

Missionary Benedictine Sisters, P.O. Box 1 Ndanda via Mtwara, Tanzania, East Africa E-mail: [email protected] CP: +255784591277 Web:



21st Priory Chapter Ndanda

On two consecutive weekends 6th

- 8th



– 15th

September 15 delegates met in

Ndanda to discuss how the decisions of the


General Chapter can be implemented in

Ndanda Priory. Besides this they had to go

through all proposals from the sisters and to

revise Priory Statutes Chapter VI on

Formation. On the first day we had Holy

Mass to implore the Holy Spirit to guide us in

all our deliberations and decisions. Reports

were presented about the different

communities and apostolates, which gave us a

good overview about the situation and

activities of our whole Priory. The following

days were filled with work in groups,

presentation and discussion in the plenum.

They were busy days in which we could feel

the presence of the Spirit guiding us. We

thank God for His presence in our midst and

Sr. Terese who helped us to remain

throughout the Chapter days in a peaceful and

prayerful atmosphere.

Bible Workshop and Bible Retreat with Sr.

Isaac Bae, OSB

From July 19 – 21 all Sisters of Ndanda

Priory were invited for a 2 day Bible

Workshop given by Sr. Isaac. On Friday

morning we started with an overview of the

Old Testament. Sr. Isaac showed us how we

can read all 73 books of the Bible as one

book, which is all about the grace of God,

creation and re-creation, about salvation. The

whole Bible is like the macro cosmos, which

is mirrored in all the small details of the micro

cosmos. We started to look at the two creation

stories in comparison with the Babylonian

creation myth. Looking briefly at the other

myths of the pre-history part of Genesis we

went to Abraham being called by God to be a

blessing for the whole world. God educated

the patriarchs through suffering and trials. All

of us have our weaknesses, our sicknesses of

character, which need to be healed. Through

suffering and trials we get to know ourselves

better and can be healed by the grace of God.

Looking at the Exodus story Sr. Isaac

elucidated to us the hardened heart, which

was found in the Pharaoh and can often be

found in ourselves. It is caused by greed,

arrogance, pretence and vainglory. In order to

become merciful and understanding we often

need to go through suffering. In the book

Exodus we find the external Pascha, the going

through the Red Sea during one night, and the

internal Pascha, which takes 40 year. Also in

our lives we can experience an external

Pascha, when we are carried by the grace of

God through a dangerous, threatening

situation. The internal Pascha, the change of

our hearts, takes longer, often a lifetime. Sr.

Isaac introduced us to the prophets with

Hosea as an example. In his marriage the

relationship between God and Israel is

portrayed. Hosea takes the perspective of

God. God’s sorrow about the idolatry of Israel

becomes his sorrow about the adultery of his

wife Gomer.

The second day of the Bible workshop Sr.

Isaac gave us an introduction to the Psalms.

Psalms are songs which show us the way to

happiness. Singing them sanctifies us. The

music helps us to express our sentiments. In

the psalms we find a strong sense of

solidarity. An individual is never alone, but

part of a community. If and individual is

attacked, the whole community is attacked

together with its God. When we pray the

psalms we need to recognize those in trouble

as “me”, not “them”. We get to know Jesus

Christ in a deeper sense when we know the

psalms, and we can understand the psalms

better when we know Jesus Christ.

In the historical psalms Israel looked back to

its history in a prayerful way. They

discovered God’s guidance and faithfulness in


their past and thanked for it. Even negative

events are transformed into a reason for

thanksgiving. Also we need to review our

lives in prayer and find God in our history. In

the lamentation psalms we find curses, which

are sometimes difficult for us to pray. Still

looking closer at these psalms we find that

usually the curse is enveloped in praise,

meaning the psalm starts and ends with

praise. It is never the psalmist taking action of

revenge, but he leaves it to God to do it. The

prayer prevents the psalmist from becoming

violent. The lamentation psalms invite us to

be before God with our pain, to talk to him

about our situation and then to wait for His


After the Bible Workshop and rest on Sunday

we started in the evening with the Bible

retreat for 8 full days. We read through the

whole New Testament starting with the letters

of the Apostles and Act of the Apostles, then

all 4 gospels. The retreat ended with the book

of revelation. Every evening we met to have

40 min together rumination prayer. In

between there was time for private talks with

Sr. Isaac and a conference of introduction to

the gospels and introduction to the book of

revelation. The quiet atmosphere in the whole

house helped us to be with God and His

Word. At the end during the sharing we

discovered, how the same bible texts spoke

differently to everybody according to her

present need.

