THE EVENING STAR rmintfi kyikt aftdinoow, imlmdat ajuarrtv,) a* vmm itii aciLDINOl. '3' » r A " *+" VSfc. XX. WASHINGTON, f). C., SATURDAY. DECEMBER 6, 1862. N?. 8,058. I in lira W. D. WAliLACli. mm nm4 la to tvrUrt it (4 »*r DMtk, audi wbwliwi CrJu* l< » » mr,4ii<»Ti; M to* 1* FKOFOSALvS. Q»AL1I> PBO/O6AL6 tr« invite* entil the »d O Im of btcmbir. tats. (ornnMruu CaM*4 (b^« *«h**«u»ee miwtwwit with i.arr Beef Cottle oo io« kooi C*>tte to bo Miforod ot ViAi S.. oad ooofc tfllatl to »eora«o 1; «tUo odaUttod tUt «ot#k< Uh tfeoa~ t JOB MuUiirM Heifers. §tB#*o»4 weetod Tke ftnt delivery to bo nod? on or eboat tko 10th t ofJanaory lA^.or ooftftoa thereoftor tbo - nsort mo7 oireot. *' htvl of CetUa per week Vtl) bo N4«iir<4 to be 4«Ur«r»d ao4er thin «twtr«ot A V..*bA wit>t m^r*A ms*A »«tfiaiont awAnritv Ka OOmJ-wd. Twenty V* Mot. of tiu! psrcbu* mnntT wUI bo aatil lb* oompUtion *4 oon- Pro«o«»Ii from ooatroctor* who h*To yroTloooly kiM to oonp'r with tktlr V»«Vi, from di»lor«l p*r- msi, or whore tb- btddor lo mot oroooat to r**fM4 to hi* hi5. wlU not nAooM«r«4. Yh« uaw of Inw thotrid bo rUW4 la fail. with tha irociM otfdroMof oach axambor of Arm. Poymont to h# n»4« in of lo4*t>t*4- oo».*»»r raf furwlo Qorornirout aoy ho*« mr rt1«hnr'#monV AU M4«t«bf MtoBfuMbThromriaMMwl jfcMM to COL A. B*CK WITH, 1. D. C. and O. M a o «p r * M a J m m. w. B. WMruunfq, v. v., man m«n*a fr*roMli for Baaf Cattla." Arm of Omnrmnut. Wm, , of the MtBtrsf .,ta4 BUteof.,fe Wreky r«ar*nU>a that la kbit to fnlfll the eon- Irvt to utrnltDr* with th« Urm* of hla arnsoffi- Mnm. aftd that, ahocld hia propodtioB ba aocaatad, fca wUl »« onea »nt»r into a teatrad in aaeordanae ffcarawith. IkwM the ooatraet avarM him. wa art m> mm to tocowa hia aeearltiaa. (Tfcia guaraataa moat ba appandad to aaafc hid.) The reaper sibility of the cuarantora rnaat ha ><im kj the (tflr**l eertifleata of the Clark of the are at District Caurt or of tha United Btataa Dia- Mrt AtWroey * { AaA aiila<k a a/ anaaiaaiat J1 <i j alaaj ajm'1) ) < f 4 piOPOhALS roi WOOD. Duroi Oman, J Comer Ei$kitaUh mmd G ttrraj. > Wa*hi«ftoo,D 0 . I>«»eerub«r I, 19S3.\ Pvalsd PnoposALtf for the delivery of fire tnon*- f* eorde of Wood to the Government will «aaeivad »t thU offlee mi til TVir«4ay, tha ale*- Mth tilth; day of December, MS, at twelve fU) aio«k n. Tb« Wood to be hard, eoond and morthutobl*. feur (4) f»«-t long. and eyllt to the ordinary et*e of aard wood The Wood to be delivered in the eity of Wt*k* too at lueh r>inU m the D«p«t Quartermaster hail afreet, eorded ia r»oka foar <4) fr*t hi#h: do- livery sot being eooniderod complete util eo aread, meararMi and in*»ected. lit liunrtt-r will ha Am aimtul on lh< nip* fifth* #*T«ruBrnt to inapaet ac7 means re the wood, and Meb m do#« not conform to the abore *pee &a- Imu will be rejected. AU to delivered ob or before the eleventh ()]thj4«r of February. 1*3. P»rtu»ot to be mad* upon tbe tonpletion of the vtato contract. Proposals. Tbe full aame end prut office addreee of tb« bid- 4w DB«t kpyeir in th propoeal. If a bid ie m ede in the n»m* of a flrra. tbe nam#* fall the partial ruu«t apoear.or th* bi1 will bo eMwklerru u the individual propoeal of the party daii« It. Proposal* from disloyal partus tctii not bteon sidtrtd. and an vetb of allegiance moat aeeompany aaah propoeition. Fropo#«le moat be addreied to Capt. Idtafi L. arte, AuUtant %nartern^t*ter, U. 9 Army v W»-b- I u. ^ , v.u loonta m ptkiur uriM "rto- ymlf for Wood.*' Gttmrmmtt*. The responsibility of the guarantor* mart be A*vs tht offlt'uil of the Clerk of the District Ooart or of the United 8 totee Die- . fekt AttornpT. The »r>iiity of the bidder to All the contract, cheuld M he awarded to him-, mmt he guarantied "bv two proponeible persons. whw» signatures ere tnUiy peeked to the guarantee, mud taid tnarautet mm* mmompmmy Ik* btd. Bidder* mr,«t present In person when the hid* Me opened or their proposal* will oot he considered. Bond* is Ut« tun of wn thousand d«U\re, etgned tthe contractor end hoth of his guarantor*, will repaired of the . roeexfnl bidder upon signing fteeeatnet. _ rVoi cj Gitarantti. We, , of the eonnty of , and State of . and , of the county of , and State of , hereby guaranty tVtt is eble to fnifil the om tract In accordance with the term* of hie propo flKWti and that, ehould hie proposition be accepted, W will at onee enter Into a contract in aeeoraanoe herewith. Bhonid the eociraet be awarded to him we are prepared tn beoome Wa nreiies To thin guarantee mast ho appended the official rHImt# above men tinned. The Be pot Quart* r master reeerre* to hime*lf the eight to reject any or all bide that he may de-»rn too high. EDWARD L UAKTZ, do - - - - 1 Captain aad A. Q. M.. U. 8. Army. 0P0BAL8 TOR HAT. Daror QciKTiBMASTia g orvica, 1 l - « . » * i«rmrr etfWMin ana is jtretU, > Kit hihgto*. I>f« mber *. 1M2.S Bsalbd PmoPo«ALg will received »t this offlM Btll Tpwltr, tUe !*th d*r of Deewmber. it 12 a^l*cA Mv fi.r fursl tuif the Government with f»«r tfecu#*od (4 f»<" tona of ilajr. Hat to *.xwl merchantable timctht, put uy la ftnd diiliTAFA/1 t«A *+Am t* *k» ton. D*IiTerT to bamade in tha «ity of Waablaftoa, within twenty-fire i 24' daya from th« data or tb« aci.tr art. PROPOSALS. PrapoaaJa will reeeired for fir# bncdrad 5<t Wo# rf Hay tod apvtrdi. Ti» fall ojkmo and PdSt, Ofiee ildrM) of tke bid- 4a r nut appear in lb* proposal. If a bid ia mad* in tfea aaa« of a irro. the aam*4 f all tb« parties mnat appear, or tba md will ba axurid+rad u tba individual proposal of tba partner -RSSUL. from rfwiapaJ porUta w%U art be i 1dtrtd. amd on #oiA 9/ mHegumc4 muM Mi Pf0P0Jli«M*. PropoHl* mart »ddrfM*dto fn|, D. H Rqtkif %u»rt*-rm»»t*r V. 8. Arm}, Wiihf5jton, D. O abouM be filial? turked "Propoml* for a* " GFAR4)fT«l. TV# ability of the bidder to All the tootrMt kuekl tt bo overbed to him. react bo rwutM by tarn r»«pon»ihle perervst, wboeo tiffiuHareo ant M»pp«8d#d to the |W»at«0 to r#«w>n»ihiH»T of the raJirflRtoro ®a«t bo fcewu by the n«f»i eertiftn»te of ttM Clerk oftbo ooreot Irwtrnt Court or of the United h to tee Pto- Irtet Attorney. BM4ero muft be yrooeot in »oreAi) when the hi4e re opoBed.or Vboir profooala will mot bo oouU- Mpof<» fnoel la ivtoat to half the emm to be re- AO th. MBtnct elr*. d W the onstrMler Ml both of lil« «uwuit(>ri, will be required of tki MimAl bidder opon eirainc Ui (Street. Mj> tt« bond Bait aecempaay the contract, ft will DfMMVT for bidders to here their bonds- m with them, or to have boeds rif«-d ia anticin Hen and ready w be produced when the contract le "MKnkn for bond# can be proenred opon ee^iee- Um b*ii*c naed* at thie office, either personally, by 1otter or by telegraph. fOKM OF GCABANT11. We ., of the county of ...and Bute of ., *ad of the county of ,%nd frtat* of , do aereby fnarantee that ia able to fulfil a eofitrse* hs accordance with the term* of his proposition, aad that, should hie proposition be accepted, he will at oooe eater into a contract ia srnnrlsncs WWIW Phoald the eon tract be awarded him, we are pre- * to V»»« bia eecnritles. (To thi* »B%rant<*« moot h* appended the ofteial ertlfleate tbo^e mentioned.) INSPECTION, D1LIVRRT, Ac, All He* rontraeted for uuder thla advvrtiaem»Dt Vill b* rigidly mapeeted. ani »ueh an do rot prove JerTilT*** aoua^ me it ban table quality wul m re Payment to be made npon the completion of the oatracl. or ao mod thereafter u the Depot Uaar- brounU r a* all be la fnndn. Any inform all tr in the Md, or noo-aonferaianee with the terma or tbie alvertlaemeat, will aaeore Ike reject ion of the propoaal. Delivery to be maae at the Railroad Depot, or at a* of the Government Wharves, la tha city af Washington. The Depot Quartermaster reaervM to himself the *t*M to reject any or all bid* that he mar <te«m Wo hfrb. D H. RUCRU^. daft td Colonel and Depot Quarter master. NA?Y AU1NTT OPPlt'Ifi, W**btk0Tor D. C.. Dac. 3. 1*51. Pnoroeats will be reeaived at tHia jfice nntll f ATTTKDAT, ljth inst., at S o'clock p. a., for * poand*of Lead Wire, 9T KV> loch diaineWr, and At wr |m uo^h cf Lead Wire. 67 10O inch diameter Ta be d. liaered at th* Nary Tnrd in this city, free ef e«»»t to the Government for freight or tram- l^ruHon and onfj^et f> the uaaal in«p»ntion at Yard Hood and aofleient aecwrity will b»- re- aal* ed for the fulfilment af the e^ntraat. K. f. BRUWH, l*»TT A|#nt. .-T.-l^O.-I.-DRAkri FLAJ^TA- TIOFI BITTERS Of c*l*br*t^d brnnd appear* to be in e»»rj m'b month. u m-pli ** on evrry one's table. TWy are a pp^ndid article and can be relied wpen to su^n^ihen and la borate exhausted matnre. r>-«oAm MACB1NKM 8HW1NG MACHINM! A utoc* fdUfofrnt MtUru, rvr *+U at »»» W pfitt-t, euitabia for fauriy l r fc^avy Uilor- tec work. A. P. SHARP A OO., ft9 8. Howard etreat, B^itiioor*. T f'25 Inftrter Family 8~wia* Kuttia«« on «ihJMti<D at Mr*. Q. KR1CC88'. 8»»*uth t, <*a«hia*toa, Hft« |m* Ui»<01.bTIU>.-rk« «u pwin«rihi»'n*frtifot«> JL* xi*tin# b«t*Ma the »ubacribar«. aadar the ftrTx «,f Muorn & Itoanlson, hw b«en Xkin day dia- m!t«4 toy mutaaJ >r»n»* GEORTiZ H. M00R1, J. M. OINIflBOn. Va**lBct*n, OrV <M 71 PROPOSALS pKOPOBALfi. _ Oitiiiui *>f rtcv, Wi» Dvriftwaw, ( ViuiiiToi.KoTtober M. MU.( hiLiB Paurociui will r*o*Wei W tkia & artaMBt, until 4o'«to«* p. m art %b« ninth <Ur ( U*»mW r u««t, for ik« u4 4«ilr«rr of Ik* foil«via« proiMtiUx rii; »JD» to* loci) PolM PbAt. li«0 ftitMo iad (Sb«iia. 1 /«*> artMA Uvei BatWrloa Shot. Tit pro)**tilo« to b* made or Ike kind of Bttal, u4 in»p*ruil after the r*U* laid .1ovn la th* t>rd- Banc* Manual, with tk« tutfion ( feb* B*tt*r!af hot. wbieh araat mala of wtgrt ia known ax gun matal. Prawia** of »ho«# arwjoeftllo* ain b* ocn at the principal art»anai« of uie United Bt*to<), It tbi OrdnuM AffMr Wo. 4# Worth «tr**t, N*w York, *n<1 at tbi* crfl*«. The prejcctilM ar«. to b* <ialiT*r*d. *r*« of «barp« for transportation at tk* Untt#d AtaU* Ar«*nal, oo Sf»*rnor'i Inland, Now York harbor, whort thoy will b* inspected; and all inch as mar r* )*ct*d mart b* r*OMtT*d. by th« *ontrartor, its ma- dia t*!f after the ln*pe*tton of *aeh delir^ry. Bid* wil' b* r*e*iT*d tor anj portion nf t>»* a«an- title* rHOired.Dot 1*m than IO uf aor on* kind. D*11tiH« to b* mad* aa fa.'low* : (ha«-t«nth, of aeb kind within tbirtr dart aft*r notification of aeeoplaao* of bid, and not 1«m than one-tenth k 1 a V. /a Aft 11 _i i* v J i m WP«Hiy u>»r»iuM>r qdiii »ii »naJt ae>ivere*i. Ptfant will be made by the Trtiunrj Depart ! m«nt on the ueual © rtifteatee of lnepeetion ud ree*ipt, after »arh d»lW»ry. Bends, with approved »mrety. will be re«nired for the faithfnl performance of eoutraete. Mo hid will he entertained anl«M it h# accom- panied by an affidavit from the party making it. to the t-ffert that be ie an Iron founder, and tbat if n * bid in accepted, the proiectilee will be made at hie foundry.nar lng it an4 ite location; and the risrht i le re*«rv»4 to reject any or all bide if deemed un atiifaetory for any caoae Proposal* will be aJdre**ed to the underpinned at Washington City, and will he endorsed " Propo- sals for >roje :til*«." JA8. W. RIPLKY, 2&- tl)9 Brig. <l*n. Chief Qrdnaaa*. PrRBir tir Yirdp akp Doces, I Nary IUr*rtme+t.24\U November, lW.^ Fcalkd Proposals. andoraed "Propo*al!< for bnildiof llnua* at Naval liosp; tal. New York.'' will be reeeiT'd at thia ofi< e until noen on the S3d day of December 18ft2, for farniahing all the materials aud workmanahip required in eonatroetinic a hou.