Sixth form mag

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Front CoverNo use of capital letters - informal

The white stands out over the grey background

The student is on the middle of the page – this is where the reader first looks when looking at the magazine Catches the readers attention. Student looks happy –may show that if you go this school then you will be as happy as her

The model is not using direct mode of address – this is a code and convention of magazines as it normally draws in the audience more.

The opacity on the box has been decreased so that you can still partially see what the student is wearing but can still read the writing inside of the box – strapline provides information about what the magazine is about

The model on the front of the magazine is a young teenage – this shows that the magazine is aimed at young students, similar to the one on the front of this magazine

Not wearing school uniform – shows that sixth form is perhaps more relaxed than lower school

Follows codes and conventions of a typical sixth form magazine – easy to read fonts, student on the front etc

The colour of the background is a neutral colour – not a magazine for one gender – can be for either girls or boys

Contents PageThe contents provides quick explanations of what will appear in the magazine – pictures are used a lot so that consumer doesn’t have to read lots

Picture of Emma watson – celebrity that most teenagers will be familiar with, more likely to purchase a magazine if they recognize someone on it

Background is white – draws most attention to the pictures

Short paragraphs –Students may not want to read long sentences or paragraphs

Diagonal writing is Informal which suits the target audience and gives the contents page an ‘edgy look’ to it.

The large word ‘welcome’ is personal and feels welcoming - informal