TH WHOLE NO. 10,807. TUB OCEAN Mil r_,^-L-L-__.L _,L 1 The Hew Atlantic Telegraph Wire. It* Superiority Over Its Predeoeesor*. Creator Flexibility, Creator Strength, Mere Perfect Israiatto** Improved Applleacee tor Preventto* "Bitches." ANTICIPATIONS OF SUCCESS. THE OLD WIRE, iia nirriaiii t\j iaaiit aiiailia it hu uirriuiLiv now I nniomu 11. htemtiog tad Iaportait Telegraph Meetiagi la Englaid. The Enterprise to be Renewed in July Next. hhuthi Cinparhie #f IMr tcUIlM rrtfertiMt, Weight ut Qtutty. dkc. *e. Ac. Dm project of laying a cable motm ike Atlantic, from Ike stores of Ireland lo the coast of Newfoundland, Mm attsmpted ud twlee t fAlure, will bo mured In no aoath of July of the present yenr. Tho work of pmp*'1** tbe now cable boo now no for odvoncod M do eaklo oo to ley before our render* much late reeling tofOnnetion on the subject. Meetings recently hold, both to Manchester oak Liverpool (reports of wh^h ye AJils), show that the cooldenoo whicYi the leading elonhlc men of Europe nod Aaortca have an along aanifMiod In lbs success of tbe undertshtog bao been heifbtened by the experience gained from post failures. la corneousace 0f legal dlBrnltiee preventing tbe old toiogropb companies from raising the requisite capital as the new undertaking, another company baa bean armed, mainly out of tho sharohuHors of tho other corporations. Tbls aaw c >mpany la called the "Anglo American Telegraph Company." Its capital is MM,000, and by the terms of its Incorporation It will receive nothing If tbe coble fails, but £1*0,000 a year, or twenty- I Ave per cent, if it succeeds Titers are thus Ive compsniae interested in the nudsrtnking, namely 1Tho New York, Newfoundland and 1-osdoa Telegraph Company established in 1864; the Atlantic Telegraph Company aalahlAbcd in 1*17; the Telegraph Construction and toelatenancc Company, the Great Eastern Steamship Company and the AogUi-Ainencsu Company, abova named. The new cable now being constructed by Me**ra iilaa-, EUtotl A Co. closely resembles that of 1806, but differs from It In these respects:.The wiree, instead of being ai Iron ooted with pre-or. alive compound. will k*I raolM), nwiodo away with the r.reeaaily or the premmouTerlng. Thi* change giro* tbo wirea greater aloagaifna, aad enablo* th#m f> aceommndata ti.cm aelvea wtlli crruirr facility to the atretch of the yarn. The tar with which (be old rahlo waa rovarad haa a ho been done away with. Tha coating of tha now one will aooa.it aatiraly of hemic By tbawa aJiaraltoaa mucii greater flealbl.lt> ia givaa to tha wir#, which now «o llih«aalo be capable «| being iwiated round a mai l loagUi Hka a rope. While ite weight ba* baaa locreoaad by thaw aipaaurai from em on irnw fifteen imndraii weight par mile to eight t»a* iwelae huadied wenthi, Ma breakiag atrain haa baaa iocreaaod in Ilka proportion, and tba cable of lean will tift one Ion weight more per aula than ibe cable of 1MI. Tha nibjotaau wooOnit* gtaa an aiact representation of the lira and ipprnaa w af Ibe praraot cable tad Ha prodocoaenra. Tba Cable < f lata. count au«.tic*. ftabat a- 1 > upper eiraad Mmaiatlag af «aaaa wire* (Mi laid roead one), and weighing W ^wrc^aaj^fgi i-flttafabr.^uita parrha laid aw ia ihrae e^rl^a and lihiM id 1 |tea fta#f k pat jfcrw'V IV atrand af .>hrmal in,, wire. aaea nlraad .map need eg amen -«lr*e (an laid raied one) bid ep rail* iWUnd tba rare. wh i ll tatter waa fraaioaely padded wtib a earring * natwp emoN wiib aiarmutare Tba aapnrat. w.ran Were ewb it', twig* the atrnad coiaplale \a It gaute. M ' gdr ia A>r do art. per nam rat mile Wt gU in Wtil't .ltd Wl. per aaiilicel mile Brewtrawp Sirmm.$ taiwe g i wl or equal la tU time, lie weight in waler pei nauliral mile ibet ia to *av tba cable wonVI bear lea own weight in a little lee. than I ilea depth <»f wab r f>-ep»»f W»'*' fele K eeaatered-2.44W falhotoi ar lee f" s«* a^ual la 4 na» n. a*i*hl I |t' MUU'llll'Ifl* *»«. « Ismfth / < V4» 0k>ffd -t, IT4 aanlh-al « In ; J ***** «r ! ». ' PBfttTliiLJl ^BflRSxffr V^R&n^UK:^ . 1 rniar at frtio*. *W < ar-Poppar "Innil rnn«t«ilM M 7 airaa («l« I 7*14 round l|, aa4 tml<li| « par niiiin al mil*, aaiba44a4 Inr anMtp ia «T>aM#rl«ia I'lW^itil Haufa ( af Maita wira 04»-oi4n«M I* p i|t Knp M I * 4 144.«r4leerr Ma. I*(ant*. ft.latum itutia par« ha, 4 lar*r« nf ahw-h ara *i4 »i i «! tarsal all silk f»,r «Ma lar*r* a' I hali«rt<«a -tat mo ad Tl»a a»l»hi of ihrmt.rr lar'ilatinit l*4« the ft * aauaal ml* TtiasMtar «rf va 444, clft usifaran'a af I **» i an. Mr'tmol rr*» tum~ Taa *«>II4 a'fa* af lb* |a i«a 4a4 I Cn IS fa i*a). drami frus W»ht*r a ' iBOfana- 'i# Was, »arh air* anrr«iin.»*4 I «ra Misa4< af Maaula rarn aain'bt*4 a|tb a pra partatiaa rn«na«a4. *a4 iH* who1* l*>-l apirsi»r taua<l I 4M aara. abirh lattar pa44*4 aith jaia ptia, m< itaiori path pnaatrailaa ailuar* i Iftiff is Mtr.44 rat lp p suit *1 atija irrybt t. tr»-t*. II at par a* Mitral mil* 0rmkt*f .*fraia 7 inaa I* rat , nr a<|aal la * * IPM)l4»rih( > vatTT, nr HbWV »*, mi tfto J E NE / ity.Uhe cable will beei Ha owa weight la [eleven Bailee depth of water. Deep*m Waliy to be JftwouaterMl.3,400 fatboata, or leaa than 2W uuttcal milee. The CWreet Strain la equal to 11 tlmaa ita weight par aauttcal mile in water. Lm0th of Catde gigpit 8,300 nautical milea. The Cable ef 1866. CONWr»PCTIOW. Aw*dw.Copper strand consisting of 1 wire# <4 laid round one), and weeghing 306 lbs. per nautical mile, embedded for solidity u> CbaUertoo'e oom pound. Gauge of ingle wire -Ogginordinary U gauge. Gauge of attend '14?.ordinary N* Id gauge. lamldlei Guita peroba, die yen ef whieh are laid on alternately with four tbln la vent of Chat tenon « oem pound. The weight of the entire Ineulation 400 lbe per nautical mile Diameter of core 404, circumference of corel'398. ttnUmat pnltciian.Ten aoltd wlree of tho gouge -006 (No. 13 gauge), drawn front Webeter and Borofall'o homogeneoue Iron, and galvanised, each wire aurrounded separately by five strand* of white Manilla yarn, and the whole law spirally round tho core, which latter It padded with Jute yarn, nUurated with preservative mix ture. Wriykt in Air.81 cwt per nantlcal mile. Wright in Water.14* ewt per nautical mile. Breaking Strain.g tone % cwt. or equal to eleven time* Its weight In water per nautical mile; that I* to aey, the cable will bear Ite own weight in eleven miles depth of water. Derpot Wa'rr to be Encountered.2,400 fathoms, or lens than 2X nautical mile*. The Ontract Strain la equal to 11 time* it* weight per nautical mile In water. length nf <'abir to be Shipped to Pump't'e Bo h Linee. 2,730 mllea. MEETING IN LIVERPOOL. The Chancer o/Raising the Old Cnblr.lis Insulation Better Now Then When It left 1 reinud.Superior Construct Ion of he New t able, he. The Anglo-American Telegraph Company has been mtabllebed for the purpoee of executing In the courM of the present your the enterprise of laying n submarine cable between Ireland and Newfoundland, ao aa to connect telegraphically the Old World nod the New, and io raise the cable partially laid last yesr In order to complete a eecond line to America. An important meeting wan bold on the 14th of March, in the Common Hall, Hackla's hoy, Liverpool, for the purpose of havtag the prospects of the undertakiag fully explained. It war very aumerously attended by some of the leading shipowners and merchants of lbe town, and by the representatives of the various telegraph companies. Among other gentlemen present were Mr. Cyme W. yield, rice president and director of the New York, Newfouadlaod and London Telegraph Company , Mr. Cromwell t. Varley, the electrician ef the Atlantic Telegraph Company, and consulting electrician of the Electric and International Telegraph Company: Mr. 5. Canning. engfcsor.Jn-ehiefTelegrapb Construction and Maintenance Com nanr. limited, and Camain James an- demon, commander ot Uie 0N*l KoMnt On im notton «r Mr. C. w. (, Pickering, Mr. tyroe W. field «u voted to lb# cb%T. | * "Vat. rirmtxr or lib. ta*i-«y. ** "". Mi. Mid, in Ute npi^H ilii aent round to them »nd UTTeontniwaylng tlMnnecU, which cODta.nad n letter irotn ProfemorWm Thomeon, prafooenr of nato ml pbiloaopbv »t the I'otvef.Hjr of Giaagow, they would m thnt «m footle man, who wee nwot to nnwe in matbeneottMl engineering, had gone vary carefully Mo the question relating to let edbet of the water u(toa the operation or tayiag and recovering cabHe. And frflfc the (net the* the it rain on the cable ni only fourteen h amired weight daring tba operation of paying oat, ha wae enabled to nnkiulate prwhely what wan the aatton of the wale, ilarlao the eparallon of eubnwretow, aad ho oad touad that the cahto from the sliip, owing (o He l'ght epndftc gravity, and the root* lame which H experienced In panning through the water, aank ao elowiy that the ratio rum the ttera of the vaaeel to where It too h<-d the gruund followed ua Incline extending orer n diatance of ao lea* than aavente-n uilleofrom the (torn of the Vianet; tn other worde, the cable waa nearly three lioure In goiug to ihe bottom of the water. Krone that ho had calculated what would bo the amount of fricttoo in lifting the ort>le throngh the water from lite bottom. The ranle w ee paid or at lite rate of ill knot* wn hour, end the operation of receiving would not bo performed at a greater rate than one knot an hoar, end at thl-- latter i| e d the friction npon the cable from the bottom a li'tance of tea mllno.the weight o! the rattle would ho about M CWt, the Irlrlloo 2cwL, making a (otal ol about to cwt.; end. ae the breaking etraln of the cable waa I tone 15 cwt, It would at once he earn that there waa a larite margin of altength. Die aew cable waa found to lift a ton more Weight than the old one. Tbte would lift ever 5 mm wltlauat any roar, and. in addition, this cable, n-tead of b*ioa S4 owl hi the knot, waa only SI cwt [Hear. bear.) So I hat tn evrry aou-e the next aepediiion UKI II a '«tr in*» of nitlai !' «« Ika' mt leaf yae-. H"*r, near.) Tbe temple or Ibe now aide In boM In km iiand waa m> fletluia llial It run Id be twirled -haul innrn a-iljr (ban iba bid one; in fact tble ceuld )>« »i-Mil about Ibalr ae-k« t apum Anderenn and Mr. L'anaiug rnadr a angfe'tn.n la at atittimn wbieh bad barn I lad npaa. all cb aa< of ibe uimii moment conpli-d a lib ibo la- I which r-ofitnor Tbnin-wni bad bmnihi iu -aba, thai llie rattle wae aevanteen uiiloa behind ih ship t Ioto It ree<b<>4 (k* bottom Tliatr attgge Hon wai tble. i,at Hju d ait) ll. ..a happen 10 ih- cable the ablp would ir a topped and the pcklng bp would tuatanily cum1.- ace and rhmilg the fai.ll oeartoeid Mm pat ina out na< bioorjr could bo reverred ao thai tlte raole roeld be left <1 up from «! - Mora of lha raaarl without (.anerring iba caolo front tba warn In ibe bow hai diB-udy would bo got mar la Ibe ndw machinery, and Ibai great aatnoe of rlak aad lHav raurolf obviated la addttiea to tba), Ir Willnupblif ftmbb amdlter gentleama wboae mart mtr, hae ibai of Mr taaa>p|, bad prevented bra twinr forward la public. b<il who waa wall known In aiprot mg lha tiianiifbrtore ul gutia pert; ha aqd alao lie eleciricnl part or eubmarlae celilea. Had araoted a jatcpj far Ira Lag lb'in, and. be one at ibnae lucky kka tb i-li man make la their lifetime bad marie a nod xcellenl -aggaetteti ti» wbteh Ibe do«Nf opeeatlee f le-iing iba rou'iagNj and ala<< ifte inatilatl'-n of bo o.iidr reuW be perfoHheJ at iba tame lima Tbe pparaitie taae vary Miopia beUi in eeamrnellan aad aadputMtWB; la IWk tbe Cable aoa would be left '" » ibe iimj .oa fadkel aatled from Talem le ua'tl aho THTM n Neetoendlaad without a kn0wl"<1«| warned bojfc am board and on thdM jfcne , o«> and eMiiod/ were tflaar. bear t le would ett.lp-g ftmr Ihia taa« t.nUa perctta 'wapa an taigllnat tgitralor permitted > conataat but ery ''iftu IWegg|ft tbrougb M. and wa- a eanductor af m^etdDT The aoual -tea ao eneediagly ailnute ebl ivhbh atanufartured iiaa the lhftt able wo-tM -I* leer at Tewloue-ilaad M I pot < eet af the enrreat «etit to 11 at Valaavta. and etar mm Tbe laetruaaanla aaed , r mear ir ag tbe iaaiilati«a ware ao eenrdlt# thai aven leakage tbraugb one keet ad table ould be atvaraiely eeeeured Mr KaaPh ni'1 fbat WppObillf thojr put 4 ( III* Cttfch I| iml «I| r* and il»« l.dt flf )hi 41 Iktal ..mUirn tb,....t. a. btl laruatod Hill of wlro, lit. oorrrai ah . h ..mo I n rourli I bo rolilo from Iho lotting hoiirrloo ui. troorrt il,o hip oild olio opon bid laatruairat, whPh would bo nodo ohr.ul i OOO Iibm* ararHifo «a that <>g tv.rrd ( mtilo .ml.-on .o, aim . -obaul I0O diiirioo. ii|mn hit I rolo Mol iboa af ibia I bo k not «| .Mr to lb 2 ono nlla* of ahio on board Iho «lrp or na Ibo bnltnta or the " **» "Mar irai would make no ooni.blo dlP-oaro la Iba iKliranoa oa board ibo »hip bat rat would glv# ih<»« >o abora a prrfo.Hr laar t'giwl or tgdfaflok ilial Ibo nr»l«lun<d Iba .*lMa n aa porfrot To* .dup, roara« idighlly lb* lonatoa ar I row or of Ibo hat tort araar. lihoal dratrnyltg Ibo laaulatlon taal. larnrat tb'ioo on fe"r* that Iba mgllaully wao alaa potl-r-r and Iho «H'.ra ^TT"4, Ibi roajflH /bo rndtt'lmg rapacity of Ilia r » or la!3* 84#bo«o. iM"rai)Jkjla *nb tin Biain 10 at .a.i.in -Mf tita Uliybj >gm igirtlr iMBtlJlrtr^Hipairorl and jot out iMh^VVHk b* iWaibt^Etaai Hr Ibia larara bi-wogo. rogjd to rai.iin tto.1 to aad Ibo -hip anil ahaco arth.oji it j> Monty altfl tHf aio*t vital *i-oratloa--lba tnduWl^ a t The-* oporatidb* w.nild ail b_ porflPVMTmkttg ! aaro ioolo.idjaf aapara « 'nafr'brr- la aidl tllWwi ba aioa#"<ai oa wn<iM bo raoltr . mptitod, njfe a\ ha an* Hn.o y,» raauli*. woubl bo rffbiaaArah<f noro porfo t In hta oln*- 'ton w»ih u»# Eiotu n Xioaal ft loftaph i.Daiponr. ot»fhdl6r now ovot a od id o.w toon roar* Ho Itod '*00 lotogrojdiy from If vorjr 'MWHionodMant on to ibo proooal day. aad bad a roar atm b laiaroand In watrHMtg ib» iirograaa of ofdorrinprnrat of iho public dxmand fro I olograph* tintriimi' at oa. Krorj yoar rbowod ih*«a an larrraotag orrontago of/pprocialioa br iba poblie. thai waa to ray. oappnalug oad yaor thor Had foaad aa n> roato M Ira par «Wt oa Hip prarlaor yoar, la tba fdllowiag yaaI Hoy ahri'iM fad Aoro than d*a ft .