The mast head design is inspired from Mixmag magazine because of their unique bold mast head. I have chose my font to be Diamond SF font because it adds an electronic look to the magazine with the sharp corners and edges of the text, it also portrays a robotic and electric style because the shapes of the text are different, the most unique letter is the “D” from drop, this is unusual for a “D” to look like That and with such sharp turns in the edges instead of a bendy edge, which a normal letter would have it is sharp and flat with different angled pieces to each letter. I have placed the mast head behind the picture to show that the artist is the main focus area and the title isn’t. The title is placed just above but behind the picture to also show a large representation of the magazine by it taking up most of the top half of the page but also not enough space was taken up to make the artist look smaller to the mast head. The added shape to the text which is used to represent the “o” in Drop was added as a shape to make the title stand out more and make readers recognize the distinctive “o” and think of this magazine. The header is used to add information to what the magazine is this helps readers understand what they are reading into purchasing before they actually move onto buying the magazine. This feature to the magazine is just plainly used as a opening to the whole magazine and what it is about. I have used a plug in to grab the readers attention and to make them want to buy my magazine. I have decided to use a circle for the shape of the plug in because it looks bolder and can also relate back to a disc from a DJ Deck. this would provide more evidence that it is a electronic music magazine. I have used two tinted green semi circles to make the full circle the tinted green and the plain green is used to make the plug in more eye catchy but not too eye catchy that the text would be unrecognisable and would blend in with the text making it hard to read. The text font is the same, Diamond SF this is too add continuity to the magazine showing it is in fact an on going house style. The font size goes from extra large to small in the order of large text used for the win , to grab attention and then a smaller text used to show what they are winning , this makes it easy to read and keeps it just as important as the text before it. The last line is in the smallest font size because it explains how many tickets can be won and since it is only 2 tickets readers will look down on it, this is why I have made it smaller so that people will read the win and then buy it. The main photo was chosen to represent the magazine was this photo as it represents a typical DJ look. As I researched I found out a lot of Mixmag and DJ mag magazines use quite still looking poses where the model will look straight at the camera. I have added to the DJ connotations by placing headphones on the model making it so he looks like he is ready to go and perform on stage. The direct look from the model to the camera shows focus on both the model to the camera and the reader to the model, this adds focus to the entire photo. The white background is used to boldly show the model and make it so he is the main focus, that is also why he is the only picture on the front cover, to show he is representing the whole magazine for this issue. The white background also makes it so the reader has only the model to look at. The The Footer is used to show that Ultra the article which contains the win tickets information and the artists at the gig. I have used this to make the reader want to try and win the tickets by giving them another reason to read about Ultra and this relates back to the tickets The sub articles are shown in the order of all the artists in bright green to show the reader who the line of text is going to be about. The green artist text is also used at the beginning of the text to show that the artist appearing is that artist and this also implies there is more focus on the artist in the magazine then the story in the magazine. The purple writing is used The main title is used in the same way as the text is used for the sub articles. The main article has Daniel Wilkinson across the middle of the page, this is to show that he is the main feature it then has smaller purple text rather than green giving an insight into what the Daniel Wilkinson article is about. The white background which is faded into the picture by using a low opacity is used so that the text can stand out and be intensified for the reader, making it eye catchy.

Question 1 media evaluation

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Question 1 for my media evaluation

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Page 1: Question 1 media evaluation

The mast head design is inspired from Mixmag magazine because of their unique bold mast head. I have chose my font to be Diamond SF font because it adds an electronic look to the magazine with the sharp corners and edges of the text, it also portrays a robotic and electric style because the shapes of the text are different, the most unique letter is the “D” from drop, this is unusual for a “D” to look like That and with such sharp turns in the edges instead of a bendy edge, which a normal letter would have it is sharp and flat with different angled pieces to each letter. I have placed the mast head behind the picture to show that the artist is the main focus area and the title isn’t. The title is placed just above but behind the picture to also show a large representation of the magazine by it taking up most of the top half of the page but also not enough space was taken up to make the artist look smaller to the mast head. The added shape to the text which is used to represent the “o” in Drop was added as a shape to make the title stand out more and make readers recognize the distinctive “o” and think of this magazine.

The header is used to add information to what the magazine is this helps readers understand what they are reading into purchasing before they actually move onto buying the magazine. This feature to the magazine is just plainly used as a opening to the whole magazine and what it is about.

