Voltaire II

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T H E R T . H O N . J O H N M O R L E Y  

F O R T Y - T H R E E V O L U M E S








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Limited to one thousand sets

for America and reat !ritain"

# $!et%een t%o ser&ants of 'umanit() %ho a**eared

ei+hteen hundred (ears a*art) there is a m(sterious re,ation"

- - - - Let us sa( it %ith a sentiment of

*rofound res*ect. /ES0S WEPT. VOLTAIRE S1ILED"

Of that di&ine tear and of that human smi,e is com*osed the

s%eetness of the *resent ci&i,i2ation#




'ER '0S!ANO$4 TO1!

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 T'E RT" 'ON" /O'N 1ORLE5









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!5 E" R" D01ONT




1ADE !5







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ort stories) are




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e of

"; SO

it a


From #1odern !oo>indin+"# t

e reound" $ he &o,um eand it had to

'P'ESE RO1ANCES) most,( short stories) are

- re+arded ( man( of the foremost e?*erts in

,iterature as amon+ the nest and stron+est *roduc8

tions of Vo,taire$s uniGue ,iterar( +enius" Each %as

%ritten %ith a denite *ur*oseH it ho,ds the mirror

u* to a de,usion of the da() and *erha*s to some of

our da(" This it does ruth,ess,( enou+h) (et %ith so

+racious a humor that the shoc> carries %ith it a

sensation of e?Guisite *,easure and tonic after8eect"

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 The( ha&e a,, the est characteristics of the Orienta,

ta,es then in &o+ue) and as e?am*,es of *ure st(,e in

its most de,icate modes of e?*ression the( are ri+ht,(

*ronounced incom*ara,e"


I" 3ADI . T'E 15STER5 OF FATE " " B

 The ,ind of one e(e H the nose H the do+ and

the horseH the en&ious manH the +enerousH

the minister H the dis*utes and the audiences H

 Jea,ous(H the %oman eaterH s,a&er(H the

funera, *i,eH the su**erH the rende2&ousH the

danceH ,ue e(esH the roerH the shermanH

the asi,is> H the comats H the hermit H the




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Ad&entures of /ohnn( and his %orth( fatherH

the contro&ers( of the # uts# H /ohnn( returns

to London H the( %ant to +et /ohnn( marriedH

a terri,e ad&enture H %hat ha**ened in

America H dia,o+ue on atheism H /ohnn($s


III" T'E W'ITE !0LL ;<

 The Princess Amasidia meets a u,,H Pha8

raoh$s ma+icianH the Princess and the ser8

*ent H the( %anted to sacrice the u,, and

e?orcise the Princess H the ser*ent comforts

the Princess %ith stories H it fai,s to do so H

the( %ant to ehead the Princess) ut do not H

a*otheosis of the %hite u,,"


Nationa, *o&ert( H disaster of the man of

fort( cro%ns H con&ersation %ith a +eometri8

cian H ad&enture %ith a Carme,ite H the man

of fort( cro%ns marries H on ta?es *aid to a

forei+n *o%erH on *ro*ortionsH a +reat Guar8

re,H a rasca, re*u,sed H a +ood su**er at 1r"


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 There ,i&ed at !a(,on) in the rei+n of Kin+

1oadar) a (oun+ man) named 3adi+) of a +ood

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natura, dis*osition) stren+thened and im*ro&ed (

education" Thou+h rich and (oun+) he had ,earned

to moderate his *assions" 'e had nothin+ sti

or aected in his eha&ior" 'e did not *retend to

e?amine e&er( action ( the strict ru,es of reason)

ut %as a,%a(s read( to ma>e *ro*er a,,o%ances

for the %ea>ness of man>ind" It %as a matter of

sur*rise that) not%ithstandin+ his s*ri+ht,( %it) he

ne&er e?*osed ( his rai,,er( those &a+ue) inco8

herent) and nois( discourses H those rash censures)

i+norant decisions) coarse Jests) and a,, that em*t(

 Jin+,e of %ords %hich at !a(,on %ent ( the

name of con&ersation" 'e had ,earned) in the rst

oo> of 3oroaster) that se,f8,o&e is a foot8a,,

s%e,,ed %ith %ind) from %hich) %hen *ierced) the

most terri,e tem*ests issue forth" Ao&e a,,)

3adi+ ne&er oasted of his conGuests amon+ the

%omen) nor aected to entertain a contem*ti,e

o*inion of the fair se?" 'e %as +enerous) and %as


4 3adi+ . The 1(ster( of Fate"

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ne&er afraid of o,i+in+ the un+ratefu, H remem8

erin+ the +rand *rece*t of 3oroaster) #When

thou eatest) +i&e to the do+s) shou,d the( e&en ite

thee"# 'e %as as %ise "as it is *ossi,e for a man

to eH for he sou+ht to ,i&e %ith the %ise"

Instructed in the sciences of the ancient Cha,dseans)

he understood the *rinci*,es of natura, *hi,os8

o*h() such as the( %ere then su**osed to eH and

>ne% as much of meta*h(sics as has e&er een

>no%n in an( a+e) that is) ,itt,e or nothin+ at a,,"

'e %as rm,( *ersuaded) not%ithstandin+ the ne%

*hi,oso*h( of the times) that the (ear consisted of

three hundred and si?t(8&e da(s and si? hours)

and that the sun %as the centre of the so,ar s(s8

tem" When the *rinci*a, ma+i to,d him) %ith a

hau+ht( and contem*tuous air) that his sentiments

%ere of a dan+erous tendenc() and that it %as to

e an enem( to the state to e,ie&e that the sun

re&o,&ed around its o%n a?is) and that the (ear had

t%e,&e months) he he,d his ton+ue %ith +reat mod8

est( and mee>ness"

Possessed as he %as of +reat riches) and conse8

Guent,( of man( friends) ,essed %ith a +ood con8

stitution) a handsome +ure) a mind Just and mod8

erate) and a heart no,e and sincere) he fond,(

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ima+ined that he mi+ht easi,( e ha**(" 'e %as

+oin+ to e married to Semira) %ho) in *oint of

eaut() irth and fortune) %as the rst match in

!a(,on" 'e had a rea, and &irtuous aection for

this ,ad() and she ,o&ed him %ith the most *assion8

3adi+. The 1(ster( of Fate"

ate fondness" The ha**( moment had a,most ar8

ri&ed that %as to unite them fore&er in the ands

of %ed,oc>) %hen) ha**enin+ to ta>e a %a,> to8

+ether to%ard one of the +ates of !a(,on) under

the *a,m8trees that adorn the an>s of the Eu8

*hrates) the( sa% some men a**roachin+) armed

%ith sares and arro%s" These %ere the attendants

of (oun+ Orcan) the minister$s ne*he%) %hom his

unc,e$s creatures had Mattered into an o*inion that

he mi+ht do e&er(thin+ %ith im*unit(" 'e had

none of the +races nor &irtues of 3adi+H ut thin>8

in+ himse,f a much more accom*,ished man) he

%as enra+ed to nd that the other %as *referred

efore him" This Jea,ous() %hich %as mere,( the

eect of his &anit() made him ima+ine that he %as

des*erate,( in ,o&e %ith SemiraH and accordin+,(

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he reso,&ed to carr( her o" The ra&ishers sei2ed

herH in the &io,ence of the outra+e the( %ounded

her) and made the ,ood Mo% from a *erson) the

si+ht of %hom %ou,d ha&e softened the ti+ers of

1ount Imaus" She *ierced the hea&ens %ith her

com*,aints" She cried out. #1( dear husand

the( tear me from the man I adore#

Re+ard,ess of her o%n dan+er) she %as on,(

concerned for the fate of her dear 3adi+) %ho) in

the meantime) defended himse,f %ith a,, the

stren+th that coura+e and ,o&e cou,d ins*ire" As8

sisted on,( ( t%o faithfu, s,a&es) he *ut the co%8

ard,( ra&ishers to Mi+ht) and carried home Semira)

insensi,e and ,ood( as she %as"

3adi+ . The 1(ster( of Fate"

#O) 3adi+)# said she) on o*enin+ her e(es) and

eho,din+ her de,i&erer) #I ,o&ed thee former,( as

m( intended husand" I no% ,o&e thee as the *re8

ser&er of m( honor and m( ,ife#

Ne&er %as heart more dee*,( aected than that

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of Semira" Ne&er did a more charmin+ mouth

e?*ress more mo&in+ sentiments) in those +,o%in+

%ords ins*ired ( a sense of the +reatest of a,,

fa&ors) and ( the most tender trans*orts of a

,a%fu, *assion" 'er %ound %as s,i+ht) and %as

soon cured" 3adi+ %as more dan+erous,( %ound8

ed" An arro% had *ierced him near his e(e) and

*enetrated to a considera,e de*th" Semira %earied

hea&en %ith her *ra(ers for the reco&er( of her

,o&er" 'er e(es %ere constant,( athed in tearsH

she an?ious,( %aited the ha**( moment %hen

those of 3adi+ shou,d e a,e to meet hersH ut

an ascess) +ro%in+ on the %ounded e(e) +a&e

e&er(thin+ to fear" A messen+er %as immediate,(

des*atched to 1em*his) for the +reat *h(sician)

'ermes) %ho came %ith a numerous retinue" 'e

&isited the *atient) and dec,ared that he %ou,d ,ose

his e(e" 'e e&en foreto,d the da( and hour %hen

this fata, e&ent %ou,d ha**en"

#'ad it een the ri+ht e(e)# said he) #I cou,d

easi,( ha&e cured itH ut the %ounds of the ,eft e(e

are incura,e"#

A,, !a(,on ,amented the fate of 3adi+) and

admired the *rofound >no%,ed+e of 'ermes" In

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t%o da(s the ascess ro>e of its o%n accord) and

3adi+ . The 1(ster( of Fate" <

3adi+ %as *erfect,( cured" 'ermes %rote a oo>)

to *ro&e that it ou+ht not to ha&e een cured"

3adi+ did not read itH ut) as soon as he %as a,e

to +o aroad) he %ent to *a( a &isit to her in %hom

a,, his ho*es of ha**iness %ere centred) and for

%hose sa>e a,one he %ished to ha&e e(es" Semira

had een in the countr( for three da(s *ast" 'e

,earned on the road that that ne ,ad() ha&in+

o*en,( dec,ared that she had an unconGuera,e

a&ersion to one8e(ed men) had the ni+ht efore

+i&en her hand to Orcan" At this ne%s he fe,,

s*eech,ess to the +round" 'is sorro%s rou+ht

him a,most to the rin> of the +ra&e" 'e %as ,on+

indis*osedH ut reason at ,ast +ot the etter of his

aiction) and the se&erit( of his fate ser&ed e&en

to conso,e him"

#Since)# said he) #I ha&e suered so much from

the crue, ca*rice of a %oman educated at court)

I must no% thin> of marr(in+ the dau+hter of a

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'e *itched u*on A2ora) a ,ad( of the +reatest

*rudence) and of the est fami,( in to%n" 'e mar8

ried her) and ,i&ed %ith her for three months in

a,, the de,i+hts of the most tender union" 'e on,(

oser&ed that she had a ,itt,e ,e&it(H and %as too

a*t to nd that those (oun+ men %ho had the most

handsome *ersons %ere ,i>e%ise *ossessed of the

most %it and &irtue"

io 3adi+ . The 1(ster( of Fate"



One mornin+ A2ora returned from a %a,> in a

terri,e *assion) and utterin+ the most &io,ent


#What ai,eth thee)# said he) #m( dear s*ouse

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What is it that can thus ha&e distured thee#

#A,as# said she) #thou %ou,dst ha&e een as

much enra+ed as I am) hadst thou seen %hat I ha&e

 Just ehe,d" I ha&e een to comfort the (oun+

%ido% Cosrou) %ho) %ithin these t%o da(s) hath

raised a tom to her (oun+ husand) near the ri&8

u,et that %ashes the s>irts of this meado%" She

&o%ed to hea&en) in the itterness of her +rief) to

remain at this tom %hi,st the %ater of the ri&u,et

shou,d continue to run near it"#

#We,,)# said 3adi+) #she is an e?ce,,ent %oman)

and ,o&ed her husand %ith the most sincere aec8


#Ah# re*,ied A2ora) #didst thou ut >no% in

%hat she %as em*,o(ed %hen I %ent to %ait u*on


#In %hat) *ra( te,, me) eautifu, A2ora Was

she turnin+ the course of the ri&u,et#

A2ora ro>e out into such ,on+ in&ecti&es) and

,oaded the (oun+ %ido% %ith such itter re8

*roaches) that 3adi+ %as far from ein+ *,eased

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%ith this ostentation of &irtue"

3adi+ . The 1(ster( of Fate" ; ;

3adi+ had a friend named CadorH one of those

(oun+ men in %hom his 9&ife disco&ered more

*roit( and merit than in others" 'e made him

his condant) and secured his de,it( as much as

*ossi,e ( a considera,e *resent" A2ora) ha&in+

*assed t%o da(s %ith a friend in the countr()

returned home on the third" The ser&ants to,d her)

%ith tears in t>eir e(es) that her husand died

sudden,( the ni+ht eforeH that the( %ere afraid

to send her an account of this mournfu, e&entH

and that the( had Just een de*ositin+ his cor*se

in the tom of his ancestors) at the end of the +ar8

den" She %e*t) she tore her hair) and s%ore she

%ou,d fo,,o% him to the +ra&e" In the e&enin+)

Cador e++ed ,ea&e to %ait u*on her) and Joined

his tears %ith hers" Ne?t da( the( %e*t ,ess) and

dined to+ether" Cador to,d her that his friend had

,eft him the +reater *art of his estateH and that

he shou,d thin> himse,f e?treme,( ha**( in shar8

in+ his fortune %ith her" The ,ad( %e*t) fe,, into

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a *assion) and at ,ast ecame more mi,d and +ent,e"

 The( sat ,on+er at su**er than at dinner" The(

no% ta,>ed %ith +reater condence" A2ora *raised

the deceasedH ut o%ned that he had man( fai,in+s

from %hich Cador %as free"

Durin+ su**er Cador com*,ained of a &io,ent

*ain in his side" The ,ad() +reat,( concerned) and

ea+er to ser&e him) caused a,, >inds of essences to

e rou+ht) %ith %hich she anointed him) to tr(

if some of them mi+ht not *ossi,( ease him of his

;@ 3adi+. The 1(ster( of Fate"

*ain" She ,amented that the +reat 'ermes %as not

sti,, in !a(,on" She e&en condescended to touch

the side in %hich Cador fe,t such e?Guisite *ain"

#Art thou suJect to this crue, disorder# said

she to him) %ith a com*assionate air"

#It sometimes rin+s me)# re*,ied Cador) #to

the rin> of the +ra&eH and there is ut one rem8

ed( that can +i&e me re,ief and that is) to a**,(

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to m( side the nose of a man %ho is ,ate,( dead"#

#A stran+e remed() indeed# said A2ora"

#Not more stran+e)# re*,ied he #than the satch8

e,s of Arnou) a+ainst the a*o*,e?("#

 This reason) added to the +reat merit of the

(oun+ man) at ,ast determined the ,ad("

#After a,,)# sa(s she) #%hen m( husand sha,,

cross the rid+e Tchina&ar in his Journe( to the

other %or,d) the an+e, Asrae, %i,, not refuse him

a *assa+e ecause his nose is a ,itt,e shorter in the

second ,ife than it %as in the rst"#

She then too> a ra2or) %ent to her husand$s

tom) ede%ed it %ith her tears) and dre% near to

cut o the nose of 3adi+) %hom she found e?8

tended at fu,, ,en+th in the tom" 3adi+ arose)

ho,din+ his nose %ith one hand) and *uttin+ ac>

the ra2or %ith the other"

#1adam)# said he) #don$t e?c,aim so &io,ent,(

a+ainst the %ido% Cosrou" The *roJect of cuttin+

o m( nose is eGua, to that of turnin+ the course

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of a ri&u,et"#

3adi+. The 1(ster( of Fate" ;:



3adi+ found ( e?*erience that the rst month

of marria+e) as it is %ritten in the oo> of 3end)

is the moon of hone() and that the second is the

moon of %orm%ood" 'e %as some time after

o,i+ed to re*udiate A2ora) %ho ecame too diQ8

cu,t to e *,easedH and he then sou+ht for ha**i8

ness in the stud( of nature"

#No man)# said he) #can e ha**ier than a *hi8

,oso*her) %ho reads in this +reat oo> %hich od

hath *,aced efore our e(es" The truths he dis8

co&ers are his o%nH he nourishes and e?a,ts his

sou, H he ,i&es in *eaceH he fears nothin+ from menH

and his tender s*ouse %i,, not come to cut o his

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Possessed of these ideas) he retired to a coun8

tr( house on the an>s of the Eu*hrates" There

he did not em*,o( himse,f in ca,cu,atin+ ho%

man( inches of %ater Mo% in a second of time

under the arches of a rid+e) or %hether there fe,,

a cue8,ine of rain in the month of the mouse more

than in the month of the shee*" 'e ne&er dreamed

of ma>in+ si,> of co%es) or *orce,ain of ro>en

ott,esH ut he chieM( studied the *ro*erties of

*,ants and anima,s) and soon acGuired a sa+acit(

that made him disco&er a thousand dierences

%here other men see nothin+ ut uniformit("

; 3adi+. The 1(ster( of Fate"

One da() as he %as %a,>in+ near a ,itt,e %ood)

he sa% one of the Gueen$s eunuchs runnin+ to%ard

him) fo,,o%ed ( se&era, oQcers) %ho a**eared to

e in +reat *er*,e?it() and %ho ran to and fro ,i>e

men distracted) ea+er,( searchin+ for somethin+

the( had ,ost) of +reat &a,ue"

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#5oun+ man)# said the rst eunuch) #hast thou

seen the Gueen$s do+#

#It is a itch)# re*,ied 3adi+) %ith +reat mod8

est() #and not a do+"#

#Thou art in the ri+ht)# returned the rst


#It is a &er( sma,, she8s*anie,)# added 3adi+H

she has ,ate,( %he,*edH she ,im*s on the ,eft fore

foot) and has &er( ,on+ ears"#

#Thou hast seen her)# said the rst eunuch)

Guite out of reath"

#No)# re*,ied 3adi+) #I ha&e not seen her) nor

did I so much as >no% that the Gueen had a itch"#

E?act,( at the same time) ( one of the common

frea>s of fortune) the nest horse in the >in+$s

sta,e had esca*ed from the Joc>e( in the *,ains

of !a(,on" The *rinci*a, huntsman) and a,, the

other oQcers) ran after him %ith as much ea+erness

and an?iet( as the rst eunuch had done after the

itch" The *rinci*a, huntsman addressed himse,f

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to 3adi+) and as>ed him if he had not seen the

>in+$s horse *assin+ ("

#'e is the Meetest horse in the >in+$s sta,e)#

re*,ied 3adi+H #he is &e feet hi+h) %ith &er( sma,,

3adi+ . The 1(ster( of Fate" ;B

hoofs) and a tai, three feet and a ha,f in ,en+thH

the studs on his it are +o,d) of t%ent(8three car8

ats) and his shoes are si,&er of e,e&en *enn(8


#What %a( did he ta>e %here is he# de8

manded the chief huntsman")

#I ha&e not seen him)# re*,ied 3adi+) #and

ne&er heard ta,> of him efore"#

 The *rinci*a, huntsman and the rst eunuch

ne&er douted ut that 3adi+ had sto,en the >in+$s

horse and the Gueen$s itch" The( therefore had

him conducted efore the assem,( of the +rand

desterham) %ho condemned him to the >nout) and

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to s*end the rest of his da(s in Sieria" 'ard,(

%as the sentence *assed) %hen the horse and the

itch %ere oth found" The Jud+es %ere reduced

to the disa+reea,e necessit( of re&ersin+ their

sentenceH ut the( condemned 3adi+ to *a( four

hundred ounces of +o,d for ha&in+ said that he

had not seen %hat he had seen" This ne he %as

o,i+ed to *a() after %hich he %as *ermitted to

*,ead his cause efore the counci, of the +rand des8

terham) %hen he s*o>e to the fo,,o%in+ eect.

#5e stars of Justice) a(ss of sciences) mirrors

of truth) %ho ha&e the %ei+ht of ,ead) the hard8

ness of iron) the s*,endor of the diamond) and man(

of the *ro*erties of +o,dH since I am *ermitted to

s*ea> efore this au+ust assem,() I s%ear to (ou

( Oroma2es) that I ha&e ne&er seen the Gueen$s

res*ecta,e itch) nor the sacred horse of the >in+

;4 3adi+. The 1(ster( of Fate"

of >in+s" The truth of the matter is as fo,,o%s.

I %as %a,>in+ to%ard the ,itt,e %ood) %here I after8

%ard met the &enera,e eunuch and the most i,,us8

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trious chief huntsman" I oser&ed on the sand the

traces of an anima,) and cou,d easi,( *ercei&e them

to e those of a ,itt,e do+" The ,i+ht and ,on+ fur8

ro%s im*ressed on ,itt,e eminences of sand et%een

the mar>s of the *a%s *,ain,( disco&ered that it

%as a itch) %hose du+s %ere han+in+ do%n) and

that therefore she must ha&e %he,*ed a fe% da(s

efore" Other traces of a dierent >ind) that

a,%a(s a**eared to ha&e +ent,( rushed the sur8

face of the sand near the mar>s of the fore feet

sho%ed me that she had &er( ,on+ earsH and as I

remar>ed that there %as a,%a(s a s,i+hter im*res8

sion made on the sand ( one foot than ( the

other three) I found that the itch of our au+ust

Gueen %as a ,itt,e ,ame) if I ma( e a,,o%ed the

e?*ression" With re+ard to the horse of the >in+

of >in+s) (ou %i,, e *,eased to >no% that) %a,>8

in+ in the ,anes of this %ood) I oser&ed the mar>s

of a horse$s shoes) a,, at eGua, distances" $This

must e a horse)$ said I to m(se,f) $that +a,,o*s

e?ce,,ent,("$ The dust on the trees in a narro%

road) that %as ut se&en feet %ide) %as a ,itt,e

rushed o) at the distance of three feet and a ha,f

from the midd,e of the road" The horse)$ said I)

$has a tai, three feet and a ha,f ,on+) %hich) ein+

%his>ed to the ri+ht and ,eft) has s%e*t a%a( the

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dust"$ I oser&ed under the trees) that formed an

3adi+. The 1(ster( of Fate" ;

aror &e feet in hei+ht) that the ,ea&es of the

ranches %ere ne%,( fa,,en) from %hence I inferred

that the horse had touched them) and that he must)

therefore) e &e feet hi+h" As to his it) it must

e +o,d of t%ent(8three carats) for he had rued

its osses a+ainst a stone %hich I >ne% to e a

touchstone) and %hich I ha&e tried" In a %ord)

from a mar> made ( his shoes on Mints of another

>ind) I conc,uded that he %as shod %ith si,&er

e,e&en deniers ne"#

A,, the Jud+es admired 3adi+ for his acute and

*rofound discernment" The ne%s of this s*eech

%as carried e&en to the >in+ and Gueen" Nothin+

%as ta,>ed of ut 3adi+ in the antechamers) the

chamers) and the cainetH and thou+h man( of

the ma+i %ere of o*inion that he ou+ht to e urnt

as a sorcerer) the >in+ ordered his oQcers to

restore him the four hundred ounces of +o,d %hich

he had een o,i+ed to *a(" The re+ister) the

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attorne(s) and ai,is %ent to his house %ith +reat

forma,it( to carr( him ac> his four hundred

ounces" The( on,( retained three hundred and

ninet(8ei+ht of them to defra( the e?*enses of

 JusticeH and then their ser&ants demanded their


3adi+ sa% ho% e?treme,( dan+erous it some8

times is to a**ear too >no%in+) and therefore

reso,&ed that on the ne?t occasion of the ,i>e

nature he %ou,d not te,, %hat he had seen"

Such an o**ortunit( soon oered" A *risoner

Vo," @@

; 3adi+ . The 1(ster( of Fate"

of state made his esca*e and *assed under the %in8

do%s of 3adi+$s house" 3adi+ %as e?amined) and

made no ans%er" !ut it %as *ro&ed that he had

,oo>ed at the *risoner from this %indo%" For this

crime he %as condemned to *a( &e hundred

ounces of +o,d H and) accordin+ to the *o,ite custom

of !a(,on) he than>ed his Jud+es for their indu,8

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#reat od# said he to himse,f) #%hat a mis8

fortune it is to %a,> in a %ood throu+h %hich the

Gueen$s itch) or the >in+$s horse has *assed ho%

dan+erous to ,oo> out at a %indo% and ho% diQ8

cu,t to e ha**( in this ,ife#



3adi+ reso,&ed to comfort himse,f ( *hi,oso*h(

and friendshi* for the e&i,s he had suered from

fortune" 'e had in the suurs of !a(,on a house

e,e+ant,( furnished) in %hich he assem,ed a,, the

arts and a,, the *,easures %orth( the *ursuit of a

+ent,eman" In the mornin+ his ,irar( %as o*en

to the ,earned" In the e&enin+ his ta,e %as sur8

rounded ( +ood com*an(" !ut he soon found

%hat &er( dan+erous +uests these men of ,etters

are" A %arm dis*ute arose on one of 3oroaster$s

,a%s) %hich forids the eatin+ of a +riQn"

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#Wh()# said some of them) #*rohiit the eat8

3adi+. The 1(ster( of Fate" ;<

in+ of a +riQn) if there is no such anima, in na8


#There must necessari,( e such an anima,)-$

said the others) #since 3oroaster forids us to

eat it"#

3adi+ %ou,d fain ha&e reconci,ed them ( sa(8


#If there are no +riQns) %e cannot *ossi,( eat

themH and thus) either %a() %e sha,, oe( 3o8


A ,earned man) %ho had com*osed thirteen &o,8

umes on the *ro*erties of the +riQn) and %as)

esides) the chief theur+ite) hasted a%a( to accuse

3adi+ efore one of the *rinci*a, ma+i) named

 5eor) the +reatest ,oc>head) and therefore the

+reatest fanatic) amon+ the Cha,dseans" This man

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%ou,d ha&e em*a,ed 3adi+ to do honor to the sun)

and %ou,d then ha&e recited the re&iar( of

3oroaster %ith +reater satisfaction" The friend

Cador a friend is etter than a hundred *riests6

%ent to 5eor) and said to him.

#Lon+ ,i&e the sun and the +riQnsH e%are of

*unishin+ 3adi+H he is a saintH he has +riQns in

his inner court) and does not eat themH and his

accuser is a heretic) %ho dares to maintain that

raits ha&e c,o&en feet) and are not unc,ean"#

#We,,)# said 5eor) sha>in+ his a,d *ate) #%e

must em*a,e 3adi+ for ha&in+ thou+ht contem*t8

uous,( of +riQns) and the other *art( for ha&in+

s*o>en disres*ectfu,,( of raits"#

;= 3adi+ . The 1(ster( of Fate"

Cador hushed u* the matter ( a**ea,in+ to a

*erson %ho had +reat interest in the co,,e+e of t&ie

ma+i" Nood( %as em*a,ed" This ,enit( occa8

sioned a +reat murmurin+ amon+ some of the doc8

tors) %ho from thence *redicted the fa,, of !a(,on"

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#0*on %hat does ha**iness de*end# said 3a8

di+H I am *ersecuted ( e&er(thin+ in the %or,d)

e&en on account of ein+s $that ha&e no e?istence"#

'e cursed those men of ,earnin+ and reso,&ed

for the future to ,i&e %ith none ut +ood com8


'e assem,ed at his house the most %orth( men

and the most eautifu, ,adies of !a(,on" 'e

+a&e them de,icious su**ers) often *receded (

concerts of music) and a,%a(s animated ( *o,ite

con&ersation) from %hich he >ne% ho% to anish

that aectation of %it %hich is the surest method

of *re&entin+ it entire,() and of s*oi,in+ the *,eas8

ure of the most a+reea,e societ(" Neither the

choice of his friends) nor that of the dishes) %as

made ( &anit() for in e&er(thin+ he *referred the

sustance to the shado%H and ( these means he

*rocured that rea, res*ect to %hich he did not


O**osite to his house ,i&ed one Arima2es) a

man %hose deformed countenance %as ut a faint

*icture of his sti,, more deformed mind" 'is heart

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%as a mi?ture of ma,ice) *ride) and en&(" 'a&in+

ne&er een a,e to succeed in an( of his under8

ta>in+s) he re&en+ed himse,f on a,, around him (

3adi+ . The 1(ster( of Fate" ; ;

,oadin+ them %ith the ,ac>est ca,umnies" Rich

as he %as) he found it diQcu,t to *rocure a set of

Matterers" The ratt,in+ of the chariots that entered

3adi+$s court in the e&enin+ ,,ed him %ith uneasi8

ness H the sound of his *raises enra+ed him sti,, more"

'e sometimes %ent to 3adi+$s house) and sat

do%n at ta,e %ithout ein+ desired) %here he

s*oi,ed a,, the *,easure of the com*an() as the har8

*ies are said to infect the &iands the( touch"

It ha**ened that one da( he too> it in his head

to +i&e an entertainment to a ,ad() %ho) instead

of acce*tin+ it) %ent to su* %ith 3adi+" At another

time) as he %as ta,>in+ %ith 3adi+ at court) a min8

ister of state came u* to them and in&ited 3adi+

to su**er) %ithout in&itin+ Arima2es" The most

im*,aca,e hatred has se,dom a more so,id founda8

tion" This man) %ho in !a(,on %as ca,,ed the

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en&ious) reso,&ed to ruin 3adi+ ecause he %as

ca,,ed the ha**() #The o**ortunit( of doin+ mis8

chief occurs a hundred times in a da() and that of

doin+ +ood ut once a (ear)# as saith the %ise


 The en&ious man %ent to see 3adi+) %ho %as

%a,>in+ in his +arden %ith t%o friends and a ,ad()

to %hom he said man( +a,,ant thin+s) %ithout an(

other intention than that of sa(in+ them" The

con&ersation turned u*on a %ar %hich the >in+ had

 Just rou+ht to a ha**( conc,usion a+ainst the

*rince of 'ircania) his &assa," 3adi+) %ho had si+8

na,i2ed his coura+e in this short %ar) esto%ed

@@ 3adi+. The 1(ster( of Fate"

+reat *raises on the >in+) ut +reater sti,, on the

,ad(" 'e too> out his *oc>et8oo>) and %rote

four ,ines e?tem*ore) %hich he +a&e to this amia,e

*erson to read" 'is friends e++ed the( mi+ht see

them H ut modest() or rather) a %e,,8re+u,ated se,f8

,o&e) %ou,d not a,,o% him to +rant their reGuest"

'e >ne% that e?tem*orar( &erses are ne&er a*8

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*ro&ed ( an( ut the *erson in %hose honor the(

are %ritten" 'e therefore tore in t%o the ,eaf on

%hich he had %ritten them) and thre% oth the

*ieces into a thic>et of rose8ushes) %here the rest

of the com*an( sou+ht for them in &ain" A s,i+ht

sho%er) fa,,in+ soon after) o,i+ed them to return

to the house"

 The en&ious man) %ho remained in the +arden)

continued to search) ti,, at ,ast he found a *iece of

the ,eaf" It had een torn in such a manner that

each ha,f of a ,ine formed com*,ete sense) and

e&en a &erse of a shorter measureH ut %hat %as

sti,, more sur*risin+) these short &erses %ere found

to contain the most inJurious reMections on the

>in+" The( ran thus.

 To Ma+rant crimes

'is cro%n he o%es)

 To *eacefu, times

 The %orst of foes"

 The en&ious man %as no% ha**( for the rst

time in his ,ife" 'e had it in his *o%er to ruin a

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*erson of &irtue and merit" Fi,,ed %ith this end8

,i>e Jo() he found means to con&e( to the >in+

3adi+ . The 1(ster( of Fate" @:

the satire %ritten ( the hand of 3adi+) %ho %as

immediate,( thro%n into *rison) to+ether %ith the

,ad( and 3adi+$s t%o friends"

'is tria, %as soon nished) %ithout his ein+

*ermitted to s*ea> for himse,f" As he %as +oin+ to

recei&e his sentence) the en&ious man thre% him8

se,f in his %a( and to,d him) %ith a ,oud &oice)

that his &erses %ere +ood for nothin+" 3adi+ did

not &a,ue himse,f on ein+ a +ood *oetH ut it

,,ed him %ith ine?*ressi,e concern to nd that

he %as condemned for hi+h treasonH and that the

fair ,ad( and his t%o friends %ere conned in

*rison for a crime of %hich the( %ere not +ui,t("

'e %as not a,,o%ed to s*ea>) ecause his %ritin+

s*o>e for him" Such %as the ,a% of !a(,on"

Accordin+,( he %as conducted to the *,ace of e?e8

cution throu+h an immense cro%d of s*ectators)

%ho durst not &enture to e?*ress their *it( for

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him) ut %ho carefu,,( e?amined his countenance

to see if he died %ith a +ood +race" 'is re,ations

a,one %ere inconso,a,e) for the( cou,d not succeed

to his estate" Three8fourths of his %ea,th %as con8

scated into the >in+$s treasur() and the other

fourth %as +i&en to the en&ious man"

 /ust as he %as *re*arin+ for death) the >in+$s

*arrot Me% from its ca+e) and a,i+hted on a rose8

ush in 3adi+$s +arden" A *each had een ,o%n

thither ( the %ind) from a nei+horin+ tree) and

had fa,,en on a *iece of the %ritten ,eaf of " the

*oc>et8oo>) to %hich it stuc>" The ird carried

@ 3adi+. The 1(ster( of Fate"

o the *each and the *a*er) and ,aid them on the

>in+$s >nee" The >in+ too> u* the *a*er %ith

+reat ea+erness) and read the %ords) %hich formed

no sense) and seemed to e the endin+s of &erses"

'e ,o&ed *oetr() and there is a,%a(s some merc(

to e e?*ected from a *rince of that dis*osition"

 The ad&enture of the *arrot caused him to reMect"

 The Gueen) %ho rememered %hat had een

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%ritten on the *iece of 3adi+$s *oc>et8oo>) or8

dered it to e rou+ht" The( com*ared the t%o

*ieces to+ether) and found them to ta,,( e?act,("

 The( then read the &erses as 3adi+ had %ritten


 T(rants are *rone to Ma+rant crimesH

 To c,emenc( his cro%n he o%esH

 To concord and to *eacefu, times

Lo&e on,( is the %orst of foes"

 The >in+ +a&e immediate orders that 3adi+

shou,d e rou+ht efore him) and that his t%o

friends and the ,ad( shou,d e set at ,iert(" 3adi+

fe,, *rostrate on the +round efore the >in+ and

Gueen) hum,( e++ed their *ardon for ha&in+

made such ad &erses) and s*o>e %ith so much

*ro*riet() %it) and +ood sense) that their maJesties

desired the( mi+ht see him a+ain" 'e did him8

se,f that honor) and insinuated himse,f sti,, farther

into their +ood +races" The( +a&e him a,, the

%ea,th of the en&ious man) ut 3adi+ restored him

ac> the %ho,e of it) and this instance of +enerosit(

+a&e no other *,easure to the en&ious man than

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3adi+. The 1(ster( of Fate" @B

that of ha&in+ *reser&ed his estate" The >in+$s

esteem for 3adi+ increased e&er( da(" 'e admit8

ted him into a,, his *arties of *,easure) and con8

su,ted him in a,, aairs of state" From that time

the Gueen e+an to re+ard him %ith an e(e of ten8

derness) that mi+ht one da( *ro&e dan+erous to

herse,f) to the >in+) her au+ust consort) to 3adi+)

and to the >in+dom in +enera," 3adi+ no% e+an

to thin> that ha**iness %as not so unattaina,e

as he had former,( ima+ined"



 The time had no% arri&ed for ce,eratin+ a

+rand festi&a,) %hich returned e&er( &e (ears" It

%as a custom in !a(,on so,emn,( to dec,are) at

the end of e&er( &e (ears) %hich of the citi2ens

had *erformed the most +enerous action" The

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+randees and the ma+i %ere the Jud+es" The rst

satra*) %ho %as char+ed %ith the +o&ernment of

the cit() *u,ished the most no,e actrons that

had ha**ened under his administration" The com8

*etition %as decided ( &otes) and the >in+ *ro8

nounced the a%ard" Peo*,e came to this so8

,emnit( from the e?tremities of the earth" The con8

Gueror recei&ed from the monarch$s hands a +o,den

cu*) adorned %ith *recious stonec) his maJest( at

the same time ma>in+ him this com*,iment. #Re8

@4 3adi+ . The 1(ster( of Fate"

cei&e this re%ard of th( +enerosit() and ma( the

+ods +rant me man( suJects ,i>e to thee"#

 This memora,e da( ha&in+ come) the >in+

a**eared on his throne) surrounded ( the +ran8

dees) the ma+i) and the de*uties of a,, the nations

that came to these +ames) %here +,or( %as ac8

Guired) not ( the s%iftness of horses) nor (

stren+th of od() ut ( &irtue" The rst satra*

recited) %ith an audi,e &oice) such actions as mi+ht

entit,e the authors of them to this in&a,ua,e *ri2e"

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'e did not mention the +reatness of sou, %ith

%hich 3adi+ had restored to the en&ious man his for8

tune) ecause it %as not Jud+ed to e an action

%orth( of dis*utin+ the *ri2e"

'e rst *resented a Jud+e) %ho) ha&in+ made

a citi2en ,ose a considera,e cause ( a mista>e) for

%hich) after a,,) he %as not accounta,e) had +i&en

him the %ho,e of his o%n estate) %hich %as Just

eGua, to %hat the other had ,ost"

'e ne?t *roduced a (oun+ man %ho) ein+ des8

*erate,( in ,o&e %ith a ,ad( %hom he %as +oin+

to marr() had (ie,ded her u* to his friend) %hose

*assion for her had a,most rou+ht him to the

rin> of the +ra&e) and at the same time had +i&en

him the ,ad($s fortune"

'e after%ards *roduced a so,dier) %ho) in the

%ars of 'ircania) had +i&en a sti,, more no,e in8

stance of +enerosit(" A *art( of the enem( ha&8

in+ sei2ed his mistress) he fou+ht in her defence

%ith +reat intre*idit(" At that &er( instant he

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3adi+. The 1(ster( of Fate" @

%as informed that another *art() at the distance

of a fe% *aces) %ere carr(in+ o his mother" 'e

therefore ,eft his mistress) %ith tears in his e(es)

and Me% to the assistance of his mother" At ,ast

he returned to the dear oJect of his ,o&e) and

found her e?*irin+" 'e %as Just +oin+ to *,un+e

his s%ord into his o%n osom) ut his mother

remonstratin+ a+ainst such a des*erate deed) and

te,,in+ him that he %as the on,( su**ort of her ,ife)

he had the coura+e to endure to ,i&e"

 The Jud+es %ere inc,ined to +i&e the *ri2e to

the so,dier" !ut the >in+ too> u* the discourse)

and said.

#The action of the so,dier) and those of the

other t%o) are dout,ess *raise%orth() ut the( ha&e

nothin+ in them sur*risin+" 5esterda( 3adi+ *er8

formed an action that ,,ed me %ith %onder" I

had a fe% da(s efore dis+raced Core) m( min8

ister and fa&orite" I com*,ained of him in the most

&io,ent and itter termsH a,, m( courtiers assured

me that I %as too +ent,e) and seemed to &ie %ith

each other in s*ea>in+ i,, of Core" I as>ed 3adi+

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%hat he thou+ht of him) and he had the coura+e to

commend him" I ha&e read in our histories of

man( *eo*,e %ho ha&e atoned for an error ( the

surrender of their fortuneH %ho ha&e resi+ned a

mistress) or *referred a mother to the oJect of

their aectionH ut ne&er efore did I hear of a

courtier %ho s*o>e fa&ora,( of a dis+raced min8

ister that ,aored under the dis*,easure of his so&8

@ 3adi+. The 1(ster( of Fate"

erei+n" I +i&e to each of those %hose +enerous

actions ha&e Just een recited) t%ent( thousand *ieces

of +o,d H ut the cu* I +i&e to 3adi+"#

#1a( it *,ease th( maJest()# said 3adi+) #th(8

se,f a,one deser&est the cu*" Thou hast *erformed

an action of a,, others the most uncommon and

meritorious) since) not%ithstandin+ th( ein+ a

*o%erfu, >in+) thou %ast not oended at th( s,a&e

%hen he *resumed to o**ose th( *assion"#

 The >in+ and 3adi+ %ere eGua,,( the oJect of

admiration" The Jud+e %ho had +i&en his estate

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to his c,ientH the ,o&er %ho had resi+ned his mis8

tress to his friend) and the so,dier %ho had *re8

ferred the safet( of his mother to that of his mis8

tress recei&ed the >in+$s *resents) and sa% their

names enro,,ed in the cata,o+ue of +enerous men"

3adi+ had the cu*) and the >in+ acGuired the re*8

utation of a +ood *rince) %hich he did not ,on+

enJo(" The da( %as ce,erated ( feasts) %hich

,asted ,on+er than the ,a% enJoined) and the mem8

or( of it is sti,, *reser&ed in Asia" 3adi+ said.

#No% I am ha**( at ,ast"# !ut he %as decei&ed"



 The >in+ had ,ost his rst minister) and chose

3adi+ to su**,( his *,ace" A,, the ,adies in !a(8

,on a**,auded the choice) for) since the foundation

3adi+ . The 1(ster( of Fate" @<

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of the em*ire) there had ne&er een such a (oun+

minister" !ut a,, the courtiers %ere ,,ed %ith

 Jea,ous( and &e?ation" The en&ious man" in *artic8

u,ar) %as trou,ed %ith a s*ittin+ of ,ood) and a

*rodi+ious inMammation in his nose" 3adi+) ha&8

in+ than>ed the >in+ and Gueen for their +oodness)

%ent ,i>e%ise to than> the *arrot"

#!eautifu, ird)# said he) # $tis thou that hast

sa&ed m( ,ife and made me rst minister" The

Gueen$s itch and the >in+$s horse did me a +reat

dea, of mischief) ut thou hast done me much +ood"

0*on such s,ender threads as these do the fates of

morta,s han+# #!ut)# added he) #this ha**iness

*erha*s %i,, &anish &er( soon"#

#Soon)# re*,ied the *arrot"

3adi+ %as some%hat start,ed at this %ord" !ut

as he %as a +ood natura, *hi,oso*her) and did not

e,ie&e *arrots to e *ro*hets) he Guic>,( reco&8

ered his s*irits) and reso,&ed to e?ecute his dut(

to the est of his *o%er"

'e made e&er( one fee, the sacred authorit( of

the ,a%s) ut no one fe,t the %ei+ht of his di+nit("

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'e ne&er chec>ed the de,ierations of the di&an)

and e&er( &i2ier mi+ht +i&e his o*inion %ithout fear

of incurrin+ the minister$s dis*,easure" When he

+a&e Jud+ment) it %as not he that +a&e itH it %as

the ,a%H the ri+or of %hich) ho%e&er) %hene&er

it %as too se&ere) he a,%a(s too> care to softenH

and %hen ,a%s %ere %antin+) the eGuit( of his de8

:= 3adi+ . The 1(ster( of Fate"

cisions %as such as mi+ht easi,( ha&e made them

*ass for those of 3oroaster"

It is to him that the nations are indeted for this

+rand *rinci*,e) to %it) that it is etter to run the

ris> of s*arin+ the +ui,t( than to condemn the

innocent" 'e ima+ined that ,a%s %ere made as

%e,, to secure the *eo*,e from the suerin+ of

inJuries as to restrain them from the commission

of crimes" 'is chief ta,ent consisted in disco&erin+

the truth) %hich a,, men see> to oscure" This

+reat ta,ent he *ut in *ractice from the &er( e+in8

nin+ of his administration"

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A famous merchant of !a(,on) %ho died in the

Indies) di&ided his estate eGua,,( et%een his t%o

sons) after ha&in+ dis*osed of their sister in mar8

ria+e) and ,eft a *resent of thirt( thousand *ieces

of +o,d to that son %ho shou,d e found to ha&e

,o&ed him est" The e,dest raised a tom to his

memor(H the (oun+est increased his sister$s *or8

tion) ( +i&in+ her a *art of his inheritance" E&er(

one said that the e,dest son ,o&ed his father est)

and the (oun+est his sister) and that the thirt(

thousand *ieces e,on+ed to the e,dest"

3adi+ sent for oth of them) the one after the

other" To the e,dest he said.

#Th( father is not dead) ut has sur&i&ed his

,ast i,,ness) and is returnin+ to !a(,on"#

#od e *raised)# re*,ied the (oun+ manH #ut

his tom cost me a considera,e sum"#

3adi+. The 1(ster( of Fate" :;

3adi+ after%ards re*eated the same stor( to the

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(oun+est son"

#od e *raised)# said heH I %i,, +o and restore

to m( father a,, that I ha&e H ut I cou,d %ish that he

%ou,d ,ea&e m( sister %hat I ha&e +i&en her"#

#Thou sha,t restore nothin+)# re*,ied 3adi+) and

thou sha,t ha&e the thirt( thousand *ieces) for thou

art the son %ho ,o&es his father est"#

A %ido%) ha&in+ a (oun+ son) and ein+ *os8

sessed of a handsome fortune) had +i&en a *romise

of marria+e to t%o ma+i) %ho %ere oth desirous

of marr(in+ her" -----

#I %i,, ta>e for m( husand)# said she) #the man

%ho can +i&e the est education to m( e,o&ed son"#

 The t%o ma+i contended %ho shou,d rin+ him

u*) and the cause %as carried efore 3adi+" 3adi+

summoned the t%o ma+i to attend him"

#What %i,, (ou teach (our *u*i,# said he to

the rst"

#I %i,, teach him)# said the doctor) #the ei+ht

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*arts of s*eech) ,o+ic) astro,o+() *neumatics) %hat

is meant ( sustance and accident) astract and

concrete) the doctrine of the monads) and the *re8

esta,ished harmon("#

#For m( *art)# said the second) #I %i,, endea&or

to +i&e him a sense of Justice) and to ma>e him

%orth( the friendshi* of +ood men"#

3adi+ then cried.

#Whether thou art the chi,d$s fa&orite or not)

thou sha,t ha&e his mother"#

:@ 3adi+. The 1(ster( of Fate"



In this manner he dai,( disco&ered the sut,et(

of his +enius and the +oodness of his heart" The

*eo*,e at once admired and ,o&ed him" 'e *assed

for the ha**iest man in the %or,d" The %ho,e

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em*ire resounded %ith his name" A,, the ,adies

o+,ed him" A,, the men *raised him for his Justice"

 The ,earned re+arded him as an orac,e) and e&en

the *riests confessed that he >ne% more than the

o,d arch8ma+i) 5eor" The( %ere no% so far from

*rosecutin+ him on account of the +riQns) that

the( e,ie&ed nothin+ ut %hat he thou+ht credi,e"

 There had continued at !a(,on) for the s*ace

of fteen hundred (ears) a &io,ent contest) that had

di&ided the em*ire into t%o sects" The one *re8

tended that the( ou+ht to enter the tem*,e of

1ithra %ith the ,eft foot foremostH the other he,d

this custom in detestation) and a,%a(s entered %ith

the ri+ht foot rst" The *eo*,e %aited %ith +reat

im*atience for the da( on %hich the so,emn feast

of the sacred re %as to e ce,erated) to see %hich

sect 3adi+ %ou,d fa&or" A,, the %or,d had their

e(es ?ed on his t%o feet) and the %ho,e cit( %as

in the utmost sus*ense and *erturation" 3adi+

 Jum*ed into the tem*,e %ith his feet Joined to8

+ether) and after%ards *ro&ed) in an e,oGuent dis8

course) that the So&erei+n of hea&en and earth)

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3adi+. The 1(ster( of Fate" ::

%ho acce*teth not the *ersons of men) ma>eth no

distinction et%een the ri+ht foot and the ,eft foot"

 The en&ious man and his %ife a,,e+ed that his dis8

course %as not +urati&e enou+h) and that he did

not ma>e the roc>s and mountains dance %ith suf8

cient a+i,it("

#'e is dr()# said the() #and &oid of +enius" 'e

does not ma>e the sea to M() and stars to fa,,) nor

the sun to me,t ,i>e %a?" 'e has not the true

orienta, st(,e"#

3adi+ contented himse,f %ith ha&in+ the st(,e

of reason" A,, the %or,d fa&ored him) not ecause

he %as in the ri+ht road) or fo,,o%ed the dictates

of reason) or %as a man of rea, merit) ut ecause

he %as *rime &i2ier"

'e terminated %ith the same ha**( address the

+rand dis*ute et%een the ,ac> and the %hite

ma+i" The former maintained that it %as the

hei+ht of im*iet( to *ra( to od %ith the face

turned to%ard the east in %interH the ,atter asserted

that od ahorred the *ra(ers of those %ho turned

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to%ard the %est in summer" 3adi+ decreed that

e&er( man shou,d e a,,o%ed to turn as he *,eased"

 Thus he found out the ha**( secret of nishin+

a,, aairs) %hether of a *ri&ate or a *u,ic nature)

in the mornin+" The rest of the da( he em*,o(ed

in su*erintendin+ and *romotin+ the eme,,ish8

ments of !a(,on" 'e e?hiited tra+edies that

dre% tears from the e(es of the s*ectators) and com8

edies that shoo> their sides %ith ,au+hter) a cus8

Vo," @ :

: 3adi+ . The 1(ster( of Fate"

torn %hich had ,on+ een disused) and %hich his

+ood taste no% induced him to re&i&e" 'e ne&er

aected to e more >no%in+ in the *o,ite arts than

the artists themse,&es" 'e encoura+ed them (

re%ards and honors) and %as ne&er Jea,ous of their

ta,ents" In the e&enin+ the >in+ %as hi+h,( enter8

tained %ith his con&ersation) and the Gueen sti,,


#reat minister)# said the >in+"

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#Amia,e minister)# said the GueenH and oth

of them added. #It %ou,d ha&e een a +reat ,oss

to the state had such a man een han+ed"# - - - -

1ean%hi,e 3adi+ *ercei&ed that his thou+hts

%ere a,%a(s distracted) as %e,, %hen he +a&e audi8

ence as %hen he sat in Jud+ment" 'e did not

>no% to %hat to attriute this asence of mind) and

that %as his on,( sorro%"

'e had a dream) in %hich he ima+ined that he

,aid himse,f do%n u*on a hea* of dr( hers) amon+

%hich there %ere man( *ric>,( ones that +a&e him

+reat uneasiness) and that he after%ard re*osed

himse,f on a soft ed of roses) from %hich there

s*run+ a ser*ent that %ounded him to the heart

%ith its shar*) &enomed fan+s" #A,as)# said he) #I

ha&e ,on+ ,ain on these dr( and *ric>,( hersH I

am no% on the ed of rosesH ut %hat sha,, e the


3adi+. The 1(ster( of Fate" :B

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3adi+$s ca,amities s*run+ e&en from his ha**i8

ness) and es*ecia,,( from his merit" 'e e&er( da(

con&ersed %ith the >in+ and his au+ust consort"

 The charms of 3adi+$s con&ersation %ere +reat,(

hei+htened ( that desire of *,easin+ %hich is to

the mind %hat dress is to eaut(" 'is (outh and

+racefu, a**earance insensi,( made an im*ression

on Astarte) %hich she did not at rst *ercei&e"

'er *assion +re% and Mourished in the osom of

innocence" Without fear or scru*,e she indu,+ed

the *,easin+ satisfaction of seein+ and hearin+ a

man %ho %as so dear to her husand) and to the

em*ire in +enera," She %as continua,,( *raisin+

him to the >in+" She ta,>ed of him to her %omen)

%ho %ere a,%a(s sure to im*ro&e on her *raises"

And thus e&er(thin+ contriuted to *ierce her heart

%ith a dart) of %hich she did not seem to e sen8

si,e" She made se&era, *resents to 3adi+) %hich

disco&ered a +reater s*irit of +a,,antr( than she

ima+ined" She intended to s*ea> to him on,( as

a Gueen satised %ith his ser&icesH and her e?*res8

sions %ere sometimes those of a %oman in ,o&e"

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Astarte %as much more eautifu, than that

Semira %ho had such a stron+ a&ersion to one8

e(ed men) or that other %oman %ho had reso,&ed

to cut o her husand$s nose" 'er unreser&ed

:4 3adi+. The 1(ster( of Fate"

fami,iarit() her tender e?*ressions) at %hich she

e+an to ,ushH and her e(es) %hich) thou+h she

endea&ored to di&ert them to other oJects) %ere

a,%a(s ?ed u*on his) ins*ired 3adi+ %ith a *as8

sion that ,,ed him %ith astonishment" 'e stru+8

+,ed hard to +et the etter of it" 'e ca,,ed to his

aid the *rece*ts of *hi,oso*h() %hich had a,%a(s

stood him in steadH ut from thence) thou+h he

cou,d deri&e the ,i+ht of >no%,ed+e) he cou,d *ro8

cure no remed( to cure the disorders of his ,o&e8

sic> heart" Dut() +ratitude) and &io,ated maJest()

*resented themse,&es to his mind) as so man(

a&en+in+ +ods" 'e stru++,edH he conGuered" !ut

this &ictor() %hich he %as o,i+ed to *urchase

afresh e&er( moment) cost him man( si+hs and

tears" 'e no ,on+er dared to s*ea> to the Gueen

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%ith that s%eet and charmin+ fami,iarit( %hich

had een so a+reea,e to them oth" 'is counte8

nance %as co&ered %ith a c,oud" 'is con&ersation

%as constrained and incoherent" 'is e(es %ere

?ed on the +roundH and %hen) in s*ite of a,, his

endea&ors to the contrar() the( encountered those

of the Gueen) the( found them athed in tears) and

dartin+ arro%s of Mame" The( seemed to sa( . #We

adore each other) and (et are afraid to ,o&eH %e are

consumed %ith a *assion %hich %e oth condemn"#

3adi+ ,eft the ro(a, *resence fu,, of *er*,e?it(

and des*air) and ha&in+ his heart o**ressed %ith a

urden %hich he %as no ,on+er a,e to ear" In

the &io,ence "of his *erturation he in&o,untari,(

3adi+. The 1(ster( of Fate" :

etra(ed the secret to his friend Cador) in the same

manner as a man) %ho) ha&in+ ,on+ endured a

crue, disease) disco&ers his *ain ( a cr( e?torted

from him ( a more se&ere attac>) and ( the co,d

s%eat that co&ers his ro%"

#I ha&e a,read( disco&ered)# said Cador) #the

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sentiments %hich thou %ou,dst fain concea, from

ih(se,f" The s(m*toms ( %hich the *assions

sho% themse,&es are certain and infa,,i,e" /ud+e)

m( dear 3adi+) since I ha&e read th( heart) %hether

the >in+ %i,, not disco&er somethin+ in it that ma(

+i&e him oence" 'e has no other fau,t ut that

of ein+ the most Jea,ous man in the %or,d" Thou

canst resist the &io,ence of th( *assion %ith +reater

fortitude than the Gueen) ecause thou art a *hi8

,oso*her) and ecause thou art 3adi+" Astarte is

a %oman" She suers her e(es to s*ea> %ith so

much the more im*rudence) as she does not as (et

thin> herse,f +ui,t(" Conscious of her o%n inno8

cence) she unha**i,( ne+,ects those e?terna, a*8

*earances %hich are so necessar(" I sha,, trem,e

for her so ,on+ as she has nothin+ %here%itha, to

re*roach herse,f" - - - - A +ro%in+ *assion

%hich %e endea&or to su**ress) disco&ers itse,f in

s*ite of a,, our eorts to the contrar("# - - - -

1ean%hi,e) the Gueen mentioned the name of

3adi+ so freGuent,() and %ith such a ,ushin+ and

do%ncast ,oo>" She %as sometimes so ,i&e,() and

sometimes so *er*,e?ed) %hen she s*o>e to him in

the >in+$s *resence) and %as sei2ed %ith such a dee*

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: 3adi+. The 1(ster( of Fate"

thou+htfu,ness at his +oin+ a%a() that the >in+

e+an to e trou,ed" 'e e,ie&ed a,, that he sa%)

and ima+ined a,, that he did not see" 'e *articu8

,ar,( remar>ed that his %ife$s shoes %ere ,ue) and

that 3adi+$s shoes %ere ,ueH that his %ife$s ri8

ons %ere (e,,o%) and that 3adi+$s onnet %as

(e,,o%H and these %ere terri,e s(m*toms to a

*rince of so much de,icac(" In his Jea,ous mind

sus*icion %as turned into certaint("

A,, the s,a&es of >in+s and Gueens are so man(

s*ies o&er their hearts" The( soon oser&ed that

Astarte %as tender) and that 1oadar %as Jea,ous"

 The en&ious man *ersuaded his %ife to send anon(8

mous,( to the >in+ her +arter) %hich resem,ed

those of the GueenH and to com*,ete the misfor8

tune) this +arter %as ,ue" The monarch no%

thou+ht of nothin+ ut in %hat manner he mi+ht

est e?ecute his &en+eance" 'e one ni+ht reso,&ed

to *oison the Gueen) and in the mornin+ to *ut

3adi+ to death ( the o%strin+" The orders %ere

+i&en to a merci,ess eunuch) %ho common,( e?e8

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cuted his acts of &en+eance"

 There ha**ened at that time to e in the >in+$s

chamer a ,itt,e d%arf) %ho) thou+h dum) %as not

deaf" 'e %as a,,o%ed) on account of his insi+8

nicance) to +o %here&er he *,easedH and) as a

domestic anima,) %as a %itness of %hat *assed in

the most *rofound secrec("

 This ,itt,e mute %as stron+,( attached to the

Gueen and 3adi+" With eGua, horror and sur*rise

3adi+. The 1(ster( of Fate" :<

he heard the crue, orders +i&enH ut ho% cou,d

he *re&ent the fata, sentence that) in a fe% hours)

%as to e carried into e?ecution 'e cou,d not

%rite) ut he cou,d *aint H and e?ce,,ed *articu,ar,(

in dra%in+ a stri>in+ resem,ance" 'e em*,o(ed

a *art of the ni+ht in s>etchin+ out %ith his *enci,

%hat he meant to im*art to the Gueen" The *iece

re*resented the >in+ in one corner) oi,in+ %ith

ra+e) and +i&in+ orders to the eunuch H a ,ue o%8

strin+) and a o%, on a ta,e) %ith ,ue +arters and

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(e,,o% rionsH the Gueen in the midd,e of the *ic8

ture) e?*irin+ in the arms of her %oman) and 3adi+

stran+,ed at her feet" The hori2on re*resented a

risin+ sun) to e?*ress that this shoc>in+ e?ecution

%as to e *erformed in the mornin+" As soon as

he had nished the *icture) he ran to one of

Astarte$s %omen) a%o>e her) and made her under8

stand that she must immediate,( carr( it to the


At midni+ht a messen+er >noc>s at 3adi+$s

door) a%a>es him) and +i&es him a note from the

Gueen" 'e douts %hether it is not a dream. and

o*ens the ,etter %ith a trem,in+ hand" !ut ho%

+reat %as his sur*rise) and %ho can e?*ress the

consternation and des*air into %hich he %as

thro%n u*on readin+ these %ords. #F,() this in8

stant) or thou art a dead man F,() 3adi+) I con8

 Jure thee ( our mutua, ,o&e and m( (e,,o% ri8

ons" I ha&e not een +ui,t() ut I nd that I

must die ,i>e a crimina,"#

= 3adi+ . The 1(ster( of Fate"

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3adi+ %as hard,( a,e to s*ea>" 'e sent for

Cador) and) %ithout utterin+ a %ord) +a&e him the

note" Cador forced him to oe() and forth%ith to

ta>e the road to 1em*his"

#Shou,dst thou dare)# said he) #to +o in search

of the Gueen) thou %i,t hasten her death" Shou,dst

thou s*ea> to the >in+) thou %i,t infa,,i,( ruin her"

I %i,, ta>e u*on me the char+e of her destin(H fo,8

,o% th( o%n" I %i,, s*read a re*ort that thou hast

ta>en the road to India" I %i,, soon fo,,o% thee

and inform thee of a,, that sha,, ha&e *assed in


At that instant Cador caused t%o of the s%iftest

dromedaries to e rou+ht to a *ri&ate +ate of the

*a,ace" 0*on one of these he mounted 3adi+)

%hom he %as o,i+ed to carr( to the door) and %ho

%as read( to e?*ire %ith +rief" 'e %as accom8

*anied ( a sin+,e domestic H and Cador) *,un+ed in

sorro% and astonishment) soon ,ost si+ht of his


 This i,,ustrious fu+iti&e arri&in+ on the side of a

hi,,) from %hence he cou,d ta>e a &ie% of !a(,on)

turned his e(es to%ards the Gueen$s *a,ace) and

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fainted a%a( at the si+htH nor did he reco&er his

senses ut to shed a torrent of tears) and to %ish for

death" At ,en+th) after his thou+hts had een ,on+

en+rossed in ,amentin+ the unha**( fate of the

,o&e,iest %oman and the +reatest Gueen in the

%or,d) he for a moment turned his &ie%s on him8

se,f) and cried.

