PARr "--PAGB 26. THE CHIC'\GO SUNDAY TRIBU JE, \'1ARCH 16, 1919. --..---- •."',.,..--=.. -~-_.-- Y 'SUPPLIES Stove Polish Shoe Polish I I WI ite Liq rid Black Liquid French Satin , Glo,s Sno White Washillg Powder White Floating Temptation Brand S Ch ' 'fhls Is ODe of the best waahinrr oap IpS powder-s on the market. 1"01' a! A waterproof cotton Hne, A mild, pure, safe soap In kinds of caning it will be found qualtty of yarn. Will not klnk I most efIecth e form. Pro:o., most economical and efTeetive. u.d I., e ceedingly strong. pared ""pedally for the Packetl In 1.pon"d packages. II H:;~~:!-l Jill" t1~O !t.) ..•.••. $0.69 launder-lug of tlno 13.CcS chi. ' I!.~/~_2 lmes 1..00 it) •••••. J.36 fOD'" ailka, woolens, ; nens ' 1I20731- 1 pkg •••••.•••••. .$0.21 and 0 h l' [a, rte: H201S:\- 3 pkgs, .••• •.•. ••• .6", I <.. 1I207~G- 6 kgs........ ••••.••• • U! Lux Soa l!'1akes Pad.ed n ••ounce pu.e•.ages. -- •••• iiiio;_iiiiiiiiiliiL~~_~H~I!:0~13:c.-:1~2~P s $.40 P IU08Cl~ 3 pkgs ..••.••.. ,0.2lS Especially da. a.dp~~e In fo~ I, mo O~ G pkgs........... .~~. I ~~~~ea. n_O~r.1-12 pkgs ..•..... J.lI9 Powdered Ammonia m018S- a pk~ ••••••••• SUi I ill SlIt-SO pkgs •. ~ase) •.•• U Htt78'- 6 pkgs ••••••• • .c:I r S Cl . llJ0187-U p:.gs. ..•••••••• 1.S: I oap ups 1!'or dish w >:hln~. scrub" C t S blrfg <T laundry use, the: arpe oap .",ap chips will be found US\), FCft' clea ing carpet, p,ush, I ftl! and economical. Pa ke j etc. llic cakes.. 10 2 lb. package. lUt17a- :I bars •••••••••• $0.341 H~OOOl- I pkg .....•.•... ,•. !~ JLU1f7-U bArs........... 1":2 n~o"":\-:I pl.gs.......... .Sg -,---- I IDl060 6 pkgs .•••.• 1.71 I B28100-24 x;kgu. (cas) •• ;s Liquid Blueing I Blue Jay Brand Liquid 3 Bottles" 200 Anunonia} acked '11 .8·OUD-;e pllcltallcs. I H2117C.t- ~ pkg ••..•••••• $O~l BIn Jay Brand f f:O!Sr".... 6 pl,g". •••••••. .4~ e, I H.O/67-12 pkgs......... .1I~ 3 101 26 "01Cl}--50 p gs, (case). .16 vot! ee, C ------ A ful1 stre gt:-- Sani Flush llJ"ll1on~ that is an I A r ateuted, white. odortess adjunct to every .ow-rer that creans toi1('~ kr.ch.rn and laun- bowl wlth?ut emuloylng the n eunee bottles. old ~crubblD, •• scm ring an r I~ dry IiPlllt matnods that were mOiO:\- a bottie3......... u I ~~ formbr,y necessary, \11 that JI~i>lIG- C ottlee......... .I>t l!l-<:-llIt" notttes, is n,,'·.essary IS to follow di- R!0 •• t7-12 bottles •••• " !oOD, 1I2).!;~ll- 3 bCttl" • • . $0,26 recti ns on ea. • lUnDO-2,i bottles (ease) 1.9C Il20.26-, Gbot les......... .81 H20791- 1 an ...••••... SO.!l ---~- . H20i>27-12 bottl 1.66 H~O;?3- 3 can •••.••. .6~ C d II:!C1UC- 6 ears ...••.•.••• 1.~.• once-itrate IH20"2G-~~bOttl~ase) 1~6 II!O~llG-12 cans (case) •• !•.l! HI ~ ~('.sltin~ Tab ets WilF..on's I 1';coJn·.nlea.1 anJ convenient p. re Ah ~hly concen-, ~or softontng wat~r or ren::,)v'~·'1 Powdered I boated ann eon- IIIg grease and dirt, I ~~}li 's.:~ B fr,-J.J!l.I.