I have used a plug in to grab the readers attention and to make them want to buy my magazine. I have decided to use a circle for the shape of the plug in because it looks bolder and can also relate back to a disc from a DJ Deck. this would provide more evidence that it is a electronic music magazine. I have used two tinted green semi circles to make the full circle the tinted green and the plain green is used to make the plug in more eye catchy but not too eye catchy that the text would be unrecognisable and would blend in with the text making it hard to read. The text font is the same, Diamond SF this is too add continuity to the magazine showing it is in fact an on going house style. The font size goes from extra large to small in the order of large text used for the win , to grab attention and then a smaller text used to show what they are winning , this makes it easy to read and keeps it just as important as the text before it. The last line is in the smallest font size because it explains how many tickets can be won and since it is only 2 tickets readers will look down on it, this is why I have made it smaller so that people will read the win and then buy it.

The main photo was chosen to represent the magazine was this photo as it represents a typical DJ look. As I researched I found out a lot of Mixmag and DJ mag magazines use quite still looking poses where the model will look straight at the camera. I have added to the DJ connotations by placing headphones on the model making it so he looks like he is ready to go and perform on stage. The direct look from the model to the camera shows focus on both the model to the camera and the reader to the model, this adds focus to the entire photo. The white background is used to boldly show the model and make it so he is the main focus, that is also why he is the only picture on the front cover, to show he is representing the whole magazine for this issue. The white background also makes it so the reader has only the model to look at. The shadow effect which is added to the picture shows that he is the aim of the photo by bolding out the outlines of him. The mese en scene of the character is a good representation of a DJ because Dj’s are seen to be laidback and more chilled out, this is shown by the hat being flipped backwards to show he is relaxed and chilled out.

The Footer is used to show that Ultra the article which contains the win tickets information and the artists at the gig. I have used this to make the reader want to try and win the tickets by giving them another reason to read about Ultra and this relates back to the tickets winning giving the reader another reason to read the magazine.

The sub articles are shown in the order of all the artists in bright green to show the reader who the line of text is going to be about. The green artist text is also used at the beginning of the text to show that the artist appearing is that artist and this also implies there is more focus on the artist in the magazine then the story in the magazine. The purple writing is used as the information for the article to explain what is happening in the article and to also give a brief description of the article ahead.

The main title is used in the same way as the text is used for the sub articles. The main article has Daniel Wilkinson across the middle of the page, this is to show that he is the main feature it then has smaller purple text rather than green giving an insight into what the Daniel Wilkinson article is about. The white background which is faded into the picture by using a low opacity is used so that the text can stand out and be intensified for the reader, making it eye catchy.

Page 2: Question 1 media evaluation

The contents mast head is conventional because it uses the same font style to show continuity and it uses a very conventional brand name and date of the magazine, this is used to repeat to the reader what the magazine company is called and what issue month the magazine is from, this informs readers on what the next magazine they’re going to buy is and when the next magazine will be out.I have used a conventional DJ picture to represent the main artist as a DJ by making him hold a pair of headphones as if he is listening through them and performing. The bold shadow effects I have used around the model are there to make the model stand out to the reader and to also make the audience see the main picture then read the text to refer back to the picture, to tell the reader what the main article is applying to the magazine.The two sub article pictures are very conventional to the DJ magazine Mixmag which uses block format to represent pictures and articles. I have used two bold pictures of artists and then a small description with the shadow effects to make the text stand out over the text. The small line is used to split the two pictures between each other and show they are two separate artists.

I have used a subscription box and picture to show an example of the magazine for the subscription. After researching both Mixmag and DJ mag I have found out they both use subscription adds to pull in more customers. I have taken in the conventions from the other magazines and placed in a bold subscription offer. I have used the green main title colour for the information to show that the subscription is the most important thing and the information that goes with it is has equal importance. The discount code is in purple to represent extra needed information and to make the code stand out in the text.

As I found out from researching the other magazines the addresses of the magazine and phone numbers are of high importance and are usually shown in larger text to normal information. I have used a larger font to show a whole section for the addresses. The green is used to show the importance of each line of the address and the font style is the same as the other text to show continuity.

The contents title is shown in bold to represent conventions by most contents titles are shown in bold and in larger letters, this is done to show the importance of the title and to also clarify what page the reader is on by having a bold title on it.

I have followed conventions from the magazine Mixmag to help base my ideas on the contents features. The block format and chunks of text in rows are used to Bolden and make the writing look professional and well kept rather than the text being jumbled around and not in a correct order. The house style is used to fully show the each individual sections that each page will contain, by the artist being used as a attention grabber by being put in bold green text in opposite from the purple information based text. The purple text is used to further explain the article once the artist or main event has then grabbed the readers attention. I have used big electronic artists for my feature stories to gain a further audience and a wider range of customers. The rows of page numbers are in a bigger text and underlined to straight away show where the artists article is in the magazine making it easy access for the reader to know where everything is in the magazine.

