The Thames and Hudson DICTIONARY OF GRAPHIC DESIGN AND DESIGNERS Alan and Isabella Livingston 445 illustrations, 59 in colour THAMES AND HUDSON

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The Thames and Hudson


AND DESIGNERS Alan and Isabella Livingston

445 illustrations,

59 in colour


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Con tents

A reader's guide to the use of this book


Subject index




Chronological chart




Sources of illustrations


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Subject index

Art Directors Agha, Mehemed

Fehmy Brodovitch, Alexey Fleckhaus, Willy Golden, William Hurlburt, Allen Klein, LOU Liberman, Alexander Lois, George Morris, Talwin Paul, Arthur Pineles, Cipe Rand, Michael Silverstein, Louis Storch, Otto Wolf, Henry

Design Studios/ Advertising Agencies 8vo Ayer, N.W. & Son Beggarstaff Brothers,

The Chermayeff &

Geismar Inc. Cook and Shanosky

Associates Design Research Unit

(DRU) Doyle Dane Bernbach Gottschalk + Ash

International Grapus Hipgnosis LeWitt-Him M&Co Mendell & Oberer Minale, Tattersfield

81 Partners Odermatt & Tissi Pentagram Push Pin Studio

Rambow/Lienemeyer/ van de Sand

Thompson, J. Walter Total Design Trickett & Webb Why Not Associates Wiener Werkstatte Wolff Olins

Graphic Artists/ Illustrators Bawden, Edward Beardsley, Aubrey Blechman, R. 0 . Burne-Jones, Sir

Edward Crane, Walter Davis, Paul Ertt Flagg, James

Montgomery Folon, Jean-Michel Fougasse Fran~ois, Andrt Fraser, Claud Lovat Fraser, Eric Grosz, George Hardy, Dudley Klimowski, Andrzej Leyendecker, Joseph

Christian Mackmurdo, Arthur

Heygate Nash, Paul Pyle, Howard Ravilious, Eric Rockwell, Norman Rossetti, Dante

Gabriel Shahn, Ben Steinberg, Saul Stone, Reynolds Toorop, Jan Walker, Frederick

Graphic Designers/ Typographers Aicher, Otl Aldridge, Alan Allner, Walter H. Arsovski, Mihajlo Ash, Stuart Awazu, Kiyoshi Bailey, Dennis Ballmer, Thto Ballmer, Walter Bass, Saul Bayer, Herbert Beall, Lester Beck, Henry C. Beeke, Anthon Behrens, Peter Berlewi, Henryk Bill, Max Binder, Joseph Birdsall, Derek Bradley, Will Brattinga, Pieter Bretteville, Sheila

Levrant de Brody, Neville Brownjohn, Robert Brun, Donald Bubbles, Barney Burtin, Will Caflisch, Max Casey, Jacqueline Cassandre, A. M. Cato, Ken Chwast, Seymour Cieslewicz, Roman Cooper, Muriel Crouwel, Wim Danziger, Louis Delaunay, Sonia DiSpigna, Tony Disttfano, Juan Carlos Dorfsman, Lou Druckrey, Inge

Dumbar, Gert Dwiggins, William

Addison Eckersley, Tom Eckmann, Otto Edelmann, Heinz Eksell, Olle Elffers, Dick Facetti, Germano Federico, Gene Feininger, Lyonel Fletcher, Alan Forbes, Colin Fraser, June Freedman, Barnett Friedman, Daniel Froshaug, Anthony Fukuda, Shigeo Games, Abram Garland, Ken Garrett, Malcolm Geismar, Tom Geissbuhler, Steff Gentleman, David Gerstner, Karl Gill, Bob Giusti, George Glaser, Milton Gofin, Josse Gorham, John Gray, Milner Greiman, April Grignani, Franco Haggerty, Mick Harak, Rudolph de Harder, Rolf Havinden, Ashley Heartfield, John Henrion, F. H. K. Herdeg, Walter Hillman, David Hillmann, Hans Hlavsa, Oldrich Hofrnann. Armin

