The University of Iowa College of Law International and Comparative Law Program Connecting Iowa to the World Study Abroad Opportunities

Study Abroad Brochure

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Study Abroad brochure for the University of Iowa College of Law

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The University of Iowa College of LawInternational and Comparative Law Program

Connecting Iowa to the WorldStudy Abroad Opportunities

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The University of Iowa College of Law offers a strong

program of study in international and comparative law. Through

its curriculum, faculty, student organizations, journals, centers,

and programs, the College offers a broad range of opportunities

for its students to gain a deeper understanding of international law.

Beyond the college, opportunities abound to enable students to

supplement their study through programs abroad. Programs that

connect Iowa to the World.

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Why study abroad?

Study abroad provides opportunities for personal and professional development:

• The world is an increasingly interna-tional place and this affects how we live and work in the US

• You can learn about other countries and their legal systems

• You can sharpen your foreign language skills

• You will become better at coping with change

• Living abroad makes you a bit wiser

• You can add something of interest to your resume

• You will meet new people for friendships or employment

• You can travel in the region where you are studying

• You will have an unforgettable experience

How to do itThere are several study abroad options available to you:

• UI College of Law Study Abroad Programs

The UI directs a spring semester program in London, England on behalf of a consortium of US law schools.

The UI summer abroad program situated in lovely Arcachon, France offers a great introductory study abroad experience.

• UI College of Law Exchange Programs offer UI students the chance to ‘switch places’ with law students from three prestigious European law schools: Bucerius (Hamburg, Germany), Católica (Lisbon, Portugal) Radboud (Nijmegen, The Netherlands)

• Other opportunities:

Alpbach is a beautiful mountain village in Tyrol that has been host to a renowned summer academy for more than 60 years. The course on European integration offered by the European Forum not only provides an overview of European economic law, it is also a great networking opportunity for American students who are interested in developing ties with other graduate students from all over the world.

Other study abroad opportunities require prior approval and careful planning with the Dean of Students and ICLP faculty advisors. They include individually planned international externship placements, study in other ABA-approved foreign programs, other UI (non-law) programs, and direct enrollment in foreign law schools.

FAQsWhen is the best time to study abroad?

There is no stock answer — it is different for everyone. Many students choose to spend part of their first summer studying abroad, as a way to gain travel experience and academic credit. For exchange and semester programs, you need to consider how time away may impact other activities, such as journal participation, moot court, or the job search.

Connecting Iowa to the World: Study Abroad Opportunities

How much does it cost, and how do I pay for it?

Each program described has a different fee structure and travel and housing costs. The program descriptions provide additional information, but before you decide, consult with our office of financial aid regarding the availability of assistance and loans.

What will I need?

If you don’t have a current passport, apply or renew now! You may need a visa. For programs sponsored by the UI College of Law we will help you with that process. For exchange programs, our partner institutions will give you guidance. Also required: a sense of adventure!

Which program is best for me – UI sponsored, exchange, ABA or other?

There are lots of factors, but here are some differences:

• The UI programs offer both international topics and comparative perspectives on domestic law topics, and there is typically a large contingent of Iowa participants. As these courses are provided by Iowa, there are no questions about credit transferability.

• Exchange programs offer a complete immersion opportunity, and may provide opportunities for spe-cialized or extended study. For exchange programs you pay the UI tuition, and any additional travel, housing and living expenses. You may earn up to 15 credits, and your coursework will need transfer credit approval by the Dean of Students.

• The Alpbach summer seminar on European integra-tion provides a mix of students and a topic that cre-ates a stimulating atmosphere, and a rich network-ing opportunity with scholars from around the world and from a variety of disciplines.

• Other ABA-accredited law school foreign study programs may provide different language, travel and study experiences that appeal to you, but you may be limited in the number of credits that you can apply towards your J.D.

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Why study abroad?

I believe studying abroad is important for both personal and professional development. Studying law at Católica has provided me with insight on how other countries use the law, and a perspective on why certain laws have been developed and enacted. In short, learning how other countries use the law helps you to understand your own legal system better. It also allows you to bring a unique legal perspective to an employer and will also help to distinguish you from other candidates applying for a legal job. Few candidates will be able to talk about their experiences taking law classes at a university in Europe.

— Emily Febles (’11)

How many credits can I take through study abroad?

The ABA restricts the number of foreign credits to not more than one-third of the credits required for the J.D. degree at the school in which the student is regularly enrolled. At the UI, one-third of the 84 credits required for the JD is 28 credits.

