UNIVERSITY ST. KLIMENT OHRIDSKI FACULTY OF SECURITY OHRID, 06 OCT, 2015 The Security aspects of the Migration on the Western Balkans Trpe Stojanovski Ph.D. Aleksandar Stojanovski MA

UNIVERSITY ST. KLIMENT OHRIDSKI FACULTY OF SECURITY OHRID, 06 OCT, 2015 The Security aspects of the Migration on the Western Balkans Trpe Stojanovski Ph.D

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Page 1: UNIVERSITY ST. KLIMENT OHRIDSKI FACULTY OF SECURITY OHRID, 06 OCT, 2015 The Security aspects of the Migration on the Western Balkans Trpe Stojanovski Ph.D


OHRID, 06 OCT, 2015

The Security aspects of the Migration on the Western Balkans

Trpe Stojanovski Ph.D.Aleksandar Stojanovski MA

Page 2: UNIVERSITY ST. KLIMENT OHRIDSKI FACULTY OF SECURITY OHRID, 06 OCT, 2015 The Security aspects of the Migration on the Western Balkans Trpe Stojanovski Ph.D


1. Introduction2. Situation on the borders on the Balkan Rute3. EU/WB borders, with aspect on GR-MK and SR-H-HR4. Further steps: what is realistically possible to be taken5. Role of the regional entities, with focus on MARRI


Page 3: UNIVERSITY ST. KLIMENT OHRIDSKI FACULTY OF SECURITY OHRID, 06 OCT, 2015 The Security aspects of the Migration on the Western Balkans Trpe Stojanovski Ph.D


Two Forces: A) The world will continue to be mobile; the people will travel B) The world will be more confronted, more danger place

The new modus operandi will be introduced The new technology to be used in the manner to be in the

function to offer more safety (what’s about the Human Rights?) The Civil society role The law enforcement organization to be more optimal, more

efficient, and less expensive

Page 4: UNIVERSITY ST. KLIMENT OHRIDSKI FACULTY OF SECURITY OHRID, 06 OCT, 2015 The Security aspects of the Migration on the Western Balkans Trpe Stojanovski Ph.D

Situation at the common borders – overview

2012 2013 2014

Illegal border crossings between BCP’s 31473 40027 66079

Illegal border crossings at BCP’s 1549 1336 1747

Facilitators 728 719 1218

Illegal stay 18158 12508 11270

Refusals of entry 37132 36954 70383

Asylum applications 20141 43139 70383

False travel document users 677 605 880

Source: WB-RAN data as of 16 February, 2015, Frontex

Page 5: UNIVERSITY ST. KLIMENT OHRIDSKI FACULTY OF SECURITY OHRID, 06 OCT, 2015 The Security aspects of the Migration on the Western Balkans Trpe Stojanovski Ph.D

Irregular migration on the WB

"We registered about 630,000 illegal border crossings as of the end of September," Frontex executive director Fabrice Leggeri told the French Ebra press group in an interview to appear on Monday, 5 October, 2015.

Increased for the fourth year in a row Sharp increase of migrants from Afghanistan (178%),

Syria (363%) and Iraq (819%) for the period of ‘14 compared with ‘13;

Nowadays, starting from August ‘15, the figures are dramatically progressing

Amendment of the laws: solution for the challenge or extension of the solution

Page 6: UNIVERSITY ST. KLIMENT OHRIDSKI FACULTY OF SECURITY OHRID, 06 OCT, 2015 The Security aspects of the Migration on the Western Balkans Trpe Stojanovski Ph.D

Irregular migration on the WB Direction: Turkey-Greece-Macedonia-Serbia-Hungary;

since 15th of September the direction is going through Croacia

Other Directions

Land Borders Greek : Macedonian; Serbian: Hungarian : Croatian;

