Page 1: AND · 2020. 4. 29. · 2 THE PARISHES OF ST MARY THE VIRGIN, MARSTON MAGNA and RIMPTON RECTOR. Revd. Barbara Stanton


May 2020



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RECTOR. Revd. Barbara Stanton [email protected] Tel: 850745

The Rectory, Camel Street, Marston Magna,

BA22 8DD

(To whom all enquiries should be made)

EDITOR: Samuel David Crabb [email protected] Tel: 850274

Wickham Farm, Marston Magna RIMPTON CONTACT

Nicola Benbow, Ash House, Rimpton [email protected] Tel: 850434


Molly Crabb, Wickham Farm, Marston Magna [email protected] Tel: 850274

RIMPTON: Normally every Sunday 10.45am, with Holy Communion on 1st Sunday each month. Morning Worship and

Morning Prayer on the 2nd and 4th Sundays. The 3rd Sunday Communion is either at Rimpton or Marston.

MARSTON MAGNA: Normally every Sunday 9.30 am, with Parish Communion on the 1st Sunday each month, and Morning

Prayer on the 2nd and 4th Sundays. The 3rd Sunday Communion is at either Marston Magna or Rimpton.


CHURCH WARDENS Mrs H. J. Stephens, Home Farm Cottage 851860 Mrs M L Crabb, Wickham Farm Tel: 850274

Mr J Tricker (Acting) Lessenden 850922 Mr K N Field, 2 Homefield Court Tel: 850705

TREASURERS Mrs Pam Hopkins, Ash Cottage, Marston Magna 850949 Mr Hugh Privett, The Manor Tel: 850294

P.C.C. SECRETARIES Mrs. M Green, Lark Rise, Woodhouse Lane 01963 220943 Mrs B Field, 2 Homefield Court Tel: 850705

ORGANISTS Mr Stephen Suttle, 4 Cooper's Barns, MM 850167 Mr Hugh Privett, The Manor Tel: 850294

CAPTAIN of BELL-RINGERS Mrs Caroline Baillie, Ginaville Tel: 850128


MARSTON MAGNA Flower/Church Cleaning Sidesmen/Readers

Mrs M L Crabb, Wickham Farm Tel: 850274 Mr. Richard Venning Park Farm Tel: 851104

RIMPTON Flower Rota/Brass Cleaning Church Cleaning

Mrs M Le Hardy Tel: 850212 Mrs Green Tel: 01963 220943






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We are still in lock down and have little encouraging news that it may end soon. It was so strange having no services in Church over Easter But I was able to remember Holy Week by following the services in the garden and likewise celebrating Easter Day there too, in the sunshine with the background of cherry blossom and a choir of birds. I often wish I had some ability at IT and could be doing more to zoom and stream or whatever else IT competent clergy are turning their hand to. I was much encouraged by reading in the Radio Times, that the Reverend Richard Coles, who presents Saturday Live on the Radio 4 says, “I, for whom technical competence amounts to knowing how to fill the coffee machine”. He is more concerned in his parish to make sure people are getting their prescriptions and shopping. This our villages are doing wonderfully. Thank you to all our wonderful helpers and to the printers and deliverers of newsletters etc. The television and radio are a great help in providing services. The Cathedrals also have much to offer if you go to their websites. Similarly, our own more local churches. One of my friends, who says she is even worse than me at IT, even managed to find an old service from Wells presented by a bishop she had known in Basingstoke, where she lives. St. John’s - Cooker Ridge - St James - Five Crosses(Tintinhull, Chilthorne Domer, Lufton) While we are being well provided with necessities it is good the know that people are still remembering the Food Bank in Yeovil. I think I like the radio more than television. One programme I like on Radio 4 is “The Reunion”. They are having to do repeats at the moment and last week had a reunion of Terry Waite, the Archbishop's special envoy, who was trying to negotiate release of hostages, Brian Keenan, a teacher, and John McCarthy a news reporter, who had all been hostages in Lebanon for five years, so many years ago now. If anyone knows anything about lockdown they did. I remember one summer holiday when I was still teaching, I had nothing planned for the summer holiday and read all their books about their harrowing experiences. Easter does not end until Pentecost, this year 31st May. It is unlikely that we will be back in Church for that Great Festival of the Giving of the Holy Spirit or for Ascension Day, ten days before on the 21st. We are sending out services via e-mail for Sundays with readings, orders of service and taking it in turns to do a reflection (sermon) may be a bit shorter! And prayers. I will continue to pray Morning and Evening Prayer at 9am and 6pm.Sunday 9.30am that leaves time for other media worship services. Obviously, we can only send information out like this if we know people's e-mail addresses so if you would like to receive services from the Church please let me know. Rev'd Barbara Stanton 01935 850 745 [email protected] All information about our Five Churches can also be found on I end with the words which end all services in the Easter Season. Alleluia Christ has risen. He is Risen Indeed. Alleluia Revd. Barbara 01935 850745

CHURCH OF ST. MARY THE VIRGIN MUDFORD A Café every Thursday morning, starting at 10 am to 12 noon in the Village Hall. This is now suspended. A service every Sunday starting at 11 a.m. Not until further notice. CHURCH OF ST. JAMES, CHILTON CANTELO. A Café the first Saturday morning every month, from 10.30 a.m. to 12 noon in the church. This is suspended. A Service the second Sunday every month, starting at 9.30 a.m. Not until further notice. ST MARY THE VIRGIN, RIMPTON APRIL 2020 There will be no services at Rimpton Church until further notice. HS

Friday Cafe at Marston Magna Village Hall Following the Government’s recommendation that social gatherings be restricted it has been

decided to suspend the Village Café until further notice. Thank you for all your past support and look forward to seeing you in the not too distant future.

Beryl and Kenneth Field

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May 2020

SUNDAY 3rd May



WHITE No Service No Service.

