'voTsUl- L- 1M. NKW YORK, SATI liDAV, JANUARY 20. 1H7(. PRICK TWO OBMTBL ' UECt'TlVE SESSION TALK. IVI IJHlH W Off BOB CO. Tht.h-i- a UJ III ';. i vi kMMfl I I" ' 1lir Ceneh ! Labor K, llttrd rinffltV r Brook- - JJ , , ht. w ereieoeteo and Mr. Hrrlmi lh routine -- II .'' I AtOAV, ol lha gglelatufd wore unusually todol Iboef In Ibi riocntifo soa.ion of - i.v n un. mn,. nl lively. Alter L hml II " M "r ,1M,'r M" S '"!,'wnr,h - .if f ri .tudft Of Ml Kighth 10 hr (i ,..,,.. al I ii referred to tho mm Dommtttt) i. I. ' Woolln. t floret m- two undei tho if-'- ' "l 1 ,le"k nml 1010 M Utroomii adjoining- ehnmborld thM tbo Un bid i una I ,,,r Nlttlffl 0B! Jr t ., , prel 'M tin' p il "it Ion of thr pr,,. dliwtof etuilMloOi. Ho thought thcr ii" I otn9 ''r'ttk or twoph wher lhn hi ui r. i r .mii bear ..ii turn tu I ,Mi ,i , nod he that 4 critical ;0( i... ntnild nnd all 01001000 immcdi-- i t )i ;lt) gi it mi u n l dona he thf. .iii it would" h better t bold these eeo H Dp tli u t If I VI ull the ptptfl an tq i' he I if ,Vi, ..' - tin. ght It would Oil much Lot-lii- r o ho "I uptfl aenel ii- -. uiitl IpoltO of the inl- - asereet ntatlon the ecttonof nenetor Bnonon Oth I I eaOCtltlfO ftOtfOtt winch , .iii-- l In g Sv v rk nowftpptr and lo wfelob b wm o atftd I hiviot it wttb thi DfnooviHi Hf,,rvi' ' lnl M 't l ii' o. Thli hftd Hi Ifo uir EffltflOfk h" tri'K rtatlr ir rrti ,M OaUOl M hil not tfn nlM t" Feoiiri' for hn no i rTficolp o a ootoniiltoo. lkt'1 into ttit trop 10 'onntiiilv fit and hi OJ Ml of n xi'ftcri tivWHlllnv lla bid tftatflitnti Ha i "l Indowl boon mHfMriMni fd hy 'tu' i tuiiit1 I h;il he h id VOtOd with thn iii-i- r.t- - TbOUff Iik m r.f tit Mid tlrcu il IU( h, ya he oral hIao ft HMMintcnn. H i or l.id nut been tre itd rlifht id the sittT of oa rotiaac. M nrun c untv, for thn pot iv 'tk Bh bail dona In tondlna a rrfurmer to Oil the cnt hnff DCOUplOd hylhl Canal Ktt.a Peoatoff " had raht to itn oonatdartton ui the hand of the Kapohltcan 8ooata lint he nttf tu aay It bill ii l hit. The old mid ntuart in fit Sonatewho underaiixid the ropee iiirli hMtt-- thiin he did. had to tf.b-blf- i at) ill thf tla.'e. pa bofl Hiid all. and Mnn-re- a ( nit wac Ipf t out in the cold. It waa an cj e pfhh h be felt kvt nlv Here he panned wlie mat a ter. and wound up hv eaylnv tit it btJ f iiUift ha1 hprn greatlv lacerated and bia rirfnin a Sen tor and ml.' of the Htnte of Y.rL froaalf tre upled UpOO vet fur tho take of paaci ipd hirmuiiv tn the Mepntdtciu r nk "ti t t tha eve f a raaldfBllaJ baWMWilltOf to "TerluoU all tht had been a mi,', and ns tlOBI In p ace and bar nonv. vn ipbbx ii k9. fT re-r- affected the aeniltlva Jaoobe that b aald ,,mt If Ttw of the irrueit mlrepro-eni'tii-- n f th Senator It waa no more than nh i i tna ban "f aai racy mould be loniovod ted Mr E ueraoO allowad In print hi aneerh. 11 wn if oOlf cbaru e lie ftoul I have fur a 4 It had bOOfl raltmed hiiii in tn &pen aen tie I n DaO Coli fn OPOOOtd to Mr. F eraon'a 9p4 ' rnatfO. Ha knew that t hut Sna- - loi had Dan batiU IfOOtad ; be bad Dot received thai ronii(iaratloo notch nn aMinitM etui tbe gtrTtfl fllil brilliant oatlVOM Tit It led htm to. But ba tl lUffbt ti e time hvl coma when every HrOUbllO it who I. ad the fcotlof bin paitv at benrt ou(hl to lal bTaTOOOa be Hi'- and not thriov nu mora Brabraodi into tn rooia of the ierti od ImpotiMu adocoaa In tho nastrfaat iantlai hvaaa. Ha had no doubt Uof Til ten aaaierretl uruiug uu this troubla inoOi in Sen toi ItaroJi tba air.'n took the flu r i nd "ft red an imendmant to hi- raaolutlon ho that tif; la iua.ii e p ai f tha ipoachei ol both ihould ha prlntod for ctrculatl n in the ruuotlat of all nroo and nl - ,:... twanti Mf ihouaand udditi onal fof tha ue ol the Demoi ratlc Han tor. u ri de ateltedlf pTOteatad aaalnat tho aniuiidnirijt. aiid Oaoatur Kinrwou nun nnm Pmr. r- - i b- -. and wa:uer hul bun I abort n a. roae aii.i -- aid ihnt upon rrfl'-rt- .ti h dtdn I urit i - ip it oh Mnntod. He would r ithoi iuf f run i r too vntarabreeaptottoni '.bat hoi brm upoo blfO. lie did not w r,t the people of .mj iir county to itnoar the reacallty that had ben golna on tiere an I bow almin-- ! ully he and th'-- had ua d In the 'i on uf Me waa willing to cull It put If the would pfontUM not to d o nnv more. Rare Jaitoba withdrew hi it, taflng bo wu biippv to aee t'mt I eu e and OaTttOOy bad RaTain been rnt red In tht Hepnhlicaii ranUn, and that the oat lamb had been rratored V the V. iOBh lie waa ufrnid, however. Ui it Su- - ator Bmara n would rtarai iiothanic bid hin epecrh printed umlrr ofll dal n OOtloD, when he aaw the ir.rblcd m DO r in trh rti it w ul I be raMrie t tn the New Yora inurm tOniOfTOW Ha was afraid bo Would Offath oep .: bli teeth In aiitful-- h at the iiiH inor in which tie W'uld be rrpor ed. Jtu Jacob4 waa wntntr. fof the abo v1 bj a faithful report uf thfentl-- e pro aatdtnaT! In the Senate Mr. HUM Introduced a bill pr ItJiiig that neither fie Invalidttr of tllf le.iae 111 ut. d lib ihe New York Board of Super vie ii f preminrh Ihereaitor u.ed and ocu.ded a ar u rlea or drill roifine, nor any defect in tbe lawal povr of the board tu order work or oil eald ' nonea or Urol rouin ti t to July, ISTCi oall rejodlca any chum lor rent or for urU done, provided tttfl W0T4 WU at. iiy doue or tho aupplim furnla icd In ifood faith. It i Iru provide- - that In all prtTlOUl tatlona itriflog out of ettch olalnai wnarotba tla '. iff ha been deluated or DjOQiutt d hi OhUaa uiii b do foe I In ihv w- ot the Hoard of IdOl - . , fit fh ll DO OntltfOd to anew trial loo tu ibo boatttt ni n. n- - ; this old. IAVINGI UIU ban iti r h indon introduced a hill ifnondlhf BQ rt oi u tveir routinaf to wnooi loetitutlonii 10 01 to ma ie thn I reild-n- and tftiatOOi tndi- - tldvallr liable foflba booootOAd falthfuloxo-eit- i of that r trusit. and I m pool B0 a penalty if Dol l -- atb ti )" and one ui' irn-- Mnmanti one or h ithi "n any nftjeer ff lUOO OmIII utli i - who nt.a'l inlauiie or inli.tpprcprlatf ui ol (half forma. Mr Baaden IntroiUfOd a bill orovldlmr for tfe men I ba the Moror nd Oornptfollor of H Y ;k.i h n RflOOD dav a after tbe pgaeaoo afibU ft. if three rorrtmlaetonera, who pbatl atati i qm nil elalnt" for iace oi irauorlaa hd r r .'i , lake v w ll n rofarODOa there and of anv ollOOOtFoB Of fraud in onn at ii n therawltlb and make their POO ifl Ml a'tt ne within ttnr vdiya of r tbecalm la nrjfi h to ii,. i. It they nail find that anv inch claim " tuir and Jimi, and untainted with baud bet rthali report that fact and the amount au tbe oil! men! on a f lr and aojulthhla en-a.at- " .1 Lt. y due of tu Ji pre m sea rented. And ti i h amount BO found in be due BOO0 aiaim u ra "iiaii tu by toe Oomptroilor nut- - Ot thl th hng any invalidity Initio powvra of tbe u ni sui arvfaura who tented auoh pronlaoo, want Irregularity In tha m aimer ot vieuuting anon aeiiH'or MofTUaev iTenented a remonatrahoe Mi w rklngmen and uiechoriloe In New York Bum tbe bill which baa already poaaou tbe aaaeniblv, HUthortllilg toe roriuuiartlonera of uniri i I w tork and kingt counties to w ii no rk for too pattpoaand ootivictoun jjffjlo! i' barge, henator Jaoobg norad tojt ii v h ' hi already heeu reported favr-Jhlfl- r tn the Heuato t utnmtitee op t'nl a, lie ' tj ii .1. o tnt eouimittee In ordi ribat fyi la ll tniL'ht be beard. The motion a ii t tii A Mr. Rlgartni Introduooi n ' '"' Bineudinanta to tbe Hro kli n eburtori ' ' n " ald to in pate iron me Hepuhlh an Jpotiiiati uf that city, leglaltung out of oali-- e thy i iiiiiniaeinnrri of the vario.tA depart-'llC"- u did itllitf department with ilogle Jf41! '" m inted by tho Mayor arid Bord i hi. ii. i,, air atoiuhoa the Audltor'a orn. md mabaa Hohuro u i tho Comptroller a t'tu an irea y art 01 under the munl-PDa- l lliiverninent from the Mayor down about afborrent, Mr. VVtj arm IhtlodUced n tdll which provide loktetirp rati m myy he tunned In aov town or lrf I'' Jonatru' ttngof buraa rtiroaoa or ; on i n.ti ti idea ol eglatlng roada, tbl Pun) ut oi ton pioperiy owoera itg tiie prop .m-- route and ttie fooeJ autoori-- Hull have bi- -t i ueu oOlalm d. 9 lit. nkw CAPfTOle fjo'b rlyawaeb thoflovornof baa held the gtying tt,, uw Capitol Uommlaaionera Pawn ut g.4 cert a 111 mouoi tliey bad on b nd mpn '' ittluix aione for iti .t butld-'-- ' ' dl a l the Cupltol baa mn tbrniiMed every day wild ab nit : ' Hi Irod Idle rfoiittc.ittvra anzioualy wj in a tha Uovernnr'a notion. Yeueri y ki""'1 '" "f n Oltod upon Sen-- r Btnriieigv, 1I1f mm to make H! to the Uovernoi to alin the bin. lnta Ware ' " thriHDU too lobiueH ol the OhPlto at La ""1 ? tiauaJ with aionenitiera, and the r"' Mr N,",M BOyooain waited uj.on ' 'or. In Ii a m UIU tee h relurned M Miiu them that the Goeernor b d eiirn-- d the Sua. V 9 BlinouuOOiiM nt Whl received with the Bip mae, end l" day every one of tbmte T2I A til0 t,,u "PPirtunity. f'uri,1r l0yiOht tO the Parnate the STK?. il. zVLiu M. lnworth of Loekport Tb ojri judge, vice Latnonu naooo . d KtbiWi rr!,rraU 10 abo Bianawro Titti MTOBT OP 1 tnrottrt:. The Urn tV lierrailon Ihnt avna rnmlinl I pan yr. llnrv Ai "leanre. Tbf) fJlTOfOO of A lOftM Mopiirco npninut Mary A. 'rganre waa on the OlrOfidOf of the Court, (lenerai Term, yeaterday, on ap- peal by Mr. MCOJ irge frooi en order varatlne a decree of divi that had been gran'ed bin. 1'he nmple were married at the Amei'can O In ftoTOMt ID nnd thev lived In ft -v IN until 172, when the wife OOMI to HVl with tier btiabOfld'l mother on hi iten Mand. In t. HT4. h"r tin bund came, Hit did not r un- til inn ite with or toll on her. Itotb wMed to be dlyorood, but the wife WOO DOt wtlllnthat hrr hiialnnd bhl old get a d' en e unle-- ahe r dtld get one from him at the mine time. The bttlband sal I he would NO a lawyer. lie then lutr duceJ her tn Wm. II. ti tle, a l.twver, nml a decree wn obtatllOd llvlOfl Mr, Meg iriro a dlVof o. on tho MpOfl i f h referee, for adultery of Mr.. Meg Iffe In th iir nd Union Hotel with one J ma H. Held Win OB tt- Nth of Novemt'er, lf 4. tu June u motion yvaa made, op VnpimlnOUa ifldayll , to a t natde the dlvorro, Mr- - Meararjn ileelartim that (i de met tier on tha 6th of Movent boi at tho fo ri do iii wa f ntno to hct home In New rk. N.J., un l told tier that emtio one in the Grand I'nlon Hotel wlahedtosee hot ehour tb dienfOO), and tint hefhUBtftTO, He to k her to a ptlVOto pari r, nd under? rloui uretelta kept nor tboft till it Waal m lao to go home, Judge hia. who ttninted the decree aet It ieldri BOylng It wea BAtlafaOtorllf ahown that tha p raon reoiaterlno hleflaell In ttie iirnud ITnlon Bf " .1 woo H Baldwin ami wif t, iNouh-keepe- le aiw in fact Win. II. Hale; that be had err ng-- with two pereona who n; ie red m WltnOOaOO to follow and watch him while Iih Induced Mra. ? t accompany lorn Pi the note), that a groae Ciaud v an pra tiaed upon lor In InuOClttf tier to C' to tne hotel, nnd that tho divorce waa ob- tained by eiittoruatlon of pcrfurv. thoutiti the pfoofa before the referee were eufDCtcht to Jua-tif- v tdf r incluflona t bin of the wltneKMea tetlflel th tt Oale. after admit Inffihat he was tbe leraon who DOBOOd aa Haiti efm, on being gekOd whether anything in roper h td ilone Iiy hinaelf in i Mr-- Meirar:, replied, 'Thete waa tint, aa aura aa (iod la my J idee." I be order vacating tbe decree la now aougbt tu be reverted. two MOHh: ri runs hi isrn. Move Of the lifting- - mi Two Kmploveea ui ihe Adami Kipreaa t oaipatir. For alx yrrw prior 0 thai 5th Of Octa bri laat the Adaina Fxpreea Companv emtdoyed u R. VcMahtm and Samuel Haunt, and both tnjuyed the oonfltlenre of Mr. John !! ,, the aupertntendenl ; but bOlh were young n en, and tbe former apent much of hit time at the racea : nd In the barrooms. At length they were dtacbOfgedi ajOjd OhUOt aecured a poaltlon a barkeeper In a public bOWOO at Vi l an 1 South at roe la. and waa there visited early In the current month bv Ida whilom fellow clerk, who, i xhlblting a bunch of brja keva, nald that while he waa employed by the Adaina Company he took Impreaelona tn wax of tho loka of the aafee known the I'ttUbnreb and Nee Vortt eafes ieiHotlvey. Krui thoae lo-- aal ml he had had keya made, and It ueeded only o oport unity ii .utli eeeminglv to tbe pdpoI, b'lt after tbe uf Lie ftleioi bo J facta known to Mr. Hubert I'mkerum. f the Barrel rervb'e of the Adame Lxpreae Oomoanv. McMah.-iiwa- not rrea ed. but merely Invited to i r. BObt blmaelf at 'he office "f the detective aroncy. He complied on the PJth I net., and w a Interrogated. He b div pionomc-- .i ih.itor. of 0 UOt false, and a dd thai the pmpnaltton to roh (he r uupativ waa Uraf made by Oaunt, Mt - ahon ackn wiedged bowever.tbat ba h id had boom koya in hN poeeeoelottt and t xtii ito I them tb QaUnt, but he pleated In OSplOOatlon that ihern ro keva not Riado to fit rnvpartloulaf I tick, and he hud ahown them merely to teat the hnnooty of hla former ebum. The onaulng da.'. Coiin-tel- r Vn. F. Klntrlng nn bOhall pf MoMobOO, pr (.wea that if Mr. Iloev would aband.oi a orloaUtal proaooutloBi tha duplloeto koya ahould i aurronderod nd Mr.Hoey aaH th t if Me M anon would ponfeao all he knew of looia nyatoHoua robborfea tbol h id i oeb commltU'd in the uftb e, and aupplv ill other rcipilrod luf riuali n, lie ihould he ire ited nol hntnerclfullv. ht wv not c'eded toby Mr KlDtatDftt and all further DetrOtlotion v u ab mdooedt alcMahi a wo oeeretod aooaewbara lo Ibo glty up to FUOOd tl nbr t laat. Then ho Het He lias not yet ben arreitied. Toe auma of nnnOV that have boon atolon frooi the oonipnoy within the pat two yeaia aggregal a !arne amount. Hitli Ll t r i.v JKKSBT CITT, A I, ltd WaahlBaioii Ket eiMlen ibat will Loi be K emeiubered. KopLoj1 Hull. Jorooy t'ltv. projawatid a brilliant ipOOlOfllO liut night, on the OOOaotOO of the Iady WHaliiiigltm reception. Tbe audllo-iIji- ii Waa 0 hloaa of light, and tba waJU were featooned with bunting. Knim the p3ne)e of Ibe bxea hnnat the t MNttO of arma of tbe thirtv-lefe- o PtOtOOa wblle on tbe southern end of the butldlnii, enshrouded la a rluater of evergraena and aibllax. waa a llfe-al- portrait of Hen. Washington. Jn the balcony b xoa were Hew. JOOapbOi Hedleaml wife. Senator Loon Abbott and Mra. Abbott, BxArney-lienera- l (illchrlat and Mia. Uilchrtat. Hupreine Court JmJgea KnopP and Li.x ui. Mayor Tr. phagen and Mra, 1'iaphaaeui uud num.roua olbna. Tho cruaii w - great. When ttie curtain Kate on the RepttbMooO court the OUdlenoa a lieu. OeoraTB WasiiliiL t ui In the purs ui of little Uenulo Hedie, and Mra. waahlUffton In the DOfObn of the ietito Mamie NaojUO on a data. either N'ue were .Itthu Ad ma In powdered Wish Mra. Nellie ('urns ami .Mr. Cutl-- . with John J y. The Utt r 0 aa roprOMhtOd by AI an . ibM kie, a gr md ion of es-- t han ellor ar ekle. The (li and Lfaher eoa repreaonied b. wiiue AhbotltWho Introdueod the w.e yaltora4 who bowed in a at iteiy m inner to the BSOOUtlVO and hla lady. BverV dreOa waa mado of the Oueat ailk, velvet, and latllli 'i ' c .re waa t ken to reproduce the a .me lumen Mid liJtei' head aa that portrayed In thO painting by II .nb Huntinrftnii. rabloaui of Coluntblo and tba thirteen ftatee, rooreaenti d t, i idle and Btngini ty the Young Apoj ' 1 1 lib followed the entertainment, f with the miuuot aa dattOOd In 'TH. HetreahniOnta of all kinds were served In memorial china o iua tieailiur ibo Inscription, "Manha Wunbiugton Baoeptloo, Jan. IB loTO.' ThO laUOera bor the folloWlAgl "17711- - 178 - Centennial Company K, Foutth i. noted aa a a ard of ho uir, and tirufulia'a hand luiniahnd ttie nittaie. The proceeda go m aid in the er. CtlOO of tQo New Jeraey Stale out.diug at tue LVntonnlal. A tOVMU'M VH1MR. An Attempt to Kit) bta H wee l heart Blende blm le I'liaea lor Kiubt Vrara. On tin 10th of lu.at iMiibcr Pfittiok HbonahoOi a Dayonuo junk dealer, rourdi rouoly .t i. u and stabbed Aliou Cunnmgliam, hi. IWOOthaart He tied 10 aWooklftti ami was cap turodi He atuutly maintained his Innocence, ami Allot although hutTeruig from a dangemua wouud In tho abdomen, peremptorily declined to make an, xplsiiathm convn timr her lpver He yraa brougtit into the C urt of Special botatlona teeterdaa n his own appiica ion. nrofemni tu wolva Indiotment n (fraud Jury. He bad beard of Mim C luiiiutfiium's rtcovery. mid was evi-- ptiv Donftdt nt tbol ihe would rofttoo to tootify intiiit bun. He Hbambone I all hur, however, when Ihe woman took tne atanu and luld t dearly tho aiuri of the at outpu-- murder. Bb00 h ut was culled to disprove her atorv, but be heal tOtOd a moment, a lid hen uoknowl edircd ilial ma womati'a ftorv wa-- s true. Juuge 11 off ii in bouteoced bin to eight yearn tu Siate ni uon. A ( ne aallh ibe Hon ol Teara In It Three years ago Mrs. BlllObOtfa l.amrdun waa ahln to draw a fOOd c leek f0T IT6,00) hue lnveuml largely In tne Ht aCUO oamp uiceling enterprise, aatl . i baavilv. Hfie owund t two tul dlnits s.l)o.nJiig the to a lipiartera ol Mr. Ilereii'a aOOtOty end on tbeee site burruwtd i Toen, whea It turned oat thai aha aoolO not meet UU iDtereal tin the mortgage, Uio imutdttgee, .lantea I oairtui, Infs losefl. lie euoar-u- n if laeifiied ne Jud .iiieut a nt lo l.au-de- n. Mr i.ra asteooeu ll" liuin of pay-in- . m up n receiving audMhuial Mra. l.tng iloii ii'iw aiip'-ir- bfiorv .luiKn n n h Mr. i.ra ue retrained ir.nu ae llug Ins hea up n Hie pnm trty, and that tue Im- eipuimmi innu tin- rororda ami dm lared vnnl on llit gruuilU ot uxirr at Idf tlinr of thr oraiiipl I una or llry. and at various times aluce Ki J iler l'idiai and ( liarl W. ) yn.u apueared lor It.e niaintlfTa, wnd teariul Tiounaa 11 OUeanuau fur une of in- Mrt It Ihtelpa. Judre I'.. .f. ii touatus Mpt-r- yoait-rdsy- rcaorvlug his da Melon hill Of l't,-l- T Th4 OirU uf a mirror of romance, heauurullr nnnteo. tAaieiullr b ust rated, flptd witb ItorV, rOUia 'ol rgla wdh HUtUerUUI asefoi deparl Bta i Helllnneit IB'! nei' '!' l'n;i"hi aruers to rorreapvxi.Puiia Ui n t goti', lashlou, and i o. wph ju.t what u.tTatral want lo read - u.iar ver oeu paporl Now readri ovtoa Are Coats. Jack BorkOWny Itlvalledf " Kerirua aVurnaughl ; or, I he New Turk H y s." I.e., i. Alaen'a g.eal Mory or IKTti Iteadf U W U. SUO of 4M .oio J if Mar V . iuf. a if. Everybody aaya thai "Tne (iayeat Hoy In York " la one of tho boat sionea ever written. It published In thr Hoy nt ihe HurM, nee ready. 