ft*. Hall, with his " new palm," tho receipt for which is no secret, nor patented. It has to be " cooked" before using, and is applied in tbo usual manner. It has a clear and ovon surface and few would know It from lead paint. Its chief recommendation is its cheapness, a largo house requiring but Are or six dollars worth of material. II it can be successfully applied in colors, and wear well. It will find extensive use in our country villages. The exhibition of " Mr. Billy Cook" was fairly attended. Most present were surprised to find the " runniest man alive" to be a plantation darkay, whose Jokes were slightly too old to be remarkable. Mr. Stlckney played and sung very finely.

. Mrs. Cook was the " prlma douna" of tho oc- casion, and sustained her part very well Indeed. The prizes awarded at tho close of tho concert were a gold ring to the handsomest lady pres- ent, and a pint of peanuts for the homeliest man, which were drawn by Mr*. Mosc* Wood- bury and llr. Thoma* Lancestcr. The face- tious Judge* doubtless seemed Inspired with tho general spirit of the performance, to bur- lesque their part of the entertainment, and to our mind they capped the climax of tho ridlc- uioui. VIATOR,


C. \V.Tonney, tho "grocery man," has re- moved to the store on Main Street, formerly occupied by Lambert & Bailey, where he will be happy to exchange groceries for scrip, with ■ II who may call upon him.

B. F. Tenney has removed to tbo shop on Main Street, recently vacated by Samuel Plum- tr.cr, where he proposes to keep a largo variety of daily and weekly papers, periodicals, fruit and confectionery.

Dr. Lawrence and wlfo gavo a (haws'ico* phtfiiolojiico-mutiio temperance lecture to a small but appreciative audlenco, at tho vestry of the Memorial church, on Thursday eve, the 18th Inst.

"A Grand Panorama" of the battle-fields of the war "exhibits" at the Town Hall, on Friday evening, the 35th init.

The Brocklebank estate was recently sold at auction fur tfi,!r,n. Mr. Williard Stoker was the purchaser-

Ber. K. G. Farley of Rowley, has received and accepted a call from tbo Baptist Society. The Society considers ItMll fortunate In secur- ing the services. Of inch an efficient and popu- lar pastor.

llKxm-.ii. .-■■ W. B. I).inn.HI, druggist and perfumer, has taken possession of his new store lo Little'* Block, corner of Slain and North Sis. In completeness of arrangement, taste In deco- ration, *nd skill In execution of the "lining up," ft excites ihe admiration of all ii-iiors. Tbe painting and tinting was performed under the supervision of W. A. Harnden of George- town. Tbe physlcl-ins are lit despair, as one visit at "Dorman's" Is fald to afford Immedi- ate relief, If not a permanent cur*, in all case*

of ordinary disease. The enter prise and public spirit exhibited by its proprietor, deserves to be appreciated by a liberal patronage.

MEMORIAL DAY.—E. Kverett Peabody Kn. rampmeot, Post 108 G. A. K-, have completed their arrangements fur the observance of this May. The procession will format Town llall, at one o'clock) and proceed to the cemetery, where appropriate services will be held. After the decoration of ibe graves, services will be livid HI ibeSomh charcb. Ortivror ezereiM* nt tlif church: Voluntary by the band; music by tbe choir; Invocation by u-v. Mr. Uarshj music by tbe choir; reading of the scriptures by Rev. Mr. Farley; Invocation by Kev. U. .S Butler; music by the choir; address by Kev. S D. Garametl, of Boxford; musk (America} by tbe Band, choir and audience ; benediction by Rev. O. S. Butler. The music will be fur- nished by the Merrimark Band of Haverhill, aud the choir of Ihe churches, under the direc- tion of E. P. Wildes.

Barnum is coming! Burnum,-with 500 men and horses; Barnum, with 100,000 curiosities In three collossal tents, covering two acres; Barnum, with gorgeous street pageant, includ- ing golden chariots forty feet high; Barnum, with ,000 animals, birds, reptiles, crocodiles, al- fgutori. elephants, camels, lions, tigers, leop- ards, bears, kangaroos, ostriches, cassowaries, Ac.; li.ni urn, with Castello's mammoth Cir- cus (no extra charge); Barnum, who knows how to advertise, will be along hereabout June liOih. Mike wav for Barnum !

Lawrence Sabbath School Union.

The second public meeting ol the Lawrence Sabbath School Union was held at the Unlver- salist church Wednesday afternoon and even- ing. The afternoon session was opened at three o'clock by a prayer meeting, occupying half an hour. An essay was then read by Dr. J. II. Kidder, on the subject of Sabbath school organization, The subject was then opened to the meeting for discussion, and Kev. G. P. Wil- son, Rev. Q. 8. Weaver, A. C. Perkins, Esq., J. 8. Brewster, Esq., Rev. Mr. Watson, Rev. E. F. Pitcher and the President took part in it, Tbe discussion lasted abont three quarters ol an hour; the meeting was then adjourned to one quarter before eight o'clock,

The evening session was opened at 1-1 be- fore eight o'clock by a praise meeting, lasting fifteen minv/cs; the next was a teaching exer- cise, the whole congregation being considered aa the class, with the Rev. G. S. Weaver a* teacher; the lesson being the account of the Good Samaritan, from Luke. After a prayer and singing of a hymn, an essay was read by Rev. G. P. Wilson,on "The teacher* labors outside tbe recitation hour," followed by a dis- cussion by Mr. II. Wlibiugton, G. E. Hood, Esq., N. Chapman, Esq., and Dr. A. 3. French. After a prayer by W. C. Chapin, and tho sing- ing of a hymn, the meeting was closed with a benediction by Rev. E, F. Pitcher.


Tbo funeral ef Ur. Robert Clalr, laic of Co. D-, 20th Moss. Itcgl., who died from the effects of wounds received In battle, took !place from hi* late rcsld^iiceon Margin, near Ilavcrhill Slroel.on Sun- day nil ■ n,,,,,-,. ii i..[, ,- tbe direction of Post 38 of the Grand Army, Cspt, I,. K. Duobcsncy, Commander. The Lawrence Light Infantry, Co, I., Sth Rcgt,, Capt. Ueacy, acted as escort, ami the Lawrcnco Brass Dand furnished the mimic. The funeral pro- cession waa In charge of Col, llolvln Deal. Tho Post and the military proceeded to the houae at .bout four o'clock, where services were performed by Rev. Dr. Packard, after which, the cortege pro- ceeded through Haverhill Street, Broadway and Cross Street to the city cemetery, the band playing funeral dirges in a superb atyle. Tb* grave was In a lot about Lbe centre of tbe ground, at the side of Ibal of his old comrade, Ur. James Buckley, of the some regiment and company, who also died of wounds received In battle. Both were native* of England, and both Joined Ibe regiment at the same time, lo lit;;, A. apace was olaered by Ih* police, and Ibe Post and tho military filed in and surround- ed the lot. Tbe coffla wae brought along to the grave, borne by comrades of tbe Post, and preceded by Ihe clergyman, reading tbe funeral service. It wu lowered Into lbs grave by them, and then tbe Chaplain of Ibe Post, Rev. J. B, lloore, addressed

ID Post, and all recited the Lord's Prayer. Tbe embers then fled aroood, each depositing a flower

upon Ihe eoflln, and Ibis closing the ceremony, they otired from the ground.

Mr. Clalr has suffered for years, though much of ho tlrao bo bas been able to labor, and did ao,

faithfully, in Ibe Atlantic Milli; but at times hli wound has nroken out afresh, and he haa been compelled lo lay op for a time. Tits hut request was to be buried by tbe Post of tbe (i mud Army, a ml Id* brother soldiers were not the men to disre- gard Ids wishes, though he was not a member of tho Organization. They not only acceded to bis re, quest, but teaming that hla widow and orphans were not welt provided with means, lbey assumed Ibo entire expenses of the funeral, bellevlbg that

uld be tbo detlro or Ihe pooplo of Lawrcnco 1 at varioua tlmi-a furnished them means fur Of Union eoldfcra. Mr. Clalr waa about,

thlrty-slx years of age. lie was a good soldier, a person of manly Impulses, and an Industrious and

irthy man.

ON TIIKFOUKTB PAQB,Hgttiii itil* week, IN a readablo alorj nf several columns' length.

-&uitiJ4iJ vH'rpia-o.

KKV . Da. HIRER, of Boston, will offlctate at the Unlvoreall.t church, on next Sabbath, as the morn- ing and evening service.

R«v. William B. Wright, of tbe Burkley street church, Beaton, will occupy the pulpit of lb* Cen- tral chnrch, lu thli city, OD the neit Sabbath both morning and afternoon. Mr. Wright I* one or Ihe earnest and useful preachers of Ibe day. All are cordially invited to bear him.

Carpets. Carpets. Carpets. New Carpeting* or every de.trable kind, style

and make to be found fn the market, uow on exhibition, for sale daily at the


BYRON TRUELL Si CO. "II Cloths, Straw Matlli gs, flu**, slats, Cur-

tains, Curtain Flatures, Lac* Curtains, etc., la freat profusion.

DBY GOODS. mi GOODS. ■, New Dress Goods I

"23irthe. DAVIS.—Hay 'J-'d, a daughter lo Ur, and Ur

Geo. Ed. Davis.

2ia*fe "SSI*?? 17th. « a»t>|tal*T I

/aw arrta£C0.

MUCH CouRT.-l'strlck Keensn was on Mon- day acquitted of an •mult upon John Dunn, po-

lls, In this city, Caleb Sannders, Kan.., wa* couu.it r„r defendant. Daniel Oallahae,of Law-

e, was sentencrd to six month* House of Oor- lon, upon an old conviction of adultery. The

Jury In tbo case of John Davy,of Lawrence, charged with an asaault,failed to afree. J. II. Brown for Ibe defence. John Breen retracted hi* appeal from a senlcnco of tbe Lawrence police court for assault- ing a woman, and paid costs.

Mr. George B.Trlckey, Soderintendent of tho Horse Railroad, was on Thursday night, presented by tho stockholders and other friend*, with a gold watch, valued at f U0, and Mrs. Trickcy with a gold ring worth some $50.

Tho tract burned over on Lowell Street, west of Broadway, early in November l**t, i* getting to be pretty well covered with buildings sgain. Briggs & Allyn, who suffered heavily at tbat time, have put themselves In full repair again, by means of a spacious two-tttfly frame build- ing, sixty by sixty-four feet, with all the ma- hincry necessary for their extensive business

of blind, sash and door mannfactnring. They have some twenty-Bve or thirty bands at work, and their establishment Is a model of neatness and order. The Arm have also a Jobbing es- tablishment in. Essex yard. Messrs. Sprague A Co., bobbin manufacturers, have put np an extensive two-story brick establishment, about eighty feet front, and pretty full of window*. It will be in running order pretty soon,

.SOCIAL GATIIERINO.—The members of the rrcsbytcrlan church heldalevee in their vestry Wednesday evening, to give a farewell to their pastor, Mr. Hogg, previous to hi* leaving for Europe. Mr. Hogg has been In Lawrence nearly three years, and during that time has raised a congregation and built a new church. The strain upon hi* physical power* ha* been try- ing, and he And* it necessary to recruit his fall- ing health. His congregation have given him a leave of absence for two months, during which time his pulpit will be supplied by vari- ous '■!■ I;: V i.i ii ■

OBITUARY.—A very wide circle of frlsods, wfll road with sorrow, the death, In Ibis city, on Friday afiarnoon,of sirs, klarlha It. ffaaon, wlfo of tbe universally known conductor on tbe Boston A. llalna railroad, airs. Mason baa boon a patient sufferer through an llhioae of nearly seven years, during a large share of which she haa been eonflned to the house; she was s most amiable and devoted wife, and had won lhaloveof an extensive acquaint- ance, who, warmly cherishing her lovable character, will long mourn her lose, and mingle their tenders*! sympathies with the bereaved husband and daugh-

/3Buoinifoo ^Xosicce. .1, 11. WIN I mi, I'linu Tuner, will visit Law-

rence Hay 70th; and all persons desiring bis services, can leave Ihelr ordera at livtsaCu'n Music tjlorc, and (buy will be promptly sttended to. MI) i.-' :iiu,-.'i

i; / 'KHTV one lu went of carpets should visit Byron Trucll & Co. Their Biyle* are splendid, quality A No. I, and prices as low a* tbo lowest.

In:. llHiutii' .Mltiiiriicir iun* Catarrh, «te.

Hi ■!<!.■ ,. Throat and Lung llenlor Is reliable.

COBKS. —Brlgg's Alleviator and Curative, th* only reliable and efficacious remedies In tbe world for tho speedy cure of Coras, Banlons, Chilblain*, inverted nails, ete. Bole by drugatats,

Try Pr. Brbrjn' Pile B*w*dl**j, for Piles.

Use lirigg*' Corn and Bunt

SO Sower. Wanted,

want DOttewrrsonrram* Work. Kew Begin s oan make good pay tbe Srst week, tf |robin W, u. GILMORK,

.Straw Bat Manufaelarer, 2°B Kisez 81., Lawrenoe.


.'Silts organ*. appetite and to tone and

rstem. A ' a<-d lo c Stimulate Ibeucrvot them.

SMUI.AKIISK'SEX- remrdy for all Hise* Isilni; In male or ftn l>runouuccd tb. . tin pulillc. A larger Wiii i In ituallty.

. Apetbtcarlrs have

uuentliy at less price and

SrUClMKit copies oft be I'OBTLANDTRANIU-l sent free to any address. Terms, $2 a year, subscriptions taken for Six or three months, first elass literary weekly, which hat Just been greatly enlarged and Improved. Address Mt^ *:• li ,WH 1,,1'n iKAROfe Co,, Portland, Me,

-Inth!.clty,MayMd,by r. John HcCall and all**

this city, slay 26lh, by -.,_r. Charles A. Merrill, of

Norway, Mains, and Mlaa alary J, Clay, of Law-

McGALL-McGROBY. Bev. Wm. Ilaractt, 1 Mary UcGrory.

WRIGHT - ARMINGTON. _ Geo. Packard, Mr. Herbert Crocker Wrigr Nauck,end Miss Clarfbol Nina Armlngton of Law-

KAHUKNT-IIAMILTON.-May aOth. by Rev. J. B.Moore, Mr. Alfred M. flargent of Haverhill, and Mlaa MeUaaa J. Hamilton of this city.

3tWh*. NASON— In this eitj, May Ifttb, Mn. Martha B

wlfo ol Daniel Nason, K*q.,sged H yr*. 'Main* paper*please ropy,!

DKVINK.-In thia city. May liUh, Joseph, son of Andrew and Kllen Duvlue, ngod 3 yrs, e dye.