EASTER IV Reader: Sidesman: Reader:

SUNDAY 10th May



WHITE No Service No Service

EASTER V Reader: Sidesman: Reader:

SUNDAY 17th May



WHITE No service No Service


SUNDAY 24th May



WHITE No Service No Service

EASTER VII Reader: Sidesman: Readers:

SUNDAY 31st May



RED No Service No Service

PENTECOST Reader: Sidesman: Readers:


May 2020

Church Cleaning


Church Flowers

High Altar

Locking Up

Church Cleaning


Church Flowers

High Altar

Locking Up

STUDY GROUPS Marston/Rimpton Home Group

The Group will not be meeting now. Hopefully, they will meet again soon, please contact Richard Gardner on 850127 for advice and help on this. HS

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Letter from the Right Reverend Peter

Hancock, Bishop of Bath and Wells

For Parish Newsletters – May 2020

A time to ‘Love our neighbours as ourselves’. I wonder - are you someone who gets everything ready long before you need to; jobs done well before time; and someone who is never late for anything? Or are you someone who leaves things to the last minute; works right up to the deadline; and catches the bus or train with moments to spare? Or maybe you are somewhere in the middle? One of the things that Bishop Ruth and I enjoy doing is writing these articles each month for parish magazines and newsletters. It gives us a chance to keep in touch with people across the diocese and to share the things that are in our hearts and minds as the year unfolds. The only drawback is that we have to write these articles well in advance, so that they reach magazine editors and church administrators in good time. The problem is of course that things may change in all sorts of ways between us writing them and you reading them. I am particularly conscious of that this month, as we are in the midst of the Coronavirus pandemic. Things are changing very fast and it is hard to know what the next few weeks will bring. That inevitably brings with it a certain degree of uncertainty and some us, especially those who are isolated and cut off, may be feeling anxious for ourselves or for others. My hope throughout this time of ‘lockdown’ is that although some of us may have felt physically isolated from each other, that we have not felt socially or spiritually isolated. Indeed, I have been truly amazed and encouraged by all the stories I have heard of people caring for each other, phoning each other and going shopping for those who cannot get out to buy the food they need. At this stage none of us knows quite how and when this virus will eventually be brought under control. However, I do hope that when we get to the stage that restrictions can be safely lifted and we begin to go out and shop as we did before, that things will be different. Many of us have had difficulty buying the food we wanted. Some of us have had to rely on others for our daily needs. We have had to learn new ways to pray and keep in touch with others in our churches and communities. We have had to trust, hope, and look out for our neighbours, especially those who are particularly vulnerable. We have been humbled by the courage and dedication of

those who work in the NHS and care homes and all who as ‘key workers’ have worked tirelessly to look after and provide for us. Jesus taught us to ‘Love the Lord our God with all our heart, with all our soul, and with all our mind’ and ‘to love our neighbours as ourselves’. My hope and prayer is that as we emerge from this pandemic that we and our communities may be a more compassionate, more generous, more grateful. And may we all have discovered what it is to know in a deeper way the peace and the presence of God. May the peace and the joy of the Risen Lord be with you + Bishop Peter


The 2020 rainy season ended on 15th March. Up to that date there had been measurable rain on 47 of the 75 days of 2020. The remaining 16 days of March saw rain on just one day and that was only 1.5 mms. As I write this on 16th April, there has been just 4 mms (1/8 inch) in the last 32 days. Up to March 15th there was rain on 11 days of March totalling 61.5 mms (2½ inches) bringing the March total to 63 mms (2 ½ inches), just above the March average of 57.5 mms (2 ¼ inches). The wettest March I have recorded was 2018 with 127.5 mms (5 inches) and the driest 2011 with 20.5 mms (¾ inch). The forecast for the next few weeks mentions very little rain, so, with reservoirs full, maybe all that winter rain will yet come in useful. Who knows? Certainly not myself. Ricky Gibbs.

Online and Virtual Church Services Just because no one can worship with others does not mean worship cannot take place. St John's Yeovil are streaming their service at 10.30 am each Sunday morning, access is through their website The BBC on Long Wave or DAB have a daily service at 9.45 am on weekdays. There is also a service every Sunday on Radio 4 at 8 am which I usually listen to before going to Church .I will not have to rush off for the near future although I will be in Church at 9.30 am on Sundays to offer worship on behalf of others and to pray for all. There is also a televised service on Sundays at

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11.45 -12.15. “Thought for the Day” is at 7.50 am and Songs of Praise on BBC1 on Sunday afternoons. There are various apps for smart phones such as Common Worship Daily Prayer, Sacred Space and Pray As You Go, all of which can be downloaded from Google. If you go to the Church of England website you can sign up for a daily hashtag Live Lent email, which will give you daily reading and reflection. Wells Cathedral will hopefully remain open for personal prayer and reflection, the lighting of candles and pastoral care. The Cathedral will also be live streaming. On Mothering Sunday, you may have seen some lighted candles in windows at 7 pm. What about continuing this on each Sunday the crisis lasts? It can be a time of prayer to remember those who are sick and anxious, all involved in our Health and Emergency services, our Government and for each other. Just because there will be no Church Services, Easter Day still happened. Jesus still rose from the dead .I always remember in the days of the Cold War when no worship was officially allowed in the Soviet Union, an Orthodox priest bravely said at some huge gathering “ Christ is risen” and everyone responding “He is risen indeed. Alleluia.” The people had not forgotten. With every blessing Revd. Barbara


An article written by Barry Brock about the history of the Red Lion was published in the January 2020 Issue of the Conduit Magazine and he has kindly agreed to relevant parts being republished in this Magazine. He writes: ‘The earliest reference I can find’ (to the Red Lion) ‘is an 1857 newspaper advertisement. The next is when Simeon Salmon is named as innkeeper in the 1861 census; but it is possible that Thomas Boot was innkeeper before him, as he is identified as a ‘Beer Retailer’ in an 1859 Directory, although his beer house is not named. Simeon married Maximelia Warren in 1860, when she was a young girl of eighteen years. The

daughter of local farmer, John Warren, Maxey seemed to make life difficult for Simeon, as in November 1862, he was forced to publish the following advertisement in local newspapers: “This is to give notice that I, Simeon Salmon, will not be answerable for any debts whatever contracted by my wife, Maximelia, after this date.” What had she done? Had she run away? We shall never know, but life at the Red Lion did seem to settle down eventually, as the Salmons had four children before Maxey’s early death in 1871. The newspaper notice of Maxey’s death also records that her younger sister, Julia, died only eighteen days later; a harsh blow for John Warren, their father.’ Innkeeping was in Maxey’s family, as her mother, also Maxey, was the daughter of Jonas Down, sometime innkeeper of the Wellington Inn in Long Street, Sherborne. Simeon was to remarry, but then, in 1887, the Red Lion was ravaged by fire. Marston Magna – Fire – about four o’clock on Wednesday morning, the inhabitants of Marston were aroused by cries of fire, and it was soon found that the Red Lion Inn was burning rapidly. The fire took such a hold that the inn was destroyed and had to be rebuilt. Later that year, Simeon handed over to his younger brother, David Charles Salmon. Between them, Simeon and his brother ran the Red Lion for more than fifty years. Almost twenty years after the fire, in April 1890, the Red lion was purchased by Sherborne brewers, the Woolmington Brothers, to become part of their brewery estate.’ The Marston Magna book, Our Village in the 20th Century, on page 51, notes that the Red Lion was originally built with an eye to the passing trade from Marston Magna Station, which was opened in 1856. It was also at the end of a footpath from Rimpton. Bringing the history more up to date, the book notes that a long serving landlord was Reg Millard and that William Florance was landlord from at least 1910 until 1935. It was owned in the 20th Century by Eldridge Pope, the Dorchester Brewers until sold as a freehold. John Spencer

