Schizo Paranoid

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  • 8/13/2019 Schizo Paranoid



    Schizophrenia is one of the most damaging of all mental disorders that causes its

    victims to lose touch with reality. They often begin to hear, see, or feel things that aren't

    really there, they experience hallucinations or become convinced of things that simply aren't

    true, they experience delusions.

    There are five subtypes of schizophrenia. Among these subtypes is the paranoid type.

    In the paranoid form of this disorder, they develop delusions of persecution or personal

    grandeur. The first signs of paranoid schizophrenia usually surface between the ages of !

    and "#. There is no cure, but the disorder can be controlled with medications. Severe attac$s

    may re%uire hospitalization.

    The causes of schizophrenia are still under debate. A chemical imbalance in the brain

    seems to play a role, but the reason for the imbalance remains unclear. &e do $now that an

    individual is a bit more li$ely to become schizophrenic if they have a family member with

    the illness. Schizophrenia usually develops gradually, although onset can be sudden. riends

    and family often notice the first changes before the victim does. Among the signs are(

    confusion, inability to ma$e decisions, hallucinations, changes in eating or sleeping habits,

    energy level, or weight, delusions, nervousness, strange statements or behavior, withdrawal

    from friends, wor$, or school, neglect of personal hygiene, anger, indifference to the

    opinions of others, a tendency to argue, a conviction that you are better than others, and that

    people are out to get you.

  • 8/13/2019 Schizo Paranoid


    )rugs such as Thorazine, *aldol, and +isperdal combat symptoms in # out of !

    patients. An acute attac$ usually can be cleared up in # to wee$s. -ounseling and group

    therapy help recovering patients to understand the disease and to function effectively.

    &ithout medication and therapy, most paranoid schizophrenics are unable to function in the

    real world. If they fall victim to severe hallucinations and delusions, they can be a danger to

    themselves and those around them.

    The heterogeneity nature of this disorder, posed a significant challenge among the

    student nurses to ta$e on the case history of client, iguel /iadog 0argo, 1r., who is in his

    early "23s and diagnosed as schizophrenic4paranoid type.

    This case study presents the opportunity of applying our learned s$ills of giving care

    to the mentally4ill patients and implies that we as future nurses must learn our roles

    effectively to function efficiently in our chosen field of profession.

  • 8/13/2019 Schizo Paranoid



    General Objective:

    At the end of the psychiatric exposure, the group will be able to come up with a case

    presentation aimed to impart a significant awareness on the conditions of this disorder,

    Schizophrenia45aranoid type.

    Specific Objectives:

    . To identify a %ualified client for this study6

    7. See$ approval from Administration of )avao ental *ospital, and from the

    patient3s family to begin the conduct of this research6

    ". 8stablish good rapport with the patient and his family in order to have a smooth

    wor$ing relationship with the group6

    #. 9ather pertinent data regarding the patient and his family6

    !. Assess health status of patient, past and present illnesses6

    :. Identify predisposing and precipitating factors that contributed to the patient3s


    ;. 5resent the ental Status 8xamination during initial and final interaction to

    ascertain progress and deterioration of patient3s condition6

    . ormulate a feasible

  • 8/13/2019 Schizo Paranoid


    A N A N E S I S

    !ers"nal !r"file:

    !atient#s C"$e Na%e : iguel /iadog 0argo, 1r.

    &"spital C"$e : 2222!2=

    A'e : "" years old

    Se( : ale

    A$$ress : South /ay 0anang, )avao -ity

    Civil Stat)s : Single

    Birt* Date : >ctober 7=, =;7

    Birt* !lace : )avao -ity

    Reli'i"n : +oman -atholic

    Nati"nalit+ : ilipino

    ,at*er#s Na%e : iguel 0argo, Sr.

    "t*er#s Na%e : 5erla 0argo

    Date "f A$%issi"n : =?!?27, 7?!?2", 2?2:?2", 7?7?2#,

    :?7?2#, 2?7"?2#,#?!?2!,.?!?2!

    @ admissions

    Date "f Disc*ar'e : =?77?27, "?#?2", 2?2?2",7?:?2#

    :?:?2#, 2?7?2#, #?77?2!, ??2!

    A$%ittin' !*+sician : Ian 1. 0indong, .).

    Atten$in' !*+sician : Ian 1. 0indong, .).

    C*ief C"%plaints : 8xhibited Biolence and *ostility

    A$%ittin' Dia'n"sis : Schizophrenia45aranoid Type

    ,inal Dia'n"sis : Schizophrenia45aranoid Type

    Date St)$+ Be')n : 1anuary 722:

    Date St)$+ En$e$ : 1anuary 722:

  • 8/13/2019 Schizo Paranoid



    0ast 1anuary CC722:, our group went to the client3s residence at South /ay 0anang,

    )avao -ity to interview informants, which included family members, relatives, neighbors

    and other community leaders regarding their $nowledge and opinion on patient3s current

    mental condition.

    The people in the community greeted the group with warmth and generosity in

    giving the information that we needed.

    Informant 1:

    Name: Perla B. Largo Age:57 years old

    Address: Purok 9 South Bay, Lanang a!ao "#ty

    $elat#onsh#% to Pat#ent: &other

    Length of t#me kno'n to %at#ent: S#n(e )#rth *++ years

    A%%arent -nderstand#ng of Present Illness:

    Miguels illness apparently started when he worked as a laborer in Samal

    Island sometime in June 2000. He came home from work telling his mother !Ma dalha ko

    ospital kay gihiloan ko".He was brought to #a$ao Medical %enter but the doctors found no

    e$idence of poisoning. Miguel was also brought to a traditional healer or !binisaya" to

    assess his condition. &hey were informed that Miguel indeed was poisoned and was made to

    drink a potion to counter the effects of the alleged poison ingested by the client. 'fter a

    month he became hostile and was always shouting about seeing a black cat. &hat was the

    first time he was brought to #a$ao Mental Hospital. (ast 'ugust )* 200* he had a relapse

    because according to the informant !nisuol iyang sakit kay gikan sa trabaho naligo sya

    nga init kayo ug gisal+angan man gud niya ang iyang tambal ug tulo ka adlaw maong

    nibalik ang iyang sakit".

    "hara(ter#st#( and Att#tude of Informant:

    &he informant was willing to share information with us. She waited for us

    that morning because Miguel informed her that the nursing students will be asking

    information about his illness. &he informant was moderately groomed hair kempt and

    e,hibited a pleasant disposition.

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    Informant :

    Name: guel Largo, Sr. Age: /0 years old

    Address: Purok 9 South Bay, Lanang a!ao "#ty

    $elat#onsh#% to Pat#ent: ather

    Length of t#me kno'n to %at#ent: S#n(e )#rth *++ years

    A%%arent -nderstand#ng of Present Illness:

    As !er)al#2ed )y the #nformant, 3Buotan na nga )ata s# guel. 4ala nay

    l#)og. 6he #nformant adds, h#s #llness )egan 'hen he started 'ork#ng #n Samal. n one

    o((as#on, 'hen the (l#ent arr#!ed home, he demanded to )e )rought #mmed#ately to the

    hos%#tal, )e(ause he (la#med to ha!e )een %o#soned. urther, the (l#ent8s father stressed

    that the %at#ent 'as 'orr#ed so mu(h a)out the#r house that 'as under (onstru(t#on and

    #s st#ll not near to (om%let#on. 6he #nformant further %os#ted that the (l#ent #s a !ery

    re%ress#!e %erson and al'ays kee%s h#s feel#ngs and 'orr#es s to h#mself.#nally, the

    #nformant ho%es that h#s son '#ll re(o!er soon, )e(ause he e%ressed so mu(h lo!e for h#s


    "hara(ter#st#( and Att#tude of Informant:

    &he informant was hesitant at first but e$entually he was $ery cooperati$e

    and con$ersant. &he informant generally appeared moderately groomed and e,hibited a

    coherent manner of responding.

