Audience profile Why do you buy magazines? - Articles:50% - Photos:0% - Reviews:25% - Previews:25% This has shown me what elements in a magazine are so popular and what i have to mainly focus on. How do you prefer to access magazines? - Printed copies: 100% - Websites:0% Therefore it is more likely that my magazine will be a success considering people mainly read printed copies, which is what my magazine will be. What front covers interest you more? - Simple: 33% - Busy:66% “Busy” holds the majority of the votes which tells me what appeals to the public and what they would prefer to see on m front cover. Do magazines influence your choice of music? - Always:0% - Sometimes:66% - Rarely:0% - Never:33% This tells me that depending on what genre of music my magazine is based on, it coould influence more people to listen to it and become interested in it.

Audience profile powerpoint

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Page 1: Audience profile powerpoint

Audience profileWhy do you buy magazines?-Articles:50%- Photos:0%-Reviews:25%-Previews:25%This has shown me what elements in a magazine are so popular and what i have to mainly focus on.

How do you prefer to access magazines?-Printed copies: 100%-Websites:0%Therefore it is more likely that my magazine will be a success considering people mainly read printed copies, which is what my magazine will be.

What front covers interest you more?-Simple: 33%-Busy:66%“Busy” holds the majority of the votes which tells me what appeals to the public and what they would prefer to see on m front cover.

Do magazines influence your choice of music?-Always:0%-Sometimes:66%-Rarely:0%-Never:33%This tells me that depending on what genre of music my magazine is based on, it coould influence more people to listen to it and become interested in it.

Page 2: Audience profile powerpoint

What shots work best on magazines?-Long shots:0%-Medium shots:66%-Close up shots:33%Therefore I will mainly use medium shots as well as some close up shots, as it is proven that the public prefer to see these types of shots throughout a magazine.

Would you subscribe to a magazine?-Yes:33%-No:66%This has shown me that most people do not subscribe to a magazine therefore I may not include it if it will not be successful.

How often do you buy magazines?-Daily:0%-Weekly:33%-Monthly:66%Therefore my magazine could either come out weekly or come out monthly because of the amount of magazines brought by the public.

What genre of magazines would you most likely purchase?-Music:66%-Fashion~:33%-Sport:0%-Motoring:0%Looking at the most popular answer in this question, “music”, it shows me that my magazine should be a success as the public are most interested in that genre of magazines.

Page 3: Audience profile powerpoint

What artists would you prefer to see on the front cover of a magazine?-Female artists:33%%-Male artists:34%-Bands:33%As each answer pretty much has the same amount of votes, it tells me that no matter what artist is on the front cover of my magazine, it will still appeal to some people.

Up to how much would you pay for a magazine?-50p:0%-£1:0%-£2:66%-£3:33%Therefore I will be making the cost of my magazine around £1.50