401. Frank UAU't PnpuXnr Month for Vahruarr ready , al ail oews i cv.a u o- - juck Unrkoaroy ttiTaiiedf M Keiuna.jjhi ; or, Tbe New York Dora." (leu. b Alken'a grmt rtory of 10711. Head Ui he. NO pf i'.f HHu- dug OMr t ti J. r. The Oayeat Uoy In New York,' the great 1" of metrnpoiban Hie, now tua 'r ta Mo. IB ftf lbs tn4 worut. o PLYMOUTH CHURCH AGAIN. i HOm r rt or in i. t;nn.trrr PA8 i on I' i t r t i it 7 I i.k s. What la Tenabl ou Brooklyn lletcbte-T- ha fleadlne oi Home l.etierw Aaklne far l.eu tcra of lllaaitaalea and Iteeernanendetlon. ThOfllM Oi ShMrU'lfltfi pfajporj nrotnul tho door peat liack of the riymnuth Church lecture room pi f urn Ihal night, and, nut seeing his be- loved paster, hastened out tu meet him on hla way down Orange street to tell blm th .t there was no bttetPjOlg on h ind for the business OJOtV lug. It am OtpOOtOd that the rhurcheto he Invlfod t the odvitory COUOOll would hnvo been bOird from. Bo that the llet and the letter-missiv- e fJOUld be prOOODted to the church, btll there WOO a hitch Porrewhere, ftr which no one vouch- safed nn explanation. Thl Ht-v-. Edward Heocher In tbOOpObtni pntyey Mkod that the elements of niton it Ion and dlfferenco In the Co;irrogn-tlono- J denomination mUht be rotnored. and this WOO OOfaBtruod bv some to rovn.il the flOIIH of tho dolof In the council. Ihe pastor open- ed bis talk bv a iylng : Any way that la not disrespectful and conran bv Whlolt the aOhOO tt ttie Ihvlne prOOOnOO and tbe IHvlne rhar inter may be brought nearer to ua and be made t floctlyo Is pcrmi.s-.it- . !o, 1 her are in thy that would be abookod if I were to p k of (lod na a gentleman. They would think It would bo vera Irreverent, and ret they en on reuenting that God le a Mob. that H Is a lamb, that He it a ro k. thai Ho la n aheap, that He Is a el md. that He l a Bhleld. Unit He is a DttOklor, that He la a loaf of bread. th y ko on and reheat what would If they wore hoard for the fin.t ilmoa ne ahooKtna things to comnare Almljrhtv Hod to. Hut if we select thai which la the typo of Iho mn t ooneurnmate excellence ki.uwu oi m m00th0 probability is th t all the reporters Would fix sll'een oi lmtlou polnta to It and put it In the paper, and It Would eu out to the uuiiutry with, ' Ibis la what la taught in Ply- mouth Church.' " IL iugbter.1 The gee en 00 of the talk waa that theChrtMltn. Bbould i Hod son tie manly and app'naoh him not rtdlniglu tho di.st Bl before un Oriental t, tiut as one littla eentleinau would ip proanh a oeraon who wv a very much greater gentleman. Just before the benediction Mr. Ttecher read request! for letters of and recom- mendation from Cnarlea l. Hiinoao, Frederick C. Duncan, Hoorge K. Duncan, and Henry A. Duncan ; aleu a letter frum Mrs 11. fl. Duncan, akin: f a tetter of olsmlaant without any recommendation. Tbe llsttucluded every mem- ber of C pt. iMincin's famllv except blmaell. The b.. aloes meeting adj uruod almost aa soon as It was organiad, aubjeot to the call of the chair frum tne pulpit. Hury Waru lb e. her lluivard, assistant clerk, aerred for the tlrel time. The failure to aet the Hat uf churcnea likely tt make up the 0dVl0Of council will op- erate bo put off the meeting from Feb. la, fur winch date It i fixed, and if ttie churches fall tu reepondfOa la predtotod they will, the cuuu- - cil o,a never bu cell d. I Hit y. TYLKH AM MB, BMMCBMB tVhat a Person who Heard tbe Mtory froas the rrofeaaor'a I ip rave sbusl tl It wufl oscoi tnlnal yeatottloy thitt Prof. Mosea Coil lyler made known the Heeeher acandal facta In bis possession lo three persona in tali ctt) -t- wo genUiujcn ana a ludy-w- ho that tbe facta u printed 0 Tnr Him are correct, tho only point In dispute telug w hether Prof. Tyler said that he had r ad the confession of guilt prepared fur the Church by Mrs. Elizabeth Tllton and given to ' Hirer Jonnson, wiiti the reouoot th it it should bo preaeoted to .Mr. Heecher for his surna me. A letter written by one of the permits who heard the story from Prt f. Tvler w.ia. yesterday, aUown to a reporter. It OOPtOlOfl the following: The facta as aisled hr Prof. Trier In th nreenee of miseif aud au utie. Kuileia i on the Id of Jsi uiry, 1070, were these I Thai on tbe Utli rU of Pt umer, ia;u, wnt'e viettiaa la New 1 era, Mr. i y irr cad. a upuu Mr Til tOR, a it a lie tl hr waeQ in una i nil, at tue office tr t r i t jri. He fnuna Mr. Ttlnui in reat aoirow. Mr. Titer wli l Mr n,-- to diMloae 10 him I ho raoic of bla dcp'eahni. Mr. Tilt '0 rep ic.l itiel be totild ntt .lo i. Tilmn arldfU. (ihrer iOliv- - r JobO SOB. tiU elit ri IQOWB all aotnit It ami he inV tell mci." lyw-- sPt Oliver John.io Un t i bnu (Trleri tu Vinnn lih Idm. Tney went i - i tn bruadwer. near he tr 11 aiae luriti Ho lunrb l j r said l a' O tver Jonnaon td turn ths' " Mr. Bevcher ha I seduced Mia Tnloo " Mr. Tyler used Ihrw.i vt r a .r ) Hr seta, moreover, thtt th dtsrinanre made sorh SO in uimu bUB taat. lltboagb lie ut i kt tpa i sn re iti sru;, ha uu a in, mac as ore do u j i a: lime, aid that it )e on the lltri tlar of Peceuilier. la.o. Mr Tyler aid that dlr.' tlr after Pie pubM nMnn br Mr. Tdtn if I ta letter io Pr H rea, lea r h rea .:aya lUtranrd. hi' Tvbu waa ly i .g upmi a couch lu .a,. u the e.llt.irial r..o.i.a f the Cht run (' U n, whn acard wa nrought iu py a i.uv aud I id upon ohvrr J.dinaoa'a t.iiue. Mr. .I 'tu.fon ini'irf .ail PriNH-u- y, be a.i.', Mr. Jonnaon rauie in, and tutu lis own rnoiti Mr. Tylcrsaid he 'ierd Mr. J. hiiBon sar, " - 1 will , anil aee bar. He e mte out, aud bad Mr. T Irr that Mra. 1 lu a bad aent for hpn b coins to her brother office la Broadway, snd I ttnu. Mr Tjler aald Johnat.n sti.iw. ed tn Mra Tib ui'a esnl ana - Mr gOhaeoB wei.t nut, in arm aunie Mm- - Wheo he reojriod be told Mr. Ty lor I tat Mr, l iltou had cni' to tind out from tdm wnnt Mr. lieer bar ihea n r lu ilo m mhw u (ne publication of tro iter n MPr ; that she BOM she was 00 aiiittiiu; .Mr. H et.t r wish, u her to uo. Hut Mr. Johnson .: Mr. Tllt ui had drawa up s state iittii or latter ci eee teas tea of un-i- r uou u r.Io, w Ich stab u Cmt hey beuevee tBej hail the nea of lo I. siitj f ry n w aaK ' i tne b.rireneas nf all ataoklod which aiatriueot or Utter die nropoBaa to fUMii.t Mr. B- - cuer Pr falui to - aod au mil iu in uth Ctuircu. Ihe further details (1f the conversation now remembered aro that Mr r said that after bo w i- taken intti tbe f in f'tf m io help togiiido l a aff ur- - f.,r Mr. HOOChera a ifetf- - there waa a continual droaii In the oflleo ainoii tboee who Ui" of his tfolll leet aome measstte should rea lb t hem of his an I Ide. Mr. yler uleo nanl that be bad told th ei facta lo the Hev Dr. Eddy of Detri K. to one of the odi ora of a Huffal u popori and to other pei.-.on- In every oaOO lu which In lie rer was In doubt us to Mr. D0Mb0Ta u utlt his taots carried conviction. Prof. Tyler's atiiiuiru nit denial provokes the perona lownom be told tne fnoioi and is uu- - .factor, lu Mr. Heectior'a adhuronU. TUB H it in: ( oath. The Truth AbniM Ibe New I nllorm for tbe l em - f .nd Ht tiiiio nt. Col. Joslah Porter Of the Twenty-eecon- d sa'a dial Private bonis Itaurr'a Ircular to the BMHObera Of the T i Ib'tfbaeut in relailou to the new uniform is conepiruoas lor Its iimcurerr. 't he unl form wns voted by the tmard of officer., after eeverai inontbs' QallbaratlaOi anil each company vole i for Ii Wttb the ssmies before them, arm auli a full knowi-- iie thai Ihe tu extra required to p (fJi i eaa tor the fatigue uitiforin. Mem net's mar k p their tl I full dieRstoitaif ih i wis'i. lnate-t- of tbe new unitoiui telt g inferi r to the old. it la hriter in eyerv w v aod i ! lai) lees, and t tan kin .a of puiitalnoiii for full tire s and fut'gue, the new hin of tn-- prov bi e lor only one. in- I. hluute la of as flue oioth ss the old full dress av rtfioWlall. atol the nOO bin dl t M roek la of the flue t Weal uf Kegalid white cloth. Meuih. r who lutrr oitlv a anurt tluu lu a rr re t r quin d to iToeure ihe m unif orm. Tin- - PUni ex h tine lu each man fur tne rhanae la only U Ih- new iiniiorui lua hern ai'pruet or 'he C"Uiaiaiiiier-iu- i lf Privatr itauer may be court-ma- Ulled for the circular. The Peril, ol Ihe hM reel. Mr. Qeo, K. Want Mid his fMhlODObly dressed alfe were pi duilff In a aud In the Pro kirn Kuprt'iue Court yesterday aunluat i;ie Atlantic and Pacific 1 Company f r 0..O n tlsmagos. They were rl log- in a coach up PoltOI Itroot on Pre. il, Ihti. aud ben betweaa rolloa itroot od Hed iiooa tano the carriage we etiuckt)ya pub' it. at bad been w akened the BtorfOj The poll Ihiotigti tlto catliago, Btraei Mra. Ward over the head, tool hul for or lint an J tcr uff, muet doiiht lene here i u ill lalnred her. Aa it waa. see waa severely hOTt m ana Ii t hutoatoi, and bolh were f.r a .ouafiiinu under meduai eltenUa ice. Tiie rase was nut fiuubvd. Africa VUlled bv Ihe Police. Two mud-- c dored bricu bulldluge, s parsted be a i uurtyani, iu lUv rt ar of a lilch la a third, but latgcr huilihng. OOOJOOfed a o7 an I fU TbOBtpaOO slrert, known to tne police so Africa, wuie raided at I n'eltck this morning ay Qgptt McDonnell, Hergeauts Knl 'ht and Iteilr. Pelt lives Mnrphr, and a Dial n of patr.ilineii. A'rlca, Ihe properly of Mr. ale wart, wm. leaaod o Jsko Pat i. ac doled deaner uio. rOOUU sre rented two dollaraaweoK eacb. In tho inree buihlmgrt uweil over one nuuured pHllaue, (tin. iie, nooroaa. 01,1 11 ' " place has heeu die ro.reat of tblevra aud u,uruiarers. A Prominent Norlh Curolliilna Hhot. Hai.kidii, Jan. H. On TuaadOf afiernoon Ad lphus Moore, a ( rnudnent cltlaen of Alsmauee BOOOty, and a nirinher ol ibe insnuf-n-larln- firm of Holt 4 Moore, al llsw Hirer station, was shot iiytitorire W. Hweueun, widclv kuuwn In tunnect on with ihe flnam i if of Nt rtii Carolina. Mr. Moore led ai Bight t 4 O'clock. Mr Moore waa lutaaing the ii of Mr. Hweuaou on a ifunmur eaucdilhui, whea an all. rea Ion took place hole"u the two. winch re suited in the shootinc. Tha friends of Uwesau claim tbat it w.s au eel of self defence. The llaudhall t'bamploawhle The return mulob for fSuU heat four In seven, by Phil Casey and P. McCarthy against tt. Mctjuade and .1. t'eenr, b. Madison slr.t. y eter lar. resulted la three g411.ua to e rb t outl , aou the oouoluaioa eaa poetpoued tu ThursJsy Beth 0BQ t PaTJPS yor: IH79. av Preparlna; to filer the llrnvea af ihe Wigwam ta llolal In November. Tho AOtUTaMntTlftfiy County Cnmmlttep met it.i evening to oreanlae for the eurrert yanr. Among the delegates were ex fVnator Michael Norton, Creamer and Hoo evolt, ex District Attorney Oarvln, 8 na-to- r Huhy, ex ftenntor O'Hrlnn, Hurr. Justice Alexander Hpauldtng, the Hun. Ira Htinfer, James Hive and T DurOOi lha Hon. Kmaouel II. Unit, the Mofl). BuflM K. Andrews, and Messrs, QajOffpJi H. Purser, 'I'unv Hartmann, and Harry Kurd. The lion. Irn Shafer wae elected perma- nent Chairman. Ho was OOOOftOd to the chair by Creamer and 0tf ttdffO Hnrvln. Cotiteatliiff drlegidt inn appe red from the Fifth and the Eighth emi lv s. Mr. John Furrell. of the Fourteenth Dltri-t- , Imm red whetlier thorn was not a oonteatlne delegation from tho MiieteriC.h DMrlct. The Chalrnun rOpttod that he could not recogniae any contest- ants from that dlstrlot.ua he hid receive the croden'lals of only one dOtOflatlOOi There- upon poiine Justice Murrey handed to the fJb tr- - man wh. t purported t be the credonti iU of g c un Bating delegation from the Nlnetoootfl Dls-trt- rf . "I'd like to know w hat Judeo Mtifrae boo to do wtth the Nineteenth llretrj t," aald Judge hpanlding. eseltOilV "He helonn in lb tro t. I come from the Nltietceu'h Dinner, -- mi inf there Is no corneal there." Applause JlHtlCO Murray withdrew the rredentlile. Mr. Katieout'a rramlUlloO itianklng the Inde- pendent press for its md in the defeat of lara-inan- v Hall laet Intl. ami urging a thorough or- ganisation In each election district, ihnt the part v may present a atrong front against at the next elect '.m, and the Hon. Kuftis F. Abdrowaa rooolutlon rooommondlnp tha ; t t charter for this city re- cently introduced in the Senate br Renal or llixttv. were adopted, and the r immlttee ad- journed subject to the c dl of the Chairman. MR OLBBDBN MSG A O.li.v. - a Mia Ponanl Dlamlsaal freaa the Jery Cltf Preehyterr Veaterdar At thn litat mtH'tlna; of tho Jerscj ltj Presbytery, the Hev. John S. Olendennlng asked for a letter of dismissal from the Presbytery to tbe Presbytery of Peoria, HI. The subject caused eome debate, and waa finally postponed. Veater-da- y the Presbytery met In the Washington Street Preahyterlan church. Jeraey City. Tbe ortglual letter ot dismissal aa drafted read, end commend hliu to the regard." Tbe Rev. Dr. Edwards objected at yesterday'e aesslcn to tha phraee. Hr auegeated tbat the Utter be made to read, " Is dtsmlased to the care of the Peoria Praaby terv." and on nla motion thla waa dune. The tubol ttuled letter mlaalve la addreaaed to the clerk of the Preenytery uf Peoria, and cltea that Hiendenulng waa arraigned on hla own ap- plicant m tve fore tbe Jer-te- fit Preabyterv In (Ictuber, lHIt.lu anaaar t'hargeaof unmlulslerial com! not, and was convicted n one of the (.ounta and by way of aen en-e- tils pnatoral relatione dlpsolved; that he gpf ealetl to the St nod, and, meanwhile, without consulting the Preabyterv, continued io neeaeh . . .. wtmree rroea watee he wa diapoaedt laud that the cn appeal, sustain. the BOtlOO o the PreabrUTV. Tbe let- ter cl aci with the statement that thef.icteare Dot recite i to Injure or prejudice Mr. Glenden-nlng- , Out aliupiy to Inform the Preeotierr of of tbe nature uf the offenae. A MIDDAt BOBBMMT A Racy from a l.ariy Hedrowm Wonae Jew- elry Awnltlaa aa llwirr. RotUI ni ngx from u onll, -- it t .luy noon. Mra. K uabeih WUaoo of iia OllOton place found the door of her bedroom fastened. Looking through tbe key-hol- e she aaw tw o burglars In- side. She acreamed. and tbe burglurs apraiig Into the hall. One of litem grained Mrs. Wil- son's throat, and throw her ..gainst tho wall, and then rushed down tho ItolrWOf after bis OompOOl ui. Mrs. W ItaOO) BTPUeod her fellow tenants With BOfOOfg and tti-- pUfOtlod ttie burfc-lnrs- , Olhccrs Jobuaou and Jullf joiuitig lu the puraUit The burglars ran Into a tvb- - In MoDo ItOJOj y and hid themeelvea, one lu a feed trougu, and the other In the hay l .ft heueein I he tmig'ar tn the tr igh Waa eaaliy found, but the other waa n t found until the lines of a Pitchfork had prulded blm. Near hlro were found a Ml- locket nd carde, chain, a nalr uf ttohl rOjCOlOta and a pearl ard 4 ar, b. looglOO to Mr. Wilson, io Sergeant Vung the bur glare gave the names of K.twara White, of Kidridge airoei, and Jotm .Murray, of lal Forayih aireet. In Muitiv's pooketo were an elegant sold Witch (No. '. made by Aiuri Jcutl, ch.lo ai d in. the Litter being lha golden figure of a lamb, and a lady's heavy neck chain and locket. Justice Mor-ia- coniuitlted V ulle nod Murray. B BATE A TO DBATB The Trial of a nnaOMtod and hla Wife far the Killing or their Child. The trial uf Henry U. nml Vreol ind for tba murder of Halph, the former's son, was continued in the PaaaoJo County. N. J. Court yOOtOrdoy. MM, Mary K0 key loatlflod that Mra. Vieelnnd told i. r on the Monday e to ftejph douih that atie had whipped blm ao that she thought ate had killed him. i he Hev. J. L. llernar i. teacher of tho ecbuul at Hu rdville, leaitfled that the buy was In good health until that Monday, when he o mid Itied of tujiiig eick, aud thai tie uoy had bruises aud Uta ail over nn Alameda Vreeland. daughter of the aocuaed pereuhs, tcstitlcd tbat tier mother hea It Iph on Aiuiiuay with a lathi knocking him all uboul tho bouae, and kicked film in tne groin a thai he could not w Ik to aenool, Her al uer Anna car-ilo- d him part of the wuy, and ahe and Kdgar tne root. Vo , mother tieai hfm often with any- thing she could get hold of, stove Hfiurs, clubs, or broomotloka phyabuan waa not c olud to attend him until Filda., although be bad beeu fevunsh aud d moot of Ibe lime. Almabuuae Abnaea At the HiveMtgatlon yaotOrdhV into tha alleged eouar in the iin-eu- I'taiuty Almshouse ou Psrnuurs lalan t, .lohu r u t her. aho was ( ntployed on the lalOOd as a baxar tOatlled Ihal ho lia.l seen s pauper, Ch.ries Iter, i uler the window ot tuie of the wuiauu iniua' ee' ro. in In tne uiiri.t oo many uiff rent occasion-.- . II tea t .Hi d to the Iooae uisi.ner In wide It fiipp lea At rr ued, aayiti Ihal DBOOb W0B w .sled He bad aren nauper t arlng sne la to piee. a and tuatilne elotiilug of lion. The k eper of (ho l knew Uut, slu tual they ui gnt do as Uiey pi. as' d. FuglltvrM froui New York la California. Ran FiiAM irtt ti, Jan. JCM - K. NlObotaOO F.ltert, arreatctl by s felted itOttl Peunty Msrhs) a tew daya ago on a requiHtlou froin the New York aultioriues for forKtnii fulled htalre bndrt, was reinanoed yeiTdaf tea n w vara omoer CnSeey n. w Vora snlved ut hecraiociiio Uol eveinnv nd in'Hcnled s rett(i)illon for u.e ariohl of BOinaoB ft MMMOj lb Irwin Ueued the warrant for atr-l- . Uoauuulatl Is anil lu cwuLnrine.it h- re. Anolber Jury Nine lo Three. The trial of Frxncl F. Marshall upon an for arson, which Okargoa that be brad Ida a If 'a large human hair at ore at ttie U wery and Fourth Btreel DO lOOdiy. the llth ot July lad, lot the purpose ol otfisuuing I lauraOOa eouipaui'O. hi eoiliuudml la. I nt lu bl duciiarKe uf tho jur ai id a oYiuca bet euae tl.ev eollld not aaTea Thn furora al Ma nine ttir ac (put (al a ol turre lor coitvbtiou from iit tone ihry retired to UvblHiral'' up ta the ume of itn-i- diet harg. Hudden Death of a New York Lawyer. Ham imiuif., Jon aw. W. h. Horufayer, a law yer. trom New Voik, died anddeoly taal uigtit at the Malttiy Home, e few miunies aflor roachirg that hotel. Mr. itori.tavet reuc.noil llaltiuiore nn Hie In P .1 trnin Iroai Ken V rk. and wala. d le tne Mallby HuUie in t OUtpaOy Willi n tra el big m t .. A cr I was lound on Ida person givma Ins address si Wi Ism kin- t, New rk, He wiia well dieMed,and apiareutlr aliout tW years oj age. A Watcher's rauletde. JAMKA town, N.Y , Jan.W.-- Al 9 A. M. Norman BaliOdayi reepei-Ubif- l fanuur, went to his bieauo latbeFl room M wa.ch htm during tho reel uf tbe utghi An hour later seresrri from Ihe otdg Bllrinan aroused iao family, who, on entering Ihe room, found the sou dying from a leirihie wintnd in Uir (ureal and tne uiher aitung up lotiking i lifm Healde the dyiug man was found a knifo. HuBt ring anioug IVorklunaiea. 'fit an r t a p v J .ii. 08. A larfO uieetlng of workluguieu waa held bore last night, aud a cotuwittee was appointed to reoreiooi to the Gommoa Oooaoll t'ott a .nve nuinlair of uneiai'loi ed were all la actual want, aod to sa ihe ami body (o give thi-i- aoine work, In order that tfirf may he able lu ..aop theuiaclvcs aud Ibeli faunbes fioui starvation. THE TRIAL OF MII. LANDIS. Tllf: PB08 BC VTtOff'A BFFOBtM TO vr-h- i I i n i: OKFKBCM A Claud of WHnoe-i- who Itnd Not Noticed thnt l.nndia waa lnano The t'rlaoner'o Conlrlbullona lo Iho Vlnetnnil New- - pn per. ItitUKiKroN, Jitti. 28. Attornry-Uenpn- tl Vannatta does not propose to leave any stone mutinied to upset that portion of the defence of Ch rlea K. Kandis that atlompti to Jnatlfy the shooting of ITrt Curruth on tho ground of insanity. The witnesses who, though on terms of close Intimacy with the prisoner, failed to detert any symptoms of mental aberration, are neatly aa numerous as thoae called by the de- fence to prove Ha position on this point. It It probable that l.vidi'a cauncl. In surrebiittal, will fall back upon their third ground of d fence, fhl , provocation, which will nceseltBte tbODfodnotlon of numerous ifttOlM putdlshed In the Vlneland fiidjx-nf'nf- , ridiculing l.nndia, and will thus tint lOatlOOObly prolong tha trial. Chenter M. OoOdrlok was milled bv the Plate tn inipearh tbe tettmonv of Tr. Franklin t.ane, who In bla OlfOOt cxtmlnitlon ho horl .no again and tigatu that his wife was pert et v sane, and In ted lug him a wn aatteOod that he was not OOOolrtfll blm. The w tineas said that luitnedlatelv after the tragedy Dr. Lane told hnn he Was bo surprls"d to bear of the occuirence He hatl exiie tod H foraome time, sou ho added that the BtttClOO pobilstted In the ! ,'' had made Mrs. I. ndis ins nn. Dr. Line, In Ins ex nninatnui by tbe defence, positively denintl b .Vmg told CueotOf N UOO0-rlchth- Mra. Landls'a mind waa in any way dlaordered. Frank Hlngham testified I hut nt a mass meet- ing Lendta awd If anv man preaont favored the 1nfh UiJ ut l ariv In Vlneland ho de- sired to molt thai man in deudly combat. Obe witnOaO after another was . hy the Blate to testify nlln drtoary monotony that the prll uier had not enown eny eymptoms f a lntellet. Tba Attorney Honem! wished 10 recall Fd I B, Hendeo, but the Court rofuaed to admit hla tes- timony a aecond time In remittal, saying that If such b oouiae waa permitted tl must ooen the door for au endless mans of oorroboratlve teen-mon- Thoe.C. Kd wards, formerly a witness for tbe defence and Inclined to believe that handle's more marked eyinptoma nf Inaanlty were dis- cernible In hie ti.ii i and dlsoourtoous bearing trwanl hlmself.waH called bv tne St ite to Identi- fy certain Articles published In the Vlneland Wethly which Landia ban written prior to bla da pax ure for Kiirone, leaving inatructlons to have them published In the IFreJcJy. with his Initials allaoned, end beanug datea correapond-In- e with those uf his various letters. heae articles purienrted to have been written from London, Cork, and other places In Eu- rope, tut luo witno-- e admitted baring made such uiodlflcvulon lo them ea In nisov tostaneca left vtry little of tho original composition for pu ll ation. They dealt with ALMlcultural t o(u e and tbe wltnesa eelected them for the H'c kly lu ac ordance with 'be va nous cbaneea of lbs season. Tbe witness had seen In an Kugllab newapaner a report Bi eecn delivered br Mr. I .and Is ..Au Hull wmctt w... .; s ,,ca 0. u.prMlc,, K.flir a Blowing uI..kv un Vin.land. Il iv tbruuiiuuut .ouiid, legtoM, and r .ni.n. A III: I t t J s TUB HAT10AL QVARD. The iinirii in llrooklyn for the Pool 1 on Ta caiod br Uea. Meeernde. Tho riwtpnutlon of Ocn. J. V. Moaerole from the command of the Eleventh Urlgade, Second Diviabm. N. O. S. N. Y., has created a tlr In Uiooklyn military droits, the "jueetloo of a successor being ihe exciting cause. Hen. Meat role p lively decllies to withdraw his resignation, despite the request from Albany to do so, and w be pulling for tbo vaoatit position has aiieadv beguu- he i end I late mentioned are Col. David K. Au.-ll- n and Ca:t. Ira L. Heene. the latter being Hen. Dakln'a oholoo. The re ent defeat of the QeoeroJ'O Wloh aa to tne oom naudar of ttio Fit th iPtgade, will DO doubt So repeated In tne ehrO-tlo- ti tn tne Kieveulh, as the offlcera of the dttfereul tegimei.t are unwd img to give ail the boiiors to a s'afT officer, aa C.tpi.Heehe bas ti on un il tnnpreieut oar, when he accepted the command of the UoWitlOT Hadery. Col. II. K. Hoehr will not be a candidate be- cause be 0000 no OhenOO fur tierm n ag tlnet atx vuiiwfroin Am Of to n regiment-- , and uol. II. C.Ward koowe thnt the votes of the Herman roglmont, i hi and the Korty seventh would aro against hi n, ao tue c.intest uarruwa down tu tbe two fli .4i mentioned. no.wK WABfiisnTon Torres, The l.ouialnno etenalorlel Qoealioa-Hoadl- ag aXaaila Back lo Kollaas. W ins.. :.... m gA. The HenHe tommlttee on Privlirtas and Flections ibis moral tor, after a pro-- I BOjajed dlacassion. drrtded to report back to tne Senate the papers puiporting to be ths credentials uf the elec- tion ef J. B Kusiis a hsnstor n Loubaans, with Ihe recoinnienuai ion that they do on th table without turthrr sen n, because ihe ommit tea Bad that, at the lime of hta stieed election, there w e ni vneancy. Tina report waa determined on by the vulea of Me Logan, Ultebel .and Meuiian, a(taiiibt Auaoury. AU'rrimon. aud i K.pfi tlr Wad. "igh uf N II , ami Mi C ' Ihe nib rente intemiett bv ibe majority 10 he draw a from n:- - r u i:.f Ked g oov rutnrnlwass dr Jure iMiTsiuuieut.'aud that Mr. ..... aa ., eirt tod. i lurkvvealber'a Foneral. WoAlltMOTONi Jan .: 1'he rem una of the late ('oiigreaanien MarkwaOtbOff will be taaen to hla In. ins la Nurwte i, tonn., In Cot. Thorn s A. Kcutt's prlvste Mr. which be baa tendered for tbe pur-M- , Iran, or here at A. M. nd ar- riving si Nora st 10 1' M. The grutle'in a win BOOOBlpaoy the na . s ft tletieisl Jew- el i ibpita null ten ti rd id UKdo. u t.t irr f, Y , Hoar U as" i. llrnute, l.a:idera. Sc1 Phelpa (COBB.)) Poatui at r M dwel. mi. a Alia. i onney. Net wico tel u p r aent. live Kidlog - of t oaie ciltdt, )1. T. of the Hartford ' if, A. B. ltvuucton, and Pepuiy Arum l.iMll.ridge Mr. Mm kw at hrr a ill br ac m bj Mra toorgr M.Iaind ra slid aim Bvhigton. Presbb nt Mls'ion td the S. and Hartfurd lUil-- r - win meet lha parti a New Yor and convey iheui over nla rsd lo a aprcial train. A Democratic ConfereB--o- . W AsniMii.i.N, Jan. A meeting of the Na- tional PeraOCratia Kxecunre i. u. waa he d at the Arl.nglun Hon-- Auguilut tit hell, Chair mail, tin motion uf It tudulph ef New II wnn reaotyed to . it. an r m ii ana aotlvf orovniss- tton of the pemorrsilc parly ths i Sta for tbe camuai-p- i of iHTa nenator ltm.1 l,.h was eiioaen Vice ( n Trinao, the Hon W. It. Darnuta uf Con- oi cih ul Treasurer, and A P. Panka of Mltaiea p.l t M cretary. Hpeaker Kerr, v ePare, (lor- - eon, and t veneoai and .,-:.