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The competition is for residents of Marston Magna and Rimpton. All entries must be A4 size (mounted if smaller), in any medium. There will be prizes for the best Adult entry and Child (12 and under) entry for each village. It will be judged by Mike and Louise Burks, well known to us all from Castle Gardens in Sherborne. Entry costs £3 per adult, £1 per child (only one per person). Proceeds will go to each Village Church. Marston Magna entries to Pamela Hopkins, Ashe Cottage and Rimpton entries to Hilary Stephens, Home Farm Cottage. Closing date 31st July 2020 and ALL entries will be exhibited in the relevant Church when they reopen after the current crisis, by kind permission of the Rev Barbara and the Churchwardens. Any queries, please contact Pamela Hopkins on 01935 850949.

Queen Camel Bowls Club

Queen Camel bowls club. The new season will not be starting again in April, but if anyone interested in playing in the future, do please contact Norman

Holt on 01935 850646.


The last meeting due to take place on 7th April was postponed. As soon as Castle Gardens reopen, we will arrange an event there and hopefully all will receive a 25% off discount voucher, valid for all their stock! I have the plug plants now for the Garden Show. They are 50p each. You can get them from me at Stable Cottage or I can get them to you, if you give me a call. Please do not leave them all with me to pot on!! Keep well. Eileen Oldham, Club President WELL DONE! Well done Camel Street for a tremendous turn-out

on Thursdays to applaud our NHS and other first

line support workers. The numbers taking part

have increased every week and credit must also

be given to Fir Villa staff who are always in

evidence. We salute the caring work they are

providing to many vulnerable residents who are

now isolated from their respective families. Thank

you to James and his team, you are doing a

fantastic job.

Keep clapping!

Jenny Dench


There have been some complaints about excessive dog barking so I thought it would be good to just pen a few thoughts. With much more time being spent at home during the current crisis, coupled with the spell of lovely weather when we can all be outside, some gentle reminders please.

• “Scoop-your-poop” especially in the Moat Field as many more, children especially, are exercising there.

• Keep your dogs under control to avoid cross contamination.

• As we are spending so much time in our gardens be aware of excessive barking as this can lead to complaints from neighbours who are not part of the fun you might be having. Lawrence Hopkins Marston Magna Chairman Parish Council

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From Cath Holloway May 2020 Edition

News from your Village Agent Team

A note from Keeley Rudd, CEO of Community Council for Somerset (Village Agents)

First and foremost, I hope you are well, keeping safe and managing to access the support and essential supplies you need in these difficult times.

CCS Village, Community and Carers Agents have

been providing support for individuals and

communities in Somerset since 2012. Agents help

by providing practical, community-based solutions

to meet peoples basic needs and beyond. This is

a unique service across the county and CCS

works extremely closely with both the health

services and social care to broker a range of

support in a person-centred way to enable

someone to be nurtured in their own local

community wherever possible. Village,

Community and Carers Agents are designated

keyworkers during the COVID-19 pandemic and

have individual letters of authority from the County

Council to verify this.

During this unprecedented time the calls to our

services and out to members of the community to

provide help, support and advice run into

thousands on a weekly basis and the demand is

increasing. All Agents (and other staff within CCS)

are working extremely hard and despite the

volume are managing to provide the same

professional and personalised help and support

and are receiving some fantastic feedback from

those they have supported. If you have any

feedback you would like to share please send it to:

[email protected].

If you need Agent support please use the Agent Call Back form on our website The current crisis has shown the compassion, kindness and community spirit of people in Somerset. CCS Agents can help you to get in touch with your local support group.

In addition, we have experienced and

knowledgeable staff who can support you if you

are part of a Parish or Town Council, a Village Hall

Committee, social or community enterprise or

community group or charity. Advice is available on

our website or you can call the main CCS number

on 01823 331222 for help.

If you are a carer and look after a family member

or dependent in an unpaid capacity you may need

additional support so please call our Freephone

number on 0800 31 68 600 or visit the website where we offer a web

chat facility. If you are concerned about a

neighbour or someone you know in your local area

who is a carer and they do not have access to the

internet, then please give them the advice line


I hope you will join me in thanking the dedicated

and professional staff at CCS and in recognising

and thanking CCS Agents as frontline key-workers

who are helping to ensure that essential supplies

and support get through to the people who need it

most. Include them in your “Clap for Carers” each

week to show your support.



• Contact CCS via the usual website and our COVID-19 response form An Agent will contact you with relevant information about local volunteers, as well as shops and restaurants that are able to deliver to you in your area. Agents can also provide any other support regarding benefits and housing.

• Contact Somerset Direct if you have safeguarding concerns or care plan issues phone 0300 123 2224

• Somerset County Council has a created a dedicated COVID-19 helpline: 0300 790 6275

• Contact your local Parish Council for doorstep support. Please see the back pages.

• Contact your GP, NHS 111, and pharmacy or wellbeing advisors if you have any medical concerns. Our amazing communities in Somerset have all risen to the challenge of providing support to those that need it very quickly, and our agents can help put you in touch with your local group. If nothing else this crisis has shown how people in Somerset have endless compassion, kindness and community spirit. I feel very proud to be part of


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Cath Holloway Mobile: 07968 521746 Email: [email protected] I support unpaid carers in South East Somerset to

connect them with community resources, support

groups and personal support around benefits and

allowances. We also have a new team of

Community Agents and Village Agents in South

Somerset to contact. For more information please

visit and or call me to see who is

your local village agent.


Waste services - impact summary

• Crews are collecting 300 tonnes extra recycling a week when staffing is down by nearly 60 people due to Coronavirus.

• Working closely with contractor SUEZ, we are maintaining core collections of recycling, clinical waste and rubbish.

• Easter weekend usually sees a spike in waste, so we are urging residents to avoid traditional Bank Holiday spring cleaning, DIY and gardening.

• As we offer guidance on how people can best manage their waste at this time, we need your help to share this as widely as possible. The crisis has affected both waste amounts and staffing levels to collect it. Across Somerset, crews collected 300 extra

tonnes of recycling and food waste last week,

compared to the same week last year. This 20%

rise is most likely due to people buying more

online, eating in and tidying homes, garages and


At the same time, nearly 60 staff are not working,

self-isolated by symptoms in their families, and all

recycling sites are temporarily closed until

government travel restrictions are relaxed.

