Source: Iowa Territorial and State Legislators Collection compiled by volunteers and staff at the State Historical Society of Iowa Library, Des Moines, Iowa. Standard Form For of 2. (s) date place /; I 3. Siqnificant events for example: A. Bus i ne 11 CZI: ,. :-t/ .. /11 ,J ,, ... .M-? 1$ k.zr--tft. ,.d J. · .. , .( jr I B. Civic C. Profession · t!{ V ';le4.;,r;v *I ;r- 4. Church membership .. .: vt- s. Sessions served II ' 11 I a, I 18,, t( .. I 2 1 1J } -tit (' -p- ...;t: 6. Public Offices ;..,J ,!4' 7 (/- ' 1 (i. .. J. , t:t; .. A. Local ________________________________________________ ___ B. State ________________________________________________ ___ c. National ________________________________________________ 7. Death J t! L?l 1 Ill J :; t1;;.c.re ?: b 1 f?. L ·rr,,r F ({. 8. Children .&,.. I, rf ' /]fl. I 11> ... tkUJ I (

Standard Form For Memb~rs of th~ L~91slatur~

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Source: Iowa Territorial and State Legislators Collection compiled by volunteers and staff at the State Historical Society of Iowa Library, Des Moines, Iowa.

Standard Form For Memb~rs of th~ L~9 1sl atur~

2. Harriaq~ (s) date place

/; I

3. Siqnificant events for example:

A. Bus i ne 11 CZI: ,. :-t/ .. ~ /11 ,J ,, ... '~., .M-? 1$ ~ k.zr--tft.,.d J. · .. , .( ~ jr I

B. Civic responsibilities~;-~~~d~~.~~~~~f~,~~~~--~~-------------------

C. Profession ~ · t!{ V ';le4.;,r;v *I ;r-

4. Church membership ~-1.-.J .. .:vt--J_.~/~~~~~~--------------------------

s. Sessions served I I ' 11• I a, I 18,, ~~~ t( ,.d+..,,:.~.~..~. .. t,~~'"f. ~ I 2 11J } -tit ·~ (' t~ -p- ~ ...;t:

6. Public Offices -~/ 1 ~, ;..,J Ct~<A. ''··-'~ ~~ /.? ,!4'7(/- ' ;~ · • ~ 1 ,£ (i. .. J. , t:t; ;~to -;£, ~ ..

A. Local ________________________________________________ ___

B. State ________________________________________________ ___

c . National ______________________________________________ __

7. Death J t! L?l 1 Ill J :; t1;;.c.re ?: b 1 f?. L ·rr,,r F ({.

8. Children .&,.. I, rf ' /]fl. I 11> ... tkUJ I (

Source: Iowa Territorial and State Legislators Collection compiled by volunteers and staff at the State Historical Society of Iowa Library, Des Moines, Iowa.

11. Degrees _________________________________________________ _

Source: Iowa Territorial and State Legislators Collection compiled by volunteers and staff at the State Historical Society of Iowa Library, Des Moines, Iowa.

r; o u r c e1 s r , o v f o r r. ~ v I. s .1 <1 L l o n r; 11 L 1. i e s

J\ p p 11 c <II d l L I. \'


' 1

Source: Iowa Territorial and State Legislators Collection compiled by volunteers and staff at the State Historical Society of Iowa Library, Des Moines, Iowa.

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......... ... ... ...... 38c · ·· ··· ... ....... : ... ·. 7lhc ··············· ····· 81hc Pnur-Hr. n __ ___ __ .....,.. ....

nt during this

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~UOGE TRAVERSE PASSES AWAY C CIItherlno £okord St~k•a j Catharine Eckard Stokes was boTn

in Carlile Cutnberlan county, Penna, 1

· Woo Soldleco, J udg", S e nator · ?"d·l M:&4'Ch 24, 1823, departed this life ,... Old Plonoer of Davu1 Cou,ty Septomber 20,' 1909, nt 3 o,clock p. m. l

· · Age ·86 year3, S months and 26 days. 1rn.e·ne\vR ~,f the death of one of She was married to Sam,Jel Stoke~ ·· ~i

:J\ ·our most prominent citizons, Judge i n April of 18~1 . To thiH nn· ou


T raverse, eame flS a shock to the wal:! bor n fi ve children; J ohn, ? am:.i oommunity last Friday and immedi- uel.. Moriah, Mary Etta and Emma, ately the whole town waa in mourn- t.hree of whom died in infancy· i iug Tbey knew of bis f::ickuess but Samuel of Palisade, Colorado, pro· · .tlldu't think i t was so se!'iouR The ('eede<l her to the better world,

..;'whole community are mourners Februa.ry 22, 1909. Her husband : ~long with the Traver~;' family iu th s died June 1'3, 1877.,

1 their sad bereavemout M9ry EttR Ryan of Bloomfield, I

'Henry C!ur '!'!'avert> waR !Jorn in I Iowa, ~t WQORI;\ nome hAl' moth~r,

White county, Ill, Augnst 28, 1839.. Yi l'R c. :ntbRrine Stokes pnssed away· and died Seutember 24., 1909. agPcl .~3 the only one left of the five chil-' .

,70 years and 26 rlays When only dren. 1

four ot age, afler the death of hiE ~he lAH v ·a to maurn her depnrtnre. 1

father, .he came w1tb hit:~ mother to 1-!me d~·ughter., Mrs. M~~ry Rys:u of : Monroe county, Iowa. In his early Bloomfield, Iowa; one Hister, Lizzie young m~nhood he entered a news- Buryner of Greeson, Penna and i paper office at Keokuk and learned nine grandchildren. She united the' prmters trade and also taught with the United Brethren chnrcb. in· school, all the w bile looking forward the year 1864. after which time she , to the law as his cho'3en profession. lived an earnest devoted chriBtinn .

Aft.er having studied ' law, under life, •mtil her death. T he lnst time the preceptorshi~ of . the Hon. her <laughter suw her censcious she I George W . Mc· ~les.ry of Keokuk, WAR rending ht:'r bible. Mr. Travers was ndmitted ro the T.he funeral \vas · condnct~d by i

·bar in ·1862, at Bloomfield. · Rev. Fl:lrrall · at the Ryau hom~. 1

\ But soon after his admission to· weduesday, September 2~nd, at I the ln\.~·, the clouds of war boverin~ 10:30 a. m. Interment in the ''"c~t over hu:1 country and he enlisted iu 1 Urove cemetery. cOmpany •'Jt" the 30tb. Iowa Iufantry -------that regiment being attached to the Plrat cll !..::one Cl~ F'arm1ngton