Page 3: Question 1 media evaluation

The header for my DPS is used to reinforce the brand and the article title to show what the reader is reading and to give a brief look onto what the article is about. The date of the magazine is placed on the page to show the continuity between the contents page and the DPS, this shows relation between the two pages because they both use the date on the right side of the page, this date title heading will be used throughout the magazine to reinforce the magazine issue.

These two images are used to reinforce the iconic DJ lifestyle that the model is playing by having a picture of the DJ in the club and the DJ making music in the studio. The focus of the pictures are used to strengthen out the DJ picture that the model is representing. The headphones are used in every photograph to keep an on going representation of a DJ, because DJ’s portray a convention of having headphones on. The bold title text says “Daniel Wilkinson” for both pictures to imply the focus of the whole article to be on the model. The text is in purple to show what the picture is but it is also in purple to show that the title “Daniel Wilkinson “ is the main focus and the purple text is used to show a second importance to the pictures.

The left page uses a conventional picture with the main feature artist holding a headphone to his ear to imply the DJ convention of wearing headphones when performing. The bold green title is used to make the artist stand out to the reader and make the article focus onto the main artist more. The slanted story title is used to make the article have more impact and stand out more because of the different style of text.

My brief description of the artist is used to explain further what the article is about before the reader decides to read into it. The information I have wrote also creates a small backstory for the artist making it seem more professional an more believable. The Daniel Wilkinson is in purple to represent that it is a part of the information and not a title. When I researched the other DJ magazines they had a small paragraphs to explain the artist.

The columns are used to make the magazine look professional and to stand out as a bold paragraph about the artist. The bold letter “T” is used as an eye catchy representation to draw in readers and to make the work look more professional. The rows of text show the professional look of the magazine and represent conventions portrayed in other magazines which use rows of text to represent the article in a more professional way.

The footer is used to advertise the brand by having the website name which is the magazine brands name. The addresses are placed in the footer to give the audience another way of contacting the brand without just buying the magazine. The addresses also give help on where to contact the company and how. The footer follows conventions by the text to follow the house style by having purple writing and the addresses being information and not titles, so they are in purple.

The pull quote is put in green to match the house style of having important information in green, I have also followed the conventions of having a different color to represent another focus point of the article. The bold square outline that the text gives out is very effective because it is bold to the audience. The square makes it look like like it has it’s own dedicated section and has it’s own area of focus rather than it being at the bottom of the text.

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Front cover Image

The pose which I have made my model do is a plain straight forward look at the camera because when I did research I came across DJ mag and Mixmag both to be using medium close up half body shot pictures to represent the main artist front the front cover. The magazine which represents the medium close up shot and the normal pose with direct focus on the camera is the DJ mag magazine. My picture uses the convention of the bland staring at the camera pose, this shows more focus from the model to the reader by directly focusing on them. The images of the models are usually set up against a plain or lightly detailed background to give extra focus to the model in the photo. The shot aim consists of just the chest and the face, such as the DJ magazine as well only consisting of chest and face.

My magazine DJ mag

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Plug In

My magazine: DJ mag: Mixmag:

My magazine uses conventions which real life products such as DJ mag and Mix mag use such as the colour scheme of having only two colours. I have used two colours to stay within my house style of green and purple, this is done to show continuity throughout all of my cover. The different font sizes is also used by DJ mag to first show in bold what the magazine is offering, then to bump down the font size to show an extra line of information. The shape of the plug in relates to both magazines because it is a circle with a dominant background colour, such as Mixmag and DJ mag have a bold yellow background with a darker text over it my magazine has a light green and a dark purple to stand out on it. Inside my plug in the most noticeable lines of text are to do with winning the tickets and what they win, this is because the reader will see the “win” and then become interested in finding out what they win which the smaller text then tells them what they win, this therefore making the user find out what they will win and are interested in the prize.

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Mast Head

My inspiration for the mast head I created comes from the Mixmag magazine, this is because their mast heads are always bold and unique. My mast head design has the conventions from Mixmag for having bold text which stands out on the background. The “I” in the Mixmag mast head is different and eye catchy this helps it stand out to readers. The “o” in my magazine works the same way as it is different to the letters and this unique shape makes it stand out to the readers. I have used one colour to make sure my whole mast head is recognized as one title and the readers then know the full name of the magazine rather than two separate coloured words which look like they do not relate to each other. The mast head also goes behind the models image to show that the image of the artist is more important than the magazine mast head itself. This is also done in the Mixmag magazine by the model’s face taking up most of the letters “m” and “a” this shows that they are more important than the magazine itself, by covering over the brand name. When I created the mast head before it was fully created I had to go through design choices and different font styles. The chosen font was recommended by a audience vote which I put onto my blog which offered a choice of four different font styles I would use for my magazine and Diamond SF was the most popular font option.