Sr. Isaac together with Sr. Terese during the

farewell program

Before her departure to Peramiho we thanked

Sr. Isaac in recreation with a short


We are grateful to Sr. Isaac for her readiness

to come and be with us for these 2 weeks with

her expertise and gentleness. May God reward

her with abundant blessing.

Initiation to Novitiate

from left to right: Prioress Sr. Terese, Nov.

Magdalena, Nov. Maria Goreth, Nov. Winfrida,

Nov. Adili, Nov. Edina, Nov. Katarina, Nov.

Paskalina, Sr. Regina

On July 10, 2013 7 Postulants were initiated

to Novitiate: Nov. Winfrida Mdakama from

Geita Diocese, Nov. Edina Mhema from

Njombe, Nov. Adili Likiliwike from Njombe,

Nov. Katarina Nakei from Mbulu, Nov.

Paskalina Mathias from Mbulu, Nov. Maria

Goreth Chibalienda from Rulenge and Nov.

Magdalena Kutingwa from Kahama Diocese.

During the following days they could move to

the new novitiate building together with their

formator Sr. Regina Tesch. May God guide

them throughout the canonical novitiate and

their whole life journey!

Initiation into Postulancy

On Sept 30 our 3 Aspirants were accepted

into postulancy.

from left to rights. Bonfasia Ngonyani, Postulat

Agnes, Postulant Neema, Postulant Gudila, Sr.



They are Gudila Ngowi from Moshi Diocese,

Neema Adyuti from Mahenge Diocese. and

Agnes Musa from Kahama Diocese.

We wish them God’s abundant blessing for

their continuous journey.

Pilgrimage to Ng’awa On the 29

th of August, the death anniversary

of Sr. Walburga Diepolder, we were again

invited for the annual pilgrimage to Ng’awa,

the place where she was murdered and where

her blood stained cincture and the Rule of St.

Benedict were found as only remains. This

time many faithful from the Diocese of Lindi

joined us.

The procession was led by Nov. Matride

carrying the cross all the way up to Ng’awa,

and the children of the parish. There followed

the other formation members, lay people and

sisters. Fr. Chikawe, Vicar General of Lindi

Diocese, presided over the Mass and brought

greetings from the Bishop who had to travel

and could therefore not participate himself.

During Mass we listened to the life of Sr.

Walburga who gave her life for the faith in

Tanzania. After Holy Mass the children of the

parish showed us in a short drama what it

means to follow Christ. Strengthened in our

faith we left the place to go back to Nyangao.

There we were hosted by Nyangao

community with a festive lunch. We thank

God for the gift of the life and witness of Sr.

Walburga and all Sisters who prepared this

day for us.


Children’s Congress on Diocesan level was

held in Mtwara from 19 to 22 Sept. 2013. It

was for the first time to have such an event in

our Diocese of Mtwara. About 700 children

from different parishes came together and

spent a wonderful time. For some of them it

was the first time to be in Mtwara and to see

the ocean.

In preparation we formed a committee to

organize the event, in which I functioned as

treasurer. We had several meetings to plan

and to organize. We encountered some

difficulties and challenges in our preparatory

work, but at last, thanks to God, everything

went well.

From Ndanda Parish 73 children from four

outstations participated in Mtwara, 48 girls

and 25 boys. 5 matrons and one patron went

along to take care of them. The children were

supposed to leave Ndanda on the 19th


2013 at 14:15 hrs, by Murji bus company.

Before that they gathered in the parish office.

Some came very early, even before 13.00 hrs.

You can image how happy and excited they

were. Some shared that they could not sleep at

night as they worried to be late for the


All of them were in the uniform with white

shirts or t-shirts and yellow trousers or skirts.

They looked so smart. In the bus they were

singing throughout the journey. We reached

at Mtwara around 17.30hrs. The Vicar

General and other representatives of the

Diocese were there to receive the children.

On 20.09.2013 we had the Inauguration Mass

which was led by Bishop Gabriel Mmole of

Mtwara Diocese. The theme was to LIVE

OUR FAITH in this year of faith. The Bishop

expressed his joy over having such a congress

in his Diocese for the first time. The children

alone are those taking initiative to arrange a

special event in this year of faith in his


Every day the children had Mass at 09.00 hrs.