Together, these put a serious additional strain on services. We are working very hard with partners and contractors every day to refocus resources and switch staff to maintain the priority collections of recycling, clinical waste and rubbish. Given the usual spike in waste after Easter weekend, we are encouraging people to think first before gardening, spring cleaning or DIY unless they can store waste until recycling sites reopen.

Service drawbacks implemented:

• Garden waste – suspended. Subscriptions will be extended 12 months when collections restart.

• Bulky waste collections – suspended.

• Waste container delivery - suspended.

• Recycling collections – as usual but if rounds are missed, recycling will not be collected until the following week.

• Recycling sites – closed.

• Staff from suspended services have been redeployed to core tasks. Rubbish and clinical waste collections continue as usual. If either of these are missed, use the My Waste Services menu at to report this or district customer services: For the latest updates on disruption and the steps to deal with waste, please visit and follow @somersetwaste on Twitter and Facebook. Advice and guidance

Personal waste – if you have COVID-19 symptoms or someone in your household has symptoms, double bag all tissues, gloves and disposable cleaning cloths, keep separate for at least 72 hours, then put in the rubbish. No tissues, cleaning cloths or gloves in recycling. More detail are shown here: If your recycling collection is missed, take it in – we will prioritize you and be back next week. If for any reason, we miss that second week, report it and we will do our best to get back ASAP. Put your boxes and food waste bin out by 7 am and leave out late, so crews can complete delayed rounds. Park carefully so waste trucks can reach your home. Store items you would otherwise drop off at

recycling sites – do not add them to your rubbish.

In particular, do not take risks with electrical items,

batteries and gas canisters as these can cause a

fire risk in your bin or the rubbish trucks.

Garden waste – leave it in the garden, home compost if it is practical and cut back on lawn moving and trimming until garden waste collections restart. Do not burn waste – this affects people’s health, causes pollution, annoys neighbours, and risks

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wasting fire crews' time. Do not fly tip – it is a crime and will be prosecuted. This includes leaving waste outside closed recycling sites. Sort recycling properly – putting the right things in the right boxes helps crews collect faster and collect more. If safe, crush, squash and flatten all waste – except glass and aerosols – to get more in recycling boxes or store. Reduce your waste – reconsider cardboard-heavy online shopping, think of creative ways to use up leftovers, compost suitable foods if you can, reuse recycling materials for child activities or reuse plastic containers to store food. If you have no recycling box or need more space, use alternative boxes of a similar size or smaller. Do not use larger containers that will be difficult to lift. Carrier bags can be used, with each material in a separate box or bag, except that glass bottles and jars must be in a recycling box or similar, not in a bag, and food and drink cans, aerosols, foil and plastic bottles can go in together. Do not use cardboard boxes for recyclable materials. If the box gets wet, a lot more materials will get dropped, broken or end up as litter.

Somerset County Council – update

From all of the Somerset Prepared partners we hope that you are all keeping safe during these difficult times. Vital work to maintain essential public services in Somerset is continuing during in what is an unprecedented time for our county and the country as a whole. The Somerset Local Authorities Civil Contingencies Partnership is working to create guidance and considerations on what to do during an evacuation emergency while there is a Covid-19 outbreak. Be rest assured we are doing everything we can with the emergency services to ensure that everyone's best interests are at the forefront of planning for an evacuation. We are on the lookout for people who own/manage Hotels, B&Bs and Holiday Parks who would be willing to open their doors if we needed to provide emergency overnight accommodation to individuals needing to evacuate during an emergency. As well as having our registered rest centres and places of safety this would provide us with the resilience, we need to keep families separate and safe during this Covid crisis. If you

are able to help, please fill out this form to provide all the information we need. We thank you very much for your help in advance. Emergency Overnight Accommodation - Hotel/B&B/Caravan/Holiday Park Form Mindline Somerset - Mindline is a confidential listening service which provides a safe place to talk if you, or someone you know, is in distress. We can also give basic information about mental health and local support services. Contact them on 01823 276892. An update from the Environment Agency: We remain fully operational, with the majority of our staff working from home. Our remaining frontline teams will be active, where necessary, on the ground tackling priority issues such as flood risk and pollution. Inspections of flood risk assets damaged in Storms Ciara and Dennis are still underway using local inspectors. We are prioritising our work to protect the most at-risk communities to ensure they continue to remain resilient. During this pandemic, the Environment Agency continues to protect people and the environment, working alongside our partners. Please report any pollution incidents on 0800 80 70 60 and stay #floodaware. Volunteering: There has been an outpouring of public support and care for each other across Somerset communities as COVID-19 (Coronavirus) continues to increase across the UK. If you would like to get involved please go to to see what you could do to help. So far 1200 volunteers have signed up! Lord’s Larder Update for May 2020 The reception at The Gateway Is still open Monday to Friday 10 am – 2 pm, (closed Bank Holidays) for donations of food items, and the collection of emergency food parcels. We still have our collection trolleys in Morrison Yeovil Customer Café Area, Asda Yeovil, and Tesco Extra Yeovil, Waitrose Crewkerne, Co-op Stoke Sub Hamdon, and Co-op South Petherton for food donations, if that is more convenient. Do look at what has been sent from them. I took

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what had been left in the Church, when sadly I had to go into Yeovil for an “Outside the Crematorium” funeral. If you wish to give any goods but are not going to Yeovil please leave them on my front grass and I will take them the next time I go there. They are open between 10-12 at the Gateway. Alternatively, you can send a monetary donation. Cheques payable to YCST, at The Lord's Larder Treasurer, The Gateway Addlewell Lane Yeovil BA20 1QN Revd. Barbara 01935 850745 For those who would still like to help but are self- isolating, you can give financially by looking at where all the details can be found how to do that, and that means we can then purchase exactly what we are short of in the Food Bank. Thank you for your support at this time. Thank you for your generosity over the past month, it was such a blessing to see food items being donated in such numbers over the month of April, alongside an increase in financial gifts enabling us to purchase food when we run short. With your help we were able to supply food parcels to help 578 adults and 526 children last month. Giving a grand total of 1,104 people helped in March compared to 407 in February. If you can help The Lord’s Larder during this crisis, we are currently running short of the following items, Tinned Ravioli Tins of Macaroni Cheese Tinned Spaghetti Baked Beans Tins of Fruit Tins of Curry or Chilli UHT Milk Sugar Toothpaste and Toothbrushes Thank you Mat Callaghan Yeovil Christian Support Trust Operations Manager – Lord’s Larder Memories of Rimpton from Nicola Benbow At the beginning of this time of isolation, I wrote that I thought it might be fun to receive and collect memories of old Rimpton from anyone who has

