Operating everywhere imaginable Drones


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A 6th grade honors project on Drones.

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  • 1. Operating everywhere imaginable

2. History 3. History Current Applications 4. History Current Applications Future 5. First failed attempts in the Civil War 6. First failed attempts in the Civil War Second failed attempts by the Japanese in WWII 7. First failed attempts in the Civil War Second failed attempts by the Japanese in WWII Third semi-failed attempts by the U.S.A. in WWII 8. First failed attempts in the Civil War Second failed attempts by the Japanese in WWII Third semi-failed attempts by the U.S.A. in WWII Proposed un-manned by Chance Vought Aircraft at theclose of World War II 9. UAVs used in the military. 10. UAVs used in used in the military. UAVs being used for police operations. 11. UAVs used in used in the military. UAVs being used for police operations. Private company surveillance. 12. UAVs used in used in the military. UAVs being used for police operations. Private company surveillance. Arctic and Ant-arctic research. 13. UAVs used in used in the military. UAVs being used for police operations. Private company surveillance. Arctic and Ant-arctic research. Agricultural Industry. 14. UAVs used in used in the military. UAVs being used for police operations. Private company surveillance. Arctic and Ant-arctic research. Agricultural Industry. Mineral exploration. 15. UAVs used in used in the military. UAVs being used for police operations. Private company surveillance. Arctic and Ant-arctic research. Agricultural Industry. Mineral exploration. Telecommunications. 16. UAVs used in used in the military. UAVs being used for police operations. Private company surveillance. Arctic and Ant-arctic research. Agricultural Industry. Mineral exploration. Telecommunications. News Broad casting. 17. UAVs used in used in the military. UAVs being used for police operations. Private company surveillance. Arctic and Ant-arctic research. Agricultural Industry. Mineral exploration. Telecommunications. News Broad casting. Marine Resources finding. 18. UAVs used in used in the military. UAVs being used for police operations. Private company surveillance. Arctic and Ant-arctic research. Agricultural Industry. Mineral exploration. Telecommunications. News Broad casting. Marine Resources finding. Stalking people and wildlife. 19. UAVs used in used in the military. UAVs being used for police operations. Private company surveillance. Arctic and Ant-arctic research. Agricultural Industry. Mineral exploration. Telecommunications. News Broad casting. Marine Resources finding. Stalking people and wildlife. Emergency operations. 20. UAVs used in used in the military. UAVs being used for police operations. Private company surveillance. Arctic and Ant-arctic research. Agricultural Industry. Mineral exploration. Telecommunications. News Broad casting. Marine Resources finding. Stalking people and wildlife Emergency operations. Terrain mapping. 21. UAVs used in used in the military. UAVs being used for police operations. Private company surveillance. Arctic and Ant-arctic research. Agricultural Industry. Mineral exploration. Telecommunications. News Broad casting. Marine Resources finding. Stalking people and wildlife. Emergency operations. Terrain mapping. Environment monitoring. 22. UAVs used in used in the military. UAVs being used for police operations. Private company surveillance. Arctic and Ant-arctic research. Agricultural Industry. Mineral exploration. Telecommunications. News Broad casting. Marine Resources finding. Stalking people and wildlife. Emergency operations. Terrain mapping. Environment monitoring. Power line monitoring. 23. UAVs used in used in the military. UAVs being used for police operations. Private company surveillance. Arctic and Ant-arctic research. Agricultural Industry. Mineral exploration. Telecommunications. News Broad casting. Marine Resources finding. Stalking people and wildlife. Emergency operations. Terrain mapping. Environment monitoring. Power line monitoring Coastline monitoring. 24. Smaller, cheaper and more efficient models 25. Smaller, cheaper and more efficient models Major commercial usage 26. Smaller, cheaper and more efficient models Major commercial usage Purple bacteria power 27. http://news.cnet.com/2300-11397_3-6055507-6.html?tag=mncol http://voiceofkarachi.blogspot.com/2010/11/us-pakistan-tension-rises-over-drones.html http://www.list.ufl.edu/uav/UAVHstry.htm www.wired.com/dangerroom/2009/07/air-force-eyes-purple-bacteria-to-power-drones/ www.wired.com/dangerroom/2007/10/dragonfly-uav-v/#previous post http://www.popsci.com/technology/gallery/2010-02/gallery-future-drones http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10001424052748703631704575551954273159086.html?KEYWORDS=drones+get+ready+to+fly