l!ith army corps, C0llltna.nded ~Y The loeal boyB went to Farming - 1

General Sherman and aftf.rward oy ton, Sunday, fl.S a re8ult Farmingtou Gen. John A. Logan. Mx·. Tmvers got their goat running a way with I

~~~~~"""'"'~ participated in a number of the an easy victory 10 to 4 . i { m ost important ba ttles of ~he war, They started· out on Far mington'

~ ~~- ~ lr ~ ~~~~m S } as Hay~...es nluff, Ar1-ranP.'lB Pnst, the on tbe rnu aud 'got 1 wo in ! h 1,

'::--? '\Y'\V 1 i·~ !J!' l ,}·. ;,; '1 seigo of Vicl{~:~lmrg nod I.JooJ.:ont Tbcu tlleir ovuoucutl-' cotttn ri:•ht

l! 1 1 • <..: ~ Mountai 1 suui M i~>c;io'l:•ry r:id,Yo. b.acl'"- ,, ·1th tll-r<-,, " t .J ,. ~ -, '" .oU. ,![.;lliU , ll • • J... ~-..., .... "" ;:..a 1

. ~ Aftt!r t.tuce y<•arR of nrrny HOrviee he Pirut~s made n r nl!•: :1r;:l ·.::it: . ~ F'J .S 12"1 wa.: diechargeJ. Returuiog to 1 Oschu~r'!i homo run , v:ith It Jll::u •H:

:::.~ ... r...v,~ ~~~.,_,~ &!; niOO~field ~le U~~nn tbe lll'JH'.ti~~ .~)f! 5_:;;'; '.!.'! .i:; iv11l\uti Jli'Otty \Jr ' t~ hL ;·., .......,.....,.~~C""~E • : ;v:~ law fo_r wh1ch h lS meuta.l capabilitles 1 the boys. !:>uta. cloud soon aroge and

----,.-.~(1 · ·B? v:ell .qualified m:n and earne~ when it clea red away the Van Buren I

\ , -~-'O ~~'lot" .him~elf a re~utab~n as aconsc2- eounty boya h!ld the game safo1y j ~ / ~ ~~::li:~~l)~;:~~~~~~~ 1!:w~e:~ laid away . t~~ · I ll ~'~"'~ ~ . .,,.:•n•l'r fo' th•~n f'M· h.•.1•, I - -- . . 1

Source: Iowa Territorial and State Legislators Collection compiled by volunteers and staff at the State Historical Society of Iowa Library, Des Moines, Iowa.

_ ·- --w·~--..- -· ~ ··· · lug, ~~ ·j· n Jo.Ut•H ~~ 'J'r~LV(.lrll, tbou. tor twelve CortdV l\lt ollan C!t Olo<Jmf!~l d . ::,\t\rn!! i

~- .. .;) · k yefU'a it wus 'l'rnvera & E1ohoH~rger, nloomfield ia to hnve n treat m hriuo I •

/.-;:r- m1

~ ,~ and agniu '.l'rnvera, Pt~yue & Eu;llel· sweots, this \Viutt>r. J. '1'. Ad:mm Gmu<1 !U ~!: I ~ berger, until his goiug upon the anu wite. of StLouis, bn vo deci<l1•d To•· ,

u '1. , ~I bench, and o.!ter his ~.otir~mout to Iooatn hero for tho wiutUL' tw<l tho bot

~ ~~ · I 1 frvm tho lY~uch tmtl uut~l lml ro rnu a.u np·to unto ctlndy lcitchen, •>U the pr' ~~ 1

\C--:.: '\ 1· tirernent fi'G!Jl tht~ ln. 'v, 'rrtwurH & th(.~ cMt siue, iu t.ht: Me Cluro build· ~rieutlr< ~ . '"">~,J 1 m ) I ' --.. 'L-~ J.tJ-1 01'. · · • . ing ..~~ plt•

~ In JSflS llnd 1870, and a~;uu 1ll Mr Aduma comes highl~· recom-1 prevaih erman Co. ·-No.SZ · .1 th 1

1 • : ~18.80 he was electeu to e o~a mended, having \Vorked !or a num- home, ) ~ -- ~ - - ·- El - .'\ .s~At~ ~nat~; :whA'l'A hA AAr:Pd Wlth I ber of years \Vith vak~l:l c uuuy Co. I ('.nrn~ti ~ r I en OtS!.9:C~ction. In 1881 haVIng ~n of St Loui~. ackno, .. ·J(•cl~ed t he IJ.•s1 I 'l'lh'. ~ chosen judge m the ::>ecoud J.ud l<.:lal 1u the we!:>tern ~tatee; He hac ~:'.~~ hy r.li:·'

, district, he held that respomnble of- the uloomfield fair ou and oii tor I ~li: s E·. V nu WhPn V nu d fica and witt marked ability fm.• t ... enty years and has come to the I At'/··

fourteen years, he retinng becaus8 conclUEion that our city w1l! rua.:.re ed for 4 VQ.4 v a.~~.._..a.ll J'1 va.e.~ . - '· ' ' I .. re t 0 Buy s hoes' of imp-... ired health . . a tin~ location Ben<.:c l

In 1868 Ayril 12 bP ·.ms umted 1n we are glad he has decided t0 march : iticism. It a.iwavsl't marriage to Miss Ellen Preston of establish here and recommend him, tended · ~ellent price values ~ nloomfiel<l, Iowa. who with a s~n, a good clean business man C'itizens maid l'

!es, our wide range~· Frank C Travers of. nloomfiel~ ?;ive him your support_ and help to C!ine a: veo So we are no . Iowa. and daughter, Mrs Delle ~c- est..'l.blish a new OUolOeSS in our before J

nebody along. Re- · Calm of ITi;:-ksvme, M~, f.mrv1ve city the iJ DON'T SELL you ·r him; also a brotherJs.mesJ T~vers., ' T.he l

1... h. d , o-- of Humphrey, Mo. and two elSters, j C!:krd of Tho n tta _ 1 sowe P~' 'Je t ~s oesn t :>eem · - · Louisa McMurray of Sacr!l- we wish t.o e.xtJ3nd otJr smcere Miss Sh '\iVh,,-,;a:;a ~o+ ==--~~ .. F ,,.,.,... .~nl8 J · · ds -d I ·- ----- ---·P -:..:7 ..... :~ '-''-6 ~. mento, CaHf, and Mra Nancy Hunt . tl)anks to our kind . fnen tt4 Persiau e shoes Yv'-4 have. of Ellery, Ill I neighbors, who sogramously render-! Vulenc• d to you. BUY A " . :MrTra.-ers' home life wru; ic1~.f~J ad aid and comfort during our lnt.e nutl wL ' :E 'FH.L UI~·FER- ·, because love reigned there and in- sorrow and bereavement. Folio

spired every word and act spoken 1UR8. M. E. EVAKS, AND rei:rel:>ll ~ and dono by husband and father RELATIVES. dimug 1

On SepkwUcr 25, 1'897, Judge ---· A HfiiHl TraYcrse with hie \vife uniteJ with E D Kinkle bas sold hi~; farm of Misfit S


·L!VE Q'lJARE the Presbyterian church at uloom- lCO acres near Chequest to John and. Ba·

field, Io;va. On June 11, 1899, lle Daugherty :reneiving $50 per acre The b· 1 R. Davis arrived last week WQB chosen a Ruling Elder in the Mr and Mrs Melker Baker and uum~r }rand Junctjon, C<l.Jo ••• ~a!-- IJh~ which office he has held :Mr and Mrs Thomas Miller, of Hurd- herself r 1e 11:om~~In1Ilg ._:wd Vl81~ his , every since Be was a devo~ . 1 - • lid d 1a Mr. B: mncy .anorney t:. F .. Davis.-- -F.f -""-:.. .. t f God's word and a man of land, .Mo, vislte<i xne '3 an. re - b'"'

. B~oUA.Wn o . bves and atten<!ed home oommg at capa. -"'" uex_t event that ~1 .a~,. pray~ He will be remembe~ by thu fair Mrs Baker is a sister, of I fruit grt, enhon of the_ pobhc wtU. ... ~ ~chureh as a humble and smcere C Le h f tl;jg •t Mr. r reater Noms-Rowe sho : ~ devoted t<> the inter- H ac o Cl v , will exhibit here, Saturday, . ~ hmau: . . .. te-poraij Leach & Etell i'-epo~ tlle ~~!~ of make t:;: r :1 . ear.ed ot. ~n:ucn~~~a~o:tim~~Y to the Francis White lots near the nToob .rb :· M E u :1 · k · · t re an spxl'l w t E d to Mrs Sarah 0 e., .u • • .=en( nc s 19

JUS - his son and these about hlm during I es u • gr~~. r: go \Yith :df.r~h~;_ong siege of b.a.y . tb.f. last davs of his illness at Kvoot;, I Reward coilSmeratJon ~.,oo

. Te~ was a triumphant hope in Henry Br.riley, of Dra.kesYille, has Mr m1,

.nd Mrfl .. J. D. W1~;eman re- the u~ror of •death. I purchased the Joan Dodgt1 farm of v isi1od ~ J;l~me yesterday ~fter .a~ -~ T~o:a_~e boon his past"'r, and to 120 acres The f::ale WM mndo I T hurudn.

ns1t at Bl90mfield w1th thell' · L--'~ h' f. · d b.i d to l . . • . • ... - • , ,...,. •· • e.!.~~ ~·-".:!! ill. nnd A 1Ro nt.tenued the Old ho.ve w~, •. -~ n~ '8 f );in~~ 1 turoug u "u"' .uo:m".u <"' J.JuJ t>JI n :u.1 1 Mr::; I!twt

.' Reun10n.- <..enterv1ll<? \ 'iti~~;;t~ ;;_; ~~0100; ~~ lo~: ~ 1 o.:;to.t~ ~~C"'.i • ,,. .. :-1,. ·1-' . r ! nnc1 ln:'f

,. n" ..... to ml£1; 'HM to·~t }H' l .To.on .... tlllcr, oV<.;f.!o, o ... - o.l)n..;,.!, }J,I,:j I . l 'l"t.i-n1nn; ~n • 'J • -· • -' • r f - .<'{ .... , t -r.,..r .... T> ;~n .. (• F 1 ;tt}P c>f Ft lll:t<llSon r- 0 flom ,2r: j f''>ld nf}r arm o J·~ •. Cl'v!! () • .. .r. "'1 - ' • '' '' ., • • ' 'I1IJJ gOD . ·' ~ ) f p• '1] ' <; <' (• y'i( lCJl' Jfj{!)' '.irtr'l, rl · •ne ~atn rcb:; f '"')m u ~- 11 t ho eir c;lcf:l of er..c''.tj' iu E : .. nr: 1 '> ':'u.1 3 ·o~,J ~:. ·'~ ~~ - ·· '''

" rr J.U n - - I ' I ' 1" l" t I ' I I- I • 1 •• r' f 'I h. .-. it u h•.::: Fi>it,~r. ;.>J.t"B. ~.j,.l~ ho hn'i mo·;"•1 frJ';;- Ui t:: --v ;~ l;er ''''!''-' : ' ' 1•• '. • -

' ~., l · • ~- '1r t',/Ji1""}f\":·.• J ,.-,~:li '' ( 'J ollllJ) . h't .... ..,. ..... 'f:l"'-."'P""'.,. . ., .. ' )''; ;nl' • # ,!'P) •. :.} - I • • - :. • "' - • •r • ~ . . I ., (.. L"' -. j I • :_ j } ' •

1 ·••• - T"J•·,l ) -T~,: iuur·rnl -..:;:-s 11'.!1~ at n:-~ I··~~ ~.'TO :nw a;;r~z:~ •':' ' ~ ·, Y -j;·tu,.· ·Ju•. f:nnJ ..• , (Jt"" "''. J,.;.J.; , ... J v "1,.-·a.n'Jf\- t~f'·,..:""'i' ~ .. '~""'' ';i1J-:!·~'.IJ. rj!• • '!.,.

, · 'ir ·•tl'•\" fr,,. .. , o:a;e '" • · ··.d .• • · ... ,. . .. T , j Jl(ll~l': ~··' t· ... ¢ ..... c· .. ... .• ~_, .. ;.,•, -·n:j ··t<.b•· 'J<.!tl ... :J,,t·:' '\:C' ··J::U')Jirzr···.': _;n·,::I.J"~ ·.: : .... :~ •nt 1 ,1;~ '':r. · ,- · •c'; f.~c:~cy· ... · ··

1cor..nty lnttd w•i!).·.' o.

Source: Iowa Territorial and State Legislators Collection compiled by volunteers and staff at the State Historical Society of Iowa Library, Des Moines, Iowa.

Recollections and Sketches of Notable Lawyers and

Public Men of Early Iowa

Belonging to the First and Second Generations, with Anecdotes and Incidents Illustrative of the Times