CAUlt.—In this city, ilij lath, Hubert 1>. C«rr, 4Tyrs,Umos.'.T dye.

BMITH.-In this city, May Mb, Mrs. Harsh A. Smith, aged M yn, ;i moa, le dya,

BAILEY,—In West Andover. May l.'.lh, of con- sumption, Sarah T., daughter of John T. Bailey, aged 31 years, '1 moa.

GILMAN.-In North Andover, May 10lb, Ablah, widow of the late James H. (illman, aaed 6a yrs. "*

CLARK.—In Molrose, May 1Mb, Kmlly Peters wife ofJobn B.Clark, aged IT yrs. Her remain* were taken lo North Andover, her

native place, for Interment. FUSTKR.—In North Audover.Uay 22d, Ml*s Ha n-

nab W.puster, daughter of ihe late Daniel Fos- ter, aged 28 year*.

LAWBON,—In Helhqco, May llih, Williard A. Lawaon, l yr, i mos.

HAWLKY.-In Methnen, May 10th, Browne Lord, twin son of R, 11, and J. A, ll.wley, 7 roos, 2 dys.

HARRIS,—In Melhucn, May Stet, George Harris. S3 yrs, 3 mos. '

NOYB9.-Ia North Tewbsbury, May 241b. Wad- k-lftli Noyea, 15 yrs, t mos, "■ '

mry, Hi 21 dys.

A Card. Juat opened nt t lie Popular Store. Tay-

lor A Holloa, (successor* i» Camp* bell A Taylor.)

We have JUST RECEIVED our SECOND oonalgn> meat Of the latest deilgns In new Spring and Summer I)iy Goods, to which an rarfy tn specif on la solicited.

AWOnr prices are LOWS! than before, while ir assortment Is complete In ejtrj detail. Our Stock la the Largest, Newest, and Most

Diversified ever shown In Lawrence, at prices that D 1: r v <: o 11 r ET I T I < > X.

Remember the ■' Marble Front." No. 330 Esaei street, - - Lawrence.

(Neit door to Post Office.) TAYLOR A DOLT ON.


The Boston Glee Club «"II,t OIVI A

Grand Concert! In tbe CITY HALL, on the RYKN1NG of

Monday, May 29th, 1871, When tbe ■lowing Talented Vocalists will

Mr. J. 8. Mclrish, 1st Tenor. Mr. A. M. llcll, 2d Tenor.

Mr. C. P. Poole, 1st Bass. Mr. A. A. McFarlnne, 3d Baas.

Mr. Foskette, Pianist.

Tickets 20 ccnta. Reserved Scata fiOo,

Can be had at 0.0. FELLOWS' MnsleStore and at the door. Illtl3tmy»

TALBOT'S IRON TONIC, For ihe weak, and those reduced by hard work.— This preparation I* acknowledged by the many who have need It, to be one of the nicest Iron compound, in the market. A large sale Is being oreated all through New Sngland, for tbe "Tonic," although but a few months have passed sines Its Introduction. It Is equally adapted for the scholar

the laboring man, who are suffering from over exertion. Seld by all Druggists lor One Dollar a bottle; six bottles for Five Dollars.

UKO. C. QOODWIN k OO., Boston, Agents for New England.

TALBOT BRO'S, Proprietor*,

Lawrence, Mnss.

WORMS ON CURRANT BUSHES re effectually destroyed by tbe use of CAXBOLATE

PAttMEKS Will lintl it for their Ail rant age

To Trade at

TALBOT BROTHERS' Dm*; Store. ♦•r'l'ii'-y sell it reasonable prices, snd their

goods arc of the finest qualify.

'What everybody says, must be true!"

Evsry one I* of the opinion that the QodB Walter drawn at TALIIOT BBOTHKRH' Drag Store, I* tmurpatitd Is New England, Tbe Syrnps sre manufactured from the purest mate- rials; and no expense Is spared lo render them excellent in every respect.

Vaccinating Matter. Those In search of pure matter for vaccination, ill obtain It at

TALBOT BROTHERS' Store. *j~Vou cannot be too ea.eful as to tbe quality

of matter used. tmyx ______ __. _




Particular attention Riven to putting on liar- nished Lettering on Store Wledows, and Ihcora- tltet'aper UanglDK.

Shop, No. 48 Amesbury Street. LAWBENCB. HJSmapM,'

NOTICE. This I* locerlify that I have given my son Ed'

win bis time from this date, and will not be rt- sponslblc for any debts of kls contracting

JOHN i .'■:<. . L*wr*no\ Hay tti, 1471. *aimy,o

Twenty-Jive Crntswlllbuyabosof rike>« Magic Clrau*.

,,pll.l ■nlnr ; (111

loll 1

removing re**' from Gar- and Carpels.— i Lawrence by

-^ uroerra h Dragglsts. yanufactnrcd by J. J. PI KK * CO., Chrlsra, Us

tmmy-o i.: South Market SI., Boston

Did you over hoar anything about


have not, got a bar and gtve It a

trial. Crocora aell It.

Black Silks, Eancy I choice fabrics, Japaneae Silks In every atyle, Alpaca Lnstres, very desirable; Black BrflUan, tinea, very cheap; Black Alpacas, vsrycheap; Mohair Lustres, very cheap.

Gas&mep© Shawls. A New Stoek, very cheap. Plaid and Stripe

WOOLEN snA WLa\u endless variety.

Spring Woolens for Men and Boys. Au extensive assortment of Hamburg Edgings

and Inserting* Just opened. Gloves, Hosiery, and Small Wares In abundance. gv-We would call espeHof attention to our

Snnihade and Parasol Department, it beino; itocked with New *n4 Choice Good*. Alao. to our new Spring stock ol

Black Kids, the BEST Glove In the market, a* many of tbe ladle* of Lawrenoe and vicinity can testify.


No. S49 Euex Street, Lawrence.


-A_. Sharps _ Co's

Dress Goods, Silks, and Shawls,

A. S. baa Just retarded fro** the New Tork Markets, and w* have now opened the LARGEST snd FINEST stock of DRY GOODS rvcr offered in Lawrence. Our

Black Silks ' from the cheapest to the

Japanese Silks, in alrifted, plain, figured

ami elieeked.

WOOL' FIL.A.II3S- 8trfpcs and Silk Hi* i, a very fine assortment.





Reasonable Prices,


229 Essex Street.

You know how It Is, yourself. REMOVAL. REMOVAL.


183 Essex St., I. A. Whltcomb's Old Stand.

-<i Door Above Jackson St.,

Where we shall carry the LARGEST A FINEST ■too w of Men's, Youth'*, Boys' and Children's

CLOTHING, Furnishing Goods, Hats, Caps,

Trunks, Valises, Bags, Ac:, Ac,

to be found In Lawrence; and no dealer In the State can UNDERSELL us, and no dealer can afford to, because no dealer can do business at any smaller expense than wo, and no dealer In Law- rence sells so many Uoods,

Thanking our customers for their llbcr* pat- ronage in times past, we hope lo merit a cumluu- anee of their favors in the lulurc.

We shall be happy to see you, one and all, at our new stand,—



HOW Ills. 11 II* 18 THAT?

ft Anawcr—183 Eaaex street.



Preparation for the Complexion,


MOTH, and


Without Injury to tho Skin.

For sale by If. H. W1I1TNEV k CO., and

CIIA3.C1.AUKK, Dro(lists. SmUmvai


as titate Street, Boston.

Uealer* In American and foreign Specie and Coupons.

Bay and Sell City, Stale, County and Uulted Stales Bonds.

A gouts lor Rule ol BuBLiaoTox, CKUAK UArins, and HINKKBOTA KIRKT kloRTOAUE K. R, Bonn*, 7 per ot. In Gold, NoaTiiKKN PACIFIC H.R. BOND*,7 3-10 In Uold,

and tbe U, B. KUNDKD LOAN.

Also, For Sale, KUHIM'RAN and Ni >n 1 11 ANKBICAX PIB.NT MllRT-

(.AOEK. It. Boa DS.U per ot.In Uold, at SO

and inUrest. Wo draw FMHANflK 01* 8AH FRANCISCO,

HIIMIIMI, ST. Juitst, and II ALII A\, an.l buy and sell on Commission Stocks and BoLds In Bos- ton and New Vork. Inquiries by mall promptly answered. Special at I tullon to packages rccc (veil by express, 3meodtmymt>b

11 ley

Administrator's Sale. By virtue of a lloense from tbe Probate Court

for the county or Ksicx, the undersigned, admin. Iitrstor of the esuuc (1101 already administered) of DENNIS LONli, laieof Lawrence, In aald coun- ty, will sail at public auction, on rIATIIUDAY, Jane IT, 1871, at 2 o'clock, 1*. H., on the premi- se*, Ihe following described place of real estate, belonging to aald estate, to wit:—One lot of land on tbe south side of Valley street, la said Law- rence, between Hampshire and franklin afreets being thirty feet on said Valley itrcet aud nfni three feet deep, and having, upon it a l*rc< lu containing a store and four tenements.

Aim, an adjoining vacant lot, on said Vallr street, nr Ibi. f.m--■— lul above described.

Also, on the same day, at ;i o'clock. P, H., on the premises, a lot of land.wlih dwelling bouta and stables thereon, situate on the north side ol Oak street,between Hampshire snd White street*, (Iblrtv-uva feet on Uak atraet and ntnaty-lliree feet deep,) being the late homestead of laid Den-

Hald lot* of land will be sold separately to tbe highest bidder. Terms, cash. Further particu- lars made known at time and place of sale.

JttVatyM TIMOTHY si:i,I.I VAN, AdmV. I'EDKICK * CLOSSON, Aocl'r*.

Commonwealth of Maasacbtiaeti*. Essxx, an.

To the helrs-al-lsw, and others Inlcreited In the estate of CHA1CLKS SKITKI,, laic ol Law- rence, In said county, operative, dcorased, Intestate, UrcellBg:

Whereas, Li for* e Foster, Ibe administrator of Ihe estate of said deceased, bas presented for al- lowance tbo account of bis administration upon tbe eatatc ol said deceased,

You are hereby cited lo appear at a Probate Court, to be holden at Lawrence, In said county, on the Second Tuesday of June next, at nlua o'clock In tbe forenoon, to show cause, it any yoa have, wby the same should not be allowed.

And tbe said administrator I■ ordered lo serve Ibis citation by publishing the same once a week in the Lawrenoe American and Andover Advertiser, a newspaper printed si Lswrcure, three weeks auecesslvely, the last publication to be two day* at least belore said Tuesday,

Witness, (leorge F.Cboate, Esquire, Judge ol said Court, this twenty-third day of Usy, In Hie year eighteen hundred and seventy-our

A. C. 1.111 11 -1 1 1 It. j: 1 -i.i

In nnakrnptry. District of Ha**., **.

Th* undersigned hereby alvei notice of his ap- Bointment *s ssslgnee or Ibe citatc of WALTKK

. PARKKK, of Heading, and FHANC1H A. MOKSK, of Boston, In said district, who haVe been adjudged bankiupti upon their own petition.

ISAIAH r/XaW, Boston, May 13,1*71. naylO

In Mnukriiptt >■ DISTKKT IIK iir- as.

The under.lined hereby gives notice of bis ap- pointment an AiKlgner of tbe ealale of

LEMUEL H.BUUCK, of Medford, In the county of sllddleaex and stale of sfa**achusells, within said district, who bas been adjudged a bankrupt by Hie Dlitrlet Court of said district. JOHN S. DAY

Boston, May 13, U7I. in ■

Wanted. A few First Class fVl NN KIIS at once. In,,,,

Also, Black & Colored Brill tan tinea, from 25 cents, up.

We would rail F.SPKCIAL attention to our

SHAWL DEPAKTNKXT. We have now In stock Four II undred and Fifty

of the LATEST KOVKLTIM8 l» SUAWLS, wbkh are worth the attention of (vary iatexdlng purchiser,

PARASOLS 18UNSHADE8. We bare these goods direct Irom tbe Maaufac-

tnrers, therefore we sell CHKArKR than If bought from Jobbers,

White G-oods. One case of P Ks, Choice Patterns, and at

prices ranging from 17 cents to 02 cents. Plain, Striped, and Cheeked Muslim. A rail line ol White Organdies for Dresses. Huff Linens for Salts, at



2111 Essex Street, - - Lawn

Ajfents for Essex Dye House.


Sewing Machine



Spring Dress Goods AT


New York Store 1

JBlaok sgillre!

Black Silks!

Immense Bargains!

Immense Bargains 1


188 Essex street,

M.W. COPP8 & CO.,

Successor* to

F. V. Ill I HIIS 4 CO.,

Are now prepared to show the Most Elegant

Stock of DRY 000D8 ever offered In this city, snd st the Afosf Popular Prices,

"«| Dross Goods Department stands unrivalled, and wo Invite tiptclal attention to

our new and beautiful display of SUITINOB

for the season,

Our silk Dopartmont is mi. J with uicii Goods, including tbe new Sedan and BruB- ■ olsj; also, Jtpanete In plain, stripe*, checks, and figured, and Rlaoai RIIKS In every

grade and quality, and at pHec* tint faff


CASHMERE SHAWLS, a New sioak through on I.

Woolen Shawlt In every rotor and style 3 be found In any market.

*)*r*Wo are Importer*' Ayeutt for the sale of tbe

JOSEPH KID CLOVE la tbls pari of tbe ■late, thereby enabling a* to offer Ikem at N7

cents per pair. Every one bays them.

Our Black Kid is the BUST In ihe market, and always gives satisfaction.

Just received two casca more of those Lowell

Hosiery, and will be sold at 10 M eenl* a pair.

COTTON8-A fall line from 31 to 10-4,in- cluding many brands never heretofore kept In

this elty.

AWLADIKS will plasse remember tbat every

Department of onr store Is filled with Haw anal

Fresh Good*, and w* CAJT and WILL irjKX

IT FOR Till:III INTEREST to give a* a call before making their pirehise*.

335 Essex street, Lawrenoe.


LADIES' KID GLOVES Just opened at

75 CENTS PER FAIR, • a good a (Hove as yoa oan buy In (bis city lor

One Dollar.

Wo nre soiling tliein for 76 cents.

Remember, only 75 cents per pnir.

Also, a full line of

BLACK KIDB, At i*l.(lO, whit-li, we wnrrnnt.

And we will give a naw pair In every case if they rip *r tear In putting on.

We have also Just opened a full line of

Better Kids, in Black and Colors, to which, with a large stock of Lidies1 and


Cotton Hosiery, Parasols,


.Jewelry, and

Fancy Goods,

Wo Invite your .iltemion,

POPULAR PRICES. (..,,„„„ Coracle, f.'i frill*.


