SAFE Campaign Report April 2010

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  • 8/8/2019 SAFE Campaign Report April 2010


  • 8/8/2019 SAFE Campaign Report April 2010


    JUMBO FREE OF CIRCUS25 YEAR CAMPAIGN NEARING ENDVictory! It has taken overthree decades of campaigning,determination and wishfulthinking, but after 32 years of being cruelly conned in the back of a truck, Jumbo was freed fromthe circus last December.

    SAFE began its campaign tofree Jumbo soon after she beganperforming in New Zealand,however it has been the last 25years of constant challenges tothe circus and the law, demandingrecognition of the fact thatelephants have no place incircuses, that have really made adifference.

    Peaceful demonstrations

    outside the circus have been aregular feature and have remindedcircus-goers that, away fromthe glitz and glamour of thearena, there are animals that aresuffering and frustrated.

    THE JUMBO EFFORT!SAFE is absolutely thrilled that

    Jumbo is no longer cruellyconned. SAFE hasbeen working withthe SPCA in an effortto secure Jumbo,so is delighted thather transition from

    the circus to an elephantsanctuary has begun.Jumbo has been a sad case

    of animal exploitation for over30 years and SAFE has beencommitted to getting her out of the circus. It has been no smalleffort, and with the aid of theSPCA, Jumbo is now on her wayto the better life she deserves,says SAFE campaign director HansKriek.

    Jumbo is currently beingconditioned and rehabilitated atFranklin Zoo, south of Auckland.

    After the launch of SAFEscampaign against Catcha Craymachines, it took just six monthsto have them banned. Seven of the 15 bars involved removedtheir machines after SAFE andbar patrons initiated a huge publicpressure campaign. The AucklandSPCA and RNZSPCA servednotice on the remaining bars,however SAFE now understandsthe machines are being modiedto comply with current legislationfor continued use.

    Extensive mediaattention followedSAFEs protestoutside one of the

    bars in Auckland.Televisioninterviewsappeared on Breakfast and the TVOne and TV3 news, and a heateddebate between SAFE campaigndirector Hans Kriek and Patrick Chandulal, the man behind CatchaCray, took place on TVNZs CloseUp.

    SAFE campaign ofcer MandyCarter said the machines caused

    tremendous stress to the crays.These machines may catchthem 30 times before theyrenally dragged out of the machine

    thats causing them considerablestress. Thankfully, many barsremoved their Catcha Craymachines after they became awarethat both SAFE and the SPCAwere opposed to these machineson welfare grounds, says Mandy.

    STILL IN THE GAME!SAFE is disappointed that, whileinitially banned outright, themachines are now being modiedand will still be able to be used.The craysh will remain in thetanks but will not be caught.

    Players will attempt to catch aplastic craysh instead.

    Regrettably we wont beseeing the demise of thesemachines but at least the modiedversion will not be catching livecraysh. SAFE remains opposedto these machines simply becausethey still are causing needless

    stress to these animals and acrowded, noisy bar is no place forany live animal, says Mandy.

    TAKE ACTIONIf you spot one at your local bar,complain to the manager and urgethem to stick with machines thatdont involve live animals.



    FACEBOOK FRIENDSSAFEs fan page on Facebook is making it easy to interactand stay in touch. Become a fan now! Keyword search: SAFE.

    TWITS WANTED!If youre not already following us, now is the time!Twitter @SAFElovepigs.

    FREE SAFE EMAIL BULLETINSStay in touch with the SAFE action! Subscribe online to SAFEs emaillist and receive fortnightly news, updates, special invites and cruelty freegiveaways. Sign up at

  • 8/8/2019 SAFE Campaign Report April 2010



    Proposed changes to the pigwelfare code released for publicconsultation are being vehementlychallenged by SAFE in an effortto gain better legal protection forfactory farmed pigs.

    Within a week of the National AnimalWelfare AdvisoryCommittee(NAWAC) releasingthe long-awaiteddraft code for public consultation,

    SAFE launched its Your SayMatters! Campaign. The aim is to

    encourage New Zealanders tomake submissions calling for aban on cruel sow and farrowingcrates. SAFE has printed20,000 submission postcardsand launched an online e-cardaddressed to Prime Minister JohnKey, calling on him to supporta ban on cruel connementsystems.

    INDUSTRY UNDERTHREAT BY CODENAWAC intended to release thedraft code last December but the

    5 REASONS TO OPPOSE THE DRAFT PIG CODE>> For the next three years, thousands of sows will continue to suffer

    in sow and farrowing crates for much of their lives.

    >> From 2013, sows can be conned in sow and farrowing cratesfor up to 20 weeks per year until 2018.

    >> From 1 January 2018, connement to farrowing crates would

    still be legal for around 10 weeks per year.

