1 Missionary Benedictine Sisters, P.O. Box 1 Ndanda via Mtwara, Tanzania, East Africa E-mail: CP: +255784591277 Web: www.ndanda-priory.org www.osb-tutzing.it ______________________________________________________________________________ On July 21, 2013 Prioress elect Sr. Terese Zemale together with our new missionary Sr. Marissa Piramide, OSB arrived in Ndanda. Already on the main road Sisters and Formandees were waiting for them and escorted them dancing and singing up to the convent. In the chapel we thanked the Lord July 29, 2013 Installation of Sr. Terese Zemale, OSB as Prioress of Ndanda by Sr. Raphaela Händler, OSB

July 29, 2013 Installation of Sr. Terese Zemale, OSB as ...osbtutzing.org/Materials/Lifestream/nda-2-2013.pdf · 1 Missionary Benedictine Sisters, P.O. Box 1 Ndanda via Mtwara, Tanzania,

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Missionary Benedictine Sisters, P.O. Box 1 Ndanda via Mtwara, Tanzania, East Africa E-mail: CP: +255784591277 Web: www.ndanda-priory.org



On July 21, 2013 Prioress elect Sr. Terese

Zemale together with our new missionary Sr.

Marissa Piramide, OSB arrived in Ndanda.

Already on the main road Sisters and

Formandees were waiting for them and

escorted them dancing and singing up to the

convent. In the chapel we thanked the Lord

July 29, 2013

Installation of Sr. Terese Zemale, OSB as Prioress of


by Sr. Raphaela Händler, OSB

Page 2: July 29, 2013 Installation of Sr. Terese Zemale, OSB as ...osbtutzing.org/Materials/Lifestream/nda-2-2013.pdf · 1 Missionary Benedictine Sisters, P.O. Box 1 Ndanda via Mtwara, Tanzania,


for their safe arrival and prayed for Ndanda


The installation was delegated by M. Angela

to M. Raphaela Händler and was done on the

feast of St. Peter and Paul during Holy Mass

presided over by our chaplain Fr. Sebald

Hofbeck, OSB.

M. Terese Zemale with Sr. Marissa Piramide

Most of the Sisters from the communities of

Mtwara and Nyangao could participate. Also

Sisters from the African Benedictine Sisters

of Mary Help of Christians joined us for this

joyful day. After Holy Mass all went in

procession to the new novitiate building with

its new chapel to bless it and transfer the

Blessed Sacrament to this place of prayer and

Transferring the Blessed Sacrament

adoration. All could admire how nicely our

former hall was transformed into a novitiate

building with 15 rooms for Novices, sleeping

rooms and office for the directress and several

classrooms. After Midday Prayer and a festive

lunch together we continued with the


In the new Novitiate Chapel

Sisters of all communities and formandees of

all stages presented dances, songs and a small

drama. Gifts were presented to our former

Prioress Sr. Raphaela Händler and to our new

Prioress Sr. Terese Zemale. Before the Sisters

from the communities of Mtwara and

Nyangao left, Sr. Terese still cut the cake for


Sr. Terese cutting the cake

The same evening Sr. Raphaela left with the

Sisters for Mtwara, from where she will

continue her journey to Germany for

treatment and renewal. We wish her all the

best, a good time to get new strength and look

forward for her coming back to continue

missionary work through our Priory.

And for our new Prioress Sr. Terese we wish

all the gifts of the Holy Spirit in her service as

our leader. Be assured that we will support

you to the best of our ability.

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First Profession

On Saturday May 11, 2013 we were glad to

receive 4 new Sisters in our Priory: Sr. Rose

Guga, Sr. Bahati Mshanga, Sr. Eliza Millanzi

and Sr. Josia Joseph celebrated their First


Sr. Rose Guga shares with us:

First of all, I want to thank God for the day of

celebration of my First Profession of

Monastic vows. It was held on May 11,

2013. It was so wonderful for me! We

started the celebration of Holy Mass at 10

A.M. Fr. Abbot Dionys Lindenmeier, O.S.B.,

from Ndanda Abbey, was the main celebrant

I was surprised to see so many people in the

chapel when I entered. After the homily,

Mother Prioress called us in front of the

chapel. Then we started by making our

petition to the Superior and the Community.

