THE EVENING STAR. I'tilt of rnrti and Hfd|«. Ani Illinois correspoadent of the Country tirmtltinan writes: ..The enormous coat of fencing -with posts and boards has driven he farmers of Oentral Illinois largely lato planting hedges, ud one ran scarcely ride a miM la Champaign county but be sees more or leas rods of hedge trans¬ planted on:, the current year. 1 havs figured npr be cos: of a three-board fence per rod for eighty rods.that ia a quartar of a mile, or the fence necessary on one aid* of a forty acre tract Tbc cost in Central Illinois of the material delivered on the ground will be pretty nearly as follows: l.®H)fa«t fenclnr. at .*» per l,f«Ob. m...S59 4P lf>5 oak posts, at 15c. each 24 45 44 lbs. 8d. fence nails at 9c 3 Building H> rods, at »c. per rod 00 $103 P3 "The dimenaiona of the boards used in the a be\e estimate are sixteen feet long, six inshes wide and one inch thick. I put the estimate at tbe lowest, and the fence is the least pos¬ sible fence that will turn stock. The coat tnen is ?l .«& per Tod, or *4lfl ii P*r °* ( than «1(» an a«re on a forty-acre tract, ttui such a fence will require renewing as often as once in ten years, so tbat the coat of h®*P* mg np the fencing on a forty-acre tract would be equal to paying off a mortgage of $10 par fecrf f'Ypry t^D yptirB. . It is thl-t enormous outlay and drain which has driven our farmers to hedging, and almost exclusively wirb the Osage orange. Hedge plants are extensively gTown by nurserymen and others engaged in the business, and the plants sell from Stf to #5 per thousand. There are parties who contract to make hedges, but the better and surer practice seems to be tor the farmer to grow his own plants, and raise and trim his own hedges. The cost of the for¬ mer per rod 1 have heard estimated at from Ot) cents to*l, at fonr years old.I should put at the highest figures The Osage orange does well here everywhere, except in standing water. In the old, unprnned hedges herea¬ bouts the female trees, which are few In pro¬ portion to the male trees and a more vigorous hab.t, bear good crops of Osage orange annu¬ ally. and t>e seed ripens and vegetates as well as tbat brought from Arkansas, the home of the Bois d'Arc. In five or ten years the fsce of the country will be a good deal chanced by the hedges, and I suppose at tbe end ol that time we shall have experienced eome change. Hedges are great protectors, if not breeders, of all kinds of vermin, destruc¬ tive alike to grain and fruits, and if they are found in some measure to ameliorate and modify onr climate, 1 fear these advantagea will t>e more than compensated for by the protection they afford to rabbit?, rats, mice, birds and insects." Fatal Accidenta from Mewing Machines. The great number of serious and fatal ac¬ cidents wnich are reported every year as arising from carelessness in handling mowing machines, or from drivers being thrown off from their seats in fron* of them, has led to much thought, both on the part of conscien¬ tious manufacturers and others, to prevent ench occurrences. Some mowing machines are pecnliary liable to tbrow the driver off on going over rough gronnd, or when the cutter bar strikes a fixed obstacle. They should be avoided by purchasers, as one would any treacherous, dangerous thing. When acci¬ dents occur and are reported in tbe papers, ibe nsme of the machine should be given. M e should like to publish a list showing the number of each machine in use, the number of accidents to those using them, could a lair one be made out. Some years ago a lady of Burlington, N. J., invented an arrangement far throwing tbe knives out of the gear the instant th® driver s weight was taken from the aeat. We never knew of its being put to use There bave been several other guards contTived, generally, however, not applicable to all ma- chines. We received a suggestion in a letter from Mr. J. S. Hammond, of Scarsdale, which we regard as eminently practical and sensible, and believe it will be the m egns ol saving many lives and limbs. Hesays: ..As the mewing seaaen Is rapidly approach¬ ing I disiretomafce known a simple device, which 1 have employed dnring two seasons, to prevent being thrown from my mowing machine. It Is well known that serious acci¬ dents have been thus produced. It is this: 1 take a strong leather strap, about thirty incbet long, and pissing one end between the bars on the left aide of the seat, (generally of open iron-work,) buckle, so as to make a loop. Put the left arm through this loop. Let the loop be long enough to allow free use of the arm in driving, and at the same time to steady tbe body The right arm must be free to work the machine. Should the machine atriks a hidden obstacle, the atrap will prevent the riCer lrom bsing thrown to the right aide, or forward, upon the knives, and will inmost cases enable him to keep hla seat. Properly adjusted, it will not interiere with the man¬ agement of the team or the machine.".Amer- jean Agriculturist. - fgr The New York police have been paying attention to the lottery swindlers, and on Wednesday crushed two of them.one a pre¬ tended Masonic affair, and the other a grand gilt scheme. The editor of an Iowa paper says that the heavens were black, one day last week, with wild geese flying South, and conse¬ quently presages that winter will be here in September. V A young German girl, named Louisa Miller, attempted to shoot her former lover on Thursday night at St. Louis, falling in which the shot and killed hersell. ¦y The Davenport brothers are performing In Berlin as simple jngglera, the authorities having refused to grant them a license for a performance by any other name. & The Albany ^a.) News has been sus¬ pended by General Pope, on tne general charge of disloyalty. ¦y Nashville, Tennessee, has never nsed gas. IN AT1VE WINK BITTERS. t'HARLES (JAt'TlER respectfully invites at taction to hi« NATIVE WINE BITTERS, made from a recipe of many years' standing, which has acquired an unequalled reputation wherever it has been used as a preventive of all miasmatic and ma¬ larial diseases. It invigorates the muscles, purifiet the blood, corrects the action of the liver and kid neys, promotes digestion, establishes regularity in the female system, and is admirably adapted ass cure for all diseases of females arising from debility. Being made of native wiue and th* boat vegetable tonics, it cannot be surpassed as an appetizer and invigcrator early in the morning, and before mealc generally; and, being perfectly free from every¬ thing nauseous and unpleasant, may be nsed not only with safety at all times, but is confidently re¬ commended to persons of both sexes as a gentle etiimilant. though powerful tonic, whenever such an article is needed or desired. No family should without it. as it will supply a great desideratum in strengthening and invigorating growing child ren. by whom it may l»e used with perfect impunity. As the s-eason for malarial and miasmatic diseases ik w apvroaching. this article is offered as being withoct a rival as a preventative of all diseases of tbe summer and autumn, and a general invigora- tor of the human system in adults and children, as well as males and females. KOB SALE WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. The trade is respectfully invited to call. C. GAUTIKB, Importer and D'.it'TQf Wines and Ltquorf, jy 11 6m U*'2 Pennsylvania avenue. DH EPARTMEST OK THE INTERIOR, UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE, Washisgtox, August 10,1867. On the petition of LAURA S. WHITE, admin¬ istratrix of the estate of Jonathan White, deceased, dt Antrim. N H.. praying for the extension of a patent granted to the said Jonathan White the lith day of November. 1853. for au improvement in 1'nitiug Shovel Blades to Handle Straps for seven years from the expiration of said patent, which takes place on the 15th day of November, 1 >57 : It is ordered that the said petition be heard at tbe Patent Office on MONDAY, the 28th day of tktober next,at 12o'clock M.; and all persons are notified to appear and show cause, if any they fcave. why said petition ought not to be granted. Persona opposing the extension are required to Hie in tho Patent Office their objections, specially «* t forth In writing, at least twenty days before the day of hearing All testimony filed by either party tobt-UM-d at the said hearing must be taken and transmitted in accordance with the rules of tbe of¬ fice. which will be furnished «n application. Depositions and other papers re lf*d Q pon as testi¬ mony must be filed in the office twenty days before th- day of hearing: the arguments, if any, within ten days after filing the testimony. Ordered, also, that this notice be rnblished in the Republican and the Intelligencer. Washington, D. C\, and in the Telegraph. Nashua. N. H.. once . week for three successive weeks, the first of said Cblit ations to be at least sixty days previous to ¦ day of hearing. T. C. THEAKER, au it w3w Commissioner of Patenta. K * 0 A CI CTBrTSfe'- w «>«?,!?»«;»«¦ ~ "«'. "SSSli'S, Bolt4* ««. or UAIM 1 the celebrated Rachel, with whom ho arrived la thla country, baa.now boon established for tho last eight yeera in Waahingtoa sad Newport, anuria* tbe patronage of the corp* dtfiemmtinmi, aod of the highest society. Be has thehonor to HMM that Wats this season imported the latest fashions hair dressing, and also pomadeo, aod sv that beioqga to tho dressing of hair at very __ >te prices ia7 I" ROM PAU18 DIRECT.Paul Maurice: toe Tyrsns Village, 46 cents. SouHe: Le Port deCreteil, 49 cents. Soulie: HuitJonrs au Cba- tesu; ents. Becer de Uanvoir: Histoiree Cava¬ liers, 46 rents. Lamartino. Leo Confidences. 49 eents. Golan: La dernlere Soeur Orise; 46 seats. Pontmartin. I'ontes d'nn Plaateur de Choux; 45 ««nt«. Handeaa . t»acs st Parcbemina; 4* soots. Paod : Teverisu, 45 cents. ». as M f AAflCK TAYLOR. SPECIAL NOTICES. . . AYER* AGUE CURE, ^ " r' /. - TT', 'SS Mm* wi I* «/«"¦"' % ariZ/rc»imatarious, marshy nuatmaiu Ag^snameimpli**." <k** fail, rontaining JffcJr!a* ninth. Zinc, »or Bui.st inep itiQ Bowiw tnjnrei ®ii> tient The nuinl«er and importance of its cnree in -.v.,. 4r.e tiigtrieta are literally beyond account, and .T Kve without a parallel In the history of Asne medicine. Our pride is gratified by the ac¬ knowledgement* receive of the radical <nir^> ^ ftected in obstinate caees, and where other remedies b linacclVmated persons, either resident in. or travelling through miasmatic localities, will be irMectedl.v taking.the AGUE CURE daily. 4 For LIVER COMPLAINTS, arising from tor¬ pidity of the Liver. It is an excellent remedy, stimulating the Liver into healthy activity. For Bilious Disorders and Liver Complaints, it is an excellent remedy, nroducins many trnly re¬ markable cures, where other medicines had failed. Prepared by Dr. J. C. AYER A CO.. Practical and Analytical Chemists, Lowell, Mass., and sold all roundthe world. _ Price. ,fl per bottle. Z. D. GILMAN, sc 2-dAweo3in Agent, Washington. HALL'S VEGETABLE SICILIAN HAIR RENEWER Is the best article known to preserve the hair. It will positively restore GR> Y HAIR TO ITS ORIGINAL COLOR, AND PROMOTE JTS GROWTH. It is an entirely new scientific discovery,combin¬ ing many of the most powerful and restorative agents in the vegetable kingdom. Ii makes the Hair smooth and flossy, and does not stain the .'kin. * , I" jg recommended and used by the first Medical authority. . . . , l or sale by all druggists. Price 81 00. R, P. HALL a L'/.i uu21-eo2m Nashua, N. 11., Proprietors. LAW OF HUMANITY, IN RELATION TO SOCIAL BVILS. AN ESSAY FOR YOUNG MEN, on Pbjjtcal Errors and Abuses incident to Youth and Early Manhood, vrith the humane view of treatment and cure. Sent in sealed letter envelope, free of charge. Address Dr. J. SKILL1N HOUGHTON, Howard Association, Philadelphia, Pa. my l&-3n FREE lO EVERYBODY. A Large 6 pp. Circular, giving information of the greatest importance to the young of both sexes. It teaches how the homely mar become beautiful, the despised respected, and the forsaken loved. No young lady or gentleman should fail to send their Address, and receive a copy post-paid, by re¬ turn mail. Address P. O. Drawer 31. ap3-dAweoly Troy, New York. SECRET DISEASES. Samaritan"* Gift is the most certain, safe, and effectual remedy.indeed, the only vegetable rem- edy ever discovered. Cures in two to four days, and recent cases in twenty-four hours. No mineral, no balsam, no mercury. Onlytenpillstobetaken.lt is the soldier's hope, and a friend to those who do not want to be exposed. Male packages, $2; fe¬ male. 83. Samaritan's Root and Herb JricEs..A posi¬ tive and peimanent cure for 8pyhilis, Scrofula, Ul¬ cers, Sores, Spots, Tetters. Ac. Price 81.25 per bot- tie. Sold bv S. C. Ford. 8eeadvertisement, my 8 THE URIOH PACIFIC RAILROAD. THE FIRST MORTGAGE BONDS, INTEREST, SIX PER CENT. IN GOLD, ark offered for the present at NINETY CENTS OS THE DOLLAR AND ACCRUED INTEREST AT SIX TER CENT. IN CURRENCY FROM JVLY 1«T. The Company would state that their work con¬ tinues to be pushed forward with great rapidity, and 436 MILES WEST FROM OMAHA ARE NOW IN OPERATION, and stocked with locomotives, cars, aud all the ap* pnrtenances of a first class road. The amount already paid in by stockholders of the Company is 85j(M).OUO. The aid received from the H. 8. Government in constructing this portion of 425 miles is. 1. A Donation ofl2,800 acresof adjacent lands to the mile (nearly all very val¬ uable,) amounting to 5,400,000 acres 2. U. S. Six per cent. Currency Interest Bonds, which are a second lien, at the rate of $16,000 to the mile amounting, for 425 miles, to 86 Jft',000 The amount of the Company's own First Mortgage Bonds on 425 miles is 86,30:',(W0 It will be seen that, trelusive of the land grant, the First Mortgage Bonds represent only about ome third of the value of the property on which they are secured. The Company is also re¬ strained by its charter from issuing its bonds ex¬ cept as the work progresses, and to the same amount on the various sections as are issued by the Government The mortgage which se¬ cures the bondholders is made to Hon. E. D. Mor¬ gan, U. S. Senator from New York, and Hon. OakeB Ames, Member of the U. 8. Home of Representa¬ tives from Massachusetts, as Trustees, who alone can issue the bonds to the Company, and who are responsible for their issue iu strict accordance with the terms o( the Uw» A statement of the earnings for the last quarter will be published ju detail at an early day; but the accounts are already sufficiently balanced to show that the net amount is much greater than the gold interest on the bonds that can be issued on the length of road operated. It should be remembered thatthe«e earnings are only upon a tray business in anew and undeveloped country, and are no index of the vast traffic that must follow the completion of the whole line to the Pacific in 1870. These facts are only intended to show that these Bonds are strictly one of the safest, as well as one of the most profitable, securities, and are fully entitled to the confidence of the public. The Company make no appeal to the public to purekaee its Bonds, as the daily subscriptions are large, and fully equal to their wants. Many parties are taking adrantage of the present high price of Government stocks to exchange for these bonds, which are over 15 per cent, cheaper, and, at the current rate of premium on gold, pay OVER NINE PER CENT. INTEREST. Subscriptions will be received in Washington at FIRST NATIONAL BANK, NATIONAL BANK OF THE REPUBLIC, R1TTENHOUSE, FOWLER A CO. In New York at the COMPANY'S OFFICE, No 30 Nassau street, and by CONTINENTAL NATIONAL BANK, No. 7 Nassau street; CLARKE, DODGE A CO., Bankers, No. 51 Wall street; JOHN J. CISCO A SON, Bankers, No. 33 Wall street; and by BANKS AND BANKERS generally throughout the United States, of whom maps and descriptive pamphlets may be obtained. JOHN J. CISCO,Treasurer, New York. August 15.18S7 an 21-eo5t rin HE N ATIONAL SAFE DEPOSIT COMPANY, OF WASHINGTON, D. C., Chartered by Special Act of Congress for the SAFE KEEPING UNDER GUARANTEE OF GOVERNM T BONDS, STOCKS. SPECIE, JEWELRY, CASH BOXES, SILVER PLATE, MORTGAGES, PAINTINGS. WILLS. DEEDS, * VALUABLE PAPERS, And all descriptions of Valuables, and for th RENTING OF SAFES, IX«ISK OF FIRE AND BURGLAR-PROOF VAULTS. Office Corner NEW YORK AVENUE AND uf FIFTEENTH STREET. Director*.8. P. BROWN, H. D. COOKE.GEO. W RIGGS, WM. 8. HUNTINGTON,GEORGE H. PLANT. GEORGE O. EVANS, B. P. SNYDER, NATHANIEL WILSON. S. P. BROWN. President. _ GEORGE o. EVANS, Vic* President. WM. S. HUNTINGTON, Trbasvbeb. w B. P. SNYDER, Secretary. Office HotB* : From 9 o'clock a. m. to ft o'clock p.m. __ aa /COLUMBIA HOSPITAL FOB WOMEN LYTNG IN ASYLUM, , _ A Fourteenth street,{circle.)corner of M tweet, Washington, D. C. This Institution haa been established for the re¬ ception of patients who may be suffering from dis¬ eases peculiar to their sex, and for the admission of sucn females as may require the comfort* of the lying-in chamber. The building is situated in the most healthy por¬ tion of the District, surrounded by its own grounds. Cars pass the door every five minutis. Terms of admission: From 86 to 810 P*r week, in accordance with the room required, payable in ad¬ vance. This inclndes Board, Medicines, Medical and Surgical attendance. M * BBoSosAs '' I CONSULTING PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS. JOS. K. BARNES, M. D., 8urgeon General, Cni te<i States Army. . . Orders for admission to the free bedsi In this hos¬ pital, (of which there are can be obtained of Um Burgeon 1b chief at thit offlc#. 