- . uai sud otaera werap'tieut. Dlverao Tlewa un tbe Cmreacy VY ArtiiiNtjron, Jan. UN Mr. Boluien exnreaaea the opinion that the fouinuties on llauktue ami will reptrt fo Hie Ihuise a bill tb1 Hpocle Kcsumiiilon set, on which will be lucorporsted provle 1001 making It impossible for Inmaelf and those a p. poet d io aoob nieaurei to .upnoit the btll. air n nmn fieiievea Ihal mey will lucto pora'e s seciion pro-i- iiag tor tue ultimate reihein. ut ana puviti. tii of greeidiscKa in coin, or s si cilua u.. u It na. oauh at l. in. to winch llr. Hoiiuu Says ue IB uuelioreDly oppuend. A Trlul tor trwon la Jninalea. Hatfield Saner of Jamaica, is accuaed of hav-U- l eel fire lo Ibe old t odwute inanai n that was de- stroyed s week ago. la the eiannuatlou b fore Justice Itonurtt, OOOUWl tried to ahow ttmt tsaui-- and Adam Bghwaleooarajtii wb. oeoopied ttie oteaeioo- - ears nwai nrMirivl sntl eneiulsa. U waa inr il thai Sjimr'a ilaug itel puic uato'd BOOIS lar at the houac, rum It Is komrtii to be hfutwn mat .Sauer burned leb.Uhflng bjf pic it thla Mr r Hie bosd- - aud selling It Ou ii' Public UplliiuU la fay table to Hsner. A It leefed Lover's -- aletde. Iot;iavn.i.R, Jan. 2ri. Alinul Roddlok a youth tillers years tf sge, formed a itaeou aome munl-.- sgo with ths wife uf lavt In Narbville, Tenn. I t. day llrs. Itces fort sue Heddlrk rtunuig lu see her, sod soma ittN laier be went into her LiodMnu's sp ii in. oi. t, pioturou s plaiul, sud killed hliuaelf Hcdh k BveoJed fond of Mi. Heea. The I murt 'a Jury founds verdh I of ami ubargt-t- tbu wom-t- with uelug the on use ol ibu deed. A Itobher who Throws It. d Pepaer Detective Williamson sireslod Hernard D. MoylaO yesterday, ou areqauniloii from tbe Uoveraor of allcblgsa. Moylsn ts the man w no was arrested oa Itiapirion of attmp g p rob John atesru pf II.00U ly idiudiug linn with red pep.er He ai. theu 0 ciiar-'ed. Mr tpcariia not riue aide to I mui Iff lum. This lime be I wanted for stealing XftOu n I'sirirS lb l.auRidln ..f VVeyue county, Mlchtan. Hu was laaru Wet yeat.-rdiy- A Widow Itobbcd ot all her Hour ?. Mrs. Annie T. Wilson, widow, of Krof-por- Mnlne, reported to (be police ufflcr yesterday that to- on her esi to Hriatklyn she wa ronted of sil hue nnm r Mr Wilson h i.i tnmed sit her nrop'fty into to a lucii wae nut I oo. thai sue uught an to Csli- - lorou, eOera r diugher Is dyi ig of cjusuiuptloa. Hhs was tak'-- care of hy Mra. Weiw. TUB WlltMKRT flVWjMMBtt i td. tloteh and Dlatrlet Attoraey Oyer WBSM wilng Bp Ihe MeHeo Cwoe. Bt. LotTis, Jnti. In tlm MoKew trial this morning 00i Vy llllam H. Hatch, In present- ing the first of tha closing arguments for tbe defence, devoted himself to an ar.alyala off tbe loovlmoejy for the Hovemment. aaacrttni that McK-- e wae the victim off conspiracy on the part of Kngelke, Fits Hoy, Thorpe, and others to drag htm down aud throw In the shade the helnniianosB of their own . crimes. Flta Hoy's statement that he enw 480 paid to McKee was pronounced a base false- hood, and the unrwMonahtenees of the olrcum-atan- and the conversation pointed out from the fact of the of the men and their previous non-acrj- .Hit anew. Knieelke's luter-vio-w with McKee nt tho UWH ( fhoo was ndmlt-te- as a fact, but Lngrdhe'a version of the sub- ject mailer waa doolamd wholly false ou the toallmonv of llnlih-- , Maeulre, and Hardavtay, whose st temetit went to abOW tbat Kngelae flatted McKee to secure his Influenoe with tne Collector to reloaao ao ne llquore selgnd In U0lo ratio, pieventlng an exooauie of the Hlug. Col, H nlch iUso dwelt al great length on the confoa-lono- the Uoverninertt's principal witnesses that they had been guilty of stealing, of perjury, and of arson. Ids rtOI Attorney Dver followed with a general review of thn toatimoiiv. Ho said theHovoru-men- t was ii to lulrodm-- c onfei-e- d ra in order t unfold tbo olOOOtlC awin-nl- e upofi ttio revenue, and ha cl Imed their tes- timony left no 00 ' of the guilt of those against whom ther .eatllod. He showed the relations of McKee w. lb McDonald and Joyce, slroody convicted, mid howensen.ld It was to have blm In the King, that he uiteht, tnrough his grout Influence, protect them Innn tne powers st He claimed that Meurue's teslltuoiiy clearly estnblUhed MrKee'a whh the Hlng ; t hat L'avenworth'e deo-I- . ration of hiving p id him money were nroved ; that tho b tweeii Fits It i ii. ,n.,,or .. ., r i. ike's evidence were Immaterl ). as thov had no red bearing on the oase ; that Hohle's version of the interview McKee uud Ungolke had no strong? h, aa It did not bang toeethor ; that whether Ktigelke aought hie loflueuce to obtain the releasing of bta wblnkey aeUed in Ctdorado or not, there waa no doubt mat oe law McKee about getting the Husby outlllsrv for Hardaway. This Is support- ed In all material points oy otnar yvitnesaea, and tnere la no oueeilon but that Hardsway wae soon after making crooked whiskey at this dis- tillery without paving a cent to the Ring. Counseri analyzed all tbe toetlmony.and Inalst-e-d tbat tfie pmaecutlon had cioailv proved tho existence of a oonsptracy, end Mi. Hue's uouuec-tlo- with it. TUB NOHTUAMFTOX HANK BOUBRRY Oeer 0700.000 la raee art lies Tahea-T- be ttaah'B Lose leas thaa RpntNoriBLD, Jan. 2H. -- It la oertoin - t the total amount In various securities f' ty tbe burglars from the Nor' hau.o- - n National Bank will be Quite as great as BJ saaj pr vioualy reckoned. The ban: authoritiee do not v1spK roajag nHv.u hUj f0u UP( - iDef wrr not ac'-u- turned to examine this property. It eeema likely that from $$.000 to tlnjui of negottsble pilvate property was stolen, besides tbe reg- istered bonus and certified slock. How the bank ns- - If stam s appears from thla official let-to- r. 7h Oicr A fie o di, Prtrt ttnt S'orthampton Xittonal Knit I tuve eiaudn-'- thr condition of your bank, and ti. tbat there ha- been aftetfactcd In money aari svsd-abh- t aaaeu urtiperty auiouuting lu o.n valu to I also And that uf the piupcrtr held br Ub hank as cd Istersl aud wtuenran be ma r ev liable, tnece has neen taaen in cah vs ue 3.V7(, inaalug a total m- -i loa t the hank of Ul.i-o- . rnt had s anrnloa nf ". After riiirrf.ni! . ll titot ullre a. ii.ere will a surelus io the credit of ttie bank of llgT.to. Upon in i. eertainly yoa are to bs cougr nuiatea Paniil Nbkiuiam. NaUool PenJi. i. .mi... r. There Is jet no trace of the burglars, sn 1 It l- certain that they have reached New York or Ibiston. or boih. ll is tbe opinion of the beat bank outbuiitm th t the rohnere will not at tempt to work oft their plunder, but are waitlug for a comproinieo. THR BOBXOB FORGER. Ilollaod lo bo aerially to K arrow -- der ibe Fuatilve Bohtos. .Tun. 28. Tho uiitliorHiea have taken a new step to secure P.. l. W iualow, and tho result will probably be known within a few hours. On definitely ascertaining that ,ho fugi- tive waa eu route for Kotterdam and could not be taken from the stestner on w blob be la a pas- senger, it was decided to make a special request of tne Hovemment of Holl ud for the aurreiiuer of Mr. Winalow nn pie arrival In Ihal country. Accorolngly, fiov. Hu-a- Attorney General I rain, and Mayor Cnbh telegraphed Hepresenta-live- s HarrtO and rloroo ht I aeiilnston. asking tnetn to uie tt.elr Influence with the Mlnlater from Holland lo indue, ma Hovarnuient under Ibe circumstances to deliver lu our (Juverunient tbe body of Mr. Winalow, An Informal meeting of WlnsLow's creditors will be held si the 7 u.u Au fllce ou Muuday next, ills akllful forjeiioa Indicta that be bad a confederate, aa be was not an expert penman. AROirT THR Tli EATREB. Vitas I me Permsu's Itefasal to Plav la lha Tart Ibat was 14100 llor. Ml u Rfflo OorntODi tho iotrteoi eao asked bv Iir. WalbMl to pliy a character in " Married in BOItO1 hhe did not regard the part aa sniloa to her, sad although thr manager saked for a rnmpllaurte with his request ou tbe ground of favor, h refused to act in It. rhs up.n site wss told ths sae whs do r a r or t .e cotupauy, to nint h she had for in ny srs beoiured. Hhe liss hr wi ealy wagea, and falling to gel ths money, has begun s isaautt tu com . I pHyioent. lb r calm Is ihti the character for which Ibe - Bail is out of the hne in Vbloh ahe waablred io apuear. and thai ner refuaal to accept il dues not uie .k tier coauct far the season. Tbe Hraoklva Tbenire 4 New Plar. Mr. Mand ad 'a oharmtng plav, " F Ise Shame," will ba produced at (he lit.. kiyn Theatre next Monday evening. Mr. Montague, for whom tne role was written, apt r ng ss Cere ' MPaa, in whtoh the most ountiuu-o'l- i of hi Loudon u cra.es wa actdevud. of the Boaveruos remora neeai the fortbcnming bts-- ... - - 'i and o ii " uhlan la To produced in t o w t'cks, tuts much l fart, tnai ft u sn a uio-.- ! entirely orUltml uriiua. hieed upou Victor Hug"' " Mory Tu'tur," and l f Tutu the pen of Mr. J. H. Biarksyu It wl be cast wilii spuciady engage. iieni. lira. ( ha. W Pro. ike eill play tne leading role. Bliss Kate biaituti I'ovalrs sud sevsrl ibrr euilscut sriiats wm .' What flltss Anus IHckluaoa Prosnlaea. Anna Dickinson escorted another lady to the Fifth Avenue Theatre last evening, At lit u'clork She returned to her hotel. A reporter met her and saldi " Hav y.ai dec ided to become an actrona, alias Pica- - lesoar' Mia Piemn.oa sm not prepared tn ssy, ss yet. Itrpot to. Win y n i ii ii v kiuw w beu you have deihpur Mlaa Dli alio on Yea. wui write Tub buM a Uue as souu as 1 bas dt Cided In the mslicr. A lluohoad celling lHrorre. Tbnmns Huh sues In the Hrooklvn t'lty Court fur divorce frum lua wife suaau, on the ground in t her finit huinamt was living an uuttUorred a hen ah mar rled the pinlnldf. Th- referee'e reeort vi- - fsvnratHe to divorce, hut Jud e Prat aool thai proofs ol the fact the! the f)ri hu hsnl WM s Ire were not etroug. Coun- sel proiu.tod lo make them The Cabana Waching thr CHy of Clonfuegos. Havana, Js v. tl (via Key W est, gsth) A re- port Is current here thai tbu tuaurgeute ou Tuesday i euler d tho city of Cieiilucgos. snd helped tOeexealVOl lo different sniclea. The) afterwurd inov.'J iowsrd the Ut), and men set fire tn s coast ateumrr lying at the m.arf. Particular of tee affair gya asutlug. A Itevolallon ta llayil. Havana, Jap. A revolution hsa broken out in Btytl. it. revolutionists are in poseeasioo of JaOOXl I. I hi' h ia or ttie port I .n OlOb st P .rt m Prince tu tie ehwoJ ; nut Mr ltaa-et- the tfui-Ir- U teles Mlnlater, who la the PnasldeOl ol ihe club, bis retused lu ac ti the d maud. i - m Uevlval-- i tn Pennavlvanla. Mlt.nvnn, Jan. i. Hreai eacilometit le mani- fested ai Utr revival ineeilnga now being held ta the Metho.iiit BetieepBl I'boreo here, anger ihe direction uf tne lti v.lt. w t oiH'land kar .eei rev ly Us sre also Lu progress lu uesn every towiuwiip in Pike county. ItcHtea i t leu r ii v k t'olea. Bdward lbck. nniui, of LH Liberty street, tine-ms- n for the Western Uuion Teterrsnk Coiupany, was severely injured vesierdsy by Uie breskliig or stele-gri- t dt polr on which bs was st worn si wuoslcr aud Ceual liraOta- He fell forty Ave feet. Ualaa IHoaeeolatod. The Heneral Term of tbo Supreme Oourt affirmed the Judumont of Uie Dyer sad Trruiluer la the Doian coae yeeterd iy. Au appeal u to be uiade to Uie Court of Appeals. One Bkavlugs Itauk Lett. The Harlem Hivtngs Hank on Ihlrd avenue It I not ineiudcd in the list that have closed. FLASHED OVER THE CABLE W11ATWAB WORTH It POBTTBQ EROBt K V R O r K 1 BB TR RHAT. Tbo Vteaalt of ibo fighting Near f1sewoee fspain Tbe Alfoaolaio Camplelelv HaOaoal la Ihetr Atlernpt to Peaetrate Ibo Tessa. LoNnnv, .Inn. 2.- - ThpTfTrwonrTvepyynV ent st 8an stlim suinmarlr.es the results ef the fighting on Tuesday. Ou the tight and rew-tr- e boyond Hernanl ttio Alfonslsta wore aaav OOOtfUi On the left, Iff thev really seriously to penetrate to Vera, they were com- pletely b .filed. Hon. Morloiiea returned to HehAatlho escorted by two battalions of troops, and camped on the onptttrod Dosltlons. The writer gives ttlfl following descrlptlun of tew fighting on the Vera roud : Oetolo-r- i eK in tbe afteroooa the AlfeisifiseomeO I to ue Mceeosful, At the fo .t t f the conic yl hill on tba I ibipaof tbe gn-a- t moeitaln, whnrr a ill Carhst b tta Ion was n bed, Ihe hot p.irtjea ea jl rh meed Ire tor mi hour. At 4 oYlork the Alfon-aa- u s'trtupie.i to advance with th- - hayonet hot thev ro II oollen eefers tbe niy lire from Thra ill I could tee tin- Car.lsis luBvtaa tioir loam ns. sag srasTJ ohargin-- f down tha hid sttrr tt.nr retreatiasj fWm fats. An tniervc. ing ah.pe hid the eouioaiAato iBfoi ft otn elrhl til fr a the pr-- r r up roseh of tne sttu id IV ol iiiusko rr ma ito UM of tii mruu.-- frwa ! ffOOJ the m ',,T. fort. I Judged die bkrtuu a re r Hoeing up their nee s. IH It is ic'to flli h dl ih heo that a sbnttUanenejS dlfl movetiism la nebig iiuile In (tie f( ..t Navarro iH and Biscay, if 0. a VeTf r wdayaw.ll nrov wheiae IH Carl SOI Ii end". i. or another campaign Is to drag fj lhn ugb th" coining summer. Ileal 8a I Skiiasti tfJi Jan. "7. At Harn'iinondl rmf El temav the Itoyahsts captured sixty Carltua. one JH cannon, and one murt r. Hen hmui cnnLlnnaa d bis adviiut o inn. the Intorlorof A baitks II is luimlnent In tne Urol Valley. ! Flehtinc en the Treblojo Head. 1 Raoitna, Jan. W. Aeixiiiiit from rVlsv 1 vonlc ho roes ad mil t he defeat of tho luaurgeeilB M on the Trebinjo road on Wednesday last, hul iH retirement that ths Turks were I u greatly nupe- - il rlor numbers. Ibcy admit a lom of IM killed H bv the Insurgents, and aOaert that the Turks fosO i:a). Anuther BOOOUOt says there yvere two B simultaneous engagement un We J need y. The Insurgents were beaten on the Tr. Miijn road. fl i ue ..i her engagement nesr Neum res o I too la 9 a Turkish retret under cover uf the Ira en? fl their men-of-w- off Klek. fl London, Jan. 28. IteutT'e telegrams Vb-nn- deny that the rolgnatloa o ' vm fl Milan, off AervlB, Is contain plated. - Prtaoa B The oAolal Turkish acooue fl mont on the mnd bu w ,.e off the erawr asy tbat tbe tnaui-gof- - ' rehlnje and fl to ten thousand. - rfl ""'nberlng fromeoveai fl after a Bevo' .ere dispersed in all dirrsiUcaae Ibe rur-- " e engagement laetiog Ova hour a. anumbcred only .t.uuu. Tho Kacllah Kltaalloto. I IONtyoN, J m. 88. The Tore BaBb Vrritti (newo I paper) of Roftir, noiielag the repart puMfihrtTie BaO Kngliah papers of secret negotiations betwaen the iss- - I treios menibera of the Anglican dergy and the Vast-- I can, looking to (he accession to Home of ths wkese fl hodyef rttuailsta, strenaously denl.w tne existeaeo aa I any Bhrh negotiations. It ssr there ts a p hsa 9 tuus sevtvt iiiuiRiiit-n- mmu the hnush ProtesbssO, fl toward leturn to (be glnrums unity of Lbs. fl church. The IP v. t .Me.Kk Oe.uge Lee, tbo VlcarWj fl All Salnta. un (., to whom tbe MancJiesinr (Jmm- Itfl i 'in' l.ondou correepnnttoni oredttad s tetter to Arotw S bishop Manning and ihe protnoUon of th- - peUUoo m fl tho Pope ou the auhj-el- . Witta to tbe bta.iretfa Oh fl dtgusuily denying sny counoctiun tnerewilb. fl The Rxrplorailon of Central Africa, fl Lobtddn. Jan. 28. - The Qovuminent baa fl nrderrd her Mslesty'a steimsnlp S riut to sail from tfea fl Island of Ascension, where she is now stationed, to IO mda, on tbe wet "- nf Arrlrs, sn 1 to tae aboarO W tbe paily Of Lieut V. I. ( ameron. w ho ha pint inatT-ho- LS through die s uthern central pni t of Africa, from taa fafl Indian Ocean to ihe Allan C Tne I.I titrtiani'a na iro afl escort wl oe ts sen to Zanr.it sr. Later ndvtnee Iran fl laianila rt port tnai bleat. ;aaieroB'a health u fully ao- - BM stored. fOOJ (lambeitn and Ibe lladleala. PAbtOi Jan. 28. Il Is stated that the Ttadleaxe fl snd M. (isinnctta hero come to an Two former will aeoepl the candidature uf M. Kr yclnri for mm tt. He mte in t ini.. of If. Qsgnhat a's serepUnsj fefl MM. V;c.or Hugo, ..ii, lUu.c. lb", j t. aud Peirst. I Twrnlvdwo New lllabopo. ROatB, Jan. Sri. At the Oooelatory the Poeai fl uouiin iti tl twenty-tw- bin .;... laelodllg irtu'-oo- H Msbeoef Mar tu 'in iPayafM boa off M ntllnj Mure- s- L lto.ii . (i ot at. llyst uitha. Caiisda snd Tuigtf, Hisuogeat afl lHUburgb. fl A Raa en a llorllord Mnvingo Raalu 9 IlAitTroitn, Jan. B A run upon the IMnan fl 8avtnga liana of this oltv waa begun on Weilnnailay aad H Continued until this afternoon, when tbOM who hod aC dr.vn nut their money found thtt th rtnnors wtd fl led to tne ruu were wltboni ft.uni'ailon in fact, aae fl comuicucud to t unit tbelr money. Tne bans U j" H Tbe Terror ol LoaUtana m The Loui-.i- . uia Benato yeatordaf appointed a mt Cotiinillter to I: Vinilg ite Ibe doln.'a uf tne baa U eg Pfl if styled Hegul.ton. In ihe parlasesof r .at aad Wsaa H rsdciaaa, baai ilatou H iu-- uud a.. Htduua. fl Hun ed to Death. jfl Hapanki-- , Out.. Jan M, l ho dwelling nf a web frro r iui ue J dt.i Kelly, living me ryea- - din ga statmn, waa dMIO) ed by ttre laat night, sua ale. fl Kelly perlaUca tu the Amiee. fl Another fr'.ffort lor l.dward H. Htokoa. rounw llor Charles DrookO appeared befrMsy gM Oov. I liden yest-rda- again to nrg- - hliu 1 pardon WJB affl ward 8. otokea, Tnet.overnor pounvuiy decdasd. fl Ths Lveeuui tluve Plgbt S'eve Taylor aaya that John Dwyef has oa4 wn sivea alM evea ooo eeitUi neither naa Htuve's pertiiai tBM of tbe elaaea been Witbarawu. Oeteg for Fowler's Ken Is. H A petition ts to be pri tented to m.l . r A Imw H der lo ilitv, .....ii, Ii is lo nu.oyt W. A. nosa fofl ths Glff works Ito ml. fM t. oi rire in J ameet own lfl JatneH Owen A Co,'a flouting milt at Padun-- r H Ky.. w a bureed on Tkursdsy Bight, ' 9fl uauraaoe, ia700 Hj t'ompHmeni le a llullet dmirr. Bj At tne oloao off the nerfonnnnooJo tho 'nenoj fll i ii. u ie in t night, Btage Mtui.igm bl. Conaiaaliaa oas 19 preeeulru H Kb s lockt-t- fl Joining thr I'm t v. jH The Jorooy OltV rellgmus revlv d has sprovd aoi among tne police force, anil flic latcft coveruaea MB Bcrgnauli Ueritr sud Tboutpaou. pffl Tbe Hegbun Law- - Hogcaled. H OOLtmnt itO., Jan. SI After a long iHaniiaaiBni H the ee a patty Vole pSMcJllie lloajt. U.l to SW fl pesl ine Uegbsn isw. t'ruabed by a Perrv lloaf. fl A. F. OafTlson Of ra Meser de svennn, Orooa- - JH point, was eruabe.l het ui tho owat Bad aae Ifl brh.ge laal eveuuig. Bfl The Link BelWOee Two lllnsra. Jf Polios Ctimmlaai nor Wneeler ami fdlantae Arlliur wore cloat t d st the Police Omrsi tOice bast OWJ night. 5 Closing ih fcveolea Bchoole, .M Tbeeeentng lohooli In wmi nusburgh cloeeor wllb a.propr.ate SIS ft laOB Ml It BOlOjji ffl Koforetaa tbo Kgelag Law. fl Seven Ibpb-- de .it r of the first Ward vaan ffl held in luiii iu the Tomui Pottee ( nun .. iur- FAfl Ths I.OOsVHIlo tValhlao flateh. H Ooulding and He Wit fin la lied tbeirauotb mno U iu joo goosecoilve hours yesterdai uioruuig. flfl Tbo llentlUoo Hajearo hdiDra, Tho atiiiaoripiloua tor tue nan imory for the aowiiin Haffiioubt ootooai tuici.ooj. a ffl Mill Opt ruilvt lit -i- iioiou Wort. PftOVlDKMOl I an. 28. Kour-eo- hundiedlooeaO are ruunuig ai Lonsdale, H. 1., to day. Bffl Tho Wonther oni. e PrwdloUan Continued Warm Ol IU y wnalhor, with arena ot rein, foiiwwrd by colder evotbor. JOTTJ.MIH 4 tt OCT TOW ft. Mr AUffUltln Oalv'a latent hit, " Phpfe. at ttst r o Aveuoe Tbaatra atatiaaa Prof, 0. K. Ilrnokett's lecture In t'o .pec Hoiuw fl this on " Photogrsphlc i hemlstry." lr I A. 101 DO bta idtnlb iigod t'upt. It nt doe La shoot lor ths borilifiu ul aioud ban e tor IMhi isaaOi fl 'ihe Motropolltonbaflnta Hank, I ondl hug SV mn aboWB lu it eial'-unii- uf Jtiu. I goon luyeaa- - FOH Uieit e and a eurpiua of 4n!,.f V. The polloo Unnimlaalonera win uermit tare menihers of in- - Jodnots noriiuaaetiskal tiuatoveae tn .ska at the ball In Morruaui . fl rid ward J. Bhnndlay. bvlnvhsesa. 3r arresti d yeateieaii on a Judgment for am aa in a bad ffl been obtained uy Mr. laaao J. ibieer, was roleaoeOss) fell own parole. ffH ICIixaheth McWIIIHtna, Rllou Watte. K ata fl Jouee, and Jobn Ureim. Ol l.tg Wot Twenty arts aUroO. H Were arrested lou niutu ou cnarge of a leabag 00001 fH trout a yutltor l ev. uiug. w WffJ Klleii to in a widow with one uhll t.ls sick I of consuntpt ou In s b.o-- moin n the laird florjr of g70 svfl AreiiUttA. Hhn is dstlliulr, an I it ol iu b gal tale fsfl tho auo. i lor noe pagui ut ut i.i. MB

