CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION A. Background of the study English is one of the global languages in this world. It is also used by most of the societies of many fields worldwide. By using English people can absorb and develop their mastery in science, technology, and culture. As a developing country, Indonesia has realized that teaching English is an essential subject in providing students to face the real world challenges. That is why it is learnt by and taught to the Elementary school, Junior high school, Senior high school and even at University. Based on the 2013 Curriculum, the purpose of teaching English in senior high school is to develop the students’ ability to communicate using the target language both in oral and written forms that involve the four language skills. They are listening, speaking, reading and writing. 1

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A. Background of the study

English is one of the global languages in this world. It is also used

by most of the societies of many fields worldwide. By using English

people can absorb and develop their mastery in science, technology, and


As a developing country, Indonesia has realized that teaching

English is an essential subject in providing students to face the real world

challenges. That is why it is learnt by and taught to the Elementary school,

Junior high school, Senior high school and even at University.

Based on the 2013 Curriculum, the purpose of teaching English in

senior high school is to develop the students’ ability to communicate using

the target language both in oral and written forms that involve the four

language skills. They are listening, speaking, reading and writing.

One skill of the learning objectives is writing. The students should

be able to write various text types, such as report, narrative, descriptive,

spoof, analytical exposition, and hortatory exposition. Writing needs some

aspects, such as organization, content, grammar, mechanic and style,

quality of writing. Meanwhile, writing skill is also important for students

because it can help them develop their ideas and logical thinking. So they

have to improve it.


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In relation of this, the observation which the writer has done at

SMA N 4 Magelang shows that the result of XI class’s writing skill test is

not satisfactory yet. Through the data given by the English teacher, the

average standard learning target (KKM) scores is 75. The result of the

average of the English test of XI graders was only 65. Therefore, the

writer is interested to improve their writing skill.

From the above explanation, the writer summarized that there are

internal and external factors that appear during the teaching and learning

process that influence the students’ low writing skill. The internal factors

show that the students are less interested in English. Besides, they have

low motivation to learn English for their daily conversation. Even they

have to be able to develop not only English, but also the other languages,

such as Japan, Arabic, and French.

Organizing and expressing ideas are the main problems which are

faced by students. They cannot arrange the sentences into a good

paragraph. The coherent and cohesion between sentence and paragraph are

not synchronic. Another problem that students face is that they lack of

vocabulary. It makes them difficult to choose or use the appropriate words

or vocabulary in writing. On the other hand, they do not know how to

write in real English. It is caused by their low knowledge of grammar.

For that matter of external factors, the writer finds that the

students’ handbook is limited. They are not using dictionary in English

lesson. The teaching and learning process also influence the achievement

of teaching learning. In fact, the teacher technique which is used in class is

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not in various techniques. It seems that the students being not active and

the class is not interesting. The students also feel bored and sleepy.

Choosing the media, technique or strategy is more interesting to

make the students become active and avoids of making students bored.

There are many kinds of media, techniques or strategies which are used in

teaching and learning process. One of them is using Academic

Controversy technique. By using it, the students are expected to be more

active and also interested in English.

Based on the above explanation, the writer tries to apply a

Academic Controversy technique to improve writing skill especially

hortatory exposition text. The writer will take SMA N 4 Magelang as the

setting of the research. The writer will write a paper with a title of “Using

Academic Controversy Technique to Improve the Hortatory Exposition

Text Writing Skill of the Eleventh Graders of SMA N 4 Magelang in the

School Year 2014/2015”.

B. Identification of the Problems

Based on the background of the study, the writer identifies the

following problems:

1. The students have low motivation to learn English.

2. The students cannot organize and express their idea into good


3. The students have difficulties in arranging sentences into coherent and

cohesion paragraphs.

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4. The students lack of vocabulary.

5. The students do not know how to write in real English.

6. The students have limited knowledge of grammar.

7. The students’ handbooks are limited.

8. The students are not interested in the teacher’s technique.

9. The teacher’s technique is not varied.

C. Limitation of the Problems

The writer realizes that it is impossible to conduct a research

covering all the above identification of the problems. In this paper, the

writer limits on the difficulties of the students to write hortatory exposition

text. Therefore, the writer uses Academic Controversy Technique to

improve the Hortatory Exposition Text Writing Skill of the Eleventh

Graders of SMA N 4 Magelang in the School Year 2014/2015.

D. Formulation of the Problems

Based on the background of the study which has been stated above,

the writer formulates the problems as follows:

1. Can the use of Academic Controversy technique improve the learning

motivation of the hortatory exposition text writing skill of the eleventh

graders of SMA N 4 Magelang in the school year 2014/2015?

2. Can the use of Academic Controversy technique improve the hortatory

exposition text writing skill of the eleventh graders of SMA N 4

Magelang in the school year 2014/2015?

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E. The Objectives of the Study

1. To know whether the use of Academic Controversy technique can

improve the learning motivation of the hortatory exposition text

writing skill in of the eleventh graders of SMA N 4 Magelang in the

school year 2014/2015 or not.

2. To know whether the use of Academic Controversy technique can

improve the hortatory exposition text writing skill of the eleventh

graders of SMA N 4 Magelang in the school year 2014/2015 or not.

F. The Significances of the Study

The result of this action classroom research is expected to give a

lot of benefits in teaching learning process to:

1. The teacher

The Academic Controversy Technique helps the teacher to teach

writing hortatory text effectively and more interesting.

2. The students

The Academic Controversy Technique makes the students have more

attention and interest in writing class.

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A. Theoretical Background

1. Motivation

a. Definition of Motivation

Academic motivation as enjoyment of school learning

characterized by a mastery orientation, curiosity, persistence, task-

endogens, and the learning of challenging, difficult and novel tasks

(Gottfried, 1990:525), while Turner (1995:413) argues that

motivation to be synonymous with cognitive engagement, which

he defines as “voluntary uses of high-level self-regulated learning

strategies, such as paying attention, connection, planning and

mentoring.” Motivation can lead person to do actions.

William and Burden (1997:20) say that motivation is state

of cognitive arousal which provokes a decision to act and give rise

to period of sustained intellectual and physical effort, so that the

person can achieve some previously set goal. On the other hand,

Dornyei (2001:56) defines that motivation explains why people

decide to do something, how long they are willing to sustain the

activity and how hard they are going to pursue it.

Based on the above explanations, the writer concludes that

motivation is a state of cognitive arousal which characterized by


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mastery orientation, curiosity, persistence, task-endogen and

learning of challenging that can provokes to do something.

b. Type of Motivation

According to Harmer’s idea (2001:51), there are two types

of motivation:

1. Extrinsic Motivation

Extrinsic motivation is caused by any number of outside

factors such as the need to pass exam, the hope of financial

reward or the possibility of future travel.

2. Intrinsic Motivation

By contrast, come from within the individual. Thus a person

is motivated by the enjoyment of the learning process itself

of by a desire to make they feel better. Most of the writer

methodologist has come to the view that intrinsic

motivation is especially important for encouraging success.

c. How to Measure Motivation

Based on Guttman scale (1990), the result of the test could be

classified into five categories, they are:

Categories Score Precentage

Very High 86-100%

High 70-85%

Fair 60-69%

Low 50-59%

Very Low <50%

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Based on Carla (2005) there are some ways to measure

motivation, they are:

1) Project Test

2) Questionnaire

3) Behavioral Observation

2. Writing

a. Definition Writing

Eltis (1994:17) defines that writing is the representation of

language in a textual medium through the use of a sign or


Brown (2000:335) defines that a writing product which is

completed after the process of thinking, planning, drafting and

revising and also demands efforts and specialized skills of

generating ideas, organizing them coherently, making use of

discourse markers and the rhetorical conventions, putting all of

them into one, revising the content for a clearer meaning, and

editing for accurate grammar into final product.