184 I street, or of any of the Medical staff, and of the Revs. Drs. Hall, Gorley, Gillette, and Coombs. . . . Wives and widows of soldiers dMlring admiaslou will apply to the Surgeon General, United State* army. pHEAP EDITIONS.-Byron's Worki, illna- \J trattd; only cents. Shakspeare, illustrated; 40 cents. Shaksneare,edited by Knight; 82. Th*ck- FMNCK TAYLOR. AUCTION SALES. THIS A FTKAROO IV. B1 B K. WAMH * CO., Anetteneere, 284 Penn'a ave., corner 10th street. VALUABLE BUILDING LOT ON 20TH 8T WEST, BITWKXN G AND H 8T8. NORTH NEAR PENNSYLVANIA AVENUE, AT AUC- *°Ld Pnblic Auction, on MONDAY, the 3d day of September next, at» o'clock p. m., on the premises, a valuable lot of ground. in square Ho. 110. being part of lot 5 in that square, fronting 21 feet on 20th street west, between (J and H streets north, and running back 149 feet 10 inches to a 11- foot alley. Terms: One-half cash, and the balance in Sand 11 months, for notes satisfactorily endorsed, bear¬ ing interest. deposit to he made at time of sale. All conveyancing and revenue stamps at the coetof the pnrchaeer. an 80-3t M. K. WALSH A Co., Ancto. BY GREEN A WILLIAMS, Auctioneers. No. 626 Southeast corner 7th and D its. VALUABLE PROPERTY, BOUNDED BY NORTH 8 AND BOUNDARY STREETS, AND TWENTIETH STREET AND CONNECTI¬ ON AT® AU&I^N.^ CITY °F WA8H1NO On MONDAY, the 2d day of September next, we shall sell, on the premises, at five o'clock P. M , one undivided third part of Square No. 90, bound ed as above mentioned, the whole square, contain¬ ing 39,792 square feet of gronnd. There are on it a good two-story brick and one frame house, with other necessary ont-houses, and a well of excellent water on the premiees. Terms: One-third cash;balance In6 and 12months, for notes bearing interest. A deed given and a deed of trust taken. All conveyancing and revenue stamps at the pur¬ chaser's cost. $200 to be paid when the property is sold. GREEN A WILLIAMS, au 27 tds Auctioneer*. TO-MORROW. Y NAGLE A CO., Auctl^-ers, 296 Pa. are., bet. Srth and 10th streets. TUESDAY, September 3d, 1857, at 10 o'clock, we will sell at our Sales-room lOOdozcn canned Fruits and Meats, 2.1 dosen canned Pickles and Chow Chow, 10 nests Tubs and Buckets. 20 gross Matches, 25 gross Blacking, ALSO, A large assortment of Dry Goods Shoes, Wines, Liquors and Groceries. It NAGLE A CO., Auctioneers. BY WM. L. WALL A CO., Auctioneers. Stores 316 and 317, Southwest corner Penn'a avenue and 9th street. GROCERIES. WHISKIES AND 8EGAR8. Ac., AT AUCTION. On TUESDAY MORNING. September 3 we win sell, within the stores, a lot of Groceries, Ac.; con¬ sisting of. Sugars, Segars. Cheese, bbls. Vin^szar, to libls. Whisky, different brands. Octaves Brandy, Oases Champagne. Boxes Soap and Starch, With other ginvds in the Grocery line, all of which will be peremptorily sold It W. L. WALL A CO.. Ancts. Y WM. L. WALL A CO., Auctioneers, Original Horse and Carriage Bazaar. No. Louisiana are., bet. 9th and 10th Sta. SALE OF HORSES, CARRIAGES, HAR¬ NESS. Ac., Ac. On TUESDAY MORNING. September 3d. at 10 o'clock, we will sell at the BazaAr, a number of Saddle, Carriage and Work Horses, (a full descrip¬ tion at sale.) comprising about THIRTY HORSES. Among them are good Farm and Work Horses. Also. A large collection of New and Second-hand Buggies. Rockaways, Carriages, Wagons, and other Vehicles. Two new Jenny Liud Wagons, built in this city. Also, New and second-hand Harness, Saddles, Carriages, Ac., at private sale. Regular sales days, Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays. Carriages and Harness always on private sale. Terms cash. se 2 W. L. WALL A Co.. Ancts. BY COOPER & LATIMER, Auctioneers. (Lateclerks with J. C. McGu4re A Co.,) Southwest corner of Penn'a avenue and 11th street. Star Office Building. ROSEWOOD PI ANO~~FORTE. HOUSEHOLD AND KITCHEN FURNITURE AT AUCTION.- On TUESDAY. September 3d. at lo o'clock a. in., we shall sell at No. 04 Louisiana avenue, between 4H and 6th streets, the Household and Kitchen Furniture of a lady declining housekeeping, con- fisting of. Rosewood case Piano Forte, 7 octave, by Gilbert A Co., Boston Piano Stool and Cover Walnut ("enter Tables Brussels and Three-ply Carpets. Rugs Plush-covered Sofa* and Arm Chairs Walnut Hair-cloth Sofa and Arm Chair Oak and Painted Cottage Suites Walnut and Mahogany 'Wardrobes, Bedsteads and Bureaus Feather Beds, Bolsters and Pillows Hair and Husk Mattresses, Spreads. Sheets, Ac \\ alnut Hat Rack OilCloth and Drugget Walnut Extension Dining Table. Shades Cane and Wood-seat Chairs, Refrigerator One large Stewart Cook Stove,Chamber Stoves Crockery. China and Glassware gtone China and Tin Toilet Sets. Ac., Ac Together with a general assortment of Dining- room and Kitchen Furniture. Terms cash. COOPER A LATIMER, au 30-dts Auctioneers. BY JOHN B. WnEELER A CO.. Auctioneers, No. 61 Louisana avenue, bet. tith and 7th sts., opposite Seaton House. PUBLIC SALE OF VALUABLE HORSES. On TUESDAY MORNING, September 3d, at 10 o'clock, we will offer for sale, in front of our auc¬ tion rooms,61 Louisiana avenue, the private stock of a gentleman about leaving the city, consist¬ ing of. One pair brown, matched Pnnie=.fine travellers. Two stylish bsv M»res, well broken to either sin- el© or double harness, One Kos-utli Mare trots fast, and is perfectly kind and gentle. These Horses are not sold for any faults, but be¬ cause the owner has no further use for them. Terms cash. au 31-td J. B. WHEELER & CO.. Aacts. UY COOPER A LATIMER. Auctioneers. O (Late clerks with J. C. McGnire A Co.,) Southwest corner «f Penn'a avenue and 11th street, Star Office Building. TEN DESIRABLE RuTTTdING LOTS.CORNER 16TH STRKET WEST AND T ST. NORTH, AT AUCTION. On TUESDAY AFTERNOON. September 3d. at 6o'clock.p. in., on the premises, we will sell, ten very desirable Building Lots, being original Lots Nos. 11 and 12, in Square No. 177. having a front of 100 feet on the west side of 16th street west, and 151 feet 7 inches an T street north. This property is in a desirable anil rapidly im¬ proving locality. in close proximity totheltthst. railroad. The grading of l ith street being in prog¬ ress. and one of the w idest streets, willniake itone of the finest in the city. Terms of sale : One-half cash, balance in six and twelve months, with interest, seenred by deed of trust. All conveyaucing and revenue stamps at cost of pnrchaser. an29-dAds COOPER A LATIMER, Aucls. B v SHANNON A LEAHY, Auctioneers, Y SnAJtj> B.Lewis A Co.) (Late ** -3»07 pennSyivama avenue. To be sold on acconnt of non compliance with terms of former purchaser. VALUABLE IMPROVED PROPERTY AT AUC¬ TION, FOR CASH. On TUESDAY next. Sept. 3d. at 5i«o'clock p.m., on the premises, we will sell a Lot 20 feet front, on 9th street, between O and P streets, by 94 feet 6 in¬ ches, to a 12-feet paved alley, improved by three story Brick Dwelling. In good order, having been lately painted and papered throughout. Terms: Cash; §80 down at sale. Conveyancing and ttalnpe at tbe expense of tliepurchaser. au 31-3t SHANNON A LEAHY, Ancts. jP O R SALE. On TUESDAY AFTERNOON, September 3, at 6 o'clock p.m., on the premises, part of Lot 13, in Square 404, fronting 41 feet 2 inches on Vir¬ ginia avenue, between 4.-« and 6tli streets west, and running back about 125 feet. Terms: One-tbfrd cash; balance in six, twelve, and eighteen months. Conveyancing and stamps at the cost of the purchaser. au 30-3T GREEN A WILLIAMS, Ancts. BY D. L. WELL8 A CO., Auctioneers. N. W. corner Louisiana avenue and 6th st. VALUABLE. IMPROVED REAL ESTATE AT THE INTERSECTION OF F STREET EAST BAND MARYLAND AVENUE, CAPITOL HILL. AT AUCTION. <>n THURSDAY EVENING, September 6th, at Co'clock p m., on the premises, we shall sell all those three two-story Frame Dwelling Houses, of four rooms each, and lot 80x!2t, with two small Frame Dwellings on rear of lot. as also large Frame Stable. The buildings are all new, umier good rent, and in a healthy and rapidly improving neighborhood. Terms One-third cash; balance 6 and 12 months, with notee bearing Interest, secured by deed or trust. §100 down at sale. Conveyancing and stamps at purchaser's cost. se 2 dAds P. L. WELLS A CO., Ancts. 1>Y WM. L. WALL A CO., Auctioneer*. D Stores 316 and 317, Southwest corner Penn'a avenue and 9th street. LARGE AND PEREMPTORY 8ALE OF MAR. BLE AT THE U. S.CAPITOL AT AUCTION. On WEDNESDAY MORNING, Sept. 11th, com¬ mencing at 10 o'clock, we will sell without reserve, by catalogue. 477 Blocks of Marble lying around the Capitol grounds. Terms of sale are: Cash in Government funda. The stone to be removed within <Cen day* after- sale. A deposit will be required. Catalogues to be bad of the auctioneers. Bjr order. au»6 d W. L. WALL A CO., Ancto. 486 BEVENTHJSTRBET. MARKRITER, Dealer in a choice stock of PAFBBBANGINGS, WINDOW SHADES, OVAL PICTURE FRAMES, P1TURE CORD AND TASSELS, PAINTINGS, ENGRAVINGS, WALNUT BBACKETS, Ac. Terms cash. J. MABKRITEB,No. 4»6 7tb street, fray-Tan* between D and E streets. r^OLD JEWE^BY, WATCHES, AND SILVEB B. 0. BOOB, pariee «Sm* AUCTION SALES. B B1 Y* K. WALSH k 00, AncUowei*. Bo. flea Peiin».»TOot»«,conwrJOUiBtre«l. PENNA. AVENUE, BETWEEN ITtu AND 18th STREETS. . _ nit avenue, above 17 th street, the effectsol agen¬ tleman declining housekeeping, *M name in part- Parlor and Bedroom Carpets, nearly new One fine Cottage Rett. W piece*, nearly new Can* Dining Chair*. Lounge* Feather Beds. Pillows, Mattresseo Bedsteads, Washstands One fine Latrobe Stove Tables, Safe, Blankets Sheets, Comfort*, Spreads, "Window Shades Marble-top Table. Clock, Mirror Cook Stove and Fixtures Tin Ware, 4c., . , . Together with the usual assortment of Crockery and Kitchen Utensils. , B C. BROOK ER, Salesman, au y>-4t M. K. WALSH A CO., Aucts. By COOPER * LATIMER, Auctioneers, ' (Late clerks with J. C. McGuire A Co.,) Southwest corner Penn. avenne and 11th street, Star Office Building. TRUSTEES SALE 0~F~ THE. GOOD WILL, LEASE. DIXTURE8,Ac.. OF A jmtST-CLASS FANCY STORE, ANi) 80DA WATER ESTAB¬ LISHMENT, corner of 15th Street and Pennsyl¬ vania Avenue, at Auction. By virtue of a deed of trust, dated February 1st, A. D. IMS, and recorded in Liber H. G.'T., No. 80, folios 496 and 497, of the land records of Washing¬ ton county,D. C., I shall sell at 10 o clock A. M. on THURSDAY, September 5th, 1867, tbe good will, lease and contents of the above named estab¬ lishment. We name in part. One very superior Soda Water apparatus, com¬ plete in all its parts. Marble top Counters, and silver-plated Show Casep. Rosewood Cigar Case, Gas Fixtures. Solid Walnut Upright 8how Cases. Bathing Towels, Hair and Clothes Brushes. Combs, Toilet Soaps, and Pomades. Pocket books. Satchels, Tooth Brushes. Together with a large assortment of Toilet and Fancy Goods of American and European manufac¬ ture. . , . The above will be sold entire at private sal* any time beYore the day of sale by application to the Auctioneers, or to be offered entire at auction, if bo Hpiij red ' JOnN II. M ATTINGLY, Trustee. COOPER A LATIMER an 30-dts Auctioneers. W. L. WALL A CO., Anctioneers, Stores 315 and 317, south corner Pa. ave. and »th street. SALE OF HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE. CROCK¬ ERY, AND THE ENTIRE EFFECTS OF A FAMILY LEAVING THE CITY. On WEDNESDAY MORNING. Sept. 4th. com¬ mencing at 10 o'clock, we will sell, at No. 2ti7 Tenth street west, between north 0 and 1'. the entire Furniture. Ac., in paid house. We name in part: One nearly new Extension Table. Two Perfect Cottage Setts. Parlor Chairs and C. S. Cliairs. Nearly new Hair and Shuck Mattresses. Ingram and H'-rap Carpets. Table Linen, Ac.. Ac. 1 Green Rep. Lounge. With a variety of other articles not enumerated. The contents of the house are all nearly new, and in good order. Terms : Cas,h. W. L. WALL A Co., a u 29-td [Intel. 