    Informant +:

    Name: Perl#ta Largo Age: +1 years old

    Address: Purok 9 South Bay, Lanang a!ao "#ty

    $elat#onsh#% to Pat#ent: S#ster

    Length of t#me kno'n to %at#ent: +1 years

    A%%arent -nderstand#ng of Present Illness:

    Perl#ta, s#ster of guel )el#e!ed that the (ause of her )rother8s #llness 'as

    'hen they 'ere una)le to (om%lete the reno!at#on of the#r house )e(ause of #nsuff#(#ent

    funds. After'h#(h, guel as o)ser!ed )y Perl#ta, 3&otutok s#ya sa hollo')lo(ks, unya

    muh#lum, taudtaud mangla)ay ug )ato. e momentar#ly stares at the hollo' )lo(ks and

    suddenly thro's stones at the#r netdoor ne#gh)or.

  • 8/13/2019 Schizo Paranoid


    "hara(ter#st#( and Att#tude of Informant:

    )uring the interview, 5erlita was very accommodating and was willing to

    spend her time with us. She was very cooperative in answering our %uestions and she also

    shared about his brother as being a good4natured individual.

    Informant ;:

    Name: enn#s B. Largo Age: 19 years old

    Address: Purok 9 South Bay, Lanang a!ao "#ty

    $elat#onsh#% to Pat#ent: Brother

    Length of t#me kno'n to %at#ent: S#n(e )#rth *++ years

    A%%arent -nderstand#ng of Present Illness:

    A((ord#ng to enn#s, the reason 'hy h#s )rother guel 'as adm#tted to

    a!ao &ental os%#tal )e(ause of the #n(#dent #n Samal Island 'here guel 'orked as

    a (onstru(t#on 'orker. enn#s narrated that there 'as an #n(#dent that guel 'as a

    !#(t#m of 3%ag

  • 8/13/2019 Schizo Paranoid


    A%%arent -nderstand#ng of Present Illness:

    A((ord#ng to the #nformant, the (l#ent8s #llness 'as due to de%ress#on. It

    started 'hen guel re(e#!ed 1;,000 from 3)u)oay, 'h#(h he thought #t #s suff#(#ent

    fund to reno!ate the#r house. e demol#shed the old house and '#th the money #n hand,

    'anted to )u#ld a ne' one. -nfortunately, he 'asn8t a)le to f#n#sh #t due to f#nan(#al

    (onstra#nt. 6he unf#n#shed house house someho' (ontr#)uted to the de%ress#on. Later he

    eh#)#ted unusual )eha!#or 'h#(h %rom%ted h#s mother to )r#ng the (l#ent to a!ao

    &ental os%#tal to seek med#(al and %sy(h#atr#( attent#on.

    "hara(ter#st#( and Att#tude of Informant:

    &he informants comment about his cousin the client $ery sarcastic maybe

    because he is tired of financially helping them. #uring the inter$iew I learned that (eos

    family helped three of the clients siblings to school but still did not make use of their


    Informant /:

    Name: Arnel ad#ano Age: ++ years old

    Address: Purok 9 South Bay, Lanang a!ao "#ty

    $elat#onsh#% to Pat#ent: r#end

    Length of t#me kno'n to %at#ent: 10 years

    A%%arent -nderstand#ng of Present Illness:

    A((ord#ng to Arnel, guel #s a good fr#end. 6hey %lay )asket)all together

    dur#ng the#r le#sure t#me. A (onstant dr#nk#ng )uddy and (onf#dant at the near)y sar#

  • 8/13/2019 Schizo Paranoid


    Informant 7:

    Name: Analyn mas

  • 8/13/2019 Schizo Paranoid


    "hara(ter#st#( and Att#tude of Informant:

    &he informant was $ery cooperati$e while talking to us. She was $ery

    spontaneous in narrating what she knew about the family in general and Miguel in


    Informant 9:

    Name: Lu2 $ed#sm#nda Age: ;; years old

    Address: Purok 9 South Bay, Lanang a!ao "#ty

    $elat#onsh#% to Pat#ent: Ne#gh)or and r#end of Pat#ent8s &other

    Length of t#me kno'n to %at#ent: 7 years

    A%%arent -nderstand#ng of Present Illness:

    A((ord#ng to Lu2, guel started to go #nsame, 'hen he '#tnessed ho' a

    (at 'as slaughtered to death. 6hereafter, the %at#ent 'as seen shout#ng and some'hat

    eem%l#f#es the sound of a (at #n d#stress. 6he %at#ent 'as also seen to ha!e dug a hole on

    the ground and l#e there unt#l the %at#ent resorts to !#olen(e 'hen he #s re%r#manded. So

    the %eo%le #n the#r area, restra#n h#m.

    "hara(ter#st#( and Att#tude of Informant

    #uring the entire inter$iew the informant was willing to share all the

    necessary information about Miguel. She was $ery cooperati$e and accommodating.

    Informant 10:

    Name: $olando Lo)uternos Age: +; years old

    Address: Purok 9 South Bay, Lanang a!ao "#ty

    $elat#onsh#% to Pat#ent: Ne#gh)or

    Length of t#me kno'n to %at#ent: 7 years

    A%%arent -nderstand#ng of Present Illness:

    A((ord#ng to the #nformant, guel started to go #nsame 'hene he re(e#!ed

    some money from the#r sa!#ngs fund.6he money, the (l#ent used to f#nan(e the reno!at#on

    of the#r house. But the (l#ent fa#led to (om%lete the reno!at#on #n t#me, that resulted to

    an#ety and 'orry that led h#m to go out of h#s m#nd.

  • 8/13/2019 Schizo Paranoid


    "hara(ter#st#( and Att#tude of Informant

    &he informant was $ery cooperati$e and was willing to share his opinion

    about the illness of Miguel. &o him he really knew Miguel since they were young.

    Informant 11:

    Name: Lol#ta Beton#o Age: +7 years old

    Address: Purok 9 South Bay, Lanang a!ao "#ty

    $elat#onsh#% to Pat#ent: Ne#gh)or

    Length of t#me kno'n to %at#ent: 7 years

    A%%arent -nderstand#ng of Present Illness:

    A((ord#ng to the #nformant, the last atta(k 'as due to, as !er)al#2ed 3

    6ungod man to %ag

  • 8/13/2019 Schizo Paranoid



    r. iguel 0argo, Sr. wor$ed as a sawmill operator before and is currently wor$ing as a

    part4time carpenter. r. 0argo as a father was ineffective and unable to provide for the basic

    necessities of the family, because of his gambling and alcoholism. The money that was

    supposedly be spent on daily expenses of the family are s%uandered to all his vices. The family

    scavenges for food from their neighbors. r. 0argo, as expected denies of these charges and



    The patient3s biological mother is rs. 5erla 0argo. She was previously a Dsalt vendorE

    and is currently a housewife. &hen she was wor$ing before, as a vendor, she usually leaves the

    $ids with relatives and often times, let iguel accompany her.


