Learn how to repair your car and save money on labor



You don’t need a mechanic to do most repair jobs on your car as you can do these repair jobs yourself and save lots of money.

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Learn how to repair your car and save money on labor

Your car cost you a lot of money to buy and for this reason, you have lived under the notion that any time your car needs attention, it has to be looked at by a professional. It is true cars are complicated, but as today most cars are computerized, they are capable of telling you what is wrong with them. What’s more, most of the problems that your car suffers from day to day don’t need a mechanic or the manufacturer to repair them. However, your mechanic will never tell you this because his interest is to make as much money from you as possible.

With the ever rising price of gas, you owe it to yourself to save money by starting to do simple car repair jobs. All you have to do is to first get the relevant tools such as a BMW diagnostic tool and you will be fully equipped to do the following maintenance tasks. First on the list is changing air filters, a process that needs only 10 minutes. The air filter is housed in a black case under the hood and you have to loosen the clips on the case in order to get to the old filter. Take out the old filter, put in the new one and secure the case.The second thing that costs you money at the auto repair shop is changing oil and oil filter. To do this on your own, use a jack to raise your car then find the oil pan under the car. Loosen the drain plug and after the old oil has drained into a container, screw the drain plug back. Next, you have to find the oil filter and remove it using an oil filter wrench, making sure the rubber gasket comes off too. Before putting on the new filter, lubricate its rubber gasket, fill the new filter with oil just 2/3 of the way and screw it firmly into place. Then pop the hood and add enough oil to the engine and your car is good to go.

Checking your battery is another car maintenance job you can do at home. Start by removing the negative battery cable then the positive one. Scrub the posts and battery terminals with a wire brush. To remove corrosion, you can use corrosion removing liquid, then rinse off with water and dry off. When done, replace your battery and put the positive terminal then the negative oneback. In addition to fixing these three problems, if your car diagnostic tool picks up a problem with your headlights, spark plugs, fuel gauge sender, fuel filter and wipers, you can replace them on your own and save more money. When you become this self-sufficient at maintaining and servicing your own car, you will save hundreds of dollars each month, money you would have spent on labor.