After that we read our Profession cards one

by one, signed them in the presence of all to

see, and laid then on the altar. This act of

putting the profession card on the altar was

very touching for me, because this signifies

total surrender to God. So, I offered myself to

God through His Son Jesus Christ, whose

death is offered every day during Holy Mass

for us. So, I got the new idea that every day I

have to learn to be ready for the work of God

by participating in the missionary services,

ready to serve God through His people, every

place where the Community orders me to go.

Also, I want to thank my Prioress and all the

Sisters of Ndanda Priory for the good support

and the good cooperation which they showed

to us. Really, I’m very grateful for that. Let

us continue to pray for each other.

Also, I thank the Sisters in the whole

Congregation for joining with us through your

prayers. May God bless you very much!

Sr. Rose Guga, OSB

Admission to Aspirancy

On March, 24, 2013 three young women were

accepted into aspirancy and received the

medal of St. Benedict: Gudila Ngowi from

Moshi Diocese, Neema Adyuti from Mahenge

Diocese. and Agnes Musa from Kahama


From left to right: Gudila, Sr. Fides, Agnes,

Sr. Raphaela, Neema

On May 4, 2013 we could accept our fourth

aspirants Ester Mkufya from Tanga.

Praying for Unity among the Christians

Growing tensions between Muslims and

Christians with violence in Zanzibar and all

over the country makes dialogue between

religions and among the different Christian

denominations essential to foster a culture of

peace. One event which strengthened the

Christian unity was held in January this year.

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As the whole universal church prays for

Christian Unity from Jan 18 to 25 we took

part in this exercise with a special liturgy. In

the community we had every day an

additional intercession during vespers and

during Holy Mass. On the last days of the

Novena the leaders of the different

denominations in Ndanda together with Abbot

Dionys, OSB and the parish priest had

organized to meet and to pray together, to get

to know each other, an event that showed the

good cooperation among the Christians. On


of January we met at the local bus station,

from where we started our procession into the

Abbey church. The traffic police helped with

guiding the traffic in order that we could

process peacefully. Many people participated:

children from the Primary School, students

from the Ndanda High School and Trade

School, Religious from the African

Benedictine Sisters, Missionary Benedictine

Sisters and Ndanda Abbey. Every group had

its song to sing until we reached the church.

The parish priest Fr. Sylvanus invited Abbot

Diony, to speak us about the importance of

this week of Christian Unity. A representative

from the Anglican Church gave the homily

about the Gospel Mt 10:16-23 “Behold, I send

you out as sheep in the midst of wolves. So be

wise as serpents and innocent as doves.

Beware of men, for they will deliver you up

to councils and flog you in their synagogues.

He explained that all of us today are sent by

Jesus to go and proclaim the Good News to

the people. This involves many challenges.

He encouraged us not to be afraid. People

need us as missionaries and want us to see

them and to help them in their various

problems. Jesus will be with us always. He

will not leave us alone. As in the Gospel we

should not be anxious about what we are to

speak and what we are to say. We will not be

the one speaking but the Holy Spirit through


I experienced the day as a joy and a


Sr. Irene Nyirinda, OSB

Care for Creation

Seminar by Fr. Aidan Msafiri

On April 20 – 21, 2013 20 Sisters and

Postulants of Ndanda Priory came together to

listen to the input given by Fr. Aidan Msafiri,

Senior Lecturer at the Catholic University of

Mtwara (STEMMUCO), and discuss about

how we can better care for creation. Fr. Aidan

challenged us, our behavior and patterns of


After an introduction in which he explained

the words care and creation he outlined the

biblical foundation. God loved the world /

cosmos so much (John 3:16), so also we are

obliged to love the whole cosmos, God’s

creation. In Genesis 1 we are put as stewards

over the whole of creation. We have sinned as

we dominated and exploited instead of

serving. The anthropocentric view destroyed

creation seeing man / woman as the center of

all. We are called not to be masters, but

stewards of creation, co-creatures, friends and

partners. We are interconnected and

interdependent with all of creation.

Major reasons of destruction of environment

are the misinterpretation of the bible adopting

dominion instead of stewardship and greed

with satisfying growing wants instead of

needs together with a consumerist mentality.

Poverty and destruction of environment are

going hand in hand. The growing injustice of

distribution of goods in our country

contributes to the worsening of the

environmental situation. We learned about the

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consequences already visible in Tanzania like

increasing desertification, reduced soil

fertility, air and water pollution, extinction of

biological species, rising sea level, melting

ice cap of Mt. Kilimanjaro, Ozone layer

depletion, climate change etc.