1 Auctioneers. BY COOPER A LATIMER, Auctioneeru. (Late Clerks with J. C. McGuire A Co.,) 8ontbwest corner Penn'a avenne and 11th street, Star Office Building. GUARDIAN'S SALE OF VALUABLE BUILD ING LOTS ON STH STREET WEST, BE- TWEN K AND L STREETS NORTH. AND NORTHEAST CORNER OF 5TH AND L 8TREETSNORTH, AT AUCTION. Under and by virtue of an order ol the Orphans Court of the District of Columbia, bearing date on the 21st day of May, 18S7, ratified and approved by the Supreme Court of the District of Columbia on tlie27»r. day of May. I8fi7.1 will sell at public auc¬ tion. on tlie premises, on THURSDAY. the sth day of September. A D. 18o7. at 5 o'clock p. m.. the south 49 feet 3 inches front of Lot Nc. 10, Square No. 402, running back with that width 70 feet. Also, Kt 5*4 o'clock p. m.. on the same day, I will sell Lot No. in in Square 514. This property is situated in the city of Washington, and although unim¬ proved, is highly valuable. Terms: One-third cash, and the residue in six and twelve months, with interest, secured to the satisfaction of the guardian. All conveyancing and stamps at cost of purchaser. It the terms of sale are not complied with in five days, the guar diau reserves the right to resell at the risk and cost of the defaulting purchaser, upon five days' notice in the National Intelligencer. nonce in i VIRGINIA noLLINGSWORTH, Guardian of Margaretta B Doughty. COOPER A LATIMER, Aucts. an 21-W i F.M Ads Y NAGLE A CO,, Auctioneers, Salesroom 295 Pa. av.,bet.9th andlOthsts. NAGLE A CO. will give their personal attention to the sale of Real Estate and Household Furniture. Also, to the sales of stocks of Groceries, Wines, Liquors, and Merchandise of every description, Horses. Carriages, Harness. Ac. Liberal cash advances made on consignment. Regular Bales at our Salesroom every TUESDAY, THLRSDAY, and SATURDAY, at 10 o'clock. jall-tf NAGLE A CO., Auctioneers. A FLOUR, Ac. SSORTMENT OF FLOUB COMPLETE- All grades of FAMILY, All grades of EXTRA, All grades of BUPKR, _ *-¦SWfMftPXV- Assortment togeAjjU.., ( All kinds of Mill Feed, Hay, Straw, Ac. Ground Alum and Fine Salt, oifery low ratu, by W. M. GALT A CO., Indiana avenue and 1st street, Ap 27 near Baltimore Depot. W- HISKYI WHI8KY1! WHI8KY A RARE CHANCE. AT LEAST 50 PER CENT SAVED. Just received a large lot of fine RYE WHIS¬ KIES from the best West Virginia distilleries, which I will offer at the following reduced prices, vie At #2.S0, 83.25, $4 and «6per gallon retail. Wholesale purchasers will find a great deduction from tbe above prices. I will also offer a GIN at .2.76 per gallon retail, superior to any Gin sold elsewhere than at this house for less than 84.50 the ^Received besides a large lot of Imported SHER¬ RIES direct from Europe, and in bond at New York transferable to Georgetown custom-house; 100 casks of Cadiz SHERRY and 90 casks of Cette or French SHERRY. The Cette Sherry, such as the New York. Philedelphia and Baltimore houses have been selling to city dealers, according to their generosity, at from 83. $3.50, and $4 per gallon. I will sell same article at 82.60 per gallon rehiU and 82 per gallon wholesale. C- GAUTIER, ap2-ly Importer, 3J3 Penn'a avenne. \\T H I 8 K E R B M U 8 TAA C HE8I Forced to grow upon the smoothest face *n f.. three to five weeks by using Dr. 8EVIGNE S RES¬ TAURATEUR CAPlLLAIRE, the most wonder¬ ful discovery in modern science, acting upon the Beard and Hair in an almost miraculous man¬ ner It has been used by the elite of Paris and London with the most flattering success..Names of all purchasers will be registered, and if entire satisfaction is not given in every instance, the money will be cheertully refunded. Price by mail, SM and postpaid 81 DewrJlil^ciSS.15r?-T tffius" *". I^XCELSIORI EXCELSIOR & CHASTELLAR'S HAIR EXTERMINATOR II FOB REMOVING SUPERFLUOUS HAIR. To the ladles especially, this invaluable depila¬ tory recommends itself as being an almost indis pensable article to female beauty, is easily ap- Slied does not burn or injure the skin, but acts irectly on the roots. It is warranted to remove superfluous hair from low foreheads, or from anv other part of the body, completely, totally and radi¬ cally extirpating the same, leaving the skin sott, smooth and natural. This is the only article used by the French, and|g the only real effectual depilatory in existence. Price 76 cents per pack¬ age, sent post paid, to any address, on receipt of as order, b^sB0ER gjjCTTS 8 CO., Cbemisti, an 3-DAWeoly 28® River street. Troy, N. Y. Tycoon japan tea, So much admired by the recent Japan- ese Commissioners, from whom we have a m| letter of compliment foHts^Kellenos^ ^ King Place, Corner Vermont ave. aadUXat J^IQUID BIKNE& OTM)g AND WHET. At King Place. DEPA WMtIb"jlTEs'plTE'NTbFFICE ministrator of the estate of George Wellnian, de- jfH '¦A.'Stfc «« W.": Jfufi (Tvlr BiVae on the 6tb day oi December, 1887: wvj,5 th*t?be said petition be heard at the w lib tt. flC&»ontion* an^oSer papers re?&d npon attest!- kOOMTfA»H> AJD BLIHD8» ... iel^tf Corner 10th street and canal, s GOVERNMENT SALES. 1Z ALOBAMA HOSPITAL BUILDINGS AT IV A AUCTION. , _ , Depot Quarts* masterV Offick, j Washington D. C., September a, 18SM Will be sold at public auction, ©J directioniofthe Quartermaster Ocatrll, on THURSDAY. Sjtptem- ber 12. st 11 o'clock * m., the following buildings, comprising Kalorama Hospital, to wit: _ 4 Buildings. 22x151 feet. 1 Kitchen, 26x30 feet. 1 do., 22*176 feet. 1 do., 14x30 feet. 1 do., 34x100 feet. 6 Sheds. 1 do.. 20x 70 feet. 1 Stable. 1 do., 2 story, 24x64 feet. 1 Tank ldo..do., 20x64 feet. 1 Tank building. 1 Building, 20xfi® feet. 4 Sinks. Terms: Cash in Government funds. Ten days will be allowed in which to remove the b""li°7.5r*tfS?MRAH, B.,.t Brl,. 0..,, se 2 td Deputy Quartermaster General. ALE OF UNSERVICEABLE PBOV18IONS, CLOTHING, Ac., Navy Paymaster's Office, I Washington, D. C., Aug. Sfc, 1W7.( By order of the Navy Department Bureau Pro¬ visions and Clothing there will be sold at public auction, for cash, to the highest bidder, at the In¬ spection Office, Navy Yard, Washington,on WED NESDAY, the 11th day of September. 18S7, at 10 o'clock A.M., the following unserviceable stores, TlE' PROVISIONS. 4.200lbs. Bread; 24 MObbls. Beef; 2 27-203 bbls. Pork; 50 93-98 bbls Flour; 738 lbe. Preserved Meat; 550 U>h. Dried Apples; 35 lbs. Bice: 4,145 lbs. Pickles; 60 lbs. Sugar; 73lbs. Coffer; 2310 lbs. Butter; 25.) lbs Dessfcattd Potatoes; 173 galls. Beans; 170galls. Molasses: 85 galls. Vinegar; 55 lbs Tomatoes; 370 Bread Bags. CLOTHING. 65 B. C. Pea Jackets ; 3 B. C. Trowsers ; 6 B. Sat. Trowsers ; 26 B. C. Round Jackets; 44 B. 8. Frocks; 24 B. F. Overshirts; 26 B. F. Undershirts ;22 B. F. Drawers ; 122 yards Blue Satinet; 15®>i yards Blue Flannel: 6H yards Barnsley Sheeting ; 54yards Canvas Duck ; 130*4 yards Bine Nankin ; 2 pairs Boots ; 40 pairs Calf-skin 8hoes ; 22 pairs Rip-skin Shoes ; 9 Blankets ; 24 Mattresses ; 1 B.C. Cap ; 4 Black Silk Handkerchiefs. SMALL STORES. 6.908 lbs. Tobacco: 190 lbs. S. W.Soap: 4 pair Scissors ;9 Blacking Brushes ; 130Clothes Brushes; 6 Mess Kettles ; 8 Mess Pans ; 62 Tin Pots ; 50 bot¬ tles Mustard. CONTINGENT. 30 lbs. Candles ; Lot of Stewards' Stores, (4 bro¬ ken sets.) CALVIN C. JACKSON. au30 td Paymaster P. S. Navy. J^ARGE SALE OF PUBLIC PROPERTY. Office Aim? Clothing and Equipage. I St. Loins. Mo., Aneust 15.1867 s WiDbesold at public anction. at the Depot of Army Clothing and Equipage, No. 907 North Main street, St. Louis, on TUESDAY, the 3d day of September next, commencing at 11 o'clock a. m., to be continued from day to day, the following ar¬ ticles of army clothing and equipage; 72.000 Great Coats (footmen's. > 58.000 Great Coats, (horsemen's.) Wi.uOO Uniform Hats. 60.000 Ostrich Feathers. £0.000 flat Cords and Tassels, (bine.) 60,000 Forage Caps. 3,111 Uniform Frock Coats. 46,000 Uniform Jackets. 8.461 Veteran Reserve Jackets. 32H Kent Jackets. 18.680 Lined 8ack Coats. 66,212 Unlined Sack Coats. 7.000 Overalls. 6.000 Stable Frocks. 83.425 Kent Shirts. 6 945 Kent Drawers. 20.0T0 Leather Neck Stocks. 1 000 Worsted Sashes. 282 pairs Boots. 16,653 pairs Bootees. 12.880 pairs Trowsers, (footmen's.) 15 600 pairs Trowsers, (horsemen's.) 50.000 Haversacks. 50/00 Knapsacks. 2.r).000 Rubber Blankets, 63.600 Woolen Blankets. 20.0(0 Pickaxes. 15.400 Pickaxe Handles. These articles are all new, and offer great induce¬ ments to dealers throughout the country. A small quantity of Damaged Property will be sold at the same time and place. Samples of nil may be seen at the depot within ten days of sale, and catalogues had. Terms: Cash in Oovernment funds; ten percent, down, the balance before the goods are taken from tin-depot, which must be within five days after the sale, under forfeiture of the purchase and the ten per cent, deposited. By order ofthe Quartermaster General. JOHN F. RODGERS, an 29-4t Capt. and Military Storekeeper. I?.8.A. UBL1C SALE OF GOVERNMENT HORSES AT FORT MONROE, VA. Depot Quartermaster's Office. FortMonroe, Va.. August 23.18T7^ Will be sold, at public sale, at Fort Monroe, on THURSDAY, Sept. 5,1817. at 10 o'clock a. m. TWENTY HORSES, (more or less.) These are very superior animals, perfectly sound and serviceable, well matched and worthy the at¬ tention of dealers, aud those in need of first-class horses. Terms: Cash, in Government funds. By order of the Quartermaster General. THOS. G. WHYTAL, Brevet Lieutenant Colonel, and an 28-6t Assistant Quartermaster. GOVERNMENT SALE AT HILTON HEAD, S. C. 57. J J, Va-, G Tl'.e following Ordnance property will be sold at public anction. at Ordnance Depot. Hilton.Head, 8. C., onTL'ESDAY. September 24, 18j7, commenc¬ ing at 10 a. m.: Al'out 4S0nett tons of Shot and Shell. " 24i4 " I.oaded Shell. " 1841 ('minister Filled. " 143a " Scrap Cast Iron. " 10 " " Wrought Iron. " 1 " " Brass. 3 Artillery Carriages, iron. 93 Wooden Artillery Carriages, ironed. 53 Wooden Chases and Slides, ironed. 0 Saddles, (Mcl'lell&n.) 84 Saddles.(Artillery.) 50 Sets of Artillery Harness. 1330 Bridles. 9>2 Cruppers, WO Sadale-bags. 8500 Bayonet Scabbards. 1120 Cartridge-boxes. 1097 Cartridge box Belts. 2312 Gun Slings. 2332 Waist Belts. 339 Bnllet Moulds, And a quantity of other property. consisting prin¬ cipally of Rags, Ropes, Implements Miscellaneous Tools, Ac., Ac. _ Also, a two-story Frame Dwelling-house, of the following dimensions: 42 feet front by 35*« feet depth, containing eight spacious rooms. Terms: Cash on the day of sale, in I nited States currency. Ample time allowed for the removal of propertv. at tin* '"xpiratiou of which that not removed will revert to the Government. By authority of Chief of Ordnance. M.J. GKEALISH, Captain and M. 8 K., an 26 dt»e21 In charge of Ordnance l>"pot. J^ABGE SALE OF NEW MATERIAL. Depot Quartermaster's Office, / Washington. I). C.. August 15, 1857.\ By direction of the Quartermaster General, a large lot of New Quartermaster's Stores and Horse Medicines will be sold at public auction, at Lin¬ coln Depot, under the supervision of Brevet Lieutenant Colonel James M. Moore, Quartermas- IT. 8. A., on MONDAY. September 2, commencing at lOo'clock a m., consisting in part of. K8 lbs. Ingot Copper, 8.H0 feet Coil Chain, 575 Cr.al Oil Burners, 90Coal Oil Lamps, 4 000 Tin Cups. 5.000 Table Legs, 2-TOO lbs. Iron Wire, 17.444 lbs. asst. Iron Nuts, 668 lbs. R. R. aud other 7,481 lbs. Iron and Copper Spikes. Rivets, 103 Car pen te rs ,' Ac., 14,648 Handles,Axe,Pick, Clamps. Plane, Ac., 7,679 lbs. Oil T a n n e d 110 Wagon Saddle-Trees, Leather. 110 Wrenches, Goveru- 846 lbs Sole Leather, ment pattern, 2.483 lbs. Oakum, 9 Gang Saws, 177 lbs. Mica. 244 yards Paper Mnslin, 216 lbs. Packing Hemp, 1,382 feet Linen Hose, 271 spools W. and B. 2(0 feet Gutta Percha Thread, Tubing, Also. 130 lbs. Aloes, 300 lbs. Sulphate Cop- 100 lbs. Calomel, per, 100 lbs. Sugar Lead, 100 lbs. Alum, 546 lbs. Sulphur. 362 lbs. Glauber Salts, 100 lbs. Tartar Emetic. 100 lbs. Epsom Salts, 75 lbs. Corrosive Subli- 100 lbs. Nitrate Potas- mate. sjp, 39 lbs. Iodide Potaasa, M lbs. Cream Tartar, 447 lbB. Oils Juniper. Spike, Amber, Wintergreen, British, Crotou, Hemlock. Ac., Ac.; 473 lbs .Tinc¬ tures Lobelia. Ginger. Iodine, Myrrh, Hemlock, Ac.; Red Precipitate, Spatulas .Prescription Scales, Syringes, Ointment, do. J4rs, Ac., Ac. Catalogues of sale can be had 'upon application. Terms: Cash, in Government funds. By order of General Tompkins, Depot Quarter¬ master. JAMBS M. MOOBB, an 16-lSt Bvt. Lieut. Col.. Q. M. in charge. Washington, August 9,1807. On the petition of ROBERT SINCLAIR, Jr., and RICHARD F. MAYNARD,of Baltimore, Md. praying for the extension of a patent granted to him the 15th day of November, 1863, for an improve¬ ment in feed Boilers of Straw Cotters, for seven years from the expiration of said patent, which takes place on the 15th day of November, 1&37: It is ordered that the said petition be heard at the Patent Office on MONDAr, the J8th day of Octo¬ ber next, at 13 o'clock M.; and all persons are noti¬ fied to appear and show cauae, If any they have,why ¦aid petition ought not to be granted. Persons opposing the extension are required to file in the Patent Office their objections, spoci ally lO ueru »i tuu ire»nu« ».».» . transmitted in accordance with the rules of the office, which will be furnished on application. Depositions and other papers relied upon as testi¬ mony must be filed in the office twenty days before the day of hearing; the arguments, if any, within "onfe?ed!\urso!that ^jSi^otltwlM published in the Be publican and the Intelligencer. Washington. D. C., and in the American, Baltimore, Maryland, once a week for three successive wmks; the first of aald publications to be at ieMt sixty 4*ys previous "sax," Js&'iSU.. F*£S£8 eentsTTsonvestre: Un Philosophe sous lea TolU.il cents. Bouvestre: La Goute D^lan; 48 cents. Du¬ mas Fits: A ventures de huatre Fenrmes; 45 cents. Conscience: Le Demon de l'argent, 46 cents. Con¬ science: La Flan de Village; 40 cents. Achard: *46 °*nU' tbanck taylor. > A V * T1 . CBN, GOLDEN. FL4XBN AND SILKEN .1 by the use of Prot DBBBBUX' TO- CHBYBUX. One wairaptad curl the most straight and stubborn hair of .iher se* into wavy rinalets, or heavy curia. Has been nsM bythefashionables agents for the tfidtad "fitaiea."""'' api-dAweoiy rpHB BABLY YKABS OF'PBniCl T^BBBT, PROPOSALS. OPOSALS FOB IIIW JAIL. PitAjMtKT or m I"T*mio}. J :JutW'k a ment until lJotclock M . on TUESDAY, the 17th day of September, 1367, for tbe erectton of the jail, in and forth© District of Colombia, author¬ ised and proTMed for by th« ftct of Congress, ap¬ proved July 26. VW6. and the joint reflation ap- sved March 2.1867. ihe designs, detail, drawings, and specifications can be seen at the architect's offlce in the ea«tern {rounds of the Capitol, Washington City, every ay except Sundays, between the bears ef . a. m. and 3 p. m. * Separate bids will be received for the masonry work, brick work,iron work, andcarpentery work. The contractor whose bid may be accepted will be required to enter into a sufficent bond, to be approved by the Secretary of the Interior, for the faithful completion of his contract. Pavraents will be made as the work progresses, on estimates rer- tifledto by the architect, but twenty per centum of the estimates will be retained until the contract is completed. .. . The contract will be awarded to the lowest re¬ sponsible bidder, bnt the department reserves the right to reject any or all of the bids should it be deemed for the interests of the Government to do BO The bids will be opened at noon on the 18th day of September, in presence of inch of the bidders as may choose to attend. Proposals should be endorsed on the envelope: "Proposals for New Jail." and be directed to the femur, of th. an 31-t sel7 Secretary of the Interior. PROPOSALS FOB CANNED FRUITS. Sealed Proposals in duplicate are invited till the 6th of September, 18«7. at 12 M., for furnishing the Fnited States Subsistence Department with the following Canned Fruits. viz: 500cans Preserved Strawberries, <2lb. cans.) COO cans Preserved Raspberries, (2 lb. cans.) 200rans Preserved Quinces,<2 lb. cans.) 200cans Preserved Pineapples,(2 lb. cans.) 100 cans Preserved Pears, (2 lb. cans.) 200 cans Preserved Ginger, in tin cans, (2 lb. cans.) 2(0cans Damson Plums, (2 lb. cans.) 100cans Preserved Grapes,(2 lb. cans.) All the above stores to be delivered to the Anchor Press. in New Orleans, within twenty days after the opening of the bids, where they will tie care¬ fully inspected, and the damaged cans r'jected. Samples of each of the above-named articles will be required with the bids. No bids will be received from parties who have heretofore failed to comply with their engage¬ ments with any branch of the Government. Proposals to be directed to the undersigned and marked "Proposals." A. BECKW 1TII, an 28-8td Brevet Maj. Gen. and C. 8., U. 8. A. pROPOSALS FOR ARMY SUPPLIES. CANNED FRUITS, OYSTERS, VEGETABLES, Ac. St BSTSTENCK OFFICK, U. S. A.. Corner tirant and Balderson streets, In Rear of No. 105 West Lombard st-., Baltimore. Md., August 27. lStf. Sealed Proposals in duplicate will be received by the undersigned until 12 o'clock m. on SATUR¬ DAY, August 31,18S7, for supply ing, for the ur-e of the United States Army. Subsistence Stores, to be delivered in Baltimore as follows, viz : (260) Two hundred and fifty dozen cans (2. 