Ib^ *^ 11^^ ^K V I I \^r jjRam f <^B |H fl I ^S Si I M^k. I pfeb^r * y* £j^^LF t^L^ J», tA> W V^w J^L/ ^' r 17VT . * w # w^ « ^ \, ^ ^r r ^r . L 11 . i < I. i* * « i . i i,..i,, i» vat. XXXI. WASHINGTON, D. C.. M ON DAY, JUNE 22. 1868. N2. 4.770. EVENING STAR f rVWLOMMD BAQ.I- ITOBAY OClfTM at tub «tm bhlbim, I. W. C«r»«i fft. ivtM* U4 lltfc itfMt * '*» NOTES, BAKU * 00. > « TMBTil nwmi »y«« > »t«ti«tr MMm ia * C*» Dtttnet tt Tra can* m no. Ommi it um oou«»,'witk wtmeet wrspvere, Two Cewrewflh rtici re* Mjom-Tkiw nTjihy mSrpStru?SSmn. Wo p*f»n®2?«ttttrom M eflo* taajrtr tfeaa paid lor. « I M w 31HB paoimta «n cnu*f. VtB M«r Ha/* Tim. . ' ggggj THE EVENING STAR Washington Hewi and Gossip. 1*1 A< AIN«T THI WAR Dzr A>TYS37.. Tbfl scmmmston to examine claims acainsi He War Deparmea', wfcieb has bee* tn in mis nt| l*»r -one rimepaa', dm tw*n diiooa. 'tiird »> Hi Taction of Secretary Scbodeld, and j (as mentioned in tbe Star a f»»w days sine*) <»en J. A. Hardie, Col. DeWitt CUaton and Vol. Uaorft Uibeon h\y*> been \ppo»Q*«*d as a board to a»>emble at the War Department to in\e» »itate. prepare aad report upon snch claims as may be referred to them. Tbe beads ol bureaus in tbe different Departments are directed to furnish tbe board witb snch information as may be deairad. The reports of tbe tbe twviI will "ontain briefly all information necessary to enable tbe Secretary of War to o*cide upon 'be merits of each claim, and a specific recommendation as to bow it shall be Oispo«ed of. The proceedings ol tbe board are U> be trcnt, and they will not be allowed to adrevtiaeor make any publication except by direction of the Secretary of War. Oak (Ximpabie* is tbi Disthict..Mr. Ingn>oll introduced >n the House to-day & bill to incorporate Lke CiQ^ni' Gas Company ot the I»istnct of Columbia, naming tbe same Corpor»tor> aid embrvinf the «jun>- provisions as ibe bill offered in tbe Senate by Mr. Harlan a few day 's since, which ba* already t>en pubii-bed m tbe Sta*. It was referred to the Committee on the District ot Columbia. Mr IngersoU also introduced a bill to incor«t>iaie tbe "Wa-bington A (ieorgetown Coal ar Ga>ligbt Company." wbich names August Hit/leld. Geo. H. Backer. J. W Smith. J. McHowen, Amos A. Gnnning, (owners and aseign^ee of a certain invention known as au improvement in manufacturing ami illaminat. me ar*? trom coal ai d coal tar, and for wbuh invention, letters of patent have been duly granted.! and others as iccorporators, tor tbe ptirpo»e of establishing and roaiuUiiuuig in Washington and George- town Dmltiinr* Tor gas work®, with all necessary coal yard". re-ei voirs, dec , ihereunto atfarh<-d Tbe company is to Inrnish all public buildings in tbe citiw of Washington and fleorgetown with kv light at the rate oi per thousand cubic feel: alto, to commence laying down ga« pipe* within ninety days from and attei the i :i»?ag»* ot the act. Capital stock not to exceed *o.(X« to be divided into shares 4>i *1,W<0 each. Referred to In«trict Committee. Trial Tkipof thi U. S. Stkameb Ammo. | MOftc-A QricK Pasuaoe..The 17. S. swamer Ammocoosnc. Commander Wm. D. Whiting, which lately received her machinery at New York, was transferred to the Boston navy yard, wheresbe arrived from New York on theeveninj: of the evening ol the lMh in»t. Tbe trial trip from New York to Boston proved very sausflictory. The engines worked »moothly and were easily managed. J»he mad-* seventeen knots per honr for twelve consecutive tuurs, averaging about thirtv-two revolntinna per minute. The British C«'S!»i l at Boston brAgs to lb* notice ol British subiects residing within the Stales ol Jfruoachuaeii* and Rhode Island. that by a recent instruction lrom H. M. Pnn« ipal Secretary ol State for Foreign Affairs, two registers aie opened at that consulate, one lor births and the other lor death?: and the Couetil is- authorized to ir.sert therein such entrie* of births and deaths a> may be reported to him lor registration: provided that not more than seven years have elapsed since the occurrence of those events. J'lkapast SrKAToRiAL Tntr..Hnitea number ol Senators on SAtaruay. by invitation ol Senator Cameron, toon a trip to Ashland, on be Northern Central railroad, where they ! l»ent the day very pleasantly. . .Mr Whttiaw Reed, ("Agate," of the Cincmcati linuttr.) who has always been a promt- dent snpporter of Cha^o. ha« wri'ten a caml.airn lite ot (}r*nr- Caftai> .Tames Kei.ly. 34 U United States infantry, now on duty in Mississippi, ha- b»*en trdrred to report to tbe Secretary of War in p«*i*©i> Uari « are out tor a >a.-tiionai>le v^uu; trre neit we*k. The par:*- are Senator Henderson. ol Missouri, and Mi»s Mary Koote, daughter of Judge Koote, turmerly of New York, and niece ol the late «-x-Senator Foote, j 1 ol Vermont. Thi mtiAL of la«*ut. James I). Graham, I mwd State* army, latr Aide-de-Camp 10 1 Major General Hancock, will take plat* to- i i morrow, (Tuesday.) the ikl instant, at ! i o'clock a m., trom S?. Mathew'» Church, cor- ' u.roi lata and H streets. The procession will proceed irom tbe church to the depot of tbe 1 Baltimore and Obto Railroad (Company. Tae mains will be interred at Bal'imore city. Colc'KET) School SrriEisTUDWM -The j Acting Assistant Commissioner of ihe Freed- , , mn'* Bureau for this District has issued an i rder aoMtciiir-K the lullowiof named persons 1 'o duty as Superintendents of Education in j Maryland Tbaddea* Washington and Cepha* , l^avis, at Budd> Kerry, Charles coun'y; A. T. ] Johns, at Namemoy Stores. Md. . « srjiMrr D*z««..General Emory, iu com- J maatfof the Department of Washington, has ( i-«b#ht a circular permitting nil rroops iu the < Drpar'ment to wear straw ha:» and bloutes of ] b«* same pattern when off of doty, and when i]|on all dn?y rx ept review*. m-pe. tions, dres^ parades and guard mounting. , Political..A -Miaaomri i)«i«oot*i think* lifceral James Shield-. fV09<e*ee9 "efficient calibre lur tne Deiuo rn:«; candidate tor Vice i President TneBoitou ft*mil, independent Demo- ' cnt« cpj-'o-et the nomination of Chases and (ON for Hancock. The fwL radical Demo- i cnt, and H'raid, both #rr .nit for Hancock, in ures ib Ma-*achu*u« a lively canvass in NovbIKT ( Ttere is dlti-eju among lie Republicans « t th« Teaii«-*®e* S*xtb Congressional District, i Had t*t Conventions bave been held. The i tir*t reauminated Hon. S. .X. Aruell. and ttje < vecond nominated Hon. J. Jack Bock. 1 Th* /fraW*ay« -Available Democratic ' Krefcid^nual tnnbrr. Northern maple. Western ' toicJtory. <>t Jfcmbern yellow i»lne. i* r-r* ! nearer. Tli«* war bas made it so.'' Tb«* < >hio Ma-tnau (L>-raoerat> says Cbwt Justice Cbase's won't <bi*. Wf < »b do better.'* Th»- editor ul tb«* Cairo (III.) it*wu»era', |. rmerly Priirilfonian ac »*d »« on* of th* seerf'ariM at ^br >xnif*ri-Be» of Caii-( Justice « ba-* - friends iu Philadelphia, <>a itie 1< tb mutant. Heiater C'lym<-i wru«- a totter to say that i tbe urf ol hi- uame by th»* New York llmx'd m itiunriiivii *itb 't,'ba.«»* movement was --en- irely unautborizetl. ' He don't -*-« u. ! (icMrai Wager Swayne says be 1S not a «andidare tor Oon*r.*-»« m Mr. ^IWMrpr'i J (I ibio) district. { Tte K<-j)utilit ai»s ol the Kuurib Illinois Congressional di-trict have nominated tor I «'onri^.- Moil. Jobu B Haw ey. of Kock Island. tieneral Harding, the present mcnm- j hrai, iicoiufd n*nuinination. TM Culumbii! (Ohio) SltU'tmau calls j ujh o !lw> tn^utis of Mr. Peudlatou to co«i«* to N«*w York in full forc<»*T>u the 1th of July, saying that I^ino^rats who art- opposed to b»-iiijc "«W out' should hy all attanri. Pr»Md»-ut Fair fir Id, ol Hillsdale College, » likely to be Mr. He-un:m s most formidable cvnp'tilor tor the Krinibiicnn nomination for t iw rr*M.« in T Kirmt lhdtrii*t Hi^h.M« . A correspondent of the Mobile Kffutr is out in a Tiokat tirade against Judre 1,'hav becati»e he uejrro troop* iu that city IB IMJ6. The Chicago i'mtt suggests iba: Horace Oreeley would make an excellent candidate lor Governor. Wh-rpupon tbe »ay« he candidate tor Governor should be a man wko won Id add to tbe vote of Grant and Colts x, aao that bis name is not Horace Gr»eley. Tbe Galeshnrg Vrtt i'rett says tae IlliMW K-r ablican nomination* should certainly I i five m i>!acioa to all soldiers and editor*, parncolarly *okiier ditors. We have Grant, a eoldiet Colia*. an editor, Palmer, a soldier; IWm,«Wvfv A «aI<IuiP* finmmal an i i % M "M1 VVI , Mip" pii.ictt, a joldirr. Bat**. a soldu>r: Logaa, a 1 HolOitr, and Shnm&ii, aa editor. A good tick*. 1 Vr are saO'jfled, perfectly I Rx* ovine Political Diiabiliti**..The bill introduce 4 im ttM Hoiw to-day by Mr Oobura 44 to p nvid? tor the relief from disabilities oi cor'Ain persons wbo b»*e been engaged in wbaUiiMi" proposes Lfeat such persons may be nlit mi by. Fin. Qivmg boum in certain specified court*, two y»ars at Itut before bis relief, tbat it is in good faith bis intention to resume bis seU'ions with the <Government of the Umed Sum aa a loyal citiara thereof, A.c. omi. That he shall file with *aid declaration the petition o t at leart 40 loyal citizens (not uwder d ebilities) of the count? in which be reside*, endorsing hie application. Third. The Court will thea bear and investigate tbe application, and upon proper proof, submitted in support ot aueb declaration, aad tiaaalnita certified copy of the record to tbe Speaker ot the Hoa*e ot Repreaentativee ot the In red States upon tbe demand ot the applicant. /car'fc. That tbe same shall thereupon be submitted to tbe Honse for action, and if Oonpress ;-hall be satisfied that snch applicant has made bis declaration two years previously thereto: that be baa resided during that una in tbe United State*; that be haa renounced all intention to dissolve tbe Unioo. to create) rebellion and civil war, or to unite with otberW to effect tbe same; that at least twenty of tbe citisene of tbe county in which be resides ask bis relief, and that it will be for the public eood that sucb relief be granted, thereupon such relief may be granted. Wherenpon snch applicant shall go before a court herebeioi*- named and take an oaih tbat be will support the Constitution of the United States; that he renounces all intentioa to aid or assist in the dissolution of the Union, in creating the rebellion, or In establishing the Southern Confederacy, or any other Government within the United States In opposition thereof: which court shall make a record thereof, and thereafter such person *hall be invented with the, rights of a eituen of the United Suites. The bill was referred to the Reconstruction Committee. KriTDiso th* National Debt.. In the Houte to-day ilr. Kelsey introduced "a bill to provide lor landing the national debt and for taxing the interest-bearing bonds hereafter iaiatinH «Ko I » «/< -*1- . . .ociicu WJ lur vuliru OlAirSi SLUU 1UI UlUCI pUX> poses.'' It autborii** the Secretary of the Treasury *.o i^>ue registered or ceupon bonds ; in such form as he may prescribe, payable, principal and interest, in coin, at such places in Europe and America as be may designate, and bearing five per cent, interest, payable semiannually, bearing date so as to make an e*|«ai amount of interest payable quarterly. Tne bonds to be payable Mltv" years alter date, aud redeemable in com. St tne pleasure of the T mtKl Suites, after twenty»flve years from date. These bonds to be issued to an amount sufficient to cover all outstanding or existing iiit^-rest-bearing obligations of the Vnited States, and to be exchanged tor snch obligation?, or disposed of in sucb manner net lee* than par, the Secretary may deem iijtoi conaucive 10 ine interest or the Government. The bonds are to be used exclusively ior the redemption of interest-bearing securities of the United States, and to be known as the "consolidated debt ot the 1'nited Stale*. "> aud be exempt from taxation in any form by or under State, municipal, or local authority, au<l the same and the interest uh»*reon and the income therefrom shall be exempt from the payment of ail taxes or riutias to the United States, except that there shall be deducted lrom the interest or coupons of *aid bonds, at the time ol paying such interest, one-half ol one per cent, as taxes, which taxes shall be semi-aunuaily invested in the bonds hereby authorized, aud suck, to* ?etb» r with the interest that shall acerueon the betds so purchased, shall Ijrm a sinking lnnd lor the pgyfnent of the national debt, in lieu of the sinking fund contemplated by the act of February -Ji, latfc; TU« bill provides ihat the «ereral iaterestbearing bonds ol th^'nited State* that .ire redeemable at the pleasure of the United States after a certain number ol years lrom their date, shall, at the option ot the holder thereoi, be icuaiigeu ior tnese bonda: provided that socb mud- its are now redeemable ahull be present. >*d lor exchange within six raontbs after tbia act takes elTect, and sacb bonds as hereafter become redeemable shall bepre«entei fbr exi haiige within six months ofter they become redeemable. The bonds are also to be accepted :ts security for the redemption of National Bank notes. Tbe bill was relerred to the Committee of Ways and Means, and ordered to be printed. Naval Naws..Acung Vol. Lieatmant Edward Couroy, 9t Uie store clup Supply, under liate ni A tar. I i»»Vi .k. . I «» » ' -r-» ic|iuii3 lararuT"4 ui' vessel at OlM Town, and would leave 011 the ."tit for Boston, having on board the remain? r-fthe late Admiral H. H Bell and Lieutenant L'ommander* J. H Keed, and A. S McKenxie. The supply is now daily expected at Boston. Dispatches have also been received at the Department from Rear Admiral Henry k Hoff" commanding the North Atlantic Squadron. dated United States flag ship Oontoocojk. it Gudelouj*. May »», 1*8.