For all of the above definitions, the writer summarizes that

writing is ability or skill of English about decoding ideas, interest,

of feeling in written codes to communicate with the readers

without pressure and to explore experience.

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b. The Importance of Writing

There are many reasons why writing is important. Raimes

(1993:98) explains some reason about the importance of writing.

According to him, writing used to help students in the learning

process. The reason that are as follows:

1. Writing reinforces the grammatical structure, idiom, and

vocabulary that have been thought to the students.

2. When the students write, they necessarily become very

involved with new language, the effort to express.

3. When then students write, they also have a chance to be

adventured with the language, to go beyond what they have

learned and to take risks.

c. The Elements of Writing

Brown (2004:220) pointes out of five components of

writing. They are content, organization, vocabulary, language use

and mechanic.

1. Content

There are at least three things which can be measured in

connection with content, the point are presented and formal

signals given the reader to guide in understanding the topic


2. Organization

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Organization is the internal structure of a piece of

writing, the thread of central meaning, the pattern and

sequence, so long as it fits the central idea. Organizational

structure can be based on comparison-contrast, deductive

logic, point-by-point analysis, development of a central theme,

chronological history of an event, or any of a dozen other

identifiable patterns.

3. Vocabulary

The choice of vocabulary could describe the writer’s

knowledge. The number of words that is mastered by a writer

could indicate that he/she mastered a number of concepts.

Mastery of vocabulary can improve by writing and listening a


4. Language Use

It is the elements of grammatical forms, systematically

pattern, and sentence structure consists of phonology,

morphology, and syntax. Phonological roles do not have any

roles in the writing activity, while morphological and

syntactical rules play some important roles in the writing

activity, it deals with effective use of the right affixes,

conjunction, prefixes and composition, the structure of the


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5. Mechanics

Mechanic of writing deals with capitalization, spelling

and punctuation. Capital letters are used to start sentences,

name of person, cities, countries, day, and month. The

punctuation has function to make writing clearer for the reader.

The ability to spell correctly can be acquired with a little

persistent practice. The function of the way of writing is to

communicate a massage as clearly and efficiently as possible.

d. The Process of Writing

The most effective way to learn to write is to go it as a

process. Writing is a complex process with a number of operations

going on simultaneously. Deporter and Hernaki (2002:86) argue

that the process of writing contains a number of stages and it can

be grouped into seven major activities. They are:

1. Pre-Writing

It has come to stand for all preparations the writer makes

before the beginning to write or draft. This stage includes, but

it is not limited to perceive a subject, determining a point of

view toward that subject defining the purpose and the audience

gathering information and choosing the best form.

2. Drafting

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Drafting helps someone’s putting the words, sentence and

paragraphs on paper. It is intended to help him make a

preliminary. Survey of the territory the subject of four minds.

They are three principles of drafting:

a) Keep the text fluid as long as possible.

b) Keep the concentration focused on what to say and how to

say it.

c) Balance comfort and concentration to enhance a and b.

3. Sharing

That is the most important thing to do but someone always

ignores it. There are some instructions to be shared.

For the writer:

a) Tell the reader about the aim in writing

b) There is no true and false in sharing, so he does not include

his emotion when he gets feedback. Afterwards he can edit

the feedback.

c) Just listen to the reader’s opinion do not give comment

about the opinion of the reader. If there is no opinion then it

doesn’t need opinions.

d) After the reader finishes giving feedback, he can also ask

some questions to make clear about it.

For the reader:

a. Just read the contents and neglect the grammar, in the

spelling and the mechanic marks.

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b. Tell the writer about some words, phrases and the main

ideas that are good for the reader.

c. Ask question as many as possible.

d. Tell to the writer that it’s successful in writing as aim.

e. Tell how the easy can be better and clearer.

4. Revising

Revising is the something as drafting. It means improving what

you have already written. When you revise, you examine how

tell you first draft make its point and achieves its purpose for its

audience. We can revise it using the reader’s feedback. Then

we read what we have written at another setting of writing

project so he can get the best result.

5. Editing

Editing is dealing with surface errors like grammar, spelling

and mechanics. He must eliminate the surface errors in his

writing. Make sure that he uses appropriate verbs and correct


6. Re-Writing

It is writing project and incudes the revising and editing the

result of the writing.

7. Evaluation

Evaluation is checking to make sure about the writing that the

writer has reached the best writing.

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From the above explanation, the writer summarizes that the

writing process is a complex process with a number of operations

going on simultaneously to get the best result. We have to use

appropriate verb and correct sentences to get the clearly meaning

so the reader fell interest.

e. The Type of Writing Performance

Brown (2004:220) shows four types of writing

performance, they are imitative, intensive (controlled), responsive,

and extensive writing.

1. Imitative writing

To produce written language, the learners must attain skills in

fundamental, basic tasks of writing letters, words, punctuation

and very brief sentence. This category includes the ability to

spell correctly and to perceive phonemic-grapheme

correspondences in the English spelling system. It is a level at

which learners are trying to master the mechanics of writing.

At this stage, form is the primary if not exclusive focus, while

context and meaning are secondary concern.

2. Intensive writing (controlled writing)

Beyond the fundamental of imitative writing are skill in

producing appropriate vocabulary within a context,

collaborations and idioms, and correct grammatical features up

to the length of a sentence. Meaning and context are some of

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importance are more concerned with a focus on form and are

rather strictly controlled by the rest design.

3. Responsive writing

Assessment tasks in responsive writing require learners to

perform at a limited discourse level, connecting sentences into

a paragraph and creating logically connected sequence of two

or three paragraphs. Task respond to pedagogical directives

and descriptions, short reports, lab reports, summaries, brief

responses to writing, and interpretations of chart of graphs.

Under specified conditions, the writer begins to exercise some

freedom of choice among some alternatives forms of

expressions of ideas. The writer has developed the

fundamental of sentence level grammar and is more focused

on the discourse conventions which will achieve the objective

of the written text. Form-focused attention is mostly at the

discourse level, with a strong emphasis on context and


4. Extensive writing

Extensive writing implies successful management of all

processes and strategies of writing for all purpose, up to the

length of an essay, a term paper, a major research project

report, or even a thesis. Writer focuses on achieving a purpose,

organizing and developing ideas logically, using details to

support or illustrate ideas, demonstrating syntactic and lexical

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variety, and in many cases, engaging in the process of multiple

drafts to achieve a final product. Focus on grammatical form is

limited to occasional editing or proof writing of a draft.

f. Characteristic of a Good writing

Zimmerman and Rodrigues (1992:9) show some

characteristics of a good writing as the following:

General features of good writing:

1) Appropriate for purpose

2) Appropriate for audience

3) Appropriate content

4) Appropriate style

5) Appropriate tone

Specific features of good writing:

1) Effective organization

2) Effective sentence structure

3) Effective word choice

4) Effective visual display or information

3. Text

a. The definition of text

A text is determined by genre (and other semiotic system

are parts of the context of culture) and register (the meanings

associated with the context of situation-field, tenor and mode).

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Furthermore, the oral and written text which people create also act

upon an influence of the context (genres and register) which are

part of the environment of all speakers and writers (Literary and

education research Network, 1990)

Based on Board of Studies NSW (1994), a text is a product

of a particular context of culture and context of situation. It is

necessary to understand a text in term of context in which it is

produced. The difference in text occurs because of the choices are

which are made from the language system. Meanwhile,

Derewianka (1995:17) states that text is only meaning full stretch

of language-oral or written. However not all texts are the same and

a functional model of language tries to describe the ways in which

they differ.