Creation challenges are ethical challenges

and need ethical answers!

We need to promote a spirituality of creation,

to foster: accountability, aesthetics,

solidarity, precaution, cooperation, charity

and compassion for the community of life.

In group work we finally looked for practical

ways what we can do to care for creation. For

our Priory Chapter we want to come up with a

strategic plan how to put this goal into

practice. We thank Fr. Aidan for his valuable

inputs and competent facilitating of this

seminar, which created in us a new awareness

of the urgency of the topic for us today.

The content of the seminar together with the

outcome of the group work was compiled in a

booklet that can help us to remember and put

into practice what we learned.

Governmental Water Project in Nangoo

Engineer Francis explains to us the water


Through Mr. Francis, who attended our

Convent Mass we learned about a huge water

project of the government to supply the two

District towns Nachingwea and Masasi with

water. Mr. Francis, the project manager and

good Catholic, chose to stay in one of the

guest houses of Ndanda Abbey while

supervising the construction of the project not

far from Ndanda.

On May 12, 2013 some of the Sisters had the

chance to see the newly erected water project

near the village Nangoo. There 3 water

sources are flowing together to form a river.

A part of the water of good quality is

collected and led by pipes to big tanks, one

for the District town Nachingwea, one for the

District town Masasi, and from there flowing

in pipes using gravity only to both towns.

With this water project the longstanding water

problems of these two growing towns can be

solved. After the successful construction the

project faces further challenges. It has to be

ensured that trees are kept in the area of the

sources and not cut as firewood or for making

charcoal. Without maintaining the forest the

sources would dry up. Another challenge is

vandalism. On our way back we saw one of

the places where valves of the system were

covered with concrete with iron enforcement.

Local people destroyed the concrete in order

to reach the iron parts and sell them. We hope

and pray that people can understand the

importance of such a project and of the

protection of the environment and will help to

care for it for the common good.

Apostolic Experiences

On April 26 -27 seven Postulants 2nd


returned to Ndanda Priory House after their

apostolic experiences in the different


Post. Katarina writes about her time in


On Jan 16, 2013 I arrived in the Sacred Heart

Community of Kabuhima and was received

joyfully by all the Sisters. Also I was very

happy to be with them. My apostolate started

officially on Jan 21. I was worried that it

might be difficult, but it was not. Kabuhima

parish with its 30 outstations has only one

priest with no assistance. I appreciated seeing

how this priest sacrifices his whole life to

God in helping the parishioners. On Jan 19 I

had the chance to have Statio together with all

religious of the diocese. The talk given by Fr.

Stanislaus was about our life as religious. I

realized that I have to think more about my

vocation, my values and how I am living,

about my identity. I also was encouraged to

see the difference between lay people and us

religious. In our community life we pray

together, correct each other and help each

other to become what God wants us to be.

learn from the mistake of their neighbor

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instead of gossiping about it. The monastery

is to be an instrument of love.

On February 2 we attended the Day of

Religious in Kahama, where the Holy Mass

was celebrated by Bishop Ludovic Minde. He

challenged us religious that we have to be

good examples. We need to follow Christ and

be with him on behalf of the people. We are

called to be prayerful people who when they

lose hope look up to the cross and reflect on

the promise they made to God.

Feb 16 we joyfully welcomed our Sisters: Sr.

Raphaela Händler together with Sr. Lumen

Gloria Dungca and Sr. Irene Iita. We had a

short conference by Sr. Lumen on the

reception of guests / RB 53. I learned that

hospitality applies for our receiving guests

from outside as well as our cooperation and

accepting each other inside the community.

I thank all the Sisters in Kabuhima for their

acceptance and good cooperation during these

three months.

Postulant Katarina L. Nakei

Post Adili shares with us about her time in


I was assigned to Sacred Heart Community in

Kabuhima and arrived there on Jan 16, 2013.

I started my apostolate officially on Jan 21. I

was to teach in the St. Pio kindergarten in the

outstation Lyobahika and take care of the

parish church in Kabuhima together with Sr.

Tekla Nyaki OSB. In the community I was

challenged to take over chapel duties like

chantress, reader and hebdomadarian, which

were new for me. Every Wednesday we

attended the meetings of the small Christian

communities to share about the Sunday

gospel. I was impressed by their active

participation, cooperation, love and unity.

Because of lack of priests in the Diocese of

Kahama priests have usually one parish with

often more than 30 outstations. The

parishioners know that it is not easy for the

priest to celebrate Holy Mass in all the

outstations and take care of the whole parish.

