St. Agatha Parish is a Chris- tian Community of Catholics from Milton, Quincy and beyond, whose Mission is to demonstrate Love by: proclaiming and celebrating God’s Presence on earth; being open and welcoming to all; reaching out to our sisters and brothers near and far; providing opportunities for prayer, service, education and recreation. In living this Mission, we accept our responsibility for giving witness to the Gospel of Jesus Christ. The Parish of St. Agatha Milton ~ Quincy, MA May 9-10, 2020 StAgathaParish.org St. Agatha Parish Phone: 617-698-2439 [email protected] Fax: 617-698-1517 Parish Website: StAgathaParish.org Clergy Rev. William B. Palardy, Pastor Rev. Jason M. Makos, Parochial Vicar Deacon Daniel F. Sullivan Rev. Patrick McLaughlin, Senior Priest in Residence Rev. Thomas Powers, Senior Priest in Residence Deacon Shawn Simchock, Seminarian Intern Pastoral Associate Dr. Lisa M. Gulino, [email protected] Parish Administration Mr. Jack Riley, Finance and Operations Manager Ms. Dale Blanchard, Operations Assistant Ms. Kathy Monahan, Administrative Assistant/Bulletin Editor Ms. Eileen Callahan, Administrative Assistant/Bulletin Music Ministry [email protected] Mrs. Julie Fay, Director of Music and Parish Organist St. Agatha School Phone: 617-696-3548 [email protected] Fax: 617-696-6288 School Website: StAgatha.org Mrs. Nancy Carr, Principal Mrs. Michelle Tierney, Administrative Assistant Mrs. Joan Brown, Tuition Coordinator ST AGATHA FAITH FORMATION 617-696-1388 Grades 1-6 [email protected] Mrs. Beth Peterson, Director Mrs. Jenn Caputo, Administrative Assistant Grade 7-10 & Young Church Ministry 617-696-8978 [email protected] Mrs. Helen Waring, Coordinator MISSION STATEMENT ST. AGATHA RECTORY ST. AGATHA SCHOOL Office Hours Monday Friday 9am-4pm 432 Adams Street Milton, MA 02186 440 Adams Street Milton, MA 02186 Daily Masses: Monday – Friday: Saturday & Holidays: Sunday Mass: SCHEDULE OF MASSES Livestreamed daily at 9 am on stagathaparish.org Livestreamed Saturday at 4:30pm Sunday at 11am Baptism: 2:00pm on the 2nd/ 4th Sundays of each month. Please call the Rectory to arrange/ask questions regard- ing other arrangements. Reconciliation: Suspended until further notice. Marriage: Call one of the par- ish priests or deacon. Arrange- ments are ordinarily to be made at least 6 months before the proposed marriage. SACRAMENTAL CELEBRATIONS Offices closed Need a Reason to Order Take-out? Darcy’s Pub & Café de Paris are hosting a fundraiser to benefit St. Agatha School & Parish this Monday—May 11th from 11:30am-8:30 pm Pickup or delivery Mention St. Agatha’s with your order (or give them the flyer linked here) and 20% of the sale will be donated. Fifth Sunday of Easter May 2–3—Year A This Week’s Readings can be found at http://www.usccb.org/bible/readings/051020.cfm

The Parish of St. Agatha...2020/05/10  · St.Agatha Parish or School because, thanks to the generos-ity of the owners of the Common Market, 20% of those receipts went to our parish

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Page 1: The Parish of St. Agatha...2020/05/10  · St.Agatha Parish or School because, thanks to the generos-ity of the owners of the Common Market, 20% of those receipts went to our parish

St. Agatha Parish is a Chris-tian Community of Catholics from Milton, Quincy and beyond, whose Mission is to demonstrate Love by:

proclaiming and celebrating God’s Presence on earth;

being open and welcoming to all;

reaching out to our sisters and brothers near and far; providing opportunities for prayer, service, education and recreation.

