SAFE CAMPAIGN REPORT FEBRUARY 2011 SHOWCASING SAFE’S WORK IN NEW ZEALAND safe.org.nz FACT ORY FARM WHISTLEBLOWERS SOUGHT Sunday reveals Kathmandu founder Jan Cameron’ s passion for animal welfare and h er involvement in SAFE’ s new Animal Justice Fund. ANIMAL JUSTICE FUND LAUNCHED Over thirty-ve media stories highlight why one of the country’s richest women has teamed up with SAFE to improve animal welfare standards. Stories featured on TV3, One News, Breakfast , Radio NZ, and in NZ Herald, among others. PIG INDUSTRY ‘PIGCARE’ SCHEME CRITICISED SAFE director Hans Kriek reveals on TV3 the pitfalls and failings of the pork industry’s dubious accreditation scheme. PRESSURE MOUNTS T OW ARD EL EPHANT IMPORT In Aucklander , SAFE joins up with a team of experts who challenge Auckland Zoo’ s plan to import a herd of elephants. DEFENDING BATTERY HENS The release of the draft code saw battery hens back in the news. TV3 and other media asked SAFE whether there are any likely benets coming from the code review. SA YING NO TO HUNTING SAFE debates the merits of simplifying the process that allows shooters to obtain online hunting licences, argu ing it’s likely to encourage more people to shoot and harm animals. CRUEL SOW S T ALL BAN A VICTOR Y! Over fty media stories in less than a week, including debates on Radio NZ and National Radio’ s Checkpoint , highlight the Government’ s decision to ban sow stalls after SAFE’s intense lobbying and active campaigning. SAFE MEDIA HIGHLIGHTS Say NO to cruel cages DEFENDING HENS FOR 25 YEARS Since the late 1980s SAFE has been spearheading the campaign against the cruel cageing of New Zealand’ s batter y hens, calling for change. SAFE has initiated hen-focused petitions, consumer postcards, opinion polls, supermarket protests, industry protests, street posters, cinema advertisements, television advertisements, billboards, leaets, and stall after stall after stall. Thousands of volunteers around the country have joined together, even dressing up as chickens, in an effort to educate consumers so they will take a stand against hen cruelty . SAFE director Hans Kriek says he gave his rst S AFE interview on the issue of battery hens in 1987 and twenty-four years on he is frustrated that he still has to argue that hens should not be caged. “Despite my frustration, I remain hopeful, as much progress has been made over the years. Man y New Zealanders no longer buy batter y eggs, r esulting in over 500,000 hens no longer having to s uffer in cages. Opinion polls show that eight out of ten New Zealanders are opposed to battery hen cages and many retailers are moving away from using battery eggs. A signicant breakthrough is that factory farming issues are now rmly on the political agenda and are being taking seriously, ” says Hans. “We have succeeded in getting sow stalls phased out. Now we must get rid of the battery hen cage. It is intolerable and a blot on our society that millions of hens are imprisoned in cages where they are continuously stressed and cannot even stretch their wings. We cannot allow this cruelty to continue. We have a duty to protect all animals and ensure they do not suffer in this way. W e can end this cru elty by demanding that the government phase out the battery hen cage.” SUE KEDGELY , GREEN PARTY MP

SAFE Campaign Report February 2011

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Sunday reveals Kathmandu founder Jan Cameron’spassion for animal welfare and her involvement in SAFE’s

new Animal Justice Fund.


Over thirty-five media stories highlight why one of the

country’s richest women has teamed up with SAFE to

improve animal welfare standards. Stories featured on TV3,

One News, Breakfast, Radio NZ, and in NZ Herald, among others.


SAFE director Hans Kriek reveals on TV3 the pitfalls and

failings of the pork industry’s dubious accreditation scheme.

PRESSURE MOUNTS TOWARD ELEPHANT IMPORTIn Aucklander , SAFE joins up with a team of experts who

challenge Auckland Zoo’s plan to import a herd of elephants.


The release of the draft code saw battery hens back in

the news. TV3 and other media asked SAFE whether

there are any likely benefits coming from the code review.


SAFE debates the merits of simplifying the process that

allows shooters to obtain online hunting licences, arguing it’s

likely to encourage more people to shoot and harm animals.