-oat laaraaaa oa tba argo rato. rod ro it * 'pit oa iw roa*iag lb'a nrapvri ad at# of latroord, aad Iba foirro of trl-trapbr prrxntaod it no dMair day ba ogual in that «l ibo Pool Offb o. Hoar Hoar *oma pooplo a*ktd "How do roa at poet m locoira Ibo aadliaa rioruaa par oaaaar through iba I'loniir totograph abir* If that jtrod nn bad b-wa nbod two raaro ago it would bar* bona difflr jit to raowor it Hot diinog tho loot iwo rooro ibo IWa>aa J«»f rotrlo bad bono told, oad H bod Ibor»*or» irkoo | riHw u>o Malu and tlataadru rablo irab< who h foop fly balonfod 'o India That nablo bad oarnod *onto bug Ilka jtlbhOOri |«T ana'in although It aaa now raly evaaoriiag kgrpi with Iba root af t.oropr Ibo foroaoa H .if ab.o o*a iaforr>mai«iy r iio»d by ih* mad mi*rf»"t maaai-nrrai atporioarorl oa ibo T-ifllMlk liaao Hoar boar.) Tho war a whP b mo.*ogot ooro darainod pat out .if ordar aim alod and drgiyod. waa ao frightful hat it had nal od h>r IHo loiarforrar of Parlioatoai Hoar. boar. I A oroaaaao aaldoai roar Hod I oadno fmai " 'lobar ia 'to ibaa lour <a;a. aod rofy mioaaoi bofara ork a boo aia|wad (laar boar) Whai waa iba at Ltm MM/ M ibll fjtfc /HOfJ ifirgrapbH tv« 11 W YO NEW YORK, MOND mnnieatlon on the continental line*, where they were not menaced so well ee tney were in tbie oountryf Be would take the line from London to Hambuiy, and the line from London to St. Petereberg before the Pollah rebellion broke out From Hamburw to London meesagea reached the London telegraph offloe ten or twenty mlnntee before the date at which they were given In; at leaet flfty per cent of the meeeagea from Muiuuri w uuduuu wvrv acurvrta m\ nil vsnivr mw than tbey were written at Hamburg. (Hear, beer.) India, which wee pretty nearly In aa straight a line eaet of Greenwich aa Hamburg.at all evente it wan not far out of the line, consequently, where the llnee between India and London were managed nearly aa well aa between Hamburg and London, meaeagee from Bombay would reach London, Instead of nineteen bonre, the quickest time, four days at a quirk rate, and four weeks at the common rate; messages leaving Bombay at one o'clock la the day would reach Ixmdon at eleven or twelve o'clock the same morning. (Hear.) This line, la eplte of all its drawbacks, was earning 19S,000 per annum. It must be remembered that government men. sages went free over the Persian Gulf tine, aa It was government property. V that be so, and the charge was £2 10a, what would ha the earnings of a eable wfcleh connected the whole of America, set only with Great Britain and Europe, but aim In Asia and AfHeaf Why It must be something vary eousiderable; to say It would bo six timet greater wnk ho thought, but a poor sail mate. As the ralee would ee more than star time* greater between America amd (Bust Brttwta, if tbey would put those gguree together they would see Uiet they eeold aat ex pent much lees the* oahmilHea etaeHng paeaaanm from the Atlantic cable. Hut then came the snowed, "With such a long cnhta; hh<»V yen to get eWsltst m*edf" Fortunately science hah wet been Idle Moee Urn flrat Atlantic cable wee InM, end the Inatrumanta that would be used for working the new cable iee«M ee* eight timet at qwi'dk at the ordinary Afore; imttrmaamk which were wed apen the Pereian Oulf cable. This higlt speed had been attained, but net In the seme way aa It was in the ISM cable. Tbey Increased their battery power to e considerable extent ; but had the present Instruments been used, and such power not employed, there was no doubt but that that old cable would have worked for at least twelve months, If not longer. (Hear.) Professor Thomson's reflecting gelvonoroeter, whi< h would be need for reading off the signals, wss se extremely sensitive, in eon-equeneeof its magnet end lltUe mirror weighing but one and n fourth grains, that an exceedingly minute quantity of electricity wan ample to produce a rufllcieat deflection of e reflecting ray of tight from the mirror to give signals with the necessary dietim tneas and ability. He (Hr. Varley) requested, and the Atlantic Telegraph Company In consequence passed a hoard order prior to starting this lent expedition, that under no consideration was the battery power to exceed two hundred cells. Prom flfty to a hundred cella were commonly used In working from England to the Continent, and if with twenty cells over a distance of two thousand miles perfect aod rapid signal* could be attained it showed how groat and satisfactory was the progress made in the science of telegraph/. (Applause ) And a further order was passed tnat, should there t>e any indication of a defect, the lattery power would be Immediately redncad to a angle cell, and thus tber would get tlve or six words a minute, instead or eight Ho did not know that be bad very much more to say, but he might add that he certainly had the greatest confidence that on this occasion aucce«s would attend their endeavors. (Hear, hear.) On the last occasion be, as the electrician of the Atlantic Tale graph Company, look a passive part la the expedition, end therefore he was able to apeak with more freedom than Mr. Canning or Captain Anderson would like to do. Still, although hie position BS the representative of the Atlantic Telegraph Company did not give him aa active pert in the operation, ha walcbed It with tfaa greatest anxiety and care. He had s>eu a greal deal of cable ley lug in nia time, and he wa« a Arm believer that success would attend the next expedition; not only as (ar as lay ing tbe cable, bat ds hr as regarded the picking up the end of tbe old cable wes concerned. (Applause.) At the request of a gentleman In the room Mr. V'*«i xr explained a little box of cables which he bad brought with him. In the course « bis raaoarks he sbwwed the great improvements that bud bees made Iff the splicing of the capper wire* sad guttapercha covering of telegraphic cahfmt * sss siamme MB. FiBt.ua czrtviKvct. Mr. cyra* W. Kir Id aa'd ft to happened that H Ug lwpivt t«u> ago that day iU»'" he dm Ml hi* noma6b telegraph tuialaere. A few wMi after hit dm appearance in lmmm* he (ought, iheadiiee <>f tba grwaleat author! 0«a Id Englkhd, and the Inngeet line avrr laid down at that tlata naa odd hundred tad tao oil lea, and bad baa* tubwtrwd in wain* thren hundred and twenty Ova (avbaSfa^p. TW mooting at which he prifiun wan Blended la Great George afreet, London, by Brunei, the great Nngincer, ftnbert S.laphrneon, and asms or the Not nnaliiaunkg latent In England,and three hour* wore err upi td la |it iiig him advice aa to the eueaaaa attending the at. tempi Id lay a raMe enroui the Atlantic Whoa ha loll Mia mat hag bo waa accompanied by Mr. BtumL who aid, "Mr Field, don't apend another imthng or any mora of your lime In gottiag the adii'd of oaglnooro in England aliout laying a cable ar.roaa the Allan lie If you with lor information abowt railway bridges, caaala or ateainahlpa. our adtlee might bo worth aometiiiug; you hava in make up your mind to bars abantuta ecnorieaoe, anl lo Joar ono or ten lablea, and than you will Bad it a vary aluiple Ihlng m lay a cable acwas ih« Allaolh. Now a* to iba fable to he laid, ha (Mr. tVId) luui no more doubt of a eeTda being laid arrnaa Ike Atlaiillr Ikan b* bad thai he w»« aoan going Imck to America. In fart, be might lie last and never reach home- bjtl the death of a<> one maa <>r of aa do/en men. Would ever tiap the cai>l<- be ne laid. (Applauaa.) The Inter-eat* of roDHner< e required that a cable ihnuld he latd The great danger a* In the cable waa lit being la <1 In 'hallow water That (holding up the ahore and of the'able) waa tolled for the pur poee, and no anchor mo Id aver Injure ihjt He hnpod the mooing would draw out anmotklag from the practical gentlemen |iruutl, for he could aaatire vheni ihot threwgentlemen had great deal in ihein (fjenghter and applauaa | artT* or ma or.n caer.a. Mr. gill aunt they had a grant deal of Ihla prtiellv at the prewni moment at tlie WtUam ol the Aikuiiu-. and lie w on Id like to bear frarn Mr. rename wbeiher if it waa la a proper conducting electrical rtate, it could lie uai d berdafter lor a <wble. Mr. ( WNN would raiar Mr i.ul in Mr. Tattoi Md could only aay that Ir- in 'ha tela they had n-ed he cable wae In the name coaditma H aa. in w nan it waa made Mr. Vagger taid aiaco the cable waa .uktnetyd u lied l> eu rm'in"aUg U tm free* I'alavw. awd il -tewed im rUang* tcAwrrer It acvlated akawl /ear turn" a< > < ( a< w'rw it left /Ac ... /*. r,V / Waavrw. Mr. Pmaiinw Naked if Mr liaamng would tell 'ham Ifthera waa aay ckanca of getting hold of the <-001# ag.t Mr. ( aaaam. replied Umt ha beliaved ibay would car laialy got tko .able again Wbew the* unfuriauaieiv loat tha end on the 29d Auga't laat they all aelurahy "I"»"«' »" in'io uitn u IT_L in^y IM Wwerer, lo be baa** hv tech a tMS^li C Iba aad although ihay had not appiiaaees at the time sill ureal for grapylma aid brmrteg to the htobt M the cable froweagepih of 2 000 fethnrae. the* bad euMaieat boor rope la buoy li op awl If aMIgatf to leaia^ha btinra frost alraaa of weather. I War eonld lad ibeae agacn After a caaoaltaUaa apnw gfapptihff for It. tbar bad an dIMtuMy m godta* the «Ua and la hawkiag. la their retwRsM tfielSpi llawr aw4 "Kb iha ram1 HUM Tad although Iher btf *1 lu I root dnobta about *rec kemrltf Mlfta TSjr gywied iba c.Ma, from the wwigut af Wfrti Fa-'em the great deptn of water, aa£ Hie r cable only bearOff (ha wet* to of arret ton., they though' tbaj should ant bare tn» knowledge utd'ealed aa board tabaa the <at>l« waa hooked To their gpeat ..iirpr -e, wbaa t hay came la iba rabte, iba ureal Kketrra b*i>i la «»«j round to it, aod there wae ao doubt they bad honied something al tba bottom iHaer, bear). Thar row ' aieaoed ITilt» aaraa bnadrad fathoma fr«wt the bntiura, arhan the awlre) parted wlib II. .Now, d Waa aa tad., mod tad that they lifted ihr rabte aarea hundred ralhnota frnm the bedlam of Iba Atlantic aad ha aeld if I bey wild Ittl tl through a epa< e of (even h<adred latlioma. there waa ao doubt alia'ever that with dnnr-r ropea aad power af macblitery l«r lllt'ai they maid gat t^a eabla of 1Mb again aad pot it la gnnd workiM order dnrtag the eptiilw arimmer (Rear bdlA It waa awly a aoaaiton at atrgjiiUi of aaatarial lor flag the cable (llrer, hear) They would hat a Ibri e g.iud ah pa for mtttag amlnel- aad bnbttsg grapwela or thai I bar enttld buoy aad bfl the .-able la ibrao pen» Mr C E. Kiwttss. Jr remarked thai them were ear. tan buoya laid for merlinp the pie e# abero lire ay e waa hat Ware I tow turn? ,a rtnun r' Mr i'aaanta rapl>od Ibet the boott watt inoered eul'a aa a temporary m'aaa but be tlinuabt tbey were floating akdwk Mr C. f. Rtwine Jr, aated if Mr. Caaaing a.t iwrfecily certain berawld fn to tba fMeoe where lb* cab,a waa l«d» f'apuln Asnaean* aaM the real otjerl of-the brtoee waa <>t Ml tauch to aurkyit ~'|f| TtWi It' eh.pwowat be time Iba labia fj lo- .. .h,r» ,, Wad duller II , ,a/ad |l> »od y fir cakt' at if "»i f> *Fi /f'obir 'lepe d"ear II waa a anKer af mm atoa nautical astronomy iHear, fcpat; ** Mr T**l*t ea»d In Ina MiefT|d to ffawile the rali'e aw Iba leal oeraalaa .they w»ra Bear to the end of ihac^ Ma la order to tat it, but auppnMbg My difccuMy waa er narteared la that depth of water, thoy had Ably to ma lato/dM toilsome sbailifter water, ao thai It would be us " aweary,! o grapple two mUew deep. He grisly believed thai ao diMwulty would be evporewewd ta getting al II fmwt thai depth but II there ehi/atd tbey could rua » * er to IjaiariB (Bear, hear ) Mr Kin*.Would there be mora nak la uBdamati n| II thaa hriagiar tl up* Mr. t ataimj aatd thai if Ihey euM oaly god tba IMihl thay would apt we oa a >na to Anter ca Ha would eat Uilak for a atomaat of ataaplag Iba aipadilma ta matplete lha cable, be Would lee» a aaother ablp hcaulea I he flraat Faetera wblrh would be with them to do that work. (Bear, bear htaroaiMS up tr isrwarnii. In reply la owe or tww remarks, Mr LTBI't l.ua wid oaa poatleraae had trarely pro poeed to Mm to alnk a hollow tuba la wbeb to |> dowa aad aaak after tba raMa (great laughter), and be aaa m an nored bp oosttteel carta m hie betel that awe wtormna ha lotd htm that u ahawtd be doga. aad that be Mould make tba kctt attempt (Much laughter Rr ked M earn III at mm (laegbtar, aad bear, bear ) Mr p* k er ag bad aekad aim If Ihay would bare eaflkeieai rabte aa board to anew the sew owe Is be laid aad iba aid ear# to be completed Ha Bllgbl reply that it waa pup an -a to lake twesly aarea hesdrsd toilee af reb'a, aad Ibai that would be aaowgb to allow tba saw awe to be laid aad tba sto aate la ha t imp III ad (Appleoaa I Aa Mara was wo other kataiia before tbeaa be wowld aaw 'oweluda Ibaatoating, aad be migbt toy before tbey separated that be bowed is tba aoarea af a few mnoibe tbea avoid Ml MM Ml»fVMto M MM turn « I 1Mb M Rmm;jr ti ; Ah. JE* It, APRIL 2, 1866. woald patronlsr the line to the utmoot extent by sending oil the mm|m iliojr poestbiy could (Laughter and Hoenl appUutt.) Tb# proceedings then terminated. MEETING IN MANCHESTER. liyloaoilOM mt the Prrwat Poiltloa ad Proapeeta of the Work.The Cable U ha Heady A boat the Beginning of Jnly.Why the New Company waa Formed.Tri m* of the Arrangrment. A numerously attended meeting of gentlemen inter Had la the Atlantic Telegraph tjomnany waa held in (be oHoe of Messrs. John Pender k Cu., Mount street, anelieater, on the iOtli met Mr. W. Kairbstru, LI.. D-, presiding. i reach or trr chairman. The OhajHilar, alter eipreealog his regret at the ab once of Mr. Pender. 