lived here for say 30 years or more, which I could then turn into a column in the magazine. Any subject would do - Church and Sunday School, the Brownies, the old school and village hall, harvest suppers, farms, buildings, roads, the shop, floods and snow, personalities, the railway – I asked who remembered the year of the big snow which came up to the top of the hedges when we all collected milk in jugs from John Ryall’s farm? And the Royal Navy helicopters that dropped bread because of the flooding? And the horse that fell into the swimming pool? Maybe some of our houses held secrets, maybe some of our gardens were once part of other people’s gardens, maybe some people married the boy next door ..... remember, remember .... Well, thank you to all those who replied to this - it has been great fun reading all your memories. Here are just a few to be going on with .... The White Post Inn straddles the county boundary lines of Somerset and Dorset, drinking time for one side ended at 10.30pm and for the other at 11 pm. Before it became a restaurant, when ‘time gentlemen please’ was called, all the customers had to do was slide their pints across the bar to gain an extra half hour’s drinking, the owners having retired to bed leaving the keys on the bar, with the instructions for the last man standing to lock up! Rimpton House - Bruce and Mary Hunter-Inglis who lived at Covert House and then Mill Cottage from the 1970’s to 2019, remember Mrs. Ivery Bartholomew, authoress and poet, who lived here from the end of the First World War. She had been part of the Bloomsbury Set in London and was a devout Buddhist and lover of all animals, and kept a pet donkey called Nicholas Nie in the house, along with a goat, wild birds who used to feed in her bedroom and a great many rats’ nests in the mattresses! She became a recluse at the end of her life and was wheeled around the village in an ancient bath chair. After her death, the house was sold to Bernard and Christian Stawt who ran an art gallery in the drawing room. The Old Rectory and Church Lane – Leslie and Jean Barker lived in the Old Rectory in the 1970’s and 80’s – Leslie was a well-known horse vet and would receive injured animals, often valuable racehorses from all over the country, to be treated in his stable block. He would trot them up and down Church Lane to test for lameness, watched by a fascinated audience. His wife bred pedigree Dalmatian dogs and they had identical twin boys, now both in the property business in Sherborne. Coincidentally, the Benbow family who moved to Pound House in 1979 also had

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identical twins, and the Tricker family next door in Lessenden, twin boys too. Pound House which was built in 1860 and owned by the Genge family, was so named as it adjoined the village Pound where stray animals were rounded up. The village Post Office was in what became the garage of Pound House, and the orchard sold to become the garden of Lessenden. An extension was added at the back in the early 1920’s, the house was turned into two flats and during the second world war was occupied by evacuee children from London. The Deeds to the house show that any mineral rights below were the property of the Bishop of Salisbury! The Manor House – Sir John Slessor, Marshall of the Royal Air Force and famous for being ‘Bomber’ Harris’ number 2 during World War Two, lived here in the 1960’s and became High Sherriff of Somerset. On his death in 1979 the house was bought by Lord and Lady Aldenham who paid for the stream to be diverted to run under the Manor pond where they bred large brown trout which they donated each year to be auctioned at the Harvest Supper. To be continued .....


We are always looking for volunteers to join our “Friends of Marston Magna Village Hall” group. This is so that we can call on people to help with tasks, like baking cakes, helping at a function in aid of the hall, manning a stand, or just generally helping us. There is no need to become a committee member. Anyone interested should contact Karen Price by phone or email please, or any member of the committee. Karen Price (Chairperson) Telephone 01935 851336

MILK BOTTLETOPS Can you all please remember to remove the foil pull caps from the tops, because the metal detector on Perry’s conveyor belt stop the machines. Also remember it is only plastic tops with a 2 or 4 in the recycling symbol that I can accept, all the rest go in my wheelie bin. There is a company called Massmould, who produce tops made from the same plastic as milk bottle tops e.g. Robinson’s squash, and Evian water, so from now on, I can accept any tops made by Massmoulds.

Please do continue to save the bottle tops and as soon as the Café re-opens, we can start to gather them together. Thank you everyone. And keep safe Marion Dean, 13 West End, 01935 850032

Fir Villa Parish News, May 2020 We hope you are all keeping safe and well in this challenging time. As I write this, the home is doing well, we are prepared as much as we can be, it is business as usual with added extra precautions to protect our lovely ladies and gents and staff. We have been absolutely overwhelmed with the kindness we have received from the local community from offers of PPE, to kind messages to gifts to local children adding their rainbows to our fence, it has been truly wonderful and it makes us feel that we are not in this alone. We are all nervous and scared about what the virus could mean to our residents and staff and it really does help that we know people are there. Within the home we continue to work as normal, we are upbeat, still having fun with lots of laughter as this is what is important to the people we support. Laura’s big scale “Kerplunk” game has gone crazy over social media with over 1,000,000 views, which we all fine mad as it was such a simple idea, however it has led to other homes asking for the instructions to make one for themselves! Please do take care and thank you With kind regards Becky & James Please feel free to contact Becky on 01935 850670


Grace Isbell from Mudford Sock operates a mobile hairdressing business in normal times. Unfortunately, the government has decided that hairdressers should cease work as from 23rd March, as it is impossible to keep a reasonable social distance and cut or style hair. As soon as the current restrictions are lifted do contact Grace on her mobile 07738 636489 or by email [email protected] or her home number is 01935 410800. Grace would also be very happy to visit you in your home in the future which would save a journey to Yeovil or Sherborne. Or you can visit her salon in her home. Normal business will be resumed soon. We hope. Keep safe everybody.

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Birds in our Parishes

Well … a lot has changed in the world since my article last month, when I suggested the idea of arranging guided walks to identify birds. Not appropriate, now. There’s not a lot of good things about the lockdown … but one thing the media mentions is that people are noticing wildlife a lot more. We have more time to see things, and to hear birdsong. Some of us spotted a fieldfare at the end of March, maybe the last to leave for their migration to the north. Also, buzzards, a kestrel, a pair of mandarin ducks, our usual resident birds, and the new arrivals, the blackcap and the chiffchaff. And just today we saw the first swallow (doesn’t make a summer …), and Ricky heard a skylark. And other wildlife – several noticed a fox in the fields, and even one on Ricky’s lawn, caught by his night camera! Mid-April to mid-May is an exciting time for birdwatchers; with each passing day more and more birds arrive in the UK for the breeding season. We might see some of these new arrivals from our homes or during our daily exercise. There are many apps which give help with identifying birdsong. One returning migrant to look out for is the House Martin. It’s usually a familiar sight in our villages from mid-April as they nest noisily under our eaves, and circle above our houses in the evenings. We hope they’ll return this year – last year we saw fewer of them – their numbers in the UK are sadly in long-term decline. As and when and if you see them, would you mail me? If you, like us, are enjoying watching birds in your gardens during this extra time at home, you might enjoy taking part in BTO’s ‘Garden Bird Watch’ (BTO stands for British Trust for Ornithology.) It’s a citizen science project to learn more about our own very local wildlife. BTO are giving free membership to everyone during the COVID-19 lockdown. You just have to watch from your

window, from time to time for a week, and keep a list of the species you see. BTO will help with identifying species. See the website for details. And talking of migrating species – check out where the cuckoos have got to … see Their tagged cuckoos are almost with us … but a friend in mid-Wales has already heard theirs! Sam Woodhouse [email protected] 078123 95912 Marston Magna Bowls is now cancelled until

further notice. If you would like more information, contact Tony Green on 01963 220943. Marlene Green