Related to the above explanation, it can be understood that

a text may be in oral or written form that it has meaning given by

the writer.

b. Genre of text

According to Gerrot and Wignell (1994:7) genre can be

defined as a cultural spesific text-type which result from using

language (written and spoken) to help acomplish something. There are

fourteen common genres according to Garrrot and Wignell (1994:192)

opinion. They are recount, spoof, report, description, hortatory

exposition, explanation, duscussion, reviews and commentary. There

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are two types of genre, according to Garrot and Wignell (1994:176),

they are:

1) Story Genres

a) Narrative

It is a non factual text which is used in a variety of models to

amuse, entertain, and to deal with actual or vicarious

experience in different ways.

b) News Story

It is a factual recount text which informs the readers of daily

newspaper about events of the day which are regarded as

newsworthy or important.

c) Exemplum

It deals with incidents that are in some respects out of the


d) Anecdote

It deals with something unexpected or out of the ordinary, and

to share with others an account of a usual or amusing accident.

e) Recount

It is a text which is to retell events for the purpose of informing

and entertaining.

2) Factual Genres

a) Procedure

It is a factual text which is designed to describe how something

is accomplished through a sequence of action or steps.

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b) Explanation

It is a factual text which is used to explain the processes

involved the evaluation of natural or sociocultural phenomena.

c) Report

It is a factual text which describes the way things are, with

reference to a whole range of phenomena, natural, synthetic

and social in our environment.

d) Discussion

It presents information and arguments for both sides of an

issue, concluding with a conclusion or recomendation based on

the weight of evidence.

e) Hortatory Exposition

It is a text to persuade the reader that something should or

should not be the case.

f) Analytical Exposition

It is a text to persuade the reader that something is the case.

4. Hortatory Exposition Text

a. The Definition of Hortatory Exposition

Gerot and Wignell (1994:67) state that hortatory exposition

is a text which represents the attempt of the writer to persuade the

reader or listener that something should or should not be the case.

Anderson (1997:90) says that hortatory exposition is a

piece of text which represents the attempt of the writer to resent

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one side of an issue. It also defined as a type of text that is used to

explain and interpret, which presents more than one argument in

favor of a judgment.

Based on the above definitions, the writer summarizes that

the hortatory exposition is a text that is used to give information

and explanation in order to persuade the readers or listeners that

something is should or should not be the case.

b. The Social Function of Hortatory Exposition

Hortatory exposition is a factual text is used to put forward

a point of view, or argument or recommendation to persuade the

reader or listener that something should or should not be the case

(Gerot and Wignell, 1995:10)

The social function of hortatory exposition is to persuade

the reader or listener that something should or should not be the

case (Brown, 2004:17)

Related to the above explanations, the writer summarizes

that the social function of hortatory exposition is to explain the

reader or listener that something should or should not be the case

and give suggestion or recommendation.

c. The Schematic Structure of Hortatory Exposition

Schematic structure is the distinctive beginning, middle-end

structure of a genre (i.e. the stages accomplishing a genre’s social

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purpose, the stages may be either obligatory (always present) or

optional (present only under certain condition) (Macken, 1990:44).

Based on Brown’s (2004:21) argument, Hortatory

Exposition text has three schematic structures; those are thesis,

arguments, recommendation.

1) Thesis

Thesis is a statement or theory supported by arguments long

piece of writing or a subject.

Position: it introduces topic and indicates writer’s position.

Preview: outlines the main arguments to be presented.

2) Argument

Argument is a connected series of series of statements or

prepositions, some of which are intended to provide support,

justification or evidence for the truth of another statement or

preposition. Arguments consist of one or more promises are

those statements that are taken to provide the support or

evidence, the conclusion is that which the promises allegedly


3) Recommendation

Recommendation is a praising or commend about some

phenomena. Recommendation states what ought or not ought

to happen.

Based on the above explanations, the writer concludes

that hortatory exposition text has three schematic structures;

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those are thesis, arguments, recommendation. Every

argument consists of points and elaborations.

d. The Linguistic Features of Hortatory Exposition

Language feature is the kind of language which distinguishes the

genre from other. A genre is characterized by the use of certain

language features (Macken, 1990:23)

According to Gerrot and Wignell (1994:18) the language

features of hortatory exposition text are:

1) Focus on generic human and nonhuman participants.

Generic human participant means a human participant

constructed by grammar as having a general identifiable

referent in the context.

Generic non-human participant means a non-human

participant constructed by grammar as having a general

identifiable referent in the context.

2) Uses of mental processes, material processes, relational


a) Mental process

Mental processes are ones of sensing: feeling, thinking,

perceiving. Mental process clauses normally have at least

one participant representing the one who thinks, sees,

likes, wants and so on. It explains what the writer’s

opinion about the issues. E.g. think, believe, and so on.

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b) Material process

Material processes are processes of material doing which

express the notion that some entity physically does

something or physical action. Material processes also

defined as processes of doing and happening and the

actor is the key participants. E.g. construct, can go, and

attend, and so on.

c) Relational process

Relational processes involve states of being including

having. Relational processes are concerned with being,

processing or becoming. It also explains what it should

be. E.g. can keep, don’t, will be, and so on.

3) Use simple present tense

Present tense is used to express habitual or everyday activity.

It indicates a situation that exists right now, at the moment

speaking. It shows that the things are true in general, or

happen sometimes or all the time.

4) Use of modality

Modality is commonly used in argument writings to show

certainty of conclusion. E.g. might, can, will.

Based on the explanations above, the researher point out that

the language features of hortatory exposition text are focus on generic

human and nonhuman participants, uses of mental processes, material

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processes, and relational processes, use simple present tense, and use

of modality.

5. Teaching Technique

In line with Zhang’s (2005: 27) ideas, teaching technique is a

way to learn the information. It is given to the students through a

teacher or via written material.

On the other hand, Larson (2011: 7) defines that the

“technique” in the volume’s title as the methods or actions teacher

carries out in the classrooms, and the “principles” as the thoughts

(beliefs, attitudes, values, and awareness) of teachers that guide

those actions. The teacher may pose issues to the class and the

students respond to brainstorm.

Based on the above explanation, the writer summarizes that

teaching technique is a way to give information to the students and

make job done in the classroom to lead the students achieve the

target languages. It stimulate the students to brainstorm in class via

written material.

6. Academic Controversy Technique

a. The History of Academic Controversy Technique

The Academic Controversy technique was originally

developed by Yasuo Matsumura, Director of the Clover

Management Research (Japan). This technique is based upon the

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use of analytical capacities and helps to generate a great number of

ideas that will possibly provide the best solution to the problem to

be addressed by the management group. The Academic

Controversy technique as brainstorming technique. The point is

that by organizing his thinking around loosely-connected themes,

Darwin expanded his thinking by inventing alternative

possibilities and explanations that, otherwise, may have been

ignored. The technique helps you to diagrammatically mimic

Darwin’s thinking strategy by organizing your thinking around

significant themes. You start with a central subject and expand

into themes and sub-themes, each with separate entry points. In

Academic Controversy, the petals around the core of the blossom

are figuratively “peeled back” one at a time, revealing a key

component or theme. This approach is pursued in ever-widening

circles until the subject or opportunity is comprehensively

explored. The cluster of themes and surrounding ideas and

applications, which are developed in one way or another, provide

several different alternative possibilities.

b. Definition of Academic Controversy Technique

Michalko (1994) explains that the Academic Controversy is

created by Yasuo Matsumura of Clover Management Research in

Chiba City, Japan. This technique calls for you to start with a

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central subject and expand that subject into themes and sub-

themes, each with separate entry points. Academic Controversy is

a technique that organizes creative thinking around core themes.

This technique is based upon the use of analytical capacities and

helps to generate a great number of ideas that will possibly provide

the best solution to the problem to be addressed by the

management group.

Academic Controversy technique can also be used in

scenario planning and is very useful for forecasting strategic

scenarios. It is designed for groups and is used to provide a more

in-depth look at various solutions to problems. It begins with a

central core idea surrounded by eight empty boxes or circles.