-'1! densed Blue Pg H20 3'- 6 pvga ••••••••.. $O.lIC ovALA't"lS orax that g1 '3 unl neo.S7-12 pkgs...... ....7) fl .'A"O. 3 Can", 24c ve r B a 1 ..-tisfu- I~ -~J.....a l1 ",,, tion. May b ''''''d • .,~ -~ •. In any water W Jth I (2{' .,kgs.) .......• ,. •.•.. 1.:16.. The l' 8 ~(1 recut probably n0 " C ld W S h other single l'uli:&4 In 2-011 ell bot 1e. I 0 ater tare Item WIth as n!8~1a- S bo t!~s, ••.••.. ~O.~6 Doe" net r quire cooktru- many varte IIn"ts-- 6 bott c: . • ••••• ..,1 'l'hel'e'(' ., better cold water us 9S Bor x, mUJ7-12 bottle'! ••••••• 1.",:1 "'•••• ;::J. on '.h~ ma.rket. ~gi-;~ 1sA~ :ro..aed in 1!·onne.. package:. pure..'lt and lI20.11:\- 3 pkgg ..••••••••. SO.!!1 he. tobtalnable. Ironing Wax' moOll~ 6 pkgs........... .1>3 Ill· oz. sitting top e liS. Granulated Lye U1l9~\l1-12 p~.g8••••••••• J.Ot H201ir,:I- 3 ('> n ••••••••• SO.llf 12 'Cakes, Be Ul!059(}-~~ pkgs. (cae') •. ll.'1s HtO~?!-~ cans........... .f7 Le'wis' L " d--S- h I ili°m.::lli ~:::,' (cue)':.: s:: l"or th<!l many 11M3 for anon ry tare which Lye I ec~, this . Paeke~ I. 1....... I '. , grade will m•• et all requit'''"' vu ell cues. I It. p•• re lump 9tarch fI'MI ("Llorate of I l'me ment!l. It Is full strength, trern all adl1lte11lntB. Com- ,ll " and & r.eat 'c !la~e . -pare Wi! on's In both frice l'acli:ed hI 1!·0ll. ea.a.. I Pack&4 til 1!.oz. frlctioa In ocmvenl=t form. 'rh9 Itnd re "Its with any 0 th.. l'reTentlTll of D8r,<LY. top eana. wa.x1s wrap in cloth lth '1\1'(,,1 known t,randq I O' a '0.3; nileO:\- JI "0 ha dl, attaclied. V~·I.J;.'.,o Ik fO!" nll1 u3- cans •••••••• _.. I cans ••••••••••• P .31 woo' ne I "-y u.nr p g.. •~ IIlltOS7-U cans ...•..•.••• J.sn Ulll1lO1-12 cans .......••. t 22 WeiS1-l,2 Clj.keli! •.•.•••• S.tt ~7a-.-a·1l;.~.l'nd 1.kgB.. .731 Hle1030--25 canlt (ease ••• '-'7 lnll"~ll cana (case) ••• f.RO I . Laundry Soap A yellow laundry so. p that Yellow Naphtha 'will not harm the be t of r ! raortcs, lItt817- 12 bars .•.•••.•.• $O•. :ll Wel~ht of bars ".bea cut, • mOSit- 60 bars ..••••••• s.~a " JO 0:&. I mO~10 bar (1.00 ) ••• '.411 H~ .17- 12 bars ......... ~9.;;l) White Floating Soap 1120SSO--:ilI bars •••...••• 2.43 1l1l06lill-l0C bars (box) .. f.S4 .A white eg- 'w >all lLdapte<1 for dea.ning all arUclea of fine texture. such Il8 laces, r:!;),c hose tc. Abo a:n excellent ball! soap. Weight of bars when eat, OJ:. lI!O'J7- 12 baza., $0.11 H201M- 50 bars. • •• :.19 JUOUt-lOG bars (box) •• e:! WIll a cake of Rlt you can clea.nse a. garl ent thor- oug. I} and at the same time dye It any shade you may select. It wll! not stain the hands or ,utenslis a. d con- tains nothing' Injurtous, It costs practtcattv nothing as or' cal;e wil l dye a waist eeven trrnes, Fu'! ~rect1or." corrta iried In evorv pac~age. Q" H20lS:;~- 3 package (S, te Colora) •••••••••••••••.•• SO.