Rimpton Ladies Walking Group

All our future walks are cancelled. You are very much encouraged to do your own private walks, but do keep a good social distance from others

at all times

For full details contact Sheila Fewkes Tel 850227

THE MARSTON INN The Marston Inn, along with all Public Houses and Restaurants in the area are now closed, by order of HM Government. We wish everyone the very best of health and look forward to seeing you all after this crisis has ended. Many thanks from Jo Andrews Telephone 01935 850587 Neighbourhood Network - don’t forget! As covered in previously a few of us villagers have got together to offer help to both MM and Rimpton villagers, as and when needed. As someone who has an 89 year old father on his own in Hertfordshire, I know he doesn’t always feel well enough, for example, to go food shopping, go to appointments, collect tablets, take his dustbin down the drive etc, but he always welcomes visitors for a chat and a cuppa. So, it must be the

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case too in our two villages, perhaps more now than ever. If you need anything, or want a visit, please feel free to please call any of us listed below - perhaps even keep these numbers handy for whenever you might need them. Matthew Phillips: 01935 851399 / 07786 126686 Julia Phillips: 01935 851399 / 07770 827263 Eileen Oldham: 01935 851019 Ann McKee: 01935 850471 / 07710 355969 Campbell McKee: 01935 850471 / 07889 874893 Kate Whittell: 01935 851758 Matthew Whittell: 01935 851758 If anyone would to join our happy band, just let me know! JP

FIR VILLA COMMUNION Unfortunately the monthly Holy Communion service held at Fir Villa will not now take place this month, until the foreseeable future. For further information contact Revd. Barbara Stanton, 01935 850745.


All answers are to be found in “Our Village in the 20th Century” Copies are still available from Jenny Dench 850592 QUESTIONS 10-12 THE CHURCHES. How much was paid for the land to build the Methodist Church? EMPLOYMENT. How many people in the village were involved in breadmaking as an occupation in 1901? FAMILIES. Who served in World War 1 with the Royal Horse Artillery? ANSWERS TO QUESTIONS 7-9 Check out the list of tractors used by farmers in the post war period. Did you spot the error? David Brown manufactured tractors, not Gordon Brown! Page 31 The church bells were recast and rehung in 1912. Page 5 Forty-eight houses were built in Marston Magna in the 1970’s. Pages 199/200 Jenny Dench

Grateful thanks John and Brenda Spencer thank all those kind friends and neighbours in Rimpton and elsewhere who have sent loving messages, cards and gifts following Brenda’s fractured femur after a fall in the garden. She received the finest treatment one could wish for in Yeovil District Hospital and is making excellent strides, with the Therapist delighted at her progress. Thank you all very much for your great kindness. JS and BS Easter Greetings from Afar Nael Haj from Palestine, who stayed with the Spencers for a year a while ago, rang to wish all his Rimpton friends a happy Easter. He is working as a tourist guide - preferring English-speaking tourists - a testimony to the English he learned in Rimpton. Fortunately, his work continues as the Israeli Government recognises that tourism is the one thing at Easter that is keeping the country going. (God moves in a mysterious way. Ed.) JS and BS

CLOSURE OF PLAY EQUIPMENT The play equipment at our Village Halls are now out of bounds, as the Government Statement says, but the route through is still open for people walking to and from the West End and the Village. Signs are going up on all the equipment LH The Rimpton Community During these last two wet, dull months I have been reflecting on how lucky we all are to be part of the Rimpton family. We have had several very sad deaths, a lot of flood water, grey skies and too much talk of Brexit, global warming and the Coronavirus, but so many blessings too - an extraordinary community of selfless people who run our church, (no names, but a special thank you to Reverend Barbara and Tony Green), our village hall, and those who volunteer year after year to be on fete and harvest supper committees, who keep an eye on the elderly and above all, seem pleased to see each other whenever we meet. We may no longer have a shop or a pub at our centre, but news - not gossip! - is passed around with much kindness and those of us who go out for

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a walk each day will almost certainly bump into someone who will make them feel glad that we live in this lovely, peaceful, thoughtful and caring place.

Message to Rimpton from the First Responders team

As you are aware due to Covid 19 the government have advised that we must keep to "Social Distancing", this instruction obviously impacts the role of first responders. As a result, we will not be able to carry out our normal call out procedure until advised otherwise. We will obviously inform you when the situation changes, until then please dial 999 in any emergency as your first course of action. The defibrillator situated in the Telephone box is available for personal use if needed and any of our first responders can be called for advice. SW

Pandemic Conversations and Questions

The Corona Virus has thrown up all sorts of

profound challenges.

As well as the practical problems of living with

and managing the situation

it can also raise difficult and personal

questions about

life and death, faith and doubt, hope and fear,

meaning and meaninglessness.

perhaps the “where is God in all this?”


Simply acknowledging these questions can be


But if it would help to explore them or other

matters with one of us,

our Rector, or any of our clergy or lay readers

will be glad to talk things over.

Revd Barbara Stanton (850745), Revd Patrick

Woodhouse (850915)

Richard Gardner (850127), Tony Green


Revd Jeremy Swayne (850031)

If we are not immediately available

we will always respond to your message or

arrange another time to call.