2Ji or 3 lb) Peaches. Natural Fruit in Syrup, to be of the very best quality "White Heath." (64) Sixty-four dozen 2-lb cans Jellies. assorted, (til> Si xty-four dozen 2-lb cans Jams, assorted. (500) Five hundred dozen cans (2, 2H or 3 lb) To¬ matoes. (126) One hundred and twenty-six dozen 2-lb cans Peas. (126) One hundred and twenty-fix dozen 2-lb cans Oysters, of best .juality. packed. (2I0)Two hundred and fifty dozen 2-lb cans of Sweet Torn.to be the''Portland Packed' Sweet Corn; none other will l»e considered. Should the market be exhausted of the "White' Heath" Peach, the next superior quality of white Peach will be accepted. The cans to be hermetically sealed, and to be packed twenty-four in a box; the boxes to well made and strong, and strapped at the ends with green hickory. and marked in full with contents, name of contractor, and date and place of packimr. All the goods are required for immediate delivery, and packers are particularly requested to ofl'-r on¬ ly the very best quality of goods The articles will lie inspected before delivery, and occasional cans opened and compared with sample. At least two cans (as samples) of each article must be furnished with piopogal; one can to In- opened. weighed, examined ;ind tested, the other to be compared with the goods offered under ac¬ ceptance. The samples must be referred to in the proposals, and the whole or any part of each arti- may be proposed for. The year in which the goods are packed must be mentioned in the proposal. Bidder^ are reijuested to propose for near 2. 2,'2 and 3 lb. net cans as possible; exactly 2, 232 and 3 lb net cans are preferred, if they can be fur¬ nished. In the case of assorted Jams and assorted Jellies, the proposals must state the diftereut varieties and number of cans of each variety they propose pack- ine in each box of twenty-four cans. Each article proposed for must be upon separate sheets of paper. It is stipulated in this contract that should any of the cane furnished be pierced by nails in pack¬ ing, or be spoiled from any other can^e, then the contractor to make good, at his own expense, the loss thus occasioned. Payment, as heretofore, to he made in such funds as may be fnrnislied by the United States. Samples ol' articles not accepted must l»e called for within two weeks from date of this advertise¬ ment. Blanks fpr proposals will be furnished at this office, wliirh must be enclosed in an envelope ad¬ dressed to the undersigned, and endorsed .' Pro¬ posals for Subsistence Stores." THOMAS WILSON, Brevet Lieut. Col. and C. S., C. S. A., au 28 3t Brevet Brig. Gen. Vol. T O CONTRACTORS Headquarters, District of the Indian Territory. ) Chief (Quartermaster's Office, > Fort Gibson, C. N., August 2,1857. \ Sealed Proposals, in duplicate, will be received at this office until 12 o'clock in., September 10. lSt7, for furnishinu to the United States Quartermas¬ ter Department. 6,000 bushels of good merchantable corn, or its equivalent in oats or barley, per m- nth, in manner following : 3,W0bushels to be delivered at Fort Gibson, C. N.. monthly. 2.000 bushels to be delivered at Fort Arbuckle, C. N.. monthly. fOO bushels to be delivered at Harland's Ranche, mowthlv. 500 bushels to be delivered at North Fork. Creek Nation, monthly. 2. Proposals ihus1 in all cases specify the kind and quantity per month the bidder desires to fur¬ nish, whether in sacks or otherwise, and what charge, if any. will be made for the packages, and may be for the whole or any part t f the quantity reqniretl, at either or all of the above named places. 3. Each bid must be accompanied by a good and sufficient guarantee from two responsible parties, setting forth that in the event a contract is award¬ ed. they will give ample bonds ami security for the faithful performance of the same. 4. The Government reserves to itself the right of rejecting any or all bid* received. 5. All deliveries of grain made under any con¬ tract which may be awarded, are to be subject to a rigid inspection by an officer or agent appointed on the part of the United States. 6. Proposals should be endorsed,4iProposals for furnishing Corn. Oats or Barley," and addressed to the undersigned. 7. Payment to be made in Government funds monthly, or as soon thereafter as money shall have been received for tbat pnrpoee. Bidders are invited and earnestly requested to lie present at the opening. A. S. KIMBALL, Captain and A. Q. M., U. S, A., an 29-tselQ Chief Q. M. District I. T. OFFICE POST QUARTERMASTER. Raleigh, N.C., August 2«>. 1SW. Sealed Proposals to furnish four hundred <400) cords of good, hard, well-seasoned WOOD, to be delivered to the undersigned at the camp of the 8th U. S. Infantry, known as Pettigrew Hospital, be¬ fore the 15th of October, 1«!7. will be received at this office up to 10 o'clock a. m., September 6. 1871. Contractors will be required to give good and suf¬ ficient bonds for the faithful fulfilment of their contract. . All proposals shonld be sealed and endorsed "Proposals to Furnish Wood/'N g Lient. 8th Inf. and A. A. Quartermaster, an 31 td U. 3. Army. PROPOSALS FOR CORN. Dkpot Qr artermaster> Office, ) San Antonio. Trxas. August 1, 18-57. ( Sealed Proposals, which must be made indnpli- eate, will be received at this offlce until 12 o'clock, noon, on TUESDAY, the 10th day of September, 1867, for furnishing the Quartermaster's Depart¬ ment with CORN, OATS, or BARLEY,(in sacks.) at places and in quanties as follows: San Antonio, Texas.........20.000 bushels Austin, " .«... IMJUn .' Camp Verde, " - 4,53) " Fort Inge, " 2,250 " Fort Clarke. " 2,2M 11 ort Stockten, ...... 7,600 44 ort Davis, 44 ....~..l1M0 44 ort Mason, 44 » 3,000 44 ort Chaabouroe, 44 12,000 4* ort Belknap or vicinity, 44 9,00# 44 Buffalo Springs, 44 5,000,, 44 The above to be good, sound, merchantable Opts. Barley, or Shelled Corn, well cleaned, and subject to the inspection of the officer receiving it. Delivery to commence by the lint day of October next, and to proceed at the rate of not less than one-third of the whole amount per month, and in snch quantities as to keep the post always sup- plied. Separate bids are invited for e*. h pott, and the price per bushel, for each place, mast be clearly stated. Bids will be received fer any quantity not less than ene hundred bushels of Corn, or twenty-live bushels of Oats or Barley, and where the respon¬ sibility of the bidder is not otherwise satisfactorily made known at this office, each bid must be ac¬ companied by a guarantee of at least two persona (whose responsibility must be certified to by a clerk of a court of record) dint the bidder is com¬ petent to carry out the contract if awarded to him, and thai ke will give the required bonds therefor ^and each bidder will atate his place of r Satisfactory evidence of the loyalty of each suc¬ cessful bidder and the solvency of the persons .tears®WS&Cg'ai- a., hereinbefore named, and bidden have the privi¬ lege of being present at the opening. "The right is reserved to reject all bids If unsatis¬ factory. and no bid will to entertained that does not conform to the requirements of this advertise¬ ment. Proposals to be plainly indorsed "Proposals for Corn,1* and addressed to the undersigned at this Brevet Lieutenant Colonel, and ang-td A. Q. M.,U. 8. Army. VBENCH BOOKS..Henri Conscience: Le De- F mon de 1'argent; 46 cents. George Sand: Lu- cresia Floriani; 46 cents. George Sand: Le Secre¬ taire Intime; 46 cents. Lamarttne: Lee Confiden¬ ces; 46 cents. Alphonse Karr: 8ow le# Tilleulsjtt cents. Alahonse Karr: Voyage autour de Mon/ din:46 cents. AJphonee Karr: Promens de Moa J ardin; 46 cento. Louis Barbaud due doctor; 46 cento.. De Stendhol: Le Rouge et Le Noir, 46 cento, tfcleeto: par Igon Gozlan; ,¦* cento. ftotra-Pane de Paris: par Yictor Hugo, FKA3GX TAYLOB. m RAILROADS. fctALTUCOBE AND OHIO BAILBOAD, w -"WW®*©*, May », Book, tMT. wVaiF WASHINGTON AND BALTI. S£5^:JLnd WASHINGTON AND TBI WIST are bownin m follow*. via: - _ . . FOB BALTIMORE . . . A «xc+ptSunday,at 7:00,7:45, ud 1J:1B p.m., and mina j-sn, and8 48p. m. . ?0B ALL WAT STATIONS. _ ®xcept Sunday, at 7:00 a. m., ud 2:0 ADu 9140 p. ID. FOB WAT STATIONS SOUTH OF ANNAPOLIS Leave at 1:1ft ud 7:00 a. m.. and at 1:00 and 4:ttp " FOB ANNAPOLIS. Leave at 7:00 a. m. and 4:X p. m. No trains to from Annapolis ou Sunday. ON SUNDAT. FOB BALT1MOBB. Leave at 7:45 a. m.. and 4:30 and 8:46 p. m. FOB WAT STATIONS. Leave at 7:45 a. m.. and 4:30 and 8 46 p. m. . FOB ALL PABTS OF THE WEST. Leave daily, except Sanday, at 7:4ft a. m., 4:3n -j 8:45 p. m. On gnnday at 4:89 and 8:41 p. m. only. eonneetlaa at Belay SUtion with traiaa from Baltimore to W heeling. Parkersburg, Ac. THROUGH TICKETS to the Wert can be had at the Washington Station Ticket 91Bceat all honra in the day, as well as at tha new office of tha. Bank, era and Brokers'Telegraph Line, 34t» Penfiiylve- nla avenue.between 6th and 7th streets. For New York, Philadelphia, and Boston, see ad. vertisement of "Through Line." *" m r.' °r Tranaportatlon. L- M. COLE, General Ticket Agent. 1867 PENNSYLVANIA BOUT! 1867 TO TH1 NOBTHWEST^SOUTH. AND SOUTD- foOnwand after May «th, 1867, traina will leave as Washington J « a. *.! Baltimore 12.10 r. ss. * 30 P. *. 7^00 p' » .8.45 r. M.l 40.30 win*??r&R.^AI,TBLS TRAOK ROUTE, With ELEGANT SCENERY, Palace State r«oa day and night Cars.with modern improvements, and sa\ing from fonr to twelve honra in time over an? £dC.«i NlwYorkdr6d #lU" MT6d to THREE DAILY TRAINS TO THE WEPT. ti. k r DAILY TRAINS TO THE NOBTH. TEE awl Passengers by this rontefroTn Baltimore have tha »» Tickets by this rente ran be procured at the of flee, corner 6th atreet and Pennsylvania avenue, *,<*?», whera reliable information will be given at all times. Passengers preparing Uckets at this offlca can secure accommodations in Sleeping Oars for El mlra or Pittsburg. D1 W J. ARNOLD, Ticket Arent, Sixth and Penn*a are., Washington, D. C. Train. «r Wa»h"««toji, Jan. I. law. - "* N" " Lea^« tore , wi thout change of cars. and 7«0p (6*ce*>t Sunday) at 7:46 a. m., 12:1 ? ii.ji FOR PHILADELPHIA. m *and**> « 7;tf * T.... . ON SUNDAY. m only °r w York and Philadelphia at7:00 p. d SIeeping cars for New York on 7.00 p. m. train «J^r?ngh V01?1* t0 Philadelphia, New York, o can be had at the Station Office at all hour ir«th.n^H 8lWP,Lft", at «*>« new office in the Bank - era and Brokera Teleirraph Line, 348 Penn. ave nne, between 6th and 7th streets. «i!h an<* Ohio Railroad advertisemen napolis?and01^ \V>it. t0n' Baltimo"' An L M Yrrvt^P °f Transportatio nt?V 2°J'/KAGPn,'ral Ticket Agent. oc 30-tf Agent' Washington. B-tf P^aeoger Agent. STEAMBOAT LIXES. pOTOMAC FERRY COMPANY, WASHINGTON AnFALEXANDRIA. t,le ^on,Pttn7 leave each placo . .Tr- ,rj?' fr0In .> o'clock a. ?k'UUi J#°rc »c m- Leave from ington h 8treet> Waih-'6Btt The Seventh street Cars connect with the Boat*. r TH? sJ?AMER WAWASET Leaves the wharf, foot of Seventh street, for Cur- FI'Td KY MOrTtwr*^ 1?n«di"g?- TL'ESDA Y and sftV. J*.'.* FOR MOfNT VERNON. ( 11 and after THURSDAY. September 5, th«» the company U0t 'nno11 wiU ,eave the wharf ot .? ,.1 . f"V®KY THURSDAY MORNING at 10 o clock; returning, the boat will arrive abont »'» P ni. WM D COLT au President Potomac Ferry do. IV OTITE.-Tbe fine steamer HI LIVINGSTON, < apt. E. T. LEONARD, will -IC*1* *uPPly the place oi the Wilson Small g^51^ ft Dn the route lately run by the latter."..*fi§" She leaves pier opposite 170 Li*ht street wharf every TUESDAY. THURSDAY, and SATURDAY ox^nprtfwr ri\smPOi^T ^y^B.LK MILLsI WHARF.^AMBRII»GE,HUGHLETTS\vVlARr CABIN CREEK, MEBFORD'g WHARff »ni LLOYD'S LANDING 8 ' Returningtu Baltiniom. she leaves Lloyd's Land- *} 1 P- m-' t-»w»bridfre at 4 p. m., and Easton Point at 8j).m., every Monday, Wednesday, and TZ?.Ay . he ,?.a ^ecr boat than the Small, with greater capacity for freight, more state-rooms and of greater speed. Baggage at owner's risk Freight received in Baltimore dailv. P S..Her first trip will l*> made up to Balti¬ more on Monday nitrht. the 19th inst. an IS-tf REGULAR LINE BETWEEN~BALTIM0B" It AND WASHINGTON The steamer COLUMBIA will f eavo Riley a WhBrtat the foot of 11th street, every WEDNESDAY Morning, at S o'clock. Returning, she will feave'BtoHHHv Commerce street Wharf. Baltimore, every SATUR¬ DAY Afternoon, at 4 o'clock. She will stop at tha IauiMiigB en both sides of the river, going and re¬ turning. Freight taken at very low rates. For further particulars appl v to TH08. W. RILEY, Asent, ap IS-TAFSm Riley's Wharf, foot of llth st. POTOMAC TRANSPORTATION LINE FOB BALTIMORE. Making freight connection at AQUIA CREEK with RICHMOND. FREDERICKS¬ BURG AND FOTO'MAC RATT.ROAn « The steamer EXPRESS. Captain A.».¦ C. Nickle. aud steamer KENNEBEC. Captain Jno. H.Wilson, leave Washington from Sixth street Wharf, every WEDNESDAY and SATURDAY, at 6 a. m., for Baltimore, and usual way landings en Potomac river. Returning, leave Baltimore ever* TUESDAY and FBIDAY74p.m. ¦««.*** For further information apply to _ _ J. B. BRYAN A BRO., mh 18-tf No. 34S Pennsylvania ave. J^ICKET DISEASES. SAMARITAN'S GIFT! 8AMARITA1T8 GIFT! THE MOST CERTAIN BEMEDY EVER USED "Yes, A PositiveOumx,"for qQNORRH(KA, GLEET, STRICTURES, 4c. Contain* no Mineral, no Balsam.no Mercury. 0*/v Ttn Pills to be Taken to Eject . Cur*. They are entirely vegetable, having no smell nor any unpleasaut taste, and will not in anyway in¬ jure the stomach or bowels of the most delicate Cures in irom two to four days, and recent caaea in .¦twenty-four hours." Prepared by a graduate of the University of Pennsylvania, one of the most eminent Doctors and Chemists of the present dav- no exposure,mo troubls. no change tekmiener. ' Let those who have despaired of getting: cared, or who have been gorged with Balsam Copavla or Mer¬ cury, try the SAMARITAN'S GIFT. __ . Sent by mail in a plain envelop*. Price.Male packages, #J. Female, fa. BLOOD/ BLOODt BLOOD' -.JWROFULA. ULCERS. SOBE8 SPOTS, TETTERS. SCALE8, BOILS. SYPHILIS, OB VENEREAL DISEASES. Ac. SAMARITaITS ROOT AND HERB JUICM Is offered the pnblic as a positive cure. SYPHILIS OR VjENEBEAL itlSBAHBSl tha SAMARITAN'S BOOT AND HEBB JUlci is » most potent, certain and effectual remedy ever pre¬ scribed; it reaches and eradicates every particle of years DO NOT DESPAIB! ER?jrntals will remove every vestige of impurities from th» happily adapted, in Ulcerated Uterus, in Leooor-I happily adapted, in Ulcerated Uterua, in Leooor- rhaa, In bearing down, Falling of the Womb, da- biuty, and from al) complaintsincident te the eexv Bent by express. Price #1 m per bottle. . . SAMARITANS WASH syf^di^bssissf '* *"» Fnll directions. Price 25 cento. The efficacy of these remedies Is a<ike MkiMvW ST wa** ihc sIcT15S*'^lilITD?JsTH* >uu (au., Bi ¦old by 8. C, FORD, corner 1Mb street aad Penn- .ylva&la avenue, WashJngten; HENBT COOK;AJ- NV Weeks' War; by B. sr- BwbHo X lHIHawir BaiMte*

