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Academic Vocabulary

Verbs that you will see in test and homework questions

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0To break something into its individual parts, study them, and determine how they work together to form a whole.

0Other Forms: analysis, analyzing, analyzed

0Related words: break apart, dissect, deconstruct

0Sample question: Analyze the author’s use of literary devices in the following poem.

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0To put the skills or information you have learned to use.

0Other Forms: application, applying, applied

0Related words: utilize, employ, use

0Sample question: Apply your knowledge of capitalization rules to edit the following paragraph.

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0To determine how two things are similar or alike.

0Other Forms: comparison, comparing, comparable

0Related words: connect, relate, similarities(noun), liken

0Sample question: Compare Twilight’s Edward Cullen to Dracula’s Count Dracula.

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0To determine how two things are different or unlike.

0Other Forms: contrasting, contrasted, in contrast

0Related words: differentiate, distinguish, discriminate, draw a distinction

0Sample question: Contrast the themes of Poe’s The Tell-Tale Heart and The Raven.

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0 To understand or grasp the meaning or significance of something.

0 Other Forms: comprehension, comprehending, comprehended

0 Related words: understand, recognize, realize, grasp, appreciate

0 Sample question: What do you comprehend about the setting of A Christmas Carol?

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0To group like items under a specific category.

0Other Forms: classification, classifiable, classifying

0Related words: order, organize, categorize, sort, catalogue

0Sample question: Classify the following pronouns as nominative, objective, or possessive.

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0To examine or review something and discuss its strengths and weaknesses.

0Other Forms: criticism, criticize, critical, critic, critical

0Related words: examine, review, opinion(noun), appraise, assess

0Sample question: Critique your descriptive essay rough draft.

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0To create a mental picture of someone or something.

0Other Forms: describing, description, described

0Related words: recreate, portray, depict, illustrate, express

0Sample question: Describe the Secret Annex in The Diary of Anne Frank.

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0To determine or assess the value, worth, or condition of something.

0Other Forms: evaluation, evaluated, reevaluate

0Related words: assess, appraise, rate

0Sample question: Evaluate the importance of correct grammar in e-mails and texts.

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0To clarify a statement by using facts, evidence, and details.

0Other Forms: explanation, explain, explained

0Related words: clarify, demonstrate, expound

0Sample question: Would you rather live forever and be poor, or die young but be rich? Explain your opinion.

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0To find or recognize something and name it.

0Other Forms: identifying, identified, identifiable

0Related words: find, recognize, detect, distinguish

0Sample question: Identify the transitive verbs in the following sentences.

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0To combine your prior knowledge (schema) and clues from the text to figure out something the author did not directly say.

0Other Forms: inference, inferring, inferred

0Related words: conclude, gather, understand, assume

0Sample question: What can you infer from Little Miss Muppet’s behavior when the spider appeared beside her?

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0To decipher or determine the meaning of something.

0Other Forms: interpretation, interpreting, interpreted

0Related words: clarify, understand, construe

0Sample question: Interpret the symbolism of the raven in Poe’s poem, “The Raven.”

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0To draw a reasonable conclusion about what might happen next based on clues in the text.

0Other Forms: prediction, predictable, predicting, predicted

0Related words: guess, envision, expect, foretell

0Sample question: Predict what the story might be about based on the title and the cover illustration.

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0To reduce a text to its essential elements and main points.

0Other Forms: sum up, summary, summative, summarizing, summarized

0Related words: reduce, recap, condense, abridge

0Sample question: Summarize the first two paragraphs of this passage.

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0To create or produce a new product by combining new and prior knowledge.

0Other Forms: synthesis, synthesizing

0Related words: create, produce, combine, make

0Sample question: Using your knowledge of Greek and Latin root words, synthesize a new word to mean the study of underwater alien life forms.