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Subject index

Huber, Max Huszar, Vilmos Image, Selwyn Ishioka, Eiko Itten, Johannes Jacobson, Egbert Jones, Terry Kalman, Tibor Kamekura, Yusaku Kauffer, Edward

McKnight Keaney, Siobhan Keller, Ernst Kepes, Gyorgy Kinneir, Jock Klimt, Gustav Kneebone, Peter Kner, Albert Kurlansky, Mervyn Lambie-Nairn, Martin Landor, Walter Leck, Bart van der Leu, Olaf Licko, Zuzana Lienemeyer, Gerhard Lionni, Leo Lissitzky, Lazar El Lodge, Bernard Lubalin, Herb Lustig, Alvin McConnell, John McCoy, Katherine

and Michael McDonald, Edward Machado, Joao Majo, Willy Maks de Manwaring, Michael Mariscal, Javier Massey, John Massin, Robert Matter, Herbert Matthies, Holger Modley, Rudolf Moholy-Nagy, Liszl6 Monguzzi, Bruno Moser, Koloman Muller, Rolf Muller-Brockmann,

Josef Munari, Bruno Nagai, Kazumasa Neuburg, Hans Noorda, Bob Oberer, Klaus Odgers, Jayme

Oliver, Vaughan Parrish, Maxfield Peckolick, Alan Peret (Pere Torrent) Peters, Michael Pfund, Roger Piatti, Celestine Pintori, Giovanni Pirtle, Woody Rand, Paul Ray, Man Reid, Jamie Ricketts, Charles de

Sousya- Roch, Ernst Rodchenko,

Alexander Rogers, Bruce Roling, Marte Roller, Alfred Rosenwald, Laurie Ruder, Emil Riiegg, Ruedi Runyan, Robert Miles Sand, Michael van de Sandberg, Willem Saville, Peter Schleger, Hans (Ztr6) Schmidt, Joost Schmoller, Hans Schuitema, Paul Schwartzman, Arnold Schwitters, Kurt Solomon, Barbara

Stauffacher Spencer, Herbert Spiekermann, Erik Stankowski, Anton Stoecklin, Niklaus Sussman, Deborah Sutnar, Ladislav Tanaka, Ikko Tattersfield, Brian Telingater, Solomon Testa, Armando Thompson, Bradbury Tissi, Rosmarie Toorn, Jan van Tscherny, George Tschichold, Jan VanderLans, Rudy Velde, Henry

Clemens van de Vignelli, Massimo Vivarelli, Carlo L

Weingart, Wolfgang Widmer, Jean Wright, Edward Wunderlich, Gert Wurman, Richard

Saul Wyman, Lance Yokoo, Tadanori Zwart, Piet

JournalslMagazines Commercial Art Design Emigrk Fleuvon, T h e Fortune Gebrauchsgraphik Graphis Harper's Bazaar Idea i-D Merz New Graphic Design Octavo Pan Penrose Annual, The Poster, The Savoy, The Studio, The Typographica Typography UGlc Ver Sacrum Vogue Yellow Book. The

Movements/Styles Art Deco Art Nouveau Arts and Crafts

Movement Chap Book Style Constructivism Cubism Dada De Stijl Futurism International

Typographic Style Jugendstil Modernism/Modern

Movement New Typography New Wave New York School

Plakatstil Pop Art post-modernism Private Press

Movement Psychedelia Punk Suprematism Surrealism Vienna Secession Vorticism

National Summaries American graphic

design British graphic design Dutch graphic design French graphic design German graphic

- -

design Japanese graphic

design Swiss Style/Swiss

graphic design

Organizations/ Societies/Schools Alliance Graphique

Internationale (AGI) American Institute of

Graphic Arts (AIGA)

Art Directors Club of New York

Arts and Crafts Exhibition Society

Art Worker's Guild Aspen International

Design Conference Association

Typographique Internationale (ATYPI)