* F fD2.0 ,: 585"

For many years a member of the Iowa Bar; member of its House of Representatives, 1863-1864; member of its Senate, 1865- 1866; Re­porter of its Supreme Court, 1867-1875; author of Complete Digest ,f its Decisions from the earliest Territorial period to the 56th Iowa


"In old age alone we are masters of a treasure of which we cannot be eprived, the only treasure we can call our own. The pleasures of memory

and the retrospect of the varied images which in an active life have floated before the mind. compensate, and more than compensate, for the alternate pleasures and cares of active life."-SIR ARCHIBALD ALLISON.

"Personal anecdotes, when characteristic, greatly enliven the pages of

a biography."-SAMUEL SMILES.


•9 16

Source: Iowa Territorial and State Legislators Collection compiled by volunteers and staff at the State Historical Society of Iowa Library, Des Moines, Iowa.


'I . I


IU:r•t tl.l.t·;t ' Ttl o;o..~ \ :-.' t I ~h: t·.TI lit::--

Samuel S. Carrulh r.:r·~ wa;; a nall\e ol \ Vheeling, We::t \ '1rginia, where he Was born in 1837. H e came to Bloomfi eld in 1854, and commenced ~tudying law in the office of H . H . Trimble and James Baker. H e was a brother-in-law of ]udae Trimble, and subsequently became his partner. and ,,·hen Colonel Trimble and Baker entered the army, in 186 1. he succeeded to their practict. Baker was killed as I have before related. and on the return of Judge Trimble from the army and hi~ subsequent retirement from the bench, he and Carruthers formed a partnership under the firm name of Trimble & Carruthers. which continued for many years. and Until judge Trimble's removal to Keokuk. in 1882. after which M r. Carruthers con­tinued the practice alone, to the lime of h1~ death in 19 12.

He was an able la,.,.·yer and had a large pract1ce. For a number of years he was the local at torney for the Wabash Railroad Company; of the Chicago, Bur­lington & Quincy R ailroad Company, and of the Chicago, Rock Island & Pacific Railroad Company.

As a man. Sam Carruthers, as he was generally called, was universally beloved for his amiable character and fine trans. His presence was always pleasing on any occasion. He had about him the air and carried the influence of a natural-born gentleman. H e was perfectly se lf -compo~ed, slo,, tr• anger, peremua lly unruffled. He liked anecdotes and knew how to tell them . H e " ·as lond of good company, and to everyone he joined he ga\e a lresh intcre~t. The noble e~teem in which he was held was equaled only by the uni\'ersal son O\\ on the ewnt of hi~ death.

He had a fine hgure, a fine head, a pleasing. handsome fact . • ;nd everything about him ,,·as manly and allracti\'e.

He was a Democrat in politics, and while he had no desire ior office, he was competent to have tilled any within the gift oi the S tate. He accepted the posi tion of delegate to the Democratic National C on,·ention in 1888. and that of a member of the fo,,·a Commi<s1on at the W orld's Fair, held <~t St. Loui;, in lq0-1.

H l·my C. Tl'aver~e was. for fourteen year,;. on the bench of my District. tried many cases before him. H e was a fair nnd excellent judge; a good listener, patient of investigation, and painstaking in all the duties pertaimng to hi~ offi ce. His length of service and his repeated re-election~ ( unmh ample testimony t'f the general satisfaction he gave.

He was a native of Ill inoi~. where he ,,·a~ born in 1839. and after the death of his father, which occurred when the ~on was hut four years of age. he c.ame with his mother to Monroe County, Iowa. and a few years afterward removed to Davis County. H e wa~ educated in the public <chool~. taught ior a period. studied law and was admitted to the bar of Bloomf1eld in 1862. Soon thereafter. he enlisted as a soldier in the Civil War. becoming Orderly Sergeant in Company F. of the Thirtieth Iowa Infantry. His regiment belonged to the Fifteenth Army Corps,

Source: Iowa Territorial and State Legislators Collection compiled by volunteers and staff at the State Historical Society of Iowa Library, Des Moines, Iowa.

commanded by General :Sherman, and af terward· by General Logan. H e par­ticipated in many hard-fought battles. Upon his discharge from the service he returned t•> B!oomfidd. entered upnn the pract ice, and in a comparatively short time, built up " <q · ·,· t· ·:~f ul .>:H~.

The integrity or hi,; character wa; perfect: he had the respect and confidence of the peop!e, and l;dorc they made him judge, he had been otherwise honored by them. In ! 8():') he wa~ elected to the Hou;:e of the Eleventh General Assembly, which conn:nccl at Des i\ 1 oine~ on January 8 . 1866. In 1867 he was elected to the Stale Senak alld ~er\'ed in the Twe lfth and T hirteenth General Assemblies. In 1879 he"'"' c111ain elected to the State Senate. ;;erving unti l he was elected judge.

In his m<ike-up and bearing hr. lac ked the , ivacity and good fellowship of Car­ruthers. He wore a rather serious ai r. and '''as without that bonhomie that mello"·~ wherever i1 !{•)t:i- . But this he compcns<~ted by his exemplary character. the gra• ity )f his comidion< 'tnd his Christian life. That he was a brave and patriot ic man . ready to .ndd hi,; life for his count 1y. his three years of service as a :-;oldier, facing death in mill\\' :<truggle:<, ~u f!iciently attest He died in 191 0.

Franlt F~i. ill'i/ .. ,·rg.:r ,wd D. F-1. PaJlll e ,,·ere not among the earliest. but may be classed ;,; amrmg the <'arl~' la,,·vers of Da,·is County. for they were member> of its bar f,H c !>f.'riod oi nearly fifty year:;. and 1 knew them all personaily.

Frun!.• Fr. h,·ll·<·rp,·r. I knew irom the time he wa:< a ' ery young man. Hi~ father ,,·as a hctelkeep~:r: ha1·ing been the proprietor of the principal hotel in Mus­catine in 11:•2 "' '" :~ .. i:xtie<, he became that uf the Ottumwa H ouse, formerly ke~Jt by John Po!!,•,. F rank ,,·o; not much beyond his majority 11hen he followed \he family I<• Cli\u!m,·a He wa:; ~om<' fo ur or f1,·e year;. my junior, and a:< we were both youn~ . .. u.d con!!cn ia l. •oon became and continued fast fr iends. He recei1ed hi~ educ <l!i<"l in tlu: common ~chook and ''hen but li tt le more than t"·enty. wa;:, tlw local edito1 ,,r tf,r !\:lu.<catirw j ournal. a connection ,,·hich continued for some four years. Ht• " '"" lor a short time an army correspondent of the Chicago Tribune. In 18(>(• i•e i,rgao hi.- legal ;tudie:: ,,·ith judge Morris j. \Vi ll iam$, at Ottum"·a, wa:; dul,· ;tdmilt.cd to the har and began the practice with Henry C. Traverse, and remo1·~ci :., l3iot,mi'u,.!cl. l.ate1 f\·1 1 . P ayne wa:< taken into the fi rm , under the narne of Traq•r<e . Payne & l:'.ichclherger. \ Vhen Traverse was elected judge, the firm became fJa~·ne :X l:. tchellH,•rger. and ;o continued. I think, un ti l Eiche lberger ' ~ elec­tion l0 the bcrK ~1.

He -.,a.: J•;dg,· 0!. !hal Dl:'tnct [r;t more than t"·enly year;. H e "·a~ a man of talent~. ,\ "c!!-;ead la,,·yer and a11 able judge. Hi~ lather and mother ,,·ere elderly peopl~ 1\'tl'>;, theY came trl OttUflll\'it. I kne"· them ,,·el l. They were well-bred ~nd m<•·l r· xr.e ll~r.t l••.'I:'(Jtl'. Fra nk had a brother, Thoma>. fa miliarly known a~

Tom" l.ir!·.eher~:·, . H e 1·:a.- hil!hl~ \Zif ted. a lnillianl 1niter and prominen tly

,. ,, I


Source: Iowa Territorial and State Legislators Collection compiled by volunteers and staff at the State Historical Society of Iowa Library, Des Moines, Iowa.

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J: ~ 1 I N E NT 1\ N D S E L F -1\11 f\ D E ~1 EN.

10\VA VOLUl\lE.

<"11 1!"/\(;(l ANil NE\V \'<lRK:

Xi\! E Rl l"N'J lllotiRJ\ I' IIJCJ\L l'U IIL!SIIIl\'{j COl'vll' ANY .

Source: Iowa Territorial and State Legislators Collection compiled by volunteers and staff at the State Historical Society of Iowa Library, Des Moines, Iowa.

7"/11\ f !N/1' /:' IJ .\ '/' 1'/'F.\ II/IU;/,'. 1/'IIIC../1f. /1/( : 7 '/ 0 NA/.' J'.

( at si~teen he IE'ft Parkman, with onlr the l'clw.niun clt·llll'llt~ whil'h <"onstitutc the first-< I a\~ men.hant, common to fn rmers' hm·s; 1\'0 lk ed onr rear in the thc.:y :Ill' ll't.: ll mated. lumbcrill!( dis trid of l'<· nn~)' ~'·ania , lin"l)' •l• ·,·•·lnl'- \ I r. I l:1 rlow h:1 ~ hct· n a Frl't'll\:lson • i11 <:<' a litt le ing his llHI,t'nlar l'""l'"; r•·turiH:cl to hi, n:lli'c state, :m~l in the aut lllllll of r 8fi7 pushed '"'''t"ard in to the T trr itory o f 1\' yoming. There he "·nrkcd as a teamster. and found no tro u hie in scnni ng holll·'t use fo r his toi l-hardened hand~. H e wa~ t·arcful to hushand his earnings, and at the end of thrn· ye:ns turned his s teps castll'ard, halting a t ,,,.,,..a, in ll'e, t­ern Iowa, here making his home, and here al'hicving sm:cess.