No. 151 Essex St., Lawrence.

Woolen "mirror Sale."~~ A II tight if. Wool*. U||| I. ,,II. ;, .i for ,,1-, wm,

lu-ililiirry all rorapl.l, ,ml iu ,...|M ordw, m willit, w.t.r ,nwer nn.arp,...'!: .liu.lwl I|OM b, II.. K.I. C.w.| ,na^|.„ Vorh CM «"jl, ,nd er*r In lb, c»y ol I lie. A u,.. Kirlli.n ol in. ..„.«*, moru.r f40 t.n.1. a.

i,J iwl wnn„, A „tf. MMrtMNl for . luimln. Inqalnor i..■ .. .. AMDnKW DICITU, MlM. H.J17.1871. btmyl,*., Utl..,». T.

Don^t buy |a or 14 «I. lor a pound of 8o»p, whon you oan got BIACH -a

WASHINO SOAP that lo full weight.




Simple, Efflcionl,


Unsurpassod for Variety of Uses.

vxr.xcF.u.Ei) ny x.vr OTHKM


Best Machine in the market.



Other Machines,

Which we sell on same terms.

Some Machines on Work Plan



188 KHHOX St.,

Extraordinary Low Prices!

WSIBTIU th* lm*vedl*l* attention of LatUeito our rlcjant sssortatrnt DKK88 OOODS.BILKJl snd SUAWLB.Is w'jlch dVpartmewts ws soaks •j»-clal effort to please.

•aTDon't fall to call sn<J .■.arnliir brfurr bnylnff toorSpilagHults.


Bleached ft Brown Cottons Are laCWtr (haw tho Lwwtal. and eompH** all standard makes.


sunlit ir dasaafed l>s Malt rmrer, worth la an* mall storr 75 cent*, which w*are srlling «t

SO < Vnt M II Y»rwl,

tyRemeniber the place to buy your Dry fioods Is st


No. 323 Essex Street,

KB, JOHN BARNARD will be pleased loses hi* old ft-lead* aad eutosaars at the abote store, where ha saar be foaad at all tlsse*,

1-rsry Lady ooatetaplatinf i>ur, li..lnk-B 811k Drsss,lsin*lltd !o*asnilur our,pUadld LINK before purchasing.

Black aad Colors, Japanese In Strip**, Brocade* and Checks, Oreolaa and Brussels 6ILIB la •"tripes, Poplins la Black and Colors, Alpaca*, Brmiaatl*^,s*ri*s,Poiifee.. Ksspwss riotbs la all Ihe most derirable color*.

New Shawls! New Shawls I Caihmeiw, Pal*!*?, Woolea, Worst**!, Henuval,

Barege, and Shetlaoda la all Use latest norelUes.

PIQUES AND LINENS tot Suits, White Ooods, Paraaola, Uoslarr, QlotM Whit* Lac.-*, Malta Laow, Collar*, Cuffs, aad ■ II at the '

"Way Down ^Prices. We have the BKST UKBsf

KID 3LOVES In Ihe city, and it the Lowest Price*.

An exaanlaatloa of our Uoods and PrW* will ci'iivii,,',. ALL lliat we tnoan IM'SINKS.S.

and Stylish Work, A. W. HTEARRI \ OO.

sre opening Plo* rjernuu, Franeb, Wast of Kag- iand aad American Clot h* and BJalUni*, aad aa*e acoaipetentAnisiTaUor.oaewlioistUPjlSZ,* and DKUKRVIKQ of a LIHKHAt. PATKOK- AOE; and we would PJRTICULAMLTXmwltm th* Vonsf Hen, th* Middle Ajwd Mn, aad Old Men to raitulue onr Work aad Prtot*. Work •ad TrlnailBia warranted to b* ot tb* t'ttf Bui, and a PKBFECT PIT sad satisfaction ■raaraateed la all eases.

A.W. 8TU*US* CO.

New & Elegant Shawls, Wa hare iB (ton tb* Urpit, Moat Myllsa,aad

Beaatifai AssoKsssal of New Cotortags aad Pattern* of Shawl* whieb It ba> srer been car privllef* to dl.play. ana at prices SO LOW for the qaality *ad .tJle, that Every p..reams, •r riiould liakj aTBABNS k CO'S.

A. W. STKARNS <t 00.

313 - 313-313-313-313-313 Eatex Street, Lawrence.




The new aad last Strainer


I : v i: it v SUNDAY

l-ea«lag thr fool or W*l*r Slrcet

Al H 1-2 A. at. and 4 P. M. Laars *B>S l.ovr.ll at 10 A.M. * B l-S P. H.

Faro. 40 cents.

"The Popular Store!" 230 Euex Street,

•2d door from 1\ 0,

TAYI.OK AV lloi.TON'.s.

Kaocr ssors to


Dress Making.

MRS. E. It A I L E Y

list Itooms at

J. C. .VAIrLKH.irs,

No. S05 Essex Street. Lawrence,

Oa First Floor, and Is now prepared to do a kinds of

Dress Ooods for Ihe Million. -We would especially ask the Ladle* of Law-

rence and TielnJty (who at* thinking of harka a Haw Drew or Salt for tbemselrts, Kinw, or Children) to aa esusalaaUon ot* Mr KxUnalre ■nd Brilliant Display ol Cheap, Media**, aad Iraly Flae HRWSB HUITIXOS. «*r*Ta* Low I'nr.-* and Chaste Style* Will well repay thes*.


CitizeiiB of Lawrence and >■- sex County

Win Snd very tjaeh th* L*r(*.t Bad Most Cost- plete line of sTrerytblaff fa the

And Home Furnishing Way, ■t A. W. BTEABN8 ft CO'8. aad Usarantead at

II times at the Zowetf Pottiblt Priot* for th* quality; Bad all work due aad finished la tbe latest aad tai.it ityllsh manner.


In the most Fashionable Ptylra *nd la

Wr hare taacb pleasure In iutlssaUai to oar

entomer* In Lawrence aad fletnity that onr

arranxea-ents are coniplele for th* season, aad that we are showing a vary full (took of the

Mosi DealrahU floods, in the selectloa of wbkh neither time nor trouble hate be*a spared to ssr< 1 the rro.utrrm.ent* of a popular tradr,

.lu-t rt-t'i'ivt'd,

500 Yards

I ivu FVenoli SUItty, At «l.'is, 33 la. wide.

A lull iTTacof

French and Paisley

CASHMERE SHAWLS, Frosn ty* to $Xi.

New, Strikiiis:,


Dress fioods, Dress Goods, In Every Style and Quality.

Black Alpacas,

At 33c.

0001) VAI.UK,



(ii'iirial Domestic Goodb-,

Boston Wholesale Prices!

0L0AK AND DRESS MAKING Deparlntent will be under the tnauaarnient of

URN. BOI.TON, (forsuerly wlih .). J. Htrvens,

Boston,) whlrh fart Is a fuaranter or the lady's ability to nil the posllloa.

Inapecllon invlted-whrther yon wish to piwhftae or not, by



230 Essex Street. Lawrence.

WHITFORD A RICE arw th* aoia aganta for ths Watch Spring Shad* Flltur*. Warrnntod to run any cur- tain, and auparior to any of tho brass spring fixtures In tha market. Don't buy a braoo opring when you oan got a stool ono for 00 oto. ■ I

Whltr dllirey Hair Wanted. J. HEniNA * CO.,

Post Oawece Block,- - Lawrrnrr,

Will pay the HIOIIKHT rRirr.s for

Long White or uroy Hair.

Beulde House for Sale. A Cottafa Boase, altBated on Hamptoa Beach

I" food repair, suitable for two laaalll**, will U sold very obeap, If applied for *OOB. Call oa

til laptfl CYRUS WILLIAHB, Near Oepot, Lawrence, Mas*.

A. W. STEARNS & CO. hays in alore a fall line of all tbe Best Hakes ol Bleached aad Drown COTTONS ibr Ksntfiy or otber ase, in width, running frosn X7 o 00 inches wide, sod will be told by th* pleo* or

the lowest nnotations, waaltaala or retail.

A. W. STEARNS ft CO. V«r,i ;,

Children** Suits mndn a si>poialty.

rKflVJ I'aderos every w.-*k.i


A Double Light of Ground Glass




Has removed from Kims' Block to

3T1 Eaici *t.t (ovcr_]>r. KldilersOtUce)

where, la oonoeclloa with Idr.lIAUOR, u* ha* atted up a Wajrnlflo.'nl Kludlo.all replete With

Tlio piildlo arc invltrd lo call. tlUml* LUVKIN * UAIdOB.


The Oliciiiioai nntl Best Place lo Buy

Paper Hangings AND




kv Goods in Every Variety,

iiml.ai.il At the Very Lowest Frier..


pBrohsse Ih* Best SLIHR

by eatllDf at 649 Essex Street, Lawrence,


SEWING MACHINE. It does Hemming. Felllai, Tacking, Cordlug,

Blndlna, Braiding. KrlnglnK, KsifOtiui, Kufltlii*; and Niiii'lilnjf on at the sama time, wlthont my basting. JOHN WAKin.'ltTON, AfSSt.

Each Maehln* is furnished with two hesnmera, feller, braider, qullter, self-se.nier, oiler, screw .Irlicr, bobbins, I do*, needles, and printed dlrro- Uons, A-M.

Price SM.OO; with lock oarer. SM.00, Terms casli, or monthly Installment.,

JOHN WABBUBTON,SOLB Anrst. OffAa* at th* Clotblag Star* of W. II. Brldgwiaa, 1t*0dl*J*tu MB aa***X St.. I.awrrnr..


X> E a>T X I S T , S39 Essex street, Lawrence.

After earefal loTestlgatlon, I bate Introduced Into my practice, aa a Base for Artlflelal Teeth, Pwroryllne, brllevlnn II to he cleaner, itroBger, and more perfectly adapted for Ibe purpose than anything now In use. The Hssssobu.eiti Dental rtocirty (meeting at Boston) have bad It nader th.lr .perl.I care, and hare experimented with It .luce last December; and at a late meeting (this month) not an oppoalng eolo* WM heard atf*ln*t the material, and (he rrpert ssy* " that thus far Its use Is confined to th* better class of Dentist*; the cheap and unskilled operator* allek to their rubber." Specimens of the material can be seen, and proof of Its worth bad,at my oBce, f tap2a

330 Essex St., (OTer Dyer A Co'


Blood Purifier and Regulator. 1,'nrW.lled for curing .laundlsr, I.lver Com- plaints, l>¥*pep>la, Ooaltlsenes*, lleadaotie. Hi/ line... Billlousneaa and all complaints caused by Impure blood, Obstructed Circulation, or a de- raaged and deeea.ed oomlillou ui theStumaoh, U*rr, Kidney* and Ilowels.

fsr Ueaeral Debility, !<■■■■ or Appetlle and the TaiioB* earrratlng tiprlng Complaint*, llteae Hit- ter* are a perlrct raoacea.

Mae tbat tha *lgnaturei.f tbe sole proprietor, JOHN A, faaav, Is on Hie wrapper, without which none are genuine, hold by all liruucl.f.

N H. Circulars and Hhow <'ard. furulrlied to dealers wltb tbe atedirlne by il.e Proprietor, I aouth St., near Hnmrner hi., Il<.*i«u.


Do you want to got Full Weight not 12 or 14 OE. for a pound1? dot BEACH'S WASHINO SOAP, It la a

auporlor soap, full wolgM,

A. W. STEARNS & CO., Leader* and Origtnator* of Styles aad AgMtstor

Iluttrrirk'a Pattern, Buiterick'a < BLBBRAT1.D Patleraa.

Iiultflrl.-kN Panana, Dnttericb's CGLBBRATEU Patlsrai.

HetropolllaB anil (Juarterly Report la adranre.

A. W. BTEARNS 4 m.

Spring Fashions. a*r-Udlea> aad ill....- Department for Dress

Making, Sun. aad Qirmrnt*, 1* prepaiwd to do •II kind* of Family or other Sewing at popular


OlOVfa* lloaJerr, Small Hare*, aad Trlmmlar"'

Oar-tVe nre at all time* prepared tu .how our patron* the lMrgttl and Afosf CompUt* auortsaeat Of OOOBJ article* of the above kinds at /.ou-esf Maaa

A. W. STEAHva a, oo.


Hti.AiisV for the Uti ,otn rUU,lH opened

Itooms at

aoi EBBCI alreet, Law re a rr,

where ho will be glad to ojcct his, friends and


aefrParticiiIitr nlleDtlon paid to HOVS* rinlMiig

Krpiiiriim in.ti.lr doae. s"ni> i.i U!»I Rsscx Mini I, Lawrence.


EXT, BUCIIU, Tho Great Diu-

retic Compound, remedy lor all diseases Of tbe tfrl

nurr Orsans, existisg either In mala or female, as Irritallrm, Inflammatloii or laceration of tb* Kid- neys and Hladder. Hlune In hladdrr. liravel, Hla- heie., Reddish Heilimrnt looalng like llrlrk Dual Deno.it In I'rlne, Diseases of Proatrat* Huron. and Involuntary Discharges, tVuppresslon, Ileten- lloa or Incontinence- of rrlne from a loss of lone In the parts eonoerned In It. c.acuallon, Thick, Cloudy I'rlne, Mot Mil Irritation of the bladder and Urethra, Chronic Catarrh ol Bladder, and all Chronic Maladies of the Urlno-liculul Organs, White*, Dropsy, Indlgc.tlon, Dyspep.la, Hheu. malttm, Oeneral ttrhlllty, Cutaneous Aflrcli-u.

alOLANDEIt'd Ml. I1UCIIU la a remedy to

oullifufrxceasesaud ludUcrctloBs In either arxr i I'alnlt.tlon of Heart, Loss of Memory, Horro f Disease, Disinclination of Hoelety, hieej.leas, e.», Uslless and Dcprcs.ed In Spirits, Weak and eetlsh In Temper, the onoe rigorous mind be-

. oralaf Treble aad radiating your usual self oon- fldeuei] and rnerfry guiis.fomi of solltudaj In fact,

i rr- brought . ■ liilre. the aid ofau Inrlgorator tern to tbatroadlllonol licallh tint la rciuls for all ruaotloaa to b* natural.


S*rHHOLANDKIt'S K\T. RLOIIU Is put up In larg* bottle of a superior ipiallty, and at aVs* tier tlun any other In Ih* market, .'•(•••Ii O belli**, fl. nold l-r all Drug

late snd Dealers lu Medicine everywhere, sa'i|HVh'|my2Til,


uiniuo Tonic Bitten 1 TllNI.

