How effective is the combination of your main product and ancillary tasks?

Media evaluation question 2

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How effective is the combination of your main product and ancillary tasks?

Alongside the production of our documentary, we were tasked with creating two additional ancillary products; a magazine TV listings article and a Radio trailer. These were produced in order to help create a clear brand identity for the documentary. This was achieved through various aspects, including the choice of magazine, radio station and TV channel to show the products, all of which were appropriate to our target audience, which are 16-21 year olds.

• However, we used a similar colour scheme throughout our documentary and DPS, with the inclusion of blue on the magazine, which made it less boring and contrasted against the text. Therefore appealing to the target audience. This shows a form of brand identity as a colour scheme has been applied to the products where possible.

• Our choice of font/ text was not effective in creating a clear brand identity, this is because throughout the products we used a variety of fonts which shows a lack of consistency and professionalism.

Use of Fonts/ Colour Schemes

In both the documentary and radio trailer, a comedic theme/ approach was used. We found this to be effective when carrying out questionnaires on our target audience. Examples of this comedic approach in the documentary can be seen when tom talks about buying a new coat and also in the radio trailer where he forgets he is a part of the documentary. This provided a consistency throughout the products and further creates a brand identity through use of comedy. This was also mentioned within the TV Listings article interview where the presenters mention previous work which had a comedic approach also.

Use of Comedy

These extracts were also used in the radio trailer to provide an example of the comedy that features in the documentary

In both the radio trailer and documentary, we used the same music and narrators. The use of the same narrators/ voice over helps promote a brand identity as the two products share distinctive features, in this case the voiceover and can be easily related. We used the same music in both as it creates yet another distinctive feature that will help promote brand identity.

Use of Music/ Voiceovers

The two presenters of the documentary who were also the voiceover for the radio trailer

The screenshot shows the “making Time” track that we used in both the documentary and the radio trailer

To further promote brand identity, the same models (presenters) were used in both documentary and TV listings article . I think this was effective in creating brand identity as the audience can associate the the products through the use of the same models in each product. We used a screenshot from the documentary of the two models within the article, which gives the audience an insight into the documentary further linking the 2 products. I feel the use of these particular models is effective as they are of similar age to the target audience and can relate to certain situations that may arise from the topic at hand.

Use of Models/ Images

Various screenshots from the products show the use of the same models throughout

In our radio trailer, we used extracts from the documentary to advertise the documentary. We used parts that we believe would be interesting; including extracts of our comedic approach and also opinions from both experts and vox pops. It gave the audience an insight into the documentary and also keeps it professional, as the extracts used in the radio are relevant to the documentary. I believe this was effective and appealed to our target audience.

Use of Footage

This screenshot shows the clips used in our radio trailer, which are also seen in our documentary, which keeps our products consistent.

An example of one the clips seen in the radio trailer as well as the documentary itself.

Overall I believe that our combination of main products and ancillary texts is very effective. Although there could be improvements in regards to the house style consistency (especially font choice) I think that other aspects worked well to make the combination effective. There were various aspects that remained consistent throughout all of the products, such as the models and comedic approach. I believe this was effective as these were features that could be seen in each of the products and relate to one another. These two features are what I believe helped to create a clear brand identity for the product (Models and comedic approach) Both ancillary products in my opinion were effective in promoting the documentary. Again the comedic approach was key throughout both products, which is what we believed to be the focal point of our documentary that appealed to our target audience.
