Page 1: St Mary’s Flower Festival 19 th  – 21 st  October 2012

St Mary’s Flower Festival19th – 21st October 2012

Psalm 104

The psalms were the hymn book of the Hebrew people and speak of all aspects of their relationship with God. There is much rejoicing in the psalms, but also expressions of fear, anger and sadness. The psalmists bring to God their feelings through all the trials and joys of life. Psalm 104 is an appropriate choice for a harvest festival as it speaks of God’s provision as seen in the world He has created. Each of the individual arrangements was inspired by one or two verses from the psalm.

Page 2: St Mary’s Flower Festival 19 th  – 21 st  October 2012

Verse 1

Praise the Lord, O my soul. O Lord my God, you are very great; you are clothed with splendour and majesty,

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Verse 4He makes the winds his messengers, flames of fire His Servants

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Verse 13He waters the mountains from his upper chambers; the earth is satisfied by the fruit of his work.

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Verse 13He waters the mountains from his upper chambers; the earth is satisfied by the fruit of his work

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St Mary’s Flower Festival19th – 21st October 2012

Psalm 104

The psalms were the hymn book of the Hebrew people and speak of all aspects of their relationship with God. There is much rejoicing in the psalms, but also expressions of fear, anger and sadness. The psalmists bring to God their feelings through all the trials and joys of life. Psalm 104 is an appropriate choice for a harvest festival as it speaks of God’s provision as seen in the world He has created. Each of the individual arrangements was inspired by one or two verses from the psalm.
