The Raped Eves {Chronicles of Aztlán} Iten Mario Mendoza Camacho ISBN.: 978-607-00-8466-9. MCMXCVIII

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The Raped Eves

{Chronicles of Aztlán}

Iten Mario Mendoza Camacho

ISBN.: 978-607-00-8466-9.


Page 2: The Raped Eves {chronicles of Aztlán}  -Free digital version-

It was a difficult decision, but Eva Garza had decided to run behind closed doors in the bathroom of the small

tenement room she rented since joining City Capital of the people months ago, Abort not be easy! Much less without

proper instruments, with a metal for hanging clothes deformed as the only tool hook.

He said the old wooden door of the modest bathroom, barely had a toilet and shower, was a square wooden framed

mirror, in which the moon dimly lit as a silent witness by the small window peeking reflected; Eva skirt and

underwear sitting on the toilet bowl is lowered, while watching the wire into a hook holding with both hands; He

closed his eyes and sighed deeply while outlining what the entrance to her womb.

At first contact of iron he felt a silent cold, did not prevent him giving the first internal thrust, a sharp pain made

him clench eyes and teeth, holding tank porcelain, pulling accidentally lever water, which ran in noisy red swirl

around the small trickle of blood came; suddenly became a roar of water that hit unexpectedly and did open his

eyes to his surprise found in an unfamiliar room, more like a dungeon or stone prison without door had only a

small window without bars at the height of his face that showed how thick the wall.

For about Eva minutes did not move, trying to recognize strange environment, rather convinced that it was not a

dream, it was disturbingly calm the atmosphere, there was heard more than a stream and occasionally the chirping

of a bird; She saw herself in inspection and was integrated, their strengths, abilities and senses level; everything

in it, including their perception of the new reality was normal.

I stood with some anguish at being trapped in a rock chamber end or entrance and walked to the small window

being amazed by the view that is revealed before your eyes, a stunning town almost on the water, with great

pyramids and beautiful green hills greeted proud of life across the crystal clear lake surrounding the island.

It was long contemplating the majestic scenery that the island city offered, although strangely it was deserted,

without the slightest human trace, but teeming with life in the water and in the air, which was crossed by flocks of

beautiful birds white.

Just watched this postcard when his window came a hummingbird, which played with his eyes, then a few seconds

to enter unexpectedly in stone room where he was imprisoned.

When he turned into the cell trying to achieve flight of the little bird, it was gone, instead he saw in the inner corner

of the room a stunning young man, dark green eyes, athletic body and beautiful but stern face, dress with beautiful

feathers carrying a shield and scepter stranger resembled a snake on fire.

He felt no fear that appeared, with whom he stared as if to bring up alert or fear, but neither broke the silence for

a few minutes.

Where am I? He asked she

These in my City Mexitli! But that's not what matters He replied

This is the dungeon Ixtab! She calls you, for your own hand gave him the power to do so, but respects that mine

should be born; so wisely decided to turn his gaze elsewhere, rather than risk the same fate as my sister.

Eva tried to remember and recognize faces among the bushes lit by the moon now in front of her; He spent the

entire film had not wanted to repeat even in dreams, from the moment your little town was destroyed by the army,

how its defenders fell before being hanged; hidden under pasture saw illuminated by the houses on fire, like strange

fruit from trees that seemed mourn the beat of the screams and pleas in terror of that life behind to watch their

children were pierced by bayonets and women dragged by the soil to be raped; until such time as a soldier set fire

to his hideout, revealing their presence.

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He recalled his harrowing race, chased by sickly laughter; He felt again the pain in her bare feet, which tore the

dirt road and the thorny bushes hug when I wanted to take refuge in them; but nothing worth, those men overtook

him, just as a comet brightened the sky and could see their faces before the shot down.

At that moment he felt that the comet hit his belly, lifting her off the ground as was his fallen body, pulled by the

force of hands seized him; strangely seeing from above, from the outside, being outraged by soldiers.

They will not find me among Said the warrior

Who you chased through the woods with gun in hand until they believed reach you are men of your time.

Damn! exclaimed Eve

I do not understand how they can be called honor when Castle in uniform for murder and outrage; if you are in

any army Damn you too! -Sentenció-

I belong to none, but all belong to me, 'he replied

All serve my cause, regardless of the motives that drive them; I had nothing to do with his actions, but all are my

tribute Including You! When you were about to fall into their hands, before the first touch you, my son found his

mother again, came in you to take you far away, while those soldiers met their wishes in a body where you were

gone, one I like yours, conformed to your likeness by the elements of nature; He was a consummate illusion in your

mind around, when they left for dead prey, you came back, again becoming dirt and leaves the body borrowed;

suffered abuse for having lived in fear nothing, because you could not understand that you were actually saw who

suffer abuse from above, embraced and protected by my sister.

Take my hand! And understand He said as he took a step forward with the hand ofrecida-

She did so without hesitation and at one point became the eyes of hummingbird flight soared through the window

to get away from his prison; Eva did not feel his body nor was the little bird, he just lived his eyes to be a spectator

of what was going to show.

While flying over the majestic island listening to the inner voice Hummingbird "Here Thou art my beloved

Huitzilxochtzin again, sovereign of his people by my will, that stone died carrying in her womb to your son, who

escaped as a kite when they opened the womb of his mother; My revenge will be terrible, hell cavalry is already on

its way to the sea. "

Eva felt the hummingbird flying plowed easily times and distances, looking in a blink between galaxies, suns and

planets that flourished at breakneck pace of the little bird as a magnificent explosion of fireworks at all artificial It

was an orgasmic eruption of multicolored life in the eyes of the bird! That made him feel so neither one million

words could understand: The universe.

The flight focused to a small planet, which swooped hummingbird was the land! Not green, but red; for a moment

I saw was covered with blood, which arose divine mortar similar to humans.

"They are creating the future father as revenge for his son at the hands spilled blood; the first erect, but not sapient

men of an era when the divine had not given life to humanity "Said the inner voice of Colibri-

The land was a difficult life, reluctant to blue ocean and green meadows that characterize place soon; there was

only ice and sand mostly low light and many shadows, nothing warm, everything cold. Eva was fascinated to see

through the eyes of the little bird to people who seemed to men as they walked, but their wealth hair and they needed

something in his eyes, that spark that distinguishes the mirror any human.

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In another blink was found inside a type of airship, which clearly heard the desperation of the crew plummeted to

earth, to collide hopelessly. Eva could hear what they said, even though he was in a strange language, also

understood, as if in the eyes of hummingbird was all the necessary understanding of the known universe.

"They hit us! What was it?How is it possible that this planet inhabited by creatures that walk upright just little more

than beasts has come from an attack, a beam capable of knocking the flagship of Starfleet Urania!We estrellaremos

hopelessly brothers! "He heard say in anger and astonishment that seemed to have the Command-

"I will not lose my father's ship at the hands of those who were created without reason grandfather's blood must

save the Olympus!" He said as his hands went out rays

He was brother Grandma! That became moon shone dimly lit understanding in those creatures Gea turned them

into an army of monkeys! Thinking only what is necessary to execute the mission of insignificant pawns Said who

was the official doctor abordo-

Chiron really say I see from here Titans in charge!This will be a battle worthy of us!Prepare posts Olympic

combat!Hades! You take control of your breath remove the enlightened monkeys, while Poseidon going in the water

to drown the Titans or imprison them in the deep abyss of my father's ship will fall with all the fury of Dodekatheon

about them! -Sentenciaba With eyes full of thunder and lightning the brother command before the terrible moments


Hummingbird left the ship to reveal Eve as crashed on a peninsula, so violently that bounced to be suspended

thousands of miles on a sunny hill; the impact was so devastating that when almost the entire planet was covered

with dust mixed with the blood of younger brother in command, who had lost an eye when the ship crashed, killing

many large creatures in a blink, but creating a new kind of monkey, similar to those lit by the moon, with the

difference of color in his eyes, which were not blue but red, dust result of his ship and drops of blood from his lost


"Thus was born the first humanity in duality, fertilized by the earth and sky, lit by the moon and the sun, nourished

by the blood of one-eyed brother" Said the Colibri-

Eva saw with astonishment the great battle, which was fought by air, sea and land; even if many wonderful powers

appreciated major combatants, colossal giants towering bestial forms, what struck him was to see those creatures

erect, with a light in his eyes already killing each other barehanded.

The captain of the ship won the battle, the Titans were drowned or caught in the deep sea and almost all monkeys

illuminated from both sides crushed or killed by the hand of his peers; however the ship had been damaged

irreparably and all his brothers except one, had lost their way in battle, joining the element where they were

dropped, one ocean, one in the depths of the earth and the other where they wanted or had accommodation and

sentenced them to stay here forever.

After that, the winner fell into a deep sleep next to his sister, suspecting what intrigued Eva watched The few

monkeys live on both sides joined! For new to them requiring them to meet with the lives of those suffering received

feeling manipulated.

The moon handed them a liana light to escalate to the ship, which found asleep at his mighty crew; monkeys

illuminated red eyes tried in many ways to harm the warrior golden armor, killed many of anger and fatigue with

arms shattered both hit without being able to touch your body, crashing into manazos violent millimeters of that

armor was covered with a protective invisible layer that prevented them from any contact, without ever achieving

disrupt your sleep.

While the monkeys illuminated red eyes trying to kill his creator, the blue-eyed prisoner opted to take the sleeping

woman in silver armor, lowering of the ship by the same rope nightlight.

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Eva felt an empathy that prompted him to want to pounce against the captors unable to control the flight of the


"You can not intervene, are a witness who sees but is not here" Said the Colibri-

Eva watched helplessly, guessing the fate of the kidnapped woman; monkeys illuminated blue eyes went ashore,

which once touched pulled sleep the woman immediately rose to meters of floor bouncing rays like silver arrows

glow of his armor, all monkeys were killed except one it looked at first pleads to heaven.

Eva suddenly saw silver armor acquired the pale hue of the moon, who took control, dismantling itself in the air

and expelling the carrier, which crashed to the ground beating violently against the rocks, of which the last of the

monkeys illuminated blue eyes took to take away from the ship, hiding in a cave nearby mountain.

Inside the cave and monkey walking on two feet and was also trying to understand, I needed to know, did not

understand why, but I needed to know; Curious looked at the woman who seemed to have lost all power with that

armor withdrawn by the moon.

Eva watched as the monkey began playing the unconscious woman, but strangely did not change, rather curious to

see that there was malice or curiosity in the eyes of the creature, which was discovered through the body of his

captive, the which was illuminated by a beam of light that gave the moon, waking in the monkey's desire to see the

shape, contour, the contours of the body, which began to smell while ran it with both hands.