In living this Mission, we accept our responsibility for giving witness to the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

The Parish of St. Agatha Milton ~ Quincy, MA May 9-10, 2020 StAgathaParish.org

St. Agatha Parish Phone: 617-698-2439

[email protected] Fax: 617-698-1517

Parish Website: StAgathaParish.org

Clergy Rev. William B. Palardy, Pastor Rev. Jason M. Makos, Parochial Vicar Deacon Daniel F. Sullivan Rev. Patrick McLaughlin, Senior Priest in Residence Rev. Thomas Powers, Senior Priest in Residence Deacon Shawn Simchock, Seminarian Intern

Pastoral Associate Dr. Lisa M. Gulino, [email protected]

Parish Administration Mr. Jack Riley, Finance and Operations Manager Ms. Dale Blanchard, Operations Assistant Ms. Kathy Monahan, Administrative Assistant/Bulletin Editor Ms. Eileen Callahan, Administrative Assistant/Bulletin

Music Ministry [email protected] Mrs. Julie Fay, Director of Music and Parish Organist

St. Agatha School Phone: 617-696-3548

[email protected] Fax: 617-696-6288 School Website: StAgatha.org

Mrs. Nancy Carr, Principal Mrs. Michelle Tierney, Administrative Assistant Mrs. Joan Brown, Tuition Coordinator

ST AGATHA FAITH FORMATION 617-696-1388 Grades 1-6 [email protected] Mrs. Beth Peterson, Director Mrs. Jenn Caputo, Administrative Assistant

Grade 7-10 & Young Church Ministry 617-696-8978

[email protected] Mrs. Helen Waring, Coordinator



Office Hours Monday – Friday 9am-4pm 432 Adams Street Milton, MA 02186

440 Adams Street Milton, MA 02186

Daily Masses:

Monday – Friday: Saturday & Holidays:

Sunday Mass:


Livestreamed daily at 9 am on


Livestreamed Saturday at 4:30pm

Sunday at 11am

Baptism: 2:00pm on the 2nd/ 4th Sundays of each month. Please call the Rectory to arrange/ask questions regard-ing other arrangements. Reconciliation: Suspended until further notice. Marriage: Call one of the par-ish priests or deacon. Arrange-ments are ordinarily to be made at least 6 months before the proposed marriage.


Offices closed

Need a Reason to Order Take-out?

Darcy’s Pub & Café de Paris are hosting a fundraiser to

benefit St. Agatha School & Parish

this Monday—May 11th from 11:30am-8:30 pm

Pickup or delivery

Mention St. Agatha’s with your order (or give them the flyer linked here) and 20% of the

sale will be donated.

Fifth Sunday of Easter ● May 2–3—Year A This Week’s Readings can be found at


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Page 2: The Parish of St. Agatha...2020/05/10  · St.Agatha Parish or School because, thanks to the generos-ity of the owners of the Common Market, 20% of those receipts went to our parish

A Note from Our Pastor,

I hope that you and your loved ones are well and bearing up ok as we are now in our third month of social distancing. We have had some excitement at the rectory of late. Anyone who

drove by the rectory this past Tuesday noticed work being done by the front entrance. We had a leak in our water main requiring repair and replacement of the water pipe from iron to copper. This was certainly an unanticipated expense, but clearly something that needed to be addressed right away.

Thank you to all those who ordered take-out from Darcy’s Pub or the Café de Paris this past Monday and mentioned St. Agatha Parish or School because, thanks to the generos-ity of the owners of the Common Market, 20% of those receipts went to our parish and school. The good news is that if you were unable to take part last Monday, there is a second opportunity this coming Monday the 11th to patron-ize either Darcy’s Pub or the Café de Paris and have 20% of the bill go to benefit our parish and school.

This past Tuesday was National Teacher Appreciation Day, and I’d like to share with you a prayer that our School Prin-cipal Mrs. Nancy Carr provided for that day which I be-lieve is very appropriate for us to continue to pray—for all the teachers in our School and Parish and for our Faith For-mation catechists in the Elementary, Middle School, and High School programs:

Dear Lord, bless all Catholic school teachers and help them to nurture the faith of our children. Give them the wisdom to pass on their own knowledge and experience and show our chil-dren your love. Amen.

Ten teachers in Catholic schools here in the Archdiocese of Boston were recognized on April 28th with the Excellence in Education Award. One of these ten recipients is a be-loved and much respected teacher in our own St. Agatha School: Mrs. Corrine Kalaijian who is the mathematics teacher for grades 3, 4, and 5. Congratulations, Mrs. Kalai-jian, for this much deserved honor on your part and as something that gives wonderful recognition to St. Agatha School.