-4, announcing ibat he I'nj:eti Staue steamer Sbawmut discovered a large steamer in distress about lorty mile* west of Martinique, and immediately went to her relief. She proved to be the Kreuch Trans Atlantic steamer Oaria&e;-* Qavinjc broken the cylinder head ot her eaeine he Sbawnut took her in town and conveyed tier safely to Martinique. Admiral announces 3i- pleasure at bring able to return the attention* ] A the French ateamers who4 as* i-ted to pall he Gontoecook off when she grounded at the harbor ol Point Pietro. PEESKCT TO OISIRAL 0RA"T%^3olon«\ Hatch, of Boston, on benalf of Th,ip». spencer, an American ciUr^ tending at Htlo, Hawaii. Sandwich this mominr presented to General Gran* a large case of vol auic specimens, <wh|/t'u Mr. Spencer has been joilecung tinriaj ttwenty Tears on the [aland. Tun I'U'.icd States practice ship Portsmouth irrlved it Annapolis on Friday Inst from New Vori. Put^OMAL. .Major (renei-ml M^ade, Colonei Meade, and Capiam McKibbin of Philadelphia, treat Willard's Hotel Intkhnal. Kiviici.-The receipt- from this source to-day were Forkio* Niu'« The sessions of the North irrman Parliament elated oa Saturday. King William of Fr«saia .nade a paciUc speech on tie occaaiou. Saturday laat wa» the anuiver arj of Uneeif Victoria's accession to the throne A England, a»d -was duly observed throughout the kingdom A grand review ot the volnnteer iuv)Ko vuvm |wiv«7 u niHinur ran, ijoaaua. in preeeoc# or ber Mijwty and snite. The defeat of the Irish Church Appointments Suspensory bill in the English House of Lurds U consider d certain. The American squadron, under A J aural }'arra«ut, > to be reviewed at Ostend to-day by King Leopold The Cretan rep res-utawves and exiles in Athens have offered an i.idres* to the United States Consul at that place. Prince Napoleon has (tone to Constantinople to visit the Sultau. General Napier reported to baTe arrived at Alexandria, accompanied by the son of Theodoras. Advices Iron Paraguay states that the allies have given nn iltvmiuin* tn rarrv Hamun ainvni proposes to redue** 'h»> city by starving oat the ram»oc. Lope/ la said to be arming women, uid has «,W on duty nnder Eliza Lyncb, an [rub woman. Tbe Paraguayans made an aa> laalt on tbe Brazilian position on tbe Cbaco oa be lltn of Miv, but were repaired. The Kmfx>ror of Brazil to openinc tfcr ttoneral Asvmsly on Mar Mb. said the United States do vernin-nt bad again offered mediation for tbe re -tabii-hment ot }>e*ce with Pararuay. which, however, was declined with tbauk». The revjlunuuiMa are reported to completely surround Port-au-Prince, bat are not disposed to make i general attack. Saliiave keeps up tbe bombardment. Tbe revolution in Veneruela is puni ng strength aad rapidly extending. The revolutionary force was within a few miles of L'a rn, a* at last advices. kkiijhttil stuhhoat u.hahtsb. tttrn'y V-rtr.ml Mi- in,;.A h c '.i The tramer Moraine Star, from Cleveland Ohio. Eur luetrolt, collided with the bark Cortland, thirty mile* Irun Ute la'-ter city, Saturday aijcbt at el«Tea o'clock, and botb «uuk. The total number of paasen iters wai.of the atvanwr M ; crew, crew of the b»rk, II. Of theae >><ont *J\« are mm lay. Tberemaicer were picked up by the steamer K. N. Rice. The names are sot yet known. The officers were saved except lames Moreton, clerk of ttte Star, who was »-« to CO down, wiUk Mrs. Hackett, Wife of Japtain Haoket', a piHnpr. Amont thos* «vr<l from tbe Moral ox Star was C. T. Now an. of thi* city. Amon* the mi*ainj( are Mrs, dackeu, Detroit, JuusMorttoa, clerk of tbe *tar; Major Hntchlacs- two Misses Pate ben. rroy, N. Y.; Albert Iddlngs. Cleveland; Mrs. Vam let, Cleveland; Mrs. Parker aad child, lanetta, Ohio; Captain Railantiae and wife, Detroit. Oae of Uw Star's boats, still oat, may lave some of iM surriyw*. I * FORTIETH 0018BB88. j J This lftarnooa's Pr#o*edincfe | Moiroir, June 22. S«*at« .Jttr. Wilaoo, from Mm Committee on MJitarjr Affair*, reported lavorably tbe kill to provide for the sate «f damaged .iad a riser* viewable ordanc* and ordaanfte Korea A lea, resolution to drop from tbe roils of tbe army, oOVcera absent from tbetr comnnadi without antkorit). Alto, Honae joint resolution to antbariae tbe sale of tbe eit* of Fort Covington. in tbe State of Maryland; wbicb waa parsed. Mr. Mnmaer presented a memorial from \V( Cornell Jewett, asking the establishment of a W .. . * * Hiuv«v 0OIIK 111 puisuauctr UI & plan which be »et« forth, by which the Government debt may be discharged without further taxation i»f the people Referred to Committee on Hr.ance. Mr Connees offered a resolution discharging tbe Committee on Foreign Relations from the farther consideration of the House bill for the! protection of the rights of naturalized citizens. Mr. Sumner objected to its present consideration. Mr. Cosbtm then give notice that he would call it np to-morrow, and wonld theu submit soma remark* en it. Mr. Yates called ap the bill for the admission of C«)«rafefo into (he Ttnion. Mr. Mortill, ot V/., did not care in what shape this bill bad been reported, he was not in favor of it. He was utterly opposed to put4 ting men's clothes on little boys. This Tern- iory couia hot possibly nave more Lhao JO,OU<j population, ana he was opposed to admitting any of these Territories until they had population to entitle them to at least one Representative m the House. Mr. Crafin «aid Colorado bad to-day a larger populatlon than either Nevada or Nebraska, as the recent election returns showed. Mr. C. read from the receipts of the Poet Office Department to prove that tbe receipts for the transmission of the mail* in Colorado were %lo,QOn iarrer in 1-67 than in Nebraska or Nevada. Colorado w»« «n*ir>n« ,h* TT"; .. ... W <v vv«wv IUIV VUIVU« Mr. Nye epoke of the jealousy existing on the part ot the East toward the West, and said that the West entertained no such jealousy toward the East. Alter some further discussion, the bill went over. On motion of Mr. Edmuuds, the Secretary ol the Senate was directed to communicate to the Hon. E. M. Stanton the concurrent resolution tendering to him th»» thanks of Congress. The bill lor the admisnon ot Arkansas, as returned by the President, with his objections, was taken up. Mr. Davis rose to debate it, when Mr. Morrill, of Maine, called for the regular order, being the Legislative, Executive and Judicial appropriation bill, and the bill was accordingly proceeded with. i uv vvniiuiurr uu Appropriations reported the following amendments, which were agreed to: Reducing the amount for Stationery for Senators lrora to f iu,(X*i. Increasing amount for newspapers from *5.000 to *f>,250. The Committee recommend to increase th»ir appropriation for the Capitol Police from SfcJ.ouo to 9H,i-T0. Mr. Hendricks «nid the Captain of the Capitol Police was paid more than the Chiet of a Bureau, and the privates received while a large number of the clerks in the departments received but $1,200. >Ir Morrill (Me.) said the clerks were on duty but 6 hours, while the policemen w»-re employed li hours a day. Mr. hendiicks said the labor ot the clerks was much mure important Snch labor as that ol toe cltrks should be more adequately remunerate. House <>p Representatives..Th« House rea.-sembled thl* morning at 11 o'clock an 1 re-uBD^ii the consideration of tbe case of McKee >s Young from the 9tb Kentncjcy District. Mr. Tumble (Ky.) addressed the House at length in opposition to the report of th« Committee and iufa\orof Mr. Young's right to his seat. Mr. Beck (Ky.) obtained the door when the bour ot 1*.'o'clock arnuit and business was commenced as in Monday's session. Vnder the call of Stau-s and Territories for bills and joint reaolnuon tor reference only tbe following were introduced and referred to th* Committees named By Mr. Fik», (Me.).Bill to repeal the act concerni> g ihe registry and recording of ships and other vehseU. Naval Affairs. Bv Mr. Lynch, (Me.).Bill to allow a drawback on ar'.Kle» used in the contraction of >»^sfcels. c inmerce. By Mr. Kel?ey (Fa.).BUi to provide for tundli.g the national uebt and iQl Utt taxing of future issues ol United States currency. Wjiys ] r\nH Mfihnc _ Haao< » Uy Mr. O'Neill (Pa.).Joini resolution m relation to indentured apprentices and appren« lues under instruction in the navy yards. Naval Affair*. By Mr. Coburn (Ind.).Bill to reli^e fronv disability certain personal wbo wrte easaztd iu rebellion. Reconstruction. . ' By Mr. sbank« (1b«1.5.Jo^ resolution recognizing toe independent UreU Foreign Affairs. ° L' InKer«ol^ flu.).Bill to incorporate tbe V. bjnijiio^ and Georgetown Ooal Tar and »i Dmrtct ot Columbia. Also, di^ w incorporate tbe Citizens" Qas ol Washington. District of ColumBy Mr. Wmdom (Minn.).Bill in relation to fights ol settlers on tbe public lands and in relation to illegal entries under tbe borne-trad lave. Public Lands. By Mr. Oriswold, (N. Y.).Bill allowing muMV in rhu nffli-era man n ,KA r w . W- « W '»!»» UJ' U Ui IUO .Monitor engaged m the fight wun the Merri« mac. Naval AJftiirs. Under this call a number of bill* of n private nuiure were introduced and appropriately relarred. Mr. Kaum v111.) offered a resolution pro. vidtagtbat ;tl1 budge* across the Ohio and Mississippi river shall he made of one continousspau, and -hall b* 5«*» leet clear over the mam channel. The House retmed to second the demand tor the previous qurvion, Had Mr. TrimMe (Ky.) desiring to ileoate the resolution, it went over under the rale. Mr. Logan (111.) offered a resolution which was agreed to, appropriating SiV.uOO to collect and publish the proceedings in ciuea and towns connected with the late decoration of soldiers' graves, under the directioa of some one to be appointed by tne Speaker. Mr. Newcomb(lll.) offered * resolution that hereafter the House would meet at ti o clock a. m. Mr, Washburne (III.) would agree to that if the gentleman would conftoatt to the time the lax bill was undvr consideration. After that bill was disposed ot he doubted whether gentlemen would have much to do, and for want ot bet*.er employment all sorts of schemes would be introduced to plunder the public treasury. The motion was then laid ou the table. Mr. Laoughriojte (Iowa) iatroduoed a resolution declaring that, in Ui«s opinion of the House ot Representatives, the interests of the country require that the public debt should be reorganized and reduced to a simple and uniform system, more easily understood t>v the people vi lur tvuuu jt oxiu mni ww iutcrpsi on in? CI0DI rbould be reduced, and directing tbe Ways and Means Committee to report a bill tor the funding of tbe national debt, aad to eaualize and reduce tta» interest as Jkr po«?role, consistent with tbe claims of caedjcors and m justice to tbe people. Mr. Spalding (O.) moved to refer tbe bill to tbe Ways and Means Committee. Rejected. yeas bl, nays ft'. 1 be resolution was then agreed to without a division. Mr. Price (Iowa) offered a resolution in- iruciinic int VjViDiniiw on Appropriations to Inquire into the exi>ediency ot appropriating i .ux ,(<Wj to bay up the matured and m iturme indebtedness of the Unittd Suttee which is payable in com, as the same may became doe, said Indebtedness to be taken up by the coin in »be Treasury to ae sold for that purpose as needed, by public proposals, bat no new indebtedness ball be created by new is&une until the c >in reserved is reduced to *25,«K*MKjO. Mr. Spalding (Ohio) moved to amenl by making it Ways Had Means Committee instead 01 ^ommuuv uu appivprniiQRi. AJlWrt to. The resolution was then passed The Uoaap resumed the consideration ot the hill in relation to removal or disability from certain persons in North and South Carolina, the bill harmr been postponed until Uus time The question recurred upon the motion to reconsider the vote whereby the conference report was rejected. The question was reconsidered, and the question then recurred again upon apwiDf to the conference report. Alter debate, the question was taken, and the report of theOonferenoe Committee was then trued to.tmi ML 11 The House recanted consideration of the oonte«£d Mtcw of loKte n. Young. *r Bfck (Ky.)sddrMsed tfce Ho«m iu favor of Mr. Yoong's right to his seat. Mr. Poland 4Vt.) iihlt.d the House, and aid when this report was first .Mr. the Com- iUMon Eltett. tlaoM tMulnouly m Km* tAat McKee »U nrn, aatiUed to bis Mat MM not know of the cltor in the opialoa of th« AUmfttM tintil mw ft in lb* papers White at bom#, and since his retnra fee coal* s«t satisfy himself that McJLee was entltifb to it* ML a* should vote ftfaiast him: as. he would also rote acalnst Touc, becaose be be. Iteved the latter Mras diiqnsliM by his paitu cipation is the rebellion. .