    They are eight children in the family. Fnfortunately, their fifth died as a premature

    delivery. They are listed hereunder in order(


  • 8/13/2019 Schizo Paranoid


    ,AI-. TREE



    i')el -ar'" Sr/

    01 +/"/

    "t*er !erla -ar'"

    23 +/"/











  • 8/13/2019 Schizo Paranoid




    rs. 0argo was delighted to $now that she was pregnant. She was prepared to face the

    anticipated demands of pregnancy.. *owever, her worry of financial problems constantly

    disturbed her pregnancy. *er husband contributed to the burden of not remitting his salary to

    supplement the expenses needed for pregnancy and the needs of the family. Therefore, she had

    inade%uate nutrition and was unable to comply with all her vaccinations. &hile the client3s

    mother was pregnant, she would need to wor$ as a salt vendor at the same time to support the

    needs of the family.


    The patient was born on >ctober 7=, =;7, full term and delivered in breech position and

    cord coil by an alternative doctor. The client3s mother was in labor while delivering the client for

    7 days and 7 nights. It was posited that the delivery was a difficult and laborious one. The client

    was not subHected to any type of immunizations.

    Infanc+ an$ C*il$*""$ C*aracteristics

    The patient3s first tooth appeared at : months of age and her first wal$ at year old withrice porridge as his first meal. The patient was exclusively breastfed and done in between chores

    or during chores. The clients was observed to thumbsuc$ from age ! months until 7 years of age.

    The client noted to be wal$ing and tal$ing at age 7 year old. It was apparently difficult to

    determine the success of toilet training, since the voiding facility was a distance away from the

    home. At age 7 year old, the patient experienced convulsion due to intense fever. The patient was

    generally remembered to be unhygienically presented, termed as DyungitE.

    !s+c*"se()al &ist"r+

    The client was circumcised at age years old. asturbation practices suspected by age

    : years old. Secondary sex characteristics such as voice change noted by age years old. The

    client was noted to have gained sexual awareness by age 72 years old. At age 72 year old, the

    patient was noted to have physical attraction with one neighbor, named D9emmaE, who was an

  • 8/13/2019 Schizo Paranoid


    entertainer D1apayu$iE, but was unable to express attraction and got frustrated for failing not to

    confess his emotions.

    !la+ -ife

    As a child, he preferred playing Dpinoy gamesE available, especially Dholen?$asingE. *e

    preferred playing with same sex playmates and plays near the neighborhood. The patient was

    also claimed to be a shy individual, so it could be inferred that he played the role as a follower in

    the group. The patient was very much overwhelmed with playing that attending school.

    Sc*""l &ist"r+

    It was noted that at age ; year old, the patient entered schooling. *owever, by age 2

    year old, the patient stopped going to school, because the patient expressed disli$e on going to

    school for failure to absorb day4to4day lectures by the teachers. This disli$e for school was very

    much evident when the patient was caught cutting his classes by going to the sawmill and

    wor$ed as D$argadorE of firewoods together with friends of same ages. *owever, during

    schooldays, the patient expressed that he loved the ilipino subHect. The reason posed by the

    patient for li$ing to wor$, was to have money, so when he goes to school, he has DbaonE or

    spending money.

    Reli'i")s an$ S"cial &ist"r+

    8ver since, the patient was $nown to be a timid and %uite person. *e used to do things on

    his own, but gradually established friendship with his neighbors of the same age. The patient was

    always noted to be very particular with his things and wouldn3t want his things to be used by

    others without prior permission. *owever, he is not noted to be selfish, but he is very thrifty and

    goal4oriented in helping his family.

    As a +oman -atholic, he didn3t go to church religiously and didn3t participate in any

    church activities, because he had no money to spend for fare to get to their church. The patient

    was also noted to get easily disappointed and frustrated for goals that have not been realized.

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  • 8/13/2019 Schizo Paranoid




    Na%e: i')el -ar'"5 Jr/

    Date: A)')st 625 7112

    I/ !resentati"n

    A/ General Appearance: The patient is poorly groomed and has poor personal

    hygiene, as manifested by failure to ta$e a bath duringthe interaction, suspicious and loose eye contact.

    B/ General "bilit+

    6/ !"st)re an$ 'ait

    J normal J appropriate x J inappropriate

    Describe: The integrity among his body parts and the manner ofhis wal$ing appeared to be inappropriately carried out.

    7/ Activit+

    J normoactive J psychomotor retardation

    J hyperactive x J agitated

    8/ ,acial E(pressi"n

    J smiling J worried J tearful J frightened J happy J tense x J angry J distant

    J ecstatic J sad J suspicious

    C/ Be*avi"r: The patient exhibited an unpleasant disposition, was constantly frowning

    and appeared agitated.

    D/ D"ct"r9 N)rse !atient Interacti"n

    J cooperative x J uncooperative

    J initially only K J throughout interview

    ;)alit+: J warm J distant J suspicious

    J tal$ative x J hostile J others

    II/ Strea% "f Tal

  • 8/13/2019 Schizo Paranoid


    III/ E%"ti"nal State an$ Reacti"ns

    A/ ""$

    K J euthymic J depression x J euphoria

    J others

    Describe:The patient exhibited a normal, homeostatic mood.

    B/ Affect

    J appropriate K J inappropriate


    J flat xJ blunted J elated J labile J histrionic J hostile

    J others

    C/ Depers"nali=ati"n an$ Dereali=ati"n K J absent J present

    D/ S)ici$al !"tential J absent K J present

    E/ &"%ici$al !"tential J absent K J present

    IV/ T*")'*t C"ntr"l

    A/ T*")'*t !r"cess

    0ooseness in Association K J

    B/ !ercepti"ns x J present J absent

    Type( denies A?B hallucination

    V/ Ne)r"ve'etative D+sf)ncti"n

    A/ Sleep

    x J normal J hypersomnia

    J late insomnia J mixed insomnia

    B/ Appetite

    x J normal J increase J decrease

    ,/ Attenti"n Span x J present J absent

    Describe: The patient is fairly attentive throughout interview.

    VI/ General Sens"ri)% an$ Intellect)al Stat)s

    A/ Orientati"n x J time x J place

    x J person x J situation

  • 8/13/2019 Schizo Paranoid


    B/ e%"r+ x J remote x J immediate

    x J recent J impaired

    C/ Calc)lati"ns

    The patient has poor calculation.

    D/ General Inf"r%ati"n

    The status of the patient3s general information was very good asdemonstrated by $nowledge of the current 5hilippine 5resident.

    E/ J)$'%ent

    xJ impaired unimpairedJ

    ,/ Abstract T*in ( ? !resentati"n

    > ( ? Strea% "f Tal ( ? E%"ti"nal State an$ Reacti"ns

    > ( ? T*")'*t C"ntr"l

    > ? Ne)r"ve'etative D+sf)ncti"n

    > ( ? General Sens"ri)%

    > ( ? Intellect)al Stat)s

    DS IV

    Axis Schizophrenia, 5aranoid


  • 8/13/2019 Schizo Paranoid



    Na%e: i')el -ar'"5 Jr/

    Date: A)')st 735 7112

    I/ !resentati"n

    A/ General Appearance: The patient is fairly groomed, appeared suspicious, agitated

    and loose eye contact.

    B/ General "bilit+

    6/ !"st)re an$ 'ait

    J normal J appropriate x J inappropriate

    Describe: The integrity among his body parts and the manner of

    his wal$ing appeared to be inappropriately carried out.