Bauhaus Century Guild Chartered Society of

Designers (CSD) Design and Industries

Association (DIA) Design Council Designers and Art

Directors Association (D&AD)

Deutscher Werkbund Double Crown Club

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Subject index

Federal Art Project (FAP)

Federal Design Improvement Program

ICOGRADA I S 0 Pira Royal Designers for

Industry (RDI) Ulm Hochschule fiir


Other Influential Figures Albers, Josef Apollinaire, Guillaume Beddington, Jack Doesburg, Thto van Gray, Nicolete Gropius, Walter Hoffmann, Josef Jones, Owen Katsumie, Masaru Lewis, Wyndham Loewy, Raymond Mackintosh, Charles

Rennie Marinetti, Filippo

Tommaso Muybridge, Eadweard Neurath, Otto Pick, Frank Talbot, William

Henry Fox Warde. Beatrice

Poster Artists Aleksiun, Jan Jaromir Auriol, Georges Bernhard, Lucian Berthon, Paul Bonnard, Pierre Carlu, Jean Chtret, Jules Colin, Paul Cooper, Austin Erdt, Hans Rudi Gipkens, Julius Grasset, Eug6ne Hassall, John Hohlwein, Ludwig Klinger, Julius Leete, Alfred Lenica, Jan

Leupin, Herbert Mlodozeniec, Jan Mucha, Alphonse Newbould, Frank Nicholson, Sir

William Orazi, Emmanuel Penfield, Edward Pryde, James Purvis, Tom Quemec, Alain Le Reed, Ethel Rhead, Louis Savignac, Raymond Stankiewicz,

Eugeniusz Starowieyski,

Franciszek (Jan BY^)

Steinlen, Thtophile- Alexandre

Swierzy, Waldemar Taylor, Fred Tomaszewski, Henryk Toulouse-Lautrec,

Henri de Troxler, Niklaus Villemot, Bernard

PrintersIPrivate Presses/Publishers Ashendene Press Cranach Press Curwen, Harold Deberny & Peignot Doves Press Eragny Press Golden Cockerel Press Kelmscott Press Lane, Sir Allen Mardersteig,

Giovanni (Hans) Mason, John Henry Meynell, Sir Francis Morris, William Newdigate, Bernard Nonesuch Press Officina Bodoni Simon, Oliver Updike, Daniel

Berkeley Vale Press Vinne, Theodore

Lowe de Walker, Emery

Werkman, Hendrik N.

Technical Information A, B, C system of

standard paper sizes airbrush alphabet ampersand Anglo-American

Point System animation antique paper appearing size Apple Macintosh

(Mac) Computer Arabic numerals art paper artwork, art, a/w ascender asymmetric

typography author's corrections backslanted bank paper bar chartlgraph bar code (Optical Bar

Code Recognition, OBR)

binding methods Black Letter bleed blind embossed body matterltext body type bold, bold face bond paper book face border caliper calligraphy cameo camera-ready cartridge paper cast-coated paper casting-off CD/ROM Chancery Italic/Script chrom~li thograph~ coated paper collage collotype colophon composition size computer

computer-aided design (CAD)

computer graphics computer input

device computer I/O (input/

output) device computerized

composition/ typesetting

computer languages computer output

device computer terminal condensed copperplate printing copyfitting corporate identity daguerrotype,

daguerreotype descender design manual desktop publishing

(DTP) diagram Didot Point System digitization DIN display matterlsetting display size dot-matrix printer drop cap Egyptian em embossing en endmatter expandedlextended fat face filmsetting finished art(work) flexography flow chart/flow

diagram folio font (UK), fount (US) founder'slfoundry

tY Pe -6ur colour process Fraktur frontmatter full colour G/M D2 U Gothic graph

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Subject index

graphic design graphics tablet grid Grotesque halftone halftone process Hart's Rules hot metal

composition house style ideogramlgraph imitation art paper imposition imprint ink-jet printer inline intaglio ISBN Isotype italic justified kern kerning laid paper lamination laser printer Latin layout Letraset letterpress ligature lining

numerals/figures linocut Linotype literals lithography logotype loose-leaf binding lower case Ludlow Type