11. P., lite chairman of lite Cob Mractuw and Maintenance Company, stated that several rnafan»0» ware praaant for tbe purpose of explaining to SWdkareboidera, and all who are laterewed in this great undertaking; IU present puaiUdn and proapeeta. He beMeved seery precaution bad bean need, and although tha machinery (tor paying out waa very perfect laat year. they bad got n«w machinery prepared, and every er Kment, ho that tf any accident oorurred, the cebla be picked up with en almost ebeolute degree of J certainly He understood that the cable now being one woctad would bo reedy me Hate about He banning t JWNc and naa Ikntii il with tha hirmor evreat fart t»r with wb'Hh the outer eoat or tfe* formor one *m covered ha<l boon done sway with, and the rooting of tb« im-w one constated entirely of benp. * bad been connected with tblo company for two years, aijd aa a member or the acientISc committee ho went round with the Oral Eastern from the Noro to Valentin. He felt at the time certain that the cubic was wall reteuluted lor the purpoue and hud uo doubt ttial It would be ancceeafullv laid, mid thai In a fortnight trem that tlano we should hare lind telegraphic cotnmunica Uoo between this country and the tinted stater. How wer, that hop* had been disappointed. The rompany ware now prepared to proceed ugnln ttii- yeir, and he hoped with perfect success. Mr, Cyrue Field, who was Mutant, representing the shareholder* In the I'nlted States would htatr bis views In regard to the lindcrtalt Int. H* had been present at the lay log of all the cables In the Atlantic. Mr. Canning, the engineer of the rotnpuajr; Mr. Verier, the electrician, and Captain Anderson, of Uu> Great Eastern, were also pre#cnt, and would give any ia/oruistion It was desired (Cheers.) CVItlilt w. Klgl.ua REM ARKS. Mr Ftaje suid be had come to Manchester ut the reaneel of those who were largely Interested in the enterprise In London to explain the present prospect. Slid position of th# company. It bad hern thought by some of the old shareholders that the arrangemi'tile made by the directors of the (.ompaii) with the Angle American Company were very hard teruis for iheni. The company were, however, in this position, ibal the Attorney tjeneral nf Kugland had given sn opinion lhai they were not authorised by their acta of I'aillanient lo Iistte twelve per cent jrreferehro an k, and that they iuu'1 return all the NMoey they had received fen thai* stork. They waning XAMOOO to make and lav the cable, and ibr$had alpiosi uo rapital ailei reuniting tboee sub acrlptmn* They held the exclusive right lor Aftv year* df landing a nhmariiie rub'* from Hu«l»oa Hi rait to the aoulhera rarl <>r Halur, na >'iW>l of two ihiMiMUil intlea of cnn.4 but the right would M forfeited diilevt lb* cable wn* In mil rwufnt operation during IhU vaar or and Moreb There w.ve. lhM«for*, 14 lima for negotiation ilir ictalraotor* mud ba paid, bad therefor# ibeywnre obliged to (arm a new rotdpan* on aacli lorm* a* would eomnuMrl cap <ul im mediately. The Anglo.Aiwrl«»u Comnaay wat therefore farmed, and agreed 10 make and la* the cable, iha aid company noi being bound to pa* ibem on* farthing f they did not toeceed. nut |r ihev w«i* aucreaalul Iha Anglo-American Company wof^d take AISo.QOO par aunnm out ol Vba earamga of iha Hue, llira pay Mia hureli. Idem af the AlUnt c Tetagrapti I'nmpanr gT'i OOO attd diatde ha rorplne liaiween (lie iw» compuaio If *ay old bareBolder thought Ibaae bard trrma be Cotthl recoup bimeelf by taking the aaw aiock. It w»« art uig.d thai application* for «haiea in the uavr company from iha aid «Mfaa older* ahautd bo fuvoraMo drier. >.i Ti^ rosmm:H imuXT. " Mr. I'atKivu. engineer 01 the fouipaay advloaaed tbe uieel ag aa la iha form of tbe cable aad the mode of procaodlag la ba adopted In la*lag the naw cable and raror ffa;' hat ol 1Mb.. IBa lua* cable, which had bee® retfommaitdad by Uie erven i Id* nmmiilaa. of which Mr Fainwim *> a mamlier, h«<i jn-wered ever* Idirboee far wktch I* waa derignrd No r»hla thai ba liad Been ma'g bare paid oat belter i**a Iho raWa did. and aa* lam*, mac OMjtfMd m It a ere not MtrHrytagie to Ha germ It wad also fuScieaily etrong lor (ha purpuee lor ahieU If waa daatgaed Krom the deep water* of tha.lOanMr. B-eea May had rwenvervd two and a half nddaa of II Irani a depth of twenty three bundled fathaeai la produced a porliaa of the raid# to abow that It waa not Impaired in >ba allghlaat degree The near nb.u had been aitarad la a alight rf agree oaly. Iha obf oabla ronenlod of brtfht bumoganeo'ia Iron Wlraa nnrnred with Manila yarn, wauratad Willi a ptwaarrallvo mlttorw. In the new cable Iha wlraa ware galvanized aad aorevad out) with arbita Manila yam. the pr*~*rvall\e milium not Icing required an araouot of iha wlraa being fatvi.nireg It waa found ibat (alvaahua* tbe wlm- an ncaltd l)'»m ta audio atom, ..ad memoir iha* *<>« a liUle move niongntitm out of them The aire* Ih.i* a. i omm'ciai"d tlveav-elvaa more In the g|rr|«ife of the yarn, aud Hie I On in natann bad iha >-flbM of living one ion mora breaking Mr*in. Tbe oie atraln wa-T ton Id |*L , lb a aa* » ton lb rwi o* lone, aud therefore the a«w cabli' wu an improvement on lb* Inat en far «a rfaagtb waa ooBceraad. Tbe aber*liivtdrr* aud nthat- iularaeled had an doubt read I liedaecripfvni of the laying -if Hie lael able m live Maw*. and probably Iha Nr. Ruenll bmik and Ih'iefora he no»d not go nun deialla. but la.glvt at* that iba gteaiad at rata the* nad bad ' on lb- cabla in paving eul wae only Mtrteen b nvdrvd weigf.1 1 evrragr *liaio wa- rrotn i»n loateveu liuadivd weight, aad Ilia high*-* airaln nd .-a'-d ..n the drauiuo- ' niotar «i. lo'ti.eeu hnudrnd wet*til. fiver* are. Ibafe. I late, auvpla margin ih< atreagih of Iha cable la the t recovering oi pick rag up of lb* ''but th grealeat (train we* lurlv five in ail) hundred weignt He war now el. ludll'g lo the laatafkLee when "larilie weal »*erleatr<l. Ibe krat waa in ahowl water, ibe acnad v.,.a in levnivIhree auanrad la1 Horn*. and la pkklng up lire two and a half in Ire of table live gleeta»t atram war lofty lira to illir hundrtd wight. Ilia third lauu aMoftnnalalg inat Iha cable arid therefore be rvooi.l ear or aa ab*ial >ba< tllbo'idh lhair laoi -t|.-4lllfMi lalh-.l ha 4 >4 Ii*o< look upon il * uiivrlp lhro*a i«ir axl ha Mh <1 iliai lb« al>i« o*-ild b* re* «r»i»*l ln*ia iba b**< ion* ol iha AiUo'ic Tboir fatlura la rfrviar n «* IM !aM oo a«*n« »» owing lo naoffl-Mul U* k'a. KOTaY I>K oiu itnl. Tha laraiaaaa aa*a.l what fB'ipa <* Id ha akan far iba io»iai < ( iha on atoia I Mr t a>Mfo aa 4 thai iffar lariat lb# .»(/!" ' )**' lb»Y aoiji ?Hu;b loai. a II|» Ml* »»> » af IM*'. ThWo ltd# wblid ba (M4 Ilia i.'rai Ka l-rn and an* I bar. ahrb raowM ha a hariapaiJ »a*a».|t and a fbParainant I ah<a kuatl oar ailh ma b'n rr for ha-il-Mf h|i, th# «*maa Am "Thar troali la lilUag Iba ah p> «o«k| ha frap |||Ilia a( Ilia tain* >»*, at caifalft >a'«T' th a|*ail r>i*tn i«m io ibraa mlla« fh* o»* to ibr aai aao.a poi lha { graal't: r'W^ -<** (IK coW*. akila Hi* atfeoi (ao abipa . r«*j i^Ti la lha nhrr. Tto# pup" oM;^a»"l waoSI ' boar a bfaak i|M«m «! Haa^.u* tb'iurlaaa Iba »a t»h ao*iM ha taw ad up ta iarn>* ftp a on* and lha gi*9»al« waold het»»le4 S|» Ulihe Miea, an'I iJroll lira ha Ihaaatti arWh Una ami >) ** «r*-i|.J bur* ai> ampia ma |Mnr hrai|ik II lha # « -m afcip hr naul.ep atooold pun it"- '«h tl.ara aaold lha* mbar tan alupa »lih lha bfhl an ih»ir (Tapaala, and hp *a a-.nl If lb* w* alam «li*|> atoanld pan it, thai * 4 nmat.alla *a»n lha praia upon lb" mio-lia <b:p aad atom na 'to# a** la , ihara lap* I." iha ahip la lha a*.i 4*4 at iifaah't. ao4 ih-» * iaha4 la mala an and Itoai <>*14 alraraw* lhal bf » !*« lb# mlltlig or JaMb ira|**ai abi<-li *«**ild to *** ««* ii>a aahla hp lha mam i*ui ua il Lhal it 1 *< *14 bl-ak II *') mala aa -XI Tb< f anId *! > l it* anotb-i mada hp HO In,' ilia -*M* -ip a " j'ii ** mat. a at lji*| iNSJ'tt 'j *! B. * aa i* att ap lira af laiiulu ifuailb* fianad, *fi4 »* ia« t t*» k far In* parpoaa <a l--a nii.g lb* a»ran <rV-»n flia rai*>a Ha ihaugbl thai hp ib-aa a**t4o* Ihar** **a * I 4<-'bi thai I'iap ah*aid #n< . -aiul ta »< o> **f i»f li.« lo-l abla Mr Ka<rhaira ha*l *< » .»<< lha cab iimim/m- an*l af ami a lb him ip avorp laapai i lh* antaiL aa-4 ha haU «*< <ih>iWa aam' I'm*- ago, mniaptam 4u4ara«a Mad *> aipla.aad ha pumiptr ha inland* I la a I i<pou will* ngaid Uia mataip m Iba raMa thai to* had no 4<-<hr, 4 4 "a# -Jm* mli oaf# Ml a* nai l* thio* nap ta airatn >i|>«n iba «hb n> taxi *i Ua *f "O# if*" 'atob inapaiaiinn .! #< aoobi -toofiip iiav* 1*0 rah!*# Mr i »»ilnfi laid b tbaa*hi lb* facl i»mi ihd 4u» to a IM lha Tala*rapto I *«i.al/u' I. * aad M»nJ«ua_iu a _»in|-.k Ha* I ijanpa a* cu Incur* a- r]«W OuO l.'.aTn": in arw auraia pl.ita l iIm* |r«al aniiManr* wkb b ihr? b .4 IM »V« 4b. IbM, rtybl ill IhaM (*hll*a**u b*B ra- b aiiba. rtba* 1)0 tM 14 Mia <*H*pany. I a4 Mr 1 jr-i* y lalu kM#lak«a a libaaaaaiai a( ai>«k la iba yra i»»nn«lij^ m ai^^i J *T13*^Tlnwlv a^tikwaiia'i NABbafirt. T'a|.i»a 4hi4- n than giva a' ron.a h-nri'i aarra lira if IIM #«p"Bt«i*4 from iba aavitral pa «l f T tua lla >at'n* ibui u./»i i*-l i ai. a II. im an aivtaga ha* akaa ha a* *a»n« b-h lUIha agyl * « for t| 041 an* kaiiiug a ha wMWa ravraarl, urf ha tail Mat ha aaa bni laaiaittivi Naall ta aa »oI'tp .a *r*aBy B*U'Ma*-ir*B by * " at «raa* iipan *r* * baa iha fa*N a ant nukaaH la -Way nafrr h* ih»«(t>. a aa wpaanaii ta raanvrr «. a M M H in.ah iba aahia »ul4 Mar Iha araia ** ia# I ainbiih*4 abaa ba fa**# 1 basilar rant# hami lhai.raal final ia wrb a p-n4iaa ibM lb»y raanryv* i-.a ,-ah'a u iha 4.4 4Mb iba im fa* It la iaa mlaa «B-t iba Ub4 fa N *m.rr*B ah* h abal Mr Varlaf, Iha aw ir < .aa. rail*# 4a.4 ran,h ba tbo-rgbi all I'My 'Ml* <" «a> h ra»'i baw TVa * « a rar**«r lag iba eabla (raai iaa anw> at «iai a***»aa la Mai fifaalaa* Mil 1 bar n»anll«t a*>«a<rMaly gat H apaa.af oaar i*« «4aa gi aatir an#, a-<i*4bai>a*>n« lb* a.a af b*a*iag la a arbala Bay aa* nabi baa* aa* lb* Waal Bagra* laiaraB abbar la na » #«* y <* ia ila <* ****'* «« Mai »b»a lb* 'bi»B faab «aa«r»4 aaBU* rabla Matt a bw aanma* aa. iba* atxh.a* ma* f*a'« b* 4«aa Mr 1 aaatag aaal tbr-y at>ui *r*y Ma IV ib* laal rab*a. bat, B bw lyaaa h*B bara a, I 4 ba aba*IB as*a aalB M aas a'iaa*a a* >*w*a<a araaaB IbM <um CMM ka>* b*r* *<a* ba4 1 baa b»*U baaa armaf aawf fl vaa (mm a* U.I ia | af tb> arayybag baa, bn fraai lb* b***t>aa ' '** hrarWnf ib# tanala, IbM I bay a*** <aab* '* if ummmb la taaaar b* lb* ' linai* 1 apaia t<N mm* mb ba aaa a'«M iba h»r« aa* h* a* BiMauMy m *aittag r gbl 1* iba *#» *a4 raaarmag Iba * # af lb* rabta Tb* baaa* ** aa* iHT*' w . 111M Ml * Ml Ml- ERA1 * fa* $'>+'* p: manrotly. but tImply to to<li<*ate the drift of tbo *hlp while they nude tln-ir nlwervat <>n« a»d tftsy Would roach to* ap<it a|ain by tbe aanaa pioi . by whteh any ship was navigated: It was a >«e of ordinary nautical aetronomy. Ewiry Meeautloo wa* being taken, for tin* neat vnvagr, to hart all the neceemry mecblfcery and rut Cor recovering the ruble. Kerb ship would be wkutd up with tbe rwiuuiir toachiuery. end he did Rot * » < , from thr mean* thai bed br a let'-d by Mr. Can nlng, Oral thereahoold lie any dim eltjr la rerovrrtng the lout end oi the cable. There waa no mechanical diB cully, and, he believed, aoarlentiuc one. In answer to Mr. Jamea Connoll, Captain Awirneoji -.Md he thought there war eo rmannable ebanca ef itie cable being covered over with mad at the bottom. Mr. denning reminded him, alau, that tbe prong* of the grapnel were a foot iii depth, and therefore It would have to he silted up a foot before I bey eon Id iwtna It. He a-and? thought tliat now it would be more than n half ita 11 dopth in tb« ooaa at tba bottom. ' vtaarn op thr ruh triciah. Mr. Yarlay, eleriib tan lotbocompany, thon uddreoeed the meeting. He *ald Mr Canning and ffcpUin Amler eon bad omitted Mate that they bad atla<-ba<l to tbe paying out machinery, to bo wised In the nnxt voyage, a steam engine, ao that at a moment's notice the machinery could be reversed last year, when a M fault abowad ureir, it waa aeceaaary to transfer tbe cable trom tb« paying out iiimublnery at tbe atern to the picking up machinery a* tbe bown before tbe operation of hauling heck eon Id be commenced It had tieen aarertaiaad by Prnfemor Tbomaoa that the cable ley la au oblique line seventeen Uillee long (rom tbe atern of (be veaext before it touched | Ihe bottom, and waa over two hour* In reaching the bottom. CapUIn Anderson had nuggar led the practicability of arranging ilia paying out machinery an that tbe moment anything wrong we* indicated by the electric apparatus the »hlp might be Immediately Mopped, with out waiting for the cable to aiak to the bottom That waa (b» moat important part of the present aiftediuoa, because should a fault .uvtir the ablp could be "topped In four or Hve minute*, when not more than half aflailn of the ealde had gooe over tbr atern, and the atrata an it would be rery much lean than It would ba If It were allowed lo alnk Jo tbe bottom and then hauled hack q again. It waa a ttguillaunt fact that they had no instance ou record of a ruble that he* been properly laid " fail.ug iu tloep water.all Ibe failure* bed been la ohaJ v low water or were due to inulle that had Misled In the t > i able prior to it* being laid There wae no iwwi lo fear, if thl* cable were properly laid, (hat it would (all lui flfly or a hundred year*', ImtuM the baavy abore nude woulil reach Into deep water of one hundred fathom-- He want on lo idatd tha ran nil ol lha Improve inenta made in ilia rlccin-al condition of gubotarlna cablet during ibe laal two or tbraa yearn, and Iban italtl hat two year* ago It wnul.l hat a been extremely difficult to e|ieak of tha proaprl* of remuneration lo U»a *1 arrhnhb-ra in ihe preeent unUortablag, bnl MOW Iboy bail data ou which to go. Tbo <ju''*llou of tdcceg* hiul twin Mfvikon to hv I'iptain And'-reon, Mr CanI nlng and Mr. fiald Therefore ha would at oaca pa-w lo tha i|Ui"<Uoii of ram inoratloD It naa at Bret proponed that only Um- *1, dilute a word thould charged for ttiu trait- in lutein or mosragea to America Hilt ai tba pte-anl moment thara are tbirtv-one alecttlc wnaa woiking between turooaand Great Hrilalo. which ware eniMulurr aim a half full.ray about flfteeu wtrra working rontinuoiialy. What, then, would tic tha aifect ono ouglr wira ronna< ilnr ool only Hreat Britain and fdrope, hni Allien and Ada. with that tremendow* tale graph ^ywrin uhkh hid grown up In A inert a and (' uadat »«» per'n-tly clear thai on" who could m no way cope tlb tha amount ot worlt that would pa an batwaan tl.. nro roiinirleg, uulrar a high rale were haigeil 10 k- -pdnun the Iri'Bc In Ibe Br*t Inr'ance, ihe government olt»i»d a -iib-ldy to Ibe Atlantic Telegraph Ton tMlir ui eighi per cent to long the cable worked end i- hieg lh» lonment II atopped That -.nbapli - a' nwiir i- aura if the cable work"d at all It would enfti a i < more than eigb' per e«nt The govi-rninenl at if butll Ihe price to it td a word lit" coioeipieni ..I have Iwen to eaoiMOot to Inlui >f me<"agea ilie I thy wood day * myanagetroald be tiauriuiitcd Hi Vrw Vurk ibe mail peokel would htre a trrnril there (»! p.el,I -Tlmt a|tw*rneit' now "Mi wiled.t There war only «ne lygltiuiaie w»y la wbioi they '' mild limit the in (be, i ibaT wai lo tuguieni ttaejjpr.oe. Tin line from lien ft .intuitu to New York, which baa a very cpatly line, paarlng tnhw np nto perpetuafhnow knil JoW Iftui ilTjMf.ifl Wtpeffigt*/ l«n wordriome 'I wher about X.'