
Top Tips for Effective Email Designs

Stephen Hill, Senior Designer


1. FROM NAME Include your brand name in the from name…

2. SUBJECT LINE Your subject line should be short, informative and instantly recognizable…

3. LOGO Make sure your emails echo your overall company brand…


4. SUPER SUBJECT LINE A few email clients e.g. Gmail, Outlook, iPhone etc… show a snippet of preview


5. HOUSEKEEPING LINKS The 3 most important links in an email are the Web View, Safe

Senders and Unsubscribe links...

6. DESIGN FOR THE PREVIEW PANE The top of the email is without doubt the most valuable area in engaging your

recipients, so be sure to use a strong typed call to action…


7. EMAIL WIDTH The overall width of

your emails should not exceed 650 pixels in


8. PERSONALISATION Too many images in an email is the tool of the spammer, so be very

careful to keep ratio of images to text at an

acceptable level…


Data is key to a successful email

campaign and it's been shown that personalized

emails can improve click-through rates by

up to 14%...

10. BULLETPROOF BUTTONS Make sure your email has the same impact

with images off as it does with

images on...


11. SHORT & CONCISE Keep copy short and concise. Don’t use 12 words when 4

are enough…


12. SOCIAL SHARING Make it as easy as possible for your audience to share your

email by including social sharing links and / or

‘Forward to a Friend’ options...

13. SUBSCRIPTION REMINDER By jogging the recipient's memory they are not only less likely to complain, but

they're also more likely to stay subscribed...

14. UK COMPANIES ACT LAW (2007) Include a company name, registered company postal address and a valid working

email address on all footers to comply with the UK Companies Act law...


15. SINGLE COLUMN Designing mobile devices first makes you focus on the most important. Never has it been more important to cut the waffle and to make your

message succinct, clear and easy to action.

Any questions, please contact:

Stephen Hill, Senior Designer, [email protected]