Using brainstorming, eight additional ideas (solutions or issues)

are written in these boxes. In the next step, each of these eight

ideas becomes the core of another set of eight surrounding empty

boxes, which are filled in by new ideas using brainstorming. The

process continues until a satisfactory solution or a sufficient

number of ideas have emerged (Higgins, 1996).

According to Sain’s opinion (2011), Academic

Controversy technique is a powerful technique for brainstorming

and organizing your ideas that revolve around a core topic. The

principle is very elegant. You start with an idea and expand it into

various topics by placing them surrounding the original idea. This

organization will give you a balanced view of your ideas and their

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relationships. Each of the sub-topics can be expanded further by

considering it as a new topic, and the process continuous.

Academic Controversy technique is intended to make you

to look for a multiplicity of ways to approach a problem (Dubrova,


Based on the above definitions, the writer concludes that

Academic Controversy technique is a kind of Brainstorming that

will help you to organize your ideas that start with a central

subject and expand that subject into themes and sub-themes, each

with separate entry points.

c. The Importance Aspect of Academic Controversy Technique

The importance aspect of this technique is that it shifts you

from reacting to a “static” snapshot of the problem and will

encourage you to examine the significant themes of the problem

and the relationships and connections between them. Sometimes

when you complete a diagram with ideas and applications for each

theme, a property or feature not previously seen will emerge.

Generally, higher level properties are regarded as emergent. When

you diagram your problem thematically with ideas and

applications, it enhances your opportunity to see patterns and

make connections. The connections you make between the themes

and ideas and applications will sometimes create an emergent new

property or feature not previously considered

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d. How to add value to your organization

Suppose, for example, you want to create more value for

your organization by increasing productivity or decreasing costs.

You would write “add value” in the center box. Next, write

the eight most significant areas in your organization where you

can increase productivity or decrease costs in the circles labeled A

to H that surround your central box. In the writer’s example, the

writer selected the themes “suppliers,” “travel expenses,”

“partnerships,” “delivery methods,” “personnel,” “technology,”

“facilities,” and “evaluation.” For instance, in the sample diagram

the word “technology” in the circle labeled A, serves as the theme

for the lower middle group of boxes. Each area now represents

a theme that ties together the surrounding boxes. For each theme,

try to think of eight ways to add value. Phrase each theme as a

question to yourself. For example, ask, “What is technology?”, “In

what ways might we use technology to increase productivity?” and

“In what ways might we use technology to decrease expenses?”

Write the ideas and applications in the boxes numbered 1 through

8 surrounding the technology theme. Think of eight ideas or ways

to make personnel more productive or ways to decrease personnel

expenses, eight ideas or ways to create more value for your

delivery methods, your facilities and so on. If you complete the

entire diagram, you’ll have 8 new ideas or ways to increase

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productivity or decrease expenses. When you write your ideas in

the diagram, you’ll discover that ideas continually evolve into

other ideas and applications, as ideas seem to flow outward with a

conceptual momentum all their own.

e. Steps for Making Academic Controversy Diagram

Michalko (1994) stated that Academic Controversy

diagram can be broken down into four major steps:

Figure 3-10: Academic Controversy

1. Draw up a Academic Controversy diagram (Figure 3-10) made up of

a square in the center of the diagram (the pistil) and eight circles

(petals) surrounding the square;

2. Write the central idea or problem in the center of the diagram

(yellow square);

3. Look for ideas or solutions for the central theme. Then write them in

the flower petals (pink circles).

4. The main ideas were written in the circles all-round the main square.

f. The Example of Teaching Writing Using Academic

Controversy Technique

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The example of teaching writing, especially hortatory

exposition text using Academic Controversy Technique as follow:

1. Select interesting topics that students can easily understanding

and familiar.

2. Divide the class in to pairs.

3. Ask to the students to prepare stationary and dictionary.

4. Teacher explains the hortatory exposition text first. It consists

of: 1) Social function

2) Generic structure

3) Linguistic features

5. Teacher asks the students to make Academic Controversy


6. Teacher asks the students to choose a topic for a pair then

discuss the topic.

7. Write the main idea or the topic in the center of the diagram.

8. The A and B‘s circles are for thesis, the C, D, E, F, G’s are for

arguments, and H’s circles is for recommendation.

9. After that the students make a hortatory exposition text

according the main idea in the Academic Controversy diagram

to be a good paragraph individually.

g. The Example of Making Hortatory Exposition Text Using

Academic Controversy Technique

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1. Draw up a Academic Controversy diagram made up of a

square in the center of the diagram (the pistil) and eight circles

(petals) surrounding the square. (figure g.1.)

Figure g. 1.

2. Write the central idea, smoking, for example, in the center of

the diagram (Yellow Square). (figure g.2.)

Figure g.2.

3. Look for thesis, arguments, and recommendation for the main


4. Write the main idea for thesis in the 1st and 2nd circles, the

arguments in the 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th and 8th circles and

recommendation in the last circle. (figure g.3.)



the factof tobbaco

nasty diseases

Try to smoke

Never try smoking

Be a smoker

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Figure g.3.

5. Write a hortatory exposition text according to the ideas in the

Academic Controversy diagram.


A lot of people, especially teenagers, who do not

smoke, always want to try smoking. They know it is bad for

them and all, but it is just something they want to try. So they

ask one of their smoker friends for a cigarette. Admittedly,

they firstly cannot light it on their own so they ask his friend to

do it. Then they inhale that cigarette and smoke occasionally.

Apparently that makes them the born smokers. Now

they do smoke fairly regularly. They cannot avoid smoking

and they enjoy too. They have smoker friends. Every day they

bring a pack in their pocket. For them, a pack of cigarette is as

important as a wallet for their money.

Suddenly, for certain reason, they realize the fact that

tobacco is the cause of a long list of nasty diseases. It is not

only heart disease, stroke, and chronic lung disease but also

bladder, lung, and pancreatic cancer. Even it was reported that

around 400,000 Americans died each year. It was one every 80

seconds from tobacco-related illnesses.

stop smoking


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Then they decide it is stupid to harm selves. They want

to quit smoking. Unfortunately, they find that quitting smoking

is so difficult. “Why can't I stop smoking? I really want to stop

it”. It is hard to quit because nicotine is powerfully addictive.

Cigarette is one of the most efficient drug-delivery devices

ever devised. As result, when people try to quit smoking, they

often experience classic nicotine withdrawal symptoms such as

anxiety, irritability, headache, depression, and restlessness.

Well, still want to try smoke? Think the facts before

trying! If you are not smoker, you should never and never try

to smoke.

h. When to use Academic Controversy Technique

1. Use it when you want to develop creative ideas.

2. Use it when you are having problems creating more ideas.

3. Use it when you are trapped by a single mode of thinking.

4. Use it to create seeds of ideas that can trigger further good


i. The Advantages of Academic Controversy Technique

1. The Academic Controversy technique is enjoyable because it

draws some table so the students will not bored.

2. It focused brainstorming.

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3. Ideas are explored in two levels - thus a deeper analysis can be

done quickly.

4. It generates & captures more ideas.

5. It can build on each other’s ideas.

6. Inherently democratic process.

j. The Disadvantages of Academic Controversy Technique

1. Academic Controversy technique requires much time, moving


2. Only the popular ideas are captured and these are further


3. Students may have difficulties to choose a new idea in every

Academic Controversy diagram.

B. Conceptual Framework

Writing is one of four skills that have difficulties to develop

because it is needed organization, content, grammar, mechanic and style,

quality of writing. Meanwhile, writing skill is also important for students

because it can help them to develop their ideas, opinions and logical

thinking in written symbol. The students are provided to be able to

understand and create various texts. One kind of texts that they learn in the

class is descriptive text.

