SAPTO WIJANARKO RUSTAMADI SCIENCE PHYSICS Djogjakarta 59 hours "bidikmisi tour and study" Go on vacation at once refreshing after carrying out final exams of the semester is required especially for students. as done by students uin bidikmisi. we went to holidays and one of carry out djogjakarta program was study tour to uin sunan kalijaga. PREPARATION AND TRAVEL TOWARDS DJOGJAKARTA Fridays at 19.00 pm, bidikmisi students amounted to 95 people set out using 4 buses, each guided by a couple of professors and leave the campus at 20.00 pm,because the night journey during the trip all people only sleep but still enjoy the ride. PARADISE RESTORANT Saturday at 4.00 pm, GMT until early in the trip, we stopped to rest diner pradise and pray subuh, the food is presented

Sapto Wijanarko Rustamadi - Fisika Sains

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Djogjakarta 59 hours "bidikmisi tour and study"

Go on vacation at once refreshing after carrying out final exams of the semester is required especially for students. as done by students uin bidikmisi. we went to holidays and one of carry out djogjakarta program was study tour to uin sunan kalijaga.


Fridays at 19.00 pm, bidikmisi students amounted to 95 people set out using 4 buses, each guided by a couple of professors and leave the campus at 20.00 pm,because the night journey during the trip all people only sleep but still enjoy the ride.


Saturday at 4.00 pm, GMT until early in the trip, we stopped to rest diner pradise and pray subuh, the food is presented very well add to the excitement and energy of students to be ready to face challenges during the holidays. While preparing to fill the time we held a discussion forum on the theme of activities the issue of indonesia and solutions. students are divided into several groups, we got 13 groups, we discuss about cultural issues in indonesia but by other countries , the solution is to incorporate the patented copyright and cultural arts into the school curriculum as a local content. many problems and the solutions in the present increase insight and nationalist psyche.


Saturday at 10:00 a.m, the excitement of goa pindul welcomed the arrival of us, preparation of the cave in goa pindul tubbing us changing clothes and using the equipment in need such as tires, shoes and jackets, we at safety for some groups and accompanied our tours. supervising browse goa pindul with the help of the tire and the river flow through it, where we can see some zone that is dimly lit, dark zone the zone of eternal, and the bright zone. as for the views of the goa that can look like typical rocks such as stalagtit and stalagmites as well as many of the Insectivores sleep bat are suspended in cave. Stalagmites and stalagtit alike are shaped like rods long and hard ice, which many of us encountered in caves. Stalactites is deposits of lime that hangs down from the roof of the cave. Stalagmites are deposits of limestone grew significantly from the bottom of the cave. The origin of the name comes from the Pindul own Goa travel stories Ki Mertani and Interpreter of Ki Ageng Pemanahan, which dutus by Panembatan Senopati in Mataram for murdering a baby boy love fruit Panembatan daughter Wonoboyo Mangir, namely from downtown Mangiran (Bantul). On his journey, both the man that agree not to kill the baby, both of them then went and went eastward (the direction of Gunungkidul) until arriving in the hamlet of Karangmojo in one.There are both rolling out mats and bed trays former Labor the baby then buried her. The hamlet is named after the hamlet of titles. Meanwhile the baby continued to cry, second messengers decided to bathe the baby. Ki Mertani Interpreter up any Hill and one on the ground at the top of the Hill, with the accounts of fall foot ground collapse and carried off a large hole with a flow of water below.

The baby was then brought down and washed in hole cave of yesteryear. When washed, cheeks the baby bump (in Java: kebendhul) which is in stone. Because such events are called Goa goa was finally Pindul.

Goa pindul was established as a natural tourist attraction by late Sumpeno Putro, Regent of Gunungkidul, on 10 October 2010 to coincide with the fam tour officials in Gunung kidul Regency.The existence of goa pindul are extremely beneficial for local communities, it is due to become one of the ways money gets, with care for goa and pindul serve visitors.

Interestingly, goa presents pindul such good service after we got the guidance of a good tour, where we were given drinks also ginger and other art performances of the Central Java

region, coupled with the cheap ticket prices so as to create a feeling of wanting to come back to visit again.


Saturday, 14.00-16.00 pm. increasingly engrossed in travel, turns out to have been arrived at indrayanti Beach, a large number of Palm trees on the coast, white sand, hard waves, and the blue of the beach, adding to linger long sobriety on the beach while playing with friends.located on the southern coast of Yogyakarta special region province exactly East of Sundak beach. Indrayanti Beach which is also restricted to coral reefs is one beach that presents different views among other beaches scattered in Gunungkidul. Not only the beauty of white sand, coral reefs and clear blue water, Indrayanti Beach also features a restaurant and a cafe as well as a row of lodging to pamper travellers.About the origin of the name, there is a pair of lovers reputedly formerly named Mas Indra and ya She cleans the beach side by side from a pile of pandanus and mangroves are neglected. Then a German resort and dining at the position like the beaches in Bali. While the Government named this beach as the beach Home Shawwāl.So, in commemoration of Indrayanti Beach before it reaped a lot of kontraversi. In regard to the name of that plastered boards Indrayanti the name of the cafe and restaurant Beach, this beach community finally called by the name of Indrayanti beach. The name of Indrayanti beach is much more popular and more often called than Home Shawwāl.The involvement of private parties in the management of Indrayanti Beach apparently bring positive impact. In contrast to the other beaches that looked dirty, along the lines of Indrayanti Beach look clean and free of trash. This is because assertive Manager dropped a fine of IDR 10,000 for each waste disposed of carelessly. Therefore be Indrayanti a convenient place to visit.When twilight, this place became a very good spot to watch the Sun returns to its resting place (sunset).


