Social Actions Idea Generation


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• Bullying• Cancer Awareness• Racism • Sexism• Smoking• Drugs• Animal Testing• Abuse• Global Warming• Alcoholism • Homelessness • Mental Health• Religion

• Domestic Abuse• Sexuality• Neglect • Politics• Poverty• Disabilities• Drink Driving• Speeding• Discrimination• Health• Sexual Health• Immigration • Addiction

BULLYING MOOD BOARD With these previous bullying campaigns shown here, they all take different approaches on how to get bullying to stop.The first is there to encourage people to help and stand up to bullies by reporting it.The second is there to make people see how being bullied makes you feel, this one is more hard hitting than the first as it is trying to speak to an older audience.The third image is from an Irish bullying charity and uses famous Irish celebrities to promote that they are against bullying, this is to try and make bullies see that it isn’t accepted by anyone to be a bully.The fourth image is to show that there are more ways in which to bully people now and that the issue needs to be stopped online and in person.The fifth image is short and simple in order to get people to report the bullying that they witness or experience.


If I were to use bullying as my campaign topic, I would probably talk mainly about cyber-bullying. This is because it is a growing and more effective way for bullies to get to people. This makes the bullying even more constant than it being in person as they can be reached all the time, everywhere. I would use the approach of the second image, to show how much it scars a person that is bullied. I would do it differently by using a computer or phone to get the point that cyber-bullying is happening and needs to stop.I would try and get the message across that people need to report it by using a short and simple command like the last image did, to get my point across further.

CANCER AWARENESS MOOD BOARDAll of these images are there to raise awareness for cancer. This first and second are there to target awareness for specific types of cancer, whereas the third is an in info-graph about the main types of cancer and how many people it affects in the USA. The first is there to try and get people to think about whether they know what they’re looking for, this makes people more aware as if they don’t, they would want to find out.The second is using a play on words to get awareness out for lung cancer.The third image is trying to present the information about different types of cancer in an interesting way so that people want to read about it, even if its something they think they already know about.


If cancer awareness was my chosen campaign topic, I would chose one specific type of cancer, find as many facts about it as possible, show some things to do about it and put it all on an info-graph so that people knew what to look for, how to deal with it if they found what to look for and how they can support the awareness if they didn’t.This would probably be in the form of a poster but could also be a gif so that it was more interesting for people to look at.


These mental health awareness campaign posters are there to make people talk about mental health and to try and take away some of the stigma that comes with mental health. The first is taking the scientific approach and take away the stigma that mental illnesses are all made up. The second is taking a more light hearted view on it and using humor to show that it is okay to talk about it. The third is showing that you don’t always know when you have a mental illness and that you should talk about it. The last image is there to show that people try and hide the fact they have a mental illness and don’t talk about it, but they as it is better for them to do that. It could also be getting at how socially, people need to acknowledge it and start talking about it rather than trying to ignore it.


If this was the chosen topic, I would combine the scientific approach with some of the stigma’s that come with mental health.I would do a poster for this, probably focusing on mental illnesses that involve split personalities’ or hear multiple voices etc. so that I could show one person with multiple faces all saying the wrong things that people seem to think about mental illnesses. This issue would need to be researched further, to gain more knowledge.


These posters all show that being an alcoholic is destructive in one way or another. These posters all have different messages, the first being that it isn’t healthy for you or your family/children. The second image is showing that even if you aren’t destroying yourself on the outside, you will be on the inside, it shows how you could give yourself a stroke, along with other things. The third image shows that it doesn’t matter what age you are, you are still affected by the effects of alcohol, this is backed-up by the writing on the right side, ‘Its not just a youth issue. 60% of heavy drinkers are over 30.’


If I chose to do an alcoholism campaign, I would use a poster to show the effect's on someone's life who is an alcoholic and probably an info-graph to show the scientific effect’s on people. I could design a bottle with the info-graph on, like cigarettes and their effect’s.