
w w w . p u r p l e t h e a t r e . o r g . u k

Programme £2CCoommppaassss TThheeaattrree

Wednesday 22nd to Saturday 25th November 2006, 8pm

Do you shop online? Then shop with Purple!If you ever buy from, or and you goto their websites via ours you could help fund our next show. All you need to do is and click the Shop with Purple! link in the bottom left handcorner. All the information you need is there. It won’t cost you a penny, but could helpus generate much needed funds.

Good evening, ladies andgentlemen, and welcometo the Purple TheatreCompany’s production ofSweeney Todd by StephenSondheim.

This has been a real toughiefor the group to deal with -both in terms of the music,

which forces the cast’s singing voices to get to anotherlevel, and for the crew; a chair that can take my portlyframe once Sweeney has cut my throat is a matter ofheavy engineering and aerodynamics! However, as Ihope you will note tonight, both challenges have beenmet with aplomb and more than a spoonful of talent!

Sweeney has also been somewhat of a milestone interms of our musical maturity, a difficult show for thecast and a considerable demand on our orchestra -the largest we have ever used for a show.

I’m delighted in the way everyone has workedtogether to produce something that the whole teamcan be proud of - well done everyone.

This teamwork has grown from the group’s originalstatement of intent: to produce high quality, accessibletheatre for the local community and have fun whiledoing it! Next year sees our tenth anniversary and abrief return to the knock-about Pratchett plays wesucceeded in doing so well all those years ago. Look


out for Wyrd Sisters in May 2007 - it already promisesto be fantastic!

We have matured since those original star gazingbeginnings (I was 19 then!) and past companymanagers of Simon Austin, Matthew Tucker andJoanne Reeves-Baker have each added something tothe group, taken our remit further and challenged ourmembers to do more and do it better than theythought they could.

That may sound rather trite, and images of ourdirectors flouncing round the palatial rehearsal roomand calling everyone darling will abound, but gettingthe company to perform does require much testing ofthe confidence and need for positive reinforcement.Which is why teamwork and support are soimportant to us.

Still enough about the way we do things, performancenights are about trying to impress you! Our aim is tocreate a show that we can be proud of and, in doing so,produce something you will love. I hope we do and youcan rest assured that we will continue to try and do so!

As ever, if you have any comments or suggestionsplease do fill in the questionnaires we circulate - weread every one and value your input.

Enjoy the show.

Brett AldertonCompany Manager and Director


Sweeney Todd the demon barber of fleet street 1

...from the company manager/director

Picture the scene. I’msitting trying to think ofthe next direction Purpleshould go in, having justcompleted the PurpleShowcase, and now wellinto rehearsals for AnInspector Calls. It suddenlyoccurred to me that I

hadn’t yet subjected the Purple people, or indeed ouraudiences, to any Sondheim. It took precisely a nano-second to think of Sweeney Todd, having done italready at college some years back. I knew it wouldbe a challenge, and I knew we’d need substantial timeto pull it off. What you are going to see tonight is theresult of exactly that: the most challenging show forPurple to date.The cast, crew and directorial teamhave worked tirelessly on this modest little gem.Deemed one of the most musically elaborate andcomplicated shows ever written, once again thefantastic Purple posse have risen to the challenge.Another true milestone for all of us, this show reallysets the standard for future Purple productions. I’malso rather proud of the fact that I’ve challenged thecrew again with our somewhat extended number ofmusicians, so much so that we’ve had to put some onstage.Well, if you’re going to do it, you may as well doit big, wouldn’t you say?

a word...

A personal milestone for me is that this is my 60thproduction since starting out in the big scary world oftheatre nearly twelve years ago (whether I’veimproved my skills in this field is another matter).

And now a few words of thanks. Cast, all of you, thankyou for putting up with my sometimes random pianoplaying in rehearsals. How you learned things soquickly and so well under those conditions is beyondme. Brett and Charlie, it was a pleasure once again;what are you doing this time next year? Crew, you’veentertained me with your stories of slides, waterfallsand various antics. I have no idea what it’s all going tolook like, but I’m sure it will be brilliant as always.Musicians, all of you, you felt the fear and did it anyway.Good job. And last but not least, Andy, my right handman. I truly believe the singing would not be half whatit is without your help, you saved me from insanity andtaught me a lot of stuff. Cheers, my friend.