Over fifty media stories in less than a week, including

debates on Radio NZ and National Radio’s Checkpoint,

highlight the Government’s decision to ban sow stalls

after SAFE’s intense lobbying and active campaigning.


Say NO to cruel cages

DEFENDING HENS FOR 25 YEARSSince the late 1980s SAFE has been spearheading

the campaign against the cruel cageing of NewZealand’s battery hens, calling for change. SAFE

has initiated hen-focused petitions, consumer

postcards, opinion polls, supermarket protests,

industry protests, street posters, cinema

advertisements, television advertisements,

billboards, leaflets, and stall after stall after stall.

Thousands of volunteers around the country

have joined together, even dressing up as

chickens, in an effort to educate consumers so

they will take a stand against hen cruelty.

SAFE director Hans Kriek says he gave his first SAFE interview on the

issue of battery hens in 1987 and twenty-four years on he is frustrated

that he still has to argue that hens should not be caged.

“Despite my frustration, I remain hopeful, as much progress hasbeen made over the years. Many New Zealanders no longer buy battery

eggs, resulting in over 500,000 hens no longer having to suffer in cages.

Opinion polls show that eight out of ten New Zealanders are opposed to

battery hen cages and many retailers are moving away from using battery

eggs. A significant breakthrough is that factory farming issues are now

firmly on the political agenda and are being taking seriously,” says Hans.

“We have succeeded in getting sowstalls phased out. Now we must

get rid of the battery hen cage. It isintolerable and a blot on our societythat millions of hens are imprisoned

in cages where they are continuouslystressed and cannot even stretch theirwings. We cannot allow this cruelty to

continue. We have a duty to protect allanimals and ensure they do not suffer

in this way. We can end this cruelty bydemanding that the governmentphase out the battery hen cage.”


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COLONY CAGES ARE NOT AN OPTION!Colony cages (also referred to as enriched cages) provide largely

illusory improvements for the hens. SAFE campaign director Eliot Pryor

says, “The Egg Producers Federation is maintaining that colony cages are

better, which is true, but only if you compare these proposed cages with

existing battery cages. Both cage systems are inherently cruel by design.”

The enrichment features in a colony cage – a nestbox, perch and

scratch pad – are of such minimalist design that they still do not

meaningfully meet the hens’ behavioural or welfare needs.

“The cages do not provide hens with anywhere near enough space

for them to lead a normal life. As a result, these cages are condemned

by international animal welfare agencies such as the Humane Society


SAFE is currently mobilising

supporters and like-minded

groups to send the Government a

resounding message that battery

hen cages must be banned.

This follows the Government’s

announcement that the public

have until 25 March 2011 to make

submissions on the public draft of 

the Animal Welfare (Layer Hens) Code of Welfare. The fate of millions

of hens for decades to come lies with the final code, so SAFE is making

every effort to achieve the best possible outcome.

SIGN THE SUBMISSIONSAFE aims to flood the Prime Minister

with consumer postcards and ecard

submissions reminding him that Kiwis

care about hen welfare, in order to help

convince the Government to place a

complete ban on cages for hens.

While the draft code, developed by

the National Animal Welfare Advisory Committee (NAWAC), intends

to phase out current battery cages over an extended period of ten-

to-twenty years, it also proposes introducing in their place so-calledcolony cages. These cages are nothing more than modified battery

cages containing larger flocks of birds with a fraction more space.

Colony cages still only offer each bird slightly more floor space than an

A4 sheet of paper, which SAFE believes is outrageous and cruel.

THE PRICE OF CHEAP EGGSDespite increasing public concern about

animal welfare, the majority of eggs sold in

supermarkets come from hens in barren

cages that contain up to five birds per

cage. This denies the birds the opportunity

to spread their wings or express normal

behaviours such as dust bathing, foraging or

nesting. In addition, due to lack of movement,

battery hens have such brittle bones that

many suffer broken bones by the time they

are slaughtered. Some hens are routinely

debeaked and live little more than a year

until their usefulness has ended.


I visited

a battery

hen farm


“state of the

art”. You could

not ask for

more when itcame to hygiene and efficiency.