Is it true that I can get a dual degree?

In some circumstances, you may be able to earn a degree granted directly by our exchange program partners. This may require you to time your exchange opportunity for your 3L year, and will require you to do additional work which might not count towards your J.D.

Do I have to know a foreign language to participate in study abroad opportunities?

The UI study abroad programs and exchange programs are all English language instruction, although foreign language skill will help you adapt to the local community and meet other people.

When do I apply?

Applications for the programs vary, and you should check the College of Law website. Generally, applications for the London program are due in September, applications for the Arcachon program are due in February, applications for fall semester exchange programs are due in March, and applications for spring semester exchange programs are due in September. Please note that the spaces available in our exchange programs are limited and the process may be competitive. In addition, our exchange programs typically require you to apply both to the host institution and the College of Law.

Can I talk to students who have participated?

Yes, and it’s a great idea to talk to past participants and to the UI faculty member who is the program director, or in the case of exchange programs, with the local program sponsor. Please see the full descriptions of each program and our website for more contact information.

UI Study Abroad Programs:

The London Law Consortium

The London Law Consortium consists of seven ABA-approved law schools that offer students a culturally enriching study abroad program that meets in London during the spring semester (January – May) of each year. The University of Iowa College of Law is the program administrator. The program is open to students at ABA-approved schools, with a preference to students enrolled in the member schools: The University of Iowa College of Law, Chicago-Kent College of Law, Indiana University at Bloomington School of Law, the University of Kansas School of Law, the University of Kentucky College of Law, the University of Missouri-Columbia School of Law, and the University of Utah College of Law. The curriculum exposes students to British and European law, as well as comparative law topics, with classes taught by British faculty as well as faculty from the consortium schools. There are opportunities for externship placement with local lawyers. The on-site director of the program is Professor Adrien K. Wing, a full-time faculty member at the University of Iowa. The application deadline is mid-September. Students pay a program fee that is roughly equivalent to resident tuition, and all travel, lodging and other expenses.



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Arcachon, France

Every summer, from mid-May – mid-June, The University of Iowa College of Law operates a study abroad program in Arcachon, France, near Bordeaux. The program is open to students at ABA-approved schools. The curriculum exposes students to European law, as well as comparative law topics, with classes taught by European faculty as well as faculty from Iowa. The program provides opportunities for students to meet French lawyers practicing in Paris and Bordeaux. Clerkships can be arranged with law firms located in Paris for students who are fluent in French. Students interested in applying for the clerkship program should contact the Program Director for more information about the competitive process. The on-site director of the program is Professor Adrien K. Wing, a full-time faculty member at The University of Iowa. The application deadline is February. Students pay a program fee which includes lodging, and are responsible for all travel and other expenses. Post-program travel seminars are often available to provide additional opportunities to enrich understanding of program coursework. In 2010, the post-program seminar was in Egypt as a complement to the Law in the Muslim World course.


UI Exchange Programs:

Bucerius Law School Hamburg, Germany

bucerius Law School is located in Hamburg, Germany’s third largest city and an elegant international port on the Elbe River near its North Sea mouth. Bucerius Law School, the only private university for law in Germany, provides a legal

education focused on international business. Every fall, Bucerius sends all of its third-year students to study abroad in one of its 69 exchange partner schools for the fall semester and welcomes in their place exchange students from the many leading law schools in the United States, England, and elsewhere. Students may earn up to 15 credits, choosing from a variety of two-credit courses taught in English specially for the exchange students, as well as a research paper option. Courses are listed at the Bucerius Web Site. Those with adequate fluency can also take law courses taught in German. Exchange students pay Iowa tuition, and any travel, housing or other costs. Applications are due to Iowa in early March, and to Bucerius by March 31. Professor John Reitz is the faculty advisor for this program. Please see the website for application materials.


Católica University Law School Lisbon, Portugal

Católica University Law School is located in Lisbon, Portugal. Our exchange agreement with Católica allows students to enroll in classes linked to its LLM programs in International Business Law and Law in a European and Global Context. Students may earn up to 15 credits, choosing from a variety of courses taught in English. Those with adequate fluency can also take law courses taught in Portuguese. The exchange program is one semester, but students can make arrangements with Católica for an additional semester to complete an LLM. Exchange students may participate in either semester, but LLM participants must start in the Fall. Exchange students pay Iowa tuition, and any travel, housing or other costs. Applications are due to Iowa in March, and



Why study abroad?