<«»>« 1 TELEGRAMS TO TBE STAR. This Afternoon's Dispatcher ntOM BCROPI TO-DAT, BY CABLE. Domdoh, Jose ».Forenoon.Ocrasote for money for acooant*, hmj;; u. S Illinois, 1U0S»: Erie*. \. lAV urooL, Jane t2.Forenoon.Cotton quiet bat steady. Sales of ll.Ouu bales. Southampton, Jade 22. Forenoon.The B'eamer Tea tonia, from New York on the ttb, Arrived At it n>lnrlr fhi* iMiPnin* Lowdox, June 22.Afternoon .United States 5-*>"s, 73^; Great Western, Livxri-ool, June tt . Afternoon..Cotton meter, but the sales will not exceed 10,01)0 bales. Pork and Lard dull. SorTHaxPTO". Juae 43..Afternoon..Th« America, from New York on the llth, tvii arrived. (-akizk or a life boat. Tws Mfi Drswifd. Ohu ago, June k..The Little Westera, a sail life boat, built here after a new model and intended shortly to cross the Atlantic, capsized yesterday afternoon on her trial trip, aad Captain Manett and Henry Chisholm, the reporter for the Tiiw >. were drowned. FROM NEW YORK. Srhnt/m(r*t-Suicidr N*w York, June 22..The building erected at Jones' wood will cost 950,tfN>. It is for the Schntaenfeet clubs. George W. BeMinr, of the firm of Belding. Keith A Co., No. 80 Lombard street, committed suicide yesterday. ARRIVAL HOME OF BRITISH TROOPS FROM ABYSSINIA. Lonnow, June 22..The Ilrst detachment of the returning troops from the Abyssinian expedition have arrived at Plymouth, and a dispatch Jrom Alexandria, Egypt, reports that tbe last detachment arrived at that port to-day. The Hnmill«Cenlter Beat Race. rrik« nuj-I-V- »- - « iurrunnuripuu Aye oi suiroajr fSyj: "The judges having decided that neither Coulter iiOi Haraill were to blame for the casualty that upset their respective boats, and brought disappointment to tbe large concourse of spec tators on Thursday afternoon, tbe second tial for tbe sculling championship ot the Vnited State® and the purse offi,ouu came off yesterday afternoon. The match was set down for fonr o'clock.the course to he the same as that originally laid down. Tueie was another large assemblage ol spectators- though not so many as gathered Thursday. » At twenty minutes past'three the men got away.Haraill in his quick, impetuous manner. and Coulter with a steady, sweeping stroke. Hnt. much to the disappointment ot the spectators, and just as the m»u had started. Coulter's right oar snapped in twain. This occurred on the third stroke of the unfortunate oarsman, who was compelled to withdraw from the course. Hamill never stopped, but made his little shell skim through the water with astonishing rapidity. He made the five miles in thirty-eight minutes and twenty-seven nwwc, auu nu uriiami iue winner. Never was there a more disappointed gathering nor a more unfortunate man, who had the hearty sympathy of almo-t every one preseut, thau Coulter. His friends were confident of his success, and they laid heavy wafers upon the resuit. It is useless to say that the champion's success wa* greeted with applanse on tne pari of his lriends. The referee and judges were the same as TUurtday.'' Coulter, the loser in the race, publishes a card in which he declares tha? be was ah^ad. wben Hamill ran into and fouled him inteutentionally; that be righted bis bjat. got in, and asked Hamill to do likewise, and finish the race, bat be refused. He clatms that he won the race on the first day, and was cheated on the second day, because they ought to have started even. He challenges any man loraay amount, for a similar race. He disregard® the decision of the referee, and charges Hamill with fraud ir» hnth «*«..- -*» 1 . . ii' > »niu- iu- r;«C! Uf I championship of America. Trotting at the Union < onrse, f.ing |s|and. ^m»r«<rin&»raaHCb f°I two mile h*»ats. came off Saturday alterr ' t the .;aion Cour^i between two Brooklyn road horse*.a gray mare, to wego*^ and a chestnut z^ldinn in »?ruJiSS* i? -«are won in two straight beats, the nrst p~ a head only, but the other by one hundr«»*a yards. Neither of the horses were in a crTndition to trot two mile beats.with the thermometer ranging over eighty in the shale, wbicb it did while the trot progressed, and at the end of the tim heat both were much exhausted. The gray mare appeared the least di». tressed, however", when time was called for starting, and the betting was in her tavor at fonr to one. Pre\ioos to the start the mare was the favorite at tea to seven. Both ot the hordes came from Main?, bat nothing reliable conld be obtained as to their pedigrees. Firtt Mot..The chestrot got away best, and led a couple of lengths with three nivalis to the uuarter pole, in forty-two seconds. The mare then broke np and lost half a dozen lengths. At the balf-mile pole the gelding was eight lengths in Iront in the mane baring broken up 011 to* backstretch. The mare wu more steady on the lower turn, and closed up well, but coming tip the homestretch they both broke again, and the geMing passed the «tand witb a lead of tour tongue fn 117. From there to the half-mile both hordes broke up rtoree times, and the gelding led eirht lengths at that potnt. lie now began to shorten hi* strides ana the mare became more steady, and sbe elo.-ed considerably around the lower turn. Coming up tbe bMnestreteh the gelding broke up several times. and the mate won the beat by a short heed, in 5.5b. Second U'at..Four to one was current on the mare, who M*<ined the freshest of thetwo wben the Time wa» up to start. Tbe gelding had two iniKiu* iof nest oi tne senJ-oit. They both broke up before Teaching th» upper turn, bat tbe gelding being the quickest to regain hU feet led eight lengths to the quarter pole in seconds. He was about the same distance m front at the half-mile pole In l Of. At thetbree. quarter pole be was but four leugths ahead, and was bouncing up and down continually, while tbe mare was trotting steadily. Coming up tbe homestretch the gelding broke up Ave times and the mare led past the staad one length. This was the last of the geldlnr, and bis defeat was beyond a doubt. As they made the upp*-r turn the gelding commenced a series nf hro*Ire wKi^K Ka »K- ..* 41. . - v...... nutku uc wmiuuru iu lUC CUU, lie mare winning the beat by 100 yards in 5:K>. Tbe following is a summary futon ''our.tr, Saturday. June *>.Match M.uuo, two mile beats. Owner named (t. m, Jessie, to wagon 1 1 Owner named cb. in harness i 2 Time, iSl.5:46 .A". T. Herald, Sun-lay. Pl:X8I'.YTKJtIAS RCCNIOV.Uvw the Synod* Voted Tbe <H>**rutr states tbat all tbe ministers of tbe Synod of New Jersey who were present at the vote in the Assembly at Albany voted in favor of reunion, except Dr. Hodge. There were thirteen present All the commis. iioners from tbe Synod of New York voted in favor of union, except two elders. Twenty, ©lie voted, TTie Synod of Albany voted nnam. piously for union; so did the Synod of Northern inum. which, however, toad only on» member present, like the Synod ot Nashville, which 8»ve its only vote the same way. So did the ynod of th»* Pacific. The Synod of Ciucinnati was unanimous tor the union. The large Svnod ol Illinois voted unanimously for union, With one exception. The Synod of Wheeling t u all «n one tide and that was union. The ynod of MlMtwippi had but one vote, and that was ajtainat union. There were two other vnodfi tli»t rave a m.iioritv tnJiui »«">- -" * they wen.Baltimore, 6 yeas and » nays, and and Philadelphia, V yeas and 11 nays. A a timber ot elders who votad against anion have issued an address explaining their position*. delarin? themselves in favor or anion, hot not satisfied with the present baais. The editor of the Pretb'.terian, who voted strainst Anion, «ars that U tha basis had been aownded by striking out theexplanatorvclaasesit would I have received 2t» voi*s in the Assembly. It Received 189 votes aa it stand*. Probacy no basis that could have been framed wooia have feceivM many more, as than an soma who are »ot Iriendiy to nnica on any Mima. Another little episode.this time male. ha* occurred oj» a Ntw Yirk tarry. tV The act making executions private in ljnKi«,nt b*e been MM ml ku'gont into effect. , . SV Soils of v»iftva color for (ntlinM are Very handsome, and MBomlng T«t/ lashion*1*. A mm* w f . . . .. . . .* HHJV || 10V I Jerome Fark race*, it UMeljr w die. I FINANCIAL AND COXMECIAL. The money market was extremely easy ia New York SMrtaWt ! * W*r cent oa mixed oollateral*, and flr*t class boases were offered more lands than they could emnlov at the lower Afar*, and in s«aaa qMUicm balances were Iftt with the principal dealers in government securities at two per oent. In the discount line there vu ao changt. Tbe statement of the associated Minor that city ror the "week en<W iag S^tarda* U very favorable to prolonged mon- tary aee. T legal tend r notes shew aa increase of and the deposits &M, While in the loans there is a decrease of SUKM,4lt>, in the speci of f-.'.Oii-.S)! and m the circula. tion of f47.72$. m Otvtriaeat eearlUea. Wahhihoto*, Juue * >, 1869..Jay Oeoke 4 Co. famish the tollowiac qaotauona of Gov arnmant aa^nntiM U. 8. OMpon, 1881 JIW9t mi U. S. Fire Twenties 1882 113, 113* U. S. Fin TwvUn, IN llu\ ill 4 U. S. Fit® Twenties, 1868 111 V 111 ^ U. S. Fit* Tw«atH»>jMtJ'y,'tt U1\ lit v U. S.T« Fcrtte* Tr* % 106* U.S. Seven Tbirtiea, Jane 1<»Ilow U.S. 81m TluRtM, July.M...to*V lio* nwrw tom.first board. Coupons l(* <4 B.-JO'a, 1081... 1T3\ T.M'a, M Mn**..llu (UO'a, 1861 Ill IJO's, Id MriM..ll<i &* '*, IMS 1U1* Ml 1*»* Mo'a, Jn fcjy,'*..!!** Baltimore Market To-Day. Haltixo«;c. June Cotton quiet and SteadV. at 31 for miridlincc Vl«n» ^-i* »-J ^ . M IVHI UHI1 All U prices nominal, market favoring buyers and holders anxious realize. Wheat doll, at fi.tiu a ftf.75 for Maryland; Pennsylvania »"i.5.«g2j6'. Corn steady, white Sl.ina4t.l3. veflow Sl.lla 1.19. Oats"dull. Maryland and Pennsylvania 85a<x> cents; Western, 87. Rye dnll and no sales reported. Pork qniat but Arm, at J8.~1a*->V Baron more active and prices firm. Shoulders, 14n14 V; Tib Sides, 16#; clear ribs. I7al7 ,. Laid dull at I8^ai9. Baltimore Markets, To-day. Baltimore, June22..Virginia 6's, inscribed 16% bid, 46 asked; do., coupons, new, W. T«>4ay'a Jlew Yark Market*. [By Telegraph.] N*w Task, June H..Cotton quiet at 31 cecus lor Middling I'planda. Freights quiet. Turpentine unchanged at"»6^- Ras«« irrwnUr at £:i.U6«a«3.l8. flour dull and declining Wheat dull and prices in lavor of buyers. Corn without decided change. Folk d all at S28.37J&. Lard dull at ITai: % cents. Wall Street T*»4ay. New York, June Stocks strong. Money and Exchange unchanged. Gold 4nV Old Bonds 15^; new, 14. Virginia tt's, ex-coupous, new, 'oH. North Carolinas, ex-coopon*. 