Saturday, 20.00-23.00 pm. not just the travling, students also conduct study bidimisi appeal bidikmisi students uin Bandung with bidikmisi students uin djogjakarta at the Matahari

hotel, the agenda discussed at that time was the hospitality, bidikmisi, discussions and bidikmisi program.The reason held study bidikmisi's appeal is to achieve College, tridharma, one of which is devotion to community and academic excellence, such as the charity program, small-scale village, bidikmisi goes to school, the entrepreneurial, the development of the English language and different from the others.


Sunday, 12.30-16.00 pm. a new day a new spirit we continue our trip to borobudur, although the atmosphere is very hot, but not melt our passion, our travel counselors may travel unaccompanied tour we do not merely refreshing but contains the value of the lesson.Borobudur is a Buddhist temple located at Borobudur, Magelang, Central Java, Indonesia. The location of the temple is approximately 100 km to the South-West of Semarang, 86 km to the West of Surakarta, and 40 km northwest of Yogyakarta. Stupa shaped Temple was established by adherents of Mahayana Buddhism circa 800-an Ad during the reign of sailendra dynasty. The monument comprises six square shape that capped three circular platforms, on the walls are decorated with 2,672 relief panels and 504 Buddha statues there are.[1] the main Stupa lies in the middle of the largest as well as crowning the building, surrounded by three rows of circular 72 perforated stupas containing buddha statue sitting cross-legged in the middle of the Lotus position perfect with mudra (hand gesture) Dharmachakra mudra (turning the wheel of dharma).

This monument is a model of the universe and was built as a shrine to glorify the Buddha as well as functioning as a place of pilgrimage to guide the human race switched from natural earthly passions to enlightenment and wisdom according to the teachings of Buddha.[2] the pilgrims enter through the East side of starting at the base of the temple ritual by walking around the Holy building is clockwise, while continuing to ascend to the next stair through three levels of the realm in the Buddhist cosmology. The third level is the Kāmadhātu (the realm of lust), Rupadhatu (realm of intangibles), and Arupadhatu (the world of intangibles). These pilgrims Journeying through a series of hallways and stairwells and stairways of 1,395 panel relief etched on the walls and balustrades.

According to historical evidence, Borobudur was abandoned in the 14th century with the weakening influence of Hindu and Buddhist kingdoms in Java as well as start the influx of Islamic influence.[3] the world began to realize the existence of the building since 1814 by Sir Thomas Stamford Raffles, who at that time served as the Governor-General of the United Kingdom on Java. Since then it has undergone a series of Borobudur and the rescue efforts and the reconstruction process. The largest restoration project was held at the 1975 to 1982

the Government of the Republic of Indonesia and the efforts of UNESCO, this historic site is then entered on the list of world heritage sites.[4]

Borobudur is still used as a place of religious pilgrimage; every year Buddhists who came from all over Indonesia and abroad gathered at Borobudur to commemorate Vesak Trisuci. In the world of tourism, Borobudur is Indonesia's single attractions.


(Sunday 18.00-21.00 pm. Malioboro Street, 9 pm-Mon 7 am EST time returned to Bandung)

Malioboro Street is the name of one of the three streets in the city of Yogyakarta which stretches from Tugu to the Yogyakarta post office crossroad. A whole composed of Prince Mangkubumi Street, Malioboro Street and Jalan Jend. A. Yani. This street is the axis of Imaginary Lines of Yogyakarta Kingdom.There are some historic destinations in the area include three road Tugu, Tugu railway station, Gedung Agung, Beringharjo market, Vredeburg Fort and monument to the moment before the 1 March Raid.Very famous Malioboro Street by the street vendors who peddle craft jogja and (makanan lesehan) down to earth food stalls in the evening selling warm meals as well as impressing is famous as a gathering place for artists-artists who often to ekspression their abilities such as playing music, painting, art, pantomime hapening and others along the way. so this is our last hours we spend with shopping of souvenirs, goods items as a gift by, like buying and selling us as buyer must bid that the price smart offered affordable, and proven jogja goods very cheap and affordable.This journey into the end cover our adventures bidikmisi uin bandung in Yogyakarta, may be inspired to more readers love his own country with a wealth of local attractions places that boast.See you at the next trip time,,,,,,,,,,