    >> Sow stalls will not be banned until January 2018.

    >> Specied minimum sizes of sow crates have been removed.


    New Zealand Pork Industry Boardthreatened NAWAC with legalaction, clearly disgruntled aboutNAWACs decision to ban sowstalls.

    The most denitive changein the draft code was the way inwhich it was written. Speciedminimum sow or farrowing cratesizes that pig farmers must legallyadhere to have been replacedwith more generalised commentsregarding the animals physicaland behavioural requirements.One redeeming point is anacknowledgment from NAWACthat sow stalls must be phasedout.

    SAFE welcomes NAWACsposition on banning the use of

    sow stalls, but believes their otherrecommendations fall well shortof providing adequate protectionfor pigs, particularly concerningfarrowing crates.

    The only good news is thatthe draft code spells an end tothe use of sow stalls. The pigindustry has known for yearsthat pig crates breach the law,and NAWAC announced back in 2004 that it wanted to seesow and farrowing crates phasedout. After years of campaigningagainst sow stalls this is a positivedevelopment, but the ban is stillmany years off and we must notforget that thousands of pigs willremain in crates until then, sayscampaign director Hans Kriek.


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    After years of public pressurecampaigns, protests andmore recently, discussionsbetween SAFE and McDonaldsrepresentatives over their useof caged eggs, McDonalds New

    Zealand has announced it willstop using eggs from caged hens.

    McDonalds started its phase-out of caged eggs by changingto free range eggs in all its 19Christchurch and Dunedin stores.This makes McDonalds the rstfast-food retailer in Australasia tomove away from caged eggs.

    SAFE campaign directorHans Kriek says he applauds themove. This decision means thatthousands of hens will no longersuffer inside cruel battery cages,says Hans. This is a signicantbreakthrough in the campaign forimproved conditions for egg-laying hens across the hospitalityindustry, he adds.

    SAFE believes McDonaldsdecision will inuence this yearsreview of the welfare code for

    layer hens. The use of free-rangeeggs by the low-cost restaurantchain sends a clear message tothe Government that batteryhen farming is no longer sociallyacceptable, and that the time hascome to ban these cruel systemsoutright.

    For many yearsSAFE has protested

    against McDonaldsuse of caged eggs.I am delightedthat our effortshave nally seen apositive result that will be evengreater once McDonalds stopsusing caged eggs completely, saysHans.

    1) Have your say against pig cruelty. Complete the postcard submissionor sign the e-card online at Closes 16 April.

    2) Send a personal message to John Key to tell him why he should supportyour view opposing factory farming. Go to

    3) Make a donation to SAFE to support the campaign.

    4) Dont buy factory-farmed bacon, ham or pork products. Ask yourfamily and friends to do the same.

    5) Stay in touch. Join SAFEs Facebook fan page and pig supporters group.

    The ethicaldecision whetheror not to eatmeat is alreadya difcult one.If we are goingto eat meat, I

    dont think itstoo much to ask that animalsare treated with respect and notforced to suffer unnecessarily.THOMAS ASHLEY, gold medalistand Olympic champion

    It actuallymakes me feelphysically illwhen I think about theconditionsthese animals

    live in. It isabsolutely revolting. And it makesthe decision to not buy factory-farmed pork a no-brainer for me.At times it may feel like a smallstand to take as an individual butits our combined decisions that

    will seriously make a difference...SALLY MARTIN, actor

    I simply cannotsupport orunderstand theimmense crueltyassociated withthe factoryfarming of pigs.Well, actually Ido understand it - its driven bycallous commercial greed and

    lack of respect, towards both theanimals themselves, and also theunwitting consumers who haveno idea how dreadful a practicethis is.PETER GORDON, internationallyacclaimed chef and restaurateur

    The heart of the issue restssquarely with you.If you continueto buy factoryfarmed productsthen they willcontinue to sell it.Its as simple as that.LEIGHTON CARDNO, actor

    Know the factsand let your

    consciencedecide.LISA CHAPPELL,award-winningactor



    FAB NEW T-SHIRT RANGEIf youre passionate about pigs, keep the message close to your heartwith one of SAFEs new Say NO to factory farming t-shirts! These eye-catching designs will surely have your friends sparking up conversationsabout whats wrong with factory farming. Available in pink, white or black t-shirts in a variety of sizes at $40 each. Get one while they are in stock.Visit

    FAMOUS KIWIS TALK PIGSAdding to the ever-increasing list of high-prole NewZealanders opposed to cruel factory farming, here are someof our latest supporters:

  • 8/8/2019 SAFE Campaign Report April 2010



    making it easy to interact and stayin touch. Become a fan now!