They bear with it and accept all the

limitations that this situation causes.

During Lent the parish organized a kind of

Mission. Members of one Christian

community attended a meeting of another to

Christian community to pray together with

them the Rosary, to meditate with them and

share about the Lenten message of the

Tanzanian Episcopal Conference. They kept

vigil overnight and had a common meal. This

has already become a tradition over the last

years and was emphasized again in this Year

of Faith.

Post Adili Likiliwike

Post Winfrida shares about her time in St.

Agnes Community in Nyangao:

From 12th

January up to April 27 I stayed in

St. Agnes community in Nyangao. On the

very day of my arrival Sr. Tumaini was re-

installed for her second term as superior

during vespers. I appreciated to be able to

experience this rite. During the apostolate I

was assigned to work in the kitchen, house,

taking care of the parish church, the children

in the parish (Watoto wa Kipapa) and to teach

religion in the Domestic School. I lived in an

international community with international

food like food from Korea such as Kim,

Kimch, Ramion. The Penitential Service on

“Inter-Priory –Sharing”, which was held in

my presence challenged me in my vocation. I

asked myself, how I respond in communion

with the church, the society and my


In the daily community life I was touched by

the cooperation and hospitality of the Sisters.

Although they are few they are growing well

spiritually and in their work. I thank them for

their assistance in my apostolate.

Post. Winfrida Gideon

Post. Paskalina shares about her time in St.

Scholastica Community in Mtwara:

On 13th of January 2013 I arrived in St.

Scholastika Community in Mtwara, where I

was received joyfully. Also I was happy to be

there. I was first assigned to St. Mary’s

Dispensary for 1 month, then in St. Michael

Kindergarten, then back to St. Mary’s

Dispensary. First I experienced some

difficulties, but I was not alone. It was nice to

cooperate with the workers; and I enjoyed

talking with patients. I was challenged by

community life. Without perseverance we

cannot live well together.

Post. Paskalina Matias

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Post. Magdalena shares about her time in St.

Scholastica Community in Mtwara:

On January 13, 2013 I started my apostolate

in St. Scholastica Community in Mtwara. I

was very happy to go there, to learn new

things from the Sisters and see what they do.

When I reached there they welcomed me and

showed me the place where I was to be. I was

assigned to laundry, kitchen, refectory and

house. I liked my work because I did it with

my whole heart. After 2 weeks I joined Sr.

Karolina visiting the small Christian

community, where I was welcomed to pray

together with them. I learned from their good

cooperation, hospitality and love. We are

challenged in our daily lives as Sisters to keep

good relationships with the people. One day I

visited the prisoners together with Sr.

Karolina. We talked to them about God

without differentiating between Christians

and Muslims. They thanked us a lot. Some

prisoners were even crying as they said they

could hardly believe that there are people like

us, who are visiting sinners. They begged us

to come again. I was challenged by this

experience and felt like a shadow in my mind

with the question: Is it true that all the

prisoners are sinners? I felt consoled by the

answer that I have to pray for them. After this

visit in the prison I enjoyed my apostolate

even more.

Post. Magdalena Kutingwa

Post. Edina share about her time in Ndanda

Priory House:

I was assigned to Ndanda Priory House to be

with the children of the parish (Watoto wa

Kipapa), the small Christian communities and

to work in the kitchen. Being with the

children I saw how attentively they listened to

what I taught them and how they tried to


In the small Christian community I

appreciated their good cooperation especially

during Lent, when they joined us to pray the

Stations of the Cross. I could learn many

things from them. In community life I

experienced their hospitality, love and unity.

They helped me to enjoy my vocation.

Post. Edina Mhema

Post. Maria Goreth shares about her time in

Ndanda Priory House:

On 14th

of January 2013 I started officially

my apostolate in Ndanda Priory House. I was

assigned to work in the house combining

refectory, chapel and reception. Also I was

asked to teach the children’s group (Watoto

wa Kipapa) in the parish. At the beginning it

was not easy for me because the environment

was new. But God is always good; and after a

few days I slowly understood my

responsibilities in the different areas of work

through asking help where needed and

following the directions. I received.

Also during my apostolate I had the chance to

be with the religious of Ndanda for a

conference before the Day of Religious. Fr.

