London | Norwich | Singapore UX Strat 2017 Selling experience strategy internally and externally Tim Loo Strategy Director Phil Morton Principal Consultant

UX STRAT USA 2017: Tim Loo, "How To Sell Experience Strategy Internally and Externally"

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London | Norwich | Singapore

UX Strat 2017Selling experience strategy internally and externally

Tim Loo Strategy DirectorPhil Morton Principal Consultant

2 | Selling strategy, September 2017

Before we begin(our code of conduct)

3 | Selling strategy, September 2017

The Chatham House RuleWhen a meeting, or part thereof, is held under the Chatham House Rule, participants are free to use the information received, but neither the identity nor the affiliation of the speaker(s), nor that of any other participant, may be revealed.

4 | Selling strategy, September 2017

What happens in Boulderstays in Boulder

5 | Selling strategy, September 2017

Real life scenarios and examples- keeping it real and practical

6 | Selling strategy, September 2017

We’reFoolproofWe’re an experience design company.

7 | Selling strategy, September 2017

Who we are

Executive Director (Strategy) at Foolproof, leading the Experience Strategy practice. Long time supporter of UX Strat. Didn’t even get past one episode on MasterChef.

Principal Consultant at Foolproof, leading complex design projects for global clients such as PlayStation and HSBC. Once went on holiday to Turkmenistan.

Tim Loo Phil Morton

8 | Selling strategy, September 2017

What you’ll learn:Approaches and techniques to find, create and win opportunities to do experience strategy work

9 | Selling strategy, September 2017


1. Introduction

2. What we mean by experience strategy

3. Selling experience strategy

— Know and understand your customers

— Make your product accessible, buyable and above all, essential

— Unlock your inner salesperson

10 | Selling strategy, September 2017

Selling experience strategy

So what exactly do we mean by this?





What do we mean by experience?*

*other definitions are available

what users expect

what actually


20 | Selling strategy, September 2017

Levels of UX strategy…(thanks to Ben Judy)

It can be at different levels (Ben Judy diagram)

Source: UX STRAT USA: Ben Judy, "Mission-Based UX Strategy: One Year Later”https://www.slideshare.net/UXSTRAT/ux-strat-usa-ben-judy-missionbased-ux-strategy-one-year-later

22 | Selling strategy, September 2017

Selling experience strategy

So what exactly do we mean by this?

23 | Selling strategy, September 2017

What do we mean by experience strategy?

24 | Selling strategy, September 2017

experience strategy1. a long-term plan to align every

customer touch-point with your brand position & business strategy

2. other definitions are available

25 | Selling strategy, September 2017

§ Who are our target customers?

§ What’s the current customer story, priorities and pain-points, metrics?

§ What’s our vision for the holistic experience?

§ What are our guiding principles for target experience?

§ What are our future customer stories & outcomes?

§ What are the experience gaps between today’s experience and our future customer stories?

§ What specific initiatives and projects do we need?

§ What enablers and capabilities are required to support these initiatives?

§ What are the gaps between the vision and reality?

§ How will we prioritise & trade-off to create focus?

§ What’s our roadmap for change and innovation?

§ What are key performance indicators and targetsfor transforming the experience?

§ How will we incentivise the right behaviours?






1. Where are we today?

2. Where do we want to get to?

4. What do we need to do?

5. What’s our plan?

3. What are our measures of success

26 | Selling strategy, September 2017

Selling experience strategy

So how do we feel about this?

27 | Selling strategy, September 2017

London | Norwich | Singapore

How do you feel about selling?

28 | Selling strategy, September 2017

London | Norwich | Singapore

How do you feel about selling?

29 | Selling strategy, September 2017

How do you feel about selling?How do you feel about selling?

On your own (or with your colleagues):

You have 10 minutes.

§ Why have you pursued UX strategy in your organisation or for your clients?

§ In your own efforts to advance UX strategy in your organisation or clients, what has been effective?

§ What have been the biggest challenges?

Team task: Sharing your experience

the UX strategist’s continuum

being clever

making shit happen

being clever

making shit happen

being clever

making shit happen

strategy frameworksmethodology & toolkitUX design skills

finding the right sponsorgetting buy-in

managing politicsinternal communication

business casesKPIs & dashboardsprogramme office

target operating modelchange management

compensation & incentivesorganisational design

enterprise architectureculture change

34 | Selling strategy, September 2017

Selling is a big part of making experience strategy happen

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Selling experience strategy1. Know and understand your customers2. Make your product accessible, buyable

and above all, essential 3. Unlock your inner salesperson

36 | Selling strategy, September 2017

Selling experience strategy1. Know and understand your customers2. Make your product accessible, buyable

and above all, essential 3. Unlock your inner salesperson

37 | Selling strategy, September 2017

organisation people

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Boil down the organisation’sstrategy & goals

39 | Selling strategy, September 2017





goal A goal B goal C

programme X programme Y programme Z

project Q




2013 2014 2015 2016

Boil down the organisation’s strategy & goals


Detractors Passive Promoters

Profit per customer

Shell Commercial Fleet CONFIDENTIAL 42March 2015

The evidence is clear: our Commercial Fleet customer experience, either creates value or destroys value in terms of customer margin, volume & tenure. Delivering superior customer experience matters.

And it makes a big difference for our own satisfaction, motivation and pride in our commercial offering.