74: new, ?i. Gen. Hooker's physicians feel eonfiileni that he will soon recover. ' ^At WilliUBsbnrp. I^nr Island, a vomsu named Osmonski died from the effects of medicine administered by herself, for produeiug abortion. Deceased leaves a bus-band and live children. >8^Moses Y. Beach, of Wallingford. Ct.. formerly of tbe New York bun. has presented tbe i^entral School District of that plice with a four acre lot valued at frlu.umi. c^Vapt. K A. Bennett, of (Gallatin, Teun. was slabbed at HartsvUle. Wednesday, by another lawyer named Rankin. They were retained in some case on opposite sides Tbe difficulty originated in something said at tue bar. Bennett is dangerously wounded. SPECIAL NOTICES. AVER'S CATHARTIC PILLS. FOH ALL THE PURPOSES OF A Z..I.V 4T1VE MEDlCiAiE. Perhaps no medicine so universally re quired i>y ever) boil) as a cathartic, nor was ever any before so universally adopted into u«e. iu every country and among all cfn«se«. as this mil<1 Out effii ient purgative Pill The obvious re*s >i, is. that it is a more reliabls aad far imrl effectua' remedy than any other. Those wno have tried it, know that it cnred them; th<>*e who have net know thst it core* their neighbors and friend* and all know that what it does onc« it does al«ra\s that it B'.'Ter 9' Itk CCAipoiitlon \Te have thouttii'lt tipdn ihou \»n4» Certifirftt«*iftff lh«r pwnark»hl<* rnMi A 'T.e followiug complaints. but such cure- *r< kiKiwn in every neighborhood, and we need not publish them. Adapts to al! ae<-s and condition* u al) climates; containing neither calomel or auy deieU-riou"'lru^. they nay be taken with satetv bj anybody. Their sugar coating preserves thetn ever fresh, and makes them pleasant to take, while being purely vegetable no harm can arise trooi their She is any <iuantlty. They operate by thMr powerful infln>mce on the internal viscera to curify the blood and stlmtlate it into healthy action.remove the obstructions oi the ttoniacl#. bowels, liver, and other or^ana of the body restoring their irregular action to health, an<l by correcting, whert ver they exist, cnch d> rangements aa are the brst origin of dioeas^. Minute directions are given in the wrapper *n the box lor the following complaints, which the-e PHIf mpidly cure : For DYSPEPSIA or INDIGE8TION, LI8TLESSNE8S. LANGUOR and L«*8S or APPlkT1T*. tbey should be taken mederately t stim nlate ths stomach auii restore its healthy tone a&d MtiAlt for LIVER rOMPLA.INTandiU ^rio** g^mp tenia. BILIOUS HEADACHE. SICK Hl*i» ACHE. JATNUICE or OKBEN SICRNEfeS. BIL Iol 6 COLIC and BILTorsTKVKKJMho aliouM l»e lndWIoualv taken lor each caae.tj correct the diaeaKed action or remove the obairnctioiia wliico CV5^"ijY8EKTfcRY or DIARRH'E one GRAVEL. P4L. ri,5^^o,s^u^^1osu,dliT^ tluu"tialj t*k«n. aa quired, to cn»nge U»e dla eaa-d action ot tbe a»atrm With such change "wjsessf^fwahMti »W.iliku8 thev should ba taken inl.m t<-prodnce the effect of a drastic parse For SUPPRESS 10® a large dose should be taken as it produces the desired t-ffect by «mi» thy. As a Dinner Pill, take on* or two Pills f promote digestion itud relieve the stomach An occasional doae «timuiataa tbe stomach aad i>owels into healthy action, restores the appetite, and iurates the system. Hence tt Is often ad vantageoas where no serious dera< grment exist*. One who feels tolerably well, often finds that a dose ol thfM Pills make* Ma feel decidedly bet ter. from their eloansing and renovating effect oa the digestive apparatus. DR. J. o. A YER 4 CO., Practical Chemists. Lowkll. Mass., U.S.A. Z. D. OILMAN, je U eotaOtW Agent. Washington. PHALOX'S "PAPHIAX LOTIOV' BIACTIFYING THE 8KIH AMD COMPLEXrS&^h, rHRKf8 and renders THE SJtlN tfofT, m mm una BuUvaillU. For LADIES is the NURSERY it U inr*l«aMe For GENTLBMEN alter SHAVING it bu no eia«l "PAPHIAN LOTION" > the enly reliable real e«ly for diaeaaea and blemiahe* of the SKIN. PHALOX'S "PTPHIAM SOAP" for the TOILBT. NURSERY mod BATH, will uot chap the SKIN Price 43 cent* per cake. »FLOR DE MAYO." FLOH DC MAYO." A NEW PERFUME FOB THB HANDKER CHIEF EXUOIMTI. DELICATE, LASTING FRAGBANCE i uauua m oun, mw 1 ore. jeHy Sold by all Dra^idt. A CARD. A Clergyman, whit* residing ta Booth America H a uiiiWuKr, diKOThtd a lalt tod simple remedy for ihe Cure of Nervons Wetkitai, Marly Da< ay. lilseases ot the Urinary and Seminal Organs, Ad the whole train of disorders kroaiht oj by lanefnlaad Ticivaa haMta. Great Diakri have ra cured by thla noble remedy Prompted by a eeire to bene31 the afflicted aad aafortnaate, I will end tha recipe for preparing and oalng thia medl ine, in a sealed envelnpa, ta any one who naads it. ^"iGsEPHT , Station D. Bible Hons*, I aiy y-Sm* Near Tort City. i U.1 I f_f ABVIY A CO., 7 H joi Mimu Of ftU tt* aod itfMI, WH0LC8ALK AND RETAIL, rtnmruUmiM.MwMKktMNIkM*. We moat im> tftilly libra oar MwM tad tlw fnbUa Itet «« mr* waaafaiitoriai ttea mwt fssr-sas; Jtsstizsfaith wz Kyato&'SJs** * * i&ftr 4QQ MinTOOIIl. 4QQf CJTl LOAjN OFUCM. , *»u* I I I rv I " fpt I . 9*1*<:* v A CLUft. MOOTB UU. SEcSjft^TBP *XT*AOT It lyon. nxtt ud aJl nftiMi of lb« Bktn. IS TBI 8PE1H0 AND 8t MM KB KX TRACT OF 8 ARB A PA R1 l.l.A i> » uriM..i J « vodho lad1k8, bbwarb of the 1 ojnrlooa affacta of face Powder* and Wa«h»a. All tuck reakadira tlo« ay the tore* of tbe akin. udia t abort time deatroy tbe ataplrim. If yon woald hare a fr»«b, beatbye»d Tfutbfal r*W»c». Ma HKLMBdLD S XXTRACT SAB Iapabilla. KOT A raw OP THE WORST DISORDERS that aWet mankind arise Crom corruption of the blood. IIELMBOLDS EXTRACT SAESAPAElLLA it a remedy of the utmost value. i HELMB0LD8 EXTEACT 8AR6APARILLA cleanse# and renovates tbs blood, instils tbs vigor ol bsaltb into the system, and pnrees oat the bussors tbaMshe disr.t. QUANTITY VS. QUALITY. HELMBOLD 8 EXTRACT SAR9APVEILLA. The doN is small. Those who deairs a large «cau- %a*9 mmiwiwwnvi lunuuuv CIT I THOSK WHO DBS IBB BRILLIANCY of ComalrxiOB matt purify *ol arfch the bloxl. which HILMBhLD v CONCESII'RATED EX TRAtiT OF 8AR8APAR1LLA ia»ari»0lj «wm. Atk for HELMBOLD 9. Take a<> other. HEL>lBOLD'S HIGHLY CO SIESTA ATEA FLUID EKTRKT SARSAPARILLA j RADICATES ERUPTIVE AMD ULCERATIVE j DISEASES *F THE TUKUAT, NOSE. EYELlDtv SCALP, AND SKIS, M hitb eo disBpirf the appearance, Pl'RGINO the c\ll eftect# ot irrcor) Mid rmovmi nil taints. the remnant* of lilbEAMli. beteviitary or etherwier, and takeu by ADULTS and CUlLDKIN villi perfect SAFETY. TWO TABLE-SPOONFULS of HELMBOLD S Extract ot &nr«aparilla added to a pint of water, i*e<jual to the Lisbon Diet-Dnuk. and ud* bottle it equal to a gallon of Snrtaparii:*, or the decoction* | a* sannH) made. HELM HOLD'S IOM EXTRATED EXTRACT Bl'tHL' IS THE GREAT Dll'BEIIU. j * HELMBOUM COXCEXTR4TBO EXTRACT SARSAPARILLA IS THE GKBAT BLOOD PUBIFIE&. I Both are prepared according to tb« role* of Phar macr and ChemiBtrj, and are the Boat active that caa be made. HELM BOLD* 105KEXTRATED FLUID EXTRACT BUCHl la a certam care lor dieeaeea ot tb«BLADDER. KISNIT8. GRAVEL. DROPSY, ORGANIC WEAKNE8S. FEMALE COMPLAINTS GENERAL DEBILITY. If uu treatment ia anbmitted to, Couonraption or luMBit)' may eoaae. Oar FIhI and Blood are aurported from these aourcet, and th« HEALTH AND HAPPINESS and that of Posterity depmda opon prompt uae ot a rr Liable rem«J\. Tie Proprietor traata that hii R°m. dle», be caii»<e advertised. may not be claeaed aa PaU t Med trine*.moat of which are prepared by aelf itvlfid Dori^ri- a.hn in riehv iaa»a«#.^ « « ignorant to read a P>siciao^saimple«t prescription, mach less oompeteiit to prepare Pharmaceutical Preparations j MY PREPARATIONS Arc prepared In tick from the vegetable substance* named. and are the moet active that cm be made Dec< c ion* are exceedingly troublenidi, and it is necessary to pre parr them every day, and the ayrapa are still mora objactiuaab e, aa thsy are weaker than the decoctioas- for fluid* aatnratad with sagars are auacaptible of holding In salatfoa much leas extractive matter than water alone, and the syruas aia otherwise objectionable, for the patient ia frequently nauseated aad the stomach surfeited by the large proportion of sn^ar taken with each doae.which is of no pse what ever.except to kaep the decoctiou from ogling Bare the advantages aad superiority of the Plaid Extracts are strikingly Manifest. The finest ta«t of taalr superiority will be a comPirisen with the prop*rtiea as set forth ia the nited States Dl*penaatory. MT LAUOBAToBY FOBTHK MANI FACTIBB OF FLUID EXTRACTS Has been visited by thoasaads of physicians aad druggists from all parts of the Cnitad States, aad the mode of preparation received their na salmons commendation. HBLMBOLD'B R1GBLT COBCBNTBATBD FLUID EXTBACT8 are pleasant in taste and odor, aad immediate la their action I H. T. HELM BOLD. ( Dmggist, of aightasa years'ax parte ace, aad minatsctarer of HBLMBOLD § GEBCIKR FRRPARATIOS8. { PriDdM) p.otr-HELMBOLD'S DIl'O AMD . CHEMICAL WAREHOUSE. Mo «9« BROAD OLD BE DECGGI8T8 EVERT WHERE. Price El » per bottle, or *ix for fi so I | aiSsuSrS^?®"-0"-i««* ' U. r. HBLBBOLD. ^sT^TTM«T«^^ff^wifcSty*?* hi 1 ssSjay ~. -tftsij- .1 l i .; i / » ' mtruacrs emu «nas. ' ' t'll ;> ko it in a M ootlasvs «ik1a« * »««. 1 ilfl ' h* ru miat imdin w au .. I ) TBI utii. stomach. ob dmmtiflmum iwttw®' 8iuii itt em BS£5@3SS35S vgm*W^rfrm -iwn* oorlaw* asmmAJi tobmj ! t HMklulIni n »ll »k- . ' . nwirtw rwiiiii WW ilwrt tuturtMi. ^i?r«r»'wt !?« »* » ***. to* * » UMMK orLAIDI OUUIAJi ftlTTEM Thorn who ht«t m iWicii« ti Iki mbMmUm t tfet lltitn.M ium. wtll m BOVVLAJIDV OUIiJ TOBIC Tb*f m b*tk *«o«! 1/ iw4. mm* tmnh tt* IW w4idMJ Tirtosa. it* cfcolo* >h»im U* two Mu I B*lt MtUr if ImU iW ¥~i»k»i« ,fc- laMfwUo*. k«r*o«a Mtlk, Me . la T«rr »|I to mm ita ftaacUoM 4mm|m. TW KmmcY^tfeiraaZtof Vbto* Ontiwi'M, r>«nJ«Mi, Imwd fun, AiImii V Bl.d ( i*« H.d, Actdui f riU SiMiart. IVmim. H'art> »». Mhiimit H* HW. m w»nki »* ii« Smt hrunm:>om». StmM MM »» Hmttt* >m* +t ik* Fit 9/ 1*4 Swta»w»( U< H**d. Hurt ltd »r Ih&ciUt BrtmtkMM, Fluttering «l UU Mmrt. CMm« » SuJIcmttn* vkm a* I V Dtu ar Wrt+t b*fw» tkt Sttkt, MhUl Futm ltd Hm4. Jk»tttntw ^ frtirirtii*. Wlcwn*f* ¥ tkt Skim aa4 Mm /«m ui ia* iul«, B«i. (Vu, Limit, MFlmkti of Mm. Smrmime m 14* Fltsh, (W<tml /mmkiiii M. aarf tfreai IMjrt>»«* Tk« nffenr froa tkNt 4immm iktiM nrnta* tha iniHW CMttM la Ik* .Ittloa of a nai<| for M* oaae. iiwfcaalM oal) Mat wMca b* ta a* nr«d troa bta u4 iaiurM aoa aaaaatraa writ. Ii iklHolb coaifoaate*. teTrw Bras Injanoa* ii«r*diwk.aa4bM«ltMl(M for ttaalf a rapatatuiB for the cara of Umm Mmmm fa kli ©onaecrton «t woe Id nkait tkoM vail- OOfLAHDV UK EM AM BITTKBS. OS MOtilXASD* OKUAI TOM 10. rUriKKD BT DK. O. M. JAC14K>*. PBiLADKLrai*., PA. Twenty two f**n »1nc* tboy «m Int latrc laetd uto tbi* conotry tro» Onmv, donaa wbtcb tin* thej bit* «bdoolt«4)r perfofMl ore cure#. mm! beaeft'ted m fierinj: bnwa&uy to * iroltr extent, tku aay otter riBitlw kaowo t* the pablic. Tbeae renedlea will eSKtatlly core Uf« Ooa fUint. Janndtce. IhiytNlt. Cbromic ar Ser»m Debility, Chronic Diarrlnra. Diseaa* of tba E* oey*. >iid all due. ea trwif trow a Disorder t-4 lilw, btOMCb. or lliteatlura DKBILITT. tstmitimt from <i( ('«*« tr*aimr: Fro<trm'torn e 1A4 Syftrm. inj1*"d '> S»w« Lmtar, Hard- AXP<»*«r«, tir*rs, gc. There m B*diciM Mtui aquai to Umm rem diet in met) cun A ton* »ud vigor it imctru d to tk« wbolr nitoa. tbe appetite ti etr«bftbea«d, food U enj' jed. tbe atoMAc n di/taaU promptly. tb* blood Bi rified, tbe complexion bec^uxMi aoond bAdbealtkif. tbe fellow tinge I* eradiated fr. m tbe erea, a tlou* la (jtw to tbe cbeaks, and tba ntk and uervoob invalid Mouims a Utmi And bMltby being. PEKSONb iUVilCCil IB LIT*. Aid feeling tbe band of time wrifbiif bNVtlf rn ILeiii. witb all lU attendant Ilia. will bad in am of tbia BITTERS, or tbe TONIC, a* aliair w lnttii mv llTe idu Teiu, rMtorv in » tbe «Mro and ardor of mor* youthful layj, boild tbelr brim ken form*. »o4 civ* ioaltb ud b*)ylnMi to tfcoir raHiuliii years. OTIC*. It la a well established fart that rail oaebalf of kofaaalo portloa of oar jorol.tlon are aM(« In be eajojatent of good health, or, to aae tSetr owo ;'»reeeipn'i'-Der*r feel well » fbey an laaraid. m awotMa. mmm* »» «* To this rlaaa of Mmi tha RITTtU M ik* TON It, ia eepeclailj rmamM WEAK AND DELICATE CHILD RES An Wde atrou by tka nae of either »f theee res. Mm. Tbej will car* ««t cam of AKAEHL'S* wlthoat tail. Tkimla «f wrtMatw kttt mcw«I*m I tka kMda of the propria tor. bat apace will allow of the publication of bat a few Those, It will he obMraed, areawn of aotaaoiof 1M1 aMHn* IW they Mat ha beUeraA TB8T1M0NLAL8. HOI. GEO W WOODWAKD, Wkmf Justitfftk* Smrrtm* * #»«., wrtut. PaiLAMLPaiA, March w, ma. "I M 'Hooflaud a Ocnau Bittera la a loud tomtc, Metal in dl..n of tbe dim«ti*« orfttia. MKl of >ro»t benefit la mm of deWntj aod « *( of . iimiH i tfcaifM. Towa, traly, ego w. WOODWAB0 " HOW JAMES TBOMPSOB, Jndt* *f th* Smrttmt ftwi «/ ftwunl « «» «. Pn:UAi»kLr«i4- April*. MM. 1 oonatder 'Hooiand f Oiraiii Bittm' t«iw Mi mWiom ia c*M of attack* of or I cm certify Una froa mj w»«rlMce afuT Ioura. wtlto raa*e«t JAMBS TBOMFtKJB." f JLOM BEV. JOMEPB B. EBBBABD. D D. of ik* Tt*tk Sir''# Church. PhUmdtlphim Dr. J<wA»a«.De*r Blr 1 k»?« Inn fre«Q*oUy r.inmuifl U COiDtCI U iHM VHh tloa* efdifferent kiadeof medicine*, bat ra(trdii| um practice m oat of ; MKQ|ri*>« »)lnfi,l ton in >11 cmn declined, bat with a clear proof In arioae iMtMON. aad aarticolartr ta mj awn family, ot the aaefalaee* ofl)r. Hoaflaad * Otrmmm Bitter*. I depart for oooe from ar aeaal oear.. to expree* mVjall conviction that. '*r imwi 4e Ki»t» 9ftkt rfrttm. *nd iifwui/i /er L\*«t Cum U«M. u H mft mmd eeiiMtii pr^aia/iea la oaee cmii It ma^fatL bot (SJ® be ibuftniMt Vonra. vary reepectfolly, J H KBNN&KD. Klchtb. below Ooataaatreat. rSOH RKT. B. D. PBKDALL, j...r . . . Mcr t*n>riM Pktl* 1 h»Tf d*rlr«d 4«ciM bmtll (rum lb* bm> ol iMlkBd1! 0«taM BitUlt. Ud f«w<! It Mr prtltl*|« to rctonMd tk*m m « BMl nluU* toato I* all who ki* infrrlni from general dtMlitr or from din.ii utatac tnm finmiiTil nf tb» Vftr. icon truly. ft. D. riUALU OAL'TIOH. Hoof and ' 0«rKfcu tciiiw are oovnUrfnt* 5m that tba rifuuin of C. ft. J40KMH > tk« of Mcb teottto. All otters an >1 *r»lKl&^lft5«0*»«^-' Ulptoift. ratli n I. STARS. Pn» Tormtrlt 0. ft. JAOKBO f moil "f-"'* n"",B *1! ^tfsawasiasaw-"-- »«T, l»or*w *** dD M. WILLI AN, tt|' fMPomm or rAUNii r&aci mom. m FESSSYLfXKU A*A#OA. Amd T Ota lVwtw. tob. la constantly r«o*t*tac lr« «oo4a. .TTi lii ki kit VtcM iMit ti Nrii lit UTIm. felt. «- ^..Tissssssggr- ' JHJ I. PUKff^ ^ " P0WBM1 MO^jVtl«lji?A)Plllif #> vunuwn OV ALL *lin« astnsussie

