TTM for Forza - Tactical Sports - Tactical Gaming



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Forza 6 Division Document

Forza 6 Team Training Manual

Version 2.0

12 October 2015

If any mistakes are found;please contact Crabbieee.This manual has the abilityto be changed at any time.


1) How to use the Training Manual - Practice Briefing - During practice - Post practice Report2) Division specific voice comms - Apply basic voice comms (section 3 of BC/TC doc) - Division specific position reporting (not covered in BC/TC doc) - Division specific terminology (game specific)

3) Division Specific Teamwork and Tactics - Placement- Techniques 4) Potential COC members and Additional Resources- Potential Chain of Command Members- Additional Resources

Forza 6 Division Document

1) How to use the Training Manual All Staff will utilize this document to make sure each member is trained on the teamwork, tactics, voice communications used by all Staff in the Division.Practice Briefing (PB) Practice Briefings are used to inform members of when certain practices will be taking place. Staff are to post a Practice Briefing 24 hours before the start of any practice that they will be holding. This should give members ample time to notify staff if they are able to attend or not. With in the Practice Briefing will be details on the objectives that you will be looking forward to complete. This can be any one thing from passing techniques to cornering techniques; so on and so forth. During Practice Staff will review the PB in the game lobby. Staff are to concentrate on ensuring members complete the objectives set out in the PB and ensure the basics of section 3 and 4 of the BC/TC document are enforced. This includes:- General Voice Communication Procedures; for instance: Proper use of 'breaking' in when wanting to speak.- In game Voice Communication Procedures; for instance: Letting the driver that he is passing know the position of where he is located.Post Practice Report (PPR) Post Practice Reports are to be posted within 24 hours of completion of the practice.

Forza 6 Division Document

Staff will post a PPR in their discussion topic to ensure practice objectives were completed or need to be repeated. Members are to reply with their feedback.Templates for the Practice Briefing (PB), Post Practice Report (PPR) and banners can be found HERE2) Division specific voice comms

Apply basic voice communicationStaff will enforce the basic voice comms (section 3 of BC/TC doc) which can include but is not limited to:- Checking In and Checking Out;- Breaking;- Server controller;- Questions to the Entire Group;- Keeping comms clear; Division specific position reporting (not covered in BC/TC document) - When a member is to pass another driver; you are to ensure that they report which route they will be taking to ensure the cleanest racing possible. If the member is to set up a pass on the inside; then as soon as they gain the advantage and are on the inside of the driver they are passing, they are to make it clear that they are on the inside. This is to be used whenever passing is to occur. Division specific terminology (game specific)

Apexing - The apex is the innermost point of the line taken through a curve. The apex is often, but not always, the geometric center of the turn. Hitting the apex allows the vehicle to take the straightest line and maintain the highest speed through that specific corner. It is often near the tightest part of a corner.

Forza 6 Division Document

Apron: The paved (and usually flat) portion of a racetrack that separates the racing surface from the infield. Generally, a concrete wall or steel guardrail separates the apron from the infield.

Banking - The sloping of the track surface, measured in degrees from horizontal.

Camber: Degree to which right-side tires lean in toward the car (from the top of the tire) and the left-side tires lean out. A useful tool to gain grip in corners by maximizing the amount of tire-to-track contact.

Clipping - Minor contact between race cars. Also often refers to hitting precisely, or "clipping," the apex of a turn.

DNF - Did not finish. Drafting - Drafting or slipstreaming is a technique where two vehicles or other moving objects are caused to align in a close group reducing the overall effect of drag due to exploiting the lead object's slipstream. Drifting - Drifting is a driving technique where the driver intentionally oversteers, causing loss of traction in the rear wheels or all tires, while maintaining control from entry to exit of a corner. A car is drifting when the rear slip angle is greater than the front slip angle, to such an extent that often the front wheels are pointing in the opposite direction to the turn (e.g. car is turning left, wheels are pointed right or vice versa, also known as opposite lock or counter-steering).