Now everyone, in the words of the immortal bard,“Let’s do this before we realise it can’t be done”(Peter Burnett – 2005)

Toby VennardAritistic/Musical Director

...from the musical director

Sweeney Todd the demon barber of fleet street2

This has been a hugechallenge, for cast, crew,the company, and on apersonal level. Needless tosay, I am so proud of thepeople I have workedwith.The crew haveproduced an amazing setfor the cast to perform on,

and once again have pushed themselves to a newlevel with taking risks on what they can produce andthe time they can do it in.The cast have been amazingto work with and it is great to see so many newfaces, and refreshing to have a shuffle up of old andnew. It has also been my first time working with thedirector, Brett Alderton.When he asked me to workalongside him as AD I was very nervous, as he has ahuge reputation within the company, I hope that Ihaven’t embarrassed myself! and you enjoy the show.The whole company have worked really hard toproduce what you are here to see, and I hope youhave a great evening as everyone you see on and offstage has had fun working to create this for you all.

Charlie Kerridge-SmithAssistant Director

a word...

I swore that I would neverdo Sweeney again after thefirst time I performed in itwhilst at University.This isnow the third time I willhave been involved withthe show in some form,and I’m still making thatpromise! To give you some

idea of just how hard the cast have worked, imaginetrying to learn something written by a twistedpsychopath on a hideous cocktail of mind alteringdrugs who has a grudge against singers. Now imaginethat you have to learn twenty or so such songs – Ithink you get the picture!

It’s not just the complexity of the show that hasproved a challenge; even after having been in it, I’vefound that life on the other side of the stage (so tospeak) has posed a whole host of new problems, notleast the fact that as part of the directing team youhave to be enthusiastic all the time (I’d never realisedhow draining maintaining a cheery smile for eighthours could be!). Still, I’m confident that the effort weput in – and the repetitive strain injury I now have inboth cheeks – has resulted in a performance that youcan enjoy well after you’ve left the theatre.

Andy SondenAssistant Musical Director

...from the assistant directors

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Sweeney Todd the demon barber of fleet street4

Stephen SondheimBorn in Manhattan in 1930, StephenSondheim, an only child, led a lonely andemotionally isolated life. After his fatherwalked out when he was only 10, his

mother became possessive and abusive towards him,and many critics believe this was one of the influencesthat led him to writing a series of manipulative andunstable female characters – including Mrs. Lovett.Sondheim wrote his first musical By George whilst atschool, and although it made him a hero amongst hispeers, his close friend Jimmy Hammerstein, son of thefamous lyricist, hated it. He agreed to work through itwith the young composer, however, and Sondheimwas reported as saying, “In that afternoon I learnedmore about songwriting and musical theatre thanmost people learn in a lifetime.” Sondheim’s big breakcame in 1957, when he was asked to write the lyricsfor West Side Story, and in the following decadesproduced a number of hit shows including Company,Follies, Pacific Overtures, and his magnum opus, SweeneyTodd. Following the bad reception to his 1981 show,Merrily We Roll Along, Sondheim threatened to quitmusical theatre entirely, but instead carried on writing– most recently releasing Bounce in 2003.


Hugh WheelerHugh Callingham Wheeler was born in theUK in 1912, less than a month before theTitanic sank, but spent most of his life inthe US having moved there in 1946.

Although he is arguably more famous for his libretti, heactually spent the majority of his life as a crime andmystery writer, publishing under such pseudonyms asPatrick Quentin, Q. Patrick, and Jonathan Stagge. In fact,he didn’t write a libretto until 1973 when hecollaborated with Stephen Sondheim for the first timein the creation of a Little Night Music.Wheeler died inJuly 1987, having won three Tony awards for his musicallibretti and the Edgar award for Mystery Fiction.

Sweeney ToddSweeney Todd the Demon Barber of Fleet Street cameabout almost by accident: Sondheim, in London tosupervise a production of Follies in 1973, decided totake in an evening at the theatre and ended upwatching a Christopher Bond play: Sweeney Todd,written for the Stoke Experimental theatre company.