The whole liturgy, singing, readings and

serving as altar boys, was led by the children

themselves. After Holy Mass followed special

programs such as different talks, which were

given by some experts. The main topic was

about the Year of Faith, how to live and

practice or faith in our daily lives. Also a talk


on liturgy and catechism was given.

Sometimes the

conferences were

stopped to have the

children contribute and

show their talents.

Here you could enjoy

seeing how the

children are gifted in

different fields such as

acting, singing and


Sunday 22nd

of Sept

2013 was the final day.

The Concluding mass

was again led by Rt.

Rev. Bishop Mmole. It

started at 09.00hrs.

Before that we had a

long procession,

supported by traffic

police. Some priests

and sisters attended as well as parents. Again

children led us through the mass. It was very

lively as children were singing and jumping

throughout. Before the concluding prayer all

children (700) had the chance to shake hands

with the Bishop. It was really a special

moment for them which they will not forget.

After Mass children went to the big hall of

Sisters’ Secondary School for a short program

with the Bishop. This was followed by festive

lunch. Then the children had to prepare

themselves for the journey back to their

respective parishes. Children were saying

goodbye to each other before departing. As I

saw the children boarding the buses, I was

thanking God for the good end of this event.

They are waiting now for the next national

congress for children in 2014 in Tunduru


All in all, it was a heavy task to handle 700

children at once. We had to crack our heads

how to get bread and other needs for the

children. Sometime children fell sick or were

fighting with each other, especially the boys.

Of course they were making noise during the

night etc. One of them was injured at the

head. We had to take him to the hospital. At

the second last day one boy broke his leg

while struggling to get a bucket of water for

the shower. We were obliged to take him to

the hospital too. In Ligula Regional Hospital

where we arrived around 22:00 hrs he was not

attended. So we had to go on up to Nyangao

Hospital about 130 km from Mtwara.

It was a very heavy job to prepare, a tough

work to supervise the children, but a beautiful

job to finish. Thanks be to God that

everything went so well.

Sr. Leticia Komba, OSB

Farm in Liundu:

Counting Blessings and Losses


The month of September kept us fully

engaged in collecting the cashew nuts

(korosho). Twice a week the kernels are

gathered and separated from their fruits. the

harvest is quite good, a reason to thank God

of Creation. We as stewards have been

commissioned to take care and promote

friendly environment where human beings,

animals and plants can co-exist.

On 5

th of September came the testing moment

when our indigenous forest caught fire from

our neighboring farm accidantelly. There was

a strong wind, and the fire spread so fast.

About 50 acres

were consumed

by the huge fire.

There was

smoke allover.

Many of the

young cashew

nut trees planted

last year were

destroyed. This

kind of fire

remains a real

threat to farmers

because cashew nut trees are burnt down and

several never recover, meaning new trees

have to be planted.

Sr. Francisca Kaesa, OSB

News from St. Michael’s Education Centre Mtwara, 6

th July 2013

The tree which was planted during the

blessing of St. Michael’s Education Centre is

growing and blossoming. So do the children.

The number of pupils grew from seven in the

beginning to over 60 (meanwhile more than

80) and we are teaching them in two classes


Children playing in the sand box of the play


Problems like floods in the classrooms due to

heavy rain are solved and the water supply

will be ensured during holiday time. But

surprises still belong to our daily routine and

keep everybody very busy. Soon we shall

close the school for the big holidays which

are well deserved after the many challenges of

opening an institution like this.

Our preschool is based on child centered

methods like Montessori. We believe that in

activating the children they will learn easily

and joyfully. We focus on learning which

includes not only scholastic issues like

reading and writing but social and emotional

competencies as well. That is why we think

eating and playing together are important.

This is not always in line with the parents’



Sr. Joyce with the smaller children

Sister Joyce and her assistant Silvia are

dealing with the group of the smaller children,

from 2 ½ up to 4 years. Working with them is

a multiple challenge and includes going to the

toilet with them, feeding them and activating

them in class. As Sister Joyce says, the first

thing offered to the pupils is a basic training

for socialization, body awareness and care for

the environment. Songs and poems together

with body activities facilitate the access to

English and generally to learning.