Oyspepals, Jaaadice asd Nrrrou* Debility,

Di.ordernd Llr*. TLKKIKl.D, 1'rop'r, Druggist*.

I O B- YCAW A CO. bare the Largest stock of ICI

aver housed In Lawrence, all from the Mrrrlmar; being harder nnd more lasting than Ice forsacd on

water, i'rlne low; aad customers aaryed with promptness and regularity,

f ; 'in m>,i" (irrica aT

Photograph Rooms 1S1 Essex Street.


REED ORGANS . Il.e rou.i popular of all books used la learning

tu play oa the** fuTorit* Instrument*. Mr. Clarke las flne uu.Irian aad brilliant ar-

gani.t, and, In tht* work dlaplay. good la.tr a. well as talent In combining good music with well graded and thorough Instruction.

Price |1.M>, Seal,post paid, lor tb* above price,

OLIVER l'tTWIN A CO.,Boston. C. ■■. DITBOM A CO., Mew York. a Itaylu

Tbo Finest Stock of Satins and Blanks

To be l.'und lu Kasrs County, st Very low prices,

liordrru, .Holding*, etc

A large assortment of

WINDOW SHARES, New Style. Hhades msdr to order, aad pat un la Lawrence,

Andover, North Andover, aiid Metttnsn. ITA .ii.i-mlty msilenraioreaaade*. WINDOW rlCKHKNtlnf .upirlor *iqallty made

and I»I in. Tas.ols, t'ord, etc. WIIITKORD k SICB.

■ -

r i n


i |


•ir JPyiff-lts. A fireside tale—The cat's.

A time In run. When jrotl are In i liur-

Mfal feign "—Tin

Jpfrtxl foH«l.


rr. '•Long and BUM


Sonu <ii ihe oj-Mer—•.»■(■•» me In tny llllle beri.

A Joint hlTnlr when but i ►.Ingle- (*rt* to 11—Hheumatlsm.

"Do write, tii.it fear not." Is what the flrli an/ to (heir cOrrwSDoudcnts.

Young ladie* ilioul-J b- Itngb! to il-c with th« larks, hut not to yet up to tli--ia

"You seem to walk more erect than usual, mr friend." " Ye«. I huve been etraln-hteficd hy clrcnmstnii £*■*•"

The iea of matrimony l« not alway- a •Booth one. By the light of the ho-ry- mooD yon can eteo set? rock* ah'ad—the cradle.

" Well, what I* It that causes ihe *alt- neasof tin- water of the ocean)" li quired a teacher Of a hrl({ht little boy, » The end- Ash," mt the quick reply.

A Wi«ciii.*>iii editor was culled mil ol bed one tiljiht tn reieivv a nibacii'iiinii Afler that bfl -ft up tiljflrtn f»r uver n Week, but the OffSBM "NUII'I repcatrd.

In the window shop In BII obscure part of liOndun itthlaannoiiiiceinent: •' Oooda retnoveit. mi-.n^r* taken,earpvla beaten, and poetry (v>ni[ioaed oil any subject."

No man ol iim can rspeol lo p-asa through the world without abuse. If he be a gentleman be will be abated by ras- cila; If he be n rascal, he will be nbM«ad by gentleman.

An old stager wi* "OtapeUed by hi* worthy apuuic to '-join the ell water army," which h'' did, proiiil*hi^ not to totiflh i Jron of anything except In »|ek- tic- . Ilti has never been wall tinea.

A :■<■■ ' I'-in.'.ii ■■'>•!'].IN ■ nil lu it boy who was i-rylng on the siren. aalJ, " My little m in, ■■.'. i, r i the iiiaiii-iV" 'l'i>«liirli he

reaponded: "I'raK'd ""* •louiaeli.ailit', and I'll have It ngtln if l'v.» a IUM to!"

A country Journal having dtclaied that dorlogibecaralvalal .Vmlilngtnn," wid- ows on IheiiViiiiie were let for from lot-n- ty to ilfiy dollar* mitti," explained next day l;y saying-, " window*, not wldowt, were meant."

•■ IVbar i* Htirojte in Anniii a**' aaltl a •tuupotalor. "Nowbarl H'har l* ling- f, landT N'owhur! Tltey call Kuglmu the mlatreM of the sea; It it what mak. sear The M'.ssl* I. pi! And all we've got to do I* to turn tin* Mlssls.lnpl Into the Mammoth eave, nml the 1-1N :li ■'> navy will be dnnnderlng In the mud.''

An old Scotch lady was told tb it her minister mad notes, rtltR disbelieved it. Haiti one. " Uo Into the Jtallery and aee." She did so, and saw the written MrtaOB. After the luckless preacher had co ml titled hit reading on Ihe last page, ho said; " fliit I will not tolarga." The old wo- man trletl out from her lofty i onlilon; '•Ye eanna, ye enuna! for yer paper's give out."

A certain minister ns; not over (tutId- iom about his wardrube. < <■«■ d.iv inect- Ing bis brother, who was also ■ divine, be was censured for being so careless about his dress and especially repri- manded him for wearing striped pants, being altogether ttnclerlcal. Whereupon the humor preacher retoMcd by say- ing, '• Brother C , my religion does not lie In my breeches."

A good parody was that Involved In the atory of n young English nobleman, with a large number ol titles and a very hmall amount of brains—Lord this, Viscount that, and BO on ad inflnitnm. " My fair I ■ -1-. ■!-." nid ln0 witty N , " one of hi* titles you appear to imto lurgouen." "Oh!" wan the universal exclamation, " what is tlitit '•" '- lie la ' Barren of In- tellect," was the rejoinder.

Ao eminent iournalUt In Kalauiazoo, Mich., declared in his paper that a rival editor had seven toea. The rival editor thereuoon came out In a double-leaded article. In which he denounced tho state- ment as untruthful, and declared that the •' author of It was a llur and a scoundrel Tho eminent journalist replied that bo didn't for u moment wi.th to have it uti- stood that he mean't that all seven of those toes were on ono foot.

A city miss, newly Installed as tho wife of a farmer, was one day called upon by a neighbor of tho same profession, who, In the abaem-e of bar husband, asked her for tbe loan of bis plough for a short lime. " 1 am sure you would be accommodated," was the reply, " If Mr. Stout wn only at homo—I do not know, though, where he keeps his plough; but," she added, evi- dently zealous to serve, " there Is the cart lu Ihe yard; couldn't you plough with that till Mr Stone gets hack?'*

A young man who carried a collection plate after tho service, before starling, be put his hand In his pocket, and put, aa ho supposed, a shilling In the plate, and then passed It round iimin;' tbe congregation, which inrluded many young and pretty girl*. Tho girls as they looked at tho plate, nil teemed astonished and amused; and the man, taking a glance at tbe plule, found that, instead ol a shilling, he bad pitta conversation loz- enge on the plate, with the words, " Will you marry meT" In red letters, staring everybody In the face.


" A rumor reaches me of an Innova- tion In the way o( female decoration, which, eveu the universal adoption of short skirts would scarcely have led one to expect. Let mo haste to divulge thl. charming secret. It Is said that some fashionable damsels, tired of bracelets of necklets, of earrings ami (laras, have adopted tbe eastern fashlnn of anklet*.''- Fiiuing Ecentt, A'ttiiifay Times.

n, LBT rua ipoak in.I v li the. new.,— Tb* IMI at Fashion's ch.Being luxe, Km my astotindsil giuplng BUM

Emotion at rang lea, It Is the fry iirtt)|(*ti wijiui,

But Kngllah glrli Inland In trim, IJaa Hindoo maid*, Ihelr ankles slim

WUbsaagMal i ■,!.!.(..ii, which aim win, chlgDimi dres.l Of batr all luitrrl**a aDd dead Of many a pretty •Illy bead

The outline mangle*, Xow allp* at once from baad to bteU, And with the darling*, anklta daali ■— And lo, ttiaahorlrtied tklrt reveal*

The hanglci 1

Ami, ah, when croqnal rouie* to paal And llngllur, Singling, eT*ry laaa tlOfS li ij'inug gaily o'er lha |i ...

Ilia dew beapanflt*, How often tn lb* balmy aprlng, Kuggeatlve of anulhrr ring, HI,.ill be tbe elleary tinkle ling

Of baofleal

ftnfflflant auri-lj It Ihe hjat i if clianii* nml wllea that women hoaat; Tb* heirl nf a**** uan alnvat

Their power etttanglea, I he faarlnatlng ey* to •linn I'l drop your KB!*, and, lurkleaa on.<, Itehold at one* Ibe tnlarbUf'a ,!..-,,

My bamlNl

Itareedlo tb* heart, tb* il.iim hnune T 1* ialn hU rharnxr lo opjioae, And ** tbenerforth, where'er eh* got*,

Around ber danglea; A oaptlte tu bar glani>ea aweat, II* bnaal* and wltb aubrolaaloo m.. I lie lay a hi* fortune at her f*el-

And bangle* I

AIM, what mortal tan wllhuland Young Lore and >'*•!,i. n hand In band, When wltb *nrh balls, «* their they've plumed

rlweet woman »tig lei ? Wa own r.-alataiiee I* In *alu,- '* Come, llaauty I " crl*« each iuq.<ibbed »waln " And blud ga *apU*« wtih a chain


i oif*iiiii|»tlon,

IT* * i m: * A\3tD IT* I-HIIINTITF


Irtv ^dvniiimrttti.

.uman tieln* ha* paianl a*av, <■■' who** Ssstt

mdli[HJtal.lv u(l,.,-.l tuiall, ,.I nil. Til'- «r ai"l dVar li, fanilb and I'l.inl. m. il.-<|>iiu;l)ii>ilfeajnl> •■ ajuniln-r Lriin wtil^li. Iiad lh,-) ■ aluily jj.-,.tn .1

UK joastrai H. ■€■ imi siiin nn:tTsi;\T,

■ t,.i availed themuh'* <>t M« v,nulpifull.' eftuwlou* UH'-UIIII-I. tn.-. wuuld not liavafallm.

Dr. BtW-nrk ha* In h!» o»n i«.. vruren thai wher- IW eumckml "eliAllly remain., thai vllatlty, •» hi. nwdtclna* and lilt dir*«tkna It* tnclr na*. U unlikatml Into bealuiful Tlgnr.

In Ut* IIIUSMI ttwr* 1* nnthtng pmomptuciti«. To ItHfaUhof Itia uivaitd I* taaJB uureiavKDiaiVmiliit It notatlmuMnd time* .uii-tamlaied lir hi lug and vlalbl*

- - the cor* by Or. Sclwoch* ta*Jl- n li •* alat-4* »* it i* nnnulint. It* f*U**a

T-^Uiirdt urtb* d s ftaneaoa*Jt»«*j

fit thla eoodlttoai tb* hn.uiliial lake* "aTnipaahlii with Hi' itouiacti. They re*pwtJ fi the nn^tillk ac Ueu wf in* lo« Her*, then con** the culailullm r-.uli. nnd the aatllng In. with all U* .duHrat.tn^ *> IUJ.- t-a-». uf

toiit '.nrTio.1. Tnr Mamtrako PUll ar* (onpswd of on* of XsSMa'l

i^ .j.l-i gin* —the I'eoophlllum feliatma. Tlt-r l-» i... all the hl.»al ararcbuw. alteratlv* pmpuUH ut calomel, hui unlike lakMnel.lbcy

•' LEATI X*» exi*U BXHIXD." of rore !• now beginning. The rltlatert in.

-. rp'w lu torpidlt/ ■nd Ui* paUam '■*■»

Tb* • WutltUl lt|'

A arrri.T OF «J««D BLOOD.

Tb* Seaweed Tunic, In ronjunctlnn with the PI III. p*r- Dealnand aailmllale. ollh ihf fi«d. I'bTlincaUun !■

lur U"«*e* pa In I..«

.«uach. Anapp«tlteMtiln. N.w ciwa ihe greateai IH..«i piiriner

i an iii'ini»- ui father it .. . >r yMghren

(Uilerliur man, Hchenck i i i.-. rr-, in i'. tunclliilM and

THkC MKIIKI1I1SI . I Ni a V„,» tia.alv,.,. b*en edited wltb marktd ability by Ke». Dr.

VkM, i.11 I'tnallr ithor of the he.I

Thry have niao '-"I ftom K*v. T.

Iiy aea preacher, m .. ■ nriinmpled, and whoa* I\r> !.» . with It* ' ■ ■ i- a; i ■■«-! i of i

WABB 111 r-

Til/ Mi-TtiotiiHT dbotinda I nevsr dull or dr, ! for r.i II.I i". sail aomMhlng for r Willing'* greni aSTUI totj la alir.

^hc Htmevican. A TERRIBLK NIGHT.

of such an erreglons ant of folly—an act ' tbe discovery of which would have hurled ! him from a most enviable position to a [ felon's cell. Sueh a suspicion is unjust

i.ncl* In li i .ink ■er:i,WO I*op|e, |(


ii i' i■: Talk every

offer fur tn •*...! lST.' ape«lm

t ff.„i.

Snivi-onit, M. J.— Profeeilonal U.n, Uin.ulae- lurai., Ilitlldin at'.! nth< r> 'Wiring- hiitlnte*

,n I home* m-ir Srw York, ihould wsnailt)* Nor- rood, tihern I *ell alteg and town lots St lower ■rln* r.ud on Mi*ter terra* than fin tr* tound el-c- rherr, n,oallr sc«***llite to the clij ; hotel*, burche*, aehoola, atore*. etc.. IS train* dally; Sortbern R. B. of K. J,; Jl mile* from City Hall.

J. WVfclAM dONU, m Broadway. «. If.

dPtob. r/EE

It was four o'clock on an afternoon In j thought any one could get an lukllng ol Ihe month of December, I8-, and biul- j it, ! need not ]Tnpn„ uport you the ne- ness for the day being over, the porter of j CWil|y o( §yiW6t ur,on ro {]«.licstto a sub-

loalngthe dw.ra'jcct. in(1 ot 9nurvit lunby," said be,

tempt to rise, but In vain. The shrill whistle sounded again, still nearer, and this time It was answered by another of deeper tone from the opposite direction

and dangerous, and I should tremble if I and I caught, In a lull of the storm, the

the bank at W- of the establishment. As I wa* account, ant at the bank, I v. A- busily engage-! in ' verifying the pocting of ihe ledgers, while j the tellers were hard at wotk eountlng I the cash In the tills, and the ch-iks at (he j varh-iix books and teller*. When I had \ flnl*hcd nu abstract I was making from I some of the ledger*, I look It Into the . manager's room. As I entered, the man- agpr was bint htittonlng hi* enat to tie- I part.