I’d like to conclude by sharing several prayers: the first for mothers on Mother’s Day; and two others addressed to the Virgin Mary who is especially remembered during this month of May. These prayers come from The Notre Dame Book of Prayer, edited by Heidi Schlumpf (Notre Dame, IN: Ave Maria Press, 2010), pp. 60-61, 234, and 238:

Prayer for Mother’s Day by Jill Ann Terwilliger

I offer a prayer for Mother’s Day today. This is who it is for: It is for all the mothers in this room, in this city, across this continent, and in every land around this planet. It is for the mothers whose homes re-sound with children’s laughter, screeching toys, loud music, or the sullen teenage shrug. It is for the mothers who gave birth in joy or in agony or in grief. It is for the mothers who have adopted the motherless and discovered how wide love can reach; and it is for the mothers who have given over their children to others. This prayer is for all the women who have wished to be mothers and are not. It is for all the mothers whose children have ever gone off to war, for the worry they endure and the tension they carry through every hour of absence. It is for the mothers whose children return whole and unscathed, or who return wounded in mind or body, or who do not return at all. It is for all the mothers who grieve—lost pregnancies, lost children, lost hopes, lost futures. And this is my prayer:

May peace come to you. Peace amid the noise and chaos of active children, Peace amid the silence and the absence, Peace with the choices you have made, the paths taken and the ones not taken, Peace with the grief you have endured. May peace come to you, and may you greet it and welcome it, and make a place for it to live within you. May peace find a home in you, and from that home, may peace ven-ture widely over this earth.

Beneath Your Compassion (Sub Tuum Praesidium)

We turn to you for protection, holy Mother of God. Listen to our prayers and help us in our needs. Save us from every danger, glorious and blessed Virgin.

Queen of Heaven (Regina Coeli)

Queen of Heaven, rejoice, Alleluia, for he whom you did merit to bear, Alleluia, has risen, as he said, Alleluia. Pray for us to God, Alleluia. Rejoice and be glad, O Virgin Mary, Alleluia, for the Lord has truly risen, Alleluia.

Let us pray. O God, who gave joy to the world through the resurrection of your Son, our Lord Je-sus Christ, grant we beseech you, that through the intercession of the Virgin Mary, his Mother, we may obtain the joys of everlasting life. Through the same Christ our Lord. Amen.

Have a blessed week!

Fr. Palardy

Fifth Sunday of Easter May 9–10, 2020

Page 3: The Parish of St. Agatha...2020/05/10  · St.Agatha Parish or School because, thanks to the generos-ity of the owners of the Common Market, 20% of those receipts went to our parish


THEME: Jesus, our cornerstone.

In this lovely reading from John’s Gospel, what phrases or words or images catch your ear? What promise of Christ do you hear most clearly?

Gospel : John 14:1-12

Jesus said to his disciples: “Do not let your hearts be troubled. You have faith in God; have faith also in me. In my Father’s house there are many dwelling places. If there were not, would I have told you that I am going to prepare a place for you? And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come back again and take you to myself, so that where I am you also may be. Where I am going you know the way.” Thomas said to him, “Master, we do not know where you are going; how can we know the way?” Jesus said to him, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me. If you know me, then you will also know my Father. From now on you do know him and have seen him.” Philip said to him, “Master, show us the Father, and that will be enough for us.” Jesus said to him, “Have I been with you for so long a time and you still do not know me, Philip? Whoever has seen me has seen the Father. How can you say, ‘Show us the Father’? Do you not believe that I am in the Father and the Father is in me? The words that I speak to you I do not speak on my own. The Father who dwells in me is doing his works. Believe me that I am in the Father and the Father is in me, or else, believe because of the works themselves. Amen, amen, I say to you, whoever believes in me will do the works that I do, and will do greater ones than these, because I am going to the Father.”

Pastoral Planning

May 10 ~ Fifth Sunday of Easter In the reading from the Acts of the Apostles, we are told that “the word of God continued to spread, and the number of disci-ples…increased greatly.” Our task as Christ’s disciples is to spread the word of God just as the disciples in the early Church did. Are we doing this? Christ reminds us in today’s gospel “that whoever believes in me will do the works that I do” so, ask for the grace to do the works that Jesus did.