In fact, some problems appear which influence the students’

writing skill. They are less interested in English. They also have low

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motivation in writing text. The other problems is organizing and

expressing the idea into a good paragraph. Moreover, they are lack of

vocabulary so it makes them face difficulty to choose the appropriate


In relation to this problem, the writer makes attempt to apply a

technique in teaching writing that is Academic Controversy Technique. By

using Academic Controversy Technique in teaching writing, especially

hortatory exposition text, can expect to be able to motivate students in

learning process hortatory exposition text. Academic Controversy

technique can force the students to get ideas in writing hortatory text. The

students will be more active and improve their writing ability, knowing,

exploring, building and understanding more new ideas in every Academic

Controversy diagram. Hopefully, there will be an improvement of

students’ writing skill, motivation and teacher’s problem in teaching

writing will be solved.

C. Action Hypothesis

Based on the above presented theories and framework, the

hypothesis proposed is:

1. The use of Academic Controversy technique can improve the learning

motivation of the hortatory exposition text writing skill of the eleventh

graders of SMA N 4 Magelang in the school year 2014/2015.

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2. The use of Academic Controversy technique can improve the hortatory

exposition text writing skill of the eleventh graders of SMA N 4

Magelang in the school year 2014/2015.

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A. Type of the Research

The type of this research is quantitative research. It is included

Classroom Action Research (CAR). CAR is a kind of research having

function to improve the existing classroom condition of writing skill. The

principle of carrying out this research is to collect and interpret data that

involve a clear, repeated cycles. It means that classroom action research is

carried out to improve and make up the learning condition and situation in

order to make something better than before.

1. A Brief View of Classroom Action Research

a. Definition of Classroom of Classroom Research

Based on Burns (2009) action research is part of a board

movement that has been going on in education generally for some

time. It is related to the ideas of ‘reflective practice’ and ‘the

teacher as researcher’. Action research involves taking a self-

reflective, critical and systematic approach to explore teaching

contexts. It do not mean being negative and derogatory about the

way people teach, but taking a questioning and ‘problematizing’

stance towards their teaching. For example, the term,

problematizing, does not imply looking at people teaching as if it is

ineffective and full of problems. Rather, it means taking an area


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people feel could be done better, subjecting it to questioning, and

then developing new ideas and alternatives. So, in action research,

a teacher becomes an ‘investigator’ or ‘explorer’ of his or her

personal teaching context, while at the same time being one of the

participants in it.

The central idea of the action part of action research is to

intervene in a deliberate way in the problematic situation in order

to bring about changes and, even better, improvements in practice.

Importantly, the improvements that happen in action research are

ones based on information (or to use the research term, data) that

an action researcher collects systematically. So, the changes made

in the teaching situation arise from solid information rather than

from hunches or assumptions about the way we think things are.

B. The Subject of the Research

The subject of this research is the eleventh graders of SMA N 4

Magelang in school year 2014/2015. In The writer took XI-A1. There are

27 students which consist of 19 females and 8 males. Based on the writer’s

observation, those class had low score is English term, especially in

hortatory exposition text writing skill. Their achievement could be seen on

daily tests and English final test. Some students got good mark, but some

got bad. The average score of the writing test of this class was 62, less

than the standard score of the learning target (KKM) which is 70.

C. Setting of the Research

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The writer carried out the research in XI-IA 1 class of SMA N 4

Magelang. It is located at Jendral Sudirman Street No 173, Temanggung

regency, Central Java, Indonesia. The English teacher of SMA N 4

Magelang is Dewi Susanti, S. Pd. This school has 76 teachers and 5

teachers of English. It has 11 classes in X grade, 12 classes in XI and 10

classes in XII, so there are 33 classes. In every grade, there will be science,

social, language, and religion, except X grade. The writer did the research

on April 2014.

D. The Procedure of the Research

The action research was conducted through Pre Cycle and two

cycles. Each cycle consisted of four stages, theye are planning, acting,

observing and reflecting. Before the writer gave the treatment, the writer

gave writing test in Pre-Cycle test to know how high the hortatory

exposition text writing skill of the eleventh graders of SMA N 4

Magelang. The four stages on each cycle will be clearly explained as


1) Pre-Cycle

The Pre-Cycle was conducted at the beginning of the research

before the three cycles. There were two activities in this cycle,

observation and test. The first activity was observation. The teacher as

collaborator would teach the students as usual. Then, the writer started

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to observe the teaching-learning process in class to know students’

motivation in learning activity.

The second activity was test. The purpose was to check the

students’ weakness and strength in writing skill whether they were

understood or not with hortatory exposition text.

2) Cycle I

Based on the result of Pre-cycle test, the writer gave the

action in Cycle I by using Academic Controversy Technique. In cycle

I the writer did some activities as follows:

a. Planning

The aim of this stage was to plan teaching learning process

in order that there was improvement activity and writing skill.

Based on the result of analyzing the problem in the pre-cycle, the

writer did some preparation, they were:

Making a lesson plan, observation and questionnaire sheets.

Preparing the materials.

Making a cycle I test of hortatory exposition writing test.

Doing documentation.

b. Acting

In this stage the students were taught using Academic

Controversy Technique. This action was done to know the

improvement of students’ writing skill in two cycles. The

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procedure of teaching-learning process in Cycle I was explained as


1. Pre - Activity

a. The writer greeted the students.

b. The writer asked about the previous meeting.

c. The writer checked the student’s attendance.

d. The writer motivated students by telling the purpose of

writing comprehension on hortatory exposition text.

2. Main Activity

a) Exploration

a. The writer gave the students a model of Academic

Controversy technique before asked them to practice it


b. The writer defined hortatory exposition text in details.

b) Elaboration

a. The writer gave an example of hortatory exposition text

using Academic Controversy technique.

b. The writer asked the students to make Academic

Controversy Technique diagram.

c. The writer asked the students to choose a topic for a

pair then discuss the topic.

d. Drew up a Academic Controversy diagram made up of

a square in the center of the diagram (the pistil) and

eight circles (petals) surrounding the square.

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e. Wrote the central idea or problem in the center of the

diagram (yellow square).

f. Looked for ideas or solutions for the central theme.

Then wrote them in the flower petals (pink circles).

g. After that the students made a hortatory exposition text

according the main idea in the Academic Controversy

technique diagram.

h. The writer gave the students Cycle I test.

c) Confirmation

a. The writer asked the students whether they had

difficulties or not.

b. The writer gave feedback to the students based on the

material that they had learned.

3. Post Activity

a. The writer gave questionnaire to the students.

b. The writer closed the meeting.

c. Observing

The collaborative teacher observed the students in learning

activity using an observation sheet. Then the she also took

photograph during the teaching learning process. The result of this

photograph was used as the image of immortalized students during

learning process.

d. Reflecting

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Reflection was the activity of evaluating critically about the

progress or change of the students, class and also writer. The writer

made reflection in the cycle I based on some formal questionnaire

with the students and observation sheet, to decide and repair of

learning in Cycle II.

3) Cycle II

Based on the reflection in Cycle I, the writer decided to

continue the treatment in Cycle II in order to improve the students’

writing skill by using Academic Controversy Technique. The

process similar to the Cycle I but in Cycle II the theme was different.

a. Planning

Cycle II was done based on the analysis of the first cycle.

The writer tried to revise the lesson plan and teaching activity with

different theme. There was a test and observation sheet for


b. Acting

In this stage, the writer recalled the material and continued

the steps about Academic Controversy Technique.

1. Pre - Activity

a. The writer greeted the students.

b. The writer asked checked the student’s attendance.

c. The writer motivated students by telling the purpose of

writing comprehension on hortatory exposition text.