~" IUlJS:;a- ij packages (Sta Colcr-s), .49 H~08;;7-12 pacl:ages (S,,,,+& Color,,). ••••.•.•• .•. ••.•. .116 Hit-The Soa;- ~ye -,'--Clothe,; Lines Sha.des as follows- p cify which Is The clothes lmes we quote are desired tho nnest obtatnable, and are '.. "conornical In the long Nn. Each FJe,,:h. Pln,~ line ill 100 feet long In two lengtns 3ttlIh'':i..e~'R~~: of 60 feet each, We do not sell oranJ;. yell..... less than two hanks. I Golden Yelle 'H. ~~t~~T~: Majestic Solid II f.i':~BI r.eri~;'k Braided Sa8h Cord B1U 'ii..J I.tr td A special sash cord line. Abso lute I}' solid and will not stretch I ~~"~to~: lI2l!101-t Inc (100 ft.) ••.••••• '1.08 A pract.Ic ,I '1e lee for use In tl: H~2702--2 Jines (2lJO rt.) ••••••• ! 10 kitchen. back poreh, or any roo size ~x3 inches, carries 36 fe t uigh grade brnlded line •'oUlin Braided Sash to g~' out 0, o"ler~ made of lite. richly narncled, rurntsned com Cord LIne pie tl \\'I", sere • and h ok ready o be a ched. I as toe: mg ,I.,.. A regular sash cord bru.l<". Ab- I "lee wtt rach st. abl n&"I ne to solut ely olld and an e c '!lent b held nrm, \Vel hs 1',4. pound value. lI~2~71-1 •• ••• •••• •.••••• $0 11 H!2H1-1 line (t~0 ft.)..•••••.•U.71o II2" ;:1-3 •••..••..••••• 111 HU1I2 -2 Imes (200 ft.) •••.•• 1.M __ - ._.. _ Naphtha Soap r washing In eotd or lul:ewarm water, t~ soap will give the utmost satisrac- t1on. Welgn.t of blLre ".hell 10 i>l!. Laundry Soaps I 'White Laundry Soap 1<',""efro •• all -hernicats or tlllern. gIVl'" "Ienty of suds even J..) hard -ater, and is not injurious to clothes or n\, hands, Wel:rlJt of bars "'hellnt,i 0s, 1i:l0l41- 12 bars .•••••• t"}.6/j lJ2~ I\- GO bars •• ••••. !.66 H!066 1~_ bars (box). 9.251 White Naphtha m'717- 12 bars •••••••••. $0.1' m'71~ 1>0bars ••••••••• S.u m.' '-10~ barn (box) •• 8,i -_._- .- ...• Normandy Twisted Cotton Line Metal ashb ard' Cleanser Vickshurg Twisted II .utp Line. A strr I g twisted hemp S!\OJh cor-d, Imp rVlOUS to moisture Thl" line i" a big seller. H211781-1 ttnc (l00 ft ) ....••. 0.6. Un7S2 Z Hncs (ZOOft.) •••••.• 1.:H 3 Cans, 1ge 6 Cans, 37c Mount Royal Braided I Filled Lin .. A braided filled !lne with a dou- ble col" cover. lf2.Hl-l line u 0 rt.) ,.O.4 H2:1112-2 Iines (200 ft.).,..... .96 6 Zinc Washhoard. The htg. e t gr de and typO of w hboard, h a metal t n G08.J> dratner, Globe crtn p I: C I b- bing "uri ceo 1'1.' 11x1 !'1rt.,Oc. vent ilated closed back. H2S110-Each •• ,' ••• ••.• te.18 Puritan Twisted Cotton Line. A he avy cotton llne, unble ched in color. H22,lil ,Ine 100 ft.)...... O.ss 1I2~1 2-2 linea (~OOft.) • ••• .1 I Coated Tin Washboard large fam ly s!~ The rub If surrace 19 made of heavy co ted lin plate gu teed not to rust and will We l' ust as well a ztne or br ss. Has the met I op oaf} .tratner Wltl! ventilate ,0'*<1 In back, Ize t.r rub 'n&, surface, 121: 13 Inches. 1I!:l72 ' E ell ••.