Marston Magna & Rimpton WI Report for May 2020

All our plans for future WI meetings, lunches, outings, scrabble and book clubs, have been

cancelled until further notice, due to the Covid 19 pandemic. We will keep you posted. Submitted by Jill Eagland. MARSTON MAGNA PARISH COUNCIL

Full Minutes including all Appendices can be viewed and/or downloaded from the Village Website, by going to: - . Anybody unable to use the website who needs to see a hard copy of the full Minutes please contact any of the Councillors. DATE OF THE NEXT MEETING is to be advised. Lucy Gibbons – Clerk to Marston Magna Parish Council. Rose Cottage Pendomer Yeovil Somerset BA22 9PH. T: 01935 863106 Email: [email protected]

Archbishop launches free dial-in worship phone line during coronavirus lockdown

The Archbishop of Canterbury, Justin Welby, has launched a free national phone line as a simple new way to bring worship and prayer into people’s homes while church buildings are closed because of the coronavirus. Daily Hope, which is available from today, offers music, prayers and reflections as well as full worship services from the Church of England at the end of a telephone line. The line – which is available 24 hours a day on 0800 804 8044– has been set up particularly with those unable to join online church services during the period of restrictions in mind. Although thousands of churches across the country are now running services and prayer groups online while public worship remains suspended, many people – especially older people – do not have access to the internet. The line also recognises the impact of social distancing restrictions and self-isolation measures on those suffering from loneliness.

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RIMPTON PARISH COUNCIL The full Minutes of all meetings, including all

Appendices, can be viewed and/or downloaded

from the Village Website by going to

The minutes can be seen on the Rimpton website ( and (in part) on the village noticeboard, and you can also see them by getting in touch with the Parish Clerk. If you do not have an internet device, you should find the minutes on the noticeboard by the bus shelter, or you could ask the Clerk for a copy. The meetings for 2020 are scheduled now on 7th

July, 1st September and 3rd November. All these

meetings (if they take place) will be at 7:30 pm. The

meeting on 5th May has been postponed.

Patrick Pender-Cudlip, Clerk & RFO - Rimpton

Parish Council. The Cobblers, High Street, Queen

Camel, Yeovil, Somerset BA22 7NE; Tel. 01935

850692; [email protected]

Marston Magna Village Hall Management Committee

Unfortunately, the Village Hall is closed until further notice. Please take care everyone. Karen Price (Chairperson) Telephone 01935 851336 Email – [email protected]

Marston Magna Midsummer Fair

With considerable regret, we have made the decision to cancel the Midsummer Fair planned for 20th June, due to the Government’s advice on limiting mass gatherings to deal with the coronavirus outbreak. We will be considering other ways to raise funds for village causes over the next few weeks to compensate for the lack of income. If you have ideas and offers of support, please contact Ann McKee on 01935 850471. Many thanks Campbell [email protected]

Update from 3rd Sparkford Scout Group

Anyone who would like to get involved in our Scout group please contact our Group Scout Leader on [email protected] North Cadbury – Sparkford – Queen Camel – Marston Magna – South Cadbury – Corton Denham – Castle Cary – Compton Pauncefoot – Galhampton – West Camel – North Barrow and more!!! Our Scout, Cub and Beavers come from all these villages so please read our news. Thank you so much! For any other enquiries or ideas please contact Helen Wooldridge – [email protected]



AREA. The following Farmers’ Markets are taking place in our neighbourhood. Somerset Farmers’ Market 2019:- For more information visit or phone 01373 814646 Free to good home, Bechstein upright piano, metal frame and concert pitch. Taker must collect. Contact Russ Woodland 07818 445410.


A small friendly Club with 2 floodlit hard courts for all players on either a ‘Pay & Play’ basis or as a club member. A wide variety of coaching is available including Saturday a.m. coaching

for Juniors plus Camps in the holidays. CLOSED AT THE MOMENT UFN

We welcome new members for the season that will start in June?

Visit or call the Club Secretary on 01935 850300 for more


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THE LITTLE CURTAIN WORKSHOP Beautiful Fabrics, Handmade Curtains, Blinds and

Soft furnishings Unit 4, Barrows Hill Farm

East Chinnock, Yeovil Somerset BA22 9EY 01935 862700

KEITH TUCKER – Carpentry, Joinery, Building. -

Also, Handmade Kitchens, Fitted Kitchens,

Refurbishments, Garden Summer Houses and Furniture.

Orchard Carpentry, Tel. 0779 954 6088

Gardening work undertaken locally, good reference's, call Graham on 07969 869774.

[email protected]

Just a quick message to say thank you for all your orders for veg and tomatoes. You’re keen! I've been so overwhelmed though and will have to put a halt to taking anymore now. I will be sending out perennial and basket plant lists this weekend, with the intention of you ordering those too and then, only coming out to collect once. At this later time, there may be veg and tomato plants available. I can take hanging basket orders but only have limited stock this year. Keep well everyone....and if you can share collection of orders that'll help. Best wishes all. Derryn and Ollie Vale of Camelot Growers Sparkford BA22 7JR [email protected] Tel : 07969 372979

BROADBAND PROBLEM? Any computer problem

solved: computers, networks or phone

lines. Broadband and networking installed for home

or office. Specialist engineer BT trained with over 30

years experience. Quality guaranteed, friendly service.

Tel. Richard Crabb 01935 808094 email

[email protected]


Part P Registered, Over 30 years experience, small jobs welcome, personal service.- Rewiring,

replacement fuse boards, extra sockets, lights etc. fault finding.

Telephone 01935 850027 & 07836 710130

TREE CARE Chris Lee- Qualified Tree Surgeon

NCH (Arb) & NPTC, Gardener, Hedge Trimming,

Landscaping & more. Etc. Garden & Tree

Maintenance. Tel 01963 440352, New Number Mobile

07899 000107

ROSEBUD Lady gardener. RHS trained. 01963 220615 and 07708 267854, [email protected]


Domestic/Commercial/Security (Inc. alarms/CCTV)

from extra sockets to Full Rewire. Tel: 01935 891090,

Mobile 07889511576. Covering Dorset & surrounding

areas. Part P Registered for Building Regulations.

Lawrence Dolan City & Guilds Accredited. Free


Graham Raymond, Electrical & Plumbing Services, Installer of Quality Bathrooms & Kitchens including Tiling, Breakdowns, Repairs, Alterations & Upgrades. Free Estimates, Trading locally for 34 years. Please call Landline: 01935 851700 or my mobile: 07976 307449

Carer with 20 years’ experience Friendly & discreet DBS insurance References on South

Somerset micro Provider directory: offering but not limited to Personal care - Meal preparation -

Housekeeping trips – Companionship – Respite - Sitting service - Return from hospital care. Rainbowsmile care 07944 879437 Kara

Page 18: AND · 2020. 4. 29. · 2 THE PARISHES OF ST MARY THE VIRGIN, MARSTON MAGNA and RIMPTON RECTOR. Revd. Barbara Stanton


J C Roofing

& Building

Maintenance General roof repairs of pitched and

flat roofs

Chimney repointing and lead

flashings Timber and plaster repairs

Gutter, fascia and soffit

replacement Contact your local tradesman on

Land 01935 840277

Mobile 07483 832654

Caroline Holbrook Tuition - Does your child need extra support to achieve their true potential? Are they lacking in confidence? If you are wondering how you can best support your child with Maths or English, I can offer weekly sessions, giving tailored support to meet their needs. As a very experienced primary school teacher, I would love to help your child gain greater confidence and knowledge to help them progress. Please contact me to arrange a first session: 07751156180. [email protected]


Removals will move your furniture or store your

goods. Office: - Wincanton Business Park,

Wincanton, Somerset, BA9 9 RT, Tel. 01963 34065,

email [email protected]

web using code BW 222

Reliable Honest Friendly Service for all your Motoring

Needs. Garden Machine Repair & Service. All types of Car or Van

Maintenance, Services and Repairs, Diagnostics, Fully Mobile,

MOT Pre-Check and Call out Service. Call Simon: 07969 123425 or

01935 850403 [email protected]

Rimpton, Yeovil.