Eva could not indignant, even if he wished, to see that monkey move progressively into the woman, until she

discovered her genitals and hers, giving birth to the primal instinct that led him to climb over the unconscious

woman to initiate intercourse. While for lack of will could be considered a violation, the fact is that Eva was so

natural scene, free from evil, insane desire, even feeling like love; saw something completely natural, as it should

perhaps spend, nothing contaminated interest, conventions or lust.

Illuminated blue eyed monkey fell asleep beside the woman, who awoke his armor returned to the will of his service,

sheltering her and restore her powers. Eva thought he would kill her captor, however, she left the cave, looking up

at the moon, like watching a mother; something understood in the discussion of those looks without breaking the

silence returned to the cave.

The hummingbird flight soared into the ship, where the man was awakened by a nightmare, to be surrounded by

the few monkeys illuminated red eyes remained standing; he realized it was not a dream Her sister had been

kidnapped! And he had seen the result.

Thunder became angry, blinding eye of fire with all the monkeys that fear head down and fell on their knees;

consumed in flames at most, before the terrified eyes of three who remained alive.

"Why have you allowed this humiliation father!" Shouted the sky

We are born to ourselves and our hand should just die, why hast given to those created by the blood of grandfather

understanding and with it the notion of his own existence Said while turned to see the hummingbird with a smile

very strange identification in which said know how much, none intervene in the course of actions other-

Eva watched this warrior stunning golden armor took the first of the three monkeys illuminated eyes red head,

lifting him off the ground as if it were a dead branch.

"So was his desire to take the life who gave an exclusive That's our prerogative! You were lit to serve and have

done evil "He said while he sprayed the elevation skull pierced with a ray of fire the heart of the second who was

on her knees

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He stared for a moment to the third party had not dared to see his face, which also took over the head, but instead

of holding him or pulverizársela, it seemed that was piercing light.

"Behold part of me then! For you to be equal to that my sister will be born; I'll give him yours and revenge on you,

and you will have to charge mine; You've been born to die from now, tax of your destination, always seeking to kill

the part of me that you see on your fellows; I can not control yourself at will, even when having your life you can.

Go and find my sister Matala by side monkey! And never forget that you are already similar to me, but never my

equal. In return I will give you the kingdom of the earth, but mine always be the kingdom of heaven, that only I

know its reality hidden from your being created from the dust of my blood and dust Go and rules in service to my

Enkidu! "- he ordered his now enriched creation-

Hummingbird returned to the cave, where the last of the monkeys illuminated blue eyes no sleep and wake pleased,

while the woman had given birth to a girl, then turned into a snake majestic resting on her armor.

Eva saw Enkidu enter the cave, fearing the worst, he felt a desperation that helpless creature, dead father and

mother snake in a dream; However, to his surprise, Enkidu was distracted from the task entrusted to be fascinated

with the great snake wrapped in fire stood before him mission.

"I know what has been sent Enkidu, also know and can decide '' I said to the serpent

In exchange for the kingdom that my brother has offered you by me, I will give a giving life partner, as yourself do

not have the power that my brother was reserved to create; and you will never be alone and closer to the One True

will and what we are Take my fruit! Which is prohibited by your creator, because she is no power but of knowledge

creation. You monkeys lit regardless of the color of her eyes were created unable to give what they received Vida!

Since parents have given them the knowledge, now my mother for my seed gives them the power of life, creation

and Nothing you can really envy your maker Enkidu! "Exclaimed the snake

The snake had convinced, however the one-eyed brother in command, as if present, warned of failure in the mission

and took possession of the lifeless body of enlightened monkey blue eyes, which suddenly rose with red eyes and to

behead the snake, grabbing his body as flaming sword headed to the little girl.

That Eva time saw the armor is lit, wrapping the newborn in silver light that blinded the possessed monkey, time

took Enkidu to steal the sword and through with it, while the infant was transformed into a beautiful woman like

her mother.

Eve saw through the eyes of young hummingbird surprised as he joined in the battle against the flesh-eyed brother,

whom they defeated in between. The lifeless body of the possessed monkey fell beaten earth, while the one-eyed

brother turned into a fireball returned to the heights where his ship was.

"Again you have disobeyed me! I will take the name and powers granted "-Sentenció burning flame as it rose direct

rays pulling them both

One of these rays hit was by the girl, but Enkidu offered his chest, receiving full discharge, which glared.

The full moon came and filled the cave becoming a great serpent, to which this fireball seemed subordinate. The

younger brother command again took its shape, appearing in his golden armor with a knee to the great serpent.

Why do you intercede for this insignificant being Great Mother? What has to deserve special protection Ashera

same? He asked to reproach the one-eyed brother

Eva saw one of those nights when both fell asleep in the light of the moon, surprised by the sunny morning when

the brother command decided to end the life of that child throwing a ray from above, his mother he protected his

body falling fulminated; the old moon interceded again eclipsed the sun and transformation, lifeless body emerged

small flowers spread seeds carried by the warm breeze of the moon around the earth that received in his feeding

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them intimacy with nutrients and sprinkled it was conceived of heaven, of which sprouted women the next day with

the first rays of the sun.

"So everything was ready, the two brothers from different fathers and lost in time humans names come! As long as

you hunt the other, lived in pursuit over a thousand years, which turned and populated the whole earth thanks to

the daughters born of the seed of his mother whom his descendants knew the name of his mother and yoursEva!Thus

were born all peoples, all realms! Some learned to live off the land other than war, some planted other two sisters

conquered So strains were propagated in the same genus, for one to be executioner, another to be the salvation of

both through the sacrifice of Mother Love!So first litter born in the Adarianos red eyes and blue eyes

Evarianos!That's your legacy Eva! "Said the hummingbird to the passing of his gaze

Being the first children of the brothers outside the struggle, were mixed together, leading second generation to the

first four races who founded the first towns; red eyes hiding deep in the soul of men and women, generations later

born with blue eyes even while good chose blue color of honey or jade, or black background as the original monkeys

children's blood grandfather; therefore the children of brother-in-command eyed look in power and their actions

are recognized, because eventually became aware of his lineage, constantly demanding in every generation the

kingdom of earth, representing himself as enlightened sons of the one-eyed, creating select groups of warriors or

brotherhoods in order to keep them visible only to the red affiliation.

Eva realized that the color of the eyes no longer mattered more was neither lineage guarantee that humanity was

mixed and only in his heart, in his acts could know the color of the eyes which descend.

Not as easy as you think about Eva Said surprising her voice Hummingbird

Humanity is no longer color defined by birth, because they have the same mother's father does not matter! It is

everyone having their thoughts and actions the power to choose, because everyone is already a cross of red and

blue eyes it is a human privilege to decide the color of the eyes of your heart Eva! Nobody is born it being in what

becomes living Regardless born in red or blue imperial house! Thing that has happened since, preferring to be

crucified before the earth reign continued the hummingbird his talk with the flight-

Every child born to the mother Gea decide which home or ancestral lineage parents join in which clan will serve

is a wonderful ability! Having the privilege not only choose but unlimited power to change the color of the heart

No matter how many layers of color have! Always a red able to at the last moment to be a blue at heart, the same

goes for the blue of a lifetime that fall into the red in the fear of a moment; repentance can be of any color.

Eva thought about the good and evil in the words of Hummingbird, watching every flutter distant lands and times,

stories and kings, battles and tragedies that seemed to be repeated in every scenario.

The good or evil are only in the hearts of men Eva, no truth to the form! All I've seen, all the kings and battles, are

really one and the same story, even if it represents actors apparently different time and space; in the end, no time

or space Only One True! Each world, every age, every people, every empire is like one of my flapping for Him. All

universal story is told in endless variations in the One True Father and Mother at all, everything that exists and

what do not.

What you know as Gods can not be such a thing, is only the reflection of your ancient fathers, because the One

True unable moniker of, just feel Eva Any God any time he feels only one thing for human beings: Contempt by

envy! Said the hummingbird as he went back in time to a beautiful island cristalina-

How is that possible? Eva was asked

All deities are actually more limited than you possibly be a concentrated light of the One True at any given time

and space, but can not leave your fate beam, because they were created but not born like you who are a faint

reflection but He completely Perhaps you have seen a god of fire control oceans?You humans have the ability to

conquer everything they propose!They have the power of birth and death as does the One True forever!In this sense

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they are more powerful than the gods overthrown ship!You are the children the zeal of their parents!They do not

answer their prayers because they feel the courage of having to obey! Since in them is their bond of covenant with

the One True You are the humiliation of the gods!The punishment for his arrogance and pride!The price of a real

disobedience! We do believe that they owe their existence when their humanity is Supreme Divine origin How many

gods are dead in oblivion of time as humanity is reborn with each new moon!God created mankind does not matter

but that life gives you!You gods are gods will be the One True! He answered the Colibri-

Adarianos and Evarianos are pieces on a board game Eva where pawns You look like Bishop eyed younger brother

in charge, while up the horses as Chiron and towers like the sea or the underworld envy them, though nearby King,

are determined to make them suffer and demand tribute do you know why?For more about Him that they are, they

can never occupy the sovereign place!You do! Because in his heart there is a small grain of dust that place, which

is why only You can crowned by sacrificing pawns Because only is the ability and power to choose, to be born any

part of them!Even a Queen! That actually this lady, our mother, is the sovereign true that protects the crown is why

the fat and frightened as pawns to have to stop being afraid! Clinging to its small size selfish to not feel the greatness

of his heart, nor exercise their right to claim divine sacrifice their rightful place.

So you will never confuse by immense power of a God who is with the human divine attribute of choice is not the

same Eva! Said the Colibri-

A god is actually a slave of power and given task, they do give you a great force, it is because it is required for your

work has no choice really! While the human will is all freedom, choice and opportunity, being mirror One True

exist in this era many gods, but one humanity Eva!

Over time, the brothers of the ship shall be confounded with deities, but they were actually a human history like

they were ever monkeys too!Children of hybrid reptiles and half monkey! Who fought like for parents of another

ship and created in their arrogance successors enriched and improved its existence So one day men will be mistaken

for gods!And in their arrogance they have created to the Impeach! It -Reveló the Colibri-

The father of the father of all these Olympic brothers was just one of many monkeys half snake, one of four other

Reptilian races that have arisen in other immemorial era; red eyes are the last vestige of his mother Draconian

race, which in turn was also a four preceding the beginning of our time and yours, when the red eyes were yellow

and blue, green.

Even within the same time history repeats itself in another side of the same moon, while the Olympic fought battle,

another of the four sisters races or developing his own mirror frame; the fight was not in a mountain otherwise in

a tree, which toppled Nidhogg at war with his brother Eagle, in this battle just participated titans, giants of

Jotunheim and Muspelheim fire.