tile.loc.gov · 'voTsUl-L- 1M. NKW YORK, SATI liDAV, JANUARY 20. 1H7(. PRICK TWO OBMTBL ' UECt'TlVE SESSION TALK. IVI IJHlH W Off BOB CO. Tht.h-i-a UJ III ';. i vi kMMfl I I" ' 1lir

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Page 1: tile.loc.gov · 'voTsUl-L- 1M. NKW YORK, SATI liDAV, JANUARY 20. 1H7(. PRICK TWO OBMTBL ' UECt'TlVE SESSION TALK. IVI IJHlH W Off BOB CO. Tht.h-i-a UJ III ';. i vi kMMfl I I" ' 1lir


IVI IJHlH W Off BOB CO. Tht.h-i- a

UJ III ';. i vi

kMMfl I I" ' 1lir Ceneh ! LaborK, llttrd rinffltV r Brook- -

JJ , , ht. w ereieoeteo and Mr. Hrrlmi

lh routine--II.''I AtOAV,ol lha gglelatufd wore unusually

todol Iboef In Ibi riocntifo soa.ion of

- i.v n un. mn,. nl lively. AlterL hml II " M "r ,1M,'r M" S '"!,'wnr,h

- .if f ri .tudft Of Ml Kighth10 hr

(i ,..,,.. al I ii referred to thomm Dommtttt) i. I. ' Woolln. t floret m-

two undei tho if-'- ' "l 1 ,le"k nml 1010 M

Utroomii adjoining- ehnmborld thM tbo

Un bid i una I ,,,r Nlttlffl 0B!Jr t ., , prel 'M tin' p il "it Ion of thr

pr,,. dliwtof etuilMloOi. Ho thought

thcr ii" I otn9 ''r'ttk or twoph wher

lhn hi ui r. i r .mii bear ..ii turn tuI ,Mi ,i , nod he that 4 critical

;0( i... ntnild nnd all 01001000 immcdi-- it )i ;lt)

gi it mi u n l dona he

thf. .iii it would" h better t bold these eeo

H Dp tli u t IfI VI ull the ptptfl an tq i'

he Iif ,Vi, ..' - tin. ght It would Oil much Lot-lii- r

o ho "I uptfl aenel ii- -. uiitl IpoltO of the inl- -

asereet ntatlon the ecttonof nenetor BnononOth I I eaOCtltlfO ftOtfOtt winch , .iii-- l In

g Sv v rk nowftpptr and lo wfelob b wm o

atftd I hiviot it wttb thi DfnooviHiHf,,rvi' ' lnl M 't l ii' o. Thli hftd Hi

Ifo uir EffltflOfk h" tri'K rtatlr ir

rrti ,M OaUOl M hil not tfn nlM t" Feoiiri'for hn no i rTficolp o a ootoniiltoo.