Composing Machine

machine-coated paper machine-finished

paper machine-glazed paper majuscules measure mechanical Mechano-Faktura

(Theory of) MICR minuscules Modern Face

modern figures Monoline Monotype mouse non-lining

numerals/figures OBR OCR offset litho/offset

photolithography old facelold style old style

numerals/figures optical spacing/

optically even spacing

ornament outline letter page make-up

terminal Paintbox Pantone System paper sizes PC (Personal

Computer) perfect binding photocomposition photoengraving photogram photogravure photolithography Photo-Mechanical

TransferIPMT Pica, Pica em pictogram/graph pie graphlchart planographic point prelims printer's flowers printer's ornament proof correction

marks quad quadlquadrat quarto quire rag paper RAM (Random

Access Memory) ranged leftlragged

right ranged rightlragged

left ream

rebus relief printing ROM (Read Only

Memory) Roman Roman numerals saddle-stitching sans serif screen printing script section-sewn binding serif set shaded letter side-stitching signage silk screen process slab serif small capitals solarization stress swash characters symbol symmetric

typography tabular work trademark transitional type tY Pe typeface typeface classification type family type-height (height-

to-paper) type mark-up (TMU) type measurement type nomenclature typographer typography U&lc, U/lc unjustified upper case VDUIVDT (Visual

Display Unit/ Terminal)

Venetian Venn diagram Vox Classification of

Typefaces windows woodcut wood engraving wove paper WYSIWYG X-height

Typeface Designers Benton, Morris Fuller Burns, Aaron Carter, Mathew Cooper, Oswald Excoffon, Roger Frutiger, Adrian Gill, Eric Goudy, Frederic W. Johnston, Edward Koch, Rudolf Krimpen, Jan van Middleton, Robert

Hunter Morison, Stanley

Arthur Novarese, Aldo Reiner, Imre Renner, Paul Trump, Georg Wolpe, Berthold Zapf, Hermann

Typefaces Albertus Baskerville Bell Bembo Bodoni Caslon Old Face Century Cheltenham Clarendon Cooper Black Didot Folio Franklin Gothic Futura Garamond Haas Grotesque Helvetica Imprint Ionic Microgramma Optima Perpetua Plantin Rockwell Times New Roman Univer s

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Sources o f illustrations Plate numbers (pl.) refer to colour illustrations. All other references are to page numbers:

a above; b below; l left; r right

4.A.D. 148r, p1.56 8vo 111 Amsterdam, Stedelijk Museum 1181, 174b Dennis Bailey 2obl Walter Ballmer pl.34 Berlin, Bauhaus-Archiv/Museum fiir

Gestaltung 23r, 136, 176b, pl. I 5 R.O. Blechman 3or Sheila Levrant de Bretteville 33 Donald Brun 36b, pl.33 Ken Cato, Cato Design Inc. 41a Chermayeff & Geismar Inc. 43r, 84r Seymour Chwast 441, 161r, p1.41 Elaine Lustig Cohen 125r Container Corporation of America 47r, 13 1a1,

179" Louis Danziger 52a Design Research Unit 54v, 92 Eindhoven, Muncipal van Abbemuseum

pl.10 Editions Gallimard 13 1b1, 13 ~ b r M. Elffers Harmsen 62b Ex Libris, New York 27r, 82v, ~zgb, 188ar Factory Communications Limited 175b Alan Fletcher, Pentagram 76al Colin Forbes, Pentagram 77al Andrt Fransois 781 By permission of June Fraser 791 Ken Garland and Associates 83b Malcolm Garrett, Assorted images 841, p1.53 David Gentleman 85 Mrs M. Giusti 88al Milton Glaser 88r, p1.38 John Gorham 89br Gottschalk, Gottschalk + Ash International 901 Grapus, 1986 911 Gregotti Associati p1.48 April Greiman 93a, p1.55 Harvest Record Company ~oobl Michael Havinden 97r David Hillman, Pentagram 99r Hans Hillmann ~ooa l