In this land of cold I have a hammer instead of the fire serpent and the younger brother is called Wotan eyed son

of Bor, in turn son of Buri. Beyond the sisters are warriors with the ability to heal any injury, leading the heroes

fallen in battle; Adam and Eve is an ash elm one 'Look! Said Colibri-

Yes, I see Said Eve

Clear as your beautiful eyes Blue! What happened to you? -The Said nothing Hummingbird

You're the same! Only with pale skin, golden hair and blue eyes Why? insisted Eve

Because a snake sheds its skin does not let the snake being pampered Eva! Every life is just a change, growth,

advancement and constitution Conformation! In a word, both for me and for you; All colors and shapes are within

the rainbow reflection of the One True, which is what exists and what does not exist answered the Colibri-

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Eva was flapping in nine equal number of worlds, all wonderful in their own way; saw a beach where two trees

took on human form fed by a divine wind that gave them breath, sense, wit, emotion and speaking.

And so we could climb to tire the time and space without finding purpose in their infinite combinations!That the

realities are as many as there are innumerable worlds! Many times in the same time in the same room even.

But I'm no longer corresponds neither to see me more as I assure everything is possible, because everything is

within the One True concluded the hummingbird as it arrived to a new place-

Eva marvel again after believing it was no longer possible, was a floating Crystal city as vast as beautiful

"Meet Eva Island Atlas" Said the Colibri-

Here flourished red eyes hidden for a time the descendants of the lowest human brother, son of Adam, until a mighty

ship Adariana command of Pharaoh, descendant of the older human brother destroyed in a day and a night -Narró

the Hummingbird -

The Evarianos committed to my eyes a single mistake! Exclaimed the Colibri-

Advance the progress of mankind without worrying develop adequate defenses expanding both in wisdom forgot

fear! His beautiful civilization paid the price, because as you probably remember and repentance, trust can be of

two colors, like two sides have any real currency.

Although some thought! Said the sudden reflection-bird

If there had drowned their enemies, perhaps the Adarianos had been sovereign of the world But perhaps Pharaoh

was smarter! And I assumed that this would end its cycle He would not promote the coming of another ship and the

existence of two other monkeys!

He understood that while both races exist in perpetual movement that is fighting, there would be a new beginning;

so maybe in higher intelligence shows disobeyed the orders of his ancestral father, even against its own momentum,

not annihilated the Evarianos, doing all he could with his power to enslave! Thus assuring mortal perpetuity.

Because peace among brothers will be the end of time is why your brothers love Eva war! Because fear in divine

selfishness your order arrives, that is why who give blood and tears, injustice and suffering to maintain balance

and not, but the movement behind it is very difficult to make offerings being aware of being a sacrifice!Few have

done so genuinely, even among us comets, many have been content to be great warriors, great kings, but nothing

more!Counted are those who have sacrificed, sacrificed in love offering their light to humanity!Therefore it is more

comfortable being an Eva red!Lot size is required, among humans and between comets to paint blue blood and

heart! He finished the Colibri-

Eva could not believe his sadness, grief that pervaded his heart sink into flames seeing such a beautiful city, a

civilization as moonlit There was then lost the best of humanity! thought

No Eva! Best of humanity is in your heart Even those who have red eyes! It -Reviró the Colibri-

That is why humanity is women who suffer most Eva!Because she does not reside intelligence eyed brother but

divine fertility of our Great Mother!Man can now thanks to their Evas what all brothers eyed no! Now humanity

had been crowned with the divine immortality of fertility and the joy of giving life; Eva believe me, there is no

greater than that of an older brother with pristine right to see their children exalted That zeal broken little hearts!

Just do not support zeal, despite the claim.

In short, one-eyed younger brother is a prisoner of himself, but in this time and space, while not accept with humility

determining the Padres Eva You are the litmus test! Humanity in general, but especially women; because from the

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first who sacrificed to defend his youngest son death ray was clear the supreme role of divine sacrifice which Eves

You have the privilege of giving Therefore hurts so much light! And the more it hurts most noble and receive more

love her calf; the more love generates pain, more affront be for joy eyed brother said, helpless feeling that both


This is why men have red heart slogan oppression as women, because unconsciously bring your blood command

resentment and need satisfaction for the injury received the wounded pride of his one-eyed father; so do not miss

for anything your Eva nobility For if no good for sacrifice, do not serve at all! Will be as dissatisfied as they warned

the Colibri-

Believe me! There were whole civilizations led by red women dedicated to making war without men or husbands,

who preferred to cut his chest to use a bow or throwing spear unobstructed instead of using it for breastfeeding.

They are far from the nobility of sacrifice! Red staining his heart, killing his men, striving to show what sadly did:

What could be better than a male red! They sacrificed his divinity by pride and vanity Eva, proving that sometimes

it is better to be worse concluded the Colibri-

Really? -Consolada Wonder Ella

Look at you! Said the Hummingbird while its flapping those dating back to another time and place where Eva

watched in horror as a large woman going through with his spear at her beautiful newborn, without compassion

or remorse; no longer wanted to see more, felt a rage and indignation that brightened the eyes of Hummingbird

with flames would have liked scorch who cursed from the bottom of his heart

A cycle wasted! He listened say the warrior, noting some guilt

It was the best! Slaves have enough next year will have more luck sister! You will be given a daughter You'll see!

Do not let weak called compassion affect you because love is the greatest sexual perversion! That takes away the

pleasure and imposes guilt We do not seek love! Neither man nor child only live and die for our mother war, his

daughters worthy! We have only our bow and sword to go to meet eternity was the route we choose!It is our law!

Said another of Clan-

The women returned to his kingdom as a flock located where the sea was black, had several cities under the

command of the daughter of brother Hummingbird mirror in which he saw very laborious and disciplined women

in fieldwork and customs of war; while the little bird ran the kingdom, he could see young trainees with a

mirmidónica severity, I saw them was severed breast with fiery sword in last aptitude test.

He felt a kind of admiration that embarrassed seeing them take by assault the neighboring tribe once per year, of

which almost raped men in their fear, just to give continuity to their matriarchal lineage; after feeling of

identification with such a show of female power first, he understood that she could never kill or maul cutting the

genitals to take by servant to his son; at that thought a dreadful remorse struck his heart, making mourn red.

Now you understand Eve? He examined the Colibri-

I do not rescued your child, if not to you of what you were done, why it's now regret your being, to which your

shame off his right to fear and selfishness have, is the best proof that your heart is able to bear the fruit for which

it was created They were hopelessly lost in their sin of pride and dissatisfaction! Exclaimed the Colibri-

They endorsed the original offense, sacrificing their own children, fulfilling the order and whim They eyed brother

eyes burned with hot red sword children born blues! Being from the daughters of Gran Madre reason of sorrow

They were the rematch eyed brother, who proved he could also dyed red to elected at another time had not been

able to touch!

And boy did mourn Mother In this kingdom of shame the moon did not come out! The sky was black as the sea,

whom Mother denied blue, as they blinded his eyes of newborns who had.

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Nor do I forgive a brother what I did with these girls! That is why we always denied them victory with the permission

of my Father, and by the sword defeated on the floor with his wounded pride and frustration exposed the condemned

to perish Said the Hummingbird while his litmus green plumage became flames

That is why Great Mother agreed not to allow any woman regardless best in arts of war than any male Although it

could be! The result will always defeat, to never forget their lofty mission; to date, some with blood Amazona feel

frustration and drive to compete, to make war with the man, not understanding that only fight who has such power

is filed and granted to them is the greatest of all gods Poor foolish leaving the cradle to take sword! Neglecting

such a godsend to prove something unnecessary and insignificant in the eyes of the universe as it is to win the man.

No good mother is the need to win at all like your child!Yes he is his greatest victory! Reason for joy and gladness;

their achievements she always triumph and its failures, the patient must wait Why do you think Gran Madre

expected to grow eyed brother reconsider and heart?Because I love as only a mother can do!For the love of God

is love women! He waits long enough, even having the power to correct De finish it if you wish! She waits for her

son proves to be worthy of being Great Mother is the mother of everything, including Father!She gave him the

power! As King consort, but stayed with love, will always be fertile and therefore finest divine without whom nothing

is or could be included Gods! It is to the One True concluded the hummingbird returning to its color-

Already a quieter? asked Eve

It seems to me a lesson, another well you took You Can not you forgive anything? I feel I had wished a thousand

times be killed before birth, because of the sacrifice of your mother and your sister executioner, although the latter

had spirit Amazon.

Goodness reached your being! Right?

Do not be silly! It -Defendió the Colibri-

Why would hide from me, yeah I'm the one who is not alone in your eyes As you have instructed me ages and

kingdoms I could see in your heart! 'I revealed Eve

Are you saying inconsistencies Eva! Why would I want what I know, it is only intended to mankind? He reproached

the Hummingbird in almost adolescent tantrum

Because one thing is what is known and what feels another!Because you should not be ashamed of yourself, for

your heart loved as a man!Face it! Eva said the same in feverish complaint

You stubborn!You always were!Always reason you had!Contigo you can not! He growled at the little bird whisper

a strange emotion in his heart that was beating him annoying appearance but live ilusionado-

Stop playing silly romantic ideas and focus on what is shown! It -last the Colibri-

You can teach me what you want, but not control what I be able to see beyond! Got it? -Reviró Eve

Do what you want it!Whenever you end up doing it!Now do not tell me more! Said in fresh trouble the Colibri-

Okay! -Remachó Eva in the same attitude, but wanting to have the last word; after which they flew in silence for a

while, feeling both of which held their breath underwater, but the challenge was to see who endured more-

No need to talk to confirm what I already know Hummingbird! I know who and what defeated the mighty Warlord

Though you recognize ashamed! He broke the silence Eve


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But it will be many generations after the saved from the waters reach the Monte Alban, with blue congregation that

was denied access to false promised land, provided by eyed brother who was the one who actually offered water

from Mt. or rock, only for those that penalties desert had turned red is why bran hit the water with his staff, not to

talk to everyone recognized was not the one True! He felt it could not be him, yes commanded one of his Titans

called Angels to drive out the inhabitants of the earth How could reap the grace of parents in a land bathed in

blood? He reasoned the Colibri-

He was the younger brother eyed offering the kingdom of the earth again at the cost of blood sister! So it is not that

he was denied entry He would not go! You have opted to continue their arduous journey, now for the same waters

that came, that led him to where he started, without displacing anyone, its great nation ground real good, full of

streams and springs that of the mountains flowed.

Land where stones as steel rebuilt the lost civilization Atlas Monte Albán Thus was born! It -Reveló the Colibri-

Joshua led the Reds who reported having entered blue flag in true promised land, thus founding the nation empire

red with the blood of women and children Arhia, the City of the Moon; proof that order eyed brother was not the

one true is that the Ark represented alliance, served as the ship saved from the water to get away with his people

in such atrocity continents.