'* I have done the abstract of profit and loss on bills for the last month," said I, I placing the paper on his table, "and I ] find tbe result more satisfactory than yoti expected.

"I am

turning to me, " YOU fully understand that what I'mt h-ive henrd Is under the seal of friendship, and must never be even whUpered lu jour own ears,

I signified my ilnu Intention of never breathing a woM on this daugerou* sub- ject and turned III*' conversation to more ordinary miitt.-r .

We had Just commenced dessert, when ft (elegr-tin was brought In by one of the aeivants, nnd handed to Mr. Wllmot.who quickly read It, and with a look of sur- prise, paased It to me. Xow, In the course of our extensive banking business. It was necessary to communicate by wire

--i i ■ mt all Hi-'dignity

.■t. "!■!■• lutUl hll'U.I")

•IIVEX UP A« LMTi I 'in lecnod thing l>, the path-nta mnal

i. until they aft well; 11 li *]uu<*l —— ToUwht--'— Kn*enlta__

ml I* pre tent'Hi ol _ ... air and riding out, eapeclallr 1 r v III Ilia rail and winter «> n

(■■IIIHH he effnttnl. I'raah

e, lu** I tathay

fir • far lllniher 1 laaa than any ntber prc- jn-i.-i.ir> raedlelnaof the day aunda Tarr-iuf* EfferrrKOt Btttttr Afi* rtrat,

Mi.I for thU reason: it Is an exact counterpart of .)■■,■ of the moil VeleaMa natutnl m.-dlclne- In Ihi world. Wimlir to lb* |ml Saltier tlprlnf of Uerroatiy, to whl.h Ibouaand* oflh* djepcpllr. the 'iniiiii", the rheumatic, and the vletltaa ol venal illHaar* ie*ort annually, and reinrn lo their home* eoDvalcecmt or enrid. Ttia Aperient U one of lb* ilt M and by far tbe mo*t **je«eHfal of all i Li- etTorti made to reproduce. In s portable form, tbu popular mineral watcra at rump*. ■•• that yaw i>Hr(hn*e only the g*Inl*.


they muil n-t itt down quiet: they muitwalk al-Htt Ui* room ■• much and aa fart ai lha lirelgph will bcar.togil li|) I II-x>l rlnulatlnn u(hl'-"t. Inc patlrnu ntu.t keep ISMM talritt-MMUiagfekM tn get well. Thl* ha* a great deal lodo with the apiwUli-, an.I It lb* (Teat point lu gain.

Tn del pair ot cure efter Meat evldeiicu Cf ItipnanlhUlfr In the wont <•*•••. and mural canalnly In allnthen. I. iindil Or. hVhencg • peraolial ■l*Ienu-Dt ti> lb* t acult r of lil. t>«n cure >■■ In the** tnodr-it word*:

"Many ynari ago l»nln thalait itage* ofconiump- Ij..ri - rondnrd M my 1»->1, and at one tlmi- mt phy.Irian* Ib'jughl that I could not lire a week; tin n llVe a drown- ing man calchlwl at itraw*. 1 h-ard of, and nltulnvd Hut iirupariiiom which I now otter hi thn tuhlle, an.) thnv made a perfwt euro of me. Il IMBIII I-I ni* that I eoultl fu*l them penatrale ray whol* i>llrm. Thev I/JOII rlyeni-d in* inaucrlu my lunt*. ana I weuhl i[>li hit mnr* than a pint of urttiiilio yrlli.w millrrcverv Bkirulng fur a long ilm». Ai -w-m a* thai Ugan ■MM, my riMtgh. i.' IT, |.aln. ami nlnht *we;- - Isarem*. andnty ippetlvatHvame aogrca


llnse." "lWHI

m.iuitv my il

I |...i;]i.'.i . tnr I —nly-flve (WS) n

li-mi pit il "

." aiW-dthe : o.y weight .,„■ »,i,l,i

run I I..H--1 u .ii -l UT, anhajgah lag duminUiiued hla pr. .

to Niw Vi.rt and lloaton. ila or fil* IH.D. In-. J. II. fir. jiriieiitk ha'* dlu-oimnu-'it In. prulna.lonal

.., N«w Yurh am" tiirhent-g, Jr.,illll lo **•> path-ill* at their B'-e, S«. V> Ntirtli blith ilreel, Itijlailelphla,every rim- nrday fmni S A. U. luS I*. M Ttnwe »ho wlaliatlionHiuh eiaiiilnatlnn wlih the Ki-.piruiwn r will Iw ehargi-il SJ. Th- |lei|tlro«ieiiT declare! the eiact i-midlllon i.f tin- lung!, and patient* can readily Irani •tlifther they are curahlnor out- Th« illrrrthini for taking lh* inodlrlne* art-adapted l'i tlm hilt -lit*.-, -me even i.f a child. Kulluw Hu vtllrii'ilun*. and kind Nature will da thn rut,r>- tt-tillnf that In »•-'"• caac* the Mandrake Mil. are lu lie takrn III Increased dtnei; thn three uo-dlclne* need mi i>lh'-rai-romp*nlmtni* than the ample Inaintcilnaii that m-i uany ihem: lint,create appalIte. or returning health hnngrrl* the mnal welcome ■vnipKmi Wlien It nmie*. ■• Il will come, let tlie drtpalrlhg at nnre be <A IP.*I cheer, timid blood at one* folluwi. the cough li.*.'ti., ihe night iweat it ahif-l In a ahi.rl lime 1-uth „t tin-in- ni'iriiid ivmpbHii are gono f.ieevor.

Iir. Hchenck-* tnortlclnc* an c.maumly kept In ten* nf tlmiuanu* of famlllea. Aa a laxative ur pnreallte. the Mandrake Mill ant a Ihvndiin! prep a ralluu: with, ihe llilmonh' Hvrup, ai a cure of couglti and did., may he regarded a* a propuyUcterie »galnil t-otuump- tlon In any of ila form*. ., ,_

MM of ihe 111 lawn lr. Hymp and Haaweeil Tonic, Sl-K> * hntUe, or SJ.W) a half doitm. Mamlrak* HIU. So o*ul*

I hag. For 1*1* by all rtrugguit* and dealer*. . — •-. GOODWIN A (XI., AfT-QU, Uogton.* UCO. C. <

" liny .He, nnd I'll tto jmi Uood PH. IaANOLKY'K

ROOT AND HERB BITTERS. Dili tnrdirlna Is, wllhout the poailblllty of a

doubt, the very beat rrtnedy known for Ihe follow Ins aud *" blndttd diata*ra:~IviliyrtUon, Cot- tiroitti, t.trer Complaint, I'ittt, llttularhr. Heart Kuril, Diirprpilti, DfltWCM, Scrofula, SaJt AArut'i, LanuvoT, iM-.ivtu, I/tbilUy, Joumlict, flalulrncy, foul Stvnarh, iff.

Ily the tlmrly use of thla medicine, the blood It purified. The appetite li rritorcd. Tlieajatt-n. li itrenathened. Tin- liver la Invigorated. Tli- breath 1* awettrntd. The rompli-hton li btautl fled, Aud tb* ... u-T'.l health li

RKftTOIlKD. The best Boot*, llerbe and l'nrk. rndr loin th*

eonipoallion ot thl* ltemedy, making It a ilmpU tare* or the blood.

tlKO.C.OUXJinVtN A CO., Boiton. ror ial( by all 1IMI,;I(I ■: ■■ !u1!inli,1i'b



At Wholeiale, t l ill ||, ii v ii K A C*..

IS»e 'rb U Channcy Blreet, Itoilon.

Itlsliop Suule'g 1 inimtiil. la creating I

mruMti. . . trea .rioted

y It arc almoat bcynod twllaf. Try It, tiae nothlna fae.and you will b* eurod. It {* Ihf only turt

curr for I hut ilrtuilful •littati, Sciatica. Kor aale Liy linigglata, ].rlce $1.40 par bottle.

1 . W. I! \ ! ifr.lt «*, -1 iN, l-roj.r ktiir -, lloaton, H au.

Fragrant Sapoliene Crsaa* Kid dlore* aod all klnda or t.'loiln and i i.n my. i -■•■--v. • 1'iii:.', tirvoae. Tar, Ar., In- atunily. wllhonl Ihe leaat Injury ID the fini-it fab- ric. Wold hy i'Tiigtriata un I Kan-y Hood* Healer*. KltAliKAM' HAl'iH.IKNK t'n.,-11 Barclay, M.» New Vorfc.M LarlallBHI., Chloano.

vm xlac) of It; the illrector. I fr01D one br,nch t0 •"^er, on Import- are particular!- a.ulous lo Improve this i ■•« matters, and, for the sake of the branch of the btlllMM. I will take this l,wdfuI ""try, a cipher cotle was abstra.-t with me, and look It over thla | »doP"rt- Thl» ('odc w»8 <"»'* »"'""' *> •Teolnr,- -ni.l he, puttlnK It In hla breast i the 0bW «■«»" ■* «« poeket. -'• l( there Is nothlna; very urBent hence none of t,,e ^Wiph clerks could to do ID the office, I should like you Jo """-""stand W d^P.atcbes. The tele- come up aud dine with me tMs evening; £*■" w" lo |M" °°*i »■ w" irom

In fact, I l.avosome news for von, which M .»towi, alxuit forty miles off, where there were two banks—viz: our branch

sound uf wheels of the approach!!)"; en- gines. I became sick with horror, and closed my eyes In dread. Toeo the ad- vanclnjr engines whlsiled again aud again anil, () Joy! I could tell that they went slower anil slower, and then stopped. Then I lost ull consciousness once more.

It could not be seen by the driver of Ibe other. To run In by the back way of the house was but tbe work of a moment wltb the now thoroughly excited doctor* and he succcttleil In warning our party Just in time lor them to conceal tlicui- aelvei. As wc expected, the carriage turned into the grounds of the bouse. It was Insanity surrounded. The oct-u» pants. It Is needleea to say, were those wliu hid ii' iin U.I and rubbed me. Thev at ttrat showed nu inclination to use their

When I again became sensible, I found | firearms; but seeing ihe hopelessness o. myself sluing up, and some one holding resistance, (lu*y dttUted, and gi

NATURE'S REMEDY. mssm ..TMl.CstWJlwp.BBirjii

OVKK 60,000 IlltliS VVIlhaul a fi.iliirt-. Die paat 1:1 yean, In all ihe wot.sr itiu in- I'M.KB, l.KfRlutT, (CBOrObA, SALT IIIIIIH, DI-II- I-I A. <'M AI:HH, NUII.II I.II and all dliraaea uf tbe Hkln and Bluod,by

FOVVLE S PILE AND HUMOR CURE Kntkrctu rrarlu'-tr, I 't<l oj( more than W0 I'if til-lout in tkrirprarllcr, htrt ana" abroad, at it n thr. only mnlieliir irer tiiicfrtrid for tkt prrwut- nrt't curt of all Hit abort dittatrt. Call and rr- .'rive back your money. In all ca.ee of failure. ii-ni t) i i|i.-"i » eome do not tike to lell II, be- "auie It ha* never failed to euro, thereby loiinfl int' K.I.- of hundred* of dollar" or rented!** that nuTercure,) |l a bottle, aold ever j where. Srnd tor circular* Irer. II. U, I'llWLK, Cbemlrt, Boa-


Perry's Mnlh nnd Freckle Loilon. the Olity n Liahii and hanillia-t lUmidi -Inn Brown decoloration. »ol<.

, wfiire. /V>iof (U Horn! St.,A . 1

• aT-lt


riMPLES ON THE FACE. for Cotnedonri, tllaek Worm* or tIruha, I'lm

ply UruHume,and Ulolrttrd dlingurailon* un tb>

rry'a <'amadou* mil Fln|ile ■!■ in. ily. la invaluable lu Ihe aflllclcd. 1'rii.at nl onh Dr.R.U.PKHItY, l).-rmotolr)r,1at,tvftontl Ml. Y. HoldbyDrtiRitlataeverywiivre. IronIniliiiKt

UEA1) C A li E F ULL Y.

A.ii'' 'tint Fever. be only preventive known for thill* and Frv _ I* the mt■ of VTolle'i achlidam Behnapp*.

V. olleS »- a led urn nchntipps. IiJOod I-I in ■■ . j.-ni

Wvtfe'$ Schitttam Schunp]*. )■ a I-I ■ ■ - '.i:. i of i Mil- aod fr rvrr,

WoltVM'tichMam^t-kiitijqal I ' un'.ii for all kldnry and bladder i-onplalnt*.

Hull. N M hi*-dam Ni I ppn, Id bypbyalrlanilDthelt

Kt)I.{ $3 PEli LINK \V« will m-i ri an advertisement

O N 1. M (t N T II Intiutty-rlsriritCtsaa

MassachuBotts Newspapers, Including FiveDatlln,

We refer lottwpnbllihrr of Ihlapaper, to whom our reipoBilbllliy !■ well known.


A.IV.II i K AM , No. II l'nrk How, diw Yorfci

lao word* per minute la 4 ivrt-ka. Mend "*—

drcBlsr. I'm i , t.'l( .V V, f. V. I!ux t.Hl Short llaiitl. 4 »-


THE LITTLE WONDER. I'ai.it'rd Jan, 1, IM71, AB#nta wanted every

where. lOOprr cint. proai. Hamplea by mall, Soc. vend ai once for rlrculan and tcatlmonlals. LIT* n.K Wt>!tm;a MANT'U Co.,iiand 17 Court St., tloitoii, Ha*S,

Agoulttl lload This I WK WILL 1'AV AllKMH A SALARY UK

«;]!> PKIl WIUKK and Kipcam, or .illow • larRr oommloilon to aril our new and wonderful Invrntioni. Artdrvf* M. WAU.NKK* CO., Marahail, Hlrh,

"drill A. K.tiKAUAM, SiirluHll^d, Yt.

SSMir, i : i T <. i: IN i i . ,

Or, I.-' ii..-,- Companion. The mi" : beautiful Invention of tbo *oe. No

lady should bu wlthuut It. 1'rlre |:. Hent lo BU tddrri* lu perfumed boxei. I'emalv aa«nt» wunl- d. Bend lor a circular. Pi:. I(.j;it:ilKU, 117

■ ..-.ni .■■in i i rooms lloiton .11.i -

A 1 vim. A ili -ray man, while rcifdlnc In Honlti Amcrlra

aaa nil- itni*r>,di,covered a aale an J ilmple rem- edy f.r tbu Cure of Nt-rttnii Weakiwia, Early l>e- oay,UI»raieioftbe L'rinaryand Serulual Urifan*, and lh* whole train of olaordcri brought M by hamlul aud vloloua hablta. Ur vat number* have

by thla noble remedy, fromptid by a ) be nult t

«ili lend Ihf lordlciu*, In a •mini at ueed* It, frtt ofckargt, .lain.ii [), Bible lh ■

■ filleted and unfortunate, att.l u I | till

y one who .MIUI I'.. Jlil. T. 1.1 M.IV,

Mew Voracity.

pUYHlCALKXHAL'STIUN and the whole ttn * ual Mcleuue In man aud woman. Htndatamt

Hove-; I '!■!■

I fti-flHlll>pM.