!. and bad paid, ever aiuf e it bad hdbu in opeiatlon. Iroin tiineiy to no-idecthly ever ettg bupdred per cant per anntini on the original oat The Berrien nqli line, badly managed aa ibe fbedert to it were. peM XBfl.OM) a yarr. Ihe Malbi tbd Alexandria lib* ><Wk X100 ooo a year ttmptv heiaeen I'gypi and Kudbee jr.. Iben one AilatiU'- ably look no indfe me ;n^e* tf> A the Malta and Alayegi.lrta Itae or Ma# Beretae Bulf Hir^ai.A barged ou r ( iwmt the iVte charged nv thoer tinea thalr in atp't would amount lo oyer half » million II* had been wn'ofeing the pruarr** of la.ngapIV for ibe laat nineteen year* rod ho wan >rl*i# ihat the demand upon iheir lln-Mould he much greater then that Ha did not bellcvr that lew thnn 30« par word would keep their Hue free idt the flt-i twelve month*; ami after Ihe Aral twelve month* a blghei rata "III would be tie ea»arv in order lo limit the traffic miffir'antly. He thought Xl.iato ooo |>er niiunni waa a vary moderate ritluia'- of Ibe niiulngt of I be cable Okrmixil aot rgr In anvwer to a tharehold- r. Mr. Vani.rv «* 0 thete w.-re two rotlip*' ng n .1. pro j poaed.one tn Ibe uorlb id dcMland and th" i-arno lain to Ureen land and laibra«l»r end tei' other by franco < » IMe Aloron lo aomo imtnl on the A mere <n .>«al He *ou*tdarad Uta former roultt pt*-..i.i«J, 01, lit* k«> * hound »liorr» of Ka«l <Jrr< nlind nun* .llfTJ.: thai lite arlnrai moM t>a abandonni boatden whleh Una company |*tak*»od tha aiclii-l*w right of landing noli in.11 in* cable "it fhr |*r( of lha '0.1*1 If: had ImliiOaa I lull) lv»4 Hul, *i the -am* tint*. Ih' '* »»' tt'i roaami to fear cr.inpatitlon for, wer* ll.cfa fflt rattle* vro-a Hi* AlanUr ihar* would not It# loo uwiir w »h* trifle thai at>aii*d lh*m. ritnatat.K mntm. , . Mr |f|*ib |xiint*il <»iit thai lh* a ii a .rig t i>«-o * nil weary for III* iMtiMiataa of i (II»«|» III Von would «ar>**it la treat*I lha* «a» not* *ary tend a m* «aj* in laiadoa; wh I mtw|i I I I la it and Hi* oth*t alaait JJft Ptittlt* railway*, th«r* wa« no wear and tear the raiil* afior It a it laid down II* ad-Ud Hint td.. ! b* |tr«t| -u *apllal had already l>*aa ra * ! ard llitt th» br .1. n « ltd t loa# tha liata fur ll»» naalrv on TM*-<tojr, for f 4<*l 'Wi ha I Weil aoliaeilbatl lor haftir* l*ft I ottdna on Mr .niay laat 11 Th«runa*«* hating at.oagly pr» a*d th* »*lnii.t* 'if lha oin|*ny on t'.e at' ntna'iif " * .mm*r lal <> omnnilv, j and #rprn»*d hi* entire rounder** ,n the in Vrtal In*, j Mr Ht<-» m"t'*d a cm* of ihatiL» o> tin :ha'iuia<4 I tl of ilia dapmali'iti, retnirvinf that ru h«<l teoi a ihun j I hulilat in the old nmftaii) and .a'»n.j*i la a ladder of p"a-k K lb* anw on* Ur AW»an«l»f »»-lOdart 1>« r' Iniithlli, ytbirh waa Ml.iflt nirynrtel ht Mr 1 V John. H r'oi.a *ad rajrfad The ma*lia( fhaa adptoriiid at THE F lU IAN 8. THE O'MAHONY SIDE. mm a*ra thaat Ifaphtai. la* «*«r*h fa* tjylira at* aa* tiaroai* *11** h*>« in N*w Toek Alt aorta af M* airaagaai I'm*urenf dated ahac.1 an* R* aaa <a*n la tr*n> a jmm tin.* in aa*i at th* aoroa not* bavaaaWaia It-.hi.a anu a a't j.n « of Ir- Wad Vtao* ba ia a<t'lall* ia T^i't and ha* hano b»rn for lha pail fofia'gfii hoi thai ta a»a ^ at ail liliatf, h*. awa Ilia praiais*** *#-ao»a af Ilia < a*i at t oua> tl juri a aaa eoaitadiai >o* h o'k m « obi ll (1 a'ao r-oalaada I that ha at'" 'am* a* a Ifalaad a-it ha n*»i prxaloat «(. ioa>a of .1 ha oa. la I Inland and w|t| *nwa Iwi 'a V#» V»ek Ihla Of. a n tk '* principally gin nd*. upon tha la.' thai Mr- *t*phana * a* ipitta r**«atla tail Iraitad for ih waalrf a. *f>kaa* i*ta 'k» >* maiinm* mb* «*» him < w nal. >> < fai.f* ' ><i My, b' >'» na - 4* In a-4 it«bk.*a In aa* nf Ui< nlB-.a 1 i*" Hi* «n » 'hi- *tl» 'iul'ft 4* # '. > V| i* «»i ibr r < *!» a a * 4>< « » >n Hi* qn « mi<1 l>o * mi b « u»h c 'afnfinaiiaii lot i <1 Ba an iom ka»»«. In *W>HI«btWl<,,H4lM*Mll*l Tk» *:» *ri4**'» ^ (' fig In ** >.# tli.i Wlff*" h* (> If*#*! i lk« fa I j * hi lull lt«» ng »<> iJm< »'l| li a »* Ilk*!* UiM j a *|f# « 4ail|r fae *1 It* iprnm a< k u* 14 | 14»na«* a i«"»g» »bi 4 i-a4 hat »k. « 4 u»« »a|.h n* m "f a 4a » a THE S^/rtNY SlOf " 41 Th. r. I.H.IMI ' W« ll'Rah** I I lr* laa.l#a#«#Ba** ilgaa of KI|ki-M<riBlllHg lb|MMll*ai I* Jf ra»» 4* tbl Rakafla Ha*a*r m-li.y iC'lk* ran ui r»gn*«l im Ik* r-m« ni ifc# vlab aa*4 M ml It* I / .fc-r jinif* I* "»* K 'lak'!'*»/ *#» i»«M«a'y " «ra US*, "*» *T an* «**4 »( iba* r*Mi It M **4 far " f»» a MM in !* 4»pa<*' * * a 4.:'I al U»» ha* "k *4 ' It* ' #»k'a pal »> T' an* 4m a lk#a» 'ran«<»i *' ra*|*l*iiila Tk» f aiiiaa'i Hal Ia* h i4a af »H* «» Mak«a> alai "a- I lk| ijiai a" 'a' ' * I l'» 4 M -III ! " in a«ip la II Ml it a It ah i Milan aa naif an M r> 1>,<a» laaa "»f# !. * auk Ik* aaaaai > t * » gaM I' as Iba ai'a*' f Banaamiai * aii, «> a' **a4, i-tff if Ha «a*ai a»mr auk laWkai Ml««« MB m u|* Ik* k*44 kalata aai< aall tka *«*4.aaa art Mill ng « ** aaniaa mi w'nW» fir mim* »« /* #»» M nil a> anf Tb« war* *al>gk'»#a4 aal '* li'M tka |n»k > '|»»* *a j m ia piaii aa it- , M laa-»nr» ikak Hi* I'aa- - aa* k»nra '! * a aa-a* r<a»f*r« Im i,t|'l i* >k* a a# a a* nf nanaj tka* n *f ii.* na'«k'«h f«»* ' i 'ig ia«l< . Tk* ' kkaifi Nftf I * la ak|l kffn f * iViaa ani.uii hiiit fraak'.a N v Daia ni'l '! ! TH#» »f* VI ** T**a4a* « * l«a * if f a*4 |wl'«a >' « * a " |k« fatal* » a*tn.i'al la rtaa'M>| al.Ma.«a'« af* **» aa4 b»m» akati a«a |* a* *1 a ai .-'a. * aa; ! . ak In ..nati |at4a flu M* '-»g»*>»a i in awaa >* ; fan* Itaaa ft**a a I Bl nat'aa la mil H.U * k , D. RICE FOUR CENTS. THE CAPITAL. <*r * THE CIVIL BIGHTS BILL. PROBABLE ACTION OF THE SENATE. rk6 Hmm Lmb Bill to to Reported to the deiate Wltboit AaeidweK. lOhat is to be Bone with the BKezf- j can Loan Bill. Ira. Jrfferwe Dmii and Aleiaadti I. Stephen! Expected at Waihiugtoa. he. he. he. Winin«H.r », April 1, hM ACTION ON TIIB r it, HICIITM BILL UKLAVRO. It la now eacertain.« thal^te *eul <>n to ranaont with tlia randUnn of Sunalor F.iul cannot a*1 ck before Tueaday. Tb« rata un tha Civil Riabia hill 'III, therefore, poetpoaed until Wednaeday Haunter rurabull will make hla apaach to-morrow in dafaore or lie bill, and it la probable that noma Henator uu tho thar aide will ra^pond, wbiclt will ueo up tha natlre aaalon. Tba radical* will nut be aoitoua to praaa a vote; or by wailing until Wediieaday tba Senator who will ba ppoinlad in Foot'a place will ba hern to lake lue aaat ba delay will nut be objected to by tba otbar aide, fur vary day a |>oeiponen»ai lacraaara tba banme »r tba anaervatlve Hanalora now ec k baton praaaat >or la tbla delay weakening the chain en of ila aiug euelaiaed, on tba roalrary, Johnaon la laily gaining atrangtb. tba radicala admit that ibay re luaing ground, and ara now making a dcepernla effi.it u Induce tboae Nanalora who have been firm throogbout 0 wmle with them in Mipporl of tha bill. In fact, wa nay aay that tha only duubtwheb m w e*ieta in anard to the raault la aa to whether tha two Hana ore who ara now t* k w II bo able to I* praaom Vara la no doubt that liitun will be preaent if within ba tange of poMilulitlea, but tbara la mora doubt about en* lor VI tight. TUB LOAN BILL. The Klnam e (omroiUan of the haaale hhva derided to eporl the ao called loan bill In the paeriae aba pa that >t aaaad the H&.ae. Tba report wilt |«ubably made to orrow Aa effort waa made in the committee to modify , Iwil I failed. It la ronalderwd by a majority af tba uBtunlitac to ba barmleaa aa (I la, aad tberafure hait to aaa it without vmewdmeau TBI MBXICAN LOaN. It m now admitted that tba raaoluttua* guaranteeing tie Mecicaa Iowa will paaa the Rouaa ut Kapfaeeatetivee. ba oppunanta of tha meeaure concede I bat much, It la pgt*raloud thai a a umber af tha mambar* will rata fur 1 lor 'be purpoaa of giving Napoleon lo undatetaad that bl/ country la la aarneat in regard to ila end .rvnx-ivt of kta republic of Haiieo Their votaa will m aoma m t Utuaa ha gitoa im that wwaeuie .a tha hnpaa 'bat with 14 paiaaga la Uva Houm Nat»uteua will lake the hut nd Withdraw fioai that rouatry. U It und< rat.od that iflai ila paevagc In ihn lower Heave it will im held 10 he dena'e to aaa whether tha French Fn.|»ee. r till Uka the bint without further action by f.iugreee loth Outfit* fti'J ib* rr*n<irnm jrtifry unrwiuMi n<! panliita in ib»lr opiiuailion to Urn io>|wrlat Mi nan In-ina. WlnM tin fa ia no do |.oalil«ti to bitnj on any rrloua t'liniit cat.nit* wall Napoleon, tbnr ia a data' uinatinn IO do natlann IItat Will ah"* to t ... thai Ilia Ooun'iy »'II not aol.nal to any do bla daaJ Of of Im.bliol oarv i< l.ia |ail t'ui Ihla maann il.a tola 111! ba farjr dw.d'd.n tin H»i'« Ton a< i. f nala li I.a uf n »af>i»«li a w oti atlrrli. II a U glf*n tilM a 'JfMd'd i.oil t>> U.a |«-o|t f It* .rat ire in lt*> I Jy. lit» nailtta MLL. Th ra la mora In Ilia t>fi.p akititMl to la rut m, t lLa J etion ol iba I hi portal rat arnica in ll'ifo it. a* f<r»« ippoanil |i « lliat larlain imilirt ...noarUrl 4b Ilia t loncn Ixna'"" ara taifgrd III ladaovf part tan laa* tlaa COIII. ail una. jkii. nana 1 in. inn tr vtamtnfon. Mia Jfl*r-on l*i m i.imV-t tood to bt at twiU la al n^Uiu In I.Of a oi oLiaiBiUf par u.iwn.a to alt t l "ail" I" at ol. M iw -I,a mil roimbla >1111 ii oia>|«uy '4 A H M'|.|. * |loa> a a/ in mo. iitn .ra via ia tui.Uk onamr Tba fMan>i> <4 Mt M|IM liaaa IM bar* I-* ia».r ir*»4a»' part or|.ii« Ina out I at iba Van V-aa «i 'oral, p mib iKiaaail pot«.a»»nC) , fat I an M mm k ra. a,ta«t Ui« o ri*" I bn ^|-4ainiat *"Oal rllynr a It r».4a bnaa .a.»i|ai,.a.) an tun .t.pi«aimatl I l.i> at Ola In aai a ."^loial .. ..rirn aiom, an l a rhachliog art. Ik* irpoii..' 4. airman, nt ml knaa.4, if|nu Mm ml aal Vi itray ara 'iiaMaal Ikan aU ara an -..aMaa.la ant 'aaMatr )M i.atnM, nt 00I4 in . pa.* ara Iba oo»i oa <m ml a*; niana I natron uru civiiitta*. Ika ra' a4 «ra an 1 tarn fa 4 t Oat-aa « llfH .alaant a Dapnaimanl nt Oman mnt I mat ' apiam Han«a ontoi.4 a| Ika Hi., at. la dapa*, an nan*", x .amaiaai'r 'na*4'4 maaj laaara tn mi aaalmr 1 .ara .aA .>a a r- at.' ... a m f'rrai-bnM a Mm an aaaral raarar alar in Jn44o ana rarara. Ma bnpna mi «v awrat a .11 aiaat i fa ina Hmiaaj na« atara M at .n Al .1 apfirtoa'tf inn nnrra tnw ana rA. ran aant paM.an mt nu a.Miry. abaMrt l»H'4 n Mafa an Hani Cmnmtiiaa inaaa n.m ptnnarli* n ran-*, una «# ma raraaaa rat mm | afar aan a»o onaat k| iba,/ a|ai i .a paraaa. AMM .fUtMa an aar r tl flk' »U Mil ' > III rMiifuiaa 4#ta«a«M« l»'bM IMll? llMb UM tM, tfl * Iba If ! «( ikra pi <M 'blna^l fH> ». aba I'IMaat » lb* rH« Nl( IM 1*1 M ImMf. lbi pa III «< lb* IM kIIn af lb* UM " k'l* MP*' » lb* iMpabiM of baai Mf «alf M m iH I* "f lw*<(» p .M'lli.bf b'm. Tu I«m>l*» MP fpt i»a< Uatf 111* '*>i4aia- aa af lb* pkMrtpi' > M IH M< bill irM.i. it illicit mai'iM A »» »« > ! M 1.1a Mull IrvM Uilniu **4 Ika >4 rl. at mm iry at Iba baaib la la Iba " p f«« «*M p. i »» I > I.a P » ' «"|I «; 4 a*»"i4 Ua ifinwa in .iiw nmb »i»4 <"<u« t+*rvf 4 >(.-( ll.a . tba >-ii .a >*< ,t-.aua ! ii hum tba Mail In ia p.M it pi b'lb "M«fll pa*4 ! |>-|<I| lb* IC -HH I* Pi "Ktl'W 11 . UM Ml »-!' ! a ''T MM p»«aaac«4 «n mir sail. '/»T*« lb* poMbi mii I a Imi Wm praM? »»U r* aaaa4x«b*4 PM«b»Mi lb* Ppuib bi IW PUMiMtaibMiapPa l>al * "M"» < lb* Mp*n«Mbl » abwal M ! aa a «aa ubfa iba / i aaliana la* lb* Mi ma -4 <1 lal ri'^a'a af» mm 'Mil lab bnaaiif if m;i«i f«'i'»»« in io at CALi I* CP tuba t > It V Mail b*M of lb* t'aafi Mai an |MM«-4 Vf ll.a 1-ai'. at *»Iiptpr P-m* bpnwa'11 a IBM i»mI ail «*:i «p U.a r*b<aaaart ibb*« iaM .4 4|« raaaaa Bfftpt aa trt4ap at ba 4**ipra-i but la a4a ia ba M> i# marrpm 'ma fraaa taiima taaiaa. tlbltf H MM4 bafb I** twa Pwbal t.aia* lib baa l-a « I* "4MM baa »»t*4 fiaaa Mabua aa4 CMatut bt» * "" aai.. ba' af MM a baa * f * Hall*! aa tba auaaMi lba*« #4 'a ba4 » i»4 f'v» W'A a fbt Habaa 'a 'aaa - » .»> Tba paaM" fVaaa »' aa '»< tb.i a'm»«*i ** t i4 < Mt r»a N a Tba f»aa*t 4iti*« i »*»& * *'* batata a iba ataa i-i N am a n»b ia T ia Tba u>, rt -a >a pt# Taaa If H UM*b4 4b 4 tfc