So impressed was Sondheim with the production thathe decided to try and convert it into a musical.WithBond’s permission he embarked on the six yearjourney that would eventually see the productionarrive in Broadway, at the Uris Theatre on 1st March1979, starring Angela Lansbury and Len Cariou.

the writers and the ‘real’ sweeney todd

Sweeney Todd the demon barber of fleet street 5

Sondheim’s score to Sweeney is one of his mostcomplex to date, considered by many to be an Englishlanguage opera. He relies heavily on counterpoint andrich, ‘angular’ harmonies in the show. Sondheim quotesthe ancient Dies Irae Gregorian chant as part of theeponymous ballad that runs throughout the score.

Although Sondheim always denied any Brechtianinfluence on his work, Bond’s original script was actuallydevised by combining a renamed version of Brecht’sMan is Man with an 1847 one act folk play by playwrightGeorge Dibdin Pitt (based on a story called The String ofPearls: A Romance, which had appeared in one of thenotorious Penny Dreadfuls, called The People’s Periodical,issue 7, 21st November 1846. Probably written byThomas Prest, who tended to base his gruesome villainsand horror stories on grains of truth, sometimes gaininginspiration from real crime reports in The Times). Pitt’splay opened at the Hoxton Theatre with the subtitle TheFiend of Fleet Street, and was billed as ‘founded on fact’.It was something of a success, and the story spread byword of mouth, taking on the quality of an urban legend.

Although the story of Sweeney Todd is sometimesclaimed to be based upon fact, no reliable evidence ofthis has ever been found.Todd’s trial at the Old Baileyand subsequent hanging at Tyburn in January 1802,before a large crowd, have no record in the Old Baileysessions papers or the Newgate Calendar, nor arethere any contemporary press reports.

There is believed to have been a Jacobean barber whocut the throats of his customers during the FrenchRevolution, though for politics rather than profit. Likewise,the 15th century Scottish figure Sawney Bean led a familyof thieves who are believed to have feasted on theirvictims. It may be relevant that ‘Sweeney’ could beconsidered a typically Irish name, just as ‘Sawney’ is aScottish one; ethnic prejudice could underlie both legends.

The one notable difference between any early versionof Sweeney Todd and the Bond/Wheeler/Sondheimcollaboration, is that Sweeney himself is given a senseof pathos.Whereas before he had merely been afigure of evil, perpetrating his murderous acts out ofgreed or thirst for blood, this Todd is the victim of arapacious upper-class who will stop at nothing to getwhat they want. By blurring the lines between blackand white; good and evil, Bond and, ultimately,Sondheim have created a parable for the modern ageand a gripping story which will keep you on the edgeof your seat right up until the final curtain.

MethodMix well all ingredients except the chicken. Place inthe pie shell and top with either a pastry lid or thecooked chicken pieces. Bake in a 350˚F oven for 45minutes to an hour, or until the pastry is goldenbrown and the filling set. Serve hot or cold.

Serves 6-8.

*Any attempt to make this is at your own personal risk!

Sweeney Todd the demon barber of fleet street6

Ingredients~ 1lb meat (beef, pork, venison, rabbit, poultry... or

any passing stranger) parboiled and cut intosmall chunks, ground or mashed

~ 19” pie shell (lid optional)

~ Cooked chicken pieces (wings, thighs, etc.)

~ 4 egg yolks

~ Up to 1 cup meat broth (quantity depends onthe dryness of the other ingredients - use yourdiscretion.The final mixture should be on thewet side)

~ Splash of red or white wine.

~ 1 to 2 cups total of any of the following,separate or in combination: minced dates,currants, raisins, minced figs, ground nuts(almonds, walnuts, etc.) grated cheese etc.Thevariety of ingredients and the total amount useddepends on personal taste

~ 1Tsp salt

~ 1Tsp pepper

~ 1-2 tbs total of any of the following spices,separate or in combination: ginger,allspice,cinnamon, cloves, nutmeg, cardamom,cubebs, galingale.The variety of ingredients & thetotal amount used depends on personal taste, orthe taste of the person

recipetraditional meat pie*

Founded in 1993, thesociety has over 700members in the UK and

worldwide.They provide regular news updates andinformation, arrange trips to Sondheim shows (athome and abroad), post-show discussions, socialevents, as well as an annual study day/workshop forthose keen to extend their knowledge of Sondheim’swork.The Society has also produced several Sondheimshows and members have had opportunities to meetMr Sondheim in London, New York and elsewhere.