■■'I l"l il II 1 I I Ull t

11',. (V


AcAttifiiin Schntitfu, plain if.

inpps. 1 hr III til.- Si-ill. ill f-m-ullv.

.V.'Ai.i;(iMi",SVAn-rj,;.v. I* uood for Cnllcand pain In thr itotnarb.

Wtillu's Hcuieiliiui bchnap|iB. lilmllated and counterfclird, and purch**eri will have to uar caution lh purcrtaaln*;.

1 bi*a leave to fall the attention of the nadrri to Irallmonlal* In favor of the Hr-Tinappi ;—

1 Ircl bound losaythat I rr|ard your M<IINAPI-S ai brina- ID every reaped pre rmiut ntly purr, and deaerving of m.dlal patfoini-e. AI all event* It i* the purest poiiibie article of >lullnndgln, hirelofor* unubtalnahle, and aa inch may be inf*- ly pre-cribed by ptiyalelani, DA »II) L. m/i V, it. 1)., f harms*, ui leal fJbem-

lit, New York. LOUtaviLLI, KT.. fiepl, 1. I feel that we have

now an article, of Kin n.itahle for meh eair* a* that remedy la adapled to, |)U, J, \V. IJItlUHT

i chr« estirrlia.

I take jrrrst pleifure In hrarlni hl«hty credit SIM trillinony lo Ila ctSoaey aa a remedial aann In lh* disease* lor which jon r*commend It. line Inu a natural tendtney to the inucnu* aurfWoi'i with B illuht denree ot -.llniiilntn.-i, I reunrd it a one of the in< . t IN-,.,,.11.nit r-— -

larrhal rtloi i rntllculaily •iparaiu.. With ■

ir iiiie.il.-iit ai-rvani, CHAM. A. I.KAh, M.Ii.,N,i

Ibt S|lift,


etui Win rr, K*g., frewi m ■■'■ a i ':< ir.nii 1 .',,;:. ui.,! " Hi-hirdam Boh nap 11," ni UIMIII, ; If any foreign or it be. n added lo the almide ■ -. ■.; I,-.'I ha* lliulled Ihe • .m-i,t. roiilalut-d

. Ihavebien

Nov. Jl.lStl?.--L'lwil.- t,~l)tnr fler— I have ni ol* umplr ot lour It the I ML. ui , i dilrr. Itirlitu* auhal-tocr had ■ !.■! -i.ii,i ,. Th,. la IhccoiH-luiiou thai

|i -I'-I.'.H ■■ ut hirmlulad- il.1i- UiliBctneranytraf* lcea H-liluhareaumelim** II' I Ol ll.i.' I

of Iliad iHft employed In the adultt not hnllate to u*e Dijmlf, nor lorucommrndt olheri, for mrdloiiml i>ui|.o.,a, tbe "d.-likdani debhsppa" aa an uacfisul and uuold,xtloiiahle variety of am. \nj n ai.ecllully youm,

.Mnu.di CUAS. A. htklLY.th.mJit,

OttkMIOAt AMI. TlOUSlTAL LsBiinsTtinr.is Kieliannel'Inui-.Ncw York, Nov.-.'.'i. lt«:._r(iiu . Pltti WuLfs, K»g.,-fi«ar Sir —The uinlt nlKii.d have carelully and thoroughly anal)led a eainple of your Aromatic Sthiidum .Scliu«ppa,"*elei t.d bvourielve*, and have found the same free from all urnaulr or lnor|anlo aubilanrti, more or leu iiijiiriiiua to health, v'rom lite result of our ex- amination wa oouitder the artlt-le one of inperlor i,uulliy.b#,lthtul aaa biveraae, and ef.rtual In 111 Medicinal i|li*lllh a. l.'i -i-etfullar vouri,

IHlinedl AI.KX lUII'I'fcl., CliToii.l, rKAM 1.1 K.KNUKMIAKl'.M.D.

•» »ndi>rnfmltt«, _.. KUT.,

n Braver at., N. T.

To Let, April 1st. 1871. A MILL,3Ux 00feet, three stories hl|.-h, with

IS Hone l'owrr, sailabla for any mcchankal baatne*!. Alio, n Kallroad laLdlni i70fe«t. On Kallroid on* act* of l.iud, auliable for Wood aud Coal, or any other buiinesa. Inquire at Bhop.

tfltmhl? L.D.BAttUKNT, stay Htrtet, Lnwrtnen, Mai


Mt. "Washington, -r ii - r i ■ .:.l IHI bj

C. (,'. FELLOWS & COMFY, Ml .fll E...I St., I...„,tc,


Superintendent of Cemetery, Heniilence 2(i Morton Street,


TO X^ETT Essex Hall,

... ..ir WWT Oa*nr-R-i

l iicsdnv, 1'ri.inj * aaturttnr ETenlnfa, lnqulr*of Hall Commlller.-.l, II, HURQAN,

7ITrentt>nt.Htri.i,or SAMI ill, HOLT, Janitor, at Court Home. ilifelu

X>rnny**M Olironio*. A LARtlK HIT JI'ST RKCKIVKD


C. C. FELLOWS & COMPT. ti t HBl Kaaaa It.. Latvr*MF*.

C-ti.tt- I..-niv S. Collty. Nolle* la hereby Klnn that Ibe iuti*crlbrr haa

been duly appointed admin lair ut or or tho ritati- I.aruy B. Colby,

IF, In the county of :■-.,,.,;. , k ol Law, ... necraied, and ha* I ni it hr si vine t.i)iid..aa Ihe law dlrrct •mi. havlua demands upon the t-vtaie i eiaieilare rroulred to enlilr.lt I hi- iiitir, prraoa* Indrbted to **ld t-ute arc ralltd makepa)m*ut lo

JOHN «, M. COLBY, Ad LittNM, May IV, i-"i.

If thi

,ald J*. ■ nd all

Agricultural impienionts AND

H A. R, 3D "WA R.E.


No. !il7 Essex Stroct, LawiTticc

(Yrnrry rt/ytwi'fs iht Port Oflci,)

are IhtRols Ajjent* for

[IOLBROOK'S SWIVEL FLOWS, which are loo well knpwn to fvqalrB anycommrn-

daln.n. Tury have, also, 1;,- famoui

Buckeye Mower, nnd Reaper, well known lo farmcri. Alao, the


The Universal Clothes Wringer.

Ilrndlcy'a ratrni


of ail kind*. Drain sad Waier Pipe*. Alio, a treat u*ort«rut of

NEW AND KITFKCTIVIB r'i.llIINr, TACKLE, of a novel itrle.

ItARDWARKof every di-rrl|it Ion. 'apl.1

FOR HEt;tII.ATINU lb* rtrcretlum t.f Ihe Liver a Bowela, lo Strrnulh- en the Miomsoh and Purity the 1 food,


Compound Dandelion Hitters are tbe belt lit, iti-r. They act upon the Bowrli mildly, and by th.-lr fine lonio, aromallo and ape- rient properllri, they remove all oppreialva irct- mutation. Prepared by W. ILTILTOH ft rjp„ under tbe iup*r*lil*a of J. A. THMH, M.D.' Newburyport, Mat*.

AtwhoUaala bv (i*orKa C- Ooodwin lad Bait atrothen ■> Bird, lloiton. ■old by ill tirowri and Urifilit.. 3m*mhVI

yon will And as acceptatlf as, I think. It

will be unexpected.1'

Aa I In il no pressing reason for doing any more work that alternoon, I accepted tlie ruanajjer's Invitation, the more ao as tie was a very genial man, and much of my advancement In the bank was due to Ids kindly exertions on my behalf. We both •Billed forth Into the main street. It wa* a ii.i-ifii!.i.* night; the rain and sleet fame down at a sharp antfle, borne on a piercing wind, and under foot was a half-frozen mixture of mud and snow, which struck a ctld chill through one's feet. We soon found a cab, and a lew in 'miii1.- moie 'aw us In the porch of Sir. Wllmnt'a house, nn-.l once more In his co- zy anngjtcry. As soon a*, we were seat- ed, Mr. Wilmot commenced to communi- cate to inc tho news of which he had spok- en. It I- unnecessary to detail our con- versation, the sum of which was, that he had very good reason to believe that I was on the point of hclng promoted to r. mnunger'tilp. To make this eomprehen sitdc to the reader, It Is necessary to ex plain I'Jtnel hlog of (he organiratlon of the bank in which 1 held the post of account- ant. The particular nfl.ee In which I was employed was a branch hank, forming part of a great joint-stock bank, having Its head office In London, and branches In various provincial towns. The mana- ger of one of our branches was about to retlro on a pension, and tho board had that day communicated to Hr. Wilmot their Intention—on certain conditions—of appointing mc to the poat at their dispo- sal. Of course this was joyful news to mi-, yet it seemed rather to spoil my ap- petite lor ray dinner than to Improve It, and when wc went info Ihe tl in lug- room, Mrs. Wilmot ralllcil mc on my seeming tntlicr absent.

"Oh!" said her huihmul, " 1 have just been telling him some news that may con- siderably affect his career In the bank, and I suppose be Is ruminating over It."

" Hut I thought Mr. Danby was always lo the good graces of the directors. I hope no change has taken place?" ealtl Mrs. Wilmot.

"None, whatever," said Mr. Wilmot. " Come, Danby, you ought to look more cheerful than ever; but I can well under- stand that tho prospect of attaining the goal of your ambition is too ovcrpower- ng to induce sprigblllneflt."

"I can assure you/' said I, " that the prospect Is very gratifying, and I -cannot tell why I should look dull, for I feel so joyful that I am, in fact, oulto confused. To-morrow I shall feel all Tight, no doubt."

But," eaid Mrs. Wilmot, "Is there some great secret about Mr. Danby's prospects?"

"Xo, my dear," said her husband. You are awaro that Mr. Klnnear, our

manager at 8 , is going to retire. Well tho directors have decided to ap- point Mr. Danby to succeed him, on cer- tain conditions, and as those conditions arc, to my knowledtcc, favorable, we may look upon tho mailer as settled."

Mrs. Wilmot expressed her pleasure at my Improved prosptots, and then the commencement of the dinner interrupted our conversation lor a time. When we began to converse again, an accidental re- mark of Mrs. Wllmot's led to tbe Intro- duction of a topic which bad lepcatedly becu meutiuned In my presence on former occasions, but which 1 had never proper- ly fathomed. It referred to a very mys- terious affair connected with the disap- pearance of a valuable Jewel<case belong- ing to Mrs. Wilmot. Trompted by curi- osity, I asked Mr. Wilmot If he would en- lighten me as to the whole facts of this matter.

'• Well, I will tell you all that I know about It, but that Is not much, as the whole transaction was very mysterious, and it haa never yet been cleared up. The robbery, for such It undoubtedly was, took place some three years aad a half ago, antl therefore about six months be- fore you came to this branch. It hap- pened In this way:—Wo badadlnner pur- ty one evening, and my wife when dress- ing, took some jewelry out of her case, which I brought from my private safe for that purpose. This case she lelt on her dressing-table, and wc went out to our bed-room; after our guests had gone, It was nowhero to be found. We liAd a ser- vant who was to leave tbe next day, the cause of her dismissal being her habit of going out HlOneul |mniUU«lwu «...! U.ap|ntT

late hours. On Inquiry, I found that thl* girl lint) been awny from the hnuee for about two hour* during the time wc were with our guesti. This circumstance, t-oupled with others, excited my auspi- cious so far that leentfor Ihcsuperhitend-

and a private bank. The telegram stated that this private bank had closed Its doors flually that afternoon at four; that, Mr. Dane, our manager at N , bad just got this information, and that be expected a severe ruu upon our bank hi the morning. He urged us to send him Immediate re- lief, aod suggested that we should tele- graph to our brunch at 0 for Bold for our use, so as to send him as much as posslblo. The case was a most urgent one, and Mr. Wilmot and NU .-fit .juickly decided what to do. I started in a cab to fetch the cashier, who had one of the three keys of the bank strong room, the others being In the keeping of niy-il; and the manager. While I went on this er- rand, Mr. Wilmot sent off a telegram, giving a copy of Mr. Dane's, with some further hints to the manager at O . Mr. Wilmot was at the bank when I re- turned with the cashier. We found the porter, who like myself lived on the bank premises, at home, and we were not long In packing up. In suitable cases, a sura of seven thousand pounds In gold, and about two thousand In Dank of England paper. For the conveyance of this tn the railway station, we summoned two cabs from an adjoining stand. . As these cabs drove up I ran somewhat Quickly out of the bank, and, in so doing, came agalnBt a tall man who was passing along the footpath. He had a bandkerohlef muffled about his throat, and his coat buttoned up to his chin. In addition to which ho held a red silk handkerchief to his nose and moutb. The Inclemency of the night sufficiently accounted for these precautions, but, as I jostled him, his hand was for an Instant cast aside, aud 1 saw his face. It was one not easily forgotten. It was hand- some, and yet repugnant. However, I was busy. He passed on and I thought no more about it. The manager and my- self got Into one cab, and the cashier and the porter occupied the other, and we drove as rapidly aa we could through tbe town to tbe railway station. When we arrived there the mall train for M , was Just about to start. The station-mas- ter was on the platform, and a few words from Mr. Wilmot explained what we rc- finlred.

" 1 sec, sir; Mr, Danby wants a com- partmeut to himself. I think all tho car- riages are more or less occupied, I will put on another carriage; but we are al- ready past time, and th* mall guard will not allow of delay, so that I cannot break the train. I shall be compelled to put on the carriage behind the guards van."

To this we raised no oljcctlon, as the one Important question was to get to M , with tho required relief. The ex- tra carriage was quickly hooked on and duly screwed up, and tall lamps put upon It. The cases of gold were put In upon one of tbe seats, and I took my place op* poslto them, wishing my 1'rieiida good night. Tbe train began to move rather slowly, when I caught sight of two men of about equal height, who hurried from a waiting room across the platform toward tbe train.