It was one-eyed brother likewise who stopped as the sun in the sky to help achieve victory over the five kings, his

son Yehoshua offer subsequently him tribute, spilling with his own hands the blood Thus was painted since its

inception, Adariana most powerful nation the earth will ever know! Which continued conquering cities in which

exterminated all its inhabitants eyed tribute to brother, father of the new king, who said it was the mandate of God,

but did not specify which. For over blue paint that you can never hide who was born of innocent blood and it perish

No land has been bloodier than that! The more blue is said.

Therefore, Masada fall again, but this time from within their own hands blue people turned red with fear and greed

green; the Shoah was indeed lose the nobility for which he was elected, in his fear exceeded measures of survival

and defense, but in future their greatest fears embodied in its catastrophic end learned so much from the destruction

of the island of Atlas who forgot what therein were taught! So the world will be ruled after the children of the widow

by the slave; the last war will be over bold plan of the brothers of faith together, but it will be so atrocious, which

will lose both, and nobody can win anything and lasting peace will as the only humane option; Great Mother will

be when to terminate the game, rising with the tide to clean the contaminated blood of black and green gold.

Very interesting revelation! But what is that to you and her? She questioned sarcastic Eva at the obvious deviation

on the subject-

Women had to be! Exclaimed the Colibri-

I am revealing to his own times and nothing you dont mind a romance novel Is it more important? She questioned

the AVE

For you yeah! You prefer to speak of the end of the world before the beginning of your heart truly terrified you'll

love! I know you are, have been and will in many eras and peoples, your tragedy it was falling in love I saw more

than I've wanted to show! There have always been younger brothers I get it! Like monkeys lit, regardless of the

color of his eyes, which have consciousness and intelligence, perhaps greater than ours in past repetitions but had

never given the supreme power of your great mother! Beyond fertility is what you discovered The ability to love!

Therefore humanity is so special and should not be truncated life for any reason, I understood now that I saw in

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your eyes all I saw, I saw, I saw, we saw!The three still one! It's like I understood what this is all about; I felt the

One True as you call it, reflected in the unit trina Said Eve

Do not be distracted cheesy thought, not presuming what just understand! It surprised -Acotó Hummingbird,

denying good reason and closing the discussion regarding Huitzilxochtzin, while in a flutter back to the desert

above scenario, which had left the immense human spine wandering in the endless hot carpet of sand

In front of them all is that another younger brother, now that lion warrior firstborn red heart Look at saved from

the waters of which we speak! Those same surrounding the island of Atlas Son indeed Pharaoh's sister who struck

him as yourself, in Comet!

Always older siblings are red? Asked Eva giving lull in the conversation that she just was pending-

Always the last will be first! He answered the Colibri-

There will always be a younger brother in charge of supreme mission and always will be You, on that occasion

Miryam will always be a second that serves as a support for a third! Since duality born third movement is no right

or wrong! For even when the kindness must resist, when it seems that only remain evil, then they will turn against

themselves, and their struggle sprout good It's the magic of life! Give birth where nothing existed before.

Although it is always always relative! It is not a precise term or permanent ever since the One True not govern

neither time nor space -In extent reflected the Colibri-

But yes! Usually in red house put a blue comet and vice versa; habemos also expected minor children come blue

red so red And we are, maybe end up being blue for divine mockery of ourselves we find in shame! Because humor

is the One True chaos and laughter paradox concluded the Colibri-

The small bird perched briefly on the deserted night over the tent of that nomadic leader, voicing a delicate


I I received the Laws of its light I can tell you that is not Him now!I will not break the alliance due to fatigue or

fear!There will be where you need!Not where you can!Or will not be!Understand Yehoshua!Not a chance, but a

trap!We show why we were elected and hold out much longer necessary! Bran said the waters-

Our people are exhausted, can only Musa!You who freed us, why have we still develop convictions now seeing

clear chance! Yes do not take this land offered, promised or not perish from disease and starvation not be anything

left to carry out our promise! Who will give color to the earth, no matter who is offering both must take it! -Reviró


It really say Yehoshua, this land is red and then we will become red if we stay here and germinated For it would

have been better with my brother Pharaoh king as I was offered! He tried to reason Musa

It is a delicate Yehoshua, but I must reveal that Zarza one eye had, spoke pretending to be the father of all, being

only child, single parent of our parents, who told the story a convenience to convince and dominate humanity by

itself, since by its lightning could not.

I know because after a large snake in a dream told me, illuminating my understanding and allowing me to see the

future in which books enslave the human heart leading him to commit heinous actions to give back the blood of his

father eyed brother and ensure submission or human slavery, especially women, who holds a grudge, like an

abandoned by her mother who does not know son, he is incapable of feeling and that everything you are looking

for love.

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That book will be your lightning!Moulding hands of men reconciled with his power!A word so powerful as thunder

will bend reasons and enslave whole nations! Conquering or colonizing free nations in the name of the father and

his glory Said Musa

Musa you crazy! How dare you say that the Tanakh is the work of evil?Now I have no doubt you've betrayed your

people and agreed with the devil! And why should kill you right now, but that would create discouragement and

doubt which is now my people, therefore must go forever from these lands where your ideas never come -Sentenció


So be it! -Remachó Musa

I just tell you that the good or bad they are not in deeds, which are off sailing, if not the heart and encourage us,

where light is Joshua; and that book that gather the old with the new is dry to the fire of the burning bush that will

allow for centuries at the cost of blood and suffering, abuse and oppression in poverty and ignorance wooden But

on that same fire shall incubated liberating eagles!Great lights twisted and dark candles born!

Never forget Yehoshua! If God speaks to you is that it is not the One True He does not! Is felt, because the universe

is not in the mind but in the heart; He reveals why at all times, not only in the ultimate future of the days; as is the

One True is everything, no matter up or down, it may be stationary, with the movement while doing nothing moving

and static all in perfect balance, yes everything has two sides, it is because He alone has one and the other is its

infinite reflection For him there is no law! Because He is Yes, cause and effect, without an up or down, without

beginning or end. Here the Angels are neither good nor villains snakes Quite the contrary! True to the book, the

time will be buried in the darkness of ignorance, fear and forgotten until the end of time She finished Musa.

Get out now, another word that I can not resist the impulse to separate your body damaged head! Joshua said,

drawing his sword

Can kill me, but it is my duty to warn you before you leave these founding a great nation in the service of God, not

the one we know as the Lord, which is of unknown pronunciation for being The One True He never would have

needed to present himself or talk about himself in the third person! As your child did in cunning deception, getting

dressed in the uniform of the father to cheat and use their bravest warriors, who bleed both brothers have

understood the recitation best who is not The One True That squeeze them all red! Leaving only the blue end

road.You are fundándole nation whom our brave people fought and won, so it deserved its name!You're saving the

lives of many, but condemning his existence!I'll get the land that deserves our people, you stay with people who

deserve this earth! Mine will be a far cry from the book of blue red body and soul Where there will be more books

that hearts! Musa said to leave the tent

Hummingbird followed him wherever held an emergency meeting with his closest followers, who believed in his

words to take immediate trip. Eva was amazed at how a little ark became huge ship being thrown by Musa al rio,

which addressed continents to get away from there.

Watch Eva! Said the Hummingbird while the ark retreating

How will sparkle to the red away and eyes Could Yehoshua order a slaughter! But know there will be next time and

ample opportunity to do so; their task is also revealed priority Founding Nation solid chameleon! And there will

be than on who until tonight was their leader had to let him go in peace with those who follow him! That if he

legitimately succeed without shadow of doubt to others that remorse and shame may make, blue arise in your

consciousness. Must balance the version for the official story: "Musa had disobeyed! Betrayed God and therefore

he was denied access. "

He could not afford to do martyr or saint! Ultimándolo at the gates of the land they both waited through them to

find continued the Colibri-

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So looks like the ark away while wielding his sword with frustration and anger, which soon unleash soon becoming

one of my best ambassadors red kings he concluded

Eva witnessed the flight of the bird of the painful journey, The Ark sailed rivers to find ocean, by which they sailed

months in which hopelessness led to an outbreak that affected many, contagiándolos Red fear before hitting land

with the idea that they were wrong, but knowing there was no turning back; spent a strait where those are thrown

to see distant land, but the ark did not stop, sailed unknown and open water again until a string of islands guarding

a beautiful gulf where Musa landfall, having been revealed who was the true Promised .

Going down all of the Ark, this sank in the waters forever, comprising Musa had met her fiance, who from that time

hereafter be the hearts of men and women where dwell the covenant An intimate and individual Ark! So Musa

founded the village people of the clouds, referring to the blue sky and its legitimacy in the One True, which were

determined to serve no book written as Cocijo good children, good son Lamech, of whom his parents came to those

new lands before the saved from the waters, like the children of one of the four of Ham; were also later known as

the descendants of the sands, those left behind with the temptation to rest in a land that was not the true bride. Said

the Colibri-

Musa brought together the heads of families and vowed never to pronounce words put into their mouths by the

bush, so that the children of their children were not aware of the deception eyed brother continued the Colibri-

Thus passed the first three generations, to which Musa survived, to make sure the red word with them had died,

leading to the actions of the heart, in your new town dedicated to agriculture and construction; being the greatest

work and legacy of Musa City built on Mount Alban, where unconsciously reflected some of the knowledge and

styles of the kingdom of his brother Pharaoh.












They entered Noah known as Tlaloc, Musa and Pharaoh as Quetzalcoatl and Tezcatlipoca; so parents men with

divine parents were merged into the new worshiping culture again children who sought attention for corresponding

right to Padre Maybe it's that they made simpler taxed selfish in his image and likeness to humans who worship in

obedience true sacrifice! Musa awaiting the return of Quetzalcoatl or Kukulcan's the same! To be saved and taken

from outside, when every man and woman must find way to the kingdom and obey His law from himself reproached

the Colibri-

We exist because it weighs be responsible for their actions!Taking both the right and the obligation in his hands

the reins of their destinies!We exist because of their fear and Eva comfort! We are not really necessary, or for You

or for the One True; Every man and woman has within our power, preferring to delegate to avoid guilty conscience


Although I understand it is a mess! replied Eve

I see in the new promised land to Tezcatlipoca At four! Moshe the most awaited and the most adored you, that's

funny you the original Blue! ¿Maybe now he has touched your brother not to come because it would be red after

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all?And He preferred cederte drudgery of Red born!While end up as He, being blue! It seems all so confusing, but

it is not so; the fact that they are mothers and daughters, fathers and brothers at the same time and in different

places clear, yes we ignore our constraints tied to its logical reason smiled ironically desafanada-

Here's Eve! Across the world the way the board was formed, there were big blue kings who denigrated into powerful

empires red, giving birth to imperial houses that the right to see birth in her womb the blue kite Said always dispute

the Colibri-

Some are born at the same time, almost twin brothers, while I was born red expected blue, across the world my

brother returned Beautiful blue feathered serpent was born in the Promised Land and given by one-eyed brother!