    7/ Activit+

    J normoactive J psychomotor retardation J hyperactive x J agitated

    8/ ,acial E(pressi"n

    x J smiling J worried J tearful J frightened

    x J happy J tense J angry J distant J ecstatic J sad J suspicious

    C/ Be*avi"r: The patient exhibited a pleasant disposition, was accommodating and

    receptive to every %uestion thrown at him.

    D/ D"ct"r9 N)rse !atient Interacti"n

    x J cooperative J uncooperative J initially only K J throughout interview

    ;)alit+: x J warm J distant x J suspicious

    x J tal$ative J hostile J others

    II/ Strea% "f Tal

  • 8/13/2019 Schizo Paranoid


    A/ ""$

    K J euthymic J depression x J euphoria

    J others

    Describe:The patient exhibited a normal, homeostatic mood.

    B/ Affect

    J appropriate K J inappropriate


    J flat xJ blunted J elated

    J labile J histrionic J hostile

    J others

    C/ Depers"nali=ati"n an$ Dereali=ati"n

    K J absent J present

    D/ S)ici$al !"tential x J absent J present

    E/ &"%ici$al !"tential x J absent J present

    IV/ T*")'*t C"ntr"l

    A/ T*")'*t !r"cess

    0ooseness in Association K J

    B/ !ercepti"ns x J present J absentType( denies A?B hallucination

    C/ Del)si"ns x J present J absentType( delusion of persecution.

    )escription( &hen he sees a cat, he frea$s out, as if the cat brings along with him

    a curse that would endanger his life.

    V/ Ne)r"ve'etative D+sf)ncti"n

    A/ Sleep

    x J normal J hypersomnia J late insomnia J mixed insomnia

    B/ Appetite

    x J normal J increase J decrease

    ,/ Attenti"n Span x J present J absent

    Describe: The patient is very attentive throughout interview.

    VI/ General Sens"ri)% an$ Intellect)al Stat)s

  • 8/13/2019 Schizo Paranoid


    A/ Orientati"n x J time x J place

    x J person x J situation

    B/ e%"r+ x J remote x J immediate

    x J recent J impairedC/ Calc)lati"nsThe patient has improved calculation.

    D/ General Inf"r%ati"n

    The status of the patient3s general information was good as

    demonstrated by $nowledge of the current 5hilippine 5resident.

    E/ J)$'%ent

    xJ impaired unimpairedJ

    ,/ Abstract T*in ( ? !resentati"n

    > ( ? Strea% "f Tal ( ? E%"ti"nal State an$ Reacti"ns

    > ( ? T*")'*t C"ntr"l

    > ? Ne)r"ve'etative D+sf)ncti"n

    > ( ? General Sens"ri)%

    > ( ? Intellect)al Stat)s

    C/ DS Dia'n"stic an$ Statistical an)al

    Axis Schizophrenia, 5aranoid

    Axis 7 5aranoid 5ersonality )isorderAxis "

  • 8/13/2019 Schizo Paranoid


    5atient( iguel 0argo, 1r. Attending 5hysician( Ian 1. 0indong, .).

    Age( "" years old )ate Admitted ( =?!?27, 7?!?2", 2?2:?2", 7?7?2#,

    Sex( ale :?7?2#, 2?7"?2#,#?!?2!,.?!?2!

    @ admissions

    -enter( )avao ental *ospital )iagnosis( Schizophrenia45aranoid Type

    )escription of the 5atient(

    The patient was generally fairly groomed, and seen wearing blue shirt and denim shorts. *e exhibited a distinct smell that

    intensified his rubbish appearance. The patient responds when as$ed and appears warm and receptive to the interview.


    . To establish rapport with the patient67. To gain the trust of the patient6 and

    ". To encourage the patient to respond in ways comfortable to the patient but also understandable for the student nurse

  • 8/13/2019 Schizo Paranoid




  • 8/13/2019 Schizo Paranoid


  • 8/13/2019 Schizo Paranoid



  • 8/13/2019 Schizo Paranoid






    6/ A'e

    7/ Se(

    irst onset at the age of 7years old. The patient at

    present is "" years of age.

    The patient is ale.

    The onset of Schizophreniamay occur late in

    adolescent, early in

    childhood, usually before

    the age of "2.Approximately ;!N of

    persons diagnosed as having

    Schizophrenia develop theclinical symptoms between

    ages : O 7!. @5sychiatric

    ental *ealth

  • 8/13/2019 Schizo Paranoid




    6/ ,a%il+ 9!""r S)pp"rt


    7/ Alc"*"l

    8/ E%"ti"nal

    The family was a

    deteriorated and distortedsupport system for the

    patient. The father who wassupposed to stand by and

    provide for the basic needs

    of the family, was a

    gambler and an alcoholic.The mother, who was

    supposedly the parent to

    nurture the emotional andpsychological development

    of the children was focusedon providing their physicalneeds in order to survive.

    The loss of parental

    supervision led the patientto explore of what the

    outside world could give

    him. The patient sought to

    assume role as a provider,as he wanted to help

    augment the family income

    at such an early age.

    The patient began ta$ingsips of alcohol, socially

    drin$ing with friends. The

    patient3s parents noted also

    that his spends his money tobuy alcohol.

    5atient lac$s emotional

    security with a disrupted

    family support system.

    &hen the relationships of

    young adolescents with

    members of their familiesdeteriorate as adolescence

    progresses,the fault usuallylies both sides. 5arents far

    too often refuse to modify

    their concepts as their

    children3s abilities enhancesas they grow older.

    According to Maplan and

    Saddoc$s, alcohol interferewith the normal process of

    food digestion and

    absorption. As a result, food

    is not consumed well andinade%uately digested.

    uscle wea$ness is side

    effect of alcohol and candepress the brain too much.

    According to anfreda OMrampitz, drives may be

    expressed in an individual3s

    behavior reaction to sucheveryday incidents as

    disappointment, reHection,

  • 8/13/2019 Schizo Paranoid


    @/ !""r e$icalC"%pliance

    2/ -ac< "f E$)cati"nal


    0/ S"ci"Ec"n"%ic Stat)s

    3/ Un*ealt*+ -eis)re


    5atient was not able tomaintain medications due tolac$ of financial resource.

    &hen the patient opted to

    wor$ to help the family thanobtain education for


    The patient3s family socio4

    economic standing has

    exposed the patient to the

    hard realities of survival inlife at such an early age.

    The patient was fond ofattending coc$fight derbi

    and was so engrossed with

    betting to earn money.

    deprivations, marital

    difficulties, failure in oneambitions, inferiorities, and

    economic reverses. All of

    these, and many other life

    incidents, producesuncomfortable feelings of

    tension and anxiety whichwhen continued for long

    periods are believed to

    brea$ down the person3s

    constitutional resistance.)isorganization of one3s

    personality results.

    The discontinuance of drugs

    which appear to activate aparanoid reactions results inreversal of personality in

    due time. @5sychiatric

  • 8/13/2019 Schizo Paranoid


    / !ers"nalit+ The patient3s personalityproblem of not being able to

    ventilate his true emotions

    and his inability to handlefrustrations and

    disappointments in life hasaggravated his condition.

    adolescent a world in which

    he may socialize in aclimate where the value that

    counts are those that are set

    not by adults, but by other

    of his own age. Therecreational outlet is a vital

    importance to theadolescent.