After being in t rade hy himself for a yc:~r or mort·, on the 6th of August, 11>7 1, he hr<":mH: :1 p:1rtnn of !llr. Coffman, and they ha,·c since hl'l'n t"g"thl·r. In public spirit, enterprise, husincss tac t, and al l thl.'

l''i"' tn the dak of his ~l'ltl t' llll'llt in Iowa, g<1i ng, ho"c' l'r, no higher, a~ yet, than the hlnc lodge.

I k unif•mnly ,·otcs the repnhli ran til'kc t. ff i,; religions Sl'ntiments accnrd \\'ith those of the

Ha 1 •tist~. though he belongs to no clHm h. J le is a young m:1n of excellent st:m.ti ng in ~o· · icty.

l\ l r. H arloll' has a ligh t complex ion and dark h~zt·l eyes; is li\'c f<:c t and nine anrl a-h:tlf inches tnll. having a solid bu ild and a roh11~ t appearance. II <' ll'('igh• one hundred and cigh ty-fi,·c pounds.

I I i~ hu~im·<< eclut·a tion, ;>iekcd up at intcrv:tls of h:i<ur<:, i< ~·~cclkn t , and, like hi ~ partner. he is \'cry ar t i \'l~ and c flic: icn t.

II () N. lll ~N l{ \' l'. '1'1{ /\\'E R SE,

11/,1111.1/1 11:'/ . /1.

H EN R \' C l .:\ \' T R A \ ' I·:RSE, '"n .,( < 'h:t l k< and Sarah Forrl·St '1'1:1\l'l~l·. lll<llll >l'l'' ol tl11·

agricultural class, ll' :ts horn in \\'h ire' nu nty. Indi­an:~, on the l') lh of .\ ugns t. 1 ~.i9 · I I i< l'·llem:~ l ;ln­eestors 1\'er.- \'irgini.m~. though lmth of hi' l'arcu t< were nati\'t!S of Kentucky. H is m:llnn:tf ~rand­

fathe r aided in gain in~ the nation 's indt·lwiH!t ·n• "· Whcu llcnry C. \\'ao, ••ight )'L':H• old hi< f:llht·r

diell, and hi~ mothc1, with fnnJ:_.~,; hild11·n. '""' ,.d tn Monrot: c·ounty , Iowa , au.! a )'l':ll' l.1k l ,,·t JI··d in

• Iavis rount)', "·hcrl' she i' q il l li,·ing. The suhjcct of this skdt:h had :1 rough tiu11· in

boyhood, h~.:i n ~ ohligccl to "l'addk his ""n ' ,Inn•·" at au age ll'h<:n the h:mds arc tcnd•·J. I !.- ""I k. ·d at farming for some time, a tul :t t lc:n;.:t h f<>und his way into a printing oAkc in llloomfil'lcl. and hn,·. and in Il linois and 111 i ~~nn ri , "ork1:d his " :I) II ('

from boy-of-all-"·ork, clas~ica l ly I' :tiled the "I'' int ,·r's devil," to a first-class journerm:m , and al'o tll(•Jilll~ at times in to journalism. T o thl' 11ll.' llt:t l <11 ill .,f the district srhool and the printing ntlic 'l' h<· :1cldnl some h:trcl <tudy in private, h:l\ in~: f111111 •·:JJ 1\ yunth a strong re li ~ h for books. To thi' ":uly lu,·c .,f study it is understood he ~ttrihu t •· s "hat ,[ , grl·•: n f success he has had in life. He ta11ght '<·hool 01t di f­fe rent times, in all fi,·e or six t l.'n n~.

l n r86o he commc ncect r('ad ing law with H" n. G~orge W. McCrary, of Keok11k, no" ~cnet:~ty of war; was admitted to the ua1 at fl louJulicl,l iu S1·p-


t<'llll ... r. 1 ~6~. :u11l hcfm<' I'OlttmC'IH'ing to p ractice elttl·r. ·d th• · •en it·l' in c·om('any F. ,;oth lnw:1 In­fantry. :wting as orderly ~<:rgc:~nt for three years. I I ,. "·:1s nffcn:d the position of licnten:mt of the • <•mt•:lliY a t one: tilll l' d11ring the progrc~< {lf th t' \\':lr. lout fnr rc:~<on .; ltest known to himself refused to he pnlllll>ll'cl. I lc ll·as with thr .1oth through all its 1 :lll'l '" i;:l~' :I ltd ha t t ie~. :H·•·onl(•:lll\'ing ( ;l' IH· r:~l ~her­

llt :lll :1< f:n to\\ard th,· ~L·:t "' Ringj!nld. (;cor!!ia, wh•·1•· IJ, · "'"" di<:~hkd :tnd f.,llnwnl the rq.: illll' lll nu f:n I lll'r.

~inn· H·turning from the south i\lr Tr:"·<·r~c has (,.. ,.n i11 till' pra< tin· of 1:111. :mol h.1s h11 ilt up :t

th 1 i rt~· l·n~incss. II •· is of th .. fi 1m nl '1' 1:1\TI'S<' ancl 1-:ic lll·ll•,·r;.:cr. who h:~,· c been attorn,.,., fnr two loc:t l b.1nk -. :nHI whoSl' < nllcl'ting husint:'" i< L'Xlen~i' c ancl !!~'"" ing. T ht:y arc prnlll (>f :oHI re lia ble. have IIH' fnlk~t cnnlidcnce of the comnH111ity, :trc among thC' }'"llllgcr dass (I( ::ttorncys i11 ll:l\ i.; nmnty, ancl ~ tancl 1\'1'11.

1\lr. 'f' r:l\·o·r~c t:x<·cls as an ofli· ·~· l:tll'yn. I lc is a t t ..... ,. 'tuch·nt.

I lc "'"' :1 nH!IllhE'I of the lower hottM' of th e gcn­cr:l l :tssl'ml·l~· in 1li66. :1 nd of th~· s<·n:lle in theses­~ion~ of 1 !\6~ :nul 18;o. and in th ,· llf'l'l'r hou•e " a.; ou the l'• muttiu~:cs on the judici :~ rr :tnd fcdnal Jt:la­t ion•. ;111d ~.:hairman of one or two I'Otllm ittees of minor im('nrtance.

In 1S77 he was th<: lcpuhli<'an nominee for mcm-

Source: Iowa Territorial and State Legislators Collection compiled by volunteers and staff at the State Historical Society of Iowa Library, Des Moines, Iowa.

/· I

I'! II; liNI'J'FO STA 'l'HS /1/0(;f(A/'IIIC',·f!, IJIC7'/0NAN1',

i.Jc.:r of the assl:mhly in the SCI't•nth rlistrict, and was dcfcate1l hy the combin<'d t>pposition of democr:~ts and grcenb:~d;ers. l\'1 r. Tr:~1·e rse ran a long way ahead of the gui.Jernatorial candidate of his p:trty. His conn<·l· tion has ah1·ays het!n with the republi­

cans. Il c makes :m effec ti ve political canvass.

I lis religious connection is with the Universalist rhun:h. He is a third-degree member of the Odd­Fellow~ order.

On the 12th .of A p.-il, 1868, he was united in

matrimony with Ill iss Ellen Presson, of Bloomfield, :1nd they have two c hildren.

MAJOR JOHN \V. CAJ{R, ,1{1),\' 1'1:7. ( 'J/, 1.

JOHN 1\'F.SLE\'C:\RR.oneofthc many patriot· ic young men who early rt'spondcd to the l'n:si­

dent's rail for voluntcns in 1Sii 1, frtml Poweshick county, is a son of 1\'illiam Carr, an lllinois farmer, and Catherine Moore, and was horn near l\lount

Pulaski, Log:lll county, <>n the 26th of April, 1839· The Carrs were among till' early ~cttlers in \'irginia, and mo1·cd into Ohio when it was a very new st:~te. William C:~rr was :1 soldier in the war of 1812. Both parents of J ohn \V. died when he was quite }'l)un~, and from e ight tn sc,·cntcen ycars of age he lh·ed

on a farm with his p:~ternal grandmother, ll'ho re­moved to Iowa in 1846.

After working one season for himself he attended sl'i10ol :ot low:1 t:ollt·g•·. c;rinncll, twn yc:trs, te:~ch­ing during th t· winters until the rebellion.

In 1\ugust, tll61, he went into the service from l\'[ontc:t.uma as second Ji,·utenant in <"ompany F, roth

Iowa Infantry; resigncd the next February on ac­count of ill IH·alth; in Scptemh1:r, 1R6z, again c.:n­listetl, t hi~ ti1nc as c::~pt:litl in ctunpany C, 2l!Lh luw:•; was II'OIIIlllccl :\1 the hattie of \\'iuchestc.:r, \'irginia, on the 19th of September, 1864; soon :~ftcrwanl

had comm:~nd of thl· rq.;iment for two months, and remained in the service unti l mu~tc.:red out, in Au­

gust, 186s . Berore lc:~,·ing he was bre1·etcd major

for meritorious services. H e made a splendid rec­ord while in the army, and has since done nothing to soi l it.

On JTturnin;! to Iowa Major Carr engaged in the mercantile business at Montezuma, and followed it

until !\·larch, 1R7o; was elected clerk of the district :md ,:irc.nit c:ourts the following autumn, and by re­pe:lled ekctions ~..rvcd six years, ending on the 3 rst of December, 1876; he made a popular officer, doing h is work with the utmost accuracy and promptness.

l>urin~ the time that he was in the clerk's office he studied law; was ndmitted to the bar in February, 1R77, and has rci'Cntly added the abstract and real­estate lmsiness to that of law, he being in partner­ship 11 il h 1\' . II. Rt:dman, an enterprising and pros­perous firm.

1\l ajor C:~rr is a staunch republican, and a Royal /\rch 1\ l ason.

lf is wife w:~s Miss Lottie Frick, of Montezuma, •·luosl:n on the 10th IJf J:~nuary, 1866. Thq have two c·hildH·n. <II:

~I :~jm Carr has light blue eyes and a fair com­plexion, is live fet:t and eleven inches tall, stanos perfel'tly, and 11 l-i~hs one hundred nnd forty pounds. H e has the he:~ring of a dignified, open-hearted,

1 s trict ly hont:st man, whom it wtmld be safe to trust.

NORMAN R. CORN ELL. f-ltD., ,,-,\'0 .\' 1-'1/.I.E. rrH E o ldes t practi<;ing physir- ian in Knoxville,

1\J:\r iou county, is Norman Riley Corne ll. wh() settled in Iowa in i\lay, •8so, when the sta te 11·as only four y ~:a rs old. lie is a native of Stcuht·n l'ounty, New York, ancl was hnrn on tlH" 11 th of

September, r Sz4. II io.; parents were Amos ( :ornl'l l, a farmer, :1nd Dcstimony Chamberlain. The Cor-