My magazine Mixmag

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My magazine: DJ mag: Mixmag:

My articles consist of two colours which stay in the house style of green and purple. This photo shows my features in comparison to DJ mag and Mixmag. I have taken the convention that focus points in the text are in a different colour to the description by having all my artists or main focus in green and the information which explains the article in purple. The text I have used is used throughout the whole 3 pages to show continuity to the magazine. I have chose to put my articles in small lines to keep the articles from taking away any focus from the middle and centre of the article where the main article is, I changed it so the lines are short and stick to the edges of the page to show more focus on the middle of the article and to leave it empty for the main article to be seen in. The two colours show the conventional style in which both magazines follow by. Both magazines have one colour to represent the title or the main event and then have a opposite colour what doesn’t blend with the first colour so that it stands out to rather than blending with the title. The second colour is changed to a different colour so that it can be seen as well but for my magazine I made it so that it makes the artist’s names and important titles stand out more by having a light green and then a dark purple to contrast it.

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HeaderMy magazine


My header consists of one bold colour used to stand out against the background. The font size of the text works well because as I researched I found out most magazines will have a small font size just above the title. I have placed my header just above the title to give an extra piece of information about the magazine and to show what the magazine represents. My header represents what the magazine is by giving a short line explaining what the magazine is , Mixmag’s header explains that they are the biggest dance music magazine. My magazine explains that it holds the key information to the future of dance music. I have used this line of text to make reader, read the line and know what the magazine is going to offer, this is going with normal music magazine conventions because Mixmag has portrayed the same effect for their magazine. I kept the colour purple as it is an information text and purple represents all information text for my magazine. I chose to use the word “future” to then show that my magazine is not just talking about present dance music it is appealing to future dance music as well, this giving another reason to read into the magazine.

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Contents page titleMy magazine


For the mast head on my contents page I have used the Mixmag block style which looks unique and bold to the readers. The use of having the brand of my magazine at the top right makes the reader know what magazine this is and re relates him into checking out the magazine again. The bold contents page text shown below the date is in a larger text and in green to show that it is an important line of text. I have continued to use the Diamond SF font which was recommended to me through peer testing. I have added a date to the magazines issue showing that the issue is the March issue, such as how Mixmag has shown the December issue. I used the drop brand name and added in the diamond shape to the text to make it appear as it did on the front cover. The bold three colours are used again to show the house style in full effect, white for the background, green for the most important titles and purple for extra or added on information.

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My magazine Mixmag

My magazine


I have used for the contents of the magazine Mixmag as an inspirational idea because of the listed text and the bold headings this looks more professional and it also stands out more. The bold underlined numbers are used to make my page numbers stand out. I have used columns for my numbers to represent the conventions that Mixmag have and that they use number columns as separate columns from the text columns. The text columns show conventions by the first line of text to be in another colour or bold to represent that the page titles and the purple smaller text is to represent the information which goes with the title information. This is very conventional because most magazine have first a bold title then they use a smaller text to describe the title, all within a column. I have followed the house style throughout the whole contents page to show continuity within the magazine.

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Box format

My magazine Mixmag

The box format style was taken representation from the magazine Mixmag. I have researched into other magazines such as Mixmag because it shows a box layout for the pictures. I have took inspiration from the block format and then applied it to my magazine to keep everything in order and to also give individual sections to each picture making each picture have it’s own focus point.

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DPS FooterMy magazine


The DPS footer is following conventions by having addresses within the middle of the footer. This is good because it advertises the magazine’s website within the magazine this uses synergy to make the magazines links more popular and also helps gain a larger fan base by advertising to different platforms such as phones and the internet. The house style is used to keep the continuity going through all of the magazine and to also make the magazine look more professional.

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DPS start

My magazine: Mixmag:

The start of the DPS is following conventions because it has a bold large first letter to start of the text, this is done to first make the text stand out to the reader and to then make the reader know where the text starts making it easier to follow the paragraphs of the article. The inspiration for using this effect comes from Mixmag, because Mixmag uses the same effect to draw readers in to the article and to make sure the reader clearly knows where the article starts.

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The main picture

The photo layout is representing conventions because it uses one whole page to show how important the main artist is to the overall article. It is also taking up a full page to clearly show who the artist is and what he does and represents. The bold white background helps make the artist stand out because of the dark clothing which is used to represent the artist in a clearer sharper way making the artist clearly stand out. The headphones are used in every photo including the main picture to keep an on going DJ representation. The main picture shows a full and strong representation of a DJ by the clothes what he has on and the headphones which he has. The magazine Mixmag uses the same style of format by having the main picture take up one whole page this is good because it keeps the focus on the article even more important than before and instantly shows the reader what the article is about.