But when I turned to the

manager and the scientist and

asked whether the hens were

happy, they looked completely

clueless. These hens were

almost entirely silent, as if they

had had their spirit beaten out

of them. They looked sad, and

weary, as if life held no meaning.

They did not feel the wind on

their bodies. They could not leap

into trees to nest, or dust bathe.

Hens deserve to live in freedomamong their family just as much

as we do. Our taste for their

eggs must not trump their right

to a good life.


internationally acclaimed author


Hens need your help

FAMOUS KIWIS SAY NOCAGES!High-profile New Zealanders are getting behind SAFE’s NoCages

campaign to show their support. Here are some of their reactions:

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International and Compassion in World Farming, and are already

banned in Germany and Austria,” says Eliot. “NAWAC’s draft code

encourages egg producers to invest millions of dollars in changing to a

different kind of cage, which is ludicrous when these cages are already

banned overseas on the grounds of cruelty,” he says.

SAFE argues that colony cages, similar to existing cages, are

in breach of the Animal Welfare Act as they deny the hens the

opportunity to express their normal patterns of behaviour. As a result,

SAFE continues to call for a ban on all cages and is urging every New

Zealander to take a stand against cruelty to hens.

The average New Zealander consumes around 230 eggs annually, of which

eight eight per cent are cage eggs, with the rest being free range or barn eggs.

“Despite the six-week submission process, the most meaningful

action each New Zealander can take is to make a conscious effort to

not buy cage eggs. It will cost more but is a cheap egg really worth the

cost of animal cruelty?” says Eliot.

Battery hens

have a truly

horrible life.

They are

forced to live in


cages with

barely enough

space to turn around and they

never see the sunlight. It is a highly

stressful, completely unnatural

life that they are forced to lead.

If you purchase eggs farmedin this way, you are endorsing

and encouraging this inhumane

practice. Please help stop battery

farming by never buying battery

farmed eggs.


winning actor (Outrageous Fortune)

 Just because we

have the power

to take control

and manipulate

living creatures

 – does it mean

we have to?

Does it mean

we should take away their freedom,

their right to enjoy and inhabit

this earth as we do? No, yet we

let it happen. We ask for cheaper

products, we purchase caged heneggs. We are part of this unethical

and cruel behaviour and we can

stop it. Support SAFE and say no to

battery hen farming. Surely, we are

better than that!

 LEE-ANNE WANN  Down Size Me

TV presenter and personal trainer

Factory farming

is a cruel and


practice. Hens

live horrible

lives in horrific

conditions. We

helped the pigs.

Now it’s time to help the hens

and eradicate factory farming in

New Zealand forever. Speak up.

Your voice will make a difference.

LISA CHAPPELL singer/songwriter and

award-winning actor (The Cult,

 McLeod’s Daughters )

The use of 

battery cages

is an appalling

practice that

simply must

stop. We as

a community have to draw the

line and say NO to the cruel and

abhorrent treatment of hens. I

can’t believe that, in this day and

age, we subject animals to suchblatant abuse. Please get behind

this campaign... this practice stops

with you and me.

MATT MINTO stage and

screen actor (Shortland Street)

CAMPAIGNINGFOR HENS✤ SAFE information stalls will

soon feature impressive life-

sized battery hen cage models

complete with life-like model

chickens! The replica cages have

been designed by the creators of 

the sow stall models used during

the LovePigs campaign.

“These exciting new models

will offer consumers a convincing

and realistic inside look at a cage

and show just how restrictive

and cruel these systems are,” says

campaign director Eliot Pryor.

✤Auckland and Wellington

motorists will soon see striking

new six and twelve-metre-long

NoCages billboards asking

people to not buy cage eggs. The

two-month campaign has been

generously sponsored by Lush

beauty products. Thanks, Lush!

✤ Ready to take the Great Chicken

Out! challenge to collect as many

submissions as possible? SAFE is

encouraging supporters to get

out and ruffle feathers or shake

that booty for the hens! This

could be anything from donning

a chicken costume for twenty-

four hours or setting up an

information stall at your local mall

or market, to entering a fun run

dressed as a chicken, or just not

eating eggs for a month! C’mon,

we double-dare you!