nells we re from En~land, and early settlers in Mas­s:v;husetts. :\mos Cornell was a soldier in the sec­ond war 11·ith the mother country. When Norman wao.; eight yc:1rs llill th l: family moved to Livingston ,·ounl)', New \'ork, settling near Mount Morris, the

son aiding his father and attending the winter term

of the district school. At nineteen he went to Ken-

. I

Source: Iowa Territorial and State Legislators Collection compiled by volunteers and staff at the State Historical Society of Iowa Library, Des Moines, Iowa.



RECORD OF IO H'".!L ()89 ----------·----- ---·-----,..- - - --- - ----- - - - --- -upon the du ties of the office J anuary 1, 1894.

The constantly onwarJ and upward career o f Juuge Eichelberger in the popular esteem is

sufficienl ev idence of his intell ectual capacity and moral integrity. In his political views he is a Republican.

I n 1867 he was united in m atrimony with ~!iss Ella A. Pratt , of l\1 uscatine. H er father,

H. A. Pratt, vvas during his life a well -to- do citizen of that place. The Judge has had one daughter, whose death, a t th e age of nine

years, was au indescribably sad affliction to he r kind and worthy parents.

n ENRY CLAY T RAVERSE, ex-Dis­trict ] udge. residing at Bloo mfie ld, was born in White county, Illinois, near Graysville, August 28 , 1839. He

was a son of Charles Tra \'Crse and Sarah, nee

Forrest, nati\'eS of Kentucky. His paternal grandfather was a native of Virginia, to which

State his fi rst American ancestors emigrated from old Ireland. Charles Traverse was an early settler of \Vh ite county, Illinois, was a farmer by occupation, and died in 1843; but his wife still su rvives, being now in he r e ighty­seventh year.

In 1 846, afte r the death of the father. the mother removed with her family to Iowa, first

locating in t\l onroe county, wher ..: young H enry a ttended the comm on school and at length the high school. Going to Keoku k he learned there the printe r's trade , a fter which he taught school for a time. Then he began the study

of law in th at city, under the preceptorshi p o f Hon . George \V. l\fcCrary, who, under Presi­dent Hayes' administration was Secretary of

War. l\fr. Traverse was admitted to the bar in 18G2, at Bloomlld d; but, the clouds of war

battles, as Haynes Bluff, Arkansas P ost, e tc., and all through the siege of Vicksburg, the

battles of L ookout Mountain, Missionary Ri.:lge, e tc. After thre e years of fa ithful serv­

ice he was discharged, having been promoted

to the ra nk o f Orderly Sergean t. Returning to Bloomfield, he in the next

year (1866) opened out in law practice, for which his me ntal capabilities so well qualified

him, and h e correspondingly earned for himself a fine reputation as a conscien tious and pains­

ta king lawyer. I n his poli tical principles he is a Repub­

lican. In 1868 and also in 1870 hewaselected State Sena tor , and in 1 88o was again returned to the State Senate. In this body he exhibited

a conscientious faithfulness to duty rarely wit­nessed. In 1881 he was elected J udge of the Second Judic ial Dis trict of Iowa, and by s uc­cessi\'e re-elections he he ld that responsible office for fo urteen years . Retiring from the bench he resumed his law practice, forming a partnership with II. C. Taylor, thereby estab­

lishing the fi rm o f Traverse & T aylor, which s till continues. This is of course a strong law firrn, having a good patronage. T he J udge's law library is very extensive and well selected.

Judge Traverse owns a good farm of 220 acres, well improved; and he is also the pro­prie tor of the Tra verse block in Bloomfie ld, a fine two-story structure, which he built in 1893.

In the year 1870 J udge Traverse \Vas mar­ried to l\liss Ellen Presson, of Bloomfield, a daughte r o f Bradford Presson, formerly of Massachusetts. The Judge has a son an d a da ughter : Frank C., a court reporte r, resid ing

in Bloomfield; and Belle. The J udge is a member of E lisha T ownsend P ost, G. A. R.

becoming more frightful, he enlisted in Com- s n.r PSON J. CHESTER. - A recapitu-pany F, Thirtie th Iowa Infantry. The regi- lation o f the salient points in th e ca-men t , commanded by Colonel Abbott, was at- . reer of the honored subject of this

tached to the Fifteenth Army Corps, then II review will bear evidence of his long commanded i.Jy General Sherman and aft er- ~ and prominent identification with the interests ward by General J oh n A. L ogan. This regi- o f J e fferson county, will b ear r..ecord of his ment participated in a number of important having held offices of distinctive trust and re-

Source: Iowa Territorial and State Legislators Collection compiled by volunteers and staff at the State Historical Society of Iowa Library, Des Moines, Iowa.








SIJ'ffi DIE APRIL 12, A. D. 1911.


E. D. cfu.ssEtL, STAT E at~J;R 1911

.. ' ..

. - t

Source: Iowa Territorial and State Legislators Collection compiled by volunteers and staff at the State Historical Society of Iowa Library, Des Moines, Iowa.


S~:nator Whipple left surviving him his widow, formerly Jennie E. Keith, au adult Eon, Milo, and a little daughter, Virgln :a, to all of whom he was deeply devoted and . to whom his untimely death was a heavy crushing blow.

~ . We, his colleagues, who knew him so well and loved him so much, do

therefore resolve that in his death there bas been taltEn out of the life of the community one-of its· wast exalted citizens; out of the life of the state. one of Its most conspic uously efficient public servants and out of Senate itself a legislator who ga\'e the b<st that was in him to his col· leagues without stint or hesitancy and with never a thought· as to where credit would nst.

We, therefore, r ecommend t hat this meruorial be printed in our Journal and that thE!·. Secretary of the Senate be instructed to forward an en­grossed copy of the same to the ramily of our deceast:d friend.




'!'he r esolutions were adopted unanimously by a rising vote.

Senator Taylor, from a special committee, submitted the fol-10\~ing report and moved its adoption:

To the General Assembly of the State of Iowa:

Your committee appointed to draft resolutions commemorative of the IHe, character and public service of the Hon. Henry Clay Traverse, one of the p:oneer residents of Davis County, Iowa, beg leave to submit the following report: 1 • • • • 1

I •

Whereas, J ud_ge Henry C. Traver~e~ of Bloomfield, Davis County, Iowa, 1 departed this. life September 24th, 1909, and

Whereas, He was an honored member of the House of Representatives of the Eleventh General Asembly and of the Senate in the Twelfth, Thir­teenth and Eighteenth General ·Assemblies of the State of Iowa. In the year 1862 be enlisted in c<f.'· ' 'F" of the 30th Iowa Infantry, after three years' army service be was honor.\,bly discharged and returned to Bloom­field, and began the practice o! lt<'w, and in the year 1889 was elected '.cir­cuit judge of the Second Judicial District of Iowa. In 1886 district judge, holding those responsible offlc:es with marked ability for fourten conse­cutive years, and

Whereas, his life, character, and services to the state and country were such as to entitle him to the confidence and esteem of his fellow citizens;

Therefore, be It resolved that in the death of the Hon. Henry C. Tra· verse the state of Iowa has lost a distinguished legislator, jurist, and pa· triotlc citizen, his city and county a prominent, active, energetic Chris­tan g~ntleman and his family a kind and Indulgent husband and father, therefore be It

R£solved, That we extend to his bereaved companion and children and tllose near and dear to him our sincere sympathy in their hour of sorrow, and be It further

Source: Iowa Territorial and State Legislators Collection compiled by volunteers and staff at the State Historical Society of Iowa Library, Des Moines, Iowa.


Resolved, That these resolutions be entered in the Journal of the Senate and the Secretary of Senate be instructed to mail an egrossed copy of these resolutions tc;> t he family of the decedent ..





Senator 'l'aylor, in moving the adoption of the report, spoke as follows:

Mr. President: Having known Hon. Henry C. Traverse s ince I was a small boy and having resided in adjoin.ing counties and, as it were, being neighbors in our boyhood days, I will asl( the indulgence of the Senate while I pay a brief tribute to the memory of one of the early pioneers and respectE:d citizens of the State of Iowa. One: who has oc­cupied a conspicuous place among the business men of the State of Iowa for nearly one-balf of a century, as a soldier, statesman, patriot, Jurist, business man and philanthropist be was equally great.

Hon. Henl'y Clay T raverse was born August 28th, 1839. When only four years of age and after the death of his _father, he came wi ':.h his mother to l\1-onrce County, Iowa, a few yEars later mov!ng to Davis county, Iowa, where he grew to manhood. rn· ear ly manhood he studied Jaw, h is chosen profession, and was admitted to the bar in 1862 at Bloomfield, Iowa. But soon after his admission to the bar the clouds of war hovering over his country, he enlisted in Co. F. of the1 30th Iowa infantry of wh'ch he was made Orderly Sergeant . in which capacity he served durlng the war, that regiment being attached to the 15th Army Corps, commanded by General Sherman and afterward by Gen. Logan. Mr. Traverse par­ticipated in a number of the most important battles of the war such as Haynes Bluff, Arkansas Roost, the s:ege of Vicksburg, Loo~:out Mo~ntain and Mission Ridge. Upon his discharge from the service he returned to Bloomfield, I-owa, and entered the Jaw practice and in a short time built up a thriving business.

Judge Traverse - w~l} a man respected by all men who knew him. He had been a promi: :~nt figure in the affairs of Southern Iowa for many years and had ser ~d with honor on the bench for fourteen years. He was a stud€nt of men and books and sought always to learn the way of the truth. He exemplified a life that makes the world brighte.ll' and life better w-orth the living.

Mr. Traverse's home life was ideal b€cause Jove reign ed there and inspired every word and act spolten and done by husband amd father. He was a devout student of God's word and a man of prayer. He will be remembered as a humble and sincere Christian man, devott.ed to the interests of the church, both temporal and spiritual. His last testi· mony to those about him du:-irtg the last days of his illuP.SS -was a tri­umphant hope and faith in the fullness of the promises of tt.he gospel of Christ. In all the circles of society in which he has movt:cd for tl.fh

years, Judge Traverse will be missed.


•' t . r

· .(·_ ~


Source: Iowa Territorial and State Legislators Collection compiled by volunteers and staff at the State Historical Society of Iowa Library, Des Moines, Iowa.


Ibn busine-.ss the far seeing cagacity and careful judgment was not ditiDmed by ttbe weight of years and to our faithfu l fritnd and respected ciU~n we Ibid farewell. The walls of that temple in which his pure aspiJr!ng spiJTit had its earthly abiding place for over ·three score years is crumJ.biing tro ashes and will sooq mould in dust away, but the indomi­tablle sp:rit rof noble aim, of glorious purpose, of imperious will, of daunt.­less:; courage>~ of sweet simplicity and of Christian character bas come to its coronatiron.

'Jfhe resollutions were adopted unanimously by a rising vote.

Senator Chapman, from a special committee, submitted the £00.­lo,wing repcort, and mov~d its adoption:

E\In. PRESllDENT-Your Committee appointed to draft resolutions upon the~ li!e and! ee rvices of the Honorable Sewell S. Farwell, late of Monti· celllo, Iowa, 'beg leave ~to submit herewith ~following report: /'.

ffie,,·ell S- Fa.rwel~Yas born in Coshocton County, Ohio, April 26, 1834; he died at Mcntlcef(o, Iowa, SeptEmber 21. 1909. He was educated in the! commom schoors and at Keene Academy in his native county, and in :;a school at Cleveland, Ohio. He removed to Jones County, Io~ in 185i'2. with lnls father's family, thence to Pella, Engaging In t he mercan· til~ business until 1854, when he removed to Clay County, Kansas, resid· in~ there u!lltil 1859, whfn he returned to Iowa, locating on a tkrm near Momticello. He aslstcd in raisi4:lg and was made Capttfn of Company H, 3ls3t Iowa Ilnfantry. and on May 31, 1865, he was promoted and commis­slomed Majol.'

lHe served throughout the war, was present at the grand review in Wm.sbingtom,. and v. as mustered out June 27, 1865. Ot his company mare thm.n half Jcnst their lives in the service. To commemorate the lives cf thcose who enlisted at Mont.icello, Major Farwell recently presented a. liJlonumemt to the local cemetery. In 1865 he was elected state sen­atmr, servin~ through the E leventh and Twelfth General Assemblies. He toro1t an acttlve part In the administration and shaping of the laws of th~ state i'ln these General Asemblles, a nd was very earnest and con­schentious ·nn his work, having the full confidence of the people of his dia;trict. / .

<lmeral Grant appoint~d him assesor of internal revenue, .)-ti which plmce he se>rved for four years, and was then appointed 1n:.. ~g74 as ccl­leeltor of ln:ternal revenue, in which capacity he served for s'x years. In 15-a!0:1le W alS elected from the Second Congressional District of Iowa to seJ.rVe in tine CongreSj! of the United States. Here again he served the POO>p!e in tlle energetic, conscientious, manner that was always chara.c­triistic of lMajor Farwell.

Upon h r:s retirement from Congress be immediately took .an active itttterest in t he a.tfairs of Jones County, and Monticello In particular , work· ill[~ for the best Interest of the people and striving always for the bet­terr mmt of' humanity. He was active In the advancement of education , am.n in this work he was a man of most noble spii-lt. He was always

Source: Iowa Territorial and State Legislators Collection compiled by volunteers and staff at the State Historical Society of Iowa Library, Des Moines, Iowa.

.. .. ~ Veteran's n·ame

Reside~ce ·I


Date d~th 24 3 Cause· I. o. o.

War r:k rd


Offices of honor In

r I ,. . l y_ ,

I •

I . \

i ' !



r DatA Jlald

! i



:Place . :. Ill i . r

Place Koesei Texas Pjacc burial l3 oomne

I. Icnta Inf • . Sl.t.la . ~aftluUon

I wes·t Grove I

: 5th Sgt. Pia,..

e 1£'65

-i ----·~ .


I. ! .

. I

Depru-tn;ten.t. of Iowa Grand Army of the Republic . i

Battles, ~te.

Nenrest relatives

wu. Jl:s ther

Children 1

:1 .




: i I

Record Members~ip and Dues

. I I I, P.Ot' b... POol No.


Elisha iB.Townaend Sus. ·3lt D · 1 87 " I' ..

1 [.: ; I

I . y_,. 1

• .. Date F&ld. Amouat

l Di ed Kee se, Texas

I~ I I

' I !

i :1} I·


~z:and ~y of: th:e.

' \.war

t· NaU•II3

. ~ . .

Source: Iowa Territorial and State Legislators Collection compiled by volunteers and staff at the State Historical Society of Iowa Library, Des Moines, Iowa.



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Source: Iowa Territorial and State Legislators Collection compiled by volunteers and staff at the State Historical Society of Iowa Library, Des Moines, Iowa.

PRF Pedigree View Page

Pedigree Chart

Charles Travers B: abt 1807

Bays creek Bowling Green,

~ Warren Co.Kentucky D: Jul1844

White Co. Illinois M: 6 Jan 1831

Posey Co. Indiana


enr:y Clay Travers : 28 Aug 1839

White Co. Illinois D : 24 Sep 1909

Kosse. TX. : 12 A r 1868 M p

Bloomfield, Iowa

Ellen Preston B: abt 1845

Bloomfield, Davis Co.lowa D: aft 1920

Polk Co, Iowa

Sarah Mary Forrest

_l B: abt 1808 Bourbon Co.Kentucky

D: 11 Jun 1896 Davis Co. Iowa

Henry Travers B: abt 1772

Anson Co.North Carolina _i D:

Allen Co.Kentucky M: 21 Jun 1790

Northumberland Co.Virginia


Theresa Patsy Travers

.2. B: abt 1775

Memorial Forrest B: abt 1783

~ Surry Co.North Carolina

D: 15 Mar 1815 Ft. Gratiot, Canada

M: 13 Jan 1804 Bourbon Co.KY.


Nancy Endicott B: 1783

J... Surry Co.North Carolina D: 1830

Smith Twp.Posey Co. IN.

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FamilySearch™ Pedigree Resource File





Charles Travis\ Travers 8 B: abt 1747

Perquimans Co North Carolina * D: abt 1823

Kentucky M: abt 1770

Grandville Co. North Carolina

Elizabeth Harris

.....2. B: abt 1751

Bute Co.North Carolina D:abt1798

Anson Co.North Carolina



Gresha m Forrest

,11 B: abt 1756

Orange Co. NC. D: 8 May 1826 ..

Callaway Co.MO. M: abt 1782

Sar ah Wood B: abt1762

Jl. .. Thomas Endicott B: 27 Mar 1737

_:1_i Mt.Holl Burlin ton Co. New Jerse D: 22 Jan 1831

y g y ..

Smith Twp.Posey Indiana M: 19 Jun 1759

Mt Holly Burlington, New Jersey

Sarah Welsh

~ B: 6 Jul1742

Norwich, Connect.icutt D: abt1790 ..

Bourbon Co.KY.

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http://www.familysearch.org/eng/search!PRF/pedigree_ view.asp?recid=1313247197&fami... 1117/2010

