  • International Operations: NATA 2012 Air Charter Summit Larry Williams Senior Trip Owner – Charter Management Blue Team Universal Weather and Aviation, Inc.

  • Agenda • Session Objective

    – Discuss current hot topics for Part 135 International Operations: • Common operational issues • Airport Restrictions • Major events • Fuel considerations • Security • Europe – Weather considerations • Charter permits • Mexico Navigation Fees • Venezuela Navigation fees

    • Italian Luxury Tax • UK Air Passenger Duty Tax • Emissions Trading Scheme (EU–ETS) • Airspace (RVSM, Airway Slots) • Questions

  • Operational Considerations

    • Issues to consider: – Airport restrictions – Parking – Major events – Fuel – Security – Weather

  • Airport Restrictions

    • Curfews • Notams • Runway • PPR/Slots Required?

  • Airport Restrictions

    • Parking

  • Noise Restrictions • Many airports in Europe have very strict noise limitations • Majority of restrictions affect non-Stage III aircraft • Individual countries and airports have the authority to impose

    further noise reduction measures regardless of aircraft MTOW and capacity

  • Major Events

    • Olympics London 2012 • Davos Economic Forum • European Grand Prix

    Season • Film Festivals • EBACE • European / World Cup

    Soccer • UN Summit

  • Fuel Considerations

    • Fuel – Excellent quality / availability

    • Fuel stops – United Kingdom – Ireland – Iceland

    • Mineral oil taxes are very high (may or may not apply to the operator) – Germany – Switzerland – Italy – Spain

  • Security • Why security is important • Crew or passenger mugged or robbed:

    – Loss of passport, etc. – Loss of trip itinerary

    • Previous Examples – Local Reporting Requirement – Reporting a crime (kidnapping, mugging,

    etc.) • Misconceptions

    – I’ve been there 100 times – I’m not a target – It won’t happen to me – I can handle whatever happens when it


  • Europe – Planning Considerations

    • Weather – Volcanic eruptions – Fog – Snow

  • Challenging Permits

    • Venezuela • United Kingdom • Germany • France • Italy • China • India • Australia

  • Mexican Navigation Fees • Is this a new Mexican law? • No. Although the requirement to pay these

    fees has been Mexican Federal Law since 2002, the government previously did not have the infrastructure in place to enforce payment. The law always existed but was never enforced

    • What happens if I owe fees for navigation fees?

    • SENEAM (Mexico Air Navigation Services) has periodically published a No Fly list of operators owing navigation fees for overflying Mexican airspace. Aircraft with outstanding balances could potentially be denied entry into Mexican airspace.

  • Venezuela Navigation Fees

    • Not allowing aircraft to enter airspace for outstanding balances

    • Must contact INAC directly in order to resolve quickly • Always check with Venezuela first if there is a

    possibility that the aircraft may enter their airspace

  • Italian Luxury Tax • Originally implemented in December 2011 • Legislation revised on May 2nd, 2012 • Does not apply aircraft dedicated to

    scheduled, non-scheduled commercial flights

    • Pax tax amounts to euro 100 per passenger for flights (legs) of less than 1500 km and euro 200 per passenger for flights in excess of 1500 km. The legislation wording is very broad and it is not still clear whether it will be charged only (as reasonable) on departure flights from Italy (domestically or Internationally)

  • UK Air Passenger Duty Tax

    • Currently applies to Commercial Airlines • Applies to aircraft weighing over 10 tonnes & or has

    more than 20 seats • Expected to be applied to Private jets starting in 2013 • Consultation is under way as to how the tax will be


  • Emissions Trading Scheme (ETS) • EU-ETS has annual operational

    thresholds which are used to designate operators as Small or Large Emitters.

    • Vast majority of GA operators are Small Emitters.

    • Program designed to include corporate/private aviation, which is seen as “inefficient” in terms of fuel burn/payload ratio.

    • Note: Even the smallest of emitters must comply with EU-ETS requirements if they have made one or more applicable flights during a Monitoring Year.

  • Applicable Flights - ETS Countries / Territories • What are the applicable Countries?

    – EU Member States: Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Cyprus, the Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, the Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, United Kingdom

    – EFTA (European Free Trade Agreement) Countries: Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway

    – EU Outlying Territories: Guadeloupe, French Guiana, Martinique, Reunion, The Azores, Madeira, The Canary Islands, Aland Islands, Akrotiri and Dhekelia

    • Important Note: Switzerland does not participate. Flights through EU airspace without a stop are not applicable.

  • RVSM

    • Implemented Jan. 24, 2002 • Affected flight levels

    – FL290 to FL 410 inclusive – No exemptions available for civil aircraft

    • RVSM requirements – All aircraft must be RVSM approved – No separate LOA (Letter of Authorization) or

    approval is required for EUR RVSM

  • Are you RVSM equipped and certified?

    • It is not possible to obtain an exemption from the RVSM approval requirement.

    • Non-approved flights intending to cross the EUR RVSM area will be required to flight plan below or above RVSM airspace.

    • Climbing and descending through EUR RVSM airspace without being RVSM approved is not possible.

  • Transition Transition

    FL 290 FL 290

    FL 310 FL 310

    FL 330 FL 330

    FL 350 FL 350

    FL 370 FL 370

    FL 330 FL 330

    FL 290 FL 290

    FL 300 FL 300

    FL 320 FL 320

    FL 340 FL 340 FL 350 FL 350

    FL 360 FL 360

    FL 310 FL 310

    FL 370 FL 370


    FL 390 FL FL 380

    FL 390 FL FL 360 FL 400

    FL 410 FL FL FL 410

    ICAO Table of Cruising Levels

  • Airway Slots

    • Issued by EuroControl – Central Flow Management Unit

    (CFMU) – Located in Brussels – Flight plans can be filed 24 hours in

    advance – Slots are issued 2 hours prior to

    assigned ETD • Valid for 15 minutes

    – 5 minutes prior assigned slot time

    – 10 minutes after assigned slot time

  • Schengen Agreement • Customs, Immigration, Quarantine (CIQ) inspections

    completed at first port of entry • No CIQ required for travel between the following 27

    countries: • Austria Belgium Estonia • Germany Luxembourg Hungary • Netherlands Portugal Latvia • Denmark Spain Lithuania • Finland Greece Malta • Iceland Sweden Poland • Italy France Slovakia • Norway Czech Republic Slovenia *Iceland & Switzerland (Non EU) have signed a co-operation agreement

  • Overview

    • How can you keep on top of emerging issues and provide top-notch service?

    • What are the resources you need to have in place for successful operations?

  • Questions?

    Slide Number 1AgendaOperational ConsiderationsAirport RestrictionsAirport RestrictionsNoise RestrictionsMajor EventsFuel ConsiderationsSecurityEurope – Planning ConsiderationsChallenging PermitsMexican Navigation FeesVenezuela Navigation FeesItalian Luxury TaxUK Air Passenger Duty TaxEmissions Trading Scheme (ETS)Applicable Flights - ETS Countries / TerritoriesRVSMAre you RVSM equipped and certified?ICAO Table of Cruising LevelsAirway SlotsSchengen AgreementOverview Slide Number 24