• .. ••••••••. $0. Scouring Brick Bon Ami Clothes Baske For scrubb ng and scour-in of all kinds, ) ou wi1l tlnd thl brick of great asststance. It will not harm the hands, Weight of brkJ.:, abont 10 oz. H207.3- 3 bricks ••••••••. $Q.21 H201liS- 6 brick; •.. IJen757-12 br-icks ..• lI20~l>O--J6 bricks ( W••1l made from the be t select- ed willow, In three sizes to meet all requ: rements, 112ST.0l)-Srra I size. Each ..••. 1.411 H2S,,1C)-M, dlurn slze, Ear.h .• J.;;6 H2362ll-Large SIZe. Each •••• 1.11 Delight Brass Washboard. A we J de rd with bras rubbing rtace, 6l:oll xU Inches. llU12tl-E ch ..•• •••••• •••• '" Sal Soda Wilson's 3 lb. Package, ge A pure g r anurated sa I soda contatrn n \; no adult er ant of anv kind. II 1011- l-u-Ib. pkg .••••• '8.09 H::~~3- 3.3-lb b pkgs.... .Ilr. lllU'~0-6o-!b. ox, ~••• 1.;;7 Clotht's Pins. We hll.ndl~ tt.ls 'ub III three "Izes, lar;;:.. merl um and snlal!. all made of. heavy gaU'l'6 galvan- izeli iron. lU32Stl-I"arge tub ••••••• •. $1.£' 1l23UG-Medlum tub '•••.•.••• l.lf7 1l2U:5&-Small tub •••.••••••••• 1.ll2 -. pa ed U A good pins 0 th JU27ti3- 3 1I!276G- 6 H~2;'61-12 :: WILSON GROCERY COMPANY, PEOR1~ LL:k...••• MARCH AP~L, 191Q

Stove Polish Shoe Polish...Stove Polish Shoe Polish I I Black Liquid WIite Liq rid French Satin, Glo,s Sno White Washillg Powder White Floating Temptation Brand Soap Ch' 'fhls Is ODe

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PARr "--PAGB 26. THE CHIC'\GO SUNDAY TRIBU JE, \'1ARCH 16, 1919.--..---- •."',.,..--=.. -~-_.--

Y 'SUPPLIESStove Polish Shoe Polish


WI ite Liq ridBlack LiquidFrench Satin, Glo,s


Washillg PowderWhite Floating Temptation BrandS Ch' 'fhls Is ODe of the best waahinrroap IpS powder-s on the market. 1"01' a! A waterproof cotton Hne,

A mild, pure, safe soap In kinds of caning it will be found qualtty of yarn. Will not klnkI most efIecth e form. Pro:o., most economical and efTeetive. u.d I., e ceedingly strong.pared ""pedally for the Packetl In 1.pon"d packages. II H:;~~:!-l Jill" t1~O !t.) ..•.••. $0.69launder-lug of tlno 13.CcS chi. ' I!.~/~_2 lmes 1..00 it) •••••. J.36fOD'" ailka, woolens, ; nens ' 1I20731- 1 pkg •••••.•••••. .$0.21and 0 h l' [a, rte: H201S:\- 3 pkgs, .••• •.•. ••• • .6",

I <.. 1I207~G- 6 kgs........ ••••.••• • U!Lux Soa l!'1akes Pad.ed n •• ounce pu.e•.ages. -- ••••iiiio;_iiiiiiiiiliiL~~_~H~I!:0~13:c.-:1~2~Ps $.40P IU08Cl~ 3 pkgs ..••.••.. ,0.2lSEspecially da. a.dp~~e In fo~ I, mo O~ G pkgs........... .~~. I

~~~~ea. v· n_O~r.1-12 pkgs ..•..... J.lI9 Powdered Ammoniam018S- a pk~ ••••••••• SUi I ill SlIt-SO pkgs •. ~ase) •.•• U

Htt78'- 6 pkgs ••••••• • .c:Ir S Cl .llJ0187-U p:.gs. ..•••••••• 1.S: I oap ups

• 1!'or dish w >:hln~. scrub"

C t S blrfg <T laundry use, the:arpe oap .",ap chips will be found US\),

FCft' clea ing carpet, p,ush, Iftl! and economical. Pa ke j

etc. llic cakes.. 10 2 lb. package.