«» for a Porgeou. on the Naval Hoepltal groan-l" at ftrcoklyn. New Turk, accord in* to plana and speci- 41 44/tne wki eV a eo lnll mH wUK tKn 0*w«t . .i neer. and ui*> be seen on application to him Brooklyn Nary Yarl, whicn plans r-1 «p.»ciftca- tiens will be attached to and form u yart of the contract. Fotrn (J Qftr. (ll«re data the offer.) I (here insert the name or naroa*compneiPftne firm.) nt i name the town,} in the 8ute of \name the Ptata,) hereby offer to furuiah under your admr- tirement dated (date of advertisement,) and sub- ject to all the requirement# of the same, and of the piai and specification* to which it refer*. all the material* and workmanship neceaaary for tne aon- struction and completion of the house for aHargeon at th* NaTal Hospital at New York, aeeoriinz to t the plant-and specification*, for the mm of (here write the amount in word*,) and nhould my «>ff»r I . a v « « ' 1 oe ac-cepTea,i rmuMi me contract may be pra- pared and aent to the NaTy Agent attnamethe* ageney.) fur eignatare an<1 eartiAcat»,(her* the bidder and each nmiuWr of th« firm siga.) Fvrm of IrMaramltt. The undersigned, (cKDif of guarantor,) oft nam* the to wp ,) and Ptate of < nam* the State.) and < name of « road guarantor. k.c.,) hereb* und-rtakv tbU the aboTe named < name the bidder or bidders.) will, if his [or theirl off* r an above he arceptad, enter into contractwi'h the United State, within fiftdnn day* after the date of notiee, through th» Po-t Office. of the acceptance of hia[or their) offer be- fore mentioned. . Witne»a: <flignatnre* of guarantor* ) I certify that the above named (here name the guarantor*) are known to me to ba~good and r^epon aib)e guarantor* ia this ca*e <£wr|>*tnr«.) To be signed by the Diatriet Judge, District At- torney. Collector, Kayy Agent, or some person known to the bureau to be responsible. To guard against offers being opened before the ttma appointed, bidden are requested to endorse on the envelope, ahnve the addr*M and draw a Line nodsr the i>ndora*-me nt. thus : " PrnnCHjua for Purjreor'a Houm- for the N»*y Yard at N»w A ork," to tne Chief of the Bureaa of Yard* and T)o«;k*, Waahipctun, D O. no 22 la* 4w A iMT IDFPim. OryiOB or *hs Ghjbf Qoabtirxastib, i Arviy of the Potomac. > Wabhikotob, September »>. l#n.\ PBor^SALS are invited for farniiihiof for the ate Of the army of the Potomac the following article*: 1,000 tons beet quality Timothy Hay, Mcurely baled. the weight of each hale to he marked thereon. tJXtofiOO bushel* of Oatrf. of the beat quality, la troDf »acka. well tewed. 7,000 cords Oak and Hickory Wood, well Maeoned and of the bent quality. Bach bid mart be accompanied by the endorse- ment of two reipoarfble persona thai the contract* if awarded wtii be fulfilled. Bias will opened from time to time as tk« ir- tielee d»t be needed, and contract* will be awarded Cor the iQMtiti** needed to the lowest responsible bidder op to the time of opening. The right la reserved to aeeept all or any part of aaj bid. rrepoeaifl should be endorsed "Proposal* for Hap or Oats, or Wood." as the «a*e mar be, and eneJoeed is separate envelopes. BUKU8 INGALL8, CITIIJ5NB OV WASHINGTON, OFFICERS OF THE ARM YAND NA TY. seK-tf Ueat Ool and A. D. 6.. Obief Quartermaster S FICIALNOTICE TO THN ODBON HALL, The old t-ud established Emporium of Clotfclnf. Ult hu for fro m»uy yar* «uppUf<1 tta« eitisena of W»*hiB#ton and vicinity with all that i* e***nttal for the elt-fuee and eo»fort of the outer man, to »o* rappoiA with the moot corn plete and faehioiv- able itoti that we bare iut4 the rlixurp to offer. COATS. PANTS and VESTS of the moet dwrira- ble fttyle* that «onld be found in the market. Xur a»*ertm»nt of SHIRTS, DRAWERS, 91IRV li 1 /IV KM A r ....mt K* and will wM At pric«M that do not allow of torn' petition. LARGE BTOCK OP MILITARY OVKR-OOATB. LARGE BTOCK OF MILITARY OVER CJOATS. LARGE BTOCK OP MILITARY OVER C0AT8. LARGE BTOCK MILITARY DRE88 OOATB. LARGE BTOCK MILITARY DKR4£ OOATS. LARGE BTOCK MILITARY DRKStf OOATB. tARGE BTOCK MILITARY PANTS. ARGK STOCK MILITARY PANTS. LARGE BTOCK MILITARY PANTS. LARGE BTOCK MILITARY VESTS. LAROK BTOCK MILITARY V EH VS. LARGE STOCK MILITARY VESTS. IF PI A ttUHHEB GOO Do OY ALL DB&ORIP- TIONS. TALI8BS. CARl'IT BAGS, &«. Oar rtixk of BOY** and YOUTH'S CLOTHING in the larfeet and mont fashionable that hu «rrr been offered in thin city, and at the 1owm( pneea they ean poeelbly be obtained in thin elty. ST" Callaad am at ODBON HALL corner 4* treet and Pa avenue, tb» Great Clothing M»rt of Washington elty. oc 29 eotf OlAJLE'S PLANTATION BITTERS. Th«y pnrlfy, strengthen, and in rig orate. They create a healthy appetite. They an antidote to change of water and diet. 1 ney overcame effects of dissipation and late hours. They strengthen the sysVin and enliven Lb* Bind. They prevent miasmatic and Intermittent fcren. * They purify the breath and acidity of the stomach. They cure Dyspepsia and Constipation. They cure Diarrhoea, Cholera and Cholera Morbus. They care Liver Complaint and Nervous Headajfce. They are the beet Bitter* In the world. They make the weak man strong, and are exhausted nature's great restorer. They are made of pure St. Croix Rum, the oelebrated Oalisaya Bark, roots and herbs, and are taken with the pleasure of a beverage, without regard to age or time of day. Particularly rerummeivded to delicate persona requiring a gentle stimulant. Sold by all Grocers, l>ruggists, Hotels, and Saloons. P. U. DRAKE & GO, 11 road- way, Now York. * sep ,ir>-eo<hn J ABM r. HJkLIDAI. real estate agent, Co**** or Pa. At men aud Thx.u Strbbv, otjp Banking lfour$ cf L. Joknton f Cc. oc fl ftrn* iinKKS AND CAMP GHEASK WWTID-Tht. ^fcr-1" BoVJS a'^«;bA-,h,,r "mOKoVn A Ml'uDUlT. UMUT* ANP 0OI.ORKD IT!. ANN ELM, Wit* .11 ®U»r "rin-iB of DHJLaB OOOD*. Vn* price vaiy. PKRKY Ar BRO., fa. are. miii Ninth AMXI8KHKJKTS. FORD'S NEW THEATRE, Tun IrutT, livvi Puii Afim. Mr Joum T Veai> M*n*c«r aivt Proprietor (Aim) «f H clirfay UtrMt Tfaeatr , IeKumti.) flCOND WEFK OP T¥« Wntifal Prima Donaa, M1M CAfeOUNl KICBIKM, La A»flt a# Ika ma » I a/ XhOLXSU OPERA I THIS (fiATUKDiY) EVENING, LAST NIGHT OP Th# mairaUioefit Operatic Hp«rtaele, the ENCH AN TRI8K. Sffil":: H8S1S88 The rtncai akaraeten. oMratie, dramatic m4 by th« Grtu4 GombiiiMHiD »»! fall DooUle CCTHUrfM. he Extra Char re for Admiaeinn. ar Hervrrd neets 85 oeafct eitra. MON DA Y E VENIXQ, FIRM* NIGHT OF AJKEW OPERA. ArMfllLSIAC.r>r»KM Plrcia arxi P>>a> ( In . Orchcrtra Erata, 73 ats.; Faraiir Oirale. 15 <HM 'Prt- T»U IWt«ft f5. OROVER'8 THtATRE. PENNSYLVANIA ATENUI.dmt WUUrd* Hotel Lmiud e*or«* . Kaiiiii Poeltn*LT la*T AfflC AKAB'.t IN WaKHIS (JTOX OF Tb* I'aarl of th* Amnrmn Htaae. MISS LI CILLE WESTERN, Wfco, at th«> r^qnwt of many a-lin'rera, will appear this rjf.uug jn a character in which aha hit* bo MU»1. JACK KKKPPARD, OR TITK DaRIXO KKfiLIHH lllCRWATMAV. Mr. Ntehcll a*. .. Jna BluAnkln Mntic* will /vf tho » MR.'L. P. BARRET*. MISS LoTTY HurGH hac return*! from Ktirop? and will nhortiy appear. THE ROMANCE OF A POOR > OUNU MAN will prodn«*d «-n Monday evening nest, with »ew §r*n*ry, en«tn m»>» and 'lTfCt#. Admimrion on, V>, and n c«nt* CANTERBURY HAIL ! LOUISIANA AVENUE. »ai Bixtb Bruvr. CROWDED HOUSES! rnvuvvnArfl **? . in wlt JB J X . THE PRESS AM) Pl'BLlC rBOMOCKCB Hn.LK AHNETTA GALLETTI M*LLE AKNETTA GALLETTI MOKB. 15. VKLARUIC.0 M0N8. X. VRLAUD* Two of the PXST DAGGERS THE WORLD Boc&acBM'St cf TIM HAYES, The Champion Clo# ))«Dr?r of Ear»pe &»d A merit* VI* flViA 1 L^n t Ka VI' a r L 1 mw w«i .uv Mpvn >uv II Wt fU , K^-m«-mbt;r : Man and Money always ready. Eoappaaranee of M188 JTLIA MORTIMER. tii* Washington rat^ritb ! lUc, MIB* KATE PEN NOV ER, THE tiVBBH or TKtfPHTCHORE I TO-NIGHT TUB OALLETTI AND VELARDE BALLET THOCPE, Id th* B~autif*t Ballet «ntltUd th« PAIN KR'rt ILLUSION. In which MUc OALLETTl, Miu KATE PEN- NOYERand Moon. E. VELARDE will appear. BOB HART AND i*W gIM*0NB In New £«ng«, Ethiopian Acta, aid the Laughable Farce entitled BLACK ASTHONY! THE COURT OF BEAUTY IK HEW DiKCM I And the MAMMOTH OOMPANYI TDV RVkT A UTIu rvfl IV Tu» firpw m u mm » a « *u t **U I ^ lKA.bVsi.1.1, WILL A FIE a k in A M1W BILL 1 - REMEMBER, TilK CANTERBURY HAc* mow akd always WILL HAYS THE EIRtST TALENT IN THE WORLD: Till only k9tabl1mmkq MUSIC HALL id Washington I Door* open, ( % o'eloek; p«rfornnuM>#, 7\. idmiMMO M e«Dtc. Orefa«*tr», flft o«oU. GKANDMAT1NEE os SATURDA V AFTFRXOGN TOR l a DIBS awd CHILOf. KN. Door* ©p*n at 2 o 'cluck. Admiarfoti.Ladi»«. 2 fu<nt« ; children. ¥> ©ant*. Eruul eftttfl rent-rvcvl fur l&dlcn. WASHINGTON VARIETIES, KIKTM ktrppt usa r rgsnsriva sia a venue. PROPRIETORS A HAMRLIX & 00 ACTING MANAGER ....A.M. UJCRNAND1Z bTAGE MANAGER JAMES PILGRIM MtfclCAL DIRECTOR T1I0M A8 BlMPSON The Poblic of WanhinKton are respectfully inform cd that thifl New and Reaatfful Temple of AmuM-iufDt, t0 r* f /inrLT nn r> ^rirt? nr j %.» if \jr ml. n r\j r\ I nxi /Y, On WEDNESDAY EVENING, Dfc. 3, '02, And Every Evening. T>> splendid Ilall Ha* a New Btafe, N*w Boeoe- ry, PrivaW Bo*m U-«ut\fuJly furn shed,Orrh»mra beat* arranvrd with every Cciufort. Parquette with covered MkU, and Gallery that will command a tali sight of the Stage The alterations mad<3 at au fcipeuw of FIVE THOUSAND DOLLARS, ABt tk* *acm«d, (omffia* THIS MJ^T TALENT IN AMERICA. a. «i. nuinAnuiir., great onrtvallnd PantoinimUt. MIB8 C. FITZWILLIAMiJ, The grt+\ Bin«tr. from th« London ThratrM. M0R1PT BBpTHBRS, Tte Mart Wonderful Perfuruienj in the World. HOMF. A GROSM, From NtblaHiGarden, New York. M0N8. C. LEHMAN, Vi»m KIWd'b Garden, New Tor*. MOWS. BZ0LL08T, Lftt« if the Ravel Troupe. DICK BANDS. The Great Clog Dancer. J. ALBERT ALLEN. CWtobrated Negro Comedian, PAUL BKRGKR, *b« Parorite Actor. JAMBS PILGRIM, TLe Popular Comedian. _ t. W. LANDI8, TL« King of Sonjr and Dance. TOM VANCE. The Popular Comic singer. MILK JULIA LKIMAN. The Aetosiyiiftheii Dm** ut*?, froiu Nlblo'-s G*rd*o. New York. M'LLK PACLEN, From the Port St. Martea, Pari*. M'l.LE WHKLPLKY, The Charming A ©Irene, from Laura Keen#** Tke«*- tre, New York. MiDUR OROflflT. « Ft*id Niblo'a Warden, New York. mad'mk leuman From NlbloV Garden, New York. had'mk martin ktti, prom mblo'rt (iardrn, n?w Vurk. mi88 irark. From arcfa ftreel thvatre, philadel|>lu* mi88 h.oreno*. From Bon,«rf tbtf»tr«, n*w York. mimtarkkr, from orvwiwkf nu'tc ukll, PifW lor*. JKI8.M ROB1NHON, PLiladt-lphm Theitrt*. MIPS PIMM ON DS, Prota Philadelphia Theatres. MIAti ADAMS, From itw Western Th«atr*«i. OKANI) OOKFri I>K BALLKT. BAI.LBT MAtTKR MONh A . GBOH8I A BRILLIANT PKRPOKMANCK Wil l RJf HlVtrK w»:uTrv COMIC V\N TOM III Ed SiiACTlKUL BALLETS, «rillOHlAN ac'ts, PINGING, DANCING, Ac. ParQin-ttf an"* Faiuily Circle . Vt e#ut* Ort hi*«tr» Cht>ir» flfl <*»nt« Privitr H< sen (b< idibtf *'* yrAOiM) §3 Miv® l«? Sen if in Boxes ^5 Colored Circle .... 