3adi+. The 1(ster( of Fate" ;

#What then is human ,ife O &irtue) ho% hast

thou ser&ed me T%o %omen ha&e ase,( decei&ed

meH and no% a third) %ho is innocent) and more

eautifu, than oth the others) is +oin+ to e *ut

to death Whate&er +ood I ha&e done hath een

to me a continua, source of ca,amit( and aictionH

and I ha&e on,( een raised to the hei+ht of

+randeur to e tum,ed do%n the most horrid *rec8

i*ice of misfortune"#

Fi,,ed %ith these +,oom( reMections) his e(es

o&ers*read %ith the &ei, of +rief) his countenance

co&ered %ith the *a,eness of death) and his sou,

*,un+ed in an a(ss of the ,ac>est des*air) he con8

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tinued his Journe( to%ard E+(*t"



3adi+ directed his course ( the stars" The con8

ste,,ation of Orion) and the s*,endid Do+stars)

+uided his ste*s to%ards the *o,e of Cano*us" 'e

admired those &ast +,oes of ,i+ht %hich a**ear to

our e(es as so man( ,itt,e s*ar>s) %hi,e the earth)

%hich in rea,it( is on,( an im*erce*ti,e *oint in

nature) a**ears8 to our fond ima+inations as some8

thin+ so +rand and no,e" 'e then re*resented to

himse,f the human s*ecies) as it rea,,( is) as a *arce,

of insects de&ourin+ one another on a ,itt,e atom of

c,a(" This true ima+e seemed to annihi,ate his mis8

@ 3adi+. The 1(ster( of Fate"

fortunes) ( ma>in+ him sensi,e of the nothin+8

ness of his o%n ein+) and that of !a(,on" 'is

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sou, ,aunched out into innit() and detached from

the senses) contem*,ated the immuta,e order of

the uni&erse" !ut %hen) after%ard) returnin+ to

himse,f) and enterin+ into his o%n heart) he con8

sidered that Astarte had *erha*s died for him) the

uni&erse &anished from his si+ht) and he ehe,d

nothin+ in the %ho,e com*ass of nature ut Astarte

e?*irin+) and 3adi+ unha**("

Whi,e he thus a,ternate,( +a&e u* his mind to

this Mu? and reMu? of su,ime *hi,oso*h( and in8

to,era,e +rief) he ad&anced to%ard the frontiers of

E+(*tH and his faithfu, domestic %as a,read( in the

rst &i,,a+e) in search of a ,od+in+"

1ean%hi,e) as 3adi+ %as %a,>in+ to%ard the

+ardens that s>irted the &i,,a+e) he sa%) at a sma,,

distance from the hi+h%a() a %oman athed in tears

and ca,,in+ hea&en and earth to her assistance) and

a man in a furious *assion *ursuin+ her"

 This madman had a,read( o&erta>en the %oman)

%ho emraced his >nees) not%ithstandin+ %hich he

,oaded her %ith ,o%s and re*roaches" 3adi+

 Jud+ed ( the frantic eha&ior of the E+(*tian) and

( the re*eated *ardons %hich the ,ad( as>ed him)

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that the one %as Jea,ous) and the other unfaithfu,"

!ut %hen he sur&e(ed the %oman more narro%,()

and found her to e a ,ad( of e?Guisite eaut() and

e&en to ha&e a stron+ resem,ance to the unha**(

3adi+. The 1(ster( of Fate" :

Astarte) he fe,t himse,f ins*ired %ith com*assion

for her) and horror to%ard the E+(*tian"

#Assist me)# cried she to 3adi+) %ith the dee*est

si+hs) #de,i&er me from the hands of the most ar8

arous man in the %or,d Sa&e m( ,ife #

1o&ed ( these *itifu, cries) 3adi+ ran and

thre% himse,f et%een her and the ararian" As

he had some >no%,ed+e of the E+(*tian ,an+ua+e)

he addressed him in that ton+ue.

#If)# said he) #thou hast an( humanit() I conJure

thee to *a( some re+ard to her eaut( and %ea>8

ness" 'o% canst thou eha&e in this outra+eous

manner to one of the master*ieces of nature) %ho

,ies at th( feet) and hath no defence ut her tears #

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#Ah) ah# re*,ied the madman) #thou art ,i>e8

%ise in ,o&e %ith her" I must e re&en+ed on

thee too"#

So sa(in+) he ,eft the ,ad() %hom he had hitherto

he,d %ith his hand t%isted in her hair) and) ta>in+

his ,ance) attem*ted to sta the stran+er" 3adi+)

%ho %as in co,d ,ood) easi,( e,uded the ,o% aimed

( the frantic E+(*tian" 'e sei2ed the ,ance near

the iron %ith %hich it %as armed" The E+(*tian

stro&e to dra% it ac>H 3adi+ to %rest it from the

E+(*tianH and in the stru++,e it %as ro>en in t%o"

 The E+(*tian dra%s his s%ordH 3adi+ does the

same" The( attac> each other" The former +i&es

a hundred ,o%s at randomH the ,atter %ards them

o %ith +reat de?terit(" The ,ad() seated on a turf)

readJusts her head8dress) and ,oo>s at the comat8

3adi+. The 1(ster( of Fate"

ants" The E+(*tian e?ce,,ed in stren+th H 3adi+

in address" The one fou+ht ,i>e a man %hose arm

%as directed ( his Jud+mentH the other ,i>e a

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madman) %hose ,ind ra+e made him dea, his ,o%s

at random" 3adi+ c,oses %ith him) and disarms him H

and %hi,e the E+(*tian) no% ecome more furious)

endea&ors to thro% himse,f u*on him) he sei2es

him) *resses him c,ose) and thro%s him do%nH and

then) ho,din+ his s%ord to his reast) oers him his

,ife" The E+(*tian) frantic %ith ra+e) dra%s his

*oniard) and %ounds 3adi+ at the &er( instant that

the conGueror %as +rantin+ a *ardon" 3adi+) *ro8

&o>ed at such ruta, eha&ior) *,un+ed his s%ord

in the osom of the E+(*tian) %ho) +i&in+ a hor8

ri,e shrie> and a &io,ent stru++,e) instant,( e?8

*ired" 3adi+ then a**roached the ,ad() and said to

her %ith a +ent,e tone.

#'e hath forced me to >i,, him" I ha&e a&en+ed

th( cause" Thou art no% de,i&ered from the most

&io,ent man I e&er sa%" What further) madam)

%ou,dst thou ha&e me do for thee #

#Die) &i,,ain)# re*,ied she) #thou hast >i,,ed m(

,o&er" O) that I %ere a,e to tear out th( heart#

#Wh() tru,() madam)# said 3adi+) #thou hadst a

stran+e >ind of a man for a ,o&erH he eat thee %ith

a,, his mi+ht) and %ou,d ha&e >i,,ed thee) ecause

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thou hadst entreated me to +i&e thee assistance"#

#I %ish he %ere eatin+ me sti,,)# re*,ied the

,ad() %ith tears and ,amentation" #I %e,, deser&ed

itH for I had +i&en him cause to e Jea,ous" Wou,d

3adi+ . The 1(ster( of Fate" B

to hea&en that he %ere no% eatin+ me) and that

thou %ert in his *,ace"#

3adi+) struc> %ith sur*rise) and inMamed %ith a

hi+her de+ree of resentment than he had e&er fe,t

efore) said.

#!eautifu, as thou art) madam) thou deser&est

that I shou,d eat thee in m( turn for th( *er&erse

and im*ertinent eha&ior" !ut I sha,, not +i&e

m(se,f the trou,e"#

So sa(in+) he remounted his came,) and ad8

&anced to%ard the to%n" 'e had *roceeded ut a

fe% ste*s) %hen he turned ac> at the noise of four

!a(,onian couriers) %ho came ridin+ at fu,, +a,,o*"

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One of them) u*on seein+ the %oman) cried.

#It is the &er( same" She resem,es the descri*8

tion that %as +i&en us"#

 The( +a&e themse,&es no concern aout the dead

E+(*tian) ut instant,( sei2ed the ,ad(" She ca,,ed

out to 3adi+.

#'e,* me once more) +enerous stran+er" I as>

*ardon for ha&in+ com*,ained of th( conduct"

De,i&er me a+ain) and I %i,, e thine fore&er"#

3adi+ %as no ,on+er in the humor of +htin+

for her"

#A**,( to another)# said he) #thou sha,t not

a+ain ensnare me in th( %i,es"#

!esides) he %as %oundedH his ,ood %as sti,,

Mo%in+) and he himse,f had need of assistance H and

the si+ht of four !a(,onians) *roa,( sent (

Kin+ 1oadar) ,,ed him %ith a**rehension" 'e

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4 3adi+ . The 1(ster( of Fate"

therefore hastened to%ard the &i,,a+e) una,e to

com*rehend %h( four !a(,onian couriers shou,d

come and sei2e this E+(*tian %oman) ut sti,, more

astonished at the ,ad($s eha&ior"



As he entered the E+(*tian &i,,a+e) he sa% him8

se,f surrounded ( the *eo*,e" E&er( one said.

#This is the man %ho carried o the eautifu,

1issouf) and assassinated C,itos"#

#ent,emen)# said he) #od *reser&e me from

carr(in+ o (our eautifu, 1issouf" She is too

ca*ricious for me" And %ith re+ard to C,itos) I

did not assassinate him" I on,( fou+ht %ith him

in m( o%n defence" 'e endea&ored to >i,, me)

ecause I hum,( interceded for the eautifu, 1is8

souf) %hom he eat most unmercifu,,(" I am a

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stran+er) come to see> refu+e in E+(*tH and it is

not ,i>e,( that) in comin+ to im*,ore (our *rotec8

tion) I shou,d e+in ( carr(in+ o a %oman) and

assassinatin+ a man"#

 The E+(*tians %ere then Just and humane" The

*eo*,e conducted 3adi+ to the to%n8house" The(

rst of a,, ordered his %ound to e dressed) and

then e?amined his ser&ant a*art) in order to dis8

co&er the truth" The( found that 3adi+ %as not an

assassinH ut as he %as +ui,t( of ha&in+ >i,,ed a

3adi+ . The 1(ster( of Fate"

man) the ,a% condemned him to e a s,a&e" 'is

t%o came,s %ere so,d for the enet of the to%nH

a,, the +o,d he had rou+ht %ith him %as distri8

uted amon+ the inhaitantsH and his *erson) as

%e,, as that of the com*anion of his Journe() %as

e?*osed for sa,e in the mar>et8*,ace" An Araian

merchant) named Setoc) made the *urchase) ut as

the ser&ant %as tter for ,aor than the master) he

%as so,d at a hi+her *rice" There %as no com*ari8

son et%een the t%o men" Thus 3adi+ ecame a

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s,a&e suordinate to his o%n ser&ant" The( %ere

,in>ed to+ether ( a chain to their feet) and in this

condition the( fo,,o%ed the "Araian merchant to

his house"

!( the %a( 3adi+ comforted his ser&ant) and

e?horted him to *atienceH ut he cou,d not he,*

ma>in+) accordin+ to his usua, custom) some reMec8

tions on human ,ife" #I see)# said he) #that the

unha**iness of m( fate hath an inMuence on thine"

'itherto e&er(thin+ has turned out in a manner most

unaccounta,e to me" I ha&e een condemned to

*a( a ne for ha&in+ seen the mar>s of a itch$s feet"

I thou+ht that I shou,d once ha&e een em*a,ed

a,i&e on account of a +riQn" I ha&e een sent to

e?ecution for ha&in+ made some &erses in *raise of

the >in+" I ha&e een on the *oint of ein+

stran+,ed) ecause the Gueen had (e,,o% rions H and

no% I am a s,a&e %ith thee) ecause a ruta, %retch

eat his mistress" Come) ,et us >ee* a +ood heartH

a,, this %i,, *erha*s ha&e an end" The Araian mer8

3adi+. The 1(ster( of Fate"

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chants must necessari,( ha&e s,a&esH and %h( not

me as %e,, as another) since) as %e,, as another) I

am a man This merchant %i,, not e crue," 'e

must treat his s,a&es %e,, if he e?*ects an( ad&an8

ta+e from them"#

!ut %hi,e he s*o>e thus his heart %as entire,(

en+rossed ( the fate of the Gueen of !a(,on"

 T%o da(s after) the merchant Setoc set out for

Araia Deserta) %ith his s,a&es and his came,s" 'is

trie d%e,t near the desert of Ore" The Journe(

%as ,on+ and *ainfu," Setoc set a much +reater &a,ue

on the ser&ant than the master) ecause the former

%as more e?*ert in ,oadin+ the came,s) and a,, the

,itt,e mar>s of distinction %ere sho%n to him" A

came, ha&in+ died %ithin t%o da(s Journe( of Ore)

his urden %as di&ided and ,aid on the ac>s of the

ser&antsH and 3adi+ had his share amon+ the rest"

Setoc ,au+hed to see a,, his s,a&es %a,>in+ %ith their

odies inc,ined" 3adi+ too> the ,iert( to e?*,ain to

him the cause) and inform him of the ,a%s of the

a,ance" The merchant %as astonished) and e+an

to re+ard him %ith other e(es" 3adi+) ndin+ he

had raised his curiosit() increased it sti,, further

( acGuaintin+ him %ith man( thin+s that re,ated

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to commerceH the s*ecic +ra&it( of meta,s and

commodities under an eGua, u,>H the *ro*erties

of se&era, usefu, anima,s H and the means of render8

in+ those usefu, that are not natura,,( so"

At ,ast Setoc e+an to consider 3adi+ as a sa+e)

and *referred him to his com*anion) %hom he had

3adi+. The 1(ster( of Fate" <

former,( so much esteemed" 'e treated him %e,,)

and had no cause to re*ent of his >indness"

As soon as Setoc arri&ed amon+ his o%n trie he

demanded the *a(ment of &e hundred ounces of

si,&er) %hich he had ,ent to a /e% in *resence of t%o

%itnessesH ut as the %itnesses %ere dead) and the

det cou,d not e *ro&ed) the 'ere% a**ro*riated

the merchant$s mone( to himse,f) and *ious,( than>ed

od for *uttin+ it in his *o%er to cheat an Araian"

Setoc im*arted this trou,esome aair to 3adi+) %ho

had no% ecome his counse,"

#In %hat *,ace)# said 3adi+) #didst thou ,end the

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&e hundred ounces of si,&er to this inde, #

#0*on a ,ar+e stone)# re*,ied the merchant) #that

,ies near the mountain of Ore"#

#What is the character of th( detor# said 3adi+"

#That of a >na&e)# returned Setoc"

#!ut I as> thee %hether he is ,i&e,( or *h,e+matic)

cautious or im*rudent#

#'e is) of a,, ad *a(ers)# said Setoc) #the most

,i&e,( fe,,o% I e&er >ne%"#

#We,,)# returned 3adi+) #a,,o% me to *,ead th(


In eect) 3adi+ ha&in+ summoned the /e% to the

triuna,) addressed the Jud+e in the fo,,o%in+ terms .

#Pi,,o% of the throne of eGuit() I come to demand

of this man) in the name of m( master) &e hundred

ounces of si,&er) %hich he refuses to re*a("#

#'ast thou an( %itnesses)# said the Jud+e"

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#No) the( are deadH ut there remains a ,ar+e

V& @8 8

B= 3adi+. The 1(ster( of Fate"

stone u*on %hich the mone( %as counted H and) if it

*,ease th( +randeur to order the stone to e sou+ht

for) I ho*e that it %i,, ear %itness" The 'ere%

and I %i,, tarr( here ti,, the stone arri&es" I %i,,

send for it at m( master$s e?*ense"#

#With a,, m( heart)# re*,ied the Jud+e) and

immediate,( a**,ied himse,f to the discussion of

other aairs"

When $the court %as +oin+ to rea> u*) the

 Jud+e said to 3adi+.

#We,,) friend) hath not th( stone (et arri&ed#

 The 'ere% re*,ied %ith a smi,e.

#Th( +randeur ma( sta( here# ti,, to8morro%)

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and after a,, not see the stone" It is more than si?

mi,es from hence H and it %ou,d reGuire fteen men

to mo&e it"#

#We,,)# cried 3adi+) #did I not sa( that the stone

%ou,d ear %itness Since this man >no%s %here

it is) he there( confesses that it %as u*on it that

the mone( %as counted"#

 The 'ere% %as disconcerted) and %as soon

after o,i+ed to confess the truth" The Jud+e

ordered him to e fastened to the stone) %ithout

meat or drin>) ti,, he shou,d restore the &e hurf8

dred ounces) %hich %ere soon after *aid"

 The s,a&e 3adi+ and the stone %ere he,d in +reat

re*ute in Araia"

3adi+ H The 1(ster( of Fate" B ;


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Setoc) charmed %ith the ha**( issue of this

aair) made his s,a&e his intimate friend" 'e had

no% concei&ed as +reat an esteem for him as e&er

the >in+ of !a(,on had done H and 3adi+ %as +,ad

that Setoc had no %ife" 'e had disco&ered in his

master a +ood natura, dis*osition) much *roit( of

heart) and a +reat share of +ood sense H ut he %as

sorr( to see that) accordin+ to the ancient custom of

Araia) he adored the host of hea&enH that is) the

sun) moon) and stars" 'e sometimes s*o>e to him

on this suJect %ith +reat *rudence and discretion"

At ,ast he to,d him that these odies %ere ,i>e a,,

other odies in the uni&erse) and no more deser&in+

of our homa+e than a tree or a roc>"

#!ut)# said Setoc) #the( are eterna, ein+s H and

it is from them %e deri&e a,, %e enJo(" The( ani8

mate natureH the( re+u,ate the seasonsH and) e8

sides) are remo&ed at such an immense distance

from us) that %e cannot he,* re&erin+ them"#

#Thou recei&est more ad&anta+e)# re*,ied 3adi+)

#from the %aters of the Red Sea) %hich carr( th(

merchandise to the Indies" Wh( ma( not it e as

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ancient as the stars and if thou adorest %hat is

*,aced at a distance from thee) thou shou,dst adore

the ,and of the an+arides) %hich ,ies at the e?8

tremit( of the earth"#

B@ 3adi+. The 1(ster( of Fate"

#No)# said Setoc) #the ri+htness of the stars

commands m( adoration"#

At ni+ht 3adi+ ,i+hted u* a +reat numer of

cand,es in the tent %here he %as to su* %ith Setoc H

and the moment his *atron a**eared) he fe,, on his

>nees efore these ,i+hted ta*ers) and said.

#Eterna, and shinin+ ,uminaries e (e a,%a(s

*ro*itious to me"#

'a&in+ thus said) he sat do%n at the ta,e) %ith8

out ta>in+ the ,east notice of Setoc"

#What art thou doin+# said Setoc in ama2e"

#I act ,i>e thee)# re*,ied 3adi+) #I adore these

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cand,es and ne+,ect their master and mine"#

Setoc com*rehended the *rofound sense of this

a*o,o+ue" The %isdom of his s,a&e sun> dee* into

his sou," 'e no ,on+er oered incense to the crea8

tures) ut he adored the eterna, !ein+ %ho made


 There *re&ai,ed at that time in Araia a shoc>8

in+ custom) s*run+ ori+ina,,( from Sc(thia) and

%hich) ein+ esta,ished in the Indies ( the credit

of the !rahmins) threatened to o&errun a,, the

East" When a married man died) and his e,o&ed

%ife as*ired to the character of a saint) she urned

herse,f *u,ic,( on the od( of her husand" This

%as a so,emn feast) and %as ca,,ed the Funera, Pi,e

of Wido%hoodH and that trie in %hich the most

%omen had een urned %as the most hi+h,(

res*ected" An Araian of Setoc$s trie ein+ dead)

3adi+ . The 1(ster( of Fate" B:

his %ido%) %hose name %as A,mona) and %ho %as

&er( de&out) *u,ished the da( and hour %hen she

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intended to thro% herse,f into the re) amidst the

sound of drums and trum*ets"

3adi+ remonstrated a+ainst this horri,e custom"

'e sho%ed Setoc ho% inconsistent it %as %ith the

ha**iness of man>ind to suer (oun+ %ido%s to

urn themse,&es %ido%s %ho %ere ca*a,e of +i&8

in+ chi,dren to the state) or at ,east of educatin+

those the( a,read( had H and he con&inced him that

it %as his dut( to do a,, that ,a( in his *o%er to

ao,ish such a ararous *ractice"

#The %omen)# said Setoc) #ha&e *ossessed for

more than a thousand (ears the ri+ht of urnin+

themse,&esH and %ho sha,, dare to aro+ate a ,a%

%hich time hath rendered sacred Is there an(8

thin+ more res*ecta,e than ancient auses#

#Reason is more ancient)# re*,ied 3adi+) #mean8

%hi,e) s*ea> thou to the chiefs of the tries) and I

%i,, +o to %ait on the (oun+ %ido%"#

Accordin+,() he %as introduced to her) and)

after ha&in+ insinuated himse,f into her +ood +races

( some com*,iments on her eaut() and to,d her

%hat a *it( it %as to commit so man( charms to

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the Mames) he at ,ast *raised her for her constanc(

and coura+e"

#Thou must sure,( ha&e ,o&ed th( husand)#

said he to her) #%ith the most *assionate fondness"#

#Who) I# re*,ied the ,ad() #I ,o&ed him not at

B 3adi+ . The 1(ster( of Fate"

a,," 'e %as a ruta,) Jea,ous) and insu**orta,e

%retchH ut I am rm,( reso,&ed to thro% m(se,f

on his funera, *i,e"#

#It %ou,d a**ear then)# said 3adi+) #that there

must e a &er( de,icious *,easure in ein+ urnt


#Oh it ma>es me shudder)# re*,ied the ,ad()

#ut that must e o&er,oo>ed" I am a de&otee H I

shou,d ,ose m( re*utationH and a,, the %or,d %ou,d

des*ise me) if I did not urn m(se,f"#

3adi+ ha&in+ made her ac>no%,ed+e that she

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urned herse,f to +ain the +ood o*inion of others)

and to +ratif( her o%n &anit() entertained her %ith

a ,on+ discourse ca,cu,ated to ma>e her a ,itt,e in

,o&e %ith ,ife) and e&en %ent so far as to ins*ire

her %ith some de+ree of +ood %i,, for the *erson

%ho s*o>e to her"

#And %hat %i,t thou do at ,ast)# said he) #if

the &anit( of urnin+ th(se,f shou,d not continue#

#A,as)# said the ,ad() #I e,ie&e I shou,d desire

thee to marr( me"#

3adi+$s mind %as too much en+rossed %ith the

idea of Astarte not to e,ude this dec,aration H ut he

instant,( %ent to the chiefs of the tries) to,d them

%hat had *assed) and ad&ised them to ma>e a ,a%

( %hich a %ido% shou,d not e *ermitted to urn

herse,f ti,, she had con&ersed *ri&ate,( %ith a

(oun+ man for the s*ace of an hour" Since that

time not a sin+,e %ido% has urned herse,f in

Araia" The( %ere indeted to 3adi+ a,one for

3adi+. The 1(ster( of Fate" BB

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destro(in+ in one da( a crue, custom that had ,asted

for so man( a+esH and thus he ecame the ene8

factor of Araia"



Setoc) %ho cou,d not se*arate himse,f from this

man in %hom d%e,t %isdom) carried 3adi+ to the

+reat fair of !assora) %hither the richest merchants

of the earth resorted" 3adi+ %as hi+h,( *,eased to

see so man( men of dierent countries united in

the same *,ace" 'e considered the %ho,e uni&erse

as one ,ar+e fami,( assem,ed at !assora" The

second da( he sat at ta,e %ith an E+(*tian) an

Indian) an inhaitant of Catha() a ree>) a Ce,t)

and se&era, other stran+ers) %ho) in their freGuent

&o(a+es to the Araian u,f) had ,earned enou+h

of the Araic to ma>e themse,&es understood"

 The E+(*tian seemed to e in a &io,ent *assion"

#What an aomina,e countr()# said he) #is !as8

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sora The( refuse me a thousand ounces of +o,d

on the est securit( in the %or,d"#

#'o%# said Setoc" #On %hat securit( ha&e

the( refused thee this sum#

#On the od( of m( aunt)# re*,ied the E+(*tian"

#She %as the most nota,e %oman in E+(*tH she

a,%a(s accom*anied me in m( Journe(sH she died

on the road" I ha&e con&erted her into one of the

B4 3adi+. The 1(ster( of Fate"

nest mummies in the %or,d and in m( o%n coun8

tr( I cou,d otain an( amount ( +i&in+ her as a

*,ed+e" It is &er( stran+e that the( %i,, not here

,end me a thousand ounces of +o,d on such a so,id


An+r( as he %as) he %as +oin+ to he,* himse,f

to a it of e?ce,,ent oi,ed fo%,) %hen the Indian)

ta>in+ him ( the hand) cried out in a sorro%fu,

tone) #Ah %hat art thou +oin+ to do#

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#To eat a it of this fo%,)# re*,ied the man %ho

o%ned the mumm("

#Ta>e care that thou dost not)# re*,ied the In8

dian" #It is *ossi,e that the sou, of the deceased

ma( ha&e *assed into this fo%,H and thou %ou,dst

not) sure,() e?*ose th(se,f to the dan+er of eatin+

th( aunt To oi, fo%,s is a manifest outra+e on


#What dost thou mean ( th( nature and th(

fo%,s# re*,ied the cho,eric E+(*tian" #We adore

a u,,) and (et %e eat hearti,( of eef"#

#5ou adore a u,, is it *ossi,e# said the


#Nothin+ is more *ossi,e)# returned the otherH

#%e ha&e done so for these hundred and thirt(8&e

thousand (earsH and nood( amon+st us has e&er

found fau,t %ith it"#

#A hundred and thirt(8&e thousand (ears# said

the Indian" #This account is a ,itt,e e?a++erated"

It is ut ei+ht( thousand (ears since India %as rst

*eo*,ed) and %e are sure,( more ancient than (ou

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3adi+ . The 1(ster( of Fate" B

are" !rahma *rohiited our eatin+ of o?8Mesh e8

fore (ou thou+ht of *uttin+ it on (our s*its or


#This !rahma of (ours)# said the E+(*tian) #is

a *,easant sort of an anima,) tru,() to com*are %ith

our A*is" What +reat thin+s hath (our !rahma

done #

#It %as he)# re*,ied the !rahmin) #that tau+ht

man>ind to read and %rite) and to %hom the %or,d

is indeted for the +ame of chess"#

#Thou art mista>en)# said Cha,daean) %ho sat

near him" #It is to the sh Cannes that %e o%e

these +reat ad&anta+esH and it is Just that %e shou,d

render homa+e to none ut him" #A,, the %or,d

%i,, te,, thee that he is a di&ine ein+) %ith a +o,den

tai,) and a eautifu, human headH and that for

three hours e&er( da( he ,eft the %ater to *reach

on dr( ,and" 'e had se&era, chi,dren) %ho %ere

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>in+s) as e&er( one >no%s" I ha&e a *icture of him

at home) %hich I %orshi* %ith ecomin+ re&erence"

We ma( eat as much eef as %e *,easeH ut it is

sure,( a +reat sin to dress sh for the ta,e" !e8

sides) (ou are oth of an ori+in too recent and

i+no,e to dis*ute %ith me" The E+(*tians rec>on

on,( a hundred and thirt(8&e thousand (ears) and

the Indians ut ei+ht( thousand) %hi,e %e ha&e

a,manacs of four thousand a+es" !e,ie&e meH re8

nounce (our fo,,iesH and I %i,, +i&e to each of (ou

a eautifu, *icture of Oannes"#

B 3adi+. The 1(ster( of Fate"

 The man of Catha( too> u* the discourse) and


#I ha&e a +reat res*ect for the E+(*tians) the

Cha,daeans) the ree>s) the Ce,ts) !rahma) the

u,, A*is) and the eautifu, sh CannesH ut I

cou,d thin> that Li) or Tien) as he is common,(

ca,,ed) is su*erior to a,, the u,,s on the earth) or a,,

the sh in the sea" I sha,, sa( nothin+ of m( nati&e

countr(H it is as ,ar+e as E+(*t) Cha,dsea) and the

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Indies *ut to+ether" Neither sha,, I dis*ute aout

the antiGuit( of our nationH ecause it is of ,itt,e

conseGuence %hether %e are ancient or notH it is

enou+h if %e are ha**(" !ut %ere it necessar( to

s*ea> of a,manacs) I cou,d sa( that a,, Asia ta>es

ours) and that %e had &er( +ood ones efore arith8

metic %as >no%n in Cha,daea"#

#I+norant men) as (e a,, are)# said the ree>)

#do (ou not >no% that Chaos is the father of a,,H

and that form and matter ha&e *ut the %or,d into

its *resent condition#

 The ree> s*o>e for a ,on+ time) ut %as at ,ast

interru*ted ( the Ce,t) %ho) ha&in+ drun> *rett(

dee*,( %hi,e the rest %ere dis*utin+) ima+ined he

%as no% more >no%in+ than a,, the others) and

said) %ith an oath) that there %ere none ut Teutat

and the mist,etoe of the oa> that %ere %orth the

trou,e of a dis*ute H that) for his o%n *art) he had

a,%a(s some mist,etoe in his *oc>etH and that the

Sc(thians) his ancestors) %ere the on,( men of

merit that had e&er a**eared in the %or,dH that it

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3adi+. The 1(ster( of Fate" B<

%as true the( had sometimes eaten human Mesh)

ut that) not%ithstandin+ this circumstance) his

nation deser&ed to e he,d in +reat esteemH and

that) in ne) if an( one s*o>e i,, of Teutat) he %ou,d

teach him etter manners"

 The Guarre, had no% ecome %arm) and Setoc

feared the ta,e %ou,d e stained %ith ,ood"

3adi+) %ho had een si,ent durin+ the %ho,e

dis*ute) arose at ,ast" 'e rst addressed himse,f

to the Ce,t) as the most furious of the dis*utants"

'e to,d him that he had reason on his side) and

e++ed a fe% mist,etoes" 'e then *raised the

ree> for his e,oGuence) and softened a,, their e?as8

*erated s*irits" 'e said ut ,itt,e to the man of

Catha() ecause he had een the most reasona,e

of them a,," At ,ast he said.

#5ou are +oin+) m( friends) to Guarre, aout

nothin+H for (ou are a,, of one mind"#

At this assertion the( a,, cried out in dissent"

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#Is it not true)# said he to the Ce,t) #that (ou

adore not this mist,etoe) ut him that made oth

the mist,etoe and the oa>#

#1ost undouted,()# re*,ied the Ce,t"

#And thou) 1r" E+(*tian) dost not thou re&ere)

in a certain u,,) him %ho created the u,,s#

#5es)# said the E+(*tian"

#The sh Cannes)# continued he) must (ie,d to

him %ho made the sea and the shes" The Indian

and the Cathaian)# added he) #ac>no%,ed+e a rst

*rinci*,e" I did not fu,,( com*rehend the admira,e

4= 3adi+ . The 1(ster( of Fate"

thin+s that %ere said ( the ree>H ut I am sure

he %i,, admit a su*erior ein+ on %hom form and

matter de*end"#

 The ree>) %hom the( a,, admired) said that

3adi+ had e?act,( ta>en his meanin+"

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#5ou are a,, then)# re*,ied 3adi+) #of one o*in8

ion and ha&e no cause to Guarre,"#

A,, the com*an( emraced him"

Setoc) after ha&in+ so,d his commodities at a

&er( hi+h *rice) returned to his o%n trie %ith his

friend 3adi+H %ho ,earned) u*on his arri&a,) that

he had een tried in his asence and %as no% +oin+

to e urned ( a s,o% re"



Durin+ his Journe( to !assora the *riests of the

stars had reso,&ed to *unish 3adi+" The *recious

stones and ornaments of the (oun+ %ido%s %hom

the( sent to the funera, *i,e e,on+ed to them of

ri+ht H and the ,east the( cou,d do no% %as to urn

3adi+ for the i,, oQce he had done them" Accord8

in+,( the( accused him of entertainin+ erroneous

sentiments of the hea&en,( host" The( de*osed

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a+ainst him) and s%ore that the( had heard him sa(

that the stars did not set in the sea" This horrid

,as*hem( made the Jud+es trem,eH the( %ere

read( to tear their +arments u*on hearin+ these

3adi+. The 1(ster( of Fate" 4;

im*ious %ords) and the( %ou,d certain,( ha&e torn

them had 3adi+ had %here%itha, to *a( them for

ne% ones" !ut) in the e?cess of their 2ea, and

indi+nation) the( contented themse,&es %ith con8

demnin+ him to e urnt ( a s,o% re" Setoc)

,,ed %ith des*air at this unha**( e&ent) em*,o(ed

a,, his interest to sa&e his friend) ut in &ain" 'e

%as soon o,i+ed to ho,d his *eace" The (oun+

%ido%) A,mona) %ho had no% concei&ed a +reat

fondness for ,ife) for %hich she %as o,i+ed to

3adi+) reso,&ed to de,i&er him from the funera, *i,e)

of the ause of %hich he had fu,,( con&inced her"

She reso,&ed the scheme in her o%n mind %ithout

im*artin+ it to an( *erson %hate&er" 3adi+ %as

to e e?ecuted the ne?t da(" If she cou,d sa&e

him at a,,) she must do it that &er( ni+htH and the

method ta>en ( this charita,e and *rudent ,ad(

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%as as fo,,o%s.

She *erfumed herse,fH she hei+htened her eaut(

( the richest and +a(est a**are,) and %ent to de8

mand an audience of the chief *riest of the stars"

As soon as she %as introduced to the &enera,e

o,d man) she addressed him in these terms. #E,d8

est son of the +reat ear) rother of the u,,) and

cousin of the +reat do+ such %ere the tit,es of

this *onti6) I come to acGuaint thee %ith m( scru8

*,es" I am much afraid that I ha&e committed a

heinous crime in not urnin+ m(se,f on the funera,

*i,e of m( dear husandH for) indeed) %hat had I

%orth *reser&in+ Perisha,e Mesh) thou seest)

4@ 3adi+. The 1(ster( of Fate"

that is a,read( entire,( %ithered"# So sa(in+) she

dre% u* her ,on+ s,ee&es of si,>) and sho%ed her

na>ed arms) %hich %ere of an e,e+ant sha*e and

a da22,in+ %hiteness" #Thou seest)# said she)

#that these are ,itt,e %orth"# The *riest found in

his heart that the( %ere %orth a +reat dea," 'e

s%ore that he had ne&er in his ,ife seen such eau8

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tifu, arms" #A,as# said the %ido%) #m( arms) *er8

ha*s) are not so ad as the restH ut thou %i,t con8

fess that m( nec> is not %orth( of the ,east re+ard"#

She then disco&ered the most charmin+ osom that

nature had e&er formed" Com*ared to it) a rose8

ud on an a**,e of i&or( %ou,d ha&e a**eared ,i>e

madder on the o?8tree) and the %hiteness of ne%8

%ashed ,ams %ou,d ha&e seemed of a dus>( (e,8

,o%" 'er ,ar+e ,ac> e(es) ,an+uishin+ %ith the

+ent,e ,ustre of a tender reH her chee>s animated

%ith the nest *in>) mi?ed %ith the %hiteness of

mi,>H her nose) %hich had no resem,ance to the

to%er of 1ount LeanonH her ,i*s) ,i>e t%o or8

ders of cora,) enc,osin+ the nest *ear,s in the Ara8

ian SeaH a,, cons*ired to ma>e the o,d man fanc(

and e,ie&e that he %as (oun+ a+ain" A,mona)

seein+ his admiration) no% entreated him to *ardon

3adi+" #A,as# said he) #m( charmin+ ,ad() shou,d

I +rant thee his *ardon) it %ou,d e of no ser&ice)

as it must necessari,( e si+ned ( three others)

m( rethren"# #Si+n it) ho%e&er)# said A,mona"

#With a,, m( heart)# said the *riest" -----


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3adi+. The 1(ster( of Fate" 4:

#!e *,eased to &isit me)# said A,mona) #%hen the

ri+ht star of Sheat sha,, a**ear in the hori2on"#

A,mona then %ent to see the second *onti"

'e assured her that the sun) the moon) and a,, the

,uminaries of hea&en %ere ut +,immerin+ meteors

in com*arison to her charms" She as>ed the same

fa&or of him) and he a,so +ranted it readi,(" She

then a**ointed the second *onti to meet her at the

risin+ of the star A,+eni" From thence she %ent

to the third and fourth *riest) a,%a(s ta>in+ their

si+natures) and ma>in+ an a**ointment from star

to star" She then sent a messa+e to the Jud+es)

entreatin+ them to come to her house on an aair

of +reat im*ortance" The( oe(ed her summons"

She sho%ed them the four names) and to,d them

that the *riests had +ranted the *ardon of 3adi+"

Each of the *ontis arri&ed at the hour a**ointed"

Each %as sur*rised at ndin+ his rethren there)

ut sti,, more at seein+ the Jud+es a,so *resent"

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3adi+ %as sa&ed) and Setoc %as so charmed %ith

the s>i,, and address of A,mona that he at once

made her his %ife"

!usiness aairs no% reGuired Setoc$s *resence

in the is,and of SerendiH ut durin+ the rst

month of his marria+e the month %hich is ca,,ed

the hone(moon he cou,d not *ermit himse,f to

,ea&e A,mona) nor e&en to thin> he cou,d e&er

,ea&e her) and he reGuested 3adi+ to ma>e the

 Journe( in his *,ace" #A,as# said 3adi+) #must I

*ut a sti,, +reater distance et%een the eautifu,

4 3adi+ . The 1(ster( of Fate"

Astarte and m(se,f !ut it %ou,d e un+ratefu,

not to ser&e m( friend) and I %i,, endea&or to do

m( dut("#

Setoc and 3adi+ no% too> ,ea&e of each other

%ith tears in their e(es) oth s%earin+ an eterna,

friendshi*) and *romisin+ to a,%a(s share their

fortunes %ith each other" 3adi+ then) after ha&in+

thro%n himse,f at the feet of his fair de,i&erer) set

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out on his Journe( to Serendi) sti,, musin+ on the

unha**( Astarte) and meditatin+ on the se&erit(

of fortune) %hich seemed to *ersistent,( ma>e him

the s*ort of her crue,t( and the oJect of her *er8


#What# said he to himse,f) #ned four hundred

ounces of +o,d for ha&in+ oser&ed a itch con8

demned to ,ose m( head for four ad &erses in

*raise of the >in+ sentenced to e stran+,ed e8

cause the Gueen had shoes the co,or of m( turan

reduced to s,a&er( for ha&in+ succored a %oman %ho

%as eaten and on the *oint of ein+ urned for

ha&in+ sa&ed the ,i&es of a,, the (oun+ %ido%s of

Araia #


Arri&in+ in due time at the is,and of Serendi)

3adi+$s merits %ere at once reco+ni2ed) and he

%as *o*u,ar,( re+arded as an e?traordinar( man"

'e ecame the friend of the %ise and ,earned) the

aritrator of dis*utes) and the ad&iser of the sma,,

numer of those %ho %ere %i,,in+ to ta>e ad&ice"

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3adi+. The 1(ster( of Fate" 4B

'e %as du,( *resented to the >in+) %ho %as *,eased

%ith his aai,it() and soon chose him for his

friend" !ut this ro(a, fa&or caused 3adi+ to trem8

,e) for he %e,, rememered the misfortunes %hich

the >indness of Kin+ 1oadar had former,(

rou+ht u*on him" #I *,ease the >in+)# said heH

#sha,, I not therefore e ,ost# Sti,,) he cou,d not

refuse the >in+$s friendshi*) for it must e confessed

that Naussan) >in+ of Serendi) son of Nussana)

son of Naassau) son of Sanusna) %as one of the

most amia,e *rinces in Asia"

!ut this +ood *rince %as a,%a(s Mattered) de8

cei&ed and roed" It %as a contest %ho shou,d

most *i,,a+e the ro(a, treasur(" The e?am*,e set

( the recei&er8+enera, of Serendi %as uni&ersa,,(

fo,,o%ed ( the inferior oQcers"

 This the >in+ >ne%" 'e had often chan+ed his

treasurers) ut had ne&er een a,e to chan+e the

esta,ished custom of di&idin+ the re&enues into

t%o uneGua, *arts) of %hich the sma,,er came to

his maJest() and the ,ar+er to his oQcers"

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 This custom Naussan e?*,ained to 3adi+"

#5ou) %hose >no%,ed+e emraces so man( su8

 Jects)# said he) #can (ou not te,, me ho% to se,ect

a treasurer %ho %i,, not ro me# Assured,()#

said 3adi+H I >no% a sure method for ndin+ (ou

a man %ho %i,, >ee* his hands c,ean"#

 The >in+ %as charmed) and as>ed) %hi,e he

emraced him) ho% this %as to e done"

#5ou ha&e on,()# said 3adi+) #to cause a,, those

Vo," @B

44 3adi+ . The 1(ster( of Fate"

%ho a**,( for the oQce of treasurer to dance" 'e

%ho dances the ,i+htest %i,, sure,( *ro&e to e the

most honest man"#

#5ou Jest)# said the >in+" #A stran+e %a() cer8

tain,() of choosin+ a recei&er of m( re&enues"

What do (ou *retend that he %ho cuts the neat8

est ca*er %i,, e the most Just and s>i,fu, nan8

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#I %i,, not ans%er)# returned 3adi+) #for his

ein+ the most s>i,fu,) ut I assure (ou he %i,, e

the most honest"#

3adi+ s*o>e %ith so much condence that the

>in+ ima+ined he had some su*ernatura, test for

se,ectin+ honest nanciers"

#I do not ,i>e the su*ernatura,)# said 3adi+H

#*eo*,e and oo>s dea,in+ in *rodi+ies ha&e a,%a(s

dis*,eased me" If (our maJest( %i,, *ermit me to

ma>e the test) (ou %i,, e con&inced it is the easiest

and sim*,est thin+ *ossi,e"#

Naussan consented) and %as more aston8

ished to hear that the test %as sim*,e) than if it had

een c,aimed as a mirac,e"

#Lea&e a,, the detai,s to me)# said 3adi+" #5ou

%i,, +ain more ( this tria, than (ou ima+ine"#

 The same da( he made *roc,amation in the

>in+$s name) and a,, candidates for the oQce of re8

cei&er8in8chief of the re&enues of his +racious maJ8

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est() Naussan) son of Nussana) must *resent

themse,&es in dresses of ,i+ht si,>) on the rst da(

of the month of the crocodi,e) in the >in+$s ante8

3adi+ . The 1(ster( of Fate" 4

chamer" The candidates came) accordin+,() to the

numer of si?t(8four" 1usicians %ere *,aced in

an adJoinin+ room) and a,, %as *re*ared for the

dance" As the door of the sa,oon %as c,osed) it

%as necessar() in order to enter it) to *ass throu+h

a sma,, +a,,er( %hich %as s,i+ht,( dar>ened" An

usher directed each candidate in succession throu+h

this oscure *assa+e) in %hich he %as ,eft a,one for

some moments" The >in+) ein+ a%are of the *,an)

had tem*tin+,( s*read out in this +a,,er( man( of

his choicest treasures" When a,, the candidates

%ere assem,ed in the sa,oon) the >in+ ordered the

and to *,a( and the dance to e+in" Ne&er had

dancers *erformed more un%i,,in+,( or %ith ,ess

+race" Their heads %ere do%n) their ac>s ent) their

hands *ressed to their sides"

#What rasca,s# murmured 3adi+"

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One a,one danced %ith +race and a+i,it( his

head u*) his ,oo> assured) his od( erect) his arms

free) his motions natura,"

#Ah) the honest man) the e?ce,,ent man# cried


 The >in+ emraced this u*ri+ht dancer) a**oint8

ed him treasurer) and *unished a,, the others %ith

the utmost Justice) for each one had) %hi,e *assin+

throu+h the +a,,er() ,,ed his *oc>ets ti,, he cou,d

hard,( %a,>" 'is maJest( %as distressed at this

e?hiition of dishonest() and re+retted that amon+

these si?t(8four dancers there shou,d e si?t(8

4 3adi+. The 1(ster( of Fate"

three thie&es" This dar> +a,,er( %as then named

the Corridor of Tem*tation"

In Persia these si?t(8three ,ords %ou,d ha&e

een em*a,ed H in other countries a chamer of Jus8

tice %ou,d ha&e consumed in costs three times the

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mone( sto,en) re*,acin+ nothin+ in the >in+$s cof8

fersH in (et another >in+dom the( %ou,d ha&e

een honora,( acGuitted) and the ,i+ht dancer dis8

+racedH in Serendi the( %ere on,( sentenced to

add to the *u,ic treasure) for Naussan %as &er(


'e %as a,so &er( +ratefu,) and %i,,in+,( +a&e

3adi+ a ,ar+er sum than an( treasurer had e&er sto,en

from the re&enue" This %ea,th 3adi+ used to send a

courier to !a(,on to ,earn the fate of 7ueen

Astarte" 'is &oice trem,ed %hen directin+ the

courier" 'is ,ood seemed -o sta+nate in his &eins"

'is heart a,most ceased to eat" 'is e(es %ere

suused %ith tears"


After the courier had +one 3adi+ returned to

the *a,ace) and) for+ettin+ that he %as not in his

o%n room) a,most unconscious,( uttered the %ord


#Ah) ,o&e# e?c,aimed the >in+H #that is indeed

the cause of m( unha**iness" 5ou ha&e di&ined

%hat it is that causes me *ain" 5ou are indeed a

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+reat man" I ho*e (ou %i,, assist me in m( search

for a %oman) *erfect in a,, res*ects) and of %hose

3adi+. The 1(ster( of Fate" 4<

aection I ma( fee, assured" 5ou ha&e *ro&ed

(our ai,it( for this ser&ice ( se,ectin+ for me an

honest nancier) and I ha&e entire condence in

(our success"#

3adi+) ha&in+ reco&ered his com*osure) *rom8

ised to ser&e the >in+ in ,o&e as he had in nance)

a,thou+h the tas> seemed to him far more diQcu,t"

#The od( and the heart)# said the >in+"

At these %ords 3adi+ cou,d not refrain from in8

terru*tin+ his maJest(" #5ou sho% +ood taste)#

said he) #( not sa(in+ the mind and the heartH

for %e hear nothin+ ut these %ords in the ta,> of

!a(,on" We see nothin+ ut oo>s %hich treat

of the heart and mind) %ritten ( *eo*,e %ho ha&e

neither the one nor the other" !ut *ardon me)

sire) and dei+n to continue"#

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#I ha&e in m( *a,ace)# said the >in+) #one hun8

dred %omen %ho are a,, ca,,ed charmin+) +racefu,)

eautifu,) aectionate e&en) or *retendin+ to e so

%hen in m( com*an( H ut I ha&e too often rea,i2ed

that it is to the >in+ of Serendi the( *a( court)

and that the( care &er( ,itt,e for Naussan" This

*retended aection does not satisf( m( desires" I

%ou,d nd a consort that ,o&es me for m(se,f) and

%ho %ou,d %i,,in+,( e a,, m( o%n" For such a

treasure I %ou,d Jo(fu,,( arter the hundred eau8

ties %hose forced smi,es aord me no de,i+ht" Let

us see if out of these hundred Gueens (ou can se,ect

one true %oman to ,ess me %ith her ,o&e"#

3adi+ re*,ied to him) as he had *re&ious,( done

(o 3adi+ . The 1(ster( of Fate"

in re+ard to the nances. #Sire) a,,o% me to ma>e

the attem*t) and *ermit me to a+ain use the treas8

ure former,( dis*,a(ed in the Court of Tem*tation"

I %i,, render (ou a faithfu, account"#

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 The >in+ %i,,in+,( acceded to this reGuest) and

*ermitted 3adi+ to do as he desired" 'e rst chose

thirt(8three of the u+,iest ,itt,e hunchac>s that

cou,d e *rocured in Serendi) then thirt(8three of

the handsomest *a+es to e found) and ,ast,() thir8

t(8three on2es *riests6) the most e,oGuent and

roust he cou,d se,ect" 'e +a&e them a,, ,iert(

to enter the >in+$s *ri&ate a*artments in the *a,ace)

and secure a *artner if the( so desired" Each ,itt,e

hunchac> had four thousand +o,d *ieces +i&en to

him) and on the rst da( each had secured a com8

*anion" The *a+es) %ho had nothin+ to +i&e ut

themse,&es) did not succeed in man( cases unti, the

end of t%o or three da(s" The *riests had sti,,

more trou,e in otainin+ *artners) ut na,,( thir8

t(8three de&otees Joined their fortunes %ith these

*ious suitors" The >in+) throu+h the ,inds %hich

o*ened into his a*artments) sa% a,, these tria,s) and

%as astounded" Of these hundred %omen) ninet(8

nine discarded his *rotection" There sti,, remained

one) ho%e&er) sti,, Guite (oun+) %ith %hom his

maJest( had ne&er con&ersed" The( sent to her

one) t%o) three hunchac>s) %ho dis*,a(ed efore

her t%ent( thousand *ieces of +o,d" She sti,, re8

mained rm) and cou,d not refrain from ,au+hin+

at the idea of these cri**,es) that %ea,th cou,d

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3adi+. The 1(ster( of Fate" ;

chan+e their a**earance" The( then *resented

efore her the t%o most eautifu, *a+es" She said

she thou+ht the >in+ %as sti,, more eautifu," The(

attac>ed her %ith the most e,oGuent of the *riests)

and after%ards %ith the most audacious" She found

the rst a *ratt,er) and cou,d not *ercei&e an( merit

in the second"

#The heart)# said she) #is e&er(thin+" I %i,,

ne&er (ie,d to the hunchac>s$ +o,d) the *a+es$

&anit() or the *om*ous *ratt,e of the *riests" I

,o&e on,( Naussan) son of Nussana) and I %i,,

%ait unti, he condescends to ,o&e me in return"#

 The >in+ %as trans*orted %ith Jo() astonish8

ment) and ,o&e" 'e too> ac> a,, the mone( that

had rou+ht success to the hunchac>s) and made

a *resent of it to the eautifu, Fa,ide) %hich %as

the name of this charmin+ ,ad(" 'e +a&e her his

heart) %hich she am*,( deser&ed) for ne&er %ere

+,ances from fema,e e(es more ri,,iant than her

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o%n) nor the charms of (outhfu, eaut( more en8

chantin+" En&() it is true) asserted that she courte8

sied a%>%ard,(H ut candor com*e,s the admis8

sion that she danced ,i>e the fairies) acted ,i>e the

+races) san+ ,i>e the sirens) and that she %as) in

truth) the &er( emodiment of inte,,i+ence and &ir8

tue" Naussan ,o&ed and adored her) ut) a,as

she had !L0E E5ES) and this a**arent,( tri&ia, fact

%as the cause of the +ra&est misfortunes"

 There %as an o,d ,a% in Serendi foriddin+

the >in+s to marr( those to %hom the ree>s a*8

@ 3adi+. The 1(ster( of Fate"

*,ied the %ord !oai?ts" A hi+h *riest had

esta,ished this ,a% thousands of (ears a+o" 'e

had anathemati2ed ,ue e(es in order that he mi+ht

secure for himse,f the hand of the >in+$s fa&orite"

 The &arious orders of the em*ire no% remonstrated

%ith Naussan for disre+ardin+ this or+anic ,a%

and ,o&in+ the eautifu, Fa,ide" The( *u,ic,( as8

serted that the ,ast da(s of the >in+dom had ar8

ri&edH that this act of ro(a, ,o&e %as the hei+ht

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of sacri,e+eH that a,, nature %as threatened %ith

a sinister endin+) and a,, ecause Naussan) son

of Nussana) ,o&ed t%o ma+nicent ,ue e(es" The

cri**,es) the ca*ita,ists) the on2es and the ru8

nettes ,,ed the >in+dom %ith their com*,aints"

 The ararians of the northern *ro&inces *rof8

ited ( the +enera, discontent" The( in&aded the

territor( of the +ood Naussan and demanded a

triute from his suJects" The *riests) %ho *os8

sessed ha,f the re&enues of the state) contented

themse,&es %ith raisin+ their hands to hea&en) and

refused to *ut them in their coers to aid the >in+"

 The( chanted eautifu, *ra(ers) and ,eft the state

a *re( to the in&aders"

#O) m( dear 3adi+# sad,( cried Naussan) #can

(ou not rescue me from this im*endin+ dan+er#

#Ver( %i,,in+,()# re*,ied 3adi+" #5ou sha,,

ha&e for (our defence as much mone( from the

*riests as (ou ma( desire" Lea&e) I *ra( (ou) %ith8

out +uard) the *ro*ert( of the on2es) and defend

on,( (our o%n *ossessions"#

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3adi+ . The 1(ster( of Fate" :

Naussan %ise,( fo,,o%ed this ad&ice" The

*riests ecame a,armed) thre% themse,&es at his

feet) and im*,ored his *rotection" The >in+ re8

*,ied %ith a+reea,e music) and chanted forth *ra(8

ers and in&ocations to hea&en %ith much s%eetness

and me,od(" Fina,,() the *riests re,uctant,( con8

triuted the mone() and the >in+ rou+ht the %ar

to a ha**( termination"

 Thus 3adi+) ( his sensi,e ad&ice and Judicious

ser&ices) dre% u*on himse,f the enmit( of the most

*o%erfu, *arties in the state" The on2es and the

runettes s%ore to destro( himH the ca*ita,ists and

the cri**,es did not s*are him" The( caused the

+ood Naussan to sus*ect him" #Ser&ices rendered

often remain in the ante8chamer) and distrust

enters into the cainet"# So said 3oroaster" E&8

er( da( there %ere fresh accusations H the rst is re8

*e,,ed) the second is ,i+ht,( thou+ht of) the third

%ounds) the fourth >i,,s"

3adi+ %as disma(ed) and ha&in+ no% satisfac8

tori,( arran+ed Setoc$s aairs) he on,( thou+ht of

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,ea&in+ the is,and in safet("

#!ut %here sha,, I +o# said he" #If I remain

in Serendi the *riests %i,, dout,ess ha&e me em8

*a,edH in E+(*t I shou,d *roa,( e ens,a&edH

urnt) accordin+ to a,, a**earances) in AraiaH

stran+,ed in !a(,on" 'o%e&er) I must ,earn

%hat has ecome of 7ueen Astarte) and %i,, +o on

and see %hat sad fate destin( has sti,, in store for


3adi+ . The 1(ster( of Fate"


 T'E RO!!ER"

Arri&in+ on the frontiers %hich di&ide Araia

Petraea from S(ria) he *assed ( a &er( stron+

cast,e from %hich a *art( of armed Araians sa,,ied

forth" The( instant,( surrounded him and cried .

#A,, thou hast e,on+s to us) and th( *erson is

the *ro*ert( of our master"#

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3adi+ re*,ied ( dra%in+ his s%ord" 'is ser8

&ant) %ho %as a man of coura+e) did the same"

 The( >i,,ed the rst Araians that *resumed to ,a(

hands on them) and thou+h the numer %as re8

dou,ed the( %ere not disma(ed) ut reso,&ed to

*erish in the conMict" T%o men defended them8

se,&es a+ainst a mu,titude) ut such a comat cou,d

not ,ast ,on+" The master of the cast,e) %hose

name %as Aro+ad) ha&in+ oser&ed from a %in8

do% the *rodi+ies of &a,or *erformed ( 3adi+)

concei&ed a hi+h esteem for this heroic stran+er"

'e descended in haste) and %ent in *erson to ca,,

o his men and de,i&er the t%o tra&e,,ers"

#A,, that *asses o&er m( ,ands)# said he) #e8

,on+s to me) as %e,, as %hat I nd u*on the ,ands

of othersH ut thou seemest to e a man of such

undaunted coura+e that I %i,, e?em*t thee from the

common ,a%"#

'e then conducted him to his cast,e) orderin+

his men to treat him %e,,) and in the e&enin+ Ar

3adi+ . The 1(ster( of Fate" B

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o+ad su**ed %ith 3adi+" The ,ord of the cast,e

%as one of those Araians %ho are common,(

ca,,ed roers) ut he no% and then *erformed

some +ood actions amidst a mu,titude of ad ones"

'e roed %ith a furious ra*acit() and +ranted

fa&ors %ith +reat +enerosit(" 'e %as intre*id in

action) aa,e in com*an() a deauchee at ta,e)

ut +a( in his deaucher() and *articu,ar,( remar>8

a,e for his fran> and o*en eha&ior" 'e %as

hi+h,( *,eased %ith 3adi+) %hose ,i&e,( con&ersa8

tion ,en+thened the re*ast" At ,ast Aro+ad said

to him.

#I ad&ise thee to enro,, th( name in m( cata8

,o+ue" Thou canst not do etter" This is not a

ad trade) and thou ma(est one da( ecome %hat

I am at *resent"#

#1a( I ta>e the ,iert( of as>in+ thee)# said

3adi+) #ho% ,on+ thou hast fo,,o%ed this no,e *ro8

fession #

#From m( most tender (outh)# re*,ied the ,ord)

#I %as ser&ant to a *ett() +ood8natured Araian)

ut cou,d not endure the hardshi*s of m( situation"

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I %as &e?ed to nd that fate had +i&en me no share

of the earth) %hich eGua,,( e,on+s to a,, men" I

im*arted the cause of m( uneasiness to an o,d Ara8

ian) %ho said to me.

# $1( son) do not des*airH there %as once a +rain

of sand that ,amented that it %as no more than a

ne+,ected atom in the desertsH at the end of a fe%

(ears it ecame a diamond) and it is no% the ri+ht8

4 3adi+. The 1(ster( of Fate"

est ornament in the cro%n of the >in+ of the In8


#This discourse made a dee* im*ression on m(

mind" I %as the +rain of sand) and I reso,&ed to

ecome the diamond" I e+an ( stea,in+ t%o

horses" I soon +ot a *art( of com*anions" I *ut

m(se,f in a condition to ro sma,, cara&ans) and

thus) ( de+rees) I destro(ed the dierence %hich

had former,( susisted et%een me and other men"

I had m( share of the +ood thin+s of this %or,d)

and %as e&en recom*ensed %ith usur( for the hard8

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shi*s I had suered" I %as +reat,( res*ected) and

ecame the ca*tain of a and of roers" I sei2ed

this cast,e ( force" The satra* of S(ria had a

mind to dis*ossess me of it) ut I %as too rich to

ha&e an(thin+ to fear" I +a&e the satra* a hand8

some *resent) ( %hich means I *reser&ed m(

cast,e) and increased m( *ossessions" 'e e&en a*8

*ointed me treasurer of the triutes %hich Araia

Petrsea *a(s to the >in+ of >in+s" I *erform m(

oQce of recei&er %ith +reat *unctua,it() ut ta>e

the freedom to dis*ense %ith that of *a(master"

#The +rand desterham of !a(,on sent hither

a *ett( satra*) in the name of Kin+ 1oadar) to

ha&e me stran+,ed" This man arri&ed %ith his or8

ders" I %as a**rised of a,," I caused to e stran8

+,ed) in his *resence) the four *ersons he had

rou+ht %ith him to dra% the noose) after %hich I

as>ed him ho% much his commission of stran+,in+

me mi+ht e %orth" 'e re*,ied that his fees %ou,d

3adi+. The 1(ster( of Fate"

amount to ao&e three hundred *ieces of +o,d" I

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then con&inced him that he mi+ht +ain more (

sta(in+ %ith me" I made him an inferior roer)

and he is no% one of m( est and richest oQcers"

If thou %i,t ta>e m( ad&ice) th( success ma( e

eGua, to his" Ne&er %as there a etter season for

*,under) since Kin+ 1oadar is >i,,ed) and a,,

!a(,on thro%n into confusion"#

#1oadar >i,,ed# said 3adi+) #and %hat has

ecome of 7ueen Astarte#

#I >no% not)# re*,ied Aro+ad" A,, I >no% is

that 1oadar ,ost his senses and %as >i,,edH that

!a(,on is a scene of disorder and ,oodshedH that

a,, the em*ire is deso,ated H that there are some ne

stro>es to e made (etH and that) for m( o%n *art)

I ha&e struc> some that are admira,e"#

#!ut the Gueen)# said 3adi+H #for hea&en$s sa>e)

>no%est thou nothin+ of the Gueen$s fate#

#5es)# re*,ied he) #I ha&e heard somethin+ of a

*rince of 'ircania" If she %as not >i,,ed in the tu8

mu,t) she is *roa,( one of his concuines" !ut I am

much fonder of oot( than ne%s" I ha&e ta>en

se&era, %omen in m( e?cursions) ut I >ee* none

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of them" I se,, them at a hi+h *rice %hen the(

are eautifu,) %ithout inGuirin+ %ho the( are" In

commodities of this >ind ran> ma>es no dierence)

and a Gueen that is u+,( %i,, ne&er nd a *urchaser"

Perha*s I ma( ha&e so,d 7ueen AstarteH *erha*s

she is dead H ut) e it as it ma() it is of ,itt,e con8

3adi+. The 1(ster( of Fate"

seGuence to me) and I shou,d ima+ine of as ,itt,e

to thee"#

So sa(in+) he dran> a ,ar+e drau+ht) %hich

thre% a,, his ideas into such confusion that 3adi+

cou,d otain no further information"

3adi+ remained for some time %ithout s*eech)

sense) or motion" Aro+ad continued drin>in+)

constant,( re*eated that he %as the ha**iest man

in the %or,d) and e?horted 3adi+ to *ut himse,f in

the same condition" At ,ast the so*oriferous fume

of the %ine ,u,,ed him into a +ent,e re*ose" 3adi+

*assed the ni+ht in the most &io,ent *erturation"

#What# said he) #did the >in+ ,ose his senses

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And is he >i,,ed I cannot he,* ,amentin+ his fate"

 The em*ire is rent in *ieces) and this roer is

ha**(" O fortune O destin( A roer is

ha**() and the most eautifu, of nature$s %or>s

hath *erha*s *erished in a ararous manner) or

,i&es in a state %orse than death" O Astarte %hat

has ecome of thee#

At da(rea> he Guestioned a,, those he met in

the cast,e) ut the( %ere a,, us() and he recei&ed

no ans%er" Durin+ the ni+ht the( had made a ne%

ca*ture) and the( %ere no% em*,o(ed in di&idin+

the s*oi," A,, he cou,d otain in this hurr( and

confusion %as an o**ortunit( of de*artin+) %hich

he immediate,( emraced) *,un+ed dee*er than e&er

in the most +,oom( and mournfu, reMections"

3adi+ *roceeded on his Journe( %ith a mind

fu,, of disGuiet and *er*,e?it() and %ho,,( em8

3adi+. The 1(ster( of Fate" <

*,o(ed on the unha**( Astarte) on the Kin+ of

!a(,on) on his faithfu, friend Cador) on the ha**(

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roer Aro+ad) on that ca*ricious %oman %hom

the !a(,onians had sei2ed on the frontiers of

E+(*t) in a %ord) on a,, the misfortunes and dis8

a**ointments he had hitherto suered"



At a fe% ,ea+ues distance from Aro+ad$s cast,e

he came to the an>s of a sma,, ri&er) sti,, de*,orin+

his fate) and considerin+ himse,f as the most

%retched of man>ind" 'e sa% a sherman ,(in+

on the an> of the ri&er) scarce,( ho,din+ in his

%ea> and fee,e hand a net %hich he seemed read(

to dro*) and ,iftin+ u* his e(es to hea&en"

#I am certain,()# said the sherman) #the most

unha**( man in the %or,d" I %as uni&ersa,,( a,8

,o%ed to e the most famous dea,er in cream

cheese in !a(,on) and (et I am ruined" I had the

most handsome %ife that an( man in m( situation

cou,d ha&e) and ( her I ha&e een etra(ed" I

had sti,, ,eft a *a,tr( house) and that I ha&e seen *i,8

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,a+ed and destro(ed" At ,ast I too> refu+e in this

cotta+e) %here I ha&e no other resource than sh8

in+) and (et I cannot catch a sin+,e sh" Oh) m(

net no more %i,, I thro% thee into the %aterH I

%i,, thro% m(se,f in th( *,ace"#

o 3adi+. The 1(ster( of Fate"

So sa(in+) he arose and ste**ed for%ard) in

the attitude of a man read( to thro% himse,f into

the ri&er) and thus to nish his ,ife"

#What# said 3adi+) #are there men as %retched

as I#

'is ea+erness to sa&e the sherman$s ,ife %as

as sudden as this reMection" 'e runs to him) sto*s

him) and s*ea>s to him %ith a tender and com*as8

sionate air" It is common,( su**osed that %e are

,ess misera,e %hen %e ha&e com*anions in our

miser(" This) accordin+ to 3oroaster) does not *ro8

ceed from ma,ice) ut necessit(" We fee, ourse,&es

insensi,( dra%n to an unha**( *erson as to one

,i>e ourse,&es" The Jo( of the ha**( %ou,d e an

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insu,t" !ut t%o men in distress are ,i>e t%o s,ender

trees) %hich) mutua,,( su**ortin+ each other) fortif(

themse,&es a+ainst the tem*est"

#Wh()# said 3adi+ to the sherman) #dost thou

sin> under th( misfortunes#

#!ecause)# re*,ied he) #I see no means of re,ief"

I %as the most considera,e man in the &i,,a+e of

Der,ac>) near !a(,on) and %ith the assistance of

m( %ife I made the est cream cheese in the em8

*ire" 7ueen Astarte) and the famous minister)

3adi+) %ere e?treme,( fond of them" I had sent

them si? hundred cheeses) and one da( %ent to the

cit( to recei&e m( mone() ut on m( arri&a, at

!a(,on %as informed that the Gueen and 3adi+

had disa**eared" I ran to the house of Lord 3adi+)

%hom I had ne&er seen) and found there the infe8

3adi+ . The 1(ster( of Fate" ;

rior oQcers of the +rand desterham) %ho) ein+ fur8

nished %ith a ro(a, ,icence) %ere *,underin+ it %ith

+reat ,o(a,t( and order" From thence I Me% to the

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Gueen$s >itchen) some of the ,ords of %hich to,d

me that the Gueen %as deadH some said she %as in

*rison) and others *retended that she had made her

esca*eH ut the( a,, a+reed in assurin+ me that I

%ou,d not e *aid for m( cheese" I %ent %ith m(

%ife to the house of Lord Orcan) %ho %as one of

m( customers) and e++ed his *rotection in m(

*resent distress" 'e +ranted it to m( %ife) ut

refused it to me" She %as %hiter than the cream

cheeses that e+an m( misfortune) and the ,ustre

of the T(rian *ur*,e %as not more ri+ht than the

carnation %hich animated this %hiteness" For this

reason Orcan detained her) and dro&e me from his

house" In m( des*air I %rote a ,etter to m( dear

%ife" She said to the earer . $'a) ha I >no% the

%riter of this a ,itt,e" I ha&e heard his name men8

tioned" The( sa( he ma>es e?ce,,ent cream cheeses"

Desire him to send me some and he sha,, e *aid"$

#In m( distress I reso,&ed to a**,( to Justice" I

had sti,, si? ounces of +o,d remainin+" I %as

o,i+ed to +i&e t%o to the ,a%(er %hom I con8

su,ted) t%o to the *rocurator %ho undertoo> m(

cause) and t%o to the secretar( of the rst Jud+e"

When a,, this %as done) m( usiness %as not e8

+unH and I had a,read( e?*ended more mone( than

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m( cheese and m( %ife %ere %orth" I returned to

Vo," @4

@ 3adi+. The 1(ster( of Fate"

m( o%n &i,,a+e) %ith an intention to se,, m( house)

in order to ena,e me to reco&er m( %ife"

#1( house %as %e,, %orth si?t( ounces of +o,d H

ut as m( nei+hors sa% that I "%as *oor) and

o,i+ed to se,, it) the rst to %hom I a**,ied of8

fered me thirt( ounces) the second t%ent() and the

third ten" !ad as these oers %ere) I %as so ,ind

that I %as +oin+ to stri>e a ar+ain) %hen a *rince

of 'ircania came to !a(,on) and ra&a+ed a,, in his

%a(" 1( house %as rst sac>ed and then urned"

#'a&in+ thus ,ost m( mone() m( %ife) and m(

house) I retired into this countr() %here thou no%

seest me" I ha&e endea&ored to +ain a susistence

( shin+) ut the sh ma>e a moc> of me) as %e,,

as the men" I catch noneH I die of hun+erH and

had it not een for thee) au+ust comforter) I shou,d

ha&e *erished in the ri&er"#

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 The sherman %as not a,,o%ed to +i&e this ,on+

account %ithout interru*tion" At e&er( moment)

3adi+) mo&ed and trans*orted) said .