For more info:



✤ SIGN YOUR SUBMISSION postcard or ecard and send it to

the Prime Minister, asking him to ban cages. Sign: nocages.org.nz


SAFE’s ‘Battery hens suffer’ television

advertisements. Your financial support will

mean we can reach nearly every living room

with an appeal to stop buying cage eggs.Donate: safe.org.nz/Donate/

✤ WRITE YOUR OWN detailed submission in support of a ban.

Submissions close 25 March 2011.

Info: safe.org.nz/Campaigns/Battery-hens/

✤ LOBBY YOUR MP It’s election year so we must make sure

the issue continues to be hotly debated in Parliament. Ask your

local politician about their position on caged hens!

✤ SPREAD THE WORD among your

friends and family. Email to order more

postcards to give to friends now!

Email [email protected].

✤ DON’T BUY CAGE EGGS! The most immediate and effective

way to send a message to battery egg

farmers is by not financially supporting

cruel production methods.

✤ GOING EGG-FREE! Not eating eggs is the most effective

way to help hens. Try our egg-free ideas!

Recipes: safe.org.nz/recipes/

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✤ In 1993 SAFE

secures the

first-ever current

affairs programme

coverage to

successfully expose the cruelty

inside a battery hen farm. Beyond 

Bars screened on 60 Minutes.

✤ In 1994

SAFE and



over 350,000

signaturesfrom New Zealanders in a Citizens

Initiated Referendum calling for a

five-year phase-out of battery cages.

✤ SAFE calls on Hetty, a two-metre

ex-battery hen mascot from the UK,

to help spread the message about

cages. Her eye-catching features

appear in countless newspapers andTV reports for years!

✤ In 2004 SAFE

releases Trapped ,

a creative cinema


against battery

hen farming that is designed to help

convey to cinema-goers what life

for a battery hen is really like.

✤A bevy of celebrity models in

2004 pose in feather-bras in an eye-

catching six-metre-long billboard

calling for people to boycott battery

eggs. This also results in a 60

 Minutes current affairs report.

✤ In 2006 SAFE presents its 51,438-

signature petition to Parliament

calling for mandatory labelling

on egg packaging. The very same

day the egg industry announces avoluntary labelling scheme. Four

years on, many battery egg cartons

are still not labelled.

✤ Chicken run! Volunteers around

the country don chicken and pig

costumes to take part in marathons

and fun runs to help spread the

message that chickens and pigs

deserve to be free!

✤ SAFE stages regular roadside

protests outside Farmer Brown in

Christchurch, the brand now owned

by Mainland Poultry, the largest

battery egg producer in New


✤ Battery Hen Farming in New

Zealand is the title of SAFE’s first

comprehensive humane education

resource. The

resource is


designed for the

secondary school

curriculum andin 2007 it was

sent to every

secondary school

in the country.



screening a


new TV

advert to remind New Zealanders

to not support hen cruelty.

The thirty-second advert

features the voice of talented

actor, Jared Turner. Jared, (The

 Almighty Johnsons, Go Girls and the

helpful energy-efficient face in the

Energy Spot adverts!), needed no

convincing when asked by SAFE tosupport the NoCages campaign.

SAFE promotions manager

Amanda Sorrenson says he was,

without doubt, the right man for

the job!

“Like many New Zealanders,

 Jared just can’t accept that battery

hens must endure a life of misery

and deprivation. He says it is

abhorrent and must stop, which

is why he is lending his weight

to SAFE’s campaign. We are very

pleased to have Jared’s support,”

says Amanda.SAFE hopes to continue

screening the powerful advert

throughout the year, funded by

generous donations from SAFE



Hens deserve freedom

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In a much welcomed move in

December last year, the Government

took the first crucial step towardsimproving pig welfare by announcing

it will ban sow stalls from 2016. This

is a huge victory, although SAFE is

disappointed that the ban excluded

farrowing crates – an equally cruel

confinement system. The five-year

phase-out period also means that over 15,000 sows will continue to suffer

in sow stalls until 2016.

“SAFE is nevertheless delighted the Government has finally accepted

that sow stalls are cruel and in breach of welfare legislation. It is great to

know, after so much lobbying and campaigning, that sow stalls are finally

going,” says SAFE director Hans Kriek.