Deep Braking - Deep braking is the process of going into the turn faster and braking later than normal. Normally used to take the inside of an opponent and force him up and out of the way.

Economy Run - Driving slower to conserve fuel. Some cars can actually manipulate air/fuel levels (less fuel, more air) to run "lean" and conserve fuel.

Fill the mirrors - One driver is pressuring another driver so that the rear-view mirror is filled with their pursuer.

Forza 6 Division Document

Horsepower - The estimated power needed to lift 33,000 lbs. one foot per minute roughly equated with a horse's strength.

Lap - One time around a track. Also used as a verb when a driver passes a car and is a full lap ahead of (or has lapped) that opponent. A driver "laps the field" by lapping every other car in the race.

Line: Term for the fastest or most efficient way around the racetrack. Often most drivers will use the same groove around the racetrack, and that portion of the track will consequently appear darker in color than the rest of the track due to the buildup of tire rubber.

Telemetry: A radio device that relays information such as engine, tire, steering and throttle performance to team engineers in the pits. The team can monitor both car and driver activity to ensure the car is performing properly. Also enhances driver safety by allowing the team to notice any developing mechanical problem the driver cannot foresee.

  3) Division Specific Teamwork and Tactics

Placement Placement is very important in terms of racing as a group and making sure that you are not interfering with another driver.  You should know where you are and the driver you are racing against is at ALL times. There is no excuse for running someone off the road because you are getting too greedy with a pass. Staff are expected to teach their members on proper passing techniques and ensure that clean racing is enforced at all times.  Techniques There are several different techniques in this game when it comes to passing and I will go over a few below.

The inside block-pass:

Forza 6 Division Document

This is when you pass the other car by going inside of the turn and basically stealing his line. In order for this pass to work cleanly, several conditions must be met. First, you must be very close (almost dead even) with the car you intend to pass. Secondly, the car you intend to pass must be toward the middle or outside of the turn. Lastly, the other driver should be courteous enough to give up his line once you’ve occupied it (if not, you’ll both get tangled up).The trick to this type of pass is to quickly occupy the space that your opponent was planning on using. To get by the other car, you’ll need to enter the turn “hot,” i.e., faster than you normally would, and use the brakes to slow the car so that you don’t overshoot the turn (you can also slide your car to slow it down). Essentially, you will be out-braking the other guy. Once you commit to the pass, you’ll need to protect your line to prevent the other car from passing you back. Just stay as close to the inside of the turn as you can, and the other car will be forced to drive a longer line in order to get back around you (he shouldn’t be able to do this if you’ve executed the pass properly). 

The outside-inside move:As its name suggests, this is a pass in which your car enters the turn toward the middle or outside (depending on where the other car is), leading your opponent to believe that you’re taking the outside line. Instead as your car approaches the middle of the turn, you suddently square your line and head out of the turn toward the inside, hopefully driving past the other car toward the inside of the turn.This type of pass usually works best when the turn exits onto a fast section of track such as the straightaway. This helps make your pass stick because, if done properly, a good outside-inside pass will give your car greater speed when exiting the turn. 

The inside-to-outside pass:This uses the technique of early apexing to allow you to slide by your opponent while simultaneously blocking his path out of the turn. To make this type of pass, you must enter the turn while sticking to the inside as closely as possible. Once you’ve reached the turn’s apex and are ready to accelerate out of the turn, let your car drift wide. Under most circumstances, this drift will carry you right in front of your opponent, blocking his line. He will either have to hit you (and get booed by the crowd for dirty driving), or back off. If you’ve done this maneuver cleanly and properly, it’s a perfectly legal and clean move.

Forza 6 Division Document

 4) Potential COC members and Additional Resources Potential CoC Members

The first step in becoming a CoC member is to show keen interest and step up. Apply to become a Staff member. The Training Office (TO) offers the Staff Training Program (STP) which will teach everything a member needs to become a staff member. Once completed, your Chain of Command (CoC) will be informed and your profile updated.

To enroll, simply contact your Division's assigned Assistant Trainer (AT).

Additional Resources To be added at a later date when resources come available.