Their web site includes the latest news, a discussionboard and there is an e-mail service to keepmembers up-to-date with breaking news.

In 2006 the society has been involved in two SondheimGalas: Happily Ever After starring Barbara Cook and the30th anniversary of Side by Side.They are also involved ina Follies in Concert charity gala, planned for February 2007.

For further details on membership, please visit theweb site or write to:

The Stephen Sondheim Society265 Wollaton Vale,Wollaton, Nottingham, NG8 2PX

E-mail: [email protected]


Fax: 0115 916 2960

Patrons: Stephen Sondheim, Barbara Cook, DavidKernan, Julia McKenzie, Ned Sherrin, Stuart Pedlar

appreciating sondheimthe stephen sondheim society

Sweeney Todd the demon barber of fleet street 7

Harlington Hospice was set up in 1984 by a group ofneighbours headed by Reg and Mary Hopkins withthe aim to provide help and support to people withinthe local community suffering from non-curativeillnesses, through day care and home nursing. Their“philosophy of care” focuses on the patient and notthe illness.

In 1993 Hospice at Home was set up to recognisethe need for assistance for terminally ill people in theirown homes. In 1996 their new Day Care Centre wasopened in which patients could be given professionalhelp in a relaxing and friendly atmosphere. Facilitiesand services offered include nursing care, counselling,library and computer facilities, and even reflexologyand massage treatments. In 2002 they established aLymphoedoema service that specialises in alleviatingthis condition, which is a form of tissue swelling oftenfound in cancer victims.

Their main source of income is provided throughcharity shops in the local area and donations, enablingthem to provide these services free of charge to alleligible patients.

supporting our community

PrologueA street in London

The Ballad of Sweeney Todd - Company

Scene one – London docksNo Place Like London - Anthony, Sweeney,Beggar Woman

Scene two – Mrs. Lovett’s pie shopThe Worst Pies in London - Mrs. LovettPoor Thing - Mrs. LovettMy Friends - Sweeney, Mrs. LovettSecond Ballad of Sweeney Todd - Company

Scene three – Johanna’s BalconyGreen Finch and Linnet Bird - JohannaAh, Miss - Anthony, Johanna, Beggar womanJohanna - Anthony

Scene four – Market placePirelli’s Miracle Elixir - Tobias, companyThe Contest - PirelliThird Ballad of Sweeney Todd - Company

scenes and songs

Scene five – Johanna’s balcony and Judge Turpin’s house

Johanna (Mea Culpa) - Judge Turpin

Scene six – Mrs. Lovett’s pie shop and Sweeney’s tonsorial parlour

Wait - Mrs. LovettScene seven – Judge Turpin’s court

Scene eight – Johanna’s balcony and streetKiss Me - Johanna, AnthonyLadies in their Sensitivities - Beadle BamfordQuartet - Johanna, Anthony, Beadle Bamford,Judge Turpin

Scene nine – Pie shop and tonsorial parlourPretty Women - Sweeney, Judge TurpinEpiphany - SweeneyA Little Priest - Sweeney, Mrs. Lovett

act one

Sweeney Todd the demon barber of fleet street8

Want to be a Purple person?see us in the foyer or bar after the show, or telephone: (07050) 605081

or visit our website: u r p l e - b e t t e r t h a n b l u e

Scene one – Pie shop and tonsorial parlourGod,That’s Good! - Mrs. Lovett, Sweeney,Tobias,Company

Scene two - Pie shop, tonsorial parlour and streetJohanna Quartet - Sweeney, Anthony,Beggar Woman

Scene three – Street outside Jonas Fogg’s asylum

Scene four – Pie shop and tonsorial parlourBy the Sea - Mrs. LovettWigmaker Sequence - Sweeney, Anthony, QuintetThe Letter

Scene six – Pie shop and tonsorial parlourNot While I’m Around - Tobias, Mrs. LovettParlour Songs - Beadle Bamford, Mrs. Lovett,Tobias

Scene seven – Jonas Fogg’s asylumCity On Fire - Anthony, Johanna, Beggar Woman,Sweeney, Mrs. Lovett, Company