    TWITS WANTED!If youre not already following

    us, now is the time! Twitter@SAFElovepigs

    SAFE ONLINE NEWSStay in touch with the SAFEaction! Subscribe online to SAFEs

    email list and receive fortnightlynews, updates, special invites andcruelty free giveaways. Sign up am

    SCHOOL SPEAKERTRAINING School talks are one of themost important ways of raisingawareness of animal exploitation,says SAFEs school talk programme organiser, MarianneMcDonald.

    We are in the process

    of building up a network of volunteer speakers who areable to visit their local schoolsto speak on animal rights issues.Our rst training workshopin Auckland during Februaryprovided information on givingeffective school presentationsand how to deal with awkwardquestions.

    The training day was wellattended and future ones areplanned. If youre interested inbecoming a SAFE speaker, contactthe education ofcer, NicholaKriek, on [email protected].

    SAFE BBQ SEASONWellington and ChristchurchSAFE innocently jostled for thetitle of best BBQ stall by holdingvegetarian sausage sizzles on thesame weekend. They each did well,collectively selling almost 500vegetarian sausages!

    SPLORING ABOUT!Splore, the biennial three-daymusic and arts festival just outsideof Auckland, included a crueltyfree zone this year, thanks toSAFE. The stall, packed withcruelty free information, alsofeatured an arcade game wherepeople could knock down thefactory farms to help pigs.

    SAFE stall organiser Eliot Pryorsaid festival-goers were able tolearn about SAFE campaign issuesand how to be active for animals

    in a SAFE environment.

    WILDFOODS FESTFor the sixth year running, SAFEscheeky Wildfoods food stallproved ever-popular, with manypeople coming back for secondhelpings of SAFEs meaty vegangonads! The provocative yethumorous stall signage was adrawcard, with dozens of peopletaking photos and seeing thefunny side. Leaets promoting ameatless diet were given out with

    every gonad, raising awareness of the benets of a vegetarian diet.

    NORTHLANDCAMPAIGNS PIGSEnthusiastic Whangarei volunteersdressed as pigs, with one insidea supermarket trolley carryinganti-factory farming signage, took to the local market to press homethe message about whats wrongwith pig crates.

    STALL BLITZ!SAFE Far North coordinatorKaren Zimmerman has organisedan astounding eight SAFE stallssince November, at events suchas Waimate A&P Show, Kaikohe

    Show and Kawakawa Market.SAFE volunteers in Wellington,Palmerston North, Nelson,Gisborne and Tauranga have alsoraised public awareness for SAFEand the pig campaign throughstalls at events and on the street.

    ECO DAY FESTIVALThe best green kiwi businessesattending Aucklands Eco Day inMarch included SAFEs CrueltyFree shop. Shop manager SaraAlaica says the stall was extremelypopular and the perfect place topromote ways you can be crueltyfree and eco-friendly!

    PIGS ON BUSESSAFE volunteers took toChristchurch streets in pigcostumes to raise awareness of cruel pig crates. Three little pigsrode around on the city bus toremind passengers how pigs arereared. They handed out hundredsof leaets and had fun doing it!

    TAKE ACTIONSAFE is always looking for morevolunteers to help on informationstalls and with other events andactivities. If you are keen, pleaseget in touch with Sacha [email protected].

    SAFE is thrilled to learn thatthe applications to introducelarge-scale factory farming of dairy cows in the MackenzieCountry have been withrawndue to escalating costs over theresource consents. SAFE andthe Green Party were amongst2500 groups and individuals whomade submissions in oppositionto the applications. SAFE wasalso critical of the newly releasedcode of welfare for dairy cows,and questioned why the code didnot seek to prohibit such cruelpractices.

    It is extraordinary that thegovernment spent three yearsdeveloping a welfare code for

    cattle and excluded one of thevital areas that is most likelyto compromise the welfare of dairy cows, says SAFE campaigndirector Hans Kriek.

    The Minister of Agricultureis completely out of touch withwhat is going on, says GreenParty co-leader, Dr RusselNorman. Thousands of NewZealanders expressed theirconcern about the welfare of cows in proposed factory-styledairy farms in the MackenzieCountry. The public see this as ahuge animal welfare issue. Factoryfarming of cows is cruel andlikely to damage our internationalimage.


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    While SAFE is dedicated todefending animals, it is ourfabulous supporters around thecountry that help us spread themessage and remain effective.Here are a few of our champions.

    He has kept the Auckland centralcity stalls running single-handedly,and raised hundreds of dollars

    towards SAFE campaigns. MattGoode has taken on various rolesin his unpaid SAFE career sincerst joining a street appeal in2005. Matt says studying ethicshelped him become interested inanimal welfare and rights issues,which led him to being part of SAFE as a way to meet like-minded people.Matt says he is keen for peopleto understand how their dailylives can affect the lives of animals,and he is particularly concernedwith animals in captivity. Onebig accomplishment was the co-founding of the university animalwelfare group, Animal Advocateson Campus, with another activeSAFE volunteer, Miriam Williams.Since forming in 2008 the grouphas drawn loads of studentsupport.