25 cot* Doors open at k*lf paflt six o'clock- P»-rfonn»na*# to commence »t %u*rt«r L«fur« eight o'clock . ,4»«l-lw telegraphic news. mun THE ARIIT OF THB POTOMAC. lidifititM rf a NiTrmrit-RfitlU »( L»t« R*r {»*>«ner*.Tbe Rebel* a beat Ei|hly>HT» TJi««mb4 Sii1**!. HliDQT-iSTUf Oil. KUBMAIDB'M iBMT, Lh>c. 3..Aithoafrb our position till remains unch&cped, thrrr is ertrr indication of an ad. vane movement of a considerable portion ot a*.,. I MI J Mk HM vwa </ MVU« MM OMMUUlf. »vru wonnolM»nf»(* mftdf yesterday, the enfjtiT not euppoeed to he o?»r eighty or eirhty-flre thousand strong at or near Kred.r- ickebnrir. Lvt nijcht the pickets on both eidse converted freely, and * few of thr Rebels faw over to oux lines and gave them**l>ee np as de- serter*. A T»#t Practice Drill.Oca. Atgel tiki far » m Ceart ef Inqairy. ' Faibvax CorfcT Uorex, Dec. 4..Six regi- ments of this corps, being one from eaoh brig- ade, 'tad a test practice drill to-day, under the Immediate direction of CHn. Rigel. The reeuk wa* entirely satisfactory to the commanding general. . Gen. Slgel Mts asked for a court of inquiry. io invvpUKHi? in« nepersions mtioe by Utn. #oi*« embodied in the recent report of CHn. Halleck. A RecnnolsMncr-A Rebel Force at Bria> toV' Station. Fairfax Court Hoppe, Dec. 5, midniaht . A party went out to-day ad tar aa Union Mill*. They rncountervd no rebels by the way, but Irarned that there are some rebels at Bristow Siatior. It if supposed that the reb»*l cavalry are in- leuthue to come down to Mhuhmos Junction. FROM WCSTKRN VIRGINIA. Ksrci<«iul Expedition in tbe kauawba Dis- trict. The following report has been received at ihe headquarters of the army: Camp Stmmertille, Va, Nov. 12..Brig. Gtn. George CmcJc, Cuvxmand\tLg Kanawha. Dis- trict :.hir, 1 herewith eubmit airport of my expedition into Greenbrier county: On the Oih met., proceeding agreeable to or- Arr, I bivouacked thrve mile* beyond Oauley ri>» r. On the moving tn, I marched all day j without interruption; but learned that Gen. ' Ji nkint, with 2v5*.ti men, in addition to Col. j Dunn's force, occupied live country before me. i rial cued an follows: Calonel Dunn's command b«twwn Lewie- | buig and Franfclort. The nth Regiment of i Virginia Cavalry is at Williamsburg. One ! regiment of cavalry is at Meadow Blufffe, pa«- j turiiig their hore**, with a battalion uf four I hundred cavalry on the wilderness road as j pr.firrt A email tore? is at White Knlphur, and G^n^ral J#»nkin*, with the remainder of his rcrnnrnnd, is on Muddy Creek, eight uxilec from L»*wiaburir. 1 however puthed forward until within thr» r milts of Williamsburg, wh<-re I came npon a *«fon train belonging to General Jen- kin's command. They wore encamped for the night, intending to loud with wheat the fol- lowing day. X PUII vuuuru I»nu kIW WIl- fcifilujr of prisoners nod property, as follows: ! Moc pri-oners, nam^d J. L. Lvans. captain i :,ni! acting assistant commissary; W.M.Evans, i wagon master; two wttfon«rF. enlisted men; three wagoners, citizens; two n«"gro wagoners, j fciid lv o citixens, v»ho were present and in- ! t< rested in the frrttin. The. property taken is as follows : 7 wagous, *i3 burses, 4 uiides, and 24 pets of harness. After setting Are to and destroying the wagons and grain, with the building it was stored in, I sot cut on my return, meeting Capf. Smiib with bis command on Cherry river, 10 miles from Gau- j lev river lord. 1 *arriv»-d in this camp with the above prison, ers and property at 5 o'clock p. m. on tne llth li st. I fouud the roads very bad.imp&s>ahie lor wagftns.grain very scnrc*; rould proeure but two feeds for my horse while gone. The train destroyed wa? aboot250buat»flsof whaat. i 1 have the honor to be, very respectfully, your 1 obt dient servant, C. W. Gilmore, Captain com'd'c Kanawha l)ivision. P. 8..One of the citizens taken.Thomas C. ' MK'ljntock.ha* heivtoforfi takon the oath, and j it- ihe ruan who bought np the wheat. C. W. O. Sailing of the Fleet at Fortres* Monroe. [Correspondence qj the Associated Pross..] PnrTBTta Mnvviw Iiuk 1 .Th« «nt(r« A vr«< MA >) T. A MV I U MAC JJVT b tbat hu» l-.cen gathering bere for some week® past railed hcnre to-day. There were seren j neHiwrs laden with troops and two iron* ! clads. The fleet mailed wiih sealed orders, and tlie destination u>of course unknown. Aid for Ihr English Operative*. Nicw York, IWv. 5..The subscriptions in ! aid of the KiiRhph operations reach fcUf.uoo in- cluding 910,000 from A. T. Stewart. THE BANKS EXPEDITION. irr-iriunj! rjljj»'uiuuil, WUICU UIM created such vast preparation* and inrreaning I Interests, Failed from New York. Throughout ! the day all the vessels to tak>* part in the gigantic enierpr»*e, presented busy andexciting eceiies in >he embarkation of troops. General Unuks n>porint^nd.d nearly all the arrange, mei.te for the departure of the fleet, and, although many obstacle* happened to delay the rx|H-(iuu>n. bu rxjirrseeil bia determination thai it should leave la#t evening. A large number ut prominent. citmens, how. pv«t, ngrc. d thnt ihe(Jeneral should not depart without receiving an ovation during which j they conld bid him a final nnd formal adiru. For this purpose, in accordance with a previous ! arrangement, the following gentlemen met ! General Bank* on board of a Government i outter at the Barge Office, and enjoyed with | him a delightful trip down th« harbor; Gov- ernor t'urtiii, Mayor Opdyke, Commodore Van- derbilt, Purveyor Andrews, and others. Fonn after the cutter soiled, the company \ procfedpd to the cabin, where th«»y sat down to dinner. General Bonks* health was proposed and honored by three enthusiastic ch\**r». The General, In reply, spok* hh follows : MjVllow-citiEt np : I feel -very much gratified at nitfiujf you on mis occasion, and with you com** good lack, lor we have a pleasant day. I j bare been in your city five wm-kt, aad three wi « kx of that time it ha« stormed; but, deepite the elements, we are h*re to-day ready lor the work before u». 1 coald not better satisfied in any undcrmkin# ol its kind. The Gorern. ; ment has pi von us a food chance, and we pru- se to you th«s satisfaction of gaining by ihis expedition home national advantages and results which will be ennobling to humanity and glorious to the cause of this Union I do not belive fuch a command has ever gone from New York, as it is composed of the bent men at i New England and New York. It is trne that many ot them are recruit*; but that is better than old soldi# rs who have all the ilIs which they have acqi.ired in a laborious and sickly campaign- "V\ u go to uphold th« fly of the 1'uion and sntt&in the Constitution, and may Ood grant we m«y be successful. Allow me to give you."The success ef our expedition." The toast was received with loud cheers. Th»> General way then urged to speak again, but he declined. u< II. iTKiuiwir uuuuru III T-uti>giBVIC wriH» 10 the character and strength of the expedition, 1 which, he said, was freighted with the hopes of the nation. The people, he said, had every confidence in its gallant commander, j Hen. Banks. In closing, he proposed the health of Gov. Currin, referring compdmentarily to the Keyttone State. Gov. t'urtiu, in refpon^e, said it was abso- ' lately nec«**ary to the safety and dignity of the nation cupture Richmond, the so-called cap. itnl of the I on!ed« raf» State*. No expedition to Texas at that time could accomplish any- t iiiin(f muti rinl to the interests of the country, j Richmond should be taken; then the rebellion conld be crushed and the Union restored. He closed »>y regretting lhat the troops of his State re not larp ly represented in the expedition, undpa\ethe toast."Success to theOoTern- ni^nt.Kucc»>s to the Union.trusting In God fnr f Vio -, » * f* mr irnuiu r T y Tho buninres of eounterfettir.K rebel State treasury now*, lately detected at Richmond, w as> traced to rume negroe* who were en^ag^d i to fwrpp ont the treaenry department. Oue FtoW the Mi nke, while aiioflxrr flikd up and Mgia'd ih« m. iJ-Tho nf tt'm V !/ »» /»V »niie>jjinc *5<,i00 from h*a employe**, and v hoe cum- ha* b»*en pending two y*ar<« In a | New York Conrt, was again potpoaed a few day* ago ~ %iT Gen. Hooker solicited a pluo« in hla grand , d>MPion for Gen. Rtou«-. of BtH'sBlnfT noto- riety. Thf Secretary oI War refuted to grant tLe request TREillHY. Owing to lb# UtiMM of the k<mr^t which the report of Hecrrtary Chaee wm received, our Abstract of yesterday wm neoMiartl/ short. Secretary Cti«ww> wUmitM the cnetocnn rer- ecvr at MTetty million*, and thr internal taxes at one hundrt d and fifty rail bona. Fpt that pcrtion of the rnrrrnt year, during which the (nttrnal tuM will hare bm ta operation, b* e*timat«e their proceed# at eichty>fiTe ouUioo* The public debt, which, on the 30th of June lot. wac 614,01X1,000, will br M*MM«.00U on tte aotn ei next Jun*, and #1,744.000,Out on the 3»ih of June, 1MM, if the war *ball continue 00 Ion?, which Is not to be expected. The Hecrrtary'a tmwi of the TNO«rrM of Uw country to hopeful. He Myt that oar anaaal production of yold and tilw hia already r»t<cbed about $11*^000,000, and moil eteedily and rapidly advance. He counts largely njwt the immigration of labor, to 1 allow the re torn of i»eace. Hr dor# not favor the idea of a permanent national debt, but prefer* Ivan* at such period* ae will enable the principal to be paid off at the earliest moment when payment become* practicable. We rub join a frw extracts from the report: The wbole power to borrow money under the act of July, 1W1, to authorise a national loan to now exhausted. The only imj>ortant law* ox:d«r which mean: formeetinf demand*on the Tr< a*ury can Le had an- those en&etcd or mod- ified by Con press at its last session. These are of two general classes. namely, those -which provide revenue from cuues and taxes and those which authorize the obtaining ol money by loans in various forms. i iir buuoi anu ccuiuakcu ren'ipui unnPT tin pc Iftvn for the cnrrrot fiscal year, a* already stated, will amount under thr tariff a^t to [ 1,736.59, and und. r the internal r»v»nu»- ' law to *M,4I6T3U3.?3. The rvoeipts lor all other Kjurrrp, exclusive cf loans, as estimated, will ach *13,963,TS*.47, making a general aggregate, including *13,043.546.81, balance from lost year, ol aiMi,4M5,:^15 and leaving to be pro> idrd fnm loan?, iu tome form, 6c^,06.\43^ &2. Thr Jaws of thv sccond class Umit the issu« of I'n»u*d States notes, exclusive of the con- j ui.gent reserve lordej^its, to f250,0u0,000: limit the amount receivable on w-mporary deposit to ; and limit th- issue of five-twenty s»>es to *500,W/0,100. The i*eue of certificate* of indebUdnefts and of fractioual eorrrncy is un> limited by legislation. The hmoubt ol United States notes, in Coding notes receivable for customs. alrearJ* m*nni and in circulation or in the trrwarj to the credit of ditbnrtine officers or of the Treasurer, wu on Uie 1st Instant 111. There yet remain*, therefore, und« r th»> law, an »othon y to ifwue the further 0am of The 1 HmoQDt received on depot.it, including coin and e»t;matin£ for the last day of November, 1* 6?9,<ifc,650. The lurther sum of tau^iu 1,35c may ! thereiore yet be receive*! The l»ue of ira - : tional currency has rearlwd the sum of The beet lights lead to the eaumut.' that before rperie payment* can be return-*!, 1 not leea than t4u,<jui,uju will be requir-d by the want*0/ the community. Tfcetum of OMLVJOl1 not yet i**urd, may therefore be counted on a* an additional resource. It is not easy to d«ter- j mine what tnrther payment* can mad* In certificates of indebtedness, but it seem* pro'o- ' able that pa> mente 'in that form may be *af*ly enmed to the amount of ¥im^W*j.OOO Thee~ , pa> inputs have already ached SP7«3ri3,94l-fe, and the additional r-xijn of 112,8^6,7^.35 may | tbetrfore be paid in that way. What can be juxii; tru IH'IU luinciBWlie uuafr uir &CI authorizing 'hr tafeue of five.twenty kix«k, thai is to say, trom exchange by holders of United Mate* i.ote$ for theee tKvnd*-, «par, cannot be staudwith much certainty. The amount re. cei> ed lrom this source from the date ol the act to the let iustant, estimating for paat oi the la** uerk in November, is f23.?50|fc0o It may rea- sonably he expected that $35,l*A),000 will be re- paired, if the act remain* unmoii&d, durine the rrmainder cf the fiscal year. The aggregate of all these mine, nnmely, #13t,W?,lV7.X, oon- stituuc the total of resource available for the current year under existing laws, except through tales, regarded as impracticable und<-r Uie act authorizing their issue, of the five-twen- ties at their market value. 0 The** credit resources, with the actual re. c^ipis from like »ourc»»s, added to revenue in «xi ivsiiur, moT cupj'ij lur u -«*? ury wiui ?511,64fl^2l$.96. Ther.