Scene eight – Tonsorial parlourThe Judge’s Return - Sweeney, Judge Turpin

Scene nine – Pie shop and bakehouseThe Beggar Woman’s Lullaby - Beggar Woman,Anthony, Johanna, SweeneyFinal Scene - Sweeney, Mrs. Lovett

EpilogueThe Ballad of Sweeney Todd - Company

act two

Sweeney Todd the demon barber of fleet street 9

the cast

Sweeney Todd the demon barber of fleet street10

Tom Brand - AnthonyTom’s been involved in fivePurple shows and, after allhis hard work, he’s finally gota decent role! Now it’s timeto either show everybodyhow great he is, or crashand burn in front of all hisfriends and family. Oh dear...

Matt Cherrie - Jonas FoggMatt has spent the last fiveyears in a Tibetan monastery,learning how to drawsustenance from the veryair itself. He would havebeen successful too, were itnot for pie. Sweet, sweetpie... His one true love.

Phil Burton- Beadle BamfordPhil is enjoying playing apompous windbag, butwould like to assure you it’sall acting. He is delightedthat, for once, he’s beenallowed to keep his beardon stage.

Jim Clarke - Bird sellerJim joined the PurpleTheatre Company to singchorus in Sweeney Todd, hisfavourite Sondheim show,but he now finds himselfmaking his acting debut asthe Bird Seller.

Craig Cameron-Fisher- Judge TurpinThis is the 12th show Craighas done with the PurpleTheatre Company... and it’sdefinitely the very lastSondheim musical he willever do!

Chrisa Constantinou- ChorusChrisa faithfully promisesnot to have a hand in any ofthe baked goods currentlyavailable for consumptionanywhere near the theatre,although the same cannotbe promised for the books.

Sweeney Todd the demon barber of fleet street 11

Amanda Franklin - TobiasThis is Amanda’s first Purpleproduction. She is currently astudent at Brunel Universityand has previously performedin a variety of shows includingCavelcade at Sadler’s Wellsand more recently Pippin, inthe role of Berthe.

Amelia Gamble- Adolfo PirelliAmelia has loved working witha new team of lunatics andsome familiar faces. Especiallythe challenging experience ofPirelli’s many guises, beingdead and having to eat piesmade of... well... you know.

Samantha Jones - JohannaSamantha is currently in herfinal year at university,studying English andHistory. Playing Johanna isher first acting role and shehas thoroughly enjoyedworking with the PurpleTheatre Company.

Mandy Gasson- Passer by, ChorusMandy is crazy enough to bedelighted at being involved inprobably Sondheim’s mostrenowned show, and she isloving it! Her 8th Purpleshow and you finally get tosee her real hair (almost)!

Claire Lewis- Mrs. Nellie LovettThis is Claire’s second stageappearance, following herground-breaking ‘little Gigi’ atage four, but her first withPurple. She dedicates herperformance to her parents,David and Tricia, with love.

Frankie Grillo - ChorusHaving entered Purple’swonderfully strange world ayear ago, Frankie decided totake a dip in their pool of newexperience. Later she realisedit made more sense to actuallygo to the auditions, rather thantheir local swimming pool.

Sweeney Todd the demon barber of fleet street12

Alistair Mackey -Sweeney ToddA 3rd year drama studentat Brunel University, Alistairwas educated in Walesbefore moving to Londonin 2004. He hopes topursue a career on stageand screen in the future.

Maggie Pitfield- Beggar WomanAs a fan of StephenSondheim’s music, Maggie isvery pleased to be playingthe role of the BeggarWoman in this, her firstshow with the PurpleTheatre Company.

The others - ChorusThree members of chorus aresinging off stage.They are alsoon the production team (thisis an amalgam of their faces).Guess who they are. No prizeor anything, we just thoughtyou may want something todo during the interval.

the crew

Sweeney Todd the demon barber of fleet street 13

I have only been withPurple for three full showsand am now stagemanaging Sweeney Todd.What started as a favourfor a friend on a singlenight has turned intosomething a lot bigger. Formy second full show I waspromoted to properties

and have now been promoted again to overseeing theentire crew for set building and scene changes, whichis no mean feat with the bunch of ragamuffins I havebeen left with! So now you know who to blame ifanything goes wrong on the night!