lkt'1 into ttit trop 10 'onntiiilv fit andhi OJ Ml of n xi'ftcri tivWHlllnv lla bid

tftatflitnti Ha i "l Indowl boon mHfMriMnifd hy 'tu' i tuiiit1 I h;il he h id VOtOd with thniii-i- r.t- - TbOUff Iik m r.f tit Midtlrcu il IU( h, ya he oral hIao ft HMMintcnn.H i or l.id nut been tre itd rlifht id thesittT of oa rotiaac. M nrun c untv, for thnpot iv 'tk Bh bail dona In tondlna a rrfurmerto Oil the cnt hnff DCOUplOd hylhl CanalKtt.a Peoatoff " had raht to

itn oonatdartton ui the hand of theKapohltcan 8ooata lint he nttf tu aay Itbill ii l hit. The old mid ntuart

in fit Sonatewho underaiixid the ropeeiiirli hMtt-- thiin he did. had to tf.b-blf- i

at) ill thf tla.'e. pa bofl Hiid all. and Mnn-re- a

( nit wac Ipf t out in the cold. It waa ancj e pfhh h be felt kvt nlv Here he panned

wlie mat a ter. and wound up hv eaylnvtit it btJ f iiUift ha1 hprn greatlv lacerated andbia rirfnin a Sen tor and ml.' of the Htnteof Y.rL froaalf tre upled UpOO vet fur thotake of paaci ipd hirmuiiv tn the Mepntdtciur nk "ti t t tha eve f a raaldfBllaJbaWMWilltOf to "TerluoU all tht had beena mi,', and ns tlOBI In p ace and bar nonv.

vn ipbbx ii k9.fT re-r- affected the aeniltlva Jaoobe

that b aald ,,mt If Ttw of the irrueit mlrepro-eni'tii-- n

f th Senator It waa no more thannh i i tna ban "f aai racy mould be loniovodted Mr E ueraoO allowad In print hi aneerh.11 wn if oOlf cbaru e lie ftoul I have fur a

4 It had bOOfl raltmed hiiii in tn &penaen tie

I n DaO Coli fn OPOOOtd to Mr. F eraon'a9p4 ' rnatfO. Ha knew that t hut Sna- -loi had Dan batiU IfOOtad ; be bad Dot receivedthai ronii(iaratloo notch nn aMinitM etui tbegtrTtfl fllil brilliant oatlVOM Tit It led htm to.But ba tl lUffbt ti e time hvl coma when everyHrOUbllO it who I. ad the fcotlof bin paitv atbenrt ou(hl to lal bTaTOOOa be Hi'- and notthriov nu mora Brabraodi into tn rooia of theierti od ImpotiMu adocoaa In tho nastrfaatiantlai hvaaa. Ha had no doubt Uof Til tenaaaierretl uruiug uu this troubla inoOi

in Sen toiItaroJi tba air.'n took the flu r i nd "ft red

an imendmant to hi- raaolutlon ho that tif;la iua.ii e p ai f tha ipoachei ol both

ihould ha prlntod for ctrculatl nin the ruuotlat of all nroo and nl - ,:...twanti Mf ihouaand udditi onal fof tha ue olthe Demoi ratlc Han tor.

u ri de ateltedlf pTOteatad aaalnat thoaniuiidnirijt. aiid Oaoatur Kinrwou nun nnmPmr. r- - i b- -. and wa:uer hul bun I abort n a.roae aii.i -- aid ihnt upon rrfl'-rt- .ti h dtdn I

urit i - ip itoh Mnntod. He would r ithoi iuff run i r too vntarabreeaptottoni '.bat hoi brmupoo blfO. lie did not w r,t the peopleof .mj iir county to itnoar the reacallty that hadben golna on tiere an I bow almin-- ! ully he andth'-- had ua d In the 'i on uf

Me waa willing to cull It put If thewould pfontUM not to d o nnv more.

Rare Jaitoba withdrew hi it, taflngbo wu biippv to aee t'mt I eu e and OaTttOOybad RaTain been rnt red In tht HepnhlicaiiranUn, and that the oat lamb had been rratoredV the V. iOBh lie waa ufrnid, however. Ui it Su- -

ator Bmara n would rtarai iiothanic bid hinepecrh printed umlrr ofll dal n OOtloD, when heaaw the ir.rblcd m DO r in trh rti it w ul I beraMrie t tn the New Yora inurm tOniOfTOWHa was afraid bo Would Offath oep .:bli teeth In aiitful-- h at the iiiH inor in which tieW'uld be rrpor ed. Jtu Jacob4 waa wntntr. fofthe abo v1 bj a faithful report uf thfentl-- e proaatdtnaT!

In the Senate Mr. HUM Introduced a bill prItJiiig that neither fie Invalidttr of tllf le.iae111 ut. d lib ihe New York Board of Supervie i i f preminrh Ihereaitor u.ed and ocu.deda ar u rlea or drill roifine, nor any defect in tbelawal povr of the board tu order work or

oil eald ' nonea or Urol rouin ti

t to July, ISTCi oall rejodlca any chum lorrent or for urU done, provided tttfl W0T4 WUat. iiy doue or tho aupplim furnla icd In ifoodfaith. It i Iru provide- - that In all prtTlOUltatlona itriflog out of ettch olalnai wnarotbatla '. iff ha been deluated or DjOQiutt d hi OhUaauiii b do foe I In ihv w- ot the Hoard ofIdOl - . , fit fh ll DO OntltfOd to anew trialloo tu ibo boatttt ni n. n- - ; this old.

IAVINGI UIUban iti r h indon introduced a hill ifnondlhf BQ

rt oi u tveir routinaf to wnooi loetitutlonii10 01 to ma ie thn I reild-n- and tftiatOOi tndi- -

tldvallr liable foflba booootOAd falthfuloxo-eit- iof that r trusit. and I m poolB0 a penalty

if Dol l -- atb ti )" and one ui' irn--

Mnmanti one or h ithi "n any nftjeer ff lUOOOmIII utli i - who nt.a'l inlauiie or inli.tpprcprlatfui ol (half forma.

Mr Baaden IntroiUfOd a bill orovldlmr for tfemen I ba the Moror nd Oornptfollor of

H Y ;k.i h n RflOOD dav a after tbe pgaeaooafibU ft. if three rorrtmlaetonera, who pbatlatati i qm nil elalnt" for iace oi irauorlaa hd

r r .'i , lake v w ll n rofarODOathere and of anv ollOOOtFoB Of fraud in onnat ii n therawltlb and make their POO ifl Mla'tt ne within ttnr vdiya of r tbecalm la

nrjfi h to ii,. i. It they nail find that anvinch claim " tuir and Jimi, and untainted withbaud bet rthali report that fact and the amountau tbe oil! men! on a f lr and aojulthhla en-a.at- "

.1 Lt. y due of t u Ji pre m sea rented. Andti i h amount BO found in be due BOO0

aiaim u ra "iiaii tu by toe Oomptroilor nut- -Ot thlth hng any invalidity Initio powvra of tbe

u ni sui arvfaura who tented auoh pronlaoo,want Irregularity In tha m aimer ot vieuutinganon

aeiiH'or MofTUaev iTenented a remonatrahoeMi w rklngmen and uiechoriloe In New York

Bum tbe bill which baa already poaaou tbeaaaeniblv, HUthortllilg toe roriuuiartlonera ofuniri i I w tork and kingt counties tow ii no rk for too pattpoaand ootivictounjjffjlo! i' barge, henator Jaoobg norad tojt

ii v h ' hi already heeu reported favr-Jhlfl- r

tn the Heuato t utnmtitee op t'nl a, lie' tj ii .1. o tnt eouimittee In ordi ribatfyi la ll tniL'ht be beard. The motion

a ii ttii A Mr. Rlgartni Introduooi n

' '"' Bineudinanta to tbe Hro kli n eburtori' ' n " ald to in pate iron me Hepuhlh an

Jpotiiiati uf that city, leglaltung out of oali-- e

thy i iiiiiniaeinnrri of the vario.tA depart-'llC"- u

did itllitf department with ilogleJf41! '" m inted by tho Mayor arid Bord

i hi. ii. i,, air atoiuhoa the Audltor'aorn. md mabaa Hohuro u i tho Comptroller at'tu an irea y art 01 under the munl-PDa- l

lliiverninent from the Mayor down aboutafborrent,Mr. VVtj arm IhtlodUced n tdll which provide

loktetirp rati m myy he tunned In aov town orlrf I'' Jonatru' ttngof buraa rtiroaoa or

; on i n.ti ti idea ol eglatlng roada,tbl Pun) ut oi ton pioperiy owoera

itg tiie prop .m-- route and ttie fooeJ autoori--Hull have bi- -t i ueu oOlalm d.

9 lit. nkw CAPfTOlefjo'b rlyawaeb thoflovornof baa held the

gtying tt,, uw Capitol UommlaaioneraPawn ut g.4 cert a 111 mouoi tliey bad on b ndmpn '' ittluix aione for iti .t butld-'-- '

' dl a l the Cupltol baamn tbrniiMed every day wild ab nit: ' Hi Irod Idle rfoiittc.ittvra anzioualywj in a tha Uovernnr'a notion. Yeueri y

ki""'1 '" "f n Oltod upon Sen-- rBtnriieigv, 1I1f mm to make

H ! to the Uovernoi to alin the bin. lntaWare

' " thriHDU too lobiueH ol the OhPltoat La

""1 ? tiauaJ with aionenitiera, andthe r"' Mr N,",M BOyooain waited uj.on

' 'or. In Ii a m UIU tee h relurnedM Miiu them that the Goeernor b d eiirn-- d theSua. V 9 BlinouuOOiiM nt Whl received with theBip mae, end l" day every one of tbmte

T2I A til0 t,,u "PPirtunity.f'uri,1r l0yiOht tO the Parnate the

STK?. il. zVLiu M. lnworth of LoekportTb ojri judge, vice Latnonu naooo . dKtbiWi rr!,rraU 10 abo Bianawro

Titti MTOBT OP 1 tnrottrt:.The Urn tV lierrailon Ihnt avna rnmlinl

I pan yr. llnrv Ai "leanre.Tbf) fJlTOfOO of A lOftM Mopiirco npninut

Mary A. 'rganre waa on the OlrOfidOf of theCourt, (lenerai Term, yeaterday, on ap-

peal by Mr. MCOJ irge frooi en order varatlne adecree of divi that had been gran'ed bin.1'he nmple were married at the Amei'can O

In ftoTOMt ID nnd thev lived In ft -v

IN until 172, when the wife OOMI to HVl withtier btiabOfld'l mother on hi iten Mand. In t.

HT4. h"r tin bund came, Hit did not r un-

til inn ite with or toll on her. Itotb wMed tobe dlyorood, but the wife WOO DOt wtlllnthathrr hiialnnd bhl old get a d' en e unle-- aher dtld get one from him at the mine time.

The bttlband sal I he would NO a lawyer. liethen lutr duceJ her tn Wm. II. ti tle, a l.twver,nml a decree wn obtatllOd llvlOfl Mr, Meg iriro adlVof o. on tho MpOfl i f h referee, for adulteryof Mr.. Meg Iffe In th iir nd Union Hotel withone J ma H. Held Win OB tt- Nth of Novemt'er,lf 4. tu June u motion yvaa made, opVnpimlnOUa ifldayll , to a t natde the dlvorro,Mr- - Meararjn ileelartim that (i de met tier ontha 6th of Movent boi at tho fo ri do iii wafntno to hct home In New rk. N.J., un l toldtier that emtio one in the Grand I'nlon Hotelwlahedtosee hot ehour tb dienfOO), and tinthefhUBtftTO, He to k her to a ptlVOto pari r,nd under? rloui uretelta kept nor tboft till it

Waal m lao to go home,Judge hia. who ttninted the decree aet It

ieldri BOylng It wea BAtlafaOtorllf ahown thattha p raon reoiaterlno hleflaell In ttie iirnudITnlon Bf " .1 woo H Baldwin ami wif t, iNouh-keepe- le

aiw in fact Win. II. Hale;that be had err ng-- with two pereonawho n; ie red m WltnOOaOO to followand watch him while Iih Induced Mra. ?

t accompany lorn Pi the note), that a groaeCiaud v an pra tiaed upon lor In InuOClttf tierto C' to tne hotel, nnd that tho divorce waa ob-tained by eiittoruatlon of pcrfurv. thoutiti thepfoofa before the referee were eufDCtcht to Jua-tif- v

tdf r incluflonat bin of the wltneKMea tetlflel th tt Oale. after

admit Inffihat he was tbe leraon who DOBOOdaa Haiti efm, on being gekOd whether anything

in roper h td ilone Iiy hinaelf in i Mr--

Meirar:, replied, 'Thete waa tint, aa aura aa(iod la my J idee."

I be order vacating tbe decree la now aougbttu be reverted.

two MOHh: ri runs hi isrn.Move Of the lifting- - mi Two Kmploveea ui ihe

Adami Kipreaa t oaipatir.For alx yrrw prior 0 thai 5th Of Octa

bri laat the Adaina Fxpreea Companv emtdoyedu R. VcMahtm and Samuel Haunt, and

both tnjuyed the oonfltlenre of Mr. John !! ,,the aupertntendenl ; but bOlh were youngn en, and tbe former apent much of hit time atthe racea : nd In the barrooms. At length theywere dtacbOfgedi ajOjd OhUOt aecured a poaltlona barkeeper In a public bOWOO at Vi l an 1

South at roe la. and waa there visited early In thecurrent month bv Ida whilom fellow clerk,

who, i xhlblting a bunch of brja keva,nald that while he waa employed by the AdainaCompany he took Impreaelona tn wax of tholoka of the aafee known the I'ttUbnreb andNee Vortt eafes ieiHotlvey. Krui thoae lo--

aal ml he had had keya made, and It ueededonly ooportunity

ii .utli eeeminglv to tbe pdpoI, b'ltafter tbe uf Lie ftleioi bo Jfacta known to Mr. Hubert I'mkerum. f theBarrel rervb'e of the Adame Lxpreae Oomoanv.McMah.-iiwa- not rrea ed. but merely Invitedto i r. BObt blmaelf at 'he office "f the detectivearoncy. He complied on the PJth I net., and w aInterrogated. He b div pionomc-- .i ih.itor.of 0 UOt false, and a dd thai the pmpnaltton toroh (he r uupativ waa Uraf made by Oaunt, Mt -

ahon ackn wiedged bowever.tbat ba h id hadboom koya in hN poeeeoelottt and t xtii ito I themtb QaUnt, but he pleated In OSplOOatlon thatihern ro keva not Riado to fit rnvpartloulafI tick, and he hud ahown them merely to teat thehnnooty of hla former ebum.

The onaulng da.'. Coiin-tel- r Vn. F. Klntrlngnn bOhall pf MoMobOO, pr (.wea that if Mr.Iloev would aband.oi a orloaUtal proaooutloBitha duplloeto koya ahould i aurronderod ndMr.Hoey aaH th t if Me M anon would ponfeaoall he knew of looia nyatoHoua robborfea tbolh id i oeb commltU'd in the uftb e, and aupplvill other rcipilrod luf riuali n, lie ihould heire ited nol hntnerclfullv. ht wv not c'ededtoby Mr KlDtatDftt and all further DetrOtlotionv u ab mdooedt

alcMahi a wo oeeretod aooaewbara lo Ibo gltyup to FUOOd tl nbr t laat. Then ho Het Helias not yet ben arreitied. Toe auma of nnnOVthat have boon atolon frooi the oonipnoy withinthe pat two yeaia aggregal a !arne amount.

Hitli Ll t r i.v JKKSBT CITT,

A I, ltd WaahlBaioii Ket eiMlen ibat will Loibe K emeiubered.

KopLoj1 Hull. Jorooy t'ltv. projawatid abrilliant ipOOlOfllO liut night, on the OOOaotOO ofthe Iady WHaliiiigltm reception. Tbe audllo-iIji- ii

Waa 0 hloaa of light, and tba waJU werefeatooned with bunting. Knim the p3ne)e ofIbe bxea hnnat the t MNttO of arma of tbe thirtv-lefe- o

PtOtOOa wblle on tbe southern end of thebutldlnii, enshrouded la a rluater of evergraenaand aibllax. waa a llfe-al- portrait of Hen.Washington. Jn the balcony b xoa were Hew.JOOapbOi Hedleaml wife. Senator Loon Abbottand Mra. Abbott, BxArney-lienera- l (illchrlatand Mia. Uilchrtat. Hupreine Court JmJgeaKnopP and Li.x ui. Mayor Tr. phagen and Mra,1'iaphaaeui uud num.roua olbna. Tho cruaiiw - great.

When ttie curtain Kate on the RepttbMooOcourt the OUdlenoa a lieu. OeoraTB WasiiliiLt ui In the purs ui of little Uenulo Hedie, andMra. waahlUffton In the DOfObn of the ietitoMamie NaojUO on a data.either N'ue were .Itthu Ad ma In powdered WishMra. Nellie ('urns ami .Mr. Cutl-- . with John J y.The Utt r 0 aa roprOMhtOd by AI an . ibM kie, agr md ion of es--t han ellor ar ekle. The (li andLfaher eoa repreaonied b. wiiue AhbotltWhoIntrodueod the w.e yaltora4 who bowed in aat iteiy m inner to the BSOOUtlVO and hla lady.

BverV dreOa waa mado of the Oueat ailk, velvet,and latllli 'i ' c .re waa t ken to reproduce thea .me lumen Mid liJtei' head aa thatportrayed In thO painting by II .nb Huntinrftnii.rabloaui of Coluntblo and tba thirteen ftatee,rooreaenti d t, i idle and Btngini ty the YoungApoj ' 1 1 lib followed the entertainment, f

with the miuuot aa dattOOd In 'TH.HetreahniOnta of all kinds were served In

memorial china o iua tieailiur ibo Inscription,"Manha Wunbiugton Baoeptloo, Jan. IB loTO.'ThO laUOera bor the folloWlAgl "17711- - 178 -

Centennial Company K, Foutth i.noted aa a a ard of ho uir, and tirufulia'a handluiniahnd ttie nittaie. The proceeda go m aid inthe er. CtlOO of tQo New Jeraey Stale out.diug attue LVntonnlal.