#What) >no%est thou nothin+ of the Gueen$s


#No) m( ,ord)# re*,ied the sherman) #ut I

>no% that neither the Gueen nor 3adi+ ha&e *aid

me for m( cream cheesesH that I ha&e ,ost m( %ife)

and am no% reduced to des*air"#

#I Matter m(se,f)# said 3adi+) #that thou %i,t

not ,ose a,, th( mone(" I ha&e heard of this 3adi+H

he is an honest man) and if he return to !a(,on)

as he e?*ects) he %i,, +i&e thee more than he o%es

3adi+ . The 1(ster( of Fate" :

thee" !ut %ith re+ard to th( %ife) %ho is not so

honest) I ad&ise thee not to see> to reco&er her"

!e,ie&e me) +o to !a(,onH I sha,, e there efore

thee) ecause I am on horseac>) and thou art on

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foot" A**,( to the i,,ustrious Cador" Te,, him

thou hast met his friend" Wait for me at his house"

oH *erha*s thou %i,t not a,%a(s e unha**("

#O) *o%erfu, Oroma2es# continued he) #thou

em*,o(est me to comfort this man" Whom %i,t

thou em*,o( to +i&e me conso,ation#

So sa(in+) he +a&e the sherman ha,f the mone(

he had rou+ht from Araia" The sherman)

struc> %ith sur*rise and ra&ished %ith Jo() >issed

the feet of the friend of Cador) and said .

#Thou art sure,( an an+e, sent from hea&en to

sa&e me#

1ean%hi,e 3adi+ continued to ma>e fresh in8

Guiries) and to shed tears" #What m( ,ord)# cried

the sherman) #and art thou then so unha**() thou

%ho esto%est fa&ors#

#A hundred times more unha**( than thee)#

re*,ied 3adi+"

#!ut ho% is it *ossi,e)# said the +ood man)

#that the +i&er can e more %retched than the re8

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#!ecause)# re*,ied 3adi+) #th( +reatest miser(

arose from *o&ert() and mine is seated in the heart"#

#Did Orcan ta>e th( %ife from thee# said the


 This %ord reca,,ed to 3adi+$s mind the %ho,e

3adi+ . The 1(ster( of Fate"

of his ad&entures" 'e re*eated the cata,o+ue of

his misfortunes) e+innin+ %ith the Gueen$s itch)

and endin+ %ith his arri&a, at the cast,e of the ro8

er Aro+ad"

#Ah# said he to the sherman) #Orcan deser&es

to e *unishedH ut it is common,( such men as

those that are the fa&orites of fortune" 'o%e&er)

+o thou to the house of Lord Cador) and there

a%ait m( arri&a,"#

 The( then *arted" The sherman %a,>ed) than>8

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in+ hea&en for the ha**iness of his conditionH and

3adi+ rode) accusin+ fortune for the hardness of

his ,ot"



Arri&in+ in a eautifu, meado%) he there sa%

se&era, %omen) %ho %ere searchin+ for somethin+

%ith +reat a**,ication" 'e too> the ,iert( to a*8

*roach one of them) and to as> if he mi+ht ha&e

the honor to assist them in their search"

#Ta>e care that thou dost not)# re*,ied the S(r8

ian" What %e are searchin+ for can e touched

on,( ( %omen"#

#Stran+e)# said 3adi+" #1a( I *resume to as>

thee %hat it is that %omen on,( are *ermitted to


#It is a asi,is>)# said she"

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3adi+. The 1(ster( of Fate" B

#A asi,is>) madam and for %hat *ur*ose) *ra()

dost thou see> for a asi,is>#

It is for our ,ord and master) O+u,) %hose cast,e

thou seest on the an> of that ri&er) at the end of

that meado%" We are his most hum,e s,a&es"

 The ,ord O+u, is sic>" 'is *h(sician has ordered

him to eat a asi,is>) ste%ed in rose8%ater) and as

it is a &er( rare anima,) and can on,( e ta>en (

%omen) the ,ord O+u, hath *romised to choose for

his %e,,8e,o&ed %ife the %oman that sha,, rin+

him a asi,is>" Let me +o on in m( search) for

thou seest %hat I sha,, ,ose if I am foresta,,ed (

m( com*anions"#

3adi+ ,eft her and the other Ass(rians to search

for their asi,is>) and continued his Journe(

throu+h the meado%H %hen) comin+ to the rin>

of a sma,, ri&u,et) he found a ,ad( ,(in+ on the

+rass) and %ho %as not searchin+ for an(thin+"

'er *erson seemed maJestic) ut her face %as co&8

ered %ith a &ei," She %as inc,ined to%ard the ri&8

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u,et) and *rofound si+hs *roceeded from her osom"

In her hand she he,d a sma,, rod) %ith %hich she

%as tracin+ characters on the ne sand that ,a(

et%een the turf and the roo>"

3adi+ had the curiosit( to e?amine %hat this

%oman %as %ritin+" 'e dre% near" 'e sa% the ,etter

3) then an A H he %as astonished H then a**eared a D H

he started" !ut ne&er %as sur*rise eGua, to his %hen

he sa% the ,ast t%o ,etters of his name" 'e stood

4 3adi+. The 1(ster( of Fate"

for some time immo&a,e" At ,ast) rea>in+ si,ence

%ith a fa,terin+ &oice.

#Oh) +enerous ,ad( *ardon a stran+er) an un8

fortunate man) for *resumin+ to as> thee ( %hat

sur*risin+ ad&enture I here nd the name of 3adi+

traced out ( th( di&ine hand #

At this &oice) and these %ords) the ,ad( ,ifted u*

the &ei, %ith a trem,in+ hand) ,oo>ed at 3adi+)

sent forth a cr( of tenderness) sur*rise) and Jo() and

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sin>in+ under the &arious emotions %hich at once

assau,ted her sou,) fe,, s*eech,ess into his arms" It

%as Astarte herse,fH it %as the Gueen of !a(,onH

it %as she %hom 3adi+ adored) and %hom he had

re*roached himse,f for adorin+H it %as she %hose

misfortunes he had so dee*,( ,amented) and for

%hose fate he had een so an?ious,( concerned"

'e %as for a moment de*ri&ed of the use of his

senses) %hen he had ?ed his e(es on those of

Astarte) %hich no% e+an to o*en a+ain %ith a ,an8

+uor mi?ed %ith confusion and tenderness"

#O (e immorta, *o%ers # cried he) #%ho *re8

side o&er the fates of %ea> morta,s) do (e indeed

restore Astarte to me At %hat a time) in %hat a

*,ace) and in %hat a condition do I a+ain eho,d


'e fe,, on his >nees efore Astarte) and ,aid his

face in the dust at her feet" The Gueen of !a(,on

raised him u*) and made him sit ( her side on the

rin> of the ri&u,et" She freGuent,( %i*ed her e(es)

from %hich the tears continued to Mo% afresh" She

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3adi+. The 1(ster( of Fate"

t%ent( times resumed her discourse) %hich her

si+hs as often interru*ted" She as>ed ( %hat

stran+e accident the( %ere rou+ht to+ether) and

sudden,( *re&ented his ans%er ( other Guestions"

She %ai&ed the account of her o%n misfortunes)

" and desired to e informed of those of 3adi+" At

,ast) oth of them ha&in+ a ,itt,e com*osed the tu8

mu,t of their sou,s) 3adi+ acGuainted her in a fe%

%ords ( %hat ad&enture he %as rou+ht into that


#!ut) O unha**( and res*ecta,e Gueen) ( %hat

means do I nd thee in this ,one,( *,ace) c,othed in

the hait of a s,a&e) and accom*anied ( other

fema,e s,a&es) %ho are searchin+ for a asi,is>)

%hich) ( order of the *h(sician) is to e ste%ed in


#Whi,e the( are searchin+ for their asi,is>)#

said the fair Astarte) #I %i,, inform thee of a,, I

ha&e suered) for %hich hea&en has suQcient,(

recom*ensed me ( restorin+ thee to m( si+ht"

 Thou >no%est that the >in+) m( husand) %as

&e?ed to see thee) the most amia,e of man>ind)

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and that for this reason he one ni+ht reso,&ed to

stran+,e thee and *oison me" Thou >no%est ho%

hea&en *ermitted m( ,itt,e mute to inform me of

the orders of his su,ime maJest(" 'ard,( had the

faithfu, Cador o,i+ed thee to de*art) in oedience

to m( command) %hen he &entured to enter m(

a*artment at midni+ht ( a secret *assa+e" 'e

carried me o) and conducted me to the tem*,e of

3adi+. The 1(ster( of Fate"

Oroma2es) %here the ma+i) his rother) shut me

u* in that hu+e statue) %hose ase reaches to the

foundation of the tem*,e) and %hose to* rises to the

summit of the dome" I %as there uried in a man8

ner) ut %as ser&ed ( the ma+i) and su**,ied %ith

a,, the necessaries of ,ife" At rea> of da( his

maJest($s a*othecar( entered m( chamer %ith a

*otion com*osed of a mi?ture of henane) o*ium)

hem,oc>) ,ac> he,,eore) and aconiteH and another

oQcer %ent to thine %ith a o%strin+ of ,ue si,>"

Neither of us %ere to e found" Cador) the etter

to decei&e the >in+) *retended to come and accuse

us oth" 'e said that thou hadst ta>en the road

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to the Indies) and I that to 1em*hisH on %hich

the >in+$s +uards %ere immediate,( des*atched in

*ursuit of us oth"

#The couriers %ho *ursued me did not >no% me"

I had hard,( e&er sho%n m( face to an( ut thee)

and to thee on,( in the *resence and ( the order of

m( husand" The( conducted themse,&es in the

*ursuit ( the descri*tion that had een +i&en of

m( *erson" On the frontiers of E+(*t the( met

%ith a %oman of the same stature as mine) and *os8

sessed *erha*s of +reater charms" She %as %ee*8

in+ and %anderin+" The( made no dout ut that

this %oman %as the Gueen of !a(,on) and accord8

in+,( rou+ht her to 1oadar" Their mista>e at

rst thre% the >in+ into a &io,ent *assionH ut

ha&in+ &ie%ed this %oman more attenti&e,() he

found her e?treme,( handsome) and %as comforted"

3adi+. The 1(ster( of Fate" <

She %as ca,,ed 1issouf" I ha&e since een in8

formed that this name) in the E+(*tian ,an+ua+e)

si+nies the ca*ricious fair one" She %as so in

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rea,it() ut she had as much cunnin+ as ca*rice"

She *,eased 1oadar) and +ained such an ascend8

enc( o&er him as to ma>e him choose her for his

%ife" 'er character then e+an to a**ear in its

true co,ors" She +a&e herse,f u*) %ithout scru*,e)

to a,, the frea>s of a %anton ima+ination" She

%ou,d ha&e o,i+ed the chief of the ma+i) %ho %as

o,d and +out() to dance efore her) and) on his

refusa,) she *ersecuted him %ith the most unre,ent8

in+ crue,t(" She ordered her master of the horse

to ma>e her a *ie of s%eetmeats" In &ain did he

re*resent that he %as not a *astr(8coo>" 'e %as

o,i+ed to ma>e it) and ,ost his *,ace ecause it %as

a>ed a ,itt,e too hard" The *ost of master of the

horse she +a&e to her d%arf) and that of chance,,or

to her *a+e" In this manner did she +o&ern !a(8

,on" E&er(od( re+retted the ,oss of me" The

>in+) %ho) ti,, the moment of his reso,&in+ to

*oison me and stran+,e thee) had een a to,era,(

+ood >ind of man) seemed no% to ha&e dro%ned a,,

his &irtues in his immoderate fondness for this ca*ri8

cious fair one" 'e came to the tem*,e on the +reat

da( of the feast he,d in honor of the sacred re" I

sa% him im*,ore the +ods in eha,f of 1issouf) at the

feet of the statue in %hich I %as enc,osed" I raised

m( &oiceH I cried out.

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# $The +ods reJect the *ra(ers of a >in+ %ho is

<= 3adi+ . The 1(ster( of Fate"

no% ecome a t(rant) and %ho attem*ted to mur8

der a reasona,e %ife) in order to marr( a %oman

remar>a,e for nothin+ ut her fo,,( and e?tra&a8


#At these %ords 1oadar %as confounded) and

his head ecame disordered" The orac,e I had *ro8

nounced) and the t(rann( of 1issouf) cons*ired to

de*ri&e him of his Jud+ment) and in a fe% da(s his

reason entire,( forsoo> him"

#'is madness) %hich seemed to e the Jud+ment

of hea&en) %as the si+na, for a re&o,t" The *eo*,e

rose) and ran to armsH and !a(,on) %hich had

een so ,on+ immersed in id,eness and eeminac()

ecame the theatre of a ,ood( ci&i, %ar" I %as

ta>en from the heart of m( statue and *,aced at the

head of a *art(" Cador Me% to 1em*his to rin+

thee ac> to !a(,on" The *rince of 'ircania)

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informed of these fata, e&ents) returned %ith his

arm() and made a third *art( in Cha,daea" 'e at8

tac>ed the >in+) %ho Med efore him %ith his ca8

*ricious E+(*tian" 1oadar died) *ierced %ith

%ounds" 1issouf fe,, into the hands of the con8

Gueror" I m(se,f had the misfortune to e ta>en (

a *art( of 'ircanians) %ho conducted me to their

*rince$s tent) at the &er( moment that 1issouf %as

rou+ht efore him" Thou %i,t dout,ess e

*,eased to hear that the *rince thou+ht me more

eautifu, than the E+(*tianH ut thou %i,t e sorr(

to e informed that he desi+ned me for his sera+,io"

'e to,d me) %ith a ,unt and reso,ute air) that as

3adi+. The 1(ster( of Fate" <;

soon as he had nished a mi,itar( e?*edition)

%hich he %as Just +oin+ to underta>e) he %ou,d

come to me" /ud+e ho% +reat must ha&e een m(

+rief" 1( ties %ith 1oadar %ere a,read( dis8

so,&edH I mi+ht ha&e een the %ife of 3adi+H and

I %as fa,,en into the hands of a ararian" I an8

s%ered him %ith a,, the *ride %hich m( hi+h ran>

and no,e sentiment cou,d ins*ire" I had a,%a(s

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heard it aQrmed that hea&en stam*ed on *ersons

of m( condition a mar> of +randeur) %hich) %ith

a sin+,e %ord or +,ance) cou,d reduce to the ,o%,i8

ness of the most *rofound res*ect those rash and

for%ard *ersons %ho *resume to de&iate from the

ru,es of *o,iteness" I s*o>e ,i>e a Gueen) ut %as

treated ,i>e a maid8ser&ant" The 'ircanian) %ith8

out e&en dei+nin+ to s*ea> to me) to,d his ,ac>

eunuch that I %as im*ertinent) ut that he thou+ht

me handsome" 'e ordered him to ta>e care of me

and to *ut me under the re+imen of fa&orites) so

that) m( com*,e?ion ein+ im*ro&ed) I mi+ht e the

more %orth( of his fa&ors %hen he shou,d e at

,eisure to honor me %ith them" I to,d him that)

rather than sumit to his desires) I %ou,d *ut an

end to m( ,ife" 'e re*,ied) %ith a smi,e) that

%omen) he e,ie&ed) %ere not so ,oodthirst() and

that he %as accustomed to such &io,ent e?*res8

sionsH and then ,eft me %ith the air of a man %ho

had Just *ut another *arrot into his a&iar(" What

a state for the rst Gueen of the uni&erse) and) %hat

is more) for a heart de&oted to 3adi+#

<@ 3adi+ . The 1(ster( of Fate"

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At these %ords 3adi+ thre% himse,f at her feet)

and athed them %ith his tears" Astarte raised him

%ith +reat tenderness) and thus continued her

stor( .

#I no% sa% m(se,f in the *o%er of a ararian)

and ri&a, to the foo,ish %oman %ith %hom I %as con8

ned" She +a&e me an account of her ad&entures

in E+(*t" From the descri*tion she +a&e of (our

*erson) from the time) from the dromedar( on

%hich (ou %ere mounted) and from e&er( other cir8

cumstance) I inferred that 3adi+ %as the man %ho

had fou+ht for her" I douted not ut that (ou

%ere at 1em*his) and therefore reso,&ed to re*air

thither" $!eautifu, 1issouf)$ said I) $thou art more

handsome than I) and %i,, *,ease the *rince of 'ir8

cania much etter" Assist me in contri&in+ the

means of m( esca*e" Thou %i,t then rei+n a,one"

 Thou %i,t at once ma>e me ha**( and rid th(se,f

of a ri&a,"$

#1issouf concerted %ith me the means of m(

Mi+htH and I de*arted secret,( %ith a fema,e s,a&e"

As I a**roached the frontiers of Araia) a famous

roer) named Aro+ad) sei2ed me and so,d me to

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some merchants %ho rou+ht me to this cast,e

%here Lord O+u, resides" 'e ou+ht me %ithout

>no%in+ %ho I %as" 'e is a &o,u*tuar() ami8

tious of nothin+ ut +ood ,i&in+) and thin>s that

od sent him into the %or,d for no other *ur*ose

than to sit at ta,e" 'e is so e?treme,( cor*u,ent)

that he is a,%a(s in dan+er of suocation" 'is *h(8

3adi+. The 1(ster( of Fate" <:

sician) %ho has ut ,itt,e credit %ith him %hen he

has a +ood di+estion) +o&erns him %ith a des*otic

s%a( %hen he has eaten too much" 'e has *er8

suaded him that a asi,is> ste%ed in rose8%ater %i,,

eect a com*,ete cure" The ,ord O+u, hath *rom8

ised his hand to the fema,e s,a&e that rin+s him a

asi,is>" Thou seest that I ,ea&e them to &ie %ith

each other in meritin+ this honorH and ne&er %as I

,ess desirous of rindin+ the asi,is> than since

hea&en hath restored thee to m( si+ht"#

 This account %as succeeded ( a ,on+ con&ersa8

tion et%een Astarte and 3adi+) consistin+ of e&er(8

thin+ that their ,on+ su**ressed sentiments) their

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+reat suerin+s) and their mutua, ,o&e) cou,d in8

s*ire into hearts the most no,e and tenderH and

the +enii %ho *reside o&er ,o&e carried their %ords

to the s*here of Venus"

 The %omen returned to O+u, %ithout ha&in+

found the asi,is>" 3adi+ %as introduced to this

mi+ht( ,ord) and s*o>e to him in the fo,,o%in+


#1a( immorta, hea,th descend from hea&en to

,ess a,, th( da(s I am a *h(sician" At the rst

re*ort of th( indis*osition I Me% to th( cast,e) and

ha&e no% rou+ht thee a asi,is> ste%ed in rose8

%ater" Not that I *retend to marr( thee" A,, I

as> is the ,iert( of a !a(,onian s,a&e) %ho hath

een in th( *ossession for a fe% da(sH and if I

shou,d not e so ha**( as to cure thee) ma+nicent

< 3adi+ . The 1(ster( of Fate"

Lord O+u,) I consent to remain a s,a&e in her


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 The *ro*osa, %as acce*ted" Astarte set out for

!a(,on %ith 3adi+$s ser&ant) *romisin+) imme8

diate,( u*on her arri&a,) to send a courier to inform

him of a,, that had ha**ened" Their *artin+ %as

as tender as their meetin+" The moment of meet8

in+) and that of *artin+ are the t%o +reatest e*ochas

of ,ife) as saith the +reat oo> of 3end" 3adi+

,o&ed the Gueen %ith as much ardor as he *ro8

fessedH and the Gueen ,o&ed 3adi+ more than she

thou+ht *ro*er to ac>no%,ed+e"

1ean%hi,e 3adi+ s*o>e thus to O+u,.

#1( ,ord) m( asi,is> is not to e eatenH a,, its

&irtues must enter throu+h th( *ores" I ha&e in8

c,osed it in a ,itt,e a,,) ,o%n u* and co&ered %ith

a ne s>in" Thou must stri>e this a,, %ith a,, th(

mi+ht) and I must stri>e it ac> for a considera,e

timeH and ( oser&in+ this re+imen for a fe%

da(s) thou %i,t see the eects of m( art"# .

 The rst da( O+u, %as out of reath) and

thou+ht he shou,d ha&e died %ith fati+ue" The

second he %as ,ess fati+ued) and s,e*t etter" In

ei+ht da(s he reco&ered a,, the stren+th) a,, the hea,th)

a,, the a+i,it( and cheerfu,ness of his most a+reea,e

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#Thou hast *,a(ed at a,,) and hast een tem*er8

ate)# said 3adi+" #Kno% that there is no such thin+

in nature as a asi,is>H that tem*erance and e?er8

cise are the t%o +reat *reser&ati&es of hea,thH and

3adi+. The 1(ster( of Fate" <B

that the art of reconci,in+ intem*erance and hea,th

is as chimerica, as the *hi,oso*her$s stone) Judicia,

astro,o+() or the theo,o+( of the ma+i"#

O+u,$s rst *h(sician oser&in+ ho% dan+erous

this man mi+ht *ro&e to the medica, art) formed a

desi+n) in conJunction %ith the a*othecar() to send

3adi+ to search for a asi,is> in the other %or,d"

 Thus) after ha&in+ suered such a ,on+ train of

ca,amities on account of his +ood actions) he %as

no% u*on the *oint of ,osin+ his ,ife) for curin+ a

+,uttonous ,ord" 'e %as in&ited to an e?ce,,ent

dinner) and %as to ha&e een *oisoned in the second

courseH ut) durin+ the rst) he ha**i,( recei&ed a

courier from the fair Astarte"

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#When one is e,o&ed ( a eautifu, %oman)#

sa(s the +reat 3oroaster) #he hath a,%a(s the +ood

fortune to e?tricate himse,f out of e&er( >ind of

diQcu,t( and dan+er"#



 The Gueen %as recei&ed at !a(,on %ith a,,

those trans*orts of Jo( %hich are e&er fe,t on the

return of a eautifu, *rincess %ho hath een in&o,&ed

in ca,amities" !a(,on %as no% in +reater tran8

Gui,,it(" The *rince of 'ircania had een >i,,ed in

att,e" The &ictorious !a(,onians dec,ared that

the Gueen shou,d marr( the man %hom the( shou,d

+4 3adi+ . The 1(ster( of Fate"

choose for their so&erei+n" The( %ere reso,&ed

that the rst *,ace in the %or,d) that of ein+ hus8

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and to Astarte and >in+ of !a(,on) shou,d not

de*end on caa,s and intri+ues" The( s%ore to

ac>no%,ed+e for >in+ the man %ho) u*on tria,)

shou,d e found to e *ossessed of the +reatest

&a,or and the +reatest %isdom" Accordin+,() at the

distance of a fe% ,ea+ues from the cit() a s*acious

*,ace %as mar>ed out for the ,ists) surrounded %ith

ma+nicent am*hitheatres" Thither the comat8

ants %ere to re*air in com*,ete armor" Each of

them had a se*arate a*artment ehind the am*hi8

theatres) %here the( %ere neither to e seen nor

>no%n ( an( one" Each %as to encounter four

>ni+htsH and those that %ere so ha**( as to con8

Guer four) %ere then to en+a+e %ith one anotherH

so that he %ho remained the ,ast master of the e,d)

%ou,d e *roc,aimed conGueror at the +ames" Four

da(s after he %as to return to the same *,ace) and

to e?*,ain the eni+mas *ro*osed ( the ma+i" If

he did not e?*,ain the eni+mas) he %as not >in+H

and the runnin+ at the ,ances %as to e+in afresh)

ti,, a man shou,d e found %ho %as conGueror in

oth these comats H for the( %ere aso,ute,( deter8

mined to ha&e a >in+ *ossessed of the +reatest %is8

dom and the most in&inci,e coura+e" The Gueen

%as a,, the %hi,e to e strict,( +uarded" She %as

on,( a,,o%ed to e *resent at the +ames) and e&en

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there she %as to e co&ered %ith a &ei, H ut %as not

a,,o%ed to s*ea> to an( of the com*etitors) that so

3adi+ . The 1(ster( of Fate" <

the( mi+ht neither recei&e fa&or nor suer inJustice"

 These *articu,ars Astarte communicated to her

,o&er) ho*in+ that) in order to otain her) he %ou,d

sho% himse,f *ossessed of +reater coura+e and %is8

dom than an( other *erson"

3adi+ set out on his Journe() eseechin+ Venus

to fortif( his coura+e and en,i+hten his understand8

in+" 'e arri&ed on the an>s of the Eu*hrates on

the e&e of this +reat da(" 'e caused his de&ice to

e inscried amon+ those of the comatants) con8

cea,in+ his face and his name) as the ,a% ordainedH

and then %ent to re*ose himse,f in the a*artment

that fe,, to him ( ,ot" 'is friend) Cador) %ho)

after the fruit,ess search he had made for him in

E+(*t) had no% returned to !a(,on) sent to his

tent a com*,ete suit of armor) %hich %as a *resent

from the GueenH as a,so from himse,f) one of the

nest horses in Persia" 3adi+ *resent,( *ercei&ed

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that these *resents %ere sent ( Astarte H and from

thence his coura+e deri&ed fresh stren+th) and his

,o&e the most animatin+ ho*es"

Ne?t da() the Gueen ein+ seated under a cano*(

of Je%e,s) and the am*hitheatres ,,ed %ith a,, the

+ent,emen and ,adies of ran> in !a(,on) the comat8

ants a**eared in the circus" Each of them came

and ,aid his de&ice at the feet of the +rand ma+i"

 The( dre% their de&ices ( ,otH and that of 3adi+

%as the ,ast" The rst %ho ad&anced %as a certain

,ord) named Itoad) &er( rich and &er( &ain) ut

*ossessed of ,itt,e coura+e) of ,ess address) and

Vo," @

< 3adi+ . The 1(ster( of Fate"

scarce,( of an( Jud+ment at a,," 'is ser&ants had

*ersuaded him that such a man as he ou+ht to e

>in+" 'e had said in re*,() #Such a man as I

ou+ht to rei+n# H and thus the( had armed him

ca*8a8*ie" 'e %ore an armor of +o,d ename,,ed

%ith +reen) a *,ume of +reen feathers) and a ,ance

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adorned %ith +reen rions" It %as instant,( *er8

cei&ed ( the manner in %hich Itoad mana+ed his

horse) that it %as not for such a man as him that

hea&en reser&ed the sce*tre of !a(,on" The rst

>ni+ht that ran a+ainst him thre% him out of his

sadd,eH the second ,aid him Mat on his horse$s ut8

toc>s) %ith his ,e+s in the air) and his arms e?8

tended" Itoad reco&ered himse,f) ut %ith so ad

a +race) that the %ho,e am*hitheatre urst out

a8,au+hin+" The third >ni+ht disdained to ma>e

use of his ,anceH ut) ma>in+ a *ass at him) too>

him ( the ri+ht ,e+) and %hee,in+ him ha,f round)

,aJd him *rostrate on the sand" The sGuires of the

+ames ran to him ,au+hin+) and re*,aced him in

his sadd,e" The fourth comatant too> him ( the

,eft ,e+) and tum,ed him do%n on the other side"

'e %as conducted ac> %ith scornfu, shouts to his

tent) %here) accordin+ to the ,a%) he %as to *ass

the ni+ht H and as he ,im*ed a,on+ %ith +reat diQ8

cu,t() he said . #What an ad&enture for such a man

as I#

 The other >ni+hts acGuitted themse,&es %ith

+reater ai,it( and success" Some of them con8

Guered t%o comatantsH a fe% of them &anGuished

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3adi+ . The 1(ster( of Fate" <<

threeH ut none ut Prince Otamus conGuered

four" At ,ast 3adi+ fou+ht in his turn" 'e suc8

cessi&e,( thre% four >ni+hts o their sadd,es %ith

a,, the +race ima+ina,e" It then remained to e

seen %ho shou,d e conGueror) Otamus or 3adi+"

 The arms of the rst %ere +o,d and ,ue) %ith a

*,ume of the same co,orH those of the ,ast %ere

%hite" The %ishes of a,, the s*ectators %ere di&ided

et%een the >ni+ht in ,ue and the >ni+ht in

%hite" The Gueen) %hose heart %as in a &io,ent

*a,*itation) oered *ra(ers to hea&en for the suc8

cess of the %hite co,or"

 The t%o cham*ions made their *asses and &au,ts

%ith so much a+i,it() the( mutua,,( +a&e and re8

cei&ed such de?terous ,o%s %ith their ,ances) and

sat so rm,( in their sadd,es) that e&er(od( ut

the Gueen %ished there mi+ht e t%o >in+s in

!a(,on" At ,en+th) their horses ein+ tired and

their ,ances ro>en) 3adi+ had recourse to this

strata+em . 'e *asses ehind the ,ue *rince H

s*rin+s u*on the uttoc>s of his horseH sei2es him

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( the midd,eH thro%s him on the earthH *,aces

himse,f in the sadd,e) and %hee,s around Otamus as

he ,a( e?tended on the +round" A,, the am*hi8

theatre cried out) #Victor( to the %hite >ni+ht#

Otamus rises in a &io,ent *assion and dra%s his

s%ordH 3adi+ ,ea*s from his horse %ith his sare

in his hand" !oth of them are no% on the +round)

en+a+ed in a ne% comat) %here stren+th and

a+i,Jt( trium*h ( turns" The *,umes of their he,8

ioo 3adi+. The 1(ster( of Fate"

mets) the studs of their race,ets) and the rin+s of

their armor are dri&en to a +reat distance ( the

&io,ence of a thousand furious ,o%s" The( stri>e

%ith the *oint and the ed+eH to the ri+ht) to the

,eftH on the head) on the reastH the( retreatH the(

ad&anceH the( measure s%ordsH the( c,oseH the(

sei2e each otherH the( end ,i>e ser*entsH the(

attac> ,i>e ,ionsH and the re e&er( moment

Mashes from their ,o%s" At ,ast 3adi+) ha&in+ re8

co&ered his s*irits) sto*sH ma>es a feintH ,ea*s

u*on Otamus H thro%s him on the +round) and dis8

arms himH and Otamus cries out.

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#It is thou a,one) O %hite >ni+ht) that ou+htest

to rei+n o&er !a(,on#

 The Gueen %as no% at the hei+ht of her Jo("

 The >ni+ht in ,ue armor) and the >ni+ht in %hite)

%ere conducted each to his o%n a*artment) as %e,,

as a,, the others) accordin+ to the intention of the

,a%" 1utes came to %ait on them) and to ser&e them

at ta,e" It ma( e easi,( su**osed that the Gueen$s

,itt,e mute %aited on 3adi+" The( %ere then ,eft

to themse,&es to enJo( the s%eets of re*ose ti,, ne?t

mornin+) at %hich time the conGueror %as to rin+

his de&ice to the +rand ma+i) to com*are it %ith

that %hich he had ,eft) and ma>e himse,f >no%n"

3adi+) thou+h dee*,( in ,o&e) %as so much

fati+ued that he cou,d not he,* s,ee*in+" Itoad)

%ho ,a( near him) ne&er c,osed his e(es" 'e arose

in the ni+ht) entered his a*artment) too> the %hite

arms and the de&ice of 3adi+) and *ut his +reen

3adi+. The 1(ster( of Fate" ;=;

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armor in their *,ace" At rea> of da() he %ent

o,d,( to the +rand ma+i) to dec,are that so +reat a

man as he %as conGueror" This %as ,itt,e e?*ected H

ho%e&er) he %as *roc,aimed %hi,e 3adi+ %as sti,,

as,ee*" Astarte) sur*rised and ,,ed %ith des*air)

returned to !a(,on" The am*hitheatre %as a,most

em*t( %hen 3adi+ a%o>eH he sou+ht for his arms

ut cou,d nd none ut the +reen armor" With this

he %as o,i+ed to co&er himse,f) ha&in+ nothin+

e,se near him" Astonished and enra+ed) he *ut it

on in a furious *assion and ad&anced in this


 The *eo*,e that sti,, remained in the am*hi8

theatre and the circus recei&ed him %ith hoots and

hisses" The( surrounded him) and insu,ted him

to his face" Ne&er did man suer such crue, morti8

cations" 'e ,ost his *atienceH %ith his sare he

dis*ersed such of the *o*u,ace as dared to aront

himH ut he >ne% not %hat course to ta>e" 'e

cou,d not see the GueenH he cou,d not c,aim the

%hite armor she had sent him %ithout e?*osin+

herH and thus) %hi,e she %as *,un+ed in +rief) he

%as ,,ed %ith fur( and distraction" 'e %a,>ed

on the an>s of the Eu*hrates) fu,,( *ersuaded that

his star had destined him to ine&ita,e miser(H and

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re&o,&in+ in his mind a,, his misfortunes) from the

ad&enture of the %oman %ho hated one8e(ed men)

to that of his armor"

#This)# said he) #is the conseGuence of m( ha&8

in+ s,e*t too ,on+" 'ad I s,e*t ,ess) I shou,d no%

IO@ 3adi+. The 1(ster( of Fate"

ha&e een >in+ of !a(,on) and in *ossession of

Astarte" Kno%,ed+e) &irtue) and coura+e) ha&e

hitherto ser&ed on,( to ma>e me misera,e"#

'e then ,et fa,, some secret murmurin+s a+ainst

Pro&idence) and %as tem*ted to e,ie&e that the

%or,d %as +o&erned ( a crue, destin() %hich o*8

*ressed the +ood) and *ros*ered >ni+hts in +reen



 T'E 'ER1IT"

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One of 3adi+$ s +reatest mortications %as his

ein+ o,i+ed to %ear that +reen armor %hich had

e?*osed him to such contume,ious treatment" A

merchant ha**enin+ to *ass () he so,d it to him for a

triMe) and ou+ht a +o%n and a ,on+ onnet" In

this +ar he *roceeded a,on+ the an>s of the

Eu*hrates) ,,ed %ith des*air) and secret,( accusin+

Pro&idence) %hich thus continued to *ersecute him

%ith unremittin+ se&erit("

Whi,e he %as thus saunterin+ a,on+) he met a

hermit) %hose %hite and &enera,e eard hun+

do%n to his +ird,e" 'e he,d a oo> in his hand)

%hich he read %ith +reat attention" 3adi+ sto**ed)

and made him a *rofound oeisance" The hermit

returned the com*,iment %ith such a no,e and en8

+a+in+ air) that 3adi+ had the curiosit( to enter

into con&ersation %ith him" 'e as>ed him %hat

oo> it %as that he had een readin+"

3adi+. The 1(ster( of Fate" ;=:

#It is the oo> of destinies)# said the hermit"

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#Wou,dst thou choose to ,oo> into it#

'e *ut the oo> into the hands of 3adi+) %ho)

thorou+h,( &ersed as he %as in se&era, ,an+ua+es)

cou,d not deci*her a sin+,e character of it" This

on,( redou,ed his curiosit("

#Thou seemest)# said the +ood father) #to e in

+reat distress"#

#A,as# re*,ied 3adi+) #I ha&e ut too much


#If thou %i,t *ermit me to accom*an( thee)# re8

sumed the o,d man) #*erha*s I ma( e of some

ser&ice to thee" I ha&e often *oured the a,m of

conso,ation into the ,eedin+ heart of the unha**("#

3adi+ fe,t himse,f ins*ired %ith res*ect for the

di+nit() the 8eard) and the oo> of the hermit" 'e

found) in the course of the con&ersation) that he

%as *ossessed of su*erior de+rees of >no%,ed+e"

 The hermit ta,>ed of fate) of Justice) of mora,s) of the

chief +ood) of human %ea>ness) and of &irtue and

&ice) %ith such a s*irited and mo&in+ e,oGuence)

that 3adi+ fe,t himse,f dra%n to%ard him ( an

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irresisti,e charm" 'e earnest,( entreated the fa&or

of his com*an( ti,, their return to !a(,on"

#I as> the same fa&or of thee)# said the o,d man"

#S%ear to me ( Oroma2es that) %hate&er I do)

thou %i,t not ,ea&e me for some da(s"#

3adi+ s%ore) and the( set out to+ether" In the

e&enin+ the t%o tra&e,,ers arri&ed at a su*er cast,e"

 The hermit entreated a hos*ita,e rece*tion for him8

IO 3adi+. The 1(ster( of Fate"

se,f and the (oun+ man %ho accom*anied him"

 The *orter) %hom one mi+ht ha&e mista>en for a

+reat ,ord) introduced them %ith a >ind of disdain8

fu, ci&i,it(" 'e *resented them to a *rinci*a,

domestic) %ho sho%ed them his master$s ma+ni8

cent a*artments" The( %ere admitted to the ,o%er

end of the ta,e) %ithout ein+ honored %ith the

,east mar> of re+ard ( the ,ord of the cast,eH ut

the( %ere ser&ed) ,i>e the rest) %ith de,icac( and

*rofusion" The( %ere then *resented) in a +o,den

asin adorned %ith emera,ds and ruies) %ith %ater

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to %ash their hands" At ,ast the( %ere conducted

to ed in a eautifu, a*artmentH and in the mornin+

a domestic rou+ht each of them a *iece of +o,d)

after %hich the( too> their ,ea&e and de*arted"

#The master of the house)# said 3adi+) as the(

%ere *roceedin+ on their Journe() #a**ears to e a

+enerous man) thou+h some%hat too *roud" 'e

no,( *erforms the duties of hos*ita,it("#

At that instant he oser&ed that a >ind of ,ar+e

*oc>et) %hich the hermit had) %as ,,ed and dis8

tendedH and u*on ,oo>in+ more narro%,() he found

that it contained the +o,den asin adorned %ith

*recious stones) %hich the hermit had sto,en" 'e

durst not then ta>e an( notice of itH ut he %as

,,ed %ith a stran+e sur*rise"

Aout noon the hermit came to the door of a

*a,tr( house) inhaited ( a rich miser) and e++ed

the fa&or of a hos*ita,e rece*tion for a fe% hours"

An o,d ser&ant) in a tattered +ar) recei&ed them

3adi+. The 1(ster( of Fate" ;=B

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%ith a ,unt and rude air) and ,ed them into the

sta,e) %here he +a&e them some rotten o,i&es) sour

%ine) and mou,d( read" The hermit ate and dran>

%ith as much seemin+ satisfaction as he had done

the e&enin+ efore) and then addressin+ himse,f to

the o,d ser&ant %ho %atched them oth to *re&ent

them stea,in+ an(thin+) and had rude,( *ressed

them to de*art) he +a&e 'im the t%o *ieces of +o,d

he had recei&ed in the mornin+) and than>ed him

for his +reat ci&i,it("

#Pra()# added he) #a,,o% me to s*ea> to th(


 The ser&ant) ,,ed %ith astonishment) introduced

the t%o tra&e,,ers"

#1a+nicent ,ord# said the hermit) #I cannot

ut return thee m( most hum,e than>s for the

no,e manner in %hich thou hast entertained us"

!e *,eased to acce*t of this +o,den asin as a sma,,

mar> of m( +ratitude"#

 The miser started) and %as read( to fa,, ac>8

%ards H ut the hermit) %ithout +i&in+ him time to

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reco&er from his sur*rise) instant,( de*arted %ith

his (oun+ fe,,o% tra&e,,er"

#Father)# said 3adi+) #%hat is the meanin+ of

a,, this Thou seemest to me to e entire,( dier8

ent from other men" Thou stea,est a +o,den asin

adorned %ith *recious stones from a ,ord %ho re8

cei&ed thee ma+nicent,() and +i&est it to a miser

%ho treats thee %ith indi+nit("#

#Son)# re*,ied the o,d man) #this ma+nicent

io4 3adi+. The 1(ster( of Fate"

,ord) %ho recei&es stran+ers on,( from &anit( and

ostentation) %i,, here( e rendered more %iseH

and the miser %i,, ,earn to *ractise the duties of

hos*ita,it(" !e sur*rised at nothin+) ut fo,,o%


3adi+ >ne% not as (et %hether he %as in com8

*an( %ith the most foo,ish or the most *rudent of

man>indH ut the hermit s*o>e %ith such an as8

cendenc( that 3adi+) %ho %as moreo&er ound (

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his oath) cou,d not refuse to fo,,o% him"

In the e&enin+ the( arri&ed at a house ui,t

%ith eGua, e,e+ance and sim*,icit() %here nothin+

sa&ored either of *rodi+a,it( or a&arice" The mas8

ter of it %as a *hi,oso*her %ho had retired from the

%or,d) and %ho cu,ti&ated in *eace the stud( of

&irtue and %isdom) %ithout an( of that ri+id and

morose se&erit( so common,( found in men of his

character" 'e had chosen to ui,d this ne house

in %hich he recei&ed stran+ers %ith a +enerosit(

free from ostentation" 'e %ent himse,f to meet

the t%o tra&e,,ers) %hom he ,ed into a commodious

a*artment) and desired them to re*ose themse,&es"

Soon after he came and in&ited them to a decent

and %e,, ordered re*ast) durin+ %hich he s*o>e

%ith +reat Jud+ment of the ,ast re&o,utions in !a(8

,on" 'e seemed to e stron+,( attached to the Gueen

and %ished that 3adi+ had a**eared in the ,ists to

contend for the cro%n"

#!ut the *eo*,e)# added he) #do not deser&e to

ha&e such a >in+ as 3adi+"#

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3adi+. The 1(ster( of Fate" ;=

3adi+ ,ushed and fe,t his +riefs redou,ed"

 The( a+reed) in the course of the con&ersation)

that the thin+s of this %or,d did not a,%a(s ans%er

the %ishes of the %ise" The hermit maintained that

the %a(s of Pro&idence %ere inscruta,eH and that

men %ere in the %ron+ to Jud+e of a %ho,e) of

%hich the( understood ut the sma,,est *art" The(

ta,>ed of the *assions .

#Ah)# said 3adi+) #ho% fata, are their eects#

#The( are the %inds)# re*,ied the hermit) #that

s%e,, the sai,s of the shi*H it is true) the( some8

times sin> her) ut %ithout them she cou,d not sai,

at a,," The i,e ma>es us sic> and cho,ericH ut

%ithout the i,e %e cou,d not ,i&e" E&er(thin+ in

this %or,d is dan+erous) and (et e&er(thin+ in it is


 The con&ersation turned on *,easureH and the

hermit *ro&ed that it %as a *resent esto%ed (

the Deit("

#For)# said he) #man cannot either +i&e himse,f

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sensations or ideasH he recei&es a,,H and *ain and

*,easure *roceed from a forei+n cause as %e,, as

his ein+"#

3adi+ %as sur*rised to see a man %ho had een

+ui,t( of such e?tra&a+ant actions ca*a,e of rea8

sonin+ %ith so much Jud+ment and *ro*riet(" At

,ast) after a con&ersation eGua,,( entertainin+ and

instructi&e) the host ,ed ac> his t%o +uests to

their a*artment) ,essin+ hea&en for ha&in+ sent

him t%o men *ossessed of so much %isdom and

io 3adi+. The 1(ster( of Fate"

&irtue" 'e oered them mone( %ith such an eas(

and no,e air that it cou,d not *ossi,( +i&e an(

oence" The hermit refused it) and said that he

must no% ta>e his ,ea&e of him) as he *ro*osed to

set out for !a(,on in the mornin+ efore it %as

,i+ht" Their *artin+ %as tender" 3adi+ es*ecia,,(

fe,t himse,f ,,ed %ith esteem and aection for a

man of such an amia,e character"

When he and the hermit %ere a,one in their

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a*artment the( s*ent a ,on+ time in *raisin+ their

host" At rea> of da( the o,d man a%a>ened his


#We must no% de*art)# said heH #ut %hi,e a,,

the fami,( are sti,, as,ee*) I %i,, ,ea&e this man a

mar> of m( esteem and aection"#

So sa(in+ he too> a cand,e and set re to the

house" 3adi+) struc> %ith horror) cried a,oud) and

endea&ored to hinder him from committin+ such a

ararous actionH ut the hermit dre% him a%a(

( a su*erior force) and the house %as soon in

Mames" The hermit) %ho) %ith his com*anion) %as

a,read( at a considera,e distance) ,oo>ed ac> to

the conMa+ration %ith +reat tranGui,,it("

#Than>s e to od)# said he) #the house of m(

dear host is entire,( destro(ed 'a**( man#

At these %ords 3adi+ %as at once tem*ted to

urst out in ,au+hin+) to re*roach the re&erend

father) to eat him) and to run a%a(" !ut he did

none of a,, theseH for sti,, sudued ( the *o%erfu,

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3adi+. The 1(ster( of Fate" ;=<

ascendenc( of the hermit) he fo,,o%ed him) in s*ite

of himse,f) to the ne?t sta+e"

 This %as at the house of a charita,e and &ir8

tuous %ido%) %ho had a ne*he% fourteen (ears of

a+e) a handsome and *romisin+ (outh) and her on,(

ho*e" She *erformed the honors of the house as

%e,, as she cou,d" Ne?t da() she ordered her

ne*he% to accom*an( the stran+ers to a rid+e)

%hich ein+ ,ate,( ro>en do%n) %as ecome e?8

treme,( dan+erous in *assin+" The (oun+ man

%a,>ed efore them %ith +reat a,acrit(" As the(

%ere crossin+ the rid+e) the hermit said to the"

(outh .

#Come) I must sho% m( +ratitude to th( aunt"#

'e then too> him ( the hair) and *,un+ed him

into the ri&er" The o( san>) a**eared a+ain on the

surface of the %ater) and %as s%a,,o%ed u* ( the


#O monster O thou most %ic>ed of man>ind#

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cried 3adi+"

#Thou *romised to eha&e %ith +reater *a8

tience)# said the hermit) interru*tin+ him" #Kno%)

that under the ruins of that house %hich Pro&idence

hath set on re) the master hath found an immense

treasureH >no%) that this (oun+ man) %hose ,ife

Pro&idence hath shortened) %ou,d ha&e assassin8

ated his aunt in the s*ace of a (ear) and thee in that

of t%o"#

#Who to,d thee so) ararian# cried 3adi+)

#and thou+h thou hadst read this e&ent in th( oo>

no 3adi+. The 1(ster( of Fate"

of destinies) art thou *ermitted to dro%n a (outh

%ho ne&er did thee an( harm#

Whi,e the !a(,onian %as thus e?c,aimin+) he

oser&ed that the o,d man had no ,on+er a eard)

and that his countenance assumed the features and

com*,e?ion of (outh" The hermit$s hait disa*8

*eared) and four eautifu, %in+s co&ered a maJestic

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od( res*,endent %ith ,i+ht"

#O sent of hea&en O di&ine an+e,# cried

3adi+) hum,( *rostratin+ himse,f on the +round)

#'ast thou then descended from the em*(rean to

teach a %ea> morta, to sumit to the eterna, decrees

of Pro&idence#

#1en)# said the an+e, /esrad) #Jud+e of a,, %ith8

out >no%in+ an(thin+H and) of a,, men) thou est

deser&est to e en,i+htened"#

3adi+ e++ed to e *ermitted to s*ea> .

#I distrust m(se,f)# said he) #ut ma( I *resume

to as> the fa&or of thee to c,ear u* one dout that

sti,, remains in m( mind" Wou,d it not ha&e een

etter to correct this (outh) and ma>e him &irtuous)

than to dro%n him#

#'ad he een &irtuous)# re*,ied /esrad) #and

enJo(ed a ,on+er ,ife) it %ou,d ha&e een his fate

to e assassinated himse,f) to+ether %ith the %ife he

%ou,d ha&e married) and the chi,d he %ou,d ha&e

had ( her"#

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#!ut %h()# said 3adi+) #is it necessar( that there

shou,d e crimes and misfortunes) and that these mis8

fortunes shou,d fa,, on the +ood#

3adi+ . The 1(ster( of Fate" ; ; ;

#The %ic>ed)# re*,ied /esrad) #are a,%a(s un8

ha**(" The( ser&e to *ro&e and tr( the sma,,

numer of the Just that are scattered throu+hout the

earth H and there is no e&i, that is not *roducti&e of

some +ood"#

#!ut)# said 3adi+) #su**ose there %as nothin+

ut +ood) and no e&i, at a,,"#

#Then)# re*,ied /esrad) #this earth %ou,d e an8

other earthH the chain of e&ents %ou,d e ran+ed

in another order) and directed ( %isdon" !ut this

other order) %hich %ou,d e *erfect) can e?ist on,(

in the eterna, aode of the Su*reme !ein+) to

%hich no e&i, can a**roach" The Deit( hath cre8

ated mi,,ions of %or,ds) amon+ %hich there is not

one that resem,es another" This immense &ariet(

is the eect of his immense *o%er" There are not

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t%o ,ea&es amon+ the trees of the earth) nor t%o

+,oes in the un,imited e?*anse of hea&en) that are

e?act,( simi,arH and a,, that thou seest on the ,itt,e

atom in %hich thou art orn) ou+ht to e) in its

*ro*er time and *,ace) accordin+ to the immuta,e

decrees of him %ho com*rehends a,," 1en thin>

that this chi,d) %ho hath Just *erished) is fa,,en into

the %ater ( chance) and that it is ( the same

chance that this house is urned" !ut there is no

such thin+ as chance" A,, is either a tria,) or a

*unishment) or a re%ard) or a foresi+ht" Remem8

er the sherman) %ho thou+ht himse,f the most

%retched of man>ind" Oroma2es sent thee to

;;@ 3adi+. The 1(ster( of Fate"

chan+e his fate" Cease then) frai, morta,) to dis*ute

a+ainst %hat thou ou+htest to adore"#

#!ut)# said 3adi+

As he *ronounced the %ord #!ut)# the an+e,

too> his Mi+ht to%ard the tenth s*here" 3adi+ on

his >nees adored Pro&idence) and sumitted" The

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an+e, cried to him from on hi+h.

#Direct th( course to%ard !a(,on #



3adi+) entranced as it %ere) and ,i>e a man

aout %hose head the thunder had urst) %a,>ed

at random" 'e entered !a(,on on the &er( da(

%hen those %ho had fou+ht at the tournaments

%ere assem,ed in the +rand &estiu,e of the

*a,ace to e?*,ain the eni+mas) and to ans%er the

Guestions of the +rand ma+i" A,, the >ni+hts %ere

a,read( *resent) e?ce*t the >ni+ht in +reen armor"

As soon as 3adi+ a**eared in the cit( the *eo*,e

cro%ded around himH e&er( e(e %as ?ed on him)

e&er( mouth ,essed him) and e&er( heart %ished

him the em*ire" The en&ious man sa% him *assH

he fro%ned and turned aside" The *eo*,e con8

ducted him to the *,ace %here the assem,( %as

he,d" The Gueen) %hen informed of his arri&a,)

ecame a *re( to the most &io,ent a+itations of

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ho*e and fear" She %as ,,ed %ith an?iet( and

3adi+. The 1(ster( of Fate" ;;:

a**rehension" She cou,d not com*rehend %h( 3a8

di+ %as %ithout arms) nor %h( Itoad %ore the

%hite armor"

When the >ni+hts %ho had fou+ht %ere di8

rected to a**ear in the assem,() 3adi+ said. #I

ha&e fou+ht as %e,, as the other >ni+hts) ut an8

other here %ears m( arms H and %hi,e I %ait for

the honor of *ro&in+ the truth of m( assertion) I de8

mand the ,iert( of *resentin+ m(se,f to e?*,ain the


 The Guestion %as *ut to &ote) and his re*utation

for *roit( %as so %e,, esta,ished that the( ad8

mitted him %ithout scru*,e"

 The rst Guestion *ro*osed ( the +rand ma+i

%as. #What) of a,, thin+s in the %or,d) is the

,on+est and the shortest) the s%iftest and the s,o%8

est) the most di&isi,e and the most e?tended) the

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most ne+,ected and the most re+retted) %ithout

%hich nothin+ can e done) %hich de&ours a,, that

is ,itt,e) and en,i&ens a,, that is +reat#

Itoad %as to s*ea>" 'e re*,ied) that so +reat

a man as he did not understand eni+mas) and that

it %as suQcient for him to ha&e conGuered (

his stren+th and &a,or" Some said that the mean8

in+ of the eni+ma %as fortuneH some) the earthH

and others) the ,i+ht" 3adi+ said that it %as time"

#Nothin+)# added he) #is ,on+er) since it is the

measure of eternit(" Nothin+ is shorter) since it

is insuQcient for the accom*,ishment of our *ro8

 Jects" Nothin+ more s,o% to him that e?*ects)

Vo," @

;; 3adi+. The 1(ster( of Fate"

nothin+ more ra*id to him that enJo(s" In +reat8

ness it e?tends to innit(H in sma,,ness it is in8

nite,( di&isi,e" A,, men ne+,ect itH a,, re+ret the

,oss of it H nothin+ can e done %ithout it" It con8

si+ns to o,i&ion %hate&er is un%orth( of ein+

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transmitted to *osterit() and it immorta,i2es such

actions as are tru,( +reat"#

 The assem,( ac>no%,ed+ed that 3adi+ %as in

the ri+ht"

 The ne?t Guestion %as. #What is the thin+

%hich %e recei&e %ithout than>s) %hich %e enJo(

%ithout >no%in+ ho%) and %hich %e ,ose %ithout

*ercei&in+ it#

E&er( one +a&e his o%n e?*,anation" 3adi+

a,one +uessed that it %as ,ife) and he e?*,ained a,,

the eni+mas %ith the same faci,it(" Itoad a,%a(s

said that nothin+ %as more eas() and that he cou,d

ha&e ans%ered them %ith the same readiness) had

he chosen to +i&e himse,f the trou,e" 7uestions

%ere then *ro*osed on Justice) on the so&er8

ei+n +ood) and on the art of +o&ernment" 3adi+$ s

ans%ers %ere Jud+ed to e the most so,id) and the

*eo*,e e?c,aimed.

