SMPK1 BPK Penabur Bandung Name : Learning Resource Number: SECONDARY 2 BIOLOGY Human Reproductive System 1. There are _____ ovaries (female gonads). 2. The ovary produces eggs or ova (female gametes), female sex ___________ and ___________ that regulate the menstrual cycle, pregnancy, and the secondary sexual characteristics (e.g. _________________________________________) 3. Puberty is the time during teenage years when females start to releases eggs. Puberty occurs a couple years _____________ for females than males usually. 4. Menopause is the time when females ___________ releasing eggs. This usually occurs between 45-55 years age. 5. At birth, females have all their eggs formed, but in immature state. After puberty and before menopause, one egg is released about every _____ days from each ovary. 6. Oviduct or Falopian tube connects the ovary and ___________. 7. Oviduct is the place where conception or fertilization of an egg by a _________ occur. 8. Uterus or womb is a strong muscular and elastic organ where an unborn __________ develops. 9. After an ______ released from the ovary, a blood-lining develops on the walls of the uterus (or called ____________________) in preparation for the ____________________ of the unborn baby. If no fertilization of the egg occurs, then this lining passes out through vagina over several days as ‘periods’ or _____________________. 10. The opening between uterus and vagina is called ____________. 11. During pregnancy, a mucous plug forms across the cervix separating the uterus from the outside to prevent _____________ of the unborn baby. 12. The place where ______________ is inserted during sexual intercourse is called ____________. This structure is an elastic muscular organ that _______________ during birth to allow for the passage of the baby. 13. The menstrual cycle begins at _________________ and ceases at menopause. 14. Menstruation is regulated by female sex hormones, estrogen and _______________. 15. Menstruation is the release of the blood-filled lining of the uterus if a woman is not pregnant. It begins on Day 1 when menstruation begins and lasts about ____ days.

Worksheet. Chapter 12. Human Reproductive System

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Worksheet to review human reproductive system in detail, organs, functions, fertilisation, pregnancy and birth

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Page 1: Worksheet. Chapter 12. Human Reproductive System

SMPK1 BPK Penabur Bandung Name : Learning Resource Number:SECONDARY 2 BIOLOGY

Human Reproductive System

1. There are _____ ovaries (female gonads).

2. The ovary produces eggs or ova (female gametes), female sex ___________ and ___________ that regulate the

menstrual cycle, pregnancy, and the secondary sexual characteristics (e.g.


3. Puberty is the time during teenage years when females start to releases eggs. Puberty occurs a couple years

_____________ for females than males usually.

4. Menopause is the time when females ___________ releasing eggs. This usually occurs between 45-55 years age.

5. At birth, females have all their eggs formed, but in immature state. After puberty and before menopause, one

egg is released about every _____ days from each ovary.

6. Oviduct or Falopian tube connects the ovary and ___________.

7. Oviduct is the place where conception or fertilization of an egg by a _________ occur.

8. Uterus or womb is a strong muscular and elastic organ where an unborn __________ develops.

9. After an ______ released from the ovary, a blood-lining develops on the walls of the uterus (or called

____________________) in preparation for the ____________________ of the unborn baby. If no fertilization of

the egg occurs, then this lining passes out through vagina over several days as ‘periods’ or


10. The opening between uterus and vagina is called ____________.

11. During pregnancy, a mucous plug forms across the cervix separating the uterus from the outside to prevent

_____________ of the unborn baby.

12. The place where ______________ is inserted during sexual intercourse is called ____________. This structure is

an elastic muscular organ that _______________ during birth to allow for the passage of the baby.

13. The menstrual cycle begins at _________________ and ceases at menopause.

14. Menstruation is regulated by female sex hormones, estrogen and _______________.

15. Menstruation is the release of the blood-filled lining of the uterus if a woman is not pregnant. It begins on Day 1

when menstruation begins and lasts about ____ days.

16. The release of the egg from the ovary between days 12-16 is called the ________________.

17. A woman will become pregnant if fertilisation (the ________________ of an egg and the sperm) occurs several

days after ovulation when the egg is in the _________________. During pregnancy, menstruation


18. The hypothalamus in the brain stimulated the pituitary gland in the brain to produce the hormone FSH (follicle-

stimulating hormone). FSH stimulates _____________________________ in the ovary. The follicle in the ovary

secretes estrogen which stimulates the repair of the terus wall after __________________ and it also stimulates

the pituitary gland to produce LH (luteinizing hormone). This hormone prevents more than one follicle from

developing. LH induces ovulation (release of the _________) and the development of the follicle into the corpus

_________. The corpus luteum secretes progesterone.

19. One function of progesterone is to _____________________________. If a female becomes pregnant, the

corpus luteum will secrete gonadotropin which allows the corpus luteum to continue producing progesterone

which stimulates the growth of the uterus wall, by inhibiting LH and FSH.

Page 2: Worksheet. Chapter 12. Human Reproductive System

20. If the woman does not become pregnant, the corpus luteum _______________, which leads to less production

of progesterone and estrogen, and the menstruation will occur, and another menstrual cycle begins because the

lower progesterone and estrogen levels will stimulates the ______________ gland in the brain to produce FSH.

21. After sexual intercourse, the sperm can live inside the female reproductive organs for _____ hours maximum.

The sperm will then travels up the uterus to join with the egg in the Fallopian tube.

22. The single-celled fertilised egg is called a _________.

23. 23 chromosomes of the sperm and 23 chromosomes of the egg combine in the zygote’s nucleus, so that the

developing baby has ________ chromosomes.

24. Internal fertilisation occurs when the male gamete joins with the female gamete inside an organism (e.g. in

_________________). An advantage is that the survival rate is higher, but the number of offspring is


25. External fertilisation occurs when male gamete joins the female gamete outside the organism (e.g.

____________). This often occurs in _________ environment, many offspring are produced, but there is a low

survival rate.

26. Gestation in human lasts about 36 weeks or ____ months.

27. The first sign of pregnancy is usually ________ of menstruation.

28. After fertilisation in the oviduct, the zygote multiplies to form a ball of cells called ___________ which travels

down the uterus.

29. The embryo implants into the wall of the _______________.

30. At place where implantation occurs, an organ called the _________________ develops.

31. The umbilical cord grows between the __________________ and the unborn baby’s navel.

32. Inside the umbilical cord are blood vessels which provide nutrients and oxygen to the baby, and return wastes

such as _________________________________ back to the mother’s bloodstream.

33. The baby is called _________ when it is 0-8 weeks old.

34. The baby is surrounded by _______________________ inside an amniotic sac.

35. In the 9th month of pregnancy, the fetus turns upside down, and the mother’s breasts enlarge ready for

_______________ production.

36. After about 9 months the ‘plug’ at the cervix releases, the _______________ breaks and fluid comes through the

vagina (‘breaking of the water’).

37. Muscular contraction occur to both dilate the ____________ and push out the baby head first from the


38. Further muscular contractions expel the ___________________ which cut close to the baby’s navel.

39. The mother begins breast milk production. The production of the milk is affected by a hormone called


40. The mother begins ________________ cycle again after the lining of the uterus from the pregnancy has been

expelled over several days.