lUt17a- :I bars •••••••••• $0.341 H~OOOl- I pkg .....•.•... , •. !~JLU1f7-U bArs........... 1":2 n~o"":\-:Ipl.gs.......... .Sg-,---- I IDl060 6 pkgs .•••.• 1.71

I B28100-24 x;kgu. (cas) ••;sLiquid Blueing I

Blue Jay Brand Liquid3 Bottles" 200 Anunonia} acked '11 .8·OUD-;e pllcltallcs.

I H2117C.t- ~ pkg ••..•••••• $O~lBIn Jay Brand f f:O!Sr".... 6 pl,g". •••••••. .4~

e, IH.O/67-12 pkgs......... .1I~

3 101 26 "01Cl}--50 p gs, (case). .16vot! ee, C ------

A ful1 stre gt:-- Sani FlushllJ"ll1on~ that is an I A r ateuted, white. odortessadjunct to every .ow-rer that creans toi1('~kr.ch.rn and laun- bowl wlth?ut e muloylng then eunee bottles. old ~crubblD,•• scm ring an

r I ~ dry IiPlllt matnods that weremOiO:\- a bottie3......... u I ~~ formbr,y necessary, \11 thatJI~i>lIG- C ottlee......... .I>t l!l-<:-llIt"notttes, is n,,'·.essary IS to follow di-R!0 ••t7-12 bottles •••• " !oOD, 1I2).!;~ll- 3 bCttl" • • .$0,26 recti ns on ea. •lUnDO-2,i bottles (ease) 1.9C Il20.26-, Gbot les......... .81 H20791- 1 an ...••••... SO.!l

---~- . H20i>27-12 bottl 1.66 H~O;?3- 3 can •••.••. .6~C d II:!C1UC- 6 ears ...••.•.••• 1.~.•once-itrate IH20"2G-~~bOttl~ase) 1~6 II!O~llG-12 cans (case) •• ! •.l!

HI ~ ~('.sltin~ Tab etsWilF..on's I 1';coJn·.nlea.1 anJ convenient p. re

A h ~hly concen-, ~or softontng wat~r or ren::,)v'~·'1 PowderedI boated ann eon- IIIg grease and dirt, I ~~}li 's.:~ B

fr,-J.J!l.I.-'1! densed Blue Pg H20 3'- 6 pvga ••••••••.. $O.lIC ovALA't"lS oraxthat g1 '3 unl neo.S7-12 pkgs...... ....7) fl .'A"O. 3 Can", 24cv e r B a 1 ..-tisfu- I ~ -~J.....al1 ",,,tion. May b ''''''d • .,~ - ~ •.In any water W Jth I(2{' .,kgs.) .......• ,. •.•.. 1.:16.. T h e l' 8~(1 recut probably n 0" C ld W S h other singlel'uli:&4 In 2-011 ell bot 1e. I 0 ater tare Item WIth as

n!8~1a- S bo t!~s, ••.••.. ~O.~6 Doe" net r quire cooktru- many varteIIn"ts-- 6 bott c: . • ••••• ..,1 'l'hel'e'(' ., better cold water us 9S Bor x,mUJ7-12 bottle'! ••••••• 1.",:1 "'•••• ;::J. on '.h~ma.rket. ~gi-;~1sA~

:ro..aed in 1!·onne.. package:. pure..'lt andlI20.11:\- 3 pkgg ..••••••••. SO.!!1 he. tobtalnable.