tile.loc.gov€¦ · TH WHOLE NO. 10,807. TUB OCEAN Mil r_,^-L-L-__.L _,L 1 The Hew Atlantic Telegraph Wire. It* SuperiorityPredeoeesor*.Over Its CreatorFlexibility,CreatorStrength,

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Page 1: tile.loc.gov€¦ · TH WHOLE NO. 10,807. TUB OCEAN Mil r_,^-L-L-__.L _,L 1 The Hew Atlantic Telegraph Wire. It* SuperiorityPredeoeesor*.Over Its CreatorFlexibility,CreatorStrength,

THWHOLE NO. 10,807.

TUB OCEAN Milr_,^-L-L-__.L _,L


The Hew Atlantic TelegraphWire.

It* Superiority Over ItsPredeoeesor*.Creator Flexibility, Creator Strength,

Mere Perfect Israiatto**

Improved Applleacee tor Preventto*"Bitches."



iia nirriaiii t\j iaaiit aiiailia ithu uirriuiLiv now I nniomu 11.

htemtiog tad Iaportait Telegraph Meetiagila Englaid.

The Enterprise to be Renewedin July Next.

hhuthi Cinparhie #f IMr tcUIlMrrtfertiMt, Weight ut Qtutty.

dkc. *e.Ac.

Dm project of laying a cable motm ike Atlantic, fromIke stores of Ireland lo the coast of Newfoundland,Mm attsmpted ud twlee t fAlure, will bo mured Inno aoath of July of the present yenr. Tho work ofpmp*'1** tbe now cable boo now no for odvoncod M doeaklo oo to ley before our render* much latereelingtofOnnetion on the subject. Meetings recently hold,both to Manchester oak Liverpool (reports of wh^h yeAJils), show that the cooldenoo whicYi the leading

elonhlc men of Europe nod Aaortca have an alongaanifMiod In lbs success of tbe undertshtog bao beenheifbtened by the experience gained from post failures.la corneousace 0f legal dlBrnltiee preventing tbe old

toiogropb companies from raising the requisite capitalas the new undertaking, another company baa beanarmed, mainly out of tho sharohuHors of tho other

corporations. Tbls aaw c >mpany la called the "AngloAmericanTelegraph Company." Its capital is MM,000,

and by the terms of its Incorporation It will receivenothing If tbe coble fails, but £1*0,000 a year, or twenty- IAve per cent, if it succeeds Titers are thus Ive compsniaeinterested in the nudsrtnking, namely 1Tho NewYork, Newfoundland and 1-osdoa Telegraph Companyestablished in 1864; the Atlantic Telegraph CompanyaalahlAbcd in 1*17; the Telegraph Construction andtoelatenancc Company, the Great Eastern SteamshipCompany and the AogUi-Ainencsu Company, abovanamed.The new cable now being constructed by Me**ra iilaa-,

EUtotl A Co. closely resembles that of 1806, but differsfrom It In these respects:.The wiree, instead of beingai Iron ooted with pre-or. alive compound. will b« k*IraolM), nwiodo away with the r.reeaaily or the premmouTerlng.Thi* change giro* tbo wirea greateraloagaifna, aad enablo* th#m f> aceommndata ti.cmaelvea wtlli crruirr facility to the atretch of the yarn.The tar with which (be old rahlo waa rovarad haa a hobeen done away with. Tha coating of tha now one willaooa.it aatiraly of hemic By tbawa aJiaraltoaa muciigreater flealbl.lt> ia givaa to tha wir#, which i« now «o

llih«aalo be capable «| being iwiated round a mai l

loagUi Hka a rope. While ite weight ba* baaa locreoaadby thaw aipaaurai from em on irnw fifteen imndraii

weight par mile to eight t»a* iwelae huadied wenthi,Ma breakiag atrain haa baaa iocreaaod in Ilka proportion,and tba cable of lean will tift one Ion weight more peraula than ibe cable of 1MI. Tha nibjotaau wooOnit*

gtaa an aiact representation of the lira and ipprnaa w

af Ibe praraot cable tad Ha prodocoaenra.

Tba Cable < f lata.

count au«.tic*.ftabat a- 1 > upper eiraad Mmaiatlag af «aaaa wire*

(Mi laid roead one), and weighing W ^wrc^aaj^fgii-flttafabr.^uita parrha laid aw ia ihrae e^rl^a and

lihiM id 1 |tea fta#f k patjfcrw'V IV atrand af .>hrmal in,,wire. aaea nlraad .mapneed eg amen -«lr*e (an laidraied one) bid ep rail* iWUnd tba rare. wh i ll tatter waafraaioaely padded wtib a earring * natwp emoN wiibaiarmutare Tba aapnrat. w.ran Were ewb it', twig*the atrnad coiaplale \a It gaute.

M ' gdr ia A>r do art. per nam rat mileWt gU in Wtil't .ltd Wl. per aaiilicel mileBrewtrawp Sirmm.$ taiwe g i wl or equal la tU time,

lie weight in waler pei nauliral mile ibet ia to *av tbacable wonVI bear lea own weight in a little lee. than I

ilea depth <»f wab r

f>-ep»»f W»'*' fele K eeaatered-2.44W falhotoi ar lee

f" s«* a^ual la 4 na» n. a*i*hl I|t' MUU'llll'Ifl* *»«. «

Ismfth / < V4» 0k>ffd -t, IT4 aanlh-al « In ; J

***** «r ! ».'



rniar at frtio*.*W < ar-Poppar "Innil rnn«t«ilM M 7 airaa («l« I

7*14 round l|, aa4 tml<li| W» '» « par niiiin al mil*,aaiba44a4 Inr anMtp ia «T>aM#rl«ia I'lW^itil Haufa (af Maita wira 04»-oi4n«M I* p i|t Knp M I* 4 144.«r4leerr Ma. I*(ant*.ft.latum itutia par« ha, 4 lar*r« nf ahw-h ara *i4 »i i

«! tarsal all silk f»,r «Ma lar*r* a' I hali«rt<«a -tat

mo ad Tl»a a»l»hi of ihrmt.rr lar'ilatinit l*4« the ft *

aauaal ml* TtiasMtar «rf va 444, clft usifaran'a af I**» i an.Mr'tmol rr*» tum~ Taa *«>II4 a'fa* af lb* |a i«a 4a4 I

Cn IS fa i*a). drami frus W»ht*r a '

iBOfana- 'i# Was, »arh air* anrr«iin.»*4 I«ra Misa4< af Maaula rarn aain'bt*4 a|tb a prapartatiaa rn«na«a4. *a4 iH* who1* l*>-l apirsi»r taua<l I4M aara. abirh lattar pa44*4 aith jaia ptia, m< itaioripath pnaatrailaa ailuar* i

Iftiff is Mtr.44 rat lp p suit *1 atijairrybt t. tr»-t*. II at par a* Mitral mil*0rmkt*f .*fraia 7 inaa I* rat , nr a<|aal la * *» *

IPM)l4»rih( > vatTT, nr HbWV »*, mi tfto J


ity.Uhe cable will beei Ha owa weight la [eleven Baileedepth of water.Deep*m Waliy to be JftwouaterMl.3,400 fatboata, or

leaa than 2W uuttcal milee.The CWreet Strain la equal to 11 tlmaa ita weight par

aauttcal mile in water.Lm0th of Catde gigpit 8,300 nautical milea.

The Cable ef 1866.

CONWr»PCTIOW.Aw*dw.Copper strand consisting of 1 wire# <4 laid

round one), and weeghing 306 lbs. per nautical mile, embeddedfor solidity u> CbaUertoo'e oompound. Gauge ofingle wire -Ogginordinary U gauge. Gauge of attend'14?.ordinary N* Id gauge.lamldlei Guita peroba, dieyen ef whieh are laid on

alternately with four tbln lavent of Chattenon « oempound. The weight of the entire Ineulation 400 lbe pernautical mile Diameter of core 404, circumference ofcorel'398.ttnUmat pnltciian.Ten aoltd wlree of tho gouge -006

(No. 13 gauge), drawn front Webeter and Borofall'o homogeneoueIron, and galvanised, each wire aurroundedseparately by five strand* of white Manilla yarn, andthe whole law spirally round tho core, which latter Itpadded with Jute yarn, nUurated with preservative mixture.

Wriykt in Air.81 cwt per nantlcal mile.Wright in Water.14* ewt per nautical mile.Breaking Strain.g tone % cwt. or equal to eleven

time* Its weight In water per nautical mile; that I* toaey, the cable will bear Ite own weight in eleven milesdepth of water.Derpot Wa'rr to be Encountered.2,400 fathoms, or lens

than 2X nautical mile*.The Ontract Strain la equal to 11 time* it* weight per

nautical mile In water.length nf <'abir to be Shipped to Pump't'e Bo h Linee.

2,730 mllea.

MEETING IN LIVERPOOL.The Chancer o/Raising the Old Cnblr.lisInsulation Better Now Then When Itleft 1reinud.Superior Construct Ion ofhe New t able, he.

The Anglo-American Telegraph Company has beenmtabllebed for the purpoee of executing In the courMof the present your the enterprise of laying n submarinecable between Ireland and Newfoundland, aoaa to connect telegraphically the Old World nod theNew, and io raise the cable partially laid last yesrIn order to complete a eecond line to America.An important meeting wan bold on the 14th of March,in the Common Hall, Hackla's hoy, Liverpool, forthe purpose of havtag the prospects of the undertakiagfully explained. It war very aumerously attendedby some of the leading shipowners and merchants oflbe town, and by the representatives of the various telegraphcompanies. Among other gentlemen present wereMr. Cyme W. yield, rice president and director of theNew York, Newfouadlaod and London Telegraph Company, Mr. Cromwell t. Varley, the electrician ef the AtlanticTelegraph Company, and consulting electrician ofthe Electric and International Telegraph Company: Mr.5. Canning. engfcsor.Jn-ehiefTelegrapb Construction andMaintenance Comnanr. limited, and Camain James an-demon, commander ot Uie 0N*l KoMntOn im notton «r Mr. C. w. (, Pickering, Mr. tyroeW. field «u voted to lb# cb%T. | * "Vat.

rirmtxr or lib. ta*i-«y. **"".Mi. Mid, in Ute npi^H ilii aent round to them

»nd UTTeontniwaylng tlMnnecU, which cODta.nad nletter irotn ProfemorWm Thomeon, prafooenr of natoml pbiloaopbv »t the I'otvef.Hjr of Giaagow, they wouldm thnt «m footleman, who wee nwot to nnwe inmatbeneottMl engineering, had gone vary carefully Mothe question relating to let edbet of the water u(toa theoperation or tayiag and recovering cabHe. And frflfcthe (net the* the it rain on the cable ni only fourteenhamired weight daring tba operation of paying oat, hawae enabled to nnkiulate prwhely what wan the aattonof the wale, ilarlao the eparallon of eubnwretow,aad ho oad touad that the cahto from thesliip, owing (o He l'ght epndftc gravity, andthe root*lame which H experienced In panningthrough the water, aank ao elowiy that the ratiorum the ttera of the vaaeel to where It too h<-dthe gruund followed ua Incline extending orer n diatanceof ao lea* than aavente-n uilleofrom the (torn of theVianet; tn other worde, the cable waa nearly three lioureIn goiug to ihe bottom of the water. Krone that ho hadcalculated what would bo the amount of fricttoo in liftingthe ort>le throngh the water from lite bottom. Theranle w ee paid or at lite rate of ill knot* wn hour, endthe operation of receiving would not bo performed at agreater rate than one knot an hoar, end at thl-- latteri| e d the friction npon the cable from the bottom ali'tance of tea mllno.the weight o! the rattle would hoabout M CWt, the Irlrlloo 2cwL, making a (otal ol aboutto cwt.; end. ae the breaking etraln of the cable waaI tone 15 cwt, It would at once he earn that there waa alarite margin of altength. Die aew cable waa found tolift a ton more Weight than the old one. Tbte would liftever 5 mm wltlauat any roar, and. in addition, this cable,n-tead of b*ioa S4 owl hi the knot, waa only SI cwt[Hear. bear.) So I hat tn evrry aou-e the next aepediiionUKI II a '«tr in*» of nitlai !' «« Ika' mt leaf yae-.H"*r, near.) Tbe temple or Ibe now aide In boM In kmiiand waa m> fletluia llial It run Id be twirled -haul innrna-iljr (ban iba bid one; in fact tble ceuld )>«»i-Mil about Ibalr ae-k« t apum Anderenn and Mr.L'anaiug rnadr a angfe'tn.n la at atittimn wbieh bad barnI lad npaa. all cb aa< of ibe uimii moment conpli-da lib ibo la- I which r-ofitnor Tbnin-wni bad bmnihi iu-aba, thai llie rattle wae aevanteen uiiloa behind ih shipt Ioto It ree<b<>4 (k* bottom Tliatr attgge Hon wai tble.i,at Hju d ait) ll. ..a happen 10 ih- cable the ablp wouldir a topped and the pcklng bp would tuatanily cum1.-ace and rhmilg the fai.ll b» oeartoeid Mm pat ina outna< bioorjr could bo reverred ao thai tlte raole roeld beleft <1 up from «! - Mora of lha raaarl without (.anerringiba caolo front tba warn In ibe bowhai diB-udy would bo got mar la Ibe ndwmachinery, and Ibai great aatnoe of rlak aadlHav raurolf obviated la addttiea to tba),Ir Willnupblif ftmbb amdlter gentleama wboae martmtr, hae ibai of Mr taaa>p|, bad prevented bratwinr forward la public. b<il who waa wall known In

aiprot mg lha tiianiifbrtore ul gutia pert;ha aqd alaolie eleciricnl part or eubmarlae celilea. Had araoted ajatcpj far IraLag lb'in, and. be one at ibnae lucky kkatb i-li man make la their lifetime bad marie a nodxcellenl -aggaetteti ti» wbteh Ibe do«Nf opeeatleef le-iing iba rou'iagNj and ala<< ifte inatilatl'-n ofbo o.iidr reuW be perfoHheJ at iba tame lima Tbepparaitie taae vary Miopia beUi in i» eeamrnellan aadaadputMtWB; la IWk tbe Cable aoa would be left

'" » ibe iimj .oa fadkel aatled from Talem le ua'tl ahoTHTM n Neetoendlaad without a kn0wl"<1«|warned bojfc am board and on thdM jfcne,o«> and eMiiod/ were tflaar. bear tle would ett.lp-g ftmr Ihia taa« t.nUa perctta'wapa an taigllnat tgitralor permitted > conataat butery ''iftu IWegg|ft tbrougb M. and wa- a eanductor afm^etdDT The aoual -tea ao eneediagly ailnuteebl ivhbh atanufartured iiaa the lhftt able wo-tM -I*leer at Tewloue-ilaad M I pot < eet af the enrreat «etitto 11 at Valaavta. and etar mm Tbe laetruaaanla aaed ,r mear ir ag tbe iaaiilati«a ware ao eenrdlt# thai avenleakage tbraugb one keet ad table ould be atvaraielyeeeeured Mr KaaPh ni'1 fbat WppObillf thojr put 4

( III* Cttfch I| iml <« «I| r* and il»«l.dt flf )hi 41 Iktal ..mUirn tb,....t. a.

btl laruatod Hill of wlro, lit. oorrrai ah . h ..mo In rourli I bo rolilo from Iho lotting hoiirrloo ui. troorrt il,ohip oild olio opon bid laatruairat, whPh would bonodo ohr.ul i OOO Iibm* a« ararHifo «a that <>g tv.rrd (mtilo .ml.-on .o, aim . -obaul I0O diiirioo. ii|mn hit Irolo Mol iboa af ibia I bo k not «| .Mr to lb 2 ononlla* of ahio on board Iho «lrp or na Ibo bnltnta or the" **» "Mar irai would make no ooni.blo dlP-oaro la IbaiKliranoa oa board ibo »hip bat rat would glv# ih<»«>o abora a prrfo.Hr laar t'giwl or tgdfaflok ilial Ibonr»l«lun<d Iba .*lMa n aa porfrot To* .dup, b« roara«idighlly lb* lonatoa ar Irow or of Ibo hattort araar.lihoal dratrnyltg Ibo laaulatlon taal. larnrat tb'ioo onfe"r* that Iba mgllaully wao alaa potl-r-r and Iho «H'.ra^TT"4, Ibi roajflH /bo rndtt'lmg rapacity of Ilia

r » or la!3* 84#bo«o. iM"rai)Jkjla *nb tin Biain10 at .a.i.in -Mf tita Uliybj >gm

igirtlr iMBtlJlrtr^Hipairorl and jot out iMh^VVHkb* iWaibt^Etaai Hr Ibia larara bi-wogo. rogjd torai.iin tto.1 to aad Ibo -hip anil ahaco arth.oji it j>Monty altfl tHf aio*t vital *i-oratloa--lba tnduWl^a t The-* oporatidb* w.nild ail b_ porflPVMTmkttg !aaro ioolo.idjaf aapara « 'nafr'brr- la aidl tllWwiba aioa#"<ai oa wn<iM bo raoltr . mptitod, njfe a\ha an* Hn.o y,» raauli*. woubl bo rffbiaaArah<fnoro porfo t In hta oln*- 'ton w»ih u»# Eiotu n

Xioaal ft loftaph i.Daiponr. ot»fhdl6r now ovot aod id o.w toon roar* Ho Itod '*00 lotogrojdiy from

