
ePortfolios: Assessing Student Learning and Helping Students Stand Out in the Interviewing Process

Ronda Leahy and Saundra Solum

Ronda Leahy, ProfessorCommunication Studies [email protected]

Saundra Solum, Instructional TechnologyInformation Technology [email protected]

What is an ePortfolio?

• An eP is an electronic collection of artifacts that shows student learning over time. (Presentation)

• Artifacts/Evidence may include writing samples, photos, videos, observations, lessons, artwork, and more.

• Reflections are a key component, telling why the artifacts was chosen and what the student learned from the process.

The impact of e-portfolios on learning

An ePortfolio (eP) is “a purposeful selection of evidence by the learner at a point in time, with a particular audience in mind”

Types of ePortfolios

Competency (Assessment, Standards)




(Career, Capstone)

Extrinsic Motivation

Intrinsic Motivation



Key Questions Prior to Development

•What is the purpose?

•Who is the audience?

•What is being measured?

Assessment of Learning OR Assessment for Learning

Advantages of Using an eP


More storage capacity



Development of computer skills

The Eportfolio as Support for the Professional Development of Preservice Teachers

Advantages of Using an eP


• flexible content• adapt portfolio as students pursue learning or career goals by

adding new sections, revising old ones, and keeping items up-to-date

More storage capacity• enough storage capacity to host a vast number of texts that are

simple to manage• no voluminous paper portfolio

Aesthetics• aesthetic tool that offers advantages that paper portfolios generally

lack• wide choice of templates• the content is consistent, e.g. writing on a computer produces texts

that are uniform and legible, providing consistent readability

The Eportfolio as Support for the Professional Development of Preservice Teachers

Advantages of Using an eP

Accessibility• once the eP is posted online, it provides universal and immediate

access• accessible as long as there is an Internet connection

Development of computer skills • users of ePs must know how to use a variety of digital functions

e.g. online writing, online navigating, uploading documents, etc.• eP users will develop computer skills

The Eportfolio as Support for the Professional Development of Preservice Teachers

Why use Brightspace by D2L

•Available to all students

• Easy access

•Create multiple eP presentations

•Use a template for consistent look for competency ePs

•Help available through campus help desk

•Keep beyond graduation with myDesire2Learn

Where is eP Located?

Why Use a Template?

•Provides clearer directions to students

•Allows for consistent look especially useful for assessment portfolios

•Gives directions and guidelines as part of the presentation

•Works well for online cohorts

•However, does stifle creativity

Accessing the ePortfolio

The eP is part of a student’s personal space.

• Student submits the eP presentation to a course dropbox.


• Student makes the eP presentation public and emails the link.


• Student shares eP, but forced sharing groups may not be the best option.

Assessing Student Learning

•Who assesses (Instructor/Advisor, Peer, Outside Vender and/or Expert)?

• Is it course, department, college, or program?

•How much is assessed?

• Each artifact/reflection

• Entire presentation

• Archived

SoE Dropbox

"A resume proves nothing. It only makes claims, your career performance portfolio is the presentation tool that will help you validate your job performances and resume claims.” ~ Rick Nelles

Introducing eP to Students

Proof of Performance: How to Build a Career Portfolio to Land a Great New Job

Benefits of Creating an eP

•Professional way to showcase your work

• It’s a great first impression for employers

• Increases your visibility and online presence

•Shows you’re more than just a resume


Heather Huhnman, Careerealism, January 2014

Student Perspective

• Long-term consequences of use – “I use e-Portfolio to have a good resume for finding a job in future.”

• Information sharing – “I like to share my experiences and even my photos and videos about my classes.”

• Giving and receiving feedback – “Others’ comments help me to increase my performance.”

• Self-documentation – “I use e-Portfolio, because I can see what I’ve done over the semesters.”

• Quality of information – “I’m interested in e-Portfolio, because I can learn lots of new information.”

• Convenience utility – “E-Portfolio is really convenient to use.”

Why Students Use Electronic Portfolio: From Uses and Gratification Perspective

Employer Feedback

“In addition to a resume or college transcript, more than 4 in 5 employers say an electronic portfolio would be useful to them in ensuring that job applicants have the knowledge and skills they need to succeed in their company or organization.”

Association of American Colleges & Universities

Employer Feedback

• 91% of recruiters said if a student followed up with them via email with a link to a relevant part of their ePortfolio they would visit it

• 73% of recruiters said if a student offered to show them a relevant part of their ePortfolio during a job fair via tablet (iPad) they would be interested

• 64% of recruiters said if a student put a link to their ePortfolio on the top of their resume they would visit it

• 55% of recruiters said if a student offered to show them a relevant part of their ePortfolio during a job interview via tablet (iPad) they would be interested

• 36% of recruiters said if a student had a link to their ePortfolio on their email signature or referenced in their cover letter that they would visit it

Notre Dame ePortfolio Engagement Program

"I can't guarantee that a portfolio will get you a job or that every employer will want to see your portfolio, but I can say with confidence that collecting samples and crafting a portfolio showcasing your accomplishments will increase your power to communicate your worth to employers, customers or clients." ~ Martin Kimeldorf

Peterson's Portfolio Power: The New Way to Showcase All Your Job Skills and Experiences

Interviewing Course –Employment ePortfolio

• Students can choose how their ePortfolio looks and create it from scratch without using a template.

•Using the ePortfolio as an employment portfolio.

• Students present their ePortfolio at the end of the semester.


• Table of contents is the navigation bar for the ePortfolios. Each item is a link to examples of students’ work.

• Students choose five examples of their best work.

• STAR – Situation, Task, Action, and Result For each item students provide context of their work by including a STAR response about the item. (e.g. Reflection, Narrative)

Rubric example

Opening: appropriate dress, firm handshake, good eye contact, active participant

Answering questions: language, grammar, to the point, thorough, honest, evidence, reasons

Presentation of portfolio items: use of time, use of S.T.A.R. method, explanation of materials

Created a favorable impression with portfolio items: prepared, organized, quality items

Closing: active participant, shows interest in position, call to action

Communication skills: verbal, nonverbal, visual presentation of portfolio


•Hosted ePortfolio service provided by D2L for students who are graduating and would like to continue to use and update their ePortfolio after graduation.

• This service is offered free by D2L and provides each student with 2GB of storage space for an unlimited time.



• All students in any major will benefit from creating an ePortfolio

• It is important to decide the purpose and audience, which is determined by the type of ePortfolio

• Brightspace eP is easy to use and there is help available

• As instructors, we can use the ePortfolio as part of our assessment but it may not be the entire presentation

• Through myD2L, students can create and maintain an ePortfolio throughout their college career and beyond graduation