THE STAR. SPECIAL TT', PitAjMtKT :JutW'k Ag^snameimpli**. · 2017. 12. 13. · THEEVENINGSTAR. I'tilt of rnrti and Hfd|«. AniIllinois correspoadent of the Country tirmtltinan writes:..Theenormous

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Page 1: THE STAR. SPECIAL TT', PitAjMtKT :JutW'k Ag^snameimpli**. · 2017. 12. 13. · THEEVENINGSTAR. I'tilt of rnrti and Hfd|«. AniIllinois correspoadent of the Country tirmtltinan writes:..Theenormous

THE EVENING STAR.I'tilt of rnrti and Hfd|«.

Ani Illinois correspoadent of the Countrytirmtltinan writes:..The enormous coat of fencing -with postsand boards has driven he farmers of OentralIllinois largely la to planting hedges, ud one

ran scarcely ride a miM la Champaign countybut be sees more or leas rods of hedge trans¬planted on:, the current year. 1 havs figurednpr be cos: of a three-board fence per rod foreighty rods.that ia a quartar of a mile, or thefence necessary on one aid* of a forty acretract Tbc cost in Central Illinois of thematerial delivered on the ground will bepretty nearly as follows:l.®H)fa«t fenclnr. at .*» per l,f«Ob. m...S59 4Plf>5 oak posts, at 15c. each 24 4544 lbs. 8d. fence nails at 9c 3 s®Building H> rods, at »c. per rod 00

$103 P3"The dimenaiona of the boards used in the

abe\e estimate are sixteen feet long, six insheswide and one inch thick. I put the estimateat tbe lowest, and the fence is the least pos¬sible fence that will turn stock. The coat tnenis ?l .«& per Tod, or *4lfl ii P*r °*

(than «1(» an a«re on a forty-acre tract, ttuisuch a fence will require renewing as oftenas once in ten years, so tbat the coat of h®*P*mg np the fencing on a forty-acre tract wouldbe equal to paying off a mortgage of $10 parfecrf f'Ypry t^D yptirB.

. It is thl-t enormous outlay and drain whichhas driven our farmers to hedging, and almostexclusively wirb the Osage orange. Hedgeplants are extensively gTown by nurserymenand others engaged in the business, and theplants sell from Stf to #5 per thousand. Thereare parties who contract to make hedges, butthe better and surer practice seems to be torthe farmer to grow his own plants, and raiseand trim his own hedges. The cost of the for¬mer per rod 1 have heard estimated at fromOt) cents to*l, at fonr years old.I should putat the highest figures The Osage orangedoes well here everywhere, except in standingwater. In the old, unprnned hedges herea¬bouts the female trees, which are few In pro¬portion to the male trees and a more vigoroushab.t, bear good crops of Osage orange annu¬ally. and t>e seed ripens and vegetates aswell as tbat brought from Arkansas, the homeof the Bois d'Arc. In five or ten years thefsce of the country will be a good dealchanced by the hedges, and I suppose attbe end ol that time we shall have experiencedeome change. Hedges are great protectors, ifnot breeders, of all kinds of vermin, destruc¬tive alike to grain and fruits, and if they arefound in some measure to ameliorate andmodify onr climate, 1 fear these advantageawill t>e more than compensated for by theprotection they afford to rabbit?, rats, mice,birds and insects."

Fatal Accidenta from Mewing Machines.The great number of serious and fatal ac¬

cidents wnich are reported every year asarising from carelessness in handling mowingmachines, or from drivers being thrown offfrom their seats in fron* of them, has led tomuch thought, both on the part of conscien¬tious manufacturers and others, to preventench occurrences. Some mowing machinesare pecnliary liable to tbrow the driver off ongoing over rough gronnd, or when the cutterbar strikes a fixed obstacle. They should beavoided by purchasers, as one would anytreacherous, dangerous thing. When acci¬dents occur and are reported in tbe papers,ibe nsme of the machine should be given.M e should like to publish a list showing thenumber of each machine in use, the number ofaccidents to those using them, could a lair onebe made out.Some years ago a lady of Burlington, N. J.,

invented an arrangement far throwingtbe knives out of the gear the instant th®driver s weight was taken from the aeat.We never knew of its being put to use Therebave been several other guards contTived,generally, however, not applicable to all ma-chines.We received a suggestion in a letter from

Mr. J. S. Hammond, of Scarsdale, which weregard as eminently practical and sensible,and believe it will be the m egns ol savingmany lives and limbs. Hesays:

..As the mewing seaaen Is rapidly approach¬ing I disiretomafce known a simple device,which 1 have employed dnring two seasons,to prevent being thrown from my mowingmachine. It Is well known that serious acci¬dents have been thus produced. It is this:1 take a strong leather strap, about thirtyincbet long, and pissing one end between thebars on the left aide of the seat, (generally ofopen iron-work,) buckle, so as to make a loop.Put the left arm through this loop. Let theloop be long enough to allow free use of the armin driving, and at the same time to steady tbebody The right arm must be free to workthe machine. Should the machine atriks ahidden obstacle, the atrap will prevent theriCer lrom bsing thrown to the right aide, orforward, upon the knives, and will inmostcases enable him to keep hla seat. Properlyadjusted, it will not interiere with the man¬agement of the team or the machine.".Amer-jean Agriculturist.- fgr The New York police have been payingattention to the lottery swindlers, and onWednesday crushed two of them.one a pre¬tended Masonic affair, and the other a grandgilt scheme.

The editor of an Iowa paper says thatthe heavens were black, one day last week,with wild geese flying South, and conse¬quently presages that winter will be here inSeptember.V A young German girl, named Louisa

Miller, attempted to shoot her former lover onThursday night at St. Louis, falling in whichthe shot and killed hersell.¦y The Davenport brothers are performing

In Berlin as simple jngglera, the authoritieshaving refused to grant them a license for aperformance by any other name.& The Albany ^a.) News has been sus¬

pended by General Pope, on tne generalcharge of disloyalty.¦y Nashville, Tennessee, has never nsed



t'HARLES (JAt'TlER respectfully invites attaction to hi« NATIVE WINE BITTERS, madefrom a recipe of many years' standing, which hasacquired an unequalled reputation wherever it hasbeen used as a preventive of all miasmatic and ma¬larial diseases. It invigorates the muscles, purifietthe blood, corrects the action of the liver and kidneys, promotes digestion, establishes regularity inthe female system, and is admirably adapted asscure for all diseases of females arising from debility.Being made of native wiue and th* boat vegetabletonics, it cannot be surpassed as an appetizer andinvigcrator early in the morning, and before mealcgenerally; and, being perfectly free from every¬thing nauseous and unpleasant, may be nsed notonly with safety at all times, but is confidently re¬commended to persons of both sexes as a gentleetiimilant. though powerful tonic, whenever suchan article is needed or desired. No family should1» without it. as it will supply a great desideratumin strengthening and invigorating growing children. by whom it may l»e used with perfect impunity.As the s-eason for malarial and miasmatic diseases

ik w apvroaching. this article is offered as beingwithoct a rival as a preventative of all diseases oftbe summer and autumn, and a general invigora-tor of the human system in adults and children, aswell as males and females.KOB SALE WHOLESALE AND RETAIL.The trade is respectfully invited to call.

C. GAUTIKB,Importer and D'.it'TQf Wines and Ltquorf,

jy 11 6m U*'2 Pennsylvania avenue.


Washisgtox, August 10,1867.On the petition of LAURA S. WHITE, admin¬

istratrix of the estate of Jonathan White, deceased,dt Antrim. N H.. praying for the extension of apatent granted to the said Jonathan White thelith day of November. 1853. for au improvement in1'nitiug Shovel Blades to Handle Straps for sevenyears from the expiration of said patent, whichtakes place on the 15th day of November, 1 >57 :

It is ordered that the said petition be heard attbe Patent Office on MONDAY, the 28th day oftktober next,at 12o'clock M.; and all persons arenotified to appear and show cause, if any theyfcave. why said petition ought not to be granted.Persona opposing the extension are required to

Hie in tho Patent Office their objections, specially«* t forth In writing, at least twenty days before theday of hearing All testimony filed by either partytobt-UM-d at the said hearing must be taken andtransmitted in accordance with the rules of tbe of¬fice. which will be furnished «n application.Depositions and other papers relf*d Q pon as testi¬mony must be filed in the office twenty days beforeth- day of hearing: the arguments, if any, withinten days after filing the testimony.Ordered, also, that this notice be rnblished in the

Republican and the Intelligencer. Washington, D.C\, and in the Telegraph. Nashua. N. H.. once. week for three successive weeks, the first of said

Cblit ations to be at least sixty days previous to¦ day of hearing. T. C. THEAKER,au it w3w Commissioner of Patenta.

K * 0 "¦ A C I

CTBrTSfe'- w «>«?,!?»«;»«¦~ "«'. "SSSli'S, Bolt4* ««.


1 thecelebrated Rachel, with whom ho arrived la thlacountry, baa.now boon established for tho lasteight yeera in Waahingtoa sad Newport, anuria*tbe patronage of the corp* dtfiemmtinmi, aod of thehighest society. Be has thehonor toHMM thatWats this season imported the latest fashionshair dressing, and also pomadeo, aod svthat beioqga to tho dressing of hair at very __

>te prices ia7

I" ROM PAU18 DIRECT.Paul Maurice: toeTyrsns d« Village, 46 cents. SouHe: Le PortdeCreteil, 49 cents. Soulie: HuitJonrs au Cba-tesu; ents. Becer de Uanvoir: Histoiree Cava¬liers, 46 rents. Lamartino. Leo Confidences. 49eents. Golan: La dernlere Soeur Orise; 46 seats.Pontmartin. I'ontes d'nn Plaateur de Choux; 45««nt«. Handeaa . t»acs st Parcbemina; 4* soots.Paod : Teverisu, 45 cents. ».as M fAAflCK TAYLOR.



" r' /. - TT', 'SS Mm* wi I* «/«"¦"'% ariZ/rc»imatarious, marshy nuatmaiu

Ag^snameimpli**." <k**fail, rontaining JffcJr!a*ninth. Zinc, »orBui.st inep itiQ Bowiw tnjnrei ®ii> p«tient The nuinl«er and importance of its cnree in

-.v.,. 4r.e tiigtrieta are literally beyond account, and.T Kve without a parallel In the history ofAsne medicine. Our pride is gratified by the ac¬knowledgement* receive of the radical <nir^>^ftected in obstinate caees, and where other remediesb linacclVmated persons, either resident in. ortravelling through miasmatic localities, will beirMectedl.v taking.the AGUE CURE daily.

4For LIVER COMPLAINTS, arising from tor¬pidity of the Liver. It is an excellent remedy,stimulating the Liver into healthy activity.For Bilious Disorders and Liver Complaints, it

is an excellent remedy, nroducins many trnly re¬markable cures, where other medicines had failed.Prepared by Dr. J. C. AYER A CO.. Practical

and Analytical Chemists, Lowell, Mass., and soldall roundthe world.

_Price. ,fl per bottle. Z. D. GILMAN,sc 2-dAweo3in Agent, Washington.


Is the best article known to preserve the hair. Itwill positively restore


It is an entirely new scientific discovery,combin¬ing many of the most powerful and restorativeagents in the vegetable kingdom.Ii makes the Hair smooth and flossy, and does not

stain the .'kin.*,I" jg recommended and used by the first Medical

authority.. . . ,l or sale by all druggists. Price 81 00.R, P. HALL a L'/.i

uu21-eo2m Nashua, N. 11., Proprietors.LAW OF HUMANITY,

IN RELATION TO SOCIAL BVILS.AN ESSAY FOR YOUNG MEN, on PbjjtcalErrors and Abuses incident to Youth and EarlyManhood, vrith the humane view of treatment and

cure. Sent in sealed letter envelope, free of charge.Address Dr. J. SKILL1N HOUGHTON, HowardAssociation, Philadelphia, Pa. my l&-3n

FREE lO EVERYBODY.A Large 6 pp. Circular, giving information of the

greatest importance to the young of both sexes.It teaches how the homely mar become beautiful,the despised respected, and the forsaken loved.No young lady or gentleman should fail to send

their Address, and receive a copy post-paid, by re¬turn mail. Address P. O. Drawer 31.ap3-dAweoly Troy, New York.

SECRET DISEASES.Samaritan"* Gift is the most certain, safe, andeffectual remedy.indeed, the only vegetable rem-edy ever discovered. Cures in two to four days, andrecent cases in twenty-four hours. No mineral, nobalsam, no mercury. Onlytenpillstobetaken.ltis the soldier's hope, and a friend to those who do

not want to be exposed. Male packages, $2; fe¬male. 83.Samaritan's Root and Herb JricEs..A posi¬tive and peimanent cure for 8pyhilis, Scrofula, Ul¬

cers, Sores, Spots, Tetters. Ac. Price 81.25 per bot-tie. Sold bv S. C. Ford. 8eeadvertisement, my 8



The Company would state that their work con¬tinues to be pushed forward with great rapidity,and


and stocked with locomotives, cars, aud all the ap*pnrtenances of a first class road.The amount already paid in by stockholders of

the Company is 85j(M).OUO.The aid received from the H. 8. Government in

constructing this portion of 425 miles is.1. A Donation ofl2,800 acresof adjacent

lands to the mile (nearly all very val¬uable,) amounting to 5,400,000 acres

2. U. S. Six per cent. Currency InterestBonds, which are a second lien, at therate of $16,000 to the mile amounting,for 425 miles, to 86Jft',000

The amount of the Company's own FirstMortgage Bonds on 425 miles is 86,30:',(W0

It will be seen that, trelusive of the landgrant, the First Mortgage Bonds represent onlyabout ome third of the value of the property onwhich they are secured. The Company is also re¬strained by its charter from issuing its bonds ex¬cept as the work progresses, and to the sameamount on the various sections as are issued bythe Government The mortgage which se¬cures the bondholders is made to Hon. E. D. Mor¬gan, U. S. Senator from New York, and Hon. OakeBAmes, Member of the U. 8. Home of Representa¬tives from Massachusetts, as Trustees, who alonecan issue the bonds to the Company, and who areresponsible for their issue iu strict accordance withthe terms o( the Uw»A statement of the earnings for the last quarter

will be published ju detail at an early day; but theaccounts are already sufficiently balanced to showthat the net amount is much greater than the goldinterest on the bonds that can be issued on thelength of road operated. It should be rememberedthatthe«e earnings are only upon a tray businessin anew and undeveloped country, and are no indexof the vast traffic that must follow the completionof the whole line to the Pacific in 1870. These factsare only intended to show that these Bonds arestrictly one of the safest, as well as one of the mostprofitable, securities, and are fully entitled to theconfidence of the public. The Company make noappeal to the public to purekaee its Bonds, as thedaily subscriptions are large, and fully equal totheir wants.Many parties are taking adrantage of the present

high price of Government stocks to exchange forthese bonds, which are over 15 per cent, cheaper,and, at the current rate of premium on gold,pay


30 Nassau street, and byCONTINENTAL NATIONAL BANK, No. 7

Nassau street;CLARKE, DODGE A CO., Bankers, No. 51 Wall

street;JOHN J. CISCO A SON, Bankers, No. 33 Wall

street;and by BANKS AND BANKERS generallythroughout the United States, of whom maps anddescriptive pamphlets may be obtained.

