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Media Evaluation Question 5

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  1. 1. How did you attract/address your audience?
  2. 2. How the shots effect the audience...
  3. 3. Close up: This is the first shot of the antagonist and makes the audience wonder who it is and what they are doing. Medium shot: This shot shows the antagonist putting his coat on and shows the viewer he is getting ready but does not show identity which keeps audiences in the dark and encourages them to keep watching. Extreme Close up: This shot shows the audience he has killed before. It is a tilt shot. and sets up the narrative for them. Extreme Close up and close up: This shot shows the mask which is the icon for the film- this creates mystery as viewer doesn't know the identity. Extreme Close up: This tilt shot shows radio whilst the non diegetic voice over is played. This shot and voiceover foreshadows Tons death- lets audience in with a secret. Close up: This shot shows a picture with Ton and camera zooms in on him to show he is the next target and to connect the dual narrative.
  4. 4. Extreme long shot: This shot shows the viewer the second location and also showcases the costume of the character. Medium Two shot: This shot shows the audience that he is not alone and ton is the next target Low angle Close up: This shot shows the audience what the character looks like and also shows part of the woodland location. Extreme long shot: Shows how isolated the setting is and pans as he walks also helps audience associate setting with the radio report. High angle Close up: This shot makes Ton look weaker and more vulnerable. Faster editing pace- audience knows something might happen- builds up climax.
  5. 5. Extreme close up and close up: Shows that Ton might have heard something and is looking around for clues- makes the audience wonder what he has heard/saw. Medium Two shot: This shot shows that the antagonist is hiding and is preparing to attack Ton. This makes the audience wonder whether ton will escape or what will happen to him. This also engages the audiences interests. Medium Shot and point of view shot: This shows what is happening in tons point of view and shows the antagonist attacking and killing him. Extreme close up: This shows that Ton has been killed and relates back to the radio report of his body being found.
  6. 6. Audience Research When we were creating our film we always thought and asked what our target audience would what and what they wouldn't have included in our opening. We asked them questions about whether or not the genre and the narrative would be suitable for our target audience and one of the responses were Yes because it sounds quite intense so if it as any younger it could be unsuitable. Our target audience also said that that it is important to build up tension in a horror film and to also include elements of silence. In our film we did this as the woodland sequence was constantly building up tension towards Tons death. We also included elements of silence in the garage scene so the audience would be on the edge and sense that something was going to happen. Our focus group also told us that hey would continue watching the film a the tension had built and has intrigued them into wondering what would happen next. In our film we chose to include teenagers because it is conventional in horror films. We also chose to have teenagers because we wanted the target audience to be able to relate to the characters and form a rapport- this could mean that hey have a favourite character and would be interested to know what would happen to them.
  7. 7. Audience Pleasures. In our film opening the audience may experience Visceral Pleasures. This means that some audiences may enjoy it when films have physical effects on them. For example, horror fans enjoy being made to jump or scream inn parts. I think that this may happen in our film because the music is very tense and builds up the atmosphere which ma make the audience jump. This will attract viewers and an audiences who enjoy because scared when watching films and having a physical reaction e.g. screaming or jumping. In this opening the audience may also experience Counter Culture Attraction. This means that some audiences gain pleasure from being immersed in environments or scenarios that break societys morals and legal restrictions for example crime dramas or murders in horror films. I think that our film has these pleasures are included in our film as our narrative is about an axe murderer. The man narrative and theme of the opening is crime and murder. Therefore this would attract people who enjoy films with rime and murder themes. Tracks of Damnation may include Intellectual Puzzle Pleasures. This means that audiences enjoy working out the mystery of the narrative. For example Thrillers and Horrors narratives have elements the audience has to work out the characters. I think that there may be intellectual pleasures in Tracks of Damnation because the audience can work out who the antagonist is and what his motive is for killing people.