- n-maius a balance of dn- I burtvin* ut* oi t2?G,9i!,S17.i6 vo be provided for. { To meet Uiu be recommends tb»* .--u» of LTni- » u d Mates note* adapted to circulation as iuon*'jr, t ai d the esiablisbmout of banking association* j to b- or^atiixed auder National legislation. The SrciMiy pays: It is true tfiat gold commands a premium in not«?s; in other words that to purchase a giveif amount of fold a greater amount in noie« is re- quired. But it is alto true that, on the snspen- j s:on of specie payments and tbe substitution | lor coin of I'nitod State* ao'.as convertible into six ]ht cent, fffcit- bonds u the 1 jral standard of value, fokl b*rame an aru. 1* of merchandise, subject to the ordinary fluctuations of supply and demand, and to the extraordinary fluctua- tions of mere peculation. # The cir- culation of United State*# note* may greatly facilitate the payments to the bank* through which their own notes muot be withdrawn: and thus not only protect the community from th»* inconveniences, but the banks from the iottefc which might otherwise attend reduction. It may also be stated that when the «ub*tuu- (ion shall have been accomplished, and perhaps it circumstances favor, at an earlier period, pa> meurs in specie of Vnited State* notes may be resumed with les? cost and less Injury lo butiuess than would attend a like resumption in payment of corporate note*. With eouipar- ativtjy trivial sacrifleo, the OoTtrnment can, whenever its expenditures are reduced to its revenue, provide, by loan or otherwise, all the coin needed to commence and maintain the re- sumption. Alkxabdkia ArrAiBP..County Court to In fwion b»re. Wb. MrKewen, charged with felony, in stealing a boat from Jam** Dixon, was examined, and the Court decided that Mr. Kewen was not guilty of felony, but that there w&scauee to charge him with petit larceny, and that he be committed to Jail answer an in- dictment at the next terra of the (Quarterly Court, and the Court deth further order that he may be admitted to bail in the sum of #100, con- ditioned according to law. It Vi as ordered that ih* l'U»rU nf tha rv*«i-« k. directed to have a suitable fl ag. staff srvc ted on the Court House, and a suitable siaed fine of the United fctau-s be boisVed thereon,the amount to be paid at the next county levy. The Court appoint* Robert Donaldson, Rich* ard Sou t her land, and Charles W. Payne as a committee to examine the condition of th« pnblic roads in this county, and report to the next term of the Court what roads are necea* sary to be repaired and worked, and also re. ci inmend suitable persons as overseer*, and what farm hands should be allotted to w>rk said roads. The clarification of Justices for L863 was ntade by the Court. All appeals, motions and other monthly causes, are continued, generally, until the next i term of the Court. Tfce Court then adjourned till next Court in course. The *mall-pox continues to prevail hers. i ciiirii) ttiuuug uir "conir*Danas." KfTfntl r.ew catrH, in diflerent part* of tiie town, rc- ported to-day. We have now heavy -white frosts alia+bt every night. -Alex. Gazette, Dec. 4. »yrte recession speech of Gen. Hounon axuounU-d to this, that having been aaked if iruuehould be sent from the State to defend the Confederate Government, he adviaed against it. He, however, st>oke of Ool. Hamil- ton, who tas bu n appointed Military Governor of the State by President I^incoin. aa that 'drunken rnreal. appointed br*Mr. Lincoln to mark hia ntter contempt for^the people of ) Texa?;* and wonnd up by counselling all 'efforts to repel the Northerners: §ST"The Chicago Tribune tayt: Some idea of tbv bu*ine*« transacted by the Chicago, Bur- lington and Uuincy,and the Chicago and tialena I n ion rnilrnads t#ay be inferred from the fact that an that portion of the latter road eaat of the Gab na Junction, ovea which the trains of the former road also pa»«>. there are thirty traini t <*Miiy, ea< h way, or sixty trains passing that point every tw«"nty-fonr hours. *7" Col. Tom Kord publi*h»"» ft *tat*m»»nt in the Columbu* Fact, in which reflet* se- verely on tbe action of tbs« Harper's >Vrry commi'Mou; complains that Jud^ Holt would not let biro publUh Unit p*rt of the evidence relating to bim»»lf, «nd e!o««*s by prvdictin* Uiat troth "will be known ju »oiu« fuiuiv day. ^ The V. b mUu < iov»ti.u». ut ia main- iHiu>r,p u. fctTKt biock»J«> of vbe port of Mm- . u,iv THE WEEKLY KI AB. uxtuu coneaza*- tmiad tcauo» Ptfift..After our , _ trtttvc NWISB, opened ikrlr . * - w.J. Honi.-ifWr otr wport riwN Mr. K^furd bot*4 to 4lr»rt Uk* f WnnhtM en Induic Affatrv to la q air* »ow» th* r*«uM «f late ladiaaootl-n-aka la the North wool Pmm4 Mr. X«Ut iffrti the hUfettf: Wbfp«i m*i j K>Wkr» btfr brra eeslaed a PMr.p at Meant l*Ua*ant wrw»l4- to do duty, iritboiitBCliryorinrftM te i>rocwr» er comlerts. thry net hartaf here paid th^tr v ontlilT dure. Id man j inetaaeee, for pe»o4» ol trcni tLi w te uli>+ moath* : X'tUxtd, That tfc# ftorrtroitt** cm Miltiarr fair* be rrqoretcd «e feqau* what WWaUou. if miy, Ic nc(fHin to enabJr thr Mldkn «k> roi flr^d and t+paraled fn*n thrtr mprcur* tf« ia< at*, to rw#U» and U patd «he*rftaoothi y dc**k and te rrport by bUi or ether wie*. ~~ *r v»lU»*irb*m latr»4««*<l Ma wrvt of r«ol«Uo«» r»i*un« ! »ka of *a Vatofc, wfcicfc were laid oa ifcr iabl». Mr. All* a. of UUoffrrrd tha tellowlaf, wMafc was udcfn» d: Whrrras th< re Mmo of IUUmm, rnOr nal a nth on tr, several thww »nrh importations are la yJ the constitution ofMMl fttate and LL» tentifltents of lb* pevpie W it. Rtr\Mt4, Ttat iheCommitteeoa the Jodmary be instructed to Inqtare into the rights of tht Federal authority thus to art at dsfianc# ft* pcDPiituUoti, la»e, andeent!fr.**nta of the ptopw of a poy rtrif a Bttw, and to repar^wlMM stkm chii be taken by U»e State rorrrament or<kr to brie* about the deportation of MUd tfff^ The House adjourned to Monday W(jof*rnnr Johnson and Genrral ] in conjnnrtion, bar* adopted a tew Une of pol- ler for the protection of tht country orenpteu br the Federal troops. A bond and r*Mi ranter of protection has been adopted, which errry eltiren. irrespective of his past politloa) predi- lections, is required to enter into, and fhlUt* to do which he will be sent wr&oatthe Fad-r*! line#, and not allowed W> return Tlw> condi- tion of the bond is that the party riving it *h%l| be loyal to U*«i(fo\en>roent, that h#%hall neither afford n;d nor ran fort to Lh* he will not fro within the Rebel linr« vitlMM ccunnt of oor Government, W The mere t: ante of New York ar# entba. *>ia*tically and liberally ubecrlbl&c for the relief of the *nffenn« cotton plnnerr of Ft«- land A nwun* ww UM on Thnwday tfter. norm at 9 o'clock at the room* of tike Chamber of (\*nmerce. Ke*claLuma were adopted ex. preeetnft the »dw of duty to relieve ibe «a<f#»r- lot in Knf land and ftppotntlnc A committee of fifteen to taJte m. a> nre« for carrying on the ob- jects of the mu tlnf Wtthln a few mtaotea, on the oveninr of the tnbecripikm, the nm of WM PuMcribed The #Qjn Ku »*mre be»n more tban doubled. A fire; of our fcuabotU* on tb. Mt**H*ippi have been running into the ereek# and btyone ttt>t*e<>n Vtcksbur* and Helena, doing Nnon* damage to tbe small rirer era it of the car* nay, fromoveamboat* toeanoee QuantiUoa of rmut vere MMjed, and arms destroyed wh*-rev«r louud. This expedition ha* (U*Mv»r^ d»-i iw. Murk of cotton of the crop of 1861 remaining In Arkansas, AiMtsaippi and Ltoniatana haa baas over itumntrd, and that ttw deatracUon tf Uke staple by the Kebti# has b«M*n vtry couMcraU^, rni MclK>wkLL Chalikjiokd..Ool. IL T>. Goodwin, who wrmi to W»a<j the prosecution tn the raw of Oen. McDowell, has aeut a formal rballrnpf to that officer in consequence mf Um statement which Gen. McD pree»-nt*d to the court yesterday morn in#, reflecting npon the ch«r«rtrT nf th*l We mar add, the Oen^ral *+* m* to pay little or dc regard to the matter, *o wc Oil at nothing wrious ined be fftrrd. %J~ Thr Ruuboai l.a^tport, which wv cap- tured on the Tenneccee river from tike Astoria, aud refitted by Uic Goremm-'nt m pwrt ex- pense, ha» been pronounced un*eawor~.hy by Rear Admiral Porter. Ucr keel U bc «Mk (tot the < annot support the weight of metal whlck ebe ha* to carry. Tbe Chirato Jo**m+l bai informatics that the army of Oen Grander, wlucb ha* been concentrating in Kentucky, hue at lft*t commenced the expected forward aou at for the occupation of Ea*t Tenncccec. There are many Illinois troop# in thle army. Arrivals frctn the plain* of Ufce fur W«»t bnnf *n account of a fl*ht betwoen loyal and disloyal Indian*, at Fort Clobh, in which tb* former were notorious, bearing <j mmmj scalpc. . ay Tb« lat«»t intelligence from «bo Saadwiob Island* report* the i r rival of 23 whaiii i, wiah *n average catch of tHU barrels of oil aad A Oo*rLAi«T.-M»(ar Mmr: As 70m Iut* tlv. sy# »ho«n yourself Um clinpic of ths oppivt-ses, 1 am emboldened to b«f your arfvo- r a. y of the mi use of the injured people of <M> District of <Y>lumbla. Our prope rty Imh bow in very msnv esses been occupied by Osnm- meot troops for nearly two years, and mm one cent has teen paid to (be ownir* for the os* of it. In ntir.y this property Is onr ofcfy npport, and the occupation of It by the Gov- fmiM Di pn'Trnifi lUf* OWBfTV Tfon fMptaf Any benefit In in ihur labor*, as ta**e ur_»oj* d^tovy vrb&t u made m »oob as ibo eropm mk o maturity consequently many of a* ha re otar ra- tion nar.n* tis in the face And, »u\ this u> not all. foT N**idr* d«*priTinir u* of car f rowing crop*. iM have d»*m jred and laM wmU> ear flurai ui rvf-ry v. ay; u>» y bave built uwlrtiy fens on our plac«*, cut roadf, du« ride-ptu.to wbicb *e luUmn rt«i{D»dly a* from Um inri fltW of war.but xb« y bav** al*o do«troyo4 our f< note*, and !ft»t and worn of all, bav* |*vd iuw hundred* oi arm of fc-auufal »oo4iu4i which iuj monry can rvplacv, and irtSS baa ov. nere for feneration*. Kir, vbu I wHami thie wholesale destruction of our property, I am led to inquire why the people of thia IMi. trict tar*' b»-*-n Uiu« treated? We all k*o« thalftb*- Constitution protecto us in our rtghti of prrperty at well a* it doee the people of the SthU'S find the fact that wthnw no tow should net rau»e un to be »uhie<t^> theee tlteT.f. lliv Govenimeit would not, 1 belter#, mmhm to take the property of th« people ot the North. Tm±i, or in this way. If we npoitthff a^ain*: th< *e outrages. the anawer W>, "Oh. we are defendir.fr >ou from the rebel#," or «Odh- {ree« will pay you for the injury w«4f 70a" I bhould like to know, nr. how mnah wore* the re^«elii ronld miur# « th«»» .- »> . * - inlnred. I think, sir, we mar well pickia, ><«ve uc from oar tiicDdf ." Ii U not Mr (tol we khonlu exp* cT aa^qoau* prompt .a- pensation fur the u»*- and abuaeof our property. Yours re*pretfnlly, E. Mmm*, the wOuwr of Ml*« Anderaon In IsVw York, h*« manac^d to «"#cap*, aad ilk* polir«* and public are afltau-d aa to ktm be did M. Tbe NVw York A1 dermic kav« appro- priated fl,WJU to purcltasen p.inn irf HiVwH McOeJlan for the City li^J. W Koeeuth *nd many of hu fries <! ai« at Grwf, waiting for an> thine that xuay tura op tb^re in the way of place or power.- t&~ A fine qnality of cotton (mm been f re wn, th«* present traaon, on Kvlly* I»|MUL Lake Krt*. 9T a aort ©1 mai i Up Mil* cat*-*, under (b« new law « Ut r^iuri a tea ct-nt tamp to tx> r»ffl*ed to tbem! %T It i* raid there a»v a roil J km* bale* of aot- 'on in I-uuieiaaa and Miwtwtprt »t tht pweat tjrfk*. , Tl;e Grrman port, Lx>ui< Vhiaad, r»ti Kr»d»*T last, at fJtntifardt. He waft bora oa ibe 9Hb of April, I7t^. ST Th« re Is an agitation for lb# aboltiUp of lb» off oe vf Naval OffleeT of New York, oa lfc» ground Oiat ft an expensive riae«ar%.