An Attempt to Kit) bta H wee l heart Blende blmle I'liaea lor Kiubt Vrara.

On tin 10th of lu.at iMiibcr PfittiokHbonahoOi a Dayonuo junk dealer, rourdi rouoly.t i. u and stabbed Aliou Cunnmgliam, hi.IWOOthaart He tied 10 aWooklftti ami was capturodi He atuutly maintained his Innocence, amiAllot although hutTeruig from a dangemuawouud In tho abdomen, peremptorily declined tomake an, xplsiiathm convn timr her lpver Heyraa brougtit into the C urt of Special botatlonateeterdaa n his own appiica ion. nrofemni tuwolva Indiotment n (fraud Jury. He bad beardof Mim C luiiiutfiium's rtcovery. mid was evi--

ptiv Donftdt nt tbol ihe would rofttoo to tootifyintiiit bun. He Hbambone I all hur, however,

when Ihe woman took tne atanu and luld t dearlytho aiuri of the at outpu-- murder.

Bb00 h ut was culled to disprove her atorv,but be heal tOtOd a moment, a lid hen uoknowledircd ilial ma womati'a ftorv wa-- s true. Juuge11 off ii in bouteoced bin to eight yearn tu Siateni uon.

A ( ne aallh ibe Hon ol Teara In ItThree years ago Mrs. BlllObOtfa l.amrdun waa

ahln to draw a fOOd c leek f0T IT6,00) hue lnveumllargely In tne Ht aCUO oamp uiceling enterprise, aatl

. i baavilv. Hfie owund t two tul dlnits s.l)o.nJiigthe to a lipiartera ol Mr. Ilereii'a aOOtOty end on tbeeesite burruwtd i Toen, whea It turned oat thaiaha aoolO not meet UU iDtereal tin the mortgage, Uioimutdttgee, .lantea I oairtui, Infs losefl. lie euoar-u-

n if laeifiied ne Jud .iiieut a nt lo l.au-de-

n. Mr i.ra asteooeu ll" liuin of pay-in- .

m up n receiving audMhuial Mra. l.tngiloii ii'iw aiip'-ir- bfiorv .luiKn n n h Mr.i.ra ue retrained ir.nu ae llug Ins hea up n Hie pnmtrty, and that tue Im- eipuimmi innu tin- rorordaami dm lared vnnl on llit gruuilU ot uxirr at Idf tlinr ofthr oraiiipl I una or llry. and at various times aluceKi J iler l'idiai and ( liarl W. ) yn.u apueared lorIt.e niaintlfTa, wnd teariul Tiounaa 11 OUeanuau fur uneof in- Mrt It Ihtelpa. JudreI'.. .f. ii touatus Mpt-r- yoait-rdsy- rcaorvlug his daMelon

hill Of l't,-l- T

Th4 OirU uf a mirror of romance,heauurullr nnnteo. tAaieiullr b us t rated, flptd witbItorV, rOUia 'ol rgla wdh HUtUerUUI asefoi deparl

Bta i Helllnneit IB'! nei' '!' l'n;i"hi aruersto rorreapvxi.Puiia Ui n t goti', lashlou, and

i o. wph ju.t what u.tTatral want lo read- u.iar ver oeu paporl Now readri ovtoa Are Coats.

Jack BorkOWny Itlvalledf" Kerirua aVurnaughl ; or, I he New Turk H y s."

I.e., i. Alaen'a g.eal Mory or IKTti Iteadf U W U. SUO

of 4M .oio J if Mar V . iuf. a if.

Everybody aaya thai "Tne (iayeat Hoy InYork " la one of tho boat sionea ever written. It

published In thr Hoy nt ihe HurM, nee ready. 401.

Frank UAU't PnpuXnr Month for Vahruarrready , al ail oews i cv.a u o--

juck Unrkoaroy ttiTaiiedfM Keiuna.jjhi ; or, Tbe New York Dora."

(leu. b Alken'a grmt rtory of 10711. Head Ui he. NOpf i'.f HHu- dug OMr t ti J. r.

The Oayeat Uoy In New York,' the great1" of metrnpoiban Hie, now tua 'r ta Mo. IB ftf lbstn4 worut. o


i HOm r rt or in i. t;nn.trrr PA8i on I' i t r t i it 7 I i.k s.

What la Tenabl ou Brooklyn lletcbte-T- ha

fleadlne oi Home l.etierw Aaklne far l.eutcra of lllaaitaalea and Iteeernanendetlon.

ThOfllM Oi ShMrU'lfltfi pfajporj nrotnul thodoor peat liack of the riymnuth Church lectureroom pi f urn Ihal night, and, nut seeing his be-

loved paster, hastened out tu meet him on hlaway down Orange street to tell blm th .t therewas no bttetPjOlg on h ind for the business OJOtV

lug. It am OtpOOtOd that the rhurcheto heInvlfod t the odvitory COUOOll would hnvo beenbOird from. Bo that the llet and the letter-missiv- e

fJOUld be prOOODted to the church, btll thereWOO a hitch Porrewhere, ftr which no one vouch-safed nn explanation. Thl Ht-v-. Edward HeocherIn tbOOpObtni pntyey Mkod that the elementsof niton it Ion and dlfferenco In the Co;irrogn-tlono- J

denomination mUht be rotnored. and thisWOO OOfaBtruod bv some to rovn.il the flOIIH oftho dolof In the council. Ihe pastor open-ed bis talk bv a iylng : Any way that lanot disrespectful and conran bv Whloltthe aOhOO tt ttie Ihvlne prOOOnOO and tbe IHvlnerhar inter may be brought nearer to ua and bemade t floctlyo Is pcrmi.s-.it- . !o, 1 her are in thythat would be abookod if I were to p k of(lod na a gentleman. They would think It wouldbo vera Irreverent, and ret they en on reuentingthat God le a Mob. that H Is a lamb, that He it aro k. thai Ho la n aheap, that He Is a el md. thatHe l a Bhleld. Unit He is a DttOklor, that He la aloaf of bread. th y ko on and reheat whatwould If they wore hoard for the fin.t ilmoa neahooKtna things to comnare Almljrhtv Hod to.Hut if we select thai which la the typo of Ihomn t ooneurnmate excellence ki.uwu oi mm00th0 probability is th t all the reportersWould fix sll'een oi lmtlou polnta to It andput it In the paper, and It Would eu out to theuuiiutry with, ' Ibis la what la taught in Ply-

mouth Church.' " IL iugbter.1The gee en 00 of the talk waa that theChrtMltn.

Bbould i Hod son tie manly and app'naohhim not rtdlniglu tho di.st Bl before un Oriental

t, tiut as one littla eentleinau would ipproanh a oeraon who wv a very much greatergentleman.

Just before the benediction Mr. Ttecher readrequest! for letters of and recom-mendation from Cnarlea l. Hiinoao, FrederickC. Duncan, Hoorge K. Duncan, and Henry A.Duncan ; aleu a letter frum Mrs 11. fl. Duncan,akin: f a tetter of olsmlaant without any

recommendation. Tbe llsttucluded every mem-ber of C pt. iMincin's famllv except blmaell.

The b.. aloes meeting adj uruod almost aasoon as It was organiad, aubjeot to the call ofthe chair frum tne pulpit. Hury Waru lb e. herlluivard, assistant clerk, aerred for the tlreltime. The failure to aet the Hat uf churcnealikely tt make up the 0dVl0Of council will op-erate bo put off the meeting from Feb. la, furwinch date It i fixed, and if ttie churches fall tureepondfOa la predtotod they will, the cuuu- -cil o,a never bu cell d.


tVhat a Person who Heard tbe Mtory froasthe rrofeaaor'a I ip rave sbusl tl

It wufl oscoi tnlnal yeatottloy thitt Prof.Mosea Coil lyler made known the Heeeheracandal facta In bis possession lo three personain tali ctt) -t- wo genUiujcn ana a ludy-w- ho

that tbe facta u printed 0 Tnr Him arecorrect, tho only point In dispute telug w hetherProf. Tyler said that he had r ad the confessionof guilt prepared fur the Church by Mrs.Elizabeth Tllton and given to ' Hirer Jonnson,wiiti the reouoot th it it should bo preaeoted to.Mr. Heecher for his surna me. A letter writtenby one of the permits who heard the story fromPrt f. Tvler w.ia. yesterday, aUown to a reporter.It OOPtOlOfl the following:

The facta as aisled hr Prof. Trier In th nreenee ofmiseif aud au utie. Kuileia i on the Id of Jsi uiry,1070, were these I Thai on tbe Utli rU of Pt umer,ia;u, wnt'e viettiaa la New 1 era, Mr. i y irr cad. a upuuMr Til tOR, a it a lie tl hr waeQ in una i nil, at tueoffice tr t r i t jri. He fnuna Mr. Ttlnui in reataoirow. Mr. Titer wli l Mr n,-- to diMloae 10 himI ho raoic of bla dcp'eahni. Mr. Tilt '0 rep ic.l itiel betotild ntt .lo i. Tilmn arldfU. (ihrer iOliv- - r JobOSOB. tiU elit ri IQOWB all aotnit It ami he inVtell mci." lyw-- sPt Oliver John.io Un t i bnu(Trleri tu Vinnn lih Idm. Tney went i - i

tn bruadwer. near he tr 11 aiae luriti Ho lunrbl j r said l a' O tver Jonnaon td turn ths' " Mr.Bevcher ha I seduced Mia Tnloo " Mr. Tyler usedIhrw.i vt r a .r )

Hr seta, moreover, thtt th dtsrinanre made sorh SOin uimu bUB taat. lltboagb lie ut i kt t p ai sn reiti sru;, ha uu a in, mac as ore do u j i a:lime, aid that it )e on the lltri tlar of Peceuilier.la.o.

Mr Tyler aid that dlr.' tlr after Pie pubM nMnn brMr. Tdtn if I ta letter io Pr H rea, lea r h rea .:ayalUtranrd. hi' Tvbu waa ly i .g upmi a couch lu .a,. u

the e.llt.irial r..o.i.a f the Cht run (' U n, whn acardwa nrought iu py a i.uv aud I id upon ohvrr J.dinaoa'at.iiue. Mr. .I 'tu.fon ini'irf .ail PriNH-u- y, be a.i.', Mr.Jonnaon rauie in, and tutu lis own rnoiti Mr.Tylcrsaid he 'ierd Mr. J. hiiBon sar, " - 1 will ,anil aee bar. He e mte out, aud bad Mr. T Irr that Mra.1 lu a bad aent for hpn b coins to her brother officela Broadway, snd I ttnu. Mr Tjler aald Johnat.n sti.iw.ed tn Mra Tib ui'a esnl ana - Mr gOhaeoBwei.t nut, in arm aunie Mm- - Wheo he reojriodbe told Mr. Ty lor I tat Mr, l iltou had cni' to tind outfrom tdm wnnt Mr. lieer bar ihea n r lu ilo m mhw u(ne publication of tro iter n MPr ; that she BOM shewas 00 aiiittiiu; .Mr. H et.t r wish, u her to uo.Hut Mr. Johnson .: Mr. Tllt ui had drawa up s stateiittii or latter ci eee teas tea of un-i- r uou u r.Io, w Ichstab u Cmt hey beuevee tBej hail thenea of lo I. siitj f ry n w aaK ' i tne b.rireneas nf allataoklod which aiatriueot or Utter die nropoBaa tofUMii.t Mr. B- - cuer Pr falui to - aod au mil iu

in uth Ctuircu.Ihe further details (1f the conversation now

remembered aro that Mr r said that afterbo w i - taken intti tbe f in f'tf m io helptogiiido l a aff ur- - f.,r Mr. HOOChera a ifetf- - therewaa a continual droaii In the oflleo ainoii tboeewho Ui" of his tfolll leet aome measstte shouldrea lb t hem of his an I Ide. Mr. yler uleo nanl thatbe bad told th ei facta lo the Hev Dr. Eddy ofDetri K. to one of the odi ora of a Huffal u poporiand to other pei.-.on- In every oaOO lu whichIn lie rer was In doubt us to Mr. D0Mb0Ta u utlthis taots carried conviction.

Prof. Tyler's atiiiuiru nit denial provokes theperona lownom be told tne fnoioi and is uu- -

.factor, lu Mr. Heectior'a adhuronU.

TUB H it in: ( oath.The Truth AbniM Ibe New I nllorm for tbe

l em - f .nd Ht tiiiio nt.Col. Joslah Porter Of the Twenty-eecon- d sa'a

dial Private bonis Itaurr'a Ircular to the BMHObera Ofthe T i Ib'tfbaeut in relailou to the newuniform is conepiruoas lor Its iimcurerr. 't he unlform wns voted by the tmard of officer., after eeveraiinontbs' QallbaratlaOi anil each company vole i for IiWttb the ssmies before them, arm auli a full knowi--

iie thai Ihe tu extra required to p (fJi i eaa tor thefatigue uitiforin. Mem net's mar k p their tl I fulldieRstoitaif ih i wis'i. lnate-t- of tbe new unitoiuitelt g inferi r to the old. it la hriter in eyerv w v aodi ! lai) lees, and t tan kin .a of puiitalnoiiifor full tire s and fut'gue, the new hin of tn-- prov bi elor only one. in- I. hluute la of as flue oioth ssthe old full dress av rtfioWlall. atol the nOO bin dl t Mroek la of the flue t Weal uf Kegalid white cloth.

Meuih. r who lutrr oitlv a anurt tluu lu a rr re tr quin d to iToeure ihe m unif orm. Tin- - PUni exh tine lu each man fur tne rhanae la only U Ih- new

iiniiorui lua hern ai'pruet or 'he C"Uiaiaiiiier-iu-i lf Privatr itauer may be court-ma- Ulled for

the circular.

The Peril, ol Ihe hM reel.Mr. Qeo, K. Want Mid his fMhlODObly dressed

alfe were pi duilff In a aud In the Pro kirn Kuprt'iueCourt yesterday aunluat i;ie Atlantic and Pacific 1

Company f r 0..O n tlsmagos. They were rl log-

in a coach up PoltOI Itroot on Pre. il, Ihti. audben betweaa rolloa itroot od Hed iiooa tano the

carriage we etiuckt)ya pub' it. at badbeen w akened the BtorfOj The pollIhiotigti tlto catliago, Btraei Mra. Ward over the head,tool hul for or lint an J tcr uff, muet doiiht lene herei u ill lalnred her. Aa it waa. see waa severely hOTtm ana Ii t hutoatoi, and bolh were f.r a .ouafiiinuunder meduai eltenUa ice. Tiie rase was nut fiuubvd.

Africa VUlled bv Ihe Police.Two mud-- c dored bricu bulldluge,

s parsted be a i uurtyani, iu lUv rt ar of a lilch la a third,but latgcr huilihng. OOOJOOfed a o7 an I fU TbOBtpaOO

slrert, known to tne police so Africa, wuie raided at I

n'eltck this morning ay Qgptt McDonnell, HergeautsKnl 'ht and Iteilr. Pelt lives Mnrphr, and aDial n of patr.ilineii. A'rlca, Ihe properly of Mr.ale wart, wm. leaaod o Jsko Pat i. a c doled deaner uio.

rOOUU sre rented two dollaraaweoK eacb.In tho inree buihlmgrt uweil over one nuuured pHllaue,(tin. iie, nooroaa. 01,1 11 ' "place has heeu die ro.reat of tblevra aud u,uruiarers.

A Prominent Norlh Curolliilna Hhot.Hai.kidii, Jan. H. On TuaadOf afiernoon

Ad lphus Moore, a ( rnudnent cltlaen of AlsmaueeBOOOty, and a nirinher ol ibe insnuf-n-larln- firm ofHolt 4 Moore, al llsw Hirer station, was shot iiytitorireW. Hweueun, widclv kuuwn In tunnect on with iheflnam i if of Nt rtii Carolina. Mr. Moore led

ai Bight t 4 O'clock. Mr Moore waa lutaaing theii of Mr. Hweuaou on a ifunmur eaucdilhui, wheaan all. rea Ion took place hole"u the two. winch resuited in the shootinc. Tha friends of Uwesau claimtbat it w.s au eel of self defence.

The llaudhall t'bamploawhleThe return mulob for fSuU heat four In seven,

by Phil Casey and P. McCarthy against tt. Mctjuade

and .1. t'eenr, b. Madison slr.t. y eter lar. resulted lathree g411.ua to e rb t outl , aou the oouoluaioa eaapoetpoued tu ThursJsy Beth

0BQ t PaTJPS yor: IH79.av

Preparlna; to filer the llrnvea af ihe Wigwamta llolal In November.

Tho AOtUTaMntTlftfiy County Cnmmlttepmet it.i evening to oreanlae for the eurrertyanr. Among the delegates were ex fVnatorMichael Norton, Creamer andHoo evolt, ex District Attorney Oarvln, 8 na-to- r

Huhy, ex ftenntor O'Hrlnn,Hurr. Justice Alexander Hpauldtng,

the Hun. Ira Htinfer, JamesHive and T DurOOi lha Hon. Kmaouel II.Unit, the Mofl). BuflM K. Andrews, and Messrs,QajOffpJi H. Purser, 'I'unv Hartmann, and HarryKurd. The lion. Irn Shafer wae elected perma-

nent Chairman. Ho was OOOOftOd to the chairby Creamer and 0tf ttdffO Hnrvln.Cotiteatliiff drlegidt inn appe red from the Fifthand the Eighth emi lv s. Mr. JohnFurrell. of the Fourteenth Dltri-t- , Imm redwhetlier thorn was not a oonteatlne delegationfrom tho MiieteriC.h DMrlct. The ChalrnunrOpttod that he could not recogniae any contest-ants from that dlstrlot.ua he hid receive thecroden'lals of only one dOtOflatlOOi There-upon poiine Justice Murrey handed to the fJb tr- -man wh. t purported t be the credonti iU of gc un Bating delegation from the Nlnetoootfl Dls-trt- rf


"I'd like to know w hat Judeo Mtifrae boo todo wtth the Nineteenth llretrj t," aald Judgehpanlding. eseltOilV "He helonn in

lb tro t. I come from the Nltietceu'hDinner, -- mi inf there Is no corneal there."ApplauseJlHtlCO Murray withdrew the rredentlile.Mr. Katieout'a rramlUlloO itianklng the Inde-

pendent press for its md in the defeat of lara-inan- v

Hall laet Intl. ami urging a thorough or-ganisation In each election district, ihnt thepart v may present a atrong front against

at the next elect '.m, and the Hon. KuftisF. Abdrowaa rooolutlon rooommondlnp tha

; t t charter for this city re-cently introduced in the Senate br Renal orllixttv. were adopted, and the r immlttee ad-journed subject to the c dl of the Chairman.


Mia Ponanl Dlamlsaal freaa the Jery CltfPreehyterr Veaterdar

At thn litat mtH'tlna; of tho Jerscj ltjPresbytery, the Hev. John S. Olendennlng askedfor a letter of dismissal from the Presbytery totbe Presbytery of Peoria, HI. The subject causedeome debate, and waa finally postponed. Veater-da- y

the Presbytery met In the WashingtonStreet Preahyterlan church. Jeraey City. Tbeortglual letter ot dismissal aa drafted read, endcommend hliu to the regard." Tbe Rev. Dr.Edwards objected at yesterday'e aesslcn to thaphraee. Hr auegeated tbat the Utter be madeto read, " Is dtsmlased to the care of the PeoriaPraaby terv." and on nla motion thla waa dune.

