Yay it’s finally Monday. I was so excited it felt like my head was going to blow up. All the year six’s are going to camp today plus no year 5’s for a

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Page 1: Yay it’s finally Monday. I was so excited it felt like my head was going to blow up. All the year six’s are going to camp today plus no year 5’s for a
Page 2: Yay it’s finally Monday. I was so excited it felt like my head was going to blow up. All the year six’s are going to camp today plus no year 5’s for a

Yay it’s finally Monday. I was so excited it felt like my head was going to blow up. All the year six’s are going to camp today plus no year 5’s for a week. One whole week. Yes I thought this will be the best week EVER!!! A whole week full of adventure walking in the pouring rain, climbing the biggest mountain in the universe, seeing a 16 year old hero’s grave, conquering the smallest and largest caves in the region and finally staring straight at 2 beautiful waterfalls. WOW what a jam packed week. I was thinking that the week would be really hard. But still nobody would notice because we would all be having so much fun.

Page 3: Yay it’s finally Monday. I was so excited it felt like my head was going to blow up. All the year six’s are going to camp today plus no year 5’s for a

When we got to gamp it was soaking wet. It was like the place had just taken a shower. Most of us were hungry and tired and we just wanted to have dinner and then go to bed, but NO we had to go for a walk in the RAIN!!! When we got back we were all completely saturated. We got changed and then went into the dinning room to get dinner where Miss Hewett had lit the fire. When we got dinner everyone dug in. It took me about 5 minutes to finish my dinner but it only took Hamish like 1 minute because he is a human vaccum cleaner. After dinner a lady called Aniwa came in and told us about the forest and its predators. I really enjoyed listening to her it was really interesting. After supper we went to bed we were all really tired so most of us got to sleep pretty fast.

Page 4: Yay it’s finally Monday. I was so excited it felt like my head was going to blow up. All the year six’s are going to camp today plus no year 5’s for a

On Tuesday the boys woke up really early and we were really loud so we got in heaps of trouble. After our scrumptious breakfast we headed off for Ngamoko (The biggest mountain ever). When we had walked up Ngamoko for about 10 minutes we saw a huge Rata tree we nicknamed it the Avatar tree. We still had about 1 hour and 45 minutes to go and that’s just up. When we got t the top we were all breathing like our lungs had popped. When we were going down me Adam, Angus and Adam had a competition where we could see who could actually look like they were spewing. We were using our water bottles.

Page 5: Yay it’s finally Monday. I was so excited it felt like my head was going to blow up. All the year six’s are going to camp today plus no year 5’s for a

When it came to Wednesday morning we were all excited to go caving, but I wasn’t too happy because I was one of the only people who couldn’t find my head lamp. Before we went to go caving we went to see Michael Noonan's grave. It was quite sad listening to how he died but at least he saved a lot of the people of the tribe’s lives. We also saw a 43 year old mans grave and we thought he would have been quite old for back then. But the saddest grave we saw was a 9 month old baby’s grave and I thought that would be really sad for a mum to lose a child that young. After that we went caving, in the end I think we went through about 5 or 6 caves. My favourite cave was the one that was a tunnel that went straight up. It was like rock climbing up it.

Page 6: Yay it’s finally Monday. I was so excited it felt like my head was going to blow up. All the year six’s are going to camp today plus no year 5’s for a

On Thursday all the kids were tired from the hard week but we still hadn’t gone to see the waterfalls yet. When we saw the waterfalls all of our faces lit up. It was such an awesome sight; me, Jess and Monica were talking about how awesome it would be to kayak down it, but I don’t think any of us had the guts to do that. Back at camp we had an hour of free time. Me and my friends played a magnet game called YIKERS!!! that Riley brought. We had so much fun playing it.

Page 7: Yay it’s finally Monday. I was so excited it felt like my head was going to blow up. All the year six’s are going to camp today plus no year 5’s for a

On Friday we were all were sad to leave the camp but before we left we went down to the courts to play some games. I played Donkey with the rugby ball and I played cricket as well. When we left Grantee bear made us laugh so hard in the car we forgot about camp. We had such an awesome time.