
LinkedIn Workshop

@ K F R E B E R G

For #Freberg16

Before you do anything

@ K F R E B E R G

Download the app

Check LinkedIn Student


Review Readings for class

Why LinkedIn?

@ K F R E B E R G

Online professional branding

Networking with industry

Explore companies and opportunities

Connect with fellow professionals on topics

Research internships and interest groups

Learn and develop professional etiquette

Why LinkedIn?

@ K F R E B E R G

Completing profile is essential!

Not completed = risk of being not being noticed

More information + professional evidence =

more opportunities to stand out & separate

yourself from other applicants in industry

The Ultimate Goal for LinkedIn

@ K F R E B E R G

You want to show people what you have done and what you

can bring to the table for their professional organization and


Make sure to provide clear descriptions of items, projects,

work experience, and provided testimonies for your work

LinkedIn Workshop

@ K F R E B E R G

Best Practices and


1. Set up Profile

@ K F R E B E R G

Head Shot

Professional Photo and Name

Consistent with other platforms

Aligned with Professional Persona

Contact Information

1a. Write strong heading

@ K F R E B E R G

12o characters - Use key words

Different roles you have


Similar to objective section in resume

One sentence max

Create customized URL

2. Outline Key Information

@ K F R E B E R G


Professional Experiences

Jobs & Internships

Courses + Projects

Volunteer Efforts

2a. Add evidence + work

@ K F R E B E R G

Course projects & Activities

Professional Societies

Campaign Proposals

Writing Samples

Slide decks

Research Reports & Infographics

2b. Provide rationale for work

@ K F R E B E R G

Summary of Projects

Members who were part of projects

Team capstone projects, internships, papers, etc

For class projects, connect with professor

Align with education + specific job experience

2c. Honors and Awards

@ K F R E B E R G

Professional Awards

School Awards

Organization Awards and Scholarships


3. Write your summary

@ K F R E B E R G

Three paragraphs

Who you are as a professional

Goals and inspirations

What you have done

What you can bring to the table

3a. Tell your story

@ K F R E B E R G

Best opportunity to show off your


Written in first person to tell your story

Authenticity is KEY!

Be your own best brand advocate

4. Add rich content

@ K F R E B E R G

Writing samples are always good

Add video links (YouTube)

Visual presentations w/ Slideshare

Infographics / Websites / Blogs

Strategic Briefs + Social Media Messages

5. Recommendations

@ K F R E B E R G

Fellow colleagues

Internship Supervisors

Fellow team members

Professors and Advisors


5a. Recommendations

@ K F R E B E R G

Ask ahead of time

Approach professionally

Have range of recommendations associated

with experiences

May be asked to write one in return

6. Set a content calendar

@ K F R E B E R G

Use LinkedIn Publish feature

Determine topics

Use key words associated with


6a. Engage audiences w/ content

@ K F R E B E R G

Utilize same principles for blogs

Look at analytics as a guide

Take the initiative to share content

Be generous to generate a following

Engage with comments & feedback

Share across platforms

6b. Follow Thought Leaders

@ K F R E B E R G

Join groups of interest you want to work for

Research and follow brand & company pages

Follow key influencers

Read content

Share on LinkedIn + other platforms

7. Review personal analytics

@ K F R E B E R G

To determine who's viewed your profile

Trends over time

LinkedIn Post analytics

Which industry + role

Based on content shared or updated

8. Reaching out to professionals

@ K F R E B E R G

Use proper email etiquette

Do this before a job or internship interview

Introduce yourself briefly

Demonstrate your knowledge & interest in area

Conclude with proper salutations

8. Resources

@ K F R E B E R G

LinkedIn Higher Education for Students

LinkedIn Higher Education Slideshare:

University Career Centers

Questions or Comments?

@ K F R E B E R G

Thank you for your time.