Aidan Msafiri talked on how globalization

affects religious life and about the importance

of religious for the church. It was a good day

for me as I learnt different things about

religious life. I thank God for both the

enriching and challenging experiences. I

enjoyed being with each one of the


Post. Maria Goreth Chibalienda

All our 7 Postulants 2nd

year enjoyed the joint

Formation Programme in Peramiho. When

they left Peramiho in January they left it for

good, as they will have their novitiate in

Ndanda. We thank Peramiho Priory for many

years of good cooperation and hope to

cooperate also in the future with our separate


Let us listen to Post. Adili about the

experiences in Peramiho:

On 18th

of March 2011 we left Ndanda to go

to Peramiho and start there our formation. We

were 8 Aspirants from Ndanda. When we

arrived in Peramiho in the evening we were

received with a warm welcome and great

hospitality. After one day to rest and to wash

our clothes we were given an orientation on

the different areas of the convent by Sr.

Bonifasia and Sr. Raphaela. They explained

to us how to enter the chapel, how to

genuflect in front of the tabernacle, how to

receive Holy Communion etc. Also we were

shown how to open and close a door and how

to open a book. Before being officially

accepted into aspirancy we had 3 days for

recollection. On 25th

of March 2011 we

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entered aspirancy, 6 from Peramiho and 8

from Ndanda Priory. Everybody was given a

place for apostolate for 6 months. Then we

changed to the next place. It was wonderful to

get different experiences although in the

beginning it was a bit difficult. God was with

us always; we were not alone. It was good to

learn our way of life as Missionary

Benedictine Sisters of Tutzing. After the work

in the morning we had classes in the

afternoon. The duration of aspirancy was 6

months. We became Postulants on September

30, 2011. During the time of postulancy two

of us left.

After the beginning of postulancy we had

different classes like music lessons with Fr.

Lucas Komba from Peramiho Major

Seminary, Church History with retired Abbot

Lambert from Peramiho Abbey and

conferences once per month with Fr. Titus

Amigu. We had singing practice together with

the novices and together with the whole

community. The sacrament of reconciliation

was offered to us twice per month. So we

learnt a lot from the Sisters in Peramiho,

especially our Missionary Benedictine way of


Before we left for Ndanda we had a short

celebration to say good-bye. We were sad to

separate from them, but had to accept the

decision. We thank God and all the Sisters

and formandees for all things we had

experienced in Peramiho.

Post. Adili Likiliwike

The trip to Kabuhima in northwest

Tanzania – more than a little jaunt from

Mtwara, in the southeast!

I was very thankful and accepted the offer to

go with Sr. Raphaela by car to Kabuhima –

our newest foundation. Our young Sister

Stella graduated from the Montessori Pre-and

Primary School in Mwanza, way up north by

Lake Victoria, on May 31st, 2013. Would I

ever get such a chance again?? Hardly.

Mwanza is “only” a 4-hour drive from our

northernmost Convent, Kabuhima in Kahama

Diocese. One goes by ferry (1/2 hour voyage)

to Mwanza, -- but the challenge is to get to

Kabuhima in the first place! We covered over

4,000 kilometers, in fact, on the round-trip.

Two days just to get there.

May 27th, Monday, Sr. Raphaela, Sr. Bahati,

and I –with our courageous driver Geinory,

started for Morogoro. We passed Dar es

Salaam. That is a feat in itself, with hours of

slow traffic. 12 hours on the road, then in the

morning to Kabuhima -- another day, with 14


We passed places which had been only names

to me: Dodoma, Nzega, Singida and Puma,

(Shinyanga to the north), Ushirombo,

Kabuhima. We were warmly greeted by the 3

Sisters there, (Srs. Elisabeth, Gonzaga, and

Blanka).and the zealous parish priest Fr.


Kabuhima: an out-of-the-way place for us, but

itself well established by now, after 3 years of

hard labor and prayer. They have an excellent

solar system for electricity, and the water

wells, pipes and pumps are planned or in

place. There is a spacious, fertile garden –

producing maize, sunflowers, vegetables, rice,

and a variety of good fruits.

Rocks piled on rocks

More mountains of boulders,

tossed that odd way by what forces?

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We could see God’s

clear intervention in the

decision to accept

Bishop Minde’s offer of

a fitting place to reside,

with lots of

overwhelming work for

the Sisters and the

priest. How else, to

have come to this place,

with the already-built

Convent and Church –

with few Christians (but

now already as many as

2,000 for the Eucharistic Procession on

Corpus Christi.