2. Main Activity

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a) Exploration

a. The writer gave question to the students related to

the material of the hortatory exposition text.

b. The writer explained to the students what a

hortatory exposition text was more detail.

c. The writer explained how to use Academic

Controversy technique more detail.

b) Elaboration

a. The writer gave an example of hortatory

exposition text using Academic Controversy


b. The writer asked the students to make

Academic Controversy Technique diagram.

c. The writer asked the students to choose a topic

for a pair then discuss the topic.

d. Drew up a Academic Controversy diagram

made up of a square in the center of the diagram

(the pistil) and eight circles (petals) surrounding

the square.

e. Wrote the central idea or problem in the center

of the diagram (yellow square).

f. Looked for ideas or solutions for the central

theme. Then wrote them in the flower petals

(pink circles).

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g. After that the students made a hortatory

exposition text according the main idea in the

Academic Controversy technique diagram.

h. The writer gave the students Cycle II test.

c) Confirmation

a. The writer asked the students whether they had

difficulties or not.

b. The writer gave feedback to the students based on

the material that they have done before.

c. The writer gave the students Cycle II test.

3. Post Activity

a. The writer gave questionnaire to the students.

b. The writer closed the meeting by giving some


c. Observing

The collaborative teacher observed the activity of students’

learning process by using an observation sheet. The wreiter gave

writing test in second cycle. The test was different from the

previous test to know good or bad of students understanding in

learning process in writing skill using Academic Controversy


d. Reflecting

In the end of the cycle, reflection was done to know the

improvement of students’ writing ability using Academic

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Controversy technique. The writer also analyzed the result of

observation sheet, questionnaire and students’ worksheet. The

above data was used to know whether Academic Controversy

technique was successful in improving students’ writing hortatory

exposition text and did not continue the research in the Cycle III.

E. Technique of Collecting Data

To collect the data, the writer used two techniques, they are non-

test and test.

1. Technique of Non-Test

a. Observation

Observation checklists were used to know the students’

behavior and the writer’s performance in teaching learning process.

The used of observation checklist helped the writer to observe the class

situation. The writer used the result of the observations in Pre Cycle,

Cycle I and Cycle II to know whether there was students’ writing

ability change or not using Academic Controversy technique.

The data of observation is concentrated to support the result of

the students’ test.

Table I: The observation sheet

No Behavioral Types Observation Focus Number of students

Total students



The motivation of the students to hear the writer’s explanation

1 The students pay attention to writer’s explanation 27

2 The students ask the material 273 The students comment on

the material 27

4 The students make notes 275 Students answer the writer’s

question 27

2. The motivation of the students during

1 The students have motivation in hortatory


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hortatory exposition text writing learning process

exposition text writing class2 The students involved in

hortatory exposition text writing class


3 The students discuss the hortatory exposition text writing in class


3. The motivation of the students do the assignment was given by writer

1 The students do the assignment of writing hortatory exposition text


2 The students can finish the test within a given time 27

b. Questionnaire

Questionnaire was a list of questions which has to be answered

by the students to get information. The questionnaire would collect the

data on information based on the needs, interest, like and dislike about

the teaching-learning process.


No Questions Yes No1. Do you like studying English?2. Do you think that writing is important?3. Do you think that writing English text is difficult?4. Does your writer explain the material clearly?5. Are you able to understand the writer’s explanation well?6. Are you bored with the writer’s explanation?7. Are you able to understand the material after the writer

uses Academic Controversy Technique?8. Do you like Academic Controversy Technique?9. In this research, do you feel that this technique can

improve your writing skill?10. Do you have high motivation after the writer uses the

Academic Controversy Technique?

c. Documentation

Documentation was used to get data such as the name of the

students and its scores. The writer also took photographs during

teaching-learning process using Academic Controversy Technique.

2. Test

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The writer used essay or composition test in the end of every

cycle. The purpose of the test would measure the student’s progress

and the result of teaching-learning. The test focused on how the

students should write a hortatory text using Academic Controversy


The writing assessment of the research as follows:

Writing elements Score Criteria





Use clearly appropriate details to support or illustrate ideas.Use details to support or illustrate an idea.Use some details to support or illustrate an idea.Inappropriate or insufficient details to support or illustrate generalization.Little or no detail or irrelevant specifics.



Well organized and well developed.Generally well organized and developed.Adequately organized and developed.Inadequate organized and development.Serious disorganization and development.




Demonstrate variety and appropriate word choice.Demonstrate some variety and range vocabulary.May contain some errors that occasionally obscure meaning.Noticeably in appropriate choices of word form.Serious problem with focus.





Display consistency facility in the use of language.Display facility the use of language.Demonstrate adequate but possibly inconsistent facility with usage.An accumulation of error in sentences structure and/or usage.Serious and frequent error in sentences structure or usage.





Effectively addresses the writing tasks.Addresses some parts of the task more effectively than others.Address the writing topic adequately but many slight part of the task.Error in sentence punctuationSevere spelling problems

According to Brown’s concepts (2004:129), the result of the test

could be classified into five categories as follows:

Analytic rating score

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No. Category Span of Score

1. Very good 85-100

2. Good 70-84

3. Fair 60-79

4. Poor 50-59

5. Very poor <50

(Sources: Brown, 2004:135)

F. Technique of Analyzing Data

Techniques of analyzing data that the writer used:

1. Fowler’s Formula

To analyze the quantitative data and to calculate the mean

of scores, the writer used Fowler’s formula as follows:



M : Mean

SS : Students’ score

R : Respondent

The data analysis was compared with the score of pre-cycle

test, posttest Cycle I and Cycle II. The result of this research gave

description about improving students’ hortatory exposition text

writing skill in each cycle.

2. Descriptive Analysis

To analyze the qualitative data, the writer used descriptive

analysis. It was also used to know the improvement of students’

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hortatory exposition text writing skill using Academic Controversy


G. The Performance Indicator

The performance indicators of this research were:

1. At least 75% of the students were motivated in learning hortatory

exposition text writing skill process.

2. At least 75% of the students got 70 score or higher in writing test.

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A. The Result of the Research

The results of the research were divided into test and non test. The

result of test were divided into Pre-Cycle, Cycle I and Cycle II test. The

results of non-test data are obtained from observation, questionnaire and


1. The Result of Pre-Cycle

a) Test

The result of Pre-Cycle test had the function of knowing the

students’ hortatory exposition text writing skill before the writer

applied the action. The result of Pre-Cycle test could be seen on

table 4.1 below.

Table 4.1: The Result of Pre-Cycle Test

No Category Span of Score Frequency Sum of score Percentage


Score1. Very Good 85-100 0 0 0 1582

27 x100

¿58.592. Good 70-84 2 147 7.413. Fair 60-69 14 864 51.854. Poor 50-59 6 335 22.22

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(Poor 5. Very Poor <50 5 236 18.52

SUM 27 1582 100.00

Based on above table, no students got very good category.

There were 2 students (7.41%) who belonged to good category.

There were 14 students (51.85%) who belonged to fair category, 6

students (22.22%) who belonged poor category and 5 students

(18.52%) who belonged to very poor category. The average score

of the students in Pre-Cycle test was 58.59. It belonged to poor

category. This result was lower than standard minimum

requirement that was 70. The test result can be seen on the diagram


Diagram 4.1: The Result of Pre-Cycle Test

b) The Result of Observation

The result of observation could be seen in the following table:

Very GoodGood


Very Poor








The Result of Pre-Cycle Test


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Table 4.2: Result of the Observation in Pre-Cycle

No Behavioral Types Observation FocusNumber

of students

Total students



The motivation of the students to hear the writer’s explanation

1The students pay attention to writer’s explanation

14 27 59.26

2 The students ask the material 3 27 11.11

3 The students comment on the material 6 27 22.22

4 The students make notes 11 27 40.74

5Students answer the writer’s question 13 27 48.15


The motivation of the students during hortatory exposition text writing learning process


The students have motivation in hortatory exposition text writing class

16 27 59.26

2The students involved in hortatory exposition text writing class

17 27 62.96

3The students discuss in hortatory exposition text writing class

18 27 66.67

3.The motivation of the students to do the duty was given by writer

1The students do the test of writing hortatory exposition text

21 27 77.78

2The students can finish the test within a given time

18 27 66.67

Average score 51.48Category Low

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Based on the table 4.2., the motivation of the students to

hear writer’s explanation as follows: (1) the students who pay

attention to writer’s explanation reach 14 person or 58.26%. (2)

The students who ask the material reach 3 person or 11.11%. (3)

The students who comment on the material reach 6 person or

22.22%. (4) The students who make notes reach 11 persons or

40.74%. (5) The students answer the writer’s question reach 13

person or 48.15%.