THE NEXT STEPSAFE is now focusing on farrowing

crates, which are used by over sixty

per cent of the pig industry. SAFE

will continue to lobby for a ban onfarrowing crates, as research shows

these confinement systems are

 just as cruel as sow stalls. Since the

Government is unlikely to take further action in the short term, SAFE is

stepping up its consumer focus and beginning to encourage supermarkets

to undertake meaningful animal welfare initiatives by not stocking pork 

products from suppliers who continue to use confinement systems.

“It is up to consumers to get the pigs out of their cruel crates sooner

than 2016,” says Hans. “Eight out of ten New Zealanders are opposed to sow

stalls and farrowing crates. SAFE plans to urge supermarkets to follow the

example of Coles, Australia’s second largest supermarket chain, by refusing

to buy pork from farms that still use sow stalls.”



Rolling in victory!

✤ In 2006, SAFE launches the

LovePigs campaign. The website soon

gets up to 800,000 hits a month!

✤ SAFE forces the pork industry

to justify their cruel practices

after being exposed with the help

of comedian Mike King, on New

Zealand’s leading current affairs


✤ SAFE’s first eye-catching billboards

calling on the public to boycott cruel

pork appear in main cities.

✤ Intense public pressure forces the

Prime Minister to publicly express

concerns about pig welfare.

✤ SAFE undertakes widespread

activities, carried out by hundreds of 

volunteers, that include stalls, displays

and many other events.

✤ Successfully makes pig welfare

a leading topic of debate in the

national news media for three days

running. Over 300 national media

stories over one year!

✤ SAFE calls the the support of 

celebrities and famous personalities.

Over fifty lend their support,

including Robyn Malcolm, Neil Finn,

Murray Ball, Gin Wigmore, Rose

McIver, Antony Starr, Jools Topp and

Taika Waititi.

✤ Commissions a giant factory-

farmed-sow costume for use at

public events to highlight the plight of 

pigs. Actor Emily Barclay accompanies

‘Lucy’ to the Prime Minister’s

office to hand over thousands of 

submissions against factory farming.

✤ In 2008 SAFE launches a highly

successful and emotive thirty-second

TV advertisement that highlights the

plight of ‘Lucy’, the imprisoned sow.

THANKS, MINISTER!SAFE rarely has reason to

congratulate a Minister of 

Agriculture but on this occasion,

SAFE acknowledges the Minister’s

determination to end the use of 

sow stalls. It demonstrates that

public pressure works and that

the Government is committed to

taking steps to help pigs in New



SAFE wishes to thank everyonewho wrote letters, sent

submissions or lobbied politicians

in support of a ban on sow stalls.

It is also fair to say it would not

have happened without the help of 

Mike King. Thanks Mike!



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VISIT: safe.org.nz/Campaigns/

The 2011 national rodeo circuit has

kicked off, prompting SAFE to urge

people to pressure rodeo sponsors to

reconsider their support for events

that abuse animals.

“Rodeo events are highly stressful

and torment animals for our

entertainment. Targeting the sponsors

will put direct pressure on these

rodeo events. People concerned about this cruel ‘sport’ can write to the

main sponsors and challenge their support of animal abuse,” says SAFE

campaign director Eliot Pryor.

SAFE’s website calls for people to write to the main national sponsors,

including DB Breweries, Wrangler, Lineside Automotive, Hydraulink and

Cyclone Fencing.

After a long campaign that spannedmore than fifteen years, Napier City

Council announced in late 2010 that

it would finally close Marineland.

SAFE embraced the news with relief 

and a sense of victory. SAFE is now

supporting Save Our Seals, a group

that is endeavouring to find suitable

homes for the remaining fifty animals.

“The seals, penguins, shags and other birds cannot be returned to the

wild as they were either bred in captivity or rescued after being injured.

SAFE recommends they all be removed from the entertainment industry

for good,” says SAFE campaign director Eliot Pryor.

Kelly, the last dolphin died in 2008. A total of seventy-one dolphins died

over Marineland’s forty-year history.“After years of lobbying and protests it is worth celebrating this as a

victory for commonsense and compassion,” says Eliot.



