
Creepy Kid Genre

Sam, Jack, Luke, Cameron


The plot for this genre is usually predictable. It follows the child being portrayed as innocent and then revealing ‘itself’

as sinister.

Narrative Structure

The structure is typically linear and does not include flashbacks etc.


The setting creates an atmosphere for the film. Usually for this genre the setting is

mundane and realistic.


You can have multiple themes within this genre. These include crime, realism and supernatural.

Character Types• Creepy kid / Protagonist

• Antagonist

• Victims

Character Representation

• Creepy kid : Bad, Evil, Mentally ill, Strong, Powerful and Misunderstood.

• Protagonist : Good and Strong In some Creepy kid films.

• Victims : Very weak, Helpless, Defenceless.

Mis En Scene• Clothing : Innocent looking children’s clothes.

• Lighting : Mixture of low key and high key lighting.

• Actors : Young children.

• Make up : Only used to make them scarier.

• Props : Mostly weapons.

What is Iconography • Iconography are the generic conventions which

are perceived from a certain genre.

Creepy kid subgenres

• Most Creepy kid films normally fit in with another horror subgenre, for example a film which has child with supernatural powers can also fit in with the paranormal subgenre.

• Some other subgenres include Killer, Monster, Gothic and Psychological.


Name : Craig Parker

Answer : Correct

What come to mind : Innocence and unsuspecting.