tile.loc.gov · THEEVENINGSTAR rmintfikyiktaftdinoow, imlmdat ajuarrtv,) a* vmm itiiaciLDINOl. '3' .« » rA"*+" VSfc. XX. WASHINGTON,f). C., SATURDAY.DECEMBER6, 1862. N?. 8,058

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Page 1: tile.loc.gov · THEEVENINGSTAR rmintfikyiktaftdinoow, imlmdat ajuarrtv,) a* vmm itiiaciLDINOl. '3' .« » rA"*+" VSfc. XX. WASHINGTON,f). C., SATURDAY.DECEMBER6, 1862. N?. 8,058

THE EVENING STARrmintfi kyikt aftdinoow,

imlmdat ajuarrtv,)a* vmm itii aciLDINOl.

'3' .« » r A " *+"

VSfc. XX. WASHINGTON, f). C., SATURDAY. DECEMBER 6, 1862. N?. 8,058.I

in lira

W. D. WAliLACli.mm nm4 la to tvrUrt it (4

»*r DMtk, t» audi wbwliwiCrJu* i« l< » » mr,4ii<»Ti; M to* 1*

FKOFOSALvS.Q»AL1I> PBO/O6AL6 tr« invite* entil the »dO Im of btcmbir. tats. (ornnMruu u« CaM*4(b^« *«h**«u»ee miwtwwit with i.arrBeef Cottle oo io« kooi

C*>tte to bo Miforod ot ViAi

S.. oad ooofc tfllatl to »eora«o 1;«tUo odaUttod tUt «ot#k< Uh tfeoa~ tJOB

MuUiirM Heifers. §tB#*o»4 weetodTke ftnt delivery to bo nod? on or eboat tko 10tht ofJanaory lA^.or ooftftoa thereoftor tbo -

nsort mo7 oireot. *' htvl of CetUa per weekVtl) bo N4«iir<4 to be 4«Ur«r»d ao4er thin «twtr«ot

A V..*bA wit>t m^r*A ms*A »«tfiaiont awAnritv KaOOmJ-wd. Twenty V* Mot. of tiu! psrcbu* mnntTwUI bo aatil lb* oompUtion *4 U« oon-

Pro«o«»Ii from ooatroctor* who h*To yroTlooolykiM to oonp'r with tktlr V»«Vi, from di»lor«l p*r-msi, or whore tb- btddor lo mot oroooat to r**fM4to hi* hi5. wlU not U» nAooM«r«4.Yh« uaw of Inw thotrid bo rUW4 la fail. with

tha irociM otfdroMof oach axambor of Arm.Poymont to h# n»4« in of lo4*t>t*4-oo».*»»r raf furwlo Qorornirout aoy ho*«mr rt1«hnr'#monVAU M4«t«bf MtoBfuMbThromriaMMwljfcMM to COL A. B*CK WITH, 1. D. C. and O.

M v« a o «p r * M a J mm. w. B. WMruunfq, v. v., man m«n*afr*roMli for Baaf Cattla."

Arm of Omnrmnut.Wm, , of the MtBtrsf .,ta4 BUteof.,fe

Wreky r«ar*nU>a that la kbit to fnlfll the eon-Irvt to utrnltDr* with th« Urm* of hla arnsoffi-Mnm. aftd that, ahocld hia propodtioB ba aocaatad,fca wUl »« onea »nt»r into a teatrad in aaeordanaeffcarawith.IkwM the ooatraet b« avarM him. wa art m>mm to tocowa hia aeearltiaa.

(Tfcia guaraataa moat ba appandad to aaafc hid.)The reaper sibility of the cuarantora rnaat ha

><im kj the (tflr**l eertifleata of the Clark of theareat District Caurt or of tha United Btataa Dia-

Mrt AtWroey * {AaA aiila<k a a/ anaaiaaiat J1 <i j alaaj ajm'1) ) < f


piOPOhALS roi WOOD.Duroi Oman, J

Comer Ei$kitaUh mmd G ttrraj. >Wa*hi«ftoo,D 0 . I>«»eerub«r I, 19S3.\Pvalsd PnoposALtf for the delivery of fire tnon*-

f* eorde of Wood to the Government will«aaeivad »t thU offlee mi til TVir«4ay, tha ale*-

Mth tilth; day of December, MS, at twelve fU)aio«k n.Tb« Wood to be hard, eoond and morthutobl*.feur (4) f»«-t long. and eyllt to the ordinary et*e of

aard woodThe Wood to be delivered in the eity of Wt*k*too at lueh r>inU m the D«p«t Quartermaster

hail afreet, eorded ia r»oka foar <4) fr*t hi#h: do-livery sot being eooniderod complete util eoaread, meararMi and in*»ected.lit liunrtt-r will ha Am aimtul on lh< nip* fifth*#*T«ruBrnt to inapaet ac7 means re the wood, andMeb m do#« not conform to the abore *pee &a-Imu will be rejected.AU to N» delivered ob or before the eleventh

()]thj4«r of February. 1*3.P»rtu»ot to be mad* upon tbe tonpletion of the

vtato contract.Proposals.

Tbe full aame end prut office addreee of tb« bid-4w DB«t kpyeir in th propoeal.If a bid ie m ede in the n»m* of a flrra. tbe nam#*fall the partial ruu«t apoear.or th* bi1 will boeMwklerru u the individual propoeal of the partydaii« It.Proposal* from disloyal partus tctii not bteon

sidtrtd. and an vetb of allegiance moat aeeompanyaaah propoeition.Fropo#«le moat be addreied to Capt. Idtafi L.arte, AuUtant %nartern^t*ter, U. 9 Army v W»-b- I

u. ^ , v.u loonta m ptkiur uriM "rto-ymlf for Wood.*'

Gttmrmmtt*.The responsibility of the guarantor* mart be

A*vs b» tht offlt'uil of the Clerk of theDistrict Ooart or of the United 8totee Die- .fekt AttornpT.

The »r>iiity of the bidder to All the contract, cheuldM he awarded to him-, mmt he guarantied "bv twoproponeible persons. whw» signatures ere tnUiypeeked to the guarantee, mud taid tnarautet mm*mmompmmy Ik* btd.Bidder* mr,«t h« present In person when the hid*

Me opened or their proposal* will oot he considered.Bond* is Ut« tun of wn thousand d«U\re, etgned

tthe contractor end hoth of his guarantor*, willrepaired of the .roeexfnl bidder upon signingfteeeatnet. _

rVoi cj Gitarantti.We, , of the eonnty of , and State of

. and , of the county of , and State of ,4» hereby guaranty tVtt is eble to fnifil theom tract In accordance with the term* of hie propoflKWti and that, ehould hie proposition be accepted,W will at onee enter Into a contract in aeeoraanoeherewith. Bhonid the eociraet be awarded to himwe are prepared tn beoome Wa nreiiesTo thin guarantee mast ho appended the officialrHImt# above mentinned.The Be pot Quart* rmaster reeerre* to hime*lf the

eight to reject any or all bide that he may de-»rn toohigh. EDWARD L UAKTZ,do - - - -1 Captain aad A. Q. M.. U. 8. Army.

P» 0P0BAL8 TOR HAT.Daror QciKTiBMASTia g orvica, 1

l - « . »*

i«rmrr etfWMin ana is jtretU, >Kit hihgto*. I>f« mber *. 1M2.SBsalbd PmoPo«ALg will b« received »t this offlMBtll Tpwltr, tUe !*th d*r of Deewmber. it 12a^l*cA Mv fi.r fursl tuif the Government withf»«r tfecu#*od (4 f»<" tona of ilajr.Hat to t« *.xwl merchantable timctht, put uy la

ftnd diiliTAFA/1 t«A*+Amt* *k» ton.D*IiTerT to bamade in tha «ity of Waablaftoa,within twenty-fire i 24' daya from th« data or tb«

aci.tr art.PROPOSALS.

PrapoaaJa will b« reeeired for fir# bncdrad 5<tWo# rf Hay tod apvtrdi.Ti» fall ojkmo and PdSt, Ofiee ildrM) of tke bid-4a r nut appear in lb* proposal.If a bid ia mad* in tfea aaa« of a irro. the aam*4f all tb« parties mnat appear, or tba md will baaxurid+rad u tba individual proposal of tba partner-RSSUL. from rfwiapaJ porUta w%U art be i1dtrtd. amd on #oiA 9/ mHegumc4 muMMi Pf0P0Jli«M*.PropoHl* mart b« »ddrfM*dto fn|, D. H Rqtkif%u»rt*-rm»»t*r V. 8. Arm}, Wiihf5jton, D. O

abouM be filial? turked "Propoml* fora* "

GFAR4)fT«l.TV# ability of the bidder to All the tootrMtkuekl tt bo overbed to him. react bo rwutMby tarn r»«pon»ihle perervst, wboeo tiffiuHareo antM»pp«8d#d to the |W»at«0

to r#«w>n»ihiH»T of the raJirflRtoro ®a«t bofcewu by the n«f»i eertiftn»te of ttM Clerk oftboooreot Irwtrnt Court or of the United htotee Pto-

Irtet Attorney.BM4ero muft be yrooeot in »oreAi) when the hi4ere opoBed.or Vboir profooala will mot bo oouU-

Mpof<» fnoel la ivtoat to half the emm to be re-AO th. MBtnct elr*. d W the onstrMler

Ml both of lil« «uwuit(>ri, will be required of tkiMimAl bidder opon eirainc Ui (Street.

Mj> tt« bond Bait aecempaay the contract, ftwill b« DfMMVT for bidders to here their bonds-m with them, or to have boeds rif«-d ia anticin

Hen and ready w be produced when the contract le

"MKnkn for bond# can be proenred opon ee^iee-Um b*ii*c naed* at thie office, either personally, by1otter or by telegraph.

fOKM OF GCABANT11.We., of the county of ...and Bute of .,

*ad of the county of ,%nd frtat* of , doaereby fnarantee that ia able to fulfil a eofitrse*hs accordance with the term* of his proposition,aad that, should hie proposition be accepted, hewill at oooe eater into a contract ia srnnrlsncsWWIW

Phoald the eontract be awarded him, we are pre-* to V»»« bia eecnritles.(To thi* »B%rant<*« moot h* appended the ofteialertlfleate tbo^e mentioned.)

INSPECTION, D1LIVRRT, Ac,All He* rontraeted for uuder thla advvrtiaem»Dt

Vill b* rigidly mapeeted. ani »ueh an do rot prove

JerTilT*** aoua^ meitbantable quality wul m re

Payment to be made npon the completion of theoatracl. or ao mod thereafter u the Depot Uaar-brounU r a* all be la fnndn.Any inform alltr in the Md, or noo-aonferaianee

with the terma or tbie alvertlaemeat, will aaeoreIke reject ion of the propoaal.Delivery to be maae at the Railroad Depot, or ata* of the Government Wharves, la tha city afWashington.The Depot Quartermaster reaervM to himself the

*t*M to reject any or all bid* that he mar <te«m Wohfrb. D H. RUCRU^.daft td Colonel and Depot Quartermaster.

NA?Y AU1NTT OPPlt'Ifi,W**btk0Tor D. C.. Dac. 3. 1*51.

Pnoroeats will be reeaived at tHia jfice nntllfATTTKDAT, ljth inst., at S o'clock p. a., for* poand*of Lead Wire, 9T KV> loch diaineWr, and

At wr |m uo^h cf Lead Wire. 67 10O inch diameterTa be d. liaered at th* Nary Tnrd in this city,free ef e«»»t to the Government for freight or tram-

l^ruHon and onfj^et f> the uaaal in«p»ntion atYard Hood and aofleient aecwrity will b»- re-

aal* ed for the fulfilment af the e^ntraat.K. f. BRUWH, l*»TT A|#nt.


Of c*l*br*t^d brnnd appear* to be in e»»rjm'b month. u m-pli ** on evrry one's table.TWy are a pp^ndid article and can be reliedwpen to su^n^ihen and laborate exhaustedmatnre. r>-«oAm

MACB1NKM8HW1NG MACHINM!A utoc* fdUfofrnt MtUru, rvr *+U at

»»»W pfitt-t, euitabia for fauriy l r fc^avy Uilor-tec work. A. P. SHARP A OO.,ft9 8. Howard etreat, B^itiioor*.T f'25 Inftrter Family 8~wia* Kuttia«« on«ihJMti<D at Mr*. Q. KR1CC88'. 8»»*utht, <*a«hia*toa, Hft« |m*

Ui»<01.bTIU>.-rk« «u pwin«rihi»'n*frtifot«>JL* xi*tin# b«t*Ma the »ubacribar«. aadar theftrTx «,f Muorn & Itoanlson, hw b«en Xkin day dia-m!t«4 toy mutaaJ >r»n»*GEORTiZ H. M00R1,J. M. OINIflBOn.Va**lBct*n, OrV <M 71


pKOPOBALfi._ Oitiiiui *>f rtcv, Wi» Dvriftwaw, (ViuiiiToi.KoTtober M. MU.(

hiLiB Paurociui will b« r*o*Wei W tkia &artaMBt, until 4o'«to«* p. m art %b« ninth <Ur (U*»mW r u««t, for ik« u4 4«ilr«rrof Ik* foil«via« proiMtiUx rii;

»JD» to* loci) PolM PbAt.li«0 ftitMo iad (Sb«iia.1 /«*> artMA Uvei BatWrloa Shot.