Source: Iowa Territorial and State Legislators Collection compiled by volunteers and staff at the State Historical Society of Iowa Library, Des Moines, Iowa.


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Kopf, MacNeill, Mireau, Amans and Associated Families Entries: 25713 Updated: 2009-12-17 20:35:24 UTC (Thu) Contact: Broce M. Kopf

Index I Descendancy I Register I Pedigree I Ahnentafel I Public Profile 1 Add Post-em

10: 19354 Reference Number: 9354 Name: Henry Clay TRAVERSE 1 2 l • 56 1 8 9 10

Name: Henry Clay TRAVERS 2 l 4 1 s 6 7 8 9

Sex:M Change D<lte: 25 MAR 2008 BirUl: 28 AUG 1839 in White, Illinois 1 11 12 1l 14 IS 8

Death: 24 SEP 1909 In Kosse, Umestone, Texas 1

Event: Discovery 19 MAR 2008 16 Occupation: Lawyer 1870 Bloomfield, Davis, Iowa 17

Residence: !900 Bloomfield, D<lvis, Iowa 18

Residence: 1860 Fox River Township, D<lvis, Iowa Note: O<ieans Post Clfflc:e 19

Elient: Milit-Seg AliT 1862 Note: Company F, Thirtieth Iowa Volunteers 8

E\lent: Mllit-End AliT !865 Note: Orderly Sergeant, COmpany F, Thirtieth Iowa Volunteers 8

• Ancestry Hints for Henry Clay TRAVERS

3 poss1bfe historical record matches

Falller: Chartes.TRAYERS b: EST 1813 Molller: Sarah Mary (Sally) FORREST b: 1808 1n Bourbon, Kentucky

Marriage I Ellen M. PRESTON b: SEP 1845 in Massachusetts Married: 12 APR !868 In Bloomfield, D<lvis, Iowa I 16 20 21 17 22 9 10 Children • Frank C. TR!\VE.RSE b: BET 1868 AND 1869 in Iowa

Belle TRAVERSE b: JUN 1873 in D<lvis, Iowa

Sources: Tttle: IGI; FamilySearch Abbrev: IGI

Add to Quiet Unks

Page: "Henry Clay Travers; b. 28 Aug !839, White CO., Illinois; d. 24 5ep 1909, Kosse, lX; bur. -;f. Charles Travers; m. Sarah Mary Forrest; m. 12 Apr 1868, Bloomlield, Iowa, Ellen Preston' Submitter: Judith Ann Annen 19 Mar 2008, FamilySearch, copy in Spencer Une 2 Tttle: 1870 Census, D<lvis, Iowa Abbrev: 1870 Census, D<lvis Page: "Henry c Traverse' M593 386, page 2B, 01 Jun 1870 19 Mar 2008, Ancestry, transaipt in Spencer Une 2 Title: 1880 Census, D<lvis, Iowa Abbrev: 1880 Census, D<lviS Page: 'Henry c. Traverse• T9 335, ED 46, page 8SA, II Jun 1880 19 Mar 2008, FamilySearch, ropy In Spencer Une Title: 1893 Census, Iowa Slate Abbrev: 1893 Census, Iowa Page: ' H. c. Traverse' Roll: lA 125, line 9, Bloomfield, Davis, Iowa 19 Mar 2008, Ancestry, transcript in Spencer Une 2 Title: 1900 Census, Davis, Iowa Abbrev: 1900 Census, D<lvis Page: "Henry c. Travers' T623 427, ED 1, page 4B, 06 Jun 1900 23 Mar 2008, Ancestry, transalpt In Spencer Une 2 Title: 1860 Census, Davis, Iowa Abbrev: 1860 Census, D<lvis, lA Page: "Clay Traverse• M6S3 317, page 903, 21 Jun 1860 23 Mar 2008, Ancestry, transalpt In Spencer Une 2 Title: 1850 census, D<lvis, Iowa Abbrev: 1850 Census, D<lvis, lA Page: "Henry C. Travers' M432 182, page 281B, 27 Sep 1850 23 Mar 2008, Ancestry, transcript in Spencer Une 2 Title: Iowa in the Civil War; GenWeb, Iowa Abbrev: Iowa in the Ovil War Page: "HENRY C. TRAVERSE was bom In White COunty, Illinois, August 28, 1839. His father renoved with his family to Monroe COunty, Iowa, In 1846, where the son atter>ded the public schools. Going to Keol<uk he learned the printer's trade alter whidl he taught school. He then studied law with George W. McCrary and was admitted to the bar of Bloomfield in 1862. He soon after enlisted in COmpany F, Thirtieth Iowa Volunteers, which was attached to the FiflEenth Army Corps. The regiment partiCipated in the bat!les of Haines Bluff, Arlcansas Post. Siege of Vicl<sburg, Loolcout Mountain, Missionary Ridge, besides many minor engagements. Mr. Traverse was discharged at the expiration of three years, with the rank of order1y sergeant. He returned to Bloomfield, resuming the pra<11c:e of law, and in 1867 was elected to the Slate Senate, serving in the Twelfth and Thirteenth General Assemblies. In 1879 he was again elected to the Senate, serving but one session when he was elected judge of the Second Judldal District. He held this position by reeledions for fourteen years.• IOWA IN THE CIVIL WAR, Biographies of Ovil War Soldiers 23 Mar 2008, GenWeb, Iowa, ropy in Spencer line 2 Title: 1905 Censu.s, Iowa Slate Abbrev: 1905 Census, Iowa Page: 'F. C. TraversePostoff~ce: Bloomf~eldCard Number: 479 Luffle TraversePostofflc:e: BloomfleldCard Number: 480

http:/ /awtancestry .corn/cgi -bin/igm.cgi?op=GET &db=kopf&id=I93 54 1/17/2010

Source: Iowa Territorial and State Legislators Collection compiled by volunteers and staff at the State Historical Society of Iowa Library, Des Moines, Iowa.

Ancestry World Tree Project: Kopf, MacNeill, Mireau, Amans and Associated Families

lone TnoversePos1lllru: Bloomflek!Card Number: 481 Isabell T1\11versePos11lu: BloontleldCard Number: 482 H C T~: BloomlleldCard Number. 483 Bien T~ Bloomflek!Card Number: '1&1 Sarah All~ Bloomflek!Card Number: 485" Roll: lA 83, Blooml".eld, Davis, Iowa 23 Mar 2008, A/'a!$y, transal~ In Spencer l..ile 2 l1tle: 1925 Census, Iowa 5lale N:brel: 1925 Census. Iowa Page: "ffank C Tr.M!IS; rather Henry C. Travers, bern Kentud<y, age-; mother Bien Prestlln, bern MisSissii>P. age-; ~)~~rentS married Iowa" Roll: IA1925 1891, Des Moines Ward 1, f'l)lk, Iowa, 01 Jan 1925 24 Mar 2008, Al'a!$y, transcrl~ In Spencer l..ile 2 Tide: 1870 Census, cevts, Iowa N:brel: 1870 census. cevts Page: ".Aoe 30, bern Dlinols" MS93 386, page 28, 01 Jun 1870 19 Mar 2008, Al'a!$y, transcrl~ in Spencer line 2 lltle: 1880Census, OMs, Iowa i'bbrel: 1880 Census. cevts Page: ".Aoe 39, bern IllinOis" T9 335, EO 46, page 85A, 11 .bl 1880 19 Mar 2008, FamllySeardl, aJfl'lln Spencer Une lltle: 1900 Censos, Davis, Iowa Abbrev: 1900 census, Davis Page: "Aug 1839, age 60, born IllinoiS" T623 427, EO I, page 48, 06 .kin 1900 23 Mar 2008, Ancestry, transa1~ In Spencer Line 2 Tltle: 1860 census, Davis, Iowa i'bbre/: 1860 census, Davis, lA Page: ·Age 21, bern Illinois" M653 317, page 903, 21 Jun 1860 23 Mar 2008, Ancestry, transa1~ In Spencer Line 2 Title: 1850 census, Davis, Iowa i'bbrel: 1850 census, Davis, lA Page: "AQe 13, bern Illinois" M432 182, page 2818, 27 Sc!p 1850 23 Mar 2008, Al'a!$y, transal~ In Spencer Une 2 lltle: IGI; FamllySearth N:bre/: IGI Page: "Eien Presllln; b. abt 1845, Bloomfield, OMs Co. Iowa; d. aft 1920, POlk Co, Iowa; bur. -; r. -; m. -; m. 12 ~ 1868, Bloomfield, Iowa, Henry Oay Travers" SUbmitter: Judith Ann Finnell 19 Mar 2008, FamllySearch, aJf/'l ln Spencer Une 2 Title: 1870 census. Davis, Iowa N:bre/: 1870 Census, Davis Page: MS93 386, page 28, 01 .bl 1870 19 Mar 2008, Al'a!$y, transcrl~ in Spencer Une 2 Totle: 1900 Celsus, llevts, Iowa N:bre/: 1900 census. OMs Page: T623 427, EO I, page 48, 06 Jun 1900 23 Mar 2008, Al'a!$y, transalpt In Spencer Line 2 -ooe: 1860 Census, Davis. Iowa N:bre/: 1860 Census, Davis, lA Page: M653 317, page 903, 21 .b\1860 23 Mar 2008, Al'a!$y, transaipt in Spencer Line 2 Title: 1893 census, Iowa 5lale i'bbre/: 1893 Census, Iowa Page: Roll: lA 125, line 9, Bloomfield, Davis, Iowa 19 Mar 2008, Al'a!$y, transal~ in Spencer Line 2 Tide: 1880 census, Davis, Iowa N:brel: 1880 Census, Davis Page: T9 335, EO 46, page 85A, II Jun 1880 19 Mar 2008, FamQ"(Seardl, aJfl'lln Spencer Line Title: 1900 census, DaviS, Iowa Abbrev: 1900 census, Davis Page: "Hamed 30 years· T623 427, EO 1, page 48, 06 Jun 1900 23 Mar 2008, AnCestry, transcript in Spencer une 2

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Source: Iowa Territorial and State Legislators Collection compiled by volunteers and staff at the State Historical Society of Iowa Library, Des Moines, Iowa.

Individual Record Page 1 of2

Individual Record FamilySearch™ Pedigree Resource File

Henry Clay Travers Compact Disc #131 Pin #3247197 Sex: M

Event(s) Birth: 28 Aug 1839

White Co. Illinois Death: 24 Sep 1909

Kosse, TX.

Parents Father: Charles Travers Disc #131 Pin #3247632

Mother: Sarah Mary Forrest Disc #131 Pin #3247194

Marriage(s) Spouse: Ellen Preston Disc #131 Pin #3247269

Marriage: 12 Apr 1868

Bloomfield , Iowa

Notes and Sources Notes: Available on CD-ROM Disc# 131

Sources: None

Submitter Judith Ann FINNELL

Submission Search: 326!t_206-05.l 01 0.9133006 URL:

CD-ROM: Pedigree Resource File- Compact Disc #131 CD-ROM Features: Pedigree View, Family View, Individual View, Reports,

Downloadable GEDCOM files, Notes and Sources. Order Pedigree fies_ot,Jrce Fil~ CD-ROM$

About FamilySearch Pedigree Resource File