Oldrich Hlavsa Ioor IBM United Kingdom Limited 166al Terry Jones, Instant Design 1081, p1.52 Siobhan Keaney I I I b Ernst Klett Verlag fiir Wissen und Bildung

61r Andrzej Klimowski I 141 Krefeld, Kaiser Wilhelm Museum pl.7 Mervyn Kurlansky, Pentagram I 17 Lambie-Nairn & Company Limited pl.45 Olaf Leu I 19r Leo Lionni pl.3 5 Bernard Lodge 123 London, Imperial War Museum 63a1, 77r,

87r, 1021, I 151, I 18r, 144r; National Film Archive (photo) 169; St. Bride Printing Library (photo) 49r, p1.26; Tate Gallery 158a

M&Co, New York 109r McCall's Magazine 184b Katherine McCoy p1.46 Edward McDonald 126 McGraw-Hill Information Systems, New

York 1861 Holger Matthies 13zb Peter Max Enterprise, Inc. 160 Mendell & Oberer 133 1 Minale, Tattersfield & Partners Limited 134ar,

134br, 1351 The MIT Press 491, 93a Jan Mlodozeniec 13 jar Bruno Monguzzi 137 Moscow, State Lenin Library ~1.12, $13 New York, Museum of Modern Art 1131 Siegfried Odermatt 147 Vaughan Oliver 148r, p1.56 Paris, Muste Air France (photo) 175a Art Paul 1511 Michael Peters Limited 1541 Sophie and Roger Pfund, Communication

Visuelle I 54r Woody Pirtle, Pentagram 1571

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Prague, Kunstgewerbemuseum pl. 18 Princeton University Library, N.J. 197b Private collection, p1.1 I (Moscow), p1.20,

p1.28 Alain le Quernec 162r Michael Rand 163r (photo Kenneth Jareckel

Contact/Colorific) Ernst Roch, Roch Design 168ar Rochester, N.Y., Collection Lester Beall

Archive, Rochester Institute of Technology 241

Marte Roling 170r Laurie Rosenwald 1721, p1.58 Ruedi Ruegg 1731 Robert Miles Runyan, Runyan Hinsche

Associates 173r John Rushworth and Vince Frost, Pentagram

~1 .59 Peter Saville, Pentagram 175b Arnold Schwartzman 1 7 7 ~ Reproduced by kind permission of Shell U.K.

Limited 2 ja, 176a, ~ 1 . 3 0 Some BizarrelVirgin Records 3 5 b Herbert Spencer 18 I , pl.42 Anton Stankowski, Stankowski and Duschek

I 82r Barbara Solomon Stauffacher 18ob

D. Stempel AG, Frankfurt au Main I 161 Henryk Tomaszewski 190l Jan van Toorn rgor, p1.44 Total Design I9Ir Trickett & Webb 192r Niklaus Troxler 193al, ~ 1 . 5 4 George Tscherny 1 9 3 ~ Unimark International 146a Verve/Polydor Records p1.39 Massimo Vignelli, Designer 1g9r Virgin Records Limited 841, 166v Warsaw, Poster Museum, Wilanow 12or Washington, Library of Congress 751 Why Not Associates 203Y Wolff Olins Limited 2ojbI Gert Wunderlich 2071 Hermann Zapf 2091 Zurich, Kunstgewerbemuseum der Stadt

Zurich, Museum fur Gestaltung 132a, 167u, 202r

The following illustrations are from books and journals: Monotype Recorder, Volume 44, no. I, Autumn 1970 20.21; Otto Neurath, Bildstatistik nach Wiener Methode in dev Schule, Vienna, 1933 106r