" This way, gentleman," said tho guard, opening tho door of a compart- ment behind that which I occupied, but In the Bame carriage. Where we were, the station was somewhat dark ; but Just as they were getting In, the light of the guard's lamp fell upon them, and I was struck wit.h the fact that, not only were (hey of Ihe same height and build, but they were dressed just tbe same way, and that way was precisely that of the man agalnU whom I bad jostled outside the bank. I could not tell why, but I felt very uneasy, and had It not been too late, as we were already out of tbo station, and going rapidly through a tunnel, I should have got the porter to go with me to M . I reasoned wltb myself that, alter all, I was quite safe. I was locked In on each side, and the motion of tho train would aa effectually prevent any one from reaching me as It would hinder me from reaching the guard. Keason as I would, however, I felt more and more uncomfortable, and I determined that, at the first stoppage, I would get some al- terations made. I little knew where my first stoppage was to be; little did I think of tho nature of those who rode bohlnd me, or of the doom that hung over me. Suddenly I thought the thunder of the train became fainter, and the motion of the carriage loss rapid. While I was try- ing tn solve this matter, the carriage seemed to stop, and then to move again, i tftnUt nnt. finnfr heavens! th* train was a considerable distance ahead, and I W.IH being rapidly carried back toward W—-a Faster and faster sped the car- riigu on Its return, aud more terrified did I become. The motion of tho carriage

I felt, too, that the carriage was In motion. I opened my eyes, and found myself with Mr. Wilmot and tbe cashier. The porter of the bank and the station- master of Vf , were also there. I tried to sneak, but could not. I made a mo- tion with my band, to try to make them comprehend that I could not speaU.

" Ho wants something to drink," said Mr. Wilmot. " Has any one got aome brandy!"

Xo one had, but In a few minutes more we were at W , and I was taken Into the refreshment room and placed under the care of a surgeon. Under the effects of warmth and stimulant! 1 soon revived sufficiently to give an account of what had happened, so far as 1 understood it. Tbe station-master stated It as beyond doubt that the men who attacked me were prepared with acarefully considered plan, which they had but too well suc- ceeded In carrying out. They had evi- dently got along the footboard ol the carriage, and, when ascending a steep Incline, they bad undone tbe coupling, so that the carriage ran back on to the level. Their place bad been well chosen, as it was In a lonely part of the country, and far from any station. The fact that the turnpike road approached the line at a point some three hundred yards from where the carriage stopped, had possibly facilitated escape. I was at a loss to ac- count for the arrival of the two engines, which evidently came to search for the missing carriage, This was soon ex- plained. As regarded the engine from M—-, that was sent back as soon as ever the train reached that station, be- cause the carriage was immediately Missed. The engine from W , with Mr. Wilmot and the others, started on ac- count of adlseovery made by Mr. Wilmot, which caused the utmost consternation. This discovery was nothing less than that the telegram from M was a forgery Mr. Wilmot had telegraphed to Mr. Dane to say that the relief asked for bad been sent. To this announcement Mr. Dane replied that he could not understand It. that something was wrong, and that he should await Mr. Wllmot's explanation at the station at M . The false tele- gram had been craftily conceived, and, unfortunately for me, was In the private code of our bank. When It was tele- graphed from M that the train had arrived minus my carriage, the case against mc looked doubly strong, and the two men who entered at W were set down as confederates,-vyho were to help me carry off the booty. When, however, I was found In the carriage, a new light broke in upon the minds of my rescuers, and it was seen that I was (he victim, not tho chief criminal.

Sewing Machine STATISTICS.

The following Ii from a rorn ilatemenl* of i In i-ailin*. St-wloir Hachit.' i:omp*ntfi for Ihe

rear 1S70:-

Howc Machine • old 75,1511 tirover h Baker •:,tfr(

Weed -js.oaa Wlleox Adihhi L'ri.SW*

Florence ■• I7,f"e10

American iltiUou llo I" H^TS

Hold Medal ■' mjna afttaa Sflffl

BOM on A Maine ItHllroatl.

!■ mi.tr-

cut of police; but after a long ami tedl- j became as swift as it had been when he- oni Inquiry, it was impossible to obtain [ hint) the mall—nay, even swifter—and any tangible evidence against her. j riiy heart sank within inc, my very knees Among our guests on the evening In <*uca- shook under me, and my hair seemed to lion was n gentleman named Garstang, bristle with the terrible suspense of those wliu lllltid the post of accountant in the ' niomcn{s, while big drops of cold sweat bank here, but who tru on the cvo of his ' fL.|i fr0iu my face. On, on we sped, and depnrtnro to take the managership at ' then the motion began to slacken. Good N . My wife was llrmly Impressed | OodI what shall I do? The carralge

Idea that iiarstang was con- | stopped; a click as of a key In the door necied with the disappearance of lie*1 Jew- el*, luit of course I looked upon such n suspicion as simply preposterous; In fact her only grounds for It were ner general dislike to blm.antl the Tact that he hail departed belnre the rest of the company upon what she thought no in«utlklent plea "

'- Whether I am wrong or not I cannot tell, i.iil may never know,'' said Mrs. Wilmot. "but I have always f,-li nu lire- atslthle conviction my impression WHS

fight. You know, Stephen, that I ex- presficd a dislike to him when I first saw hliu. There na* something about the ex- pression of his features ihat was very un- pleaiant."

"This is my Hrougeat reason for til*, trusting your conviction, my dear. I con- sider that it was the result ol the bail im- pression he made upon you at llrst. Indef- inite at starting, but suddenly rtduced to shape by tbe elrcumslnmtM of (he robbery. If, however, you will consider Mr. (..it- slang's pro*pect at that very time, you must see that It would be absurd to sup- pose for a moment that be could be guilty

nenr which I stood, a moment, and the light of the carriage lamp fell upon the face I saw outside tho hank. The man, or fiend pointed a pistol at me. I drew back a step, and was seized from behind; my asiailant bed entered Irom the oppo- site door. The one with the pistol ad- vanced aero** the iloor of the carriage; 1 made one frantii* graap nt hlni, saw him raise the butt-end of hU weapon, and then I lelt tllwy. ;1I"I 1" ntttinptlng lo grasp his arm fainted away.

When I came to myself. I was lying on the floor of ihe carriage, too weak to move; the doors were open, antl the lr.lt- ttr storm Deal In upon me lu all !M win- try fury. I could not quite realize my situation; sll seemed confused and mud- (.led. I only remembered 'list 1 ought to have been at M , hut that Borne terri- ble violence had prostrated me. Present- ly I heard the whistle of an engine, as If coming from M——i and, confused as I wit, I knew the f:i'e which awsitetl me if, la the storm, ihe advancing train

It remained now to try to discover the daring scoundrels who had planned and executed this nefarious deed, and. If pos- sible, retake the booty. This seemed a very hopeless task. Men of proved skill bad been taken to tbe scene of the out- rage from both W and M with tho special engines which came to the rescue, but it was very doubtful whether they would find any clue. A second time was the special engine sent from W and It ere long returned with one of the deteotlves. This man had found a gold watch on tho ballast near where the carriage had stopped on the level. Now this watch did not belong to mc—mine being still In my pocket—nor Indeed to any among our party. It was therefore very evident tbat It had been dropped by one of tbe thlevas la the souftle, or In get- ting the case off. The detective handed the watch to Mr. Wilmot and Mr. Dane, but they could not make anything of It. By this time news of the robbery had spread Into tho town—though everything was done to keep It quiet—and many peo- ple had come to the station to satisfy their curiosity. Among others, a watch- maker, who workt-d for Mr. Wilmot, come on to the platform. The detective at once suggested that Mr. Wilson, the watchmaker In question, should make an examination of the watch, and that a te- port of such an examination should be drawn up. Mr. Wilson was accordingly called Into tbe room and the watch hand- ed to blm. He opened It and took off the case, while the detective prepared to note down the result. No sooner bad Mr. Wilson removed the case, than an ex- clamation of surprise fell from him.

"Why, Mr. Wilmot!" said he, "th!.-, watch Is one which used to belong to Mrs. Wilmot, and which was stolen some three years ago."

'■What!" said Mr. Wilmot; "Mrs. Wllmot's watch? Are you sure? "

"Yes, sir; quite sure. I remember many peculiarities aboat It; and here I can Identify some special repairs that I myself made."

" This Is very strange," said our man- ager. " The thieves who stole this watch must be closely connected with the pres- ent outrage."

" Mr. l'orter, can we have a special to N at once!" said our manager, ad- dressing the station-master.

"I will order one immediately, sir; and also telegraph to see if the line Is clear.

While this was being done, Mr. Wilmot asked the doctor If I could be safely moved, as ho wished to take me to N to be ready to Identify my assailants, should they be captured. The doctor gave it as his opinion that I might be tak- en; and he expressed his wllllngnes to accompany lit, to be ready in case of need. We were soon on our way to N , aud early In tho morning we ar- rived. Mr. Wilmot and the two detectives at once proceeded lo the bank; and in about half an hour Mr. Wilmot returned to the Inn, He said that Mr. Garstang was not there, he having gone away the previous morning; but the detectives bad been stutloncd where they could watch all who approached the bank. Wilson, the watchmaker, had gone round to sev- eral of his fallow-tradesmen In N , and at last he found a person who recog- nized the watch as ono he had cleaned on several occasions, and for Garstang! Thus, then, had we got another link In our chain—one stronger than any of the otherc. Tortor, the station-master, hat) ascertained that (inrstang often drove out of N In n dog-cart, and mostly In

direction. On arriving at this town, we succeeded In HCUltmlng where Onr- stang'* dog-cart Invariably Went. This

to a house In the suburbs, standing -oiinds of its own, and inhabited by

an old woman and her daughter. When we reached this house.part of our force ap- proached It by the hack, and part by the front, tho doctor remaining with un* in the carriage at tho corner of the lane. While we waited in suspense for tbe re- ult ol the raid upon the house, we heard

the sound of wheels; and the doctor, on looking out, t-iiw a carriage, tbe horses of which, he said, seemed hard driven, coin-

selves up. When they were confronted with me, I at once Identified ibe man whose face I.had seen; and though they had changed their dress, the station-mas- ter was convinced that they were the men who got Into my carriage at W . The one who passed the bank waa Gar- stang, bis object in doing so being to see bow the plot waa working. It was easy to see that Garstang, being ac- quainted with the code, had caused the forged telegram to be sent from M by some accomplice. Inquiries Instituted among the clerks at the M telegraph ortlce elicited the fact that a female had sent tbe spurious dispatch, which tbe re- ceiving; clerk well remembered on ac- count of Its length and peculiarity. Find- ing this to be tbe ca*e, the younger of the two wotii'-n was taken int i custody on her return home. She proved to be none other than tbe female servant who was discharged from Mr. Wllmot's at the time of tbe Jewel robbery. This girl waa ad- mitted aa a witness against Garstang, as also was the dr've'r of the carriage In which he and his fellow-robber reached tbe house where they were captured.

The mystery about the Jewel case was cleared up by the evidence of the ser- vant girl. On the night of the robbery, she stated that she was In her mistress' room, and seeing the open case, Bhe looked Into it and then determined to Bteal It. She alleged that she was at- tracted rather by the beautv of the jew- els than by their value, and that no Idea of selling them ever entered her head; her only Idea being to become possessed ot such splendid finery. She took up the box, and was coming out of the room with it, when Garstang confronted her and threatened to give the alarm. She became very frightened, and attempted to put tho case back. This Garstang would not let her do, but led her down tin; back stairs and out Into the garden, and thence to the street. He then fright- ened her Into going with him to a disre- putable public house, where he robbed her of her jewelry, and threatened her with the consequences of divulging what had taken place; at the same time he told her he would marry her If she kept all quiet. This ho had never done; but he had taken the house In which he was captured, and here he placed his victim with an old hag, whom he made her des- ignate as her mother. He had, she stated, always treated her with a sort of klndoess; but be never relaxed his bold upon her, and she felt very frightened of him.

Thus, then, was this villain at last fair- ly netted, and, with his fellow criminal— who turned out, as we expected, to be his brother—committed for trial. While he lay awaiting his trial at the Assizes, some bills of his brother's were dishonored and thla led to the discovery of an extcn slvo system of fraud which these two worthies had carried on for many years, At tbe trial, the robbery In the train was clearly proved against thctwoGarstangs, and justice was at last vindicated by their receiving a sentence of penal servitude lor life, with the addition of an ample preliminary administration of the cat.

The wretched girl who had, In a wav- ering moment, when a word of good counsel might have saved her, unforttf- nately fallen Into tho clutches of a heart less, calculating scoundrel, waa sent to a distant part of the country ; but she soon drooped and died of consumption, induced or hastened by exposure to the bitter weather when sbo went to M , to send tbe telegram which so nearly led to snch dire results. As for myself, I soon recov-

ered, and took my post at S as man- ager; and when Mr. Wilmot' and I visit each other's homes—which we often do —we seldom fall to think of the forged telegram and my terrible ride.—CassttVt Magazine.

.i.rn-'i ;,!"n Mtikl. » Lvon

VVNei-ii » SOU

From th* above. 11 will b- «eea that the IIOWK Co. aold 40,104 more than th* WeeJ, or nor* th*n twfot aa many, and M),«a more than tbe Amirlcan Button Hole aod Ov.r Seaming Co., or more than Bv* time* a* many.

Anv on* not Interested in any Maeblnr, can readily le. whleb Machine la AHEAD la tbe

c Hat,

Only Agent for the Howe Machine Co.

is AT

HAGER'S General Sewing Machine Agency,

199 Essex St., Lawrence.



143 Essex St. 143


Have Jml purcliaied a New Stock of

llsmburg Editingr,

Cotton Edgings,

Lara Collars,

Linen Cloths, Towels,

Summer Arrangement, May 'J, 1370.

For ['ortlauil.haru-.HIddi lord,eic.,;.S0iexpr*M o l.»wr.'ii■-!■!*.il-, 1- )i-,:i i*.*.(ti|,ir.Kiii Head- ui;,' and Monday, W<-dnv*day, trlouy, at 6 P.M. For tXLUr.Uuvtr,Great Kalla.aumtaUoiiiml

ol flaverbIll,7.3D Irxiirciato I-awrrnoe) A. St., IS H., .1.00, 6 F.n. {**pri-u,) Uondaj, YVedncidav, rtUayater.M.