The Pedigree Resource File is a new lineage linked database of records available on compact disc containing family history records submitted by individuals through FamilySearch Internet Genealogy Service. Family information is organized in family groups and pedigrees and includes submitted notes and sources. Many charts and reports can be printed from this data. Each disc contains about 1.1 million names. With the publication of every five discs, a master index for those discs will be published and packaged with that set of discs. With the publication of every 25 discs, a master index for those discs will also be published and packaged with that volume of discs. Discs may be purchased as sets or volumes.

Please Note Submitter information is provided to help in the coordination of personal family history research. Use of this information for any other purpose, including marketing, advertising, or commercial solicitation, is strictly prohibited.

http://www.familysearch.org/eng/search/PRF/individual_record.asp?recid=l313247197&1... 1/17/2010

Source: Iowa Territorial and State Legislators Collection compiled by volunteers and staff at the State Historical Society of Iowa Library, Des Moines, Iowa.

1850 United States Federal Census- Ancestry.com

ancestry Return to Henry Clay Travers

t'lu"h u f •t Frtnl: C. l 'rn\'elil


f l!itJ

1'. t8-_

Compare With People From Your Family Tree

Henry Clay Travers

8 : 28 AUG 1839 in White Co. Illinois

D: 24 SEP 1909 in Kosse. Texas

Ellen Preston H: un ~~ ...... m ll ... u,h~·u I''' l .. r·. t. u •

1850 United States Federal Census



J·:,Jimat~·tl birth


Henry C Travers


abt 1837

Birth Placl.': Iowa

Gender: Male

Humc in 11l50 Fox, Davis, Iowa (City,Cnunt) ,SI;llt•).

Fami!~· Numlwr: 65




[)avid Pugh

Sally Pugh

Bush Pugh

.James Tta,·ers

Hem}' C Tnt\'ers

Louis~ Tm\'crs

~ource Citation:\ l·~r tH,t;o. {',•n .. u .. l'l.u·•· /.'ox. flat·i~ . /tltt'(J. ~uti .\14.'f2 t."b. Pet1,t.', !U-l18 lm,\!.r:.;.JQ

Source lnformntion:








·\nc"\·.·U'\.('Om 1830 l'nih'11.'1tat~~ F ... YI ... ra/C L'll."Usltlmaba-< un·lind.l*nJ\n.l T l s \· \Of\ ~tr\ -'"1111 Op~'l .tti,tn .... lnr .. ~(.)(HJ. lnMI!..f'" rt·pwrllh"t'ci b\ j-:.m~il.' M,,rd1 ( Jri~in:d l.tta: ~t'\t•nth <.:t·n~u' u l lht• l'nilui Stollt> .... 1H:;o: I \:r;tion;ll \nhi"·~ \ lit·u1film Puhlk,ltiun \1-t.~. IOOQ ruU .. I: l~t"<'ur• l:-o uf tht.• Bttrt>tiU o f tht' (.",•n .. u .. l{,·<·nrrl (imup :.!U: ~.llit)O,ll \rt"hht.• ... \\A,hinRtnn. ll,(.'

ne ... criplion: T~u~ lilt~l"'l"'t h m ttuft'\ tu mrli,·,du.tl.., t•nnnwr .. tt•cl In lh,· 1R;;o tnitt-tl .:->t.llt'" f"t•tf,·r,,l t'c•u .. u ... tlw ~·~ nth t'"11:-U" )C tht•l nih•d St.th"'- c.:~·n~u.: tt~•·~ h't unlt·tl m.,n~ rlrl.til,. it1dudin!!. t'i'trh 1~'1:--nn· .. n.un,•. nz,t• ,1.; ot'th,· r,·n~tl'- tia,, "-l'\, color: lnnhpl.tt'\', (k'<'upatinu ni mAir:- H\l"t AW,t"

fifh••·n. 1nct mor,•. 'n rt'lntion,hip ... \\1'1"\' .;hown l•tl\w,•n m,·mlx-r-o.nl a h111bt'h'11tt. \rldhiun.tlh. thr n.•mt ..,nfth(J .. , li ... h-.lnn lh\' 1->Pjllll,\lillll ..;,('lwdult· ;:m lin""-d l'' d( ttMI inM~i.'" ul lhl' tR~o Ft'flt•rd Ct•n<~tr~. Li•nrn mort ...

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Charles Trovers

Sarah Mary Forrest ltiHI-lt)h)lo

Ancestry .com

http:/ /search.ancestry .com/cgi-bin/sse.dll ?db= 1850usfedcenancestry&h= 1415711 &ti=O&i .. . 1/17/2010

Source: Iowa Territorial and State Legislators Collection compiled by volunteers and staff at the State Historical Society of Iowa Library, Des Moines, Iowa.

1860 United States Federal Census - Ancestry .com

ancestry Return to Henry Clay Travers

Compare With People From Your Family Tree

Henry Clay Travers

B: 28 AUC 1839 in Whitt Co. Illinois

0: 24 SEP 1909 in Kosse, Texas

tllen Preston tl \81

1860 United States Federal Census

Name· Clay Traverse

A!((' in 11l6o: 21

Birih Yl·ar: abt 1839

Birthplace: lllinois

Homc;o in 1/lou: Fox River, Davis, Iowa

G<·ndl·r: Male

Pn~l Offk,·; Orleans

\"aim· of n•,o Vie" image



\11.-mht.•r, \',nne

Da,;d B Pugh

Sarah Pugh

Bush Pugh

Jane Tra,·crse

James Tra,·crsl'

Clay Tra,·erse

Louisa Tm,·ersc

Source Cila tinn: '"'·'r: tHho~ t'.·n .... , .. f'l,t ,. l·o\ Nu'l.'r Pill'lJO /ou-u R111l \Jnt, :11"-: l ',t"' ,,3; lm.uw.JQI: F.Hnih fli ... tcU'\ l .ihf.-r\ I llm .• 'if•IJI

Source: lnfornuttic-)n: \nt ,·~11\.t om. tl/{)o I 'luted Stntt'S Ft•dt't'ill ( t 'll"itl' 111111tiJ ·~· t•ll lht•·l l'nt\H l I L :-' \




45 10





\11 ··~tf\.•·nmt)pt•ldtion ... ln•• .!UUtt-1rU-',Jt\"<l't l ll~l• l tlc'1·rllr\ 1, IHihs-·~c k llrij.tHI.dtl,tt.\ 1Mhu t .s. n•n .. u ... p·J~U II.tlion ... ,h,"filtlo· '-\ It\ mi( mfilu swhlk 111( I \ lht; t· I I itt I II" \\ , ... hin~thlll 1-..l '~t• 11 .il \u·hl\r"S .1ncl R··rut.t .. \rhn ni .. U.IIIC,n. rl.li


Page 1 of 1

Charles Travers

Sarah Mary Porrw


http://search.ancestry.com/cgi-bin/sse.dll?db= l860usfedcenancestry&h=227641 3&ti=O&i ... 1117/2010

Source: Iowa Territorial and State Legislators Collection compiled by volunteers and staff at the State Historical Society of Iowa Library, Des Moines, Iowa.

1880 United States Federal Census- Ancestry.com

ancestry Return to Henry Clay Travers

Compare With People From Your Family Tree

Henry Clay Travers

B: 28 AUC 1839 in Whitt Co.filinois

D: 24 SEP 1909 in Kosse, Texas

fllen Preston R: \I ,•q

188o United States Federal Census

Name: Henry C. Traverse

llonw in 1 B8o· Bloomfield, Davis, Iowa

.··w·· 39

l·~,limatcd hi11h abt 1841


Hirthplan·: illinois

~dation to Head Self 1 Hc·crcl) of Hou,ehold·

Falhd' Kentucky hi rthplacc.





:1.\arilal Status:



Cnnnot rcadjwnte:

Blind: lkaf and dumh:

Oth<:l")'iSJ.• Ul!><ll> ,•ct: Idiot it· or insane:




Vie" others on page

Senator-State Leg.




View image

Henry C. Tr.J,·crsc

Ellen Tra\'erse

Frank C. Tra,cr~c

Belle Tra,·ersc


34 11


Page 1 of2

Sarah Mary Forrest

http://search.ancestry .com/cgi-bin/sse.dll ?db= 1880usfedcen&h=23182873&ti=O&indiv=tr ... 1/17/2010

Source: Iowa Territorial and State Legislators Collection compiled by volunteers and staff at the State Historical Society of Iowa Library, Des Moines, Iowa.

1900 United States Federal Census - Ancestry.com

ancestry Return to Henry Clay Travers

Compare With People From Your Family Tree

Henry Clay Tra vers

8: 28 AUG 1839 in White CoJJlinois

D : 24 SEP 1909 in Kosse, Texas

£Uen PrtSton u~

1900 United States Federal Census

Nam<'· Henry Frances [Henry C Travers)

llonw in 1900: Bloomfield, Davis, Iowa

-\1\l': 6o

Hirth Dal<'' Aug 1839

llirthplace: Illinois

K<tl'l" White

{;t•ndcr Male

Rd,ttumship lu Head

H .... o~d of Ht>ll'<

Fathds Kentucky


'l.luth~r·, Kentucky

Birth plat<':

~larria!lt' Yt•ar. 1870

:-tarital Status: Married

Yt•;trs :'vhnTit?d. 30

Kt·~i<k·nct· : Bloomfield City, Davis, Iowa

Q('ntpation : Vie" on lmaj~c

l'll'il!,hhors: View ot lwrs on p:w:

Household Namt• \kmht rs. Hcnf) Frances

Ellen Frances




"-ourct' Citation:\ lt'j(JU.l" "Plan Ul 1/i I flut I u R 7f :l .t:! 1t t l n ll1 .. trzC1' 1

Page 1 of2

Qarles Trawts

Sanh Mary F<><rest

http://search.ancestry .com/cgi-bin/sse.dll?db= 1900usfedcen&h= 142423 89&ti=O&indiv=tr .. . 1/17/2010

Source: Iowa Territorial and State Legislators Collection compiled by volunteers and staff at the State Historical Society of Iowa Library, Des Moines, Iowa.

Henry Clay Travers - Overview - Ancestry .com

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Henry Clay Travers 8otth 28 AUG 1839 111 White Co.Inu>Ots

Oeal!l 24 SEP 1909 ., 1<osSe, Texas

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Story SIDoes (I)


Vdoo(O) H!flry 0., Tr ••

Time one

1850 Ago: 11


Age: 21


'" "" Aoe 2a


Age: 41


Age· 46



1909 -·,..., Age: 70


Birth White Co.JihnotS

Residence Fox, Davts, Iowa

Residence Fox Rrver, ~ Iowa

~larriage to Ellen Preston Bloor!Wreld,lowa

Residence Bloomlield, DaY$, Iowa, un~l!<l SlateS

Residence Bloomfdd

Residence Bloor!Wreld. Davos, IOWJ

Death Kosse. Texas

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Charles Travers 1811 1844

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sarah Mary Forrest I I


Spoust" & Childr~n

EHen Preston 1845 lq20

Frank C. Travo,., 1~67 19 '()

lAbeiie Travers: 1872 I -tt;

Hostorical Records

Famity group sheet

1850 United States Federal Census

1860 Unoted State> Federal Census

1900 Un ted States Feder a' Census

Iowa State Cen'iiJ~ CollectJon, 1836·1925

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