When I was expected to be red and release King of kings sword to his people and then conquer the world; which

he did, beyond that expected by human interests - pondered the Colibri-

To him, by right of direct blood corresponded kingdom promised land eyed brother But my beautiful brother was

very big for that destination to which he refused! I carried her people and red to launch a more powerful gun and

sword that would restore his discolored Love! He sighed the Colibri-

Seeing this, one eyed brother abandoned to their fate and was crucified by affecting the same interests that after

what enarbolarían as flag victory in the battle of the bridge, from which great emperors and their royal houses

descendants adopted for their shields the sign but still waiting red red!And if I were to come crucify blue will return

as many times as required until the king promised to come! Eva felt like feathers were becoming Hummingbird in

red flames of anger

He refused to be king of earth and heaven too! That heaven in the end belongs to the earth and theirs was not of

this and for not accepting such minor kingdoms was pierced by spear in his side!Yes only Father sent me any

instead!What a great king of kings had been jealous of law supreme sicarii waiting to subdue jealous money red

blue flag nation!But one has been born a redder than ever empire!

And my brother here been any peace and harmony expected, perhaps the two worlds would not have to find,

achieving a balance necessary for humanity, so much sacrifice their lights on both lands made one, coming in a

dreadful was dark, that Forgings of evil in as dark as deep sink Titans mankind for centuries, which will think out

with artificial lights only to fall again entangled he warned

But the universe does not work for human convenience! Not forgetting the divine sense of humor of the One True

that animates everything that exists and what does not.

They spent the centuries after him, with the royal houses waiting! Not really a comet arrives, otherwise it was

desired color for your interests Said ironically, still burning the Colibri-

I know who you're talking about! Eve interrupted

And you know he was here?He founded Aztlán! It -Sorprendió with its response Colibri-

If Eva, my brother hit his mother as your son did He did not go unto Pharaoh, But it came to their lost years! Here

arrival saw the Eagles and Jaguars happy to witness the return of Musa who now known as the feathered serpent

was a time rather than golden, blue dream! In which flourished as never civilizations through the world, including

people who Issa, Krishna and Juz Asaf called him.

However, his stay was short, so only eighteen shared among several towns; He can stay as expected beloved king,

decided to return to where he knew what sacrifice he fulfilled with blue world and returned to sow his seed in the

hearts of people from their mortal parents!

"Here there is you want!" I told him to death, but He always smiled saying as human as it was, it was not where he

wanted, but where it is needed, even at the cost of his blood, the kingdom of heaven would place on earth I would

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or not-eyed brother! Not be able to limit their sovereignty to earth as a man and not for what it was!Not my beautiful

brother, the feathered serpent!

Know that no one betrayed! Those were inventions of the hook swallowed; who said it was the one you loved to the

point of loading to the role of traitor in the eyes of red to that sent to the contraemboscada entrusted the most

difficult mission!The truth is that my brother was willing to sacrifice the will, not for treason!Nothing in his plan

failed! For all the people waiting for him and his ancestors was the one you needed the eyes of your heart It was

therefore chosen people again! Laying sacrificed his humanity, which is the most difficult path to divinity in his

voice -Brightness the Colibri-

Is not repented at the end as they say? Maybe he thought he would be saved at the last minute by Divine Providence

With real interest he asked Eve

Salvation and expression of this providence was Him! How can you believe that knowingly ask for mercy? He

answered severe but proudly Hummingbird

That was what I expected eyed brother! He waited until the last moment, he let out offended, hurt and wronged in

all possible ways, hoping to give birth in him his red by fear and pain, for the temptations of the desert had not

worked I was determined to win for himself as unique kite! But my brother glowed blue in suffering there I realized

I had to be him!Because I had done rained fire and beheaded all rivers of blood to run! He burst into fire Colibri-

Do not say that! I'm sure any of thine Noble also feel helpless only see what you loved hurt. Yes Thou shalt carried

the cross, He who loved you so much, would have thought the same thing now Because you like noble, even if you

must look terrible! Ella -Aseveró

Who knows! Exclaimed the Colibri-

I so sorry!You soportarías like Him!Are you the same good wood! He assured Ella

You always had too much faith in me!It was the most loved and most feared letting in life! It -Quedó silent for a

moment the Hummingbird, like meditating something very important

Want to see it? It -Sorprendió with the invitation to Eva

Eva replied with excited heartbeat, which thrilled those light eyes Hummingbird, who without another flapped like

lightning and rallied to reach the place of the skull, where they saw three men cross.

Behold, my brother among thieves!The man!The son!The Father!At that from the meat forge the new spirit of

humanity! He said with a strange mixture of sadness and joy the Colibri-

But You! Are you covered in blood, only with eyes sky Eva exclaimed, unable to say more, flooding Hummingbird

eyes with tears, who took him to confuse him, becoming one-

Neither endured see the scene, returned to the desert again, the same way Hummingbird revealed what did not stay

to witness.

But I tell you who repented was eyed brother!It was not a question, was his answer! That the red handled

convenience in their books.

Because to see faint ball dropped in fire imperceptible to others Desperate now! To see that I was losing Moved

eyed brother to beg distressed! Proudly said Colibri-

"No I deliver sacrifice your humanity by Mother I ask you! You've shown me that you are who you are, reflecting

our parents, and I'm yours You've punished me with your nobility, making me feel ashamed!It will be as you want

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it, but let me tear of the cross!Father already created and given so much!Do you now give you the ultimate power

of eternal! Forgiveness. "

He said eyed brother while trying to upload it in him, but she was unable to move the humanity of my beautiful

brother that cross Ni with the help of all the brothers desperate whom he called, attended shaking the ground and

looking up seas, could move! 'I excitedly recounted the Colibri-

"Why do not you let me make it up to my son? I no longer offer the kingdom of the earth, you have proven that you

deserve the heavens Leave cederte I take my place and yours! You have proven yourself worthy of my kingdom Let

me pay for you and occupies the site that suits you indeed!Because now I know where to go from here!Have you

found the pass for my long awaited!. "Said eyed brother as did last attempt with all their power to start it without


"Why not let me in on that cross and stay at your place?". He asked at the end brother eyed frustrated and defeated.

"Why have you forsaken me Father!". It was misunderstood and misrepresented then answer my beautiful brother

just before his sacrifice consummated stay.

That answer sounded like thunder heard all present!But as bait, born from the heart of eyed brother! Seeing the

beautiful feathered serpent traced to the universe with awe, bliss and joy of all of us, his brothers present and less

frustration commanding He was trapped between earth and sky!As one born laborer had been crowned to trace the

One True!Eyed Brother had lost the game again! He lit turquoise plumage Colibri-

No one understood the meaning and scope of the response in question became not to damage the reputation of his

one-eyed Mr. undercover, hiding his shame and defeat; the truth is that my beautiful brother learned so high, flew

to where Great Father is the One True! And with that brother response tuerto was pierced in the chest by a blue

flake he did mourn for the first of shame and regret time, as I watched my beautiful brother soared flight, not just

the realm of earth, but leaving far behind the kingdom of heaven to get where he no longer could.

Thus was born the hope in humanity!By the sacrifice of love and forgiveness granted!Why my beautiful brother

could sacrifice human pawn!So much for that scale in the heart of Blue eyed brother and the seed in the entire

humanity as divine generous pledge! Promise that someday, maybe down to redeem himself at peace with himself

and the men found the alliance in his heart.

It will be then that the kingdom of earth and of heaven be oneself, as all of this history are destined to be in perfect

harmony! He finished the Hummingbird respect to his brother

Is why warn his return? asked Eve

My beautiful brother no longer return! He Answered blunt the Colibri-

Understands that his mission was accomplished more than the divine seed planted all mankind as corresponded!

They are red paving the way for one-eyed brother, what may not know is that when it drops, the contact with the

earth, that blue flake flourish And in that sense might have truth and return the beautiful snake! Using a pot-eyed

brother as fertile land, which will sprout again why fear down! Suspected to be broken that mold container tree

roots mused the Colibri-

What do eyed brother and took his mortal body after your flight Because beautiful snake never rose!A snake skin

ever again molting! Therefore the last Eve dinner, where my brother shared his body and blood, thereafter sought

refuge in the mountain to pray without eating more place where he viewed his close but different face, peering

indeed! And shone, revealing new skin soon.

For when he went to the cross, his mortal body was a move which was almost detached his being dumb That was

no longer of any importance! But so cunning used eyed brother to convince those who only believe what your eyes

see Were taken the remains as a puppet! For who needed his image to be legitimate constituent and founding

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churches based on a new covenant requiring contain the will and blood of Christ to new alliance that would

dominate humanity.

Eyed brother gave many new books, abusing the good faith of some and buying the other, accommodating

convenience all, disturbing the hidden truth in writing; he ordered his vassals emperors delete or disapprove the

good hidden messages posted in rolls aside, containing the truth of the beautiful snake and his account of mortal


And resting on four main pillars vitiated their new temples even convinced the brothers reciting it was he who

replaced the beautiful snake in the sacrifice, while showed them my beautiful brother laughing in mockery of people

for whom ofrendó blood.

It was his first victory in the earth after the departure of beautiful snake, because the brothers of recitation were

called to defend and extend their seeds, proclaiming his victory to the four cardinal points, which would take his

word to become true belief that linked all humanity again in love Him; eyed brother managed to confuse them so

they do not recognize as being, if not as one of many intermediaries messengers; leaving them red in constant


The vassal kings took all that was left were the beautiful snake, and it built temples that were the birthplace of great

empires, while still looking surreptitiously Alliance and The United abroad, betting their salvation to a comet that

would be anointed the opposite of Christos.

The Adarianos Order of the Temple, built by the son of another beloved son and brother eyed chosen to rule his

people falsely told that in that temple the ark was, buying time for generations to fund exploration and expeditions

commercial pretexts, in search of the Ark which led to the saved water to new promised land; believing regain her

lost moral authority for their actions only supported in the books and sign.

So many years have gone in search of sacred objects of neglecting the divine being! Centuries in which the truth

became myth in both worlds, soon shall meet as you already know, all this story you are already familiar, even

when told with a mirror in many of its passages concluded the Colibri-

That child consented eyed brother, at the end of his life he regretted what he did and did not have to, but above all,

of what should and did not; leaving the slogan his son the temple and the last great king of his time, no blood or

seek revenge, following the genuine precepts of the Lord A task that failed to meet his people!