In the motivation of the students during hortatory

exposition text writing learning process as follows: (1) the

students have motivation in hortatory exposition text writing

class reach 16 person or 59.26%. (2) The students involved in

hortatory exposition text writing class reach 17 or 62.96%. (3)

The students discuss in hortatory exposition text writing class

reach 18 person or 66.67%.

In the motivation of the students do the test was given by

writer as follows :( 1) the students do the duty of writing

hortatory exposition text reach 21 person or 77.78%. (2) The

students can finish the duty within a given time reach 18 person

or 66.67%. The average score is 51.48%, it belonged to low

category. The result of observation in Pre Cycle, can be seen at

diagram 4.2.

Diagram 4.2: The Result of Observation Score in the Pre-Cycle

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10


The Result of Observation Score inThe Pre-Cycle

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c) Questionnaire

The result of the questionnaire could be seen on the table 4.3.


Table 4.3: The Result of Questionnaire in Pre-Cycle

No Questions Yes No

1. Do you like studying English? 15 12

2. Do you think that writing is important? 17 10

3. Do you think that writing English text is difficult? 24 3

4. Does your writer explain the material clearly? 18 9

5. Are you able to understand the writer’s explanation well? 16 11

6. Are you bored with the writer’s explanation? 14 13

7. Do you understand present tenses? 11 16

8. Do you understand Hortatory Exposition Text? 20 7

9.Do you find any difficulty in writing Hortatory Exposition

Text?22 4

10.Do you know how to plan writing Hortatory Exposition

Text?11 16

SUM 168 101

Related to the above table, the writer summarized that the Pre-

Cycle condition has not reached the ideal condition yet. It can be seen

through the number of the students in answering the questionnaire. It

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10


The Result of Observation Score inThe Pre-Cycle

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motivated the writer to do this research enthusiastically to improve the

students’ hortatory exposition text writing skill using Academic

Controversy technique.

c) Documentation

The documentation result in this cycle is attached in the


2. The Result of Cycle I

The result of Cycle I was as follows:

a) Test

The result of the Cycle I test could be seen on the table 4 below:

Table 4.4: The Result of Cycle I Test

No Category Span of Score Frequency Sum of score Percentage


Score1. Very Good 85-100 0 0 0 1725




2. Good 70-84 3 223 11.113. Fair 60-69 19 1221 70.374. Poor 50-59 5 281 18.525. Very Poor <50 0 0 0

SUM 27 1725 100.00

Table 4.4 shows that the students have reached average

score in Cycle I test were 63.89 and it included in fair category.

The students who got good category reached 11.11%, 19 students

who got fair category reached 70.37%, and 5 students got poor

category reached 18.52%. The improvement of number does not

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meant increase the category into very good category. The result of

test in Cycle I can also be seen in diagram 4.3 to make it clear.

Diagram 4.3: The Result of Cycle I Test

Very GoodGood


Very Poor


The Result of Cycle I Test

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b) The Result of Observation

The result of the observation can be seen on the table 4.5 below:

Table 4.5: The Result of Observation in Cycle I

No Behavioral Types Observation FocusNumber

of students

Total students



The motivation of the students to hear the writer’s explanation

1The students pay attention to writer’s explanation

20 27 74.07

2 The students ask the material 15 27 55.56

3 The students comment on the material 14 27 51.85

4 The students make notes 17 27 62.96

5Students answer the writer’s question 18 27 66.67


The motivation of the students during hortatory exposition text writing learning process


The students have motivation in hortatory exposition text writing class

18 27 66.67

2The students involved in hortatory exposition text writing class

19 27 70.37

3The students discuss in hortatory exposition text writing class

20 27 74.07

3.The motivation of the students to do the duty was given by writer

1The students do the test of writing hortatory exposition text

23 27 85.18

2The students can finish the test within a given time

22 27 81.48

Average 68.79

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Category Fair

Based on the table 5, the motivation of the students to

hear writer’s explanation as follows: (1) the students who pay

attention to writer’s explanation reach 20 person or 74.07%. (2)

The students who ask the material reach 15 person or 55.55%.

(3) The students who comment on the material reach 14 person

or 51.85%. (4) The students who make notes reach 17 persons or

62.96%. (5) The students answer the writer’s questions reached

18 person or 66.67%.

In the motivation of the students during hortatory

exposition text writing learning process as follows: (1) the

students have motivation in hortatory exposition text writing

class reach 18 person or 66.67%. (2) The students involved in

hortatory exposition text writing class reach 19 or 70.37%. (3)

The students discuss in hortatory exposition text writing class

reach 20 person or 74.07%.

In the motivation of the students do the duty was given

by writer as follows :( 1) the students do the duty of writing

hortatory exposition text reach 23 person or 85.18%. (2) The

students can finish the duty within a given time reach 22 person

or 81.48%. The average score is 68.79 and it belonged to fair


Diagram 4.4: The Result of Observation Score in The Cycle I

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 100


The Rresult of Observation Score in The Cycle I

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c) Questionnaire

The writer used questionnaire to collect the data about the

students’ opinion and responses to the teaching learning process

using Academic Controversy technique. The result of the

questionnaire in Cycle 1 could be seen on the table 4.6 below.

Table 4.6: The Result of Questionnaire in Cycle I

No Questions Yes No

1. Do you like studying English? 20 7

2. Do you think that writing is important? 21 6

3. Do you think that writing English text is difficult? 18 9

4. Does your writer explain the material clearly? 22 5

5.Are you able to understand the writer explanation well? 19 8

6. Are you bored with the writer’s explanation? 10 17

7.Are you able to understand the material after the writer uses Academic Controversy Technique? 18 9

8. Do you like Academic Controversy Technique? 20 7

9.In this research, do you feel that this technique can improve your writing skill? 18 9

10.Do you have high motivation after the writer uses the Academic Controversy Technique? 20 7

SUM 186 84

d) Documentation

The documentation is shown in the appendices.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 100


The Rresult of Observation Score in The Cycle I

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3. The Result of Cycle II

The writer got the data of test and non-test as follows:

a) Test

The result of hortatory exposition text writing skill after

using Academic Controversy technique in Cycle II could be

viewed in table 4.7.

Table 4.7: The Result of Cycle II Test

No Category Span of Score Frequency Sum of score Percentage


Score1. Very Good 85-100 2 171 7.41 1971


=73(good category)

2. Good 70-84 23 1671 85.183. Fair 60-69 2 129 7.414. Poor 50-59 0 0 05. Very Poor <50 0 0 0

SUM 27 1971 100.00

Based on the above table, it could be pointed that the average

scores in Cycle II is 73 and it belonged into good category. They increased

their classroom average score from 63.89 became 73. The students who

got very good category reached 7.41%, 23 students who got good category

reached 85.18%, and 2 students got fair category reached 7.41%. It can be

pointed that in Cycle II students’ skill writing hortatory exposition text had

improved. To make a more obvious view, diagram 4.5 presents the result

of Cycle II test:

Diagram 4.5: The Result of Cycle II Test

Very Good Good Fair Poor Very Poor



The Result of Cycle II Test

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b) Observation

The result of observation in Cycle II could be seen at table 4.8.