If vorjr 'MWHionodMant on to ibo proooal day. aad bada roar atm b laiaroand In watrHMtg ib» iirograaa of

ofdorrinprnrat of iho public dxmand fro Iolograph*tintriimi' at oa. Krorj yoar rbowod ih*«a an larrraotagorrontago of/pprocialioa br iba poblie. thai waa toray. oappnalug oad yaor thor Had foaad aa n> roato MIra par «Wt oa Hip prarlaor yoar, la tba fdllowiag yaaIHoy ahri'iM fad Aoro than d*a ft .-oat laaraaaa oa tbaargo rato. rod ro it * 'pit oa iw roa*iag lb'a nrapvri adat# of latroord, aad Iba foirro of trl-trapbr prrxntaodit no dMair day t« ba ogual in that «l ibo Pool Offb o.Hoar Hoar *oma pooplo a*ktd "How do roa at poetm locoira Ibo aadliaa rioruaa par oaaaar through ibaI'loniir totograph abir* If that jtrod nn bad b-wanbod two raaro ago it would bar* bona difflr jit toraowor it Hot diinog tho loot iwo rooro ibo IWa>aaJ«»f rotrlo bad bono told, oad H bod Ibor»*or» irkoo |riHw u>o Malu and tlataadru rablo irab< who h foopfly balonfod 'o India That nablo bad oarnod *ontobug Ilka jtlbhOOri |«T ana'in although It aaa nowraly evaaoriiag kgrpi with Iba root af t.oropr Iboforoaoa H .if ab.o o*a iaforr>mai«iy r iio»d by ih* madmi*rf»"t maaai-nrrai atporioarorl oa ibo T-ifllMlk liaaoHoar boar.) Tho war a whP b mo.*ogot ooro darainodpat out .if ordar aim alod and drgiyod. waa ao frightfulhat it had nal od h>r IHo loiarforrar of ParlioatoaiHoar. boar. I A oroaaaao aaldoai roar Hod I oadno fmai" 'lobar ia 'to ibaa lour <a;a. aod rofy mioaaoi bofaraork a boo aia|wad (laar boar) Whai waa iba atLtm MM/ M ibll fjtfc /HOfJ ifirgrapbH tv« 11


mnnieatlon on the continental line*, where they werenot menaced so well ee tney were in tbie oountryf Bewould take the line from London to Hambuiy, andthe line from London to St. Petereberg before thePollah rebellion broke out From Hamburw to Londonmeesagea reached the London telegraph offloe ten ortwenty mlnntee before the date at which they weregiven In; at leaet flfty per cent of the meeeagea fromMuiuuri w uuduuu wvrv acurvrta m\ nil vsnivr mwthan tbey were written at Hamburg. (Hear, beer.)India, which wee pretty nearly In aa straight a line eaetof Greenwich aa Hamburg.at all evente it wan not farout of the line, consequently, where the llnee betweenIndia and London were managed nearly aa well aa betweenHamburg and London, meaeagee from Bombaywould reach London, Instead of nineteen bonre, thequickest time, four days at a quirk rate, and four weeksat the common rate; messages leaving Bombay at oneo'clock la the day would reach Ixmdon at eleven ortwelve o'clock the same morning. (Hear.) This line,la eplte of all its drawbacks, was earning 19S,000 perannum. It must be remembered that government men.sages went free over the Persian Gulf tine, aa It was governmentproperty. V that be so, and the charge was£2 10a, what would ha the earnings of a eable wfclehconnected the whole of America, set only with GreatBritain and Europe, but aim In Asia and AfHeaf WhyIt must be something vary eousiderable; to say It wouldbo six timet greater wnk ho thought, but a poor sailmate. As the ralee would ee more than star time* greaterbetween America amd (Bust Brttwta, if tbey would putthose gguree together they would see Uiet they eeold aatexpent much lees the* oahmilHea etaeHng paeaaanmfrom the Atlantic cable. Hut then came the snowed,"With such a long cnhta; hh<»V yen to get eWsltstm*edf" Fortunately science hah wet been Idle Moee Urnflrat Atlantic cable wee InM, end the Inatrumanta thatwould be used for working the new cable iee«M ee*eight timet at qwi'dk at the ordinary Afore; imttrmaamkwhich were wed apen the Pereian Oulf cable. This higltspeed had been attained, but net In the seme way aa Itwas in the ISM cable. Tbey Increased their batterypower to e considerable extent ; but had the presentInstruments been used, and such power not employed,there was no doubt but that that old cable would haveworked for at least twelve months, If not longer. (Hear.)Professor Thomson's reflecting gelvonoroeter, whi< hwould be need for reading off the signals, wss se extremelysensitive, in eon-equeneeof its magnet end lltUemirror weighing but one and n fourth grains, that an exceedinglyminute quantity of electricity wan ample toproduce a rufllcieat deflection of e reflecting ray of tightfrom the mirror to give signals with the necessary dietimtneas and ability. He (Hr. Varley) requested, andthe Atlantic Telegraph Company In consequence passeda hoard order prior to starting this lent expedition, thatunder no consideration was the battery power to exceedtwo hundred cells. Prom flfty to a hundred cella werecommonly used In working from England to the Continent,and if with twenty cells over a distance of twothousand miles perfect aod rapid signal* could be attainedit showed how groat and satisfactory was theprogress made in the science of telegraph/. (Applause )And a further order was passed tnat, should there t>eany indication of a defect, the lattery power wouldbe Immediately redncad to a angle cell, and thustber would get tlve or six words a minute,instead or eight Ho did not know that be bad verymuch more to say, but he might add that he certainlyhad the greatest confidence that on this occasion aucce«swould attend their endeavors. (Hear, hear.) On thelast occasion be, as the electrician of the Atlantic Talegraph Company, look a passive part la the expedition,end therefore he was able to apeak with more freedomthan Mr. Canning or Captain Anderson would like to do.Still, although hie position BS the representative of theAtlantic Telegraph Company did not give him aa activepert in the operation, ha walcbed It with tfaa greatestanxiety and care. He had s>eu a greal deal of cable leylug in nia time, and he wa« a Arm believer that successwould attend the next expedition; not only as (ar as laying tbe cable, bat ds hr as regarded the picking up theend of tbe old cable wes concerned. (Applause.)At the request of a gentleman In the room Mr. V'*«i xr

explained a little box of cables which he bad broughtwith him. In the course « bis raaoarks he sbwwed thegreat improvements that bud bees made Iff the splicingof the capper wire* sad guttapercha covering of telegraphiccahfmt * sss siamme

MB. FiBt.ua czrtviKvct.Mr. cyra* W. Kir Id aa'd ft to happened that H Uglwpivt t«u> ago that day iU»'" he dm Ml hi* noma6b

telegraph tuialaere. A fewwMi after hit dm appearancein lmmm* he (ought, iheadiiee <>f tba grwaleat author!0«a Id Englkhd, and the Inngeet line avrr laid down atthat tlata naa odd hundred tad tao oillea, and bad baa*tubwtrwd in wain* thren hundred and twenty Ova(avbaSfa^p. TW mooting at which he *» prifiun wanBlended la Great George afreet, London, by Brunei, thegreat Nngincer, ftnbert S.laphrneon, and asms or the Notnnaliiaunkg latent In England,and three hour* wore err upitd la |it iiig him advice aa to the eueaaaa attending the at.tempi Id lay a raMe enroui the Atlantic Whoa ha lollMia mathag bo waa accompanied by Mr. BtumL whoaid, "Mr Field, don't apend another imthng or

any mora of your lime In gottiag the adii'dof oaglnooro in England aliout laying a cablear.roaa the Allan lie If you with lor informationabowt railway bridges, caaala or ateainahlpa. our adtleemight bo worth aometiiiug; you hava in make up yourmind to bars abantuta ecnorieaoe, anl lo Joar ono or tenlablea, and than you will Bad it a vary aluiple Ihlng mlay a cable acwas ih« Allaolh. Now a* to iba fableto he laid, ha (Mr. tVId) luui no more doubt of a eeTdabeing laid arrnaa Ike Atlaiillr Ikan b* bad thai he w»«aoan going Imck to America. In fart, be might lie lastand never reach home- bjtl the death of a<> one maa<>r of aa do/en men. Would ever tiap the cai>l<- be nelaid. (Applauaa.) The Inter-eat* of roDHner< e requiredthat a cable ihnuld he latd The great danger a* In thecable waa lit being la <1 In 'hallow water That (holdingup the ahore and of the'able) waa tolled for the purpoee, and no anchor mo Id aver Injure ihjt He hnpodthe mooing would draw out anmotklag from the practicalgentlemen |iruutl, for he could aaatire vheni ihotthrewgentlemen had great deal in ihein (fjenghter andapplauaa |

artT* or ma or.n caer.a.Mr. gill aunt they had a grant deal of Ihla prtiellv at

the prewni moment at tlie WtUam ol the Aikuiiu-. andlie w on Id like to bear frarn Mr. rename wbeiher if itwaa la a proper conducting electrical rtate, it could lieuai d berdafter lor a <wble.

Mr. ( WNN would raiar Mr i.ul in Mr. Tattoi Mdcould only aay that Ir- in 'ha tela they had n-edhe cable wae In the name coaditma H aa. in w nan itwaa made

Mr. Vagger taid aiaco the cable waa .uktnetyd u liedl> eu rm'in"aUg U tm free* I'alavw. awd il -tewed im

rUang* tcAwrrer It acvlated akawl /ear turn" a< > < (a< w'rw it left /Ac ... /*. r,V / Waavrw.

Mr. Pmaiinw Naked if Mr liaamng would tell 'hamIfthera waa aay ckanca of getting hold of the <-001#ag.t

Mr. ( aaaam. replied Umt ha beliaved ibay would carlaialy got tko .able again Wbew the* unfuriauaieivloat tha end on the 29d Auga't laat they all aelurahy"I"»"«' »" in'io uitnuIT_L in^y IMWwerer, lo be baa** hv tech a tMS^li C Iba

aad although ihay had not appiiaaees at the time sillureal for grapylma aid brmrteg to the htobt M the cablefroweagepih of 2 000 fethnrae. the* bad euMaieat boorrope la buoy li op awl If aMIgatf to leaia^ha btinrafrost alraaa of weather. IWar eonld lad ibeae agacnAfter a caaoaltaUaa apnw gfapptihff for It. tbar badan dIMtuMy m godta* the «Ua and la hawkiag.la their retwRsM tfielSpi llawr aw4 "Kb iharam1 HUM Tad although Iher btf *1 luI root dnobta about *rec kemrltf Mlfta TSjr gywiediba c.Ma, from the wwigut af Wfrti Fa-'em thegreat deptn of water, aa£ Hie r cable only bearOff(ha wet*to of arret ton., they though' tbaj shouldant bare tn» knowledge utd'ealed aa board tabaa the<at>l« waa hooked To their gpeat ..iirpr -e, wbaa t haycame la iba rabte, iba ureal Kketrra b*i>i la «»«jround to it, aod there wae ao doubt they bad honiedsomething al tba bottom iHaer, bear). Thar row


aieaoed ITilt» aaraa bnadrad fathoma fr«wt the bntiura,arhan the awlre) parted wlib II. .Now, d Waa aa tad.,mod tad that they lifted ihr rabte aarea hundredralhnota frnm the bedlam of Iba Atlantic aad ha aeld ifIbey wild Ittl tl through a epa< e of (even h<adredlatlioma. there waa ao doubt alia'ever that with dnnr-rropea aad power af macblitery l«r lllt'ai they maidgat t^a eabla of 1Mb again aad pot it la gnnd workiMorder dnrtag the eptiilw arimmer (Rear bdlA Itwaa awly a aoaaiton at atrgjiiUi of aaatarial lor flagthe cable (llrer, hear) They would hat a Ibri e g.iudah pa for mtttag amlnel- aad bnbttsg grapwela or thaiI bar enttld buoy aad bfl the .-able la ibrao pen»Mr C E. Kiwttss. Jr remarked thai them were ear.

tan buoya laid for merlinp the pie e# abero lire ay e

waa hat Ware I tow turn? ,a rtnun r'Mr i'aaanta rapl>od Ibet the boott watt inoered eul'a

aa a temporary m'aaa but be tlinuabt tbey were floatingakdwkMr C. f. Rtwine Jr, aated if Mr. Caaaing a.t

iwrfecily certain berawld fn to tba fMeoe where lb* cab,awaa l«d»f'apuln Asnaean* aaM the real otjerl of-the brtoee waa

<>t Ml tauch to aurkyit ~'|f| TtWi It' eh.pwowatbe time Iba labia fj lo- .. .h,r» ,, Wad duller II

, ,a/ad |l> »ody fir cakt' at if "»i f> *Fi/f'obir 'lepe d"ear II waa a anKer af mm

atoa nautical astronomy iHear, fcpat; **

Mr T**l*t ea»d In Ina MiefT|d to ffawile the rali'e aw

Iba leal oeraalaa .they w»ra Bear to the end of ihac^Ma la order to tat it, but auppnMbg My difccuMy waaer narteared la that depth of water, thoy had Ably to malato/dM toilsome sbailifter water, ao thai It would be us

"aweary,!o grapple two mUew deep. He grisly believedthai ao diMwulty would be evporewewd ta getting al IIfmwt thai depth but II there ehi/atd tbey could rua » *er to IjaiariB (Bear, hear )Mr Kin*.Would there be mora nak la uBdamati n|

II thaa hriagiar tl up*Mr. t ataimj aatd thai if Ihey euM oaly god tba IMihl

thay would aptwe oa a >na to Anter ca Ha would eatUilak for a atomaat of ataaplag Iba aipadilma ta matpletelha cable, be Would lee» a aaother ablp hcaulea I heflraat Faetera wblrh would be with them to do thatwork. (Bear, bear

htaroaiMS up tr isrwarnii.In reply la owe or tww remarks,Mr LTBI't l.ua wid oaa poatleraae had trarely pro

poeed to Mm to alnk a hollow tuba la wbeb to |> dowaaad aaak after tba raMa (great laughter), and be aaa mannored bp oosttteel carta m hie betel that awe wtormnaha lotd htm that u ahawtd be doga. aad that be Mouldmake tba kctt attempt (Much laughter Rr ked Mearn III at mm (laegbtar, aad bear, bear ) Mr p* ker ag bad aekad aim If Ihay would bare eaflkeieai rabteaa board to anew the sew owe Is be laid aad iba aid ear#to be completed Ha Bllgbl reply that it waa pup an -ato lake twesly aarea hesdrsd toilee af reb'a, aad Ibaithat would be aaowgb to allow tba saw awe to be laid aadtba sto aate la ha t imp III ad (Appleoaa I Aa Mara waswo other kataiia before tbeaa be wowld aaw 'oweludaIbaatoating, aad be migbt toy before tbey separatedthat be bowed is tba aoarea af a few mnoibe tbea avoidMl MM Ml»fVMto M MM turn « I 1Mb M

Rmm;jr ti; Ah. JE*

It, APRIL 2, 1866.woald patronlsr the line to the utmoot extent by sendingoil the mm|m iliojr poestbiy could (Laughter andHoenl appUutt.)Tb# proceedings then terminated.

MEETING IN MANCHESTER.liyloaoilOM mt the Prrwat Poiltloa

ad Proapeeta of the Work.The CableU ha Heady A boat the Beginning ofJnly.Why the New Company waaFormed.Tri m* of the Arrangrment.A numerously attended meeting of gentlemen inter

Hadla the Atlantic Telegraph tjomnany waa held in(be oHoe of Messrs. John Pender k Cu., Mount street,anelieater, on the iOtli met Mr. W. Kairbstru, LI.. D-,presiding. i

reach or trr chairman.The OhajHilar, alter eipreealog his regret at the abonce of Mr. Pender. 11. P., lite chairman of lite CobMractuw and Maintenance Company, stated that severalrnafan»0» ware praaant for tbe purpose of explaining toSWdkareboidera, and all who are laterewed in this greatundertaking; IU present puaiUdn and proapeeta. HebeMeved seery precaution bad bean need, and althoughtha machinery (tor paying out waa very perfect laat year.they bad got n«w machinery prepared, and every er

Kment, ho that tf any accident oorurred, the ceblabe picked up with en almost ebeolute degree of

J certainly He understood that the cable now being onewoctadwould bo reedy me Hate about He banningt JWNc and naa Ikntii il with tha hirmor evreat

fart t»r with wb'Hh the outer eoat or tfe*formor one *m covered ha<l boon done sway with,and the rooting of tb« im-w one constated entirely ofbenp. * bad been connected with tblo company fortwo years, aijd aa a member or the acientISc committeeho went round with the Oral Eastern from the Noro toValentin. He felt at the time certain that the cubic waswall reteuluted lor the purpoue and hud uo doubt ttial Itwould be ancceeafullv laid, mid thai In a fortnight tremthat tlano we should hare lind telegraphic cotnmunicaUoo between this country and the tinted stater. Howwer, that hop* had been disappointed. The rompanyware now prepared to proceed ugnln ttii- yeir, and hehoped with perfect success. Mr, Cyrue Field, who wasMutant, representing the shareholder* In the I'nltedStates would htatr bis views In regard to the lindcrtaltInt. H* had been present at the laylog of all the cablesIn the Atlantic. Mr. Canning, the engineer of the rotnpuajr;Mr. Verier, the electrician, and Captain Anderson,of Uu> Great Eastern, were also pre#cnt, and would giveany ia/oruistion It was desired (Cheers.)