Ironing Wax' moOll~ 6 pkgs........... .1>3 Ill· oz. sitting top e liS. Granulated LyeU1l9~\l1-12 p~.g8 ••••••••• J.Ot H201ir,:I- 3 ('> n ••••••••• SO.llf

12 'Cakes, Be Ul!059(}-~~ pkgs. (cae') •. ll.'1s HtO~?!-~cans........... .f7 Le'wis'

L" d--S- h Iili°m.::lli ~:::,' (cue)':.: s:: l"or th<!l many 11M3 foranon ry tare which Lye I ec~, this. Paeke~ I. 1....... I '. , grade will m ••et all requit'''"'vu ell cues. I It. p ••re lump 9tarch fI'MI ("Llorate of I l'me ment!l. It Is full strength,

trern all adl1lte11lntB. Com- ,ll " and & r.eat 'c !la~e .-pare Wi! on's In both frice l'acli:ed hI 1!·0ll. ea.a.. I Pack&4 til 1!.oz. frlctioa

In ocmvenl=t form. 'rh9 Itnd re "Its with any 0 th.. l'reTentlTll of D8r,<LY. top eana.wa.x1s wrap in cloth lth '1\1'(,,1 known t,randq I O' a '0.3; nileO:\- JI "0

ha dl, attaclied. V~·I.J;.'.,o I k fO!" nll1 u3- cans •••••••• _.. I cans ••••••••••• P .31woo' n e I "-y u.nr p g.. • ~ IIlltOS7-U cans ...•..•.••• J.sn Ulll1lO1-12 cans .......••. t 22WeiS1-l,2 Clj.keli!•.•.•••• S.tt ~7a-.-a·1l;.~.l'nd 1.kgB.. .731 Hle1030--25 canlt (ease ••• '-'7 lnll"~ll cana (case) ••• f.RO

I .

Laundry SoapA yellow laundry so. p thatYellow Naphtha 'will not harm the be t of

r ! raortcs,lItt817- 12 bars .•.•••.•.• $O•.:ll Wel~ht of bars ".bea cut, •mOSit- 60 bars ..••••••• s.~a " JO 0:&. ImO~10 bar (1.00 ) ••• '.411 H~ .17- 12 bars ....•..... ~9.;;l)

White Floating Soap 1120SSO--:ilI bars •••...••• 2.431l1l06lill-l0C bars (box) .. f.S4

.A white eg- 'w >alllLdapte<1 for dea.ning allarUclea of fine texture. suchIl8 laces, r:!;),c hose tc. Aboa:n excellent ball! soap.Weight of bars when eat, OJ:.

lI!O'J7- 12 baza., • $0.11H201M- 50 bars. • •• :.19JUOUt-lOG bars (box) •• e:!

WIll a cake of Rlt you can clea.nse a. garl ent thor-oug. I} and at the same time dye It any shade you mayselect. It wll! not stain the hands or ,utenslis a. d con-tains nothing' Injurtous, It costs practtcattv nothing asor' cal;e wil l dye a waist eeven trrnes, Fu'! ~rect1or."corrta iried In evorv pac~age. Q"

H20lS:;~- 3 package (S, te Colora) •••••••••••••••.•• SO.~"IUlJS:;a- ij packages (Sta Colcr-s), .49H~08;;7-12 pacl:ages (S,,,,+& Color,,). ••••.•.•• .•. ••.•. .116

Hit-The Soa;- ~ye -,'--Clothe,; LinesSha.des as follows- p cify which Is The clothes lmes we quote are

desired tho nnest obtatnable, and are'.. "conornical In the long Nn. EachFJe,,:h. Pln,~ line ill 100 feet long In two lengtns3ttlIh'':i..e~'R~~: of 60 feet each, We do not sell

oranJ;. yell..... less than two hanks. IGolden Yelle 'H.

~~t~~T~: Majestic Solid IIf.i':~BIr.eri~;'k Braided Sa8h CordB 1U 'ii..J I.tr td A special sash cord line. Abso

lute I}' solid and will not stretch I~~"~to~: lI2l!101-t Inc (100 ft.) ••.••••• '1.08 A pract.Ic ,I '1e lee for use In tl:

H~2702--2 Jines (2lJO rt.) ••••••• ! 10 kitchen. back poreh, or any roosize ~x3 inches, carries 36 fe tuigh grade brnlded line • 'oUlinBraided Sash to g~' out 0, o"ler~ made of lite.

• richly narncled, rurntsned comCord LIne pie tl \\'I", sere • and h ok readyo be a ched. I as toe: mg ,I.,..