JOHN J. CISCO,Treasurer, New York.August 15.18S7 an 21-eo5t


OF WASHINGTON, D. C.,Chartered by Special Act of Congress for the


VALUABLE PAPERS,And all descriptions of Valuables, and for th




_GEORGE o. EVANS, Vic* President.WM. S. HUNTINGTON, Trbasvbeb.w

B. P. SNYDER, Secretary.Office HotB* : From 9 o'clock a. m. to ft o'clock



/COLUMBIA HOSPITAL FOB WOMENLYTNG IN ASYLUM, , _ AFourteenth street,{circle.)corner of M tweet,Washington, D. C.

This Institution haa been established for the re¬ception of patients who may be suffering from dis¬eases peculiar to their sex, and for the admissionof sucn females as may require the comfort* of thelying-in chamber.The building is situated in the most healthy por¬tion of the District, surrounded by itsown grounds.

Cars pass the door every five minutis.Terms of admission: From 86 to 810 P*r week, in

accordance with the room required, payable in ad¬vance. This inclndes Board, Medicines, Medicaland Surgical attendance.

M * BBoSosAs ''

1« ICONSULTING PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS.JOS. K. BARNES, M. D., 8urgeon General, Cnite<i States Army. . .

Orders for admission to the free bedsi In this hos¬pital, (of which there are can be obtained ofUmBurgeon 1b chief at thit offlc#. 184 I street, or ofany of the Medical staff, and of the Revs. Drs. Hall,Gorley, Gillette, and Coombs.

. . .Wives and widows of soldiers dMlring admiaslouwill apply to the Surgeon General, United State*army.

pHEAP EDITIONS.-Byron's Worki, illna-\J trattd; only cents. Shakspeare, illustrated;40 cents. Shaksneare,edited by Knight; 82. Th*ck-






*°Ld Pnblic Auction, on MONDAY,the 3d day of September next, at» o'clock p. m., onthe premises, a valuable lot of ground. in squareHo. 110. being part of lot 5 in that square, fronting21 feet on 20th street west, between (J and H streetsnorth, and running back 149 feet 10 inches to a 11-foot alley.Terms: One-half cash, and the balance in Sand

11 months, for notes satisfactorily endorsed, bear¬ing interest. deposit to he made at time of sale.All conveyancing and revenue stamps at the coetofthe pnrchaeer.an 80-3t M. K. WALSH A Co., Ancto.

BY GREEN A WILLIAMS, Auctioneers.No. 626 Southeast corner 7th and D its.

VALUABLE PROPERTY, BOUNDED BYNORTH 8 AND BOUNDARY STREETS,AND TWENTIETH STREET AND CONNECTI¬ON AT®AU&I^N.^ CITY °F WA8H1NOOn MONDAY, the 2d day of September next, weshall sell, on the premises, at five o'clock P. M ,

one undivided third part of Square No. 90, bounded as above mentioned, the whole square, contain¬ing 39,792 square feet of gronnd. There are on it agood two-story brick and one frame house, withother necessary ont-houses, and a well of excellentwater on the premiees.Terms: One-third cash;balance In6 and 12months,for notes bearing interest.A deed given and a deed of trust taken.All conveyancing and revenue stamps at the pur¬chaser's cost.$200 to be paid when the property is sold.

GREEN A WILLIAMS,au 27 tds Auctioneer*.

TO-MORROW.Y NAGLE A CO., Auctl^-ers,296 Pa. are., bet. Srth and 10th streets.

TUESDAY, September 3d, 1857, at 10 o'clock, wewill sell at our Sales-roomlOOdozcn canned Fruits and Meats,2.1 dosen canned Pickles and Chow Chow,10 nests Tubs and Buckets.20 gross Matches,25 gross Blacking,

ALSO,A large assortment of Dry GoodsShoes, Wines, Liquors and Groceries.

ItNAGLE A CO., Auctioneers.

BY WM. L. WALL A CO., Auctioneers.Stores 316 and 317,Southwest corner Penn'a avenue and 9th street.


sell, within the stores, a lot of Groceries, Ac.; con¬sisting of.Sugars, Segars.Cheese, bbls. Vin^szar,to libls. Whisky, different brands.Octaves Brandy,Oases Champagne.Boxes Soap and Starch,With other ginvds in the Grocery line, all of which

will be peremptorily soldItW. L. WALL A CO.. Ancts.

Y WM. L. WALL A CO., Auctioneers,Original Horse and Carriage Bazaar.No. Louisiana are., bet. 9th and 10th Sta.


On TUESDAY MORNING. September 3d. at 10o'clock, we will sell at the BazaAr, a number ofSaddle, Carriage and Work Horses, (a full descrip¬tion at sale.) comprising about

THIRTY HORSES.Among them are good Farm and Work Horses.

Also.A large collection of New and Second-hand

Buggies. Rockaways, Carriages, Wagons, andother Vehicles.Two new Jenny Liud Wagons, built in this city.

Also,New and second-hand Harness, Saddles, Carriages,Ac., at private sale.Regular sales days, Tuesdays, Thursdays, andSaturdays.Carriages and Harness always on private sale.Terms cash.se 2 W. L. WALL A Co.. Ancts.

BY COOPER & LATIMER, Auctioneers.(Lateclerks with J. C. McGu4re A Co.,)Southwest corner of Penn'a avenue and 11th street.

Star Office Building.ROSEWOOD PIANO~~FORTE. HOUSEHOLDAND KITCHEN FURNITURE AT AUCTION.-On TUESDAY. September 3d. at lo o'clock a. in.,

we shall sell at No. 04 Louisiana avenue, between4H and 6th streets, the Household and KitchenFurniture of a lady declining housekeeping, con-fisting of.Rosewood case Piano Forte, 7 octave, by Gilbert A

Co., BostonPiano Stool and CoverWalnut ("enter TablesBrussels and Three-ply Carpets. RugsPlush-covered Sofa* and Arm ChairsWalnut Hair-cloth Sofa and Arm ChairOak and Painted Cottage SuitesWalnut and Mahogany 'Wardrobes, Bedsteads and

BureausFeather Beds, Bolsters and PillowsHair and Husk Mattresses, Spreads. Sheets, Ac\\ alnut Hat RackOilCloth and DruggetWalnut Extension Dining Table. ShadesCane and Wood-seat Chairs, RefrigeratorOne large Stewart Cook Stove,Chamber StovesCrockery. China and Glasswaregtone China and Tin Toilet Sets. Ac., AcTogether with a general assortment of Dining-

room and Kitchen Furniture.Terms cash. COOPER A LATIMER,au30-dts Auctioneers.

BY JOHN B. WnEELER A CO.. Auctioneers,No. 61 Louisana avenue, bet. tith and 7th sts.,

opposite Seaton House.


o'clock, we will offer for sale, in front of our auc¬tion rooms,61 Louisiana avenue, the private stockof a gentleman about leaving the city, consist¬ing of.One pair brown, matched Pnnie=.fine travellers.Two stylish bsv M»res, well broken to either sin-

el© or double harness,One Kos-utli Mare trots fast, and is perfectly kind

and gentle.These Horses are not sold for any faults, but be¬

cause the owner has no further use for them.Terms cash.au 31-td J. B. WHEELER & CO.. Aacts.

UY COOPER A LATIMER. Auctioneers.O (Late clerks with J. C. McGnire A Co.,)Southwest corner «f Penn'a avenue and 11th street,


6o'clock.p. in., on the premises, we will sell, tenvery desirable Building Lots, being original LotsNos. 11 and 12, in Square No. 177. having a front of100 feet on the west side of 16th street west, and 151feet 7 inches an T street north.This property is in a desirable anil rapidly im¬

proving locality. in close proximity totheltthst.railroad. The grading of l ith street being in prog¬ress. and one of the w idest streets, willniake itoneof the finest in the city.Terms of sale : One-half cash, balance in six and

twelve months, with interest, seenred by deed oftrust. All conveyaucing and revenue stamps atcost of pnrchaser.an29-dAds COOPER A LATIMER, Aucls.

Bv SHANNON A LEAHY, Auctioneers,Y SnAJtj> B.Lewis A Co.)(Late ** -3»07 pennSyivama avenue.

To be sold on acconnt of non compliance with termsof former purchaser.


On TUESDAY next. Sept. 3d. at 5i«o'clock p.m.,on the premises, we will sell a Lot 20 feet front, on9th street, between O and P streets, by 94 feet 6 in¬ches, to a 12-feet paved alley, improved by threestory Brick Dwelling. In good order, having beenlately painted and papered throughout.Terms: Cash; §80 down at sale. Conveyancing

and ttalnpe at tbe expense of tliepurchaser.au 31-3t SHANNON A LEAHY, Ancts.


at 6 o'clock p.m., on the premises, part of Lot 13,in Square 404, fronting 41 feet 2 inches on Vir¬ginia avenue, between 4.-« and 6tli streets west,and running back about 125 feet.Terms: One-tbfrd cash; balance in six, twelve,

and eighteen months. Conveyancing and stampsat the cost of the purchaser.au 30-3T GREEN A WILLIAMS, Ancts.

BY D. L. WELL8 A CO., Auctioneers.N. W. corner Louisiana avenue and 6th st.



Co'clock p m., on the premises, we shall sell allthose three two-story Frame Dwelling Houses, offour rooms each, and lot 80x!2t, with two smallFrame Dwellings on rear of lot. as also large FrameStable. The buildings are all new, umier goodrent, and in a healthy and rapidly improvingneighborhood.Terms One-third cash; balance 6 and 12 months,

with notee bearing Interest, secured by deed ortrust. §100 down at sale. Conveyancing andstamps at purchaser's cost.se 2 dAds P. L. WELLS A CO., Ancts.1>Y WM. L. WALL A CO., Auctioneer*.D Stores 316 and 317,

Southwest corner Penn'a avenue and 9th street.


mencing at 10 o'clock, we will sell without reserve,by catalogue.477 Blocks of Marble lying around the Capitol

grounds.Terms of sale are: Cash in Government funda.The stone to be removed within <Cen day* after-

sale.A deposit will be required.Catalogues to be bad of the auctioneers.Bjr order.au»6 d W. L. WALL A CO., Ancto.



J. MABKRITEB,No. 4»6 7tb street,fray-Tan* between D and E streets.


B. 0. BOOB,pariee




Y* K. WALSH k 00, AncUowei*.Bo. flea Peiin».»TOot»«,conwrJOUiBtre«l.



nit avenue, above 17th street, the effectsol agen¬tleman declining housekeeping, *M name in part-

Parlor and Bedroom Carpets, nearly newOne fine Cottage Rett. W piece*, nearly newCan* Dining Chair*. Lounge*Feather Beds. Pillows, MattresseoBedsteads, WashstandsOne fine Latrobe StoveTables, Safe, BlanketsSheets, Comfort*, Spreads,"Window ShadesMarble-top Table. Clock, MirrorCook Stove and FixturesTin Ware, 4c., . , .Together with the usual assortment of Crockeryand Kitchen Utensils. ,B C. BROOK ER, Salesman,

au y>-4t M. K. WALSH A CO., Aucts.

By COOPER * LATIMER, Auctioneers, '

(Late clerks with J. C. McGuire A Co.,)Southwest corner Penn. avenne and 11th street,

Star Office Building.TRUSTEES SALE 0~F~ THE. GOOD WILL,LEASE. DIXTURE8,Ac.. OF A jmtST-CLASSFANCY STORE, ANi) 80DA WATER ESTAB¬LISHMENT, corner of 15th Street and Pennsyl¬vania Avenue, at Auction.By virtue of a deed of trust, dated February 1st,A. D. IMS, and recorded in Liber H. G.'T., No. 80,folios 496 and 497, of the land records of Washing¬

ton county,D. C., I shall sell at 10 o clock A. M.on THURSDAY, September 5th, 1867, tbe goodwill, lease and contents of the above named estab¬lishment. We name in part.One very superior Soda Water apparatus, com¬plete in all its parts.Marble top Counters, and silver-plated ShowCasep.Rosewood Cigar Case, Gas Fixtures.Solid Walnut Upright 8how Cases.Bathing Towels, Hair and Clothes Brushes.Combs, Toilet Soaps, and Pomades.Pocket books. Satchels, Tooth Brushes.Together with a large assortment of Toilet and

Fancy Goods of American and European manufac¬ture.

. , .The above will be sold entire at private sal* anytime beYore the day of sale by application to theAuctioneers, or to be offered entire at auction, ifbo Hpiij red '


an30-dts Auctioneers.W. L. WALL A CO., Anctioneers,Stores 315 and 317, south corner Pa. ave.

and »th street.


mencing at 10 o'clock, we will sell, at No. 2ti7 Tenthstreet west, between north 0 and 1'. the entireFurniture. Ac., in paid house. We name in part:One nearly new Extension Table.Two Perfect Cottage Setts.Parlor Chairs and C. S. Cliairs.Nearly new Hair and Shuck Mattresses.Ingram and H'-rap Carpets.Table Linen, Ac.. Ac.1 Green Rep. Lounge.With a variety of other articles not enumerated.The contents of the house are all nearly new, and

in good order.Terms : Cas,h. W. L. WALL A Co.,au29-td [Intel. 1 Auctioneers.

BY COOPER A LATIMER, Auctioneeru.(Late Clerks with J. C. McGuire A Co.,)

8ontbwest corner Penn'a avenne and 11th street,Star Office Building.


Court of the District of Columbia, bearing date onthe 21st day of May, 18S7, ratified and approved bythe Supreme Court of the District of Columbia ontlie27»r. day of May. I8fi7.1 will sell at public auc¬tion. on tlie premises, on THURSDAY. the sth dayof September. A D. 18o7. at 5 o'clock p. m.. thesouth 49 feet 3 inches front of Lot Nc. 10, SquareNo. 402, running back with that width 70 feet.

Also,Kt 5*4 o'clock p. m.. on the same day, I will sell

Lot No. in in Square 514. This property is situatedin the city of Washington, and although unim¬proved, is highly valuable.Terms: One-third cash, and the residue in six

and twelve months, with interest, secured to thesatisfaction of the guardian. All conveyancingand stamps at cost of purchaser. It the terms ofsale are not complied with in five days, the guardiau reserves the right to resell at the risk andcost of the defaulting purchaser, upon five days'notice in the National Intelligencer.nonce in i

VIRGINIA noLLINGSWORTH,Guardian of Margaretta B Doughty.

COOPER A LATIMER, Aucts.an 21-W i F.M AdsY NAGLE A CO,, Auctioneers,

Salesroom 295 Pa. av.,bet.9th andlOthsts.NAGLE A CO. will give their personal attention

to the sale of Real Estate and Household Furniture.Also, to the sales of stocks of Groceries, Wines,Liquors, and Merchandise of every description,Horses. Carriages, Harness. Ac.Liberal cash advances made on consignment.Regular Bales at our Salesroom every TUESDAY,THLRSDAY, and SATURDAY, at 10 o'clock.jall-tf NAGLE A CO., Auctioneers.