A thousand years later my beautiful brother knew nor could teach them a lesson in life he was a very red people

already! So he decided to plant the seed that germinate from within the being of every man and woman It was the

only way to break the mold red!What a great and cunning warrior was my noble brother, beautiful snake!And that

delayed but powerful weapon used forceful action!He let them win a major battle involving his life, to bypass your

defenses and place your seed!

That is why earthly sovereign Adarianos know their empires and interests not endure another beautiful snake and

secured with all his power that is that opposite to Christ who comes, ie eyed brother incarnated for the first time,

when you see the promised land, which is already one, subject to the power of his vassals, bright and full of

knowledge, skill and art.

What you may not know is that there is no match for my beautiful brother!Since it is not no man!Even eyed brother

or all of us together can stop your work!He became something that has no opponent or substitute! Therefore, the

first arrival will be also the second and the last, forming a third! Because eyed brother come to sacrifice and rebirth

ground, becoming the beautiful snake, ending red days of humanity Cosa their vassals not accept! Therefore there

will be ofrendados That eyed brother will not let crucified as the feathered serpent! He assured the Colibri-

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They say it will come as Leon to punish mankind, but they say it is they who put humanity bled in bait to tempt the

offerings of wars and famines eyed brother! Looking forward to the final hour, but not of humanity, but of their

hope, their caring capacity from grace and forgiveness that was given them! By the sacrifice of beautiful snake in

a defensive weapon so powerful that not even thousands of years later, with unlimited resources can be folded

completely into the hearts of men and women, who are constantly caught red temples, to be called to a very intimate,

humble and divine in his chest.

It was so powerful that the seed sown red books written own lie did good and live with only contain traces of your

living essence!He used all the power structure to prevail in mind and more importantly, in the hearts of human

beings! Books are the best example of darkness light is born, even though they promise to light lost in the darkness

of his intention vitiated by enlightened men eyed brother, who still great kings, as they liked to separate heads body

of their women, rewrote his interest, putting stupid arrogance even in his portrait on the cover, it being punished

for denying brother eyed male, in his vanity reveal their plans; another who had his own book was Jacob, who were

so devoted the scribes grades naming him: "Almighty and powerful prince!". With disgust exclaimed Colibri-

Stupid fools! The light of my beautiful brother is not in the word, which contains falsehood and error If the verb is

action! Replica of movement and breath of the existence of the One True through no word if not love my beautiful

brother, which spread to all mankind through his sacrifice.To all! Regardless themselves acknowledge it or not,

that does not mean him who he is, nor whether they accept it or not, that planted seed was not a gift but a past

future imperative promise of love and sacrifice that will germinate in every man and woman, no matter how long

it takes, according to the wealth of each flower pot, the fertilizer containing, which will lead to a greater or lesser

time whatever happens will happen.

The word no matter Never mind! Well I repeat: "The One True does not speak" is alive verb that transcends any

faculty or principle other than himself, which is why its great messengers were almost dumb or illiterate unable to

write because really mattered to be led by their feelings not in their knowledge they lived in the verb live! Not in

the lost word therefore became something mythological books! That being interpreted at face value it will lose as

man and wife do, being translated maze to hide truth; why should not addressed the type and the elements that

constitute them, but close your eyes, abandoning attachment, to continue with heart made verb hidden breath in


The Reds know they have many weapons and resources!But they also know that the will and love of the seed can

turn them against you!They are therefore urged to ensure that it is one-eyed brother who incarnates to the next!

Therefore stir the truth in the book of John, to sow doubt and fear, opposite the seed and planted They are the

antichrist!They are the beast, with empires heads! But you poor fools to believe they can fight against them, because

the One True is not afraid Loves You! And more selfish to plant in the hearts of men and women in Him will always

be able to spare to burst your network angry -Enfatizó the Colibri-

Therefore, even with artificial lights illuminate humanity around the clock, doing this at all times eyed brother, not

to entertain or make life easier, but to not give you peace complicating existence, to leave no space or time to

privacy commune in which his spirit, heart and mind; no matter how obscure or pervert the teachings and deny the

truth of the beautiful snake never can with it!Because it is already inside of each, including one-eyed brother and

the angel of the abyss which commissioned breathtaking monkeys!

My beautiful brother never allow the one-eyed flesh in Him!To pass the opposite!Poor fools who are promoting not

the beginning of his kingdom, but the end of your time! But I tell you this is not to everyone's ears; may listen to

those who understand that power is a form of slavery, because the greatest of mankind preached by example the

beautiful serpent, who is to annihilate every man and woman weak in his heart, where they will be reborn to the

true kingdom, of real power and strength.

While the red gentlemen let oppress the world with selfishness and guilt! Demanding tribute the fruit of selfishness,

which is the suffering of others without understanding that suffering is born willpower that allows the sacrifice!Evil

is just an exercise Eva! The more you repeat resenting in appearance, with injustice and tragedy are actually

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strengthening the seed, urging her to germinate beyond the false ground on which they want to get away from

knowledge, that you cling to your search Because it's not about him that the truth is! If not within everyone, from

whom they are interested away, so do not feel in the consciousness that truth to go out searching blinded artificial

light.Best contemplate Aztlán night! And let alone the times that are to come concluded the Colibri-

Eva was staring silently, through the eyes of the bird, the new City Island renaissance of Monte Alban was very

beautiful Aztlán! For a moment he felt the hummingbird stopped moving, I being suspended in the air, the center

of the moon, whom I place the passing of his eyes.

Since the moon Eva could see the hummingbird was transformed again in this young and beautiful green eyes down

on one of the highest pyramids and majestic central complex man.

My brother always loved men of reproductive conferred divine part, like beasts they live and die to worship with

their actions, my poor brother who has the worst of humanity His divine capacity for war! While I stick with fruit

and good results Said the moon

Eva I was listening to the moon, like listening to a mother started to see the beautiful scenery of the city while

Mother was speaking almost in his ear, telling wisely so sweet and all that its light has touched.

War is not a Sino divine, fruitful and bestial act of procreation Eva! Although death seems; my brothers like yours

are born to her and for her But mine sterile! They can only play it with envy and jealousy of a life that can not live

and therefore not losing Let alone the option to ofrendarla! That was part of his inheritance, guys that were not

killed or died, just as we were on a lower rung without actually exist But they gave the power of true existence!

Therefore our eternal need yours Said Luna

War is our breath Eva provided by You! The need to exist and therefore live through you, because we are

imacapaces respite and therefore less able to lose And when you do not have the power to give, the need to demand

arises! And Eva breath, is the true reflection of the One True We will find it in eternity, You feel it every second,

every beat! Therefore we demand sacrifice in vain longing to also feel the Father Absolute, albeit in brief moment

when the heart is lifted lukewarm at last beat I offered up.

Blessed are Eva! You all is that war from birth and even before! Not only with other people, if not with his brothers

and yourselves In this sense, what our parents are so prolific! Innate warriors of which all germinates to sacrifice

his humanity because, finding divinity; So, the war is the painful birth of his best qualities -Elogió Luna-

My brother is his Lord for your servant law and election last afterlife, now this lady great Lord! Exclaimed smiling


That have come before you to give breath to triumph over himself, and for that reason have like yours, my love That

I love you brother eyed daughter of hazel green eyes! Let your feet you have the shield and weapon of my dear Lord

presto slaughter; on one hand you have your heart and in the other his real victory, breaking the chains that

undergo the service of its power and give it to sacrifice for human way I love you as a daughter, as a sister, as a

mother!As the soulmate of my dear brother!So I love you I Eva Garza! Even if you were is apparently the cause of

my big brother and lord is defeated by the brothers of the other land All we can know that would never have been

defeated, it does offer themselves for and you would not have solved!









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He saw a small group of warriors with eagle feathers retreated, fighting retreat protecting a small column of people,

including the center would a pregnant woman who all tried to touch anything.

"In you, my queen continuity Nahua is saved from the waters and our people Mexihcah!Drive to ours of the four

member nations of the Alliance for land owned by Mother Moon and Lake, to be separated before you water, as it

did with our big tata! "Heard said the young warrior in command , saw embraced in tender farewell, while the

column was hidden by the waters of Lake Moon, which opened to house them in an underground cave.

The young warrior king fought tirelessly in front of their own against the powerful Jaguars until your group only

he remained standing; before it be pierced by spear, he took a small knife sharp black stone and it slammed into

the heart while exclaimed "I am the eagle perched" Falling with thunder with their knees hit the floor glaring in

light of all their enemies; the remaining jaguars trembled at the sound of execution that made day and night,

interpreting it as dissatisfaction warlord, so immediately threw down their weapons.

He saw a warrior who remained standing proud wielding shield and spear before his peers.

"Do not be afraid of thunder!Because the thunder is ours! "Exclaimed raising his spear the proud warrior

You are the thunder and I am the thunder! He heard from the big house south, after the flames were left to see the

Great Lord Ilhuicatl Xoxouhqui approaching majestic with his shield and sword snake fire

Eve saw that immediately everyone, including the proudest, fell to his knees with his forehead and hands on the

ground, silent and submissive to his great master, with an indescribable feeling to have the honor of seeing it

embodied not care about the punishment or his fury if they had committed some fault! Their hearts were suicidal

and did not know how to find joy rather than fear and yours at that time was divine!

War is a delicate art in the process of existence, it becomes to make way for life not to destroy it!Kill if not intended

to perpetuate is to annihilate!For me an affront rather than offering! -Sentenció Ilhuicatl Xoxouhqui-

You were the proud guardians of Aztlán! At your service to defend other peoples and maintain its sovereign

greatness not to destroy it! What value have left to conquer?If all the fire swept! Said burning rage that divine

warrior lord of green eyes

In exchange for that service, I let inherent taxes in the war, but to assault his mother is a failure that can not be

forgiven and she will be punished.

You, sir ground!My dear Copilli! Said proudly pointing to more

You grew both arrogance that small you became chair of my house, wanting to occupy all the other stupid!

Everything has a balance and I can not alter Who are you to determine Jaguars had to sit in the place of the eagles?

If they ever, although they may have wanted to ours that we may be required jaguars they are eagles! Forgot

humility, that all fiercest warrior must always keep in mind; and you end up with such a crazy place Herons Thanks

to him we could make war! Now what will be your flag? Your stupid arrogance? There can be no hell unleashed

by the war if there is a paradise which defend or aspire And you've burned! Here were all free of disease and

sorrow, because my name You took it out of these lands We were born to rule the hell of war, not to conquer the

paradise of peace!Therefore I sentence you to Prince Chicomozteca offering great ancestors!You will become nopal

to be expected at Eagle!So you never forget it's on us that a great nation was founded, not the other!That the land

can not be above the heavens although sometimes they seem!

