ToK - Emotion What do you think of when you hear the word ‘Emotion’?

ToK - Emotion

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What do you think of when you hear the word ‘Emotion’?. ToK - Emotion. ToK - Emotion. An enemy of reason? or An important precondition for knowledge?. “We think and name in one world, we live and feel in another” Marcel Proust - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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ToK - EmotionWhat do you think of when you hear the word Emotion?1ToK - EmotionAn enemy of reason?


An important precondition for knowledge?

2ToK - EmotionWe think and name in one world, we live and feel in anotherMarcel Proust

Nothing great is accomplished in the world without passionHegel3ToK - EmotionEmotion (noun)

A mental state that arises spontaneously rather than through conscious effort and is often accompanied by physiological changes; a feeling

4ToK - EmotionHow are you feeling now, at this moment? How do you know?

Why do you think you are feeling this way?

5ToK - Emotion

How does she feel?

How do you know?

The title is AbsintheDoes that affect your interpretation of the picture?Knowing emotion through perception6

ToK - Emotion


7ToK - EmotionWhat are emotions for?

To what extent are we able to control our emotions?

Which emotion is the hardest to control?

8ToK - EmotionEmotions as an obstacle to knowledge

Perception love is blind?

Reason my theory right or wrong!

Language use of slanted language

9ToK - EmotionRationalisationsExperiencesPowerful EmotionsBiased Perception

Fallacious ReasoningEmotive Language10ToK - EmotionEmotions as a source of knowledge

Have you ever been in a situation where you had to choose between two equally attractive options?

How did you come to a decision?11ToK - EmotionWhat role do you think is usually played by reason and emotion when people decide which universities to apply to?

What role do you think each of these should play?12ToK - EmotionThe relation between emotion and reasonFuriousGettingannoyedSolving amaths problemReasonEmotion13ToK - EmotionAnyone can be angry that is easy.But to be angry with the right personto the right degree,at the right time,for the right purposeand in the right way that is not easy.Aristotle14ToK - EmotionPaul has arranged to meet Tom at 3pm. Tom arrives at 3.02pm and apologises for being late. Rather than accept the apology, Paul starts screaming and shouting about Toms lack of consideration and completely loses his self-control.

The hospital phones Jane with terrible news. Her husband has been assaulted and is lying unconscious in Intensive Care. Oh dear, she says, that is annoying! I was hoping to play tennis this afternoon, but I suppose I had better come and visit him.

Showing too little emotion is, perhaps,as irrational as showing too much15ToK - EmotionWe all experience irrational emotions but, since it is difficult to switch them off, we may find it easier to adjust our beliefs to our emotions than bring our emotions into line with reason.

16ToK - EmotionIntuition

Core intuitions - our most fundamental intuitions about life the universe and everything

17ToK - EmotionIntuition

Subject-specific intuitions the intuitions we have in various areas of knowledge such as science and ethics

Educated IntuitionEureka! moments

18ToK - EmotionIntuition

Social intuitions our intuitions about other people, what they are like, whether or not they can be trusted etc

Which smile is real?19ToK - EmotionIntuitionWe sometimes appeal to intuition to justify our knowledge claims in various areas of knowledge about which we perhaps know little, but research suggests that such uneducated intuitions should be treated with caution.

20ToK - EmotionImagine that you are presented with a special gift: a machine - the Happiness Machine that can give you wonderfully positive emotions.

All you have to do is hook yourself up ... and switch it on.

But theres a price: once the machine is switched on, you will not remember anything that happened before switching on the machine. Ever again.

Do you want to switch the machine on?Why?21