Tit pro)**tilo« to b* made or Ike kind of Bttal,u4 in»p*ruil after the r*U* laid .1ovn la th* t>rd-Banc* Manual, with tk« tutfion ( feb* B*tt*r!afhot. wbieh araat b« mala of wtgrt ia known ax

gun matal. Prawia** of »ho«# arwjoeftllo* ain b*ocn at the principal art»anai« of uie United Bt*to<),It tbi OrdnuM AffMr Wo. 4# Worth «tr**t, N*wYork, *n<1 at tbi* crfl*«.The prejcctilM ar«. to b* <ialiT*r*d. *r*« of «barp«

for transportation at tk* Untt#d AtaU* Ar«*nal,oo Sf»*rnor'i Inland, Now York harbor, whortthoy will b* inspected; and all inch as mar b« r*)*ct*d mart b* r*OMtT*d. by th« *ontrartor, its ma-diat*!f after the ln*pe*tton of *aeh delir^ry.Bid* wil' b* r*e*iT*d tor anj portion nf t>»* a«an-

title* rHOired.Dot 1*m than IO ufaor on* kind.D*11tiH« to b* mad* aa fa.'low* : (ha«-t«nth, ofaeb kind within tbirtr dart aft*r notification of

aeeoplaao* of bid, and not 1«m than one-tenthk 1 a V. /a Aft 11 _i i* v J i m

WP«Hiy u>»r»iuM>r qdiii »ii »naJt o» ae>ivere*i.Ptfant will be made by the Trtiunrj Depart !

m«nt on the ueual © rtifteatee of lnepeetion udree*ipt, after »arh d»lW»ry.Bends, with approved »mrety. will be re«nired

for the faithfnl performance of eoutraete.Mo hid will he entertained anl«M it h# accom-

panied by an affidavit from the party making it. tothe t-ffert that be ie an Iron founder, and tbat if n *bid in accepted, the proiectilee will be made at hiefoundry.nar lng it an4 ite location; and the risrht ile re*«rv»4 to reject any or all bide if deemed unatiifaetory for any caoaeProposal* will be aJdre**ed to the underpinned

at Washington City, and will he endorsed " Propo-sals for >roje :til*«." JA8. W. RIPLKY,

2&- tl)9 Brig. <l*n. Chief Qrdnaaa*.

PrRBir tir Yirdp akp Doces, INary IUr*rtme+t.24\U November, lW.^

Fcalkd Proposals. andoraed "Propo*al!< forbnildiof llnua* at Naval liosp; tal. New York.'' willbe reeeiT'd at thia ofi< e until noen on the S3d dayof December 18ft2, for farniahing all the materialsaud workmanahip required in eonatroetinic a hou.«»for a Porgeou. on the Naval Hoepltal groan-l" atftrcoklyn. New Turk, accord in* to plana and speci-41 44/tne wki eV a eo lnllmH wUK tKn 0*w«t . .i

neer. and ui*> be seen on application to himBrooklyn Nary Yarl, whicn plans r-1 «p.»ciftca-tiens will be attached to and form u yart of thecontract.

Fotrn (J Qftr.(ll«re data the offer.)I (here insert the name or naroa*compneiPftnefirm.) nt i name the town,} in the 8ute of \name the

Ptata,) hereby offer to furuiah under your admr-tirement dated (date of advertisement,) and sub-ject to all the requirement# of the same, and of thepiai and specification* to which it refer*. all thematerial* and workmanship neceaaary for tne aon-struction and completion of the house for aHargeonat th* NaTal Hospital at New York, aeeoriinz to tthe plant-and specification*, for the mm of (herewrite the amount in word*,) and nhould my «>ff»r I

. a v « « ' 1oe ac-cepTea,i rmuMi me contract may be pra-pared and aent to the NaTy Agent attnamethe*ageney.) fur eignatare an<1 eartiAcat»,(her* thebidder and each nmiuWr of th« firm siga.)

Fvrm of IrMaramltt.The undersigned, (cKDif of guarantor,) oft nam*

the to wp ,) and Ptate of < nam* the State.) and < nameof « road guarantor. k.c.,) hereb* und-rtakv tbUthe aboTe named < name the bidder or bidders.) will,if his [or theirl off* r an above he arceptad, enterinto contractwi'h the United State, within fiftdnnday* after the date of notiee, through th» Po-tOffice. of the acceptance of hia[or their) offer be-fore mentioned. .

Witne»a: <flignatnre* of guarantor* )I certify that the above named (here name the

guarantor*) are known to me to ba~good and r^eponaib)e guarantor* ia this ca*e <£wr|>*tnr«.)To be signed by the Diatriet Judge, District At-

torney. Collector, Kayy Agent, or some personknown to the bureau to be responsible.To guard against offers being opened before the

ttma appointed, bidden are requested to endorseon the envelope, ahnve the addr*M and draw aLine nodsr the i>ndora*-me nt. thus : " PrnnCHjua for

Purjreor'a Houm- for the N»*y Yard at N»w A ork,"to tne Chief of the Bureaa of Yard* and T)o«;k*,Waahipctun, D O. no 22 la* 4w

A iMT IDFPim.OryiOB or *hs Ghjbf Qoabtirxastib, i

Arviy of the Potomac. >Wabhikotob, September »>. l#n.\PBor^SALS are invited for farniiihiof for the ate

Of the army of the Potomac the following article*:1,000 tons beet quality Timothy Hay, Mcurely

baled. the weight ofeach hale to he markedthereon.

tJXtofiOO bushel* of Oatrf. of the beat quality, latroDf »acka. well tewed.

7,000 cords Oak and Hickory Wood, well Maeonedand of the bent quality.

Bach bid mart be accompanied by the endorse-ment of two reipoarfble persona thai the contract*ifawarded wtii be fulfilled.Bias will b« opened from time to time as tk« ir-

tielee d»t be needed, and contract* will be awardedCor the iQMtiti** needed to the lowest responsiblebidder op to the time of opening.The right la reserved to aeeept all or any part ofaaj bid.

rrepoeaifl should be endorsed "Proposal* for Hapor Oats, or Wood." as the «a*e mar be, and eneJoeedis separate envelopes. BUKU8 INGALL8,


seK-tfUeat Ool and A. D. 6..

Obief Quartermaster


ODBON HALL,The old t-ud established Emporium of Clotfclnf.Ult hu for fro m»uy yar* «uppUf<1 tta« eitisena ofW»*hiB#ton and vicinity with all that i* e***nttalfor the elt-fuee and eo»fort of the outer man, to»o* rappoiA with the moot corn plete and faehioiv-able itoti that we bare iut4 the rlixurp tooffer.COATS. PANTS and VESTS of the moet dwrira-

ble fttyle* that «onld be found in the market.Xur a»*ertm»nt of SHIRTS, DRAWERS,91IRV li 1 /IV KM A r ....mt K*






in the larfeet and mont fashionable that hu «rrrbeen offered in thin city, and at the 1owm( pneeathey ean poeelbly be obtained in thin elty.

ST" Callaad am at ODBON HALL corner 4*treet and Pa avenue, tb» Great Clothing M»rt ofWashington elty. oc 29 eotf


Th«y pnrlfy, strengthen, and inrigorate.They create a healthy appetite.They w« an antidote to change of water and

diet.1 ney overcame effects of dissipation and late

hours.They strengthen the sysVin and enliven Lb*

Bind.They prevent miasmatic and Intermittent

fcren. *

They purify the breath and acidity of thestomach.They cure Dyspepsia and Constipation.They cure Diarrhoea, Cholera and Cholera

Morbus.They care Liver Complaint and Nervous

Headajfce.They are the beet Bitter* In the world. They

make the weak man strong, and are exhaustednature's great restorer. They are made ofpure St. Croix Rum, the oelebrated OalisayaBark, roots and herbs, and are taken with thepleasure of a beverage, without regard to ageor time of day. Particularly rerummeivded todelicate persona requiring a gentle stimulant.Sold by all Grocers, l>ruggists, Hotels, andSaloons. P. U. DRAKE & GO, 11 road-way, Now York. * sep ,ir>-eo<hn

JABM r. HJkLIDAI.real estate agent,

Co**** or Pa. At men aud Thx.u Strbbv,otjp

Banking lfour$ cf L. Joknton f Cc.oc fl ftrn*

iinKKS AND CAMP GHEASK WWTID-Tht.^fcr-1" BoVJSa'^«;bA-,h,,r "mOKoVn A Ml'uDUlT.UMUT* ANP 0OI.ORKD IT!.ANN ELM, Wit* .11

®U»r "rin-iB of DHJLaB OOOD*.Vn* price vaiy. PKRKY Ar BRO.,

fa. are. miii Ninth


Mr Joum T Veai> M*n*c«r aivt Proprietor(Aim) «f H clirfay UtrMt Tfaeatr , IeKumti.)

flCOND WEFK OPT¥« Wntifal Prima Donaa,M1M CAfeOUNl KICBIKM,

La A»flt a# Ika ma » I a/



Th# mairaUioefit Operatic Hp«rtaele, theENCH AN TRI8K.

Sffil":: H8S1S88The rtncai akaraeten. oMratie, dramatic m4

by th« Grtu4 GombiiiMHiD »»! fall DooUleCCTHUrfM.

he Extra Charre for Admiaeinn.ar Hervrrd neets 85 oeafct eitra.


ArMfllLSIAC.r>r»KM Plrcia arxi P>>a> ( In .

Orchcrtra Erata, 73 ats.; Faraiir Oirale. 15 <HM 'Prt-T»U IWt«ft f5.

OROVER'8 THtATRE.PENNSYLVANIA ATENUI.dmt WUUrd* HotelLmiud e*or«* . Kaiiiii

Poeltn*LT la*T AfflC AKAB'.t IN WaKHIS (JTOX OFTb* I'aarl of th* Amnrmn Htaae.

MISS LI CILLE WESTERN,Wfco, at th«> r^qnwt of many a-lin'rera, will appearthis rjf.uug jn a character in which aha hit* boMU»1. JACK KKKPPARD,

OR TITK DaRIXO KKfiLIHH lllCRWATMAV.Mr. Ntehcll a*. .. Jna BluAnkln

Mntic* will h» /vf tho »MR.'L. P. BARRET*.MISS LoTTY HurGH

hac return*! from Ktirop? and will nhortiy appear.THE ROMANCE OF A POOR > OUNU MAN

will b« prodn«*d «-n Monday evening nest, with »ew§r*n*ry, en«tn m»>» and 'lTfCt#.

Admimrion on, V>, and n c«nt*


rnvuvvnArfl **? .inwlt JB J X .






Boc&acBM'St cfTIM HAYES,

The Champion Clo# ))«Dr?r of Ear»pe &»d A merit*VI* flViA 1 L^n t Ka VI' a r L 1mw w«i .uv Mpvn >uv II Wt fU ,

K^-m«-mbt;r :Man and Money always ready.

Eoappaaranee ofM188 JTLIA MORTIMER.

tii* Washington rat^ritb !lUc, MIB* KATE PEN NOV ER,




NOYERand Moon. E. VELARDEwill appear.BOB HART AND i*W gIM*0NBIn New £«ng«, Ethiopian Acta, aid the LaughableFarce entitled



MAMMOTH OOMPANYITDV RVkT A UTIu rvfl IV Tu» firpwm u mm » a « *u t **U I ^ lKA.bVsi.1.1,



IN THE WORLD:Till only k9tabl1mmkq

MUSICHALLid Washington I

Door* open, (% o'eloek; p«rfornnuM>#, 7\.idmiMMO M e«Dtc. Orefa«*tr», flft o«oU.



Door* ©p*n at 2 o 'cluck.Admiarfoti.Ladi»«. 2 fu<nt« ; children. ¥> ©ant*.Eruul eftttfl rent-rvcvl fur l&dlcn.


usa r rgsnsrivasia a venue.PROPRIETORS A HAMRLIX & 00ACTING MANAGER ....A.M. UJCRNAND1ZbTAGE MANAGER JAMES PILGRIMMtfclCAL DIRECTOR T1I0M A8 BlMPSONThe Poblic of WanhinKton are respectfully inform

cd that thifl New and Reaatfful Templeof AmuM-iufDt,

t0 r* f /inrLT nn r> ^rirt? nr j %.»if \jr ml. n r\j r\ I nxi /Y,

On WEDNESDAY EVENING, Dfc. 3, '02,And Every Evening.T>> splendid Ilall Ha* a New Btafe, N*w Boeoe-

ry, PrivaW Bo*m U-«ut\fuJly furn shed,Orrh»mrabeat* arranvrd with every Cciufort. Parquette withcovered MkU, and Gallery that will command atali sight of the Stage The alterations mad<3 at aufcipeuw of


a. «i. nuinAnuiir.,great onrtvallnd PantoinimUt.MIB8 C. FITZWILLIAMiJ,The grt+\ Bin«tr. from th« London ThratrM.M0R1PT BBpTHBRS,Tte Mart Wonderful Perfuruienj in the World.HOMF. A GROSM,

From NtblaHiGarden, New York.M0N8. C. LEHMAN,Vi»m KIWd'b Garden, New Tor*.MOWS. BZ0LL08T,Lftt« if the Ravel Troupe.DICK BANDS.

The Great Clog Dancer.J. ALBERT ALLEN.

CWtobrated Negro Comedian,PAUL BKRGKR,

*b« Parorite Actor.

JAMBS PILGRIM,TLe Popular Comedian.

_t. W. LANDI8,

TL« King of Sonjr and Dance.TOM VANCE.

The Popular Comic singer.MILK JULIA LKIMAN.

The Aetosiyiiftheii Dm** ut*?, froiu Nlblo'-s G*rd*o.New York.

M'LLK PACLEN,From the Port St. Martea, Pari*.M'l.LE WHKLPLKY,The Charming A ©Irene, from Laura Keen#** Tke«*-

tre, New York.MiDUR OROflflT.

« Ft*id Niblo'a Warden, New York.mad'mk leuman

From NlbloV Garden, New York.had'mk martin ktti,prom mblo'rt (iardrn, n?w Vurk.

mi88 irark.From arcfa ftreel thvatre, philadel|>lu*

mi88 h.oreno*.From Bon,«rf tbtf»tr«, n*w York.

mimtarkkr,from orvwiwkf nu'tc ukll, PifW lor*.