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Moon came down not so listen, but that Eva saw his face reflected in tiara She was beautiful feathers and chocolaty

smooth complexion! Eva was surprised to be mirror that princess unhappy, while his father with the court gave

start to the sacrifices that made mixture of blood and copal, with whom he was attracted a hummingbird direct that

flew to the complex, unable to get to their offering therefore slowed in the eyes of Huitzilxochtzin.

The Hummingbird flapping against static Huitzilxochtzin, at the height of his heart; She marveled at the visit,

extending his hand at the risk of scaring the bird, which fell on her for a few moments, to fly again about the woman

who had captivated him; on the terrace a scented shade where the Hummingbird faded to emerge imposing Ilhuicatl

Xoxouhqui formed, before whom immediately knelt Huitzilxochtzin.

You should always live up to my chest because you have become my heart, my Lady! Xoxouhqui Ilhuicatl said,

while putting knee faces-leveling floor

But my Lord, I am a simple woman! Huitzilxochtzin replied, looking to become captive of those beautiful eyes


And now simple man therefore I will!Because now I have heart in you and beat my chest Lady! Xoxouhqui Ilhuicatl

replied while he stroked her cheek, while retreating Moon respectful of the couple who already melted into a kiss

Eve saw the passing of many moons for that room, which made its world lovers, while the archer fell into despair,

because even sacrifice ofrendara your Great Lord, it was not descended like before, when even talked with him .

The dispossessed used his fear of losing God's favor to carry out their plans, which included panic among eagles,

asserting that the Lord Sun died because of the weakness of his people had to feed it with beautiful red water! Thus

promoting land wars that brought tribute in which flechador desperate sowed hatred and resentment of its allies.

He made sacrifices that gave start to the moon and did not stop until the sun came up! In which included not only

prisoners, but virgin daughters of allied special offerings. So said the dispossessed war as supreme mission and

priority rule no longer mattered economic taxes or land! Only the blood, which became as powerful as hated by

his own brothers Cities mirror.

It was as perverse as perfect plan!Only the dispossessed was committed in the name of my Lord brother! Who had

to interrupt the bedroom where any wanted to spend a lifetime, to teach the rivers of blood that ran through the

streets on their behalf Said Luna

My Lord brother fell to the surprise of flechador not from heaven but from the rooms of her daughter, now in mortal


Now I understand my Great Lord! He exclaimed in joy the archer, while prostrate at his feet

It was my beloved daughter the reason for your default!For her tired sun, cloudy out every day! You were not dying,

just exhausted said with a smile mischievous

For her, it's my heart, man am flechador And that and not be your father forgive you for not receiving punishment

for your arrogance! I vowed not to use any power to enjoy the bliss called love in mortal time Only You recognize

me in a life that will walk among you! Ilhuicatl said Xoxouhqui-

But my Lord, we need your power and protection! One man, for ... stammered archer, trying to understand and not


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As a man I coarse and overran archer!Fear not!That who start my heart will suffer the wrath of God!The final

battle will be delayed!It is my will enjoy the service of a lifetime love it and so will be! No one will see me in my

southern home and will not reveal my happiness.

You do ruler of your people Huitzilxochtzin, whom thou shalt in partnership with procedural devoted son of your

brother sovereign, never be in the same city that she already ordered the young prince dreams Tezozómoc

accomplish the task! Ilhuicatl instructed Xoxouhqui-

But my Lord!It's a woman!Noble Eagles traditionally not accept my daughter as sovereign, even if it is before your

eyes my favorite! He sheepishly I appeal Flechador-

It is my will!They accept for it! And because you have the fiercest captain not you dismayed flechador decreasing

your strength! I'll be like a distant nephew at your service and personal guard of the queen, to care that meets the

orders not forget that even being a man I am who I am flechador! he concluded

Eve saw the meeting convened in which all the Eagles accepted except the dispossessed, who relied as much law

or tradition applied in apparent respect for their sovereign give pause until the archer sentenced him did want to

keep your head on your shoulders should obey his will was to turn your Great Lord.

The humiliated stripped silent while his heart screamed to the dark gods Revenge! Regardless forced to exile in the

City of their ancestors, waiting for better opportunity.

Eva saw countless moons like empire flourished in the hands of a virgin in the eyes of his people queen, a god who

is said he loved the people adored as any eagle could have imagined! For some had reserved desire from the lower

classes revolt began, to depose the first woman to occupy the throne reserved for them.

So dies of old the archer, calm and confident that his people had found peace in the reign of his daughter, but

especially proud of the three grandchildren were born of divine seed; Huitzilxochtzin ruled soberna seven happy

years beside his beloved master, who never appeared in public, just behind her when the head of the troops had

necessity is the queen.








So nothing could convince, however, dark shadows in which only saw a red eye, yes they managed to persuade him

to kill anyone who revealed he would be the only threat to the great empire for He promised his brother's son!The

young archer! Which advised him to not kill became the man of courage who would lord over all the greater lords

of all! -Reveló Luna-

Eva could see a battle, shielded in the dust and confusion, tried eagle thorns take the lives of the young archer, who

accompanied his uncle always confident; but before they will deal fatal blow, the river burst its banks taking him


One young boy almost never dishonored the memory of his older, never revealing the truth, leaving the story by

accident in a flood, his great uncle, the Emperor promising perished.

The young archer tried to comfort his young grandmother, who had suffered the penalty that parents can be imposed

View their children die!

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"I am the son of your son and reflection of your father! No matter what people say about your husband's blood

flechador matter of heaven that runs through our veins "said the young archer to Huitzilxochtzin autumn, as she

glanced warily and the mature captain, who always remained silent, but never more than two meters from the queen


So was proclaimed emperor's son embarrassed brother! Moon continued his story

It was so bloody or more than his uncle, organized ambitious empire in many provinces to better manage taxes,

learning the valuable lesson given by Hummingbird: "Do not make war their only sustenance" It was more cruel

and ruthless in collection tribute to the war, to the point that fed the seed of betrayal of the gods by altépetl subjected

to view the future opportunity were the real conquerors of their oppressors! said Luna

Yes Eve, He brought the war to another level, now the blood did not matter, the southern home abandoned for

decades was, there was no fear or devotion to my Lord brother in young Jaguars, who worshiped more than its

own ego and comfort were the most perverse jaguars have seen! They turned their backs on the Lord to caress

greed taxes on its behalf achieved.

The young man became a monster of vanity, demanding exotic tributes and a comparable treatment to my Lord

brother, convinced that time the victory of the War of the Worlds is yours, for which he took as wives to many noble

maidens , who imposed the urgent task to tap their seed and give the most offspring possible for future rulers of the

world All this fueled by dreams of grandeur in which the red eye feeding on hidden ambitions twisted dreams!The

young man had become the darling of a one-eyed brother of his father! exclaimed Luna

While the Queen Mother had retired voluntarily cloistered in their rooms, without light in his eyes and a true

captain who shared their grief solidarity, both already waiting, the end of his time The one-eyed brother had chosen

as worthy successor to the kingdom on earth!Those from another world came to find his downfall and return to his

conqueror! In those same dark dreams, red eye ordered him to kill his grandmother, he could not have more sun

than one, like one red precious water source from which sprout the rulers of the world.

The young man took by assault the apartments of the queen mother with four Jaguars possessed of southerners

spirits, reaching the gates of the royal bedchamber, where they found the true master wielding his shield and

macuahuitl wordlessly rushed at him, knowing it was a formidable adversary, rather to his surprise did not defend

himself, getting in his humanity spears and furious blows of mace, whereupon his heart stopped while her eyes lit

on fire, as did his macuahuitl, which became snake, revealing his true identity to which all the jaguars fell prostrate

to be razed in a single stroke by fire snake, while young life left him Said Luna

"You, the youngest of my flesh! You will live to look after my beloved queen, ambition because you killed a man

leaving me full in divine slavery again now I have to fight a battle with one that clouded your dream! Even if you

are the trap which brings his own people, now I will have to balance the scales with my other peoples You'll see

who is the son of having her skirt snake! At one time we were, wanting to favor me compared to how much alike,

but right where I suffered mortal will be to meet my brother mirror the richness of human power in me! '' I said to

my Lord brother young casting despavorido a run-

From his bedroom queen mother saw as the southern house of my Lord brother lit up the night on fire, so he

understood immediately what had happened and was determined to be delivered into the hands of Ixtab, took his

fine obsidian blade with dark intent, without But before he touched her breast, melted sheet before the flames given

off by the burning Hummingbird entered his bedroom to hit her belly, spreading youth and life in it.







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The young emperor, decided to take sides with new gods announced by four priests elders, who assured him it was

imperative to kill the queen mother, being fruitful of a comet; so only went in another attempt to the bedroom of his

grandmother, who to his surprise awaited him standing, as he entered with hand tecpatl exclaimed "You're missing

my son!Where you going, where I can take, yes your destruction is coming!They are about to lose all my children

with you! Strange men come by sea and bringing Jaguars steel bearing only know death and crying, devouring our

race By which I will cry forever as mother! ". He cried desperate cry, whereupon the young pulled his gun and

turned to flee the room.

However, the old priests, foreseeing the possibility of that happening, had commissioned a panel of jaguars task,

indoctrinated in the belief that more powerful gods would get to perpetuate forever the era of the jaguar, humiliating

one on behalf of whose parents were killed -Narró Luna-

Watch Eva! As fall silent stones as weapons, it looks like it's stoned queen mother, possessing sovereign of

tlatocayotl, without which no legitimate emperor may assume crown 'I said Luna

Eva watched with horror the scene, tried to intervene and secretly summoned the Hummingbird, which fire moon

rose to retake the passing of his eyes, which at that time were furious fire and water into tears.

Eva could only see that before being touched by the first rock, belly Huitzilxochtzin emerged a flying kite soared to

the skies, while his mother was dead. Saw the young crazed Emperor of remorse and fear that tore tufted hair and

beard passage of the comet as a pillar of fire that lit the house Hummingbird, while not very distant shores bearded

white men disembarked.

Eva knew the rest of the story, but did not know the struggle between brothers gave mirrors. Hummingbird furious

plowed time and space, up to a point in the sky where he burned Mount eyed brother, who in turn sent a beam at

the southern house did burn but could not destroy. Vio-eyed face to face with the Hummingbird brother had again

placed him in Luna, to testify the clash of the titans.

What shrewd move eyed brother! Exclaimed the young green-eyed snake wielding shield and fire-

Those who come, do not to conquer, but to find on your pick from the mine to rule the kingdom of earth Which I

will not allow it! -sentenced While throwing the first coup

So Eva saw fighting between lightning and flame for a minute that seemed an eternity, equal in power the mirror

brothers, was a battle that could last until the end of time, if not for both a final blow is allowed to finish the duel.