Table 4.8: The Result of Observation in Cycle II

No Behavioral Types Observation FocusNumber

of students

Total students



The motivation of the students to hear the writer’s explanation

1The students pay attention to writer’s explanation

23 27 85.18

2 The students ask the material 18 27 66.67

3 The students comment on the material 19 27 70.37

4 The students make notes 17 27 62.96

5Students answer the writer’s question 21 27 77.78


The motivation of the students during hortatory exposition text writing learning process


The students have motivation in hortatory exposition text writing class

22 27 81.48

2The students involved in hortatory exposition text writing class

23 27 85.18

3The students discuss in hortatory exposition text writing class

24 27 88.89

3.The motivation of the students do the duty was given by writer

1The students do the test of writing hortatory exposition text

25 27 92.59

2The students can finish the test within a given time

24 27 88.89

Very Good Good Fair Poor Very Poor



The Result of Cycle II Test

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Average 79.99Category Good

Based on the table 4.8, the motivation of the students to hear

writer’s explanation as follows: (1) the students who pay attention to

writer’s explanation reach 20 person or 74.07%. (2) The students who

ask the material reach 15 person or 55.55%. (3) The students who

comment on the material reach 14 person or 51.85%. (4) The students

who make notes reach 17 persons or 62.96%. (5) The students answer

the writer’s questions reached 18 person or 66.67%.

In the motivation of the students during hortatory exposition

text writing learning process as follows: (1) the students have

motivation in hortatory exposition text writing class reach 18 person or

66.67%. (2) The students involved in hortatory exposition text writing

class reach 19 or 70.37%. (3) The students discuss in hortatory

exposition text writing class reach 20 person or 74.07%.

In the motivation of the students do the duty was given by

writer as follows :( 1) the students do the duty of writing hortatory

exposition text reach 23 person or 85.18%. (2) The students can finish

the duty within a given time reach 22 person or 81.48%. The average

score is 79.99 and it belonged into good category.

Diagram 4.6: The Result of Observation Score in The Cycle II

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 100



The Result of Observation Score in The Cycle II

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c) Questionnaire

The writer also used questionnaires to gain the students’

opinion and responses to the use of Academic Controversy

technique in teaching learning process. There were 10 questions.

The number of the class is 27 students. The result of the

questionnaires in Cycle II in table 4.9:

Table 4.9: The Result of Questionnaire in Cycle II

No Questions Yes No

1. Do you like studying English? 25 2

2. Do you think that writing is important? 24 3

3. Do you think that writing English text is difficult? 21 8

4. Does your writer explain the material clearly? 23 4

5.Are you able to understand the writer explanation well? 22 6

6. Are you bored with the writer’s explanation? 6 21

7.Are you able to understand the material after the writer uses Academic Controversy Technique? 23 4

8. Do you like Academic Controversy Technique? 24 3

9.In this research, do you feel that this technique can improve your writing skill? 20 7

10.Do you have high motivation after the writer uses the Academic Controversy Technique? 22 5

SUM 210 63

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 100



The Result of Observation Score in The Cycle II

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Based on the result of questionnaire in Cycle II showed that

most students had very good opinion and response to the teaching

learning process and the technique used in this research.

d) Documentation

The documentation is shown in the appendices.

B. Discussions

1. The Improvement of Students’ Learning Motivation

Based on the result of non-test, which consisted of observation,

questionnaire and documentation in Cycle I, it could be concluded that

the students did not really understand about writing hortatory

exposition text and Academic Controversy technique was considered

new technique for them. Some of them had low motivation to write

hortatory exposition text.

To overcome the problem in Cycle I, the writer made

improvement such as explaining about hortatory exposition text and

Academic Controversy technique in Cycle II. In Cycle II, the writer

also explained and corrected about common mistakes in hortatory

exposition texts written by the students. There was changing the

students’ behavior in Cycle II. They were prepared and had more spirit

in the teaching learning process. They were more activity in giving,

asking and answering writer’s questions. They also could write

hortatory exposition text better and finish it on time which has been

determined. It happened because they had more comprehension about

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writing hortatory exposition text. The result of the test was

satisfactory. It can be concluded that the students’ learning motivation

in using Academic Controversy technique showed changing to be good


The improvement of students’ learning motivation could be

seen in Table 4.10

Table 4.10

The Improvement of Students’ Learning Motivation

No. Aspect Mean of Score Improvement


Average Score 51.48% 68.79% 79.99%17.31 11.2 28.51

Category Low Fair High

Table 4.10 shows that the average score of Pre-Cycle observation

sheet is 51.48%, it belongs low category. The average score of Cycle I

observation sheet is 68.79%, it belonged to fair category. There is

improvement of the average of students’ motivation from Pre-Cycle to

Cycle I is 17.31%. While the average of students’ motivation of Cycle II

reached 79.99%, it belongs to good category.

The improvement of students’ motivation could be seen in

Diagram 4.7

Diagram 4.7

The Improvement of Students’ Motivation in Pre-Cycle, Cycle I and Cycle II








The Improvement of Students' Motivation

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2. The Improvement of Hortatory Exposition Text Writing Skill

The writer compared the result of Pre-Cycle, Cycle I and Cycle

II test to know the improvements of hortatory exposition text writing

skill to the eleventh grade students of SMA N 4 Magelang. The

improvement of hortatory exposition text writing skill could be seen in

table 4.11.

Table 4.11

The Result of Writing Skill of Pre-Cycle, Cycle I and Cycle II.


AspectMean of Score Improvement


58.59 63.89 73 5.3 9.11 14.41

Category Poor Fair Good

Table 4.11 shows that the average score of Pre-Cycle test is 58.59,

it belongs poor category. The average score of Cycle I test is 63.89, it

belonged to fair category. It means that the score of test of Pre-Cycle and

Cycle I did not fulfilled score goals. But there is improvement of the

average of hortatory exposition text writing skill from Pre-Cycle to cycle I

is 5.3 points. While the average of writing test of Cycle II reached 73.00, it








The Improvement of Students' Motivation

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belongs to good category. It means that the score test of Cycle II have

fulfilled determined score goals, because it reached more than 70.00 as

mastery of learning English lesson in SMA N 4 Magelang. So the writer

did not continue to Cycle III.

The improvement of writing test from Cycle I to Cycle II is 9.11

points and whole improvement of writing test is 14.41 points. The writer

summarized that Academic Controversy technique can improve hortatory

text writing skill to the eleventh grade students of SMA N 4 Magelang.

The improvement of every writing skill could be seen in diagram 4.8.

Diagram 4.8

The Result of Writing Test in Pre-Cycle, Cycle I and Cycle II

PC-C I C I-C II PC-C II02468


The Result of Pre-Cycle, Cycle I and Cycle II

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A. Conclusions

Based on the analysis of the data in Pre-Cycle, Cycle I and

Cycle II test, the writer concluded as that;

1. Using Academic Controversy technique can improve the

learning motivation of the hortatory exposition text writing

skill of the eleventh graders of SMA N 4 Magelang in the

school year 2014/2015. The improvement of students’

motivation can be said that high motivation, low to high.

2. Using Academic Controversy technique can improve the

hortatory exposition text writing skill of the eleventh graders of

SMA N 4 Magelang in the school year 2014/2015. It has

reached the minimum of achievement criterion of 70 and more

than 75% of the students get the score 70 in writing hortatory

exposition texts. The improvement of students’ writing skill

can be said to be good, poor to good category.

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B. Suggestions

Based on the result of this research, the writer suggests to:

1. The Teacher

It is better for the English teacher to use Academic

Controversy Technique in teaching writing especially in

writing hortatory exposition text, as an alternative teaching

technique to motivate the students’ learning English. The

teacher should also stimulate the students to be active and

interactive in English class.

2. The Students

It is better for the students to improve their writing skill

when they applied Academic Controversy technique in

hortatory text that they learned. The students should be active,

creative and also have a good participation during the learning

process. They also can be happy in learning English by

Literature Blossom technique.


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