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pfeb^r* y*£j^^LF t^L^ J», tA> WV^w J^L/^'r 17VT . * w # w^ « ^\,^^r r ^r

. L11.i< I. i* *«i.ii,..i,,i»

vat. XXXI.WASHINGTON, D. C.. M ONDAY, JUNE 22. 1868. N2. 4.770.


at tub «tm bhlbim,I. W. C«r»«i fft. ivtM* U4 lltfc itfMt

* '*»NOTES, BAKU * 00.

> «

TMBTil nwmi »y«« > »t«ti«trMMm ia * C*» u« Dtttnet tt Tra

can*mno. Ommi it um oou«»,'witko» wtmeet wrspvere, Two Cewrewflhrtici re* Mjom-Tkiw nTjihymSrpStru?SSmn. Wo p*f»n®2?«ttttromM eflo* taajrtr tfeaa paid lor. «

IM w 31HB paoimta «ncnu*f.VtB M«r Ha/* Tim.

.' ggggj


Washington Hewi and Gossip.1*1 A< AIN«T THI WAR DzrA>TYS37..

Tbfl scmmmston to examine claims acainsi HeWar Deparmea', wfcieb has bee* tn inmis nt| l*»r -one rimepaa', dm tw*n diiooa.'tiird »> HiTaction of Secretary Scbodeld, and j(as mentioned in tbe Star a f»»w days sine*)<»en J. A. Hardie, Col. DeWitt CUaton andVol. Uaorft Uibeon h\y*> been \ppo»Q*«*d as aboard to a»>emble at the War Department toin\e» »itate. prepare aad report upon snchclaims as may be referred to them. Tbe beadsol bureaus in tbe different Departments are directedto furnish tbe board witb snch informationas may be deairad. The reports of tbetbe twviI will "ontain briefly all informationnecessary to enable tbe Secretary of War too*cide upon 'be merits of each claim, and aspecific recommendation as to bow it shall beOispo«ed of. The proceedings ol tbe board areU> be trcnt, and they will not be allowed toadrevtiaeor make any publication except bydirection of the Secretary of War.

Oak (Ximpabie* is tbi Disthict..Mr. Ingn>ollintroduced >n the House to-day & bill toincorporate Lke CiQ^ni' Gas Company ot theI»istnct of Columbia, naming tbe same Corpor»tor>aid embrvinf the «jun>- provisions asibe bill offered in tbe Senate by Mr. Harlan afew day 's since, which ba* already t>en pubii-bedm tbe Sta*. It was referred to theCommittee on the District ot Columbia.Mr IngersoU also introduced a bill to incor«t>iaietbe "Wa-bington A (ieorgetown Coalar Ga>ligbt Company." wbich names AugustHit/leld. Geo. H. Backer. J. W Smith.

J. McHowen, Amos A. Gnnning, (owners andaseign^ee of a certain invention known as auimprovement in manufacturing ami illaminat.me ar*? trom coal ai d coal tar, and forwbuh invention, letters of patent havebeen duly granted.! and others asiccorporators, tor tbe ptirpo»e of establishingand roaiuUiiuuig in Washington and George-town Dmltiinr* Tor gas work®, with all necessarycoal yard". re-ei voirs, dec , ihereunto atfarh<-dTbe company is to Inrnish all publicbuildings in tbe citiw of Washington andfleorgetown with kv light at the rate oi perthousand cubic feel: alto, to commence layingdown ga« pipe* within ninety days from andattei the i :i»?ag»* ot the act. Capital stock notto exceed *o.(X« to be divided into shares4>i *1,W<0 each. Referred to In«trict Committee.Trial Tkipof thi U. S. Stkameb Ammo. |MOftc-A QricK Pasuaoe..The 17. S. swamerAmmocoosnc. Commander Wm. D. Whiting,

which lately received her machinery at NewYork, was transferred to the Boston navy yard,wheresbe arrived from New York on theeveninj:of the evening ol the lMh in»t. Tbe trialtrip from New York to Boston proved verysausflictory. The engines worked »moothlyand were easily managed. J»he mad-* seventeenknots per honr for twelve consecutivetuurs, averaging about thirtv-two revolntinnaper minute.

The British C«'S!»i l at Boston brAgs tolb* notice ol British subiects residing withinthe Stales ol Jfruoachuaeii* and Rhode Island.that by a recent instruction lrom H. M. Pnn«ipal Secretary ol State for Foreign Affairs,two registers aie opened at that consulate, onelor births and the other lor death?: and theCouetil is- authorized to ir.sert therein such entrie*of births and deaths a> may be reported tohim lor registration: provided that not morethan seven years have elapsed since the occurrenceof those events.

J'lkapast SrKAToRiAL Tntr..Hnitea numberol Senators on SAtaruay. by invitation olSenator Cameron, toon a trip to Ashland, onbe Northern Central railroad, where they !l»ent the day very pleasantly.


.Mr Whttiaw Reed, ("Agate," of the Cincmcatilinuttr.) who has always been a promt-dent snpporter of Cha^o. ha« wri'ten a caml.airnlite ot (}r*nr-

Caftai> .Tames Kei.ly. 34 U United Statesinfantry, now on duty in Mississippi, ha- b»*entrdrred to report to tbe Secretary of War inp«*i*©i>Uari « are out tor a >a.-tiionai>le v^uu;

trre neit we*k. The par:*- are Senator Henderson.ol Missouri, and Mi»s Mary Koote,daughter of Judge Koote, turmerly of NewYork, and niece ol the late «-x-Senator Foote, j 1ol Vermont.

Thi mtiAL of la«*ut. James I). Graham,I mwd State* army, latr Aide-de-Camp 10 1Major General Hancock, will take plat* to- i imorrow, (Tuesday.) the ikl instant, at ! io'clock a m., trom S?. Mathew'» Church, cor- '

u.roi lata and H streets. The procession willproceed irom tbe church to the depot of tbe 1Baltimore and Obto Railroad (Company. Taer» mains will be interred at Bal'imore city.Colc'KET) School SrriEisTUDWM -The jActing Assistant Commissioner of ihe Freed- , ,mn'* Bureau for this District has issued an irder aoMtciiir-K the lullowiof named persons 1

'o duty as Superintendents of Education in jMaryland Tbaddea* Washington and Cepha* ,l^avis, at Budd> Kerry, Charles coun'y; A. T. ]Johns, at Namemoy Stores. Md.. «

srjiMrr D*z««..General Emory, iu com- Jmaatfof the Department of Washington, has (i-«b#ht a circular permitting nil rroops iu the <Drpar'ment to wear straw ha:» and bloutes of ]b«* same pattern when off of doty, and wheni]|on all dn?y rx ept review*. m-pe. tions, dres^parades and guard mounting. ,Political..A -Miaaomri i)«i«oot*i think*

lifceral James Shield-. fV09<e*ee9 "efficientcalibre lur tne Deiuo rn:«; candidate tor Vice iPresidentTneBoitou ft*mil, independent Demo- '

cnt« cpj-'o-et the nomination of Chases and(ON for Hancock. The fwL radical Demo- icnt, and H'raid, both #rr .nit for Hancock, inures ib Ma-*achu*u« a lively canvass in NovbIKT

(Ttere is dlti-eju among lie Republicans« t th« Teaii«-*®e* S*xtb Congressional District, iHad t*t Conventions bave been held. The itir*t reauminated Hon. S. .X. Aruell. and ttje <vecond nominated Hon. J. Jack Bock. 1

Th* /fraW*ay« -Available Democratic 'Krefcid^nual tnnbrr. Northern maple. Western 'toicJtory. <>t Jfcmbern yellow i»lne. i* r-r* !nearer. Tli«* war bas made it so.''

Tb«* < >hio Ma-tnau (L>-raoerat> saysCbwt Justice Cbase's won't <bi*. Wf

< »b do better.'*Th»- editor ul tb«* Cairo (III.) it*wu»era',

|. rmerly Priirilfonian ac »*d »« on* of th* seerf'ariMat ^br >xnif*ri-Be» of Caii-( Justice« ba-* - friends iu Philadelphia, <>a itie 1< tbmutant.

Heiater C'lym<-i wru«- a totter to say that itbe urf ol hi- uame by th»* New York llmx'd mitiunriiivii *itb 't,'ba.«»* movement was --en-irely unautborizetl. ' He don't -*-« u. !

(icMrai Wager Swayne says be 1S not a«andidare tor Oon*r.*-»« m Mr. ^IWMrpr'i J(I ibio) district. {

Tte K<-j)utilit ai»s ol the Kuurib IllinoisCongressional di-trict have nominated tor I«'onri^.- Moil. Jobu B Haw ey. of KockIsland. tieneral Harding, the present mcnm- jhrai, iicoiufd n*nuinination.

TM Culumbii! (Ohio) SltU'tmau calls jujh o !lw> tn^utis of Mr. Peudlatou to co«i«* toN«*w York in full forc<»*T>u the 1th of July,saying that I^ino^rats who art- opposed tob»-iiijc "«W out' should hy all attanri.

Pr»Md»-ut Fair fir Id, ol Hillsdale College,» likely to be Mr. He-un:m s most formidablecvnp'tilor tor the Krinibiicnn nomination fort iw rr*M.« in T Kirmt lhdtrii*t Hi^h.M«

. A correspondent of the Mobile Kffutris out in a Tiokat tirade against Judre 1,'havbecati»e he uejrro troop* iu that cityIB IMJ6.

The Chicago i'mtt suggests iba: HoraceOreeley would make an excellent candidatelor Governor. Wh-rpupon tbe »ay«he candidate tor Governor should be a manwko won Id add to tbe vote of Grant and Coltsx, aao that bis name is not Horace Gr»eley.

Tbe Galeshnrg Vrtt i'rett says tae IlliMWK-rablican nomination* should certainly I ifive m i>!acioa to all soldiers and editor*, parncolarly*okiier ditors. We have Grant, aeoldiet Colia*. an editor, Palmer, a soldier;IWm,«Wvfv A «aI<IuiP* finmmal an i i %

M "M1 VVI , Mip"pii.ictt, a joldirr. Bat**. a soldu>r: Logaa, a 1HolOitr, and Shnm&ii, aa editor. A good tick*. 1Vr are saO'jfled, perfectly I

Rx* ovine Political Diiabiliti**..Thebill introduce 4 im ttM Hoiw to-day by Mr Oobura44 to p nvid? tor the relief from disabilitiesoi cor'Ain persons wbo b»*e been engagedin wbaUiiMi" proposes Lfeat such persons maybe nlit mi by.Fin. Qivmg boum in certain specifiedcourt*, two y»ars at Itut before bis relief, tbatit is in good faith bis intention to resume bisseU'ions with the <Government of the UmedSum aa a loyal citiara thereof, A.c.

omi. That he shall file with *aid declarationthe petition o t at leart 40 loyal citizens (notuwder d ebilities) of the count? in which bereside*, endorsing hie application.Third. The Court will thea bear and investigatetbe application, and upon proper proof,submitted in support ot aueb declaration, aadtiaaalnita certified copy of the record to tbeSpeaker ot the Hoa*e ot Repreaentativee ot theInred States upon tbe demand ot the applicant.

/car'fc. That tbe same shall thereupon besubmitted to tbe Honse for action, and if Oonpress;-hall be satisfied that snch applicant hasmade bis declaration two years previouslythereto: that be baa resided during that unain tbe United State*; that be haa renouncedall intention to dissolve tbe Unioo. to create)rebellion and civil war, or to unite with otberWto effect tbe same; that at least twenty of tbecitisene of tbe county in which be resides askbis relief, and that it will be for the publiceood that sucb relief be granted, thereuponsuch relief may be granted.

Wherenpon snch applicant shall gobefore a court herebeioi*- named and take anoaih tbat be will support the Constitution ofthe United States; that he renounces all intentioato aid or assist in the dissolution of theUnion, in creating the rebellion, or In establishingthe Southern Confederacy, or anyother Government within the UnitedStates In opposition thereof: which courtshall make a record thereof, and thereaftersuch person *hall be invented with the,rights of a eituen of the United Suites.The bill was referred to the Reconstruction


KriTDiso th* National Debt.. In theHoute to-day ilr. Kelsey introduced "a bill toprovide lor landing the national debt and fortaxing the interest-bearing bonds hereafteriaiatinH K» «Ko I » «/< -*1- ...ociicu WJ lur vuliru OlAirSi SLUU 1UI UlUCI pUX>poses.'' It autborii** the Secretary of theTreasury *.o i^>ue registered or ceupon bonds ;in such form as he may prescribe, payable,principal and interest, in coin, at such placesin Europe and America as be may designate,and bearing five per cent, interest, payablesemiannually, bearing date so as to make ane*|«ai amount of interest payable quarterly.Tne bonds to be payable Mltv"years alter date,aud redeemable in com. St tne pleasure of theT mtKl Suites, after twenty»flve years fromdate. These bonds to be issued to an amountsufficient to cover all outstanding or existingiiit^-rest-bearing obligations of the VnitedStates, and to be exchanged tor snch obligation?,or disposed of in sucb mannernet lee* than par, a« the Secretary may deemiijtoi conaucive 10 ine interest or the Government.The bonds are to be used exclusively iorthe redemption of interest-bearing securities ofthe United States, and to be known as the "consolidateddebt ot the 1'nited Stale*. "> aud be exemptfrom taxation in any form by or underState, municipal, or local authority, au<l thesame and the interest uh»*reon and the incometherefrom shall be exempt from the payment ofail taxes or riutias to the United States, exceptthat there shall be deducted lrom the interestor coupons of *aid bonds, at the time ol payingsuch interest, one-half ol one per cent, as taxes,which taxes shall be semi-aunuaily investedin the bonds hereby authorized, aud suck, to*?etb» r with the interest that shall acerueon thebetds so purchased, shall Ijrm a sinking lnndlor the pgyfnent of the national debt, in lieu ofthe sinking fund contemplated by the act ofFebruary -Ji, latfc;TU« bill provides ihat the «ereral iaterestbearingbonds ol th^'nited State* that .ire redeemableat the pleasure of the United States

after a certain number ol years lrom their date,shall, at the option ot the holder thereoi, beicuaiigeu ior tnese bonda: provided that socbmud- its are now redeemable ahull be present.>*d lor exchange within six raontbs after tbia

act takes elTect, and sacb bonds as hereafterbecome redeemable shall bepre«entei fbr exihaiige within six months ofter they becomeredeemable. The bonds are also to be accepted:ts security for the redemption of NationalBank notes.Tbe bill was relerred to the Committee ofWays and Means, and ordered to be printed.Naval Naws..Acung Vol. Lieatmant EdwardCouroy, 9t Uie store clup Supply, under

liate ni A tar. I i»»Vi .k. . I «» » '-r-» ic|iuii3 lararuT"4 ui'

vessel at OlM Town, and would leave 011 the."tit for Boston, having on board the remain?r-fthe late Admiral H. H Bell and LieutenantL'ommander* J. H Keed, and A. S McKenxie.The supply is now daily expected at Boston.Dispatches have also been received at theDepartment from Rear Admiral Henry kHoff" commanding the North Atlantic Squadron.dated United States flag ship Oontoocojk.it Gudelouj*. May »», 1*8.-4, announcing ibathe I'nj:eti Staue steamer Sbawmut discovereda large steamer in distress aboutlorty mile* west of Martinique, and immediatelywent to her relief. She proved to be theKreuch Trans Atlantic steamer Oaria&e;-*Qavinjc broken the cylinder head ot her eaeinehe Sbawnut took her in town and conveyedtier safely to Martinique. Admiral announces3i- pleasure at bring able to return the attention* ]A the French ateamers who4 as* i-ted to pallhe Gontoecook off when she grounded at theharbor ol Point Pietro.