In 2010 SAFE approached Kathmandu

founder and animal welfare supporter,

 Jan Cameron, with a proposal to

set up an Animal Justice Fund (AJF)

in New Zealand. The AJF aims to

challenge factory farming through

public awareness campaigns, strategic

litigation and a whistleblower scheme.SAFE director Hans Kriek says SAFE is thrilled to have

Ms Cameron’s support and commitment to helping

factory-farmed animals.

In November, SAFE launched the new AJF website

(animaljusticefund.org.nz) following an exclusive report

on TV One’s Sunday programme. This subsequently

reopened the debate on factory pig farming which prompted Prime

Minister John Key to indicate in the media that the Government would

eventually ban sow stalls. The two-million-dollar AJF attracted over thirty

media stories and SAFE has received a very favourable public response.

“The AJF will enable SAFE to step up its public awareness campaigns and

provide an opportunity to take strategic court action against companies

who mislead consumers about the origins of their products. SAFE may evenchallenge, in the High Court, welfare codes that allow ongoing abuse of 

animals,” says Hans.

Chrissie Hynde rocks! As if having

a SAFE presence at all three New

Zealand concerts was not enough,

Chrissie enthused about SAFE to her

audience at every gig!

“SAFE is the best animal

organisation in New Zealand and

they’re really achieving incrediblesuccess in their campaign against

factory farming,” she proclaimed at the Auckland gig. “Make

sure you text them a donation right now.” The audience

were quick to respond and floods of $3 texts came in to

SAFE straight away.

“Chrissie has become a fabulous ally for SAFE,” says

promotions manager Amanda Sorrenson. “We presented

her with a scrumptious basket of vegan goodies, including

avocados, her favourite treat, and our new anti-factory farming t-shirt and

shopping bag, as well as chocolates, sweets and other goodies,” she says.





✤ SAY NO TO PIGCRUELTY. Don’t buy factory-

farmed pork products. Ask your

local café or eatery to not use

factory-farmed pork.


towards SAFE’s LovePigscampaign to help fund billboards or upcoming campaign activities.

Donate online: safe.org.nz/Donate/

✤ SPREAD THE WORD among your friends and family.

Email to order LovePigs leaflets to circulate among your friends!

Email [email protected]

✤ TRY PORK FREE MEALS! Try a week being pork-free. If that works,

try a month! You might just find it suits

you! Recipes: safe.org.nz/recipes/

✤ VOLUNTEER IN YOUR AREA. SAFE continues to need help distributing

flyers, setting up stalls and displays.

Email [email protected] for more details.

Visit lovepigs.org.nz for more information.


VISIT: safe.org.nz/Campaigns/

Farrowing crates are still legaland still widespread in use.

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If you care about animals then

SAFE’s cruelty-free shop is the place

for you!

SAFE offers a huge selection of local

and imported animal-free products!

“You’ll be surprised at the range

but even more impressed that no

animals were harmed in the making

of any of it. That’s kinda cool!” says

shop manager Eve Stewart.


Locally printed on fair trade, organic

Kowtow tees. Fabulous at $40!


Let the world know you’re against

factory farming in our funky tee.

Certainly more bang for your buck!

Even at $40!


Fashion guru Annah Stretton

designed this gorgeous little creation

in support of SAFE. Printed on

Freeset certified fair trade, organic

cotton t-shirts. Perfect at $40!



St Kevins Arcade, K’rd, AucklandPh: 09 379 3747

Email: [email protected]




✤ Brave Christchurch SAFE

supporter, Deb, endured an

hour of pain to promote SAFE

 – tattooing our logo on her torso!Now that’s dedication!

✤Two spectacular gardens and a

winery in KeriKeri opened their

doors as a fundraiser for SAFE

and had a whopper of a day! The

Two Gardens and a Winery Tour

had over sixty people attend

despite the pouring rain. They

successfully raised over $600

for SAFE and excellent articles

appeared in two local papers. Even

the dogs, Muka and Monty, joined

in! Well done, everyone!


Narrated by Academy-award winner Jeremy Irons,this ‘mockumentary’ video hammers home the stark 

reality of California’s plastic bag pollution situation.