I would like to say a big thank you to Charlie for helpingme along so much with the set. Charlie is fantastic withstage management whereas I haven’t a clue!

I would also like to thank Sylvia, who dealt with all ofthe costumes and let me get on with tearing my hairout about the set rather than bugging her.

Finally, in what is beginning to resemble GwynethPaltrow’s Oscar acceptance speech, I would like tothank the whole crew who turned up week after weekand put up with my air-headedness and kept me sane.

Sarah NorrisStage Manager

Nicola ‘Lem’ French- Assistant Stage ManagerHaving been involved withPurple since the start (toomany years ago to remem-ber), Nicola is delighted toonce again be lurking indark corners, wearing blackand drinking tea.

Roz Harvey- Sound operatorRoz is happy, after an 8 yearabsence, to finally be in theright country to participatein a Purple production.Thisis her first show withPurple since Men at Armsin 1998.

Charlie Kerridge-Smith- Set designerCharlie has let go of hernormal crew position andhas spent much of her timewith the cast. However, shehas still managed to claw herway into crew by designingthe set you see before you.

Sweeney Todd the demon barber of fleet street14

Martin Lewin- Sound designerDespite his distance, ieManchester and Leicester,Martin has still been involvedwith the sound for the show,even if it is via telephone andemail. Maybe next show he’llappear in a physical form.

Jeremy Poulter- Lighting design/operatorThis is Jeremy’s hundredthor so show with Purple, andhe is back doing lighting (aswell as a bit of set building).Jeremy has always enjoyedlighting and hopes you allenjoy the production.

Matt Loughman - CrewMatt is delighted to onceagain be part of the crewas it gives him a chance towatch and enjoy yetanother fabulous Purpleproduction. He hopes youenjoy it as well.

Aneka Rai- Followspot operatorAneka is back for more inthis, her fourth show withPurple, providing hervaluable crew skills for thisproduction, and cementingherself as a prominentmember of the company.

Michael Masters - CrewMichael has always beentold that he should be onstage. Well, after his lastouting as a potato, he feltthat back stage was thebest place for him.

Alan Sermons- Followspot operatorYet again Alan manages tosqueeze something Purpleinto his hectic socialcalendar. Other than Roz,that is...Yes, Roz and Alanare getting married inJanuary. Congratulations!

Sweeney Todd the demon barber of fleet street 15

David Sullivan - CrewDavid has returned tobeing behind the scenesafter a short stint of just setbuilding. He is glad to beback and is looking forwardto seeing his hard work atset building put into actionand on stage.

Melissa Walker - CrewHaving enjoyed being withthe crew earlier on in theyear Mel thought she’dventure back to the darkside and volunteer herservices once more....

Heather Sullivan - CrewOriginally hanging aroundPurple to see her husbandmore often, Heather hasbeen an unofficial member forthe past few shows, helpingwith front of house or setbuilding. She hopes she enjoysher first time with crew.

listscast crew and orchestra

Sweeney Todd the demon barber of fleet street16

Sound operator ....................................................................... Roz HarveyAssistant Stage Manager ................... Nicola ‘Lem’ FrenchCrew ....................................................................................... Matt Loughman......................................................................................................... Michael Masters................................................................................................................ David Sullivan....................................................................................................... Heather Sullivan............................................................................................................. Melissa WalkerWardrobe ..................................................................................... Sylvia TaylorSound Designer ................................................................. Martin LewinSet Designer ....................................... Charlie Kerridge-SmithFront of House Manager .................. Bas Dickson-Leach

OrchestraBass .................................................................................. Daniel O’DonovanBassoon .................................................................................... Mary KirknessClarinet .................................................................................... Natalie DewarFlute ......................................................................................... Kim WestbrookKeyboards ............................................................................................... Terry YauPiano/Conductor ............................................................. Toby VennardTrombone ............................................................................................. Sue BogleTrumpet ......................................................................................... Terry HisseyViola ....................................................................................................... Vivien FieldViolin ............................................................................................... Helen CollierViolin ...................................................................................................... Ketan Patel