PEESKCT TO OISIRAL 0RA"T%^3olon«\Hatch, of Boston, on benalf of Th,ip».spencer, an American ciUr^ tending at Htlo,Hawaii. Sandwich this mominrpresentedto General Gran* a large case of vol auicspecimens, <wh|/t'u Mr. Spencer has beenjoilecung tinriaj ttwenty Tears on the[aland.Tun I'U'.icd States practice ship Portsmouth

irrlved it Annapolis on Friday Inst from NewVori.Put^OMAL..Major (renei-ml M^ade, Colonei

Meade, and Capiam McKibbin of Philadelphia,treat Willard's HotelIntkhnal. Kiviici.-The receipt- from this

source to-day were

Forkio* Niu'« The sessions of the Northirrman Parliament elated oa Saturday. KingWilliam of Fr«saia .nade a paciUc speech ontie occaaiou. Saturday laat wa» the anuiver

arjof UneeifVictoria's accession to the throneA England, a»d -was duly observed throughoutthe kingdom A grand review ot the volnnteeriuv)Ko vuvm |wiv«7 u niHinur ran, ijoaaua. inpreeeoc# or ber Mijwty and snite. The defeatof the Irish Church Appointments Suspensorybill in the English House of Lurds U consider

dcertain. The American squadron, underAJaural }'arra«ut, > to be reviewed at Ostendto-day by King Leopold The Cretan repres-utawvesand exiles in Athens have offered ani.idres* to the United States Consul at thatplace. Prince Napoleon has (tone to Constantinopleto visit the Sultau. General Napieri» reported to baTe arrived at Alexandria, accompaniedby the son of Theodoras. AdvicesIron Paraguay states that the allies have givennn iltvmiuin* tn rarrv Hamun k» ainvni

proposes to redue** 'h»> city by starving oat theram»oc. Lope/ la said to be arming women,uid has «,W on duty nnder Eliza Lyncb, an[rub woman. Tbe Paraguayans made an aa>laalt on tbe Brazilian position on tbe Cbaco oabe lltn of Miv, but were repaired. The Kmfx>rorof Brazil to openinc tfcr ttoneral Asvmslyon Mar Mb. said the United States dovernin-ntbad again offered mediation for tbe re

-tabii-hmentot }>e*ce with Pararuay. which,however, was declined with tbauk». The revjlunuuiMaare reported to completely surroundPort-au-Prince, bat are not disposed to makei general attack. Saliiave keeps up tbe bombardment.Tbe revolution in Veneruela ispuni ng strength aad rapidly extending. Therevolutionary force was within a few miles ofL'a rn, a* at last advices.kkiijhttil stuhhoat u.hahtsb. tttrn'yV-rtr.ml Mi- in,;.A h c '.i Thetramer Moraine Star, from Cleveland Ohio.Eur luetrolt, collided with the bark Cortland,thirty mile* Irun Ute la'-ter city, Saturdayaijcbt at el«Tea o'clock, and botb «uuk. Thetotal number of paasen iters wai.of the atvanwrM ; crew, crew of the b»rk, II. Of theae>><ont *J\« aremm lay. Tberemaicer were pickedup by the steamer K. N. Rice. The names aresot yet known. The officers were saved exceptlames Moreton, clerk of ttte Star, who was»-« to CO down, wiUk Mrs. Hackett, Wife ofJaptain Haoket', a piHnpr. Amont thos*«vr<l from tbe Moralox Star was C. T. Now

an.of thi* city. Amon* the mi*ainj( are Mrs,dackeu, Detroit, JuusMorttoa, clerk of tbe*tar; Major Hntchlacs- two Misses Pateben.rroy, N. Y.; Albert Iddlngs. Cleveland; Mrs.Vamlet, Cleveland; Mrs. Parker aad child,lanetta, Ohio; Captain Railantiae and wife,Detroit. Oae of Uw Star's boats, still oat, maylave some of iM surriyw*.



FORTIETH 0018BB88. j JThis lftarnooa's Pr#o*edincfe |

Moiroir, June 22.S«*at« .Jttr. Wilaoo, from Mm Committee

on MJitarjr Affair*, reported lavorably tbe killto provide for the sate «f damaged .iad a riser*viewable ordanc* and ordaanfte KoreaA lea, resolution to drop from tbe roils of tbe

army, oOVcera absent from tbetr comnnadiwithout antkorit).Alto, Honae joint resolution to antbariae tbe

sale of tbe eit* of Fort Covington. in tbe Stateof Maryland; wbicb waa parsed.Mr. Mnmaer presented a memorial from \V(Cornell Jewett, asking the establishment of a

W :« .. . * *Hiuv«v 0OIIK 111 puisuauctr UI & planwhich be »et« forth, by which the Government

debt may be discharged without further taxationi»f the people Referred to Committee onHr.ance.Mr Connees offered a resolution dischargingtbe Committee on Foreign Relations from the

farther consideration of the House bill for the!protection of the rights of naturalized citizens.Mr. Sumner objected to its present consideration.Mr. Cosbtm then give notice that he would

call it np to-morrow, and wonld theu submitsoma remark*en it.Mr. Yates called ap the bill for the admissionof C«)«rafefo into (he Ttnion.Mr. Mortill, ot V/., did not care in what

shape this bill bad been reported, he was notin favor of it. He was utterly opposed to put4ting men's clothes on little boys. This Tern-iory couia hot possibly nave more Lhao JO,OU<jpopulation, ana he was opposed to admittingany of these Territories until they had populationto entitle them to at least one Representativem the House.Mr. Crafin «aid Colorado bad to-day a largerpopulatlon than either Nevada or Nebraska, as

the recent election returns showed. Mr. C.read from the receipts of the Poet Office Departmentto prove that tbe receipts for the transmissionof the mail* in Colorado were %lo,QOniarrer in 1-67 than in Nebraska or Nevada.Colorado w»« «n*ir>n« ,h* TT";

.. ... W <v vv«wv IUIV VUIVU«Mr. Nye epoke of the jealousy existing onthe part ot the East toward the West, and said

that the West entertained no such jealousy towardthe East.Alter some further discussion, the bill went

over.On motion of Mr. Edmuuds, the Secretary olthe Senate was directed to communicate to the

Hon. E. M. Stanton the concurrent resolutiontendering to him th»» thanks of Congress.The bill lor the admisnon ot Arkansas, as returnedby the President, with his objections,was taken up.Mr. Davis rose to debate it, whenMr. Morrill, of Maine, called for the regularorder, being the Legislative, Executive and

Judicial appropriation bill, and the bill was accordinglyproceeded with.i uv vvniiuiurr uu Appropriations reportedthe following amendments, which were agreed

to:Reducing the amount for Stationery for Senatorslrora to f iu,(X*i.Increasing amount for newspapers from

*5.000 to *f>,250.The Committee recommend to increase th»ir

appropriation for the Capitol Police fromSfcJ.ouo to 9H,i-T0.Mr. Hendricks «nid the Captain of the CapitolPolice was paid more than the Chiet of aBureau, and the privates received while

a large number of the clerks in the departmentsreceived but $1,200.>Ir Morrill (Me.) said the clerks were on

duty but 6 hours, while the policemen w»-reemployed li hours a day.Mr. hendiicks said the labor ot the clerkswas much mure important Snch labor as thatol toe cltrks should be more adequately remunerate.House <>p Representatives..Th« House

rea.-sembled thl* morning at 11 o'clock an 1 re-uBD^iithe consideration of tbe case of McKee>s Young from the 9tb Kentncjcy District.Mr. Tumble (Ky.) addressed the House atlength in opposition to the report of th« Committeeand iufa\orof Mr. Young's right tohis seat.Mr. Beck (Ky.) obtained the door when thebour ot 1*.'o'clock arnuit and business wascommenced as in Monday's session.Vnder the call of Stau-s and Territories forbills and joint reaolnuon tor reference only tbefollowing were introduced and referred to th*Committees namedBy Mr. Fik», (Me.).Bill to repeal the act

concerni> g ihe registry and recording of shipsand other vehseU. Naval Affairs.Bv Mr. Lynch, (Me.).Bill to allow a drawbackon ar'.Kle» used in the contraction of

>»^sfcels. c inmerce.By Mr. Kel?ey (Fa.).BUi to provide for

tundli.g the national uebt and iQl Utt taxing offuture issues ol United States currency. Wjiys ]r\nH Mfihnc_ Haao< »Uy Mr. O'Neill (Pa.).Joini resolution m relationto indentured apprentices and appren«lues under instruction in the navy yards. NavalAffair*.By Mr. Coburn (Ind.).Bill to reli^e fronvdisability certain personal wbo wrte easaztdiu rebellion. Reconstruction. .


By Mr. sbank« (1b«1.5.Jo^ resolution recognizingtoe independent UreU ForeignAffairs. °

L' InKer«ol^ flu.).Bill to incorporatetbe V. bjnijiio^ and Georgetown Ooal Tar and»i Dmrtct ot Columbia.Also, di^ w incorporate tbe Citizens" Qas

ol Washington. District of ColumByMr. Wmdom (Minn.).Bill in relation to

fights ol settlers on tbe public lands and in relationto illegal entries under tbe borne-tradlave. Public Lands.By Mr. Oriswold, (N. Y.).Bill allowingmuMV in rhu nffli-era man n ,KAr w.W- « W '»!»» UJ' U Ui IUO

.Monitor engaged m the fight wun the Merri«mac. Naval AJftiirs.Under this call a number of bill* of n privatenuiure were introduced and appropriatelyrelarred.Mr. Kaum v111.) offered a resolution pro.vidtagtbat ;tl1 budge* across the Ohio and

Mississippi river shall he made of one continousspau,and -hall b* 5«*» leet clear over themam channel.The House retmed to second the demand tor

the previous qurvion, Had Mr. TrimMe (Ky.)desiring to ileoate the resolution, it went overunder the rale.Mr. Logan (111.) offered a resolution which

was agreed to, appropriating SiV.uOO to collectand publish the proceedings in ciuea andtowns connected with the late decoration ofsoldiers' graves, under the directioa of someone to be appointed by tne Speaker.Mr. Newcomb(lll.) offered * resolution thathereafter the House would meet at ti o clocka. m.Mr, Washburne (III.) would agree to that if

the gentleman would conftoatt to the time thelax bill was undvr consideration. After thatbill was disposed ot he doubted whether gentlemenwould have much to do, and for wantot bet*.er employment all sorts of schemeswould be introduced to plunder the publictreasury.The motion was then laid ou the table.Mr. Laoughriojte (Iowa) iatroduoed a resolutiondeclaring that, in Ui«s opinion of the House

ot Representatives, the interests of the countryrequire that the public debt should be reorganizedand reduced to a simple and uniformsystem, more easily understood t>v the peoplevi lur tvuuu jt oxiu mni ww iutcrpsi on in? CI0DIrbould be reduced, and directing tbe Ways andMeans Committee to report a bill tor the fundingof tbe national debt, aad to eaualize andreduce tta» interest as Jkr a» po«?role, consistentwith tbe claims of caedjcors and m justiceto tbe people.Mr. Spalding (O.) moved to refer tbe bill to

tbe Ways and Means Committee. Rejected.yeas bl, nays ft'.1 be resolution was then agreed to without a

division.Mr. Price (Iowa) offered a resolution in-iruciinic int VjViDiniiw on Appropriations to

Inquire into the exi>ediency ot appropriatingi .ux ,(<Wj to bay up the matured and m iturme

indebtedness of the Unittd Suttee which is payablein com, as the same may became doe, saidIndebtedness to be taken up by the coin in »beTreasury to ae sold for that purpose as needed,by public proposals, bat no new indebtednessball be created by new is&une until the c >inreserved is reduced to *25,«K*MKjO.Mr. Spalding (Ohio) moved to amenl bymaking it Ways Had Means Committee instead

01 ^ommuuv uu appivprniiQRi. AJlWrt to.The resolution was then passedThe Uoaap resumed the consideration ot the

hill in relation to removal or disability fromcertain persons in North and South Carolina,the bill harmr been postponed until Uus timeThe question recurred upon the motion to reconsiderthe vote whereby the conference reportwas rejected. The question was reconsidered,and the question then recurred again

upon apwiDf to the conference report.Alter debate, the question was taken, and thereport of theOonferenoe Committee was thentrued to.tmi ML 11The House recanted consideration of the

oonte«£d Mtcw of loKte n. Young.*r Bfck (Ky.)sddrMsed tfce Ho«m iu favorof Mr. Yoong's right to his seat.Mr. Poland 4Vt.) iihlt.d the House, andaid when this report was first .Mr. theCom-

iUMon Eltett. tlaoM tMulnouly mKm* tAat McKee »U nrn, aatiUed to bis MatMM not know of the cltor in the opialoaof th« AUmfttM tintil b« mw ft in lb* papersWhite at bom#, and since his retnra fee coal*

s«t satisfy himself that McJLee was entltifb toit*ML a* should vote ftfaiast him: as. hewould also rote acalnst Touc, becaose be be.Iteved the latter Mras diiqnsliM by his paitucipation is the rebellion.