A FLOUR, Ac.SSORTMENT OF FLOUB COMPLETE-All grades of FAMILY,All grades of EXTRA,All grades of BUPKR, _*-¦SWfMftPXV-AssortmenttogeAjjU.., (

All kinds of Mill Feed, Hay, Straw, Ac.Ground Alum and Fine Salt, oifery low ratu, by

W. M. GALT A CO.,Indiana avenue and 1st street,Ap 27 near Baltimore Depot.


AT LEAST 50 PER CENT SAVED.Just received a large lot of fine RYE WHIS¬

KIES from the best West Virginia distilleries,which I will offer at the following reduced prices,vie At #2.S0, 83.25, $4 and «6per gallon retail.Wholesale purchasers will find a great deductionfrom tbe above prices. I will also offer a GIN at.2.76 per gallon retail, superior to any Gin soldelsewhere than at this house for less than 84.50 the

^Received besides a large lot of Imported SHER¬RIES direct from Europe, and in bond at NewYork transferable to Georgetown custom-house;100 casks of Cadiz SHERRY and 90 casks of Cetteor French SHERRY. The Cette Sherry, such asthe New York. Philedelphia and Baltimore houseshave been selling to city dealers, according to theirgenerosity, at from 83. $3.50, and $4 per gallon. Iwill sell same article at 82.60 per gallon rehiU and82 per gallon wholesale. C- GAUTIER,ap2-ly Importer, 3J3 Penn'a avenne.

\\T H I 8 K E R B

M U 8 TAA C HE8IForced to grow upon the smoothest face *n f..

three to five weeks by using Dr. 8EVIGNE S RES¬TAURATEUR CAPlLLAIRE, the most wonder¬ful discovery in modern science, acting upon theBeard and Hair in an almost miraculous man¬ner It has been used by the elite of Paris andLondon with the most flattering success..Namesof all purchasers will be registered, and if entiresatisfaction is not given in every instance, themoney will be cheertully refunded. Price by mail,SM and postpaid 81 DewrJlil^ciSS.15r?-Ttffius" *".


HAIR EXTERMINATOR IIFOB REMOVING SUPERFLUOUS HAIR.To the ladles especially, this invaluable depila¬

tory recommends itself as being an almost indispensable article to female beauty, is easily ap-

Slied does not burn or injure the skin, but actsirectly on the roots. It is warranted to remove

superfluous hair from low foreheads, or from anvother part of the body, completely, totally and radi¬cally extirpating the same, leaving the skin sott,smooth and natural. This is the only articleused by the French, and|g the only real effectualdepilatory in existence. Price 76 cents per pack¬age, sent post paid, to any address, on receipt of asorder, b^sB0ER gjjCTTS 8 CO., Cbemisti,an 3-DAWeoly 28® River street. Troy, N. Y.

Tycoon japan tea,So much admired by the recent Japan-

ese Commissioners, from whom we have a m|letter of compliment foHts^Kellenos^ ^King Place,Corner Vermont ave. aadUXat


DEPA WMtIb"jlTEs'plTE'NTbFFICEministrator of the estate of George Wellnian, de-jfH '¦A.'Stfc «« W.":

Jfufi (Tvlr BiVae on the 6tb day oi December, 1887:wvj,5 th*t?be said petition be heard at the

w lib tt.

flC&»ontion* an^oSer papers re?&d npon attest!-



iel^tf Corner 10th street and canal,


GOVERNMENT SALES.1Z ALOBAMA HOSPITAL BUILDINGS ATIV A AUCTION. , _ ,Depot Quarts*masterV Offick, jWashington D. C., September a, 18SMWill be sold at public auction, ©J directioniofthe

Quartermaster Ocatrll, on THURSDAY. Sjtptem-ber 12. st 11 o'clock * m., the following buildings,comprising Kalorama Hospital, to wit:


4 Buildings. 22x151 feet. 1 Kitchen, 26x30 feet.1 do., 22*176 feet. 1 do., 14x30 feet.1 do., 34x100 feet. 6 Sheds.1 do.. 20x 70 feet. 1 Stable.1 do., 2 story, 24x64 feet. 1 Tankldo..do., 20x64 feet. 1 Tank building.1 Building, 20xfi® feet. 4 Sinks.Terms: Cash in Government funds.Ten days will be allowed in which to remove the

b""li°7.5r*tfS?MRAH, B.,.t Brl,. 0..,,se 2 td Deputy Quartermaster General.ALE OF UNSERVICEABLE PBOV18IONS,CLOTHING, Ac.,

Navy Paymaster's Office, IWashington, D. C., Aug. Sfc, 1W7.(

By order of the Navy Department Bureau Pro¬visions and Clothing there will be sold at publicauction, for cash, to the highest bidder, at the In¬spection Office, Navy Yard, Washington,on WEDNESDAY, the 11th day of September. 18S7, at 10o'clock A.M., the following unserviceable stores,TlE'

PROVISIONS.4.200lbs. Bread; 24 MObbls. Beef; 2 27-203 bbls.

Pork; 50 93-98 bbls Flour; 738 lbe. Preserved Meat;550 U>h. Dried Apples; 35 lbs. Bice: 4,145 lbs. Pickles;60 lbs. Sugar; 73lbs. Coffer; 2310 lbs. Butter; 25.)lbs Dessfcattd Potatoes; 173 galls. Beans; 170galls.Molasses: 85 galls. Vinegar; 55 lbs Tomatoes; 370Bread Bags.

CLOTHING.65 B. C. Pea Jackets ; 3 B. C. Trowsers ; 6 B. Sat.

Trowsers ; 26 B. C. Round Jackets; 44 B. 8. Frocks;24 B. F. Overshirts; 26 B. F. Undershirts ;22 B. F.Drawers ; 122 yards Blue Satinet; 15®>i yards BlueFlannel: 6H yards Barnsley Sheeting ; 54yardsCanvas Duck ; 130*4 yards Bine Nankin ; 2 pairsBoots ; 40 pairs Calf-skin 8hoes ; 22 pairs Rip-skinShoes ; 9 Blankets ; 24 Mattresses ; 1 B.C. Cap ; 4Black Silk Handkerchiefs.

SMALL STORES.6.908 lbs. Tobacco: 190 lbs. S. W.Soap: 4 pairScissors ;9 Blacking Brushes ; 130Clothes Brushes;

6 Mess Kettles ; 8 Mess Pans ; 62 Tin Pots ; 50 bot¬tles Mustard.

CONTINGENT.30 lbs. Candles ; Lot of Stewards' Stores, (4 bro¬

ken sets.)CALVIN C. JACKSON.

au30 td Paymaster P. S. Navy.

J^ARGE SALE OF PUBLIC PROPERTY.Office Aim? Clothing and Equipage. I

St. Loins. Mo., Aneust 15.1867 sWiDbesold at public anction. at the Depot ofArmy Clothing and Equipage, No. 907 NorthMain street, St. Louis, on TUESDAY, the 3d dayofSeptember next, commencing at 11 o'clock a. m.,to be continued from day to day, the following ar¬ticles of army clothing and equipage;

72.000 Great Coats (footmen's. >58.000 Great Coats, (horsemen's.)Wi.uOO Uniform Hats.60.000 Ostrich Feathers.£0.000 flat Cords and Tassels, (bine.)60,000 Forage Caps.3,111 Uniform Frock Coats.46,000 Uniform Jackets.8.461 Veteran Reserve Jackets.32H Kent Jackets.

18.680 Lined 8ack Coats.66,212 Unlined Sack Coats.7.000 Overalls.6.000 Stable Frocks.83.425 Kent Shirts.6 945 Kent Drawers.20.0T0 Leather Neck Stocks.1 000 Worsted Sashes.282 pairs Boots.

16,653 pairs Bootees.12.880 pairs Trowsers, (footmen's.)15 600 pairs Trowsers, (horsemen's.)50.000 Haversacks.50/00 Knapsacks.2.r).000 Rubber Blankets,63.600 Woolen Blankets.20.0(0 Pickaxes.15.400 Pickaxe Handles.

These articles are all new, and offer great induce¬ments to dealers throughout the country.A small quantity of Damaged Property will be

sold at the same time and place. Samples of nil maybe seen at the depot within ten days of sale, andcatalogues had.Terms: Cash in Oovernment funds; ten percent,

down, the balance before the goods are taken fromtin-depot, which must be within five days after thesale, under forfeiture of the purchase and the tenper cent, deposited.By order ofthe Quartermaster General.

JOHN F. RODGERS,an 29-4t Capt. and Military Storekeeper. I?.8.A.UBL1C SALE OF GOVERNMENT HORSES

AT FORT MONROE, VA.Depot Quartermaster's Office.FortMonroe, Va.. August 23.18T7^Will be sold, at public sale, at Fort Monroe,

on THURSDAY, Sept. 5,1817. at 10 o'clock a. m.TWENTY HORSES, (more or less.)

These are very superior animals, perfectly soundand serviceable, well matched and worthy the at¬tention of dealers, aud those in need of first-classhorses.Terms: Cash, in Government funds.By order of the Quartermaster General.

THOS. G. WHYTAL,Brevet Lieutenant Colonel, and

an28-6t Assistant Quartermaster.GOVERNMENT SALE AT HILTON HEAD,S. C.

57. JJ, Va-,

GTl'.e following Ordnance property will be sold atpublic anction. at Ordnance Depot. Hilton.Head,8. C., onTL'ESDAY. September 24, 18j7, commenc¬ing at 10 a. m.:Al'out 4S0nett tons of Shot and Shell." 24i4 " I.oaded Shell.

"1841 ('minister Filled." 143a " Scrap Cast Iron." 10 " " Wrought Iron." 1 " " Brass.3 Artillery Carriages, iron.93 Wooden Artillery Carriages, ironed.53 Wooden Chases and Slides, ironed.0 Saddles, (Mcl'lell&n.)

84 Saddles.(Artillery.)50 Sets of Artillery Harness.

1330 Bridles.9>2 Cruppers,WO Sadale-bags.8500 Bayonet Scabbards.1120 Cartridge-boxes.1097 Cartridge box Belts.2312 Gun Slings.2332 Waist Belts.339 Bnllet Moulds,And a quantity of other property. consisting prin¬cipally of Rags, Ropes, Implements MiscellaneousTools, Ac., Ac.


Also, a two-story Frame Dwelling-house, of thefollowing dimensions: 42 feet front by 35*« feetdepth, containing eight spacious rooms.Terms: Cash on the day of sale, in I nited States

currency.Ample time allowed for the removal of propertv.

at tin* '"xpiratiou of which that not removed willrevert to the Government.By authority of Chief of Ordnance.

M.J. GKEALISH, Captain and M. 8 K.,an 26 dt»e21 In charge of Ordnance l>"pot.J^ABGE SALE OF NEW MATERIAL.

Depot Quartermaster's Office, /Washington. I). C.. August 15, 1857.\By direction of the Quartermaster General, a

large lot of New Quartermaster's Stores and HorseMedicines will be sold at public auction, at Lin¬coln Depot, under the supervision of BrevetLieutenant Colonel James M. Moore, Quartermas-IT. 8. A., on MONDAY. September 2, commencingat lOo'clock a m., consisting in part of.K8 lbs. Ingot Copper, 8.H0 feet Coil Chain,575 Cr.al Oil Burners, 90Coal Oil Lamps,4 000 Tin Cups. 5.000 Table Legs,2-TOO lbs. Iron Wire, 17.444 lbs. asst. Iron Nuts,668 lbs. R. R. aud other 7,481 lbs. Iron and CopperSpikes. Rivets,103 Car pen te rs ,' Ac., 14,648 Handles,Axe,Pick,Clamps. Plane, Ac.,7,679 lbs. Oil T a n n e d 110 Wagon Saddle-Trees,

Leather. 110 Wrenches, Goveru-846 lbs Sole Leather, ment pattern,2.483 lbs. Oakum, 9 Gang Saws,177 lbs. Mica. 244 yards Paper Mnslin,216 lbs. Packing Hemp, 1,382 feet Linen Hose,271 spools W. and B. 2(0 feet Gutta PerchaThread, Tubing,Also.130 lbs. Aloes, 300 lbs. Sulphate Cop-100 lbs. Calomel, per,100 lbs. Sugar Lead, 100 lbs. Alum,546 lbs. Sulphur. 362 lbs. Glauber Salts,100 lbs. Tartar Emetic. 100 lbs. Epsom Salts,75 lbs. Corrosive Subli- 100 lbs. Nitrate Potas-

mate. sjp,39 lbs. Iodide Potaasa, M lbs. Cream Tartar,447 lbB. Oils Juniper. Spike, Amber, Wintergreen,

British, Crotou, Hemlock. Ac., Ac.; 473 lbs .Tinc¬tures Lobelia. Ginger. Iodine, Myrrh, Hemlock,Ac.; Red Precipitate, Spatulas .Prescription Scales,Syringes, Ointment, do. J4rs, Ac., Ac.Catalogues of sale can be had 'upon application.Terms: Cash, in Government funds.By order of General Tompkins, Depot Quarter¬

master. JAMBS M. MOOBB,an 16-lSt Bvt. Lieut. Col.. Q. M. in charge.

Washington, August 9,1807.On the petition of ROBERT SINCLAIR, Jr.,and RICHARD F. MAYNARD,of Baltimore, Md.praying for the extension of a patent granted to

him the 15th day of November, 1863, for an improve¬ment in feed Boilers of Straw Cotters, for sevenyears from the expiration of said patent, whichtakes place on the 15th day of November, 1&37:It is ordered that the said petition be heard at the

Patent Office on MONDAr, the J8th day of Octo¬ber next, at 13 o'clock M.; and all persons are noti¬fied to appear and show cauae, If any they have,why¦aid petition ought not to be granted.Persons opposing the extension are required to

file in the Patent Office their objections, spoci ally

lO B« ueru »i tuu ire»nu« ».».» .¦ .

transmitted in accordance with the rules of theoffice, which will be furnished on application.Depositions and other papers relied upon as testi¬

mony must be filed in the office twenty days beforethe day of hearing; the arguments, if any, within"onfe?ed!\urso!that^jSi^otltwlM published in theBepublican and the Intelligencer. Washington. D.C., and in the American, Baltimore, Maryland,once a week for three successive wmks; the first ofaald publications to be at ieMt sixty 4*ys previous

"sax," Js&'iSU..F*£S£8eentsTTsonvestre: Un Philosophe sous lea TolU.ilcents. Bouvestre: La Goute D^lan; 48 cents. Du¬mas Fits: Aventures de huatre Fenrmes; 45 cents.Conscience: Le Demon de l'argent, 46 cents. Con¬science: La Flan de Village; 40 cents. Achard:

*46 °*nU' tbanck taylor.> A V * T1



CHBYBUX. One wairaptadcurl the most straight and stubborn hair of.iher se* into wavy rinalets, or heavycuria. Has been nsM bythefashionables

agents for the tfidtad "fitaiea."""'' api-dAweoiyrpHB BABLY YKABS OF'PBniCl T^BBBT,


PitAjMtKT orm I"T*mio}. J:JutW'ka

ment until lJotclock M . on TUESDAY, the 17thday of September, 1367, for tbe erectton of thejail, in and forth© District of Colombia, author¬ised and proTMed for by th« ftct of Congress, ap¬proved July 26. VW6. and the joint reflation ap-

sved March 2.1867.ihe designs, detail, drawings, and specificationscan be seen at the architect's offlce in the ea«tern

{rounds of the Capitol, Washington City, everyay except Sundays, between the bears ef . a. m.

and 3 p. m. *

Separate bids will be received for the masonrywork, brick work,iron work, andcarpentery work.The contractor whose bid may be accepted will

be required to enter into a sufficent bond, to beapproved by the Secretary of the Interior, for thefaithful completion of his contract. Pavraents willbe made as the work progresses, on estimates rer-tifledto by the architect, but twenty per centumof the estimates will be retained until the contractis completed. .. .The contract will be awarded to the lowest re¬sponsible bidder, bnt the department reserves theright to reject any or all of the bids should it bedeemed for the interests of the Government to doBOThe bids will be opened at noon on the 18th day

of September, in presence of inch of the biddersas may choose to attend.Proposals should be endorsed on the envelope:

"Proposals for New Jail." and be directed to thefemur, of th.an 31-t sel7 Secretary of the Interior.

PROPOSALS FOB CANNED FRUITS.Sealed Proposals in duplicate are invited till the

6th of September, 18«7. at 12 M., for furnishing theFnited States Subsistence Department with thefollowing Canned Fruits. viz:500cans Preserved Strawberries, <2lb. cans.)COO cans Preserved Raspberries, (2 lb. cans.)200rans Preserved Quinces,<2 lb. cans.)200cans Preserved Pineapples,(2 lb. cans.)100 cans Preserved Pears, (2 lb. cans.)200 cans Preserved Ginger, in tin cans, (2 lb.

cans.)2(0cans Damson Plums, (2 lb. cans.)100cans Preserved Grapes,(2 lb. cans.)All the above stores to be delivered to the Anchor

Press. in New Orleans, within twenty days afterthe opening of the bids, where they will tie care¬fully inspected, and the damaged cans r'jected.Samples of each of the above-named articles willbe required with the bids.No bids will be received from parties who have

heretofore failed to comply with their engage¬ments with any branch of the Government.Proposals to be directed to the undersigned and

marked "Proposals." A. BECKW 1TII,an 28-8td Brevet Maj. Gen. and C. 8., U. 8. A.



