9 frame


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The feel of the audienceThe Christmas tree represents the Christmas holidays and makes us conjure an image of relaxing and good times in the cold holidays.

Effective Text convention technique

By embedding the name into the Christmas ball hanging on the tree is an effective way to make the title sequence. In addition, we can see that they use a classic Christmas theme font which maintains the holiday theme.,

Mild Mise-en-scene (Lighting)The use of lighting in this shot isn’t one to particularly brag about however the lights reflecting off the shiny part of the ball make the glitter on the ball highlight giving it a more Christmas feel to it. In comparison to the dark coloured decoration this connotes hope and the good side of the movie.

The shot types effect on the Enigma code

Also the choice in shot type (close up) makes us get the opportunity to analyse the Christmas trees decorations properly and appreciate the colour scheme they have used. I think they used dark colours for the decorations because this connotes something bad happens in this film, call it a subtle enigma code.

PositioningThis specific scene is set closer to the top to the tree so this could mean that the music side of this film has a sufficient impact on the way we feel about the film in general. Also they put the credit right on the blue strip on the ball which is an effective and clever place to put it because it fits so perfectly in.

Frame #1

The maintaining of fontThey have still used the Christmas based text and font however this time they have made it fill up more of the screen so the viewers can get a clearer view of the name and they have been smart and made it look like the text is mimicking the form of the ball so it curves around the ball.

The ball /decoration elaborationI think in this shot they made sure to but that decoration in the background for few reasons. The first is because they wanted to make sure the audience don’t forget that this is set in Christmas, the second reason is because they didn’t want the background to look bland and boring so they made sure to zoon in and get an more closer shot of he decoration with a few Christmas lights in the background.

Theme other than Christmas/ TitleThough the theme is Christmas we typically think

of children opening presents and this is a very effective theme to go off of and just by putting home alone as the title makes us think of this

Christmas not going as planned and it would most probably have something to do with kids. You

wouldn’t use this kind of title for leaving an adult at home and like I sad the enigma code of

children on Christmas is a very effective thing to utilize and exploit; this alone will hook the viewer because of the meaning and layout of this theme

and title

50/50 effectBy making the Christmas ball half light based and

half shaded still maintains the yin and yang side of

things in this and helps us to remember the balance this film really has. The title itself suggests that this movie has a not so

jolly side to it.

Frame #2

• Comedic (Genre)The dog in a Christmas hat and

the label marked “joy” Connotes the genre quite clearly as having a large element of comedy. This simultaneously maintains the theme as this title sequence

refuses to break this Christmas theme throughout this title


• tool of keeping audience engaged(Depth of field)

Like in most of the shots we see the decorations but in this one they have used a low depth of field to make the lights look like portable stars inside. They have refused to make the background look boring and it’s a good mentality to have because they need to engage the audience as long as possible on the opeining titles

Frame #3

The happy vibeThe bone in the dogs mouth connotes that its happy and the crew who made this sequence wanted to make sure that we know that although this may have its dark times, everyone ends up having a goo time.

The powerful enigma codeThey have used a statue of Mary and Jesus to symbolise the comfort and loving that the mother in this film is going to show this child when the new equilibrium of this movie arises. They also respect the religious side of Christmas by implementing this statue and exploited its uses and its enigma code interpretations The Mother love enigma code

By using this abstract noun love connoted in this frame, they have made us look at the meaning of the statue and this acts a huge compensation for the background. The dark background substitutes the decorations for a reason. It could mean that no matter how dark times were, a mothers love can prevent you from entering despair and loneliness.

Use of Mise-En-SceneThey have used a great deal of light on this statue making us think that this symbolic code has a big part to play in this movie .

Frame #4

Subtle codeA king toy is shown here and

typically when it comes to Christmas Christians think of a king

as Jesus. Since Christmas is a Christian belief its only fair they

add this code and then transform it into a form of a toy so the code

suits the theme of this particular film instead of putting Jesus himself

there. Of course adding that comedic element to it.

ConnotingThe toys jaw is dropping down and this connotes that the movie in filled with shock and surprise but not in a necessarily in gruesome way hence the toy soldier to mellow out that connotation.

Frame #5

Smart use of the textThey have placed the text in the middle of the screen in which seems to be maybe fake snow or a white surface perceived to be snow. This may be connoting that the people mentioned in this shot were one of the VIP in the production and making of this movie since they are in the centre of this shot.

Keep it colourfulThey have made sure to keep the shot with a range of colours to keep the sequence eye catching and they have even made the light reflect off the decorations as they have in most of the shots. Mentioning this in most frames I would say lighting has a very big part in their connotations

Wise comboBy using these

decorations they have still managed to maintain that Christmas feel while using them in a creative

and useful manner.

Frame #6

A smart yet obvious techniqueThey have done like a ladder effect

here in terms of the role of each crew member and their

responsibility. They have put the associate producer and then

executive producer higher up the tree. This suggest to everyone that

one role is clearly holds more responsibility that an associate.

The drawingRe-enforces my fact that the main purpose and theme of

this film is about kids or a kid hence the child like drawing.

Typically its children that draw picture on Christmas. Although a child may not

have drew it we automatically see a drawing on Christmas

and think a child drew it. Unless its exceptionally good and even then children pop

into our minds.

• Overall the main purpose of this shot was to commend the producers types but they though they should still include the theme and film into the equation.

Frame #7

Christmas coloursThey have used the rug as a background for the credit in this shot. Red

and white are the colours used in a

Christmas theme and even here they have

maintained the Christmas feel with just the colour more than

the pattern.

Credit in shot=BackgroundThe credit commends the

production designer and I think its more than a coincidence

that they would commend him in this particular shot. I say this

because the pattern in the background mildly tell us without looking that its

commending some form of artist.

Rough textureThe texture of the carpet suggests that there are some hard and bumpy times in this movie and they have even used a dark red/ burgundy to

signify the dark side of the movie.

Frame #8

Good intentionsIn these shots they take the time to thank the people that made the title sequence possible but since they are separate from the film they stopped the music and didn’t add a background. To compensate for this they make sure the font and size of the text is big enough to be noticed.

The musicThe music is what made the title sequence effective because it had that sense of mischief to it but the instruments used suggested Christmas time.

Frame #9