.<«»>« 1

TELEGRAMS TO TBE STAR.This Afternoon's Dispatcher

ntOM BCROPI TO-DAT, BY CABLE.Domdoh, Jose ».Forenoon.Ocrasote for

money for acooant*, hmj;; u. SIllinois, 1U0S»: Erie*. \.lAVurooL, Jane t2.Forenoon.Cotton

quiet bat steady. Sales of ll.Ouu bales.Southampton, Jade 22.Forenoon.The

B'eamer Teatonia, from New York on the ttb,Arrived At it n>lnrlr fhi* iMiPnin*Lowdox, June 22.Afternoon .United States

5-*>"s, 73^; Great Western,Livxri-ool, June tt . Afternoon..Cotton

meter, but the sales will not exceed 10,01)0bales. Pork and Lard dull.SorTHaxPTO". Juae 43..Afternoon..Th«America, from New York on the llth, tvii arrived.

(-akizk or a life boat.Tws Mfi Drswifd.

Ohu ago, June k..The Little Westera, asail life boat, built here after a new model andintended shortly to cross the Atlantic, capsizedyesterday afternoon on her trial trip, aadCaptain Manett and Henry Chisholm, the reporterfor the Tiiw >. were drowned.

FROM NEW YORK.Srhnt/m(r*t-Suicidr

N*w York, June 22..The building erectedat Jones' wood will cost 950,tfN>. It is for theSchntaenfeet clubs.George W. BeMinr, of the firm of Belding.Keith A Co., No. 80 Lombard street, committed

suicide yesterday.ARRIVAL HOME OF BRITISH TROOPSFROM ABYSSINIA.Lonnow, June 22..The Ilrst detachment ofthe returning troops from the Abyssinian expeditionhave arrived at Plymouth, and a dispatchJrom Alexandria, Egypt, reports that

tbe last detachment arrived at that port to-day.The Hnmill«Cenlter Beat Race.

rrik« nuj-I-V- »- - «

iurrunnuripuu Aye oi suiroajr fSyj:"The judges having decided that neitherCoulter iiOi Haraill were to blame for the casualtythat upset their respective boats, andbrought disappointment to tbe large concourseof spec tators on Thursday afternoon, tbe secondtial for tbe sculling championship ot theVnited State® and the purse offi,ouu came offyesterday afternoon. The match was set downfor fonr o'clock.the course to he the same asthat originally laid down. Tueie was anotherlarge assemblage ol spectators- though not somany as gathered Thursday.

» At twenty minutes past'three the men gotaway.Haraill in his quick, impetuous manner.and Coulter with a steady, sweepingstroke. Hnt. much to the disappointment otthe spectators, and just as the m»u had started.Coulter's right oar snapped in twain. This occurredon the third stroke of the unfortunateoarsman, who was compelled to withdrawfrom the course. Hamill never stopped, butmade his little shell skim through the waterwith astonishing rapidity. He made the fivemiles in thirty-eight minutes and twenty-sevennwwc, auu nu uriiami iue winner. Neverwas there a more disappointed gathering nora more unfortunate man, who had the heartysympathy of almo-t every one preseut, thauCoulter. His friends were confident of his success,and they laid heavy wafers upon the resuit.It is useless to say that the champion'ssuccess wa* greeted with applanse on tne pariof his lriends. The referee and judges werethe same as TUurtday.''Coulter, the loser in the race, publishes acard in which he declares tha? be was ah^ad.wben Hamill ran into and fouled him inteutentionally;that be righted bis bjat. got in,and asked Hamill to do likewise, and finish therace, bat be refused. He clatms that he wonthe race on the first day, and was cheated onthe second day, because they ought to havestarted even. He challenges any man loraayamount, for a similar race. He disregard® thedecision of the referee, and charges Hamillwith fraud ir» hnth «*«..- -*» 1

.. ii' > »niu- iu- r;«C! Uf Ichampionship of America.

Trotting at the Union < onrse, f.ing |s|and.^m»r«<rin&»raaHCb f°I two mile h*»ats.came off Saturday alterr '

t the .;aionCour^i between two Brooklyn road horse*.agray mare, to wego*^ and a chestnut z^ldinn in»?ruJiSS* i? -«are won in two straight beats,the nrst p~ a head only, but the other by onehundr«»*a yards. Neither of the horses were ina crTndition to trot two mile beats.with the thermometerranging over eighty in the shale,wbicb it did while the trot progressed, and atthe end of the tim heat both were much exhausted.The gray mare appeared the least di».tressed, however", when time was called forstarting, and the betting was in her tavor atfonr to one. Pre\ioos to the start the marewas the favorite at tea to seven. Both ot thehordes came from Main?, bat nothing reliableconld be obtained as to their pedigrees.Firtt Mot..The chestrot got away best, andled a couple of lengths with three nivalis to theuuarter pole, in forty-two seconds. The marethen broke np and lost half a dozen lengths.At the balf-mile pole the gelding was eightlengths in Iront in the mane baring brokenup 011 to* backstretch. The mare wu moresteady on the lower turn, and closed up well,but coming tip the homestretch they both brokeagain, and the geMing passed the «tand witb alead of tour tongue fn 117. From there to thehalf-mile both hordes broke up rtoree times, andthe gelding led eirht lengths at that potnt. lienow began to shorten hi* strides ana the marebecame more steady, and sbe elo.-ed considerablyaround the lower turn. Coming up tbebMnestreteh the gelding broke up severaltimes. and the mate won the beat by a shortheed, in 5.5b.Second U'at..Four to one was current on the

mare, who M*<ined the freshest of thetwo wbenthe Time wa» up to start. Tbe gelding had twoiniKiu* iof nest oi tne senJ-oit. They bothbroke up before Teaching th» upper turn, battbe gelding being the quickest to regain hUfeet led eight lengths to the quarter pole inseconds. He was about the same distance mfront at the half-mile pole In l Of. At thetbree.quarter pole be was but four leugths ahead,and was bouncing up and down continually,while tbe mare was trotting steadily. Comingup tbe homestretch the gelding broke up Avetimes and the mare led past the staad onelength. This was the last of the geldlnr, andbis defeat was beyond a doubt. As they madethe upp*-r turn the gelding commenced a seriesnf hro*Ire wKi^K Ka »K- ..* 41.. - v...... nutku uc wmiuuru iu lUC CUU, liemare winning the beat by 100 yards in 5:K>. Tbefollowing is a summary

futon ''our.tr, Saturday. June *>.MatchM.uuo, two mile beats.Owner named (t. m, Jessie, to wagon 1 1Owner named cb. in harness i 2Time, iSl.5:46 .A". T. Herald, Sun-lay.

Pl:X8I'.YTKJtIAS RCCNIOV.Uvw the Synod*Voted Tbe <H>**rutr states tbat all tbe ministersof tbe Synod of New Jersey who werepresent at the vote in the Assembly at Albanyvoted in favor of reunion, except Dr. Hodge.There were thirteen present All the commis.iioners from tbe Synod of New York voted infavor of union, except two elders. Twenty,©lie voted, TTie Synod of Albany voted nnam.piously for union; so did the Synod of Northerninum. which, however, toad only on» memberpresent, like the Synod ot Nashville, which

8»ve its only vote the same way. So did theynod of th»* Pacific. The Synod of Ciucinnati

was unanimous tor the union. The largeSvnod ol Illinois voted unanimously for union,With one exception. The Synod of Wheelingtu all «n one tide and that was union. Theynod of MlMtwippi had but one vote, andthat was ajtainat union. There were two othervnodfi tli»t rave a m.iioritv tnJiui »«">- -" *

they wen.Baltimore, 6 yeas and » nays, andand Philadelphia, V yeas and 11 nays. Aa timber ot elders who votad against anionhave issued an address explaining their position*.delarin? themselves in favor or anion,hot not satisfied with the present baais. Theeditor of the Pretb'.terian, who voted strainstAnion, «ars that U tha basis had been aowndedby striking out theexplanatorvclaasesit would Ihave received 2t» voi*s in the Assembly. ItReceived 189 votes aa it stand*. Probacy nobasis that could have been framed wooia havefeceivM many more, as than an soma who are»ot Iriendiy to nnica on any Mima.

Another little episode.this time male.ha* occurred oj» a Ntw Yirk tarry.tV The act making executions private in

ljnKi«,nt b*e been MM ml ku'gont intoeffect. ,.SV Soils of v»iftva color for (ntlinM areVery handsome, and MBomlng T«t/ lashion*1*.A mm*w f ... .. .. .* HHJV || 10V IJerome Fark race*, it UMeljr w die. I

FINANCIAL AND COXMECIAL.The money market was extremely easy ia

New York SMrtaWt ! * W*r cent oa mixedoollateral*, and flr*t class boases were offeredmore lands than they could emnlov at the lowerAfar*, and in s«aaa qMUicm balances wereIftt with the principal dealers in governmentsecurities at two per oent. In the discount linethere vu ao changt. Tbe statement of theassociated Minor that city ror the "week en<Wiag S^tarda* U very favorable to prolongedmon- tary aee. T legal tend r notes shew aaincrease of and the deposits &M,While in the loans there is a decrease of SUKM,4lt>,in the speci of f-.'.Oii-.S)! and m the circula.tion of f47.72$.

mOtvtriaeat eearlUea.

Wahhihoto*, Juue * >, 1869..Jay Oeoke 4Co. famish the tollowiac qaotauona of Govarnmant aa^nntiM

U. 8. OMpon, 1881 JIW9t miU. S. Fire Twenties 1882 113, 113*U. S. Fin TwvUn, IN llu\ ill 4U. S. Fit® Twenties, 1868 111 V 111 ^U. S. Fit* Tw«atH»>jMtJ'y,'tt U1\ lit vU. S.T« Fcrtte* Tr* % 106*U.S. Seven Tbirtiea, Jane 1<»IlowU.S. 81m TluRtM, July.M...to*V lio*nwrw tom.first board.Coupons l(* <4B.-JO'a, 1081... 1T3\ T.M'a, M Mn**..llu(UO'a, 1861 Ill IJO's, Id MriM..ll<i&* '*, IMS 1U1* Ml 1*»*Mo'a,Jn fcjy,'*..!!**

Baltimore Market To-Day.Haltixo«;c. June Cotton quiet andSteadV. at 31 for miridlincc Vl«n» ^-i* »-J^ . M IVHI UHI1 AllUprices nominal, market favoring buyers andholders anxious realize. Wheat doll, at fi.tiu aftf.75 for Maryland; Pennsylvania »"i.5.«g2j6'.Corn steady, white Sl.ina4t.l3. veflow Sl.lla1.19. Oats"dull. Maryland and Pennsylvania85a<x> cents; Western, 87. Rye dnll and no salesreported. Pork qniat but Arm, at J8.~1a*->VBaron more active and prices firm. Shoulders,14n14 V; Tib Sides, 16#; clear ribs. I7al7 ,.Laid dull at I8^ai9.

Baltimore Markets, To-day.Baltimore, June22..Virginia 6's, inscribed16% bid, 46 asked; do., coupons, new, W.

T«>4ay'a Jlew Yark Market*.[By Telegraph.]N*w Task, June H..Cotton quiet at 31cecus lor Middling I'planda. Freights quiet.Turpentine unchanged at"»6^- Ras«« irrwnUr

at £:i.U6«a«3.l8. flour dull and decliningWheat dull and prices in lavor of buyers.Corn without decided change. Folk d all atS28.37J&. Lard dull at ITai: % cents.

Wall Street T*»4ay.New York, June Stocks strong. Moneyand Exchange unchanged. Gold 4nV OldBonds 15^; new, 14. Virginia tt's, ex-coupous,new, 'oH. North Carolinas, ex-coopon*. 74:new, ?i.

Gen. Hooker's physicians feel eonfiilenithat he will soon recover. '

^At WilliUBsbnrp. I^nr Island, a vomsunamed Osmonski died from the effects of medicineadministered by herself, for produeiugabortion. Deceased leaves a bus-band and livechildren.>8^Moses Y. Beach, of Wallingford. Ct.. formerlyof tbe New York bun. has presented tbei^entral School District of that plice with a

four acre lot valued at frlu.umi.c^Vapt. K A. Bennett, of (Gallatin, Teun.

was slabbed at HartsvUle. Wednesday, byanother lawyer named Rankin. They were retainedin some case on opposite sides Tbedifficulty originated in something said at tuebar. Bennett is dangerously wounded.


FOH ALL THE PURPOSES OF A Z..I.V 4T1VEMEDlCiAiE.Perhaps no medicine i» so universally required i>y ever) boil) as a cathartic, nor was everany before so universally adopted into u«e. iuevery country and among all cfn«se«. as this mil<1Out effii ient purgative Pill The obvious re*s >i,is. that it is a more reliabls aad far imrl effectua'remedy than any other. Those wno have tried it,know that it cnred them; th<>*e who have netknow thst it core* their neighbors and friend*and all know that what it does onc« it does al«ra\sthat it B'.'Ter 9'Itk CCAipoiitlon \Te have thouttii'lt tipdn ihou\»n4» Certifirftt«*iftff lh«r pwnark»hl<* rnMi A

'T.e followiug complaints. but such cure- *r<kiKiwn in every neighborhood, and we need notpublish them. Adapts to al! ae<-s and condition*u al) climates; containing neither calomel or auydeieU-riou"'lru^. they nay be taken with satetv bjanybody. Their sugar coating preserves thetnever fresh, and makes them pleasant to take, whilebeing purely vegetable no harm can arise trooitheir She is any <iuantlty.They operate by thMr powerful infln>mce on theinternal viscera to curify the blood and stlmtlateit into healthy action.remove the obstructions oithe ttoniacl#. bowels, liver, and other or^ana of thebody restoring their irregular action to health,an<l by correcting, whert ver they exist, cnch d>rangements aa are the brst origin of dioeas^.Minute directions are given in the wrapper *nthe box lor the following complaints, which the-ePHIf mpidly cure :For DYSPEPSIA or INDIGE8TION, LI8TLESSNE8S.LANGUOR and L«*8S or APPlkT1T*.tbey should be taken mederately t stim

nlate ths stomach auii restore its healthy tone a&dMtiAltfor LIVER rOMPLA.INTandiU ^rio** g^mptenia. BILIOUS HEADACHE. SICK Hl*i»ACHE. JATNUICE or OKBEN SICRNEfeS. BILIol 6 COLIC and BILTorsTKVKKJMho aliouMl»e lndWIoualv taken lor each caae.tj correct thediaeaKed action or remove the obairnctioiia wliico

CV5^"ijY8EKTfcRY or DIARRH'E one


ri,5^^o,s^u^^1osu,dliT^tluu"tialj t*k«n. aa quired, to cn»nge U»e dlaeaa-d action ot tbe a»atrm With such change"wjsessf^fwahMti »W.iliku8thev should ba taken inl.mt<-prodnce the effect of a drastic parseFor SUPPRESS 10® a large dose should betaken as it produces the desired t-ffect by «mi»thy.As a Dinner Pill, take on* or two Pills f promotedigestion itud relieve the stomachAn occasional doae «timuiataa tbe stomach aad

i>owels into healthy action, restores the appetite,and iurates the system. Hence tt Is often advantageoas where no serious dera< grment exist*.One who feels tolerably well, often finds that adose ol thfM Pills make* Ma feel decidedly better. from their eloansing and renovating effect oathe digestive apparatus.DR. J. o. A YER 4 CO., Practical Chemists.