In the center of our attention stands not only

the class but also the child in its individuality.

Thanks to the Montessori trained teachers the

classrooms are provided with many different

materials for basic skills. By manipulating

them the children develop their senses and get

first experiences in shapes, sizes colors and

drawing: a first step to reading, writing and


Teacher Frankina has a talent for drawings

and through it stimulates the children to try it


It is amazing how much can be done with a

minimum of material. The slates are absolute

favorites with the children and can be used for

a long time. Like that we can economize with

paper and color crayons. It would be nice to

have more materials for drawing and painting.

But it is not only a problem of finances but

also of availability. It is extremely difficult to

get adequate material in Mtwara. The glue we

bought here is simply not doing what it


To get sufficient material of quality is only

one of our many small struggles. Often we

teachers should cut ourselves into two: We

are needed with the children in class, but we

are also needed in the toilets for cleaning, in

the kitchen for getting food and water and in

the office for parents’ needs. At the moment

we are even acting as water carriers, because

the water pump was stolen.

Here I would like to mention the other staff

members who support us in the different

tasks: Jessica, the cook, who stays patient

towards the different demands of teachers and

children; Iphigenia, the guard, who knows

which school bag belongs to which child and

last but not least Sister Yusta, the manager in

the background.

All of them have their share in the good

working atmosphere at St. Michael’s.

Next term Sister Stella will join our teaching

team. She recently graduated as a teacher in

the Montessori Method in Mwanza. She will

take my place in the group of the bigger

children, together with Frankina. Karibu sana!

Johanna Richner

Development Worker with Interteam



The school was re-opened on the 8th of July

and the new Form V students were welcomed.

To date, the Form V students are only 7; 2

girls and 5 boys. One of the girls left after the

Mid-term exams.

Three days after school opening, the feast of

St. Benedict was celebrated with a Eucharistic

celebration held at Bakhita Hall.

Fr. Roger Massawe, a Capuchin priest

working at the town university, officiated the


Eucharistic Celebration in Bakhita



Eucharistic Celebration in Bakhita Hall

On the 3rd of August, the Form III students

had a study tour at Kilwa where they learned

about old Arab settlements and palaces,

Portuguese influences and German bomas.

The students were accompanied by their Class

teacher and some of their subject teachers.

To improve student performance and

discipline, a School Baraza (assembly) was

held on the 16th of August. Teachers took

turns in reminding and emphasizing to

students the importance of hard work and

having discipline in achieving a good

academic performance. After the teacher’s

talks, the students were likewise listened to.

A week after the Baraza, the Form II took

their Regional Mock Examinations from

August 26 to September 2. The results of the

exams were encouraging; the school ranked

number 1 out of 19 schools in the District and

2nd out of more than 100 schools in the


We welcomed back S. Karolina on the 28th of

August after her holidays in her home

country, Poland. And before we finally bid

adieu to the month of August, Mr. Denis

Ildefonce, the Deputy Head, attended a

meeting in Newala.

As we welcomed the month of September, we

also welcomed a new volunteer. Maria

Elizabeth Willenbrinck, niece of S. Hedwig

Willenbrinck, OSB, arrived on the 2nd of

September and she will be with us for about

three months. Maria helps organize our office

files in the computer and re-enforces our

secretary’s computer skills.

One week after the Form II Regional Mock

Exams, our Form IV students had the Pre-

National Examinations from Sept 9-13. We

are still waiting for the results, which we hope

to be good.

In the same week that the Form IV’s were

taking their Pre-Nationals, the Form I, III, V,

and VI students were doing their mid-term

exams. The Form II students meanwhile were

continuing with their lessons because they

just had their Mock Exams.

After the mid-term exams, the Form I, III, and

V students had a short break from Sept 16 to

20. The Form II, IV, and VI students, on the

other hand, had classes to prepare them for

their National Exams.

On September 21, the first interview for

incoming Form I students was conducted.

About one hundred students took the exams at

Aquinas and in Dar-es-salaam, Lindi, and

Masasi Centers.

Then, the first selection was conducted on

September 24. The results were presented to

the School Board meeting on the 28th of


At the end of the month, S. Maureen left

Mtwara for her home leave. She will be back

from her home country by January next year.

S. Maureen Cariaga, OSB

Responsible: Sr. Regina Tesch, OSB

Volunteer Maria Elizabeth in

the community