JKI8.M ROB1NHON,PLiladt-lphm Theitrt*.MIPS PIMMON DS,Prota Philadelphia Theatres.

MIAti ADAMS,From itw Western Th«atr*«i.OKANI) OOKFri I>K BALLKT.


Wil l RJf HlVtrK w»:uTrv


ParQin-ttf an"* Faiuily Circle . Vt e#ut*Ort hi*«tr» Cht>ir» flfl <*»nt«Privitr H< sen (b< idibtf *'* yrAOiM) §3Miv® l«? Sen if in Boxes ^5Colored Circle .... 25 cot*Doors open at k*lf paflt six o'clock- P»-rfonn»na*#

to commence »t %u*rt«r L«fur« eight o'clock. ,4»«l-lw

telegraphic news.mun THE ARIIT OF THB POTOMAC.lidifititM rf a NiTrmrit-RfitlU »(L»t« R*r {»*>«ner*.Tbe Rebel* abeatEi|hly>HT» TJi««mb4 Sii1**!.HliDQT-iSTUf Oil. KUBMAIDB'M iBMT,Lh>c. 3..Aithoafrb our position till remains

unch&cped, thrrr is ertrr indication of an ad.vane movement of a considerable portion ot

a*.,. u« IMI J Mk HM vwa </ MVU« MM OMMUUlf.»vru wonnolM»nf»(* mftdf yesterday, the

enfjtiT 1» not euppoeed to he o?»r eighty oreirhty-flre thousand strong at or near Kred.r-ickebnrir. Lvt nijcht the pickets on both eidseconverted freely, and * few of thr Rebels fawover to oux lines and gave them**l>ee np as de-serter*.

A T»#t Practice Drill.Oca. Atgel tiki far» m Ceart ef Inqairy. '

Faibvax CorfcT Uorex, Dec. 4..Six regi-ments of this corps, being one from eaoh brig-ade, 'tad a test practice drill to-day, under theImmediate direction of CHn. Rigel. The reeukwa* entirely satisfactory to the commandinggeneral.

. Gen. Slgel Mts asked for a court of inquiry.io invvpUKHi? in« nepersions mtioe by Utn.#oi*« embodied in the recent report of CHn.Halleck.

A RecnnolsMncr-A Rebel Force at Bria>toV' Station.

Fairfax Court Hoppe, Dec. 5, midniaht .A party went out to-day ad tar aa Union Mill*.They rncountervd no rebels by the way, butIrarned that there are some rebels at BristowSiatior.

It if supposed that the reb»*l cavalry are in-leuthue to come down to Mhuhmos Junction.

FROM WCSTKRN VIRGINIA.Ksrci<«iul Expedition in tbe kauawba Dis-

trict.The following report has been received at

ihe headquarters of the army:Camp Stmmertille, Va, Nov. 12..Brig.Gtn. George CmcJc, Cuvxmand\tLg Kanawha. Dis-

trict :.hir, 1 herewith eubmit airport of myexpedition into Greenbrier county:On the Oih met., proceeding agreeable to or-

Arr, I bivouacked thrve mile* beyond Oauleyri>» r. On the moving tn, I marched all day jwithout interruption; but learned that Gen.


Ji nkint, with 2v5*.ti men, in addition to Col. jDunn's force, occupied live country before me. irial cued an follows:Calonel Dunn's command w» b«twwn Lewie- |

buig and Franfclort. The nth Regiment of iVirginia Cavalry is at Williamsburg. One !regiment of cavalry is at Meadow Blufffe, pa«- jturiiig their hore**, with a battalion uf four Ihundred cavalry on the wilderness road as jpr.firrt A email tore? is at White Knlphur,and G^n^ral J#»nkin*, with the remainder ofhis rcrnnrnnd, is on Muddy Creek, eight uxilecfrom L»*wiaburir.

1 however puthed forward until withinthr» r milts of Williamsburg, wh<-re I camenpon a *«fon train belonging to General Jen-kin's command. They wore encamped for thenight, intending to loud with wheat the fol-lowing day.

X PUII vuuuru I»nu kIW WIl-

fcifilujr of prisoners nod property, as follows: !Moc pri-oners, nam^d J. L. Lvans. captain i:,ni! acting assistant commissary; W.M.Evans, iwagon master; two wttfon«rF. enlisted men;three wagoners, citizens; two n«"gro wagoners, jfciid lv o citixens, v»ho were present and in- !t< rested in the frrttin.The. property taken is as follows : 7 wagous,

*i3 burses, 4 uiides, and 24 pets of harness. Aftersetting Are to and destroying the wagons andgrain, with the building it was stored in, I sotcut on my return, meeting Capf. Smiib with biscommand on Cherry river, 10 miles from Gau- jlev river lord.

1 *arriv»-d in this camp with the above prison,ers and property at 5 o'clock p. m. on tne llthli st. I fouud the roads very bad.imp&s>ahielor wagftns.grain very scnrc*; rould proeurebut two feeds for my horse while gone. Thetrain destroyed wa? aboot250buat»flsof whaat. i

1 have the honor to be, very respectfully, your 1obt dient servant, C. W. Gilmore,

Captain com'd'c Kanawha l)ivision.P. 8..One of the citizens taken.Thomas C. '

MK'ljntock.ha* heivtoforfi takon the oath, and jit- ihe ruan who bought np the wheat.C. W. O.

Sailing of the Fleet at Fortres* Monroe.[Correspondence qj the Associated Pross..]PnrTBTta Mnvviw Iiuk 1 .Th« «nt(r«A vr«< MA >) T. A MV I U MAC JJVT b

tbat hu» l-.cen gathering bere for some week®past railed hcnre to-day. There were seren jneHiwrs laden with troops and two iron* !clads. The fleet mailed wiih sealed orders, andtlie destination u>of course unknown.

Aid for Ihr English Operative*.Nicw York, IWv. 5..The subscriptions in !

aid of the KiiRhph operations reach fcUf.uoo in-cluding 910,000 from A. T. Stewart.

THE BANKS EXPEDITION.irr-iriunj! rjljj»'uiuuil, WUICU UIM

created such vast preparation* and inrreaning IInterests, Failed from New York. Throughout !the day all the vessels to tak>* part in thegigantic enierpr»*e, presented busy andexcitingeceiies in >he embarkation of troops. GeneralUnuks n>porint^nd.d nearly all the arrange,mei.te for the departure of the fleet, and,although many obstacle* happened to delay therx|H-(iuu>n. bu rxjirrseeil bia determination thaiit should leave la#t evening.A large number ut prominent. citmens, how.

pv«t, ngrc. d thnt ihe(Jeneral should not departwithout receiving an ovation during which jthey conld bid him a final nnd formal adiru.For this purpose, in accordance with a previous !arrangement, the following gentlemen met !General Bank* on board of a Government ioutter at the Barge Office, and enjoyed with |him a delightful trip down th« harbor; Gov-ernor t'urtiii, Mayor Opdyke, Commodore Van-derbilt, Purveyor Andrews, and others.Fonn after the cutter soiled, the company \

procfedpd to the cabin, where th«»y sat downto dinner.General Bonks* health was proposed and

honored by three enthusiastic ch\**r».The General, In reply, spok* hh follows :MjVllow-citiEt np : I feel -very much gratified

at nitfiujf you on mis occasion, and with youcom** good lack, lor we have a pleasant day. I jbare been in your city five wm-kt, aad threewi « kx of that time it ha« stormed; but, deepitethe elements, we are h*re to-day ready lor thework before u». 1 coald not b« better satisfiedin any undcrmkin# ol its kind. The Gorern. ;ment has pivon us a food chance, and we pru-p» se to you th«s satisfaction of gaining byihis expedition home national advantages andresults which will be ennobling to humanityand glorious to the cause of this Union I donot belive fuch a command has ever gone fromNew York, as it is composed of the bent men at iNew England and New York. It is trne thatmany ot them are recruit*; but that is betterthan old soldi# rs who have all the ilIs whichthey have acqi.ired in a laborious and sicklycampaign- "V\ u go to uphold th« fly of the1'uion and sntt&in the Constitution, and mayOod grant we m«y be successful. Allow me togive you."The success ef our expedition."The toast was received with loud cheers.Th»> General way then urged to speak again,but he declined.u< II. iTKiuiwir uuuuru III T-uti>giBVIC wriH» 10

the character and strength of the expedition, 1which, he said, was freighted with thehopes of the nation. The people, he said, hadevery confidence in its gallant commander, jHen. Banks. In closing, he proposed the healthof Gov. Currin, referring compdmentarily tothe Keyttone State.Gov. t'urtiu, in refpon^e, said it was abso- '

lately nec«**ary to the safety and dignity of thenation U« cupture Richmond, the so-called cap.itnl of the I on!ed« raf» State*. No expeditionto Texas at that time could accomplish any- tiiiin(f muti rinl to the interests of the country, jRichmond should be taken; then the rebellionconld be crushed and the Union restored. Heclosed »>y regretting lhat the troops of his Statew» re not larp ly represented in the expedition,undpa\ethe toast."Success to theOoTern-ni^nt.Kucc»>s to the Union.trusting In Godfnr f Vio -, » * f*v« mr irnuiu r


y Tho buninres of eounterfettir.K rebel Statetreasury now*, lately detected at Richmond,w as> traced to rume negroe* who were en^ag^d ito fwrpp ont the treaenry department. OueFtoW the Mi nke, while aiioflxrr flikd up andMgia'd ih« m.iJ-Tho nf tt'm V !/ »» /»V

»niie>jjinc *5<,i00 from h*a employe**, andv hoe cum- ha* b»*en pending two y*ar<« In a |New York Conrt, was again potpoaed a fewday* ago


%iT Gen. Hooker solicited a pluo« in hla grand ,d>MPion for Gen. Rtou«-. of BtH'sBlnfT noto-riety. Thf Secretary oI War refuted to granttLe request

TREillHY.Owing to lb# UtiMM of the k<mr^t which

the report of Hecrrtary Chaee wm received,our Abstract of yesterday wm neoMiartl/short.Secretary Cti«ww> wUmitM the cnetocnn rer-

ecvr at MTetty million*, and thr internal taxesat one hundrt d and fifty railbona. Fpt thatpcrtion of the rnrrrnt year, during which the(nttrnal tuM will hare bm ta operation, b*e*timat«e their proceed# at eichty>fiTe ouUioo*The public debt, which, on the 30th of Junelot. wac 614,01X1,000, will br M*MM«.00U ontte aotn ei next Jun*, and #1,744.000,Out on the3»ih of June, 1MM, if the war *ball continue 00Ion?, which Is not to be expected.The Hecrrtary'a tmwi of the TNO«rrM of Uw

country to hopeful. He Myt that oar anaaalproduction of yold and tilw hia alreadyr»t<cbed about $11*^000,000, and moil eteedilyand rapidly advance. He counts largely njwtthe immigration of labor, to 1allow the retornof i»eace.Hr dor# not favor the idea of a permanent

national debt, but prefer* Ivan* at such period*ae will enable the principal to be paid off atthe earliest moment when payment become*practicable.We rubjoin a frw extracts from the report:The wbole power to borrow money under the

act of July, 1W1, to authorise a national loan tonow exhausted. The only imj>ortant law*ox:d«r which mean: formeetinf demand*on theTr< a*ury can Le had an- those en&etcd or mod-ified by Conpress at its last session.These are of two general classes. namely,those -which provide revenue from cuues and

taxes and those which authorize the obtainingol money by loans in various forms.i iir buuoi anu ccuiuakcu ren'ipui unnPT

tin pc Iftvn for the cnrrrot fiscal year, a* alreadystated, will amount under thr tariff a^t to [1,736.59, and und. r the internal r»v»nu»- 'law to *M,4I6T3U3.?3. The rvoeipts lor all otherKjurrrp, exclusive cf loans, as estimated, willr« ach *13,963,TS*.47, making a general aggregate,including *13,043.546.81, balance from lost year,ol aiMi,4M5,:^15 and leaving to be pro> idrdfnm loan?, iu tome form, 6c^,06.\43^ &2.Thr Jaws of thv sccond class Umit the issu«

of I'n»u*d States notes, exclusive of the con- jui.gent reserve lordej^its, to f250,0u0,000: limitthe amount receivable on w-mporary deposit to ;and limit th- issue of five-twentys»>es to *500,W/0,100. The i*eue of certificate* ofindebUdnefts and of fractioual eorrrncy is un>limited by legislation.The hmoubt ol United States notes, in Coding

notes receivable for customs. alrearJ* m*nniand in circulation or in the trrwarj to thecredit of ditbnrtine officers or of the Treasurer,wu on Uie 1st Instant 111. There yetremain*, therefore, und« r th»> law, an »othon yto ifwue the further 0am of The 1HmoQDt received on depot.it, including coin ande»t;matin£ for the last day of November, 1*6?9,<ifc,650. The lurther sum of tau^iu 1,35c may !thereiore yet be receive*! The l»ue of ira - :tional currency has rearlwd the sum of

The beet lights lead to the eaumut.'that before rperie payment* can be return-*!, 1

not leea than t4u,<jui,uju will be requir-d by thewant*0/ the community. Tfcetum of OMLVJOl1not yet i**urd, may therefore be counted on a*an additional resource. It is not easy to d«ter- jmine what tnrther payment* can b« mad* Incertificates of indebtedness, but it seem* pro'o- 'able that pa> mente 'in that form may be *af*lyenmed to the amount of ¥im^W*j.OOO Thee~ ,

pa> inputs have already r« ached SP7«3ri3,94l-fe,and the additional r-xijn of 112,8^6,7^.35 may |tbetrfore be paid in that way. What can bejuxii; tru IH'IU luinciBWlie uuafr uir &CIauthorizing 'hr tafeue of five.twenty kix«k, thaiis to say, trom exchange by holders of UnitedMate* i.ote$ for theee tKvnd*-, «par, cannot bestaudwith much certainty. The amount re.cei> ed lrom this source from the date ol the actto the let iustant, estimating for paat oi the la**uerk in November, is f23.?50|fc0o It may rea-sonably he expected that $35,l*A),000 will be re-paired, if the act remain* unmoii&d, durinethe rrmainder cf the fiscal year. The aggregateof all these mine, nnmely, #13t,W?,lV7.X, oon-stituuc the total of resource available for thecurrent year under existing laws, exceptthrough tales, regarded as impracticable und<-rUie act authorizing their issue, of the five-twen-ties at their market value. 0The** credit resources, with the actual re.c^ipis from like »ourc»»s, added to revenue in«xi ivsiiur, moT cupj'ij lur u -«*? ury wiui

?511,64fl^2l$.96. Ther.- n-maius a balance of dn- Iburtvin* ut* oi t2?G,9i!,S17.i6 vo be provided for. {To meet Uiu be recommends tb»* .--u» of LTni- »u d Mates note* adapted to circulation as iuon*'jr, tai d the esiablisbmout of banking association* jto b- or^atiixed auder National legislation. TheSrciMiy pays:

It is true tfiat gold commands a premium innot«?s; in other words that to purchase a giveifamount of fold a greater amount in noie« is re-quired. But it is alto true that, on the snspen- js:on of specie payments and tbe substitution |lor coin of I'nitod State* ao'.as convertible intosix ]ht cent, fffcit- bonds u the 1 jral standardof value, fokl b*rame an aru. 1* of merchandise,subject to the ordinary fluctuations of supplyand demand, and to the extraordinary fluctua-tions of mere peculation. # The cir-culation of United State*# note* may greatlyfacilitate the payments to the bank* throughwhich their own notes muot be withdrawn:and thus not only protect the community fromth»* inconveniences, but the banks from theiottefc which might otherwise attend reduction.