For me, part of it is the importance of empathy – being able to understand where someone else is coming from in terms of culture and experience. This is particularly important for lawyers given our frequent roles as problem-solvers and civic leaders. Along with this, I think that having broad experiences on which to draw can be useful in our personal and professional lives.

— Brian Farrell, Academic Achievement Director (’98)

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to Católica by April for a fall start, and due to Iowa in September and to Católica by early October for a spring start. Professors Marcella David and Jonathan Carlson are the faculty advisors for this program. Please see the website for application materials.

Radboud University

Nijmegen, The Netherlands

radboud University is located in nijmegen, The netherlands. Every year Radboud sends its international law students to study abroad at exchange partner schools in the United States, Europe, and elsewhere. Our exchange agreement with Radboud allows students to enroll in classes linked to its LLM program in European Law, choosing from a variety of courses taught in English especially for exchange students. Those with adequate fluency can also take law courses taught in Dutch. The exchange program is one semester, but students can make arrangements with Radboud for additional coursework to complete an LLM. Exchange students may participate in either semester. Exchange students pay Iowa tuition, and any travel, housing or other costs. Applications are due to Iowa in March, and to Radboud by April for a fall start and due to Iowa in September and to Radboud by early October for a spring start. Professor Marcella David is the faculty advisor for this program. Please see the website for application materials.


Other Opportunities:The Alpbach European Forum

The Alpbach European Forum, held each summer in the beautiful Tirolian mountain village of Alpbach, is an opportunity to discuss issues related to European integration in an interdisciplinary format with speakers and participants from all parts of the world coming together to discuss the current issues and to formulate interdisciplinary solutions. The course on European integration not only provides an overview of European economic law, it is also a great networking opportunity for American students who are interested in developing ties with other graduate students from all over the world. The Summer School session runs from mid-August to the beginning of September, and is one of a limited set of programs where special arrangements may be available to participants for a late UI start. Scholarship support is available for tuition, and students are responsible for travel, housing and other expenses. Professor Alexander Somek is the faculty advisor for this program. It is also important to coordinate course approval with the Dean of Students.


The UI Department of Geography India Winterim

The UI department of geography India winterim is a 3 week course in India examining a diverse set of issues related to social entrepreneurship. With ties to the grass roots network of organizations and institutions, students collaborate and directly participate in creating solutions to real world problems through the prism of courses offered through liberal arts, public health and other disciplines. Winterim runs during the winter break, and is one of a limited set of programs where special arrangements may be available to participants for a late UI start. Students are responsible for tuition, travel, housing and other expenses. Professor Marcella David is the law school faculty advisor for this program, and Geography Professor Raj Rajagopol is the Director of the program. It is also important to coordinate course approval with the Dean of Students.


Please visit the International & Comparative Law Program bulletin board for information about AbA study abroad programs. You may also visit the AbA website for an approved list of foreign study programs: http://www.abanet.org/legaled/studyabroad/foreignstudyhome.html


Why study abroad?

Studying Abroad has opened my eyes to how rigid the legal education system is. Every country has its own «right» way of preparing lawyers to practice law. Obviously, the goal of the legal education system is to turn-out quality attorneys prepared to face the challenges with which they will be presented in their chosen legal professions. However, the way this goal is attained is as varied as the countries themselves. Studying abroad has taught me there is no correct way to learn to practice law.

— Emily Febles (’11)


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If you have questions regarding the Iowa LLM or Iowa’s International and Comparative Law Program, please contact our office directly.

by mail Professor and Associate Dean Marcella David The University of Iowa College of Law Iowa City, IA 52242-1113 USA

by Telephone 800-553-4692 ext. 9095 (from within U.S.) (Admissions Office) 319-335-9169 (International & Comparative Law Program)

by Fax 319-335-9098

by E-mail [email protected]

The University of Iowa prohibits discrimination in employment, educational programs, and activities on the basis of race, national origin, color, creed, religion, sex, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, gender identity, or associational preference. The University also affirms its commitment to providing equal op-portunities and equal access to University facilities. For additional information contact the Office of Equal Opportunity and Diversity, (319) 335-0705.

Individuals with disabilities are encouraged to attend all University of Iowa sponsored events. If you are a person with a disability who requires a reasonable accommodation in order to participate in this program, please contact College of Law in advance at (319-335-9034).

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The University of Iowa College of Law

Iowa City, IA 52242-1113 USA