    The development of

    personality disorders isrelated to a combination of

    biological, psychological

    and social ris$ factors. Theinteraction of these factors

    determines whether or notstrong personality traitsdevelop into personality

    disorders. The social

    environment coupled withpsychological vulnerability

    strongly influences the

    individual3s coping

    mechanism @5aris, ==".

  • 8/13/2019 Schizo Paranoid


    Sc*e%atic !resentati"n



    &anted and 8xpected 5regnancy emotional and financial problems

  • 8/13/2019 Schizo Paranoid


    IN,ANC. 16 ONT&S


    "t*er ,at*er Breastfe$ t*e patient b)t $"ne in beteen c*"res rarel+ ar")n$ f"r b"n$in' ti%e

    a 'a%bler an$ an alc"*"lic


    F)alit+ ti%e it* fat*er

    %aternal b"n$5 since inappr"priatel+ breastfe$

    "ral nee$s n"t s)fficientl+ %et

    first t""t* appeare$ at 0 %"nt*s "f a'e

    first al< at 6 +ear "l$

    t*)%bs)c< fr"% a'e 2 %"nt*s )ntil 7 +ears "f a'e

    )n*+'ienicall+ presente$

    T*e $evel"p%ental tas< "n t*is sta'e is attac*%ent t" %"t*er/ T*e p""r infant

    %aternal relati"ns*ip5 as intensifie$ b+ fail)re t" establis* str"n' %aternal b"n$

    t*r")'* breastfee$in' an$ t*e n"te$ t*)%bs)c

  • 8/13/2019 Schizo Paranoid


    EAR-. C&I-D&OOD 6 ONT&S8 .EARS

    @AFT>P BS S*A8 AF/T

    "t*er ,at*er

    4 with direct supervision and a 4 no active role in child rearingstrict disciplinarian 4 all vices @gambling, drin$ing, smo$ing

    4 physically disciplines children



  • 8/13/2019 Schizo Paranoid


    -ATE C&I-D&OOD 82 .EARS O-D


  • 8/13/2019 Schizo Paranoid


    T*e $evel"p%ental tas< "n t*is sta'e bec"%in' p)rp"sef)l an$ $irective/ T*e

    patient $i$ n"t i$entif+ ell it* t*e parent "f sa%e se(5 beca)se it as "nl+ t*e

    %"t*er *" as ala+s ar")n$/ T*is sta'e is cr)cial sta'e "f c)ri"sit+ an$

    e(pl"rati"n/ T*e c*il$ %)st spen$ a%ple ti%e creatin' *ealt*+ c"%petiti"ns it*

    pla+%ates5 rat*er t*an c"nstantl+ acc"%pan+in' *is %"t*er t" sell/ T*e c*il$ as

    intr"$)ce$ t" t*e perils "f $a+t"$a+ livin' at a ver+ +")n' a'e/ T*is $evel"p%ental

    sta'e5 is %ar

  • 8/13/2019 Schizo Paranoid


    T*e $evel"p%ental tas< "n t*is sta'e5 $evel"pin' s"cial5 p*+sical an$ sc*""l s

  • 8/13/2019 Schizo Paranoid


    aare "f "ne#s b"$+ p*+siF)e/ T*ere as n" parental s)pervisi"n t*at ")l$ *ave assiste$

    *i% in t*is transiti"n/ *en *e st"ppe$ sc*""lin'5 beca)se *e preferre$ "r

  • 8/13/2019 Schizo Paranoid


    @Q recurrent admissions

    @Q losing touch with reality

    T*is sta'e calls f"r establis*in' inti%ate b"n$s "f l"ve an$ frien$s*ip/ &"ever5 t*e

    patient#s sense "f inti%ac+ is 'reatl+ $ist)rbe$ as *e appeare$ ver+ it*$ran an$ passive/

    &is represse$ e%"ti"ns t"ar$ t*e "pp"site se( c"ntrib)te$ t" t*e fr)strati"n an$

    $isapp"int%ent t*at event)all+ %a$e t*e patient $etac*e$ "r is"late$ fr"% *is e%"ti"n/ &is

    illness is in$icative "f fail)re t" *an$le fr)strati"ns an$ $isapp"int%ent t*at %a$e *i% l"se

    t")c* "f realit+/


    The condition of the patient was claimed to have started at the time when the patient was

    poisoned in Samal, as he wor$ed as a construction wor$er. The patient with his family sought

    medical assistance but had negative findings. So they decided to have the patient be attended by

    an alternative doctor and was observed to have been really poisoned and was given treatment.

    *owever, several days after, the patient manifested violence and erratic behavior whenever he

    encounters a blac$ cat.

    The patient had several admissions at )avao ental *ospital. It was on the year 7227,

    that the first attac$ occurred. Specifically, September of 7227, the patient was admitted for

    wee$ due to behavior changes, such as lying down on hot surfaced ground, stiffness andmuscular rigidity. /y ebruary 722", admitted bac$ for episodes of violence self4directed and to

    others and was later released by arch 722". Third admission was on >ctober 722", brought in

    by relatives and noted to have poor compliance with medications. 5atient was noted to be restless

    and was tal$ing alone prior to admission, then was discharged # days after. ourth admission

    was last ebruary 722# , patient was admitted because the patient was wal$ing aimlessly and was

    Devel"pe$ Is"lati"n

  • 8/13/2019 Schizo Paranoid


    staring blan$ly. It was claimed that the condition was aggravated to the level of episode of

    violence due to a misunderstanding on a betting game, Dcoc$fight derbiE. )ischarged four days

    later. ifth admission was last 1une 722# and discharged days after for same episodic reasons.

    Sixth admission was last >ctober 722# and discharged days after due to the same reasons and

    poor compliance with medications. Seventh Admission was last April 722! for the same reasons


    The patient was last attended by a physician for his condition last August !, 722!.

  • 8/13/2019 Schizo Paranoid


    /. -atatonic 8xcitement(

    . Fnorganized and aggressive motor action K

    7. 5urposeless, stereotyped, confined K

    ". Impulsive, unpredictable ?

    #. Suddenly attac$ bystander or brea$ window K!. )estroy clothing, nude K

    :. TA0

    "?@22 R


    7. 5aranoid(

    . Tensed, suspicious and reserved ?

    7. )elusion of poison ?

    ". )elusion of grandeur K

    #. +eligious preoccupation, unrealistic thin$ing K!. Irritable ?

    :. Fnpredictable ?

    ;. *allucinations K

    . Ideas of +eference ?

    =. )epression K

    2. 0ac$s drive for achievement and career ?

    . +egress and deteriorate K

    T>TA0:?@22 R


    ". Simple?Schizoid(

    . The subHect is vague K

    7. 0oss interest in activity ?

    ". oody ?

    #. Irritable ?

    !. 0ac$ing spontaneity ?

  • 8/13/2019 Schizo Paranoid


    :. Apathetic K

    ;. 9oals no longer realistic ?

    . Fnable to assume mature roles K

    =. -riticisms?concerns ma$e no impression K

    2. -omplaints of nervousness and fatigue K

    T>TA0!?2 @22 R


    #. Fndifferentiated(

    . Apathy K

    7. Ideas of reference K

    ". 5rominent delusions K

    #. TA0

    !?2 @22 R


    !. +esidual /orderline(

    . *ealth of at least previous episode of Schiz. with prominentpsychotic symptoms


    7. Shy ?

    ". 8asily irritated ?