It took many headaches, heart throbs, and

searching prayers, no doubt, for Sr. Raphaela

and the others advising her. But now the

local people show so much gratitude for

having Sisters with them. We did not go to

all the 30 out-stations of the parish! But we

noticed many parish choirs, zealously

practicing every day.

One day, we viewed Kabuhima’s Pre-and

Primary school (up to Std. 5), 4 Kindergartens

in surrounding villages, and visited some

good Catechists. We examined the water and

construction projects, all sturdy and

continuing well.

The Primary pupils had a welcoming program

for us. The Kindergarten kids everywhere

sang and showed their school work.

The Graduation in Mwanza was on May 31,

2013. We stayed one day, then returned the

same way: – by ferry: an intriguing and

interesting half hour voyage over crocodile-

infected, famous Lake Victoria.

The following days were

well spent, visiting

surrounding stations,

schools, local elders.

There are many pagans

there, and those with local

religions. One man has 40

children. He now sends

and pays for 5 of them to

attend our Primary school

in Kabuhima.

On June 4th it was time to

return to Ndanda, again

via Morogoro, arriving the

next day. Remember, 14 and 12 hours in the

car, counting a snack time along the road in

the shade. We were now with Sr. Stella and

Sr. Blanka, having left Sr. Bahati to

help in Kabuhima for a time. Our

Mtwara driver was in Ndanda for us

on Thursday the 6th.

Thank God, there was no accident,

no tire problem, and enough filling

stations along the paved highways.

Now the map of Tanzania has many

more vivid memories for us, with the

different structure of homes and up-

keep of agriculture along the way.

And above all, vivid reminders of

God’s care for His beloved people,

including us, of course.

Sr. Andrea Polt, OSB

Scavenger bird, affectionately

called roadside Health Officer


Ferrry to Mwanza

Rocky coast of Lake Victoria seen

from the ferry

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Container from Wessobrunn arrived

On Monday June 10, 2013 finally the long

awaited container with furniture and all kind

of useful and beautiful things from

Wessobrunn arrived here in Ndanda. The

skilled driver managed to enter into our

courtyard with the lorry backwards. Then

everybody helped together with unloading in

order that the lorry could leave after only a

short time. Everything was put first into a

storeroom. Day after day we discovered new

things packed with great care in order that

everything could arrive intact. Most of the

things are needed for the new novitiate

building like beds, cupboards, bedside tables,

material for curtains, towel holders, also bed

linen, towels, flower vases etc. Two electric

sewing machines went already to the sewing

room, where they were urgently needed to

sew the novice dresses as the old machines

are malfunctioning. A beautiful bell with a

full sound was fixed already to our convent

wall to wake us up in the morning and call for

prayer and meals.

The small tabernacle from the oratory of

Wessobrunn is now adorning the new

novitiate chapel.

We thank wholeheartedly the Priory of

Tutzing for their generous help, all the Sisters

who helped to pack all these things so nicely.

When we see and use the nice things we will

always remember Tutzing Priory and

especially the place of Wessobrunn, where so

many of our Sisters lived, prayed and worked.


On the 7th

of June, solemnity of the Sacred

Heart of Jesus, we closed the school to end

the first term. We had Mass at the Bakhita

Hall presided by our School Chaplain, Fr.

Patrick Mwaya. A short assembly was held

after the Mass and then the students’ report

cards were issued. Most of the hostel students,

especially those in Forms I to III left for home

after the distribution of the report card.

The Form V students left a week earlier; they

went home on the 30th

of May. The Form IV

students, on the other hand, remained in

school until the 13th

of June due to their

Regional Mock Examinations. We hope that

our students will enjoy their long break.

At end of this term, we heaved a “big sigh of

relief.” The town riot that happened three

weeks ago made us very uneasy. We have

been told to be and feel “at peace” because

the military are now in control with their four

armored vehicles patrolling the town. But, we

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could not be easily persuaded for we know

that peace is not about military presence.

In spite of this situation however, we

continued with our school activities. We also

continued our prayers that there will be true

peace and we will always be protected.

Prior to the Mtwara town riot, the members of

the Earth Savers’ Club enjoyed their trip to

Ndanda on the 20th

of April. They called their

outing, Ecological Tour, in which they visited

the source of spring water in Ndanda. Thirty-

six students participated in this earth friendly

tour and they were accompanied by four of

their teachers.