Search: mockumentary

In 2004 SAFE released Trapped , a creative cinema

advertisement designed to help convey to cinema-

goers what life for a battery hen is really like.

Search: trapped cinema

Find out why former US President Bill Clinton has

adopted a near-vegan lifestyle.

Search: bill clinton vegan diet

Renowned animal behaviourist speaks of the little-known natural intelligence of chickens.

Search: chicken intelligence

Pigs living in crystal clear waters in the Bahamas.

A life of luxury, alright!

Search: pigs bahamas


✤ SAFE’s dedicated team of 

volunteers the length of the

country have been out in force

educating the public about the

plight of factory-farmed animals

and collecting submissions against

battery hen cages. Nice one!

✤ Laneways festival in Auckland

was a bustling hive of activity, with

a 4500-strong crowd of grooving

festival-goers. SAFE stepped up to

provide an impressive vegan food

stall selling vegetarian spring rolls,

crispy ‘chicken’ satay salad wraps

and bags of Kea cookies. We raised

an impressive $2100 and were

highly praised for offering all the

vegetarians and vegans something

awesome to eat!

✤Those attending the 2011 Big

Day Out got the chance to wear

a SAFE LoveChicks temporary

designer tattoo, while jamming

away to a bevy of local and

international acts. The SAFE stall

was a constant flurry of activitywith lots of volunteer sign ups,

donations and sales of campaign

tee-shirts. Thanks, Sam and Ally!

✤ SAFE’s 2010 street appeal was

another huge success and terrific

wat to end the year, thanks to

an amazing team of 1331 people.

Nationwide, over $310,000 was

raised to be used for this years

activities. If you collected or

donated, we sincerely thank you

for your support. It was awesome!

Interact with us on facebook. It’s

the best way to stay in touch, post

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Our volunteers are not always two-legged!

Muka and Monty, were more than happy to

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wine tour in KereKeri. Treats for you, lads!

Page 8: SAFE Campaign Report February 2011

8/7/2019 SAFE Campaign Report February 2011

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SAFE campaign officer, Sacha Dowell,

shares her humbling experience of being

part of a whale rescue at Farewell Spit.

As a trained Project Jonah marine mammal medic,

I was alerted to a pod of eighty-one pilot whales

stranded in Golden Bay and in urgent need of help.

I wanted to help and drove from Christchurch,

through the night, to arrive at first light.

Golden Bay is a death trap for whales. The

gently sloping beach means whales’ sonars

don’t warn them of the deceptive shoreline and

Farewell Spit is right within their migration route.

I arrived to learn the whales had sadly

stranded for the third time and seventeen had

died. They were disoriented, weak and possibly

injured. The instinct to aid a distressed fellow

whale meant the entire pod was inadvertently

beaching themselves. It was tragic.

The whales had stranded in three groups along

the coastline. Over fifty volunteers, including

other marine mammal medics from around the

country, were administering basic first aid. I was

assigned to a pod of twenty-six whales, each

around five metres in length. The pod included a

small infant, stranded beside his mother.

As we anxiously waited for high tide, we

kept the whales upright, wet and cool to protect

their sensitive skin from sunlight. They were

communicating with each other and it was sad to

see such beautiful animals so helpless. We gently

comforted and talked to them in an effort to

keep them calm. It was an amazing experience to

look into their eyes and share a gaze.

The refloating rescue was a fantastic team

effort. With two to three people per whale, we

supported their bodies while the water level

rose. The whales could clearly sense freedom

was close as they began vocalising much more.

In a coordinated effort, we waited for the first

pod of whales down the coast to be released and

ushered out to sea before we released our pod

towards them. We watched in awe as our pod

swam towards the others. The remaining group of 

volunteers were signalled to release their pod with

perfect timing to join the rest of the group. Victory!

Many of us kept vigil in the bay for another

day until the pod was safely out in deep water.

I left feeling elated that a team of determined

individuals, through teamwork and conviction,

had saved sixty-five whales. DOC and Project

 Jonah are amazing. The volunteers were awesome

and the whales, well they were just lucky that a

group of compassionate individuals could band

together against the odds and save them.

Sacha and a fellow marine rescue volunteer, provide

support and comfort to a stranded pilot whale.