Air and Sea Borders: sensitive regarding the procedures in the air traffic

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Abuse of asylum by WB country (5) nationals Abuse of visa-free travel in ‘14 is 47% higher than in ’13;

they submitted 48 300 asylum applications in EU and Shengen Associated countries

Serbia 41% Albania 27% B&H 14% Macedonia 12% Montenegro 2%

Source: WB-RAN data as of 16 February, 2015, Frontex

Page 8: UNIVERSITY ST. KLIMENT OHRIDSKI FACULTY OF SECURITY OHRID, 06 OCT, 2015 The Security aspects of the Migration on the Western Balkans Trpe Stojanovski Ph.D

Regional Governmental Entities which have responsibilities in Migration

Regional Council for Cooperation (RCC) Migration, Asylum, Refugee Regional Initiative (MARRI) Southeast European Law Enforcement Center (SELEC) DCAF, PCC SEE

Page 9: UNIVERSITY ST. KLIMENT OHRIDSKI FACULTY OF SECURITY OHRID, 06 OCT, 2015 The Security aspects of the Migration on the Western Balkans Trpe Stojanovski Ph.D

Facts about MARRI

Forum, bringing together the countries of the region on migration issues

Six MARRI Participants has it’s own representative in the MARRI RC in Skopje,

Ownership, visible through Presiding the initiative on annual basis, responsibility for regional dimension in the EU approach, and financial contribution

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MARRI Guiding Principles Strengthening regional ownership, Enhancing regional cooperation, Supporting EU integration Policy harmonization on a regional level, Legislation reform, State administration capacity building, Awareness raising

Page 11: UNIVERSITY ST. KLIMENT OHRIDSKI FACULTY OF SECURITY OHRID, 06 OCT, 2015 The Security aspects of the Migration on the Western Balkans Trpe Stojanovski Ph.D

MARRI Strategy and AP Montenegrin Priorities – 2015-2016, following by

Albanian Presidency-in-Office Integration of Kosovo* as new MARRI Participant Further development of the ties with EU Further development of the regional cooperation Further development of the Regional Projects Further development of the MARRI Networks

National THB Coordinators, Asylum Network, Airport Police Commanders Network – New project Irregular Migration Network

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Regional and International Cooperation

MARRI Presence on EU – WB Ministerial meeting in Belgrade, 11&12 December, ’14

Presence of MARRI in TAIEX workshops Signed MoU with ICMPD, IOM, RCC, SEPCA, FRONTEX,

RACVIAC Cooperation with FRONTEX based on Working Agreement


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Implementation of the MARRI Strategy & Action Plan

Montenegrin Priorities – implementation Further development of the ties with EU (IPA II MBP) Further development of the regional cooperation Further development of the MARRI Networks Further development of the Projects

BORDAIRPOL – Extension for 30 months, with 380K Euros THB – VolVis project (14), Study Visit to the US Readmission/Irregular Migration Network: ‘Improvement of

the Procedures for Establishing Identity of Irregular Migrants in the MARRI Region’, May, 2015-April,2016, sponsored by UK, £67.540

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‘Improvement of the Procedures for Establishing Identity of Irregular Migrants in the MARRI Region’,

Project duration 11 months, starting with the implementation on 1 June 2015 and finishing on 31 March 2016.

Overall objective: To enhance the capacity of MARRI Participant’ national institutions (Republic of Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Republic of Macedonia, Montenegro and Republic of Serbia, Kosovo*) for establishing personal identity of irregular migrants.The project aims to establish a joint database of interpreters for rare languages and develop and adopt a regional legal framework that will create the basis for a use of joint interpretation capacities and harmonization of the procedures for establishing identity of illegal migrants.

Financially supported by UK, £67,540.00 The partners: MARRI MS

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“Support of cooperation among border police on airports in Southeast Europe”


Overall objective: To strengthen overall coordination, cooperation and information exchange on national, regional and inter-regional level. Support to Southeast European Countries’ border police on international airports in their efforts to counteract irregular migration and to fight against terrorism and crime ensuring high level of security

Three years project, started on 1st January, 2013 Financially supported by Swiss Confederation :325,000.00 EUR Required donor funding: 236,600.00 EUR The partners: MARRI & SEPCA MS (9 Member States) Five Joint Trainings implemented (Sixth planned for June, 2015) Third Annual Meeting Planned for September 2015 Secure web page excellent platform for information exchange Possible prolongation of the Project

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