We’ve all run out of adjectives to describe the times in which we are living. Hopefully we’re making some steadier progress that will eventually lead us out of the woods. I do want to keep you updated on our fiscal situation which, although extremely challenging, has brightened just a little in recent days. First, we applied for and received Payroll Protection Program loans from the Small Business Administration for both the Parish and School. These loans do not solve our fiscal problems, but pro-vide funding to pay our staff and utilities for the next 8 weeks and this gives us time to catch our breath and plan as best we can for the uncertainties that lie ahead. The loan for the School is for $329,100 and for the Parish is $142,500. One of the great features of the loans is that they are fully forgivable if we meet certain terms, and we are confident we will be able to do that. We also have had a great surge in online giving participation. Since the middle of March, 49 households have enrolled in Online Offertory, and another 39 people have made “Quick Gifts” through the link on the Parish web site. This is tremen-dously helpful, and will provide a long-term benefit to the par-ish. And finally, just in case you need further evidence of God’s goodness, consider this. Last week, low water pressure in the Rectory led to the discovery that the water main in front of the Rectory had failed. As is so often the case, the Town immediately determined that the leak was on our property and therefore was not their responsibility. We moved quickly and brought in Sean Farrell Excavation who responded immediate-ly and did a fantastic job on the repair. The bill was $5,000. The day the leak was discovered we received an anonymous gift in the mail—for $5,000. God is good all the time. All the time God is good.

One last note. We have been getting sporadic mail delivery service and were recently informed that the Post Office would not be delivering our mail. Unfortunately, we didn’t know that they had made this decision, so some mail sat at the Post Office for a number of days. So if you were wondering why your check hasn’t been cashed, that is likely the reason. Because the Parish offices are officially closed, we are a little slower pro-cessing your very kind donations. But please be assured that each donation is very gratefully received and processed as quickly as possible.

Jack Riley

St. Agatha Parish Milton—Quincy


The Archdiocese provides a very easy way to make a contribu-tion to the parish through a link called “90 Days Now—for Your Parish”. An email went to every household about this, but if you did not receive one please click here to contribute. All of the funds (less credit card fees of course!) go directly into the parish’s savings account and are available for immediate use

by the parish. We are so grateful for your support.

Several of the members of our Spiritual Growth and Adult Faith Formation Committee are com-

mitted to joining together for a 1/2 hour of Intercessory Prayer on

Tuesdays to pray for our parish-ioners and for an end of the Pan-

demic. We are here for you. Please let us know how we can

pray for you. Please email: lgulinostagathaparish


Page 4: The Parish of St. Agatha...2020/05/10  · St.Agatha Parish or School because, thanks to the generos-ity of the owners of the Common Market, 20% of those receipts went to our parish

www.facebook.com/stagathaparishmiltonquincy May 9–10, 2020

Last week, we pondered Jesus’ question “what are you looking for?” The disciples wished to linger with Jesus—and to seek wis-dom—wisdom that could transform their lives. Today we turn to Luke 9:18–20.

Once when Jesus was praying in solitude,*and the disciples were with him, he asked them, “Who do the crowds say that I am?” They said in reply, “John the Baptist; others, Elijah; still others, ‘One of the ancient prophets has arisen.’” Then he said to them, “But who do you say that I am?” Peter said in reply, “The Messiah of God.”* He rebuked them and directed them not to tell this to anyone.

To ask, who do the crowds say that I am and the all-important fol-low up question, “but who do you say I am?” is, I propose, the next logical step to last’s week question—what are you looking for?

Let me make one quick connection to a reading that appeared on Tuesday of this week. It is from Jn 10:22. Those who were hearing Jesus preach, said this to him: “How long are you going to keep us in suspense? If you are the Christ, tell us plainly.” We hear the angst in their voices. They ask from a place of unbelief. Jesus challenged their unbelief and then gave testimony to the grace of the believer:

My sheep hear my voice; I know them, and they follow me.

I give them eternal life, and they shall never perish. No one can take them out of my hand.

As believers, you and I are securely in the hands of God! Contem-plation of the question, Who do you say that I am—will shape how we see, how we believe, how we hope, and how we love.

Having come from solitude, Jesus asks the question. Solitude is needed to hear the voice of the Good Shepherd. There is a movement which happens: we hear his voice, we come to know Jesus and we follow. Following leads to trust and trust assures us we are in the hands of the Father.

In our present moment of pandemic, of financial uncertainty, and other concerns, we rest securely in God’s hand. I am reminded of the beautiful Psalm, Psalm 91:

“Because he loves me,” says the LORD, “I will rescue him; I will protect him, for he acknowledges my name.