    #. 5erceived as peculiar x

    !. 8motional /lunting x

    :. Illogical thin$ing x

    ;. )isorganized behavior ?

    . Absence of prominent delusions and hallucinations x


    #?@22 R


    II. Affective )isorders(

    a. anic Type(

    . Inflated self4esteem x

    7. )ecreased need for sleep x

    ". ore tal$ative than usual x

    #. light of Ideas ?

    !. )istractibility x

  • 8/13/2019 Schizo Paranoid


    :. 8xcessive involvement in pleasurable activities hat have a high

    potential of painful conse%uence


    ;. +hyming x

    . 8xhibitionistic /ehavior x

    T>TA0 ?@22 R7.!N

    b. )epressive Type(

    . )epressed mood occurring most of the day x

    7. ar$edly diminished interest in all activities ?

    ". Significant weight loss or weight gain x

    #. Insomnia or hypersomnia nearly everyday x

    !. 5sychomotor retardation or agitation ?

    :. atigue or loss of energy nearly every day K

    ;. eeling of worthlessness ?. Indecisiveness ?

    =. Suicidal Ideation ?

    T>TA0 "?=@22


    III. 5ersonality )isorders(

    a. eccentric 5ersonality )isorders

    a. 5aranoid type(

    . Suspicious ?

    7. istrust ?

    ". 1ealousy K

    #. +estricted Affect ?

    !. 5roHection K

    a.7 Schizoid?Schizotypal type(

    . 8motional aloofness ?

    7. &ithdrawn K

    ". >dd Speech ?

    #. )etachment ?

    T>TA0 :?= @22 R::N

  • 8/13/2019 Schizo Paranoid


    b. )ramatic48rratic 5ersonality )isorders

    b. *istrionic Type

    . )ramatic K

    7. 8xaggerated emotions K". Temper4Tantrums K

    #. Impressionality K

    !. )ependence on authority figures K

    b.7 Antisocial Type

    . anipulative K

    7. 8xtroverted K

    ". -harming K

    #. Impaired conscience with lying K

    !. -heating K

    :. )esire for immediate pleasure K;. 0ac$ of commitment and intimacy K

    . 5oor wor$ history K

    =. 0ac$ of concern about right and wrong K

    T>TA0 2?# @22 R2N

    c. Anxious4earful 5ersonality )isorders

    c. Avoidant Type

    . hypersensitivity to others K

    7. ear of reHection or failure K

    ". ear or discomfort of being alone K

    #. >verly serious K

    !. /lunted emotional expression K

    :. )evaluation of personal abilities K

    c.7 >bsessive4-ompulsive type(

    . +elentless K

    7. Striving for organization and order K

    ". demanding K

    #. -ontrolling K

    !. 8xcessive dedication to wor$ K

    :. 5erfectionism K

    ;. +igidity K

  • 8/13/2019 Schizo Paranoid


    . 1udgmental attitudes towards others K

    =. oralistic K

    T>TA0 2?! @22 R2N



    . S-*I>5*+8

  • 8/13/2019 Schizo Paranoid


    The first signs of paranoid schizophrenia usually surface between the ages of ! and "#. There is

    no cure, but the disorder can be controlled with medications. Severe attac$s may re%uire



    The causes of schizophrenia are still under debate. A chemical imbalance in the brain

    seems to play a role, but the reason for the imbalance remains unclear. &e do $now that an

    individual is a bit more li$ely to become schizophrenic if they have a family member with the

    illness. Schizophrenia usually develops gradually, although onset can be sudden. riends and

    family often notice the first changes before the victim does. Among the signs are( confusion,

    inability to ma$e decisions, hallucinations, changes in eating or sleeping habits, energy level, or

    weight, delusions, nervousness, strange statements or behavior, withdrawal from friends, wor$,

    or school, neglect of personal hygiene, anger, indifference to the opinions of others, a tendency

    to argue, a conviction that you are better than others, and that people are out to get you.


    Schizophrenia usually develops gradually, although onset can be sudden. riends and family

    often notice the first changes before the victim does. Among the signs are(


    Inability to ma$e decisions


    -hanges in eating or sleeping habits, energy level, or weight


  • 8/13/2019 Schizo Paranoid


    delusion of grandeur

    religious preoccupation, unrealistic thin$ing




    ideas of reference


    lac$s drive for achievement and career

    regress and deteriorate


    )rugs such as Thorazine, *aldol, and +isperdal combat symptoms in # out of ! patients.

    An acute attac$ usually can be cleared up in # to wee$s. -ounseling and group therapy help

    recovering patients to understand the disease and to function effectively.


  • 8/13/2019 Schizo Paranoid


    Restraints: 5atients who pose a danger to themselves or others may be physically

    restrained with leather bands.

    Electr"c"nv)lsive T*erap+:or patients who become severely withdrawn or depressed,

    this form of treatment can help speed recovery. Also $nown as 8-T or shoc$ therapy, it

    applies a mild electric current to the brain. Although the treatment temporarily disrupts

    the memory, full recall typically returns within 7 wee$s.



    admit to I-F w? watcher


    B?S shift and record

    0A/S ( -/-, F?A, /S


    o *aloperidol ! mg I now then %

    o /iperiden *-l 7 mg tab 7x?day as needed

    *omicidal Suicidal

    8scape precaution

    +estrain if necessary

    +efer accordingly


    )?- eds

    -hlorpromazine 722 tab


    cont meds


    admit to -IF w? watcher


    B?S % shift and record

    0abs( -/-, FA

  • 8/13/2019 Schizo Paranoid



    o *aloperidol ! mg amp I now then %

    o /iperiden *cl 7 mg?tab tab TI) 5+< for reaction

    *omicidal?Suicidal? 8scape precaution

    +efer accordingly


    -?) *aloperdiol

    -ont. meds


    Admit to -IF w? watcher


    BS % shift and record


    o *aloperidol ! mg amp I now then %

    o /iperiden *cl 7 mg?tab tab TI) 5+< for reaction

    +estrain if necessary

    Suicidal? *omicidal? 8scape precaution



    cont. meds


    -?) *aloperidol



    cont meds

    or >T


    )?- *aloperidol I



    admit to -IF

    B?S % shift and record

    o *aloperidol ! mg amp I now then %

    o /iperiden *cl 7 mg?tab tab TI) 5+< for reaction

    +estrain if necessary

    Suicidal? *omicidal? 8scape precaution

  • 8/13/2019 Schizo Paranoid




    -hlorpromazine 722 mg tab U tab at *S

    2?7!?2# or possible discharge tomorrow

    -ont. meds


    for >T today

    cont. meds


    still for >T


    admit pt to -IF with watcher


    BS % shift

    0A/S( -/-, FA


    o *aloperidol ! mg?amp I now them %

    o /iperiden *-l 7mg?tab, tab /I) 5+< for 85S

    homicidal?suicidal?escape ideation

    restrain if necessary &atch for signs of 85S



    -?) *aloperidol I

    Shift to chlorpromazine 22 mg tab, U tab /I)


    continue meds

    still for report



    *ome meds

    o -hlorpromazine 22 mg?tab, U tab /I)

    o /iperident *-l 7mg?tab, tab /I)