Corner tirant and Balderson streets,In Rear of No. 105 West Lombard st-.,

Baltimore. Md., August 27. lStf.Sealed Proposals in duplicate will be received by

the undersigned until 12 o'clock m. on SATUR¬DAY, August 31,18S7, for supply ing, for the ur-e ofthe United States Army. Subsistence Stores, to bedelivered in Baltimore as follows, viz :(260) Two hundred and fifty dozen cans (2. 2Ji or 3

lb) Peaches. Natural Fruit in Syrup, to be ofthe very best quality "White Heath."

(64) Sixty-four dozen 2-lb cans Jellies. assorted,(til> Si xty-four dozen 2-lb cans Jams, assorted.

(500) Five hundred dozen cans (2, 2H or 3 lb) To¬matoes.

(126) One hundred and twenty-six dozen 2-lb cansPeas.

(126) One hundred and twenty-fix dozen 2-lb cansOysters, of best .juality. packed.(2I0)Two hundred and fifty dozen 2-lb cans ofSweet Torn.to be the''Portland Packed'Sweet Corn; none other will l»e considered.Should the market be exhausted of the "White'Heath" Peach, the next superior quality of whitePeach will be accepted.The cans to be hermetically sealed, and to be

packed twenty-four in a box; the boxes to h« wellmade and strong, and strapped at the ends withgreen hickory. and marked in full with contents,name of contractor, and date and place of packimr.All the goods are required for immediate delivery,and packers are particularly requested to ofl'-r on¬ly the very best quality of goodsThe articles will lie inspected before delivery,and occasional cans opened and compared withsample.At least two cans (as samples) of each articlemust be furnished with piopogal; one can to In-opened. weighed, examined ;ind tested, the otherto be compared with the goods offered under ac¬ceptance. The samples must be referred to in theproposals, and the whole or any part of each arti-may be proposed for.The year in which the goods are packed must be

mentioned in the proposal.Bidder^ are reijuested to propose for a« near 2.

2,'2 and 3 lb. net cans as possible; exactly 2, 232 and3 lb net cans are preferred, if they can be fur¬nished.In the case of assorted Jams and assorted Jellies,

the proposals must state the diftereut varieties andnumber of cans of each variety they propose pack-ine in each box of twenty-four cans.Each article proposed for must be upon separatesheets of paper.It is stipulated in this contract that should any

of the cane furnished be pierced by nails in pack¬ing, or be spoiled from any other can^e, then thecontractor to make good, at his own expense, theloss thus occasioned.Payment, as heretofore, to he made in such funds

as may be fnrnislied by the United States.Samples ol' articles not accepted must l»e called

for within two weeks from date of this advertise¬ment.Blanks fpr proposals will be furnished at this

office, wliirh must be enclosed in an envelope ad¬dressed to the undersigned, and endorsed .' Pro¬posals for Subsistence Stores."

THOMAS WILSON,Brevet Lieut. Col. and C. S., C. S. A.,

au28 3t Brevet Brig. Gen. Vol.

T O CONTRACTORSHeadquarters, District of the Indian Territory. )

Chief (Quartermaster's Office, >Fort Gibson, C. N., August 2,1857. \Sealed Proposals, in duplicate, will be received

at this office until 12 o'clock in., September 10. lSt7,for furnishinu to the United States Quartermas¬ter Department.6,000 bushels of good merchantable corn, or its

equivalent in oats or barley, per m- nth, in mannerfollowing :

3,W0bushels to be delivered at Fort Gibson, C.N.. monthly.2.000 bushels to be delivered at Fort Arbuckle,C. N.. monthly.fOO bushels to be delivered at Harland's Ranche,mowthlv.500 bushels to be delivered at North Fork. CreekNation, monthly.2. Proposals ihus1 in all cases specify the kind

and quantity per month the bidder desires to fur¬nish, whether in sacks or otherwise, and whatcharge, if any. will be made for the packages, andmay be for the whole or any part t f the quantityreqniretl, at either or all of the above namedplaces.

3. Each bid must be accompanied by a good andsufficient guarantee from two responsible parties,setting forth that in the event a contract is award¬ed. they will give ample bonds ami security for thefaithful performance of the same.

4. The Government reserves to itself the right ofrejecting any or all bid* received.

5. All deliveries of grain made under any con¬tract which may be awarded, are to be subject to arigid inspection by an officer or agent appointedon the part of the United States.6. Proposals should be endorsed,4iProposals forfurnishing Corn. Oats or Barley," and addressedto the undersigned.7. Payment to be made in Government fundsmonthly, or as soon thereafter as money shall have

been received for tbat pnrpoee.Bidders are invited and earnestly requested tolie present at the opening.

A. S. KIMBALL,Captain and A. Q. M., U. S, A.,an 29-tselQ Chief Q. M. District I. T.


Sealed Proposals to furnish four hundred <400)cords of good, hard, well-seasoned WOOD, to bedelivered to the undersigned at the camp of the 8thU. S. Infantry, known as Pettigrew Hospital, be¬fore the 15th of October, 1«!7. will be received atthis office up to 10 o'clock a. m., September 6. 1871.Contractors will be required to give good and suf¬ficient bonds for the faithful fulfilment of theircontract.

.All proposals shonld be sealed and endorsed"Proposals to Furnish Wood/'N gLient. 8th Inf. and A. A. Quartermaster,

an 31 td U. 3. Army.

PROPOSALS FOR CORN.Dkpot Qrartermaster> Office, )

San Antonio. Trxas. August 1, 18-57. (Sealed Proposals, which must be made indnpli-eate, will be received at this offlce until 12 o'clock,noon, on TUESDAY, the 10th day of September,1867, for furnishing the Quartermaster's Depart¬ment with CORN, OATS, or BARLEY,(in sacks.)at places and in quanties as follows:San Antonio, Texas.........20.000 bushelsAustin, "

.«... IMJUn .'

Camp Verde, "- 4,53) "

Fort Inge, " 2,250 "

Fort Clarke. " 2,2M 11

ort Stockten, ...... 7,600 44

ort Davis, 44 ....~..l1M0 44

ort Mason, 44» 3,000 44

ort Chaabouroe, 44 12,000 4*

ort Belknap or vicinity, 44 9,00# 44

Buffalo Springs, 44 5,000,, 44

The above to be good, sound, merchantable Opts.Barley, or Shelled Corn, well cleaned, and subjectto the inspection of the officer receiving it.Delivery to commence by the lint day of October

next, and to proceed at the rate of not less thanone-third of the whole amount per month, andin snch quantities as to keep the post always sup-plied.Separate bids are invited for e*. h pott, and the

price per bushel, for each place, mast be clearlystated.Bids will be received fer any quantity not lessthan ene hundred bushels of Corn, or twenty-livebushels of Oats or Barley, and where the respon¬sibility of the bidder is not otherwise satisfactorilymade known at this office, each bid must be ac¬

companied by a guarantee of at least two persona(whose responsibility must be certified to by aclerk of a court of record) dint the bidder is com¬petent to carry out the contract if awarded tohim, and thai ke will give the required bondstherefor^and each bidder will atate his place ofrSatisfactory evidence of the loyalty of each suc¬cessful bidder and the solvency of the persons.tears®WS&Cg'ai- a.,hereinbefore named, and bidden have the privi¬lege of being present at the opening."The right is reserved to reject all bids If unsatis¬factory. and no bid will to entertained that doesnot conform to the requirements of this advertise¬ment.Proposals to be plainly indorsed "Proposals forCorn,1* and addressed to the undersigned at this

Brevet Lieutenant Colonel, andang-td A. Q. M.,U. 8. Army.

VBENCH BOOKS..Henri Conscience: Le De-F mon de 1'argent; 46 cents. George Sand: Lu-cresia Floriani; 46 cents. George Sand: Le Secre¬taire Intime; 46 cents. Lamarttne: Lee Confiden¬ces; 46cents. Alphonse Karr: 8ow le# Tilleulsjttcents. Alahonse Karr: Voyage autour deMon/din:46 cents. AJphonee Karr: Promensde Moa Jardin; 46 cento. Louis Barbauddue doctor; 46 cento.. De Stendhol: Le Rouge etLe Noir, 46 cento, tfcleeto: par Igon Gozlan; ,¦*cento. ftotra-Pane de Paris: par Yictor Hugo,





. . .A «xc+ptSunday,at 7:00,7:45, ud 1J:1Bp.m., and mina j-sn, and8 48p. m.

. ?0B ALL WAT STATIONS._®xcept Sunday, at 7:00 a. m., ud 2:0

ADu 9140 p. ID.FOB WAT STATIONS SOUTH OF ANNAPOLISLeave at 1:1ft ud 7:00 a. m.. and at 1:00 and 4:ttp


Leave at 7:00 a. m. and 4:X p. m. No trains tofrom Annapolis ou Sunday.ON SUNDAT.

FOB BALT1MOBB.Leave at 7:45 a. m.. and 4:30 and 8:46 p. m.

FOB WAT STATIONS.Leave at 7:45 a. m.. and 4:30 and 8 46 p. m..

FOB ALL PABTS OF THE WEST.Leave daily, except Sanday, at 7:4ft a. m., 4:3n -j8:45 p. m. *¦On gnnday at 4:89 and 8:41 p. m. only. eonneetlaa

at Belay SUtion with traiaa from Baltimore toW heeling. Parkersburg, Ac.THROUGH TICKETS to the Wert can be had atthe Washington Station Ticket 91Bceat all honrain the day, as well as at tha new office of tha. Bank,era and Brokers'Telegraph Line, 34t» Penfiiylve-nla avenue.between 6th and 7th streets.For New York, Philadelphia, and Boston, see ad.

vertisement of "Through Line."*" m r.' °r Tranaportatlon.L- M. COLE, General Ticket Agent.


foOnwand after May «th, 1867, traina will leave as

Washington J « a. *.! Baltimore 12.10 r. ss.* 30 P. *. 7^00 p' ».8.45 r. M.l 40.30

win*??r&R.^AI,TBLS TRAOK ROUTE,With ELEGANT SCENERY, Palace State r«oaday and night Cars.with modern improvements, andsa\ing from fonr to twelve honra in time over an?£dC.«i NlwYorkdr6d #lU" MT6d toTHREE DAILY TRAINS TO THE WEPT.ti. k r


Passengers by this rontefroTn Baltimore have tha»»

Tickets by this rente ran be procured at the offlee, corner 6th atreet and Pennsylvania avenue,*,<*?», whera reliable informationwill be given at all times.Passengers preparing Uckets at this offlca can

secure accommodations in Sleeping Oars for Elmlra or Pittsburg.D1

W J. ARNOLD, Ticket Arent,Sixth and Penn*a are., Washington, D. C.

Train. «rWa»h"««toji, Jan. I. law.

-"* N" "

Lea^« tore , wi thout change of cars.and 7«0p (6*ce*>t Sunday) at 7:46 a. m., 12:1


m *and**> « 7;tf *


m only°r w York and Philadelphia at7:00 p.

d SIeeping cars for New York on 7.00 p. m. train

«J^r?ngh V01?1* t0 Philadelphia, New York, ocan be had at the Station Office at all hourir«th.n^H 8lWP,Lft", at «*>« new office in the Bank -

era and Brokera Teleirraph Line, 348 Penn. avenne, between 6th and 7th streets.«i!h an<* Ohio Railroad advertisemennapolis?and01^ \V>it. t0n' Baltimo"' An

L M Yrrvt^P °f Transportationt?V 2°J'/KAGPn,'ral Ticket Agent.

oc 30-tfAgent' Washington.

B-tf P^aeoger Agent.


WASHINGTON AnFALEXANDRIA.t,le ^on,Pttn7 leave each placo

. .Tr- ,rj?' fr0In .> o'clock a.?k'UUi J#°rc »c m- Leave fromington

h 8treet> Waih-'6BttThe Seventh street Cars connect with the Boat*.

r TH? sJ?AMER WAWASETLeaves the wharf, foot of Seventh street, for Cur-FI'Td KY MOrTtwr*^ 1?n«di"g?- TL'ESDA Y and

sftV. J*.'.*FOR MOfNT VERNON.( 11 and after THURSDAY. September 5, th«»

the companyU0t 'nno11 wiU ,eave the wharf ot

.? ,.1 . f"V®KY THURSDAY MORNINGat 10 o clock; returning, the boat will arrive abont»'» P ni. WM D COLT

au President Potomac Ferry do.IV OTITE.-Tbe fine steamer HI LIVINGSTON,< apt. E. T. LEONARD, will -IC*1**uPPly the place oi the Wilson Small g^51^ ftDn the route lately run by the latter."..*fi§"She leaves pier opposite 170 Li*ht street wharfevery TUESDAY. THURSDAY, and SATURDAYox^nprtfwr ri\smPOi^T ^y^B.LK MILLsIWHARF.^AMBRII»GE,HUGHLETTS\vVlARrCABIN CREEK, MEBFORD'g WHARff »niLLOYD'S LANDING 8'

Returningtu Baltiniom. she leaves Lloyd's Land-*} 1 P- m-' t-»w»bridfre at 4 p. m., and EastonPoint at 8j).m., every Monday, Wednesday, and

TZ?.Ay .

he ,?.a ^ecr boat than the Small, withgreater capacity for freight, more state-roomsand of greater speed. Baggage at owner's riskFreight received in Baltimore dailv.P S..Her first trip will l*> made up to Balti¬

more on Monday nitrht. the 19th inst. an IS-tfREGULAR LINE BETWEEN~BALTIM0B"It AND WASHINGTONThe steamer COLUMBIA will f eavo Riley a

WhBrtat the foot of 11th street,every WEDNESDAY Morning, atS o'clock. Returning, she will feave'BtoHHHvCommerce street Wharf. Baltimore, every SATUR¬DAY Afternoon, at 4 o'clock. She will stop at thaIauiMiigB en both sides of the river, going and re¬turning. Freight taken at very low rates. Forfurther particulars appl v to

TH08. W. RILEY, Asent,ap IS-TAFSm Riley's Wharf, foot of llth st.



The steamer EXPRESS. Captain A.».¦C. Nickle. aud steamer KENNEBEC. Captain Jno.H.Wilson, leave Washington from Sixth streetWharf, every WEDNESDAY and SATURDAY, at6 a. m., for Baltimore, and usual way landings enPotomac river. Returning, leave Baltimore ever*TUESDAY and FBIDAY74p.m. ¦««.***

For further information apply to_ _

J. B. BRYAN A BRO.,mh 18-tf No. 34S Pennsylvania ave.




qQNORRH(KA, GLEET, STRICTURES, 4c.Contain* no Mineral, no Balsam.no Mercury.0*/v Ttn Pills to be Taken to Eject . Cur*.

They are entirely vegetable, having no smell norany unpleasaut taste, and will not in anyway in¬jure the stomach or bowels of the most delicateCures in irom two to four days, and recent caaeain .¦twenty-four hours." Prepared by a graduateof the University of Pennsylvania, one of the mosteminent Doctors and Chemists of the present dav-no exposure,mo troubls. no change tekmiener. '

Let those who have despaired of getting: cared, orwho have been gorged with Balsam Copavla or Mer¬cury, trythe SAMARITAN'S GIFT.

__ .Sent by mail in a plain envelop*.Price.Male packages, #J. Female, fa.


Is offered the pnblic as a positive cure.SYPHILIS OR VjENEBEAL itlSBAHBSl thaSAMARITAN'S BOOT AND HEBB JUlci is »most potent, certain and effectual remedy ever pre¬scribed; it reaches and eradicates every particle of

years DO NOT DESPAIB!ER?jrntals

will remove every vestige of impurities from th»

happily adapted, in Ulcerated Uterus, in Leooor-Ihappily adapted, in Ulcerated Uterua, in Leooor-rhaa, In bearing down, Falling of the Womb, da-biuty, and from al) complaintsincident te the eexvBent by express. Price #1m per bottle.. .

SAMARITANS WASHsyf^di^bssissf '* *"»Fnll directions. Price 25 cento.The efficacy of these remedies Is a<ike MkiMvW

STwa** ihc sIcT15S*'^lilITD?JsTH*>uu

(au., Bi

¦old by 8. C, FORD, corner 1Mb street aad Penn-.ylva&la avenue, WashJngten; HENBT COOK;AJ-

NV Weeks' War; by B.


BwbHo X lHIHawir BaiMte*