#What a *it( it is that so +reat a +enius shou,d

e so ad a >ni+ht#

#I,,ustrious ,ords)# said 3adi+) #I ha&e had the

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honor of conGuerin+ in the tournaments" It is to

me that the %hite armor e,on+s" Lord Itoad

too> *ossession of it durin+ m( s,ee*" 'e *ro8

a,( thou+ht it %ou,d t him etter than the +reen"

3adi+. The 1(ster( of Fate" ;;B

I am no% read( to *ro&e in (our *resence) %ith

m( +o%n and s%ord) a+ainst a,, that eautifu, %hite

armor %hich he too> from me) that it is I %ho ha&e

had the honor of conGuerin+ the ra&e Otamus"#

Itoad acce*ted the cha,,en+e %ith the +reatest

condence" 'e ne&er douted ut that) armed as

he %as %ith a he,met) a cuirass) and rassarts) he

%ou,d otain an eas( &ictor( o&er a cham*ion in

a ca* and a ni+ht8+o%n" 3adi+ dre% his s%ord)

sa,utin+ the Gueen) %ho ,oo>ed at him %ith a mi?8

ture of fear and Jo(" Itoad dre% his) %ithout sa8

,utin+ an( one" 'e rushed u*on 3adi+ ,i>e a man

%ho had nothin+ to fearH he %as read( to c,ea&e

him in t%o" 3adi+ >ne% ho% to %ard o his ,o%s)

( o**osin+ the stron+est *art of his s%ord to the

%ea>est of that of his ad&ersar() in such a manner

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that Itoad$s s%ord %as ro>en" 0*on %hich

3adi+) sei2in+ his enem( ( the %aist) thre% him on

the +roundH and ?in+ the *oint of his s%ord at

the e?tremit( of his reast8*,ate) e?c,aimed . #Suf8

fer th(se,f to e disarmed) or thou art a dead man"#

Itoad) +reat,( sur*rised at the dis+race that

ha**ened to such a man as he) %as o,i+ed to

(ie,d to 3adi+) %ho too> from him) %ith +reat

com*osure) his ma+nicent he,met) his su*er

cuirass) his ne rassarts) his shinin+ cuissesH

c,othed himse,f %ith them) and in this dress ran

to thro% himse,f at the feet of Astarte" Cador

easi,( *ro&ed that the armor e,on+ed to 3adi+"

'e %as ac>no%,ed+ed >in+ ( the unanimous con8

n4 3adi+. The 1(ster( of Fate"

sent of the %ho,e nation) and es*ecia,,( ( that

of Astarte) %ho) after so man( ca,amities) no%

tasted the e?Guisite *,easure of seein+ her ,o&er

%orth() in the e(es of the %or,d) to e her husand"

Itoad %ent home) to e ca,,ed ,ord in his o%n

house" 3adi+ %as >in+) and %as ha**(" 'e rec8

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o,,ected %hat the an+e, /esrad had said to him"

'e e&en rememered the +rain of sand that ecame

a diamond" 'e sent in search of the roer Ar8

o+ad) to %hom he +a&e an honora,e *ost in his

arm() *romisin+ to ad&ance him to the rst di+8

nities if he eha&ed ,i>e a true %arrior) and threat8

enin+ to han+ him if he fo,,o%ed the *rofession of

a roer"

Setoc) %ith the fair A,mona) %as ca,,ed from

the heart of Araia) and *,aced at the head of the

commerce of !a(,on" Cador %as *referred and

distin+uished accordin+ to his +reat ser&ices" 'e

%as the friend of the >in+) and the >in+ %as then

the on,( monarch on earth that had a friend" The

,itt,e mute %as not for+otten" A ne house %as

+i&en to the sherman) and Orcan %as condemned

to *a( him a ,ar+e sum of mone() and to restore

him his %ifeH ut the sherman) %ho had no% e8

come %ise) too> on,( the mone("

 The eautifu, Semira cou,d not e comforted for

ha&in+ e,ie&ed that 3adi+ %ou,d e ,ind of an

e(eH nor did A2ora cease to ,ament her attem*t

to cut o his noseH their +riefs) ho%e&er) he soft8

ened ( his *resents" The ca*ricious eaut() 1is8

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3adi+. The 1(ster( of Fate" ;;

souf) %as ,eft unnoticed" The en&ious man died

of ra+e and shame" The em*ire enJo(ed *eace)

+,or( and *,ent(" This %as the ha**iest a+e of the

earth" It %as +o&erned ( ,o&e and Justice" The

*eo*,e ,essed 3adi+) and 3adi+ ,essed hea&en"




 5ou reGuest me) sir) to +i&e (ou some account

of our %orth( friend) and his sin+u,ar son" The

,eisure that the retirement of Lord Peterorou+h

no% aords me) *,aces it in m( *o%er to o,i+e (ou"

 5ou %i,, e as astonished as I %as) and *erha*s

ado*t m( o*inion on the suJect"

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 5ou scarce,( >ne% the (oun+ and unfortunate

 /ohnn() Freind$s on,( son) %hom his father too>

%ith him to S*ain %hen he recei&ed the a**oint8

ment of cha*,ain to our armies) in ;=B" 5ou

started for A,e**o efore m( ,ord esie+ed !ar8

ce,onaH (et (ou %ere ri+ht %hen (ou said /ohn$s

countenance %as amia,e and interestin+) and that

he +a&e *roofs of inte,,i+ence and coura+e" It %as

Guite true" E&er( one %ho >ne% him) ,o&ed him"

At rst he %as intended for the churchH ut) as

he manifested much a&ersion for that *rofession)

%hich) indeed) reGuires +reat s>i,,) mana+ement)

and nesse) his *rudent father considered it a fo,,(

and a crime to o**ose his inc,ination"

 /ohn %as not t%ent( (ears o,d %hen he assisted)


 The Atheist and the Sa+e" ;;<

as a &o,unteer) at the attac> on 1ont8/oui) %hich

%as ca*tured) and %here U the Prince of 'esse ,ost

his ,ife" Our *oor /ohnn( %as %ounded) ta>en

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*risoner) and carried into the to%n" The fo,,o%in+ is

an account of his ad&entures from the attac> of

1ont8/oui ti,, the ta>in+ of !arce,ona" It is as

to,d ( a Cata,onian ,ad() a ,itt,e too free and too

sim*,e" Such stories do not nd a %a( to the hearts

of (our %ise men" I recei&ed it from her %hen I

entered !arce,ona in the suite of Lord Peteror8

ou+h" 5ou must read it %ithout oence) as a true

descri*tion of the manners of the countr("




When %e %ere informed that the same sa&a+es

%ho came throu+h the air to sei2e on ira,tar

%ere comin+ to esie+e our eautifu, !arce,ona)

%e e+an to oer *ra(ers at Notre Dame de 1an8

resa assured,( the est mode of defence"

 These *eo*,e) %ho come from so far) are ca,,ed

( a name &er( hard to *ronounce) that is)

En+,ish" Our re&erend father inGuisitor) Don /er8

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onimo !ueno Caracucarador) *reached a+ainst

these ri+ands" 'e anathemati2ed them in Notre

Dame d$E,*ino" 'e assured us that the En+,ish

had mon>e( tai,s) ears$ *a%s) and *arrot headsH

I@O The Atheist and the Sa+e"

that the( sometimes s*o>e ,i>e men) ut in&aria,(

made a +reat hissin+H that the( %ere) moreo&er)

notorious hereticsH that) thou+h the !,essed Vir+in

%as often indu,+ent to *oor sinners) she ne&er for8

+a&e heretics) and that conseGuent,( the( %ou,d

a,, e infa,,i,( e?terminated) es*ecia,,( if the( *re8

sumed to a**ear efore 1ont8/oui" 'e had

scarce,( nished his sermon %hen he heard that

1ont8/oui %as ta>en ( storm"

 The same e&enin+ %e ,earned that a (oun+ En+8

,ishman) %ho had een %ounded in the assau,t) %as

our *risoner" Throu+hout the to%n arose cries of

&ictor( &ictor( And the i,,uminations %ere &er(


Dona !oca VermeJa) %ho had the honor to e

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the re&erend inGuisitor$s fa&orite) %as &er( desir8

ous to see %hat the En+,ish anima, and heretic %as

,i>e" She %as m( intimate friend" I shared her

curiosit(" We %ere o,i+ed to %ait ti,, his %ound

%as cured) and this did not ta>e &er( ,on+"

Soon after) %e ,earned that he %as in the hai$"

of &isitin+ dai,( at the residence of E,o) m(

cousin +erman) %ho) as e&er( one >no%s) is the

est sur+eon in the to%n" 1( friend !oca VermeJa$s

im*atience to see this sin+u,ar monster increased

t%o8fo,d" We had no rest ourse,&es) and +a&e

none to our cousin) the sur+eon) ti,, he a,,o%ed us

to concea, ourse,&es in a sma,, c,oset) %hich %e

entered on ti*toe %ithout sa(in+ a %ord) and

scarce,( &enturin+ to reathe) Just as the En+,ish8

 The Atheist and the Sa+e" ;@;

man arri&ed" 'is face %as not turned to%ard us"

'e too> o a sma,, ca*) %hich enc,osed his ,i+ht

hair) %hich then fe,, in thic> cur,s do%n the nest

nec> I e&er ehe,d" 'is form *resented a *,um*8

ness) a nish) an e,e+ance) a**roachin+) in m( o*in8

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ion) the A*o,,o !e,&edere at Rome a co*( of %hich

m( unc,e) the scu,*tor) *ossesses"

Dona !oca VermeJa %as trans*orted %ith sur8

*rise) and de,i+hted" I shared her ecstas() and

cou,d not forear e?c,aimin+. #O Gue hermoso

muchacho #

 These %ords made the (oun+ man turn around"

We then sa% the face of an Adonis on the od( of

a (oun+ 'ercu,es" Dona !oca VermeJa near,( fe,,

ac>%ards at the si+ht"

#St" /ames# she e?c,aimed) #'o,( Vir+in is

it *ossi,e heretics are such ne men 'o% %e

ha&e een decei&ed aout them"#

Dona !oca %as soon &io,ent,( in ,o&e %ith

the heretica, monster" She is handsomer nan I

am) I must confessH and I must a,so confess that

I ecame dou,( Jea,ous of her on that account"

I too> care to sho% her that to forsa>e the re&er8

end father inGuisitor) Don /eronimo !ueno Cara8

cucarador) for an En+,ishman) %ou,d e a crime

fa,,in+ nothin+ short of damnation"

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#Ah) m( dear Las Na,+as# she said Las Na,8

+as is m( name6) #I %ou,d forsa>e 1e,chi2ede>

himse,f for so ne a (oun+ man"#

O e of the inGuisitors %ho attended four masses

;@@ The Atheist and the Sa+e"

dai,() to otain from Our Lad( of 1anresa the

destruction of the En+,ish) heard of our admiration"

 The Re&erend Father Don Caracucarador %hi**ed

us oth) and had our dear En+,ishman arrested (

t%ent(8four A,+ua2i,s of St" 'ermandad" /ohnn(

>i,,ed four) and %as at ,en+th ca*tured ( the

remainin+ t%ent(" 'e %as conned in a &er(

dam* ce,,ar) and sentenced to e urnt the fo,,o%8

in+ Sunda() in fu,, ceremon() c,othed in a san

enito) %earin+ a su+ar8,oaf ca*) in honor of Our

Sa&iour and the Vir+in 1ar() his mother" Don

Caracucarador *re*ared a ne sermon) ut had no

occasion for it) as the to%n %as ta>en at four o$c,oc>

on the Sunda( mornin+"

'ere Dona Las Na,+as$ ta,e terminates" This

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,ad( %as not %ithout a descri*tion of %it) %hich

in S*ain %e ca,, a+ude2a"




WORT'5 FAT'ER) D"D") 1"P") AND F"R"S"

 5ou >no% the s>i,fu, conduct of the Ear, of

Peterorou+h after he too> !arce,onaH ho% suc8

cessfu,,( he *re&ented *i,,a+e) restored order) and

rescued the Duchess of Po*o,i from the hands of

some drun>en ermans) %ho roed and aused

her" Concei&e the sur*rise) +rief) ra+e) and tears

 The Atheist and the Sa+e" ;@:

of our friend) Freind) on ,earnin+ that /ohn %as

conned in the dun+eons of the 'o,( InGuisition)

and condemned to the staJce" 5ou >no% that co,d

tem*eraments are freGuent,( most ener+etic %hen

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+reat e&ents ca,, them into action" 5ou shou,d

ha&e seen this distracted father) %hom (ou %ere

accustomed to thin> im*ertura,e) M( to the dun8

+eon of his son more ra*id,( than the horses at

Ne%mar>et hasten to the +oa," The ft( so,diers

%ho %ent %ith him %ere soon out of reath) and

a,%a(s a hundred *aces ehind" At ,en+th he

reached the ce,, and entered it" What a scene

%hat tears %hat Jo( T%ent( &ictims) de&oted to

the same ceremon() are de,i&ered" A,, the *ris8

oners ta>e arms and +ht %ith our so,diers" The

ui,din+s of the 'o,( OQce are destro(ed in ten

minutes) and the( rea>fasted eside the ruins)

on the %ine and ham of the inGuisitors"

In the midst of the roar of cannon) the sound

of trum*ets and drums) announcin+ our &ictor(

to Cata,onia) our friend Freind reco&ered his accus8

tomed tranGui,,it( of manner" 'e %as as ca,m as

the s>( after a da( of storm" 'e %as raisin+ to

od a heart as serene as his countenance) %hen

he *ercei&ed a ,ac> s*ectra, +ure) c,ad in a sur8

*,ice) issue from a &au,t) and fa,, at his feet) cr(in+

for merc("

#Who are (ou # said our friend" #Do (ou come

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from 'ades#

#A,most)# reJoined the other" #I am Don /ero8

;@ The Atheist and the Sa+e"

nimo !ueno Caracucarador) inGuisitor" I so,icit

most hum,( (our for+i&eness for %ishin+ to roast

(our son in *u,ic" I too> him for a /e%"#

#Su**osin+ that to e the case)# said our friend)

%ith his customar( san+8froid) #does it ecome (ou)

Seor Caracucarador) to roast *eo*,e a,i&e e8

cause the( are descended from a sect that former,(

inhaited a roc>( canton near the S(rian desert

What does it matter to (ou %hether a man is cir8

cumcised or not that he oser&e Easter at the fu,,

of the moon) or on the fo,,o%in+ Sunda( It is

&er( ad reason to sa() $That man is a /e%H there8

fore I must ha&e him urnt) and ta>e his *ro*ert("$

 The Ro(a, Societ( of London do not reason in

that %a("

#Do (ou >no%) Seor Caracucarador) that /esus

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Christ %as a /e% that he %as orn) ,i&ed) and died

a /e% that he oser&ed the Passo&er ,i>e a /e%)

at the fu,, of the moon that a,, his a*ost,es

%ere /e%s that the( %ent to the tem*,e after his

death) as %e are e?*ress,( to,d that the rst fteen

secret isho*s of /erusa,em %ere /e%s !ut m(

son is no /e%H he e,on+s to the esta,ished church"

'o% came it into (our head to urn him a,i&e#

 The inGuisitor) o&era%ed ( the ,earnin+ of

1onsieur Freind) and sti,, *rostrate at his feet) re8


#A,as sir) %e >no% nothin+ aout this at the

0ni&ersit( of Sa,amanca" For+i&e me) once more"

 The Atheist and the Sa+e" ;@B

 The true reason is) (our son too> from me m(

fa&orite) Dona !oca VermeJa"#

#Ah if he too> (our fa&orite) that$s another

thin+" We shou,d ne&er ta>e $our nei+hor$s

+oods"$ That is not) ho%e&er) a suQcient reason

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for urnin+ a (oun+ man to death" As Leinit2

sa(s. $The *unishment shou,d e in *ro*ortion to

the crime"$ 5ou Christians on the other side of the

!ritish Channe,) es*ecia,,( to%ard the south) ma>e

no more of roastin+ each other) e it the Coun8

se,,or Duour+) 1" Ser&etus) or those %ho %ere

urned in the rei+n of Phi,i* II") surnamed E,

Discreto) than %e do of roastin+ a Joint of eef

in London" !ut rin+ 1iss !oca VermeJa efore

me) that I ma( ,earn the truth from her o%n


!oca VermeJa a**eared) %ee*in+) ,oo>in+ the

handsomer for her tears) as %omen +enera,,( do"

#Is it true) 1iss) that (ou are de&oted,( attached

to 1" Caracucarador) and that m( son has a8

ducted (ou#

#Aducted me The En+,ish +ent,eman I

ne&er met %ith an( one so amia,e and +ood8,oo>8

in+ as (our son" 5ou are &er( fortunate in ein+

his father" I cou,d fo,,o% him to the %or,d$s end)

I a,%a(s hated that u+,( inGuisitor) %ho %hi**ed

me and 1ademoise,,e Las Na,+as ti,, he near,(

rou+ht ,ood" If (ou %ish to ma>e me ha**()

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(ou %i,, cause the o,d fe,,o% to e han+ed at m(

edroom %indo%"#

;@4 The Atheist and the Sa+e"

 /ust as !oca VermeJa %as thus s*ea>in+) the

Ear, of Peterorou+h sent for the inGuisitor Car8

acucarador) to ha&e him han+ed" 5ou %i,, not e

sur*rised to hear that 1r" Freind rm,( o**osed

this measure"

#Let (our Just dis*,easure)# said he) #+i&e %a(

to +enerous fee,in+s" A man shou,d ne&er e *ut

to death ut %hen it is aso,ute,( necessar( for the

safet( of others" The S*aniards sa( the En+,ish

are ararians) %ho >i,, a,, the *riests %ho come

in their %a(" This mi+ht ha&e inJured the cause of

the archdu>e) for %hom (ou ha&e ta>en !arce,ona"

I ha&e suQcient satisfaction in rescuin+ m( son)

and *uttin+ it out of the *o%er of this rasca,,(

mon> to e?ercise his inGuisitoria, functions"#

In a %ord) the %ise and charita,e Freind %as

contented %ith +ettin+ Caracucarador Mo++ed) as

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he had %hi**ed 1iss !oca VermeJa and 1iss Las


Such c,emenc( aected the Cata,onians" The

*ersons rescued from the InGuisition fe,t that our

re,i+ion %as etter than theirs" Near,( a,, re8

Guested to e admitted memers of the esta,ished

churchH e&en some ache,ors of the 0ni&ersit( of

Sa,amanca) %ho chanced to e at !arce,ona) re8

Guested instruction" The +reater *art soon ecame

en,i+htened) %ith the e?ce*tion of a certain Don

Ini+o ( 1edroso ( Comodios ( Pa*a,amiendo) %ho

ostinate,( adhered to his o*inions"

 The Atheist and the Sa+e" ;@






 The fo,,o%in+ is a summar( of the *,easant dis8

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*utation) %hich our dear friend Freind and the

!ache,or Don Pa*a,amiendo he,d) in the *resence

of the Ear, of Peterorou+h" This fami,iar con8

&ersation %as ca,,ed the dia,o+ue of the #!uts"#

As (ou read it (ou %i,, disco&er %h("

 T'E !AC'ELOR" !ut) sir) not%ithstandin+ a,,

the ne thin+s (ou ha&e said) (ou must admit that

(our res*ecta,e esta,ished church did not e?ist

efore the time of Don Luther and Don CEco,am8

*adius H conseGuent,() it is Guite ne%) and can hard,(

e said to e,on+ to the fami,("

FREIND" 5ou mi+ht as %e,, sa( I am not a

descendant of m( +randfather) ecause another

ranch of the fami,() ,i&in+ in Ita,() sei2ed on his

%i,,) and m( c,aims" I ha&e fortunate,( found them

a+ain) and it is no% Guite c,ear that I am m(

+randfather$s +randson" 5ou and I are) as it %ere)

of the same fami,() ut %ith this dierence. We

read our +randfather$s testament in our mother

ton+ue) %hi,e (ou are foridden to read it in (ours"

 5ou are the s,a&es of a forei+nerH %e ,isten to the

dictates of reason"

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;@ The Atheist and the Sa+e"

 T'E !AC'ELOR" !ut su**ose (our reason

shou,d ,ead (ou astra( For) in a %ord) (ou ha&e

no faith in our 0ni&ersit( of Sa,amanca) %hich has

dec,ared the infa,,ii,it( of the *o*e) and his indis8

*uta,e contro, of the *ast) the *resent) the future)

and the *au,o8*ost8future"

FREIND" Neither did the a*ost,es" It is %rit8

ten that Peter) %ho denied his master /esus) %as

se&ere,( reu>ed ( Pau," I ha&e not e?amined

the case to see %hich %as in the %ron+H *erha*s)

as is the case in most dis*utes) neither %as ri+htH

ut I do not nd one *assa+e in the #Acts of the

A*ost,es# to *ro&e that Peter %as considered the

master of his com*anions) and of the *au,o8*ost8


 T'E !AC'ELOR" !ut St" Peter %as certain,(

archisho* of Rome) for Sanche2 te,,s us that this

+reat man came there in the rei+n of Nero) and

,,ed the archisho*$s throne t%ent(8&e (ears

under the same Nero) %ho on,( rei+ned thirteen"

!esides) it is a matter of faith) and Don ri,,andus)

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the *rotot(*e of the InGuisition) aQrms it for %e

ne&er read the 'o,( !i,e6) that St" Peter %as at

Rome durin+ a certain (ear) for he dates one of

his ,etters from !a(,on" No%) since !a(,on is

&isi,( the ana+ram of Rome) it is c,ear that the

*o*e) ( di&ine ri+ht) is ,ord of the %or,dH more8

o&er) a,, the ,icentiates of Sa,amanca ha&e sho%n

that Simon race8of8od) rst sorcerer and coun8

se,,or of state at the court of Nero) sent his com8

 The Atheist and the Sa+e" ;@<

*,iments ( his do+ to Simon !arJona) other%ise

ca,,ed St" Peter) as soon as he came to RomeH that

St" Peter) %ho %as scarce,( ,ess *o,ite) sent a,so

his do+ to com*,iment Simon race8of8od) and

then the( di&erted themse,&es ( tr(in+ %hich

cou,d soonest raise from the dead a cousin +erman

of Nero$sH that race8of8od on,( succeeded in ef8

fectin+ a *artia, restoration) %hi,e !arJona %on the

+ame ( %ho,,( restorin+ the dead man to ,ifeH

that race8of8od sou+ht to ha&e his re&en+e (

M(in+ throu+h the air ,i>e St" Daeda,usH and that

!arJona ro>e his ,e+s) ( ma>in+ him fa,," On

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this account St" Peter recei&ed the mart(r$s cro%n)

ein+ crucied %ith his hee,s u*%ard" Therefore

%e ha&e *ro&ed that his ho,iness) the *o*e) ou+ht

to rei+n o&er a,, %ho %ear cro%nsH that he is ,ord

of the *ast) the *resent) and a,, the futures in the


FREIND" It is c,ear these thin+s ha**ened in

the da(s %hen 'ercu,es se*arated at a stro>e the

t%o mountains) Ca,*e and A(,a) and crossed the

straits of ira,tar in his +o,et" !ut it is not on

such histories) ho%e&er authentic the( ma( e) that

%e ase our re,i+ion" We found it on the +os*e,"

 T'E !AC'ELOR" !ut) sir) on %hat *assa+es of

the +os*e, I ha&e read a *ortion of the +os*e, in

our theo,o+ica, tracts" Do (ou ase it on the de8

scent of the an+e, to announce to the Vir+in 1ar(

that she had concei&ed ( the 'o,( host On

the Journe( of the three >in+s after the star On

Vo," @ <

;:= The Atheist and the Sa+e"

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the massacre of a,, the chi,dren of the countr( On

the trou,e the de&i, too> to carr( od into the

%i,derness) to *,ace him on a *innac,e of the tem*,e)

and on the summit of a mountain from %hence he

ehe,d a,, the >in+doms of the %or,d On the mir8

ac,e of %ater chan+ed into %ine at a &i,,a+e %ed8

din+ On the i mirac,e of t%o thousand *i+s

dro%ned ( the de&i, in a ,a>e at the command

of /esus On

FREIND" Sir) %e res*ect these thin+s ecause

the( are in the +os*e, H ut %e ne&er s*ea> of them

ecause the( are too far ao&e our %ea> human


 T'E !AC'ELOR" !ut the( sa( (ou ne&er ca,,

the 'o,( Vir+in) 1other of od

FREIND" We re&ere and cherish her" !ut %e

thin> she cares &er( ,itt,e for the tit,es +i&en her

in this %or,d" She is ne&er st(,ed the 1other of

od in the +os*e," In the (ear :; there %as a

+reat dis*ute at the counci, of E*hesus to ascertain

if 1ar( %as TheotocosH and if /esus Christ) ein+

at the same time od and the son of 1ar() 1ar(

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cou,d at the same time e mother of od the

Father and od the Son" We do not enter into

these dis*utes of E*hesus" The Ro(a, Societ( at

London does not concern itse,f %ith such contro8


 T'E !AC'ELOR" !ut) sir) (ou ta,> of Theoto8

cos" What ma( Theotocos mean) if (ou *,ease

 The Atheist and the Sa+e" ;:;

FREIND" It means 1other of od" What) are

(ou a ache,or of Sa,amanca) and don$t under8

stand ree>

 T'E !AC'ELOR" !ut ree> Of %hat use can

ree> e to a S*aniard !ut) sir) do (ou e,ie&e

that /esus Christ has one nature) one *erson) and

one %i,,H or t%o natures) t%o *ersons and t%o

%i,,sH or) one %i,,) one nature) and t%o *ersonsH

or) t%o %i,,s) t%o *ersons and one natureH or

FREIND" This) a,so) e,on+s to the E*hesian

contro&ers() and does not concern us"

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 T'E !AC'ELOR" !ut %hat does concern (ou)

then Do (ou su**ose there are on,( three *er8

sons in od) or that there are three ods in one

*erson Does the second *erson *roceed from the

rst *erson) and the third from the t%o others) or

from the second intrinsecus) or on,( from the rst

'as the father a,, the attriutes of the son e?ce*t

*aternit( And does the third *erson *roceed (

infusion) ( identication) or ( s*iration

FREIND" This Guestion is not mooted in the +os8

*e," St" Pau, ne&er %rote the name of the Trinit("

 T'E !AC'ELOR" !ut (ou a,%a(s refer to the

+os*e,) and ne&er ma>e mention of St" !ona&en8

tura) of A,ert the reat) of Tamourini) of ri,8

,andus) of Escoar"

FREIND" !ecause I do not ca,, m(se,f a Do8

minican) a Franciscan or a /esuit" I am satised

%ith ein+ a Christian"

;:@ The Atheist and the Sa+e"

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 T'E !AC'ELOR" !ut if (ou are a Christian) te,,

me if (ou conscientious,( thin> the rest of man>ind

%i,, e damned

FREIND" It does not ecome me to ,imit the

com*assion or the Justice of od"

 T'E !AC'ELOR" !ut to come to the *oint) if

(ou are a Christian) %hat do (ou e,ie&e

FREIND" I e,ie&e %ith /esus Christ that %e

ou+ht to ,o&e od and our nei+hor) for+i&e our

enemies) and do +ood for e&i," These are the ma?8

ims of /esus" So true are the() that no ,e+is,ator)

no *hi,oso*her) e&er had other *rinci*,es efore

him) and it is im*ossi,e that there can e an(

other" These truths ne&er ha&e and ne&er can meet

%ith contradiction) sa&e from our *assions"

 T'E !AC'ELOR" !ut) in re+ard to the *assions)

is it true that (our isho*s) *riests) and deacons are

a,, married

FREIND" 7uite true" St" /ose*h) %ho *assed

for the father of /esus) %as married" /ames the

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Less) surnamed O,ia) rother of our Lord) %as

his son) %ho) after the death of /esus) s*ent his ,ife

in the tem*,e" St" Pau, the +reat St" Pau, %as

a married man"

 T'E !AC'ELOR" !ut ri,,andus and 1o,ina as8

sert the contrar("

FREIND" Let them sa( %hat the( *,easeH I *re8

fer e,ie&in+ St" Pau, himse,f on the suJect" In

i Corinthians) i?" 8) he sa(s. #'a&e %e not

 The Atheist and the Sa+e" ;::

*o%er to eat and to drin> 'a&e %e not *o%er

to ,ead aout a sister) a %ife) as %e,, as other a*os8

t,es) and as the rethren of the Lord) and Ce*has

Or I on,( and !arnaas) ha&e %e not *o%er to for8

ear %or>in+ Who +oeth a %arfare at an( time

at his o%n char+es Who *,anteth a &ine(ard and

eateth not of the fruit thereof#

 T'E !AC'ELOR" !ut) sir) did St" Pau, rea,,(

sa( that

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FREIND" 5es) he said that) and &er( much more"

 T'E !AC'ELOR" !ut) rea,,( that *rodi+( of the

eQcac( of +race

FREIND" It is true) sir) that his con&ersion %as

a +reat mirac,e" I admit) from the #Acts of the

A*ost,es)# that he %as the most crue, sate,,ite of

the enemies of /esus" The #Acts# sa( that he as8

sisted at the stonin+ of Ste*hen" 'e admits him8

se,f) that %hen the /e%s condemned to death a fo,8

,o%er of Christ) he %ou,d see to the e?ecution of

the sentence) detu,i sententiam" I admit that

Adia) his disci*,e) and the trans,ator /u,ius) the

African) accused him of *uttin+ to death /ames

O,ia) the rother of our LordH ut his *ersecu8

tions increase the %onder of his con&ersion) and

( no means *re&ented his ha&in+ a %ife" I as8

sure (ou he %as married" St" C,ement of A,e?an8

dria e?*ress,( dec,ares it"

 T'E !AC'ELOR" !ut St" Pau,) then) %as a %or8

th( man of od Rea,,() I am +rie&ed to thin> he

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;: The Atheist and the Sa+e"

assassinated St" Ste*hen) and St" /ames) and I am

sur*rised to nd he tra&e,,ed to the third hea&en"

!ut *ra( continue"

FREIND" We +ather from St" C,ement of A,e?8

andria that St" Peter had chi,dren H one St" Petro8

ni,,a is mentioned amon+ them" Euseius) in his

#'istor( of the Church)# sa(s that St" Nicho,as) one

of the rst disci*,es) had a &er( handsome %ifeH

and that the disci*,es ,amed him for ein+ o&er

fond and Jea,ous" #Sirs)# said he) #,et an( one

ta>e her %ho ,i>esH I +i&e her to (ou"#

In the /e%ish econom() %hich shou,d ha&e

,asted fore&er) ut to %hich) ne&erthe,ess) the Chris8

tian dis*ensation succeeded) marria+e %as not on,(

*ermitted) ut e?*ress,( enJoined on *riests) since

the( %ere a,%a(s of the same race" Ce,iac( %as

considered infamous"

It is certain that ce,iac( cou,d not ha&e een

considered a &er( *ure and honora,e state ( the

rst Christians) since %e nd amon+ the isho*s

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e?communicated ( the rst counci,s) chieM( those

%ho o**ose the marria+e of *riests) such as Satur8

nians) !asi,idians) 1ontanists) Encrasists) and other

ans and ists" This accounts for the %ife of re+or(

of Na2ian2e earin+ another re+or( of Na2ian2e)

and enJo(in+ the inestima,e fe,icit( of ein+ at

one and the same time the %ife and mother of a

canoni2ed saint a *ri&i,e+e %hich e&en St" 1on8

ica) the mother of St" Au+ustine did not enJo("

!( the same reason I mi+ht name as man( and

 The Atheist and the Sa+e" ;:B

e&en more of the ancient isho*s %ho %ere mar8

ried) and account for (our not ha&in+ had) in the

ear,ier a+es of the church) isho*s and *o*es %ho

indu,+ed in fornication) adu,ter() and e&en %orse

crimes" Thin+s are not so no%" This is a,so the

reason %h( the ree> church) the mother of the

Latin church) a,,o%s *riests to marr(" In a %ord)

the reason %h( I m(se,f am married) and ha&e a

son) as ne a fe,,o% as (ou cou,d %ish to see"

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!esides) m( dear ache,or) ha&e (ou not in (our

church se&en sacraments %hich are out%ard si+ns

of thin+s in&isi,e Does not a ache,or of Sa,a8

manca enJo( the ad&anta+e of a*tism as soon as

he comes into the %or,dH of conrmation as soon

as he has committed a fe% fo,,ies or understands

those of othersH of communion) thou+h a ,itt,e dif8

ferent from ours) %hen he is fourteen (ears of a+e H

of ho,( orders) %hen the( sha&e the cro%n of his

head and +i&e him a ,i&in+ of t%ent() thirt() or

fort( thousand *iastresH and ,ast,( of e?treme unc8

tion) %hen he is i,, 1ust he then e de*ri&ed of

the sacrament of marria+e) %hen he is in hea,th

Es*ecia,,( %hen od united Adam and E&e in mar8

ria+e. Adam) the rst ache,or in the %or,d) since)

accordin+ to (our schoo,s) he had >no%,ed+e (

infusionH E&e) the rst fema,e ache,or) since she

tasted the tree of >no%,ed+e efore her husand"

 T'E !AC'ELOR" !ut) if thin+s are so) I ma(

cease m( #uts"# This is certain) I ado*t (our

re,i+ionH I %i,, e,on+ to the esta,ished church of

;:4 The Atheist and the Sa+e"

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En+,andH %i,, marr( an honest %oman) %ho at

,east %i,, *retend to ,o&e me %hi,e I am (oun+)

ta>e care of me %hen I +ro% o,d) and %hom I %i,,

ur( decent,() shou,d I sur&i&e her" I thin> this

is etter than roastin+ men and enticin+ +ir,s after

the fashion of m( cousin) Don Caracucarador) the

inGuisitor of the faith"

 This is a faithfu, summar( of the con&ersation

et%een 1r" Freind and the ache,or Don Pa*a,8

amiendo) since ca,,ed ( us Pa*a De?ando" This

curious dia,o+ue %as dra%n u* ( /aco 'u,,) on-

of m( ,ord$s secretaries"

After this con&ersation) the ache,or too> m

aside and said.

#This En+,ishman) %hom I too> at rst for as

anthro*o*ha+us) must e a &er( +ood) man) for he J

a theo,o+ian and can >ee* his tem*er"#

I informed him that 1r" Freind %as to,erant)

or a 7ua>er) and a descendant of the dau+hter o

Wi,,iam Penn) %ho founded Phi,ade,*hia" #7ua8

>er) Phi,ade,*hia # he cried) #I ne&er heard of those

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I +a&e him some information on the suJect" 'e

cou,d scarce,( e,ie&e me" It seemed to him ,i>e

another uni&erse" And) indeed) he %as in the ri+ht"

 The Atheist and the Sa+e" ;:




Whi,e our %orth( *hi,oso*her Freind %as en8

,i+htenin+ the *riests of !arce,ona) and his son

 /ohn de,i+hted the ,adies) Lord Peterorou+h ,ost

a,, fa&or %ith the Gueen and archdu>e for sei2in+

!arce,ona for them" The courtiers censured him

for ta>in+ the cit( contrar( to a,, ru,e) %ith an arm(

,ess stron+ ( ha,f than the +arrison" At rst the

archdu>e %as hi+h,( incensed) and our friend %as

o,i+ed to *rint an a*o,o+( for the +enera," 5et

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this archdu>e) %ho had come to conGuer S*ain)

had not the %here%ith to *a( for his choco,ate" A,,

7ueen Anne had +i&en him %as sGuandered"

1ontecucu,i) in his #1emoirs)# sa(s three thin+s

are necessar( to maintain a %ar. First) mone(H

second) mone(H and third) mone(" The archdu>e

%rote from uada,aJara) %here he %as on the

nth of Au+ust) ;=4) to Lord Peterorou+h) a

,on+ ,etter si+ned #5o e, Re()# in %hich he e++ed

him to hasten to enoa and raise on credit ;==)==="

So our Sertorius) from +enera, of an arm() thus

ecame a enoese an>er" 'e communicated his

distress to our friend Freind" The( started for

enoa" I %ent %ith them) for (ou >no% m( heart

,eads me thither" I admired the s>i,, and s*irit of

conci,iation m( friend dis*,a(ed in this de,icate

;: The Atheist and the Sa+e"

usiness" I sa% at once that inte,,i+ence ma( meet

e&er( e?i+enc(" Our +reat Loc>e %as a *h(sicianH

he ecame the rst meta*h(sician in Euro*e) and

restored the &a,ue of the !ritish coina+e" In three

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da(s Freind raised the ;==)===) ut the court of

Char,es the VI" contri&ed to sGuander it in three

%ee>s" After this the +enera,) accom*anied ( his

theo,o+ian) %as o,i+ed to re*air to London to Jus8

tif( himse,f efore the *ar,iament for conGuerin+ Cat8

a,onia a+ainst a,, ru,e) and for ruinin+ himse,f in

the common cause" The aair %as *rotracted and

&e?atious) as are a,, *art( dis*utes"

 5ou >no% that 1r" Freind %as a memer of

*ar,iament efore he ecame a *riest) and he is the

on,( *erson %ho has een a,,o%ed to comine func8

tions so o**osed" One da() %hen Freind %as

thin>in+ o&er a s*eech he intended to de,i&er in the

house of %hich he %as a most res*ected memer6)

a S*anish ,ad( %as announced as desirous of seein+

him on *articu,ar usiness" It %as Dona !oca

VermeJa herse,f) in tears" Our +ood friend or8

dered a ,uncheon" She too> some refreshment)

dried her e(es) and thus e+an .

#5ou %i,, rememer) sir) %hen (ou %ent to

enoa) (ou ordered (our son /ohn to ,ea&e !ar8

ce,ona for London) and to commence his duties aa

a c,er> in the e?cheGuer) a *ost %hich (our in8

Muence had otained for him" 'e emar>ed in

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the #Triton)# %ith a (oun+ ache,or of arts) Don

Pa*a De?ando) and others %hom (ou had con&erted"

 The Atheist and the Sa+e" ;:<

 5ou ma( %e,, su**ose that I) %ith m( dear friend

Las Na,+as) accom*anied them"#

!oca VermeJa then to,d him) a+ain sheddin+

tears) ho% /ohn %as Jea,ous) or aected to e Jea,8

ous) of the ache,orH ho% a certain 1adame C,i&e8

'art) a &er( o,d) s*itefu,) mascu,ine) (oun+ mar8

ried ,ad() had ens,a&ed his mindH ho% he ,i&ed

%ith ,iertines %ho had no fear of odH ho%) in

a %ord) he ne+,ected !oca VermeJa for the artfu,

i&e8'artH and a,, ecause C,i&e8'art had a ,it8

t,e more red and %hite in her com*,e?ion than

*oor !oca VermeJa"

#I %i,, ,oo> into the matter at ,eisure)# said

the %orth( 1r" Freind" #I must no% attend *ar8

,iament) to ,oo> after Lord Peterorou+h$s usi8


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Accordin+,() to *ar,iament he %ent) %here I

heard him de,i&er a rm and concise discourse)

free from common*,ace e*ithets and circum,ocu8

tions" 'e ne&er in&o>ed a ,a% or a testimon("

'e Guoted) enforced and a**,ied them" 'e did not

sa( the( had ta>en the re,i+ion of the court (

sur*rise) ( accusin+ Lord Peterorou+h of e?*os8

in+ 7ueen Anne$s troo*s to ris>) ecause it had

nothin+ to do %ith re,i+ion" 'e did not ca,, a con8

 Jecture a demonstration) nor for+et his res*ect to

an au+ust *ar,iament) ( usin+ common Jo>es" 'e

did not ca,, Lord Peterorou+h his c,ient) ecause

c,ient si+nies a *,eeian *rotected ( a senator"

Freind s*o>e %ith condence and modest(H he %as

;= The Atheist and the Sa+e"

,istened to in si,ence) on,( distured ( cries of

#'ear him hear him#

 The 'ouse of Commons *assed a &ote of than>s

to Ear, Peterorou+h) instead of condemnin+ him"

'is ,ordshi* otained the same Justice from the

'ouse of Peers) and *re*ared to set out %ith his

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dear Freind to de,i&er the >in+dom of S*ain to

the archdu>e" This did not ta>e *,ace) so,e,( e8

cause thin+s do not a,%a(s turn out as %e %ish


On ,ea&in+ the house) our rst care %as to in8

Guire after the hea,th of /ohn" We ,earned that he

%as ,eadin+ a dissi*ated and deauched ,ife %ith

1rs" i&e8'art and a *art( of (oun+ men inte,8

,i+ent) ut atheists %ho e,ie&ed.

#That man is in no res*ect su*erior to the

rutesH that he ,i&es and dies as the( doH that oth

s*rin+ from and oth return to the earth H that %is8

dom and &irtue consist in enJo(ment) and in ,i&in+

%ith those %e ,o&e) as So,omon sa(s at the end of the

$Kohe,eth %hich %e ca,, $Ecc,esiastes #

 These sentiments %ere chieM( ad&anced amon+

them ( one Warurton)- a &er( for%ard) ,icen8

-In ;: !isho* Warurton *u,ished his famous %or>)

#The Di&ine Le+ation of 1oses)$ in %hich he asserted) #that

the doctrine of a future state of re%ard and *unishment

%as omitted in the oo>s of 1oses)# and then *roceeded to

demonstrate #from that &er( omission) that a s(stem %hich

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cou,d dis*ense %ith a doctrine) the &er( ond and cement

of human societ() must ha&e come from od) and that the

!Ho*,e to %hom it %as +i&en must ha&e een *,aced under

is immediate su*erintendence"# In other %ords) the

di&ine ori+in of the 1osaic # s(stem# is demonstrated) e8

cause 1oses did not teach to the chosen *eo*,e the doctrine

of a future ,ife e(ond the +ra&e"

 The Atheist and the Sa+e" ;;

tious fe,,o%" I ha&e +,anced at some of the *oor

author$s 1SS") %hich) hea&en +rant) ma( not one

da( e *rinted" Warurton *retends that 1oses

did not e,ie&e in the immorta,it( of the sou,) e8

cause he ne&er s*ea>s of it) and considers that to

e the on,( *roof of his di&ine mission" This a8

surd conc,usion ,eads to the su**ositon that the

re,i+ion of the /e%s is fa,se" Inde,s thence ar+ue

that ours) ein+ founded thereon) is fa,se a,soH and

ours) %hich is the est of a,,) ein+ fa,se) a,, others

are) if *ossi,e) sti,, more fa,seH therefore) there is

no re,i+ion" 'ence some conc,ude that there is

no od" Let us add to these conc,usions) that this

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,itt,e Warurton is an intri+uin+) s,anderin+ fe,,o%"

See %hat *eri,

!ut %orse than a,,) /ohn %as head o&er ears in

det) and had a stran+e %a( of *a(in+" One of his

creditors came to him %ith a c,aim for a hundred

+uineas) %hi,e %e %ere in the house" /ohn) %ho

a,%a(s a**eared *o,ite and +ent,e) fou+ht his cred8

itor) and *aid him %ith a s%ord8%ound" It %as

a**rehended the %ounded man %ou,d die) and

 /ohn) not%ithstandin+ Lord Peterorou+h$s *ro8

tection) ran the ris> of im*risonment and han+in+"

;@ The Atheist and the Sa+e"



 5ou rememer the an+uish of the &enera,e

Freind %hen he ,earned that /ohn %as in the *rison

of the inGuisition at !arce,ona" Ima+ine his ra+e

%hen he ,earned of the deaucher( and dissi*ation

of the unfortunate ,ad) his %a( of *a(in+ dets)

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and his dan+er of +ettin+ han+ed" 5et Freind

restrained himse,f" This e?ce,,ent man$s se,f8com8

mand is rea,,( astonishin+" 'is reason re+u,ates

his heart) as a +ood master ru,es his ser&ants" 'e

does e&er(thin+ reasona,() and Jud+es %ise,( %ith

as much ce,erit( as hast( *eo*,e act rash,("

#This is no time to ,ecture) /ohn)# said he" $$We

must snatch him from the *reci*ice"#

 5ou must >no% that on the da( *re&ious our

friend had come into a handsome sum) ,eft him (

eor+e 'uert) his unc,e" 'e %ent himse,f in

search of our +reat sur+eon) Chese,den" We found

him at home) and then *roceeded to+ether to the

%ounded creditor" The %ound %as ins*ected" It

%as not dan+erous" Freind +a&e the suerer a

hundred +uineas as the rst ste*) and ft( others

( %a( of re*aration) and then as>ed for+i&eness

for his son" Indeed) he e?*ressed his re+ret so

touchin+,( that the *oor man emraced him) and"

%ee*in+) %ished to return the mone("

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 This si+ht mo&ed and sur*rised (oun+ 1r" Ches8

e,den) %hose re*utation is ecomin+ &er( +reat) and

%hose heart is as >ind as his hand is s>i,fu,"

I %as mo&ed) I %as eside m(se,f" Ne&er had I

admired and ,o&ed our friend so much"

On returnin+ home I as>ed him if he did not

intend to send for his son) and to admonish him"

#No)# said he" #Let him fee, his fau,ts efore

I s*ea> of them" Let us su* to+ether to8ni+ht"

We %i,, see %hat in honest( I ou+ht to do" E?am8

*,es correct etter than re*rimands"#

Whi,e %aitin+ for su**er) I ca,,ed on /ohn" I

found him in the state %hich a,, men e?*erience

after their rst crime that is) *a,e) %ith sun>en

e(es and hoarse &oice a+itated) and ans%erin+ at

random %hen s*o>en to"

I to,d him %hat his father had Just done"

'e ,oo>ed at me steadi,() then turned a%a( to

dash a tear from his e(e" I ar+ued %e,, from this)

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and e+an to ho*e that /ohn %ou,d (et *ro&e a

%orth( man" I fe,t read( to c,as* him in m( arms)

%hen 1adame C,i&e8'art came in) accom*anied ( a

%i,d fe,,o%) ca,,ed !irton"

#We,,)# said the ,ad() ,au+hin+) #ha&e (ou rea,,(

>i,,ed a man to8da( Some tiresome fe,,o%" $Tis

%e,, to rid the %or,d of such *eo*,e" When (ou

are ne?t in the >i,,in+ mood) *ra( thin> of m( hus8

and" 'e *,a+ues me to death"#

I sur&e(ed this %oman from head to foot" She

; The Atheist and the Sa+e"

%as handsome) ut there %as somethin+ sinister in

her countenance" /ohn dared not re*,() and) con8

fused ( m( *resence) ,oo>ed do%n%ard"

#What$s the matter# said !irton" #5ou ,oo>

as if (ou had done somethin+ %ron+" I come to

+i&e (ou aso,ution" 'ere is a ,itt,e oo> I ha&e

 Just ou+ht at Lintot$s" It *ro&es as c,ear,( as t%o

and t%o ma>e four that there is neither od) nor

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&ice) nor &irtue a &er( conso,in+ fact So) ,et

us drin> to+ether"#

On hearin+ this sin+u,ar discourse) I %ithdre%

Guic>,() and re*resented to 1r" Freind ho% much

his son reGuired his ad&ice"

#I see it as c,ear,( as (ou do)# said this >ind

father H #ut ,et us e+in ( *a(in+ his dets"#

 The( %ere a,, dischar+ed the ne?t da(" /ohn

came and thre% himse,f at his father$s feet" Wi,,

(ou e,ie&e it The father made no re*roaches"

'e ,eft him to conscience) on,( oser&in+. #Re8

memer) m( son) there is no ha**iness a*art from


1r" Freind then sa% that the ache,or married

!oca VermeJa) %ho rea,,( ,o&ed him) not%ith8

standin+ her tears for /ohn" Women >no% ho%

to confuse such fee,in+s %onderfu,,(" One %ou,d

a,most sa( that their hearts are a und,e of con8

tradictionsH *erha*s ecause the( %ere ori+ina,,(

formed from one of our ris"

Our +enerous Freind +a&e her a,so a do%r() and

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 The Atheist and the Sa+e" ;B

too> care to secure *,aces for his con&erts" It

is not enou+h to ta>e care of *eo*,e$s sou,s) if %e

ne+,ect to *ro&ide for their *resent %ants"

After *erformin+ these +ood actions) %ith his

astonishin+ san+8froid) he cond,uded he had noth8

in+ more to do to restore his son to &irtue than

to marr( him to a (oun+ *erson of eaut() &irtue)

ta,ents) and some %ea,th" This) indeed) %as the

on,( %a( to %ean him from the detesta,e C,i&e8

'art) and others) %hom he freGuented"

I had heard *eo*,e s*ea> of a 1iss Prim8

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rose) a (oun+ heiress) rou+ht u* ( her re,ati&e)

Lad( 'er&e(" The Ear, of Peterorou+h introduced

me to Lad( 'er&e(" I sa% 1iss Primrose) and

considered her a *ro*er *erson to fu,, the %ishes

of m( friend" /ohn) in the midst of his dissi*ation)

had +reat re&erence) and e&en aection) for his

father" 'e %as chieM( aected that his father had

ne&er ,amed him for his fo,,ies" Dets *aid %ithout

informin+ himH %ise counse,s seasona,( +i&en)

and %ithout re*rimandH *roofs of friendshi* +i&en

from time to time) (et free from the fami,iarit(

%hich mi+ht de*reciate them" A,, this %ent to

 /ohn$s heart) for he %as oth inte,,i+ent and sen8


Lord Peterorou+h introduced the father and

son to Lad( 'er&e(" I *ercei&ed that the e?treme

eaut( of /ohn soon made a fa&ora,e im*ression

on 1iss PrimroseH for I sa% her ,oo> stea,thi,(

Vo," @ IO

;4 The Atheist and the Sa+e"

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at him and ,ush" /ohn seemed on,( *o,ite) and

Primrose admitted to Lad( 'er&e( that she %ished

his *o,iteness mi+ht ecome ,o&e"

 The (oun+ man soon disco&ered the %orth of

this charmin+ +ir,) thou+h he %as the com*,ete

s,a&e of C,i&e8'art" 'e %as ,i>e the Indian in8

&ited to +ather ce,estia, fruit) ut restrained ( the

c,a%s of a dra+on"

!ut here the reco,,ection of %hat I %itnessed

o&er%he,ms me" Tears moisten m( *a*er" When

I reco&er) I %i,, resume m( ta,e"



 The marria+e of /ohn and the ,o&e,( 1iss Prim8

rose %as aout to e ce,erated" Freind ne&er fe,t

more Jo(" I shared it" !ut the occasion %as chan+ed

into one of dee* sorro% and suerin+"

C,i&e8'art ,o&ed /ohn) thou+h constant,( faith8

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,ess" The( sa( this is the ,ot of those %omen %ho)

&io,atin+ modest() renounce their honor" In *artic8

u,ar she decei&ed /ohn for her dear !irton and

for another of the same schoo," The( ,i&ed to8

+ether in deauch) and) %hat is *erha*s *ecu,iar

to our nation) the( had a,, of them sense and %orth"

0nfortunate,() the( em*,o(ed their sense a+ainst

od" 1adame di&e8'art$s house %as a rende28

&ous for atheists" We,, for them had the( een

 The Atheist and the Sa+e" ;

such atheists as E*icurus) Leontium) Lucretius)

1emmius and S*ino2a the most u*ri+ht man of

'o,,and or 'oes) so faithfu, to his unfortunate

>in+) Char,es I"

!ut) ho%e&er it ma( e) i&e8'art) Jea,ous of

the *ure and +ent,e 1iss Primrose) cou,d not en8

dure the marria+e" She de&ised a &en+eance) %hich

I concei&e to e unsur*assed e&en in London)

%here I e,ie&e our fathers ha&e %itnessed crimes of

e&er( >ind" She ,earned that 1iss Primrose) re8

turnin+ from sho**in+) %ou,d *ass ( her door" She

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too> ad&anta+e of the o**ortunit() and had a se%er

o*ened) communicatin+ %ith her *remises"

1iss Primrose$s carria+e) on its return) %as

o,i+ed to dra% u* at this ostruction" C,i&e8'art

+oes out) and entreats her to a,i+ht and ta>e some

refreshment) %hi,e the *assa+e is ein+ c,eared"

 This in&itation made 1iss Primrose hesitateH ut

she *ercei&ed /ohn standin+ in the ha,,) and) (ie,d8

in+ to an im*u,se stron+er than her discretion) she

+ot out" /ohn oered her his hand" She enters"

di&e8'art$s husand %as a si,,( drun>ard) as hate8

fu, to his %ife as he %as sumissi&e and trou,e8

some ( his ci&i,it(" 'e *resents refreshments to

the (oun+ ,ad() and drin>s after her" 1rs" C,i&e8

'art ta>es them a%a( instant,() and rin+s others"

!( this time the street is c,eared" 1iss Primrose

enters her carria+e) and dri&es to her mother$s"

She soon fa,,s sic>) and com*,ains of +iddiness"

 The( su**ose it is occasioned ( the motion of the

; The Atheist and the Sa+e"

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carria+e" !ut the i,,ness increased) and the ne?t

da( she %as d(in+"

1r" Freind and I hastened to the house" We

found the ,o&e,( creature *a,e and ,i&id) a *re( to

con&u,sionsH her ,i*s o*en) her e(es +,a2ed) and

a,%a(s starin+" !,ac> s*ots dis+ured her face

and throat" 'er mother had fainted on her ed"

Chese,den em*,o(ed in &ain a,, the resources of his

art" I %i,, not attem*t to descrie Freind$s an+uish"

It %as intense" I hurried to C,i&e8'art$s house)

and found that the husand %as Just dead) and that

the %ife had Med"

I sou+ht /ohn" 'e cou,d not e found" A

ser&ant to,d me that his mistress had esou+ht him

not to ,ea&e her in her misfortune) and that the( had

+one o to+ether) accom*anied ( !irton) no one

>ne% %hither"

O&ercome ( these ra*id and numerous shoc>s)

terried at the fri+htfu, sus*icions %hich haunted

me) I hastened to the d(in+ ,ad("

#5et)# said I to m(se,f) #if this aomina,e

%oman thre% herse,f on /ohn$s +enerosit() it does

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not fo,,o% that he is an accom*,ice" /ohn is inca8

*a,e of so horri,e and co%ard,( a crime) %hich

he had no interest in committin+) %hich de*ri&es

him of a charmin+ %ife) and renders him odious

to the human race" Wea>) he has *roa,( a,,o%ed

himse,f to (ie,d to a %retch) of %hose crime he %as

i+norant" 'e did not see) as I ha&e) 1iss Prim8

 The Atheist and the Sa+e" ;<

rose d(in+ H he ne&er %ou,d ha&e deserted her *i,,o%

to accom*an( the %oman %ho *oisoned her" O*8

*ressed ( these thou+hts) I entered) shudderin+)

the room %hich I e?*ected contained a cor*se"#

She %as sti,, a,i&e" O,d C,i&e8'art died soon) e8

cause his *h(sica, stren+th %as %orn out ( deauch8

er(H ut (oun+ 1iss Primrose %as sustained ( a

constitution as roust as her ,ood %as *ure" She

sa% me) and inGuired) in a tender tone) after /ohn"

A Mood of tears +ushed from m( e(es" I cou,d not

re*,(" I %as una,e to s*ea> to the father" I %as

o,i+ed to ,ea&e her to the faithfu, hands that ser&ed


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We %ent to inform his ,ordshi* of this disaster"

'e is as >ind to his friends as terri,e to his foes"

Ne&er %as there a more com*assionate man %ith

so stern a countenance" 'e too> as much *ains

to assist the d(in+ ,ad() and to o&erta>e the aan8

doned %oman) and disco&er /ohn) as he had done

to +i&e S*ain to the archdu>e" !ut a,, our search

*ro&ed in &ain" I thou+ht it %ou,d >i,, Freind"

No% %e Me% to the residence of 1iss Primrose)

%hose d(in+ %as *rotracted) no% to Rochester) Do8

&er) Portsmouth" Couriers %ere des*atched e&er(8

%here" We %andered aout at random) ,i>e do+s

that ha&e ,ost the scent) %hi,e the unfortunate

mother e?*ected hour,( the death of her chi,d"

At ,en+th %e ,earned that a handsome ,ad() ac8

com*anied ( three (oun+ men and some ser&ants)

; B= The Atheist and the Sa+e"

had emar>ed at Ne%*ort) in 1onmouthshire) in

a ,itt,e smu++,in+ &esse, that %as in the roads) and

had sai,ed for North America"

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Freind sim*,( si+hed at this inte,,i+enceH then

sudden,( reco&erin+ himse,f) and *ressin+ m( hand)

he said.

#I must +o to America"#

I re*,ied) %ee*in+ %ith admiration. #I %i,, not

,ea&e (ou" !ut %hat can (ou do#

#Restore m( on,( son)# said he) #to &irtue and

his countr() or ur( m(se,f %ith him"#

Indeed) from our information) %e cou,d not

dout ut he had Med thither %ith that horri,e

%oman) !irton) and the other &i,,ains of the *art("

 The +ood father too> ,ea&e of Lord Peteror8

ou+h) %ho returned soon after to Cata,oniaH and

%e %ent to !risto, and frei+hted a shi* for the De,a8

%are and the a( of 1ar(,and"

Freind) >no%in+ these coasts to e in the heart

of the En+,ish *ossessions) thou+ht it ri+ht to +o

there) %hether his son had sou+ht concea,ment in

the North or South"

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'e su**,ied himse,f %ith mone() ,etters of credit)

and *ro&isions) and ,eft a condentia, ser&ant in

London) to %rite to him ( shi*s that %ere ,ea&in+

e&er( %ee> for 1ar(,and or Penns(,&ania"

We started" The cre%) Jud+in+ from the *,acid

countenance of m( friend) thou+ht %e %ere on an

e?cursion of *,easure" !ut %hen he %as a,one %ith

me) his si+hs e?*ressed the de*th of his an+uish"

 The Atheist and the Sa+e" ;B;

At times I con+ratu,ated m(se,f on the ha**iness

of conso,in+ such a no,e mind"

A %est %ind >e*t us a ,on+ time o the Sci,,(

Is,ands" We %ere o,i+ed to steer for Ne% En+8

,and" What inGuiries %e made on e&er( coast

What time and toi, %ere thro%n a%a( At ,en+th)

a northeast %ind arisin+) %e steered for 1ar(,and"

 There) it %as said) /ohn and his com*anions had

ta>en refu+e"

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 The fu+iti&es had soJourned on the coast more

than a month) and had astonished the %ho,e co,on(

( indu,+ences in ,u?ur( and deauch) ti,, then un8

>no%n in that *art of the %or,d" Then the( disa*8

*eared) no one >ne% %here"

We ad&anced into the a() intendin+ to +o to !a,8

timore for fresh information"



On the %a( %e found) to the ri+ht) a &er( hand8

some house" It %as ,o%) ut con&enient and neat)

*,aced et%een a s*acious arn and a ,ar+e sta,e)

the %ho,e enc,osed ( a +arden) %e,, stoc>ed %ith

fruits of the countr(" It e,on+ed to an o,d man)

%ho in&ited us to a,i+ht at his retreat" 'e did

not ,oo> ,i>e an En+,ishman H his accent sho%ed us

he %as a forei+ner" We anchored and %ent on

shore" The o,d man %e,comed us cordia,,() and

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;B@ The Atheist and the Sa+e"

+a&e us the est cheer to e had in the Ne% Wor,d"

We discreet,( insinuated our %ish to >no% to %hom

%e %ere indeted for so >ind a rece*tion"

#; am)# said he) #of the race (ou ca,, sa&a+es"

I %as orn on the !,ue 1ountains) %hich ound

this countr( in the %est" In m( chi,dhood I %as

itten ( a ratt,esna>e) and aandoned" I %as on

the *oint of death" The father of the *resent Lord

!a,timore) fa,,in+ in %ith me) conded me to his

*h(sician) and to him I o%e m( ,ife" I soon dis8

char+ed the det) for I ha&e sa&ed his in a s>irmish

%ith the nei+horin+ tries" 'e +a&e me) in re8

turn) this haitation"#

1r" Freind inGuired if he %as of Lord !a,ti8

more$s re,i+ion

#'o%)# said he) #%ou,d (ou ha&e me *rofess

another man$s re,i+ion I ha&e m( o%n"#

 This short and ener+etic ans%er made us reMect

a ,itt,e"

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#5ou ha&e) then)# said I) #(our o%n ,a% and

(our o%n od#

#5es)# he re*,ied) %ith an assurance %ho,,( free

from *ride" #1( od is there)# and he *ointed to

hea&en" #1( ,a% is here)# and he *ut his hand on

his reast"

1( friend %as struc> %ith admiration) and) *ress8

in+ m( hand) he said .

#This sim*,e nature reasons more %ise,( than a,,

the ache,ors %ith %hom %e con&ersed at !arce8


 The Atheist and the Sa+e" ; B:

'e %as an?ious to >no% if he cou,d +ain an(

information res*ectin+ his son /ohn" It %as a

%ei+ht that o**ressed him" 'e inGuired if his host

had heard s*ea> of some (oun+ *eo*,e) %ho had

made a +reat noise in the nei+horhood"

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#Indeed I ha&e)# said he" #I recei&ed them in

m( house) and the( %ere so satised %ith the rece*8

tion I +a&e them that the( ha&e carried a%a( one

of m( dau+hters"#

 /ud+e of m( friend$s distress at this inte,,i+ence"

In his emotion) he cou,d not a&oid e?c,aimin+.

#What 'as m( son run a%a( %ith (our


#ood En+,ishman)# said the host) #do not ,et

that +rie&e (ou" I am +,ad to nd he is (our son"

'e is handsome) %e,, made) and seems coura+eous"

'e did not run a%a( %ith m( dear Paroua) for

(ou must >no% that Paroua is her name) ecause

it is mine" 'ad he ta>en o Paroua it %ou,d ha&e

een a roer() and m( &e sons) %ho are no%

huntin+ some fort( or ft( mi,es from here) %ou,d

not ha&e endured such an aront" It is a +reat sin

to thie&e" 1( dau+hter %ent of her o%n accord

%ith these (oun+ *eo*,e" She has +one to see the

countr( a *,easure one cannot den( to one of

her a+e" These tra&e,,ers %i,, rin+ her ac> to

me efore a month is *ast" I am sure of it" The(

*romised to do so"#

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 These %ords %ou,d ha&e made me ,au+h) had

; B The Atheist and the Sa+e"

not the e&ident distress of m( friend se&ere,( af8

Micted me"

In the e&enin+) Just as %e %ere aout to start

to ta>e ad&anta+e of the %ind) one of Paroua$s

sons arri&ed) out of reath) his face e?*ressin+ hor8

ror and des*air"

#What is the matter) m( son I thou+ht (ou

%ere huntin+ far a%a(" Are (ou %ounded ( some

sa&a+e east#

#No) fatherH not %ounded) (et in *ain"#

#!ut %hence do (ou come) son#

#From a distance of fort( mi,es) %ithout sto*8

*in+H and I am a,most dead"#

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 The a+ed father ma>es him sit do%n" The(

+i&e him restorati&es" 1r" Freind and I) his ,itt,e

rothers and sisters) %ith the ser&ants) cro%d

around him" When he reco&ered his reath he e?8

c,aimed .

#A,as) m( sister Paroua is a *risoner of %ar)

and %i,, no dout e >i,,ed"#

 The %orth( Paroua %as +rie&ed at this recita,"

1r" Freind) fee,in+ for him as a father) %as struc>

to the &er( heart" At ,ast the son informed us that

a *art( of si,,( (oun+ En+,ishmen had attac>ed) for

di&ersion) the *eo*,e of the mountains" 'e said

the( had %ith them a &er( eautifu, ,ad( and her

maid) and he >ne% not ho% his sister came to e

%ith them" The handsome En+,ish ,ad( had een

sca,*ed and >i,,ed) and his sister ca*tured"

#I come here for aid a+ainst the *eo*,e of the

 The Atheist and the Sa+e" ;B

!,ue 1ountains" I %i,, >i,, them) too) and %i,,

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reta>e m( dear sister or *erish"#

1r" Freind$s haits of se,f8command su**orted

him in this tr(in+ moment"

#od has +i&en me a son)# said he" #Let him

ta>e oth father and son) %hen the eterna, decree

sha,, +o forth" 1( friend) I am tem*ted to thin>

od sometimes acts ( a s*ecia, *ro&idence) since

he a&en+es) in America) crimes committed in

Euro*e) and since this %ic>ed C,i&e8'art died as

she deser&ed" Perha*s the So&erei+n of the uni8

&erse does in 'is +o&ernment *unish) e&en in this

%or,d) crimes committed here" I dare not assertH

I %ish to thin> soH indeed I shou,d e,ie&e it) %ere

not such an o*inion o**osed to a,, meta*h(sica,


After these sad reMections on an e&ent common

in America) Freind resumed his usua, demeanor"

#I ha&e a +ood shi*)# said he to his host) #%ith

aundant stores" Let us +o u* the +u,f as near as

%e ma( to the !,ue 1ountains" 1( most an?ious

usiness no% is to sa&e (our dau+hter" Let us +o

to (our countr(men H sa( I ear the *i*e of *eace

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that I am the +randson of Penn" That name a,one

%i,, suQce"#

At the name of Penn) so much re&ered throu+h8

out North America) the %orth( Paroua and his

son fe,t the +reatest res*ect and the +reatest ho*e"

We emar>ed) and in thirt(8si? hours reached !a,8


;B4 The Atheist and the Sa+e"

We %ere scarce,( in si+ht of this a,most desert

*,ace %hen %e sa% in the distance a numerous and

of mountaineers descendin+ to the *,ain) armed

%ith a?es) tomaha%>s) and those mus>ets %hich

Euro*eans so foo,ish,( so,d to them) to *rocure

s>ins" A,read( (ou mi+ht hear their fri+htfu,

ho%,in+s" From another side %e sa% four *ersons

a**roachin+ on horseac>) accom*anied ( others

on foot" We %ere ta>en for *eo*,e of !a,timore)

come there for the *ur*ose of +htin+" The horse8

men +a,,o*ed to%ard us) s%ord in hand" Our com8

*anions *re*ared to recei&e them" 1r" Freind) o8

ser&in+ them steadi,() shuddered for a moment)

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ut soon) resumin+ his san+8froid.