Mell’s Helping Hand – Hi, my name is Mell. I am local to the area. I would like to offer my services to you, in your

home. I can help with: *Cleaning *Personal Care * Dog Walking and sitting. DBS Checked. Over 4

years’ experience in care. FOR MORE INFORMATION ON MY SERVICES CALL:

07495 934766

Page 19: AND · 2020. 4. 29. · 2 THE PARISHES OF ST MARY THE VIRGIN, MARSTON MAGNA and RIMPTON RECTOR. Revd. Barbara Stanton


Garden Machinery Sales & Service Unfortunately, due to retirement we are no longer able to service garden Machinery.

Apologies for any inconvenience.

Draper hand power tools plus Gardening tools, Corded and Coreless Power Tools, Drill Bits, Spanner sets, Socket sets, Screw Drivers, Hammers, Chisels, Punches

and many others. Water fittings, Electric fencing, Auto electrical consumables,

Antifreeze, Batteries, Oils, Maintenance sprays, Gloves, Gate Hardware

Pet food, A selection of pet food and

treats are in stock,

, Location. Come and see for yourself at Rimpton Road Marston Magna

TEL 01935 850426 Opening times

Mon – Fri 8 am – 5.00pm Sat 8 am – 12.00 noon







Over 15 years experience

Grass Cutting

Fence painting

Hedge trimming/Cutting

Rose pruning

Turfing/grass seeding


Borders edges & tidied

Plus More

Contact Mark

Tel: 01935 424212

Mob: 07591 907214

10 years experience at Scotts Nurseries


YOGA Rimpton Village Hall

Regular weekly Wednesday class

9.30 – 10.30am

Sandford Orcas Village Hall

Regular weekly Monday Class

6.30 – 7.30pm

£6 per class

Kate Whittell

07881628780 or

[email protected]

All abilities very welcome

Classes involve standing and floor work

Please bring a yoga/pilates mat if you have one


Holistic Healing for Mind, Body and


Fenella Raymont

Reiki Practitioner

& Crystal Healer

01935 851271 or 07790 937030

[email protected]

Page 20: AND · 2020. 4. 29. · 2 THE PARISHES OF ST MARY THE VIRGIN, MARSTON MAGNA and RIMPTON RECTOR. Revd. Barbara Stanton


Pilates Pilates Foundation

Friday at Marston Magna Village Hall

5.00pm – 6.00pm (Beginners)

6.15pm – 7.15pm (Intermediate)

Contact Mo for details on:


[email protected]

Private Sessions 1 to 1 also available

We welcome new visitors of all ages and abilities

Looking after you and your


• We can offer help with cleaning,

washing and ironing and other task

to keep your house tidy

• Helping you to get up, wash,

shower or bathe, get dressed and

have breakfast.

• We can drive you to appointments

or shopping and once there, will

help you every step of the way.

• Meal preparation at Lunchtime and

teatime 7 days a week, we offer a

hot fish and chips from the local

chippy and delivery to your


• We are qualified and experienced

small team of community workers

and looking forward to hearing from


Tel: 01935 507792 or 07895718611

Email: [email protected]

Xtra Help In

Sarah Barry Self Employed Support Worker

• Regular and one-off support available

• Personalised approach (what is important to you?)

• Dementia Friend

• DBS checked

• Compassionate and practical

• Understands the role of a carer Tel: 01935 812908 / 07970 402457

Email: [email protected]

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RIMPTON VILLAGE HALL DIARY – What’s on? – Regular items and contacts Wednesdays

7.30p.m. – 10.00 p.m. Badminton Mrs Anne Ing 850315 - SUSPENDED For the Diary

5th May 2020 - Annual Parish Meeting is postponed May - Everything is cancelled/Postponed For hall bookings – please contact Dale McLoughlin – 851100

MARSTON MAGNA VILLAGE HALL DIARY - What's on? - Regular items and contacts.


09.00 a.m. – 11.00 a.m. Aerobics Classes. Steph Edwards 07444 979297 - SUSPENDED

11.00 a.m. – 12 noon Standing & Floor Exercise – 5-week course starting 22.07.2019 by Steph. - SUSPENDED

Winter 12.30 – summer 19.30 p.m. - 2nd Monday monthly W.I – Cynthia Eydmann 851392- SUSPENDED


2.30 – 4.30 p.m. Short Mat Bowls Tony Green 01963 220943 - SUSPENDED


10 a.m. – 12 noon Marston Village Café Beryl Field 850705 - SUSPENDED

5.00 p.m.- 7.15 p.m. Pilates Contact Mo 07815 748518 - SUSPENDED

Various classes – do look at notice board in Village Hall

For the Diary. May - Everything is cancelled or postponed, including the Parish Meeting 20th June - Midsummer Fair is cancelled For Village Hall bookings – please contact Mrs C. Griffiths Tel. 850647. The Mobile Library will NOT be in Rimpton UFN. The Mobile Library has now been cancelled and will not be calling until further notice. Re-cycling- Every THURSDAY in Marston Magna and Rimpton from 7 a.m., and Wheelie Bin Collections are also from 7 a.m., normally on Thursdays and will be on the 14th and 28th May 2020. This does depend upon available staff. Please see Page 9 for more details.

The Story Pig Free range Tamworth pork, from our farm in Sandford Orcas. Ask us to supply you with our amazing bacon, sausages, joints, gammons and lots more. Buy Local, delivered to your door! We

deliver our own meat, local veg, milk, cheese and eggs. Plus, ready meals cooked by Charlotte.

Our Tamworth Hog Roast

Moist and succulent and beautifully tender. Nothing like our Tamworth taste and crackling!

James & Charlotte

Tel. 07724885353, 07802443905 [email protected]

Page 22: AND · 2020. 4. 29. · 2 THE PARISHES OF ST MARY THE VIRGIN, MARSTON MAGNA and RIMPTON RECTOR. Revd. Barbara Stanton