It may also be stated that when the «ub*tuu-(ion shall have been accomplished, and perhapsit circumstances favor, at an earlier period,pa> meurs in specie of Vnited State* notes maybe resumed with les? cost and less Injury lobutiuess than would attend a like resumptionin payment of corporate note*. With eouipar-ativtjy trivial sacrifleo, the OoTtrnment can,whenever its expenditures are reduced to itsrevenue, provide, by loan or otherwise, all thecoin needed to commence and maintain the re-sumption.Alkxabdkia ArrAiBP..County Court to In

fwion b»re. Wb. MrKewen, charged withfelony, in stealing a boat from Jam** Dixon,was examined, and the Court decided that Mr.Kewen was not guilty of felony, but that therew&scauee to charge him with petit larceny,and that he be committed to Jail answer an in-dictment at the next terra of the (QuarterlyCourt, and the Court deth further order that hemay be admitted to bail in the sum of #100, con-ditioned according to law.

It Vi as ordered that ih* l'U»rU nf tha rv*«i-« k.

directed to have a suitable flag.staff srvcted onthe Court House, and a suitable siaed fine ofthe United fctau-s be boisVed thereon,the amountto be paid at the next county levy.The Court appoint* Robert Donaldson, Rich*ard Sou therland, and Charles W. Payne as acommittee to examine the condition of th«pnblic roads in this county, and report to thenext term of the Court what roads are necea*sary to be repaired and worked, and also re.ci inmend suitable persons as overseer*, andwhat farm hands should be allotted to w>rksaid roads.The clarification of Justices for L863 was

ntade by the Court.All appeals, motions and other monthly

causes, are continued, generally, until the next iterm of the Court.Tfce Court then adjourned till next Court in

course.The *mall-pox continues to prevail hers. i

ciiirii) ttiuuug uir "conir*Danas." KfTfntlr.ew catrH, in diflerent part* of tiie town, rc-ported to-day.We have now heavy -white frosts alia+bt

every night. -Alex. Gazette, Dec. 4.

»yrte recession speech of Gen. HounonaxuounU-d to this, that having been aaked ifiruuehould be sent from the State to defendthe Confederate Government, he adviaedagainst it. He, however, st>oke of Ool. Hamil-ton, who tas bu n appointed Military Governorof the State by President I^incoin. aa that'drunken rnreal. appointed br*Mr. Lincoln tomark hia ntter contempt for^the people of )Texa?;* and wonnd up by counselling all'efforts to repel the Northerners:§ST"The Chicago Tribune tayt: Some idea of

tbv bu*ine*« transacted by the Chicago, Bur-lington and Uuincy,and the Chicagoand tialenaI n ion rnilrnads t#ay be inferred from the factthat an that portion of the latter road eaat of theGab na Junction, ovea which the trains of theformer road also pa»«>. there are thirty traini t<*Miiy, ea< h way, or sixty trains passing thatpoint every tw«"nty-fonr hours.

*7" Col. Tom Kord publi*h»"» ft *tat*m»»nt inthe Columbu* Fact, in which h« reflet* se-

verely on tbe action of tbs« Harper's >Vrrycommi'Mou; complains that Jud^ Holt wouldnot let biro publUh Unit p*rt of the evidencerelating to bim»»lf, «nd e!o««*s by prvdictin*Uiat troth "will be known ju »oiu« fuiuivday.^ The V. b mUu < iov»ti.u». ut ia main-

iHiu>r,p u. fctTKt biock»J«> of vbe port of Mm-. u,iv


uxtuu coneaza*- tmiad tcauo»Ptfift..After our ,_

trtttvc NWISB, opened ikrlr. * - w.J.

Honi.-ifWr otr wport riwNMr. K^furd bot*4 to 4lr»rt Uk* fWnnhtMen Induic Affatrv to laq air* »ow» th* r*«uM «flate ladiaaootl-n-aka la the Northwool Pmm4Mr. X«Ut iffrti the hUfettf:Wbfp«i m*i j K>Wkr» btfr brra eeslaed aPMr.p at Meant l*Ua*ant wrw»l4- to do duty,iritboiitBCliryorinrftM te i>rocwr»er comlerts. thry net hartaf here paid th^trv ontlilT dure. Id man j inetaaeee, for pe»o4»ol trcni tLiw te uli>+ moath* :X'tUxtd, That tfc# ftorrtroitt** cm Miltiarrfair* be rrqoretcd «e feqau* what WWaUou.if miy, Ic nc(fHin to enabJr thr Mldkn «k>

roi flr^d and t+paraled fn*n thrtr mprcur*tf« ia< at*, to rw#U» and U patd «he*rftaoothi ydc**k and te rrport by bUi or ether wie*.~~*r v»lU»*irb*m latr»4««*<l Ma wrvt ofr«ol«Uo«» r»i*un« ! »ka of *aVatofc, wfcicfc were laid oa ifcr iabl».Mr. All* a. of UUoffrrrd tha tellowlaf, wMafc

was udcfn» d:Whrrras th< re

Mmo of IUUmm, rnOrnal anthon tr, severalthww »nrh importations are la yJthe constitution ofMMl fttate andLL» tentifltents of lb* pevpieW it.Rtr\Mt4, Ttat iheCommitteeoa the Jodmarybe instructed to Inqtare into the rights of thtFederal authority thus to art at dsfianc# ft*

pcDPiituUoti, la»e, andeent!fr.**nta of the ptopwof a poy rtrifa Bttw, and to repar^wlMM stkmchii be taken by U»e State rorrrament or<krto brie* about the deportation of MUd tfff^The House adjourned to MondayW(jof*rnnr Johnson and Genrral ]

in conjnnrtion, bar* adopted a tew Une of pol-ler for the protection of tht country orenpteubr the Federal troops. A bond and r*Miranterof protection has been adopted, which errryeltiren. irrespective of his past politloa) predi-lections, is required to enter into, and fhlUt*to do which he will be sent wr&oatthe Fad-r*!line#, and not allowed W> return Tlw> condi-tion of the bond is that the party riving it *h%l|be loyal to U*«i(fo\en>roent, that h#%hall neitherafford n;d nor ran fort to Lh*

he will not fro within the Rebel linr« vitlMMccunnt of oor Government,

W The mere t: ante of New York ar# entba.*>ia*tically and liberally ubecrlbl&c for therelief of the *nffenn« cotton plnnerr of Ft«-land A nwun* ww UM on Thnwday tfter.norm at 9 o'clock at the room* of tike Chamberof (\*nmerce. Ke*claLuma were adopted ex.preeetnft the »dw of duty to relieve ibe «a<f#»r-lot in Knfland and ftppotntlnc A committee offifteen to taJte m. a> nre« for carrying on the ob-jects of the mu tlnf Wtthln a few mtaotea,on the oveninr of the tnbecripikm, the nm of

WM PuMcribed The #Qjn Ku »*mrebe»n more tban doubled.

A fire; of our fcuabotU* on tb. Mt**H*ippihave been running into the ereek# and btyonettt>t*e<>n Vtcksbur* and Helena, doing Nnon*damage to tbe small rirer erait of the car*nay,fromoveamboat* toeanoee QuantiUoa of rmutvere MMjed, and arms destroyed wh*-rev«rlouud. This expedition ha* (U*Mv»r^ d»-i iw.

Murk of cotton of the crop of 1861 remaining InArkansas, AiMtsaippi and Ltoniatana haa baasover itumntrd, and that ttw deatracUon tf Ukestaple by the Kebti# has b«M*n vtry couMcraU^,rni MclK>wkLL Chalikjiokd..Ool. IL T>.

Goodwin, who wrmi to W»a<j the prosecution tnthe raw of Oen. McDowell, has aeut a formalrballrnpf to that officer in consequence mf Umstatement which Gen. McD pree»-nt*d to thecourt yesterday mornin#, reflecting npon thech«r«rtrT nf th*l

We mar add, the Oen^ral *+* m* to pay littleor dc regard to the matter, *o wc Oil at nothingwrious ined be fftrrd.

%J~ Thr Ruuboai l.a^tport, which wv cap-tured on the Tenneccee river from tike Astoria,aud refitted by Uic Goremm-'nt m pwrt ex-pense, ha» been pronounced un*eawor~.hy byRear Admiral Porter. Ucr keel U bc «Mk (totthe < annot support the weight of metal whlckebe ha* to carry.

Tbe Chirato Jo**m+l bai informaticsthat the army of Oen Grander, wlucb ha*been concentrating in Kentucky, hue at lft*tcommenced the expected forward aou atfor the occupation of Ea*t Tenncccec. Thereare many Illinois troop# in thle army.

Arrivals frctn the plain* of Ufce fur W«»tbnnf *n account of a fl*ht betwoen loyal anddisloyal Indian*, at Fort Clobh, in which tb*former were notorious, bearing <j mmmjscalpc.


ay Tb« lat«»t intelligence from «bo SaadwiobIsland* report* the i rrival of 23 whaiii i, wiah*n average catch of tHU barrels of oil aad

A Oo*rLAi«T.-M»(ar Mmr: As 70m Iut*tlv. sy# »ho«n yourself Um clinpic of thsoppivt-ses, 1 am emboldened to b«f your arfvo-r a. y of the miuse of the injured people of <M>District of <Y>lumbla. Our prope rty Imh bowin very msnv esses been occupied by Osnm-meot troops for nearly two years, and mm onecent has teen paid to (be ownir* for the os* ofit. In ntir.y this property Is onr ofcfynpport, and the occupation of It by the Gov-fmiM Di pn'Trnifi lUf* OWBfTV Tfon fMptaf Anybenefit In in ihur labor*, as ta**e ur_»oj* d^tovyvrb&t u made m »oob as ibo eropm mk omaturity consequently many of a* hare otarra-tion nar.n* tis in the face And, »u\ this u> not all.foT N**idr* d«*priTinir u* of car frowing crop*.iM have d»*m jred and laM wmU> ear fluraiui rvf-ry v. ay; u>» y bave built uwlrtiy fenson our plac«*, cut roadf, du« ride-ptu.towbicb *e luUmn rt«i{D»dly a* from Um inrifltW of war.but xb« y bav** al*o do«troyo4 ourf< note*, and !ft»t and worn of all, bav* |*vdiuw hundred* oi arm of fc-auufal »oo4iu4iwhich iuj monry can rvplacv, and irtSS baaov. nere for feneration*. Kir, vbu I wHamithie wholesale destruction of our property, Iam led to inquire why the people of thia IMi.trict tar*' b»-*-n Uiu« treated? We all k*o«thalftb*- Constitution protecto us in our rtghti ofprrperty at well a* it doee the people of theSthU'S find the fact that wthnw no tow shouldnet rau»e un to be »uhie<t^> theee tlteT.f.lliv Govenimeit would not, 1 belter#, mmhmto take the property of th« people ot the North.Tm±i, or in this way. If we npoitthffa^ain*: th< *e outrages. the anawer W>, "Oh. weare defendir.fr >ou from the rebel#," or «Odh-{ree« will pay you for the injury w«4f 70a"I bhould like to know, nr. how mnah wore*the re^«elii ronld miur# « th«»» .- »> . * -

inlnred. I think, sir, we mar well pickia,><«ve uc from oar tiicDdf ." Ii U not Mr (tolwe khonlu exp* cT aa^qoau* prompt .a-pensation fur the u»*- and abuaeof our property.Yours re*pretfnlly, E.

Mmm*, the wOuwr of Ml*« Anderaon InIsVw York, h*« manac^d to «"#cap*, aad ilk*polir«* and public are afltau-d aa to ktm bedid M.

Tbe NVw York A1dermic kav« appro-priated fl,WJU to purcltasen p.inn irf HiVwHMcOeJlan for the City li^J.W Koeeuth *nd many of hu fries<! ai« atGrwf, waiting for an> thine that xuay tura optb^re in the way of place or power.-t&~ A fine qnality of cotton (mm been frewn,th«* present traaon, on Kvlly* I»|MUL LakeKrt*.

9T a aort ©1 mai iUp Mil*cat*-*, under (b« new law « Ut r^iuri a teact-nt tamp to tx> r»ffl*ed to tbem!%T It i* raid there a»v a roil Jkm* bale* of aot-

'on in I-uuieiaaa and Miwtwtprt »t tht pweattjrfk*. ,

Tl;e Grrman port, Lx>ui< Vhiaad,r»ti Kr»d»*T last, at fJtntifardt. He waft bora oaibe 9Hb of April, I7t^.

ST Th« re Is an agitation for lb# aboltiUp oflb» off oe vf Naval OffleeT of New York, oa lfc»ground Oiat ft l« an expensive riae«ar%.