#Do not stir) m( friends)# said he" #Lea&e a,,

to me"#

'e ad&anced a,one and unarmed to%ard the

*art(" In a moment %e sa% the chief ,et fa,, the

rid,e from his horse) s*rin+ to the +round) and fa,,

*rostrate" We uttered a cr( of sur*rise) and ad8

&anced" It %as /ohn himse,f) %ho) athed in tears)

had fa,,en at the feet of his father" Neither of them

%as a,e to s*ea>" !irton) and the t%o horsemen

%ith him) a,i+hted" !ut !irton) in his character8

istic %a() said.

#1( dear friend) I did not e?*ect to see (ou

here" 5ou and I seem orn for ad&entures" I am

+,ad to see (ou"#

Freind) %ithout dei+nin+ to re*,() ,oo>ed to%ard

 The Atheist and the Sa+e" ;B

the arm( of mountaineers) no% a**roachin+ us"

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'e %a,>ed to%ard them) accom*anied ( Paroua)

%ho acted as inter*reter"

#Fe,,o% countr(men)# said Paroua) #eho,d a

descendant of Penn) %ho rin+s (ou the *i*e of


At these %ords the e,dest of the trie) raisin+ his

hands and e(es to hea&en) e?c,aimed.

#A son of Penn 'e is %e,come 1a( the

Penns ,i&e fore&er The +reat Penn is our mani8

tou) our +od" 'e and his %ere the on,( Euro*eans

%ho did not decei&e us) and sei2e on our ,and" 'e

ou+ht the territor( %e +a&e u* to himH he *aid

for it ,iera,,(H he maintained *eace amon+ usH he

rou+ht us remedies for the fe% diseases %e had

cau+ht from the Euro*eans" 'e tau+ht us ne%

arts" We ne&er du+ u* a+ainst him and a+ainst his

chi,dren the hatchet of %ar" For the Penns %e

a,%a(s entertain res*ect"#

Freind immediate,( sent for thirt( hams) as

man( *ies and fo%,s) %ith t%o hundred ott,es of

Pontac) from the shi*" 'e seated himse,f c,ose to

the chief of the !,ue 1ountains" /ohn and his com8

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*anions assisted at the festi&a," /ohn %ou,d rather

ha&e een a hundred feet under the earth" 'is

father said nothin+ to him) and this si,ence in8

creased his confusion"

!irton) %ho cared for nothin+) seemed &er(

 Jo&ia," Freind) efore he e+an to eat) said to Par8


;B The Atheist and the Sa+e"

#One *erson) &er( dear to (ou) is %aitin+ here"

I mean (our dau+hter"#

 The chief of the !,ue 1ountains ordered her to

e rou+ht" She had suered no inJur(" She

smi,ed to her rother and father) as if she had on,(

returned from a %a,>"

 The chief of the !,ue 1ountains ordered her to

inGuire %h( the %arriors of the !,ue 1ountains had

*ut to death 1adame C,i&e8'art) and had done

nothin+ to Paroua$s dau+hter"

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#!ecause %e are Just)# returned the chief" #That

*roud En+,ish %oman e,on+ed to the *art( that

attac>ed us" She >i,,ed one of our men ( rin+ a

*isto, ehind him" We did nothin+ to Paroua as

soon as %e ascertained that she %as a dau+hter of

our tries) and on,( came here for di&ersion" E&er(

one shou,d e treated accordin+ to his desert"#

Freind %as aected ( this ma?im) ut he re*8

resented to them that the custom of urnin+ ca*8

ti&es at the sta>e %as de+radin+ to %orth( *eo*,e)

and that) %ith so much &irtue) the( shou,d e ,ess


 The chief then as>ed us %hat %e did %ith those

%hom %e >i,,ed in att,e"

#We ur( them"#

#I understand" 5ou ,ea&e them for %orms to

eat" Cannia,s thin> *ro*er to +i&e themse,&es the

*reference" Their stomachs are a more honora,e


!irton su**orted %ith *,easure the o*inions of

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 The Atheist and the Sa+e" ;B<

the mountaineer" 'e said the custom of oi,in+

and roastin+ a nei+hor must e oth ancient and

natura,) since it *re&ai,ed in oth hemis*heres) and

therefore it must e an innate idea H that men %ere

hunted efore easts ecause it %as easier to >i,,

men than %o,&esH that if the /e%s) in their oo>s)

so ,on+ un>no%n) ima+ined that a certain Cain

>i,,ed a certain Ae,) it cou,d on,( e %ith a &ie%

to eatin+ him H that the same /e%s admit the( had

often fed on human MeshH thdi the est historians

descrie the /e%s as eatin+ the ,eedin+ Mesh of

Romans) %hom the( massacred in E+(*t) C(*rus)

and Asia) in their re&o,ts a+ainst the em*erors

 TraJan and Adrian"

We a,,o%ed him to indu,+e in these coarse Jo>es)

%hich) thou+h unfortunate,( true at the ottom) had

neither recian %it nor Roman uranit("

Freind) %ithout ans%erin+ him) addressed the

nati&es" Paroua trans,ated) *hrase ( *hrase"

 Ti,,otson himse,f ne&er s*o>e %ith more force"

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 The insinuatin+ Sma,drid+e ne&er dis*,a(ed more

touchin+ +races" The +reat secret of e,oGuence is

to con&ince" 'e *ro&ed to them) accordin+,() that

the e?ecra,e custom of urnin+ ca*ti&es ins*ired

a ferocit( destructi&e to the human race" For this

reason the( %ere stran+ers to the comforts of so8

ciet( and the ti,,a+e of the +round"

At ,ast the( a,, s%ore) ( their +reat manitou)

that the( %ou,d not urn men and %omen a+ain"

 Thus) from a sin+,e con&ersation) Freind ecame

; 4= The Atheist and the Sa+e"

their ,e+is,ator) ,i>e an Or*heus tamin+ ti+ers" In

&ain ma( the /esuits descrie their mirac,es in ,et8

ters %hich are rare,( curious or edif(in+H the( can

ne&er eGua, our +ood friend"

After ,oadin+ the chiefs of the !,ue 1ountains

%ith *resents) he conducted the %orth( Paroua

ac> to his residence" 5oun+ Paroua) %ith his

sister) accom*anied us" The others %ent huntin+

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in the distant forest"

 /ohn) !irton) and his com*anions a,so emar>ed

in the shi*"

Freind *ersisted in his *,an of not re*roachin+

his son) %hene&er the (oun+ scam* did %ron+" 'e

,eft him to se,f8e?amination) and to consume his

heart) as P(tha+oras has it" Ne&erthe,ess) he too>

u* the ,etter thrice) %hich had een recei&ed from

En+,and) and ,oo>ed at his son as he read it" The

(oun+ man %ou,d then cast his e(es on the +round)

and res*ect and re*entance mi+ht e read on his


!irton continued as +a( and nois( as if he had

 Just returned from the *,a(" 'e %as in character

,i>e the ,ate Du>e of Rochester) e?treme in de8

aucher() ra&er() sentiments) ,an+ua+e) and) in

his E*icurean *hi,oso*h() attachin+ himse,f on,( to

the e?traordinar( and soon dis+usted e&en thenH

ha&in+ the turn of mind that mista>es *roai,8

ities for demonstrationsH more %ise and e,oGuent

than an( (oun+ man of his a+eH ut too indo,ent

to e *rofound in an(thin+"

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 The Atheist and the Sa+e" ;4;

Whi,e dinin+ %ith us on oard 1r" Freind said

to me.

#Indeed) m( dear friend) I ho*e od %i,, ins*ire

these (oun+ *eo*,e %ith *urer mora,s) and that

di&e8'art$s terri,e e?am*,e %i,, e a ,esson to


!irton) hearin+ these %ords) said) in a dis8

dainfu, tone.

#For a ,on+ time I had een dissatised %ith

that %ic>ed C,i&e8'art" Indeed) I scarce,( care

more for her than I do for a trussed fo%," !ut do

(ou e,ie&e there e?ists I don$t >no% %here6

a" ein+ *er*etua,,( occu*ied in *unishin+ the

%ic>ed men and %omen %ho *eo*,e and de*o*u,ate

the four Guarters of our ,itt,e %or,d Do (ou for+et

that the terri,e 1ar() dau+hter of 'enr( VIII") %as

ha**( ti,, her death And (et she had caused the

e?ecution of ei+ht hundred citi2ens) of oth se?es)

on the *rete?t that the( did not e,ie&e in transu8

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stantiation and the *o*e" 'er father) near,( as

crue,) and her husand) more *rofound,( %ic>ed)

s*ent their ,i&es in enJo(ment" Po*e A,e?ander

IV") %orse than these) %as sti,, more fortunate" A,,

his crimes succeeded" 'e died at the a+e of se&8

ent(8t%o) rich and *o%erfu,) courted ( the >in+s

of the a+e" Where) then) is this Just and a&en+in+


1r" Freind) %ith austerit( and ca,mness) re*,ied.

#It seems to me) sir) (ou ou+ht not to sa( $there

is no od"$ Rememer) Loc>e and Ne%ton ne&er

Vo," @ ii

; 4@ The Atheist and the Sa+e"

*ronounced that %ord ut in a tone of re&erence

that e&er( one remar>ed"#

#What care I)# returned !irton) #for t%o men$s

+rimaces 'o% did Ne%ton ,oo> %hen he %rote

his #Commentar( on the A*oca,(*se# Or Loc>e

%hen he %rote the #Dia,o+ue !et%een a Parrot and

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the Prince 1aurice#

 Then Freind re*eated the +o,den %ords %hich

shou,d e +ra&en on e&er( heart.

#Let us for+et the dreams of +reat men) and re8

memer the truths the( ha&e tau+ht us"#

 This re*,( +a&e %a( to a %e,,8sustained con&er8

sation) more interestin+ than that of the ache,or

of Sa,amanca" I sat in a corner and too> notes"

 The com*an( dre% round the dis*utants" The %or8

th( Paroua) his son) and dau+hter) /ohn$s de8

auched com*anions) and /ohn himse,f) %ith his

head restin+ on his hands a,, ,istened %ith ea+er




FREIND" I %i,, not re*eat to (ou) sir) the met8

a*h(sica, ar+uments of our ce,erated C,ar>eH I

on,( e?hort (ou to read them a+ain" The( are

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rather intended to con&ince than aect (ou" I sha,,

conne m(se,f to ar+uments ca,cu,ated to touch

(our heart"

 The Atheist and the Sa+e" ;4:

!IRTON" 5ou %i,, +ratif( me &er( much" I

,i>e to e amused and interested" I hate so*hisms"

1eta*h(sica, ar+uments seem to me ,i>e a,,oons

,,ed %ith air used et%een the dis*utants" The

,adders urst) and nothin+ remains"

FREIND" It is *ossi,e there ma( e some o8

scurit( some ,adders in the dee* thin+s of

C,ar>e) the res*ecta,e Arian" Perha*s he %as de8

cei&ed on the suJect of actua, innit(" Perha*s

%hen he too> u*on himse,f to comment on od)

he fo,,o%s too c,ose,( a commentator of 'omer)

%ho attriutes ideas to his author %hich he ne&er


At the %ords #innit()# #'omer)# #commenta8

tors)# the %orth( Paroua and his dau+hter) and

e&en a fe% of the En+,ish) seemed dis*osed to +o

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and ta>e an airin+ on the dec>" !ut Freind *rom8

isin+ to e inte,,i+i,e) the( consented to remain"

I e?*,ained in a %his*er to Paroua scientic e?8

*ressions) %hich a nati&e of the !,ue 1ountains

%as not ,i>e,( to understand so %e,, as a doctor of

O?ford or Camrid+e"

FREIND" It %ou,d e sad) indeed) if %e cou,d

not e sure of the e?istence of od %ithout ein+

meta*h(sicians" In a,, En+,and scarce,( a hun8

dred minds %ou,d e found ca*a,e of fathomin+

the m(steries of the for and a+ainstH and the rest

of the %or,d %ou,d e en&e,o*ed in i+noranceH a

*re( to ruta, *assionsH s%a(ed ( instinct a,oneH

and on,( ca*a,e of reasonin+ on the &u,+ar no8

;4 The Atheist and the Sa+e"

tions of their carna, interests" To nd out od)

I on,( reGuire (ou to ma>e one eort to o*en

(our e(es"

!IRTON" I see (our aim" 5ou are returnin+ to

the %orn8out ar+uments that the sun turns on its

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a?is in t%ent(8&e da(s and a ha,f) in s*ite of the

asurd inGuisition of RomeH that the ,i+ht comes

to us reMected from Saturn in fteen minutes) in

s*ite of the asurd su**osition of Descartes) that

e&er( ?ed star is a sun) ,i>e ours) surrounded (

*,anetsH that the count,ess stars) scattered throu+h

s*ace) oe( mathematica, ,a%s) disco&ered and

*ro&ed ( the +reat Ne%tonH that a catechist an8

nounces od to chi,dren) and that Ne%ton re&ea,s

'im to the sa+e) as a *hi,oso*hica, Frenchman said)

%ho %as *ersecuted in his o%n countr( for assert8

in+ as much" Do not trou,e (ourse,f to rin+

efore me the cease,ess order %hich *re&ai,s in

a,, *arts of the uni&erse" A,, that e?ists must ha&e

order of some sort" Rareed matter must ta>e a

hi+her *,ace than denser sustances" The stron+8

est *ress u*on the %ea>est" !odies mo&ed %ith a

+reater im*u,se *ro+ress more ra*id,( than those

mo&ed %ith ,ess" Thin+s arran+e themse,&es in this

%a( of their o%n accord" In &ain) after drin>in+ a

*int of %ine) ,i>e Esdras) %ou,d (ou ta,> to me for

a hundred and si?t( hours to+ether %ithout shut8

tin+ the mouth) I shou,d not e con&inced" Do

(ou %ish me to ado*t an eterna, ein+) innite and

immuta,e) %ho sa% t I do not >no% %hen6 to

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 The Atheist and the Sa+e" ;4B

create) from nothin+) thin+s %hich chan+e e&er(

moment) and s*iders to disemo%e, Mies Wou,d

(ou ha&e me su**ose) %ith the +ossi* Nieu%ent(t)

that od +a&e us ears that %e mi+ht ha&e faith)

since faith cometh ( hearin+ No no I %i,,

not e,ie&e these Guac>s %ho ha&e so,d their dru+s

at a +ood *rice to foo,s" I >ee* to the ,itt,e oo>

of a Frenchman) %ho maintains that nothin+ e?8

ists nor can e?ist ut natureH that nature does a,,)

and is a,,H that it is im*ossi,e and contradictor(

that an(thin+ can e?ist e(ond ALL" In a %ord)

I e,ie&e on,( in nature"

FREIND" What if I te,, (ou there is no such

thin+ as nature H and that in us) around us) a thou8

sand mi,,ions of ,ea+ues from us) a,, is art) %ithout

an( e?ce*tion"

!IRTON" What A,, art That$s somethin+


FREIND" Fe% oser&e that" Nothin+) ho%e&er)

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is more true" I sha,, a,%a(s sa() ma>e use of (our

e(es) and (ou %i,, reco+ni2e and adore od" Thin>

ho% those &ast +,oes) %hich (ou see re&o,&e in

their immense orits) oser&e dee* mathematica,

,a%s" There is then a +reat ca,cu,ator %hom P,ato

ca,,ed the eterna, +eometrician" 5ou admire those

ne%,( in&ented machines) ca,,ed orreries) ecause

Lord Orrer( in&ented them ( imitatin+ the ma>er"

It is a fee,e co*( of our *,anetar( s(stem and its

re&o,utionsH a,so the *eriods of the chan+es of the

so,stice and eGuino? %hich rin+ us from da( to da(

; 44 The Atheist and the Sa+e"

a ne% *o,ar *,anet" This *eriod) this s,o% course of

aout t%ent(8si? thousand (ears) cou,d not e ef8

fected in our fee,e hands ( human orreries" The

machine is &er( im*erfectH it must e turned ( a

hand,eH (et it is a chef8d$oeu&re of the s>i,, of our

artisans" Concei&e) then) the *o%er and *atience) the

+enius) of the eterna, architect) if %e ma( a**,( such

terms to the Su*reme !ein+"

When I descried an orrer( to Paroua) he said .

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#If the co*( indicates +enius) ho% much more

must there e in the ori+ina,#

A,, *resent) En+,ish and American) fe,t the force

of these %ords) and raised their hands to hea&en"

!irton remained thou+htfu," Then he cried.

#What a,, art Nature the resu,t of art Can

it e *ossi,e#

FREIND" No%) consider (ourse,fH e?amine %ith

%hat art) ne&er suQcient,( e?*,ored) a,, is con8

structed %ithin and %ithout for a,, (our %ishes and

actions" I do not *retend no% to ,ecture on anat8

om(" 5ou >no% %e,, enou+h there is not one su*er8

Muous &esse,) nor one that does not) in the e?ercise

of its functions) de*end on nei+horin+ &esse,s"

So articia, is the arran+ement throu+hout the

od() that there is not a sin+,e &ein %ithout &a,&es

and s,uices) ma>in+ a *assa+e for the ,ood" From

the roots of the hair to the toes) a,, is art) desi+n)

cause) and eect" Indeed) %e cannot su**ress fee,8

in+s of indi+nation to%ard those %ho *resume to

den( na, causes) and ha&e the rashness to sa( that

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 The Atheist and the Sa+e" ; 4

the mouth %as not made to eat and s*ea> %ith that

the e(es are not admira,( contri&ed for seein+) the

ears for hearin+) the ner&es for fee,in+" Such au8

dacit( is madness" I cannot concei&e it"

Let us admit that e&er( anima, renders testimon(

to the su*reme faricator"

 The sma,,est her *er*,e?es human inte,,ect" So

true is this that the a++re+ate toi, of a,, men cou,d

not create a stra% un,ess the seed e so%n in the

earth" Let it not e said that the seed must rot in

the earth to *roduce" Such nonsense shou,d not e

,istened to no%"

 The com*an( fe,t the force of these *roofs more

stron+,( than the others) ecause the( %ere more *a,8

*a,e" !irton murmured . #1ust I then ac>no%,8

ed+e od We sha,, see" It is not (et *ro&ed"#

 /ohn remained thou+htfu,) and seemed aected"

FREIND" No) m( friends" We ma>e nothin+)

%e can do nothin+" It is in our *o%er to arran+e)

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unite) ca,cu,ate) %ei+h) measure) ut) to ma>e

What a %ord The essentia, !ein+) e?istin+ (

'imse,f) a,one can ma>e" This is %h( Guac>s) %ho

,aor at the *hi,oso*her$s stone) *ro&e themse,&es

such foo,s" The( oast that the( create +o,d) and

the( cannot e&en create c,a(" Let us then confess)

m( friends) that there is a necessar( and incom*re8

hensi,e !ein+ %ho made us"

!IRTON" If 'e e?ists) %here is 'e Wh( is 'e

concea,ed 'as an( one e&er seen 'im Shou,d

the creator of +ood hide 'imse,f

; 4 The Atheist and the Sa+e"

FREIND" Did (ou e&er see Sir Christo*her

Wren) the architect of St" Pau,$s) %hen (ou %ere in

London 5et it is c,ear that church is the %or> of

a +reat architect"

!IRTON" E&er( one >no%s that Wren erected)

at a +reat e?*ense) the &ast edice in %hich !ur8

+ess) %hen he *reaches) sends us to s,ee*" We

>no% &er( %e,, %h( and ho% our fathers ui,t it"

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!ut %h( and ho% did od ma>e the uni&erse from

nothin+ 5ou >no% %e,, the ancient ma?im .

#Nothin+ can create nothin+H nothin+ returns to

nothin+"# No one e&er douted that truth" 5our

!i,e itse,f sa(s that (our od made hea&en and

earth) thou+h the hea&en) that is) the assem,a+e

of stars) is as su*erior to the earth) as the earth itse,f

is to one ,ade of +rass" !ut (our !i,e does not

te,, us that od made hea&en and earth from noth8

in+" It does not *retend that the Lord made %o8

man from nothin+" She %as >neaded in a &er(

sin+u,ar %a() from a ri ta>en from her husand$s

side" Accordin+ to the !i,e) chaos e?isted efore

the %or,dH therefore matter must e as eterna, as

(our od"

A s,i+ht murmur then %ent round the com*an(H

#!irton mi+ht e ri+ht)# the( said"

FREIND" I thin> I ha&e *ro&ed to (ou that there

is a su*reme inte,,i+enceH an eterna, *o%er to %hom

%e o%e our *assin+ e?istence" I ha&e not en+a+ed

to te,, (ou the ho% and the %h(" od has +i&en

me suQcient reason to >no% that 'e e?ists) ut not

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 The Atheist and the Sa+e" ;4<

enou+h to disco&er %hether matter has een suJect

to 'im from eternit() or %hether 'e created it in

time" What ha&e (ou to do %ith the creation of mat8

ter) *ro&ided (ou ac>no%,ed+e a od the ru,er of

matter and of (ourse,f 5ou as> me %here od is

I do not >no%" I ou+ht not to >no%" I >no% that

'e is H I >no% that 'e is m( ma>er H that 'e ma>es

a,,) and that %e ou+ht to de*end on 'is +oodness"

!IRTON" 'is +oodness Are (ou Jestin+ %ith

me Did (ou not te,, me to ma>e use of m( e(es

1a>e use of (ours" ,ance at the %or,d) and then

ta,> of the +oodness of od"

1r" Freind sa% that he had no% reached the most

diQcu,t *art of the dis*ute) and that !irton %as

*re*arin+ a rude assau,t" 'e sa% that the hearers)

es*ecia,,( the Americans) to+ether %ith himse,f) re8

Guired a ,itt,e res*ite" Recommendin+ himse,f there8

fore to od) the( %ent on dec> for e?ercise" When

tea %as ser&ed) the dis*utation %as rene%ed"

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!IRTON" 5ou must not e?*ect such success) sir)

on the suJect of +oodness as (ou ha&e had on in8

+enuit( and *o%er" First) I sha,, touch on the

misconstructions of our +,oe) in man( instances

o**osed to the c,e&erness so much oasted ofH then

;= The Atheist and the Sa+e"

I intend to d%e,, on the *er*etua, crimes and mis8

fortunes of the inhaitantsH and (ou %i,, Jud+e of

the +reat ru,er$s *aterna, aection for them"

I sha,, e+in ( te,,in+ (ou that in ,oucester8

shire) m( count() %hen %e reed horses) %e rear

them %ith care) in ne *astura+e and +ood sta,es)

%ith ha( and oats" Pra() %hat she,ter and food had

these *oor Americans) %hen %e disco&ered their con8

tinent The( %ere o,i+ed to scour o&er thirt( or

fort( mi,es for food" A,, the northern coast of the

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o,d %or,d is e?*osed to the same crue, necessit( H and

from S%edish La*onia to the Sea of /a*an) a hun8

dred tries s*end a ,ife as short as it is %retched) in

the most com*,ete %ant) amidst eterna, sno%s"

Fine c,imates are continua,,( e?*osed to destruc8

ti&e scour+es" There %e %a,> o&er urnin+ *reci8

*ices) co&ered ( ferti,e *,ains) %hich *ro&e ut

dead,( snares" There is no he,, ut this) dout,ess H

and it o*ens a hundred times eneath our feet"

 The( te,, us of a uni&ersa, de,u+e) an e&en *h(s8

ica,,( im*ossi,e) and at %hich a,, sensi,e *eo*,e

,au+h" !ut the( conso,e us ( sa(in+ it on,( ,asted

ten months" I %onder it did not *ut out the res

%hich ha&e since destro(ed so man( Mourishin+

to%ns" 5our St" Au+ustine te,,s us of a hundred

cities urnt or s%a,,o%ed u* in Li(a ( an earth8

Gua>e" Vo,canoes ha&e se&era, times de&astated

,o&e,( Ita,(" As a cro%nin+ misfortune) the inhai8

tants of the Arctic Circ,e are not e?em*t from these

suterranean res" The Ice,ander) a,%a(s in a,arm)

 The Atheist and the Sa+e" ;;

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has hun+er starin+ him in the face) and a hundred

feet of Mame or ice to the ri+ht or ,eft) under his

1ount 'ec,aH for the +reat &o,canoes are a,%a(s

found amon+ terri,e mountains"

It is in &ain to sa( that mountains of t%o thou8

sand toises in e,e&ation are nothin+ on a +,oe nine

thousand mi,es in diameter) or ,i>e the irre+u,arities

of an oran+e com*ared %ith the u,> of that fruit

that it is scarce,( one foot to e&er( three thousand

feet" A,as %hat then are %e) if hi+h mountains

are ut as +ures one foot hi+h for e&er( three

thousand feet) or four inches for e&er( nine thou8

sand inches We are then anima,s aso,ute,( im8

*erce*ti,eH (et %e are ,ia,e to e crushed ( a,,

that surrounds us) thou+h our innite ,itt,eness) so

c,ose,( orderin+ on nothin+) mi+ht seem to secure

us from a,, accidents" !esides the count,ess cities)

destro(ed and redestro(ed ,i>e as man( ant8hi,,s)

%hat sha,, %e sa( to the seas of sand that cross the

centre of Africa) and %hose urnin+ %a&es raised

( the %ind ha&e uried entire armies What is

the use of the &ast deserts on the orders of S(ria

deserts so horri,e that the ferocious anima,s)

ca,,ed /e%s) ima+ined the( had reached Paradise

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%hen the( *assed from these scenes of horror into

a ,itt,e corner of ,and %here the( cou,d cu,ti&ate a

fe% acres It is not enou+h that man the no,e

creature6 shou,d e so i,, ,od+ed) c,othed) and fed)

for so man( a+es" 'e comes into the %or,d to ,i&e for

a fe% da(s) *er*,e?ed ( deceitfu, ho*es and rea,

;@ The Atheist and the Sa+e"

&e?ations" 'is od() contri&ed %ith use,ess art) is

a *re( to a,, the i,,s resu,tin+ from that &er( art"

'e ,i&es et%een the dan+ers of *oison and *,a+ue"

No one can rememer the ,ist of i,,s %e are suJect

toH and the modest doctors of S%it2er,and *retend

the( can cure them a,,"

Whi,e !irton said this) the com*an( ,istened

%ith attention and e&en emotion" Paroua said.

#Let us see ho% the doctor %i,, +et o&er this"#

E&en /ohn said in a ,o% tone. #On m( %ord) he

is ri+ht" I %as a foo, to e so soon touched ( m(

father$s con&ersation"#

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1r" Freind %aited ti,, their ima+inations %ere a

,itt,e reco&ered from the assau,t) and then resumed

the discussion"

FREIND" A (oun+ theo,o+ian %ou,d ans%er

these sad truths ( so*hisms) ac>ed %ith Guota8

tions from St" !asi, and St" C(ri," For m( *art) I

sha,, admit that there are man( *h(sica, e&i,s in the

%or,d" I %i,, not e&en ,essen the numer) thou+h

1r" !irton has seen t to e?a++erate" I as> (ou)

m( dear Paroua) is not (our c,imate made for (ou

It cannot e inJurious) since neither (ou nor (our

com*anions %ish to ,ea&e it" EsGuimau?) Ice,and8

ers) La*,anders) Asiatics) and Indians) ne&er thin> of

,ea&in+ theirs" The reindeer) %hich od has sent to

c,othe and feed them) die %hen trans*orted to an8

other 2one" La*,anders themse,&es die in southern

c,imates" The south of Sieria is too %arm for them H

 The Atheist and the Sa+e" ;:

here the( %ou,d die of heat" It is e&ident that od

made e&er( >ind of anima, and &e+eta,e for the

c,ime in %hich it thri&es" Ne+roes) a race of men so

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dierent from ours) are so thorou+h,( formed for

their countr() that thousands of them ha&e *referred

death to s,a&er( e,se%here" The came, and ostrich

are Guite at home in the sands of Africa" The u,,

aounds in ferti,e countries) %here the +rass is

e&er fresh for his nourishment" Cinnamon and

s*ice on,( +ro% in India" !ar,e( is on,( usefu, in

those countries %here od has a**ointed it to

+ro%" From one end of America to the other) (ou

ha&e dierent >inds of food" The &ine cannot e

rou+ht to *erfection in En+,and) nor in S%eden

and Canada" This is the reason that in some

countries the e,ements of re,i+ious rites consist in

read and %ine H and the( do %e,, to than> od for

the food and e&era+e 'is +oodness has *ro&idedH

and Americans %ou,d do %e,, to than> 'im for their

Indian corn and arro%8root" Throu+hout the %or,d

od has suited a,, anima,s) from the snai, to man)

to the countries in %hich 'e has *,aced them" Let

us not re*roach Pro&idence %hen %e o%e 'im


!ut to consider scour+es) such as inundations)

&o,canoes) earthGua>es" If (ou conne (our atten8

tion to the accidents %hich sometimes ha**en to

the %hee,s of the eterna, machine) (ou ma( %e,,

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consider od as a t(rant H ut oser&e his cease,ess

enets) and 'e ecomes a com*assionate father"

; The Atheist and the Sa+e"

 5ou ha&e Guoted Au+ustine and his account of the

destruction of a hundred citiesH ut rememer the

African rhetorician often contradicts himse,f and

%as *rodi+a, of e?a++erations in his %ritin+s" 'e

%rote of earthGua>es as he did of the eQcac( of

+race) and the damnation of chi,dren d(in+ %ithout

a*tism" 'as he not said in his thirt(8se&enth ser8

mon) that he had seen *eo*,e in Ethio*ia %ith one

e(e in the midd,e of the forehead ,i>e the C(c,o*s)

and a %ho,e race %ithout heads

We) %ho are not fathers of the church) ou+ht not

to +o e(ond nor to sto* short of truthH and the

truth is) that of the houses destro(ed) %e cannot

rec>on that more than one out of e&er( hundred

thousand is destro(ed ( the res necessar( to the

due *erformance of the o*erations of the %or,d"

So essentia, to the nature of the uni&erse is re)

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that ut for it there %ou,d e no sun nor stars) no

anima,s) &e+eta,es) or minera,s" The re) *,aced

under the earth) is suJect to ?ed natura, ,a%s"

Some disasters ma( ne&erthe,ess occur" 5ou can8

not sa( a man is a *oor artisan %hen an immense

machine) formed ( him) ,asts unim*aired for (ears"

If a man in&ented a h(drau,ic en+ine to %ater a

*ro&ince) %ou,d (ou dis*ara+e his %or> ecause it

destro(s some insects

I ha&e sho%n (ou that the machine of the %or,d

is the %or> of an inte,,i+ent and *o%erfu, !ein+H

(ou) %ho are inte,,i+ent) ou+ht to admire 'im

 The Atheist and the Sa+e" ;B

(ou) %ho are ,aden %ith 'is +ifts) ou+ht to adore


!ut ho%) (ou inGuire) can the %retches %ho are

condemned to ,an+uish under incura,e e&i,s ho%

can the( admire and ,o&e I must te,, (ou) that

such i,,s are +enera,,( rou+ht on ourse,&es) or

come to us from our fathers) %ho aused their

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odies) and not from the +reat faricator" No dis8

ease ut decre*itude %as >no%n in America ti,, %e

introduced stron+ ,iGuors) the source of a,, e&i,s"

Let us rememer that in 1i,ton$s *oem) the

sim*,e Adam is made to inGuire if he %i,, ,i&e ,on+"

 5es) is the re*,() if (ou ta>e nothin+ to e?cess"

Oser&e this ru,e) m( friends" Can (ou reGuire that

od shou,d ,et (ou ,i&e for a+es) as the re%ard of

(our +,utton() (our drun>enness) (our incontinence)

and (our indu,+ence in infamous *assions) %hich

corru*t the ,ood and necessari,( shorten ,ife

I a**ro&ed of this re*,(" Paroua ,i>ed it H ut

!irton %as not mo&ed" I read in /ohn$s e(es that

he %as sti,, doutfu," !irton reJoined in these terms .

!IRTON" Since (ou ha&e made use of common

ar+uments) %ith a fe% no&e, remar>s) I ma( e

a,,o%ed to fo,,o% (our *,an" If so +ood and *o%er8

fu, a od e?isted) sure,( 'e %ou,d not ha&e suered

e&i, to enter the %or,d) nor ha&e de&oted 'is crea8

tures to +rief and crime" If 'e cannot *re&ent e&i,)

'e is not a,mi+ht( H if 'e %i,, not) 'e is crue,"

 The anna,s of the !rahmins on,( e?tend ac>

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;4 The Atheist and the Sa+e"

)=== (earsH those of the Chinese on,( B)===" Our

>no%,ed+e is ut of (esterda(H ut in that rief

s*ace a,, is horror" 1urder has een the *ractice

from one end of the earth to the otherH and men

ha&e een %ea> enou+h to +i&e to those men %ho

s,e% the +reatest numer of their fe,,o% creatures)

the tit,es of heroes) demi8+ods) and e&en +ods"

In America there %ere ,eft t%o +reat nations)

e+innin+ to enJo( the s%eets of *eace and ci&i,i2a8

tion) %hen the S*aniards came there to s,a( e,e&en

mi,,ions" The( hunted men do%n %ith do+sH and

Kin+ Ferdinand of Casti,e +a&e those do+s *en8

sions for their ser&ices"

 The heroes %ho sudued the Ne% Wor,d mas8

sacred innocent and he,*,ess aes) murdered

*eacea,e and defence,ess Indians) and committed

the most inhuman ararities The( roasted Kin+

uatemo2in) in 1e?ico) on a +ridiron" The( has8

tened to Peru to con&ert the Inca) Atahua,*a" A

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*riest) named A,ma+ro) son of a *riest condemned

to e han+ed in S*ain for hi+h%a( roer() %ent

there %ith one Pi2arro) to inform the Em*eror of

the Peru&ians) ( the &oice of another *riest) that

a third *riest) named A,e?ander IV") *o,,uted (

incest) assassination) and homicide) had +i&en) %ith

his fu,, consent *ro*rio motu and %ith fu,, *o%er)

not on,( Peru) ut one8ha,f of the Ne% Wor,d) to

the Kin+ of S*ainH and that Atahua,*a ou+ht in8

stant,( to sumit) under *ain of suerin+ the indi+8

nation of the a*ost,es Peter and Pau," !ut as this

 The Atheist and the Sa+e" ;

>in+ >ne% as ,itt,e of Latin as the *riest %ho read

the *a*a, u,,) he %as instant,( dec,ared heretica,

and incredu,ous"

 The( urned Atahua,*a) as the( had urned

uatemo2in" The( s,e% his *eo*,e H and a,, to +ain

that hard and (e,,o% earth %hich has on,( ser&ed to

de*o*u,ate and im*o&erish S*ainH for it has made

her ne+,ect the cu,ti&ation of the earth) %hich rea,,(

nourishes man"

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No%) m( dear 1r" Freind) if the fantastic and

ridicu,ous ein+ men ca,, the de&i, had %ished to

ma>e men in his ima+e) %ou,d he ha&e made them

other%ise Do not) then) attriute such an aom8

ina,e %or> to od"

 This s*eech rou+ht the *art( round a+ain to

!irton$s &ie%s" I sa% /ohn reJoice in himse,fH e&en

(oun+ Paroua heard %ith horror of the *riest

A,ma+ro of the *riest %ho read the Latin u,,

of the *riest A,e?ander IV" of a,, Christians %ho

committed) under *retence of de&otion) such crimes

to otain +o,d" I confess) I trem,ed for Freind" I

des*aired of his cause" 'e re*,ied) ho%e&er) %ith8

out emarrassment"

FREIND" Rememer) m( friends) there is a od"

 This I *ro&ed to (ouH (ou a+reed to it) and after

ein+ dri&en to admit that he e?ists) (ou stri&e to

nd out his im*erfections) &ices) and %ic>edness"

I am far from assertin+) %ith some reasoners)

Vo," @ ;@

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i( The Atheist and the Sa+e"

that *ri&ate i,,s form the +enera, +ood" This is too

ridicu,ous a sentiment" I admit) %ith +rief) that the

%or,d contains much mora, and *h(sica, e&i,H ut)

since it is certain that od e?ists) it is a,so certain

that a,, these e&i,s cannot *re&ent od$s e?istence"

'e cannot e crue," What interest cou,d ma>e 'im

so There are horri,e e&i,s in the %or,d) m(

friends" Let us not s%e,, their numer" It is im*os8

si,e that od can e other than +ood H ut men are

*er&erse) and ma>e a detesta,e use of the ,iert(

that od has +i&en and ou+ht to ha&e +i&en that

is) the *o%er of e?ercisin+ their %i,,s) %ithout %hich

the( %ou,d e sim*,e machines) formed ( a %ic>ed

ein+) to e ro>en at his ca*rice"

A,, en,i+htened S*aniards a+ree that a sma,,

numer of their ancestors aused this ,iert( so far

as to commit crimes that ma>e human nature shud8

der" The second Don Car,os did %hat he cou,d to

re*air the atrocities committed ( the S*aniards

under Ferdinand and Char,es V"

If there is crime in the %or,d) m( friends) there

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is &irtue as %e,,"

!IRTON" Ah ha &irtue A +ood Jo>e I

shou,d ,i>e to see this &irtue" Where is she to e


At these %ords I cou,d not contain m(se,f"

#5ou ma( nd her)# said I) #in the %orth( 1r"

Freind) in Paroua) e&en in (ourse,f %hen (our

heart is c,eansed of its &ices"#

'e ,ushedH and /ohn a,so" The ,atter ,oo>ed

 The Atheist and the Sa+e" ;<

do%n and seemed to fee, remorse" 'is father sur8

&e(ed him %ith com*assion and resumed"

FREIND" 5es) dear friends" If there ha&e a,8

%a(s een crimes) there ha&e a,%a(s een &irtues)

too" Athens had such men as Socrates) as %e,, as

such as Anitus" Rome had Catos as %e,, as Su,,as"

Nero fri+htened the %or,d ( his atrocities) ut

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 Titus) TraJan) and the Antonines conso,ed it ( their

ene&o,ence" 1( friend %i,, e?*,ain to Paroua

%ho these +reat men %ere" Fortunate,() I ha&e

E*ictetus in m( *oc>et" E*ictetus %as a s,a&e) ut

the eGua, of 1arcus Aure,ius in mind" Listen)

and ma( a,, %ho *retend to teach men hear %hat

E*ictetus sa(s to himse,f. #od made meH I fee,

this H and sha,, I dare to dishonor 'im ( infamous

thou+hts) crimina, actions) and ase desires# 'is

mind a+reed %ith his con&ersation" 1arcus Au8

re,ius) on the throne of Euro*e and t%o *arts of our

hemis*here) did not thin> other%ise than the s,a&e

E*ictetus" The one %as ne&er humi,iated ( mean8

ness) nor the other da22,ed ( +reatness H and %hen

the( %rote their thou+hts it %as for the use of their

disci*,es) and not to e e?to,,ed in the *a*ers" Pra()

in (our o*inion) %ere not Loc>e) Ne%ton) Ti,,ot8

son) Penn) C,ar>e) the +ood man ca,,ed #The 1an

of Ross)# and man( others) in and e(ond (our

is,and) mode,s of &irtue

 5ou ha&e a,,uded to the crue, and unJust %ars of

%hich so man( nations ha&e een +ui,t(" 5ou ha&e

descried the aominations of Christians in 1e?ico

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; = The Atheist and the Sa+e"

and PeruH (ou mi+ht add the St" !artho,ome% of

France and the Irish massacre" !ut are there not

*eo*,e %ho ha&e a,%a(s he,d in ahorrence th

sheddin+ of ,ood 'a&e not the !rahmins in a,,

a+es +i&en this e?am*,e to the %or,d and) e&en in

this countr() ha&e %e not near us) in Penns(,&ania)

our Phi,ade,*hians) %hom the( attem*t in &ain tP"

ridicu,e ( the name of 7ua>ers) and %ho ha&fc

a,%a(s hated %ar

'a&e %e not the Caro,inas) %here the +reat

Loc>e dictated ,a%s In these t%o ,ands of &irtue)

a,, citi2ens are eGua,H a,, consciences are freeH a,,

re,i+ions +oodH *ro&ided the( %orshi* od" There

a,, men are rethren" 5ou ha&e seen) 1r" !irton)

the inhaitants of the !,ue 1ountains ,a( do%n

their arms efore a descendant of Penn" The( fe,t

the force of &irtue" 5ou *ersist in disa&o%in+ it"

!ecause the earth *roduces *oisons as %e,, as

%ho,esome *,ants) %i,, (ou *refer the *oisons

!IRTON" Oh) sir) (our *oisons are not to the

*oint" If od made them) the( are his %or>" 'e

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is master) and does a,," 'is hand directs Crom8

%e,,$s %hen he si+ns the death %arrant of Char,es I"

'is arm conducts the headsman$s %ho se&ers his

head from the od(" No) I cannot admit that od

is a homicide"

FREIND" Nor I" Pra() hear me" 5ou %i,, ad8

mit that od +o&erns ( +enera, ,a%s" Accordin+

to these ,a%s) Crom%e,,) a monster of fanaticism

and en&() determines to sacrice Char,es I" to his

 The Atheist and the Sa+e" ;;

o%n interest) %hich) no dout) a,, men see> to *ro8

mote) thou+h the( do not understand it a,i>e" Ac8

cordin+ to the ,a%s of motion esta,ished ( od)

the e?ecutioner cuts o his head" !ut assured,( it

is not od %ho commits the assassination ( a *ar8

ticu,ar act of his %i,," od %as not Crom%e,,) nor

Ra&ai,,ac) nor !a,thasar erard) nor the *reachin+

friar) /ames C,ement" od does not *ermit) nor

command) nor authori2e crime" !ut he has made

manH he has esta,ished ,a%s of motionH and these

eterna, ,a%s are eGua,,( e?ecuted ( the +ood man

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%ho stretches out his hand to the *oor) and ( the

hand of a &i,,ain %ho assassinates his rother" In

the same %a( that od did not e?tin+uish the sun"

or s%a,,o% u* S*ain) to *unish Cortes) A,ma+ro)

and Pi2arro) so) a,so) he does not send a com*an(

of an+e,s to London) nor ma>e a hundred thousand

*i*es of !ur+und( to descend from hea&en to de,i+ht

the hearts of his dear En+,ishmen) %hen the( do

+ood" 'is +enera, *ro&idence %ou,d ecome ridicu8

,ous) if thus made manifest to e&er( indi&idua, H and

this is so stri>in+) that od ne&er *unishes a crimina,

immediate,() ( a decided stro>e of his *o%er" 'e

,ets the sun shine on the e&i, and the +ood" If some

%retches e?*ire in their crimes) it is ( the +enera,

,a%s that +o&ern the %or,d" I ha&e read in a +reat

oo>) ( a Frenchman ca,,ed 1e2era() that od

caused our 'enr( V" to suer a *ainfu, death) e8

cause he dared to sit on the throne of a Christian


; @ The Atheist and the Sa+e"

 The *h(sica, *art of a ad action is the eect of

the *rimar( ,a%s +i&en to matter ( the hand of

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od" A,, mora, e&i, is the eect of the ,iert(

%hich man auses"

In a %ord) %ithout *,un+in+ into the fo+s of

meta*h(sics) ,et us rememer that the e?istence of

od is *ro&ed" We ha&e no ,on+er to ar+ue on

that *oint" Ta>e od from the %or,d) and does the

assassination of Char,es I" ecome more ,a%fu,

Do (ou fee, ,ess a&ersion to%ards his e?ecutioner

od e?ists" Enou+h" If he e?ists) he is Just" !e)

then) Just a,so"

!IRTON" 5our ar+ument has stren+th and

force) thou+h it does not a,to+ether e?onerate od

from ein+ the author of *h(sica, and mora, e&i," I

see (our %a( of Justif(in+ him ma>es an im*ression

on the assem,( H ut mi+ht it not e contri&ed that

these ,a%s shou,d not in&o,&e such *articu,ar mis8

fortunes 5ou ha&e *ro&ed to me a *o%erfu, and

eterna, od) and I %as a,most on the *oint of e8

,ie&in+" !ut I ha&e some ; terri,e oJections to

ma>e" Come) /ohn) coura+eH ,et us not e cast


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 The Atheist and the Sa+e" ; :



Ni+ht c,osed in eautifu,,(" The atmos*here

*resented a &au,t of trans*arent a2ure) s*an+,ed

%ith +o,den stars" Such a s*ectac,e a,%a(s aects

man) and ins*ires him %ith *,easant re&eries" The

%orth( Paroua admired the hea&ens) ,i>e a er8

man %hen he eho,ds St" Peter$s at Rome) or the

O*era at Na*,es) for the rst time"

#What a o,d,( arched &au,t)# said he to Freind"

#It is no arch at a,,)# re*,ied Freind" #The ,ue

dome (ou eho,d is nothin+ more than a co,,ection

of &a*ors) %hich od has so dis*osed and comined

%ith the mechanism of (our e(es that) %here&er

(ou ma( e) (ou are sti,, in the centre of (our

*romenade) and *ercei&e %hat is ca,,ed hea&en)

arched ao&e (our head"#

#And those stars) 1r" Freind#

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#As I ha&e a,read( said) the( are so man( suns)

round %hich other %or,ds re&o,&e" Far from ein+

attached to that ,ue &au,t) rememer that the( are

at &arious and *rodi+ious distances from us" That

star is t%e,&e hundred mi,,ions of mi,es from our


 Then) sho%in+ him the te,esco*e he had

rou+ht) he *ointed out to him the *,anets /u*i8

ter) %ith his four moonsH Saturn) %ith his &e

moons and m(sterious rin+"

; The Atheist and the Sa+e"

#It is the same ,i+ht)# said he) #%hich *roceeds

from a,, these ,uminaries) and comes to us from this

*,anet) in a Guarter of an hour) and from that star)

in si? months"#

Paroua %as dee*,( im*ressed) and said. #The

hea&ens *roc,aim a od"# A,, the cre% ,oo>ed on

%ith admiration" !ut the *ertinacious !irton) un8

mo&ed) continued as fo,,o%s.

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!IRTON" !e it so There is a odH I +rant it"

!ut %hat is that to (ou and me What connection

is there et%een the su*erior !ein+ and %orms of

the earth What re,ation is there et%een 'is es8

sence and ours E*icurus) %hen he su**osed a

od in the *,anets) did %e,, to conc,ude that he too>

no *art in our horrors and fo,,iesH that %e cou,d

neither *,ease nor oend him H that he had no need

of usH nor %e of him" 5ou admit a od) more

%orth( of the human mind than the od of E*i8

curus) or the +ods of the east and %estH ut if (ou

assert) %ith so man( others) that od made the

%or,d and man for 'is o%n +,or( H that 'e former,(

reGuired sacrices of o?en for 'is +,or(H that 'e

a**eared for 'is +,or( in our i*ed form) (ou

%ou,d) I thin>) e assertin+ an asurdit(" The ,o&e

of +,or( is nothin+ ut *ride" A *roud man is a

conceited fe,,o%) such as Sha>es*eare %ou,d intro8

duce in his *,a(s" This e*ithet cannot suit od

it does not a+ree %ith the di&ine nature an( more

than inJustice) crue,t( or inconstanc(" If od con8

 The Atheist and the Sa+e" ;B

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descended to re+u,ate the uni&erse) it cou,d on,(

e to ma>e others ha**(" 'as 'e done so

FREIND" 'e has dout,ess succeeded %ith a,,

 Just s*irits" The( %i,, e ha**( one da(H if the(

are not so no%"

!IRTON" 'a**( 'o% When Who to,d

(ou so

FREIND" 'is Justice"

!IRTON" Wi,, (ou te,, me that %e sha,, ,i&e eter8

na,,( that %e ha&e immorta, sou,s after admittin+

that the /e%s) %hom (ou oast of ha&in+ succeeded)

did not entertain this notion of immorta,it( u* to the

time of 'erod This idea of an immorta, sou, %as

in&ented ( the !rahmins) ado*ted ( the Persians)

Cha,daeans) and ree>s) and %as for a ,on+ time

un>no%n to the insi+nicant and su*erstitious /e%ish

tries" A,as sir) ho% do %e >no% that %e ha&e

sou,s or ho% do %e >no% ut other anima,s) %ho

ha&e simi,ar *assions) %i,,s) a**etites) and mem8

ories) so incom*rehensi,e to us) ha&e not sou,s

as %e,,

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'itherto I ha&e thou+ht that there is in nature a

*o%er ( %hich %e ha&e the facu,t( of ,ife in a,, our

od() %a,>in+ %ith our feet) ta>in+ %ith our

hands) seein+ %ith our e(es) fee,in+ %ith our

ner&es) thin>in+ %ith our rain) and that a,, this

is ca,,ed the sou,) %hich is mere,( a &a+ue %ord)

si+nif(in+ the un>no%n *rinci*,e of our facu,ties"

With (ou) I %i,, ca,, od the inte,,i+ent *rinci*,e

; 4 The Atheist and the Sa+e"

animatin+ natureH ut has 'e condescended to re8

&ea, 'imse,f to us

FREIND" 5es) ( 'is %or>s"

!IRTON" 'as 'e re&ea,ed 'is ,a%s) or s*o>en

to us

FREIND" 5es) ( the &oice of conscience" Is it

true) that) if (ou >i,,ed (our father and mother)

(our conscience %ou,d e a *re( to a remorse as

terri,e as it %ou,d e in&o,untar( Is not this

truth a&o%ed and fe,t throu+hout the %or,d To

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come do%n to ,esser crimes do the( not a,, re&o,t

us at the rst +,ance ma>e us turn *a,e %hen %e

commit them for the rst time and ,ea&e in our

hearts the stin+s of re*entance

!IRTON" I must confess it"

FREIND" od) in thus s*ea>in+ to (our heart)

has commanded (ou to astain from crime" As for

eGui&oca, actions) %hich some condemn and others

a**ro&e) %hat can %e do etter than fo,,o% the

+rand ru,e of 3oroaster #When (ou are not sure

%hether the action (ou are aout to commit is +ood

or ad) astain from it"#

!IRTON" An admira,e ma?im) and dout,ess

the most eautifu, e&er ad&anced in mora,s" I ad8

mit that) from time to time) od has raised u* men

to teach &irtue to their de+raded fe,,o%s" I a*o,o8

+i2e to (ou for s*ea>in+ ,i+ht,( of &irtue"

FREIND" Rather a*o,o+i2e to the Su*reme !e8

in+) %ho can re%ard and *unish eterna,,("

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 The Atheist and the Sa+e" ;

!IRTON" What %i,, od *unish me for (ie,d8

in+ to *assions 'e has +i&en me

FREIND" 'e has +i&en (ou *assions %ith %hich

(ou can do oth +ood and e&i," I do not te,, (ou 'e

%i,, *unish eterna,,(H nor ho% 'e %i,, *unishH for

no one can >no% that" The !rahmins %ere the

rst to concei&e a *,ace of im*risonment for those

%ho had re&o,ted from odH the( %ere shut u* in

a descri*tion of he,,) ca,,ed Onderah) ut %ere

+radua,,( ,ierated at &arious *eriods" 'ence %e

ha&e our mi?ture of &irtues) &ices) *,easures) and

ca,amities" This conceit is in+enious) and that of

Pandora and Prometheus more so" Less *o,ished

nations ha&e &u,+ar,( imitated the same fa,e"

 These in&entions are the fancies of Eastern *hi8

,oso*h(" A,, I can sa( is) that if ( ausin+ (our ,i8

ert( (ou ha&e done e&i,) (ou cannot sa( od %i,,

not *unish (ou"

!IRTON" I ha&e tried to con&ince m(se,f that 'e

cou,d notH ut in &ain" I confess I ha&e aused

m( ,iert() and that od ma( %e,, *unish me"

!ut I cannot e *unished %hen I ha&e ceased to

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FREIND" The est course is to e &irtuous as

,on+ as (ou e?ist"

!IRTON" To e &irtuous We,,) I confess I

thin> (ou are ri+ht" It is the est course"

I %ish) m( dear friend) (ou had %itnessed the

eect of Freind$s discourse on oth the En+,ish

; The Atheist and the Sa+e"

and Americans" The ,i+ht) sauc( !irton ecame

thou+htfu, and modest" /ohn fe,, at his father$s

feet) %ith tears in his e(es) and his father emraced

him" I sha,, no% *roceed to re,ate the ,ast scene

of this interestin+ dis*utation"

!IRTON" I concei&e that the +reat master of the

uni&erse is eterna,H ut %e) %ho are ut of (ester8

da() ma( %e *resume to e?*ect immorta,it( A,,

ein+s around us# *erish) from the insect de&oured

( the s%a,,o%) to the e,e*hant) eaten ( %orms"

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FREIND" Nothin+ *erishesH ut a,, thin+s

chan+e" The +erms of anima,s and &e+eta,es su8

sist) de&e,o*) and mu,ti*,(" Wh( can (ou not a,,o%

that od mi+ht *reser&e the *rinci*,e %hich ma>es

us act and thin>) of %hate&er nature it ma( e

od *reser&e me from ma>in+ a s(stemH ut cer8

tain,( there is in us somethin+ that %i,,s and thin>s"

 This somethin+) former,( ca,,ed a monad) is im8

*erce*ti,e" od has +i&en it us) or) rather) od

has +i&en us to it" Are (ou sure he cannot *reser&e

it in ein+ Can (ou +i&e me an( *roof

!IRTON" No I ha&e sou+ht for a *roof in a,,

the atheistica, oo>s %ithin m( reach) and es*ecia,,(

in the third oo> of Lucretius) ut I ne&er found

an(thin+ ut conJectures"

FREIND" And sha,, %e on sim*,e conJecture

+i&e ourse,&es u* to fata, *assions) and ,i&e ,i>e

rutes) %ith no other restraint u*on us than the fear

of men) rendered eterna,,( crue, to each other (

their mutua, dread For %e a,%a(s %ish to destro(

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 The Atheist and the Sa+e" ;<

%hat %e fear" Thin>) sir thin> serious,() m( son

 /ohn" To e?*ect neither re%ard nor *unishment

is the true s*irit of atheism" What is the use of a

od %ho has no *o%er o&er (ou As thou+h one

shou,d sa() #There is a &er( *o%erfu, >in+ in

China)# I re*,() #Success to himH ,et him >ee* in

his territor() I in mine" I care no more for him

than he cares for me" 'e has no more contro,

o&er me than a canon of Windsor o&er a memer

of *ar,iament"# Then shou,d I e a od to m(se,f)

sacricin+ the %ho,e %or,d to m( ca*rice And

reco+ni2in+ no ,a%) I shou,d on,( consider m(se,f

If others are shee*) I shou,d ecome the %o,f" If

the( choose to *,a( the chic>en) I shou,d *,a( the


I %i,, *resume od forid it6 that a,, En+,ish8

men are atheists" I %i,, a,,o% that there ma( e

some *eacea,e citi2ens) Guiet ( nature) rich

enou+h to e honest) re+u,ated ( honor) and so

attenti&e to demeanor) that the( contri&e to ,i&e to8

+ether in societ(" The( cu,ti&ate the arts %hich

im*ro&e mora,s H the( ,i&e at *eace in the innocent

+a(et( of honest *eo*,e" !ut the *oor and need(

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atheist) sure of im*unit() %ou,d e a foo, if he did

not assassinate or stea, to +et mone(" Then %ou,d

a,, the onds of societ( e sundered" A,, secret

crimes %ou,d inundate the %or,d) and) ,i>e ,ocusts)

thou+h at rst im*erce*ti,e) %ou,d o&ers*read the

earth" The common *eo*,e %ou,d ecome hordes

of thie&es) ,i>e those of our da() of %hom not a

;<= The Atheist and the Sa+e"

tenth *art are han+ed at our sessions" The( %ou,d

*ass their %retched ,i&es in ta&erns) %ith ad

%omen" The( %ou,d +ht to+ether) and fa,, do%n

drun> amidst the *e%ter *ots %ith %hich the(

rea> each other$s heads" Nor %ou,d the( rise ut

to stea, and murder a+ain) to recommence the

same round of hideous ruta,it(" Who) then)

%ou,d restrain +reat >in+s in their fur( An atheist

>in+ is more dan+erous than a fanatica, Ra&ai,,ac"

Atheism aounded in Ita,( durin+ the fteenth

centur(" What %as the conseGuence It %as as

common a matter to *oison another as to in&ite him

to su**er" The stro>e of the sti,etto %as as fre8

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Guent as an emrace" There %ere then *rofessors

of crime) as %e no% ha&e *rofessors of music and

mathematics" Churches) e&en) %ere the fa&orite

scenes of murder) and *rinces %ere s,ain at the a,tar"

In this %a( Po*e Si?tus IV" and archisho* of

Pisa *ut to death t%o of the most accom*,ished

*rinces of Euro*e" E?*,ain) m( dear friend) to

Paroua and his chi,dren) %hat I mean ( a *o*e

and an archisho*H ut te,, them %e ha&e no

such monsters no%" !ut to resume. A du>e of

1i,an %as a,so s,ain in a church" E&er( one >no%s

the astonishin+ horrors of A,e?ander VI" 'ad

such mora,s continued) Ita,( %ou,d ha&e een more

deso,ate than Peru after the in&asion"

Faith) then) in a od %ho re%ards +ood ac8

tions) *unishes the ad) and for+i&es ,esser fau,ts)

is most usefu, to man>ind" It is the on,( restraint

 The Atheist and the Sa+e" ;<;

on *o%erfu, men) %ho inso,ent,( commit crimes

on the *u,ic) and on others %ho s>i,fu,,( *er*e8

trate oences" I do not te,, (ou to min+,e) %ith

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this necessar( faith) su*erstitious notions that dis8

+race it" Atheism is a monster that %ou,d *re( on

man>ind on,( to satisf( its &oracit(" Su*erstition

is another *hantom) *re(in+ u*on men as a deit("

I ha&e often oser&ed that an atheist ma( e cured)

ut %e rare,( cure su*erstition radica,,(" The athe8

ist is +enera,,( an inGuirin+ man) %ho is decei&edH

the su*erstitious man is a ruta, foo,) ha&in+ no

ideas of his o%n" An atheist mi+ht assau,t E*hi+e8

nia %hen on the *oint of marr(in+ Achi,,es) ut a

fanatic %ou,d *ious,( sacrice her on the a,tar) and

thin> he did ser&ice to /u*iter" An atheist %ou,d

stea, a +o,den &esse, from the a,tar to feast his fa8

&orites) ut the fanatic %ou,d ce,erate an auto

da fe in the same church) and sin+ h(mns %hi,e he

%as causin+ /e%s to e urned a,i&e" 5es) m(

friends) su*erstition and atheism are the t%o *o,es

of a uni&erse in confusion" Tread these *aths %ith

a rm ste*) e,ie&e in a +ood od) and e +ood"

 This is a,, that the +reat *hi,oso*hers) Penn and

Loc>e) reGuire of their *eo*,e"

Ans%er me) 1r" !irton) and (ou) m( friends)

%hat harm can the %orshi* of od) Joined to the

ha**iness of a &irtuous ,ife) do (ou We mi+ht e

sei2ed %ith morta, sic>ness) e&en no% %hi,e I am

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s*ea>in+" Who) then) %ou,d not %ish to ha&e ,i&ed

innocent,( Read) in Sha>es*eare) the death of our

;<@ The Atheist and the Sa+e"

%ic>ed Richard III") and see ho% the hosts of

those he had murdered haunted his ima+ination"

Witness the death of Char,es I9" after the horrors

of St" !artho,ome%" In &ain his cha*,ain assured

him he had done %e,," 'is ,ood started from

e&er( *ore" A,, the ,ood he had shed cried out

a+ainst him" !e,ie&e me) a,, these monsters %ere

tortured ( remorse) and died in des*air"

!irton and his friends cou,d contain themse,&es

no ,on+er" The( fe,, at Freind$s feet" #5es)# said

!irton) #I e,ie&e in od) and I e,ie&e (ou"#



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We %ere a,read( near Paroua$s house) and

%e su**ed there" /ohn cou,d eat nothin+" 'e sat

a*art in tears" 'is father %ent to conso,e him"

#Ah)# said /ohn) #I do not deser&e such a father"

I sha,, die of shame for (ie,din+ to the fascination

of that %ic>ed C,i&e8'art" I am the cause of 1iss

Primrose$s death" /ust no%) %hen (ou ta,>ed of

*oison) I shuddered) for I thou+ht I sa% C,i&e8'art

*resentin+ the horri,e drau+ht to Primrose" 'o%

cou,d I ha&e so far ,ost m(se,f as to accom*an(

so &i,e a creature I %as ,ind" I did not disco&er

m( error ti,, she %as ta>en ( the sa&a+es" In a

t of ra+e she a,most admitted her +ui,t" From

that moment I ha&e ,oathed her) and) for a *un8

 The Atheist and the Sa+e" ;<:

ishment) the form of Primrose is e&er efore me)

and seems to sa() $I died ecause I ,o&ed (ou #

'is father said a ,ame,ess ,ife cou,d a,one re*air

his *ast errors"