The one-eyed brother was temporarily blinded with the fire serpent embedded in his eye, while brother

Hummingbird left with a hosted ray on his chest.

Because you smile, if you've gone through the chest! I claim brother was one-eyed

For what it wanted there is no longer found! With my beloved kite was made to soar time and find Answered

destination Brother Colibri-

That was your game!Now it's my turn, watch mine! While we were to fight, my queen was sacrificed and the same

fate will befall the pawn my house chose to crown king of kings exclaimed, as he turned to see eyed brother what

he had been able to temporarily hosted by snake his eye-

In a blink, eyed brother course of action was lost on earth!Had already touched our land Jaguars strange white

bearded shout! exclaimed Luna

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The hidden plan eyed brother was delayed by the battle with my brother Lord It was an ambush! In which would

unite all the kingdoms of our world commanded by young emperor to defeat decisively to the descendants of the

red houses of the old world battle, returning in the same ships to make their major cities, imposing taxes and

establishing partnerships, whereupon he would be born his long cherished dream of a king of kings who

extinguished the given mankind Said Luna

In the absence of revelations the young emperor panicked, because they had assured him in a dream that even the

last Caltzontzin with his people would fight under him in long-awaited final battle; instead, his messengers were

beheaded for Tangaxoan, whom a messenger Hummingbird had warned, would be used in an evil plan of a strange

god, the end times of their race had arrived and had to accept with dignity to not let it germinate the supreme evil,

sacrifice was necessary Moon continued with his story

The plan eyed brother was amazing!Some find in conquering his expected king and others on the road to victory

abyss! And since no one wanted to lose, his victory was virtually assured, but for the will to sacrifice my Lord

brother, respected by some lords and eagle warriors who gave back the young emperor, preferring to see burn

their civilization to continue under their yoke .

So my brother Lord astute in his art, ordered treat whites jaguars as gods! Thus subjecting all his people, but

preventing eyed brother crowned his hidden pawn chosen his own flesh; Warriors kings faithful to the Hummingbird

were sentenced to be tied to the tail of a hack, for arrastrárseles, then drowned river and eventually be burned at

the stake, of which they stood at the right hand of my Lord brother to smile for the victorious incomprehensible

defeat mortal eyes Said Moon jubilosa-

So, everything was greed, plunder and chaos in the old empire that burned before the fearful eyes of the young

Emperor and frustration eyed brother, unable to control greed and excesses of their own white jaguars Although I

wanted to build value in your chosen pawn and give his thunderbolt at the end! The young prisoner of fear definitely

mad, seeing that the cunning gentlemen mirror cities had dressed the captain of jaguars and bearded white costume

Beautiful Serpent; her back to her newly adopted Mr. eyed, to find favor with the white jaguars rather than fight to

the death.

Those who lavished gifts and pleasures that aroused as avenging fire Hummingbird inordinate ambition in the

heart of the invaders My Lord brother turned the board! He left his crazy and useless pawn, as he took by assault

the heart of yours, now demanded tribute to satisfy the hunger of gold and blood that had awakened them.

Nothing was coincidence! Exclaimed almost vengeful laugh Luna-





He captured his mind hostage bearded captain, who made him believe that it was indeed the Feathered Serpent

That took pawn pawn my Lord brother in the game! -Reveló Luna-

Then fear the young emperor went mad, seeing in his eyes and the other white jaguars my Lord brother and his

fury!Why not fought them!Not for fear of new gods! Therefore he fell in the service of bearded jaguar, seeking

forgiveness of those who saw in his eyes. Which was taken to shame by his people, who when not bear the

indignation of seeing his master inexplicably become servant chose to download it from your balcony to stone, with

open head, ending his unseemly behavior.

Many white jaguar understood by his death the true defeat they had suffered at losing valuable captive piece,

llorándole like a father to say some thing true in reality, as well as the young Emperor saw in the eyes of the general

captain white jaguars my Lord brother, the other saw in the young emperor to his one-eyed Lord Both were brothers

in a strange castling or exchange service of the brothers Lords!

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So white jaguar understood that had fallen into a trap and were prey larger than themselves powers; as also

owned by my Lord brother, Tonatiuh, another bearded captain of white jaguar ordered the slaughter of all loyal

nobles the young emperor, that party Tóxocatl not again see the sunlight they were over a thousand nobles who

took atrocious paid with his life for treason! Including eagle and jaguar warriors of the old covenant; which

resulted in a defeat and sad night of first captain, who cried infidelity to this good woman by him Fortune! That

truth is revealed as a capricious woman, always smiling! Without men to know if either of them.

That woman just loves my Lord brother! And yet, sometimes whimsical denied victory, with the desire that their

man will implore stay or return, so feel loved by the owner of his heart never achieved!My brother has never asked

Lord headquarters nor mercy! She returns eternally gentle licking the wounds of his one true love The only one I

ever let die, even if sometimes wanted to kill him!The only thing you must never beg your favor, fidelity or


Why always favors, at least for a while apparent, to those who have thrown in their eyes and will a small pen, a

spark of He Is precisely why the lifts as I could! Then abandon them, dropping them in the highest, while laughing

with his misfortune and suffering to see them fall pleading with tears in his favor Ama see the reflection of your

heart mortal eyes crying for her release! Compensating for his vanity that my Lord brother can not; perhaps

because it never favors the people chosen by Him And much less to you Eva Garza! Others like you, has become

trophy and tribute to those who elevates In short, a woman scorned full of zeal, is not a reliable woman!And unless

she who in one hand is the divine victory! He smiled ironically and wise Luna-




















He also ordered my Lord brother to his commander in chief of the Tlaxcaltecas armies stop fighting without

surrender, offering collaboration ally Captain General of white Jaguars, who would have you tax trust genuine

resentment and tested grievances by the new Aztlán had undergone. On the other hand, was instructed to board the

four gentlemen join a Peace Corps mirror intermediary with other cities, to ensure the survival of their children


Page 29: The Raped Eves {chronicles of Aztlán}  -Free digital version-

So my Lord brother not only avoided the extermination of their people, but said the birth of a new race that would

carry latent seeds destined to rule the world Blue Because a true conqueror destroys any possibility of continuity

and therefore revenge of any conquered people!Never sows his seed in subject belly! For it would be perverting its

nature and incubating future defeat.

What masterful brother juagada my Lord! Using two peoples children of the same father, who could not be even,

that through a third birth of her new nation, which were to be brothers all and that will be destined to rule the

world when the eagle lands on the house built by Hoban.

For the children of the great orators suffer discrimination in their own land for generations, but ultimately must

conquer it by overwhelming numbers using the power as a people.My Lord brother had chosen Xicoténcatl to

infiltrate the enemy army cot and make them! That is why his father, convinced that it was the return of the beautiful

snake, gladly agreed to do friendly alliance between nations, as part of the plan of my Lord brother. As such, its

actually not only win, but all of conquest; otherwise, even if life in gibbet cost you.

Thus, the island besieged city for almost one hundred days, at the end of which had determined the eagle burn the

city before my Lord deliver brother interceded in dreams! Saying that things were as they should be, it was a brave

warrior, worthy of their service; but no longer oppose resistance to defeat a future for present and emerging global

empire strange god needed to be ofrendara yours for greater than burning, involving humiliation and abuse for

centuries sacrifice But that victory was theirs in days passed very morning and his people would emerge as worthy

eagle fire! So the big city fell into the clutches of white jaguars.

In disgrace the last great ruler of his people asked the bearded captain of white Jaguars ended his life because he

had not had the power to defend their own; instead was used as tortured pawn in the new board previously invested

and smiled at her torment! As seen in the fire to my brother Lord pleased smiling and such a future in which the

victory was complete.

It is true that our empire fell that night!But there will be reborn!Well my brother got victorious Lord village children

prevail! To be reflected in men and women in your time forge new realms sovereign Nations why mestizo blood

running Ilhuicatl Xoxouhqui be alive!

Therefore your race is the daughter of rape and incest Eva! exclaimed -Luna

Dan light with suffering and through suffering is off Suffering is tireless food of the dark flame of fear! But the

suffering of giving birth feels the nobility, sacrifice Eva Human goodness! You have the privilege to choose, to settle

for what they decide to feel, no matter who are predestined will always have the last word Lords of the gods are,

to be able to govern themselves!It comes down to the divine will conferred! Never forget daughter, sister, my

mother; although apparently women raped or abused in many ways, as good land that we ended invariably

consuming who forcibly conquered us, because of us is born in us dies we are and we returned as our son and the

father not forget Eva! Moon said seeing that stood victorious Hummingbird by passing beloved of her eyes

Anda!Go with him! Let yourself has become the battle, even hurt flew far concluded Moon by way of farewell, as

Eva flight going back again in the eyes of Colibri-

Again it was where I felt I already belonged, into Hummingbird, who flew majestically soaring space and time to

reach its era; where he saw pass the cruel battle in which his whole life changed, with which he began his solo

journey to the capital city.

Do not leave me now! I Said stroking his voice those eyes

We have never left! Even without meeting, we have never lost, even if we should be timely and separate spaces

Answered the Colibri-

Page 30: The Raped Eves {chronicles of Aztlán}  -Free digital version-

The time now flying beside me ended must return to your lonely pilgrimage Atotoztli the third! Getting your child

to be born where the children their children are to govern the new Aztlán in your belly and I'm past future of all

our peoples Eva!You escaped from the battle, wherever he died a coward between women and wounded named

after king of the wild frontier!

With sadness came to the City's son Moses, where born with your son allied nation Texo, which was claimed by Six

Flags and become a star's hatching our hawks within the dominant nation in your time, mother of the fourth empire,

which in its flag tajamar my beautiful brother is announced, with whom no one can get or trample Said the Colibri-

The time will come our eagles nest in such incubated, which will decrease one's blood Ilhuicatl Xoxouhqui Hoban's

house; one after another David, Army General who help to take five beaches to stop who will be in the future past

my responsibility, being pampered in my reflex hammer My Starkad that early corrupted in red eagle!

Just as I was able to take pieces eyed brother, He has done some mine; with that will be ready again to consolidate

his kingdom awaited third major attempt at rallying cry: "One people, one empire, one leader!" Squads will wear

proudly defend me loyally name of your honor warned the Hummingbird -

But they are events that no longer touch my dear Eva, of which I can not predict the result of course, that the real

threat and lethal moved one-eyed brother will come like a balloon after the fall of the fourth empire.

It's the mother of all battles! In which the son of the children of yours is ultimately crown to end the game that

seventy times seven was repeated with different pieces, in the same board I hope. Instead of being the eternal tables

provided, perhaps be the battle that Mother will win us all ultimately raising tides with the deadly disease of an

entire people I wish the Colibri-