CastSweeney Todd ..............................................................Alastair MackeyMrs. Nellie Lovett ................................................................. Claire LewisJudge Turpin ............................................. Craig Cameron-FisherBeadle Bamford ........................................................................ Phil BurtonBeggar Woman ............................................................... Maggie PitfieldTobias ................................................................................ Amanda FranklinJohanna ................................................................................ Samantha JonesAnthony ............................................................................................... Tom BrandJonas Fogg ................................................................................... Matt CherrieAdolfo Pirelli ................................................................... Amelia GambleBird seller, chorus ........................................................................ Jim ClarkePasser by, chorus ............................................................ Mandy GassonChorus ................................................................. Chrisa Constantinou................................................................................................................. Frankie Grillowith ............................................................................................... Brett Alderton............................................................................... Charlie Kerridge-Smith ...................................................................................................................Andy Sonden

CrewStage Manager ........................................................................Sarah NorrisLighting design/operator .................................... Jeremy PoulterFollowspot operators ............................................................ Aneka Rai................................................................................................................ Alan Sermons

Having joined Purple as afresh faced teenager (Iknow, it happens to us all)it has been an interestingexperience watching thenew generation ofmembers join the group,both on stage and behindthe scenes. I want to say a

big thank you to all the people who come back everyshow and give their continued support, and that goesfor cast, crew, the teams that pull it all together, andthe members of the audience who laugh and cry withus. Remember, the door is always open!

The tale of Sweeney Todd and the myriad of mythsthat surround it have been an extraordinary challengeto get to the stage. Fortunately there has been astrong and dedicated team behind it and I hope theirefforts are fully appreciated! From the set design tothe performers, from the design work and publicity tothe singing instruction and choreography, this has beena long, often stressful and multifaceted process whichhas all come together to make sure the mythcontinues for a good while yet. Blood, gore and allsorts of fun stuff as well. Pie anyone?

Chrisa ConstantinouProducer

the production teamsweeney todd the demon barber of fleet street

Sweeney Todd the demon barber of fleet street 17

Director ................................................................................... Brett AldertonMusical Director ................................................................. Toby VennardAssistant Director ......................... Charlie Kerridge-SmithAssistant Musical Director ..................................... Andy SondenProducer ............................................................ Chrisa ConstantinouAssistant Producer and Publicity ............................... Aneka RaiPublicity .......................................................... Craig Cameron FisherGraphic design, front of house display .......... Phil BurtonSet design ................................................ Charlie Kerridge-SmithCamera work .............................................................. James BrailsfordFilm editing ...................................................................................... Chris Caine

Sweeney Todd the demon barber of fleet street18

The Purple Theatre Companywould like to thank

Access 7 days a week24 hour security

Heated and ventilated roomsBulk spaces

Secure parkingOne week’s free rental

on production of this programme*

020 8756 7360*when booking a minimum of 1 month’s storage

We would like to thank (in no particular order) thefollowing for their help with this production. In addition,our gratitude extends to everyone who has helped, butsomehow not made it into print...

Anita Capon and the staff and volunteers from theCompass Theatre. 2nd Uxbridge Scout Group for theuse of rehearsal space. Hillingdon Arts Associationfor their generous support. Uxbridge Central libraryand all the shops and surgeries that allowed us posterspace. Sandra Bruce-Gordon of Hillingdon ArtsCouncil. Alastair French for PAT testing. CompassWardrobe, Argosy Players, Rickmansworth Playersand Wallingford Players for costumes. Bill Forbes forthe use of follow spots. Harlington HospiceVolunteers for their support. Qins Chinese restaurantfor their hospitality at our traditional Friday night meal.Waitrose in Ruilsip for the stuff to make pies and ahamper for the raffle. Wyevale Garden Centre for theplants. Jeremy Poulter for use of lighting equipment.Bas Dickson Leach for managing front of house.Barbara Hockaday for making us move

All the cast, crew, musicians, production team andothers who have made this show, and everythingsurrounding it, possible.

Everyone who has helped out, given or lent props.Thanks to all those of you who have come tosee this and our other shows, and havesupported us over the years.

thank you

Sweeney Todd the demon barber of fleet street 19

Sweeney Todd the demon barber of fleet street20

At Waitrose, we combine the convenience of asupermarket with the expertise and service of aspecialist shop. Above all we take pride in thefreshness and quality of our food. Fresh producearrives daily from all over the world. Bread is bakedthroughout the day on the premises.We seek outfresh fruit and vegetables all year round. And ourfresh poultry and meat selection is always of thehighest quality.You can use this section of our siteto find out more about us.