 The ne?t da( %e sai,ed for En+,and) after +i&in+

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*resents to the Parouas" Tears min+,ed %ith our

adieus) and !irton) %ho had een on,( +idd() a,8

read( seemed a reasona,e *erson"

When %e %ere out at sea Freind said to /ohn)

in m( *resence. #Do (ou sti,, cherish the memor(

of the amia,e Primrose# These %ords so %run+

the heart of the (oun+ man that I feared he %ou,d

thro% himse,f into the sea"

#Conso,e (ourse,f) then)# said Freind" #1iss

Primrose is a,i&e) and ,o&es (ou sti,,"#

Freind had recei&ed certain information on this

suJect from his ser&ant) %ho had %ritten to him

*unctua,,( ( e&er( shi*" 1r" 1ead) %ho has

since acGuired so +reat a re*utation ( his s>i,, in

the counteraction of *oisons) had sa&ed the (oun+

,ad($s ,ife" In a moment /ohn *assed from des*air

to e?treme Jo(" I %i,, not attem*t to descrie the

chan+e" It %as the ha**iest moment of his ,ife"

!irton and his friends shared his Jo(" What more

sha,, I sa( The %orth( Freind %as as a father to

a,," The %eddin+ %as ce,erated at Dr" 1ead$s"

!irton) no% another man) a,so married) and he and

 /ohn are no% amon+ the est *eo*,e in En+,and"

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Admit that a %ise man can instruct foo,s"

Vo," @ ;:

 T'E W'ITE !0LL"



 The *rincess Amasidia) dau+hter of Amasis)

>in+ of Tanis in E+(*t) too> a %a,> u*on the hi+h8

%a( of Pe,uaium %ith the ,adies of her train" She

%as sun> in dee* me,ancho,(" Tears +ushed from

her eautifu, e(es" The cause of her +rief %as

>no%n) as %e,, as the fears she entertained ,est that

+rief shou,d dis*,ease the >in+) her father" The

o,d man) 1amres) ancient ma+ician and eunuch

of the Pharaohs) %as eside her) and se,dom ,eft

her" 'e %as *resent at her irth" 'e had edu8

cated her) and tau+ht her a,, that a fair *rincess

%as a,,o%ed to >no% of the sciences of E+(*t" The

mind of Amasidia eGua,,ed her eaut(" 'er sensi8

i,it( and tenderness ri&a,,ed the charms of her *er8

son) and it %as this sensii,it( %hich cost her so

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man( tears"

 The *rincess %as t%ent(8four (ears o,d H the ma8

+ician) 1amres) aout thirteen hundred" It %as

he) as e&er( one >no%s) %ho had that famous dis8

*ute %ith 1oses) in %hich the &ictor( %as so ,on+

doutfu, et%een these t%o *rofound *hi,oso*hers"


 The White !u,," ;<B

If 1amres (ie,ded) it %as o%in+ to the &isi,e *ro8

tection of the ce,estia, *o%ers) %ho fa&ored his

ri&a," It reGuired +ods to o&ercome 1amres"

Amasis made him su*erintendent of his dau+h8

ter$s househo,d) and he acGuitted himse,f in this of8

ce %ith his usua, *rudence" 'is com*assion %as

e?cited ( the si+hs of the eautifu, Amasidia"

#O m( ,o&er# said she to herse,f) #m( (oun+)

m( dear ,o&er O +reatest of conGuerors) most ac8

com*,ished) most eautifu, of men A,most se&en

(ears hast thou disa**eared from the %or,d" What

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+od hath snatched thee from th( tender Amasidia

 Thou art not dead" The %ise E+(*tian *ro*hets

confess this" !ut thou art dead to me" I am a,one

in the %or,d" To me it is a desert" !( %hat e?8

traordinar( *rodi+( hast thou aandoned th(

throne and th( mistress th( throne) %hich %as

the rst in the %or,d" 'o%e&er) that is a matter of

sma,, conseGuence H ut to aandon me) %ho adores

thee O m( dear Ne8 #

She %as +oin+ on"

#Trem,e to *ronounce that fata, name)# said

1amres) the ancient eunuch and ma+ician of the

Pharaohs" #5ou %ou,d *erha*s e disco&ered (

some of the ,adies of (our court" The( are a,, &er(

much de&oted to (ou) and a,, fair ,adies certain,(

ma>e it a merit to ser&e the no,e *assions of fair

*rincesses" !ut there ma( e one amon+ them in8

discreet) and e&en treacherous" 5ou >no% that

(our father) a,thou+h he ,o&es (ou) has s%orn to

;<4 The White !u,,"

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*ut (ou to death shou,d (ou *ronounce the terri,e

name a,%a(s read( to esca*e (our ,i*s" This ,a%

is se&ere) ut (ou ha&e not een educated in E+(*8

tian %isdom to e i+norant of the +o&ernment of

the ton+ue" Rememer that 'i**ocrates) one of

our +reatest +ods) has a,%a(s his n+er u*on his


 The eautifu, Amasidia %e*t) and %as si,ent"

As she *ensi&e,( ad&anced to%ards the an>s

of the Ni,e she *ercei&ed at a distance) under a

thic>et %atered ( the ri&er) an o,d %oman) in a

tattered +ra( +arment) seated on a hi,,oc>" This

o,d %oman had eside her a she8ass) a do+) and

a he8+oat" O**osite to her %as a ser*ent) %hich

%as not ,i>e the common ser*ents) for its e(es %ere

mi,d) its *h(sio+nom( no,e and en+a+in+) %hi,e

its s>in shone %ith the ,i&e,iest and ri+htest co,8

ors" A hu+e sh) ha,f immersed in the ri&er) %as

not the ,east astonishin+ +ure in the +rou*) and

on a nei+horin+ tree %ere *erched a ra&en and a

*i+eon" A,, these creatures seemed to carr( on a

&er( animated con&ersation"

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#A,as# said the *rincess) in a ,o% tone) #these

anima,s undouted,( s*ea> of their ,o&es) and it

is not so much as a,,o%ed me to mention the name

of mine"#

 The o,d %oman he,d in her hand a s,ender stee,

chain a hundred fathoms ,on+) to %hich %as fast8

ened a u,,) %ho fed in the meado%" This u,, %as

%hite) *erfect,( %e,, made) *,um*) and at the same

 The White !u,," ;<

time a+i,e) %hich is a thin+ se,dom to e found"

'e %as indeed the most eautifu, s*ecimen that %as

e&er seen of his >ind" Neither the u,, of Pasi*hse)

nor that in %hose sha*e /u*iter a**eared %hen he

carried o Euro*a) cou,d e com*ared to this no,e

anima," The charmin+ (oun+ heifer into %hich Isis

%as chan+ed %ou,d ha&e scarce een %orth( of his


As soon as the u,, sa% the *rincess he ran

to%ard her %ith the s%iftness of a (oun+ Araian

horse) that *ric>s u* his ears and Mies o&er the

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*,ains and ri&ers of the ancient Saana to a**roach

the ,o&e,( consort %hose ima+e rei+ns in his heart"

 The o,d %oman used her utmost eorts to restrain

the u,," The ser*ent %anted to terrif( him ( its

hissin+" The do+ fo,,o%ed him and it his eauti8

fu, ,ims" The she8ass crossed his %a( and >ic>ed

him to ma>e him return" The +reat sh remounted

the Ni,e) and) dartin+ himse,f out of the %ater)

threatened to de&our him" The he8+oat remained

immo&a,e) a**arent,( struc> %ith fear" The ra&en

Muttered round his head as if it %anted to tear out

his e(es" The *i+eon a,one accom*anied him from

curiosit() and a**,auded him ( a s%eet murmur"

So e?traordinar( a si+ht thre% 1amres into se8

rious reMections" In the mean%hi,e the %hite u,,)

dra++in+ after him his chain and the o,d %oman)

had a,read( reached the *rincess) %ho %as struc>

%ith astonishment and fear" 'e thre% himse,f at

her feet" 'e >issed them" 'e shed tears" 'e

;< The White !u,,"

,oo>ed u*on her %ith e(es in %hich there %as a

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stran+e mi?ture of +rief and Jo(" 'e dared not to

,o%) ,est he shou,d terrif( the eautifu, Amasidia"

'e cou,d not s*ea>" A %ea> use of the &oice)

+ranted ( hea&en to certain anima,s) %as denied

himH ut a,, his actions %ere e,oGuent" The *rin8

cess %as de,i+hted %ith him" She *ercei&ed that a

triMin+ amusement cou,d sus*end for some mo8

ments e&en the most *oi+nant +rief"

#'ere)# said she) #is a most amia,e anima," I

cou,d %ish much to ha&e him in m( sta,e"#

At these %ords the u,, ent himse,f on his >nees

and >issed the +round"

#'e understands me)# cried the *rincess" #'e

sho%s me that he %ants to e mine" Ah) hea&en,(

ma+ician ah) di&ine eunuch i&e me this con8

so,ation" Purchase this eautifu, o&ine" Sett,e

the *rice %ith the o,d %oman) to %hom he no dout

e,on+s" This anima, must e mine" Do not re8

fuse me this innocent comfort"#

A,, the ,adies Joined their reGuests to the en8

treaties of the *rincess" 1amres (ie,ded to them)

and immediate,( %ent to s*ea> to the o,d %oman"

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 The White !u,," ;<<





#1adam)# said 1amres to her) #(ou >no% that

,adies) and *articu,ar,( *rincesses) ha&e need of

amusement" The dau+hter of the >in+ is distract8

ed,( fond of (our u,," I e+ that (ou %i,, se,, him

to us" 5ou sha,, e *aid in read( mone("#

#Sir)# ans%ered the o,d %oman) #this *recious

anima, does not e,on+ to me" I am char+ed) to8

+ether %ith a,, the easts %hich (ou see) to >ee*

him %ith care) to %atch a,, his motions) and to +i&e

an e?act account of them" od forid that I shou,d

e&er ha&e an( inc,ination to se,, this in&a,ua,e


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1amres) u*on this discourse) e+an to ha&e

a confused rememrance of somethin+ %hich he

cou,d not (et *ro*er,( distin+uish" 'e e(ed the

o,d %oman in the +ra( c,oa> %ith +reater atten8


#Res*ecta,e ,ad()# said he to her) #I either mis8

ta>e) or I ha&e seen (ou former,("#

#I ma>e no mista>e) sir)# re*,ied the o,d %oman"

I ha&e seen (ou se&en hundred (ears a+o) in a

 Journe( %hich I made from S(ria into E+(*t some

months after the destruction of Tro() %hen 'iram

@== The White !u,,"

the Second rei+ned at T(re) and Ne*he, Keres in

ancient E+(*t"#

#Ah 1adam)# cried the o,d man) #(ou are the

remar>a,e %itch of Endor"#

#And (ou) sir)# said the sorceress) emracin+

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him) #are the +reat 1amres of E+(*t"#

#O unforeseen meetin+ memora,e da( eterna,

decrees # said 1amres" #It certain,( is not %ith8

out *ermission of the uni&ersa, *ro&idence that %e

meet a+ain in this meado%) u*on the an>s of the

Ni,e) near the no,e cit( of Tanis" What) is it in8

deed (ou)# continued 1amres) #%ho are so fa8

mous u*on the an>s of (our ,itt,e /ordan) and the

rst *erson in the %or,d for raisin+ a**aritions#

#What) is it (ou) sir# re*,ied 1iss Endor) #%ho

are so famous for chan+in+ rods into ser*ents) the

da( into dar>ness) and ri&ers into ,ood#

#5es) madam) ut m( +reat a+e has in *art de8

*ri&ed me of m( >no%,ed+e and *o%er" I am i+8

norant from %hence (ou ha&e this eautifu, u,,)

and %ho these anima,s are that) to+ether %ith (ou)

%atch round him"#

 The o,d %oman) reco,,ectin+ herse,f) raised her

e(es to hea&en) and then re*,ied.

#1( dear 1amres) %e are of the same *rofes8

sion) ut it is e?*ress,( foridden me to te,, (ou

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%ho this u,, is" I can satisf( (ou %ith re+ard to

the other anima,s" 5ou %i,, easi,( >no% them (

the mar>s %hich characteri2e them" The ser*ent

is that %hich *ersuaded E&e to eat an a**,e) and

 The White !u,,"

to ma>e her husand *arta>e of it" The ass) that

%hich s*o>e to (our contem*orar() !a,aam) in a

remar>a,e discourse" The sh) %hich a,%a(s car8

ries its head ao&e %ater) is that %hich s%a,,o%ed

 /onah a fe% (ears a+o" The do+ is he %ho fo,,o%ed

Ra*hae, and the (oun+ Toit in their Journe( to

Ra+usa in 1edia) in the time of the +reat Sa,aman8

2ar" This +oat is he %ho e?*iates a,, the sins of

(our nation" The ra&en and the *i+eon) those

%hich %ere in the ar> of Noah" reat e&ent uni8

&ersa, catastro*he of %hich a,most a,, the %or,d

is sti,, i+norant" 5ou are no% informed" !ut of

the u,, (ou can >no% nothin+"#

1amres) ha&in+ ,istened %ith res*ect) said.

$The Eterna,) O i,,ustrious %itch re&ea,s and

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concea,s %hat he thin>s *ro*er" A,, these anima,s

%ho) to+ether %ith (ou) are intrusted %ith the

custod( of the %hite u,,) are on,( >no%n to (our

+enerous and a+reea,e nation) %hich is itse,f un8

>no%n to a,most a,, the %or,d" The mirac,es %hich

(ou and (ours) I and mine) ha&e *erformed)

sha,, one da( e a +reat suJect of dout and scan8

da, to inGuisiti&e *hi,oso*hers" !ut ha**i,( these

mirac,es sha,, nd e,ief %ith the de&out sa+es) %ho

sha,, *ro&e sumissi&e to the en,i+htened in one

corner of the %or,dH and this is a,, that is neces8


As he s*o>e these %ords the *rincess *u,,ed him

( the s,ee&e) and said to him .

#1amres) %i,, (ou not u( m( u,,#

@=@ The White !u,,"

 The ma+ician) *,un+ed into a dee* re&erie) made

no re*,() and Amasidia *oured forth her tears"

She then addressed herse,f to the o,d %oman"

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#1( +ood %oman)# said she) #I conJure (ou) (

a,, (ou ho,d most dear in the %or,d) ( (our father)

( (our mother) ( (our nurse) %ho are certain,(

sti,, a,i&e) to se,, me not on,( (our u,,) ut ,i>e8

%ise (our *i+eon) %hich seems &er( much attached

to him"#

#As for the other anima,s) I do not %ant themH

ut I sha,, catch the &a*ors if (ou do not se,, me

this charmin+ u,,) %ho %i,, e a,, the ha**iness of

m( ,ife"#

 The o,d %oman res*ectfu,,( >issed the frin+e of

her +au2e roe) and re*,ied.

#Princess) m( u,, is not to e so,d" 5our i,,us8

trious ma+ician is acGuainted %ith this" A,, that

I can do for (our ser&ice is to *ermit him to feed

e&er( da( near (our *a,ace" 5ou ma( caress him)

+i&e him iscuits) and ma>e him dance aout at

(our *,easureH ut he must a,%a(s e under the

e(es of a,, these anima,s %ho accom*an( me) and

%ho are char+ed %ith the >ee*in+ of him" If he

does not endea&or to esca*e from them) the( %i,,

*ro&e *eacea,eH ut if he attem*t once more to

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rea> his chain) as he did u*on seein+ (ou) %oe

e unto him" I %ou,d not then ans%er for his ,ife"

 This ,ar+e sh) %hich (ou see) %i,, certain,( s%a,8

,o% him) and >ee* him ,on+er than three da(s in

 The White !u,," @=:

his e,,(H or this ser*ent) %ho a**ears to (ou so

mi,d) %i,, +i&e him a morta, stin+"#

 The %hite u,,) %ho understood *erfect,( the o,d

%oman$s con&ersation) ut %as una,e to s*ea>)

hum,( acce*ted a,, the *ro*osa,s" 'e ,aid himse,f

do%n at her feetH he ,o%ed soft,(H and) ,oo>in+

tender,( at Amasidia) seemed to sa( to her.

#Come and see me sometimes) u*on the ,a%n"#

 The ser*ent no% too> u* the con&ersation .

#Princess)# said he) #I ad&ise (ou to act im8

*,icit,( as mademoise,,e of Endor has to,d (ou"#

 The she8ass ,i>e%ise *ut in her %ord) and %as of

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the o*inion of the ser*ent"

Amasidia %as aicted that this ser*ent and this

ass shou,d s*ea> so %e,,H %hi,e a eautifu, u,,)

%ho had such no,e and tender sentiments) %as un8

a,e to e?*ress them"

#A,as # said she) in a ,o% &oice) #nothin+ is more

common at court" One sees there e&er( da( ne

,ords %ho cannot con&erse) and contem*ti,e

%retches %ho s*ea> %ith assurance"#

#This ser*ent)# said 1amres) #is not a con8

tem*ti,e %retch" 'e is *erha*s the *ersona+e of

the +reatest im*ortance"#

 The da( no% dec,ined) and the *rincess %as

o,i+ed to return home) after ha&in+ *romised to

come ac> ne?t da( at the same hour" 'er ,adies

of the *a,ace %ere astonished) and understood noth8

in+ of %hat the( had seen or heard" 1amres made

;= The White !u,,"

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reMections" The *rincess) reco,,ectin+ that the ser8

*ent ca,,ed the o,d %oman 1iss) conc,uded at ran8

dom that she %as sti,, unmarried) and fe,t some

aiction that such %as a,so her o%n condition"

Res*ecta,e aiction %hich she concea,ed) ho%8

e&er) %ith as much care as the name of her ,o&er"




 The eautifu, *rincess recommended secrec( to

her ,adies %ith re+ard to %hat the( had seen" The(

a,, *romised it) and >e*t their *romise for a %ho,e


We ma( e,ie&e that Amasidia s,e*t ,itt,e that

ni+ht" An ine?*,ica,e charm continua,,( reca,,ed

the idea of her eautifu, u,," As soon) therefore)

as she %as at freedom %ith her %ise 1amres) she

said to him.

#O sa+e) this anima, turns m( head"#

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#'e em*,o(s mine &er( much)# said 1amres"

#I see *,ain,( that this o&ine is &er( much su8

*erior to those of his s*ecies" I see that there is

a +reat m(ster() and I sus*ect a fata, e&ent" 5our

father Amasis is sus*icious and &io,entH and this

aair reGuires that (ou conduct (ourse,f %ith the

+reatest *recaution"#

#Ah# said the *rincess) #I ha&e too much cu8

 The White !u,," @=B

riosit( to e *rudent" It is the on,( sentiment

%hich can unite in m( heart %itE that %hich *re(s

u*on me on account of the ,o&er I ha&e ,ost" 1a(

I not >no% %ho this %hite u,, is that +i&es me

such stran+e disGuiet#

1amres re*,ied.

#I ha&e a,read( confessed to (ou) fran>,() that m(

>no%,ed+e dec,ines in *ro*ortion as m( a+e ad8

&ances) ut I mista>e much if the ser*ent is not

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informed of %hat (ou are so &er( desirous of

>no%in+" 'e does not %ant sense" 'e e?*resses

himse,f %ith *ro*riet(" 'e has een ,on+ accus8

tomed to interfere in the aairs of the ,adies"#

#Ah undouted,()# said Amasidia) #this is the

eautifu, ser*ent of E+(*t) %ho) ( ?in+ his tai,

into his mouth) ecomes the em,em of eternit(H

%ho en,i+htens the %or,d %hen he o*ens his e(es)

and dar>ens it %hen he shuts them#

#No) 1iss"#

#It is then the ser*ent of Escu,a*ius #

#Sti,, ,ess"#

#It is *erha*s /u*iter under the +ure of a ser8


#Not at a,,"#

#Ah) no% I see) I see" It is the rod %hich (ou

former,( chan+ed into a sea ser*ent #

#No) indeed) it is notH ut a,, these ser*ents are

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of the same fami,(" This one has a &er( hi+h char8

acter in his o%n countr(" 'e *asses there for the

most e?traordinar( ser*ent that %as e&er seen) Ad8

ao4 The White !u,,"

dress (ourse,f to him" 'o%e&er) I %arn (ou it is

a dan+erous underta>in+" Were I in (our *,ace

I %ou,d hard,( trou,e m(se,f either %ith the u,,)

the she8ass) the he8+oat) the ser*ent) the sh) the

ra&en) or the *i+eon" !ut *assion hurries (ou on)

and a,, I can do is to *it( (ou) and trem,e"#

 The *rincess conJured him to *rocure her a

tete8a8tete %ith the ser*ent" 1amres) %ho %as

o,i+in+) consented) and) ma>in+ *rofound reMec8

tions) he %ent and communicated to the %itch in

so insinuatin+ a manner the %him of the *rincess)

that the o,d %oman to,d him Amasidia mi+ht ,a(

her commands u*on herH that the ser*ent %as *er8

fect,( %e,,8red) and so *o,ite to the ,adies that he

%ished for nothin+ more than to o,i+e them) and

%ou,d not fai, to >ee* the *rincess$ a**ointment"

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 The ancient ma+ician returned to inform the

*rincess of this +ood ne%s) ut he sti,, dreaded

some misfortune) and made reMections"

#5ou desire to s*ea> %ith the ser*ent) made8

moise,,e" This (ou ma( accom*,ish %hene&er

(our hi+hness thin>s *ro*er" !ut rememer (ou

must Matter him) for e&er( anima, has a +reat dea,

of se,f8,o&e) and the ser*ent in *articu,ar" It is

said he %as former,( dri&en out of hea&en for e?8

cessi&e *ride"#

#I ha&e ne&er heard of it)# re*,ied the *rincess"

#I e,ie&e it)# said the o,d man"

'e then informed her of a,, the re*orts %hich

had een s*read aout this famous ser*ent"

 The White !u,," @=

#!ut) m( dear *rincess) %hate&er sin+u,ar ad8

&entures ma( ha&e ha**ened to him) (ou ne&er can

e?tort these secrets from him ut ( Matter(" 'a&8

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in+ former,( decei&ed %omen) it is eGuita,e that

a %oman in her turn shou,d decei&e him"#

#I %i,, do m( utmost)# said the *rincess) and

de*arted %ith her maids of honor" The o,d %oman

%as feedin+ the u,, at a considera,e distance"

1amres ,eft Amasidia to herse,f) and %ent and

discoursed %ith the %itch" One ,ad( of honor

chatted %ith the she8ass) the others amused them8

se,&es %ith the +oat) the do+) the ra&en) and the

*i+eon" As for the ,ar+e sh that fri+htened e&er(8

od() he *,un+ed himse,f into the Ni,e ( order of

the o,d %oman"

 The ser*ent then attended the eautifu, Ama8

sidia into the +ro&e) %here the( had the fo,,o%in+

con&ersation .

SERPENT" 5ou cannot ima+ine) mademoise,,e)

ho% much I am Mattered %ith the honor %hich

(our hi+hness dei+ns to confer u*on me"

PRINCESS" 5our +reat re*utation) sir) the eau8

t( of (our countenance) and the ri,,ianc( of (our

e(es ha&e emo,dened me to see> for this con&er8

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sation" I >no% ( *u,ic re*ort if it e not fa,se6

that (ou %ere former,( a &er( +reat ,ord in the

em*(rean hea&en"

SERPENT" It is true) 1iss) I had there a &er(

distin+uished *,ace" It is *retended I am a dis8

+raced fa&orite" This is a re*ort %hich once %ent

,oS The White !u,,"

aroad in India" The !rahmins %ere the rst %ho

+a&e a histor( of m( ad&entures" And I dout

not ut one da( or other the *oets of the North %i,,

ma>e them the suJect of an e?tra&a+ant e*ic *oem)

for in truth it is a,, that can e made of them" 5et

I am not so much fa,,en ut that I ha&e ,eft in this

+,oe a &er( e?tensi&e dominion" I mi+ht &enture

to assert that the %ho,e earth e,on+s to me"

PRINCESS" I e,ie&e it) for the( te,, me that (our

*o%ers of *ersuasion are irresisti,e) and to *,ease

is to rei+n"

SERPENT" I fee,) mademoise,,e) %hi,e I eho,d

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and ,isten to (ou) that (ou ha&e o&er me the same

*o%er %hich (ou ascrie to me o&er so man( oth8


PRINCESS" 5ou are) I e,ie&e) an amia,e con8

Gueror" It is said that (our conGuests amon+ the

fair se? ha&e een numerous) and that (ou e+an

%ith our common mother) %hose name I ha&e un8

fortunate,( for+otten"

SERPENT" The( do me inJustice" She honored

me %ith her condence) and I +a&e her the est

ad&ice" I desired that she and her husand shou,d

eat hearti,( of the fruit of the tree of >no%,ed+e"

I ima+ined in doin+ this that I shou,d *,ease the

Ru,er of a,, thin+s" It seemed to me that a tree so

necessar( to the human race %as not *,anted to e

entire,( use,ess" Wou,d the Su*reme !ein+ ha&e

%ished to ha&e een ser&ed ( foo,s and idiots

Is not the mind formed for the acGuisition of >no%,8

 The White !u,," @=<

ed+e and for im*ro&ement Is not the >no%,ed+e

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of +ood and e&i, necessar( for doin+ the one and

a&oidin+ the other I certain,( merited their


PRINCESS" 5et the( te,, me that (ou ha&e suf8

fered for it" Proa,( it is since this *eriod that

so man( ministers ha&e een *unished for +i&in+

+ood ad&ice) and so man( rea, *hi,oso*hers and

men of +enius *ersecuted for their %ritin+s that

%ere usefu, to man>ind"

SERPENT" It is m( enemies %ho ha&e to,d (ou

these stories" The( sa( that I am out of fa&or at

court" !ut a *roof that m( inMuence there has not

dec,ined is their o%n confession that I entered into

the counci, %hen it %as in a+itation to tr( the +ood

man /oH and I %as a+ain ca,,ed u*on %hen the

reso,ution %as ta>en to decei&e a certain *ett(

>in+ ca,,ed Aha" I a,one %as char+ed %ith this

honora,e commission"

PRINCESS" Ah) sir I do not e,ie&e that (ou

are formed to decei&e" !ut since (ou are a,%a(s

in the ministr() ma( I e+ a fa&or of (ou I ho*e

so amia,e a ,ord %i,, not den( me"

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SERPENT" 1ademoise,,e) (our reGuests are

,a%s H name (our commands"

PRINCESS" I entreat that (ou %i,, te,, me %ho

this %hite u,, is) for %hom I fee, such e?traordi8

nar( sentiments) %hich oth aect and a,arm me"

I am to,d that (ou %ou,d dei+n to inform me"

SERPENT" Curiosit( is necessar( to human na8

Vo," @ ;

@io The White !u,,"

ture) and es*ecia,,( to (our amia,e se?" Without

it the( %ou,d ,i&e in the most shamefu, i+norance"

I ha&e a,%a(s satised) as far as ,a( in m( *o%er)

the curiosit( of the ,adies" I am accused) indeed) of

usin+ this com*,aisance on,( to &e? the Ru,er of the

%or,d" I s%ear to (ou that I cou,d *ro*ose nothin+

more a+reea,e to m(se,f than to oe( (ouH ut

the o,d %oman must ha&e informed (ou that the

re&ea,in+ of this secret %i,, e attended %ith some

dan+er to (ou"

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PRINCESS" Ah it is that %hich ma>es me sti,,

more curious"

SERPENT" In this I disco&er the se? to %hom I

ha&e former,( done ser&ice"

PRINCESS" If (ou *ossess an( fee,in+H if ra8

tiona, ein+s shou,d mutua,,( assist each otherH if

(ou ha&e com*assion for an unfortunate creature)

do not refuse m( reGuest"

SERPENT" 5ou aect me" I must satisf( (ouH

ut do not interru*t me"

PRINCESS" I *romise (ou I %i,, not"

SERPENT" There %as a (oun+ >in+) eautifu,)

charmin+) in ,o&e) e,o&ed

PRINCESS" A (oun+ >in+ eautifu,) charmin+)

in ,o&e) e,o&ed And ( %hom And %ho %as

this >in+ 'o% o,d %as he What has ecome of

him Where is his >in+dom What is his name

SERPENT" See) I ha&e scarce e+un) and (ou

ha&e a,read( interru*ted me" Ta>e care" If (ou

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 The White !u,," @;;

ha&e not more command o&er (ourse,f) (ou are


PRINCESS" Ah) *ardon me) sir" I %i,, not re*eat

m( indiscretion" o on) I eseech (ou"

SERPENT" This +reat >in+) the most &a,iant of

men) &ictorious %here&er he carried his arms) often

dreamed %hen as,ee*) and for+ot his dreams %hen

a%a>e" 'e %anted his ma+icians to rememer

and inform him %hat he had dreamed) other%ise he

dec,ared he %ou,d han+ them H for that nothin+ %as

more eGuita,e" It is no% near,( se&en (ears since he

dreamed a ne dream) %hich he entire,( for+ot %hen

he a%o>e H and a (oun+ /e%) fu,, of e?*erience) ha&8

in+ re&ea,ed it to him) this amia,e >in+ %as imme8

diate,( chan+ed into an o? for

PRINCESS" Ah it is m( dear Ne

She cou,d not nishH she fainted a%a(" 1am8

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res) %ho ,istened at a distance) sa% her fa,,) and

e,ie&ed her dead"




1amres runs to her) %ee*in+" The ser*ent is

aected" 'e) a,as) cannot %ee*) ut he hisses in

a mournfu, tone" 'e cries out) #She is dead"# The

ass re*eats) #She is dead"# The ra&en te,,s it o&er

@;@ The White !u,,"

a+ain" A,, the other anima,s a**eared aicted

e?ce*t the sh of /onah) %hich has a,%a(s een

merci,ess" The ,ad( of honor) the ,adies of the court)

arri&e and tear their hair" The %hite u,,) %ho fed

at a distance and heard their cries) ran to the +ro&e)

dra++in+ the o,d %oman after him) %hi,e his ,oud

e,,o%in+s made the nei+horin+ echoes resound"

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 To no *ur*ose did the ,adies *our u*on the e?8

*irin+ Amasidia their ott,es of rose8%ater) of *in>)

of m(rt,e) of en2oin) of a,m of i,ead) of amo8

mum) of +i,,(Mo%er) of nutme+) of amer+ris" She

had not as (et +i&en the sma,,est si+ns of ,ife" !ut

as soon as she *ercei&ed that the eautifu, %hite

u,, %as eside her she came to herse,f) more

,oomin+) more eautifu, and ,i&e,( than e&er" A

thousand times did she >iss this charmin+ anima,)

%ho ,an+uishin+,( ,eaned his head on her sno%(

osom" She ca,,ed him) #1( master) m( >in+) m(

dear) m( ,ife# She thro%s her fair arms around

his nec>) %hich %as %hiter than the sno%" The ,i+ht

stra% does not adhere more c,ose,( to the8 amer)

the &ine to the e,m) nor the i&( to the oa>" The

s%eet murmur of her si+hs %as heard" 'er e(es

%ere seen) no% s*ar>,in+ %ith a tender Mame) and

no% oscured ( those *recious tears %hich ,o&e

ma>es us shed"

We ma( easi,( Jud+e into %hat astonishment the

,ad( of honor and ,adies of her train %ere thro%n"

As soon as the( entered the *a,ace the( re,ated to

their ,o&ers this e?traordinar( ad&enture) and e&er(

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 The White !u,," @;:

one %ith dierent circumstances) %hich increased

its sin+u,arit() and %hich a,%a(s contriutes to the

&ariet( of a,, histories"

No sooner %as Amasis) >in+ of Tanis) informed

of these e&ents) than his ro(a, reast %as inMamed

%ith Just indi+nation" Such %as the %rath of 1i8

nos %hen he understood that his dau+hter Pasi*hse

,a&ished her tender fa&ors u*on the father of the

1inotaur" Thus ra+ed /uno %hen she ehe,d /u*iter

caressin+ the eautifu, co% ,o) dau+hter of the ri&er

Inachus" Fo,,o%in+ the dictates of *assion) the

stern Amasis im*risoned his unha**( dau+hter) the

eautifu, Amasidia) in her chamer) and *,aced o&er

her a +uard of ,ac> eunuchs" 'e then assem,ed

his *ri&( counci,"

 The +rand ma+ician *resided there) ut had no

,on+er the same inMuence as former,(" A,, the min8

isters of state conc,uded that this %hite u,, %as

a sorcerer" It %as Guite the contrar(" 'e %as

e%itched" !ut in de,icate aairs the( are a,%a(s

mista>en at court"

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It %as carried ( a +reat maJorit( that the *rin8

cess shou,d e e?orcised) and the o,d %oman and

the u,, sacriced"

 The %ise 1amres contradicted not the o*inion

of the >in+ and counci," The ri+ht of e?orcisin+

e,on+ed to him" 'e cou,d de,a( it under some

*,ausi,e *retence" The +od A*is had ,ate,( died

at 1em*his" A +ood o? dies Just ,i>e another o?"

And it %as not a,,o%ed to e?orcise an( *erson in

@; The White !u,,"

E+(*t unti, a ne% o? %as found to re*,ace the


It %as decreed in the counci, to %ait unti, the

nomination shou,d e made of a ne% +od at 1em8


 The +ood o,d man) 1amres) *ercei&ed to %hat

dan+er his dear *rincess %as e?*osed" 'e >ne%

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%ho her ,o&er %as" The s(,,a,es Neu ) %hich

had esca*ed her) ,aid o*en the %ho,e m(ster( to the

e(es of this sa+e"

 The d(nast( of 1em*his e,on+ed at this time

to the !a(,onians" The( *reser&ed this remainder

of the conGuests the( had +ained under the +reat8

est >in+ of the %or,d) to %hom Amasis %as a morta,

enem(" 1amres had occasion for a,, his %isdom

to conduct himse,f *ro*er,( in the midst of so man(

diQcu,ties" If the >in+ Amasis shou,d disco&er the

,o&er of his dau+hter) her death %ou,d e ine&8

ita,e" 'e had s%orn it" The +reat) the (oun+)

the eautifu, >in+ of %hom she %as enamored) had

dethroned the >in+) her father) and Amasis had

on,( reco&ered his >in+dom aout se&en (ears"

From that time it %as not >no%n %hat had ecome

of the adora,e monarch the conGueror and ido,

of the nations the tender and +enerous ,o&er of

the charmin+ Amasidia" Sacricin+ the %hite u,,

%ou,d ine&ita,( occasion the death of the eautifu,


What cou,d 1amres do in such critica, circum8

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der to *o,ish and rene them"

#Such metamor*hoses must not sur*rise (ou"

 5ou >no% that former,( I *erformed more e?8

traordinar( ones" Nothin+ %as at that time more

common than those chan+es %hich at *resent as8

tonish *hi,oso*hers" True histor() %hich %e ha&e

read to+ether) informs us that L(caon) >in+ of Ar8

cadia) %as chan+ed into a %o,fH the eautifu, Ca,8

,isto) his dau+hter) into a ear H ,o) the dau+hter of

Inachus) our &enera,e Isis) into a co%H Da*hne

into a ,aure,H S(rin? into a MuteH the fair Edith)

@i4 The White !u,,"

%ife of Lot the est and most aectionate hus8

and and father e&er >no%n in the %or,d has she

not ecome) in our nei+horhood) a *i,,ar of sa,t)

&er( shar* tasted) %hich has *reser&ed oth her

,i>eness and form) as the +reat men attest %ho ha&e

seen it I %as %itness to this chan+e in m( (outh"

I sa% se&en *o%erfu, cities in the most dr( and

*arched situation in the %or,d) a,, at once trans8

formed into a eautifu, ,a>e" In the ear,( *art of

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m( ,ife the %ho,e %or,d %as fu,, of metamor*hoses"

#In ne) madam) if e?am*,es can soothe (our

+rief) rememer that Venus chan+ed Cerastes into

an o?"#

#I do not >no%)# said the *rincess) #that e?am8

*,es comfort us" If m( ,o&er %ere dead) cou,d I

comfort m(se,f ( the idea that a,, men die#

#5our *ain ma( at ,east e a,,e&iated)# re*,ied

the sa+e H #and since (our ,o&er has ecome an o?)

it is *ossi,e from an o? he ma( ecome a man"

As for me) I shou,d deser&e to e chan+ed into

a ti+er or a crocodi,e if I did not em*,o( the ,itt,e

*o%er I ha&e in the ser&ice of a *rincess %orth(

of the adoration of the %or,dH if I did not ,aor for

the eautifu, Amasidia) %hom I ha&e nursed u*on

m( >nees) and %hom fata, destin( e?*oses to such

rude tria,s"#

 The White !u,," @;


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 The sa+e 1amres) ha&in+ said e&er(thin+ he

cou,d to comfort the *rincess) ut %ithout succeed8

in+ in so doin+) ran to the o,d %oman"

#1( com*anion)# said he to her) #ours is a

charmin+ *rofession) ut a &er( dan+erous one"

 5ou run the ris> of ein+ han+ed) and (our o? of

ein+ urned) dro%ned or de&oured" I don$t

>no% %hat the( %i,, do %ith (our other anima,s)

for) *ro*het as I am) I >no% &er( ,itt,e H ut do (ou

carefu,,( concea, the ser*ent and the sh" Let not

the one sho% his head ao&e %ater) nor the other

&enture out of his ho,e" I %i,, *,ace the o? in one

of m( sta,es in the countr(" 5ou sha,, e there

%ith him) since (ou sa( that (ou are not a,,o%ed

to aandon him" The +ood sca*e+oat ma() u*on

this occasion) ser&e as an e?*iation" We %i,, send

him into the desert ,oaded %ith the sins of a,, the rest"

'e is accustomed to this ceremon() %hich does him

no harm) and e&er( one >no%s that sin is e?*iated

( means of a he8+oat) %ho %a,>s aout for his o%n

amusement" I on,( e+ of (ou to ,end me imme8

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diate,( Toit$s do+) %ho is a &er( s%ift +re(hound H

!a,aam$s ass) %ho runs etter than a dromedar(H

the ra&en and the *i+eon of the ar>) %ho M( %ith

ama2in+ s%iftness" I %ant to send them on an em8

@ ; The White !u,,"

ass( to 1em*his" It is an aair of +reat conse8


 The o,d %oman re*,ied to the ma+ician .

#5ou ma( dis*ose as (ou *,ease of Toit$s do+)

of !a,aam$s ass) of the ra&en and the *i+eon of the

ar>) and of the sca*e+oatH ut m( o? cannot enter

into a sta,e" It is said) Danie,) &" @;) that he must

e a,%a(s made fast to an iron chain) e a,%a(s %et

%ith the de% of hea&en) and eat the +rass of the

e,d) and his *ortion e %ith the %i,d easts"

#'e is intrusted to me) and I must oe(" What

%ou,d Danie,) E2e>ie, and /eremiah thin> of me if

I trusted m( o? to an( other than to m(se,f I

see (ou >no% the secret of this e?traordinar( ani8

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ma,) ut I ha&e not to re*roach m(se,f %ith ha&in+

re&ea,ed it to (ou" I am +oin+ to conduct him far

from this *o,,uted ,and) to%ard the ,a>e Siron)

%here he %i,, e she,tered from the crue,ties of

the >in+ of Tanis" 1( sh and m( ser*ent %i,,

defend me" I fear nood( %hen I ser&e m( master"#

#1( +ood %oman)# ans%ered the %ise 1am8

res) #,et the %i,, of od e done Pro&ided I can

nd (our %hite u,, a+ain) the ,a>e Siron) the ,a>e

1ceris) or the ,a>e of Sodom are to me *erfect,( in8

dierent" I %ant to do nothin+ ut +ood to him and

to (ou" !ut %h( ha&e (ou s*o>en to me of Dan8

ie,) E2e>ie,) and /eremiah #

#Ah sir)# ans%ered the o,d %oman) #(ou >no%

as %e,, as I %hat concern the( ha&e in this im*or8

tant aair" !ut I ha&e no time to ,ose" I don$t de8

 The White !u,," @;<

sire to e han+ed" I %ant not that m( u,, shou,d

e urned) dro%ned) or de&oured" I +o to the ,a>e

Siron ( Cano*us) %ith m( ser*ent and m( sh"

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 The u,, fo,,o%ed her *ensi&e,() after ha&in+ tes8

tied his +ratitude to the enecent 1amres"

 The %ise 1amres %as +reat,( trou,ed" 'e

sa% that Amasis) >in+ of Tanis) distracted ( the

stran+e *assion of his dau+hter for this anima,)

and e,ie&in+ her e%itched) %ou,d *ursue e&er(8

%here the unfortunate u,,) %ho %ou,d infa,,i,( e

urned as a sorcerer in the *u,ic *,ace of Tanis)

or +i&en to the sh of /onah) or e roasted and

ser&ed u* for food" 1amres %anted at a,, e&ents

to sa&e the *rincess from this crue, disaster"

'e %rote a ,etter) in sacred characters) to his

friend) the hi+h *riest of 1em*his) u*on the *a*er

of E+(*t) %hich %as not (et in use" 'ere are the

identica, %ords of this ,etter.

#Li+ht of the %or,d) ,ieutenant of Isis) Osiris)

and 'orus) chief of the circumcised) (ou %hose a,8

tar is Just,( raised ao&e a,, thrones I am in8

formed that (our +od) the o? A*is) is dead" I

ha&e one at (our ser&ice" Come Guic>,( %ith (our

*riests to ac>no%,ed+e) to %orshi* him) and to

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conduct him into the sta,e of (our tem*,e" 1a(

Isis) Osiris) and 'orus >ee* (ou in their ho,( and

%orth( *rotection) and ,i>e%ise the *riests of 1em8

*his in their ho,( care"

#5our aectionate friend) 1amres"#

@@= The White !u,,"

'e made four co*ies of this ,etter) for fear of

accidents) and enc,osed them in cases of the hardest

eon(" Then) ca,,in+ to him his four couriers)

%hom he had destined for this em*,o(ment these

%ere the ass) the do+) the ra&en) and the *i+eon6)

he said to the ass.

#I >no% %ith %hat de,it( (ou ser&ed !a8

,aam) m( rother" Ser&e me as faithfu,,(" There is

not a unicorn %ho eGua,s (ou in s%iftness" o)

m( dear friend) and de,i&er this ,etter to the *erson

himse,f to %hom it is directed) and return"#

 The ass ans%ered .

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#Sir) as I ser&ed !a,aam) I %i,, ser&e (ou" I

%i,, +o) and I %i,, return"#

 The sa+e *ut the o? of eon( into her mouth)

and she s%ift,( de*arted" 'e then ca,,ed Toit$s


#Faithfu, do+)# said 1amres) #more s*eed( in

th( course than the nim,e8footed Achi,,es) I >no%

%hat (ou *erformed for Toit) son of Toit) %hen

(ou and the an+e, Ra*hae, accom*anied him from

Nine&eh to Ra+usa) in 1edia) and from Ra+usa to

Nine&eh) and that he rou+ht ac> to his father ten

ta,ents) %hich the s,a&e Toit) the father) had ,ent to

the s,a&e ae,us H for the s,a&es at that time %ere

&er( rich" Carr( this ,etter as it is directed" It is

much more &a,ua,e than ten ta,ents of si,&er"#

 The do+ then re*,ied.

#Sir) if I former,( fo,,o%ed the messen+er Ra8

 The White !u,," @@;

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*hae,) I can %ith eGua, ease e?ecute (our com8


1amres *ut the ,etter into his mouth"

'e ne?t s*o>e in the same manner to the *i+8

eon) %ho re*,ied.

#Sir) if I rou+ht ac> a ou+h into the ar>) I

%i,, ,i>e%ise rin+ (ou ac> an ans%er"#

She too> the ,etter in her i,,) and the three mes8

sen+ers %ere out of si+ht in a moment" Then

1amres addressed the ra&en.

#I >no% that (ou fed the +reat *ro*het E,iJah)

%hen he %as concea,ed near the torrent of Cherith)

so much ce,erated in the %or,d" 5ou rou+ht

him e&er( da( +ood read and fat *u,,ets" I on,(

as> of (ou to carr( this ,etter to 1em*his"#

 The ra&en ans%ered in these %ords.

#It is true) sir) that I carried e&er( da( a dinner

to the +reat *ro*het E,iJah) the Tishite" I sa%

him mount in a chariot of re dra%n ( er(

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horses) a,thou+h this is not the usua, method of

tra&e,,in+" !ut I a,%a(s too> care to eat ha,f the

dinner m(se,f" I am &er( %e,, *,eased to carr(

(our ,etter) *ro&ided (ou ma>e me certain of t%o

+ood mea,s e&er( da() and that I am *aid mone( in

ad&ance for m( commission"#

1amres) an+r() re*,ied.

#,uttonous and ma,icious creature) I am not

astonished that A*o,,o has made (ou ,ac> as a

mo,e) after ein+ %hite as a s%an) as (ou %ere for8

@@@ The White !u,,"

mer,() efore (ou etra(ed in the *,ains of Thessa,(

the eautifu, Coronis) the unfortunate mother of

Escu,a*ius" Te,, me) did (ou eat ris of eef and

*u,,ets e&er( da( %hen (ou %ere ten %ho,e months

in the ar>#

#Sir)# said the ra&en) #%e had there &er( +ood

cheer" The( ser&ed u* roast meat t%ice a da( to

a,, the fo%,s of m( #s*ecies %ho ,i&e u*on nothin+

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ut Mesh) such as the &u,tures) >ites) ea+,es) u28

2ards) s*arro%8ha%>s) o%,s) terce,s) fa,cons) +reat

o%,s) and an innumera,e cro%d of irds of *re("

 The( furnished) %ith the most *,entifu, *rofusion)

the ta,es of the ,ions) ,eo*ards) ti+ers) *anthers)

h(enas) %o,&es) ears) fo?es) *o,ecats) and a,, sorts

of carni&orous Guadru*eds" There %ere in the ar>

ei+ht *ersons of distinction and the on,( ones %ho

%ere then in the %or,d6) continua,,( em*,o(ed in

the care of our ta,e and our %ardroe H Noah and his

%ife) %ho %ere aout si? hundred (ears o,d) their

three sons and their three %i&es" It %as charmin+

to see %ith %hat care) %hat de?terit() %hat c,ean,i8

ness) our ei+ht domestics ser&ed four thousand of

the most ra&enous +uests) %ithout rec>onin+ the

ama2in+ trou,e %hich aout ten or t%e,&e thou8

sand other anima,s reGuired) from the e,e*hant and

the +irae) to the si,> %orm and M(" What aston8

ishes me is) that our *ur&e(or Noah is un>no%n to

a,, the nations of %hom he is the stem) ut I don$t

much mind it" I had a,read( een *resent at a sim8

i,ar entertainment %ith 9esustres) >in+ of Thrace"

 The White !u,," @@:

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Such thin+s as these ha**en from time to time for

the instruction of ra&ens" In a %ord) I %ant to

ha&e +ood cheer) and to e *aid in read( mone("#

 The %ise 1amres too> care not to +i&e his

,etter to such a discontented and a,in+ anima,H

and the( se*arated &er( much dissatised %ith each


!ut it is necessar( to >no% %hat ecame of the

%hite u,,) and not to ,ose si+ht of the o,d %oman

and the ser*ent" 1amres ordered his inte,,i+ent

and faithfu, domestics to fo,,o% themH and as for

himse,f) he ad&anced in a ,itter ( the side of the

Ni,e) a,%a(s ma>in+ reMections"

#'o% is it *ossi,e)# said he to himse,f) #that a

ser*ent shou,d e master of a,most a,, the %or,d) as

he oasts) and as so man( ,earned men ac>no%,8

ed+e) and that he ne&erthe,ess oe(s an o,d %oman

'o% is it) that he is sometimes ca,,ed to the counci,

of the 1ost 'i+h) %hi,e he cree*s u*on earth In

%hat manner can he enter ( his *o%er a,one into

the odies of men) and that so man( men *retend

to dis,od+e him ( means of %ords In short) %h(

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does he *ass %ith a sma,, nei+horin+ *eo*,e for

ha&in+ ruined the human race And ho% is it that

the human race are entire,( i+norant of this I am

o,d) I ha&e studied a,, m( ,ife) ut I see a cro%d of

inconsistencies %hich I cannot reconci,e" I cannot

account for %hat has ha**ened to m(se,f) neither

for the +reat thin+s %hich I ,on+ a+o *erformed)

nor those of %hich I ha&e een %itness" E&er(8

@@ The White !u,,"

thin+ %e,, considered) I e+8in to thin> that this

%or,d susists ( contradictions) rerum concordia

discors) as m( master 3oroaster former,( said"#

Whi,e he %as *,un+ed in this oscure meta8

*h(sica, reasonin+ oscure ,i>e a,, meta*h(sics

a oatman sin+in+ a Jo&ia, son+) made fast a sma,,

oat ( the side of the ri&er) and three +ra&e *er8

sona+es) ha,f c,othed in dirt() tattered +arments)

,anded from itH ut *reser&ed) under the +ar of

*o&ert() the most maJestic and au+ust air" These

stran+ers %ere Danie,) E2e>ie,) and /eremiah"

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 These three +reat men %ho had the *ro*hetic

,i+ht in their countenance) >ne% the %ise 1amres

to e one of their rethren) ( some mar>s of the

same ,i+ht %hich he had sti,, remainin+) and *ros8

trated themse,&es efore his ,itter" 1amres ,i>e8

%ise >ne% them to e *ro*hets) more ( their un8

couth dress) than ( those +,eams of re %hich

*roceeded from their au+ust heads" 'e conJectured

that the( came to ,earn ne%s of the %hite u,, H and

conductin+ himse,f %ith his usua, *ro*riet() he

a,i+hted from his carria+e and ad&anced a fe% ste*s

to%ards them) %ith di+nied *o,iteness" 'e raised

them u*) caused tents to e erected) and *re*ared a

 The White !u,," @@B

dinner) of %hich he ri+ht,( Jud+ed that the *ro*hets

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had &er( +reat need"

'e in&ited the o,d %oman to it) %ho %as on,(

aout &e hundred *aces from them" She acce*ted

the in&itation) and arri&ed ,eadin+ her %hite u,,"

 T%o sou*s %ere ser&ed u*) one de !isGue) and the

other a ,a Reine" The rst course consisted of a

car*$s ton+ue *ie) ,i&ers of ee,8*outs) and *i>esH

fo%,s dressed %ith *istachios) *i+eons %ith trues

and o,i&es H t%o (oun+ tur>e(s %ith +ra&( of cra(8

sh) mushrooms) and more,s H and a chi*o,ata" The

second course %as com*osed of *heasants) *ar8

trid+es) Guai,s) and orto,ans) %ith four sa,adsH the

e*er+ne %as in the hi+hest tasteH nothin+ cou,d e

more de,icious than the side dishesH nothin+ more

ri,,iant and more in+enious than the dessert" !ut

the %ise 1amres too> +reat care to ha&e no oi,ed

eef) nor short ris) nor ton+ue) nor *a,ate of an o?)

nor co%$s udder) ,est the unfortunate monarch near

at hand shou,d thin> that the( insu,ted him"

 This +reat and unfortunate *rince %as feedin+

near the tent H and ne&er did he fee, in a more crue,

manner the fata, re&o,ution %hich had de*ri&ed him

of his throne for se&en ,on+ (ears"

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#A,as)# said he to himse,f) #this Danie, %ho has

chan+ed me into a u,,) and this sorceress) m(

>ee*er) ma>e the est cheer in the %or,d H %hi,e I)

the so&erei+n of Asia) am reduced to the necessit(

of eatin+ +rass) and drin>in+ %ater"#

When the( had drun> hearti,( of the %ine of

Vo," @;B

@@4 The White !u,,"

En+addi) of Tadmor) and of Shira2) the *ro*hets

and the %itch con&ersed %ith more fran>ness than

at the rst course"

#I must ac>no%,ed+e)# said Danie,) #that I did

not ,i&e so %e,, in the ,ion$s den"#

#What) sir)# said 1amres) #did the( *ut (ou

into a den of ,ions 'o% came (ou not to e


#Sir)# said Danie,) #(ou >no% &er( %e,, that

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,ions ne&er eat *ro*hets"#

#As for me)# said /eremiah) #I ha&e *assed m(

%ho,e ,ife star&in+ of hun+er" This is the on,( da(

I e&er ate a +ood mea, H and %ere I to s*end m( ,ife

o&er a+ain) and had it in m( *o%er to choose m(

condition) I must o%n I %ou,d much rather e com*8

tro,,er8+enera, or isho* of !a(,on) than *ro*het

at /erusa,em"#

E2e>ie, cried) #I %as once ordered to s,ee* three

hundred and ninet( da(s u*on m( ,eft side) and to

eat a,, that time read of %heat) and ar,e() and

eans) and ,enti,s) coo>ed in the stran+est manner"

Sti,, I must o%n that the coo>er( of Sei+neur 1am8

res is much more de,icate" 'o%e&er) the *ro8

*hetic trade has its ad&anta+es) and the *roof is)

that there are man( %ho fo,,o% it"#

After the( had s*o>en thus free,() 1amres en8

tered u*on usiness" 'e as>ed the three *i,+rims

the reason of their Journe( into the dominions of

the >in+ of Tanis" Danie, re*,ied) #That the >in+8

dom of !a(,on had een a,, in a Mame since

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 The White !u,," @@

Neuchadne22ar had disa**earedH that accordin+

to the custom of the court) the( had *ersecuted a,,

the *ro*hets) %ho *assed their ,i&es in sometimes

seein+ >in+s hum,ed at their feet) and sometimes

recei&in+ a hundred ,ashes from themH that at

,en+th the( had een o,i+ed to ta>e refu+e in

E+(*t for fear of ein+ star&ed"#

E2e>ie, and /eremiah ,i>e%ise s*o>e a ,on+ time

in such ne terms) that it %as a,most im*ossi,e to

understand them" As for the %itch) she had a,%a(s

a strict e(e o&er her char+e" The sh of /onah con8

tinued in the Ni,e) o**osite to the tent) and the ser8

*ent s*orted u*on the +rass" After drin>in+ coee)

the( too> a %a,> ( the side of the Ni,eH and the

%hite u,,) *ercei&in+ the three *ro*hets) his ene8

mies) e,,o%ed most dreadfu,,() ran furious,( at

them) and +ored them %ith his horns" As *ro*hets

ne&er ha&e an(thin+ ut s>in u*on their ones) he

%ou,d certain,( ha&e run them throu+hH ut the

ru,er of the %or,d) %ho sees a,, and remedies a,,)

chan+ed them immediate,( into ma+*iesH and the(

continued to chatter as efore" The same thin+

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ha**ened since to the PieridesH so much has fa,e

a,%a(s imitated sacred histor("

 This incident caused ne% reMections in the mind

of 1amres"

#'ere)# said he) #are three +reat *ro*hets

chan+ed into ma+*ies" This ou+ht to teach us

ne&er to s*ea> too much) and a,%a(s to oser&e a

suita,e discretion"#

@@ The White !u,,"

'e conc,uded that %isdom %as etter than e,o8

Guence) and thou+ht *rofound,( as usua,H %hen a

+reat and terri,e s*ectac,e *resented itse,f to his





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C,ouds of dust Moated from south to north" The

noise of drums) fes) *sa,teries) har*s) and sac>uts

%as heard" Se&era, sGuadrons and atta,ions ad8

&anced) and Amasis) >in+ of Tanis) %as at their

head u*on an Araian horse ca*arisoned %ith scar,et

tra**in+s emroidered %ith +o,d" The hera,ds *ro8

c,aimed that the( shou,d sei2e the %hite u,,) ind

him) and thro% him into the Ni,e) to e de&oured

( the sh of /onah H #for the >in+ our ,ord) %ho is

 Just) %ants to re&en+e himse,f u*on the %hite u,,)

%ho has e%itched his dau+hter"#

 The +ood o,d man 1amres made more reMections

than e&er" 'e sa% &er( *,ain,( that the ma,icious

ra&en had to,d a,, to the >in+) and that the *rincess

ran a +reat ris> of ein+ eheaded"

#1( dear friend)# said he to the ser*ent) #+o

Guic>,( and comfort the fair Amasidia) m( foster

dau+hter" !id her fear nothin+ %hate&er ma( ha*8

*en) and te,, her stories to a,,e&iate her inGuietude H

for stories a,%a(s amuse the ,adies) and it is on,(

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 The White !u,," @@<

( interestin+ them that one can succeed in the


1amres ne?t *rostrated himse,f efore Amasis)

>in+ of Tanis) and thus addressed him .

#O >in+) ,i&e fore&er The %hite u,, shou,d

certain,( e sacriced) for (our maJest( is a,%a(s

in the ri+ht H ut the ru,er of the %or,d has said this

u,, must not e s%a,,o%ed u* ( the sh of /onah ti,,

1em*his sha,, ha&e found a +od to su**,( the *,ace

of him %ho is dead" Then thou sha,t e re&en+ed)

and th( dau+hter e?orcised) for she is *ossessed"

 5our *iet( is too +reat not to oe( the commands

of the ru,er of the uni&erse"#

Amasis) >in+ of Tanis) remained for some time

si,ent and in dee* thou+ht"

#The +od A*is)# said he) at ,en+th) #is dead od

rest his sou, When do (ou thin> another o? %i,,

e found to rei+n o&er the fruitfu, E+(*t#

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#Sire)# re*,ied 1amres) #I as> ut ei+ht da(s"#

#I +rant them to (ou)# re*,ied the >in+) %ho %as

&er( re,i+ious) #and I %i,, remain here the ei+ht

da(s" At the e?*iration of that time I %i,, sacrice

the enem( of m( dau+hter"#

Amasis immediate,( ordered that his tents) coo>s)

and musicians shou,d e rou+ht) and remained

here ei+ht da(s) as it is re,ated in 1anethon"

 The o,d %oman %as in des*air that the u,, she

had in char+e had ut ei+ht da(s to ,i&e" She

raised *hantoms e&er( ni+ht) in order to dissuade

the >in+ from his crue, reso,ution H ut Amasis for8

@:= The White !u,,"

+ot in the mornin+ the *hantoms he had seen in

the ni+htH simi,ar to Neuchadne22ar) %ho had

a,%a(s for+otten his dreams"

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1ean%hi,e the ser*ent to,d stories to the fair

Amasidia to soothe her" 'e re,ated to her ho% he

had former,( cured a %ho,e nation of the ite of

certain ,itt,e ser*ents) on,( ( sho%in+ himse,f at

the end of a sta Num" ??" <6" 'e informed her

of the conGuests of a hero %ho made a charmin+

contrast %ith Am*hion) architect of Thees" Am8

*hion assem,ed he%n stones ( the sound of his

&io,in" To ui,d a cit( he had on,( to *,a( a ri+a8

doon rnd a minuetH ut the other hero destro(ed

them ( the sound of rams$ horns" 'e e?ecuted

thirt(8one *o%erfu, >in+s in a countr( of four

,ea+ues in ,en+th and four in readth" 'e made

stones rain do%n from hea&en u*on a atta,ion of

routed AmoritesH and ha&in+ thus e?terminated

them) he sto**ed the sun and moon at noonda( e8

t%een ieon and AJa,on) in the road to !eth8'oron)

to e?terminate them sti,, more) after the e?am*,e of

!acchus) %ho had sto**ed the sun and the moon in

his Journe( to the Indies"

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 The White !u,," @:;

 The *rudence %hich e&er( ser*ent ou+ht to

ha&e did not a,,o% him to te,, the fair Amasidia of

the *o%erfu, /e*hthah) %ho made a &o% and e8

headed his dau+hter ecause he had +ained a at8

t,e" This %ou,d ha&e struc> terror into the mind

of the fair *rincess" !ut he re,ated to her the ad8

&entures of the +reat Samson) %ho >i,,ed a thou8

sand Phi,istines %ith the Ja%one of an ass) %ho

tied to+ether three hundred fo?es ( the tai,) and

%ho fe,, into the snares of a ,ad() ,ess eautifu,) ,ess

tender) and ,ess faithfu, than the charmin+


'e re,ated to her the stor( of the unfortunate

Sechem and Dinah) as %e,, as the more ce,erated

ad&entures of Ruth and !oa2H those of /udah and

 TamarH those e&en of Lot$s t%o dau+htersH those

of Araham and /aco$s ser&ant maidsH those of

Reuen and !i,hahH those of Da&id and !ath8

sheaH and those of the +reat Kin+ So,omon" In

short) e&er(thin+ %hich cou,d dissi*ate the +rief of

a fair *rincess"

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#A,, these stories tire me)# said Amasidia) for

she had understandin+ and taste" #The( are +ood

for nothin+ ut to e commented u*on amon+ the

Irish ( that madman Aadie) or amon+ the We,sh

@:@ The White !u,,"

( that *ratt,er d$'oute&i,,e" Stories %hich mi+ht

ha&e amused the +reat8+reat8+reat8+randmother of

m( +randmother a**ear insi*id to me %ho ha&e

een educated ( the %ise 1amres) and %ho ha&e

read #'uman 0nderstandin+)# ( the E+(*tian

*hi,oso*her named Loc>e)- and the #1atron of

E*hesus"# I choose that a stor( shou,d e founded

on *roai,it() and not a,%a(s resem,e a dream" I

desire to nd nothin+ in it tri&ia, or e?tra&a+ant H and

I desire ao&e a,,) that under the a**earance of fa,e

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there ma( a**ear some ,atent truth) o&ious to the

discernin+ e(e) thou+h it esca*e the oser&ation of

the &u,+ar"

#I am %ear( of a sun and of a moon %hich an

o,d e,dam dis*oses of at her *,easure) of moun8

tains %hich dance) of ri&ers %hich return to their

sources) and of dead men %ho rise a+ain H ut I am

ao&e measure dis+usted %hen such insi*id stories

are %ritten in a omastic and uninte,,i+i,e man8

ner" A ,ad( %ho e?*ects to see her ,o&er s%a,,o%ed

u* ( a +reat sh) and %ho is a**rehensi&e of ein+

eheaded ( her o%n father) has need of amuse8

mentH ut suit m( amusement to m( taste"#

#5ou im*ose a diQcu,t tas> u*on me)# re*,ied the

ser*ent" #I cou,d ha&e former,( made (ou *ass a

fe% hours a+reea,( enou+h) ut for some time

*ast I ha&e ,ost oth m( ima+ination and memor("

A,as %hat has ecome of those facu,ties %ith

-The doctrine of metem*s(chosis must e re,ied u*on to

e?*,ain this seemin+ anachronism" E"

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 The White !u,," @::

%hich I former,( amused the ,adies Let me tr()

ho%e&er) if I can reco,,ect one mora, ta,e for (our


#Fi&e and t%ent( thousand (ears a+o Kin+

naof and 7ueen Patra rei+ned in Thees %ith its

hundred +ates" Kin+ naof %as &er( handsome)

and 7ueen Patra sti,, more eautifu," !ut their

home %as un,est %ith chi,dren) and no heirs %ere

orn to continue the ro(a, race"

#The memers of the facu,t( of medicine and of

the academ( of sur+er( %rote e?ce,,ent treatises

u*on this suJect" The Gueen %as sent to drin>

minera, %atersH she fasted and *ra(edH she made

ma+nicent *resents to the tem*,e of /u*iter Am8

mon) ut a,, %as to no *ur*ose" At ,en+th a #

#1on Dieu# said the *rincess) #ut I see %here

this ,eads" This stor( is too common) and I must

,i>e%ise te,, (ou that it oends m( modest(" Re,ate

some &er( true and mora, stor() %hich I ha&e ne&er

(et heard) to com*,ete the im*ro&ement of m(

understandin+ and m( heart) as the E+(*tian *ro8

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fessor Linro sa(s"#

#'ere) then) madam)# said the eautifu, ser*ent)

#is one most incontesta,( authentic"

#There %ere three *ro*hets a,, eGua,,( amitious

and discontented %ith their condition" The( had

in common the fo,,( to %ish to e >in+sH for there

is on,( one ste* from the ran> of a *ro*het to that

of a monarch) and man a,%a(s as*ires to the hi+hest

ste* in the ,adder of fortune" In other res*ects

@: The White !u,,"

their inc,inations and their *,easures %ere tota,,(

dierent" The rst *reached admira,( to his as8

sem,ed rethren) %ho a**,auded him ( c,a**in+

their hands) the second %as distracted,( fond of

music) and the third %as a *assionate ,o&er of the

fair se?"