The tubol ttuled letter mlaalve la addreaaed tothe clerk of the Preenytery uf Peoria, and clteathat Hiendenulng waa arraigned on hla own ap-plicant m tve fore tbe Jer-te- fit Preabyterv In(Ictuber, lHIt.lu anaaar t'hargeaof unmlulslerialcom! not, and was convicted n one of the (.ountaand by way of aen en-e- tils pnatoral relationedlpsolved; that he gpf ealetl to the St nod, and,meanwhile, without consulting the Preabyterv,continued io neeaeh

. . .. wtmree rroea wateehe wa diapoaedt laud that the cn appeal,sustain. the BOtlOO o the PreabrUTV. Tbe let-ter cl aci with the statement that thef.icteareDot recite i to Injure or prejudice Mr. Glenden-nlng- ,

Out aliupiy to Inform the Preeotierr ofof tbe nature uf the offenae.


A Racy from a l.ariy Hedrowm Wonae Jew-elry Awnltlaa aa llwirr.

RotUI ni ngx from u onll, -- it t .luy noon.Mra. K uabeih WUaoo of iia OllOton place foundthe door of her bedroom fastened. Lookingthrough tbe key-hol- e she aaw tw o burglars In-

side. She acreamed. and tbe burglurs apraiigInto the hall. One of litem grained Mrs. Wil-

son's throat, and throw her ..gainst tho wall,and then rushed down tho ItolrWOf after bisOompOOl ui. Mrs. W ItaOO) BTPUeod her fellowtenants With BOfOOfg and tti-- pUfOtlod ttieburfc-lnrs-

, Olhccrs Jobuaou and Jullf joiuitig luthe puraUit

The burglars ran Into a tvb- - In MoDo ItOJOj y

and hid themeelvea, one lu a feed trougu,and the other In the hay l .ft heueeinI he tmig'ar tn the tr igh Waa eaaliy found, butthe other waa n t found until the lines of aPitchfork had prulded blm. Near hlro werefound a Ml- locket nd carde, chain, a nalr ufttohl rOjCOlOta and a pearl ard 4 ar, b. looglOOto Mr. Wilson, io Sergeant Vung the burglare gave the names of K.twara White, ofKidridge airoei, and Jotm .Murray, of lal Forayihaireet.

In Muitiv's pooketo were an elegant soldWitch (No. '. made by Aiuri Jcutl, ch.loai d in. the Litter being lha golden figureof a lamb, and a lady's heavy neck chain andlocket. Justice Mor-ia- coniuitlted V ulle nodMurray.


The Trial of a nnaOMtod and hla Wife far theKilling or their Child.

The trial uf Henry U. nmlVreol ind for tba murder of Halph, the former'sson, was continued in the PaaaoJo County. N. J.Court yOOtOrdoy. MM, Mary K0 key loatlflodthat Mra. Vieelnnd told i. r on the Monday e

to ftejph douih that atie had whippedblm ao that she thought ate had killed him.i he Hev. J. L. llernar i. teacher of tho ecbuul atHu rdville, leaitfled that the buy was In goodhealth until that Monday, when he o mid Itiedof tujiiig eick, aud thai tie uoy had bruises audUta ail over nn

Alameda Vreeland. daughter of the aocuaedpereuhs, tcstitlcd tbat tier mother hea It Iph onAiuiiuay with a lathi knocking him all uboul thobouae, and kicked film in tne groin a thai hecould not w Ik to aenool, Her al uer Anna car-ilo- d

him part of the wuy, and ahe and Kdgar tneroot. Vo , mother tieai hfm often with any-thing she could get hold of, stove Hfiurs, clubs,or broomotloka phyabuan waa not c olud toattend him until Filda., although be bad beeufevunsh aud d moot of Ibe lime.

Almabuuae AbnaeaAt the HiveMtgatlon yaotOrdhV into tha alleged

eouar in the iin-eu- I'taiuty Almshouse ou Psrnuurslalan t, .lohu r u t her. aho was ( ntployed on the lalOOd

as a baxar tOatlled Ihal ho lia.l seen s pauper, Ch.riesIter, i uler the window ot tuie of the wuiauu iniua' ee'ro. in In tne uiiri.t oo many uiff rent occasion-.- . II teat .Hi d to the Iooae uisi.ner In wide It fiipp lea At rr ued,aayiti Ihal DBOOb W0B w .sled He bad aren naupert arlng sne la to piee. a and tuatilne elotiilug of lion.The k eper of (ho l knew Uut, slu tual theyui gnt do as Uiey pi. as' d.

FuglltvrM froui New York la California.Ran FiiAM irtt ti, Jan. JCM - K. NlObotaOO F.ltert,

arreatctl by s felted itOttl Peunty Msrhs) a tew dayaago on a requiHtlou froin the New York aultioriues forforKtnii fulled htalre bndrt, was reinanoed yeiTdaftea n w vara omoer CnSeey n. w Vorasnlved ut hecraiociiio Uol eveinnv nd in'Hcnled srett(i)illon for u.e ariohl of BOinaoB ft MMMOj lbIrwin Ueued the warrant for atr-l- . Uoauuulatl Is anillu cwuLnrine.it h- re.

Anolber Jury Nine lo Three.The trial of Frxncl F. Marshall upon an

for arson, which Okargoa that be brad Ida

a If 'a large human hair at ore at ttie U wery and FourthBtreel DO lOOdiy. the llth ot July lad, lot the purposeol otfisuuing I lauraOOa eouipaui'O. hi eoiliuudml la. Int lu bl duciiarKe uf tho jur ai id a oYiuca bet euaetl.ev eollld not aaTea Thn furora al Ma nine ttir ac (put(al a ol turre lor coitvbtiou from iit tone ihry retiredto UvblHiral'' up ta the ume of itn-i- diet harg.

Hudden Death of a New York Lawyer.Ham imiuif., Jon aw. W. h. Horufayer, a law

yer. trom New Voik, died anddeoly taal uigtit at theMalttiy Home, e few miunies aflor roachirg that hotel.Mr. itori.tavet reuc.noil llaltiuiore nn Hie In P .1 trninIroai Ken V rk. and wala. d le tne Mallby HuUie int OUtpaOy Willi n tra el big m t .. A cr I waslound on Ida person givma Ins address si Wi Ismkin- t, New rk, He wiia well dieMed,and apiareutlraliout tW years oj age.

A Watcher's rauletde.JAMKA town, N.Y , Jan.W.-- Al 9 A. M. Norman

BaliOdayi reepei-Ubif- l fanuur, went to his bieauolatbeFl room M wa.ch htm during tho reel uf tbe utghiAn hour later seresrri from Ihe otdg Bllrinan arousediao family, who, on entering Ihe room, found the soudying from a leirihie wintnd in Uir (ureal and tneuiher aitung up lotiking i lifm Healde the dyiug manwas found a knifo.

HuBt ring anioug IVorklunaiea.'fit an r t a p v J .ii. 08. A larfO uieetlng of

workluguieu waa held bore last night, aud a cotuwitteewas appointed to reoreiooi to the Gommoa Oooaoll t'otta .nve nuinlair of uneiai'loi ed were all laactual want, aod to sa ihe ami body (o give thi-i- aoinework, In order that tfirf may he able lu ..aop theuiaclvcsaud Ibeli faunbes fioui starvation.


Tllf: PB08 BC VTtOff'A BFFOBtM TO vr-h- iI i n i: OKFKBCM

A Claud of WHnoe-i- who Itnd Not Noticedthnt l.nndia waa lnano The t'rlaoner'oConlrlbullona lo Iho Vlnetnnil New- - pn per.

ItitUKiKroN, Jitti. 28. Attornry-Uenpn- tl

Vannatta does not propose to leave any stonemutinied to upset that portion of the defenceof Ch rlea K. Kandis that atlompti to Jnatlfythe shooting of ITrt Curruth on tho ground ofinsanity. The witnesses who, though on termsof close Intimacy with the prisoner, failed todetert any symptoms of mental aberration, areneatly aa numerous as thoae called by the de-

fence to prove Ha position on this point. It Itprobable that l.vidi'a cauncl. In surrebiittal,will fall back upon their third ground of dfence, fhl , provocation, which will nceseltBtetbODfodnotlon of numerous ifttOlM putdlshedIn the Vlneland fiidjx-nf'nf- , ridiculing l.nndia,and will thus tint lOatlOOObly prolong tha trial.

Chenter M. OoOdrlok was milled bv the Platetn inipearh tbe tettmonv of Tr. Franklin t.ane,who In bla OlfOOt cxtmlnitlon ho horl

.no again and tigatu that his wife waspert et v sane, and In ted lug him a wn aatteOodthat he was not OOOolrtfll blm. The w tineassaid that luitnedlatelv after the tragedy Dr.Lane told hnn he Was bo surprls"d to bear ofthe occuirence He hatl exiie tod H foraometime, sou ho added that the BtttClOO pobilsttedIn the ! ,'' had made Mrs. I. ndis ins nn.Dr. Line, In Ins ex nninatnui by tbe defence,positively denintl b .Vmg told CueotOf N UOO0-rlchth-

Mra. Landls'a mind waa in any waydlaordered.

Frank Hlngham testified I hut nt a mass meet-ing Lendta awd If anv man preaont favored the

1nfh UiJ ut l ariv In Vlneland ho de-sired to molt thai man in deudly combat.

Obe witnOaO after another was . hy theBlate to testify nlln drtoary monotony that theprll uier had not enown eny eymptoms f a

lntellet.Tba Attorney Honem! wished 10 recall Fd I B,

Hendeo, but the Court rofuaed to admit hla tes-timony a aecond time In remittal, saying that Ifsuch b oouiae waa permitted tl must ooen thedoor for au endless mans of oorroboratlve teen-mon-

Thoe.C. Kd wards, formerly a witness for tbedefence and Inclined to believe that handle'smore marked eyinptoma nf Inaanlty were dis-cernible In hie ti.ii i and dlsoourtoous bearingtrwanl hlmself.waH called bv tne St ite to Identi-fy certain Articles published In the VlnelandWethly which Landia ban written prior to blada pax ure for Kiirone, leaving inatructlons tohave them published In the IFreJcJy. with hisInitials allaoned, end beanug datea correapond-In- e

with those uf his various letters. heaearticles purienrted to have been written fromLondon, Cork, and other places In Eu-rope, tut luo witno-- e admitted baringmade such uiodlflcvulon lo them eaIn nisov tostaneca left vtry little of tho originalcomposition for pu ll ation. They dealt withALMlcultural t o(u e and tbe wltnesa eelectedthem for the H'c kly lu ac ordance with 'be vanous cbaneea of lbs season. Tbe witness hadseen In an Kugllab newapaner a reportBi eecn delivered br Mr. I .and Is ..Au Hull

wmctt w... .; s ,,ca 0. u.prMlc,,K.flir a Blowing uI..kv un Vin.land. Il ivtbruuiiuuut .ouiid, legtoM, and r .ni.n.


The iinirii in llrooklyn for the Pool 1 on Tacaiod br Uea. Meeernde.

Tho riwtpnutlon of Ocn. J. V. Moaerolefrom the command of the Eleventh Urlgade,Second Diviabm. N. O. S. N. Y., has created atlr In Uiooklyn military droits, the "jueetloo of

a successor being ihe exciting cause. Hen.Meat role p lively decllies to withdraw hisresignation, despite the request from Albany todo so, and w be pulling for tbo vaoatit positionhas aiieadv beguu-

he i end I late mentioned are Col. David K.Au.-ll- n and Ca:t. Ira L. Heene. the latter beingHen. Dakln'a oholoo. The re ent defeat of theQeoeroJ'O Wloh aa to tne oom naudar of ttio Fit thiPtgade, will DO doubt So repeated In tne ehrO-tlo- ti

tn tne Kieveulh, as the offlcera ofthe dttfereul tegimei.t are unwd img to give ailthe boiiors to a s'afT officer, aa C.tpi.Heehe basti on un il tnnpreieut oar, when he acceptedthe command of the UoWitlOT Hadery.

Col. II. K. Hoehr will not be a candidate be-cause be 0000 no OhenOO fur tierm n ag tlnetatx vuiiwfroin Am Of to n regiment-- , and uol. II.C.Ward koowe thnt the votes of the Hermanroglmont, i hi and the Korty seventhwould aro against hi n, ao tue c.intest uarruwadown tu tbe two fli .4i mentioned.

no.wK WABfiisnTon Torres,The l.ouialnno etenalorlel Qoealioa-Hoadl- ag

aXaaila Back lo Kollaas.W ins.. :.... m gA. The HenHe tommlttee

on Privlirtas and Flections ibis moral tor, after a pro--I BOjajed dlacassion. drrtded to report back to tne Senatethe papers puiporting to be ths credentials uf the elec-tion ef J. B Kusiis a hsnstor n Loubaans, withIhe recoinnienuai ion that they do on th table withoutturthrr sen n, because ihe ommit tea Bad that, at thelime of hta stieed election, there w e ni vneancy.Tina report waa determined on by the vulea of Me

Logan, Ultebel .and Meuiian, a(taiiibtAuaoury. AU'rrimon. aud i K.pfi tlr Wad. "igh uf

N II , ami Mi C 'Ihe nib rente intemiett bv ibe majority 10 he draw a

from n:- - r u i:.f Ked g oov rutnrnlwassdr Jure iMiTsiuuieut.'aud that Mr. ..... aa .,eirt tod.

i lurkvvealber'a Foneral.WoAlltMOTONi Jan .: 1'he rem una of the

late ('oiigreaanien MarkwaOtbOff will be taaen to hlaIn. ins la Nurwte i, tonn., In Cot. Thorn s A. Kcutt'sprlvste Mr. which be baa tendered for tbe pur-M-

, Iran, or here at A. M. nd ar-riving si Nora st 10 1' M. The grutle'in awin BOOOBlpaoy the na . s ft tletieisl Jew-el i ibpita null ten ti rd id UKdo. u t.t irr f, Y ,Hoar U as" i. llrnute, l.a:idera. Sc1 Phelpa (COBB.))Poatui at r M dwel. mi. a Alia. i onney. Net wico tel u pr aent. live Kidlog - of t oaie ciltdt, )1. T. of theHartford ' if, A. B. ltvuucton, and Pepuiy

Arum l.iMll.ridge Mr. Mm kw at hrr a ill br ac mbj Mra toorgr M.Iaind ra slid aim Bvhigton.

Presbb nt Mls'ion td the S. and Hartfurd lUil-- r

- win meet lha parti a New Yor and convey iheuiover nla rsd lo a aprcial train.

A Democratic ConfereB--o- .

W AsniMii.i.N, Jan. A meeting of the Na-

tional PeraOCratia Kxecunre i. u. waa he d atthe Arl.nglun Hon-- Auguilut tit hell, Chairmail, tin motion uf It tudulph ef NewII wnn reaotyed to . it. an r m ii ana aotlvf orovniss-tton of the pemorrsilc parly ths i Stafor tbe camuai-p- i of iHTa nenator ltm.1 l,.h waseiioaen Vice ( n Trinao, the Hon W. It. Darnuta uf Con-oi cih ul Treasurer, and A P. Panka of Mltaiea p.l t

M cretary. Hpeaker Kerr, v ePare, (lor- -

eon, and t veneoai and .,-:.- . uai sudotaera werap'tieut.

Dlverao Tlewa un tbe CmreacyVY ArtiiiNtjron, Jan. UN Mr. Boluien exnreaaea

the opinion that the fouinuties on llauktue amiwill reptrt fo Hie Ihuise a bill tb1 Hpocle

Kcsumiiilon set, on which will be lucorporsted provle1001 making It impossible for Inmaelf and those ap.poet d io aoob nieaurei to .upnoit the btll. air nnmn fieiievea Ihal mey will lucto pora'e s seciion pro-i-

iiag tor tue ultimate reihein. ut ana puviti. tii ofgreeidiscKa in coin, or s si cilua u.. uIt na. oauh at l. in. to winch llr. Hoiiuu Says ue IBuuelioreDly oppuend.

A Trlul tor trwon la Jninalea.Hatfield Saner of Jamaica, is accuaed of hav-U- l

eel fire lo Ibe old t odwute inanai n that was de-stroyed s week ago. la the eiannuatlou b fore JusticeItonurtt, OOOUWl tried to ahow ttmt tsaui-- and AdamBghwaleooarajtii wb. oeoopied ttie oteaeioo- - ears nwainrMirivl sntl eneiulsa. U waa inr il thai Sjimr'ailaug itel puic uato'd BOOIS lar at the houac, rum ItIs komrtii to be hfutwn mat .Sauer burned leb.Uhflngbjf pic it thla Mr r Hie bosd- - aud selling It Ouii' Public UplliiuU la fay table to Hsner.

A It leefed Lover's -- aletde.Iot;iavn.i.R, Jan. 2ri. Alinul Roddlok a youth

tillers years t f sge, formed a itaeou aome munl-.- sgowith ths wife uf lavt In Narbville, Tenn.I t. day llrs. Itces fort sue Heddlrk rtunuig lusee her, sod soma ittN laier be went intoher LiodMnu's sp ii in. oi. t, pioturou s plaiul, sudkilled hliuaelf Hcdh k BveoJed fond ofMi. Heea. The I murt 'a Jury founds verdh I of

ami ubargt-t- tbu wom-t- with uelug the on use olibu deed.

A Itobher who Throws It. d PepaerDetective Williamson sireslod Hernard D.

MoylaO yesterday, ou areqauniloii from tbe Uoveraorof allcblgsa. Moylsn ts the man w no was arrested oaItiapirion of attmp g p rob John atesru pf II.00Uly idiudiug linn with red pep.er He ai. theu 0ciiar-'ed. Mr tpcariia not riue aide to I mui Iff lum.This lime be I wanted for stealing XftOu n I'sirirSlb l.auRidln ..f VVeyue county, Mlchtan. Hu was laaruWet yeat.-rdiy-

A Widow Itobbcd ot all her Hour ?.Mrs. Annie T. Wilson, widow, of Krof-por-

Mnlne, reported to (be police ufflcr yesterday that to-

on her esi to Hriatklyn she wa ronted of sil huennm r Mr Wilson h i.i tnmed sit her nrop'fty into

to a lucii wae nut I oo. thai sue uught an to Csli- -

lorou, eOera r diugher Is dyi ig of cjusuiuptloa.Hhs was tak'-- care of hy Mra. Weiw.


i td. tloteh and Dlatrlet Attoraey Oyer WBSM

wilng Bp Ihe MeHeo Cwoe.

Bt. LotTis, Jnti. In tlm MoKew trialthis morning 00i Vy llllam H. Hatch, In present-ing the first of tha closing arguments for tbedefence, devoted himself to an ar.alyala off tbeloovlmoejy for the Hovemment. aaacrttni thatMcK-- e wae the victim off conspiracy on thepart of Kngelke, Fits Hoy, Thorpe, and othersto drag htm down aud throw In the shadethe helnniianosB of their own . crimes.Flta Hoy's statement that he enw 480paid to McKee was pronounced a base false-hood, and the unrwMonahtenees of the olrcum-atan-

and the conversation pointed out fromthe fact of the of the men and theirprevious non-acrj- .Hit anew. Knieelke's luter-vio-w

with McKee nt tho UWH ( fhoo was ndmlt-te-as a fact, but Lngrdhe'a version of the sub-

ject mailer waa doolamd wholly false ou thetoallmonv of llnlih-- , Maeulre, and Hardavtay,whose st temetit went to abOW tbat Kngelaeflatted McKee to secure his Influenoe with tneCollector to reloaao ao ne llquore selgnd In U0loratio, pieventlng an exooauie of the Hlug. Col,H nlch iUso dwelt al great length on the confoa-lono-

the Uoverninertt's principal witnessesthat they had been guilty of stealing, of perjury,and of arson.

Ids rtOI Attorney Dver followed with a generalreview of thn toatimoiiv. Ho said theHovoru-men- t

was ii to lulrodm-- c onfei-e- d ra

in order t unfold tbo olOOOtlC awin-nl- e

upofi ttio revenue, and ha cl Imed their tes-timony left no 00 ' of the guilt of thoseagainst whom ther .eatllod. He showed therelations of McKee w. lb McDonald and Joyce,slroody convicted, mid howensen.ld It was tohave blm In the King, that he uiteht, tnrough hisgrout Influence, protect them Innn tne powersst He claimed that Meurue'steslltuoiiy clearly estnblUhed MrKee'a

whh the Hlng ; t hat L'avenworth'e deo-I- .

ration of hiving p id him money werenroved ; that tho b tweeii FitsIt i ii. ,n.,,or .. ., r i. ike's evidence wereImmaterl ). as thov had no red bearing on theoase ; that Hohle's version of the interview

McKee uud Ungolke had no strong? h, aaIt did not bang toeethor ; that whether Ktigelkeaought hie loflueuce to obtain the releasing ofbta wblnkey aeUed in Ctdorado or not, there waano doubt mat oe law McKee about getting theHusby outlllsrv for Hardaway. This Is support-ed In all material points oy otnar yvitnesaea, andtnere la no oueeilon but that Hardsway waesoon after making crooked whiskey at this dis-tillery without paving a cent to the Ring.

