Yan(Simon) Gao Max Hernandez- Toso Yimin(Mimi) Jiang Debby Keller Jason Knight Non-Profit Assignment Disease Specific Health Group

Yan(Simon) Gao Max Hernandez-Toso Yimin(Mimi) Jiang Debby Keller Jason Knight Non-Profit Assignment Disease Specific Health Group

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Page 1: Yan(Simon) Gao Max Hernandez-Toso Yimin(Mimi) Jiang Debby Keller Jason Knight Non-Profit Assignment Disease Specific Health Group

Yan(Simon) Gao

Max Hernandez-Toso

Yimin(Mimi) Jiang

Debby Keller

Jason Knight

Non-Profit AssignmentDisease Specific Health Group

Page 2: Yan(Simon) Gao Max Hernandez-Toso Yimin(Mimi) Jiang Debby Keller Jason Knight Non-Profit Assignment Disease Specific Health Group

Nonprofit Disease Specific Health 2

Industry Overview

• The basic value proposition of the websites:– Reliable, comprehensive information about the

disease – Resources for treatment, research, and support– Outlets to volunteer & donate to the cause

…through an easy-to-use interface. • No shareholders in non-profit corporations

– Organizations remain viable on the basis of donations

Page 3: Yan(Simon) Gao Max Hernandez-Toso Yimin(Mimi) Jiang Debby Keller Jason Knight Non-Profit Assignment Disease Specific Health Group

Nonprofit Disease Specific Health 3

Major Players

American Cancer Society www.cancer.org

American Diabetes Foundation www.diabetes.org

American Heart Association www.amheart.org

American Leukemia Association www.leukemia.org

March of Dimes (Birth Defects) www.modimes.org

Muscular Dystrophy Association www.mdausa.org

Sickle Cell Association of America


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Nonprofit Disease Specific Health 4

Overview of Pages

Free Health Materials Online Directory for Medical Resources Services and Resource

Get Involved Take action Planed giving and donation Relay for life

General Information Type of Disease Prevention and Treatment OptionsResearch and statistics

Patient Services

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Nonprofit Disease Specific Health 5

A Sample Front Pagewww.americanheart.org

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Nonprofit Disease Specific Health 6

Basics• People visit the site for the following INTERESTS:

– To look for general or lower level information (patient and their families, general public)

– To look for detailed information or higher level information (researchers and health care providers)

– To donate money or to check the organizational goals, program and performance (donors and general public)

• While visiting, perform the following OPERATIONS:– Information search

– Donations by credit card or by contacting representatives

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Nonprofit Disease Specific Health 7

Consumers• People suffering from the specific disease• People with a family member, friend, loved one

suffering from the specific disease• Philanthropists (current and potential donators)• General public who want information• Research professionals

-“…services to health care providers, patients, member organizations, educators, researchers, counselors and the general public.”

-The Sickle Cell Disease Assoc. of America (http://www.sicklecelldisease.org)

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Nonprofit Disease Specific Health 8

Strategies to Attract Customers• Celebrity Endorsement

– Jerry Lewis Telethon for Muscular Dystrophy Association

• Partnerships with Hospitals & Schools• Community Events (With online Info/Sign-Up)

– Walk America (March of Dimes)

– Tour de Cure (American Diabetes Assoc)

– Light the Night Walk (Leukemia Society of America)

– Great American Smoke Out (American Lung Association)

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Nonprofit Disease Specific Health 9

Provide organization information for potential donorsAnnual Report, Financial Statements,  Posted Meetings

•Publishing/Distribution of Educational Materials (all)

•Technical Training and Assistance (Sickle Cell)

•Research Support (all)

•National Convention and Workshops (all)

•Scholarships (all)

Strategies to Attract Customers (cont.)

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Nonprofit Disease Specific Health 10

Sample Online Donation Forms

User Registrationwww.cancer.org

Donation Paymentwww.mdusa.com

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Nonprofit Disease Specific Health 11

Value Additions• Partnerships with Major Merchants

– 5-15% of purchase benefits organization• (Muscular Dystrophy, March of Dimes)

• Current Journal and News Articles• Search engines/Online directory of medical resources• Online secure sites for immediate donations• Research publications• Disease Information center

– Definition, Prevention, Risk Factors, Detection/Symptoms, Treatment, and Survivorship)

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Nonprofit Disease Specific Health 12

Value Additions (cont.)

• Plan Gifts (for will or trust)– American Diabetes Association

• Statistical facts & figures• (example from the American Cancer

Society at right)

• Calendar of events and posted meetings across regions

• Health and social relative issues – Tobacco control on the American Lung

Association page

• Multilingual-versions of the website site

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Nonprofit Disease Specific Health 13

Strategies to Retain Customers• Site Customization (American Diabetes Foundation)

• Periodic funding opportunities for research professionals (all)

– Customers are committing to an on-going relationship

• “Ask the Expert” service (Muscular Dystrophy Association) – If customers find the expert responses useful, they will

come back when more questions arise

• Suggestion: Email newsletter (with unsubscribe option)– Targeted information for customer if they entered that info on the online form

– Updates on new information/features on the site

– Reminders to donate around tax time

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Attracting, Retaining, and Adding Value:


• Only display and promote material aligned with standardized protocols of care

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Nonprofit Disease Specific Health 15


• Explosion of disease and health information on the Internet

• In 1998, 17 million people sought health information from the Internet, and the number was expected to double within 2 years (Source: GartnerGroup, 1998)

– Many sites are not credible or regulated

• Value added features will be a pivotal role in the survival of non-profit disease specific sites