For Httvertalll 7.S0 (*xpreii),;.45(vlaGrorge- town) A.M., U M.. .1.15 (via Georgetown), 1.M, I (ciprcii,) 5.15 (via Georgetown,) S, S.1S F.M. (TiaUTeorK*towuO

Kor Manchester,Concord and L'pperKallroadl, 7.801 cxpron) A.H.,1** *t.,fl(expre*»)p.at,

For Lawrence (Mouth Side) J, 7.SO, (eipr«*l) 10.15A.M., It M.,a,,J.30,6{ea.pre**tO WakiBdd,) * ii *-

IS U„ S, -l.so i, (ttxprasati r.m,

roB Bos-roil. From Portland 6.IS,S.46 A.M.,I r.at., Monday

Wednesday. Friday at S P. M. From Grvat Falli 6.40,7.44, 10.S5 A . M ., 4M P.M. Front Dover 8J>o\ 8, io.S5\ A.M., o.o*,*, 7,sa«

P. M. From Exeter 6.18*, 8.50, 11.43* A. M., •*, 8 JS"

From Ilaverhlll S.1B, (via Georgetown) 7.11* T JO (via Georgetown,) v.M, 11 (via Uaorgrtewa) A.M.iU.tt)*, 3.10,5 (via Georgetown,)•.«*,«.*•*• P.M.

From North Andovar 7.ifi,r.4o A.M., I*J0.I.4O, MO r.at.

From Lawrenee (North Side) 6.*S, TJ0, (.44 A. M..11.U, 1.40,1.M)r P.M.

From Lawrence (South Side) • XT. 7 JSf, ••** A. ■ ,, Ili.IB, 12.40*, 3.45, 5.12, 0.M*, 9.10** P.M.

•Or on their arrival from tb* K**l. [Or on their arrival from the North. •*Un Monday, Wedneaday and Friday only, Paiaenfter* are not allowed lo oarry bagiiir* Dove |5'i In value, nor over 80 pound* in weight,

and tbat penonal, nnlei* aotlee ii glT«a,aM an -atra amount paid at the rate of a price of a tliket 'or every M00 additional valme.

WnT. MEEBITT. *,■»»*.


FtXil., C.U.1 liii AT QuEXXCTC-vrV.

The I,u i I'.roin., Kilv YORK, and i'mrjiXL- PRIA BTXAHBIfir i OUIANVH MAIL RTKAMCHS

are appoint, d to sail from New York aa fallow*:

'IT Y OF imUBHELS, . riaurday. May 17 NKMKMN, Tbartday.Jaa* I CITY OF LONDON. Batnrday, Jan* S CITY OF WABI1INOTON, Batnrday, Jane 10 CITY OF 1H li I.IN, Tu,.day, Jan* la CITY OF BKI8TOL, Ttaraoay, Jane Ik CITY OF IIKOOKLYN, Batnrday, Jan* 17 CITY Or PARIS, Batnrday, Jan* M

And every KATL'IIIIAY and altcrnat*TUESDAY and TUUKMDA Y, from Pier 43, fool of

Char I ton itrwt.


To Liverpool, i?a and |l<>0 Oold. From l.Lverp: ol, S73 and »00 Oold.

To Liverpool and return, eiu and f.171 (Join, according to looatlon of loom*,

Tbe aocommodatiom by ibli Una for Cable raiaenueri arc onrqualled.


Napkins, laanalkercnlefs.

Oil Table (over-,

Antl ninny other Deairahlf Goods,



143 Essex street, Lawrence.

13, half ntre. Infant* free,

lit C. P. BKHBY.

IMrdi ar* singing, vole** ringing Out upon ths morning air,

Flower*perfuming, Earth, too, blooming Into beauty everywhere.

Froga are perpInK, aqulrreli leaping On tbe branchc* old and gr*y,

Leaves ar* parting, bud* ar* itartlng In lb* orchard* all lo day.

Bee* arc humming, boy* ar* drumming, i Making mu*lce*lh*vgo; Brook* ar* running, llihci auuolng

In the quiet atreim* below.

Illne Jay* whlitle In tbo thUtl* In a clear and Joyoua tone,

All la gladneai without aadneu, For the earth 1* Natar*'* throne,

Dovei ar* cooing, wrena are wooing Wltb *weet long* of love, no doubt;

Uaarla oatgnihlng without blmhlog, II it i it in natnra acled out.

Cock* arc crowing, cowa ar* towing, IIOTBH neighing In ihelr ai'all*;

Hprtng bring* pleaiure without meaiure, To God'* living ci

should be upon mt' <?re the driver noticed In* at a rapid pace down the lane leading my carriage. 1 u»0e a desperate at-1 to the house. Where our carriage stood,

Bird* are ilnglng, voice* ringing, Quedlon Nature's Ood who dare*;

Death and eadneaa, Mb and gUdne**, Eaob a crown of glory weara,

.VorfA Andortr, Matt. ■ i. ,— ..——^ , „ .

Aii enterprlsln.- hen of Dunbarton, N II., not being adapted by nature or art to enter Into competition with aome or her sisters In the production or/egga of mam- iiii'tli proportions, runs to the extreme, and persists in laying 'em of an average weight of two and a half ounces a dozen.

One f.ucien Heard, a uotorlous horse thief, who recently escaped from Jail In Richmond, Va., writes a letter to the En- •i»ir*r of that city, in which he expresses his mortification that the Governor should have offered the pitiful reward of 9100 for his apprehension. lie thinks his capture would be cheap at $1000.

A Hoosler, having learned somewhere, that Ihe best method of egress from this life, was to shut one's self up and burn charcoal, he was found tbe other day ait- ting In the centre of a ten-acre lot near a very comfortable fire of that material, As he had put (he bars up It didn't oper ate.

A Virginian editor, having notified cor- respondents that all communications in- tended for publication must be accompa- nied by the full name of the writer, re- ceived one from a lady who signs her own full name, to wit: Anna Matilda Sophia Klectra Dolly Ann Totter Bell.

A young couple of Sow Britain, Ot., who were married on a recent Sabbath, are In much despair because some genius haa Informed them that contracts entered Into on Sunday are not binding.

When a circus vl-im Providence, U. I., tirf many or the penrile aa can afford It go in to bee the show, while the rest stay outside and piteh stones at the canvas. Tbe authorities were mean enough to a:- rcst one of thc»e latter, on Tuesday.

A Ix>ulsana planter reports that his Chinamen work slow, but sure and nicr. lie also says that the yellow boys, as he calls them, plow very well, but cannot manage the routes, which cannot under- stand Chinese talk ytt, I

Farms for Sale, The inbscrlber calls tko attention of all tbo»

who wlih to bay a r'arm.m hlm.n he baaalarg number of farm* la hi* band* to icll, aome u which are iltuatcd near Dcpoli,Schooli,Yll)axei etc., tbe price* ranglntr from S.1O0 to SOOOO, alioi raaaoaabl* terms and liberal paydayi. Alio.tha b* !■ a llcenied Iteal ataUla Agent and Auctioneer tmm-il* OKO.B.riFlBLD,I^ndenderry,N.H.




Sewing Machine. Acknowledged to bo the Best Sewing

Machine in the Market.






11 Temple Place, Boston,

Axeata wanted. 5mVeotItmyl».b M.K.Arj-rol*





£91 Broadway, Now York, Invlta tb* attention or th* Trade to their eaten. «lr* auortment of tbe above soodi, of ■*«*> publication, manufacture nnd importation,




K. *V R. T. ANTIIOM V 4k- CO.,


SmV IMS Opposite Metropolitan Hotel,

mroaTua AHD nAnvrACtuaxria or


To Whom it may Concern. ,. TAlfu t5.e*.rt"> !*•* w* "*«ln ooastaxt w- . Tubular Well with SIIATTUCK'3 PATENT STRAINER.*** they work to our rutlr* intis- factlon, firm* a good mpply or water. We con- ilder it the BEST Strainer In uie, and would recommend them to tho public a* worthy their attention. '

i^m'!llM,'nur*Co->bT8,m'l,*,riSBP',i''<>w'ii. William 1'iriona. (two) Lowell, P. H. Smith, .Tamil alllr*,

Da*Id MeKellar. Waahlacton Mill*, by W. U. SnUlbury. Agent

Lawrence. Boiton and Maine Railroad, by Jai. T. Fnrber,

Annt, Lawrence. L. T. Blood, 12 WaihlDfton Corp.. W. A. Wiley, » Kewbury itreel, Iiaac Illnki, 21 Oxford street, Hash Haflertr, 8. Dookham ft Co,, Peter Uollban, Andrew Mooney, Joieph ltc|tnbolham,

Tha above,' aartUeate jBMfcs for llielf, rot It doe* not contain but ftw B lb* ---"* " which might b« added to II,

The aubicrlber* bare the twelutltt riaht to pot dowa Ibeae Well* la thla city and .Irlnfty.

Thl* la a NEW STRA1NKR, lately patented, ".IM| .p'r."°.!".w',.h.ln* '? Pirohai* the Hfjt to pal


thr right to .ihlafWellr

?mTt?w;cod*p27 SAMBORH * TI'IKER,

-173 Essex Street, Lawrence, Muss,

To Let. On Summer Btreet, (Simmon*1 Block,) an up

■tain TENKMF.HT, with tie* or six rooms. APr'TlO •.A.JEWBTT,

WlaBFI m Essex Street.


The puMic, and tiptciaVy those InterMtcd In Ornamental Carpenter Work, ar* Invited examine toll new Intention by which ■ gig i,t |> nude to travel through atatlonary boardi or plank* In any <leiln*d direction, cutting nt abapc* at thi l-Iraiurc of the operator.

Il can be aern at the Junction of

Medford and Margin Streets,

I.AWBENOB. May IStb, ISTL ill •





Your rhoic. of any in the market.

W. HAGBR, 199 E..« St.. Uwwaw.

Prepaid cerill'cite* Irom Liverpool, yaeeni- town, (Jingo wand Londonderry to Boiton, $J*t. "hlUreii between 1 and 12, half Tare. Infant* ♦*.

Passage Ticket* Issued to and front any part of the New Fngland State* at lowest ratei.

Dralta payable in tireat Britain and Ireland free of discount.

For freight orpaiiage, apply at th* Co'i OBe* . 102 Stale amci, Boiton,

M. S, CREAGH, Manager. Or P. MURPHY, 345 Eaeaz ateMt,


KEROSENE OIL LAMPS. I hare received aome New Pattern! of Kcreieaa

Oil Lamp*, both In dim* and Broun, Alt*, a One aaaortment of

Chandeliers, Pendants, Brackets, Lanterns,

and everything connected with tbo Kerosene trade, making the BUST SELF.CTION to b*

lonnd In the city,

AND AT THE LOWEST PRICES. Alio, soma new pattern* of

GAS PORTABLES. Which I am selling at Low Prises.

IE. A. FISKE'8 Paper liaising and Curtain Store,

No. 276 Essex Street, Lawrence, Unas.

Nca-TOnsnosa, HEADACHE, NEURALGIA, et*. Bow few there art who bar* not snSerod with St least ona of the above dlitreaalagdisoasos. Bow few there are that have ever found anything that would relieve—not to mention cure—tho** pain- ful affllctloni, BBIUOS' ALLEVANTOB I* a bona-Udc remedy for i-acli and every one of thoaa prevalent complaint*. It not only relieve* in- stantly, bnt poiltivcly curci every on**, when u'cd according lo directions, The aitonlihlog luoceai of Ur, Urlgga' Allevantor, as a Madly medlelnc, I* an eatabllihed lict, To try It II to be convinced. Sold by all drugglatt>

Plica lnilantly relieved and aoon eared by nilug Dr. J, BBIGUS' PILE UMEDIES. They reduce Inflammation, loot tin th* Irritated part*. and have proved a blearing to tbe afDIeted, wheth- er internal, external, bleeding, or Itching pile*.— All kludi ln all atagea muat yield lo the wonder- ful indueutra of lh. m- never failing remedlei, Sold by Druggtiti.

Ceniampllon, Bronchitis, LaranttitU, Cough, Hoarirneii, and all dlieaiei of the Throat and Long* readily relieved by iba magical and heallnK iPftuepre ot BK1QUS1 TBEOAT and I.CM. II KA I,Kit. Sold by Di-nggteti.


ETC—It is an aatonUblng fact tbat nine out ol every ten perioni we meet are sorely troabled with their feat. Very few are exempt. Dr. J. Unions' Popular Hemcdlc*-CKBATIVE end Al.l.h. VlATuIt-are reliable and certain la their effect*. The Curative for *ore and tender Corns, Huniotia, Mad Nail*, etc., I* a eoothtnn balm for rounded lee-., and rapidly eure* the wotvtonaea.

lator, for t|he core of common Corn* and and tbe prei cntlon of all Corns, I* ■ pas

■fiftiilih'innida. Sold by II. M. Whltn-j k Co., 11. J.Deubam, Ctiarlea Clarke, Ln«rene*

aclenllflc mind*. Sold bl _, ZJ ■

■nd Urugglita generally

II. M. Whltn ■ke,L lv* fnovso

-I.'P??"IWI*,IB"W !*JU" ™«*erfut ntodldne claim, to have discovered and combined ,« BnM- «y more of Xaturfi most tovtrtign mtdicainrou- trllct than was ever before EfiSTntfC medicine. Tbe evidence ol thli fast Is baad l> the great variety of mo.t Obstinate dl«a„iValeh it ha* been found lo SM&E ItTahe e«ri mt Hrontkitit, SSM CV*#a*^nd the <ar%^tax«a Of Contumptlon, It baa astoalihod tb**a9Bl faculty, ami honored, of tb*l*itphr,lelsTsnrZ

While It ear*, the eevereat Coxghi.ltlltnnarE en.in,, sy.temand purlne.lh.bloV' ByluTrMf ind tXorouyh blood purifying preotrtitM !.«!»

Mineral Posoia, Syphilitic sad Va^artaloS ei.aud their effect, are eradicated"SUS&H hrattk aud a sound conttitution esiabllihsnlVaw *u,t.,t. Salt Rhrum, Swirf flentf, JW'«w5T W,or Jbwfh m*11„ ibortlTil'iiVZJrSns di.ea.ei caused by bad blood, are cW'ereTbJ thla powerful purifying, .nd nvtgo^ig^Mrd? nine. For "Hctr Complaint " ««f™. ruLJj^l nMi.bituui oKtfSKTrf liaTS&asfi

ea.c/fo'r »hlo? sSS 2 *U tUTt 0t "U •■•«•• -' Hewar* oi

I.■ dicier, li Sold by Druomi .7. ol Prrparid by K. V. rtrnMSLu. ■'.! "1 ■?'■.(Wloel UbetaTorr. b.Hole Proprietor at hi* Cben.leal~Ub*33*aT

Haneea afreet, rlurTalo. N, TT BifftSff^' P«B



MOULE'8 EARTH CLOUT a perfect ubititute for th* Wat*r Clo**t aaa

_ n be need In tumble fbim,or sTalildtLaM

2 Tt' .. . *»W|BBWS Bend lor circulars, or call at the OnYea ot* the



It Donne at.