CVItlilt w. Klgl.ua REM ARKS.Mr Ftaje suid be had come to Manchester ut the

reaneel of those who were largely Interested in theenterprise In London to explain the present prospect. Slidposition of th# company. It bad hern thought by someof the old shareholders that the arrangemi'tile made bythe directors of the (.ompaii) with the Angle AmericanCompany were very hard teruis for iheni. The companywere, however, in this position, ibal the Attorney tjeneralnf Kugland had given sn opinion lhai they were notauthorised by their acta of I'aillanient lo Iistte twelve percent jrreferehro an k, and that they iuu'1 return all theNMoey they had received fen thai* stork. They waningXAMOOO to make and lav the cable, and ibr$hadalpiosi uo rapital ailei reuniting tboee subacrlptmn* They held the exclusive right lor Aftvyear* df landing a nhmariiie rub'* from Hu«l»oaHi rait to the aoulhera rarl <>r Halur, na >'iW>lof two ihiMiMUil intlea of cnn.4 but the right would Mforfeited diilevt lb* cable wn* In mil rwufnt operationduring IhU vaar or and Moreb There w.ve. lhM«for*,14 lima for negotiation ilir ictalraotor* mudba paid, bad therefor# ibeywnre obliged to (arm a newrotdpan* on aacli lorm* a* would eomnuMrl cap <ul immediately. The Anglo.Aiwrl«»u Comnaay wat thereforefarmed, and agreed 10 make and la* the cable, iha aidcompany noi being bound to pa* ibem on* farthing fthey did not toeceed. nut |r ihev w«i* aucreaalul IhaAnglo-American Company wof^d take AISo.QOO par aunnmout ol Vba earamga of iha Hue, llira pay Mia hureli. Idemaf the AlUnt c Tetagrapti I'nmpanr gT'i OOO attd diatdeha rorplne liaiween (lie iw» compuaio If *ay oldbareBolder thought Ibaae bard trrma be Cotthl recoupbimeelf by taking the aaw aiock. It w»« art uig.d thaiapplication* for «haiea in the uavr company from iha aid«Mfaaolder* ahautd bo fuvoraMo drier. >.i

Ti^ rosmm:H imuXT." Mr. I'atKivu. engineer 01 the fouipaay advloaaed tbe

uieel ag aa la iha form of tbe cable aad the mode of procaodlagla ba adopted In la*lag the naw cable and rarorffa;'hat ol 1Mb.. IBa lua* cable, which had bee® retfommaitdadby Uie erven i Id* nmmiilaa. of which Mr

Fainwim *> a mamlier, h«<i jn-wered ever* Idirboeefar wktch I* waa derignrd No r»hla thai ba liad Beenma'g bare paid oat belter i**a Iho raWa did. and aa*lam*, mac OMjtfMd m It a ere not MtrHrytagie to Ha germIt wad also fuScieaily etrong lor (ha purpuee lor ahieUIf waa daatgaed Krom the deep water* of tha.lOanMr.B-eea May had rwenvervd two and a half nddaa of IIIrani a depth of twenty three bundled fathaeai laproduced a porliaa of the raid# to abow that It waanot Impaired in >ba allghlaat degree The near nb.uhad been aitarad la a alight rf agree oaly. Iha obf oablaronenlod of brtfht bumoganeo'ia Iron Wlraa nnrnred withManila yarn, wauratad Willi a ptwaarrallvo mlttorw. Inthe new cable Iha wlraa ware galvanized aad aorevadout) with arbita Manila yam. the pr*~*rvall\e miliumnot Icing required an araouot of iha wlraa being fatvi.niregIt waa found ibat (alvaahua* tbe wlm- anncaltd l)'»m ta audio atom, ..ad memoir iha* *<>« aliUle move niongntitm out of them The aire* Ih.i*a. i omm'ciai"d tlveav-elvaa more In the g|rr|«ife of theyarn, aud Hie I On in natann bad iha >-flbM of living oneion mora breaking Mr*in. Tbe oie atraln wa-T ton Id|*L , lb a aa* » ton lb rwi o* lone, aud therefore thea«w cabli' wu an improvement on lb* Inat en far «arfaagtb waa ooBceraad. Tbe aber*liivtdrr* aud nthat- iularaeledhad an doubt read I liedaecripfvni of the laying -ifHie lael able m live Maw*. and probably Iha Nr. Ruenllbmik and Ih'iefora he no»d not go nun deialla.but b» la.glvt at* that iba gteaiad at rata the* nad bad 'on lb- cabla in paving eul wae only Mtrteen b nvdrvdweigf.1 1 b» evrragr *liaio wa- rrotn i»n loateveu liuadivdweight, aad Ilia high*-* airaln nd .-a'-d ..n the drauiuo- 'niotar «i. lo'ti.eeu hnudrnd wet*til. fiver* are. Ibafe. Ilate, auvpla margin t« ih< atreagih of Iha cable la the trecovering oi pick rag up of lb* ''but th grealeat (trainwe* lurlv five in ail) hundred weignt He war now el.ludll'g lo the laatafkLee when "larilie weal »*erleatr<l.Ibe krat waa in ahowl water, ibe acnad v.,.a in levnivIhreeauanrad la1 Horn*. and la pkklng up lire two and ahalf in Ire of table live gleeta»t atram war lofty lira toillir hundrtd wight. Ilia third lauu aMoftnnalalg inatIha cable arid therefore be rvooi.l ear or aa

ab*ial >ba< tllbo'idh lhair laoi -t|.-4lllfMi lalh-.l ha 4 >4Ii*o< look upon il * uiivrlp lhro*a i«ir axl ha Mh

<1 iliai lb« al>i« o*-ild b* re* «r»i»*l ln*ia iba b**<ion* ol iha AiUo'ic Tboir fatlura la rfrviar n «* IM!aM oo a«*n« »» owing lo naoffl-Mul U* k'a.

KOTaY I>K oiu itnl.Tha laraiaaaa aa*a.l what fB'ipa <* Id ha akan far

iba io»iai < ( iha on atoiaI Mr t a>Mfo aa 4 thai iffar lariat lb# .»(/!" ' )**'

lb»Y aoiji ?Hu;b loai. a II|» Ml* »»> » af IM*'. ThWoltd# wblid ba (M4 Ilia i.'rai Ka l-rn and an* I bar.ahrb raowM ha a hariapaiJ »a*a».|t and a fbParainantI ah<a kuatl oar ailh ma b'n rr for ha-il-Mf h|i, th# «*maaAm "Thar troali la lilUag Iba ah p> «o«k| ha frap|||Ilia a( Ilia tain* >»*, at caifalft >a'«T' th a|*ail r>i*tni«m io ibraa mlla« fh* o»* to ibr aai aao.a poi lha

{ graal't: r'W^ -<** (IK coW*. akila Hi* atfeoi (ao abipa. r«*j i^Ti la lha nhrr. Tto# pup" oM;^a»"l waoSI' boar a bfaak i|M«m «! Haa^.u* t» tb'iurlaaa Iba»a t»h ao*iM ha taw ad up ta iarn>* ftp a on* and lhagi*9»al« waold het»»le4 S|» Ulihe Miea, an'I iJroll lira haIhaaatti arWh Unaami >) ** «r*-i|.J bur* ai> ampia ma|Mnr hrai|ik II lha # « -m afcip hr naul.ep atoooldpun it"- '«h tl.ara aaold lha* o» mbar tan alupa »lihlha bfhl an ih»ir (Tapaala, and hp *a a-.nl If lb*w* alam «li*|> atoanld pan it, thai * 4 nmat.alla *a»nlha praia upon lb" mio-lia <b:p aad atom na 'to# a** la ,ihara lap* I." iha ahip la lha a*.i 4*4 at iifaah't.ao4 ih-» * iaha4 la mala an and Itoai <>*14 alraraw*lhal bf » !*« lb# mlltlig or JaMb ira|**ai abi<-li *«**ildto *** ««* ii>a aahla hp lha mam i*ui ua il Lhal it 1*< *14 bl-ak II *') mala aa -XI Tb< f anId *! > l it*anotb-i mada hp HO In,' ilia -*M* -ip l« a " j'ii **mat. a at lji*| iNSJ'tt 'j *! B. * aa i*att ap lira af laiiulu ifuailb* fianad, *fi4 »* ia« tt*» k far In* parpoaa <a l--a nii.g lb* a»ran <rV-»n flia

rai*>a Ha ihaugbl thai hp ib-aa a**t4o* Ihar** **a * I4<-'bi thai I'iap ah*aid b» #n< . -aiul ta »< o> **f i»f li.« lo-labla Mr Ka<rhaira ha*l *< » .»<< lha cab iimim/m- an*laf ami a lb him ip avorp laapai i

lh* antaiL aa-4 ha haU «*< <ih>iWa aam' I'm*- ago,mniaptam 4u4ara«a Mad *> aipla.aad ha pumiptr hainland* I la a I i<pou will* ngaid i« Uia mataip m IbaraMa thai to* had no 4<-<hr, 4 4 "a# -Jm* mli oaf# Mla* nai l* thio* nap *» ta airatn >i|>«n iba «hb n> taxi*i Ua *f "O# if*" 'atob inapaiaiinn .! #< aoobi -toofiipiiav* 1*0 rah!*#Mr i »»ilnfi laid b tbaa*hi lb* facl i»mi ihd 4u» to a

IM lha Tala*rapto I *«i.al/u' I. * aad M»nJ«ua_iu a _»in|-.kHa* I ijanpa a* cu Incur* a- r]«W OuO l.'.aTn": inarw auraia pl.ita l iIm* |r«al aniiManr* wkb b ihr? b .4IM »V« 4b. IbM, rtybl ill IhaM (*hll*a**ub*B ra- b aiiba. rtba* 1)0 tM 14 Mia M« <*H*pany. I a4Mr 1 jr-i* y lalu kM#lak«a a libaaaaaiai a( ai>«k la ibayra i»»nn«lij^ m ai^^i J*T13*^Tlnwlva^tikwaiia'i NABbafirt.T'a|.i»a 4hi4- n than giva a' ron.a h-nri'i aarra

lira if IIM #«p"Bt«i*4 from iba aavitral pa «l fTtua lla >at'n* ibui u./»i i*-l i ai. a II. im anaivtaga ha* akaa ha a* *a»n« b-h lUIha agyl * «

for |» t| 041 an* kaiiiug a ha wMWa ravraarl,urf ha tail Mat ha aaa bni laaiaittivi Naall ta aa »oI'tp.a *r*aBy B*U'Ma*-ir*B by * " at «raa* iipan*r* * baa iha fa*N a ant nukaaH la -Way nafrr h*

ih»«(t>. a aa wpaanaii ta raanvrr «. a MM Hin.ah iba aahia »ul4 Mar Iha araia ** ia# Iainbiih*4 abaa ba fa**# 1basilar rant# hami lhai.raalfinal ia wrb a p-n4iaa ibM lb»y raanryv* i» i-.a,-ah'a u iha 4.4 4Mb iba im fa* It la iaa mlaa «B-tiba Ub4 fa N *m.rr*B ah* h abal Mr Varlaf,Iha aw ir < .aa. rail*# 4a.4 ran,h ba tbo-rgbi allI'My 'Ml* <" «a> h ra»'i baw TVa * « a rar**«rlag iba eabla (raai iaa anw> at «iai a***»aa la Maififaalaa* Mil 1bar n»anll«t a*>«a<rMaly gat Hapaa.af oaar i*« «4aa gi aatir an#, a-<i*4bai>a*>n«lb* a» a.a af b*a*iag la a arbala Bay aa* nabi baa*aa* lb* Waal Bagra* laiaraB abbar la na » #«* y <*ia ila <* ****'* «« Mai »b»a lb* 'bi»B faab «aa«r»4aaBU* rabla Matta bw aanma* aa. iba* atxh.a*ma* f*a'« b* 4«aa Mr 1 aaatag aaal tbr-y at>ui *r*yMa IV ib* laal rab*a. bat, B bw lyaaa h*B bara a, I 4ba aba*IB as*a aalB M aas a'iaa*a a*>*w*a<a araaaB IbM <um CMM ka>* b*r* *<a* ba41baa b»*U baaa armaf aawf fl vaa (mm a* U.I ia |af tb> arayybag baa, bn fraai lb* b***t>aa ' '**hrarWnf ib# tanala, IbM Ibay a*** <aab* '* ifummmb

la taaaar b* lb* ' linai*1 apaia t<N mm* mb ba aaa a'«M iba h»r«aa* h* a* BiMauMy m *aittag r gbl 1* iba *#» *a4

raaarmag Iba * # af lb* rabta Tb* baaa* ** aa*

iHT*' w.111M Ml * Ml Ml-

ERA1* f» *« fa* $'>+'*


manrotly. but tImply to to<li<*ate the drift of tbo *hlpwhile they nude tln-ir nlwervat <>n« a»d tftsy Wouldroach to* ap<it a|ain by tbe aanaa pioi. by whteh anyship was navigated: It was a >«e of ordinary nauticalaetronomy. Ewiry Meeautloo wa* being taken, for tin*neat vnvagr, to hart all the neceemry mecblfcery andrut Cor recovering the ruble. Kerb ship would bewkutd up with tbe rwiuuiir toachiuery. end he did Rot *» < , from thr mean* thai bed br a let'-d by Mr. Cannlng, Oral thereahoold lie any dim eltjr la rerovrrtng thelout end oi the cable. There waa no mechanical diBcully, and, he believed, aoarlentiuc one.

In answer to Mr. Jamea Connoll,Captain Awirneoji -.Md he thought there war eo rmannableebanca ef itie cable being covered over with mad at

the bottom. Mr. denning reminded him, alau, that tbeprong* of the grapnel were a foot iii depth, and thereforeIt would have to he silted up a foot before I bey eon Id iwtnaIt. He a-and? thought tliat now it would be more than nhalf ita u« 11 dopth in tb« ooaa at tba bottom. '

vtaarn op thr ruh triciah.Mr. Yarlay, eleriib tan lotbocompany, thon uddreoeed

the meeting. He *ald Mr Canning and ffcpUin Amlereon bad omitted i» Mate that they bad atla<-ba<l to tbepaying out machinery, to bo wised In the nnxt voyage, asteam engine, ao that at a moment's notice themachinery could be reversed last year, when a Mfault abowad ureir, it waa aeceaaary to transfertbe cable trom tb« paying out iiimublnery attbe atern to the picking up machinery a* tbebown before tbe operation of hauling heck eon Id becommenced It had tieen aarertaiaad by PrnfemorTbomaoa that the cable ley la au oblique line seventeenUillee long (rom tbe atern of (be veaext before it touched |Ihe bottom, and waa over two hour* In reaching the bottom.CapUIn Anderson had nuggar led the practicabilityof arranging ilia paying out machinery an that tbemoment anything wrong we* indicated by the electricapparatus the »hlp might be Immediately Mopped, without waiting for the cable to aiak to the bottom Thatwaa (b» moat important part of the present aiftediuoa,because should a fault .uvtir the ablp could be "toppedIn four or Hve minute*, when not more than half aflailnof the ealde had gooe over tbr atern, and the atrata anit would be rery much lean than It would ba If It wereallowed lo alnk Jo tbe bottom and then hauled hack qagain. It waa a ttguillaunt fact that they had noinstance ou record of a ruble that he* been properly laid "

fail.ug iu tloep water.all Ibe failure* bed been la ohaJ vlow water or were due to inulle that had Misled In the t

> i able prior to it* being laid There wae no iwwi lofear, if thl* cable were properly laid, (hat it would (alllui flfly or a hundred year*', ImtuM the baavy aborenude woulil reach Into deep water of one hundredfathom-- He want on lo idatd tha ran nil ol lha Improveinenta made in ilia rlccin-al condition of gubotarlnacablet during ibe laal two or tbraa yearn, and Iban italtlhat two year* ago It wnul.l hat a been extremely difficultto e|ieak of tha proaprl* of remuneration lo U»a*1 arrhnhb-ra in ihe preeent unUortablag, bnl MOW Iboybail data ou which to go. Tbo <ju''*llou of tdcceg*hiul twin Mfvikon to hv I'iptain And'-reon, Mr CanInlng and Mr. fiald Therefore ha would at oacapa-w lo tha i|Ui"<Uoii of ram inoratloD It naa at Bretproponed that only Um- *1, dilute a word thould b«charged for ttiu trait- in lutein or mosragea to AmericaHilt ai tba pte-anl moment thara are tbirtv-one alecttlcwnaa woiking between turooaand Great Hrilalo. whichware eniMulurr aim a half full.ray about flfteeu wtrraworking rontinuoiialy. What, then, would tic tha aifecto» ono ouglr wira ronna< ilnr ool only Hreat Britain andfdrope, hni Allien and Ada. with that tremendow* talegraph ^ywrin uhkh hid grown up In A inert a and(' uadat »«» per'n-tly clear thai on" who could mno way cope tlb tha amount ot worlt that would pa anbatwaan tl.. nro roiinirleg, uulrar a high rale werehaigeil 10 k- -pdnun the Iri'Bc In Ibe Br*t Inr'ance,

ihe government olt»i»d a -iib-ldy to Ibe AtlanticTelegraph Ton tMlir ui eighi per cent to long e« thecable worked end i- hieg lh» lonment II atopped That-.nbapli - a' nwiir i- aura if the cable work"d at all Itwould enfti a i < more than eigb' per e«nt Thegovi-rninenl at if butll Ihe price to it td a wordlit" coioeipieni ..I have Iwen to eaoiMOot to Inlui>f me<"agea ilie I thy wood day * myanagetroaldbe tiauriuiitcd Hi Vrw Vurk ibe mail peokel would htre atrrnril there (»! p.el,I -Tlmt a|tw*rneit' l« now "Mi

wiled.tThere war only «ne lygltiuiaie w»y la wbioi they ''mild limit the in (be, a« i ibaT wai lo tuguieni ttaejjpr.oe.Tin line from lien ft .intuitu to New York, which baa avery cpatly line, paarlng tnhw np nto perpetuafhnowknil JoW Iftui ilTjMf.ifl Wtpeffigt*/ l«n wordriome 'Iwher about X.'!. and bad paid, ever aiuf e it bad hdbu inopeiatlon. Iroin tiineiy to no-idecthly ever ettg bupdredper cant per anntini on the original oat The Berriennqli line, badly managed aa ibe fbedert to it were. peMXBfl.OM) a yarr. Ihe Malbi tbd Alexandria lib* ><WkX100 ooo a year ttmptv heiaeen I'gypi and Kudbee jr..Iben one AilatiU'- ably look no indfe me ;n^e* tf> A theMalta and Alayegi.lrta Itae or Ma# Beretae Bulf Hir^ai.Abarged ou r ( iwmt the iVte charged nv thoer tinea

thalr in atp't would amount lo oyer half » million II*had been wn'ofeing the pruarr** of la.ngapIV for ibelaat nineteen year* rod ho wan >rl*i# ihat the demandupon iheir lln-Mould he much greater then that Hadid not bellcvr that lew thnn 30« par word would keeptheir Hue free idt the flt-i twelve month*; ami after IheAral twelve month* a blghei rata "III would be tie ea»arvin order lo limit the traffic miffir'antly. He thoughtXl.iato ooo |>er niiunni waa a vary moderate ritluia'- ofIbe niiulngt of I be cable