He will call on me, and I will answer him; I will be with him in trouble,

I will deliver him and honor him. With long life I will satisfy him and show him my salvation.”

Be ready with an answer because there is nothing more practical than finding and discovering God. Fr. Arrupe, SJ writes:

“What you are in love with, what seizes your imagination, will affect everything. It will decide what will get you out of bed in the morning, what you do with your evenings, how you spend your weekends, what you read, whom you know, what breaks your heart, and what amazes you with joy and gratitude. Fall in love, stay in love, and it will decide everything.”

The Sacred Pause Lisa M. Gulino—Pastoral Associate

Greetings from the 3rd floor of the rectory!

I hope everyone has been staying safe during these uncertain times. A few people have asked about what I have been up to and ministry from the computer is certainly different! With the extra time spent at my desk I had been going through “that drawer” with all kinds of stuff. One of the things I found was a gift certificate for a domain name. I decided to start looking at domains related to things I enjoyed and my name. Alas, jmakos.com was available and I purchased it with the gift certificate! The next step, what do I do with a do-main? With a little research I came up with a website that has pictures and a blog. So if you want, go to jmakos.com and check it out! I have been putting up pictures from trips that I have taken and pictures of Thea. The blog part of it will consist of random musings to helpful recovery

posts. Think you might enjoy learning a little more about what makes me tick! I am in the works of interviewing the priests in the rectory about what hobbies they enjoy and will share that in the blog. Please keep safe and know that we are all praying for you every day!

at The Common Market 97 Willard Street, West Quincy


From 11:30am ~ 8:30 pm

Pickup or delivery 617-472-9213

20% of sales will be donated to St. Agatha’s School & Parish from people that mention or present this flyer with their order

Page 5: The Parish of St. Agatha...2020/05/10  · St.Agatha Parish or School because, thanks to the generos-ity of the owners of the Common Market, 20% of those receipts went to our parish

Please check out Youth Ministry resources on Email, Instagram (@staggiesmilton) and Facebook (St. Agatha Youth Ministry).


[email protected] May 9–10, 2020

First Holy Communion Masses will be announced once social distancing measures are lifted and Masses are allowed to resume.

Faith Formation Registration for the 2020-2021 year will be available online on the St. Agatha Parish Website on June 1.



Musical Notes for the Fifth Sunday of Easter 

This weekend’s opening hymn, “Sing a New Song,” reflects the entrance antiphon for the 5th Sunday of Easter:

“O sing a new song to the Lord, for he has worked won-ders; in the sight of the nations he has shown his deliver-ance, alleluia.” The hymn, with its joyful, upbeat tune, mentions singing and dancing before the Lord as acts of praise and worship, so feel free to sing along at home!

The preparation song, “Do Not Let Your Hearts Be Trou-bled” is based on the Gospel reading for this Sunday, from the 14th chapter of John. In this passage, Jesus tells his disciples that he is going to prepare a place for them in his Father’s house, and that he will come back to take them to be with him forever. It is a message of comfort and hope, and a foreshadowing of the Ascension of the Lord, as well. I hope you enjoy this beautiful setting by David Haas.

“Now We Remain” is a familiar song we will sing for Communion. I am struck by the juxtaposition of con-trasting ideas: holding the death of the Lord in our hearts, but remaining with him in life; being afraid and lost in the darkness, and then being saved by the self-giving sacrifice of Jesus on the cross. Let us remember that in our darkest hours, when hope is all but extinguished, the victory has already been secured for us. To borrow a popular phrase: love wins.

Finally, we continue to honor the Blessed Mother this month with our closing song: “Hail Mary: Gentle Wom-an.” On this Mother’s Day weekend, let us take the words of the second verse to heart: “Blessed are you among women, blest in turn, all women, too. Blessed they with peaceful spirits. Blessed they with gentle hearts.” May the Lord bless our mothers, and all who nurture and care for us with peace and gentleness. Happy Mother’s Day!

In Christ,

Julie Fay, Music Director

Music Ministry Notes

During the month of May, prior to the Daily Mass, pa-rishioners will be praying the Rosary for the end of the pandemic, all of the special needs of the St. Agatha par-ish family and the spiritual, physical and financial well-being of all throughout the world. These livestreams can be found on our parish facebook page and website.