The nearest store to this theatre is:9 KingsendRuislipMiddlesexHA4 7DS

Tel: 01895 631544

Opening hoursMon 08:30 - 20:00Tue 08:30 - 20:00Wed 08:30 - 20:00Thu 08:30 - 20:00Fri 08:30 - 21:00Sat 08:30 - 20:00Sun 10:00 - 16:00

Good food, honestly priced

Pield Heath RoadHillingdonMiddlesex, UB8 3NP

Tel: 01895 23614

Opening Times: Monday to Wednesday 9am - 6pmThursday 9am - 8pmFriday to Saturday 9am - 6pm


Sweeney Todd the demon barber of fleet street 21

Murdered to Death

October 1997

Men at Arms

March 1998

MaskeradeApril 1999

Wanted - One Body!October 1999

Swimming with DolphinsNovember 1997

I Love You,You’re Perfect,Now Change

May 2001

Much AdoAbout

ShakespeareMay 2002

Lords and Ladies

November 2002

Stags and Hens

December 2001

Interesting Times

April 2003

‘Allo! ‘Allo!June 2005


November 2005

PurpleShowcaseMarch 2006

An InspectorCalls

June 2006

past purple shows

Whose Universityis

it Anyway?September 1997

MortMarch 1997

Where There’s a Will,There’s

a Way...November 1997

Don’t Dress for Dinner

September 2000

Bugsy MaloneApril 2000

Carpe JugulumDecember 2000

Fur Coat and no Knickers

June 2004

A Slice ofSaturday NightNovember 2004

Eighty Days the Musical

November 2003

HOLY CROSS PLAYERS proudly present

TREASURE ISLANDGlaxo Smithkline Leisure Club, Oakfield Lane North, Greenford

Thursday 11th – Saturday 13th January 2007Evenings at 7.30pm, Saturday matinee at 2.30pm

Tickets £5 - £7 Contact the Box Office on 020 8578 4220 the community, for the community, part of the community

Sweeney Todd the demon barber of fleet street22

the purple theatre company

Sweeney Todd the demon barber of fleet street 23

Company ManagerBrett Alderton

Artistic DirectorToby Vennard

Artistic Projects ManagerJoanne Reeves-Baker

Communications ManagerAlastair French

Company SecretaryMatthew Tucker

Design ManagerPhil Burton

Publicity ManagerCraig Cameron-Fisher

Social SecretaryMandy Gasson

Technical DirectorCharlie Kerridge-Smith

TreasurerChrisa Constantinou

If you would like to contact the Purple TheatreCompany for any reason - whether to providecomments or criticism, enquire about futureproductions or even membership - then please do.Weare always on the look out for new members, so if youwould like to get involved, then please contact us byany of the variety of methods listed below.

Alternatively, fill out a questionnaire and enter thedraw to win tickets to see our next show!

The Purple Theatre Company120 Clifton RoadWokinghamBerkshireRG41 1NF

t: 07050 605081

f: 07050 605082

e:[email protected]

See you next time!

contact us

Affiliated to the National Operatic and Dramatic Association

Sweeney Todd the demon barber of fleet street24

Walter Gasson LtdOptometrists and contact

lens practitioners25 Upton Road


Tel: 01923 223815/243366

Hilary and Jeremy Gassonwith Angela wish Mandy and

all the cast of the PurpleTheatre Company everysuccess with their show

Time on your hands?Looking for a new challenge this year?

might be just what you’re looking for

We require volunteer staff for training in the following areas:

box office • coffee bar • wine barushers • wardrobe department

For an information pack please phone:

Anita on 01895 632488

w w w . p u r p l e t h e a t r e . o r g . u k

o u r n e x t s h o w i s

Opens 9th May 2007(tickets on sale from 19th March 2007)

Compass TheatreBox office: 01895 673200

To be one of the first to receive details of our shows join our mailing list, fill out a questionnaire at the Front of House desk, or contact:

t: 07050 605081 e: [email protected]

This amateur production is presented by arrangement with Stephen Briggs

Auditions4th February

2007For more

information seeour website

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10 thPurple anniversary show