    My name is Sarah and Im seven years old. I would like to help savethe pigs. I have made a poster thatIm going to put up at school, and Imade a video on the computer. Wehave also given money to the SAFEpeople outside the supermarket.Your advert on TV made me cry so I thought I could help. Here is apicture of me and my lamb and my

    grandmas pigs. From Sarah

    Three-year old Jesse dressedin a piggy costume and told hisplaygroup friends he was happy tonot be a caged pig! Jesse and hismum Jodi collected during SAFEsannual collection in Napier, raising$79 in just a few hours. Jodi says

    Jesse loved being dressed as a pigand was awesome at collectingdonations and handing out yers

    about helping pigs. Fantastic effortguys!

    Lena Cosman is the SAFEInvercargill coordinator whohas long been passionate aboutanimals. Lena became involvedwith SAFE four years ago aftercollecting during SAFEs streetappeal. Lena and her fellow SAFESouthland volunteers organisestalls, displays, leaeting, protestsand regular meetings and get-togethers. She says being ananimal activist is a lot of fun, andit is especially good to meet like-minded people.

    Gordana Sokorac has becomeone of Aucklands top volunteersdespite only being involvedfor one year. Gordana says thebest thing about SAFE is that itcontinues to spread awarenessand educate the public. She seesevery action and event as part of a larger package. If people dontknow, they cant make a decision,she says.

    As the 2010 national rodeo circuitkicked off for another year, SAFEfocused its attention on thesponsors. SAFE urges supportersto write to rodeo sponsors askingthem to refrain from supportingrodeos in the future to help stopthis needless abuse.

    The rodeo circuit meansanimals are goaded, tormentedand abused, simply forentertainment, and this is madepossible largely thanks to thecompanies that support rodeos,says SAFE campaign director HansKriek.

    TAKE ACTIONYou can help by contacting thesponsors and questioning whythey have chosen to sponsorevents that are cruel to animals.Remind them that if they want tobe known as a positive, sociallyresponsible company, supportingrodeo abuse will not help! Cyclone WirePhone: 0800 333 188Fax: 0800 333 189

    Worlds Best Hoof [email protected]

    Frontier Outtters

    Phone: 0800 FrontierFax: 03 338 1556

    Radio [email protected] Phone: 03 548 1064



    Take the online pledgeagainst pig cruelty and get a

    free consumer action pack!

    www. love

  • 8/8/2019 SAFE Campaign Report April 2010


    After a mammoth year, 2009ended on a high after 1400appeal collectors helped raise awhopping $315,000! Hundredsof eager collectors in over 40centres across New Zealanddonned cool and colourfulanimal costumes of all shapes,colours and sizes to help standout from the crowd and collectdonations from the public. Themenagerie of costume-clad SAFEvolunteers were positioned onbusy streets and intersections, aswell as stationed outside malls,supermarkets and places like TheWarehouse.

    In Auckland, Kiwi actors PaulEllis, Jared Turner and LeightonCardno took their support forSAFE to extraordinary heights bybungee jumping from Aucklands

    harbour bridge, dressed as pigs.Were excited to be part of SAFEs largest fundraising eventof the year and to highlight theplight of factory farmed pigs, said

    Jared Turner.

    SAFE is always extremelygrateful to everyone who offers

    to collect during the appeal. Ourtireless team of coordinatorsaround the country do asensational job recruiting andcoordinating their helpers. Wewould not be nearly as successfulwithout them, says directorAnthony Terry.

    A special thanks goes to thecore SAFE team, in both theAuckland and Christchurchofces, who do an awesome jobevery year. The funds raised willensure core funding is availableto initiate SAFEs upcomingcampaigns and events over thenext twelve months. Thankseveryone!


    Top fashion designers World andAnnah Stretton have used theircreative air to design t-shirtsto help factory-farmed pigs andbattery hens.

    The sassy, exclusive designsare a terric new addition toSAFEs campaign to highlightfactory farming. Aiding withpromotions, the shirts were

    proudly modelled or endorsed byRobyn Malcolm, Siobhan Marshall,Antonia Prebble and Craig Hall(Outrageous Fortune), Lisa Chappell( McLeods Daughters) and SaraWiseman ( The Cult).


    The SAFE Cruelty Free shopcontinues to expand withexciting new products, bothlocally produced and imported.Specialty cruelty free and veganwares in Auckland, and at theclick of a button nationwide!




    COME VISIT US AT THE SHOP!Located in St Kevins Arcade, K Road,Auckland. Phone 09 379 3747.

  • 8/8/2019 SAFE Campaign Report April 2010