In 2015, we need to commit to and create real change in the way we think about and deliver customer experience






Boil down the organisation’s strategy & goals





















46 | Selling strategy, September 2017

Tune your ear to the language of management

“we want to be the most admired company” “improved speed &


“increased customer engagement”

“helps us unlock the value of data”

“our existing clients expect better experiences”

“could save us a huge amount of money”

“increased colleague productivity” “increased access across

functions and geographies”

“we need to innovate to access new markets and


Source: Stakeholder interviews and workshops (March & April 2017)Tune your ear to the language of management




“ourcustomerinsightandunderstandingissiloed &









services”Source: Stakeholder interviews and workshops (March & April 2017)Tune your ear to the language of management

49 | Selling strategy, September 2017

Map your stakeholders and their goals to identify potential

sponsors and blockers

50 | Selling strategy, September 2017

experience strategy1. a long-term plan to align every

customer touch-point with your brand position & business strategy

Who owns this?Who owns this?

Who owns this? Who owns this?

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1. Identify advocates

2. Convert neutrals

3. Be prepared for detractors

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Understand how the organisation’s strategy and

planning cycle work

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Many organisations have a planning and budgeting window in the third quarter for next year

Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4

Sometimes opportunistic expenditure can happen before

the end of the year

54 | Selling strategy, September 2017

Be opportunistic – use existing work/projects to get in front of

key stakeholders

55 | Selling strategy, September 2017Shell Commercial Fleet CONFIDENTIAL 55March 2015

56 | Selling strategy, September 2017

Strategist checklist: know and understand your customers

q Boil down the organisation’s strategy & goalsq Tune your ear to the language of managementq Map your stakeholders and their goals to

identify potential sponsors and blockersq Understand how the organisation’s strategy

and planning cycle worksq Be opportunistic – use existing work/projects

to get in front of key stakeholders

57 | Selling strategy, September 2017

q Boil down the organisation’s strategy & goalsq Tune your ear to the language of managementq Map your stakeholders and their goals to

identify potential sponsors and blockersq Understand how the organisation’s strategy

and planning cycle worksq Be opportunistic – use existing work/projects

to get in front of key stakeholders

§ How could you apply these to current work/ challenge?

§ What could you do tomorrow?

Strategist checklist: know and understand your customers

58 | Selling strategy, September 2017

Selling experience strategy1. Know and understand your customers2. Make your product accessible, buyable

and above all, essential 3. Unlock your inner salesperson

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Sometimes you have to create a brief when there is none

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Build an argument for why the work needs to exist

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What is it like to be a customer of the organisation today?

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Start with a universal truth

Shine a light on what it’s like to be a customer

63 | Selling strategy, September 2017Do your research!

64 | Selling strategy, September 2017Find a simple way to articulate the current state

65 | Selling strategy, September 2017Compare it to other brands

66 | Selling strategy, September 2017

Form an opinion of what the organisation should change

to achieve their goals

67 | Selling strategy, September 2017Explain the consequence of doing nothing

68 | Selling strategy, September 2017Work out the equation for the experience

69 | Selling strategy, September 2017Explain what they should change in terms the business understands

70 | Selling strategy, September 2017

Figure out what you will do

71 | Selling strategy, September 2017Start small, but show how the pieces fit together

72 | Selling strategy, September 2017

Your plan shouldn’t be to make a PowerPoint

It should be to make a thing

73 | Selling strategy, September 2017

VISION STATEMENT§ An inspirational ambition that will

inform how the experience engages and delivers value

EXPERIENCE DESIGN PRINCIPLES§ How the vision will be executed.§ Core values of the user experience.§ Informed by research.§ The design principles should also

be inspirational and directive.

FUTURE CUSTOMER STORIES § Customer narrative of future

outcomes inspired by the vision and executed through the design principles.

vision statement

experience design principles ideal customer journeys

VISION PROTOTYPE§ A tangible, sometimes

clickable expression of our vision

§ Options include videos, clickable prototypes, experiential spaces

§ Can be used by senior stakeholders and customers



vision prototype

IDEAL CUSTOMER JOURNEYS§ Mapping out how the future ideal

end to end journeys plays out

future customer stories

74 | Selling strategy, September 2017

Explain how you will create value

75 | Selling strategy, September 2017Describe the outcomes that they will get

76 | Selling strategy, September 2017Link your activities to KPIs and metrics

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Choose deliverables that will get attention

78 | Selling strategy, September 2017Make it easy to understand the present

79 | Selling strategy, September 2017 Allow the audience to imagine the future

80 | Selling strategy, September 2017

Strategist checklist: Make your product buyable

q Clearly articulate what it’s like to be a customer today

q Explain what must change about the experience for the organisation to meet its goals

q Create a plan to make a thing – a tangible articulation of the strategy

q Explain how the work will create value

q Plan for deliverables that will go viral

§ What is the product you’re selling?

§ How can you make it accessible, essential and buyable?

81 | Selling strategy, September 2017

Selling experience strategy1. Know and understand your customers2. Make your product accessible, buyable

and above all, essential 3. Unlock your inner salesperson

82 | Selling strategy, September 2017

Your credibility

Your ideas and their relevance

Love the idea and love you doing this

Nice ideas, but we don’t trust you to do it

We like you but your ideas are not relevant

We don’t like you or your ideas!

83 | Selling strategy, September 2017

Would you like a strategy?

Oh, we have plenty of those

Sorry, did I say strategy? I meant plan

A plan? We need a plan!

84 | Selling strategy, September 2017

Strategist checklist: Unlock your inner salesperson

q Make the time to rehearse & practice selling your ideas and strategy product

q Always to be prepared to pitch at any moment

q Make it easy for others to sell - high quality sharable assets to bring your pitch to life

q Pay it forward – be generous with your time and ideas to build relationships & goodwill

q Don’t do this alone – build the power of the team

§ How could you apply these to current work/ challenge?

§ What could you do tomorrow?

85 | Selling strategy, September 2017

Thank you and good luck!

86 | Selling strategy, September 2017

London | Norwich | Singapore

Thank you

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