    T-/ after two wee$s

  • 8/13/2019 Schizo Paranoid




    S?> awa$e, responsive

    fairly groomed able to sleep well

    able to eat well with good appetite

    appropriate affect

    denies of auditory hallucinations


    schi4paranoid type 4 guarded5

    continue meds


    pt seen awa$e and sitting

    not hostile

    good sleep

    good appetite



  • 8/13/2019 Schizo Paranoid


    schizophrenia, paranoid


    continue meds

    watch for signs of 85S


    good sleep

    good grooming

    good appetite

    good affect

    @4 hallucinationsA

    schizophrenia, paranoid


    continue meds

    watch for signs of 85S



    pt seen awa$e and sitting

    not hostile

    good sleep

    good appetite



    schizophrenia, paranoid5

    continue meds

    watch for signs of 85S



    awa$e, fairly groomed

    euthymic mood, appropriate affect

    good sleep and appetite

    @C AB hallucinations

    @4 violent behavior

    @4 delusions and preoccupations

    +esponds spontaneously

    9ood eye contact


  • 8/13/2019 Schizo Paranoid


    schizophrenia, paranoid


    continue meds

    watch for signs of 85S



    good sleep

    good appetite

    @4 hallucinations

    Awa$e, responsiveA

    schizophrenia, paranoid


    continue meds

    watch for signs of 85S



    good sleep

    good grooming

    good appetite

    good affect

    @4 hallucinations

    schizophrenia, paranoid5

    continue meds

    watch for signs of 85S



    good sleep

    good appetite

    @4 hallucinations

    Awa$e, responsiveA

    schizophrenia, paranoid5

    continue meds

    watch for signs of 85S

  • 8/13/2019 Schizo Paranoid



    awa$e, responsive

    fairly groomed

    able to sleep well

    able to eat well with good appetite

    appropriate affect denies of auditory hallucinations


    schi4paranoid type 4 guarded


    continue meds



    awa$e, responsive

    fairly groomed

    able to sleep well

    able to eat well with good appetite

    appropriate affect

    denies of auditory hallucinations


    schi4paranoid type 4 guarded


    continue meds



    good sleep

    good appetite

    @4 hallucinations

    Awa$e, responsiveA

    schizophrenia, paranoid


    continue meds

    watch for signs of 85S



    awa$e, responsive

  • 8/13/2019 Schizo Paranoid


    fairly groomed

    able to sleep well

    able to eat well with good appetite

    appropriate affect

    denies of auditory hallucinations

    A schi4paranoid type 4 guarded


    continue meds



    pt seen awa$e and sitting

    not hostile

    good sleep

    good appetite



    schizophrenia, paranoid


    continue meds

    watch for signs of 85S


    S?> awa$e, responsive fairly groomed

    able to sleep well

    able to eat well with good appetite

    appropriate affect

    denies of auditory hallucinations


    schi4paranoid type 4 guarded


    continue meds



    pt seen awa$e and sitting

    not hostile

    good sleep

    good appetite

  • 8/13/2019 Schizo Paranoid




    schizophrenia, paranoid5

    continue meds

    watch for signs of 85S



    pt. seen awa$e and responsive

    able to sleep

    good appetite

    non hostile

    @4 AB hallucination


    schizophrenia, paranoid


    continue meds

    watch for signs of 85S

  • 8/13/2019 Schizo Paranoid






    Classificati"n "$e "f Acti"n

    D"sa'e M

    R")te A$verse


    C"ntrain$icati"n N)rsin' Resp"nsibilities






    Antipsychotic drug

    bloc$s postsynapticdopamine receptors in

    the brain involve with

    wa$efulness and emesis6


    antihistamine and alpha4

    adrenergic bloc$ing


    tab /I)5.>.



    salivation, dry

    mouth, nausea

    and vomiting,






    V Allergy to

    chlorpromazineV -omatose or severely

    depressed states

    V /one marrow


    V -irculatory collapse

    V Sub cortical brain


    V 5ar$inson3s disease

    V 0iver damage

    V -erebral or coronary


    V +espiratory disordersV Severe hypotension or


    V Always observe ten rights in administering drugs.

    V 5atient should be advise about the possibility oftardive dys$inesia.

    V Aspiration precaution because of suppressed cough


    V onitor renal function test, discontinue if serum

    creatinine or /F< become abnormal.

    V onitor -/-, discontinue if &/- count is depressed.

    V &ithdraw drug gradually after high dose therapy6

    possible gastritis, nausea, dizziness, headache,

    tachycardia , and insomnia after abrupt withdrawal.

    V Fse with caution in hot weather, ris$ of heat stro$e6

    $eep up fluid inta$e and do not over exercise in a hot


  • 8/13/2019 Schizo Paranoid


  • 8/13/2019 Schizo Paranoid








    "$e "f





    A$verse Reacti"n C"ntrain$icati"ns N)rsin' Resp"nsibilit+





    Antipar$insonians include




    drug and the

    anti4viral drug



    cs probable

    prolong the

    action of

    dopamine by

    bloc$ing its re4

    upta$e into

    pre4synapticneurons in the


  • 8/13/2019 Schizo Paranoid





    D Manang iringa,

    maglagot Hud $o,gilabayn na$o na ug

    tsinelas, su$ad naa na,

    mag andar $o $a buangE

    as verbalized by the





    tense facial


    rigid posture

    5otential for violence

    directed at others r?t

    paranoid ideation


    A state in which an

    individual experiences

    behaviors that can be

    physically and

    emotionally harmful to



  • 8/13/2019 Schizo Paranoid



    C)es9Evi$ences N)rsin' Dia'n"sis Objectives N)rsin' Interventi"ns Rati"nale Eval)ati"n

    S(D *umana $o ligo,tong isa $aadlawE asverbalized by patient.


    wears uncleanshirt O short pant6

    in state of poor

    hygiene O grooming6

    has distinct bodyO breath odor

    exhibiteduntrimmed and dirtyfinger and toe nails.

    un$empt hair

    Self4care deficit+elated to 5oor5ersonal *ygiene

    Source( State in whicha person experiencesdifficulty in

    performing tas$s ofdaily living, such asfeeding self, dressing,

    bathing, toileting,transferring from bed,and wal$ing.


  • 8/13/2019 Schizo Paranoid



    C)es9Evi$ences N)rsin' Dia'n"sis Objectives N)rsin'


    Rati"nale Eval)ati"n

    S(D )ili Hud $o anan

    iring, $anang irangpag naa na,mag$asa$it Hud $o.E




    @Q flight of ideas

    @Q auditory andvisual


    Impaired socialinteraction r?t

    altered thoughtprocess asevidenced by


    )efinition(The state in which

    individualparticipates in an

    insufficient orexcessive %uantity

    or ineffective%uality of social



  • 8/13/2019 Schizo Paranoid



    C)es9Evi$ences N)rsin'


    Objectives N)rsin' Interventi"ns Rati"nale Eval)ati"n


    D )i $omahimutang,wlaa na$omahuman ang

    balay, lagot $ayo$o, ngano walana$o human.E as

    verbalized bythe patient.






    feelings ofhelplessness anddiscomfort


    Anxiety related to

    5ersonal -onflictSource( A vagueuneasy feeling thatusually stems froman impending oranticipatedcircumstance orevent. It cane be

    focused on apatient, obHect, or

    situation orunfocused and

    more generalized.It is believed to be

    primarilyinternallymotivated, and itssource is non4specific orun$nown to the

    personexperiencing it.+eference(

    rientation and awareness of thesesurroundings promotes comfort and a

    decrease in anxiety.!. +ecognition and exploration of

    factors leading to or reducing anxiousfeelings are important steps indeveloping alternative responses.5atient may be unaware of therelationship between emotionalconcerns and anxiety.:. Ability to recognize anxietysymptoms at lower intensity levelsenables patient to intervene more%uic$ly to manage her anxiety.