Lowkll. Mass., U.S.A.Z. D. OILMAN,

je U eotaOtW Agent. Washington.PHALOX'S "PAPHIAX LOTIOV'

BIACTIFYING THE 8KIH AMDCOMPLEXrS&^h,rHRKf8and renders THE SJtlN tfofT,mmm una BuUvaillU.For LADIES is the NURSERY it U inr*l«aMeFor GENTLBMEN alter SHAVING it bu no eia«l"PAPHIAN LOTION" > the enly reliable reale«ly for diaeaaea and blemiahe* of the SKIN.

PHALOX'S "PTPHIAM SOAP"for the TOILBT. NURSERY mod BATH, will uotchap the SKIN Price 43 cent* per cake.



A CARD.A Clergyman, whit* residing ta Booth AmericaH a uiiiWuKr, diKOThtd a lalt tod simple remedyfor ihe Cure of Nervons Wetkitai, Marly Da<ay. lilseases ot the Urinary and Seminal Organs,Ad the whole train of disorders kroaiht oj bylanefnlaad Ticivaa haMta. Great Diakri havera cured by thla noble remedy Prompted by a

eeire to bene31 the afflicted aad aafortnaate, I willend tha recipe for preparing and oalng thia medline, in a sealed envelnpa, ta any one who naads it.^"iGsEPHT , Station D. Bible Hons*, Iaiyy-Sm* Near Tort City.i U.1 If_f ABVIY A CO., 7 H

joiMimuOf ftU tt* aod itfMI,WH0LC8ALK AND RETAIL,rtnmruUmiM.MwMKktMNIkM*.We moat im> tftilly libra oar MwM tad tlwfnbUa Itet «« mr* waaafaiitoriai ttea mwtfssr-sas; JtsstizsfaithwzKyato&'SJs** * * i&ftr4QQ MinTOOIIl. 4QQf


*»u* I

II rvI " fpt

I. 9*1*<:* v


SEcSjft^TBP *XT*AOTItlyon. nxtt ud aJlnftiMi of lb« Bktn.


KXTRACT OF 8ARBA PA R1 l.l.A i> » uriM..i J


vodho lad1k8, bbwarb ofthe 1 ojnrlooa affacta of face Powder* and Wa«h»a.All tuck reakadira tlo« ay the tore* of tbe akin.udia t abort time deatroy tbe ataplrim. Ifyon woald hare a fr»«b, beatbye»d Tfutbfal a»r*W»c». Ma HKLMBdLD S XXTRACT SABIapabilla.

KOT A raw OP THE WORST DISORDERSthat aWet mankind arise Crom corruption of theblood. IIELMBOLDS EXTRACT SAESAPAElLLAit a remedy of the utmost value.


HELMB0LD8 EXTEACT8AR6APARILLA cleanse# and renovates tbsblood, instils tbs vigor ol bsaltb into the system,and pnrees oat the bussors tbaMshe disr.t.

QUANTITY VS. QUALITY.HELMBOLD 8 EXTRACT SAR9APVEILLA.The doN is small. Those who deairs a large «cau-%a*9 mmiwiwwnvi lunuuuv CIT


of ComalrxiOB matt purify *ol arfch the bloxl.which HILMBhLD v CONCESII'RATED EXTRAtiT OF 8AR8APAR1LLA ia»ari»0lj «wm.Atk for HELMBOLD 9. Take a<> other.






M hitb eo disBpirf the appearance, Pl'RGINO thec\ll eftect# ot irrcor) Mid rmovmi nil taints. theremnant* of lilbEAMli. beteviitary or etherwier,and i» takeu by ADULTS and CUlLDKIN villiperfect SAFETY.TWO TABLE-SPOONFULS of HELMBOLD SExtract ot &nr«aparilla added to a pint of water,i*e<jual to the Lisbon Diet-Dnuk. and ud* bottle it

equal to a gallon of Snrtaparii:*, or the decoction* |a* sannH) made.






IBoth are prepared according to tb« role* of Phar

macr and ChemiBtrj, and are the Boat active thatcaa be made.



BUCHlla a certam care lor dieeaeea ot tb«BLADDER.



If uu treatment ia anbmitted to, Couonraption orluMBit)' may eoaae. Oar FIhI and Blood areaurported from these aourcet, and th«

HEALTH AND HAPPINESSand that of Posterity depmda opon prompt uaeot a rrLiable rem«J\.Tie Proprietor traata that hii R°m. dle», be

caii»<e advertised. may not be claeaed aa PaU tMedtrine*.moat of which are prepared by aelfitvlfid Dori^ri- a.hn in riehv iaa»a«#.^ « «

ignorant to read a P>siciao^saimple«t prescription,mach less oompeteiit to prepare PharmaceuticalPreparations


Arc prepared In tick from the vegetable substance*named. and are the moet active that cmbe made Dec< c ion* are exceedingly troublenidi,and it is necessary to preparr them everyday, and the ayrapa are still mora objactiuaab e,aa thsy are weaker than the decoctioas- for fluid*aatnratad with sagars are auacaptible of holdingIn salatfoa much leas extractive matter than wateralone, and the syruas aia otherwise objectionable,for the patient ia frequently nauseated aad thestomach surfeited by the large proportion of sn^artaken with each doae.which is of no pse whatever.except to kaep the decoctiou from oglingBare the advantages aad superiority of the PlaidExtracts are strikingly Manifest.The finest ta«t of taalr superiority will be a comPirisenwith the prop*rtiea as set forth ia thenited States Dl*penaatory.

MT LAUOBAToBY FOBTHK MANI FACTIBBOF FLUID EXTRACTSHas been visited by thoasaads of physicians aaddruggists from all parts of the Cnitad States, aadthe mode of preparation received their na salmonscommendation.HBLMBOLD'B R1GBLT COBCBNTBATBDFLUID EXTBACT8 are pleasant in taste andodor, aad immediate la their action


Dmggist, of aightasa years'axparteace, aad minatsctarerofHBLMBOLD § GEBCIKR FRRPARATIOS8. {PriDdM) p.otr-HELMBOLD'S DIl'O AMD .


OLD BE DECGGI8T8 EVERTWHERE.Price El » per bottle, or *ix for fi soI




^sT^TTM«T«^^ff^wifcSty*?* hi 1

ssSjay ~. -tftsij-

.1 li .; i / » '

mtruacrs emu «nas.' '

t'll ;> ko it ina Mootlasvs «ik1a« * »««.

1 ilfl ' h*



utii. stomach. ob dmmtiflmum

iwttw®' 8iuii ittem

BS£5@3SS35Svgm*W^rfrm -iwn*

oorlaw* asmmAJi tobmj! t HMklulIni n »ll »k- . ' .

nwirtw rwiiiiiWW ilwrt tuturtMi.^i?r«r»'wt !?« »* » ***. to* * »UMMK

orLAIDI OUUIAJi ftlTTEMThorn who ht«t m iWicii« ti Iki mbMmUmt tfet lltitn.M ium. wtllm

BOVVLAJIDV OUIiJ TOBICTb*f m b*tk *«o«!1/ iw4. mm* tmnh tt*IW w4idMJ Tirtosa. it* cfcolo* >h»im U* twoMu I B*lt MtUr if ImU iW ¥~i»k»i« ,fc-

laMfwUo*. k«r*o«a Mtlk, Me .la T«rr »|I to mm ita ftaacUoM 4mm|m. TWKmmcY^tfeiraaZtofVbto*

Ontiwi'M, r>«nJ«Mi, Imwd fun,AiImii V Bl.d ( i*« H.d, Actdui

f riU SiMiart. IVmim. H'art> »».Mhiimit H* HW.m w»nki »* ii«Smt hrunm:>om». StmM

MM »» Hmttt* >m* +t ik* Fit9/ 1*4 Swta»w»(

U< H**d. Hurt ltd »r Ih&ciUtBrtmtkMM, Fluttering «l UU Mmrt.CMm« » SuJIcmttn* vkma* I VDtu ar Wrt+t b*fw» tkt Sttkt,MhUl Futm ltd Hm4. Jk»tttntw^ frtirirtii*. Wlcwn*f*¥ tkt Skim aa4Mm /«m ui ia* iul«,

B«i. (Vu, Limit,MFlmktiof Mm. Smrmime m14* Fltsh, (W<tml /mmkiiiiM. aarf tfreai IMjrt>»«*

Tk« nffenr froa tkNt 4immm iktiM nrnta*tha iniHW CMttM la Ik* .Ittloa of a nai<|for M* oaae. iiwfcaalM oal) Mat wMca b* ta a*nr«d troa bta u4 iaiurM aoa

aaaaatraawrit. Ii iklHolb coaifoaate*. teTrwBras Injanoa* ii«r*diwk.aa4bM«ltMl(M forttaalf a rapatatuiB for the cara of Umm Mmmmfa kli ©onaecrton «t woe Id nkait tkoM vail-




rUriKKD BT DK. O. M. JAC14K>*.PBiLADKLrai*., PA.

Twenty two f**n »1nc* tboy «m Int latrclaetd uto tbi* conotry tro» Onmv, donaawbtcb tin* thej bit* «bdoolt«4)r perfofMlore cure#. mm! beaeft'ted mfierinj: bnwa&uy to *

iroltr extent, tku aay otter riBitlw kaowo t*the pablic.Tbeae renedlea will eSKtatlly core Uf« OoafUint. Janndtce. IhiytNlt. Cbromic ar Ser»mDebility, Chronic Diarrlnra. Diseaa* of tba E*

oey*. >iid all due.ea trwif trow a Disorder t-4lilw, btOMCb. or lliteatlura

DKBILITT.tstmitimt from <i( ('«*« tr*aimr: Fro<trm'torn e

1A4 Syftrm. inj1*"d '> S»w« Lmtar, Hard-AXP<»*«r«, tir*rs, gc.

There l« m B*diciM Mtui aquai to Umm remdiet in met) cun A ton* »ud vigor it imctru dto tk« wbolr nitoa. tbe appetite ti etr«bftbea«d,food U enj' jed. tbe atoMAc n di/taaU promptly. tb*blood i« Bi rified, tbe complexion bec^uxMi aoondbAdbealtkif. tbe fellow tinge I* eradiated fr. mtbe erea, a tlou* la (jtw to tbe cbeaks, and tbantk and uervoob invalid Mouims a Utmi AndbMltby being.PEKSONb iUVilCCil IB LIT*.

Aid feeling tbe band of time wrifbiif bNVtlfrn ILeiii. witb all lU attendant Ilia. will bad in

am of tbia BITTERS, or tbe TONIC, a* aliairw lnttii mv llTe idu Teiu, rMtorv in

» tbe «Mro and ardor of mor* youthfullayj, boild a» tbelr brim ken form*. »o4 civ*ioaltb ud b*)ylnMi to tfcoir raHiuliii years.

OTIC*.It la a well established fart that rail oaebalf ofkofaaalo portloa of oar jorol.tlon are aM(« Inbe eajojatent of good health, or, to aae tSetr owo

;'»reeeipn'i'-Der*r feel well » fbey an laaraid.m awotMa.

mmm* »» «*

To this rlaaa of Mmi tha RITTtU M ik*


An Wde atrou by tka nae of either »f theee res.Mm. Tbej will car* ««t cam of AKAEHL'S*wlthoat tail.Tkimla «f wrtMatw kttt mcw«I*m I

tka kMda of the propria tor. bat apace will allowof the publication of bat a few Those, It will heobMraed, areawn of aotaaoiof 1M1 aMHn* IWthey Mat ha beUeraA


Wkmf Justitfftk* Smrrtm* * #»«., wrtut.PaiLAMLPaiA, March w, ma.

"I M 'Hooflaud a Ocnau Bittera la a loudtomtc, Metal in dl..n of tbe dim«ti*« orfttia.MKl of >ro»t benefit la mm of deWntj aod « *( of. iimiH i tfcaifM. Towa, traly,

ego w. WOODWAB0 "

HOW JAMES TBOMPSOB,Jndt* *f th* Smrttmt ftwi «/ ftwunl « «» «.

Pn:UAi»kLr«i4- April*. MM.1 oonatder 'Hooiand f Oiraiii Bittm' t«iwMimWiom ia c*M of attack* of orI cm certify Una froa mj w»«rlMceafuT Ioura. wtlto raa*e«t


of ik* Tt*tk Sir''# Church. PhUmdtlphimDr. J<wA»a«.De*r Blr 1 k»?« Inn fre«Q*oUy

r.inmuifl U COiDtCIU iHM VHhtloa* efdifferent kiadeof medicine*, bat ra(trdii|um practice m oat of ; MKQ|ri*>« »)lnfi,lton in >11 cmn declined, bat with a clear proofIn arioae iMtMON. aad aarticolartr ta mj awnfamily, ot the aaefalaee* ofl)r. Hoaflaad * OtrmmmBitter*. I depart for oooe from ar aeaal oear..to expree* mVjall conviction that. '*r imwi 4eKi»t» 9ftkt rfrttm. *nd iifwui/i /er L\*«t CumU«M. u H mft mmd eeiiMtii pr^aia/iea laoaee cmii It ma^fatL bot (SJ®be ibuftniMt

Vonra. vary reepectfolly,J H KBNN&KD.

Klchtb. below Ooataaatreat.rSOH RKT. B. D. PBKDALL,j...r . . .

Mcr t*n>riM Pktl*1 h»Tf d*rlr«d 4«ciM bmtll (rum lb* bm> oliMlkBd1! 0«taM BitUlt. Ud f«w<! It Mr prtltl*|«to rctonMd tk*m m « BMl nluU* toatoI* all who ki* infrrlni from general dtMlitr orfrom din.ii utatac tnm finmiiTil nf tb»Vftr. icon truly.ft. D. riUALU

OAL'TIOH.Hoofand ' 0«rKfcu tciiiw are oovnUrfnt*5m that tba rifuuin of C. ft. J40KMH >

tk« of Mcb teottto. All otters an

>1*r»lKl&^lft5«0*»«^-'Ulptoift. P»

ratlin I. STARS. Pn»Tormtrlt 0. ft. JAOKBO f

moil"f-"'* n"",B *1!^tfsawasiasaw-"--

»«T, l»or*w ***

dD M. WILLIAN, tt|'fMPomm orrAUNii r&aci mom.m FESSSYLfXKU A*A#OA.

Amd T Ota lVwtw. tob.la constantly r«o*t*tac lr« «oo4a. .TTi lii ki kitVtcM iMit ti Nrii lit UTIm. felt. «-

^..Tissssssggr- '

JHJ I. PUKff^^ "

P0WBM1MO^jVtl«lji?A)Plllif n« #>vunuwn OV ALL *lin«