On the 26th

of April, our Form II, III, and IV

students competed through examinations with

another secondary school in town, the

Shangani Secondary School. The primary aim

of the exercise is to boost Mathematics, which

is the waterloo of many students. The results

were encouraging; many of our students got

good scores. We hope that they will have the

same if not better scores in the National

Examinations, 4 to 5 months from now.

In May, we had the first ever “extended”

chaos in town from May 22 to 24. But, we

also had other firsts like rosary praying at the

grotto and Tinga-tinga art sessions with an




We usually

pray the

rosary in


the month

of the

rosary. But,

due to the

crisis, we

could not

help but,

asked for

our Mother Mary’s intercession. We

beseeched her help because we got scared of

the bomb explosions and gun shots that we

heard for three days. Also, one of the sites of

riot was only a kilometer away from our

school. We thank the Blessed Virgin that we

were shielded from untoward incidents. We

continue to pray for peace.

In order for our students to love their art, the

“African Art,” we have invited one of our

former students, who is an artist, Faraja

Ramadhani. This art is called “Tinga-tinga,”

an art which was first originated by a


Brought about by the “uncertain peace” in our

town, our Interteam volunteer, Rebekka

O’Neill and her family left for Switzerland on

June 2. It was a “hurried goodbye.” We shall

be missing Rebekka whom we call our oblate.

We thank her so much for being our partner in

our mission at Aquinas. We pray that she will

be blessed abundantly.

Another goodbye was to S. Raphaela. After

the School Board meeting on the 15th

of June,

we said adieu to S. Raphaela. “How can we

thank you, S. Raphaela?” were the words of

Page 12: July 29, 2013 Installation of Sr. Terese Zemale, OSB as ...osbtutzing.org/Materials/Lifestream/nda-2-2013.pdf · 1 Missionary Benedictine Sisters, P.O. Box 1 Ndanda via Mtwara, Tanzania,


our School Board Chairperson, Mr. John

Kambona. Truly, we do not know how to

thank S. Raphaela for what she has done to

our school, Aquinas Secondary School. We

can only pray that her efforts will be

remembered and rewarded. May God bless

and reward you S. Raphaela.

We thanked God when we concluded the first

half of the year. We have received many

blessings in spite of the numerous challenges.

One of the blessings we rejoice over is our

achievement after the National Examinations

Council of Tanzania (NECTA) re-computed

the Form IV National Exams of 2012. With

the new results, our school is now the 2nd


the region among 84 schools with more than

40 candidates. We have bested two of the

leading government schools in the region. We

aim to reach the top in the future, so we ask

for your prayers.

Please continue to remember our school in

your prayers that it may achieve its vision-

mission and goals so that in all things God

may be glorified!

Sister Maureen Cariaga, OSB

Improved Fish Harvesting in our Garden

Sr. Francisca with the fish

After a visit with the Anglican Sisters, who

are already more experienced with fish ponds

and know how to optimize the harvesting we

could improve visibly. With fish more than 50

cm long we had really a good output and will

enjoy the big fish. Thank you, Sr. Francisca

for your tireless efforts!

Welcome Sr. Marissa

Together with our new Prioress Sr. Terese

Zemale we could welcome in our Priory Sr.

Marissa Piramide, OSB from Manila Priory.

We are very grateful for the readiness of Sr.

Marissa and the generosity of Manila Priory.

With her rich experience in formation in

Africa she will help us with our own

formation program especially for the Juniors.

Hearty Welcome, Dear Sr. Marissa

UFATA (Tanzania Family Strengthening

Association) Course in Ndanda

Sr. Birgitta with the pariticpants and teachers

From June 11 – 27 Sr. Birgitta Schnell, OSB

invited again participants for the phase I

course of UFATA in Ndanda. The topics of

this course are Billing’s ovulation method,

marriage and family life, common and

different features of men and women,

beginning of human life and harm and

injustice of induced abortion, contraceptives

and reproductive medicine. 29 participants

from 7 dioceses all over the country attended,

among them 20 catechists, nurses and

teachers. After enjoying this course most of

them stayed for the course, which followed:

TOT (training of trainers), where they learned

how to teach others. They worked in three

groups and presented themselves each

subject. This was evaluated by teachers and

participants as well as self-evaluation. The

teaching aids were prepared by themselves.

The whole community benefitted from their

presence as they attended daily our Holy

Mass and reinforced our singing.

Congratulation, Sr. Birgitta, for the good

work done!

Responsible: Sr. Regina Tesch, OSB