Counseri analyzed all tbe toetlmony.and Inalst-e-dtbat tfie pmaecutlon had cioailv proved tho

existence of a oonsptracy, end Mi. Hue's uouuec-tlo-

with it.


Oeer 0700.000 la raee art lies Tahea-T- be

ttaah'B Lose leas thaaRpntNoriBLD, Jan. 2H. -- It la oertoin -

tthe total amount In various securities f' tytbe burglars from the Nor' hau.o- -

n NationalBank will be Quite as great as BJ saaj prvioualy reckoned. The ban: authoritiee do notv1spK roajag nHv.u

hUj f0u UP( - iDef wrr not ac'-u-

turned to examine this property. It eeema likelythat from $$.000 to tlnjui of negottsblepilvate property was stolen, besides tbe reg-istered bonus and certified slock. How thebank ns- - If stam s appears from thla official let-to- r.

7h Oicr A fie o di, Prtrt ttnt S'orthampton XittonalKnitI tuve eiaudn-'- thr condition of your bank, andti. tbat there ha- been aftetfactcd In money aari svsd-abh- t

aaaeu urtiperty auiouuting lu o.n valu toI also And that uf the piupcrtr held br Ub hank as cdIstersl aud wtuenran be ma r ev liable, tnece has neentaaen in cah vs ue 3.V7(, inaalug a total m- -iloa t the hank of Ul.i-o- . rnt had s anrnloa nf

". After riiirrf.ni! . ll titot ullre a. ii.ere willa surelus io the credit of ttie bank of llgT.to. Uponin i. eertainly yoa are to bs cougr nuiatea

Paniil Nbkiuiam.NaUool PenJi. i. .mi... r.

There Is jet no trace of the burglars, sn 1 Itl- certain that they have reached New York

or Ibiston. or boih. ll is tbe opinion of the beatbank outbuiitm th t the rohnere will not attempt to work oft their plunder, but are waitlugfor a comproinieo.


Ilollaod lo bo aerially to K arrow --

der ibe FuatilveBohtos. .Tun. 28. Tho uiitliorHiea have

taken a new step to secure P.. l. W iualow, andtho result will probably be known within a fewhours. On definitely ascertaining that ,ho fugi-tive waa eu route for Kotterdam and could notbe taken from the stestner on w blob be la a pas-senger, it was decided to make a special requestof tne Hovemment of Holl ud for the aurreiiuerof Mr. Winalow nn pie arrival In Ihal country.Accorolngly, fiov. Hu-a- Attorney GeneralI rain, and Mayor Cnbh telegraphed Hepresenta-live- s

HarrtO and rloroo ht I aeiilnston. askingtnetn to uie tt.elr Influence with the Mlnlaterfrom Holland lo indue, ma Hovarnuient underIbe circumstances to deliver lu our (Juverunienttbe body of Mr. Winalow,

An Informal meeting of WlnsLow's creditorswill be held si the 7 u.u Au fllce ou Muudaynext, ills akllful forjeiioa Indicta that be bada confederate, aa be was not an expert penman.


Vitas I me Permsu's Itefasal to Plav la lhaTart Ibat was 14100 llor.

Ml u Rfflo OorntODi tho iotrteoi eao asked bvIir. WalbMl to pliy a character in " Married in BOItO1hhe did not regard the part aa sniloa to her, sadalthough thr manager saked for a rnmpllaurte with hisrequest ou tbe ground of favor, h refused to act in It.rhs up.n site wss told ths sae whs do r a

r or t .e cotupauy, to nint h she had for in ny srsbeoiured. Hhe liss hr wi ealy wagea, andfalling to gel ths money, has begun s isaautt tu com . I

pHyioent. lb r calm Is ihti the character for whichIbe - Bail is out of the hne in Vbloh ahe waablred ioapuear. and thai ner refuaal to accept il dues not uie .ktier coauct far the season.

Tbe Hraoklva Tbenire 4 New Plar.Mr. Mand ad 'a oharmtng plav, " F Ise Shame,"

will ba produced at (he lit.. kiyn Theatre next Mondayevening. Mr. Montague, for whom tne role was written,apt r ng ss Cere ' MPaa, in whtoh the most ountiuu-o'l- i

of hi Loudon u cra.es wa actdevud.of the Boaveruos remora neeai the fortbcnming bts--

... - - 'i and o ii " uhlan la Toproduced in t o w t'cks, tuts much l fart, tnai ft u sna uio-.- ! entirely orUltml uriiua. hieed upou VictorHug"' " Mory Tu'tur," and l f Tutu the pen of Mr. J. H.Biarksyu It wl be cast wilii spuciady engage. iieni.lira. ( ha. W Pro. ike eill play tne leading role. BlissKate biaituti I'ovalrs sud sevsrl

ibrr euilscut sriiats wm .'

What flltss Anus IHckluaoa Prosnlaea.Anna Dickinson escorted another lady to the

Fifth Avenue Theatre last evening, At lit u'clorkShe returned to her hotel. A reporter met her and saldi

" Hav y.ai dec ided to become an actrona, alias Pica- -

lesoar'Mia Piemn.oa sm not prepared tn ssy, ss yet.Itrpot to. Win y n i ii ii v kiuw w beu you havedeihpurMlaa Dli alio on Yea. wui write Tub buM a Uue as

souu as 1 bas dt Cided In the mslicr.

A lluohoad celling lHrorre.Tbnmns Huh sues In the Hrooklvn t'lty Court

fur divorce frum lua wife suaau, on the ground in t herfinit huinamt was living an uuttUorred a hen ah marrled the pinlnldf. Th- referee'e reeort vi- - fsvnratHeto divorce, hut Jud e Prat aool thai proofs ol the factthe! the f)ri hu hsnl WM s Ire were not etroug. Coun-sel proiu.tod lo make them

The Cabana Waching thr CHy of Clonfuegos.Havana, Js v. tl (via Key W est, gsth) A re-

port Is current here thai tbu tuaurgeute ou Tuesday i

euler d tho city of Cieiilucgos. snd helped tOeexealVOllo different sniclea. The) afterwurd inov.'J iowsrdthe Ut), and men set fire tn s coast ateumrr lying at them.arf. Particular of tee affair gya asutlug.

A Itevolallon ta llayil.Havana, Jap. A revolution hsa broken

out in Btytl. it. revolutionists are in poseeasioo ofJaOOXl I. I hi' h ia or ttie port I .n OlObst P .rt m Prince tu tie ehwoJ ; nut Mr ltaa-et- the tfui-Ir-

U teles Mlnlater, who la the PnasldeOl ol ihe club,bis retused lu ac ti the d maud.

i - m

Uevlval-- i tn Pennavlvanla.Mlt.nvnn, Jan. i. Hreai eacilometit le mani-

fested ai Utr revival ineeilnga now being held ta theMetho.iiit BetieepBl I'boreo here, anger ihe directionuf tne lti v.lt. w t oiH'land kar .eei rev ly Us sre alsoLu progress lu uesn every towiuwiip in Pike county.

ItcHtea i t leu r ii v k t'olea.Bdward lbck. nniui, of LH Liberty street, tine-ms- n

for the Western Uuion Teterrsnk Coiupany, wasseverely injured vesierdsy by Uie breskliig or stele-gri- t

dt polr on which bs was st worn si wuoslcr audCeual liraOta- He fell forty Ave feet.

Ualaa IHoaeeolatod.The Heneral Term of tbo Supreme Oourt

affirmed the Judumont of Uie Dyer sad Trruiluer la theDoian coae yeeterd iy. Au appeal u to be uiade to UieCourt of Appeals.

One Bkavlugs Itauk Lett.The Harlem Hivtngs Hank on Ihlrd avenue It

I not ineiudcd in the list that have closed.



Tbo Vteaalt of ibo fighting Near f1sewoeefspain Tbe Alfoaolaio Camplelelv HaOaoalla Ihetr Atlernpt to Peaetrate Ibo Tessa.

LoNnnv, .Inn. 2.- - ThpTfTrwonrTvepyynVent st 8an stlim suinmarlr.es the results efthe fighting on Tuesday. Ou the tight and rew-tr- e

boyond Hernanl ttio Alfonslsta wore aaavOOOtfUi On the left, Iff thev really seriously

to penetrate to Vera, they were com-pletely b .filed. Hon. Morloiiea returned toHehAatlho escorted by two battalions of troops,and camped on the onptttrod Dosltlons. Thewriter gives ttlfl following descrlptlun of tewfighting on the Vera roud :

Oetolo-r- i eK in tbe afteroooa the AlfeisifiseomeO I

to ue Mceeosful, At the fo .t t f the conic yl hill on tba Iibipaof tbe gn-a- t moeitaln, whnrr a illCarhst b tta Ion was n bed, Ihe hot p.irtjea ea jlrh meed Ire tor mi hour. At 4 oYlork the Alfon-aa- us'trtupie.i to advance with th- - hayonet hot thev ro IIoollen eefers tbe niy lire from Thra illI could tee tin- Car.lsis luBvtaa tioir loam ns. sag srasTJohargin-- f down tha hid sttrr tt.nr retreatiasj fWmfats. An tniervc. ing ah.pe hid the eouioaiAato iBfoift otn elrhl til fr a the pr-- r r up roseh of tne sttu id IVol iiiusko rr ma ito UM of tii mruu.-- frwa ! ffOOJthe m ',,T. fort. I Judged die bkrtuu a re r Hoeingup their nee s. IHIt is ic'to flli h dl ih heo that a sbnttUanenejS dlflmovetiism la nebig iiuile In (tie f( ..t Navarro iHand Biscay, if 0. a VeTf r wdayaw.ll nrov wheiae IHCarl SOI Ii end". i. or another campaign Is to drag fjlhn ugb th" coining summer. Ileal

8a I Skiiasti tfJi Jan. "7. At Harn'iinondl rmf Eltemav the Itoyahsts captured sixty Carltua. one JHcannon, and one murt r. Hen hmui cnnLlnnaa dbis adviiut o inn. the Intorlorof A baitks IIis luimlnent In tne Urol Valley. !

Flehtinc en the Treblojo Head. 1Raoitna, Jan. W. Aeixiiiiit from rVlsv 1

vonlc ho roes ad mil t he defeat of tho luaurgeeilB Mon the Trebinjo road on Wednesday last, hul iHretirement that ths Turks were I u greatly nupe- - ilrlor numbers. Ibcy admit a lom of IM killed Hbv the Insurgents, and aOaert that the Turks fosOi:a). Anuther BOOOUOt says there yvere two Bsimultaneous engagement un We J need y. TheInsurgents were beaten on the Tr. Miijn road. fli ue ..i her engagement nesr Neum res o I too la 9a Turkish retret under cover uf the Ira en? fltheir men-of-w- off Klek. flLondon, Jan. 28. IteutT'e telegramsVb-nn- deny that the rolgnatloa o ' vm flMilan, off AervlB, Is contain plated. - Prtaoa B

The oAolal Turkish acooue flmont on the mnd bu w ,.e off the erawrasy tbat tbe tnaui-gof- - ' rehlnje and flto ten thousand. - rfl ""'nberlng fromeoveai flafter a Bevo' .ere dispersed in all dirrsiUcaaeIbe rur-- " e engagement laetiog Ova hour a.

anumbcred only .t.uuu.

Tho Kacllah Kltaalloto. IIONtyoN, J m. 88. The Tore BaBb Vrritti (newo I

paper) of Roftir, noiielag the repart puMfihrtTie BaOKngliah papers of secret negotiations betwaen the iss- - Itreios menibera of the Anglican dergy and the Vast-- Ican, looking to (he accession to Home of ths wkese flhodyef rttuailsta, strenaously denl.w tne existeaeo aa Iany Bhrh negotiations. It ssr there ts a p hsa 9tuus sevtvt iiiuiRiiit-n- mmu the hnush ProtesbssO, fltoward leturn to (be glnrums unity of Lbs. flchurch. The IP v. t .Me.Kk Oe.uge Lee, tbo VlcarWj flAll Salnta. un (., to whom tbe MancJiesinr (Jmm- Itfli 'in' l.ondou correepnnttoni oredttad s tetter to Arotw Sbishop Manning and ihe protnoUon of th- - peUUoo m fltho Pope ou the auhj-el- . Witta to tbe bta.iretfa Oh fldtgusuily denying sny counoctiun tnerewilb. fl

The Rxrplorailon of Central Africa, flLobtddn. Jan. 28. - The Qovuminent baa fl

nrderrd her Mslesty'a steimsnlp S riut to sail from tfea flIsland of Ascension, where she is now stationed, toIO mda, on tbe wet "- nf Arrlrs, sn 1 to tae aboarO Wtbe paily Of Lieut V. I. ( ameron. w ho ha pint inatT-ho- LSthrough die s uthern central pni t of Africa, from taa faflIndian Ocean to ihe Allan C Tne I.I titrtiani'a na iro aflescort wl oe ts sen to Zanr.it sr. Later ndvtnee Iran fllaianila rt port tnai bleat. ;aaieroB'a health u fully ao- - BMstored. fOOJ

(lambeitn and Ibe lladleala.PAbtOi Jan. 28. Il Is stated that the Ttadleaxe fl

snd M. (isinnctta hero come to an Two

former will aeoepl the candidature uf M. Kr yclnri for mmtt. He mte in t ini.. of If. Qsgnhat a's serepUnsj feflMM. V;c.or Hugo, ..ii, lUu.c. lb", j t. aud Peirst. I

Twrnlvdwo New lllabopo.ROatB, Jan. Sri. At the Oooelatory the Poeai fl

uouiin iti tl twenty-tw- bin .;... laelodllg irtu'-oo- HMsbeoef Mar tu 'in iPayafM boa off M ntllnj Mure- s- L

lto.ii . (i ot at. llyst uitha. Caiisda snd Tuigtf, Hisuogeat afllHUburgb. fl

A Raa en a llorllord Mnvingo Raalu 9IlAitTroitn, Jan. B A run upon the IMnan fl

8avtnga liana of this oltv waa begun on Weilnnailay aad HContinued until this afternoon, when tbOM who hod aCdr.vn nut their money found thtt th rtnnors wtd flled to tne ruu were wltboni ft.uni'ailon in fact, aae flcomuicucud to t unit tbelr money. Tne bans U j" H

Tbe Terror ol LoaUtana mThe Loui-.i- . uia Benato yeatordaf appointed a mt

Cotiinillter to I: Vinilg ite Ibe doln.'a uf tne baa U eg Pflif styled Hegul.ton. In ihe parlasesof r .at aad Wsaa Hrsdciaaa, baai ilatou H iu-- uud a.. Htduua. fl

Hun ed to Death. jflHapanki-- , Out.. Jan M, l ho dwelling nf a

web frro r iui ue J dt.i Kelly, living me ryea--din ga statmn, waa dMIO) ed by ttre laat night, sua ale. flKelly perlaUca tu the Amiee.

flAnother fr'.ffort lor l.dward H. Htokoa.rounw llor Charles DrookO appeared befrMsy gM

Oov. I liden yest-rda- again to nrg- - hliu 1 pardon WJB afflward 8. otokea, Tnet.overnor pounvuiy decdasd. fl

Ths Lveeuui tluve PlgbtS'eve Taylor aaya that John Dwyef has oa4 wn

sivea alM evea ooo eeitUi neither naa Htuve's pertiiai tBMof tbe elaaea been Witbarawu.

Oeteg for Fowler's Ken Is. HA petition ts to be pri tented to m.l . r A Imw H

der lo ilitv, .....ii, Ii is lo nu.oyt W. A. nosa foflths Glff works Ito ml. fM

t. oi rire in Jameet own lflJatneH Owen A Co,'a flouting milt at Padun-- r HKy.. w a bureed on Tkursdsy Bight, ' 9fluauraaoe, ia700 Hj

t'ompHmeni le a llullet dmirr. BjAt tne oloao off the nerfonnnnooJo tho 'nenoj fll

i ii. u ie in t night, Btage Mtui.igm bl. Conaiaaliaa oas 19preeeulru H Kb s lockt-t- fl

Joining thr I'm t v. jHThe Jorooy OltV rellgmus revlv d has sprovd aoi

among tne police force, anil flic latcft coveruaea MBBcrgnauli Ueritr sud Tboutpaou. pffl

Tbe Hegbun Law- - Hogcaled. HOOLtmnt itO., Jan. SI After a long iHaniiaaiBni H

the ee a patty Vole pSMcJllie lloajt. U.l to SW flpesl ine Uegbsn isw.

t'ruabed by a Perrv lloaf. flA. F. OafTlson Of ra Meser de svennn, Orooa- - JH

point, was eruabe.l het ui tho owat Bad aae Iflbrh.ge laal eveuuig. Bfl

The Link BelWOee Two lllnsra. JfPolios Ctimmlaai nor Wneeler ami fdlantae

Arlliur wore cloat t d st the Police Omrsi tOice bast OWJnight. 5

Closing ih fcveolea Bchoole, .M

Tbeeeentng lohooli In wmi nusburgh cloeeorwllb a.propr.ate SIS ft laOB Ml It BOlOjji ffl

Koforetaa tbo Kgelag Law. flSeven Ibpb-- de .it r of the first Ward vaan ffl

held in luiii iu the Tomui Pottee ( nun .. iur- FAfl

Ths I.OOsVHIlo tValhlao flateh. HOoulding and He Wit fin la lied tbeirauotb mno U

iu joo goosecoilve hours yesterdai uioruuig. flfl

Tbo llentlUoo Hajearo hdiDra,Tho atiiiaoripiloua tor tue nan imory for the

aowiiin Haffiioubt ootooai tuici.ooj. a fflMill Opt ruilvt lit -i- iioiou Wort.

PftOVlDKMOl I an. 28. Kour-eo- hundiedlooeaOare ruunuig ai Lonsdale, H. 1., to day. Bffl

Tho Wonther oni. e PrwdloUanContinued Warm Ol IU y wnalhor, with arena

ot rein, foiiwwrd by colder evotbor.


Mr AUffUltln Oalv'a latent hit, " Phpfe. at ttstr o Aveuoe Tbaatra atatiaaa

Prof, 0. K. Ilrnokett's lecture In t'o .pec Hoiuw flthis on " Photogrsphlc i hemlstry."lr I A. 101 DO bta idtnlb iigod t'upt. It nt doe La

shoot lor ths borilifiu ul aioud ban e tor IMhi isaaOi fl'ihe Motropolltonbaflnta Hank, I ondl hug

SV mn aboWB lu it eial'-unii- uf Jtiu. I goon luyeaa- - FOHUieit e and a eurpiua of 4n!,.f V.

The polloo Unnimlaalonera win uermit taremenihers of in- - Jodnots noriiuaaetiskal tiuatoveaetn .ska at the ball In Morruaui . fl

rid ward J. Bhnndlay. bvlnvhsesa. 3rarresti d yeateieaii on a Judgment for am aa in a bad fflbeen obtained uy Mr. laaao J. ibieer, was roleaoeOss)fell own parole. ffH

ICIixaheth McWIIIHtna, Rllou Watte. K ata flJouee, and Jobn Ureim. Ol l.tg Wot Twenty arts aUroO. HWere arrested lou niutu ou cnarge of a leabag 00001 fHtrout a yutltor l ev. uiug. w WffJ

Klleii to in a widow with one uhll t.ls sick Iof consuntpt ou In s b.o-- moin n the laird florjr of g70 svflAreiiUttA. Hhn is dstlliulr, an I it ol iu b gal tale fsfltho auo. i lor noe pagui ut ut i.i. MB