#The an+e, Ithurie, *resented himse,f one da(

to them %hen the( %ere at ta,e discoursin+ on the

s%eets of ro(a,t("

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#The Ru,er of the Wor,d)$ said the an+e, to

them) $sends me to re%ard (our &irtue" Not on,(

sha,, (ou e >in+s) ut (ou sha,, constant,( satisf(

(our ru,in+ *assions" 5ou) rst *ro*het) I ma>e

>in+ of E+(*t) and (ou sha,, continua,,( *reside in

(our counci,) %ho sha,, a**,aud (our e,oGuence and

(our %isdomH and (ou) second *ro*het) I ma>e

>in+ o&er Persia) and (ou sha,, continua,,( hear

most hea&en,( musicH and (ou) third *ro*het) I

ma>e >in+ of India) and I +i&e (ou a charmin+

mistress %ho sha,, ne&er forsa>e (ou"$

#'e to %hose ,ot E+(*t fe,, e+an his rei+n ( as8

sem,in+ his counci,) %hich %as com*osed on,( of

t%o hundred sa+es" 'e made them a ,on+ and e,o8

Guent s*eech) %hich %as &er( much a**,auded) and

the monarch enJo(ed the *,easin+ satisfaction of

into?icatin+ himse,f %ith *raises uncorru*ted (


#The counci, for forei+n aairs succeeded to the

*ri&( counci," This %as much more numerous) and

a ne% s*eech recei&ed sti,, +reater encomiums" And

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 The White !u,," @:B

it %as the same in the other counci,s" There %as not

a moment of intermission in the *,easures and +,or(

of the *ro*het >in+ of E+(*t" The fame of his e,o8

Guence ,,ed the %or,d"

#The *ro*het >in+ of Persia e+an his rei+n (

an Ita,ian o*era) %hose choruses %ere sun+ (

fteen hundred eunuchs" Their &oices *enetrated

his sou, e&en to the &er( marro% of the ones)

%here it resides" To this o*era succeeded another)

and to the second a third) %ithout interru*tion"

#The >in+ of India shut himse,f u* %ith his mis8

tress) and enJo(ed *erfect *,easure in her societ("

'e considered the necessit( of a,%a(s Matterin+ her

as the hi+hest fe,icit() and *itied the %retched situ8

ation of his t%o rethren) of %hom one %as o,i+ed

a,%a(s to con&ene his counci,) and the other to e

continua,,( at an o*era"

#It ha**ened at the end of a fe% da(s that each

of these >in+s ecame dis+usted %ith his occu*a8

tion) and ehe,d from his %indo% certain %ood8

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cutters %ho came from an a,e8house) and %ho %ere

+oin+ to %or> in a nei+horin+ forest" The(

%a,>ed arm in arm %ith their s%eethearts) %ith

%hom the( %ere ha**(" The >in+s e++ed of the

an+e, Ithurie, that he %ou,d intercede %ith the Ru,er

of the Wor,d) and ma>e them %ood8cutters"#

#I do not >no% %hether the Ru,er of the Wor,d

+ranted their reGuest or not)# interru*ted the tender

Amasidia) #and I do not care much aout it) ut I

>no% &er( %e,, that I shou,d as> for nothin+ of an(

@:4 The White !u,,"

one %ere I %ith m( ,o&er) %ith m( dear NE!0C'AD8

NE33AR #

 The &au,ts of the *a,ace resounded this mi+ht(

name" At rst Amasidia had on,( *ronounced

Ne ) after%ards Ne ) then Neu " At ,en+th

*assion hurried her on) and she *ronounced entire

the fata, name) not%ithstandin+ the oath she had

s%orn to the >in+) her father" A,, the ,adies of the

court re*eated Neuchadne22ar) and the ma,icious

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ra&en did not fai, to carr( the tidin+s to the >in+"

 The countenance of Amasis) >in+ of Tanis) sun>)

ecause his heart %as trou,ed" And thus it %as

that the ser*ent) the %isest and most sut,e of ani8

ma,s) a,%a(s e+ui,ed the %omen) thin>in+ to do

them ser&ice"

Amasis) in a fur() sent t%e,&e a,+ua2i,s for his

dau+hter" These men are a,%a(s read( to e?ecute

ararous orders) ecause the( are *aid for it"




No sooner had the *rincess entered the cam* of

the >in+) than he said to her. #1( dau+hter) (ou

>no% that a,, *rincesses %ho disoe( their fathers

are *ut to death H %ithout %hich it %ou,d e im*os8

si,e that a >in+dom cou,d e %e,, +o&erned" I

char+ed (ou ne&er to mention the name of (our

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 The White !u,, @:

,o&er) Neuchadne22ar) m( morta, enem() %ho de8

throned me aout se&en (ears a+o) and disa**eared"

In his *,ace (ou ha&e chosen a %hite u,,) and (ou

ha&e cried Neuchadne22ar" It is Just that I e8

head (ou"#

 The *rincess re*,ied. #1( father) th( %i,, e

doneH ut +rant me some time to e%ai, m( sad


#That is reasona,e)# said Kin+ AmasisH #and it

is a ru,e esta,ished amon+ the most Judicious *rin8

ces" I +i&e (ou a %ho,e da( to e%ai, (our destin()

since it is (our desire" To8morro%) %hich is the

ei+hth da( of m( encam*ment) I %i,, cause the

%hite u,, to e s%a,,o%ed u* ( the sh) and I

%i,, ehead (ou *recise,( at nine o$c,oc> in the


 The eautifu, Amasidia then %ent forth in sor8

ro%) to e%ai, her father$s crue,t() and %andered

( the side of the Ni,e) accom*anied ( the ,adies

of her train"

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 The %ise 1amres *ondered eside her) and

rec>oned the hours and the moments"

#We,, m( dear 1amres)# said she to him)

#(ou ha&e chan+ed the %aters of the Ni,e into

,ood) accordin+ to custom) and cannot (ou chan+e

the heart of Amasis) >in+ of Tanis) m( father Wi,,

(ou suer him to ehead me to8morro%) at nine

o$c,oc> in the mornin+#

#That de*ends)# re*,ied the reMectin+ 1amres)

#u*on the s*eed and di,i+ence of m( couriers)#

@: The White !u,,"

 The ne?t da() as soon as the shado%s of the oe8

,is>s and *(ramids mar>ed u*on the +round the

ninth hour of the da() the %hite u,, %as secure,(

ound) to e thro%n to the sh of /onahH and the(

rou+ht to the >in+ his ,ar+e sare"

#A,as a,as# said Neuchadne22ar to himse,f)

#I) a >in+) ha&e een a u,, for near,( se&en (earsH

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and scarce,( ha&e I found the mistress I had ,ost

%hen I am condemned to e de&oured ( a sh"#

Ne&er had the %ise 1amres made such *ro8

found reMectionsH and he %as Guite asored in his

me,ancho,( thou+hts %hen he sa% at a distance a,,

he e?*ected" An innumera,e cro%d dre% ni+h"

 Three +ures of Isis) Osiris) and 'orus) Joined to8

+ether) ad&anced) dra%n in a carria+e of +o,d and

*recious stones ( a hundred senators of 1em*his)

*receded ( a hundred +ir,s *,a(in+ u*on the

sacred sistrums" Four thousand *riests) %ith their

heads sha&ed) %ere each mounted u*on a hi**o8


At a +reat distance a**eared %ith the same

*om* the shee* of Thees) the do+ of !uastis) the

cat of Phoee) the crocodi,e of Arsinoe) the +oat

of 1endes) and a,, the inferior +ods of E+(*t) %ho

came to *a( homa+e to the +reat o?) to the mi+ht(

A*is) as *o%erfu, as Isis) Osiris) and 'orus) united


In the midst of the demi8+ods) fort( *riests car8

ried an enormous as>et) ,,ed %ith sacred onions"

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 The White !u,," @:<

 These %ere) it is true) +ods) ut the( resem,ed

onions &er( much"

On oth sides of this ais,e of +ods) fo,,o%ed (

an innumera,e cro%d of *eo*,e) marched fort(

thousand %arriors) %ith he,mets on their heads)

scimitars u*on their ,eft thi+hs) Gui&ers at their

shou,ders) and o%s in their hands"

A,, the *riests san+ in chorus) %ith a harmon(

%hich ra&ished the sou,) and %hich me,ted it)

#A,as a,as our o? is dead

We$,, ha&e a ner in its stead"#

And at e&er( *ause %as heard the sound of the

sistrums) of c(ma,s) of taors) of *sa,teries) of a+8

*i*es) har*s) and sac>uts"

Amasis) >in+ of Tanis) astonished at this s*ec8

tac,e) eheaded not his dau+hter" 'e sheathed his


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#reat >in+)# said 1amres to him) #the order

of thin+s is no% chan+ed" 5our maJest( must set

the e?am*,e" O >in+ Guic>,( unind the %hite

u,,) and e the rst to adore him"#

@= The White !u,,"

Amasis oe(ed) and *rostrated himse,f %ith a,,

his *eo*,e" The hi+h *riest of 1em*his *resented

to the ne% +od A*is the rst handfu, of ha(H the

Princess Amasidia tied to his eautifu, horns fes8

toons of roses) anemones) ranuncu,acese) tu,i*s) *in>s)

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and h(acinths" She too> the ,iert( to >iss him)

ut %ith a *rofound res*ect" The *riests stre%ed

*a,ms and Mo%ers on the road ( %hich the( %ere

to conduct him to 1em*his" And the %ise 1am8

res) sti,, ma>in+ reMections) %his*ered to his friend

the ser*ent.

#Danie, chan+ed this monarch into a u,,) and I

ha&e chan+ed this u,, into a +od#

 The( returned to 1em*his in the same order)

and the >in+ of Tanis) in some confusion) fo,,o%ed

the and" 1amres) %ith a serene and di*,omatic

air) %a,>ed ( his side" The o,d %oman came after)

much ama2ed" She %as accom*anied ( the ser8

*ent) the do+) the she8ass) the ra&en) the *i+eon)

and the sca*e8+oat" The +reat sh mounted u* the

Ni,e" Danie,) E2e>ie,) and /eremiah) chan+ed into

ma+*ies) rou+ht u* the rear"

When the( had reached the frontiers of the >in+8

dom) %hich are not far distant) Kin+ Amasis too>

,ea&e of the u,, A*is) and said to his dau+hter.

#1( dau+hter) ,et us return into m( dominions)

that I ma( ehead (ou) as it has een determined

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in m( ro(a, reast) ecause (ou ha&e *ronounced

the name of Neuchadne22ar) m( enem() %ho de8

 The White !u,," " @;

throned me se&en (ears a+o" When a father has

s%orn to ehead his dau+hter) he must either fu,,

his oath or sin> into he,, fore&er) and I %i,, not

damn m(se,f out of ,o&e for (ou"#

 The fair Princess Amasidia re*,ied to the Kin+

Amasis .

#1( dear father) %hom it *,eases (ou +o and

ehead) ut it sha,, not e me" I am no% in the

territories of Isis) Osiris) 'orus) and A*is" I %i,,

ne&er forsa>e m( eautifu, %hite u,,) and I %i,,

continue to >iss him) ti,, I ha&e seen his a*otheosis

in his sta,e in the ho,( cit( of 1em*his" It is a

%ea>ness *ardona,e in a (oun+ ,ad( of hi+h


Scarce had she s*o>en these %ords) %hen the o?

A*is cried out.

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#1( dear Amasidia) I %i,, ,o&e (ou %hi,st I


 This %as the rst time that the +od A*is had

een heard to s*ea> durin+ the fort( thousand

(ears that he had een %orshi**ed"

 The ser*ent and the she8ass cried out) #The se&en

(ears are accom*,ished# And the three ma+*ies

re*eated) #The se&en (ears are accom*,ished#

A,, the *riests of E+(*t raised their hands to


 The +od on a sudden %as seen to ,ose his t%o

hind ,e+s) his t%o fore ,e+s %ere chan+ed into t%o

human ,e+sH t%o %hite muscu,ar arms +re% from

Vo," @ ;4

@@ The White !u,,"

his shou,ders H his taurine &isa+e %as chan+ed to the

face of a charmin+ heroH and he once more ecame

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the most eautifu, of morta,s"

#I choose)# cried he) #rather to e the ,o&er of

the eautifu, Amasidia than a +od" I am NE!08


 This metamor*hosis astonished a,, the %or,d e?8

ce*t the %ise 1amres" !ut %hat sur*rised no8

od( %as that Neuchadne22ar immediate,( mar8

ried the fair Amasidia in *resence of this assem,("

'e ,eft his father8in8,a% in Guiet *ossession of

the >in+dom of Tanis) and made no,e *ro&ision

for the she8ass) the ser*ent) the do+) the *i+eon)

and e&en for the ra&en) the three ma+*ies) and the

,ar+e shH sho%in+ to a,, the %or,d that he >ne%

ho% to for+i&e as %e,, as to conGuer"

 The o,d %oman had a considera,e *ension

*,aced at her dis*osa,"

 The sca*e8+oat %as sent for a da( into the %i,d8

erness) that a,, *ast sins mi+ht e e?*iated H and had

after%ards t%e,&e s*ri+ht,( +oats for his com8


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 The %ise 1amres returned to his *a,ace and

made reMections"

Neuchadne22ar) after ha&in+ emraced the

ma+ician) his enefactor) +o&erned in tranGui,,it(

the >in+doms of 1em*his) !a(,on) Damascus) !a,8

ec) T(re) S(ria) Asia 1inor) Sc(thia) the countries

of Thiras) 1oso>) Tua,) 1adai) o+) 1a+o+)

 /a&an) So+diana) Aroriana) the Indies) and the

 The White !u,," @:

Is,es H and the *eo*,e of this &ast em*ire cried out

a,oud e&er( mornin+ at the risin+ of the sun .

#Lon+ ,i&e +reat Neuchadne22ar) >in+ of >in+s)

%ho is no ,on+er an o?#

Since %hich time it has een a custom in !a(8

,on) %hen the so&erei+n) decei&ed ( his satra*s)

his ma+icians) treasurers or %i&es) at ,en+th ac8

>no%,ed+es his errors) and amends his conduct) for

a,, the *eo*,e to cr( out at his +ate.

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#Lon+ ,i&e our +reat >in+) %ho is no ,on+er an





An o,d man) %ho is fore&er *it(in+ the *resent

times) and e?to,,in+ the *ast) %as sa(in+ to me.

#Friend) France is not so rich as it %as under

'enr( IV"#

#And %h(#

#!ecause the ,ands are not so %e,, cu,ti&atedH

ecause hands are %antin+ for the cu,ti&ationH and

ecause the da(8,aorer ha&in+ raised the *rice of

his %or>) man( ,and8o%ners ,et their inheritances ,ie


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#Whence comes this scarcit( of hands #

#From this) that %hoe&er nds in himse,f an(8

thin+ of a s*irit of industr() ta>es u* the trade of

emroiderer) chaser) %atchma>er) si,>8%ea&er) at8

torne() or di&ine" It is a,so ecause the re&ocation

of the Edict of Nantes has ,eft a +reat &oid in the

>in+domH ecause nuns and e++ars of a,, >inds

ha&e +reat,( mu,ti*,iedH ecause the *eo*,e in +en8

era, a&oid as much as *ossi,e the hard ,aor of

cu,ti&ation) for %hich %e are orn ( od$s destina8

tion) and %hich %e ha&e rendered i+nominious (

our o%n o*inionsH so &er( %ise are %e


 The 1an of Fort( Cro%ns" @B

#Another cause of our *o&ert( ,ies in our ne%

%ants" We *a( our nei+hors four mi,,ions of ,i&res

on one artic,e) and &e or si? u*on anotherH such)

for e?am*,e) as a stin>in+ *o%der for stuQn+ u*

our noses) rou+ht from America" Our coee) tea)

choco,ate) cochinea,) indi+o) s*ices) cost us ao&e

si?t( mi,,ions a (ear" A,, these %ere un>no%n to

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us in the rei+n of 'enr( IV") e?ce*t the s*ices)

of %hich) ho%e&er) the consum*tion %as not so

+reat as it is no%" We urn a hundred times more

%a?8,i+hts than %ere urnt then) and +et more than

ha,f of the %a? from forei+n countries) ecause

%e ne+,ect our o%n hi&es" We see a hundred times

more diamonds in the ears) round the nec>s) and on

the hands of our cit( dies of Paris) and other +reat

to%ns) than %ere %orn ( a,, the ,adies of 'enr(

IV"$s court) the Gueen inc,uded" A,most a,, the su8

*erMuities are necessari,( *aid for %ith read( s*ecie"

#Oser&e es*ecia,,( that %e *a( to forei+ners

ao&e fteen mi,,ions of annuities on the 'ote, de

Vi,,e) and that 'enr( IV") on his accession) ha&in+

found t%o mi,,ions of det in a,, on this ima+inar(

hote,) &er( %ise,( *aid o a *art) to ease the state of

this urden"

#Consider that our ci&i, %ars %ere the occasion

of the treasures of 1e?ico ein+ *oured into the

>in+dom) %hen Don Phi,i* e, Discrete too> it into

his head to u( France) and that since that time

our forei+n %ars ha&e eased us of a +ood ha,f of

our mone("

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@4 The 1an of Fort( Cro%ns"

#These are *art,( the causes of our *o&ert( a

*o&ert( %hich %e hide under &arnished cei,in+s) or

%ith the he,* of our dea,ers in fashion" We are

*oor %ith taste" There are some oQcers of re&enue)

there are contractors or Joers) there are mer8

chants) &er( rich H their chi,dren) their sons8in8,a%)

are a,so &er( richH ut the nation in +enera, is un8

fortunate,( not so"#

 This o,d man$s discourse) %e,, or i,, +rounded)

made a dee* im*ression on meH for the curate of

m( *arish) %ho had a,%a(s had a friendshi* for me)

had tau+ht me a ,itt,e of +eometr( and of histor(H

and I e+an to reMect a ,itt,e) %hich is &er( rare in

m( *ro&ince" I do not >no% %hether he %as ri+ht

or not in e&er(thin+) ut ein+ &er( *oor) I cou,d

&er( easi,( e,ie&e that I had a +reat man( com8

*anions in m( miser("


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I &er( readi,( ma>e >no%n to the uni&erse that

I ha&e a ,anded estate %hich %ou,d (ie,d me fort(

cro%ns a (ear) %ere it not for the ta? ,aid on it"

 There came forth se&era, edicts from certain *er8

sons) %ho) ha&in+ nothin+ etter to do) +o&ern the

state at their reside" The *ream,e of these edicts

%as) #that the ,e+is,ati&e and e?ecuti&e %as orn)

 Jure di&ino) the co8*ro*rietor of m( ,and# H and that

 The 1an of Fort( Cro%ns" @

I o%e it at ,east the ha,f of %hat I *ossess" The

enormit( of this ,e+is,ati&e and e?ecuti&e *o%er

made me ,ess m(se,f" What %ou,d it e if that

*o%er %hich *resides o&er #the essentia, order of

societ()# %ere to ta>e the %ho,e of m( ,itt,e estate

 The one is sti,, more di&ine than the other"

 The com*tro,,er8+enera, >no%s that I used to

*a( in a,, ut t%e,&e ,i&resH that e&en this %as a

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hea&( urden on me) and that I shou,d ha&e sun>

under it) if od had not +i&en me the ta,ent of

ma>in+ %ic>er as>ets) %hich he,*ed to carr( me

throu+h m( tria,s" !ut ho% shou,d I) on a sudden)

e a,e to +i&e the >in+ t%ent( cro%ns

 The ne% ministers a,so said in their *ream,e

that it %as not t to ta? an(thin+ ut the ,and) e8

cause e&er(thin+ arises from the ,and) e&en rain

itse,f) and conseGuent,( that nothin+ %as *ro*er,(

,ia,e to ta?ation ut the fruits of the ,and"

Durin+ the ,ast %ar one of their co,,ectors came

to m( house) and demanded of me) for m( Guota)

three measures of corn and a sac> of eans) the

%ho,e %orth t%ent( cro%ns) to maintain the %ar

of %hich I ne&er >ne% the reason) ha&in+ on,(

heard it said that there %as nothin+ to e +ot ( it

for our countr() and a +reat dea, to ,ose" As I had

not at that time either corn) or eans) or mone()

the ,e+is,ati&e and e?ecuti&e *o%er had me dra++ed

to *rison H and the %ar %ent on as %e,, as it cou,d"

On m( re,ease from the dun+eon) ein+ nothin+

ut s>in and one) %hom shou,d I meet ut a Jo,,(

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@ The 1an of Fort( Cro%ns"

fresh8co,ored man in a coach and si? 'e had si?

footmen) to each of %hom he +a&e for his %a+es

more than the dou,e of m( re&enue" 'is head

ste%ard) %ho) ( the %a() ,oo>ed in as +ood *,i+ht

as himse,f) had of him a sa,ar( of t%o thousand

,i&res) and roed him e&er( (ear of t%ent( thou8

sand more" 'is mistress had in si? months stood

him in fort( thousand cro%ns" I had former,(

>no%n him %hen he %as ,ess %e,,8to8do than m(8

se,f" 'e o%ned) ( %a( of comfort to me) that he

enJo(ed four hundred thousand ,i&res a (ear"

#I su**ose) then)# said I) #that (ou *a( out of

this income t%o hundred thousand to the state) to

he,* to su**ort that ad&anta+eous %ar %e are car8

r(in+ on) since I) %ho ha&e ut Just a hundred and

t%ent( ,i&res a (ear) am o,i+ed to *a( ha,f of


#I# said he) #I contriute to the %ants of the

state 5ou are sure,( Jestin+) m( friend" I ha&e

inherited from an unc,e his fortune of ei+ht mi,,ions)

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%hich he +ot at Cadi2 and at SuratH I ha&e not a

foot of ,and H m( estate ,ies in +o&ernment contracts

and in the funds" I o%e the state nothin+" It is for

(ou to +i&e ha,f of (our sustance (ou %ho are

a *ro*rietor of ,and" Do (ou not see that if the

minister of the re&enue %ere to reGuire an(thin+ of

me in aid of our countr() he %ou,d e a ,oc>head

that cou,d not ca,cu,ate for e&er(thin+ is the

*roduce of the ,and" 1one( and the *a*er currenc(

are nothin+ ut *,ed+es of e?chan+e" """ If)


 The 1an of Fort( Cro%ns" @<

after ha&in+ ,aid the so,e ta?) the ta? that is to su*8

*,( the *,ace of a,, others) on those commodities)

the +o&ernment %ere to as> mone( of me) do (ou

not see that this %ou,d e a dou,e ,oad that it

%ou,d e as>in+ the same thin+ t%ice o&er 1(

unc,e so,d at Cadi2 to the amount of t%o mi,,ions of

(our corn) and of t%o mi,,ions of stus made of

(our %oo, H u*on these t%o artic,es he +ained ;==

*er cent" 5ou must easi,( thin> that this *rot

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came out of ,ands a,read( ta?ed" What m( unc,e

ou+ht for ten *ence of (ou) he so,d a+ain for ao&e

ft( ,i&res at 1e?icoH and thus he made a shift to

return to his o%n countr( %ith ei+ht mi,,ions c,ear"

#5ou must e sensi,e) then) that it %ou,d e a

horrid inJustice to re8demand of him a fe% farthin+s

on the ten *ence he *aid (ou" If t%ent( ne*he%s

,i>e me) %hose unc,es had +ained each ei+ht mi,8

,ions at !uenos A(res) at Lima) at Surat) or at

Pondicherr() %ere) in the ur+ent necessities of the

state) each to ,end to it on,( t%o hundred thousand

,i&res) that %ou,d *roduce four mi,,ions" !ut %hat

horror %ou,d that e Pa( then thou) m( friend)

%ho enJo(s Guiet,( the neat and c,ear re&enue of

fort( cro%ns H ser&e th( countr( %e,,) and come no%

and then to dine %ith m( ser&ants in ,i&er("#

 This *,ausi,e discourse made me reMect a +ood

dea,) ut I cannot sa( it much comforted me"

@B= The 1an of Fort( Cro%ns"


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It sometimes ha**ens that a man has no ans%er

to ma>e) and (et is not *ersuaded" 'e is o&er8

thro%n %ithout the fee,in+ of ein+ con&inced" 'e

fee,s at the ottom of his heart a scru*,e) a re*u+8

nance) %hich hinders him from e,ie&in+ %hat has

een *ro&ed to him" A +eometrician demonstrates

to (ou that et%een a circ,e and a tan+ent (ou

ma( thread a numer of cur&es) and (et cannot +et

one strai+ht ,ine to *ass" 5our e(es) (our reason)

te,, (ou the contrar(" The +eometrician +ra&e,(

ans%ers (ou that it is an innitesima, of the second

order" 5ou stare in stu*id si,ence and Guit the

e,d a,, astonished) %ithout ha&in+ an( c,ear idea)

%ithout com*rehendin+ an(thin+) and %ithout ha&8

in+ an( re*,( to ma>e"

Consu,t ut a +eometrician of more candor) and

he e?*,ains the m(ster( to (ou"

#We su**ose)# sa(s he) #%hat cannot e in

nature) ,ines %hich ha&e ,en+th %ithout readth"

Natura,,( and *hi,oso*hica,,( s*ea>in+) it is im*os8

si,e for one rea, ,ine to *enetrate another" No

cur&e) nor no ri+ht ,ine) can *ass et%een t%o rea,

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,ines that touch one another" These theorems that

*u22,e (ou are ut s*orts of the ima+ination) idea,

chimeras) %hereas true +eometr( is the art of meas8

urin+ thin+s actua,,( e?istent"#

 The 1an of Fort( Cro%ns" @B;

I %as *erfect,( %e,, satised %ith the confession

of the sensi,e mathematician) and) %ith a,, m( mis8

fortune) cou,d not he,* ,au+hin+ on ,earnin+ that

there %as a Guac>er( e&en in that science %hich is

ca,,ed the su,ime science" 1( +eometrician %as a

>ind of *hi,oso*hica, *atriot) %ho had dei+ned to

chat %ith me sometimes in m( cotta+e" I said

to him .

#Sir) (ou ha&e tried to en,i+hten the coc>ne(s of

Paris on a *oint of the +reatest concern to man8

>ind . that of the duration of human ,ife" It is to

(ou a,one that the ministr( o%es its >no%,ed+e of

the due rate of annuities for ,i&es) accordin+ to dif8

ferent a+es" 5ou ha&e *ro*osed to furnish the

houses in to%n %ith %hat %ater the( ma( %ant) and

to de,i&er us at ,en+th from the shame and ridicu,e of

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hearin+ %ater cried aout the streets) and of seein+

%omen enc,osed %ithin an o,on+ hoo*) carr(in+

t%o *ai,s of %ater) oth to+ether of aout thirt(

*ounds %ei+ht) u* to a fourth stor(" !e so +ood)

in the name of friendshi*) to te,, me ho% man(

t%o8handed i*eds there ma( e in France#

 T'E EO1ETRICIAN" It is assumed that there

ma( e aout t%ent( mi,,ions) and I am %i,,in+ to

ado*t this ca,cu,ation as the most *rota,e) ti,, it

can e &eried) %hich it %ou,d e &er( eas( to do)

and %hich) ho%e&er) has not hitherto een done)

ecause one does not a,%a(s thin> of e&er(thin+"

 T'E 1AN OF FORT5 CROWNS" 'o% man( acres)

thin> (ou) the %ho,e territor( of France contains

@B@ The 1an of Fort( Cro%ns"

 T'E EO1ETRICIAN" One hundred and thirt(

mi,,ions) of %hich a,most ha,f is in roads) in to%ns)

&i,,a+es) moors) heaths) marshes) sands) arren

,ands) use,ess con&ents) +ardens of more *,easure

than *rot) uncu,ti&ated +rounds) and ad +rounds

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i,, cu,ti&ated" We mi+ht reduce a,, the ,and %hich

(ie,ds +ood returns to se&ent(8&e mi,,ions of sGuare

acresH ut ,et us state them at fourscore mi,,ions"

One cannot do too much for one$s countr("

 T'E 1AN OF FORT5 CROWNS" 'o% much ma(

(ou thin> each acre rin+s in (ear,() one (ear %ith

another) in corn) seeds of a,, >inds) %ine) sh8

*onds) %ood) meta,s) catt,e) fruit) %oo,) si,>) oi,)

mi,>) c,ear of a,, char+es) %ithout rec>onin+ the


 T'E EO1ETRICIAN" Wh() if the( *roduce

each t%ent(8&e ,i&res aout t%ent( En+,ish shi,8

,in+s6 it is a +reat dea,H ut not to discoura+e our

countr(men) ,et us *ut them at thirt( ,i&res" There

are acres %hich *roduce constant,( re+eneratin+

&a,ue) and %hich are estimated at three hundred

,i&resH there are others %hich on,( *roduce three

,i&res" The mean *ro*ortion et%een three and

three hundred is thirt() for (ou must a,,o% that

three is to thirt( as thirt( is to three hundred" If)

indeed) there %ere com*arati&e,( man( acres at

thirt( ,i&res) and &er( fe% at three hundred) our ac8

count %ou,d not ho,d +ood H ut) once more) I %ou,d

not e o&er8*uncti,ious"

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 The 1an of Fort( Cro%ns" @B:

 T'E 1AN OF FORT5 CROWNS" We,,) sir) ho%

much %i,, these fourscore mi,,ions of acres (ie,d of

re&enue) estimated in mone(

 T'E EO1ETRICIAN" The account is read(

madeH the( %i,, *roduce t%o thousand four hun8

dred mi,,ions of ,i&res of the *resent currenc("

 T'E 1AN OF FORT5 CROWNS I ha&e read that

So,omon *ossessed) of his o%n *ro*ert() t%ent(8&e

thousand mi,,ions of ,i&res) in read( mone( H and

certain,( there are not t%o thousand four hundred

mi,,ions of s*ecie circu,atin+ in France) %hich) I

am to,d) is much +reater and much richer than So,o8

mon$s countr("

 T'E EO1ETRICIAN" There ,ies the m(ster("

 There ma( e aout nine hundred mi,,ions circu,at8

in+ throu+hout the >in+dom) and this mone() *ass8

in+ from hand to hand) is suQcient to *a( for a,,

the *roduce of the ,and and of industr(" The same

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cro%n ma( *ass ten times from the *oc>et of the

cu,ti&ator into that of the a,e8house>ee*er and of the


 T'E 1AN OF FORT5 CROWNS" I a**rehend

(ou" !ut (ou to,d me that %e are) in a,,) aout

t%ent( mi,,ions of inhaitants) men) %omen) o,d and

(oun+" 'o% much) *ra() do (ou a,,o% for each

 T'E EO1ETRICIAN" One hundred and t%ent(

,i&res) or fort( cro%ns"

 T'E 1AN OF FORT5 CROWNS" 5ou ha&e Just

+uessed m( re&enue) / ha&e four acres) %hich)

@B The 1an of Fort( Cro%ns"

rec>onin+ the fa,,o% (ears %ith those of *roduce)

rin+ me in one hundred and t%ent( ,i&res) %hich

is ,itt,e enou+h) od >no%s"

!ut if e&er( indi&idua, %ere to ha&e his contin8

+ent) %ou,d that e no more than &e ,ouis d$ors a


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 T'E EO1ETRICIAN" Certain,( not) accordin+

to our ca,cu,ation) %hich I ha&e a ,itt,e am*,ied"

Such is the state of human nature" Our ,ife and

our fortune ha&e narro% ,imits" In Paris the( do

not) one %ith another) ,i&e ao&e t%ent(8t%o or

t%ent(8three (earsH and) one %ith another) ha&e

not) at the most) ao&e a hundred and t%ent( ,i&res

a (ear to s*end" So that (our food) (our raiment)

(our ,od+in+) (our mo&a,es) are a,, re*resented (

the sum of one hundred and t%ent( ,i&res"


ha&e I done to (ou) that (ou thus arid+e me of m(

fortune and ,ife Can it then e true that I ha&e

ut three and t%ent( (ears to ,i&e) un,ess I ro m(

fe,,o%8creatures of their share

 T'E EO1ETRICIAN" This is incontesta,e in

the +ood cit( of Paris" !ut from these t%ent(8three

(ears (ou must deduct ten) at the ,east) for (our chi,d8

hood) as chi,dhood is not an enJo(ment of ,ifeH it

is a *re*aration H it is the *orch of the edice H it

is the tree that has not (et +i&en fruitsH it is the

da%n of a da(" Then a+ain) from the thirteen (ears

%hich remain to (ou) deduct the time of s,ee*) and

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that of tiresomeness of ,ife) and that %i,, e at ,east

 The 1an of Fort( Cro%ns" @BB

a moiet(" 5ou %i,, then ha&e si? (ears and a ha,f

,eft to *ass in &e?ation) in *ain) in some *,easures)

and in ho*es"

 T'E 1AN OF FORT5 CROWNS" 1ercifu, hea&en

At this rate (our account does not a,,o% us ao&e

three (ears of to,era,e e?istence"

 T'E EO1ETRICIAN That is no fau,t of mine"

Nature cares &er( ,itt,e for indi&idua,s" There are

insects %hich do not ,i&e ao&e one da() ut of

%hich the s*ecies is *er*etua," Nature resem,es

those +reat *rinces %ho rec>on as nothin+ the ,oss

of four hundred thousand men) so the( ut accom8

*,ish their au+ust desi+ns"

 T'E 1AN OF FORT5 CROWNS" Fort( cro%ns

and three (ears of ,ife What resource can (ou im8

a+ine a+ainst t%o such curses

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 T'E EO1ETRICIAN" As to ,ife) it %ou,d e

reGuisite to render the air of Paris more *ure H that

men shou,d eat ,ess and ta>e more e?erciseH that

mothers shou,d suc>,e their o%n chi,drenH that

*eo*,e shou,d e no ,on+er so i,,8ad&ised as to dread

inocu,ation" This is %hat I ha&e a,read( said) and

as to fortune) %h() e&en marr( and rear a fami,("

 T'E 1AN OF FORT5 CROWNS" 'o% Can the

%a( to ,i&e more at ease e to associate to m( o%n

ad circumstances those of others

 T'E EO1ETRICIAN" Fi&e or si? ad circum8

stances *ut to+ether form a to,era,e esta,ishment"

et a +ood %ife) and %e %i,, sa( on,( t%o sons and

t%o dau+hters" This %i,, ma>e se&en hundred and

@B4 The 1an of Fort( Cro%ns"

t%ent( ,i&res for (our ,itt,e fami,( H that is to sa()

if distriuti&e Justice %ere to ta>e *,ace) and that

each indi&idua, had a hundred and t%ent( ,i&res

a (ear" 5our chi,dren) in their infanc() stand (ou

in a,most nothin+H %hen +ro%n u* the( %i,, ease

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and he,* (ou" Their mutua, aid %i,, sa&e (ou a

+ood *art of (our e?*enses) and (ou ma( ,i&e &er(

ha**i,() ,i>e a *hi,oso*her" A,%a(s *ro&ided) ho%8

e&er) that those %orth( +ent,emen %ho +o&ern the

state ha&e not the ararit( to e?tort from each of

(ou t%ent( cro%ns a (ear" !ut the misfortune is)

%e are no ,on+er in the +o,den a+e) %here the men)

orn a,, eGua,s) had an eGua, *art in the nutriti&e

*roductions of uncu,ti&ated ,and" The case is no%

far from ein+ so +ood a one) as that e&er( t%o8

handed i*ed *ossesses ,and to the &a,ue of a hun8

dred and t%ent( ,i&res a (ear"

 T'E 1AN OF FORT5 CROWNS" $Sdeath 5ou

ruin us" 5ou said ut Just no% that in a countr(

of fourscore mi,,ions of inhaitants each of them

ou+ht to enJo( a hundred and t%ent( ,i&res a (ear)

and no% (ou ta>e them a%a( from us a+ain"

 T'E EO1ETRICIAN I %as com*utin+ accord8

in+ to the re+isters of the +o,den a+e) ut %e must

rec>on accordin+ to that of iron" There are man(

inhaitants %ho ha&e ut the &a,ue of ten cro%ns

a (ear) others no more than four or &e) and ao&e

si? mi,,ions of men %ho ha&e aso,ute,( nothin+"

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 T'E 1AN OF FORT5 CROWNS" Nothin+ Wh()

the( %ou,d *erish of hun+er in three da(s$ time"

 The 1an of Fort( Cro%ns" @B

 T'E EO1ETRICIAN" Not in the ,east" The oth8

ers) %ho *ossess their *ortions) set them to %or>

and share %ith them" It is from this arran+ement

that the "*a( comes for the di&ine) the confectioner)

the a*othecar() the *reacher) the actor) the attorne()

and the hac>ne(8coachman" 5ou thou+ht (ourse,f

&er( i,, o to ha&e no more than a hundred and

t%ent( ,i&res a (ear) reduced to a hundred and ei+ht

( (our ta? of t%e,&e ,i&res" !ut consider the so,8

diers %ho de&ote their ,ood to their countr( at the

rate of four*ence a da(" The( ha&e not ao&e

si?t(8three ,i&res a (ear for their ,i&e,ihood) and (et

the( ma>e a comforta,e shift) ( a numer of them

 Joinin+ their ,itt,e stoc> and ,i&in+ in common"

 T'E 1AN OF FORT5 CROWNS" So) then) an e?8

 /esuit has more than &e times the *a( of a so,dier"

And (et the so,diers ha&e done more ser&ice to the

state under the e(es of the >in+ at Fonteno() at

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La%fe,d) at the sie+e of Friour+) than the re&er8

end father La&a,ette e&er did in his ,ife"

 T'E EO1ETRICIAN" Nothin+ can e truerH

na() e&er( one of these turned8adrift /esuits) ha&8

in+ no% ecome free) has more to s*end than %hat

he cost his con&ent" There are e&en some amon+

them %ho ha&e +ained a +ood dea, of mone( (

scri,in+ *am*h,ets a+ainst the *ar,iaments) as)

for e?am*,e) the re&erend father Patoui,,et) and the

re&erend father Nonnotte" In short) in this %or,d

e&er( one sets his %its to %or> for a ,i&e,ihood" One

is at the head of a manufactor( of stus H another

Vo," @ ;

@B The 1an of Fort( Cro%ns"

of *orce,ain H another underta>es the o*era H another

the #Ecc,esiastica, a2etteH# another a tra+ed( in

fami,iar ,ife) or a no&e, or romance in the En+,ish

st(,e" This maintains the stationer) the in>ma>er)

the oo>se,,er) the ha%>er) %ho mi+ht e,se e re8

duced to e++ar(" There is nothin+) then) ut the

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restitution of the hundred and t%ent( ,i&res to those

%ho ha&e nothin+ that ma>es the state Mourish"

 T'E 1AN OF FORT5 CROWNS" A *rett( %a( of

Mourishin+) tru,(

 T'E EO1ETRICIAN" And (et there is no other"

In e&er( countr( it is the rich that ena,e the *oor to

,i&e" This is the sou, source of the industr( of com8

merce" The more industrious a nation itse,f is) the

more it +ains from forei+n countries" Cou,d %e) on

our forei+n trade) +et ten mi,,ions a (ear ( the a,8

ance in our fa&or) there %ou,d) in t%ent( (ears) e

t%o hundred mi,,ions more in the nation" This

%ou,d aord ten ,i&res a head more) on the su*8

*osition of8 an eGuita,e distriution" That is to

sa() that the dea,ers %ou,d ma>e each *oor *er8

son earn ten ,i&res the more) once *aid) in the ho*es

of ma>in+ sti,, more considera,e +ains" !ut com8

merce) ,i>e the ferti,it( of the earth) has its ounds)

other%ise its *ro+ression %ou,d e ad innitum"

Nor) esides) is it c,ear that the a,ance of our trade

is constant,( fa&ora,e to us" There are times in

%hich %e ,ose"

 T'E 1AN OF FORT5 CROWNS" I ha&e heard

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much ta,> of *o*u,ation" If our inhaitants %ere

 The 1an of Fort( Cro%ns" @B<

dou,ed) so that %e numered fort( mi,,ions of

*eo*,e instead of t%ent() %hat %ou,d e the conse8


 T'E EO1ETRICIAN" It %ou,d e this. that)

one %ith another) each %ou,d ha&e) instead of fort()

ut t%ent( cro%ns to ,i&e u*onH or that the ,and

shou,d *roduce dou,e the cro*s it no% does H or that

there shou,d e dou,e the nationa, industr() or of

+ain from forei+n countries H or that ha,f of the *eo8

*,e shou,d e sent to AmericaH or that one8ha,f of

the nation shou,d eat the other"

 T'E 1AN OF FORT5 CROWNS" Let us then re8

main satised %ith our t%ent( mi,,ions of inhai8

tants) and %ith our hundred and t%ent( ,i&res a

head) distriuted as it sha,, *,ease the Lord" 5et this

situation is a sad one) and (our iron a+e is hard


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 T'E EO1ETRICIAN" There is no nation that

is etter o) and there are man( that are %orse"

Do (ou e,ie&e that there is in the north %here%itha,

to aord to each inhaitant the &a,ue of a hundred

and t%ent( of our ,i&res a (ear If the( had had

the eGui&a,ent of this) the 'uns) the Vanda,s) and

the Fran>s %ou,d not ha&e deserted their countr(

in Guest of esta,ishments e,se%here) %hich the()

conGuered) re and s%ord in hand"

 T'E 1AN OF FORT5 CROWNS" If I %ere to

,isten to (ou) (ou %ou,d *ersuade me *resent,( that

I am ha**( %ith m( hundred and t%ent( ,i&res"

;4= The 1an of Fort( Cro%ns"

 T'E EO1ETRICIAN" If (ou %ou,d ut thin>

(ourse,f ha**( (ou %ou,d then e so"

 T'E 1AN OF FORT5 CROWNS A man cannot

ima+ine %hat actua,,( is not) un,ess he e mad"

 T'E EO1ETRICIAN" I ha&e a,read( to,d (ou

that) in order to e more at (our ease) and more

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ha**( than (ou are) (ou shou,d ta>e a %ife H to

%hich I -tac>) ho%e&er) this c,ause . that she has)

as %e,, as (ou) one hundred and t%ent( ,i&res a

(earH that is to sa() four acres at ten cro%ns an

acre" The ancient Romans had each ut one" If

(our chi,dren are industrious the( can each earn

as much ( their %or>in+ for others"

 T'E 1AN OF FORT5 CROWNS" So that the( ma(

+et mone( %ithout others ,osin+ it"

 T'E EO1ETRICIAN" Such is the ,a% of a,, na8

tions H there is no ,i&in+ ut on these terms"

 T'E 1AN OF FORT5 CROWNS" And must m(

%ife and I +i&e each of us the ha,f of our *roduce

to the ,e+is,ati&e and e?ecuti&e *o%er) and the ne%

ministers of state ro us of the *rice of our hard

,aor) and of the sustance of our *oor chi,dren)

efore the( are a,e to +et their ,i&e,ihood Pra(

te,, me) ho% much mone( %i,, these ne% ministers

of ours rin+ into the >in+$s coers ( this Jure

di&ino s(stem

 T'E EO1ETRICIAN" 5ou *a( t%ent( cro%ns

on four acres %hich rin+ (ou in fort(" A rich

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man) %ho *ossesses four hundred acres) %i,,) (

the ne% tari) *a( t%o thousand cro%ns) an the

 The 1an of Fort( Cro%ns" @4;

%ho,e fourscore mi,,ions of acres %i,, (ie,d to the

>in+ t%e,&e hundred mi,,ions of ,i&res a (ear) or

four hundred mi,,ions of cro%ns"

 T'E 1AN OF FORT5 CROWNS" That a**ears to

me im*ractica,e and im*ossi,e"

 T'E EO1ETRICIAN" And &er( much (ou are

in the ri+ht to thin> so H and this im*ossii,it( is a

+eometrica, demonstration that there is a funda8

menta, defect in the ca,cu,ation of our ne% min8


 T'E 1AN OF FORT5 CROWNS" Is not there a,so

demonstra,( a *rodi+ious inJustice in ta>in+ from

me the ha,f of m( corn) of m( hem*) of the %oo, of

m( shee*) etc") and at the same time to reGuire no

aid from those %ho sha,, ha&e +ained ten) t%ent()

or thirt( thousand ,i&res a (ear) ( m( hem*) of

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%hich the( %i,, ha&e made ,inen H ( m( %oo,) of

%hich the( %i,, ha&e made c,oth H ( m( corn) %hich

the( %i,, ha&e so,d at so much more than it cost


 T'E EO1ETRICIAN" The inJustice of this ad8

ministration is as e&ident as its ca,cu,ation is erro8

neous" It is ri+ht to fa&or industr() ut o*u,ent

industr( ou+ht to contriute to su**ort the state"

 This industr( %i,, ha&e certain,( ta>en from (ou a

*art of (our one hundred and t%ent( ,i&res)

and a**ro*riated that *art to itse,f) in se,,in+ (ou

(our shirts and (our coat t%ent( times dearer than

the( %ou,d ha&e cost (ou if (ou had made them

(ourse,f" The manufacturer %ho sha,, ha&e en8

@4@ The 1an of Fort( Cro%ns"

riched himse,f at (our e?*ense %i,,) I a,,o%) ha&e

a,so *aid %a+es to his %or>men) %ho had nothin+

of themse,&es H ut he %i,,) e&er( (ear) ha&e sun>

and *ut ( a sum that %i,,) at ,en+th) ha&e *roduced

to him thirt( thousand ,i&res a (ear" This fortune)

then) he %i,, ha&e acGuired at (our e?*ense" Nor

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can (ou e&er se,, him the *roduce of (our ,and dear

enou+h to reimurse (ou for %hat he %i,, ha&e +ot

( (ou H for %ere (ou to attem*t such an ad&ance

of (our *rice he %ou,d *rocure %hat he %anted

chea*er from other countries" A *roof of %hich is"

that he remains constant,( *ossessor of his thirt(

thousand ,i&res a (ear) and (ou of (our one hundred

and t%ent( ,i&res) that often diminish8 instead of


It is then necessar( and eGuita,e that the re8

ned industr( of the trader shou,d *a( more than

the +ross industr( of the farmer" The same is to

e said of the co,,ectors of the re&enue" 5our ta?

had *re&ious,( een ut t%e,&e ,i&res) efore our

+reat ministers %ere *,eased to ta>e from (ou

t%ent( cro%ns" Of these t%e,&e ,i&res the co,,ector

retained ten*ence) or ten so,s) for himse,f" If in (our

*ro&ince there %ere &e hundred thousand sou,s he

%i,, ha&e +ained t%o hundred and ft( thousand

,i&res a (ear" Su**ose he s*ends ft( thousand H it

is c,ear that at the end of ten (ears he %i,, e t%o

mi,,ions in *oc>et" It is then ut Just that he shou,d

contriute his *ro*ortion) other%ise e&er(thin+

%ou,d e *er&erted and +o to ruin"

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 The 1an of Fort( Cro%ns" @4:

 T'E 1AN OF FORT5 CROWNS" I am &er( +,ad

(ou ha&e ta?ed the oQcer of the re&enue" It is some

re,ief to m( ima+ination" !ut since he has so %e,,

increased his su*erMuit() %hat sha,, I do to au+8

ment m( sma,, modicum

 T'E EO1ETRICIAN" I ha&e a,read( to,d (ou

( marr(in+) ( ,aorin+) ( tr(in+ to *rocure

from (our ,and some shea&es of corn in addition to

%hat it *re&ious,( *roduced"

 T'E 1AN OF FORT5 CROWNS" We,, +ranted)

then) that I sha,, ha&e een du,( industrious H that

a,, m( countr(men %i,, ha&e een so too H and that

the ,e+is,ati&e and e?ecuti&e *o%er sha,, ha&e re8

cei&ed a +ood round ta? H ho% much %i,, the nation

ha&e +ained at the end of the (ear

 T'E EO1ETRICIAN" Nothin+ at a,,) un,ess it

sha,, ha&e carried on a *rota,e forei+n trade" !ut

,ife %i,, ha&e een more a+reea,e in it" E&er( one

%i,,) res*ecti&e,() in *ro*ortion) ha&e had more

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c,othes) more ,inen) more mo&a,es than he had e8

fore" There %i,, ha&e een in the nation a more

aundant circu,ation" The %a+es %ou,d ha&e een)

in *rocess of time) au+mented) near,( in *ro*ortion

to the numer of the shea&es of corn) of the tods

of %oo,) of the o?8hides) of the shee* and +oats)

that %i,, ha&e een added H of the c,usters of +ra*es

that %i,, ha&e een sGuee2ed in the %ine8*ress"

1ore of the &a,ue of commodities %i,, ha&e een

*aid to the >in+ in mone() and the >in+ %i,, ha&e

returned more &a,ue to those he %i,, ha&e em*,o(ed

@4 The 1an of Fort( Cro%ns"

under his ordersH ut there %i,, not e ha,f a

cro%n the more in the >in+dom"

 T'E 1AN OF FORT5 CROWNS" What %i,, then

remain to the +o&ernment at the end of the (ear

 T'E EO1ETRICIAN" Once more) nothin+" This

is the case of +o&ernment in +enera," It ne&er ,a(s

( an(thin+" It %i,, ha&e +ot its ,i&in+ that is

to sa() its food) raiment) ,od+in+) mo&a,es" The

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suJect %i,, ha&e done so) too" Where a +o&ernment

amasses treasure) it %i,, ha&e sGuee2ed from the cir8

cu,ation so much mone( as it %i,, ha&e amassed"

It %i,, ha&e made so man( %retched as it %i,, ha&e

*ut ( fort( cro%ns in its coers"

 T'E 1AN OF FORT5 CROWNS" At this rate) then)

'enr( IV" %as ut a mean8s*irited %retch) a miser)

a *,underer H for I ha&e een to,d that he had chest8

ed u* in the !asti,,e ao&e ft( mi,,ions of ,i&res

accordin+ to our *resent currenc("

 T'E EO1ETRICIAN" 'e %as a man as +ood

and as *rudent as he %as ra&e" 'e %as *re*arin+

to ma>e a Just %ar) and ( amassin+ in his coers

t%ent(8t%o mi,,ions of the currenc( of that time)

esides %hich he had t%ent( more to recei&e) %hich

he ,eft in circu,ation) he s*ared the *eo*,e ao&e a

hundred mi,,ions that it %ou,d ha&e cost if he had

not ta>en those usefu, measures" 'e made himse,f

mora,,( sure of success a+ainst an enem( %ho had

not ta>en the ,i>e *recaution" The *roai,ities %ere

*rodi+ious,( in his fa&or" 'is t%ent(8t%o mi,,ions

in an> *ro&ed that there %as then in this >in+dom

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 The 1an of Fort( Cro%ns" @4B

t%ent(8t%o mi,,ions of sur*,usa+e of the territoria,

*roduce) so that no one %as a suerer"

 T'E 1AN OF FORT5 CROWNS" 1( father then

to,d me the truth %hen he said that the suJect %as

in *ro*ortion more rich under the administration of

the Du>e of Su,,( than under that of our ne% min8

isters) %ho ,aid on the sin+,e ta?) the so,e ta?) and

%ho) out of m( fort( cro%ns) ha&e ta>en a%a(

t%ent(" Pra( te,, me) is there another nation in the

%or,d that enJo(s this *recious ad&anta+e of the so,e


 T'E EO1ETRICIAN" Not one o*u,ent nation"

 The En+,ish) %ho are not much +i&en to ,au+hin+)

cou,d not) ho%e&er) he,* urstin+ out %hen the(

heard that men of inte,,i+ence amon+ us had *ro8

*osed this >ind of administration" The Chinese

e?act a ta? from a,, the forei+n tradin+ shi*s that

resort to Canton" The Dutch *a() at Na+asa>i)

%hen the( are recei&ed in /a*an) under *rete?t that

the( are not Christians" The La*,anders and the

Samoieds are indeed suJected to a so,e ta? in sa,es

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or marten8s>ins" The re*u,ic of San 1arino *a(s

nothin+ more than tithes for the maintenance of

that state in its s*,endor"

 There is) in Euro*e) a nation ce,erated for its

eGuit( and its &a,or that *a(s no ta?" This is S%it8

2er,and" !ut thus it has ha**ened" The *eo*,e ha&e

*ut themse,&es in the *,ace of the du>es of Austria

and 3ahrin+en" The sma,, cantons are democratica,)

and &er( *oor" Each inhaitant *a(s ut a triMin+

@44 The 1an of Fort( Cro%ns"

sum to%ard the su**ort of this ,itt,e re*u,ic" In the

rich cantons the *eo*,e are char+ed) for the state)

%ith those duties %hich the archdu>es of Austria

and the ,ords of the ,and used to e?act" The Prot8

estant cantons are) in *ro*ortion) t%ice as rich as the

Catho,ic) ecause the state) in the rst) *ossesses the

,ands of the mon>s" Those %ho %ere former,( su8

 Jects to the archdu>es of Austria) to the du>e of

3ahrin+en) and to the mon>s) are no% the suJects of

their o%n countr(" The( *a( to that countr( the

same tithes) the same nes of a,ienation) that the(

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*aid to their former masters) and as the suJects) in

+enera,) ha&e &er( ,itt,e trade) their merchandise is

,ia,e to no char+es) e?ce*t some sma,, sta*,e du8

ties" The men ma>e a trade of their coura+e) in

their dea,in+s %ith forei+n *o%ers) and se,, them8

se,&es for a certain term of (ears) %hich rin+s

some mone( into their countr( at our e?*ense H and

this e?am*,e is as sin+u,ar a one in the ci&i,i2ed

%or,d as is the so,e ta? no% ,aid on ( our ne%


 T'E 1AN OF FORT5 CROWNS" So) sir) the S%iss

are not *,undered) Jure di&ino) of one8ha,f of their

+oodsH and he that has four co%s in S%it2er,and

is not o,i+ed to +i&e t%o of them to the state

 T'E EO1ETRICIAN 0ndouted,( not" In one

canton) u*on thirteen tons of %ine) the( *a( one

and drin> the other t%e,&e" In another canton)

the( *a( the t%e,fth) and drin> the remainin+


 The 1an of Fort( Cro%ns" @4

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 T'E 1AN OF FORT5 CROWNS" Wh( am I not a

S%iss That cursed ta?) that sin+,e and sin+u,ar,(

iniGuitous ta?) that has reduced me to e++ar(

!ut then a+ain) three or four hundred ta?es) of

%hich it is im*ossi,e for me to retain or *ronounce

the are names) are the( more Just and more to,8

era,e Was there e&er a ,e+is,ator %ho) in found8

in+ a state) %ished to create counse,,ors to the >in+)

ins*ectors of coa,8measurers) +au+ers of %ine) meas8

urers of %ood) searchers of ho+8ton+ues) com*tro,8

,ers of sa,t utter or to maintain an arm( of rasca,s

t%ice as numerous as that of A,e?ander) com8

manded ( si?t( +enera,s) %ho ,a( the countr( under

contriution) %ho +ain e&er( da( si+na, &ictories)

%ho ta>e *risoners) and %ho sometimes sacrice

them in the air) or on a oarded sta+e) as the an8

cient Sc(thians did) accordin+ to %hat m( &icar

to,d me

No%) %as such a ,e+is,ation) a+ainst %hich so

man( outcries %ere raised) and %hich caused the

sheddin+ of so man( tears) much etter than the

ne%,( im*osed one) %hich at one stro>e c,ean,( and

Guiet,( ta>es a%a( ha,f of m( susistence I am

afraid that on a fair ,iGuidation it %i,, e found that

under the ancient s(stem of the re&enue the( used

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to ta>e) at times and in detai,) three8Guarters of it"

 T'E EO1ETRICIAN" I,iacos intra muros *ec8

catur et e?tra" Est modus in reus" Ca&eas ne

Guid nintis"

 T'E 1AN OF FORT5 CROWNS" I ha&e ,earned a

@4 The 1an of Fort( Cro%ns"

,itt,e of histor() and somethin+ of +eometr() ut I

do not understand a %ord of Latin"

 T'E EO1ETRICIAN" The sense is *rett( near,(

as fo,,o%s. There is %ron+ on oth sides" Kee*

to a medium in e&er(thin+" Nothin+ too much"

 T'E 1AN OF FORT5 CROWNS" I sa() nothin+

too much H that is rea,,( m( situation H ut the %orst

of it is) I ha&e not enou+h"

 T'E EO1ETRICIAN" I a,,o% that (ou must *er8

ish of %ant) and I) too) and the state) too) if the ne%

administration shou,d continue on,( t%o (ears

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,on+er H ut it is to e ho*ed hea&en %i,, ha&e merc(

on us"

 T'E 1AN OF FORT5 CROWNS" We *ass our

,i&es in ho*e) and die ho*in+ to the ,ast" Adieu)

sirH (ou ha&e en,i+htened me) ut m( heart is


 T'E EO1ETRICIAN" This is) indeed) often the

fruit of >no%,ed+e"



When I had than>ed the academician of the Acad8

em( of Sciences for ha&in+ set me ri+ht) I %ent a%a(

Guite out of heart) *raisin+ Pro&idence) ut mutterin+

et%een m( teeth these do,efu, %ords. #What

to ha&e no more than fort( cro%ns a (ear to ,i&e on)

nor more than t%ent(8t%o (ears to ,i&e A,as ma(

our ,ife e (et shorter) since it is to e so misera,e #

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 The 1an of Fort( Cro%ns" @4<

As I %as sa(in+ this) I found m(se,f Just o**osite

a &er( im*osin+ house" A,read( %as I fee,in+ m(8

se,f *ressed ( hun+er" I had not so much as the

hundred and t%entieth *art of the sum that ( ri+ht

e,on+s to each indi&idua," !ut as soon as I %as to,d

that this %as the *a,ace of m( re&erend fathers) the

are8footed Carme,ites) I concei&ed +reat ho*es) and

said to m(se,f) #Since these saints are hum,e enou+h

to +o are8footed) the( %i,, e charita,e enou+h to

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+i&e me a dinner"#

I ran+" A Carme,ite came to the door"

#What %ou,d (ou *,ease to ha&e) m( son #

#A morse, of read) m( re&erend father" The

ne% edicts ha&e stri**ed me of e&er(thin+"#

#Son) >no% that %e ourse,&es e+ charit( H %e do

not esto% it"#

#What %hi,e (our ho,( institute forids (ou to

%ear shoes) (ou ha&e the house of a *rince) and can

(ou refuse to +i&e me a mea, #

#1( son) it is true) %e +o %ithout stoc>in+s and

shoes H that is an e?*ense the ,ess H %e fee, no more

co,d in our feet than in our hands" As to our ne

house) %e ui,t it &er( easi,() and %e ha&e a hundred

thousand ,i&res a (ear of income from houses in the

same street"#

#So) then (ou suer me to die of hun+er) %hi,e

(ou ha&e an income of a hundred thousand ,i&res

I su**ose (ou *a( ft( thousand of these to the ne%

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+o&ernment #

#f/ea&en *reser&e us from *a(in+ a sin+,e far

@= The 1an of Fort( Cro%ns"

thin+ It is on,( the *roduce of the ,and) cu,ti&ated

( ,aorious hands) ca,,ous %ith %or>) and moistened

%ith tears) that o%es ta?es to the ,e+is,ati&e and e?8

ecuti&e *o%er" The a,ms %hich ha&e een esto%ed

u*on us ha&e ena,ed us to ui,d those houses ( the

rent of %hich %e +et a hundred thousand ,i&res a

(ear" !ut these a,ms) comin+ from the fruits of the

earth) and ha&in+) conseGuent,() a,read( *aid the ta?)

ou+ht not to *a( t%ice" The( ha&e sanctied the

faithfu, e,ie&ers) %ho ha&e im*o&erished themse,&es

to enrich us) and %e continue to e+ charit() and to

,a( under contriution the Fauour+ of St" er8

main in order to sanctif( a sti,, +reater numer of

the faithfu, e,ie&ers"#

'a&in+ thus s*o>en) the Carme,ite *o,ite,( shut

the door in m( face"

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I then *assed a,on+ and sto**ed efore the 'ote,

of the 1ousGuetaires +ris) and re,ated to those +en8

t,emen %hat had Just ha**ened to me" The( +a&e

me a +ood dinner and a ha,f8cro%n u( ecu" One

of them *ro*osed to +o direct,( and set re to the

con&entH ut a mus>eteer) more discreet than he)

remonstrated %ith him) insistin+ that the time for

action had not (et arri&ed) and im*,ored him to %ait

*atient,( a ,itt,e ,on+er"

 The 1an of Fort( Cro%ns" @;



I %ent) %ith m( ha,f8cro%n) to *resent a *etition

to the com*tro,,er8+enera,) %ho %as that da( +i&in+


'is ante8chamer %as ,,ed %ith *eo*,e of a,,

>inds" There %ere there es*ecia,,( some %ith more

,u faces) more *rominent e,,ies) and more arro8

+ant ,oo>s than m( man of ei+ht mi,,ions" I durst

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not dra% near to them H I sa% them) ut the( did not

oser&e me"

A mon>) a +reat man for tithes) had e+un a suit at

,a% a+ainst certain suJects of the state) %hom he

ca,,ed his tenants" 'e had a,read( a ,ar+er income

than the ha,f of his *arishioners *ut to+ether) and

%as moreo&er ,ord of the manor" 'is c,aim %as)

that %hereas his &assa,s had) %ith innite *ains) con8

&erted their heaths into &ine(ards) the( o%ed him a

tithe of the %ine) %hich) ta>in+ into the account the

*rice of ,aor) of the &ine8*ro*s) of the cas>s and

ce,,ara+e) %ou,d carr( o ao&e a Guarter of the


#!ut)# said he) #as the tithes are due) Jure di&ino)

I demand the Guarter of the sustance of m( tenants)

in the name of od"#

 The minister of the re&enue said to him) #I see

ho% charita,e (ou are"#

@@ The 1an of Fort( Cro%ns"

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A farmer8+enera,) e?treme,( %e,,8s>i,,ed in as8

sessments) inter*osed) sa(in+ .