A regular sash cord bru.l<". Ab-

I"lee wtt rach st. abl n&" I ne to

solut ely olld and an e c '!lent b held nrm, \Vel hs 1',4. poundvalue. lI~2~71-1 •• ••• •••• •.••••• $0 11H!2H1-1 line (t~0 ft.) ..•••••.•U.71o II2" ;:1-3 •••..••..••••• 111HU1I2 -2 Imes (200 ft.) •••.•• 1.M __ - ._ .. _

Naphtha Soapr washing In eotd or

lul:ewarm water, t~ soapwill give the utmost satisrac-t1on.

Welgn.t of blLre ".hell10 i>l!.

Laundry SoapsI 'White Laundry Soap

1<',""efro •• all -hernicats ortlllern. gIVl'" "Ienty of sudseven J..) hard -ater, and isnot injurious to clothes or

n\, hands,Wel:rlJt of bars "'hell nt,i 0s,1i:l0l41- 12 bars .•••••• t"}.6/jlJ2~ I\- GO bars •• ••••. !.66H!066 1~_ bars (box). 9.251

White Naphtham'717- 12 bars •••••••••. $0.1'm'71~ 1>0bars ••••••••• S.um.' '-10~ barn (box) •• 8,i-_._- .-

...•Normandy Twisted

Cotton LineMetalashb ard'


Vickshurg TwistedII .utp Line.

A strr I g twisted hemp S!\OJhcor-d, Imp rVlOUS to moistureThl" line i" a big seller.H211781-1 ttnc (l00 ft ) ....••. 0.6.Un7S2 Z Hncs (ZOOft.) •••••.• 1.:H



Mount Royal Braided

I Filled Lin ..A braided filled !lne with a dou-

ble col" cover.lf2.Hl-l line u 0 rt.) ,.O.4H2:1112-2 Iines (200 ft.).,..... .96

6 Zinc Washhoard.The htg. e t gr de and typO of

w hboard, h a metal t n G08.J>dratner, Globe crtn p I: C I b-bing "uri ceo 1'1 .' 11x1 !'1rt.,Oc.vent ilated closed back.H2S110-Each •• , ' ••• • •.• te.18

Puritan TwistedCotton Line.

A he avy cotton llne, unble chedin color.H22,lil ,Ine 100 ft.)...... O.ss1I2~1 2-2 linea (~OO ft.) • ••• .1 I

Coated Tin Washboardlarge fam ly s!~ The rub If

surrace 19 made of heavy co tedlin plate gu teed not to rustand will We l' ust as well a ztneor br ss. Has the met I op oaf}.tratner Wltl! ventilate ,0'*<1 Inback, Ize t.r rub 'n&, surface, 121:13 Inches.1I!:l72 ' E ell ••.• .. ••••••••. $0.

Scouring BrickBon Ami

Clothes BaskeFor scrubb ng and scour-in

of all kinds, ) ou wi1l tlnd thlbrick of great asststance. Itwill not harm the hands,Weight of brkJ.:, abont 10 oz.H207.3- 3 bricks ••••••••. $Q.21H201liS- 6 brick; •..IJen757-12 br-icks ..•lI20~l>O--J6 bricks (

W ••1l made from the be t select-ed willow, In three sizes to meetall requ: rements,112ST.0l)-Srra I size. Each ..••. 1.411H2S,,1C)-M, dlurn slze, Ear.h .• J.;;6H2362ll-Large SIZe. Each •••• 1.11

DelightBrass Washboard.

A we J de rd withbras rubbing rtace, 6l:oll xUInches.llU12tl-E ch ..•• •••••• •••• '"Sal Soda

Wilson's3 lb.


A pureg ranurateds a I sodacontatrn n \;no adult erant of anvkind.

II 1011- l-u-Ib. pkg .••••• '8.09H::~~3- 3.3-lb

bpkgs.... .Ilr.

lllU'~0-6o-!b. ox, ~••• 1.;;7

Clotht's Pins.We hll.ndl~ tt.ls 'ub III three

"Izes, lar;;:.. merl um and snlal!.all made of. heavy gaU'l'6 galvan-izeli iron.lU32Stl-I"arge tub ••••••• •. $1.£'1l23UG-Medlum tub '•••.•.••• l.lf71l2U:5&-Small tub •••.••••••••• 1.ll2

-.pa ed UA good

pins 0 thJU27ti3- 31I!276G- 6H~2;'61-12