Okrmixil aot rgrIn anvwer to a tharehold- r.Mr. Vani.rv «* 0 thete w.-re two rotlip*' ng n .1. pro jpoaed.one tn Ibe uorlb id dcMland and th" i-arno

lain to Ureen land and laibra«l»r end tei' other by franco< » IMe Aloron lo aomo imtnl on the A mere <n .>«alHe *ou*tdarad Uta former roultt pt*-..i.i«J, 01, lit* k«> *hound »liorr» of Ka«l <Jrr< nlind *» nun* .llfTJ.:thai lite arlnrai moM t>a abandonni boatden whleh Unacompany |*tak*»od tha aiclii-l*w right of landing noliin.11 in* cable "it fhr |*r( of lha '0.1*1 If: had ImliiOaa Ilull) lv»4 Hul, *i the -am* tint*. Ih' '* »»' tt'i roaamito fear cr.inpatitlon for, wer* ll.cfa fflt rattle* vro-aHi* AlanUr ihar* would not It# loo uwiir w »h* triflethai at>aii*d lh*m.

ritnatat.K mntm. , .Mr |f|*ib |xiint*il <»iit thai lh* a ii a .rig t i>«-o * nil

weary for III* iMtiMiataa of i (II»«|» III S« Vonwould «ar>**it la treat*I lha* «a» not* *ary l« tend am* «aj* in laiadoa; wh I mtw|i I I Ila it and Hi* oth*t alaait JJft Ptittlt* railway*, th«r*wa« no wear and tear the raiil* afior It a it laid downII* ad-Ud Hint td.. ! b* |tr«t| -u *apllal hadalready l>*aa ra * ! ard llitt th» br .1. n « ltd t loa# thaliata fur ll»» naalrv on TM*-<tojr, for f 4<*l 'Wi ha I Weilaoliaeilbatl lor haftir* h» l*ft I ottdna on Mr .niay laat 11

Th«runa*«* hating at.oagly pr» a*d th* »*lnii.t* 'if lhaoin|*ny on t'.e at' ntna'iif " * .mm*r lal <> omnnilv, jand #rprn»*d hi* entire rounder** ,n the in Vrtal In*, jMr Ht<-» m"t'*d a cm* of ihatiL» o> tin :ha'iuia<4 I tl

of ilia dapmali'iti, retnirvinf that ru h«<l teoi a ihun j Ihulilat in the old nmftaii) and .a'»n.j*i la h« a ladderof p"a-k K lb* anw on* Ur AW»an«l»f »»-lOdart 1>« r'

Iniithlli, ytbirh waa Ml.iflt nirynrtel ht Mr 1 V John. Hr'oi.a *ad rajrfad The ma*lia( fhaa adptoriiid at


mm a*ra thaat Ifaphtai.la* «*«r*h fa* tjylira at* aa* tiaroai* *11** h*>«

in N*w Toek Alt aorta af M* airaagaai I'm*urenf

dated ahac.1 an* R* aaa <a*n la tr*n> a jmm tin.*

in aa*i at th* aoroa not* bavaaaWaia It-.hi.a anu a a't

j.n « of Ir- Wad Vtao* .« ba ia a<t'lall* ia T^i'tand ha* hano b»rn for lha pail fofia'gfii hoi thai ta a»a ^at ail liliatf, h*. awa Ilia praiais*** *#-ao»a af Ilia < a*i at

t oua> tl juri a aaa eoaitadiai >o* h o'k m « obi

ll (1 a'ao r-oalaada I that ha at'" 'am* a* a Ifalaad a-it

ha n*»i prxaloat «(. ioa>a of .1 ha oa. la I

Inland and w|t| *nwa Iwi 'a V#» V»ek Ihla Of. a n tk '*

principally gin nd*. upon tha la.' thai Mr- *t*phana *

a* ipitta r**«atla tail Iraitad for ih waalrf

a. *f>kaa* i*ta 'k» >*

maiinm* mb* «*» him < w nal. >> < fai.f*'

><i My, b' >'» na - 4* In a-4 it«bk.*aIn aa* nf Ui< nlB-.a 1 i*" Hi* «n l«» 'hi- *tl» 'iul'ft 4* # k« '. > V|i* «»i ibr r i« < *!» a a * 4>< « » >n

Hi* qn « mi<1 l>o * mi b « u»h c'afnfinaiiaii lot i <1 Ba an iom ka»»«. In

*W>HI«btWl<,,H4lM*Mll*l Tk» *:» *ri4**'» ^(' fig In ** >.# tli.i Wlff*" h* (> If*#*! i lk« fa I j* hi lull lt«» ng »<> iJm< »'l| li a »* Ilk*!* UiM ja *|f# « 4ail|r fae *1 It* iprnm a< a» k u* 14 |14»na«* a i«"»g» »bi 4 i-a4hat »k. « 4 u»« »a|.h n* m "f a 4a » a

THE S^/rtNY SlOf "41

Th. r. I.H.IMI '

W« ll'Rah** I I lr* laa.l#a#«#Ba** ilgaaof KI|ki-M<riBlllHg lb|MMll*ai I*

Jf ra»» 4*tbl Rakafla Ha*a*r m-li.y iC'lk* ran ui

r»gn*«l im Ik* r-m« ni ifc# m» vlab aa*4 MmlIt* I / .fc-r jinif* I* "»* K 'lak'!'*»/ *#» i»«M«a'y "

«ra US*, "*» *T an* «**4 »( iba* r*Mi It M

**4 far " f»» a MM in !* 4»pa<*' **

a 4.:'I al U»» ha* "k *4 ' It* ' #»k'a pal »> T'

an* 4m a lk#a» 'ran«<»i *' ra*|*l*iiila Tk» f aiiiaa'i

Hal Ia* h i4a af »H* «» Mak«a> alai "a- 4» I lk|ijiai a" 'a' ' * I l'» 4 M -III ! " ina«ip la II Ml it a It ah i Milan aa naif an M r>1>,<a» laaa "»f# !. * auk Ik* aaaaai > t * »

gaM I' as Iba ai'a*' f Banaamiai * aii, «> *» a'

**a4, i-tff if Ha «a*ai a»mr auk laWkai Ml«««MB m u|* Ik* k*44 kalata aai< aall tka *«*4.aaaart Mill ng « ** aaniaa

mi w'nW» fir mim* »« /* #»»M nil a> anf Tb« war* *al>gk'»#a4 aal '*

li'M n» tka |n»k > '|»»* *a j m ia piaii aa it- ,M laa-»nr» ikak Hi* I'aa- - aa* k»nra '! * a aa-a*

r<a»f*r« Im i,t|'l i* >k* a a# a a* nf nanaj tka* n *f

ii.* na'«k'«h f«»* ' i 'ig ia«l<.Tk* ' kkaifi Nftf I * la ak|l kffnf

* *« iViaa ani.uii hiiitfraak'.a N v Daia ni'l '! ! TH#» »f* VI **

T**a4a* « * l«a * if f a*4 |wl'«a >' « * a"

|k« fatal* » a*tn.i'al la rtaa'M>| al.Ma.«a'« af* **»aa4 b»m» akati a«a |* a* *1 a ai .-'a. * aa; ! .

ak In ..nati |at4a flu M* '-»g»*>»a i inawaa a« >* ; fan* Itaaa ft**a a I Bl nat'aa lamil H.U*k





rk6 Hmm Lmb Bill to to Reported tothe deiate Wltboit AaeidweK.

lOhat is to be Bone with the BKezf- jcan Loan Bill.

Ira. Jrfferwe Dmii and Aleiaadti I. Stephen!Expected at Waihiugtoa.

he. he. he.

Winin«H.r », April 1, hMACTION ON TIIB r it, HICIITM BILL UKLAVRO.It la now eacertain.« thal^te *eul <>n to

ranaont with tlia randUnn of Sunalor F.iul cannot a*1ck before Tueaday. Tb« rata un tha Civil Riabia hill

'III, therefore, b« poetpoaed until Wednaeday Haunterrurabull will make hla apaach to-morrow in dafaore orlie bill, and it la probable that noma Henator uu thothar aide will ra^pond, wbiclt will ueo up tha natlre aaalon.Tba radical* will nut be aoitoua to praaa a vote;or by wailing until Wediieaday tba Senator who will bappoinlad in Foot'a place will ba hern to lake lue aaatba delay will nut be objected to by tba otbar aide, furvary day a |>oeiponen»ai lacraaara tba banme »r tbaanaervatlve Hanalora now ec k baton praaaat>or la tbla delay weakening the chain en of ila

aiug euelaiaed, on tba roalrary, Johnaon la

laily gaining atrangtb. tba radicala admit that ibayre luaing ground, and ara now making a dcepernla effi.itu Induce tboae Nanalora who have been firm throogbout0 wmle with them in Mipporl of tha bill. In fact, wa

nay aay that tha only duubtwheb m w e*ieta in

anard to the raault la aa to whether tha two Hanaore who ara now t* k w II bo able to I* praaomVara la no doubt that liitun will be preaent if withinba tange of poMilulitlea, but tbara la mora doubt abouten* lor VI tight.

TUB LOAN BILL.The Klnam e (omroiUan of the haaale hhva derided to

eporl the ao called loan bill In the paeriae abapa that >taaaad the H&.ae. Tba report wilt |«ubably b» made toorrow Aa effort waa made in the committee to modify

, Iwil I failed. It la ronalderwd by a majority af tbauBtunlitac to ba barmleaa aa (I la, aad tberafure hait toaaa it without vmewdmeau

TBI MBXICAN LOaN.It m now admitted that tba raaoluttua* guaranteeing

tie Mecicaa Iowa will paaa the Rouaa ut Kapfaeeatetivee.ba oppunanta of tha meeaure concede Ibat much, It la

pgt*raloud thai a aumber af tha mambar* will rata fur1 lor 'be purpoaa of giving Napoleon lo undatetaad thatbl/ country la la aarneat in regard to ila end .rvnx-ivt ofkta republic of Haiieo Their votaa will m aoma m t

Utuaa ha gitoa im that wwaeuie .a tha hnpaa 'bat with14 paiaaga la Uva Houm Nat»uteua will lake the hutnd Withdraw fioai that rouatry. U It und< rat.od that

iflai ila paevagc In ihn lower Heave it will im held 10

he dena'e to aaa whether tha French Fn.|»ee. r

till Uka the bint without further action by f.iugreeeloth Outfit* fti'J ib* rr*n<irnm jrtifry unrwiuMi

n<! panliita in ib»lr opiiuailion to Urn io>|wrlat Mi nan

In-ina. WlnM tin fa ia no do |.oalil«ti to bitnj on anyrrloua t'liniit cat.nit* wall Napoleon, tbnr ia a data'

uinatinn IO do natlann IItat Will ah"* to t ... thaiIlia Ooun'iy »'II not aol.nal to any do bla daaJ Of of

Im.bliol oarv i< l.ia |ail t'ui Ihla maann il.a tola

111! ba farjr dw.d'd.n tin H»i'« Ton a< i. fnala li I.a uf n »af>i»«li a w oti atlrrli. II a

U glf*n tilM a 'JfMd'd i.oil t>> U.a |«-o|t f It*.rat ire in lt*> I Jy.

lit» nailtta MLL.Th ra la mora In Ilia t>fi.p akititMl to la rut m, t lLa Jetion ol iba I hiportal rat arnica in ll'ifo it. a* f<r»«

ippoanil |i « lliat larlain imilirt ...noarUrl4b Ilia t loncn Ixna'"" ara taifgrd III ladaovf part tan

laa* tlaa COIII. ail

una. jkii. nana 1 in. inn tr vtamtnfon.Mia Jfl*r-on l*i m i.imV-t tood to bt at twiU la

al n^Uiu In I.Of a oi oLiaiBiUf par u.iwn.a to alt t

l "ail" I" at ol. M iw -I,a milroimbla >1111 ii oia>|«uy '4 A H M'|.|. * |loa> a

a/ in mo.

iitn .ra via ia tui.Uk onamrTba fMan>i> <4 Mt M|IM liaaa IM bar* I-* ia».r

ir*»4a»' part or|.ii« Ina out I at iba Van V-aa «i

'oral, p mib iKiaaail pot«.a»»nC) , fat I an M mm

k ra. a,ta«t Ui« o ri*" I bn ^|-4ainiat *"Oal

rllynr a It r».4a bnaa .a.»i|ai,.a.) an tun .t.pi«aimatlI l.i> at Ola In aai a ."^loial .. ..rirn aiom, an l

a rhachliog art. Ik* irpoii..' 4. airman, nt ml knaa.4,if|nu Mm ml aal Vi itray ara 'iiaMaal Ikan

aU ara an -..aMaa.la ant 'aaMatr )M i.atnM,nt 00I4 in . pa.* ara Iba oo»i oa <m ml a*; niana I

natron uru civiiitta*.Ika ra' a4 «ra an 1 tarn fa 4 t Oat-aa « llfH .alaanta Dapnaimanl nt Oman mnt I mat ' apiam Han«aontoi.4 a| Ika Hi., at. la dapa*, an nan*",x .amaiaai'r 'na*4'4 maaj laaara tn mi aaalmr 1 .ara.aA .>a a r- at.' ... a m f'rrai-bnM a Mm an aaaralraarar alar in Jn44o ana rarara. Ma bnpna mi «v

awrat a .11 aiaat i fa ina Hmiaaj na« atara M at

.n Al .1 apfirtoa'tfinn nnrra tnw ana rA.

ran aant paM.an mt nu a.Miry. abaMrt l»H'4n Mafa an Hani Cmnmtiiaa inaaa n.m ptnnarli*n ran-*, una «# ma raraaaa rat mm | afar aan a»o

onaat k| iba,/ a|ai i .a paraaa. AMM .fUtMa an aar r

tl flk' »U Mil ' > III rMiifuiaa

'» 4#ta«a«M« l»'bM IMll? llMb UM tM, tfl * Iba

If ! «( ikra pi <M 'blna^l fH> ». aba

I'IMaat » lb* rH« Nl( IM 1*1 M ImMf.i« lbi pa III *» «< lb* IM kIIn af lb* UM "

k'l* MP*' » lb* iMpabiM of baai Mf «alf M miH I* "f lw*<(» p .M'lli.bf b'm. Tu I«m>l*»MP fpt i»a< Uatf 111* '*>i4aia- aa af lb* pkMrtpi'

M» > M IH M< bill

irM.i. i t illicit mai'iMA M« »» »« > ! M 1.1a Mull IrvM Uilniu **4 Ika

>4 rl. at mm iry at Iba baaib la la Iba " p f«« «*M p. i

»» I > I.a P » ' «"|I «; 4 a*»"i4 Ua

ifinwa in .iiw nmb »i»4 <"<u« t+*rvf 4

>(.-( ll.a . tba >-ii .a >*< ,t-.aua ! ii hum

tba Mail In ia p.M it pi b'lb "M«fll b» pa*4 !

|>-|<I| lb* IC -HH I* l« Pi "Ktl'W

11 . UM Ml »-!' ! a ''T MM p»«aaac«4«n mir sail. '/»T*«

lb* poMbi mii I a Imi Wm praM? »»U r* aaaa4x«b*4

PM«b»Mi lb* Ppuib bi IW PUMiMtaibMiapPal>al * "M"» < lb* Mp*n«Mbl » abwal M !

aa a «aa ubfa iba / i aaliana la* lb* Mi ma -4

<1 lal ri'^a'a af» mm 'Mil lab bnaaiif

if m;i«i f«'i'»»« in io at CALi I* CP tubat> *« It V Mail b*M of lb* t'aafi Maian |MM«-4

Vf ll.a 1-ai'. at *»Iiptpr P-m* bpnwa'11 a

IBM i»mI ail «*:i «p U.a r*b<aaaart ibb*« iaM .4

4|« raaaaa Bfftpt aa trt4ap at ba 4**ipra-i but la

a4a ia ba M> i# marrpm

'ma fraaa taiima taaiaa.tlbltf H MM4 bafb I**

twa Pwbal t.aia* lib baa l-a « I* "4MM baa

»»t*4 fiaaa Mabua aa4 CMatut bt» * ""

aai.. ba' af MM a baa * f t» * Hall*! aa

tba auaaMi lba*« #4 'a ba4 » i»4 f'v» W'A a fbt Habaa'a 'aaa - » .»>

Tba paaM" fVaaa »' aa '»< tb.i a'm»«*i **

t i4 < Mt r»a N a

Tba f»aa*t 4iti*« i »*»& * *'* batata

a iba ataa i-i N am a n»b ia T ia

Tba u>, rt -a >a pt# Taaa If H UM*b4 4b 4 tfc