Fr. Palardy and Fr. Makos are presenting an Adult Edu-cation video series about Fathers of the Church. Fr. Jay offered his thoughts on Maximus the Confessor: Cham-pion of Prayer & Unity. Fr. Palardy’s presentation is on the Nicene Creed. The short videos are available on the parish website or directly on the vimeo page.

On Wednesdays, join Lisa Gulino on the parish facebook page as she discusses selected bible passages on her new feature Wednesdays with the Word.

On Fridays from 10–11 AM, Lisa Gulino is hosting a Zoom Bereavement Group. If you have lost someone over the last few years and would like to work through your grief, please join—all are welcome. Email Lisa at [email protected] to join the group.

On Mondays at 7 PM Helen Waring, our Youth Minister will host a virtual Pizza and Prayer on Instagram Live.

On Wednesdays from 4–5 PM there are games and hangout Drop-In with the Youth Group. Email Helen at [email protected] for the link to join in.

NEED HELP? The “Caring Circle” dares to care… Call 617-337-3225 for short-term non-financial help or visit www.mcccaringcircle.org

If you would like to add an intention to our Book of Prayers, please email Lisa Gulino at lgulinostagathaparish @gmail.com and she will write your intention into the book. The Book of Prayers is present at every Mass.

Page 6: The Parish of St. Agatha...2020/05/10  · St.Agatha Parish or School because, thanks to the generos-ity of the owners of the Common Market, 20% of those receipts went to our parish

Saturday 8:00am 4:30pm

May 9 Memorial

Bonomo Family

Sunday 7:30am 9:00am 10:30am 12:00pm 5:00pm

May 10 Memorial 9th Anniversary Special Intention Memorial

For the

Mother’s Day James & Margaret Waldron and Family Joseph Greene All Mothers Powers & Shine Families Parishioners of St. Agatha

Monday 7:00am 9:00am

May 11 Memorial

Marina Leyran

Tuesday 7:00am 9:00am

May 12 Health & Healing

John McLean & Ariana

Wednesday 7:00am 9:00am

May 13

Thursday 7:00am 9:00am

May 14 42nd Anniversary

Robert Blankenship

Friday 7:00am 9:00am

May 15 Memorial

Catherine Oliverio

Saturday 8:00am 4:30pm

May 16 1st Anniversary Memorial

Thomas W. Nadeau Stella Baranowski

Sunday 7:30am 9:00am 10:30am 12:00pm 5:00pm

May 17 Memorial 1st Anniversary 4th Anniversary

For the Memorial

Michael Naughton Timothy Haskins William J. Tierney Parishioners of St. Agatha Susan McGillowey


Public Masses have been cancelled until further notice. Our priests will be celebrating Mass daily at 9:00 am,

livestreamed on our website. Sunday Mass will be livestreamed on our website on Saturday at 4:30 pm and Sunday at 11:00 am. The scheduled Mass intentions are

being announced at these Masses and remembered in prayer. The livestreamed Masses will be posted on our

Facebook page as well. Masses from the Archdiocese of Boston are available on watchthemass.com/. If you are reading this online, click the link to open that webpage.

BINGO IS CANCELLED UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE Please check our website for up to date information Thank You Volunteers!!

K0A student Fiona and her sister made this beautiful stained glass cross. Keep it up girls! #prayers

To try it at home, tape out a stained glass design with paint-er’s tape and use kids’ paint or acrylic paint mixed with a drop of Dawn dishwashing liquid. Let the sun shine in!

Saint Agatha School community remains strong and connected through distance learning!

Jamie in K0A wants to wish all the teachers at St. Agatha School a Happy Teacher Appreciation Week!

Please support our online Book Fair (thru May 10). We were scheduled to have the books at our school next month to get the kids ready for sum-mer reading but now you can get those books—and much more—delivered to your door. Rekindle your

love of books or add to your existing library. Click here to shop. As always, every purchase from the book fair earns rewards for our school.

First grader Nora started online piano classes for Music. Keep up the good work Nora! #distancelearning

Second grader Josiah and his sister, Micah, in K1 en-joy some fun outdoor play!

Good Job! We love those smiles! #distancerecess

Page 7: The Parish of St. Agatha...2020/05/10  · St.Agatha Parish or School because, thanks to the generos-ity of the owners of the Common Market, 20% of those receipts went to our parish

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ConsiderRememberingYour Parish in

Your Will.For further information,

please call the Parish Office.