    9oal met as patient

    verbalized a reduction oanxiety and recognizes tta$e it step by step.

  • 8/13/2019 Schizo Paranoid


  • 8/13/2019 Schizo Paranoid




    A/ Onset "f Illness: !""r

    irst onset at the age of 7 years old. The patient at present is "" years of age. The patient

    is ale.

    B/ D)rati"n "f Illness: !""r

    The patient had several admissions at )avao ental *ospital. It was on the year 7227,

    that the first attac$ occurred. Specifically, September of 7227, the patient was admitted for

    wee$ due to behavior changes, such as lying down on hot surfaced ground, stiffness and

    muscular rigidity. /y ebruary 722", admitted bac$ for episodes of violence self4directed and to

    others and was later released by arch 722". Third admission was on >ctober 722", brought in

    by relatives and noted to have poor compliance with medications. 5atient was noted to be restless

    and was tal$ing alone prior to admission, then was discharged # days after. ourth admission

    was last ebruary 722# , patient was admitted because the patient was wal$ing aimlessly and was

    staring blan$ly. It was claimed that the condition was aggravated to the level of episode of

    violence due to a misunderstanding on a betting game, Dcoc$fight derbiE. )ischarged four days

    later. ifth admission was last 1une 722# and discharged days after for same episodic reasons.Sixth admission was last >ctober 722# and discharged days after due to the same reasons and

    poor compliance with medications. Seventh Admission was last April 722! for the same reasons


    The patient was last attended by a physician for his condition last August !, 722!.

  • 8/13/2019 Schizo Paranoid


    C/ !recipitatin' ,act"rs: !""r

    6/ ,a%il+ 9!""r S)pp"rt S+ste%

    The family was a deteriorated and distorted support system for the patient. The father

    who was supposed to stand by and provide for the basic needs of the family, was a gambler and

    an alcoholic. The mother, who was supposedly the parent to nurture the emotional andpsychological development of the children was focused on providing their physical needs in

    order to survive. The loss of parental supervision led the patient to explore of what the outside

    world could give him. The patient sought to assume role as a provider, as he wanted to help

    augment the family income at such an early age.

    7/ Alc"*"l

    The patient began ta$ing sips of alcohol, socially drin$ing with friends. The patient3sparents noted also that his spends his money to buy alcohol.

    8/ E%"ti"nal

    5atient lac$s emotional security with a disrupted family support system.

    @/ !""r e$ical C"%pliance

    5atient was not able to maintain medications due to lac$ of financial resource.

    2/ -ac< "f E$)cati"nal S)pp"rt

    &hen the patient opted to wor$ to help the family than obtain education for himself.

    0/ S"ci"Ec"n"%ic Stat)s

    The patient3s family socio4economic standing has exposed the patient to the hard realities

    of survival in life at such an early age.

    3/ Un*ealt*+ -eis)re Activit+

    The patient was fond of attending coc$fight derbi and was so engrossed with betting toearn money.

    / !ers"nalit+

    The patient3s personality problem of not being able to ventilate his true emotions and his

    inability to handle frustrations and disappointments in life has aggravated his condition

  • 8/13/2019 Schizo Paranoid


    D/ ""$ an$ Affect: G""$

    The patient3s state of mood is euthymic, he was in a normal and homeostatic mood.

    *owever, his affect was also appropriate.E/ Attit)$e an$ illin'ness t" t*e e$icati"n an$ Treat%ent: ,air

    The patient is willing to ta$e medications and have regular follow4up chec$4ups, but

    because of financial constraints, there is poor compliance to medication.

    ,/ An+ Depressive ,eat)re : G""$

    The patient verbalized a sense of purpose or the need to wor$, because he claims he

    wants to finish the completion of their house renovation.

    G/ ,a%il+ S)pp"rt: ,air

    amily plays a significant role in the recovery process. negative family climates may help

    cause Schizophrenia @-omer, ===. The members of the family supports the patient, however

    some are not responsive to the patient3s needs.


    p""r 893 @8 L

    fair 793 7 L

    '""$ 793 7 L

    OverAll !r"'n"sis: The following criteria lead us to a poor prognosis with an

    increasing chance for improvement. The expectancy for relief is increased with every

    compliance of medications and psychotherapy.


  • 8/13/2019 Schizo Paranoid



    ,"r t*e client:

    The 9roup recommends the client to(

    . Ta$e his medications regularly.

    7. )o her necessary activities of daily living.

    ". Berbalize her feelings and needs to her family members in order for them to ma$e

    necessary interventions.

    #. 5rovide client with tas$s to enhance her sense of responsibility.

    !. 5rovide opportunities to client wherein she can participate in goal setting and planning.

    ,"r t*e fa%il+:

    The group recommends the family to(

    . Assist the client with necessary activities of daily living.

    7. 5rovide the client with therapeutic environment.

    ". 5rovide a safe environment for the client.

    #. 5rovide emotional support.

    !. 8xplain to the client the reason for ta$ing medications so that he will comply with the

    regimen and will at least control over situations.

    :. 8ncourage the client to verbalize his feelings and needs.

    ;. -onvey the feelings of acceptance, love and understanding of the client.

    ,"r t*e c"%%)nit+:

    The group recommends the community to(

    . Show acceptance and understanding to the client.

    7. Interact with the client in order to develop self4confidence.

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    ,"r t*e Instit)ti"n:

    The group recommends the institution to(

    . -onduct therapy sessions to enable client to engage in activities to exercise their

    cognitive and motor abilities.

    7. acilitate A)0 to ensure compliance and optimal cleanliness with regard to

    personal hygiene.

    T" t*e St)$ent N)rses:

    . Accept and respect patient3s condition

  • 8/13/2019 Schizo Paranoid



    In a short span of time that we have $nown the patient and his family, the group was able

    to establish good rapport with them to the extent that we were able to gather pertinent data

    regarding the patient3s past and present health history. The data that we have obtained were all

    carefully organized and processed. /y then, we have identified predisposing and precipitating

    factors that contributed to the patient3s illness. The result of our initial and final ental Status

    8xamination presented us information revealing the effectiveness of treatments and medications

    given to the patient.

    &ith the $nowledge we have learned from different sources regarding the patient3s case,

    we were able to come up with appropriate nursing interventions and health teachings beneficial

    to the patient and his family.

    &e hope that the health teachings we have imparted to the family would give them a

    better understanding on the nature of the patient3s illness and may they cooperate with the health

    care providers in implementing the suitable interventions.

  • 8/13/2019 Schizo Paranoid



    Maplan, *.I., Saddoc$, /.1., S+n"psis "f !s+c*iatr+:th8dition, /altimore, aryland( &illiamsO &il$ins, ==

    Meltner, !s+c*iatric N)rsin', 7227

    Mozier, /.6 8rb, 9.6 /lais, M. and &il$inson, 1.6 ,)n$a%entals "f N)rsin'!th8dition, Addison4

    &esley 5ublishing -ompany, 722

    anfreda, .0., S. Mramptiz, !s+c*iatric N)rsin'5 2th

    8dition, 5hiladelphia( .A. )avis -o.,==;

    "sb+#s !"c

  • 8/13/2019 Schizo Paranoid