#Sir) that &i,,a+e can aord nothin+ to this mon>)

as I ha&e) ut the ,ast (ear) made the *arishioners *a(

thirt(8t%o ta?es on their %ine) esides their o&ercon8

sum*tion of the a,,o%ance for their o%n drin>in+"

 The( are entire,( ruined" I ha&e sei2ed and so,d their

catt,e and mo&a,es) and (et the( are sti,, m( det8

ors" I *rotest) then) a+ainst the c,aim of the re&erend


#5ou are in the ri+ht)# ans%ered the minister of

the re&enue) #to e his ri&a, H (ou oth eGua,,( ,o&e

(our nei+hor) and (ou oth edif( me"#

A third) a mon> and ,ord of the manor) %hose

tenants %ere in mortmain) %as %aitin+ for a decree

of the counci, that shou,d *ut him in *ossession of a,,

the estate of a Paris sim*,eton %ho) ha&in+ inad&er8

tent,( ,i&ed a (ear and a da( in a house suJect to

this ser&itude and enc,osed %ithin the *ro*ert( of

this *riest) had died at the (ear$s end" The mon>

%as c,aimin+ a,, the estate of this *erson) and c,aim8

in+ it Jure di&ino"

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 The minister found ( this that the heart of this

mon> %as as Just and as tender as those of the others"

A fourth) %ho %as com*tro,,er of the ro(a, do8

mains) *resented a s*ecious memoria,) in %hich he

sou+ht $to Justif( his ha&in+ reduced t%ent( fami,ies

to e++ar(" The( had inherited *ro*ert( from their

unc,es) their aunts) their rothers) or cousins) and

 The 1an of Fort( Cro%ns" @:

%ere ,ia,e to *a( the duties" The oQcers of the do8

main had +enerous,( *ro&ed to them that the( had

not set the fu,, &a,ue on their inheritances that the(

%ere much richer than the( e,ie&ed) and) conse8

Guent,() ha&in+ condemned them to a tri*,e ne)

ruined them in char+es) and thre% the heads of the

fami,ies into Jai,) he had ou+ht their est *ossessions

%ithout unt(in+ his *urse8strin+s"

 The com*tro,,er8+enera, said to him) in a tone in8

deed rather itter .

#Eu+e) contro,,eur one et 0de,,s) Guia su*ra

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*auca fuisti 0de,,s) fermier8 +enera, te constituam"#

!ut to a master of the reGuests) %ho %as standin+

at his side) he said in a ,o% &oice .

#We must ma>e these ,ood8suc>ers) sacred and

*rofane) dis+or+e" It is time to +i&e some re,ief to

the *eo*,e) %ho) %ithout our care) and our eGuit()

%ou,d ha&e nothin+ to ,i&e u*on) in this %or,d at

,east) ho%e&er the( mi+ht fare in the other"#

Some) of *rofound +enius) *resented *roJects to

him" One of them had ima+ined a scheme to ,a( a

ta? on %it" #A,, the %or,d)# said he) #%i,, e ea+er

to *a() as no one cares to *ass for a foo,"#

 The minister dec,ared to him) #I e?em*t (ou from

the ta?"#

Another *ro*osed to ,a( the on,( ta? u*on son+s

and ,au+hin+) in consideration that %e %ere the mer8

riest nation under the sun) and that a son+ %as a re8

,ief and comfort for e&er(thin+" !ut the minister

Vo," @ ;

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@ The 1an of Fort( Cro%ns"

oser&ed that of ,ate there %ere hard,( an( son+s of

*,easantr( made H and he %as afraid that) to esca*e

the ta?) %e %ou,d ecome too serious"

 The ne?t that *resented himse,f %as a trust( and

,o(a, suJect) %ho oered to raise for the >in+ three

times as much ( ma>in+ the nation *a( three times

,ess" The minister ad&ised him to ,earn arithmetic"

A fourth *ro&ed to the >in+ in the %a( of friend8

shi*) that he cou,d not raise ao&e se&ent(8&e mi,8

,ions) ut that he %as +oin+ to *rocure him t%o hun8

dred and t%ent(8&e" #5ou %i,, o,i+e me in this)#

said the minister) #as soon as %e sha,, ha&e *aid the

*u,ic dets"#

At ,en+th) %ho shou,d a**ear ut a de*ut( of the

ne% author) %ho ma>es the ,e+is,ati&e *o%er co8*ro8

*rietor of a,, our ,ands) Jure di&ino) and %ho %as

+i&in+ the >in+ t%e,&e hundred mi,,ions of re&enue"

I >ne% the man a+ain %ho had Mun+ me into *rison

for not ha&in+ *aid m( t%ent( cro%ns) and thro%in+

m(se,f at the feet of the com*tro,,er8+enera,) I im8

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*,ored his Justice H u*on %hich he urst out a8,au+h8

in+) and te,,in+ me it %as a tric> that had een *,a(ed

me) he ordered the doers of this mischief in Jest to

*a( me a hundred cro%ns dama+es) and e?em*ted

me from the ,and8ta? for the rest of m( ,ife" I said

to him) #od ,ess (our honor #

 The 1an of Fort( Cro%ns" @B




 The 1an of Fort( Cro%ns ha&in+ im*ro&ed his

understandin+) and ha&in+ accumu,ated a moderate

fortune) married a &er( *rett( +ir,) %ho had a hun8

dred cro%ns a (ear of her o%n" As soon as his son

%as orn) he fe,t himse,f a man of some conseGuence

in the state" 'e %as famous for ma>in+ the est

as>ets in the %or,d) and his %ife %as an e?ce,,ent

seamstress" She %as orn in the nei+horhood of a

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rich ae( of a hundred thousand ,i&res a (ear" 'er

husand as>ed me one da( %h( those +ent,emen) %ho

%ere so fe% in numer) had s%a,,o%ed so man( of

the fort(8cro%n ,ots #Are the( more usefu, to their

countr( than I am# #No) dear nei+hor"# #Do the()

,i>e me) contriute at ,east to the *o*u,ation of it#

#No"# #Do the( cu,ti&ate the ,and Do the( defend

the state %hen it is attac>ed# #No) the( *ra( to

od for us"# #We,,) then) I %i,, *ra( to od for

them in return"#

70ESTION" 'o% man( of these usefu, +entr()

men and %omen) ma( the con&ents in this >in+dom


ANSWER" !( the ,ists of the su*erintendents)

ta>en to%ard the end of the ,ast centur() there %ere

aout ninet( thousand"

70ESTION" Accordin+ to our ancient account)

IJ4 The 1an of Fort( Cro%ns"

the( ou+ht not) at fort( cro%ns a head) to *ossess

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ao&e ten mi,,ion ei+ht hundred thousand ,i&res"

Pra() ho% much ha&e the( actua,,(

ANSWER" The( ha&e to the amount of ft( mi,8

,ions) inc,udin+ the masses) and a,ms to the mendi8

cant mon>s) %ho rea,,( ,a( a considera,e ta? on the

*eo*,e" A e++in+ friar of a con&ent in Paris *u8

,ic,( ra++ed that his %a,,et %as %orth fourscore

thousand ,i&res a (ear"

70ESTION" Let us no% consider ho% much the

distriution of ft( mi,,ions amon+ ninet( thousand

sha&en cro%ns +i&es to each Let us see) is it not

&e hundred and ft(8&e ,i&res

ANSWER" 5es) and a considera,e sum it is in a

numerous societ() %here the e?*enses e&en diminish

( the Guantit( of consumers H for ten *ersons ma(

,i&e to+ether much chea*er than if each had his se*8

arate ,od+in+ and ta,e"

70ESTION" So that the e?8 /esuits) to %hom there

is no% assi+ned a *ension of four hundred ,i&res) are

then rea,,( ,osers ( the ar+ain"

ANSWER" I do not thin> so) for the( are a,most

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a,, of them retired amon+ their friends) %ho assist

them" Se&era, of them sa( masses for mone() %hich

the( did not do efore H others +et to e *rece*tors H

some are maintained ( fema,e i+ots H each has made

a shift for himse,f H and) *erha*s) at this time) there

are fe% of them %ho ha&e tasted of the %or,d) and of

,iert() that %ou,d resume their former chains" The

mon>ish ,ife) %hate&er the( ma( sa() is not at a,, to

 The 1an of Fort( Cro%ns" @

e en&ied" It is a ma?im %e,, >no%n that the mon>s

are a >ind of *eo*,e %ho assem,e %ithout >no%in+)

,i&e %ithout ,o&in+) and die %ithout re+rettin+ each


70ESTION" 5ou thin>) then) that it %ou,d e do8

in+ them a +reat ser&ice to stri* them of a,, their

mon>s$ haits

ANSWER" The( %ou,d undouted,( +ain much

( it) and the state sti,, more" It %ou,d restore to the

countr( a numer of suJects) men and %omen) %ho

ha&e rash,( sacriced their ,iert() at an a+e to %hich

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the ,a%s do not a,,o% a ca*acit( of dis*osin+ of ten8

*ence a (ear income" It %ou,d e ta>in+ these cor*ses

out of their toms) and aord a true resurrection"

 Their houses mi+ht ecome hos*ita,s) or e turned

into *,aces for manufactures" Po*u,ation %ou,d e

increased" A,, the arts %ou,d e etter cu,ti&ated"

One mi+ht at ,east diminish the numer of these &o,8

untar( &ictims ( ?in+ the numer of no&ices" The

countr( %ou,d ha&e suJects more usefu,) and ,ess

unha**(" Such is the o*inion of a,, the ma+istrates)

such the unanimous %ish of the *u,ic) since its un8

derstandin+ is en,i+htened" The e?am*,e of En+,and

and other states is an e&ident *roof of the necessit(

of this reformation" What %ou,d En+,and do at this

time) if) instead of fort( thousand seamen) it had

fort( thousand mon>s The more the( are mu,ti8

*,ied) the +reater need there is of a numer of indus8

trious suJects" There are undouted,( uried in the

c,oisters man( ta,ents %hich are ,ost to the state" To

@( The 1an of Fort( Cro%ns"

ma>e a >in+dom Mourish) there shou,d e the fe%est

*riests and the most artisans *ossi,e" So far ou+ht

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the i+norance and ararism of our forefathers to e

from ein+ an( ru,e for us) that the( ou+ht rather

to e an admonition to us to do %hat the( %ou,d do

if the( %ere in our *,ace) %ith our im*ro&ements in


70ESTION" It is not then out of hatred to mon>s

that (ou %ish to ao,ish them) ut out of ,o&e to (our

countr( I thin> as (ou do" I %ou,d not ha&e m(

son a mon>" And if I thou+ht I %as to rear chi,dren

for nothin+ etter than a c,oister) I %ou,d not %ish

to ecome a father"

ANSWER" Where) in fact) is that +ood father of a

fami,( that %ou,d not +roan to see his son and dau+h8

ter ,ost to societ( This is see>in+ the safet( of the

sou," It ma( e so) ut a so,dier that see>s the safet(

of his od() %hen his dut( is to +ht) is *unished"

We are a,, so,diers of the state H %e are in the *a( of

societ( H %e ecome deserters %hen %e Guit it"

Wh() then) has mon>ishness *re&ai,ed !ecause)

since the da(s of Constantine) the +o&ernment has

een e&er(%here asurd and detesta,e H ecause the

Roman Em*ire came to ha&e more mon>s than so,8

diersH ecause there %ere a hundred thousand of

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them in E+(*t a,oneH ecause the( %ere e?em*t

from ,aor and ta?es H ecause the chiefs of those ar8

arous nations %hich destro(ed the em*ire) ha&in+

turned Christians) in order to +o&ern Christians) e?8

ercised the most horrid t(rann( H ecause) to a&oid the

 The 1an of Fort( Cro%ns" @<

fur( of these t(rants) *eo*,e thre% themse,&es in

cro%ds into c,oisters) and so) to esca*e one ser&i8

tude) *ut themse,&es into another H ecause the *o*es)

( institutin+ so man( dierent orders of sacred

drones) contri&ed to ha&e so man( suJects to them8

se,&es in other states H ecause a *easant ,i>es rather

to e ca,,ed re&erend father) and to +i&e his enedic8

tions) than to fo,,o% a *,ou+h$s tai, H ecause he does

not >no% that the *,ou+h is no,er than a mon>$s

hait H ecause he had rather ,i&e at the e?*ense of

foo,s than ( a ,aorious occu*ation H in short) e8

cause he does not >no% that) in ma>in+ a mon> of

himse,f) he is *re*arin+ for himse,f unha**( da(s)

of %hich the sad +round%or> %i,, e nothin+ ut a

tedium &ita and re*entance"

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70ESTION" I am satised" Let us ha&e no

mon>s) for the sa>e of their o%n ha**iness) as %e,,

as ours" !ut I am sorr( to hear it said ( the ,and8

,ord of our &i,,a+e) %ho is father to four o(s and

three +ir,s) that he does not >no% ho% to dis*ose

of his dau+hters) un,ess he ma>es nuns of them"

ANSWER" This too often re*eated *,ea is at once

inhuman) detrimenta, to the countr() and destructi&e

to societ(" E&er( time that it can e said of an(

condition of ,ife %hate&er) that if a,, the %or,d %ere

to emrace it man>ind %ou,d *erish) it is *ro&ed that

that condition is a %orth,ess one) and that %hoe&er

emraces it does a,, the mischief to man>ind that in

him ,ies"

No%) it ein+ a c,ear conseGuence that if a,, the

@= The 1an of Fort( Cro%ns"

(outh of oth se?es %ere to shut themse,&es u* in

c,oisters the %or,d %ou,d *erish) mon>er( is) if it

%ere ut in that ,i+ht a,one) the enem( to human na8

ture) inde*endent,( of the horrid e&i,s it has former,(

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70ESTION" 1i+ht not as much e said of so,8


ANSWER" Certain,( not) for if e&er( suJect car8

ried arms in his turn) as former,( %as the *ractice

in a,, re*u,ics) and es*ecia,,( in that of Rome) the

so,dier is ut the etter farmer for it" The so,dier)

as a +ood suJect ou+ht to do) marries) and +hts for

his %ife and chi,dren" Wou,d it %ere the %i,, of

hea&en that e&er( ,aorer %as a so,dier and a married

man The( %ou,d ma>e e?ce,,ent suJects" !ut a

mon>) mere,( in his Gua,it( of a mon>) is +ood for

nothin+ ut to de&our the sustance of his countr(8

men" There is no truth more +enera,,( ac>no%,8


70ESTION" !ut) sir) the dau+hters of *oor +en8

t,emen) %ho cannot *ortion them o in marria+e)

%hat are the( to do

ANSWER"$ Do The( shou,d do) as has a thou8

sand times een said) ,i>e the dau+hters in En+,and)

in Scot,and) Ire,and) S%it2er,and) 'o,,and) ha,f er8

man() S%eden) Nor%a() Denmar>) Tartar() Tur>e()

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Africa) and in a,most a,, the rest of the +,oe" The(

%i,, *ro&e much etter %i&es) much etter mothers)

%hen it sha,, ha&e een the custom) as in erman()

to marr( %omen %ithout fortune" A %oman) indus8

 The 1an of Fort( Cro%ns" @;

trious and a +ood economist) %i,, do more +ood in

a house than a dau+hter of a farmer of the re&enue)

%ho s*ends more in su*erMuities than she %i,, ha&e

rou+ht of income to her husand"

 There is a necessit( for houses of retreat for o,d

a+e) for inrmit() for deformit(" !ut ( the most

detesta,e of a,, auses) these foundations are for

%e,,8made *ersons" Let a hum*ac>ed o,d %oman

*resent herse,f to enter into a c,oister) and she %i,,

e reJected %ith contem*t) un,ess she %i,, +i&e an

immense *ortion to the house" !ut %hat do I sa(

E&er( nun must rin+ her do%er %ith herH she is

e,se the refuse of the con&ent" Ne&er %as there a

more into,era,e ause"

70ESTION" Than> (ou) sir" I s%ear to (ou that

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no dau+hter of mine sha,, e a nun" The( sha,, ,earn

to s*in) to se%) to ma>e ,ace) to emroider) to render

themse,&es usefu," I ,oo> u*on the &o%s of con&ents

to e crimes a+ainst one$s countr( and one$s se,f"

No%) sir) I e+ (ou %i,, e?*,ain to me) ho% comes

it that a certain %riter) in contradiction to human

>ind) *retends that mon>s are usefu, to the *o*u,a8

tion of a state) ecause their ui,din+s are >e*t in

etter re*air than those of the noi,it() and their

,ands etter cu,ti&ated

ANSWER" 'e has a mind to di&ert himse,fH he

>no%s ut too %e,, that ten fami,ies) %ho ha&e each

&e thousand ,i&res a (ear in ,and) are a hundred) na()

a thousand times more usefu, than a con&ent that

enJo(s ft( thousand ,i&res a (ear) and %hich has

@@ The 1an of Fort( Cro%ns"

a,%a(s a secret hoard" 'e cries u* the ne houses

ui,t ( the mon>s) and it is *recise,( those ne

houses that *ro&o>e the rest of the suJects H it is the

&er( cause of com*,aint to a,, Euro*e" The &o% of

*o&ert( condemns those *a,aces) as the &o% of humi,8

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it( *rotests a+ainst *ride) and as the &o% of e?tin8

+uishin+ one$s race is in o**osition to nature"

70ESTION" !,ess me Who can this e that ad8

&ances so stran+e a *ro*osition

ANSWER" It is the friend of man>ind Y1on8

sieur ,e 1" de 1iraeau) in his oo> ca,,ed L$ Amides

'ommes" It is a+ainst this marGuis that the Jest on

the on,( ta? is ,e&e,,edH a ta? *ro*osed ( himZ) or

rather the friend of the mon>s"

70ESTION" I e+in to thin> it ad&isa,e to e

&er( distrustfu, of oo>s"

ANSWER" The est %a( is to ma>e use) %ith re8

+ard to them) of the same caution as %ith men"

Choose the most reasona,e) e?amine them) and ne&er

(ie,d un,ess to e&idence"



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Aout a month a+o the 1an of Fort( Cro%ns

came to me) ho,din+ oth his sides) %hich seemed

read( to urst %ith ,au+hin+" In short) he ,au+hed

so hearti,( that I cou,d not he,* ,au+hin+ a,so) %ith8

out >no%in+ at %hat" So true it is) that man is orn

 The 1an of Fort( Cro%ns" @:

an imitati&e anima,) that instinct ru,es us) and that

the +reat emotions of the sou, are catchin+" 0t

ridentius arrident) ita Mentius adMent) 'umani


When he had his ,au+h out) he to,d me that he

had Just come from meetin+ %ith a man %ho ca,,ed

himse,f the *rothonotar( of the 'o,( See) and that

this *ersona+e %as sendin+ a%a( a +reat sum of

mone( to an Ita,ian) three hundred ,ea+ues o) in the

name and eha,f of a Frenchman) on %hom the >in+

had esto%ed a sma,, ef or feeH ecause the said

Frenchman cou,d ne&er enJo( this enet of the

>in+$s conferrin+) if he did not +i&e to this Ita,ian the

rst (ear$s income"

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#The thin+)# said I) #is &er( trueH ut it is not

Guite such a ,au+hin+ matter either" It costs France

aout four hundred thousand ,i&res a (ear) in *ett(

duties of this >ind) and in the course of t%o cen8

turies and a ha,f) that this custom has ,asted) %e ha&e

a,read( sent to Ita,( fourscore mi,,ions"#

#'ea&en,( father# he e?c,aimed) #ho% man(

fort( cro%ns %ou,d that ma>e Some Ita,ian) then)

sudued us) I su**ose) t%o centuries and a ha,f a+o)

and ,aid that triute u*on us #

#In +ood faith)# ans%ered I) #he used to im*ose

on us) in former times) in a much more urdensome

%a(" That is ut a triMe in com*arison to %hat) for

a ,on+ time) he ,e&ied on our *oor nations of Euro*e"#

 Then I re,ated to him ho% those ho,( usur*ations

had ta>en *,ace and came to e esta,ished" 'e

@ The 1an of Fort( Cro%ns"

>no%s a ,itt,e of histor() and does not %ant for sense"

'e easi,( concei&ed that %e had een s,a&es) and

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that %e %ere sti,, dra++in+ a ,itt,e it of our chain

that %e cou,d not +et rid of" 'e s*o>e much) and

%ith ener+() a+ainst this auseH ut %ith %hat re8

s*ect for re,i+ion in +enera," With %hat re&erence

did he e?*ress himse,f for the isho*s 'o% hearti,(

did he %ish them man( fort( cro%ns a (ear) that the(

mi+ht s*end them in their dioceses in +ood %or>s"

'e a,so %ished that a,, the countr( &icars mi+ht

ha&e a numer of fort( cro%ns) that the( mi+ht ,i&e

%ith decenc("

#It is a sad thin+)# said he) #that a &icar shou,d e

o,i+ed to dis*ute %ith his Moc> for t%o or three

shea&es of corn) and that he shou,d not e am*,( *aid

( the countr(" These eterna, contests for ima+inar(

ri+hts) for the tithes) destro( the res*ect that is o%in+

to them" The unha**( cu,ti&ator %ho sha,, ha&e

a,read( *aid to the co,,ectors his tenth *enn() and the

t%o*ence a ,i&re) and the ta?) and the ca*itation) and

the *urchase of his e?em*tion from ,od+in+ so,diers

after he sha,, ha&e ,od+ed so,diers for this unfor8

tunate man) I sa() to see the &icar ta>e a%a( in ad8

dition the tithe of his *roduce) he can no ,on+er ,oo>

on him as his *astor) ut as one that Ma(s him a,i&e

that tears from him the ,itt,e s>in that is ,eft him"

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'e fee,s ut too sensi,e) that %hi,e the( are) Jure

di&ino) roin+ him of his tenth sheaf) the( ha&e the

diao,ica, crue,t( not to +i&e him credit for a,, that

it %i,, ha&e cost him to ma>e that sheaf +ro%" What

 The 1an of Fort( Cro%ns" @B

then remains to him for himse,f and fami,( Tears)

%ant) discoura+ement) des*air) and thus he dies of

fati+ue and miser(" If the &icar %ere *aid ( the

countr() he %ou,d e a comfort to his *arishioners)

instead of ein+ ,oo>ed on ( them as their enem("#

 The %orth( man me,ted as he uttered these %ords H

he ,o&ed his countr() and the *u,ic +ood %as his

ido," 'e %ou,d sometimes em*hatica,,( sa() #What

a nation %ou,d the French e if it *,eased# We

%ent to see his son) %hom the mother) a &er( neat and

c,ean %oman) %as nursin+" #A,as # said the father)

#here thou art) *oor chi,d) and hast nothin+ to *re8

tend to ut t%ent(8three (ears of ,ife) and fort(

cro%ns a (ear"#

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 The *roduce of the e?tremes is eGua, to the *ro8

duce of the means H ut t%o sac>s of corn sto,en

are not) to those %ho sto,e them) as the ,oss of their

,i&es is to the interest of the *erson from %hom the(

%ere sto,en"

 The *rior of ) from %hom t%o of his domes8

tic ser&ants in the countr( had sto,en t%o measures

of corn) has Just had the t%o de,inGuents han+ed"

 This e?ecution has cost him more than a,, his har&est

has een %orth to himH and since that time he has

not een a,e to +et a ser&ant"

If the ,a%s had ordained that such as sto,e their

@4 The 1an of Fort( Cro%ns"

master$s corn shou,d %or> in his +rounds durin+ their

,i&es in fetters) and %ith a e,, at their nec>) ?ed to

a co,,ar) the *rior %ou,d ha&e een a considera,e

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+ainer ( it"

#Terror shou,d e *re&enti&e,( em*,o(ed a+ainst

crimes#H &er( true) ut %or>) on com*u,sion) and

,astin+ shame) stri>e more terror than the +a,,o%s"

 There %as) some months a+o at London) a ma,e8

factor %ho had een condemned to e trans*orted to

America to %or> there at the su+ar %or>s %ith the

ne+roes" In En+,and an( crimina,) as in man( other

countries) ma( +et a *etition *resented to the >in+)

either to otain a free *ardon or a miti+ation of the

sentence" This one *resented a *etition to e han+ed)

a,,e+in+ that he morta,,( hated %or>) and that he had

rather suer stran+,in+ for a minute than to ma>e

su+ar a,, his ,ifetime"

Others ma( thin> other%iseH e&er( one to his

taste" !ut it has een a,read( said) and cannot e

too often re*eated) that a man han+ed is +ood for

nothin+) and that *unishments ou+ht to e usefu,"

Some (ears a+o) in Tur>e() t%o (oun+ men %ere

condemned to e em*a,ed) for ha&in+ %ithout ta>8

in+ o their ca*s6) stood to see the *rocession of the

Lama *ass (" The Em*eror of China) %ho is a man

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of &er( +ood sense) said) that for his *art) he shou,d

ha&e condemned them to %a,> areheaded) in e&er(

*u,ic *rocession) for three months after%ards"

#Pro*ortion *unishments to crimes)# sa(s the

 The 1an of Fort( Cro%ns" @

1arGuis !eccariaH ut those %ho made the ,a%s

%ere not +eometricians"

I hate the ,a%s of Draco) %hich *unish eGua,,(

crimes and fau,ts) %ic>edness and fo,,(" Let us

es*ecia,,( in a,, ,iti+ations) in a,, dissensions) in a,,

Guarre,s distin+uish the a++ressor from the *art(

oended) the o**ressor from the o**ressed" An of8

fensi&e %ar is the *rocedure of a t(rant H he %ho de8

fends himse,f is in the character of a Just man"

As I %as asored in these reMections) the 1an of

Fort( Cro%ns came to me a,, in tears" I as>ed) %ith

emotion) if his son) %ho %as ( ri+ht to ,i&e t%ent(8

three (ears) %as dead

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#No)# said he) #the ,itt,e one is &er( %e,,) and

so is m( %ife H ut I %as summoned to +i&e e&idence

a+ainst a mi,,er) %ho has een *ut to the torture)

ordinar( and e?traordinar() and %ho has een found

innocent" I sa% him faint a%a( under redou,ed

tortures" I heard the crash of his ones" 'is out8

cries and screams of a+on( are not (et out of m( ears H

the( haunt me" I shed tears for *it() and shudder

%ith horror"

'is tears dre% mine" I trem,ed) too) ,i>e him)

for I ha&e natura,,( an e?treme sensii,it("

1( memor( then re*resented to me the dreadfu,

fate of the Ca,as fami,( . A &irtuous mother in irons

her chi,dren in tears) and forced to M( her

house +i&en u* to *i,,a+e a res*ecta,e father of a

fami,( ro>en %ith torture a+oni2in+ on a %hee,)

@ The 1an of Fort( Cro%ns"

and e?*irin+ in the Mames H a son ,oaded %ith chains)

and dra++ed efore the Jud+es) one of %hom said to


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#We ha&e Just no% ro>en (our father on the

%hee,H i&e %i,, rea> (ou a,i&e) too"#

I rememer the fami,( of Sir&en) %hom one of m(

friends met %ith amon+ the mountains co&ered %ith

ice) as the( %ere M(in+ from the *ersecution of a

 Jud+e as i+norant as he %as unJust" This Jud+e he

to,d me6 had condemned an innocent fami,( to death

on a su**osition) %ithout the ,east shado% of *roof)

that the father and mother) assisted ( t%o of their

dau+hters) had cut the throat of the third) and

dro%ned her esides) for +oin+ to mass" I sa% in

 Jud+ments of this >ind at once an e?cess of stu*idit()

of inJustice) and of ararit("

 The 1an of Fort( Cro%ns Joined %ith me in *it(8

in+ human nature" I had in m( *oc>et the discourse

of an attorne(8+enera, of Dau*hin() %hich turned

u*on &er( im*ortant matters" I read to him the fo,8

,o%in+ *assa+es .

#Certain,( those must ha&e een tru,( +reat men)

%ho) at rst) dared to ta>e u*on themse,&es the oQce

of +o&ernin+ their fe,,o% creatures) and to set their

shou,ders to the urden of the *u,ic %e,fare H %ho)

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for the sa>e of the +ood the( meant to do to men)

e?*osed themse,&es to their in+ratitude) and for the

*u,ic re*ose renounced their o%n H %ho made them8

se,&es) as one ma( sa() midd,e8men et%een their fe,8

 The 1an of Fort( Cro%ns" @<

,o% creatures and Pro&idence) to com*ose for them)

( artice) a ha**iness %hich Pro&idence seems other8

%ise to ha&e refused to them ( an( other means"

#What ma+istrate %as e&er so care,ess of his re8

s*onsii,ities and duties to humanit( as to entertain

such ideas Cou,d he) in the so,itude of his c,oset)

%ithout shudderin+ %ith horror and *it() cast his

e(es on those *a*ers) the unfortunate monuments of

+ui,t or of innocence Shou,d he not thin> he hears

a *,ainti&e &oice and +roans issue from those fata,

%ritin+s) and *ress him to decide the destin( of a

suJect) of a husand) of a father) or of a %ho,e fam8

i,( What Jud+e can e so unmercifu, if he is

char+ed %ith ut one sin+,e *rocess6 as to *ass in

co,d ,ood efore the door of a *rison Is it I must

he sa( to himse,f6 %ho detain in that e?ecra,e *,ace

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m( fe,,o% creature) *erha*s m( countr(man) one of

human>ind) in short Is it I that conne him e&er(

da( that shut those e?ecra,e doors u*on him

Perha*s des*air %i,, ha&e sei2ed him" 'e sends u*

to hea&en m( name ,oaded %ith his curses) and

dout,ess ca,,s to %itness a+ainst me that +reat Jud+e

of the %or,d %ho oser&es us and %i,, Jud+e us oth"

#'ere a dreadfu, si+ht *resents itse,f on a sudden

to m( e(es . The Jud+e) tired %ith interro+atin+ (

%ords) has recourse to interro+ation ( tortures" Im8

*atient in his inGuiries and researches) and *erha*s

irritated at their inuti,it() he has rou+ht to him

torches) chains) ,e&ers) and a,, those instruments in8

Vo," @ ;<

@<= The 1an of Fort( Cro%ns"

&ented for *roducin+ *ain) An e?ecutioner comes to

inter*ose in the functions of the ma+istrac() and ter8

minates ( &io,ence a Judicia, interro+ation"

#ent,e *hi,oso*h( thou %ho ne&er see>est

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truth ut %ith attention and *atience) cou,dst thou

e?*ect) in an a+e that ta>es th( name) that such in8

struments %ou,d e em*,o(ed to disco&er that truth

#Can it e rea,,( true that our ,a%s a**ro&e this

inconcei&a,e method) and that custom consecrates it

#Their ,a%s imitate their *reJudices) their *u,ic

*unishments are as crue, as their *ri&ate &en+eance)

and the acts of their reason are scarce ,ess unmerci8

fu, than those of their *assions" What can e the

cause of this stran+e contrariet( It is ecause our

*reJudices are ancient) and our mora,it( ne%H it is

ecause %e are as *enetrated %ith our o*inions as %e

are inattenti&e to our ideas H it is ecause our *assion

for *,easures hinders us from reMectin+ on our %ants)

and that %e are more ea+er to ,i&e than to direct our8

se,&es ri+ht H it is) in a %ord) ecause our mora,s are

+ent,e %ithout ein+ +ood H it is ecause %e are *o,ite)

and are not so much as humane"#

 These fra+ments) %hich e,oGuence had dictated

to humanit() ,,ed the heart of m( friend %ith a s%eet

conso,ation" 'e admired %ith tenderness"

#What # said he) #are such master*ieces as these

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*roduced in a *ro&ince I had een to,d that Paris

%as a,, the %or,d) or the on,( *,ace in it"#

#It is# said I) #the on,( *,ace for *roducin+ comic

o*eras H ut there are at this time) in the *ro&inces)

 The 1an of Fort( Cro%ns" @<;

ma+istrates %ho thin> %ith the same &irtue and e?8

*ress themse,&es %ith the same force" Former,() the

orac,es of Justice) ,i>e those of mora,it() %ere noth8

in+ ut matter of mere ridicu,e" Dr" !a,ouard de8

c,aimed at the ar) and 'ar,eGuin in the *u,*it"

Phi,oso*h( has at ,en+th come) and has said) $Do not

s*ea> in *u,ic) un,ess to set forth ne% and usefu,

truths) %ith the e,oGuence of sentiment and of rea8

son"$ #

!ut) sa( the *raters) if %e ha&e nothin+ ne% to

sa() %hat then Wh() ho,d (our ton+ues) re*,ies

*hi,oso*h(" A,, those &ain discourses for *arade)

that contain nothin+ ut *hrases) are ,i>e the re on

the e&e of St" /ohn$s) >ind,ed on that da( of the (ear

in %hich there is the ,east %ant of it to heat one$s se,f

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it causes no *,easure) and not so much as the ashes

of it remain"

Let a,, France read +ood oo>s" !ut not%ith8

standin+ a,, the *ro+ress of the human understand8

in+) there are fe% that read) and amon+ those

%ho sometimes see> instruction) the readin+ for the

most *art is &er( i,, chosen" 1( nei+hors) men and

%omen) *ass their time) after dinner) at *,a(in+ an

En+,ish +ame) %hich I ha&e much diQcu,t( to *ro8

nounce) since the( ca,, it %hist" 1an( +ood citi2ens)

man( thic> heads) %ho ta>e themse,&es for +ood

heads) te,, (ou) %ith an air of im*ortance) that oo>s

are +ood for nothin+" !ut) 1essieurs) the critics) do

not (ou >no% that (ou are +o&erned on,( ( oo>s

Do not (ou >no% that the statutes) the mi,itar( code)

@<@ The 1an of Fort( Cro%ns"

and the +os*e, are oo>s on %hich (ou continua,,(

de*end ReadH im*ro&e (ourse,&es" It is readin+

a,one that in&i+orates the understandin+ H con&ersa8

tion dissi*ates it H *,a( contracts it"

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 Thus it %as that the 1an of Fort( Cro%ns *ro8

ceeded to form) as one ma( sa() his head and his

heart" 'e not on,( succeeded to the inheritance

of his t%o fair cousins) ut he came a,so to a fortune

,eft ( a &er( distant re,ation) %ho had een a su8

farmer of the mi,itar( hos*ita,s) %here he had fat8

tened himse,f on the strict astinence to %hich he had

*ut the %ounded so,diers" This man ne&er %ou,d

marr(" 'e ne&er %ou,d o%n an( of his re,ations"

'e ,i&ed in the hei+ht of deaucher() and died at

Paris of a surfeit" 'e %as) as an( one ma( see) a

&er( usefu, memer of the state"

Our ne% *hi,oso*her %as o,i+ed to +o to Paris

to +et *ossession of the inheritance of this re,ati&e"

At rst the farmers of the domain dis*uted it %ith

him" 'e had the +ood ,uc>) ho%e&er) to +ain his

cause) and the +enerosit( to +i&e to the *oor of his

nei+horhood) %ho had not their contin+ent of fort(

cro%ns a (ear) a *art of the s*oi,s of the deceased son

of fortune" After %hich he set himse,f aout satis8

f(in+ his *assion for ha&in+ a ,irar("

'e read e&er( mornin+ and made e?tracts" In

the e&enin+ he consu,ted the ,earned to >no% in %hat

,an+ua+e the ser*ent had ta,>ed to our +ood mother H

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%hether the sou, is in the ca,,ous od() or in the *inea,

+,and H %hether St" Peter ,i&ed &e and t%ent( (ears

 The 1an of Fort( Cro%ns" @<:

at Rome H %hat s*ecic dierence there is et%een a

throne and a dominion H and %h( the ne+roes ha&e a

Mat nose" 'e *ro*osed to himse,f) esides) ne&er to

+o&ern the state) nor to %rite an( *am*h,ets a+ainst

ne% dramatic *ieces" 'e %as ca,,ed 1r" Andre%)

%hich %as his Christian name" Those %ho ha&e

>no%n him do Justice to his modest( and to his Gua,8

ities) oth natura, and acGuired"



Durin+ the sta( of 1r" Andre% at Paris there ha*8

*ened a &er( im*ortant Guarre," The *oint %as to

decide %hether 1arcus Antoninus %as an honest man

and %hether he %as in he,, or in *ur+ator() or in

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,imo) %aitin+ ti,, the da( of resurrection" A,, the

men of sense too> the *art of 1arcus Antoninus"

 The( said . #Antoninus has een a,%a(s Just) tem8

*erate) chaste) and enecent" It is true) he has not

so +ood a *,ace in *aradise as St" Anthon() for *ro8

*ortions ou+ht to e oser&ed) as has een efore rec8

ommended" !ut certain,( the sou, of Antoninus is

not roastin+ on a s*it in he,," If he is in *ur+ator() he

ou+ht to e de,i&ered out of it H there need on,( e

masses said for him" Let the /esuits) %ho ha&e no

,on+er an(thin+ to do) sa( three thousand masses for

the re*ose of the sou, of 1arcus Antoninus" Put8

tin+ each mass at fteen *ence) the( %i,, +et t%o

@< The 1an of Fort( Cro%ns"

thousand t%o hundred and ft( ,i&res ( it" !e8

sides) some res*ect is o%in+ to a cro%ned head" 'e

shou,d not e ,i+ht,( damned"

 The *art( o**osed to these +ood *eo*,e *retended)

on the contrar() that no com*oundin+ for sa,&ation

ou+ht to e a,,o%ed to 1arcus AntoninusH that he

%as a heretic H that the Car*ocratians and the A,o+i

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%ere not so ad as he H that he had died %ithout con8

fession H that it %as necessar( to ma>e an e?am*,e H

that it %as ri+ht to damn him) if ut to teach etter

manners to the em*erors of China and /a*an to

those of Persia) Tur>e() and 1orocco to the >in+s

of En+,and) S%eden) Denmar>) and Prussia to the

stadtho,der of 'o,,and to the a&o(ers of the Canton

at !erne) %ho no more +o to confession than did the

Em*eror 1arcus Antoninus H that) in short) there is

an uns*ea>a,e *,easure in *assin+ sentence a+ainst a

dead so&erei+n) %hich one cou,d not fu,minate

a+ainst him in his ,ifetime) for fear of ,osin+ one$s


 This Guarre, ecame as furious as %as former,(

that of the 0rsu,ines and the Annonciades" " " "

In short) it %as feared that it %ou,d come to a schism)

as in the time of the hundred and one 1other oose$s

ta,es) and of certain i,,s *a(a,e to the earer in the

other %or,d" To e sure) a schism is somethin+ &er(

terri,e" The meanin+ of the %ord is a di&ision in

o*inion) and ti,, this fata, moment a,, men had een

a+reed to thin> the same thin+"

1r" Andre%) %ho %as an e?ce,,ent memer of so8

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 The 1an of Fort( Cro%ns" @<B

ciet() in&ited the chiefs of the t%o *arties to su* %ith

him" 'e is one of the est com*anions that %e ha&e"

'is humor is +ent,e and ,i&e,(H his +a(et( is not

nois( H he is o*en) fran>) and eas(" 'e has not that

sort of %it %hich seems to aim at stiMin+ that of

others" The authorit( %hich he conci,iates to him8

se,f is due to nothin+ ut his +racefu, manner) to his

moderation) and to a round) +ood8natured face) %hich

is Guite *ersuasi&e" 'e cou,d ha&e rou+ht to su*

cheerfu,,( to+ether a Corsican and a enoese a re*8

resentati&e of ene&a and a ne+ati&e man the mufti

and an archisho*" 'e mana+ed so de?trous,( as

to ma>e the rst stro>e that the dis*utants of oth

*arties aimed at each other fa,, to the +round) ( turn8

in+ o the discourse and ( te,,in+ a &er( di&ertin+

ta,e) %hich *,eased eGua,,( the damnin+ and the

damned" In short) %hen the( had +ot a ,itt,e +ood8

humored and e,e&ated %ith %ine) he made them si+n

an a+reement that the sou, of 1arcus Antoninus

shou,d remain in statu Guo that is to sa() nood(

>no%s %here ti,, the da( of na, Jud+ment"

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 The sou,s of the doctors of di&init( returned Gui8

et,( to their ,imos after su**er) and a,, %as ca,m"

 This adJustment of the Guarre, did +reat honor to the

1an of Fort( Cro%ns H and) since then) %hene&er an(

&er( *ee&ish &iru,ent dis*ute arose amon+ men of ,et8

ters) or amon+ men not of ,etters) the ad&ice +i&en

%as) #ent,emen) +o and su* at 1aster Andre%$s#

@<4 The 1an of Fort( Cro%ns"



 The re*utation %hich 1r" Andre% had acGuired

for *acif(in+ Guarre,s ( +i&in+ +ood su**ers

dre% u*on him ,ast %ee> a sin+u,ar &isit" A dar>8

com*,e?ioned man) shai,( enou+h dressed) rather

croo>8ac>ed) %ith his head ,eanin+ to%ard one

shou,der) a ha++ard e(e and dirt( hands) as>ed to e

in&ited to a su**er %ith his enemies"

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#Who are (our enemies # said 1r" Andre%) #and

%ho are (ou #

#A,as) sir)# said he) #I am forced to confess that

I am ta>en for one of those %retches that com*ose

,ie,s to +et read) and %ho are fore&er cr(in+ out)

$Re,i+ion re,i+ion re,i+ion $ in order to come into

some ,itt,e enece" I am accused of ha&in+ ca,umni8

ated some of the most tru,( re,i+ious suJects) the

most sincere adorers of di&init() and the most honest

men of the >in+dom" It is true) sir) that in the heat

of com*osition there often fa,, from the *en of those

of m( trade certain ,itt,e inad&ertencies or s,i*s)

%hich are ta>en for +ross errors) and some ,ierties

ta>en %ith the truth) %hich are termed im*udent ,ies"

Our 2ea, is ,oo>ed u*on in the ,i+ht of a horrid mi?8

ture of &i,,ain( and fanaticism" It has een a,,e+ed

that %hi,e %e are ensnarin+ the eas( faith of some

si,,( o,d %omen) %e are the scorn and e?ecration of

a,, the men of %orth %ho can read"

 The 1an of Fort( Cro%ns" @<

#1( enemies are the *rinci*a, memers of the

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most i,,ustrious academies of Euro*e) %riters much

esteemed) and enecent memers of societ(" I ha&e

ut Just *u,ished a oo> under the tit,e of #Anti8

*hi,oso*hica,"# I had nothin+ ut the est intentions)

and (et no one %ou,d u( m( oo>" Those to %hom

I made *resents of it thre% it into the re) te,,in+ me

it %as not on,( anti8reasona,e) ut anti8Christian)

and e?treme,( anti8decent"#

#We,,) then# said 1r" Andre% to him) #fo,,o%

the e?am*,e of those to %hom (ou *resented (our

,ie,) thro% it into the re) and ,et no more e said

of it" It is unnecessar( to as> (ou to su* %ith men

of %it) %ho can ne&er e (our enemies) since the( %i,,

ne&er read (ou"#

#Cou,d not (ou) sir) at ,east)# said the h(*ocrite to

him) #reconci,e me %ith the re,ations of the deceased

1onsieur de 1ontesGuieu) to %hose memor( I of8

fered an indi+nit() that I mi+ht +i&e honor and +,or(

to the re&erend father Rout"

#3ounds # said 1r" Andre%) #the re&erend father

Rout has een dead this ,on+ time H +o and su* %ith


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@< The 1an of Fort( Cro%ns"



!ut ho% +reat,( did the sense of 1r" Andre% im8

*ro&e in &i+or from the time he *rocured a ,irar(

'e ,i&es %ith oo>s as %ith men) and is carefu, in his

choice of them" What a *,easure it is to +ain instruc8

tion) to en,ar+e one$s mind ( stud(in+ the est %or>s

of the +reatest authors"

'e con+ratu,ates himse,f on ein+ orn at a time

%hen human reason is tendin+ to%ard *erfection"

#'o% unha**( shou,d I ha&e een)# he used to sa()

#if the a+e I ,i&e in had een that in %hich the( used

to condemn to the +a,,e(s those %ho %rote a+ainst

the cate+ories of Aristot,e"#

Distress had %ea>ened the s*rin+s of 1r" An8

dre%$s sou,H ut +ood fortune restored their e,as8

ticit(" There are man( Andre%s in the %or,d to

%hom nothin+ is %antin+ ut a turn of the %hee, of

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fortune to ma>e of them men of true merit"

'e is no% %e,, acGuainted %ith a,, the aairs of

Euro*e) and es*ecia,,( %ith the *ro+ress of the hu8

man understandin+"

'e recent,( remar>ed to me that Reason tra&e,s (

s,o% Journe(s from north to south) in com*an( %ith

her t%o intimate friends) E?*erience and To,eration"

A+ricu,ture and Commerce attend them" When Rea8

son *resented herse,f in Ita,() the con+re+ation of the

Inde? stern,( re*u,sed her" A,, she cou,d do %as to

 The 1an of Fort( Cro%ns" @<<

secret,( send some of her a+ents) %ho) in s*ite of her

enemies) do some +ood" Let ut some (ears more

*ass) and it is to e ho*ed that the countr( of the

Sci*ios %i,, no ,on+er e that of har,eGuins in mon>s$


She has sometimes met %ith crue, foes in France H

ut she has no% so man( friends in that >in+dom that

she stands a +ood chance of at ,en+th ecomin+ rst

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minister there"

When she *resented herse,f in !a&aria and Aus8

tria) she found t%o or three +reat %i+8,oc>s that

stared at her %ith stu*id and astonished e(es" Their

+reetin+ %as. #1adam) %e ne&er heard of (ouH

%e do not >no% (ou"# 'er ans%er to %hich %as .

#ent,emen) in time (ou %i,, come to >no% me and

to ,o&e me" I ha&e een %e,, recei&ed at !er,in) at

1osco%) at Co*enha+en) at Stoc>ho,m" It is ,on+

a+o that I ha&e een natura,i2ed ( Act of Par,iament

in En+,and) throu+h the ,aors of Loc>e) ordon)

 Trenchard) Lord Shaftesur() and a numer of others

of the same nation" 5ou %i,,) some da( or other)

confer on me the ,i>e +rant" I am the dau+hter of

 Time" I e?*ect e&er(thin+ from m( father"#

When she *assed o&er the frontiers of S*ain and

Portu+a,) she ,essed od on oser&in+ that the res

of the InGuisition %ere ,ess freGuent,( >ind,ed" She

reJoiced on seein+ the /esuits e?*e,,edH ut %as

afraid that) %hi,e the countr( had een c,eared of the

fo?es) it %as sti,, ,eft e?*osed to the ra&a+es of


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: oo The 1an of Fort( Cro%ns"

If she ma>es an( fresh attem*ts to +ain entrance

into Ita,( it is thou+ht she %i,, e+in ( esta,ishin+

herse,f at Venice H and that she %i,, ta>e u* her aode

in the >in+dom of Na*,es) in s*ite of the ,iGuefaction

of the saint$s ,ood in that countr() %hich a%a>ens

in her mind mournfu, reMections on human credu,8

it(" It is *retended that she has an infa,,i,e secret

for unt(in+ the strin+s of a cro%n) %hich are en8

tan+,ed) nood( >no%s ho%) in those of a mitre"



We su**ed at 1r" Andre%$s (esterda() to+ether

%ith a Doctor Soronne) %ith 1onsieur Pinto) the

ce,erated /e%) %ith the cha*,ain of the Protestant

cha*e, of the Dutch amassador) the secretar( of the

Prince a,,itsin of the ree> Church) a Ca,&inist

S%iss ca*tain) t%o *hi,oso*hers) and three ,adies of

+reat %it"

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 The su**er %as a &er( ,on+ one H and (et) so *o,ite

it must e o%ned %e are +ro%n so much is one

afraid at su**er to +i&e an( cause of oence to one$s

rethren) that there %as no more dis*utin+ u*on re8

,i+ion than as if not one of those at ta,e had e&er had

an(" It is not so %ith the Re+ent Co+e) and the e?8

 /esuit Patoui,,et) and %ith a,, the anima,s of that

>ind" Those *itifu, creatures %i,, sa( more stu*id,(

ausi&e thin+s in one *am*h,et of t%o *a+es than

 The 1an of Fort( Cro%ns" :=;

the est com*an( in Paris can sa( a+reea,e and in8

structi&e ones in a su**er of four hours" And %hat

is stran+er (et) the( dare not te,, a man to his face

%hat the( ha&e the im*udence to *rint"

 The con&ersation turned at rst on a *iece of *,eas8

antr( in the #Persian Letters)# in %hich it is re8

*eated) after a numer of +ra&e *ersona+es) that the

%or,d is not on,( +ro%in+ %orse) ut that it is e8

comin+ de*o*u,ated) so that if the *ro&er shou,d

ha&e an( truth in it) that #the more foo,s there are)

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the more ,au+hter)# ,au+hin+ is ,i>e,( to e soon

anished from the face of the earth"

 The Doctor of Soronne assured us that) in fact)

the %or,d %as a,most reduced to nothin+" 'e Guoted

the Father Petau) %ho demonstrates that in ,ess

than three hundred (ears the descendants of one of

the sons of Noah I for+et %hether it %as Shem or

 /a*heth6) amounted to si? hundred and t%e,&e mi,8

,ions three hundred and ft(8ei+ht thousand true e8

,ie&ers %ithin t%o hundred and ei+ht(8&e (ears after

the uni&ersa, de,u+e"

1r" Andre% as>ed) %h( in the time of Phi,i* ,e

!e,) that is to sa() aout three hundred (ears after

'u+h Ca*et) there %ere not si? hundred and t%ent(8

three thousand mi,,ions of *rinces of the ro(a, fam8


#It is)# said the Doctor of Soronne) #ecause the

stoc> of faith has +reat,( decreased"#

A +reat dea/ %as said aout Thees and its hun8

dred +ates) and of the mi,,ion of so,diers that issued

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:=@ The 1an of Fort( Cro%ns"

out of those +ates %ith the t%ent( thousand chariots

of %ar"

#Shut the oo> there)# said 1r" Andre% . #Since

I ha&e ta>en to readin+ I e+ to sus*ect that the same

+enius that %rote ara+antua used of (ore to %rite

a,, the histories"#

#!ut) in short)# said one of the com*an() #Thees)

1em*his) !a(,on) Nine&eh) Tro() Se,eucia %ere

+reat cities once) and no% no ,on+er e?ist"#

#ranted)# ans%ered the secretar( of the Prince

a,,itsinH #ut 1osco%) Constantino*,e) London)

Paris) Amsterdam) L(ons %hich is etter than

e&er Tro( %as6) and a,, the to%ns of France) er8

man() S*ain) and the North %ere then deserts"#

 The S%iss ca*tain) a +ent,eman of +reat >no%,8

ed+e) o%ned to us that %hen his ancestors too> it

into their heads to Guit their mountains and their

*reci*ices to +o and ta>e forci,e *ossession) as %as

ut reasona,e) of a ner countr() Caesar) %ho sa%

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%ith his o%n e(es the ,ist of those emi+rants) found

that their numer amounted to three hundred and

si?t(8ei+ht thousand) inc,usi&e of the o,d) the chi,8

dren) and the %omen" At this time the sin+,e canton

of !erne *ossesses as man( inhaitants) %hich is not

Guite the ha,f of S%it2er,and) and I can assure (ou

that the thirteen cantons ha&e ao&e se&en hundred

and t%ent( thousand sou,s) inc,udin+ the nati&es %ho

are ser&in+ or carr(in+ on usiness in other countries"

From such data +ent,emen of ,earnin+ ma>e asurd

 The 1an of Fort( Cro%ns" :=:

ca,cu,ations and the( ase fa,,acious s(stems on no

etter footin+"

 The Guestion ne?t a+itated %as %hether the citi8

2ens of Rome) in the time of the Caesars) %ere richer

than the citi2ens of Paris in the time of 1onsieur


#Oh)# sa(s 1r" Andre%) #this is a *oint on %hich

I ha&e some ca,, to s*ea>" I %as a ,on+ time the 1an

of Fort( Cro%ns) ut I concei&e that the citi2ens of

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Rome had more" Those i,,ustrious roers on the

hi+h%a( *i,,a+ed the nest countries of Asia) of

Africa) and of Euro*e" The( ,i&ed s*,endid,( on the

*roduce of their ra*ines H ut (et there %ere dout8

,ess some e++ars at Rome" I am *ersuaded that

amon+ those conGuerors of the %or,d there %ere

some reduced to an income of fort( cro%ns a (ear) as

I former,( %as"#

#Do (ou >no%)# said a ,earned memer of the

Academ( of Inscri*tions and !e,,es8,ettres) #that

it cost Lucu,,us) for e&er( su**er he +a&e in the sa8

,oon of A*o,,o) thirt(8nine thousand three hundred

and t%e,&e ,i&res of our mone( H ut that the ce,e8

rated e*icurean Atticus did not e?*end ao&e t%o

hundred and thirt( ,i&res a month for his ta,e"#

#If that e true)# said I) #he deser&ed to e *resi8

dent of the 1iser8societ() ,ate,( esta,ished in Ita,("

I ha&e read) as (ou ha&e done) in F,orus) that incred8

i,e anecdote H ut) *erha*s F,orus had ne&er su**ed

%ith Atticus) or e,se his te?t) ,i>e so man( others)

:= The 1an of Fort( Cro%ns"

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has een corru*ted ( co*(ists" No F,orus sha,, e&er

ma>e me e,ie&e that the friend of Caesar and of Pom8

*e() of Cicero and of Anton() a,, of %hom %ere often

entertained at his house) +ot o for somethin+ ,ess

than ten ,ouis d$or a month" !ut thus e?act,( $tis

that histor( is %ritten"#

1adam Andre%) for her *art) to,d the ,earned

memer of the Academ( that if he %ou,d >ee* her

ta,e for ten times as much) she %ou,d e +reat,(

o,i+ed to him"

I am *ersuaded that this e&enin+ at 1r" Andre%$s

cost him as much as the month,( e?*ense of Atticus"

As for the ,adies) the( e?*ressed a dout %hether the

su**ers of Rome %ere more a+reea,e than those of

Paris" The con&ersation %as &er( +a( thou+h ,ean8

in+ a ,itt,e to the ,earned" There %as no ta,> of ne%

fashions nor of the ridicu,ous *art of an( one$s char8

acter or conduct) nor of the scanda,ous histor( of the


 The Guestion u*on ,u?ur( %as discussed and

searched to the ottom" It %as mooted %hether or

not ,u?ur( had een the ruin of the Roman Em*ire H

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and it %as *ro&ed that the t%o em*ires of the east

and %est o%ed their destruction to nothin+ ut to

re,i+ious contro&ersies and to the mon>s H and) in fact)

%hen A,aric too> Rome) its %ho,e attention %as en8

+rossed ( theo,o+ica, dis*utes H %hen 1ahomet too>

Constantino*,e the mon>s defended much etter the

eternit( of the ,i+ht of 1ount Taor) %hich the(

 The 1an of Fort( Cro%ns" :=B

sa% on their na&e,) than the( defended the to%n

a+ainst the Tur>s"

One of our men of ,earnin+ made a &er( si+ni8

cant remar>" It %as that those t%o +reat em*ires

%ere annihi,ated) ut that the %or>s of Vir+i,) 'or8

ace) and O&id sti,, e?ist"

From the a+e of Au+ustus the( made ut one

s>i* to the a+e of Louis 9IV" A ,ad( *ut the Gues8

tion %h( it %as that %ith a +reat dea, of %it there

%as no ,on+er *roduced scarce,( an( %or> of +enius

1r" Andre% ans%ered that it %as ecause such

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%or>s had een *roduced in the ,ast a+e" This idea

%as ne,( s*un) and (et so,id,( true" It ore a thor8

ou+h hand,in+" After that the( fe,, %ith some

harshness u*on a Scotchman) %ho had ta>en it

into his head to +i&e ru,es to taste) and to criticise

the most admira,e *assa+es of Racine) %ithout

understandin+ French" !ut there %as one De8

nina sti,, more se&ere,( treated" 'e had aused

1ontesGuieu$s #S*irit of La%s# %ithout com*re8

hendin+ him) and had es*ecia,,( censured %hat is

the most ,i>ed and a**ro&ed in that %or>"

 This reca,,ed to m( mind !oi,eau$s ma>in+ a

*arade of his aected contem*t of Tasso" One of

the com*an( ad&anced that Tasso) %ith a,, his

fau,ts) %as as su*erior to 'omer as 1ontesGuieu)

%ith his sti,, +reater im*erfections) %as ao&e the

farra+o of rotius" !ut there %as *resent,( a

stron+ o**osition made to these fa,se criticisms)

Vo," @ @=

:=4 The 1an of Fort( Cro%ns"

dictated ( nationa, hatred and *reJudice" The

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Sei+nior Denina %as treated as he deser&ed) and

as *edants ou+ht to e ( men of %it"

It %as es*ecia,,( remar>ed) %ith much sa+acit()

that the +reatest *art of the ,iterar( %or>s of this

a+e) as %e,, as of the con&ersations) turned on the

e?amination of the master*ieces of the ,ast centur()

in %hich %e are ,i>e disinherited chi,dren) %ho are

ta>in+ an estimate of their father$s estate" It %as

confessed that *hi,oso*h( had made +reat *ro+ress)

ut that the ,an+ua+e and st(,e %as some%hat cor8


It is the nature of a,, these con&ersations to ma>e

transitions from one suJect to another" A,, these

oJects of curiosit() of science) and of taste) soon

&anished) to +i&e %a( to the +reat scene %hich the

Em*ress of Russia and the Kin+ of Po,and %ere

+i&in+ to the %or,d" The( had een Just raisin+ u*

and restorin+ the ri+hts of o**ressed humanit()

and esta,ishin+ ,iert( of conscience in a *art of

the +,oe of a much +reater e?tent than the o,d

Roman Em*ire" This ser&ice done to human >ind)

this e?am*,e +i&en to so man( courts) %as men8

tioned %ith the a**,ause it deser&ed" 'ea,ths %ere

drun> to the *hi,oso*hica, em*ress) to the ro(a,

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*hi,oso*her) and to the *hi,oso*hica, *rimate) %ith

the %ish of their ha&in+ man( imitators" E&en the

doctors of Soronne admired them) for there are

some *ersons of +ood sense in that od() as there

%ere former,( some men of %it amon+ the !oeotians"

 The 1an of Fort( Cro%ns" :=

 The Russian secretar( astonished us %ith a recita,

of the +reat esta,ishments the( %ere formin+ in

Russia" It %as as>ed %h( *eo*,e %ere) in +enera,)

more fond of readin+ the histor( of Char,es

9II") %ho *assed his ,ife in destro(in+) than that

of Peter the reat) %ho consumed his in creatin+

On this %e conc,uded that %ea>ness and a fri&o,ous

turn of mind are the causes of this *referenceH that

Char,es 9II" %as the Don 7ui?ote) and Peter) the

So,on of the NorthH that su*ercia, understand8

in+s *refer a %i,d) e?tra&a+ant heroism to the +reat

&ie%s of a ,e+is,atorH that the *articu,ars of the

foundation of a to%n are ,ess *,easin+ to them than

the rashness of a man %ho) at the head of on,( his

domestics) ra&es an arm( of ten thousand Tur>sH

and that) in short) most readers ,o&e amusement

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etter than instruction" Thence it is that a hundred

%omen read #The Thousand and One Araian

Ni+hts# for one that reads t%o cha*ters of Loc>e"

What %as not ta,>ed of at this su**er of %hich

I sha,, ,on+ retain the rememrance It %as a,so

in course to sa( a %ord of the actors and actresses)

that eterna, suJect of the ta,e8ta,> of Versai,,es

and of Paris" It %as a+reed that a +ood dec,aimer

%as as rare as a +ood *oet" For m( *art) I must

o%n that P,ato$s anGuet cou,d not ha&e +i&en me

more *,easure than that of 1onsieur and 1adame


Our &er( *rett( +ent,emen and our &er( ne